LIBEAET OF CONaEESS LIST OF REFERENCES ON EUROPE AND INTERNATIONAL POLITICS IN RELATION TO THE PRESENT ISSUES COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERMANN H. B. MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOORAPHEB WASHINQTCM GOVERNMENT PRINTING OPITCB i „^ie by the 591^ Superintendent of Docomentf Govemment Prindng OfBc? Price, 15c m:- 1 TV- J S'' LIBRAEY OF OOJ^GRESS °-20134t JX4085 368 Phillimore, Sir Robert Joseph, hart. Commentaries upon inter- national law. 3d ed. London, Butterwortlis ; [etc., etc.] 1879-89. 4 v. 22"'^. "Balance of power": v. 1, p. 481-511. 10-15576t JX2665.C4 1879 369 Phillips, Walter A. Balance of power. {In Encyclopaedia britannica, 11th ed. v. 3. New York 1910 30^-. p. 235.) AE5.E36,v.3 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 370 Pradier-Fodere, Paul Louis Ernest. Traite de droit inter- national public europ^en & americain, suivant les progres de la science et de la pratique contemporaines. Paris, G. Pedone-Lauriel, 1885-1906. 8 v. 23'='^. 371 Table generale analytique. Paris, A. Pedone, 1906. 2 f. I., 198 p., 1 I. 23'^'^. La th^orie de I'^quilibre politique: v. 1, p. 447^51. 6-32700 JX2725.T7 1885 372 Bivier, Alphonse Pierre Octave. Principes du droit des gens. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1896. 2 v. 22^"^. "L'^quilibre politique": v. 1, p. 276-277. 2-19974 JX3091.P9 1896 375 Spender, John Alfred. The foundations of British policy. London, Westminster gazette ltd. [1912]. iv, 57 p., 1 I. 21"'^. "Reprinted from the Westminster gazette." 12-29770 DA47.S7 376 Stieglitz, Aleksandr Nikolaevich. De I'^quilibre politique, du 16gitimisme et du principe des nationalites. Paris, Pedone-Lauriel, 1893-97. 3 v. 23'^'^. 11-32545 JX1318.S8 377 Straus, Oscar L. The European balance of power. An his- torical outline. Independent, Dec. 3, 1896, v. 48: 1629-1630. ap2.I53,v.48 378 Tardieu, Andre Pierre Gabriel Amedee. France and the al- liances; the struggle for the balance of power. New Yorlc, The MacmiUan company, 1908. x, 314 V- 21'^'^. 8-31144 DC341.T3 379 Twiss, Sir Travers. The law of nations considered as inde- pendent political communities. Oxford, University press; [etc., etc.] 1861S3. 2 v. 22'^'^. "The balance of power": v. 1, p. 152-155. 10-15578t JX2582.L4 1861-63 380 Vattel, Emmerich de. Le droit des gens, ou, Principes de la loi naturelle appliques h, la conduite et aux affaires des nations et des souverains. Nouv. ed. Paris, Lihrairie de Guillaumin et c'^, 1863. 3 v. 22^"^. De I'^quilibre politique: v. 2, p. 389-398. 10-19772t JX2414.A1 1863 The Library of Congress has also English editions. 381 Washburn, George. Turkey and the balance of power in Europe. Independent, Dec. 3, 1896, v. 48: 1637. AP2.l53,v.48 TKIPLE ALLIANCE AND TRIPLE ENTENTE 57 382 Westlake, John. International law. Cambridge, The University press, 1910-13. 2 v. 22^'^. "The balance of power": v. 1, p. 316-317. JX2588.I6 1910 383 Wheaton, Henry. Elements of international law. 4th Eng- lish ed., bringing the work down to the present time, by J. Beresford Atlay. Lcyndon, Stevens and sons, limited, 1904- xxxv, 8^8 p. 25^"^ "The right of eelf-preservation and independence " : p. 86-127. 4-21093 JX2495.E3 1904 384 Wilson, George G. Balance of power. {In Cyclopedia of American government. New York, 1914. 26'=™. V. 1, p. 99-100.) JK9.C9,v.l 385 Handbook of international law. St. Paul, Minn., West publishing company, 1910. xodii 623 p. 24"'^. [The homhooJc series. B3.] See index under BalaJice of power. 10-18976 JX3191.I5 1910a 386 and George Fox Tucker. International law. 6th ed. Boston, New YorJc, [etc.] Silver, Burdett and company, ['^1913]. xix, 605 p. 20hJ'^. "European balance of power": p. 81-83. 13-21914 JX3191.I5 1913 387 Woolsey, Theodore D wight. Introduction to the study of inter- national law, designed as an aid in teaching and in his- torical studies. 6th ed., rev. and enl., by Theodore Salis- bury Woolsey. New YorTc, C. Scribner's sons, 1891. xix, 627 p. 21""^. Interference for the balance of power: p. 45-48. 7^1047 JX2498.I6 1891 TRIPLE ALLIANCE AND TRIPLE ENTENTE 388 Alliance, special and general. Nation, May 17, 1906, v. 82: JfiO. AP2.N2,v.82 389 Anglo-French entente. North American review, July, 1908, v. 188: I4S-I64. AP2.N7,v.l88 390 The Armed peace. Saturday review. Sept, 22, 1894, v. 78: 316-316. AP4.S3,v.78 58 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 391 Barclay, Sir Thomas. Thirty years Anglo-French reminis- cences (1876-1906). Boston & New York, Houghton, Mifflin co., 1914- viii, 389 p. "The present reminiscences include so much about myself that they are in fact memoirs as regards my connection with France and the genesis and fulfilment of the Entente J'^ 14-15028 DA47.1.B2 392 Barker, J. Ellis. Italy's policy and her position in Europe. Fortnightly review, Jan. 1912, v. 97: 11-27. AP2.F7,v.97 393 Modern Germany; her political and economic prob- , lems, her foreign and domestic policy, her ambitions, and the causes of her successes and of her failures. 4th and very greatly enl. ed., completely rev. and brought up to July 1912. London, Smith, Elder <& co., 1912. viii, 764 p. inch. map. 21 Y'^. Contains a chapter on the Triple alliance. 13-968 DD117.B32 1912 394 The Triple entente and the Triple alliance. Nineteenth century and after, July, 1908, v. 6^: 1-17. AP4.N7,v.64 395 Battine, CecO. Britain, the Triple alliance, and the peace of Europe. Fortnightly review, Nov. 1911, v. 96: 793-802. AP4.F7,v.96 396 Benedetti, Vincent, comte. Studies in diplomacy; from the French of Count Benedetti. New YorJc, Macmillan and co., 1896. Ixix p., 1 I., 323 p. front, (port.) 22^"'^. The Triple alliance: p. 70-179. 11-5279 DC285.B42 397 Blind, Karl. A plea for the Triple alliance. National review, Aug. 1891, v. 17: 767-783. ap4.N25,v.17 398 Cheradame, Andre. Douze ans de propagande en favour des peuples Balkaniques. Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie, 1913. viii, Jfi6 p. 18^"^. Turquie, Triple alliance, Triple entente: p. 197-201; La Triple entente et le chemin de fer de Bagdad: p. 208-214; L'Allemagne et la Triple entente: p. 220-224; L'^volution de I'Autriche- Hongrie et les puissances de la Triple entente: p. 225-229; La Triple entente et le Montenegro: p. 373-377. D463.C5 TRIPLE ALLIANCE AND TEIPLE ENTENTE 59 399 Cheradame, Andre. England, France and Russia: the r61e of the Triple entente. Quarterly review, Oct. 1909, v. 211: 579S16, ap4.Q2,v.211 400 The strength and weakness of the Triple entente. Quarterly review, July, 1911, v. 215: 21^-262. ap4.Q2,v.215 402 Cortesi, S. Italy and the triplice. 'North American review, Sept. 1908, v. 188: ^5-Jt24. AP2.N7,v.l88 403 Crispi, Francesco. The dual and the Triple alliance. Nineteenth century, Nov. 1897, v. 4^: 673-677. AP4.N7,v.42 Living age, Dec. 4, 1897, v. 215: 645-648. AP2.L65,v.215 404 Francesco Crispi: questioni internazionali. Diario e documenti ordinati da T. Palamenghi-Crispi. Milano, Fratelli Treves, 1918. vi, 300 p.^ front. (poH.) 24""^. Contents. — II cancelliero Oaprivi e Crispi. — La Tripolitania e la Francia. — Le fortificazioni di Biserta. — Le relazioni italo- austriache e rirredentismo. — Le relazioni franco-italiane dal 1890 al 1896. — ^La Francia contro il credito italiano. — Un incidente italo-portoghese. — La questione balcanica. — Le stragi d' Armenia e il concerto europeo. — 1896. La crisi delle alleanze e degli accordi. See chapters 2 and 10. 13-8775 DG556.C7A34 405 The memoirs of Francesco Crispi, tr. by Mary Prichard- Agnetti from the documents collected and ed. by Thomas Palamenghi-Crispi. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1912. 2 v. fronts., ports. 23Y'^- Contents. — i. Exile. The thousand. — ii. The Triple alliance. 13-2589 DG556.C7A4 406 Politica cstcra; memorie e documenti raccolti e ordinati da T. Palamenghi-Crispi. [2.migliaio] Milaiio, Fratelli Treves, 1912. vii, 396 v. facsims. (partly foU.) 24^"^. See chapters 2 and 4. 12-8162 DG556.C7A3 407 The Triple alliance after eighteen years. Living age, Jan. 5,1901, v. 228: 18-24- AP2.L65,v.228 408 Dillon, E. J. Proposed new triple alliance. Contemporary review, June, 1914, f^- ^05: 866-868. AP4.C7,v.l05 60 LIBBARY OF CONGRESS 410 Dillon, E. J. Roumania and the Triple entente. Contemporary review, June, 1914, v. 106: 872-875. AP4.C7,v.l05 411 European reconstruction and British policy. Edinburgh review, Jan. 1913, v. 217: 217-237. AP4.E3,v.217 412 The foreign policy of Italy. Contemporary review, Mar. 1906, v. 89: 4-18-4^9. AP4.C7,v.80 413 Friedjung, Heinrich. Der Inhalt des Dreibunds. Greif, Oct. 1913, v. 1: 14-22. 414 Pullerton, William M. Triple entente and the present crisis. National review, Nov. 1912, v. 60: 420-435. AP4.N25,v.60 Living age, Dec. 21, 1912, v. 275: 707-717. ap2.L65,v.275 415 [Garvin, J, L.] The Triple entente. Calchas [pseud.] Fortnightly review, July, 1908, v. 90: 15-30. AP4.F7,v.90 416 Grand-Carteret, John. Crispi, Bismarck et la Triple-alliance en caricatm^es. Paris, C. Delagrave, 1891. 3 p. L, 319, [1] p. incl. illus., ports., plates, front., 2 col. pi. {fold.) 18'^'^. 10-32944 , DG556.C7G8 417 Gt. Brit. Treaties, etc. Treaty of defensive alliance between Austria-Hungary and Germany. Signed at Vienna, Oct. 7, 1879. {In Gt. Brit. Foreign office. British and foreign state papers, 1881- 1882. V. 73. London, 1889. 23"=". p. 270-272.) JX103.A3,v.73 418 Greenwood, Frederick. Some gossiping reflections. National review, Jun£, 1896, v. 27: 555-568. AP4.N25,v.27 419 Hassall, Arthur. The history of British foreign policy from the earliest times to 1912. Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood and sons, 1912. xvi, 355 p. 23'"^. See index under Triple alliance. 13-7646 DA45.H3 420 Heimweh, Jean, pseud. Triple alliance et Alsace-Lorraine. Paris, A. Colin et c^, 1892. 2 p. I., iv, 138 p., 1 I. 16^"^. {Questions du temps present.) 4-30639 DD801.A56H4 I TBIPLE ALLIANCE AND TRIPLE ENTENTE 61 421 Hugo, Clementine, comtesse. Comedy and comedians in politics. London, Ward <& Downey, 1892. 4 p. I, 124 V- i^^- Contents. — Francesco Crispi. — The king of Italy advised by Bis- marck. — Mistaken views of the dictatorship of Francesco Crispi. — Why the name of Crispi is mixed up with the Triple alUance. — Why Italy is incompatible with Germany. 1-12424 DG564.H8 422 L'ltalia e 1' esercito italiano nella triplice alleanza; studio di * * * Roma, Stamperia diplomatica e consolare, 1890. 126 p. 4-21221 • DG498.I8 423 Italy. Parlamento. Camera del deputati. Atti del parlamento Italiano. Discussioni 18 dicembre 1912. ' Roma, Ti. della Camera dei deputati, 1912. Discussion of the Triple alliance by Messrs. Colajanni, Grazaiadei, GioUtti, Barzilai, Di San GuiUano, Chiesa Fugenio, p. 22504-22519. 424 The Knell of the triple alliance. Fortnightly review, Nov. 1911, v. 96: 803-811. AP4.F7,v.96 Living age, Dec. 23, 1911, v. 271: 707-713. AP2.L65,v.271 425 Kotchoubey, Prince. Le probleme de la Triple-entente. Le point de vue russe. Le Correspondant, June 25, 1914, ^- «• v. 219: IO4I-IO68. AP20.C8,n.s.v.ll9 426 Lanin, E. B. The Triple alliance in danger. A warning to England. FortnigMly review, Jan. 1894, v. 61: 119-137. AP4.F7,v.61 427 Lemonon, Ernest. L'Em-ope et la politique britannique (1882- 1911). 2. ed., rev. et cor. avec un appendice sur la crise constitutionnelle anglaise (1909-1911) . . . Preface de M. Paul Deschanel. Paris, F. Alcan, 1912. 4 p. l, x, 524 p. 23'"'^. (Biblio- tTieque d'histoire contemporaine) See chapters 2, 4, 5, 10. 12-23202 DA47.L5 1912 428 [Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul.] La France, I'ltalie et la Triple alliance. Revue des deux mondes, July 16, 1889, 3. per. t. 94: 277-318. AP20.B3,3d ser.v.94 429 Long, R. C. Germany's Mediterranean league. FortnigJitly review, Nov. 1911, v. 96: 874-890. AP2.F7,v.96 62 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 430 Low, A. Maurice. Renewal of the Triple alliance. Foravi, Oct. 1902, v. 84: 183-185. ap2.F8,v.34 431 Ogg, F. A. European alliances and the war. American review of reviews, Sept. 1905, v. 82: 295-301. AP2.R4,v.32 432 Peace and the quadruple alliance. CoTiiemporary review, Dec. 1894, v. 66: 761-778. ap4.C7,v.66 433 Peel, Greorge i. e. Arthur George Villiers. The enemies of England. 2d impression. London, E. Arnold, 1903. x, 287, [1] p. 28"'^. See index under Triple alliance. 3-23857 DA45.P4 434 Penis, George H. Our foreign policy and Sir Edward Grey's failure. London, A. Melrose, 1912. xxi, 225, [1] p. 19^"^. "Thf empires and the allianceB": p. 1-47; "There are ententes and ententes": p. 98-122. 12-12893 DA46.P6 435 Popowski, Jozef. England and the Triple alliance. Tr. by G. G. Bagster. London, S. Low, Marston, and company, ltd., 1896. 39 p. 24^"^. 4-36529t DA45.P66 436 Que deviendront les colonies fran^aises dans I'^ven- tualite d'un conflit franco-russe avec la Triple alliance? Paris, L. Baudoin, [1892]. 68 p. 18^'"". 4-23435 DC59.P8 437 The position of the Triple alliance. Living age, Dec. 2, 1906, v. 247: 567-570. AP2.L65,v.247 438 Rolin-Jaequemyns, G. Les alliances europeennes au point de vue du droit international. Revue de droit international et de legislation cornparee, 1888, V. 20: 5-35. JX3.R4,v.20 439 Roversi, Luigi. Italy and the Triple alliance. Independent, Dec. 3, 1896, v. 48: 1636-1687. AP2.I53,v.48 440 Sanders, L. Italy and the triplice. Nineteenth century and after, Aug. 1902, v. 52: 218-225. AP4.N7,v.62 441 Shifting foundations of European peace. Fortnightly review, Sept. 1902, v. 78: 861-372. aP4.F7,v.78 Living age, Oct. 4, 1902, v. 285: 1-10. ap2.L65,v.236 ANGLO-FRENCH RELATIONS 63 442 Spender, John Alfred. The foundations of British policy. London, Westminster gazette, ltd., [1912], iv, 57 p., 1 1. 21'^'^. "The European alliances and their forces": p. 7-13. 12-29770 DA47.S7 443 Tardieu, Andre Pierre Gabriel Amedee. France and the alli- ances; the struggle for the balance of power. New York, The MacmiUan co., 1908. x, 314 V- ^'^^'^• 8-31144 DC341.T3 444 The Triple alliance and Italy's place in it. Contem'porary review, Oct. 1889, v. 56: 469-^88. AP4.C7,v.56 Living age, Nov. 2, 1889, v. 183: 259-270. AP2.L65,v.l83 445 The Triple entente. FortnigJitly review, July, 1908, v. 90: 15-30. AP4.F7,v.90 446 Triple entente and its enemies. National review, Apr. 1912, v. 59: 229-2/fi. AP4.N25,v.59 447 Tulloch, H. The plea for a new triple alliance. Westminster review. May, 1911, v. 175: 486-495. AP4.W5,v.l75 448 Whitehouse, R. Will Italy renew the Triple alliance ? Atlantic monthly, Dec. 1901, v. 88: 743-747. ap2.A8,v.88 449 Why Italy should remain in the Triple alliance : a German plea, American review of reviews, Dec. 1906, v. 34: 742-744. AP2.Il4,v.34 ANGLO-FRENCH RELATIONS (See alBO Triple Entente) 450 Barclay, Sir Thomas. Thu-ty years, Anglo-French reminis- cences (1876-1906), by Su- Thomas Barclay . . . Boston & New Yorh, Houghton, Miffiin company, 1914. viii, 388,[l]p. col. front, (port.) 22^'^. 14-15028 DA47.1.B2 451 Battine, Cecil. Our duty to our neighbour: the defence of France. FoHnightly review, June, 1909, v. 91: 1059-1068. AP4.F7,v.91 452 Doumer, Paul. The Anglo-French agreement. Uving age, July 16, 1904, v. 242: 137-144- ap2.L65,v.242 64 LIBBAKY OF CONGRESS 453 *Hall, John. England and the Orleans monarchy. London, Smith, Elder <& co., 1912. xv, 4^1, [1] p. front, (port.) 22^"^. A 13-758 454 Low, Sidney. An Anglo-French alliance. FoHnigUly review, Dec. 1911, v. 96: 999-lOlS. AP4.F7,0e ANGLO-GERMAN RELATIONS (See also Triple Alliance) 455 [Arnold, William Thomas.] German ambitions as they affect Britain and the United States of America. Reprinted, with additions and notes, from the Spectator, by " Vigi- lans sed aequus." London, Smith, Elder & co., 1903. xxii, 132 p. 20"^. Introduction signed: J. St. Loe Strachey. Bibliographies accompany most of the chapters. 8-11794 DD110.A71 456 Barker, J. Ellis. Anglo-German differences and Sir Edward Grey. Fortnightly review, Mar. 1912, v. 97: 447-462. ap4.F7,v.97 457 England, Germany, and the Baltic. Nineteenth century and after, July, 1907, v. 62: 1-15. AP4.N7,v.63 458 The anti-British policy of Germany. (A rejoinder to Lord Eversley.) Nineteenth century and after, Sept. 1907, v. 62: 345-364. AP4.N7,v.63 459 Battine, Cecil. How to postpone an Anglo-German war. Fortnightly review, June, 1912, v. 97: 1049-1058. Necessity of powerful army as well as navy. AP4.P7,v.07 460 Brooks, Sydney. England, Germany, and common sense. Fortnightly review, Jan. 1912, v. 97: 147-159. ap4.F7,v.97 461 Buxton, Noel E. England and Germany. Contemporary review, Nov. 1911 , v. 100: 605-617. AP4.C7,v.l00 462 Cox, Sir Edmund C. England and Germany. How to meet the crisis. Nineteenth century and after, Apr. 1910, v. 67: 753-763. AP4.N7,v.e7 ANGLO-GERMAN RELATIONS 65 462a Cramb, John A. Germany and England. New York, E. P. Button & co., 1914. xiv, 152 p. 19""^. DD119.C75 463 Delbriick, Hans. How to improve Anglo-Gei-man relations. New York, E. P. Button <& company, [^^1912]. 1 p. I., 4 P- 12-24963 DA47.2.D5 464 The price of a German-English entente. Contemporary review, Feb. 1911, v. 99: 129-138. AP4.C7,v.99 465 Dernburg, Friedrich. Germany and England. Contemporary review^ June, 1907, v. 91: 761-766. AP4.C7,v.91 466 Dillon, E. J. Foreign affairs. The price of an Anglo-German understanding. Contemporary review, Jan. 1911, v. 99: 116-118. AP4.C7,v.99 467 Diplomaticus [pseud.\ The dilemma of German policy. Fortnightly review, Oct. 1911, v. 96: 627-640. ap4.F7,v.96 468 Durham, Geoffrey. The foreign trade of Great Britain and Germany. Contemporary review, Oct. 1910, v. 98: 396-402. AP4.C7,v.98 469 Eversley, Lord. Teutophobia. Nineteenth century and after, Aug. 1907, v. 62: 187-197. AP4.N7,v.62 470 Excubitor [pseud.] The British reply to Germany's dread- noughts. Fortnightly review, Mar. 1908, v. 89: 4^6-469. ap4.N7,v.89 471 A naval understanding with Germany. Fortnightly review, Oct. 1908, v. 90: 614-630. AP4.F7,v.90 472 The German menace and how to meet it, by an Englishman. London, Constable & co., ltd., 1911. 4O p. 22'^'^. 12-15098 DA47.2.G3 473 Goldman, C. S. A German view of the Anglo-German problem. Nineteenth century and after, Feb. 1909, v. 65: 346-360. AP4.N7,v.65 474 H. Why not an Anglo-German entente.^ Fortnightly review, Sept. 1908, v. 90: 394-402. AP4.F7,v.90 62554°— 14 5 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 475 Harrison, Austin. England & Germany. Republished from "The Observer." London, Macmillan and co., limited, 1907. viii, 181 p. 19*^^. Contents. — The April war scare. — King and kaiser. — Germany and the Hague. — Social democracy. — German growth and prosperity. — The materialism of new Germany. — The German press: its uses and misuses. — War training of German state economy. — The Ger- manic problem of power and empire. — The line of least resistance. 8-27172 DA47.2.H3 476 Herggelet, Mariano. England's weak points and Germany's position in Europe to-day, by a German resident in Eng- land. London, E. Nash, 1912. 3 p. l, 266 p. 19^"^. Contents. — English national characteristics: obverse and reverse. — England's fears and her foreign policy. — Germany's position in Europe. 13-7901 DA47.2.H5 477 Hurd, Archibald S. The German menace to our sea supremacy. Fortnightly review. May, 1912, v. 97: 785-800. ap4.F7,v.97 478 The new naval crisis and the oversea dominions. Fortnightly review, Apr. 1912, v. 97: 613-624. AP4.F7,v.97 479 Johnston, Sir Harry H. The need for an Anglo-German un- derstanding. Nineteenth century and after, Jan. 1911, v. 69: 82-93. AP4.N7,v.69 480 Lamington, Charles W. A. N. C. B., 2d haron. An Anglo- German entente. Nineteenth century and after, Mar. 1910, v. 67: 487-491. AP4.N7,v.67 481 Langwerth von Simmern, Heinrich, Freiherr. Deutschtum und Anglophobic. Wiesbaden, W. BrocJcing, 1903-04. 