HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD, CONN., FROM ITS SETTLEMENT IN 1670 TO THE PRESENT TIME, INCLUDING MERIDEN, WHICH WAS ONE OF ITS PARISHES UNTIL 1806, AND CHESHIRE, WHICH WAS INCORPORATED IN 1780. BY CHARLES HENRY STANLEY DAVIS, M. D, MKMHKR OF THE N. E. HIST. AND GEN. SOC. ; COR. MKMIIER OK THK WIS- CONSIN, MINNESOTA AND CHICAGO HIST. SOCIETIES; MK.MHER OF THK NEW HAVEN COL. HIST. SOC. ; ONE OF THE VICE PRESIDENTS OF THK AMERICAN PHIL. SOC., ETC. ' II:l|'ly thine eye Its ardent srhm.'e li:ul e;ist Throogb tin- dun shades, the portals of the past; By the bright laiii[i of thontrht thy care had fed From the far beacon lights tii Id." 2 This fort was made of palisades sixteen feet long, .sharp at the top, and firmly set in the ground near together. 22 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. and Wallingford bounds northward, for the benefit of the taxes of said lands," for the support of a minister. The territorial limits of Wallingford, extended northward, only to Pilgrim's Har- bor, or what is now West Meriden. Between Wallingford on the south, Middletovvn on the east, and Belcher's farm on the north, and part of the west, there lay a tract of land, of somewhat undefined boundaries. The " old road" passed through it. The following appears to have been the earliest deed of this part of Meriden : "Oct. 15, 1664. " Know all men by these presents, that I Seaukeet, Indian, ( abiding in or about Hartford, on Conec't. ) Sachem, owner and true propriertor of a large tract of Land in the woods towards New Haven att and about the land now in possession of Mr. Jonathan Gilbert, 1 intitled and known by the name Merideen, doe sell unto Edward Higbey, one parcell of land adjoining to the lands of Jonathan Gilbert, aforesaid, Hills, Rocks, brooks, swamps and all other appurtenances, bounded and formerly delivered, by marked trees, and by the land of sayd Jonathan Gilbert and Pilgrim's Harbor Brook or River all which sayd parcell of land with all prerogatives, privileges and any kind of appurtenances thereon, and there- unto belonging, it shall be lawful for the sayd Edward Higbey, his heirs and assigns, to improve, possess, enjoy, and that for- ever, as fully and as freely as the said Seaukeet ever did or might have clone. In witness thereof, by these presents, I bind myself, my heirs and assigns, quietly and peaceably to I Extract from the last will and testament of Jonathan Gilbert, Feb. 12, 1682-3. "Item, I give to my son Nathaniel Gilbert, my farm at Meriden, with all the house and land thereunto belonging, and all priv- iledges thereunto to him and his heirs forever, and also I give to him thirty pounds more out of my estate or in cattle to stock the said farm." Hartford Probate Records; Vol. IV. PURCHASE OF INDIAN LANDS. 23 leave in the full possession of all the premises, the sayd Edward Higbey, never to be molested by me the sayd Seau- keet, my heirs, or any other Indian or Indians whatsoever and so subscribe my name, the mark ) of SEAUKEET. " In presence and witness of Bryan Rossetter and Mary Gilbert." It seems that there were other claimants to the same land, for in 1682 another Indian, by the name of Adam Puit, sold to John Talcott, a tract which, from the de- scription, must have been identical with the one de- scribed in the deed of Seaukeet. Hartford, August 10, 1684. [date of record.] " Know all men whom this may concern, that I, Adam Puit, Indian, belonging and now residing at Podunk, 1 have and doe hereby morgage all my land lyeing upon the Road towards Newhaven, beyond and next adjoining to Jonathan Gilbert's farme, which tract of land being in length East and West Six Miles, and in breadth North and South five miles, with all the swamps, Rivers and meadow Land lyeing within the said Bounds and limits thereof, to John Talcott of Hartford in Conecticut Colony and his heirs forever. And in case the said Adam Puit do pay for and make full satisfaction for one parcell of Trucking cloaths in hand received of the said John Talcut within one full year after the sale hereof, and in case we the said partyes agree about the said land before the end and term of one year (to say), for the purchase or sale thereof, the said Adam is to receive foure coats more, as full satisfac- tion for the purchase thereof, the premises not being performed as above said, I the said Adam Puit doe fully and freely I Podunk, was the original name of ;i river in Windsor, and was also the name of an Indian tribe, residing near tliat river. 24 HISTORY OK \VALL1NCJFORO. resign and deliver up the said land to John Talcott and his heires forever, to be theirs to possess, to enjoy, and to hold as their own, forever, as witnesseth my mark on the day and vear above said. The mark of ADAM n T^S PUIT. "Witnessed buy us: Sammuel Talcott, Dorothy Talcott." " Hartford, October 18, 1682. " Nesahegan indian, Cherry indian, and \\onummiss Indian, belonging to Tunksis and Hartford, all appeared at Hartford on this 1 8 th day of October, and certify and witness that Adam Puit above written in the deed of gift aforesaid hath soald right and tittle in the land above said, being about six miles East and West and five miles North and South ; beyond and next adjoyning to Jonathan Gilberts farms in the way to Newhaven, which we understand is now sold to Major John Talcott. This we certify and know to be true unto the year and day above written. "Before me, Robert Treat, Deputy Governor." The next year, 1683, Mr. Talcott wrote the following letter to Wallingtbrd. assigning over to the town all his right and title to this land : "WORTHY GENTLEMEN: " " After Sallutation presented, these may enforme you that I have sent you your long waited for indian Deed and purchase, by my cousan Sammuell Wakeman : it was finished on the second day of the present week. Gentillmen, I confess my many errors by reason of the after Blots, also at the of it mistake a name or two in the first part, but recovered in the latter part, for that I hope nothing therein will prove, above the nature of circumstantial! error. As for the sub- stance it will hold firme and good in law, for your security. The truth is I was shortenened for time, and having but one PURCHASE OF INDIAN LANDS. 25 day after the court to write in and draw the modell of the deed before the indians were appointed to be at my house, and then there came a considerable company of them, that I could not doe anything in reference to drawing it over more faire, being willing to gaine as many hands and seals as I could then, otherwise it would have been more decently pre- pared and presented to your view : and that time of drawing many people crowding in upon me put me beyond my ordi- nary pace, and the indian names being many and odd, were hard, difficult to retaine and distinctly and precisely to enter, and hath often been in my thoughts to have reviewed it, but have feered that I should not geet the indians together to signe, they lived in such a scattered way, and a great distance one from another, that in another year in reason would have been little enough to have brought this matter to pass, and thought perhaps some might die whose names were in as a> was almost the case of the young sunk squa, so that I thought it to be a tedious a business, to adventure upon that which had proved soe troublesome already. Some of these your Gintlement may rememember what court it was that the indians agreed in Mr. Adams orchard, they would meet at my house ; at that time I had a day as I sayd, before me to write and draw ; now hopeing worthy Gentile men and friends you will excuse me wherein I have fallen short of your expec- tation, granting your favorable acceptance of what I have herewith presented to your view, who am, honoured Gentile- ment and friends, your reall friend and faithful Servant, JOHN TALCOTT." November, nth, 1681. The following is the deed of assignment, to the town of Wallingford : " Know all men by these presents, that I John Tulcott of Hartford, in Conecticut colony, do fully, freely, clearly and absolutely, Alienate, assign and set over, resign and deliver 26 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. up all my right, title, and interest, in the within deed of sale,' to Mr. Sammuel Street, Mr. John Moss, Lieut. Nathaniell Meriman, Mr. John Brockett, Sergt. Abraham Dowlittle of Wallingford, within the said colony of Conecticut, to them- selves for their proper use only benefit and behoof, of them- selves and the inhabitants of the sayd towne of Wallingford within the said colony ; to them, their heires and assigns forever, to hold, use, occupy and improve the same, withall the emoluments, rents, emunitys, priviledges, franchises, com- oditys and appurtenances, whatsoever and herein consigned, granting him and every one of them, full power and authority to Record the same to themselves, their heires and assigns forever, for the confirmation of the premises, for myself, heires, executors and Administrators doe fully ratifie and confirm this assignment unto Mr. Sammuel Street, Mr. John Moss, and to their heires and assigns forever, as witnesseth my hand and seal this fifteenth of May in the year of our lord, one thousand six hundred eighty and three. "JOHN TALCOTT, seal. (^ "Witnessed by John Church, Daniel Butler." The first deed to the New Haven planters is dated December, 1638, and was renewed in 1645. But on pretense of the Indians, that they had made a reserve of some appurtenances in former grants, another pur- chase was made, and a valuable consideration given for an unreserved deed of "12 large miles long, and 8 broad ;" the breadth extending from " Wharton's brook to Pilgrim's Harbor." The addition of three miles to the breadth, from the last mentioned place, was made by i The land is not described and bounded in this assignment ; but in the original records this assignment is accompanied by a copy of the Adam Puit deed, and in his letter he speaks of this "deed of sale," as the one received by him from Puit. PURCHASE OF INDIAN LANDS. 2/ the government. This Indian deed is dated at Hartford, May, 24, 1 68 1 , and is as follows : " Whereas our predecessors Mantowese, Sachem, in the yeare one Thousand Six hundred Thirty and eight, in Decem- ber the eleventh, by a Generall deed off grant, Alienated, en- seosed and sold a tract of land, to Theophilus Eaton, Esqi r , Mr. John Davenport, Minister, and to other English Planters of Quinnipiage, Alias Newhaven, as by an instrument at large doth appeare, and soe by a second grant as by an Instrument dated in the year one Thousand Six hundred forty and five. In the month May of that said year, Renewed the former grant, and tract of land, to run from a great pond in New- haven East meadow Twenty Miles North, and to be thirteen miles in breadth East and west, which said tract of land was made over unto Theophilus Eaton Esquire, Mr. Stephen Goodyear, and Mr. Thomas Grigson gentillmen of the foresaid Newhaven Now know ye, that I, Mantowese his sister sunk squa, and now wife to Nesumbocum, and munnappask, Mim- iaque and munnappask, sunk squa, matoes son, Matant son, had come right in those the aforesaid lands so sold by our predecessors, and whereas I Mimiaque, Accacant, his son, Ma- pashunt, Puttugquatum, and Wyashun, have good right and title to land on the west side of Wallingford Bounds, and being desired grants two miles in breadth East and West and the whole length of the said Wallingford bounds, as granted to them by the general court of conecticutt colony, shall be added according as shall be hereafter inclusively and abso- lutely taken within, and unto their bounds granted to the plantation of Wallingford by the foresaid gen' ! court, for avoiding of all differences, that may hereafter arise or happen to be between us Sunk Squa, now wife to Nessumboccum mun- napsk sunk squa, Matoes son, Matant son, mamiaque, Acca- cant, his son Wagashunt, Puttugquatton and Wayshun, and the Inhabitants of Wallingford, and proprieters of the same plantation, and their haires or assignes, have granted and made 28 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. this Indenture, this twenty and fourth of may, in the year one thousand six hundred eighty and one, Between us Sunk Squa wife of Nesumbockum, munapask sunk squa, Matoes son, ma- tant son, mimiaque, Accanant, his son wyashunt, and May- shon, and Mr. Sammuell Street minister, Mr. John Moss, leu- tenant Nathanell Meriman, Mr. John Brocket, and Sergant Abraham Dowlittle, all proprietors within the towneship and plantation of Wallingford in the colony of conecticut in New England, witnesseth that we sunk squa wife to Nebocacum mannappook sunk squa, Matoes son, Matant son mimiaque Accanant his son, Wayashunt and wayshon, being the Right- full owners successors and rightfull and surviveing heirs, that can make any claime or demand upon, or of propriety in that tract of land, which is circumscribed by Bounclearise hereafter mentioned, as being and belonging to the Township of Wallingford, for many good causes and considerations, hereunto us moveing, and for a valuable consideration, sum and sums of currant pay of this country, to us in hand payd in full satisfaction for all our rights, in the foremen- tioned, tract and parcel! of land lyeing and being within the towneship of Wallingford, the receipts whereof we doe ac- knowledge, and by these presents do freely, fully, clearly, and absolutely, give bargains and sell enseose and confirme, unto Mr. Sammuell Street, Mr. John Moss, Lent. Nathaniel Merri- man, Mr. John Brocket, Seriant Abraham Dowlittle, in the behalf of the inhabitants and proprietors, of the lands be- longing to the township of Wallingford to them, their heirs, and their assigns for ever, all that tract of land from a place called whortons Brook south and from thence to runn to a place comonly called pilgrims Harbor, North, being about eight miles distance which is the breadth of the said bounds, and in Length, from East to the west end to be twelve miles, five miles to run east, from the east side quinipiage River and seven miles thereof to run west from the west side of quinipiage River, the whole bounds to be being about eight miles broad and twelve large miles in length to have and to PURCHASE OF INDIAN LANDS. 2Q hold possess and enjoy, all the aforesaid Tract or parcell of land, as it is now bounded with all the immunities, privilidges, rights, pastures, comonage, Timber, wood, Trees, under-wood, Stones, Quaryes, minnerals, Brooks, ponds, Rivers, tithings, profits, comodities, Imoluments, and appurtinances, whatso- ever is belonging thereunto, to Mr. Samuel Street, Mr John Moss, Leutt. Nathaniel Merriman, Mr. John Brocket, Seriant Abraham Dowlittle, in behalf of themselves and in the behalfe of the inhabitants and proprietors of the lands belonging to the towneship of Wallingford, to them their heirs and as- signes, for there owne and only proper benefite use and be- hoolfe forever. And we the aforesaid [here follows the Indian names] do warrant, and approve the aforesaid Mr. Samuell Street, Mr. John Moss, Mr. Nathaniell meriman, Mr. John Brocket, Ser. Abraham Dowlittle, that we have full power, good right, and lawful authority to bargaine and sell the before mentioned Tracts withal 1 the appurtenances and singular, the privilidges thereunto belonging, and we the said [here follows the Indian names] give the said Samuel Street [and others] and the rest of the inhabitants and proprietors of the lands within the towneship of Wallingford, full power and authority, to record the premises to themselves, to their heirs and assignes for ever, and we [here follow the Indian names] do promise, covenant, to and with the said Sammuell Street, John Moss, (and others) and the rest of the inhabi- tants and proprietors of the towneship of Wallingford, them, their heires and Asignes shall and may by force and vertue hereof, from time to time and at all times hereafter, and for ever lawfully, peaceably and quietly hold, use and occupie, possesse and enjoy the aforesaid Tract and parcell of land as it is circumscribed and bounded, withall its rights, members, emunityes, privilidges and appertinances, and have receive and take the rents, issues, emoluments and profits thereof to theire own and only use, and proper behoofe for ever, without any lawful test suite, trouble, molestation, or disturbance whatsoever, from us or any of us, the said sunk squa [here 3een of much greater advantage to the State than all the copper dug out of it. 48 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. prietors should have an equal share in the mine already discovered, and in all other mines which should here- after be discovered in said lands. In October, 1718, John Hamblin, James Wallsworth, Esquire, and Captain John Hall, were appointed com- missioners for the mining company at Wallingford for the term of two years ; at the expiration of the two years, May n, 1721, Matthew Allyn, Col. William Whiting, Aaron Cooke and Captain Samuel Mather were appointed commissioners, with power to close up the concern, if found necessary. The legislature and the public expected great benefit from the profits that would accrue from these mines, but it is believed that neither the undertakers, proprietors, nor the colony were ever very greatly benefited by them. Within a few years Mr. A. Bellamy, a descendant of the old Bellamy family, went to Cheshire and re-opened. the old shaft near the residence of the late Mr. Elias Gaylord, expecting to find copper ; but was unsuccessful, as had been all of his predecessors who had made attempts to work the mines. In 1737, a company was formed for the purpose of working the abandoned mines ; and of this attempt we have an authentic account, as some of the papers relative to it have been preserved by the descendants of Ben- jamin Royce, one of the partners of the company. These mines were on " Milking-yard hill," and the shafts may still be seen there. Although it is now generally supposed that these excavations were made solely for copper mines, yet these papers indicate an expectation of finding gold. Indeed it is probable that the hope of obtaining this more precious metal was the main induce- ment for re-opening the abandoned works. A very MINES. 49 considerable quantity of the ore was once shipped to England, as the means of smelting it were not to be found in America ; but the ship was lost at sea. Tra- dition asserts that the foreigners who worked in the mines, concealed, and appropriated to themselves, what- ever gold they found. For these . reasons or for other causes of failure, the works were once more abandoned, and have never been resumed. A company was formed called the " Golden Parlour Mining Company," and the following articles of co-part- nership were drawn up : " Articles of Agreement made and Concluded upon this twenty-seventh day of April Anno Domini, 1737, Between Edward Higbee of Middletown, and Walter Henderson of Hartford, both of y' County of Hartford, and Thomas Thomas of New York, Arthur Rexforcl, Sam'll Androus, Benj. Royse, all of Wallingforcl, in y'' County of Hartford, afores'd and Josiah Griswold, Thomas Goodwin, Benjamin Stillman, John Pierce, all of Wethersfielcl in y" County afore- said, Proprietors and Joint owners of a certain peice of land, or Mines in said Wallingforcl as lesed out to them by Timothy Royce, of s'd Wallingford, as will appear to said Lease, reference thereunto being had to carry on the work in said Mines, witnesseth that we the s'cl partys do covenant and agree to, and with each other, and do hereby obliclge and bind our Selves to stand to, and perform the following articles, viz : i. That the Name of S'cl Mine, Shall be the Golden J\u-loiir. 2. That the Work to be clone in said Mines, shall be ordered by a vote of y v Majority of y' owners, and y c Costs and Charges arising on y' work of y u said Mines, shall be paid according to y'' proportions in each owners part. 3. That each owner's vote shall be in proportion to what part he owns. 4. That if any owner or owners cannot attend y" meeting or meetings, appointed by y'-' Majority of y e owners in order to manage y affairs of said mine, they shall have E 5O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. liberty to appoint any of y e owners to vote or act in his or their behalf and said owner so appointed shall vote or act there an shall be esteemed as good and valid as if the owner appointing was himself present. 5. That Mr. Beni. Royce be a Clerk to Enter and keep y votes that may from time to time be passed by the owners or the majority of said owners until y e said owners shall chuse another in his room in which case y e said Royce is to deliver all y" votes he has Entered and kept in y e Hands of said owners. 6. That the last Wednesday of July, October, January and April, be days, Stated for y f Meeting of said owners at Meriden, to make up the acc'tts of said mine and also to pay what Charge or Cost may arise between each Meeting to y e Satisfaction of y undertaker, and if y e majority of y c owners shall think fitt to order a meeting on any other time, or times besides those herein Stated, y e meetings so ordered and y e affairs managed therein shall be good and valid. 7. That these articles be committed into y e Hands of y 1 ' Clark for y e time being, and if any of y e owners desire a Copy hereof y e said Clark shall give it him attested under his Hand, he or they satisfying him therefor. In conformation of y e above mentioned articles, we the Subscribers, have hereunto Sett our Hands and Seals in Meriden, the Day and Date above mentioned. " THOS. THOMAS, L. S. EDWARD HIGBEE, L. S. JOSIAH GRISWOLD, L. S. THOS GOODWIN, L. S. ARTHUR REXFORD, L. S. BENJAMIN ROYS, L. S. SAMUEL ANDRUS, L. S. B. STILMAN, L. S. JOHN PIERCE, L. S. In presence of Amos Hall, Moses Parse, Jr., Wm. Hough." It appears, however, that previous to the formal organization of the company on paper, a partnership had actually existed, for a few months at least, as we find a pape,r dated the previous February. It is as follows : " A record kept by Benjamin Roys, Clark of proprietors of MINES. 5 1 the mines in the land of Timothy Roys in Wallingford, Feb- ruary y e 1 1, 1736-7. Then the owners of the mines in the land of Timothy Roys in Wallingford, being Regularly met together at the hous of John Way in Wallingford, did then make up their Acounts of the Charg expended in the mines, from 8 of November 1736, which charg did amount to the Sum of 86;, 4$, 2d. At a meeting of the proprietors of the mines in the land of Timothy Roys in Wallingford, February y 1 ' n, 1736-7, The said owners did make A fair agreement with Arthur Rexford, one of the owners, to Dig ten foot in the north Shaft of said mines, keeping the Smoth wals east and west and about five foot wide finding himself Tools and materials for the Same, to be done in five months, for which work the said proprietor did unanimously agree to give Said Rexfbrd the Sum of eighty-one pounds, 8i -o -o." We have also the record of two other meetings of the company, as here annexed : " At a meeting of the Proprietors of y'' Mine in Menden on ye 27th day of April, 1737, Voted, that Mr. Griswold Should be moderator for Said meeting. That Thomas Thomas be an undertaker to carry on the work in Said mine for y c Space of three months next ensuing. That y c s'd Thorn. Thomas be allowed at the rate of fifteen pounds per month, for so much time as he spends in said service, the time of pay to begin when the Hands begin to work in said mine. That Arthur Rexford having desired to be released from a bargain he made to sink a Shaft of ten feet deep in s'd mine, that he be released. At a meeting of y u proprie- tors of y 1 ' mine in Meriden, on y ( ' 27th day of July, 1737. Voted that Mr. Griswold be Moderator for s'd meeting. Also, Voted, by a full Vote of the majority of y c owners, that y ' owners according to their proportionable parts, pay to Georg Bell the Sum of fourty pounds, upon his finishing a job of work he had undertaken to do in the Golden Parler, viz., to sink twelve feet in the deeper shaft nerest to docter houghs 52 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. and to leave the bottom of the Shaft nere the wedth and length that it now is, to find himself with all materials, &c., necisary and Sutable to cary on and finish Said work. And at s'd meeting, July y c 27, 1737, the s'd owners made up their accounts which did amount to the Sum of 132^, i$s if/." These documents contain all the information we now have relative to the mines on " Milking-yard hill." They were probably again abandoned after the unprofit- able labor of two or three years. Mining operations on a much smaller scale were commenced in another part of the town. The excavations are about fifty rods east of the turnpike road to Hartford, nearly two miles from the center of the town. Dr. Percival, in his " Geological Survey," speaks of them as excavations for copper ; but tradition says that small quantities of gold, were found there. But there is no other information whatever as to the mine, its proprietors, products, or the time when it was worked. About 1750, Mr. Dan. Johnson bought of Mr. Yale, who was one of the first " planters" in Wallingford, a large tract of land lying south of the " Hanging Hills" and within the " Notch," so called, the picturesque pass or glen opening northerly from the old gate-house on the Southington road, toward Kensington- This land was purchased on account of its probable value for mining purposes, and has been retained in the family of Mr. Johnson ever since ; though the necessary expense of searching for ores has hitherto prevented them from undertaking mining operations. Within the Notch is an elevation called " Mining Hill," which is said by those acquainted with Geology to abound in indications of valuable minerals. About eighty years ago, one Mr. Parsons commenced DANA S DESCRIPTION. 53 an excavation a short distance west of the Hanging Hills, just over the line between Southington and Meri- den, and found gold in small quantities. It was taken to Hartford, assayed, and found to be pure gold. The search was not continued, probably on account of the cost ; for mining operations are usually so expensive that individual enterprise and wealth can rarely afford the cost and risk. 1 Since the above was written, we met the following very interesting sketch of a visit to Mericlen, by Professor James Dana, of Yale College : PROF. JAMES D. DANA's EXCURSION TO THE HANGING HILLS OF MERIDEN. "The city of Meriden is situated eighteen miles to the north of New Haven on the railroad to Hartford, and is 45 to 52 minutes distant in time. The villages passed on the way are North Haven, 7 miles; Wallingford, 12 ; Yalesville, 15. The Hanging Hills are trap mountains i 1-2 to 2 1-2 miles north and northwest of Meriden, remarkable for their steep declivities and high precipitous brows so bold and lofty in fact as to give to the observer beneath them an im- pression of overhanging, and hence the name. Those who visit them will appreciate the propriety of the name. " A mile and a half south of Meriden and three quarters of a mile west of the railroad, at South Mericlen, the Quinnipiac river changes from its north and south to an east and west course, on its way from the more western and parallel Farm- ington valley in which it rises. Since the throwing up of these trap elevations, the old hydrographic basins of Con- necticut have been greatly deranged. Instead of the simple north and south Connecticut estuary of Triassic times, ter- minating at New Haven, there is now a Connecticut river leaving the estuary valley in the latitude of llu-sr trap hills, I Perkins's Historical Sketches. 54 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. and bending southeastward thro.ugh a region of metamorphic rocks. Farmington river, which flowed into the estuary from the western heights of Massachusetts and northern Connecti- cut, still enters the Farmington region ; but near Farmington turns abruptly north, flows in that direction sixteen miles at the foot of Talcott mountain and other trap hills of the range, then makes a cut through the range into the Connecticut river valley and joins that river. The Quinnipiac, which starts in the Farmington valley just below the northward bend of the Farmington river, on approaching the region of the trap hills of Cheshire, bends eastward out of the valley in front of the Hanging Hills, into the valley where the Con- necticut river might have had its course but for the trap eruptions and disturbances ; and finally, the Farmington valley being thus deserted by the Quinnipiac, Mill river at this point commences its flow, taking its rise in the adjoining hills, and becomes the principal stream for the rest of the valley southward to New Haven bay. The bend eastward in the Connecticut was probably a direct consequence of the trap eruptions and the elevations of the sandstone accom- panying them, and originated when the old estuary first dwindled to the size of a river in consequence of the rise of the land. But there is less evidence that the other changes mentioned took place at the same time ; and it may be that one or more date from the last elevation in the Post-tertiary era. " The city of Meriden is situated on a small branch of the Quinnipiac, which is called Pilgrim's Harbor brook, in allusion to the fact that the Regicides stopped here for a while on its banks and named the spot Pilgrim's Harbor. Old Meriden, now the eastern part of the city, occupies the sum- mit of a sandstone hill, a little to the eastward, and is often distinguished as East Meriden. The tall white spire of the Congregational church is seen against the sky in the north- ward view from the western slopes of the East Rock range. The three Meriden " Hills" stand together on a common line, DANA'S DESCRIPTION. 55 facing with defiant front the south, and with the greatest alti- tude on the right or west. They are called West mountain, South mountain, and Cat-Hole Mountain ; the latter, or the eastern, taking its name from the "Cat-Hole," a narrow valley adjoining it on the west. West mountain has three summits, an eastern, a middle, and a western, separated from one another by a cut down to the lower limit of the mural rocks. The western of the three peaks is the highest ; the recent barometric measurements of Prof. Guyot make it 995 feet above the sea. It is therefore one of the most elevated points in Connecticut, and excepting Mount Tom and Mount Holyoke, the highest trap mountain in the Connecticut valley. " This group of hills is the broad southern termination of several lines of trap dikes and ridges. The high western line continues through the State northward into Massachu- setts, and has a total length of about 55 miles ; it includes in its course, two ridges facing Southington : the second, called High Rock, nearly as high as West mountain ; three on the eastern borders of Farmington : the middle one, Rattlesnake mountain ; the long Talcott mountain between Hartford and Avon ; Newgate mountain in Granby ; Mount Tom, 1,211 feet high, in Massachusetts; and Mount Holyoke, 1,126 feet high. " The knotty complexity of this trap region was first un- ravelled by Percival, who found that remarkable system and "order prevailed among the numerous dikes. We refer to the map in his Geological Report for the facts concerning them. It will be found wonderfully impressive by any one who can appreciate its revelations with regard to the stupendous events of this Fire-period in New England history. It shows that the area of Meriden and Berlin was a great center in the eruptions of the era ; that the deep fractures of the earth's crust from which the liquid rock gushed forth were here more numerous and extensive than in any other part of the Con- necticut valley, or of all New England ; and that they were opened not only along the half-dozen lines headed by the 56 HISTORY OF WALLTNGFORD. Hanging Hills, but also farther to the eastward, Mount Lamentation and other heights between Mericlen and the Connecticut river being parts of the system. The country now occupied by the townships of Berlin and Wethersfield was crossed by eight of the great rents, averaging one for every mile of breadth. Why these fissures stopped so ab- ruptly in Meriden on a common transverse line, and with a long eastward bend in the principal one, besides also an east and west line of eruptions in front, as indicated on Percival's map, is a question not easy to answer. It is a case somewhat like that of West Rock and the transverse range of Pine and Mill Rocks in the New Haven region, but on a far grander scale. " Of the several interesting excursions which may be made about Meriden, the most noted is that to the western peak of West mountain. To reach the mountain from Meriden, go westward along Main street, and its continuation, the Water- bury turnpike (passing Fenn's mill-pond, north of the road, two-thirds of a mile on, and, immediately afterward, crossing a road that leads northward to Cat-Hole gap and Kensing- ton) at the forking, 11-4 miles out, keep to the right, taking what is called the Southington road, and continue on it about i 1-2 miles farther (passing half way a road going north to the "Notch" between South mountain and West mountain) ; and when seemingly a little beyond the sought-for mountain and just after a descent begins in the road, a carriage-path will be seen on the right (north) entering the woods, showing by its stripes of green that it is not much used ; after half a mile or more upon this path, gradually ascending most of the way, an open spot is reached where the carriage way ends and the climb begins. " Along the road thus far, numerous fine views gladden the way. Here and there, glimpses are had of Mericlen, and the eastern hills, of Mt. Carmel to the south, and finally of the Cheshire and Southington region and the heights to the west. A prettily wooded bank with a streamlet at its foot follows DANAS DESCRIPTION. 57 the south side of the Southington road for part of the way ; and in other parts the road is bordered by the young growth of an old forest, which suggests the regret that some of the old trees were not left for shade. After passing two or three mill-ponds to the north of the road, another large enough to be called a lake, and none the less beautiful that it is artificial, is seen lying among the forests. Nearly all the way the Meriden mountains are in full sight, grand in all their varying aspects : first, the lofty South mountain, having its brow twice cleft near the middle, and rising on the west to a rounded top ; then the still higher West mountain, presenting to view, in succession, its long eastern line, the castellated middle peak, and, at last, the more elevated and broken western summit : the whole in appearance, and in reality, a mighty ruin, and old beyond all human reckoning. In many places along the mural fronts great columnar masses stand out, clinging only by a single side, owing to the fall of the rocks underneath, and appearing as if just ready to go crash- ing down the mountain. But they hold on firmly, for the work of destruction in these trappean structures is slow. The long slope which rises at a large angle to hundreds of feet, and bears far aloft the grand lines of battlements, is, to a great depth, made of the stones that have fallen from the heights "The ascending path commences along the south side of the middle of the two peaks, gradually bends around into the gorge that separates them, finally crosses this gorge over some of the immense fallen blocks that are strewn along its course, and thence turns southward toward the high western summit. The first part of the summit which comes in view is made up, at its lower portion in front, of small columns, hardly longer or larger than a man's leg, that are gradually falling apart and adding thus to the debris. This small- columnar structure characterizes many parts of the Meriden Hills, and, as a consequence, the long slopes of fallen frag- ments often consist of such pieces of rock some flat, but 58 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. generally of various irregular, polygonal shapes. At the same time, there are no where about the Mericlen heights any large regular columns. This seems very remarkable, con- sidering the vast extent of the trap eruptions. But while large columns do not occur, much of the rock of the mount- ains is free from any distinct columnar structures, and breaks with broad vertical surfaces. "Just above the point referred to, and further on along the gorge, the trap stands up in long perpendicular walls arising from vertical courses of fracture. The immense blocks of trap that roughly pave the bottom of the gorge remind one who is familiar with the New Haven region of the great trap boulders on its eastern hills. They have the same fine-grained texture, are often tabular in form, and laminated in structure. They look as if they had come from some hori- zontally stratified bed ; but, as just explained, and as becomes apparent before reaching the top, the lamination of the trap is vertical instead of horizontal, and precisely similar to that so distinct in Pine Rock and at the eastern of the West Rock quarries. It is hardly possible for one geologically informed to pass along the gorge without querying whether some of those New Haven travelers did not take passage aboard the glacier from these Meriden heights. But the same structure and texture probably characterize the trap ridges throughout their extent northward, so that a positive answer as to the precise place of departure cannot be given. That it was somewhere along this western range between Meriden and Mount Tom is very probable. The evidence that they came from the more western of the ranges lies in the fact that they are asso- ciated in the western part of the New Haven region ( and but sparingly in the eastern) with blocks of gneiss and quartz rock that must have come from the adjoining country on the west, and were derived from the northern part of the State, or from the region farther north in Massachusetts or Vermont. "The view from the top of West mountain is remarkable rather for its wide panoramic range than for grandeur of DANAS DESCRIPTION. 59 detail. The same may be said generally of landscapes seen from the highest peak of any region, when this peak is much above the other summits in altitude : for the other mountains lose in elevation, and the lower hills are at times flattened out in seeming plains ; moreover the loftiest point is out of view, because the observer is upon it. Thus it is here ; but there is compensation as usual in the wider range of view, and the grander vistas over the plains and the receding hills " In the landscape before the eye, a wide undulated surface, seemingly almost a level plain, stretches from Berlin and Meriden, southward over Wallingford and North Haven, westward over Cheshire, and thence northward over Southing- ton into Bristol ; and the villages of these townships lie among great patches of forests, meadows and variously cul- tivated fields. On the east stands a long range of bold trap mountains, from Mount Lamentation (which is seen over the more eastern Hanging Hills) through Middletown or Higby's mountain, (stated to be 899 feet high), Beseck or South Middletown mountain, the Durham range with its Tremont peak (that with the three pointed top) to the Totoket moun- tain of North Branford and Saltonstall ridge in East Haven. The eye, glancing still southward, finally rests on the Sound, a strip of ocean dotted with sails, bounded by the low sea- barrier, Long Island. Mount Carmel, the " sleeping giant," lies recumbent just across the borders of Wallingford and Cheshire, the head of the giant bearing S. 18 degrees W. ; but it presents only its long back and slopes, looks heavy, and too heavily asleep to be aroused for the short move to the right that would open a view of New Haven. Over its flank, a part of the East Rock range may be seen, and more to the east and south a spire in Fair Haven, and the Light House on New Haven bay. "To the southwestward, as a counterpart to the trap mountains on the east there is the long West Rock Range. But a line of hills extending toward it from Mt. Carmel shuts out of view its more southern extension. Northward, as 6O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. may be observed, it stretches on between Cheshire and Pros- pect, then bends a little eastward, and soon after loses itself in the open country west of the Meriden Heights ; for here the range terminates, about 17 miles from its commencement at Westville. Over and beyond these trap hills to the west and also to the northwest, lies the elevated Woodbridge plateau, a region of metamorphic rocks, attaining its greatest altitude in the towns of Prospect and Wolcott, and thence, declining toward Bristol. Still farther northwest, over Wol- cott and Bristol, there are the heights beyond the Naugatuck, and the yet more remote and but faintly discerned Taconic mountains of the Green mountain range. Among the sum- mits on the western horizon, one quite prominent, called Great Mountain, belongs to the country beyond the Housa- tonic in the vicinity of New Milford, not far from the State boundary. " Turning now to the northward, other trap hills come into view in a long range, terminating in Mt. Tom and Mt. Holy- oke. The nearer, with rampart western front, are the hills overlooking Southington and Farmington ; farther on is Talcott mountain, on the western border of the town of Hartford. The ridges of Simsbury and Granby rise beyond, but they are not separately distinguishable, as they are seen only in profile. Mt. Tom shows itself, over what appears to be a low western extension of Talcott mountain, as a round- topped peak, steepest on its western side. To the right is Mt. Holyoke (on the other side of the Connecticut); and still farther east are other summits of the Holyoke ridge. It is of interest here to remember what has already been stated, that these trap hills make one grand curving range, nearly 60 miles long, from West Mountain in Meriden to Mount Tom, and thence, bending easterly, to Mount Holyoke. "Many villages give life to the landscape. North of Meriden there are Berlin bearing northeast, New Britain, north-north- east, Kensington, Percival's birth-place, south of New Britain, N. 30 cleg. E. ; south of Meriden, Hanover or South Meri- DANA'S DESCRIPTION. 61 den, near a large pond at the bend in the Quinnipiac bearing S. 15 deg. E., Yalesville more distant in nearly the same direction, and beyond Yalesville, the much larger village of Wallingford ; in the valley to the west, Bristol, bearing N. 52 cleg. W., Southington, N. 30 deg. W. ; Cheshire, S. 30 deg. W. ; over the Woodbridge plateau, Wolcott, W. 32 deg. N., and Prospect, on the summit against the horizon, W. 30 deg. S. Lamentation mountain bears to the north of west ; and the riclge just south is properly a part of it ; Middletown or Higby's mountain lies a little to the south of east ; Tremont peak, the central peak of the Durham range, S. 30 cleg. E. ; and just below begins the Totoket mountain. Pistapaug mountain is behind the southern part of the Durham range. A low north-and-south sand ridge connects the Meriden Hills and Mt. Carmel and Whitney Peak. " The rock of the summit is fine-grained trap, or crust rock, as we have called it, while that of the front of the mountain, as may be observed on the way up, is coarse like the East Rock stone. (The crust rock is not so named because sepa- rable from that below, but from its being the original exterior of the ejected trap, as proved by its fine texture.) The presence of the crust rock at the top shows that but little of the height of the ridge was worn away by the old glacier as it moved over these summits. In fact, nothing else could be expected ; for along this meridian there was probably a few stones in the ice at a level high enough to over-ride or abrade the summit. There are no peaks in the valley to the north as high as this Meriden mountain, either in Connecticut or Massachusetts, except Mount Tom and Mount Holyoke ; and stones taken from lower heights would not have, risen in the glacier, against gravity, to a higher level except through a combination of circumstances in the slopes that should favor an up-hill push of the ice for a limited distance ; and the circumstances about this West mountain do not appear to have been favorable for an up- ward movement of this kind. The Mount Tom boulders 62 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. would have made a narrow line, and would have had but little chance of leaving their mark or much of their freight, on this high Meriden Station. Whatever stones there were must have come from the higher mountains of Vermont or New Hampshire. The movement of the glacier over the central parts of the Connecticut valley was to the south, or a little west of south. The course of the scratches is south, according to Prof. Hitchcock, on Monadnoc, N. H., on Holyoke, and Tom, and at Deerfield, and Greenfield, and other places in the valley in Massachusetts. According to Percival, it is S. S. W., just east of the Hanging Hills, and north of Meriden. It is south, in a gorge on Mount Carmel, and S. 10 cleg. W., to S. 14 deg. W., over the ledges of the sandstone, east of New Haven. " Over the bare trap surface of the summit, there are slightly raised lines dividing it into polygonal areas, which indicate that the rock beneath has a somewhat columnar structure. These line are prominent because of the greater hardness of the rock along them, the intervening surface yielding most easily to the elements. This hardness is due to the filling .of thin fissures with silica or some siliceous mineral ; and the fissures were a result of the contraction of the rock at the time of its original cooling. "The long lines of fracture or open seams which inter- sect the surface are the courses of the jointi, on which the laminated character of the rock (or its tendency to break into slabs and tabular masses) depends. THE NOTCH. " On the return to Meriden, an interesting excursion may be made by taking the road to "The Notch," between West mountain and South Mountain. For the purpose of supplying the city of Meriden with water, work is now going forward that will soon place a lake, a mile in length in this gorge. The reservoir will have an area of 77 1-2 acres, and derives its waters from the drainage of the various declivities. When the arrangements are completed, the quiet DANA'S DESCRIPTION. 63 lake, lying amid forests in this mountain defile, overlooked by and reflecting the grand old walls that crown the heights, will make a scene of beauty unsurpassed in this Meriden region. "Another excursion of great attractions may be taken over the Kensington road to the long, narrow Cat-Hole gap or pass, between South mountain and the Cat-Hole mountain. On the way toward the valley the high battlemented South mountain comes into view, almost in front, and makes a ma- jestic sweep around toward the entrance ; it thence continues as the western side of the valley with gradually decreased boldness and height. Soon after, there appears on the east a time-worn mural summit of Cat-Hole mountain, and just beyond, a second still bolder front, rising erect above the steep slopes ; fancy finds a profile of Washington in the out- line from one point of view. Farther on in the valley other vertical rocks are described, though mostly concealed by foliage. The mountain is cut obliquely by gorges, and hence its succession of summits. The slopes of fallen stones, that descend on either side from the heights far above through most of the valley, originally met at the bottom, where many of the large masses lay piled together ; and the pass, some- what difficult under nature's rough macadamizing, then merited its name. There is now an excellent road through it. Many crevices or breaks occur in the high walls of Cat Hole mountain, along some of which the heights may be scaled. The view from the more southern summit, over the Meriden region and the far-away plains and hills, the Sound, and Long Island, is exceedingly fine. " The Kensington road, before reaching Cat-Hole gap, passes a gateway on the left, which is the entrance to the Poor House grounds, and through these to the " Cold Spring gorge," another place of great interest, situated just under the lofty front of South mountain. The path along the gorge continues northward, and finally enters Cat-Hole pass. The bottom of the gorge is still in the condition which charac- 6 4 DANA'S DESCRIPTION. 65 terized Cat-Hole gap before its civilizing improvements, but is probably beyond that in the grandeur of its mountain ruins. Enormous blocks of trap, like houses in magnitude? lie in confusion together, enclosing narrow passages, and numerous dark recesses which may well have been the dens of catamounts and panthers in aboriginal times. There are also shady ways and rock retreats, beautiful with their moss- covered walls, shelves of ferns or flowers, and overshadowing trees, which may give much enjoyment in the exploration. " The grand pile of rocks at the bottom derived from the heights above, the long steep slope of fallen fragments down which they made their descent, and the mural heights almost overhead seemingly ready for other avalanches, produce an impression of power and sublimity that is seldom an effect of simply motionless rocks. But here every object in the scene suggests motion and violence, terrific in kind and degree. Yet the blocks, gray and green with the vegetation over them, look as if they had lain quietly in their places for ages. The work of destruction above is, however, going slowly forward, and though a long period may intervene, other descents are sure to occur. A long, one storied stone house stands just within the entrance of the gorge, which is made of sticks, or more properly, small columnar pieces, three to four feet long, of trap, and so laid that the ends project very unequally. The queer porcupine-structure, now a dwelling- house, was erected for a ten-pin alley, as an appendage to the " Cold Spring House" (a Water Cure establishment that formerly occupied what is now the Poor House). If it does not, in the meantime, go to pieces by "natural decay, it may yet feel the weight of one of the descending looo-ton masses. Should this happen, a strike would be made beyond any former experience of the ten-pin alley. " Cold Spring gorge has long been famous for its cold waters, as its name implies. In one of the dark cavities among the fallen masses of trap, ice usually keeps the year around, the shade and shelter making the spot a natural ice- F 66 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. house. Professor Silliman gives one of the earliest published accounts of it in vol. iv, p. 17, of the American Journal of Science, after a visit on July 23, 1821. He carried with him to New Haven, a mass of the ice weighing several pounds." The following is Prof. Silliman's article referred to above : NATURAL ICE HOUSES. BY BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, SR. [From the "American Journal of Science," Oct., 1821.] " That ice is perpetual in some climates is notorious. That it is so even in those of the torrid zone, upon mountains which rise to the height of three miles, is also well known. It is however a rare occurrence, even in cold climates, that ice is perennial on ground which possesses no more than the common elevation. " An instance of this kind has however recently come to our knowledge, and appears worthy of a brief notice. It exists in the state of Connecticut, in the township of Mericlen mid- way between Hartford and New Haven. This natural Ice- House 1 is situated in above 42 degrees of north latitude, nearly twenty miles from the sea and at the elevation of probably no more than two hundred feet above its level. "The country is a part of the secondary trap region of Connecticut, 2 and is marked by numerous distinct ridges of green stone, which present lofty mural precipices, and from " i A convenient point of departure to visit this natural Ice House is from the Inn of Dr. Isaac Hough in Meriden. This Inn is the usual dining place between New Haven and Hartford, and the very intelligent and respectable man by whom it is kept, will cheerfully direct the enquir- ing traveller, or furnish him with a guide. The distance is not over two miles from Meriden Meeting-house. There is also, near the same place a wild, romantic pass through the Gorge of the mountain which is well worth seeing ; it is known in the vicinity by the ludicrous name of the Cat Hole." "2 A sketch of which is given in the Tour between Hartford and Quebec, page 27." SILLIMAN'S DESCRIPTION. 67 their number, contiguity, and parallelism, they often form narrow precipitous defiles, filled more or less with fragments of rocks of various sizes, from that of a hand-stone to that of a cottage. The fragments are the detritus or debris of these mountains, and every one in the least acquainted with such countries, knows how much they always abound with similar ruins. " In such a defile the natural Ice House in question is situated. On the south-western side, there is a trap ridge of naked perpendicular rock, which, with the sloping ruins at the base, appears to be four hundred feet high ; the parallel ridge which forms the other side of the defile, is probably not over forty feet high, but it rises abruptly on the eastern side, and is covered by other wood, which occupies the narrow valley also. This valley is moreover choked, in an astonishing degree, with the ruins of the contiguous mountain ridge, and exhibits many fragments of rock which would fill a large room. As the defile is very narrow, these fragments have, in their fall, been arrested here by the low parallel ridge, and are piled on one another in vast confusion, forming a series of cavities which are situated among and under the rocks. Many of them have reposed there for ages, as appears from the fact that small trees (the largest that the scanty soil, accumulated by revolving centuries can support), are now growing on some of the fragments of rock. Leaves also and other vegetable ruins have accumulated among the rocks and trees, and choked the mouths of many of the cavities among the ruins. This defile, thus narrow, and thus occupied by forest, and by rocky ruins, runs nearly N. and S., and is completely impervious to the sun's rays except when he is near the meridian. Then indeed for an hour, he looks into this secluded valley, but the trees and the rocks and the thick beds of leaves scarcely permit his beams to make the slight- est impression. " It is in the cavities beneath the masses of rocks already described, that the ice is formed. The ground descends a 68 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. little to the south, and a small brook appears to have formed a channel among the rocks. The ice is thick and well con- solidated, and its gradual melting, in the warm season, causes a stream of ice-cold water to issue from this defile. This fact has been known to the people of the vicinity for several generations, and the youth have, since the middle of the last century, been accustomed to resort to this place, in parties, for recreation, and to drink the waters of the cold-flowing brook. " It was on the 23d of last July, in the afternoon of a very hot day, when the thermometer was probably as high as 85 deg. of Farh., that under the guidance of Dr. Hough, we entered this valley. After arriving among the trees, and in the immediate vicinity of the ice, there was an evident chilli- ness in the air, and very near the ice ; it was (compared with the hot atmosphere which we had just left), rather uncomfortably cold. The ice was only partially visible, being covered by leaves, and screened from view, by the rocks ; but a boy, descending with a hatchet, soon brought up large firm masses. One of these, weighing several pounds, we carried twenty miles to New Haven, where it was exhibited to vari- ous persons, and some of it remained unmelted during two succeeding nights ; for it was in being on the morning of the third day. " The local circmstances which have been detailed will probably account for this remarkable locality of ice, and scarcely need any illustration or comment. " This is not the only instance of the kind existing among the trap rocks of Connecticut. There is a similar place seven miles from New Haven, near the Middletown road, in the parish of Northford, and township of Branford. The ice here also (as we are assured) endures the year round. This place we have not visited, but we are informed that it is at the bottom, or on the declivity of a trap ridge. Several years ago, we had the ice of this place brought to us, into New Haven, in the hotter weather of mid-summer. Like that of fy i SILLIMAN'S DESCRIPTION. 69 Meriden, it is very solid ; but like that also it is soiled with leaves and dirt, and although it is unfit to be put into liquids which are to be swallowed, it is as any ice for mere cooling. " These instances naturally induce the impression that other natural ice houses may exist in various parts of the trap region of Connecticut, and of Massachusetts, and very possibly in other districts, abounding with precipitous, rocky and woody defiles, although the geological formation may not be the same. We should be obliged by any information respecting similar facts existing elsewhere. " It is perhaps worthy of being mentioned in this connection that an artificial ice house within the knowledge of the writer, is situated on the top of a ridge of trap in Connecticut. The excavation was made, simply by removing the loose pieces of trap rock which are here piled in enormous quantities, but composed of fragments of very small size. These loose pieces of stone with the air in the cavities are better non- conductors of heat than the ground which usually surrounds ice houses, for the ice keeps remarkably well in this elevated ice house. Perhaps this will aid us in ^-explaining the phe- nomena of the natural ice houses that have been mentioned." 7O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD, CHAPTER III. WALLINGFORD SETTLED. IN the year 1669, the question was first agitated of making a settlement at Wallingford, 1 and measures were adopted towards effecting it ; but on account of the Indians, the undertaking was of great peril, and was deferred until 1670. At that time Hartford and New Haven had been settled about thirty-five years, and the whole population within the territory now called Con- necticut was about ten thousand. Making a new settlement was quite a formidable undertaking. The Indians, though kind, were kind only from motives of interest or fear. How long they would remain so, was a question asked doubtingly, and answered by an appre- hensive glance of the eye. Wolves, in thousands, infested the new settlements. They killed the cattle, I It is evident that as early as 1667, some of the inhabitants of New Haven had become acquainted with the country in and about Wallingford, and no doubt settlements by some adventurers had been made within the bounds of the town; but it was not until 1669, that the people of New Haven took hold of the matter. It appears that Abraham Doolittle and John Peck were on the ground in 1668, and John Moss and John Brockett in the autumn of 1669, which fact was undoubtedly the cause of their being selected as a committee to superintend and manage the affairs of the new village ; but it was not until the month of April, 1670, that the first per- manent settlement at Wallingford was made. WALLINGFORD SETTLED. /I they stole and carried off the sheep, and did what they could by their unearthly howlings at night, to add to the horrors that thickened on the skirts of the wilderness. The moose, the deer and the bear, roamed at will through the unbroken wilderness. It was absolutely necessary that the settlers should turn the wilderness into gardens and fields ; that they should plant and cultivate the earth, to keep them from starvation. It was necessary to erect and fortify houses, and to make preparations for the feeding and covering of their cattle. It was of equal importance to the planters, not only to make roads for their particular convenience, but from town to town ; that, in any emer- gency, they might fly immediately to each other's relief. But they were willing to work ; they had abandoned their estates, their families, and their country, for the obtainment of peace and freedom ; and they themselves were ready to traverse the vast wilderness of an unex- plored continent, rather than submit to that moral degradation which can alone satisfy the capriciousness of despotism. When once they had put their shoulders to the wheel they never looked back. The grim present was lowering upon them with all its sharp and angular realities. Indians, wild beasts, famine, cold, the diseases that lurk along the borders of new settlements, " the French, the Dutch, the devil," and all other calamities, actual and imaginary, that kept their faculties constantly stretched to the highest tension, gave them no time to look backward. Other men retreated from the world to avoid its cares ; they fled to the solitude of nature to begin life anew. It has already been stated that the original settlers of New Haven in their corporate capacity, owned the whole 72 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. tract of land from the Sound up to West Meriden, which tract was about twenty miles long and ten broad. But when the increase of population seemed to render it necessary to push settlements farther into the interior upon the unoccupied lands, they did not sell out farms to such individuals as chose to buy, and allow matters of this kind to take what we should perhaps call the natural course. They proceeded in a much more orderly man- ner. The people of New Haven, in their corporate capacity and in public meeting, voted to set off a certain portion of their territory to constitute a " village " or plantation. And the General Assembly held at Hart- ford, October 10, 1667, passed the following resolution: " Vpon the motion of the deputies of New Haven, this Court grants the towne of New Haven liberty to make a vil- lage on the east River, if they see it capable for such a thing, provided they setle a village there within fower yeares from May next." At a Court of Election held at Hartford, May 12, 1670, the following confirmation or grant was made by the State to the town of Wallingford, of that territory pre- viously assigned and set off to them by the action of the town of New Haven : " This Court haveing been moved to state the bownds of the New Village that is settled upon the playne as you goe to New Haven, doe grant that their bownds shall com from the Brook at the south end of the great playne, to the northward tenn miles, and from the said [Brook] sowthward to Brand- ford bownds, and on each side the' river five miles, that is five miles on the east side and five miles on the west side the River, provided that the sayd village be carryed on and made a plantation w th out any relation or subordination to any other towne, and provided the bownds hereby granted to the sayd village doe not prejudice any bownds formerly granted WALLINGFORD SETTLED. 73 to any plantation or perticuler person, or doe not extend to the north any further than wh[ere] the old road to New Haven goeth over Pilgrimes Harbour." At the same meeting the " Court ordered that the plantation on the playne in the road to New Haven, be called Wallingford." 1 Permission having been granted by the general Court to lay out a village upon the plain, it was necessary to lay out the boundary lines, which seemed to occasion considerable trouble. On the 28th of the ist month, 1673, it was agreed, " i. by the committee for NewHaven underwritt that Wall- ingford Bownd* on the east side of the east River shall be from Brandford line Northerlie to whortons brooke where it crosseth the north Branch, of the S'd Brooke and thence at the brooke Runne into the east River. 2. that New Haven shall runn two miles and a halfe Northward from the Foot of the blew Hills on the milk River upon that River, and the line from a Stake there to the foote of the blew Hills on the east River and from the Sayd Two mile and halfe Stake along our reare west and by north to the ends of their Bownds, which issue they the committee for wallingford con- sented too and accepted, and this to be a issue in love and peace, memorandum that the committee for New Haven doe consent that the Meadow between the mill River and east river northward above the blue Hills shall be Wallingford, as to the Bulk of it and Liberty of draweing it as they shall see cause an though the line agreed too should cutt through it. Subscribed by the Sd parties. JOHN MORSE, . WM. JOANES, JOHN BROCKETT, JAMES BISHOP, ABRAHAM DOWLITTLE, SAM'LL WHITEHEAD, I The town was incorporated eight years after the State received its charter, and five years after the union of Connecticut with New Haven Colony. There are only fifteen towns in the State older than Wallingford. 74 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. NATH'LL MERRIAM, MATTHEW GILBERT, SAM'LL ANDREWS, JOHN WINSTON, ABRAM DICKERMAN, MOSES MANSFIELD. "The mark of JOHN |Q COWPER SEN., to the agreament excepting the memorandum acled about y c meadow wherein he objects." The next year a committee of two were appointed from New Haven to lay out the bounds of the new vil- lage, as we learn from the following entry on the Wall- ingford town records : " We whose names are under written being appointed to lay out the bounds of Wallingford According to the generall courts grant we did Runn from the East River comonly called new Haven River upon an east and by South line five miles ; very nere pishatipague ponds, and from there upon a North and by east line untill it meets with Middletowne South bownds ; and on East and by South line till it meets with middletowne west bownds ; and on the west side Newhaven river upon a west and by north line seven miles, as witness our hands this Sixth day of November 1674. "JOHN WILFORD, NATHANIEL WHITF,."' The town of New Haven next appointed a committee, vested with power to manage the affairs of the settle- ment. This committee held the land in trust, and acted as trustees in all the affairs of the town ; they not only attended to the temporal, but the spiritual affairs of the people ; and the undertakers and all the succeeding planters were obliged to subscribe to the following en- gagement : I In 1701 the boundary line was run between the town of Wallingford and the town of Durham, or Coginchaug. The Wallingford committee were Thomas Holt and John Merriman. WALLINGFORD SETTLED. 75 " He or they shall not by any means disturb the church, when settled there, in the choice of minister or ministers, or other church officers, or in any of their other church rights, liberties or administrations, nor shall withdraw due mainte- nance from such ministry." " This shows" says Trumbull, " how strongly the churches in this part of the colony were, at that time, opposed to towns and parishes having any thing to do in the choice of a minister, or in church affairs." It was voted in January, 1672, " That in due time there shall bee some care taken to submitt every planter what quantity of land he shall have propriety in and pay Rates for, and that the limitation be made by the major part of the town and the committee appoynted for the receaving of Planters and that the planters that shall hereafter be receaved shall be accommodated as the major part of the town and the committee shall see cause." In May, 1782, the trustees resigned their trust to the town. The town of Wallingford having been thus inaugu- rated, several families removed from New Haven to the new plantation. We also find new settlers whose names are not on the New Haven records : persons who came from adjoining settlements. The next year a number of families came from Boston, probably new emigrants from England, as their names are not mentioned as free- men or land holders in the early Massachusetts records. The committee received applications from such as chose to commence a new settlement, and selected those who in their opinion were best qualified for the work. The persons thus selected, mutually covenanted with each other and with the said committee to observe certain /6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. rules and conditions in the following written agreement, to which their signatures were affixed : jist nth month, 1669. "i. The Committee do consent to put the said village de- signe into y e hands of a competent number of persons fitly qualified for that work, provided, they reasonably appear and engage to undertake y e same upon theire articles and further shall appoint some fit persons of y said number to be a com- mittee with full power to manage their plantation affairs, until the place come to be an orderly establishment within itself. " 2. For y e safety and well being of church affairs, for y Ministry and maintainance, the committee do order y l y c s'd undertakers and successors, before (they are) admitted shall subscribe to the following engagement, Vide He, or they, as afs'd shall not by any means Disturb y e church when settled there, in their choice of Minister or Ministers, or other ch'h officers or in any of their Ch'h Rights, Liberties, or admin- istrations, nor shall refuse nor withdraw due maintainance from such Ministry and until such Ch'h be settled, shall submit to such order as y e said committee shall make, for a Godly Min- ister to dispence y e word of God among them. "3. That the said Committee to be appointed and their successors, in receiving of Planters, shall have due respect to New Haven persons, being fit and offering themselves, so far as it can consist with the good of the place and capacity thereof. '' 4. Lastly. These articles being accepted, the s'd com- pany and all others admitted planters among them, shall enjoy their accommodations and Lands, without payment of purchase money to New Haven : to themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns, forever, so far as concerns New Haven town's purchase within the village bounds, the said town of New Haven consenting there unto. And we do nominate, Mr. Samuel Street, John Moss, John Brockett and Abraham Doolittle to be a committee whom we hereby impower to WALLINGFORD SETTLED. 77 manage all plantation affairs in y e said village according to, and in pursuance of the above written articles, and to see the same attended and performed by the planters, either, are or shall be by them the said committe, and also for to disposal and distribution of allotments in some such equal way as shall best suit the condition of the place and y e inhabitants thereof, and to use their best means, they can for procure- ment of some able and fit man to dispense the word of God among them, and lastly, we do impower them, the above- named committee to make choice of such other fit persons into the exercise of their power and trust with themselves, for their assistance, if any such shall appear among them, and the major part of the said committee, hereby appointed or intended, have full power to act in all the premises, as they shall see cause, in pursuance of the said articles and under- takings. In testimony whereof, and to all the said articles and premises, we, the committee appointed by New Haven, thereunto, have set to our hands. WILLIAM JONES, JOHN HARRIMAN, MATTHEW GILBERT, JOHN HUMISTON, WILLIAM BROADLEY, ABRAHAM DICKERMAN, JEREMIAH OSBORN. The following is the covenant or original agreement of the first planters at Wallingford : " We whose names are underwritten, being accepted by the Committee of New Haven, for y e intended Village as planters, and desiring that the worship and ordinances of God may in due time, be set up, and encouraged among us, as the main concernment of a Christian people, doe sincerely and in the fear of God, promise and engage ourselves that we shall not neither directly nor indirectly, do anything to hinder or obstruct any good means that shall be used by the said committee, or others intrusted by them, to promote the prem- ises, by securing a Godly and able ministry among us to dispense to us the word of God, and when such ministry, or 78 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. a Church of Christ shall be settled among us, we engage by no means to disturb the same in their choice of a minister or ministers or other ch'h officers, or in, any other of their ch'h rights, liberties, or administrations, nor shall refuse or with- draw due maintenance from such minister or ministry, and farther we doe engage ourselves peaceably to submit to such settlement, and Civil order as the said committee shall direct among us either by themselves, or some others as a committee by them appointed, upon the place, untill the said village come to be an orderly establishment within itself, and lastly we doe engage personally to settle upon the place, by May next, come twelve month, if God's providence inevitably hin- der not, and to observe and perform all and every the other articles agreed upon. SAMUEL STREET, JOHN MOSSE, JOHN BROCKETT, NATH'L. MERRIMAN, JERO How, ZAC'H. How, ABRAHAM DOWLITTLE, DANIEL HOGGE, JOHN MILLES, WILLIAM JOHNSON, THOMAS HALL, NATH'L How, BENJAMIN LEWIS, THOMAS CURTIS, THOMAS YALE, SAM'L WHITEHEAD, JOHN BEECH, JOHN IVES, ELIASAPH PRESTON, JEHIEL PRESTON, JOHN HALL, ELIAZER HOLT, SAMUEL HALL, JOSEPH IVES, SAMUEL ANDREWS, ELEAZAR PECK, JOSEPH BENHAM, DANIEL SHERMAN, SAMUEL POTTER, SIMON TUTTELL, SAMUELL MUNSON, JOHN PECK, SAMUEL BROWNE, JOHN HARRIMAN, FRANCES HEATON, SAM'LL COOK, SAMUEL MILLES, NATHAN ANDREWS. The committee then proceeded to select a site for the proposed village, which location is described as being " upon the hill, on the east side of the great plain com- monly called New Haven plain," which will be at once recognized as the spot on which the present borough of Wallingford stands. They then allotted to each planter a few acres of land for a building spot and a house lot, WALLINGFORD SETTLED. 79 " beginning at the southeast of said hill." Having laid out the south part of the village, then " Next to the aforesaid house lots it is ordered that there shall be a highway crosse the hill, from east to west of six rods broade, 1 and from thence a long highway of six rods broade on the top of the hill to run northward'^ and on each side of itt to ranges of house lotts of six acres to a lott ; and these lotts to be distributed." The settlement was commenced at the south end of the present Main street, on the east side or slope of the hill. The main street having been laid out, at the north end a cross street was laid out from the old colony road over to Wharton's brook ; being the road now running past the house of Mrs. Harley Morse, and south of the residence of Mr. Peter Whittelsey. Afterwards the main street was continued to where the Congregational church now stands, when another cross street was laid out ; then the main street was continued north to the old Peck place, and a cross street laid out to Wharton's brook ; continuing the main street to the old Rice place, a cross street was laid out, and the main street was con- tinued to the top of the town hill, and another cross street was laid out to Wharton's brook. Probably about this time the street called the lower street was laid out. These several streets or highways were all laid out six rods wide, and on each side of the highway were the house lots of six acres each. After the planters had received their respective allot- ments, built their houses, and had assumed the form of a regular and settled community, then the committee who 1 Being the road now leading from the railroad by the Congregational Church, to the main street. 2 Being the north part of the present main street of Wallingford. 8O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. had arranged all the preliminaries and incipient stages of the new plantation, surrendered all their power, and the title to the whole territory, into the hands of the planters, who thereby became a corporate body ; in other words, a town. The lands within the town limits became thus the property of the town as a corporate body ; to be by them disposed of in such ways and to such persons as they might deem fit. It was voted that those who held house lots in the town, and were not residents upon the place, and did not pay their rates within one month after demand, were to forfeit the lots. Also, " That not any man shall have power to sell by accommo- dation to another man and leave the town until hee have dwelt upon itt 3 years, and after 3 years he may sell or alienate itt to any such as the town shall approve of. That every man shall have propriety in the timber or trees in each highway that lieth within 3 rodds of his house lott." One of their first acts was the allotment of certain portions of meadow and woodland to each planter at convenient distances from the village ; which appropria- tion constituted the farms and private property of such individuals respectively. The land lying on the river as best adapted to their purposes was first used, and de- scribed as " lotts on the river called, New Haven east river, that are layed out to severall of the inhabitants as meddow land. They are to begin at the end of the hill called Blew hill, where it comes to the river, and so to run upward the river." At this first apportionment of land, thirty-eight lots were given out to as many individuals or families ; some receiving eight and some twelve acres. 1 i " The said lots are to run close ye river and taking in ye land on WALLINGFORD SETTLED. 8 I In these various transfers of the land, from the town of New Haven to the Committee, thence to the associ- ted planters, and ultimately to individual proprietors, no money or consideration of any kind was paid. The land was worth literally, nothing, until actually settled and cleared. From time to time as families became larger, and individuals became able to bring more land under cultivation, additional allotments were made by town vote, to each planter. At various times there were "divisions" in this manner made, until the .whole terri- tory was occupied. In arranging these divisions, the whole population was classed into three " ranks," as indicated in the following vote, according to their ability to pay taxes. In all assessments, the first rank paid double the amount of tax charged on the "loest rank," and one-third more than the middle rank ; and in the both sides and bounded according to the judgment of the surveyors, and by order of the committee. JOHN MILES, 12 acres, BENJAMIN LEWIS, 8 acres, JOHN EIVES, 8 " JOHN BROCKETT, 8 " NATHL. How, 8 " JOHN BROCKETT, senr., 12 " JEREMIAH How, 12 " NATHAN ANDREWS, 8 " WILLIAM JOHNSON, 12 " ZACHARIAS How, 8 " 12 " 12 " SAMUEL POTTER, 8 " THOMAS YALE, 8 " JOSEPH EIVES, 8 " THOS. HALL, 8 " SIMON TUITLE, 8 " SAMUEL MILES, 8 " JOSEPH BENHAM, 8 " SAMUEL COOKE, 8 " SAM'L HALL, 8 " SAMUEL MUNSON, 8 " MR. JOHN HARRIMAN, 12 " JOHN Moss, 12 " ELEAZER PECK, 8 " THOMAS CURTICE, 8 " MR. SAM'L STREET, 12 " DANIEL HOPPER, 8 " JAMES EATON, 12 " SAML. BROWN, 8 " JAMES ANDREWS, 12 " DANIEL SHEARMAN, 12 " JOHN PECK, 8 " MR. NATHL. MERRIMAN, 12 " JOHN HALL, 8 " ABRAHAM DOOLITTLE, 12 " DAVID TUTTLE, 8 " SAML. THOKP, 8 " G 82 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. divisions of land the allotments were made out in the same ratio, as appears by this and similar votes. In June, 1673, voted, "That there shall be alowed for the first division of lands to each planter taking in house lotts, river lotts, and all sorts of land, to the loest ranke 40 acres ; to the middle ranke, 60 acres, and to the hiest ranke, 80 acres, and so to keep for the present." It would naturally occur that after the settlement was commenced, other individuals in addition to the original planters would desire to become residents in the town. Such an one was not expected, nor even allowed to buy any wild land. He was to make application to the town, both for permission to live in the town, and for a gratuitous allotment of land. The town in public meet- ing considered such a request and referred it to a com- mittee for consideration. That committee after examin- ing the testimonials which the applicant could produce touching his character, recommended a compliance with his request, if such testimonials were satisfactory. In the New Haven Colony Laws for 1656, we find "That none shall be admitted Freemen or free Burgesses within this Jurisdiction, or any part of it, but such Planters as are Members of some one, or other of the approved Churches of New England." Also, " It is ordered, That no single person of either Sex, do henceforward board, diet, or Sojourn, or be permitted so to do, or to have lodging, or house room within any of the Plantations of this Jurisdiction, but either in some allowed Relation, or in some approved Family licensed thereunto, by the court, or by a Magistrate, or some Officer or Officers in that Plantation, appointed thereunto, where there is no Magistrate!" WALL1NGFORD SETTLED. 83 Also that the head of the family should " Duly observe the course, carriage, and behaviour, of every such single person, whether he, or she, walk dilligently in a constant lawful imployment. " We find in the records many votes similar to the following : " 1 2th Feb. 1671. Agreed by y f Comitee for y Towne of Wallingford that I sack Rise, and Nehimiah Rise, shall have lotts granted y m provided they procure sufficient testamony of theyr good conversation in the place whear they formerly lived None shall come to dwell as planters in this towne with out there concent and allowence, whether they come in by purchase or otherwise." So careful were they in guarding the character of their new settlement, that even the land which was appropriated to individuals as their private property, was held under this condition, that no sale was to be made to any stranger, until the character of the proposed pur- chaser had also been examined and approved by the town, and leave granted by express vote of the town, for such transfer of land. Thus we find on the town records frequent entries like the following : "236. Feb. 1677. The towne gave liberty to Nath'l Hickock to sell his accommodation to any such men as y e towne shall approve of." "aoth Oct. 1674, voted that Good" Foote shall have liberty to buy the lott, y l is Joseph Eives provided he procure sufficient testimony of his good conver- sation in y c plase where he now pretendeth to remove." Next January, we find " The teastimony for Good" foote being sevesente and axep- ted, he was admitted a planter upon the lott IB^^as Joseph eives." "Dec. 20, 1679. The towne Receaved Jo Brooks a 84 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. planter ot y e loer Ranks provided he bring suficient testimony of his good Conversation in y e place wheare he formerly lived and come next spring to live heare if in suitable provi- dence hinder not." Not only were those who wished to become perma- nent residents, necessitated to make application to the town, before they could receive an allotment of the public land, or be allowed to buy out a previous settler, but even temporary residents must obtain permission to sojourn for a time within the town limits. For we find on the records votes similar to the one here copied : "Sep. 1678. The towne gave liberty to Isack Curtice to abide in the town as a sojourner." This Isaac Curtis was from Hartford, and was visiting his son, who was among the first planters of the town. In 1698, the con- stables of Wallingford were ordered to take and convey Isaac Johnson, ( Fenson ?) and his wife out of the town. It does not appear for what crime this summary act was to be enforced, nor does it appear that the order was carried into effect. In the month of December follow- ing, he was accepted by the town as an inhabitant. Notwithstanding their strictness, black sheep sometimes got into the flock, as we find from numerous entries in the town records. It is amusing at the present day to read their old records, and to see to what extent they carried things in those days. They not only interfered with private rights, but held an espionage over household matters, entirely different from the actions of the first emigrants who settled at New Haven. In fact, the planters who now began to settle in differ- ent parts of the State, were an entirely different class from the ejAWlymouth colony : no code of " blue laws" were ever enacted by the Pilgrims, but their legislation WALLINGFORD SETTLED. 85 was statesmanlike, just and liberal. Yet, without doubt many of the laws which have come down to us, and are familiarly known as " blue laws," are forgeries concocted by some person who wished to show the Puritans in as bad a light as possible. We can never forget the ex- ample and benefits they have conferred upon us. We are indebted to them for our laws and our liberties, and during all their trials and hardships, they never forgot their religion, which seemed to be the principal object for which they lived. How appropriately can we apply the language of Kingsley : " Standing upon the accumu- lated labours of years, we are apt to be ungrateful to those who, with weary labour, and often working through dark and weary nights, built up the platform which now supports us. We complain impatiently of the blindness of many a man's doctrine, who was only incomplete, because he was still engaged in searching for some truth which, when found, he handed on as a precious heir- loom to us who know him not." 1 The following are the names of the original proprie- tors of Wallingford : SAMUEL STREET, EDWARD PECK, SAMUEL WHITTLESEY, JOHN PARKER, Sen., THOMAS YALE, JOSHUA CULVER, JOHN Moss, JOHN HITCHCOCK, JOHN BROCKETT, ROGER TYLER, NATHANIEL MERRIMAN, SAMUEL COOK, SAMUEL THORP, HENRY COOK, JEREMIAH How, DANIEL Mix, ISAAC CURTIS, SAMUEL BROCKETT, JOHN ATWATER, MERCY Moss, i Preface to the Sermons of Taulerus. 86 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. JOHN HALL, ELIASAPH PRESTON, JEHIEL PRESTON, JOHN MERRIMAN, JOHN BEACH, SAMUEL MUNSON, JOSEPH THOMPSON, BENJAMIN HOLT, JOHN PECK, JOHN LATHROP, THOMAS CURTIS, NATHANIEL ROYCE, DOCTOR HALL, ABRAHAM DAVID HALL, JOHN AUSTEN, ZACHARIAH How, NATHANIEL How, JOSEPH BENHAM, Sen., ROBERT ROICE, WILLIAM EBENATHA, EBENEZER CLARK, SAMUEL HOUGH, JOSEPH BENHAM, Jim., JOHN DOOLITTLE, JOSEPH ANDRUS, THOMAS BEACH, DOOLITTLE. 1 i Of the original purchasers of Wallingford, John Brockett died March 12, 1690, ae. 80 years ; Abraham Doolittle died August n, 1690, ae. 70 years ; Nathaniel Merriman died February 13, 1694, ae. 80 years ; John Moss died 1770, x. 103 years. These with Mr. Street, ae. 82 (the five purchasers of the town), computing their ages together, make 415 years, or 83 years for each. CHAPTER IV. EARLIEST TOWN ACTS. IN the spring of 1670, when the emigrants commenced their settlement on the land now occupied by the town of Wallingford, the whole population of the State was about 10,000, and settlements had been commenced in Hartford, Wethersfield, Windsor, Farmington, Saybrook, Middletown, Lyme, Milford, Guilford, Fair field, Nor- walk, Stamford, New Haven, New London, Norwich, Branford, Greenwich, and Haddam. The rest of the State was a wilderness inhabited by Indians. But fifty years had elapsed since the little band of pilgrims had landed from the Mayflower on the rock at Plymouth, which has since been so celebrated in song and story. In England the past sixty years had been teeming with events of the most momentous consideration in their bearing upon the future destinies of mankind. The first quarter of the century had been occupied by the bigot king, James Stuart. On the day of his acces- sion then did the great British monarchy descend from the rank which it had hitherto held, and during many years under four successive princes of the house of. Stu- art, was scarcely a more important member of the Euro- pean system than the little kingdom of Scotland had previously been. Cromwell was no more ; and those who had fled before him were forced to content themselves 88 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. with the miserable satisfaction of digging up, hanging, quartering, and burning the remains of the greatest prince that has ever ruled England. Then after the imbecile protectorate of Richard, came the long desired restoration. No wonder, that amid such convulsions at home, the English government should have lost sight of that handful of men who, under the shade of the mighty forest trees, stole away from the provincial government at Boston, and set up a new jurisdiction for themselves in the wilds of Connecticut. But the restoration of 1660, which brought tranquility to England, enabled the king to look abroad, and reflect upon the growing impor- tance of Connecticut. In the midst of dangers, with the Dutch on one side, the Indians on the other, and the powerful colony of Massachusetts not far off, the General Court of Con- necticut determined to make a formal avowal of their allegiance to the crown, and apply for a charter. It is not likely that the framers of the constitution of 1639 ever entertained the idea of maintaining a government independent of the crown, but they had wisely kept themselves in abeyance for the time when England, bowed down by her calamities, could no longer stretch her shortened sceptre across three thousand miles of ocean. On the 23d of April, 1662, letters patent under the great seal received the royal signature, giving to the petitioners the most ample privileges. By this patent, the patentees, 1 together with all the other freemen of i The names of the patentees in the charter were John Winthrop, John Mason, Samuel Wyllys, Henry Clarke, Mathew Allen, John Tap- ping, Nathan Gold, Richard Treat, Richard Lord, Henry Wolcott, John Talcott, Daniel Clarke, John Ogden, Thomas Wells, Obadiah Bruen, John Clarke, Anthony Hawkins, John Deming and Matthew Canfield. EARLIEST TOWN ACTS. 89 Connecticut then existing, or who might afterwards be admitted electors or freemen to the end of time, were given the irrevocable privileges of being " one body cor- porate and politic in fact and name, by the name of the governor and company of the English colony of Connec- ticut in New England in America, and that by the same name they and their successors, should have perpetual succession." By these letters patent they are made persons in law, may plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, in all suits whatsoever ; may purchase, possess, lease, grant, demise and sell, lands, tenements and goods in the same unrestricted manner as any of the king's subjects or corporations in England. They are annually to hold two general assemblies one on the second Thursday in May, and the other on the sec- ond Thursday in October to consist of the governor, deputy governor and twelve assistants, with the more popular element of two deputies from every town or city. Of course, the territory embraced in the charter, in- cluded the entire colony of New Haven. Accordingly a committee were appointed who repaired to New Haven with becoming dispatch, and held a long and earnest conference with the authorities and principal gentlemen there. But the freemen of the colony were highly indignant, and looked with disfavor upon this strange patent that had thus suddenly disposed of their govern- ment and political existence, without giving them a pre- monition of the fate that awaited them. Meetings were called in the towns of the colony, protesting against the union of the colonies, and delegates were appointed to attend the session of the General Court held on the 6th of May, 1663, and a remonstrance against the doings of Cp HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. the encroaching colony was drawn up and sent to the General Assembly of Connecticut. Numerous sessions of the General Court were called. Discussions in- numerable, and protests without number, kept the colony in a constant state of excitement, confusion and enmity ; but the doom of this little republic was impending. What could she do against a powerful colony clad in the impenetrable panoply of the royal charter. On the 1 3th of December, 1664, the freemen of New Haven held their last General Court, and passed a series of resolutions declaring themselves " now put under Connecticut patent ;" and the colony " having drawn the folds of her mantle about her, as if to prepare herself to die with the dignity that became her, found, with a pleased surprise, that union was not annihilation, and in the arms of her elder sister, whom she learned at last both to forgive and to love, ' lay down to pleasant dreams.' " Six years after the union of the colonies, about one hundred persons, men, women and children, commenced the settlement at Wallingford. Instead of scattering themselves on farms, as is now usual in new settlements, they erected their humble dwellings in a compact village. This arrangement, though inconvenient for an agricultu- ral population, was necessary for defence and safety in these perilous times, when savage wars, and the irregu- lar incursions of the Indians were so frequent. On the 6th of April, 1671, the first town meeting was held in Wallingford. How many of the first undertakers had families when they came to Wallingford to reside, we cannot now ascertain. In the spring of 1671, there were probably one hundred inhabitants. The first birth in the town was Samuel, son of Samuel EARLIEST TOWN ACTS. 9 1 Potter, born September 19, 1671. The first marriage was on the 5th of June, 1673, when one of the first planters, Thomas Hall, and one of Wallingford's fair daughters were joined in the union of heart and hand in bonds indissoluble. In those days it was understood by both parties that the wife was to be " a help-meet for her husband." On this point the minister who joined them was wont to be very emphatic. 1 The first death in Wallingford, was Samuel, son of Eleazer Peck, who died March 12, 1673. A death in that small community was a great event. The magis- trate, the minister, and the fathers of the town, came to the bed of the dying to witness his testament and gather up Jiis last words. It was soon known to every indi- vidual of the plantation that one of their number had been cut down. All were eager once more to gaze upon the face they had known so well ; they flocked to the funeral ; the near neighbors and coevals of the dead bore him on their shoulders to the grave ; the whole commu- nity with solemn step and downcast eyes, followed him to his long home. Almost from the beginning, the town had the following civil officers, chosen by its own freemen : namely, a board of selectmen, varying in number from three to nine ; a clerk, a treasurer, a sealer of weights and measures, one or more surveyors of high- ways, a constable, and one or more tithing men. In October, 1644, the admirable system of recording all conveyances of land was instituted, and the following law was passed : " The towns shall each of them provide a ledger book with an index or alphabet unto the same : also shall choose one I Sec Dr. lUishnell's Discourse. 92 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. who shall be a town clerk or register, who shall before the General Court in April, next, record every man's house and land already granted." The owners of land, under heavy penalties, were re- quired to present to the town clerk a description of their real estate for record. " The like to be done for all lands hereafter granted and measured to any ; and all bargains or mortgages of lands whatsoever shall be accounted as of no value until they be re- corded." There is -nothing in which our nation is more peculiar, than that it records its own origin. There is no other nation that does this, the Jews excepted. No one of the present nations of Europe can tell in a word of their earliest ancestors, or even specify the century in which their territory was first taken possession of by them ; but all is involved in obscurity, as are the years before the flood. But it is far different with our early history as a nation. We know the men who said they would be free, and who laid the foundation of this mighty republic. We know whence they came, the object for which they came, the spot to which they came, and the year, the month, and the day they took possession. Our nation owes a lasting debt of gratitude to our ancestors for their fidelity in recording the incipient steps taken by them in settling this new world. With the true spirit of New Englanders, the inhabit- ants of Wallingford at once secured for themselves religious institutions and public worship. Though necessarily pressed with the excessive labor of erecting their own houses, and clearing away a heavy forest, to procure some land for cultivation, and the great expense EARLIEST TOWN ACTS. 93 involved therein, yet this little band had from the first, the stated preaching of the gospel. For two years, one Mr. Harriman preached on the Sabbath. He was not a regularly ordained pastor, but was probably an "elder," or church officer of that day, who was appointed to dis- charge certain duties in the church, and was authorized to preach, in case of the sickness or absence of the pas- tor. But they designed to secure the services of an ordained minister as soon as one could be found, and the first tax ever imposed in the town was for this purpose. The vote stands thus : "April 21, 1671. It was voated for the incouragement of any fitt person whose hart god may stire up to be helpfull in the ministry, that what some soever shall be Reqisitt to the attaining such a man shall be raysed for this present yeare according to every man's proportion of land allotted to him on the river ; the twelve acre lotts to pay 30 s, and the eight acre lotts to pay 20 s." This tax was not only a heavy one in itself to persons in their circumstances, but pressed still heavier from a fact, the nature of which we at this day can hardly appreciate ; the almost entire destitution of money, or circulating medium. So scanty was the amount of gold and silver, that even as late as 1 706, the whole circulat- ing cash in the Slate was not more than ,2,000. In 1670, there must of course have been still less ; and all taxes and debts must have pressed therefore with almost intolerable weight, except when payable in something else than gold and silver. Banks, then, had no existence. We find on the early records accordingly, very many votes, authorizing payments to be made in various kinds of produce. As the New Haven people traded some with the West Indies, one common mode of raising 94 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. funds was from hoops and staves, materials for which abounded in our woods and swamps, and for which there was then as now, a great demand in the islands. They were taken to New Haven and sold to the merchants. Thus we find in relation to the first tax, it was voted that " John Mosse and three others, ingage to provide and deliver 1500 good Marchantable pipe staves and deliver them at the place called logmine wharfe," and " others to pay their proportion in the like manner, in some other good pay." 95 CHAPTER V. FORMATION OF CHURCH. FROM the first formation of these Puritan colonies, all were compelled to support the Congregational order, which was the order of religion established by the civil government. And not only that ; none had any liberty to worship publicly in any other way. The rigor of this rule began to be abated in 1708, when the General Assembly of the State passed the Act of Toleration, as it was called, by which all persons who soberly dis- sented from the worship and ministry by law established (i. e., the Congregational), were permitted to enjoy the same liberty of conscience with the Dissenters in Eng- land, under the act of William and Mary ; i. e., they were exempt from punishment for not conforming to the established religion, but not exempt from taxation for its support. There could be no ministry or church admin- istration entertained, or attended by the inhabitants of any town or plantation, upon penalty of the forfeiture of five pounds for every breach of this act. Against some species of dissent, the laws were very stringent. " Quakers, Ranters, or such like " were to be committed to prison, or sent out of the colony. No in- dividual could "unnecessarily entertain or speak more or less with them," on penalty of five pounds ; and the town 96 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. that allowed entertainment to be given them must also pay five pounds per week. Quaker books were ordered to be seized by the constable, and the persons in whose possession they were found, were to be fined ten shil- lings each. By appearing before the County Court, and there in legal form declaring their " sober dissent," they could obtain permission to have public worship in their own way, but were still obliged to pay for the support of the Congregational churches in the place of their resi- dence. There was a further relaxation, as it regards Episcopalians, in 1727, and as it regards Quakers and Baptists, in 1729. They were then exempt from taxation by the established churches, provided they attended the worship of God in a tolerated society of their own de- nomination. But Congregationalists and Presbyterians had no such exemption. If, for any reason, any of them wished to secede from churches or societies, and worship by themselves, they were still obliged to pay their taxes for the support of the churches from which they had seceded. Every person absenting himself from public worship on the Sabbath without sufficient excuse was liable to five shillings fine. In October, 1696, at the General Court at Hartford, it was ordered and enacted, "That in every town, plantation or societye within this Colonie where the maj r part of the householders of the said town, plantation or societye, who in or by lawe are an allowed societye, are aggreing in the calling and settling of a min- ister, such minister so called and settled, shall be and accounted the lawfull minister, of such town, plantation or societye, and that all aggreements respecting the maintenance and settlm 1 of such minister made by the maj r part of the householders of such town, plantation or society as afore- said shall be binding and obliging to the whole, and all of FORMATION OF CHURCH. 97 such town, plantation or societye, and to their successors, according to all the true intents and purposes thereof." The " Capitall Lawes" of 1642, ordered that "if any man after legall conviction, shall have, or worship any other God but the Lord God, he shall bee put to death." Although from the first week of their settlement, regu- lar worship had been maintained in Wallingford, and a regular pastor had been supported by the people, yet no church was organized. In this transaction they proceeded with all the deliberation which the reader of our early histories will remember was characteristic of the original settlers of New Haven and vicinity. In the year 1675, February 3, after there had been ample time for the inhabitants to become acquainted with each other's religious views and feelings, a day of fasting and prayer was observed, with reference to the organization of a church. On the fifteenth of the same month, the inhabitants again met ; designating thirteen of their number, to " lay the foundation," that is, to constitute by the due mode of organization, the church. These thir- teen, thus constituting the church, were then to admit others, by the ordinary course of examination and profession. " At a lawful meeting the inhabitants of the town of Wallingford and upon the i5th day of the 2nd month, 1675, it was ordered and enacted by the town, that as there had been conference about establishing a Church of Christ, in the aforesaid town, and also a solemn fast set apart and celebrated by the town unanimously to seek God's guidance in so great a work, they have now also freely and unani- mously concluded if it be the will of God, that there shall be a Church of Christ gathered to walk according to the Congregational way, and have also all freely and unanimously H 98 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. left the management of the same in the hands of the per- sons whose names are underwritten, that if it be the will of God to incline their hearts, so many of them as may be a competent number for that work, may in his time lay the foundation. "THOMAS YALE, NEHEMIAH ROYCE, ELIASAPH PRESTON, JOHN HALL, Sen'r., Mr. Moss, Lieut. MERRIAM, Mr. SAM'L STREET, Serj't. DOOLITTLE, NATHAN ANDREWS, JOHN HALL, Jr., Mr. BROCKETT, JOHN BEACH, BENJ. LEWIS." At the Court of Election, held at Hartford, May 13, 1675, " Sundry of the Inhabitants of Wallingford Moveing the court that they might have Liberty to gather themselves into church Fellowship according to the order of the gospel there request being considered. This court grants them their desire they attending the same with the approbation of the Neigh- bour churches and desire the lords gracious presence and blessing may crown their endeavoures with such success as may advance the glory of God & their Spirituall Good and edification." They had as yet no house of worship. They hardly needed one, for their numbers were so small that they could without much inconvenience assemble in a private house. For ten years they met on the Sabbath at the house of Lieutenant Nathaniel Merriman and Ensign Munson, for religious worship. We find on the records, September loth, 1677, the following entry : "voted that ensign Munson shall have fourty shillings allowed him for meeting in his house this yeare." One reason how- ever of this delay in erecting a " meeting house" must probably be found in the danger, alarm, and the impover- FORMATION OF CHURCH. 99 ishing effect of the famous Indian war of that period, usually called " King Phillip's war." The derangement of business, and the heavy taxation consequent on the expenses of the war, impoverished the population, and pressed heavily on the new settlement at Wallingford. Having recovered somewhat from the depression and impoverishment consequent on the war, we find them with true New England conscientiousness and public spirit, at work upon their church and school. At the Town-meeting, October 2, 1676, " The town agreed to have a meeting house built 34 fee t long, and 30 feet wide, and desired the townsmen together with Mr. Moss, St. Doolittle and the constable to consider itt, treate with some workmen about y e price, and make Re- port to y e towne in order to farther proceeding about the matter." FIRST CHURCH. After considering the matter, the committee appeared to have come to the conclusion that a smaller and less expensive house would answer their purpose until the colony grew larger ; and at a Town-meeting, November 27, 1678, " The town notwithstanding theyr former order about A meeting house : upon furdr consideration doe now for y e pres- ent conclude to build a house to meete in on y saboth, of 28 foot in Length, and 24 foot in breadth, & ten foot in stud be- tweene y growndsill and wall plate, to be comfortably and comleyly fitted up with doers and windowes & flower or florrs and other things nedeful in order to the end propounded." IOO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. The erection of the meeting-house seems to have pro- gressed very slowly, either from the want of means, or owing to the troubles which they were having at that time with the Indians. In 1681 a further rate was laid to finish the house, and it was voted to "go on and finish the house." Great must have been their poverty, when with all their high estimate of the value of religious institutions, and when we know that nothing but abso- lute inability could have prevented the most ample accommodations for their church, we find their whole united means inadequate to build and finish a house, which now almost any single journeyman could build out of his own resources. But as their population and wealth increased, we find the house of worship grew also. In 1690, an addition of sixteen feet was made to the breadth of it. There were now seventy-three families in the town. On the 22nd of June, 1691, " The Town agreed to Scale y e meeting house all round from y e Sill up to y plate and to Remove y e pulpit to y e west end of y e meeting house, and to make a comly cover and set over y e pulpit." The town also "voted y* the meeting house shall be seated in A comly manner and y l there shall be an alley from y e East door to y c pulpit, and an alley from y e " South door, to y e midle alley, and y Short seats on each side of y e pulpit shall be made faceing to y e pulpit and this worke to be done as soon as may be." This same year, the town "voted that " two pews should be built ;" an indication of growth, and even of luxury ; for hitherto, the whole area of the house had been occupied with long seats, where all persons sat indiscriminately, except that the men and boys were on one side of the house, while the females sat on the other side. Feb. 15, FORMATION OF CHURCH. IOI 1 698, it was voted to build an addition to the east side of the meeting house, fifty by twenty feet, making the form of a cross. This house stood until 1717, when it was taken down to make room for the three story meeting house. r 1 SECOND CHURCH, WITH GROUND PLAN. It is quite likely that some of the good people of that day were shocked at the extravagance, pride and degen- eracy developed by the innovation of pews. But growth and change kept on their course ; for under date of April 30, 1706, we find, " The town chose Deken Hall, Samuel Roys, and goodman Culvert, a commettee to procure workmen to come and build gallers for the In largment of the meeting house." 1 The Rev. Mr. Davenport was present and assisted in laying the foundation of this church ; and standing at the foot of the eminence where the village looks off so pleas- antly upon the then fair range of woods and streams, preached a characteristic discourse from the words of Isaiah, " My beloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill." 2 I The first meeting house was erected on the open space north of the present Congregational church, and almost in front of the open space between the Carrington house and the residence of the late Aimer Hall. z So says Lambert, 83 ; Barber's Hist. Coll., 253 ; and Hollister, I, 256 ; but it may be a mistake, as Davenport removed to Boston in 1667. IO2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. At a town meeting, June 4, 1677, " The Towne desired Eliazur Peck to looke to y e boyes on y e sabbath that they keep good order at meeting." At a town meeting, February 26, 1689, " The town agreed and votted to build a fort Round y e meeting house." July 19, 1693-4, Joshua Culver was hired to sweep and take care of the meeting house, "and 18 s. were allowed him for his pains." By another vote, " James Westwood was chosen to look after the boys who sit in the uper end of the meeting house, Sabath days, and Samuel Munson to look after the young folks who sat at the lower end of the meeting house. April 25, 1710, The Townsmen were directed to contract with some person to sweep the meeting house from year to year." 1 Their churches, or, more properly speaking, meeting houses, 2 were devoid of all beauty ar.d elegance, and con- sisted generally of rough, unhewn logs put together in such a manner as to be hardly sufficient to keep out wind and rain. The interior was furnished very plainly. Immediately before the pulpit, and facing the congrega- tion, was an elevated seat for the ruling elder ; and before that, somewhat lower, was a seat for the deacons, behind the communion table. On the floor of the house there were neither pews nor slips, but plain seats ; men and women were seated separately, on opposite sides of 1 The meeting house was built of logs, with a square roof running up to a point in the center, with a turret. The windows were small, with shutters, and without glass. 2 " There is no just ground from Scripture to apply such a trope as church to a house for a public assembly." Mather's Ratio Disciplens. FORMATION OF CHURCH. IO3 the house, and every one according to his office, age, or rank in society, had his place assigned by a committee appointed for that purpose ; seats were placed on each side of the front door for soldiers, and generally a senti- nel was stationed in the turret. Of six pieces of artillery belonging to the town of New Haven, three were always stationed by the water side, and three by the meeting house : no fires were allowed, even in the coldest day in winter. Mr. Davenport required all of his congregation to stand up whilst the text was nam- ing ; the reason which was given for it being, that it was the word of God, and deserved peculiar honor. 1 The ministers of religion were the especial favorites of the colonial government. Their polls and estates were exempted from taxation, and stringent laws were made to secure them the advantages of their position and the respect of their flocks. It was provided that if any Christian so called, should contemptuously behave himself " towards the word preached or the messenger thereof," he should, for the first offence, be reproved openly, in some public assembly, by the magistrate ; and for the second, should pay a fine of five pounds, " Or else stand two hours openly upon a block or stool four feet high, on a public meeting day, with a paper fixed on his breast written with capital letters : AN OPEN AND OBSTINATE CONTEMNER OF GOD'S HOLY ORDINANCES : that others may fear and be ashamed." On Sundays the minister was treated with special reverence. When he passed from the threshold to the i " At Quinniapyock [ New Haven], Mr. Davenport preached in the forenoon that men must be uncovered and stand up at the reading the text, and in the afternoon the assembly jointly practised it." Mr. Hooker to Shepard, March 20, 1640. IO4 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. pulpit, the people rose ; and if he formally addressed them in any part of the sermon, those in the galleries, in obedience to parental injunction and usage, in many places, stood and continued standing till the address was concluded. Every church had its pastor, teacher, ruling elder, and deacons. The pastor, teacher and elder were all ordained with equal solemnity. It devolved on the pastor to inculcate the duties and present the consola- tions of religion. The teacher was the private expounder of the law ; the counselor whose learning, deep piety, calm judgment and refined experience could be depen- ded upon in doubtful matters. The duty of the ruling elder was to assist the pastor in the government of the church, particularly to keep strict watch over all the brethren and sisters, and see that they demeaned them- selves in an orderly and godly manner ; to prepare and bring forward all cases of discipline, to visit and pray with the sick ; to warn the careless, admonish the way- ward, and to present the incorrigible before the proper tribunal for discipline, and, in the absence of the pastor and teacher, to pray with the congregation and ex- pound the Scriptures. The office of the deacons was to provide for the Lord's table and care for the sick, and to attend to the secular affairs of the church. The early clergy " Reasoned high Of providence, foreknowledge, will, and fate, Fixed fate, free-will, foreknowledge absolute, And found no end in wondering mazes lost. Of good and evil much they argued then, Of happiness, and final misery, Passion, and apathy, -glory, and shame." FORMATION OF CHURCH. IC>5 Their life-long effort was still to climb higher, ever exclaiming, " Paula majora canamus." The planters had now after much labor and trouble erected a house for public worship ; but it was one of the many calamities of the colonists, that the meeting- house, through the unfaithfulness or incompetency of some of the workmen, had to undergo very frequent repairs. But this building, and those who worshiped there, have alike mouldered to dust; but the ground is holy, and should be cherished, "Like spots of earth where angel feet have trod." The record of eternity doubtless contains the names of many to whom the portals of this modest church were the gateways of Heaven. In this little edifice meaner and more rude in its construction than any building now in the valley the fathers of the town held their solemn assemblies, offered up their united prayers, and put forth their stern views of doctrine. At the appointed hour, the drum having been beaten, both the first time and the second, the whole population, from the dwel- lings of the town and the outlying farms, came together in the place of prayer. In plain and carefully kept clothes, the saintly heads of families, with their closely trained and solemn faced children, came, after the toils of the week, to observe holy day. The sentinel is placed in the turret ; those who are to keep ward, go forth, pacing, two by two, the still green lanes. The imagination cannot but revert to those occasions, with an admiration toned down almost to holy reverence. There, in the midst of a silent wilderness, the hardy, toil-worn settlers and their wives and daughters are IO6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. gathered, gazing with moistened eyes at their venerable pastor as he discourses to them from the first verse of the third chapter of Matthew, and warns them "of the temptations of the wilderness ; " or listening with bowed heads to the fervent prayer that the God of Israel will endue his servant, as heretofore, with courage and counsel to lead them in the days of their future peril. The curious Indian paused at the door, and was filled with awe as the white man addressed the Great Spirit. In this rude, unfinished structure, is devotion true and pure, worship, more solemn for the lack of outward pomp. Far away from the busy haunts of men, they seemed, and felt nearer God more alone with God than ever before. With reverent joy they rejoiced in that blessed intimacy of communion, and drew from it the strength they needed for the trials and duties that formed the staple of their daily lives. In the eloquent words of Dr. Bacon, 1 through a long course of exercises, which would weary out the men of our degen- erate days, these hearers sit -or stand with the most exemplary attention. They love the word that comes from the lips of their pastor. They love the order of this house. For the privilege of uniting in these forms of worship, of hearing the gospel thus preached, of living under this religious constitution, and of thus extending in the world the kingdom which is righteous- ness and peace and joy, they undertook the work of planting this wilderness. To them each sermon, every prayer, every tranquil Sabbath is the more precious for all that it has cost them. It is not strange, then, that their attention is awake through these long services, till, i Historical Discourses, 51. FORMATION OF CHURCH. IO/ as the day declines, they retire to their dwellings, and close the Sabbath with family worship and the catechis- ing of their children. We seem to hear the utterance of their piety in that old stave of Sternhold and Hopkins: " Go walke about all Syon hill, yea round about her go ; And tell the towers that thereupon are builded on a roe ; And mark you well her bulwarks all, behold her towers there, That ye may tell thereof to them that after shall be here, For this God is our God, forevermore is hee ; Yea and unto the death also, our guider shall hee be." IO8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. CHAPTER VI. MR. HARRIMAN, MR. STREET, MR. WHITTELSEY. FOR the first two years of the settlement of the town, Mr. John Harriman, although not at that time an ordained minister, preached to them on the Sabbath. Mr. Harriman was a native of New Haven. His father was for many years a respected member of the church, and was long the keeper of the ordinary, or house of public entertainment in that time. The son, having been fitted for college in the grammar school at New Haven, under the eye of Mr. Davenport, was educated at Harvard College, where he graduated in 1667. For about twenty years he resided at New Haven, preaching as a candidate there, also at East Haven and Walling- ford. In 1682, he removed to Elizabeth town, New Jersey. In the year 1672, Rev. Samuel Street, son of Rev. Nicholas Street, pastor of the church at New Haven, 1 I Nicholas Street was born in England, and received his education at one of the universities there ; and about the year 1638 he was settled at Taunton, in the Plymouth Colony, as colleague with Mr. Hooker, at the first organization of the church there. He removed to New Haven and was ordained, according to the church records, " the 26th of the 9th, 1659." Of the character of Mr. Nicholas Street, as of his life, we know but little. He appears to have been a pious, judicious, modest man. His " Considerations upon the Seven Propositions concluded by the Synod," published as an appendix to Mr. Davenport's more elaborate SETTLEMENT OF MR. STREET. IOQ was invited to settle at Wallingford ; and in April, 1673, he removed his family there, and in 1674 was installed as pastor of the church. After Mr. Street had con- sented to become their minister, two committees were appointed : one was to see that Mr. Street's goods were brought from New Haven and landed at some convenient place, the other to see that they were thence carted up to Wallingford. To us this seems to indicate a curious mode of intercourse between the two towns. But then owing to the state of the roads, it was no doubt easier to send the goods from New Haven harbor, up the Quinnipiac river, as far perhaps as North Haven, and from thence by land to Wallingford. Mr. .Street was graduated at Harvard College in 1664, and was forty years old when he came to Wallingford. He received an annual salary before any church was gathered there. It may serve to convey some idea of the character of the people, that in 1673, when their own poor dwellings were hardly erected, and they were struggling with all the untold difficulties of a wilderness, and when their whole number, men, women and child- ren, hardly exceeded one hundred, they voted to build a house for their minister, and to pay him a salary of ^50. If our western settlements now had as much courage and energy, we should have small need of Home Mis- sionary Societies. February 24, 1673, " itt was ordered that Mr. Street's house be Raised at the Townes charge." At a Court of Election held at Hartford, May 12, 1681, book on the same subject, shows great clearness of thought, and some pungency of style. That he was no inferior preacher, may be inferred from the fact that he was found worthy to succeed Mr. Hooker, and that he maintained his standing as the colleague of Mr. Davenport. The whole course of his ministry in New Haven was about sixteen years and a half. I IO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. "The Court for the encouragement of Mr. Samuel Streete grant him two hundred acres of land, provided he take it up where it may not prejudice any former grant to any person or plantation." This was laid out April 24, 1682, in Wallingford, and by him conveyed, June 27, 1686, to Mr. John Hulls, of Derby. Jan. 12, 1685, there was granted to Mr. Street, " A house lott containing six acres as may appear by the act of the town in folio 5, also six acres of Land by exchange with the town in folio 30, being laid out by the town sur- veigher, and lying on the east side of the town being the sixth house lott in number, and bounded on the south by Abraham Dowlittle, Jun r , on the North side and on the west and east end by the town street being fourty eight Rods long and 40 rods wide and so they lye for twelve acres more or less." 1 At a town meeting held in Wallingford, April 28, 1696, " The Town voted to allow Mr. Sam 1 Street as A recom- pense of his labour in y e worke of y e ministry iny e year 1696 y e full & just sum of one hundred pounds in provision pay, only y e s d Mr. Street is to find himself firewood & he will set A week in y e forepart of y e sumer & A week in y e latter part of y e sumer y* each man may bring A load of wood or two if y e s d Mr. Street se Cause & y l Mr. Street will allow 2 & 6 d P load to each man." During Mr. Street's residence in Wallingford, he exerted a great influence in all the affairs of the town, and was much respected by all the inhabitants. He answered to a letter, Cowper's description of a preacher, such as Paul, were he on earth, would hear, approve and own : i On the town records there are seven other grants of land to Mr. Street, amounting in all to one hundred and twenty acres. SETTLEMENT OF MR. STREET. 1 I I " Simple, grave, sincere ; In doctrine uncorrupt, in language plain, And plain in manner, decent, solemn, chaste, And natural in gesture ; much impressed Himself, as conscious of his awful charge, And anxious mainly that the flock he feeds May feel it too ; affectionate in looks, And tender in address, as well becomes A messenger of grace to guilty men." Mr. Street died January 16, 1717, aged eighty-two years ; a venerable man, to whom age had come " frostly but kindly," and whose last days were like those of an Indian summer, serene and beautiful, even till the stars appeared in heaven. He was pastor of the church for forty-two years. 1 Time was when the location of a minister in any particular place, as pastor of a church, was regarded as a permanent establishment. Until near the close of the last century, the dismission of a pastor was an event of uncommon occurrence ; a thing which gave occasion for much remark; and the cause of dismis- sion was the subject of earnest inquiry. Councils, when called to act on the question of dissolving the connec- tion between a pastor and his church, long hesitated before coming to a decision. It was long the custom in Connecticut, for the young men and women of a parish to celebrate the occasion of the settlement of a new minister by a ball on the evening following the day of his ordination or installation. This was termed the "ordination ball," and was sometimes conducted with i His youngest son, Nicholas, was settled in Groton ; the eldest, Samuel, had three sons, Captain Elnathan, Samuel, and John. The eldest daugh- ter was married to Deacon John Peck, and died before her father. One was married to Theophilus Yale, and another to Joshua Culver. The widow of Mr. Street died July 12, 1730. 112 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. such propriety and decorum that church members and even the new pastor would honor the ball with their presence. They ultimately came to be regarded as a scandal, and were at last suppressed by public sentiment. 1 As Mr. Street became unable to perform the duties of his office, it became necessary to provide a colleague and successor. The forethought and action of the people in the matter are set forth in the following votes : "July 26, 1708. The town voted that they apprehended it was their duty to take care and Look out to geat another i The following are the items for the " laying out for ye Ordination of Rev. Nathaniel Chauncey of Durham." Mr. Chauncey's sister was the wife of Rev. Mr. Whittelsey of Wallingford. He was ordained February 17, 1711. s. d. "From Joel Pamerly 15 Ibs Pork and 1-2 Bushel Mault. 4 4 By Beef from Mr. Wadsworth 16 o By 20 Ib. Butter 10 10 o By 20 Ib. Sugar 10 10 o By 4 Bushel Wheat 1 7 o By Cheese 42 42 By Hens, Goose, Turkic 16 6 By a Sheep and fetching from Town, 9 o By 3 Bushel apples 3 6 By 2 Quarters of Mutton 3 o Mault for Beer 4 o Barrel of Cyder 8 o Chocolate, Pepper ; Spice, Currant, Nutmeg 6 o Metheglin and Rum. 12 6 Two Piggs, fresh Pork, Salt Pork and Beef 6 6 Hireing 5 Horses 2 o Labor and trouble of my Family 10 o Four Neats' Tongues 2 8 To ye Camps' girl 56 56 Good wife Taylor 6 o Good wife Seward 3 o Good wife Hecox 3 o Good wife Squire 3 o 8 5 8 SETTLEMENT OF MR. WHITTELSEY. ] 1 3 minister The town voted that they would chouse a commetie to Seeke out and to take the advice for the pro- curing and bring in a minister to seatle in the place." Five men were chosen as a committee, who invited Mr. Whittelsey to preach ; and on the 2Oth of Sep- tember, " The town by a unanimous vot did confiearme the com- mities agreement with m r . Sam 1 . Whittelsey in order to his Seatelment in the work of the minestuy in our town." After preaching some time, the people being satisfied with his labors, invited him to become their pastor. The following is the letter in which the call was commu- nicated : " MR. WHITTELSEY, SUR : The subscribers hereof being a committe appointed and empowered by the town of Wallingford as may appear by their record bearing date April 4, 1789 ; to treat with yourself in order to a settelment with us in the ministry, and for your incouragement to com- ply with us therein, doe propose to make such grants of Lands and other incouragements following first we doe give and grant to you the said Mr. Samuel Whittelsey, a six acar lott of land lying neare the meting house ; and one acar and a half of the west end Deaken John Hall's home lott for a building lott, to be bought for you : also a peace of Land at south ward side the Leatel quarter on the hill on which the town stands fifteen acars ; and seaven acars of pasture land on the north side of Nath'l Ives home lott : also a meadow lott of land in the common field on the west side of the river of twenty acars and known by the name of the parsonage ; and fore acars of plaine in the same field called the town lott, also a farm of one hundred and fifty acars of Land att Pilgrim's Harbor called the town farm with all the un laid outt land adjoining, and one hundred pound right in common-age and in all undivided land, all I 114 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. which shall be to the said Mr. Sam'l Whittlesey, his heirs, executors and administrators and assigns for ever, as an estate of inheritance in fee simple : Likewise the said committee do agree to build a house for the s'd Mr Sam'll Whittlesey of forty-two feets in Length and twenty feets in breadth, tow stories hye, with a porch and a back kitching and finish it deasantly the said Mr. Samuel Whittlesey to provide glass and nales : which house is to be soe built within tow years : the s'd committee doth farther agree that the said Mr. Whittlesey shall have a Sallery of Seaventy pound a year for the tow first years and the thurd yeare eighty pound and One hundred pound a yeare ever after, soe long as he carrieth on the work of the ministry : which Sallery shall be paid in wheat at five shillings par bushel, rye at three shillings sixpence par bushel, indian corne at two shillings sixpence par bushel, pork at threepence farding par povnd, and if it soe fall out that there doth not come a supply of fire wood yearly to the s'd Mr. Whittlesey by parsons appearing to do it gratis, then the town are obliged to take the care, and find him his wood in some other way but if the providence of God should so order that the said Mr. Sam'll Whittlesey dye leaving no male Hare that is a natural issue of his bodye, then the six acar lott by the meeting house, and the meadow lott called the parsonage to returne to the town againe, to the true and honest intent and parformans of the preameses we the before named committee have sett our names. "THOMAS YALE, JOHN HALL, SR., SAMUEL HALL, JOHN MEARIMAN, THOMAS CURTIS, JOHN HALL, JOHN PARKER." Mr. Whittelsey accepted this call, and in September, 1709, "The town voted and Laid a Rait of eight pence upon the pound for the caring on of the work mr. Sam'll Whittelsey hous fore pence upon the pound to be SETTLEMENT OF MR. WHITTELSEY. I I 5 paid upon this year's List and fore pence to be paid upon the next year's List." He was installed May, 1710. Rev. Samuel Whittelsey was born at Saybrook, Conn., in 1686. He was the youngest son of John Whittelsey, who was the emigrant ancestor of all who bear the name, and Ruth ( Dudley Whittelsey). He was graduated at Yale College in 1705, and five years afterwards was in- stalled as colleague with Mr. Street. Here he continued until his death, which took place on the i5th of August, 1752, just as he was entering his sixty-seventh year. He was a fellow of Yale College from 1732 to 1752. Mr. Whittelsey married July i, 1712, Sarah, the young- est daughter of Rev. Nathaniel Chauncey of Hatfield, Mass., and granddaughter of President Chauncey of Harvard College. She was born in 1683. She was a woman of active mind and energy of character. For the accomodation of the parish, which at that time in- cluded all the inhabitants of the town, she kept a store of goods. Her house was the abode of hospitality, even after the death of her husband. The Governor of the State had been in the habit of taking dinner at Mr. Whittelsey's, when on the way to meet the legislature at New Haven. After the death of Mr. Whittelsey, he pass- ed on one occasion without stopping, very much to her dissatisfaction. "To think," said she, "that he should come to see us so often that his horse refused to go by without stopping until he was whipped ; and now that he should refuse to stop and see me in my affliction !" She died October 20, or 23, 1767, aged eighty-four years. President Stiles, in an obituary of Mr. Whittelsey, published shortly after his death, in the Boston " Post Boy" speaks of him as follows : " He was a gentleman of penetrating genius, solid judgment and extensive Il6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. understanding ; indefatigable and unwearied in his appli- cation to study and liberal inquiry, by which his acquaintance with the sciences became extensive, his knowledge universal, and in moral .wisdom he had few equals. Under the influence of Christian principles, his soul flowed to diffusive benevolence ; he lived the religion he. inculcated, and recommended it by the pow- erful charms of a virtuous example. His talents as a preacher were singular, being master of an engaging elocution and address, and in composition judicious and instructive. He ministered intellectual food, and entertained his audience with the beaten oil of the sanc- tuary. He labored with delight in word and doctrine. The services and devotions of the sanctuary were his supreme pleasure. In many ways, by his extensive influence, he served the church of Christ, and the public glory of his kingdom. Happy in offspring and a well educated family, his sons under the advantage of a liberal education, survived him in his genius, improve- ments and Christian character. As a private Christian, he was exemplary, virtuous and pious ; had a natural reservedness of mind which rendered him singular in bearing injuries which the best can't escape ; and when reviled, he reviled not again, but retaliated in gratitude with that meekness and goodness which extorted vener- ation from the partial, as well as obtained a cheerful tribute from the candid judge of merit. Not less eminent was his patience, especially in the lengthened illness which finished his life. The supports of religion and a well regulated life, shone in the steady calmness and composure of his temper during his illness ; while a mortification in his legs and feet, arising from an ill state of blood and disorder of body, preyed upon him, SETTLEMENT OF MR. WHITTELSEY. I I/ and in a gradual decline extinguished his life. Thus died Samuel the prophet, full of days and the Holy Ghost ; after he had long and faithfully served his generation, he ' fell on sleep, was gathered to his fathers, and all Israel lamented him.' " Dr. Chauncey of Boston said of him, that he was one of the greatest men in Connecticut. He had not only a clear, strong head, but the clearest way of expressing his thoughts upon any difficult subject, of any one he was acquainted with. " I have heard him say, that when he had clear ideas of any subject he could communicate with the same clearness, and do it with ease." 1 He was one of the most eminent preachers in the colony in his day, a laborious, faithful minister of Christ, applying his whole time to his work, and shone with distinction in intellectual and moral attainments. One of the old writers says : " He was esteemed an heavenly man." 2 1 Chauncey Memorials, p. 203. Mr. Whittelsey published an Election Sermon, 1730; a Sermon on the death of John Hall, 1730; a Sermon on the woful condition of impenitent souls in their separate state, 1731 ; a Sermon on the ordination of his son, 1737. 2 Samuel, the eldest son of Rev. Samuel Whittelsey, was born Novem- ber, 1714, was graduated in 1729, and held, the office of tutor in Yale College from 1732 till 1738. It was during the period of his tutorship that he was invited by the church in Milford to settle as colleague pastor with the Rev. Samuel Andrews. He accepted the call, but a large minor- ity in the parish remonstrated against his ordination, on the alleged ground that he was an Arminian in his theology, and that his preaching savored too little of Christian experience. The council called to ordain him were divided in their judgment of the case ; and his ordination was finally the result of a compromise, which resulted, after all, in the forma- tion of a second society. He was ordained November 8, 1738, and con- tinued in the discharge of his official duties till his death, which took place October 22, 1768. His widow, who was a lady of high intellectual and moral qualities, afterwards became the wife of the Hon. Jabez Ham- lin, of Middletown, who was, for many years, dislirgi it hcd in civil life. Il8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. The old house with its " two pues" and " gallers," could not well contain the growing population, for some of the hearers had to put up with rather inconvenient church accommodations. But of these they were cut short by the following peremptory and rather uncour- teous vote of the town in 1716: "ordered that the alleys in the meeting house be cleared of chairs and stools, and the constable see that it be done." Where the occupants of these " chairs and stools" bestowed them- selves after this unceremonious ejectment we do not know ; but it is quite probable that they agitated effect- ually the project of a new and better house ; for in a few months we find a new church edifice in progress. In September 23, 1717, " The town by their voat signified that they thought it was there Duty to begin about a new meeting house & chose capt. John Hall, en curtis, ser. Hart, Gideon ives, william ward, Joseph parker, Robert Hall, & Sa u Hall a committee to manage the affairs & carri on the work about the new meet- ing house And the forms of the house to be like gilford meeting house and be left to y e committee to make sum little alteration if they see cause ; And layed a rate of eight pence on the pounde for the careing on the metting hous." A question arose as to the place where the meeting- house should stand ; whereupon it was decided that it should stand where " the timbers for the same now lies," which was almost in front of the present Congregational church, the steeple being at the north end of the house, which fronted east. Preparations were going forward during the whole of the year, and in 1718, the house was raised. The committee for raising the frame work of the house divided the inhabitants of the town into three SETTLEMENT OF MR. WHITTELSEY. 1 19 parts. Each division of the inhabitants was faithfully to attend to the raising of the house when called upon ; and should this arrangement fail, then the committee were empowered to hire them. It was " Voted that the metting hous floure shall be layed with good single Boards well Rabbited The towne voated that the metting hous shall have pues maid all round it and y e rest of y e hous shall be long seats." This last vote indicates the further increase of lux- urious habits, inasmuch as the " two pews" of the old house were multiplied into a whole range of "pues," built all around the sides of the new house. The next vote was to raise funds for the building. "April 28, 1719, the Town voated y 1 they would git so many staves as will load vessell and they chose Capt. Hall to make a bargain for y e town in y e Disposall of y e staves, they obliged themselves to git : in buying glass 1 and nales and promise to indemnifie hall from any damages thereby if he shall need to stand or give bonds." The house was completed and occupied in 1720. It was a large house, three stories high, with two tiers of galleries, one above the other, somewhat in the manner I In January, 1719, Mr. John Russel proposed to furnish the glass for the new house, and his offer was accepted. The contract was as follows : " Wallingford, January 5, 1719. " John Russel of Wethersfield, Glazier, will oblige himself to make all the Glass for the New Meeting house workman like and to do it as cheap as ye Market price for such Glass, and will begin about May next ; and take his pay in good Barrel staves by the last of June at current Market price. Only his necessary charge whilst he is about the work to be borne, he allowing it out of the price of the glass. . ( EBENEZER BROWN, JOHN RUSSEL, \ " In presence of < ( ^ JOHN WINSTON, J OHN HALL > ( SAM'L. HULL." ' I2O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. of a theater, and of the "old South" church in Boston ; a mode of building churches quite common during the last century. The upper gallery was of course very high, and as its occupants were almost entirely out of sight, it furnished an admirable place for boys to cluster together and play. Even in the old house it had been found necessary in 1677, to " Vote that Eliazur Peck be desired to looke to y e boyes on y e saboth that they keep good order at meeting ;" and again in 1713, "the town chos Serg tl Daniel Hall to look after boys on y e saboth day." THIRD CHURCH. In the new house they found it necessary to deny the boys admission altogether into so tempting a place as the upper gallery, for in "April 25, 1721, voated that no young man shall go up SETTLEMENT OF MR. WHITTELSEY. 121 into the upper gallery to sett there on the Saboth day under eighteen yeare old. "September 16, 1716, the town voated and gave liberty that particular men may build a steeple to our meeting house." But it was not until January 9, 1728, that a " belfree" was built, the top of which was crowned by a large brass rooster. The present custom of renting the seats in churches was then unknown : and in the new house there would be quite a choice between the " pues" and the " long seats." In order to arrange or prevent all disputes for precedence in the matter, a committee was appointed " to dignify and seat the meeting-house." In assigning seats to the respective individuals and families, the committee were enjoined by vote " to respect the aged who had been serviceable to the town," and also " to have respect to those who had borne commissions." After giving the best seats to these dignitaries, they were in- structed to have " this general rule for seating the meet- ing, viz. : the lists, on which the charges are raised." If a plan had been devised for creating and perpetuating envy, jealousy and pride, no more ingenious scheme could have been invented for that purpose, than this attempt to arrange people in the house of God, every Sabbath day, according to their wealth and supposed rank. Many an individual would probably form quite a different estimate of his "dignity," from the committee. What feelings were engendered have been forgotten, ex- cept in one instance we learn that one man to whom was assigned a position on the "long seats," having made known his grievance, had redress as follows : " The town by their voat gave Capt. John Hall, liberty to 122 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. make him self a pew in the new metting hous, near the east Dore, on men's side on his own charge Decem- ber 18, 1716, the town voated that Robert Roys should sett in y 6 fore seat in y e meeting hous, and that Capt Hall sen r shall set in the Deacons seat and capt Hall jun r to set in y e first pue & Capt. Doolittle to set in y e second pue. De- cember 20, 1720, the town gave M rs Whittelsey liberty to choose her self a pew in the new metting hous. February 8, 1732 ; voated the ancient comitee shall find some sutable seat for M r Studley where he may sett on Saboth Days." The custom was maintained here until the occupation of the house which was built in 1831. Tn September, 1718, it was voted that a steeple should be built for the meeting-house, but it was not until 1728, that anything was done in regard to it ; and in January of that year a belfry was built. This house was occupied until 1824, when it was taken down to make room for the fourth house of worship. .'HT of mi-: 123 CHAPTER VII. MERIDEN, DOG'S MISERY, FALLS PLAIN. THE north part of the town, though owned'by Walling- ford, was not a part of Wallingford. The title or fee simple of the land was in the town of Wallingford ; the right of government was in the State, but there was no town authority in it or over it ; it was neither a town, nor constituted a part of any town. The General Court, in anticipation of the loss of the charter by a judgment on the Quo Warranto, or of being compelled to surrender it to Andros, now took such measures as were in their power to secure the colony against the future exactions of an arbitrary governor. The charter was yet valid, and the governor and company were em- powered to dispose of all vacant lands, vesting them in the grantees by a tenure as liberal as that by which the colony now held them, and exempting the proprietors from the levy of quit-rents or any similar exaction. Patents had already been issued to the several towns, and to many individual proprietors. Debts due the colony were to be collected, and whatever surplus should remain in the treasury was to be distributed to the several towns. The grants were intended to put the 124 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. vacant lands beyond the reach of Andros or other sim- ilarly commissioned governors. At " A Speciall Gen' Court held at Hartford January 26, 1686," it was voted that " This Court grants Weathersfeild, Midletown and Farm- ington all those vacant lands between Wallingford bownds and the bownds of those plantations, to make a village there- This grant comprised that part of the town called " Belcher's farm," on which was the place called Meriden. But no action was taken until May 9, 1728, when Bartholomew Foster, Ezekiel Roys, John Merriam, Robert Collins, Nathaniel Merriam, Timothy Foster, Thomas Andrews, Josiah Robinson, Joseph Merriam, John Merriam Jun. and William Merriam, petitioned the Governor and General Court, " That those lands lying between farmington and walling- ford with the north of walingford to be a village or parish societie, to reserve M r Belcher his farm att the stone house for the present. We doe therefore now cast o r selves on y" Clemency of this Honored affembly and pray that the stone house farm may be granted to them." The above petition was granted, and the village called Meriden. Ten years previous to this, some of the settlers living south of Belcher's farm sent the following petition to Wallingford : "We, the inhabitants bordering and adjacent to the town of Wallingford, do here entreat and request, that you would admit us the subscribers as wholesome and lawful inhabitants into the town of Wallingford. We the petitioners here re- quest that if it may please you the inhabitants of the town of Wallingford to admit us your humble petitioners as town MERIDEN. 125 inhabitants, then your humble petitioners do promise and engage to be subject to your good and wholesome orders, laws and constitutions, as witness our hands. "BARTHOLOMEW FOSTER, JOHN MERRIAM, JOHN HOISINGTON, SOLOMON GOFFE, JOSEPH HILLS." The town voted to comply with the request of the petitioners. But for a time, not all the inhabitants re- siding in this north part of Meriden were considered citizens of Wallingford, subject to its laws, privileges and burthens, but merely those who had applied in form for citizenship. We find also on the records sev- eral special petitions from individuals residing in this same locality, to be allowed to attend public worship in the meeting house, and who were by special vote permitted to occupy a designated seat, on condition of paying a certain annual rent. The citizens of Walling- ford, being regularly taxed by town vote for the support of religious institutions, had a right as a matter of course to seats in the church without any price or rent what- ever. It would be tedious to trace out all the transfers of land in this neighborhood, after the Indian title was extinguished. It may be a matter of some interest how- ever, to know some of the principal proprietors and residents in the north part of Meriden about the year 1716. Northward and eastward of West Meriden, lay the farm of John Merriam, 1 of Lynn, Mass., who was the I " Know all men by these presents, that I John Prout Sen'r, of New Haven, and Col. of Conn., Gent., for and in consideration of ye sum of Three Hundred and five pounds, current money, to me in hand well and truly paid by John Merriam of Wallingford, have sold, granted and C. a certain tract or parcel of Land known by ye name of ye Country farme 126 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. ancestor of the numerous families of that name still residing here. He bought three hundred acres for ^305. More northerly lay the farm of Bartholomew Foster, of three hundred and fifty acres, which seems to have been west of the present old road, and northward as far as the Kensington road. 1 North of this was the land of Henry Coles, called the " Coles farm," extending east of Bartholomew Foster, so as to reach the land of John Merriam. 2 North of the Coles farm was the land of Natheniel Roys ; and still farther northward was the Belcher farm, which, or on which was the place called Meriden. The documents give us some information as to the residents in this part of the town, at that period. We derive some additional formerly granted to James Bishop of New Haven, by the Governor and Company of ye said Colony of Conn, containing three hundred Acres Abutting south on ye old line of Wallingford Township, North on ye Coles farm, East on a brook, or land formerly Mr. William Jones Esq., west on commons or land of late years laid out to sundry persons of ye said town of Wallingford, situate lying and being the wilderness at a place, commonly called Pilgrim's Harbor northward of Wallingford old bounds and 51-2 Acres of hoop land, situated in Wallingford, aforesaid nere ye said farm be ye same more or less, formerly belonging to Robert and Isaac Roys, as witnesseth my hand at New Haven, this 3 day of Novem- ber in the year 1716. John Prout. Mary Prout" 1 "Sept. 19, 1710: Thomas Yale, John Merriam and Thomas Hall, committe of Wallingford, to sell Indian lands, grant to Bartholomew Foster, the Town right to a certain Tract of land of 360 Acres, situated between Pilgrim's Harbor and Merredan, bounded on ye N. E. corner by a Black Oak tree, thence by the road that goeth to Hartford 207 Rods to W Oak tree, thence westward 312 Rods to a Black oak tree, that side bounds by land of Mr. John Hudson, thence Northwardly 1 12 to a Bl'k oak tree, thence 120 Rods to a Walnut tree, thence on a line to the first station 266 Rods." 2 " At meriden farme, march the 12, 1708, the proprietors of goodman Cools farme met to decide about the boundaries." MERIDEN. 