INJTED STATES BUREAU OF EDUCATION JS OME EDUCATION CIRCULAR NO. 1 - ' - WHOLE NUMBER 634 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. CLASSIFIED AND GRADED LIST PREPARED BY NATIONS CONGRESS OF MOTHERS LITERATURE COMMITTEE, ALlCff nT ^ M. JORDAN. CHAIRMAN. (REVISED. 1914.) CONTENTS. Introductory not*. 1. Picture books and stories for the youngest readers. 2. Bf 8. Education and life. 4. Natural history, science, and animal stories. 5. Stories of foreign lands. & Our own country. 7. History, myths and legends. 8. Biography. 9. Stories. 10. Poetry. IL Books for occupation and amusement. 12. Key to publishers. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. This list has been prepared in response to requests from parents for help in the selection of books for their children. : 'V ' The italic letters before the titles show the ages for which the books are suited: a means under 8 years; 6, 8 to 14; c, over 14. The classification of books according to the age of the child is an arbitrary method at best, since children differ so greatly in their ability to grasp literature. Many books will, therefore, be found in one list -khich some parents will feel could be read only by older children. But in many homes, fortunately, the custom of reading aloud to children has been observed from earliest childhood. Where this is so, and the child develops a love of books, it is surprising to note the readiness with which he will grasp the best literature. A child had always better have a book which is above his com- prehension than one which is too young for him, and gives his reason, imagination, or sympathy no exercise. Though some "popular" literature finds its place on this list, the committee hopes that parents will select for their children's reading, as far as possible, such books as are of some permanent value, and are as interesting to the adults as to the child. Teachers and parents who have access to public libraries should call upon librarians for further help when it is needed. Many ex- cellent lists are prepared by the different libraries and are obtain- able at little or no cost. So many books in series are issued at the present time that great care should be exercised in selecting for purchase. As a rule, it is 48409 ' 16 1 2 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOE CHILDREN. not safe to buy whole sets of books, as different volumes vary greatly in merit. Inexpensive reprints of standard books are published in many forms. One of the most useful of the cheap editions is Everyman's library, Dutton, cloth, 35 cents; leather, 70 cents. This includes a large number of books desirable for young people to read and is recommended to those who are forming a library of their own. The Riverside literature series, Iloughton Mifflin co., is made up of poems, stories, and essays from the world's best literature, ancient and modern, over 200 volumes in all. Paper, 15 cents each; linen, 25 cents. The Heart of oak series contains tales of adventures, heroic stories, poems, classics from many languages chosen particularly with the aim of forming a taste for good literature. It was edited by Charles Eliot Norton, and published in seven volumes, graded according to ft g e > by D. C. Heath & co. Per volume: Vol. 1, 25 cents; vol. 2, 35 cents; vol. 3, 40 cents; vol. 4, 45 cents; vol. 5, 50 cents; vol. 6, 55 cents; vol. 7, 60 cents. Other series are noted in different parts of this list. As guides to the best reading for young and old the following books are recommended: The choice of books, Frederick Harrison, 75 cents; The book lover, James Baldwin, 90 cents; Books and culture, Hamilton W. Mabie, 90 cents. Also aids in the selection of children's books : The children's reading, Frances J. Olcott, Hough- ton Mifflin co., $1.25; A mother's list of books for children,, Gertrude W. Arnold, McClurg, $1. A I. PICTURE BOOKS AND STORIES FOR THE YOUNGEST READERS. For very young children there is no better way than to tell -over and over again the best fairy stories and myths, Old Testament stories, and simple hero tales. Books adapted to the comprehension of young children are few and have usually no style to recommend them. Many of the books in other divisions of this list may be read to quite young children, but a few stories are placed here which a child can read almost as soon as he can read at all. Adventures of a brownie. DINAH MULOCK CRAIK. Harper. 60 cents, a: sop's fables. There is a one-syllable edition, edited by Mary Godolphin. McKay. 50 cents. Scudder's Book of fables is more pleasing in form, however, and the stories are chiefly from JEsop. Another fairy reader. JAMES BALDWIN. Am. bk. co. 192 p. 35 cents. In school book form. Contains folk lore of different countries, in large print for second grade chil- dren. (The) Arabella and Araminta stories. GERTRUDE SMITH. Small. $1 net. Baby days. Century. 192 p. $1.10. A new selection of songs, stories, and pictuies for very little folks, with introduction by the editoi X "St. Nicholas." l/XX) GOOD BOOKS FOB CHILDREN. 3 Ban bury cross stories. F. W. HOWARD, ed. Merrill. 132 p. 25 centa. A small book of old nursery talcs, in large type, with pictures. (The) Blowing away of Mr. Bushy-Tail. EDITH DAVIDSON. Warne. 50 cents. Telling of the adventures of Mr. Bushy-Tail who goes out in search of food for his family, is caught in a blizzard and blown to the South Pole. (The) Book of baby beasts. F. E. DUGDALE. Pictures in color by E. J. Detmold. Hodder. $3.50. This and the Book of baby birds are beautiful gift books. Book of cheerful cats. J. G. FRANCIS. Century. $1. " Funny " black and white pictures. Book of fables. HORACE E. SCUDDER. H. & M. illus. 50 centa. Fables from JEsop, mainly. Book of folk stories. HORACE E. SCUDDER. H. & M. Paper, 15 centa net; cloth, 45 centa. Contains the well-known nursery tales. Book of horses. Dutton. Linen, 75 centa. Picture book for the youngest children. Book of nature myths. FLORENCE HOLBROOK. H. & M. 215 p. 65 centa. Subject matter from the folk lore of different nations, arranged for easy reading. Book of nursery rhymes. Arranged by CHARLES WELSH. Heath. 169 p. 30 centa. For an inexpensive edition of Mother Goose this is very satisfactory. The choice is good and typ< and pictures are attractive. (The) Book of the sea. Dutton. Paper, 50 cents; linen, 75 centa. Fine pictures that babies love. Boy Blue and his friends. ETTA AUSTIN BLAISDELL and MARY F. BLAISDELL. Little. 165 p. illus. 60 cents. Stories in which the familiar characters of Mother Goose appear in new roles. Brownies: their book. PALMER Cox. Century. 144 p. $1.50. Long a favorite picture book, with its funny little men and their mischievous doings. There an eight volumes of Brownie books. (A) Bunch of keys. MARGARET JOHNSON. Dutton. 74 p. 75 centa. Puzzle stories and pictures arranged like those in "What did the black cat do?" and "Where was the little white dog? " by the same author. (The) Bunnikins bunnies in camp. EDITH B. DAVIDSON. H. & M. 95 p. illus. 50 cents. Caldecott picture books. The Hey-diddle-diddle picture book. The Panjandrum picture book. Picture book. Picture book, no. 2. Warne. $1.25 each. These four volumes contain sixteen amusing nursery rhymes and other verses, which are sold sepa- rately in paper covers, 25 cents each. Cat stories. HELEN H. JACKSON. Little. 156 p. illus. $2. CONTENTS. Letters from a cat; Mammy Tittleback and her family; The hunter cats of Connorlot Chansons de France. J. B. WECKERLIN. Illus. by BoutetdeMonvel. Plon. $2.25. Chicken world. E. B. SMITH. Putnam. $2. Large colored pictures of different scenes in the hen yard. Child life readers. E A. BLAISDELL and M. F. BLAISDELL. Macinillan. Book 1. Child life: a first reader. 25 cents. Book 2. Child life in tale and fable: a second reader 35 cents. Child-lore dramatic reader. CATHERINE T. BRYCE. Scribner. 115 p. 30 centa. Stories, fables, and rhymes, arranged in dialogue form for dramatization in the schoolroom. (A) Child's book of stories. PENRYHN W. COUSSENS. Illus. by Jessie W. Smith. Duffield. $2.25. Child's Christ tales. A. H. PROUDFOOT. Flanagan. $1. Legendary tales from other sources than the Bible. To be read to children. Child's garden of verses. ROBERT Louis STEVENSON. Jllus. by Mars and Squire Rand . 50 centa. Illus. by Jessie W. Smith. Scribner. $2.50. Children's book. HORACE E. SCUDDER. H. & M. 444 p. illus. $2.50. A good collection for a family to own, containing the best old stories, fables, and poems. Can noi to read by the youngest children, but contains much they like to hear read. 4 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. (The) Children's hour. EVA MARCH TAPPAN, ed. 10 vola. Illus. Houphtou Mifflin. $20. Contains (oik stories nnd fables, myths, etc. ' Cock, the mouse, and the little red hen. FELICITE LEFEVRE. Jacobs. $1. An old story with new colored pictures. Etwas von den Wurzelkindern. SIBYLLE VON OLFERS. Schreiber. $1. Fairy stories and fables. JAMES BALDWIN. Am. bk. co. 35 centa. Fairy tales. GRIMM BROTHERS. S. E. Wiltse, ed. 2 vols. Ginn. 35 centa each. The choice is well made and the type is good. (The) Farm book. E.BOYD SMITH. Full-page colored pictures. H. AM. illus. $1.25 Father and baby plays. ANNE EMILIE POULSSON. Century. 100 p. $1.25. Fifty famous stories retold. JAMES BALDWIN. Am. bk. co. 35 centa. A favorite collection with little children. Filles et garcons. ANATOLE FRANCE. Illua. by Boutet de Monvel. Ilachette. $1.25. Finger plays for nursery and kindergarten. EMILIE A. POULSSON. Lothrop. $1.25. Folk-lore readers. E. O. GROVER Atkinson. Ill p. 30 centa. Based on Mother Goose stories, nursery rhymes, and 2Esop's fables. Folk-lore stories and proverbs. SARA E. WILTSE. Ginn. 30 centa. Nursery tales in large type with small black-and-white pictures. Four-and-twenty toilers. E. V. LDCAS. Colored illus. by F. D. Bedford.- McDevitt- Wilson. $1.75. Unusually attractive picture book of trades and occupations. Girls and Boys. ANATOLE FRANCE. Illus. by Boutet de Monvel. Duffield. 