LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. RECEIVED BY EXCHANGE Class [Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards, Vol. 2, No. 1.] Talbot's Law as Applied to the Rotating Sectored Disk SUBMITTED TO THE BOARD OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, IN CONFORMITY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. BY EDWARD P. HYDE. BALTIMORE, 1906. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR BUREAU OF STANDARDS S. W. STRATTON, Director BY E. P. HYDE, Assistant Physicist \^ Bureau of Standards REPRINT NO. 26 (FROM BULLETIN, VOL. 2, NO. 1, BUREAU OF STANDARDS) WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1906 TALBOT'S LAW AS APPLIED TO THE ROTATING SECTORED DISK. By Edward P. Hyde. 1. Introduction. 2. Theoretical Discussion. a. Radiation from a cylindrical source. b. Method of mean distances. 3. Apparatus and Methods. a. General method. b. Sources. c. Disks. d. Details of methods. White light. Colored light. 4. Experimental Results. a. Effect of speed. b. Disks. c. White light. d. Colored light. 5. Conclusions. 1. INTRODUCTION. The rotating sectored disk is one of the most valuable adjuncts in photometric investigation, and yet from the first announcement by Talbot 1 of the law governing its operation until the present time the application of the sectored disk has been limited by a wide- spread doubt of the general truth of the law announced by Talbot. This law is stated by Helmholtz as follows: 2 "If any part of the retina is excited with intermittent light, recurring periodically and 1 Phil. Mag., Ser. 3, Vol. 5, p. 321; 1834. 3 Physiolog. Optik, II Auflage, p. 483. 166189 2 Bulletin of the Bureati of Standards. \.voi. 2, NO. i. t regularly in the same way, and if the period is sufficiently short, a continuous impression will result, which is the same as that which would result if the total light received during each period were uni- formly distributed throughout the whole period." Talbot's law is thus a statement of physiological rather than of physical phenomena, and depends for its explanation on the action of the eye. Talbot recognized this and was consequently led to state, " I need hardly observe that it would be illogical to assert a priori the existence of this law of optics, however simple and natural it may appear, unless we were perfectly well acquainted with the circumstances which accompany the action of light upon the retina, which is very far from being the case. Its proof can rest on experi- ment alone, and by that it seems to be most satisfactorily established." Many experimenters since Talbot have investigated the law, nota- bly Plateau, 1 Helmholtz, 2 Pick, 3 Kleiner, 4 Wiedemann and Messer- schmidt, 5 and more recently Ferry, 6 and Lummer and Brodhun. 7 Of the earlier investigators Plateau, Helmholtz, Kleiner, and Wiede- mann and Messerschmidt verified the law within their range of experimental error, which was always several per cent. Pick, from theoretical considerations of the complex action of the eye as shown in the phenomena known as "Anklingen" and " Abklingen," con- cluded that a law as simple as that of Talbot is impossible. He, moreover, repeated Plateau's experiments and was led to the conclu- sion that Talbot's law is not true in general, but that with more intense illuminations the action of the intermittent light is stronger than it should be according to the law, and that perhaps with very weak illumination the effect is reversed. Aubert 8 criticised Pick's conclusions on the ground that the deviations which he found were of the same order of magnitude as his experimental error, and that therefore his results verified the law to within the limit of accuracy of his experiments. 1 Pogg. Annalen der Physik, 35, p. 457; 1835. 2 Physiolog. Optik, II Auflage, p. 483. 3 Reichert's u. du Bois-Reymond's Archiv., p. 739; 1863. 4 Pfliiger's Archiv. 18, p. 542; 1878. 5 \Vied. Ann. 34, p. 465; 1888. Phys. Rev. 1, p. 338; 1893. 7 Zs. fiir Instrumentenkunde, 16, p. 299; 1896. 8 Physiologic der Netzhaut, p. 351. Hyde.} The Rotating Sectored Disk. 3 Of the two more recent investigations Ferry verified the law for white light, but found quite large errors when the light transmitted through the rotating sectored disk was of a bluer quality than that incident on the other side of the photometer screen. His method consisted in mounting two sources of light on the photometer bench, one at each end, and interposing in the path of the rays from one source a rotating sectored disk with variable openings. The disk \vas mounted on a movable support so that it could readily be intro- duced in the path of the rays and quickly removed again after a reading had been made. In this way, using as sources two 16 cp incandescent electric lamps of approximately the same color, he found the law to be verified for all openings of the sector down to a total angle of 24. Moreover, as the voltage on the lamps was changed from 70 to 120 volts, provided the two lamps were changed together, the result was the same as before. He then mounted a 50 cp incandescent lamp at the disk end of the bar and a 16 cp lamp at the other end, and found as before that Talbot's law is verified if the two lamps are