2 v. 22^"^. 5-15819 DA47.2.L28 482 Lascelles, Sir Frank C. Thoughts on the Anglo-German problem. Contemporary review, Jan. 1912, v. 101: 1-9. ap4.C7,v.101 483 Leyland, John. Invasion and imperial defense. Nineteenth century and after, Dec. 1907, v. 62: 935-948. AP4.N7,v.62 ANGLO-GERMAN RELATIONS 67 484 Marcks, Erich. England and Germany; their relations in the great crises of European history, 1500-1900. London, Edinburgh [etc.], Williams & Norgate, 1900. 6 4 p- 1-10140 DA47.2.M25 485 Martin, Rudolf Emil. Kaiser Wilhelm ii. und Konig Eduard VII. Berlin, Dr. Wedekind <& co., g. m. h. h., 1907. 95 p. 22""^. 7-24444 D445.Ma 486 Michael, Wolfgang. Germany and England. Contemporary review, Dec. 1911, v. 100: 757-767. AP4.C7,v.lOO 487 Naquet, Alfred. Entente — English or German ? Nineteenth century and after, Jan. 1907, v. 61: 12-26. AP4.N7,v.61 488 Politicus [pseud.'\ Baron Mai'schall and Anglo-German dif- ferences. FoHnightly review, June, 1912, v. 97: 995-1010. AP4J'7,v.97' 489 Sarolea, Charles. The Anglo-German problem. London, New York [etc.], T. Nelson and sons, [1912]. 384 P- front, (port.) 19"'^. "Sources consulted": p. [3691-384. 13-7540 DA47.2.S26^ 490 Schulze-Gaevemitz, Gerhart von. England und Deutschland. 3. und 4. Aufl. Berlin-Schoneherg, Fortschritt (Buchverlag der " Hilfe ") g.m.b.h., 1911. 48 p. 19'"^. 11-18564 DA47.2.S3 491 Spender, Harold. Great Britain and Germany. Contemporary review, Oct. 1908, v. 94: 385-398. AP4.C7,v.94 492 Stein, Ludwig, comp. England & Germany, by leaders of pub- lic opinion in both empires. London, Williams and Norgate, 1912. xvi, 216 p. groups o> ports. 22"'^. "These articles have appeared in German in the pages of Nord und Sud." 13-16820 DA47.2.S7 493 Tuchmann, Charles. Germany's real attitude towards England. Nineteenth century and after, Jan. 1910, v. 67: 14-21. AP4.N7,v.67 68 LIBBAKY OF CONGRESS 494 [Walker, John.] The clash of empires, by Rowland Thirlmere [pseiLd.] London, W. Heinemann, 1907. xii, 309 p., 1 I. 20'^'^. A plea for a policy of "imperial preference" on the part of Great Britain, as a protection against the ambitions of Germany, cf. Introd. 9-18955 DA47.2.W3 495 Whitman, Sidney. The Anglo-German mirage. Fortnightly review, Aug. 1912, v. 98: 193-202. aP4.F7,v.98 496 England and Germany at Constantinople. Fortnightly review, May, 1907, v. 87: 773-78^. ap4.F7,v.87 ANGLO-RUSSIAN RELATIONS 497 Dillon, E. J. Great Britain and Russia. Nineteenth century and after, Aug. 1909, v. 66: 209-225. AP4.N7,v.66 498 [Garvin, J. L.] The Anglo-Russian agreement. Calchas [psevd.] Fortnightly review, Oct. 1907, v. 88: 535-650. AP4.F7,v.88 499 Grulev, Mikhail Vladimirovich. Das Ringen Russlands und Englands in IVIittel-Asien. Berlin, ZucTcschwerdt & CO., 1909. xii, 180 p. 24"'^. (Russ- land in Asien. [Bd. x].) 9-29228 DK750.B,9 vol.10 500 Heyking, A. Anglo-Russian progress. Fortnightly review, Jan. 1912, v. 97: 106-11 4. AP4.F7,v.97 501 Marsden, Victor E. An Anglo-Russian entente. Some prac- tical considerations. Fortnightly review, Aug. 1906, v. 86: 197-217. ap4.F7,v.86 502 Notovich, Nikolai. La Russie et I'alliance anglaise; etude his- torique et politique. Paris, Plon-Nourrit et c»«, 1906. 2 p. l, xiii, 318 p., 1 I. 20^"^. 6-24008 D376.I17N7 503 Vambery, A. The Anglo-Russian convention. Nineteenth century and after, Dec. 1907, v. 62: 895-904. AP4.N7,v.62 FRANCO-GERMAN RELATIONS 504 Berard, Victor i. e. Eugene Victor. La France et Guillaume n. Paris, A. Colin, 1907. ix, 315 p., 1 I. IShJ"^. Contents. — i. Politique frangaise.- — ii. Le travail de la France. — ni. Finance et diplomatic. — iv. M(5thodes allemandes. — v. Crise allemande. — vi. Politique imp^riale. — \^I. Reve mondial. — vm. Menaces allemandes. — ix. Offres allemandes. 9-14167 DC369.B5 505 Coubertin, Pierre de, haron. The conditions of Franco-German peace. (Tr. by Helen Chisholm.) Fortnightly review, Feb. 1907, v. 87: 223-229. ap4.F7,v.87 506 Fester, Richard, ed. Briefe, Aktenstiicke und Regesten zur Geschichte der hohenzollernschen Thronkandidatur in Spanien. Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teuhner, 1913. 2 v. 21""^. {Quel- lensammlung zur deutscTien Geschichte . . .) " Literaturverzeichnis " : v. 1, p. [v]-vi; v. 2, p. [iii]-iv. 13-16404 DC282.F4 507 Neue Beitrage zur Geschichte der hohenzollernschen Thronkandidatur in Spanien. Leipzig, B. G. Teuhner, 1913. v, [1], 194 P- 23^"^. 13-23748 DC292.F6 508 Lanoir, Paul. L'espionnage allemand en France; son organise^ tion— ^ses dangers — les remedes necessaires. Paris, Cocuaud & c'^ [1908\. 247 p., 1 I. 19'^'^. 9-16899 JX5121.L3 509 * The German spy system in France. Tr. from the French of Paul Lanoir. London, Mills & Boon, ltd. [pref. 1910]. viii, 264 V- '^^*""- War 14-5 510 *Pmon, Rene. France et Allemagne, 1870-1913. Tours, E. Arrault et cie, 1913. viii, 307 p. 511 Vergnet, Paul. La France en danger. L'oeuvre des panger- manistes; ce qu'il sont, ce qu'ils peuvent, ce qu'ils veulent. Paris, La Renaissance du livre, ["1913]. 3 p. I., 270 p. 19"^^. 14-697 DC369.V4 512 Wachter, Alfred Oscar. La guerre franco-allemande de 1870- 71. Histoire politique, diplomatique et militaire. fid. remaniee et augm. Paris, L. Baudoin, 1895. 2 v. 24^''^. 4-14928 DC290.W16 70 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS MOROCCAN QUESTION .514 Albin, Pierre. La querelle franco-allemande. Le " coup " d'Agadir; origines et developpement de la crise de 1911. Paris, F. Alcan, 1912. 2 y. l, in, 396 p. 19<='^. (Bihlio- theque d'histoire contemporaine.) 12-12140 DT317.A5 515 Barker, J. Ellis. Germany, Morocco, and the peace of the world. Fortnightly review, Aug. 1911, v. 96: 228-239. ap4.F7,v.96 516 The Morocco crisis and the European situation. Fortnightly review, Oct. 1911, v. 96: 590-603. AP4.F7,v.96 517 Bensusan, S. L. Morocco, the powers, and the financiers. Contemporary review, Aug. 1911, v. 100: 187-195. AP4.C7,v.l00 518 Berard, Victor i. e. Eugene Victor. L'affaire marocaine. Paris, A. Colin, 1906. viii, 457 p., 11. 19'^^. Contents. — Le Maroc. — La France et le Maroc.— Les accords franco-anglais. — Des accords franco-espagnols. — Le disaccord f ranco-allemand . — Les r^formes. 6-34271 DT317.B4 519 Blennerhassett, Sir Rowland. German policy in Morocco. FortnigJitly review, Oct. 1908, v. 90: 537-54.6. AP4.F7,v.90 520 [Garvin, J. L.] France as the key-stone of Europe. Calchas [pseud.] FortnigJitly review, Dec. 1908, v. 90: 897-912. AP4.F7,v.90 521 Jerrold, Laurence. Between France and Germany. Fortnightly review, Aug. 1911, v. 96: 258-270. AP4.F7,v.96 522 Johnston, Sir Harry H. The aftermath of Agadir: Sugges- tions for a settlement of territorial ambitions. Nineteenth century and after, Jan. 1912 j v. 71: 191-200. AP4.N7,v.71 523 Meakin, Budgett. The Algeciras conference. Fortnightly review. May, 1906, v. 85: 940-947. AP4.F7,v.86 524 Millet, Philippe. The truth about the Franco-German crisis of 1911. Nineteenth century and after, June, 1912, v. 71: 1046-1058. AP2.N7,v.71 MOEOCCAN QUESTION 71 525 Morel, Edmund Deville. Morocco in diplomacy. London, Smith, Elder & co., 1912. xxii, 369 p. v fold. maps. 20^"^. 12-14985 DT317.M7 526 VeTSQMS, psevd. Morocco and Em"ope: The task of Sir Edward Grey. Fortnightly review, Apr. 1906, v. 85: 609-624. AP4.F7,v.85 527 Tardieu, Andre. La conference d'Algesiras; histoire diploma- tique de la crise marocaine (15 janvier-7 avril 1906). 2. ed. Paris, F. Alcan, 1908. 2 p. I., x, Hi, 65^ p. 23^"^. "Acte general de la Conference Internationale d'Algeedras": Ap- pendix xn, p. 504-531. 7-38523 DT317.T28 NEUTRALITY (See also BELGIUM, nos. 170-193) BOOKS 528 Adams, Charles Francis. The struggle for neutrality in America: an address delivered before the New York his- torical society, December 13, 1870. New York, C. Scribner and co., 1871. 2 f. Z., 52 p. 24<''^. 11-24293 E310.7.A21 529 Appergu historique, suivi de quelques observations sur les in- ter^ts commerciaux des puissances du continent par rap- port aux droits abusifs des Anglois contre les neutres . . . [n. p.], 1809. vi, 223 p. 19^"^. 10-17456t JX4425.A7 530 Asser, Tobias M. C. Elements de droit international prive ou du conflit des lois. Droit civil — procedure — droit com- mercial. Ouvrage traduit, complete et annote par Al- phonse Rivier. Paris, A. Rousseau, I884. 3 p. I., iv p., 1 I, 297 p. 22^"^- 5-2723 JX6098.A8 531 Baldassarri, Aldo. La neutralizzazione; studio di diritto in- ternazionale. Roma, Tip. fratelli Pallotta, 1912. 2 p. I., [vii]-viii, 165, Ul p. 25^"^. 13-2155 JX4031.B3 532 Barclay, Sir Thomas. Neutrality. {In Encyclopaedia britannica, 11th ed. v. 19. New York, 1911. ?,0'^. p. 441-450.) AE5.E36,v.l9 533 Barton, William. A dissertation on the freedom of navigation and maritime commerce, and such rights of states, rela- tive thereto, as are founded on the law of nations : adapted more particularly to the United States; and interspersed with moral and political reflections, and historical facts. PTiiladelpJiia, Pub. by John Conrad & co., 1802. 389, xlv, [3] p. 22^"^. 13-23360 JX5316.B3 72 I NEUTEALITY 73 534 Becti, Carlos Alfredo. La neutralidad, segtin las convenciones de La Haya. Buenos Aires, A. Moen y henriano, 1908. 280 p. 23'^'^. "Bibliografia": p. 272-276. 12-13215 JX5365.B5 535 Bemis, George. American neutrality: its honorable past, its expedient future. Boston, Little, Brovm, and company, 1866. vi p., 1 I., 211, [1] p. 23^"^. 10-17348t JX5361.B5 536 Precedents of American neutrality, in reply to the speech of Sir Roundell Palmer, attorney-general of Eng- land, in the British House of commons. May 13, 1864. Boston, Little, Brown and company, 1864- viii, 83 p. 21*^^. 10-16803t JX1414.B4 537 Bergbohm, Carl. Die bewaffnete Neutralitat 1780-1783. Eine Entwickelungsphase /les Volkerrechts im Seekriege. Dorpat,Gedruc]ctheiC. Mattiesen, 1883. viii, 290 p. 21^'^- 10-17368t JX5383.B5 538 Bernard, Mountague. A historical account of the neutrality of Great Britain during the American civil war. London, Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1870. xv, 511 p. 25^"^. 10-16855 JX1414.B55 539 A lecture on alleged violations of neutrab'ty by Eng- land in the present war. London, W. Ridgway, 1863. ,45 p. 20'='^. 10-16848t JX1414.B5 540 Bon, Louis. La guerre russo-japonaise et la neutralite. MontpeUier, " VAbeille " impr. cooperative ouvriere, 1909. 256 p. 25^"^. "Bibliographie": p. 251-252. 10-26305 JX1393.R8B7 541 Bonfils, Henry Joseph Francois Xavier. Manuel de droit inter- national public (droit des gens). 6. ed. rev. et mise au courant, par Paul Fauchille. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1912. viii, 1121 p. 22^"^. "Notice bibliographique": p. 67-82. 12-16662 JX2608.M2 1912 542 Boye, Thorvald. De vasbnede neutralitetsforbund, et avsnit av folkerettens historic. Kristiania, Gr0nda7il & s0n; [etc., etc., 1912]. 2 p. I., vi p., 1 I, 360 p. 24'='^. 14-4.583 JX5383.B7 74 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 543 Boynton, Charles Brandon. English and French neutrality and the Anglo-French alliance, in their relations to the United States & Russia, including an account of the lead- ing policy of France and of England for the last two hun- dred years — the origin and aims of the alliance'. Cincinnati, Chicago, C. F. Vent c& co., 186 4. 576 p. SS'"". 12-6970 E183.7.B79 544 Brenner, Karl. Der Durchzug der Kaiserlichen im Jahre 1791 und die Neutralitat Basels wiihrend des ersten Koalitions- krieges 1792-1799. Basel, Buchdruc'kerei M. Werner-RieTim, 1908. 160 p. 28'^^. " Qtiellenverzeichnis " : p. 159-160. 5-4799 . DQ140.B3B8 545 Callahan, James Morton. The neutrality of the American lakes and Anglo-American relations. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1898. 199 p. 2^"'^. (Johns HopTcins university studies in historical and political science . . . series xvi, no. 1-4-) 1-10120 H31.J6 546 Calvo, Carlos. Le droit international theorique et pratique. 5. ed., rev. et completee par un supplement. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1896. 6 v. 25¥'^. Neutrality: v. 4, p. 2494-2591. 10-15585 JX2984.D5 1896 547 Campbell, Robert Granville. Neutral rights and obligations in the Anglo-Boer war. Baltimore, 1908. vii, 1^9, [1] p. 26'='^. Published also in Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science, series xxvi, no. 4-5-6. 9-3394 JX5361.C3 548 Carlisle, Calderon. Report[s] to E. Dupuy de Lome, Spanish minister. [The law of neutrality of the United States, with reference to the Cuban insurrection.] [Washington, 1896-97.] 2 v. front, ([v. 2] fold, facsim.). 10-12816 JX1415.C3 549 Cauchy, Eugene Franpois. Le droit maritime international consider ee dans scs origmes et dans ses rapports avec les progres de la civilisation. Paris, Guillaumin et c»«, 1862. 2 v. 22"^. Neutrality: v. 2, p. 32-5-430. 10-17444t ' JX4412.C3 NEUTRALITY 75 550 Clark, Charles. "Principles that ought naturally to govern the conduct of neutrals and belligerents "; a paper read be- fore the Juridical society, 1 February 1864. London, Butterworths, 1864. ^ V- ^^""• 10-17361t JX5371.C6 551 The Trent and San Jacinto; being the substance of a paper on this subject, read before the Juridical society, on the 16th December 1861. London, Butterworths, 1862. 1^6 p. 20^"^. 10-16805t JX1414.C6 552 [Cobbett, William.] Our anti-neutral conduct reviewed. {New York? Printed for the editor, 1817.] 16 p. 19'"^. 9-21905 F1413.C65 553 Colomer, Joseph Fortune Emile Barthelemy. Aperpu general sur les principaux devoirs des neutres dans les guerres maritimes. Toulouse, Impr. C. Marques, 1906. 208 p. 21^"'^. "Bibliographie": p. 5-il. 7-28049 JX5362.C7 554 Controversy concerning the law of nations, specially relative to Prussia's attachment of British funds, by way of reprisal for English captures. Edinburgli, T. ClarJc, 1837. 2 p. I., [iii]-iv, [3\-96 p. 19^^. {In The Cabinet library of scarce and celebrated tracts, vol. 1.- International law. p. [Jfi 11-496.) "The publisher has added at page 93-6, a Select list of the most important works produced on the subject of neutrality, from the middle of the last, down to the beginning of the present century" . . . — Pref., p. iv. 10-6964 JX1291.M343 555 Courcelle-Seneuil, Jean Gustave. Guerre de I'Espagne au Chili, les neutres et le droit des gens. Paris, E. Dentu, 1866. 2 p.l, 52 p. 24'='^. 1-354 JX1534.S8C7 F3095.C86 556 [Coxe, Tench.] An examination of the conduct of Great Britain, respecting neutrals. Philadelphia, Printed by B. Graves, 1807. 72 p. 21^'^. [Duane pamphlets, v. 138, no. 1.] Signed: Juriscola. 11-24311 AC901.D8 v. 138 76 LIBKAJIY OF CONGRESS 557 Cuestas, Juan. Derecho internacional ; neutralidad. Montevideo, Tipografia al Lihro ingles, 1896. 2 p. I., 96 p. 1-17216 JX4285.C8 558 Descamps, Emmanuel. L'^tat neutre a titre permanent; 6tude de droit international compare. Paris, L. Larose & L. Tenin; [etc., etc.], 1912. 3 p. I., ii, 238 p. 23'^'^. (Ecole des sciences politiques et sodales de V Universite de Louvain. [Publications.]) "Bibliographie": p. 1-8. 12-18248 JX4031.D6 559 Despagnet, Frantz Clement Rene. Cours de droit interna- tional public. 4. ed. completement revue, augm. et mise au courant, par Ch. de Boeck. Paris, L. Larose et L. Tenin, 1910. vi, 1430 p. 23'^'^. Bibliographical foot-notes. 11-29651 JX2641.C8 1910 560 Drouyn de Lhuys, [Edouard]. Les neutres pendant la guerre d'Orient. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone Lauriel, 1868. 4I p. 23'^^. "Extrait du Compte-rendu de I'Acad^mie des sciences morales et politiques ... t. lxxxiv." 5-22951t JX5362.D8 561 Einicke, Paul. Rechte und Pflichten der neutralen Miichte im Seekrieg nach dem Haager Abkommen vom 18. Oktober 1907. Tubingen, J. C. B. MoTir (P. Siebeck), 1912. xi, Jfi5 p. 24'^'^. {AbTiandlungen aus dem Staats-, Verwaltungs- und Volkerreclit ... x.) "Verzeichnis der benutzten Literatur": p. 396-405. 12-25643 JX5363.E6 562 Fauchille, Paul. La diplomatic franpaise et la Ligue des neutres de 1780 (1776-1783). Paris, G. Pedone-Lauriel, 1893. 3 p. I., xi, 619, [1] p. 22^"^. (Bibliotheque intemationale cfc diplomatique, xxxii.) "BibUographie": p. 599-602. 5-5886 D296.P3 563 Penwick, Charles Ghequier. The neutrality laws of the United States. [ Waslhington, D. C, Carnegie endowmeni for international peace, 1913.] viii, 201, [1] p. 25\'''^. "List of publications referred to in the text": p. v-vi. 14-7922 JX6361.F4 1913a NEUTRALITY 77 564 Fessenden, Thomas Green. Some thoughts on the present dis- pute between Great Britain and America. PTiiladelpUa, Printed for the author, 1807. 61 p. 23"'^. [Duane pamphlets, v. 104, no. 2.] AC901.D8,v.l04 565 [Field, Edwin Wilkins.] Correspondence on the present rela- tions between Great Britain and the United States of America. Boston, Little, Brovm and company, 1862. 2 p. I., 153 p. Correspondence between an English lawyer, E. W. Field, and an American lawyer, C. G. Loring. 2-2474 E469.F45 566 Fiore, Pasquale. Le droit international codifie et sa sanction juridique. Nouv. ed. ; tr. de I'italien par Ch. Antoine. Paris, A. Pedone, 1911. 2 p. I., ii p., 1 I., 893 p. 24""^. See index vmder Neutrality. 11-26963 JX2881.D6 1911 567 Ford, Guy Stanton. Hanover and Prussia, 1795-1803, a study in neutrality. New Yorl', The Columbia university press, the MacmiUan company, agents; [etc., etc.], 1903. 316 p. 25'^^. (Studies in history, economics and public law, ed. by the Faculty of political science of Columbia university, vol. xviii, no. 3.) 4-2581 DD365.F7 568 Fry, Sir Edward. The rights of neutrals, as illustrated by re- ceirt events. {In British academy. Proceedings, 1905-1906. London, 1906. 26<'™. p. 265-272.) AS122.L5 1905-06 569 Furneaux, John. An abridged history of the principal treaties of peace . . . with reference to the question of the neutral flag protecting the property of an enemy. London, J. Rodwell, 1837. xv, 5^7 p. 22'''^. 10-17247t JX5295.F8 570 Gaborit, Rene. Questions de neutralite maritime soulevees par la guerre russo-japonaise. L'inviolabilite des eaux neutres. L'asile. Le charbonnage en eaux neutres. Paris, A. Pedone, 1906. 373, [1] p. 25'^'^. "Bibliographie": p. 367-368. 6-34940 JX5362.G2 571 [Galiani, Fernando.] De' doveri de' principi neutrali verso i principi guerreggianti, e di questi verso i neutrali. Libri due. \Milan\ 1782. xii, 510 p. 25'='^. 10-173511 JX5360.G28 78 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 572 [Galiani, Fernando]. Recht der Neutralit&t. Ubersetzt, und mit einem Kommentar versehen von Karl Adolph C&sar. Leipzig, Waltherische BuchTiundlung, 1790. 2 v. 30 V^. 10-17350t JX5360.G3 573 Gressner, Ludwig. Le droit des neutres sur mer. Berlin, Stilke et van Muyden; [etc., etc.], 1865. xiv, 437, [1] p. 23cm ^ (Bihliotheque diplomatique.) Neutrality: p. 1-69. 5-7453 JX5363.G56 574 Kriegfiihrende und neutrale Machte. Ein Beitrag zur Reform des internationalen Rechts in Kriegszeiten. Berlin, C. Heymann, 1877. v, 107 p. 22^'"^. 10-17359t JX5363.G6 575 Gettell, Raymond G., ed. Readings in political science. Boston, New York, etc., Ginn and company, 1911. xli,528p. 21''^. "Neutrality and Neutral commerce": p. 239-243. 11-19377 JC258.G52 576 Hall, William Edward. The rights and duties of neutrals. London, Longmans, Green, and co., 187 4. ix, [1], 210 p. 23'^'^. 10-17306t JX5361.H3 577 A treatise on international law. 4th ed. Oxford, Clarendon press; London, H. Frowde [etc.], 1895. xxvii,[l],791,[l]p. 23'^. See index under Neutrality. 3-23670 JX2524.T7 1895 578 [Harcourt, Sir William George Granville Venables Vernon.] American neutrality: by Historicus [pseud.] Reprinted from the London Times of December 22d, 1864. New YorJc, 1865. 11 p. 22^"^. 