25 p. $2.25. Little children will enjoy the pictures, but the stories must be read to them. Golden goose book. LESLIE BROOKE. Warne. colored illus. $2. Contains: Golden goose; Three bears; Three little pigs; and Tom Thumb. Each is sold separately in paper cover at 50 cents. Goody two shoes. CHARLES WELSH, ed. Heath. 20 centa. Goops and how to be them. GELETT BURGESS. Stokes. $1.50. Absurd pictures with rhymes to teach manners and morals to children. Hans and Sister Hilda. A Christmas secret. JOHN H. JEWETT. Dutton. 50 centa. Pictures In color with a little story in verse. Httnschen im Blaubeerenwald. ELSA BESKOW. Carl, Stuttgart. $1. (The) Happy book. GITHA SOWERBT. Illus. by Millicent Sowerby. Hodder. 40 cents. (The) Happy heart family. VIRGINIA GERSON. Duffield. illua. $1.25. A favorite picture book. Hiawatha primer. FLORENCE HOLBROOK. H. & M. 40 centa. Hopi, the cliff-dweller. MARTHA JEWETT. Educ. pub. co. 72 p. 30 centa. Designed for children of the second primary grade. In field and pasture. MAUDE B. BUTTON. Am. bk. co. 190 p. 35 centa. Tells about the agricultural life of primitive people, by means of stories of individual children. Indian child life. EDWIN W. DEMING. Stokes. $2. Large, full-page pictures, in color, with descriptive text. Indian primer. FLORENCE C. Fox. Am. bk. co. illus. 120 p. 25 cents. Five types of Indians, whose history is of special interest to children, have been selected as the basis of short stories in large print Johnny Crow's garden. LESLIE BROOKE. Warne. $1. A nonsense rhyme, Illustrated with amusing pictures. Another book of the same kind is Johnny Crow's party. Warne. SI. Kling-Klang Gloria. II. LEFLER andJ. URBAN. Brentano. $1. Beautifully illustrated book of German folk- and child-songs, with music. Krag and Johnny Bear. ERNEST T. SETON. Scribner. illus. GO cents. Little Betty Blue. (Untearable.) Dutton. 8 p. 50 cents. Little Black Sambo. HELEN BANNERMAN. Stokes. 56 p. 50 cents. A little bit of a nonsense book, with colored pictures, which will delight the littlest children. Little Girl Blue. JOSEPHINE S. GATES. H. & M. 50 p. illua. 60 centa. 1,000 GOC$> BOOKS FOE CHILDREN. 5 Little songs of long ago. ALFRED MOFFAT. lllus. by Willebeek I^e Mair. Schirmer $2.50. The old times to familiar nursery rhymes, with beautiful full-page Illustrations. Little stories of little animals for little children. SUSAN UOLTON. Phillips. 84 p. illus. 50 cents. Ten cheerful and pleasing stories for very little people. Marigold garden. KATE GREENAWAY. Warne. illus. 56 p. $1.50 net. Pictures and rhymes. Marjorie books. LUCY WHEELOCK. Wilde. About 50 p. each. $1.10 for 8et. Six small volumes full of pictures and short stories: " Polly's minutes," "Christmas Ev," " Basste'i conquest," "A rainy day," "Jack and Ted," and "Sara's gift." More five-minute stories. LAURA E. RICHARDS. Estes. 150 p. $1. Rhymes and stories for little children. Mother Goose melodies. W. A. WHEELER, ed. H. & M. 186 p. illus. $1.50. Other good editions are noted in this list. My pussy cat book. Button. Paper, 50 cents; linen, 75 cents. Fine pictures that babies love. My very first book of letters. Hodder. 23 cents. The alphabet, with illustrations in color and accompanying versas. New baby world. Century. 300 p. $1.50. Stories and poems from St. Nicholas. Nibbles Poppelty Poppett. EDITH B. DAVIDSON. Little. 63 p. illus. 75 cents. Nonsense books. EDWARD LEAR. Little. $2. The nonsense classic of well-tested popularity. Nos enfants. ANATOLE FRANCE. Illus. by Boutet de Monvel. Hachette. $1.25. (The) Nursery rhyme book. ANDREW LANG. Complete classified collection ol "Mother Goose" verses. Warne. 278 p. $2. A very good book for the home nursery. Old Mother West Wind. THORNTON W. BURGESS. Little. 169 p. $1. A collection of stories, telling the adventures of the Merry Little Breezes released daily from Old Mother West Wind's bag. They are of a quality to be recommended for bedtime reading. Our moo cow book. Dutton. Paper, 50 cents; linen, 75 cents. Our old nursery rhymes. ALFRED MOFFAT. Illus. by Willebeek Le Mair. Schirmer. $2.50. With the original tunes and beautiful pictures. Outlook story-book for little people. LAURA WINNINGTON, ed. Outlook. 207 p. $1.20. A collection of little stories and poems well illustrated. Overall boys. EULALIE O. GROVER. Rand. 45 cents. With small colored pictures and big print. Peter and Polly in summer. ROSE LUCIA. Am. bk. co. 35 cents. Peter Rabbit series. BEATRIX POTTER. Warne. 50 cents. Children take great pleasure in these tiny books. The series includes Benjamin Bunny; Th tailor of Gloucester; Two bad mice; Squirrel Nutkin; Mrs. Tiggy- Winkle; Tom Kitten, and others. Pied Piper. ROBERT BROWNING. Illus. by Hope Dunlap. Rand. $1.25. Another edition is illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Warne. $1.50. Polly and Dolly. MARY F. BLAISDELL. Little. 173 p. illus. 50 cents. Seventeen little stories about the good timas of some children and their dog. Polly Cologne. MRS. ABBY MORTON DIAZ. Lothrop. 192 p. illus. $1. A story of a precious rag doll; how she was lost and how she was found. Prince Silver Wings and other fairy tales. EDITH OGDEN HARRISON. McClurg 123 p. $1.75. Seven pleasantly written fairy tales with colored illustrations. Roggie and Reggie stories. GERTRUDE SMITH. Harper. 95 p. $1.50. (The) Rolypoly pudding. BEATRIX POTTER. Warne. 70 p. illus. $1. More about our old frieud Tom Kitten and his adventures with the rat. Runaway donkey. EMILIE POULSSON. Lothrop. $1.25. Rhymes about animals, printed in large type, with many pictures in black and whit*. 6 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOB CHILDREN. (The) Sandman: his farm stories. WILLIAM J. HOPKINS. 217 p. $1.10. Storleti for the youngest children. Good for bedtime reading. Short stories for short people. ALICIA ASPIN WALL. Dutton. 254 p. $1.50. Twenty-eight short whimsical stories of a purely imaginative kind. Six nursery classics. MICHAEL V. O'SHEA. Heath. 20 cents. (The) Snow baby. JOSEPHINE D. PEARY. Stokes. 84 p. illus. from photographs $1.20. Snowman and other stories. ANDREW LANG. Longmans. 36 cents. Based on tales in the fairy books. [The) Stories of Peter and Ellen. GERTRUDE SMITH. Harper. 138 p. $1.30. Natural and wholesome stories of two small children who have many pets and frolics. Stories of pioneer life. FLORENCE BASS. Heath. 136 p. 40 cents. For children just becoming interested in the early history of our country. Story book friends. CLARA MURRAY. Little. 185 p. 50 cents. Illustrated hi color and in black and white. (The) Story hour. KATE DOUGLAS WIQQIN and NORA A. SMITH. H. & M. 185 p. $1. Bedtime stories for children under ten. Struwwel Peter. HEINRICH HOFFMANN. Dutton. 50 cents. Sunbonnet babies. EULALIE O. GROVER. Illua. by Bertha L. Corbett. Rand. 123 p. Large print. 48 cents. Excellent for children just beginning to read for themselves. Tales of two bunnies. KATHARINE PYLE. Illua. by the author. Dutton. $1. Numerous amusing pencil drawings and short animal stories. Through the farmyard gate. EMILIE POULSSON. Lothrop. 80 p. $1.25. Pictures of farmyard pets, illustrating verses and stories. Tom Kitten. BEATRIX POTTER. Warne. 50 cents. Tree dwellers. KATHARINE E. DOPP. Rand, illus. 45 cents. First in a series intended to teach the main steps in the progress of the race. Large type and short sentences. 'Twas the night before Christmas. C. C. MOORE. Illus. by Jessie Wilcox Smith. H. & M. $1. The old Christmas poem, with colored pictures. Under the window. KATE GREENAWAY. Warne. $1.50. Picture book with short verses. Walter Crane's picture books. The baby's own Aesop. Warne. $1.50. Beauty and the beast's picture book, Bluebeard's picture book, Buckle my shoe picture book, Cinderella's picture book, Goody Two Shoes' picture book, Red Riding Hood's picture book, Song of sixpence picture book and This little pig's picture book. Lane. $1.25 each. There are several stories in each book which are sold separately in paper covers. 25 cents each. Was Marilenchen erlebte. SIBYLLE VON OLFERS. Schreiber. $1. What did the black cat do? MARGARET JOHNSON. Estes. 81 p. 75 cents. Written partly in rebus fashion, with five or six little pictures on a page. Where was the little white dog? MARGARET JOHNSON. Estes. 79 p. 75 cents. A companion volume to "What did the black cat do?' (The) White kitten book. CECIL ALDIN. Dorau. illus. 75 ceuta. The story of a kitten told by herself, with amusing pictures. Wilderness babies. JULIA A. SCHWARZ. Little. $1.50. Simple stories of wild animal life. To be read to children. Windchen. SIBYLLE VON OLFERS. Schreiber. $1. Foreign picture books can be obtained through G. E. Stechert & Co., N. Y. 2. BIBLE. ibc Life of Jesus of Nazareth. Eighty pictures by William Hole, R. S. A, , R. E. Eyre & Spottiswoode, London. $3. Selections from tte text of the King James version are accompanied by beautiful pictures to Ntar. 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOE CHILDREN. 7 abc Lippincott's Old and New Testaments. In one vol., $3; in two vols., $1.50oach. abc On holy ground. REV. WILLIAM L. WORCESTER. Lippincott. 492 p. illua. $3. A good arrangement of the Bible for children of any age. The stories are given straight from the Bible, not paraphrased. Each story, however, is set in a simple description of the time and conditions ab "Tell me a true story." MARY STEWART. Revell. 253 p. illua. $1.25. Tales of Bible heroes for the children of to-day. Forty-eight Bible stories simply and well told. 3. EDUCATION AND LIFE. c "Boy wanted." NIXON WATERMAN. Forbes. $1.25. Cheerful counsel on opportunity and success. e (A) Bundle of letters to busy girls on practical matters. GRACE II. DODOE. Wagnall. 139 p. 50 cents. Sensible and helpful talks to girls. c Ethics of the dust. JOHN RUSKIN. Dutton. (Everyman's library.) 35 cents. be From youth into manhood. WINFIELD S. HALL. Y. M. C. A. press. 50 cents. On sex education. Designed for boys, 11-15 years. Recommended by the American vigilance association. c Girl and woman. CAROLINE W. LATIMER. Appleton. $1.50. An excellent book on sex education with helpful suggestions to mothers, but should be carefully used with young girls. Recommended by the American vigilance association. c (The) Girl wanted. NIXON WATERMAN. Forbes. $1.25. Talks on character and conduct, c Letters to the farm boy. HENRY WALLACE. Macmillan. 