of approximately the same color. If, however, the 50 cp lamp was burned at a voltage much higher than the normal, or if a piece of slightly tinted blue glass was interposed in the path of the rays intercepted by the sectored disk, a very appreciable deviation from Talbot's law was introduced when the opening of the disk was less than 180, the deviation increasing as the opening was made smaller. Using successively an enclosed arc lamp and a lime light on the sectored disk side of the photometer and an incandescent lamp on the other side, he obtained deviations amounting to 15 per cent and 10 per cent, respectively, at 24, the deviation in each case being approximately zero when the opening of the disk was greater than 1 80. In all cases in which deviations from the law were found the disk let through less light than that demanded by Tal- bot's law. As a result of his observations Ferry concluded that although Talbot's law is true for white light, " with mixed light containing elements of different luminosity shining upon the retina, a rotating sectored disk will appear to not cut off all the elements in equal proportion, but will intercept most strongly the elements of low luminosity." Further, " with any given light the error introduced 4 Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards. \yoi.2, NO. i. by the use of the rotating sectored disk increases as the aperture of the disk diminishes," although "with ordinary- illuminants, the error is negligible when the total aperture of the disk is more than one-half the entire disk, but rapidly increases as this aperture is diminished." Inasmuch as experiments made by the writer yielded results quite different from those of Ferry, it seems desirable to examine care- fully his experiments and results. Unfortunately, owing to lack of detail in Ferry's paper, it is difficult to subject these to a searching criticism, and yet there are several points to which it may be well to call attention. First, it is to be noticed that when the two incandescent lamps were varied simultaneously from 70 to 120 volts i. e., over quite a large range of color no error was observed, but that when one lamp was burned at a voltage somewhat higher than normal while the other was kept at the normal voltage a relatively large error was found. The question immediately arises: What would have been the result if the second lamp also had been burned at a voltage somewhat higher than normal ? Since there is nothing in the paper to indicate the normal voltages of the two lamps, which were varied from 70 to 1 20 volts, we are at a loss to answer the question. It is probable, however, that the upper limit of such a large range would represent a voltage at least as high, if not higher, than the normal. On this assumption we would conclude that although the change in color produced by a decrease in voltage from 120 to 70 volts is accompanied by no error in Talbot's law, the color change due to a rise in voltage somewhat above the normal causes a relatively large error in the law for openings of small angles. In other words, the color corresponding to the normal voltage is a critical color. Since this is quite improbable, we are led to conclude that the cause of the error when the lamp at the disk end of the bar was raised to a voltage somewhat higher than the normal, while the other lamp was kept at the normal voltage, is to be found in the color difference which existed on the two sides of the screen. While it is difficult to understand why the color of one side should influence the effect of the rotating sector on light from the other lamp, it is to be noted that in all probability a different form of photometer was used when the color difference existed, and this Hyde.] The Rotating Sectored Disk. 5 might perhaps account for the error. Ferry states in his introduc- tion that for lights of the same color a Lummer-Brodhun pho- tometer was used, but that when a considerable color difference existed a Bunsen photometer was employed. When the difference in color on the two sides was small, he found the Nichols-Ritchie photometer to give the best results. In describing his experiments he does not state explicitly, however, which form of photometer he used in each case. Because of this lack of definiteness in Ferry's paper it seemed very desirable to make further experiments on the influence of color on the action of the rotating sectored disk. There are also two very definite reasons why Ferry's results are open to criticism. First, since the absolute illumination of the photometer screen was always much greater without the disk than with it, the Purkinje effect would produce errors in the results when the two sources differed to any extent in color. Secondly, the inverse square law applies rigorously only to point sources and can not be assumed a priori for such an extended source as the filament of an incandescent lamp, particularly Fig. 1. Lummer and Brodhun's Arrangement. when it is surrounded by the reflecting and refracting glass bulb, which alters the curvature of the emitted light to such an extent that in some directions sharp images of the filament are formed sev- eral meters away. The lime light and the enclosed arc