14-4841 JX4574.H3 579 Letters by Historicus on some questions of interna- tional law. Reprinted from ' The Times ' with consid- erable additions. London and Cambridge, MacmiUan and co.. 1863. xiii p., 2 l, [3]-212 p. 22"^. 10-19738t JX4521.H3 580 Hautefeuille, Laurent Basile. Des droits et des devoirs des nations neutres en temps de guerre maritime. 3. ed., cor. et modifiee d'apres les traites recents. Baris, Guillaumin et c*«, 1868. 3 v. 23'=™. (^conomistes & puhlicistes contemporains.) 9-22081 JX5212.H313 NEUTRALITY 79 581 Heilborn, Paul. Rechte und Pflichten der neutralen Staaten. Berlin, J. Springer, 1888. 2 y. I., 83, [1] f. 2J^^-^. 6-39886 582 Hill, David Jayne. The conception and realization of neu- trality. Boston, G. E. Ellis co., printers, 1902. I4 p. 24^"^. A paper read before the American social science association at Washington on April 23, 1902. 10-17360t JX5371.H5 583 Hilty, Karl. Die Neutralitat der Schweiz in ihrer heutigen Auffassung. Bern, K. J. Wyss, 1889. xi, [1S]-91 p. 22^"^. 8-23820 DQ75.H6 584 Holland, Thomas Erskine. Letters to " the Times " upon war and neutrality (1881-1909) with some commentary. 2d ed., with additional letters from 1909 to 1913. London, New YorJc, [etc. ],^ Longmans, Green, and co., 1914. xii, 203 p. 22^"^. 14-6035 JX4521.H73 1914 The Library of Congress has also the first edition published in 1909. 585 Neutral duties in a maritime war, as illustrated by recent events. London, Pub. for the British academy by H. Frowde, [190S]. cover-title, 16 p. 25'^'^. From the Proceedings of the British academy, vol. 11. A 12-323 JX5221.H73 586 Holtzendorflf, Franz J. W. P. von, ed. Handbuch des Volker- rechts. Auf Grundlage europaischer Staatspraxis. Berlin, C. Habel; [etc., etc.] 1885-89. 4 v. 23'"^. Neutrality, v. 4: 614-634. 10-19734-5 JX2791.H2 1885 587 Hosack, John. The rights of British and neutral commerce, as affected by recent royal declarations and orders in council. London, S. Sweet, 1854. vi, 125 p. 18'^'^. 10-17305t JX5361.H7 588 IngersoU, Charles Jared. A view of the rights and wrongs, power and policy, of the United States of America. Philadelphia, 0. & A. Conrad & co., 1808. 157 p. 22^"^. 9-20394 E336.I47 AC901.D8 vol.138 80 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 589 Kleen, Richard. De la contrebande de guerre et des transports intcrdits aux neutres d'apres les principes du droit inter- national contemporain. Paris, G. Pedone-Lauriel; [etc., etc.], 1893. viii, {9\-275, [1] p. 21 cm "Ouvrages cit6s": p. ^'i-viii. 6-15770 JX5231.K6 590 Lois et usages de la neutralite d'apres le droit inter- national conventionnel et coutumier des etats civilises. Paris, A. Chevalier- Marescq et c^^, 1898. 1 v. 23Y'^- " Bibliographie " : v. 1, p. xi-xii. 10-173041 JX5362.K7 591 Knight, Jean. Des 4tats neutres au point de vue de la contre- bande de guerre. Paris, A. Pedone, 1903. 86, [2] p. 25^"^. "Ouvrages cit6s": p. 5-6. 8-30625 JX6231.K7 592 Lawrence, Thomas Joseph. A handbook of public interna- tional law. 7th ed. London, Macmillan and co., limited, 1909. xvi, 189 p. The law of neutrality: p. 111-143. 10-6137 JX2542.H3 1909 593 War and neutrality in the Far East. London, New York, Macmillan and co., limited, 1904- xiii 232 p. 20'='". 4-27132 JX1321.L3 594 Leiva, Nicolas. Teoria de la neutralidad. Buenos Aires, Impr. Minerva, 1876. 113, [7] p. 26Y^- 10-17303t JX5365.Ii5 595 [Lesur, Charles Louis.] Memoire sur la conduite de la France et de I'Angleterre a I'egard des neutres. Paris, Chez A. Galland, 1810. 2 p. l, 2^3 p. 19^"^. 10-17349t JX5360.L5 596 [Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 1st earl of.] A discom-se on the conduct of the government of Great Britain, in respect to neutral nations, during the present war. London, R. Griffiihs, 1758. 1 p. I., 84 p. 26 x 20^"^. 5-430 JX5360.L6 1758 597 Loring, Charles Greeley. Neutral relations of England and the United States. Boston, W. V. Spencer, 1863. iv, 116 p. 24^"^. Articles which appeared originally in the Boston daily advertiser. 10-17423t JX5361.L7 NEUTRALITY 81 598 [Lowrey, Grosvenor Porter.] English neutrality. Is the Ala- bama a British pirate.^ New YorTc, A. Z>. F. Randolph, 1863. 32 p. 23<^. 2-27747 E469.Li92 599 Macqueen, John Fraser. Chief points in the laws of war and neutrality, search and blockade; with the changes of 1856, and those now proposed. RichmomllVa.], West and Johnston, 1863. x, 102 p. 19^*=^. 10-18238 JX462 1 JI32 600 Madison, James. The writings of James Madison. Ed. by Gaillard Hunt. New York [etc.], G. P. Putnam's sons, 1900-10. 9 v. front, {port.) illus., 6 facsim. {partly fold.) 23h'^. See index v. 10 under Neutral righta. 1-20807 E302.M22 601 Marco, Pietro di. La neutralita nelle guerre marittime secondo il dritto pubblico italiario." Palermo, Virzi, 1882. 169 p., 1 I. 22"^. 9-10745 JX5364.M3 602 Martens, Fedor Fedorovich. Traite de droit international; tr* du russe par Alfred Leo. Paris, Chevalier- Marescq et de., 1883-87. 3 v. 22'"'^. 1-18881 JX2951.T6 603 Martens, Georg Friedrich von. An essay on privateers, cap- tures, and particularly on recaptures, according to the laws, treaties, and usages of the maritime powers of Europe. To which is subjoined, a discourse, in which the rights and duties of neutral powers are briefly stated. Tr. from the French, with notes, by Thomas Hart well Home. London, Printed for E. and R. Brooke [etc.], 1801. xx, 24O, [4] p. 21\<^^. 10-20071 JX5241.M5 604 Merignhac, Alexandre. Les lois et coutumes de la guerre sur terre d'apres le droit international moderne et la codifi- cation de la Conference de la Haye de 1899. Paris, A. Chevalier- Marescq & c'', 1903. 2 p. l, ix, [S]-412 p. 23'^'^. "Le regime de la neutrality: p. 339-379. 4-6139 JX4507.M6 62564°— 14 6 82 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 605 Merig^nhac, Alexandre. Traits de droit public international. Paris, Lihrairie generale de droit & de jurisprudence, F. Pichon et Durand-Auzias, administrateurs , 1905-1912. 6-5164 JX3351.T7 606 Milovanovich, Miloran. Faculte de droit de Paris. Droit romain: Des sui heredes d'apres le droit civil primitif. Droit franpais: Des trait6s de garantie en droit inter- national. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1888. 2 p. l, 44, 414 p. 26""^. 2-16491 JX4171.T8M6 607 [Morris, Gouverneur.] An answer to War in disguise; or, Remarks upon the new doctrine of England, concerning neutral trade. New YorTc, Printed hy HopTcins and Seymour, for I. Riley & CO., 1806. 76 p. 23'^'^. [With Stephen, James, ^yar in disguise. London printed; New York, Re-printed, 1806. copy 3.] 10-17352t JX5316.S82 608 PMorse, Alexander Porter.] Rights and duties of belligerents and neutrals from the American point of view. [Philadelphia, 1898.] 657-687 p. 24<^^. From the American law register, v. 46, o. e., 37, n. s., no. 11. 6-25327 JX4521.M7 609 Moynier, Gustave. La neutrality des militaires blesses et du service de sante des armees. Paris [Impr. de L. Toinon et c% 1867. 2 p. I., 120 p. 16 x lOY"^. Bibliographical foot-notes. ^-8134 JX5131.M7 610 La Neutralite suisse et les nouveaux forts fran^ais, par un officier d 'etat-major. NeucMtel cfc Geneve, J. Sandoz, 1880. 35, [1] p. 21^"". At head of title: Publication de la Soci^te des officiers de Neuchatel. 5-3311t ■D'G429.S9N4 611 New York. Chamber of commerce of the state of New York. Proceedings on the continued piracies of vessels fitted out in Great Britain upon American commerce. Saturday, February 21, 1863. New YorJc, J. W. Amerman, printer, 1863. 27 p. 22^"^. 6-841 E596.N49 '^W ' NEUTBALITY 83 612 New York. Merchants. Memorial of the merchants of the city of New- York. [New York], HopHns <& Seymour, printers, 1806. 38 p. 11-24310 E336.N56 613 Nys, Ernest. Le droit international; les principes, les theories, les faits. Nouv. ed. BruxeUes, M. Weissenbruch, 1912. 3 v. 25 Y™' ■ Neutrality: v. 3, p. 558-567. 12-23096 JX2702.D7 1912 614 Oppenheim, Lassa Francis Lawrence. International law, a treatise. 2d ed. London, New York [etc.], Longmans, Green and co., 1912. 2 V. 23^"^. "On neutrality in general": v. 2, p. 347-690. 12-9559 JX3264.I6 1912 615 Ottolenghi, Giuseppe. II rap^orto di neutralita. Torino, TJnione tipografico-editrice torinese, 1907. 518 p., 1 I. 23^-^. 8-36729 JX5364.08 616 Phillimore, Sir Robert Joseph, hart. Commentaries upon inter- national law. 3d ed. London, Butterworths, 1879-89. 4 v. 22"'^. 10-15576t JX2665.C4 1879 617 Piccioni, Camille Vincent Emmanuel. Essai sur la neutralite perpetueUe. 2. ed., entierement refondue. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1902. 180 p. 23'"^. &-27293 JX4031.P6 618 Prevost, Ferdinand, and Paul Pecquet du Bellet. Le blocus americain. (Droit des neutres.) Paris, Castel, 1861. 30 p. 23¥'^. 10-20069t JX5225.P8 619 Prittwitz und Gaffron, Friedrich Wilhelm von. Die bewaff- nete Neutralitat, ihre theoretische und praktische Be- deutung. Boma-Leipzig, Buchdr. R. Noske, 1907. viii, 1^5 p. 22*^^. " Literaturverzeichnis " : p. vii-viii. 9-30830 JX5383.P8 620 Quitman, John Anthony. Speech on the subject of the neu- trality laws: delivered in committee of the whole house on the state of the Union, April 29, 1856. Washington, Printed at the Union office, 1856. 21 p. 2^'^'^. 11-24779 F1783.Q8 84 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 621 Rhee, Syngmaii. Neutrality as influenced by the United States. Princeton, Princeton university press, 1912. vii, 11 4, [1] p. Bibliography: p. 113-115. 12-6674 JX5361.R6 622 The Rules of war and neutrality. Bench and lar, Aug. 1914, '^- 9: 166-170. 623 [Russell, Renssalaer W.] Neutral relations and the treaty of Washington. Washington, D. C, M'GiU & Wiiherow, printers, 1872. 53 p. 23^'^. 1(>-I6581t JX238.A7 1872g 624 Saunders, Albert. The neutral ship in war time : rights, duties, and liabilities. London, E. Wilson, 1898. 4 p. l, 74 p. 18'^. ( Wilscm's legal handy hoolcs.) 1(>-I7353t JX5316.S3 625 Schiattarella, Rafl'aele. II diritto della neutralita neUe guerre marittime. 2. ed., cor. e aum. Firenze, G. PelUs, 1880. 272 p. 22''^. (Bihlioteca deUe scienze legali.) 9-10742^ JX5214.S3 626 Schlegel, Johan Frederik Vilhelm. Neutral rights; or. An impartial examination of the right of search of neutral vessels under convoy. Tr. from the French. Philadelphia, Printed at the Aurora office, 1801. 1 p. I., 162 p. 21 1'^'^. 10-17251t JX5268.S3 627 Schmidt-Phiseldek, Conrad Georg Friedrich Elias von. Versuch einer Darstellung des d&nischen Neutralitata- sistemes w&hrend des letzteren Seekrieges. Kopenhagen, Amtzen und Eartier, 1802-0 4- 4 '^- ^^ ^' fold. tah. 21^"^. ia-16354t JX1567.A6N6 628 Scholz, Franz. Drahtlose Telegraphie und Neutralitat. Berlin, F. Vahlen, 1905. 46 p. 24''^. 6-11650 JX6135.W6S3 629 Schweizer, Paul. Geschichte der schweizerischen Neutralitat. Frauenfeld, J. Euher, 1895. xxxvi, 1032 p. iUus., fold, map. 24'^'^. 6-39891 JX4033.S9S8 NEUTEALITY 85 630 Das Seerecht und die Neutralitat auf der See. Leipzig, J. A. Romberg, I864. 1 p. l, 112 p. 21'='^. {Eu- ropa's hrennende Fragen, Hft. 11 1.) 1(>-I7437t JX4425.S4 631 Slidell, John. The arrest of William Walker. Speech on the neutrality laws. Delivered in the United States Senate, April 8, 1858. [ Washington? 1858?] 16 p. 24^"^. 5-36906 F1526.S66 632 [Smith, William Loughton.] American arguments for British rights; being a republication of the celebrated letters of Phocion, on the subject of neutral trade. Printed at Charlestovm, South Carolina. London, Reprinted for J. Butterworth, 1806. xii, 74 p. 21^"^. 7-28079 JX5316.S6 E336.S64 633 [Stephen, James.] War in disguise; or, The frauds of the neutral flags. London, printed. New York, Reprinted for L Riley and co.; Boston, J. West [etc., etc.], 1806. 1 p. I., [v]--vi, [1], 215 p. 23^"^. ^20822 E336.S82 634 Stone, William J. Duty of a neutral. Speech in the Senate, Sept. 9, 1914. Congressional record, 6Sd Cong., 2d sess., v. 51, no. 228, [current file) : 1 6236-1 6238. 635 Taylor, Edward T. "My thought is of America " — President Wilson's appeal for American neutrality. Extension of remarks in the House, Aug. 20, 1914. Congressional record, 63d Cong., 2d sess., v. 51, no. 212, {current file): 15361. 636 Taylor, Hannis. A treatise on international public law. Chicago, Callaghan <& company, 1901. Ixxvi, 912 p. 24Y'^^ 2-762 JX3181.T7 1901 637 Tetens, Johan Nicolai. Considerations sur les droits r6ci- proques des puissances belligerantes et des puissances neutres sur mer, avec les principes du droit de guerre en general. Copenhague, F. Brummer, 1805. xvi, 244 V- ^0'^^. - J-20066 JX5212.T5 86 UBRARY OF CONGBESS 638 Twiss, Sir Travers. The law of nations considered as inde- pendent political communities. 2d ed. rev. Oxford, The Clarendon press [etc., etc.], 1875. 2 v. 22^"^. "On the duties and rights of neutral powers": v. 2, p. 424-507. ia-15577t JX2582.L4 1876 639 Ullinann, Emanuel, Ritter von. Volkerrecht. Freiburg i. B. [etc.], J. C. B. Mohr (P. SiebecTc), 1898. xi, 376 p. 26Y'^. (Eandhuchdes oeffentlichen ReeJits. i., ii. 2, 2. Aufl.) 6-39890 JX2843.ir6V7 1898 640 U. S. Dept. of state. Proclamations and decrees during the war with Spain. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1899. 100 p. 23'^'^. 9-26714 E723.U6S 640a President, 1913 — (Wilson). American neutrality. An appeal to the citizens of the republic, requesting their assistance in maintaining a state of neutrality during the present war. Washington, Govt, print, of., 191 4. 4 p. 24'"^. (U. S., 63d Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. no. 566.) 14-30714 D619.A2 641 Verraes, Fernand. Droit international. Les lois de la guerre et la neutralite. Bruxelles, 0. Schepens dh c'', 1906. 2 v. 25^"^. 6-27680 JX4512.V3 642 Walker, Thomas Alfred. A history of the law of nations. Cambridge, University press, 1899. 1 v. 22^'^. Neutrality: v. 1, p. 195-203. 12-8171 JX1305.W3 643 The science of international law. London, C. J. Clay and sons, 1893. zvi, [2] 544. p. 22""^. Neutrality: v. 1, p. 374-385. 10-17175 JX2584.W3S4 1893 644 Wampach, Gaspard. Le Luxembourg neutre, etude d'histoire diplomatique et de droit international public. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1900. 2 p. l, 372 p., 1 I. 25^"^. Th^se — Univ. de Paris. 10-3815 JX4033.L9W3 NEUTKALITY 87 645 War without disguise; or, The frauds of neutral commerce; a justification of belligerent captures; with observations on the Answer to War in disguise, and Mr. Madison's ex- amination. Printed in America, 1807. iv, 87 p. 21'^'^. 10-16530t JX1405.W4 646 Ward, Robert Plumer. A treatise of the relative rights and duties of belligerent and neutral powers, in maritime affairs: in which the principles of armed neutralities, and the opinions of Hubner and Schlegel are fully discussed. London, Printed for J. ButterwortJi hy C. Woodfall, 1801 . 2v.ini. 22'^'^. 10-20065 JX5211.W3 647 Webster, Noah. A collection of papers on political, literary, and moral subjects. New Yorli, Webster & dark; Boston, Tappan <& Dennett; [etc., etc.], 1843. 2 p. Z.. 37S p. 2S<^^. 7-22649 648 The rights of neutrals. (In his Miscellaneous papers, on political and commercial subjects. New- York, 1802. 21*'=°'. p. [77]-227) 10-17358t JX5361.W4 649 Webster, Sidney. Duties of neutrality. The United States vs. The steamship ' Meteor,' &g., &c., &c., in admiralty. Closing argument in behalf of the United States. New York, J. F. Trow c& co., printers, 1866. 94 p. 23"'^. 10-16807t JX1414.W4 650 Westlake, John. International law. 2d ed. Cambridge, The University press, 1910-13. 2 v. 22<^^. "Neutrality": v. 2, p. 190-207. 11-1990 JX2588.1 6 1910 651 Wheaton, Henry. Elements of international law. 4th ed. London, Stevens and sons, 1904. 848 p. 25^"^. "Rights of war as to neutrals": p. 564-722. "Appendix C. English and American foreign enlistment acts ": p. 757-772. 4-21093 JX2495.E3 1904 652 *Wicker, Cyrus French. Neutralization. London, New York [etc.], H. Frowde, 1911. viii, 91 p. 18^"^. Bibliography: p. 90-91. War 12-148 88 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 653 1852. The neutrality law: what does it mean, what prohibit and what permit? Democratic review, June, 1862, v. 30: 4^7-512. ap2.U6,v.30 664 1856. Quitman, John A. Extract from exposition on neutrality laws. De Bow's review, July, 1866, v. 21: 97-98. HFl.D2,v.2l 655 1859. The neutrality laws and progress. De B&w's review, Dec. 1869, v. 27: 704.-708. HFl.D2,v.27 656 1864. The highway of nations. Fraser's magazine, Jan. 1864, '^- ^^•* 1-17. AP4.F8,v.69 657 1870. The American doctrine of neutrality. Putnam's magazine, Apr. 1870, n. s., v. 6: 4^8-600. AP2.P97,n.8.v.6 658 1871. Nation [Editorial]. The new rules of neutrality. Nation, June 1, 1871, v. 12: 376-377. AP2.N2,v.l2 659 1871. Thornton, W. T. Neutrality for neutrals. Contemporary review, Nov. 1871, v. 18: 4^^506. AP4C7,v.l8 660 1877. Belligerent claims and neutral rights. Fortnightly review, Apr. 1877, v. 27: 680-690. ap4.F7,v.27 661 1898. Hardy, Sallie E. M. Neutrality laws. As interpreted by John Marshi.ll, one hundred years ago. Green hag, Aug. 1898, v. 10: 333-336. 662 1900. Woolsey, T. S. Neutral rights and contraband of war. OutlooTc, Jan. 20, 1900, v. 64: 166-158, 167-171. AP2.08,v.64 663 1900. Macdonell, John. Neutrals and the war. Nineteenth century and after, Feh. 1900, v. 47: 339-349. AP4.N7,v.47 664 1901. Munro, W. B. Neutralization of the Suez Canal. American academy of political and social science. Annals, May, 1901, v. 17: 409-430. Hl.A4,v.l7 665 1901. Moore, J. B. The rights and duties of neutrals. Political science quarterly, Sept. 1901, v. 16: 611-612. Hl.P8,v.l6 NEUTRALITY 89 666 1902. Smith, G. Confederate cruisers. Independent, Apr. 10, 1902, v. 5^: 849-861. AP2.I53,v.54 667 1902. Penfield, William L. British purchases of war supplies in the United States. North American review. May, 1902, v. 17 4: 687-701. AP2.N7,v.l74 668 1902. Hill, David J. The conception and realization of neu- trality. American social science association. Journal, Dec. 1902, V. Ifi: 121-132. Hi.J7,v.40 669 1903. Martens, F. de. La neutralisation du Danemark. Revue des deux mondes, Nov. 15, 1903, 5 per. t. 18: 314-335. AP20.R3,5.per. t.l8 An English abstract is printed in American review of reviews, Jan. 1904, V. 29: 92-94. AP2.R4,v.29 670 1903. Martens, F. de. Self neutralization in international politics. Independent, Dec. 3, 1903, v. 55: 2864-2865. AP2.l53,v.56 671 1904. Neutral commerce in time of war. Living age, Feh. 13, 1904, '^- ^40-' 44i~444- AP2.ii65,v.240 672 1904. Macdonell, John. Some duties of neutrals. Nineteenth century and after, Mar. 1904, '^- ^^'- 503-508. AP4.N7,v.55 673 1904. Boulger, D. C. Neutrality of China. Contemporary review, Apr. 1904, v- ^^•' 54^-649. AP4.C7,v.85 Living age. May 14, 1904, v. 24I: 385-391. AP2.L65,v.241 674 1904. Moore, Jolin B. Our system of neutrality. Harper's magazine. May, 1904, '^- ^08: 837-848. AP2.H3,v.l08 675 1904. Finkelnburg, G. A. Private property on the high seas. American law review, Sept.-Oct, 1904-, v. 38: 64I-647. 676 1904. Macdonell, John. The rights and duties of neutrals. Nineteenth century and after, Nov. 1904, 'V- 56: 796-806. AP4.N7,v.56 Living age, Dec. 3, 1904, v. 243: 577-584- AP2.L65,v.243 677 1905. Nation [Editorial]. Territorial waters and neutrality. Nation, Apr. 27, 1905, v. 80: 324. AP2.N2,v.80 90 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 678 1905. Holland, T. E. Neutral duties in a maritime war. Fortnightly review, May, 1905, v. 83: 791-806. AP4.F7,v.83 Living age, June 3, 1906, v. 246: 677-688. ap2.L65,v.246 679 1905. Taylor, H., and others. National maritime rights and responsibilities in time of war. , North American review, Aug. 1906, v. 181: 161-190. AP2.N7,v.l81 680 1905. Macdonell, John. Rules of neutrality and the future Hague conference. Contemporary review, Bee. 1906, v. 88: 848-866. AP4.C7,v.88 Living age, Jan. 20, 1906, v. 248: 131-188. AP2.L65,v.248 681 1906. Taylor, Hannis. The growing conception of neutrality. American law review, Mar.