180 p. $1. Intended to aid in starting the farm boy on the right track. The book has also been read with interest by city boys, c What can a young man do? FRANK W. ROLLINS. Little. $1.50. Short- descriptions of professions and trades, with much good advice and information, by a business man. 4. NATURAL HISTORY, SCIENCE, AND ANIMAL STORIES. be A-hunting of the deer. CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER. H. & M. 85 p. Pape^ 15 cents. Sketches of outdoor life, written with humor and charm. 6 Adventures of two ants. NANNY HAMMARSTROM. Stokes. 79 p. illus. $1. A story in the form of an autobiography telling the life history of Rufa from egg to full-grown ant. be American natural history. WILLIAM J. HORNADAY. Scribner. 449 p. illus. $3.50. "A foundation of useful knowledge of the higher animals of North America." be Animal story book. ANDREW LANG. Longmans. 400 p. illus. $1.50. "True stories more or less," and most of them very interesting. be Astronomy from a dipper. ELIOT C. CLARKE. H. & M. illus. 60 centa. A simple book for the beginner who wishes to learn the constellations. Gives charts and maps. ab Aunt Martha's corner cupboard. MARY and ELIZABETH KIRBY. Nelson. 144 p. illua. 60 cents. Stories about tea. coffee, sugar, rice, etc. abc (The) Bee people. MARGARET W. MORLEY. McClurg. 177 p. illus. $1.25. A fascinating description of these wonderful creatures told in the form of a story. b (The) Biography of a grizzly. ERNEST THOMPSON SETON. Century, illus. $1.50. abc Bird guide. Land birds east of the Rockies. CHESTER A. REED. 200 colored plates. 75 cents. A pocket companion for a child who is beginning to learn the birds. be Bird-life. FRANK M. CHAPMAN. Appleton. 187 p. 75 colored plates. $2. Contains a field key to the common birds. A useful guide for the older children and adults. afccBirdneighbors. NELTJEBLANCHAN. Doubleday. 234 p. colored illus. $2 net. An introductory acquaintance with 150 birds commonly found in the gardens, moadows, and woods about our homes. School edition sold for 50 cents. fee Bird stories from Burroughs. JOHN BURROUGHS. H. & M. 171 p. illus. 80 cents. AD invitation to further study. 8 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOB CHILDREN. H Bird world. J. II. STICKNEY and RALPH HOFFMANN. With 10 full-page illustra- tions by Ernest Thompson Seton, and colored plates. Giuu. 214 p. 75 cent* net. A book for young children. be Birds and bees, sharp eyes and other papers. JOHN BURROUGHS. II. & M. 96 p. 40 cents. For over forty years the breezy pages of this author have been winning enthusiastic observers to outdoor life. 6 Book of the ocean. ERNEST INOERSOLL. Century. 274 p. illus. $1.50. A good book for the boy or girl who likes to read of ocean voyages, the vessels in which they an made, and the wonders of the sea. c (The) Boy electrician. ALFRED P. MORGAN. Lothrop. 394 p. illus., diagrams. $2 net. Practical plans for electrical apparatus for work and play, with an explanation of the principles of every-day electricity. be (The) Boy with the TJ. S. Foresters. FRANCIS ROLT- WHEELER. Lothrop. 317 p. illus. $1.50. An interesting and timely book with very little plot but a great deal of adventure. Precisely what forestry is and what timber conservation means is told in an attractive and interesting way. be (The) Boy with the U. S. Survey. FRANCIS ROLT-WHEELER. Lothrop. 381 p. illus. $1.50. Recounts some of the important work being done by the U. S. Geological Survey in the guise of o story of a sturdy boy's experience. Though written for boys, it will be equally interesting to many adult readers. c Boy's book of model aeroplanes. FRANCIS A. COLLINS. Century. 308 p. $1.50. Tells how to build and fly them and shows plans and pictures. be Children's book of stars. GERALDINE E. MITTON. Black. 206 p. colored illus. $2. Written in simple language "to awaken the interest of intelligent children." Very attractive. be Earth and sky every child should know. JULIA E. ROGERS. Doubleday. 244 p. $1.20. Studies in geology and astronomy. be Field book of American wild flowers. F. SCHUYLER MATHEWS. Putnam. 551 p. colored illus. $1.75. An excellent handy guide. ate (The) First book of birds. OLIVE THORNE MILLER. H. & M. 144 p. colored pictures. $1. Descriptions of some of the most common birds and their habits, including many anecdotes. 6 First studies of plant life. GEORGE F. ATKINSON. Holt, illus. CO cents, net. abc Flower guide. CHESTER A. REED. Reed. $1. Three hundred and twenty flowers in color. Carefully indexed by color. Identification of flowers made very easy. 6 Fly-aways and other seed travelers. FRANCIS M. FULTZ. Pub. school. 186 p. illus. 60 cents. Tells how the different kinds of seeds are adapted to their modes of travel. Superior in style and illustration to Morley's "Little wanderers" and contains twice as much material. For children of ten or over. ib Four-footed Americans. MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT. Pictures by Ernest Thompson ScfiMi. Macmillan. 430 p $1.50. In story form. be (The) Friendly stars. MARTHA E. MARTIN. Harper. 265 p. $1.25 net. ah Friends and helpers. SARAH J. EDDY. Ginn. 231 p. illus. 60 cents. Short stories about horses, do;;s, and other domestic animals. 6 Gray lady and the birds. Stories of the bird year. MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT. Macmillan. 437 p. illus. $1.35. c Greyfriars Bobby. ELEANOH S. ATKINSON. Harper. 292 p. $1.20. The story of a little Scotch teirier whose monument stands in Edinburgh, fcn memory of a lifetimi of devotion. 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. 9 be (A) Gmde to the trees. ALICE LODNSBERRY. Stokes. 313 p. $1.76. Illustrated in color and black-and-white. c Handbook of birds of Eastern North America. FRANK M. CHAPMAN. Illus. in colors and black-and-white by L. A. Fuertes and others. Appleton. 513 p. $3.50. A full and authoritative manual. be Harper's book for young gardeners. A. H. VERRILL. Harper. 390 p. illue. $1.50. CONTENTS. The garden profitable; the garden ornamental; the garden practical. be Harper's book for young naturalists. A guide to collecting and preparing speci- mens. A. H. VERRILL. Harper. 381 p. illus. $1.25. "This book Is written for boys who are interested in out-of-doors life and out-of-doors work, and who are anxious and willing to learn all they can of nature's wonders, and who collect or want to collect something of value and interest in an intelligent way." Preface. be Harper's electricity book for boys. JOSEPH H. ADAMS. Harper. 407 p. illua. $1.75. A comprehensive practical book with many illustrations and directions for electrical work, fee Harper's wireless book for boys. A. H. VERRILL. Harper. 184 p. illus. $1.75. CONTENTS. The why and how of wireless; how to build and use wireless apparatus; wireless telephony. be Home aquarium and how to care for it. EUGENE SMITH. Dutton. 213 p. illus. $1.20. This small book contains "all that is required to establish successfully a fresh- water aquarium." c How it is done. ARCHIBALD WILLIAMS. Nelson. 484 p. $1.50. Describes in simple language how great engineering achievements in all parts of the world ha>w been accomplished. A good book for boys interested in engineering. Fully illustrated. 6 How to attract the birds. NELTJE BLANCHAN. Doubleday. 224 p. $1.35. A book well calculated by its instructive contents, and the illustrations made from photographs , to awaken and deepen a love for birds. be How to know the ferns. FRANCES T. S. DANA. Scribner. 215 p. illus. $1.50. A popular guide to the identification of ferns in their haunts. abc How to know the wild flowers. FRANCES T. S. DANA. Scribner. 346 p. $1.75. Arranged by color. An excellent guide. b How two boys made their own electrical apparatus. THOMAS M. ST. JOHN. 200 p. $1. A good home book. c In the wilderness. CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER. H. & M. (Riverside literature series.) 30 cents. On the observation of nature. 6 Insect stories. VERNON L. KELLOGG. Holt. 298 p. illus. $l.bO. True stories in which a little girl and a naturalist study insect ways together. be Jungle book. RUDYARD KIPLING. Century. 303 p. $1.50. Kipling's animal stories are loved by children, especially when read aloud to them. This volume includes stories about Mowgli, the boy brought up by wolves Rikki-tikki-tavi, the mongoose, and other forest people. be (The) Kindred of the wild. CHARLES G. D. ROBERTS. Page. 57 full-page illua. $2. A book of animal life. be (The) Land we live in. OVERTON W. PRICE. Small. 242 p. $1.50. Contains valuable information for any onn about our great national resources. Many illustrations abc Life histories of American insects. CLARENCE M. WEED. Macmillan. 270 p. $1.50. The pictures are many and good, and the descriptions simple, explaining many of the little nest? and burrows we have all wondered about so many times in summer. ab Little beasts of field and wood. WILLIAM E. CRAM. Small. 261 p. $1.25. Simply told accounts of the habits of small common animals. be (A) Little brother to the bear. WILLIAM J. LONG. Ginn. 276 p. $1.50. A description of animals and animal life written in Mr. Long's usual interesting way. Other tiooks by this author include The school of the woods. Ginn. $1.50. The ways of wood folk Ginn 75 cents. Wilderness ways. Ginn. 75 cents. 48409 16 2 10 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOB CHILDREN. be Lives of the hunted. ERNEST THOMPSON SETON. Scribner. SCO p. illus. $2. be Machinery book for boys. JOSEPH H. ADAMS. Harper. 373 p. $1.75. be Madam How and Lady Why. CHARLES C. KINGSLEY. Macmillan. 321 p. $1.25. Telling of some of the more obvious workings of nature, making it easy and interesting for children to observe for themselves. 6c Minerals and how to study them. EDWARD S. DANA. Wiley, illus. 380 p. $1.50. " Best elementary handbook on minerals." be Moths and butterflies. MARY C. DICKERSON. Ginn. 344 p. illus. from photo- graphs. $1.25. c (The) Mountains of California. JOHN Mura. Century. 381 p. illus. $1.50. Essays for the more mature readers. c Other worlds than ours. RICHARD A. PROCTOR. Appleton. 