lamp, apart from the possible errors due to the inapplicability of the inverse square law, would seem to be unsuitable for accurate work because of their great unsteadiness. The most satisfactory work that has been done on Talbot's law is that of Lummer and Brodhun at the Physikalisch-Technische Reichs- anstalt. These investigators first verified the law for white light down to 50 total opening, by using two incandescent electric lamps, thus far being merely a repetition of Ferry's work. Recognizing, however, the. possible error due to the inapplicability of the inverse square law, they modified their experiments in the following man- ner. Three incandescent lamps were mounted on the photometer bench, as shown in Fig. i. Lamp a burned continuously but lamp 6 Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards. \yoi.z, NO. i. b and lamp c were burned successively, and the current through each was regulated until each produced approximately the same illumina- tion of the screen. They were then both burned at the same time, the rotating disk with a total opening of 180 was placed between them and the photometer, and a balance was obtained by moving lamp a. In this way, since the distance from lamp a to the screen remained approximately constant, errors in the application of the inverse square law entered only as second order effects and were hence neg- ligible. In a similar way each lamp in turn was burned with the disk set at 180 total opening, and then both were burned simultane- ously with the disk set at 90? In every case the deviations from the law were found to be of the same magnitude as the experimental error, which was less than one-half per cent. It is not stated, how- ever, how far the process was carried, except that it was not extended to very small angular openings. Although the results of Lummer and Brodhun are conclusive as far as they go, attention should be called to the fact that because the observational error was less than one-half per cent, it does not necessarily follow that Talbot's law was verified to such a high accuracy for all angular openings that they used. Since their method of observation consisted in verifying the law step by step, between 360 and 180, 180 and 90, etc., the error between 360 and, say, 22^ would be distributed over four intervals, so that though the error within each interval may be less than one-half per cent it is possible that an error of i or 2 per cent might exist between 360 and 22^ without being detected. This fact, together with a desire to check Ferry's results for colored light, led the writer to make the experiments described in the following pages. In the investigation of Talbot's law by the use of the rotating sectored disk some other law of the variation of the intensity of illu- mination must be assumed. Of the several possible ways of varying the intensity of illumination of the screen the method of varying the distance between the source and the screen is the simplest and most satisfactory, but presupposes the knowledge of the law of variation of the intensity of illumination with the distance for the source to be used. If the source is a point source the inverse square law holds; if the source is not a point source and no actual source is strictly a point source it must either be shown that within the limits of accuracy of the experiments the deviations from the inverse square Hyde.} The Rotating Sectored Disk. law are negligible under the conditions under which the source is to be used, or else the deviations from this law must be determined and applied. The source to be used must not only have the law of variation of intensity of illumination with distance known, but must also be constant and intense. The incandescent lamp fulfills the last two conditions, but, as heretofore pointed out, it does not fulfill the first condition. It occurred to the writer to try as a source a direct current Nernst glower without a globe. Although the only one of the above con- ditions that could be postulated a priori was the intensity, experi- Fig. 2. Radiating Cylinder. ment showed that the glower remained sufficiently constant under certain conditions which could be readily obtained, and the follow- ing theoretical considerations led to the conclusion that the inverse- square law can be applied to the Nernst glower to within negligible errors if the glower is not brought closer to the photometer screen than 20 or 30 cm. The Nernst glower was therefore used through the experiments, and with entire satisfaction. 