-Apr. 1906, v. 4O: 262-269. 682 1906. Aspects of international law. Edinburgh review, Apr. 1906, v. 203: 471-487. AP4.E3,v.203 683 1906. Taylor, Hannis. Neutral territorial waters as a naval base. American law review, May-June, 1906, v. 4O: 402-4O8. 684 1907. Winslow, Erving. Neutralization. North American review, Sept. 1907, v. 186: 83-90. AP2.N7,v.l86 685 1910. Wicker, Cyrus F. The United States and neutralization. Atlantic monthly, Sept. 1910, v. 106: 304-311. AP2.A8,v.l06 686 1911. Peace through financial neutrality. Chautauquan, July, 1911, v. 63: 107-109. AP2.C48,v.63 687 1911. Dominions in war time. Living age, Sept. 2, 1911, v. 270: 626-627. AP2.L65,v.270 688 1911. Schmidt, N. Neutralize the air! Independent, Oct. 6, 1911, v. 71: 769-762. ap2.I53,v.71 689 1912. Strengthening the neutrality laws. Nation, Mar. 21, 1912, v. 94: 278-279. AP2.N2,v.94 NEUTRALITY 91 690 1912. Wicker, C. F. Question of Philippine neutrality. Atlantic monthly, Nov. 1912, v. 110: 649-652. AP2.A8,v.llO 691 1913. Kennedy, C. Neutralization and equal terms. American journal of international law, Jan. 1913, v. 7: 21-50. JXl.A6,v.7 692 1913. Baldassarri, A. Neutralizzazione. Review. American journal of international law, Apr. 1913, v. 7: 435- 437. JXl.A6,v.7 693 1913. Declaration by Norway, Denmark and Sweden relative to uniform rules of neutrality, 1912; text. American joum/il of international law, July, 1913, supp., v. 7: 187-191. JXl.A6,v.7,supp. 694 1914. Curtis, R. E. Law of hostile military expeditions as applied by the United States. American journal of international law, Jan. 1914, v- ^' 1-^7. JXl.A6,v.8 MARITIME LAW IN WAR WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE DECLARATION OF LONDON (See also Declaration of Paris, nos. 296-300) 695 Adams, William. The Declaration of London. Zondon, P. S. King & son, 1911. 31 p. 21^"^. 696 Barclay, Sir Thomas. The Declaration of London. Fortnightly review, July, 1911, v. 90: 126-135. ap4,F7,v.90 697 Baty, Thomas. The Declaration of London. Empire review, July, 1911, v. 21: 361-370. daio.E5,v.21 698 Britain and sea law. London, G. Bell and sons, ltd., 1911. viii, 112 p. 18'''^. Contents. — Preliminary. — Destruction of neutral ships. — Food, fuel, machinery, and cotton as contraband. — The penalty of contraband carriage. — Prize court procedure. — Miscellaneous (blockade, convoy, commissioning at sea). — Island kingdoms; the International prize court. — Means of constraint. "A short bibliography on the literature of the Declaration of Lon- don: p. 106-108. 11-29920 JX5211.B3 699 Current notes on international law. Law magazine and review, 1909-1911. 700 The inadequacy of litigation as a protection against cruisers. {In International law association. Report, 1910. London, 1910. 22'^°'. p. 115-119.) JX24.I5 1910 701 Bentwich, Norman De Mattos. The Declaration of London, with an introduction and notes and appendices. London, E. V/ilson; [etc., etc.], 1911. vii p., 1 I., 179 p. 22^"^. "The Declaration of London . . . was drawn up by the Naval conference of London, held in 1909." — Introduction. Contents. — Introduction. — Commentary on the Declaration of Lon- don. — Appendices: A. Text of the Declaration in French and EngUsh. B. Text of the Hague convention for the establishment of an international prize court. C. Text of the Declaration of Paris. D. Text of the Naval prize biU, 1910, pt. i-iii. 11-18848 JX5203 1909b 702 The Declaration of London. Fortnightly review, Aug. 1910, v. 94: 327-339. AP4.F7,v.94 92 MAEITIME LAW IN WAK OS' 703 Bernsten, Karl Hamilkar. Das Seekriegsrecht. Berlin, F. VaJilen, 1911. xv, SS5 p. 23"^. " Literatuxverzeichnis " : p. [vii]-xv. 11-28464 JX5213.B6 704 BottereU, J. J. D. Prize. Solicitor's journal and weekly reporter, Oct. 1, 1910, v. 5J^: 824-826. Law times, Oct. 1, 1910, v. 129: 499-602. History of the causes leading up to the Declaration of London. 705 Bowles, Thomas Gibson. Sea law and sea power as they would be affected by recent proposals; with reasons against those proposals. London, J. Murray, 1910. xv, [1], 296 p. 22^'^- "Documents . . . cited or referred to": p. xiii-xiv. Contents. — i. The law of the sea. — ii. War and trade. — m. War risks at sea. — iv. The Hague conference of 1907 and its conven- tions. — ^v. The Naval conference of London. — vi. The Declaration of London. — vn. Thejiew proposals — the Naval prize biU. — Ap- pendices: A. Cost of carriage by sea and land. B. Declaration of Paris, 1856. C. Final act of the Second peace conference held at the Hague in 1907, and conventions and declarations annexed thereto. D. Final protocol of the London Naval conference and Declaration of London, 1909. E. The Naval prize biU and Inter- national prize court convention. — Index. 11-1652 JX4411.B7 706 Bray, Francis Edmond. British rights at sea under the Decla- ration of London. London, P. S. King & son, 1911. 3 p. I., 3-99 p. 18"'^. 11-15623 JX1543.Z6M3 707 Bridge, Cyprian A. G. How the Declaration of London con- cerns the navy, {In Naval annual, 1911. London, 1911. 25«=™. p. 173-181.) V10.N3 1911 708 Chamber of shipping of the United Kingdom, London. Statement on the subject of the Declaration of London. [London, 1911?] 8 p. 33^'=^. JX5203 1909M 709 Cohen, Arthur. The Declaration of London; a lecture de- livered at University college, Gower street. London, Pub. for the University of London press, ltd., by Rodder & StougUon, 1911. 2 p. I., 183, [1] p. 19^"^. 11-25467 JX5203 1909 co 710 Same. (In International law association. Report, 26th conference held at The Guildhall, London, Aug. 2-5, 1910. London, 1910. 23*"". p. 67-88.) JX24.I5 1910 Abstract in Law journal (London), Aug. 6, 1910, v. 45: 523-526. 94 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 711 Controversy over the Declaration of London. Chautauquan, Sept. 1911, v. 64: 8-10. AP2.C48,v.64 712 Custance, Reginald. The naval case for ratifying the Dec- laration of London. Nineteenth century and after, Mar. 1912, v. 71: J^Sd-^IfJ^. AP4.N7,v.71 713 The Declaration of London. Nation, Mar. 25, 1909, v. 88: 292-293. AP2.N2,v.88 714 The Declaration of London. Quarterly review, Oct. 1909, v. 211: 464-^85. AP4.Q2,v.2ll 715 The Declaration of London. Quarterly review, Apr. 1911, v. 21 4: 536-564. AP4.Q2,v.2l4 716 The Declaration of London. Round table, Mar. 1912, no. 6: 285-311. 717 Declaration of London concerning the laws of naval war. {In Naval annual, 1911. London, 1911. 25'='". p. 450-458.) V10.N3 1911 718 Declaration of London ratification committee. Statement. 1. The Declaration of London; objections and answers. 2. The position of the British shipowner. London, Declaration of London ratification committee, [19-?] 3 pmps. 21^'"'^. JX6203 1900 719 A Defence of the Declaration of London. Fortnightly review. Mar. 1911, v. 89: 405-421. AP4.F7,v.89 720 Dupuis, Charles. La discussion de la Declaration de Londres au Parlement britannique. Revue generate de droit international public, July-Aug. 1911, 18. annee: 369-400. JX3.R56,18. annee 721 Le droit de la guerre maritime d'apres les conferences de la Haye et de Londres. Paris, A. Pedone, 1911. xxi, 621, [1] p. 23^"^. 12-10488 JX4412.D8 722 Dykes, D. Oswald. The laws of naval warfare: " The declara- tion of London." Juridical review, July, 1909, v. 21: 113-127. 723 Fitzgerald, Charles C. P. The Declaration of London. Fortnightly review. May, 1911, v. 96: 792-800. AP4.F7,v.96 MARITIME LAW IN WAR 95 724 Prance. Assemblee nationale, 1871 — Chambre des deputes. Annexe au projet de loi portant approbation de la con- vention relative k I'etablissement d'une Cour Inter- nationale des prises, signee k la Haye le 18 octobre 1907, et du protocole additionnel signe a la Haye le 18 septembre 1910. 30juinl911. (In France. Journal officiel. Documents parlementaires. Paris, 1911. 31^'^'°. Annexe no. 1103, p. 612-615.) J341.L4 725 Projet de loi portant approbation de la declara- tion relative au droit de la guerre maritime, signee a Londres le 26 fevrier 1909. 30 juin 1911. (In France. Journal officiel. Documents parlementaires. Paris, 1911. 31^«'". Annexe no. 1103, p. 615-616.) J341.L4 726 Ministere des affaires etrangeres. Documents diplo- matiques, Conference navale de Londres. 1908-1909. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1909. 3 p. I., 81 p. 31 Y'^. 11-18635 , JX5263.F8 727 Qt. Brit. Foreign office. Correspondence and documents re- pecting the International naval conference, held in Lon- don, December 1908-February 1909. Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. March 1909. London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Harrison and sons, [1909]. iv, 106 p. 33^'^. (Miscellaneous, no. 4, 1909.) Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 4554. 9-12333 JX5203 1909c 728 Same. November 1910. London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Harrison and sons, [1910]. 1 p. I, 25, [1] p. 33^^. (Miscellaneous, no. 4, 1910.) Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 5418. 11-7344 JX1393.L7G7 729 Same. In continuation of " Miscellaneous, no. 4 (1910)": Cd. 5418. London, Pub. by H. M. Stationery off., printed by Harrison and sons, [1911]. 1 p. l, 17, [1] p. 32^^. (MiscelU- neous no. 8, 1911.) Parliament. Papers by command, Cd. 5718. 12-26928 JX5203 1909cd 96 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 730 Gt. Brit, Foreign office. Correspondence respecting an addi- tional protocol to the convention relative to the establish- ment of an international prize court of October 18, 1907. London, Pub. by H. M. Stationery off., printed by Harrison and sons, [1911]. 7,[l]p. SS^"^. (Miscellaneous no. 4, 1911.) Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 5554. English and French. 11-18636 JX5263.G7 731 Parliament. House of commons. Parliamentary de- bates, 1909-1911. London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by J. Truscott c& son, 1909-1911. 33 v. 24^"^. Declaration of London: See General indexes, v. 13, p. 336; v. 20, p. 110; V. 33, p. 210-211. J301.H62 732 House of lords. Debate on the Declaration of London, March 8-13, 1911. {In its Parliamentary debates, 1911, v. 7. London, 1911. 24^"". col. 325-372, 375-420, 432^76.) J301.H6 1911,v.7 733 Harris, F. Leverton. The Declaration of London. National review, Nov. 1910, v. 56: 393-408. AP4.N25,v.56 734 Harrison, Frederic. The Declaration of London. English review, Mar. 1911, v. 7: 709-715. ap4.E523,v.7 73.5 Hirschmann, Otto. Das Internationale Prisenrecht nach den Beschliissen der ii. Haager Friedens- und der Londoner Seekriegsrechts-Konferenz. MiincJien und Berlin, J. Schweitzer (A. SeUier), 1912. 3 p. I., 158 p. 23Y^. " Literatnr-Verzeichnis " : 3d prelim, leaf. 12-26733 JX5213.H6 736 Hold von Ferneck, Freiherr Alexander. Die Londoner See- kriegsrechtskonferenz Zeitschrift fiir das privat und offentliche Recht, 1909, v. 36: 301-338. 737 Holland, Thomas Erskine. La convention de la Cour des prises et la Declaration de Londres. Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, 1911, V. 13: 337-355. JX3.B4,v.l3 738 Neutral duties in a maritime war, as illustrated by recent events. London, Pub. for the British academy by H. Provide, [1905]. cover-title, 16 p. 25'^^. From the proceedings of the British academy, vol. ii. A 12-323 JX5221.H73 MARITIME LAW IN WAR 97 739 The Immunity of private property at sea. 2. Theoretical. Quarterly review, July, 1911, v. 216: 1-22. AP4.Q2,v.2i6 740 Imperial conference and the Declaration of London. Outlook, June 17, 1911, v. 98: 322-323. AP2.08,v.98 741 International naval conference, London, 1908-1909. The Declaration of London, 1909. Issued as supplement to the Hongkong telegraph. [n. p., n. d.] cover-title, 16 p. 20Y^. "Translation . . . The Declaration was signed in the French language only." ca 11-3418 JX5203 1909d 742 Proceedings of the International naval conference, held in London, December 1908-February 1909. London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., hy Harrison and sons, [1909]. XX, 393 p. 33^'^. \[Gt. Brit. Foreign office]. Miscellaneous, no. 5, 1909.) Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 4555. French text. 9-12359 JX5203 1909a 743 International prize law and the Declaration of London. Edinburgh review, July, 1909, v. 210: 162-178. AP4.E3,v.210 744 Krauel, R. Die intemationale Konferenz iiber Seekriegsrecht in London. Deutsche Revue, June, 1909, v. 34: 301-311. AP30.D35,v.34 745 La Hautiere, R. de. Conference navale de Londres 4 decembre 1908-26 fevrier 1909; contrebande de guerre et assistance hostile. Bordeaux, Y. Cadoret, imprimeur, 1910. 1 p. I., [v]-viii, 233 p., 11. 25'='^. " BibUographie " : p. v-viii. 12-12022 JX5203.1910.L3 746 Lawrence, T. J. The Declaration of London and food-stuffs. Contemporary review, Mar. 1911, v. 99: 348-356. AP4.C7,v.99 747 Le Bourdelles, Raymond. Le droit international public mari- time d'apres le point de vue anglais; son histoire, sa formation, ses regies directrices. Paris, A. Pedone, 1906. 31 p. 25^"^. 11-5979 JX4419.L5 62554°— 14 7 98 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 748 Lemonon, Ernest. La Conference navale de Londres (d^cem- bre 1908-fevrier 1909). Paris, F. Pichon et Durand-Auzias, 1909. 2 p. I., [7]-116 p., "La pr^sente etude a et^ publi6e dans la Revue de drqit interna- tional et de legislation compar^e 6dit6e ^ Bruxelles (fascicules de mai et juillet 1909) "Les annexes 1°, 3° et 4° ci-dessus sont extraites du Livre bleu anglais Proceedings of the International naval conference (Miscel- laneous, no. 5, 1909): I'annexe 2° du Livre jaune franfais, Con- ference navale de Londres, 1909." 10-7566 JX5203 1909 749 La conference navale de Londres. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, July 1, 1909, v. 28: 24-32. JX3.Q4,v.28 750 La conference navale de Londres. Revue politique et parlementaire, July 10, 1909, v. 61: 4'^-67. H3.B4,v.61 751 Lewin, P. Evans. Une opinion anglaise sur la Declaration de Londres. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, Feb. 1, 1912, v. 33: 139-148. JX3.Q4,v.33 752 Leyland, John. The Declaration of London. {In Naval annual, 1911. London, 1911. 25'^'«. p. 163-172.) V10.N3 1911 753 Macdonell, Sir John. The Declaration of London. (In International law association. Report, 26th conference held at the Guildhall, London, Aug. 2-5, 1910. London, 1910. 23"'°. p. 89-115.) JX24.I5 1910 Abstract in Law journal (London), Aug. 6, 1910, v. 45: 526. 754 Some plain reasons for immunity from capture of pri- vate property at sea. London, J. Murray, 1910. cover-title, 23, [1] p. 21^"^. 12-12406 JX5305.M3 755 Monsell, B. E, The Declaration of London. Fortnightly review, Feb. 1911, v. 95: 263-276. AP4.F7,v.96 756 Montagu, V. A. For and against the Declaration of London. Nineteenth century and after. Mar. 1911, v. 69: 402-416. AP4.N7,v.69 757 Myers, Denys P. The legal basis of the rules of blockade in the Declaration of London. American journal of international law, July, 1910, v. 4- ^^-^~ 695. JXl.A6,v.4 MARITIME LAW IN WAR 99 758 *Nieineyer, Prof. Das Seekriegsrecht nach der Londoner Dec- laration. Berlin, 1910. 759 Nippold, Otfried. Die zweite Haager Friedenskonferenz. Leipzig, Dunclcer c& Eumhlot, 1908-11. 2 v. -25 <^^. II. t. Das Kriegsrecht unter Mitberucksichtigung der Londoner Seerechtskonf erenz . 12-17586 JX1916.N6 760 Oppenheim, Lassa F. L. Enemy character after the Decla- ration of London. Law quarterly review, Oct. 1909, v. 25: 372-384. 761 Ozanam, Charles. La jiu-idiction Internationale des prises maritimes. Paris, L. Larose et L. Tenin, 1910. 4 p. I, [5]-315 p. 25^"^. "Index bibliographique": p. 299-305. 11-13886 762 Pachnicke, Hermann. Die neuere Entwicklmig des Seekriegs- rechts. Zeitschriftfur Politilc, 1911, v. 4: 125-133. JA14.Z4,v.4 763 Patterson, R. A. The Declaration of London. Contemporary review, July, 1911, v. 100: 77-87. AP4.C7,v.l00 764 Peace agreements. Nation, Mar. 30, 1911, v. 92: 310. AP2.N2,v.92 765 Pepy, Andre. L'asile maritime en temps de guerre et la deu- xieme Conference de la paix (1907). Paris, A. Rousseau, 1913. 2 p. I., 266 p., 2 I. 25^"^. "Bibliographie": p. 261-263. 14-5149 JX5239.P4 766 Politis, N. La Declaration de Londres de 1909 sur divers points de droit maritime. Journal du droit international prive et de la jurisprudence comparee, 1909, v. 36: 897-917; 1910, v. 37: 35-46. JX6002.J5,v.36-37 767 Potter, J. W. For and against the Declaration of London. Nineteenth century and after. Mar. 1911, v. 69: 402-413. AP4.N7,v.69 768 The Question of ratification. Nation, Feb. 23, 1911, v. 92: 185-186. AP2.N2,v.92 100 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 769 Reinsch, P. S. Landmark in international progress. North American review, Oct. 1909, v. 190: I^t 9-1^11 . AP2.N7,v.lOO 770 *Renault, L. La conference navale de Londres. Paris, 1909. 771 Root, Elihu. The real significance of the Declaration of London. American journal of international law, July, 1912, v. 6: 588- 594. Address at the Sixth annual meeting of the American society of international law, Apr. 25, 1912. JXl.A6,v.6 772 Schramm, Georg. Das Prisenrecht in seiner neuesten Gestalt. Berlin, E. S. Mittler und SoTin, 1913. xix, 580 p. 26'^'^. " Literaturverzeichnis " : p. xv-xix. 14-2466 JX5253.S4 773 Stockton, C. H. The international naval conference of Lon- don, 1908-1909. American journal of international law, July, 1909, v. 3: 596- 618. JXl.A6,v.3 774 The London naval conference of 1908. {In Lake Mohonk conference on international arbitration. Report, 1909. Mohonk Lake, N. Y., 1909. 23«"». p. 45-49.) JX1932.L3 1909 775 A manual of international law for the use of naval officers. Annapolis, Md., Naval institute, 1911. 313 p. WV'^. 11-1650 JX3180.S7 776 Stowell, Ellery C. The International naval conference and the Declaration of London. ATTierican political science review, Nov. 1909, v. 3: 489-506. JAl.A6,v.3 777 London naval conference. Independent, June 10, 1909, v. 66: 1283-1296. ap2.I53,v.66 778 *Streit, G. The naval conference of London. Athens, 1909. 779 Tryon, James L. The freedom of commerce m time of war. A concise statement of the question of immunity from capture of private property at sea. [Boston, Mass., American peace society, 1908.] 8 p. 21Y'"- 11-13047 JX5228.T8 MARITIME LAW IN WAR 101 780 UUmann, Emanual, Bitter von. Die Fortbildung des Seeki'iegs- rechts durch die Londoner Deklaration vom 26. Februar 1909. Jahrbuch des ofentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, 1910, v. 4' 1-55. jm3.031,v.4 781 U. S. Naval war college, Newport. International law situa- tions with solutions and notes. [1901-1913.] Washington, [Govt, print, of.], 1901-1914. 12 v. 23Y'"'. General index . . . with bibUography and table of contents, v. i to x, 1901-1910. Washington, [Govt, print, off.], 1912. Ill, [1] p. 23^"^. JX1295.U4 782 Navy dept. Hague and Geneva conventions. Washington, [Govt, print, of., 1911]. 1 p. l, 172 p. 23^"^. 11-35848 JX4526.XJ6 783 Valentine, G. D. The Declaration of London. Juridical review, Apr., Ju'ly, 1911, v. 23: 1-31; 103-141. 784 Wehberg, Hans. Die Abkommen der Haager Friedenskonfe- renzen der Londoner Seekriegskonferenz nebst Genfer Konvention. Berlin, J. Guttentag, 1910. xii,270p. 13¥^. {Guttentag' sche Sammlung deutscher Reichsgesetze, Nr. 99.) 785 Westlake, John. The Declaration of London. Nineteenth century and after, Mar. 1910, v. 67: 505-515. AP4.N7,v.67 786 International law. Cambridge, The University press, 1910-1913. 