UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA agricultural Experiment Station College of agriculture e. j. wickson, director BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CIRCULAR No. 34 (October, 1907.) CALIFORNIA STATE FARMERS' INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY FARM DAVISVILLE TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 30, AND 31, 1907 This Institute is to extend popular knowledge of the aims and objects of The University Farm and to bring to the Farm, at its open- ing, those interested in Agricultural education; also to afford the op- portunity to agriculturists generally to 'learn by observation the activi- ties of the College of Agriculture and Experiment Station of the University of California, as shown in this branch of its work. A varied schedule of exercises has been provided, as shown upon the following pages, allowing those in attendance to participate in dis- cussions of great importance to the advancement of the agriculture of the State and the prosperity of those connected therewith. The Question Box will also be continually open and will afford opportun- ity for the introduction of other important topics. Free discussion will follow the formal addresses so far as time will permit. Tuesday Afternoon, October 29, 1:30 o'clock. Addresses of Welcome President Bqnj. Ide Wheeler. Mr. Geo. W. Pierce, Davisville. Responses F. H. Babb, Lecturer State Grange. Hon. Marshall Diggs, President Sac- ramento Valley Development As- sociation. Hon. B. F. Rush, President State Board of Agriculture. Hon. A. E. Boynton, Oroville. Hon. J. I. McConnell, Woodland. Address His Excellency James N. Gillett, Governor of California. Tuesday Evening, October 29, 7:30 o'clock. General Subject:— Agricultural Education and the University Farm. Agricultural Education President Benj. Ide Wheeler. Hon. Peter J. Shields. Prof. E. J. Wickson. Wednesday Morning, October 30, 9:30 o'clock. Taxation Mr. John Tuohy, Tulare. Secondary Agricultural Prof. Leroy Anderson, Director Cali- Schools fornia Polytechnic School. The New Pure Food Laws of Prof. M. E. Jaffa, Director State Food California and Drug Laboratory. Farmers' Institutes in South- ern California Mr. J. B. Neff, Anaheim. Wednesday Afternoon, October 30, 1:30 o'clock. What the University Farm can do for Irrigation Professor Fortier, Chief Irrigation Investigations, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. General Subject '.—Animal Industries. Animal Industry and the University Farm Prof. E. W. Major. Bovine Tuberculosis Dr. A. R. Ward. General discussion of live stock interests. w Wednesday Evening, October 30, 7:30 o'clock. White Fly Situation in Cali- fornia Prof. C. W. Woodworth. Sulfuring and Fruit Drying A. R. Briggs, President State Board of Trade. Forestry G. B. Lull, State Forester. Inland Waterways Dr. C. E. Edwords, California Pro- motion Committee. Thursday Morning, October 31, 9:30 o'clock. General Subject: — Viticulture. Viticulture and the Univer- sity Farm F. T. Bioletti. Wine Grapes Frank Swett. Table Grapes Mrs. M. E. Sherman. Thursday Afternoon, October 31, 1:30 o'clock. General Subject :— Cereal Improvement and Sugar Beets. Cereal Improvement Prof. G. W. Shaw, University of California. Milling Wheats Hon. Horace Davis, San Francisco. Wheat Growing G. W. Pierce, Davisville. The Sugar Beet Mr. J. G. Hamilton, Hamilton City. The public is cordially invited to attend the sessions. Trans- portation by the Southern Pacific to and from Davis can be secured at one and one-third rates for the round trip on the cer- tificate plan. Take receipt from agent when purchasing ticket. W. T. Clarke, Superintendent of University Extension in Agriculture. University of California, Berkeley, October 15, 1907.