2. THEORETICAL DISCUSSION. (a) Radiation from a Cylindrical Source. Let us assume that the Nernst glower is a radiating circular cylinder of radius # , length 2 h, 8 Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards. \_voi. 2, NO. i. and uniform specific light intensity i. The problem then consists in determining the law of variation of the intensity of illumination with the distance for a uniform radiating cylinder. Let us further assume Lambert's cosine law for the radiating cylinder. Although this law holds rigorously for black bodies only, the resulting error in the comparison of illuminations at different distances would be quite small. If, then, we let < (Fig. 2) be the angle of emission for any element of surface dS of the radiating cylinder; 6 the angle of incidence of any ray on a screen at P placed at right angles to OP, where OP lies in the plane perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder at its middle point, O; r the distance from the element dS to the screen at P; then the intensity of illumination of the screen at P is C Ci cos (f> cos 6 d S / N /= JJ-^ (I) taken over that part of the curved surface of the cylinder convex toward P. Expressing all the quantities involved in the above equation in terms of the two cylindrical coordinates a and jy, we get for the intensity of illumination at P, at a distance /, from the axis of the cylinder C f(l cos a a) (I a cos a) , x T=i a \ ' \ ~^>dady (2) I (a 4- 1 2atcosa4-y) / / \ ' s / in which the limits of y are ( ^, + h\ and the limits of a are 1# , t #\ (cos y, + cos j> The integral 1 of the above expression is /Z I ' d ' tif / \ = 7 cos f ,_ r , , a (3) where +*[S. NN are the two sources and P is the photometer screen. (b) Sources. Direct current Nernst glowers were used throughout the investigation for the test source at the disk end of the bar, and in most of the meas- urements a glower was used for the comparison lamp. When the effect of color difference was in- vestigated an incandescent lamp at low voltage was used for a comparison lamp, and in some few experiments on colored light an incandescent lamp was substituted for the comparison Nernst. As stated above, the glowers were burned without any globes around them, since reflection, refraction, and diffusion of the light by the globe might produce serious errors. Moreover the Fig. 6. Nernst Glower Mounted on Extension Plug: 1 Bureau of Standards Bulletin No. 3, p. 417. 24353 No. I 06 2 1 6 Btilletin of the Bureau of Standards. \_voi. 2, NO. i. glowers were not provided with the customary ballast resistance. They were mounted on extension plugs, as shown in Fig. 6, and were operated with constant current on a storage-battery circuit of 250 volts, of which approximately 150 volts was taken up in rheostats. This series resistance took the place of the customary ballast resist- ance and served to keep the current approximately constant. The electrical measurements were made in terms of a Weston standard cell by means of a potentiometer. Thus, the current was measured by the difference in potential across a standard resistance and the voltage was obtained by the use of a 100,000 ohm multiplier. The original plan was to leave the Nernst glowers entirely uncov- ered, but it was found that due to air currents the resistance of the glowers changed continually, so that it was impossible to maintain the current in the glowers constant, and the fluctuations in the volt- age were so great as to preclude the possibility of measurement closer than to several tenths of i per cent. Moreover, the effect of the rotating disk in the neighborhood of the Nernst was evident both in the current and in the voltage. I was thus led to try the effect of partially surrounding the Nernsts with hoods. To this end two pieces of brass tub- Fig. 7. -Horizontal Section Qm j and T cm diameter were each of Hood through Opening. . / provided with a rectangular opening i cm high and 5 cm wide at a distance of 28 cm from one end of the tube, so as to be opposite the Nernst when placed on the base of the carriage on which the Nernst was mounted. Each of these hoods was provided with a loosely fitting piece of sheet brass for a cover and was painted a dead black. Lest any stray light might be reflected into the photometer at approximately grazing incidence from the outside of the tube, a sheet of brass 25 cm long and 15 cm wide was covered with black velvet and fastened to the front of the hood with the black velvet turned toward the screen. This dia- phragm was provided with a rectangular opening to correspond with the opening in the hood, as shown in Fig. 7, which is a hori- zontal section in the plane of the opening. That part of the inside of the tube which was behind the Nernst was also covered with black velvet in order to prevent any possible reflection from the painted metal surface. Fig. 8. Sectored Disk Mounted on Photometer Bar. Hyde.] The Rotating Sectored Disk. 1 7 Under these hoods the Nernsts operated almost as steadily as incandescent lamps. The current could be maintained constant to within i or 2 parts in 10,000, and the voltage could usually be measured to the same accuracy. Moreover, the luminous intensity remained constant to within the limit of observational error, and the sectored disk in the neighborhood of the Nernst seemed to have no appreciable effect on its voltage at constant current, which affords a quite sensitive means of determining slight variation in the temperature of the Nernst. It was for this reason that voltage measurements were made with every series of observations. One peculiar voltage effect was noticed which occurred at times both when the disk was stationary and when it was rotating. The voltage would suddenly change over several tenths of a volt and then gradually creep back. As this change was usually accompa- nied by no perceptible variation in the luminous intensity, if the current was