339 p. $1.25. be Our insect friends and foes. BELLE S. CRAQIN. Putnam. 361 p. illus. $1.75. "How to collect, preserve, and study them." A manual for beginners. be Our native trees. HARRIET L. KEELER. Scribner. 537 p. illus. from photo- graphs. $2. Descriptions easy to comprehend, careful and accurate. Contains a brief finding key. Probably the most helpful single book for young people. be Pepacton. JOJIN BURROUGHS. H. & M. 260 p. $1.25. "For the development of close observation and good feeling toward the common things of life, I know of no writings better than those of John Burroughs." Other volumes of essays by him which young people enjoy, are Locusts and wild honey, Riverby, and Wake robin. b Plants and their children. FRANCES T. DANA. Am. bk. co. 265 p. 65 cents. ab Prince and his ants. LUIGI BERTELLI. Holt. 275 p. illus. $1.30. Tells about a little Italian boy who became an ant and had many thrilling adventures with other ants and wasps ad bees. (The) Romance of modern invention. ARCHIBALD WILLIAMS. Pearson. 346 p. $1.50. Contains descriptions of wireless telegraphy, liquid air, modern artillery, submarines dirigibta torpedoes, solar motors, airships, etc. c (The) Romance of modern photography. CHARLES R. GIBBON. Lippincott. $1.50. Recommended as a home book. An interesting history of photography. be (The) Sea-beach at ebb-tide. AUGUSTA F. ARNOLD. Century. 490 p. illus. $2.40. In spite of technical names and expressions this book can be used by young collectors because of its many fine pictures and plain descriptions. 6 Second book of birds. OLIVE THORNE MILLER. H. & M. 204 p. colored illus. $1. Simple descriptions of the "most common or typical species." be (The) Second jungle book. RUDYARD KIPLINQ. Century. 324 p. illus. $1.50. "Now these are the laws of the Jungle, And many and mighty are they; But the head and the hoof of the Law And the haunch and the hump is Obey f " ab Seed babies. MARGARET W. MORLEY. Ginn. 71 p. 25 cents. be Shaggy coat. CLARENCE HAWKES. Jacobs. 237 p. $1.25. An instructive and entertaining story of the life of a beaver. be (A) Song of life. MARGARET MORLEY. McClurg. $1.25. To be read with a child. abc Squirrels and other fur-bearers. JOHN BURROUGHS. H. A M. 144 p. $1. A very attractive little book, describing 15 different animals, each description enlivened by a full- page colored picture. be Star lore of all ages. WILLIAM T. OLCOTT. Putnam. 449 p. illus. $3.50. A collection of myths, legends, and facts concerning the constellations of the Northern hemisphere. A good book for the home. b Stories of insect life. CLARENCE M. WEED. Ginn. vol. 1, 25 cents; vol. 2, 30 cents. 46 (The) Stories Mother Nature told her children. JANE ANDREWS. I/ee 161 . $1. 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOB CHILDBEN. 11 be Stories of inventors. RUSSELL DOUBLEDAY. Doubleday. 221 p. $1.25. The adventures of Inventors and engineers; true incidents and personal experiences. Very simple nature stories for children under 10. b Story of wool. SARA W. BASSETT. Perm. 213 p. illufl. 75 cents. Tells of an eastern boy's visit to a western sheep ranch and joins information with adventure. b Study of elementary electricity and magnetism by experiment. THOMAS M. ST. JOHN. St. John. 220 p. $1.25. This book contains 200 experiments performed with simple, home-made apparatus. b Things a boy should know about electricity. THOMAS M. ST. JOHN. St. John. 179 p. $1. A good home book. ab Trees that every child should know. JULIA E. ROGERS. Doubleday. 236 p. illus. $1.20. A useful guide for children of 12 and over, and also a convenient teachers' aid. b Two little savages. ERNEST THOMPSON SETON. Scribner. $2.50. The adventures of two boys who lived as Indians and what they learned. ab Wabeno, the magician. MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT. Macmillan. 344 p. $1.50. A fanciful tale of Anne, the "House child," and her outdoor friends. (A) Watcher in the woods. DALLAS LORE SHARP. Century. 205 p. 84 cents. Sketches of outdoor life, in the form of a nature reader. abc Wild animals every child should know. JULIA E. ROGERS. Doubleday. 385 p illus. $1.20. b Wild animals I have known. ERNEST THOMPSON SETON. Scribner. 358 p. $2. A collection of sympathetic animal stories, mostly with sad endings. abc Wild flowers every child should know. FREDERIC W. STACK. Doubleday. 411 p. illus. $1.20. There is no technical description, but a full, popular one, giving facts about the uses of the flowei and the myths and legends concerning it. be Wild neighbors. ERNEST INGERSOLL. Macmillan. 297 p. $1.50. Descriptions, studies, and pictures of some of the wild animals of our own country. b Wilderness pets at Camp Buckshaw. EDWARD BRECK. H. & M. 239 p. illus from photographs. $1.50. True tales of camp life and wild pets. 5. STORIES OF FOREIGN LANDS. be Adrift on an ice pan. WILFRED T. GRENFELL. H. & M. G9 p. 75 cents. A true and thrilling incident in the life of the writer. c (An) American boy at Henley. FRANK E. CHANNON. Little. 296 p. illua. $1.50. The story of an American boy who is sent to an English preparatory school. Interesting account of differences in the life at English and American schools. be (A) Boy in Eirinn. PADRAIC COLUM. Dutton. 255 p. illus. (Little school- mate series.) $1. Irish history and folk lore come into the story of this modern boy, Finn O'Donnell, and his home in Ireland. 6 Boys of other countries. BAYARD TAYLOR. Putnam. 164 p. illua. $1.25. True stories of boys living in Iceland, Russia, Germany, Egypt, and other countries. be Captain June. ALICE H. RICE. Century. 120 p. $1. The story of a little American boy whose mother leaves him with a Japanese nurse in a Japanese home. ab Child life in Japan. MATILDA C. AYRTON. Heath. 70 p. illus. 40 cents. Easy reading for the younger children, giving a true picture of old Japan. be Children's book of Edinburgh. ELIZABETH W. GRIERSON. Macmillan. 379 p. illus. $2. A city full of history and tradition, well described and pictured with colored plates. 6 Children's book of London. GERALDINE E. MITTON. Black (London). 376 p. illus. $1.50. Contains historical stories as well as descriptions of the sights of London, c China. ROBEBT K. DOUGLAS Putnam. (Story of the nations series.) $1.60. 12 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. b Chinese boy and girl. ISAAC M. HEADLAND. Revell. 176 p. illus. $1 Tells In some detail of the games and amusements of Chines* children. be (The) Cruise of the Cachalot. FRANK T. BULLEN. Appleton. 379 p. $1.50. A rarely interesting true story of a whaling expedition which extended round the world. forCuore; an Italian school-boy's journal. EDMONDO DE AMICIS. Crowell. 326 p 60 cents. This translation from the Italian possesses great charm of style and is filled with a spirit of patriotism. be Danish life in town and country. J. BROCKNER. Putnam. 266 p. $1.20. b Donkey John of the toy valley. MARGARET W. MORLEY. McClurg. $1.25. In this valley of the Tyrol every one carves in wood. John is a boy who learns to make famous donkeys. ab Dutch twins. LUCY F. PERKINS. H. & M. $1. A charming little book full of reproductions of quaint pencil drawings. ab Each and all. JANE ANDREWS. Ginn. 159 p. 75 cents. Companion to "Seven little sisters.'' be Farthest north. DR. FRIDTJOP NANSEN. Harper. 600 p. 2 vols. illus. $10. A record of a voyage of exploration of the ship " Fram," 1893-96, and of a 15-months' sleigh jour- ney by Dr. Nansen and Lieut. Johansen. 6 Fritz in Germany. ETTA B. MACDONALD and JULIA DALRYMPLB. Little. 120 p. illus. (Little people everywhere series.) 60 cents. A story of a little German boy, his daily life and studies, visits to German cities, and celebra- tions of Christmas. b Gerda in Sweden. ETTA B. MACDONALD and JULIA DALRYMPLE. Little. 120 p. illus. 60 cents. Child life in Sweden and Lapland. Gerda and her twin brother cross the Baltic Sea, attend th winter carnival, celebrate Yuletide with all the Swedish customs, take part in a May festival. be Hans Brinker; or, The silver skates. MARY MAPES DODGE. Scribner. 393 p. iilus. $1.50. Beside great pleasure in the well-written story, children gain an excellent idea of the characteristic traits of the Dutch people. There is also a 75-cent edition. ab Heidi. JOHANNA SPYRI. Ginn. 363 p. illus. 40 cents. Both boys and girls enjoy reading of the little Swiss girl in her mountain home. There are more expensive editions with colored pictures: Dutton, $2.50; and Ginn, $1.25. h In African forest and jungle. PAUL DU CHAILLU. Scribner. 193 p. $1.50. An account of the author's experiences among the natives of Africa and among the wild animals of the African forests. be In eastern wonderlands. CHARLOTTE C. GIBSON. Little. 197 p. illus. $1.50. Sketches of travel in Japan and other countries of Asia. c In search of a Siberian Klondike, as narrated by WASHINGTON B. VANDERLIP, the chief actor, and herein set forth by HOMER B. HULBERT. Outlook. 315 p. $2. An account of a trip to the northern part of Siberia, in the employ of a Russian firm prospecting for gold. Considerable information is given about the northern country and its people. be In sunny Spain. KATHARINE L. BATES. Dutton. 300 p. illus. (Little school- mate series.) $1. One of an unusually satisfactory series, written from real knowledge of the country and af child life. c Japan. DAVID MURRAY. Putnam. (Story of the nations series.) $1.35. 6 Japanese twins. LUCY F. PERKINS. H. & M. 177 p. illus. $1. Attractively illustrated by the author. The Irish twins is also recommended. be John and Betty's history visit. MARGARET WILLIAMSON. Lothrop. 291 p. $1.25. Two American children learn Knglish history by visiting many famous places. aO Johnny Blossom. DIKKEN ZWILOMEYER. Trans, from the Norwegian by Emilie Poulsson. Pilgrim. 163 p. illus. $1. Although Johnny Blossom is like mischievous, good-hearted little lads in any country the inci- dents and background give pictures of Norwegian life which add charm and novelty to the story. b Lance of Kanana. HARRY W. FRENCH. Lothrop. 172 p. $1. A stirring story about a brave Arabian boy. Gives a good idea of the Bedouin tribes of the desert Tbe form of the book is unattractive, but the story is inspiring. 