127 knowledge of the inhabitants, as well as of their situa- tion, from the following paper copied from the original petition, now on file in the office of the Secretary of State, at Hartford: " To the Honorable the Governor and council and house of reprefentatives in General Cort affembled in his Majefties colony of Connecticut att New Haven, Oct. 8, 1724. The Humble petition of the Subscribers Humbly Sheweth, That we are under great disadvantages for want of a Pound nere y e Meriden or Stone House and are compelled to drive unruly cattell nere 6 or 9 miles to y e nearest pound, which if we had one nere it would save us a Great Deal of treble, and we would carry the marks and brands of those Cattell im- pounded where the law directs, to the next towns unless the Honorable Affembly, would pleafe to Conflitute a man among us to Depose of unruly Creatures as the law directs. Therefore your Humble Petitioners Pray that there may be order for a Pound nere y e Meriden, or Stone House, and an office to Despose of impounded Cattell, and your Petitioners as in duty bound will Ever Pray. " Signed, N. MERRIAM, J. PARSONS, N. MERRIAM Jr., ELEAZER ASPINWALL, WM. MERRIAM, J. MERRIMAN, Jr., TIM. FOSTER, B. FOSTER, J. ROBINSON, T. ANDREWS, T. FOSTER, D. RICH, T. GERRUM, J. SCOFELL." While the whole country was in alarm and peril from the Indians, during Phillip's war, no settlements were made beyond the bounds of the compact little village, where the planters had clustered together for mutual protection ; though some land which was " in the wilderness," was granted out at that time. But after 128 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. the termination of that war, we find the records full of grants of wild land in distant parts of Wallingford, to actual settlers, some of which were within the present southern limits of our town. At a General Court for the town of New Haven, April 23, 1660, " The governor desired that the bounds of a p'cell of land towards Conne&icote might be sett out for the p r vention of future differences that might otherwise arise betwixt us, w ch motion was approved, and thereupon it was ordered y l Mr. Yale, W" Andrews, John Cowper, John Brackett, Nathaniel Merriman, w th the help of Montowees, an Indian, y e late pprieto r shall set out the bownds w th lasting markes, w ch is to be done w th the first convenyence.'" The setting out of these bounds occasioned a letter, which, in the handwriting of Daniel Clarke, Secretary, is found among the State Records at Hartford, 2 and which contains the first notice that is found recorded of " Pilgrim's Harbor." This letter complained of encroach- ments on the Connecticut Colony by those grants of lands at and above Pilgrim's Harbor, and that it was not a course " Furthering and strengthining y* friendly correspondency that we desire, and ought to be ppetuated twixt neighbours and confederates." 3 1 New Haven Town Records, 11.316. 2 Foreign Correspondence, 1 1 . Doc. 4. 3 " Honor'd Gent : This Court haveing receaved information, not only by what appeares in one of yo'r Lawes respect : the purchase of land from ye Indians, wherin there is a seeminge challeng of very large intrests of lands, and likewise by what intelligence we have had of y'or strechting y'or bounds vp towards vs, by makeing trees on this side Pilgroomes Harbour, w'ch things, as ye intrench upon o'r intrest, soe they are not satisfying or contentful, nor do we appr'hend it a course furthering or strengthining yt friendly correspondency that we desire, and ought to be ppetuated twixt MERIDEN. 129 At a General Assembly held at Hartford, October 1 1 , i 666, "This Court orders Edward Higby for making and main- teineing the way over Pilgrums Harbour passable for man & horse, shall have his estate & farme free of Countrey [rates] for this yeare and next, he mainteineing the way soe longe as aforesaid." .... 1684. "This Court being informed of a small tract of waste land, lying between a farme granted formerly to Mr. Wm. Joanes Esq 1 ' of New Haven lying upon or near Pilgrim's Harbo r , and a farm granted to Mr. Samuel Street of Wallingford, the sayd waste land being about one neighbours and confederates ; espetially in that we conceave you cannot be ignorant of our real and true right to those parts of ye countrey where you are seated, both by conquest, purchase and possession ; and tho : hitherto we have bin silent, and altogether forborne to make any absolute challenge to or owne, as before, yet now we see a necessitie at least to re- vive ye memoriall of o'r rite and interes, and therefore doe desire that there may [be] a cessation of further proceed in this nature, vntil, vpon mature consideration, there may be a determinate settlement and mutuall concur- rence twtxt yo'rselves and this collonie, in reference to ye deviding bounds twixt the two colonies. It is further desired and requestd by vs, that if there [be] any thing extant on record w'th you yt may further ye [de]ciding this matter, that it may be produced, and that there may be a time and place appointed, where some deputed for yt end, furnished w'th full power, may meet, yt [so a] loving issue may be effect'd to prevent furth [er tro] ubles. And in case there be noe record of grant or allowance from this collony, respecting the surrend'r, not only of lands possessed by you and improved, but also such lands as it seemes to vs that you, vnd'r some pr'tended or assumed right, have induced by yo'r bounds w'thin yo'r liber- ties, that you would be pleased to consid'r on some speedy course, wherby a compliance and condescendency to what is necessary and convenient, for yo'r future comforte may be obtained from vs, the true proprietors of these parts of countrey. We desire yo'r returne to o'r gen'll Court, in reference to o'r proposit's, with what convenient speed may be, y't soe what is de- sired by vs in point of mutuall and neigbourly correspondenc, according to ye rules of justice and rightiousnes, may be stil maintained and continued." At a Court of Election, held May, 1661, the governor, deputy governor, the magistrates, with Messrs. John Davenport, George Hubbard, and Lieu- tenant John Nash were appointed a committee " for the treating with & is- sueingof any seeming differance betwixt them, and of some seeming right to this jurisdiction, which they pretend in a letter sent to this Gen'll Courtt." K I3O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. hundred acres more or less, doe grant to the sayd Mr. Wm. Joanes as an addition to his sayd farm the sayd corner of land, to be layd out to him by Mr. Thomas Yale." Oct. 12, 1715, six acres of land were granted to Jonathan Atwater at "pilgrims harbour." In May, 1742, some persons in Middletown petitioned for unappropri- ated lands near Pilgrim Harbor, which petition was refused. 1 Some of the earliest grants of land were in and around a swamp called " Dog's Misery." It had acquired the name from the fact that wild animals, when hunted, took refuge in this swamp, which was so thick, tangled and miry, that the dogs of the hunters were baffled or killed in their attempts to reach their prey hid- den in this jungle. This swamp is that tract of low land (now partly reclaimed), and swamp, lying south of the Middletown turnpike, and south of the house of Mr. Warren Parsons, extending nearly a mile in a southerly direction. In 1679, " The town granted to Nathaniel Royce, David Hall, Thomas Hall, Daniel Mix, Joseph Holt, each 3 acres lying on the east side of the meadow called dog's misery, by the southward branch of Pilgrim's harbor," that being the name of the whole stream from its mouth up to the pond whence it flows. At the next town meeting, Nov., 1679, " granted to Neh. Royce, Isaac Cur- tiss, each 3 acres, and Nathaniel How, and Isaac Royce, each 2 acres, and all at dog's misery." At still another meeting, 1679, there was still another grant of swamp, meadow and upland, "about dog's misery," to Yale, Curtiss, Royce and others. In 1685, granted to Walter i The petitioners were John Bacon, John Bartlett, Samuel Warner, Seth Wetmore, Nathaniel Hubbard, John Hubbard, John Dowd and others. DOGS MISERY. 13! Jonson 20 acres, " on long hill toward dog's misery." In 1683, "granted to Daniel Hooper 12 acres at dog's mis- ery." In 1700, the daughter of Nathaniel Royce, had " three and a half acres, at dog's misery," as her portion. In 1713, was granted to Jeremiah Hull, a tract of land "lying at Dog's misery commonly so called." Another extract will indicate some quite curious facts, existing at that early period. September 1 6, 1707, "The towne chose Eliezer peeck, Joshua culver, David Hall, a commetie to see that [dogs] missery hiway may not be pinsht of the twenty rods in any place from the town to mis- serie whare it was not laid out before the graint was of s d hiway." This enormous allowance for a road was not uncom- mon in those days, as there are several other notices in the records, of roads of the like width. Still oftener the records speak of highways six rods wide. It is quite evident too, that the special care of the town to preserve the prodigious width of "missery hiway," shows the importance and growth of the settlement in that quarter. It had long been the custom of the early settlers to use the highways for raising tobacco, and it finally became a subject of complaint ; so that in 1693 4 the town of Wallingford forbade any person improving any part of the town streets or commons by fencing, raising tobacco, corn, or anything else. Whether these persons settled around Dog's Misery at the precise date of these grants, we do not know ; but there is evidence that they were there soon after. For as early as 1696, there was great contention about lands, among the owners of property at Dog's Misery, which plainly indicates that the lands about there were con- sidered valuable, and that the place was inhabited. The 132 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. party spirit ran high, bad feelings were engendered, and recourse was had to the courts. It appears that the beginning of the trouble was owing to certain persons appropriating land which had already been granted to others. In 1677, at a town meeting, it was voted to reserve a certain watering place for the use of cattle and neighbors adjacent, the watering place being near the property of Nathaniel Royce. After some years Mr. Royce claimed the land and watering place as his property. A committee were appointed to determine whether the land and watering place belonged to the town or to Ensign Royce. Nothing further was heard of this question until March 16, 1696, when the follow- ing petition was brought before the town : Wallingford, March i6 th , 1696. "We whose names are underwritten being in some mesure sencable of y e mezefy of Contention & y l there is too much of it in our Town & one part of it is about dogs mezery which may hazard Charg to y e Town if not timely prevented allso y e watering-place so Called between Capt. yaile & Enn Royss has been A great part of our strife for A great while which for y e preventing of both troble and Charg upon y ( account or at least to secure ourselves therefore declare as followeth y l for our parts wee enter our descents against any Charg at law about doggs mezery, as for y watering place so Called we are sattisfied y* Ens Roys Enjoy y e land y l y e Town has granted him & doe hereby declare our desent from any voat to y e Contrary or any vote y l may hereafter be gained by y e Town or any parties for y e suing out y e Towns or any pertic- ular mans Rights declareing to y world y' we will be at no Charge for time to Come about doggs mezery nor y- watering place & y l such y' Cannot find no other way to raise their own spirits but to spend their Estates shall spend of their own Estates & not of ours. DOGS MISERY. 133 "JOHN DOOLITTLE, JOHN PECK, sen r . NEHEMIAH ROYSS, NATH'LL How, sen r . SAM U BROCKETT, JOHN BEACH, SAM U LOTHROP, ROBERT ROYS, JOHN PECK, jun r , JOSEPH ROYSS, JOHN HALL, jun., ROGER TYLAR, JABEZ BROCKETT, MICHA MITCHELL, ROBERT ROYSS, senr. SAM". ROYS, JOHN TYLER, JAMES WESTWOOD, ISAAC CURTIS, THO. HALL, sen 1 ". SAM H ROYS, sen r , JOHN PARKER, sen 1 '. DAVID HALL, JOHN Moss, juneor." On the 28th of April, 1696, the following was pre- sented to the town : " Whereas it has been often moved to y e town that Ensign Royce might have y e Watering place, at y e lower end of his home lot, or pasture, but hitherto has been opposed, y town do now sequester said watering place to lye open to the com- mon highway for ever, never to be desposed of any other way unless every inhabitant of y e town do subscribe to the con- trary, y e which we underftand be y e true intent of y e selectmen when they received it and y e mind of y e town, received it for the use of cattle and good of y e neighbors adjacent against y e above said Watering place Should lye open for the above said use forever as may appear by their act in y e town book April 24, 1677. The town do by their vote order and ap- poynt Eleazer Peck surveyor with one or too of y c Townsmen to lay out said land and Watering place and cause a Record made of it in y u Leger Book, of y e bounds of it and Capt. Yale, or Ens. Royce pay the cost out of it. They also voted that if the said Royce still neglects or detains record restitution of said Watering place y e which y e said Roice solemnly promised to do, in y e Leger Book of Wallingford, then the town do here- by appoint Capt. Yale to be our atturney, and Lawful Trustee to sue said Royce, at law for our right, to receive estimation of y e same." 134 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Lieutenant Samuel Hall and William Ebenatha dis- sented from the above vote. Thus after a long contest Mr. Royce was compelled to surrender to the town all right to the watering place. At a General Court, held May, 1696, " M r Rich rd Edwards as atturney for Isaac Curtis of Wal- lingford petitioned this Court to grant the said Curtis execution upon a verdict of jury given at the countie court at Newhaven the second Munday in Novemb r one thousand six hundred and ninetie five in an action depending in the said Court between the s d Curtis and M r John Hull of the said town of Wallingford, which action the said Curtis comenced against the said Hull for that the said Hull had illegally entred upon and made improvement of three ac rs and 3 quarters of med- dow in a place called Dogs Miserie which is the proper estate of the plaintiff, to a surrendrie of the s d meddow with ten pound damages and cost of Court, in which case the jury find for the plaintiff the case and cost of court. This Court doe see reason and order that there shall be execution granted upon the said verdict of the iurie. May 1697 it was voted and granted by this Court that Capt" Thomas Yale of Wallingford should have liberty to renew his former suit in which he was atturney for Doctor John Hull in a controversie between Isaac Curtis and the s l1 John Hull about a piece of meddow at a place called Dogs Misery in the said town of Wallingford, notwithstanding any former act of the Gen 11 Court. Giving the said Curtis sufficient notice thereof." From the time of the first settlement onward, popula- tion slowly increased around " Dog's Misery" and " Pilgrim's Harbor." In 1724, the whole number of families on and around these localities was thirty-five. Contemporaneous with the " plantations" around " Dog's i 5 s. paid for the petition. Execution delivered to Isaac Curtis. Col. Rec. 4, 165. DOG'S MISERY. 135 Misery," the settlements began to cieep up into the western and southwestern parts of the present limits of Meriden. As early as September, 1677, it was " Ordered allso that every planter now in hering shall have according to theyr Ranks 4 acrs, 3 acrs, and 2 acrs of the choyse Land upon the River hopp ground land, beginning att pillgrim's harbor, and what that plais doth not aford they are to please themselves ellswheare." February u, 1684, there was granted to John Brockett, " Four acres of hopp Land upon pillgrim's harbor on both sides the river bounded on y e north by y e Common, on y e East by Samuell Brockett, on y e south by y e Common, on y e west by John Moss senior." February 4, 1684, was granted to John Moss senior, " 4 acres of hopp Land Lying a Cros pillgrim's harbor brook bounded on y e southward Side by me John Brockett his Land, on y e northward side by John Lothny his Land, on Both sides by towne Common." March 15, 1689, " Two acres of hopp Land lying around Pilgrim's Harbour." August 23, 1698, " 3 acres of hopp land on y e west branch of pillgrim harber." In 1708, there was granted to " Daniel Messenger, wax drawer, fore acres of hop Land so called at a place commonly called pilgram's Harbor." This "hopp ground land" was that which produced the materials for making hoops. Such land, though swampy, was then the most valuable in the town. For in the great scarcity of a circulating medium, and of 136 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. means for purchasing all foreign produce, these hoops and staves always found a great demand, and a ready sale in the West Indies. Of course our farmers in trading with the New Haven merchants, found these hoop-poles as useful as cash. Accordingly we find in the records of the town that these " hopp ground lands," were most carefully managed, were granted out in very small quan- tities, and in the various grants recorded each man was very careful that a piece of this precious land should be included in his farm. In the year 1676, a farm was granted to Levi Fowler, as part "compensation" for building a mill. This was at the place which we now call " the Farms." Sixty acres were granted to him, and are thus described : "The north stake to be pitched 10 rods to the north-ward of the brook, commonly called, Milking yard brook, as you go between Wallingford and Hartford, 1 and in the middle way between the mouth of said brook and the old path ; and so to run a straight line southward so as to cut the edge of the red bank by the east river so called 2 at the utmost part east- ward, and so from the northern stake westward 120 rods, and so to hold his depth on the south side." This land would be very nearly that which constitutes the farm of Mr. Wyllys Smith. 3 Near and around this 1 This is the brook which the old road crosses at the lower end of the present district, and so called, because cattle were of old there driven into a pen to be milked. 2 This red bank is the little spur or projection around which the rail- road sweeps, just before it passes the high stone viaduct or culvert over the turnpike. 3 Yalesville, Sept. 27, 1686, Committee to locate mill on the river. Sept. 29, 1686, Voted to move the mill. Oct. 3, 1688, Land about the mill sequestered. Dec. 27, 1687, Committee to see the Miller and pro- cure a canoe to cross the river, at the mill. Jan. 21, 1689, Grinding at FALLS PLAIN. 137 farm, other settlers soon located themselves. At a town meeting, December 16, 1679, " The Towne agreed & voated y l y e land about y e milking yard and on y e north side y c Brooke at y e head of y e little plaine which was formerly designed for that end be viewed and provision made for the settling planters as they shall appear." This "little plain" was the upper part of the present "farm district." It was called little plain, in distinction from "fall's plain," or "the plain," which is the locality we now term Hanover. The same year, " The towne yielded to exchange with Sam'l Royce, the 3 acrs of his land att y e uper end of little plain, for 3 acrs of y e swamp, in y e middle of said plaine joining to Good 11 Lewes." In another grant to this Samuel Royce, this same spot is called " milkin yard farms," as bounded south by milking yard brook, and west by milking yard hill. Also in 1679, " The town granted to Good" Lewes 3 acres of y e swamp that lieth about middle of y e little plains." At the same time, "The towne granted Tho. Yale 3 acres of swamp land, joining to his two acrs that was formerly granted for mend- ment of his river lott att the loer end of y e little plaine." In the year 1677, there was a grant of land to Nehe- miah Royce and Samuel Royce, of some land "at the head of the plains," which is another phrase by which Hanover was then designated. A very natural phrase ; for at that point, the stretch of level land which extends mill regulated. July, 22, 1695, " If Samuel Lorthrop grinds every mans corn well he may keep the mill two months longer, but will be turned out on complaint of the committee forthwith." 138 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. from New Haven, through North Haven and Walling- ford, terminates. In 1680 a grant was made " to Sam'l Hough, to settle on the head of the plain near to Nehemiah Royces." In 1689 this " head of the plain," or "falls plain," was considered so beautiful a spot, that it was regularly laid out for a village. The main street was to be eighty rods long, and on each side of it were staked out building lots ; the western lots extending to the hill, and the eastern ones to the river. These lots were assigned by raffle, each planter in the town of Wall- ingford being allowed to draw one lot. The main street of this contemplated village must have been nearly if not quite coincident with the street now in existence, run- ning north and south. The street however, as then laid out, was continued northward to the river. "Art a lawful towne meetin 19 Febrary, 1689-90, the towne voted y l falls plaine shall be cast lots for & laid out accord- ing to the above written .... & mape. The Lotts being Cast each mans Lbtt is as followeth "MR. STREET, 49, LIEUT. MERRIMAN, 24, MR. MOSSE, 12, ENS YAILE, u, MR. BROCKETT, 44, DR. HULLS, 52, ENS ANDREWYS 4, SEIRANT DOOLITTLE, 62, PRESTON, 20, NATHANIELL ROYSE, 40, SAM" ROYSE, 33, SAM U HULL, 03, JOHN IVES, 39, SAM" DOOLITTLE, 51, DANIEL Mix, 59, JOSEPH DOOLITTLE, 42, EBEN LEWIS, 48, JOSEPH HOULTE, 61, JOHN DOOLITTLE, 37, JOSEPH BENHAM, jun. 25, ELEAZER PECK, 19, JOHN MERRIMAN, 58, JOHN PARKER, 01, JOHN HALL, senr. 60, SAM" COOK, senr. 28, THO CURTIS, 58, THO HALL, 30, DAVID HALL, 65, FALLS PLAIN. 139 JOSHUA CULVER, 32, SAM U BROCKETT, 55, SAM U THORP, 06, SAM U MERRIMAN, 53, SAM U BROWNE, 29, SAM U STREET, 07, SIMON TUTTLE, 14, EDWARD FEN, 08, HENNERY COOK, 31, SAM U STREET, 35, JOHN PECK, 50, SAM U COOK, jun. 15, HUGH CHAPPEL, 22, WM. COLE, THO BEACH, RUSH LOTHROP, SAM" MUNSON, JOHN ATWATER, 2 3, 54, 43, 4i, 34, NATHANIELL H6w, 09, ROGER TYLER, 38, JOHN HITCHCOK, 02, ABRAHAM DOOLITTLE, 13, EBENEZER CLARK, 18, SAM H ANDREWS, jun. 57, BENJAMIN HOULTE, 10, JOHN MORSE, 26, JOSEPH BEENHAM, sen. 63, NATHAN ANDREWES, 16, JEREMIAH HOWE, 17, JOSEPH THOMSON, 21, JAMES WESTWOOD, 05, JOHN BEACH, 64, JOSEPH ROYSE, 47, WILLIAM EBERNATH, 46, WALTER JOHNSON, 36, ISAK BEACH, 45, NEHEMIAH ROYSE, 27." In 1694, several grants of land were made to John Peck at " falls plains." The residents in the north part of the town found it very inconvenient to go to Walling- ford to attend church, also town and freeman's meet- ings ; and several petitions were sent to the General Assembly requesting permission to become a separate town, or be annexed to other towns nearer to them than Wallingford. At a town meeting held in Wallingford, May 17, 1773, the question was put whether the town would choose an agent or agents, to represent said town at the General Assembly to act on the memorial of the society of Worthington, by their agent Jedediah Norton, petitioning that the land called the Belcher farm, in the society of Meriden, and the inhabitants included thereon, I4O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. might belong and be annexed to the county of Hartford and town of Farmington.' It was voted in the affirmative that they would ap- point an agent, and chose Macock Ward to represent the town in reference to the memorial. In May, 1786, the following petition was sent to the General Assembly : " The Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Meriden hi the Town of Wallingford and County of New Haven, hum- bly sheweth : That from the Court House in New Haven, the Southern part of Said parish is Distant about Seventeen Miles, and the Northern part of it Twenty three ; and from the Court House in Midclletown in the County of Middlesex, the eastern limmits of S d parish is Distant but about five miles and its Western limmits about Eleven ; and from the Southern part of said Parish to the Town is four miles, and from the northern part about eleven. That the List of Said parish is about .8000. And in attending upon the Ordinary Business of the Town, Proxys, Town Meetings, &c., and upon their Business at the County and Superior Courts, the Inhabitants of S d parish are subjected to great trouble, in- convenience & expence, from which they would be free'd, if constituted a Distinct Town, and annexed to the County of Middlesex. Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honors to take their case into your wise and equitable Consideration & enact, that S d parish of Meriden be Constituted a Distinct Town by the name of the town of Meriden, and included in, and made part of the County of Middlesex, and that the S d Inhabitants have all the rights and privileges usual apper- taining to Towns in this State, except the right of Sending two Representatives to the General Assembly, instead of I About 1640, some of the first and most enterprising citizens of Hart- ford purchased a tract of land from the Tunxis Indians, and commenced a settlement at a place about ten miles west of the city. This settlement was incorporated in 1645, when it was called Farmington. The town- ship was about fifteen miles square, and out of it have sprung the towns of Southington, Berlin, Bristol, Burlington and Avon. FALLS PLAIN. 14! which your petitioners request the privilege of but one, and your petitioners, as in Duty bound will ever pray &c. Dated at Meriden in the Town of Wallingford the 13 th day of April, A. D. 1786. "JOHN COUCH, 1 SAM" WHITING, ^ Agents in behalf of the Society." DAN. COLLINS, At a special town meeting held in Wallingford, May 9, 1 786, it was voted that they would oppose the parish of Meriden being a town, and chose Col. Street Hall as agent to remonstrate against the petition at the General Assembly. 1 In 1794, the town was petitioned again that the parish of Meriden might be set off as a distinct town and annexed to Middlesex county ; and at a special town meeting the votes of the parish of Meriden ap- pointing Captain Dan. Collins, Capt. Ezekiel Rice, Col. Asa Bray, Brenton Hall and Samuel Whiting a commit- tee to transact said business being read, the meeting adjourned to October 12, 1795. Samuel Woodruff and Caleb Atwater were appointed agents to attend the General Assembly, and were intended to oppose the petition of the parish of Meriden ; and in order to satisfy the inhabitants of the parish, a committee were appoint- ed to consider the subject of holding town, selectmen's and freeman's meetings one third of the time at Meriden ; and who reported, I At a town meeting held in Wallingford, April 8, 1793, "Chose Street Hall, Dan. Collins, Ezekiel Rice a committee to agree with the Town of Berlin in perambulating the line where the Belcher Farm, so called lies and exchange said farm or such part of it for an equivalent in Land belonging to said Berlin to be annexed to this town or make any other agreement as shall appear to said committee most conclusive to the Inter- est of this Town." 142 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. " That in our opinion it is highly reasonable and expedient and likely to unite the two Societies together and prevent a separation also taking into our consideration the disagreeable- ness that the said society of Meriden hath ever been under in attending Town and Freemans Meetings, we therefore think it reasonable that one third part of the Town and Selectmens meetings for the future and also one third part of the Freemans Meetings when liberty is obtained as above mentioned should be holden in said Society, of Meriden." " Signed, ELIAKIM HALL, SAMUEL WHITING, EZEKIEL RICE, BRENTON HALL, ABRAHAM STANLEY, CALEB ATWATER." The report was accepted with the proviso that the ex- pense attending the application to the General Assembly for carrying this report into effect "be born and defrayed wholly by the Parish of Meriden." But the inhabitants of the parish of Meriden were determined to be set apart as a separate town ; and again in 1803 a petition was sent to the town, and at a town meeting held in September of the same year, the question was put whether the inhabitants of the town of Wallingford exclusive of the Parish of Meriden would consent that the said parish of Meriden be separated from the said town of Wallingford, and constituted and incorporated a separate and distinct town ; and on being submitted to the meeting, exclusive of the inhabitants of Meriden, it was voted in the negative. In 1804, another petition was sent to the town of Wallingford in regard to the separation and incorporation of Meriden as a distinct town ; and it was voted to choose a committee of equal numbers from the first society of the parish of Meriden to confer on the said petition. The Wallingford committee were Aaron Andrews, Caleb Atwater, Aaron FALLS PLAIN. 143 Hall, and Hezekiah Hall. From Meriden were chosen John Pluymert, Benjamin A. Hall, Amasa Curtis, and Samuel Yale. On September 9, 1805, a joint committee from each society were appointed to confer on the subject, and at a town meeting held September 18, 1805, the report of the committee was read and duly con- sidered. "Thereupon it was voted that this Meeting do accept and approve of the same, and that said report be lodged in the Town Clerks Office." A petition signed by Phineas Lyman and other inhabitants of Wallingford was sent to the General Assembly which met at Hartford the second Thursday in May, 1806, showing that the parish of Meriden in said town constituted in extent, population and property more than one third part of the town of Wallingford, and that they did not in their present situation enjoy their just rights to which they were entitled in common with their fellow citizens, and praying that the parish might be incorporated, with the ordinary rights, privileges and immunities which were enjoyed by other towns in the State. The petitioners were heard, and the facts stated in the petition were fully proved to be true, and it was resolved by the Assembly that " The inhabitants living within the limits of the parish of Meriden be and they are hereby incorporated into and made a Town by the name of Meriden." The first town meeting was held in Meriden after its incorporation, on the third Monday in June, 1806, at one o'clock P. M., and the town officers elected. The following list of "North Farmers," is taken from the Wallingford records, and from records in the office of the Secretary of State at Hartford : 144 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. BENJAMIN IVES, BENJAMIN WHITING, SAMUEL IVES, JOHN IVES, TIMOTHY MERRIAM, WILLIAM HOUGH, JOHN MERRIAM, THOMAS ANDREWS, ISAAC ROICE, JAMES SCOVILL, NATHANIEL MERRIAM, JOSEPH COLES, SAMUEL CUTLER, JOSEPH MERRIAM, MICHAEL MITCHELL, LEAVITT, WILLIAM MERRIAM, JOHN MERRIAM, ROBERT ROICE, WILLIAM ANDREWS, EBENEZER PRINDLE, ISRAEL HALL, ELICK ROBERTS, ABELL ROICE, JOHN WAY, JACOB PARSONS, ELIAZER PECK, BARTHOLOMEW FOSTER JOSIAH ROICE, THOMAS YALE, WILLIAM COLES, NATHANIEL ROICE, EZEKIEL ROICE, EBENEZER COOPER, NEHEMIAH MAY, JOSIAH ROBESON, SAMUEL ANDREWS, THEOPHILUS Mix, AMOS CAMP, TIMOTHY FOSTER, JONATHAN SEAMOUR. It is difficult at the present day to imagine the im- mense difficulties our fathers had to undergo in traveling from one town to another. Over mountains, through swamps, across rivers, fording, or upon rafts, with the compass to point out their irregular way, now in the open space of the forest, where the sun looked in ; now under the shade of the old trees ; now struggling through the entanglement of bushes and vines, with perhaps a "bridle path" cut out through the trees. Wherever a road had been built it was little better than none at all. ROADS AND BRIDGES. 145 " No line or compass traced its plan ; With frequent bends to left or right, In aimless, wayward curves it ran." From Hartford to New Haven it was a good two days' journey ; the old stone house on the Belcher farm, and Wallingford, being the usual stopping places. There being no mails 1 or newspapers, every traveler on his arrival was instantly besieged with townspeople, inquis- itive for the most recent intelligence. " He tells them perhaps that a letter was received in Hartford but a I The Post Office system was first established in Connecticut in 1693, by special authority from the king. The mail went through the Colony from Boston to New York, once every week. The postage from Boston to Hartford was 9 Scribes of the council. EDWARD EELLS, I THE DANA CONTROVERSY. l8/ Though this council was composed of some of the most respectable gentlemen of the clergy and churches in the colony, for literature, age and candor ; and though they took great pains to compromise the difficulties at Wallingford, and appeared to act with coolness and patience, yet their doings were cried out against by the gentlemen of the ordination council, and others who engaged in their cause, as unconstitutional and tyranni- cal, depriving the churches of their most essential rights. Many hard and severe things were said of them. The Rev. Mr. Todd, who was one of the ordination council, wrote a narrative of the transactions at Wallingford, even before the united council had finished their result. The Rev. Mr. Hart of Saybrook 1 wrote against it immediately. He wrote in a high and positive strain, condemning the council and insisting that their doings were wholly unconstitutional and inconsistent with the essential rights of the churches. 2 The Rev. Mr. Eells, 3 who had been one of the scribes of the united council, wrote a narrative of the transactions of the council, supplying such facts and circumstances as Mr. Todd 1 Mr. Hart was born at East Guilford, in 1713; graduated at Yale College in 1732; and was ordained pastor of the First church in Saybrook, Nov. 17, 1736. He had the reputation of being an Arminian; was a . vigorous controversal writer, and produced several pamphlets that were much read in their day. He engaged with great zeal in the Wallingford controversy, fully justifying the council that acted in the ordination of Mr. Dana. He had a strong aversion to Hopkinsianism, and is said to have been the first to give that name to the system of doctrine which it now represents. 2 Trumbull, II. 505. 3 Mr. Eells was a son of Rev. Nathaniel Eells of Scituate, Mass. ; was graduated at Harvard College in 1733 ; was ordained pastor of a church in Middletown, Sept. 6, 1738, and died Oct. 12, 1776, ae. 64. He published the Conn. Election Sermon, 1767. 1 88 HISTORV OF WALLINGFORD. omitted, noticing some of those things in his narrative wm'ch he judged severe, uncharitable and calculated to render his brethren of the council odious and contempti- ble. He also made such general remarks as he supposed were necessary for the vindication of the council. The Rev. Mr. Hobart of Fairfield 1 replied in particular to Mr. Hart, in vindication of the council at Wallingford, showing that they had assumed no powers inconsistent with the rights of congregational churches at large, and consequently could not be inconsistent with the ecclesi- astical constitution of the colony, and no more than it was the original design of the Saybrook agreement to give them. 2 The separation that originated in this conflict, con- tinued a number of years. Mr. Dana and the ministers who had ordained him, being cut off from all ecclesiastical and ministerial intercourse with the other pastors of the county, 3 formed an association by themselves, which 1 Noah Hobart was born at Hingham, January 12, 1706. He was a son of Daniel Hobart, and a grandson of the Rev. Peter Hobart, the first pastor of the church in that town. He was graduated at Harvard College in 1724, and was ordained pastor of the First Congregational church in Fairfield, Conn., Feb. 17, 1733. He died December 6, 1773, aged 68. He published in 1754, "Principles of the Congregational Churches," &c. ; and in 1761, a vindication of the piece entitled, The Principles of Congre- gational Churches, &c., applied to the case of the late ordination at Wai-, lingford occasioned by remarks made thereon by Mr. Hart. 2 There were also published, A letter to the Rev. Mr. Noah Hobart, by R. Walcott ; Some Remarks upon the claims and doings of the Consociation, &c., By Andrew Bartholomew, A. M., Pastor of the Church in Harwinton ; The Wallingford Case Stated, &c. 3 Rev. Joseph Howe of Killingly, Conn., in a letter dated February 14, 1771, says, " I have been preaching about a little now and then, at Guilford and Hartford (West Division); I was engaged to preach at the latter place, but got no farther than Wallingford, where I preached for that great heretic Dana. I don't know but some will call me as great a one DIVISION OF THE CHURCH. 189 continued until the year 1772, or later, when the contro- versy was finally terminated, in consequence of pacific overtures made by the ministers then constituting the consociation. 1 The prejudice against Mr. Dana gradually wore away ; and even those of his brethren whose views of religious doctrine did not fully accord with his own, neverthe- less, had a high estimate of his talents and character, and did not hesitate to receive him into their pulpits. And when the revolutionary struggle came on, he ren- dered himself particularly popular by the very decided part which he took, both in public and in private, in favor of the American cause. Mr. Whittelsey of New Haven was accustomed to exchange with him at least once while the Legislature was in session ; and Mr. Dana, by some of his patriotic sermons preached on these occasions, did much to increase his popularity throughout the State. Many of the members who were predisposed to judge him unfavorably, from having heard his theological views called in question, were so well satisfied with his political orthodoxy, that they came to regard his supposed Arminianism as a very pardonable offense. 2 After Mr. Dana was disfellowshiped his party con- tinued in Wallingford, and the minor party applied to the New Haven association, who advised them to meet and carry on public worship among themselves, and to apply to the society committee for the use of the meeting- house, when not occupied, and some members of the for it. Be that as it will, I meant not to espouse his party, his cause, or his principles." 1 Stiles' Lit. Diary. Bacon's Hist, Dis. 270. 2 Sprague's Annals, I. 566. IQO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. association would meet with them to carry on worship. Accordingly, July 22, 1759, Rev. Mr. Woodbridge 1 agreed to officiate for them after Mr. Dana's service in the fore- noon and in the evening, which he performed. But a grand-jurors' complaint was entered against him, before John Whiting, Esq., at New Haven, July 26, 1759, for holding a disorderly meeting ; and on a warrant, August 14, 1756, he was arrested and brought up for trial; and being unadvised as to the proper course, pleaded not guilty, and begged delay to take advice ; and at the ad- journment, he asked leave to enter a special plea of guilty, so as to bring the case before the Superior Court, which was denied, and the court pronounced him guilty, and he was obliged to pay a fine or suffer imprisonment ; and he stood recorded a transgressor. He prayed the General Assembly, April 24, 1760, that said judgment might be reversed, and a restoration made. This was granted in the lower house, but negatived in the upper house. October 4th, he renewed his petition, and the Assembly considering his innocent intentions, and the veneration due the sacred office, ordered the penalty removed, and the amount of fine and costs refunded. After the trial of Mr. Dana was ended, the inhab- itants were greatly excited in regard to taxes, and the use of the meeting-house. In May, 1760, ninety-six 2 1 Benjamin Woodbridge was son of Rev. John Woodbridge, the first minister of West Springfield, Mass. He was graduated at Yale College in 1740, and was settled at Amity, afterwards called Woodbridge, in re- membrance of him, near New Haven. 2 Names of the petitioners : John Hall, Caleb Merriman, Eliakim Hall, Israel Johnson, Elnathan Street, Stephen Hall, Street Hall, John Hall, zd, Charles Sperry, Stephen Doolittle, Jennings Johnson, Joel Ives, James Royce, Gideon Ives, Jeremiah Hull, Charles Ives, Joseph Francis, Jacob Francis, Thomas Hall, Titus Hall, Ezekiel Hall, Bates Hall, Stephen DIVISION OF THE CHURCH. IQI persons petitioned the Assembly that they were opposed to the settlement of Mr. Dana, as they had doubts of his orthodoxy when preaching on probation. But the ma- jority, who were much attached to him, and fearing an investigation, did not take the advice of the association in calling and settling him, and before his ordination, articles of complaint against him were presented to the consociation, which he refused to answer. He and his friends denied the authority of the consociation over them, thus declaring their dissent from the church order before practiced by the church and society, and hence the memorialists ought to be acknowledged as the estab- lished church and society. The consociation had a meeting and dissolved all connection between Mr. Dana and the church and society, but his adherents outvoted the petitioners in the society, and laid rates, &c., for his support. They prayed that the doings of the consocia- tion of the twenty-third of April, 1760, might be defended, and that the petitioners might have the meet- Peck, Able Peck, Jonathan Hall, Samuel Merriman, Levi Moss, Timothy Hart, John Barker, Samuel Street, Benjamin Ford, Daniel Peck, John Miles, Ebenezer Fitch, Joseph Thomson, Daniel Clark, Caleb Johnson, Enos Page, Elnathan Street, Jun., Abner , Joshua Doolittle, David Robinson, Giles Hall, Enos Johnson, Sherben Johnson, Reuben Johnson, Jun., Benj. Johnson, Charles Johnson, Edward Fenn, Samuel Street, Jun., Theophilus Merriman, Hezekiah Johnson, Dayton Johnson, Joseph John- son, John Cook, Jun., Israel Negus, John Cook, John Curtis, Jun., Eph- raim Hall, Benjamin Fenn, Daniel Tuttle, Daniel Johnson, Isaac Hall, Ben'j. Culver, Richard Hackley, Abel Merriman, John Mulbree, Clement Hopson, Samuel Hopson, David Page, Timothy Page, Samuel Miles, Stephen Peck, Jun., Elijah How, Samuel Culver, Reuben Benham, John Austin, Jun., Samuel Hall, Benijah Tyler, Theophilus Jones, Jun., Caleb Hall, 2d, David Hall, John Curtis, Wm. Mullbree, Ambrose Hall, Elna- than Thorp, Joseph Atwater, Wm. Bestow, Seth Plum, Samuel Hopson, Jun., John Dudley, John Thomson, Elisha Brockett, Isaac Johnson, Jun., Samuel Jones. IQ2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. ing-house and the immunities pertaining to the First society. 1 Mr. Charles Whittelsey, agent for the society, replied : "That on the death of Mr. Samuel Whittelsey, April, 1758, on the advice of neighboring ministers, Chauncey Whittelsey supplied the pulpit with general approbation, only about seven opposing. But on proposing terms of settlement the cloud of opposition gathered thick, and one third of the voters with the co-operation of some neighboring ministers frustrated their attempt. After this, about twenty candidates succeeded, but no one was approved by the opposing party. And by the advise of neighboring ministers, and vote of the society, Mr. Dana was, March, 1758, introduced by a com- mittee and their doings were approved by a society meeting June 20* 1758. But the Minor party, after a vain endeavor to introduce a Consocional council, which was an irregularity, raised a most violent opposition, and although they were re- leased from rates for the support of Mr. Dana, and allowed to worship by themselves, as provided by assembly, yet they persisted and petitioned the General Assembly. The General Assembly were requested to subject the Minor party to taxes, or restrain them from interference." In 1762, John Hall, Caleb Merriman, Eliakim Hall and Isaac Johnson, agents for the "constitutional party" who did not adhere to Mr. Dana, gave a history of the difficulties to the General Assembly, and claimed their rights. They prayed that the society and the public interest might be divided. They had called and settled Mr. Waterman, and further prayed that the major party with Mr. Dana, might be required to render an account of monies received, and be prohibited from collecting of them further rates. In April oi the same year, a com- i The petition is in the State Library, Ecclesiastical Records, vol. 13, p. 3 2 4- THE WELLS SOCIETY. 1 93 mittee was appointed to fix the place for a meeting- house within certain limits, specified by vote, and to ac- cept the report locating the house partly on Israel John- son's lot, and partly on the common. On the memorial of John Hall, jun., and others, May i, 1762, it was enacted that the minor party be incorporated a distinct ecclesiastical society, and that they be " called, known and distinguished by the name of Wells," and that members might enroll their names within six months, and those who arrive of age, or come into the society, may choose to which they will belong. A committee was appointed to locate a meeting-house, so as not to disturb the other society, and to inquire and propose a division of the property. THE WELLS MEETING-HOUSE. The same month, Theophilus Doolittle, Isaac Cook, Samuel Hall, and Reuben Royce, agents for the First society, petitioned that an injunction might be laid on the- minor party, prohibiting them from building a meet- ing-house. This petition was negatived. Lydia Moss, Mary Price and others testified that they could hear Mr. Waterman preach, and the deacon read the psalms, at least twenty-five rods from the place of worship ; and that the new meeting-house was but eighteen rods from the old one. The same month a committee of the o 194 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. minor party petitioned that they had a minister settled over them, and were building a meeting-house ; and as some of Mr. Dana's parish threatened to throw down the house, because built partly on the highway, they prayed that the location might be confirmed to them. When the dissentients proceeded to erect a new meeting-house, an attempt was made to arrest their work ; and a fight over the trenches dug for the foundations brought together the inhabitants for miles around to participate in the scene, or to witness its issue. Numerous petitions were sent to the General Assem- bly from both parties, in regard to the division, taxes, &c. May 2, 1765, the agents of the First society in a petition said that there could be no absolute property in the old meeting-house, and that the memorialists' leaving was no advantage to those that remained. They prayed there- fore for liberty to tax the Wells society for repairing the steeple and hanging the bell. The Wells society replied that said society and the other societies set off had en- joyed the use of the meeting-house for nearly half a century, and there could be no rule for estimating their interest. As for taxes, they had never paid any, except for schools and some incidental charges. March 25, 1766, it was voted that the First society pay the Wells society 60 for the meeting-house ; that the bell be used in common, and that no taxes granted since December 5, 1758, be collected by members of the Wells society. A remonstrance signed by Messrs. Ingersoll and Johnson was sent in, conveying the idea that the meeting-house was not divisible ; but it was ordered that the inhabit- ants of the First society pay the inhabitants of the Wells society 60. Execution was granted, and land of Benjamin Atwater was taken and set off to the Wells THE WELLS SOCIETY. 1 95 society. At a special meeting of the Wallingfbrd First society, held the last Tuesday in December, 1 766, a long petition was read, giving a history of the settlement and church affairs of Wallingford. " By all which appears that it was a fundamental principle that no planters that were or should be admitted, should with- draw due Maintenance from the Minister or Ministry. Yet nevertheless upon the Ordination of the Rev'd Mr Dana a party of the said Antient Society who Voted and Acted in his Call and Settlement have withdrawn due Maintenance from said Minister, contrary to the Original Contract, League and Covenant, have embroiled us in great Strifes and Conten- tions and now demand a heavy Exaction for the present Meeting House belonging to said first Society in Violation of the first and fundamental principles of said Society. WHEREUPON it is Voted and Agreed that Messrs. John Moss, Benjamin Hall 2d, Daniel Ives, Elihu Hall, Isaac Cook, Peter Hall, Nathaniel Hart and Moses Price be a Committee in behalf of this Society to treat with the members of the present Society of Welles and Expostulate with them on these Matters and Endeavour a Safe and honourable Settlement of that Dispute consistant with the Antient Rights of said first Society and Agreeable with the fundamental Maxims of the first Planters of the same and make Report to this Society. Also to try any other methods to Accomodate the Differences Subsisting between this Society, and the present Society of Welles and make Report to this Society." The Committee appointed, reported at the next meet- ing that they appointed time and place for the purposes aforesaid, and notified the committee of said society of Wells ; but that said committee did not meet. Ten persons, members of the Wells society, in a petition sent to the General Assembly in 1767, stated that long and wearisome had been their contentions ; and the decree respecting the old house had opened the wounds 196 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. afresh ; they prayed that the said decree might be set aside, as they Wished for part of said house, and that they might be free from taxes for the steeple and bell. The agents for the First society in reply said that before the execution was granted they made overtures to come to terms, to make way for peace and a good understand- ing, which was prevented. The levy of the execution would make the breach irreparable. They prayed for a committee to recommend a plan of agreement, and that the execution might be suspended. This was negatived. In October, 1768, Benjamin Atwater petitioned the General Assembly that members of the Wells society entered on his land, and at trial before the Superior Court, August, 1768, they recovered judgment against him, for a large amount of costs ; and as the sheriff had no right to do this, to take private property, he prayed that said judgment might be set aside. This was nega- tived. April 24, 1769, he renewed his petition, as the decree affected personal rights, that it might be set aside; this was negatived. May i, 1770, Mr. Atwater renewed his petition, that an execution could not be levied against a corporate body, on an individual. He prayed the decree might be set aside. This was negatived. March 21, 1771, he renewed his petition and presented a long argument, that, i. An assembly can- not award and enforce execution. 2. Which was against a society in their corporate capacity. 3. Real Estate cannot be taken except in want of personal es- tate. He prayed that their judgment might be set aside This was negatived. Sept. 28, 1772, Oliver Stanley, agent for the First society, petitioned the Gen- eral Assembly, that the steeple was injured by lightning, and he prayed that the cost of repairing, and expense of RECONCILIATION. ringing the bell, might be partly paid by the Wells soci- ety. This was negatived. Thus matters progressed for a number of years, dividing the town, and alienating brethren. 1 May 3, 1787, the Wells church and society, each by separate vote, declared themselves unable longer to sup- port Mr. Waterman. 2 In November, 1788, they voted unanimously that they were " desirous of holding Chris- tian fellowship and communion with the church under the care of Rev. James Noyes, notwithstanding the sen- tence of non-communion passed some years since by a consociated council against said Church." Some of them returned to the old church, and others went to other ecclesiastical organizations ; and their church edi- fice passed into the hands of the Episcopalians about 1831. The controversy at Wallingford was essentially a conflict between the " Old Light " and " New Light " parties. 3 Dr. Dana was understood to be of the then 1 The Wells society numbered in the beginning, about fifty members ; and at the ordination of their pastor, they were increased to sixty-one. In 1770, they had one hundred and four members. 2 Mr. Waterman was settled October, 1761; dismissed June, 1787; and died November, 1813. 3 At the period of the great attention to religious subjects about the year 1740, the religious part of the community were mostly divided into two parties, the New Lights and the Old Lights. The New Lights were active and zealous in the discharge of every thing which they conceived to be their religious duty, and were in favor of Mr. Whitefield and others itin- erating through the country, stirring up the people to reform, &c. The Old Lights considered much of their zeal as wild-fire, and endeavored to suppress it. The contention between these two parties grew so bitter, that those who were of the New Light party, in some instances, withdrew and formed separate churches from those of the standing Order. About thirty separate congregations were formed from 174010 1750. Dr. Dana in his 198 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. liberal school of Boston and that region, and of that party which had opposed the revival of religion ; his settlement in so large and important a church, would be a triumph of that party, which had already become a minority in the county and in the colony ; and there- fore the new light men were determined by all means to prevent the ordination, and when the thing was done to undo it if possible. The ministers constituting the con- sociation of New Haven county were little disposed that one of their prominent churches should be commited to the pastoral care of one whom they considered as having departed so far from their own standard of Christian doctrine. The old light party had previously attempted to use the peculiar constitution of the Connecticut churches as an engine of oppression. They had carried matters with a high hand while they had the power, interfering arbitrarily with the rights of pastors and of churches ; and now they found the very enginery which had been so convenient to them, turned against them. The ordination of Mr. Dana marks the complete and final overthrow of the old lights as a dominant party. Their great fortress, " our ecclesiastical constitution " had been seized, and all its guns were turned upon them. A new generation of ministers, trained under the influence of the great awakening, and indoctrinated to "Century sermon" preached in 1770, says : "No town of the same bigness in the government hath had fewer of the people called separates. In the large parish of New Cheshire, there is not one family of this denomination. In Meriden but two or three. In the old society there are eight or nine families, who assemble for religious worship by themselves." p. 44. A full history of the Old Light and New Light controversy and of separate churches, can be found in Trumbull's Hist, of Conn., 2, 163-195 ; Tracy's Great Awakening, 310-325; Contributions to the Eccles. Hist, of Conn., 280 ; Bacon's Hist. Dis., 271. REV. JAMES DANA. 1 99 some extent with the writings of Edwards and Bellamy, had come. The era of New England theology was opening. Mr. Dana was a young man at the time of his ordina- tion, and had little acquaintance with the colony, and doubtless took his measures partially from the ordaining council. His theological views when he began to preach were those which in that day were becoming prevalent in the region about Boston ; views which there, in the course of one or two generations, beginning with opposition to the extravagances and enthusiasm of the revival, and growing into opposition to what was called bigotry and superstition, ripened into Unitarianism. 1 Whatever his sentiments were at the time of his ordina- tion, he doubtless considerably changed them upon further improvement and more mature consideration. He made no secret of it, that he committed numbers of his first sermons to the flames. As the ministers and churches of Connecticut began to be better acquainted with him, and to recover from the fright occasioned by the extraordinary manner in which he was settled, they were constrained to recognize him as a man of great talent and learning, of great judgment and prudence in the management of affairs, of great fearlessness and con- scientiousness in performing what he conceived to be his duty, and of eminent public usefulness. 2 James Dana was a descendant, in the third genera- 1 " I do not regard it as right to imply that Dr. Dana was a Unitarian, or that he held doctrines inconsistent with those received in orthodox churches. Vide his confession of faith, and the testimony of the ordain- ing council after his examination, &c. He was suspected, being from Boston. If the views of others ripened into Unitarianism, his did not." Ex tract from letter of Rev. E. /?. Gilbert. 2 Bacon's Hist. Dis., 272. 2OO HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. tion, from Richard Dana, who was born in 1620, came from England to America and settled at Cambridge, Mass., in 1647, an< ^ died April 2, 1690. He was a son of Caleb and Phcebe ( Chandler) Dana, and was born at Cambridge in the year 1735. He was graduated at Harvard College in 1753, and remained there as a resi- dent graduate for several years afterwards, pursuing his theological studies and giving much attention to general literature. In 1758 he was called as pastor of the church at Wallingford, being then in his twenty-third year. In 1768, he was honored with the degree of Doctor of Divinity from the University of Edinburg. His health being very poor in 1785, Mr James Noyes was chosen as his colleague ; but the Doctor's health was soon after, so far restored, that he was able to perform his part of the duties, both public and private, without any serious embarassment. In 1789, being then in his fifty-fourth year, Dr. Dana was called to the pastoral charge of the First church in New Haven, then vacant by the death of the Rev. Chauncey Whittelsey. He accepted the call and was installed on the twenty-ninth of April. The installation sermon was preached by himself, and was published. After the council for installing him had met, and the preliminary matters had been attended to, Dr. Dana read a statement of his religious views, written with great care a'nd caution, but containing some pungent allusions to the " new divinity " of that day. After the reading of this document, Dr. Edwards, as the champion of a newer and more thorough orthodoxy, undertook to examine him by asking him questions. The questioning being finished on Dr. Edwards' part, Dr. Dana retaliated, by proposing a series of questions for the examiner to REV. JAMES DANA. 2OI answer. 1 Both had prepared themselves beforehand ; and both appear to have brought their questions in writing to the place of meeting. Dr. Dana doubtless anticipating some such collision, Dr. Edwards as ap- peared afterwards, did not obtain satisfaction. Whether Dr. Dana was satisfied, we are not informed. Dr. Edwards is said to have expressed the conviction that " Dr. Dana, besides being opposed to the ' new divinity,' was unsound respecting the Trinity, the doctrine of Election, and the doctrine of future punishment." " Yet," says President Stiles, in recording this fact, "all the rest of the council (except Dr. Edwards and Mr. Austin), were satisfied that the Doctor was sound as to all these points." Dr. Bacon, 2 in referring to this subject, expresses his full conviction of Dr. Dana's orthodoxy in regard to the doctrine of the Trinity, and of future punishment ; but adds, " I think, however, notwithstanding Dr. Stiles' testimony, that his doctrine of Election was nothing more than that which is com- monly known as the Arminian doctrine on that subject." The ministry of Dr. Dana at New Haven was for the most part peaceful and quiet ; but none who remember that the great end of the ministry is to " win souls," and by the blessing of God, to bring men under the full power of the gospel of Christ, can call it successful. The average annual addition to the number of commu- 1 These questions can be found in Bacon's Historical Discourses, page 396; also in Stiles' Literary Diary. Dr. Stiles said that he copied these questions "from the original paper which Dr. Dana had before him in his own hand-writing in council, at the time of asking the questions, and from which he asked the questions. Dr. Edwards asked his questions also from a prepared paper, which he brought into the council, took out of his pocket and used." 2 Hist. Dis., 276. 2O2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. nicants during his ministry of sixteen years and a half, in New Haven, was only between five and six ; ninety- three in all. Two services on the Sabbath, the monthly sacramental lecture, the occasional catechising of the children, and the annual public fast and thanksgiving, were all the religious meetings known in the congrega- tion. Dr. Dana, by his discretion, and his dignified propriety of conduct ; by his diligence and courage in visiting the sick, especially in times of pestilence, when some other ministers retreated from the danger ; by the venerable beauty of all his public performances, particu- larly his prayers ; and by his unquestionable reputation for learning and wisdom, continued to hold the affections of the people much longer than most men could have done in similar circumstances. 1 Notwithstanding the growing infirmities of age, Dr. Dana appears to have lost nothing of the respect of his own people or of the community. But in the winter of 1804, ne was confined, for some time, by illness; and Mr. (afterwards Professor) Stuart, having then been re- cently licensed to preach, was employed to supply the pulpit. His preaching was earnest, direct, and pungent, differing herein from that to which the congregation had been accustomed ; and so powerful was the impression made by it that they quickly resolved on an effort to secure Mr. Stuart's labors permanently by settling him as a colleague with Dr. Dana. On the 3Oth of July, 1805, the society by vote signified their will "that Dr. Dana retire from his pastoral labors." This vote was in effect the dismission of the aged pastor ; the younger part of the congregation after listening to the strong, I Bacon's Hist. Dis., 278. REV. JAMES DANA. 2O3 impetuous eloquence of Mr. Stuart, had found out all at once that their pastor, then threescore and ten years old, was indeed an old man. The relation of Dr. Dana to the church and society was formally disolved by an ecclesiastical council in December, 1805 ; and then the way being clear, the society immediately elected Mr. Stuart to be their pastor. 1 Dr. Dana's feelings were deeply wounded by this procedure ; and in consequence of it, he attended public worship for several years, in the college chapel. After Mr. Stuart had left his charge and gone to Andover, Dr. Dana occasionally came back to the old meeting-house to join in worship with those who had formerly constituted his flock. His presence there was grateful to the people, and revived the associations of other days. The society expressed by vote their grati- fication at seeing him, and their wish that he would, worship with them statedly. The gentleman who presented him a copy of the vote, gave Dr. Bacon the following account of the interview : " Dr. Dana," said he, " I have a communication for you from the society." " Please to read it sir," said the old man in reply, putting the paper back into the hands of the other, and straight- ening himself up to a little more than his usual dignity. The vote was read distinctly, and with due emphasis. " Please to read it again, sir," said the Doctor, still sitting in stiff and antique dignity, with his thin, ghastly countenance unmoved, as if he were something between a ghost and a monument. Again the communication was read, with earnest desires that it might make a I The ordination of Mr Stuart took place on the fifth of March. He was dismissed on the ninth of January, 1810, having been invited to the professorship of Sacred Literature in the Thelogical Seminary at Andover. 2O4 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. favorable impression. " It is well," said the old man ; and his voice quivered and broke, as he uttered his reply, " I know not but that I may say, ' Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace.' " When Mr. (afterwards Dr.) N. W. Taylor was or- dained, April, 1812, Dr. Dana officiated as Moderator of the Council, and gave the charge to the candidate. On the first Sabbath after the ordination, Mr. Taylor invited him to take his seat in the pulpit ; and there he was regularly found every Sabbath, as long as he was able to attend public worship. He died after a brief illness, August 1 8, 1812, at the age of seventy-seven. His funeral sermon was preached by President Dwight. REV. JAMES DANA, D. D. Says Dr. Sprague : " When I entered Yale College in 1811, Dr. Dana was a regular attendant at the public service on the Sabbath, in the College chapel. I recol- lect him as the mere shadow of a man, tall, slender, and in his general appearance more ghostly than any human being I remember to have seen. He used to sit in the pulpit with Dr. Dwight, and I believe pretty REV. JAMES DANA. 2O5 uniformly took part in the Communion service. His prayers were remarkably solemn, reverential and impres- sive. The only other public service I ever heard from him was the Charge at the ordination of Mr. Taylor, which was pertinent and excellent, and seemed almost as if he were speaking it from out of his grave. I had never but one interview with him, and my recollection of him then is that he was extremely bland and courteous." 1 Says Professor James L. Kingsley, of Yale College : "Dr. Dana, I always thought, had more talent than ap- peared from his publications. The circumstances in which he was early placed led him to be cautious in his language ; and habit so confirmed him in an indefinite style of writing that his preaching ordinarily made but little impression on an audience. He sometimes preached in the College chapel, and I have often remarked that for the first third of his sermon he would gain the atten- tion of the students ; for the second third it would be difficult to say whether he retained it or not ; and for the last third he would lose it entirely. His sermons had a plan ; but a large part of his audience would scarcely perceive it, and were soon lost. Dr. Dana con- tinued to write sermons as long as he preached. Old sermons he probably sometimes reproduced ; but this he did seldom. For the sermons he had once delivered, certainly for many of them, he seemed to care little. If the fire was failing, I have seen him, to restore it, use a sermon or sermons. If the time for tea had arrived, and the tea-kettle had not boiled, he would sometimes send a sermon into the kitchen, and perhaps with the remark, ' it will boil now.' He was the best textuary I I Annals of the American Pulpit, i, 569. 2C)6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. have ever known. He would not only refer at once any text to its proper place, but if I asked what were the words in any book, chapter, and verse of the Bible, he would generally answer correctly. When he had sold or given away his Concordance to a young clergyman, and some surprise was expressed at his doing it, I remember he put a finger to his forehead, and said sport- ively, 'My best Concordance I have retained.' From his peculiar style of writing, he was sometimes thought to mean what he never intended. Thus, when he was about leaving his society in New Haven, and he sup- posed that he should preach to his people but once more, I remember that he said at breakfast on the Sun- day when he appeared in his desk for the last time, that he should deliver a discourse which he prepared for his people in Wallingford, when he left them in circum- stances somewhat similar. That is, when he preached the discourse, it was doubtful whether he should con- tinue any longer in Wallingford, and it was now doubt- ful whether he should continue any longer with his society in New Haven. He said he had left Wallingford with the best feelings on both sides, and that he had no wish to say in New Haven any thing which might be supposed to proceed from a sense of injury on his part. In taking his Wallingford sermon, he thought he should escape all danger. The sermon I heard. The text was very appropriate for the occasion : Phil. I. 27 ; 'Only let your conversation,' &c. The whole of the discourse was kind and affectionate. It was thought, however, to have been written expressly for the occasion ; and some said, ' The Doctor has made some very good hits.' Dr. Dana was thought to excel in prayer, especially before the Legislature or in Court. His prayers on such occa- REV. JAMES DANA. 2O/ sions were written and committed to memory. They were short and very appropriate. On one occasion, one of his friends told him that General P., of the south, distinguished as a civilian, but not much distinguished for his attendance on public worship, had remarked that a prayer which he (Dr. D.) had offered at the opening of the Legislature, was the most impressive prayer to which he had ever listened. ' How many prayers do you think General P. has ever heard ? ' was the reply. Dr. Dana was a man of gentlemanly and dignified man- ners, and he had a very nice sense of propriety in all his intercourse with others." Rev. Timothy Mather Cooley, D. D., communicated the following letter to Sprague's Annals of the American Pulpit. "Granville, May 8, 1854. " My Dear Sir : " While I was in College, Dr. Dana was minister of the First Church in New Haven ; and, during my senior year, I had my home in his family. I had, therefore, a good opportunity of knowing him ; and cheerfully com- ply with your request, in giving you my impressions concerning his character. In his person he was strongly marked. He was of a tall and slender form, and had a sort of shadowy appearance that would have dis- tinguished him even in a crowd. He had a sharp, thin face ; but his expression was at once benignant and highly intellectual ; and his face was a faithful index to his character. His riatural temper was free from all asperity, and full of kindness and good will. His man- ners were in a high degree urbane and gentlemanly, and shewed that he had been accustomed always to move in the most polished circles. He was one of the most 2O8 HISTORY OF VVALLINGFORD. agreeable companions I ever knew, with great intel- lectual resources and a large fund of anecdote ; and he could accommodate himself with the most graceful ease to the highest and lowest classes ; and all were equally delighted with his conversation. In his dress he was remarkably neat, without, however, seeming to be unduly particular. His mind undoubtedly, was of a very high order. He was an acute metaphysician, and had the courage even, to grapple with that intellectual giant of his generation the elder Jonathan Edwards. He was a remarkably well educated man ; had an exact and culti- vated taste, and there were few men of his day in New England, whose style of writing was equally pure and faultless. As a preacher, Dr. Dana certainly did not belong to the most orthodox class in New England. His sermons were generally very little of a doctrinal charac- ter, and were remarkable rather for a chaste and correct style, and excellent practical suggestions, than for a high- ly evangelical tone, or for direct and earnest appeals. He had uncommon aptness of mind, and would often introduce passages of Scripture with most striking appropiateness ; as, for instance, in preaching President Stiles' funeral sermon, he quoted a passage in reference to him concerning Ezra the Scribe. His character as a preacher was formed about the middle of the last cen- tury, under the influence which then prevailed at Cam- bridge and Boston ; and it is probable that the type which it then assumed, though it may have been somewhat modified, remained substantially* the same during his life. The last time I saw Dr. Dana was after he had become very old, and had entirely lost his sight. I found him however, just as cheerful as when I had known him in former years. I asked him whether he did not find REV. JAMES DANA. 2OQ it difficult to be submissive under so grievous a calamity ; and he answered with the most perfect serenity and cheerfulness, ' Not at all. I would not double an afflic- tion by being unsubmissive under it.' " Your affectionate friend and brother, " TIMOTHY MATHER COOLEY." The following is believed to be nearly a correct cata- logue of his published works : Sermon on the death of John Hall, Esq., 1763; Sermon on the death of Chas. Whittelsey, 1764; Two Sermons on faith and inscrutable Providence, preached at Cambridge, 1767; A Century Discourse in Wallingford, 1770; An examination of Edwards on the will ( anonymous), 1770 ; An examination of the same continued, ( with his name), 1773; Discourse at the opening of a new place of worship in Kensington, 1774; Election Sermon, 1779; Sermon on the tragical exit of William Beadle, &c., 1782; Yale College subject to the General Assembly, (anonymous), 1784; Sermon on the death of Rev. Chauncey Whittelsey, 1787 Sermon on the nativity of Christ, 1789; Discourse at his own installation, 1789 ; Discourse on the African Slave Trade, 1790; Discourse at the execution of Joseph Moun- tain, 1790; Three Sermons in the American Preacher, 1791 ; Discourse at the installation of the Rev. Abiel Holmes, 1792 ; Discourse at the ordination of Ebenezer Gay, Jr., 1793 ; Dis- course at the ordination of Elijah Waterman, 1794 ; Discourse on the folly of practical Atheism, 1794; Discourse on the death of President Stiles, 1795 > Two occasional discourses at the beginning of the year, 1801 ; Sermon at the ordination of Andrew Yates, 1801 ; Sermon on the death of Ebenezer Grant, March, 1803 ; Sermon on the character of Scoffers, 1805 ; Thanksgiving Sermon, 1805 ; f Sermons to young people, 1806. 2IO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. CHAPTER X. CHURCH AT MERIDEN. IN 1724, the number of families within the limits of Meriden had increased to thirty-five. The distance to Wallingford being great, and the roads bad, they natu- rally wished for public worship nearer to their residences. Some families had attended the ministry of the Rev. William Burnham, of the Great Swamp or Kensington parish. 1 According to the custom of that day, however, they did not proceed to accomodate themselves in the matter, until it had been laid before the town, and their express permission obtained. Accordingly in 1724, we find a vote that " in respect to the North Farmers that they may hire a minister for four months this winter on their own charge." In May, 1725, Nathaniel Merriam and others petitioned the General Assembly that the town of Wallingford at their meeting held April 27, 1725, had by their vote granted that there should be a society in or near the north part of Wallingford, upon the condition "In s d vote mentioned, and appointed a Committee to I "May, 1722: Resolved by this Assembly that the 2d Society in Farm- ington, with what of Wethersfield and Middletown is by this Assembly annexed thereto, shall for the future be called and known by the name of Kensington." CHURCH AT MERIDEN. 211 state bounds for s d society or such part thereof as is in- tended to be taken out of s d Wallingford which together with the lands commonly called Wallingford West Society or to Farmington South Society, we hope are and will be capable of carrying on and supporting the work of a Society and the Gospell ministry among themselves (especially if Mr. Belchers farm were added) and the s d Inhabitants living very remote from any place of Public worship, viz at the distance of 6, 7, and 8 miles and the nearest 4. We therefore urged by these pressing Difficulties and encour- aged by yo r Hon bles wonted paternal care and goodness do Humbly Pray this Hon ble Assembly that we may (with the addition of Mr. Belchers farm afforrs d ) be made a District society for setting up and carrying on and support- ing the Public worship of God among ourselves with such Liberties powers and priveledges as other such societies have and by law enjoy." The above petition was granted exclusive of Mr. Belcher's farm, and in 1725, they organized themselves into a distinct Ecclesiastical Society ; and that society and the territory they occupied, received the present name of Meriden. For the next two years they had public worship only in the winter season, and their meetings were held in a private house. But at the very outset, there arose a very serious difficulty as to the location of their meeting-house. The inhabitants around " Dog's Misery," would naturally desire that the church should be as near as possible to their farms ; and the people at " Pilgrim's Harbor," " the Old Road," and " Milking-yard farms," would be equally desirous of a site convenient to themselves. That part of the town, now constituting " the center," was then entirely unin- habited, or was of so little consequence, that its claims in the matter do not appear to have been thought of. 212 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. At length it was decided that the meeting-house should be built on the western slope of the hill, still known as the " meeting-house hill," in which decision, the " Dog's Misery" party had the advantage. In accordance with this decision, the materials were all prepared, and col- lected at .the chosen spot. But the aggrieved party, hoping yet to gain redress, collected men and teams at night, and hauled the timbers over a brook, and up a hill, to a lot on or near which the old Willard Hall house now stands, that being the spot where they wished the house to stand. Of course such a step would excite no small stir. The other party assembled amidst great ex- citement, and loud and bitter was the controversy. A town meeting was called, and the very men and teams who toiled all night to carry the timbers westward, were compelled to haul them back to the old spot, in broad daylight, amid the taunts and jeers of the assembled people. To them it was more sport in bringing the timbers over than in carrying them back. Facilis descensus Averni ; Sed revocare gradum, . Hoc opus, hie labor est. The house was then built on the spot first selected. It was about thirty feet square, and built in the very plainest style. That humble edifice, humble in compar- ison with the spacious and beautiful structures that now adorn the town, was built and maintained in repair with an honorable zeal for public worship. In such a temple, our fathers maintained the worship and ordinances of God for twenty-eight years, sitting sabbath after sab- bath, through a long course of exercises, which would weary out the men of our degenerate days. In Decem- ber, 1728, Rev. Theophilus Hall began to preach in the REV. THEOPHILUS HALL. 213 new meeting-house. October 9, 1729, it was resolved to form a church ; and on October 22, after a day of fasting and prayer the church was duly organized, and the following persons were gathered as the original members : JOHN MERRIAM, Jr., and wife, The wife of JOHN IVES, NATH'L MERRIAM and wife, The wife of BENJ. CURTIS, ROBERT ROYCE, JOHN HECOCK and wife, SAMUEL ROYCE and wife, JOHN COLE, THOMAS YALE and wife, The wife of WILLIAM HOUGH, JOHN MERRIAM, The wife of JOHN YALE, BARTHOLOMEW FOSTER, The wife of JOSEPH COLE, ROBERT COLLINS, The wife of NATH'L ROYCE, DAVID LEVIT, The wife of DAVID RICH, EZEKIEL ROYCE and wife, The wife of DANIEL HARRIS, ABEL ROYCE and wife, The wife of S. ANDREWS, BENJ. ROYCE and wife, The wife of TIM. JEROM, JOSEPH MERRIAM, The wife of J. ROBINSON, DAN. BALDING and wife, The wife of W. MERRIAM, AMOS CAMP and wife, The wife of JAS. ROYCE, BENJ. WHITING and wife, WIDOW ROYCE, SAM'L IVES and wife, MARY HOUGH, EBENEZER PRINDLE and wife, EUNICE COLE, JOHN WAY and wife. The Rev. Theophilus Hall was the first pastor of the church. He was born in Wallingford, April i, 1707, and was the son of Samuel and Love Hall. He was graduated at Yale College in 1727, and was ordained first pastor of the church in Meriden, Oct. 29, 1729, where he remained until his death, March 25, 1767, in the sixtieth year of his age. In his personal appear- ance he was quite small in stature, and with suavity of temper and dignity of manners, he united the greatest affability. Persuaded of the truth of Christianity, and deeply sensible of its importance, he was well able to 214 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. defend it. Feeling the truth, dignity and importance of his subject, in composing his sermons, he seemed to have caught the fervor of St. Paul in delivering them. Diligent to know the state of his flock, and naturally caring for it, his pastoral visits were frequent and judiciously conducted. Dr. Dana said of him that he was " a man of strong intellectual powers, much esteemed as a preacher, of great firmness and stability, and a zealous advocate for civil and religious liberty." During his ministry about two hundred and fifty person were added to the church. Self-denying, humble, prayerful, full of love for souls, and faithful to the cause of Christ, he unquestionably was. Geoffrey Chaucer, the father of English poetry, draws his picture in the following description of a parish priest : " A good man there was of religion, He was a poor parson of a town, But rich he was of holy thought and werk, He was a learned man, a clerk, That Christe's Gospel trewely wolde preche ; His parishens devoutly wolde tech, Benign he was, and wonder diligent, And in adversity full patient. ******* Wide was his parish and houses far asunder, But he ne left nought for no rain ne thunder, In sickness and in mischeefe to visite, The feerest in his parish, moche and lite, Upon his fete, and in his hand a staff. But if were any person obstinat, What so he were of high or low estat, Him would he snibben sharply for the nones. " Mr. Hall left a widow and seven children. His eldest son, the Rev. Avery Hall, was pastor of a church in REV. THEOPHILUS HALL. 21 5 Rochester, N. Y The second daughter, Eunice, mar- ried the Rev. Andrew Lee, D. D., of Lisbon, Conn., Oct. 15, 1768. Mr. Hall published two sermons on the death of Rev. Isaac Stiles ; two sermons on Faith ; and a sermon delivered at the ordination of the Rev. Mat- thew Merriam, of Berwick, Me. 1 Mr. Hall lived in a house, not now in existence, which stood on the lot where the present Willard Hall house now stands, on Curtis street, near the city line. He also owned a farm of about one hundred acres, which comprised all the central part of the town. It was bounded by a line drawn from the Town House, and running southerly about one hundred rods, then easterly to a point near the grounds of the old Catholic Church, corner of Olive and Broad streets, thence northerly to the head of Liberty street, and thence to the point of departure. On this farm he built a house for his son. That house now stands in its original location, and is occupied as the Central Hotel. In 1750, the subject began to be agitated in regard to building a new house, and Mr. Hall offered to give the land which was near the place where the Center Congre- gational church now stands, which was nearly a mile north of the old church. This place met with much opposition, and April 17, 1752, Ezekiel Royce and Daniel Hough petitioned the General Assembly that the place set by the committee appointed for that pur- pose, " is upon Rev. Mr. Theophilus Hall's land, which renders it impracticable to use the place for the purpose proposed The committee supposing the center I Mr. Merriam was a native of Wallingforcl, and was graduated at Yale College in 1759. He was ordained pastor of the church at Berwick, Me., in September, 1765, and died in January, 1797. 2l6 HISTORY OF VVALLINGFORD. of the society to be north of the place set, where truly it ought to be esteemed by reason of much mountainous and waste land in the northern part of said society." The petitioners went on to show that another place south of the place set by the said committee was much more commodious, and to which the people might resort with less travel. The petition was not granted, and the church was built in 1755. It was about sixty feet long and fifty broad. Originally it was without steeple or bell, but in 1803 a steeple was added and a bell pro- cured. This house was occupied for public worship seventy-six years. At the time- 1 of the decease of the Rev. Mr. Hall, the church in Meriden was in special relation to the neigh- boring elders and churches, as a member of the Conso- ciation of New Haven county. Churches standing in this relation, had esteemed it their duty to consult the association in times of pastoral bereavement with regard to a suitable candidate to be improved upon probation in order to settlement. Many of the society earnestly requested that the society would pursue this common and orderly practice, which the majority refused ; and at the same time, Oct. 5, 1767, voted to invite Mr. Hubbard, a clergyman reputed unsound in the great principles of the gospel, to preach four Sabbaths upon probation. This vote was not unanimous, as forty-two were in favor of the call, and twenty-one opposed it. At the society meeting, the votes on the proposal to present a call to Mr. Hubbard stood, sixty-five in the affirmative and thirty-seven in the negative. They also voted to give him a settlement, as it was called ; that is, a gift of one hundred pounds at his settlement, and an annual salary of eighty pounds, which was about equal to $250 ; one SETTLEMENT OF MR. HUBBARD. half of which was to be paid in wheat, rye and corn. But the division indicated by these votes appears to have been a very serious one, and the feelings excited in the church very strong. On the twelfth of October, forty-seven 1 of the society preferred a petition to said society, entreating that they would advise with the asso- ciation as usual, relative to a candidate for settlement, or that application might be made to either of the associa- tions in the Colony to advise them in that important affair, objecting at the same time against Mr. Hubbard, on account of his general character for unsoundness in the great doctrines of the gospel. The major party notwithstanding, on the second of November following, did by their vote, invite Mr. Hubbard to settle among them in the work of the ministry. The minor party upon this, invited the Consociation of the County to meet in Meriden, and exhibited a complaint to the Association alleging that his introduction as a candidate among them was irregular, and that his principles were heret- ical. Being regularly notified to appear before the Asso- ciation, and he making no objection with regard to the shortness of the time given him, nor intimating that he desired more, or would ever answer to the complaint be- fore the Association ; but denying their right of juris- diction, the Association rcalled his recommendation to the churches, and so far as they were concerned, silenced him. The church proceeded nevertheless, and invited a council to assemble, Dec. 29, 1 767, to ordain Mr. Hub- bard. They met, but on the same day, the Consociation I It ought properly to have been forty-three ; for four signed after the meeting, which made the whole number forty-seven. These four were against Mr. Hubbard at the time of the meeting, but had not opportunity then to sign. 2l8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. of the county also assembled in Meriden at the invita- tion of the minority. The council prepared to ordain Mr. Hubbard, agreeably to the wishes of the majority ; the Consociation assembled to aid and advise the minority in opposing the ordination. There was thus presented the unseemly spectacle of two ecclesiastical bodies, assembled as rallying points for the two little parties into which the church was divided. Both of these bodies remained in session four days, sending from one to the other, letters, resolutions and remon- strances, becoming themselves more and more excited, and of course, exasperating the feud among the people which had already become intense. Mr. Hubbard had for many years been reported unsound in some important articles of the Christian faith, and the Association might possibly with justice have called him to give a new account of his principles before; but he being generally employed in other busi- ness, and no complaint being exhibited against him, the Association, whether out of neglect, or tenderness to Mr. Hubbard, never took the matter into consideration until he preached at Meriden on probation, when a formal complaint being exhibited against him, and he refusing to vindicate himself, the Association thought they could not answer a good conscience, unless they proceeded as related above. The major part, notwith- standing, agreed with Mr. Hubbard to settle with them as their pastor, and invited a council to ordain him, who having met and heard the whole affair, and considered the broken state of the society, were of the opinion that it was not best to ordain him. But it seems the difficulties only became worse. The next May session, the minor party applied to the SETTLEMENT OF MR. HUBBARD. 2IQ Assembly for relief, who granted them a committee to hear the affairs of the society and look into the state of it, and make report thereof; which they afterwards did, and the Assembly released the aggrieved from all taxes to Mr. Hubbard, until the rising of the next Assembly ' The committee from the Assembly, previous to their report, advised to the calling in a number of ministers and lawyers, whom they particularly named, as a council to advise the parish in their broken and unhappy cir- cumstances. The minor party in compliance with their advice, agreed to call in the reverend gentlemen nominated by said committee, viz., the Rev. Messrs. Devotion, Salter, Strong, Welles, Johnson, Cogswell and Huntington of Coventry, as a council for advice; and declared by a writing 2 under their hand that they would 1 This petition which was preferred at the May session, was not heard until the session in October following. "In April, 1768, twenty-eight per- sons petitioned the General Assembly that the society at Meriden was destitute of a pastor, and invited Rev. John Hubbard Jr. of New Haven to preach ; a man reputed unsound in gospel doctrines, against whom the memorialists presented a complaint to the Association, who revoked his license. Yet the Society agreed, November 1767, with him for settlement, and fixed the time for the ordination, which they could not obtain. They then hired him, and laid a tax to support preaching, and to avoid being called to account for disorderly proceedings, the church and society have removed the Ecclesiastical constitution established by law. The petition- ers prayed that they might be freed from paying rates and charges, and allowed to hire a minister among themselves." This petition was signed by John Ives, Elijah Scovill, Samuel Penfield, Isaac Hall 3d, Brenton Hall, Dan. Collins, Levi Yale, Amos Camp Jr., Timothy Ives, Abel Yale, Edward Collins, Elisha Scovill, Yale Bishop, Peter Penfield, Isaac Hall, Ebenezer Prindle, Amos Camp, Nathaniel Penfield, Reynold Beckwith, Noah Yale, Gideon Ives, Stephen Perkins, John Hall, Samuel Scovill, David Hall, Elnathan Ives, John Berry. October 4, 1769, fifty-four peti- tioners desired that the memorial should be prosecuted. 2 The proposal was in these words : "That the Rev. Ebenezer Devotion, Mr. Salter, Mr. Strong of Coventry, Mr. Welles of Stamford, Mr. Johnson 22O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. follow their advice, until ready for ordination, and that these gentlemen should nominate an ordaining council for them. With this agreement which was delivered to the society signed by the minor part, the major part of the society refused a compliance ; and after much pains taken, finding that they could obtain no one in the colony who would assist them in the ordination of Mr. Hubbard, excepting the two Elders, who were particu- larly interested in the affair, and had before given their judgment in the matter, they prevailed upon four gentle- men, with delegates from two neighboring colonies ( one nevertheless, even of this number being a brother by marriage to the pastor elect, and in this respect disquali- fied to judge in such an affair) to assist them in conjunction with the others above mentioned. In October, 1768, Isaac Hall, and others, members of the society of Meriden, petitioned the General Assembly, after stating the particulars of the settlement of Mr. Hubbard, "That there is near one half of the Society in Number and List who cannot in Conscience attend his ministry, of Lyme, Mr. Cogswell of Canterbury, and Huntington of Coventry, shall be a committee with whom we will advise respecting a Candidate for Settlement among us in the work of the Gospel Ministry; and whose advice we will follow from Time to Time, 'till we are ready for Ordination. And that whenever we are agreed in a Candidate, and desire his ordination these same Ministers with Delegates from their respective Churches, shall be the Council to ordain him ; or we will be advised by them in choosing a Council and will send for such, and such only as they shall advise to." This proposal was introduced with a preamble setting forth the willingness and desire of the minor part, to unite with their brethren upon any reasonable terms. That they made this proposal in compliance with the advice of the commissioners from the " Honorable General Assembly," and that they would abide by it. The writing bore date January 9, 1769. Sealed proposals had been before made by the aggrieved, much to the same purpose. SETTLEMENT OF MR. HUBBARD. 221 that said Society have laid a tax on the members of it to pay Mr. Hubbard for preaching, and defray the charges of his intended ordination. That by their continuing him in said Society no minister can be settled, nor any orthodox regular Candidate be introduced or improved. That said Society and Church have renounced the Ecclesiastical Constitution of this Colony so that they cannot be called to an account by an Ecclesiatical Council. Though the Memorialists continue to adhere to the established Con- stitution, which they highly value and praying for relief &c., as per Memorial on file. Resolved by this Assembly that Joseph Spencer, Zebulon West, Esq., and Mr. Jonathan Welles, he and they are hereby appointed a Committee to repair to said Meriden, with full Power and Authority to examine all the Matters and Things complained of in said Memorial or relating thereto, and the State of said Society, and to hear all the concerned, and to make Report of what they shall find with their opinion thereon to this or the next General Assembly to be holden at Hartford in May next, and that in the meantime the tax mentioned in said Memorial be not levied upon the Memorialists and those who have been aggrieved with said Proceedings of said Society." In October, 1769, it was resolved that all persons who entered their names with the Town Clerk at Wallingford before the expiration of six months should be exempted from paying any rates laid and imposed by the society for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the settle- ment and support of Mr. Hubbard. The same year a committee was appointed to make inquiries, &c., and reported that the list of the Meriden society was ^8420 i6s. id. "Major party list, lawful voters, ^4732 lu. gd. Major party, unlawful voters, 415 18 3 222 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. Minor party, lawful voters, ^3020 igs $d. Minor party, unlawful voters, 162 10 List of neutral and non-residents, 723 19 6." They thought a division would be ruinous to both parties ; " but to oblige the minor party to pay taxes to such a preacher, is an infringement of their rights, and they recommend a council." The minor party said in their petition, September, 1770, that the church and society continued on the Saybrook platform, during the life of their late pastor, from which the major party had withdrawn, but excluded the petitioners from the meet- ing-house which the major party had forfeited. They prayed to be recognized as the First Society, with right to possess the house, and that a committee be appointed. This petition was signed by Isaac Hall, Amos Camp, Nathaniel Penfield, Noah Yale, Elnathan Ives, Gideon Ives, Moses Mitchell and John Berry. The committee appointed, reported that the major party taxed the chil- dren of the minor party when they came of age ; which they thought should be refunded, and the children of all when they came of age, and persons coming into the society, might choose to which party they belong. In October, 1774, eight petitioners who joined the minor party, found the charges against Mr. Hubbard without foundation, and returned ; but the minor party continued to tax them ; they prayed therefore for a release, which was negatived. The petition was signed by James Scovill, Daniel Baldwin, Divan Berry, Benjamin Rexford, John Morgan, Thomas Mix, Jr., Daniel Baldwin, Jr., and Benjamin Ford. The affair seems to have excited a good deal of attention throughout the state ; for letters and statements respecting all these proceedings appeared in the papers, and several pamphlets were published, in SETTLEMENT OF MR. HUBBARD. 223 which the affair, with all its bearings, and the principles involved, were earnestly discussed. At length, June 22, 1769, after nearly two years of unhappy controversy, Mr. Hubbard was ordained, and the Rev. Chauncey Whittelsey, of New Haven, preached the ordination sermon. But so strong was the feeling among the ministers of the State, that few would take any part in the ordination ; and a council, composed principally of persons out of the State, convened at Meriden, and performed the required ceremonies. 1 In consequence of his settlement a portion of the church and society seceded, organized themselves as a separate body and maintained public worship. They met for some years in a private house, belonging to Captain Shaler, situated near the spot where the house of Mr. George P. Hall now stands, on the road leading to the north-east part of the town, and about one mile from the center. In 1770, there were but eight or nine families who met there. Gradually they all returned, as Mr. I In a " Letter from the Association of the County of New Haven to the Reverend Elders in the Colony of Rhode Island and Massachusetts- Bay who assisted at the Ordination of Rev. John Hubbard," printed at New Haven in 1770; the writer says, " It was extraordinary that among so large a number of unexceptionable candidates as were to be found in the colony, they should fix upon one whose character for many years had been exceptionable ! It was extraordinary, that after a trial of four Sab- baths, and almost fifty in opposition, that they should invite him to settle- ment ! It was extraordinary, that after his License was regularly recalled, they should continue their invitation ! It was extraordinary that a Council of Judges of their own choosing should not judge agreeable to their minds ! There were, doubtless, extraordinary circumstances attending the Society, that a Council could not be obtained in the Colony, who would proceed to ordination ! It was extraordinary, that when the union was so small, and the matter was properly under the consideration of the Assembly, that the Church and Society should so strenuously urge the Ordination ! These things indeed are unusual and may well be termed extraordinary ! " p. 10. 224 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Hubbard's unusually kind and amiable disposition, and his persevering course of conciliatory conduct, slowly affected the minds of those who had opposed him. Mr. Hubbard's great error appears to have consisted in his being in advance of the age in which he lived. In his examination he doubted that Christ was coeval with the Father ; and when he was asked what he un- derstood by the words "In the beginning," he said, "the Scripture was somewhat silent, and he chose not to say much about it." In his confession of faith, there is nothing that affords the least evidence that he believed the doctrine of original sin, in the sense in which Cal- vinistic divines have generally understood it ; but the contrary. Mr. Hubbard also rejected the doctrine of " original righteousness ;" but believed that man resem- bled God, or was made in his image, as He was a rational, intelligent being, and as he was Lord and Governor of the new made world, and upright, as he was made capable of righteousness. Not that man had any holiness or conformity to the moral perfections of his Creator, in his state of innocence. This was held to be the grossest Arminianism. Mr. Hubbard was held to be unsound in the doctrine of the " Saint's Per- severance, and of " Regeneration," as generally under- stood by the Calvinistic divines. Says a writer of that day: " It was an important Duty which Mr. Hubbard owed to himself, to clear up his character, and give full Satisfaction that he believed the great Doctrines of the Divinity of our Blessed Saviour ; of Original Sin, the Perseverance of the Saints, and Regeneration, as received and held in these Churches, if he could have done it consistent with the Truth. He was bound, in Duty, to do it, as the Honor of God, SETTLEMENT OF MR. HUBBARD. 225 and his own Peace and Welfare all his Days, were greatly concerned in it. The Peace and Edification of the Church and Society of Meriden, and all the Churches in general required it. This would have made all Things easy and quiet at Meriden ; for the aggrieved Brethren respected Mr. Hubbard's Person, and would by no Means have opposed his Settlement, could they have been satisfied with Regard to his religious Sentiments. The Churches would have all rejoiced to have been satisfied in this Matter, and used their utmost Influence to have made his Life peaceful and happy. He must therefore, be highly guilty and inexcusable, in not doing it, provided it could have been done with a good Conscience. These Things, he doubtless well knew. Can any Man there- fore, in his Senses, imagine that he would not have done it when every engaging Prospect and Motive urged him to it, had not his Sentiments been really different from what is es- teemed sound and orthodox in these churches ?"' Rev. Mr. Hubbard was born in New Haven, in a house that stood on Chapel street, near the corner now occupied by the New Haven Hotel, January 24, 1742. He was graduated at Yale College in 1744. His father was Dr. John Hubbard, born at Jamaica, L. I., Novem- ber 30, I7O3, 2 and married in 1724 to Mrs. Elizabeth Stevens. He left eight children, of whom John was the 1 Remarks on the Confession of Faith and Examination of Mr. Hub- bard; New Haven, 1770. 2 The following is taken from the New Haven Journal, and the New Ha- ven Post Boy, dated Friday, Nov. 5, 1773: "Last Saturday, Colonel, (that is Dr. ) John Hubbard, departed this life ; who for many years, has been one and the chief, of the civil authority, and Representative of this town, Judge of Probate for this district, and one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of New Haven. A gentleman of superior genius, delicate taste, and good education, an honest, faithful man, an able, upright Judge, and Exemplary Christian ; who having served his genera- tion by the will of God, fell asleep, with a hope full of immortality, grounded on the grace of the gospel, ae. 70. Q 226 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. eldest. Rev. John Hubbard married first Rebecca Dick- erman, January 25, 1750, by whom he left two sons, John and Isaac. 1 He married second, Mary Russell. About the year 1783, Mr. Hubbard was seriously injured by being thrown from his sleigh, and thereby disabled from preach- ing. He lingered until November 18, 1 786, when he died in the sixtieth year of his age. He built and occupied a house that stood near where the residence of Mr. Edward Miller now stands, and which now stands a few rods south, on the east side of Broad street. Mr. Hubbard was a man of about the middle size, with an unusually pleasant and benignant countenance. His pleasing manners and amiable disposition won for him the affec- tions of the people. As a preacher he was animated and interesting. The Connecticut Journal, dated New Haven, Wednesday, November 22, 1786, says: "On the i8th inst, died Rev. John Hubbard, senior pastor of the church in Meriden, in the 6oth year of his age. After receiving a liberal education in Yale College, where he graduated in 1744, he at length settled in the ministry at Meriden. Here he labored to good acceptance, and Apostolic fidelity for a number of years until, by the provi- dence of God, he was disabled from his work, about two i John was born January 14, 1751. He married Anna Atwater, in 1775, by whom he had one son, John, who was born January 14, 1778. His wife died February 2, 1778. In May, 1779, he was married to Martha Bradley, by whom he had five children. The first was born March i, 1780, and died in infancy; Anna was born June 15, 1782; Russell was born Oct. 1 8, 1784; William was born July, 24, 1787; Dana was born Aug. 17, 1789. Isaac, the second son of Rev. John Hubbard, was born Nov. 22, 1752. He married Jane, daughter of Thomas Berry, Dec. 5, 1782, by whom he had seven children: Rebecca, born Nov. 25, 1783 ; Mary, born Dec. 24, 1785; Thomas, born Jan. 9, 1788; Isaac, born July 7, 1790, and died Feb. 17, 1812; John, born April 21, 1792 ; Ezra Stiles, born May 13, 1794; Elizabeth, born Sept 20, 1796. SETTLEMENT OF MR. HUBBARD. 22/ years since. The Rev. Mr. Willard was last June ordained colleague pastor with him. His interment was on Monday last, when the Rev. Dr. Dana preached a sermon suitable to the occasion, after which the funeral was attended, both by his relatives, and by an affectionate and mournful flock, with every mark of esteem and respect towards a beloved and worthy pastor, and a character venerable for piety and virtue. He entertained the highest ideas of the dignity and Divinity of Jesus Christ, of salvation by sovereign grace, of the merits of the Redeemer's atonement, and his glorious righteousness, which he judged the only foundation of a sinner's justification and acceptance with God, while he was a firm advocate for moral virtue and real holiness of heart and life. Very useful was he to his people during his min- istry, and never was a pastor more sincerely beloved by his flock, which, in his visitations as well as in the ministrations of the sanctuary, beheld his face, as it had been the face of an Angel, for he was conversant among them with gravity, prudence, wisdom and benevolence." 1 I Mr. Hubbard descended from an honorable line of ancestry. As early as 1630, ten years after the Pilgrim Fathers set their feet on Plymouth Rock, Mr. Wm. Hubbard left his island home, and crossed a trackless ocean to seek a home amid the wilds of America. After a few years he established himself at Ipswich, Mass., which town he represented in the General Court six years, between 1638 and 1646. He afterward removed to Boston, and died about 1670, leaving three sons, William, Richard and Nathaniel. William, the eldest, was born in England, in 1621 ; came to this country with his father when about nine years of age ; was educated at Harvard College, and received his Bachelor degree at the age of 21 years, with the first class that graduated at Harvard College. From the time that he left college till he had passed the age of thirty-five no record of his life remains ; but it is ascertained that, during this period he studied theology, and was, for some time, an assistant to the Rev. Mr. Cobbet of Ipswich. About the year 1656 he was ordained as colleague with Mr. Cobbet, who, though in the prime of life, required an assistant, on account of the great extent of his ministerial labours. Mr. Hubbard employed much of his time in historical investigations. His first work was a narra- tive of the troubles with the Indians in 1676 7, with a supplement concerning the war with the Pequots in 1637, to which is annexed a table 228 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Rev. John Willard, from Stafford, Ct, was settled as colleague pastor in June, 1786, a few months before the and postscript of twelve pages. Also a narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New England, from Piscataqua to Paumaquid. The whole was published at Boston in 1677. The same work was printed in London, in 1677, under the title of "The Present State of New England." An edition of fifty copies in two vols. royal 8vo was printed at Albany in 1865. A copy of the original edition was sold at auction in New York in 1864, from the library of Mr. Andrew Wight, for one hundred and thirty-five dollars. Mr. Hubbard's "History of New England" was completed in 1680, but was not published until 1815. In 1682 the author received .50 from the General Court "as a manifestation of thankfulness" for this history, "he transcribing it fairly, that it may be more easily perused." Mr. Hubbard died September 14, 1704, at the age of eighty-three years. He married Margaret, daughter of Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, and granddaughter of the Rev. John Rogers, who was burnt at the stake in Smithfield, England, Feb. 4, 1555. At the age of seventy-three, Mr. Hubbard married for a second wife, Mary, the widow of Samuel Pearce. His children were John, Nathaniel, and Margaret. John the eldest, and his wife Ann, were living in Boston in 1680. Margaret married John Pynchon, Esq., of Springfield. Rev. John Huhbard, grandson of Rev. William Hubbard of Ipswich, was born at Ipswich, Mass., in 1677 ;was graduated at Harvard College in 1695, and settled as pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Jamaica, Long Island, in 1698; where after a ministry of seven years, he died October 5, 1705, aged twenty-eight years and nine months. A particular account of his death may be found in the Boston News Letter of October 22, 1705, No. 79. Dr. John Hubbard, son of Rev. John of Jamaica, was born at Jamaica, Long Island, Nov. 30, 1703. At the age of two years he lost his father, after which, he, with his mother, removed to Boston, where he received the rudi- ments of a good education at a grammar school. We next find the family in Hartford, Conn., where his mother was married to Rev. Samuel Wood- bridge of East Hartford. At the age of seventeen Dr. Hubbard was ap- prenticed to a physician. In 1724 he was married to Mrs. Elizabeth Stevens, and two years after removed to New Haven. In 1730, the Rector and Trus- tees of Yale College conferred the honorary degree of Master of Arts upon Dr. John Hubbard " for his eminent attainments in Latin and Greek, as well as in Philosophy, Medicine, Poetry and Belles-lettres attainments chiefly due to his own native enthusiasm and unaided efforts." Dr. Hubbard had eight children ; John, born Jan. 24, 1727; Daniel, born Dec. 24, 1729; Elizabeth, born July 3, 1731; William, born March 20, 1733; William Abdial, born Dec. 15, 1736; Stephen Whitehead, born Jan. 16, 1747; Leverett and Amelia. The eldest son was the Rev. John Hubbard of CONG. MINISTERS OF MERIDEN. 22Q death of Mr. Hubbard. 1 His salary was ;ioo, about equal to $330, and thirty cords of wood annually ; and by agreement the wood was to be taken at 8s. per cord. He also received a settlement, as it was then termed, of ,200. Since that time, the custom of making dona- tions at the settlement of a pastor once almost univer- sal in our Churches has been entirely abandoned here, and throughout the State. At the time of Mr. Willard's ordination, serious diffi- culties arose in the Congregation, similar in their origin to those which appeared at the settlement of Mr. Hub- bard. The Theological doctrines, styled Arminianism and Calvinism, were then warmly debated throughout the State, and had their respective advocates among the ministers and churches. It seems that Mr. Willard's doctrinal sentiments on some of these controverted points, were distasteful to a portion of the people, and they consequently opposed his settlement. Although there was no organized secession from the church on account of these differences, yet the dissatisfaction re- mained and increased. Very great numbers during his ministry, either deserted public worship altogether, or Meriden. See Holmes' Am. Ann., i. Hutchinson's Hist. Mass. Mass. Hist Coll., vn. Felt's Hist. Ipswich. Eliot's Biog. Diet. Young's Chron. Felt's Eccl. Hist. N. E., i. Am. Quar. Reg. for Nov., 1835. Thompson's Hist, of Long Island, II. 108. Sprague's Annals, I. 148. Turtle's Hist. Sketch of Hon. William Hubbard. i The following were chosen a council for the purpose of ordaining Mr. Willard : Rev. Ezra Stiles, D. D., President of Yale College ; Rev. Joseph Willard, President of Cambridge College ; Rev. James Dana, D. D.; Elizur Go.odrich, D. D. ; Rev. Chauncey Whittelsey ; Rev. John Willard ; Rev. Jesse Ives ; Rev. Enoch Huntington ; Rev. John March ; Rev. Nathan Williams ; Rev. Charles Beers ; Rev. Benjamin Trumbull ; Rev. Thomas Minor; Rev. John Lewis; Rev. John Foot; Rev. Nathan Fenn; Rev. Abner Benedict; Rev. Benoni Upson ; Rev. Wm. Robinson. 230 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. transferred themselves to other denominations ; so that the congregation was very much diminished and weakened. In consequence of which Mr. Willard was dismissed in the year 1802. He subsequently removed to Vermont, where he died. He is said to have been in his personal appearance, very tall and slender, and to have preached with a good deal of animation. While residing in Meriden he built and occupied the house now owned and used by Mr. Hiram Yale on North Broad, at the head of Liberty street. In February, 1803, Rev. Erastus Ripley 1 was settled. His salary was four hundred dollars. In the course of his ministry his congregation rapidly diminished. Great numbers joined themselves to other denominations, and at one time it seemed as if the church would become quite extinct. He was dismissed in February, 1822, after a ministry of nineteen years. During his ministry one hundred were added to the church. Mr. Ripley was a very large and commanding man in his personal appearance, and possessed of a strong mind. But his manner of preaching was dry, metaphysical, and desti- tute of all animation. While here he built and occupied I Mr. Ripley was the ninth child of Joshua and Elizabeth (Lathrop) Ripley, and was born at Windam, Ct, June 17, 1770. He belonged to a family which has furnished a good many Congregational ministers. He was graduated at Yale College in 1775, and was a licentiate of the New Haven East Association in 1797. He supplied the church at Brookfield (Newbury,) from March, 1800, till April, 1811. He was ordained at Meriden, February, 1803; dismissed February, 1822; was installed at Goshen parish, now Lebanon, Sept. 24, 1823, and dismissed February 16, 1832. He then supplied the church at Montville about three years, and finally returned to Meriden, where he died November 17, 1843, ae. 73. In 1829 he published a sermon on the Evil and Cure of Intemperance. He married Elizabeth, sister of Rev. Jno. Sherman, and had no children. His wife died November 3, 1834. WfST MAM ST 25 6 DZ9 MAP OF MERIDEN IN 1830. m ; 7, Edward Collins ; 9, Gen. Walter Booth ; 12, Salmon Merriman ; 16, Store ; 17, Lorrin Merriam ; 18, A. Merriam ; 19, Barn ; 20, J. S. Merriam ; 22, Store ; 24, L. Green ; 25, Store ; 26, Major Cowles ; 28, Caleb Austin; 30, S. Perkins; 31, Griswold ; 34, Barnes; 35, Capt. J. Mecorney ; 37, Orren Belden ; 38, F. Farrington ; 39, Tyler's Tin c Holt ; 41, Church ; 42, Episcopal Church ; 43, Seth Plum ; 44, Amos Clark; 46, Baptist Church; 47, W. Yale; 48, Tin Shop; 49, John ite; 51, Barn; 52, Blacksmith Shop ; 53, D. Dayton; 54, Lyman Col- 56. Esq. Andrews ; 57, Ivah Yale; 58, Tavern; 59, Barn; 61, Lewis; ordan's Factory ; 64, Distillery ; 65, J. Hall < 66, Samuel Yale ; 67, Ben- W. Martin; 70, Rev. Mr. Ripley; 71, G. Plimet; 72, Watrous ; 74, ngraved it was discovered that the artist had made a few mistakes. Above Edward Col- >ny road, and on the same side, were houses of Noah Foster, Patrick Clark, Jesse Curtis, he other side, and above Darius Benham's, were the houses of Matthew Foster, Samuel i Twiss, Stephen Bailey, and Sidney Merriman, near whose house stood the old stone fort. 374 a AST MAIN ST i w CONG. MINISTERS OF MERIDEN. 23! the house opposite the residence of Deacon Walter Booth, on North Broad street. Rev. Charles J. Hinsdale, 1 commenced preaching in Meriden September 22, 1822 ; and after preaching five Sabbaths, he was ordained and installed January 15, 1823. During his ministry, the church and congregation increased very much in numbers and prosperity, and about fifty were added to the church. There were re- peated revivals of religion, and a new house of worship erected, at a cost of $7000. Its dimensions were seventy-three feet long, and fifty feet wide. He was dismissed in December, 1833, after a ministry of eleven years. His salary in Meriden was five hundred and fifty dollars. Rev. William McLain supplied the church one year, from 1834 to 1835. He was afterwards for many years secretary of the American Colonization Society. In March, 1836, Rev. Arthur Granger was settled. 2 He was dismissed in July, 1838, and became pastor of the South church, Middletown, from April, 1839, to May, 1844, when he was called to the High street church, Providence, R. I., where he died about 1846. In 1837, Rev. Mr. Ludlow attempted to deliver a lecture in the Congregational church on the subject of slavery, when he was interrupted by a mob, who attempted to 1 Mr. Hinsdale was born at Newark, N. J. ; was graduated at Yale Col- lege in 1815; was installed at Blandford, Mass, January 20, 1836, where he now lives. 2 At the installation of Mr. Granger, Rev. Mr. Noyes made the introduc- tory prayer ; Rev. Mr. Shepherd made the installing prayer ; Rev. Joel Hawes preached the sermon ; Rev. Mr. Gilbert gave the right hand of fel- lowship ; Rev. Mr. Whitmore gave the charge to the pastor; Rev. Mr. Button gave the charge to the people ; Rev. Mr. Griggs made the con- cluding prayer. 232 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. break up the meeting. The doors were locked, but were broken down, and Mr. Ludlow was made a target for rotten eggs and other missiles, and was obliged to flee for his life. A long and tedious lawsuit followed this affair, in which a number of prominent persons of the town were engaged. We have elsewhere given a full history of this affair. From 1840 to 1841, Rev. Charles Rich supplied the pulpit, but declined a settlement. 1 May 19, 1841, the Rev. George W. Perkins was in- stalled pastor of the church. 2 The next year twenty- 1 Mr. Rich was the son of a Boston merchant, Benjamin Rich. He went to sea for a short time, became a methodist preacher ; afterward entered Yale College, where he was graduated in 1838; studied Theology at New Haven, and after leaving Meriden was settled for a short time at Washington, D. C., and also at Nantucket, Mass. He afterwards retired from the ministry. 2 George William Perkins was born at Hartford, Feb. 22, 1804. His father was Enoch Perkins, a lawyer of that city. His mother was Anna Pitkin, a daughter of Rev. Timothy Pitkin, of Farmington, Conn. The great grandfather of Mr. Perkins, on his mother's side, was the Rev. Tho- mas Clap, for twenty-seven years President of Yale College. Mr. Perkins took a high rank as a scholar, and when he graduated, received the ap- pointment of an oration. After taking his degree in September, 1824, he went to Cambridge, Mass., to take charge of a school. Among his pupils was Margaret Fuller, afterwards Countess d'Ossoli, whose remarkable life and sad death is known to every one. In the autumn of 1825, Mr. Perkins left his school and entered a law-office in New York, having chosen the law as his profession. In 1826, he entered the Theological Seminary at Andover, where he was graduted in 1829, was first ordained at Montreal, in 1829, and in May, 1841, was settled over the church at Meriden. In July, 1853, he sailed for Europe, and returned in November. In 1854 he was dismissed from the church at Meriden, and removed to Chicago, where he died November 13, 1856. His remains repose in the cemetery at West Meriden. Mr. Perkins through life was a hard working man ; he published a good deal in the form of pamphlets, reports, articles in peri- odicals, sermons, &c. While in Chicago, besides his ordinary duties as a clergyman over a large parish, he edited a newspaper, and established a iWJttB* 1 * y CONG. MINISTERS OF MERIDEN. 233 seven persons were converted. In 1844 twenty were converted. In 1847 and 1848, a still more powerful work of grace was enjoyed, and about one hundred professed faith in Christ. In 1848 a division took place in the church, and a portion of the members, with their pastor, removed to West Meriden, the others remaining to worship where their fathers had worshiped before them. Those who removed to the "Corner," claimed to be the First Congregational church of Meriden, and also claimed and retained the church records. Those who remained, therefore, assumed the name of the Center Congregational church of Meriden. The First society erected a church building, at West Meriden, ninety feet in length and fifty-six in width, at a cost of $8000. In addition to the cost of the house, the land was purchased for $800. The parsonage cost about $3000. Mr. Perkins resigned in July, 1854, and the Rev. George Thatcher was installed, but not settled, Novem- ber, 1854. He remained until 1860. During his min- istry eighty persons were received to the communion. January 16, 1862, Rev. Hiram C. Hayden was ordained and installed pastor of the church. 1 He theological seminary. In 1841 while in Meriden he was offered the Presi- dency of Wabash College in Indiana. " His discourses were characterized by lucid statement, forcible argument, illustrations that were generally striking and always apt, appeals that were powerful and sometimes (when the occasion required) eloquent. In 1859, a volume of his sermons was published in New York. I At Mr. Hayden's ordination the sermon was delivered by Rev. J. P. Gulliver, Norwich; ordaining prayer by Rev. Hiram P. Arms, Norwich, Conn ; charge by Rev. Mr. Folsom, Fair Haven ; Right Hand of fellow- ship, by Rev. O. H. White, Meriden ; address to the people, by Rev. J. G. Miller, Branford. 234 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. resigned in December, 1865, and was succeeded by the Rev. Wm. H. H. Murray, from Greenwich, Conn., who preached his first sermon, November 1 1 , 1 866, and resigned in November, 1868, to accept the charge of the Park street church in Boston. During the year ending November i, 1868, there was received into membership, one hundred and twenty-two. Of this number eighty- one were admitted on the profession of their faith, and forty-six by letter. The society of the Center Congregational church was formed on the 2Qth of September, 1846, by the follow- ing persons, who occupied the old church : John Butler,* Silas Royce, Lyman Collins,* Walter Booth,* Levi Yale, Nathaniel C. Sanford, Gardner Barlow,* Ralph H. Beck- ley, L. C. Hotchkiss, Russell Coe, Lyman Butler,* Isaac Butler, James Hall, Stephen Seymour,* Benajah Andrews, Samuel Clark, Hezekiah Root,* Ira Preston, Eli Way, Isaac I. Hubbard, Herman Hough, Henry S. Barnes, Joseph B. Jewett, Philip Eddy,* Sylvester S. Post, John W. Miles, Daniel W. Clark, George A. Sawyer, Ira Curtis,* Uri Foster, Charles Page, John Hubbard,* Ezekiel Hall, Julius Yale,* Henry Royce, Ezra S. Clark, Lewis G. Burgess, Luther H. Root, Elias Sanford, E. P. Parmelee, John W. Hall,* Henry P. Judd, Alvin E. Bervins,* Edmund Tuttle, Isaac I. Hough,* H. J. Tennant,* Lyman C. Seymour, A. C. Breckenridge, A. L. Beckley, P. Sage, N. B. Wood, Reuben H. Way * Henry E. Sanford,* J. L. Clark, Eli Butler, Luther Root, H. B. Sperry, William H. Yale, Don Alonzo Leeds, Benjamin H. Royce. 1 I Those marked with a * are deceased. CONG. MINISTERS OF MERIDEN. 235 March 15, 1848, Rev. Asahel A. Stevens 1 was ordained and installed as pastor of the church, and remained until December n, 1854. On account of the failure of his voice, Mr. Stevens was allowed a vacation in the spring of 1854, and Rev. A. S. Cheesbrough 2 was hired to preach in the spring of 1854, and supplied the pulpit until November, 1855. The Rev. Lewis C. Lockwood was installed June 3, 1857, and dismissed February 22, 1858. The Rev. O. H. White supplied the pulpit from June 29, 1858, until June, 1862. Rev. Joseph Woolley was installed October 22, 1862. Mr. Stevens in the first year of his ministry, received five hundred dollars salary. Three years later it was increased one hundred dollars. Mr. Lockwood's salary was eight hundred dollars a year. Mr. White's salary was first eight hundred dollars, but it was subsequently raised to one thousand. Mr. Woolley's salary was first one thousand dollars, then increased to twelve hundred, with an annual donation and house rent free. The fol- lowing persons sustained the office of deacon in tha First Church, previous to its division : SAMUEL ROYCE, elected Dec. 14, 1729, died May 14, 1757,32. 84. ROBERT ROYCE, " 060.29,1729, " 1759,33.94. BENJ. WHITING, " Nov. 1748. 1 Mr. Stevens was born at Cheshire, Conn, December 25, 1815, and was graduated from the Yale Theological Seminary, in the summer of 1847. He is now settled in Lacon, 111. 2 Mr. Cheesbrough was born at Stonington, Conn. ; was graduated at Yale College in 1835. and at the Yale Theological Seminary, and was licensed to preach in 1839. In December, 1841 he was settled as pastor of the Congregational church at Chester, Conn., where he remained until 1853. After leaving Meriden he was engaged in mercantile pursuits, and in traveling abroad, until July, 1858, when he was settled over the Congre- gational church in Glastenbury, Conn. 236 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. BENJ. ROYCE, elected Nov., 1748, died Jan., 1758,26.53. EZEKIEL ROYCE, " Nov., 1748, " Sept., 1765,26.67. EBENEZER COWLES, " 060.26,1765, "July, 1800. BENJ. ROYCE, Jan. i, 1757, " Jan. 20, 1758. JOHN HOUGH, " Feb. 24,1788. JAMES HOUGH, " Sept. 14,1794. ISAAC HUBBARD, " July 5, 1796. NATHANIEL YALE, removed, June, 1806. ZENAS MITCHELL, " 1814. SILAS ROYCE, " Oct. 16, 1853. WALTER BOOTH, elected Sept. i, 1814, Died 1870. PHINEAS HOUGH. NATHANIEL C. SANFORD. BENJ. H. CATLIN, elected March, 1848. HOMER CURTISS, " " " DAVID N. CAMP, " " " JOHN YALE, " " " Died 1870. Since the division of the church, the following per- sons have sustained the office of deacon in the Center Congregational church : WALTER BOOTH, died, April 30, 1870. SILAS ROYCE, " Oct. 15, 1853. PHINEAS HOUGH, removed. NATHANIEL C. SANFORD, removed. NORMAN B. WOOD. EDMUND TUTTLE, removed. BENJAMIN H. ROYCE. The Hanover Congregational church was organized February, 1853, and consisted originally of twenty-five members who were dismissed from the church at Meri- den. Rev. James A. Clark preached for the society from December, 1853, until 1855. Rev. Jacob Eaton was set- tled May 28, 1857, and dismissed in 1861. A revival occurred in 1853, and eight were added to the church on CONG. MINISTERS OF MERIDEN. 237 profession. In 1857, another revival of great power occurred, which resulted in the conversion of twenty-five young persons, sixteen uniting with the church at one time on profession. The following ministers were raised up from the Con- gregational church in Meriden : Matthew Merriman, Avery Hall, Isaac Foster, Thomas Holt, Samuel J. Cur- tis Erastus, Curtis, Charles E. Murdock, Daniel C. Curtis, Ralph Tyler, Lyman C. Hough. 1 I Rev. Jesse Ives, was a native of Meriden, and was graduated at Yale College, in 1758. He was a Congregational minister in Monson, Mass. He was settled June 23, 1773, and remained in office thirty-two years and a half, until December 31, 1805, when he died aged, seventy-one years. 238 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. CHAPTER XI. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD AND MERIDEN. WHEN the commissioners of Charles the Second visited Connecticut in 1665, they carried back a report that the colony "will not hinder any from enjoying the Sacra- ments and using the Common Prayer Book, provided they hinder not the maintenance of the public minister." But it was not until 1708 that there was any legal pro- vision for such liberty. In that year the General Assembly of Connecticut passed what was called the " Act of Toleration," by which all persons who soberly dissented from the worship and ministry by law estab- lished, that is, the Congregational order, were permitted to enjoy the same liberty of conscience with the Dissen- ters in England under the act of William and Mary. But notwithstanding they were allowed to have public worship in their own way, they were still obliged to pay for the support of the Congregational churches in the place of their respective residences. A petition was sent to the " honorable the Governor, Assistants and Representatives in General Court Assem- bled, this 1 5th of May, 1727," and signed by the church wardens and vestry of the Church of England in Fairfield, praying to be excused from paying taxes to EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 239 any dissenting minister, or to the building of any dis- senting meeting-house. "And whereas we were, ten of us, lately imprisoned for our taxes, and had considerable sums of money taken from us by distraint, contrary to his Honour the Governor's advice, and notwithstanding solemn promises before given to sit down and be concluded thereby in this affair, we pray that those sums of money taken from us may be restored to us again." 1 Upon this petition, the General Assembly enacted that all persons who were of the Church of England, and those who were established by the law of the col- ony, living in the bounds of any allowed parish, should be taxed by the same rule and in the same proportion for the support of the ministry ; but where it happened that there was a society of the Church of England, having a clergyman so near any person who had decided himself to be of that Church that he could and did attend pub- lic worship there, then the collector was to deliver the tax collected of such persons to the minister of the Church of England to whom he lived near, who was also authorized to receive and recover the same ; and if such proportion of taxes was not sufficient in any society of the Church of England to support the incumbent, such society was authorized to levy and collect of those who professed and attended that Church, greater taxes at their discretion. The parishioners of the Church of England were also excused from paying any taxes for building meeting-houses for the established Church of the colony. 2 In 1722, the Rev. Samuel Whittelsey, with 1 State Archives; Ecclesiastical Documents, vol. in. p. 188. 2 See the Statute on page 340 of the Law Book of the Colony, edition of 1715. 24O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. a number of the clergy, met from time to time in the library of Yale College, and examined a few theological books sent over in kindness from the mother country. They examined the doctrines and practices of the Prim- itive Church, and compared them with the model of their own discipline and worship ; and the farther they pushed their inquiries, the more uneasy they became. As light would break in upon the darkened chambers of their toil, they were compelled at last to welcome it ; and they finally sent into the Trustees a formal statement of their views, and declared for Episcopacy, or doubted the validity of Presbyterian ordination/ Overwhelming was the sorrow and wide the consternation as the tidings of it passed from town to town and village to vil- lage. " I suppose," says President Woolsey, 2 " that 1 ["To the Rev. Mr. Andrew and Woodbridge and others, our Rever- end Fathers and Brethren present in the library of Yale College, this I3th day of September, 1722.] " Reverend Gentlemen : Having represented to you the difficulties which we labor under in relation to our continuance out of the visible com- munion of an Episcopal Church, and a state of seeming opposition there- to, either as private Christians, or as officers, and so being insisted on by some of you (after our repeated declinings of it) that we should sum up our case in writing, we do (though with great reluctance, fearing the con- sequence of it) submit to and comply with it, and signify to you that some of us doubt the validity, and the rest are more fully persuaded of the in- validity of the Presbyterian ordination, in opposition to the Episcopal ; and should be heartily thankful to God and man, if we may receive from them satisfaction herein, and shall be willing to embrace your good counsels and instructions in relation to this important affair, as far as God shall direct and dispose us to it. "TIMOTHY CUTLER, JOHN HART, SAMUEL WHITTELSEY, JARED ELIOT, JAMES WETMORE, SAMUEL JOHNSON, DANIEL BROWN." " A true copy of the original. ) "Testify DANIEL BROWN." j 2 Hist. Disc, delivered at the isoth anniversary of Yale College. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 24! greater alarm would scarcely be awakened now, if the Theological Faculty of the College were to declare for the Church of Rome, avow their belief in Transubstan- tiation, and pray to the Virgin Mary." The General Assembly was to have a session in the ensuing October, and Saltonstall, the Governor of the colony, of whom Dr. Trumbull speaks as " a great man, well versed in the Episcopal controversy," was invited to preside over a debate held the day after the session commenced. The debate was a stormy one, and both sides claimed the victory. The defence of the Episco- pacy by one of the number, exciting some irritating remarks from the other side, the Governor abruptly put an end to the debate. The abrupt termination of the debate was soon to save to Congregationalism three of the signers of the declaration, Eliot, Hart and Whittel- sey, who only doubted the validity of Presbyterian ordination ; and they continued in their respective places, and for the rest of their days " were never known to act or say or insinuate anything to the disadvantage of the Church." 1 As we have said, this defection of Mr. Whittelsey created the greatest excitement in Walling- ford. The Rev. John Davenport, in a letter to Rev. Doctors Increase and Cotton Mather, dated at Stamford, Sept. 25, 1722, says: "two societies, branches of the famous New Haven, one on the north and the other on the south, are mourning because of their first ministers, in so little a time after their ordination, declaring them- selves Episcopal, and their ordination, lately received, of no value, because a non habentibus potestatem. 2 1 Beardsley's Hist, of Epis. Church in Conn., I. 42. 2 Hawk's Doc. Hist of Epis. Church in Conn., p. 68. R 242 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. The precise time that the Episcopal church in Wall- ingford was gathered, is unknown. 1 In 1729, the church wardens and thirteen members of the church in Wallmg- ford, sent the following letter to the Bishop of London : 'May it please your Lordship : "We, the Churchwardens and parishioners of Wallingford and the adjacent parts in the Colony of Connecticut, in New England, beg leave to offer our humble duty to your Lordship. We are a Church but newly planted, and however content we are at present to have the service of the Church only once a quarter by a minister, on ever}' Lord's day besides we perform the service as far as is proper for laymen ; but in that part we are something deficient for want of sermon books, &c., which we cannot easily procure in this country. We are sensible the Rev. Theodore Morris cannot leave his other parishes oftener, yet we hope God, in his providence, will so order it, that we may at last be oftener attended ; there are many ready to join in our communion, and have nothing to object to it, but our having service so seldom by a minister. We greatly rejoice that we are assisted in learning to know which is the true Church of Christ, and the manner how we ought to worship. But with melancholy hearts we crave your Lordship's patience, while we recite that divers of us have been imprisoned, and our goods from year to year distrained from us for taxes, levied for the building and supporting meeting-houses ; and divers actions are now depending in our courts of law in the like cases. And when we have petitioned our governor for redress, notifying to him the repugnance of such actions to the laws of England, he hath proved a strong opponent to us ; but i In 1734, there were five Episcopal parishes in Connecticut, with Church edifices and settled ministers ; viz., Johnson at Stratford; Coner at Fairfield ; the elder Seabury at New Ixjndon ; Beach at Newton and Redding. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 243 when the other party hath applied to him for advice how to proceed against us, he hath lately given his sentence ' to enlarge the gaol and fill it with them ' (that is the Church.) But we supplicate both God and man that our persecutors may not always prevail against us. And now that God may bless your Lordship, and the charitable endeavors of the honorable Society, and enable them to send more labourers to a harvest truly plentiful, is the sincere prayer of "Your Lordship's Most dutiful and obedient servants, "THOMAS IVES, ) _. r Churchwardens. NORTH INGHAM, ) EBENEZER WAINWRIGHT, SHADRACK SEAGOR, JOHN BELLAMY, THOMAS DEWLITTLE, WAITSTILL ABINATHER, AARON TUTTLE, PHINEAS IVES, MATTHEW BELLAMY, EBENEZER BLAKESLEY, ENOS SMITH, JOHN MEKY, THOMAS WILLIAMS, GEORGE FISHER." Nothing further is known of this society until June 20, 1741, when the Rev. Theophilus Morris, writing from Derby to the Secretary of the society for the pro- motion of Christian knowledge, says : "I have taken another Church into my care at Wallingford, which consists of twelve families, I engaged to attend them once a quarter, which they seem to be satisfied with, for they know it is as much as I can do for them. I procured Mr. Thomson, whom I mentioned before, to officiate every Sunday in some one parish in my absence, and as his prudence and discretion have rendered him entirely agreeable to the people, he proves very serviceable to me." Three months before this, the members of the Church of England at Wallingford and North Haven united and 244 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. formed a parish by the name of " Union Church," and erected a Church building near Pond Hill. They sent an appeal to the Bishops of London for assistance, in which they stated : " With melancholy hearts we UNION CHURCH, POND HILL. crave your Lordship's patience, while we recite that divers of us have been imprisoned and our goods from year to year distrained from us for taxes, levied for building and supporting " Meeting houses," and divers actions are now pending in our courts of law, in like cases, and when we have appealed to our Governor, for redress, he has proved a strong opponent to us, and has lately ordered our opponents to enlarge the Gaol, and to fill it up with the Episcopalians." In 1743, the Churchwardens of Wallingford sent the following letter to the Secretary : "Wallingford, in New England, December ist, 1743. " REVEREND SIR : We, the inhabitants of Wallingford, mem- bers of the Church of England, make bold on behalf of our- selves and at the request of our bretheren inhabiting in the neighbouring towns of Guilford and Branforcl, to inform you that we are twenty-five masters of families that are members of said Church, and meet together every Lord's day and edify ourselves, as well as we can, by reading ; and while the Rev- erend Mr. Morris was in these parts, we were edified to our great comfort ; our number then increased, and many more were coming in to join us, but he being removed from us, and Mr. J. Lyon cannot attend us, we are now destitute, and our dissenting bretheren from year to year are distressing us with executions for meeting-houses, rates, steeples and bells for them ; so that our present melancholy circumstances crave your good offices with the honorable Society. We are willing to do the best we can toward the support of a minister, and make no doubt but in two or three years' time we shall be EPISCOPAL CHCRCH IN WALLINGFORD. 245 able to raise 20 sterling per annum toward the support of a minister. We humbly pray we may be assisted with a minis- ter, and, might we choose for ourselves, we having experienced the Rev. Mr. Morris, would heartily wish he might be the person ; and could a method be found for quelling the per- petual demands of our dissenting bretheren for meeting- houses, rates, &c., it would greatly add to the growth and consolation of our distressed Churches, and we, as in duty bound, shall ever pray. " HENRY BATES, ) Churchwardens, JOHN WARD, ) and several others." Dr. Samuel Johnson, under date of March 28, 1749, referring to the growth of Episcopacy, mentions that in Middletown and Wallingford, the Church had in- creased, and that Mr. Camp 1 had continued to read to them with good success, and thought he would be a worthy and useful person. In 1753, he was appointed to Middletown, Wallingford, and the parish of New Cheshire. In 1750, the Rev. Ebenezer Punderson, 2 1 Rev. Ichabod Camp, son of John Camp, was born at Middletown, and graduated at Yale College in 1743 ; read services and sermons in Wallingford in 1748; after his ordination, he divided his labors between Middletown and Wallingford, from 1753 to 1760, when he removed to Louisburg, Virginia. Some years afterwards he was murdered by his son- in-law. He was a man of excellent character and principles. His wife, Mrs. Content Camp, died while he officiated at Middletown, and on a tab- let in the church her name was placed. 2 Rev. Samuel Seabury to the Secretary of the Venerable Society for Propagating the Gospel : New London, March 3Oth, 1734. Reverend Sir : These wait upon the honorable Society by the hands of Mr. Ebenezer Punderson, who comes to make his application to my Lord Bishop of London and the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, for orders and a mission. He hath been educated in Yale college, Connecticut, where I had a particular acquaintance with him, and where he always had the character of a sober person. About five years ago he was called to preach in the Presbyterian or Independent way, at 246 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. who was the successor of Samuel Seabury in the Congregational ministry at Groton, but who declared for Episcopacy and was ordained as a priest in Eng- land in 1734, preached for a time in Wallingford and adjoining towns, and whatever ministerial taxes they had been assessed to pay, he ordered to be entirely applied toward building their churches and main- taining readers among them, without appropriating any part thereof to himself. In a letter dated October 1 8, 1750, he says, "the next day rode to Wallingford, preached to a pretty congregation, baptized three children." 1 At a town meeting, held at Wallingford, Groton, near New London, where he soon received ordination ; but falling under doubts and scruples concerning their power of ordination and method of church government, and, at the same time, acquainting himself with the church of England, he found himself obliged, upon true and regular convic- tion, to embrace her communion, and thereupon he laid down his ministry in which he was settled to good advantage ; but a considerable number of the people at that place being also convinced of the reasonableness and necessity of church communion, and having strong affection for the person of Mr. Punderson, on account of his abilities and pious, exemplary life, have been very solicitous with him to make his application to the honorable Society for Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts for a mission to that place. In testimony of which they have signed a desire or petition to the h onorable society, with the premise of contributing a certain sum consid- erably to his support and maintenance, and it is most probable that many more will conform to the church of England upon better knowledge of it and acquaintance with it. i " Mr. Punderson was ordained at Groton, December 29, 1729. Mr. Adams of New London preached the sermon. On the first day of Janua- ry 1733 4, Mr. Punderson made a communication to the society, avowing himself ' a conformist to the Episcopal Church of England,' and express- ing doubts of the validity of his ordination. This notice was received in the first place with amazement and sorrow, and a committee was appointed to reason with him and endeavor to convince him that his ordination was canonical and his position safe and desirable. Of course this measure was unavailing. A council was convened at the house of Capt. Morgan Feb. 5th, and the connection dissolved." Miss Caul kins' 1 History of New Lon- don, p. 420. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 247 December 20, 1757, the following memorial was pre- sented : "THE MEMORIAL of us the subscribers on behalf of our- selves, and others our Breatheren who have Declared our Conformity to the Doctrine Discipline and Worship of the Church of England, who did for Some years Past assemble Together for Divine Worship near Pond Hill, and have more Lately, for our Convenience Met at the Lower End of the first Society in said Wallingford and How having Entered into a Covenant Engagement by Subscription to build a Church in said First Society do Now Signify our Desire Petition and Request to the Inhabitants of said Town That they would Grant us To Build a Church on the West side of Mix's lane (so Called) Viz. the West side the Countray Road in the East End of Said Lane, so as not to Obstruct or Hinder the Passing of his Majesty's Subjects and we hope and Desire to Cultivate Cherish and Maintain Christian Charity Love and Freindship with our Freinds and neighbors, Members of this Community of all denomin- ations of Christians. And shall Esteem such a favour a mark of your Good Will Love and affection and your Memorialist Shall Ever Pray. " Wallingford Dec r 20, 1757. "JOSEPH RICE, JuN r , TITUS BROCKITT, DAVID COOK, ABEL THOMSON." SECOND EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 248 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. This church was built in 1758, on the north-west corner, above the present church. In this church was placed an organ by David Cook, who brought it from England. The church formed a union with the Wells society, after which they placed the organ in the Wells house, where it underwent some repairs, and was used until the erection of the new church edifice, when the old organ was sold to the society at North Haven. Here it was used until 1869, when it was sold to Wm. P. Gardner, Esq., of New Haven. Dr. Johnson, under date of 1762, speaking of one of his missionary tours, says that Mr. Andrews was ap- pointed missionary to Wallingford, Cheshire and North Haven. 1 Mr. Andrews remained in charge of the socie- i Samuel Andrews was born at Meriden, June 4, 1737, and was the youngest of eight sons. He was graduated at Yale College in 1759, and in 1761, he went to England to receive Holy Orders. In 1767 he under- took a long journey into " different towns and governments to the north- ward," preaching and lecturing, and administering the sacrament as he passed from village to village. He penetrated to Allington, in New Hampshire, one hundred and fifty miles from his home ; and though he was the first clergyman who had appeared among the settlers, he found that a layman from Connecticut had been there before him with the services of the church of England. When on the fourth of July, 1776, the Thirteen Colonies, through the Congress at Philadelphia, declared themselves inde- pendent of Great Britain, all connection with the mother country was solemnly dissolved, and the American people were released from any allegiance to the sovereignty of the King. The Declaration involved the Episcopal clergy in new trouble. As faithful Missionaries of the Venera- ble Society, from which came their chief support, they honestly believed themselves bound by their oaths of allegiance taken at the time of their ordination, to pray for the Sovereign whose dominion the colonies had thrown off ; and guided by the forms of the Liturgy, they could omit no part in conducting public worship without doing violence to their own consciences. Mr. Andrews was placed for a time under heavy bonds, and was not allowed to visit even a parishioner without special leave from the Selectmen of the town. In 1781, he removed to New Brunswick, and be- came the first Rector of St. Andrew's Church in the parish of St. Andrews. Here he lived in affluence, and died at an advanced age. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 249 ties of Wallingford, North Haven and Cheshire for several years. It is but justice to his memory to say that he executed well the office to which he had been called. To a consistent and unaffected piety, were added talents of a popular kind, and attainments more than respectable. He published some of his occasional dis- courses ; and among the number was a Farewell Sermon to his people in Connecticut, and a Discourse on the Death of his friend and brother in Christ, the Rev. James Scovill, who was a minister of the church in Waterbury, and accompanied Mr. Andrews to the Brit- ish provinces, and settled in New Brunswick. Like most of the clergy of that period, Mr. Andrews was re- markable for his cheerfulness and amiability. In his intercourse with his people, he had none of the gloom of the ascetic, nor any of the forbidden levity of the man of the world. He remembered that he was charged with the holiness of his flock ; and while he " taught them as one having authority," he did not forget himself to practice in private the lessons which he gave in pub- lic. Mr. Andrews was the last missionary to this church in the employ of the " Society for the Propaga- tion of the Gospel in Foreign parts." He received annually from that source thirty pounds sterling ; and this, in addition to what was contributed by his parishes, enabled him to live in a style of more comfortable inde- pendence than many of our clergy at the present day. In 1770, there were sixty-three families attending the Episcopal Church. There were eighty-six communi- cants, and one hundred and sixty-five baptisms by Mr. Andrews. In Cheshire in 1770, there were forty-seven families, sixty-four communicants and eighty-six bap- tisms ; and in Meriden, six families, fourteen communi- 25O HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. cants and twenty baptisms. In Wallingford in 1770, there had died in twelve years, fifty-six members of the Episcopal Church. When Mr. Andrews first came to Wallingford the people had just recovered from the " thunderings and lightnings, and earthquakes ecclesias- tical," which had so long divided that community. The Episcopal clergy had taken no part in the theological disputes which the Independents carried on among themselves. They quietly watched the progress of events, and seemed to feel, as the Rev. Mr. Chandler expressed himself in writing to Dr. Johnson on a later occasion, "if these dissenters will but confute one an- other, it will save us the trouble." They were accused to the Society, and to their friends in England, with attempting to make proselytes ; and this accusation was urged in order to depreciate their services, and prevent them from securing the boon they had so long im- plored an American Episcopate. But Johnson denied this, and vindicated his brethren when he wrote to Archbishop Seeker from New York ; and after referring to his experience of thirty-one years in Connecticut, said, " I never once tried to proselyte dissenters, nor do I believe any of the other ministers did ; we never concerned ourselves with them till they came to us ; and when they did we could do no other than give them the best instructions and assistance we could in making a right judgment for them- selves. And so far were we from promoting or taking advantage of any quarrels that happened among themselves, that in many instances we obliged them to accomodate matters with their former brethren, or at least do all they could towards an accomodation, before we would receive them to our communion." The pamphlets published by both parties of the EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 251 Independents, stirred up such an acrimonious spirit, and threw so unsatisfactory a light upon the real questions involved, that many among the people escaped from the controversies to find peace and enjoyment in the com- munion of the Episcopal church. 1 2 Edward Winslow, the missionary at Stratford, was frequently called to officiate to the people at Wallingford. On the 29th of December, 1 760, he addressed the follow- 1 Beardsley's Hist, of the Epis. Church in Conn., i. 195. 2 Dr. Johnson in writing to the Archbishop of Canterbury under date of July 13, 1760, says, " The Church is generally in an increasing and flour- ishing condition, and much the more so, on account of the violent conten- tions of the Dissenters among themselves, which in effect drive people into the Church. The Wallingford affair was again before the Assembly last May, and the lower house were still more zealous in the cause of the minor party, which seems the prevailing disposition of the country, so that there probably will be a great struggle to get out the governor and several of the upper house for not favouring them ; and I here send your Grace two pamphlets relating to these controversies, that have been pub- lished since my last. The parties are both upon bad extremes. Hart and Yale, &c., are followers of Taylor, Foster, &c. ; and, I doubt Socinianism is at the bottom, and the President, Hobart, &c., are most rigid Calvinists, and intend at any rate to oppose the others to their utmost. Meantime the Church is every where in peace, and the Clergy orthodox. It is a great detriment to the Churches at Middletown and Wallingford that Mr. Camp hath left them, induced partly by his necessities, and partly by the persuasion of Governor Dobbs, to move to North Carolina. How they are to be supplied I am at a loss to know ; they ought each to have a min- ister, and I wish the Society were in a condition to settle at least forty pounds on the former and thirty pounds upon the latter, who hope for one Mr. Andrews, a candidate of good character, and one Treadwell, said to be a worthy youth, who has lately appeared for the Church, both bred at New Haven College, where I found three hopeful young men preparing for orders. Mr. Punderson seems a very honest and laborious man ; yet the Church at New Haven appears uneasy, and rather declining under his ministry, occasioned, I believe, partly by his want of politeness, and partly by his being absent so much, having five or six places under his care. I wish he were again at Groton and some politer person in his place, and another at Guilford and Branford." 252 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. ing letter to the Secretary of the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts : "Stratford, December 29th, 1760. " REVEREND SIR : " During the past six months have been baptized here and at Wallingford nineteen white infants and two negro children, and several persons added to the communion of this Church. The present number of communicants is near one hundred and fifty, and I have still the satisfaction to be able to acquaint you that our people continue steadfast in their attachment to the Church, and, in general, careful to evidence the purity of their profession, and their sincerity in it, by endeavoring to make its substantial fruits and ornaments appear in their own personal improvement, in maintaining a union among themselves, and in giving no occasion of offense to others. By this means, through the divine blessing, the Church in this town preserves its ground, notwithstanding a restless spirit of opposition is but too evident in some of our dissenting brethren of influence and authority among us. This has an unhappy tendency to keep up the prejudices of many who are otherwise not ill affected to the doctrines and worship of our Church, and are much disposed to live in friendship. Much artifice is used by the leading persons among the Dissenters in this colony to prevent their people from attending our service, and to possess them with the absurd notion of their worship and discipline being an estab- lishment here, from which ours is a separation ; but their own late divisions and distractions among themselves, with regard to doctrine and discipline, have already unsettled so many and must necessarily have the like effect with others, that, I doubt not at all, there will be seen numbers gladly embracing the refuge from these confusions, and those wholesome means for all needful instruction and improvement in Christian knowledge and practice, which our happy constitution will afford them. This is manifestly the present care at Walling- ford and in its immediate neighborhood, where the church EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 253 congregation has so far increased that the people think them- selves in a condition to make some suitable provision for sending home for holy orders, and for supporting a deserving young man, who has been some time employed as a reader among them. They dare not presume upon the society's assistance, further than to crave the liberty to apply for part of the salary granted to Middletown and Wallingford, should they in their goodness see fit to allow it. The people who belong to the congregation at Wallingford, and live at some distance, have lately built themselves a small church for their greater convenience in the winter season, when their families can not well attend at the other. I continue to officiate at Wallingford about once in six weeks, which, by the reason of the distance of near thirty miles, and the needful care of my particular charge, is as frequent attendance as I am able to give. " I am, Reverend Sir, the Society's, " And your most obedient servant, "EDWARD WiNSLOW." 1 During the Revolution the interests of all denomina- tions suffered greatly, but the Church of England had the hardest lot of all ; for she, especially as represented I Rev. Edward Winslow was born at Boston, and was graduated at Harvard College in the class of 1741. He succeeded Dr. Johnson as mis- sionary at Stratford. He preached a number of times at Wallingford, but on peculiar circumstances of his family, he requested a removal, and the Mission of Braintree, in the neighborhood of his friends in Boston, being offered him he thought proper to accept it. He died in 1780. It was said of him that besides "excelling all in the colony as a preacher ; he was be- hind none of them in discretion and good conduct ; and being rector of the first Church, and otherwise duly, if not the best qualified, I wish, when Commissaries are appointed, he may be a Commissary, being also of the most creditable family and education ; and as he has a large, young, grow- ing family, and is obliged in that situation to live at the most expense of any of them, it would he highly expedient, if practicable, to add ten pounds more to his support." Dr. Johnson to the Archbishop of Canterbury, July 13, 1760. 254 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. by her clergy, was considered as the very impersonation of rebellion ; many of the clergy were forced to leave the country. The very small number who were enabled to continue their ministrations, succeeded in doing so, either by their remarkable prudence, or by engaging in conflicts or submitting to deprivations, which must have rendered life itself little less than a burden. The close of the war found the Episcopal Church in a state of the deepest depression. Her altars prostrate or deserted, her ministers gone or disheartened, herself the object of political odium and suspicion, without the inherent power of perpetuating her own polity, her cause, in the view of men, seemed well nigh desperate. So mourned her friends ; so vaunted her enemies. Shortly after the return of peace, the Episcopal clergy of Connecticut resolved to send one of their number to England, with a view to his obtaining Consecration as Bishop. On the twenty-first of April, 1783, Dr. Samuel Seabury was chosen, and shortly after sailed for Eng- land. It was necessary that the candidate for Episcopal consecration should take oath of allegiance to the king, and of obedience to the Archbishop of Canterbury. But it was feared that there would be a renewal of that oppo- sition which had kept Dr. Seabury from his native State during the whole period of the Revolutionary war. They feared that the State of Connecticut would not give her consent to the exercise of his functions, and that he would not be obeyed. The obstacles thrown in his way were enough to dampen the zeal of any but a stout, earnest and believing heart. He wrote to the clergy of Connecticut who were now on tiptoe with expectation, stating the fear entertained in England, that the General Assembly of the State would prevent a EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 255 Bishop, should he be consecrated, from entering on the discharge of his Episcopal labors. A convention of the clergy was forthwith called at Wallingford, February 27, 1787, to determine what was to be done. As the Assembly was then in session at New Haven, a com- mittee was appointed to confer with the principal men of the Legislature, and solicit the passage of an act authorizing a Bishop to reside in Connecticut, and to exercise the Episcopal functions there. The gentlemen to whom this request was made, replied, as they well might, that it was not necessary to pass such an act, as the. law of Connecticut was already in conformity with their wishes. 1 Certified copies of the statutes of the colony in relation to this matter were made out and forwarded to England without delay. Although the evidence was conclusive, other objections were started. Wearied at length with the opposition and delay which he encountered in England, and despairing of success in that quarter he at last bethought himself of the Episco- pal Church of Scotland. To this Church, as free from the state, and unencumbered by political restraints, he determined to resort. Here his application met with a cordial response, and the favor he asked was readily granted. In 1786, Sept. 21, Bishop Seabury admitted as Deacon at Derby, Reuben Ives, 2 who that year had graduated at 1 See page 21 of "The General Laws and Liberties of Connecticut Colony," edition of 1672 ; also statute of 1727, ante. 2 Reuben Ives was the son of Zachariah Ives of Cheshire, and was born in that town, October 26, 1672. He was graduated at Yale College in 1786, at which time the institution was under the Presidency of the cele- brated Dr. Stiles. His attachment to the Episcopal Church was always strong, and he had early resolved to devote his energies and talents to the promotion of her interests. The state of the country was such, and the 256 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Yale College. For some time he was the assistant of the Bishop of New London. The organization of the parishes in Meriden, Southington, and Hamden, was REV. REUBEN IVES. due to the ministrations of Mr. Ives, who in the be- gining of 1788 had accepted the Rectorship of the Church in Cheshire, his native place, for two-thirds of the time, with the privilege of occupying the remain- ing third in missionary duties in the neighboring towns. 1 want of ministerial services so great, at the time of his leaving college, that Bishop Seabury, who had two years before visited Scotland and returned clothed with the highest Episcopal authority, deemed it necessary to dis- pense with much theological education ; and accordingly admitted Mr. Ives, together with his friend and classmate, Mr. (afterwards Dr.) Bronson, to the order of Deacons in St. James' Church, Derby, September 21, 1786. For some time after his ordination, Mr. Ives was with the Bishop at New London, in the capacity both of pupil and assistant minister. He married a daughter of the Rev. John R. Marshall of Woodbury, a missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Mr. Ives was a great lover of church music, and was one of the first to introduce chanting in Connecticut. He died October 17, 1836. His daughter mar- ried Dr. A. I. Driggs of Cheshire. I The Cheshire Academy, founded in 1794, and the first institution of the kind strictly belonging to the Church in New England, and one of the first in the country, owed its existence to the efforts of Mr. Ives. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 257 He remained in Cheshire over thirty years, after sup- plying the Church at Wallingford and Meriden parish. Rev. Tillotson Bronson 1 occupied the pulpit at Wall- ingford on several occasions, as also did Rev. Messrs. Solomon and Abraham Blakesley. The Rev. Charles Seabury, 2 the youngest child of Bishop Seabury, preached at Wallingford a number of times. Near the close of 1794, Rev. Seth Hart, 3 who had preached for the Episcopal Society of Waterbury, removed to Wallingford, and remained nearly four years. In 1 80 1, Rev. Ammi Rogers 4 assumed the charge of the parishes of Branford, Wallingford and East Haven. Rev. Messrs. Joseph Perry and Plumb, supplied the 1 Dr. Bronson was born at Plymouth, Conn., in 1762 ; was graduated at Yale College in 1786; was ordained Deacon by Bishop Seabury, Sept. 21, 1787, and Priest Feb. 25, 1788. In 1795, he was called to the Rectorship of St. John's church, Waterbury, and in 1805, was elected Principal of the Episcopal Academy at Cheshire. He died Sept. 6, 1826. 2 Charles Seabury was born at Westchester, N. Y., May 29, 1770 ; he removed with his father to New London, under whose supervision he studied theology, and was admitted to the holy order of Deacon June 5, 1 793, and was ordained Priest July 1 7, 1 796 ; was settled at New London, and Setauket, L. I. He died Dec. 29, 1844. 3 Seth Hart was born at Berlin, Conn., June 21, 1763 ; was graduated at Yale College in 1784 ; was ordained Deacon Oct. 9, 1791, and Priest Oct. 14, 1792. He preached first at Waterbury, and from 1794 to 1798 was Rector of the churches in Wallingford and North Haven. Some difficulty having arisen in the parish at North Haven, he resigned it and was called to St. George's church, Hempstead, L. I., where he remained until his death, March 16, 1832. He was a good classical scholar, an amiable man, a suc- cessful teacher, and an acceptable preacher. He died of paralysis, as also did his son, Rev. William H. Hart. On Mr. Hart's removal from Water- bury, several individuals liberally inclined, united and bought his house and five acres of land, and conveyed the whole to the church forever. 4 Ammi Rogers was born at Branford ; was graduated at Yale college, in 1790; ordained Deacon by Bishop Provoost of New York in June, 1792, and Priest at a later date. S 258 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. pulpit at Wallingford at various times, as also did Rev. Virgil H. Barber. 1 In 1822, Rev. James Keeler 2 became the Rector of St. Paul's Church at Wallingford. He was followed by the Rev. Mr. Bottsford, who re- mained but a short time. In 1824, Rev. Ashbel Bald- win 3 removed to Wallingford, where he officiated several years. He afterwards preached at Meriden, North Haven, and Oxford, until 1832, when he became disabled by age for any active duty. His voice was very clear and loud, and it seemed the louder, coming as it did from one who was considerably under size. He walked haltingly, in consequence of one leg being shorter than the other. He abounded in anecdotes, and he evidently had a great relish for them in the conversation of other 1 Virgil Horace Barber was ordained by Bishop Jarvis in 1805, and was called to St. John's church, Waterbury, where he remained till 1814, when he was elected Principal of the Academy, and Rector of the church at Fairfield, N. Y. About 1817, he declared himself a Romanist. It was doubtless through his influence that his father, the Rev. Daniel Barber, about a year after made a similar avowal. 2 James Keeler was born at Norwich, April 20, 1 787 ; studied under Rev. Dr. Bethel Judd ; ordained Deacon by Bishop Hobart in 1818. In 1822, removed to Wallingford as Rector of St. Paul's church ; was ordained Priest by Bishop Brownell, November 4, 1823. In 1828, became Rector of St. Andrew's church in Meriden. He died at Janesville, Iowa, June 26, 1833. 3 Ashbel Baldwin, son of Isaac Baldwin Esq., was born at Litchfield, March 7, 1757, and was graduated at Yale College in 1776. Soon after leaving college he received an appointment in the Continental army which he held for some time, and which proved of great importance to him in his latter years in securing to him a pension, when he had little, if any, other means of subsistence. He was married to Clarissa, eldest daughter of Mr. Samuel Johnson of Guilford, and grand-niece of the Rev. Dr. Johnson of Stratford. He was ordained Deacon, August 3, and Priest, Sept. 18, 1785, by Bishop Seabury, and was immediately called to the Rectorship of St. Michael's church in his native place. 101793, he became the Rector of Christ church, Stratford, and remained there until 1824. He died at Roch- ester, N. Y., in 1846, in the eighty-ninth year of his age. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 259 people. His kind and affable manners and social habits rendered him a welcome guest at the tables of the more wealthy parishioners, and he had the power of accommo- dating himself with equal facility to those in the oppo- site extremes of society. Mr. Baldwin was long a member of the standing committee of the Diocese, was delegate to the General Convention, Secretary of the Diocesan Convention for many years, and several times Secretary of the General Convention. His uncommon self possession and promptness in giving expression to his opinions, gave him great advantage in a deliberative assembly, over many of his brethren who were not infe- rior to him in good judgment or in general ability. After Mr. Baldwin left, the pulpit was supplied for a time by the Rev. Mr. Lucas. Since 1832, the following clergymen have assumed the Rectorship of St. Paul's in Wallingford : WILLIAM CURTIS, 1832-1836. JOSEPH BREWSTER, 1850-1853. LEMUEL HULL, 1836-1839. CHAS. S. PUTNAM, 1853-1858. R. M. CHAPMAN, 1839-1840. JOHN TOWNSEND, 1858-1864. HILLARD BRYANT, 1841-1850. EDW'D M. GUSHEE, 1864-1870. Four edifices have been erected for the Episcopal society in Wallingford. A rude structure, about the year 1741, in a northern district of the township; a second on the lot now held for a public school, in the north part of the borough ; the third on nearly the pres- ent site. This was destroyed by fire, Oct. 27, 1867. It was valued at $15,000, and insured for $4,700. The corner stone of the fourth church was laid by Bishop Williams, May 26, 1868, and consecrated Sept. 2, 1869. The new church is built of Portland sandstone, and is finished with black walnut and southern pine. The en- tire length is 124 feet ; the width 58 feet ; the height 62 26O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. feet. The church will seat 700 persons. Its cost was about $65,000. The Episcopal Church in Meriden was originated about the year 1789. The following is the agreement by which the parish of St. Andrews was formed : x " Meriden, April i3th, 1789. "We whose names are underwritten do declare our con- formity to the Church of England and are desirous of enjoying the worship and Sacraments of said Church, do consent and agree to support the same : " REUBEN IVES, CLERK. " DENISON ANDREWS, JOHN B. DOUGLAS, MOSES ANDREWS, EZRA BUTLER, ISAAC ATWATER, LEVI DOUGLAS, MARVEL ANDREWS, WATTS HUBBARD, SIMEON PERKINS, SETH D. WOLF, "SOLOMON YALE." 2 For several years their assemblies for public worship convened at a private house in the western part of the town. December 28, 1789, it was voted " to keep up meeting this year," and to hire Mr. Ives to preach. In 1792, Isaac Atwater, Seth Wolf, and Simeon Perkins, were appointed a committee for the purpose of erecting a church, but nothing further was done in the matter until 1795, when it was voted to erect a church at the 1 The original document was deposited in the corner stone of the church erected in 1836. 2 On the back of this document was endorsed the following : " Decem- ber, 13, A. D. 1793. Public money from Mr. Merriam, o 15 3. Deliv- ered to Mr. Perkins, out of which o 3 1 1 was due to him. August 22, A. D. 1794. Sent to Mr. Ives by Mr. Butler, cash ,0 15 o. Moses Andrews. January 28, A. D. 1790. Sent to Mr. Ives by Mr. Butler, cash ^3 o o. April 9, sent to Mr. Ives by the hand of Mr. Douglass, cash 120. May 30, Paid to Mr. Ives at his house, cash ^128. Feb- ruary 1 8, A. D. 1796, paid to Mr. Ives, cash o 12 o. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN MERIDEN. 26 1 south-east corner of the green, provided the land can be obtained. The year previous it was voted to hire preach- ing six Sundays for the year ensuing. In 1803, Mr. Virgil Horace Barber was hired for six Sabbaths, and Nicholas Andrews was chosen to be a committee to agree with the Wallingford committee for his services. In 1806, it was voted to build a Church on the ground belonging to Joseph Merriam, and shortly after it was voted to build the Church within sixty rods of the meeting-house ; r also that the house for the use of pub- lic worship be under the direction of the Episcopal society, but that the doors be opened to Baptists and Presbyterians when not occupied by the Episcopal so- ciety. A committee was appointed to petition the Assembly for a Lottery, to raise money for furnishing the Church, but the petition was not granted. April 22, 1811, it was voted "to hire Parson Ives to perform divine service and preach for us one sixth part of the year ensuing." Mr. Ives resided at Cheshire, but sup- plied the Church at Meriden until 1824. In 1821, the Meriden parish voted not to unite with the Wallingford parish that year. 2 In 1816, October 1 8, during the pastorate of Mr. Ives, the first house of worship was consecrated 3 as St. An- drew's Church, by the Rt. Rev. John Henry Hobart, 1 The Congregational. 2 The following is the receipt of Mr. Ives, for his salary, for his last year's service at Meriden : " Received of the Parish of St. Andrews church in Meriden, for services from Easter 1823, to Easter 1824, one hundred and one dollars and fourteen cents, being in full for said year. "Meriden 18 May, 1824. REV. REUBEN IVES." 3 This building was forty-five feet long and thirty-six feet wide. The building has been converted into a dwelling house, and removed to Liberty near Broad street, where it now stands. 262 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. D. D., Bishop of New York, 1 who at the same time con- firmed thirty-eight persons. In 1825, Rev. Ashbel Baldwin became Rector of the Church, on a salary of FIRST EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN MERIDEN. three hundred and three dollars. Since 1826, the fol- lowing clergymen have had charge of the parish : 1826, NATHANIEL BRUCE; 1828, JAMES KEELER; 1832, ROBERT A. HALLAM ; 2 1835, EDWARD INGERSOLL; 1837, JOHN M. GUION ;3 1839, MELANCTHON HOYT. 1 While the Diocese of Connecticut was for several years without a Bishop after the death of Dr. Jarvis in 1813, Bishop Hobart consented, in 1816, to extend his Episcopal jurisdiction to that See; and he held this provisional charge until 1819, when he was relieved by the consecration of Dr. Brownell. 2 Dr. Hallam was called to the Rectorship of St. James' church, New London, in 1834, and assumed the charge January i, 1835. He is the eighth rector of that church. 3 Mr. Guion was graduated at Columbia college in 1826, and at the General Theological Seminary in 1829. Ordained Deacon by Bishop Ho- bart in 1829, and Priest the year following. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN MERIDEN. 263 August 21, 1839, it was voted "that Edwin E. Curtis be authorized to supply the pulpit after the ist of October, at which time the Rev. Mr. Hoyt's resignation takes effect." 1 1840, S. STEBBINS STOCKING; 1841, CHARLES W. EVEREST; 1843, JOHN T. GUSHING; 1844, CYRUS MUNSON; 1848, JOSEPH BREWSTER. June 8, 1848, the corner-stone was laid of the second house of worship. The church was consecrated Feb- ruary 6, 1850, by Bishop Brownell. This church was a pretty Gothic edifice, of brown stone. Its cost was about $12,000. It was eighty feet long and forty-five wide. 1849, ABRAM NEWKIRK LITTLEJOHN ; 2 1851, GILES HENRY DESHON. The increase of the population in the western and northern part of the town, and the necessity of providing additional accommodations for the parish, rendered it necessary to erect another and larger edifice near the 1 Mr. Curtis was to see that the pulpit was supplied with some clergy- man. 2 Dr. Littlejohn was born in Montgomery county, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1824; was graduated at Union College in 1845, an( ^ was ordained Deacon, March 1 8, 1848, and Priest in November, 1850, soon after entering upon the rec- torship of Christ church, Springfield, Mass. He remained in Meriden ten months. He was afterwards Rector of churches in New Haven, and Brook- lyn, N. Y. In 1856, he received the degree of D. D., from the University of Pennsylvania, and 'soon after was elected to the Presidency of Hobart col- lege, Geneva, N. Y. For ten years he was lecturer on Pastoral Theology at the Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown. Nov. n, 1868, he was elected Bishop of Central New York, at the Episcopal Convention at Utica. He declined the appointment, and on the iQth of November was elected Bishop of Long Island, which he accepted. 264 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Town Hall. The corner-stone was laid August 8, 1866, by the Rt. Rev. John Williams, D. D., Bishop of the Diocese. The second church was taken down, and the stone was used in building this third church. It was consecrated November 7, 1867.' The ministers of the Church of England in Connecti- cut in 1740, numbered seven ; in 1755, eleven. Episco- pal parishes in 1750, twenty-five ; houses of worship in 1750, twenty-four ; Episcopal parishes in 1800, sixty-two. Increase in the half century, thirty-seven. The increase was largest soon after Whitefield's first visit to New England, and just before the war of the Revolution. Mr. Goodrich, 2 in 1774, said, "The number of the Epis- 1 At the laying of the corner stone, the procession composed of the choristers, twelve in number, the architect, builde'rs, building committee, wardens and vestry, deacons, priests and the Rt. Rev. John Williams, D. D., the celebrant, marched from the Institute rooms in the Town Hall. On reaching the church, the procession opened, the Bishop and clergy pass- ing through, repeating the cxxn Psalm. The Bishop then proceeded with the service. The Rector of the parish, Rev. G. H. Deshon, then read a list of documents placed in the stone, viz., all those originally in the cor- ner stone of the old building, laid in 1848, together with a copy of the last will and testament of Moses Andrews Esq., (whose name and memory the church most warmly cherishes and reveres), a copy of the Journal of the Convention of the Diocese of Connecticut, for 1866, the Connecticut Churchman, The Meriden Recorder, and specimens of the fractional cur- rency then in use in the United States. There were present besides the Bishop and Rector, Rev. Drs. Beardsley of New Haven, Goodwin of Middletown, Hallam of New London, The Rev. Messrs. Adams of Haz- ardville, Baldwin of New Britain, Chamberlain of Birmingham, Gushee of Wallingford, Huntington and Mallory of Trinity college, Mason of New Haven, Niles of Trinity College, Townsend of New Haven, Ward of Cheshire, and Witherton of Buffalo, N. Y., Priests ; and the Rev. Messrs. M'Cook of St John's Chapel, East Hartford, and March, assistant minister of Christ church, Hartford, Deacons Mr. Henry Dudley of New York was the architect, and the cost of the Church was about forty thousand dollars. 2 Minutes of Convention, for 1774, p. 62. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN MERIDEN. 265 copalians are about one in thirteen of the whole number of inhabitants ; and probably there would be no great difference from the proportion were the account of all the towns come in." The church in this colony had a long and feeble minority, forming as she did, part of the Diocese of the Bishop of London, and being of course far removed from all immediate Episcopal inspection, and having no means of keeping up her ministry, except as she received fresh supplies from' England, or sent her own sons thither for ordination. The early clergy struggled hard to establish the foundations of the church in the colony, and to overcome those prejudices with which they were compelled to contend. 1 It has already been said, that from almost the first settlement of the colony, there had existed in it an estab- lished religion which belonged to the government, and was as firmly upheld by it as any branch of the civil machinery. Says a writer, " Intolerant principles were so deeply implanted in the inhabitants of New England, that all efforts to eradicate them at this period proved ineffectual." 2 In the elegant and forcible language of one of Connecticut's historians, " It is impossible that the opinions of any one generation should be locked up in a vault strong enough to keep them from age to age in their, primitive condition. Dampness will gather around 1 In 1 705, a youth among the Friends wished to espouse a fair Puritan maiden, but the Quakers disapproved his marrying out of their society, and the Congregationalists his marrying into theirs ; so in despair he thus addressed her : " Ruth, let us break from this unreasonable bondage. I will give up my religion, and thou shalt give up thine ; and we will marry and go into the church of England, and go to the devil together." " And they fulfilled their resolution," the Puritan historian says, "so far as going into the church, and marrying, and staying there for life." 2 Hannah Adams' New England, p. 117. 266 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. them and steal away their vitality, violence will break open the doors that imprison them, and set them free, or their deliverance will be left to the more slow but equally rude action of the rains and frosts, which will soften and crack asunder the mortar and stones, until, if the key does not drop from the arch, there will be found many seams and crevices in the walls for the entrance of the winds. So it has been in the old world and so was it in the new." 1 Since the" year 1713, when Episcopacy was first introduced into Connecticut, we have seen it grow to number in this state one hundred and thirty-four parishes, one hundred and forty-nine clergy, fifteen thousand nine hundred and thirty-four communicants, and with an annual contribution for Missionary, Church and other purposes, of over two hundred and nineteen thousand dollars. It may be interesting to mention here, that the annual stipend allowed the Episcopal clergy in the colony of Connecticut, was usually from 40 to $o sterling ; and unless the people provided a suitable parsonage and glebe, and contributed an equal amount yearly toward his maintenance, the clerical office was hardly surrounded in any place by a dignity and decency sufficient to command respect. Few of the Missionaries had any private means, and though they lived frugally, in conformity with the habits of the times, they were obliged occasionally to state their wants and the disadvantages of an inadequate support. 2 1 Hollister, n. 540. 2 The Mission of St. John the Evangelist, at Yalesville, belongs to the parish of Wallingford. 267 CHAPTER XII. THE BAPTIST CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD AND MERIDEN. THE first Baptist church organized in the colony was planted in Groton in 1705. The second was organized in Waterford (then part of New London) in 1710. The third was organized in Wallingford in 1735, consisting of about ten families, with Timothy Waters as pastor. The history of the earlier Baptist churches in Connecti- cut are especially interesting, because they grew up at a time when there was a legalized union of church and state. For a series of years they stood as visible expo- nents of divine doctrines and principles. We are to view the organization of the Baptist church in Wallingford with its thirteen members, not as we should now view the formation of a society, or voluntary association, in similar circumstances, simply as the frothy effervescence arising from the spirit of the age, but rather as a note- worthy illustration of heroic faith. Society-making had not then become, as now, a prevalent epidemic. These Baptist pioneers did not float along in the current of general opinion, but studied the Bible themselves. They organized a church because they thought there was no such local organization as the New Testament describes, composed exclusively of baptized believers, existing there, and because they devoutly sought a religion which wore every discernable mark of Apostolic genuineness. 268 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. The political ecclesiasticism which was established by law throughout the State, was enforced by fines, by extortion, by imprisonment, and by branding. The fol- lowing laws stood on the old Colony Law Book : "Nor shall any persons neglect the public worship of God in some lawful Congregation, and form themselves into sepa- rate companies in private houses, on penalty of ten shillings for every such offence each person shall be guilty of." 1 In 1723, a law was passed making the penalty of the above offence against a lawful congregation, twenty shillings. " Whatsoever person not being a lawfully allowed minister of the gospel," administered the sacra- ment to his flock, was fined ten pounds for every such offence and suffered besides " corporeal punishment by whipping, not exceeding thirty stripes for each offence." Many clergymen and members of the Baptist church were imprisoned for exhorting non-payment of assess- ments, and preaching the doctrines of the Bible as held by Baptists. In February, 1744, at Saybrook, fourteen persons were arrested for holding a Baptist meeting. The charge brought against them was, " holding a meet- ing contrary to law, on God's holy Sabbath day." They were arraigned, tried, fined and driven on foot through a deep mud to New London, a distance of twenty-five miles, and thrust into prison, without fire, food, or beds, where they remained enduring dreadful sufferings for several weeks. It was once so unpopular in Wallingford to be a Baptist, that when certain men were baptized, their wives felt that they had lost caste in society, and yielded to tears to assuage their sorrow for their fallen husbands. I Acts and Laws, p. 139. BAPTIST CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 269 The Baptist church in Wallingford had been organ- ized but a short time when Rev. John Merriman was ordained their pastor. 1 By the advice of Governor Talcott, the Wallingford society had not required any taxes from them for a number of years. In the "great awakening" they were aroused to a concern for the great interests of their souls ; and their pastor in behalf of himself and people, had invited some of the neighboring ministers of the established church to preach for them ; observing that as to the internals of religion they could heartily join with them, though not in the mode. In December, 1741, Rev. Philemon Robbins, 2 a " New Light" minister of the Congregational church in Bran- ford, received a letter from the pastor of the Baptist church in Wallingford, informing him that Dr. Bellamy had preached to their society to mutual satisfaction, and desiring that he would do the same. He was pleased to accept the invitation, and appointed a meeting for the purpose, January 6, 1742. But two days before the time specified, a deacon from Wallingford brought him a 1 Mr. Merriman was subsequently pastor of the Baptist church in South- ington. The following record is taken from his tombstone in a small burying ground in the western part of the town. " The Rev. John Mer- riman died on Feb. 17, 1784, in the eighty-ninth year of his age. He was a Calvinistic Antipedo Baptist minister. Here lies the body death has bound, Whose soul with ministerial gifts was crown'd, His life his Master's doctrine did adorn, And waits his last reward till the auspicious morn." Another stone bears this inscription : " In memory of Mrs. Jemima, wife of ye Rev Mr. John Merriman. She died Oct. II, 1764, in ye 64* year of her age." 2 Philemon Robbins was the son of Nathaniel Robbins, and grandson of Nathaniel Robbins who emigrated from Scotland to Massachusetts in 1670. He was graduated at Harvard College in 1729, and was ordained at Branford, Feb 17, 1731. He died August 13, 1781. 2/O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. letter signed by forty-two men of the town, desiring him not to preach to the Baptists, without assigning any rea- son for the request but their own wishes. The messen- ger who conveyed him this letter, also presented him with a line from the Rev. Mr. Stiles, of North Haven, and Mr. Hemmingway, of East Haven, advising him not to preach in the Baptist meeting-house in Wallingford. Mr. Robbins could see no reason why these gentlemen should desire that he should not preach to the Baptists. It appeared to him rather unkind, and contrary to a Christian spirit, to prevent their having preaching, when they thirsted for the word of life, and there was a more than common prospect of doing good. He had given his word, and appointed the day, and though he had some hesitation with respect to it at first, after he had received the letter from Wallingford, he determined to go according to his engagement, and preached two ser- mons. For this he was complained of to the consocia- tion of Congregational Churches of New Haven county, February 9, ensuing, as a disorderly person, as follows : " I, the subscriber, do signify, by way of complaint to this reverend consociation, that on the 6th day of January last past, the Rev. Philemon Robins did enter into the first society in Wallingford and preach in a disorderly manner, in contempt of the authority of this consociation, without the consent of the Rev. Mr. Whittlesey, pastor of said society, contrary to the act of the Guilford council, contrary to the act of this consociation, and contrary to the desire of two neighboring ministers, and a great number of church members in Wall- ingford. THOMAS YALE." Mr. Robbins replied, that Governor Talcott had ad- vised the Wallingford collectors not to distrain ministeri- al taxes from them ; and that the public authority of the BAPTIST CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 2/1 State sent them their annual proclamations for Fasts and Thanksgivings, as to other societies. Besides he had not entered Mr. Whittelsey's parish, but had preach- ed to a people entirely different from his. With respect to his preaching, contrary to the advice of two neighbor- ing ministers, and a great number of church members, he observed, that he knew no rule in the word of God, or the Saybrook platform, which obliged him to comply with their desire in his preaching, nor could he see any reason in such desire. He observed that there was nothing in the complaint accusing him of the violation of any of the divine commands, or of doing anything contrary to the word of God. The consociation, never- theless, resolved : " That the Rev. Mr. Robbins so preaching was disorderly : That Mr. Robbins should not sit as a member of this council for his disorderly preaching." Mr. Robbins, upon the reading of the resolutions of the council, returned home, expecting no more com- plaints or trouble, and he was sustained in his course by his own church. Very unexpectedly to him, a com- plaint was exhibited against him, to the association which sat at Cheshire, in May, 1743. Mr. Robbins accidentally heard of it, soon after, but he could not learn who were the complainants, nor what number of them there were, nor what were the articles of complaint. The next association which met at North Haven, again took the matter into consideration, and drew up the following confession, which they presented to him : "Whereas I, Philemon Robbins, was condemned by the consociation of New Haven county, for disorderly preaching, in the first society in Wallingford ; I do now acknowledge that my preaching there was disorderly ; and I purpose to 2/2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. preach disorderly no more, and desire the reverend associa- tion of New Haven county to overlook it ; I purposing and resolving, if opportunity favor, to go to said consociation, and acknowledge the said disorderly preaching before them, in or- der to be restored to their favor." As he could not acknowledge that his preaching to the Baptists was contrary to the word of God, or the Saybrook platform, and as he did not believe in his con- science that it was disorderly, he refused to subscribe to the confession. He offered a confession of his own, but the association would not accept it. But as the people were uneasy that he was not on good terms with the association, and as a good understanding with his breth- ren in the vicinity was desirable, he went to the associa- tion the next year in May, while it was sitting in North Branford, and offered three confessions to the associa- tion. The first was in these words : " I the subscriber do acknowledge that I preached at Wal- lingford, within the bounds of the first society, and without the consent of the Rev. Mr. Whittelsey, pastor of the first society, on January 6th, 1741-2, and now do acknowledge, that my preaching there was a breach of the order that the ecclesiastical authority of New Haven county have come into, by an agreement and vote, A. D., 1741, and so disorderly preaching in that respect, as it was contrary to said vote. And now I declare that it is my full purpose, at present, not to preach contrary to said vote of said authority ecclesiastical, for time to come, nor contrary to the act of the general assembly in May, 1742. And further, I humbly ask that the association of New Haven county would overlook what is past, and receive me to sit with them, &c. as formerly, and recommend me to be received by the consociation, upon my making this acknowledgment before them, which I stand ready to do when opportunity presents. "PHILEMON ROBBINS." BAPTIST CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 2/3 It was a long time debated in council, whether this confession should be received or not. Some were for it ; but finally a majority appeared against it, and it was rejected. He offered them a second, but that did not satisfy them. He told them he had a third to offer, if they would hear it. They refused ; but one of the asso- ciation wished to have it, and promised to return it to him again, and there was no doubt but that the associa- tion heard it. It was as follows : " I the subscriber do humbly acknowledge that I preached at Wallingford, within the bounds of the first society, to the people called the baptists, January 6th, A. D. 1741-2, for which the reverend consociation have secluded me from the privilege of sitting with them, and people at home and abroad have been uneasy : I do therefore de- clare, that, though if I was instrumental of any spiritual good to any souls there, I must so far rejoice; yet upon every other account, I am sorry that I went ; and desire the association and consociation of said county to overlook it, and receive me to sit with them, &c., as formerly. " PHILEMON ROBBINS." Finding that nothing which he could conscientiously say would satisfy the association, he went home, hoping that what he had said might give satisfaction to his own people, though it had not to the association. Another complaint was privately drawn up and pre- sented to the association sitting at Amity, May 29, 1745, and a paper was drawn up, signed by fifteen members of the first society of Branford, requesting the con- sociation to take into consideration the difficulties and grievances they were laboring under. At a meeting of the association held at Waterbury, September, 1745, Mr. Robbins offered another confession, stating that he could not after more than three years study, medi- T 2/4 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. tation and prayer, be convinced in conscience that his so preaching was contrary to the holy scriptures, or the mind of God. The confession concluded as follows : " And now, gentlemen, I humbly beg forgiveness : let my ignorance of its being a crime apologize for me, that I may be restored. And I would humbly offer one motive to engage your compassion, viz. a prospect of peace among my people, who have been uneasy, for I think that in other respects, they are friendly and kind ; but this case has been an uneasiness with them, and a principal uneasiness, if I may judge by their complaints, or what I hear from their own mouths. And therefore, gentlemen, as you are professed lovers of peace, you will undoubtedly promote it, by restoring your unworthy servant." The association would not accept this confession, nor give it so much as a second reading. After some further prosecution of the affair, the consociation pro- ceeded to depose him from the ministry and the communion of their church. The record is as follows : " This Consociation do now and upon the whole judge and determine the said Robins unworthy the ministerial character and Christian communion ; and accordingly do, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, according to the word of God, and the powers invested in this Consociation by the ecclesiastical constitution of the government, depose the said Robins from his ministerial office, and ministerial and pastoral relation, to the first church in said Branford, and debar and suspend him from communion in any of the churches of our Lord Jesus Christ." This occured in 1747. Subsequently a petition was preferred before the General Court, that they would eject Mr. Robbins from his meeting-house, that a regular min- ister might be settled in his place. It should be observed BAPTIST CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 2/5 that his church had previously voted to renounce the jurisdiction of the consociation. The Sabbath after he was deposed, Mr. Robbins preached from i Cor. 9 : 16 ; " For necessity is laid upon me ; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel." Some of the people went to meeting with hesitation whether he would attempt to preach, or if he should, whether they should stay and hear him or not ; but he made such an extraordinary prayer as arrested all their attention and deeply im- pressed their minds. They judged that such a prayer had never been made in that house. They all tarried to hear what he would preach. And here again he gained their attention and entered deeply into their feelings. They imagined that his discourses were not less ex- traordinary than his prayer. He continued preaching, and performed all ministerial duties as he had done before, and the people attended his ministrations. The society advanced his salary and encouraged him by pub- lic acts of generosity. In the year 1755, about seven years after, he was invited to .sit with the consociation at the ordination of Mr. Street, at East Haven, and no objections were made on account of any thing which had passed in the times of his trouble. He attended the consociations until the time of his death, in 1781. Yet his church sent no messenger with him. 1 There is no evidence that this First Church in Wall- ingford continued in existence after the year 1750. But I A History of New England, with particular reference to the denomi- nation of Christians called Baptists, by Isaac Bachus, Boston, 1779-84, 11. 631. Trumbull's Hist, of Conn., n. 196-233. A plain Narrative of the proceedings of the Rev. Association and Consociation of New Haven county, against the Rev. Mr. Robbins, of Branford, since the year 1741, and the doings of his church and people. 1743. Sprague's Annals, 1,367. 2/6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. no doubt it exerted much influence toward the formation of another church in the town, nearly fifty years later. The immediate cause of the organization of the church whose history is now to be sketched, may probably be found in the occasional labors of certain Baptist min- isters attached to other churches in the State. Among these, the influence' of Rev. Solomon Wheat is most apparent from the records. The first conversions to Baptist principles among those who afterwards con- stituted the church, appear to have occurred under his preaching. And the first two candidates baptized repaired to Glastenbury, his place of residence, for the ordinance. August 23, 1786, seven males and five females met at the house where Charles Ives now lives, and " by mutual agreement spent the day in fasting and solemn prayer to Almighty God to succeed and bless their endeavour to build him an house, and that He would form them into a gospel church." The pledge, " We therefore agree to unite to make the following covenant with God and with one another," &c., was signed by ISAAC HALL, SAMUEL Mix, CHARLES IVES, LEAH PECK, EPHRAIM HOUGH, SARAH IVES, ZENA BROCKETT, MARY HULL, ASEPH MITCHELL, JERUSHA MATOON, CHARLES IVES, Jr., ESTHER MATOON, ISAAC HALL, Clerk. On the /th of October, following, the church was publicly recognized, after due examination of their articles of faith and church order ; the Rev. Solomon Wheat of Glastenbury, and a delegation from the church over which he presided, giving the right hand BAPTIST CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. of fellowship. The form of covenant adopted by them is very full and explicit, and expressed in language of great strength and solemnity. It should be remarked that the church was formed, their worship held, and their first house of worship erected within the present town of Meriden. No records remain of their action as a society, and hence information is wanting on some points, in which it would be desirable. Their church records however, are measurably full, and afford many hints of their general condition. They seem to have been without a house of worship for many years, and hence must have held their meetings in private dwellings, school- houses, etc. For several years they were generally held in the south-eastern part of the town of Meriden, at the residence of one of their members. In the year 1801, fifteen years from their organization, a dwelling-house was purchased and located near the division line of both towns, but within the limits of Meriden, and refitted as a house of worship. As may be supposed, it was of moderate size, and devoid of all ornament. Yet it served about fifteen years as a shelter and rallying point for Baptists, who gathered from Meri- den, Wallingford, Cheshire, Hamden, North Haven, Westfield and Berlin. And unpretending as the build- ing was, yet the language of the admiring Israelite concerning Zion, might be accommodated to the works of saving mercy wrought within it. "The Lord shall count when he writeth up the people that this and that man was born there." To many it proved " the house of God and the gate of Heaven." This building was called the "Temple," and was situated just north of the residence formerly occupied by Ivah Curtis. It was 2/8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. about thirty-five feet long and twenty-five feet wide. And now that it has passed the second time to the uses of a private dwelling, it is still associated in the memories of some with tried and faithful friends and brethren, whose voices, long since stilled in death, they were there wont to hear, as they sang the praises of God, and spoke his word with power. It is somewhat remarkable that this church remained without the regular service of an ordained minister for even a longer period than they lacked a house of wor- ship. It was not until May 2Oth, 1806, that their first pastor was ordained, making in all twenty years from the date of their organization. Yet, it should not be inferred from this that they were wholly destitute of the preaching of the gospel, and the administration of the ordinances of Christ. Doubtless they were enjoyed by them at stated seasons, in days of the greatest destitu- tion. And there appears from their records no cause for doubt that the worship and order of a church were regularly maintained by them, from the time of their existence as a church. And they appear to have had more ministerial service than most churches which are destitute of pastoral care. Their first pastor seems to have conducted their worship and supplied their pulpit, much, if not most of the time, for several years previous to his ordination ; and he probably by exchanges secured the services of ordained ministers for the regu- lar administration of the ordinances. But during their comparative, and even their greatest destitution, we have cause to regard them as on the whole a prosper- ous church. It appears from this record that their discipline was eminently Scriptural and laborious. No complaint was BAPTIST CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 2/9 tolerated against a member until the aggrieved or com- plaining member had taken the first and second steps of labor prescribed in the i8th chapter of Matthew. And then the complaint must assume the form of a written allegation. Then they seem to have been prepared to bestow upon it any amount of time and labor which jus- tice to the parties and the interests of religion might demand. And we have evidence also, that they practi- cally recognized the right of the church to the gifts of its members, to a degree by no means common among us at the present day. Brethren of tried character and ability were regularly appointed by a vote of the church to conduct their religious services in the absence of ministerial aid. And the memory of many of these members is still fragrant, as characterised by eminent purity and devotion of life, and by the habit of frequent and powerful exhortation from the Word of God. And it may be doubted whether in any recent period it has been favored with as many able Christian exhorters as it had at the beginning of the present century. More- over, in view of the disadvantages under which they labored for many years, from the want of a house of worship and of needful pastoral service, and added to this, the strong prejudices and civil disabilities with which they were called to contend, we may regard them as prosperous in the point of numbers. In 1791, this church dismissed thirteen males and eleven females to form another church in the south part of the town. They were soon recognized as the " Sec- 'ond Baptist church in Wallingford," by delegates from the First and Second Baptist churches in Danbury. Their house of worship was known as the " Separate Meeting House," and was located about a mile south of 28O HISTORY OF WALLJNGFORD. the present village. Their "Articles of Faith" were very full and decidedly Calvinistic. In doctrine they were in sympathy with the " Separates," who had left the churches of the standing order after the adoption of the " Saybrook Platform," and the " Halfway Covenant" It is impossible to trace the history of this second church from the records of the first, as we meet with no more than a single recognition of them afterwards. This church had no pastor until the year 1800, when Seth Higby was called to the pastorate. He continued his labors with them until his death in 1 804. After this the church had no settled pastor, but was supplied much of the time by ministers from neighboring towns. Elders Lester and Green frequently visited them. In 1793, seven years from the formation of the first church, it had numbered in all sixty-four members. This rate of increase is probably greater than that generally realized by the Baptist churches during the last twenty years. In 1803, they dismissed twenty-nine of their number to form a church in Waterbury. Among the members of the 2d Baptist Church in Wallingford, who formed the first Baptist church in Waterbury, were Zenas Brockett, David Frost, and Isaac Terrell. For several years it was their custom, and the custom of those after- wards associated with them, to visit the church of their adoption at least once every month, and this journey, a distance of twelve miles, they usually performed on foot. By these brethren, meetings were established and con- ducted in the town of Waterbury ; and Nov. 10, 1803, a* church was organized of those previously connected with the Second Baptist Church in Wallingford. Preem- nent in this movement were the brethren whose names BAPTIST CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 28 1 are above recorded ; men who deserve a cherished and honored memory as leaders of the infant church, and as Christians of tried integrity of character and purity of life. In 1804, a church was formed in Westfield parish, Middletown, by members dismissed for that purpose from the Second Baptist Church of Wallingford. That church maintained its existence nearly fifty years, and saw days of peace and usefulness. More recently, it ex- perienced heavy trials, resulting in the reduction of its membership. Reduced still farther by the removal of members to other places, it finally disbanded. Yet it lived not in vain. *It has given back to the church from which it originated a number of valued members, and to other and remoter churches it has made its contribu- tions of active laborers in the cause of Christ. In 1811 the second society in Wallingford disbanded, and a part of their number united with the labors of Joshua Bradley, who was living in Wallingford. Mr. Bradley came from Rhode Island in 1809, and being a thoroughly educated man, commenced teaching and preaching in the village of Wallingford. Soon an acade- my was built for him, and he preached a part of the time in that. There was no organized Baptist church in the center, while he labored in the town. But there was a (Baptist) congregation of that order, and they met for worship a part of the time in what was known as the "Wells House." A Mr. Wells held Calvinistic sentiments, and with many others separated from the old Congregational church, and erected a new house of worship which was located where the Episcopal church now stands. The Baptists worshiped in it until their present house of worship was erected in 1822. 282 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. There are many now living who testify to Mr. Bradley's faithful and incessant labors during a period of seven or eight years, while he taught in the Academy and preached on the Sabbath. He did not escape the perse- cution of those days. On one occasion he was forcibly taken from the school-room by an officer of the law, and hurried away to New Haven and confined in jail. His friends immediately bailed him out. When he was preaching in New Haven, about the time of the consti- tution of the First Baptist church in that city, he was tried before the Superior Court. In the language of the indictment, he was charged with "drawing away from their respective Pastors and Ecclesiastical Societies, to which they belonged, many of the citizens." But in every trial his enemies were confounded ; and the oppo- sition to him resulted in the furtherance of the gospel. At this time there was no Baptist church in Walling- ford. What was the First church in the north part of the town, was still in existence, but the house of wor- ship was in Meriden. In 1806, when Meriden was incorporated as a town, a part of the township was set off from Wallingford, as has been before stated. The line of division between the two towns was run a little south of the Old " Temple." After this the church was called the " Baptist church in Meriden." The house of worship stood about three miles from Meriden center, and about four from the center of Wallingford. It was found at length to be unfavorable with respect to the centers of the population around them. Hence, after long, perhaps too long delay, it was resolved to rear the banner which had been given them to be displayed because of the truth, in the center of Meriden. This appears to have been done also, with the view to a BAPTIST CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 283 separate organization for the center of Wallingford. Accordingly in 1815, measures were taken for the erection of a house of worship in the village of Meriden. This appears to have been done mainly at the expense of that part of the members who resided in Meriden, and who would naturally attend at the new place of wor- ship. The building was probably erected the same year ; and although left unfinished in the interior, was applied to the uses for which it was designated. Whe- ther the members in Wallingford united with them in worship for a time, or maintained a separate meeting at the old place or in Wallingford village, does not appear from the records. When the brethren in Meriden erected a new house of worship, the members living in Wallingford then began to think of forming a separate church of their own. Accordingly, as the record reads, " The Baptist Church in Meriden being fully persuaded that it would be for the advancement of Zion, to constitute a Baptist Church in Wallingford out of their number, voted to call a council for that purpose." At the call of the Meriden church, a council was convened May 15, 1817, and the present Baptist church of Wallingford was then constituted, consisting of thirty-four members. In 1821, when the Hartford Association met in Sandisfield, Mass., the church re- ported eighty members. Their first pastor was Rev. Samuel Miller. Henceforth, the paths of the two bodies diverge, or rather run distinct, though parallel. Let us follow the history of the church in Meriden. Greatly weakened by the loss of one-half or more of its members, the progress of the church was not rapid, if indeed it has ever been so, in point of enlargement. Two other churches preceded it in the village, in the 284 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. order of time, and one of them which had existed from the year 1725, more than fifty years before the existence of the Baptist church had gathered around it the mass of the population. The small meeting-house, for two or three years naked in the interior, and the small number of attendants, presented a painful contrast with the numbers and circumstances of their brethren adjoining them. Many pronounced the attempt a failure at the beginning ; and probably for sometime afterwards had little apprehension of proving false prophets. Years of toil, and apparently of unrequited toil, awaited the brethren. Yet amid periods of comparative weakness and barrenness there were seasons of limited success, and of brightening prospects. A revision of the roll of members, reported October 3, 1819, showed the whole number of members to be seventy-three. But the year 1820 appears to have been one of increase, both in point of numbers and of strength, and hence of reviving hope and courage. About twenty persons were added to their number by baptism. Some valuable additions were made to the church in succeed- ing years ; but no general revival followed until the year 1829. In the autumn of this year a more extensive revival of religion commenced, than the church had before witnessed since its organization. A revision of the records which took place a few years afterwards, in- volving the destruction or loss of the former roll of membership, has rendered it impossible to determine the number added to the church during that revival. It is believed however, that about twenty were received. While the work was rising and spreading rapidly, the pastor of the church was suddenly removed to his account. The short interval of four days only, occurred BAPTIST CHURCH IN MERIDEN. 285 between vigorous health and active labor, and his death. Four days later the wife of the pastor was removed by death. Five days more, and one of the deacons of the church, who, for nearly twenty years had proved himself a firm friend and advocate of the church, lay prostrate in death. Rev. William Bentley was secured for the temporary supply of the pulpit, and under his preaching, an impulse was given to the church which it has probably never wholly lost. Father Bentley was naturally pos- sessed of considerable mental energy, and especially great intensity of feeling, and vividness of imagination. His language was often awkward and blundering; but the moment his mind began to glow, it became simple and touching, and often quite eloquent. 1 In June, 1830, Rev. Russell Jennings assumed the pastoral charge. During this year, the house of worship was removed, and received an addition to its length, together with a spire, and a basement room used as a vestry. Mr. Jennings remained until November, 1832, a period of two years and five months. In September ensuing, 1833, Rev. Nathaniel Hervey became pastor of the church, and continued in that relation about one year. April i, 1835, Rev. George B. Atwell was called to the pastoral charge, and retained it two years. In May i Rev. Wm. Bentley was born at Newport, R. I., March 3, 1775. At the age of fifteen, he was sent to Boston to learn a trade of a baker ; was baptized May, 1791. At the end of his apprenticeship he commenced business as a baker in Boston. He was first licensed to preach in 1806, and was first settled at Tiverton, R. I. From thence he removed to Worcester, Mass., where he preached three years with a salary of one hundred dollars per annum. In 1815, he removed to Wethersfield, Conn., where he remained six years ; after which he sustained no pastoral charge, but preached in various parts of the State. He died December 24, 1855, aged eighty years. 286 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. ensuing, 1837, Rev. Leland Howard succeeded him, and served until June, 1838. In August, 1838, Rev. Harvey Miller entered upon the services of the church, which he served in all fidelity until called to his rest and reward on high, upon which he entered August 27, 1856, having served the church as pastor eighteen years. 1 He was a genial and loving friend, with rare conversational powers, and a favorite with all. As a preacher, his sermons were full of rich thought and evangelical truth, and his delivery was rapid, animated and energetic. 2 In 1848, the society increasing with the growth of the town, erected for themselves a large and beautiful church, not far from the site of the former one. The cost of the new house, completed and furnished, together with the land and the lecture-room, was $9,500. Its dimensions are seventy-six feet long and fifty-three feet wide. 3 April i, 1857, Rev. D. Henry Miller entered upon 1 Church Manual, 1861. 2 Rev. Harvey Miller was born in Wallingford, April, 3, 1814. His father, Rev. Samuel Miller, preached in this town twenty-three years. On his seventeenth birth-day, 1831, he was baptized by Rev. Simon Shailer, and two months after united with the church. He preached his first ser- mon in the North Farms' school-house, Sabbath evening, June 5, 1831, from John in : 14. After preaching in various places for nearly a year, he entered upon a course of study at Hamilton Theological Institute in 1832. His health failing him he left the Institution in June, 1836, and went to Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he was ordained November 23, 1836. After preaching there two years he came to Meriden, where he was married to Mrs. Sarah R. Ives, May 21, 1839. His pastorate in Meriden extended through eighteen years. He preached his last sermon in this church, August 17, and died on the 27th, 1856, aged 42 years. 3 In 1869, an addition was built on the west end of the church, to con- tain an organ, which was presented by Edward Miller, Esq. BAPTIST CHURCH IN MERIDEN. 28/ the duties of the pastorate, at the unanimous call of the church. A work of grace soon blessed his labors, and ninety-three persons were received in the ordinance of baptism, and forty-nine by letter and experience, during the first two years of his ministry. The membership at this time was 474. During his pastorate the Second Baptist church in West Meriden was organized, June 4, 1861, by members dismissed from the First Baptist church. A lot for a church edifice was secured at a cost of $400. A chapel was built at a cost of $1,700, in which the society wor- shiped until their church was built. This church is built of brick, with brown stone trimmings, after the modern Gothic style of architecture. Its dimensions are eighty-two by forty-two feet, with transepts seventy-two feet wide extending twenty-five feet on one side, and thirty-three on the other, making the entire width of the church across the transept to be one hundred feet. Mr. Miller closed his connection with the church, and entered the service of his country as chaplain in the 1 5th regiment. 1 He was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Mason, who remained here about one year. Rev. Henry A. Cordo was settled over the society in 1864, and re- mained until September, 1866. He was followed by Rev. Otis Saxton, who supplied the pulpit until Septem- i Rev. D. Henry Miller was the eighth son of James and Mary A. Miller, of Charlestown, Mass. His mother was a daughter of one of the heroes of Bunker Hill. Mr. Miller was born in Jersey City, Oct. 31, 1825; was graduated in 1845 ; took degree of A. M. in 1849 from Madison Univer- sity. He was ordained at North Stonington, Conn., Nov. 17, 1847. I' 1 1866 the degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred on him by the University of Lewisburg, Penn. Became pastoral Meriden April i, 1857, where he served successfully, and left the church to enter the service of his country during the rebellion. In 1868, he was called to the Broad St. Baptist church of Elizabeth, N. J. 288 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. her, 1867, when he left for Valparaiso, Wisconsin. June 7, 1868, Rev. Almond Barelle 1 was installed as pastor of the church. We will now return to the Wallingford church. When the Rev. Samuel Miller was dismissed to join the church in Meriden, his associate, Rev. Sedgwick Rice, in connection with Rev. Mr. Wilson, who preached a part of the time, had the oversight of the church until 1825, when Rev. Seth Ewer was called to the pastorate. He continued his labors until July, 1827. From that time to 1831, the church was successively supplied by El- ders Glazier, Kimball and Knowlton. In 1831, Simon Shailer was called to the pastorate. Under his ministry a good number were added to the church. Early in 1837 he was succeeded by Francis Hawley, who, in 1841 was succeeded by Mr. Batcheler. In 1843 Mr. Batcheler adopted " Millerite views," and thus created division in the church, which resulted in the exclusion of many from its fellowship. In 1844 A. E. Denison was called to take the pastoral charge of the church. When he commenced his labors, the church was in a low state ; but with his judicious efforts there was soon a good degree of union and prosperity in the church. In 1847 they remodeled their house of worship, and added the front part and steeple at a cost of nearly $3,000. In 1850 Charles Keyser became pastor of the church, and was succeeded in 1853 by S. B. Grant. In 1855 Rev. R. J. Adams was called, and during his pastorate the I Mr. Barelle was graduated at Madison University, and was a student at the Rochester Theological Seminary. He was first located at Central City, Colorado, where he remained three years. His next pastorate was in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he remained two years. Sept. 24th, 1864, he married Miss Julia E. Merchant at Central City, Colorado. BAPTIST CHURCH IN WALLINGFORD. 289 church enjoyed two revivals, and seventy-one were added to the membership. January 19, 1870, Mr. Adams was installed as pastor of the Baptist church in Holyoke, Mass., and was succeeded by the Rev. A. C. Bronson in 1870. The church has suffered greatly from a frequent change of pastors. During the fifty-two years of its existence it has had no less than fifteen. The longest terms of office were held by Messrs. Shailer and Denison ; the one five years, and the other seven years. It is worthy of notice, that at the call of this church, a convention of delegates from nine churches met in the academy at Wallingford, Sept. 15, 1825, and formed the New Haven Baptist Association. Since 1826, there have been added to the church by baptism, three hundred and ninety-three ; by letter, ninety-five. As nearly as can be estimated, there have been connected with the church since its formation over six hundred members. 1 The doctrinal views of the Baptist churches are like those of the early Puritans, and their church organiza- tion is strictly congregational, holding that none are proper subjects of Christian ordinances, but professed believers, and thus of course excluding unconscious babes from the ordinance of baptism. Their church government is essentially democratic. As a denomina- tion, it is believed they have ever in all countries, and at all times, been opposed to the interference of the civil authority in matters of conscience ; believing as Roger Williams has said, in that great cardinal principle, the full enjoyment of "soul liberty." It is worthy of special note, that the Rev. Asahel Morse, then pastor of the first Baptist church in Suffield, was one of the I Minutes of N. H. Bapt. Ass., 1859. U 290 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1818, and that the article in the constitution, on religious liberty, is from his pen. 1 The following is a list of the regular pastors who have been settled over the church in Meriden : DANIEL WILDMAN, 1789, NATHANIEL NORTON, 1791, SAMUEL MILLER, 1806, RUSSELL JENNINGS, 1830, NATHANIEL HERVEY, 1833, GEORGE B. ATWELL, 1835, LELAND HOWARD, 1837, HARVEY MILLER, 1838, D. HENRY MILLER, 1857. H. G. MASON. HENRY A. CORDO, 1864, ALMOND BARELLE, 1868. Served one year. twenty-three years, two years, one year, two years, one year, eighteen years. two years. During the vacancies in the pastoral office at different times, the pulpit has been supplied by Rev. S. Wheat, and Elders S. Higby, Parsons, Graves and Beach, and Rev. Messrs. William Bentley, Otis Saxon, and other clergymen. The following have served the church as deacons : EPHRAIM HOUGH, 1788. JESSE DICKERMAN, 1789. JOHN HALL, 1800. SEDGWICK RICE, 18.14. OTHNIEL IVES, 1816. GERSHOM BIRDSEY, 1830. AUGUSTUS HALL, 1830. SAMUEL' I. HART, 1851. LYMAN CLARK, 1853. CHARLES IVES, 1788. JEDUTHAN HIGBY, 1792. AMBROSE HOUGH, 1802. ASA BUTLER, 1814. RANSOM IVES, 1816. JOHN HALL, re-elected, 1830. NATHAN F. GOODRICH, 1830. HORACE PRATT, 1851. RUSSEL B. PERKINS, 1853. ALANSON BIRDSEY, 1860. I Hollister, n. 561. 291 CHAPTER XIII. SETTLEMENT OF MESSRS. NOYES AND GILBERT. IN 1785 Dr. Dana's health had become so much en- feebled that he found himself inadequate to discharge all his duties ; and by request, the church and society with great unanimity chose Mr. James Noyes to be his colleague. Mr. Noyes belonged to a line of ministers which at the time of his death had existed during two hundred years in uninterrupted succession. The family of Noyes is of Norman descent, and originated in Eng- land with William de Noyes, one of the followers of the Duke of Normandy in his conquest of England in 1006. The family settled in Cornwall, England, in the reign of Charles I. William de Noyes of St. Burian, was Attorney General, and his son Humphrey was a Colonel in the Royal army and married to the heiress of Lord Sandys. Rev. James Noyes, the emigrant, was born at Choul- derton, or as Brook has it, Chaldrington, in Wiltshire, England, in the year 1608. His father, who had a high reputation for learning, was a minister and school-master in that town ; and his mother was a sister of the Rev. Robert Parker, a famous Puritan divine. Mr. Noyes was graduated at Brazenose college, Oxford. After he had entered upon the work of the ministry, he felt that 2Q2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. he could not conscientiously conform to all the instituted ceremonies of the Established Church ; he therefore formed the purpose of seeking a home on this side of the ocean. Shortly before carrying this purpose into effect, he was married to Sarah, the eldest daughter of Joseph Brown, of Southampton. He came to this coun- try in 1634, being accompanied by a younger brother, Nicholas Noyes, and his cousin, Thomas Parker. Shortly after his arrival he was called to preach at Mystic ( now Medford), and remained there a year. A church was gathered at Newbury, of which Mr. Parker was chosen pastor, and Mr. Noyes teacher. Mr. Noyes, at the close of his life, endured a long and tedious illness with the most cheerful submission. He died October 22, 1656, in the forty-eighth year of his age, having been minister at Newbury more than twenty years. Mr. Noyes left six sons and two daughters, all of whom lived to become the heads of families. His eldest son James, was born March 1 1, 1640 ; was gradu- ated at Harvard college in 1659 ; began to preach at Stonington, Connecticut, in 1664; was ordained pastor of the church there September 10, 1674; and died December 30, 1719, in his eightieth year. Moses, another son, was born at Newbury, December 6, 1643; was graduated at Harvard College in 1659; was or ~ dained the first minister of Lyme, Connecticut, in 1693, having preached there twenty-seven years before a church could be formed; and died November 10, 1726, aged eighty-three. 1 Joseph Noyes was the son of Rev. James Noyes of Stonington. He was graduated at Yale College, 1709, and was a tutor there from 1710 to I Mather's Magnalia, III. Brook's Lives, 161. Coffin's Hist, of New- bury. Sprague's Annals, I. REV. JAMES NOYES. 293 1715 ; was ordained pastor of the First church in New Haven, July 4, 1716; where he died June 14, 1761, aged seventy-three years. 1 He left two sons ; John, who was graduated at Yale College in 1753, became a preacher, but was prevented from settling in the min- istry by imperfect health, and died greatly lamented in 1767. He married Mary, daughter of Rev. Joseph Fish of Stonington, and had three sons, two of whom after- wards became clergymen. One of them, John, was graduated at Yale College in 1799, was ordained pastor of the church at Norfield, parish of Weston, Ct., May 31, 1786, and died May 15, 1846, in his eighty-fourth year. He published a Half-century sermon in 1836. The other son, James, the successor of Dr. Dana at Wallingford, was born in New Haven, August 4, 1764. He was graduated at Yale College in 1782, and ordained colleague pastor with Rev. James Dana, May 4, 1785, being then in his twenty-first year. He continued to discharge the duties of the pastoral office till June 5, 1832, i. e., for forty-seven years ; in all which long period, almost half a century, he was prevented from performing his 'public duties, by ill health, only on two Sabbaths. His relation with his people was dissolved amicably and at his own request. He continued, however, to reside among them until his death, February 18, 1844, sus- taining with them and with his successor, the Rev. Mr. Gilbert, the most friendly relations. His funeral was attended on February 20. Several members of his family being ill, prayer was offered at the house by the Rev. Stephen Dodd, of East Haven. An excellent and very appropriate sermon from Hebrews 13:7, was pro- nounced by the Rev. Edwin R. Gilbert, with sacred i Bacon's Hist. Dis., p. 200. Allen's Kiog. Diet. 294 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. music from the choir, while an attentive audience (almost the entire population), listened, with manifestations of deep feeling. An address was delivered at the grave by the Rev. Saul Clark, of Meriden ; it was solemn and affectionate, and the sick family were warmly commended to favor and sympathy. Mr. Noyes was distinguished for a sound judgment both in his public discourses and in his personal deport- ment, which was always discreet, amiable and concili- ating. He was a lover of peace and harmony, and passed through difficult times, in a trying position, in so happy a manner as at once to maintain the dignity of his office and character, and still to command the respect and good will of all ; for it is not known that he ever had a personal enemy. His prayers, especially on peculiar occasions, such as cases of domestic affliction, were re- markable for their elevation, spirituality, and adaptation to the circumstances of every case. His language was select and happy, and so peculiarly his own, that it ap- peared always original but still met every feeling of the mourner ; and he never hesitated or use 1 an inappropri- ate word. His house was eminently hospitable, and a hearty welcome was given to the friend and the stranger, both by him and his excellent partner, who died in January, 1838. Out of fourteen children, they buried eight, and most of them of mature years. The death of Mr. Noyes was peculiarly happy ; during the week of his illness with lung-fever he was patient, cheerful, affec- tionate and joyful in hope ; he took leave of his family, one by one, with counsels and prayer, and when he died those who loved him most could not wish that he might return, for " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." REV. JAMES NOYES. 295 No picture of the " good parson" that was ever drawn could exceed in beauty that of the Rev. Mr. Noyes, whose life and manners had that indescribable beauty, completeness, and sacredness, which religion sometimes oo OJ o gives when shining out through a peculiarly congenial natural temperament. The following entry was made by Mr. Noyes on the church records : 296 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. "From the day of my ordination May 4th, 1785, I was continued in office till June 5th, 1832 ; having preached to the people of my charge, forty-six years and six months. During this period with the addition of four months, two hundred and seventy-nine have been admitted to com- munion ; five hundred and forty have received baptism ; and six hundred and ninety have died. "JAMES NOYES."' Rev. Mr. Gilbert, 2 then in his twenty-fourth year, and a recent graduate of the Yale Theological Seminary, succeeded to the pastoral office, and was ordained Octo- ber 3, 1832. He still remains pastor of the church, being the oldest pastor in Connecticut performing the duties of the office, with one exception ; viz., Rev. Dr. Elbridge of Norfolk, his college and theological class- mate. The church membership in 1832 was about one hundred and fifty. Notwithstanding deaths and remov- .1 For descendants of Mr. Noyes, see genealogies. 2 Edwin Randolph Gilbert, son of Peyton K. and Anna Gilbert, of He- bron, Conn, (ecclesiastical society of Gilead), was born Feb. 10, 1808. His father was a plain, substantial farmer, of more than ordinary intelli- gence and worth. He enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his fellow citi- zens, and was several times elected their representative in the Legislature, and once a member of the State Senate. Rev. Mr. Gilbert was fitted for college by Rev. Amos Bassett, D. D., of Hebron, and in the academies of Monroe and Westfield, Mass. He entered Yale college in 1825, and was graduated in the class of 1829. One of his classmates says of him, that he was a diligent student, and much esteemed by members of his class, especially by those most intimately acquainted with him. He passed im- mediately into the theological department of Yale college, and was licensed at the end of the second year by the New Haven East Association, and was installed pastor of the First church in Wallingford, Oct. 3, 1832. While in college, Mr. Gilbert was a great admirer of Dr. Taylor, and has ever been one of the best representatives of his theological system. Mr. Gilbert was elected a member of the corporation of Yale college in 1849; the mantle of his father-in-Jaw, Rev. Aaron Dutton, fell most worthily upon him. REV. EDWIN R. GILBERT. 2Q7 als, it is now two hundred and eighty-nine. During his ministry a new church edifice, designed to seat seven hundred and ten persons, has been erected at an expense of about $40,000. The corner-stone was laid June 16, 1868, and it was dedicated May 21, 1869. 298 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. CHAPTER XIV. THE GREAT AWAKENING. REVIVALS. We have but little information in regard to the general state of religion in the churches of this town during the earlier periods of their existence. But we know that from the year 1700 and onward, throughout all New England, experimental and vital godliness had very much decayed. The doctrines of Christ grew more and more unpopular; family prayer, and all the duties of the gospel were less regarded ; ungodliness prevailed, and infidelity was making alarming progress. Out of the church, was to be seen a general carelessness. In it, a spirit of deep slumber ; a want of discipline ; want of active brotherly love; want of everything, almost, but cold profession. As the good people who planted the town died and the new generation came on, there was a sensible decline as to the life and power of godli- ness. The generation which succeeded were not in general so eminent and distinguished in their zeal and strictness of morals, as their fathers. The third and fourth generations became still more generally inatten- tive to their spiritual concerns, and manifested a greater declension from the purity and zeal of their ancestors. This is not the place to enter upon a discussion or even a full enumeration of the causes of this declension. The GREAT AWAKENING. 299 " half way covenant," the numerous and almost incessant wars which oppressed and harassed the people, and the fierce political agitations of the day, were, no doubt, among these causes. In 1715, the General Association said, "that there was a great want of Bibles, great neglect of public wor- ship on the Sabbath," and complained of intemperance and other vices. Trumbull remarks, " that there was little of the power of religion ; that professors were worldly and lukewarm, the young people loose and vicious, fami- ly prayer was neglected, the Sabbath was profaned, taverns were haunted, intemperance and other vices increased, and many of the ministers preached a cold and lifeless morality." 1 Wallingford did not differ much in these respects from the rest of New England, and in our town as elsewhere, formality, irreligion and declension prevailed to a mournful extent. From the records we find that year after year not more than one or two united with the church annually. In 1735 there began a most remarkable religious awakening under the preaching of the celebrated Jona- than Edwards, at Northampton, which was the cause of the greatest revival of religion ever known in New Eng- land. It spread throughout Connecticut, and the feeling and interest manifested in the great themes of religion were intense and absorbing. Childhood, manhood, old age, the learned and the ignorant, the moralist and the skeptic, men of wealth and the highest official position, as well as paupers and outcasts, were numbered among its converts. Says Trumbull, " Negroes and Indians, on whom before no impression could be made, were heard I Hist. Conn., n. 137. 3OO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. with others making the great inquiry." 1 In some places not a solitary person could be found whose mind was not concerned for his soul's interest. In 1740 and 1741, various towns in Connecticut were most wonderfully affected. People flocked together on all days of the week in great crowds to hear the word of God ; they would fill the houses and then stand clustered around the doors and windows, pressing eagerly to hear ; they would go from one town to another wherever there was public worship. In the autumn of 1740, the Rev. George Whitefield arrived in New England directly from Charleston, and produced an excitement never before known in our re- ligious history. His itineracy, like the blazing cross of the Lady of the Lake, was the signal for an uprising. Fired by his passionate oratory, the masses revolted from the chill formalism of a dead ministry. He sailed from Charleston to Newport, where venerable parson Clapp, tottering with age, welcomed him as though he had been an angel of God. All classes caught the enthusiasm, and New England was in a blaze of excite- ment. A revival such as modern times had not before witnessed was the consequence. There was great in- tensity of feeling, and great diversity of sentiment and angry controversy followed. Those who favored the new doctrines and practices were called New Lights, while those who chose to adhere to the good old ways of their fathers, discountenancing innovation, were denominated Old Lights. The clergy were divided, " while the mag- istrates and principal men of the commonwealth " were on the side of the Old Lights. Notwithstanding Whitefield was a priest of the Epis- i Hist Conn., n. 144. WHITEFIELD. 30 1 copal Church, he grew more bold under the impulse of his successes and excited feelings, and finally threw aside as an oppressive yoke, all reverence for the authority and teaching of the Church ; and thereupon the Congrega- tional ministers opened wide their arms to embrace him, and their sanctuaries to admit him, that he might be heard by the vast crowds which everywhere crowded to their portals. He preached in Wallingford in Mr. Whittelsey's church about the middle of October, 1 740, and also in Mr. Hall's church in Meriden parish. Our records of that date in- form us of considerable accessions to the church. From Wallingford Mr. Whitefield proceeded to New Haven, and shortly after preached again at Wallingford, taking for his text the eighth verse of the eightieth Psalm : " Thou hast brought a vine out of Egypt, thou hast cast out the heathen and planted it." While in Wallingford his wife joined him, having come from Hartford. Before leaving the town he preached while standing in his chariot to a large multitude, and soon after started for New Haven, large multitudes following him several miles on foot or on horses. When a church or meeting- house could not be obtained he preached in the open air, a practice which he had inaugurated in England, and justified by saying, " I thought it might be doing the service of my Creator, who had a mountain for his pulpit and the heavens for a sounding-board, and who, when his gospel was refused by the Jews, sent his servants into the highways and hedges." When he took his leave of Boston, it was supposed that twenty thou- sand persons assembled to listen to his farewell sermon. Late in October he reached New Haven, and was affectionately welcomed and entertained at the house of 3O2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Mr. James Pierrepont, a brother-in-law of Edwards, and a sympathizer with his religious views. People came in from the country a distance of twenty miles to hear him, and many neighboring ministers also sought the opportunity of personal intercourse with a clergyman whose zeal and eloquence were so widely known. Whitefield seems to have been a man of more zeal than judgment ; better fitted to rouse and agitate than to guide and instruct ; and in the few years between his first visit and his second, a thick growth of mischiev- ous enthusiasm and disorganizing extravagances had sprung up in his track, and were unquestionably the result in part of his unbalanced and unguarded teaching. In 1745 the following resolve was "come into," by the General Association of the State : " Whereas there has of late years been many errors in doc- trine, and disorders in practice, prevailing in the churches of this land, which seems to have a threatening aspect upon these churches ; and whereas Mr. George Whitefield has been the promoter, or at least the faulty occasion of many of these errors and disorders, this association think it needful for them to declare that if the sajd Mr. Whitefield should make his progress through this government, it would by no means be advisable for any of our ministers to admit him into their pulpits, or for any of our people to attend upon his preach- ing and administrations." But after all we honor the name of Whitefield. Doubt- less " The tear That fell upon his Bible was sincere." He was no doubt a true evangelist, earnest, faithful, fervent, self-sacrificing, eloquent as if gifted with a tongue of fire. Whitefi eld's power was comparable to WHITEFIELD. 303 the supernatural ; and it was in this view that John Foster, at a later day, found the only solution of his success. Says a writer, " In the pulpit his appearance and man- ners exceeded the dreams of apostolic grace. A youth of elegant form, with voice of enchanting melody, clear blue eyes, endurance which knew no exhaustion, a fancy which ranged both worlds, were all fused by a burning zeal for the salvation of souls. Such was Whitefield at twenty-five, and as such he was worthy of that ovation which he received at Boston when governor and council went out in form to welcome him. The evangelist bore his honors meekly, and hospitality did not weaken the vials of wrath which he poured upon the unfaithful. He found, as he said, in New England, ' a darkness which might be felt.' "' A great many itinerant clergy traversed the State. Among the most efficient and zealous laborers in the work were Tennant, Bellamy, Pomeroy, Mills, Davenport, and others. Many of the clergy of the colony however, strenu- ously opposed the measures employed and the effects pro- duced, and many of the magistrates and other leading men joined with them in denouncing the " itinerating clergy" and their converts as enthusiasts, new lights, and ranters. On the 24th of November, a grand council of ministers and messengers delegated from all parts of the colony, rret at Killingworth, as directed by an act of Assembly, to discuss the whole subject of traveling ministers, the disorders occasioned by them, the odium they brought upon settled ministers, and the countenance they gave to separatists. This council condemned as disorderly the preaching of one minister within the I W. Frothingham. 304 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. parish of another without his leave. In conformity with this ecclesiastical decision the General Court, in May, 1742, enacted a stringent law directed chiefly against irregular ministers and exhorters, entitled, " An act for regulating abuses and correcting disorders in ecclesiasti- cal affairs ;" by which, " Any person not an ordained or settled minister who should attempt publicly to teach or exhort without the express desire and invitation of the pastor or a major part of the church and congregation, should be bound in the sum of one hun- dred pounds lawful money not to offend again." Any foreigner or stranger not an inhabitant of the colony, whether ordained or not, was ordered "to be sent as a vagrant person from constable to constable, out of the bounds of the colony." The assembly not only passed laws against these alleged irregularities, but the several ecclesiastical bodies interposed their author- ity to check the innovations of the new lights. After numerous attempts to discipline the refractory preachers, the consociations and associations proceeded to suspend or expel all the new light pastors in the colony. In May, 1742, the General Assembly passed an act very severe on itinerant preachers. This act, in part at least, had its origin in the consociation of New Haven county, as appears from the instructions which they gave to their delegates whom they sent to the council, which were suggested first by the Rev. Samuel Whittelsey, of Wall- ingford, who had in the beginning received Mr. White- field with open arms. Trumbull considers this act of the General Assembly as an " outrage to every principle of justice." The trial of Rev. Philemon Robbins of Branford for preaching to the Baptists at Wallingford in 1742, was REVIVALS. 3O5 continued till 1747, and resulted in his deposition from the ministry. In 1744 the Rev. Mr. Pomeroy was brought before the assembly in consequence of a bill of indictment filed against him by Elihu Hall, Esq., of Wallingford, for publicly saying that the late laws of the colony, made concerning ecclesiastical affairs, were a great foundation to encourage persecution, and to en- courage wicked men to break their covenants ; and that if they did not, it was no thanks to the court ; and that the law which was made to stop ministers from going about to preach in other towns, was made without reason, and was contrary to the word of God. He was found guilty, and ordered to pay the cost of prosecution, which was ^32 los. 8d., and to be bound to his peaceable and good behavior in a bond of ^50. It is not to be denied that many gross errors and irregularities followed in the train of this remarkable revival. Many of the most enthusiastic of its subjects for- sook their pastors and their usual places of worship, and followed the " itinerants " from parish to parish and from town to town. Some of the preachers and exhorters encouraged the most boisterous manifestations of feel- ing during the public worship on the part of the audi- ence, and sought to arouse them by raising their own voices to the highest key, accompanied by violent gest- ures and the most unnatural agitation of the body. 1 From that period there appears to have been no season of revival in this town for the space of seventy-four years. As a natural consequence, both religion and the church had arrived at a point of great declension and feebleness. The congregation had become very small, and was daily becoming weaker. i Hollister, i. 470. V 3O6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. In 1814, while Rev. Mr. Ripley was in the pastoral office, a revival occurred. Previous to that time, the church for several years had annually diminished by deaths and dismissions, without corresponding additions. In the fall of that year a few of the brethren in connec- tion with the pastor commenced a weekly prayer meeting, and the pastor commenced a series of pastoral visits to all the families of the congregation. He found with equal surprise and joy, that in all the houses at which he called, one or more persons were under deep religious impressions, and that the whole community seemed pervaded by divine influence. The revival soon developed itself in the increased attendance on public worship, in the deep conviction of sin evidently produced on the minds of large numbers, and probable conversion of many individuals. In the course of three or four months it is thought that nearly one hundred were con- verted, and about eighty of them subsequently united with the church. In 1822 eighty-one families were connected with the church, and one hundred and forty- nine persons constituted its members. Another revival occurred in 1829, during the ministry of Rev. Mr. Hins- dale, resulting in fifty persons uniting with the church. In the winter of 1833-4, while Rev. Wm. McLean was supplying the pulpit, a revival occurred in which seventy persons united with the church. In 1837 about forty were converted and united with the church. In the month of February, 1840, during the ministry of Rev. Charles Rich, commenced a revival more extensive and powerful than had ever before been witnessed in this place. For some time previous Rev. Dr. Taylor had preached statedly on the sabbath, and as afterwards ap- peared, his powerful and solemn discourses had prepared REVIVALS. 3O7 the minds of the people for the scenes which were to follow. About one hundred and thirty were converted, and one hundred connected with the church, and about as many more with the other churches of the town. The first sabbath school was commenced in 1818 with one hundred and thirty pupils ; it was kept only during the warm season until 1830. In 1831 it contained two hun- dred and thirty-one members ; and in that year seventeen of them united with the church. In 1832 adult classes became connected with the church. In 1837 it contained two hundred and seventy-four members. In 1841 the school contained two hundred and sixty-five members, and in 1847 five hundred and seven. 3O8 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. CHAPTER XV. SCHOOLS. IN New England, ever since the first free school was established amidst the woods that covered the peninsula of Boston in 1636, the schoolmaster has been found on the border line between savage and civilized life, often in- deed with the axe to open his own path, but always looked up to with respect, and always carrying with him a valu- able and preponderating influence. Next to the minister, ruling elder and magistrate, he was regarded with the profoundest respect ; and when he walked through the village, or rambled in the fields, with his head bowed down in meditation upon some grave moral question, or solving some ponderous sum, the boys dared never pass him without pulling off their hats. He was among the few who received the title of " Mr.," and stood next to the minister in the minds of the people ; just as he does in Goldsmith's inimitable description in " The Deserted Village." The school-boy's situation at that day was no sinecure. He was compelled to make many a deep indentation in his brain with the sharp points of sums in arithmetic not easy to do, and with sentences not readily subjected to the rules of grammar, and long words difficult to spell. Tough points in theology, seasoned with texts of SCHOOLS. 309 scripture, and coupled with knotty questions of election, of faith, of works, and saving grace, formed a wholesome sauce to the more secular learning. Bits of practical philosophy, maxims that had been tested and found to be solid old English proverbs, scraps of experience pickled down in good attic salt ; something of civil polity and political economy, reverence of gray hairs, and respectful treatment to woman, were among the things that he was obliged to learn. Rough he might be and often was, but stupid he could not be ; for knowl- edge, and that of a kind not easily digested, was beaten into his skull as if by blows upon an anvil. Gentle or simple, he must submit to the same dry rules of appli- cation. 1 Connecticut has long been distinguished for her common schools. The code of Laws established by the General Court in 1650 recognized their importance. " It being one chiefe project of that old deluder Sathan to keepe men from a knowledge of the Scriptures, as in former times keeping them in an unknowne tongue, so in the latter times by perswading them from the uce of Tongues, so that at least the true sence and meaning of the originall might bee clouded with false glosses of saint seeming deceivers, and that learning may not bee buried in the grave of o r Fore- fathers, in church and common wealth, the Lord assisting our endeavors. It is there fore ordered by this Courte that every Townshipp within this jurisdiction, after the Lord hath in- creased them to the number of fifty householders, shall appoint one within their town to teach all such children as shall resort to him, to write and read, whose wages shall be paid either by the parents or masters of such children, or by the inhabitants in general." 2 1 Hollister. 2 Trumbull's Colonial Records, Vol. i. p. 554. 3IO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. In 1677 a fine often pounds annually was imposed upon any county town that should " neglect to keep a Latin School according to order;" and upon any town in the colony that should neglect to provide a school for more than three months in each year a fine of five pounds was levied. In 1690 the schools in Hartford and New Haven counties were made free schools. The ancient records of Wallingford contain no allusion to the matter of public schools at an earlier date than 1678, eight years after the settlement of the village. On the twenty- seventh of November in that year it was voted in town meeting that " The towne complyed with what y e select men motioned & consented for y e incouragement of such a schoolemaster as y 6 select men shall approve of to alow ten pounds a yeare and three pence a weeke for all schollers males or females from six to sixteene years ould so long as they goe to schoole." It is quite evident that schools had existed long before ; probably here as elsewhere, the school and the church took root together, and grew up with the first log cabin in the forest. For in Connecticut the schoolmaster has not been far off when the minister has been settled, and the school-house has been side by side with the church. Thus did our predecessors, like all the other founders of New England, develop a far-sighted religious wisdom, and a profound sagacity, which none of the princes and statesmen of this world knew. For all possible and conceivable ends had the power, blood and wealth of nations been squandered, for thousands of years, except for the only true ends of the state, the formation and elevation of men. The fathers of New England designed to raise up religious and intelligent men. They alone ever conceived, or at least actually carried out, the SCHOOLS. 311 scheme of educating the people. In this point of view, the everlasting pyramids, the matchless splendors of Babylon, the great masterpiece of architecture, St. Peter's, are less imposing and valuable than the log school-houses of primitive New England. In 1680, Elijah Preston agreed to teach such children as should be sent to him for four months for ten pounds, and he " to find house-room, and the schollors wood." In 1684, the town granted 10 to the teacher out of the public treasury, and required the pupils to pay $ in addition. In 1689, the town voted ^5 for a school, and the next year ^4. In 1691, the town voted that all the money for schools should be raised by those who sent children to school. October 4, 1693, the town voted to give, and did sequester all the land lying between the old country road and the old mill, including the mill-pond, to the use of the school. De- cember 15, 1693, John Parker and Joseph Thompson were chosen a committee with instructions to employ a teacher ; and 6 were appropriated for the mainte- nance of the same, part in winter, and part in summer. In 1694, they gave 6 to schools. In 1695, Eleazer Peck, John Parker, and John Moss, were chosen a school committee, and 6 were given for the use of schools. The same year the town authorized the committee to employ a woman to teach in summer, and a man in the winter. The next year 6 were appropriated to schools. In 1697, the care of pro- curing a school-teacher was given to the selectmen to procure one as cheap as they could, and to enquire about building a school-house. The town also decided that the school-house should stand in the street between John Moss's and Joshua Culver's. The same year they ?I2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. voted to forbear building the school-house, but in December following they decided that the school-house should be twenty feet long and fourteen feet wide, and to be built at the expense of the town. In 1698, it was voted that each pupil should pay a penny a week. In 1702, it was voted that a school-house be built, they having hitherto hired a room for that purpose. The same year at a Court of Assembly at Hartford, it was ordered that the respective constables of the towns in the colony should levy the sum of forty shillings upon a thousand pounds, and deliver it into the hands of the committee, " Provided the said committees or select men will give them certificate under their hands of their receit of said money and improvement thereof for the maintenance of schools in their townes respectively according as the said law directs, which the said committees and select-men upon receit thereof are hereby required to doe." In 1711, fifty acres of land and money were voted to schools. In September of the same year, " Y e town voated that they would chous a commity to treet with y e Scool Master concerning his terms in order to a set- tolment & bring report to y 6 town. At y e same Metting M r Henry Bates scool Master gave the following proposals Namely. "Gontel Men. Upon second considerations I doe hereby propose that if y e town for incoragment will be pleased for to make sure and conferme to me fifty acres of land whar I shall care to take it up whar it is not already taken up ; & let me have the improvement of y e old Mill pon so called and all other Lands that belongs to the scool and fifty pounds a year for y e time we shall agree upon the town appointing a commity to agree with me and all those that sends chilldren SCHOOLS. 313 to cast in thar mite towards purchaseing a horn sted and upon condition i may be yours to serve, " HENRY BATES. " Att y e same meting y e town voatted thar accepttans of y e above s d proposell, and chose capt. Merriman, Sam 11 Mun- son, s r . John ives, for thair comitte to agree with y e s d scool mastter. December 24, 1713, y e town voated y 4 the money conserning y e scool Respecting chilldren shall be raised upon all y e children that live within a mille & half of y e scool hous, from six year old to teen, Whether they go to scool or nott." If we were to judge by some of these records, there were among these teachers some who were but poorly qualified for their employments. They are well de- scribed by John Trumbull in his "Progress of Dulness" " He tries, with ease and unconcern, To teach what ne'er himself could learn ; Gives law and punishment alone, Judge, jury, bailiff, all in one ; Holds all good learning must depend Upon the rod's extremes! end, Whose great electric touch is such, Each genius brightens at the touch. With threats and blows, excitements pressing, Drives on his lads to learn each lesson ; Thinks flogging cures all moral ills, And breaks their heads to break their wills." Female instruction must have been greatly neglected, when the daughters of men who occupied important offices in the town and church, were obliged to make a mark for their signature. December 29, 1713, it was voted that all children between the ages of six and six- teen that reside within a mile of the school house, whether they go to school or not, and those who attend 3 14 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. one week shall pay for half a year. And John Moss and Samuel Culver were appointed to see that the teacher keeps his hours. The next year it was voted that all the children that go to school shall pay two shillings a head, and all the rest to be paid out of the town treasury. To this the following persons dissented, viz. : "JOHN HODGKINS, BENJAMIN BEACH, THOMAS WILLSHINE, JOSEPH PARKER, THOMAS BROOKS, V West side of the river." JOSEPH CLARK, NATHANIEL ANDREWS, JOHN PARKER, MATHER BELLAMY." December 19, 1715, the following petition was pre- sented at town meeting: " The farmers residing on the west side of the river, to the town of Wallingford humbly show, that your neighbors have for some considerable time many of us dwelt remote from the town and under great disadvantage as to the great duty of educating our children, and the time allowed we wil keep a school according to law, and the bounds we desire is that West of the River as high as Timothy Tuttles and Timothy Beache's, and we hope that you will grant our request, in consideration whereof we subscribe friends and our names, "JOHN HOTCHKISS, JACOB JOHNSON, JOSEPH PARKER, JOHN DOOLITTLE." The request was granted, and the town was divided into two school districts in 1715. In 1719 they voted to have three schools, one over the river two months, and in the north part near Samuel Andrews', one month. In 1720, "every scholar that enters the school between the twentieth of September and the last of April, shall each SCHOOLS. 315 bring half a load of wood, and if they fail, then they shall pay a fine of sixpence, to be looked out for by the committee." January 10, 1721, the town gave Mr. Bates, the schoolmaster, liberty to sit in the first pew in the front gallery of the new meeting-house. April 25 of the same year, " the farmers on the west side 6f the river, and the north farmers shall have the proportion of our schools, and this vote shall stand until the town see cause to alter it ; " and a committee was chosen to see that it was carried out. December n, 1722, one far- thing was added to the pound for the benefit of teaching at the farms such as could not comfortably come to the town to the school, they paying poll money, the same as those attending in town. About this time the management of schools was transferred to school society committees, by an act of the General Assembly. December 29, 1724, it was deci- ded that a new school-house should be built in the lane where the old pound was ; to be twenty-five feet long and twenty feet broad ; and Lieutenant Moss, Sergeant Nathaniel Curtis and Henry Tnrhand were chosen a committee to build said house. The school-house in what is now the Yalesville dis- trict was originally on the east side of the river, near the residence of Elijah Hough; and was not 'removed from there until about the year 1 800, when a new school- house was built, and the bounds of the district changed and enlarged. The present school-house is the second one built on the site situated on the west side of the river. The Union Academy 1 in Wallingford was chartered I The term "Academy," which in England had been applied to semina- ries of learning established by non-conformists, to distinguish them from 3l6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. in 1812, upon the petition of Samuel Cook, and for many years was in a flourishing condition. The academy building stood on the land now occupied by the house of Mrs. Samuel H. Button. In 1818, there were forty-five pupils. Our elegant Academies and highly improved schools are but the developments and natural growth of the early schools at Wallingford. For a long time the only books in common use in district schools, were the " New England Primer' and the " Psalter." The edition most commonly used was entitled, " The New England Primer, improved for the more easy attaining of true reading of English. To which is added The Assembly of Divines, and Mr. Cotton's Chatechism. Boston, Printed by Edward Draper at his Printing Office in Newbury street and Sold by John Boyle in Marlborough street, I777-" 1 This book contained a frontispiece of "The Hon. John Hancock, Esq., President of the American Congress," and a pic- ture of John Rogers in the flames, and his wife and nine children looking on ; also an illustrated alphabet begin- ning with " In Adam's Fall We finned all," and ending with, " Zacheus he Did climb the Tree Our Lord to fee." the schools and colleges of the Church of England, seems to have been applied, very naturally, by the sons of the Puritans to similar institutions in this country ; and though not confined to schools founded by Congrega- tionalists, was generally applied to such. Some of these institutions ceased to exist after a few years, while others were merged in the higher depart- ments of common schools ; but many of them were incorporated by the General Assembly, and became permanent educational institutions. i The first edition was printed by R. Pierce for Benjamin Harris at the London Coffee House in Boston, 1692. SCHOOLS. 317 Arithmetic was taught in their common schools, the teacher only having a book, and writing the sums for the pupils, and showing them how to do them. " Dil- worth's Spelling Book, or New Guide," was introduced in 1740. The author was an Englishman, and died in England in 1781. His book was for a time in common use. Trumbull alludes to it thus, in 1772 : "Our master says, ( I'm sure he is right), There's not a lad in town so bright, He'll cypher bravely, write and read, And say his catechism and creed, And scorn to hesitate or falter, In Primer, Spelling Book, or Psalter." Dilworth's " Schoolmaster s Assistant" or arithmetic, was published after his spelling book had been well re- ceived, in 1743. It was much used in Connecticut. 1 The school ma'am taught the children to behave, to ply the needle through all the mysteries of hemming, over-hand, stitching and darning, up to sampler ; and to read from ABC through the spelling-book to the Psalter. Children were taught to be mannerly and pay i The following books were in use in the schools of Connecticut at the various dates : Spelling Books : Dilworth's, 1740; Dyche's, 1750; Perry's, 1780; Webster's, 1802; Murray's, 1819. Arithmetics: Jeak's, 1713; Hill's, 1752; Pike's, 1786; Adams', 1802; Daboll's, 1814. Readers: Webster's Selections, 1785; American Preceptor, 1792; Columbian Ora- tor, 1800. Geographies: Gordon's, 1 708 ; Guthrie's, 1785; Morse's, 1 790 ; (Jamming's, 1813; Adams', 1815. English Dictionaries : Bailey's, 1745; Dyche's, 1750; Johnson's, 1759; Entick's, 1770; Perry's, 1783; Walker's, 1806. English Grammars : Salmon's, 1759; Lilly's, 1761; Webster's, 1785; Alexander's, 1797; Murray's, 1806. Latin Grammars: Garret- son's, 1704; Burr's, 1757; Adams', 1800; Biglow's, 1809. Latin Diction- aries: Ainsworth's, 1736; Cole's, 1743; Young's, 1762; Entick's Tyro Thesaurus, 1808. Greek Grammars: Vossius', 1700; Wettenhall's, 1739; Milner's, 1761 ; Valpy's, 1808. Greek Lexicon: Schrevelius, 1700101774. Book- Keeping: Snell's, 1710; Perry's, 1777 ; Booth's, 1 789 ; Turner's, 1800. 318 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. respect to their elders, especially to dignitaries. In the street they stood aside when they met any respectable person or stranger and saluted them with a bow or cour- tesy, stopping modestly till they had passed. This was called making their manners. Peculiar reverence was paid to the minister. Bold was the urchin who dared to laugh within his hearing. That reverend personage was accustomed to catechise them once a month in the meeting-house, and to accompany the exercise with many a stern reproof or grave admonition. The early schools were somewhat rude, and we may smile at their evident defects. But the world had never yet seen such men so poor that they could not build a hut twenty-four by thirty feet ; so harassed and perilled by a savage war that they .went to their Sabbath worship armed with muskets, while night and day their little vil- lage was guarded by block houses and patrols ; and yet in that deep poverty and from their first day in the wil- derness nobly sustaining the preaching of the Gospel and schools, virtually free to every child among them. The early settlers in the towns which composed the two original colonies of Connecticut and New Haven, came with their families and all the family relations existing from the first. They came with all the elements of the state combined in vigorous action, and with a firm pur- pose to make the then wilderness their permanent home. They came with earnest religious convictions, made more earnest by the trials of persecution. United in a com- mon faith, bound together by strong sympathies and already organized in churches for religious improvement, it was in harmony with their circumstances that they should seek the intellectual and moral culture of their children. CHAPTER XVI. WYOMING AND THE SUSQUEHANNA COMPANY. IN the year 1754 a company was formed in Connecticut for the purpose of purchasing a large tract of land lying west of the province of New York, on the Susquehanna river, and belonging to the Six Nations. This tract extended about seventy miles north and south, and from about ten miles east of the river Susquehanna westward two degrees of longitude. This territory was admitted, by the best lawyers of the nation, to belong to Connecticut by virtue of her charter. It had been conveyed away by King James I. in the most ample man- ner possible, by letters patent under the great seal of England, bearing date November 3, 1620, to the Duke of Lenox, the Marquis of Buckingham, the Earls of Arundel and Warwick, with divers other persons, by the name of the council established at Plymouth, in the county of Devon, for the planting, ruling, ordering and governing of New England in America. This patent describes the bounds of Connecticut as extending " throughout the main lands," "from the western ocean to the south sea" This would include the whole of New York, and the principal part if not the whole of Penn- sylvania. 32O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. The Susquehanna company consisted at first of eight hundred and forty persons, and included a number of the inhabitants of Wallingford. The project of establishing a colony in Wyoming had been started by sundry indi- viduals in Connecticut in 1753 ; and in the following year, after the Susquehanna company was formed, a number of agents were commisioned to proceed thither, explore the country and conciliate the good will of the Indians. A purchase was made which included the whole valley of Wyoming and the country westward to the sources of the Alleghany. Here was nature in unconcealed loveliness. The mag- nificent forests, the luxuriant fertility of the soil and the climate gave promise of golden harvests and pleas- ant homes as the rewards of industry and enterprise. Game of every sort was abundant. The quail whistled in the meadow ; the pheasant rustled in its leafy covert ; the wild duck reared her brood and bent the reed in every inlet ; the red deer fed upon the hills ; while in the deep forests, within a few hours' walk, was found the stately elk. Standing upon " Prospect Rock " on the Pokono mountain range, and looking westwardly, the entire valley can be surveyed at a single view, forming one of the richest and most beautiful landscapes upon which the eye of man ever rested. Through the center of the valley flows the Susquehanna, the winding course of which can be traced the whole distance. Several green islands slumber sweetly in its embrace, while the sight revels amidst the garniture of fields and wood- lands ; and to complete the picture, low in the distance may be dimly seen the borough of Wilkesbarre. 1 i The greatest effort of Campbell's genius was undoubtedly his " Ger- trude of Wyoming," a poem in the old style of English pathos and poetry, WYOMING. 321 When the agents returned with such glowing ac- counts, no wonder that every town in the colony was ready to furnish emigrants to this paradise ; but the In- dian war for several years prevented their settlement. In 1763 a number of emigrants from Connecticut visited the valley, cleared up some land, sowed their grain, and returned home. During the following spring they went back to Wyoming with their families, with the determina- tion of making a permanent settlement ; taking with them their stock, farming utensils and household furni- ture. Their crops had proved abundant, they were delighted with their new homes, and they began to an- ticipate a life of peace and plenty. If we may believe Campbell, " The happy shepherd swains had nought to do But feed their flocks on green declivities, Or skim perchance the lake with light canoe, From morn till evening's sweeter pastime grew." But on the 1 5th of October they were suddenly startled by the sound of the warwhoop, which was followed by a fierce attack from a large party of savages. The settlers were entirely unprepared for such an assault, and about twenty men were killed and scalped. The remainder of the men, women and children fled to the mountains, and ultimately found their way back to Connecticut. In 1768 the Susquehanna company determined to renew the attempt to settle the lands at Wyoming. Two hundred pounds Connecticut currency ($667,00), was founded upon the desolation of Wyoming by the Indians in 1778. The Wyoming of Campbell is and will be a creation lovely to the heart and imagination of mankind. But the poet has given to the world a creation that is only imaginary. The " lakes," the " flamingo," and the " mock bird " are all strangers to Wyoming, and the historical allusions in the poem are not correct. W 322 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. appropriated to provide implements of husbandry, pro- visions, arms and ammunition, for those who might require assistance, and forty persons were to set out forthwith, and two hundred others were to follow the succeeding spring. At a meeting held at Hartford it was resolved that five townships, each five miles square, should be surveyed and granted each to forty settlers, on condition that those settlers should remain upon the ground, " man their rights," and defend themselves and each other from the incursions of all rival claimants. By the tenth of April two hundred and seventy able bodied men had left their homes in Connecticut for Wyoming. In January, 1773, the General Assembly determined to extend their jurisdiction to the settlers, and incorporate them into a town by the name of Westmoreland, with the same privileges as other towns in the colony enjoyed. As the Susquehanna company had its opposers, and as many imagined that the claim of the colony was un- founded, the measures which the Assembly adopted, produced considerable excitement in the colony. A meeting was called at Middletown to take the subject into consideration. At a town meeting held at Walling- ford, March 21, 1744, the selectmen presented the petition of a great number of the inhabitants, requesting a legal town meeting for the purpose of consulting- proper measures relative to the affairs of the Susque- hanna lands, " so far as they Judge Conducive to the Interest of this Colony." " It was thereupon motioned by a Prop" of said Purchase so Called that a peice printed and Published at New London addressed to the candid Publick should be read to said Meeting and said Motion was opposed, and that a peice Published at New Haven in the Connecticutt Gazette, Signed WYOMING. 323 many, Should be first read which proposed a Convention at Middletown of the respective Towns in this Colony by their agents or Committee to Consult Salutary Measures touching the Matters aforesaid, and the same was agreed to be read accordingly, then the first mentioned peice was read pur- porting an answer to the Same, and followed with peices Published in the New Haven Gazette with the State of the Case of said Claim with the opinion of the attorney General &c., and others Councel Learned in the Law, also Several Manuscripts were offered and read ; particularly the Speach of Gov r Fitch on the Subject matter to the Deputies of the Six Nations in General assembly of this Colony may 1763, the List of the Colony and the Proceeding and Votes of the Susquehanah Company at Windham on the 9th Instant, and after a full Debate and Consultation thereon," The question was put whether they would nominate and choose a committee to represent the town of Wall- ingford at Middletown on the last Wednesday of March. It was voted in the affirmative, and Col. Elihu Hall, Benjamin Hall and Capt. Thaddeus Cook, "were Nomi- nated and Chosen a Committee in behalf of said Town to attend upon and Join s'd Convention." At this convention twenty-three towns were represented, and a petition and remonstrance were ordered to be printed and dispersed through all the towns in the colony, that the general sense of the public might be had thereupon. This petition called in question the right of the Assem- bly to extend its jurisdiction to lands west of the province of New York : " Measures which your remonstrants conceive to be of a very dangerous tendency, and pregnant with the greatest mischief to them and their posterity, and highly derogatory to the honour and interest, and destructive to the peace of the colony, and a great grievance." 324 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. They claimed that the proprietors of the Susquehanna company were members of the last General Assembly, and deeply interested in the questions discussed, and did sit and act in the Assembly in the very matters in which they were deeply interested. The Assembly were re- quested to suspend the Wyoming settlers from interfering in the voting, being represented or otherwise transacting in the affair of government. This party and their memorials met with very little countenance by the people in general ; by many they were made a subject of banter and ridicule. At a town- meeting of the inhabitants of Wallingford, held April 1 1 , 1 774, the committee who were appointed to attend the Middletown Convention, presented the " Remon- stance," which being read, a stormy debate arose, and papers and pamphlets were produced on both sides of the question, and it was put to vote whether they should be read in the meeting ; it was decided in the negative, and after sundry debates the question was put whether the town would accept the " Doings or the Remonstrance agreed upon by the Middletown Convention." "The Town Voted that the Moderator of said Meeting ordered the Vote to be recorded that they Excepted the Doings of said Committee at the Middletown Convention." In 1775, the Wyoming colony had become so nume- rous that it was taken under the protection of the gov- ernment of Connecticut, and organized into a township as a part of Litchfield county, by the name of West- moreland. The spirit that had roused the people of the colonies to resist the oppressive acts of the mother country, met with a cordial response from the settlers of Wyoming. In the year 1776 the militia of the town- WYOMING. 325 ship were formed into the 24th regiment of Connecticut militia, and they furnished the continental army with nearly three hundred officers and soldiers to fight the battles of the country, which left the settlement at Wyoming weak and unguarded. Wyoming was a part of Connecticut. Her sons were there with their good English names, shrewd sense, unostentatious home-bred tastes, habits of economy, schools, religion, laws, industry and valor. Let us sup- pose that we too are there, and that it is early January of the eventful year 1 778. Hill and glade smile as the morning sun glances over the mountain, to woo and melt at last the cold unsullied snow. The hale cattle and the dainty sheep nipping the hay that lies in heaps around the stack in the open meadow, while the farmer who has just fed them stands with his hands in his pockets, regarding their growth with a complacent smile that is the outward sign of the promise that his heart has made to itself of thrift for his sons, and marriage portions for his daughters, are additional features in the picture. Should he ask you to accompany him home and breakfast with him, you need not excuse yourself or hesitate lest his busy wife and pretty daughters, whose complexions show that they once belonged to New Haven county, -should blush at the scantiness of the repast. They will set before you buckwheat cakes and venison, or it may be salt fish and the nice fragments of the wild turkey that flanked the loin of beef for yester- day's dinner. 1 But this quiet state of things was not to last long. It I Hollister's Hist, II. 340. Miner's Hist. Wyoming, 208 9. Chapman's Hist. Wyoming. Stone's Hist. Wyoming. 326 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. began to be rumored abroad that the Indians meditated an attack on the settlement. The settlers began to guard themselves with increased vigilance. Regular garrison duty was performed in the several fortifications by classes of the militia in successive order. Message after message was sent to their absent husbands in the continental army by the now thoroughly frightened women, begging them as they loved them and their ten- der babes, to come home. But Congress refused to let them go until every commissioned officer from Wyoming except two, had resigned ; and many privates had de- serted. But they reached their loved ones too late. A combined British, tory and Indian force had spread devastation and waste on every side. A terrible battle was fought ; and a massacre, awful in its details, com- menced. About one hundred and sixty of the Connecti- cut people were slain, or more than half of the able men in the valley. The valley was deserted, and nearly every house and barn were burnt. The entire region presented a scene of devastation and ruin. " On Susquehanna's side, fair Wyoming ! Although the wild flower on thy ruined wall, And roofless homes a sad remembrance bring Of what thy gentle people did befall ; Yet thou wert once the loveliest land of all That see the Atlantic wave their morn restore." The remainder of the people endeavored to seek safety in flight. The dense forests and swamps that sur- rounded the valley of the Wyoming were teeming with the widowed women and fatherless children of the pioneers, who were wending their way back towards Connecticut with blighted hjpes and broken hearts. Wyoming was a home to them no longer. WYOMING. 327 "Waste were those pleasant farms, and the farmers for- ever departed ! Scattered like dust and leaves, when the mighty blasts of October Seize them, and whirl them aloft, and sprinkle them far o'er the ocean." The bodies of the slain lay unburied until the 22d of October, when a military guard of twenty-five men, under the direction of a lieutenant, collected their re- mains, dug a large hole and buried them. The New England spirit of enterprise and love of adventure were soon manifested in new settlements in the Wyoming valley ; a fort was built, and the few families who returned to the scene of their troubles proceeded to cultivate the fields. But by the unjust decree of Trenton, in 1782, the settlement was torn from Connecticut, and subjected to the authority of Pennsyl- vania, contrary to the wishes, and without the consent of the inhabitants. By this unrighteous act, Connec- ticut, which had held rank in the confederacy of 1775, as a colony of the first magnitude, and had been literally the keystone State of the confederacy during the revolutionary struggle, had met every crisis with the greatest promptitude and vigor, and had made such great sacrifices to establish the cause of liberty and inde- pendence, underwent the mortification of seeing the integrity of her territory violated, her size diminished, her laws solemnly enacted nullified without her consent, and her rank in the Union reduced. 1 But compromising and confirming laws were passed by the legislature of Pennsylvania, under which the Connecticut settlers were allowed to retain their farms. 3 Hinman's Connecticut in the Revolution, 17. 328 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. CHAPTER XVII. THE FIRST CORN MILL. ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF YALESVILLE. THE first planters of Wallingford, as in all new settle- ments, soon discovered the importance of having a mill for grinding their corn. Consequently they were not long in making preparations for the erection of one on Wharton's brook, a little south of the late residence of Joseph Doolittle. As early as 1673, at a town meeting on the 3oth day of January, it was "ordered that Lieut. Fowler be invited to come and confer with the towns- men about building a mill as he had proposed, so that the town might exactly know what his proposition was, that it might be reported to the town, and action taken accordingly." No further action was taken on the subject until February 24th of the same year, when Mr. Moss, Lieut. Merriman, Thomas Yale and Benjamin Lewis were chosen to confer with Lieut. Fowler concerning the mill, and liberty was granted them, provided Fowler would not agree to such terms as they might propose, to accept of his ; thus showing their great anxiety for the establishment of a mill in the town. Nothing appears to have been accomplished, as the committee made no report of their doings. A contract was however made by the committee with FIRST CORN MILL. 329 Lieut Fowler, and the work of building a mill was com- menced. On the fifth day of the fourth month, 1674, John Hall Jr., Nathaniel Royce, Benjamin Lewis and Nathan Andrews were chosen to look after the interests of the mill, and to cause the work to be duly accom- plished. A vigorous move was now made to push the work. A town meeting was called on the third day of July, 1674, and a rate of sixteen shillings on the smallest lots, and twenty-four shillings on the middle lots, and thirty-two shillings on the largest lots, was laid, and ordered to be paid in the following manner : One-half of a third part in wheat and peas in equal proportion, and the remainder in Indian or other corn ; the wheat, if winter wheat, at five shillings per bushel ; summer wheat at five shillings eight pence ; peas at four shillings, and corn at three shillings and sixpence, to defray the expense of the mill, and in carrying on the work at and about the same, also about Mr. Street's house then being erected. The great difficulty of procuring help to accomplish the work about the mill, induced the town at a meeting held August 26, 1674, to order and direct the committee to call out the inhabitants of the town to work at the mill. The committee found some difficulty in carrying out the above order ; therefore on the twentieth day of October, 1674, a further committee was appointed, con- sisting of Samuel Andrews, Thomas Curtis and Thomas Hall, to assist the former committee in prosecuting the work ; and if on call any should refuse to work at the mill, they should pay a fine of five shillings. As this vote was the last one passed by the town on the subject, it is supposed that the committee found no further diffi- culty in finishing the work about the mill. 33O HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. The mill having been completed, a meeting of the town was called, and held December 12, 1674, ordering the inhabitants to bring in their corn to the mill, that the same may be ground ; and that Wednesday and Thursday in each week be set apart for grinding at the mill. As no record can be found of the contract made with Lieut. Fowler respecting the mill or his interest therein, that part of its history must forever remain in obscurity. During the season following, the mill-dam was frequently damaged by the sudden rise of water in the stream, and frequent calls were made on the people to assist in making repairs. At a meeting of the town held September 23, 1675, an appropriation of forty shil- lings was made, and a committee appointed to cause the mill-dam to be kept in order. April 6, 1675, the town gave Lieutenant Fowler six acres of land upon the mill plain, on the south side of the path that leads to the mill, adjoining Wharton's brook. April 27, 1675, a further grant was made to Lieut. Fowler of sixty acres of land on the east side of Wharton's brook, east of the mill, and adjoining said brook. The selectmen were to lay it out according to their best judgment, and for convenience to the mill and people of the town. This grant is very nearly, if not exactly, that tract of land which was the farm of the late Michael Doolittle. On account of some difficulty between the town and Lieut. Fowler, in carrying out his contract made with the committee, he not being willing to confer further with them, sent his son John Fowler to act in his be- half. At a meeting of the town September 16, 1676, John Fowler appeared in behalf of his father, as his agent respecting all former contracts of his father about the mill. He engaged in his own name, and drew up FIRST CORN MILL. 331 and signed a contract with the town of Wallingford, upon condition the town granted the sixty acres of land as promised, situated as follows : " The north stake ten rods northward of the brook common- ly called Milking Yard brook as you go between Wallingford and Hartford in the Middle way between the mouth of said brook and the old path, and to run in a strait line south- ward, so as to cut the edges of the red bank by the east river, so called, at the utmost eastward. And so from the norther stake westward 120 rods, and so as to hold his depth on the south side paralell and the river southward till he have the full complement of sixty acres." What action the town took in relation to this matter does not appear ; but the following vote, passed March 5, 1676, indicates the result : "Voted, in case Lieut. Fowler dissented from his former contract with the town about the mill, and it falls out that Jo. Lothrop prove to be the man that takes the matter in hand to procure the mill to be built anew, and kept in repair for the use of the town, the town will give him twenty pounds for his encouragement in the work." Nathaniel Royce was instructed in behalf of Jo. Loth- rop to call out men to work at the mill, every man accord- ing to his proportion until the thirty pounds were paid. Lieut. Fowler's management and the location of the mill were not satisfactory to the people of the town, and as he could not give further assurances, or would not fulfil his contract with them, the dam and race had been greatly damaged by the flood, and mill gearing often out of repair, causing much trouble and annoyance; and Mr. Fowler failing to perform his engagements, it was decided that the mill should be removed to a place that 332 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. had been selected previously for that purpose at the first falls on the river, (now Yalesville). The old site of the first mill was on Wharton's brook a little south of the hill on which the village stands, and a little below the late residence of Joseph Doolittle. Traces of the old dam and race are now visible. Before entering upon the history of the First Falls mill, it may not be out of place to give some of the town's action relative to the old mill-site flowing ground, which being sequestered was rented from time to time for different purposes, and to different individuals. November 14, 1679, the land where the mill stood was given to Mercy Moss. It is described as being on the west side of Long Hill, near the south end of Wharton's brook. March 13, 1693, the townsmen were instructed to let the old mill- pond for seven years to John Doolittle, for two pounds and two shillings per year, current provision pay, he keeping the fences in good repair, and to leave them so. October 4, 1693, the old mill-pond was by a vote of the town sequestered, with all the land between the country road and the old pond place, the use of which was to be applied to the benefit of schools ; no part of which was to be disposed of or sold, without the consent of every individual planter. The site of the mill at the " First Falls" was examined at an early date and selected as a desirable place for a mill ; therefore it was decided at a meeting of the town on the fourth day of June, 1677, that the mill should be removed there, or to some other place more convenient if it could be found. Nothing further was done until the loth of September, 1677. Some three months after they had decided on the removal, the town voted to send for Jo. Lothrop to come and conclude an agree- FIRST CORN MILL. 333 ment with them about the mill. It appears that this vote was carried into immediate effect ; for on the 1 3th day of September, 1677, three days only intervening, the town voted that " if Jo. Lothrop go on with all speed and complete his mill which he had begun, leaving all future agreements between himself and the town for more suitable time, then the town grants him his thirty acres of land by the mill as he desired, as a part of his first division as a planter ; that is, he is to go five rods below the mill, forty rods above the mill, and so to run back southward until he gets his thirty acres." The town also gave him forty-four acres of land peculiar to his mill ; that is, four acres were added to his river lot of eight acres, making it twelve acres in all, and this to be situated as follows : "forty rods by the river, and running back eastward until he can find twelve acres at the falls which had been selected as a site for the mill ; also forty acres of upland to be in one piece, or two, as he may choose, provided he does not come within half a mile of the river commonly called New Haven east river, or within two miles of the town, or interfere with any former grants." The town also remitted his rates levied for the purpose of paying for the mill-dam and other work about the mill which belonged to the town to perform. The town also agreed " that the first thirty pounds and the last thirty pounds granted and to be levied for carry- ing on the work of the mill be now levied according to the three ranks of allotments ; that is to say the highest rank to pay twenty shillings, the middle rank fifteen shillings, and the lowest rank ten shillings ; this for the first thirty pounds, and also for the second rate levied. Sergeant Abraham Doolittle was chosen and authorised to call out as many of the town as he may need to work at the mill." 334 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. By the action of the town it appears that Mr. Lothrop was ahead of the town in his work, and that the town were behind in theirs. It also appears that the town were to build the dam and race. October 30, 1677, the town ordered that one day's work more be added to each man in addition to what was previously levied. The town ordered, November 13, 1677, every planter to forth- with work one day each at the mill ; " and if any refuse, they are to be pressed ; and should any be behind in not paying their former dues, they are also to be pressed." Liberty was given to Sergeant Doolittle to take men from the dam work to help goodman Lothrop about his work proper to the mill, the said Lothrop paying the town for the same. Up to this time the work had been driven with energy both by the town and Mr. Lothrop, each performing their part to the full satisfaction of the other, when a cloud came over them in the destruction of their dam, which had cost them much labor and expense. It was carried away by the great pressure of the water from above. Notwithstanding this great calamity the people showed themselves to be men of nerve, and resolved to go ahead, and at once sent for goodman Miller, a man of experi- ence in such matters, to give advice as to the best way to proceed in repairing the mill-dam. Goodman Thorp was the messenger sent to Middletown for Mr. Miller, carrying a letter from the town of Wallingford desiring him to come and advise with them. What advice he gave does not appear. The matter rested until spring, when on the twenty-third day of April, 1678, the town decided to take away the sluice in the former dam be- fore building a new one ; and on the twenty-second of May the work of repairing the dam was ordered to be FIRST CORN MILL. 335 carried on forthwith. The training day for May was suspended, and each man was to work at the mill on that day. No doubt the work went on to completion, for we find no reference to the mill or mill-dam until May 23, 1679, when the miller was instructed to grind one day in each week, and that on Mondays. On the eighth day of September, 1679, a committee was chosen to look after the affairs of the mill, and it was ascertain- ed that the miller could not do the grinding necessary for the inhabitants in one day. It was therefore ordered September 29, that two days be set apart for that pur- pose, viz. : Mondays and Thursdays. Thus matters went on until Aug. 25, 1680, when the town gave the whole control of the mill into the hands of the committee who had been previously appointed to look out for the interest of the mill and its affairs gen- erally. The business affairs of the mill had by this time become of great annoyance and trouble between the town and the miller, and the town had become completely tired of the trouble arising from it ; and to allay further trouble passed the following order, November 8, 1680: "That the miller attend and perform his grinding Mondays and Thursdays, and continue grinding until his mill be cleared, if the water holds out ; and that every man has his turn whether he is there himself or sends one of his children or servants, according to agreement ; that is, if he brings his corn first, and is there present to desire it, or not, as soon as the hopper is clear ; and if no such case occurs then he shall have liberty to attend to the grinding of any one of the town who may bring his corn, and will wait until it is ground ; and that the miller does not grind away his water for strangers to the injury of the town's inhabitants." No doubt they anticipated that 336 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. the passage of this order would be the means of giving satisfaction to the people of the town, but in this they were greatly mistaken; and we find, June 13, 1681, the town voting to give the whole control of the mill into the hands of the miller, provided that he would keep the same in repair and grind the town's corn as it ought to be. October 14, 1681, the town entered into a contract with John Lothrop, and were for a time partially relieved from the care and perplexity of the mill, and no more was heard about it until September 27, 1686, when it was found that it needed great repairs. A committee was chosen to fix upon a site for a mill on the river, and two days afterwards an order was passed ordering its removal. Thus it would appear that a site a little further down the stream would be better than the one originally selected, and there appears to be no doubt but that the mill was removed several rods down the stream ; and in order to make the location sure forever as a mill-site, the people of the town in town meeting assembled, October 3, 1687, agreed and voted that all the land about the mill and that on which it stands, and the river, shall be sequestered as town's commons, not any part thereof or parcel of the same ever to be sold or granted to any person or persons ex- cept by the consent of every individual planter belonging to the town. This land was bounded west by the entailed land, foreign to the mill, by the river and the highway on all the other parts (the mill being on the west side of the river) ; and as there was no means of crossing except by fording the river, the town at a meet- ing held December 27, 1687, ordered that a canoe be procured for the purpose of crossing the river to get to the mill from the east. FIRST CORN MILL. 337 The work of removing and repairing the mill having been accomplished, the town, at a meeting held January 21, 1689, passed an order directing how the affairs rela- tive to grinding were to be performed at the mill, and thus assumed the entire control of its affairs. December 17, 1694, the people having become dissatisfied with crossing the river in a canoe, resolved to build a bridge, so that persons could get to the mill horseback. This was a great improvement over the old plan of crossing the river in a canoe. January 22, 1695, a tax of one-half penny was levied to defray the expense of the bridge at the mill. The bridge was no doubt built almost exactly where the bridge now is, just east of Parker's factory, and on the old road leading to Wallingford. At this meeting Samuel Lothrop, a son of John Lothrop, was appointed to take charge of the mill for two months, on condition that he per- formed his work well, and ground every man's corn well ; but he was given to understand that he could not stay in the mill if he failed to perform his work in a satisfac- tory manner. He appears to have given satisfaction, as he continued in charge of the mill until 1697, when Thomas Hall was chosen miller. December 31, 1700, it was ordered that the miller devote four days to grind- ing in each week in the winter, viz., December, January and February, and three days in each week for the remainder of the year. On or about the ninth day of March, 1704, John Lothrop's heirs sold to Tyler and Stanley all of their interest in the mill, and in 1707 William Tyler made a contract with the town concerning it. From this time the town seems to have surrendered all control over the mill and miller, the mill having passed into the hands of Wm. Tyler, who had purchased the interest of Mr. Stan- x 338 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. ley. The mill and all of the privileges connected with it remained in the Tyler family nearly a hundred years, until the decease of the late Samuel Tyler, who left it to one of his daughters, and it was sold by her guardian, Nehemiah Rice, to the late Charles Yale, who made ex- tensive repairs and alterations, and changed the name of Tyler's mills to Yalesville. The old buildings were de- stroyed by fire a few years ago. 339 CHAPTER XVIII. SLAVERY. SMALL POX. SLAVERY had existed in Connecticut, though to a very limited extent, from an early period. There were a number of slaves in Wallingford and Meriden who labored on farms and in families. These slaves were some of them brought directly from Africa, or quite as often from the West Indies, with which a brisk com- merce was carried on by the people of Connecticut, they often sending for a likely young negro and paying for him with the productions of their farms. In 1680 thirty slaves were brought from Barbadoes and sold at an average price of 22 each. In a letter on the 5th of July, 1773, his Majesty's secretary inquired of the Governor of Connecticut as to the population of the colony. The answer of the Governor in 1774 was that the number of whites was 191,372, and the number of blacks 6,464. Nearly all the blacks were slaves. At an early period some Indians or Indian families who had become by treachery or crime peculiarly obnoxious, were sold as slaves. In 1646 we are told that " an Indian woman fled from her master" to the Dutch. 