maintained constant, and as it seemed to occur more frequently after the Nernsts had burned for many hours, it seemed probable that it was due to the cracking of the terminals of the filament and a consequent redistribution of the current at the ter- minals. This hypothesis seemed to be borne out by the fact that in all old Nernsts the positive ends show large and deep cracks. At first the presence of these sudden changes in the voltage caused doubt as to the accuracy of the results. They repeatedly occurred both while the disk was stationary and while rotating, and could not be detected at the photometer, although every other con- dition was maintained constant. I was therefore led to disregard them, particularly as the results obtained in sets in which there was no trace of such an effect agreed with those obtained in sets in which the effect was plainly noticeable. Having shown that the Nernst could be depended upon for its constancy, it remained to find some convenient way of determin- ing the distance between the center of the test Nernst and the pho- tometer screen. The test Nernst (as distinguished from the com- parison Nernst) mounted on an extension plug, was screwed into the socket of a horizontal rotator with the driving shaft removed. But although the distance from the axis of the rotator to the near surface of the plaster of Paris screen in the photometer-head was i8 Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards. [ vol. 2, NO. /. known for every position of the rotator and of the photometer-head, as the result of a direct calibration of the scale on the bar, the dis- tance of the center of the Nernst from the axis of the rotator varied slightly from time to time, due to bending of the terminal wires of the Nernst on heating, etc. Hence, after each series of measurements it was necessary to re-determine the distance. It therefore occurred to the writer to use the method described briefly in the above theory. A double pointer was attached to the rotator, and by means of a corresponding pointer attached to the carriage the Nernst could be turned through 180? The mean of the (+) and ( ) readings as described above was taken in each case. (c) Disks. The rotating sectored disk is shown in Fig. 8. The rotating device consisted of a small spherical direct current fan motor, 9 cm in diameter, mounted on a base clamped to the ways. In the figure the motor and disk are turned slightly with reference to the base, so as to be seen better. The distance of the motor above the ways could be adjusted by means of the telescoping tubes which formed the column on which the motor was mounted. The frame of the motor was japanned. In order to prevent light from being reflected into the photometer-head from the smooth sur- face of the motor, the top of the motor was at first covered with black velvet, but since the light was incident on this at nearly graz- ing incidence it was thought better to substitute a small metal screen placed normal to the direction of the rays. This was accomplished by separating the two halves of the spherical shell of the motor and inserting a blackened piece of thin sheet aluminum cut to fit. This is shown in the figure. The sectored disks were mounted directly on the shaft of the motor and the height of the motor was adjusted so that the sector cut the beam of light normally, the central ray of the beam lying in the same vertical plane as the shaft of the motor. Instead of the customary method of using a graduated variable sectored disk, it was decided to use separate disks for the different angular openings. This was decided upon partly because four such disks were at hand and partly because there was less chance for error in the calibration of the opening. The original four disks were made of aluminum about 1.5 mm thick, and each contained six open and six solid sec- tors equally spaced. The total angular openings (which will here- Hyde.] The Rotating Sectored Disk, after always be meant when reference is made to the opening of a disk unless it is stated otherwise) were 288 (6x 48), 270 (6x 45), 240 (6x40), and 180 (6x30). Subsequently the following disks were added: One steel disk, 1.5 mm thick, with total opening of 60 in three sectors of 20 each; two hard brass disks, 1.5 mm thick, with total openings of 210 in six sectors of 35 each, and 30 in six sectors of 5 each. All of the disks were approximately 30 cm in diameter, and had the same general form as that shown in Fig. 8. They were all painted dead black, and the last two disks (210 and 30) had the edges of the sectors beveled so as to prevent reflection from them. With these seven disks the law could be tested at seven points, ranging irregularly from 30 to 288? In order to obtain more points of the curve it was decided to cover some of the openings of the disks with thin pieces of blackened aluminum clamped over the openings (Fig. 9). The covers were always placed symmetrically, so that with a disk of six open sectors it was possible to obtain either one-half the total opening by covering the alternate sectors, or to obtain one-third the total opening by covering all but two opposite sectors. Moreover, by changing the covers it was possible to obtain the same opening in different ways, i. e., by using different sectors of the same disk. By this method the following total openings were obtained: 10, 15, 30, from the 30 disk; 60 from the 60 disk, and also from the 1 80 disk; 90 from the 180 disk and also from the 2 70 disk; 120 from the 240 disk; 144 from the 288 disk; 180, 210, 240, 270, and 288 from the respective disks. The disks were all carefully calibrated on a circular dividing engine. The opening of each sector of each disk was measured at seven successive radial distances 0.5 cm apart, over a range of 3 cm, since 3 cm was approximately the maximum height of the beam Fig. 9. Sectored Disk with Three Openings Covered. 