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. 18 be Land of Pluck. MARY MAPES DODGE. Century. 313 p. illua. $1.50. Stories and sketches, part of them about Holland. be Laud of the long night. PAUL DU CHAILLU. Scribner. 2G6 p. $1.50. A lively account of the author's visit among the Laplanders. I Lisbeth Longfrock. HANS AANRUD. Trans, from the Norwegian by Lauia E. Poulsson. Ginn. 149 p. 40 cents. The simple, homely customs of Norwegian peasant life are portrayed for the children of Norway, with whom this is a favorite story. b Little people everywhere series. Viz: Kathleen in Ireland; Manuel in Mexico; Raphael in Italy; Ume San in Japan; Betty in Canada; Hassan in Egypt; Marta in Holland. E. A. MCDONALD and J. DALRYMPLE. Little. 60 cents each. For slightly older children than the Little cousin series. be Lost in the jungle. PAUL B. Du CHAILLU. Harper. 260 p. illus. $1.25. Thrilling adventuies in equatorial Africa. The author has written other books of like nature. b Our little cousin series. Page, illus. 60 cents. There ai e more than 40 books in this series, which tell of child life in other lands. They are written in story form and are popular with children of 9 or 10 years. Some of the titles are the following: Our little Alaskan cousin; Our little Australian cousin; Our little Chinese cousin; Our little SpanUh cousin; Our little Swedish cousin. c Panama and the canal. ALFRED B. HALL and CLARENCE L. CHESTER. Newson. 236 p. 60 cents. An admirable history of Panama from earliest times, describing the country in detail and giving a good account of the history of the canal. Excellent description of present-day conditions. Illus- trated from photographs. be Peep at many lands. Macmillan. illus. in color. 55 cents each. Burma, R. Talbot Kelly; Kgypt, R. Talbot Kelly; England, John Flnnemore; Holy Land, John Finnernore; Morocco, John Finnemore; Siam, Ernest Young; South Africa, Dudley Kidd; France, John Finnernore; Holland, Beatrix Jungman; India, John Fiimemore; Japan, John Finnemore; Scotland, Klizabeth Grierson; Denmark, M.Pearson Thomson; Edinburgh, Rosaline Masson; Korea, Constance J. U. Coulson; Russia, L. Edna Walter; Hungary. Tornai de Kover; Australia, Frank Fox; Oceanica, Frank Fox; Sweden, W. Llddle and Mrs. W. J. Liddle; Wales, E. M. Wilmot Buxton; Switzerland, John Finnemore. Older readers as well as children enjoy the pictures and descriptions of foreign lands in these small books. They average 85 pages, and include other countries than those listed above. A companion series is called Peeps at great cities. b Peeps-in-the-world. F. E. CRICHTON. Longmans. 258 p. illus. Tells of the visit of a little English girl in her uncle's German castle. Pictures many distinctive German customs, closing with a Christmas celebration. c Picciola. J. X. B. SAINTINE. H. & M. 254 p. $1. Translated from the French. The well-known, touching story of a prisoner and a flower. be Roy and Ray in Canada. MARY W. PLUMMER. Holt. 305 p. $1.50. An instructive story of two children and their trip to Canada with their father and their older sister. Much information is given concerning the history and customs of the Canadians. ab Seven little sisters. JANE ANDREWS. Ginn. 127 p. illua. 75 cents. Stories about seven little girls who lived in different parts of the world. be Swedish life in town and country. O. G. VON HEIDENSTAM. Putnam. 286 p. (Our European neighbors.) $1.20. Travel series not written for children, but interesting to young people. c (A; Tenderfoot with Peary. GEORGE BORUP. Stokes. 317 p. $2.10. Experiences of a young college man on the hunt for the North Pole. fee Tent life in Siberia. GEORGE KENNAN. Putnam, illus. $2.50. An interesting account of Sfber ia as seen by one of the employees of the Russo-American Tel graph Co. be Two years before the mast. RICHARD H. DANA, Jr. H. & M. 470 p. $1.50. A true account of two years spent by Mr. Dana as a common sailor on an American merchant ship An American classic. New illustrated edition. be Under Greek skies. JULIA D. DRAGOUMIS. Button. 305 p. illus. (Little schoolmate series.) $1. Three charming stories of Greek children in their homeland. Successfully armses sympatnj with our foreign neighbors. 14 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOB CHILDREN. be Ungava Bob. DILLON WALLACE. Revel. 342 p. $1.50. An entertaining story of a trapper's life In Labrador. be Voyage in the Sunbeam. ANNIE A. BRASSEY. Longmans. 368 p. 75 cents. An abridianent of the original diary telling the pleasant story of a trip around the world hi tbe yacht Sunbeam. 6. OUR OWN COUNTRY. 6 American hero stories. EVA MARCH TAPPAN. II. & M. 265 p. illus. 55 cents. Twenty -nine well-chosen stories, beginning with Columbus and ending with Lincoln. b American inventions and inventors. W. A. MOWRY and A. M. MOWRY. Silver. 298 p. illus. 65 cents. In form a supplementary reader, but Interestingly written and full of valuable Information. be Barnaby Lee. JOHN BENNETT. Century. 454 p. illus. $1.50. A story full of adventure, on the sea with pirates, with the Dutch in New Amsterdam, and In colonial Maryland. be "Boots and saddles." ELIZABETH B. OUSTER. Harper. 312 p. $1.20. Mis. Ouster writes of her husband's life In Dakota and of his fights with hostile Indians. be Boston town. HORACE E. SCUDDER. H. & M. 243 p. illua. $1.50. A history of interesting buildings and places in Boston. c Boy's Catlin. GEORGE CATLIN. Scribner. 375 p. illus. $1.50. Studies of the Noith American Indians, among whom the writer spent many years of observation. Illustrated from original drawings by the author. be (The) Boys of '76. CHARLES CARLETON COPFIN. Harper, illus. 398 p. $2. A popular and vivid narrative of the Amei lean Revolution, su re to arouse the Interest of any child. 6 Children of the cold. FREDERIC SCHWATKA. Ed. pub. co. 212 p. $1.25. Stories of the life of the Eskimo foi children of 9 or 10. b Colonial days. WILBUR F. GORDY. Scribner. 329 p. illus. 60 cents. Accounts of the colonies, the fights with the Indians, and the French and English wars. 6 Discovery of the old northwest. JAMES BALDWIN. Am. bk. co. 272 p. illus. 60 cents. Early French exploration in America. A plain, substantial book, treating of wonderful adventures c (The) End of an era. JOHN S. WISE. H. & M. 463 p. $2. An account of the Civil War and the years immediately preceding it, told by a Virginian, who was in the war as a boy. b Everyday life in the Colonies. GERTRUDE L. STONE and M. GRACE FICKETT. Heath 109 p. illus. 35 cents. be Famous Indian chiefs I have known. O. 0. HOWARD, Major-General U. S. Army. Century. 364 p. illus. $1.50. The good qualities of the chiefs and their kindly response to good treatment are emphasized. be First across the continent. NOAH BROOKS. Scribner. 365 p. $1.50. Story of the expedition of Lewis and Clark in the early 19th century. ab (A) First book in American history. EDWARD EGGLESTON. Am. bk. co. 207 p. illus. 60 cents. A biographical treatment, which makes history seem very real to the younger children. 6 Gold seeking on the Dalton trail. ARTHUR R. THOMPSON. Little. 352 p. $1.50. Adventuies of two New England boys in Alaska and the Northwest Territory. be Green Mountain boys. DANIEL P. THOMPSON. Lothrop. 405 p. $1. Historical tale of the early settlement of Vermont. be Gunner aboard the Yankee. RUSSELL DOUBLEDAY. Doubleday. 312 p. illus $1.25. From the diary of a young naval reserve called to serve in the Spanish War. i Hero stories from American history. A. F. BLAISDELL and F. K. BALL. Ginn 259 p. illus. 50 cents. Interesting to children of 9 or 10. 6 Hero tales from American history. HENRY CABOT LODGE and THEODORE ROOSE VELT. Century. 355 p. illus. $1.50. Well-written stories of stirring events and heroic characters. k Heroes of the storm. WILLIAM D. O'CONNOR. II. & M. 281 p. $1.50. An account of the Life-saving service. 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. 15 b History of the United States. EDWARD EOGLESTON. Appleton. 392 p. illus. $2.50. Many pictures and good type help to make this an attractive book (or home reading, though it to also to be used as a text-book. c In old New York. THOMAS A. JANVIER. Harper. $1.75. be Indian boyhood. CHARLES A. EASTMAN. McClurg. 289 p. illus. $1.60. A collection of reminiscences of the author's boyhood. Dr. Eastman Is a full-blooded Sioux, and hk account of Indian character and Indian customs has special value and interest. be Indian history for young folks. FRANCIS S. DRAKE. Harper. 479 p. $3. A full and plain narrative of the effort of the Indian to drive off the intruding white man. b Letters from colonial children. EVA MARCH TAPPAN. H. & M. 319 p. illus. $1. Supposed to have been written by children in the colonies of America to their friends in the mother country. c (The) Little shepherd of kingdom come. JOHN Fox, jr. Scribner. 404 p. $1.20. Not a child's story, but a novel of Civil War time in which the reader is shown the meaning of both sides of the great struggle. e (The) Man with the iron hand. JOHN C. PARISH. H. & M. 228 p. $1.25. A narrative of some of the events which attended the coming of the French explorers into the Mis- sissippi Valley. 6 Old Indian legends. Retold by ZITKALA-SA. Ginn. 165 p. 50 cents. Fourteen stories of the Dakotas, well told by one who has beard them from the old Dakota story- tellers. c Old Virginia and her neighbors. JOHN FISKE. H. & M. 2 vol. $2. The series of histories by this author are delightful reading and cover the most interesting periods of our history. be On the trail of Washington. FREDERICK T. HILL. Appleton. 276 p. $1.50. "A narrative history of Washington's boyhood and manhood, based on his own writings, authentic documents, and other authoritative information." c Oregon trail. FRANCIS PARKMAN. Little. 411 p. illus. $2. Sketches of prairi* and Rocky Mountain life, with pictures by Remington. There is a $1 edition with fewer illustrations. b Ova country's story. EVA MARCH TAPPAN. H. & M. 267 p. 65 cents. A readable narrative of events from the time of Columbus to that of Roosevelt. be Our nation's flag. NICHOLAS SMITH. Young churchman. 