1 We find in the Connecticut Gazette for January 5, 1764, the fol- _____ % I This took place at Hartford, near which, at a place still called " Dutch Point," the Dutch had then a small fort and garrison. 34O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. lowing advertisement: "Just imported from Dublin, in the brig Darby, a parcel of Irish servants both Men and Women, and to be sold cheap, by Israel Boardman, at Stamford." Joseph De Mink, a freeman, born in Bravo, one of the Cape Verd Islands, with the consent of his father went to Buena Vista, March, 1755 ; and being desirous of returning home met with Captain Phineas Cook of Wallingford who promised to take him to Bravo,' but passed by that Island to the West Indies, brought him to Wallingford, and delivered him to David Cook, his father, who sold him as a slave to Noah Wadhams of Goshen, for 52 los. Wadhams being satisfied that he was a negro and a freeman, brought action against Cook, who compounded with him, and Joseph was returned. He feared Cook might again dispose of him, and pe- titioned the General Assembly for relief. A number of witnesses were brought forward, including David Bates, Moses Ventres, Titus Tuttle, Gad Wells, Levi Comstock, Street Hall and others, who testified that Joe was a thievish, lazy fellow, and it was not safe to turn him loose on the community. The Assembly appointed Thomas Seymour as his guardian, and declared Joseph a free subject of the king of Portugal, and ordered Captain Cook to pay him ^15 damages and ^15 costs into the treas- ury, and ordered Mr. Seymour to take care of Joe and obtain for him a passage home. Samuel Tyler of Wallingford, had a negro girl, Nellie, aged nine years, who was entitled to freedom at eighteen years of age, her mother being a free Indian. Tyler claimed her for life, and brought action before the county Court, April, 1746, and before the Suprerior Court, Feb- ruary, 1748, and judgment was rendered against him. SLAVERY. 341 One of the first slaves in Wallingford was Caesar, the property of the late Samuel Cook, whose father and grandfather had each in succession been his owner, from his infancy. He died about the year 1820 at the age of eighty-two years. Colonel Edward Barker, Elihu Hall and others were owners of slaves. At an earlier date Isaac Brockett owned a negro boy by the name of Esau. Cato was the name of Col. Barker's negro. He ranked high as a fiddler in the community, and was generally called upon to furnish the music for balls on the nights preceding the annual thanksgiving, and other occasions when dancing was expected. By an old colonial law white men were sometimes sold into slavery for intemperance, theft, idleness, etc. Simon Smith and Daniel Clark were frequently sold to Samuel Cook, for a small annual payment to the town. By an early statute of the colony, all single persons who lived in idleness, might be bound out to service. Immediately after the Revolution, a statute was made declaring that no negro or mulatto child born in this State after March i, 1784, should be held to servitude after he or she. should arrive at the age of twenty-five years. By this statute any negro, mulatto, or Indian servant found wandering beyond the bounds of the town to which he belonged, without a pass from a jus- tice of the peace or his master, might be arrested by any one as a runaway. If a slave was caught out at night, after nine o'clock, without an order from his master, any person might apprehend and bring him before a justice of the peace, who might sentence him to be publicly whipped on the naked body. In 1848 the Legislature enacted for the first time that no person should be held in slavery in this State. 34 2 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. When slaves were married it was done only with the consent of their masters, just as children in their minori- ty were married with the consent of their parents. This consent was carefully recorded by the minister who married them. They were indeed considered as mem- bers of the family and baptized as such on the plan of " household baptism." For we meet with entries on the church records like the following: "March i, 1741, baptized London, servant of John Webb." "Sep. 12, 1742, baptized Primus, servant of Lazarus Ives." "Sep. 6, 1747, baptized Champe, a negro of Lazarus Ives." "April 24, 1748, baptized negro child of John Merriam." About twenty of these baptisms are recorded within a period of forty years. The deaths among the slaves were also recorded no less carefully than the decease of the whites, though in somewhat less respectful terms. Thus in the register of burials for 1736, is this entry: "Aaron Lyman's negro." "Nov. 15, 1737, Theo. Mix's negro man." "Feb. 25, 1745, a negro man of Serg't. Jerom." " Feb. 28, 1748, Serg't. Jerom's negro child." Even the reverend man who officiated at funerals met with losses of the same nature, for I find this entry: "June 8, 1758, my negro child, Gin." The following are copies of two from among a number of legal instruments of sale, which are regularly signed, sealed and witnessed by the parties respectively, like deeds of land. The names of the contracting parties are omitted. " Know all men by these presents that I of Meriden, Widow, for the consideration of thirteen pounds Lawful money, already received of of s'd Meriden, do sell and make over unto the s'd his Heirs and assigns forever, all my Right and title to and Interest in the Negro Girl named time, that was the Estate of the s'd deceased, and that SLAVERY. 343 was let out to me for the settlement of s'd estate, and do hereby promise to warrant the same against all claims what- soever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this Second, day of May, Anno Domini, 1760. T c t j kj* " Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of " Know all men by these presents, that I , of Wallingford, the County of New Haven, and colony of Con- necticut in New england, Have Sold and Delivered unto , of s'd Wallingford, one negro man called by the name of Steep, about eighteen years old who is in perfect health acording to the best of my knowliclg, for which negro I have Received of s'd , the sum of one hundred and eighty pounds, old tenor, 1 to my full satisfaction and do promise to warrant and defend the sale of the above s'd negro, dureing the term of his natureall life against all the lawfull claims of any person whatsoever, in witness whereof, I have set my hand and seal, this first day of March, A. D. 1743. L. S. " Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of " Middletown, July 8, 1760. " Received of Abel Curtis (of Meriden) Forty Pounds, In full of a Negro Boy Called Ben, about nine years old which S d negro Boy I Promis to warrant and Defend against all Lawful Claims & demands of any Person whatsoever as wit- ness my hand. GEO. PHILLIPS." At a town meeting held in Wallingford, April 7, 1 766, I This " old tenor " money consisted of bills of credit issued by the State in the terrible embarassments and debts consequent on the English, French and Spanish wars ; which wars always involved the colonies in great danger and expense. These bills at one time became so depreciated that they were received as ten for one, and even twenty for one. 344 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. "Voted, with regard to the poor of the town, that the selectmen of said town, shall meet at the dwelling house of Mr. Philemon Johnson, in said town on the third Monday of instant April, at two of the clock in the afternoon, and there expose them to Public Vendue to be supported by those that will do it the cheapest by the week, month, or year, for said town, and also to dispose of those under their care that are able to do some service for their support in the same manner." Chatham Freeman was a slave of Mr. Noah Yale. One of Mr. Yale's sons was drafted, and Mr. Yale offered Chatham his freedom if he would go as a sub- stitute and serve seven years. Chatham served seven years, then returned home and received his freedom. Mr. Yale had a female slave named Rhea, whom Chat- ham desired to marry. Mr. Ya]e told Chatham that if he would work for him seven years he would give the girl her freedom and that he might marry her. Chatham agreed to the proposition ; served seven years and re- ceived his reward. A descendant of this sable couple is now living in the eastern part of the town. Another descendant, Robert Prim, will be remembered by our old inhabitants, as Robert and his violin were indispensable requisites at every party or merry-making. SMALL POX. Vaccination was introduced into this country by Dr. Waterhouse of Boston, who first vaccinated his son. The introduction of varilous inoculation by the influ- ence and patronage of Cotton Mather, was a subject of much speculation. The clergy were defenders of inocu- lation. The conduct of the medical faculty, who exerted their whole force to annihilate it, was "violent and out- rageous." A sermon against the dangerous and sinful practice of inoculation, preached in London, in July, 1722, SMALL POX. 345 by Edward Massey, was reprinted in Boston. Zabdiel Boylston was one of the earliest inoculators for small pox in this country. His experiments commenced with his son, in 1720, and in a year extended the disease to two hundred and forty-seven persons, of whom but six died. In Wallingford, on the 3ist of March, 1777, it was " Voted that no Person belonging to any other Town shall be admitted to Come into this Town to Innoculate with the Small Pox." "Voted that no person Shall hereafter be allowed to Innoculate in this Town with the Small Pox." "Voted that the Informing officers Enter Complaint against the Leaders of Innoculation in this Town with the Small Pox." "Voted that no Person who have been Infected with the Small Pox in this Town shall be allowed to Go abroad amongst People untill they have been out and Cleaned up a fortnight on Penalty of the Law." "Voted that any Person Belonging to any other "Town presuming to Come into this Town to Innoculate with the Small Pox Shall Suffer the Penalty of the Law." 1 At a Town Meeting held at Wallingford December 18, 1792, the petition of "William B. Hall, physician and surgeon," was presented, " Praying liberty to erect an hospital on his Fathers farm quite remote from the publick road or dwelling house, for the purpose of innoculation for the small pox, or to innocu- late at any other place which they should think most proper, under the immediate inspection and direction of the Civil Authority and selectmen of said Town, on Condition said Hall be under bonds to pay all expences that the Town or any of its Inhabitants may be put to in case the infection should spread thro his Carelessness or neglect, and in every I Wallingford Records, Book I. p. 15. State Records, Liber D, Folio IIO-II. 346 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. such case to pay into the Town Treay Forty shillings or any other sum that should be desired." This petition was granted by the town. In 1793 Aaron Andrews, Ensign Hough, and Bilious Kirtland, "all of said Wallingford, physicians, and surgeons," re- quested permission to inoculate in such house or houses as should be judged safe, convenient and proper. Their petition was granted. In 1801 Dr. Ensign Hough and Dr. Wm. B. Hall wished to test thekine pox vaccination, and having obtained the house now occupied by Mr. Ira Preston in the eastern part of the town to be used as a pest-house, prevailed upon Mr. Samuel Paddock of Meri- den and Mr. Bradley of Middletown to become the first patients. Dr. Hough attended the patients one day, and Dr. Hall the next. Messrs Paddock and Bradley were each vaccinated three times, and remained sick at the pest-house for over three weeks. 347 CHAPTER XIX. WALLINGFORD AND MERIDEN IN THE WARS. VIRGIL, as he commenced his world-renowned epic, could hardly have announced a grander subject than when he wrote, " Anna virumque cano." Man and his weapons of warfare, inseparable in their close connec- tion, in their mutual interdependence, how much have they together accomplished ! We can scarcely separate one from the other. The fathers of our country were early conversant with a state of things widely different from what now exists. Driven by religious oppression to seek an asylum on this side the ocean, they came in successive feeble bands, and planted themselves on a sod, until then, untrodden by the foot of civilized man. They were far from the influence of despotism, and no servile band could there burst in on their Sabbath-day ministrations, tear their pastor from the sacred desk and immure him within the walls of a prison. But we see them seated with their weapons by their side ready at any moment to repel the attacks of the ferocious Indians, who were exasperated by the alleged encroachments on their rights. Scarcely had the first log cabin been built by the pioneers, when the Indians, forecasting the growth and fruitfulness of resources incident to the English race, began to devise 348 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. means for their destruction. While the Indians ap- peared friendly to the new settlers, they stole their cattle, they shot arrows from their secret lurking places, at the farmer when he went into his field in the morning, or murdered his wife and children when they were left unprotected at home. At the time Wallingford was settled it was thought that Philip, chief sachem of the Wampanoags, was using all his address to incite a general insurrection of the Indians for the purpose of exterminating the English. Philip was a sachem whose proud spirit of independence, whose heroism and whose misfortunes, have rendered him the most famous of all the New England aborigines. Philip formed no general league, no great conspiracy against the English ; but he was smarting from humilia- tions inflicted upon himself and his brother ; and, like most of his race, he looked with anger and dismay upon the steady progress of the foreigners in spreading over and occupying the country. 1 The inhabitants of the newly formed settlement of Wallingford were greatly troubled at the warlike rumors which reached them every day, and .... " Short of succor, and in deep despair, Shook at the dismal prospect of the war." 2 Houses were fortified, sentinels were appointed, and on the Sabbath in the little log building without chimney or steeple, while the voice of Mr. Street is engaged in solemn thanks to God for his mercy and faithfulness in bringing them to their land of promise, the armed sen- tinels pace backwards and forwards in the narrow space 1 DeForest's Hist, of the Indians of Conn., p. 279. 2 Multaque dura suo tristi cum corda putabant. Virgil's ^Eneid, vm. 522. INDIAN WAR. 349 which they call a street. Every man has a loaded mus- ket by his side, and powder-horn and shot-bag slung around his neck ; for the savages may burst like thunder on their homes and let loose the tomahawk and scalping- knife on their families at any moment. In 1673 the General Court ordered "That five hundred dragoons be forthwith raysed, to be ready upon one howers warning to defend any place in this colony, as- saulted by an enemie." The proportion for Wallingford was eight. The war broke out in the summer of 1675, just about a century before the commencement of our own struggle for independence, and continued with unin- terrupted fury until the autumn of 1676. Connecticut entered with spirit into the struggle. Her sons left their husbandry and followed Treat and Talcott to the scene of danger. It was a fierce and bloody war, in which both parties aimed at extermination. The war on the part of the Indians was a war for freedom and existence, and when that was no longer possible it became a war for revenge. August 27, 1675, Mr. Street's and Lieut. Merriman's houses were ordered to be fortified. At the same time, " In respect to the present doings of y e Indians itt was ordered that the inhabitants secure themselves and the prin- cipall of theyr goods by fortifiing about too houses. Also that eveure man bring his armes and amunition compleat on the Saboth day that he may be able in a fitt posture to doe service if need Require." "That selectmen gaurd as sentinells on y e Saboth, and y e rest of tfe town ward 4 men every Saboth and 2 every weeke day ; that they begin to ward when the watch breaks up and hould on till y e watch be sett again ; that they begin and end, at the dawning and shutting in of the day." "October 15, 1675, Ordered that those persons at the end of the town if they see cause to fortifie any of theyr 35O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. houses which they can agree upon for theyr saftie in these times of dainger what theyr full charg is shall be defraied out of y 6 town's treasurey. Also that any that are willing to be asistant to make too flankers att Lef 1 Merriman's barne shall have due recompens out of y e towne treasurie." Their mode of " fortyfiing a house" was as follows : At a short distance from the house, ten feet perhaps, and all around it a log wall was erected, with the ends of the logs dove-tailed into each other at the corners, and carried up to ten or twelve feet in height, with such openings as might suffice for pointing muskets at an attacking enemy. The " Seymour fort," which stood in Christian Lane just back and south of the residence of the late Mr John Goodrich of Berlin, was made of pali- sades sixteen feet long, sharp at the top, and firmly set in the ground near together. 1 Such erections were ample protection against any strength which the Indians were able to exert. Though no battle was fought near them, yet the inhabitants were kept in a constant state of alarm which greatly hindered their agricultural operations, and were compelled to fortify and garrison their little village as if actually in a state of siege. In fact every settlement within the bounds of Con- necticut was mercifully preserved from the presence of the enemy. No village was swept away by the storm of war. . No rural sanctuary was laid in ruins. No laborer shot by the ambushed savage, fell in the furrow. No i Within this fort the settlers repaired at nightfall for safety against the Indians and for quiet rest. The well at which they quenched their thirst still furnishes the best water. The fort was built about 1686. Thomas North, ancestor of the North families of New Britain, the Seymours and Gilberts clustered about the fort. Dr. Joseph Steele, the Standleys, Rootes, Harts, Nortons, Cowles, Nehemiah Porter, Joseph Lankton, Newel, Grid- ley, Bronsons and others were located south of the fort. INDIAN WAR. 351 father returning to his house, found all desolate the cal- cined bones of his children mingled with the ashes of his dwelling. No mother torn from her sick bed, saw her babe dashed in pieces against her own hearth-stone. Such things there were in other parts of New England, but they were not in Connecticut. Yet here were alarms and watchings ; here were levies of soldiers ; here every store-house, every dwelling yielded its supplies to feed the army ; here was that sad sight the young, the brave, the hope of gray-haired sires, the strength and pride of the plantation, marching away from the homes that looked to them for protection. Here were dreadful tidings from the camp and the battle. 1 Although there were no bat- tles fought in Connecticut, yet five men at least, within her limits, were sacrificed by sudden shot from a lurking foe. 2 April 28, 1674, eight persons were chosen in Walling- ford as a guard for the Sabbath. In 1681 forts were ordered to be erected in the town, and in 1690 a fort was built around the meeting-house. The arms of private soldiers were pikes, muskets and swords. The muskets had matchlocks or firelocks, and to each one there was " a pair of bandoleers or pouches for powder and bullets," and a stick called a rest, for use in taking aim. The pikes were ten feet in length, besides the spear at the end. " Ten foot in length, at least, is the wood." A train-band consisted of not fewer than sixty-four men, 1 Bacon's Hist. Dis., p. 162. 2 Josiah Rockwell and John Reynolds of Norwich were slain January 28, 1675-6, on the east side of Shetucket river, which they had crossed for the purpose of spreading flax. John Kirby of Middletown, was slain be- tween Middletown and Wethersfield. Edward Elmore or Elmer, was slain in East Windsor. Henry Denslow slain in Windsor. William Hill of East Hartford, wounded but not killed. These were all in 1676. 352 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. and not more than two hundred. It was constituted of twice as many musketeers as pikemen ; the latter being selected for their superior stature. The officers of a band were a Captain, Lieutenant, an Ensign and four Sergeants. Wallingford furnished her quota of troops for the French and Indian wars of 1690, and again in 1694 for the defense of Albany. The whole amount of taxes paid by Wallingford in common with other towns for the defense of New York and Massachusetts, amounted to the enormous burden of about twenty pence on the pound ; so that at the close of the year 1695 the colony had drawn from the pockets of the people and paid out seven thousand pounds. We cannot but admire the self-sacrificing spirit of the citizens, especially when we remember that they submitted to this heavy drain from their resources from the most magnanimous and un- selfish motives that ever actuated a people. 1 In 1691, there was great difficulty and disturbance in Wallingford in regard to the choice of military officers ; and there being but little majority in the choice, and dissatisfaction growing out of the same, it was carried to the General Court, who could " See good reason not to confirm the choys, and order that L nt Merriman and Ensign Yale shall continue to be the com- ission officers of the traine band of Wallingford as formerly, untill this Court shall order otherwise, or the Governor." This did not seem to settle the difficulty, for in Octo- ber, 1691, we find that, " Whereas the good people of Wallingford, by reason of some variaty of apprehensions that hath fallen out between I In 1684, there were sixty-one taxable persons in Wallingford. Amount of tax, ,2,967. INDIAN WAR. 353 them, sit uneasy, and their seams to be a breach made of their peace, and differences seem to be increasing among them ; for the issue of all matters and controversies between them that are not for the present stated and determined by this court already, this court doe nominate and appoynt L nt Col. Allyn, Capt. Sam. Talcott, M r W m Pitkin, and the Rev. M r Sam 11 Hooker, and M r Perrpoynt, they or any two or three of them, to be a comittee in behalfe of this court to hear and determine all maters of controversie that have arisen between the good people of Wallingford since their looking towards of military officers, and the good people of Wallingford to aquiesse so far as to be peaceable under the same." In 1692, it was ordered that Lieut. Nath. Merriman and Ensign Thomas Yale should have the rule and command of the train-band, until the court should order otherwise. In October of the same year, "This court having heard and considered the matter of Wallingford in respect of their military officers, doe declare that they cannot see reason to confirm the former choyse of military officers formerly, but do order and appoynt L nt Col. John Allyn and capt. Stanly in som convenient time to appoynt a meeting of the trayne souldiers in Wallingford, and to lead them to an orderly choyse of a captain, lieuten- ant, and ensign, and sarg ts , and they are to receive blanck commissions from the Gov r , and upon the choys, if they ap- prove of the said choys, they are to deliver such as shall be chosen commissions, impowering of them to take the charge of the trayne band of Wallingford under their care and dis- cipline according to law." Whether this settled the matter, history or tradition showeth not. In 1704 Lieutenant Samuel Hall was appointed Captain of the train-band, Sergt. John Merri- man Lieutenant, and Sergt. Thomas Curtis, Ensign, "and all the said officers are to be commissionated respectively." In October, 1698, the General Court Y 354 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. granted to Sergt. John Merriman of Wallingford, fifty acres of land, in consideration of his father's service in the Pequot war, to be taken up where it would not prejudice any former grant. At the same time fifty acres of land were granted to Thomas Hall of Walling- ford, in consideration of his father's service in the Pequot war. Captain Thomas Yale, and Sergeant John Merri- man were appointed to lay out these grants. In 1709, the proportion of troops for Wallingford was twelve. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. The origin of the Revolutionary War was to be traced to the imperial instincts of England. The colonies wished for their freedom ; the mother-country was not sufficiently disinterested to grant it ; the colonies de- clared their independence, and the English people felt insulted, and determined to put the rebels down. But' the capacity to do so did not wait on the inclination, and the English found a vigorous resistance from a people of their own race, whose habits, political tra- ditions and moral courage were kindred to their own. The ideas of Lord Chatham towards the colonies were those of a great, but splendid tyrant, who thought more of the power of England than of the happiness of America. Only one man, Edmund Burke, regarded the whole contest with a philosophic mind. But he had no social influence or personal authority correspond- ing with his genius and ambition. The people through the whole contest were uncertain and capricious, neither ready to part with their ambition and the colonies, nor desirous of the expenditure of wealth requisite for carrying on an internecine contest with the descendants of the outcast Puritans. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 355 The American Colonies were inhabited by an earnest yet philanthropic people. They had sprung from the blood of the better order of England, and their culture had eminently fitted them to think before they ventured to act. Historians have loved to eulogize the manners and virtues, the glories and benefits of chivalry. But what have the Puritans and their descendants accom- plished? If they had the sectarian crime of intolerance, chivalry had the vices of dissoluteness. The knights were brave from gallantry of spirit ; the Puritans from the fear of God. The knights were proud of loyalty ; the Puritans of liberty. The knights did homage to monarchs in whose smile they beheld honor, whose rebuke was the wound of disgrace ; the Puritans, dis- daining ceremony, would not bow at the name of Jesus, nor bend the knee to the King of Kings. 1 On the 22d of September, 1763, three men high in power, held an interview in a dingy chamber in London, and there sketched the outline of a plot that was to rob the British Empire of half its glory, and deluge a con- tinent in blood. The result of the meeting was, " to write to the commissioners of the stamp duties to pre- pare the draft of a bill to be presented to the parliament, for extending the stamp duties in the colonies" This act required that all paper and parchment used in the transaction of business, should be stamped, for which a duty should be paid ; and all writing on unstamped materials was declared null and void. When the news of the passage of this act reached Boston, there were visible everywhere tokens of astonishment and appre- hension. When the news reached Hartford, the General I Bancroft's History, i. 468. HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Assembly appointed a committee to assist Governor Fitch in preparing a protest. Such was the exhibition of popular feeling against it, that the law was repealed in March, 1766. At a town meeting held in Wallingford, January, 1776, it was voted, that "Whereas it appears from antient Records and other Memorials of Incontestable Validity, that our Ancestors with a great Sum Purchased said Township, at their only Expence Planted, with great Peril possessed, and Defended the Same, we are Born free (having never been in bondage to any) an Inheritance of Inestimable Value. Voted and Agreed that if any of said Inhabitants, shall Introduce Use or Improve any Stampt Vellum Parchment or paper, for which tax or Tribute is or may be Demandable, such Person or Persons shall Incurr the Penaltie of 2os to be recovered by the Select Men of said Town for the Time being for the Use of the Poor of said Town." The following petition was sent by the first society, to " the Inhabitants of the Society of Wells assembled in Society Meeting, Dec. ist, Tuesday, A. D. 1766:" " Gent" : The General Assembly of this Colony have set a very Laudable Example in Disavowing the authority of the Parliment of Great Brittain in regard to the Late Ameri- can Stamp Act, because in their private Judgment the same was inconsistant with the true principals of the freedom of the English Constitution. A Noble Spirit of LIBERTY was roused in this and all the Colonies through this Extended Continent and they made a Bold Stand for their Liberty. When Reasoned humble Petitions decent Remonstrances, prevailed not with the British Parliment, America as well as this Colony like bold and brave Sons of persecuted Puritans, Resisted, and the great and renounded Right Honorable Comoner M r Pitt, declared in a British Senate speaking of the Stamp Act and of the Americans, ' I rejoice that they have resisted.' " REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 357 The repeal of the Stamp Act was followed by other oppressive statutes of a kindred sort ; but the most prominent and immediate cause of the war was undoubt- edly the Boston Port Bill. This act of the British Parliament to destroy the trade of Boston, excited uni- versal sympathy throughout the colonies. Numerous town meetings were held, speeches were made, and resolutions were passed, many of which found their way to England and caused the ears of the British ministry to tingle, and their cheeks to redden with anger. Almost every town sent donations to Boston for the relief of the poor of that place. At a town meeting held at Wallingford in November, 1774, "In consideration of the sufferings of the people of Boston in the Common Cause of Liberty, a committee were appointed to collect subscriptions for their relief, and it was voted that the Committee send to the selectmen of the town of Boston such donations as shall be received by them, to be disposed of at the discretion of said selectmen of the town of Boston for the benefit of the indigent sufferers by the Port Bill." In October, 1774, the General Assembly met at New Haven, and a law was enacted to raise one-fourth of the militia for the special defense of the colony, formed into companies of one hundred men each, and into six regiments. The companies from Wallingford were com- manded by Captains Isaac Cook and John Couch. In May, 1775, Wallingford received by order of the General Assembly, .146 14^. lod. for the services and expenses of the men of that town in the Lexington alarm in April. In 1776, Wallingford, in connection with Waterbury, Cheshire and Durham, formed the loth regi- ment. On the I4th of June, 1776, Governor Trumbull 358 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORIX convoked by his special order a General Assembly of " the Governor and company of the English Colony of Connecticut, in New England, in America." Samuel Beach and Captain Thaddeus Cook were the Represen- tatives from Wallingford. At this Assembly it was " Resolved unanimously, that the delegates of this colony in General Congress, be and they are hearby instructed to pro- pose to that respectable body to declare the United American Colonies Free and Independent States, absolved from all allegiance to the King of Great Britain, and to give the assent of this colony to such declarations." While the members of the Assembly were without a dissenting vote promulgating these sentiments to the world, the committee of Congress, composed of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sher- man and Robert R. Livingston, were engaged in prepar- ing the form of the Declaration of Independence, to which, on the 4th of July, was affixed the signature of Lyman Hall, a native of Wallingford, who was chosen a member of the Continental Congress in May, 1775, from Georgia, of which state he was elected Governor in 1783. This was the first solemn declaration by a nation of the only legitimate foundation of civil government. In the eloquent words of Adams, "it was the corner-stone of a new fabric, destined to cover the surface of the globe. It demolished at a stroke, the lawfulness of all govern- ments founded upon conquest. It swept away all the rubbish of accumulated centuries of servitude. It an- nounced in practical form to the world, the transcendent truth of the inalienable sovereignty of the people." Had we remained subject to England, the American colonies would have been without doubt what we see to-day in the Australian colonies a great country without greatness ; REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 359 living a reflex life and not an original one ; without art, without literature, without originality, an instrument of civilization still material and gross. But after all England is dear to us. There are the graves of the ancestors of our Carvers, our Brewsters, our Hancocks, and our Adamses ; of our Henrys, and our Pinckneys ; of Washington. Its language is ours. Its religion is ours. Its history is ours. We delight to think that Milton, and Cowper, and Shakspeare, and Newton, and Bacon are no more theirs than ours. In January, 1777, it was voted that the selectmen of Wallingford provide tents according to the act of the General Assembly requiring said town to provide tents. A tax of two pence on the pound was levied for that purpose. It was also voted that the selectmen provide all articles necessary for the comfort of the army in accordance with the act of the General Assembly. A two pence tax was laid to cover such expenses. March 31, 1777, it was voted that the town would give a bounty to those engaged in the continental service. Also voted, "That Each Soldier that Engage in the Continental Service for the Quota of Wallingford Shall be paid by the Town the Sum of five pounds Lawful money by the year for three years unless Sooner Discharged, to be paid the Beginning of Each year. Voted fourpence halfpenny on the pound for the aforesaid Purpose." " December 16, 1777, Voted a tax of three-pence on the pound for the Benefit of the Soldiers and their Familys that are now in the Continental army." In September, 1777, Wallingford was appointed a place of rendezvous for the second brigade. The same year it was voted, " That the Families of all those who are Convicted of 360 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Torieism or Inimical to the States of America and the heads of all the Familys that have absconded to Lord How, they and their Family shall be removed to Lord How." "Voted that the Select-men of said Town Secure the Estates of all those Persons that are Inimical to the States of America." At the General Assembly held at Hartford August 13, 1777, James Benham of Wallingford stated that by the influence of designing men he was induced to go to Long Island, and was there induced, partly by threats and partly by necessity, to enter the service of the enemy, until the proclamation offering pardon to such as should leave the British service and return to Connecti- cut was issued ; but by sickness was detained after the ist day of August, 1777 (the time limited in said procla- mation); that he escaped on the 7th day of August 1777, and returned home with the determination of be- coming a good subject of the State. The Assembly pardoned him, on condition of his taking the oath of fidelity, and discharged him from imprisonment, upon his paying the cost of apprehending and confining him, to the time of his discharge. Governor Franklin of New Jersey (son of Dr. Frank- lin), was brought to Connecticut in 1776 (taken by a convention of his province, as a virulent enemy of the colonies), to be confined there in such manner and place as Congress should direct. Governor Trumbull having taken his parole informed him that he might go to Wall- ingford ; after remaining there a few months he was permitted to go to Middletown. While in Middletown he wrote several letters to Governor Trumbull, more sharp than respectful, and he was finally confined with- out pen, ink or paper, and sent under guard to the Litrhfield jail. In 1777, Ralph Isaacs of Durham was REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 361 supposed to be inimical to the State, and it being con- sidered dangerous to the American cause to suffer him to be at large in Durham, he was arrested, and by order of the Governor and Council, sent to Wallingford to be under the civil authority and selectmen, and kept in one of the societies of that town. Abiathar Camp, who was a noted Tory, resided in New Haven, but also had a house in Wallingford. He was arrested at New Haven by order of the Assembly, but was permitted to remove to his home in Wallingford. But it seems that he did not conduct himself in a manner agreeable with the feel- ings of the inhabitants of the town, for we find that they " Voted that Abiather Camp formerly of New Haven now being in the town of Wallingford, Shall not Dwell in said Town nor be an Inhabitant of Said Town." "Voted that the Selectmen of said Town Go and Warn said Camp Abiather Immediately to Depart said Town." Mr. Camp went to Eastbury and shortly after applied to the Assembly by petition, in which he stated that he was a professor and member of the Church of England ; and asked to be indulged in a free exercise of his religion in attending religious worship at Middletown on Sab- bath-days, &c., which was the nearest church of England to Eastbury. The petition was negatived. Feb. 11, 1 777> Col. Hall of Wallingford appeared before the Gov- ernor and Council for directions concerning the tories at Wallingford. At a town meeting held at Wallingford January 14, 1778, a committee of nine persons 1 were chosen to consult the articles of Confederation proposed by Congress, and make a report at an adjourned meet- i Caleb Cooke, Andrew Andrews, Deacon Samuel Street, Deacon Da- vid Hall, Major Reuben Atwater, Timothy Hall, Samuel Beach, Deacon Ebenezer Cowles, Deacon John Hough. 362 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORIX ing. The committee appointed, reported at an adjourned meeting as their unanimous opinion, that the following instructions be immediately forwarded to the representa- tives of the town, viz. : " To Col. Street Hall and M r David Brooks, representatives of the Town of Wallingford in the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, now Setting at Hartford : "GENTLEMEN: Your Constituants Confiding in your abilities, & public Spirit think it unnecessary to give you direction in the General business of your appointment, but as the Important Subject of acceding to the 'articles of Confed- eration and perpetual union between the united States of America ' lies before the General Assembly, we shall freely offer you our sentiments upon it these articles have been considered by us as far as the Time would allow, with a de- liberation and impartiality due to so interesting a subject. We admire and applaud the wisdom of the illustrious patriots, representatives of the united States in General Congress the liberality of their Sentiments ; their mutual Candor and Condesention ; their patient attention to the weighty enquiry on what basis an independent, free and permanent empire may be erected by these States. an Empire which may equally secure to the respective States their distinct preroga- tives, and unite their Councils against a Common Enemy, an empire which from its advantages for Commerce, population and extension together with the Singular Circumstances of the present Struggle for its existance, Promiseth to be the most stable and formidable on the globe. the result of the deliberation of the public Council of these States on this great Subject we have waited for with much expectation. We are Sensible it is of importance that a Form of Government for the united States be agreed upon as soon as possible it gives us great pleasure that we can so cordially acquiesce in much the greater part of the Articles of union proposed and thought it would have been agreeable to our own inclination REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 363 had we one or two things in Several of the Articles been different yet we would not be so illiberal as even to mention things of small Comparative moment. " We therefore concur with the Articles in every particular, except that which determines the proportion of each State Shall bear of the public expence, according to the value of their Lands, buildings, and improvements Respectively, the mode of estimating the value thereof to be directed and ap- pointed from time to time by Congress, Art. vin. To this you are directed to dissent first, because the mode of esti- mating Land &c. is not ascertained. In a matter which so nearly affects us and our posterity, we Cannot place an im- plicit Confidence even in the wisest and greatest of men. Secondly, Because it is difficult to know the differences of real estate, and Still more so to find people that are not interested in mistaking them. In addition also to the diffi- culty and expence which must attend the proposed estimate, its being Subject to frequent alterations will probably excite jealousies and tumults which will bear an unfriendly aspect on the wished for union, thirdly and especially, because lay- ing the whole of Each States proportion of the Common Expence on Land, buildings, and Improvements will be unequal buildings are a perishing Interest, attended with expences not profit. In the northern states their number, and in general their quality much exceed the proportion in most of the Southern States, this mode therefore Subjects the former to a disproportionate part of the public burthen it moreover lays an heavy tax on the necessaries of Life, and tends to introduce great inequality of condition both which are incompatible with a Free government. Besides the various improvements and Profits of the soil in the different States, the Same improvements are attended with very dif- ferent expence, in the Northern and Southern States ; In the former, from the coldness of the Climate and high price of Labor, the neat profits of a farm Small, it is often observed that after a deduction of the Expences the owner instead of 364 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Income from his farm is involved in debt. In the Latter from the plenty of Laborers and low price of labor added to the fertility of the Soil, the Clear profits are great Rich plan- tors in the Southern States are better abel to Pay the public tax on their polls, than the greatest part of the husbandmen in the northern States on their Lands, from which with all their diligence and discretion they get but a Scanty Subsis- tance for their families, the Length and Severity of the winter Consuming all that is gathered in Summer, when the Inhab- itants of a State are all free Subjects, taxes says the great Montesquieu, may be laid either on persons, on Lands, on Merchandise, on two of these or on all three together, the duties felt least by the People are those on Merchandise. The same inimitable writer remarks ' that taxes Should not follow the proportion of peoples property, but the proportion of their wants Every man is entitled to an equal Share of what is necessary for Nature ; and whatsoever is necessary for Nature ought not to be taxed, if the Body of the people in any State are permitted to enjoy only Just what is neces- sary for Subsistence the least disproportion in the tax will be of the greatest Consequence.' to what is necessary for nature, Succeeds the usefull which ought to be taxed, but less than the Superfluity and the Largeness of the Taxes on what is Superfluous prevents Superfluity. Such were the Senti- ments of the Greatest civilian of the Present age. While you are to dissent from the 8th article for the reasons afore- said you will submit it to Consideration, whether the following mode of proportioning the part each State Shall Defray of the Common expence may not be equal, viz., one third of the tax to be laid on Land, Provided Some mode of ascertaining the Value can be pointed out, one third on the polls and the other third on exports any State can pay taxes according to the Number of Laborers or according to its exports so far at least as this exceeds the import of necessary articles. We have only time to offer hints of our Sentiments on the impor- tant subject, corroborated by the greatest name in the REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 365 Political world, your own Judgment and opportunity will readily suggest many things coincident herewith you will consider gentlemen, that the proposed confederacy is to be perpetual that it will when once established, Collect Strength Daily that if there are any material objections to the plan of Confederation before you now is the only opportunity to State them that it is of the last moment to lay the founda- tion of a new empire right in every Respect ; especially in a point so essential as taxation, which thing forced these States into the present war with BRITAIN that the State of Generations yet unborn depends on the confederacy now forming. However solicitous we are to have a Confederacy of these States Speedily accomplished, we had rather it were Deferred a Little longer, than that any wrong principles Should be interwoven with it. Should an inequitable mode of taxation be adopted into the Constitution of the confede- rate States, we could not even apply what the eminent writer before named Says of the Constitution of England, his words are, it is not my business to Examine whether the English actually enjoy Liberty, or not, it is sufficient to my purpose to observe that it is established by their Laws. "Voted at said Meeting to accept the above Report of the committee. "July, 1781, voted that those men who were Draughted for three months Tower of Duty be paid by the Town 2o.v a month in Silver or Equivalent in other Money while in Service." The struggle which succeeded the Declaration of In- dependence was long and arduous, and nobly was it maintained. One spirit seemed to animate the whole country, that of resistance to oppression. The injuries inflicted, the battles fought, the sacrifices of property and life endured, and the final victory and triumph, are written on the pages of history. Wallingford men were to be found in many a hard fought battle ; they carried 366 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. with them marks of honor from Bunker Hill, the blazing lines of Saratoga and Yorktown, the blood-dyed waters of the Brandywine, the dreary snows of Valley Forge, the streets of Lexington and Concord, from Trenton and Monmouth, Camden, Bennington, and other hard fought fields of battle. Dr. Dana while at Wallingford, took an early and decided position in favor of our na- tional independence. At that time, while the revolution was approaching, public sentiment in Connecticut had by no means become unanimous as to the expediency of attempting to stand against the British government, or of taking any measures which might sever the tie between the colonies and the parent empire. The east- ern part of the State was somewhat in advance of the western, and if I mistake not, the " new lights," as a body, were a little before the old light or conservative party as a body. So slow was Governor Fitch in coming up to the grand movement of the day, and consenting to the adoption of strong measures, that during the agita- tions consequent upon the stamp act, he lost the confidence of the people and lost his office. It was not far from this time that Dr. Dana, then a young man, was invited to preach for Mr. Whittelsey in New Haven, on one occasion while the Legislature was in session in that place. Many, particularly of the eastern members, would have refused to hear so sus- pected a preacher if they had not understood that he was strongly on their side in politics. Their curiosity and their confidence in his political orthodoxy overcame their dislike of his ecclesiastical irregularity. His audience therefore included all the leading political men of the colony. Expecting, or at least hoping for such an audience, he had prepared himself for the oc- REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 367 casion. His text was Heb. 11: 24, 25. "By faith, Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharoah's daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season." And though to men not in the habit of looking for a double sense, the sermon might have seemed far enough from having any politi- cal bearing, there were few in that audience who did not see the meaning. As the preacher illustrated and vindicated the conduct of Moses " when he had come to years," it became very plain that Connecticut having come to years was old enough to act for herself, and trusting in the God of Israel, to refuse to be any longer dependent upon Pharaoh. 1 In the eloquent language of Boutwell, 2 " the American Revolution was a clear indication, in itself, of what the colonies had been, and what the republic was destined to be. Had the Revolution been delayed, no history, however minute, could have given to the world so accu- rate a knowledge of the colonists from 1 770 to 1 780 as it now possesses. It was the full development of all their past history ; it was the concise", vigorous, intelli- gible introduction to their future. It was a great illus- tration of preexisting American character. Neither religious nor political fanaticism was an element of the American Revolution. It was altogether defensive ; defensive in its assertion of principles, defensive in its warlike operations." At this late day it is impossible to obtain a complete list of the persons who served in the war. In addition 1 Bacon's Hist. Dis., p. 273. This incident is related on the authority of Judge Chauncey, one of the hearers of the sermon. 2 Dedication of the Davis monument, at Acton, Mass. 368 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. to those who as militia men were called occasionally into service, the persons whose names are annexed were soldiers in the regular army from Wallingford, including the Meriden parish. The greater part of the names were found in contemporaneous records, manuscript or printed, and a very few have been added on the tes- timony of descendants whose account the author deemed trustworthy. Let us pay to their memory and their virtues the most respectful and acceptable tribute, by cultivating a love of the principles by which they were actuated, and by assiduously striving to preserve the blessings which they won. COL. THADDEUS COOK, CAPT. ELIHU YALE, CAPT. JOHN COUCH, i CAPT. ISAAC COOK, LIEUT. JOSEPH SnAiLER, 2 LEMUEL COLLINS, LIEUT. DIVAN BERRY, JOSEPH TWIN, B. REXFORD, Jun., LAMBERTON CLARK, ABNER ANDREWS,.} EDWARD MERRIAM, DANIEL ROBERTS, SILAS BELLAMY^ 1 John Couch held a commission, and was prisoner for several years on Long Island. 2 Joseph Shailer was a lieutenant in the regiment of Col. Meigs, a corps distinguished for its gallantry and efficiency. Subsequently he was engaged in the frontier war with the Indian tribes in the year 1791. Having re- ceived a Captain's commission, he raised a company of soldiers from this town and vicinity, and joined the forces of General St. Clair in their expedi- tion against the Indians on the Miami. At the time of St. Clair's disastrous defeat, with terrible slaughter of his troops, Captain Shailer was absent as commander of some garrisoned fort in the rear. About that time he and his son venturing to hunt a short distance from the fort, were attacked by Indians. His son was killed and scalped, but Capt. Shailer escaped. He settled in Ohio at the close of the war and died there. I find the following in the church records of this town : " 1789 Capt. Joseph Shailer is de- barred from church privileges for using profane language." 3 Lost the use of one arm in the service. 4 Died of yellow fever. REVOLUTIONAY WAR. 369 JAMES BALDWIN, JOHN IVES, CHATHAM FREEMAN,' ENOS HALL, EPHRAIM MERRIMAN, AMBROSE HOTCHKISS, OLIVER COLLINS, JOSIAH MERRIMAN, BLACK Boss, 2 ASAHEL MERRIAM, JOASH HALL,3 DANIEL CRANE, SERG'T. LEVI MuNSON,4 ISAAC HULL, Jun.,5 RALPH RICE, GEORGE HALL, 6 AARON RICE, ELDAD PARKER.? 1 A slave of Mr. Noah Yale. The circumstances of his enlistment are related elsewhere. 2 Black Boss was a slave of Abel Curtiss ; and like his colored friend preferred the harsh discipline of the camp and the perils of battle even, to that very mild form of slavery which existed in Connecticut. The name here given is a nickname ; but is the only one by which he was ever known, according to the information of those elderly people who remember him. 3 Joash Hall rode on horseback to aid the troops of Connecticut when they pursued the British troops on their retreat from Danbury ; he rode within half a mile of the action at Compo, there left his horse and engaged the enemy for some time ; but at last retreated to his horse and mounted him ; but the horse was soon shot under him by the enemy. The Assembly ordered Mr. Hall to be paid for the horse the sum of ^"19 lawful money. 4 I^vi Munson was at the battle of Ticonderoga, and was taken prisoner with Col. Ethan Allen in his attempt upon Montreal, and was confined with others in a room at Halifax, among felons, thieves, and negroes. 5 Isaac Hull Jun. was a lieutenant in the third company, first regiment of light horse in this State. The troops were ordered by an act of 1776 to the western part of the State, to join the forces under General Wooster the captain of the company being at the time sick and Hull took com- mand of the company from the 25th day of October, 1776 to the last day of December, 1776, for which service neither himself or his company re- ceived any pay. The Assembly in October, 1773, ordered the pay-table to adjust the pay roll of said troop of light-horse, by the rule before allowed by Congress to the troops of light-horse in this State while in service of the country ; and "draw on the Treasurer, and charge the same to the Conti- nent." 6 Killed in army in 1791. 7 Eldad Parker was killed with twenty-six others during the attack on West Haven by the British in the summer of 1779. In the same engage- ment Mr. Atwater and a negro both from Wallingford, were wounded. Z 3/O HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. GOODRICH, ! MOSES BALDWIN^ HoTCHKiss, 2 SAMUEL RiCE,4 MOSES HULL.S Robert Rice of Wallingford was drafted and ordered to join the continental army, but by lameness of his feet for years he was unable to march and do the duty of a soldier, and was therefore dismissed from the draft and service in the battalions raised in this State for the con- tinental army. At the alarm in Danbury, Aaron Ives of Wallingford volunteered and went to Compo, and was in the engagement at Compo hill, where he was wounded in his leg, by which misfortune, when he was helped from the battle-field his horse was missing, with his saddle, bridle, great-coat, blanket, and a bag with three days' provisions. His horse he afterwards found, but lost the other articles, which were ordered to be paid for by the Assembly. In 1776, the following persons from Wallingford en- listed in the regiment commanded by Colonel Philip Burr Bradley, of Ridgefield : Jarius Wilcox, Francis Wilcox, Samuel Abby, Thaddeus Ford, James Francis, 1 Killed in army in 1791. 2 Killed in army in 1791. 3 Moses Baldwin was in the six months campaign under Capt. Couch in Colonel Bradley's regiment in 1777, and received from the State 9 & 6d. for sickness and losses sustained after he was taken prisoner in the above campaign. In 1778 he received 2 is. on account of loss of clothes at Fort Lee. 4 Samuel Rice received from the State 6 $s. for sickness and losses sustained while a prisoner during the six months campaign. 5 Moses Hall was the father of the late Chauncey Hall of Meriden, and was in Canada at the surrender of Fort St. Johns. He was also at New Haven, Danbury, New London, and was at Albany when Burgoyne sur- rendered. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 371 Jonathan Hall, jun., Asahel Deming. Each of the above signed the following document : " I of Wallingford, do hereby acknowledge myself inlisted a 'Soldier in a Regiment now raising by the Colony of Connecticut, to be under the Command of Philip Burr Bradley Esq., subject to the Orders and Regulations of said Regiment and entitled to their Privileges, until the first day of January, 1777, unless sooner discharged by proper Authority. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand this 26th Day of June, A. D. 1776." The following persons composed the company raised by Captain John Couch, in Meriden, July, 1776 : LIEUT. DIVAN BERRY, CORP. ASAHEL DEMING, STREET YALE, REUBEN BELLAMY, JUSTIN RICE, SAMUEL JOHNSON, Jun., WATE RICE, ASAPH MERRIAM, DANIEL YALE, RUFUS HALL, MOSES BALDWIN, JOEL HALL, THOMAS IGGLESTON, JOEL MARCHANT, MOSES WARNER, JAMES FRANCIS, CALEB HALL, SAMUEL ABBEY, EBENEZER HOUGH, ENOS Mix, CALEB HOUGH, JARED BENHAM, SERGT. TIMOTHY HALL, BENJ. REXFORD, JONATHAN HALL, SAMUEL RICE, NATHANIEL YALE, STEVEN ATWATER, SAMUEL JOHNSON, NATHANIEL DOUGLASS, DAVID HALL, GIDEON IVES, AMOS HALL, BENJ. AUSTEN, EPHRAIM MERRIAM, Fifer, DANIEL COLLINS, THADDEUS AVERITT, FRANCIS WILCOX, SERGT. JARIUS WILCOX, JESSE COOK, AMASA HALL, THOMAS Mix, JOHN ROBINSON, HOLT, JOSIAH MERRIMAN. 372 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. December 19, 1780, Captain Berry received orders from Colonel Thaddeus Cook, to have his company in readiness to march at short notice for Horseneck. Let us honor these noble men, for they perilled their lives in behalf of liberty when " T'was treason to love her, and death to defend." CIVIL WAR. Events of unparalelled magnitude have succeeded each other with unprecedented rapidity, " as if," to use the language of an eminent Scotch writer, " they had come under the influence of that law of gravitation, by which falling bodies increase in speed as they descend, according to the distance." Within the last century, our country has emerged from the condition of a weak and dependent colony, has passed through one long and bloody war to achieve a national existence, and a ten-fold bloodier one to preserve that existence and make it worth preserving; and having extended its territory from the Atlantic to the Pacific and increased its population from less than three millions to more than thirty-three, it stands to-day equal to any of the empires of the other continent, if not superior to the greatest of them in all that constitutes true greatness. During the last few years we have passed as individu- als, and as a nation, through the greatest and darkest crisis the earth has ever beheld ; one where the most gigantic crime that can be committed against man, strug- gled for conquest against the highest blessings he can enjoy ; wherein the noblest nation upon the globe, with agonized exertions, tried to save its bared throat from the bloody knife in the hands of her own children chil- dren nursed from her own bosom and reared by her with CIVIL WAR. 373 excess of all tenderness while others of her children sought to pinion her hands and stifle her cries that the diabolic deed might be accomplished. Grand providential movements sweep in a wide orbit. They may seem intensely destructive, while they are the needful preparations for future blessings. The little republic of Greece, whose heroic history has filled so large a space in the world's annals, had a baptism of fire and blood many times repeated. Marathon, Thermopy- lae, Salamis, Plataea, crowned names in the legends of civilization, were but the graveyards of her heroes. The fall of Rome and the extinguishment of the old pagan civilization, seemed to cover the world with the starless night of settled barbarism. But we know that above the wide social ruin there sprung better races, better institutions and a better life, personal and national, than paganism in its best state ever produced. Great Britain had her full share of perilous crises and torturing trials. From the bloody meadow of Runnymede, where Magna Charta was wrung from the infamous John, to the Revolution and Declaration of Rights under William of Orange, for four and a half troubled centuries, Eng- land's green fields were crossed and re-crossed by the deadly tramp of armies. Yet her conflicts have made England what she is. The wretched dynasty of the Stuarts in England, which according to Macaulay, " had produced seditions, impeachments, rebellions, bat- tles, sieges, proscriptions and.judicial massacres," seemed an interminable age of darkness and blood to both Puritans and Presbyterians. But we have lived to see that it cemented the English Constitution so firmly, that over changeful centuries it has held the nation to- gether, and evoked a rare civilization. 374 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. The fiery and frosty trials of our Puritan ancestors on both sides of the Atlantic their colonial sufferings, their Indian wars and massacres, and especially their terrible struggle for independence purified and elevated them, burned up the dross of their characters and fitted them for their great career. In the progress of nations, principles have survived powers, and honest hearts have conquered dishonest hosts. We have passed through terrible scenes of strife and bloodshed, but we live to see one Capital, one President, one Congress, one Govern- ment for all this land. And one flag, the same whose stars twinkled cheeringly in the dark night of Revolu- tion, of 1812, of Mexican struggles, and of the recent most hideous rebellion ; the same whose stripes twice drove England from our shores, silenced Mexican hos- tility, and crushed the most monstrous hydra-headed in- surrection that ever arose in any nation ; that flag we now see peacefully waving over every hamlet, in every state and territory from the St. Lawrence to the Rio Grande, from the rocky headlands of Maine, to the golden shores of the Pacific. Nearly every battle-field of the rebellion had its Meriden representatives. With Grant in his repeated and telling blows against the main army of the rebel- lion ; with Sheridan in his brilliant movements in the Shenandoah ; with Sherman in his arduous but glorious march through the "hollow shell" of the so-called Confederacy ; with Hooker " above the clouds ; " with Terry at Fort Fisher, and wherever call has been made for brave and valiant work, Meriden sent to the war the flower of her young men. Ardent and enthusiastic lovers of their country, they freely relinquished the allur- ing prospect of a useful and in many instances a brilliant CIVIL WAR. 375 future, to encounter the mortal dangers of the field and the camp. Enduring and indefatigable on the march, cool and steadfast in action, patient under privation and ready in obedience, they offered their talents, their hopes, their health and their lives on the altar of patriotism, for the safety and welfare of their country. In the beginning of the war, the Meriden company, constructed on the basis of a militia company, was the first accepted by the Governor. An immense war meet- ing was held, at which Charles Parker presided, and speeches, exhorting to action, were made by O. H. Platt, Dexter R. Wright, Rev. D. Henry Miller, and G. W. Wilson, afterward captain. A company was immedi- ately raised, and a Colt's revolver presented to each man by Charles Parker. The sum of $5000 was raised for equipments. It would be interesting to follow the history of each company that went from Meriden, but we must be brief, and bear in mind the maxim of Cicero that "there is nothing in history more delightful than a pure and perspicuous consciseness." 1 While we are now writing, the first chapters of this work are passing through the press. It would be impos- sible in the brief time allotted us, to make this chapter complete, as we have not yet been able to make a com- plete list of the men who served in the war from Wall- ingford and Meriden. It is the author's intention to publish soon a " Soldier's Memorial," giving a full account of the part borne by Meriden and Wallingford during the war ; a full list of the soldiers, personal incidents concerning them, the battles in which they were en- gaged, and full biographical details. We can only add here the Meriden Roll of Honor : I Nihil est in historia, pura et illustri, brevitate clulcius. Cicero in Bruto, 75. 3/6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. A LIST OF THE MERIDEN SOLDIERS WHO HAVE DIED IN THE DEFENCE OF THEIR COUNTRY. Lieutenant and Quartermaster Marshall C. Augur, Henry Avery, Henry D' Angelist, William F. Ackerman, George W. Andrus, Alonzo S. Atkins, Capt. Julius Bassett, Oscar M. Bailey, Francis D. Baker, Wallace W. Bates, John E. Bar- low, A. H. Barr, Lyman A. Beach, Marshall Belden, George Blake, John C. Brooks, George Burrows, James Butler, John Byxbee, Andrew Carliu, John D. Comstock, James I. Cook, Daniel Crowley, Oscar Crusius, James Cassada, William Cassada, Charles Catlin, Maurice C. Clark, Silas Davis, George V. Dagle, John K. Doolittle, James Doran, Watson W. Davis, David Dunham, Captain and Chaplain Jacob Eaton, James 8. Ely, James M. Ford, Henry Finken, James M. Foster, Sergeant Alfred P. Green, James Green- land, Charles Ganglofi 1 , George M. Garrelt, Patrick Green, Charles F. Green, Julian A. Griffin, Sylvanus A. Hall, Thomas Harvey, George Harwood, Andrew B. Hitchcock, Sylvanus Hull, Captain William H. Johnson, John S. Jameson, Alvin Kenney, Henry W. L. Reach, Lieutenant Henry B. Levi, Harrison Lamphear, Madison Lamphear, William Lewis, Charles H. Lewis, George H. Lewis, Henry A. Lathrop, George W. Lester, Charles P. Lewis, Lieut. Edwin J. Merriam, Abraham Miner, Jas. A. Miller' Henry W. Miller, Charles T. McWhinnie, William Masch- meyer, Edward Maschmeyer, Michael Mallory, Michael Magee, Charles R McCorney, Jacob Meyer, Giles Norton, Aaron Johnson Pratt, Henry A. Plumb, Edward Parmelee, James B. Parker, William H. Peterson, Felix Quinn, John Quinn, J. G. L. Roberts, Joseph Rancorn, Lawrence Riley, A. I. Richards, William W. Richardson, I. L. Richmond, Derrick A. Roberts, Cyrus Root, Chauncey W T . Roberts, Oliver Sellew, Selleck Scott, Benjamin R. Sherman, John H. Simmonds, Lieut. William W. Thompson, F. A. Taylor, Elihu Talmadge, James Thrall, Edward D. Todd, Thomas Waldron, Joseph H. Walker, John E. Warner, Edmund E. Westerhood, Joel Yale, Henry A. Edgerton, Henry Butler. Total, one hundred and eight. CIVIL WAR. 377 Of the above, the following are interred in Meriden : MERIDEN CEMETERY. JAS. S. HULEY, i5th Conn., DAVID DUNHAM, i5th Conn., OSCAR BAILEY, i5th Conn., EDWARD A. PARMALEE, i6th JOEL YALE, 3d Conn., Conn., GEO. L. ROBERTS, 151)1 Conn., CHARLES F. GREEN, 15111 Conn., Lieut. WM. H. JOHNSON, 8th Corp.WM. G. LEWIS, 8th Conn., Conn., GILES NEWTON, i5th Conn., CHAS. H. LEWIS, 8th Conn., SILAS DAVIS, 7th Conn. GEO. H. LEWIS, i5th Conn., JAMES GREENLAND, i5th Conn., MORRIS C. CLARK, 8th Conn., JAMES THRALL, yth Conn. WEST MERIDEN CEMETERY. JAMES FOSTER, ist Conn. CHARLES CATLIN, 5th Conn., Cavalry, ALFRED P. GREEN, 7th Conn., JOHN C. BROOKS, i2th Conn., Lieut. HENRY B. LEVI, i5th Lieut. MARSHALL C. AUGUR, Conn., i5th Conn., JOSEPH JONES, Navy, HENRY A. LATHROP, 8th Conn., HENRY W. BUTLER, ist Conn. Lieut. EDWIN MERRIAM, yth Artillery, Conn., HARRISON LAMPHEAR, Sea- MADISON LAMPHEAR, i4th man, Conn., GEORGE BLAKE, yth Conn., WM. GIESCKE, nth CONN., EDMUND D. TODD, 2nd Heavy HENRY AVERY, 2nd Conn., Artillery, LEWIS OSBORNE, 42nd Mass., N. C. JONAS, 8th Conn. CATHOLIC CEMETERY. FELIX QUINN, gth Conn., JOSEPH CASSADY, gth Conn., WM. CASSADY, ist Conn. JAMES BUTLER, gih Conn., Artillery, JOHN RICHARDSON, died in 1870. " Many in sad faith for her, Many with crossed hands sighed for her ; But these, our brothers, fought for her, At life's dear peril wrought for her, So loved her that they died for her." 378 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. The expenditure of Meriden for bounties, premiums, commutations and support of families, was $91,3/1 33. The estimated amount paid by individuals for bounties to volunteers and substitutes was $10,715 53. Grand List for 1864, $4,300,981. In Wallingford, the town ex- penditures were $40,750 oo. Individual expenditure, $6,200 oo.- Grand List, $1,796,416. The following is a LIST OF THE WALLINGFORD SOLDIERS WHO DIED IN THE DEFENCE OF THEIR COUNTRY. Col. Arthur Button, 2ist Conn. Vols., and Capt. Engineer Corps, U. S. A. ; buried at Baltimore. Nehe- miah Hough, 320! Iowa Vols., buried at Vicksburg. THE FOLLOWING ARE BURIED IN WALLINGFORD : Henry T. Hough, i5th Conn. ; Thomas Lynch, i5th Conn.; Augustus Morse, i5th Conn.; Austin Phelps, 1 5th Conn. ; Delevan W. Ives, 1 5th Conn. ; Oliver S. Munson, i5th Conn. ; Gilbert Clark, i5th Conn. ; James Parker, i5th Conn. ; John Webb, i"jth U. S. Reg. ; Ralph W. Pomeroy, i8 9 th N. Y. ; Der- rick S. Pomeroy, 2Qth N. Y. ; Joel Camp, 27th Conn. ; Patrick Condon, 27th Conn.; Timothy Carral, 27th Conn. ; John Callahan, i5th Conn. ; John Regan, i5th Conn.; Francis Rourke, 2cl Ky. Rifles. 379 CHAPTER XX. FUNERAL CUSTOMS, GRAVEYARDS, &c. A WELL known writer has said that nothing is more characteristic of the early state of New England than the old grave-yards which solemnize her ancient towns. Their monuments, epitaphs and decorations show at once the prevalence of religion, the backwardness of taste, and the poverty of the times. The number of buried octogenarians attests the steady habits and sa- lubrious clime, while the superior funeral state of the ministers and deacons, bears witness to the social import- ance of those dignitaries of the church. The ancient burial grounds chain with a spell of which the modern cemetery with its showy marbles knows nothing ! We turn from the fresh mortality which chills us with its recent sorrows, to those mossy headstones whose faint inscriptions tell of generations long since freed from toil. Here one may find the rude monuments of those who still walk the earth and lead its progress, and here the heart may run over, as Byron says, " With silent worship, of the great of old ! The dead but sceptered sovereigns, who still rule Our spirits from their urns." 380 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORIX They still live, though their bodies have been mingled with the earth. In those seasons when " calling shapes" walk the earth, and " aery tongues syllable men's names," we can, by the united aid of imagination and memory, see them singly, or in gathered groups, like a cloud of witnesses looking down upon us ; we can hear them utter words of encouragement, or warning, to be heeded by the living. One of the earliest records in relation to grave-diggers was in 1677, when we find that "Will. Ebernatha's price for digging graves is five shillings for grown persons and two shillings and sixpence for children." It was the custom when a person died during the night, to toll the church bell at sunrise ; if the death occurred in the day- time, the bell was tolled at sunset. Three distinct strokes were given for a male adult, two for a female, and one for a child. On the brow of a large, sloping hill, in the southeastern part of the town, peacefully rest the remains of some of the first settlers of Meriden. Here the frail memorials, "With uncouth rhymes and shapeless sculpture decked, Implore the passing tribute of a sigh." Several years ago, the town properly determined to perpetuate the memory of the original inhabitants in an appropriate monument, to be erected in the early burial ground. This monument, which is surrounded by a high iron fence sixty feet square, is of freestone, and contains the following inscriptions : On the south side, Erected By the town of Meriden, 1857- GRAVEYARDS. 381 On the east side, In Memory of the First Settlers of the Town of MERIDEN who were buried within and near this enclosure, and whose names so far as known, are inscribed on this Monument. The Meeting-House in which they worshiped, and the first erected in the town, stood about 50 rods west of this memorial. On the north side, Obituary. Rev. Theophtlus Hall, Pastor of the First Church, March 25, 1769,26. 62; Mehitable Hall, Sept. n, 1767, ae. 16; Timothy Jerome, Feb. 23, 1757, ae. 26 ; Abigail Way, Sept. 12, 1741,86. 12; Daniel Hough, July 25, 1768, ae. 49; Tho s Beech, May 14, 1741, ae. 83; Phebe Merriam, Feb. 23, 1753, ae. 23 ; Hannah Ives, Nov. 5, 1770, ae. 70; Capt. Josiah Robinson, Apr. 2, 1766, ae. 67 ; Theophilus Mix, July 3, 1750, ae. 53; Rachael Andrus, Jan. n, 1756, ae. 33; Timothy Andrews, Nov. 25, 1743, ae. 23 ; Hannah Royce, Jan. 12, 1761, ae. 91 ; Samuel Johnson, Mar. 2, 1777, ae. 23. On the west side, Obituary. Benjamin Curtiss, Oct. 29, 1754, ae. 52; Aaron Curtiss, Dec. 18,1763,35. 20; Rebekah Lyman, Nov. 8, 1748, ae. 44; Joseph Cowles, Nov. 30, 1760, ae. 83; Mindwell Cowles, April 17, 1770, ae. 89; Sarah Bishop, May 31, 1760, x. 43 ; Elizabeth Merriam, June n, 1767, ae. 70 ; Elizabeth Penfield, Nov. 20, 1765, ae. 18 ; Deacon Samuel Royce, May 14, 1757, ae. 85; Ezekiel Rice, Esq., Sept, 4, 1765, ae. 66; Ebenezer Roys, Jan. 20, 1759, ae. 53 ; Joseph Merriam, Aug. 24, 1752, ae. 49 ; Deborah Merriam, August 12, 1761, ae. 52 ; Ruth Merriam, Nov. 12, 1755,86. 72 ; Mindwell Rice, June 15, 1769, ae. 27. Most of the grave stones have either been displaced or broken, and many are entirely unintelligible. We copy a few inscriptions : 382 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. In Memory of THEOPHILUS HALL, Pastor of y e Church, who having for 37 years difcharged the duties of his function with diftinguifhed fidelity and accomplifhed Chriftian life, the uniform difciple of Jefus Chrift deceafed March 23, 1769, in the 6o th year of his Age. They that be wife shall shine as y e brightnefs of y e firmament. In Memory of Mrs. Mehitable Hall Daugh tr of the Rev" M 1 ' Theophilus & Md m Hannah Hall died Sept r n th 1707 aged 16 years. Happy y e dying youth whofe early fteps have trod y e Chriftian road of pious virtue up to god. In Memory of M r Chriftopher Robinfon died Dec br 6" 1 1760 in y e 26 th year of his Age. as you are now fo once was I, Prepare for death for you muft die. Here lies y e Body of Oliver Son of M r Ebenezer & Abigail Roys he died Dec br y e 6 th 1753 in y e 7 th year of his Age. These forewarnings Remember Well Death and Judgment heaven & hell. In memory of M r Samuel Johnfon Ju nr who Departed this life March 2 nd A D 1777, in y e 23 rd year of his Age. Come Blooming youth when this you Read, O, See my Fate. Dea" Ezekiel Rice Esq., Aged 66 years Departed this Life Sptr 4 th 1765. To God and Man a faithful Friend ; In Serving both his life did spend. His Sun is set his work is done, Lies here beneath this Gloomy Stone. GRAVEYARDS. 383 So Great & Good both High & Low To Conquering Death their knee must bow. In Memory of Sarah wife of Mr. Yale Bishop, died May 31*' 1766 in y e 43 rd year of her Age & was buried with her infant on her arm. The following is the deed of the old burying-ground, corner of Broad and Olive street : " I, John Hubbard of Wallingford, in the County of New Haven, for the consideration of the sum of nine pounds lawful money received to my full satisfaction, of the inhabit- ants of the parish of Meriden, do give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm, one certain piece of land situate and being in the parish of Meriden, containing three quarters of an acre of land, off from the northeast corner of said Hubbard 's land, northward of said Hubbard's house, beginning at the highway, a heap of stones the corner, from thence running twelve and a half rods westwardly to a heap of stones, from thence running nine rods southwardly to a heap of stones, from thence running eleven rods eastwardly to the highway to a heap of stones, from thence running eleven and a half rods by highway to the first lands, and is bounded north upon Mary Hall's lands, and west and south upon said Hubbard's land, and east upon the highway. To have and to hold the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenan- ces thereof, unto the inhabitants of the parish of Meriden, forever, for their proper use and behoof, as a burying place. [ Here is inserted the usual form of guarantee.] Given under my hand and seal the i5th day of March, in the nth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord, George III, of Great Britain, &c. king, annoque Domini, 1771. "JOHN HUBRARD." To pay for the land, the following paper was drawn up and subscribed : "Whereas the inhabitants of the parish of Meriden, did in 384 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. their meeting on the 18 of February last, agree to purchase a piece of land of the Rev. Mr. Hubbard, for a burying yard, we, the subscribers being desirous of a speedy accom- plishment of said affair, do herewith our names subscribe the several sums that we will give towards purchasing said piece of land, and do promise to pay them to the parish committee within nine months after said committee shall procure a deed to secure the same to the use of the parish as aforesaid. "Meriden March n, 1771. s. d. s. d. "SAMUEL LEAVITT, 3 HANNAH HALL, 2 NOAH YALE, 5 ABEL HAWLEY, 2 EBENEZER COWLES, 3 6 SAM'L JOHNSON, 3 EZEKIEL RICE, i 5 SOLOMON RICE, i DANIEL HOWELL, 3 6 JOSEPH COWLES, 3 EBEN'R COWLES, Jr., i WAIT RICE, i SAMUEL WHITNEY, i 6 BEZALEEL IVES, 3 JOHN MILES, Jr., i TIMOTHY COLLS, i 6 THEO. HALL, 2 THOMAS HOUGH, i JOSIAH MERRIMAN, i EZRA RICE, 2 TITUS RICE, i 4 AARON HULL, i THOMAS MENHAUR, i 6 MOSES HALL, i 3 THOMAS BERRY, 2 BENJAMIN RICE, 2 TIMOTHY FOSTER, 3 4 AARON LYMAN, 4 ABIGAIL RICE, 2 i AMASA RICE, i." In 1842 the question was agitated in Meriden in re- gard to laying out a burial ground a few rods east of the town, and in 1 845 land was purchased from the estate of Wm. Yale deceased, and Lyman Collins. The stone arch over the entrance was built in 1847. The customs at funerals in different parts of New England were for many years somewhat peculiar, and were long since modified or abandoned. The distribu- tion of gloves, rings and scarfs at funerals prevailed to such an extent, that in 1721, the Legislatures of Massa- GRAVEYARDS. 385 chusetts passed a law against the usage. Town authorities complied with the fashion so far, that they distributed these articles at the burial of their paupers, and the expense was charged over to the town. At the funeral of the wife of Governor Belcher of Massachusetts in 1736, more than one thousand pairs of gloves were distributed among the attendants. 1 A death in a small community was a great event. The magistrate, the minister and the fathers of the town came to the bed of the dying to witness his testament and gather up his last words. It was soon known to every individual of the plantation that one of their number had been cut down. All were eager to gaze once more upon the face they had known so well ; they flocked to the funeral ; the near neighbors and coevals of the dead bore him on their shoulders to the grave ; the whole community with solemn step and downcast eyes followed him to his long home. Riding at funerals was not then in vogue ; and a hearse was unknown. A horse litter may in some cases have been used ; but the usual mode of carrying the dead was on a shoulder bier. In this way persons were sometimes brought into town for interment even from a distance of five or six miles. Frequent rests or halts were made, and the bearers often changed. These funeral customs continued down to the period of the Revolution. 2 There was no spot more sacred than the one behind the meeting-house, marked with a few rude monumental stones. In the eloquent language of Dr. Holland : " There swelled the first mound over a white man's breast, and there, one by one, as the years rolled away, 1 Hollister's Hist, of Conn., I. 439. 2 Miss Caulkins' Hist, of New London, p. 267. A A 386 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. rose other mounds. The rank grass waved over them, the night-straying cow stumbled among them, and un- seemly shrubs sprouted between them, and at long inter- vals, were cut away. There, one after another, those whose life has informed these pages were gathered, and there the brown sandstone, roughly finished, and quaint- ly carved and clumsily inscribed, was placed above their heads. There they lay when the wintry blast was driving, and when the summer sun was shining ; when the trees were shedding the purple of autumn and assuming the green of Spring. Some fell by the red man's arm, and were borne thither in fear, and buried in the presence of faithful muskets and threats of ven- gence. Some were borne there in old age, an old age that died in fear after a life of fear. Among these slept the maiden with the bloom upon her cheek and life's discipline all untried, and the sweet infant of days, and the mother parted prematurely from the children of her love, and the man just risen to manhood. Year after year the frost came down and heaved the ground, now this way, now that, till the mounds settled down to the level around them, and the stones sank down into the mould, or leaned in indiscriminate and inharmonious angles, or fell prone along the graves, face to face with the skeletons whose names they bore." 1 The earliest stones in the burial ground at Walling- ford dating from about 1700 to 1750, were mostly of slate and are pretty well preserved, though the inscrip- tions being shallow and somewhat lichen-covered, are difficult to decipher. Then followed a period of about fifty years in which the monuments were of sandstone ; I Bay Path, p. 415. GRAVEYARDS. 387 and of these, most of the earliest are so far corroded by lichens and the elements, that the epitaphs are quite obliterated. After the beginning of the present century, marble prevails ; and the old fashioned letterings and grotesque carvings of faces and figures, give place to a more modern style. We give herewith copies of some of the inscriptions : Here lies interred the remains of Mrs Sarah Hall relict of Mr Joseph Hall who departed this life July 8th 1796, in the 30 year of her age. The blast which nipt my youth will conquer thee ; It strikes the bud, the blossom and the tree. Another inscription is followed by the quaint lines : Lovely companion come to see The clods that cover me Look at my right hand and view The clods that are reserved for to cover thee. [Doctor Isaac Lewis, 1784.] As I am now gone down to dust Five of my children came here first The rest may se as they pass by That we are now before them gone. The following has been copied from the original stone on to a new monument : The Reverent Mr : Street Departed: This Life: len: y e 16 1717 Agged : 82 The following are specimens of the didactic pendants following the name and date of some of the departed : He sleeps no longer on the brink of fate, nor leaves one loitering wish beneath the Starrs, Man at his Best State is Vanity. 388 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Though death the king of terrors be And nature dread the awful day Yet Christ the King of Saints we see Hath took the sting away. Heaven gives friends Why should we complain If Heaven resume Our friends again. Farewell Vain World, Dust Hast thou Been to me , Dust and the Shadow, I do leave with thee. Life uncertain ; Death is sure ; Sin the wound & Christ the cure. The grave is honored where the Christian lies 'Tis but the ark that wafts him to the Skies. From Death we see no age is free. At an adjourned meeting held July 4th, 1741-2, the following resolutions were presented : " Whereas the first society in Wallingford having by their vote in their meeting, Dec. 1740, agreed to fence their bury- ing-ground with a good five rail fence, and chose a commit- tee for that purpose, and at their meeting in December 1741," upon reconsideration, voted that the committee chosen for that purpose should deposit therein until the society order otherwise, by reason of some ill conveniency in stopping up a highway as it must if they take in all the graves, in said burying-ground, for which reason the question was put to the town, whether the proprietors of the common field should have liberty to fence the plains, and adjoin it to the rear of the home lots from Capt. Theophilus Yale's dwelling house, down to Daniel Doolittle Jr's. dwelling house, and make a good gate at each end, and make a good gate and a good fence at each lane which will accomodate that affair in fencing said burying-yard without fencing on purpose according to former note." CHAPTER XXI. METHODIST CHURCH. THE first seeds of Methodism were sown in Connecti- cut in 1789;' and that year the Rev. Jesse Lee preached in Wallingford and other places, passing three months in the State. In 1790, when the circuits of New Haven, Hartford and Litchfield were established, there were but four Methodist ministers in New England. Yet there were more ministers than classes, and scarcely more than two members to each preacher. But under the earnest and devoted labors of the pioneers of Method- ism, the doctrine and discipline inculcated by Wesley gradually extended over the State. Quite early in the history of the church there was a class of five persons in the east part of Meriden. They had no meeting but in private houses, and were visited by a circuit preacher once in two weeks. There was also a small class of four or five which met in the west part of the town. Mr. Charles Baldwin, on his decease, bequeathed them a lot which was sold, and the money was used in building a school-house near the entrance to the cemetery. It was burned down before completion. I This is the date given by Dr. Bangs, though it appears from the " Me- morials of Methodism " by Rev. Abel Stevens, that Rev. Messrs. Cook and Black had preached in Connecticut a year or two previously. 39 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. In 1838, Rev. John Parker, who has done more for the Methodist cause in this town than any other person, applied to the conference to supply Meriden with preach- ers, and Rev. J. E. Searles was sent. He preached in a hall at West Meriden, owned by James S. Brooks. Mr. Parker afterward applied to have him withdrawn, and paid back to the society all they had paid for his support. In 1840 a young man named Collins, who was filled with a conviction that the world was coming to an end, was sent. He preached earnestly and many were con- verted. From this nucleus the society was formed and was called the primitive Methodist society. Alexander Miller was the next preacher. He preached two years, and a great many were converted under his preaching. After him came William Somersides. The conference was to have sent Philo Hawkes as the next preacher, but believing that the world was to come to an end on a certain date, he did not come. Rev. John Parker then called a meeting and formed them into a church, and in 1844 the presiding elder of the district, Nathan Clark, sent Rev. S. Howland, who had then been but three weeks in the university at Middletown. From that time to the following annual conference he received eighteen into the church. They had the regular class-meetings and prayer-meet- ings. In 1845 Rev. George A. Hubbell was appointed by the New York conference to labor in Meriden ; and in 1846 Rev. J. E. Searles was sent. During these two years the appointment was a branch of the Cheshire circuit, but in 1847 it was made a station, and Mr. Searles was appointed preacher in charge. In 1848-9 Rev. Albert Nash occupied the station ; in METHODIST CHURCH. 39 1 1850 Rev. P. Chamberlain ; in 1851-2 Rev. F. Bottome ; in 1853-4 Rev. N. Meade ; in 1855-6 Rev. George C. Creevy ; in 1857 Rev. J. L. Peck ; in 1858-9 Rev. Wm. McAlister; in 1860-1 Rev. George A. Hubbell, for the second time; in 1862 Rev. C. Kelsey ; in 1863-4 Rev. Charles Fletcher ; in 1865-6 Rev. Frederic Brown ; in 1867-8 Rev. Francis B. Tower ; in 1869 Rev. John Pegg, Jr., a graduate of Wesleyan university, of the class of 1849. During the pastorate of the Rev. Mr. Tower, two hundred and fifty persons presented themselves at the altar, there were two hundred conversions, and the net gain to the church was one hundred and fifty mem- bers. In 1847 they completed and occupied their new church. It was built at an expense of six thousand dollars. Its dimensions were sixty feet long and forty feet wide. The corner-stone of the new Methodist church on Main street, was laid Wednesday, October 31, 1866. The ritual service was read by Rev. E. E. Griswold, the presiding elder, followed by a sermon delivered by Rev. Moses L. Scudder. The following clergy were present: Rev. Messrs. Heman Bangs, of New Haven ; F. H. Newhall, D. D., of Middletown ; Wm. McAllister, of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; T. H. Burch ; C. E. Glover ; J. E. Searles, of New Haven ; A. M. Allen, of Southington ; W. W. Bowditch, of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; H. B. Elkins, of Simsbury ; and J. M. Buckley, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 1 The I The box in the corner-stone was made of sheet-copper, sealed air- tight, and was twelve inches square by six inches deep. The contents were as follows: I, Bible; 2, Methodist Hymn-Book ; 3, Discipline of the M. E. Church ; 4, Methodist Catechism ; 5, List of officers and members of the Meriden M. E. Church ; 6, List of Building Committee ; 7, List of Centenary Committee ; 8, Architect's card ; 9, Photograph of new church ; 10, Card of mason builders, Perkins and Lines ; n, Christian Advocate HISTORY OF WALLINGFORI). society were mainly indebted to the Rev. Francis P. Tower for the idea of erecting the edifice in the year 1 869, it having been suggested by him that it be built as a centenary church, in commemoration of the one- hundredth anniversary of American Methodism. The church cost about seventy-five thousand dollars. The and Journal; 12, The Methodist ; 13, Zion's Herald and Wesleyan Advo- cate; 14, Stevens' Centenary of Methodism ; 15, Six Centenary Hymns by Rev. George Lansing Taylor; 16, Corner-stone hymn by Rev. F. P. Tower; 17. Manual of ist Cong. Church of West Meriden ; 18, Manual of Cent. Cong, church; 19, List of members of West Meriden Baptist church ; 20, List of officers and members and the Confession of Faith, of the ist Universalist church of Meriden; 21, List of members of the Lu- theran Evangelical St. John's church of Meriden ; 22, List of the number and names of the various Churches in Meriden; 23, List of the officers, teachers, and scholars of the Sunday School of the M. E. Church of Meri- den; 24, A 7 ". Y. Independent; 25, The Nation; 26, Meriden Recorder; 27, N. Y. Daily Tribune; 28, N. Y. Daily Times ; 29, N. Y. Daily Herald; 30, N. Y. Daily World; 31, National Temperance Advocate ; 32, Conn. State Temperance Journal ; 33, U. S. fractional Currency of the denomination of three, five, ten, twenty-five, and fifty cents ; 34, U. S. coins of the denomination of one, two, three, and five cents ; 35, Three cent U. S. Postage stamp ; 36, Price List of articles manufactured by Charles Parker ; 37, The same of Edward Miller & Co. ; 38, The same of Bradley & Hubbard; 39, The same of Meriden Britannia Co; 40, Pro- gramme of Exercises of the corner stone laying and the centenary cele- bration ; 41, i4th annual report of the State Reform School; 42, Pro- ceedings of the 22d annual session of the Conn. Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance ; 43, Constitution of grand and subordinate lodges of Good Templars in Conn. ; 44, Exposition of independent order of Good Templars ; 45, Circular of J. Wilcox & Co. ; 46, List of officers and members of the Ladies' centenary association ; 47, List of officers and members of the ist Baptist church of Meriden ; 48, List of officers and members, and constitution and by-laws of Meridian Lodge, No. 77, Free and Accepted Masons ; 49, Same of Keystone chapter, No. 27, Royal Arch Masons; 50, Same of Hamilton council, No. 22, Royal and Select Mas- ters; 51, Same of Center Lodge, No. 94, F. and A. Masons; 52, List of officers and members of Star of Hope Lodge, No. 26, independent order of Good Templars ; 53, Card and samples of work of the U. S. Screw Company. METHODIST CHURCH. 393 Messrs. Charles and John Parker jointly contributed between thirty and forty thousand dollars. Future generations will make their memory fragrant for this generous, noble-hearted and commendable bequest. The dimensions of the church are sixty feet wide within but- tresses, and one hundred and twenty-one feet in length, with a recess in the rear nineteen feet deep, making the entire length one hundred and forty feet. The organ cost six thousand dollars. 394 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. CHAPTER XXII. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. IN the year 1821, the first sermon in Meriden by a Uni- versalist preacher was delivered by Rev. Mr. Brooks of Massachusetts. This service was held in the evening, at the residence of Noah Pomeroy in the eastern part of the town. From twenty to thirty persons were present, a considerable portion of them doubtless from motives of curiosity. No further meeting was held till Decem- ber, 1823, or January, 1824, when Rev. Nehemiah Dodge, then of New London, preached one evening in Mr. Pomeroy's house. Mr. Dodge had been a Baptist preacher of celebrity, and had preached under the auspices of the Baptist denomination in all this vicinity. He officiated from 1816 to 1821 in the Baptist church in New London, and remained in the church till 1823, when he was excluded on the ground that he had embraced Universalist principles. After the sermon a Baptist brother, Deacon John Hall, attacked the preacher's sen- timents and a spirited little controversy was held. Some six years elapsed, when next in order came Rev. John Boyden, then a very young man, of Berlin, who preached in the hall of the old tavern, corner of Main and Broad streets, and also in the north center school- house, April 4, 1830, February 26, April 25, and Sep- UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. 395 tember 26, 1833. The average attendance on Mr. Boyden's ministry here was about twenty. At this time the avowed Universalists in the town were Noah Pomeroy, Calvin Coe, Daniel Yale, Darling Dayton and Mrs. Calvin Coe. But very few ladies attended the meeting, as it was hardly considered respectable for females to do so. 1 The compensation of the preacher was ten dollars per Sunday, and was mostly paid by Messrs Pomeroy and Coe. Mr Pomeroy, being with his family, an attendant at the Baptist church, and a liberal contributor to its expenses, asked the use of the vestry of that church for Mr. Boyden to preach in, but was refused ; whereupon he withdrew his attendance and support. Soon after, late in 1833 or early in 1834, Rev. Horace Smith, then the successor of Mr. Boyden at Berlin, and who had formerly been a Baptist minister, preached three or four sermons in the old north center school-house. Early in 1834, there preached one evening in Mr. Pome- roy's house, Rev. Stephen R. Smith, then probably of Al- bany, N. Y. Some fifty persons were present. Not far from this time, Dr. Luther Parmelee and his father moved into the town and attended the meetings ; and during the latter part of Mr. Boyden's ministry, Hezekiah Rice settled here, and with his wife joined the society. Early in the same year, 1834, Rev. Thomas Miller, of Long Island, but a native of Wallingford, uncle of the late Rev. Harvey Miller of this town, and who had been a Baptist preacher, preached a single evening in Noah I The following is on the records of the First congregational church of this town, May 15, 1837 : "Mr. Alson L. Talmadge, for embracing the doc- trines of universal salvation, be no longer considered a member of this church." 396 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. Pomeroy's house. Beginning with April, 1834, and ex- tending to April, 1835, Rev. W. A. Stickney, then of Berlin, lectured here in the tavern hall and in the old north center school-house the fourth Sunday evening in each month, making in all twelve discourses. When the Baptists vacated their old meeting house (the present academy building), the purchase of it for the use of the Universalists was talked of, and Messrs. Pomeroy, Coe and H. Rice proposed contributing five hundred dollars each for that purpose, but the project failed. Scattered over a period of thirty-two years, viz., from 1821 to March, 1853, there were delivered in the town about forty sermons and lectures, equal to twenty Sundays labor, by seven or eight different clergymen. On the thirteenth of March, 1853, Rev. Abraham Norwood, then and for several years after the State mis- sionary, preached in the present academy hall, having in the morning sixty hearers, in the afternoon eighty, and the same number in the evening. After the close of the evening service he found written on the blank leaf of a conference hymn-book which he had supplied for the singing, the words of this invocation : " May the cuss of God go with you." Rev. J. J. Twiss, then of Stamford, preached the first and second Sundays of April, 1853. On the evening of the first day of his ministry, a meeting was held, and a committee of five appointed to see how much could be raised to build a place of worship. January 15, 1854, Rev. Mr. Nor- wood preached to fifty, seventy, and sixty hearers ; and the next evening in East Meriden to thirty listeners. March 5, 1854, a committee reported that seven hundred dollars had been subscribed, and that the brethren were ready to settle any minister that might be sent them. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. 397 On the twenty-third and thirtieth of the following month Rev. James Gallager, 1 of Easton, Pa., preached as a candidate, and was invited to become the pastor, at a salary of seven hundred dollars. The call was accepted, and Mr. Gallager became the first Universalist pastor of Meriden, commencing on the second Sunday in June, 1854. On the 3Oth of May, 1854, a constitution was adopted, and the following names attached to it, viz. : Noah Pomeroy, Calvin Coe, E. E. Smiley, Wm. H. Golden, John S. Blake, Moses Waterman, Isaac C. Lewis, J. V. Thayer, B. F. Stevens, Edwin Dayton, Monroe Barns, John L. Ives, B. R. Stevens, H. E. Welton, James T. Pomeroy, E. R. Aspinwall, John C. I Rev. James Gallager was born in Philadephia in 1813. At an early age he learned a trade ; but while visiting Bridgeton, N. J., he met with Rev. Abel C. Thomas, through whose influence he became interested in the cause of Universalism, and was induced to enter the ministry. He removed to Philadelphia shortly after, and was married to Miss Frances C. daughter of Rev. David Oliver. At the same time he continued to work at his trade by day, pursuing his studies with great perseverance by night under Rev. A. C. Thomas. In 1837, he delivered his first address before the Young Men's Institute in Philadelphia, and shortly after he received a call from the Universalist society of Pottsville, Pa., where he labored very successfully for five years ; then moved to Providence, R. I., where he re- mained but a short time, and accepted a call from the first Universalist society of Newark, N. J. The society prospered under his care during his sojourn of five years ; but he met with a sad bereavement in the death of his beloved wife, who died of consumption, leaving four motherless chil- dren to his care. In 1850, he became pastor of the church in Easton, Pa., where he remained six years, being united in marriage while there, to Miss Jane Brown, of Philadelphia. In June, 1854, he was called to Meriden. In 1857, he removed to Hamilton, Ohio. After supplying the pulpit there for three months, he was taken suddenly ill one Sunday in the midst of his sermon, and was removed to his house, where he lay in great suffering for three weeks, until his death, July n, 1857. He was buried on Sunday, July 12, from the Methodist church, it being larger than the Universalist, their minister officiating in the services. His remains were afterward re- moved to Newark, N. J. 398 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Marvin, J. V. Foster, Charles Pomeroy, Norman W. Pomeroy, Philip Sage Pelton, P. S. Bliss, Jr., Silas Gladwin, G. E. Leonard, Aaron Gardner, and Isaac P. Lewis. At the annual meeting held in April, 1855, a year later, thirteen new names were added to the soci- ety's list. At a meeting held January 31, 1860, it was found that four thousand and three hundred and twenty dollars had been subscribed toward the building of a church, and that six hundred and eighty dollars in addition were required before further progress could be made. This remaining sum was subscribed by persons present. The church was dedicated December 5, 1860. The whole expense incurred in the building of the church and adjoining sheds, not including carpets and upholstery, was nine thousand two hundred and fourteen dollars and eighteen cents. The Rev. Mr. Gallager remained with the society two years and a half, preaching his farewell sermon January 25, 1857. He settled in Hamilton, Ohio, and died on the i6th of the following July. He was a man much loved and respected by all who knew him ; and the savor of his Christian life and influence contributed toward their elevation as a society in the respect of their fellow Christians. Rev. Abel C. Thomas, in a letter to the author, says, "So lived and died one of the best men that ever lived." From January up to the first of September, 1857, there preached as candidates for settlement, Rev. J. Farrington, C. A. Bradley, J. K. Shepherd, N. C. Hodg- don, J. G. B. Heath, and F.. E. Hicks. Mr. Hicks was invited to become the pastor, and entered upon his duties August I, 1857. He suffered much from ill health, and his ministry terminated about the middle UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. 399 of the following May (1858), although he had been unable to preach for some two months previous. He soon removed to Dover, N. H., where, as is believed, he enjoyed a successful ministry of some three or four years. From this place he went to western New York for a space, and then accepted a call from the second church in Lowell, Mass., where he preached until his death. 1 After the removal of Mr. Hicks, for a few months sermons were read and the liturgy used by Norman W. Pomeroy, Andrew Coe and Abraham Norwood. On the 1 2th of December, 1858, Rev. Calvin Gardner of Maine preached and continued to do so for three months ; not as desiring to be the pastor, but making what he termed a " ministerial visit." He died very suddenly of heart disease at Waterville, Maine. Next came for one or two Sundays each, Revs. A. B. Manley, L. L. Record, Albert Tyler, G. V. Maxham, N. C. Hodgdon, J. Fisher, and perhaps one or two others. Some of these were candidates. On the first of July, 1859, Rev. Henry Eaton commenced his pastorate with the society. His health was very poor when he came, and bodily infirmities increased upon him, so that on the 29th of January, 1860, he tendered his resignation. Removing to Worcester, Mass., he lingered a year or two, suffering much, and finally died, May 26, i86i. 2 1 Rev. F. E. Hicks was born at Bristol, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1831. He studied for the ministry under Rev. J. H. Tuttle ; preached his first sermon at Fulton, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1853; was first settled at Victor, N. Y. ; was settled at Meriden, Oct., 1857, and dismissed Aug., 1856. Settled at Do- ver, N. H., from which church he was dismissed Oct., 1861. Removed thence to Leroy, N. Y., and afterwards to Lowell, Mass., where he died. 2 Rev. Henry Eaton was born at South Reading, Mass., Nov. 27, 1825. He was the youngest of seven children. In early life he removed to 4OO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. On September i, 1860, Rev. Frederick Foster became pastor of the society. His connection with the society was terminated March 3, 1861. He settled at Ware, N. H., where he died suddenly of heart disease. Mr. Foster was a graduate of Dartmouth College, of the class of 1840, and was an excellent classical scholar. After taking his degree, he pursued his classical studies so assiduously, that in a few years he had gone through nearly the whole range of Greek authors, with a digest of their contents. His classical studies led to a dry, metaphysical style of preaching, and his ministry in Meriden was not successful. After the removal of Mr. Foster, the pulpit was supplied by Revs. Thomas Bor- den, Benjamin Whittemore, W. A. Stickney, N. C. Hodgdon and A. Norwood, one or more Sundays each, till June 2, 1 86 1, when Rev. Moses Stoddard became the preacher, and continued to supply the pulpit until February i, of the following year. From this period, February i, 1862, to July of the same year, Mr. Nor- wood preached. Rev. J. H. Farnsworth was installed pastor of the church November i, 1862, and remained North Maiden, now Melrose, Mass. He attended the public schools until he was sixteen years old, when he entered a store in Boston as clerk, where he remained two years ; then with his brother William he established a shoe-store ; subsequently he set up for himself in the same business in Newburyport. He studied for the ministry under his brother Rev. Edwin A. Eaton, with the exception of a brief period spent at the theological school at Clinton, N. Y. He was first settled at Hanson, Mass., where he remained about a year ; then at East Bridgewater nearly the same length of time ; then at Milford for seven years ; then at East Cambridge two years ; then at Waltham two years ; and finally at Meriden. After his re- moval to Worcester his cough became very bad, and his bleeding exhaust- ing. He knew that his pilgrimage on earth must ere long close, and de- liberately prepared for the event. He died at Worcester, early Sabbath morning, May 26, 1 86 1, in the thirty-sixth year of his age. WO UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. 40 1 seven years, when he removed to Springfield, Vt. Mr. Farnsworth was a very efficient pastor, and did more than any other to build up the society. He was also for sev- eral years acting school visitor. Rev. Martin J. Steere, formerly of Lewiston, Maine, was settled over the church in the fall of 1869. Without any reference to pastoral changes, twenty-six different clergymen have supplied the Universalist pulpit since the organization of the society in May, 1854, to the time of the settlement of Mr. Farnsworth. 1 i Anniversary Discourse, delivered in the ist Univ. Church, Meriden, Nov. 12, 1865, by Rev. J. H. Farnsworth, Pastor. K B 4O2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. CHAPTER XXIII. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. WHEN in accordance with the prevailing usage in New England, the inhabitants suspended all secular toil at the going down of the sun on Saturday, 1 and began their Sabbath service with an evening prayer, a psalm and a season of solitary self-examination, it was with more gladness of heart than that which Burns ascribes to the " Cotter's " children on coming home, after the week's drudgery is over, to exchange salutations around the old hearth stone and receive anew the paternal bene- i The Puritans did not all commence their Sabbath on Saturday eve- ning. Mr. W. Perkins, in his "Cases of Conscience" published in 1806, argues strongly in favor of beginning the Christian Sabbath "in the morn- ing and so to continue till the next morning, and not in the evening till the evening. [Book n. ch. 16.] The views of Mr. Robinson, his theologi- cal pupil, are nowhere expressed, unless the subsequent usage of his ohurch at Plymouth may be taken as such an expression ; which is quite as likely to have been derived from John Cotton, whose opinion on all such points was well nigh supreme in the New England churches. This old custom of keeping, or pretending to keep Sabbath evening as part of holy time, which in many families was continued some ways into the present century, has nearly or quite ceased ; not so much, it is hoped, from lax principles of Sabbath-keeping, as from an enlightened persuasion that, in the words of the old Puritan above cited, " the Sabbath is to begin where other ordinary days begin, according to the order and account of the church wherein we live." CHURCH MUSIC. 403 diction. 1 On the Sabbath, with no more labor than was barely sufficient to supply food for themselves and their cattle, which had been provided as far as might be on the previous day ; with as few and noiseless steps as possible, both in-doors and out ; with but little talking, and that in a subdued voice, they entered upon a round of private meditation, family devotion and public wor- ship, which engaged their delighted and unflagging souls till the sun went down ; an event which usually found them with catechism in hand, or repeating the sermons of the day. For eighty or ninety years, not more than ten differ- ent tunes were used in public worship. Few congrega- tions could sing more than the five tunes now known by the names of York, Hackney, Windsor, St. Marys and Martyrs. All who were present in the church were expected to unite in this part of worship. In 1731 the town had before them a petition of certain persons for the use of the meeting-house, that they might there meet and learn to sing. After some demur, the request was granted. Having learned to sing, the singers naturally wished to give the congregation the benefit of their new acquisitions. This disturbed some old habits, and a town meeting was convened to hear the complaints of those who could not endure " the singing in the new I " Wi' joy unfeign'd brothers and sisters meet, An' each for other's welfare kindly spiers : The social hours, swift-wing'd unnotic'd fleet ; Each tells the uncos that he sees or hears ; The parents, partial, eye their hopeful years ; Anticipation forward points the view. The mother, wi' her needle an' her sheers, Gars auld does look amaist as weel's the new ; The father mixes a' wi' admonition due." The Cotter's Saturday Night. 404 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. way," as they termed it. The matter could not be settled ; dispute arose, and the meeting adjourned. Another meeting was called, and after much debate the matter was compromised by voting, "That this Society Desire and agree to Sing in y e public assembly on y e Saboth half y e time in y e new and half in y 6 old way for six Saboths ; and after that wholly in y e new way." The Bay Psalm Book, prepared by New England divines, of whom three were Welde and Eliot of Rox- bury, and Mather of Dorchester, was issued from the press at Cambridge in 1640. It was the second book printed in British America, and went through seventy editions. This book was used throughout the colony. The following two stanzas are from the nineteenth Psalm, which is rendered by Addison, " The spacious fir- mament on high," &c. : "The heavens do declare The majesty of God ; Also, the firmament shows forth His handiwork abroad. Day speaks to day, knowledge Night hath to night declared ; There neither speech nor language is, Where their voice is not heard." Instrumental music was absolutely proscribed ; it was thought to be condemned by the text, " I will not hear the melody of thy viols" (Amos v. 23), and was dis- paragingly compared to Nebuchadnezzar's idolatrous concert of the " cornet, flute, dulcimer, sackbut, psaltery and all kinds of music." Preaching with notes was very little practised. Mather says that Warham, of Dorchester, afterward of Windsor, was the first person who read sermons in New CLERGY. 405 England. 1 The approved length of a sermon was one hour, measured by an hour-glass which stood upon the pulpit. The reading of the Bible in public worship without exposition was generally disapproved. Children were baptized in the meeting-house, generally on the next Sunday after their birth ; sometimes on the day of their birth if it took place on Sunday. The New England preachers were of a character peculiarly adapted to the severe exigences of their day. They stood as iron men in an iron age. However rude in other social features, the early settlers, as they worked their way to the frontier, demanded the soothing influ- ences of pastoral care ; and the first institution reared in the forest was the pulpit, the next the school-house. Were Davenport and his compeers alive, were Street and Whittelsey, and Dana and Noyes, and multitudes of the early ministers of New England now alive, and among us, there are no ministers of religion now living, who, for learning, eloquence, character, or anything that adorns humanity, could pretend to be their superiors. The clergy of New England have as a body, been dis- tinguished for a rare union of the speculative and the practical. In both points they have been so remarkable, that in observing the great development of either of these qualities by itself one would naturally suppose that there was no room for the other. Marriages in olden times were celebrated by the governor, assistants or commissioners. Clergymen rarely performed the ceremony before 1700. The bride- groom who went to a neighboring town to be united with a partner whom he hoped to find a " help-meet for him," whether he was gentleman or yeoman, rode on i Magnalia, Book in. ch. xvin. 4O6 HISTORY OF WALLiNGFORD. horseback, and carried her home on a pillion behind him. They had no wheeled carriages or wagons until the middle of the eighteenth century, and very few until the revolutionary war was closed. In 1789, according to Perkins, the first wagon was brought into Meriden. It was owned by Mr. Ezra Rice, and was of a very rude construction, being simply a square framed box placed on four wheels, drawn by two horses, with ropes for traces, and cords for the guiding or driving lines. Yet it was then thought to be a very elegant establishment. Previous to that time there had never been owned in the town but three two-wheeled carriages, being very rude, awkward chaise bodies or uncovered seats hung on two wheels in the manner of our modern chaise. A gentle- man whose business led him at various times into every house in Meriden, states that in 1802, there was but one carpet in the whole town. The houses at first were constructed of logs, with the ground, or in some cases if the soil was wet or the occupants were persons of taste and substance, with split logs, for a floor. They were " good and substantial dwellings, at least eighteen feet in length, and sixteen feet wide, and nine foot between joynts, with a good chimly," of 'stone and clay mortar, according to the requirements of the subscribed articles. In the course of time framed houses came into use. These frames were made of heavy oak timbers, some of them eighteen inches in diameter. The rafters were larger than the plates, sills and beams of our modern country houses,, and supported split sticks called in the rude architectural language of the day, "ribs," that were laid across them at regular distances, and to which long rent shingles of cedar were fastened with tough wrought nails. The sides MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. 407 of the building were covered with oak clapboards rent from the tree and smoothed with a shaving-knife. Houses were palisaded in the following manner : a deep ditch was dug around the house ; logs were then placed perpendicularly in the ditch all around it, leaving a space only for a gate. The logs were sharpened only at the top, placed close together, and extended eight, ten or twelve feet above the ground. The earth was then returned and beaten around the logs, till they stood firmly. This with a gate well secured, was a pretty good defence against a sudden attack. Cider was the most common beverage of the country. Some beer was drank. They had no tea nor coffee, and at first very little sugar or molasses. Molasses was often distilled after importation. Broth, porridge, hasty- pudding, johnny-cake and samp, were articles of daily consumption. They had no potatoes, but beans and pumpkins in great abundance. A good cow was wortl\ from twenty-five to thirty pounds, and a pair of bulls or oxen, forty pounds. The highest price for men's shoes was six shillings, for women's three shillings and eight pence. Pattens made of wood, with an iron ring on the sole to keep the feet from the moist ground, were sold for about fifteen shillings a pair. In 1702 six shillings and eight pence was equal to an ounce of silver. In 1 749, the period when bills of credit were abolished in Massachusetts, there being more than seven millions of dollars in paper in circulation, fifty shillings was judged only equal to an ounce of silver. In 1785 Connecticut granted exclusive permission to Samuel Bishop, Joseph Hopkins, James Hillhouse and John Goodrich, to establish a mint and coin money for the State. The grantees subsequently formed a copart- 408 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. nership with Pierrepont Edwards, Jonathan Ingersoll, Abel Buel and Elias Shipman for coining coppers. The amount inspected by the board appointed for that pur- pose, during the three years the mint was in operation, was 28,944 pounds of coined copper. One hundred and twenty pieces of the coin were turned out in a minute. There were twenty-nine varieties of the issue of 1785 ; twenty-seven of the issue of 1786; and one hundred and sixty-four of the issue of 1787.' In Massachusetts, at one time, the scarcity of small coin was so great that a law was enacted, declaring that bullets should pass for farthings. Very naturally, therefore, it was common in contracts for work, salaries and taxes, to make a specific agreement that payments might be made in various kinds of produce, with the prices attached. From various old documents, I have extracted the following list of prices of various articles in Wallingford : - In 1673 corn was 3-f. per bushel. In 1674 winter wheat was 5-f. 6d. ; summer wheat 5-r. ; peas 4^. / corn $s. In 1679 winter wheat 5^. ; summer wheat 4*. 6d. ; peas 3-f. 6d. ; corn 2s. 6d.; pork 3 i-2d. per. Ib. ; beef 2d. In 1710 wheat $s. . rye 3-r. 6d. ; corn 2s. 6d. In 1755 wheat 4s.; rye 2S. 6d. ; corn 2s. In 1770 wheat 6s. Se/.; rye 4*. 6d. ; corn 3 s. 6d.; oats 2s. 2d ; pork 3 i-2d. per Ib. ; beef $d. ; butter is. , cheese yd. In 1641 mechanics' wages were is. 8d. per day in Massachusetts. The first stage in Connecticut ran through Meriden on the old colony road, in 1784. When the first stage went through Meriden on the Hartford and New Haven turnpike, it attracted crowds from the surrounding country, as did the first train of cars. As has been before stated, about 1 662 a stone building was erected i It was supposed by some that the bust upon some of these coins was originally intended to represent George the Third. TAVERNS. 409 on the Belcher farm, and permission granted to Mr. Belcher to keep a tavern there forever. In 1673, in Wallingford, Lieut. Merriman was chosen '' To keep an ordaynary and promised to make trial for one year provided every planter resident, provide and laye in place wheare he apoynts 20 good sufficient rails for fence and 4 posts redy morticed by the middle of May next." Amos Hall kept the great tavern in Wallingford, in the time of the Revolutionary war. He married Mary, daughter of Ephraim Johnson of Wallingford. After his death she married Colonel Isaac Lee, Oct. 9, 1783. She died Dec. 22, 1810, aged 73. Mr. Porter Cooke, who died in 1860, left the following document: " I, Porter Cooke, saw General Washington in Wallingford at Jeremiah Carrington's tavern over night October 18 and 19, 1789. The General took a walk into the upper street as far as the Wells meeting-house and back, the citizens follow- ing him." In 1790, and for sometime before, when the whole population of the town was not more than nine hundred, and as late as 1812, there were five if not eight taverns within the limits of Meriden. As these taverns always kept ardent spirits, and as the population of the town was small, and as the amount of travel then was much less than it is now, these facts would indicate a low state of morals. In 1647 ^ ne colony ordered that no person under twenty years of age should use any tobacco, with- out a certificate from a physician ; and no others, although addicted to its use, unless they were ten miles from any house, and then not more than once a day. On the re- cords we find this curious entry : " It is ordered that there shall be one good hogshead of beer for the captain and minister." 4IO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. On the tenth day of April, 1775, a vote was passed instructing the representatives by Capt. Thaddeus Cooke and Deacon Samuel Beach, to ask the General Assem- bly to make Wallingford, with a part of Northford belonging to it, a probate district. Meriden was set off from the Wallingford probate district in 1838, the legis- lature of that year constituting the town of Meriden a probate district by that name. The first record was made July 19, 1836.' It was customary in early times to enter on the town records the sale and transfer and description of personal property, and particularly animals of all kinds. The following are specimens of many thousands : " Branded for John curtis a brown hors colt coming one year old with some white hairs in y e forehead & the left shoul- der." "Exchanged by David cook Jun r a bay hors two years old to John beecher, booth of Wallingford with a star in y e forehead, said cook gives beecher 30 pounds bute." "The beginning of Janewary, 1706, Sold to Sanuiell Roys to me, Joseph Whitin of harford, a bay hors about 5 year old sum whit one won of his foore feet 2 notchis, one the back sid of Left Ear brandid y one the left shoulder." "The 5 of March, 1709, for sayd hall, a Blackish culered mare colt, one yeare coming a few whit hars in the forhad a few whit hars Below the Eys sum whit Beetwene y e Nostrils Brandid y on the Left shoulder." The following was the Town Clerk's oath : " Whereas you A. B. are chosen and appoynted to be Town i The judges of the court have been, James S. Brooks, from 1836 to 1844; Benajah Andrews from 1844 to 1846; John Parker from 184610 to 1847 ; Benajah Andrews from 1847 to 1850; James S. Brooks from 1850 to 1851 ; Hiram Hall from 1851 to 1852 ; Orville H. Platt from 1852 to 1857; Hiram Foster from 1857 to 1860; George W. Smith from 1860 to 1867 ; Levi E. Coe since 1867. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. 411 Clarke or Register of the town of Wallingford, you doe sweare by the great and dreadfull name of the everliving God, that you will faythfully and carefully execute the place and office of a Town Clarke according to your best skill, for the town of Wallingford, and make entery of all such grants, deeds of sale or mortgages of lands, as shall be compleated according to law, and all marriages, deaths, births and other writings as shall be brought to you and you desired to record ; and that you will grant and deliver necessary coppyes when required of you and pay tendered for the same. So help you God, in our Lord Jesus." In 1678 Mr. John Moss of Wallingford was "appoynted and impowered by this Court to joyne per- sons in marriage according to law, to administer oaths to persons upon necessary occasions, and to grant war- rants and take testimonies." As in every new country, wild animals were numerous and troublesome. The town offered a bounty for killing them. As early as 1678, eight years after the town was settled, we find it voted that " 2 shillings more be added to the bounty given for killing each wolf." As late as 1702, this re- ward for killing wolves was still continued, and in Feb- ruary, 1713, we find this vote : " The town voatted y l they would alow five shillings to him that tracks a wolf or woolfs into a swamp, and then giv notise of y e same, and then raises a company of men so that y e wolf or woolfs be killed." "January 12, 1676, the Towne Refused to alow Tho. yale any thing of the young wolfe y l were in y e beley of y e woolfe he killed. 1 I In 1815 a wolf was killed in the southwestern part of Saybrook. Two bears were killed in Haddam in 1754 and 1767, and one in Bethany in 1796. Deer were in Middlesex county up to 1765. The last moose seen in that part of the State is believed to have been one killed in 1770 in Saybrook. Wild turkeys were found as late as 1790. A panther was shot in Windsor in 1767. 412 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. Our Puritan Fathers were men. We freely confess and lament that they fell into some grievous errors, which, however, were not so peculiarly theirs, as the common errors of the time. Witches were hung at that day in Old England as well as the New. James I, James II, Queen Elizabeth, Lord Bacon, Lord Coke, Sir Walter Raleigh and Lord Mansfield, all believed impli- citly in witches. If the Puritan inhabitants of New Eng- land executed witches, so did the great and good Sir Matthew Hale ; yet the annals of human judiciaries know no purer name. He sentenced more than one poor wretch to death for familiarity with the devil, long after our fathers had abandoned the superstition. A law was enacted in Connecticut, that "if any man or woman be a witch, that is, hath or consulteth with a familiar spirit, they shall be put to death." The records of the New Haven colony do not show that there ever was an execution within that jurisdiction, for that crime ; and I am inclined to think that the last trial for witchcraft in the State took place in Wallingford. Captain Daniel Clark, as "attorney in behalf of our Sovereign Lord the king," arraigned "Winnifrett Denham Sen r , and Winifrett Denham Jun 1 ", both of Wallingford for having familiarity with Sathan the Enemy of God and mankind, and by his aid doing many pre- ternaturall arts by misteriously hurting the bodies and Goods of Sundry persons, viz., of Jno. Moss Jun r , Joseph Roys and Ebenezer Clark, with divers others to the Great Damage and Disturbance of the Public peace &c." There was considerable excitement and much contro- versy over the trial, and the Denhams, father and son, were acquitted. The grand jury returned upon the bill of charges, " ignoramus?* The records of the colony I A word formerly indorsed by a grand jury on a bill of indictment, in MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. 413 show strong presumptive evidence that the courts and the public sentiment of the colony were not favorable to such accusations ; and while our fathers were hesitating and doubting if such a crime existed, England, Scotland, Germany and Massachusetts were sending hundreds of men and women to the gallows. Sir William Black- stone, as late as the period of the American Revolution, embodied the remark in his excellent Commentaries upon the laws of England, that " in general there has been such a thing as witchcraft. 1 In early times rum was largely consumed. A half- pint of it was given, as a matter of course, to every day laborer, more particularly in the summer season. In all families, rich or poor, it was offered to male visitors, as an essential point of hospitality or even good manners. Women took their schnapps, then named " Hopkins' Elixir," which was the most delicious and seductive means of getting tipsy that had been invented. Crying babies were silenced with hot toddy, then esteemed an infallible remedy for wind on the stomach. Every man imbibed his morning dram, and this was esteemed temperance. There is a story of a preacher who thus lectured his parish : " I say nothing, my beloved breth- ren against taking a little bitters before breakfast, especially if you are used to it. What I contend against is this dramming, dramming, dramming, at all hours of the day." Tavern haunting, especially in winter, when there was little to do, was common, even with respecta- ble farmers. Balls at the tavern were frequented by the cases in which, after hearing the evidence, they deemed the accusation groundless: equivalent to "not found." i B. iv. Cap. 4, vi. See also Addison's Spectator, 117. 4H HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. young ; the children of ministers and deacons attended though the parents did not. SABBATH-DAY HOUSES. Until a period within the memory of persons now living, it was not the custom to warm houses of public worship. Indeed, some would have deemed it an inno- vation sadly ominous of degeneracy, if not of actual profanation, to make the house of God comfortable. Of course the hearers, in cold weather, must have sat in an atmosphere the very thought of which makes one shiver. Those who had traveled several miles to reach the place of public worship, as many of them did, entering the house half-frozen, literally found " cold comfort." The meeting house was warmed chiefly by the sun, for a chimney, stove or furnace was unknown. It is related of the Rev. Solomon Williams of Northampton, Mass., that he used to preach in a blue great coat, with a bandanna handkerchief about his neck, and woolen mittens on his hands. As prayer and sermons then were much longer than people at the present day will endure, the winter hearers of those days must have endured a species of martyrdom. It is said that sometimes preachers com- plained bitterly that their voices were drowned by the noise of persons stamping or knocking their feet to- gether, in the attempt to get up a little warmth. As a partial relief to such suffering, some persons built near the church, what are often mentioned in the old records as " Sabbath-day houses." These " Sabba- day " houses as they were called, were about sixteen feet square, with small windows on three sides, and a chim- ney, built of stone or perhaps part brick, on the outside, with a large fire-place attached. This room was furn- SABBATH-DAY HOUSES. 415 ished with rough seats ; and here the short intermission between the services was spent in mutual greetings, inquiries after health, and perhaps comments on the morning sermon. It is a curious illustration of the tenacity with which old habits are cherished, that here as elsewhere, the proposal to make the house of God comfortable and healthful by means of stoves, was met with very decided opposition. Even in 1831, when the new house in Meriden was built, it was with great diffi- culty that the society could be induced to allow chimneys to be built, though they were to be erected gratuitously. I copy the following from a number of similar deeds : " To all People to whom these Presents shall come, Greet- ing. Know ye, that I Jane Hubbard, of Meriden in New Haven County, for the consideration of thirteen Dollars re- ceived to my full satisfaction of Roswell Cowles of Said Town, County, aforesaid, Do give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Roswell Cowles his Heirs and assigns forever^ a certain ould Sabbethday Hous formerly owned by William Johnson and the Heirs of Dec. Isaac Hubbard late of Meri- den, Decesd, and Stood Southerly of Said Meriden Meeting hous on the West Side of the Road, Runing South from Said Meeting-house. August, 24, 1808." This building stood near the residence of Hiram Bradley. BEATING THE DRUM. One of the early customs of the town was to beat a drum, or blow a conch shell when occasion required the calling of a public meeting. To this practice the poet alludes : " New England's Sabbath day Is heaven like, still, and pure. Then Israel walks the way Up to the temple's door : 416 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. The time we tell, When there to come By beat of drum Or sounding shell." We find in the old records frequent mention of this curious custom. As early as 1673 is the following vote : "June 17, 1673, Sam'll Monson shall be alowed 40^. for maintaining and beating the Drum in good order for the yeare insuing." In 1675 ^ was voted, " that Jeremiah How, have 40^. alowed him for beating the drum, Sab- bath days and other days." In 1676 2 i6s. were allowed " for beating the drum Sabbaths, lecture days, and for town meetings." Again it is voted, "for beating drum, sabbaths, lecture days, trainings, and keeping in repair, 2os." In 1694 the town voted three pounds to purchase a new drum. In 1696 the drum was beaten through the main street of Wallingford, from Daniel Mix's to Caleb Merriman's on Thursday night or Friday morning, proclaiming that a meeting of the town would be held on the next Tuesday at eight o'clock. This was considered a sufficient notice for such meetings. The house of Mr. Mix stood about where Mrs. Edgar At- water now lives, and Mr. Merriman's house where Mr. Peter Whittelsey now lives, so that the drummer had to go through nearly the whole settled portion of the vil- lage. With an increase of population more sound was needed, and of course a larger drum. We find there- fore, a vote for the purchase of the instrument, with the order to sell the old one: " December 25, 1705. The town sould the little drum to Thomas Hall at an outcry of fifteen shilings and threepens to be paid this yeare." In December, 1713, it was voted that "ye towns Men shall take care that thare be sum sutable person agred THE OLD ELM. 417 with for betting the Drum upon ye Lords Days." We find this practice continued in 1714. It was probably kept up until a bell was purchased in 1727, when the town voted to build a belfry, and we may suppose that they then purchased a bell, and gave up the drum after it had done service about sixty years. THE OLD ELM. The old tree at the head of Colony street, Meriden, which was cut down on the 26th of August, 1868, was planted at the suggestion of Dr. Isaac Hough in the early part of November, 1834, by Mr. William J. Screen, who was living at Binghampton, N. Y., in . 1868. He procured the tree, a white elm about seven inches in diameter, in the gap known as the Notch road. After he had dug the hole, the tree was trimmed by Dr. Hough, who, during his life, watched it with great care, and were he alive, it would no doubt be standing to-day. The planting was an affair of general interest, and was participated in by Major Cowles, Judge Brooks, Howell Merriman, Isaac I. Tibbals, Lewis S. Green, Henry C. Butler, and others. The tree was planted and grew, as the city grew and throve ; and as its manufactories arose, so did the elm spread forth its branches and increase in beauty and in strength. Under its ample shade stump speakers have orated, lecturers have lectured, divines have held forth, and quacks have gulled the public and carried thousands of dollars from the town. When the peddlers of the future flock to the usual trysting place they will find it no more. Ichabod ! their profit as well as its glory has departed. No vandal would have dared to suggest the idea of applying the axe to the roots of the old tree, had not an accident precipitated such a consummation. On the c c 41 8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. gth of March, 1863, a terrific fire destroyed the whole block of buildings from the depot, including the depot itself, the post-office, and all buildings as far as the corner of Main street. Here the fire exhausted itself, but the heat was so intense that it destroyed one-half of the elm tree, damaged its foliage, burnt up its boughs and blackened one-half of its entire trunk. But it sur- vived the shock, and as the buildings arose on the blackened ruins, so it put forth its green boughs and bright leaves, and the second spring from the con- flagration saw it as luxuriant and beautiful as ever. Like the town it was progressive, and always a sign of hope to the dispirited and a triumph to the suc- cessful. But many of the eyes that saw the old tree planted, are now closed in death, and the tree itself having seen the city at its feet grow up strong and healthy, and likely to outrival any of its neighbors, could not close its existence at a better time. In the year 1868 a large fissure was discovered on the east side of the trunk about ten feet from the ground. During the month of August a strong east wind in- creased the fissure so that every time the tree swayed it suggested uncomfortable reflections that it would fall, and the Street Commissioner, Mr. Boardman, after consultation with the proper authorities, decided it should be razed. Consequently the axe was applied to the roots by the commissioner in person. And after two and a half hours' hard work, ex-constable Pratt put on the finshing stroke, and as the gongs rang out the hour of noon, the old tree fell as the sun dies in the west. 1 I Obit, in Republican. NEWSPAPERS. 419 MERIDEN NEWSPAPERS. The first paper printed in Meriden was issued in Sep- tember, 1844. It was edited by Mr. O. G. Wilson, and published by Wilson and Van Duzer, at "$i 50 per annum, in advance." It was called the Northern Literary Messenger, and was published in quarto form, five wide columns to a page, and was afterward enlarged to folio size. It was mainly devoted to miscellaneous reading, with but very little of a local nature. The paper was originally published at New Haven, but afterwards re- moved to this place. The office was in a building occu- pied by the Odd Fellows up town, which then stood on the site where Rebstock's saloon now stands. The building was burned down. Messrs. Wilson and Van Duzer published the Messenger about three years, when Van Duzer retired from the firm, and a new series of the paper was commenced in quarto form, devoted to litera- ture and the arts, edited by an association of gentlemen, and published by Wilson and Bailey in the old Academy building up town, at $i 25 per annum. The office was composed of a lot of old material, and the paper lived about a year, when its funeral obsequies were per- formed. Mr. Wilson removed to Saybrook and there died. In 1852 Mr. F. E. Hinman, who, five years previous had set up a job office, issued the prospectus of a pro- posed newspaper, of which the Hon. O. H. Platt was to be editor. It was called the Connecticut Organ, "A Family Journal and Business Newspaper, Devoted to the Interests of its Patrons." Mr. Hinman, after issuing the paper about a year, disposed of his right and title to Mr. James N. Phelps, of New Haven, when to its name was added that of New Britain Journal, and it became 42O HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. "A Family Paper, devoted to Temperance, Literature, Science, Mechanic Arts, Morals, Education, Agriculture, General Intelligence, Latest News, and containing a compound of all the intelligence proper to be inserted in a Family Journal." Its pages contained very few advertisements, and the amount of original matter re- quired to be set each week, soon ate the concern out of house and home. Mr. Phelps sold out to Mr. James Lewis, who pub- lished the Whig, which was the largest paper ever published in Meriden. The Whig ran for about three years. With Mr. Lewis were associated as editors Hon. O. H. Platt and George W. Rogers. In July, 1850, the Meriden Transcript was established by Lysander R Webb and Co., and was continued until August, 1856. The Transcript was considered one of the best and most ably conducted papers in the State. It was published at one dollar and a half per year. Mr. Webb at last concluded to go west, and Mr. Platt, hav- ing in a measure tired of editorial duties, and desiring to devote his time and energies exclusively to the practice of his profession, the publication of the Transcript was relinquished. In November, 1856, Robert Win ton, a Canadian, who had formerly been connected with a newspaper, as editor, in North Adams, Mass., came to Meriden and being encouraged thereto, and pecuniarily aided by a few of our leading manufacturing firms, took possession of the printing establishment and issued the first num- ber of the Meriden Chronicle. Mr. Winton published the Chronicle about two years and a half, when it was suspended. About a year after this, a gentleman by the name of MERIDEN NEWSPAPERS. 421 Stillman, from Midletown, established the Banner. He bought out Robert Win ton for 1800 dollars, giving him his note. The Banner waved but a short time, and then died. The paper was published in the interest of the Democratic party. Mr. Stillman enlisted in the service of his country. On the 29th of August, 1863, the Meriden Recorder, " A Paper for the Million, Independent in Everything, Neutral in Nothing ; Devoted to Matters and Things in General, to the Pure, the Good, the True and the Beauti- ful, in Particular," was published by Messrs. Riggs and Dorman "at their office in Smith's New Building, West Meriden, Conn." These gentlemen had purchased the material of Mr. Storer's office in New Haven. Mr. Riggs had served in the war, and commenced with a good list of soldier subscriptions. He also established a job printing office. The paper was enlarged with its twenty-seventh number, and has made several additions to its size since. Mr. Dorman's connection with the paper ceased with the close of the first volume. On the 2 ist of March, 1867, the Meriden Weekly Visitor was started under the editorship of Mr. Marson Monroe Eaton, formerly of the Waterbury -Chronicle and of the Hartford Post. On the first of January, its editor commenced the Daily Visitor, which, in a place no larger than Meriden, was a bold speculation. On the 9th of March, 1868, the Visitor was merged into the Daily and Weekly Republican; and edited by Messrs. Marcus Delavan and George Gibbons. The name of the Weekly was afterwards changed to the State Tem- perance Journal. In 1869 Mr. Luther G. Riggs com- menced the publication of the Daily News, being a daily edition of the Meriden Recorder. 422 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. CHAPTER XXIV. STATISTICS. THE population of Connecticut in 1701 was 30,000; 1749, 100,000; 1756, white, 128,212; black, 3587; 1774, white, 191,392; black, 6,464; 1775, 133,000 51790, free whites, 232,374 ; other free persons, 2,808 ; slaves, 2,764; total, 237,946; 1800, slaves, 951 ; total, 251,002; 1810, slaves, 310; total, 261,942 ; 1820, 275,248. The following table shows the progress of Walling- ford in population and property during 26 years of its early history : Year. No. of Planters. Val. of Estates. Year. No. of Planters. Val. of Estates. 1678, 49, 2346. 1693, 83, 3966. 1679, 5i, 2419. 1694, 60, 4226. 1680, 5, 2466. !695, 95, 4227. 1681, 52, 2652. 1696, 75, 4298. 1682, 55, 2645, 1697, 75, 4464. 1683, 52, 2718. 1698, 80, 4862. 1684, 61, 2967. 1699, 88, 5057- 1685, 63, 3072. 1700, 1 20, 5492. 1686, 69, 3366. 1701, TOO, 6096. 1687, 72, 3546. 1702, 122, 6216. 1689, 73, 3698. i7 3, 118, 6522. 1691, 76, 3959- 1704, I2O, 6662. 1692, 80, 3827. 1705, 100, 6868. STATISTICS. 423 In 1723 the number of inhabitants was 1 100. In 1 700 there had been three hundred and sixty-nine births in the town, and from that time to 1723, when a new parish was made, eight hundred and ninety-four ; in all 1263 in fifty-two years. The deaths were about four hundred from the beginning of the town to the founda- tion of the first parish out of it. " The following is an account of the Number of the Inhab- itants of the Town of Wallingford on the first Day of Janu- ary, 1774. The orders for Numbering the People came from the King and Council. "The Sum of the Old Society, 2130, The Sum of the New Cheshire Parish, 1933, The Sum of the Meriden Parish, 852, 49 J 5- The Sum Total of all the whites, 4777? The Sum Total of all the blacks, 138, 4915." Population of Wallingford in 1790, 3375 ; 1800, 3214; 1810, 2325 ; 1820, 2237 ; 1830, 2418 ; 1840, 2204 ; 1850; 2595- Population of Meriden in 1810, 1249: 1820, 1309; 1830, 1708; 1840, 1880; 1850, 3559. The census of 1860 gives to Meriden a white male population of 3904; white female, 3481 ; total white, 7385 ; colored male, 30; colored female 11 ; total colored, 41 ; aggre- gate, 7426. In the first forty-five years from the formation of the parish of Meriden, there were 1 100 births, 846 baptisms, 288 admissions to communion, and 368 deaths. The following persons were in Meriden in 1770: John Ives, Jedediah Norton, Samuel Penfield, Thomas Mix, Jr., Jonathan Yale, Samuel Scovill, Edward Collins, Amos 424 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Camp, Jr., Aaron Dunbar, Noah Yale, Jr , Elisha Sco- vill, Stephen Perkins, Brenton Hall, Daniel Collins, Na- than Scovill, Jacob Webster, Daniel Scovill (1779), Amos Camp, Moses Yale, Isaac Hall, John Berry, Levi Yale, Noah Yale, John Hall, Abel Yale, Divan Berry, Yale Bishop, John Morgan, Reynold Beckwith, Jr., Gideon Ives, Nathaniel Penfield, Amasa Ives, Jr., Aaron Hors- ford, Joseph Higby, James Scoffield, Jonathan Collins, Peter Penfield, John Yale, Jr., Reynold Beckwith, Rufus Hall (1775), Moses Mitchel, Miles Hall, Jr., Daniel Yale ( 1 77S)> Mitchel, Elijah Scovill. In 1815 Jesse Ives bought of Benjamin Merriman six acres of land running north and west from the corner of Colony and Main streets, where the Meriden House now stands, for six hundred dollars ; and it was considered as money thrown away. About the same time twelve acres running south from where the second Baptist church now stands, were mortgaged for eight hundred dollars, the interest being forty-eight dollars a year; this the owner was unable to pay, and he offered to give the land for the note, but the person from whom the money was borrowed refused to take the land, not con- sidering it worth the money. Deputies to the General Court at Hartford, from Wallingford : 1678. 1679. 1680. John Brockett, Abram Doolittle, Lieut. N. Merriman, Lieut. N. Merriman. Eliasaph Preston, John Brockett. Lieut. Nath. Merriman. 1681. 1682. 1683. Lieut. N. Merriman, John Moss, Abram Doolittle, John Brockett. John Brockett. John Moss, Lieut. N. Merriman. DEPUTIES. 425 Abram Doolittle, John Moss, Thomas Yeale. 1687. Ens. Thos. Yale, Dea. John Hall, John Moss. 1690. Mr. Thomas Yale, Dea. John Hall. 1693. Thomas Yale, Ens. Nath. Royce. 1685. 1686. John Brockett, Thomas Yeale, Lieut. N. Merriman. John Moss. 1688. Dea. John Hall, Ens. Thos. Yale. 1691. Dea. John Hall, 1689. Mr. Thos. Curtice, Ens. Thos. Yeale. 1692. Thomas Yale. Mr. Eliasaph Preston. 1694. 1695. 1696. Capt. Yale, Eliasaph Preston, John Hall. Dea. John Hall, Capt. Thos. Yale. 1698. Sergt. Jno. Merriman, Sergt. Thos. Hall. 1700. Lieut. Sam. Hall, 1701. Sergt. Jno. Merriman, Capt. Thos. Yale, Dea. John Hall, Ens. Nath. Royce. 1697. Capt. Thos. Yale, Dea. Hall, Jno. Merriman, Sergt. Thos. Hall. 1699. Thomas Hall, Nathaniel Rice, Lieut. Sam. Hall Sergt. Jno. Merriman. 1702. 1703. Ens. Nath'l Royce, John Merriman, David Hall, Sergt. John Hall, Capt. Thos. Yale. Samuel Hall. 1705- Capt. Samuel Hall, Lieut. Jno. Merriman. Commissioners from Wallingford : 1678. 1680. 1681. Mr. Moss, John Moss, Sen. John Moss, Lieut. Merriman. John Brockett. Sergt. Jno. Merriman, John Hall, Sergt. Thos. Hall. Lieut. Sam. Hall. 1704. Capt. Thos. Yale, Ens. Nath'l Royce. 426 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 1682. 1684. 1686. John Moss. John Moss. John Moss. 1687. 1689. 1690. John Moss. Thos. Yale. Capt. John Beard. 1691. 1692. J693- John Morse. John Reynolds, Capt. Thos. Yale, Mr. Morse, John Morse. Mr. Yale. 1694. 1695. 