2O Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards. \_voi. 2, NO. i. at the point where it was intercepted by the disk. The mean of the seven readings was taken as the opening of the sector and the height of the disk was always so adjusted that the line from the center of the Nernst to the center of the photometer screen inter- cepted the disk at the middle point of the region over which it had been calibrated. The average deviation for different radial dis- tances from the mean value for any combination of sectors that was ever used was always under o.i per cent, but owing to difficulties in setting on the edges, the total opening was perhaps not known to an accuracy much better than o.i per cent. The values of the dif- ferent sectors of the various disks are given in the " Experimental Results." The sectored disk in all cases, with one or two exceptions which will be noted later, was placed between diaphragms B and C (Fig. 5) and as close to B as possible. This diaphragm had a circular aper- ture of 10 cm and hence screened the motor (except the upper part) and its support from the photometer screen. The distance between the disk and the photometer screen ranged from 20 to 25 cm. Moreover, the sectored disk was always left in position with the open sector in the path of the light for readings intended to give the direct intensity, except when the 30 disk was used. The 5 sec- tors of this disk were too narrow to permit the beam to pass. Measurements made with the larger disks removed, however, failed to show any effect of the stationary disks. The complete arrangement, except the extension ways, is shown in Fig. 10 which was made from a photograph. The hood was removed from the comparison Nernst and is shown standing on the table. (d) Details of Methods White Light. The method of conduct- ing the experiments was as follows: Two seasoned Nernst glowers were mounted in the two sockets and the test Nernst was adjusted so that its center was at the proper height, coinciding very nearly with the axis of the rotator, and the direction of its axis was perpen- dicular to the line joining its center to that of the photometer screen. The two Nernsts were then brought to incandescence and allowed to burn about an hour. The test Nernst was placed at some definite position and the connecting links between the photometer screen and the comparison Nernst were adjusted until the balance came at ffyde.} The Rotating- Sectored Disk. 21 a desirable part of the bar. While one observer maintained the currents constant the other observer made the photometric settings. First, with the disk stationary, a series of three or more readings was made with the Nernst in the (+) position, then a second series with the Nernst in the ( ) position, and then two more series, one (-)-) and the other ( ), making in all four series of measurements with the disk stationary. The sectored disk was then set rotating and the test Nernst was moved in nearer to the photometer screen to some position such that the balance came at about the same posi- tion on the photometer bar as before. The carriage holding the test Nernst was then clamped to the ways, and kept at this fixed position while the settings for a balance were made. As explained before, the settings were made by moving the photometer screen and com- parison Nernst, which moved as a single system remaining at a constant fixed distance apart during the entire experiment. Four series of three readings each were then made as with the disk stationary. This process of alternate stationary and rotating meas- urements was continued until three groups of stationary readings, and two groups of rotating readings had been made, making a total of twelve series of stationary readings, six (-(-) and six ( ), and eight series of rotating readings, four (+) and four ( ). The square of the ratio of the mean distance between the photometer screen and the axis of the rotator, when the disk was rotating, to the mean distance when the disk was stationary, was taken as the effective ratio of the light transmitted by the disk to that incident on it. The comparison of this ratio with the ratio of the angular opening of the disk to 360 gave the deviation from the law for the disk used. This method was used for all the disks except in some few sets near the end of the investigation in which only three groups of readings instead of five were made. In all cases after each series of three readings the voltages on the two Nernsts were measured and recorded. Colored Light. In the measurements with colored light the method was exactly the same as that used for white light except that a piece of colored glass was introduced into the eyepiece of the photometer. Red, green, and blue glasses were used and measurements were made on three disks, the 240 disk, the 60 disk, 22 Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards, \_voi. 2. NO. i. and the 15 disk. The colored glasses used were not monochro- matic, but since to the eye the light appeared distinctly red, or green, or blue, as the case may be, any appreciable error due to one of the colors would probably not be modified greatly by the admixture of relatively small quantities of light of another color. 