215 p. $1. Interesting incidents in the history of the flag. be Paul Revere's ride. HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. H. & M. 76 p. port. $1. This well-known poem, printed separately for the first time, is supplemented by Revere's own account of his ride. b Pioneers on land and sea. CHARLES A. McMuRRY. Macinillan. 261 p. illus. 40 cents. Excellent narratives of the early settlers and explorers. Pioneers of the Mississippi Valley and Pioneers of the Rocky Mountains are also recommended. be Recollections of a drummer-boy. HARRY M. KIEFFER. H. & M. 249 p. $1.50. "A. more or less connected story of army life, covering thewhole period of a soldier's experience from enlistment to musterout," during the Civil War in America. c (The) Ship of state. THEODORE ROOSEVELT and others. Ginn. 264 p. 75 cents. Articles about the different State departments, written for the \ outb's companion by prominent government officials. b Soldier Rigdale. BEULAH M. Dix. Macmillan. 323 p. $1.50. A story of Pilgrim days in Massachusetts. be Some strange corners of our country. CHARLES F. LUMMIS. Century. 270 p. $1.50. Describes" the Wonderland of the Southwest," the petrified forest of Arizona and other remarkabli features. ab Stories of great Americans for little Americans. EDWARD EOOLESTON. Am. bk. co. 159 p. 40 cents. Primary American history, mainly in the form of personal anecdote, with short sentences and easy words. Stories of the Great West. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Century 254 p. illus. 60 cents. A collection of stories taken from svral of the author's largr works. 16 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOB CHILDREN. t Stories of the Old Dominion. JOHN E. COOKE. Am. bk. co. 337 p. illus. 00 cents. Interesting Incidents in the history of Virginia. b Stories of the Pilgrims. MARGARET B. PUMPHREY. Rand. 247 p. illus. t (The) Story of our navy for young Americans. WILLIS J. ABBOT. Dodd. 521 p. illus. $1.50. be Three years behind the guns. MRS. W. D. TISDALB. Grosset. 293 p. illus. 50 cents. Describes iife on an American man-of-war at the time of the Spanish-American contest. b Twelve great naval captains. MOLLY ELLIOT SEA WELL. Scribner. 233 p. $1.25. be (A) Virginia cavalier. MOLLY ELLIOT SEAWELL. Harper. 349 p. $1.50. A story for the older children of the days of Washington. b (The) War of Independence. JOHN FISKE. H. & M. 200 p. 40 cents. Clearly written and interesting to young people. be When America won liberty. TUDOR JENKS. Crowell. 280 p. illus. A readable account of the Revolutionary War, its causes and results. be Whole history of grandfather's chair. NATHANIEL HAWTHORNB. H. & M. 252 p. $1. Charmingly told stories from our colonial history. be (The) Young citizen. CHARLES F. DOLE. Heath. 194 p. 45 cents. A civic reader for school and home. b Young Puritans of Old Hadley. MARY P. WELLS SMITH. Little. 345 p. $1.25. One of a series of three books giving an accurate idea of Indian warfare hi colonial days. The scen is laid hi the Connecticut valley. 7. HISTORY, MYTHS, AND LEGENDS. t Adventures of Odysseus. FRANCIS S. MARVIN and others. Button. 227 p. illus. $1.50. Colored illustrations, good type, and a well-told narrative make this a satisfactory edition for the younger children to read to themselves. be (The) Adventures of Ulysses. CHARLES LAMB. Ginn. 121 p. 30 cents. There are various other editions. be Aeneid for boys and girls. ALFRED J. CHURCH. Macmillan. 300 p. colored illus. $1.50. be Age of chivalry. THOMAS BULFINCH. McKay. 414 p. illus. 95 cents. Legends of King Arthur, the Mabinogion, and tales of Robin Hood. be Book of discovery. M. B. SYNGE. Putnam. 554 p. illus. $2.50. The history of the world's exploration from the earliest times to the finding of the South Pol*. b (The) Book of legends. HORACE E. SCUDDER. H. & M. 82 p. 50 cents. A small book including some legends not easily accessible in other form. be (A) Book of romance. ANDREW LANG. Longmans. 384 p. $1.60. I'resents in satisfactory form some of the tales of the Round Table, Robin Hood, and similar legends. be Book of saints and friendly beasts. ABBIE FARWELL BROWN. H. & M. 225 p. 9' or i 9X.v. A quaint little book with as much legendary basis as was possible to find. The stories explain many of tiie combinations of saints and beasts so often seen in pictures. be (The) Boy and the baron. ADELINE KNAPP. Century. 210 p. $1. The hero Is brought up among the robber barons of mediaeval Germany. be (The) Boys' Cuchulain. Heroic Tales of Ireland. ELEANOR HULL. Crowell. 279 p. colored illus. $1.50. Thirty tales from the cycle of Cuchulain, " the Hound of Ulster," who is to Ireland what King Arthui is to Wales and Knpland. c (The) Boy's King Arthur. SIDNEY LANIER. Scribner. 422 p. illua. $2. The story of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. c Boy's Percy. SIDNEY LANIER. Scribner. 441 p. illus. $1.50. Old English ballads, selected from Bishop Percy's collection. be Brave little Holland. WILLIAM ELLIOT GRIFFIS. H. & M. 60 cents, e (The) Caged lion. CHARLOTTE M. YONGE. Appleton. 340 p. $1. A story founded upon the life of Janus I of Scotland. 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOB CHILDBEN. . 17 be Child's book of warriors. WILLIAM CANTON. Dent. 318 p. illus. Beautifully written stories, mainly of Christian warriors against heathen foes. c Classic myths in English literature. CHARLES M. GAYLEY. Ginn. 540 p. illua. $1.50. A valuable hand book for home use. b Days before history. HARRY R. HALL. Crowell. 129 p. illus. 50 cents. Story of primitive people who lived in caves. A good picture of prehistoric living. 6 Discoverers and explorers. EDWARD R. SHAW. Am. bk. co. 120 p. 50 cents. A small book which tells concisely some of the principal events in the lives of the world's great explorers of the last 600 years. c Dove in the eagle's nest. CHARLOTTE M. YONGE. Macmillan. 293 p. Pictures the life of a young girl in the castle of a robber baron. A good historical story. 6 England's story. EVA MARCH TAPPAN. H. & M. 357 p. 85 cents. A historv of England from the time of the Romans to the Boer war. b Famous legends. EMELINE G. CROMMELIN. Century. 181 p. illus. 60 cents. Robin Hood, King Arthur, Roland, St. Denis, The Cid, Sigurd, Frithiol, William Tall, and others. ab Fifty famous stories. JAMES BALDWIN. Am. bk. co. 172 p. illus. 35 cents. A favorite collection of time-honored stories, mainly romantic episodes in the lives of well-know* heroes and famous men. b (The) Golden porch. W. M. L. HUTCHINSON. Longmans. 294 p. illus. $1.25. A book of Greek fairy tales, containine the myths of Pindar's Odes in a free translation. b Greek heroes. CHARLES KJNGSLEY. Macmillan. 320 p. $1. The stories of Perseus, the Argonauts and Theseus delightfully told. be Helmet and spear. ALFRED J. CHURCH. Macmillan. 380 p. $1.75. Stories from the wars of the Greeks and Romans. be Herakles. MARY E. BURT and ZENAIDE A. RAGOZIN. Scribner. 146 p. 60 cents. "The hero of Thebes and other heroes of the myth." The stories are all short, simply told, and yt have much of the spirit of the classic literature. Heroes of Asgard. A. and E. KEARY. Macmillan. 25 cents. Tales from Scandinavian mythology. be Heroes of chivalry and romance. A. J. CHURCH. Macmillan. 342 p. colored illus. $1.75. Contains stories of Beowulf, King Arthur, and the Round Table, and the treasure of the Nibelungs. be Heroic legends. AGNES G. HERBERTSON. Caldwell. 253 p. colored illus. $2. Spirited versions of thirteen well-chosen legends, simple enough to be understood by youngw children and good reading for older ones. 6 High deeds of Finn. T. W. ROLLESTON. Crowell. 214 p. illus. $1.50. Romantic tales from the bardic literature of ancient Ireland. c Household of Sir Thomas More. ANNE MANNING. Scribner. $2. c (The) mad. HOMER. Trans, by Lang, Leaf, and Myers. Macmillan. 506 p. 80 cents. Perhaps the most satisfactory prose translation for youne people. .The other versions mentioned in this list are adaptations, not actual translations. be (The) Iliad for boys and girls. ALFRED J. CHURCH. Macmillan. 302 p. colored illus. $1.50. Children enjoy the Greek and Latin classics as retold by this author. He retains the spirit and where possible, the form, of the original. be In the days of Alfred the Great. EVA M. TAPPAN. Lothrop. $1. b In the days of giants. ABBIE F. BROWN. H. & M. 259 p. $1.10 net. Norse myths. be In the days of Queen Elizabeth. EVA M. TAPPAN. Lothrop. $1. b (An) Island story. H. E. MARSHALL. Stokes. 516 p. illus. $2.50. A history of England with large colored pictures. b King Arthur and his knights. MAUDE L. RADFORD. Rand, illus. 50 cents. A good collection of stories arranged for children of ten or eleven. Attractive as well as substantial in make-up. le (The) King's story book. GEORGE L. GOMME. Longmans. 527 p. $2. A collection of historical stories from English romantic literature. 48409 16 3 18 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOB CHILDREN. 6 Legends of the Rhine. HELENE A. GUERBER. Barnee. 350 p. illus. $1.50. Folk-lore stories from Germany. be (The) Little duke. CHARLOTTE M. YONGB. Macmillan. 166 p. illus. \ new and attractive edition with colored pictures. The little duke is Richard of Normandy: the time, the tenth century. 6 Little stories of France. MAUDE B. BUTTON. Am. bk. co. 180 p. 40 cents. Text-book cover. Stories well selected and well told. Also, by the same author, " Little stories of Germany." be Lords of the world. ALFRED J. CHURCH. Scribner. 386 p. $1.50. A tale of the fall of Carthage and Corinth. be Men of iron. HOWARD PYLE. Macmillan. 328 p. $2. The days of chivalry and the training of a boy for knighthood are well depicted in this fifteenth century story. b Men of old Greece. JENNIE HALL. Little. 263 p. illus. 90 cents. 6 Merry adventures of Robin Hood. HOWARD PYLE. Illustrated by the author. Scribner. 296 p. $3. " This country is not Fairy-land. 'Tis the land of Fancy, and is of that pleasant kind that, >vhen you tire of it, you clap the leaves of this book together and 'tis gone, and you are ready for every-day life, with no harm done." Preface. c Mexico. MARGARET W. COXHEAD. Stokes. 