2 v. 22'''^. "Declaration of London and blockade": v. 2, p. 255-276. JX2588.I6 1910 787 Wilson, H. W. The Declaration of London and its surrender to Germany. National review. Mar. 1911, v. 57: 54-67. AP4.N25,v.57 Living age, Apr. 15, 1911, v. 269: 137-145. AP2.L65,v.269 788 The House of Lords and the Declaration of London. National review, Apr. 1911, V. 57: 245-250. AP4.N25,v.57 789 — Sea law made m Germany. National review, Jan. 1911, v. 56: 740-754- ap4.N25,v.56 790 Wood, Thomas McKinnon. British commerce and the Declara- tion of London. A speech delivered at Merchants' hall, Baltic exchange, on March 14th, 1911. [Authorized ed.] London, The Liberal publication department, [1911]. 19 p. 11-20887 JX6203.1911.W6 MARINE INSURANCE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO WAR RISK INSURANCE 791 Abbot, Everett V. Perils of the sea: a study of marine in- surance. Harvard law review, Nov. 1893, v. 7: 221-230. 792 Arnould, Sir Joseph. Arnould on the law of marine insurance. 4th ed. by David Maclachlan. London, Stevens & sons [etc.], 1872. 2 v. 26'^^ See index v. 2 under War risks. 13-10827 793 Atherley-Jones, Llewellyn Archer, and Hugh H. L. Bellot. Commerce in war. London, Methuen & co., [1907]. xxii, 654 p., 1 I. 26'='^. "Capture and condemnation": p. 361-511. 8-8473 JX5281.A8 794 Atkinson, George. The shipping-laws of the British empire: consisting of Park on marine insurance and Abbott on shipping. London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1864- Iv, 317 p. 23'"". See index under War. 10-26476 795 Benecke, William. A treatise on the principles of indemnity in marine insurance, bottomry and respondentia. London, Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, 1824. xxiv, 4^^ P- Perils of war: p. 223-228. 14-6722 796 Brassey, Thomas Brassey, 1st earl. Ship insurance and loss of life at sea. Nineteenth century. Mar. 1884, v. 15: 4Ji^~A^A- AP4.N7,v.l5 797 Britisli dominions general insurance company. Hand- book of marine insurance. Liverpool, C. BircJiall, 1913. 47 p. 24"^"". War risks: p. 20-21. HE965.B7 102 p MARINE INSURANCE 103 798 Campbell, Robert. Ruling cases, v. 14. London, Stevens and sons, 1898. 833 p. 24"™. "An insurance effected in England in time of peace on foreign property does not cover a loss by capture of that property by a British ship after hostilities between two countries have been commenced": p. 125-138. 799 Chalmers, Sir Mackenzie Dalzell Edwin Stewart, and Douglas Owen, eds. The Marine insurance act, 1906. 2d ed. London, Butterworth c& co.; [etc., etc.], 1913. xxxi, 219 p. 13-16853 800 The Confederate cruiser Shenandoah. Insurance against cap- ture, and the Geneva award. New York, Powers, Macgowan & Slipper, printers, 1873. 13, [1] p. 23""^. 2-18869 E599.S5C7 801 Droz, Alfred Edouard. Trait e des assurances maritimes, du delaissement et des avaries. Paris, E. Thorin, 1881. 2 v. 22^^. {Billiothhiue juridiqiie contemporaine. 1-2.) 10-33930 802 Duckworth, Lawrence. An epitome of the law affecting marine insurance. 2d ed., rev. and enl. London, E. Wilson, 1907. xi, 186 p. 19'='^. 12-24530 803 Duer, John. The law and practice of marine insurance. New-YorTc, J. S. Voorhies, 1845-46. 2 v. 24^"^-- See V. 1, p. 413-690. 12-13110 804 Eldridge, William Henry. Marine policies; a complete state- lb ment of the law concerning contracts of marine insur- H ance, with an appendix, containing the Marine insurance B act, 1906, and other statutes. Wl London, ButterwoHh & co., 1907. xxv, 373 p. 22^^"^. HU 12-24548 ^»05 Gow, William. Marine insurance; a handbook. London, MacmiUan and co., limited, 1910. xxvii, 467, [1] p. Jgcm 12-24533 104 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 806 Gt. Brit. Treasury. Committee on national guarantee for war risks of shipping. National guarantee for the war risks of shipping. Report [and Appendices]. London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., hy Wyman and sons, limited, 1908. 2 v. in 1. SSY™'. {[Parliameni. Papers hy command.] Cd. 4161-4162.) Joseph A. Chamberlain, chairman. Contents. — v. 1. Report by the Committee. — v. 2. Appendix to the report . . . Minutes of evidence and appendices. 8-33966 HE966.G7 807 Hamburg. Asselcuranzmahler. Allgemeine Seeversichenings- Bedingungen von 1910. Hamburg, L. Friederichsen & co., 1909. 358 p. BS""^. Kriegsgefahr: p. 235-238. HE967.H2 808 Hamburg. Handelskam.mer. Allgemeine Seeversicherungs- Bedingungen. 1867. Hamburg, H. G. Voigfs Buchdruckerei, 1867. 87, [1] p. 22^"^. See index under Kriegsgefahr. 6-32620t HE967.H23 809 General conditions of marine insm-ance, 1867. Author- ized translation, by Ernst Emil Wendt, London. Hamburg, 1868. v, 94 p. 22^"^. "Extent of risk " : p. 27-30. 6-32619t HE967.H24 810 Hoffman, Frederick Ludwig. Insurance science and economics; a practical discussion of present-day problems of admin- istration, methods and results. Chicago, New York, The Spectator company, 1911. 3 p. I., xiii, 5-366 p. 25^"^. See index under War insurance. 11-11326 HG8061.H6 81 1 Hopkins, Manley. A manual of marine insurance. London, Smith, Elder, cfc co. [etc.], 1867. 2 p. I., [iii]-xiif 544 V- 22'^'^. 12-34599 812 Huebner, Solomon S. The development and present status of marine insurance in the United States. American ac-ademy of political and social science. Annals, Sept. 1905, V. 26: 421-452. Hl.A4,v.26 813 PoHcy contracts in marine insurance. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Sept. 1905, V. 26: 453-479. Hl.A4,v.26 MAEINE INSURANCE 105 814 Huebner, Solomon S. Property insurance, comprising fire and marine insurance, corporate surety bonding, title insur- ance, and credit insurance. New York and London, D. Appleton and company, 1911. xxii, 4^1 p. forms (part fold.) 20'^'^. See index under War. 11-6009 HG8051.H7 815 Insurance and the war. Saturday review, Apr. 30, 1898, v. 85: 587. AP4.S3,v.85 816 Insurance of enemy property during war. Juridical review, 1913, v. 25: 210-211. 817 Insurance on the property of neutrals. Journal of jurisprudence, Apr. I864, v. 8: 169-193. 818 Kiesselbach, George Arnold. Die wirtschafts- und rechtsge- schichtliche Entwickelung der Seeversicherung in Ham- burg. Hamburg, L. Grdfe & Sillem, 1901. vi, 181, [1] p. 4 fold, tab. 23^"^. See index under Kriege. 2-28886 HE964.K47 819 Lloyd's marine insurance. Law times, Apr. 11, 1914, v. 136: 615-616. 820 Loss by capture. When ship carrying contraband goods is wrecked in hands of captors, when does loss occur under the policy.^ Law journal, Sept. 5, 1908, v. 43: 542. 821 Manes, Alfred. Versicherungswesen. 2., umgearb. und erwei- terte AuH. Leipzig [etc.], B. G. Teubner, 1913. xiv p., 1 l, 485 p. 23'='^. (B. G. Teubners Handbucher filr Handel und Gewerbe.) See index under Kriege. 13-22832 HG8051.M27 1913 822 Marshall, Samuel. A treatise on the law of marine insurance, bottomry, and respondentia. 5th ed. By William Shee. London, Sliaw and sons, 1865. 3 p. I., [vY-xxix, 694 P- 24^'^. "Of loss by capture, or "Takings at sea": p. 394-401. 12-36554 106 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 823 Martin, Frederick. The history of Lloyd's and of marine in- surance in Great Britain. With an appendix containing statistics relating to marine insurance. London, Macmillan and CO., 1876. xx,416p. diagrs. 22^*^^. "List of books referred to, or consulted, relating to the history, law, and practice of marine insurance.": p. [xi}-xx. "Lloyd's during war": p. 161-182. 5-1609 HE964.M37 824 Metcalf, E[liab] W[iglit]. Geneva award. Five minutes in re- ply to argument for insurance companies, before H. R. Judiciary committee. [Washington f 1874.] 6 p. 23'^'". 5-27187t E699.S5M56 825 Moldenhauer, Paul. Das Versicherungswesen. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen, 1906. 151 p. 15^^. (Sammlung Goschen. [262].) "Literatur": p. 4. Kriegsgefahr: p. 15, 26. 6-1416 HG8061.M72 826 Phelps, Edward Bunnell, comp. War risks. Authorized state- ments from all the leading life insurance companies out- lining their prospective action in the case of policy-holders now serving or contemplating service in the U. S. army or navy. The status of fire insurance companies in the mat- ter of war risks. Previous insurance experience in war times. Prominent fire, marine and accident under- writers' views on the war problem. New YorJc, The Thrift publishing company, 1898. 71 p. 20""^. 7-4072t HG8055.P53 827 Roberts, Chalmers. Lloyd's, the great marine insurance com- pany. World's loorJc, Apr. 1903, v. 5: 3295-3302. AP2.W8,v.5 828 Roscoe, E. S. The progress of marine insurance in England. Eraser's magazine, Dec. 1877, v. 96: 707-719. aP4.F8,v.96 829 Savary, Robert. Les assurances mutuelles. Paris, H. Jouve, 1903. 2 p. l, ii p., 1 I, 282 p. 25^'"'^. "Bibliographie": p. i-ii. De I'assurance du risque de guerre: p. 20&-211. 0-2959 HG8057.S3 830 Schmidt, Louis. Das Ganze des Versicherungswesens. 2. Aufi. Stuttgart, J. Maier, [1871]. 1 p.l, [v]-viii, 352 p. 22^"^. "Die Versicherung gegen Kriegsgefahr": p. 225-226. 7-802t HG8051.S36 MEDIATION 107 831 U. S. Bureau of manufactures (Dept. of commerce and labor). Insurance in foreign countries. Washington, Govt, print, of., 1905. 253 p. 23^"^. {Special consular reports, vol. xxxviii.) "Fire and marine insurance": p. 193-253. 5-42565 HCl.S2,v.38 832 Vivante, Cesare. Traite theorique et pratique des assurances maritimes; tr., annote, complete et mis en rapport avec la legislation et la jurisprudence franpaises et beiges, par Victor Yseux. Paris, A. Pedone, 1898. xl, 564 V- '^^'"'• 13-9680 833 The World's greatest gambling house — Lloyd's. Scientific American supplement. May If., 1907 , v. 63: 26199. Tl.S52,v.63 834 Zartman, Lester William, ed. Fire insurance. New Haven, Conn., Yale university press; [etc., etc.}, 1909. via, If.Ji.6 p. 22'^'^. {Yale readings in insurance.) See index under War. 9-24967 HG0665.Z3 MEDIATION 836 Amos, Sheldon. Political and legal remedies for war. London, Paris and New York, Cassell, Petter, Galpin c& co. 1880. 3 p. I., a, 364 P- 23'^'^- "On mediation and arbitration": p. 163-172. 10-16358t JX1948.A6 837 Baker, Sir George Sherston, hart. First steps in international law; prepared for the use of students. Boston, Little, Brown d' company, 1899. 3 p. I., [ix]-xxxi, 428 p. 22^"^. "Mediation": \>. 165-167. 10-17119t JX3211.F5 1899 838 Barclay, Sir Thomas. Problems of international practice and diplomacy, with special reference to the Hague confer- ences and conventions and other general international agreements. London, Sweet <£• Maxwell, ltd.; Boston, Mass., Boston hook company, 1907. xix, 383, [1] p. 28 x 22^"^. "Revision of the mediation clauses of the peace convention": p. 191-203, 215-216. 7-42317 JX1593.B3 108 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 839 Bluntschli, Johann Kaspar. Le droit international codifie par Bluntschli . . . tr. de rallemand par M. C. Lardy. 5. 6d., rev. et augm. Paris, GuiUauminetc^'', 1896. xxxii,602p. 23'^. {Sccmo- mistes et puilicistes contemporains.) See index under Mediation. 4-8225 JX1268.B45 1896 840 Bonfils, Henry Joseph Francois Xavier. Manuel de droit inter- national public (droit des gens). 6. 6d. rev. et mise au courant . . . Paris, A. Rousseau, 1912. viii, 1121 p. 22^'^. See index under Mediation. 12-16662 JX2608.M2 1912 841 The Book of peace ; a collection of essays on war and peace. Boston, G. C. Beclcwith; PMladelpJiia, Perkins and Purves; [etc., etc.], 1845. 3 p. I., 606 p. 19^"^. Mediation: p. 214-216. 6-31505 JX1949.B7 842 Boyle, Homer L. History of peace. Comp. from governmental records, official reports, treaties, conventions, peace con- ferences and arbitrations. Grand Rapids, Mich., History of peace publishing co., ['^1902]. 6 p. I., 372 p. 20^"^- "Arbitrations, and the distinction between mediation and arbitra- tion": p. 49-65. 6-6219 JX1938.B7 843 Bry, Georges Ernest. Precis elementaire de droit international public. 6. ed. completement rev. Paris, L. Larose & L. Tenin, 1910. viii, 72^ p. 23'^'^. "Bons offices. Mediation": p. 482^86. 12-23161 JX2613.B8P8 1910 844 Calvo, Carlos. Le droit international theorique et pratique; precede d'un expose historique des progr^s de la science du droit des gens. 5. 6d., rev. et completee par un sup- plement. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1896. 6 v. 26^'^. "Mediation": v. 3, p. 413-432; v. 6, p. 323-326. 10-15585t JX2984.D6 1896 845 Creasy, Sir Edward Shepherd. First platform of international law. London, J. Van Voorst, 1876. xv, 710 p. 23^"^. "Mediation": p. 392-394. .>-26345 JX2514.F5 1876 MEDIATION 109 846 The dangers of mediation. Saturday review, June 17, 1899, v. 87: 7J!^-7/f3. AP4.S3,v.87 847 Davis, George Breckenridge. The elements of international law, with an account of its origin, sources and historical development. 3d ed., rev. to date . . . New York and London, Harper & hrothers, 1908. xxx, 678 p. 21"'^. See index under Mediation. 8-23585 JX2468.E3, 1908 848 Despagnet, Frantz Clement Rene. Cours de droit interna- tional public. 4. ed. completement revue, augm. et mise au courant, par Ch. de Boeck. Paris, L. LaroseetL. Tenin, 1910. vi, 1430 p. 23'^. See index under Mediation. 11-29651 JX2641.C8 1910 849 Dreyfus, Ferdinand i. e. Camille Ferdinand. L'arbitrage inter- national, avec une preface de Frederic Passy. Paris, Calmann Levy, 1892. 2 p. I., xix, 396 p. 18^'^. Arbitrages et mediations: p. 27-29. 9-3789 JX1948.D8 850 Fiore, Pasquale. Nouveau droit international pubUc, suivant les besoins de la civilisation moderne. 2. ed. Tr. de I'italien et annotee par Charles Antoine. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, G. Pedone-Lauriel, suc- cesseur, 1885-86. 3 v. 23'^'^. (Bihliotheque intemaiiondle (& diplomatique, xi-xiii.) Mediation: v. 2, p. 388-389. 6-28769 JX2881.N5 1886 851 Fleischmann, Max. Volkerrechtsquellen in Auswahl. Ualle a. S., Verlag der Buchliandlung des Waisenliauses, 1906. xii, 380 p. 23^"^. See index under Vermittlung. 6-10467 JX77.F5 852 Fourchault, Charles. De la mediation, (fitude de droit in- ■— , ternational.) W Paris, Arthur Rousseau, 1900. 386 p. 26Y'^. JX4475.F6 853 Gallaudet, Edward Miner. A manual of international law. 4th ed. New York, H. EoU and ccmipany, 1892. xxviii, 338 p. 19"'^. "Amicable adjustment of differences between states": p. 192-199. 10-17479t JX2467.M2 1892 110 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 854 Gulliver, Lucile. The friendship of nations; a story of tne peace movement for yomig people. Boston, New York [etc.], Ginn and company, ['^1912]. xxii, 293 p. incl. front., iUus. 19'^'^. Mediation: p. 65-67. 12-16093 JX1953.G8 855 Hague. International peace conference. 2d, 1907. Kom- mentar zu dem Ilaager "Abkommen betreffend die fried- liche Erledigung internationaler Streitigkeiten " vom 18. Oktober 1907. Von Hans Wehberg. Tubingen, J. C. B. Molir (P. SiehecJc), 1911. xi, 186 p. 23Y'^. (Archiv des bjfentlicJien RecJits, Tirsg. von P. La- hand, 0. Mayer und R. Piloty. I. Beilageheft.) "Gute Dienste und Vermittlung": p. 10-21. 11-27095 JX1926.A2 1911 856 Halleck, Henry Wager. Halleck's International law or rules regulating the intercourse of states in peace and war. 4th ed., thoroughly revised and in many parts rewritten; by Sir G. Sherston Baker, assisted by Maurice N. Druc- quer. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner cfc co., ltd., 1908. 2 v. OgXcm "Mediation": v. 1, p. 498-500. 8-26218 JX2475.I6 1908 857 Heffter, August Wilhelm. Le droit international de I'Europe. Tr. par Jules Bergson. 4. ed. franpaise, augm. et annot^e par F. Heinrich Geffcken. Berlin, E. W. Muller; Paris, A. CotiUon & c'«, 1883. xv, 676 p. 22^"^. Mediation: p. 203-204. 4-19581 JX2787.E5 1883 858 Hershey, Amos Shartle. The essentials of international public law. New York, The MacmiUan company, 1912. 3 p. I., v-xlviii p., 1 I., 658 p. 22^"^. See index under Mediation. 12-22953 JX3131.E7 1912 859 Higgins, Alexander Pearce. The Hague conference and other international conferences concerning the laws and usages of war. Texts of conventions with notes. London, Stevens and sons, limited, 1904- 88 p. 24Y'^- "On good offices and mediation": p. A4rA.b. 4-32676 JX4505.H6 MEDIATION 111 861 Higgins, Alexander Pearce. The Hague peace conferences and other international conferences concerning the laws and usages of war; texts of conventions with commentaries. Camhridge, The University press, 1909. xiv, 632 p. ^^i^™- 10-6584 JX4505.H6 862 Holland, Thomas Erskine. Letters to " the Times " upon war and neutrality (1881-1909) with some commentary. 2d ed., with additional letters from 1909 to 1913. London, New YorJc, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and co., 1914. xii, 203 f. 22^"^. Mediation: p. 1, 2, 4. 14-6035 JX4521.H73 1914 863 Holls, Frederick William. The peace conference at The Hague, and its bearings on international law and policy. New YorJc, London, The Macmillan company, 1900. xxiv p., 1 l, 572 p. 23''^. "On good offices and mediation": p. 176-203. Nov. 22, 1900-85 ^ JX1916.H7 864 Holtzendorflf, Franz J. W. P. von, ed. Handbuch des Volker- rechts. Auf grundlage europaischer Staatspraxis, Berlin, C. Halel; [etc., etc.], 1885-89. 4 v. 23<='». "Vermittelung": v. 4, p. 23-30. 10-19734-51 JX2791.H2 1886 865 HuU, William Isaac. The new peace movement. Boston, The World peace foundation, 1912. xi, 216 p. 20'^. See .index under Mediation. 13-1406 JX1953.H8 867 Kamarovsk'u, Leonid Aleksieevich, graf. Le tribunal interna- tional. Ouvrage tr. par Serge de Westman. Paris, G. Pedone-Lauriel, 1887. 1 p. I., xxxiv, 528 p. 22'^^. [Bibliotheque international <& diplomatique, v. 21.] "Bons offices": p. 80-102. 10-21387 JX1948.K3 868 Kent, James. Kent's commentary on international law, ed. by J. T. Abdy. 2d ed. rev, and brought down to the present time. Camhridge, Deighton, Bell, and co.; [etc., etc.], 1877. xvi, 525 p. 19^"^. Mediation: p. 153-155. 12-17259 JX2478.C4 1877 869 Kliiber, Johann Ludwig. Droit des gens modeme de I'Europe, revu, annote et complete par A. Ott. 2. 6d. Paris, Guillaumin et c*« [etc.], 1874- xxxii, 573 p. 22^^. "Bons offices et mediation": p. 230-231, 455-459. 9-18857 JX2804.D6 112 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 870 Lake Mohonk conference on international arbitration. Re- port of the third annual meeting, 1897. New York and Boston, Lake Molionk arbitration conference, 1897. 160 p. 23^"^. See index under Mediatory tribunals. JX1932.L3 1897 871 Lammasch, Heinrich. Die Rechtskraf t internationaler Schieds- spriichc. New York, G. P. Putnam's sons; [etc., etc.], 1913. 6 p. I., 227, {5\ p. 26'^'^. (Publications de VInstitut Nobel norve- gien. t. ii,fasc. 2.) Vennittelung: p. 33-36. 13-8927 JX1952.L2 872 Lawrence, Thomas Joseph. International problems and Hague conferences. London, J. M. Dent & co., 1908. x, 210 p., 1 I. 19^"^. Mediation: p. 54-56. 8-27383 JX1918.L3 873 The principles of international law. 4th ed., rev. and rewritten. London, Macmillan & co., limited, 1910. xxi, 7J^5 p. 21Y'^. See index under Mediation. 10-33676 JX2542.P3 1910a 874 Lemonon, Ernest. La seconde Conference de la paix, La Haye (juin-octobre 1907). Paris, F. PicJion et Durand-Auzias, 1908. 3 p. I., iv, 793 p., 1 I 26^"^. "Bona offices, Mediation": p. 69-94. 8-29593 JX1918.LS 875 Levi, Leone. International law, with materials for a code of international law. London, K. Paul, Trench & co., 1887. xii, 346 p. 19""^. ( The international scientific series. [English ed.] vol. lxii.) "Good offices and mediation": p. 266-267. 10-17124 JX2645.I6 1887 876 Liszt, Franz von. Das Volkerrecht. 9. umgearb. Aufl. Berlin, 0. Earing, 1913. xii, 565 p. 23'^. See index under Vennittelung. 13-13375 JX3445.V4 1913 877 Maine, Henry Sumner. International law. 2d ed. London, J. Murray, 1894. 