1696. Mr. Morse, Mr. Morse, John Morse. Capt. Yale. Capt. Yale. 1697. John Morse, Capt. Thos. Yale. In 1788 Messrs. Street Hall and Samuel Whiting of Wallingford were appointed delegates to the convention at Hartford which ratified the constitution of the United States. In 1818 the convention which formed the State Constitution, was holden at Hartford, and the following were appointed delegates : from Meriden, Patrick Clark ; from Wallingford, John Andrews and William Marks. The assistants or magistrates who constituted the Upper House of the Assembly, and in early times were the Supreme Court of the State, were the leading men of their times. The following were appointed from Wall- ingford : John Hall, nominated 1719; elected 1722 ; retired 1730. Benjamin Hall, " 1749; " I 75 I '> " 1766. In 1864 the following persons in Meriden were over seventy years of age : Benj. Atkins, Asahel Baldwin, Elias Baldwin, Ransom Baldwin, Warren Beach, Ger- shom Bennett, Gershom Birdsey, Walter Booth, Fenner Bush, Elah Camp, Abel D. Clarfe, Asahel Curtis, John W. Hall, Samuel I. Hart, Phineas T. Ives (83), Simeon MERIDEN CITY. 427 Hovey, Lauren Merriam, Samuel Paddock, Noah Pomeroy, Julius Pratt, Chester Rice, Henry Stiles (80), Benj. Upson, Jacob F. Whitmore, Jeremiah Wilcox, Julius Yale, Levi Yale, Noah Hall. 1 Meriden was incorporated as a city by the Legislature in July, 1867. The first city meeting was held at the Town House, August 12, 1867, and Henry C. Butler chosen moderator. The following officers were chosen by ballot : Mayor, CHARLES PARKER. Clerk, JOHN H. BARIO. Aldermen, WILLIAM J. IVES, GEORGE W. LYON, HIRAM BUTLER, JEDEDIAH WILCOX. Councilman, LEMUEL J. CURTISS, AARON L. COLLINS, OWEN B. ARNOLD, ISAAC C. LEWIS, CHARLES L. UPHAM, JARED. R. COOK, CHARLES A. ROBERTS, JARED LEWIS, HEZEKIAH H. MILLER, HORACE C. WILCOX, ELI IVES, DENNIS C. WILCOX, AUGUSTUS C. MARKHAM, JOHN C. BYXBEE, ELI BUTLER, WALTER HUBBARD. City Sheriffs, PATRICK GARVEY, JAMES BELDEN. Treas- urer, ASAHEL H. CURTISS. Collector, SAMUEL O. CHURCH. Auditor, JOEL H. GUY. Andrew J. Coe was first judge of the city court. In 1868 Ratcliffe Hicks was chosen City Attorney. In 1868 Charles Parker was re-elected Mayor. In 1869 Russell S. Gladwin was elected Mayor. In 1870 Isaac C. Lewis was elected Mayor. In 1840 the votes in Meriden for presidential electors i Those in italics have since died. 428 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. were as follows : Democratic 216, Whig 177, Abolition 14. In 1844 Democratic 248, Whig 206, Abolition 38, Scattering i. In 1856 Fillmore 19, Buchanan 424, Fremont 604. In 1860, Lincoln and Hamlin 687, Douglass and Johnson 293, Bell and Everett 10. HIGHWAYS IN MERIDEN. 1806, Dec. i, road from Asahel Rice's across to or near Patrick Clark's. 1813, Nov. 9, road from Simeon Perkins's shop to turnpike. 1817, road from foot of high hill. 1820, road from the house of the late Samuel Leavit, to house of Liberty Perkins. 1820, road from bottom of hill near Enos Hall's, across to Nehemiah Rice's. 1820, road from John Yeoman's to or near Samuel Way's. 1825, road near Amos Austen's. 1828, the "Corn well road "-laid out. 1829, road laid to con- nect with the road west of Matthew Foster's, with the Cat-hole road. 1832, road from Calvin Coe's to Deni- son Parker's. 1836, road from Noah Pomeroy's to New road. 1839, road near Charles Paddock's. 1839, road near Noah Pomeroy's, Watson Ives's and John L. Blake's. 1845, roa< ^ from Julius Pratt's comb factory, to Railroad depot. 1845, road from Stephen Atkins's to Samuel Yale's land northerly. 1845, road from Harry Gris- wold's to or near Hough's mills. 1846, road from Ivah Curtis's to Yalesville. 1846, road from Ivah Curtis's southwest through Othniel Ives's lands. 1846, road from Samuel Baldwin's to Noah Pomeroy's. 1847, road from Episcopal Church to Caleb Austen's. 1848, road from Episcopal Church to Lucas C. Hotchkiss's. 1850, road from Catholic Church to Samuel Gear's. 1850, road from burying-ground to Andrew Mills's. 1851, road from Noah A. Linsley's to Moses Burr's. 1852, Hobert street laid out. PROBATE JUDGES. 429 JUDGES OF THE PROBATE COURT OF WALLINGFORD. Wallingford was made a Probate District in 1776, in- cluding Meriden, Cheshire and Columbia, now Prospect. The following have been Judges of the District : Caleb Hall, 1776, 8 years, E. H. Ives, 1844, 2 years, Oliver Stanley, 1784, 25 " J. R. Merriam, 1846, i year, G. W. Stanley, 1809, 9 " E. H. Ives, 1847, 3 years, J. P. Kirtland, 1818, i year, Augustus Hall, 1850, i year, R. Hitchcock, 1819, 10 years, E. H. Ives, 1851, 2 years, J. D. Reynolds, 1829, 9 " Ebe. S. Ives, 1852,16 " E. M. Pomeroy,i838, 4 " Ira Tuttle, 1868, i year, Augustus Hall, 1842, 2 " Franklin Platt, 1869, is the present Judge. Judges in Cheshire Probate district have been : Silas Hitchcock, Asa J. Driggs, Edward A. Cornwall, Wm. L. Foot, Wm. T. Peters, Wm. T. Peters, just Elihu Yale, Wm. L. Hinman, elected. GRAND LIST OF WALLINGFORD FOR 1 70 1 . John Ives, 74, Mathew Bellamy, 22, Simon Tuttle, 79, Wid. Merriman, 14, Henry Cook, 118, John Peck, 69, Tho. Matthews, 28, Tho. Hall, Jun., 23, Sam'l Munson, 69, Joseph Ives, 40, Jonathan Hall, 22, Eben. Clark, 90, Samuel How, 27, E. Royce& serv't,i2i, J. Hitchcock, 98, Zachariah How, 33, Mill, 10, Lieut. Hall, 99, Mathew How, 32, Francis Kendrick, 32, Dr. John Hull, 115, John Brocket, 87, R. Royce, Jun., 43, Deacon Hall, 74, Z. How, senr., 53, Serg 1 . Thorp & ap 102, Thomas Hall, 112, Gideon Ives, 36, David Hall, 66, Theo. Doolittle, 45, Walter Johnson, 46, John Austen, 33, Samuel Street, 59, Nicholas Street, 43, Nathaniel Ives, 26, John Beach, 50, Nath'l Hall, 29, Capt. Tho. Yale, 168, Dan'l Doolittle, 34, Samuel Royce, 48, Ebenezer Lewis, 52, J. Merriman, 137, Joshua Culver, 120, Nath'l How, 66, Wm. Hendrick, 49, 43O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Eleazer Peck, 101, Sam'l Cook, Jun., 64, J. Munson, 50, Ens. Andrews, 64, Sam'l Cook, sen., in, Wid. Merriman,n, David Hall, 41, Nath'l Andrews, 25, Tho. Beach, 79, John Moss, 153, Josiah Doolittle, 40, Benj. Beach, 32, Nath'l Curtiss, 24, Tho. Richardson, 27, Sam'l Brockett, 82, John Cook, 39, James Ailing, 28, Benj. Royce, 29, Dea. Preston, 96, J. Royce & i ap. 78, Wm. Kendrick, 22, Wm. Andrews, 48, Wm. Abernatha, 28, C. Merriman, 75, Edward Fenn, 60, Joseph Parker, 24, A. Doolittle, 109, John Tyler, 51, Benjamin Hall, 50, John Atwater, 113, John Hull, 79, Richard Wood, 41, Daniel Mix, 116, John Parker, 27, Ebenezer Hull, 25, N. Royce, 100, Isaac Curtiss, 93, Thomas Curtiss, 80, Elijah How, 20, Sam'l Royce, 102, John Doolittle, 45, Nath'l Tuttle, 28, J. Westwood, 28, Samuel Lathrop, 36, Wm. Abernatha, 64, Joseph Cook, 30, Hugh Chappel, 18, E. Doolittle, 39, Daniel How, 40, John Lathrop, 18, John Parker, 74, Jacob Johnson, 46, Minor Phillips, 18, Roger Tyler, 36, John Peck, 40, Joseph Thompson, 73, Sam'l Curtiss, 21, Robert Roys, 60, James Benham, 26, J. How, senr., 47, Wm. Tyler, 57, J. How, jun., 34, Wid. Holt, 33. Total, 6261. REPRESENTATIVES FROM MERIDEN. 1820, Levi Yale ; 1824, Arnos Curtin ; 1825, Wm. Yale; 1829, Walter Booth ; 1830, Titus Ives; 1831, Ashabel Gris- wold ; 1832, Noah Pomeroy ; 1833, Enos H. Curtis; 1834, Eli C. Birdsey; 1836, Asahel Curtis; 1837, Horace B. Red- field ; 1838, Walter Booth; 1839, James S. Brooks ; 1840, Eli C. Birdsey ; 1842, Ira Couch ; 1843, Henry Stedman ; 1844, James S. Brooks ; 1846, Elias Howell ; 1847, Ashabel Gris- wold ; 1848, Isaac C. Lewis ; 1849, James A. Tracy ; 1850, Wm. S. Ives; 1851, Hiram Hall; 1855, James S. Brooks; 1856, Levi Yale ; 1857, James S. Brooks; 1858, Asahel H. Curtiss ; 1859, Wm. W. Lyman ; 1860, Andrew J. Coe ; 1861, TOWN CLERKS. 431 Owen B. Arnold ; 1862, Isaac C. Lewis ; 1864, Orville H. Platt; 1865, Oliver S. Williams; 1866, Isaac C. Lewis; 1867, Andrew J. Coe ; 1869, Orville H. Platt; 1870, John Parker. TOWN CLERKS OF MERIDEN. June, 1806, Amos White ; Nov., 1806, Isaac Lewis; 1823, Patrick Lewis; 1826, Amos Curtis; 1830, Patrick Lewis; Feb., 1834, Albert R. Potter; Oct., 1834, Eli C. Birdsey; 1843, James S. Brooks; 1844, J oe l Miller; 1845, Lyman Butler; 1849, Hiram Hall; 1854, Linus Birdsey; 1854, Johnlves; 1857, Russell J. Ives, assistant; 1860, Chas. L. Upham, assistant; 1865, Levi E. Coe; 1866, John N. Bario. From Report of the Committee of the Pay Table Office, May 15, 1783 : " Amount of balances due from the several Towns in this State on account of State Taxes for which Execution has been granted by the Treasurer. Wallingford : Continental Currency. State Currency. Specie. Bal. i2s. Tax, 1780,^8451 13^. nd. " Nov. " " " 14923 3 8 "Dec. 245. " " 63393 I2 8 "Feb. \2d. " 1781, 119 $s.6d. "Mar. 24*. " " 3447 5 8 "July o In 1869, 83 families were connected with the society ; 127 communicants, and 66 scholars in Sunday-school. 444 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. EPISCOPAL ACADEMY. The project of establishing an Episcopal Academy in the Diocese of Connecticut, was formed soon after the consecration of Dr. Seabury to the Episcopate. He, in common with his brethren of the clergy, felt most keenly the want of some literary institution where the sons of the church might receive a thorough classical education without endangering the religious predilections of their childhood. It was a period of strong prejudice, and no little intolerance. The war of the Revolution had just closed, and the favor which the Episcopal clergy and their people had generally shown toward the mother-country in that struggle, was calculated to strengthen the preju- dice of the dominant sects in the land. The ministers of the church were missionaries of the " venerable society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts," and the oath of allegiance which they were re- quired to take previous to their ordination, and the peculiar relations in which they stood to the Bishop of London, made it in their view, as unnatural for them to resist the pretentions of the crown of England as for a child to oppose the wishes of its parents. If this were not a sufficient excuse for their loyalty, it should have palliated in some degree the heinousness of the offence, and spared the church from subsequent hostility on their account. The bishop and clergy might have been urged to the establishment of an institution of their own, by the illiberal policy of Yale college at that time. The first record relating to the establishment of the Episcopal Academy was made in 1792. At a conven- tion of the clergy holden at East Haddam, on the i5th of EPISCOPAL ACADEMY. 445 Feb. of that year, it was voted, " that the several clergy make inquiry of their neighboring towns and see what can be done toward erecting an Episcopal Academy, and report at the next convention." This resolution received only a verbal response, for nothing is found re- corded until the year 1 794, when the convention taking hold of the matter went earnestly to work, appointed a committee to prepare an address to the members of the Protestant Episcopal Church of this state, pointing out the importance of establishing an Episcopal Academy ; at the same time instructing them to provide subscrip- tion papers for the purpose of obtaining the necessary funds to support such an establishment. This commit- tee were required to report the next morning ; and they reported that they had attended to the business assigned them, and recommended that a standing committee be appointed to prepare an address to be sent out among the people, pointing out the importance of such an institution, and to present a plan of the Academy, with subscription papers for raising funds for it. The Rev. Doctor Mansfield of Derby was chairman of this com- mittee, and at the next annual convention held at Stratford, June 3, 1/95, subscriptions from Wallingford and Cheshire were returned which were so favorable, that it was resolved to go on with this work at once and establish an Episcopal Academy. A subsequent committee was appointed to receive proposals from the towns of Wallingford, Cheshire and Stratford only, until the first day of July, at which time they were to meet at Major Bellamy's tavern in Hamden, and locate the institution in that town which they should consider the most eligible. At the same convention the Rev. John Bowden, Rev. Ashbell Bal- 446 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. dow and S. W. Johnson, Esq., were appointed to draft a code of by-laws for the temporary government of the institution till the next annual meeting of the conven- tion, and also to form a constitution upon the most liberal and beneficial plan, together with a code of by- laws for the future government of the Academy, all to be submitted to the next general convention for considera- tion and approbation. EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, CHESHIRE, 1840. At the annual convention held at Cheshire, June i, 1796, the subject of the Academy was brought out and discussed, and a board of twenty trustees appointed. The latter proceeded to ballot for a principal of the Academy, and the Rev. Dr. John Bowden was unani- mously elected. He accepted the call and entered on his duties as soon as the building was ready. The corner stone was laid with masonic honors, on the 28th day of April, 1 796. On that occasion the late Rev. Reuben Ives, through whose influence more than to any other one man the Academy was established at Cheshire, delivered EPISCOPAL ACADEMY. 447 an address, and was followed by the Rev. Dr. Tillotson Bronson. The building was completed in 1796, at a cost of ^702 lawful money. The principal was required to teach or cause to be taught the English language, Philosophy, Mathematics, and every science usually taught at colleges ; likewise the dead languages, such as Greek and Latin, and then French was to be taught whenever the funds became sufficient ; also a library was to be purchased and a philosophical appara- tus as soon as the funds would justify the expense. The principal had liberty to employ at any time with the advice of the trustees any gentlemen eminent in Divinity, Law, or Physics, to read lectures in these branches provided a fund be procured for that purpose. It was no doubt the intention of the founders to erect it into a college, and many of the donations were made upon this supposition, and some of the books now in the Library the gift of private benevolence are la- belled, " Seabury College in Connecticut." The first legitimate attempt made toward raising a fund for the endowment of the institution was in 1797-8. In the latter year a committee was appointed by the convention to ascertain the grand levy of the church in Connecticut, and a treasurer to receive all donations that might be procured. By a formal vote the convention appropriated to the benefit of the Episcopal Academy the money that had been previously collected for the purpose of sending Missionaries to the frontiers of the States. The next year, Bishop Jarvis alluded to the subject in his annual address, and measures were adopt- ed to solicit aid, generally from the churchmen of the diocese, and to send an agent to Europe with a similar 448 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. object in view was recommended to the trustees as soon as they have the means. The agency to Europe was never accomplished. On the 1 4th day of April, 1801, the trustees met at Cheshire and resolved to petition the first Assembly then about to convene at Hartford, praying that they might be made and constituted a body politic, and cor- porate, by the name of the Trustees of the Episcopal Academy of Connecticut ; Dr. Bowden stating that since the month of June of the year 1796 it had been open for the reception of students, and had generally in the course, sixty students. The funds amounted at this time to about three thousand dollars. The act of incor- poration was passed, and the number of students was increased. Every thing was now prosperous and favor- able to the success of the Academy. But a shock was given, when Dr. Bowden intimated that he should resign his office of principal, and accept the more compatible station of Professor of Moral Philosophy and Belles- Lettres in Columbia College, New York. This was in the beginning of 1802 ; and at a special convention held at Cheshire, April 12, of the same year, his resignation was accepted, and the Rev. Dr. Wm. Smith was unani- miously elected to supply his place. He entered at once upon his duties. Dr. Bowden was the eldest son of Thomas Bowden, a Major in his Brittanic Majesty's 46th regiment of Foot. His early life was full of incident, as his middle age was of trial. At the time of his birth, Jan. 7, 1751, his father's regiment was stationed in Ireland. On the breaking out of the Old French War the major came to this country and made Schenectady, N. Y., his head- quarters. His son John soon after followed him, under EPISCOPAL ACADEMY. 449 the charge of a clergyman of the church of England. He entered the college at Princeton, N. J., where he remained two years. The fortunes of his father called him to return home (to England). In 1770 at the age of nineteen he again crossed the Atlantic and immediately entered King's college, now Columbia, where he gradu- ated in 1772. He was ordained in 1774 deacon, and was elected assistant minister in Trinity church, N. Y. Upon the breaking out of the revolutionary war the city churches were closed and the clergy scattered, and Dr. Bowden retired to Norwalk, Ct. He continued in the office of Professor until his death, July 31, 1817, at Ball- ston Springs. Dr. William Smith entered upon his duties as princi- pal of the Academy in the spring of 1802. The institu- tion was in a flourishing condition. Efforts had been made to increase the funds, and regarding then the procedure as perfectly consistent with the dictates of Christian morality, a resolution was taken in April, 1801, to prefer a petition to the General Assembly for a lottery to raise the sum of four thousand pounds, to enable the trustees to purchase a library and a philosophical appa- ratus, and support assistant instruction. This application was unsuccessful, as was also another the next year, to obtain a lottery to raise a larger amount the sum of twenty-eight thousand dollars. But during the October session of the Legislature of 1802, the matter was more judiciously prepared, and the act was finally passed, granting a lottery to raise the sum of fifteen thousand dollars. After considerable delay and perplexity, and no little loss in the sale of tickets, the managers closed their drawings, and the net proceeds amounted to twelve thousand dollars. E E 45O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. The financial affairs of the institution being thus im- proved, its friends began to turn their attention to the original design of erecting it into a college. In 1804, obedient to a vote of the convention, the board of trus- tees resolved to petition the General Assembly for a charter empowering them to confer degrees in the arts, divinity and law, and to enjoy all the privileges of a col- lege. This application failed, and was not again renewed during the administration of Dr. Smith. Though a man of learning, he seems not to have had the requisite qualifications of a teacher. The institution gradually languished under his care, and losing the confidence of the public, the annual convention in 1805 appointed a committee to inquire into the present condition, and make an immediate report ; this report is spread at large upon the journals of that year. On the 5th day of June, Dr. Smith resigned ; his resignation was accepted, and the convention, without appointing a successor, adjourned to meet at Newtown the eighth day of October. The missives that passed between Dr. Smith and the Trus- tees were not, as may be inferred from the tenor of his letter, altogether of a pleasant nature. Dr. Smith was a Scotchman, and received his education at one of the Universities of his native country. He left College with a good reputation as a classical scholar. He came to this country in 1787, and entered upon the duties of Rector of St. Paul's church and congregation, at Narra- gansett, R. I., where he continued three years. After leaving Cheshire he returned to New York, and the remainder of his days were passed between that city and Connecticut The Rev. Tillotson Bronson was appointed to the Academy, and for the first fifteen years of his adminis- EPISCOPAL ACADEMY. 451 tration the institution flourished and enjoyed a large share of the public confidence and patronage. In 1810 another petition was made for college privileges, but failed of success. It was again renewed and passed the house, but failed in the Senate. Dr. Bronson was born in 1762. He graduated in 1786. Ordained by Bishop Seabury 1786, and Priest Feb. 24th, 1788. Christian F. Cruse was elected to the Academy in 1831. In 1832 Rev. Dr. Judd was elected principal. He resigned in 1835- In 1836 the Rev. Allen C. Morgan was elected prin- cipal, under whose administration the Academy flourish- ed. He died suddenly in New York, on the 7th of Nov., 1838. The Rev. Ebenezer E. Beardsley was next appointed to the charge. After him came the Rev. Seth B. Paddock ; then the Rev. Hillyard Bryant ; then Rev. Mr. Ballard, who was succeeded by the Rev. Dr. Horton, under whose administration the institution has flourished and been greatly enlarged by additional new buildings. Dr. Horton is now ( 1870), the principal of the Acad- emy, which is in a highly prosperous and flourishing condition. 45 2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORU. CHAPTER XXVIII. STATE REFORM SCHOOL. THE Connecticut State Reform School, situated in Meriden, New Haven County, was authorized by the Legislature of 1851, and an appropriation of ten thousand dollars made for it on the condition that the people of the State donate an equal sum to establish and build the same. The location of the school was fixed in Meriden in 1852, and the building erected in 1853. The amount of land purchased was about 150 acres, of various parties, but- principally of Salmon Merriam. The buildings are situated on a commanding eminence, one half mile north from the depot in Meriden, in full view of the Hartford and New Haven rail-road, overlooking the city and the surrounding country, and presenting one of the finest landscape views to be seen in the vicinity. In the front lies Mount Lamentation, with its precipitous caps and peaks, stretching in a lower range to the south below Black Pond, and gradually terminating in a succession of bluffs near Long Island Sound. In the rear are the Cold Spring and the Hanging Hills Peaks. Between these, or in the interval, lies the farm, REFORM SCHOOL. 453 delightfully situated, highly cultivated, and the pride and admiration of all who behold it The administration of the school on the part of the State is vested in a board of eight Trustees, one from each county in the state, elected for four years. Two of them are retired each year and their places are filled by the Senate in executive session. The Trustees elect Superintendent and other officers. The first Su- perintendent was Philemon Hoadley, elected in 1853. The second, Roswell Hawley, M. D., elected 1855 ; the next and present one, E. W. Hatch, M. D. The long continuance of Dr. Hatch in the position, is proof con- clusive that the people of the state are satisfied with his administration ; in effective management, economy, and progress, the institution ranks second to none in the country. Mr. Saxton B. Little was elected Assistant Superin- tendent in 1854, and was the first elected to that office, and still holds the position. He has proved himself one of the most successful educators of the age. With the class of boys that he has had no one could have done better, and the teachers are rare that could have done so well. Mr. Lucius P. Chamberlain was appointed farmer in 1857, and right well has he filled the position. He believes in progress, and acts up to his belief in his prac- tice. He is one of the neatest, best, and most successful farmers in the state. His work on the state farm shows it, and any one can have an ocular demonstration of the fact, by visiting the farm. Mr. John B. Porter as an officer has been connected with the school for the last thirteen years, and has proved himself a valuable assistant and a good efficient worker in the cause of reform. The above are worthy of mention as having held their posi- 454 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. tions for a long time, and discharged their duties faithfully. The other officers are capable and efficient, and doing a noble work for the State. The first boys were received in 1854; and up to April i, 1870, 1515 had been received. They are many of them filling situations now as valuable citizens in almost every State of the union. The boys are taught in all of the branches usually taught in the common schools. The classes will compare favorably with the classes in any of the schools of the State. The citizens of the State may well be proud of this noble Institution. It is one of its noblest chanties ; no effort which the State can make in the right direction to improve its citizens can be wasted ; and to take vicious boys and educate them to be good citizens, is worthy the best efforts of the State. 455 CHAPTER XXIX. PHYSICIANS. THE first settlers of Connecticut came with but slender provision for the ills that awaited them. The pastor of the flock was the chief shepherd to whom they all looked for protection, and the teacher upon whose instruction, in sickness and in health, they mainly looked for guid- ance. In the year 1652 the General Court granted the first medical license, by which Thomas Lord was author- ized to practice physic and surgery in Hartford and adjoining towns. Fifteen pounds was to be his annual salary so long as he devoted his time and attention to the sick and suffering members of the colony. The fee- table of Dr. Lord as established by the General Assem- bly, he having promised to charge no more, deserves to be transcribed : " Thos. Lord having engaged to this court to continue his abode in Hartford for the next ensuing year, and to improve his best skill among the inhabitants of the towns upon the river, within his jurisdiction, both for setting of bones and otherwise, as at all times, occasions and necessities may re- k quire. This court doth grant, that he shall be paid by the country the sum of fifteen pounds for the said ensuing year, and they also declare that for every visit or journey, that he shall take or make, being sent for, to any house in Hartford 456 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 12 pence is reasonable; to any house in Windsor, five shil- lings ; to any house in Wethersfield, three shillings ; to any house in Farmington, six shillings ; to any house in Matta- besock or Middletown, eight shillings, (he having promised that he will require no more,) and that he shall be freed, for the time aforesaid, from watching, warding and training, but not from finding arms according to law !" Dr. Lord died in 1662. He came to Wallingford often on professional business, and was also called to New Haven. Rev. Gershom Bulkley of Wethersfield, who was quite noted as a physician, and for a time was sur- geon in a company raised to resist the aggression of their Indian neighbors, attended to the sick in Walling- ford and vicinity. It is worthy of notice that the first case of medical jurisprudence in the colony, perhaps the first in the country, was referred to him for an opinion. Mary Brown of Wallingford was brought to trial for the murder of her son. As it was known that she had been subject to paroxysms of insanity, the court and the jury were in some perplexity relative to their own course of proceeding. To relieve themselves from this embarras- sing position the court granted leave to the jurors to consult the most learned men in the colony and obtain their advice. They applied to Dr. Bulkley, whose char- acter as a divine, whose opinion as a physician, and whose judgment as a magistrate were all held in high estimation. The following is the summary of his opinion : " If she were not compos mentis at the time of the fact it is no felony, and consequently no wilful or malicious murder ; and if she be known to be a lunatic, though she have her lucid intervals, there had need be very good and satisfactory proof that she was compos mentis at the time of the fact com- mitted, for the law favors life." PHYSICIANS. 457 The legal opinion from which the above extract was taken was in advance of the age, and probably averted the doom of the unhappy woman who was on her trial for the murder of her child. 1 Dr. Bulkley died at Glas- tenbury in the year 1713, at the age of seventy-eight. From an inscription upon his " obscure and modest grave-stone" in the church-yard at Wethersfield, it ap- pears that he was regarded as a man of rare abilities and extraordinary industry, excellent in learning, master of many languages, exquisite in his skill in divinity, physic' and law, and of a most exemplary and Christian life. Dr James Hurlburt of Berlin, who was born in the year 1717 and had his office in Berlin near the line of the Hartford and New Haven Rail-road, had nearly all of the practice in the surrounding twenty miles. Dr. Jared Potter of Wallingford was one of the most dis- tinguished physicians in the State, and the teacher from whom many eminent members of the medical profession received instruction. 2 He was a speculating theologian, and his speculations were of an infidel character ; and it is said that his pupils, whatever progress they made in medical studies, generally left Dr. Potter's office with minds tinged with skeptical notions. In 1775 he was chosen surgeon of the first regiment of Connecticut forces, from whence it may be inferred that he was dis- tinguished as a surgeon as well as a physician. His memory at this time is more associated with one of his own favorite remedies. Potter's powder has been for sixty years and over, a popular remedy with the physicians of 1 Dr. Summer's Address at the 49th Annual Convention of the Conn. Med. Soc. 2 One of Dr. Potter's students was Lyman Norton, who commenced practice in Durham in 1797. HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. Connecticut, but as employed in former days, it con- tained charcoal as well as the three ingredients, camphor, ammonia and chalk. By this combination he acquired the same reputation which adheres all the world over, to the combination of Dr. Dover. He was instrumental in forming the New Haven Co. Medical Society in 1784, and also the State Medical Society. 1 In October, 1717, Dr. Benjamin Hull 2 petitioned the General Court as follows: "Y e petishion of Benjamin Hull of Wallingford sheweth y i your petishioner having for some time practiced phisisik," requests the assembly to grant him permission to practice in Wallingford. Previous to 1800 there were in Wallingford Drs. Isaac Lewis, Isaac Bull, Isaac Hall, Gad Pond, Ebenezer Bardsley, Wm. B. Hall, Bilious Kirtland and James Porter. Dr. John Dickinson, son of Rev. Moses Dickinson of Norwalk, began practice in Wallingford, but soon removed to Middletown, from which town he was sent Representative to the Legislature in the time of the Revolution. He died in 1811, aged eighty-two years. Dr. Wm. Brenton Hall, a native of Wallingford, graduated at Yale College in 1786, and commenced practice in his native town, but removed to Middletown where he died in 1809. Dr. Aaron Andrews was a son of Denizen Andrews and was born in the Meriden society. He settled as a physician in Wallingford, and built the house where he resided and which was afterwards occupied by his son Drake Andrews, and Leander Parmalee, and which is now owned and occupied by Samuel B. Parmalee. Dr. 1 See Biographical Sketches in this volume. 2 John Hull came from Derby with two sons in 1686. He located himself on the top of Town Hill. PHYSICIANS. 459 Andrews was considered a very skillful physician, and as such was highly respected. 1 His son, Dr. John An- drews, was for many years a very successful physician in Wallingford. He married Abigail Atwater, and for many years resided in the house now remodelled and occupied by Roderick Curtiss. After the death of his wife, he married Anna, daughter of Rev. James Noyes. After her decease he went in his old age to Ohio and lived with his son William, where he died in his eighty- sixth year. He was buried in Wallingford, as he had requested. 2 Dr. Jared P. Kirtland came to Wallingford in 1814 and remained about three years. 3 Dr. Ambrose Ives was born in Wallingford, Dec. 30, 1786. He was the son of Abijah Ives, a respectable farmer, and the grandson of Abraham Ives. Dr. Ives was favored with fair advantages for a good English and sufficient classical education. He pursued the higher branches at the celebrated academy located in Cheshire. After finishing his preliminary course, he commenced the study of medicine under the tuition of the late Dr. Cornwall of the same town. From a class- mate of Dr. Ives, we have learned that he was a labori- ous student, thorough in all the branches of professional reading in which he was engaged. He was, as in after life, extremely frugal of his time, and being favored with a retentive memory, he made excellent progress in his studies. In the year 1808, after completing his medical pupilage, he was licensed to practice medicine and sur- gery, and then located in the town of Wolcott, where he diligently applied himself to his professional duties dur- 1 See biographical Sketches in this volume. 2 See Biographical Sketches in this volume. 3 See Biographical Sketches in this volume. 460 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. ing a period of nineteen years. He removed from Wolcott to Wallingford in the year 1827, for the pur- pose of settling up his deceased father's estate. Here he remained two years, at the expiration of which time, he removed to Plymouth, Litchfield county, where he resumed the practice of medicine. In the last named place he soon acquired a large practice, in which he con- tinued until the year 1834. At this time he relinquished his practice entirely and removed to Waterville, and be- came interested in the manufacture of gilt buttons, and took charge of the business. In 1837 he removed to Waterbury, and in 1839 so ^ out hi 8 interest in Water- ville. Soon after he bought into the company of Brown and Elton, and continued, in this connection till his de- cease, but without himself engaging in the management of the business. In the last year of his life he was afflicted with paralysis. He died in the year 1852, at the age of 66. Dr. Ives was a man of medium height, not tall, but stout, and in the latter part of his life became somewhat corpulent. He was an efficient town officer, serving his townsmen in different capacities. Several times he represented the inhabitants of Wolcott in the Legislature of the State. In the year 1818 he was a member of the convention for the formation of the constitution of this State. As a physician, Dr. Ives was sound, discriminat- ing and skillful, the result of thoroughness and precision, the leading characteristics of his mind, made manifest in all his avocations. No practitioner in the vicinity in which he lived, was more deservedly esteemed for strong common sense and matured judgment. As a business man he was enlightened, sagacious and stable. Few men understood human nature more perfectly, or could PHYSICIANS. 461 see farther into the course of events depending on the human will. By able management and financial skill he succeeded in acquiring a large property. In con- versation he was shrewd, intelligent and facetious. He had a fund of anecdote and illustration, and abounded in witty and humorous remarks. Few were more companionable or instructive. He was married in the year 1817 to Miss Wealthy V. Upson of Wolcott. 1 Dr. Moses Gaylord was an eminent surgeon in Wallingford, for many years devoting his whole time to that branch of his profession. Dr. Gaylord was tall and rather spare looking, with thin face and large nose, and when riding horseback as was his habit, or when walking, was bent forward. He was a student of Dr. Jesse Cole of Durham. 2 Dr. Gaylord died of a cancer on his face, and was quite advanced in years. Dr. Friend Cook was a son of Samuel and Mary Cook of Wallingford. He prepared for college at the Wallingford and Cheshire academies, where he ranked high as a scholar, and entered Union College, Schenec- tady, N. Y. After he had graduated, he entered the Medical department of Yale College, and was a pupil of the late Dr. Nathan Smith. After having received his degree of M. D. in 1821, he located himself at Windsor, Connecticut, where he soon had a successful practice, which he was compelled to surrender on account of his 1 Proceedings of Conn., Med. Soc., 1860, p. 67. Bronson's History of Waterbury. 2 Dr. Gaylord was probably of the Plymouth branch of Gaylords. He married Jemima Tyler of Wallingford, and had Tyler, who died in the state of New York ; Harriet, who m. Noah Lindsley of Meriden, and Nancy, who m. Israel Harrison. 462 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. health. After spending some time at the South, he re- turned to his native town, and again commenced prac- tice. But in a few years his failing health compelled him to relinquish his practice, and he removed to Atwater, Ohio. Here he practiced his profession for some time, but finally had to give it up. After a long illness he died February 8, 1857, aged sixty years, of cancer of the stomach. He married Abigail, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth Atwater. 13. F. HARRISON, M. D. Benjamin F. Harrison, M. D., was born in what was then the town of Bran ford, and the parish of Northford, in the year 181 1. His father Elizur Harrison, and his mother Rebecca Bartholomew were also natives of the same place. His father was a farmer, and he was occupied on the farm until his eighteenth year, after which he was occupied with studies and teaching until the first of March, 1836, when he was graduated at the medical school in New Haven. Soon after he went to New York to continue his studies for a time, -but in June he went to Old Milford where he commenced practice with Dr. French, but was induced to leave PHYSICIANS. 463 there and come to Wallingford in September of the same year, viz., 1836. Here he remained extensively engaged in his profession for ten years, when in September, 1846, he sold his residence and left his business to Dr. William Atwater, a former pupil, and early the next month sailed from New York for Havre, where he arrived November i , and proceeded directly to Paris, where were still living most of the eminent physicians and surgeons of that country who had distinguished themselves by their works and writings during the early part of this century. In the schools and hospitals of Paris he pursued his pro- fessional studies with more assiduity than ever until May, 1847, when he left France and visited most of what were then the small states of Italy. In midsummer he returned by Switzerland, Germany and Belgium to Paris, and in August to England, and in September sailed from Liverpool for New York. Arriving home in October, he spent the remainder of the year in visiting various parts of the country, and finally selected an office in Cincinnati, Ohio. Circumstances afterwards prevented his settling there, and in February, 1848, he opened an office in New Haven, but in May was per- suaded to take again his former residence and business in Wallingford. Here he remained in active business until after the war broke out, and in August, 1862, was commissioned as surgeon to a New York regiment then in the field at Yorktown, Va., where he immediately joined the regiment, and remained with it in the service in Virginia, North and South Carolina, until the regiment finished its service in 1864. After this time Dr. Harri- son served the Sanitary Commission for a few months in Florida, and South Carolina. At the close of 1864 he was again in Wallingford, resuming his old residence F v 464 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. and continuing the practice of his profession, until the present time. During all his long residence in Wall- ingford, Dr. Harrison has taken active interest in the public schools. He was married June 8, 1837, to Susan Lewis, daughter of Frederick Lewis of Wallingford. She died September 10, 1839, leaving an infant daughter who also died seventeen years after. He again married June 20, 1 868, Virginia V. Abelle, of Franklin, Conn. She died December 27, 1869. NEHEMIAH BANKS, M. D. Dr. Nehemiah Banks came to Wallingford in 1852. He was graduated at the Yale College medical school in 1844. In 1856 he purchased the Judge Pomeroy place He has had a large practice, and has been a very suc- cessful practitioner. Dr. Henry Davis came to Wallingford in 1870, and bought the place formerly owned by O. I. Martin. Dr. Baldwin, a Botanic physician, has practised in Wallingford for several years. PHYSICIANS. 465 MERIDEN PHYSICIANS. Few are the recorded data for biography which ordi- narily survive the life of the practitioner of medicine in country districts. The uniform and familiar character of his vocation affords but scanty material for the adorn- ment of general history. Being more familiar with prescriptions than the pen, or more brilliant exploits of war or legislation, his fame is lamentably prone to expire with the memories and lives of those who have enjoyed the benefit of his professional labors. 1 The first physician in Meriden was Dr. Isaac Hall. He was a son of Jonathan and Dinah Hall, was born July n, 1714, and died March 7, 1781, ae. 66 years. He married Mary Morse, Nov. 5, 1739, an ^ had six children, one of whom, Jonathan, was a physician. He resided, while living, quite in the easterly part of the town, on that road which now passes the residence of Deacon Hezekiah Rice. Dr. Ensign Hough was the son of Daniel and Violet (Benton) Hough, was born Sept. i, 1746, and commenced practice in Meriden in 1769. He lived near the center of the town. He was a short, lively man, a good physician, and well known and highly esteemed. He died Dec. 3, 1813, ae. 67. Mercy, his wife, died Feb. 6, 1820, ae. 72. He left two sons, Ensign Jr., and Isaac. The last studied medicine and commenced practice in Meriden in i8o2. 2 He died Feb. 26, 1852, ae. 71. During his residence in Meriden he had a large practice, but retired from the active duties of his profession in comparatively early life. Sally Bradley, daughter of Dr. Ensign Hough, died Aug. 11, 1864, ae. 85 years. 1 Dr. Blakeman's Address before the Conn. Med. Soc., 1853. 2 See Biographical Notices. 466 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Dr. Wyllys Woodruff commenced practice here in 1825, in connection with Dr. Hough. He was born in Southington, Aug. 6, 1801, and was a son of Isaac Jun., and Abigail (Clark), Woodruff. He studied medicine with Dr. Jacob Brace of Newington, and Dr. Julius S Barnes, of Southington, and was graduated at the Yale College Medical School in 1823. He married ist, Jane Curtis, and 2nd, Mary Lewis. After Dr. Woodruff's death, she married Henry C. Butler, of Meriden. Dr. Woodruff had two daughters ; the oldest married Thomas Hubbard. Dr. Woodruff was a slender built man, with light hair and eyes. His attention was given wholly to his business, yet he was of a very social disposition, fond of anecdote, and also took an active interest in church affairs. He died of typhoid fever March 31, 1842, uni- versally beloved for his many estimable qualities, and highly esteemed for his medical skill. The day that Dr. Woodruff died, a message was sent to Haddam by some of the leading citizens of Meriden, for Dr. Benjamin H. Catlin to come to Meriden and take the practice of Dr. Woodruff. He came here April i, made arrangements for his removal, and commenced practice here April 5, 1842. He is now (18/0) in full practice. 1 Dr. Andrews commenced practice here, living, in the old house west of the residence of Aaron Collins. He afterwards built the house now owned and occupied by Sidney Hall. He was succeeded by Dr. Gardner Bar- low, a graduate of the Yale College Medical School, of the class of 1845. Dr. Barlow died of consumption in 1854, in the forty-seventh year of his age. He built the I See Biographical Notices. PHYSICIANS. 467 house now owned by Dr. Tait. He was a man well posted in his profession, of few words, indomitable energy, and although possessing delicate health, had a larger practice than any other physician in the town in his day. Dr. Morris was here in 1829, for about two years. He returned again in 1832, but remained but a short time. He bought and lived in the house of the late Walter Booth, on South Broad Street. Dr. Brown, a Thompsonian doctor, came here from New Britain, and lived in the house now occupied by A. H. Curtis on South Broad Street. He remained here a few years and removed to Ohio. Dr. William H. Allen was born in Hebron, Conn., in 1819. He studied medicine with Dr. Stratton of Mid- dletown, and afterward with Dr. Lapham of New York. After practising in New Britain one year and in Goshen about six months, he removed to Meriden in 1840, suc- ceeding Dr. Fields, who had practised here about a year. He first lived in the house then occupied by Dr. Fields, and occupied now by Mr. Charles Parker, on the corner of Main and High streets. Dr. Allen died of typhoid fever, Sept. 4, 1850. He was about five feet seven inches in height, and weighed about one hundred and seventy-five pounds. He had dark hair and eyes and a very high forehead, was of a social disposition, fond of company, and well read and skillful as a physician. He built the house now occupied by Mr. Levi Butler, corner of Main and Center streets. He left four chil- dren. Dr. Edward W. Hatch came to Meriden in December, 1849, an d retired from practice in 1859, to assume the office of Superintendent of the State Reform School." I See Biographical notices. 468 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Dr. H. A. Archer was born in Carlisle, Cumberland County, England, April 8, 1820. He came to this coun- try November i, 1824. His father, William Archer, soon became a citizen of the United States by legal pro- cess, which made all of his sons who were minors citizens also. His early days were spent upon his father's farm in Webster, Mass., and there he became acquainted with Rev. John Parker, now of Meriden, who at that time was one of the most prominent preachers of the Methodist conference. In June, 1843, D-. Archer entered the office of Dr. Amos Beecher of H. A. ARCHER, M. D. Barkhamstead, Conn., as a medical student, there pur- suing his studies until the autumn of 1846, when he en- tered the medical school of Yale College. At that time Col. Dexter R. Wright, formerly of Meriden, now of New Haven, who has since distinguished himself as an advocate and counselor at the Connecticut bar, was a student in the law school. In 1847 Dr. Archer grad- uated and received his degree from the medical college of Kentucky. In the spring of 1847 he commenced PHYSICIANS. 469 practice in the town of Wethersfield, Conn., continuing there until January, 1850, when upon the invitation of some of the most prominent citizens of Meriden, he re- moved here and continued in practice until the autumn of 1857, when he sold out to Dr. John Tait and removed to Brooklyn, N. Y. Dr. John Tait, the successor of Dr. Archer, was his assistant for a short time, and finally succeeded him in practice. He bought the house built by Dr. Barlow and afterward owned by Dr. Archer, which he remodeled a few years ago. Dr. Timothy F. Davis came here in 1850, succeeding Dr. Wm. H. Allen, and for eighteen years had a large and successful practice. 1 Dr. Lewis Barnes came to Meriden in 1852, and had his office in the Meriden Bank building. He removed in a short time to Oxford, Conn., where he now resides. Dr. W. N. Dunham, a homoeopathist, came here in 1856, re- mained a short time, and disposed of his practice to Dr. C. W. Ensign who came from Tarifville. Dr. M. F. Baldwin was herein 1856. Dr. G. Herrick Wilson, of the school of Hahneman, came here in 1857, and has built up a large practice. Dr. Roswell Hawley was in Meriden in 1858. Dr. Asa Hopkins Churchill, a graduate of the Yale Medical school in 1857, succeeded Dr. E. W. Hatch in 1859. Dr. James Wylie was born in Kilwinning, Ayreshire, Scotland, in 1829. He was graduated in surgery from the University of Glasgow in the session of 1852-3, and in 1853 came to this country. In 1854 he commenced practice in Meriden. In 1868 he took a medical and surgical degree from a medical school in Philadelphia, and returned to Meriden where he still practices. I See Biog. Notices. 47O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORI). Dr. Nehemiah Nickerson, a graduate of the N. Y. Medical School, came here for the second time in 1865, and was for a time associated with Dr. Wylie. After about three years he went to Missouri, and returned again to Meriden in 1870, and is now practising here. Dr. Frederick Fitch, a graduate of the Bellevue Hospital Medical School, came here in 1866. Dr. J. J. Averill, a graduate in 1866 of the Yale Medical School, came here in 1866. Dr. John McMahon, a graduate of Harvard University Medical School, came here in 1867 and re- moved to Boston in 1869. Dr. Charles H. S. Davis, a graduate of the New York University Medical School, came here from Baltimore in 1867, succeeding his father in the practice of his profession. Dr. Bodyfield came here in 1869, but removed to New Britain in a short time. In 1870 Dr. Hamlin, a graduate of the Bellevue Hospital Medical School, Dr. Charles Mansfield and Dr. E. Newport, the last two Homeopathists, commenced practice in Meriden. When Dr. Isaac Hough commenced practice, the usual fee for visits was twenty-five cents. In Dr. Wood- ruff's time it was three shillings ; obstetrical fee three dollars. When Dr. Catlin commenced practice here the fee was fifty cents, but soon went up to seventy-five cents. Soon after Dr. T. F. Davis commenced practice the usual charge was one dollar, then one dollar and twenty- five cents. In January, 1868, the Meriden City Medical Association adopted the following fee table : "For first visit each day, $i 50 ; subsequent visit same day, $i oo ; visit to Hanover, $2 oo ; visit at night from 10 P. M. to 6 A. M., $2 oo ; detention during nights, $3 oo to $5 oo ; visit in consultation, $3 oo ; obstetrical fee $10 oo ; obstetrical fee with instruments, $15 oo ; travel per mile from PHYSICIANS. 471 city limits within five miles, 50 cts. ; vaccination, $i 50; vaccination at office $i oo ; office advice, 75 cts.; reducing fractures, $5 oo to $15 oo ; reducing dislocation, $3 oo to $15 oo. " The foregoing Table contains the standard fees of the Medical Profession of Meriden. They shall be increased according to the judgment of the practitioner concerned, in all cases of extraordinary detention or attendance. Also, in proportion to the importance of the case, the responsibility attached to it, and services rendered when these are extraor- dinary. They shall be diminished at the discretion of the Physician when he believes the patient cannot afford to pay the regular fees, and yet is able to make some compensation. It shall however be considered as unprofessional to diminish the standard fees with a view to mercenary competition." 4/2 HISTORY OK WALL1NGFORD. CHAPTER XXX. MANUFACTURES. IT has been said that no people that holds labor in deris- ion can maintain its position for three centuries. Too many people spend their time and waste their substance upon vain projects for getting rich without labor. Physi- cal labor was cherished by all classes of our ancestors with great care. They found themselves obliged to fell the trees and till the ground, that they might have bread. Agriculture has been the chief resource and occupation of a majority of the people, but such is the surface of our town, so much of it is covered with rocky and barren ridges, that if we had remained exclusively an agricultural town, our population would not have increased, and our pecuniary circumstances would have been equally cramped. Yet our fathers were satisfied if they could obtain enough from the ground to support their families. Their wants were few and easily satisfied. They manu- factured their own garments, and the hand-card and spin- ning-wheel were in nearly every habitation. Here lived, "The good old farmer . . . In his ancestral home a Puritan Who read his Bible daily, loved his God, And lived serenely in the faith of Christ. . . . His life had run Through varied scenes of happiness and woe ; ymti MANUFACTURES. 473 But, constant through the wide vicissitude He had confessed the giver of his joys, And kissed the hand that took them." The prosperity of Meriden is due in a great degree to its manufactories. In 1791 Mr. Samuel Yale began to manufacture cut nails. He and his son worked in a small shop on the hill, near the present site of the Center Congregational church. Their little machine was worked by their own hands, and each nail was " headed " sepa- rately and by hand. About the year 1794 Mr. Yale commenced the manufacture of buttons on a small scale. They were made of pewter, and would be considered by us a coarse and rough article. But at that time they met a ready sale. For a long time only two or three men were employed in the business. 1 IVORY COMBS. Ivory combs were first made in this country by An- drew Lord, of Saybrook, Conn., about eighty years ago. He cut out the plates and the teeth by hand with a hand-saw ; a slow and expensive process. John Graham of Boston, and Mr. Tryon, of Glastenbury, made ivory combs about the same time, on a small scale ; the latter person using machinery. Ezra and Elisha Pratt, of Hartford, also manufactured the article about seventy- five years ago, cutting the teeth by hand, like Mr. Lord. Abel Pratt, of Saybrook, made ivory combs seventy-two years ago. He sawed the plates by hand, and two hun- dred and fifty were considered a good day's work ; where- as by the present improved processes, over four thousand can be sawed out in one day by one man. He cut the teeth, however, with circular saws, and machinery moved I Perkins. 474 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. by hand, and afterwards by wind. Ezra Williams also commenced the same business in Saybrook soon after Mr. Pratt, and began to saw the plates by machinery moved by water-power. This establishment afterwards was known by the name of George Read & Co. Great improvements have been made there in the machinery, and at one time nearly all the ivory comb business in the country was done by that firm. Various other attempts to carry on this business have been made, most of which have not succeeded. At the present time, most of the ivory combs made in America, are manu- factured in Connecticut, and nearly two-thirds of the whole are made in Meriden. The business was commenced in Meriden in 1819, by Merriam & Collins, who used the best machinery known at that time. Their establishment was not long continued. Howard, Pratt & Co., began to manufacture ivory combs in Meriden in 1822. This firm was after- ward known as Julius Pratt & Co. Walter Webb & Co. commenced the business in 1831 ; Philo Pratt & Co., in 1836. The business of the latter firm was sub- sequently transferred to Walter Webb & Co., and Mr. Pratt became a partner. October 6, 1863, Julius Pratt Si Co. united their interest with George Reed & Co. and Pratt Brothers & Co., of Deep River, forming a joint stock company, with a capital of 175,000 dollars, under the name of Pratt, Reed & Co. This company at their manufactories at Deep River and in this town, now turn out from 15,000 to 20,000 combs daily, or over six millions annually, besides an endless amount of piano and melodeon ivory, etc. Quantities of the combs are exported to all parts of North and South America, and some are sent to England. MANUFACTURES. 475 s BRITANNIA AND PLATED WARES. The history of Wallingford would not be complete without some account of the manufacture of electro- plated wares which constitute so conspicuous a part in the industrial interests of the town. Indeed, the present prosperity and hopes of future growth in population and wealth are so largely dependent upon the enterprises connected with this manufacture, that we should not do ourselves justice to omit so important a feature of the town. This industrial department embraces the various manufactures of white metal, pewter, britannia, silver- plated and electro-plated wares. Among the prominent names of manufacturers of pewter and britannia wares in this section, at an early day, were those of Boardman, Yale and Griswold. The Boardmans located at Hartford ; Griswold at Meriden ; and Charles and Hiram Yale in Wallingford. In the early history of their business their goods were sold chiefly by peddlers. The best pewter ware was a com- pound of English tin, known as block tin, and lead, in proportions of about one-fifth lead to four-fifths tin. The poorer quality contained more lead and antimony and less of tin ; and hence more scouring was required to keep the wares bright. At first these wares rarely ex- tended beyond plates, platters, basins, mugs, spoons, etc. The power at first employed was of a truly primitive character, being a balance-wheel turned by a crank in the hand of a man. A lathe was connected with this balance-wheel by means of a belt. On this lathe the wares were turned and burnished. The spoons were used either in the rough state as they came from the mould, or were scraped by hand and burnished. With 476 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. the exception of the spoons these goods were sold by the pound and not by the dozen ; and they were known by the dealers as weight ware. The Yales were enterprizing and progressive men, and soon took the lead in the manufacture of pewter ; and they imported from England some skilled artizans from the britannia establishments, where the wares were made of a superior compound known as britannia metal, from which lead was excluded altogether, and metals of a harder, and firmer texture were used ; and hence they were susceptible of receiving and retaining a high polish of which the pewter was incapable. By this means the Yales took the lead in the manu- facture of britannia goods, such as tea-sets, church service, etc. ; and it is noteworthy how different the manner of working this metal was in those days com- pared with what it is now. Then it was all cast in moulds of the shape desired. The wares were then considered very fine ; and the art of compounding the metal was of great value. The demand for this ware became so great that even horse-power was insufficient, and a resort to water- power became necessary. These men purchased a water-power known as Tyler's Mills, in the early settle- ment of New Haven County. At this mill, flouring of grain and dressing of cloth were accomplished for the surrounding country ; and it was located on the Quin- nipiac river in the north part of Wallingford, at a place now known as Yalesville. This power was improved by the erection of a new and substantial dam across the entire stream. New and commodious buildings were also erected for a business now becoming more and more extensive. MANUFACTURES. 4/7 At this juncture the art of spinning britannia met- al was introduced into this country. An Englishman by the name of Seignor instructed some apprentices in the art. And the apprentice system, after the custom of Great Britain, was now adopted by this company. The apprentice was bound for five years or seven years to learn the trade in all its branches ; and at the close of the apprenticeship the profound secret of compounding and fluxing the metal was imparted. Samuel Simpson, the senior partner of Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., served an apprenticeship with this firm, beginning April i, 1829; and before its termination, Hiram Yale, the junior partner, died. Soon after this, Charles Yale, the surviving partner, went into a decline, which was precipitated by various misfortunes and dis- couragements. Soon after the expiration of Mr. Simp- son's apprenticeship Mr. Yale proposed to him and Mr. Williams, his former foreman, that they should manufac- ture the goods. This arrangement went into effect on the ist of January, 1835. Mr. Yale died the same year. Mr. Williams soon after went to Philadelphia, and Mr. Simpson remained as successor to the Yales, continuing the manufacture of the same and other lines of goods. He continued the business until January i, 1847, when he sold his manufactory to John Munson, who had been with him a number of years. About this time the art of electro-plating was intro- duced and applied to britannia with very favorable prom- ise. Mr. Simpson soon after purchased the old and well known water-power next below Yalesville on the Quinnipiac river, previously occupied for cloth-dressing and wheat-flouring, and known as the Humiston mills. This place is about half a mile west of the railroacj 478 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. depot in Wallingford. The place was fitted up by Mr. Simpson for the manufacture of silver plated ware. Instead of casting in moulds as formerly, the metal was rolled into sheets and cut up into required sizes, and shaped by means of chucks and dies fitted to the spin- ning lathe and the power press. By this process the white metal, after plating, is susceptible of a finish as fine and almost as durable as sterling silver, and at a cost of not more than about one-fifth. At this period plated wares were generally imported under the name of Sheffield plate. This was commonly plated on copper under the old process of close plating. For a while electro-plating in this country encountered a deep-seated prejudice. But a test soon satisfied the most skeptical, that silver put upon rolled white metal by the voltaic battery was both beautiful and durable. These facts being well established, the difficulty of selling the goods was at an end ; and the electro-plat- ing excitement began. On Jan. ist, 1833, John Munson, to whom Mr. Simp- son had previously sold the manufacture of common britannia goods in Meriden, associated with him two enterprising young men by the name of Wilcox, and under the joint stock law organized an incorporated company by the name of the Meriden Britannia Compa- ny. This new company, energetic, enterprising, and fully alive to passing events, induced Mr. Simpson to stock his business with theirs. This arrangement took effect Jan. i, 1854. After this Mr. Simpson took an active part in the new company, and was not known separately in the market until 1866, when the Meriden Company proposing to build a large shop near their office in Meriden and to concentrate all their works to- MANUFACTURES. 479 gather, Mr. Simpson, after careful deliberation in the exercise of his best judgment, dissolved his connection with them, preferring to remain at his old establish- ment in his native town. SIMPSON, HALL, MILLER & CO. On the 2nd of July, 1866, Mr. Simpson associated with him some practical business young men and some skilled artizans, under the name of Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. From such an origin and under such favorable auspices, there is now established in Wallingford a business of great importance to the welfare and pros- perity of the town ; one which may be regarded among the foremost for general utility, and which may be classed among the fine arts. The prospects now are that the manufacture of white metal, for which Walling- ford has been noted for the last fifty years, will be en- tailed and handed down to other generations, with all improvements in the wares, workmanship, plate and finish, and the rigid attention to business, and the honorable and liberal dealing of the present pro- prietors. GERMAN SILVER WARE. Since the manufacture of plated spoons and forks, &c. on German or nickel silver has become so extensive a business, and its use so general, it may be interesting to know when and where the article originated in the United States. We suppose that there can be no ques- tion but that the first spoon made was from metal mixed or compounded by ROBERT WALLACE, now of the firm of Wallace, Simpson & Co., of Wallingford, Conn. Mr. Wallace obtained the recipe for the composition of a foreigner, and procured the nickel and other necessary 480 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. ingredients in New York in 1836, he at this time being but a mere boy, and in the employ of Deacon Aimer Hall, of Wallingford, who manufactured britannia or pewter spoons. After melting a few pounds of the different metals together agreeable to the recipe, he took the compound to one of the mills in Waterbury, and had it rolled into a sheet suitable to form conveniently into spoons. He had it worked up by a practical sterling silver worker into a few spoons. It proved to be a good thing, looking nearly as well as sterling silver, and if ROBERT WALLACE. anything, more substantial. Mr. Wallace showing what he had done to Deacon Hall, Mr. Hall at once saw the utility of the article, and immediately took means to secure the services of Mr. Wallace and other practical men, and in a small way commenced the manufacture of tea and table spoons. For some time the sale of them was mostly confined to trunk peddlers, who at that day infested the country, and sold their ware from house to house. MANUFACTURES. 481 HALL, ELTON & CO. In 1838, Mr. Hall associated with William Elton and others, under the name and firm of Hall, Elton & Co. Mr. Wallace was under contract with this company a number of years, when in 1855, he associated with Mr. Simpson and the other stockholders of the Meriden Britannia Company, and formed a limited copartnership for ten years, under the name of R. Wallace & Co., starting the manufacture of German or nickel silver in Mr. Simpson's factory, located on the Quinnipiac river, known as Humiston's mills ; and at the expira- tion of the ten years the same individuals incorporated under the joint stock law under the name of WALLACE, SIMPSON & CO. The Meriden Britannia Company contracted from the beginning to take all the manufactured articles produced by the new firm ; and by improving the water-power and building an enlarged factory with new and improved machinery, they are now able to turn out about one thousand dozen spoons, forks etc., daily, under the direct supervision of Mr. Wallace, who it is generally admitted cannot be surpassed as a manufacturer, either in point of quantity or quality. Now from the small beginning by Mr. Wallace thirty- three years ago, besides the large business done by Wallace, Simpson & Co., the firms of Hall, Elton & Co., and Charles Parker Esq. each have establishments making a large amount of the same kind of goods in Wallingford. Then there are two large establishments in Waterbury in the same business, one in Wolcottville, one in East Haddam, and one in Taunton, Mass. Probably all told, not less than three thousand gross are 482 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. put into the market daily, amounting to nine hundred thousand dozen, or ten millions eight hundred thousand single articles in the year, and this in addition to the millions of brass, iron, tin and britannia, to say nothing of the sterling silver goods. But when we think of fifty millions of people who use spoons and forks, it may not seem so strange that one out of five has a new plated one every year. MERIDEN BRITANNIA COMPANY. The Meriden Britannia Company was established in 1852, the factory at that time being near the site of the substantial buildings which compose the present exten- sive series of factories. The warehouse in New York has been at 1 99 Broadway since 1 860. The factory embra- ces several buildings, the chief one being the most impos- ing structure in the city. Its dimensions are 527 feet by 40. The whole number of buildings is about half-a-dozen. They are principally of brick, built especially for the varied purposes of the business, and are nearly all four stories in height, and occupy four acres of ground in the heart of the city. In the busiest seasons there are em- ployed in all the various departments about nine hun- dred experienced operatives of both sexes. The value of the merchandise usually on hand at one time at the factory and warehouse is about $1,000,000; and this estimate is independent of the immense amount of costly machinery, tools, etc., employed in the manufactory. The annual sales of the company and the various companies they own a controling interest in, average $2,500,000; and the goods are now sent to the trade not only throughout the United States, but largely to the British Provinces, West Indies, South America, MANUFACTURES. 483 Mexico, Pacific Coast, and even to England, France, parts of Africa, to Australia and to China. The specialities, or leading lines of these goods are nickel silver and fine white metal electro-plated wares. All these are enumerated and elaborately illustrated in the price-list and appendix issued by the house ; one edition of which, inclusive of the numerous splendid engravings, cost them nearly $40,000. This item alone is signifi- cant of the liberality and enterprise of the company. Another fact worthy of note is that they manufacture more pieces of nickel silver and table ware than all other similar establishments in the world combined, outside of Connecticut. This company manufacture of nickel silver, 20,000 pounds per month ; of white metal goods, from 40,000 to 50,000 pounds per month ; and during twelve months in 1868 and 1869 they used in electro- plating over $200,000 worth of pure silver. On our tour through the establishment, which by the way, comprises one mile of flooring forty feet in width, we were particularly struck with the huge size of much of the machinery, for instance, the rollers, which are the largest used in this kind of business in the United States ; one press for raising and imparting the orna- mental figures to the wares, weighing 26,000 pounds, and having a stamping and pressing power of perhaps 400 tons. The amount of coal used is about 1,500 tons per year. The most important part of the machinery used was made expressly for the company and patented by them ; and one additional evidence of the excellence of the manufactures is found in the fact that the older members of the concern have had constant practical experience in the business for between thirty and forty years. The officers of the company are as follows : 484 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. HORACE C. WILCOX, President ; DENNIS C. WILCOX, Secretary ; GEORGE R. CURTIS, Treasurer ; ISAAC C. LEWIS, Superintendent. WOOLEN GOODS. J. WILCOX & CO. One of the most extensive manufactories in Meriden is that of Mr. JEDEDIAH WILCOX, President of the cor- poration of J. Wilcox & Co., whose history supplies another addition to the remarkable instances of success- ful enterprise. Mr. Wilcox commenced the manufacture of carpet-bags in 1848, and labored industriously in the business until 1850, and had at that period accumulated a capital of only $1,500. He then associated with him- self a partner who contributed an equal sum ; and that year their sales amounted to $75,000. This partnership however, did not continue beyond the year, when Mr. Wilcox purchased his partner's interest and continued the business, which rapidly increased, and in 1853 he admitted two partners, establishing the firm name of J. Wilcox & Co., which is still retained. The manufacture of ladies' belts was soon added to the business. Mr. Wilcox not only attended to the general business of the firm, but himself sold all the goods manufactured, which sales soon amounted to $300,000 per year. A large number of hands were employed in the factory, and teams were run through this and all the adjoining towns delivering work, and thus hundreds of families were furnished employment. In 1858 the manufacture of hoop-skirts was com- menced, which soon became so much in demand that the sale of these alone soon amounted to $300,000 per year. For several years, skirts and corsets were the leading articles of the firm's manufacture. The prin- J.WILCOX'S MANUFACTORY. MANUFACTURES. 485 cipal factory was then situated on the corner of Pratt and Camp streets, having a front of 160 feet, and an average depth of 1 15 feet. At this factory about four hundred dozen skirts were made daily, and a proportionate quan- tity of corsets. Two other shops in town were also en- gaged in making skirts for the firm. There were over five hundred hands employed. In 1860 it being difficult to obtain the tape used in the manufacture of skirts, a building 135 by 40 feet, two and one-half stories high, was erected a few rods south of the other buildings in Pratt street, and filled with woolen machinery for the manufacture of balmoral skirts. An extensive dye- house and other buildings were soon added, and a large boarding house for the convenience of the operatives. The firm now consisted of five members, and in 1864, was organized into a joint stock corporation with a capi- tal of $200,000, the stockholders and directors being Jedediah Wilcox, Hezekiah H. Miller, Charles H. Col- lins, Eli I. Merriman and Edmund N. Wilcox. In 1865 the capital stock was increased to $300,000, and the company were doing a very large and profitable business, when the works were destroyed by fire on the third of May, 1865. This was the largest fire which ever occurred in Meriden, destroying $250,000 worth of property. It was however well insured, and the company immediately commenced erecting the splendid brick mill on the opposite side of the street, which is filled with costly machinery for the manufacture of various kinds of woolen goods, in which 500,000 pounds of wool is consumed yearly. The company manufacture large quantities and various styles of ladies' cloakings, shawls, flannels, balmoral skirts, cassimeres, etc., and so high do these goods stand in the market that they are 486 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. often compelled to run their works nights to fill their orders. GUNS AND HARDWARE. CHARLES PARKER. CHARLES PARKER commenced the manufacture of coffee- mills in 1832, in a factory 25 feet by 40, two stories high, with horse power. He now occupies sixteen different buildings, with dimensions as follows : No. i, office and plating room, 18 feet by 45. No. 2, coffee-mill and burnishing shop with additions, 20 by 26, used as a store and varnish room ; also addition for a coffee-mill shop, 1 5 by 25. No. 3, spectacle shop, 20 by 108. No. 4, tobacco- box shop and friction rollers. No. 5, coffee-mill shop, etc., 25 by 30, with addition, used as a store and varnish room. No. 6, vise shop, 25 by 160. No. 7, engine and boiler-room, 29 by 48. No. 8, finishing shop, 24 by 100. No. 9, store-house, 60 by 100. No. 10, screw shop, 30 by 200. No u, foundry, 66 by 360, with additions. No. 12, blacksmith-shop, 16 by 20. No. 13, coal house, 20 by 20. No. 14, annealing shop, 20 by 20. No 15, coffee-mill shop, 30 by 45, with additions, 28 by 25, for oiling shop ; also a japanning room, 10 by 15. No. 16, packing-room and carpenter-shop, 30 by 30. These buildings have been built from time to time as the busi- ness increased and demanded more room. The motive power is furnished by an 80 horse-power Corliss engine. Mr. Parker has, in connection with business here four other concerns controlled by him ; one located two miles east of the city, one two miles west, one two miles south, and another half a mile west, where there are made iron spoons, ladles and forks, scales and hinges, machinery and guns, britannia spoons, and German silver spoons and forks ; employing at these four concerns at different localities about three hundred persons, besides two MANUFACTURES. 487 hundred which are occupied in manufacturing coffee-mills, screws, spectacles, eye-glasses, tobacco-boxes, vises, butts, lanterns, match-safes, faucets, iron bench-screws, scis- sors and shears, cranks and rollers, barn-door hangers and rollers, gate and plain hinges, gridirons, bed-keys, wagon-jacks, scrapers, pulleys, lamp-hooks, window- springs, thumb-latches, hammers, gimlets, call and hand-bells, &c. Probably there is no manufactory in the country that manufactures such a variety of goods as Mr. Parker. Among other inventions and improvements introduced to the public by Mr. Parker, is a breech-loading, double barreled shot-gun, which is the result of over two years of the most thorough experiments, and is claimed to be the best gun in use in this or any other country. The bar- rels are self-locked. The advantages claimed for his cartridge are, that it is a central-fire, coned, metallic cartridge, and is capped with the ordinary percussion caps. The weight of the gun is from 7 1-4 to 7 3-4 Ibs. In connection is the United States Screw Company, incorporated in 1863, owned by Mr. Parker. The ma- chinery for this branch of his business is all new and of the most approved kind. THE MERIDEN CUTLERY COMPANY. The business of this house dates its origin as far back as the year 1834, when its pioneers, Messrs. G. & D. N. Ropes were engaged in the manufacture of cutlery in the state of Maine. They were the earliest manufac- turers of American cutlery. A few years afterward Mr. A. R. Moen of New York, commenced the manufacture of table cutlery in Wethersfield, Conn. His business passed into the hands of Messrs. Julius Pratt and Co., of Meriden, and they conducted it for about two years, hav- 488 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. ing their office in Water-street, New York. In 1845 a company was formed in West Meriden which consoli- dated the business of the two establishments under the firm style of Pratt, Ropes, Webb & Co., Mr. D. N. Ropes having been the junior partner of the pioneer house. He erected a factory in Hanover, where the firm carried on the business till 1855, when the present joint- stock company was formed, and succeeded to the business under the now well-known name of the Meriden Cutlery Company. The factory consists of a series of substan- tial buildings, occupying from four to five acres of ground, its vast workshops being about six in number. The buildings comprising the main works and wing are four stories high, 300 feet by 36 ; the forge shop is one story, 1 60 feet by 38 ; the tempering house one story, 80 feet by 20 ; the joiner's repair shop two stories, 50 feet by 25 ; the plating house two stories, 45 feet by 36 ; and the steel and store-house two stories, 70 feet by 30. A new and commodious building for the business offices has recently been erected. On other portions of the grounds the company have built numerous tenements which already accommodate some sixty families of their operatives, while the building which constitutes their boarding-house provides for at least one hundred men. The number of men employed ranges from 300 to 400. The company use water-power exclusively. This is sup- plied by their dam, the overflow of which is nearly 200 feet wide, and equal to 300 horse-power. The works are supplied with a turbine wheel which cost about $6,000 before leaving the establishment where it was made. The coal used by the company and consumed chiefly in the forge department, amounts to over 800 tons a year. The steel is both of American and English MANUFACTURES. 489 production. The materials for the handles, such as pearl, ivory, rubber, horn, and such woods as cocoa, ebony and rose, are all imported. The rubber is vul- canized in this country. The goods manufactured by this house embrace about five hundred different styles. Mr. J. C. Breckenridge, who died in April, 1870, was .connected with the works for twenty-two years. He entered the establishment as a mechanic, and by his own energy and abilities rose by degrees to be foreman and finally superintendent, which post he occupied for about ten years. JAPANNED AND TIN WARE. IVES, RUTTY & CO. Nathan F. Goodrich commenced the manufacture of japanned and tin ware about forty years ago, in a build- ing twenty by fifteen feet. The business was continued two years, when the firm was Goodrich & Rutty, and remained under that name till 1852, when Eli Ives and Elias Howell were admitted, making it Goodrich, Ives & Rutty. Mr. Goodrich retired in 1864, and Edwin R. Crocker and Nelson Payne were admitted, making the firm Ives, Rutty & Co. They occupy a two story building built in the form of a hollow square, 330 by 28 feet. They employ seventy persons, and use 4,000 tons of tin annually. The manufactory is located nearly a mile from the Meriden Post-Office, south. LAMP TRIMMINGS &C. EDWARD MILLER & CO. The firm of Edward Miller & Co. was incorpora- ted in 1866 with a capital of $200,000. EDWARD MILLER, President, F. J. SEYMOUR, Secretary, and W. H. PERKINS, Treasurer. The manufacture is principally lamp trim- mings for oil, fluid and kerosene lamps, besides numerous articles from brass, copper, German silver, H H 49 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. iron and britannia. An extensive rolling mill is also connected with the works ( the building being 70 by 140 feet), erected in the fall of 1868 for the manu- facture of brass for their own consumption. The main building is 210 by 40, with wing 100 by 40 feet. The motive power is furnished by a 150 horse-power engine, Corliss pattern, Harris's make, with three cyl-. inder boilers, 4 by 16 feet. This company use 300,000 Ibs. of brass, and do a business of $300,000 annually. This business was commenced about twenty years ago by Edward Miller, using foot and horse-power, making as a speciality candle-stick springs, which have continued to be made up to the present time, having barrels of them ordered in one day. MERIDEN MALLEABLE IRON CO. The Meriden Malleable Iron Company was incorpo- rated in 1868, being successors of J. H. Canfield & Co., and Lyon, Augur & Co. The main building is of brick, 31 by 73 feet, three stories, and is used for a finishing shop. There are besides two buildings adjoining, 50 by 104 feet, and 40 by 1 10 feet, and another, 24 by 36 feet, all one story. The motive power is furnished by a thirty horse-power Corliss engine, made by Harris, with one cylinder boiler. The works are located near the railroad in the northern part of the city, and can be seen from the cars, which pass in close proximity to them. The concern employs sixty persons, and manufactures on an average, twenty tons of malleable iron and twenty tons of grey iron per month, besides house-furnishing hard- ware, etc., etc. CASTERS. FOSTER, MERRIAM & CO. Foster, Merriam & Co., incorporated in 1866, for the manufacture of furniture casters, with a capital of MANUFACTURES. 49! $80,000. The building is 100 by 30 feet, three stories high, with brass foundry attached, 30 by 30 feet ; iron foundry, built in 1865, of brick, 100 by 60 feet, with wing, 30 by 40 feet. This company employs sixty persons, and turns out about 50,000 sets of casters per month, besides screws for piano stools, etc. They make 40,000 Ibs. of castings, and consume 40 tons of iron per month, the motive power being furnished by a 1 5 horse-power en- gine, built in 1849. This business was established about 1835. JOHN SUTLIFF, President; ALBERT FOSTER, Secretary and Treasurer. HARDWARE. THE PARKER & WHIFFLE CO. The Parker and Whipple Co. was incorporated in 1868, with a capital of $100,000, being successors to Parker and Whipple, who are the officers of the company. The firm of Parker and Whipple commenced here in 1859 and continued so up to the date of incorporation. The main building is 75 by 100 feet, used as a lock shop. The foundry is 60 by 70, with wings, 30 by 40 feet ; a brass foundry, 30 by 25 feet, and other buildings are used in the prosecution of the business. The works cover about one half acre, and are situated about one mile west from the railroad. This company employs seventy per- sons, and uses 300 tons per year of iron, and 50,000 Ibs. of brass. They manufacture principally door locks and knobs, builders' hardware and trimmings. J. E. PARKER, President ; HENRY J. P. WHIPPLE, Treasurer. SPOKES AND WHEELS. ELIHU HALL & Co. of Wallingford were incorporated January, 1864, for the manufacture of carriage wheels, spokes, hubs, &c., with a capital of $15,000. E. HALL, President, E. H. IVES, Secretary and Treasurer. This 492 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. company are successors to E. Hall & Sons, who com- menced here in 1856, the business being previously established by the father in 1835. The main building is 40 by 80, three stories, built of wood, with an addition 30 by 50, two stories. This company manufacture about 400,000 spokes and 2000 sets of wheels per year. The works are located near the depot. BUTTONS. The POMEROY MANUFACTURING Co. of Wallingford was incorporated in 1856, with a capital of $15,000, for the manufacture of buttons of every variety. The manufactory is located about three quarters of a mile east of the depot, covering about one half an acre. The power is furnished by an overshot wheel, the fall here being sixteen feet. This company do a business of $20,000 per year. L. POMEROY, President; F. MILLER, Secretary and Treasurer. BORING TOOLS. GAYLORD BROTHERS commenced business in Walling- ford in 1864, manufacturing gimlets and boring tools. Their building is about 30 by 50, two stories. They employ about fifteen persons. The power is furnished by a twenty-four feet breast wheel, the fall being twenty- one feet, located on Waterman's brook, a branch of the Quinnipiac, about one mile east of the depot. SILK MANUFACTURE. The Community Silk Factory in Wallingford was established in 1869. It is situated on a valuable water- power near the village, and employs about 30 hands in the manufacture of machine twist. The works are now ( 1870) in process of enlargement. Amount of raw silk consumed annually, 3640 Ibs., valued at $36,000. MANUFACTURES. 493 PIANO STOOLS. E. D. CASTELOW commenced the manufacture of piano stools in 1860. He now occupies a building 75 by 22 feet, two stories high, with wing 20 by 12 feet, one story high, located on Mechanic street, Meriden. Mr. Castelow employs seven persons, and consumes 25,000 feet of lumber annually in the manufacture of his stools and the boxing of them ; turning out about nine dozen piano stools per week, besides stools for stores, shops, etc. TIN WARE. S. S. CLARK commenced the manufacture of plain and japanned tin ware about the year 1838, the business hav- ing been established about fifty years previous. For the past year he has turned his attention to the manufacture of coal oil, tin and iron goods, lanterns and lantern trimmings. The building is on Main street, Meriden, and is 60 by 90 feet, two stories, and employs sixty persons. MISCELLANEOUS. C. ROGERS & BROTHERS commenced in 1865 the manu- facture of coffin trimmings, tea-pot knobs, spoons and forks, etc. They occupy a building 20 by 23 and 20 by .20, respectively. They do a business of about $30,000 per year. A. H. MERRIAM commenced business in Meriden in April, 1868. He manufactures turning and drill lathes, presses, punches, etc. He employs five persons, and his works are run by a Corliss engine. WILMOT BROTHERS commenced the manufacture of elastic furniture and door fenders about 1860. The monthly productions are about $3,000 worth. 494 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. CHARLES A. ROBERTS occupies a two story building 20 by 30 feet, located on Crown-street, Meriden, for the manufacture of stationery goods, such as inkstands, pen- racks, bill-files, weights, etc. He commenced here in 1852. The WILCOX SILVER PLATE Co. was incorporated in 1865. Capital $250,000. The PARKER & CASPAR Co., manufacturers of silver plated ware, was incorporated in 1866, with a capital of $60,000. In 1869 this company became associated with the Wilcox Silver Plate Co. The MERIDEN STEAM MILL LUMBER Co. was incor- porated in 1867. Capital $75,000. G. I. Mix & Co. occupy a large factory at Yalesville in the manufacture of tinned iron spoons, and hollow ware. The QUINNIPIAC PAPER Co. are established at Quin- nipiac, two miles south of Wallingford village, for the manufacture of printing paper. In 1849 tne manufactures in Meriden were as follows, omitting the ordinary mechanic arts which furnished articles for~use in the town : JULIUS PRATT & Co.; ivory combs. Employed forty-two hands. WALTER WEBB & Co. ; ivory combs. Employed thirty-three hands. PRATT, ROPES, WEBB & Co. ; table cutlery. Employed seventy-five hands. CURTIS, MORGAN & Co. ; locks, latches, and small iron castings. Employed fifty hands. Raw material, annually consumed, $12,000. CHARLES PARKER, coffee-mills, latches, vises, britannia and plated spoons and various iron castings. Employed sixty hands. C. & E. PARKER ; brass and iron castings. OLIVER SNOW & Co. ; iron pumps, and all kinds of machinery to or- der. Employed twenty hands. FOSTER, MERRIAM & Co., casters, and a variety of brass and iron castings. Employed fourteen hands. Raw material, $8,000. JULIUS PARKER; harness trimmings, hinges and iron castings. Employed MANUFACTURES. 495 eight hands. HENRY M. FOSTER; Spring balances and steelyards. Employed three hands. JULIUS IVES; cast iron inkstands. Employed three hands. H. T. WILCOX ; steel- yards and bit braces. Employed seven hands. Raw material $7,000. SANFORD, PARMELEE & Co. ; augers, skates, rakes and bits. Employed forty hands. STEDMAN & CLARK ; plain and japanned tin ware. Employed forty hands. Raw material $20,000. GOODRICH & RUTTY; plain and japanned tin ware. Employed eighteen hands. Raw material $10,000. LAUREN T. MERRIAM; plain and japanned tin ware. Em- ployed twenty-five hands. Raw material $6,000. H. W. CURTIS; plain and japanned tin ware. Employed eight hands Raw material $6,000. CHARLES POMEROY ; plain and japanned tin ware. Employed eighteen hands. BLAKES- LEE, STILES & Co. ; plain and japanned tin ware. Employed four hands. CHARLES WATERMAN ; kettle ears and candle- sticks. Employed five hands. FRARY & BENHAM ; britannia ware. Employed ten hands. Raw material $20,000. WM. LYMAN ; britannia ware. Employed six hands. ISAAC C. LEWIS ; britannia ware. Employed eight hands. Raw ma- terial $8,000. S. L. CONE; britannia ware. Employed four hands. L. G. BALDWIN ; britannia ware and spoons. Em- ployed five hands. CROCKER & PRATT; brass and plated articles, like letters for signs, lamp chains, stove ornaments, &c. Employed twenty hands. EDWIN BIRDSEY ; wood turning, wooden combs and packing boxes. Employed fifteen hands. Raw material $8,000. BIRDSEY & WILLIAMS ; bone buttons. Employed twelve hands. Raw material $7,000. H. GRISWOLD ; bone buttons. Employed twenty hands. Raw material, $8000. CALVIN COE ; neat's foot oil, ground bones and gypsum. Employed four hands. WM. HALE; suspenders. Hands worked at their own houses. Raw material $20,000. JEDE- DIAH WILCOX ; carpet bags. W. K. & S. L. TREAT ; sashes, blinds and doors. Employed five hands. OSGOOD & Co. ; platform scales. Employed three hands. SAMUEL YALE; tin ware and lamp screws. Employed four hands. 496 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. CHAPTER XXXI. WALLINGFORD COMMUNITY. THIS institution is located about one mile west of the village of Wallingford. Its buildings occupy a conspic- uous site on the old Hartford and New Haven turnpike, commanding a view of the Quinnipiac valley for several miles in either direction. Its orchards, vineyards and gardens, extend from the banks of the river nearly to the summit of "Mount Tom," as the Communists have named the high land west of their dwellings. The Wallingford Community consists of between forty and fifty members, and is a branch of the well known Oneida Community, in the State of New York, the two institutions holding their interests in common, and exchanging men and means as circumstances re- quire. Its domain consists of 240 acres, which are chiefly devoted to grazing and the production of straw- berries, raspberries, grapes and other small fruits. Its harvest of strawberries has amounted in a single year to over one thousand bushels. Less attention is however, given by the Communists at the present time to horticul- ture than formerly. Their main industries now are print- ing and silk-manufacturing. Their printing-office is some- what noted for its excellent work, and attracts its share of patronage from the neighboring cities and villages, besides accommodating the citizens of Wallingford. WALLINGFORD COMMUNITY. 497 The silk manufactory has been in operation less than a year, and affords employment to about thirty hands exclusive of superintendents. It is regarded as a branch of the Oneida silk-factory, where about one hundred hands are employed. The silk made here is sent to Oneida to be colored, spooled and otherwise prepared for the market. The founders of the Wallingford Community were representatives of old and respectable families of Wall- ingford. It was commenced in 1851 by Mr. Henry Allen 1 and family, including his wife and four children, HENRY ALLEN. and his sister, Miss Eliza A. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Allen, having become convinced of the truth of the principles held by J. H. Noyes and the Oneida Communists, deter- mined to embody them in practical life, and accordingly invited members from the Oneida Community to assist in the formation of a Community here. Of these dele- i Henry Allen, son of Jared and Abigail Allen, born May 30, 1804, m. Emily H. Button, whose grandfather Col. Wm. Douglass was an officer of the revolution. 498 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. gates Mrs. M. E. Cragin, Mr. L. H. Bradley, Mr. E. H. Hamilton and Mrs. S. C. Hamilton were most efficient during the first years of the Community. Mr. B. Bris- tol and family of Cheshire soon joined ; additional members came from Oneida ; an occasional addition was made from surrounding society ; and thus its present number has been attained. It should be mentioned in this connection, that the community have not for some years past, received any new additions to their number, the limit of their accommodations having been reached. The principles of the Wallingford Community, and of the kindred societies at Oneida and Willow Place, New York, in respect to religion, property and social relations, are peculiar, and have been subject to no little comment by the public press. Their religious doctrines are thus briefly stated in their publications: " The Communists have no formal creed, but are firmly and unanimously attached to the Bible as the text book of the spirit of truth ; to Jesus Christ as the eternal Son of God ; to the Apostles and Primitive Church, as the exponents of the everlasting Gospel. Their belief is, that the second advent of Christ took place at the period of the destruction of Jerusalem ; that at that time there was a primary resurrec- tion and judgment in the spiritual world ; that the final kingdom of God then began in the heavens ; that the mani- festation of that kingdom in the visible world is now approaching ; that its approach is ushering in the second and final resurrection and judgment ; that a church on earth is now rising to meet the approaching kingdom in the heavens, and to become its duplicate and representative ; that inspira- tion, or open communication with God and the heavens, involv- ing perfect holiness, is the element of connection between the church on earth and the church in the heavens, and the power by which the kingdom of God is to be established and reign in the world." WALLINGFORD COMMUNITY. 499 Thus believing that the prayer "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" is to be fulfilled, they proceed to make a practical applica- tion of what they conceive to be gospel principles to all the relations of life. They make no provision for selfishness, and hence exclude from their society all private ownership. They endeavor, in short, to conform to the model of society exhibited to the world on the day of Pentecost, when " the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul : neither said any of them that aught of the things which he possessed was his own ; but they had all things common." The Communists do not limit the Pentecostal prin- ciple to ordinary property interests. They affirm that the same spirit which abolished exclusiveness in regard to money, on the day of Pentecost, would abolish, if circumstances allowed full scope to it, exclusiveness in regard to women and children. Still, they claim that they are not "free lovers" in the common sense of the term, or in any sense that makes love less binding or re- sponsible than it is in ordinary marriage. They call their system of social relations "complex marriage," and say: "We receive no members (except by deception or mistake) who do not give heart and hand to the family interest for life and forever. Community of property extends just as far as freedom of love. Every man's care and every dollar of the common property is pledged for the maintenance and pro- tection of the women and education of the children of the Community. Whoever will take the trouble to follow our track from the beginning will find no forsaken women or children by the way. In this respect we claim to be in ad- vance of marriage and common civilization." Among the advantages of their new mode of life, as stated by the Communists, are these : the abolishment 5OO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. of all distinctions of rich and poor, and of all forms of social oppression ; the elevation of labor ; improved conditions of intellectual and religious culture ; greater variety of occupation and better opportunities for the development of natural talent ; relief from anxiety and corroding cares ; and superior conditions of health. Education is a subject of prime interest with the associated Communities. An academy recently erected at Oneida, now under the superintendence of competent JOHN HUMPHREY NOYES. 1 instructors, offers good educational facilities to the youth of both sexes of all the Communities. Besides, for a number of years the Communities have maintained two i JOHN HUMPHREY NOYES, son of Hon. John Noyes of Putney, Ver- mont, and sixth in direct line of descent from Nicholas Noyes, who emi- grated in 1634 and settled at Newbury Mass., was born at Brattleboro, VL, Sept. 3, 1811. On the maternal side he is descended from the Hayeses, Russells and Trowbridges of New Haven County. Graduated at Dart- mouth College in 1830; studied theology at Andover and New Haven; was licensed to preach in 1833. ^ 1& license was soon withdrawn in conse- quence of his radical views on Salvation from Sin and other topics. Founder of Oneida and Wallingford Communities ; author of the Berean, a theological volume, History of American Socialisms and other works. WALLINGFORD COMMUNITY. 50 1 or more students in a collegiate course abroad. At present three young men of the Wallingford. Community attend the Sheffield Scientific School at New Haven. The Circular, the weekly organ of the Communities was printed here during the years 1864-1868. Their principal publications are, the Handbook, a pamphlet of 71 pages, containing a sketch of the history and doc- trines of the Communities, and of Mr. J. H. Noyes their founder ; the Berean, a doctrinal work of 500 pages by Mr. Noyes ; and a History of American Socialisms, also by Mr. Noyes. The last named work was recently published by Lippincott & Co. of Philadelphia, though printed by the Wallingford Community. It contains sketches of all the socialistic experiments worthy of note, which have been made in the United States during the last forty years. I i 5O2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. CHAPTER XXXII. THE MERIDEN RIOT. IN 1837 there was a strong and bitter feeling in Meriden against the abolitionists. It is true the propagation of an ultra anti-slavery feeling among the people of the New England States had been going forward for many years from various motives and in various methods ; but in Meriden the soil was poor for its growth and pros- perity. The object of the abolition movement, said the democrats, was not humanity ; it was to produce a sec- tional hatred between the North and South. In 1837 the vote in Meriden was Democratic about 200, Whig about 150, Abolition about 12. The abolitionists in Meriden were principally men of property and influence. They evidently believed that ideas were not dug from the earth, did not grow upon trees, nor were rained down from heaven ; but that they were a communicated power, usually received from without, and rarely from within. They thought that slavery was a monstrous sin. If others doubted it, so much the more benighted must they be, and so much more they needed enlightenment. The number of abolitionists was small, but with the aid they received from abroad, they were enabled to create a profound sensation by their labors. MER1UEN RIOT. 503 The Rev. Mr. Granger was settled as pastor of the Congregational society in 1836 ; but was not interested in the anti-slavery movement. In the fall of 1837 the Rev. Mr. Ludlow, who had gained some notoriety as an anti-slavery lecturer, was requested by Messrs. Levi Yale, Julius Pratt, Fenner Bush, Major Cowles, Zina K. Mur- dock and others, to deliver a lecture in the Congregational church. The notice was given from the pulpit by Mr. Granger the Sabbath previous, and for a few days there was considerable excitement in the town, some declaring that Mr. Ludlow should not speak in the church. Mr. James S. Brooks with other influential men used their influence to prevent the meeting being held. When it was found that it was impossible to prevent the meeting a movement was organized to break it up ; and parties, not only in Meriden, but from Berlin, Southington and Wallingford, determined to be present and break up the meeting by force, if necessary. The day arrived for the meeting and Mr. Ludlow, who was stopping with Mr. Granger, proceeded to the church, the basement soon being filled by ladies and gentlemen, some of them from the neighboring towns. Soon after Mr. Ludlow commenced speaking, it was whispered around that trouble was brewing outside ; the door was then locked and several benches were placed against it. A large number were congregated outside, most of them lookers-on, not intending to take part in any demonstra- tions. Several stones were thrown against the door ; then two men by the name of Thompson procured a log of wood from the wood-pile of Mr. R. H. Beckley, who then had his harness-shop in the west end of the old tavern ; with this log used as a ram, they soon battered down the door, and the audience were at once showered 504 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. with rotten eggs and other missiles. Several ladies fainted, and many of the audience ran through the cellar up into the body of the church. Mr. Luther Beckley was sexton of the church at that time, and he attempted to pass through the cellar, when he was stopped by Mr. J. Y., who had some words with him, and finally drew a knife. Mr. Beckley clinched with him and after a severe struggle threw him, and passed on to the upper part of the house. Mr. Beckley had taken no part in the riot, and was merely a spectator. A large basket of eggs was procured from the store opposite the tavern, and as soon as any one came out of the church they were at once made a target for the eggs. Mr. Hotchkiss and his wife from Berlin and Mr. Harlow Isbell were severely treated. Messrs. Stephen Seymour and Zina K. Mur- dock, in endeavoring to remove Mr. Ludlow from the crowd, received a shower of eggs and stones. There were two or three personal encounters, and several blows struck, but no one was seriously hurt. A number of men were arrested and a long trial ensued. The Thompson brothers were fined fifty dollars and impris- oned six months. The cost to Mr. Ira Twiss, who kept the tavern, was over a thousand dollars. The affair created a great deal of excitement through- out the state. At a church meeting, February 24, 1838, a resolution was offered by Mr. Fenner Bush, expressing the satisfaction of the church with the course pursued by Mr. Granger in relation to the " Meriden riots," and that they were fully convinced that he advanced no doctrine unauthorized by the word of God, or opposed to the dictates of humanity. Twenty-eight voted for this resolution, and a solemn protest signed by fifteen members of the church was presented ; and a committee MERIDEN RIOT. 505 was appointed to carry the vote of the church before the Consociation. The following was the "Decision of the Consociation, March 14, 1838, in reference to difficulties submitted to them, growing out of opposition to the Anti-Slavery cause. "TO THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AND SOCIETY IN MERIDEN: " DEAR BRETHREN : We have patiently and prayerfully considered the difficulties between you and your Pastor, and have arrived at the following unanimous result. "While the difficulties are a subject of deep regret to us as friends of Zion, we feel that they ought to lead you to serious self examination ; for the Saviour hath said, ' it must needs be that offences come, but woe unto that man by whom the offence cometh.' Your difficulties do not seem to have originated with your Pastor. They commenced among your- selves. We conceive that your complaint against him arose from the decided stand he was compelled to take after the'dis- graceful riot that occurred here in October last. In the course he then pursued, we feel that he is to be justified. He exer- cised his right to plead a cause, against which the hand of violence had been raised. We consider that he would have been an unfaithful watchman, if he had not lifted up his voice in defence of a privilege which is dearer than life itself. "The erroneous principle which lies at the foundation of your difficulties we discover to be this an opinion among some that the subject of slavery is not proper to be introduced into the pulpit. It is the judgment of this Consociation that a minister is at perfect liberty to introduce into the pulpit all subjects that pertain to the relations which men sustain to each other and to God. On all these subjects the Bible has abun- dant instruction, and Ministers must not shun to declare the whole counsel of God, whether men will hear, or whether they will forbear. "Your Pastor maintained his neutrality on this subject of slavery, as long as we think he consistently could with a sacred regard to the welfare of this place, and the interests of 506 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. eternal truth. Considering the peculiarly trying circum- stances in which he was placed, we admire the wisdom and prudence which your Pastor exercised. We know not how any one could have conducted better for the interests of this community. And now, we discover no insuperable obstacle to his influence and usefulness. We regard your Pastor as an able and faithful minister of the Gospel. He has been useful among you ; he may be still. We discover no good reason why your Pastor should be dismissed. We do think the source of existing evils is among the people, and they should strive to remove it. " But had your pastor been guilty of such conduct as should dissolve his connection with this people, we can not too strongly disapprove of the measures adopted in the present case. In any society a few individuals might inflict irrepara- ble injury on a minister and on a community by circulating for subscription a paper drawn up in an informal and illegal meet- ing. In this way impressions may be made and reports may be spread, such as would never proceed from a regular meeting. "When difficulties arise between a Pastor and his flock, efforts should first be made to heal them. They should become the subject of conversation and prayer between him and the persons aggrieved. Then if they can not be removed, and if they are such as call for a separation between the parties concerned, the Church and Society should proceed in the same open, manly and Christian manner to remove their minister, as they did to settle him. In this respect, the Consociation judge that an improper course was adopted by those who moved in the recent transaction before the regular meeting of the Church and Society. " In drawing our results to a close, we are constrained to express our surprise and joy to find no more serious grounds of complaint between you and your Pastor. By cherishing towards each other a spirit of brotherly kindness and charity, the way will be prepared for mutual happiness and usefulness. " We entreat you, brethren, remember to be kind and court- MERIDEN RIOT. 507 ecus, forbearing one another and forgiving one another, if any man have a ground against any. Forget not your relations to Christ, to one another, and to your Minister. In all these, cherish the spirit of Him whose you are and whom you serve." This was followed with a " declaration of general principles " and signed by " Leveritt Griggs, Scribe of the Consociation, Meriden March 14, 1838." Mr. Granger published " A sermon preached to the Congregational Church and Society in Meriden, at the request of several respectable Anti-Abolitionists." In the introduction Mr. Granger states that " The preaching and publication of the following sermon, have been occasioned by a humiliating scene a scene that will be incorporated into the future history of our hitherto quiet and peaceable town, and go down the line of posterity to the latest period of recorded time." "April 15, 1846. The Church met this day by special appointment, and after deliberation adopted the following vote. Resolved, that the system of Slavery, as it exists in the United States, is essentially sinful and admits of no justification from the word of God." 5O8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. CHAPTER XXXIII. BIOGRAPHIES. " To wryte of a Mannes Lyfe mote bee enowe to saie of somme he was ybore and deceased ; odher somme lacketh recytalle, as manie notable matters bee contained in yee storie." Life of W. Canynge, hie Rowley. DR. AARON ANDREWS Was a Son of Denizen Andrews of Meriden, and was born in that part of Wallingford. He settled as a Physician in the first, or Old Society. He owned and occupied the house now owned by Samuel B. Parmelee Esq. Doct. Andrews when living, was regarded by his friends and neighbors as a very skillful and able physi- cian, and as such won a highly enviable position with them and the profession, and it is to be regretted that a more extended notice of him could not be made. DR. JOHN ANDREWS Was a Son of Dr. Aaron Andrews, and was for many years an influential and very successful physician in Wallingford, and enjoyed an extensive practice with the confidence of the community. He was often called by the choice of his fellow citizens to fill important offices. He was a member of the Convention in 1818, which gave the State of Connecticut her present con- BIOGRAPHIES. 509 stitution. He married Abigail Atwater, a daughter of Capt. Caleb Atwater, for his first wife, and Anna Noyes, daughter of Rev. James and Anna Noyes, for his second wife. After her decease he left Wallingford and went to Penfield, Ohio, to spend his old age with his son, and died at the house of his son William, aged 86 years. His remains were, at his request, brought to Wallingford for interment. HON. SHERLOCK J. ANDREWS Is the son of Dr. John Andrews, and was born in Wall- ingford, Nov. 17, 1801. He was graduated at Yale College in 1821, and studied law in the Yale Law School. He removed to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1825, and was a member of Congress from Ohio from 1841 to 1843. He was for several years Judge of the Superior Court of Cleveland, and in 1851 was a member of the convention that formed the present constitution of Ohio. He mar- ried in 1828 Ursula McCurdy Allen, daughter of the Hon. John Allen, late of Litchfield, Conn., and has five children ; a son and four daughters. HON. WILLIAM ANDREWS Son of the late Dr. John Andrews, was born in Walling- ford, and is now a successful farmer at Penfield, Ohio. He has been honored by frequent elections to the Legis- lature of Ohio, and is a highly respected citizen of his adopted state. HON. JOHN WHITING ANDREWS Son of the late Dr. John Andrews, was graduated at Yale College in 1830. After finishing his law studies, he went to Columbus, Ohio, where he soon took high rank as a lawyer, and as such commands the respect of the people of the whole Community in which he lives. 5IO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. JONATHAN ATWATEk Was a merchant of New Haven. In 1702, Feb. 12, he bought of Henry Cook of Wallingford, one hundred and eighteen acres of land, near the Honey Pat Brook in the western part of Wallingford, now Cheshire. The same farm has been in the family name ever since, and has come down as follows : first to Jonathan Atwater Jr. ; second to his son Abraham Atwater ; third to Samuel Atwater, and fourth to Flamen Atwater ; and then recently to the heirs of Flamen, who had lived to the age of 70 or more years, and was born on the place. This branch of the Atwater family emanates from a different branch than others of the same name in Chesh- ire and Wallingford, although of the same original stock. CAPT. CALEB ATWATER, Son of Joshua and Sarah (Yale) Atwater, and grandson of John Atwater, the first of the name who permanently settled in the village of Wallingford, was born Sept. 5, 1741. At suitable age after the decease of his father, he articled himself as an apprentice to learn the art, trade and mystery of shoe and harness making and tan- ning leather. At the termination of his apprenticeship, he commenced business for himself, adopting as his motto, Be diligent, be honest, and owe no man. In the different branches of his business he was successful, and as soon as his means would permit he opened a store of goods. At this time his business rapidly in- creased, and for many years he was extensively and suc- cessfully engaged as a merchant. He was endowed with extraordinary good judgment and business talent. He seldom if ever failed of success in any of his numerous enterprises. BIOGRAPHIES. 51 I He was one of the Connecticut Land Company which purchased of the state of Connecticut the Western Re- serve or New Connecticut in Ohio ; and though one of the largest purchasers, he found it convenient to pay cash in full for all of his purchases on receiving his deeds. Among other lands in the different counties of the Reserve, was the entire township of Atwater in Portage Co., which, with the exception of 200 acres set apart for religious purposes by him, he gave to his son Joshua ; and he afterwards caused a tract of land in Auburn, Granger County, to be surveyed into 65 lots of 100 acres each, giving one lot to each of his grandchil- dren, numbering over fifty, and the balance of his west- ern land to be. divided among his children. He was at this time a man of great wealth. For many years he was a worthy member of the Con- gregational church, and was highly esteemed and honored by all who knew him. At the advanced age of 91, in the full enjoyment of his mental faculties, he died deeply lamented. DEACON JOSHUA ATWATER Was an only son of Caleb and Abigail (Jones) Atwater, and was born February 8, 1773. He was bred a mer- chant, and for several years occupied the old stand of his father, where he prosecuted quite an extensive busi- ness. He was a highly respected gentleman, honorable and honest in all his business transactions. He was a deacon of the Congregational church for many years, and occupied a highly respectable position among all classes of his fellow citizens in his native town and wherever known. He died at the age of 89 years, be- loved and respected by all who knew him. 512 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. CALEB ATWATER Son of Joshua, and grandson of Capt. Caleb Atwater, was born July 11, 1804; removed to Atwater, Ohio, in 1823, to take charge and dispose of Western Reserve Lands, and to engage in merchandize. That country at that date was quite new. For over forty years he resi- ded in the town of Atwater and city of Cleveland, an interested observer of the growth and advance of the Western Reserve and entire state of Ohio to its present greatness. In 1865 he removed from Cleveland to his native town, Wallingford, the oldest remaining member of his father's family. DEACON JOHN ATWATER Son of Joshua Atwater, born July 19, 1815, now resides at his father's old homestead, which was the home of his grandfather and great grandfather, it being the same farm originally owned and occupied by his great great grandfather John Atwater, who was son of David Atwa- ter of New Haven, and who was one of the original Planters of New Haven, A. D. 1637. HON. EDGAR ATWATER Son of Joshua and Elizabeth Atwater, and grandson of Caleb Atwater, was a young man of more than ordinary promise and ability. As a public speaker he was en- dowed with an uncommon gift. In 1841 he was elected a Senator from the sixth Senatorial district to the Connecticut Legislature, and was a popular and a very influential member of that body. He died in 1850, at the age of 38 years, lamented by all who knew him. JOHN BAULCOT Of Farmington, Eng., came into Wallingford about the beginning of the last century, and settled in the eastern section of the town on an old road that formerly ran BIOGRAPHIES. 513 south from the site of the late Col. Russel Hall's barn. This old road on which lived a number of families has long since been closed, and the dwellings they once occupied are now gone to decay. His will was dated Feb. 19, 1745-6, and is recorded in the books of the Probate Court at New Haven. The inventory of his property amounted to ^1839, los. 2d. After giving to the Congregational Church at Wallingford the sum of ,3 for a Silver Cup, he gave " all the remainder of his property to the Lord Jesus Christ, the interest of which to be expended towards keeping up two lectures in said first church, to be called Baulcot's Lectures, forever ; but if any of his brothers' or sisters' children claim the property within forty years, then the estate shall go to them." He married Naomi Thorp, Dec. 20, 1710. THOMAS BEACH Was a son of John, of Stratford. He married Ruth Peck, May 12, 1680. He located on the farm late the property of Cephas Johnson, and built the old house that was taken down to make way for the present one built by Mr. Johnson on the old site. He died in Meri- den May 13, 1741, aged 82 years, and was interred in the old burying-ground on burying-yard hill, about a mile to the south-west of Meriden center. JOHN BEACH Came from New Haven to Wallingford with the first company of Planters in 1670, and located himself in the southerly portion of the town, and I suppose him to be a brother of Thomas Beach above. He was a man of some consequence in the settlement, and was fre- quently elected to some of the offices in the gift of the people. 514 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. STEPHEN BEACH Was born in Wallingford, March 15, 1790. Without the advantages of a collegiate education, but with a remark- able love of learning, and strong intellectual powers, he became a good scholar and an excellent preacher. He was admitted to Deacon's Orders in St. Michael's Church, R. I., by Bishop Griswold, on the twentieth of October, 1815. Immediately after his ordination he removed to the northern part of Vermont, where, for several years, he officiated in the three parishes of St. Albans, Fairfield and Sheldon. He was the only clergyman of the Epis- copal church of that day, north of Vergennes. He was admitted to Priest's orders by Bishop Griswold, in Hold- erness, N. H., August 20, 1817. In 1822 he removed from Vermont to take charge of the parish at Salisbury in the state of Connecticut. Here also he was known, as he had been in Vermont, as a successful founder of churches, and his name is gratefully remembered through- out that part of the State. In 1833 he removed from Salisbury to Essex in the same State, taking charge of that parish in connection with St. Stephen's Church, East Haddam. Under his zealous ministry, each of these parishes soon grew to require and be able to support the entire service of a minister; and in 1836 Mr. Beach resigned the parish at Essex and became pastor at East Haddam. His ministry in this place, abundantly blessed, was continued for two years only, when he died at the age of forty-seven, on the fourteenth day of January, 1838. In 1814 he was married to a daughter of Amos Billings of Guilford, Vermont. Two of his sons are highly respectable clergymen of the Episcopal church ; one, Amos Billings, rector of Christ church, Binghamp- BIOGRAPHIES. 515 ton, N. Y., the other, Alfred Billings (now D. D. ), rector of St. Peter's church, New York city. Although called in the Providence of God to occupy positions in the church to which he belonged remote and comparatively but little known, yet it may be said with truth, that few of its ministers have been more useful, or have in the same period of time done more in this country for the extension of that church, and its permanent establishment in destitute places, than did Mr. Beach. As a preacher, he was remarkably clear, earnest, plain and instructive. He excelled in extemporaneous preaching. Taking a strong hold of what he regarded as truth or duty, his conduct was always consistent with his professions and convictions. At the same time, he was singularly humble and charitable, and was therefore greatly respected and beloved by all who knew him, and not less by those who were not, than by those who were, of his own church and persuasion. MOSES YALE BEACH. The life of Moses Y. Beach, well known as the late proprietor of the New York Sun, the pioneer of the penny press, while it presents no remarkable variety of changes or incidents, is attractive in tracing the steps of a determined man. His great grandfather and grandfather, both bearing the name of Moses Beach, each lived in succession on the same farm, to good old age, ranking among the more respectable men of the settlement ; and when each in turn had answered the call of nature, their pos- sessions passed to Moses Sperry Beach, who married Lucretia Yale, a daughter of Captain Elihu and Lucre- tia ( Stanley ) Yale, a descendant of Thomas Yale, who 5l6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. settled in Wallingford in 1670. Of this couple, Moses Yale Beach was an only son. When at the age of four months Mr. Beach was deprived of his mother by the hand of death ; and as his father's business called him much from home, he was confided to the care of his step-mother. As soon as his age would permit he was taught to do " chores," and at the age of ten years he took charge of considerable of the out-door work on the farm, besides going a long distance to school. From four o'clock in the morning until eleven o'clock at night he was generally up and doing, and yet found leisure to exercise his mechanical ingenuity in the manufacture of playthings for himself and others. At a suitable age he was, at his own solicitation, bound an apprentice to Mr. Daniel Dewey, a cabinet maker at Hartford. His industry soon excited the attention of his master, who was a close man, but who finally made a contract by which young Beach was allowed two cents an hour for extra work. Mr. Beach afterwards said, that he never felt happier at any time during his life, at success in any thing, than he did on the occasion of closing that contract. Early and late he worked, and the pennies began to accumulate. Finally he made a bargain for his time after he should arrive at the age of eighteen years, for which he was to pay the sum of $400. This arrangement gave him new life, and when the time had come round he had saved between one and two hundred dollars more than enough to pay for his freedom, with which he commenced life. He went to Northampton and worked a short time as a journeyman. After a while he formed a copartnership with a young man by the name of Loveland. Their work was much celebrated ; in testimony of which they BIOGRAPHIES. 517 received the first premium of the Franklin Institute. While thus employed under a fair sky, he married Nancy Day of West Springfield, Mass. In 1835 ne removed to New York, where he shortly after bought the interest of Mr. Wisner in the New York Sun, on a credit of $5,200. In the course of the following year, he bargained with Benjamin H. Day, his partner, for the remaining half, for the sum of $19,500. The first six months after he became the entire owner of the paper it did not prove as profitable as he had expect- ed, and he was ready to sell it out, and offered it and all the property he then possessed, if any one would take it off his hands and pay his obligations to Mr. Day ; but not succeeding in effecting a sale, he went to work with renewed ardor, and before two years had passed, the last dollar was paid off and he was once more in the ascendant. From 1838 his course was steadily upward. His ability and enterprise in the management of his busi- ness excited the envy of some ; but notwithstanding this, there are very few, if any, who knew him personally, who did not value him as a friend. Notwithstanding his many and severe labors, together with his failing health in middle life, he lived to the age of sixty-nine years, and died possessed of the largest estate of any native of Wallingford who had died in the town. CHILDREN. Drusilla Brewster, b. Nov. 30, 1820; m. Alexander Kursted of Tannersville, N. Y., Jan. i, 1848. In 1849 they removed to Delaware County, N. Y. Moses Sperry, b. Oct. 5, 1822 ; m. Chloe Buckingham of Waterbury, in 1842. Resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Day, b. Aug. 8, 1824; m. Annie Fordham. Re- K K 5 i8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. sides at May's Landing, N. J. Alfred Ely, b. Sept. I, 1826; m. Harriet E. Holcomb of Boston, Mass., June 30, 1847. Resides in Stratford, Conn. Joseph Perkins, b. July 16, 1828; m. Eliza M. Betts of New York city, March 20, 1850. Resides in Cheshire, Conn. Eveline BIOGRAPHIES. 519 Shepherd, b. July 27, 1830; d. Aug. 18, 1830. Mary Ely, b. Aug., 1834; d. 1834. William Yale, b. Jan. 7, 1836; m. Emma A. Munson of Wallingford, where he now resides. REV. JOSEPH BELLAMY, D. D. Was born in Wallingford, parish of Cheshire, 1719. He was a son of Matthew, and grandson of Matthew of Fairfield and Killingworth, Conn. He was graduated at Yale College studied for the ministry, and settled at Bethlem in 1740. He married Frances Sherman of New Haven, April 27, 1744. She died August 30, 1785. He died March 6, 1760. He was a large, well-built man of commanding appear- ance, had a smooth, strong voice, and could fill the largest house, without any unnatural elevation. He was possessed of a truly great mind, and generally preached without notes. He usually had some great doctrinal point to establish, and would keep close to his subject until he had sufficiently illustrated it ; then, in an in- genious, close and pungent manner, he would make the application. When he felt well, and was animated by a large audi- ence he would preach incomparably. Though he paid little attention to language, yet when he became warm, and filled with his subject, he would, from the native vigor of his soul, produce the most commanding strokes of eloquence, making his audience alive. There is noth- ing in his writings, though a learned and great divine, equal to what was to be seen and heard in his preaching ; and it is difficult for any one who never heard him to form a just idea of the force and beauty of his preach- ing. He died at Bethlem in Litchfield county, Conn. 52O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. STEPHEN ROWE BRADLEY, LL.D. Was born in Wallingford, Cheshire Parish, Oct. 20, 1754, and graduated at Yale in 1775. He was the aid of Gen. Wooster when that officer was slain. He settled in Vermont, and became one of the most popular men in that State. In 1791 he was elected to the Senate of the United States, and continued a member of that body for sixteen years. He died at Walpole, New Hampshire, Dec. 1 6, 1830, aged 75 years. JOHN BROCKETT Was one of the earliest settlers in Wallingford ; was there with his friend John Moss in 1668, and possibly before, making preparations for the settlement of a vil- lage there, and was selected by the New Haven committee to act as one of the sub-committee to manage the affairs of the new settlement until such time as it should become strong enough to manage its own affairs. The lot which was assigned him and on which he located himself, was at the south end of the village, a short distance below the present residence of Constant Webb, and extending over to Wharton's brook, embracing a portion of the land of Giles Hall and the house of the late Edward L. Hall. He died March 12, 1689, aged 80 years. His eldest son John was born in England, and settled near Muddy River in North Haven, as a Physician. He died Nov., 1720, and was the progenitor of most of the Brockett families in that locality. JAMES CARRINGTON, ESQ. Was born in Wallingford and was during his whole life one of the most prominent of her citizens. He was the first post-master ever appointed for Wallingford, having the appointment in 1798, and continued in BIOGRAPHIES. 521 the discharge of its duties until the close of his life. In person he was a large, well-built man, of commanding appearance and address. For many years he conducted the singing in the old Congregational meeting-house, until it was taken down in 1824, giving great satisfaction as a leader. He was superintendent of the gun factory for the late Eli Whitney, Esq., at Whitneyville, and such was the confidence of Mr. Whitney in his ability, that he gave him the entire charge of the business for many years. His death was lamented by a large circle of friends and neighbors. LIVERIUS CARRINGTON, ESQ. Studied medicine with Dr. Billious Kirtland of Walling- ford, but never practised his profession. He entered into the mercantile business in early life as a partner with the late George B. Kirtland, and continued with him through life. He was remarkable for his fund of liveliness. He had a peculiar way of pleasing his patrons and friends, especially the young ; and his many noble qualities will long live in their memories. The firm of Carrington and Kirtland, at the decease of Mr. C., was one of the oldest, if not the oldest, in New Haven county. DANIEL CLARK Married Elizabeth, daughter of James Miles of Walling- ford. She died April 19, 1755. He was a sea captain, and engaged largely in the shipping business. Being successful, he built at the foot of town hill, a house which was then the largest in the township, being 40 feet square on the front, and three stories high. It was after- ward occupied by Nathaniel Hitchcock, and finally sold to Joel Rice, who caused it to be taken clown. He died Aug. 17, 1774, aged 63. 522 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. COL. THADDEUS COOK Son of Samuel, the son of Samuel, was born in that part of the town now embraced in the township of Cheshire. On the breaking out of the war of the Revo- lution he entered into the service of his country ; was made Colonel of his regiment, and was under the com- mand of Gen. Gates during the memorable battle at Sara- toga in 1777, and greatly distinguished himself as a brave and skillful officer. He died in Wallingford, Feb. 28, 1800, aged 72 years. SAMUEL COOK Son of Col. Thaddeus, was born in Wallingford, and was eminently qualified for a public man. Although pos- sessed of a large real estate, he was ever ready to serve the public in almost any position to which he might be called. He was often a member of the General Assembly, and a selectman of the town. He was noted for his nat- ural gift in controlling those brought under his special authority. One look from him at one naturally indolent, was sufficient to arouse in him spirited action. A per- son once said to me, that he always loved and feared the presence of old Esq. Cook. He was active in the es- tablishment of the Union Academy, which flourished for some years after its charter was granted, and was an honor to the town. As a farmer he had few if any superiors in his town or State. He died Sept. 27, 1824, aged 66 years. CAPT. JOEL COOK Born in Wallingford in 1760. At the age of 16 he en- tered the army of the Revolution with his father, Col. Isaac Cook of Wallingford, and served to the end. In 1811 he was at the battle of Tippecanoe. In 1813 he BIOGRAPHIES. 523 resided in New Haven, and in 1849 ne removed from Yonkers to Deer Park, Long Island, where he died on the 1 8th day of Dec., 1831, aged 92 years. It was this man who built the small stucco house standing on the east side of East street in the city of New Haven. REV. BENJAMIN DOOLITTLE. In the year 1718, Rev. Benjamin Doolittle, of Wall- ingford, preached in Northfield, Mass. ; the people desired him to settle, and promised him 6$ as annual salary, and quite a liberal amount of money and land as " settlement." Mr. Doolittle continued there until Jan- uary 9, 1 748, when he died, in the fifty-fifth year of his age, and the thirtieth of his ministry. On the North- field records, one of their highways is laid out, "from Pochaug meadow to a little brook where Mr. Doolittle's horse died." The following is the epitaph on his tomb- stone : " Blessed with good intellectual parts, Well skilled in two important arts, Nobly he filled the double station Both of a preacher and physician. To cure man's sicknesses and sins, He took unwearied care and pains ; And strove to make his patient whole Throughout, in body and in soul. He loved his God, loved to do good, To all his friends vast kindness showed, Nor could his enemies exclaim And say, he was not kind to them. His labors met a sudden close : Now he enjoys a sweet repose, And when the just to life shall rise, Among the first he'll mount the skies." 524 HISTORY OF WALL1XGFOKD. LIEUT. ABRAHAM DOOLITTLE Was an inn-keeper during the French war. His house was the most noted tavern on the main road between Boston and New York. Lord Loudon, while on his way to Canada, put up at Doolittle's house with his coach and four splendid horses. The landlord was much in the habit of using large words out of their appropriate place and meaning. On this occasion he felt a special call for them. In the morning he carefully looked at the fine blooded team in presence of his titled guest and on each of the horses employed every superlative of a considerable character until he came to the fourth ani- mal. "What do you think of that one?" asked his lordship. " It is a precarious good horse," replied the landlord. The word precarious stuck to Mr. Doolittle as long as he lived. The ' house was removed from its old site, and is now the building on the south corner, opposite the Congregational church. It was placed where it now stands by Eben Smith, who occupied it as a hotel for several years. DBA. THOMAS FENN The son of Thomas Fenn of Wallingford, was born in Wallingford in the year 1735, and removed to West- bury in early life with his father, April 19, 1760. He represented the towns of Watertown and Waterbury, in thirty-five Sessions, beginning in 1778. He was a Justice of the Peace and a Deacon of the Congrega- tional Church of Watertown for many years. Through a long life he was an influential and much respected citi- zen. He married Abiah, daughter of Richard Welton of Waterbury, by whom he had six sons and two daughters. He was a captain in the Revolutionary army. He died August I, 1818. BIOGRAPHIES. 525 HON. SAMUEL A. FOOT, LL.D. Was a son of Rev. John Foot of Cheshire, and was born Nov. 8, 1780. He graduated at Yale College in 1797, studied law, and commenced practice in his native village. He married Miss Eudocia Hull, daughter of Gen. Andrew Hull, of Cheshire, and became a part- ner with Mr. Hull in commercial business at New Haven. In 1819 he was elected a member of Congress, and reflected in 1823 and 1834. He was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives of Conn, in 1825-6, and was chosen a Senator in Congress from 1827 to 1833. In 1834 he was elected Governor of Connecticut, and during that year received from Yale College the degree of LL.D. He died Sept. 16, 1846, aged 66 years. He left three sons, viz. : the Hon. John A. Foot, of Cleveland, Ohio ; Rear Admiral Andrew H. Foot, U. S. N., who died at New Haven ; Augustus E. Foot, Esq., of Cleveland, Ohio. HON. LYMAN HALL Was born in Wallingford. He graduated at Yale Col- lege in 1747, studied medicine, and located himself at Midway, Georgia. Having earnestly and zealously espoused the cause of his country in her struggle with the mother country during the Revolution, his efforts contributed much to induce the people of Georgia to join the confederacy. He was in May, 1775, elected to Congress, as a member of which he signed the Decla- ration of Independence, and continued in that body till the close of 1780. In 1783 he was elected Governor of Georgia. He died Feb., 1791, aged 66 years. He was a son of the Hon. John and Mary (Lyman) Hall, of Wallingford. 526 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. DANIEL HART Was born in Wallingford, and removed to Goshen in early life. He owned and occupied when living in Wallingford the house now occupied by the heirs of Lyman Hall, and known as the Aaron Yale place. He was a man of worth, and much respected. REV. LUTHER HART Was his son, and was born at Goshen, July 27, 1783. His mother was a woman of superior mind. She came from a family on Long Island. In childhood he was distinguished for his great fondness for books and love of music. In his sixteenth year he became converted and united with the church at Torrington, where the family then resided. He felt a desire then to enter the ministry. The expense however was an effectual barrier to his desires, and he learned the trade of a house car- penter of his father. In the meantime he became acquainted with the rudiments of an English education, and acquired an intimate acquaintance of men and things, of human nature as seen in the affairs of common life, of which clergymen as a class are lamentably defi- cient. His trade he never forgot through life, and during his preparatory studies continued to exercise his skill as a worker on wood for profit, and at a later period for exercise and recreation. In the latter part of the year 1802, or early in 1803, ne commenced his preparatory course of studies under the direction of his pastor, the Rev. Alexander Gillette. In September, 1803, he entered Yale college. He at once took high rank, and at his graduation in 1807, received one of the highest honors of the institution. After a year devoted to teaching, he commenced his theological studies under the Rev. Dr. Porter of Washington, Conn., and finished them at An- BIOGRAPHIES. 527 dover, Mass. In a short time he was called to Plymouth, Conn., where he was ordained and installed over the Congregational church and society in Sept., 1810. He married a daughter of Gen. Daniel and Martha (Humis- ton) Potter. He was an interesting and able preacher, and few men in the State were more generally acceptable. He was lively and pleasant in conversation, easy and agreeable in his manners. He died April 25, 1834; left no children. NATHANIEL HART Of Wallingford, owned the farm on which afterwards lived Jeremiah Hall, who married his daughter. The old Hart house stood a little south of the one in which Mr. Hall lived. Mr. Hart was a carpenter and joiner, and when in advanced life, used to boast of having built eleven meeting-houses, one of which is now ( 1870) standing in Farmington. In his old age he went to Goshen to reside with his sons. He built the steeple on the old three story Congregational meeting-house in Wallingford, about 1745. He died some sixty years ago, aged ninety years. GIDEON HOSFORD Was an inn-keeper in Wallingford, and is said to have built the house now known as the residence of the late Abijah Ives, on the plains, in which for many years he kept an inn. This house is still standing on its original foundation, on the corner of the old colony road and the road leading to Hosford's bridge, in a rather dilapi- dated condition. DR. ZEPHANIAH HULL Was a son of John and Sarah Hull, of Wallingford, and was born in what is now Cheshire, in 1728. Studied the profession of medicine at an early age ; married 528 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Hannah, daughter of Cook, March 28, 1749, and soon after removed to Bethlem in Woodbury, probably through the influence of Dr. Bellamy, who was a native of the same town and a few years his senior. He died Nov. 10, 1760, the same day with his wife, in the " Great Sickness." They were buried in one grave, and two of his children and a young man living in his house died a few days later. Soon after these deaths, and while others were sick in the house, a Deacon Strong, near by, raised a flock of eleven quails, which flew over the house and dropped in the garden. Immediately after, three of them rose and flew into the bushes, but the other eight were found dead, and in an hour afterwards putrified, became offensive and were buried. As a physician and as a man Dr. Hull ever sustained a high character, in the place of his adoption. JAMES HUMISTON, ESQ. Was a prominent citizen of Wallingford. He frequently represented his town in the Legislature of the State. Was often one of the select men of the town, and as proprietor of the old mill which to this day bears his name, conducted a large business. Subsequently he added to his milling business that of wool carding, dye- ing, dressing cloth, &c., continuing the same to the close of his life. TURHAND KIRTLAND Was born in Wallingford, November 16, 1755. He was a descendant of John Kirtland, who was one of the thirty-six heads of families who settled at Saybrook in 1635. In the year 1776 he was in the provisional service at New York, at the time of the defeat of the American army on Long Island, and was engaged on BIOGRAPHIES. 529 board the boats which conveyed our retreating forces over to the mainland. He, with most of the company, was attacked with the malignant camp distemper, typhoid dysentery, and was discharged at Saw-pits. After his recovery and return home, he pursued for a number of years the occupation of carriage-making and farming, in his native town. He was one of the original members of the Connecticut Land company, which purchased the title to the Western Reserve, or New Connecticut. As agent for the company, he conducted a boat loaded with surveyors, emigrants and provisions up the Mohawk river through Wood creek, Oneida and Ontario lakes, into Niagara river ; from thence hauled it around the falls on the Canada side, and navigated up the river and through Lake Erie into Grand river, a little above the present city of Painesville, in the year 1798. In the same capacity he annually visited the West until 1803, when he removed his family to Ohio, and located at Poland, where he resided until his death, August 16 1844. As agent or proprietor, he disposed of extensive tracts of new lands ; and he took an active and influ- ential part in promoting settlements and introducing schools and various improvements. For a time he was a Senator in the State Legislature, and Associate Judge in the court of Common Pleas of Ohio. He was distinguished for his integrity and active business habits. As one of the earlier settlers, he saw the Connecticut Reserve in its primitive condition a perfect wilderness, and lived to see it thickly peopled by the best regulated and most intelligent population to be found in the Union out of New England. When in Wallingford he owned and occupied the house and farm of the late Amos Button. 53 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. GEORGE B. KIRTLAND, ESQ. During his whole life was an example worthy of imitation. He was universally regarded as an hon- est, upright and intelligent merchant and business man. He made it a principle never to recommend an article beyond what it would bear. He died in 1869, having lived out the full number of years allotted to man, greatly lamented by the whole com- munity, and especially by the Episcopal church, of which he was a consistent and worthy member. He was the last male member of the once highly respectable Kirtland family in Wallingford. JARED POTTER KIRTLAND, M.D., LL.D. A son of Turhancl and Mary Kirtland, and grandson of Dr. Jared Potter, a distinguished physician of Walling- ford. He was born Nov. 10, 1793, in the town of Wallingford. He received his classical education chiefly in Cheshire and Wallingford academies, and was for a time a pupil of Rev. Dr. Tillotson Bronson, the then Principal of the Cheshire Episcopal Academy. In 1810 he commenced the study of medicine, and became a private pupil of Drs. Eli Ives and Nathan Smith, of New Haven, until 1812, when he entered the first class in the Medical Department of Yale Col- lege, and was the first who signed the matriculation book in the charge of Prof. Jonathan Knight. At the close of the medical term, he with others formed a class for the study of botany and mineralogy, which, together with their medical studies, was pursued under Prof. Eli Ives and Benjamin Silliman. In 1814 he entered the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, and soon after passed an examination for a medical degree before the medical faculty of Yale College. The BIOGRAPHIES. 531 subject of his Thesis was, " Our Indigenous Vegetable Materia Medica," a private subject of one of his teach- ers, Dr. Benjamin Smith Barton, and in consonance more with his own taste than other points of his pro- fession. In May, 1814, he married Caroline, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth (Cook) Atwater of Wallingford, and soon after commenced the practice of medicine in that place, which he continued until 1817, when at a town meeting held at Durham he was invited to locate in that town as a physician, which invitation he accepted. His practice here soon became large ; but with it he found time to interest himself in the culture of fruits and flowers, of which he was very fond. In 1823 he re- moved to Poland, Trumbull Co., Ohio, where, although continuing to practice his profession of medicine when- ever called upon, he gave his time and thoughts mainly to the culture of his farm, garden and orchard. In 1837 he removed to Cleveland, Ohio, and at first established himself in the town or city ; but soon tiring of the confined limits of a city residence, he purchased one hundred and seventy-five acres of land about five miles west of the city of Cleveland, situated immediately on the Lake shore. Here, while at times continuing his professional labors, he has found time to examine and describe all the fishes of Ohio's lakes and rivers ; to collect and compare innumerable fresh water shells, con- nected with which he made a discovery in the science, new and distinct, viz.: the sexual or male and female character of the muscle, which is indicated by the form of the shell. He found time to examine the native wild plants botanically, to examine and to study the geologi- cal formation of the State, to study and gather speci- 53 2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. mens of birds by hundreds. He has investigated the habits of the honey-bee, has found time to superintend and direct a large farm on which all the best grains and grapes, and the best breeds of cattle, sheep, hogs, &c., have been tried and compared, comparative values of manures tested, and their components analyzed. In 1827 he was elected a representative to the Legis- lature of Ohio, and re-elected several times ; was chair- man of the committee on the Penitentiary in the House. In 1835 he was elected Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Medical College of Ohio. In 1841, having resigned his position in the Medical College of Ohio, he became Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Willoughby Medical School ; and afterwards, when the medical department of the Western Reserve College was established at Cleveland, he accepted a similar position in that college, which his health compelled him to resign in 1 864. He was at one time President of the Ohio State Medical Society ; and when in attendance at public gatherings has universally been called upon to assume the duties of the chair. In 1 86 1 he received the degree of LL.D. from Williams Col- lege. Genial in spirit, full of intelligent conversational power, possessing the retiring manner and dignity of a well-bred gentleman of the old school, he wins the hearts of the old and young ; while the intelligent and all who seek knowledge, rejoice in obtaining an hour in his society. He is now over 76 years old. JARED LEWIS, ESQ. Was born in Wallingford, and was for several years a justly celebrated hotel keeper and merchant in the vil- lage. He owned and occupied the lot on which now BIOGRAPHIES. 533 stands the house and store of Lorenzo Lewis, his grand- son. He was a prominent politician. One of the parties at one time assumed the name of Lewis, and the oppo- sition that of Cooke. Politics never ran higher in Wall- in gford than at this time. He was the father of Isaac Lewis, who was keeper of a hotel and merchant at Meri- den, and who was the father of the late Patrick Lewis, and of Isaac Lewis, who is and has been a very successful business man in Meriden for several years. CHARLES BARNY MC CARTY A native of Ireland, came to America in the latter part of the last century, and found his way to Wallingford, a peddler of small articles of dry-goods. In making his trips about Wallingford, he formed the acquaintance of Miss Dacia Hall, a daughter of Charles and Sarah ( At- water) Hall, and married her. In a few years he was enabled by his industry and success in business, to build and stock a store with dry-goods and groceries. His ambition led him to invest in real-estate quite too largely for his means, by which, with other matters, he became involved, from the effects of which he never fully recov- ered. He lived to an advanced age. His children were Dr. Charles B., who was a physician in Yalesville ; Mary, died in Yalesville ; Sarah, died unmarried in 1869 ; Ann, died unmarried ; Henry Hobart, died April 23, 1870, from an injury received two days before. JOHN MOSS Was in New Haven as early as 1645, perhaps earlier, and was a member of the General Court during several sessions. In 1670 at the May session he was active in procuring the act of incorporation of Wallingford, and succeeded on the I2th day of May, 1670, at Hartford. He was evidently the leading man of the new settlement, L L 534 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. and was the pioneer of the settlers, being on the ground certainly as early as 1667. His house lot was situated at the extreme south end of the village, adjoining that of his friend (John Brockett) who was associated with him in promoting the interest and advancement of the settle- ment. He died A. D. 1707, aged 103. ELISHA M. POMEROY, ESQ. Came into Wallingford a tinner by trade, and married Lydia Mattoon. About the year 1820 he invented his justly celebrated Razor Strop, which soon became noted in every part of the United States. In this enterprise he was prosperous beyond his most sanguine expectations. He was a man of enterprise and good business talents, and of easy address and gentlemanly deportment. After his retirement from business he was chosen Judge of the Probate Court, and a Justice of the Peace. In the discharge of the duties of these offices, he was eminently well qualified, and his decisions compare favorably with those of any of his predecessors. He reared a large and highly respectable family of children, and died at the advanced age of 78 years, in Wallingford, the place of his adoption. His eldest son, George V. Pomeroy, is a merchant in New York city. The late Jerome B. Pomeroy M. D. is also a son of the Judge. JARED POTTER, M. D. Was born in East Haven, Conn., Sept. 25, 1742. His classical studies were commenced under the Rev. Phile- mon Robbins of Branford. He entered Yale college in 1756, and was graduated in 1760. His medical studies were begun under Dr. Harpins of Milford, and afterward pursued under the Rev. Jared Elliot of Killingworth. He commenced practice in East Haven in 1763, but soon removed to New Haven, where he established a fa- BIOGRAPHIES. 