283 p. colored illus. $2. This is one of the Romance of history series, dealing with striking and picturesque events. Other volumes are India, Gibraltar, New Zealand. be Norse stories. Retold from the Eddas. HAMILTON W. MABIE. Rand. 250 p. $1. For older children than will read Brown's In the days of giants. c (The) Odyssey. HOMER. Trans, by G. H. PALMER. H. & M. 387 p. $1. This beautiful prose translation is enjoyed by quite young children, if read to them, while the older boys and girls will read it themselves with pleasure. be (The) Odyssey for boys and girls. ALFRED J. CHURCH. Macmillan. 308 p. col- ored illus. $1.50. A good retelling, more popular than the last, though not as beautiful. b Old Greek stories. JAMES BALDWIN. Am. bk. co. 208 p. 45 cents. A good first book in mythology. c Orpheus with his lute. W. M. L. HUTCHINSON. Longmans. 292 p. illus. $1.40. Stories from Greek mythology told with beauty and charm. Though written for children, young people and adults will enjoy it more than the average child. 6 (The) Red true story book. ANDREW LANG. Longmans. 419 p. illus. $1.60. Tales from history, thrilling and romantic. be Scotland's story. H. E. MARSHALL. Stokes. 428 p. colored illus. $2.75. be Siegfried and Beowulf. MADAME RAGOZIN. Putnam. 332 p. 95 cents. Tales of the hero of the north and the hero of the Anglo-Saxons. b Stories from English history. HENRY P. WARREN. Heath. 65 cents. be Stories from European history. LUCY DALE. Longmans. 144 p. 50 cents net. Short accounts of a number of historical events and sketches of national heroes, arranged for supple- mentary reading for the fifth and sixth grades. b Stories from Froissart. HENRY NEWBOLT. Macmillan. 368 p. $1.50. A version adapted to younger children than will read Lanier's Boy's Froissart which retains the more archaic form of speech. c Stories from Homer. ALFRED J. CHURCH. Dodd. 307 p. illus. 75 cents. Old stories well told. c Stories from Livy. ALFRED J. CHURCH. Dodd. 277 p. $1. An excellent introduction to Roman history. c Stories from the chronicle of the Cid. MARY WRIGHT PLUMMER. Holt. 155 p. illus. 90 cents net. An adaptation, simple and dignified in style, of those "portions of the chronicles of the Cid as seemed most likely to appeal to young readers and to give a conception of the hero as most Spanish children know him." be Stories from the Faerie Quecne. MARY MACLEOD. Gardner (London). 395 p. $1.10. The book contains an Interesting preface on Spenser's " Faerie Queene" and many stories from it. The many fine illustrations add much to the value and interest. Another good version b Una and the red cross knight. Dutton. J2.50. 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOB CHILDBBN. 19 b Stories from the Crusades. JANET H. KELMAN. Dutton. 110 p. illua. (Stories from history series.) 50 cents. Five simply told tales of certain heroes of the Crusades. c Stories from the Greek tragedians. ALFRED J. CHURCH. Dodd. 257 p. 75 cents, fee Stories from Virgil. ALFRED J. CHURCH. Dodd. 266 p. illus. 75 cents. The adventures of JEneas after the destruction of Troy. be Stories of Charlemagne and the twelve peers of France, from the old romances. A. J. CHURCH. Macmillan. 374 p. $1.75. b Stories of Norse heroes. E. M. WILMOT-BUXTON. Crowell. 246 p. illus. Norse tales show poetic imagination, coloring the close association with th great natural f orcs. They take children into a bracing, simple atmosphere, and are well suited to their love tor stirring narrative. be Stories of old Greece and Borne. EMILIE K. BAKER. Macmillan. 382 p. illua. $1.50. Well-chosen collection of famous stories, followed by a useful appendix, which lists the English poems having the myths as themes. be Stories of the ancient world, retold from "St. Nicholas." Century. 190 p. 65 cents. b Stories of the East from Herodotus. A. J. CHURCH. Dodd. 299 p. iljus. $1. The author has aimed to keep the stories as close as possible to the original. be Stories of the Middle Ages, retold from "St. Nicholas." Century. 190 p. illus. 65 cents. Fifteen stories describing the customs of the mediaeval world and telling briefly the histories of a few great leaders. The six volumes in this series of historical stories retold from ''St. Nicholas" ar suited to children from ten to fourteen, and are attractively illustrated, well printed, and neatly bound. fee Stories of Wagner operas told for children. H. A. GUERBER. Dodd. 191 p. $1.50. be (The) Story of Ab. STANLEY WATERLOO. Doubleday. 351 p. illus. $1.50. Romance of the time of the cave-men. fee (The) Story of Hereward, the champion of England. DOUGLAS C. STEDMAN. Crowell. 280 p. illus. $1.50. Hereward was a real man, who held the last spot of free English land before the invading Normans, and who performed heroic deeds for England. fee (The) Story of King Arthur and his knights. HOWARD PYLE. Scribner. 312 p. illus. by the author. $2.50. Perhaps the most notable contribution to the literature of the Arthurian legend since the appearance of Tennyson's "Idylls of the king." There are three other volumes in the series Sir Launcelot and his companions; The champions of the round table; The grail and the passing of Arthur. fe Story of Bolf and the Viking's bow. ALLEN FRENCH. Little. $1.50. Based partly upon the Icelandic sagas. fe (The) Story of Bobin Hood and his merry men. JOHN FINNEMORE. Macmillan. 274 p. illus. $1.50. A spirited, well told version, less expensive than Howard Pyle's. fee (The) Story of Boland. JAMES BALDWIN. Scribner. 414 p. $1.10. One of the most poetic of the Middle Ages. fee (The) Story of Bustem. ELIZABETH D. RENNINOER. Scribner. 361 p. illus. $1.50. Persian hero tales from Firdusi, full of the splendor and color of Eastern literature. Adapted by story-teller for boys. be (The) Story of Siegfried. JAMES BALDWIN. Scribner. 300 p. illua. $1.10. A story of Siegfried selected from many sources. fe (The) Story of Sir Galahad. MARY B. STERLING. Dutton. 223 p. $1.50. Spirit of the stories religious rather than romantic. be Story of the Cid. CALVIN D. WILSON. Lothrop. 313 p. $1.25. This edition of the Story of the Cid, the "most splendid of Spanish heroes," is founded upon ft* translation of Southey. fee Story of the Crusades. E. M. WILMOT-BUXTON. Crowell. 286 p. $1.20. be (The) Story of the golden age. JAMES BALDWIN. Scribner. 286 p. $1.50. Tales of old Greece. 20 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. be (The) Story of the grail j^a the passing of Arthur. HOWARD PTLI. Scribnr. 268 p. illus. $2.50. This fourth and last book of the author's King Arthur series contains: The story of Sir Geraint; The story of Sir Galahad; and The passing of Arthur. b (The) Story of the Greek people. EVA MARCH TAPPAN. H. & M. 257 p. illus. 65 cents. Pictures the customs of the people, their manner of living and thinking and feeling. be Story of the Idylls of the king. INEZ N. McFsE. Stokes. 394 p. colored illua. $2. A beautiful gift book, serving as an introduction to Tennyson. Contains the original poem as well as a prose rendering. b Story of the Rhinegold. ANNA A. CHAPIN. Harper. 138 p. $1.25. Contains the four operas of Wagner's "Nibelungen ring," arranged for young people. be Story of the Romans. H. A. GUERBER. Am. bk. co. 288 p. 60 cents. be (The) Story of Troy. M. CLARKE. Am. bk. co. 45 cents. A plain, substantially bound book, telling the story simply. b Tales of King Arthur. MARGARET V. FARRINOTON. Putnam. 276 p. $1.25. A good one-volume edition, containing an introduction on the laws of chivalry. A useful version for the story-teller. be Tales of Troy and Greece. ANDREW LANG. Longmans. 302 p. illua. $1. Attractive in make-up, well illustrated, and delightfully told. Contains the adventures of Odys- seus, Meleager, Perseus, and Theseus. b Tanglewood tales. NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. H. & M. 227 p. illus. $1. "A second Wonder-book." Contains: The minotaur; The pygmtes; The dragon's teeth; Circe's palace; The pomegranate seeds; and The golden fleece. b Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now. JANE ANDREWS. Ginn. 243 p. 50 cents. An introduction to history, showing the great changes in life and living between long ago and now. be True story book. ANDREW LANG. Longmans. 337 p. $2. Short tales of adventure, of heroism, and of mystery. b With spurs of gold. F. N. GREENE and D. W. KIRK. Little. 291 p. $1.50. Possesses charm of style and interest for children in its retelling of chivalric tales. b (A) wonder-book. NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. H. & M. 256 p. $1.25. Stories from Grecian mythology, as entertaining as fairy tales. &c Wonder-book of old romance. F. J. H. DARTON. Stokes. 424 p. illus. $1.50. A sumptuous book containing thirteen romantic tales from old English poetry. be Wonder tales from Wagner. ANNA ALICE CHAPIN. Harper. 189 p. $1.25. Stories and motifs of the German operas. Young people's history of Holland. WILLIAM E. GRIFFIS. H. & M. 322 p. illus. $1.35. 8. BIOGRAPHY. t Alexander the Great. BENJAMIN I. WHEELER. Putnam. (Heroes of the nations series.) $1.50. Not written for children, but sufficiently popular in form to be enjoyed by intelligent young people. c. (The) Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Houghton. 40 cents, be Book of princes and princesses. ANDREW LANG. Longmans. 361 p. $1.60. be Book of saints and heroes. LEONORA B. LANG. Longmans. 351 p. illus. $1.60. be Boys' and girls' Plutarch. JOHN S. WHITE. Putnam. 457 p. $1.75. Differs from the Children's Plutarch in preserving the parallel arrangement of the original be Boys' life of Abraham Lincoln. HELEN NICOLAY. Century. 317 p. illus. $1.50. Better adapted to children over twelve than younger. Contains a good deal on the political sid of the Civfl War. be Boys' life of Edison. WILLIAM H. ME ADO WCROFT. Harper. 322 p. $1.25 (The) Boys' life of Ulysses S. Grant. HELEN NICOLAY. Century. 378 p. illus $1.50. Based on Grant's personal memoirs, supplemented by other standard biographies and factories The style is simple, direct, and eloquent. b Captain John Smith. TUDOR JENKS Century 259 p. illus. $1.20. 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOB CHILDREN. 