234 P- S^'"'^- "Proposals to abate war": p. 207-228. JX2555.I6 1894 MEDIATIOX 113 880 Martens, Fedor Fedorovich. Volkerrecht. Das intemationale Recht der civilisirten Nationen. Deutsche Ausg. von Carl Bergbohm. Berlin, Weidmann, 1883-86. 2 v. 23^"^. "Vermittelung": v. 1, p. 408; v. 2, p. 455-457. ll-22992t * JX2951.V6 1883 881 Melik, Eugene J. La mediation et les bons offices. Paris, A. Chevalier- Marescq & cie, 1900. 265 p. 25^^^. JX4476.M4 882 Merignhac, Alexandre. La conference intemationale de la paix; etude historique, exegetique et critique des tra- vaux et des resolutions de la Conference de la Haye de 1899. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1900. viii, JfiO y. 22Y'^- "Des bons offices et de la mediation": p. 265-277. l-F-2279 JX1916.M5 883 Trait e de droit public international. Paris, Librairie generale de droit cf." de jurisprudence, F. Pichon et Durand-Auzias, administrateurs, 1905-12. ^ v. Ogcm "La mediation": v. 1, p. 429-447. 6-5164 JX3351.T7 1905 884 Meurer, Christian. Die Haager Friedenskonferenz. Miinchen, J. Schweitzer Verlag {A. SeUier), 1905-07. 2 v. "Die Vermittlung": v. 1, p. 104-129. 6-3525 JX1916.M55 885 Moore, John Bassett. A digest of international law. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1906. 8 v. 24^"^. ([U. 8.] 56th Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. 551.) Good offices: v. 6, p. 324-333; v. 7, p. 2-24. 6-35196 JX237.M7 886 Mougins de Roquefort, Charles de. De la solution juridique des conflits internationaux ; I'arbitrage international, histoire, f onctionnement , reformes. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1889. 2 p. l, vii, [3}-292 p. 22^"^. "La mediation obUgatoire " : p. 244-249. 9-8118 JX1938.M75 887 Nippold, Otfried. Die Fortbildung des Verfahrens in volker- rechtlichen Streitigkeiten. Leipzig, Duncker & Eumhlot, 1907. vi, 665, [1] p. 24^"^. " Das Vermittlungsverfahren " : p. 411^52. 7-31240 JX1952.N6 62554°— 14 8 114 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 888 Nippold, Otfried. Die zweite Haager Friedenskonferenz. Leipzig, Duncker & Eumhlot, 1908-11. 2 v. 25'''^. "Das Vermittlungsverfahren " : v. 1, p. 21-22. 12-17586 JX1916.N6 889 Nys, Ernest. Le droit international; les principes, les theories, Ics faits. Nouv. ed. Bruxelles, M. Weissenhruch, 1912. 3 v. 25^"^. " L'interposition des bona offices et la mediation": v. 2, p. 543-646. 12-23096 JX2702.D7 1912 890 Oppenheim, Lassa Francis Lawrence. International law, a treatise. 2d ed. London, New York [etc.], Longmans, Green and co., 1912. 2 v. "Good offices and mediation": v. 2, p. 10-15. 12-9559 JX3264.I6 1912 892 Phillimore, Sir Robert Joseph, hart. Commentaries upon inter- national law. 3d ed. London, Butterworths, 1879-89. 4 v. 22'='^. See index v. 4 under Mediation. 10-15576t JX2565.C4 1879 893 Physsenzides, Nearque. L'arbitrage international et I'^ta- blissment d'un empire grec. Bruxelles, J. Goemaere, 1897. vi, 226 y. 2SY'^. "Bons offices et mediation " : p. 36-^1. 10-17108t JX1948.P6 894 PoUtis, N. L'avenir de la mediation. Revue generale de droit international public. Mar. -Apr., 1910, V. 17: 136-163. JX3.ii56,v.l7 895 Pradier-Fodere, Paul Louis Ernest. Traite de droit inter- national public europeen & americain, suivant les progres de la science et de la pratique contemporaines. Paris, G. Pedone-Lauriel, 1885-1906. 8 v. 23'"^. Mediation: v. 2, p. 817-826. 6-32700 JX2725.T7 1886 896 Revon, Michel. L'arbitrage international, son pass6 — son pre- sent — son avenir. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1892. xxiv, 5^1 p. 22Y'^. "Les congr&s et la mediation " : p. 253-276. 8-26897 JX1938.B5 897 Revue generale de droit international public. La Con- ference de la paix, La Haye, 18 mai-29 juillet 1899. Paris, A. Pedone, 1900. 268, [1] p. 22^"^. "ilediation et commiBsions intemationales d'enquete": p. 112-130. l-F-1035 JX1916.B6 MEDIATION 115 898 Rivier, Alphonse Pierre Octave. Principes du droit des gens. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1896. 2 v. 22^"^. See index v. 2 under Mediation. 2-19974 JX3091.P9 1896 899 Rouard de Card, Edgard. Droit international; 1' arbitrage international dans le pass6, le present et Favenir. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1877. xviii, 150 p. "La mediation et 1 'arbitrage": p. 28-37. 1(>-I7075t JX1938.R7 900 Ruggiero, Ettore de. L'arbitrato pubblico in relazione col privato presso i Romani. Roma, L. Pasqualucci, 1893. viii, 396 p. 25^'^. "Mediazione e intervento": p. 66-68. 10-12818 JX1941.R8 901 Scott, James Brown. The Hague peace conferences of 1899 and 1907. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1909. 2 v. 23'^'^. See index v. 2 under Mediation. 9-14717 JX1918.S3 902 ed. Texts of the peace conferences at the Hague, 1899 and 1907, with English translation and appendix of re- lated documents. Boston and London, Pub. for the International school of peace, Ginn & company, 1908. xxxiv, 1^.1^7 p. incl. tables. 2^^'^- See index under Mediation. 8-31994 JX1916.S3 904 Stockton, Charles H. Some reasons why judicial methods for settlement of international disputes are superior to other methods. {In American society for judicial settlement of international dis- putes. Proceedings, 1910. Baltimore, 1910. 23'^°. p. 294-299.) JX1932.A6 1910 905 Taylor, Hannis. A treatise on international public law. Chicago, Callaghan & company, 1901. Ixxvi, 912 p. 24Y'^. See index under Mediation. 2-762 JX3181.T7 1901 906 Tod, Marcus Niebuhr. International arbitration amongst the Greeks. Oxford, The Clarendon press, 1913. xii, 196 p. 23^"^. See index under Mediation. 13-25042 JX1941.T6 116 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 908 Tomkins, F. J. International law, war, arbitration, and mediation. {In International law association. Report, 1895. London, 1896. 21""'. p. 50-53.) JX24.I5 1896 909 Twiss, Sir Travers. The law of nations considered as inde- pendent political communities. Oxford, University press; [etc., etc.], 1861-63. 2 v. 22^^^. "Mediation": v. 2, p. 12-21. 10-15578t JX2582.L4 1861-63 910 Ullmanii, Emanuel, Bitter von. Volkerrecht. Freihurg i. B. [etc.], J. C. B. Mohr (P. Siehech), 1898. xi, 376 f. 26^"^- (Handbuch des oeifentlichen Bechts. /., II. 2. 2. Aufl.) See index under ^'e^mittlung. 6-39890 JX2843.U6V7 1898 911 Vattel, Emmerich de. Le droit des gens, ou, Principes de la loi naturelle appliques a la conduite et aux affaires de« nations et des souverains. Nouv. ed. Paris, Lihrairie de GuiUaumin et c''«, 1863. 3 v. 22^^. Mediation: v. 2, p. 307-311; v. 3, p. 186-187. The Library of Congress has also English editions. 10-19772t JX2414.A1 1863 912 Wehberg, Hans. Das Problem eines internal ionalen Staaten- gerichtshofes. MiincTien und Leipzig, DuncJcer d' Humhlot, 1912. xx, 2^6 p. 24'^'^- (Das Werk vom Haag . . . Jirsg. von Walther ScTiiicJcing . . . 2. Bd.) "Die vermittelnde Natur der Entscheidungen der bisherigen be- sonderen Schiedsgerichte " : p. 17-28. 13-1509 JX1916.W6 bd.2 913 Wheaton, Henry, Elements of international law. 4th English ed., bringing the work down to the present time, by J. Beresford Atlay. London, Stevens and sons, limited, 1904- xxxv, 848 p. 25Y^. See index under Mediation. 4-21093 JX2495.E3 1904 914 Wilson, George Grafton. Good offices and mediation. {In Cyclopedia of American government. New York, 1914. 26''"". V. 2, p. 86.) JK9.C9,v.2 915 and George Fox Tucker. International law. 6th ed. Boston, New YorJc [etc.], Silver, Burdett and company, ['^1913]. xix, 505 p. 20^"'^. "Amicable settlement of disputes and non-hostile redress": p- 221-230. 13-21914 JX3191.15 1913 MEDIATION 117 916 Woolsey, Theodore Dwight. Introduction to the study of international law. 6th ed., rev. and enl., by Theodore Salisbury Woolsey. New YorTc, C. Scrihner's sons, 1891. xix, 527 p. 21'^'^. Mediation: p. 390-391. 7-il047 JX2498.I6 1891 917 Zamfiresco, Jean. De la mediation (Etude de droit inter- national). Paris, A. Pedone, 1911. 2 p. I., 204 V- 25^"^. 12-23503 ' JX4475.Z3 WAR (PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONS) 918 Altham, Edward Altham. The principles of war historically illustrated; with an introduction by General Sir Horace L. Smith-Dorrien. v. 1. London, Macmillan and co., 1914. 1 '^- ct^ atlas. 22"^. War 14-58 TT102.A5 910 Aston, /Sir George. Sea, land, and air strategy: a comparison. London, John Murray, 1914. ^h ^08 p. 23'="'. 919a Atherley-Jones, Llewellyn Archer. Commerce in war. London, Methuen & CO., [1907]. xxii, 654 p. ^e""^. 8-8473 JX5281.A8 920 Berlin. Korporation der Kaufmannschaft. Krieg und Rechtsverkehr. Berlin, R. Boll, 1914. 16 p. 18^"". 921 Bernhardi, Friedrich Adam Julius von. Cavalry in war and peace. Tr. from the German by Major G. T. M. Bridges . . . with a preface by General Sir J. D. P. French. Fort Leavenworth, Eans., U. S. cavalry association, 1910. xxxii, 368 p. front, (port.) 21^'^. Agr 12-2233 TJE145.B5 922 Vom heutigen Kriege. Berlin, E. S. Mittler und Sohn, 1912. 2 v. maps, iv tab. (partly fold.) diagrs. 23^"^. Contents — Grundlagen und Elemente dea modernen Krie- ges. — 2. bd. Kampf und Kriegfiilirung. War 12-114 923 On war of to-day. Authorized translation by Karl von Donat. London, H. Rees, ltd., 1912-1913. 2 v. maps, tables (part fold.) diagrs. 22^"^- Contents. — v. 1. Principles and elements of modern war. — v. 2. Combat and conduct of war. War 12-181 TJ102.B5 924 Bureau of railway economics, Washington, D. C. List of ref- erences on Railroads in war. Aug. 24, 1914. 11 p. Supplementary. Sept. 10, 1914. 2 p. Mimeographed . 118 WAR (principles OF OPERATIONS) 119 925 Clausewitz, Carl von. On war. Translated by Colonel J. J. Graham. New and rev. ed., with introduction and notes by Colonel F. N. Maude. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co., ltd., 1908. S v. front, (pi) 22'^'^. War 9-56 U102.C66 926 Colomb, Philip Howard. The great war of 189- ; a forecast by Rear-Admiral P. Colomb, Colonel J. F. Maurice . . . Captain F. N. Maude, Archibald Forbes, Charles Lowe, D. Christie Murray, and F. Scudamore. London, W. Heinemann, 1893. xp., 1 I., 308 p. fold, front., illus. (incl. ports.) 2 fold, pi, fold. map. 23Y^- "The following narrative appeared originally in . . . Black and white, the work being the outcome of consultations between some of the most eminent authorities upon modem warfare and inter- national politics." 7-1233t PZ3.C7145G 927 Craininond, Edgar. Financial preparation for war. NineteentTi century and after, Nov. 1913, v. 74- 924-94.3. AP4.N7,v.74 928 Donaldson, John William Edward. Mihtary history applied to modern warfare; a guide to the study of military history exemplified by studies of the campaigns of Austerlitz, Jena, Vimiero, Corunna, Salamanca, "Waterloo, and the Shenandoah Valley. 2d ed. rev. cS; enl. by Capt. A. F. Becke. London, Hugh Rees, ltd., 1907. xxiv, 395 p. 16 fold. maps. 21 Y'^. {The Pall Mall military series.) War 7-195 TJ41.D67 929 Edmonds, James Edward and Lassa Oppenheim. Land war- fare. An exposition of the laws and usages of war on land, for the guidance of officers of His Majesty's army. London, Puh. hy H. M. Stationery off., printed hy Harrison and sons, [1912]. xii, 154 p. 21^"^. War 12-182 JX45 1 1 .E4 930 Emery, Henry Crosby. Some economic aspects of war, a lecture delivered before the Army war college at Washington, D. C, April 11, 1913. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1914. 24 p. 23^^. 14-30182 U21.E5 120 LIBBABY OF CONGBESS 931 Esher, Reginald B. B. viscount. War and peace; some new factors in international politics. Lecture at the Sorbonne, Paris, Friday, Mar. 27, 1914. London, Harrison and sons [191 4]- 23 p. 22^^. (Garton intemationallectures, no. 1.) JX1963.E74 932 Gterton foundation. The case for war. As stated by its apologists. [London, Harrison and sons, 1914.] 24 f- 18^™'- JX1963.G3 933 Goltz, Colmar, Freiherr von der. The nation in arms. Tr. from the German by Philip A. Ash worth. London, W. H. Allen and co., 1887. xii, 391, [1] p. 23^'^. Contents. — The armies of the present. — Of the command of the armies. — ^The conditions of success in war. — Evolutions and battle. — Resolve, firmness, initiative, independence, and arbi- trariness. — Special influences upon evolutions and battle. — The influence of fortresses. — Landings. — Commissariat and supplies in war. — The attainment of the ends of the war. — Conclusion. 3-23255 TJ102.G62 934 Grace, R. S. Hamilton-. Finance and war, London, Hugh Rees, 1910. 72 p. 21¥^. 935 Hart, Reginald C. A vindication of war. Nineteenth century and after, Aug. 1911, v. 70: 226-239. AP4.N7,v.70 936 Henderson, George Francis Robert. The science of war; a collection of essays and lectures, 1892-1903. London, New YorJc and Bonibay, Longmans, Green, and co., 1905. xxxviii, 442 p. front, (port.) 4 fold. maps. 23'^^. 5-32740 U17.H5 936a Higg^ins, Alexander Pearce. War and the private citizen; studies in international law. London, P. S. King & son, 1912. xvi, 200 p. 22'"^. (Studies in economics and political science. Ed. hy W. Pemher Reeves.) 12-22858 JX4691.H6 937 Holland, Thomas Erskine, ed. The laws and customs of war on land, as defined by the Hague convention of 1899. London, Printed hy Harrison and sons, 1904- x, 70 p. 18Y'^- 5-19579 JK4511.H7 1904 938 The laws of war on land (written and unwritten). Oxford, Clarendon press; London and New YorTc, H. Frowde; [etc., etc.], 1908. viii, 149, [1] p. 22<^'^. 9-3067 JX4521.H7 1908 WAR (principles OF OPERATIONS) 121 939 Holland, Thomas Erkine, ed. Letters to " the Times " upon war and neutrality (1881-1909) with some commentary. 2d ed., with additional letters from 1909 to 1913. London, New York [etc.], Longmans, Green, and co., 191^. xii, 203 p. 22^"^. Contents. — Measures short of war for the settlement of interna- tional controversies. — Steps towards the codification of the laws of war. — ^The commencement of war. — The conduct of warfare. — The rights and duties of neutrals 14-€035 JX4521.H73 1914 940 Hurd, Archibald S. The great delusion. FortnigUlij review, Dec. 1912, v. 98: 1119-1182. AP4.F7,v.08 940a Johnson, Alvin Saunders. Commerce and war. Political science quarterly, Mar. 1914, 'V- ^9: Ii.7-56. Hl.P8,v.29 940b War and the interests of labor. Atlantic monthly. Mar. 19U, v. 113: 344-353. ^ AP2.A8,v.ll3 941 Latifi, Alma. Effects of war on property, being studies in international law and policy; with a note on belligerent rights at sea, by John Westlake. London, Macmillan and co., limited, 1909. x p., 1 I., 155 p. 22^"^- War 9-23 JX5281.L3 942 [Lane, Ralph Norman Angell.] The great illusion; a study of the relation of military power in nations to their economic and social advantage, by Norman Angell [pseud.] 3d rev. and enl, ed. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1911. 3 p. I., iii-xviii, 407 p. 19^^^. "The present volume is the outcome of a large pamphlet published in Eiirope at the end of last year entitled Europe's optical illu- sion."— Pref. dated Aug., 1910. 11-25728 JX1952.L34 943 Lawrence, Thomas Joseph. War and neutrality in the Far East. 2d ed,, enl. London, New York, Macmillan and co., limited, 1904- xiii, 301 p. 19^"^. 5-26846 JX1321.L32 944 Merignhac, Alexandre. Les lois et coutumes de la guerre sur terre d'apres le droit international moderne et la codi- fication de la Conference de la Haye de 1899. Paris, A. Chevalier- Marescg cfc c^^, 1903. 2 p. I., ix, [3]-412 p. 23"'^. 4-6139 JX4507.M5 122 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 945 Murray, Stewart L. The reality of war. An introduction to " Clausewitz." London, Hugh Rees, 1909. xvi, 118 p. 22^. War 10-8 TJ102.M97 946 Perris, George Herbert. A short history of war and peace. New York, H. Holt and company, ['1911]. vi, 7-266 p. IS""^. (Home university library of modem knowledge, no. 4-) "Note on books": p. 253-254. 11-12532 JX1938.P62 047 Pillet, Antoine. Les lois actuelles de la guerre. 2. ed., con- tenant: le texte commente des conventions de La Haye du 29 juillet 1899 touchant les lois de la guerre sur terre et sur I'adaptation de la Convention de Geneve aux guerres maritimes. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1901. 1 p. I., 504 p. 23"'^. 6-27682 JX4512.P6 948 Pollock, Sir Frederick. The modern law of nations and the prevention of war. (/w The Cambridge modern history, v. xii. The latest age. New York, 1910. p. 703-729.) D208.C17,v.l2 949 Rettich, Heinrich. Zur Theorie und Geschichte des Rechts zum Kriege. Volkerrechtliche Untersuchungen. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 1888. xix, 294 V- ^4''^- "Verzeichnis der einschlagigen Speziallitteratur": p. 292-294. 4-6130 JX4513.R6 950 Risley, John Shuckburgh. The law of war. London, A. D. Innes <& co., 1897. x p., 1 l, 307 p. 23'='^. 10-18224t JX4511.R6 951 Schuster, Ernest J. The effect of war and moratorium on com- mercial transactions. 2d ed. rev. and enl. London, Stevens and sons, 1914. viii, 166 p. 22\ '^"». 14-19191 JX5270.S35 952 Spaight, J. M. War rights on land. London, Macmillan and co., limited, 1911. xii, 620 p. 23'^'^. 11-16362 JX4611.S7 953 Tillyard, E. M. W. The Athenian empire and the great illusion. Cambridge, Bowes . front, pL, port., map, diagrs. 22^'^- War ^11 TJG630.H6 964 Airships in peace & war, being the second edition of Aerial warfare; with seven new chapters by R. P. Heame, an introduction by Sir Hiram Maxim. London, J. Lane; New YorTc, J. Lane company, 1910. 2 p. I., vii-xlviii, 324 p. incl. maps, tables, diagrs. 73 pi. (incl. front.) 22^'^. W 10-75 TL545.H6 965 Hershey, Amos S. The international law of aerial space. American journal of international law, Apr. 1912, v. 6: 381- 388. Bibliography: p. 387-388. JXl.A6,v.6 966 Lycklama a Nijeholt, J. F. Air sovereignty. The Hague, M. Nijhqf, 1910. 2 p. l, [vii]-viii, 86 p. 25^-^. Appendices contain bibliographies. 11-2175 JX5771.L8 967 Meili, Friedrich. Das Luftschiff im intemen Recht und Volker- recht. Zurich, 0. Fiissli, 1908. 61 p. 24'^'^. 9-9573 JX5771.M53 968 Meyer, Alexander. Die LuftschifFahrt in kriegsrechtlicher Beleuchtung. Frankfurt a. M., Gehruder Knauer, 1909. 60 p. 26^"^. "Literaturverzeichnis": p. 3-5. 10-20327 JX5124.M6 969 Renard, Paul. L'aeronautique militaire en France. Revue politique el parlementaire, Apr. 10, 1911, v. 68: 18-37. H3.R4,v.68 970 Saltzman, Charles McKinley. Weapons and mimitions of war, Field equipment for signal troops, [Leavenworth, Staff college press], 1907. cover-title, 24 P' 20"^. Relates tx) the telegraph, telephone, aeronautics, etc., etc. 10-2038t UG673.S3 971 Spaight, J. M. Aircraft in war. London, Macmillan & co., 1914. ^x v., 1 I., 172 p. 22%"^. War 14-101. XrG630 AERIAL WARFARE 125 972 Squier, George Owen. The present status of military aero- nautics. Reprint from the Journal of the American society of mechanical engineers. [n. p., 1908 f] 2 2>. Z., {1571]-1641 p. 27 pi, diagrs. 24'^^. Appendices: 1. United States Signal corps specification for heavier- tBan-air flying machine. — 2. United States Signal corps specifica- tion for dirigible balloon. — 3. Bibliography: p. [1624}-1641. 9-8785 TL553.S8 Z5063.S8 973 Stael von Holstein, Lage Fabian Wilhelm. La reglementation de la guerre des airs ; notes et aperpus. La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1911. 79, [1] p. 26'^^. 13-6584 JX5124.S7 974 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on military affairs. Aero- nautics in the army. Hearings, Sixty-third Congress, first session, in connection with H. R. 5304, May 16, 1913, entitled ''An act to increase the efficiency of the aviation service of the armty, and for other purposes." August 12, 14, 15, and 16, 1913. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1913. 267 p. 23""^. James Hay, chairman. "Progress in aeronautics — notes from foreign and domestic eources": p. 135-267. 