535 vorable reputation and secured a good share of patron- age. The premonitory tumults of the approaching conflict with the mother country induced him to remove his family to a place of less exposure to impending dan- gers. Hence in the year 1773 he changed his location to Wallingforcl, where he went into professional practice and continued with the exception of the time spent in the service of his country, until his death, July 30, 1810. He was a descendant of John Potter, who signed the plantation covenant of New Haven, June 4, 1639. At the commencement of the Revolution, when the first six regiments were raised by the Province of Connecti- cut, he was appointed surgeon of the fourteenth regi- ment under Colonel (afterwards General) Wooster, and went with them to Canada, and was present when the British port of St. John's was captured in September, 1775, by General Montgomery. From there he removed with the army to Montreal, where he was placed in charge of a hospital, and remained until our forces returned in the next summer. The term of enlistment having expired, he was immediately re-appointed surgeon, and was attached to Colonel Douglas's regiment, destined to re-enforce the continental army in New York city. He was in the battles of Long Island and White Plains, and at the close of the campaign, when the regiment was disbanded, he returned to Wallingford. Too many physicians throw aside their books, or pay little attention to them after they are engaged in exten- sive practice. This was not the case with Dr. Potter. He was an uncommonly diligent student, not merely while acquiring the rudiments of his profession, but to the end of his life. For many years he kept a medical school, in which several of the most eminent physicians 536 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. of Connecticut were educated ; and it is worthy of remark that the late Dr. Samuel Hopkins of Hartford, who was considered the most able practitioner of his county if not in the State, was his pupil. Dr. Potter imbibed much of the spirit of Elliot for philosophical investigations, and took pains to become well acquainted with the practice and opinion of all the most celebrated writers, ancient and modern, upon nearly every disease. His reading was consequently very extensive. He was in the habit of purchasing annually all of the new medical works which appeared ; and was also well read in the reviews and other periodical literature of the day. As a physician he was a superior judge of symptoms, and was a very energetic and successful practitioner in acute diseases ; but it is said that he was very skeptical of the power of medicine in most chronic complaints, and for that reason, his practice in such cases was rather inefficient and sometimes almost inert. Dr. Potter was well known as having had a peculiar fondness for discuss- ing questions of speculative theology and the politics of the day ; and when conversing on these subjects his strict command of his temper and an uncommon urban- ity of manner, joined to a large share of wit and humor, usually gave him a decided advantage over, most of his opponents. Like his preceptor Elliot, his practice and consultations were very extensive, and like him too for many years he was probably the most distinguished and influential physician in the State. He was one of the founders, and a Vice President of the State Medical Society. It is said that he was always able to recollect the name and face of any person who had once been introduced to him, and the circumstances of their meet- ing. His great colloquial powers, and the frankness and BIOGRAPHIES. 537 candor with which he uniformly treated his medical brethren, made his presence and advice as a counselor always acceptable. He died in Wallingford, deeply la- mented by the whole community. THOMAS RICHARDSON Of Farmington in 1672, and of Waterbury in 1674, received and accepted a grant of land called the bache- lors' property in 1699. He was one of the eighty-four first proprietors of the town in 1692. He died Nov. 14, 1712. Mary, his wife, died one week afterwards, Nov. 21. Both were victims of the "great sickness" that then prevailed in the place. Thomas, their second son and fourth child, received a grant of land in March, 1695, which he accepted as a bachelors' proprietor March 26, 1699. He remained in Waterbury long enough to secure his right, and then removed to Wallingford, and was there in July, 1705. After his father's decease he returned to Waterbury and was appointed a fence-viewer in 1713, grave-digger in 1714-15-16, hayward in 1714-17-18-19. March 30 he sold his house and six acres of land on the north side of West Main-st, to Thomas Richards, and returned to Wallingford, where he was living in 1722, a farmer. He had brothers and sisters, viz., Mary, Sarah, John, Israel, Rebecca, Ruth, Johannah, Nathaniel and Ebenezer. He married for his second wife, Rachel, daughter of John and Hannah Parker, of Wallingford. THOMAS RUGGLES Came to Wallingford about 1812, and purchased the old homestead of Mr. Joel Hall. He was a gentleman of means, and a graduate of Yale College. He soon after purchased the house of Salmon Carter in the village, and became the principal of the Union Academy. He 538 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. continued in charge of the Academy until the death of his father-in-law, Mr. Charles Hall, which occurred in 1817, at which time he by his will became the possessor of one-half of Mr. Hall's estate. Having repaired the buildings, he occupied them during the rest of his life. He had by his first wife a child, Hannah, who died young. SAMUEL GEORGE SIMPSON Son of Robert, alias Samuel George, and Mary Simpson, was born in New Haven in 17 . Samuel G. sen., came to America a lieutenant in the British army, about the year 1767, on a mission from the King of England to persuade the people of the colonies to receive the Stamp Act and other measures of the English government, which were then looked upon as odious and burdensome by the people. Mr. Simpson was a relation of the King by his marriage into a German family, Mr. Simpson himself being a German, and of a highly respectable and wealthy family. After taking up his residence in New Haven under the assumed name of Robert, he married Mary Johnson, daughter of a reputable family. Of this marriage Samuel George was an only child. After the decease of Mr. Simpson in 1776, his widow married Josiah Merriam of Wallingford, in the parish of Meriden, and removed to that place, taking her little son along with her, who, when about twenty years of age, married Mary, daughter of John and Eunice Yale of Meriden. She died April 2, 1799. After a suitable lapse of time he married Malinda, daughter of John and Lois Hall of Wallingford. He purchased and settled on the Dr. Russel or Henry place, situated on the old Tank-hood road, a short distance east of the residence of Mr. Hall. He disposed of this place and removed to Ohio, but after a residence of a few years he returned BIOGRAPHIES. 539 to Wallingford, where he died, highly respected for his honesty and integrity. Children: Alfred, Henry, George, Harmon, Samuel. The latter married Martha Benham and is a successful manufacturer in his native town ; has had one son, Sam- uel G., and two daughters. EBEN SMITH Was a man of some note in Wallingford sixty years ago. He bought the old Doolittle hotel that formerly stood a little to the west of the Dr. Potter house, lately Rice Hall's, and placed it upon the corner of Main street and the street running east and west past the Congregational meeting-house, and in front of the same, and occupied it as a hotel. At that time there were three hotels in the village, viz. : Jared Lewis's house, Chauncey Cook's, now Dwight Hall's, and Eben Smith's house. He was the father of Mrs. Lyman Carmon. TITUS STREET, ESQ. Son of Samuel, was born in Wallingford. In early life he went to Cheshire, where he commenced business in a small store, with his friend Samuel Hughs (after- wards his partner) as clerk. Here he was married to Miss Amaryllis, daughter of Reuben and Mary Atwater, by whom he had two children, Augustus Russell and Mary, the wife of Gov. Hoppen of Rhode Island. He afterward located in New Haven with Mr. Hughs as partner, and after, a few years' sucessful business in the city he retired with a large fortune, and continued in retirement until his decease. He was a descendant of the Rev. Samuel Street, the first settled Congregational minister in Wallingford. Augustus Russell Street, son of Titus, was the founder of the Yale Art Building on the grounds of Yale College in New Haven. 54 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. CAPT. WILLIAM TODD Was born in North Haven and came to Wallingford a young man. He became acquainted with Miss Harriet Johnson, and in due time married her. He was a house joiner and carpenter, and as a builder was deservedly popular. Being possessed naturally of a good constitu- tion, he was enabled to continue the business of his trade until near the close of his life, which occurred in 1869, at the advanced age of 83 years. After the death of his first wife, he was married twice ; first, to the widow of Capt. Joel Rice, and secondly, to the widow Merrit Tuttle. He had a large family of children, most of whom are living. JOHN TYLER Was a native of Wallingford, and was graduated at Yale College in 1765. He was educated a Congregationalist, but having embraced the doctrines of the Church of England, prepared for Holy Orders under the care of Dr. Johnson of Stratford. In 1768 he went to England to receive ordination, with a view to becoming Rector of Christ Church, in Chelsea, Norwich, Conn. ; and having accomplished this object he returned the next year and entered on 'the duties of his office. For three years during the Revolution, owing to the popular excitement which prevailed against Episcopacy in New England, (it being regarded almost synonymous with Toryism), Mr. Tyler's church was closed ; and from April 1776^0 April 1779 not an entry was made in its records. He how- ever, during this time held divine service in his own house, and was never molested in the performance of it. At one time he was afraid to drink the water of his own well ; and yet he was regarded as a man of great benevo- lence and liberality. As an evidence of the kindly feeling which both he and his church maintained toward BIOGRAPHIES. 54! their Congregational neighbors, it may be mentioned that wnen the Congregationalists in 1794 lost their place of worship by fire, the Episcopalians at once prof- fered them the use of theirs on the following condition : "The Rev. John Tyler, our present pastor, to perform Divine service one half the day on each Sabbath, and the Rev. Walter King, pastor of said Presbyterian Con- gregation, to perform Divine service on the other half of said Sabbath, each alternately performing on the first half of the day." The offer was gratefully accepted, and this amicable arrangement continued for three months. Mr. Tyler died Jan. 20, 1823, aged 81 years. He pub- lished a sermon preached at the opening of Trinity church in Pomfret, 1771 ; and a sermon preached at Nor- wich on the Continental Thanksgiving, 1795. Mrs. Sigourney writes thus concerning him : " He was an interesting preacher ; his voice sweet and solemn, and his eloquence persuasive. The benevolence of his heart was manifest in daily acts of courtesy and charity to those around him. He studied medicine in order to benefit the poor, and to find out remedies for some of those pe- culiar diseases to which no common specifics seemed to apply. During the latter years of his life he was so infirm as to need assistance in his clerical duties." AUOLPH WILHELM AUGUST FRIEDRICH, BARON VON STEINWEHR Was born at Blankenburg in the duchy of Brunswick, Sept. 25, 1822. His father was a major in the ducal service, and his grandfather a lieutenant-general in the Prussian army. He was educated at the military acade- my of the city of Brunswick, and entered the army of the duchy as a lieutenant in 1841. In 1847 ne resigned and came to the United States for the purpose of offer- 542 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. ing his services to the government in the Mexican war ; but failing to obtain a commission in the regular army, he returned to Germany after marrying a lady of Mobile. In 1854 he again came to America and purchased a farm in Wallingford. At the commencement of the civil war he raised a regiment, the 2Qth New York Vol- unteers, which he commanded at the first battle of Bull Run, forming part of the reserve under Col. Miles. On Oct. 12, 1 86 1, he was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers, and appointed to the command of the 2d brigade of Blenker's division. This division was attached in May, 1862, to the Mountain department under Gen. Fremont. When Sigel assumed command of the corps after the organization of the army of Virginia, General Steinwehr was promoted to the command of the 2d division, and participated in the campaign on the Rapi- dan and Rappahannock in August. ANDREW WARD Was admitted a Freeman in 1638 at Boston. In 1638 he was at Wethersfield, and with twenty others pur- chased the town of Stamford. He also with others purchased Hempsted on Long Island, but in consequence of difficulties with the Dutch government, removed to Fairfield, and died Oct., 1650, leaving a widow Esther and children. He was a man of great worth and con- sequence in the colony, and was frequently called upon by the Governors and members of the Legislature to act -with them on important committees. He was the ancestor of those of the name in Hartford, and the father of Andrew, who was the father of W 7 illiam, who married Lettice, daughter of John Beach of Wallingford, and had Zenas, who settled in Woodbury, and Macock, who was a lawyer in Wallingford. BIOGRAPHIES. 543 ELISHA WHITTELSEY Was a merchant in Wallingford, and for many years was Town Clerk, in which office he gained the esteem and confidence of all who had business with him. He was a highly respected and honored gentleman, and a man of strict integrity and usefulness. At his death he was greatly lamented by all. He was born July I, 1753, and died Sept. 16, 1822, aged 67 years. JARED POTTER WHITTELSEY Was the third son of Elisha and Sarah (Jones) Whittel- sey, and was born in Wallingford, March 8, 1787. In 1808, being then in his twenty-first year, he commenced business in Catskill, N. Y., where he remained four years. In 1812 he removed to New York city, where he carried on the wholesale flour business, retaining his flour-mills and his store in Catskill, Cairo, and Schoharie, until the year 1832, when he removed his family to Wallingford and erected the present buildings on the ground where he was born ; and during the remainder of his life he de- voted his time to improving and beautifying the streets of his native town, by setting out shade trees, opening walks and highly improving his own grounds. He was a man of sterling worth, very methodical in habit, of thorough business qualities and a finely balanced mind. During his residence in Wallingford, he gave largely to the Episcopal church, and gaye more to erect the present Congregational church than any of its members. In his religious belief he was a Unitarian. His donations were made during his lifetime, and yearly he gave to the fol- lowing societies, viz. : Children's Aid Society, Five Points House of Industry, Association to improve the condition of the Poor, and other societies. During the war he gave largely to the sanitary commission. He never 544 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. spoke of his donations, and they were not known until after his death. Mr. Whittelsey was frequently offered positions of trust in private and public, but he refused them, for he wished to be quiet after a busy life. Mr. Whittelsey was the father of ten children, only two re- maining at the time of his death ; six died between the ages of nineteen and twenty-seven. He married Oct. 22, 1814, Lydia G. Archer of New York city, who lived with him fifty-five years, and died only a month before him. Mr. Whittelsey died January 25, 1869, in the eighty-second year of his age. CAPT. THOMAS YALE Son of Thomas the emigrant, was one of the original settlers or planters of Wallingford, and was one of the most active and efficient among them. As selectman or townsman, he was ever ready to work for the interest of the village. He was frequently elected to represent the people in the General Court, and was greatly dis- tinguished for his devotion to the interests of his constit- uents, whom he ably represented for a number of successive years. He married Rebecca Gibbons, daughter of William, of New Haven. She died Dec. n, 1667. After her decease, he married Sarah, daugh- ter of John Nash, of New Haven. She died May 24, 1716 ; and he then married Mary Beach, of Wallingford, July 31, 1716. He had by. the two last no children. He was chosen one of the number to assist in the formation or gathering of a church in the place, after the Congre- gational order ; and was a signer to the call of the first and second ministers, viz. : Rev. Samuel Street and Rev. Samuel Whittelsey. In 1710 he was, with the exception of Mr. Street, the only surviving signer of the Plantation covenant of Wallingford. He was a Justice BIOGRAPHIES. 545 of the peace, and a Captain of the train-band, &c. He died at the age of 89 years, July 26, 1 736. CHARLES YALE, ESQ. Was born in Wallingford, parish of Meriden, April 20, 1709. He married Huldah Robinson of Meriden, and commenced the manufacture of japanned and tin ware, for this and the southern market ; and for several years kept a depot for the sale of his goods at Richmond, Virginia, in connection with his brother Selden. In, this enterprise they were very successful, and in a few years they each had accumulated a very handsome property. The failing health of Selden compelled him to retire from the firm. Upon this, Mr. Yale formed a business connection with his son-in-law, under the name of Yale and Dunby, and soon after purchased in his own name the old Mills at the first falls on the Quinni- piac River, which had borne the name of Tyler's Mills for more than one hundred years. He repaired and remodeled the whole concern, and changed the name to Yalesville. Here he entered largely into the manu- facture of britannia wares and tea-pots, which found a ready sale in New York and elsewhere. In this business he continued until the close of his life. He died Nov. 2, 1835, a ged 47 years. HON. EL1HU YALE Of New Haven, son of the late Ira and Harriet ( Cook ) Yale of Wallingford, was born July 25, 1807, in the house built by his grandfather Elisha Yale in Yalesville district, and resided at home with his parents until Jan. 6, 1824, when he left his home to learn a trade in the city of New Haven. After the term of his apprentice- ship was concluded, he returned to his native town, where he was soon after made a freeman and elected a consta- 546 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. ble. The year following he went to Cheshire, where he married Julia Ann, daughter of the late Capt. Thaddeus Rich, formerly of Bristol, Conn., May 25, 1830. He was appointed post master at Cheshire in 1832, and continued in the office with the exception of a few months until 185 i, when he removed to New Haven. He was a Jus- tice of the Peace for about 18 years, and a selectman in Cheshire five consecutive years, clerk of the school soci- ety for about fourteen years, and judge of the Probate court in 1850-7, and was in 1853 elected a member of the common council of New Haven, and was re-elected for five consecutive years. In 1859 ne was elected chief of the Police of the city of New Haven, and was re- elected to the same office in 1864. After serving nearly two years he resigned the office, believing that he had contributed his share to the public service. In 1750 he prepared and published a genealogy of the Yale family, from the first of the name who appeared in this country down to 1850. He has in manuscript a genealogy of the Cook family, which he has carefully prepared and hopes soon to publish. Besides he has collected a large amount of genealogical matter for this work, and many of the Biographical notices which appear in this work, have been prepared by him. He was elected a member of the New England Historical and Genealogical Society, on the 7th of May, 1856, and is a member of the New Haven Colony Historical Society. BIOGRAPHIES. 547 MERIDEN BIOGRAPHIES. HON. WALTER BOOTH Was born in Woodbridge, Conn., Dec. 8th, 1791. When about sixteen years of age, he came to Meriden and spent his first night in this town at the old white house on the Hanover road, which stands first northwest of the old residence of the late J. C. Breckenridge. The greater part of his life since then has been spent here, a few years excepted which he spent in business in Baltimore. But it is not only as a citizen of Meriden, that Deacon Booth was known ; he was widely known throughout the state. At one time he was appointed to fill the office of General of our State Militia, both as a Brigadier and a Major General. In 1850 he was sent to Washington to represent the State of Connecticut in the House of Representatives, which position he held for two years ; besides having previously held sundry minor offices in both town and state. At twenty-two years of age he was elected deacon in the Center Congregational Church in this city, which office he had held at the time of his death 56 years. He had also been a director in the Meriden National Bank for twenty years, and at one time its President. But above all he was eminently a good man, a man of strict integrity and a Christian man. Up to his last illness he was active in all his church duties, and seldom was he absent from his place in the sanctuary and the Sabbath school where he was a teacher, and of which he was the first superintendent, and also in the social prayer-meetings. Many will recall the fervor of his prayers and the unction of his exhortations in the social 548 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. meeting ; and the testimony of all who knew him, is uniform as to the steadfastness of his Christian principle, and the purity of his Christian character. He was a man of great simplicity and plainness of manners, and was averse to all pageantry and parade, and strictly economical in his expenditures. He showed himself ever ready to aid any enterprise, either in business, or civil and religious affairs, which promised to promote the secular or religious interests of his native town. His illness, which lasted little less than two weeks, was a malignant form of erysipelas ; first indicating itself in his face, and from there creeping to his brain, rendering him delirious for a greater part of the time. His friends, however, and physician, Dr. Catlin, did not deem him dangerous until Wednesday of the week in which he died. Dr. Townsend of New Haven was called in as counsel on Tuesday, and did not then think his chances for recovery were doubtful. But notwith- standing the tender nursing of his wife and friends who were continually by his bedside, and in spite of the skill and faithfulness of his physician, the destroying disease made headway, and on Saturday morning, April 30, 1870, lapsing into unconsciousness, he gently and with- out a struggle or a groan breathed his life away. FENNER BUSH Son of John and Bathsheba (Dodge) Bush, was born in East Lyme, Conn., in the year 1 79 1 . His father died when Fenner was quite young, and as the family were in very poor circumstances, he was put out to live when but six years of age. He was employed in assisting on the farm and at house-work. When eleven years old he was put in the family of a ship-builder, and was to be taught the trade when old enough ; but soon after, his master BIOGRAPHIES. 549 ran off with his wife's sister, and the boy was returned to his former master. In his twelfth year he went to live with a joiner, with a view to learn the trade. When eighteen years old, his master furnished him with a new suit of clothes, and for the first time he attended church. The last four years of his apprenticeship (he served nine years'), his master treated him with less rigor, but his situation was far from being respectable. FENNER BUSH. When he was twenty-one, he had no home or proper- ty, except a right in a small piece of land that his father left, worth perhaps two hundred dollars. He worked for his master three months, at fourteen dollars per month, and at the close of this term, he took his forty- two dollars and started off on foot to a neighboring town, to make purchases of some tools. On his way he lost his money, all he had in the world ; but by good luck found it again, purchased his tools, and returned and set up business in opposition to his former master, who politely told him that he was "a fool, for he would not earn enough to pay his board." But he was M M 5 5O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. ambitious, and moreover a good workman, and soon had so much to do, that his former master offered to sell out to him. Fenner accepted the offer, and hired help to meet his engagements. He now found the necessity of something which had been entirely neglected ; for he could neither read nor keep accounts. He therefore gave up business, hired a room, and for two winters devoted himself to study, three months of which were given to learning to read. He again commenced business, and pursued his trade with considerable success. In 1816 he married Eunice Kirtland of Saybrook, and commenced keeping house, taking two apprentices to board. About this time he was taken sick with typhus fever, and for a long time was very sick ; and for nearly two years was unable to work. During his sickness he spent all he had earned from the beginning, and got into debt several hundred dollars. But by diligent attention to business he paid up his debts and bought the house that he lived in. In April, 1824, he removed from Saybrook to Meriden and became interested in the comb business in connec- tion with Mr. Julius Pratt. He worked here with untiring industry twelve hours a day, at $i 25 per day ; after a few years the time was reduced to eleven hours, and the wages increased to $i 75 a day. For twenty years he labored here, when the shop was destroyed by fire, and he lost the earnings of twenty years. It was through his management that the shop was re-built and the machinery introduced early in the July following the fire. Mr. Bush has been interested in the comb business up to this time ; is now one of the largest stockholders, and until within a few years, was one of the directors. By steady and persevering industry and BIOGRAPHIES. 55 1 economy he has accumulated considerable property. Mr. Bush is a whole-souled, liberal man, loved and respected by every one who has met him. He has contributed largely to benevolent objects, assisted lib- erally to build three churches and five school-houses, and paid liberally for the support of the Anti-Slavery cause and of Christianity. Mr. Bush served in the war of 1812, and in 1848 was elected senator from the 6th district to the Connecticut Legislature. His two daughters, Temperance Janet and Eunice Kirtland, married respectively Randolph Lindsley and P. J. Clark. LIEUT. COMFORT BUTLER Son of John and Sarah (Foster) Butler, was born in Middletown, Nov. 16, 1743. He was the sixth genera- tion from Richard Butler, one of the original proprietors in Hartford in 1639, an< ^ wno was admitted freeman in Cambridge, Mass., in 1634. Comfort Butler was appren- ticed to the shoemaking business in Middletown at an early age, and being much troubled by a fellow apprentice of a quarrelsome disposition, he told his master that if he must fight, he preferred to fight the enemies of his country rather than one of his mates ; and that if he would allow him to enlist in the army he would serve out the balance of his time after his return. His master consented, and young Butler enlisted, although only about sixteen. To his great surprise he found his fellow apprentice was a member of the same company. But it seems that their fighting propensities found ample scope without troubling each other, and they became fast friends and remained such until the close of the war, when Comfort returned home, fulfilled his agreement 552 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. with his master, finished his trade, married Mary, daughter of Divan Berry, in 1765, and removed to Wall- ingford in the Meriden parish. He had nine children, viz. : Samuel, John, Hannah, Lemuel, Esther, Asa, Divan, Mary and Phebe. He died February 19, 1826. JOHN BUTLER Son of Comfort and Mary (Berry) Butler, was born in Meriden, Sept. 5, 1770. He was early in life apprenticed to a shoemaker, and subsequently engaged in the tanning and shoe-making business on his own account, and was the principal shoemaker and tanner in Meriden for nearly sixty years. He was considered by all who knew him an honest, upright man in all his intercourse with JOHN BUTLER. the world. He was " Uncle John" to everybody. He was remarkable from a boy for his industrious and frugal habits. After he had arrived at an age when he was subject to military duty, his residence was in the center of the town ; and on training days he would manage to have his work where he could see the military move- BIOGRAPHIES. 553 ments, and when the time of roll-call arrived, he would leave his work and go and answer to his name, drill a while with the company, and return to his work again, thereby making the most of his time. He was very regular in his habits, rising before the sun and re- tiring before nine in the evening. He was very exact in his accounts, and when he gave his apprentices money he always wanted to know what use it was put to, and usually made a note of it. For instance, I find in his account-book among others, the following entry : " Gave Stephen Seymour twenty-five cents to see a striped jackass." He raised a numerous family of children, most of whom are residents of Meriden at this date, and are universally esteemed by the community. Mr. Butler married ist, August 17, 1796, Ruth Parker, who died Sept. 30, 1799; m. 2d, March 15, 1800, Philomela Cowles, who died March 25, 1807; m. 3d, April 17, 1 8 10, widow Susannah Hall. His children were Albert, Ruth A. ( m. Morris Stevens), Henry C., Philomela, Lyman, John, Levi, Susan ( m. Sydney P. Hall), and Isaac. John Butler died Oct. 6, 1852, ae. 82 years and 21 days, in the full hope of a blissful immortality. LEMUEL BUTLER Son of Comfort and Mary ( Berry ) Butler, was born in Meriden, Feb. 3, 1775. He was a farmer, a plain, unas- suming man, perfectly reliable at all times. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and raised a numerous family, most of whom now reside here, and are very estimable citizens, some of whom are occupying responsible po- sitions both in religious and secular affairs. Dec. 4, 1810, he married Salina, daughter of Jesse Merriman, who was born March 20, 1786, and died Sept. 25, 1842. Their children were: Joel 1., Eli, Hiram, Harriet, (m. 5 54 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Andrew A. Bradley), and George. Lemuel Butler died Dec. 11, 1852. LEMUEL BUTLER. HENRY C. BUTLER Son of John and Philomela (Cowles) Butler, was born in Meriden, March 6, 1807. By honest and persevering industry, Mr. Butler has accumulated a large property, HENRY C. BUTLER. and for his moral worth he is highly respected by his fellow citizens. Though often solicited to accept offices BIOGRAPHIES. 555 of trust in the town, he has always refused, with the exception of acting as moderator at every annual town meeting since the town hall was built. He married ist, July i, 1832, Sophronia Hotchkiss, who died April 17, 1841. He married 2d, Nov. 25, 1841, Elizabeth Foster, who died June, 1847. He married 3d, May 31, 1848, Mrs. Mary L. Woodruff, widow of Dr. Isaac Woodruff. His children by his ist wife were: Lucy C. (m. Wm. L. Squires), Mary P. and John H. : by 2nd wife : Henry W. and Aaron C. JOEL I. BUTLER Son of Lemuel and Selina (Merriman) Butler, was born in Meriden, Nov. 12, 1811. He has occupied numerous positions of trust and responsibility in matters pertain- JOEL I. BUTLER. ing to the government and the town. He is President of the Meriden Bank, and U. S. Internal Revenue Assessor, and a man in whom the people have the most implicit confidence in every respect. Mr. Butler married ist, Aug. 27, 1835, Mary A. Morton, who died Aug. 21, 1837. He married 2nd, July 27, 1840, Sarah A. Hotch- 556 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. kiss, who died Sept. 11, 1853. He married 3d, Jan. 17, 1855, Ursula M. Hart. By his 2nd wife he had two chil- dren, Mary Ann and Emma S. BENJAMIN HOPKINS CATLIN The eldest son of Benjamin and Rhoda Catlin, was born in Harwinton, Litchfield county, Conn., Aug. 10, 1801. His advantages for education were limited to the district school near his father's residence, till his sixteenth year, when an academy was built in his native town, in which he had the opportunity of pursuing the higher branches of study not then taught in our common schools. At this academy and under the tuition of the Rev. Luther Hart of Plymouth, he pursued his preparatory studies. He studied medicine and surgery nearly four years under the instruction of different physicians and at the Medical Institution of Yale College, where he received his diploma, March 4, 1825. July I3th of the same year, he opened an office in Haddam, Middlesex County, there being a vacancy occasioned by the death of Dr. Andrew Warner. The first week he had patients to attend, and in two or three months was in full practice. He remained here more than sixteen years, his practice extending into all the adjoining towns. The last day of March, 1842, Dr. Wyllis Woodruff of Meriden died. The same evening a messenger was sent to Dr. Catlin by some of the leading citizens of Meriden, requesting him to come to Meriden to fill the vacancy. He came up the next day, April i, made arrangements for his removal, and commenced practice in Meriden April 5. He was elected a Fellow of the Connecticut Medical Society, and in 1840 received the honorary degree of M. D. from Yale College. In 1854 he was elected Vice- President of the Connecticut Medical Society, re-elected BIOGRAPHIES. 557 in 1855, appointed President in 1856, and re-elected in 1857. He has been a permanent member of the Ameri- can Medical Association since May, 1853, and has since that time attended most of the annual meetings as delegate from the New Haven County Medical Society, or from the State society. In 1 860 he was elected an Honorary Member of the New York State Medical Society, and in 1869 a Corresponding Member of the Gynaecological Society of Boston. When the first Con- gregational society removed to West Meriden, Dr. Catlin was elected deacon, which office he has held until the present time. TIMOTHY FISHER DAVIS, M. D. Was the son of Eliphaz and Hannah (Sawyer) Davis, and was born in Marlboro, Mass., March 13, 1810. After receiving his early education at the common schools of his native town, he was apprenticed to a trade in Springfield, Mass. In 1837, having then a wife and two children, he entered the office of Dr. Riley of Croshen, Conn., to pursue the study of medicine, still working at his trade during his spare hours, for the support of his family. After leaving the office of Dr. Riley he prac- ticed his profession for a time in Goshen, and then concluded to remove to Litchfield as offering a wider field for his business. In Litchfield he remained several years, engaged in a constantly increasing and lucrative practice ; but hearing that there was a better opening in Plymouth, and being urged by a number of influential persons in that town, he removed his family there and commenced practice about the year 1846. Here he opened a drug store, built a house, and obtained an ex- tensive practice in the town and beyond it, being frequently called to the neighboring towns of Wolcott, 558 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Bristol, Bethlem, and Watertovvn. These long rides in a hilly country soon wore upon his health, and he began looking for some easier field of practice. At this time his old friend and fellow student, Dr. William H. Allen of Meriden, died, and his widow wrote to Dr. Davis a letter urging him to remove to Meriden and take her late husband's practice. This was just the field that he was looking for, and accordingly in 1850 he removed to Meriden, and the year following removed his family. DR. TIMOTHY FISHER DAVIS. For nearly eighteen years Dr. Davis practiced his pro- fession in Meriden with success. He was a skillful and prudent operator, a careful and discriminating prescriber, ever improving the lessons of experience. In 1843 he received a diploma from the Botanic Medical Society of Connecticut, and in 1850 an honorary diploma, he being at that time Vice President of the Society. He after- wards held the office of President. He was one of the founders of the State Eclectic Medical Society, and held the offices at different times, of Secretary, Treasurer^ BIOGRAPHIES. 559 Vice President and President, and was for several years one of the Board of Censors. Dr. Davis was most genial, kind and companionable in his social relations. Fond of society, with a genial humor which led him to enjoy the present and not be too careful of the future, quick in his perceptions, liber- al in pecuniary matters, and despising money-hoarding, he lived in as much enjoyment as falls to the lot of most men, and was personally esteemed as a friend and physician throughout the community. He was not a man of fluent speech, and of consequence not what we call a great talker. But he was a capital listener, and would attend with great eagerness and delight to hear men of sense talk. He was fond of horticulture, and evinced much taste and skill in the cultivation of his land. He had the true idea of success in this business, viz. : that "a little land should be well tilled." In 1866 a small pimple on his lower lip began troub- ling him, and soon proved to be a cancer. At that time he was very busy, and thinking that he could not neglect his patients, he was careless of himself and suffered the disease to make great progress before he could be pre- vailed upon to do anything for it. He had at different times two operations, one by Dr. Ellsworth of Hartford, and the other by Dr. Gurdon Buck of New York ; but the operations were undertaken too late. He lingered until the 24th of February, 1870, when he passed away in his sixtieth year. At the funeral services, the atten- dance of the most prominent citizens in the city testified to the high esteem in which he was held. The funeral services were performed by Rev. M. I. Steere. The rector of the Episcopal Church and the pastor of the Methodist Church were also present. His pastor said 560 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. of him, " During his long and distressing sickness I do not think so much as a shadow of distrust or fear passed over his soul. He steadfastly contemplated death as though it were life. He saw light in its darkness, and the Father's love shining within its shadows. He felt that his life was with Christ in God, and that death could not disturb it. His language ever was, ' I am ready ; I am sinking into the arms of Jesus.' And the pressure of his hand as I rose from his bedside, often told me how, deeper than I, he felt the sentiments of hope and goodness." Dr. Davis was a member of the order of Free and Accepted Masons, and was buried with Masonic honors. He married Miss Mary Parsons, November i, 1832. She died April, 1834, in Pleasant Valley, Conn., leaving one child, Mary Markham Morehouse, who married Edwin Miner in 1853, and is now living in New Haven, a widow. Dr. Davis mar- ried for his second wife, Miss Moriva Hatch of Spring- field, Mass., in 1836, and had : Julia, born April, 1838; died December, 1839; Charles Henry Stanley, 1 born March 2, 1840; Julia Moriva, born July, 1844; Wilbur Fisk, born Sept., 1846, died July 15, 1847 ; Wilbur Fisk, born July, 1848; a graduate of the Cambridge Law School in 1870. i Charles Henry Stanley Davis was born March 2, 1840. He was pre- pared for college in the public schools of Meriden, and pursued the studies of the Freshman and Sophomore classes under Rev. Messrs. Wilder and Foster. His plans for entering college were broken up by the war, and in 1862 after a short residence in Springfield, Mass., he removed to New York and entered the medical department of the New York University, where he was graduated in the spring of 1865, attending the last course of lectures ever delivered by Dr. Valentine Mott. After attending a course of lectures at the Bellevue Hospital Medical school and following hospital practice, he removed to Boston, attending the summer course at the Har- vard University Medical school. During his residence in Boston he edited BIOGRAPHIES. 561 . JACOB EATON Was a graduate of Harford University, Pennsylvania, and of the New Haven theological seminary. His first and only pastorate was over the Hanover Congregational Church, where he was ordained May 28, 1857. This church, then in its infancy, enjoyed a revival of religion at the beginning of his ministry, which continued after his ordination, and was the means of increasing the membership and the strength of the church by an addition of about twenty-five new members. This re- lation was sustained harmoniously till the outbreak of the rebellion. The following pastoral note, under date of September 30, 1861, copied from the records of the church in Hanover, speaks for itself: "The Congregational church in Hanover has been subjec- ted to many changes since my settlement as pastor. God has blessed it by adding to its numbers from year to year. These additions have averaged ten each year dur- ing my ministry here. But our church and society have been greatly weakened by numerous removals. The darkest hour has arrived. The terrible rebellion in our Southern states the first volume of the Boston Medical Register. In the fall of 1866, he removed to Baltimore, where he remained through the winter attending the lectures in the medical department of the University of Maryland and following hospital practice. In 1867 he returned to Meriden, succeeding his father in the practice of his profession. In 1863 Rev. Dr. Brown, Rev. Messrs. Duer, Jones, Post, Owen and others organized the American Philological Society, and Dr. Davis was elected the first corresponding Secretary and afterwards one of the Vice Presidents. In September, 1868, he was elected member of the N. E. Historical and Genealogical society of Boston, and during 1868 and the following year was elected correspond- ing member of the Wisconsin, Minnesota and Chicago Historical societies. In 1870 he was made a member of the New Haven Colony Historical so- ciety. He is also a member of several medical and scientific societies, and has contributed largely to the medical and periodical press. He married September 23, 1869, Carrie E. daughter of George W. Harris, Esq. 562 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. has seriously affected our manufacturing and . pecuniary interests. We feel it most deeply. My mind and heart have been deeply interested in our national conflict. After mature reflection, I have asked of my people a leave of absence for one year, that I may enlist in the Grand Army of Freedom. May God be with those I shall leave behind. May He save me through His grace, and may He save our beloved country and our government, from anarchy and dissolution. "Signed, JACOB EATON." In accordance with the purpose here expressed, he enlisted in the 8th Connecticut Regiment, sharing its fortunes under Burnside on the Atlantic coast as a pri- vate. He was promoted at length to a Lieutenancy, and served as an officer till wounded on the bloody field of Antietam, a musket ball entering his hip and disabling him for many months. Incapacitated thus for service in the ranks, he received an honorable discharge and re- turned to his people again to break unto them the bread of life and fight the good fight. His heart more than ever was with the country in its trial, and with the brave men who were fighting our battles. After preaching about a year, again he enlisted in the 7th Connecticut Regiment, and was promoted to a chaplaincy. Here he did valiant service for Christ and his country. He died at Wilming- ton, N. C, March 20, 1865, of typhoid fever, induced by fatigue and over exertion in ministering to the wants of the recently rescued federal prisoners in the hospital at that place. Mr. Eaton was a man of strong affection and love of home, of most deep and tender sympathies, and of ardent devotion to the cause of Christ and the country. He was a warm friend, when once friendship was estab- lished, and self-sacrificing for others weal. His charac- ter was impulsive. He was strong in his detestation of BIOGRAPHIES. 563 whatever he thought wrong, and bold in his defense of what he deemed right. 1 Humble as was the life and death of this man, it may be doubted whether any of all the martyrs of the Great Rebellion offered a truer sacrifice to their country than his. Twice he left his peaceful pro- fession for the camp and the battlefield ; but he finally died, not in the work of death, but as a minister of mercy. JOEL H. GUY Son of Orchard and Lois (Hall) Guy, was born in Meri- den June 4, 1804. He attended the district school winters, until he was sixteen years old. At the age of twenty he commenced teaching, and taught for ten win- ters at an average salary of eight dollars per month and board. He then acted as salesman for Meriden manufac- tures for four or five years. After this Mr. Guy, in connection with his brother, bought a store in Middle- town where he carried on business until 1840, though residing in Meriden most of the time. In 1840 he built the store now standing east of his present residence, and under the title of J. H. Guy & Co., he carried on the grocery business, the Company being the firm of Julius Pratt & Co. In 1846 Mr. Guy bought out his partner and carried on the business until about 1850. Mr. Guy has been a very energetic business man, honest and straightforward in all of his dealings. Since 1844 he has held the office of postmaster at different times for twelve years. He was President of the Meriden Bank thirteen years, and has been President of the ist Nation- al Bank seven years. He has also held the office of con- stable, deputy-sheriff, assessor and collector, justice of the peace and alderman. He has also acted more than i Funeral Discourse by Rev. H. C. Hayden. 564 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. any other man in Meriden as administrator and trustee of estates. Mr. Guy married Nov. 9, 1830, Semira Wetmore of Middlefield, and has one daughter born in 1833. He has been extensively engaged in the insurance busi- ness about twenty years. JULIUS HALL. The oldest house in Meriden is now standing about three miles east of the center. It was built by Daniel Hall in the earlier part of the last century. He was the grandson of John Hall, the first emigrant, and was born January 27, 1689. His son John was born Jan. 29, 1724, and died May 13, 1795, leaving twelve children. Joseph, the fifth son, born Oct. 8, 1770, succeeded to the old homestead. He died March 13, 1831, leaving six chil- dren, of whom two, Sherman, born April 26, 1806, and JULIUS HALL. Julius, the subject of this sketch, born June 7, 1813, still survive. They are the fourth generation born in this old house. Julius Hall married Laura L. Parker, May I, 1852, and has six children. Some years ago he built the house in which he now lives, just north of the old house. BIOGRAPHIES. 565 The immense timbers and old stone chimney, in the fire- place of which a load of wood might easily be placed, bid fair to stand for several generations to come. Mr. Hall is a plain, unassuming man, whose whole attention is given to his farm. Respected by his friends and neigh- bors for his moral worth, he never sought after office, or mingled in town affairs, but lives as did his ancestors for four generations in this town, a tiller of the soil, happy and content in the bosom of his family. EDWARD WALKER HATCH, M. D. Was born in Blandford, Hampden Co., Mass., Aug. 31, 1818. His parents were Timothy Linus and Sarah Walker (Shepard) Hatch. He was graduated at the Berkshire Medical College, Pittsfield, Mass., in the class of 1842. He was married Oct. 15, 1846, to Miss Nancy C. Boies, daughter of David Boies Esq., of Blandford. He was then in the practice of his profession in New Jersey. He removed from New Jersey to Meriden in December, 1849.' In 1853 he built and occupied the house on the corner of Main and Butler streets, now occupied by Henry C. Butler, Esq. He was appointed trustee of the State Reform School by the Legislature of 1838, and in July, 1859 was appointed by the trustees superintendent. He still occupies that position. He made a public profession of his faith in Christ in 1853, and in 1853 he connected himself with the First Congregational church of Meriden, at West Meriden, and still retains his connection there. His success as I His children are Edward Walker Hatch Jr., born at Little Falls, N. J., Jan. 12, 1848, died July 28, 1849; Sarah Elizabeth, born at Blandford, Mass., Nov. 2, 1849 ; Caroline Bigelow, born Sept. 30, 1852 ; Mary Boies, born March 6, 1859 ; Frances Catharine, born Sept. 6, 1863, died April 9, 1864. N N 566 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. superintendent of the Reform School is well known not only to the people of this town, but to the people of the State and to all in the country at large who are interested in the success of such institutions. Dr. Hatch was a warm and earnest advocate of the Union all through the war of the rebellion. He has always been interested in the cause of education, and is well known as an able, zealous advocate of total abstinence. EDWARD WALKER HATCH, M. D. He is active as one of the executive committee of the Connecticut Temperance Union, is earnestly interested in sabbath schools, and is one of the Board of Directors of the Connecticut Industrial school for girls, just established at Middletown. DR. ISAAC I. HOUGH Was born in Wallingford, in the parish of Meriden, in 1781. His father, Dr. Ensign Hough, commenced practice in this town in 1769, and died in 1813. The parents of Dr. Isaac Hough were small in stature and weight. His mother especially was a feeble, delicate woman. Their son Isaac was large from his birth, and BIOGRAPHIES. 567 in childhood was so heavy that his mother could not lift him ; and when no one was near to raise him into her lap, she would stretch out her limbs and roll him up. When ten weeks old he weighed twenty pounds, and previous to his death had attained the weight of about three hundred and fifty pounds. He studied medicine under his father, and under the instruction of Dr. Hall of Middletown. His father requested him not to marry ISAAC I. HOUGH, M. D. early, as several members of the family would be de- pendent upon him. The result was, he did not marry at all. At the time he commenced practice, Meriden contained about twelve hundred inhabitants ; but his practice extended to all adjoining towns, and was for several years quite extensive. He was a very efficient practitioner and believed fully in the power of medicine and administered it freely. He had a good library of medical and miscellaneous works, and in his earlier years his reading was extensive. He took and read for many years the North American Review and most of 568 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. the medical journals published while he was in practice. For a person so large and fleshy he was remarkably active in body and mind. He always kept some of the best horses in the country and drove them rapidly. He was an early riser, up and off to see his patients earlier than they were ready to receive him. He spent but little time investigating cases, but would see at once the prominent points of acute cases, and prescribe with skill and good jugdment. His prognosis of a cure was generally very correct. He had no taste for the manage- ment of chronic cases, and no patience to listen to the multitudinous complaints of chronic patients. He much preferred to laugh at what appeared to him their absurd notions, and consequently would often lose their confi- dence. He had great faith in the medical properties of opium, and prescribed it freely in fevers and in acute and chronic cases. His presciptions unfortunately led some of his friends and patients to its habitual use. His charges for professional services were very moderate, and he accumulated no property from that source. For many years he kept a public house in the building now standing on the corner of Broad and Main streets ; and during a portion of the time he found it very profita- ble, especially during the war of 1812. From this source he accumulated considerable property, and retired from active business at the early age of fifty-three. It is be- lieved that this was an unfortunate movement for him. When Dr. Catlin moved to Meriden in 1842, Dr. Hough took a deep interest in his welfare, and rode in consulta- tion with him more than he had done for several years previous. For several of the latter years of his life he read but little, as it affected his head unpleasantly, and he thought it imprudent to indulge in this pleasure. He BIOGRAPHIES. 569 always took a deep interest in the welfare of his friends and neighbors, and was sometimes so minute in his in- quiries as to cause offense, though he never did it from bad motives ; it was only that he might rejoice in their prosperity, or sympathize with them in their adversity. Dr. Hough's knowledge of men was very extensive, and his judgment of character very accurate. Keeping a public house on one of the great thoroughfares of the State, half way between Hartford and New Haven, all of the prominent men of the State and many of the nation were more or less frequently his guests. Being very social and inquisitive he formed a very extensive acquaintance. He knew something about, not only every Doctor in the State, but the ministers, lawyers, judges and politicians. Six or eight four horse stages stopped daily at the Doctor's inn. He was so remarka- ble in personal appearance that he was always noticed and remembered by those who saw him. According to the custom of those days his house was well stocked with the best of liquors (none of the mixed poisonous liquors so much used now), but he never tasted them himself, and at the commencement of the temperance reform in 1828-30, he sold out his tavern for $6,000 and removed across the street to the house now occupied by Wm. Merriman. A student of Yale College, while passing through Meriden, called at the Doctor's bar and said, " Doctor, I have a bad cold, what is best for me to take ?" The Doctor handed him a glass of water. Dr. Hough never united with any church, but he was a con- stant attendant upon the service of the Congregational church and a liberal supporter of its institutions, and a friend of good morals. I have said that it was unfortunate for him that he 5/O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. gave up business so early in life. It affected his health and mind unfavorably. Being naturally so active, he suffered from ennui. At the best he was a poor sleeper, and his wakefulness was increased by his lack of employment of body and mind during the day. He has been known to take his horse and wagon and ride twenty or thirty miles till he was thoroughly fatigued, when he would sleep well. He almost uniformly called himself well, except to his most intimate friends. He never could bear to have people talk to him of their bodily complaints ; so he seldom troubled other people with a recital of his own. Says Dr. Catlin (to whom I am indebted for most of the facts in this sketch of Dr. Hough) : " I knew that he suffered much pain in his limbs, and for several years he had an organic affection of the heart. He expected to die suddenly, and was not disappointed. He had been unwell more than usual for a few days. I was called in to see him several times ; he was sometimes in his chair, at others on the lounge. I was in one afternoon, when he appeared more comfortable and quite cheerful. Early the next Monday (I think), word was sent me that he was dead. I found him on the floor. He had appar- ently got up, put on his dressing-gown, slid down by the side of his bed, and died alone, evidently from dropsy of the heart. He was fearful he should give his friends trouble, either by being confined by sickness, when his great weight would be burdensome, or after he was dead. To provide against the latter event, he went to Hartford some years before his death, and was measured for his coffin, which he had made, boxed up and sent home. He told me he did not suppose the maker expected he would examine it, but he had a desire to see how the work was done. He appeared satisfied with its appearance. It BIOGRAPHIES. 5/1 was kept in the loft of a carriage house." Dr. Hough died in the building now occupied (1870) by the ist National Bank. He was very sensitive in regard to his weight. He once drove on to the hay-scales, and while engaged in conversation a bystander endeavored to weigh the doctor with his horse and gig, hoping afterwards to weigh the horse and gig, thus getting his exact weight ; but the doctor happened to look around, and discovered what was going on, and he instantly whipped up his horse and left the scales before the operation was completed. Dr. Hough died Feb. 26, 1852, ae. 71 years. I remember hearing the following verses when I was a boy : " Dr. Hough, he keeps good stuff, And lives just under the steeple ; By hook or by crook, he keeps his good looks And takes the cash from the people." These lines so pleased the doctor that he was often in the habit of repeating them. LEVl SILLIMAN IVES Was born in Meriden parish on the i6th of September, 1 797. At an early age he removed with his parents to Lewis county, N. Y., where he lived until he was sent to the academy at Lowville. During the last months of the war with Great Britain he served in the army, but upon the return of peace went back to school, entering Hamilton college in 1816. At first he studied for the ministry of the Presbyterian church, but before he was ordained, illness compelled him to leave the college, and upon his recovery to health his religious views became changed and he allied himself with the Protestant Epis- copal denomination. In 1820 he removed to New York, 572 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. where he studied theology under Bishop Hobart, who ordained him in August, 1822. Three years later he married Rebecca, a daughter of the Bishop. After his ordination his first mission was to Batavia, Genesee Co. ; subsequently he took charge of Trinity church, Philadel- phia, where he was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop White, and in 1827 removed to Lancaster, Pa., and offi- ciated at Christ church. During the next year he re- turned to New York and served as assistant minister at Christ church for about six months, when he became rector of St. Luke's church. Here he remained until he was consecrated Bishop of North Carolina in 1831. While in North Carolina he became quite popular for his efforts in behalf of education and his success in providing for the spiritual welfare of the slaves. He also became widely known as a theological author from his works on the "Apostles' Doctrine and Fellowship," and the " Obe- dience of Faith," published in New York in 1849. When the Oxford tract excitement broke out in the Episcopal church, he strongly sided with the tractarian movement, and this position caused his alienation from his diocese. The fact was that he doubted the truth of the Protestant faith for a long time, and in 1852, while on a visit to Rome, openly renounced his faith and was ad- mitted to the Catholic church. This conversion on his part was severely denounced by the Protestant religious papers in the United States, and upon his return he de- fended the act in a work entitled "The Trials of a Mind in its Progress to Catholicism." (London and Boston, 1864). After his return to America, he became Pro- fessor of Rhetoric in St. Joseph's theological seminary, and lectured in the convents of the Sacred Heart and the Sisters of Charity. He also occasionally lectured in BIOGRAPHIES. 5/3 public, and served as an active president of a conference of St. Vincent de Paul. In 1857 he conceived the idea of founding a home in New York for vagrant and orphan children of Catholic parentage, and, having obtained the approval of Archbishop Hughes, set energetically to work to carry out his design. The result of his philan- thropic labors was the establishment of the Catholic Male Protectory, and the house of the Holy Angels, two of the most deserving charitable institutions in New York. Dr. Ives died at Fordham, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1867. ISAAC C. LEWIS Son of Isaac and Esther (Beaumont) Lewis of Walling- ford, was born Oct. 19, 1812. When he was about eleven years old his father died, and five years after his mother died. He attended school until the death of his father. About a year afterwards he was sent to live with Mr. Levi Yale, and the following summer with Moses Andrews in the west part of Meriden. At the end of the summer he went to live with his grandfather, Jared Lewis of Wallingford, who soon after died, when Isaac returned to Meriden to live with his brother Patrick Lewis. When in his fifteenth year he returned to Wallingford and was apprenticed to Hiram Yale to learn the britannia ware trade. His employer died when he was nineteen years old. He remained with the family a short time, then returned to Meriden and worked about two years for Lewis and Holt. In 1834, being then in his twenty second year, Mr. Lewis formed a copartner- ship with George Cowles under the title of Lewis and Cowles, and hired rooms in a factory in East Meriden for the manufacture of britannia metal goods. They remained here about two years, when they closed up business, Mr. Cowles going north, and Mr. Evans west. 574 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. This was in the summer of 1836. Mr. Lewis returned in the fall and commenced business again with Mr. Lemuel Curtis as partner, under the name of Lewis and Curtis, in a factory belonging to Mr. Samuel Cook in East Meriden. After about two years the partnership was dissolved, Mr. Curtis coming to Meriden center. Mr. Lewis soon after purchased a house and small farm about one mile east of Meriden center, and built a shop and put in a horse-power. Business increased to such an extent that a small engine was put in ; but that proving to be insufficient, he bought the factory where he first commenced business with Mr. Cowles. He soon after associated with Daniel B. Wells, a former apprentice, under the name of I. C. Lewis & Co. Mr. Wells died soon after, and Mr. Lewis bought his interest. In 1852 the Britannia Company was formed, with Mr. Lewis as President. He remained President of the company about twelve years, when he declined holding the office any longer. He is still a member of the com- pany, and takes an active interest in the business. Mr. Lewis married in 1836, Harriet, daughter of Noah Pomeroy, and has had six children, viz. : Melissa N., Martha E., Henry J., Isaac, Frank, and Katie A. Three are now living. Mr. Lewis represented the town in the Legislature in 1848, 1859, 1862, and 1866. He has given largely toward the support of the Universalist society in Meriden, and for fifteen years has been super- intendent of the Sunday-school. Mr. Lewis commenced life without a dollar, and by his own exertions and strict attention to business has accumulated a large fortune. He never had a note protested, never was sued, nor has he ever entered a suit against any man. Uni- versally loved and respected, he affords another example BIOGRAPHIES. 575 in this town, of what honest industry and enterprise can accomplish. WILLIAM W. LYMAN Son of Andrew and Anna ( Hall) Lyman, was born in Woodford, Vt., March 29, 1821. When seven years of age his father died, and he removed to Northford, Conn, where he lived six years. In 1836 he came to Meriden and learned the trade of making britannia ware, of Griswold & Couch, serving five years. In 1844 ne went into business on his own account, manufacturing britan- nia spoons in connection with Ira Couch, but after a short time bought him out. The shop stood a few rods north of his present residence. He remained there two years, and then removed his works to the Twiss factory in Prattsville. He was in business here for a short time with Lemuel J. Curtiss, but finally dissolved partnership and removed to the Frary shop, near the present works of the Malleable Iron Co. He was there about five years. He has been a member and director of the Meri- den Britannia Co. since its organization. In Dec. 1858 he patented a fruit can which is known throughout the country as " Lyman's Fruit Jar." One house in Dela- ware has bought over 60,000 of these jars. He has also patented an ice pitcher, copper bottom tea-pot, butter dish and numerous other articles. Mr. Lyman represent- ed Meriden in the Legislature in 1849, an d is President of the Meriden Cutlery Co. In 1844 ne married Roxanna G. Frary, and has one daughter, who married Henry Warren, of Watertown, Conn. JOHN PARKER Son of Stephen and Rebecca Parker was born in Cheshire, Conn., in 1805. Receiving his early education 5/6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. in the common schools of his native town, he at an early period of life took a decided stand on the side of Christ, and even then it was his earnest desire to prepare for the ministry and devote his life to preaching the gospel. To this end he entered upon the study of theology at the Wesleyan University in Middletown, Conn., where he was graduated in 1831. He then removed to Massachusetts and was stationed at Webster two years. He afterwards supplied the pulpit at Newtown in 1833-4 '> Holliston, 1835; Lowell, 1836-7; Lynn, 1838-9; Holliston, 1840. In 1840 he came to Meriden and entered into business with his brother Charles. In 1843 the Second Adventists were making a great excitement, and had quite a large number of followers in Meriden. Mr. Parker collected a number of these to- gether and formed a society of Primitive Methodists. They assembled for worship in the building now used by the Messrs. Parkers as a spectacle-shop. It then stood where the office is now situated. It was through the exertions of Mr. Parker that the Methodist church grew and prospered in the town ; and he, with his brother Charles, jointly contributed between thirty and forty thousand dollars toward the erection of the present church edifice. During his residence in Meriden, Mr. Parker has enjoyed the confidence and respect of the people, and has always been looked to as a friend and counselor. He has filled acceptably the offices of Selectman, Justice of the Peace, and Judge of Probate ; and in 1870 was elected a Representative to the State Legislature. Mr. Parker was married in March, 1832, to Miss Emily Ward of Ashfield, Mass. She died June i, 1867. He married for his second wife, Grace A. Belden, January 22, 1868. The following children were BIOGRAPHIES. 577 by his first wife: Emily, born November 2, 1842, died December 17, 1843 ; George White, born September 19, 1846; Mary, born July 28, 1848, died Aug. 4, 1848; Frank Milton, born July 7, 1850, died October 7, 1850. NOAH POMEROY Was born March i, 1786, in Saybrook, Conn., and was the youngest of five children, three sons and two daughters. His father, Charles Pomeroy, was a mer- chant of that place, and died a short time previous to the birth of his youngest child. If a long and honor- able line of ancestry is capable of conferring dis- tinction, the subject of this sketch could scarcely have desired a more auspicious birth ; for his family trace their ancestry into the eleventh century, to a dis- tinguished Norman Knight, who fought at the battle of Hastings, under William. One of the descendants of the knight, Eltwood Pomeroy, emigrated to Massachu- setts in 1630, from England, and was well known in the early Indian wars of New England ; and the history of the Indian, French and Revolutionary wars, bears honor- able record of the bravery and patriotism of many of his descendants. Noah Pomeroy was descended from Eltwood, and his only inheritance was the good name and strong physical and mental capacities of his ancestors. After the death of his father, his brothers and sisters were kindly cared for and educated by his paternal grandfather, a man of considerable property and good standing in Colchester, Conn. ; while he from necessity remained with his mother who removed with him to Meriden. When he was about five years old his mother contracted a second marriage, which to him proved of little advantage. He continued to live with his mother and step-father until he was ten 5/8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. years old, when penniless and scarcely possessing a knowledge of the English alphabet, he commenced the world for himself. His first great object was to secure an education which would enable him to transact the common business in- cident to a life of action and enterprise, such as his youthful preception had already foreshadowed as his destiny. In attempting to accomplish this, he was obliged to struggle with difficulties which those alone can rightly estimate who have had the same to contend with. The meagre earnings of the summer, with the most rigid economy, afforded a bare surplus to apply to the purpose of his education during the winter ; and often this was lawfully claimed and obtained by his step- father. At fifteen he commenced peddling tin ware, but this gave offence to some of his nearest relatives. After repeated solicitations by other members of the family, he was induced about three years afterwards to commence an apprenticeship with a carpenter and joiner ; a trade in those days being esteemed next to a profession. He continued, however, but a short time in this employment. He had already selected the business most congenial to his feelings for his future occupation, and returning to his peddling wagon, he made use of it as the most direct and honorable means within his power, by which he could eventually make himself master of that business, and establish himself in the manufacture of tin ware. Accordingly at twenty, he apprenticed himself to a tin- smith for six months, for which he paid a stipulated sum, and in that almost incredibly short period, gained such an insight into the business as to enable him to become a complete master of the trade, which usually required BIOGRAPHIES. 579 four or five years to learn. In the succeeding year he engaged in the manufacture of plain tin ware. During the same year he married Miss Mary Merriman, a lineal descendant of Lieut. Nathaniel Merriman, who was one of the first settlers of Wallingford, and who commanded in the early Indian wars. During the eleven years succeeding, he prosecuted a small yet successful business at various localities. In the Autumn of 1807, he re- moved to Plymouth, Conn., where he continued his busi- ness until 1815, with the exception of one winter spent at Baltimore. It was during his residence at Plymouth that the second war with Great Britain commenced, of which he was an enthusiastic supporter. He was tendered a lieutenant's commission in the regular army, which however he did not accept. In 1815 he returned to Wallingford, from whence he removed to Meriden in 1818, where he permanently established his business and purchased a farm on which he ever afterward lived. From this time he continued gradually to increase the yearly amount of his manufactures, yet not so fast as to endanger his credit. He was among the first to engage extensively in the manufacture of japanned and orna- mented tin ware in this country. In 1839 ne retired nominally from his business, which he left to his sons, and applied his energies, which were not in the least abated, to the improvement of his farm. During his residence in Meriden he exercised a con- trolling influence in its affairs. He held all the offices within its gift, and that of selectman repeatedly until he declined an election. He filled the office of justice of the peace by appointment of the State Legislature, as long as it possessed the power to appoint. During his whole residence in Meriden he was scarcely ever removed 580 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. by a change in party politics. His knowledge of com- mon law, and his impartial judgment may be estimated by the fact, that of all the cases which were ever brought before him, an appeal from his decision was never carried to the county court. An ardent advocate of pro- gression and reform, and contending for the broadest religious and political liberty, he earnestly urged the necessity of calling the convention which remodeled the constitution of the state, and expunged many of those statutes which have been known as " blue laws." In 1832 he was elected a member of the House of Repre- sentatives, and in 1837 he was chosen senator from the sixth district, and in that capacity exerted his influence for the abolition of the law which imprisoned for debt. In 1833 when the Meriden Bank was established he was appointed one of the directors, and in 1849 was chosen president, which office he shortly after resigned. Mr. Pomeroy died Nov. 23, 1868, in the eighty-second year of his age. JULIUS PRATT Was born Nov. 24, 1/91, at Saybrook, Conn., and was the son of Deacon Phineas (and Hepsibah) Pratt, who was the son of Azariah, (born Aug., 1710), who was the son of John Jr. (born Sept. 5, 1671), who was the son of John (born Feb. 20, 1644), who was the eldest son of William, who came to this country with Rev. Thomas Hooker in 1633. Julius Pratt married Lydia, daughter of John De Wolfe of Westbrook, January 9, 1817. She was born March 18, 1795. His father's residence, where he himself lived in early life, was about one mile west of Pautapaug Point. At the age of fifteen he com- menced work with his brothers Abel and Phineas, in ivory-comb making, and at the age of twenty-two en- BIOGRAPHIES. 581 gaged with his brother Philo in the silversmith business in Pautapaug. In February 181 8 he removed to Meriden, and in connection with Messrs. Bush, Williams, Howard, Reed, Starkey, Rogers and Spencer, soon commenced the manufacture of ivory combs on Harbor brook, a little south of the Middletown and Waterbury turnpike bridge. Finding his water-power too small for his in- creasing business he removed to what is now called Prattsville. Joined with Mr. Webb he continued to be a leading member of the ivory comb business, and his energy and enterprise contributed in a large degree to the development of this branch of manufactures, which in a few years distanced foreign competition, and at the present time is a large and important business, the goods being exported to nearly all parts of the world. While Mr. Pratt was heavily engaged in business at Prattsville, he was also interested in another company at Crow Hollow, afterward at Hanover, where much of his time was occupied. He was one of the pioneers in the manufacture of cutlery, and had the pleasure while living, of seeing that business well established on a firm and profitable basis. He was a stockholder and director in the Home National Bank of Meriden from its com- mencement. In this connection, as in all other business relations, his counsel was sought and relied upon at all times. As a citizen he always enjoyed the respect and confidence of the community where he lived. Uncom- promising in principle, unflinching in the discharge of duty, sagacious as an adviser, modest in demeanor, active and liberal in private and public charities, and affectionate towards his family and friends, it may well be said that the best blood of the Puritans flowed in his O o 582 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. veins. He never sought for preferment, but was called to represent his town in the State Legislature of 1852, and was elected Senator of the Sixth District of Con- necticut in 1854. In his business intercourse he may have left the impression at times that he was austere ; but his apparent sternness arose from the promptness and decision with which he always transacted his busi- ness. His language was direct, final and rigidly busi- ness like. He was seldom misunderstood, and but few ever attempted to swerve or cajole him. Beneath his apparent harshness was an inner life as gentle as a dove. He loved with a woman's heart, but he spoke with the promptness of a business man, and in all his movements there was a kind of military precision which, to the un- observing, might easily be misapprehended. He died August 31, 1869. His children are, Harriet Melinda, born April 24, 1818 ; Julius H., born August i, 1821 ; William McLain, born December 12, 1837.' BENJAMIN TWISS Was born in Meriden Oct. 31, 1798. He early com- menced the manufacture of wooden clocks in Prattsville, and did a large business. Later in life he manufactured coffee-mills at the same place. He was one of the most active men of the day in town affairs, holding at different times the offices of constable, justice of the peace, select- man and assessor. He was appointed postmaster in I William McLain Pratt graduated at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- tute, at Troy, N. Y., with the degree of civil engineer, in the class of 1857. He visited South America in 1860 and 1861, crossing the continent from Buenos Ayres to Valparaiso, via Mendoza and the Andes. He enlisted as a private in the 8th Regiment of Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, in May, 1862, and was wounded in the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862. He was promoted to the office of second lieutenant in November, 1862, and that of first lieutenant and adjutant in June, 1863. BIOGRAPHIES. 583 1853, but resigned. He took an active interest in the establishment of the Reform school ; also in the Air-line railroad. He married March 7, 1832, Miss Lucy G. Francis of Wethersfield, Conn. Mr. Twiss died January 23, 1854- HON. DEXTER R. WRIGHT Was born in Windsor, Vermont, on the 2/th of June, 1821. His ancestors were among the first settlers of Vermont, and one of them was killed in the frontier wars with the Canadians and Indians. Alpheus Wright, his father, held a commission in the war of 1812, and was severely wounded in the battle at Plattsburg. During the boyhood of Dexter, his father removed to the northern part of New York, where he carried on the milling and lumber business, together with a woolen factory. All of his sons were employed in these various branches of business, and each learned some useful trade. Dexter, however, being of a studious turn of mind, pre- pared himself for college and entered the University at Middletown, from which he graduated in 1845. In the same year, he became principal of the Meriden Academy, and continued as such for nearly a year and a half; having given instruction to many youths who are now among the energetic and successful business men of Meriden. He was noted for his firm discipline and thor- ough teaching ; and the Academy flourished under his administration. In the year 1846, he entered the Yale law school at New Haven, from which he graduated in 1848. During his studies at Yale, as well as throughout his collegiate course, he gave great promise of future eminence in his profession ; and particularly in that branch of it per- taining to advocacy. In 1848 he commenced the 584 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. practice of law in Meriden, and soon after married Miss Maria H. Phelps, daughter of Col. E. L. Phelps, of East Windsor, Conn. In 1 849 he was elected senator for the 6th senatorial district, and was the youngest man that had ever been elected to the state senate from that district. He served with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. After the adjournment of the Legislature, he sailed for California, where he remained for two years practising in the territorial courts and taking part in the early political history of that state. In 1851 he returned to Meriden and continued the practice of his profession until 1862, when he entered the Union army as colonel of the fifteenth regiment, Connecticut volunteers. His practice in Meriden during this period was large and successful, and he had the confidence and esteem of all men as a thorough lawyer, an honest man, and a good citizen. The people of Meriden are largely indebted to his cultivation and taste as a pioneer in beautifying the village, and in urging forward general public improvements, and his spirit in those matters has become, largely from his example, the prevailing spirit of the people of the present city. He was commissioned Lieut. Col. of the I4th Regi- ment of Connecticut Volunteers, early in 1862; and he assisted in raising a company for that Regiment. He had also aided in raising companies for every prece- ding regiment, for that purpose speaking in different parts of the State. Owing to his zeal in the cause of the Union, Gov. Buckingham, without consulting Col. Wright's wishes, commissioned him Colonel of the I5th Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers ; thus promoting him before he entered the field. The latter Regiment BIOGRAPHIES. 585 he recruited to its full number and six hundred in excess in an unprecedentedly short time, by his personal exer- tions and great influence and popularity. His regiment went to Virginia in August, 1862, where for several months he commanded a brigade. He par- ticipated in the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862, under Burnside. After about a year's service in the field, he was discharged upon surgeon's certificate of disability, and subsequently, upon special request of Gov. Buckingham, he was appointed commissioner on the Board of Enrollment for the 2nd Congressional District, the duties of which he discharged with marked ability and zeal in the cause of the nation. In 1863 he was elected to the General Assembly of Conn, as a representative from the town of Meriden. Having served in the field and as commissioner for three years with great pecuniary sacrifice, Col. Wright removed, at the close of the war, to New Haven, Conn. ; where he resumed the practice of the law, and has con- tinued therein to the present time. He has served as United States assistant District Attorney for a term of years, and discharged the duties of that office with ability and satisfaction to the public. His present law partner is H. Lynde Harrison, Esq., who is himself somewhat identified with the history of Wallingford. Mr. Harrison taught school in Walling- ford in 1858-9, and represented the 6th senatorial dis- trict, of which Meriden is a part, in 1865 and 1866; and he is a young man of ability and promise. Mr. Wright is a thoroughly educated man. His studies are not confined to the legal profession alone ; but he is well read in every department of general litera- ture and national science. He has even pursued his 586 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. studies into medicine ; and several years ago, the hono- rary degree of M. D. was conferred upon him by a medical college in the city of New York. His maxim is that of Lord Bacon, " All knowledge is my province ;" and he is not satisfied with the mastery of one profession only. His personal integrity has never been questioned, and his professional honor is fully up to the high stand- ard always maintained by the Connecticut bar. His mind works quickly and logically, and has been well trained for the successful practice of the most drastic profession pursued by men. His diction is at all times polished and elegant ; his command of language and power of characterization is almost wonderful ; and his manners are dignified and well calculated to please all with whom he comes in contact. As a lawyer he is re- markably strong ; as an examiner of witnesses he is powerful; in the presentation of facts in argument to court or jury, he is clear and forcible ; in the preparation of his cases for trial, thorough and exhaustive ; and, in his drafting of pleadings, neat, clear and logical. Since his removal to New Haven in 1864, he has, by strict attention to his business, built up a large and lucrative practice. He is a laborious worker, and is devoted to his calling, and has attained a position in his profession, which his many friends are glad to see him occupy. Col. Wright, though a republican in sentiment, par- ticipates but little in politics ; yet the republicans have few men in Connecticut who could shed more honor upon their party than he, were he to actually enter upon political life. Though not a native of Meriden, he has been for so many years identified with her interests and progress, that this notice of him is due more to the town YALE E BIOGRAPHIES. 587 than to him ; and the people of Meriden can never feel less than a strong interest in his future success and welfare. WILLIAM YALE Son of Samuel and Eunice ( Payne) Yale, was born March 13, 1784. He attended the schools of the town until he was old enough to work, when he was appren- ticed to learn the tin business, and finally went into the business on his own account. It was his custom to go to Boston and purchase a box of tin ; then with the assistance of a sail-maker, he would make two bags in which he would put the tin ; then swinging it across his horse's back, he would bring it to Meriden, and make it into long tin combs, pint-cups and other articles. In 1817 he bought the farm of Benjamin Merriam, which comprised nearly the whole of what is now West Meriden. The land was purchased for $2500, he giving a note for $1800 for one year, and paying the remainder in cash. Previous to the note coming due, he learned that it was the intention of Mr. Merriam to demand the payment of it in specie, and he prepared himself accordingly, by gradually accumulating the whole amount in sixpence and one shilling pieces. As he brought the coin home, Lyman Collins and Joel Hall counted it and put it in bags, upon which they put their private seal. This was continued until the whole amount was deposited in the bags. The day that the note became due, Mr. Yale stationed his son at the hotel, to watch for any stranger that might come. In the after- noon a gentleman drove up to the hotel, and enquired where Esq. Yale lived. The boy at once informed Messrs. Collins and Hall, and they repaired to Mr. Yale's to meet the stranger, who soon made his appearance. 588 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. After a few remarks, the decanter with sugar, lemons, etc., was brought out, according to the custom of the times, and all took a drink. The stranger then remark- ed, that he was the sheriff of Hartford county, and had come to demand payment of the note which was due that day, and that he was ordered to demand specie pay- ment. " Very well," replied Mr. Yale, " I have antici- pated your demand, and am prepared to meet it." He then told Messrs. Collins and Hall to bring out the bags and examine the seals, and they were found all right. Mr. Yale then untied the bags and emptied the contents on the table, first sixpences and then shillings ; then turning to the sheriff said, "There is $1800. which I tend- er to you in payment of my note, due this day." The sheriff was completely nonplussed. " It will take me a week to count it," said he. " Very well," replied Mr. Yale, " I don't doubt it, for it has taken me six months to get it." The sheriff took another drink, then filling the bags, he took his departure, after asking Mr. Yale if he did his own coining. Mr. Yale took an active interest in the affairs of the town, and was much respected by his townsmen. He married Mary Johnson, Nov. 20, 1803, and died Jan. 23, 1833, in the forty-ninth year of his age. Mary, his wife, died April I, 1854, ae. sixty-nine years. His son, Edwin Rodolphus Yale, was born Aug. 8, 1804, and was ex- tensively engaged in business in Meriden for many years. He is now the proprietor of the Mansion House, Brooklyn, N. Y. SAMUEL YALE Was the son of Samuel and Eunice (Payne) Yale, and was born April 4, 1786. He was the third of a family of nine children, six sons and three daughters. At an BIOGRAPHIES. 589 early 'age he was engaged with his father in the manufac- ture of cut nails, in a little shop which stood nearly in front of the present center Congregational church. He and his father worked the nail machine with their own hands, and each nail was headed separately. The elder Mr. Yale soon after commenced the manufacture of pewter buttons, which met with a ready sale, his son working with him. The father died Sept. 18, 1804, in his forty-seventh year, and after his death the son con- tinued the business in connection with his brother Hi- ram, employing two or three men. Samuel and Hiram afterwards removed to Richmond, Va., where they remained several years engaged in the tin business. They finally returned to Meriden, where, in connection with two other brothers, William and Charles, they com- menced the manufacture of tin and britannia ware. Their goods were sold chiefly by peddlers. The Yales were very enterprising men and imported from England more skilled artizans, and soon took the lead in the manufacture of britannia goods, such as tea-sets, church services, 1 etc. Charles and Hiram removed to Walling- ford and commenced business, and had for an apprentice Mr. Samuel Simpson. Samuel Yale remained in Meri- den and continued the tin and britannia business, occu- pying a shop on Liberty-st., and afterwards on the cor- ner of Broad and East Main-st. He continued here until 1858, when he retired from business. The shop is still standing a few rods east from Broad-st. Mr. Yale in his younger days was deputy sheriff for several years. When the Meriden Bank was organized I The author has in his possession a flagon which was manufactured by the Yale Brothers. It was a part of the communion service of the First Baptist church in Meriden. 590 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. he was chosen one of the directors, and held the office until his death. He was President and trustee of the Meriden Academical Association while it was in exist- ence. In 1850 he erected the building known as the Odd Fellows Building; and in 1856 erected the brick building on the northeast corner of Broad and Main-sts. Mr. Yale died March 12, 1854,86. 79 years. His wife died in 1865 in her 79th year. WM. HUBBARD YALE Son of Jonathan and Alma (Hubbard) Yale, was born in Meriden Nov. 22, 1817, in the house in which he now WILLIAM HUBBARD YALE. lives. The house was known to the old residents of the town as the "Penfield place," and was built by Mr. Wm. Yale's grandfather. Mr. Yale gives most of his time to the cultivation of his farm, but finds time to take an ac- tive interest in town affairs. To his memory the author is indebted for many facts contained in this volume. Mr. Yale married June 27, 1841, Miss Maria M. Hubbard. BIOGRAPHIES. 59 1 JAMES S. BROOKS Was born in Haddam, Conn., March i, 1796. He came to Meriden when he was sixteen years old, a poor boy, and was apprenticed to David Plant, to learn the busi- ness of carpenter and joiner. He served his apprentice- ship, and worked at the business a few years. Major Elisha A. Cowles was engaged in business in Meriden at that time, and having become acquainted with young Brooks, he employed him to travel and sell dry-goods and Yankee notions for him. Mr. Brooks with a single horse and wagon, in which he carried his goods, drove to South Carolina, and there carried on business in connec- tion with Mr. Cowles, under the name of J. S. Brooks & Co., for nearly twenty years ; his family residing, in the meantime, in Meriden. When he returned to Meri- den to live, he was engaged in numerous enterprises, at one time manufacturing augers, and at another as one of the firm of Parker, Snow, Brooks & Co., occupying the buildings now used by Parker Brothers. Mr. Brooks was one of the pioneers in building the Hartford, New Haven and Springfield railroad, was a Director for sev- eral years, Vice President, and for a number of years acting President. He was largely identified with the affairs of the town, serving as Selectman, Judge of Pro- bate, Justice of the Peace and as Representative of the town to the State Legislature in 1839, ^44, 1855 and 1857. He was very active in church affairs, and gave the land on which the West Meriden Congregational church was built, and the sum of one thousand dollars towards the building. He had a good knowledge of human nature, and a quick perception of the character and intent of men. He was ardent in his temperament, strong in his attachments, and kind as a friend and 592 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. neighbor. Possessing strong common sense and good mother-wit, and an indomitable will and perseverance, he made his influence felt in the community. Mr. Brooks married, Aug. 31, 1823, Millicent A., daughter of Patrick Clark of this town. He died Oct. 29, 1862, leaving ten children : six daughters and four sons. One of the latter, John C., died in 1864, after nearly three years' service in the Union Army. He occupied the house just north of the depot in West Meriden. LEMUEL J. CURTIS Son of Elisha and Abigail (Hall) Curtis, was born Jan. 15, 1814. He attended school until he was sixteen years old, when he was apprenticed to Ira Yale of Wallingford to learn the britannia ware business. After serving about twelve months, he, together with Mr. Wm. Elton, bought out Mr. Yale and formed a partnership in which they continued about one year. In the summer of 1 836 Mr. Curtis and Mr. Isaac C. Lewis went to Illinois, in- tending to settle there and carry on business together ; but Mr. Lewis was taken sick, and they soon returned to Meriden, and formed a partnership and commenced manufacturing britannia ware about two miles east of the town. The partnership was soon dissolved, and Mr. Curtis, together with his brother Edwin E. Curtis, manu- factured britannia ware in Meriden for a few years. Mr. Lemuel Curtis then formed a partnership with Mr. Will- iam Lyman, and when the Meriden Britannia Company was formed in 1852, they both became members of the company. Mr. Curtis has been one of the directors of the company since its organization, and an active mem- ber until 1868. He has long been an active member of the Episcopal Church ; was vestryman for several years, BIOGRAPHIES. 593 and is now one of the wardens. He married Dec. 24, 1835, Bedotha P. Button, and has had two children. ASHABEL GRISWOLD Was born in Rocky Hill, Conn., April 4, 1784. He removed to Meriden in 1808, eating his first meal in ASHABEL GRISWOLD. Meriden at the residence of Mr. James Frary, in the north part of the town. On this occasion he first met Mr. Frary's daughter Lucy, whom he afterward married. Previous to his coming to Meriden he had learned the block-tin business of Captain Danforth of Rocky Hill, and soon after coming here he commenced business in a small shop near the residence of Mr. Samuel Clark, in Clarksville, now Fraryville, manufacturing tea-pots and other articles from block-tin. In 1810 he built the house just north of the residence of Mr. Wm. Lyman, and near this he built a shop which he occupied until 1842, when he retired from business. Mr. Griswold was a very ener- getic business man and highly respected in the com- munity. He was President of the Meriden Bank for some years, one of the wardens of the Episcopal church, 594 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Justice of the Peace, and represented the town in the Legislature in 1831 and 1847. He married ist, Lucy Frary ; 2nd, the widow of Andrew Lyman, and died May 30, 1853, ae. 69 years. ELI IVES Son of Othniel and Sarah (Yale) Ives was born in the house now occupied by his brother Othniel Ives Jr. in the eastern part of the town, January, 1809. He re- mained on the farm until his twenty-second year, when with Mr. Noah Pomeroy he commenced the manufacture of tin ware. In 1837 he went to Wetumpka, Alabama, and commenced business in which he retained an inter- est, although living most of the time in Meriden. In 1 843 he bought the Tyler mills in Yalesville, and carried on the milling business and manufacture of britannia spoons. In 1849, m company with Mr. Bennett Jeralds he commenced manufacturing britannia spoons and other articles in Prospect, Conn. The business was ELI IVES. carried on until 1854. In 1852 Mr. Ives was admitted as a partner in the firm of Goodrich and Rutty, and BIOGRAPHIES. 595 the firm was changed to Goodrich, Ives and Rutty. Mr. Goodrich retired in 1864, and Edwin R. Crocker and Nelson Payne were admitted, making the firm Ives, Rutty and Co. He has been a member of the common council, and also one of the aldermen. His services have been often called for in the settlement of estates, and he has taken an active interest in city improvements. LAUREN MERRIMAN Son of Asaph and Damaris Merriman, was born in Meriden in 1787. He early commenced the manufac- ture of block tin buttons in his own house, and afterwards LAUREN MERRIMAN. in a small shop which is now occupied as a dwelling- house, and stands opposite the north end of Foster and Merriman's shop. He afterwards commenced the manu- facture of ivory combs in Crow Hollow, where he continued until 1830, when he sold out the business. He was a very active and enterprising man, devoted entirely to his business, and accumulated a large proper- ty. He married Temperance Todd of Bristol, Conn., and had six children. His three sons have been actively 596 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. engaged in business in this town ; viz., Asaph, Nelson, and Lauren T. Mr. Merriman died in April, 1867, ae. 80 years. ORVILLE H. PLATT Son of Daniel G. and Almira Platt, was born in Washington, Litchfield county, Conn., July 19, 1827. He received his early education in his native town, and studied law with G. H. Hollister Esq., of Litchfield. He was admitted to the bar, and in the spring of 1851 he removed to Meriden and commenced the practice of law. He was appointed Judge of Probate in 1853-4-5 and 6 ; was Clerk of the Senate in 1855-6; Secretary of State in 1857; State Senator in 1861-2; and Repre- sentative in 1864-9. He was speaker of the House of Representatives in 1869. Mr. Platt has always ranked high in the legal profession. His success as a lawyer has been dependent on an unshaken conviction of his probity, untiring diligence and devotion to the interests of his clients, and his comprehensive knowledge of the law, and his admirable judgment. The impulse he has communicated while living, to all schemes of public enterprise and improvement, will doubtless continue ; but his aid and influence would be missed in many channels which no other could successfully fill. Mr. Platt married May 15, 1850, Miss Annie Bull of To- wanda, Penn., and has had two children, Daniel G. who died young, and James P. who is now in Yale College. SAMUEL PADDOCK Was born in Middletown, Conn., Feb. 22, 1784, and re- moved to Meriden in 1806. For over fifty years he was one of the active and influential men of the town, holding several offices in the gift of the town. He was BIOGRAPHIES. 597 by occupation a farmer. August 20, 1803, he married Miss Polly Sears. January 22, 1823, he married for his second wife Charlotte Yale. He died August 7, 1869. SAMUEL PADDOCK. One of his sons, Charles Paddock, is an extensive far- mer in the eastern part of the town. Another son, Samuel C. Paddock, is well known as a business man in Meriden. CHARLES PARKER Son of Stephen and Rebecca Parker, was born in Che- shire, Conn., January 2, 1809. When nine years of age he was placed with a farmer by the name of Porter Cook, where he remained until he was fourteen. He contin- ued on a farm until he was eighteen, when he went to work in Southington casting buttons for Anson Mat- thews. He remained there one year and then removed to Naugatuck, then a part of Waterbury, where he worked for Horace and Harry Smith about six months. In August, 1828, Mr. Parker came to Meriden and hired out to Patrick Lewis, making coffee-mills. In December, 1829, he went into business for himself with a capital of P P 5Q8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. seventy dollars, taking a contract from Lewis and Holt for thirteen months to manufacture coffee-mills. His shop stood nearly opposite his present residence. Du- ring the thirteen months Mr. Parker cleared thirteen hundred dollars. He then took in as partner, Mr. Jared Lewis, and took another contract from Lewis and Holt, to manufacture coffee-mills, ladles and skimmers. In January, 1831, he sold out to Mr. Jared Lewis and bought an acre of ground lying west of his present residence. On this ground was an old brown house, and Mr. Parker paid for the house and ground, six hundred and fifty dollars. On the back of this lot he built a shop which was finished in the spring of 1832, in which he manufactured coffee-mills and waffle irons. Mr. Parker then went to market with his own goods. In Nov. 1833 Lewis and Holt failed, thus leaving the whole market in Mr. Parker's hands. In 1833 he associated with his brother Edmund and Heman White, under the firm name of Parker and White, and carried on business until 1835, when Edmund Parker was sent to Montgomery, Alabama, with clocks and dry goods. In 1836 he returned, and Mr. White went to Montgomery with dry goods, which sold readily. In October, 1837, ne made a second trip to Alabama with a large stock of dry goods ; but the hard times came on and he lost heavily, much embarassing the firm of Parker and White, who did not fully recover from their embarassment for over six years. They were often advised by their friends to fail, but did not, and paid all debts in full with interest. During this time Edmund Parker sold out his interest to Mr. White, and in 1843 the partnership was dissolved, Mr. White going south, where he soon failed. He came back to Meriden and hired out to Mr. Parker for one BIOGRAPHIES. 599 hundred dollars a month. He built the house now owned and occupied by Mr. John W. Miles, corner of Broad and Elm streets. He died there of consumption. Mr. Parker's business steadily increased, and in 1844 he added largely to his buildings, putting in steam power, having previously used horse power. He was the first to manufacture plated spoons and forks, and the first to plate hollow ware in Meriden. Mr. Parker owns be- sides his shop in Meriden center, a factory in East Meriden, one about two miles west of Meriden, one in Yalesville, one in West Meriden, and occupies the Twiss shop in Prattsville. His business now amounts to about one million dollars a year. His success in life has been owing to strict ecomony and close application to business ; he often working fifteen hours a day, attending to his large correspondence evenings. He has been distinguished for good sense, great industry, method in business, and punctuality in all his engagements. At the age of thirty-one, Mr. Parker experienced religion, and after two years united with the Methodist church. He gave the Methodists the lot on Broad street on which their church was built, and also gave three-quarters of what the build- ing cost ; and he with his brother John jointly contributed between thirty and forty thousand dollars towards the erection of the present Methodist church. His liberality has been great but unostentatious ; and whenever he has conferred a favor he has endeavored to conceal it from the world. Mr. Parker has always refused to accept office, though often urged to do so, until Meriden was incorporated a city ; when he was elected Mayor, which office he held two years. Mr. Parker married October 6, 1831, Miss Abi Lewis 6(X) HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Eddy, of Berlin, and has had ten children ; four are now living. The youngest son, Dexter Wright Parker, was graduated at West Point in the spring of 1870, he being then in his twenty-first year. EDMUND PARKER The youngest son of Stephen and Rebecca Parker, was born in Cheshire, Conn., Feb. 9, 1811. He removed to Meriden at an early age, and shortly after became connected with his brother Charles and Mr. Heman White, in the manufacture of hardware, under the name of Parker and White, which firm were really the pioneers of the business enterprise of Meriden. To their energy, perseverance and success, is due in a great measure the growth and present prosperity of the town. Upon the dissolution of Parker and White he associated himself with his brother John in the brass and iron-foundry business, and in the manufacture of coffee-mills and other hardware, under the firm name of J. & E. Parker, which partnership continued until his health failed in 1865, when he sold out his interest to his brother Charles. He was Selectman and also County Commissoner for several years. He embraced Christianity at an early age, and for many years was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Meriden. He joined the Episcopal Church in 1858, in which communion he remained until his death, which occurred April 19, 1866, at the age of fifty-five years. Mr. Parker was distinguished for the clearness and strength of his judgment, the ease and accuracy with which he transacted business, and the kindness and affability which he uniformly manifested in all the relations of life ; and while always attentive to business, he was EDMUND PARKER. BIOGRAPHIES. 6O I never neglectful of the duties of friendship nor of social life generally. Mr. Parker married Miss Jennette Bradley of Branford, and had seven children, four of whom are now living. JOSEPH J. WOOLLEY son of Joseph and Fannie (Burroughs) Woolley, was born at Bridgeport, Conn., September 17, 1832. He REV. JOSEPH J. WOOLLEY. studied for the ministry in the M. E. Church, and joined the New York East Conference in 1856, and was sta- tioned at South Norwalk, Conn. When the war broke out in 1 86 1, he was commissioned as chaplain in the 8th Regiment, Conn. Volunteers, and was connected with the Burnside expedition into North Carolina, being 6O2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. actively engaged in the battles of Roanoke Island and Newbern. Constant exposure for weeks brought on an attack of typhoid fever, and he came home in the spring of 1862. Immediately after his recovery he pre- sented the cause of the Chaplain's aid Commission in this State ; and it was while engaged in this work, that he was invited to become the Pastor of the Center Congregational Church in Meriden, Conn., where he was installed October 22, 1862 ; having been previously ordained by Bishop Simpson in the Methodist Church. Mr. Woolley was brought up in the Congregational Church under the pastorate of Dr. N. Hewitt, but was converted in the Methodist Church, which will account for his connection with that church, for which he still cherishes the warmest affection. Mr. Woolley has been twice married. His first wife was the daughter of Charles Briscoe of Bridgeport, Conn., with whom he lived five years ; during four years of which she was an invalid, being confined to her room the greater part of the time. She died May 6th, 1860, leaving no children. In Dec. 1 86 1 he married the daughter of Dea. Stephen G. and Mary A. Ferris of South Norwalk, Conn., by whom he has two children, a son and daughter. In his present pastorate, Mr. W. succeeded the Rev. O. H. White of New Haven. The church membership at that time was 154 ; it is now 224. His church is the original church of Meriden, having been organized in October, 1729. HORACE C. WILCOX Son of Elisha B. and Hepsibah ( Cornwall ) Wilcox, was born in Middletown, Ct, Jan. 26, 1824. He lived on his father's farm until he was twenty years old, attending school until he was eighteen. In his twentieth year he BIOGRAPHIES. 603 commenced peddling, and followed this business for near- ly two years. In 1850 he came to Meriden and began selling britannia ware for Mr. James Frary, and finally furnished Mr. Frary with stock, and took all of the goods that he manufactured. He followed this business for several years, taking also the goods manufactured by Messrs. Wm. Lyman and John Munson of Wallingford, and I. C. Lewis & Co. Mr. Wilcox took in partner- ship his brother Dennis C. Wilcox, and under the firm name of H. C. Wilcox and Co., remained until Dec., 1852, when the Meriden Britannia Company was formed. The Company comprised Mr. Horace Wilcox, his brother Dennis, and the men for whom he had been selling goods. Mr. Lewis was elected President, and Mr. Wilcox Secretary and Treasurer. Mr. George R. Curtis, then the Cashier of the Meriden Bank, was admitted into the Company and filled the office of Treasurer, Mr. Wilcox continuing Secretary until 1865, when he was appointed President of the Company. The principal trait in Mr. Wilcox's character is an indomitable energy and perseverance. From a borrowed capital of three dollars, with which he commenced business, he has accu- mulated a large property. The success of the Meriden Britannia Company demonstrate his enterprise and sagacity. Success as the result of the skillful use of means and the powers of nature, persistent success, always proves ability. Judged by this standard, Mr. Wilcox is no ordinary man. He married first, August 9, 1 849, Charlotte A., daughter of Jabez Smith of Middle- town, by whom he had five children. He married sec- ond, May 31", 1865, Miss Ellen M., daughter of Edmund Parker, by whom he has two children. 604 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORU. ALMER HALL Son of David and Thankful Hall, was born in Walling- ford, Sept. 10, 1793. His early boyhood was spent with his parents on the farm. His opportunities for intellec- tual improvement were limited. After leaving the farm, he commenced for himself by peddling tin ware and " Yankee notions" over the Alleghany monntains, through Virginia, Tennessee and other States, for Charles Yale of Wallingford. After following this business a few years, he opened a small store in Wallingford for the sale of dry goods and groceries. He continued in that business several years. In 1827 he commenced the manufacture of britannia spoons, but did not succeed well in the business. In 1834 he went into company with Walter Martin for the purpose of manufacturing wooden screws. They soon failed, and Mr. Hall lost $9,000, all that he was worth. He became very de- spondent, and had no ambition to commence business again ; but visiting New York, a friend gave him seven pounds of German silver and told him to begin life again. In 1837 Mr. Hall formed a copartnership with William Elton under the firm name of Hall, Elton & Co., for the purpose of manufacturing German silver ware. They were the first successful manufacturers of this ware in this country. He continued in this business until his death, Jan. 15, 1865, at the age of seventy-two years. He was the last one of the constituent members of the Baptist Church, which was organized in May, 1817. Four weeks afterwards he was chosen deacon, and ever after used the office well, " purchasing to him- self a good degree." He had a more than ordinary gift for prayer and exhortation, and used it well to the last. He was thoroughly versed in the great doctrines of BIOGRAPHIES. 605 grace. It was his delight to hear them preached, and to converse about them in private. Mr. Hall was a quiet, unassuming man, and was possessed of that charity which "thinketh no evil." He was inclined to put the best construction on the acts of others, and to impute to them the best motives possible. He was confiding and unsuspecting, so much so as to suffer loss from some with whom he transacted business. For many years he was the chief support of the church, when it could not have been sustained without him. Mr. Hall married, ist, Miss Lois Twiss of Meriden ; 2nd, Miss Fanny Silliman Ives of Meriden ; 3rd, March, 1840, Mrs. Clarissa Cooke of Wallingford. He had seven children, two of whom are living, viz. : Aimer I. and Jane A., wife of Mr. D. W. Fields of Wallingford. ELIHU YALE Son of Theophilus and Azubah (De Wolf) Yale, was born in Wallingford in 1747. He married Lucretia, daughter of Abraham and Prudence Stanley of the same town, Nov. 24, 1774. He was a blacksmith, and was one of the first in Connecticut who commenced the manufacture of scythes and bayonets. Being successful in business, from a small beginning he accumulated a large estate. He was in the service of his country during the Revolution, and was an active and efficient man in all his undertakings. He died suddenly, having attended Church during the day, Sunday evening May 12, 1806, in his fifty-ninth year, leaving seven children. 606 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. CHAPTER XXXIV. MISCELLANEOUS LAWS. LETTERS. CATHOLIC CHURCH. LAWYERS. MERIDEN GRAYS. AT a special town meeting holden at Wallingford Jan. 27, 1794, "Voted unanimously that this town do disap- prove of the measures taken by the General Assembly in October last relative to the sale of the western territo- ry belonging to this State, and the appropriation of the avails thereof; and that we deem it our duty to use every prudent method to prevent the aforesaid measures being carried into effect, and that the above Vote be inserted in the Connecticut Journal" At the October session of the General Assembly, 1726, a grant of three hundred acres of land in the town of Goshen was made to John Hull of Wallingford, James Wadsworth of Durham and Hezekiah Brainerd of Had- dam (father of the missionary David Brainerd), for public services. It was called the Esquires' Farm, from its being given to these persons, each of whom had the title of Esquire. [From the CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, April 29, 1768.] As I have never burthened the public to read or you to publish any of my productions, I flatter myself the subsequent succint suggestions will be forgiven. As economy is the watchword of this reign, as candor was of the former, in the MISCELLANEOUS. 607 courtly and ministerial style, it has crossed the Atlantic, and is in high vogue in America as well as in Westminster the city of the great king. The story is this : A few days since a strolling man in soldier's regimental garb, calling himself James McCannon, with a blazing woman, came into my house in early morn, begged for cider, then three mugs deep, as I was informed ; after some admonitions given him, my affairs pressing my immediate departure, I left him in the house, on which he soon became very boisterous, attempted to pilfer some things which my domestic discovered ; finally carried off a brass save-all, of a stand of candleticks ( then undiscov- ered ), what else is at present unknown. This, though trifling in its value intrinsically, but as an ancient patrimonial legacy of high estimation, not only is a standing evidence of their prudent economy, but ex vi termini a memento of economy and save-all. And hereby I beg leave to give warning to all fami- lies to beware of such strolling pilferers, if they would save all. I beg leave also to ask the public, whether it would not be of public utility, to have task-masters in every town to compel them to labor, as they are passing every day in our streets, and will be probably more and more, or some other similar salutary measure. I ask pardon for one more hint which pops into my head, while my pen is moving, as a sup- plemental suggestion to economy and save-all. A respectable physician of the city of London, of high renown in the faculty, told the subscriber that he required his servants to save all the rags, not that it was of the least avail to him, but only a specimen of economy save-all, and withal added, " The rags in this city are worth sixty thousand pounds sterling a year." I hope the paper-mill manufacturers will not esteem the fore- going hint burthensome, though the public may what precedes. Gentlemen, if it appear more eligible to save your pains and paper than print this, remember and save all. I am your most humble servant, E. HALL. Wallingford, 5 o'clock, April 2ith. 608 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. [ From the CONNECTICUT GAZETTE.] At a meeting of the true sons of Liberty in Wallingford, in New Haven county, on the evening of the i3th day of Jan- uary, 1766, after duly formed by choosing a moderator and a clerk, the following resolves were come into, viz. : Resolved, i That the late act of Parliament, called the Stamp Act, is unconstitutional, and intended to enslave the true subjects of America. Resolved, 2. That we will oppose the same to the last ex- tremity, even to take the field. Resolved, 3. That we will meet at the Court House in New Haven, on the third Tuesday of February next ; and we de- sire all the sons of liberty in each town in the county would meet there by themselves or representatives ; there to consult what is best to be done in order to defend our liberties and properties, and break up the stop to public affairs. Resolved, 4. That this meeting be adjourned to the first Tuesday of February next, then to choose our representatives to attend the aforesaid meeting. A true copy, examined. P. P. CLARK. CATHOLIC CHURCH. The first Roman Catholic service in Meriden was held at a private residence in the north-east part of the town. The building now occupied as a residence near the cor- ner of Liberty and Broad streets, and which then stood on the corner of Olive and South Broad streets, was soon after purchased and used by the Catholics for many years. Rev. Thomas Quinn was the first settled pastor, although Rev. Messrs. Stevens and Hugh Riley had previously had pastoral care of the society. During Rev. Mr. Quinn's pastorate, the present church of St. Rose of Lima was built at a cost of about $25,000. Soon after the completion of the Church, Father Quinn was removed to another field of labor, and was succeeded MISCELLANEOUS. 609 by Rev. Thomas Walsh, the present pastor. Rev. Mr. Sheridan was curate for a while under Father Walsh, and was succeeded by the Rev. Mr. Plunkett, who in 1870 was removed. The church has recently been enlarged. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was offered up for the first time in Wallingford on the 22nd of December, 1847, by a missionary Priest, in a private house on Main street, occupied by James Hanlon. Fifteen persons composed the congregation. From 1847 to ^57 the Catholics of Wallingford had divine service in private houses and in the hall of the tavern when it could be ob- tained, and it was attended by the Priest from Meriden. On the 23d of November, 1857, tne corner stone of the present Catholic church was laid by the Rev. Thomas Quinn, then pastor of the Meriden church. Wallingford has ceased to be an out-mission to Meriden since 1868 ; Rev. Hugh Mallon being then appointed pastor. The Catholic population of Wallingford is now about one thousand. LUTHERAN CHURCH. The corner-stone of the St. John's German Evangel- ical church was laid Friday, Oct. 19, 1866, Rev. Dr. Bohrman of Albany preaching the sermon. In the stone were deposited a Bible, Catechism, Records of the Church, a copy of the Recorder, and several evan- gelical newspapers. Rev. Gustavus A. Schmidt was the first pastor, and was succeeded by Rev. Charles Groeber. LAWYERS. Benajah Andrews was for many years the leading lawyer of Meriden. He was Judge of Probate in this district from 1844 to 1846, and from 1847 to 1850. Dexter R. Wright, a graduate of the Wesleyan Uni- 6lO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. versity, of the class of 1845,' and Tilton E. Doolittle, a graduate of Yale College of the class of 1846, practised law in this town for many years. Orville H. Platt came here in 185 1 2 and has held many important offices in the gift of the town. Savilian R. Hall practiced here for a short time, and removed to New Haven, as did Messrs. Wright and Doolittle. The lawyers at present in Meri- den are as follows : George W. Smith, Cooke Lounsbury, George A. Fay, E. A. Merriman, Leverett L. Phelps and Ratcliffe Hicks. MERIDEN GRAYS. 2d Brigade, Conn., State Militia. In 1830 the roll was as follows : Captain, Almeron Miles ; Lieutenant, John S. Blake ; Ensign, Osamas Crocker ; Sergeants, Alfred P. Curtiss, Alanson Curtiss, Edmund Parker, Harrison W. Curtiss ; Bugler, Elam L. Johnson ; Fifer, Henry P. Judd ; Drummer, John Miles Jr. ; Bass Drummer, Loyal Smith ; Almon Ives, Benj. H. Royce, Charles Parker, Charles Ranney, Daniel Hart, Edwin Birdsey, Ezra Rutty, Edward N. Hall, Geo. Thrall, Harrison Curtiss, Henry Penfield, Henry W. Saltonstall, Horace Redfield, Isaac W. Curtiss, James S. Lathrop, Lyman Ives, Nor- man W. Pomeroy, Nelson Payne, Sydney P. Hall, Wm. H. Yale, Wm. D. Cutler, Wm. Green, John Houseman, Alanson Carter, Wm. Seymour, Wm. White, Elias M. Barnes, Hiram H. Royce. 1 See Biographical notices. 2 See Biographical notices. GENEALOGIES. "To trace lineage to love and record the names and actions of those without whom we could never have been, who moulded and made us what we are, and whom the very greatest of us all must know to have propagated influences into his being, which must subtly but certainly act upon his whole conduct in this world all this is implied in ancestry and the love of it, and is natural and good." Westminster Review, July, 1853. INTRODUCTION. FEW know the amount of time, patience and labor, that is required in compiling genealogies, and no one can estimate the difficulty of collecting these materials, who has not had experience in similar undertakings. It has been said, that it was useless to tell antiquaries anything about the cost of such works, for they understood it ; and it was equally useless to tell others, for they could not comprehend you. It is probable that this work would not have been printed for several years had not the services of Mr. ELIHU YALE been called into requi- sition. He has spent many years in examining town, church and family records, and in an extensive corres- pondence with the descendants of the families noticed in this work. Every one who has had any experience in labors of this kind, knows that errors are unavoidable. The neglect of parents in having the births, deaths, and marriages in their respective families recorded, renders it imposssible in many cases, to collect from the town 6l2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. records a correct list of a family. I have carefully com- pared these records with those of the neighboring towns, the published genealogies of some of the families, and also the records of the Probate office, and the office of the Register of deeds for the county. Thus in some instances I have supplied the record of whole families, not found upon the town records at all. It was my in- tention to bring the record of each family down to the present generation, but the work has grown to such a size that it will be impossible except in a few instances. Of the Parker, Street, and Brown families I have the record of several thousand names of collateral branches, and also the records of numerous Meriden families, since the incorporation of the town. These Meriden pedi- grees I had hoped to have incorporated in this work, but perhaps sufficient inducement may be offered to print them separately ; they would occupy about two hundred pages. Any corrections or additions to the families mentioned in these genealogies will be thankfully re- ceived by the author. 6i3 ABERNATHY.' WILLIAM. WILLIAM ABERNATHY came to Wallingford from Branford. He was a native of Scotland, and was an active man among the settlers. The name of his ist wife was Sarah. His 2nd wife was Elizabeth. Children: i Elizabeth, b Oct. 15, 1673; 2 William, b Jan. 2 3> X 675 ; 3 Sarah, b Oct. 10, 1677 ; 4 Mary, b Mar. 27, 1679 ; 5 Samuel, b Jan. 10, 1683, d Mar. 14, 1723 ; 6 Dan- iel, b Sept. 3, 1686 ; 7 Susannah, b July 18, 1689. 2. WILLIAM. WILLIAM AND MARY ABERNATHY. He died Feb., 1728. She died Jan. i, 1757. Children: 8 Maty, b April 30, 1700; 9 Jemima, b Aug. 20, 1702; 10 Sarah, b Dec. 15, 1705; n Ann, b June 7, 1706 ; 12 John, b Feb. 27, 1708, killed by lightning May 12, 1727, as 19; 13 Caleb, b Feb. n, 1710, m. to Lois Gaylord by Capt. Yale, Sept. 26, 1733; 14 Susannah, b April 28, 1712, m. Samuel Yale. 5. SAMUEL. SAMUEL ABERNATHY married Elizabeth Peck Nov. 21, 1711. Children: 15 Abraham, b March i, 1712; 16 Samuel, b Dec. 28, 1718, d July 28, 1724; 17 Jasper, b Feb. 24, 1721, d Dec. 2, 1741. 13. CALEB. CALEB and Lois ABERNATHY, of Wallingford, married, 1733. Children: 18 William, b July i, 1734; 19 Mary, b Nov. 2 3> J 736; 20 John, b July 2, 1738; 21 Mary, b Dec. 9, 1797 ; 22 Jared, b Oct. 31, 1741. i Hinman's Letters of Conn., 17, 18. QQ 614 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKI). ALLING AND ALLEN. JAMES. JAMES ALLING is the first of this name that I find in Wall- ingford, with his wife Abigail, before 1700. The name has not been numerous. Children: i Abigail, b. June 23, 1701 ; 2 James, b. Nov. 15, 1702; 3 Stephen, b. Oct. 13, 1704; 4 Mary, b. March 3, 1708; 5 Samuel, b. Jan. 15, 1710, m. Mary Blakeslee, June 23, 1726 ; 6, Ebenezer, b. April 8, 1713. 2. JAMES. JAMES and MARY (Beadles) ALLING were married Sept. 23, Children: 7 Marshal, b. Aug. i, 1732; 8 Rebecca, b. Feb. 7) J 734j 9 Abigail, b. Dec. i, 1735 ; 10 Josiah, b. Feb. 6. EBENEZER. EBENEZER ALLING married Sarah Atwater, Dec. 19, 1742. He died Nov. 3, 1760. Children: n Sarah, b Feb. 8, 1745; 12 Daniel, b. Oct. 22, 1747, d. July n, 1746; 13 Abel,\>. Jan. 30, 1749; 14 Enos, b. Jan. 17, 1752 ; 15 Daman's, b. March 15, 1755; 16 Abigail, b. July, 6, 1757 ; 17 Eunice, b. Dec. 19, 1760. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM ALLING married Hannah . Children: 18 Daniel, b. Nov. 18, 1743 ; 19 Esther, b. Jan. 24, 1744- ANDREWS.' WILLIAM. WILLIAM ANDREWS, of Hampsworth, England (carpenter), was one of the fifty-three persons besides women and children who shipped at Hampton, 15 miles west-south-west of London, i Andrews' Hist New Britain ; Bubson's Hist, of Gloucester, 57, 58 ; GENEALOGIES. 615 about the 6th of April, 1635, on board of the James of London, of 300 tons, Wm. Cooper, Master. Several of the 53 passengers had their wives and children with them, but no record of their names was kept. They landed at Boston, where Wm. Andrews was made a freeman in 1635. He was early at New Haven with Eaton and Rev. John Davenport. He built the first meeting-house there in 1644. He is known to have had three sons and one daughter, and is supposed to have had two other daughters whose names are now unknown. The name of his first wife who was the mother of all his children, is also now unknown. He married his and wife, Anna Gibbands, Dec. 7, 1665 ; she was a daughter of William Gib- bands, who was Colonial Secretary in 1657. Mr. William Andrews died at East Haven, March 4, 1676. Mrs. Anna, his wife, died A. D. 1701. Children: i William, born in England, died Jan. 3, 1663, left no sons; 2 Samuel, born in England, 1632, died Oct. 6, 1704; 3 Nathan, born in England, 1638. Ancestor of the East Haven branch. Daughters, supposed three. Samuel and Nathan were of the original proprietors of Wallingford in 1670. Nathan was one of the twelve selected to lay the foundation for the formation of the Church in Wall- ingford, and was an active member of the plantation, after giving directions for its government, until they became suffi- ciently strong to support a minister. 2. SAMUEL. SAMUEL ANDREWS; son of William the emigrant, married Elizabeth, daughter of Deacon Wm. Peck, of New Haven. He took the oath of fidelity May 2, 1654; settled in Walling- ford in 1670. Made his will April 17, 1703, amount of estate Dodd's Hist, of E. Haven, 101, 102 ; Eaton's Annals of Warren, 376, 377 ; Eaton's Hist, of Thomaston, 135 ; Hale's Lawrence Family, 10-13 ; Hin- man's Conn. Settlers, 51-53; Machias, M. Centennial Celebration, 152, 153 ; Savage's Gen. Diet, 1.51, 57; Walker's Memorials of Walker Fam- ily, 215; Ward's Hist. Shrewsbury, 221-5. 6l6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 2s. 6fi. He died in Wallingford, Oct. 6, 1704,3;. 73 years. She died in Wallingford. Children: 4 William, b. 1658; 5 Samuel, b. Feb. i, 1661, d. 1662, ae. about i year; 6 Samuel, b. April 30, 1663, in. Anna Hall, Aug. 27, 1686; 7 William, b. Feb. 9, 1664, m. to Hannah Parker, by Mr. Moss, Jan. 12, 1692 ; 8 John, b. July 4, 1667 ; 9 Nathaniel, b. Aug 2, 1670, m. Susannah Tyler; she d. June 5, 1721 ; 10 Twins, b. May 30, 1673, d. i day after birth; n Elizabeth, b. July 16, 1674, m. Benjamin Hall; 12 Mary, b. March 27, 1677; 13 Joseph, b. June i, 1679, m. Abigail Paine; 14 Margery, b. Jan. 15, 1681 ; 15 Dinah, b. July 25, 1684. 3 NATHAN. NATHAN ANDREWS, son of William the emigrant, married ist, Elizabeth Miles, July 26, 1686 ; 2nd, Hannah Gibbons, of New Haven. He went to Wallingford in 1670. Lot 8 on the west side of Main street was assigned him for his house lot. He died in 1712. Children by ist marriage: 16 Elizabeth, b. April 8, 1688; 17 Daniel, b Aug. 15, 1690. d. Aug. 15, 1690; 18 Tamer, b. Aug. 15, 1690, d. Jan. n, 1727 ; 19 Samuel, b. Aug. 15, 1691, d. Jan. 31, 1727; 20 Daniel; 21 Maty; 22 Jonathan, m. Jemima - ; 23 Abigail ; by 2nd marriage, 24 Will- iam, b. Sept. 4, 1729. 6. SAMUEL. SAMUEL ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Elizabeth, married Hannah, or Anna Hall, August 27, 1686. Children: 25 Thomas, b. March 1 1, 1687, m. Felix -- ; 26 John, b. April 18, 1692, d May 6, 1693 ; 27 John, b. May 5, 1693, m. Hannah Merriman, July 19, 1714; 28 Elizabeth, b Nov. 27, 1695, d Juty J 9> J ^97 ; 29 Samuel, b 1697, m Abigail - ; 30 Elisha, b. Apr. 28, 1701 ; 31 William, b July 6, 1702, m. Mary Foster; 32 Anna, m. Joseph Roys of Wallingford. GENEALOGIES. 7. WILLIAM. WILLIAM ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Elizabeth, married to Hannah Parker, by Mr. Moss, Jan. 12, 1692. He died July 8, 1726. (Estate ^291.) Children: 33 Thankful A., m. Matthias Hitchcock. 8. JOHN. JOHN ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Elizabeth, married Sarah . Children: 34 Ruth, b. Oct. i, 1723. 9. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Elizabeth, mar- ried Susannah Tyler, Dec. 13, 1705. She died June 25, 1721 ; and he married Elizabeth Clark, Oct. 16, 1721. He died March 5, 1735. Elizabeth Clark died Sept. 10, 1751. 13. JOSEPH. JOSEPH ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Andrews, married Abigail Payne Nov. 10, 1704. He made his will Oct. 12, 1741, and died Nov. 20, 1741, ae. 62 yrs., 6 mos., ii days. She died June 25, 1721. Children: 35 Caleb, b. June 23, 1701 ; 36 Caleb, b. March 12, 1706, d Nov. 20, 1741 ; 37 Joseph, b March 3, 1708, d 1741 ; 38 Giles, b March 19, 1710, m Abigail Curtiss, April 7, 1731; 39 Mercy, (twin) b June 15, 1714; 40 Mary, (twin), b June 15, 1714, m John Hulls of Wallingford ; 41 Nathaniel, b March 16, 1717, d 1741 ; 42 Andrew, b Aug. 16, 1719, d. 1792, m Hester , she d Sept. 6, 1750; 43 Stephen, b May. 24, 1722, d 1775, ae. 73. 20. DANIEL. DANIEL ANDREWS, son of Nathan and Elizabeth, married ist Mehitable , she died. He married 20!, Sarah , she died of small pox, 1712. Children by first wife: 44 Nathaniel, b. July 12, 1714; 45 Elnathan, Sept. 12, 1717. By 2nd wife: 46 Jchicl, b. June, 1720, m. Sarah Cook, Jan. 16, 1746 ; 47 Hannah, b. 6l8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. May 12, 1723 : 48 Mehitable, b. April 30, 1726 ; 49 Ephraim, b. May 13, 1731. By 3d wife, Deliverance: 50 Margery, b. Nov. 6, 1733 ; 51 Abigail, b. May i, 1736 ; 52 Lydia, b. June 16, 1740. 22. JONATHAN. JONATHAN ANDREWS, son of Nathan and Elizabeth ; mar- ried Jemima Hotchkiss April n, 1727. Children: 53 Abel, b. Jan. 28, 1728, m. Lettis Williams Feb. 10, 1757, and settled in Cheshire; 54 Esther, b. May 9, 1730; 55 Mary, b. Jan. 14, 1734 ; 56 Daniel, b. June 4, 1737 ; 57 Jemima, b. Nov. 24, 1740. 25. THOMAS. THOMAS ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Elizabeth, married istFelix . He died in 1756, leaving widow Elizabeth. Children: 58 Elizabeth, born April 23, 1717, m. R. Strong of Waterbury, Conn.; 59 Benjamin, b. Nov. 26, 1718: 60 Enos, b April 13, 1719,01. Content ; 61 Sarah, b. July 15, 1720; 62 Lois, b. July 15, 1722, m. Leverius Carrington ; 63 Martha, b. Sept. 25, 1730 ; 64 Thankful, in. Jason Hitchcock. 26. JOHN. JOHN ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Elizabeth, married Hannah Merriman, July 23, 1714. She died Sept. 28, 1738. Children : 65 Ephraim, b. Oct. 14, 1714 ; 66 Phebe, b. Sept. n, 1716; 67 Denizen, b. May 14, 1718, d. April 13, 1725; 68 Eben, b. Jan. 15, 1720; 69 Anna, b. Nov. 17, 1721 ; 70 Hannah, b. Jan. 13,1722 ; 71 Peter,\). Dec. 6, 1723 ; 72 John, b. Nov. 23, 1727 ; 73 Hannah, b. Oct. 24, 1729; 74 Mary, b. Sept. 15, 1732, m. Joseph Parker in 1758; 75 Elizabeth, b. Aug. 20, 1736. 29. SAMUEL. SAMUEL ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Anna, married Abi- gail Tyler, daughter of John and Abigail. He died Oct. 5, 1784, aged 87 years. She died Feb. 13, 1786, aged 89 years. Interred in Meriden. Children: 76 Elon,\> Nov. 26, 1721, m. Sarah . He died GENEALOGIES. 619 Sept. 22, 1784; 77 Jacob, \*. Nov. 18, 1723; 78 Nicholas, \>. Dec. 27, 1725, died Dec. 21, 1784, ae. 26 years; 79 Laban, b. Apr. 25, 1728, m. Prudence Stanley, Apr. 5, 1758; 80 Deni- zen, b. Aug. 27, m. Abigail Whiting, May n, 1757 ; 81-2 Mo- ses and Aaron, twins, b. Aug. 29, 1734; the former was a physician in Meriden ; 83 Samuel, b. April 27, 1737. 30. ELISHA. ELISHA ANDREWS, son . of Samuel and Annah, married Mabel Andrews. Children: 84 Zuba, b. April i, 1721, m. John Couch of Meriden, Conn.; 85 Elisha, b. Dec. 25, 1727, d. young; 86 Elisha, b. Jan. 5, 1728; 87 Dinah, b. Mar. 23, 1729, m. Silas Merriman ; 89 Mabel, b. May 24, 1731, m. Benjamin Tyler of Farmington ; 90 Bartholomew, b. Jan. 30, 1735, m. Sarah An- drews ; 91 Noah, b. Feb. 4, 1737, d. in the old French war; 92 Anna, b. Dec. 15, 1738, d. in childhood; 93 Lucy; 94 Anna. 31. WILLIAM. WILLIAM ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Anna, married Mary Foster, Nov. i, 1727. He died July 8, 1756. Will dated Oct. 6, 1736. Children : 95 Samuel, b. Aug. 21, 1727, m. Lydia ; 96 Anna, b. Feb. 15, 1729 ; 97 Eunice, b. Feb. 18, 1750; 98 Titus, b. June 3, 1732 ; 99 William,\>. Feb. 13, 1724; 100 Thankful; 101 Mary; 102 'Rhoda ; 103 Titus, b. March 7, 1751. 35. CALEB. CALEB ANDREWS, son of Joseph and Abigail ( Payne ), married, ist, Esther Beecher, May 22, 1727. She died Oct. 25, 1729. He married 2nd, Mary Culver, July 5, 1733. He died Nov. 20, 1741. Estate 13 14. Children by first marriage : 104 Sarah, b. Aug. 22, 1729; by 2nd marriage: 105 Lament, b. July 28, 1730, d. December 6, 1736. 38. GILES. GILES ANDREWS, son of Joseph and Abigail, married Abigail Andrews. They settled in Sheffield, Mass. 62O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 106 Amos, b. Jan. 19, 1732 ; 107 Josep/t, b May 2, 1743, d. Nov. 8, 1744. 41. NATHANIEL. NATHANIF.L ANDREWS, son of Joseph and Abigail, married ist, Esther ; 2nd, Ruth ; He died July 2, I7S 6 - Children by Esther : 108 Amos, b. April 15, 1733. Chil- dren by Ruth: 109 Rhoda, b. Feb. i, 1743; no Nathan, b. Feb. 2, 1750; in Daniel, h. May 29, 1751 ; 112 Moses, b. April 8, 1752. 42. ANDREW. ANDREW ANDREWS, son of Joseph and Abigail, married ist, Esther . She died. He married 2nd, Elizabeth Dunbar. He died Feb. 22, 1772, ae. 72 years, 6 months, and 6 days. Children: 113, 114, Johanna and Sarah, b. July 31, 1740, twins ; the latter married Bartholemew Andrews ; 115 Margery, b. March 23, 1742, d. in 1751 ; 116 Esther, b. Feb. 24, 1743 ; by 2nd wife: 117 Eunice, b. Dec. 6, 1746 ; 118 Caleb, b. Dec. 9, 1748; 119 Margery, b Nov. 23, 1751; 120 Margery, b. June 14, 1752; 121 Andrew, b. Aug. 9, 1756; 122 Joseph, b. Nov. 26, 1758, died on board of the old prison ship, Jer- sey ; 123 Nathaniel, b. May 20, 1761 ; 124 Elizabeth, b. June 20, 1763 ; 125 Mary, b. May 20, 1766, m. Joseph Blakeslee ; 126 Abigail, b. April 26, 1770, m. Charles T. Jackson, of Litchfield, Conn. 43. STEPHEN. STEPHEN ANDREWS, son of Joseph and Abigail, married twice; ist, Mabel , she died. 2nd, Hannah . He died in Meriden. Children: 127 Mary, b. April 5, 1747, m. a Mr. Bailey; 128 Abigail, b Oct. 29, 1749 ; 129 Benjamin, b. Oct. 16, 1751 ; Abigail, b. Oct. 16, 1753 ; 130 Mabel, b. Sept. 23, 1761 ; 131 Sarah ; Content. 46. ELNATHAN. ELNATHAN ANDREWS, son of Daniel and Mehitable, married Hannah . GENEALOGIES. 621 Children: 132 Beta, b. March 16, 1740, d. in Cheshire; 133 Amasa, b. Sept. 22, 1742-3; 134 Damaris, b. March 23, 1745 ; 135 Hannah, b. Jan. 10, 1746; 136 Elizabeth, b. June 21, 1758; 137 Mary, b. Aug. 29, 1761. 47. JEHIEL. J EH i EL ANDREWS, son of Daniel and Sarah ; married Sarah Cook Children: 138 Mabel, b. July 19, 1746; 139 Thankful, b Dec. 9, 1748 ; 140 Lois, b. Aug. 8, 1750; 141 John, b. Nov. 12, 1752 ; 142 Ebenezer, b. May 4, 1754; 143 Sarah, b. Dec. 29, 1756 ; 144 Eunice, b. March 14, 1759 ; 145 Chloe, b. Dec. 16, 1760. 53- ABEL. ABEL ANDREWS, son of Jonathan and Jemima, married ist, Sarah ; she died, and he married, 2nd, Lettis Williams, Feb. 10, 1757, and settled in Cheshire, where they both died. Children: by ist marriage; 146 Sarah, b. Feb. i, 1744. By 2nd marriage; 147 Samuel; 148 Mamre ; 149 Abel, m. twice; 150 Chauncey, d. in Cheshire; 151 Esther, d. in Cheshire. 59. BENJAMIN. Benjamin Andrews, son of Thomas and Felix, married Susannah .. Children: 153 Samuel, b. Sept. 21, 1741. 60. ENOS. Enos Andrews, son of Thomas and Felix , married Content . Children: 154 Thomas, b. Aug. 8, 1744 ; 155 Bcdc, b. April 2, 1746; 156 Asahcl,\> Nov. 13, 1747; 157 Huldah, b. Nov. 3, 1751 ; 158 Thankful, b. Mar. i, 1754; 159 Enos, b. Oct. 12, 1760. 65. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM ANDREWS, son of John and Hannah, married Hannah . Children: 160 Asahel, b Nov. 5, 1736. 622 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 68. EBEN. EBEN ANDREWS, son of John and Hannah, married Eliza- beth Andrews, Dec. 13, 1739. Children: 161 Joel, b Aug. n, 1740. 72. JOHN. JOHN ANDREWS, son of John and Hannah, married Abigail . Children: 162 Abigail, b Sept. 21, 1740; 163 Lydia, b Nov. 13, 1741. 76. ELON. ELON ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Abigail, married Sarah . He died Sept. 22, 1784, aged 63 years. She died April 30, 1797, aged 60. Children : 164 Isaac, d Oct. 24, 1754 ; 165 Eutiice, b July 23, 1758 ; 166 Isaac, b March 8, 1762. 77- JACOB. JACOB ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Abigail, married Ruth - . Children: 167 Abigail, b Oct. 29, 1749; 168 Benjamin,}) Oct. 16, 1751 ; 169 Abigail, b Oct. 16, 1753. 78. NICHOLAS. NICHOLAS ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Abigail, married Lydia - , March 31, 1761. He died Dec. 21, 1784, ae. 50 years. He when living owned land now owned by Charles E. Yale. Children: 170 Amos, b July 24, 1762. 79 LABAN. LABAN ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Abigail, married Prudence Stanley. Children: 171 Abigail, b Sept. 21, 1740; 172 Lydia, b Nov. 13, 1741. 80. DENIZEN. DENIZEN ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Abigail, married Abigail Whiting, May u, 1787. He died at Meriden, June, 1807, ae. 77 years. She died Oct. i, 1796, ag. 60 years. GENEALOGIES. 623 Children: 173 Sarah, b March 16, 1758; 174 Abner, b August 25, 1759. He was paralyzed, died in Meriden, during the Revolutionary war; 175 Abigail, b March 23, 1671 ; 176 Whiting; 177 Samuel; 178 Aaron; 179 Denizen; 180 Oliver, was a farmer in Meriden, and died there; 181 Loyal; 182 Harvey; 183 Sarah; 184 Philomelia. 8 1. MOSES. Dr. MOSES ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Abigail, married Lucy . He died in Meriden, Oct. 2, 1811, ae. 77. She died June 13, 1832, ae. 86 years. 82. AARON. DR. AARON ANDREWS, son of Samuel and Abigail, mar- ried Sarah Whiting of Stamford, Dec. 18, 1771, and settled in the old village of Wallingford. He owned and occupied the house now owned and occupied by Samuel B. Parmelee Esq., during his life-time. She died Aug. 28, 1836, ae. 92 years, 5 months and 19 days. Children : 185 Sherlock,\>. Oct. 19, 1772, d. at Geneva, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1795, m Selina, dau. of Samuel Tyler, of Walling- ford; 186 Betsey, b. Dec. n, 1774, m. Oliver Clark, and d. Sept. 10, 1828, at Oswego, N.Y; 187 John, ( M. D.) b. June J 3 X 777> m - Abigail Atwater ; 188 William, b. Dec. 26, 1779, d. in St. Bartholomew, Nov. 9, 1809 ; 189 Drake, b. Dec. 27, 1781, m. Lucy Whittelsey, and d. in Illinois, May 21, 1841 ; 190 Aaron, b. Dec. 20, 1784, d. in the West Indies, July, 30, 1837. 89. BARTHOLOMEW. BARTHOLOMEW ANDREWS, son of Elisha and Mabel, married Sarah Andrews, of Wallingford. They both died at Wall- ingford. Children: 191 Elisha, b Jan. 5, 1761; went to Ballston Spa, N. Y. ; 192 Thomas, b. May 17, 1762 ; d. in Walling- ford, left Betsey and Orrin ; 193 Esther, m. Ezra Reid ; 194 Sally, b. April 17, 1774, d. in Wallingford; 195 Noah, b. April 17, 1744, d. in Wallingford; 196 Eunice, b. Sept. 8, 624 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 1776, m. Asaph Merriman, of Wallingford ; 197 Lytmvi, settled at Ballston Spa, N. Y. ; 198 Caleb, b. Nov. n, 1782, went to Nova Scotia, N. B. ; 199 Margery, m. Constant Abbot. 94. SAMUEL. SAMUEL ANDREWS, son of William and Mary, married Lydia Children: 200 Christopher, b. Oct. 29, 1752 ; 201 Lydia, b. Dec. 29, 1757. 123. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL ANDREWS, son of Andrew and Esther, married Lois Blakeslee, May 7, 1781. He died Nov. 21, 1836, aged 75 years, 8 months and i day. Mrs. Lois his wife died, March 8, 1823, aged 61 years, i month and 29 days. Children : 202 Ira, b Aug. 30, 1781, m. Julia, clau. of Jeremiah Hull ; 203 Andrew, b Sept. 6, 1783; 204 Salmon. b April 3, 1788; 204 Joseph, b. Feb. 9, 1791 ; 205 Polly, b May 18, 1793, m Nathan Hull; 206 Viney, b Sept. 7, 1795 ; 207 O rriii, b. Dec. 4, 1797, m. - Cook, clau. of Chester Cook ; 208 Nathaniel, b 1800 ; 209 Aaron, b April 18, 1803 ; 210 Ives, b March 28, 1805. GIDEON. GIDEON ANDREWS, married Hannah , and had at his decease the following Children: 212 Caleb, m. ist, Esther Be nham, May 22, 1727. She cl. Oct. 25, 1727. Married 2d, Mary Culver, July 5, 1735; 2I 3 Jedediah ; 214 Lydia; 215 Sarah; 216 Phebe ; 217 Esther; 218 Samuel. 170. AMOS. AMOS ANDREWS, son of Nicholas and Lyclia , mar- ried Content . Children: 219 Abigail, b Feb. 17, 1752; 220 Sybil, b July 6, 1754; 221 Lois, b April 13, 1756 ; 222 Mary, b Mar. 18, 1758 ; 223 Amos, b Jan. 16, 1760. GENEALOGIES. 625 TIMOTHY. TIMOTHY ANDREWS married Temperance Griswold, Aug. 23, 1741. She died Nov. 25, 1743, ae. 23. He married a sec- ond wife, Rachel. She died Jan. n, 1756, aged 33. He settled at Newark Valley, near Oswego, N. Y. Children by ist wife: 224 Lydia, b Oct. 27, 1743 ; by 2d wife, 225 Elisha, b Dec. 12, 1746; 226 Timothy, b. April 27, 1749; 227 Phineas, b Nov. 25, 1752; 228 Benjamin, b Dec. 18, 1755. 185. SHERLOCK. SHERLOCK ANDREWS, son of Doctor Aaron and , married Salina, daughter of Samuel Tyler, of Tyler's Mills, now Yalesville, Wallingford. He died at Geneva, N. Y., in 1795. She died at Columbus, Ohio, aged 94 or 95. Children: 229 Samuel, was a lawyer at Columbus, Ohio; 230 Sarah, in. Wilcox, a lawyer at Columbus, Ohio. 187. JOHN. Dr. JOHN ANDREWS, son of Dr. Aaron and , mar- ried Abigail, daughter of Caleb Atwater, by whom he had all his children. His 2d wife was Anna, daughter of Rev. James and Anna Noyes. Children: 231 Hon. Sherlock J., b Nov. 1801, gradu- ated at Yale, and a lawyer at Cleveland, Ohio ; 232 Jane, b Dec., 1803, m John M. Wolsey, Esq., of New Haven ; 233 William, b 1806, a farmer at Elyria, Loraine Co., Ohio ; 234 John Whiting, b 1809, graduated at Yale. A lawyer at Columbus, Ohio. 189. DRAKE. DRAKE ANDREWS, son of Dr. Aaron and - , married Lucy Whittelsey, Oct. 12, 1812. He died in Illisia, May 21, 1841. Of his family I have no further information. 229. IRA. Col. IRA ANDREWS, son of Nathaniel and , married Julia Hall, daughter of the late Jeremiah Hall of Wallingford. He died Jan. 14, 1861, aged 79 years, 4 months, 15 days. She 626 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. was born the 5th of March, A. D. 1788, and is living Jan., 1870. Children: 235 Janet, b June 9, 1806, m Miller ; 236 Alt, b Mar. 6, 1800, resides in Bridgeport, Conn ; 237 Gad, b Nov. 19, 1803 ; 238-9 Burr and Sarah (twins), b Oct, 14, 1806 ; 240 Lee, b April 2, 1809 ; 241 Joseph D., b March 9, 1824 ; 242 Jane, b June 24, 1830. ATWATER.' JOHN. JOHN, son of Daniel Atwater of New Haven, settled in Wallingford in 1682 on a lot in the village designated as No. on the east side of the Main street, being forty rods long and twenty rods wide, and was first settled by Daniel Atwater for his son Joshua, who died before taking possession of it in 1680. He was married to Abigail Mansfield, Sept. 13, 1682, and was a weaver by trade. She died Sept. 24, 1717. Children: i John, b. Aug. 17, 1683, m. Elizabeth Mix, Aug. 4, 1713 ; 2 Abigail, b Oct. 17, 1685 ; 3 Mercy, b Feb. 6, 1687; 4 Hannah, b Dec. 17, 1690; 5 Joshua, b Sept. 18, 1693, m. Mary Peck and Sarah Yale ; 6 Moses, b July 17, 1696, m. Sarah Merriman and Mary Hotchkiss ; 7 Phineas, b Sept. 23, 1699, m. Mary Ward ; 8 Ebenezer, b Feb. 6,1703, m. Jane Andrews; 9 Caleb, b Oct. 9, 1705, m. Mehitable Mix; 10 Benjamin, b Dec. 8, 1708, m. Elizabeth Porter. I. JOHN. JOHN, son of John and Abigail Atwater of Wallingford, married Elizabeth, daughter of Mix, August 4, 1713. Children: \\Elizabeth, b Nov. 17,1721, m Ives ; 12 Enos, b Dec 3, 1717; 13 Stephen, b Sept. 8, 1714; 14 John,\$ Jan. 27, 1718; 15 Sarah; 16 Hannah, b Dec. 28, 1722, m Bela Hitchcock of Cheshire; 17 Ebenezer, b 1723, d. Oct. 21, 1755 ; 18 Stephen, b Feb. 2, 1720, m Elizabeth Yale, I Atwater's Gen. Reg. of Atwaters, 30 ; Hinman's Conn. Settlers, 76 ; Savage's Gen. Diet., I. 75, 76. GENEALOGIES. 627 June 6, 1739; 19 Titus, b 1724, d. Dec. 26, 1758; 20 Amos, died without issue. 5- JOSHUA. JOSHUA, son of John, m Mary, dau. of John Peck, 17 Jan. 1723; m 2nd, Sarah, dau. of Theophilus Yale, Sept. 4, 1740. He died Nov. 29, 1757. Children: by ist marriage; 21 Joshua, b Mar. 8, 1724, d 1747; 22 Mary, b Feb. 12, 1727. By 2nd marriage; 23 Caleb, b Sept. 5, 1741 ; 24 Sarah, m - Hall. 6. MOSES. MOSES, son of John Peck, m Sarah Merriman, Dec. 28, 1722. She died Feb. 1733, and he married 2nd, Mary Hotchkiss, Apr. 22, 1734. Children: by ist marriage; 28 Abigail, b Sept. 13, 1725; 26 Sarah, b Oct. 29, 1727; 27 Moses, b Nov. 22, 1729; 28, Mercy, b Aug. 15, 1731. By 2nd marriage; 29 Elihu, b Jan. l8 > X 735; 3 David,\> Feb. 23, 1736; 31 Mary, b Aug. i, 1734; 32 Hannah, b May i, 1739. 7. PHINEAS. PHINEAS, son of John Atwater, m Mary Ward Nov. 9, 1727, and died Oct., 1781. He resided in Cheshire. Children: 33 Reuben, b Oct. 13, 1728; 34 William, b 1730; 35 Thomas, b Aug. 14, 1733 ; 36 Phineas, b Dec. 12, 1735 ; 37 Damaris, b 1738, m Samuel Tyler of Wallingford ; 28 Menab, b July 8, 1741, d Sept. 13, 1754; Ambrose, b Dec. 19, 1743, m Sarah Tryon. 8. EBENEZER. EBENEZER, son of John Atwater m, Jane Andrews, Dec. 30, Children: 40 Caleb, b Sept 8, 1738, m Phebe Talmage ; 41 Samuel, b January 30, 1740, m Hannah Bristol ; 42 Ebene- zer, b July 13, 1742 ; 43 Ephraim, b Nov. 27, 1743, m Abigail Rowe ; 44 Esther, b Feb. 4, 1746 ; 45 Elizabeth, b April 13, 1748; 46 Abigail, b Sept. 19, 1754; 47 Comfort, b March 16, 1757. 628 HISTORY OF VVALLINGFORD. 9. CALEB. CALEB, son of John Atwater, married Mehitable Mix, Nov. 10, 1726. Children: 48 Sarah, b Nov, 28, 1727 ; 49 Eunice, b Sept. 10, 1786, m Phineas Cook. 10. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN, son of John Atwater, married Elizabeth Porter, Nov. 28, 1739. She died January 13, 1774, ae. 66 years. Children: 50 Elizabeth, b April 25, 1780; 51 Mary, b Dec. 20 > Z 735 > 5 2 Comfort, b Sept. 19, 1749, d January 22, 1789 ; 53 Benjamin, b January 9, 1750, d January 19, 1781. 12. ENOS. ENOS, son of John 2nd, married Hannah Moss, July 9, 1740. Children: 54 Heman, b March 4, 1743, d Sept. 27, 1752 ; 55 Asaph, b Aug. i, 1745 ; 56 Mehitable, b July 23, 1747, m Eli Bronson of Waterbury ; 50 Enos, b Oct. 25, 1748, m Hannah Moss, July 3, 1741 ; 58 Eunice, b Sept., 1750 ; 59 Heman, b Aug. 29, 1752, went to Southington ; 60 Kezia, b Oct. 10, 1754 ; 62 Anna, b Nov. 17, 1756 ; 63 Titus, b Jan. 6, 1761. 14. JOHN. JOHN, son of John 2d, m Hannah Thompson, Feb. 22, 1744. Children : 63 Jeremiah, b Nov. 10, 1744 ; 64 Phebe, b Aug. n, 1747, m Button; 65 Hannah, b Feb. 17, 1749, m Samuel Hull of Cheshire; 66 John; 67 Jesse; 68 Mary, m Peck of Waterbury. 1 8. STEPHEN. STEPHEN, son of John 2d, m Hannah Hotchkiss, Feb. 23. : 744- Children : 69 Elizabeth, b Sept. 12, 1746 ; 70 Lois, m John Upson ; 71 Stephen, b Sept. 4, 1749, d Aug. 25, 1750; 72 Sarah, b Nov. 25, 1751, m Enos Johnson; 73 Hannah, b Nov. 27, 1754, m John Hall; 74 Naomi, b Aug. 17, 1756, m Enos Bushnell ; 75 Ruth, b Aug. 17, 1756, m Jonathan Hall; 76 Stephen, b May 13, 1758. 19. TITUS. TITUS, son of John 2nd, m Margaret Scott, Dec, 14, 1758, GENEALOGIES. 629 Children: 77 Chloe, b Sept, 29, 1750, m Samuel Cook ; 1% Amos, b June 12, 1752, m Mary , his wife d Oct, 2, 1799, ae 38 ; 79 Miriam, b 1754, m Calvin Cowles ; 80 Rhoda, b May 15, 1756. 23. CALEB. CALEB, son of Joshua and Sarah, m Abigail Jones for his ist wife, and Ruth Wadsworth, Jan. 22, 1776, for his 2nd wife. Children : 81 Sarah, b July 19, 1767 ; 82 Mary, b April 23, 1769 ; 83 Lucy, b Dec. 8, 1770 ; 84 Joshua, b Feb. 8, 1773, m Elizabeth Cook, dau. of Aaron ; 85 James W., b June 30, 1777 ; d Oct. 30, 1777; 86 Abigail,^ Dec. 13, 1778, m Doct. John Andrews; 87 Catharine; 88 Ruth. 27. MOSES. MOSES, of Wallingford, son of Moses, m Emma Newton, Dec. 18, 1755. Children: 89 Sarah, b Nov. 16, 1755 ; 90 Lyman, lived in Broad Swamp, Cheshire. 29. ELIHU. ELIHU, of Wallingford, son of Moses, married Abigail Tryon. Children: 91 Freeman, b Feb. 16, 1766, went to Canan- dagua, N. Y. ; 92 Mary, b March 2, 1767 ; 93 Abiah, b Nov. 3, 1769; 94 Sally, b Jan. 23, 1773 ; 95 Elihu, b June 9, 1776, went South ; 96 Je'sse, was Postmaster at New Haven, m Widow Hudson, left no children. V 30. DANIEL. DANIEL, son of Moses of Wallingford, was an apothecary at New Haven, m Eunice Thompson of Stratford, Nov. 15, 1770, and was killed in a skirmish with the British troops at Compo Hill, April 28, 1777. Children: 97 Chester, b Dec, 21, 1772, d Mar. 30, 1773; 98 Chester, b April 14, 1774, no issue; 99 Sylvester, b Feb. 17, 1776, d Sept, 9, 1776 ; 100 David, b 1777, graduated at Yale 1797, d 1805. 