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS. 1 (a) Effect of Speed. Before beginning the investigation of Tal- bot's law, the effect of the speed of rotation of the disk on the illu- mination of the screen was tested. Since numerous investigators have found that the speed of the disk has no effect on the apparent illumination of the screen provided the speed is greater than a critical speed below which fluctuations in the intensity are visible, it seemed unnecessary to make an extended study of this effect. It was desir- able, however, to check the conclusion of previous investigators for a range of speed likely to be used in the experiments. Hence, using successively two disks the 180 disk and the 60 disk the speed of the disk was varied from the "flicker" point to the maximum speed attainable and no variation of the illumination within the range of experimental error was detected. Subsequently, therefore, no attention was paid to the speed of the disk except to be sure that the speed was sufficiently high, i. e., that the number of alternations of the sectors was sufficiently great to prevent the possibility of a "flicker." (b) Disks. In order to show the accuracy of the mechanical con- struction of the sectored disks, the readings on the 30 disk for the six separate sectors and at different distances from the periphery of the disk are given in Table II. The first column contains the dis- tances, expressed in centimeters, from the periphery of the disk to the point at which the measurements were made. The other six columns contain the readings on the angular openings of the six sec- tors numbered from I to VI. Since the 30 disk contained the smallest sectors of all the disks it had to be made and measured most carefully of all, for small deviations of the edges of the sectors from straight radial lines would produce relatively large errors in the angular openings. The absolute angle need not be made to agree very closely with the nomi- nal value, as the subsequent calibration will give the true value of 1 1 wish to express my indebtedness to my assistants, Mr. F. E. Cady and Mr. A. H. Schaaf , for valuable assistance both in observations and computations. Hyde.} The Rotating Sectored Disk. the opening', but it is very necessary that the edges be made approxi- mately radial and quite straight, so that the mean of the seven meas- urements made every 5 mm may represent the mean value of the opening. It is seen from Table II that the maximum range of variation at different radial distances for most of the sectors is only TABLE II. Calibration of 30 Disk. Distance from Periphery I II III IV V VI cm 3.0 504 / 48 // 503'46" 503'02" 504 / 45 // 505 / 28 // 506 / 24 // 3.5 05 08 03 54 03 00 04 28 05 27 06 22 4.0 05 17 03 50 03 12 04 26 05 23 06 40 4.5 05 21 03 42 03 00 04 20 05 14 06 34 5.0 05 06 03 52 02 54 04 14 05 28 06 57 5.5 05 10 03 51 02 45 04 14 05 33 07 10 6.0 05 14 03 51 02 54 04 28 05 44 07 08 Mean 5 05 09 5 03 49 5 02 58 5 04 25 5 05 28 5 06 45 about 30" or i part in 600. The average deviation from the mean opening would be well under i part in 1,000. As stated above, the disks were always mounted in such a position that the beam of light passed through the calibrated part of the sectors. Measurements similar to those for the 30 disk were made on all the disks, the final results of which in the form in which they were used are given in Table III. The first column contains the various disks. The second column contains the nominal angles obtained from the different disks, and the third column gives the sectors that were employed to obtain these angles. In the fourth column are given the ratios of the actual angles to 360? These ratios, compared with the ratios of the squares of the distances obtained in the experi- ments, gave the errors in the law. Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards. TABLE III. [ Vol. 2, No, i. Disks Nominal Angles Sectors Used Corresponding Angles H-36o 30 30 I-VI 0.08466 15 I, III, V 0.04229 15 II, IV, VI 0.04236 10 I, IV 0.02822 10 II, V 0.02821 10 III, VI 0.02823 60 60 I-III 0.16914 180 180 I-VI 0.5012 90 I, III, V 0.2506 90 II, IV, VI 0.2507 60 I, IV 0.16697 60 II, V 0.16718 60 III, VI 0.16710 210 210 I-VI 0.5841 240 240 I-VI 0.6683 120 I, III, V 0.3341 120 II, IV, VI 0.3342 270 270 I-VI 0.7508 90 I, IV 0.2501 90 II, V 0.2504 90 III, VI 0.2503 288 288 I-VI 0.8000 144 I, III, V 0.4000 144 II, IV, VI 0.4000 (c) White Light. In order that the exact method of observation and computation may be known, the following series of measure- ments of June 2, 1905, copied from the laboratory record book, is given: SERIES XXV. 60 disk, total opening 60.89? - 300 = 0.16914. 