13-23671 XJG633.A4 1913a 975 Signal office. Military aviation. Letter from the sec- retary of war, transmitting, pursuant to House resolution 44&, information relative to military aviators, for the army and for other purposes. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 80 p. 23^"^. {62d Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. 718.) 12-35726 116630.115 1912 WAR AND FOOD SUPPLY 976 Bellairs, C. England's food-supply in time of war. North, American review, Jan. 4, 1907, v. 184: 73-79. AP2.N7,v.l84 977 Brooks, Sydney. Can England be starved.^ Harper's weekly, Sept. 16, 1906, v. 49: 1347, 1355. AP2.H32,v.49 978 Food-supply in time of war. Quarterly review, Oct. 1906, v. 203: 572-698. AP4.Q2,v.203 126 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 979 Gt. Brit. Royal commission on supply of food and raw material in time of war. Report with minutes of evidence and appendices. LoTidon, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., hy Wyman and sons, limited, 1905. 3 v. tables (partly fold.) fold, map, diagrs. 33'^'^. {[Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers hy com- mand] Cd. 2643-2645.) Agr 5-1011 HF1420.G7A3 980 London. Chamber of commerce. Inquiry into the food supplies in case of war. 1914. 981 Marston, Robert Bright. War, famine and our food supply. London, S. Low, Marston and company, limited, 1897. xxiv, [4\, 215 p. col. front, (fold.) iUus., plates (1 fold.) 19''^. 13-19615 HD9011.6.M3 982 Murray, Stewart L. Our food supply in time of war, and im- perial defence. Royal united service institution. Journal, June 15, 1901, V. 45: 656-698. Discussion: p. 699-729. TJl.R8,v.45 983 Robertson, Edmund. The capture of private property at sea. Nineteenth century and after, Nov. 1905, v. 58: 716-728. Review of the Royal commission's report. AP4.N7,v.58 984 Whelpley, James Davenport. The fallacy of an imperial food supply. FoHnigUly review, Dec. 1913, v. 100: 1100-1111. AP4.F7,v.l00 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 985 American association for international conciliation. Offi- cial documents bearing upon the European war. New York, American association for international concilia- tion, Oct. 1914- 123 p. 20^^. (International concilia- tion, no. 83.) Contents. — President Wilson's appeal for impartiality and restraint in discussing the war; I. The Austro-Hungarian note to Servia; II. The Servian reply; III. The British white paper; IV. The German white book. 986 Belgium. Delegates to the United States. The case of Belgium in the present war. An account of the violation of the neutrality of Belgium and of the laws of war on Belgian territory. [New YorJc] Puhli^hedfor the Belgian delegates to the United States hy Macmillan company, 1914- xvii, 120 p. 21 '^^. 987 Britannic review. Special war number. A documentary rec- ord of the great war. Reprints, excerpts and summaries of diplomatic correspondence, rescripts, proclamations, acts of Parliament, Parliamentary debates, etc. Britannic review, Sept. 1914, '^- 1- 529-648- 988 Canada. Parliament. Documents relative to the European war; comprising Orders in council, cablegrams, corre- spondence, and speeches delivered in Imperial House of commons. Printed by order of Parliament. Ottawa, J. de L. Tache, 1914. 1^7 p. 25'^'^. (Sessional paper no. 4O. A. 1915.) 989 Europe at war. American review of reviews, Sept. 1914, v. 50. The number is devoted to a resume of the countries at war, with their armies and navies. ' ' Helpful books on the crisis in Europe ": p. 375-379. AP2.R4,v.50 990 Germany. Auswdrtiges Amt. Germany's reasons for war with Russia. How Russia and her ruler betrayed Germany's confidence and thereby made the European war. With the original telegrams and notes. Berlin, Liehheit c& Thiesen, [1914]. 48 p. 23^'^. D505.G5 Reprinted in New York Times. Why England and Germany went to war. "The White papers " of England and Germany. Aug. 23, 1914. p. 18-23. D506.N5 127 128 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 991 Qt. Brit. Foreign ojffice. Miscellaneous. No. 6 (1914). Cor- respondence respecting the European crisis. Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. London, Harrison & sons, 1914. xvi, 77 p. 33'^'^. (Par- liament. Papers hy command. Cd. 7^67.) Reprinted in New York Times. Why England and Germany went to war. "The White papers" of England and Germany. Aug. 23, 1914. p. 3-17. D605.N6 992 Legation. Germany. Despatch from His Majesty's am- bassador [Sir E. Goschen] at Berlin respecting the rupture of diplomatic relations with the German govern- ment. Aug. 1914. London, Harrison and sons, 1914- 5 p. 33'^'^. (Parliament. Papers hy command. Cd. 744^-) Misc. No. 8 (1914) In continuation of Miscellaneous, no. 6 (1914): Cd. 7467. D505.G76 992a Hart, Albert Bushnell. The war in Europe; its causes and results. New YorTc, and London, D. Appleton and co., 1914- ix, 254 V- 19Y'^- D523.H3 992b Henderson, Ernest F. Germany's fighting machine; her army, her navy, her air-ships, and why she arrayed them against the allied powers of Europe. Indianapolis, The Bobhs-Merrill company, {1914}- 97 p. pi. 22Y'^- irA7l2.H4 993 Hutchinson, Rolhn W., jr. Motor vehicles and transportation in the European war. Engineering magazine, Oct., Nov., 1914, v. 48: 9-22; 161-166. TAl.E59,v.48 994 Low, A. Maurice. American affairs. National review, Sept. 1914, '^- ^4-' 134-145- Economic effects of the war on the United States: p. 141-145. AP4.N25,v.64 995 New York times. Why England, Germany, Russia, and Belgium went to war . . . The "white papers" of Eng- land and Germany, the "orange paper" of Russia, and the "gray paper" of Belgium, and other diplomatic cor- respondence and documents relating to the European war. Republished from the New York times. August 23d and 24th, September 27th, October 18th, and other dates, 1914 . . . [9th ed. — enl. to include the Belgian "gray paper"] New York [etc.] New YorTc times co., 1914. 32 p. 43'^"'. First published imder title: Why England and Germany went to war. D505.N7 EUROPEAN WAE, 1914 129 996 Roosevelt, Theodore. The world war: its tragedies and its lessons. Outlook, Sept. 23, 1914, v. 108: 169-178. AP2.O8,v.l08 He also has a series of articles in the New York times, beginning Sept. 27. 997 Round table. Special war number. RouTid table, Sept. 1914, v. 4: 591-805. Partial contents. — The war in Europe. — Germany and the Prus- sian spirit. — The Austro-Servian dispute. — Lombard Street in war. AP4.B6,v,4 998 Russia. Ministerstvo inostroMnyhh diel. Recueil de docu- ments diplomatiques. Negociations ayant precede la guerre 10/23 Juillet-?i^|^1914. Petrograde, Imp. de I'etat, 1914. 59 p. 31'='^. 999 Documents respecting the negotiations preced- ing the war published by the Russian government. Pre- sented to both houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. Oct. 1914. London, Harrison and sons, 1914- 1 p. I., 60 p. 24^'^. {[Gt. Brit. Foreign office] Miscellaneous. No. 11 {1914).) Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 7626. 1000 Simonds, Frank H. The great war; the first phase. New York, Mitchell Kennerley, 1914- 256 p. i5<"". D523.S5 1001 Die Wahrheit iiber die Kjiegsursachen und die deutschen Erfolge. Sonder-Ausgahe der Leipziger Neuesten Nachrichten, Aug. 17 1914. 6 p. 1002 World's work. The war manual. Facts everyone needs to know about the causes of the war, the armies, navies, finances, and principal characters of the countries in- volved. 4th ed. World's work, Sept. 1914, v. 28: 136 p. 62554°— 14 9 AUTHOR INDEX [Numbers refer to items, not to pages.] Abbot, Everett V 791 Abdy, Jobn T 868 Abeille, L^once 87 Adam, G. Mercer 215a Adam, Paul 136 Adams, Charles Francis 528 Adams, Hem-y 296 Adams, William 695 Agnetti, Mary Prichard- 405 Albin, Pierre 514 AleksinsMi, GrigorH 203 Altbam, Edward Altham 918 American association for interna- tional conciliation J. . 985 American review of reviews 989 Amir All, Maulavi Saiyid 194, 310 Amos, Sheldon 836 Andrews, Charles McLean 1 Angell, Norman, pseud. See Lane, Ralph Norman Angell. Antoine, Charles F 566, 850 Arendt, Guillaxmie Amedee Auguste 170 Arendt, L^on 171 Arnold, Paula 160 Arnold, William Thomas 455 Arnold-Forster, Hugh Oakeley 41 Arnould, Sir Joseph 792 Arren, Jules 136 Ashworth, Philip A 933 Asser, Tobias M. C 530 Aston, Sir George 919 Atherley- Jones, Llewellyn Archer 793, 919a Atkinson, C. F 46 Atkinson, George 794 Atlay, J. Beresford 383, 651, 913 Auerbach, Bertrand 152 Aulneau, J 12 Avril, Adolphe, baron d' 301 Bagehot, Walter 13 Bagster, G. G 435 Baker, B. Granville 227 Baker, Sir George Sherston 308, 338, 837, 856 Baker, James 153 Baldassarri, Aldo 531, 692 Barby, Henry 228 Barclay, Sir Thomas 194, 259, 310, 391, 450, 532, 696, 838 Baring, Maurice 204 Barker, J. Ellis„ 42,90, 311-313, 392-394, 456-458, 515, 516 Barr6, Andre 229 Barton, William 533 Battine, Cecil 172, 205, 395, 451, 459 Baty, Thomas 697-700 Becke, A. F 928 Becu, Carlos Alfredo 534 Belgium. Delegates to the United States 986 Minislere de Vindustrie et du travail 174 Bellairs, C 976 Bellot, Hugh H. L 793 Bemis, George 535, 536 Benecke, William 795 Benedetti, Vincent, covite 396 Benes, Edvard 153a Bensusan, S. L 517 Bent, J. Theodore 20 Bentwich, Norman De Mattos. . . 701, 702. Berard, Victor 29, 206, 207, 230, 231, 258, 504, 518. Beresford, Lord Charles William De la Poer 52 Bergbohm, Carl 357, 537, 880 Bergen, Herbert von 102a Bergson, Jules 340, 857 Berlin. Congress, 1878 302, 302a BerUn. Korporation der Kauf- mannschaft 920 Bernard, Mountague 314, 538, 539 Bernatzik, Edmund 14 Bemhardi, Friedrich Adam Julius von 91-93, 921-923 Bernsten, Karl Hamilkar 703 Bertaux, Maurice 76 Bismarck-Schonhausen, Otto Ed- uard Leopold, Fiirst von 94, 95 Black, Clementina 276 Bleibtreu, Karl 137 131 132 AUTHOR INDEX Blennerhassett, Sir Rowland 519 Bley, Fritz 96 Blind, Karl 397 Blondel, Georges 97 Bluntschli, Johann Kaspar 315. 839 Bodley, John Edward Courtenay.. 62 Boeck, 559. 848 Bon, Louis 540 Bonfils, Henry Joseph Francois Xavier 316, 541, 840 Bonnefoy , Gaston 955 Botterell, J. J. D 704 Boulger, Demetrius Charles de Kavanagh 175, 673 Bourchier, J. D 258 Bourgeois, Emile 63, 181, 260 Bowles, Thomas Gibson 297, 705 Boye, Thorvald 542 Boyle, Homer L 842 Boynton, Charles Brandon 543 Bradford, Gamaliel, jr 128 Brailsford, Henry Noel 232, 317 Brandyce, H. D 318 Brassey, Thomas Brassey, 1st earl. 53, 54, 796 Bray, Francis Edmond 706 Bridge, Cyprian A. G 707 Bridges, G. T. M 921 Britannic review 987 British dominions general insur- ance company 797 Broglie, Albert, due de 176 Bronner, Karl 544 Brooks, Sydney 460, 977 Brougham, H 319 Brown ell, William Cary 64 Briiggen, Ernst von der 216 Brunker, Howard Molyneux Ed- ward 43 Brunswik, Benoit 303 Bry, Georges Ernest 320, 843 Bryce, J 258 Biilow, Bemhard Heinrich M. K. Graf Yon 98, 99 Bulle, Konstantin 2 Bureau of railway economics, Washington, D. C 924 Butler, A. J 94 Buxton, Noel Edward 233, 234, 461 Caesar, Karl Adolph 572 Cakhas, pseud. See Garvin, J. L. Callahan , James Morton 545 Calvo, Carlos 546, 844 Cambridge modem history 3, 15 Campbell, Robert 798 Campbell, Robert Gran\dlle 547 Canada. Parliament 988 Oapek, Thomas 154 Carlisle, Calderon 548 Carn6, L. de 321 Carteret, John Grand-. See Grand- Carteret, John. Castle, Henry 149 Cauchy, Eugene Frangois 549 Chalmers, Sir Mackenzie D. E. S. . 799 Chamber of shipping of the United Kingdom, London 708 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart. 99a, 261 Chatterton-Hill, Georges 65 Ch^radame, Andr^ 66, 155, 220, 235-240a, 262, 263, 322, 398-400 Chirol, V 258 Chisholm, Helen 505 Choulier, Max 241 Clark, Charles 550, 551 Clark, Edson Lyman 242, 304 Clarke, Sir George Sydenham 55 Clausewitz, Carl von 925, 945 Clemenceau, G 323 Cobbett, William 552 Cohen, Arthur 709, 710 Colajanni, Napoleone 16 Collier, Price 100 Colomb, PhiUp Howard 926 Colomer, Joseph F. E . B 553 Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. 144, 156, 324 Colquhoun, Ethel 156 Combes, Francois 325 Comit^ juridique international de I'aviation 956 Cornicelius, Max 282 Cortesi, S 402 Coubertin, Pierre de, baron 505 Courcelle-Seneuil, Jean Gustavo.. 555 Cox, Sir Edmund C 462 Coxe, Tench 556 Cramb, John A 462a Crammond, Edgar 927 Creasy, Sir Edward Shepherd... 326,845 Cr^tineau-Joly, Jacques 284 Crispi, Francesco 403-407 Crispi, Tommaso Palamenghi- See Palamenghi-Crispi, Tom- maso. Cuestas, Juan 557 Curtis, R.E 694 distance, Reginald 712 Damston- Eraser, H. J 177, 178 AUTHOR INDEX 133 Davenant, Charles 327 Davis, George Breckenridge 328,847 Dawson, William Harbutt 101, 102 Debidour, Antonin 265, 329 De Bunsen, Mrs. V. B 258 Declaration of London ratification committee 718 D'Egville, Howard 44 Dehn, Paul 58 Delaisi, F 12 Delaperrierre, Eugfene Alphonse... 75 Delbruck, Hans 463, 464 Delisle, Arthur L 160 Demburg, Friedrich 465 Descamps, Edouard Eugfene Fran- cois, baron 179 Descamps, Emmanuel 558 Deschanel, Paul 274, 427 Despagnet, Frantz Clement Rene . . 67, 180, 559, 848 Dillon, E.J 330, 408, 410, 466, 497 Diplomaticus, pseud. <. . . . 467 Dittmann, Friedrich 17 Dollot, Rene 181 Donaldson, John William Edward. 928 Donat, Karl von 923 Donnadieu, L^once 331 Dorrien, Sir Horace L. Smith- See Smith-Dorrien, Sir H. L. Dottain, Ernest. 332 Doumer, Paul 452 Dreyfus, Ferdinand 849 Driault, Edouard 243 Drouyn de Lhuys, Edouard 560 Droz, Alfred Edouard 801 Drucquer, Maiuice N 338, 856 Duckworth, Lawrence 802 Duer, John 803 Dupuis, Charles 333, 720, 721 Durham, Geoffrey 468 Durham, Mary Edith 244 Dykes, D. Oswald 722 Eardley-Wilmot, Sydney Marow.. 54,88 Edmonds, James Edward 929 Edmundson, George 182 Einicke, Paul 561 Eisenmann, Louis 157 Eldridge, William Henry 804 EUer, George 266 Emery, Henry Crosby 930 Escott, Thomas Hay Sweet 30 Esher, Reginald B. B. viscount 931 Eversley, Lord 458, 469 ExcuhitoT, pseud 470,471 Farges, L 4 Fauchille, Paul 316, 541, 562 Fen wick, Charles Ghequier 563 Fessenden, Thomas Green 564 Fester, Richard 506, 507 Ficquelmont, Karl Ludwig, Graf. . 267 Field, Edwin Wilkins 565 Finkelnburg, G. A 675 Fiore, Pasquale 566,850 Fitzgerald, Charles C. P 723 Fleischmann, Max 851 Fleury, cojnte 286,287 Foignet, Rene 334 Forbes, Archibald 926 Ford, Guy Stanton 567 Forster, Hugh Oakeley Amold- See Arnold-Forster, H. O. Foskett, H. W 29 Foulke, William Dudley 208 Fom-chault, Charles 852 Fournier, Frangois Ernest 89 Fox, Edward Lyell 105 Fox-Davies, G 207 France. Assemblee nationale, 1871 —Chambre des deputes. . 76-79, 724, 725 Ministhe des affaires etran- gh-es 304a, 726 Treaties, etc., 1814-1815 285 Frank, Louis 184 Eraser, H. J. Damston- See Darn- ston-Fraser, H. J. French, Sir J. D. P 921 Fried, Alfred Hermann 103 Fried jung, Heinrich 413 Fry, Sir Edward 568 Fullerton, William Morton 268, 414 Fumeaux, John 569 Fyffe, Charles Alan 5 Gaborit, Rene 570 Gaevemitz, Gerhart von Schulze- See Schulze-Gaevemitz, G. von. GaUani, Fernando 571, 572 Gallaudet, Edward Miner 853 Garlanda, Federico 195 Garton fmmdation 932 Gar\dn, J. L 336,415,498,520 Geffcken, F. Heinrich 340, 857 Germany. Auswartiges Amt 990 Gessner, Ludwig 573, 574 Gettell, Raymond G 575 Gizycki, Richard A'on 957 Gladstone, W. E 246 Goebel, D 958 Goldman, C. S 473 134 AUTHOR INDEX Goltz, Colmar, Freiherr von der 933 Conner, E.C.K 104 Gooch, George Pea body 6 Goschen, SirB 992 Go w, William • 805 Grace, R. S. Hamilton- 934 Graham, Mrs. Cunninghame 20 Graham, J. J 925 Graham, Stephen 209 Grahame-WTiite, Claude 959 Grand-Carteret, John 416 Graves, Armgaard Karl, pseud .... 105 Gt. Brit. Advisory committee for aeronautics 960 Foreign office 304b, 727-730, 991 Legation. Germany 992 Parliament. House of com- mons 731 House of lords 732 Royal comm. on supply of food and raw materials in time of war 979,983 Treasury. Committee on na- tional guarantee for war risks of shipping 806 Treaties, etc 417 Greenwood, Frederick 418 Griffis, William Elliot 185 Groome, F. H 20 Griinwald, Friedrich 961 Grulev, Mikhail Vladimiro\dch . . . 499 Gulliver, Lucile 854 Guyot, Yves 186,187 H 474 Hague. International peace con- ference, 2d, 1907 855 Hahn, Ludwig Ernest 106 Haldane, Richard Burdon Hal- dane, 1st viscount 18, 45, 104 Hall, John 453 Hall, William Edward 576, 577 Halleck, Henry Wager 338, 856 Hambm-g. Assekuranzmakler 807 Hamburg. Handelskammer 808,809 Hamilton, Sir Ian Standish Mou- tieth 45 Hamilton-Grace, R. S. See Grace, R. S. Hamilton- Hanotaux, Gabriel 68, 69, 305, 339 HarcoiTt, Sir William George G. V. V 578,579 Hardy, SalUe E. M 661 Harper, Harry 959 Harris, F. Leverton 733 Harrison, Austin 475 Harrison, Frederic 269, 734 Hart, Albert Bushnell 992a Hart, Reginald C 935 Hassall, Arthur 419 Haumant, Emile 226, 228 Hautefeuille, Laurent Basile 580 Hay, James 974 Hazeltine, Harold Dexter 962 Ilearne, R. P 963,964 Heffter, August Wilhelm 340, 857 Heilborn, Paul 581 Heimweh, Jean, pseud 420 Helfferich, Karl 107 Henderson, Ernest F 992b Henderson, George Francis Robert. 936 Hengelmiiller von Hengervdr, La- dislaus, Freiherr 158 Henry, Rene 159 Herbertson, Andrew John 31 Herford, C. H 104. Herggelet, Maiiano 476 Hershey, Amos Shartle 341, 858, 965 Hertslet, Edward C 264 Hertslet, Sir Edward 264, 270 Hertslet, Lewis 264 Ileyking, A 500 Higgins, Alexander Pearce.. 859, 861, 936a Hilf, Da\dd Jayne 271, 582, 668 Hill, Georges Chatterton- See Chatterton-Hill, Georges. Hilty, Karl 583 Hiischmann, Otto 735 Hislam, Percival A 146, 147 Hoffman, Frederick Ludwig 810 Hold von Ferneck, Freiherr Alex- ander 736 Holland, Thomas Erskine 245, 305a, 305b, 342, 584, 585, 678, 737, 738, 862, 937-939 Holls, Frederick WUliam 863 Holtzendorff, Franz J. W. P. von. 586, 864 Hopkins, Manley 811 Home, Thomas Hartwell 603 Hosack, John 343,587 Howard, Earl Dean. 108 Howarth, O. J. R 31 HrebeUanovich, Stephan L. E. Lazarovich- See Lazarovich-Hre- belianovich, S. L. E. prince. Iluebner, Solomon S 812-^14 Hugo, Clementine, comtesse 421 AUTHOR INDEX 135 Hull, WilKam Isaac 344, 865 Hunt, Gaillard 600 Hurd, Archibalds 56, 148, 149, 345-347, 477, 478, 940 Hutchinson, Rollin W., jr 993 Hutton, James 348 Independent [Editorial] 349 Ingersoll, Charles Jared 588 International naval conference, London, 1908-1909 741, 742 Italy. Parlamento. Camera dei deputati 423 Jaequemyns, G. Rolin- See RoUn- Jaequemyns, G. Jane, Frederick T 57 Jarintzoff, i/TO€. N 210 Jaixrfes, Jean Leon 70 Jerrold, Laurence 71, 521 Johnson, Alvin Saunders 940a, 940b Johnston, Sir Harry Hamilton 32, 72, 188, 479, 522 Jones, Llewellyn Archer Athei'ley- See Atherley-Jones, L. A. Juste, Theodore 189 Kaeber, Ernst 350 Kamarovskii, Leonid Aleksfeevich, graf. 867 Kanitz, FeUx PhiUpp 221 Kellner, Leon 160 Kennedy, C... 691 Kent, James 868 Kerr, Mrs. Alexander 224 Kiesselbach, George Arnold 818 King, Bolton 196 Klaussmann, A. Oscar 135 Kleen, Richard 589, 590 Kliiber, Johann Ludwig. . . . 294, 351, 869 Knight, Jean 591 Korte, S 102a Kohl,H 95 Kotchoubey , prince 425 Krauel, R 744 Krieger, Eduard 150 Lachaud, Edouard 76 La Garde-Chambonas, Auguste Louis Charles, comte de 286, 287 La Garde de Massence, Auguste, comte de 288 La Hautifere, R. de 745 Lair, Maurice 109 Lake Mohonk conference 870 Lamington, Charles W. A. N. C. B. 2d baron 480 Lammasch, Heinrich 871 Lane, Ralph Norman Angell 103, 272, 273, 942 Lang, Leonora B 215a Langlois, H 46 Langwerth von Simmem, Hein- rich, Freiherr 481 Lanin, E. B 426 Lanoir, Paul 508, 509 Lardy, C 315,839 Lascelles, Sir Frank C 482 Latham, Robert Gordon 19 Latifi, Almd 941 Laveleye, Emile Louis Victor, baron de 246 Lavisse, Ernest 7 Lawrence, Thomas Joseph 352, 592, 593, 746, 872, 873, 943 Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich, Elea- nor Hulda (Calhoun) princess. . . 222 Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich, Ste- phan Lazar Eugene, prince. . . 