21 e Charles Dickens and his girl heroines. BELLE MOSES. Appleton. 331 p. $1.25. be (The) Children's Plutarch. Arranged by F. J. GOULD. Harper. 2 vols. $1.50. One of these small books contains the Tales of the Greeks, the other the Tales of the Romans. They are well retold, though considerably simplified. c Constantino the Great. JOHN B. FIRTH. Putnam. 368 p. (Heroes of the nations series.) $1.50. The reorganization of the Empire and the triumph of the Church. This series contains many volumes interesting to young people. c Daniel Boone. REUBEN G. THWAITE8. Appleton. 257 p. $1. A concise biography, interesting and instructive for boys who like to read history. be Daniel Boone and the wilderness road. H. ADDINGTON BBUCE. Macmillan. 349 p. illus. $1.50. 6 European hero stories. EVA MARCH TAPPAN. H. & M. 249 p. illus. 65 cents. be Florence Nightingale. LAURA E. RICHARDS. Appleton. 167 p. $1.25. 06 Four great Americans. JAMES BALDWIN. Am. bk. co. 246 p. 50 cents. Unattractive in form, with a school-book cover and poor illustrations. The stories of Washington, Franklin, Webster, and Lincoln are simply and well told for very young readers. 6 George Washington. HORACE E. SCUDDER. H. & M. 248 p. 40 cents. An excellent simple biography, authoritative and well written. be Giant of three wars : a life of General Winfield Scott. JAMES BARNES. Appleton. $1.25 c God's troubadour. SOPHIE JEWETT Crowell. 185 p. illus. $1.25 net. The story of St. Francis of Assisi. c Heroes and heroines of English history. ALICE S. HOFFMAN. Button, illus. $2.50. be Heroines that every child should know. HAMILTON W. MABIE. Doubleday. 283 p. $1.50. "The stories . . . have been collected from many sources in the endeavor to Illustrate the wid range of heroism in the lives of brave and noble women." Preface. They range from Alcestis to Florence Nightingale. 6 History of Bang Alfred. JACOB ABBOTT. Harper. 270 p. 50 cents. The Abbott histories, though written a long time ago, still hold the attention of children and stimu- late a genuine interest in other times and other countries. c Jeanne D'Arc, the maid of France. MART R. BANGS. H. & M. 351 p. $1.25. be Joan of Arc. M. BOUTET-DE MONVEL. Colored illustrations by the author. Cen- tury. $3. A wonderful picture book, giving an accurate idea of the architecture and dress of the period and telling the story of the maid in simple dramatic words. 6 Life of Abraham Lincoln. CHARLES W. MOORES. H. & M. 132 p. 60 cents. One of the best short lives of Lincoln. c Louisa May Alcott. BELLE MOSES. Appleton. $1.25 net. c Louise, Queen of Prussia. HEINRICH MERZ. McClurg. (Life stories for young people.) 50 cents. Translated from the German. f. Making of an American. JACOB Rns. Macmillan. 443 p. illua. $1.50. An inspiring autobiography. c (The) Promised land. MART ANTIN. H. & M. 373 p. $1.75. America as seen through the eyes of a gifted young Russian Jewess. A wonderful revelation to American-born young people. be Bed book of heroes. LEONORA B. LANG. Longmans. 368 p. illus. $1.60. These men and women are -'good to live with, good to know, good to go with." c Robert E. Lee, man and soldier. THOMAS NELSON PAGB Scribner. 715 p. $2.50. Not written for children, but sufficiently popular and interesting for young people. be Boll call of honour. A. T. QUILLER-COUCH. Nelson. 348 p. $1.50. CONTENTS. Bolivar, John Brown, Abraham Lincoln, Garibaldi, David Livingstone, Ftoreuee Nightingale, Pasteur, Gordon, Father Damien. c Seven ages of Washington. OWEN WISTER. Macmillan. 263 p. $2. Excellent for the older children. 22 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOE CHILDREN. be Story of Caesar. M. CLARKE. Am. bk. co. 173 p. 45 cents. riain and substantial in form, but written in an interesting way. 6 Story of David Livingstone. Dutton. (Children's heroes series.) 50 cents. Excellent small biographies, simply told and with colored pictures. They are adapted to children of 10-11. b Story of General Gordon. JKANIK LANG. Dutton. colored illus. (Children's heroes series.) 50 cents, c (The) Story of my life. HELEN KELLER. Doubleday. 441 p. $1.35. The first part of the book contains the autobiography of Helen Keller. The last part consists of letters written by Helen Keller between 1887 and 1901, and also an account of her education written by J. A. Macy. 6 (The) Story of Nelson. EDMUND F. SELLAB. Dutton. 119 p. colored illus. (Children's heroes series.) 50 cents. be Ten girls from history. K. B. SWEETSER. Duffield. 228 p. $2. 6 True story of Christopher Columbus. E. S. BROOKS. Lothrop. $1.50. Easy reading for children who are beginning history. c Two noble lives: Samuel Gridley Howe and Julia Ward Howe. LAURA E. RICH- ARDS. Estes. 76 p. 60 cents. c Up from slavery. BOOKER T. WASHINGTON. Doubleday. 320 p. $1 50. Autobiography of the well-known educator of the colored race. 9. STORIES. 6 (The) Abandoned claim. FLORA H. LOUGHEAD. H. & M. $1.25. A Western story. b Abbie Ann. GEORGE MADDEN MARTIN. Century. 252 p. $1.50. Boarding-school life and trials of a little Western girl b Adopting of Rose Marie. CARROLL W. RANKIN. Holt. $1.50. Sequel to Dandelion cottage. 06 Adventures of a doll. NORA A. SMITH. McClure. $1. b Adventures of Billy Topsail. NORMAN DUNCAN. Fleming. $1.50. Adventures and perils of the self-reliant son of a Newfoundland fisherman. ab JEsop's fables. The following editions are good: Fables of JEsop. Ed. by Jacobs. Illus. by Heighway. Ma* millan. $1.50. Book of fables. Chosen by Scudder. H. & M. 35 cents. Fables. Illus. by Rackham. Doubleday. $1.50. abc Alice's adventures in wonderland. LEWIS CARROLL. Illus. by Sir John Tenniel. Macmillan. $1. This is the standard edition. There is another illustrated by Rackham. Doubleday. $1.40 net. b All Shakespeare's tales. Tales from Shakespeare by LAMB, and Tales by STOKES. Illus. by Maria Kirk. Stoke*. 453 p. $2. Contains versions of the historical plays, not given by Lamb. b (The) All sorts of stories. MRS. LEONORA B. LANG. Longmans. 377 p. $1.60 With the exception of the first story, the collection is excellent and will interest children of 12 and older. 6 Among the camps. THOMAS N. PAGE. Scribner. 163 p. $1.50. Four short stories of the Civil War time. b Anne Nelson, a little maid of Province Town. ALICE T. CURTIS. Penn. 263 p. $1. A simple, natural story of the life of a motherless little girl on Cape Cod during the Revolution, be Anne of Green Gables. LUCY M. MONTGOMERY. Page. 429 p. $1.50. A quaint, lovable heroine and many amusing situations. be Anne's terrible good nature and other stories. E. V. LUCAS. Macmillan. 262 p. $1.75. Eleven unusually fresh and interesting stories, each with its lesson of kindness and thoughtfulness for others. be Arabian nights. The following editions are good: Arabian nights. Illus. by Fairish. Scribner. $2.50. Arabian nights. Ed. by Olcott. Holt. $1.50. Arabian nights entertainments. Ed. by Lang. Longmans. 12. Stories from the Arabian nights. H. i M. 40 cents. ab (The) Arkansas bear. ALBERT BIGELOW PAINE. Altemus. 253 p. $1. The amusing travels of ''Bosephus and the fiddle and the big black bear." 1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOB CHILDREN. 23 ab At the back of the north wind. GEORGE MACDONALD. Lippincott. 352 p. |1.50. A new edition of this favorite modern fairy tale. Colored illustrations by Maria L. Kirk, c Austen, Jane. Hampshire edition. 5 vols. Putnam, $1 each. b Baby Elton, quarterback. LESLIE W. QUIRK. Grosset. (Boy scout edition.) 50 cents. Wholesome school and athletic story. 6 Beautiful Joe. MARSHALL SAUNDERS. American Baptist. 398 p. illus. $1.25. A popular dog story written for the Humane society, teaching humane and sympathetic treatment of animals. Published in different editions of varying price. be Behind the line. A story of college life and football. RALPH II. BARBOUH. Apple- ton. 258 p. $1.20. 6 Ben Comee. M. J. CANAVAN. Macmillan. $1.50. Time of Rogers rangers and the war with the French and Indians. cBenHur. A tale of the Christ. LEW WALLACE. Harper. 552 p. $1.50. The story of a Jewish prince in the hands of Roman captors and afterwards restored to power sett vividly before us the times in which our Lord lived. The charm of the book is in life-like descriptions. The contacts with the sacred story are reverent. f Betty Leicester. SARAH ORNE JEWETT. H. & M. 287 p. $1.25. Acquaintance with this New England girl, Betty Leicester, is a pleasant and wholesome ezperieno* for a girl of fifteen. There is a continuation in Betty Leicester's Christmas. 6 Billy Topsail and company. NORMAN DUNCAN. Revell. $1.50. Continues The adventures of Billy Topsail in Labrador. ab Bimbi. LOUISE DE LA RAMEE. Lippincott. $1. Containing: The Nurnberg stove, and other stories. The Nuraberg stove and MoufDou are almost perfect children's stories, c (The) Biography of a prairie girl. ELEANOR GATES. Century. 320 p. $1.10. An account of the simple, natural life of a girl living on the frontier 25 years ago. be (The) Bird's Christmas carol. KATE DOUGLAS WIGGIN. H. & M. 67 p. 50 cents. A story, both gentle and entertaining, of a little invalid's Christmas party to her poor neighbors. c (The) Black arrow. ROBERT Louis STEVENSON. Scribner. $1.25. Time of^the Wars of the Roses. be Black Beauty. ANNA SEWELL. Crowell. 245 p. 75 cents. The life of a horse, told by himself, describing his pleasures and hardships hi a way to awaken our sympathy. ab Blackie: his friends and his enemies. MADGE A. BIGHAM. Little. 200 p. $1.50. Fables from La Fontaine arranged for children. 06 (The) Blue fairy book. ANDREW LANG, ed. Longmans, illus. 390 p. $2. Thirty-seven of the most familiar fairy tales. b Blue goose chase. HERBERT K. JOB. Baker. 331 p. illus. Written "for the express purpose of interesting boys hi hunting with the camera, showing that this can be made a manly and exciting sport." be Bonnie Prince Charlie. GEORGE A. HENTY. Scribner. 384 p. $1.50. Henty's books serve sometimes as an introduction to Scott and other writers of the best historical fiction. ab Book of folk stories. HORACE E. SCUDDER. H. & M. 152 p. 60 cents. A small collection of well-known tales. In schoolbook form. ab (A) Borrowed sister. ELIZA ORNE WHITE. Illus. by Katharine Pyle. H.