33. REUBEN. REUBEN, son of Phineas of Wallingford, m Sarah Hall R R 630 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. April 29, 1752, and Mary Russel January 28, 1755. He died Aug, 19, 1801. Children: 101 Sarah, b June 14, 1753 ; 102 Merab, b June I 9> X 757 > I0 3 Phineas, b Nov. 25, 1758 ; 104 Elizabeth M. A., b Sept., 1760, m Andrew Hull of Cheshire ; 105 Russel, b June -20, 1762, went to Blandford, Mass. ; 106 Nabby, b April 2, 1764, m Dr. Elnathan Beach of Cheshire ; 107 Amaryllis, b April*2, 1764, m Titus Street of Wallingford, Cheshire, and of New Haven ; 108 Reuben, b May 18, 1767. 34. WILLIAM. WILLIAM, son of Phineas, of Wallingford, married Esther Tuttle. Children: 109 Rufus, b Nov. 29, 1754, m ist, Mary Tuttle of Wallingford, Dec. 18, 1777. He removed to Nova Scotia; \\vLyman, b Feb. 8, 1757; in William, b Feb. 16, 1759, went to Nova Scotia ; 112 Chloe, b Sept. 21, 1763 ; 113 Ira, b June 21, 1765, d April 4, 1738, in Wallingford ; 114 Ase- nath, b Oct. 30, 1768; 115 Esther, b Oct. 4, 1771; 116 Ward, went to Nova Scotia. 36. PHINEAS. PHINEAS married Mary , and 2nd, widow Hannah Ives, of Goshen, Conn., June 15, 1760. Child: 117 Ward, b 1760. 39. AMBROSE. AMBROSE, son of Phineas, married Sarah Tryon. Children: n&Ame/ia,b July 3, 1767, m Thaddeus Tuttle; 119 Linus, b July 23, 1769 ; 120 Jonathan, b Oct. 18, 1770 ; 121 Ambrose, b April 5, 1773, d June 23, 1778; 122 Thomas, b April 19, 1774; 123 Sarah, b April 19, 1775; 124 Mary, b Oct, 17, 1778; 125 Phineas, b July 12, 1782; 126 Menab, b April 17, 1782, m John P. Wetmore ; 127 Clara C., b May 6, 1786, m Joshua Tuttle; 128 William, b May 9, 1789. 40. CALEB. CALEB, son of Ebenezer, of Wallingford, m Phebe Tallmage. GENEALOGIES. 63 1 Children: 129 Anne, b Nov. 17, 1765; 130 Ebenezer, b Feb. 1 6, 1768. 41. SAMUEL. SAMUEL, son of Ebenezer, m Hannah Bristol, May 5, 1768. Children: 131 Sylvia, b Feb. 21, 1769, m Winchell ; 132 Merab, b May n, 1771, m Ives, d 1857; 133 Samuel, b Oct. 7, 1773, d in Orange, Conn. ; 134 Joshua, b Feb. 20, 1779 ; 135 Ebenezer, d in Cheshire. 43. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM, son of Ebenezer, m Abigail Rowe, d Oct. 22, 1776, at Danbury, Conn. Children: 136 Lowly, b Oct. 26, 1772, m Noah Andrews, of Wallingford ; 137 Eunice, b Sept. 18, 1744,01 Mat- thews; 138 Ephraim, b March 5, 1777. STEPHEN. STEPHEN, son of David, settled in Meriden, then in Wall- ingford, m Elizabeth Yale. He came from New Haven. , Children: 139 Ruth, b June 6, 1740 ; 140 Stephen, b Sept. 16, 1742, settled in Cheshire; 141 Eunice, b Sept. 28, 1744; 142 Daniel, b Aug. 30, 1747, d unmarried ; 143 Mary, b June 25, 1750, m Merriam ; 144 Elizabeth, b July 27, 1752 ; 145 Christopher, b Jan. 6, 1757, d Sept. 10, 1776: 146 Isaac, b Dec., 1758. ABRAHAM. ABRAHAM, son of Jonathan, the son of Jonathan, the son of Daniel, the son of David, m Mary Bull in May, 1738, and settled in Cheshire, then belonging to Wallingford. He died Jan. 4, 1786, ae 70 yrs. She died May 15, 1811, ae 83 yrs. Children: 146 Esther, b Dec. 19, 1738 ; 147 Mary, b April 28, 1740; 148 Chloe, b Oct. 27, 1742 ; 149 Isaac, b June 15, 1746; 150 Lois, b June 12, 1749; 151 Timothy, b Oct. 30, 1751 ; 152 Abigail; 153 Samuel, b 1757, died Jan. 12, 1748 ; 154 Esther, b Dec. 10, 1763. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN, son of Joseph Atwater, the son of Jonathan, m 632 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. Phebe . She died March i, 1799, ae 64. He died Feb. 6, 1799, ae 72. Children: 155 Joseph; 156 Sarah, b April 26, 1756, m Charles Hull, 2nd, Aaron Hall, of Wallingford 5157 Benjamin, b Sept. 26, 1757; 158 Titus, b Aug. 29, 1759, d unm. at Cheshire; 159 Moses, b May 12, 1765, d at Cananclaigua, N. Y. ; 160 Aaron, b Nov. 10, 1776 ; 161 y^/, b April 22, 1769 ; 162 Anna, b Aug. 23, 1777, d Aug. 29, 1776 ; 163 Jeremiah, d in Canandaigua ; 164 Anna, m Stephen Jarvis, of Cheshire. JOSEPH. JOSEPH, son of Joseph, son of Jonathan, son of Daniel of Wallingford, m Phebe Hall, Aug. 18, 1756. He d Aug. 22, 1769. She d March 23, 1767, ae. 23 yrs.. Child: 165 Phebe, bOct. 15, 1757, d Jan. 19, 1766, ae. 9 yrs. 54. HEMAN. HEMAN, son of Enos Atwater, settled at Southington, and was the owner of Atwater mills. 84. JOSHUA. JOSHUA, son of Caleb, of Wallingford, m Elizabeth Cook, dau. of Aaron Cook, Oct. 22, 1793. Children: 166 Elizabeth,}* Aug. 4, 1794, m John Barker ; 167 Caroline, b June 17, 1796, m Dr. Jared P. Kirtland ; 168 Emily, b Feb. 7, 1798, m Dr. Friend Cook ; 169 Abigail, b Dec. 28. 1800, d at Durham, Sept. 23, 1823 ; 170 Mary, b Oct. 18, 1802, d July 24, 1804; 171 Caleb, b July u, 1804, m Julia A. Royce, and 2nd, Elizabeth S. Clark ; 172 Joshua, b Aug. 26, 1806, m Mary H. Day ; 173 Thomas Cook, b Aug. 20, 1808, m Harriet E. Cook ; 174 Lucretia, b June 26, 1800, d June 29, 1822 ; 155 Edgar, b Oct 12, 1812, m Sarah S. Yale, d 1860 ; 176 John, b Jan. 19, 1815, m Caroline, and 2nd, Eliza Hall, dau. of Russel Hall ; 177 William, b Aug. 5, 1817, m Elizabeth Helfenstein ; 178 Mary Ann, b May 29, 1819, m Lieut. Garrit Barry. 105. RUSSELL. RUSSEL, son of Reuben Atwater, of Cheshire (then Wall- GENEALOGIES. 633 ingford), m Clarissa Chapman, Oct. 24, 1790, and died Oct. 3, 1798. She was born Nov. 22, 1762. Children: 179 Phineas, b Nov. 10, 1791; 180 Merab, b April 28, 1793, d March 19, 1794; 181 Russell, b Jan. 8, 1795, d Dec. 22, 1823 ; 182 Frederick, b Nov. 6, 1796; 183 Henry, b Sept. 21, 1798; 184 Thomas, b Sept. 21, 1798, d April 15, 1803. 108. REUBEN. REUBEN, son of Reuben Atwater, m Eliza Willard, and 2d, Sarah Lamb. He died February, 1831. Children : 183 Catharine; 184 Clinton Edward. 113. IRA. IRA, son of William Atwater, m Lois . He was a shoe-maker, and lived and died at what is now Yalesville. Children : 185 Mary, m and went to Bethany; 186 Martha, m Henry Hough; 187 William, d March, 1828 ; 188 John, d South; 189 Luman, of Fair Haven, Conn.; 190 Esther; 191 Lois; 192 Chloe. 116. WARD. WARD, son of Phineas, m Abigail Atwater. She died in New Haven in 1822. Children: 193 Rebecca, b Sept. 23, 1787, d Sept 22, 1788; 194 Harriet, b Feb. 23, 1789, d May, 1795 ; 195 James, b May i, 1790, d Oct. 21, 1791; 196 James Ward,\$ Feb. n, 1794, d Dec. 8, 1820; 197 William, b June 20, 1795, d J an - 1810; 198 Harriet, b March 14, 1797, d Sept., 1798; 199, Abigail, b Sept. 4, 1798, d Nov. n, 1799; 200 Richard, b March 25, 1802, d Oct. 3, 1848 : 210 Edivard, b June 29, 1803 ; 202 Charlotte, b Sept., 1804. 120. AMBROSE. AMBROSE, son of Phineas Atwater, m Sarah Tryon. Children : 203 Amelia, b July 3, 1767, m Thaddeus Tuttle ; 204 Linus, b Feb. 22, 1769 ; 205 Jonathan, b Oct. 18, 1770 ; 206 Ambrose , b April 5, 1773, d June 23, 1778 ; 207 l^homas, b April 19, 1775 ; 280 Sarah, b Feb. n, 1777, m Asa Lyon ; 634 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. 209 Mary, b Oct 17, 1778, m Peter B. Smith; 210 Phineas, b July 12, 1770; 211 Merab, b April 17, 1782, m John P. Wetmore ; 212 Clara, b May 6, 1786, m Joshua Fuller; 213 William, b May 9, 1789. 137. STEPHEN. STEPHEN, son of Stephen and Elizabeth Yale Atwater, m Anna Moss, March 23, 1780. Settled in Cheshire. Children: 2 14 Hannah H., b Feb. 8, 1781; 215 Richard, b Feb. 10, 1783; 216 Tempa,\> Sept. n, 1787; 217 Anna Maria, b Aug. 28, 1789; 218 Betsey, b Dec. 9, 1794; 219 Merab, b June 22, 1797 ; 220 Matilda, b June 5, 1805. 147. ISAAC. ISAAC, son of Abraham Atwater, son of Jonathan of Che- shire, settled in Columbia, now Prospect, m Eunice -- , May 16, 1771. He died Sept. 13, 1776, at New York. Children: 221 Pamdia,\> March 28, 1772; 222 Abraham, b March, 6, 1774; 223 Hannah, b Oct. 15, 1775. 149. TIMO'THY. TIMOTHY, son of Abraham Atwater, son of Jonathan of Cheshire, m Lucy - . Children: 224 Deborah,\> May 28, 1773 j 22 5 ^ u O'i D Aug. 8, 1775; 226 Cato, b Oct. 18, 1777; 227 Isaac, b Oct. 5, 1779 ; 228 Lucinda, m March 4, 1782; 229 Timothy Glover, b July 20, 1784, d in Cheshire ; 230 Charlotte, b July 22, 1786 ; 231 Phineas, b Jan. 20, 1789; 232 Esther, b July i, 1791; 233 Aaron, b March n, 1793, m Betsey Atsom. 151. SAMUEL. SAMUEL, son of Abraham Atwater, son of Jonathan, settled in Cheshire, m Patience -- . Children: 204 Flamen, b March 30, 1783 ; 235 Roxanna, b Jan. 15, 1785 ; 236 Nancy, b May 15, 1789 ; 237 Nancy, 2d, b Sept. 13, 1789 ; 238 Mary Ann, b Jan. 4, 1792 ; 239 Patience, b March 13, 1794 ; 240 Nabby Ann, b Dec. 13, 1797 , 241 Abi- gail Ann, b Oct. 19, 1800; 242 Lois, b July 15, 1803; 243 Lois Maria, b Feb. 13, 1806, m Joseph Hitchcock of Cheshire. GENEALOGIES. 635 153. JOSEPH. JOSEPH, son of Benjamin of Cheshire, m Hannah Hitch- cock, Sept. 17, 1783. Children : 244 Joseph Hall, b Feb. 29, 1784, m, had Joseph H. ; 245 Phebe, b Nov. 25, 1786 ; 246 A/mon,bMa.rch 5, 1788 ; 247 Hannah, b April 20, 1790, m Belina Clark of Cheshire; 248 Freeman, b April 17, 1796, m Beach. BEAUMONT. DEODATE. DEODATE BEAUMONT was born in Wallingford as early as the commencement of the present century, and perhaps earlier. He was a mechanic and farmer, and owned and occupied the house and lot now owned by his son Elijah Beaumont in Wallingford. Children : John ; Elijah ; Elizabeth. BARKER.' JOHN. JOHN and SARAH BARKER were in Wallingford previous to 1739, from Branford, where he was born. He built the large brick house now owned by Samuel C. Ford, Esq. His farm was a large one, and one of the best in the county of New Haven. Of his history very little can now be learned. Children: i Sarah, b July 22, 1739; 2 John, b May 2, 1741 ; 3 Mary, b March 10, 1742, m Solomon Johnson ; 4 Ed- ward, m Rachel, dau. of Constant Kirtland ; 5 Eunice, m John Beadles, Jan. 18, 1764. I For collateral branches, see Abbott's Hist Andover, Mass., 20-1 ; Harry's Hist. Hanover, Mass., 206-7 5 Blood's Hist. Temple, N. H., 203 ; Bolton's Hist. Westchester Co., N. Y., 501 ; Deane's Hist. Scituate, Mass., 216 ; Eaton's Hist. Thomaston, Me., 139 ; Goodman's Foot family Gen., 189; Hanson's Hist. Gardner, Me., 156; Savage's Gen. Diet., I. 115, 116. 636 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFOKD. 4. EDWARD. EDWARD BARKER, son of John and Sarah Barker, m Rachel, dau. of Constant and Rachel Kirtland of Wallingforcl, and remained on the old homestead until his death. Children : 6 John, m Elizabeth Atwater, of Wallingford ; 7 Sarah, m Wm. H. Jones, New Haven. BEACH.' Genealogists have been somewhat divided and in doubt regarding the earliest families of this name. Hinman assigns John of Stratford, to Thomas of Milford ; but John of Strat- ford had two children born to him before John the son of the Milford Thomas was born. Savage thinks John of Stratford was probably son of Richard of New Haven, if not his brother. Savage also thinks Benjamin of Stratford was son of Richard of New Haven. But if so, he would have been only fifteen years old when first announced in Stratford, which is out of the question. The probabilities seem to indicate that John, Benjamin and Richard, who all appear in Stratford, and Thomas of Milford, were brothers. The latter had a home lot in Milford in 1648. The Beaches of Litchfield, and George Beach Esq. of Hartford, -are said to be of this stock. Richard Beach of New Haven I take to be the man who was in Stratford in 1663, and as keeper of the ordinary or tavern, desired a grant of land from the town, and also exemption from military duty. He bought of Thomas Wheeler, who bought from Robert Rice, the lot where Mr. Meacham now lives. Wheeler moved to Pagusset ( Derby), and sold to R. Beach, who sold to Mr. Fenn of Milford, and he sold in 1667 to Rev. Israel Chauncey, the second pastor of the Congregational church in Stratford, part of this land, with part of the land owned by John Brinsmade, one of the first settlers ( on the river side), and I For collateral branches, see Hinman's Conn, settlers, 163, 164 ; Lit- tell's Passaic Valley Gen., 35-7 ; Savage's Gen. Diet., I. 144. GENEALOGIES. 637 the land owned by William Beardsley, with a piece of Nicho- las Knell's lot on the back street and now ( 1868 ) owned by Alfred E. Beach, son of the late Moses Yale Beach of Wall- ingforcl, a lineal descendant of John, brother of Richard. Benjamin Beach, a brother also of John, as I suppose, was in Stratford in 1659. From him descended Benjamin Beach, the merchant and owner of vessels, who was a man of prop- erty and built the old house that was taken down by Mr. Patterson some years ago, and which stood where Mr. Dutcher, in 1863, lived. Benjamin Beach senior's descen- dants settled in part in Trumbull. The year of John Beach's birth is now unknown : he died suddenly, intestate, in 1667, and the names of his ten children are given on the probate records, but not that of his 'wife. He became one of the original proprietors of Wallingford, and is represented in the inventory of his estate as having property in Wallingford to the amount of ,92 igs. and in Stratford to the amount of ^312 13-v. He seems to have bought in Wallingford with a view to the settlement of his sons there. John Jr., Isaac and Thomas removed to Wallingford, but the first two died in Stratford. Indeed, Isaac in 1694 united with Stratford church, and is entered as of Wallingford. His grave-stone with that of his brother Nathaniel's and also of Nathaniel's wife, yet remain in the old cemetery at Stratford. As John Beach senior's estate was administered in Fairfield county probate court, he evidently had not transferred his residence to Wallingford. References in the Stratford Records establish the identity of the Wallingford Beaches with the family of John Beach of Stratford, through his son Thomas principally, as will be seen. Children of John Beach of Stratford : i Elizabeth, b March 8, 1652, m Eliasaph Preston, went to Wallingford; John, b April, 1654, m Hannah, dau. of Thomas Staples of Fairfield, 1679 > 3 Mary, b Sept., 1656 ; 4 Thomas, b May, 1659, m Ruth Peck of Wallingford, and 2nd, Phebe, dau. of Timothy Will- coxen; 5 Nathaniel, b March, 1662, m Sarah Porter, April 29, 638 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 1693, went to Wallingford ; 6 Hannah, b Dec., 1665, m Zacha- riah Fairchild, Nov. 3, 1681, after his decease she m John Barrit ; 7 Sarah, b Nov., 1667 ; 8 Isaac, b June 27, 1659, m Hannah Birdsey, was a tailor in Stratford ; 9 Joseph, b Feb. 5, 1671, m Abiah, dau. of Ebenezer Booth ; 10 Benjamin, b March, 1674, m Mary . John Beach's house lot extended from Main-st, to Back-st, originally called Front street, and covered the present lots now occupied by the Masonic Lodge, Alfred Barnet and Mrs. Hubbell, with a part of Mrs. Linsley's and Miss Poor's grounds. I will now attempt to trace, so far as I can by existing re- cords, the settlement and increase of the above named ten children of John Beach of Stratford : I. ELIZABETH. ELIZABETH m Eliasaph Preston. He was born with his twin brother Hackaliah, April 9, 1643 : was a son f William Preston, one of the first settlers of New Haven. Their mother was probably William Preston's 2d wife, and a daughter of Robert Seabrook, another of whose daughters was the wife of Thos. Fairchild, and an original proprietor in Strat- ford. Eliasaph Preston removed to Wallingford soon after its settlement in 1674, and was the first Deacon of the Congre- gational church in that place. He died in 1705, ae. 62 years. Elizabeth was his second wife. His first wife Mary Kimberly died in 1674, April 28. She was the widow of Thos. Kimberly, and died in 1672. The children of Eliasaph and Elizabeth Preston were: n Elizabeth, b Jan. 29, 1676 ; 12 Hannah, b July 12, 1678; 13 Eliasaph, b Jan. 26, 1679-80 ; 14 Joseph, b March 10, 1681-2 ; 15 Esther, b Feb. 28, 1683-4 ; 16 Lydia, b May 25, 1686 ; 17 Jehiel, b Aug. 25, 1688, d Nov., 1689. 2. JOHN. JOHN BEACH m Hannah, dau. of Thomas Staples of Fair- field, 1679. Their children recorded at Stratford were: 18 Mary, GENEALOGIES. 639 b July 14, 1683, m Archibald Dunlap, June, 1704, and 2nd, Smith; 19 Ruth, b about 1685, m Samuel Fairchild, 1704; 20 Mehitable, b Sept. 30, 1690; 21 Ebenezer,\> Sept. 14, 1692 ; 22 Hester, b May 3, 1694. John Beach 2nd d in Stratford, 1712. 4. THOMAS. THOMAS BEACH, married ist, Ruth Peck, a sister of John Peck, and settled in Wallingford May 12, 1680; 2nd, Phebe, dau. of Timothy Willcoxen of Stratford. She was born in 1669. Her father was son of William, an original proprietor of Stratford, whose house-lot was situated about where Mrs. Turk's home-lot now lies ( 1863 ), and probably covered Mr. Wm. Benjamin's lot besides. Phebe's mother was Johannah, dau. of Deacon John Birdsey, an original proprietor of Strat- ford. Children: 23 Hannah, b Feb. 26, 1680, d Sept. 18, 1683,; 24 Ruth, b Oct. 24, 1684, died young; 25 Thomas, b Dec. 9, 1685, d De'c. 13, 1685 ; 26 Benoni, b Oct. 20, 1686, d Dec. 5, 1686. Mrs. Ruth Beach died Dec. 5, 1686. Children by 2nd marriage: 27 Timothy, b Jan. n, 1689, m Hannah Cook, Nov. 25, 1713; 28 Nathan, b Aug. 18, 1692, m Jemima Curtiss, Sept. 29, 1713 ; 29 Moses, b Feb. 19, 1695, m Esther Tyler, Sept. 21, 1722, 2nd, Susannah ; 30 Gershom, b May 23, 1697, m Deliverance How of Wallingford ; 31 Caleb, m Eunice ; 32 Thankful, b Sept. 20, 1702 ; 33 Phebe, b May 23, 1710; 34 Joanna,\) Oct. 9, 1705, m Mr. Royce. Mr. Thomas Beach died in Meriden, where he was buried in the old cemetery, May 13, 1741, ae 82 years. 5- NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL BEACH m Sarah Porter, daughter of Nathaniel Porter. She was born 1667. Her mother was a daughter of Philip Groves, the first and only ruling elder in Stratford church. She died in 1738, and her grave-stone yet stands with that of her husband, who died in 1747. Children: 35 Ephraim, b May 25, 1687, m 1712, Sarah, dau. of Andrew Patterson, d Oct. 30, 1717 ; 36 Elizabeth, b 640 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. Nov n, 1689; 37 David, b May 15, 1692, m 1717, Hannah Sherman, dau. of Matthew, son of Samuel Sen. ; 38 Josiah, b Aug. 18, 1694, m 1722, Patience Nichols; 39 Nathaniel, b Dec. 22, 1696, m 1720. Sarah, dau. of Solomon Burton, d 1734 ; 40 Sarah, b Nov. 12, 1699 ; 41 Daniel, b Jan 15, 1700, m 1724, Hester, dau. of Benj. Curtiss, son of John, son of Will- iam Curtiss ; 42 Anna, b March, 1704, m Elnathan Beers, Jan. 25, 1728; 43 Israel, b May, 1705, m 1731, Hannah Barrett, dau. of Joseph, son of John, son of William ; 44 James, b Aug. 13, 1709, m Sarah Curtiss 1710, dau. of John, son of Benjamin, son of John. 8. ISAAC. V !SAAC BEACH, married Hannah Birdsey, daughter of John, in 1693. Mr. Birdsey was a son of John, an original settler in Stratford. Her mother was Phebe, daughter of William Willcoxen, also among the first settlers of Stratford. Han- nah was born February, 1671. Isaac Beach settled in Wall- ingford on land given him by his father John Beach, but in 1694 was received into the church at Stratford as from Wall- ingford. He died in Stratford in 1741, and his grave-stone still remains. Hannah his wife died Oct. 15, 1750, in her 79th year, and was buried in the Episcopal burying-ground, Strat- ford. He sold land in Wallingford to Joseph Rice in 1699. Children: 45 William, b July 7, 1794, m Sarah Hull of Derby, dau. of Joseph Hull ; 46 Elnathan, b July 7, 1698, m Abigail Uffont, 2d, Hannah, dau. of Samuel Cook; 47 John, b Oct. 6, 1700, Episcopal clergyman at Newtown, Ct., d Mar. 19, 1782 ; 48 Mary, b Dec. 16, 1703 ; 49 Hannah, b May 26, 1709 ; 50 Dinah, b Oct. 14, 1713. 9. JOSEPH. JOSEPH BEACH, son of John No. i, married Abiah, dau. of Ebenezer Booth, son of Richard, an original settler in Strat- ford. He died in 1737, ae. 66. His grave-stone yet remains. Children: 51 Sarah, b July 13, 1697 ; 52 Agar, b April 8, J 699 ; 53 Abraham, b April 29, 1701 ; 54 Hannah, b Feb. 12, 1702, m Zachariah Tomlinson, grandson of Henry and great GENEALOGIES. 64! grandfather of Gov. Gideon Tomlinson, d in 1812; 55 Jo- seph ; 56 Abiah,\> Jan. 12, 1712-13, m Samuel Judson in 1737. His first wife in 1734 was Bethiah Beach. 10. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN BEACH of Stratford, m Mary . Children: 57 Bethia, b April 23, 1674; 58 Peter, b Sept. 14, 1696; 59 Eunice, b Aug. 3, 1699; 60, 61, Benjamin and Mary, b May 19, 1702, the former went to Durham, Conn. 46. ELNATHAN. ELNATHAN BEACH, son of Isaac and Hannah Beach, was a merchant settled in Wallingford, in the southerly part of what is now Cheshire, and for several years was engaged with Captain Samuel Cooke, in foreign trade, in which they were very successful. Mr. Beach soon became a man of great wealth and high standing in the community. He pre- sented the Congregational society of Cheshire with a bell for their meeting-house, and by his last will left a bequest of sev- eral pounds as a fund for the relief of the poor of the parish of Cheshire. He married first Miss Abigail Ufford of Strat- ford, May 9, 1720. She died Dec. 2, 1738. He married second, Hannah, daughter of Capt. Samuel Cooke, Feb. 8, 1742. She died May 18, 1754, a;. 21 years. He died Aug. 16, 1742, ae 45 years. Children by first marriage ; 79 Isaac, b April 7, 1721, cl Jan. 27, 1724; 80 Elnathan, b July 21, 1723, at Cheshire, d May 18, 1754, ae 31 ; 81 Isaac, b March 3, 1725, d Oct. 13, 1471, ae 16 years; 82 John, b 1733, a farmer at Cheshire; 83 Hannah, b Nov. 12, 1728; 84 Abigail, b Dec. 17, 1730; 85 Samuel, b Dec 26, 1737, Dea. of the church, graduated at Yale, r 757 j 86 Sarah, b March 25, 1727, m Jonathan Atwater of New Haven; 87 Lois, b Aug 18, 1732, m Col. Thaddeus Cook of Wallingford, d April 4, 1753 ; 88 Esther. Child by second marriage: 89 Abraham, b Aug. 29, 1743, graduated at Yale, 1757, and was a distinguished clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the city of New York. He died 1828, ae. 85 years. 642 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 45. WILLIAM. WILLIAM BEACH, eldest son of Isaac and Hannah Beach of Stratford, married Sarah Hull, daughter of Joseph Hull of Derby (ancestor of Com. Isaac Hull), in 1725. Her mother was Mary Nichols, dau. of Isaac 2d of Stratford and Derby. Children: 62 Isaac, b and bap. Oct., 1726, bap. in the Cong, church, Stratford; 63 Ann, b April, bap. May, 1729, m Wm. Sam'l Johnson, bap. in Cong, church ; 64 Abel, b and bap. Nov. 31, 1731, m Mary Lewis 1757, d 1768; 65, 66 Henry and Abijah, b May, 1734, bap. in the Episcopal church. 63. ANN. ANN BEACH, daughter of William and Sarah Hull Beach, married in Nov., 1749, at the age of 20 years, Wm. Sam'l Johnson, aged 22 years, son of Rev. Samuel D. D. by his wife Charity, wid. of Benj. Nichols, oldest son of Hon. Mat- thias Nichols of Islip, L. I. Wm. Samuel Johnson had by wife Ann, Children : 67 Charity, b July, 1750; 68 Sarah, b April, 1754; 69 Gloriance Ann, b March, 1757 ; 70 Mary, b April, T 759 > 7 1 Samuel William,\> Oct., 1761 ; 72 Elizabeth, bDec., T 763 ; 73 Robert Charles, b May, 1766. 71. SAMUEL. SAMUEL WM. JOHNSON, son of Anna and Wm. Samuel Johnson, married Nov., 1791, Susan, dau. of Pierrepont Ed- wards Esq., and grand-daughter of Rev. President J. Edwards. Children : 74 Anna Frances ; 75 William Samuel ; 76 Sarah Elizabeth; 77 Edwards; 78 Robert Charles. 85. SAMUEL. DEA. SAMUEL BEACH graduated at Yale College in 1757. He was an Attorney at Law in his native town, Cheshire, and was a highly respected citizen, and filled with honor many offices of public trust, and was a delegate to the convention which formed the constitution of the United States. He married Mary . Children ; 90 Mary Ann, b July 31, 1760; 91 Samuel W., GENEALOGIES. 643 b Feb. ii, 1762, was a farmer in Cheshire, where he died. Sons, Samuel W., Albert and Rufus. By second marriage : 92 Barrage, m Bowden, was a graduate of Yale College in 1793 and became an Attorney at Law in his native town, where he died ae. 70. He had daughters, Elizabeth, wife of Rev. Dr. Fuller, Augusta, Amelia. 29. MOSES. MOSES BEACH, son of Thomas and Phebe, of Wallingford, married Esther Tyler, Sept. 26, 1722. She died Sept. 16, 1750, as 55. He married Susannah . She died April 9, 1770, ae 62 yrs. Mr. Beach died in Wallingford. He was a farmer and resided on, and owned the farm called ( at the present time ) the Wooden Farm, in the southern part of Yalesville. Children: 93 Ephraim, b Aug. 2, 1723, m Lyclia , d August 29, '1751; 94 Titus, b April 4, 1725; 95 Moses, b Nov. 8, 1726, m Dinah Sperry, March 19, 1756; 96 Lois, b April 29, 1729, d Jan. 4, 1731 ; 97 Esther, b May 16, 1731 ; 98 Asahel, bjan. n, 1736, m Keziah Roys, Feb. n, 1757, and settled in Westbury in Waterbury, previous to 1764. 28. NATHAN. NATHAN BEACH, son of Thomas and Phebe of Walling- ford, married Jemima Curtiss, Sept. 29, 1713. He lived in the house late the property of Jason Beach. Children: 99 Joseph, b June 10, 1764; 100 William, b Nov. 18, 1716, m Susannah Holt, Oct. 15, 1739; 101 Lydia, b Feb. 26, 1719; 102 Nathan, b May 28, 1721 ; 103 Stephen, b April 6, 1729 ; 104 Elihu, b Dec. 14, 1734. 95. MOSES. MOSES BEACH, son of Moses and Esther, married Dinah Sperry of New Haven, March 19, 1756. She died April 8, 1768, leaving one child, a daughter; 105 Mary, b Feb. 14, 1758. She became the wife of Turhand Kirtland of Wallingford. She died Nov. 24, 1792. The 2nd wife of Mr. Beach was Parthenia Tallman of Branford. By this marriage they had 644 HISTORY OK WALLINGFORD. one child, a son. She d July 5, 1797, as 60. 106 Moses Sparry, b March 7, 1776, d at Norwalk, Ohio, in 1826, ae 50 yrs., m Lucretia Yale of Wallingford. 104. MOSES. MOSES SPERRY BEACH, only son of Moses and Parthenia, married Lucretia Yale, daughter of Elihu and Lucretia (Stanley) Yale. She died 1800, and had by this marriage two children: 107 Sally, m Horatio Green of Springfield, Mass. ; 108 Moses Yale, b Jan., 1800, d July i, 1868, ae 68. He married 2nd, Lois Ives, daughter of Abijah Ives, of Wallingford. She died at New Haven, Huron Co., Ohio. Children : 109 Tallman, b in Wallingford, d at New Haven, Ohio; no Abraham Stanley, b in Wallingford, d supposed in Canada ; in Abijah, M. D., b in Wallingford, resides in Ohio ; 101 Asahel, b in Wallingford, d in Kansas. 30. GERSHOM. GERSHOM BEACH, son of Thomas and Deliverance Howe Beach. Children: 112 Ruth, b Aug. 21, 1722; 113 Aaron, b Jan. 14, 1727; 114 Joanna, b Aug. 17, 1724, m Chittenden ; 115 Gershom, b Sept. 24, 1729. CHESHIRE BRANCH. 82. JOHN. JOHN BEACH, son of Capt. Elnathan and Abigail, married Eunice Eaton in 1744, and settled on a farm left him by his father. His house stood almost opposite the present resi- dence of Edward Andrews, south part of Cheshire, Conn. It was a large two story red house, and was in its day consid- ered a first class house. Children: 186 Hannah, b Jan. 29, 1756, m Samuel Rice, 1776, Feb. 15; 187 Isaac, b Aug. 25, 1758, d Dec., 1776; 188 Elnathan, b Aug. 30, 1760, m Abigail Atwater ; 189 James Eaton, b Sept., 1762, m Huldah Sherman of Bridge- port ; 190 John, b May, 1764, m ist, Lucy Cornwall, 2d, Lois GENEALOGIES. 645 Doolittle ; 191 Eunice,\> Jan. 4, 1766, m Dan Bradley ; 192 Abijah, b 1768, m Jemima Cornwall; 193 Bildad,\> Sept., 1770, m ist, Huldah Hotchkiss, 2cl, Hannah Cossit ; 194 Abra- ham, b 1772, d in 1772 ; 195 Lois, b Dec., 1774, m Calvin Lawrence. 1 88. ELNATHAN. ELNATHAN BEACH, M. D., was a physician in his native village, where he married Abigail Atwater. He built and occupied the house now known as the Bronson house, oppo- site the south-west corner of the public Green in the village. He died in Western N. Y. Children: 196 Hannah; 197 Nartissa; 198 Julia; 199 Eliza. 189. JAMES. JAMES EATON BEACH married Huldah Sherman of Bridge- port, where he died quite advanced in life, and highly respected by the community generally. A fine marble monu- ment has been erected to the memory of both him and his wife. Children: 200 Polly ; 201 Laura; 202 Isaac, now resides in Bridgeport. 191. EUNICE. EUNICE BEACH married Dan Bradley, and settled at Marcellus, N. Y. Children: 203 Nancy; 204 Harriet; 205 Augustus ; 206 William; 207 Dan. 190. JOHN. JOHN BEACH married Lucy Cornwall, daughter of Abijah Cornwall of Cheshire, and sister of Thomas T. Cornwall, Sept. 20, 1786. She died, and he married Lois Doolittle of Cheshire. He died in western New York, Dec. 23, 1844, ae. 80 years. His wife Lucy died Feb. 14, 1814. Children: 208 Abraham, b Nov. 9, 1787, d March i, 1788, in his 2d year; 209 Horace, b April u, 1789, m Ann Atwater of New Haven, no issue. His widow m Laban Smith, is liv- ing in 1869. Hedied in 1826; 210 Isaac, b June 5, 1792, m S s 646 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Nancy Cooper of Meadville, Pa., May 15, 1823, she died March 2, 1857 ; 211 William, b Feb. 6, 1797, d Sept., 1820 ; 212 John, b July 16, 1794, m Polly Prescott of New Haven, Feb. 14, 1819, d Oct. 17, 1849 ; 213 Matilda, b Feb. 13, 1799, was the wife of John H. Cooley of New Haven; 214 Lor- raine, b March 24, 1802, m Minerva Porter of Marcellus, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1823. She dying, he m Sarah Elizabeth Plant of Stratford, Ct., no issue ; 215 Lucy Ann, b Dec. 15, 1810, d Aug. 17, 1845. She m Samuel Porter Rhodes of Marcellus, April 26, 1829. Her children were: 216 Edward, b June 26, 1830, d June 3, 1831 ; 217 Edward P., b Jan. 14, 1832, d March 31, 1836; 218 Augusta Comstock, b Sept. 30, 1833, d Oct. 31, 1859; 219 William Porter, b May 2, 1826; 220 Samuel Porter, b May 2, 1838 ; 221 Ann Elizabeth, b Nov. 15, 1840; 222 John Beach, b Aug. 8, 1843; 22 3 Mary Ma- tilda, b Aug. 12, 1845, d Aug. 22, 1845. 192. ABIJAH. ABIJAH BEACH married Jemima Cornwall, daughter of Abijah Cornwall of Cheshire, Nov. 6, 1796. He was a merchant, inn-keeper and farmer in his native town Cheshire until his death, which occured Dec. 2, 1821. She died at the house of her son-in-law, Edward A. Cornwall Esq., Dec. 17, 1853. Mr. Beach while living built the house now owned by Burrit Bradley Esq., and also that of Martin Branin in the village of Cheshire, long occupied for a store and hotel by Mr. Beach and others. Children: 224 Richard, b July 14, 1799, m Lucinda Hitchcock, of Cheshire; 225 Palmina,\) April 19, 1802, m Truman Atwater; 226 Elnathan, b Sept. i, 1804, m Mary Bullard, of Cheshire ; 227 Eunice, b Feb. n, 1809, m Edward A. Cornwall Esq., of Cheshire; 228 Abijah, b Dec., 1812, d Jan. 9, 1813. 193. BILDAD. BILDAD BEACH, married for his ist wife Huldah Hotchkiss, and his 2nd, Hannah Cossit, and removed to Marcellus, N. Y., where the family still reside. GENEALOGIES. 647 Children: 229 Emily; 230 Laura; 231 Hannah; 232 Merab ; 233 Merab. 224. RICHARD. RICHARD and Lucinda Beach were married Nov 21, 1824; he resided in his native town, Cheshire, until 1830, as a mer- chant. He built a store on the canal, at what is now West Cheshire, and gave it the name of Beachport In 1830 he re- moved to Burton, Grange Co., Ohio, where he prosecuted the mercantile business with good success, until near the close of his life. Child: 234 Ann Palmina, b July 14, 1826, d Dec. 17, 1848. She married Wm. Tolles, of Burton, Ohio, June 9, 1846, had two children, both deceased. 226. ELNATHAN. ELNATHAN and Mary Ann Bullard Beach were married Jan 18, 1824. He resided at Cheshire and Hartford, and finally removed to Michigan. Children: 235 Lucretia H., b Aug., 1824, died 1827; 236 Elizabeth Eunice, b Jan. 26, 1826, m Chester S. Steele of Hartford, Conn., Nov. 22, 1852, 3 children ; 237 William A., b 1828; 238 Henry Bullard, b Oct., 1830; 239 Mary Ann Beach, b Sept. 9, 1832, m William Carey, of Pittsfield, Mass. in 1863, and has had three children; 240 Edward E., b Sept. 6, 1834; 241 Cornelia, b Sept. 9, 1836; 242 George, b July 3, 1840, died Sept. 15, 1842. WALLINGFORD BRANCH. 27. TIMOTHY. TIMOTHY, son of Thomas and Phebe Beach, born in Wall- ingford, married Hannah Cook, Nov. 25, 1713. Children: 115 Thomas, b Aug. 6, 1714, d Sept. 27, 1714; 116 Thomas, b Dec. 16, 1751 ; 117 Keziah, b Oct. 18, 1717 ; 118 Prudence, b Oct. 6, 1719 ; 119 Hannah, b April 21, 1722 ; 120 Ebenezer, b Feb. 9, 1724 ; 121 Thankful, b Dec. 19, 1725; 122 Keziah, b May 18, 1733. 648 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 28. NATHAN. NATHAN, son of Thomas and Phebe Beach, born in Wall- ingford, married Jemima Curtis, Sept. 29, 1712. Children: 123 Joseph, b Jan. 10, 1714; 124 William, b Nov. 18, 1716, m Susannah , she d Sept. 24, 1742; 125 Lydia, b Feb. 26, 1719 ; 126 Nathan, b May 23, 1721 ; 127 Sarah, b Oct. 22, 1723 ; 128 Enos, b Jan. 30, 1726; 129 Stephen, b Oct. 16, 1729; 130 Elihu, b Dec. 17, 1734; 132 Eunice, b March 3, 1737. 31. CALEB. CALEB, son of Thomas Beach, of Wallingford, m Eunice . Children: 133 Sarah, b Oct. 20, 1728; 134 Margaret, b Aug. 28, 1735. Il6. THOMAS. THOMAS, son of Timothy Beach, m Hannah . Children: 135 Damaris, b April 5, 1714 : 136 Amzi, b July 14, 1716 ; 137 Abigail, b Oct. 15, 1718 ; 138 Londrey, b March 5> J 727 ; i39 Asa, b Oct. 3, 1752. 123. JOSEPH. JOSEPH, son of Nathan and Jemima Beach, of Wallingford, m Experience . Children: 140 Lydia, b Sept. 13, 17355 141 Mehitable., b Nov. 2, 1732 ; 142 Mary, b Dec. 22, 1740; 143 Elizabeth, b Feb. 24, 1743 ; 144 John, b Jan. 25, 1745 ; 145 Joel, b Sept. 23, 1747 ; 146 Sarah, b Sept. 21, 1749. 128. ENOS. ENOS, son of Nathan and Jemima Beach, m Anna . Child : 147 Joanna, b April i, 1751, in Wallingford. 124. WILLIAM. WILLIAM, son of Nathan and Jemima Beach, m Susannah for his first wife. His 2nd wife was Martha . He built the house in which lived the family of the late Mr. Charles Parker, on Parker's Farms, in Wallingford. He went west with his family. Susanna d Sept. 24, 1742. Children: by first m, 148 Benjamin, b May 21, 1740 ; by GENEALOGIES. 649 and m, 149 Solomon, b March 31, 1744 ; 150 Isaac, b April 16, 1746; 151 lhankful, b Sept. 25, 1747. 98. ASAHEL. ASAHEL, son of Moses and Esther Beach of Wallingford, m Keziah Royce, Feb. n, 1757. He removed to Waterbury, and from thence to Kingsbury, N. Y., in 1799. Children: 152 Esther; 153 Keziah. JOHN JR. JOHN Jr., son of John Beach of Stratford, was among the first planters of Wallingford. He died in 1709. Children: 154 Nathaniel; 155 Lettice, b Dec. 24, 1679, m Wm. Ward ; 156 Mary, b Jan. n, 1681, d Sept. i, 1688 ; 157 Hannah, b March 17, 1684, m Eliphalet Parker, Aug. 5, 1708 ; 158 Thomas, b Feb. 14, 1686, m Hannah Atwater, May 9, 1711; 159 John, b Oct. 15, 1690, m Mary Royce, Feb. 22, 1717 ; 160 Samuel, b Nov. 29, 1696, m Phebe Tyler, April 29, 1718. 1 60. SAMUEL. SAMUEL BEACH, son of John Jr., m Phebe Tyler. Family mostly settled at North Haven. Children: 161 Beulah, b March i, 1719; 162 Rhoda, b Nov. 26, 1720; 163 Zopher, b Feb. 10, 1723; 164 Phebe, b Jan. 2, 1725 ; 165 Benoni, d June 5, 1738 ; 166 Esther, b Jan. 6, 1733 ; 167 Eunice, b Jan. 27, 1735 ; 168 Pamtneas, b Jan. X 5> X 737 > l( >9 Hannah, b Nov. 8, 1739; 170 Daniel, b. March 24, 1740. 159. JOHN. JOHN BEACH, son of John, married Mary Royce, Feb. 22, 1718-9. Children: i"jiAdna,b Jan. n, 1718, m Hannah Miles; 172 Edmund, b Feb. 18, 1720; 173 Linus, b Dec. 5, 1721 ; 174 Amos, b Jan. 3, 1724; 175 Mary, b April 28, 1726; 176 Jacob, b Dec. 5, 1728; 177 Royce, b Oct. 13, 1733 ; 178 Sam- uel, b Dec. 22, 1729 ; 179 Baldwin, b July 26, 1736. 650 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFOKD. 158. THOMAS. THOMAS BEACH, son of John, m Sarah Sanforcl, Feb. 19, 1712. She died, and he married Lois . Children: by ist marriage, 180 Barnabas, b July i, 1716 ; 181 Abel, b May 12, 1728, d May 7, 1729. By 2d marriage, 182 Amos, b Oct. 14, 1747; 183 John, b Oct. 15, 1744; 184 Lois, b July i, 1749; 185 Adna, b May 17, 1759. BARTHOLOMEW.- DANIEL. DANIEL AND SARAH BARTHOLOMEW are the first of the name in Wallingford. Of their origin and subsequent his- tory, nothing has come to my knowledge. The records in rela- tion to this family as well as many others, have been so kept as to render it almost impossible to trace them. Children: i Samuel, b April n, 173552 Reuben, b Sept. 19, 1736; 3 William,\> Feb. i, 1738; 4 Jacob, b June u, 1740; 5 Susannah, b April n, 1745. JOSEPH. JOSEPH BARTHOLOMEW m Mary , Jan. 13, 1741 ; probably a brother of Daniel. Children: 6 Hannah, b Jan. 29, 1742 ; 7 Andrew, b Nov. 24, 1744; 8 Joseph, b Sept. 6, 1746; 9 Jonathan, b May 6, 1751 ; 10 Joseph, b Aug. 25, 1752. TIMOTHY. TIMOTHY BARTHOLOMEW m Mary Hull, July 12, 1737; m 2nd, Abigail Phelps, Jan. n, 1742. Child: u Timothy, b Aug. n, 1745. JOHN. JOHN AND JERUSHA BARTHOLOMEW of Wallingford, had 12 John Porter, b Nov. 10, 1740. i For collateral branches, see Savage's Gen. Diet., I. 120-130. GENEALOGIES. 65 I BEADLES.- NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL BEADLES came to Wallingford, probably soon after the commencement of the last century, and located him- self on a farm on the west side of the river, and near the line which divides Cheshire from Wallingford. The house is still standing, and is the first house north of the residence of the late John Cook. He died about 1764. Elizabeth, his wife, died in Wallingford. Children: i Nathaniel^ Dec. 15, 1703, m Elizabeth Hitch- cock, Nov. 10, 1726; 2 Mary, b Sept. 18, 1708; 3 Josiah, b Aug. 3, 1711 ; 4 Samuel Sharp, graduated at Yale College in 1757, estate settled in 1763, died Jan. 5, 1762. I. CAPT. NATHANIEL. CAPT. NATHANIEL BEADLES, son of Nathaniel and Eliza- beth Beadles, married Elizabeth Hitchcock, Nov. 10, 1726. He died Feb. 10, 1762. Children : 5-6 Elizabeth and Susannah (twins), b Sept. 17, T 7 2 7 > 7 John, was a captain of the militia; 8 Hannah; 9 Sarah; 10 Lois, b 1743, m John Hull, she died Sept. 6, 1802, 3. 59 ; ii Mehitable; 12 Nathaniel, died March 4, 1763. 7. CAPT. JOHN. CAPT. JOHN BEADLES, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Beadles of Wallingford, m daughter of John Barker. They had a large family, some of whom settled in the State of New York. Children: 13 John; 14 Henry, m Blakeslee, dau. of Joseph ; 15 Alfred, m - - Byington, and settled in Cheshire, a wagon maker. I For collateral branches see Hinman's Conn. Settlers, 164, 165 ; Savage's Gen. Diet., I. 144, 145. 652 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. BELLAMY.' MATTHEW. MATTHEW BELLAMY ( a weaver ), the ancestor of those of the name in Wallingford, appears first at Fairfield, Conn., then at Killingworth, where he married Sarah Wood, Sept. 26, 1705. She died March 8, 1721. He married for his second wife, Mary Johnson, May 31, 1722. He died June 7, 1752, ae. 77 years. Mary died May 10, 1730, ae. 66 years. By ist marriage ; Children: i Afar}', b Sept. 5, 1706, m Benjamin. Gray, May 10, 1731; 2 Matthew, b June i, 1708, m Rachel Clark, Sept. 14, 1754, ae. 46; 3 John, b Jan. 26, 1713, m Martha- -; 4 James, b Sept. 29, 1716 ; 5 Joseph, D. D., b Feb. 20, 1719, grad. at Yale; 6 Samuel, b Jan. 18, 1721. By 2d marriage, 7, 8, Sarah and Anna, b Jan. 25, 1722 ; 9 Moses, b June 29, 1725, m Elizabeth Martin, Dec. 8, 1762 ; 10 Aaron, b July 23, 1728, m Desire Parker, Dec. 20, 1753; n Hannah, b May !?> I73 1 - 2. MATTHEW. MATTHEW BELLAMY, m Rachel Clark, Jan. 26, 1734, by Rev. Samuel Hall of Cheshire. Children: 12 Thankful, b Nov. 23, 1734; 13 Lois,\> Jan. 15, 1737; 14 Ann, b Feb. n, 1738; 15 Reuben, b Dec. 31, 1742 ; 16 Matthew, b Feb. 9, 1745 ; 17 Asa, b Dec. 19, 1753 ; 18 Silas, b Jan. 14, 1755. 5. JOSEPH. JOSEPH BELLAMY, D. D., settled as Pastor over the Con- gregational church at Bethlem, in 1740; married Frances Sherman of New Haven, April, 27, 1744. She died Aug. 30, 1785. He married 2d, the widow of Rev. Andrew Storrs of Watertown, Conn. He died March 6, 1760. Children: 19 Lucy, b Aug. i, 1745, m Abijah Gurnsey, i For collateral branches, see Cothren's Hist. Woodbury, 507 ; Hin- man's Conn. Settlers, 182-5 ; Savage's Gen. Diet., J. 160-1. GENEALOGIES. 653 Aug., 1772; 20 Rebecca, b Oct. 15, 1747, m Rev. Mr. Hunt, of Preston, Conn.; 21 Daniel^ Nov. 10, 1750, d May, 1826; 22 Jonathan, b Nov. 18, 1752, d at Oxford, N. J., in 1777; 23 Samuel, b March 13, 1756, d Nov. n, 1802 ; 24 Elizabeth b Dec. 23, 1759, m Charles Sheldon, of Springfield, Mass.; 25 William, b June 28, 1770; 26 Joseph Sherman, b 1773. TO. AARON. AARON BELLAMY, m Desire Parker, Dec. 20, 1753. He resided in the southwest part of Cheshire on the farm late the property of Elias Gaylord Jr., and at this time ( 1869 ), the property of Amos Rice. Children: 27 Rhoda, b Oct. 30, 1754; 28 Desire, b July 3, X 758 ', 29 Mary, b April 18, 1761. BENHAM.' 1. JOSEPH. JOSEPH BENHAM came from New Haven to Wallingford in 1670, with the first settlers in the village, and some of his children were born after his removal there. The name of his wife who died in Wallingford was Winifred. He died in 1702. Children: i Mary; 2 Joseph, b May 25, 1659, m Hannah Ives, Aug. 17, 1682; 3 Sarah, b 1660, d 1668; 4 Johan- nah, b July 25, 1762; 5 Elizabeth, b Sept. 13, 1664; 6 John, b Dec. 28, 1666, d 1670; 7 John, b Nov. 3, 1671, in Wallingford ; 8 Mary, b May 18, 1673 '> 9 Samuel, b May 12, 1673 > IO Sarah, b Sept. 6, 1676; n James, b about 1679, d 1745 ; 12 Winifred, b Aug. 21, 1684. 2. JOSEPH. JOSEPH BENHAM, Jr. m Hannah Ives, Aug. 17, 1672, and settled in Wallingford. Children: 13 Mary, b May 18, 1683; 14 Joseph, b Dec. I For collateral branches, see Hinman's Conn. Settlers, 195, 196 ; Sav- age's Gen. Diet, I. 155. 654 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. 15, 1685, m Hope, dau. of Samuel Cook ; 15 Abigail, b April 14, 1688, d 1741. II. JAMES. JAMES BENHAM, m Esther Preston, Dec. 9, 1702, in Wall- ingford. She died a widow July 3, 1764. Children: 14 Jehiel, b Feb. 23, 1703-4, d July 9, 1780, ae. 76; 15 Sarah, b April 12, 1706, m Henry Hotchkiss, Nov. 2 3' r 736 ; 16 Esther, b March 18, 1709 ; 17 Samuel, b Nov. 9, 1711, m Phebe ; 18 John, b Dec. 17, 1714, m Mary ; 19 Lydia, b Jan. 9, 1717 ; 20 Mary, b July 27, 1719 ; 21 Eunice, b Aug. 5, 1723. 14. JOSEPH. JOSEPH BENHAM, 3d, married Hope, dau. of Samuel and Hope Cook. She died Jan. 31, 1731. Children : 22 Hannah, b Dec. 2, 1708, m Samuel Beach, March 23, 1732 ; 23 Esther, b March 18, 1709 ; 24 Joseph, b April 5, 1711, m Mary ; 25 Enos, b Sept. 8, 1713, m Anna ; 26 Thankful, b Feb. 14, 1716; 27 Phebe, b May 20, 1718, m Robert Austin ; 28 John, b Oct. 4, 1723; 29 Lois, b April 30, 1727 ; 30 Esther, b March 22, 1730. 17. SAMUEL. SAMUEL BENHAM m Phebe , she died, and he married Dorothy Hotchkiss, Dec. 27, 1742. Children: 31 Esther, b March 4, 1737; 32 Oliver, b July 30, 1743, m Dorothy . 18. JOHN. JOHN BENHAM m Mary Curtis, Sept. 23, 1747. Children: 34 John, b July 15, 1750; 35 Mary, b Nov. 6, 1752 ; 36 Hope, b Dec. 21, 1754. SERG'T JOSEPH. SERG'T JOSEPH BENHAM, m Mary Curtis, April 5, 1732, and 2d, Mary Bunnell, Aug. 3, 1735. He died April 18, 1754. Children: 37 Benjamin, b May 23, 1733; 38 Reuben, b Sept. 30, 1734, m Abigail Clark Sept. 10, 1758; 39 Asa, b June 10, 1736; 40 Shradrack, b Jan. 14, 1736 ; 41 Martha, b GENEALOGIES. 655 Aug. n, 1737, m Benjamin Cook, Aug. 2, 1759 ; 42 Nathaniel, b Jan. 18, 1739 ; 43 Abigail, b Jan. 14, 1740, d Nov. i, 1743 ; 44 James, b Feb. i, 1745 ; 45 Daniel, b July 31, 1758, d May 16, 1761. 26. ENOS. ENOS BENHAM m Anna Hull Aug. 3, 1741. Children : 46 Asaph, b Dec. 23, 1741 ; 47 Enos, b April 6, 1744, d May 2, 1751 ; 48 Molly, b Nov. 16, 1746, d Sept. 8, *753 ; 49 Samuel, b Oct. i, 1749, d Jan. 5, 1751 ; 50 Polly, b March i, 1752 ; 51 Theophilus, d Feb. i, 1759 ; 52 Samuel, b March 8, 1758 ; 53 Molly, d June 29, 1748 ; 54 Anna, b Aug. 2 9> T 755> d Sept. 29, 1760; 55 Enos, b Nov. 5, 1761, d May 2, 1760. 39. REUBEN. REUBEN BENHAM m Abigail Clark, Sept. 10, 1758. Child: 56 Reuben, b June 9, 1761. NATHAN. NATHAN BENHAM married Mary . Children: 57 Hannah,\> Jan. 9, 1722 ; 58 Patience, b Dec. 23, 1723 ; 59 Ebenezer,\> Oct. 31, 1726, m Elizabeth Hotch- kiss Nov. 23, 1750; 60 Joel, b March 2, 1730, m Esther Andrews. JOSEPH. JOSEPH BENHAM m Em. Curtis Jan. 7, 1735. Children: 61 Sarah, b Oct. 26, 1735, d Dec. 29, 1736; 62 Isaac, b Aug 29, 1736 ; 63 Samuel, b June 8, 1755, d April 22, 1759; 64, Uri, b Dec. 15, 1751. He settled on a farm near the Honey-pot brook in Cheshire; 65 Sarah, b Dec. 25, 1741 ; 66 Elizabeth, b March 23, 1745, d Aug. 10, 1758; 67 Em., b June 5, 1745, d May 20, 1751 ; 68 Lois, b July 13, 1750; 69 Elisha, b Nov. 17, 1753. 60. JOEL. JOEL BENHAM, married Esther Andrews, Dec. 7, 1752,111 2d, Elizabeth . Children : 70 James, b Oct. 26, 1753 ; 71 Elizabeth, b Mar. 656 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. 7> I 75S> 7 2 Ebenezer, b July 21, 1756; 73 Lyman, by 2nd wife, b Oct. i, 1760. 59. EBENEZER. EBEN"EZER BENHAM married Elizabeth Hotchkiss Nov. 23, 1780. Child: 74 Sarah, b Sept. 18, 1763. 62. ISAAC. ISAAC BENHAM married Lucy Cook, May n, 1758. Child: 75 Elizabeth, b Oct. 19, 1758. BLAKESLEE.' The name of Blakeslee, on the early records, is written in twenty-five or more different ways. It is now generally spelled as above. There is a tradition among the descendants that two broth- ers of the name of Blakeslee came from the west of England, designing to settle in the Plymouth Colony, and that one of them died on the passage. The other came to Plymouth, where he died in the early days of the Colony, leaving one son, who was placed with a blacksmith in New Haven, Conn., to learn the trade. It is also asserted that the brothers brought an anvil with them, and that it was seen but a few years since in Roxbury, Conn. SAMUEL. SAMUEL and Elizabeth Blakeslee appear to be the first of the name in Wallingford ; they were in the place about the year 1712 ; of their history very little now appears. Children: i Obedience, b June 13, 1713, m Joshua How; 2 Jemima, b Oct. 13, 1717 ; 3 Susannah, b March 15, 1719, m Andrew Parker, April 27, 1736; ^Elizabeth, b July 8, 1721, m Gamaliel Parker ; 5 Abigail, b Sept. 8, 1723, m Elijah Oak- ley ; 6 Zerita/i,b Jan. 16, 1726, m Nathaniel Ives, Nov. 8, i For collateral branches, see Bronson's Hist. Waterbury, 469-77 ; Savage's Gen. Diet., I. 189-190. GENEALOGIES. 657 1744 ; 7 Phebe, b Nov. i, 1728 ; 8 Thankful, b Nov. 26, 1729, m Justus Hoalt, April 26, 1849; 9 Hannah; 10 Joseph, b April i, 1732 ; n Miriam, b Oct. 4, 1735', m Joshua How Oct. 14, 1756; 12 Phebe, b July i, 1744. 10. JOSEPH. JOSEPH BLAKESLEE married Lois Ives, April i, 1757. Children: 13 Elizabeth, b July 14, 1758; 14-15 Lois and Joseph (twins ), b Jan. 9, 1762 ; 16 Joseph, b 1766, d Dec 19, 1831, ae. 65 ; 17 BRISTOL.' HENRY. HENRY BRISTOL was in Wallingford in the early part of the last century, and settled in the parish of New Cheshire, where he died, 1750 ; m Desire Bristol. Children : i Jonathan, b Dec. 27, 1725 ; 2 Lydia, b March 16, 1728 ; 3 Desire, m Thomas Brooks, Feb. 12, 1728 ; 4 Austin, d before his father, 1750 ; 5 Henry, d before his father, 1748 ; 6 Amos, m Joanna Parker of Wallingford ; 7 Simeon, graduated at Yale College ; 8 Gideon, b 1722, d July 15, 1747, ae. 25 ; 9 Augustus, b 1720, d Feb. 4, 1742, as. 22. I JONATHAN. JONATHAN BRISTOL m Elizabeth , m 2nd, Susannah Peck, Oct. 1 6, 1761. Children : 10 Gideon, b June n, 1755 > JI Lowly, b Feb. 20, X 753 j I2 Jonathan, b August i, 1760, m Thankful . 5 HENRY. HENRY and Lois Bristol, of Cheshire in Wallingford ; he died 1748-9. Children : 13 Mary, b March 12, 1742 ; 14 Sarah, b June 10, 1744; 15 Damaris ; \6Henry. i For collateral branches, see Redfield's Gen. of the Kedfield family, 36. 658 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 6. AMOS. AMOS and Joanna ( Parker) Bristol. Children: 17 Thomas, b March 28, 1741; 18 Augustus, b July 19, 1743 ; 19 Hannah, b March 20, 1745 ; 20 Amos, b May 6, 1751 ; 21 Ezra, b January 9, 1753 ; 22 Reuben, b Oct. i, 1755 ; 23 Lydia,\> Sept. 15, 1757 ; 24 Lucy, b Sept. 10, 1759. BROCKETT.' JOHN. JOHN BROCKETT came to Wallingford with John Moss from New Haven, in 1667 or 1668, and was chosen by the people of New Haven as one of the committee to manage the affairs of the settlement. He was frequently called to fill many of the public offices of the village, and after its incorporation, to represent the town in the General Court. His house lot wa,s No. i, at the extreme south end of the village, extending from the Old Colony road east toward Wharton's Brook, twenty rods wide and forty rods long ; subsequently it was extended to the Brook. The land on which now stands the house of the heirs of the late Edward Hall, is a part of this grant. He died March 12, 1689, ae. 80 years. Children : i John, b in England, was a physician, and set- tled near Muddy river in North Haven; 2 Benjamin, b 1648, m Lydia Elcock, he died May 22, 1679; 3 Abigail, b March 10, 1649 ; 4 Samuel,\* Jan. 14, 1650, m Sarah Bradley, May 21, 1682 ; 5 Jabez, b Oct. 24, 1654, m Dorothy Lyman, Nov. 20, 1691 ; 6 Silence, m Joseph Bradley ; 7 Mary, m William Pen- nington of New Jersey. i. JOHN. DR. JOHN BROCKETT m Elizabeth , and settled at Muddy River as a farmer and physician, and remained there i For collateral branches, see Savage's Gen. Diet., I. 257, 258. GENEALOGIES. 659 during his life- time. He died 1720. He settled the estate of his father in 1689-90. At his death he gave all his property to his widow Elizabeth, by will. He had a son Moses, b April 23, 1679. 2. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN BROCKETT m Lydia Elcock, Dec. 16, 1720. Children: 8 Martha, b Oct. 2, 1721; 9 Zilla, b June 17, 1723, d March 20, 1737; 10 Alice, b Feb. 12, 1725; n Hezekiah, b Dec. 31, 1727 ; 12 Lydia, b March 14, 1729, d Nov. 17, 1729; 13 Lydia, d March 7, 1731^ 14 Benjamin, b May 2, 1733 ; 15 Zenieh, d March 21, 1737 ; 16 Lydia, b March 20, 1737 ; 17 Sarah. 4. SAMUEL. SAMUEL BROCKETT m Sarah Bradley, Nov. 21, 1682. Children: 18 Samuel, b Feb. 15, 1682, m Rachel Brown, April 15, 1699 ; 19 Daniel, b Sept. 30, 1684 ; 20 John, b Nov. 8, 1685, m Huldah Ells; 21 Joseph, b Oct. 25, 1688; 22 Josiah, b July 25, 1691; 23 Alice, b April 23, 1693; 24. Josiah, b July 25, 1698, m Deborah Abbott. 5. JABEZ. JABEZ BROCKET, m Dorothy Lyman, Nov. 20, 1691. Children: 25 Joseph, b Sept. 17, 1692 ; 26-27 James and Dorothy (twins), b March 16, 1695 j 2 ^ Mary, b March 16, 1699; 29 an infant dau., b May 14, 1696, d June 10, 1696; 30 Gz/W>, b July 5, 1697 ; 33 Gideon, b April 15, 1699, d May 8> 1705 ; 32 Andrew, b July 6, 1701. 18. SAMUEL. SAMUEL BROCKETT m Rachel Brown, April 15, 1699; she died Jan. 24, 1718. He married Elizabeth How, Aug. 5, 1718. Children: 33 Titus, b June 28, 1700, m Mary Turhand ; 34 Sarah, b Aug. 26, 1702; 35 Isaac, b Sept. 3, 1705, m Mary Sedgwick, June 16, 1733 ; 36 Rachel, b March 20, 1708; 37 Abigail, b Feb. u, 1711 ; 38 Samuel, b June 21, 1714. 20. JOHN. JOHN BROCKETT married Huldah Ells, March i, 1711. 660 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 39 Daniel, b April 3, 1712, m Rachel ; 40 Darid, b Nov. 28, 1714; 41 Anna, b Feb. 2, 1715, m Gideon Hotchkiss, Jan. 18, 1737; 42 Christopher, b April 3, 1718 ; 43 Mehitable, b April 3, 1719 ; 44 Elisha, b May 31, 1726 ; 45 John,\> Feb. 14, 1728. 24. JOSIAH. JOSIAH BROCKETT m Deborah Abbot, Nov. 16, 1725. He m 2nd, Mary , who survived him and m Captain Isaac Bron- son of Waterbury, Feb. 13, 1755, she d Aug. i, 1816. Children by ist wife : 46 Hannah, b Sept. 22, 1725 ;by 2nd, 47 yb> b Sept. 20, 1727, m Martha Ebenathe; 48 Sarah, b Dec. 7, 1728, m James Bronson, Aug. 22, 1750 ; 49 Abigail, b July 23, 1732 ; 50 Mary, b Feb. 22, 1735 > 5 1 -Elizabeth, b April 15, 1736. 33. TITUS. TITUS BROCKETT m Mary, daughter of Henry Turhand, of Wallingford, Feb. 12, 1728. He was one of the most active Episcopalians in the place, and was one of the four largest contributors toward the erection of the second church edifice, in 1762, which, until within a few years, occupied the lot on the corner opposite the Isaac Peck house, on which a school- house is about being erected, the lot having been given to the town for that purpose by the late Moses Yale Beach Esq. Mr. Brockett died July 29, 1773, ae. 74 years. His wife died May i, 1777, ae. 64 years. Child: 52 Turhand, b March 7, 1733, d May 23, 1738; The disease of which Mr. Titus Brockett died was small- pox. He was a member of Parson Andrews' Episcopal church, and a strong Tory. Parties had been formed for and against the British Government. In Wallingford they ran extremely high, and just two years before, Rev. Mr An- drews delivered his celebrated Fast-day sermon, that compelled him to leave for Nova Scotia. At the funeral of Mr. Brockett the Whigs would not have him buried with other members of the family, but compelled Turhand Kirtland and two others, to have the grave dug on a wet, springy place, directly GENEALOGIES. 66 1 under the east fence of the burying-ground, so that the" water immediately filled the grave, though in mid-summer. It was therefore necessary to sink the coffin with two rails till the earth could be returned. For a long time these rails remained standing up out of the grave, and did not decay. Some of the family supposed that the timber was supernaturally preserved, as a testimony against the wicked whigs. 35. ISAAC. ISAAC BROCKETT married Mary Sedgwick, a daughter of Samuel and Ruth Sedgwick of Hartford, June 16, 1731. She died Jan. 19, 1734. He married Elizabeth Culver, Feb. 25, 1737, who after his death married Daniel Frisbie, May 4, 1748. He died Oct. 18, 1746. He was an ardent churchman. Child by ist marriage: 53 Rachel, b May 23, 1732, m Con- stant Kirtland. Children by 2d marriage : 54 Ruth, b Feb. 3> T 73^; 55 Esther, b Oct. 6, 1739; 56 Hannah, b Oct. 6, 1741 ; 57 Ruth, b Oct. 26, 1744. 38. SAMUEL. SAMUEL BROCKETT married Ruth . He was a son of Samuel and Rachel Brockett. Children: 58 Eunice, b Jan. 15, 1744 ; 59 Zuer, b Mar. 24, 1746; 60 Joel, b June 14, 1749; 61 Joel, b July 28, 1750; 62 Zenas, b July 12, 1752 ; 63 Benjamin, b Oct. i, 1760. 39. DANIEL. DANIEL BROCKETT, son of John and Huldah, m Rachel . Children: 64 Daniel, b July 3, 1737; 65 Daniel, b April 13, 1740. 45- JOHN. JOHN BROCKETT, son of John and Huldah Brockett, mar- ried Jemima . Children: 66 Christopher, b June 2, 1749 ; 67 Susannah, b Nov. 17, 1750. 47- JOB- JOB BROCKETT, son of Josiah and Deborah Brockett, m Martha Ebernathe. Child : 68 Lucretia, b July 27, 1756. T T 662 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. BROWN.' FRANCIS. FRANCIS BROWN married Mary Edwards, in England, and came over to America, and to New Haven, in advance of the colony ; was one of the company that spent the winter of 1637-8 in a hut which they had erected on the east corner of what is now College and George-sts. He was one of the subscribers to the colony compact, or constitution, in 1639. Children : i Lydia ; 2 John ; 3 Eleazer ; 4 Samuel ' ; 5 Eb- enezer. 4. SAMUEL. SAMUEL married Mercy Tuttle, May 2, 1667, ar >d was one of the original subscribers for the settlement of the village of Wallingford. Lot No. 7, west side of the Main street, was as- signed to him for his encouragement, as a house lot. But it does not appear that he ever built upon it ; why he did not is unknown. This lot was subsequently assigned to John Moss, who built a house upon it ; and it remained in the family until the death of the late Ebenezer Morse, a few years since. In 1850 Moses Y. Beach purchased this lot, and erected that elegant mansion, now known as the Beach House, upon it. Samuel Brown died in Wallingford, Nov. 4, 1691, ae. 46 yrs. Children: 6 Abigail, b March n, 1669, d young; 7 Sarah, b Aug. 8, 1672 ; 8 Rachel, b April 14, 1677 ; 9 Francis, b Oct. 7, 1679; 10 Gideon, b July 12, 1685; n Samuel, b Oct. 29, 1699. 2 BUNNEL.3 PETER. PETER BUNNEL came from England in the May-flower, with the Pilgrims, and landed at Plymouth, Mass., in 1620. 1 Durrie refers to 45 works for collateral branches. 2 Bronson in Hist, of Waterbury gives descendants of above. 3 For collateral branches, see Hinman's Conn, settlers, 405, 406. GENEALOGIES. 663 RICHARD. RICHARD BUNNEL came from England in 1630, and settled at Watertown, Mass. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN BUNNEL was an early settler in Wallingford ; was made a freeman in 1670. He was at New Haven in 1668, and possibly previous to that date. He married Mary Brooks, and had a daughter, i Lydia, b Aug. 27, 1713. 2. ABNER. ABNER BUNNEL, born in 1676. Children : 3 Abner ; 4 David ; 5 Enos, m Truelove , she d May 7, 1717, ag. 22 ; 6 Ebenezer, b 1716. NATHANIEL. ENSIGN NATHANIEL BUNNEL was an early settler in that part of Wallingford now Cheshire, where he married Desire, daughter of Benjamin Peck, May 10, 1709. She was born Aug. 26, 1687, and died in 1721. He married Mary Brooks, Feb. 17, 1726, and died of small pox, May 4, 1732, ae. 46 yrs. He appears to have been the ancestor of all who have gone from Cheshire that bear the name of Bunnel. Children: 7 Desire, b March 26, 1711 ; 8 Ebenezer, b May 21, 1713, m Lydia Clark; 9 Benjamin, b April 16, 1715; 10 Parmineas, b March i, 1717 ; 11,12, Jared and Desire (twins), b June 25, 1719 ; 13 Abner, b March 24, 1721, m Elizabeth Preston, Feb. 19, 1746 ; 14 Joseph, b Jan. 17, 1723. By 2nd marriage: 15 Patience, b Nov. 28, 1726; 16 Hezekiah, b Nov. 21, 1727, m Esther ; 17 Rachel, b Nov. 15, 1728, m Samuel Thompson, June 27, 1747; 18 Rebecca, b Jan. 6, 1730; 19 Stephen, b July 6, 1731. 8. EBENEZER. EBENEZER BUNNEL m Lydia Clark of Cheshire, 1738. Children: 20 Nathaniel, b June 4, 1739 ', 21 Jared, b Oct. 6, 1741 ; 22 Lydia, b May 4, 1744 ; 23 Israel, b March 17, 1747 ; 24 Ebenezer, b Feb. 15, 1750, d March i, 1756; 25 664 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Lydia, b Jan. 26, 1753; 26 Hannah, b April n, 1756; 27 Desire, b Jan. 7, 1759 ; 28 Miriam, b March 20, 1762. 9. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN BUNNEL married Lydia Fox, Dec. 22, 1743. Children: 29 Benjamin, b July 15, 1747; 30 Samuel, b Jan. 7, 1750. IO. PARMINEAS. PARMINIAS BUNNEL m Rachel Curtis, Sept. 20, 1739. After his death she married Samuel Thompson, June 7, 1741. Children: 31 Desire, b May 19, 1740; 32 Parmineas, b Jan., 1742 ; 33 Mary, b Jan. 6, 1745 ; 34 John, b April 18, X 746 ; 35 Rachel, b July 2, 1748 ; 36 Desire, b Nov. 7, 1750 ; 36 Damaris, b June 30, 1752 ; 38 John, b July 25, 1754. 13 ABNER. ABNER BUNNEL m Elizabeth Preston, Feb. 19, 1756. Children: 39 David, b Dec. 2, 1747 ; 40 Abner, b Nov. 18, 1749 ; 41 Elizabeth, b Nov. 20, 1751 ; 42 Enos, b May 15, 1753, m Naomi, dau. of Stephen and Hannah Atwater ; 43 Reuben, b Feb. 22, 1755 ; 44 Samuel, b May 12, 1757 ; 45 Esther, b March 26, 1759 ; 46 Jehiel, b Oct. 6, 1763 14. JOSEPH. JOSEPH BUNNEL m Hannah Hotchkiss, Feb. 28, 1745. Children: 47 Eunice, b May 23, 1745 ; 48 Miriam, b May l6. HEZEKIAH. HEZEKIAH BUNNEL m Esther - . Children: 49 Nathaniel, b Jan. 23. 1734, m Lois Rice, June 17^759; 5 Titus, b Nov. 9, 1735 ; 51 Esther, b Nov. 31, 1737- 19. STEPHEN. STEPHEN BUNNEL married Mary Hendrick, Sept. 26, 1752. Children : 52 Lois, b July i, 1754; 53 Mary, b March 27, 1756 ; 54 Levi, b July 19, 1759; 55 Eunice, b June 10, 1761. GENEALOGIES. 665 23. ISRAEL. ISRAEL BUNNEL married Jerusha Dowd, daughter of Ben- jamin Dowd of Middletown. He was a large landholder in Cheshire, and one of the most prominent and active men in the town, and for many consecutive years served as selectman, and in various other offices in the gift of his fellow- townsmen. His death was greatly lamented by all who knew him, and especially by his neighbors and friends. Children: 56 Nathaniel, d in Cheshire ; 57 Rufus ; 58 Vir- gil ; 59 Israel; 60 J 'air us, d in New Haven; 61 Ebenezer ; 62 Dennis ; 63 Hannah ; 64 Jerusha, m Doct. Pierre E. Bran- don. CANNON. LYMAN. LYMAN CANNON, married , a daughter of the late Elisha Smith, of Wallingford. He carried on the tin busi- ness with considerable success during his whole life in Wallingford. He was a Deacon in the Congregational church. Children : Burdett, d in Wallingford ; William, resided in New Haven ; James, d in New Haven in 1868 ; i daughter. CARTER. This name appears in Wallingford before 1738, in the per- sons of William and Anna Carter. They had a daughter born Nov. 20, 1738, and a son, William, born Nov. 14, 1748, and perhaps others. Dea. Salmon Carter was one of the old in- habitants sixty years ago, in Wallingford. He carried on cabi- net making and a small store. He by close application to busi- ness and rigid economy in all his affairs, accumulated a very handsome estate. He married Hough, daughter of Joseph and Hough, of Wallingford. In appearance he was a sedate, and remarkably dignified man in his manners 666 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. and address, but little seen in the public streets, except on business Children : i Salome, d unm. ; 2 Betsey, m Lyman Collins, of Meriden ; 3 William, m wid. Hiram Yale, of Wallingford, left no children. CARRINGTON.' This family is one of great antiquity. Sir Michael Carring- ton, who was a standard bearer to Richard I., 1189, is the first of whom I find any record. His grandson Sir William Car- rington was an officer under Edward I., 1272-1307. Sir Edmund Carrington, Kt., was an officer under Edward II., 1307-27. Sir William Carrington, Kt, temp, of Edward III. 1327-77. Sir Thomas Carrington, Kt, Steward (of the household) to Edward III., was the father of John Carrington, who in the beginning of the reign of Henry IV. for his ad- herence to Richard II. ( who was deposed ) was compelled to flee from his country, and on returning assumed for disguise the name of Smith. He died 1446, and was father of Hugh ( Car- rington ) Smith, who appears to have been the father of ( 1445- 1500) Sir John Carrington Smith, Baron of the Exchequer, temp. Henry VIII., whose fourth son ( 1509-47) Francis (Car- rington ) Smith, of Ashley Tolville, Leicester, was great grand- father of Charles ( Carrington ) Smith, who was created Oct. 31, 1643, Lord C , Baron of "Wotton Warren " in War- wickshire, 4th of Nov., following Viscount Carrington in the Peerage of Ireland, was murdered by his valet at Pontoise in France, Feb. 21, 1664, and was succeeded by Francis Car- rington Smith, 2d Baron and Viscount. He died in 1705. Charles, his son, died young, in May, 1706. The title and honor thus became extinct. John Carrington was an early settler in Farmington, and I For collateral branches, see Andrews' Hist. New Britain, 338 ; Camp- bell's Hist. Virginia, 624-625; Foot's Hist. Virginia, 2nd series, 575; Hinman's Conn. Settlers, 491-492 ; Mead's Hist, of Old Churches and Families of Virginia, n. 29. GENEALOGIES. 667 one of the " eighty-four proprietors" in 1672. He signed the articles for the settlement of Mattatuck, Waterbury, in 1674, and appears to have joined the new plantation early; for he is named in all the divisions of fences. It appears that for some cause he did not fully comply with the conditions of the new plantation covenant, and was consequently declared to have forfeited his rights, Feb. 6, 1682. But little is known of him. He died in the early part of 1690, leaving a widow who died before the inventory of his effects was rendered, June 30, 1690. His son John was the administrator, and the estate amounted to ^120 us. John had ,23, and each of the other children had 12 ; their guardians were instructed to put out the three youngest, and not to be governed or over- ruled by John the administrator. John's brothers were Ebe- nezer, Samuel and Ezekiel. John Carrington's house-lot of two acres was on West Main-sr., the south side, about where Leavenworth street now runs. It was bounded north and south on the highway, east on Timothy Stanley, west on George Scott. It was sold in 1710, by the heirs to Timothy Stanley and George Scott, for ^"12. Children: i John, b 1667, d 1692 in Farmington, he was a cooper; 2 Mary, b 1672, m William Parsons of Farming- ton, Ct. ; 3 Hannah, b 1675, m Joshua Holcombe of Sims- bury, Ct. ; 4 Clark, b 1678, m Sarah Higason, and lived in Farmington : 5 Elizabeth, b 1682, m John Hoskins of Wind- sor ; 6 Ebenezer, b 1687, removed to Hartford, d in Waterbury, had no issue. I. JOHN. JOHN CARRINGTON, first of Waterbury, married Miss Hunn. from Mass. He married for his second wife Miss . He lived on a farm at Red Stone Hill in Farmington, where he died. Children by ist marriage : 7 Nathaniel, m, had no issue, d on the old homestead ; 8 John, m Mabel Beach in New York, was a merchant in Goshen, d a young man ; 9 Jeremiah, b 1746, m Mindwell Cook and settled in Wallingford, where 668 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. he kept a tavern a great number of years; 10 Deborah, m Rice, she died at Onondaga, N. Y., a woman of great worth; u Keziah, m ist, - Munson, 2d, Esq. Oliver Stan- ley of Wallingford ; 12 "Martha, m Fisk Beach of Goshen, brother of Mabel, had 8 children. By 2d marriage : 13 Jona- than, b 1748, m Azubah Burns of Bristol, d 1733 '; r 4 Solomon, d in the old prison ship New York ; 1 5 Phineas, d supposed in the service of the U. States ; 16 David. 8. JOHN. JOHN CARRINGTON, son of John and Hunn Car- rington, married Mabel Beach, of Goshen, Conn. He was a merchant in Goshen. He died of a fever in New York while a young man. Children: 17 Harvey, m Catlin, children, John and Lucia; 18 Elisha, m Judy Thompson, she died leaving 7 daughters and i son ; 19 Miles, resides in Augusta N. Y., is accounted a good man ; 20 Anna, m a lawyer named Dawes, had 2 children, she died young; 21 Mabel, m., and lived in humble circumstances. JEREMIAH. JEREMIAH CARRINGTON, son of John and Hunn Carrington, married Mindwell Cook, daughter of Isaac and Jerusha, of Wallingford, and was the keeper of the hotel now kept by Dwight Hall in the village of Wallingford, for a number of years. He died Dec. 17, 1812, ae. 66 years. She died Jan. 7, 1813, ae. 64 years. Children: 22 James, b 1770, d July 6, 1836, ae. 66, m Patty McLean, she died March 12, 1836, ae. 64; 23 Liverius, b 1778, d Dec. 22, 1848, ae. 70. 22. JAMES. JAMES CARRINGTON, son of Capt. Jeremiah and Mindwell Carrington, m Patty McLean of Wallingford. He was an energetic and thorough business man, and for many years was in the employ of Eli Whitney Esq., as superintendent of the Gun Factory at Whitneyville. He was Postmaster at GENEALOGIES. 669 Wallingford many years, and leader of the singing in the old three-story meeting-house, being a fine musician, and possessed of a remarkably full, well-toned bass voice. Children: 24 Miles, now of Mobile, Ala. ; 25 James Whit- ney, Astoria, N. Y.; and several daughters. 23. LIVERIUS. LIVERIUS CARRINGTON, son of Capt. Jeremiah and Mind- well Carrington, m ist, Thankful Hall, 2nd, Eliza Kirtland, 3d, Sarah Kirtland Yale, wid. of Selden Yale, and sister to Eliza, his 2nd wife. He studied medicine with Dr. Kirtland of Wallingford. Not liking the professsion he formed a partnership with the late George B. Kirtland, and entered the mercantile business, in which he continued until his decease in 1840. Children by ist marriage: 27 William, b about 1807, successor to the old firm, C. & K. ; 28 Anna, and an infant, both of whom died, Anna at the age of 17. Children by 2nd marriage: 29 Sarah K. ; 30 Anna, m Joel Peck, late deceased. Children by 3d marriage: 31 Kirtland, business clerk ; 32 Ellen. CLARK.' I. EBENEZER. EBENEZER CLARK, son of James, of New Haven, born Nov. 29, 1651, m Sarah, daughter of James Peck, of New Haven, May 6, 1678 ; she died May 20, 1696, ae. 37 years. He died April 30, 1721, ge. 70 years. He married Elizabeth Royce for his 2nd wife, Dec. 22, 1696. He was the first of this name in Wallingford. Children : by ist m, i Caleb, b March 6, 1678 ; 2 Sarah, b Aug. 20, 1681, m Isaac Cook, Oct. u, 1706; 3 Josiah,\> Feb. 6, 1683, m Mary Burr; 4 Stephen, b Dec. 18, 1686; 5 __ i *_ I Durrie refers to fifty-two works containing notices of the Clark family. 6/O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Hannah, b Aug. 18, 1689, d before her father ; 6 Sylvanus, b Feb. i, 1691-2, m Damaris Hitchcock in 1717 ; 7 Obadiah, b Oct. 17, 1694, d before his father ; 8 Stephen, b Dec. 7, 1696, d Mar. 25, 1750. By 2nd marriage: 9 Eliphalet, b Dec. 28, 1697 ; 10 Elizabeth, b Sept. 24, 1698, d before her father ; n Susannah, b April 29, 1700, d before her father ; 12 Caleb, b Sept. 26, 1701, m Lois How, Jan. 19, 1722 ; 13 Phebe, b May 20, 1703 ; 14 Daniel, b Feb. 7, 1712, m Elizabeth , she d April 17, 1755 ; 15 Abigail, b June 8, 1705 ; 16 James, b Sept. 29, 1713, d before his father; 17 Susannah, b Sept. 30, 1717 ; 18 Sarah, b Sept. 24, 1721, d June 18, 1722. 3. JOSIAH. JOSIAH CLARK, son of Ebenezer and Sarah Clark of Wallingford, m Mary Burr, April 21, 1710. Children: 19 Solomon, b March 6, 1711 ; 20 Mary, b Mar. 22, 1723. 6. SYLVANUS. SYLVANUS CLARK, son of Ebenezer and Sarah Clark, mar- ried Damaris Hitchcock, April 22, 1717. Children: 21 Jonah, b Jan. 31, 1718; 22 Thankful, b Dec. 21, 1719, m James Curtis, Nov. n, 1738. 8. STEPHEN. STEPHEN CLARK, son of Ebenezer and Sarah Clark, m Lydia Hotchkiss of Cheshire. She died Nov. i, 1737, ae. 41. He died Nov. 25, 1750, ae. 64 years, at Cheshire. His sec- ond wife was Ruth . Children by ist marriage: 23 Lydia, b Nov. 25, 1718; 24 Sarah, b Sept. 24, 1721 ; 25 Andmv, b Oct. 24, 1727, m Mehitable Tuttle, Feb. 7, 1748. Children by 2nd marriage : 26 Desmania, b Sept. 26, 1751 ; 27 Amasa, b Nov. 25, 1753 ; 28 Mary, b Oct. 4, 1756; 29 Stephen, b Dec. 16, 1785, m Mehitable ; 30 Lew, b Jan. n, 1761. 12. CALEB. CALEB, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Clark, married Lois How, Jan. 19, 1722. GENEALOGIES. 6/1 Children : 31 Margery, b April 14, 1723 ; 32 Eunice, b Mar. 23* J 72S ; 33 Phebe, b Mar. i, 1728 ; 34 Lois, b Aug. 31, 1730. 14. DANIEL. DANIEL, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Clark, married Elizabeth Miles, Sept. 17, 1741; she died April 17, 1755. He m again in 1741 ; he died Aug. 17, 1774, as. 63 yrs. Children : 35 Lois, b Nov. 12, 1743 ; 36 Archibald, b Sept. i, 1745-6, m Polly Ives, of North Haven; 37 Ebenezer; 38 Daniel, was a town pauper for years ; 39 Abigail; 40 James. 25. ANDREW. ANDREW, son of Stephen and Lydia Clark, m Mehitable Tuttle, Feb. 7, 1748-9. Children : 41, Stephen, b Jan. 16, 1749 ; 42 Lydia, b March 23, 1752 ; 43 Mehitable, b Aug. 21, 1758. WILLIAM. WILLIAM CLARK married Mindwell Rowe, Aug. 29, 1749. Children : 44 Sylvanus, b Oct. 4, 1750; 45 Josiah, b Aug. 8, 1752. ABRAHAM. ABRAHAM CLARK married Martha Tyler, Oct. 5, 1721. Children: 46 Mary, b March i, 1724; 47 Lydia, b March i, 1726 ; 48 Hannah, b Sept. 12, 1727 ; 49 Rufus, b March i, 1728; 50 Keziah, b Oct. 31, 1731. COOK.' The ancestors from whom most of the Cooks in New England trace their descent, came from Herefordshire and Kent, in England. The ancestral branch from whom those of the name trace their origin, now resident in various parts of the state, came from Kent, and were of the Puritan stock. i For collateral branches see Andrews' Hist. New Britain, Conn., 207 ; Babson's Hist. Gloucester, Mass., 74; Bronson's Hist. Waterbury, 485-7; Cope's Record of Cope family of Penn., 44, 78, 79-82, 157, 175, 176; Fox's Hist. Dunstable, Mass., 242; Freeman's Hist. Cape Cod, Mass., n. 366, 389, 634, 642, 643 ; Hinmans's Conn. Settlers, 698-703 ; Hobart's 6/2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORU. Henry Cook was at Plymouth, Mass., before 1640. He had sons, Isaac, John, Henry and Samuel. Isaac is supposed to have remained at Plymouth, and John to have settled at Middletown. Henry and Samuel settled at Wallingford, and are the ancestors of most of the name of Cook in Connec- ticut, and of many in various parts of the country. SAMUEL. SAMUEL COOK came to New Haven in 1663, m Hope, daughter of Edward Parker of New Haven, May 2, 1667. They went to Wallingford in April, 1670, with the first plant- ers. He was, perhaps, the first and only shoemaker and tanner of leather in the place. After the decease of his wife Hope, he married Mary Roberts, July 14, 1690. He was regarded as a very good man by his friends and neighbors, and was frequently called to fill offices of responsibility and trust in the village, and in the church of which he was a member. He died March, 1702. He left an estate of ,340. His widow m Jeremiah How, sen., April 9, 1705. Children by ist marriage: i Samuel, b March 3, 1667-8, in New Haven; 2 John, b Dec. 3, 1669, in New Haven; 3 Hannah, b March 3, 167 1-2, in Wallingford ; A, Isaac, b March 10, 1673, d April 7, 1673 ; 5 Mary, b April 23, 1675, m Nathaniel Ives, April 5, 1699 ; 6 Elizabeth, b August 22, 1677, d young; 7 Judith, b Feb. 29, 1679, m Jeremiah How jr., April 20, 1704, she d March 20, 1708 ; 8 Isaac, b Jan. 10, 1681 ; 9 Joseph, b Feb. 25, 1683 ; 10 Hope, b Sept. 27, 1686, m Joseph Benham, Dec. 18, 1706, she d Jan. 30, 1731. By 2nd marriage : n Israel, b May 8, 1692 ; 12 Mabel, b June 30, 1694; 13 Benjamin, b April 8, 1697, d 1717, unmarried, was Hist. Abingdon, Mass., 363-4; Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., 179, 180 ; How- ell's Hist. Southampton, L. I., 2IO-I2; Judd and Boltwood's Hist. Hadley, Mass., 465-471 ; Kellogg's Memorials of John White, 77; Kidder's Hist. New Ipswich, N. H., 352 ; Mitchell's Hist. Bridgewater, Mass., 141 ; Nash's Gen. of Nash Fam., 33, 34 ; Stiles's Hist. Windsor, Conn., 572-4 ; Savage's Gen. Diet., I. 445-51 ; Bond's Hist, and Gen. Watertown, Mass., 163, 164 ; Jackson's Hist Newton, Mass., 247-50. GENEALOGIES. 6/3 a tanner and currier; 14 Ephraim, b April 19, 1699; 15 Elizabeth, b Sept. 10, 1701, m Adam Mott, Aug 28, 1717. I. SAMUEL. SAMUEL COOK, son of Samuel and Hope Cook, married Hannah Ives, daughter of William of New Haven, March 3, 1692, John Moss Esq. officiating. She died May 29, 1714. He then married Elizabeth Bedel, of Stratford. He died Sept. 1 8, 1725, ae. 58 years, at Wallingford. His widow married Capt. Daniel Harris, of Middletown, Conn. He was a farmer in the western part of the township, near the line which now divides Cheshire from Wallingford. Some of his descendants are still occupying the same land. Estate, ^"390. Children: 16 Hannah, b May 28, 1693, m Jeremiah Hull, she died Nov. 22, 1735, ae. 43 years ; 17 Samuel, b March 5, 1695 j J 8 Aaron, b Dec. 28, 1696 ; 19 Lydia, b Jan. 13, 1699, m Daniel Dutton, d Oct. 12, 1738; 20 Moses, b Jan. 4, 1700, d Dec. 25, 1711; 21 Miriam, b Nov. 4, 1703, m Benjamin Curtis, Dec. 12, 1727; 22 Thankful, b Dec. 24, 1705, d Aug. 19, 1714 ; 23 Esther, b March 8, 1707, m Abel Yale, July 22, 1730; 24 Eunice, b Feb. 25, 1709 ; 25 Susan- nah, b Sept. 5, 1711, m Joseph Cole, Dec. i, 1735 '> 2 & Hope, d Sept. 18, 1728. By 2nd marriage: 27 Moses, b Nov. 6, 1716^ 28 Thankful, b Nov. 14, 1718, m Stephen Hotchkiss, Dec. 31, 1742 ; 29 Asaph, b June 23, 1720; 30 Hannah, b Nov. 4, 1721, m Zephaniah Hull, of Cheshire, and settled at Bethlem. 2. JOHN. JOHN COOK, son of Samuel and Hope Cook, married Han- nah Hall, and settled in the western part of the township near Scott's Rock in Cheshire. He died April 30, 1739, ae. 70 years. Children: 31 Ezekiel,b April 20, 1700, d Nov. 7, 1722 ; 32 Naomi, b Jan. 27, 1704, d Nov. 20, 1707; 33 John, b Aug. 2 3> I 77 d Nov. i, 1722; 34 Mary, m John McKay, she d 1763, in Cheshire, Conn. 6/4 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 8. ISAAC. ISAAC COOK, son of Samuel and Hope Cook, married Sarah Curtis, Oct. n, 1705. He d Feb. i, 1712, inWalling- ford. His widow married Caleb Lewis, in 1714. Estate, 103. Children: 35 Sarah, b July 20, 1707 ; 36 Amos, d in child- hood ; 37 Mindwell, b May, 1709, m Caleb Evarts of Guilford, Conn. ; 38 Isaac, b July 22, 1710. 9. JOSEPH. JOSEPH COOK, son of Samuel and Hope Cook, married Abigail . After her death, he married Eleanor Johnson, Oct. 14, 1714, and remained in Wallingford until 1743, when in the autumn of that year, he went to Goshen in Litchfield county, and was among the earliest and most prominent men in the place. He died Nov. 7, 1764, ae. 82 years. Children by ist marriage: 39 Lois, b April 25, 1700, d in infancy; 40 Samuel, b Feb. 18, 1702 ; 41 Abigail, b Jan. 18, 1703. By 2d marriage: 42 Phebe,\> Oct. 7, 1715, m Eli Petti- bone, Feb. 21, 1751, she d about 1767; 43 Benjamin, b Jan. 5, 1718; 44 Daniel, b Aug. 19, 1720; 45 Walter, b Dec. 21, 1722 ; 46 Joseph, b Jan. 18, 1726; 47 Lois, b May 23, 1729; 48 Lambert, d at Goshen; 49 Hannah, b Nov. 15, 1735, m Roger Pettibone, Jan. 25, 1752, she d April 29, 1763. II. ISRAEL. ISRAEL COOK, son of Samuel and Mary Cook, married Elizabeth, daughter of Ebenezer Clark of Wallingford, Feb. 22, 1717. He settled in what is now Cheshire, and afterward moved to Vermont with some of his children, where it is sup- posed he died. Children: 50 Catharine, b July 3, 1718, m Isaiah Smith, of New Haven, May 20, 1750; 51 Ebenezer, b Dec. 13, 1719; 52 Sarah, b May 5, 1722, m ist, Jonathan Hall, Dec. 25, 1739, 2d, Jehiel Andrus, Jan. 16, 1745 ; 53 Deborah, b Oct. i, 1725, m Elisha Perkins, June 20, 1748 ; 54 Anna, b July 4, J 7 2 7j 55 John, b 1731, bap. in Cheshire, June, 1751; 56 GENEALOGIES. 6/5 Amos, b Dec. 5, 1734; 57 Benjamin, b about 1736 ; 58 Ashbel, b May 6, 1738; 59 Charles, doubtless settled in Vermont; 60 Ezekiel, b and bap. at Cheshire, June, 1751, supposed settled in Vermont. 14. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM COOK, son of Samuel and Mary Cook, married Lydia Doolittle. She died Dec. 25, 1785, ae. 84 years He died March 22, 1774, ae. 75 years. He was licensed by the county court, April 24, 1727, to prosecute the business of tanning and dressing leather in Cheshire. Children: 61 Mary, b Feb. 13, 1723, d same year; 62 Mamre, b Dec. 21, 1725, m Daniel Hotchkiss, of Cheshire; 63 Lydia, b March 2, 1726, m Jason Hitchcock, Sept. 20, 1741 ; 64 Mary, b April 7, 1728, m John Smith of Cheshire; 65 Ephraim, b April 7, 1730; 66 Tirzah, b Oct. 3, 1733, m Samuel Smith of Cheshire; 67 Elam, b Nov. 10, 1735; 68 Elizabeth, b Feb. 10, 1738, m Ebenezer Brown of Che- shire; 69 John, b Dec. 27, 1739; 70 Merriman, b 1741, d unmarried in Cheshire; 71 Thankful, no account of this person recorded ; 72 Phebe, m Timothy Gaylord, May 4, 1748. 17. CAPT. SAMUEL. CAPT. SAMUEL COOK, son of Samuel and Hannah Ives Cook, married Hannah Lewis, daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Lewis, of Wallingford, Feb. 8, 1721. He was a wealthy shipping merchant, from the port of New Haven, where he died Nov. 7, 1745 ( Thanksgiving Day), leaving an estate of ^"29103. He was buried at Cheshire, where a fine altar tomb marks his resting place. His benefactions to the church and poor of Cheshire are lasting monuments to his memory and worth. Children: 73 Hannah, b Dec. 22, 1722, m Elnathan Beach. She died May 18, 1754; 74 Rhoda, b Oct. 22, 1724, m Benjamin Hitchcock, of Cheshire, Feb. 27, 1745 ; 75 Damaris, b Nov., 1726, m Rev. Ebenezer Boone, of Far- mington, Dec. 19, 1750, then removed to Vermont; 76 Thad- deus, b Sept. 10, 1728 ; 77 Lowly, b May 10, 1730, m Andrew 6/6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Hull of Cheshire, Oct. 17, 1750; 78 Samuel, b Nov. 16, X 733 } 79 Eunice, b June 29, 1735, m Samuel Hull, of Che- shire, b Feb., 1755; 80 Levi, b Nov. 10, 1737, m Isaac Ben- ham of Cheshire; 81 Aaron, b Nov. 30, 1739. Elnathan Beach was a partner with Capt. Cook, whose dau. he married. Andrew Hull was the Hon. father of the late Gen. Andrew Hull of Cheshire, and great grandfather of Rear Admiral Andrew Hull Foote, U. S. N. Samuel Hull was brother to Andrew Hull, and grandfather to the late Mrs. Jonathan Law, of Cheshire and Hartford. 1 8. AARON. AARON COOK, son of Samuel and Hannah ( Ives ) Cook, married ist, Sarah, daughter of James Benham, Nov. 14, 1723. He married 2d, Sarah Hitchcock. She died Aug. n, 1735, an d for his 3d wife he married Ruth Burrage, of Strat- ford, Feb. 7, 1736. He was a very large landholder in the south-eastern part of Wallingford, Northford survey. He died Oct. 14, 1756, ae. 60 years. Mrs. Ruth Cook died July 2, 1786, ae. 79 years. Children, by ist m.: 82 Samuel, b Sept. 25, 1725, d before his father; 83 Stephen, b Dec. 28, 1727 ; 84 Titus, b Feb. 25^ 130; 85 Abel, b Feb. 23, 1732. By 2d marriage: 86 Sarah, b June 2, 1735. By 3d marriage: 87 Lydia, b 1736, m Uriah Collins, she d Jan. 9, 1793 ; 88 Ruth, b Sept. 7, 1738, m William Collins, she d June 9, 1790; 89 Esther, b May 14, 1740; 90 Elizabeth, b March 16, 1741-2, d Jan. 27, 1751; 91 Aaron, b June 5, 1744; 92 Miriam, b June 30, 17 46, d Dec. i, 1750; 93 Lucy, b Sept. 20, 1748, d April 29, 1760; 94 Elizabeth, b June 7, 1751, d Oct. 19, 1762. 27. MOSES. MOSES COOK, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Cook, m Sarah Culver, June 18, 1740, and went to Branford. Subsequently he went to Waterbury, where his wife died, Jan. 4, 1760, and he afterwards m Dinah Harrison, widow of Benj., June 7, 1762. He was killed by Moses Paul, an Indian, in the town GENEALOGIES. 6/7 of Woodbridge, Dec. 12,1771. (Paul was executed at New Haven in June, 1772). Mr. Cook was ae. 54 years. Mrs. Dinah Cook d Oct. 4, 1792. Children by ist m. : 95 Charles, b June 3, 1742 ; 96 Moses, b May 30, 1744, in Branford, d 1832 ; 97 Sarah, b June 13, 1747, d April 5, 1823 ; 98 Esther, b June 27, 1750, m Joseph Beebe, she d in Ohio, 1810; 99 Elizabeth, b May 15, 1752, m Benj. Baldwin, she d 1797 ; 100 Hannah, b Jan. n, 1755, m Titus Bronson, she d 1841 ; 101 Lydia, b March 27, 1760, m Hickox. 29. ASAPH. ASAPH COOK, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Cook, m Sarah Parker, of Wallingford, and went to Granville, Mass., where he remained until about the close of the Revolution, when he removed to Granville, N. Y., where he d in 1792 ; she d in 1818, ae. 96 years. Children: 102 Samuel, b Aug. 18, 1744; 103 Amasa, b 1746, m Miriam Loomis, of Granville, N. Y., subsequently of Essex Co., N. Y. ; 104 Asaph, b March 6, 1748 ; 105 Joseph, b April 13, 1750 ; 1 06 Susannah, b April 13, 1750, m Ichabod Parker, she d 1770- 107 Sarah, b 1752, m Wm Meacham, 2nd, Zeruah Everest, she d 1777 ; 108 Thankful, b 1754, m Gideon Beebe, of Adams, Mass. ; 109 Hannah, b June 5, 1758 ; no Charles, b May 9, 1764 ; in Lois, b 1766, m John Merrick, of Granville, N. Y. 38. ISAAC. ISAAC COOK, son of Isaac and Sarah Cook, m Jerusha Sexton, of Wallingford, Oct. 13, 1733. He died March 16, 1780, . 80 years. She died Oct. 13, 1795. He was a tanner and currier of leather. Children: 112 Amos, b Dec. 5, 1734 ; 113 Jerusha,\> Nov. 19, 1736, m Gideon Hosford, Feb. 23, 1757; 114 Isaac, b July 28, 1739 ; 115 Caleb, b Nov. 14, 1741 ; 116 Mindwell, b Dec. 9, 1743, d Jan. 26, 1744; 117 Ambrose, b March 19, 1744, d in infancy ; 1 18 Ambrose, b June 30, 1746 ; 1 19 Elihu, U u 6/8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. b Aug. 16, 1747, d Aug. 31, 1747 ; 120 Mindwell, b April 20, 1750, m Capt. Jeremiah Carrington, of Wallingford. 43. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN COOK, son of Joseph and Eleanor Cook, mar- ried Hannah Munson, Jan. 20, 1741. She was celebrated in her day as a skillful midwife in Wallingford, where they lived at the time of his decease, which occurred about 1790. He was a weaver and farmer. Children: 121 Benjamin, b Oct. 8, 1743; 122 Martha, m Col. Isaac Cook of Wallingford; 123 Joel,\> Aug. 31, 1745, d young; 124 Merriman, b Oct. i, 1748; 125 Lois, b 1752, m Oliver Doolittle, Jan. 16, 1776 ; 126 Phebe, b May 3, 1756, m Isaac Doolittle of Wallingford. 44. DANIEL. DANIEL COOK., son of Joseph and Eleanor Cook, in Elizabeth Pond, Feb. 6, 1746. He moved from Wallingford to Goshen, where she died, Sept., 1791. Children: 127 Samuel, b Aug. 2, 1747, in Wallingford, went to Goshen, Conn. ; 128 Amasa, b Oct. 26, 1749 ; 129 Philip, b Feb. 2, 1752 ; 130 Lois, b Feb. 27, 1754, m Joel Gaylord, of Goshen, Conn. ; 131 Lydia, b Oct. 29, 1756, m Moses Bartholomew, of Goshen, Conn. ; 132 Daniel, b Aug. 18, 1761 ; 133 Moses, b April 25, 1764 ; 134 John, b Sept. 8, 1767, no report from him. 45. WALTER. WALTER COOK, son of Joseph and Eleanor Cook, m Reuema Calling, and went to Goshen, Conn. Subsequently he went to Richmond, Mass. He was a farmer and shoe- maker. Children : 135 Eunice, b Nov. 10, 1754, in Wallingford ; 136 Pitman, b June 28, 1757, in Wallingford; 137 Walter, b Sept. 10, 1764, in Goshen; 138 John, b Oct. 2, 1767, in Goshen; 139 Sinai, b Oct. 12, 1769, in Goshen ; 140 Susannah, b Feb. 26, 1790, in Goshen ; 141 Lucy, m Abijah Newton, of Goshen, Conn. GENEALOGIES. 679 48. LAMBERT. LAMBERT COOK, son of Joseph and P^learior Cook, married ist, Abigail , and settled in Goshen, Conn. She died Oct. 8, 1758. He married Mindwell Loomis, for his 2nd wife, Dec. 13, 1759. He died at Goshen, Conn. Child by ist marriage: 142 Mary, b July 17, 1757. By 2nd marriage: 143 Abigail, b Jan. 25, 1760; 144 Joseph, \> Feb. 25, 1762 ; 145 Hannah, b Dec. 25, 1763 ; 146 infant, b June n, 1765, d ae. i day. 51. EBENEZER. EBENEZER COOK, son of Israel and Elizabeth Cook. He married Eunice . This family left Wallingford soon after the war of the Revolution. Children: 147 Ebenezer, b May 19, 1760; 148 Munson,\> March i, 1762 ; 149 Eunice, b Feb. 28, 1766 ; 150 William, b July 3, 1772. 55- JOHN- JOHN COOK, son of Israel and Elizabeth Cook, married Naomi Abernathy, and removed to Guildhall, Vermont. She died in 1809, aged about 75 years. He died at Guildhall in 1812, aged 8 1 years. Children: 151 Benjamin, b Jan. 24, 1764; 152 Naomi, b March 12, 1766, m Laban Beach ; 153 John, b March 16, 1768, d at Guildhall, Vt. ; 154 Ruth, b Feb. 7, 1769; 155 Lemuel, b Feb. 7, 1770; 156 Enos A., b Jan. 7, 1773; 157 Raphael, b May 8, 1775 ; 158 Abigail, b May 2, 1777, d at Guildhall, Vt. ; 159 Anna, b July 4, 1779, m Stoddard ; 160 Beulah, m Eli How, she died in 1810; 161 Zaaheus, b Sept. 13, 1781. 57- BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN COOK, son of Israel and Elizabeth Cook, mar- ried Martha Benham, Aug. 2, 17-59, a d doubtless left Wall- ingford soon afterwards. Children: 162 Martha, b March n, 1760, in Wallingford; 163 Benjamin, b May 6, 1675. 68O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 58. ASHBEL. ASHBEL COOK, son of Israel and Elizabeth Cook, married Rachel . He left Wallingford about 1768, when it is supposed he went to Vermont. Children: 164 John; 165 Simeon, d young; 166 Israel; 167 Ashbel; 168 Simeon; 169 Rice, b Aug. 12, 1780, in Rutland, Vt. ; 170 Orel. 65. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM COOK, son of Ephraim and Lydia Cook, married Elizabeth Hull, Jan. i, 1752. He was a farmer, shoemaker, tanner and currier of leather ; he died in Cheshire, Conn., Jan. 18, 1789, ae. 59 yrs. Children: 171 Lois,\> Jan., 1753, d Nov. 4, 1753, ae. 10 mos. ; 172 Ephraim, b 1754, d Dec. 2, 1764, ae 10 yrs. ; 173 Lydia, b Dec. 20, 1756; 174 Anna, b Feb. 5, 1764; 175 Urina, b 1765, d Dec. n, 1771, ae. 6 yrs.; 176 Clarinda, b 1770, d Dec. 5, 1772, ae. 2 yrs. 67. ELAM. ELAM COOK, son of Ephraim and Lydia Cook, married Abigail Hall, Jan. 8, 1761. He died in Cheshire, Feb. 3, 1808, aged 73 years. She died in Ohio, Sept. 26, 1816, aged 8 1 years. Children: 177 Merriman, b Nov. 12, 1761, went to Barton, Ohio; 178 Samuel, b 1764, settled in Cheshire, Conn.; 179 Esther, b March, 1769, m John Ford of Prospect, and went to Ohio, she was the mother of Gov. Ford of Ohio; 180 Ephraim, b Dec. 21, 1775; 181 Elam, b 1780, settled in Cheshire; 182 Joseph H., b Feb. i, 1782; 183 Abigail,^ July 10, 1784, married Hon. Peter Hitchcock of Ohio, for- merly of Cheshire. 69. JOHN. JOHN COOK, son of Ephraim and Lydia Cook, married Obedience ; he died in Cheshire, Oct. 2, 1764, ae. 25 yrs. His widow married Daniel Ives, Dec. 7, 1769. Child : 184 Ephraim, b 1763, d Oct. 2, 1765, ae. 2 yrs. GENEALOGIES. 68 1 76. THADDEUS. COL. THADDEUS COOK, son of Capt. Samuel and Hannah Cook, m ist, Lois, daughter of Capt. Elnathan Beach, of Cheshire, Nov. 28, 1750. She died April 4, 1753, ae. 21 yrs. He m 2nd, Sarah, daughter of Hon. Benjamin Hall, of Che- shire. She died Sept. 5, 1774, ae 44 years. His 3d wife was Abigail , she survived him. After having served his country during the Revolution, under the brave Gen. Gates, and his townsmen in almost every office of trust or honor within their gift, he died Feb. 27, 1800. Child by ist marriage: 185 Lois, b April i, 1753. By 2d marriage: 186 Sarah, b July 23, 1755, m Dr. Gould Gift Norton, of Cheshire, she d Sept., 1838 ; 187 Samuel, b April 19, 1758 ; 189 Eunice, b Jan. 15, 1761, d Feb. 26, 1776, ae. 15 yrs. ; 190 Lucy, b 1762, m Amos Harrison Ives. She d Feb. 30, 1836, in Cheshire ; 191 Thaddeus, b May 3, 1764, gradua- ted at Yale, 1783, d Oct. 3, 1789 ; 192 Sally, m Nathan Har- rison, of New Branford ; 193 Clarissa, m Hall, and had a dau., Sukey Hall. 78. SAMUEL. SAMUEL COOK, son of Capt. Samuel and Hannah Cook, m Jerusha Hollingworth, March 4, 1756. It was the intention of his father that he should receive a liberal education at col- lege, but for some cause now unknown, he gave it up, and settled on a farm in the north part of Cheshire, where he d Jan. 5, 1800, ae. 67 years. Children : 194 Hannah, b April 20, 1758, m a Mr. Wright; 195 Temperance, b Aug. 6, 1760 ; 196 Perez, b Dec. i, 1762 ; 197 Jerusha, b Jan. 7, 1767, d July 29, 1803 ; 198 Eunice, b March 23, 1769; 199 Damaris, b Feb. 23, 1772 ; 200 Abigail, b June 27, 1775, m Elkanah Doolittle, of Cheshire. She d Dec. 1 6, 1800. 8 1. AARON. AARON COOK, son of Capt. Samuel and Hannah Cook, m Mary, dau. of Capt. Cornelius Brooks, of Cheshire. He d Sept. 29, 1776, ae. 37 yrs. She d Sept. 30, 1776, ae. 38 yrs. 682 HISTORY OF \VALLINGFORD. He was a farmer, about three and one-half miles south-east of Cheshire meeting-house, where his father formerly lived. Children: 201 Jerusha, b 1757, m Robert Hotchkiss. She d May 19, 1824; 202 Cornelius, b Oct. 9, 1763 ; 203 Sue, in Samuel Cook, she d Dec. 24, 1824; 204 Aaron, b 1768, d in Cheshire; 205 Stephen, b 1771, m Eunice Beadles, of Wall- ingford ; 206 Mary, m Shelden Spencer, Esq. 83. STEPHEN. STEPHEN COOK, son of Capt. Aaron and Sarah Cook, m ist, Anna Culver, Dec 25, 1751. After her decease he m Thankful Preston, March 2, 1771, and for his 3d wife he mar- ried Anna Tyler. Anna his ist wife died Dec. 10, 1769. Mrs. Thankful his 2d wife died Sept. 20, 1776, and Anna his 3d wife died Sept. 23, 1817, ae. 80 years. Children by ist wife: 207 Samuel, b Oct. 22, 1752; 208 Stephen, b March 25, 1755, went to Vermont; 209 Anna, b Oct. 5, 1757 ; 210 Elihu, b July 2, 1760, went to Vermont; 211 Ruth, b June 30, 1763, d ae. 90 yrs. By 2d marriage: 212 Lyman, b June 30, 1772, went to Ohio; 213 Jared, b Aug. 9, 1775. By 3d marriage: 214 Lemuel, b Sept. 2, 1779 ; 215 Malachi, b Aug. 28, 1781. 84. TITUS. TITUS COOK, son of Capt. Aaron and Jerusha Cook, mar- ried Sarah Merriman, Jan. 18, 1753. She died Feb. 16, 1795. He died April 4, 1809, ae. 80 years, and was buried in Northford, Conn. Children: 216 Sarah, b Nov. 14, 1753; 217 Jerusha, b May 27, 1757 ; 218, 219 Lucy and Titus, b April 23, 1761, d in childhood; 220 Abigail, b July 19. 1763; 221 Esther, b July 21, 1765 ; 222 Caleb, was accidentally killed ; 223 Sally ; 224 Titus, b Nov. 7, 1775; 225 Lydia, b April i. 1778. 85. ABEL. ABEL COOK, son of Capt. Aaron and Sarah Cook, married Mary, daughter of Dea. Benjamin and Elizabeth P. Atwater GENEALOGIES. 683 of Wallingford, Nov. 16, 1757. She was born Dec. 30, 1735, and died Jan. 13, 1774, ae. 39. He died Aug. 10, 1776, ae. 44 years. Children: 226 Atwater, b Nov. 3, 1758; 227 Porter, b July 27, 1760; 228 Elizabeth, b March 13, 1763; 229 Abel, b March 27, 1765; 230 Chester, b Aug. 13, 1767, d young; 231 Daniel M., b Feb. 16, 1770; 232 Mary, b April 2, 1773, m Col. Eliakim Hall, d Dec. i, 1839 ; 233 Chester, b Oct. 6, 1775- 91. AARON. AARON COOK, son of Capt. Aaron and Ruth B. Cook, mar- ried ist, Lucretia Dudley. She died April 16, 1771, ae. 27 years. He married 2d, Elizabeth Taintor. She died April 24, 1816, ae. 65 years. He died Sept. 14, 1825, ae. 80 years, and was interred in Northford grave-yard. Children ; 234 Oliver Dudley, b 1766, grad. at Yale College, X 735i 2 53 Aaron, b 1768; 236 Kilborn, b 1771, settled in North Guilford, Conn. By 2nd marriage : 237 Increase, b 1773, grad. at Yale College, 1793 ; 238 Nathaniel, b 1775, m Susan Baldwin ; 239 Lucretia, b 1780, d Nov. 14, 1844; 240 Apollos, b 1786, settled at Cattskill, N. Y. ; 241 Thomas Burrage; 242 Elizabeth, b 1776, m Joshua Atwater, she d Apr. 4, 1842, as. 66 years ; 243 Lydia, m Doct. Amos G. Hull ; 244 Henrietta. 95. CHARLES. CHARLES COOK, son of Moses and Sarah Cook, married Sybil Munson, Aug. i, 1764. He resided severally in New Haven, Waterbury and Watertown, Conn. He died in 1797, 33. 55 years. Children: 245 James Munson, b June n, 1765, in New Haven; 246 Sarah, b Dec. 22, 1766. 96. MOSES. MOSES COOK, son of Moses and Sarah Cook, married Jemima Upson of Waterbury, March 4, 1766. He was a musician during the Revolutionary war. He died Dec. 25, 1831. She died March 6, 1821. 684 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children : 247 Joseph, b March 4, 1767 ; 248 Lucy, b Sept. 29, 1769, d unmarried, Dec. 8, 1835 > 2 49 Daniel, b Sept. 5, J 773j 2 5 Hannah, b March 5, 1775, m Horatio Upson, Waterbury ; 251 Anna, b March 8, 1778, m Mark Leaven- worth ; 252 Elias, b Dec. 26, 1783, m 2nd, Mrs. Charry Bartholomew. 102. SAMUEL. SAMUEL COOK, son of Asaph and Sarah Parker Cook, m Chloe Atwater, daughter of Titus and Margarette, of Che- shire. He went with his father to Granville, Mass., and sub- sequently to Granville, Washington Co., N. Y. He died in 1823, ae. 79 years. Child : 253 Moses, settled at Hartford, Washington Co., N. Y. 104. ASAPH. ASAPH COOK, son of Asaph and Sarah Parker Cook, mar- ried Thankful Parker, June 17, 1776 ; she was born in Wall- ingford, April, 1776. They removed to Granville, N. Y. In 1818 they went to Ridgefielcl, Four Corners, Ohio, where he died in 1826, ae. 78. He was at the battle of Lexington, Mass., as were several of his brothers. His widow died in 1819. Children: 254 Elutheras, b March 21, 1777, d Nov., 1780; 255 Hannah, b Feb. 25, 1779, m Lewis Stone, Aug. 3, 1839 ; 256 Asaph, b March 23, 1781, d August 2, 1842 ; 257 Rhoda, b January 7, 1784, d Sept. 30, 1805 ; 258 Chloe, b July 21, 1786, d Oct., 1845 j 2 59 Elutheras, b Dec. 25, 1787, d Dec. 27, 1864; 260 Sarah, b Jan. 2, 1790, d March, 1829 ; 261 Thankful P., b April 26, 1792, d unmarried, Aug. 3, 1858; 262 Erastus, b Feb. 6, 1795, d July 30, 1849; 263 Edwin, b Aug. 25, 1797, d Nov. 3, 1807 ; 264 Israel, b Dec. 4, 1801, d unmarried, Jan. 6, 1854 ; 265 Elmira, b Oct. 15, 1803, d un- married, Jan. 10, 1852. 105. JOSEPH. JOSEPH COOK, son of Asaph and Sarah Parker Cook, went early in life with his father and family to Granville, N. Y. ; GENEALOGIES. 685 thence to Hartford, Washington Co., N. Y. ; and in 1803 to Adams, Jefferson Co., N. Y. ; from there in 1805 to live with his sons in Ohio. He died at Oxford, Erie Co., Ohio, ae nearly 86 yrs. The name of his wife was Rachel Langdon. I have ascertained the names of only two of their children, to wit : 266 Chauncey, b 1775, resided in Erie Co., Ohio; 267 Charles L., b 1778. IIO. CHARLES. CHARLES COOK, son of Asaph and Sarah Parker Cook, married Elizabeth Curtis of Granville, N. Y., daughter of David Curtis ; he died at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., May 13, 1855, ae. 91 yrs. Children: 268 Betsey, b Feb. 4, 1791, m Rev. E. Rossiter, she died Nov., 1833 ; 269 Daniel C., b May 20, 1793, d 1813, was a physician ; 270 Horace, b Nov. 5, 1775; 271 Charles, b May 12, 1778 ; 272 Elisha, b April 12, 1801 ; 273 Thecla Louisa, b Nov. 10, 1802, m B. F. Darrow, 1831, cl 1832 ; 274 Laura E., b Sept. 10, 1804, m Ephraim Read, settled in Ohio ; 275 Hiram E., b Jan. 15, 1807, d Aug., 1822, was a physician. 112. AMOS. AMOS COOK, son of Isaac and Jerusha Cook, married Rhoda, daughter of Gideon Hosford, Feb. 23, 1757; she died May 10, 1810. He died at Wallingford. Children: 276 Elihn, b April 25, 1757; 277 Rhoda, b April 16, 1761, m John Davis ; 278 Roswell, b Dec. 6, 1764 ; 279 Uri H., b Jan. 19, 1767, supposed to have settled in Nor- way, Herkimer Co., N. Y., 1789 ; 280 Amos, b Nov. 29, 1768 ; 281 Luanda, b Oct. 31, 1771, m Stephen Hart in 1790 ; 282 Sybil, b Oct. 10, 1778, m Thomas Welton, Jan. 3, 1797 ; 283 Lyman, b Sept. 21, 1780 ; 284 Desire, b March 5, 1783. 114. ISAAC. Col. ISAAC COOK, son of Isaac and Jerusha Cook, married Martha, daughter of Benjamin Cook, March 6, 1760 ; he was 686 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. in the service of his country during the Revolution, as Colonel. He died June, 1810, ae. 71 yrs. Children: 285 Joel, b Oct. 12, 1760, a distinguished officer in the war of 1812; 286 Lemuel, b March 17, 1762; 287 James, b Jan 29, 1764, m Chloe Royce, May 4, 1786; 288 Lucy, b Jan. 29, 1766 ; 289 Isaac, b July 16, 1768, settled at Chillicothe, Ohio; 260 Martha, b June 30, 1770 ; 291 Mind- well, b July 17, 1772, m Asahel Barham, Jan. 6, 1791 ; 292 Phebe, b Feb. 9, 1777, m David Stocking, 1805. 115. CALEB. CALEB COOK Esq., son of Isaac and Jerusha Cook, mar- ried Abigail Finch, Jan. 12, 1764. She died Dec. 22, 1794. He then married Mrs. Lydia Foot. She died May 31, ae. 89. He was a magistrate for many years, and died in his native town, Nov. 17, 1821, ae. 80 years. Children : 293 Viney, b Nov. 26, 1764, m Abel Cook, Dec. 19, 1790; 294 Augustus, b Jan. 25, 1767 ; 295 Caleb, b July 27, 1768, d young; 296 Abigail, b Nov. 8, 1769 ; 297 Nabby, b April 10, 1777, m Ira Hall, she d 1859 ; 298 Betsey, b Feb. 18, 1779, d unmarried, Jan., 1859 ; 299 Mary Ann, b Aug. 23, 1783 ; 300, 301, Caleb and Amelia, b June 4, 1786, the former m Sarah Eaton, the latter d Aug. 31, 1786. 1 1 8. AMBROSE. AMBROSE COOK, son of Isaac and Jerusha Cook, married Esther Peck. He died at the age of 78, March 5, 1824. She died Sept. 13, 1822, ae. 78. Children: 302 Chauncey, b Feb. i, 1767, m Eunice Dutton ; 303 Samuel, b July 8, 1769, m Martha Cook; 304 Jerusha, b April 25, 1771, m Hunn Munson, Esq. ; 305 Abigail, b Apr. 9, 1773, supposed died young; 306 Charles, b April 26, 1775, m Sylvia, dau. of Elihu Yale; 307 Esther, b Oct. 9, 1777, m Benajah, son of Stephen Yale ; 308 Lydia, b Oct. 13, 1779, m Andrew Hall, M. D. ; 309 francy, b Nov. 13, 1782, m Richard Hall ; 310 Orrin, b Feb. 14, 1784, m Miss - Stone, of Guilford, Conn.; 311 Diana, b Nov. 28, 1786, m Andrew Bartholomew. . GENEALOGIES. 68/ 121. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN COOK, son of Benjamin and Hannah Cook, mar- ried April 19, 1770, Esther Rice, dau. of Reuben Rice of Wallingford. He died 1821, ae. 78 years. He was a large, corpulent man. Children: 312 Hannah, m Linus Hall; 313 Rice, went west, m a Miss Twiss: 314 Keziah, b Jan. 27, 1774; 315 Munson, b Aug. 27, 1776; 316 Daniel, d about 1860, in west- ern New York; 317 Betsey, & unmarried; 318 Charlotte, b Oct. 26, 1787, m John Malone. 124. MERRIMAN. MERRIMAN COOK, son of Benjamin and Hannah Cook, m Mary Osborn, May 2, 1768. He went to Malta, Saratoga Co., N. Y. He died Sept. 27, 1827, ae. 80, and she died May 20, 1832, ae. 83 years. Children: 319 Joseph, b Sept. i, 1768, m Mary Ann Tol- man ; 320 Eunice, b Dec., 1770, m John Scarrit ; 321 Lydia, b 1773, m Benj. Hall, d Nov. 8, 1856; 322 Polly,\> March, 1775, m Samuel Hall ; 323 Elihu, b May i, 1777, m Sarah Cooley ; 324 Susannah, b May 9, 1779, m Isaac Darrow ; 325 Lois, b May 27, 1782, m Amy Hulin; 325 1-2 Samuel, m ist, Mary Culver, 2d, Sally Galpin ; 326 Lyman, b Sept. 16, 1783; 327 Catharine, b 1786, d 1796 ; 328 Marcus, b 1789 ; 329 Sherlock, b 1781, m Milly Thurston. 128. AMASA. AM ASA COOK, son of Daniel and Elizabeth Cook, married ( after his removal to Goshen ) Rachel Norton, March 5, 1772. She died Dec. 17, 1819. He died Dec. 4, 1821, ae. 72 years. Children : 330 Sally, b Dec. 28, 1772, m Samuel Chamber- lain, she d Aug. i, 1828 ; 331 infant, b Oct. 28, 1774, d same day. 129. PHILIP. PHILIP COOK, son of Daniel and Elizabeth Cook, married Thankful Tuttle, of Goshen, Conn. He removed to Nassau, 688 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. N. Y., where she died Jan. 9, 1816, ae. 64. He died March 26, 1825, ae. 73 years. Children: 332 Samuel, b March 4, 1776 ; 333 Augustus, b Jan. 25, 1778, deaf and dumb, d 1843; 334 Erastus, b Dec !8, 1779; 335 Silas, b Nov. 22, 1781, d Aug. 24, 1811 ; 336 Gratia T., b Oct. 27, 1784, d unm. Oct. 4, 1840; 337 Laura H., b Jan. 4, 1787, m Samuel McLellan, M. D. 132. DANIEL. DANIEL COOK, son of Daniel and Elizabeth Cook, married Eliza Porter, of Goshen. He died near the south-west corner of the town. Children: 338 Amasa, he was killed by a cart, 1817 ; 339 Phineas, m Irene Churchill. 133. MOSES. MOSES COOK, son of Daniel and Elizabeth Cook, married Lydia Thompson. She died Jan. 21, 1821, as. 72 years. He died Feb. 23, 1841, ae. 77 years. Children: 340 George, b July 24, 1791 ; 341 Harriet, b May 25, 1794, m Samuel Cook ; 342 Betsey, b March 6, 1797 ; 343 Frederick, b Nov. 9, 1801 ; 344 Moses, b March 2, 1808. 151. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN, son of John and Naomi Cook, married Charity Elliott, of Guildhall, Vt. He died May, 1843. Children: 345 Elias, b Sept. 29, 1798; 346 Naomi, b May 25, 1800, d unm. June 15, 1818 ; 347 Benjamin, b April 17, 1802 ; 348 Charity, b April 8, 1804, d unm. April, 1820; 349 Ira,\> Feb. 23, 1806; 350 Abigail, b Sept. 16, 1808; 351 Esther, b Feb. 12, 1811, m Isaac Brooks ; 352 Anderson, b March 30, 1813, m Catherine M. Cramer ; 353 Selina, b April 7, 1816, m Frederick Rich, of Petersham 354 Lorenzo, b April 15, 1819, d unm. June 6, 1855 ; 355 Semantha, b June 18, 1822, m Marshall Twitchell, d Dec. i, 1854. 155. LEMUEL. LEMUEL COOK, son of John and Naomi Cook, married Han- nah Gustin, and settled at Guildhall, Vt. She died June i, 1828. GENEALOGIES. 689 Children : 356 Thomas, b May 7, 1802, d at the west ; 357 Mary, b Aug 6, 1805, m Cheney, May i, 1831 ; 358 Beulah, b Dec. 22, 1808, m 1831, d June 8, 1846; 359 Dr. Raphael, b May 5, 1810, d Aug., 1834, ae. 24 yrs ; 360 Re- becca, b March 31, 1813, d Feb. 5, 1831, at Guildhall, Vt.; 361 Lemuel, b Nov. 20, 1817, d Feb. 12, 1855, ae. 38 yrs; 362 Adelphia, b Jan. 13, 1824, m Dec., 1855. 156. ENOS. ENOS A. COOK, son of John and Naomi Cook, m Susan Palmer, at Granby, Vt. After his decease she went to New Portage, Ohio, with her children, of which the following are a part, viz. : 363 Raphael, d in Vermont ; 364 Enos A., residence un- known ; 365 Orrin, m Harriet Cook ; 366 Ambrose, resi- dence in 1862, Spencer, Medina Co., Ohio. 157. RAPHAEL. RAPHAEL COOK, son of John and Naomi Cook, m Sally Fox, of Canada. He died at Guildhall, Vt. His widow m Eli Howe, of Guildhall. Children : 367 Moses M., is a printer by profession ; 368 Naomi, went to Stanstead, Canada East. 1 6 1. ZACCHEUS. ZACCHEUS COOK, son of John and Naomi Cook, of Wall- ingford and Guildhall, married Phebe Elliot, and settled at Dryden, N. Y., and probably died there. Children: 366 John, resided at Guildhall, Vt. ; 370 Har- riet, m Orrin Cook, son of Enos. 169. RICE. RICE COOK, son of Ashbel and Rachel Cook, was born at Rutland, Vt, removed to Stillwater, N. Y. Married Ann . He lived in Troy, N. Y., in 1837. Children: 371 Mary Ann ; 372 Sarah Ann ; 373 Rachel; 374 Rebecca; 375 Lydia Lorraine; 376 Adeline Ann; 377 Chas. Rice, b Aug. 14, 1820, in Stillwater; 378 Julia Ann. 6QO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 177. MERRIMAN. MERRIMAN COOK, son of Elam and Abigail Hall Cook, m Sally, daughter of Moses and Mary Bradley, Aug. 8, 1781. She died April n, 1812. He married Betsey Hubbarcl, May 2, 1815 ; she died May 7, 1837. He left Cheshire, his native place, in 1809, and settled at Burton, Ohio, where he died Aug. 25, 1858. Betsey, his wife, died May 7, 1857. He was a tanner and currier by trade, shoemaker, &c., &c. Children: 379 John, b Dec. 27, 1782, in Cheshire, Conn.; 380 Hiram, b March 21, 1781, in Cheshire, Conn. ; 381 Soalma, b Feb. 24, 1792, m Adolphus Carlton ; 382 Eleazer, b Aug. 30, 1799, in Cheshire, Conn. 178. SAMUEL. SAMUEL COOK, son of Elam and Abigail Cook, married Sue, daughter of Aaron and Mary Cook; he died Oct. 10, 1800, ae. 37 ; she died Dec. 24, 1843. Children: 383 Clara, b May 12, 1784, m Bellina Plum of Cheshire, she died Oct. 28, 1848; 384 Samuel, b 1786; 385 Samanda, b Nov. 6, 1788, m Silas Curtis, Dec., 1806. 180. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM COOK, son of Elam and Abigail Cook, married Sukey, daughter of Stephen and Susan Ives of North Haven, Oct. 16, 1799; he removed to Burton, Ohio, in 1814, and died there Jan. 29, 1854 ; she died Dec. 29, 1843. Children : 286 Stephen I. C., b April 6, 1800 ; 387 Marietta, b March 4, 1802, m John Eldridge ; 388 Harriet, b Sept. 27, 1804, m Oliver Mastick; 389 Sally, b June 4, 1807; 390 Julia Ann, b June 27, 1809, died Sept. 12, 1809 ; 391 Horace, b Sept. n, 1811 ; 392 Esther E., b Oct. 12 1813, m Asa Carl ; 393 Samuel, b Dec. i, 1815, d June 25, 1816 ; 394 Larinia, b Aug. n, 1819, d June 24, 1850. 181. ELAM. ELAM COOK, son of Elam and Abigail Cook, married Rebec- ca Bradley, Oct. 20, 1799. She died Nov 9, 1829, ae. 51 years. He died March 17, 1830, ae. 51 years. GENEALOGIES. 69! Children: 395 Marius, b July 19, 1800, d Aug. 2, 1804; 396 Ethelbert, b Oct. 30, 1801 ; 397 Mariah, b May 28, 1804, m Allen Lounsbury ; 398 Abigail, b Aug. 29, 1806, m Perez Sanforcl of Prospect; 399 Rebecca, b March 7, 1809, m Orrin Brooks, Meriden ; 400 Emetine, b Sept. 17, 1811, m Charles R. Miles, Cheshire ; 401 Elam, b Aug. 15, 1815. 182. JOSEPH. JOSEPH H. COOK, son of Elam and Abigail Cook, married Lucinda Hitchcock of Cheshire, in 1794. They went to Sharon, Conn., and from thence to Litchfield, Ohio. Children : 402 Matilda, m Rev. Gad Smith ; 403 Lucius, m Cornelia Sturges. 187. SAMUEL. SAMUEL COOK, son of Thaddeus and Sarah Cook, married Mary, daughter of Constant Kirtland of Wallingford. He was a thrifty farmer in the western part of the town. He died Sept. 27, 1824, ae. 66. His widow died March 10, 1839, ae. 82 years Children : 404 Russel, b Sept. 8, -1778, m Hall of Che- shire ; 405 Eunice, b Aug. 24, 1780, m Elias Ford Esq., late of Naugatuck ; 406 Billious, b Sept. 29, 1782, m Sarah Mun- son of Wallingford ; 407 Harriet, b May 17, 1785, m Ira Yale Esq., of Wallingford ; 408 Turhand K., b 1787, m Catharine Van Bryan of Catskill ; 409 Samuel, b Feb. 28, 1788, m Mar- tha Culver of Wallingford ; 410 Thaddeus, b April 3, 1791, m ist, Julia Cook, 2d, Sylvia Hall, 3d, Thankful Hall, 4th, Mar- tha Hall; 411 George, b April 17, 1794, m Lavinia Culver of Wallingford; 412 friend, b Nov. i. 1797, m Emily Atwater of Wallingford; 413 John, b Dec. 2, 1799, m Mary Munson of Northford. 196. PEREZ. PEREZ Cook, son of Samuel and Jerusha Cook, married Nancy E. Ely of Saybrook. He died July 23, 1820, ae. 57 years. She married Calvin Ely, and died in New Haven. Children: 414 Samuel D. F. S., d Jan. 20, 1820; 415 Virgilius G., d in New Haven, Ct. ; 416 Louisa F. S , m 692 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. Augustus Barnes at New Haven; 417 Nancy Ely, m Dr. Miller, she died in 1850. 202. CORNELIUS. CORNELIUS BROOKS COOK, son of Aaron and Mary ( Brooks) Cook, married Louisa Hotchkiss of Cheshire. He died Sept. i, 1827, ae. 64 years. She died Aug. 4, 1832, ae. 67 years. Children: 418 Rufus, b 1790; 419 Charlotte, m ist, Elam Dickerman, 2nd, Mr. Platt ; 420, Brooks, b 1798 ; 421 Polly, m Asa Bradley of Hamden. 204. AARON. AARON COOK, son of Aaron and Mary B. Cook, married Betsey Preston of Wallingford. He died July 16, 1817, ae. 44 years. She died March 26, 1820, ae. 52 years. Children: 422 Amasa, b 1791, d unmarried Dec. 18, 1831 ; 423 Hannah ; 424 Aaron; 425 Laura, m Marshall Ives of Cheshire ; 426 Alfred ; 427 infant, b 1806, d April 23, 1806 ; 428 Betsey, b 1808, d April 6, 1808; 429 Sedgwick, d in Windham, N. Y., leaving a family ; 430 Stephen, d in Che- shire ; 431 Samuel, b Dec., 1816, d Jan. 29, 1816 ; 432 infant, d March 14, 1834. 205. STEPHEN. STEPHEN COOK, son of Aaron and Mary Brooks Cook, married Eunice, daughter of John Bradley, of Wallingford. He died Sept. 4, 1800, ae. 29. She died Oct. 18, 1800, ae. 27 years. Children: 433 Sarah, b 1793, d unmarried; 434 Julia, b 1794, m Thaddeus Cook of Wallingford ; 435 Mary, m ist, Merrit Tuttle, 2d, Wm. Todd, Jr. ; 436 Stephen, b June n, 1800, d in Mass., buried in North Haven. 207. SAMUEL. SAMUEL COOK, son of Stephen and Anna ( Culver ) Cook, m Smith, and after her death he married Abigail Mallory of East Haven. She died Nov. 4, 1851, aged 91. He died May 12, 1823, ae. 71 years. GENEALOGIES. 693 Child by ist marriage : 437 Rachel. By ad marriage: 438 Lowly, b May 18, 1782, m Amos Bird, Dec. 13, 1797; 439 Electa, b Jan. n, 1785, m Canfield Downs, Oct., 1822; 440 Hubbard, b Aug. 26, 1787, in Wallingford ; 441 Roxanna, b May 10, 1788, m Newton Hecock, 1814; 442 Stephen, b 1790, d ae. 3 yrs. ; 443 Per Una, b May, 1795, d 1813; 444 Harriet, b Dec. 25, 1797, m Samuel Washburn ; 445 Ruth, b 1802, d May 16, 1826 ; 446 Charry, b 1804, d 1808. 208. STEPHEN. STEPHEN COOK, son of Capt. Stephen and Anna Cook, m Sylvia Meigs, April 20, 1777. She was born in New Haven, May 27, 1760, and died at Adams' Basin, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1849, ae. 90. He died at Chateaugay, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1829, ae. 75 years. Children : 447 Chauncey, b March 9, 1778, resides in Ottawa, Illinois ; 448 Solomon, b April i, 1780, resides in Grand Rapids ; 449 Betsey, b Sept. 10, 1782, d August 2, 1800; 450 Rebecca, b August 2, 1785, d August 7, 1825; 451 Sylvia, b Feb. 3, 1788, m J. Morton of Erie, Penn. ; 452 Sally, b June 5, 1790, m S. M. Moon of , N. Y. ; 453 Patty, b Feb. 5, 1793, resides near Rochester, N. Y., a widow; 454 Stephen,\) March 15, 1796, res. atOberlin, Ohio; 455 Anna, b Feb. i, 1799, res. at Plattsburg, N. Y. ; 456 Betsey, b July 13, 1802, m C. D. Graves, Rochester, N. Y. ; 457 Lyman, b Mar. 20, 1804, res. at Rochester, N. Y. ; 458 Nelson, b Sept. 24, 1806, res. at Half Day, Illinois. 210. ELIHU. ELIHU COOK, son of Stephen and Anna Cook, married Lois Thorp, and removed to New Haven, Vt., afterwards to Illinois. One son only returned to me. Child : 458 1-2 Sherlock. 212. LYMAN. Dr. LYMAN COOK, son of Stephen and Thankful Cook, m Sarah Lyon, and went to Westchester Co., N. Y. He was aid to Gen. Thomas with rank of Colonel in 1807, and also V v 694 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. sheriff of the county of Westchester six years. He died at Painesville, Ohio. Child : 459 Caroline, b Sept. 6, 1797, m Stephen Matthews of Painesville, Ohio, Aug. n, 1824. 213. JARED. MAJ. JARED COOK, son of Stephen and Thankful Cook, married Lucy Munson, Feb. 28, 1819. He died Aug. 14, 1828, ae. 53 years. She was burned to death in 1869. Children: 460 George Lambert, b Nov. 21, 1819, d Jan. 2, 1820; 461 Jared Philos, b Feb. i, 1822. 214. LEMUEL. LEMUEL COOK, son of Stephen and Anna Tyler Cook, married Mrs. Hannah Sears, formerly Bunnel, in 1813. He married, 2nd, Sinai Bunnel, in 1825. He died Sept. 3, 1841, ae. 62, at Northford. Child: 462 Augustine, \> 1814, m S. B. Hoadley of New Haven. 215. MALACHI. MALACHI COOK Esq., son of Stephen and Anna Cook, married Sarah Taintor, Dec. 25, 1802 ; he died May 27, 1858, ae. 77 yrs. She died Nov. 9, 1852, ae. 69 yrs. He was a side judge of New Haven County Court for several years. Children: 463 Emily Cecilia, b April 21, 1803, m Thomas R. Lindsley ; 464 Homer L. M., b April 3, 1805 ; 465 Virgil, b June 22, 1808; 466 Ossian, b Nov. 19, 1810; 467 Her- mine C., b June 4, 1813, m Gilbert Buck ; 468 Grace T., b Sept. 16, 1815 ; 469 Henrietta A., b Sept. 3, 1817, m George Butler; 470 Ellen, b Oct. 21, 1819, m Alexander Brainard ; 471 Sarah Delia, b Jan. 19, 1823; 472 Harriet E., b Oct. 23, 1827, m Bennet Atwood. 224. TITUS. TITUS COOK, son of Titus and Sarah Cook, m Lucy Leete of Guilford, Conn. ; he died in Wallingford. Children : 473 Julia, m George Bull of Wallingford ; 474 Lucretia, m Weber of Wallingford ; 475 Jared JR. ; GENEALOGIES. 695 476 Leverett, resides in Meriden, m Hotchkiss of Cheshire ; 477 Andrew ; 478 Louisa, m Henry Lane. 226. ATWATER. ATWATER COOK, son of Abel and Mary Atwater Cook, m Mary Bartholomew. He went to Sheffield, Mass. ; from thence to Salisbury, Herkimer Co., N. Y., where he died, June 29, 1839, ae. 80 yrs. She died July 2, 1844, ae. 86 yrs. Children : 479 Roxilana, b Sept. 25, 1777, d Sept. 15, 1852 ; 480 Rosanna, b April 14, 1782 ; 481 Mary, b April 3, 1784, d Jan. 13, 1853 ; 482 Thaddeus R., b July 23, 1786 ; 483 Julia, b July 23, 1788 ; 484 Friend, b Jan. 27, 1792 ; 485 Atwater H. W., b Dec. 17, 1795, d Feb. 4, 1853 ; 486 Betsey, b April 19, 1798; 487 Abel, b Sept. 27, 1801, d ae. 21 yrs ; 488 Delia, b Sept. 4, 1806. 227. PORTER. PORTER COOK, son of Abel and Mary Cook, married Sally Jarvis, in 1785 ; he died Dec. 26, 1848, ae. 89. She died Oct. 31, 1841, ae. 81 yrs. Children : 489 Alfred, b Feb 5, 1786 ; 490 Merrick, b May 18, 1788; 491 Randall, b July 19, 1790; 492 Philo, b Sept. 30, 1792 ; 493 Sally, b Feb. 22, 1795, d in Ohio; 494 Frank- lin, b April i, 1797, d in Wallingford. 229. ABEL. ABEL COOK, son of Abel and Mary Cook, married Mamre Bliss ; she died Dec. 19, 1790. He died May 23, 1828, ae. 63 years. His 2d wife, Viney Cook, died Dec. 28, 1848, ae. 83 years, all buried in Northford cemetery. Children by ist marriage: 495 Bliss, b April 25, 1787, d April 28, 1823, ae. 36. By 2d marriage: 496 Leverett, b Jan. 3, 1794; 497 Cornelia, b Feb. 21, 1797, m Wm. Everts, of Northford ; 498 Marietta, b Sept. 8, 1 799, m Timothy Bar- tholomew ; 499 Emily, b July 23, 1802, m Chas. M. Fowler; 500 Philander, b Oct. 13, 1804 ; 501 Jennette, b May 5, 1807, d Nov. 12, 1832. 233. CHESTER. CHESTER COOK, son of Abel and Mary Cook, married ist, 696 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Thankful Hall, of Wallingford ; 2d, Polly Norton, widow of Jesse Street. Mr. Cook was a farmer and shoemaker. Children by i st marriage: 502 Caroline, b Sept. 5, 1801, m Orrin Andrews, of Wallingford ; 503 Manila, b Nov. 17, 1803, m Sherlock Avery, of Wallingford ; 504 Hiram, b April 27, 1805, in Marks. 231. DAVID. CAPT. DAVID M. COOK, son of Abel and Mary Cook, married Elizabeth Day Hall; she died Dec., 1855. He died 1857, ae. 91 years. He was frequently a member of the Legislature of the State, and selectman of the town. He was a farmer and shoemaker. Children: 505 Betsey, b May, 1797, m Philo Hall, she d 1858; 506 Eliakim, b Nov. 8, 1801, d in childhood ; 507 Elijah, b Nov. 28, 1804, d in childhood ; 508 Maria, b June 23, 1805, m Willis Todd, and d in Northford. 234. OLIVER. OLIVER DUDLEY COOK, son of Aaron and Lucretia Dudley ' Cook, graduated for the ministry at Yale College, in 1793. He married Sophia Pratt, and settled in Hartford, Conn., where he became an extensive bookseller and binder, accu- mulated a very large estate, and died April 24, 1833, ae. 67 years. His wife died March 20, 1833, ae 58 years. Children : 509 Edward P., b 1800, d Sept. 18, 1846 ; 510 Oliver D., d Oct 24, 1831 ; 511 a dau., m Wm. Hammersley. 236. KILBORN. KILBORN COOK, son of Aaron and Lucretia Dudley Cook, m Emma Williams; she was born March 8, 1771, and died in Illinois, in 1835. He died suddenly at North Guilford, June 9, 1832. Children 1512 Eunice, b Sept. 29, 1796, m Abram Coan, she d May 28, 1859 ; 513 Margaretta, b Dec. 30, 1798, d June 3, 1834; 514 Aaron Dudley, resides in Illinois ; 515 Bertha, m Nath'l Bartlett ; 516 Lucretia Ann, m. Erastus Benton ; 517 Increase W., b Feb., 1807, d 1847 ; 518 Caroline Jenette, m Erastus Benton. GENEALOGIES. 697 240. APOLLOS. APOLLOS COOK, son of Aaron and Lucretia D. Cook, mar- ried Ruth, daughter of Capt. Caleb Atwater, of Wallingford, Nov. 22, 1813, and settled at Catskill, N. Y. He died July 6, 1832, ae, 46 years. Children: 519 Mary A., b Dec. 5, 1814, m George Griffing, May 20, 1845 j 5 2 James, b July 4, 1817, d Jan. 6, 1842 ; 521 Frederick, b March 19, 1819 ; 522 Caroline E., b April 5, 1821, in Rev. Frank Olmsted ; 523 John A., b Oct. 23, 1823 ; 524 Emily H., b Feb. 25, 1826; 525 Edward H., b June 24, 1828, d May 28, 1835 ; 526 Francis H., b March 16, 1831. 241. THOMAS. THOMAS B. COOK, son of Aaron and Lucretia (Dudley) Cook, m Catherine, dau. of Capt. Caleb Atwater, and went to Catskill, N. Y., where he died. Children : 527 Frances H. ; 528 Mary A.; 529 Ruth A. ; 53 John C. ; 531 Franklin H. ; 532 Atwater. 247. JOSEPH. JOSEPH COOK, son of Moses and Jemima Upson, married Anna Bronson, Aug. i, 1792. She was born Dec. 25, 1770, and died Nov. 25, 1855. He died Nov. 26, 1855, ae. 87 yrs., just 10 hours before his wife died. Children: 533 Edward B., b March 18, 1793 ; 534 Samuel, b Dec. 12, 1794; 535 Susan J., b Oct 25, 1797, m Mark Leavenworth, Dec. 16, 1821 ; 536 Sarah L., b Oct. 29, 1799, m Salome Austin of Southington; 537 Nancy, b Nov. 16, 1801, m Wm. Scoville of Middletown, 1828 ; 538 Nathan, b Jan., 1804 ! 539 George, b April 8, 1806, d July 19, 1815 ; 540 George William, b Feb. 28, 1811. 249. DANIEL. DANIEL COOK, son of Moses and Jemima Cook, married Sally Sperry, of Waterbury, Nov. 25, 1799. He died Dec. 20, 1857, ae. 85 years. She died Nov. 13, 1861, ae. 83 years. Children: 541. Marcus, b Sept. 12, 1800, d Feb 9, 1831 ; 698 HISTORY O1-- WALLINGFORD. 542 Sarah P., b Aug. i, 1804, m Thomas B. Segur, in 1826 ; 543 Moses Stiles, b 1812, resides in Waterbury, Conn. 259. ELUTHEROS. ELUTHEROS COOK, son of Asaph and Sarah Parker Cook, married Martha Caswell, of Salem, Washington Co., N. Y. He was a lawyer in Washington Co., N. Y., before his re- moval to Sandusky, Ohio. He was frequently a member of the Ohio Legislature, and was a member of Congress from 1831 to 1833. He died at Sandusky, Ohio, Dec. 27, 1864. Children: 544 Sarah E., b Jan. 16, 1816, m Wm More- head; 545 Pitt, b July 23, 1819 ; 546 Jay, b Aug. 10, 1821, banker in Philadelphia; 547 Henry D., b Nov. 25, 1825; 548 Elutheros, b Dec. 20, 1828, d Oct., 1850, ae. 22 ; 549 Catherine E., b Sept. 15, 1831, d Oct., 1834, ae. 3. 262. ERASTUS. ERASTUS COOK, son of Asaph and Sarah P. Cook, married Fanny Anderson, Nov. 10, 1826. He went to Sandusky City, Ohio, and was postmaster there from 1836-41. He died in 1849. Children: 550 James W., b 1830; 551 George A., b 1840; 552 Emma E., b 1843 j they all resided in Sandusky. 270. HORACE. HORACE COOK, son of Charles and Elizabeth Cook, mar- ried Roxanna Thomas, Dec. 20, 1824, and located himself at Sackett's Harbor, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Children: 553 Horace Nelson, b Oct. 26, 1825, d Sept. 17, 1848, ae. 23 ; 554 John Spafford, b June 15, 1828. 271. CHARLES. CHARLES COOK, son of Charles and Elizabeth Cook, mar- ried Harriet Cunningham, and resided at Roberts Corners, N. Y. Children: 555 Elizabeth; 556 Charles; 557 Curtis; 558 Harriet. 272. ELISHA. ELISHA COOK, son of Charles and Elizabeth Cook, re- GENEALOGIES. 699 moved from Sackett's Harbor to Huron Co., Ohio., where he died in 1852, ae. 51 years. Children : 559 Elizabeth, b 1835 ; 560 Charles, b 1838, d Feb., 1853 ; 561 Elisha, b 1840. 280 AMOS. AMOS COOK, son of Amos and Rhoda Cook, married Sabrina Mix. Children: 562 Amos; 563 Rhoda; 564 Orrin. 283. LYMAN. LYMAN COOK, son of Amos and Rhoda Cook, married, and left Wallingford in early life. Children: 565 Lyman W.; 566 Sidney H. 285. JOEL. Capt. JOEL COOK, son of Col. Isaac and Martha Cook of Wallingford, m Rebecca Hart, Jan. i, 1784. He entered the army of the Revolution with his father in 1776, and served through the war. In 1812 he was a distinguished officer under Gen. Harrison, in many hard fought battles with the Indians. He died at ( Deer Park ) Babylon, L. I., Dec. 18, 1851, ae. 92 years. Children : 567 Lucy, b April 5, 1785, m James Calstead, July 22, 1804; 568 Minerva, b June 18, 1789 ; 569 Leander, b March 10, 1792, d at Cincinnati, Ohio; 570 Patty, b Nov. 27, 1794; 57 1 Rebecca, b April 5, 1798 ; 572 Phebe, b Jan 5, 1 80 1 ; 573 Jennette, b July 8, 1804 ; 574 Joel Wilcox, b April 28, 1808, res. in Babylon, L. I. 286. LEMUEL. LEMUEL COOK, son of Col. Isaac and Martha Cook, m Betsey Bates in 1784. He removed to Lewiston, Niagara Co., N. Y., in 1793. She died Sept., 1821. Children: 575 Lathrop,\> Nov. 23, 1785, in Wallingford; 576 Bates, b Dec. 23, 1787 ; 577 Laura, died in infancy in Wallingford; 578 Laura, b May 13, 1792, in Wallingford; 579 Betsey, b June 30, 1794; 580 Amelia, b Sept. 5, 1796; 581 Isaac C., b 1803 ; 582 Amanda M., b Nov. 6, 1805. 7OO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 287. JAMES. JAMES COOK, son of Col. Isaac and Martha Cook, married Chloe Royce, May 4, 1786 He was a seaman, and is sup- posed to have been lost or died at sea previous to 1813. Children, all born in Wallingford: 583 Miles ; 584 Melissa; 585 Angelina; 586 Lucinda ; 587 Chloe; 588 Eliza. 289. ISAAC. ISAAC COOK Esq., son of Isaac and Martha Cook, married Margaretta Scott, in 1792. He emigrated to Chillicothe, Ohio, in 1791, and was made an associate judge of the court of Com- mon Pleas. He died Jan. 22, 1844. Children: 589 Eliza, b Oct. 21, 1793, d Aug. 3, 1799; 590 Martha, b June 23, 1794, d June 24, 1796 ; 591 Isaac T, b March 6, 1797; 592 Lucy, b Feb. n, 1799, d March 28, 1800; 593 Marietta, b March 9, 1801, m James Webb, M. D. ; 594 Matthew Scott, b April 9, 1803 ; 595 Elizabeth, b March 27, 1805, m John Nelson ; 596 William, b April 18, 1807 ; 597 John Joseph, b May 28, 1809 ; 598 Lucy Hall, b May 25, 1811; 599 Phebe, b Aug. 8, 1813, m Wm. McKell, May 26, 1836; 600 Margaretta Scott, b April 9, 1817, m Moses Boggs, Aug. 3, 1841. 294. AUGUSTUS. CAPT. AUGUSTUS COOK, son of Caleb and Abigail Cook, m Sybel Beach, of Goshen, Sept. 2, 1790; she died Sept. 28, 1792, ae. 22 years. He married Sarah Button, June 30, 1793; she died April 28, 1854, ae. 80 years. He died at Middle- town, Conn., where he had resided many years, April 18, 1866, ae. 79 years. He was a manufacturer of shoes. Children: 601 Luther Dutton, b June 21, 1794; 602 Sybil B., b June 23, 1797, m Wm. R. Catting, and d Oct. 25, 1825 ; 603 Margaretta, b Jan. 12, 1800, m Wm. S. Camp, Esq., of Mid- dletown ; 604 Sarah, b May 22, 1811, m Samuel Stearns, Esq., of Middletown ; 605 Catharine, b May 22, 1813, d Sept. 23, 1813 ; 606 Catharine, b Dec. 30, 1814, m Peter Lanman, she d Jan. 4, 1834. GENEALOGIES. /OI 300. CALEB. CALEB COOK, Esq., son of Caleb and Abigail Cook, m Amelia, daughter of Jared and Rhoda Lewis, Oct. 16, 1808. He left Wallingford and settled at Richland, Oswego Co., N. Y. He died at Sandusky, Ohio, on his return from a visit to his children at the West, in July, 1852, and was buried in the Oakland cemetery. She died at Pulaski, Oswego Co., N. Y., June 8, 1840. Children: 607 Louisa C., b July 10, 1809, m Rev. Henry Maltby ; 608 Lewis, b March 15, 1811; 609 Henry C., b Sept. n, 1813, d at Sidney, Ohio; 610 Frederick, b June n, 1815; 611 Juliet, b June 28, 1817, m C. Preston, she d in 1852 ; 612 Edward H., d ae. 4 yrs. ; 613 Margaretta, b May 25, 1819, d Oct. 23, 1820; 614 Augustus, b Nov. 3, 1823, d Nov 2, 1848; 615 William C., b July 27, 1825, re- sides in Richland, N. Y. ; 616 Henrietta, b 1828, d in Wall- ingford ; 617 Henry Atwater, b March i, 1832, d in infancy. 302. CHAUNCEY. CHAUNCEY COOK, son of Ambrose and Esther Peck Cook, married Eunice Button of Wallingford. He kept a tavern in Wallingford and in New Haven for a long time, and died in the latter place Jan. 22, 1827, ae. 60 years. His widow died at the residence of her son Charles C., in Ohio. Children: 618 Laura, b Oct. 25, 1791, m Orrin Winchell, of New Haven ; 619 Charles C., b Jan. 22, 1799, is a phy- sician in Ohio; 620 Chauncey,\> Nov. 30, 1811, d July 6, 1812. 303. SAMUEL. SAMUEL COOK, son of Ambrose and Esther Cook, m Mar- tha, daughter of Benjamin Cook, Aug. i, 1792. He died Aug. 30, 1826, aged 57. He was a shoemaker. Children: 621 John Milton, b Feb. i, 1795; 622 Martha A., b Oct. 25, 1805, m Elihu Hall, Wallingford ; 623 Lucy A., b Oct. 25, 1805. 306. CHARLES. CHARLES COOK, son of Ambrose and Esther P. Cook, m 7 Aug. 7, 1805, d Oct. 21, 1807 ; 637 Hobart M., b July 9, 1807 ; 638 Emetine, b May 8, 1809, d March i, 1826 ; 639 Nathan R., b Aug. 10, 1811 ; 640 Eliza Ann, b May i, 1813, m James R. Hall ; 641 Ozias A., b Dec. 18, 1814; 642 Oliver W., b March 21, 1817; 643 Philander, b July 3, 1819 ; 644 Joel, b Oct. 15, 1820 ; 645 Henry H., b April 17, 1823, d July 18, 1825. 316. DANIEL. DANIEL COOK, son of Benjamin and Esther Cook, married ist, Mary Thorp, June 13, 1799. After her decease he mar- ried Catherine: Smith, daughter of Stanton Smith, April 22, 1822. He moved to the State of New York and died there in 1860. Children by ist marriage: 646 Phebe, b Aug. 14, 1801 ; 647 Alma R., b June. 23, 1805 ; 648 Maria, b May 15, 1807; 640 Elizur, b Oct. 9, 1810; 650 Alexander, b March n, GENEALOGIES. 703 1813. By 2cl marriage: 651 Hiram, b Feb. 20, 1823. By 3d marriage : John, is a sailor. 319. JOSEPH. JOSEPH COOK, son of Merriman and Mary Cook, married Mary A. Talman, Nov. 30, 1774, and went to Saratoga Springs, N. Y., where he was living a few years since, at the age of 94 years. His wife died April 4, 1860, ae. 86 years. Children: 652 Ransom, b Nov. 8, 1794, in Wallingford ; 653 Marcus, b Nov. 25, 1796, in Norwich, Ct. ; 654 Andrew, b Jan. 18, 1799, in Norwich, Ct. ; 655 Mary A., b Nov. 23, 1800, in Norwich, Ct. ; 656 Harvey, b April 15, 1803, at Half Moon, Saratoga Co., N. Y. ; 657 Joseph, b Nov. i, 1805, d July i, 1808; 658 Nelson, b Oct. 8, 1808, d in Saratoga Co., N. Y. ; 659 Truman, b Oct. 25, 1810; 660 Eli, b July 15, 1814, d. at Milton, N. Y., April 20, 1816; 661 Julia E., b Aug. 14, 1817, res. at Milton, N. Y. 323. ELIHU. ELIHU COOK, son of Merriman and Mary Cook, married Sarah Cooley, of Wallingford, in 1798. He died in 1855, ae. 79 years. She died several years since. He was a hatter at Ballston, Saratoga Co., N. Y. Children: 662 Eliza, m Mr. Davis; 663 Harriet; 664 Merriman, supposed to be now living at Syracuse, N. Y. 325 1-2. SAMUEL. SAMUEL COOK, son of Merriman and Mary Cook, married Mary, dau. of Charles Culver, of Wallingford. She died in 1838. He married Sally Galpin, and resides at Northum- berland, Saratoga Co., N. Y. Children : 665 Amanda, m James Van Byring, d 1854 ; 666 Lydia, m Reuben Wait; 667 Patty; 668 James ; 669 Charles, d 33. 24 yrs. ; 670 Samuel, b March 27, 1819; 671 Alfred, b 1824. By 2d wife : 672 Elizabeth, m R B , in 1830 ; 673 George. 326. LYMAN. LYMAN COOK, son of Merriman and Mary Cook, married Amy Hulin, and settled at Malta, Saratoga Co., N. Y. 704 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 674 Alena, b Jan. 31, 1809, m ist, Joseph Gor- man, Aug. 17, 1826, ad, Samuel Hall; 675 Mary E., b April 22, 1811, m Oliver Lockwood, July 3, 1832 ; 676 Charles H., b July 20, 1813; 677 Delia A., b Nov. 26, 1815, m Henry Warring, Jan. 9, 1839 ; 678 Edmond, b May 3, 1818, d Aug 3, 1818 ; 679 Lyman IV., b June 4, 1820; 680 Betsey M., b May 12, 1822, d Nov. 26, 1826 ; 681 Edwin D., b July 25, 1824; 682 Henry M., b Feb. 18, 1827, d Dec. 26, 1827 ; 683 John C., b Feb. 21, 1829, d Feb. 10, 1831 ; 684 Sarah, b July n, 1833. 329. SHERLOCK. SHERLOCK COOK, son of Merriman and Mary Cook, mar- ried Milly Thurston about 1812. They removed to Western, N. Y., and he is supposed to have died there in 1850. Only four of his children are supposed to be living present resi- dence unknown. 332. SAMUEL. SAMUEL COOK, son of Philip and Thankful T. Cook, mar- ried Fanny Fuller of Sandisfield, Mass., Feb. 20, 1803. They went to Nassau, N. Y., and from thence to Ballston Spa, where he died May 15, 1815. His 2nd wife, Harriet Cook of Goshen, Ct., died April 15, 1828. . Children : 685 James M., b Nov. 19, 1807. By 2d mar- riage : 686 Samuel H., b July 18, 1823. 334. ERASTUS. ERASTUS COOK, son of Philip and Thankful T. Cook, married Jerusha Hewins of Richmond, Mass., in 1800. He died at Ashtabula, Ohio, 1850. Children : 686 Althea, b March 18, 1801 : 686 1-2 Maria T., b April 19, 1802 ; 687 Amanda, d young ; 688 Silas; 689 Joseph. 338. AMASA. AMASA COOK, son of Daniel and Eliza Cook, married ist, Polly Churchill. 2nd, Sally Rowe. He was accidentally killed by a cart, while entering his barn with a load of hay, in 1817. Child : 690 Philip, b in Goshen, Ct. GENEALOGIES. 705 339. PHINEAS. PHINEAS COOK, son of Daniel and Eliza Cook, married Irene Churchill, and removed to Michigan in 1836 or 1837. Children: 691 Betsey; 692 Daniel, m Mary Kirby ; 693 Eliza, m Salmon Hall ; 694 Darius, m Jane Adams ; 695 Mary Ann ; 696 Plumas ,'697 Harriet. 340. GEORGE. GEORGE COOK, son of Moses and Lydia Cook, married Roxy Grant, of Norfolk. She died Oct. 24, 1841, ae. 47 yrs. He died in 1864. Children : 698 Caroline M., b June 10, 1818 ; 699 Ralph F., b May 10, 1821, has resided in New London, and Goshen, Conn. 343. FREDERICK. FREDERICK COOK, son of Moses and Roxy Cook, married Louisa McKinley of Georgia, in April, 1827, and settled at Lexington, Ga., where he died April 4, 1843. Child : 700 Maria Elizabeth, b Feb. 28, 1828, m Alexander Allen. 344. MOSES. MOSES COOK, son of Moses and Roxy Cook, married Emily M. Beecher of Goshen. He is an inn-keeper near the center of Goshen. Children: 701 Harriet E., b Oct. 17, 1832; 702 Emily, b May 7, 1834 ; 703 Frederick A., b Jan. 27, 1838, ist Lieut. 2nd Conn. Artillery; 704 Moses, b March 26, 1842, d 1863, Sergt. of 2nd Comp. Artillery ; 705 William R., b July 4, 1852 ; 706 George B., b May 17, 1855, ist Lieut. Comp. D, 4th Reg. Conn, volunteers. 345. ELIAS. ELIAS COOK, son of Benjamin and Charity E Cook of Guildhall, Vt, married Maria Brookins, May 26, 1825. He had been a teacher in various parts of the country ; is at this time a resident of Ware, Hocking Co., Ohio. Children: 707 Caroline E., b March 12, 1826, m Peter /O6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Smith, May 2, 1832 ; 708 Martha A., b May 10, 1827; 709 Helen S., b May 28, 1829, m Wm. Comstock, June 16, 1849 > 710 Raphael G., b Jan. 17. 1832, d Sept., 1833 ; 711 Raphael E., b June 7, 1833, U. S. Army, 1862 ; 712 Cyrus B., b Dec. i, 1834; 713 Harriet E., b Sept. 6, 1836, m James Parden, March, 1857 ; 714 Albert F., b Sept. 5, 1840 ; 715 Emma L., b Dec., 1842. 347- BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN COOK, son of Benjamin and Charity L. Cook, m Betsey ; residence, Petersham, Mass. Children ; 716 Harriet S., b April 23, 1830, has been twice married; 717 Sandford B., b May 6, 1832 ; 718 George O., b Oct. 14, 1834; 719 Charles Elliot, b Sept. 6, 1836; 720 Mary Elizabeth, b April 30, 1839, m Nathan Knowlton. 349. IRA. IRA COOK, son of Benjamin and Charity E. Cook, married Lucy Clapp, Oct, 3, 1837, and settled at Athol Depot, Mass., as a boot and shoemaker. He married for 2d wife, Sarah Kimball, May 10, 1853. His first wife died March 12, 1852. Children: 721 Eliza Jane, b Sept. 13, 1838, m Samuel Searls, May 7, 1857 ; 722 Vernon Stiles, b April 2, 1841, in U. S. Army, 1862 ; 723 Lucy Ellen, b Dec. 30, 1845, d in 1852. By 2nd marriage : 724 Sarah Ellen, b Oct. 18, 1855. 379. JOHN. JOHN COOK, son of Merriman and Sally Cook of Cheshire , Ct, married Meroa, daughter of Josiah and Thankful Smith of Cheshire, March, 1804. He went to Ohio and settled at Burton in 1806, where he died March 21, 1848. Children: 725 Nabby, b Aug. 16, 1805, d Oct. 23, 1806; 726 Harriet E., b Aug. 20, 1807, m His Excellency Seabury Todd, Esq., of Ohio; 727 Josiah S., b May 10, 1810 ; 728, Sally R., b Feb. 25, 1815, m Geo. Boughton. 380. HIRAM. HIRAM COOK, son of Merriman and Sally Cook, of Che- shire, married Lucinda, dau. of Ichabod and Lydia Hitch- GENEALOGIES. *]>'] cock of Cheshire. They removed to Ohio in 1815, and settled in Burton, Ohio. Children: 729 Sally A., b July 10, 1807, m Raymond Gay- lord; 730 Lydia, b Aug. 3, 1816, m Sherman Goodwin, M. D.; 731 Eliza A., b Sept. 8, 1818, m Peter Hitchcock, Esq. ; 732 Sarilla, b Dec. 20, 1827, m Richard Dayton, she d in 1833. 382. ELZAR. ELZAR COOK, son of Merriman and Sally Cook, married Maria Beard of Huntington, Conn. He went to Ohio in 1807, at the age of eight years. Child : 733 Elizabeth, b March 24, 1830. 384. SAMUEL. SAMUEL COOK, son of Samuel and Sue Cook of Cheshire, m Esther Curtis, Feb. 17, 1817. He was deputy sheriff for a number of years at Cheshire, where he died Feb. 19, 1859,35. 68 years. Children: 734 Samuel, died young; 735 Robert If., b Dec. 18, 1823. 386. STEPHEN. STEPHEN J. C., son of Ephraim and Sukey Cook, married Lucinda Dudley of North Guilford, Conn., Jan. i, 1828. Children: 736 Abigail, b Dec. 23, 1829, d March 18, x ^33 ') 737 Samuel D., b April 14, 1832 ; 738 Abigail, b Aug. 18, 1836, d Sept. 12, 1842 ; 739 Celestina, b March 7, 1440; 740 Ephraim F.,\> Feb. 21, 1843. 391. HORACE. HORACE COOK, son of Ephraim and Sukey Cook, married Lydia E. Hickox, Dec. 15, 1842, res. in Burton, Ohio. Children: 741 Melissa N., b July 24, 1845; 742 Sarah, b Aug. 8, 1849; 743 Eliza N., b Jan. 8, 1852. 396. ETHELBERT. ETHELBERT COOK, son of Elam and Rebecca B. Cook of Cheshire, Conn., married Philander Sanford of Prospect ; he died March 7, 1853 ; she died Nov. 8, 1854. Child: 7 44 Lauren E., b April 17, 1833, m Carrie Perkins, Nov. 12, 1860. /O8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 401. ELAM. ELAM COOK, son of Elam and Rebecca Cook of Cheshire, Ct, m Lois, daughter of Jesse and Eliza Humiston of said town. Children: 745 Eliza A., b Feb. 6, 1842 ; 746 Theodore A., b March 17, 1845 ; 747 Amelia R., b Feb. 8, 1856. 404. RUSSEL. RUSSEL COOK, son of Samuel and Mary K. Cook of Wall- ingford, married Miss Hall of Cheshire, where he resided for some time. From Cheshire he went, it is supposed, to Ohio, where it is supposed by his friends that he died. 406. BILLIOUS. BILLIOUS COOK, son of Samuel and Mary R. Cook, mar- ried Sarah Munson, daughter of Elizabeth. He died July 25, 1828, ae. 45 years. She died May 4, 1855, ae. 70 years. Children : 748 Chauncey M., b Oct. 10, 1805 ; 749 Mary K., b Jan. i, 1807, m Edwin L. Hall ; 750 Russel, b Oct. 21, 1809; 751 Sarah, b April 30, 1811, m Horace Tuttle of Hamden, Ct. ; 752 Turhand K., b July n, 1817 ; 753 Jane R., b March 6, 1819, m Ambrose Todd of Fair Haven, Ct. ; 754 Emily, b 1824, died in infancy. 408. TURHAND. TURHAND K. COOK, son of Samuel and Mary K. Cook, mar- ried Catharine Van Bergen of Catskill, N. Y., and resided there until his decease. He was a merchant, inn-keeper and clerk of the county of Greene, N. Y. He died December 3d, 1851, aged 64 years. He married Catharine A. Allen, for his 3d wife, in January, 1848. Children: 755 Ann Eliza, b Nov. 26, 1827, was at Cincin- nati in .1856 ; 756 Mary Kirtland, b August 3, 1829, mar- ried Charles J. Russin 1847 ; 757 Wm. Van Bur en, b March, 1831, d Sept 24, 1849 j 758 John Washburton, b Dec. 7, 1839. 409. SAMUEL. SAMUEL COOK, son of Samuel and Mary K. Cook, married Martha Culver, daughter of Benjamin. He was three years GENEALOGIES. high sheriff of New Haven county, postmaster and town clerk of Wallingford. He died Dec. 18, 1843, K - 55 years, at Cheshire. His remains were interred in Wallingford. His widow died at the house of her son Samuel A. Cook, in Waterbury, July 6, 1861, ae. 67 years. Children : 759 Delos Ford, d in Wallingford of consump- tion; 760 Henry A., m Delia Cook, dau. of Benj. T. ; 761 Harriet, m Wm. Frisbie of Branford, she d Dec. 26, 1860 ; 762 Kirtland, b 1822, m Tuttle, d at Cheshire; 763 Samuel A., m Lucinda Hitchcock ; 764 William, res. at Pond Hill, Wallingford. 410. THADDEUS. COL. THADDEUS COOK, son of Samuel and Mary K. Cook, married ist, Julia Cook, daughter of Stephen, of Cheshire; 2d, Sylvia Hall, dau. of Andrew and Diana Hall ; 3d, Thank- ful, and 4th, Martha Hall. The two last were daughters of Josiah Hall, of Wallingford. Child by first marriage: 765 Julia, m ist, Horace Tuttle, 2d, Wm. Francis. Child by 2d marriage: 766 Catherine, m David Hall of Wallingford. Children by 4th marriage : 767 Caroline, m Rev. Benjamin Paddock, of Detroit, Michigan ; 768 Sarah, m O. Ives Martin, of Wallingford ; 769 Emma, m Edwin F. Cook, son of Leander ; 770 Francelia, b Oct. 12, 1825, d Feb. 25, 1836. 411. GEORGE. GEORGE COOK., son of Samuel and Mary Kirtland Cook, married Lavinia, daughter of Benjamin Culver. He died at Wallingford, Feb. 18, 1844. She died Nov., 1869. Children: 771 Mary K., b May 24, 1821; 772 Eliza, b Feb. 20, 1823, m Frederic Bartholomew, d July 24, 1862, ae. 41 yrs. ; 773 Lavinia, m Samuel Parmelee ; 774 Martha; 775 infant, died at Cheshire; 776 Fanny, m Emery Morse, March i, 1855. 412. FRIEND. Dr. FRIEND COOK, son of Samuel and Mary K. Cook, grad- uated at Union College, studied medicine with Dr. N. Smith W w 7IO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. of New Haven, commenced practice at Windsor, Conn. He married Emily, dau. of Dea. Joshua Atwater, of Walling- ford. Afterwards he practiced his profession there until he removed to Atwater, Ohio, where she died. He married Sarah Folger Reynolds for his second wife. He died of a cancer in the stomach, after a long and distressing illness, Feb. 8, 1857. Children : 777 Helen A., b Nov. 12, 1825, d Feb. i, 1827, in Wallingford ; 778 Joshua A., b Sept. 29, 1829, d Nov. i, 1844, in Ohio; 779 Frances A., b N^ov, 25, 1833, d July 20, 1834, in Wallingford; 780 Emma G.,b Nov. 29, 1836; 781 Frances /, b May 18, 1840 ; 782 William Shelton, b July 13, 1862, d Dec. 31, 1848, in Ohio. Child by 2d marriage, 783 Henry M., b March, 1848. 413. JOHN. JOHN COOK, son of Samuel and Mary K. Cook, married Mary Munson, June 25, 1823. He died Jan. i, 1858, ae. 57 years. Children : 784 Samuel M., m - - Bartholomew ; 785 Mary K., m Tilton E. Doolittle Esq. ; 786 Ellen, m Charles Jones of Wallingford; 787 George, d Nov. 17, 1869. 418. RUFUS. RUFUS Cook, son of Cornelius B. and Mary B. Cook, married Betsey Curtis. He died Aug. 12, 1826, ae. 36 years, at Cheshire, Conn. Children: 788 Cornelius B., b Dec. 15, 1810; 789 Rufus, b July 5, 1812 : 790 Maroa, m Russel B. Ives. She died at Cheshire, Conn. 420. BROOKS. BROOKS COOK, son of Cornelius B. and Mary Cook, m Sarah, dau. of Jonah Hotchkiss, of Cheshire. He died Sept. 23, 1824, ae 26. She died Sept. n, 1843, ae. 45 years. Children : 791 Mary, d in Cheshire ; 792 Louisa, m George Pardee ; 793 Amelia, m Leverett Goodyear, of Hamden, Conn. GENEALOGIES. 71 I 427. AARON. AARON COOK, son of Aaron and Betsey Cook, married Emily, dau. of Seth Hitchcock. He died in Cheshire. Children : 794 Elizabeth, m Asahel Talmadge, of Cheshire ; 795 Julius; 796 Mary; 797 Melissa, m Robert Lyman ; 798 Julia M., m Wm. F. Thompkins. 426. ALFRED. ALFRED COOK, son of Aaron and Mary Cook of Cheshire. He went to Windham, Greene Co., N. Y., where he married his wife. He has children, and is now ( 1869 ) in Cheshire, Conn. 436. STEPHEN. STEPHEN COOK, son of Stephen and Emma Cook, married Julia E. Smith, of North Haven ; he died Oct. 21, 1840, ae. 40 yrs. His widow m Willis Smith, Esq., of Meriden. Children: 799 Julia E., b Sept. 27, 1831, m Daniel Wright; 800 Sarah E., b Aug. 10, 1827, m Edward Cowell ; 801 Leander D., b Jan. 22, 1825, d Oct. 17, 1854, ae. 29 ; 802 Stephen C., b March 28, 1834, m Baldwin of New Haven ; 803 Eunice C., b Aug. 21, 1836, m John Riker ; 804 Edson L., b April 5, 1840. 440. HUBBARD. HUBBARD COOK, son of Samuel, in Abigail Dorman, Oct. 15, 1811. She died Jan. 2, 1853, and he married Ardelia Hinman, Sept. 15, 1853. Children : 805 Carlisle D., resides in Milwaukie, Wiscon- sin ; 806 Jennette, b April 30, 1813, m Job C. Phelps, Jan. i, 1839; 807 Caroline M., b Sept. 25, 1818, m Harrison O. Smith, Oct. i, 1842 ; 808 Emily A., b Feb. 28, 1821 ; 809 Delia, b Dec. 16, 1824, d Aug. 4, 1842 ; 810 Margaret, b April 20, 1826; 811 Ruth, b Nov. 3, 1828, m Claxton Har- rington, Oct. 16, 1850 ; 812 Fanny D., b Aug. 17, 1832. 447- CHAUNCEY. REV. CHAUNCEY COOK, son of Stephen and Sylvia M. Cook of Wallingford, married Mary Carpenter, Jan. 8, 1812 ; she died Dec. 15, 1814, at Adams, N. Y., ae. 23. He afterwards 712 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. married Almira Cassitt, May n, 1850 ; she died Dec. 21, 1842. Child by ist marriage: 813 Eliza, b Oct. 21, 1812, m Chas. Campbell, she d June 2, 1847. By 2d marriage : 814 Burton C., b May n, 1819, m Elizabeth Hunt; 815 Mary, b July 7, 1824; 816 Sarah, m West Morse, Dec. 2, 1847. 454. STEPHEN. REV. STEPHEN COOK, son of Stephen and Sylvia M. Cook, married Janet Wyse, Feb. 10, 1819, resides at Oberlin, Ohio. Children: 817 William W., b April 2, 1820; 818 James N., b Sept. 7, 1821; 819 John F., b May 21, 1823; 820 Julia A., b Jan. 21, 1826. 458. NELSON. REV. NELSON COOK, son of Stephen and Sylvia M. Cook, married Mercy Eliza Heath, Jan. i, 1831 ; she died Aug. 9, 1854. He married 2d, Elizabeth Arbella Leeds, Aug. 27, 1843; residence, Half Day, Lake Co., Illinois. Children: 821 Susan F., b. Jan. 16, 1845, d May 15, 1847 ; 822 Gurdon L., b March 5, 1846, d Aug. 27, 1848 ; 823 Otis N., b Oct. 6, 1848, d same day; 824 Lyman M., b Jan. 23, 1850; 825 Love Ann, b May 27, 1852; 826 Burton H., b Aug. i, 1854. HENRY. HENRY COOK, a brother of Samuel, came into Wallingford about 1674, and I suppose he married his wife Mary there, but at what date does not appear. Of his history little can be learned, except that he was a farmer, and was frequently elected to offices of trust and responsibility by his townsmen. That he was a brother of the first Samuel there is no doubt, as it is clearly shown by the records of Wallingford. He died in 1705, ae. 51 years. His widow Mary died Oct. 31, 1718. Children: i Mary, b 1679, m Nathaniel Rexford, July 7, 1708; 2 Jane, b 1681, m Jehiel Preston, July 7, 1708; 3 Henry, b 1683 ; 4 John, b 1684 ; 5 Hannah, b 1687, m Timothy Beach, Nov. 26, 1713 ; 6 Isaac, b 1693; 7 Elizabeth, GENEALOGIES. 713 b 1694, m Adam Mott, Aug. 28, 1717 ; 8 Jonathan, b 1698 ; 9 David, b 1701, settled in Wallingford where he died; 10 Jedediah, b 1703. 3. HENRY. HENRY COOK, son of Henry and Mary Cook, married ist ? Experience . She died Oct. 8, 1809. He married 2d, Mary (Wheadon) Frost, dau. of John and Mary Frost, of Branford, in 1710. From Branford he went to Waterbury in 1728, and was there admitted an inhabitant. His residence was near the line of Litchfield. Children: n Sarah, b May 5, 1720 ; 12 Ebenezer, b March 5, 1721; 13 Henry, b Aug. 17, 1723; 14 Thankful, b June, 1725, bap. in Cheshire, June 20, 1725 ; 15 Jonathan, admitted a freeman from Northbury, in 1748. 4. JOHN. JOHN COOK, son of Mary and Henry Cook, married Abigail, dau. of Daniel Johnson of Wallingford, Dec. 12, 1710. He died Aug. 15, 1761, ae. 77 years. She died Aug. 15, 1761, ae. 8 1 years. Children: 16 Dinah, b 1714; 17 Sarah, bjan. 7, 1717; 1 8 Mary, b Sept. 26, 1719; 19 Tryphenia, b 1722 ; 20 Benja- min, b April 22, 1725, m Hannah Thorp, resided in the eastern part of Wallingford, on the old Durham road ; 2 1 John, b Oct. 23, 1727. 6. ISAAC. ISAAC COOK, son of Henry and Mary of Wallingford, married Hannah , and removed to Branford, where he died. Children: 22 Isaac Jr., b July 19, 1716, d at Branford, 1760; 23 Demetrius, b April 23, 1718, d at Branford; 24 Uzzel, b May 9, 1722; 25 Anna, b June 24, 1724; 26 Waitstill, b Jan. 28, 1727 ; 27 Jerusha, b Nov. 19, 1736. 8. JONATHAN. JONATHAN COOK, son of Henry and Mary Cook, of Wall- ingford, married Ruth, daughter of William Luddington of 714 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. North Haven, June 15, 1735. They settled at Northbury ( then a Parish from Waterbury ), now Plymouth. Children: 28 Jonathan, b March 29, 1736; 29 Jesse, b Feb. i, 1739, d 1784; 30 Titus, b May 2, 1741 ; 31 Sarah, b Oct. 31, 1744] 32 Abel, b May 18, 1747. 9. DAVID. Capt. DAVID COOK, son of Henry and Mary Cook, of Wall- ingford. He married ist, Rebecca Wilson ; after her decease he married Mary Lamson, of Boston. He was a very exten- sive ship owner, and was largely engaged in commerce, sailing from the port of New Haven one ship and three brigs. In religion he was a zealous friend of the church of England. He generously paid one-quarter of the cost of building the old church which was erected in the old Mix Lane, just oppo- site the residence of the late Isaac Peck. He also presented the church an organ ; this same organ was a few years since sold to the Episcopal church in North Haven, and in 1869 they sold it to Wm. P. Gardner, an organ builder in New Ha- ven. This organ was more than one hundred years old, and perhaps the oldest in the state. Children: 33 David, b 1723, res. in Woodbridge and New Haven; 34 Rachel, b March 19, 1724, m Samuel Munson, he d 1748 ; 35 Leah, b 1726, m Phineas Peck, she cl in Walling- ford ; 36 Phineas, b April 3, 1729, settled in Middletown or Durham; 37 Wilson, b April 21, 1730, left Wallingford during the Revolutionary war and settled in Middletown ; 38 Jesse, b July 8, 1732 ; 39 Rebecca, b April 7, 1734, m Rev. Ichabod Camp and went to Nova Scotia ; 40 Jedediah, b April 4, 1735, res. in New Haven ; 41 Benjamin, b April 3, 1739 ; 42 Na- thaniel, b May 31, 1740; 43 Ephraim, b 1744, res., in Wall- ingford. 10. JEDEDIAH. JEDEDIAH COOK, son of Henry and Mary Cook, of Wall- ingford, married Sarah, daughter of Arthur Rexford, Aug. 10, 1727. He was a mariner, and resided in New Haven. His dwelling house was on the south-west corner of State and GENEALOGIES. 715 Chapel-sts., New Haven. I have ascertained the name of one child only. Child : 44 Mary, b Oct. 7, 1728, in New Haven. 12. EBENEZER. EBENEZER COOK, son of Henry and Experience Cook, of Waterbury, Conn., married Phebe, daughter of Moses Blakes- lee, May 10, 1744. Children: 45 Huldah, b April 26, 1744; 46 Joel, b Aug. 5, 1746 ; 47 Justus, b May 25, 1748, grad. at Yale College ; 48 Jonah, b Aug. n, 1750; 49 Eric, b Oct. 20, 1752 ; 50 Rozell, b May i, 1755, grad. at Yale College; 51 Nise, b April 17, J 758 ; 52 Arba, b April 4, 1760; 53 Lucinda, b Sept. 20, 1764; 54 Uri ; 55 Ebenezer, a Cong, clergyman at Montville, Conn. 13. HENRY. HENRY COOK, son of Henry and Experience Cook, mar- ried Hannah, dau. of Nathan Benham, Nov. 7, 1745, and settled at Northbury, now Plymouth, Conn. Children: 56 Thankful, b June 12, 1747 ; 57 Mary, b March 30, 1748, d June n, 1760; 58 Sarah, b March 5, 1750, d June 15, 1760; 59 Zuba, b Dec. 24, 1751, d June 17, 1760; 60 Lemuel, b Dec. 7, 1754, d June 24, 1760 ; 61 Selah, b Dec. J 9? J 756, he was a soldier in the Revolutionary war; 62 Trueworthy, b Sept. 29, 1759, settled with his brother Selah, in Onondaga Co., N. Y. in 1792. 15. JONATHAN. JONATHAN COOK, son of Henry and Experience Cook, married Hannah, dau. of Nathan Benham, Nov. 7, 1745, and settled at Northbury, Plymouth, in 1748. No account of this family has been received. 22. ISAAC. ISAAC COOK, son of Isaac and Hannah Cook, of Branford, married Mary Hubbard, of Guilford, Nov. 14, 1739. He died March 22, 1760, ae. 44 years. Children: 63 Isaac, b Oct. i, 1740, d 1744; 64 Isaac, b March 14, 1747, d Nov. 24, 1748 ; 65 Rachel, b Nov. 12, 1751. 7l6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 23. DEMETRIUS. DEMETRIUS COOK, son of Isaac and Hannah Cook, mar- ried Elizabeth Rogers, of Branford, Conn., April 26, 1739. They both died at Stony Creek, Branford. and were buried in a small grave-yard at a place called Damascus. Children: 66 Demetrius, b Jan 6, 1740; 67 Elizabeth, b April 23, 1753; 68 Elihu,\)QcL n, 1755; 69 Jerusha, b Jan. 19, 1760. 24. UZZEL. UZZEL COOK, son of Isaac and Hannah Cook, married Zeruah Barns, of East Hampton, L. I., May 20, 1745, and settled in Branford, where they died. Children: 70 Desire, b Dec. 29, 1745 ; 71 Lydia, b March 6, 175; 72 Abraham, b June i, 1754; 73 Isaac, b Oct. 9, *757j 74 Uzzel, b July 21, 1761; 75 Patience, b May 13, 1764. 26. WAITSTILL. WAITSTILL COOK, son of Isaac and Hannah Cook, married Elizabeth . Children : 76 Jane, b April 10, 1751; 77 Hannah, b March n, 1753; 78 Jacob, b July 15, 1755 ; 79 Ebenezer H., b Sept. 6, 1759 ; 80 William, b May 9, 1762 ; 81 Elizabeth, b March 13, 1764; 82 John, b May 14, 1768 ; 83 Huldah, b May 14, 1768 ; 84 Benjamin, b April 6, 1771. 43. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM COOK was a son of Capt. David and Mary Cook. He was a magistrate for a long term of years, and was re- garded as a sound, able and discriminating judge by all who had occasion to employ his services or come before him. He died Feb. 12, 1826, ae. 82 yrs. Mrs. Phebe, his wife, died Nov. 26, 1816, ae. 73 yrs. She was a daughter of John Tyler of Wallingford, and a sister of the Rev. John Tyler, late of Norwich, and an Episcopal clergyman. Children : 85 Phineas, b Oct. 6, 1765, d Nov. 9, 1765 ; 86 Elizabeth, b April 24, 1766; 87 Ephraim, b March i, 1768, m Sarah Lewis, dau. of Samuel ; 88 Darius, b Aug. 8, GENEALOGIES. 7 1 / 1769, d Dec. 28, 1791 ; 89 Lyman, b Nov. 17, 1770, d April 9 J 773 j 9 Mary, b Oct. 24, 1772, m Charles Rogers, d Nov. 9, 1840; 91 Sylvia, b Dec. 8, 1774, m Charles Clock of Cats- kill, N. Y. ; 92 Phineas Lyman, b June 22, 1776, d in the West Indies, May 8, 1801 ; 93 Lucius, b Oct. 15, 1777 ; 94 Benjamin Tyler, b May 30, 1778, m Diana Hull ; 95 Electa, b April 9, 1780, d May i, 1780 ; 96 George, b Oct. 16, 1783 ; 97 Nathaniel, b April 17, 1786, m Caroline Ward, of Middle- town, Conn. 87. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM COOK Jr., son of Ephraim and Phebe Cook, married Sarah, daughter of Samuel Lewis. She died Dec. 10, 1849. He died at Williamsburgh, L. I., Feb., 1868, ae. 90 yrs. Childreh : 98 Dr. Purcell, d in N. Y., Dec. 24, 1860, no fam- ily ; 99 Darius, d at Catskill, N. Y., ae. 24 yrs ; 100 Lyman, a wealthy retired merchant in N. Y. city ; 101 Mary, unm. in N. Y. city ; 102 Sarah Ann, d in 1854, at Williamsburgh, L. I. ; 103 Dr. Chauncey, resides in Williamsburgh, N. Y. ; 194 Delia, d at Catskill, N. Y., ae. 24 yrs. 93. LUCIUS. Lucius COOK, son of Ephraim and Phebe Cook, married ist, Ruth Churchill ; after her death he married Mrs. Phebe Ward, of Middletown, and settled there. He died in 1845, ae. 79 yrs. Child by ist marriage : 105 Lucius, resides at Yellow Banks, Illinois. Children by 2d marriage: 106 Wilson; 107 Ben- jamin, d a young man ; 108 Lucina, m Mr. Coe, of Middlefield, Conn. 94. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN TYLER COOK, son of Ephraim and Phebe Cook, married Diana, daughter of John and Lois Hull. Mr. Cook died Jan. 30, 1851, ae. 73 years. He was a large man, weigh- ing nearly 300 pounds. /l8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 109 William, b March 3, 1803, m Julia Foster of Meriden, Ct. ; no Edward, b Feb. 3, 1805 ; TII George, b 1807, d in Chicago, Illinois; 112 John Tyler, b July 12, 1810, d May 29, 1811, in Wallingford ; 113 John Tyler; 114 Emetine, m Lorenzo Williams, of Rocky Hill; 115 Augustus; 116 Joel; 117 Delia, m Henry A. Cook, of Wallingford ; 118 Phebe, b 1817, d Feb. 24, 1817, ae. 2 weeks ; 119 David, b 1823, d Jan. 25, 1826, ae. 2 yrs., 9 mos. ; 120 Julia, b 1829, d May 6, 1829. 96. GEORGE. GEORGE COOK, son of Ephraim and Phebe Cook, married Betsey Pierce of Catskill, N. Y., where he resided for some time, after which he removed to Newburg, N. Y., where he died Aug. 12, 1819, ae. 36 years. Children: 121 Sylvester, was drowned in Hudson river; 122 Alexander ; 123 George Henry, d at Burlington, N. J. ; 124 Maria, m John Tyler Cook ; 125 Catherine, m Lewis Germain, of N. J. 97. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL COOK, son of Ephraim and Phebe Cook, mar- ried Caroline Ward, of Middletown, Conn., after which he came to reside on the old homestead of his father, where he remained for several years, teaching school in the winter, and working the farm in the summer. He sold the old homestead, and removed his family to Earlville, Illinois, where he died April 24, 1855, ae. 69 years. Children: 126 Nelson, b March 15, 1815; 127 Emily, b Sept. 5, 1817, m Elias Newton, Dec. 24, 1825; 128 Phebe Tyler, b Feb. 7, 1819, m Nehemiah Rice Ives, 1839, and Warren Baker, in 1852; 129 Sylvester, b Feb. 7, 1821; 130 Caroline, b Nov. 14, 1823, m Hiram Taft, Dec. i, 1845 ; 131 Lyman, b Nov. 12, 1828 ; 132 Ann M., b Jan. 12, 1831, m Jas. Ballard, of Earlville, July 4, 1850 ; 133 David R., b Nov. 9, 1836. GENEALOGIES. 719 COWLES, OR COLES FAMILY.' JOSEPH. JOSEPH COLES married Abigail Royce, July 13, 1699. She died May 24, 1714. He afterwards married Mary Wapels, May 19, 1717, and for his third wife, he married widow Ann Yale, Aug. 7, 1715. She died Feb. 27, 1715. This appears to be one of the first families of the name in Wallingford. Children: i Louis, b April 25, 1700; 2 Samuel, b Dec. 10, 1701, d Feb. 18, 1704; 3 Abigail, b Jan. 17, 1702-3 ; ^Samuel, b Feb. 2, 1705, d Feb. 15, 1705 ; 5 Hannah, b April n, 1706 ; 6 Eunice, b April 28, 1708, m Moses Curtis, Nov. 9, 1726 ; 7 Joseph, b March i, 1710; SSamue/,b March 14, 1712; 9 Hannah Waulch, adopted daughter, d Aug. 18, 1721; 10 Benjamin, b Feb. 23, 1715, by Ann, 3d wife. WILLIAM. WILLIAM COLES married Sarah Conger, July 27, 1688. He married 2d, Experience Gaylord, Dec. 22, 1721. This William was also among the early settlers, and doubtless a brother of the above Joseph. Children : n Samuel, b May 7, 1688 ; 12 John, b May 28, 1691, m Mary ; 13 Sarah, b Oct. 14, 1693; J 4 William, b Feb. 15, 1696 ; 15 James, b March 7, 1707 ; 16 Thomas, b Sept. 10, 1719. By 2d marriage: 17 Phineas, b Jan. 20, 1724; 18 Phebe, b 1726: 19 Thomas, b Sept. 10, 1722; 20 Experience, b March 16, 1728 ; 21 David, b Oct. 29, 1730. 