222, 247 Lea, Homer 33 Loathes, Stanley 34 Le Bourdellfes, Raymond 747 Leckie, Gould Francis 353 Lees, John 99a, 261 Leger , Louis Paul Marie 161, 162, 211, 212, 214, 248, 249 Leiva, Nicolds 594 L^monon, Ernest. . . 274, 427, 74»-750, 874 L^o, Alfred 602 Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole 159 Leroy-BeauHeu, Paul 428 Lesur, Charles Louis 595 Levi, Leone 354, 875 Lewenz, Marie A 99 Lewin, P. Evans 751 Leyland, John 483, 752 Llchtenberger, Henri 110, 111 Liman, Paul 112 Lingelbach, William E 161 Liszt, Franz von 355, 876 Littlefield, Walter 118 Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 1st earl of. 596 Loch, M. G 26 Loiseau, Charles 250, 251 London. Chamber of conmierce.. 980 Long, R. C 429 Lorimer, James 356 Loring, Charles Greeley 565, 597 Low, A. Maurice 430, 994 Low, Sidney 454 Lowe, Charles 926 136 AUTHOR INDEX Lowell, Abbott Lawrence 8 Lowrey, Groevenor Porter 598 Ludovici, A. M Ill Lycklama k Nijeholt, J. F 966 McCarthy, Justin 35 Macdonell, Sir John 663, 672, 676, 680, 753, 754 Mollraith, J. R 169 Mackinder, H.J 276 Maclachlan, David 792 Macqueen, John Fraser 599 Macvane, S. M 11 Madison, James 600 Magnlisson, Eirikr 20 Maine, Henry Stunner 877 Mallat, Joseph 223 Manes, Alfred 821 Mangin, Charles Marie Emmanuel. 81 Marcks, Erich 484 Marco, Pietro di 601 Marsden, Victor E 501 Marshall, Samuel 822 Marston, Robert Bright 981 Martens, F. de 669, 670 Martens, Fedor Fedorovich. 357, 602, 880 Martens, Georg Friedrich von 603 Martin, Charlie F 139 Martin, Frederick 823 Martin, Rudolf Emil 113,485 Martinengo-Cesaresco, Evelyn Lil- ian H. (Carrington) 197 Maude, F. N 925,926 Maurice, Frederick Barton, ed 47 Maurice, Sir John Frederick... 359,926 Mavor, James 213 Maxey, Edwin 360 Maxim, Sir Hiram 963, 964 Meakin, Budgett 523 MeiU, Friedrich 967 Meinecke, Friedrich 21 M^lik, Eugene J 881 M6rignhac, Alexandre 361, 604, 605, 882, 883, 944 Metcalf, EUab Wight 824 Meurer, Christian 884 Meyer, Alexander 968 Miall, Bernard 73, 203 Michael, Wolfgang 486 Miller, William 252, 253 Miller, William Galbraith 362 Millet, Philippe 524 Milobar, Franz 306 Milovanovich, MUoran 606 Moldenhauer, Paul 825 Moltke, Count 143 Monsell, B. E 755 Montagu, V. A 756 Moore, F 258 Moore, John Bassett 665,674,885 Mordacq, Jean Jules Henri 83 Morel , Edmund De villa 525 Morfill, W. R 20 Morris, Gouverneur 607 Morse, Alexander Porter 608 Mougins de Roquefort, Charles de. 886 Moynier, Gustave 609 Moysset, Henri 114 Munro, W. B 664 Murdock, Harold 9, 275 Murray, D. Christie 926 Murray, Stewart L 945, 982 Myers, Denys P 757 Naquet, Alfred 487 Nation [Editorials] 658, 677 Naumann, Friedrich 115, 116 Neuhaus, Georg 117 Neuschler, Otto 138 New York. Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York 611 New York. Merchants 612 New York times 995 Niederle, Lubor 214 Niemeyer, Prof 758 Nippold, Otfried 759, 887, 888 Norman, Henry 365 Notovich, Nikolai 502 Noussanne, Henri de 118 Nys, Ernest 613, 889 Ogg,F.A 431 Okey, Thomas 196,198 Oncken, Hermann 119 Oppenheim, Lassa Francis Law- rence 366, 614, 760, 890, 929 Orsi, Pietro 199 Ortolan, Eugene 367 Ott, A 351, 869 Ottley , Sir Charles L 44 Ottolenghi, Giuseppe 615 Owen, Douglas 799 Ozanam, Charles 761 Pachnicke, Hermaim. 762 Palamenghi-Crispi, Tommaso . . . 404-406 Pallain, Georges 291 Pan-Germanic doctrine 120 Pardieu, Marie F^lix de 139 Partsch, Josef Franz Maria 276 Passy, Fr^d^ric 849 Pat6,Henry 78 AUTHOR INDEX 137 Patterson, R. A 763 Paul, Herbert Woodfield 36 Peacock, Wadham 253a Pears, E 258 Pearson, Charles n 22 Pecquet du Bellet, Paul 618 Peel, George 433 Peez, Alexander von 58 Penfield, William L 667 Pepy, Andr6. 765 Perrin, Marshall Livingston 128 Perris, George Herbert 37, 121, 215. 254, 434, 946 Perseus, pseud 526 Peters, Karl 277 Phelps, Edward Bunnell 826 Phillimore, Sir Robert Joseph, bart 368, 616, 892 Phillips, Walter ALieon 278, 279, 369 Phiseldek, Conrad G. F. E. von Schmidt-. See Schmidt-Phisel- dek, C. G. F. E. von. ^ Physsenzidfes, Nearque 893 Piccioni, Camille Vincent Em- manuel 617 Pillet, Antoine 947 Pinon, Ren6 255, 256, 510 Poincare, Raymond 73 Politicus, pseud 488 PoUtis, N '. 766, 894 Pollock, Sir Frederick 948 Ponsonby , A _ 258 Pope, G. O " 207 Popowski, J6zef 435, 436 Potter, J. W 767 Powles, Allen H 92 Pradier-Foder6, Paul Louis Ernest . 370, 371, 895 Pradt, Dominique G. F. de R. de P. de F. de 289, 290 Prevoet, Ferdinand 618 Prichard-Agnetti, Mary. See Ag- netti, Mary Prichard-. Pritturtz und Gaffron, Friedrich Wilhehn von 619 Pulszky, A 20 Quitman, John Anthony 620. 654 Rabany , Charles Guillaume 84 Rambaud, Alfred Nicolas 7. 215a Ranke, Leopold von 224 Redesdale, Lord 261 Reeves, E. A 276 Reinsch, P. S 769 Renard, Paul 969 Renault, L 770 Rettich, Heinrich 949 Reventlow, Ernst C. E. L. D. Grafzu 122,151 Revon, Michel 896 Revue g^nerale de droit interna- tional public 897 Rhee, Syngman 621 Richter, Rudolf 140 Risley, John Shuckburgh 950 Rivier, Alphonse Pierre Octave 315, 372, 530, 898 Robert, Cyprien 224 Roberts, Chalmers 827 Roberts, Elmer 123 Roberts, Frederick Sleigh Roberts, Istearl 41,48-50, 143 Roberston, Edmund 983 Rogers, J. E. Thorold 20 Rohrbach, Paul 124 Rolin-Jaequemyns, G 438 Roosevelt, Theodore 996 Root, Elihu 771 Roquette-Buisson, P 23 Roscoe, E. S 828 Rose, John Holland 10, 24, 104 Rouard de Card, Edgard 899 Round table 997 Roussel 85 Roversi, Luigi 439 Ruggiero, Ettore de 900 Rumbold, Sir Horace, 8th bart. . 163, 164 Russell, Renssalaer W 623 Russia. Ministerstvo inostrannykh diel 998, 999 Sadler, M. E 104 Saltzman, Charles McKinley 970 Sanders, L 440 Sarolea, Charles 489 Sassen, Franz Josef 141 Saunders, Albert 624 Savary, Robert 829 Schalk, Emil 280 Schiattarella, Raffaele 625 Schiemann, Theodor 281 Schierbrand, Wolf von 125, 135, 216 Schlegel, Johan Frederik Vilhelm . 626 Schmidt, Louis 830 Schmidt, N 688 Schmidt-Phiseldek, Conrad Georg F. E. von 627 Scholz, Franz ; 628 Schramm, Georg 772 Schreibershofen, Max von 142 138 AUTHOR INDEX Schulze-Gaevernitz, Gerhart von.. 490 Schurman, Jacob Gould 256a Schuster. Ernest J 951 Schweizer, Paul 629 Scotus Viator, pseiid. See Seton- Watson, R. W. Scott, James Brown 901, 902 Scudamore, Cyril 190 Scudamore, F 926 Seely, J. E. B 44 Seignobos, Charles 11 Seneuil, Jean Gustavo Courcelle- See Courcelle-Seneuil, Jean G. Seton-Watson, Robert WilUam 165, 166, 256b Shaw, Stanley 126 Shee, William 822 Simon, Edouard 127 Simonds, Frank H 1000 Skrine, Francis Henry Bennett. . . 217 Slidell, John 631 Sloane, William Milligan 257 Smith, G 666 Smith, William Loughton 632 Smith-Dorrien, Sir Horace L 918 Spaight, J. M 952,971 Spender, Harold 491 Spender, John Alfred 375, 442 Squier, George Owen 972 Stael von Holstein, Lage F. W 973 Stark, Francis Raymond 298 Stead, Alfred 225 Steed , Henry Wickham 167 Stein, Ludwig 492 Stephen, James 633 Steveni, William Barnes 218 Stieglitz, Aleksandr Nikolaevich.. 376 Stillman, William James 200 Stockton, Charles H 773-775, 904 Stone, William J 634 Stowell, EUery C 776,777 Strachey, J. St. Loe 455 Straus, Oscar L 377 Streit, G 778 Sybel, Heinrich 128 Talleyrand-P^rigord, Charles Mau- rice de, prince de B^nevent 291 Tannenberg, Otto Richard 129 Tardieu, Andre Pierre Gabriel Amed^e 378, 443, 527 Tatarcheff, B 258 Taylor, Edward T 635 Taylor, Hannis 636, 679, 681, 683, 905 Techet, Carl 25 Tetens, Johan Nicolai 637 Thayer, William Roscoe 201 Thirlmere, Rowland, pseud. See Walker, John. Thornton, W. T 659 Thorpe, Mrs. Mary 246 Thursfield, James Richard 55 Tillyard, E. M. W 953 Tod, Marcus Niebuhr 906 Tompkins, F. J 908 Tourville, Henri de 26 Tower, Charles 130 Treignier, Eugene 77 Treitschke, Heinrich Gotthard von 131, 282 Troska, Ferdinand 292 Tryon, James L ^ 779 Tuchmann, Charles 493 Tucker, George Fox 386, 915 TuUoch, H 447 Twiss, Sir Travers. . 299, 300, 379, 638, 909 Ullmann, Emanuel, Ritter von 639, 780, 910 Underwood, F. M 202 U. S. Bureau of manufactures (Dept. of commerce and labor) 831 Congress. House. Comm. on Military affairs 974 Dept. of State 640 Naval war college, Newport . . . 781 Navy dept 782 President — 191S ( Wilson) 640a Signal office .'. 975 Usher, Roland Greene 132 Valentine, G. D 783 Vamb^ry, A 503 Vandam, Albert Dresden 286 Vattel, Emmerich de 380, 911 Vauthier , Maurice 191 Vergnet, Paul 511 Verraes, Fernand 641 Vienna. Congress, 1814-1815 ... 293-295 Villari , Luigi 1 258 Vivante, Cesare 832 Wachter, Alfred Oscar 512 Walker, John , 494 Walker, Thomas Alfred 642, 643 Walpole, Sir Spencer 38, 39 Wampach, Gaspard 644 Ward, Robert Plumer 646 Washburn, George 381 Webster, Noah 647, 648 AUTHOR INDEX 139 Webster, Sidney 649 Wehberg, Hans 784, 855, 912 Wendell, Barrett 74 Wendt, Ernst Emil 809 Westlake, John. . . . 382, 650, 785, 786, 941 Westman, Serge de 867 Wbeaton, Henry 383, 651, 913 Wheeler, Owen 51 Whelpley, James Davenport 984 White, xSir William H 59 Whitehouse, R 448 Whitman, Sidney. . 133, 168, 169, 495, 496 Wicker, Cyrus French 652, 685, 690 Wne, Frederic William 134 Wilhelm II 135, 136 Wilkinson, Spenser 40, 60, 143, 954 Williams, Harold Whitmore 219 Wihnot, Sydney M. Eardley- See Eardley-Wilmot, Sydney M, Wilson, George G 384-386, 914, 915 Wilson, H. W 787-789 Wilson, Woodrow 640a, 985 Winslow, Erving 684 Wirth, Albrecht H 27 Wood, M. E 195 Wood, Thomas McKinnon 790 Wood, Walter 61 Woolsey, Theodore Dwight 387, 916 Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury 387, 662, 916 World's work 1002 Y 192, 193 Yakschitch, Gregoire 226 Young, E. H 258 Yseux, Victor 832 Zorn, Philipp 102a Zamfiresco, Jean 917 Zartman, Lester William 834 SUBJECT INDEX [The numbers refer to Aerial warfare and law of the air 919, 95-5-975, 992b Bibliography 957, 965, 966, 968, 972 Au-, Law of the 628, 688, 955-975 Bibliography 957, 965, 966, 968 Albania 239, 242, 253a See also Near East. Algecii-as conference 523, 527 See also Moroccan question. Alsace-Lon-aine 420 Anglo-French relations 32, 46, 389, 450-454, 518, 543 See also Triple entente. ^ Anglo-German relations 32, 455-496 Bibliography 455, 489 See also Triple alliance. Anglo-Russian relations 32, 497-503 See also Triple entente. Arbitration: See Hague. International peace conferences; Mediation. Army: See under names of countries. Asylum, Right of 765, 781 Bibliography 765 Austria-Hungary 32, 152-169, 256b, 267, 398, 997 Army 989, 1002 Bibliography 153a, 156, 157, 161, 162. 165, 166 Foreign relations 153a, 155, 156, 159, 165, 229, 250, 262, 985 See also Triple alliance. Navj- 87,989,1002 Austro-Hungarian note to Servia . . 985 Aviation: See Aerial warfare. Balance of power 40, 308-387 BibUography 331, 350 France 323, 335, 336, 378 Germany 309, 3 17 Great Britain 337, 365, 375, 395 Turkey 322, 339, 381 See also Triple alliance and Triple entente. items, not to pages.) The Balkans; See Near East. Belgium 170-193, 986, 989, 1002 Gray paper 995 Berlin, Congress and treaty of, 1878 242, 301-307 Bismarck-Schonhausen, Otto E. L. Fiirst von 94, 95, 106, 416, 421 Blockade 300, 573, 599, 618, 698, 757, 781, 786 Bosnia and Herzegovina. 224,229,306,339 Bottomry and respondentia 795, 822 Bulgaria 248, 249, 252 See also Near East. Capture at sea 554, 603, 645, 754, 779, 781, 793, 983 Cavour, Camillo Benso, conte di. . . 199 See also Italy, Foreign rela- tions. China, Neutrality 673 Commerce in war 575, 587, 607, 632, 633, 645, 671, 705,779,790,991a, 940a, 951 See also Blockade; Capture at sea; Contraband of war; Pri- vate property at sea. Congress of Berlin: See Berlin, Congress and treaty of, 1878. Congress of Vienna, 1814-1815: See Vienna, Congress of, 1814- 1815. Continuous voyage 300 Contraband of war 300, 573. 589, 591, 624, 646, 662, 698, 745 See also Declaration of Paris; Private property at sea. Cost of war 927, 934 Crispi, Francesco 404-406, 416, 421 See also Italy, Foreign rela- tions. Declaration of London, 1909: See London, Declaration of, 1909. Declaration of Paris, 1856: See Paris, Declaration of, 1856. 141 142 SUBJECT INDEX Denmark, Neutrality. . . 627, 669, 670, 693 Diplomatic correspondence: Austro-Hungarian note 985 Belgium gray paper 995 Germany white paper. . 985, 990, 995 Great Britain white paper 985, 991, 995 Russian orange paper. . . 995, 998, 999 Servian reply 985 Diplomacy. 259, 265, 266, 271, 275, 278, 396 5eeaZso Balance of power; For- eign relations under names of countries. Edward VII 485 Eastern question (Balkan) : See Near East. Economic effects of war 992a, 994 See also Commerce in war; Fi- nance and war; Food supply and war. England : See Great Britain. Enlistment acts, English and American foreign 651 Europe, political histories 1-11 European politics and international relations 259-282 BibUography 260, 275, 276, 279 European war, 1914 985-1002 Far East 32, 205, 247, 499 Finance and war 927, 934 Food supply and war 976-984 Foreign relations: See under names of countries. France 62-74, 262 Aeronautics, Military 969 Army 75-S6, 140, 989, 1002 Foreign relations 67, 73, 258 See also Anglo-French rela- tions; Franco-German rela- tions; Triple entente. Navy 87-89, 146, 989, 1002 Franco-German relations. . . 262, 504-527 Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Aus- tria 164 Geneva convention, 1864 781, 782 Germany 40, 90-136, 262, 787, 789 Aeronautics, Military 992b Army 80, 137-143, 989, 992b, 1002 Bibliography 108, 117, 119, 120, 130, 132, 133 Foreign relations 90, 94, 95, 98, 99, 106, 120, 122, 125, 131, 277, 280, 281, 282 Austria 144,165,262 Germany — Continued Foreign relations — Continued Belgium 177,178,186,187 Holland 186, 187 See also Anglo-German re- lations; Franco-German relations; Triple alli- ance. Navy 87,144-151, 470, 471, 989, 992b, 1002 War office 105 White paper 985, 990, 995 Good offices and mediation : See Mediation. Great Britain 29-40, 269 Army 40-51,359,989,1002 Food supply 976-984 Foreign enlistment laws 651 Foreign relations 30, 32, 37, 40, 254, 267, 274, 419 Belgium 177, 188, 192 See also Anglo-French re- lations; Anglo-German relations; Anglo-Rus- sian relations; Triple entente. Maritime rights 297,299 See also London, Declara- tion of, 1909. Navy 40,48,52-61,87, 146, 345-347, 470, 471, 989, 1002 War office 41, 51 White paper 985,991,995 Grey, Sir Edward, policy of 37, 434, 456, 526 See also Great Britain, Foreign relations. Growth of nationalities 12-27 Bibliography 15, 19. 25 Habsburg monarchy: See Austria-Hungary. Hague. International peace con- ference, 1899 316,781, 782, 838, 859, 861, 863, 872, 882,884,897,901,902,947 2d, 1907 316,328,705, 759, 765, 781, 782, 838, 855, 861,872,874,888,901,902 Hapsburg monarchy : See Aust^ia-HungarJ^ Herzegovina, Bosnia and 224, 229, 306, 339 Holland 172, 182, 186, 187, 192, 193 Hungary : See Austria-Hungary'. SUBJECT INDEX 143 Insurance, Marine, with special reference to war risk insurance . 791-834 Bibliography 823, 825, 829 France 801, 829, 832 Germany.. 807-809,818,821,830,831 Great Britain 792, 794, 795, 797-799, 802, 804-806, 811, 819, 822, 823, 827, 828, 831, 833 United States 812-814 International law and relations.. 259-282 International naval conference, London, 1908-1909 701, 705, 726-729, 736, 741, 742, 744, 745, 748-750, 770, 773, 774, 776-778 Italy 194-202, 269 Bibliography 196,198,200,202 Foreign relations 165, 251, 258, 392, 412 See also Triple alliance. Land, Law of war on : See Military law; War, laws of. Laws of war: ' See Maritime law; Military law; War, laws of. Lloyd's 819, 823, 827, 833 London, Declaration of, 1909. . . 695-790 Bibliography 698 Luxemburg, Neutrality 644 Macedonia 230, 232, 240, 258 See also Near East. Marine insurance: See Insurance, Marine. Maritime law 529, 533, 537, 549, 553, 561, 570, 574, 576, 580, 587, 594, 599, 601, 603, 624, 625, 630, 632, 637, 646, 648, 677-679, 695-790, 947 Bibliography 698, 703, 705, 735, 745, 761, 765, 772 Mediation 836-917 Military art and science: See War (Principles of opera- tions). Military aeronautics: See Aerial warfare. Military law 929, 937-939, 944, 947, 949, 952 See also War, Laws of. Montenegro 252, 398 See also Near East. Moratorium 951 Moroccan question 339, 514-527 Motor vehicles in war 993 Nationalities, Growth of 12-27 Bibliography. 15, 19, 25 Naval conference of London, 1908- 1909: See International naval con- ference, London, 1908-1909. Naval prize bill, 1910 701, 705 Naval warfare, Laws of: See Maritime law. Navy: See under names of countries. Near East. . 32, 159, 165, 205, 224, 227-258 Bibliograpy 243, 253, 256b See also Berlin, Congress and Treaty of, 1878. Neutral trade: See Commerce in war. Neutrahty 296-300, 528-694. 781 Air 688 Anglo-Boer war 547 Belgium 170-193,986 Bibliography 534, 540, 544, 553, 554, 558, 561-563, 570, 589-591, 609, 619, 621, 652 China 673 Denmark 627, 669, 670, 693 France 562, 595, 610 Great Britain 529, 538, 539, 551, 556, 564, 565, 595-598 Holland 172, 193 Italy 601 Luxemburg 644 Norway 693 Russo-Japanese war 540,570,593 Sweden 693 Switzerland 583, 610, 629 United States 528, 533, 535, 536, 545, 552, 563, 578, 600, 608, 618, 620, 621, 623, 631, 634, 635, 640a, 657, 661, 674, 685, 694 Civil war 538, 539, 551, 565, 597, 598, 611 Spanish war 548,640 North Sea problem 146, 147 Norway, Neutrality 693 Pan-Germanism.. 93, 96, 120, 129, 132, 14^ See also Germany; Politics, European. Paris, Declaration of, 1856 296-300, 701, 705 Peace: See Hague. International peace conferences; Media- tion. Political histories 1-11 Bibliography 3, 4, 6, 9, 11 144 SUBJECT INDEX PoUtics, European 259-282 Portugal 32 Private property at sea 675, 739, 754, 779, 781, 983 See also Paris, Declaration of, 1856. Privateers 536, 603, 781 See also Paris, Declaration of, 1856. Prize court, International 698, 701, 705, 724, 730, 735, 737, 743, 772 Prizes 573, 704, 761, 772 Bibliography 761 Railroads in war, BibUography 924 Respondentia, Bottomry and. . . 795, 822 Rumania 238, 252, 410 See also Near East. Russia 203-219 Army 140,218,989,1002 Foreign relations 165 See also Anglo-Russian relations; Triple entente. Navy 87,88,989,1002 Orange paper 985, 998, 999 Russo-Japanese war 263, 540, 570, 593, 781 Scutari 244 See also Near East. Sea law: See Maritime law. Search, Right of 573, 599 Servia 220-226, 248, 249, 252, 997 Bibliography 226 Servian reply to Austria 985 Sick and wounded 609,782 See also Geneva convention, 1864; Hague. International peace conferences. Sweden, Neutrality 693 Switzeriand, Neutrality . 183, 583, 610, 629 Telegraph in war 970 See also Wireless telegraphy. Telephone in war 970 Trade, neutral: See Commerce in war; London, Declaration of, 1909. Treaties, Collections of 264, 270, 569 Treaty of Beriin, 1878: See Berlin, Congress and Treaty of, 1878. Trent affair, 1861 551, 565, 579 Triple alliance 144, 345, 388-449 Triple entente 339, 388-449 Turco-Italian war 194 Turkey 194, 227, 231, 233, 234 , 240a, 242, 243, 253, 258, 339, 398 See also Berlin, Congress and Treaty of, 1878; Near East. United States: Foreign enlistment laws 65 1 Neutrality 528, 533, 535, 536,545,552,578,600,608, 620, 631, 657, 661, 674, 685 European war, 1914 563, 621, 634, 635, 640a, 694 Vienna, Congress of, 1814-15 267, 284-295 War, Economic aspects 930, 992a, 994 See also Commerce in war; Finance and war; Food sup- ply and war. Laws 637, 641, 929, 937-939, 986 See also Maritime law; Military law. War (principles of operations). . . 918-954 War-riak insurance 705,791-834 Wilhelm I, Emperor of Germany. 127,128 Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany . 102a, 103, 112, 118, 121, 126, 135, 136, 485, 504 Wireless telegraphy 628, 781 Wounded and sick 609, 782 See also Geneva convention, 1864; Hague. International peace conferences. o This book is DUE on the last date stamped below E8U5 " Library sion orl)lbllo- graphy - List of rope a nd i int er na- tional politics . V I »v /I «fiis^*f '"^s ';'*■:: >4 p££' V,\ ,.r H-mMik^^::>.:-'i^^i;;^ym