88-watt Nernst No. 9 on left at o when disk is stationary, and at 71.5 when disk is Hyde.} The Rotating Sectored Disk. rotating. 88-watt Nernst No. 10 on right, as comparison lamp, at fixed distance 119.9 cm fr m photometer screen. 60 disk stationary. Volt. Nernst No. 9 at o. Volt. 122.97 .82 .56 No. 10=111.01 122.78 ' 9 II 7- 122.97 63 .80 122.80 No. 10=110.99 No. 9=117.08 75 ( ) Volt. ( ) Volt. 122.33 .07 No. 10=110.98 122.19 No. 9=117.08 122.03 1.98 121.99 No. 10=111.00 No. 9=117.07 17 1.97 60 disk rotating. Nernst No. 9 at 71.5. ( ) Volt. (~ ) Volt. 121.91 .89 .80 No. 10=111.01 121.87 No. '9=117.07 121.91 .78 .82 121.84 No. 10=111.00 No. 9=117.07 ( + ) Volt. ( + ) Volt. 122.44 .22 23 No. 10=111.00 ,- No. 9=117.07 122.26 122.38 .16 17 122.24 No. 10=110.99 No. 9=117.04 17 60 disk stationary. Nernst No. 9 at o. ( + ) Volt. ( + ) Volt. 122. 6l .67 .80 No. 10=111.00 122.69 No. 9=117.03 122.97 71 99 122.85 No. 10=110.99 No. 9=117.06 73 (-) Volt. (-) Volt. 122.33 2.10 1.94 No. 10=110.98 I22.II N0 " 9 = 117-02 122.02 13 .02 122.06 No. 10=110.97 No. 9=117.03 2.O7 60 disk rotating. Nernst No. 9 at 71.5. (_) Volt. (_) Volt. 121.77 .8 7 .82 No. 10=110.99 121.82 No. 9=117.04 121.89 .87 .80 121.85 No. 10=110.99 No. 9=117.04 ( + ) Volt. ( + ) Volt. 122.31 37 No. 10=110.99 122.30 No. 9=117.04 122.20 31 122.24 No. 10=110.98 No. 9=117.05 .22 .21 60 disk stationary. Nernst No. 9 at o. (+) Volt. ( + ) Volt. 122.73 .81 97 No. 10=110.98 122.81 Na 9=117-02 122.83 .64 57 122.68 No. 10=111.00 No. 9=117.01 .72 26 Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards. {voi. 2 i. 2, NO. /.] and blue light. All of the results of the experiments with colored lights, and of those in which there was a color difference on the two sides of the screen are contained in Table V. The first column con- tains the four different conditions under which the experiments were made. In the second, fourth, and sixth columns are given the corresponding results, and in the third, fifth, and seventh columns are given the means of the values in the second, fourth, and sixth columns, respectively. The observations marked with an asterisk were made by the second observer and are not included in the means. From a comparison of Tables IV and V it is seen that within the range of experimental error the deviations from Talbot's law are the same for white and colored light and for difference in color on the two sides of the screen. It would be well, however, to make further experiments on colored light in order to reduce the probable error, and obtain results more nearly comparable with the results for white light. 5. CONCLUSIONS. The results of this investigation may be summarized as follows: (1) Talbot's law, in its application to a rotating sectored disk, is verified for white light for all total angular openings between 288 and 10, to within a possible error of 0.3 per cent, which probably expresses the limit of accuracy of the experiments. (2) The observed deviations from the law for red, green, and blue light are of the same order of magnitude as those for white light, and hence Talbot's law is verified for red, green, and blue light, though not to such a high accuracy as for white light. Moreover, a difference in color on the two sides of the photometer screen pro- duces no appreciable change in the observed deviation from the law. VITA. Edward Pechin Hyde was born in Baltimore County, Mary- land, January 3, 1879. ^ s parents were Edward I. and Caro- line R. (Clemm) Hyde. He received his preparatory training in the public schools of Baltimore, Maryland, and entered the collegiate department of the Johns Hopkins University in 1897. He was graduated from that institution in 1900 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. In the following autumn he entered upon graduate work in the Johns Hopkins University, with physics as his principal subject and mathematics and physical chemistry as his subordi- nate subjects. He was appointed to a Fellowship in 1901. In 1902 he entered the Bureau of Standards, Washington, with which institution he is still connected as Assistant Physicist. In May, 1904, he married Miss Virginia Getzendanner, of Balti- more, Maryland. In the progress of his graduate work he has attended lec- tures given by Prof. J. S. Ames, Prof. R. W. Wood, Prof. F. Mor- ley, Prof. H. C. Jones, Dr. J. B. Whitehead and Dr. A. Cohen. The investigation leading to his dissertation on "Talbot's Law as Applied to the Rotating Sectored Disk," was carried out in the photometric laboratory of the Bureau of Standards. He desires to express here his indebtedness to Prof. S. W. Stratton, Director of the Bureau of Standards, for the courtesy shown him in granting him permission to submit this investiga- tion as a dissertation to the Board of University Studies of the Johns Hopkins University, and to Prof. J. S. Ames, under whose general direction as Director of the Physical Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University the investigation was carried out, for his interest and kindness during the progress of the work. O.- THE [ UNIVERSITY OF