7. JOSEPH. JOSEPH COLES married Eunice . Child by Minclwell, ist wife : 22 Ebenezer, b Feb. 26, 1718. By Eunice, 2d wife: 23 Timothy, b April 18, 1737, lived in Meriden, had a son Joel. i For collateral branches, see Andrews' Hist, of New Britain, 230, 231, 272 ; Doolittle's Hist. Belchertown, Mass., 270 ; Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 471-3 ; Morse's Memorial of Morses, 166 ; Savage's Gen. Diet., I. 466. /2O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. II. SAMUEL. SAMUEL COLES married ist, Mercy Scranton, Aug. 5, 1725 ; 2d, Martha Brooks, Sept. 25, 1734; 3d, Susannah Cook, Dec. i, 1735- Children by ist marriage: 24 Moses, b June 16, 1726; 25 Mercy , b Aug. 10, 1729. By 2d marriage: 26 Samuel, b July 3, J 735- 12. JOHN. JOHN COLES married Mary , Nov. 20, 1717. He died 1761. Children: 27 Mary, b Nov. 20, 1717; 28 Comfort, b Sept. 12, 1718 ; 29 Dinah, b March 12, 1720 ; 30 Mary, b Sept. 15, 1721 ; 31 Lydia, b Oct. i, 1723 ; 32 Timothy, b Oct. 17, 1726, res. in Meriden ; 33 John, b Feb. i, 1727 ; 34 Prudence, b March 26, 1729 ; 35 Thankful, b Feb. 6, 1731 ; 36 Sarah, b March 21, 1733. 22. EBENEZER. EBENEZER COLES. Children: 37 Elisha, merchant and manufacturer; 38 Ebe- nezer, marble-cutter and stone-mason. . CULVER. 1 JOSHUA. JOSHUA CULVER, with Elizabeth Ford, his wife, to whom he was married Dec. 23, 1676, were among the first planters in Wallingford. He was a son of Edward Culver, Sen., of Dedham, Mass., New London, Groton and New Haven, Conn., and had three brothers in the vicinity of New London, who were heads of families at the time of his settling in Wall- ingford. He died April 23, 1713, ae. 70 yrs. Children: i Elizabeth, d May 2, 1676, at New Haven, Conn. ; 2 Ann, d Sept. 8, 1677, at New Haven, Conn. ; 3-4 i For collateral branches, see Caulkins' Hist, of New London, 309, 310; Howell's Hist, of Southampton, L. I., 217, 218; Savage's Gen. Diet, I. 482, 483. GENEALOGIES. /2 1 Joshua and Samuel ( twins ), b Sept. 21, 1684; 5 Abigail, b Dec. 26, 1686 ; 6 Sarah, b Jan. 23, 1688 ; 7 Ephraim, b Sept. 7, 1692. 3. JOSHUA. SERGT. JOSHUA and Catharine Culver, m April 23, 1713. He died June 14, 1730, ae. 46 yrs. Children : 8 Benjamin, b Sept. 3, 1716; 9 Stephen, b Jan. 24, 1718, d July 6, 1721 ; 10 Samuel, b May 10, 1720; n Stephen, b May 19, 1722 ; 12 Joshua, b May 20, 1729 ; 13 Daniel, b Sept. i, 1723; 14 Titus, b April 7, 1725; 15 Joshua, b April 15, 1727, d July 16, 1729. 4. SAMUEL. SAMUEL CULVER married ist, Sarah, 2d, Ruth Sedgwick, Jan. 3, 1728. Children: 16 Elizabeth, b Feb. 12, 1715; 17 Sarah, b Dec. 23, 1716; 18 Abigail, b Dec. 17, 1718; 19 Esther, b March 17, 1721, d May 5, 1741 ; 20 "#/ 5 2 Esther, b March 7, 1745. 24. JACOB. JACOB and Abigail Curtis. Child : 53 Jacob, b Oct. i, 1738. 29. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL CURTIS married Lois . Children: 54 Eunice, b April 12, 1750; 55 Nathaniel, b June 13, 1756; 56 Jacob, b Sept. 14, 1758. 33. ENOS. ENOS CURTIS, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Curtis, mar- ried Mary Yale, May 28, 1733. Children: 57 Titus, b Jan. 28, 1733, d Jan., 1733; 58 Mary, b Nov. 8, 1736; 59 Comfort, b June 25, 1744; 60 Enos, b June 27, 1746; 61 Lois, b March i, 1752. RICHARD. RICHARD CURTIS, who was among the first planters in Wallingford, was the father of Isaac Curtis, who married GENEALOGIES. 725 Sarah Ford, of Branford, Aug. 13, 1682, and died July 15, 1712. Richard Curtis died in Wallingford, Sept. 17, 1681, ae. 70 years. Estate, ^50. Children: 62 Isaac, b Nov. 6, 1683 ; 63 Sarah, b June n, 1685 ; 64 Joseph, b July 18, 1689, m Ann Stevens, Jan. n, I 7 I 3 j 65 Ebenezer, b Oct. 6, 1691, d July 20, 1717 ; 66 Isaac, b March 8, 1693-4, m Abigail Tuttle ; 67 Elizabeth, b Aug. 10, 1701 ; 68 Benjamin, b March 2, 1702-3 ; 69 Moses, b Aug. 9, 1706 ; 70 Phebe, d Aug. 5, 1718 ; 71 Joshua, d July 20, 1719. 62. ISAAC. ISAAC CURTIS married Abigail Tuttle ; she died, and he married Mary Tuttle, Oct. i, 1729. Children by ist marriage: 72 David, b Aug. 7, 1707 ; 73 Phebe, b April 4, 1718; 74 Joshua, b April 26, 1719; 75 Ebenezer, b Jan. 17, 1720. 64. JOSEPH. JOSEPH CURTIS, m Ann Stephens, Jan. n, 1713. Children: 76 Philip, b July 20, 1727; 77 Joseph, b Sept. 31, 1719; 78 Johanna, b June i, 1723 ; 79 Peter, m Christi- ana Parker, Nov. 22, 1732. 68. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN CURTIS married Joanna Munson, of New Haven. Children: 80 Asa, b May n, 1731; 81 Elizabeth, b Dec. 24, 1732 ; 82 Asa, b Feb. 13, 1740. 79. PETER. PETER CURTIS, son of Joseph and Ann Curtis, married Christiana . Children: 83 Abner, b Aug. 8, 1738; 84 Achsah, b Oct. 5, T 739 > 85 Mary, b June 6, 1741 ; 86 Silas, b Jan. 21, 1744; 87 Eunice, b April 2, 1746; 88 Jesse, b April 2, 1748; 89 Daniel, b Feb. 21, 1750 ; 90 Amos, b April 4, 1752. TITUS. TITUS CURTIS, married Mary . Children: 91 Gideon, m Merriman;92 Thomas;^ Rachel; 94 Margaretta ; 95 Mary; 96 Phebe. X x 726 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. DAVIDSON. WILLIAM. WILLIAM DAVIDSON was the first of the name in Walling- ford, where he married Elizabeth, daughter of Zachariah How, Oct. 6, 1741. After the decease of Mr. How, he became the owner, probably through his wife, of the farm of Mr. How, which is the same that is now owned and occupied by the heirs of the late Samuel Davidson and Zachariah Davidson, west of the Falls plain, near South Meriden or Hanover. Children: i Anna, b Dec. 21, 1742; 2 Elizabeth, b Dec. 23, 1744; 3 William, b June 6, 1747 ; 4 Andrew,^ Aug. 19, X 749 j 5 John, b Sept. 10, 1751 ; 6 James, b Oct. 6, 1753. DOOLITTLE.' ABRAHAM. ABRAHAM DOOLITTLE, the emigrant, was the progenitor of all who bear the name of Doolittle in this country. Himself and his brother John were in Massachusetts very early. John died childless at Salem, Mass. Abraham was in New Haven before 1642, and the owner of a house. In 1644, ne took the freeman's oath, and was made the chief executive officer (or sheriff) of the county. He was chosen by the people of New Haven as one of the Committee to superin- tend the affairs of the new settlement, then (1669) just com- menced at the village. The name of the village was changed to that of Wallingford, and was incorporated May 12, 1670, by an act of the general court, then sitting at Hartford. He was one of the first who settled in the place, and was there be- fore its incorporation, some two or three years. He was a member of the vigilance committee in the time of " King Philip's war." His dwelling was fortified during this time by i For collateral branches, see Andrews' Hist. New Britain, Conn., 324 ; Doolittle's Hist. Belchertown, Mass., 273-7 ; N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., vi. 293 ; Savage's Gen. Diet, 11. 59. GENEALOGIES. J2J a picket fort, against any attack which might be made by the Indians. He was several times chosen a deputy from New Haven, and afterwards from Wallingford, to the general court. He was several times elected townsman, or select- man, and appears to have been a very valuable and highly respected citizen. He died Aug n, 1690, ae. 70 years. He left an estate of ^342. His ist wife dying, he married Abigail Moss, July 2, 1663. She died Nov. 5, 1710, ae. 69 yrs. Children by ist marriage: i Abraham, b Feb. 12, 1649, d Nov. 10, 1732, ae. 83 years ; 2 Elizabeth, b April 12, 1652 ; 3 Mary, b Feb. 22, 1653 ; 4 John, b June 14, 1655, m Mary Peck, Feb. 3, 1682. By 2d m : 5 Samuel, b July 7, 1665 ; 6, Joseph, b Feb. 12, 1666; 7 Abigail, b Feb. 26, 1668-9; 8 Ebenezer, b July 6, 1672, d Dec. 6, 1711 ; 9 Mary, b March 4, 1673, m Solomon Goff, Jan., 1713; 10 Daniel, b Dec. 29, 1675 ; ii Theophilus, b July 28, 1678. I. ABRAHAM. ABRAHAM DOOLITTLE, Jr., married ist, Mary, daughter of Wm. Hoult, of New Haven, Nov. 9, 1680. He died Dec. 15, 1732, ae. 83 years. He married for his 2d wife, Ruth Lothrop, of New London, Feb. 12, 1689. She died without issue. His 3d wife was Elizabeth Thorp, to whom he was married by Rev. Mr. Street, June 5, 1695. She died in 1736, ae. 60 years. Children by ist marriage: 12 John, b Aug. 13, 1681, m Mary Frederick, Feb. 28, 1705 ; 13 Abraham, b March 27, 1684, m Mary Lewis, Aug. 10, 1710; 14 Sarah, b Feb. 5, 1686 ; 15 Susannah, b April 15, 1688, m Armstrong. By 3d marriage: 16 Thorp, b Feb. 15, 1696; 17 Samuel, b March 14, 1698; 18 Joseph, b March 13, 1700, m Rachel Cole, Dec. 15, 1726; 19 Thomas, b May 17, 1705, m Sarah Abernathy ; 20 Lydia, b June 26, 1710, m John Joyce. 4. JOHN. JOHN DOOLITTLE, son of Abraham and Abigail Doolittle, married Mary Peck, Feb. 13, 1682. He married 2d, Grace Blakeslee, Jan. 29, 1717. 728 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 21 Esther, b Jan. 24, 1683; 22 Samuel, b Feb. 4, 1685 ; 23 Sarah, b Feb. 15, 1686 ; 24 Susannah, b April 5, 1688; 25 Benjamin, b July 10, 1695, g ra d- at Yale, 1716 ; 26 Susannah, b Feb. 24, 1706 ; 27 Eunice, b May 30, 1707 ; 28 John, b Feb. 6, 1712. 5. SAMUEL. SAMUEL DOOLITTLE, son of Abraham and Abigail Doolit- tle, married ist, Mary , 2d, Eunice - , and settled at Middletown, Conn. Children: 30 Jonathan, b Aug. 21, 1689; 31 Samuel, b Aug. 3, 1691, m Jane Wheeler, Aug. i, 1714; 32 Mary, b Nov. 24, 1693; 33 Abraham, b Sept. 21, 1695; 34 Abigail, b 1697 ; 35 Martha, b April 6, 1698 ; 36 Hannah, b Oct. 29, 1700; 37 Thankful, b June 3, 1702; 38 Joseph, b June 20, 1704, m Mary Hitchcock, May 24, 1729 ; 39 Nathaniel, b Jan. 15, 1706, d of small pox ; 40 Esther, b July 16, 1709 ; 41 Abel, b May 15, 1724; 42 Benjamin, b Jan. 17, 1730. 6. JOSEPH. CAPT. JOSEPH DOOLITTLE, son of Abraham and Abigail Doolittle, married Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Sarah Brown ; she was born Aug. 8, 1672, and married by Thomas Yale, Esq., April 24, 1690. He died May 15, 1733, ae. 66 years. His 2d wife was Elizabeth Hoult, whom he married Oct. 5, 1720 ; she died June 3, 1768, ae.-73 years. Children: 43 Isaac, b Aug. 13, 1721 ; 44 Enos, b March 2, 1727, m Mary , he d in 1756. By 2d marriage: 45 Dinah, b April 24, 1729- 46 Elizabeth, b Jan. 3, 1731, d April 13, 1731 ; 47 Ichabod, b Aug. 21, 1732 ; 48 Sarah, b Dec. 27, 1735. 8. EBENEZER. EBENEZER DOOLITTLE, son of Abraham and Abigail Doo- little, married Hannah, only daughter of Samuel and Han- nah Hall, April 6, 1697. She was born March n, 1673, and died July 27, 1758. He died Dec. 6, 1711; settled in Cheshire. Children: ^Hannah, b 1699; 50 Ebenezer, b April 15, GENEALOGIES. 1700, m Lydia Warner, June n, 1728; 51 Moses, b 1702, d April 10, 1781, m Ruth Richardson; 52 Sarah, b 1704; 53 Caleb, b Feb. 3, 1706, d 1781 : 54 Joshua, b March 2, 1708; 55 Zadock, b March 17, 1711. 10. DANIEL. DANIEL DOOLITTLE, son of Abraham and Abigail Doolittle, married to Hannah Cornwall of Middletown, Conn., by Mr. Hamlin. After the birth of their first child they removed to Middletown, and after a residence of a few years in that place they returned to Wallingford, where he died, in 1755, ae. 80 yrs. She died Jan. 16, 1736. Children: 56 Hannah, b Jan. 27, 1699, m Joseph Doolittle, Sept. 10, 1722 ; 57 Elizabeth, b Oct. 15, 1700; 59 Matthew, b April 1 6, 1703 ; 60 Dinah, b Oct. 4, 17 , d Sept. 14, 1719 ; 61 Daniel, b Feb. 3, 1707, d Sept., 1791, ae. 84 yrs. ; 62 Joseph, b July 3, 1709 ; 63 Stephen, b Sept. 14, 1710; 64 Abigail, b May 6, 1712 ; 65 Ezra, b July 24, 1718, d Oct. 24, 1744, at Cheshire, Conn. II. THEOPHILUS. THEOPHILUS DOOLITTLE, son of Abraham and Abigail Doolittle, married to Thankful, dau. of David Hall, by Mr. Street, Jan. 5, 1698. She died June 2, 1715. He died March 26, 1740, ae. 62 yrs. He married Elizabeth Howe for his 2d wife. Children: 67 Thankful, b May 2, 1700, m Timothy Page; 68 Sarah, b June i, 1703, m Isaac Tuttle, she d 1713; 69 Henry, b 1704, d 1733, ae. 29 yrs.; 70 Theophilus, b June 20, 1709, m Sarah Dorcher ( or Dorchester), Nov. 15, 1738 ; 71 Solomon, b Aug. 13, 1713, m Eunice Hall, Feb. 24, 17 ; 72 Benjamin, b Sept. 28, 1723. 12. JOHN. JOHN DOOLITTLE, son of Abraham Jr. and Mercy Doolittle, married Mary Frederick, of New Haven, Feb. 28, 1705 ; he married 2d, Mary Lewis. He died 1745. Children: 73 Benjamin, b July 10, 1705 ; 74 Susannah, b Feb. 24, 1707 ; 75 Eunice, b May 30, 1709 ; 76 John, b Feb. 73O HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. 6, 1712, m Hannah ; 77 Phebe, b Nov. 26, 1713, m Josiah Mix; 78 Frederick T., b Oct. 20, 1715, d Sept. 2, 1746; 79 Obed, b Oct. 2, 1717, d Nov. 4, 1746, ae. 29 yrs. ; 80 Nathan, b July 22, 1720, d Aug. 20, 1728 ; 8r Mary, b Oct. 26, 1723, d Dec. 21, 1724; 82 Keziah, b Jan. 31, 1728, d Sept. 22, 1746; 83 Patience, b June 17, 1732. 13. ABRAHAM. ABRAHAM DOOLITTLE, son of Abraham Jr. and Mercy Doolittle, married Mary Lewis, Aug. 10, 1710. He died May 10, 1733. Children: 84,85 Ezekiah, Josiah, b May 25, 1711; 86 Dinah, d Sept. 14, 1719587 Zebulon, b March i, 1712, d March i, 1714; 88 Ambrose, b Nov. 23, 1719, m Martha Munson ; 89 Nathan, b July 22, 1720; 89 1-2 Mary, b Dec. 15, 1727; 90 Abraham, b Aug. 29, 1728 ; 81 Deliverance, b Nov. 9, 1730. 17. SAMUEL. SAMUEL DOOLITTLE, son of Abraham and Elizabeth (Thorp) Doolittle, married Jane Wheeler, Aug. i, 1714. Children: 92 Sarah, b Sept. 24, 1714; 93 Joseph, b May 4, 1715 ; 94 Samuel, b Feb. 28, 1725, m Eunice ; 95 Mehit- able, b Sept. 23, 1726; 96 Benjamin, b Jan. 17, 1730. 1 8. JOSEPH. JOSEPH DOOLITTLE, son of Abraham and Elizabeth Doo- little, married ist, Rachel Covvles, March 14, 1728. He mar- ried 2nd, Martha Hitchcock, Feb. 5, 1735. Children : 97 Dinah, b April 24, 1729 ; 98 Ichabod, b Aug. 31, 1731 ; 99 Sarah, b Dec. 27, 1735 \ IO 7 ose ph, b Jan. 25, 1738. 19. THOMAS. THOMAS DOOLITTLE, son of Abraham and Elizabeth Doolittle, married Sarah Abernathy, May 27, 1730. He re- sided in Waterbury in 1764, was a Tory in the Revolution, and joined the English. He went to Nova Scotia with his brother James. He married his second wife, Hannah Fenn, March GENEALOGIES. 731 Children by ist marriage: 101 Thomas, b 1729, died in Cheshire, Nov. 19, 1760; 102 Anna, b Dec. 20, 1730; 103 Samuel, b Dec. 29, 1731, d Jan. n, 1732; 104 Jemima, b Dec. 31, 1732 ; 105 Esther, b Aug. 30, 1734. By 2d marriage: 106 James, b Feb. 7, 1734; 107 Hannah, b Oct. 12, 1735 \ 108 Catherine, b Jan. 10, 1738 ; 109 Thomas, b Jan. 22, 1742. 22. SAMUEL. SAMUEL DOOLITTLE, son of John and Mary Doolittle, married Mehitable , and settled in Northfield, Mass., where he died in 1736. Children: no Mary, b June 16, 1712; in Ephraim ; 112 Moses ; 113 Mindwell, b June 15, 1715. 25. BENJAMIN. REV. BENJAMIN DOOLITTLE, son of John and Mary Doo- little, grad. at Yale in 1716, married Lydia Todd, Oct. 14, 1717, and settled in the ministry at Northfield, Mass., in 1718. He died suddenly Jan. 9, 1748, ae. 53 years, having been set- tled in the ministry about 30 years. His widow died June 16, 1790, ae. 92 years. Children: 114 Olive, b Oct. 28, 1718; 115 Lydia, b Aug. 24, 1720; 116 Charles, b July 31, 1722; 117 Eunice, b July 31, 1734; 118 Susannah, b June 13, 1726; 119 Lucius, b May 16, 1728; 120 Chloe, b May 4, 1730; 121 Lucy, b Feb. 27, 1731 ; 122 Thankful, b Jan. 20, 1733; 123 Amzi, b Nov. i5> t737 ; 124 Lucy, b July 15, 1741. 28. JOHN. JOHN DOOLITTLE, son of John and Mary, married Hannah . He died in Wallingford in 1746-7, as. 35. Children: 125 Philemon, b Feb. 25, 1740, m Lydia Hall, Jan. 5, 1757; 126 Eunice, b Jan. 31, 1741; 127 Margery; 128 Hannah, b May 12, 1744; 129. Titus, b June 12, 1745, m Mary, dau. of Dr. Lewis, Nov. 20, 1764. 31. SAMUEL. SAMUEL DOOLITTLE, son of Samuel and Mary Doolittle, married Elizabeth . 732 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 130 Elizabeth, b Jan. 2, 1755; 131 Ephraim,\> Sept. 30, 1756 ; 132 George, b Jan. 14, 1759. 33. ABRAHAM. ABRAHAM DOOLITTLE, son of Samuel and Mary Doolittle, married Damaris . Child: 133 Abraham, b Nov., 1754. 38. JOSEPH. JOSEPH DOOLITTLE, son of Samuel and Mary Doolittle, married Mary Hitchcock, May 24, 1729. She died, and he married Mary Strickland, at Middletown, Conn., May 24, 1739. Children: 134 Mary, d young; 135 Elizabeth, d young; 136 Joseph, d in Middletown, Aug. 6, 1771 ; 137 Seth, b Jan. 4, 1745, m Hannah Dow, Feb. 4, 1768; 138 Abisha, d in Cheshire about 1837, no family; 139 Mary; 140 Elizabeth; 141 Joseph; 142 Jared, d July 13, 1769 ; 143 Joel, b July 7, 1769. 42. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN DOOLITTLE, son of Samuel and Mary Doolittle, married Elizabeth . Children: 144 Benjamin, b July 15, 1753; 145 Sarah, b Feb. 21, 1756. 43. ISAAC. ISAAC DOOLITTLE, son of Capt. Joseph and Sarah Doo- little, was a brass founder in New Haven, where he died, Feb. 13, 1800, ae. 99. He married Phebe Cook. He was the an- cestor of Gov. English on the maternal side. Child : Jesse, b Feb. 25, .1777. 44. ENOS. ENOS DOOLITTLE, son of Capt. Joseph and Sarah Doolittle, married Mary . He died Oct. 27, 1756, ae. 22 years. Children: 147 Keziah, b June 27, 1748; 148 Katharine, b Aug. 17, 1749; 149 John, b Dec. 31, 1754, d July 8, 1756; 150 Patience, b May 4, 1756. 50. EBENEZER. EBENEZER DOOLITTLE, son of Ebenezer and Hannah, mar- GENEALOGIES. 733 ried Lydia Warner, June n, 1728, and settled in Cheshire. He died May 20, 1774, ae. 74 years. Children: 151 Ruth, b Aug. 20, 1735; 152 Ebenezer, b Oct. 12, 1736 ; 153 Jesse, b Aug. 12, 1738 ; 154 Zopher, b Aug. 7, 1740. 51. MOSES. MOSES DOOLITTLE, son of Ebenezer and Hannah, married ist, Ruth Hills; 2d, Lydia Richardson, March 23, 1720, died April 10, 1781, ae. 79 years, at Cheshire. Children: 155 Thomas, b Feb. 8, 1730, d April 13, 1731 ; 156 Hannah, b Nov. 9, 1731 ; 157 Eunice, b Oct. 27, 1733; 158 Damaris, b May 28, 1735. 53. CALEB. CALEB DOOLITTLE, son of Ebenezer and Hannah, married Tamar Thompson, April 24, 1734. They settled in the south- west part of Cheshire, on land now owned and occupied by Julius Brooks, Esq., and others. He died March n, 1781, ae. 75 years. Children: 159 Joseph, b April 30, 1734, was a farmer in Cheshire, near where the present Joseph Doolittle lives ; 160 Caleb, b Jan. 5, 1735, settled in Westwoods, Hamden, left sons and daughters; 161 Tamar, b Aug. 12, 1736; 162 Benja- min, b March 5, 1738, settled in Cheshire one-half mile west of the village ; 163 Lois, b April 8, 1746 ; 164 Amos, was a farmer in the south-west part of Cheshire; 165 Ephraim, b June 15, 1754. 54. JOSHUA. JOSHUA DOOLITTLE, son of Ebenezer and Hannah, mar- ried Martha Hitchcock, Feb. 5, 1735, died Nov. 15, 1779, ae. 71 years. Having no children, he gave all his property to Joshua Doolittle Waterman, son of the Rev. Simeon Water- man, of Plymouth, Conn. 55. ZADOCK. ZADOCK DOOLITTLE, son of Ebenezer and Hannah, mar- ried Rhoda . Children: 166 Hannah, b July 22, 1740; 167 Lydia, b 734 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. March 3, 1742 ; 168 Rhoda, b June 28, 1744 ; 169 Eunice, b Sept. 5, 1746 ; 170 Zachariah, b May 13, 1749 ; 171 Sarah, b Sept. 24, 1751. 61. DANIEL. DANIEL DOOLITTLE, son of Daniel and Hannah, married Elizabeth Dayton and settled in North Haven, two miles north of the center, on the Wallingford road. He died Sept., 1791, ae. 84. Children: 172 Giles, b Nov. 6, 1734 ; 173 Michael, b April 12, 1738; 174 Oliver, b Oct. 14, 1742, m Cook; 175 Elizabeth, b Jan. 8, 1745 ; 176 John, b Jan. 15, 1747 ; 177 Johnson, d in Wallingford; 178 Ezra, b Jan. 3, 1752, d in Cheshire. 62. JOSEPH. JOSEPH DOOLITTLE, son of Daniel and Hannah, married Mary . Children: 179 Joseph, b Jan. 15. 1757 ; 180 Walter, b March 27, 1759 ; 181 Joel, b Jan. 7, 1761. 63. STEPHEN. STEPHEN DOOLITTLE, son of Daniel and Hannah, married Anna , May n, 1737. He died Nov. 8, 1772, ae. 64. She died Nov. 27, 1797, ae. 92 years. Children : 182 Anna, b April 27, 1738 ; 183 Abigail, b Jan. 21, 1741 ; 184 Ruth, b Oct. 29, 1742 ; 185 Stephen, b Jan. 15, 1745, d Nov. 30, 1745. 65. EZRA. EZRA DOOLITTLE, son of Daniel and Hannah, married Hannah . He died Oct. 24, 1844, in Cheshire. Children : 186 Hannah, d in 1747 ; 187 Hannah, b May 21, 1748. 70. THEOPHILUS. THEOPHILUS DOOLITTLE, son of Theophilus and Thankful, married Sarah Dorcher, Nov. 15, 1738. Children: 188 Susannah, b Aug. 2, 1739; 189, 190 Solo- mon and Theophilus, b Jan. 8, 1741, d Jan. 25, 1741 ; 191 GENEALOGIES. 735 Theophilus, b Feb. 5, 1742 ; 192 Solomon, b March 24. 1746 ; J 93 Josiah, b July n, 1748, married Damaris ; 194 Sarah, b April 10, 1750; 195 Elizabeth, b June i, 1751 ; 196 Stephen, b July 12, 1752 ; 197 Isaac, b Aug. 27, 1754. 71. SOLOMON. SOLOMON DOOLITTLE, son of Theopilus and Thankful, married, ist, Eunice Hall ; 2nd, Jerusha Tyler, Feb. 13, 1734. Children : 198 Daniel, b Oct. 4, 1706 ; 199 Theophilus, b March 19, 1769 ; 200 Sarah, b Feb. 5, 1752 ; 201 Lucy, b July 18, 1778; 202 Joel, b Sept. 16, 1781. 84. EZEKIAH. EZEKIAH DOOLITTLE, son of Abraham and Mary Doolittle, m Hepzibah . Children: 203 Barnabas, b Jan. 8, 1736; 204 Mehitable, b Feb. 28, 1738 ; 205 Hepzibah, b Aug. 14, 1741 ; 206 Hezekiah, b May 4, 1742 ; 207 Anthony, b Jan. 31, 1744; 208 Mary, b Feb. 25, 1750. 85. JOSIAH. JOSIAH DOOLITTLE, son of Abraham and Mary Doolittle, married Damaris . Children: 209 Josiah, b July 17, 1769^ July 30, 1769; 210 Stephen, b March 24, 1771. 87. ZEBULON. ZEBULON, son of Abraham and Mary Doolittle, married Mary . Children: 211 Mary, b Jan. i, 1741 ; 212 Sarah, b April 7, J 745 ; 2I 3 John, b May 24, 1748. 88. AMBROSE. AMBROSE DOOLITTLE, son of Abraham and Mary, married Martha Munson, daughter of William and Rebecca Munson, of Cheshire. He died in Cheshire, Sept. 25, 1781, ae. 74 years. Children: 214 Ambrose, b Dec. 12, 1751; 215 Amos, b May 8, 1754; 216 Martha, b Aug. 30, 1756; 217 Eunice, b June 21, 1758; 218 Abner, b July 27, 1760; 219 Lois; 220 Thankful; 221, 222 Samuel and Silas, b March 28, 1763, both 736 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. d same day ; 223 Reuben, b May i, 1766 ; 224 Lcnvly, b June 9, 1769; 225 Mary Ann, b Feb. 23, 1771; 226 Eliakim,b Aug. 29, 1772. 94. SAMUEL. SAMUEL DOOLITTLE, son of Samuel and Jane, married Eunice . Child: 227 Samuel, b April n, 1749. 125. PHILEMON. PHILEMON DOOLITTLE, son of John and Hannah, married Lydia Hall, Jan. 5, 1757. Supposed to have died in western New York. Children : 229 Phebe, b May 25, 1759, in Wallingford ; 230^?- ziah, b April 20, 1760, in Wallingford; 231 Lydia, b Oct. 22, 1761; 232 John F., b Feb. n, 1767; 233 Rice, b Aug. 27, 1769 ; 234 Jared '; 235 Jesse ; 236 Patience; 237 Hannah. 129. TITUS. TITUS DOOLITTLE, son of John and Hannah, married Mary Lewis, daughter of Dr. Lewis of Wallingford, Nov. 20, 1764. He died atWestfield, Mass., Nov. 23, 1818, ae. 73 years. Children ; 239 John, b Jan., 1765, d in early life unm. ; 240 Elizabeth, b 1767, m Abraham Bradley of Russell, Mass., she d April 28, 1831 ; 241 Titus, was a farmer at Westfield, Mass., m Mary Tracy in 1794, and had ten children, mostly deceased; 242 Mary, b 1769, m Noble Fowler of Southwick, Mass., she d March n, 1747 ; 243 Joel, b 1774, grad. at Yale College, 1799, was a lawyer; 244 Amasa, b 1776, m Mary Hitchcock of Cheshire ; 245 Martha, m Solomon Gillette of Colchester, Conn. ; 246 Mark, a lawyer in Belchertown ,Mass., grad. at Yale College in 1804, m ist, Betsey A. Smith, and 2d, Sarah T. Reuberteau, he d in 1818, Nov. 23, leaving no sons. 152. EBENEZER. EBENEZER DOOLITTLE, son of Ebenezer and Lydia Warner Doolittle, owned and occupied the farm late the property of Landa Bristol, of Cheshire. Children : 247 ElkanaK, d in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; 248 Ama- ryllis, m Landa Bristol, of Cheshire. GENEALOGIES. 737 l6o. CALEB. CALEB DOOLITTLE, son of Caleb and Tamar, married in West Woods, Hamden. Children: 249 Caleb; 250 Jesse; 251 Tamar, m Wooden. 162. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN DOOLITTLE, son of Caleb and Tamar. Child: 252 Joseph /., d in Prospect. 164. AMOS. AMOS DOOLITTLE, son of Caleb and Tamar, married and settled in the southwestern part of Cheshire, on the farm now belonging to the heirs of his grandson, Amos Doolittle, late of Cheshire, deceased. He died March 23, 1808, ae. 75 yrs. His wife, Mrs. Abigail , died July 28, 1827, ae. 88 yrs. Children: 253 Olive, b March 30, 1761 ; 254 Amos, b 1767, d May 21, 1816, ae. 49 yrs. ; Lois his wife d March 27, 1828, ae. 57 yrs. ; probably Alexander and others. 165. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM DOOLITTLE, son of Caleb and Tamar, married Christiana Thorp, and settled on the farm now owned by Julius Brook, Esq., in the southwest district of Cheshire. He also owned the mills since known as Gaylord's mills. His widow married Thaddeus Rich, late of Cheshire, deceased. Children: 255 Julia; 256 Rispah, b 1800, d as. 50 yrs. 178. EZRA. EZRA DOOLITTLE, son of Daniel and Elizabeth, married Sarah Hall, and settled on the farm now owned by his son Levi, in the north part of Cheshire. He died suddenly on the first Monday in April, 1829. Children: 257 Ezra, b May 8, 1776, settled in Barkham- stead, and died there: 258 Leonard; 259 Levi, m Tuttle, of Cheshire; 260 Sarah, m Benjamin Dowd Doo- little; 261 Betsey; 262 Eunice. 738 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 192. SOLOMON. SOLOMON DOOLITTLE, son of Theophilus and Sarah, mar- ried Eunice Hall, Feb. 24, 1768. Children: 263 Theophilus, b March 19, 1769, m Abiah Atwater; 264 Sarah, b Feb. 5, 1772 ; 265 Lucy, b July 18, 1778 ; 266 Joel, b Sept. 16, 1781. 214. AMBROSE. AMBROSE DOOLITTLE, son of Ambrose and Martha, mar- ried Miss Dowd of Middletown, Conn. He died in Cheshire, Conn. Child : 267 Benjamin Dowd, b 1775, d May 13, 1845, e - 70 yrs. He m Sarah Doolittle, she d July 30, 1826, ae. 44 yrs. 215. AMOS. AMOS DOOLITTLE, son of Ambrose and Martha, married Abigail Ives of Cheshire, Conn., dau. of Joel Ives. He was a distinguished engraver and artist. His dwelling occupied a portion of the lot on the northwest corner of College and Elm Streets, New Haven, Conn. Child: 267 Mary Ann. 2l8. ABNER. ABNER DOOLITTLE, son of Ambrose and Martha, married. He resided in the old homestead in Cheshire, Conn., until his death ; he had several daughters. 221. SAMUEL. SAMUEL DOOLITTLE, son of Ambrose and Martha, married. He was insane, and died in Cheshire, Conn. Children : 268 Calvin, m Matilda Wincher, he d in Cheshire, Conn. ; 269 Alfred, m Brown, and d in Cheshire, Conn. ; 270 Aaron, married, has a large family in Cheshire, Conn. 222. SILAS. SILAS DOOLITTLE, son of Ambrose and Martha. He went to Vermont, became insane and died the same hour and min- ute that his brother died at Cheshire. GENEALOGIES. 739 231. AM AS A. AMASA DOOLITTLE, son of Titus and Mary, married Mary, daughter of Amasa Hitchcock, of Cheshire. He died in 1825, ae. 49 years. Children: 232 Amasa Lewis, resides in Cheshire, on the old Lewis farm ; 233 Mary, m Reuben Palmer, of Spring- field, Mass. 247. ELKANAH. ELKANAH DOOLITTLE, son of Ebenezer and , mar- ried ist, Cook, of Cheshire. She died and he married his 2d wife in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he resided until his death. He was a graduate of Yale College. Children : 234 Milton, d at Cheshire, Conn. ; 235 Edward, d at Cheshire ; 236 Warren; 237 JVm. A., d in Brooklyn, New York. 254. AMOS. AMOS DOOLITTLE, son of Amos and Abigail, married Lois . He died May 21, 1816, ae. 49 yrs. She died March 27, 1828, ae. 57 yrs. Child : 238 Amos, b 1797, d at Cheshire about 1867, ae. 70. 241. TITUS. TITUS DOOLITTLE, son of Titus and Mary Doolittle, married Mary, daughter of Rev. Stephen Tracey, of Norwich, Mass., in 1794, and had children, most of whom have died ; no sons are living. His wife died in 1843. He was living at Paines- ville, Ohio, in 1852. 243. JOEL. JOEL DOOLITTLE, son of Titus and Mary Doolittle, mairied Sarah P. Fitch, of Pawlet. He graduated at Yale in 1799, and was tutor in Middlebury college, Vermont. He studied law and settled at Middlebury in the practice of his profession, after having filled with honor many offices in the gift of the people, as Judge of the Supreme Court, etc. He died March 9, 1841, ae. 67 yrs. He left four sons and two daughters. The three sons are in Ohio. 74O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 279 John; 280 Titus; 281 Charles Hubbard; 282 Joel; 283 Sarah; 284 Elizabeth. 244. AM AS A. AM ASA DOOLITTLE, son of Titus and Mary Lewis Doolittle, married Mary, daughter of Amasa Hitchcock of Cheshire. He died in 1825, ae. 49 years. Children : 285 Amasa Lewis, now living in Cheshire ; 286 Mary, resides in Springfield, Mass. She married Reuben Palmer. 246. MARK. MARK DOOLITTLE, son of Titus and Mary Doolittle, grad- uated at Yale college, 1804 ; studied law and settled at Bel- chertown, Mass. He married for his first wife Betesy Matilda Smith, daughter of Daniel Smith Esq., of West Haven, Vt. She died Nov. 14, 1814, ae. 28. He married his 2nd wife, Sarah T. Reuberteau, of Newburyport. Children : 287 Lucy Maria, m Dr. Horatio Thompson, of Belchertown, Mass., 1834 ; 288 Betsey Matilda, b May, 1814, m John Strong, a graduate of Yale in 1857, residence in Addison, N. Y. By second marriage, 289 Sarah Lorena, d July 29, 1849, ae. 18 ; 290 Wm. C., d in childhood. 108. ENSIGN. ENSIGN JOSEPH DOOLITTLE, son of Joseph and Rachel, married Martha Hitchcock, and was a farmer on the west side of the river in Wallingford. Children: 291 Joseph; 292 Walter; 293 Joel; 294 Reu- ben. 291. JOSEPH. JOSEPH DOOLITTLE, son of Joseph and Martha. Children : 295 Jared, was a merchant in New Haven ; Nathaniel, was the owner of the mills at Quinnipiac ; 29 Patty, m Oliver Deming, of New Haven. 293. JOEL. JOEL DOOLITTLE, son of Joseph and Martha. Children : 298 Joel, b 1790, is living at North Haven ; 299 GENEALOGIES. 74! Lucy, no further information about her appears on the records. 294. REUBEN. REUBEN DOOLITTLE was a farmer in the south-westerly part of the town of Wallingford. Children: 300 Rufus; 301 Almon ; 302 Rhoda, m Augustus Hall Esq., of Wallingford. DUDLEY. JOHN. JOHN and Lois Dudley, came into Wallingford about the year 1750, and settled on the west side of the river, a short distance below the present residence of Street Jones, Esq., who is the present owner of the old Dudley house. Of their history very little is now known. JEDEDIAH. JEDEDIAH DUDLEY, their son, was born in Wallingford, Jan. i, 1759, married , and occupied the house of his father until his decease. Children : i John, d in Branford, buried in Wallingford, 1869; 2 Caleb, d in Wallingford ; 3 Elias, m Laura Preston, and died in Cheshire ; 4 Jedediah, d unm., and was insane several years ; 5 Isaac, d ; 6 a daughter. DUTTON.' JOSEPH. JOSEPH DUTTON, the ancestor of the family of that name in Wallingford, was of Machimoodus, or East Haddam. He purchased land in Wallingford in 1718 and 1719, which he gave to his sons, whose names are as follows : i Benjamin, b 1696, m Mary ; 2 David, m Lydia Cook ; 3 Thomas, m Abigail Merriman. i For collateral branches, see Hill's Hist. Mason, N. H., 201 ; Savage's Gen. Diet, n. 84, 85. Y Y 742 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. I. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN BUTTON, married Mary , had children born in Wallingford. He died in Cheshire Parish, Jan. 27, 1791, se. 95 yrs. She died Oct. 27, 1785, ae. 80 yrs. Children : 4 Joseph, b Jan. 5, 1720 ; 5 Benjamin, b March 10, 1723 ; 6 Susannah, b June 17, 1725 ; 7 John, b Jan. 23, 1730; 8 Sarah, b Dec. 6, 1735; 9 Charles, b 1736, d Sept. 19, 1829, ae. 93 yrs. ; 10 Elizabeth, b July 25, 1737 ; n Eunice, b April 5, 1739 ; 12 Daniel, b Nov. 30, 1740. 2. DAVID. DAVID DUTTON married Lydia, daughter of Samuel and Hope Cook, Sept. 14, 1722. She died Oct. 12, 1735, ae - 4- He married Sarah Doolittle, Feb. 21, 1739. Children by ist marriage: 13 Mary, b July 16, 1723, m Gideon Royce, Oct. 4, 1743 ; 14 Charles, b Oct. 30, 1727, m Eunice Jones, 1761, he d Oct. 9, 1789 ; 15 Jesse, b Dec. 24, 1729, d Feb. 4, 1745, at Cape Breton, in the old French war; 1 6 Ambrose, b March 30, 1732 ; 17 Joel, b March 20, 1734 ; 18 Lydia, b Oct. 27, 1738, d Sept. 27, 1739. By 2cl marriage : 19 David, b June 23, 1741 ; 20 Amos, b Oct. 13, 1745, d Oct. 3, 1788, as. 6 1 ; 21 Jonathan, b Jan. 25, 1743-4. 3. THOMAS. THOMAS DUTTON married Abigail Merriman, May 6, 1729. Children: 22 John, b Feb., 1730; 23 Abigail, b Jan. 8, 1732 ; 24 Thomas, b Jan. 31, 1735 > 2 5 Samuel, b Jan. 24, 1737 ; 26 Lois, b Aug. 8, 1738 ; 27 Matthew, b Nov. n, 1740 ; 28 John, b April 3, 1743 ; 29, 30 Amasa, and Asahel, b July 30, 1745; 31 Nathaniel, b June 18, 1747 ; 32 Phebe, b Oct. n, 1749 ; 33 Asahel, b Feb. 2, 1753. 4. JOSEPH. JOSEPH DUTTON, son of Benjamin and Mary, of Walling- ford, married Elizabeth . She died Jan. 25, 1700, ae. 72. He died in Southington, Ct.,Oct. 26, 1788,35. 68 years, and was buried at Plantsville, Southington, by the side of his wife. Child: 34 Mindwell, b May 18, 1746, m in Wallingford. GENEALOGIES. 743 5. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN BUTTON, son of Benjamin and Mary, m Abigail Jones, March 16, 1747. Children: 35 Eunice, b April 5, 1749 ; 36 Abigail, b Nov. 21, 1750. 14. CHARLES. CHARLES BUTTON, son of Baniel and Lydia Button, mar- ried Eunice Jones, 1761. He died Oct. 9, 1781. Children : 37 Jesse, settled in the State of Maine 38 Amos, b June 3, 1767, d March 21, 1845, ae. 73 years ; 39 Charles, d in Ohio where he resided. FENN.i EDWARD. EDWARD FENN married Mary Thorp, Nov. 15, 1688. He died Feb. 2, 1728, ae. 84 yrs. She died July 24, 1725, and he married Abigail Williams, Jan. 26, 1726. He belonged in Wallingford. Children: i Mary, b Sept. 27, 1689 ; 2 Hannah, b Feb. 4, 1698, d Feb. 14, 1698 ; 3 Theophilus, b Jan. 31, 1689 ; 4 Elizabeth, b April 29, 1692; 5 Sarah, b Nov. 24, 1694; 6 Theophilus, b Jan. 28, 1698, m Martha ; 7 John, b March 23, 1702, m Sarah ; 8 Hannah, b Bee. 13, 1704; 9 Thomas, b Sept. 13, 1707, m Lydia - ; 10 Naomi, b May 10, 1712, m Samuel Frost, March 21, 1723. 6. THEOPHILUS. THEOPHILUS FENN, m Martha Boolittle, May 24, 1722. Children: 10 Elizabeth, b Oct. 25, 1723; n Edward, b Sept. 2, 1732 ; 12 Martha, b Sept. 23, 1725 ; 13 Bethiah, b Feb, 18, 1728; 14 Benjamin, b Aug. 3, 1730; 15 Phebe, b Feb. 12, 1735 > J 6 Theophilus, b Feb. 20, 1737, d Nov. 8, 1737; 17 Eunice, b March 16, 1741; 18 Susannah, b Sept. 28, 1746. I For collateral branches, see Savage's Gen. Diet., n. 151, 152. 744 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 7. JOHN. JOHN FENN married Sarah . Children: 20 Mary, b Dec. 4, 1730521 John, b July 15, 1732 : 22 Lois, b Aug. 2, 1735 > 2 3 Samuel, b Sept. 10, 1739 ; 24 Amos, b May 30, 1745. 9. THOMAS. THOMAS FENN, married Lydia Ackley, March 22, 1731. She died Dec. 4, 1741. He married, 2d, Christina . Children by i st marriage: 25 Lydia, b July n, 1733; 26 Thomas, b Dec. i, 1735 ; 27 Samuel, b Dec. 27, 1737; 28 Hannah, b March 24, 1740. By 2d marriage : 29 Esther, b Oct. 20, 1743; 30 Theophilus, b June 29, 1744. FOOT.' ROBERT. ROBERT FOOT was first of Wethersfield, afterwards of that part of New Haven now known as Wallingford, and in 1678 and thereafter, until his death at Branford, was married to Sarah , 1659. After his decease, his widow married Aaron Blatchley of Branford, in 1686. Mr. Foot was a son of Nathaniel Foot, the settler. He died suddenly in 1681, ae. 52. John Foot, the sixth child of Robert and Sarah, was born at Branford, July 24, 1670. He married Mary , and had seven children. He died in 1713, ae. 43. JOHN. JOHN FOOT, fourth child of John and Mary Foot, was born in 1700, and settled in North Branford. He married ist, Eliza- beth Frisbee, Dec. 25, 1733 ; she died Feb. 3, 1737, ae. 22. He married 2d, Abigail Frisbee, Aug. 16, 1738. He died Jan. 26, 1777, ae. 77. His widow Abigail died May, 1779, ae. 67. i For collateral branches, see Brown's Gen. W. Simsbury, Conn., 53- 56 ; Caulkins' Hist. New London, Conn., 308 ; Goodwin's Foote Family Gen. ; Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 494 ; Mat- thews' Hist. Cornwall, Vt., 285 ; Nash's Gen. of Nash Family, 42 ; N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., ix. 272; Savage's Gen. Diet, n. 179-82. GENEALOGIES. 745 Children by ist marriage: i Jonathan, b Jan. 23, 1737, d in North Branford, 1801. By 2d marriage : 2 John, b April 5, 1742, in North Branford, m Abigail, dau. of Rev. Samuel Hall, of ( Cheshire ) Wallingford, granddaughter of Gov. Jonathan Law, who cl Nov. 19, 1788, ae. 39, m Eunice, dau. of John Hall, Esq., Apr. 28, 1761, was grad. at Yale College in 1765, studied Divinity, and succeeded Rev. Mr. Hall as pastor of the Congregational Church in Cheshire, d Aug. 31, 1813, ae. 71, his wife Eunice d Jan. 31, 1817 ; 3 Abigail Sarah Hall, b Jan. 2, 1769, d Jan 20, 1775 ; 4 Mary Ann, b Sept. 21, 1770, d Sept. 25, 1775 ; 5 Lucinda, b May 19, 1772, m Dr. Thomas T. Cornwall, and was mother to Hon. Edward A. Cornwall, of Cheshire ; 6 John Alfred, b Jan. 2, 1774, d Aug. 25, 1794, ae. 20; 7 Abigail M. A., b Sept. 16, 1776, d Aug. 9, 1778, ae. 22 ; 8 Wm. Lambert, b Oct. 10, 1778, was a physician in Cheshire; 9 Samuel Augus- tus, b Nov. 8, 1780, mem. of Congress, Senator in Congress, and Gov. of Conn. ; 10 Roderick, b Dec. 15, 1782, d May 16, 1791, ae. 8; ii Matilda, b May 6, 1785, d Oct. 9, 1787. 8. WILLIAM. DR. WM. LAMBERT FOOT, son of Rev. John, was a promi- nent man in his native town, was town clerk and judge of the Probate court, and practiced his profession, until a short time before his death. He married Mary, dau. of Capt. Dan Scoville of Saybrook, March, 1801. Both died in Cheshire. Children: 12 William L., M. D., b Nov. 21, 1802, m Mary Butler of Branford in 1827 : 13 Mary A., b May 23, 1806; 14 Abigail H., b April 28, 1808, m Edward Doolittle, he died March 4, 1837, ae. 29; 15 Scoville D., b April 10, 1810, m Martha Whiting, of Milford, Conn., June, 1836, she was born 1807 ; 16 Eliza S., b June 29, 1812 ; 17 John L., b Sept. 14, 1817, merchant in Cheshire. 9. SAMUEL. His Excellency SAMUEL A. FOOT, son of Rev. John and Abigail, married Eudocia Hull, daughter of General Andrew and Elizabeth Mary Ann Hull, of Cheshire. He died Sept 746 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 1 6, 1846, in his 66th year. She died at the residence of her son John A. Foot Esq., Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 12, 1849, ae. 66 years. Her remains were brought to Cheshire for interment. Children: 18 John Alfred, b Nov. 22, 1803, attorney at Cleveland, Ohio; 19 Andrew Hull, b Sept. 12, 1806, Rear Admiral U. S. N., now deceased ; 20 Roderick A., b Oct. i, 1808, d Feb. 24, 1810 ; 21 Augustus Edwin, b Dec. 31, 1810, cashier at Cleveland, Ohio; 22 Wm. Henry, b Feb. i, 1817, d March 6, 1827 ; 23 Edward Dorr, b Feb. 3, 1820, d Feb. 9, 1831. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN FOOT, of Wallingford, son of Daniel and Mary Foot, of Branford, who was the son of Daniel and Sarah Foot, of Northford, who was the son of Joseph and Abigail Foot, of Northford, who was the son of Robert and Sarah Foot, of New Haven, Wallingford and Branford, who was the son of Nathaniel the settler, was born at Northford, Conn., Aug. i, 1778, and was the youngest but one of thirteen children. He married, ist, Sally P., daughter of Joel Hall, April 24, 1803 ; she died, July 24, 1804, ae. 25 years ; 2d, Betsey, daughter of Andrew Hall, June 2, 1805, she died Sept. 20, 1831, ae. 44 years; 3d, Mrs. Harriet, widow of Willis Humaston, and daughter of Newbury Button, of North Haven, May 3, 1832. He died in Wallingford, Nov., 1869, as. 91 years. Children by ist marriage : 24 Sally H., b Feb., 1804, d May 13, 1804. Children by 2d marriage: 25 Andrew H., b Nov. 15, 1806, m Frances, dau. of Simon Hoadley of New Haven; 26 Henry A., b July 14, 1809, d Oct. 2, 1818; 27 James, b Aug. 15, 1811, m Emeline Slead of Wallingford, Oct. 8, 1834; 28 Sally H., b Jan. 16, 1815, m Charles B. Hall of Wallingford, Oct. i, 1835 ; 29 Benjamin, b Oct. 18, 1817, m Sarah, dau. of Kiel Hall of Wallingford, Nov. 19, 1840 ; 30 Henry Clay, b June 19, 1820, m Catherine W., dau. of Hiel Hall, Aug. 17, 1842, she resided in Philadelphia, d in 1868. GENEALOGIES. 747 GAYLORD.' WILLIAM. DEA. WILLIAM GAYLORD, a leading man of Windsor, Conn., was the father of Walter Gaylord, whose son Joseph was born May 13, 1649, an d married July 14, 1670, Sarah, daughter of John Stanley of Farmington, Conn. It is not exactly clear as to whether he went from Windsor to Farmington, or Waterbury first ; but it is certain that he was at Mattatuck (Waterbury), in the spring of 1678, having been previously accepted as an inhabitant, Jan. 17, 1677. He had a threa acre lot on the corner of East and North Main-sts., which then bounded north on John Stanley. He sold his house and lot Feb. 2, 1703, reserving a quarter of an acre on which his son Joseph had built a house, after which he resided at a place called Breakneck, built a house there, and had twenty acres of land which he sold Feb. 26, 1705 or 1706. As no traces of him are found in Waterbury after this date, it is quite probable that he went to Durham in 1706, where several of his family had previously gone, and we find him there in the early part of 1706. He died in Durham previous to 1713. His children were, i Sarah, b July n, 1671, m Thomas Judd, Jr. ; 2 Joseph, b April 22, 1673 or 1674, m Feb. 28, 1699, to Mary, dau. of Joseph Hickox, deceased, of Woodbury, she was born May 25, 1678. 2. JOSEPH. JOSEPH GAYLORD went to Durham about the year 1705 or 1706. He built a house at Buckshill in 1703 or 1704, which he sold to Richard Welton. Children: 3 Elizabeth; 4 Joseph, d in infancy ; 5 Thankful, all b in Waterbury. I For collateral branches, see Judd and Boltwood's Hist, of Hadley, Mass., 497, 498; Savage's Gen. Diet., II. 238, 239; Stiles' Hist. Windsor, Conn.,' 623-7. 748 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. JOHN. JOHN GAYLORD, born April 12, 1677, resided at Buckshill, adjoining his brother Joseph, on a place he bought of John Warner. He went to Durham, and subsequently to Walling- ford, where he died in 1753, in what is now Cheshire. Mrs. Elizabeth Gaylord his wife, died in Cheshire, Dec. 19, 1751, ae. 73 yrs. He left an estate of ^1995 in Wallingford, and of ^"560 in Farmington, Conn. Children: 6 Samuel; 7 Edward; 8 Timothy; 9 Nathan; 10 Joseph; n John, m Thankful ; and five daugh- ters, one of whom, 12 Sarah, d April 14, 1735. WILLIAM. WILLIAM GAYLORD had a ,40 propriety set out to him in Waterbury, in 1701, which he forfeited, and removed to Woodbury, where he joined the church, Jan. 13, 1706. Sub- sequently he went to New Milford, where he died about 1753. His will was proved Nov. 23, 1753, in which his wife Mercy and six children were named. Joanna, his first wife, joined the church in Woodbury, Dec. 7, 1712. His son Nathan, of New Milford, married Hannah, daughter of John Bronson, who was a son of Isaac Bronson. Children : 13 Benjamin, resided in Durham and Wall- ingford, was in Wallingford in 1722 ; 14 Elizabeth, b Nov. 21, 1680, m Joseph Hickox, son of Samuel ; 15 Mary, m Stephen Welton, she d July 18, 1719; 16 Joanna, m Robert Royce of Wallingford, in 1716, or before; 17 Ruth, m' Stephen Hickox, and settled in Durham. 13. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN GAYLORD, m ist, Jerusha Frisbie of Branford, Conn., Jan. 28, 1729. She died May n, 1734. He married 2d, Mary Ashley, Feb. 14, 1738. Children: 18 Levi, b Jan. 10, 1730; 19 Jerusha, b July i, 1731 ; 20 Enos, b Jan. 27, 1733, d Jan., 1734. 6. SAMUEL. SAMUEL GAYLORD, son of John and Elizabeth, married Thankful Munson, Aug. 19, 1729. GENEALOGIES. 749 Children : 21 Agnes, b June 5, 1730 ; 22 Justus, b Mar. 12, X 73 2 j 2 3 Annie, b April 24, 1734; 24 Mamre, b March 3, 1736- 7. EDWARD. EDWARD GAYLORD, son of John and Elizabeth, m Mehita- ble Brooks, Aug. 16, 1733, at Cheshire, Conn. Children: 55 Jesse, b Feb. 23, 1734, d; 26 Jesse, b Sept. 10, 1735- 8. TIMOTHY. TIMOTHY GAYLORD, son of John and Elizabeth, m Prudence Royce, April 25, 1733. Children: 27 Prudence, b Jan. 31, 1734; 28 Timothy, b May 3, 1735, d; 29 Timothy, b Aug. i, 1736; 30 Royce,\> July 17, 1737 ; 31 Reuben, b June 17, 1742. 9. NATHAN. NATHAN GAYLORD, b 1724, d at Cheshire, Conn., July 2, 1802, ae. 78. Children : 33 John, d in Wallingford ; 34 Nathan, d in Cheshire ; 35 Elias, d in Cheshire, m Hitchcock. 10. JOSEPH. JOSEPH GAYLORD, son of John and Elizabeth, married Elizabeth Rich, Nov. 9, 1738. Child: 32 Charles, b Sept 22, 1739, in Wallingford or Cheshire. . 33. JOHN. JOHN GAYLORD resided on Parker's farms in Wallingford, in the house now owned by Silas Y. Andrews. Child : 36 John, m Tuttle, had a son David T. and a daughter. 34. NATHAN. NATHAN died in Cheshire, and was the owner of the old mills in the south part of the town. Children: 37 Titus, d in Cheshire; 38 Hannah, m Ebenezer Atwater ; 39 Jerusha, m Rufus Plum ; 40 Nathan, m 75O HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. Bradley ; 41 Eveline, m Billious Brooks ; 42 Enos, is living in Prospect, m Celia Moss. 35. ELIAS. ELIAS GAYLORD, married ist, - Hitchcock. She died and he married 2d, a widow Thorp. Children: 43 Horace, m Bradley; 44 E/ias, m Amanda Bristol ; 45 Hannah, m George Bristol. HALL.' JOHN. JOHN HALL senior, (the emigrant), appears first, at Boston, and afterwards at New Haven. He evidently was not an original settler at New Haven, as his name does not appear in any list which I have been able to discover until after 1650. From whence he came is uncertain. The name (Hall) is a difficult one to trace, on account of the great number of original settlers of that name, 28 having come to America previous to 1660, of whom seven bore the name of John. That John Hall of Boston, New Haven and Wallingford I For collateral branches, see Adams' Haven Genealogy, 2d part, 27, 28 ; Bouton's Hist. Concord, N. H., 707, 708 ; Brooke's Hist. Medford, Mass., 517-27; Clarke's Hist. Norton, Mass., 82, 83; Draper's Hist Spencer, Mass., 211, 212; Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 396, 397; Eaton's Hist. Thomaston, Me., 247-50 ; Freeman's Hist. Cape Cod, Mass., n. 137, 202, 209, 214, 507, 589, 707-9, 717; Goodwin's Gen. of Foote family, 107, 108 ; Hill's Hist. Mason, N. H., 203 ; Hinman's Conn. Set- tlers, isted., 170-8; Hudson's Hist. Lexington, Mass., 83; Jackson's Hist. Newton, Mass., 295-7 ; Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White, 33 ; Kingman's Hist. North Bridgewater, Mass., 529, 530 ; Lewis and New- hall's Hist. Lynn, Mass., 120; Littell's Passaic Valley Gen., 160-4; Mat- thews' Hist. Cornwall, Vt, 286; Mitchell's Hist. Bridgewater, Mass., 169, 170; N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., vi. 259, 260; xm. 15, 16 ; xv. 59, 381, 382 ; New Hampshire Hist. Soc. Coll., vn. 381, 382 ; Savage's Gen. Diet, n. 332-9; Sewell's Hist. Woburn, Mass., 616; Stiles' Hist. Windsor, Ct, 651 ; Thurston's Hist. Winthrop, Me., 186 ; Ward's Hist. Shrews- bury, Mass., 304, 305 ; Whitmore's Gen. of Hall family; Winsor's Hist Duxbury, Mass., 263, 264. GENEALOGIES. 75 I was an emigrant, appears quite evident, from his having sons old enough to be married in 1666. Removed to Wallingford after the settlement had commenced, which accounts for the non-appearance of his name on the first Plantation covenant, in 1669-70. His sons John, Thomas and Samuel, were sign- ers to that instrument. His name appears on the covenant of 1672, and it is quite certain that he had then been some- time in the place. In 1675, himself and his son John were chosen selectmen of Wallingford. John Hall senior, was freed from training in 1665, being then in his 6oth year, and was most certainly in New Haven as early as 1639, an d at Wallingford about the year 1670, with the early settlers there. He died early in the year 1676, ae. 71 years. The maiden name of his wife was Jane Woolen. Children : i John, baptized Aug. 9, 1646, d Sept. 2, 1721 ; 2 Richard, b July n, 1645, m Hannah ; 3 Samuel, b May 21, 1646, d March 5, 1725 4 Sarah, baptized Aug. 9, 1646, at New Haven; 5 Thomas, b March 25, 1649; 6 Jona- than, b April 5, 1651 ; 7 David, b March 18, 1652, d July 17, 1727, ae. 75 yrs. I. RICHARD. RICHARD HALL, son of John and Jane Hall, married Hannah . He died in 1726, in New Haven. Children: 8 Samuet, b Aug. 2, 1700, m Hannah Brown; 9 Hannah, b Jan. 31, 1702; 10 John, b Jan. 17, 1714, m Abiah Macomber ; n Jonathan, grad. at Yale in 1737; 12 Mary, b March 19, 1712, d young and before her father. 2. SAMUEL. SAMUEL HALL, son of John and Jane Hall, went to Wall- ingford with the first planters in 1670. He married Hannah Walker, May, 1668, and died March 5, 1725, ae. 77 years. She died Dec. 20, 1728. Children: 13 John, b Dec. 23, 1670, m Mary Lyman ; 14 Hannah, b March u, 1673, m Ebenezer Doolittle; 15 Sarah. b June 20, 1677, d March 18, 1712 ; 16 Samuel, b Dec. 10, 752 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 1680, d June 15, 1770, ae. 90 yrs; 17 Theophilus, b Feb. 5, 1686 ; 1 8 Elizabeth, b March 6, 1690, m John Moss. 4. THOMAS. THOMAS HALL, son of John and Jane Hall, married Grace , June 5, 1673, she died May i, 1731 ; he died Sept. 17, 1731, ae. 62 years, 5 mos. and 17 days. Children: 19 Abigail, b Jan. 7, 1674, m John Tyler; 20 Thomas, b July 17, 1676, m Abigail, dau. of John Atwater; 21 Mary, b Nov. 22, 1677 ; 22 Jonathan, b July 25, 1679, m Dinah Andrews, May 12, 1703 ; 23 Joseph, b July 8, 1681, m Bertha Terrel, Nov. 13, 1706 ; 24 Esther, b Feb. 23, 1682, m Benoni Atkins; 25 Benjamin, b April 19, 1684, m Mary Ives ; 26 Peter, b Dec. 28, 1686, m Rebecca Bartholomew ; 27 Dan- iel, b Jan. 27, 1689 ; 28 Rebecca, b Jan. 6, 1691, m Daniel Holt, who was b Oct. 6, 1689 ; 29 Israel, b Oct. 8, 1696, m Abigail Palmer. 5. JOHN. JOHN HALL, son of John and Jane Hall, married Mary, daughter of Edward Parker, at New Haven, Dec. 6, 1666. They settled in Wallingford with the first planters, in 1670. He died Sept. 2, 1721, ae. 86 yrs. She died Sept. 22, 1725. Children: 30 Elizabeth, b Aug. n, 1670, in New Haven ; 31 Daniel, b July 26, 1672, m Thankful Lyman, March 15, 1693 ; 32 Mary, b June 23, 1675 ; 33 Nathaniel,\> Feb. 8, 1677, m Elizabeth Curtis ; 34 John, b March 14, 1681, m Elizabeth Royce ; 35 Lydia, b Jan. 21, 1683; 36 Samuel, b Dec. 24, 1686, d Nov. i, 1689 ; 37 Esther, b Aug. 30, 1693 > 3^ Caleb, b Sept. 14, 1697. 7. DAVID. DAVID HALL, son of John and Jane Hall, married Mary Rutherford, of New Haven, Nov. n, 1670; 2d, Sarah Rock- well, Dec. 24, 1676. She died Nov. 3, 1732 ; he died July 7, 1727, ae. 76 yrs. Children: 39 Daniel, b Aug. 9, 1672, d Jan. 13, 1673 ', 4 Rutherford, b April 20, 1675. By 2d marriage : 41 John, b May 9, 1678, m Thankful Doolittle ; 42 Thankful, b Dec. 29, GENEALOGIES. 753 1679; 43 Sarah, b Dec. 28, 1681, m Nathaniel Curtis ; 44 Ruth, b Nov. 10, 1685 ; 45 Jerusha, b Oct. 28, 1687, m John Mattoon, Oct. 20, 1706; 46 Mabel, b Aug. 15, 1691; 47 David, b Dec. i, 1693, m Martha Doolittle, April 20, 1721. 13. JOHN. JOHN HALL, son of Samuel and Hannah, married Mary Lyman ; she died Oct. 16, 1740; he died April 29, 1730, ae. 60 yrs. Rev. Mr. Whittelsey preached his funeral sermon. Children : 48 John, b Sept. 13, 1679 ; 49 Esther, b Aug. 30, 1694; 50 Samuel, b Oct. 4, 1695 > 5 1 Caleb, b Sept. 14, 1697, graduated at Yale; 52 Eunice, b March 7, 1700; 53 J?enjamin,b Aug. 28, 1702; ^Benjamin, b Dec. 17, 1704; 55 Sarah, b April 15, 1706 ; 56 Eliakim, b Aug. 9, 1711 ; 56 Elihu, b Feb. 17, 1714, graduated at Yale, was King's Attor- ney in 1770, d in London ; 58 Nancy. 1 6. SAMUEL. SAMUEL HALL, son of Samuel and Hannah Hall, married Sue, daughter of Nathaniel and Esther Royce ; 2d, Bridget ; he died June 15, 1770, ae. 90 yrs. Children: 59 Theophilus, b April i, 1707; 60 Samuel, b June 8, 1709 ; 61 Hannah, b July 15, 1711 ; 62 Sarah, b Dec. 6, 1713 ; 63 Mehitable, b April 25, 1716;' 64 Esther, b Nov. 7, I7I9- 20. THOMAS. THOMAS HALL, son of Thomas and Grace Hall, married Abigail Atwater, April 26, 1710; he died Aug. 27, 1741. Children: 65 Thomas, b March 10, 1712, m Lydia Curtis, April 24, 1734; 66 Phineas, b April 12, 1715; 67 Abigail, b April 12, 1719, d Jan. 12, 1737 ; 68 Joshua, b May 23, 1722. 22. JONATHAN. JONATHAN HALL, son of Thomas and Grace Hall, married Dinah Andrews, May 12, 1703; he was born July 25, 1679, d Jan. 15, 1760, ae. 80 years and 17 days; she was born 1684, and died at the age of 79 yrs., 2 mos. and 29 days. 754 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 69 David, b Oct. 16, 1705, m Sept. 23, 1731, to Alice ; 7 Jonathan, b Jan. 13, 1708, m Dec. 15, 1739,10 Sarah, dau. of John Cook; 71 Joseph, b May 31, 1710, m April 19, 1736,10 Hannah Scoville ; 72 Anna, b Jan. 18, 1713 ; 73 Isaac, b July n, 1714, m Nov. 5, 1739, d March 7, 1781, m Mary Moss ; 74 Phebe, b Feb. 12, 1717, d May 14, *735 > 75 Ezekiel, b May 13, 1719, rn Anna Andrews, Oct. 29, 1763; 76 Thankful, b Sept. 20, 1722^7 Benjamin, b Oct. 20, 1725; 78 Temperance, b April 16, 1727. 23. JOSEPH. JOSEPH HALL, son of Thomas and Grace Hall, married Bertha Terrel, Nov. 13, 1706 ; she died Dec. 28, 1753 ; he died Nov. 3, 1748. Children: 79 Temperance, b July 15, 1714, d Dec. 7, 1716; 80 Joseph, b Sept. 23, 1718, d Sept. 6, 1737 ; 81 Ephraim, b April 25, 1723, m ist, Eunice , she d May 9, 1763, he m 2d, Chloe Moss, Oct. 13, 1763. 25. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN HALL, son of Thomas and Grace Hall, married Mary Ives, Dec. 27, 1752. Children: 82 Benjamin, b Sept. 25, 1753, d Oct. 8, 1755; 83 Eliab, b Feb. 17, 1755, d in camp during the Revolution, at N. Y. ; 84 Benjamin, b Nov. 3, 1756. 26. PETER. PETER HALL, son of Thomas and Grace Hall, married Rebecca Bartholomew, Oct. 19, 1732 ; he died Sept. 25, 1798, ae. 90 yrs. She died Oct. 31, 1798, ae. 87 yrs. Children : 85 Susannah, b Feb. 26, 1733 ; 86 Hiel, b May 6, 1735; 8 7 Abigail, b May 15, 1737; 88 Rebecca, b July 3, 1740 ; 89 Eunice, b Nov. 8, 1742 ; 90 Josiah, b July 3, 1743 ; 91 Peter, b June 7, 1748, d as shown by date on stone, ; 92 Andrew, b Sept. 16, 1750, d Oct. 14, 1776; 93 Anna, b March 30, 1753 ; 94 Keziah, b June 16, 1755 ; 95 Lois, b Sept. 25, 1757. GENEALOGIES. 755 27. DANIEL. DANIEL HALL, son of Thomas and Grace Hall, married Martha Doolittle, April 20, 1721. Children: 96 Abraham, b Jan. 27, 1722, m Sarah Doolittle; 97 John, b Jan. 29, 1724, d in Meriden, May 13, 1795,26. 72 ; 98 Hannah, b Sept. n, 1725, m Benjamin Tyler, of Branford ; 99 Daniel, b June i, 1727 ; 100 Martha, b June 14, 1729 ; 101 Samuel, b May 5, 1731 ; 102 Mary, b Sept. 7, 1733 ; 103 Abigail, b April 27, 1739. 29. ISRAEL. ISRAEL HALL, son of Thomas and Grace Hall, m Abigail Powell, April u, 1721. Children: 104, 105 Sarah, and Israel, b March 14, 1722 ; 106 Enos, b March 30, 1726 ; 107 Israel, b Oct. 22, 1728 ; 108 Abigail, b Mar. 22, 1731, d Aug. 5, 1743; 109 Jotham,\> Feb. 6, 1737 ; no Abigail, b Julys, 1744; in Mary, b June 23, 1749; 112 Eunice, b Feb. 6, 1751. 31. DANIEL. DANIEL HALL, son of John and Mary Hall, married Thank- ful Lyman, March 15, 1693. Children : 113 Daniel, b Jan. 4, 1693, d ; ii^Daniel,\} Feb. 19, 1695, d 1727 ; 115 Samuel, b Nov. 5, 1697 ; 116 Silence, b Oct. 6, 1699 ; 117 Presented, b Jan. 15, 1700, was an imbecile, his brother Abraham had the care of him ; 118 Sarah, b June 2i, 1703 ; 119 Benjamin, b Dec. 17, 1704 ; 150 Jacob, b 1705 ; 121 David, b Oct. 16, 1706 ; 122 Abraham, b Feb. 5, 1709, d Sept. 16, 1761, ae. 53. 33. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL HALL, son of John and Mary Hall, married Elizabeth Curtis, May, 1699; he died Aug. 16, 1757. She died Sept. 30, 1735, and he married Lydia Johnson, Sept 15, 1736. Children: 123 Amos, b Jan. 24, 1700, m Ruth Royce ; 124 Margaretta, b Dec. 21, 1701, d Oct. 30, 1707; 125 Caleb, b Jan. 3, 1703, d May n, 1766, ae. 62 yrs. ; 126 Moses, b June 756 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 6, 1706, d Feb. 15, 1765, ae. 59 yrs. ; 127 Mary, b Oct. 30, 1707; 128 Nathaniel, b April 17, 1711, d Dec. 18, 1727; 129 fames, b April 23, 1713; 130 Elizabeth, b Sept. 22, 1715; 131 Desire, b June 19, 1719 ; 132 Harmon, b Oct. 17, 1720. 34- JOHN. DBA. JOHN HALL, son of John and Mary Hall, married Elizabeth Rice, June 28, 1707. He died April 27, 1766, ae. 86. She died Sept. 2, 1755, K. 66 years. Children: 133, 134 Isaac and Peter, b July 22, 1709, the latter m Rebecca , he d Sept. 25, 1798; 135 John, b Dec. 28, 1712; 136 Abel; 137 Asahel,\> Jan. 19,1717; 138 Royce, b Dec. 26, 1718, grad. at Yale, 1737, d May 29, 1752 ; 139 Abigail, b March 7, 1723 ; 140 Elizabeth, b July 9, 1725 ; 141 Benjamin, b April 4, 1728, m Phebe Hall, d Dec. n, 1806 ; 142 Elisha, b Sept. 15, 1730; 143 Sarah, b Aug. 25, 1732. 47. DANIEL. DANIEL HALL, son of Daniel and Sarah Hall, was born Dec. i, 1693, married Martha Doolittle, April 20, 1721. Children: 144 Abraham, b Jan. 27, 1722, m Sarah Doolit- tle ; 145 John, b Jan. 29, 1724, settled in Meriden ; 146 Hannah, b Sept. n, 1725, m Benajah Tyler; 147 Daniel, b June i, 1727, settled in Meriden; 148 Martha, b June 14, 1729; 149 Samuel, b May 5, 1731; 150 Mary, b Sept. 7, 1733 ; JS 1 Abigail, b April 27, 1739. 48. JOHN. JOHN HALL, son of John and Mary Lyman Hall, married Mary Street, March 5, 1716. She died Oct. 12, 1778, aged 8 1 years. He died June 18, 1773, ae. 80 years. Children : 152 Hannah, b Jan. 29, 1717 ; 153 John,& April 2 5> : 737J X 54 Etmice, m Dr. Dickinson of Middletown, Conn. ; 155 Lyman, Gov., b April 12, 1724, signed the De- claration of Independence ; 156 Street, b Nov. 12, 1721, d in Wallingford ; 157 Susannah, b April 9, 1726, m Whittel- sey ; 158 Giles, b Feb. 18, 1733, d March n, 1789, ae. 56; 159 Rhoda, b April 14, 1734, d Aug. 23, 1751, ae. 17 ; 160 Mary, m Foote. GENEALOGIES. 757 50. SAMUEL. REV. SAMUEL HALL, son of John and Mary Lyman Hall, grad. at Yale in 1716, married Anna Law, Jan. 25, 1727, and was settled as a minister over the Congregational church at Cheshire in 1724. He died Feb. 26, 1776. She was born in Milford, Aug. i, 1702, died Aug. 23, 1775. Children: 161 Samuel, b July 23, 1727, d Aug. 23, 1727; 162 Jonathan, b July n, 1728, d July 12, 1728; 163 Benoni, b Nov. 4, 1729, d Nov. 19, 1729 ; 164 Lucy, b Sept. n, 1730, m Chas. Whittelsey; 165 Samuel, b Jan. n, 1732, d May 19, 1732; 166 Ann, b May 10, 1733; 167 Samuel, b May 31, 1735, grad. at Yale ; 168 Mary, b Nov, 5, 1736 ; 169 Brenton, b April 2, 1738, d Nov. 25, 1720, ae. 82 ; 170 Elisha, b March 10, 1740, grad. at Yale in 1764 ; 171 Sarah, b Aug. 8, 1742 ; 172 Jonathan, b July 19, 1745, settled in Cheshire, kept a tavern; 173 Abigail, b Dec. 7, 1748, m Rev. John Foote of Cheshire. 51. CALEB. CALEB HALL, son of John and Mary Lyman Hall, married Damaris Atwater, May 15, 1721; he died July 27, 1749; she died July 29, 1762, ae. 64 years. Children : 174 Damaris, b Nov. 25, 1722, d Feb. 22, 1740; 175 Stephen, b Nov. 7, 1724, m Ruth Miles in 1762, d July 27, 1749; 176 Ruth, b April 26, 1729; 177 Caleb, b Aug. 29, 1731, grad. at Yale in 1752 ; 178 Jeremiah, b Sept. i, 1733, d Sept. 4, 1740; 179 Lydia, b Aug. 26, 1730; 180 Timo- thy, m Abigail Miles. 54. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN HALL, son of John and Mary Lyman Hall, married Abigail, daughter of Rev. Nathaniel Chauncey, of Durham, Feb. 20, 1727, and settled in Cheshire on the place now known as the Law farm. Children: 181 Benjamin, b Nov. 22, 1727, d Dec. 3, 1727 ; 182 Charles Chauncey, b Dec. 12, 1728, d Dec. 20, 1776, ae. 48; 183 Sarah, b July 20, 1730, m Thaddeus Cook; 184 Dorothy, b Feb. 29, 1732, d May 13, 1737 ; 185 Dorothy, m Z z 758 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Charles, son of John Peck; 186 Abigail, b Oct. IT, 1733, d April 15, 1737 ; 187 Benjamin, b Sept. 27, 1736, grad. at Yale in 1754, d 1786, e. 50 ; 188 Abigail, b May i, 1737, m Moses Moss ; 189 Eunice, b March 4, 1742, m Rev. Mr. Waterman. 56. ELIAKIM. ELIAKIM HALL, son of John and Mary Lyman Hall, mar- ried Ruth Dickerman Oct. 17, 1734 ; she died Dec. 18, 1752, and he married Elizabeth ; she died Aug. 9, 1803 ; he died April 19, 1794, ag. 80 years. Children : 190 Isaac, b Nov. 4, 1735 ; 191 Mary, b Nov. 6, 1737; 192 Eliakim, b Feb. 13, 1740; 193 Hezekiah, b July 13, 1743; 194 Ruth, b May i, 1750. 57. ELIHU. COL. ELIHU HALL, son of John and Mary Lyman Hall, married Lois Whittelsey, Jan. 2, 1734, was King's Attorney in 1750; went to England and died in London in 1784, ae. 70; his widow died Sept. 29, 1780, ae. 66 yrs; he was a grad. of Yale College. Children: 195 Lois, b May n, 1735; 196 Hezekiah, b May 4, 1737 ; 197 Sarah, b July 24, 1729 ; 198 John, b Jan. 18, 1739, m Mary Jones ; 199 Damaris, b Oct. 6, 1741 ; 200 Elihu, b Aug. 13, 1744; 201 Elihu, b March 15, 1745, m Sarah ; 202 Eunice, b March 2, 1749; 203 Lucy, b Nov. 14, 1781 ; 204 Eunice, b Aug. n, 1754. 59. THEOPHILUS. REV. THEOPHILUS HALL, son of Samuel and Love Hall, married Hannah Avery, May 21, 1734, graduated at Yale in 1727, was ordained Oct. 29, 1729, and was the first settled minister of the Congregational church in Meriden ; he died March 25, 1769, ae. 60 yrs., in the thirty-eighth year of his ministry. Children: 205 Hannah, b March u, 1735 ; 206 Theophilus, b Aug. 5, 1736, d May 9, 1739; 207 Avery, b Dec. 2, 1737, he was a clergyman; 208 Samuel, b July 16, 1739; 209, 210 Theophilus and Lucy, b Aug. 26, 1741, the former married GENEALOGIES. 759 Elizabeth Couch, d May 17, 1804, ae. 63 yrs ; 211 Elisha, b 1742, d Jan. 2, 1757, ae. 9 yrs; 212 Mary, b June 24, 1743 ; 213 Elisha, b March 3, 1745, m Ann Hopkins, Feb. 25, 1767 ; 214 Mehitable, b 1751, d Sept. n, 1767. 60. SAMUEL. SAMUEL HALL, son of Samuel and Love Hall, was born June 8, 1709. He married Sarah Hull, Dec. 7, 1732 ; he died Dec. 24, 1771. Children: Samuel, b July n, 1732, d in infancy ; 215 Heze- kiah, b Dec. 27, 1733; 216 Louisa, b June 30, 1736; 217 Sarah, b Dec. 5, 1737; 218 Esther, b Jan. 21, 1740; 219 Love, b April 30, 1742 ; 220 Elizabeth, b Jan 23, 1745 ; 221 Samuel, b Feb. 28, 1750, d Feb. 27, 1821 ; 222 Damaris, b Jan. 23, 1754. 65. THOMAS. THOMAS HALL, son of Thomas and Abigail Hall, married Lydia Curtis. She died Sept. 24, 1777. He was born March 12, 1712. Children: 223 Ambrose, b Feb. 3, 1735 ; 224 Titus, b June 28, 1737, d May i, 1773; 225 Abigail, b Aug. 27, 1741 ; 226 Thomas, b Dec. 28, 1743; 227 Amasa, b Feb. 9, 1746; 228 Lydia, b Sept. 6, 1749 ; 229 Rhoda, b June 6, 1753. 66. PHINEAS. PHINEAS HALL, son of Thomas and Abigail Hall, married Anna . Children: 230 Abigail; 231 Thankful; 232 Phineas ; 233 Levi; 234 Eunice; 235 Barnabas; 236 Annis. 68. JOSHUA. JOSHUA HALL, son of Thomas and Abigail Hall, married Hannah . Children: 237 Susannah, b Nov. 16, 1742; 238 Medad, b July 26, 1743 ; 239 Abigail, b April 25, 1745 ; 240, 241 Giles, and Abigail, b Feb. 24, 1747 ; 242 Samuel, b Jan. 29, 1749 ; 2 43 Joshua, b Sept. 9, 1767. 760 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. 69. DAVID. DAVID HALL, son of Jonathan and Dinah Andrews Hall, married Alice Hale, Sept. 23, 1730 ; he died about 1755. Children: 244 Alice, b Sept. 8, 1731 ; 245 David, b Nov. 2, 1732, d March 21, 1795, ae. 63 ; 246 Benijah, b Feb. 12, 1734, left no family; 247 Asaph, b June n, 1735 > 2 4^ Sates, b Dec. 5, 1736 ; 249 Phebe, b June 24, 1739 ; 250 Lois, b Feb. 2, 1741, d Nov. n, 1760; 251 Elkanah, b Oct. 20, 1742, d Nov. 30, 1763 ; 252 Lucy, b July 24, 1744. 70. JONATHAN. JONATHAN HALL, son of Jonathan and Dinah Hall, married Sarah Cook, Dec. 15, 1739; she died Aug. 12, 1740; he married 2d, Abigail , and she died Nov. 19, 1779 ; he married 3d, Jerusha Gaylord. Child : 253 Sarah, b Aug. 12, 1740, d Aug. 13, 1740. 71. JOSEPH. JOSEPH HALL, son of Jonathan and Dinah Hall, married ist, Abigail Judd ; she died July 31, 1751,26. 39; he mar- ried 2d, Rebecca Plum, Nov. 7, 1753 ; she died Feb. 24, 1769, ae. 47 yrs. Children: 254 Phebe, b March 26, 1738; 255, Phebe, 256, Abigail, b March 30, 1740 ; 257 Esther, b July 21, 1742 ; 258 Esther, b March 19, 1743 ; 259 Joseph, b July 9, 1746; 260 David, b June 20, 1758 ; 261 Phebe, b Sept. 15, 1761. 73. ISAAC. DR. ISAAC HALL, son of Jonathan and Dinah Hall, was the first physician of Meriden. He married Mary Morse, Nov. 5, 1739; died March 7, 1781, ae. 66 years. She died Oct. 9, 1791, as. 74 years. Children: 262 Mary, b Oct. 6, 1742, m John Ives, grand- father of Rev. Dr. Levi Silliman Ives ; 263 Isaac, b May 7, 1745, m Lois Buckley; 264 Joel, b April 3, 1747, d Oct. 22, 1748; 265 Esther, b March 18, 1751 ; 266 Elizabeth, b June n, 1752 ; 267 Jonathan, b Dec. n, 1757, m Martha Collins, he died June 6, 1832. GENEALOGIES. /6l 75. EZEKIEL. EZEKIEL HALL, son of Jonathan and Dinah Hall, married Annah Andrews, Oct. 20, 1743. Children: 268 Ezekiel, b Oct. 24, 1744; 269 Titus, b Oct. 19, 1746, d Sept. 4, 1748; 270 Eben, b May 25, 1749; 271 Benijah, b 1762, m Ruth . 77. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN HALL, son of Jonathan and Dinah Hall, married Mary Ives, Dec. 27, 1752. Children: 272 Benjamin, b Sept. 25, 1753 ; 273 Eliab, b Feb. 17, 1755 j 2 74 Benjamin,\) Nov. 3, 1756. 81. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM HALL, son of Joseph and Bertha Hall, married Eunice . She died May 9, 1763, and he married Chloe Moss, Oct. 13, 1763. Children: 275 Temperance, b Aug. 10, 1764. By 2nd mar- riage : 276 Joseph, b March 17, 1776 ; 277 Ephraim, b Oct. 5, 1768; 278 Chloe, b Nov. 13, 1770; 279 Comfort, b Feb. 25, 1773, settled on a farm in Middletown, Westfield society, where he died ; 280 Reuben, b 1775; 281 David Moss, b Oct. 24, 1777 ; 282 Content, b March 15, 1780 ; 283 Bethiah, b March 27, 1782. 86. KIEL. HIEL HALL, son of Peter and Rebecca Hall, married Catharine ; she died June 4, 1788, ae. 42 yrs ; he died Sept. 7, 1707, ae. 73 yrs. Children: 284 Josiah, b 1774, d Dec. 15, 1821, ae. 47; 285 Catharine, b Jan. 2, 1776; 286 Andrew, b 1777, d June 25, 1812, ae. 35 ; 287 Chauncey, b Sept. 8, 1778, m Marilla Hall; 288 Peter, b May 31, 1780, m Delight Kirtland; 289 Hiel, b Feb. 7, 1782, m Sarah Kirtland ; 290 Rice, b May 2, 1784 ; 291 Justus, d Feb. 14, 1777. 91. PETER. PETER HALL, son of Peter and Rebecca Hall, married 762 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Lydia Brown of Cheshire, March 17, 1774. She died May 2, 1805, ae. 52. He died Sept. 25, 1732, ae. 86 yrs. Children: 292 Jesse; 293 Wooster ; 294 Roxy, b 1779, d Sept. 26, 1756; 295 Marcus; 296 Major Atwater, b July 18, 1785, d March 28, 1848 ; 297 Philo, m Thankful Morse ; 298 Albert; 299 Peter Ufford, din Southington, in 1836; 300 Sally ; 301 Betsey. 92. ANDREW. ANDREW HALL, son of Peter and Rebecca Hall, married Sept. 16, 1750, Thankful . She died Oct. 14, 1776. Children: 302 John Todd ; 303 Merritt ; 304 Charry ; 305 Anna, b Feb. 3, 1773 ; 306 Thankful, b Aug. 4, 1776. 9'6. ABRAHAM. ABRAHAM HALL, son of Daniel and Abigail Hall, married Sarah Doolittle, May 5, 1741 ; he died Sept. 16, 1761, ae. 53 yrs. She died March 14, 1781, ae. 77 yrs. Children: 307 Eldad, b Feb. 4, 1742 ; 308 Medad, b July 26, 1745 ; 309 Bildad, b Sept. 3, 1747 ; 310 Isaac, b July 26, 1749; 3 11 fsaac, b Aug. u, 1753. 107. ISRAEL. ISRAEL HALL, son of Israel and Abigail Powell Hall, mar- ried Eunice Rice, Feb. 26, 1778. Children : 312 Elisha, b Dec. 26, 1778 ; 313 Eunice, b Jan. 6, 1787. 109. JOTHAM. JOTHAM HALL, son of Israel and Abigail Powell Hall, married Elizabeth . Children: Sarah, b May u, 1758; 314 Jotham, b March i, 1761 ; 315 Elizabeth, b Aug. 27, 1763; 316 George, b April 27, 1768; 317 Mary, b Sept. 23, 1770; 318 Joseph,\> July 2 3, 1773 ; 3*9 Chloe, b July n, 1775. 120. JACOB. JACOB HALL, son of Daniel and Thankful Hall, married Elizabeth Royce, Dec. 21, 1726. Children: 320 Phebe, b Dec. 26, 1727; 321 Mindwell, b GENEALOGIES. 763 May 21, 1730; 322 Jacob, b July 20, 1731 ; 323 Giles, b June 7, 1732 ; 324 Lydia, b April 20, 1736 ; 325 Daniel, b July 21, 1738; 326 Daniel,\) Nov. 17, 1740, d Oct. 24, 1789; 327 Thankful, b July 29, 1744; 328 Z0/V, b Nov. 5, 1746. 121. DAVID. DAVID HALL, son of Daniel and Thankful Hall, married Alice ; he was born Feb. 19, 1695. Children: 329 David, b Nov. 2, 1732, d March 2, 1795, ae - 63, m Thankful ; 330 Benajah,\> Feb. 12, 1734; 331 Asaph, b June 15, 1735 ; 332 Kate, b Dec. 5, 1736; 333 Phebe, b June 24, 1737 ; 334 Lucy, b July 25, 1747, ae. 51. 123. AMOS. AMOS HALL, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Hall, was born Jan. 24, 1700; he married Ruth Royce, June 8, 1720. She died Feb. 2, 1775, ae - 75- He died Nov. 30, 1752, ae. 52 years. Children : 335 Reuben, b Dec. 20, 1721, m Mary ; 336 Amos,\) Sept. 9, 1722, d Dec. 24, 1782, ae. 31 yrs. ; 337 Eunice,\> Aug. 21, 1724, m Abner Avered ; 338 Lois, b Oct. 26, 1727, m Caleb Culver; 339 Moses, b Aug. 25, 1735, m Elizabeth How, Dec. 21, 1726, she d and he m Elizabeth Johnson, March 20, 1754. 125. CALEB. CALEB HALL, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Hall, was born Jan. 3, 1703, m Esther Umberfield, May n, 1726; he died May n, 1766, ae. 62 yrs. Children: 340 Margaret, b March 28, 1727, d Nov. 14, 1749 ; 341 Esther, b April 24, 1729, m Ichabod Lewis; 342 Nathaniel, b April 8, 1732; 343 Caleb, b Sept. 12, 1734; 344 Moses, b May 13, 1736; 345 Lydia, b July 9, 1738; 346 Desire, b June 20, 1740, m Moses Holt; 347 Sarah, b April 10, 1742, m Noah Todd ; 348 Margaret, b Aug. 31, 1744; 349 Titus, b Aug. 16, 1746; 350 Rhoda, b June 15, 1748, d Oct. 10, 17; 351 Jonah, b Feb. 23, 1749-50; 352 Rhoda, b July 4, 1753; 353 Lucretia, b Feb. 16, 1757. 764 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. 126. MOSES. MOSES HALL, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Hall, was born June 6, 1706, married Elizabeth Howe, Dec. 21, 1726. He married 2d, Phebe - . He died Feb. 15, 1765, ae. 59. His will gave his property to Caleb and Heman his brothers, and to Amos, Moses and Miles, his cousins. No children. 129. JAMES. JAMES HALL, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Curtis Hall, was born Aug. 23, 1713, married Hannah Cook, Sept. 15, 1735. Children: 354 Miles, b Oct. 17, 1736; 355 Bethia, b April 13, 1740 ; 356 Phebe, b Nov. 16, 1741 ; 357 James, b July 22, J 743; 35 8 Olive, b May 20, 1745. 133. ISAAC. ISAAC HALL, son of John and Elizabeth Hall, was born July 23, 1709, married Mary Moss Nov. 5, 1739. She died Oct. 9, 1721, ae. 75. He died March 7, 1781. Children: 359 Mary, b Oct. 5, 1742 ; 360 Isaac, b March 7, 1745; 361 Joel, b April 3. 1747, d Oct. 22, 1748; 362 Esther, b March 18, 1751 ; 363 Elizabeth, b June n, 1752; 364 Jonathan, b Nov. 8, 1755, d 1756, ae. ten mos. ; 365 Jonathan, b Dec. n, 1757. 135. JOHN. JOHN HALL, son of John and Elizabeth Hall, born Dec. 28, 1712, married Abigail Russel, June n, 1739, died May Children: 366 Elias, b March 10, 1740; 367 Jared, b July 19, 1741 ; 368 Abigail, b Oct. 16, 1743 ; 369 John, b Dec. 6, 1744 ; 370 Elizabeth, b Sept. 28, 1745 ; 371 William, b June 15, 1747 ; 372 Mary, b Jan. 23, 1749 ; 373 Eunice, b July 6, 1751 ; 374 Anna C.,b Aug. 15, 1755 ; 375 Benjamin, b July 2, 1757, m Lydia - . 136. ABEL. ABEL HALL, son of John and Elizabeth Hall, married Ruth Johnson, May 12, 1743. GENEALOGIES. 765 Children: 376 Elizabeth, b Feb. 12, 1743-4 ; 377 Abel, b Oct. 12, 1745 ; 378 Ruth, bOct. 19, 1748 ; 379 Rice, b May 28, 1750 ; 380 John, b Dec. 23, 1751, m Hannah Atwater ; 381 Lucy, b Oct. 3, 1753 ; 382 Esther, b July 10, 1754; 383 Hezekiah, b April 20, 1757, m Susannah ; 384 Simon, b Oct. 6, 1759 ; 385 Daniel Johnson, b July 4, 1761 ; 386 Mary, b July 17, 1764. 137. ASAHEL. ASAHEL HALL, son of John and Elizabeth Hall, born June 19, 1717, m Sarah Goldsmith, July 29, 17 . She died Feb. 25, 1784. He died Nov. n, 1795. Children : 387 Catharine, b Aug. 6, 1739 : 388 Joel, b May 21, 1741 ; 389 Sarah, b March 5, 1743 ; 390 Asahel, b March 15, 1745, d April 20, 1745 ; 391 Jerusha, b Aug. 31, 1746, d March 10, 1752 ; 392 Sarah, b June 9, 1748, d Dec. 25, 1747 ; 393 Asahel, b July 16, 1750, d March 4, 1752 ; 394 Mehitable, b March 13, 1753 ; 395 Aaron, b July 28, 1755, d Oct. 6, 1756 ; 396 Charles, b Nov. 12, 1757 ; 397 Asahel, b Jan. 14, 1759, m Ruth Johnson, Sept. 21, 1786 ; 398 Aaron, b Nov. 4, 1760 ; 399 Sarah, d Feb. 5, 1749. 141. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN HALL, son of John and Elizabeth Hall, born April 4. 1728, died Dec. n, 1806, ae. 79 ; he married Phebe Hall, she died Dec. 12, 1779. Children: 400 Susannah, b Jan. 15, 1759; 401 Bede, b Sept. 16, 1764; 402 Statira, b March 20, 1766; 403 Ben- jamin, b June 30, 1767 ; 404 Samuel, b April 19, 1771. 142. ELISHA. SERGT. ELISHA HALL, son of John and Elizabeth Royce Hall, born Sept. 15, 1730, married Thankful Atwater, June 14, 1755. He died Jan. 19, 1800, ae. 70 yrs. She died Jan. 28, 1792, ae. 59 yrs. Children: 405 Phebe, b Feb. 10, 1756, m Parmelee, of Durham ; 406 Sarah, b Aprils, I 75^> m John Fields, of Cheshire; 407 Joseph, b July 25, 1759, m Mercy Cornwall, 766 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. May 31, 1799; 408 Lydia, b July 17, 1761, m Curtis, and went to Durham ; 409 Sally, b Dec 8, 1763 ; 410 Elizabeth, b Oct. 3, 1765, m Benjamin Hall ; 411 Hannah, b Jan. 26, 1769; 412 John, b July 13, 1770, m Grace D. Hall; 413 Eunice, b Aug. i, 1772, m Miles, son of Nicholas Peck. 144. ABRAHAM. ABRAHAM HALL, son of Daniel and Martha Hall, was born June 27, 1722, married Mary Prindle, June 23, 1746. She died May 12, 1747. For his second wife he married Hannah . He died 1757. Children by ist marriage: 414 Mary, b May 10, 1747. By 2 d marriage : 415 Rufus, b July 25, 1751 ; 416 Sarah; 417 Josiah; 418 Abraham. 145. JOHN. JOHN HALL, son of Daniel and Martha Hall, born Jan. 29, 1724, settled in Meriden, married Elizabeth Prindle, May 4, 1749 ; he died May 13, 1795, ae. 72 yrs. She died Oct 21, 1802, ae. 71 yrs. Children : 419 Prindle, b June 30, 1750, d Dec. 6, 1821 ; 420 John, b May 8, 1752, d 1764; 421 Mary, b Sept. 10, 1754, d March i, 1825 ; 422 Elizabeth, b April 20, 1757, died March 30, 1847; 423 Sarah, b May 11,1759, d 1760; 424 David, b Sept. 16, 1761, d Aug. 3, 1843 ; 425 Sarah, b Feb. 13, 1764, d 1777 ; 426 Abigail, b Feb. 24, 1766, d Oct. 28, 1828; 427 John, b Jan. 9, 1768, d April 21, 1851; 428 Joseph, b Oct. 28, 1770, d March 13, 1831, m Hannah j 429 Jedutham, April 25, 1773, d July 9, 1851 ; 430 Isaac, b May 28, 1776, d Jan. i, 1838. 149. SAMUEL. SAMUEL HALL, son of Daniel and Martha Hall, was born May 5, 1731, married Mamre Ives, Aug. 28, 1755. Children: 431 Jesse, b Jan. 24, 1757; 432 Sarah, b Jan. 24, i7S 8 5 433 Samuel, b July 4, 1760. 155. LYMAN. LYMAN HALL, son of John and Mary Street Hall, was GENEALOGIES. 767 graduated at Yale college in 1747, Representative in Congress from the state of Georgia, signer of the Declaration of In- dependence in 1776. He. died in 1791, he left no children, was Governor of the state of Georgia in 1790. 156. STREET. COL. STREET HALL, son of John and Mary Street Hall, was born Nov. 12, 1721. He died 1809; he married Hannah Fowler, June 30, 1748. Children: 434 Hannah, b July 3, 1751; 435 Anna, b Feb. 28, 1753, d Dec. 24, 1755; 436 Thaddeus, b Feb. 28, 1757; 437 Rebecca, b Feb. 15, 1758; 438 Street T., b Feb. 26, 1762 ; 439 Mary A., b June 9, 1764 ; 440 . 158. GILES. GILES HALL, son of John and Mary Street Hall, was born Feb. 18, 1733, married ist, Martha Robinson, Nov., 1759, m 2d, Thankful Merriman, of Wallingford. He died March 17, 1789, ae. 41 yrs. Mrs. Thankful died July 14, 1796, ae. 47 years. Children: 441 Lucy, b April n, 1771; 442 David M., b 1773, d April 21, 1792; 443 Martha R., b Aug. 22, 1777; 444 Mary Street, b March 17, 1780; 445 John, b July 27, 1782 ; 446 Hannah, b 1783 ; 447 Elizabeth, b May 2, 1785 ; 447 Giles, b June 7, 1788; 449 Lois, b Feb. 82, 1789 ; 450 John, b April 20, 1793, d Feb. 26, 1835, ae. 53 yrs. 169. BRENTON. BRENTON HALL, son of Rev. Samuel and Ann Hall, was born April 2, 1738, married Lament Collins, Feb. 18, 1762, and settled in the eastern part of Meriden, where he died Nov. 25, 1820, ae. 82 yrs. His 2d wife Abigail , died May 5, 1837, ae. 88 yrs. Children: 451 Wm Brenton, b May 31, 1764; 452 Collins, b Jan. 8, 1766 ; 453 Samuel, b June 10, 1768 ; 454 Lament, b July 14, 1776 ; 455 Joab. 170. ELISHA. ELISHA HALL, son of Rev. Samuel and Ann Hall of 768 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Cheshire, Conn., graduated at Yale College in 1774. He married for his 2 d wife, Oct. 22, 1795, Lois, widow of Jesse Street, and daughter of Col. Thaddeus Cook. She was mother of Col. Thaddeus Street, late of Cheshire. 172. JONATHAN. JONATHAN HALL, son of Rev. Samuel and Ann Hall, mar- ried Mary . He was a farmer and inn-keeper in Cheshire, for many years. Children: 456 Millicent ; 457 Lucy ; 458 George; 459 Sal- mon; 460 Leverett ; 461 Sylvester. 177. CALEB. CALEB HALL, son of Caleb and Damaris Hall. He grad- uated at Yale College in 1752, studied medicine and became a physician. He married Prudence Holt. She died Nov. 30, 1807, ae. 67 yrs. He died Sept. 21, 1783, ae. 67 yrs. Children: 462 Caleb Johnson, b Sept. 22, 1763; 463 Augustus, b Aug. 16, 1765 : 464 Abigail, b Jan. 29, 1767, m ist, Lemuel Carrington, 2d, Nehemiah Rice ; 465 Eunice, b Aug. 24, 1770 ; 466 Benjamin, b July 26, 1772 ; 467 Horatio Gates, b Jan. 17, 1778, d at Wallingford ; 468, 469 George and Damaris, b Feb. 10, 1782. 1 80. TIMOTHY. TIMOTHY HALL, son of Caleb and Damaris Hall, married Abigail Miles, and settled on Cheshire street; he was a farmer. She died Nov. 22, 1748. He married Athildred Parker, June 10, 1748-9. Children: 470 Jeremiah, b April 20, 1750; 471 Aaron, b June 27, 1751 ; 472 Timothy, b Oct. 13, 1752 ; 473 Amasa, b Dec. 7, 1754; 473 1-2 Abigail, b Dec. 5, 1756; 474 Archi- bald, b May 23, 1758 475 Zenas, b June 8, d Nov. 6, 1759 ; 476 Zenas, b Oct. 7, 1759; 477 Josiah, b Nov. 6, 1761; 478 Aaron. 182. CHARLES. CHARLES CHAUNCEY HALL, son of Benjamin and Abigail Hall, married Lydia Holt, Dec. 5, 1751, and died at. Cheshire. GENEALOGIES. 769 Children : 479 Abigail, b July 8, 1753 ; 480 Benjamin Holt, b Oct. 6, 1754, died at Cheshire, a farmer; 481 Lydia, b May 26, 1755 ; 482 Charles C., b March 9, 1762, died at Cheshire, a farmer; 483 Rachel, b July 4, 1764; 484 Charlotte, b Jan. 20, 1769; 485 Lyman, b Jan. 4, 1761, died at Cheshire, a farmer. 187. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN HALL, son of Benjamin and Abigail Hall, born at Cheshire, Sept. 27, 1736, grad. at Yale in 1754, married Mary Ives, Dec. 27, 1752. He built the house late the prop- erty of Wm. Law, Esq., and more recently of Sheldon Spencer, Esq. Children: 486 Eliab, b Feb. 17, 1755; 4^7 Benjamin, d Oct. 8, 1755 ; 488 Benjamin, b Nov. 3, 1756. 190. ISAAC. ISAAC HALL, son of Eliakim and Ruth Hall, was born Nov. 4. 1737, married Esther Mosely, Dec. i, 1764, died Feb. 7, 1796, ae. 61. His widow Esther, died March 22, 1827, ae. 86 yrs. Children : 489, 490 Abner and Elizabeth, b April 28, 1764, d in infancy ; 491 Esther, b Dec. 15, 1765 ; 492 Mary, b Nov. 24, 1767; 493, 494 Elizabeth, and Eliakim, b Jan. 21, 1770; 495 Dickerman, b 1774, d Sept. 18, 1838, ae. 64 yrs. ; 496 Isaac, b July 19, 1776, went to Wallingford, Vt. ; 497 Abigail, b Nov. 22, 1778 ; 498 Day, b Aug. 20, 1781 ; 499 Lyman, b March 31, 1784. 192. ELIAKIM. ELIAKIM HALL, Esq., son of Eliakim and Ruth Hall, was born Feb. 13, 1740, married Eunice Morse, May 29, 1769. She died July 18, 1789 ; he married 2d, Sarah , she died Sept. 27, 1806, ae. 56 yrs. He died Sept. 6, 1806, ae. 67 yrs. Children: 500 Eunice, b Feb. 19, 1770; 501 Pamelia,\> Dec. 13, 1771 ; 502 Sarah, b June 19, 1773 ; 503 John Morse, b May 25, 1775, d Dec. n, 1837, ae. 62 yrs. ; 504 Phebe, b Dec. 8, 1777 ; 505 Sophia, b Dec. i, 1782 ; 506 Electa, b Oct. 27, 1785 ; 507 Elizabeth, b Jan. 29, 1788. 77O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 193. HEZEKIAH. HEZEKIAH HALL, son of Eliakim and Ruth Hall, was born July 13, 1743, married Elizabeth Merriman, Oct. 30, 1769 ; he died Sept. 7, 1815, ae. 73 yrs. She died Nov. 21, 1801, ae. 50 yrs. Children: 508 Ruth, b Feb. 8, 1771, m Nehemiah Rice; 509 Elizabeth, b March 14, 1772, m David M. Cook; 510 Thankful, b May 25, 1775, m Chester Cook; 511 Hope,\> Sept. 26, 1780, m Samuel Francis; 512 Lucy, b Oct. 9, 1782, m Jacob Francis; 513 Ophelia, b March i, 1785; 514 Nathan,\>1&Qv. 6, 1788, d Aug. 18, 1741, ae. 53 yrs; 515 Laura, b 1792. 198. JOHN. JOHN HALL, son of Elihu and Lois Hall, married Mary Jones, Oct. 19, 1772. Child: 516 Nicholas Street, b March 27, 1773. 201. ELIHU. ELIHU HALL, son of Elihu and Lois Hall, was born Mar. 15, 1795, m Sarah . This person commenced life with a large fortune, his possessions being much larger than those of most young men. For many years he owned large tracts of land in Wallingford, and the whole township of Guild- hall, in the State of Vermont, besides slaves, horses, cattle, etc. His entire want of economy and tact in the management of his business cost him in a few years his whole estate, and he died a subject of the town's charge. His wife died some years before him. Children: 517 John, b May 20, 1774, left Wallingford ; 518 Frederick, b Jan. 8, 1777; 519 Lois, b June 18, 1779; 520 Louisa, m a Mr. Armour, and died in New Haven, May i, 1850. 207. AVERY. AVERY HALL, son of Rev. Theophilus and Hannah Hall of Meriden, was b Dec. 2, 1737. He settled in the ministry at Rochester, New Hampshire. GENEALOGIES. 7/1 208. SAMUEL. SAMUEL HALL, son of Rev. Theophilus and Hannah Hall of Meriden, married Eunice Lee, Feb. 10, 1757. Children: 521 Samuel, b May 27, 1759 ; 522 Eunice, b April 16, 1765 ; 523 Caleb, b Nov. 9, 1768 ; 524 Eunice, b June 22, 1770. 209. THEOPHILUS. THEOPHILUS HALL, son of Rev. Theophilus and Hannah Hall, m Elizabeth Couch, March 10, 1768. He died May 17, 1804, ae. 63. She died March n, 1824, ae. 74, in Meriden. Children: 525 Mehitable, b March 23, 1769, died Sept. 30, 1776 ; 526 Clarissa, b April 3, 1771 ; 527 Theophilus, b April 20, 1773, d Sept. 26, 1815, ae. 62 yrs. ; 528 Mehitable, b Aug. 4, 1777; 529 Avery, b May 25, 1779; 530, 531 Hatinah and Elizabeth, b Jan. 20, 1782. 213. ELISHA. ELISHA HALL, son of Rev. Theophilus and Hannah Hall, mar- ried Ann Hopkins, June 25, 1767. He died March 13, 1759. Children: 532 Luther Ehsha, b Sept. 3, 1770; 533 Ann Law, b Dec. 20, 1772 ; 534 Sylvester, b May 13, 1778. 221. SAMUEL. DBA. SAMUEL HALL, son of Samuel and Sarah Hall, b Feb. 28, 1750, m Elizabeth Parsons, May 10, 1774. He died Feb. 27, 1821, ae. 71. She died Sept. 27, 1823, ae. 71 yrs. Children: 535 Samuel, b Dec. 2, 1776; 536 Hezekiah, b June n, 1778; 537 George, b Aug. 13, 1780; 538 Marilla, b Dec. 28, 1782, married Chauncey Hall ; 539 Richard, b Jan. 26, 1785 ; 540 jfared, b Au5. 24, 1792, d April 24, 1861. 224. TITUS. TITUS HALL, son of Thomas and Lydia Hall, was one of the first separates in Wallingford ; he married Elizabeth Mack, Aug. 23, 1762, and died in 1773, ae. 36. Children: 541 Thomas; 542 Elizabeth, b Feb. 25, 1765; 543 Titus, b July 30, 1767 ; 544 Elias, b Aug. 24, 1769 ; 545 Lydia, b April 17, 1771. 772 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 227. AM ASA. AMASA HALL, son of Thomas and Lydia Hall, married Dinah Ives, Dec. 15, 1775. Children: 546, 547 Major and Phebe, b Feb. 17, 1775; 548 Hannah, b Feb. 17, 1777. 232. PHINEAS. PHINEAS HALL, son of Phineas and Annah Hall, born April 12, 1715, married Agnes Yale, Nov. 18, 1774, a widow. Children; 549 Mary, b July 28, 1775; 550 Abigail; 551 Thankful; 552 Phineas ; 553 Levi; 554 Eunice; 555 Bar- nabas ; 556 Annis. 240. GILES. GILES HALL, son of Joshua and Hannah Hall, was born Feb. 24, 1747, married Lois Ives. Children: 557 Abel, b Dec. 10, 1778, d at Atwater, Ohio; 558 Sarah, b Aug. 20, 1780; 559 Giles, d April 21, 1791 ; 560 Joshua; 561 Lois, m Andrew Andrews; 562 Lucy ; 563 Hannah; 564 John. 243. JOSHUA. JOSHUA HALL, son of Joshua and Hannah Hall. Children: 565 Susannah, b Nov. 16, 1742; 566 Abigail, b April 25, 1745; 567 Giles, b Feb. 24, 1747; 568 Samuel, b Jan. 29, 1749. 245. DAVID. DAVID HALL, son of David and Alice Hall. He died 1795, ae. 63 years. Child: 569 Elkanah,\> Nov. 30, 1767. 247. ASAPH. ASAPH HALL, son of David and Alice Hall. Children: 570 Benajah,\> 1762; 571 Asa; 572 daughter, m Hopson. 267. JONATHAN. DR. JONATHAN HALL, son of Isaac and Mary Hall, resi- dence Meriden, Ct., married Martha Collins, May 14, 1777. He died June 6, 1832, ae. 54. She died May, 1841, ae. 83, in GENEALOGIES. 773 the state of New York. He settled at New Hartford, N. Y., in 1787. Children : 573 Isaac, b Feb. 22, 1778 ; 574 Keturah, b Nov 17, 1780; 575 Sylvia, b Sept. 18, 1782; 576 Jonathan, b Aug. 14, 1784 ; 577 Eli, b May 14, 1786 ; 578 Ira, b July 10, X 788 ; 579 Mary Moss, b April 12, 1790 ; 580 Agnes Collins, b Aug. 6, 1793 ; 581 Amos Hull, b Feb. 13, 1796; 582 Jede- diah Sanger, b Nov. 2, 1797 ; 583 Sarah T., b May 6, 1799. 269. TITUS. TITUS HALL, son of Ezekiel and Anna Hall, was born Oct. 19, 1746, married Olive Barnes, Nov. 26, 1767. Children: 584 Abigail, b Sept. 21, 1768 ; 585 Caleb, b Jan. n, 1771 ; 586 Lucy, b Dec. 14, 1775 ; 587 Caleb, b Aug. 27, 1781 ; 588 Ransley, b Feb. 7, 1784. 271. BENAJAH. BENAJAH HALL, son of Ezekiel and Annah Hall, was born 1762, married Ruth Francis, Aug. 19, 1784. Children: 589 Orrin, b June 5, 1785 ; 590 Esther, b June 13, 1787 ; 591 Ruth, b Aug. 25, 1789 ; 592 Nancy, b Nov. 9, J 79 2 ; 593 Martha, b July 13, 1795; 594 Philo, b May 13, T 79^; 595 Jacob, b April 5, 1801 ; 596 Joseph, b Oct. 17, 1803 ; 597 Joel, b Nov. 3, 1806 ; 598 Lovineas, b July 21, 1810. 274. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN HALL, son of Benjamin and Mary Hall, married Phebe , 'April 28, 1757, settled at Plymouth. Children: 599 Benjamin; 600 Mary, b Jan. 29, 1758; 601 Andrews, b Aug. 15, 1759; 602 Mary, b Aug. 6, 1761; 603 Phebe, b Aug. 20, 1763, m Hart ; 604 Linus, b Sept. 25, 1765 ; 605, 606 David, Jonathan, b Nov. 17, 1761 ; 607 Erastus, b .Feb. 12, 1770; 608 Adnah, b May 8, 1772; 609 Salmon, b 1774; 610 Eliab, b Dec. n, 1776, settled in North Killingworth ; 611 Grace Denison, b May 5, 1776; 612 Asaph, b Oct. i, 1781. 280. REUBEN. REUBEN HALL, son of Ephraim and Chloe Hall, b Feb., 1735, m Sally Miller, May 25, 1797. A A A 774 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 613 Alma, b March 23, 1798; 614 Horace, b April 17, 1800; 615 Milla, b Jan. 8, 1802 ; 616 Eli, M. D., b Nov. 5, 1803 ; 617 William, b Feb. 21, 1806 ; 618 Reighly, b April i, 1808. 281. DAVID. DAVID Moss HALL, son of Ephraim and Chloe Hall, married Mindwell . He left Wallingford. Child: 619 Orrilla, b Nov. 5, 1800. 284. JOSIAH. DEA. JOSIAH HALL, son of Hiel and Catherine Hall, mar- ried Martha Hall, daughter of Giles Hall, April 2, 1793. Children: 620 Thankful, b May 23, 1796, m Thaddeus Cook; 621 Catherine, b May 18, 1798 622 Eliza, b May 15, 1800, died; 623 Eliza,}) July 25, 1801 ; 624 Edward L., b May 13, 1804, m Mary K. Cook, dau. of Billious Cook; 625 George Chauncey, b April 19, 1706 ; 626 Martha R., b Oct. 19, 1808, m Thaddeus Cook ; 627 Josiah, b June 15, 1812 ; 628 Ogden, b Sept. 13, 1815 ; 629 David M., b May 27, 1818, m Catherine Cook; 630 James, b April n, 1821. 286. ANDREW. DR. ANDREW HALL, son of Hiel and Catherine Hall, married Lydia, daughter of Ambrose Cook, Sept. n, 1803. Children: 631 Alexander W., b May 28, 1805; 632 Sarah R., b Oct. 14, 1806. m Medad W. Munson, Esq. ; 633 Andrew C., b June 7, 1810, d in Phila., interred in Wall. ; 635 Frank- lin D., b Sept. 20, 1811. 287. CHAUNCEY. CHAUNCEY HALL, son of Hiel and Catherine Hall, married Marilla, daughter of Samuel and Catherine Hall, Feb. 6, 1803. Children: 635 Henry C., b Jan. 19, 1804 ; 636 Samuel R., b Nov. n, 1805 ; 637 Elihu, b June 2, 1807, m Martha, dau. of Samuel Cook; 638 Lucretia, b Dec. i, 1809 ; 639 Louisa, b Jan, 29, 1812 ; 640 Lucy A., b April 18, 1814, m Ira Yale, Jr.; 641 Sufaey,b]vly 12, 1816; 642 Elizabeth; 643 Mari- etta; 644 Celia. GENEALOGIES. 775 288. PETER. PETER HALL, son of Hiel and Catherine Hall, married Delight Kirtland, Sept. 8, 1808. Child : 645 Charles, m Miss Foote. 290. RICE. DR. RICE HALL, son of Hiel and Catherine Hall, married Esther Hall, Nov. 19, 1806. Children: 646 Hiel Beverly, b Feb. 18, 1811; 647 John M. ; 648 Marilla, b May 25, 1813; 649 Ophelia, b June 2, 1818 ; 650 Henrietta E., b Aug. 8, 1815 ; 651 Elizur Rice, b June 25, 1821 ; 652 Philander. 293. WOOSTER. WOOSTER HALL, son of Peter and Lydia Hall, married Chloe Cooley, July 27, 1806. Children : 653 Samuel B., b Sept. 20, 1808 ; 654 Lydia, b Nov. 16, 1810; 655 Lydia; 656 Asahel, b May 3, 1812 ; 657 Dinah, b Oct. 7, 1814 ; 658 Lois, b Feb. 14, 1817. 326. DANIEL. DANIEL HALL, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Hall, married Sarah Atwater, Oct. 7, 1761. Children: 659 Mary, b June 24, 1762; 660 Elizabeth, b June 21, 1764; 661 Lemuel, b March 20, 1766 ; 662 Aaron, b May 2, 1768 ; 663, 664 Ira, and Asa, b Aug. 18, 1770 ; 665 Joshua, b Aug 5, 1772 ; 666 Abigail, b Dec. 16, 1776; 667 Lemuel, b May 2, 1779, d in New Haven, Conn. ; 668 Sally, b June 8, 1781 ; 669 Patty, b Sept. 3, 1783 ; 670 Alma, b Nov. 15, 1785 ; 671 Phebe, b Aug. 21, 1787. 329 DAVID. DAVID HALL, son of David and Thankful (Morse) Hall, was born Nov. 2, 1732, died March 25, 1825. She died Sept. 24, 1826, ae. 61. Children: 672 Aimer, b Sept. 10, 1793, d in Wallingford ; 673 Alethea, b Oct. n, 1795, m Wooster Martin ; 674 Char- lotte, b July 24, 1791, m Lindley ; 675 Stephen, went west, supposed to Ohio. HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 335- REUBEN. REUBEN HALL, son of Amos and Ruth Hall, married Mary . He was born Dec. 20, 1721. Children: 676 Mary, b Oct. 17, 1742; 677 Elizabeth, b Feb. 12, 1743 ; 678 Abel, b Oct. 12, 1745. AMOS. AMOS HALL, SON of Asaph and Ruth Hall, died Dec. 24, 1782, ae. 31 years. Children: 679 Reuben; 680 Moses; 68 1 Eunice; 682 Louis. 336. MOSES. MOSES HALL, son of Amos and Ruth Hall. Children: 683 Moses, b Dec. 26, 1754 ; 684 Enos, b March 8, 1756. 342. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL HALL, son of Caleb and Esther Hall, born April 8, 1732, married Lydia . She died Jan. 15. 1760. Child : 685 Lurena, b Feb. 21, 1759. 343. CALEB. CALEB HALL, son of Caleb and Esther Hall, b Sept. 12, 1734. Child: 686 Susannah, b Feb. 8, 1759. 349. TITUS. TITUS HALL, son of Caleb and Esther Hall, was born Aug. 16, 1746, married Olive Barnes, Nov. 26, 1767. Children: 687 Abigail, b Sept. 21, 1768; 688 Caleb, b Jan. 21, 1771, d Nov. 12, 1824; 689 Lucy, b Dec. 14, 1775 ; 690 Caleb, b Aug. 29, 1781 ; 691 Ransley, b Feb. 7, 1784. 354. MILES. MILES HALL, son of James and Hannah C. Hall, born Oct. 17, 1736, married Abigail Tyler, Sept. 30, 1764. Children: 692 Abigail, b Dec. 3, 1767 ; 693 James, b Oct. 14, 1769; 694 William 2yler, b Jan. 15, 1772. 357. JAMES. JAMES HALL, son of James and Hannah C. Hall, born July 22, 1743. Child: 695 Phebe, b Nov. 16, 1741. GENEALOGIES. 777 360. ISAAC. ISAAC HALL, son of Isaac and Mary Moss Hall, was born March 7, 1745, married Phebe Ives, Sept. 6, 1764. Children: 696 Mary, b July 21, 1766; 697 John, b July 3, 1768; 698 Phebe,\) Jan. 31, 1770; 699 Elizabeth, b Sept. 23, 1771 ; 700 Isaac, b May 19, 1775 ; 701 Jonathan, b Sept. 15, 1776; 702 Clarissa,}) Aug. 12, 1779; 703 Abijah, b 1781; 704 Sally, b 1784. 365. JONATHAN. JONATHAN HALL, son of Isaac and Mary Hall, was born Dec. ii, 1757, married Martha Collins, May 14, 1777. Children: 705 Isaac, b Feb. 22, 1778; 706 Katurah. b Nov. 17, 1780. 366. ELIAS. ELIAS HALL, son of John and Abigail Hall, was born Mar. 10, 1740, married ist, Mary Humiston, Dec. 15, 1763. She died Aug. 14, 1774, and he married 2d, Rubama . Children by ist marriage: 707 Martha, b Sept. 26, 1764; 708 Mary, b May 26, 1766; 709 Ruth, b Feb. 28, 1768; 710 Eliakim, b May 31, 1778; 711 Benjamin, b Feb. 20, 1770. By 2d marriage: 712 Rubama, b Jan. 16, 1776. 367. JARED. JARED HALL, son of John and Abigail Hall, born July 19, 1741, married Lucy Hall, July 5, 1770. Children : 713 Lemuel, b Aug. 16, 1771 : 714 Amos, b May 21, 1773 ; 7i5 Rufus, b Jan. 9, 1775. 369. JOHN. JOHN HALL, son of John and Abigail Hall, born Dec. 6, 1743, married Lucy . Child: 716 Millicent, b Sept. 3, 1768. 371. WILLIAM. WILLIAM HALL, son of John and Abigail Hall, married Rebecca . He was born June 15, 1747. Children: 717 Benj. Russcl, b Aug. i, 1775 ; 718 Abigail, b Sept. 20, 1777; 719 Ambrose, b Dec. 7, 1779. 7/8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 375. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN HALL, son of John and Abigail Hall, married Lydia ; he was born July 2, 175 7, died March 12, 1770. Children: 721 Lyman, b March 20, 1798; 722 Mary, b June 12, 1799 ', 723 Emeline, b April 14, 1800 ; 724 Orrin, b March 22, 1803. 377. ABEL. ABEL HALL, son of Abel and Ruth Hall, born Oct. 12, 1745, married Ruth Morse, Jan. 3, 1771. Child : 725 Esther. 383. HEZEKIAH. HEZEKIAH HALL, son of Abel and Ruth Hall, born April 20, 1757, married Susannah . Children: 726 Charity, b Oct. 3, 1784; 727 Isaac, b Aug. 21, 1786. 388. JOEL. JOEL HALL, son of Asahel and Sarah Goldsmith Hall, born May 21, 1741 ; he was a large and thrifty farmer, married Hannah Parmalee, Oct. 30, 1765. Children: 728 Andrew, b March 4, 1767, m Diana Cook, Jan. n, 1778, he d 1796; 729 Augustus, b May 3, 1769, m Pamelia Hall, April 12, 1786; 730,7 ' oel, b July 26, 1771 ; 731 Luther, b Aug. 16, 1776, m Sarah , 2d, wid. Bassett; 732 Sarah P., b June 3, 1779 ; 733 Asahel W., b May 12, 1781 ; 734 James, b Oct. 12, 1783. 396. CHARLES. CHARLES HALL, son of Asahel and Sarah Goldsmith Hall, b Nov. 12, 1757, married Sarah . Children: 735 Jerusha, b Oct. 23, 1772 ; 736 Daniel Root, b Aug. 30, 1779; 737 Rice, b Jan. 26, 1782 ; 738 Sylvester, b Aug. 29, 1784; 739 Thomas G., b Aug. 17, 1787; 740 Sarah, b Nov. 25, 1789 ; 741 Susan, b Dec. 2, 1791 ', 742 Charles ; 743 Sarah. 397. ASAHEL. ASAHEL HALL, son of Asahel and Sarah Goldsmith Hall, GENEALOGIES. 779 born Jan. 14, 1759, married Ruth Johnson, Sept. 21, 1786. Children: 744 Catherine, b April 17, 1787; 745 Asahel, \> April 8, 1789 ; 746 John D., b June 22, 1790 ; 747 Sarah, b April 5, 1792. 398. AARON. AARON HALL, son of Asahel and Sarah Hall, was born Nov. 4, 1760, married Elizabeth Cook, May 24, 1781 ; she died and he married 2d, Sarah, widow of Charles Hall, Dec. n, 1820; 3d, Anna Brooks, June 18, 1827. He died Sept. 30, 1839, ae. 79 yrs. Children: 748 Benjamin Atwater, b April 6, 1782; 749 Elizabeth, b Oct. 23, 1783 ; 750 Electa, b Sept. 9, 1785 ; 751 Aaron C., b Nov. n, 1787, went to Catskill, N. Y. ; 752 Mary, b Jan. 20, 1790 ; 753 Asahel, b April 6, 1792 ; 754 SaMon, b Aug. 12, 1793; 755 Anna, b Jan. 6, 1796; 756 Caroline, b Dec. 21, 1798; 757 -B. Kirtland, b July 4, 1805. 407. JOSEPH. JOSEPH HALL, son of Elisha and Thankful Hall, married Mercy Cornwall, May 31, 1799. Child : 758 Sarah G., m Israel Harrison, Oct. 21, 1841. 412. JOHN. JOHN HALL, 3d son of Elisha and Thankful Hall, married Grace Denison Hall, April 3, 1800. She died Jan. 21, 1840, ae. 69. Children : 759 Jeremiah Atwater, b 1806 ; 760 John, b Oct. 8, 1808 ; 761 Thankful A., b Sept. 6, 1801, m Hopson ; 762 Lowly, b April 21, 1804, m Johnson ; 763 Phebe, b Dec. 18, 1810; 764 Denison D., b Dec. 9, 1815; 765 Grace D., b July 18, 1813, m George Simpson ; 766 Elisha, b March 15, 1818; 767 Jennette, b May 31, 1820 ; 768 Patty. 415. RUFUS. RUFUS HALL, son of Abraham and Hannah Hall, b July 25, 1751, married Experience Foster, Nov. 14, 1772. 780 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 769 Hannah, b Nov. 20, 1776 ; 770 Abraham, b May 5, 1778 ; 771 Anne, b Aug. 13, 1779. 419. PRINDLE. PRINDLE HALL, son of John and Elizabeth Prindle Hall, b June 19, 1750, married Anna Mix^Dec. 5, 1771. Children : 772 Ebenezer, b March 26, 1773 > 773 Annah, b March 9, 1774; 774 Anna, b Oct. 7, 1776; 775 Lydia, b Sept. 13, 1778 ; 776 Sarah, b April 25, 1780. 438. STREET. STREET T. HALL, son of Col. Street and Hannah Hall, born Feb. 26, 1762. Children: 777 Sherlock, b Nov. 3, 1792; 778, 779 Elisha and Rebecca Ann, b Feb. 17, 1795 > 7% Alfred, b July 17, 1797 ; 781 Ransom, b April 28, 1803 ; 782 Carlos, b July 4, 1806 ; 783 Wm. Street, b March 6, 1809 ; 784 Mary Ann, b July 8, 1841. 448. GILES. GILES HALL, son of Giles and. Martha Hall, married Susan Hall, and occupies the old home of his father. Children: 785 Elizabeth, b Oct. 21, 1815, m Elijah Rice; 786 Wm. Cook, b April 12, 1818, m Julia A. Johnson, Sept. 12, 1843; 787 Emily, b Aug. 16, 1820; 788 Henry Lyman, b Nov. 25, 1824, a school teacher and farmer. 450. JOHN. JOHN HALL, son of Giles and Martha Hall, married ist, Abigail . She died, and he married Dency Strong. Children by ist marriage : 789 Stanley, b March 20, 1805 ; 790 Apollos, b July 12, 1807 ; 791 Henry Franklin, b June 28, 1807. By second marriage : 792 Dency ; 793 Dwight, b Aug. 19, 1814, hotel-keeper in the village; 794 Elizur, b Jan. 25, 1817, d Sept. 26, 1857 ; 795 Adeline, b June 2, 1820, d Aug. 5, 1834; 796 Wolcott, b Oct. 30, 1824. 452. COLLINS. COLLINS HALL, son of Brenton and Lament Hall, was born Jan. 8, 1766, m Rebecca , March 17, 1795. She was born Jan. 10, 1764. GENEALOGIES. 781 Children: 797 Abigail, b Nov. 25, 1796; 798 Alma, b Oct. 5, 1799; 799 Elisha, b May i, 1803 ; 800 Erastus, b Jan. 2, 1805 ; 801 Augustus, b Oct. 30, 1806. 467. HORATIO. HORATIO G. HALL, son of Caleb and Prudence Hall, married Polly, daughter of Benjamin Byington. She was born Aug. 25, 1777. Children: 802 Augustus, b July 14, 1799, m Rhoda Doo- little ; 803 Lyman, b May 7, 1801, m Button, d at Yalesville, Conn. ; 804 Horace, b May 25, 1804, m ist , 2d, Bull ; 805 Mary, b March 16, 1807, m Leverett Allen ; 806 Josiah H. ; 807 Abigail. 482. CHARLES. CHARLES C. HALL, son of Charles Chauncey and Lydia H. Hall, was born March 9, 1762. Children : 808 Charles C. ; 809 Eliza, m Jesse L. Nichols of Wolcott ; 8 10 Lyman, d in New Haven ; 811 Augustus, res. in Branforcl ; 812 George, res. in Cheshire ; 813 James R., res. in Cheshire, m Cook. 485. LYMAN. LYMAN HALL, son of Charles C. and Lydia Hall, was born Jan. 4, 1761. Children: 814 William, m Mary Horton ; 815 Charles C. 494. ELIAKIM. COL. ELIAKIM HALL, married Clarissa Cook, March 13, 1794 ; he kept an inn in the Muddy River district. Children : 816 Sukey, b Jan. 15, 1797; 817 Ogden, b 1802, d Feb. 23, 1803, ae. 6 mos. ; 818 Jane Ann, b Aug. 5, 1806 ; 819 Margaret, b Jan. 5, 1810. 495- DICKERMAN. DICKERMAN HALL, son of Isaac and Esther Mosely Hall, married ist, Lucy Hough, March 13, 1796, and 2d, Miss Bishop, in 1803. He died Sept. 18, 1838. Children: 820 Rebecca, b Feb. 23, 1797; 821 Hannah, b 782 HISTORY OF VVALLINGFORD. March 22, 1799, m ist, John Hull, 2cl, Andrews ; 822 Lucy, b July 2, 1801 ; 823 Henrietta, b June 28, 1804 ; 824 William Mosely, b Feb. n, 1806 ; 825 Mary Ann, b Oct. 31, 1807 ; 826 Cornelia, b Feb. 17, 1811 ; 827 Frances A., b Oct. 9, 1813 ; 828 Harriet. 503. JOHN MORSE. JOHN MORSE HALL, son of Eliakim and Eunice Morse Hall, was born May 25, 1775, married Lizzie Meigs, April 14, 1800; he died Dec. n, 1837,26. 62 yrs. His wife died Dec. 13, 1843, ae. 63 yrs. Children: 829 Lizzie, b Nov. 17, 1801 ; 830 Mary, b Dec. 6, 1802 ; 831 John Meigs, d July 3, 1851, in Wallingford, m Miss - - Gilbert, a sister of Rev. E. R. Gilbert ; 832 Ellen A.; 833 a daughter; 834 Eliza M.; 835 Helen; 836 Mary. 514. NATHAN. NATHAN HALL, son of Hezekiah and Elizabeth Merriman Hall, married Polly Andrews, daughter of Nathaniel ; he died, ae. 53. Children : 837 Ruth, b- March 16, 1815, m Sherman Aus- tin ; 838 Hezekiah, b June 4, 1817, m Coe of Meriden ; 839 Lucretia D., b March 18, 1821 ; 840 Viney, b Dec. 23, 1822. 529. AVERY. AVERY HALL, son of Theophilus and Elizabeth Hall, was born Nov. 9, 1768. Children: 841 Selden, b Sept. 21, 1801 ; 842 Alfred, b May 1 8, 1803. 537. GEORGE. GEORGE HALL, son of Samuel and Elizabeth P. Hall, born Aug. 13, 1780, married Lucinda . Children : 843 Mary A., b Nov. n, 1843 ; 844 J ulia E. H., b Sept. 14, 1815; 845 George, b July 28, 1818; 846 Lament P., b Oct. 7, 1820 ; 847 Nancy, b Oct. 3, 1822 ; 848 Julia, b Dec. 23, 1834. GENEALOGIES. 783 539. RICHARD. RICHARD HALL, son of Samuel and Elizabeth P. Hall, b Jan. 26, 1785, married Nancy, daughter of Ambrose Cook. Children: 849 Philander, b July 25, 1806; 850 Susan, b Sept. 16, 1808, m Phinney ; 851 Jerusha, b Nov. 9, 1809, m Wm. Elton ; 852 Eliza, m Wm. Lewis. 560. JOSHUA. JOSHUA HALL, son of Giles and Lois Hall, married Sophro- nia Gates, March 21, 1804. Children : 853 Wm. Chauncey, b May 5, 1805 ; 854 Roder- ick, b Dec. 21, 1806 ; 855 James M., b March 3, 1809 ; 856 Delight, b Jan. 24, 1811 ; 857 Delilah, b March 29, 1813 ; 858 Henrietta, b June 24, 1815; 859 Lois, b Feb. 3, 1818; 860 Jennette, b Dec. 18, 1821 ; 86 1 Alexander, b Aug. 24, 1824, m Potter of Northford. 569. ELKANAH. ELKANAH HALL, son of David and Alice Hall, was born in 1761, died March 23, 1738, ae. 71 years, married Sarah . Children: 862 Harry, b July 28, 1797; 863 Eliakim, b Nov. 19, 1799; $64 Isaac N., b Feb. 14, 1802 ; 865 Alexander, b Jan., 1805. 578. IRA. IRA HALL, son of Dr. Jonathan and Martha Collins Hall, married ist, Kate Rose, and 2d, Marcia Rounds. He died Jan. 19, 1860, in New York, ae. 71 yrs., 5 mos. Children: 866 Nathan Kelsey, b March 28, 1810; 867 Ira V., b Aug. 3, 1811 ; 868 Ira, b Aug. 4, 1814; 869 Catherine, b Dec. 3, 1816 ; 870 Mary, b Sept. 17, 1819 ; 871 Eli Q., b June 21, 1822; 872 Sylvester R., b July 3, 1826; 873 Sarah, b March i, 1829 ; 874 Maria, b Sept. 29, 1831 ; 875 Jane, b April 4, 1836. 594. PHILO. PHILO HALL, son of Benajah and Ruth Hall, was born May 13, 1798, married Thankful Morse. Children: 876 Lavinia,\> March 13, 1823; 877 J3ennet,\> 784 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. May 10, 1824; 878 Philo Fayette, b Sept. 15, 1825 ; 879 Emery Osgood, b Sept. i, 1827 ; 880 Almira C., b Feb. 18, 1828; 881 Truman Gerrard, b Jan. 24, 1832; 882 Harriet Newell, b Feb. 18, 1833. 60 1. ANDREWS. ANDREWS HALL, son of Benjamin and Phebe Hall, born Aug. 15, 1759, married Sylvia Blakeslee, Dec. 3, 1800. Children: 883 William A., b June 8, 1803 ; 884 Sylvia, b April 18, 1805 ; 885 Abigail, b June 14, 1807 ; 886 Mary, b April 24, 1810, m McKenzie. 608. ADNAH. ADNAH HALL, son of Benjamin and Phebe Hall, married Elizabeth , she died 1860 ; he died June 17, 1838, ag. 66 yrs. Children: 887 Valucia, b March 29, 1811 ; 888 Wilfred,\> July 25, 1815 ; 889 Temperance, b May 24, 1817 ; 890 Harvey S., b April 9, 1819 ; 891 Ezekiel, b Jan. 23, 1822. 612. ASAPH. ASAPH HALL, son of Benjamin and Phebe Hall, born Oct. i, 1781, married Thankful ; he died Feb. 12, 1839, ae. 58 years. Children: 899 Merab, b June 24, 1812, m George Peck, of Cheshire, Conn. ; 900 Benjamin H., b Aug. 2, 1815 ; 901 Asa, b July 6, 1821. 663. IRA. IRA HALL, son of Daniel and Sarah Hall, married Abigail Children : 902 Elizur, b June 28, 1798 ; 903 Cornelia, b Nov. 20, 1800; 904 Edward, b Sept. 30, 1802; 905 Abigail, b June 27, 1807 ; 906 Elizabeth, b Oct. 2, 1816. 667. LEMUEL. LEMUEL HALL, son of Daniel and Sarah Hall, was a merchant in New Haven. He built and was the owner of the store now owned by Austin & Gilbert, on the corner of Elm and Church-sts. GENEALOGIES. 785 Children : 907 Henry, d in New Haven ; 908 Grace ; and several other children. 672. ALMER. DEA. ALMER HALL, son of Daniel and Thankful Hall, married 2d, widow of Merrick Cook ; he was a merchant and deacon of the Baptist church for several years. Child : 909 Aimer I., m Hall. 728. ANDREW. ANDREW HALL, son of Joel and Hannah Hall, was born Jan. u, 1757, married Diana Cook. Children : 910 Betsey, b Feb. 3, 1788 ; 911 Russell, b Oct. 18, 1789, m Polly Kirtland ; 912 Liverius, b Aug. 13, 1790 ; 913 Clarissa C., b Nov. 28, 1793, m Aimer Hall, Esq. ; 914 Susan, b March 18, 1795 ; 915 Sylvia, b March 13, 1797, m Thaddeus Cook ; 916 Sinai, b June 25, 1799, m Frederick Lewis; 917 Wm. Cook, b Jan. n, 1802. AUGUSTUS. AUGUSTUS HALL, son of Joel and Hannah Hall, married Pamelia Hall, Feb. 10, 1794 ; he died in Wallingford. Children: 918 Eunice, b March 3, 1796; 919 Joel, b July 6, 1799. 731. LUTHER. LUTHER HALL, son of Joel and Hannah Hall, married Sarah . Children: 920 Emily, b Sept. 6, 1800; 921 Julia A.,b Oct. 6, 1 80 1 ; 922 William, b Jan. 10, 1804; 923 Sally ., b May 17, 1806; 924 Abraham R., b Sept. 25, 1808; 925 Betsey P., b May 8, 1815. 866. NATHAN. NATHAN KELSEY HALL, son of Ira and Catharine Hall, of Skaneateles, N. Y., married Emily Payne. She was born Aug. 5, 1811, married Nov. 16, 1832. He is a lawyer at Buffalo, N. Y. Children: 926 Nathan R. Jr., b Oct. 13, 1833, d at Buffalo, Oct. 22, 1835 ; 927, Frederick Aug., b Jan. 10, 1836, d at An- 786 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. dover, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1852 ; 928 Emily A., b Oct. 9, 1838, m George Gorham of Canandagua, N. Y. ; 929 Frank, b Jan. 7, 1845, d at Washington, D. C., May 23, 1848 ; 930 Grace, b May 16, 1850. 701. JONATHAN. JONATHAN HALL, son of Isaac and Mary Morse Hall, married ist, Elizabeth, daughter of John G. Hoadley, 2d, Sally, daughter of William Jencks. He died Feb. 22, 1741, ae. 64 years, 5 mos., 29 days. Residence of this family was at Leyden, Lewis Co., N. Y. Children: 931 Jehiel, b Nov. 16, 1803, m Louisa Wilson, Aug. 10, 1826; 932 Daniel, b July 30, 1805, m Mary D. Sperry, Oct. 23, 1834; 933 Mary, b June 23, 1812, m Silas Gary, Feb. 6, 1812 ; 934 Abigail, b Dec. 22, 1813, m Rev. David A. Barney, March 5, 1834 ; 935 "Jonathan, b Aug. 22, 1815, m Ann Henry, Nov. 9, 1840 ; 936 Sally, b April 28, 1817, m Robert Harvey, Sept 9, 1839 ; 937 Isaac, Capt., b Nov. 6, 1818, m Amanda Thayer, May i, 1845 ; 938 Julia, b April 5, 1820; 939 William Jencks, b Dec. 22, 1821, m Erne- line Stone ; 940 Phebe Ives, b Feb. 18, 1824, m Amos Cham- berlain, Nov. 3, 1844 ; 941 Eunice, b Feb. 18, 1827, m Franklin A. Thomas, April 26, 1866 ; 942 Newton, Maj., b Sept. 16, 1829, m Elmira Brainard, April 26, 1866 ; 943 Maria K., b July 4, 1831, m Charles G. Dewey, Nov. 16, 1854. 911. RUSSEL. COL. RUSSEL and Polly Hall. Children : 944 Caroline Diana, b Sept. 3, 1815 ; 945 Eliza Ann, b Sept. 13, 1817 ; 946 George Kirtland, b July 7, 1819 ; 947 Mary Augusta, b May n, 1822 ; 948 Sarah Potter, b July 26, 1824. 428. JOSEPH. JOSEPH HALL, son of John and Elizabeth Prindle Hall, married Hannah . Children : 949 Sherman, b April 26, 1806 ; 950 John, b June 5, 1808, d July 9, 1836 ; 951 Emery, b Sept. 29, 1809, d Dec. 6, 1869; 952 Lucy,\> May 27, 1811, d Feb 18, 1818; GENEALOGIES. 787 953 Julius, b June 7, 1813, m Laura E. Parker, May i, 1852, 6 children ; 954 Maria, b August 30, 1815, d May 5, 1846, ae. 30 years. HARRIMAN. SAMUEL. SAMUEL HARRIMAN was in New Haven at an early date, where he had a considerable family. Among his children was John, who graduated at Harvard College in 1663. He went to Wallingford with the first planters in 1670, and was the acting minister among the people of the village for two years, though not an ordained minister. Mrs. Elizabeth Har- riman, his mother, died in Wallingford, Sept. 23, 1684. His wife died Jan. 10, 1680. His house lot was that on which the houses of the late Mr. Aimer Hall and Liverius Carring- ton now stand. Children: i John, b Jan. 25, 1666, d Nov. 21, 1683, ae. 17 years; 2 Samuel; 3 Anna, b July 6, 1678; 4 Mary, b Nov. 7, 1680; 5 Leonard, b June 5, 1683; 6 Richard, b Aug. 9, 1685. HART.' HAWKINS. HAWKINS HART of Farmington came to Wallingford at the age of 24 years, and married Sarah Royce, who was nine- teen years of age. Their marriage was consummated Sept. 17, 1701. She died Jan. 31, 1733. He died May 24, 1735. They resided after their marriage a short time in Farming- ton, but returned to Wallingford Oct. 4, 1705, where they resided for the remainder of their lives. I For collateral branches, see Andrews' Hist. New Britain, Conn., 149- 51, 163-4, 170-8, 188-91 ; Davis' Gen. Hart Family, Lewis and Newhall's Hist. Lynn, Mass., 227; Littell's Passaic Valley Gen., 179; Savage's Gen. Diet, n. 367-8 ; Sibley's Hist. Union, Me., 459. 788 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children : i Nathaniel, b June 19, 1702, in Farmington, Ct. ; 2 Ruth, b Aug. 13, 1704, in Farmington, Ct. ; 3 Haw- kins, b Sept. 16, 1706, d in Wallingford, Sept. 22, 1706 ; 4 Hawkins, b March i, 1708, m ist, Mary Street, Jan. 30, 1734, 2nd, Abigail Hall, Feb. 12, 1761; 5 Sarah, b March 21, 1710; 6 Esther, b Aug. 12, 1712 ; 7. Thomas, b Sept. 29, 1714 ; 8 Mary, b June 21, 1719 ; 9 Benjamin, b Jan. 28, 1722. Mr. Hart married for his 2nd wife, Mary, daughter of Rev. Joseph and Mary Elliot of Guilford, 1734. She was born 1688, and had 10 Samuel, born July 13, 1735, who was a lieutenant in the American army, and was wounded in the battle at Saratoga during the Revolutionary war. He died at Durham, Ct, Jan. 12, 1805. I. NATHANIEL NATHANIEL HART m Martha Lee, Dec. 21, 1727. He died Oct. 2, 1750, ae. 48 years. Children: n Nathaniel, b Sept. 5, 1729, m Alice Hall, Jan. 23, 1753, he went to Goshen where he d ae. 80 years, had Nathaniel, b Nov. 8, 1754 ; 12 Timothy, b May 24, 1731 ; 13 Martha, b June 21, 1733 ; 14 Ebenezer, b March 26, 1739 ; 15 Josiah, b Feb. 22, 1742 ; 16 Phebe, b April 22, 1746, m ist, Stephen Yale, 2nd, Eliasaph Preston, Feb. 17, 1764. 4. HAWKINS. LIEUT. HAWKINS HART, married to Susannah Merriman by Rev. Theophilus Hall, Nov. 20, 1730. After her decease he married Mary Street, Jan. 30, 1734. She died, and he married Abigail Hall, Feb. 12, 1761. He died April 17, 1756. , Children: 17 Samuel; 18 Sarah, b 1750, d Nov. 27, 1765 ; 19 Susannah, b 1747, d Oct. 26, 1757 ; 20 Benjamin, b 1751, d Oct. 7, 1836, m Jerusha Rich, Feb. 25, 1776, she d Aug. 26, 1832. 20. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN HART, son of Lieut. Hawkins Hart, married Jerusha Rich. Children: 21 Esther, b Nov. 8, 1776, m Marvel Andrews GENEALOGIES. 789 for his 4th wife ; 22 Lucy, b Dec. 20, 1779; 23 Sttsannah, b Jan. 15, 1782; 24 Webb, b Feb. 21, 1786; 25 Jerusha,\> Sept. n, 1788, m Abel D. Clark ; 26 Samuel, I., b Nov. 22, 1792. 26. SAMUEL. SAMUEL IVES HART, son of Benjamin and Jerusha Rich Hart, married Abigail D. Hall, Sept. 20, 1814; he is now living in the east part of Meriden. Children: 27 Daniel H., b June 19, 1815, m Harriet G. Miller; 28 Edmund, b Aug. 12, 1817; 29 Edmund, b Feb. 16, i8i8;'3o Jerusha, b Aug. 22, 1822, m Horace Pratt of Meriden; 31 Elizabeth, b Aug. 22, 1822, m Edward B. Miller of Meriden. HOW.' Four persons of this name were early at New Haven, viz. : Jeremiah Sen., Ephraim, Zachariah Sen., and Nathaniel. These persons all but Ephraim, went to Wallingford, in 1670, and he followed them in 1672, as appears by the records, having been at New Haven then, about 20 years. John How, one of the sons, returned to New Haven about the year 1700. JEREMIAH. Children: i Jeremiah,\> July 8, 1650; 2, 3 John and Ebe- nezer, b June 26, 1656 ; all born in New Haven. John mar- ried Abigail . EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM How is supposed to have removed from Walling- ford, as no mention of marriages or deaths are found on the Wallingford records. Children born in New Haven : 4 Ephraim, b April 3, 1653 ; I For collateral branches, see Bond's Hist. Watertown, Mass., 303-4 ; Kidder's Hist. New Ipswich, N. H., 391 ; Morse's Memorial of Morses, Appendix No. 67 3-4; N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. xvi. 314; Worcester Mag. and Hist. Jour., II. 130-1. B B B 7QO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 5 Sarah, b June 25, 1654; 6 Nancy, b Nov. 17, 1656; 7 Samuel, b 1658 ; 8 Daniel, b Jan. 4, 1663 ; 9 /war, b Aug. 26, 1666 ; 10 Abigail, b April 23, 1668 ; n Esther, b Nov. 28, 1671 ; 12 Mary, b Dec. 8, 1674. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL and Elizabeth How were with the first planters in Wallingford; she died Dec. 29, 1713, ae. 70 yrs. He mar- ried 2d, Sarah Curtis, August 9, 1714; he died at Walling- ford, Feb. 12, 1722. Children: 13 Eli/ah, b Sept. 9, 1673, m Mary Bellamy, Jan. 25, 1703 ; 14 Lydia, b Nov. 6, 1675 > Z 5 Daniel, b Mar. 8, 1677, m ist, Margery , 2d, Sarah ; 16 Abigail, b Aug. 7, 1680. ZACHARIAH. ZACHARIAH How died at Wallingford, Sept. 22, 1740; he died June, 1703. Children born in New Haven: 17 John, b Jan. 16, 1666, m Abigail ; 18 Zachariah, b May 30, 1669, m Eliza- beth Hemingway, he d May 12, 1712 ; 19 Nathaniel,^ Jan. 2, 1672, m Mary Tracey, Oct. 15, 1711 ; 20 Matthew, b Jan. 2, 1672, m Elizabeth Winston, Dec. 31, 17 17, both born in Walling- ford ; 21 Sarah, b Oct. 30, 1675, d Feb. 2, 1713, ae. 36 yrs. ; Mary, b Dec. 14, 1677. I. JEREMIAH. JEREMIAH How married Elizabeth , Oct. 29, 1674. He died at Wallingford, Sept. 22, 1740, ae. 90 yrs. ; Elizabeth, his wife died Oct. 4, 1704. He married a widow, Mary Cook, April 9, 1705. Children by ist marriage, born at Wallingford : 22 Jeremiah, b Sept. 15, 1675 '> Jeritsha, b Sept. 13, 1677 ; Ephraim, b Feb. 20, 1681 ; 25 Martha, b Aug. 2, 1684; 26 Maria, b Sept. 20, 1687 ; 27 Ebenezer, b March 3, 1690 ; 28 Joshua, b Dec. 2, 1702. Children by 2d marriage: 29 Sarah, b April 16, 1709; 30 Dinah, b Feb. 28, 1716; 31 Ichabod, b Sept. n, 1717 ; 32 Joshua, b April i, 1720. GENEALOGIES. 79! 22. JEREMIAH. JEREMIAH How married Judith Cook, April 20, 1704; she died March 20, 1708. He was living June 28, 1745. Children: 33 Judith, b Oct. 22, 1703, m Elihu Yale ; 34 Jeremiah, b Feb. 17, 1705, m Elizabeth Gaylord. 31. JEREMIAH. JEREMIAH How of Wallingford married Elizabeth Gaylord, March n, 1730. He was designated as Jeremiah How 3d ; he emigrated to Goshen in the summer of 1747. Children born in Wallingford : 35 Judith, b Dec. 19, 1730 ; 36 John, b Oct. i, 1732 ; 37 Jeremiah, b Dec. 24, 1734, d 1736; 38 Jeremiah, b Nov. 17, 1736, m Martha North ; 39 Elizabeth, b Sept. 18, 1738, m Daniel Norton ; 40 Benjamin, b Oct. 26, 1739, d; 41 Benjamin, b Jan. 22, 1740 ; 42 Joel, d Jan. 28, 1745 ; 43 Esther, b March 5, 1744, m Daniel Mer- rills ; 44 Joseph, b Nov. 9, 1746, m Prudence Norton ; 45 Ruth, b Oct. 4, 1748, m Royce Orvis, she was b in Goshen. 36. JOHN. JOHN How married Mary Wadams, daughter of Noah Wadams of Goshen. She died, and he married Lydia Nor- ton, April 15, 1766. Children born in Goshen: 46 Mary, b Sept. 10, 1757, m Wait Hinman ; 47 Experience, b Dec. 29, 1759, m Nathan Norton; 48 Anna, b April 10, 1762, m Israel Everett and went to Vermont ; 49 Deliverance, b June 25, 1764. By sec- ond marriage : 50 John, b April 22, 1767, m Esther Walter of Cornwall, Conn. ; 51 Ichabod, b June 5, 1769, m C. Moss Norton of Cornwall, Conn ; 52 Isaac, b 1771, d ae. 8 yrs ; 53 Luman, b Aug. 6, 1774, m Esther Meacham ; 54 Daniel ; 55 Seth, m Achsah Washburn of Penn. ; 56 Lydia, committed suicide at the age of 14 yrs. The above John How remained in Goshen, Conn., till Dec. 30, 1766, when he sold to Wistal Willoughby, and removed to Canaan, Conn. HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 41. JOSEPH. JOSEPH How married Prudence Norton, Oct. 24, 1768, daughter and youngest child of Joseph, who was from Dur- ham, Conn. ; he died at Goshen, April 17, 1807, ae. 61 yrs. She died Jan. 15, 1825. Children: 57 Prudence,\> Oct. 15, 1769, m Amasa Robinson of Litchfield, Conn. ; 58 Melzar, b Oct. 19, 1772, in Willoughby ; 59 Philo, m Roxy Tuttle ; 60 Clara, m Allen Dean. HITCHCOCK.' JOHN. JOHN and Abigail Hitchcock were the first of the name who came into the town of Wallingford, which was about 1675- Children : i Mary, b Dec. 10, 1676; 2 Nathaniel, b April 18, 1679, d May 12, 1710, ae. 31 ; 3 Margery, b Sept. 9, 1681 ; 4 Elizabeth, b April 8, 1684 ; 5 John, b Oct. 18, 1685, m Marlow Munson, Nov. 21, 1712 ; 6 Matthias, b May 26, 1688, m Thankful Andrews ; 7 Hannah, b Jan. 9, 1690 ; 8 Damaris, b June n, 1693 ; 9 Benjamin, b March 24, 1696, m Elizabeth Ives. 2. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL HITCHCOCK m Sarah Lewis Jennings, April 3, 1704. He died May 12, 1714. Children: 10 Sarah, b March 13, 1705; n Elizabeth, b Jan. 26, 1707 ; 12 Hannah, b June n, 1709. 5. JOHN. JOHN HITCHCOCK, m Marlow Munson, Nov. 21, 1712. She died July i, 1739. Children : 13 Peter, b Oct. 14, 1713 ; 14 Martha, b April i, i For collateral branches, see Dodd's Hist. E. Haven, Conn., 126, 127 ; Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White, 121 ; Savage's Gen. Diet., n. 428, 429; Wilbraham, Mass., Centennial Celebration, 1863, 298, 299. GENEALOGIES. 793 r 7 : 5 ') I 5 John, b May n, 1717; 16 Eliakim, b Sept. 7, 1719, d April 5, 1723; 17 Jotham, b Feb. 4, 1722, m Mary ; iS Dan, b March 14, 1724,01 Esther - ; 19 Eliakim, b June 13, 1726 ; 20 Titus, b Jan. 31, 1729, m Hannah Munson July 30, 1759; 21 Catherine, b July 10, 1731. 6. MATTHIAS. MATTHIAS HITCHCOCK m Thankful Andrews, Dec. 27, 1710. Children: 22 Oliver, b Nov. 14, 1716; 23 Jason, b Aug. 1 6, 1718; 24 William, b Oct. 16, 1720; 25 Matthias, b June 19, 1711, d April 7, 1726; 26 Nathaniel, b Oct. 15, 1712 ; 27 Valentine, b Feb. 14, 1715 ; 28 Nathaniel, b May 7, 1733 ; 29 Thankful, b March 29, 1725; 30 Matthias, b Feb. u, 1727, m Sarah ; 31 Ebenezer, b Sept. 14, 1728 ; 32 Tabitha, b Feb. 26, 1730 ; 33 Enos, b ApriJ 27, 1735 ; 34 Hannah, b April 27, 1735. 9. BENJAMIN. CAPT. BENJAMIN HITCHCOCK was married to Elizabeth Ives by Capt Yale, Oct. i, 1718. He died Feb. 12, 1767. She died Aug. 8, 1762. Children: 35 Bela, b Oct. 27, 1719; 36 Hannah, b Sept. 12, 1721 ; 37 Benjamin, b Feb. 23. 1724 ; 38 Joseph, b July 12, 1737 ; 39 Abigail, b May 10, 1728 ; 40 David, b June 29, 1742 ; 41 Samuel, b April i, 1730 ; 42 Damans, b Sept. 3, *745 j 43 Nathaniel, b June 20, 1732 ; 44 Nathaniel, b Sept. 20, 1739; 45 Daman's, b Nov. 25, 1756. 15. JOHN. JOHN and Elizabeth Chatterton Hitchcock, married Nov. 29, 1739- Children: 46 Amos, b Dec. 28, 1740; 47, 48 Elizabeth and Elisha, b Oct. 24, 1743; 49 Darid, b Sept. 27, 1742. 17. JOTHAM. JOTHAM and Mary Hitchcock. Children: 50 Sarah, b Sept. n, 1747 ; 51 Lyman, b March J 5> T 749 ; 5 2 Mary,\) Dec. 4, 1750 ; 53 Marlow, b Dec. 26, 1752 ; 54 Jotham, b Nov. 6, 1754. 794 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 13. PETER. PETER HITCHCOCK married Hannah Smith, June 18, 1737. Children: 55 Reuben, b May n, 1738; 56 Amasa, b Oct. 3 : 739 > 57 Valentine, b April 18, 1741 ; 58 Peter, b May 17, 1743, d May 16, 1744; 59 Peter, b Feb. 6, 1743 ; 60 David, b Nov. 10, 1754. 18. DAN. DAN HITCHCOCK married Esther Miles, of Cheshire, Aug. 17, 1743- Children: 61 Asahel, b Dec. 24, 1743 ; 62 Martha, b April 10, 1748 ; 63 Susannah ; 64 Eunice, b Nov. 28, 1754; 65 Seth ; 66 Lydta; 67 Benajah : 68 Eliakim, b Aug. 8, 1746; 69 Esther, b May 23, 1750; 70 Dan, b Oct. 19, 1752 ; 71 Sarah, b Sept. 6, 1757; 72 Miriam; 73 George. 19. ELIAKIM. ELIAKIM HITCHCOCK married Esther ; he died June 19, 1788, ae. 62 yrs. Children: 74 Abigail, b Dec. 6, 1756 ; 75 Rufus, b April i, 1760, was a Judge of Probate, Town Clerk, etc. ; 76 Jared, b July 30, 1758. 20. TITUS. TITUS HITCHCOCK married Hannah Munson, July 30, 1759. Child: 77 Obedience, b Oct. 8, 1761. 22. OLIVER. OLIVER HITCHCOCK married Thankful Parker, Oct. 19, 1744. Children: 78 Mary, b July 8, 1745 ; 79 Thankful, b May 13, 1747 ; 80 Rebecca, b Jan. 18, 1749 ; 81 Hannah, b Oct. n. 1750, d Nov. 5, 1752 ; 82 Oliver, b Feb. 24, 1755 ; 83 Sarah, b March 19, 1757 ; 84 Damaris, b Nov. 6, 1758 85 Dinah, b Nov. 23, 1760. 23. JASON. JASON HITCHCOCK, married Lydia Cook, Sept. 20, 1743 ; she died Dec. 30, 1753. Children: 86 William, b 'j une 2 6, I744J 87 Thomas, b GENEALOGIES. 795 Dec. 20, 1746; 88 Lemuel, b Dec. 20, 1749 ; 89 Jason, b July 12, 1752; 90 Jason, b Oct. 10, 1755 > 9 1 Ichabod, b Dec. 18, 1756 ; 92 Thankful, b March 20, 1761. 30. MATTHIAS. MATTHIAS HITCHCOCK married Sarah . Children: 93 Oliver; 94 Jason; 95 Thankful; 96 Mat- thias; 97 Ebcnezer ; 98 Tabitha ; 99 Nathaniel; 100 Hannah. 35. BELA. BELA HITCHCOCK married Sarah Atwater, Dec. 25, 1744; she died Oct. 23, 1746; he married Hannah Cook, and she died June 28, 1805, ae. 83 ; he died Oct. 12, 1796, ae. 77 yrs., in Cheshire. Child by rst marriage: 101 Isaac, b Jan. 23, 1746, d Jan. 28, 1746. Children by 2nd marriage: 102 Isaac, b Oct. 26, 1748, d May 27, 1749 ; 103 Bela, b Sept. 21, 1750 ; 104 Han- nah, b Dec. 31, 1752 ; 105 Asa, b Feb. n, 1755 ; 106 Sarah, b Aug. i, 1757 ; 107 Aaron, b Dec. 6, 1759. 37. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN HITCHCOCK married Rhoda Cook, Feb. 27, 1745. Children: 108 Thaddeus, b Dec. 13, 1745 ; 109 Hannah, b March 9, 1748: no, in Benjamin and Rhoda, b Nov 24, 1752 ; 112 Lucy, b March 24, 1755 ; 113 Damaris,\> Dec. 5, 1756 ; 114 Thaddeus, b Dec. 10, 1760. 56. AMASA. Children: 115 Amasa ; 116 Silas ; 117 James; 118 David; several daughters. 57. VALENTINE. Children : 119 Hon. Peter ; 120 Rev. Roger ; 121 Polly. 60. DAVID. Children; 122 Marcus; 123 David; 124 Gains. 68. ELIAKIM. ELIAKIM HITCHCOCK, son of Dan and Esther Hitchcock, married Betty Hill, July 23, 1734, she died Nov. 21, 1754. Child : 125 Betty Hill, b March 2, 1754. 796 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 6l. ASAHEL. ASAHEL HITCHCOCK lived in the village of Cheshire. Child : 126 Miles, went to New York, where he died. 70. DAN. DAN HITCHCOCK was a blacksmith, and resided, when living, in a house then standing a little east of the late resi- dence of Titus and Almon Preston. Children: 127 Samuel; 128 Clarissa, m Perkins; 129 Chauncey ; 130 Esther; 131 Lyman ; 132 Rebecca, m A. Per- kins; 133 Dan ; 134 Annah, m John Reed; 135 Matilda; 136 Betsey, m Amos Bristol. 73- RUFUS. RUFUS HITCHCOCK was twice married ; he died in 1832, was a Judge of Probate, Town Clerk, etc. Children: 137 Wm. Rufus, m Mary Hall, d in Waterbury ; 138 Lucretia, m Rev. P. G. Clark. 91. ICHABOD. ICHABOD HITCHCOCK, son of Jason and Hitchcock, died in Cheshire. Children: 139 Pliny, m - Bradley ; 140 Sarilla, m Geo. Stevens; 141 jfason ; 142 Hannah, m T. L. Gaylord ; 143 Luanda, m Richard Beach. By 2d marriage : 144 Abigail, m and went to Kentucky. 65. SETH. SETH HITCHCOCK, son of Dan and Esther Miles Hitch- cock, died in Cheshire. Children ; 145 Alfred; 146 Emily, m Aaron Cook, late of Cheshire. HOLT.' William Holt died in Wallingford, Sept. i, 1683, aged 83; consequently was born in 1600, in the old country. He was buried in the cemetery at Wallingford, where his tomb-stone i For collateral branches, see Abbot's Hist. Andover, Mass., 22; GENEALOGIES. 797 still remains to mark his grave. Benjamin Holt also died in Wallingford, Aug. 2, 1693, aged 32 years. JOSEPH. JOSEPH HOLT was an early settler in Wallingford, though not an original subscriber. He was married to Elizabeth French or Tench, by Major Nash, Nov. 20, 1684. He died Dec. 19, 1697, ae. 42 years. Children: i Joseph, b Sept. 10, 1685, m Abigail Curtis, June 8, 1709 ; 2 Daniel, b Oct. 6, 1687, m Rebecca 3 Benjamin, b Sept. 3, 1690, m Abigail Curtis ; 4 Mary, b Jan. 29, 1691; 5 Elizabeth, b March 23, 1696; 6 John. 1. JOSEPH. JOSEPH HOLT married Abigail Curtis, June 8, 1709. She died Jan. 12, 1730. Children: 7 Tamar, b Oct. 31, 1711 ; 8 Susannah, b Feb. 12, 1716 ; 9 Mary, b Feb. 9, 1714 ; 10 Samuel, b May 14, 1718 ; ii Lucy, b Dec. 12, 1722 ; 12 Lydia, b April 24, 1725 ; 13 Abigail, b July 20, 1727 ; \^Prudence,\> Dec. 29, 1728 ; 15 Mehitable, b Dec. 26, 1729 ; 16 Mabel, d Dec. 28, 1727. 2. DANIEL. . DANIEL and Rebecca Holt. Children : 17 Phebe, b Dec. 24, 1716 ; 18 Hannah, b April 28, 1719 ; 19 Mary, b May 21, 1718 ; 20 Thomas, b Jan. 22, 1721 ; 21 Eunice, b Nov. 26, 1724 ; 22 Uriah, b Jan. 22, 1721 ; 23 Joseph, b Feb. 25, 1726 ; 24 Lois, b Oct. 30, 1726 ; 25, 26 Rebecca and Abigail, b May n, 1738; 27 Daniel,}) May 27, 1729. 3. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN and Abigail Holt. Children : 28 Elizabeth, b Dec. 25, 1729 ; 29 Prudence, d May 23, 1737 ; 30 Lydia, b August 15, 1732 ; 31 Benjamin, b Caulkins' Hist. New London, Ct., 314, 315; Dodd's Hist. East Haven, Ct, 127, 128 ; Durrie's Gen. of Holt Family ; Savage's Gen. Diet., n. 454, 455- 798 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. June 14, 1734, d May 2, 1735 > 3 2 Benjamin, b August 22, 1737- HOTCHKISS.' SAMUEL. SAMUEL HOTCHKISS came from Essex, England, and is supposed to have been a brother of John Hotchkiss, who set- tled at Guilford, Conn. This name is spelled in some in- stances, Hodghe, Hodgkins, and Hotchkins. He was at New Haven as early as 1641. In Aug., 1642, he married Elizabeth Cleverly; he died Dec. 28, 1663. Children : i John, b 1643, m Elizabeth Peck, Dec. 4, 1672, and remained in New Haven ; 2 Samuel, b 1645, m Sarah Talmadge in 1678, settled at East Haven, Conn. : 3 James, b 1647 j 4 Joshua, b Sept. 16, 1651, m two or three wives, re- sided in New Haven; 5 Thomas, b 1654, m Sarah Wilmot ; 6 David, b 1657, m Esther Sperry. I. JOHN. JOHN HOTCHKISS married Elizabeth Peck, daughter of Henry Peck of New Haven, Dec. 4, 1672. They had John, born 1673 '} ne niarried Mary Chatterton in 1694, and settled on the west side of Wallingford, now Cheshire. Child : 7 John, b 1694, m Miriam Wood, March 10, 1717, he d in Cheshire, April 30, 1732, she d Jan 10, 1765, 3d. 65 yrs. 7. JOHN. Children : 8 Robbins, b May 12,1 709 ; 9 Mary, b Feb. 20, 1 7 1 2 , d Aug., 1718; 10 Henry, b April i, 1715; n Benjamin,\> May 10, 1718 ; 12 Jason, b May 12, 1719, m Abigail , she d Feb. 22, 1773, ae. 40 yrs. ; 13 Sarah, b July 13, 1721 ; 14 Dorothy, b Dec. 28, 1723 ; 15 Hannah, b July 30, 1726; 16 Naomi, b Feb. 23, 1731 ; 17 John, b Sept. 16, 1733. i For collateral branches, see Andrews' Hist. New Britain, Conn., 155, 156, 171, 172, 224, 295 ; Branson's Hist. Waterbury, Conn., 505-8; Coth- ren's Hist. Woodbury, Conn., 579, 580; Dodd's Hist. East Haven, Conn., 512-19. GENEALOGIES. 799 12. JASON. JASON HOTCHKISS married Abigail ; he died in Cheshire, May 19, 1776, ae. 58 years. She died Feb. 22, i773> ae. 40 yrs. Children : 18 Abigail, b July 12, 1746 ; 19 David, b March 8, 1752; 20 Jonathan, \> May 7, 1754; 21 Abigail, b Sept 19, 1756; 22 Sarah, b May i, 1776, m William Law Esq. of Cheshire, and was the mother of Samuel Law Esq. of Mere- dith, N. Y., and of William and Jonathan Law of Cheshire, and John of Whitehall, N. Y., all deceased. 2. SAMUEL. SAMUEL HOTCHKISS married Sarah Talmadge in 1678. Children, born in East Haven : 23 Mary ; 24 Sarah; 25 Samuel; 26 James, b 1747, m Tamar ; 27 Abigail; 28 Eben ,-29 Enos. 4. JOSHUA. ENS. JOSHUA HOTCHKISS was twice or more times married. The name of his last wife was Mary Hotchkiss. She died Nov. 15, 1787, ae. 88 yrs. He died 1788, ae. 88 yrs. ; he re- sided in New Haven, and was a leading man there. Children : 30 Mary, b April 30, 1679 j 3 1 Stephen, b Aug. 12, 1681, settled in Wallingford, parish of Cheshire; 32 Mar- tha, b Dec. 14, 1680, m Thomas Brooks of New Haven, in 1702, and settled in Cheshire (then Wallingford); 33 Priscilla, b 1688 ; 34 Abraham, settled in Bethany, Conn., d 1702; 35 Desire, d 1702 ; 36 Isaac, b June, 1701. Among the children were Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, all residents of Bethany, as was their father. 37 Jacob, b Feb. 7, 1704, re- mained on the old homestead in New Haven for some time, and subsequently removed to Hamden, one of his sons went to Derby, Conn. ; 38 John, b Feb. 27, 1733 ; 39 Elizabeth, b March 23, 1735 ; 40 Mary, b Aug. n, 1737, d; 41 Mary, b June 17, 1738. 5. THOMAS. THOMAS HOTCHKISS married Sarah Wilmot, Nov. 28, 1697. He died in 17 1 1. Children : 42 Samuel ' ; 43 Anna ; 44 Sarah. 8OO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 6. DAVID. DAVID HOTCHKISS married ist, Esther Sperry, June 20, 1683. He married 2nd, Eunice . He died in 1712. Children : 45 Eliza ; 46 Daniel, m Mamre ; 47 Oba- diah, m Eunice Beach, Jan., 1716, they had Lewis, b Jan. 16, 1717 ; 48 Thankful, b Feb. 15, 1753 ; 49 Eunice, b Jan. 8, 1755 ') 5 Rebecca; 51 Isaac, b March 4, 1757 ; 52 Hannah, b June 5, 1761 ; 53 Rebecca. 10. HENRY. CAPT. HENRY HOTCHKISS married Sarah , and settled at Wallingford, in the parish of Cheshire, where he was married Nov. 23, 1736. He died June 9, 1799, ae. 84. She died Nov. 19, 1751, ae. 34 years. Children: 54 Henry, b Sept. 2, 1737 ; 55 Joseph, b Dec. 18, 1738; 56 Henry, b 1723, d Sept. 29, 1742 ; 57 Jonah, d July 26, 1741 ; 58 Sarah, b Feb. 5, 1742 ; 59 Mary, b Feb. i, 1745 ; 60 Jonah, b Oct. 28, 1748. 31. STEPHEN. DEA. STEPHEN HOTCHKISS, b 1681, son of Joshua, m Elizabeth, daughter of John Sperry of New Haven, Dec. 12, 1704. He purchased land in Cheshire in 1706, and settled upon it in 1707. He died March 5, 1755, ae. 74 years. He was deacon of the church at Cheshire for 31 years. Children: 61 Joshua, b Aug. 26, 1705 ; Elizabeth, b 1706, d 1 788 ; 62 Mary, b July i, 1 708, m Nathan Burns M. D. ; 63 Han- nah, b Jan. 10, 1710, m Stephen Atwater ; 64 Esther, b Feb. 8, 1712 ; 65 Elizabeth, b Aug. 15, 1715 ; 66 Gideon, b Dec. 5, 1715, first Dea. of the Congregational Church in Salem; 67 Stephen, b Dec. i, 1717 ; 68 Silas, b Nov. 20, 1719, m widow Alcott;69 T 70 Hannah and Stephen, b Feb. 23, 1722; 71 Bashua, b Sept. 7, 1726^72 Benjamin, b Feb. i, 1728, m Elizabeth Roberts ; 73 Noah, b Nov. 24, 1731, d Jan. 13, 1760. 26. JAMES. JAMES HOTCHKISS, son of Samuel and Sarah, married Tamar . GENEALOGIES. 8OI Children: 74 Asa, b Nov. 24, 1731 ; 75 Robert, b June 17, T 733 ; 76 Eunice, b March 28, 1734 ; 77 Tamar, b Aug. 24, 1736 ; 78 Reuben, b Feb. 5, 1743 ; 79 Lydia, b Aug. n, 1745. JOSIAH. JOSIAH HOTCHKISS married Abigail . He died of small pox in May, 1732, at Cheshire ; she died of the same > disease near the same time. Children: 80 Josiah, b Oct. 13, 1716; 81 Josiah, b April 3, 1720 ; 82 Elizabeth, b Jan. 25, 1723 ; 83 Ludwick, b Jan. 15, 1720 ; 84 Tyrrel, b 1718 ; 85 Lent, b June 2, 1726. 66. GIDEON. DBA. GIDEON HOTCHKISS, m Anna Brockett, Jan. 18, 1737. She died, and afterwards he married Mabel, daughter of Isaac Stiles, of Southbury. He located on a farm in the southeasterly part of Waterbury in 1736, and was chosen a Deacon of the Congregational Church at Salem now (Nauga- tuck), at its organization. He was one of the principal men who founded the Congregational Church at Prospect (then Columbia), and was a leading man there! He served in the French and Revolutionary wars, and died full of years, Sept. 3, 1807, ae. 91 years, leaving 105 grandchildren, 155 great grandchildren, and four of the fifth generation. Children : 86 Isaac, b 1738 ; 87 David, b 1743 ; 88 Gideon, b Dec., 1744 ; 89 Huldah, b June 27, 1747, m Josiah Paine ; 90 Anna, b Oct. 22, 1749, m Reuben Williams ; 91 Amos, b Nov. 24, 1751 ; 92 Submit, b June 2, 1753, m David Paine ; 93 Titus, b June 26, 1755, m Rachel Guernsey; 94 Eben, b Dec. 13, 1757, m Mary, dau. of Gideon Sanford, Feb. 15, 1781 ; 95 Asahel, born Feb. 16, 1760; 96 Benoni, born ; 97 Mabel, born May 23, 1764, m Chauncey Judd, May 5, 1797; 98 Phebe, b Aug. 3, 1765, m Reuben Williams; he died in 1780; 99 Stiles, b Jan. i, 1768, m Polly Horton, and had five children; \voOlive, b Nov. 21, 1769, m William Jones; 101 Millicent, b May 2, 1771, m David Sanford ; 102 Amzi, b July 3, 1774, resided in Meriden. 1 I See Bronson's Hist, of Waterbury, 505-8, for descendants of above. 8O2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. HOUGH.^ SAMUEL. SAMUEL HOUGH married Susannah, daughter of Simeon Wrotham, of Farmington, Conn. His father, William Hough, was a son of Edward Hough, of Westchester, Cheshire Co., England. Samuel was born in New London, Conn., and was by trade a mill-wright. He came to Wallingford to assist in the construction of the first mill in the township. Mrs. Hough died in Wallingford, Sept. 5, 1684. He married 2d, Mary, daughter of James Bates, of Haddam, Aug. 18, 1685 ; he died March 14, 1714. Children : i William, b Aug. 22, 1680, m Mehitable ; 2 Samuel, b Feb. 15, 1681, d Nov. 30, 1702, ae. 21 yrs. ; 3 Susannah, b Nov. 27, 1683, m Andrews, of Farmington, Conn. By 2d marriage: 4 James, b Dec. 15, 1688, m Sarah Newhall, July 29, 1718 ; 5 Hannah, b Nov. 8, 1691. I. WILLIAM. WILLIAM HOUGH, son of Samuel and Susannah Hough, married Mehitable ; she died Feb. 5, 1726. He mar- ried 2d, Elizabeth ; she died June 3, 1740. Children: 6 Mary, b Sept. 10, 1710 ; 7 Samuel, b July 5, 1712, d Oct. 8, 1713 ; 8, 9 William, and Mehitable, b Aug. 14, 1714; 10 Deborah, b Dec. 17, 1716; n Anna, b Dec. 28, 1718 ; 12 Abiah, b May 15, 1721. By 2d marriage : 13 Na- thaniel, b Dec. 28, 1727 ; 14 Simeon, b Jan. n, 1734. 4. JAMES. JAMES HOUGH, son of Samuel and Susannah, married Sarah Newhall, July 19, 1718. Children: 15 Ephraim, b April 9, 1719; 16 Daniel, b March 6, 1721, d July 25, 1768, ae. 49 yrs; 17 Ebenezer, b Jan. 22, 1726, m Lydia , d July 20, 1737, she d July I For collateral branches, see Andrews' Hist, of New Britain, Conn., 352 ; Babson's Hist. Gloucester, Mass., 105 ; Caulkins' Hist. New London, Conn., 302, 303 ; Caulkins' Hist. Norwich, Conn., Ed. 1867, 233 ; Sav- age's Gen. Diet., n. 468-9 ; Wadsworth's Hyde Gen., n. uoo-u, 1152-9. GENEALOGIES. 803 T 9> Z 757 > J 8 David, b Feb. 8, 1728, d Oct. 18, 1729 ; 19 Sarah, b Oct. 18, 1730, d Nov. 10, 1741 ; 20 David, b Jan. 28 > X 733 d June 27, 1752, ae. 19 yrs. ; 21 James, b March 24, 1735, m Lucy , she d Oct. 5, 1775,35. 51 ; 22 Bar- nabas, b Sept. 5, 1736; 23 Mary, b Nov. 25, 1739. 8. WILLIAM. WILLIAM HOUGH, son of William and Mehitable Hough, married Mary Hall, Dec. 20, 1752. Children : 24 Susannah, b May 24, 1754, d Nov. 24, 1756 ; 25 Mary, b June 22, 1756. 15. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM HOUGH, son of James and Sarah Newell Hough, married Hannah . Children: 26 Abigail, b Nov. 29, 1740, d Aug. 16, 1743 ; 27 Sarah, b Jan. 26, 1742; 28 Abigail, b Aug. 10, 1743, d Aug. 1 6, 1743 ; 29 Abigail, b Feb. 21, 1744; 30 Ephraim, b Jan. 6, 1746; 31 Andrew, b Dec. 27, 1747; 32 Andrew, b Dec. 17, 1749; 33 Hannah, b Jan. 17, 1751 ; 34 Thankful, b May 29, 1753, d Aug. 18, 1780 ; 35 Ambrose, b Sept. 2, 1754 ; 36 Lois, b June 3, 1756. l6. DANIEL. DANIEL HOUGH, son of James and Sarah (Newell), married ist, Mindwell . She died March 21, 1741-2. He married for 2d wife, Violet Benton, Nov. 29, 1743. He settled in Meriden where he died. Children : 37 Mindwell, b May 5, 1745 ; 38 Ensign, M. D., b Sept. i, 1746; 39 Elijah, b Jan. 23, 1747 ; 40 Samuel, b March 12, 1750-1 ; 41 Eunice, b March 30, 1755; 42 Dolly, b Jan. 30, 1756 ; 43 Caleb, b Feb. 13, 1757 ; 44 Hannah, b Feb. 4, 1762. 17. EBENEZER. EBENEZER HOUGH, son of James and Sarah, married Lyclia . She died July 20, 1757. Children: 45 Buel, b June, 1743; 46 Lydia, b Aug. 28, 1749, d July 19, 1759 ; 47 Lucy, b April 23, 1756. 804 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. SAMUEL. SAMUEL HOUGH married Hannah . Supposed son of Samuel and Hannah was in W., about 1700. Children: 48 Samuel, b July 12, 1712, m Mehitable ; 40 Phineas, b April n, 1714, d Sept. i, 1797, ae. 83 years. ENSIGN. DR. ENSIGN HOUGH, son of Daniel and Violet Hough, of Meriden, died in 1813. He kept a hotel and practiced his profession as a physician. Children : 50 Dr. Isaac I. , b 1781, d in Meriden, unmarried; Feb. 26, 1825 ; 51 Ensign, d in Meriden ; he had other children. 49. PHINEAS. PHINEAS HOUGH, son of Samuel and Hannah Hough, mar- ried Hannah . Children : 52 Rachel, b May 27, 1740 ; 53 James, b July 31, 1743 ; 54 Phineas, b Sept 16, 1745 ; 55 Mary, b Aug. 14, 1747 ; 56 Rachel, b April 22, 1750 ; 57 Anna, b April 18, 1752. JOSEPH. JOSEPH HOUGH married Catherine, daughter of Capt. Theophilus and Sarah Street Yale, June^, 1745. He was born 1717, and died Jan. 5, 1809, ae. 92 years. Catherine, his wife, died Oct. 5, 1767, ae. 46 years. Children: 58 Joseph, b Sept. 12, 1745 ; 59 Mary, b July 15, 1746 ; 60 Lois, b June 24, 1747, d Nov. 12, 1748 ; 61 Lent, b April 4, 1751 ; 62 Lois, b Dec. 5, 1752 ; 63 David, b Nov. 2, 1754 ; 64 Joel, b Jan. 27, 1757, d Sept. 9, 1843,^ in Hamclen, Ct. ; 65 James, d Dec. 3, 1762 ; 66 James, d in Wallingford ; 67 Catherine, m Edmund Smith ; 68 Sarah, m Rice, and settled at Homer, N. Y. 58. JOSEPH. CAPT. JOSEPH HOUGH, son of Joseph and Catherine Yale Hough, settled on the farm of his father at Clapboard Hill. He built the house now occupied by his grandson Joseph Hough. He died Sept. n, 1811. GENEALOGIES. 805 Children : 69 Chauncey, m Lura, daughter of James Rice, of Wallingford, and had Mary, Elizabeth, Joseph and Chaun- cey ; 70 Betsey, m Salmon Carter of W. and had Salmon, Betsey and William; 71 Horace, went to New Haven, Ohio, and died there, leaving several sons. 6 1. LENT. LENT HOUGH, son of Joseph and Catherine Yale Hough, married ist, Rebecca Tuttle. She died Aug. 22, 1798, ae. 44. He married Mary Andrews, who was Mary Pierrepont of North Haven before her ist marriage. She died June 27, 1832, ae. 75. He died Oct. 8, 1837, ae. 87 yrs. Children by ist marriage: 72 Lucy; 73 Hannah ; 74 Ser- rajah, b March 26, 1780, m Elizabeth S. Avery in 1801. By 2d marriage: 75 Almira, b Nov. 6, 1797, m Eveline Button, Nov. 6, 1821, d in Canada, May 15, 1841, ae. 42 yrs. 64. JOEL. JOEL HOUGH, son of Joseph and Catherine Hough, settled in Hamden, Mt. Carmel society, where he died ; he was a shoemaker and farmer. Children : 76 Ira, settled in Wolcott, Conn., and d there ; 77 Joseph, settled in Cheshire, Conn., m Moss, dau. of Bowers Moss, of that place ; 78 , went to western New York ; 79 Amos, m Nancy, dau. of Nehemiah Rice, of Wallingford, d at Hamden in 1869 ; 80 Joel, went to the state of N. Y. 66. JAMES. JAMES HOUGH, son of Joseph and Catherine Yale Hough, married and settled in the North Farms district, Wallingford, where he died. He was a farmer. Children : 81 James, m Mary, dau. of Nehemiah Rice, they had Elijah, and daughters; 82, daughters; 83 Joel, m, is now on the farm of his father in Wallingford. 74. SERRAJAH. SERRAJAH HOUGH, only son of Lent and Rebecca Hough, m Elizabeth S., daughter of Abner Avery, of Wallingford, Feb. C c c 806 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 18, 1801. She was born Sept. 27, 1782. Mr. Hough died at Meriden, Aug. 3, 1853, ae. 73 years. Children : 84 "Lyman Worcester, b March 7, 1802, d Aug. 1834, in Meriden; 85 Lent Ser rajah, b Jan. 20, 1804, m Han- nah Smith, of Wallingford, July 12, 1831, settled in Wolcott, Conn. ; 86 Nancy Avery, b Feb. i, 1806, d March n, 1823, ae. 17 years ; 87 Rebecca Tuttle, b Jan. 3, 1808, m Rev. Sam'l. F. Curtis, she died March 25, 1842 ; 88 Alonzo Bennett, b Mar. 25, 1810, resided in Vineland, N. J. ; 89 George Sfierman, b Oct. 7, 1812, now at Pittsburg, Pa., 1867 ; 90 John Meers, b Oct. 12, 1815, resides in Tyrrell Co., N. C. ; 91 Wm. Augustus, b Aug. 14, 1818, d at Ravenna, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1837; 92 Julius Ogden, b July 21, 1822, d at Wallingford Jan. i, 1823, ae. 6 months. HULL.> This name was early in Connecticut, and came from Derby- shire, England. George Hull was at Windsor, Conn., in 1636, and was a surveyor at Wethersfield the same year, and a member of the General Court 1637-8-9. He married Elizabeth Loomis in 1641. Richard and Andrew Hull were both at New Haven in 1639, and had families. JOHN. DR. JOHN HULLS, as he wrote his name, was at Stratford in 1 66 1, when he was admitted a planter. It is not quite certain whether he came from England, or was a son of Richard Hull of New Haven. Dr. John was at Derby in 1668, and at Wallingford in 1687. He died Dec. 6, 1711, at the latter place. He was probably somewhat advanced in life when he came to Wallingford. He married Mary Jones, Oct. 19, 1672, probably his second wife; she dying, he married i For collateral branches, see Am. Antiq. Soc. Coll., in. 269 ; Andrews' Hist New Britain, Conn., 367; Cothren's Hist. Woodbury, Conn., 577-9; Rhode Island Hist. Soc. Coll., in. 292, 293 ; Savage's Gen. Diet., n. 492-5 ; Stiles' Hist. Windsor, Conn., 672, 673. GENEALOGIES. Rebecca Turner, Sept. 20, 1699. He exchanged his house and land at Stratford, with Benjamin Lewis, for his house and land at Wallingford, in 1687. The town of Wallingford set out to Dr. Hull a tract of land which they supposed con- tained 700 acres, lying between the north side of Broad Swamp and the Quinnipiac river, the east and west bounda- ries not being so clearly defined. This grant was more than a mile square, and was known as Dr. Hull's large farm. Children: i John, b March 14, 1661, m Mary ; 2 Samuel, b Feb. 4, 1663 ; 3 Mary, b Oct. 31, 1666 ; 4 Joseph, b 1668, m Mary Nichols of Derby ; 5 Benjamin, M. D., b Oct. 7, 1672, m Elizabeth Andrews, Dec. 14, 1695 ; 6 Ebenezer, b 1673, m Lydia Mix, Mar. 4, 1706, he died in 1709 ; 7 Rich- ard, b 1674; 8 Jeremiah, M. D., b 1679, at Derby, m Hannah Cook, of Wallingford ; 9 Archer. I. JOHN. JOHN HULL, son of Dr. John Hull, was born in Stratford, March 14, 1661-2, married Mary , and settled in Derby. Children : 10 Deborah, b 1691, at Derby ; 1 1 John, b 1693 ; 12 Daniel, m May 2, 1732 ; 13 Miles, b 1700, m Mary Tuttle, Dec. 4, 1729; 14 Ebenezer, m Hannah Bates, Sept. i, 1734; 15 Mary; 16 Martha; 17 Priscilla, b 1702. 4. JOSEPH. CAPT. JOSEPH HULL, of Derby, was a son of Dr. John Hull of Wallingford. He married Mary Nichols of Derby, where they lived and died. The name of his second wife was Hannah , whom he left a widow. Children: 18 Samuel, b 1692, had a family in Derby; 19 Joseph, b 1694, left 3 children, Sarah, b 1726, Joseph, b 1737, Elizabeth, b 1738 ; 20 Caleb, b Feb 4, 1695, settled in Cheshire by request of his grandfather; 21 Abijah, b 1697 ; 22 Archer, b 1698 ; 23 Sarah, m Beach of Stamford ; 24 Mary, m Russel of Derby, Conn. 5. BENJAMIN. DOCT. BENJAMIN HULL, son of Dr. John Hull, came to Wallingford with his father in 1687, married Elizabeth An- 8o8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. drews, Dec. 14, 1693, She died April 27, 1732. He died March 30, 1741. Children: 25 Andrew, b Aug. 17, 1694, d Dec. 10,1717; 26 Mary, b Aug. 31, 1696, m Ebenezer Bronson ; 27 Elizabeth, b April 8, 1698, m Nathaniel Merriman, Nov. 12, 1725 ; 28 Damaris, b Feb. 4, 1700, m Elnathan Street ; 29 John, M. D., b Oct. 6, 1702, m Mary Andrews ; 30 Abigail, b Feb. 14, 1704, m Ens. Merriman ; 31 Capt. Samuel, b Sept. i, 1706, m Sarah Hall, Feb. 21, 1733 ; 32 Sarah, b March 30, 1710,111 Samuel Hall, Dec. 27, 1733 ; 33 Benjamin, M. D., b July 6, 1712, m Hannah Parmalee, Dec. 17, 1735. 6. EBENEZER. EBENEZER HULL, son of Dr. John Hull, married Lydia Mix, May 7, 1706; he died Nov. 9, 1709, se. 36 years. His widow Lydia administered on the estate. Child : 34 Hannah, b March 23, 1708. 8. JEREMIAH. DR. JEREMIAH HULL, son of Dr. Benjamin Hull of Wall- ingford, married Hannah, daughter of Samuel and Hope Cook, May 24, 1711, at Wallingford ; she died Dec. u, 1741; he died May 14, 1736, in Wallingford. Children: 35 John, b Nov. 13, 1712, m Mary Andrews, Oct. 26, 1735 ; 36 Moses, b Dec. 26, 1714, d June 3, 1736, ae. 22 yrs. ; 37 Tabitha, b March 3, 1717 ; 38 Hannah, b March 18, 1720; 39 Anna; 40 Jeremiah, b Jan. 5, 1729, m Mary Merriman in 1753 ; 41 Joseph, b March 24, 1733, m Hannah Corbitt in 1754; 42 Patience, b Oct. 20, 1735 ; 43 Keturah. II. JOHN. JOHN HULL, son of John and Mary Jacobs Hull, of Derby, was born Jan. i, 1695. Children: 44 John, b Oct. 22, 1703; 45 Tamar, b Nov. 27, 1705 ; 46 Mary, b Feb. 17, 1708 ; 47 Ebenezer, b Oct. 18, 1715 ; 48 Susannah, b Sept. 29, 1726. 12. DANIEL. DANIEL HULL, son of John of Derby, who was son of GENEALOGIES. 809 Dr. John Hulls of Wallingford, married Elizabeth Lane of Derby, in 1731 or 1732. Children: 49 Daniel, b 1734; 50 Samuel, b 1735; 5 1 Elizabeth, b 1738 ; 52 Ebenezer, b 1741 ; 53 John, b 1744. 13. MILES. MILES HULL, son of John of Derby, who was son of Dr. John Hulls ot Wallingford, married Mary Tuttle of Walling- ford, and settled in that plaqe. Children: 54 Martha, b Nov. 29, 1730, d in infancy ; 55 Martha, b Nov. 23, 1732 ; 56 Esther, b Sept. 15, 1733 ', 57 Elizabeth, b 1735 > 5& Elijah, b March 10, 1736, d May 19, T 736; 59 Eunice, b March 29, 1738 ; 60 Mary, b July 15, 1740; 6 1 Miles, b March 24, 1743, m Eunice Hulls, Dec. 4, 1761 ; 62 Abigail, b June n, 1745, m Elam Cook, Jan. 8, 1761 ; 63 Abijah, b June 10, 1747. 14. EBENEZER. EBENEZER HULL, son of John and Mary Hull of Derby, married Hannah Bates, Sept. i, 1731 ; he died in Walling- ford in 1774. Children: 64 Joseph, b Sept., 1731, d March 13, 1732 ; 65 Daniel, b Feb. 29, 1732 ; 66 Lydia, b April 14, 1734, m Nicholas Andrews of Wallingford ; 67 Eunice, b 1736, m Miles Hull of Cheshire ; 68 Esther, b 1737 ; 69 Anna, b Oct. 13, 1738, m Elijah Gaylord of Wallingford ; 70 Mary, m Tuttle of Wallingford ; 71 Joseph, b 1740 ; 72 Rena ; 73 Joseph, b March i, 1742 ; 74 Sarah, m Benjamin Sperry of Wallingford; 75 Ebenezer, b 1750, m Patience ; 76 Esther, b March 27, 1756, survived her father. 18. .SAMUEL. SAMUEL HULL, son of Capt. Joseph Hull of Derby, who was a son of Dr. John Hull of Wallingford. Children: 77 Infant, b 1725; 78 Hannah, b 1726; 79 Eunice, b 1727. 19. JOSEPH. JOSEPH HULL, son of Capt. Joseph Hull of Derby, who 8lO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. was son of Dr. John Hull of Wallingford, was twice married : ist, to Bertha , 2d, to Sarah ; he died June 12, 1778, ae. 85 yrs. Mrs. Sarah died at the age of 92 yrs. Child by ist marriage: 80 Temperance, b 1714. By 2d marriage: 81 Sarah, b 1726, m Rev. Dr. Mansfield of Derby, Conn.; 82 Joseph, b 1727, m Elizabeth Masters, she d Feb. n, 1825, ae. 94 yrs. ; 83 Elizabeth, b 1728, d in 1738, ae. 10 yrs. 20. CALEB. CALEB HULL, son of Capt. Joseph and Mary Hull, and grandson of Dr. John Hull, of Wallingford, married Mercy Benham, of Wallingford, May i, 1724 ; he was then 28 years old. The chimney-place of his residence in 1751 is now visible, at Broad swamp, so called, near the north- eastern part of Cheshire, east nearly a mile from the Jared Bishop place, late the residence of Capt. Munson Cook, and now of his son Joel Cook. She died April 19, 1766. He died Sept., 1788. In 1710, he, Caleb, then fourteen years old, received from his grandfather, Dr. -John Hull, 100 acres of land, deeded to Joseph from Caleb, conditioned that Caleb should come and live with him till 21 years old, or until his decease. Dr. Hull died Dec. 6, 1711. Doubtless Caleb went. The 100 acres is on record. Children: 84 Sarah, b April 25, 1725, m Reuben Atwater of Cheshire; 85 Andrew, b Aug. 23, 1726, d Sept. 21, 1774, ae. 49 yrs., m Lowly Cook; 86 Mary, b Apr. 27, 1728, m Jonathan Hitchcock, Oct. 3, 1745 ; 87 Samuel, b Mar. 22, 1730, m Eunice Cook in 1753 ; 88 Joseph, b Aug. 29, 1732 ; 89 Abijah, b Oct. n, 1733, d Dec. 14, 1733 ; 90 Joseph, b June io, 1734, d Dec. 4, 1735 ; 91 Caleb, b May 21, 1735, d Au g- 8 > J 735 ; 9 2 Submit, b Dec. 12, 1736, d Feb. 13, 1737; 93 Patience, b Oct. 15, 1740, d Sept., 1764, ae. 25 ; 94 Joseph, b April 18, 1741 ; 95 Caleb, b Dec. 16, 1742, d June 4, 1767, ae. 25, m Mary Street. 21. ABIJAH. ABIJAH HULL, son of Capt. Joseph and Mary Hull, and GENEALOGIES. 8ll grandson of Dr. John and Mary Hull of Wallingford, m Abigail Harger, of Derby, Nov. 20, 1727. Children : 96 Esther, b 1728 ; 97, daughter. 29. JOHN. DR. JOHN HULL, son of Dr. Benjamin and Elizabeth Hull, married Sarah Ives, June 21, 1727. She died Nov. 29, 1760. He married for his 2d wife, Damaris Frost, Oct. 20, 1761. He died May 22, 1762-3. Children: 98 Zephaniah, b Aug. 15, 1728, m Hannah Doo- little, March 28, 1749 ; 99 John, d May 27, 1739 ; 100 Eliza- beth, b Feb. 14, 1733, m Ephraim Cook, Jan. i, 1752, in Che- shire ; 101 Sarah, b 1737, d Jan. 23, 1740; 102 John, b Apr. 17, 1739 ; 103 Desire, b June 6, 1740; 104 Sarah,\> Sept. 17, 1741; 105 John, b Feb. 15, 1744; 106 Amos, b May 27, 1745, m ist, Martha Hitchcock, 1764, 2d, Norton. 31. SAMUEL. CAPT. SAMUEL HULL, son of Dr. Benjamin and Elizabeth Hull, married Sarah Hall, Feb. 21, 1733, and settled in Che- shire, where he died Jan. 17, 1789, ae. 82 years. She died June n, 1763, ae. 50 years. He was born in 1707. Children: 107 Sarah, b Jan. 26, 1734, d May 3, 1734; 108 Samuel, b April 6, 1735, d May 22, 1735 ; 109 Samuel, b Aug. 12, 1737, m Sarah Humiston, Jan. 22, 1761, she died Sept. 4, 1775, ae. 31 ; no, HI Sarah and Love, b Aug. 27, 1738, the latter m Thomas Atwater, Dec. 8, 1757 ; 112 Jesse, b Jan. 27, 1745, m Ruth Preston, he settled on a farm at Broad Swamp, Cheshire; 113 Benjamin, b about 1775, m Mary Andrews; \\4,Levi, d Oct. 30, 1751. The last two were by 2d marriage. 33. BENJAMIN. DR. BENJAMIN HULL, son of Dr. Benjamin, son of Dr. John Hull, of Wallingford, married Hannah Parmalee, Dec. 17, 1735- Children: 115 Patience, b 1736; 116 Phebe, b May 2, 1737; 117 Hannah, b May 3, 1739 ; 118 Dr. Benjamin, b Oct. 20, 1741, m Esther , in 1763; 119, 120 Eliakim, and 8 12 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Charles, b May i, 1744, the Latter settled in Wallingford, m Sarah Atwater, he died May 4, 1819; 121 Sybil, b Aug. 15, 1746, d June 2, 1758; 122 Joel, b Aug. 6, 1749, settled in Yalesville, m Sarah , she d Aug. 23, 1816 ; 123 Beda, b April n, 1753; 124 Lois, b Jan. i, 1757; 125 Asahel,\> Aug. 4, 1759, settled in Wallingford ; 126 Ephraim, b 1767. 35- J HN - DR. JOHN HULL, son of Dr. Jeremiah and Hannah Cook Hull, married Mary Andrews, Oct. 26, 1735 ; he died Aug. 15, 1755 ') m 2 d> Damaris Frost, Oct. 20, 1761. Children: 127 Sarah, b Jan. 12, 1736 ; 128 Molly, b March 12, 1738, m Thomas Shephard, May 5, 1732 ; 129 Sarah, b Sept. 17, 1741, m Col. Asa, father of Hoadly Brothers, late of East Haven; 130 Moses, m Mary Ives, April 28, 1757 ; 131 John, b March 7, 1741-2, m Lois Beadles, March, 1759 ; 132 Nathaniel, b March 17, 1743, m Mehitable Beadles, April 13, 1763 ; 133 Aaron, b July 17, 1745 ; 134 Abigail, b Dec. i, 1747 ; 135 Hannah, b July 6, 1750. 40. JEREMIAH. JEREMIAH HULL, son of Dr. Jeremiah and Hannah Cook Hull, and grandson of Dr. John Hull, married Mary Merriman, Jan. 18, 1753. She died Aug. 22, 1774, ae. 41 years. He died Aug. 24, 1790, ae. 60. He was twice married. Children: 136 Caleb, b Dec. i, 1753, m Tyler; 137 jferemiah, m ist, Sarah , 2nd, Phebe Hart ; 138, Sam- uel, m Lois Peck of Wallingford ; 139 Ann, m Jacob Rice. By 2nd marriage: 140 Benjamin; 141 Levi, m and settled near his brother Jeremiah in Wallingford; 142 Hannah, m Heath in Wallingford ; 143 Eunice, m Pratt of Essex, Ct. 41. JOSEPH. JOSEPH HULL, son of Dr. Jeremiah and Hannah Cook Hull, married Hannah Corbitt in 1754. I have been unable to ascertain when they died. They may have removed from Wallingford in early life. GENEALOGIES. 813 Children: 144 Mary, b Sept. 20, 1755; 145 Caldwell, b Jan. 2, 1759. 6l. MILES. CAPT. MILES HULL, son of Miles and Mary Hull, married Eunice, daughter of Ebenezer and Hannah Hull of Walling- ford, Dec. 4, 1761. He died at Cheshire. When living he owned the farms of the late Jared Bishop, and Capt. Munson Cook. Children: 146 A mzi, went to Canada; 147 Luther; 148 Miles ; 149 Polly, m Levi Douglas of Meriden ; 150 Daughter, m Sizer, of Meriden. 75. EBENEZER. EBENEZER HULL, son of Ebenezer and Hannah Bates Hull, m Patience . He was a farmer at what is now Yalesville, where he died June 10, 1807, ae. 57 years. She died a few years later. Children: 151 Joseph, m Rebecca, daughter of Josiah Mix ; 152 Ira, d unmarried in 1812, at Broadswamp, Che- shire ; 153 Sarah, m Amos Austin of Meriden ; 154 Amy, m Lyman Hitchcock, son of Dan . 85. ANDREW. ANDREW HULL, son of Caleb, son of Capt. Joseph, son of Dr. John Hull of Wallingford, married Lowly Cook, daugh- ter of Capt. Samuel and Hannah Cook of Wallingford, Oct. 17, 1730. He died Sept. 21, 1774, ae. 49. He owned the large farm which Elias Gaylord's heirs and George Bristol now own, near Cheshire street, bounded north by the river. Mrs. Lowly Hull died about 1785. Children: 155 Damaris, b Sept. 29, 1749 ; 156 Lowly, b July 16, 1753 ; 157 Hannah, b Dec. 16, 1754; 158 Damaris, b Sept. 18, 1755 ; 159 Andrew, b Oct. 6, 1758, m Elizabeth Mary Ann Atwater ; 160 Sarah; 161 Ursula, b Nov. 10, 1760 ; 162 Mary ; 163 Esther; 164 Susan; 165 Lovisa, m Dr. Hall, went to Vermont. 8 14 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 87. SAMUEL. SAMUEL HULL, son of Caleb, son of Capt. Joseph, the son of Dr. John Hulls of Wallingford, married Eunice Cook, daughter of Capt. Samuel and Hannah Cook of Wallingford, Dec. 26, 1753. He died April 27, 1791, ae. 62. She died May 9, 1803, ae. 68 years. Children : 166 Infant son, b Jan. i, 1755 ; 167 Jedediah, b Feb. 26, 1756; 168 Infant son, b Feb 2, 1758, d same day; 169 Samuel, b May 27, 1759, d Feb. 20, 1840, ae. 80 years; 170 Zephaniah, b May i, 1761, settled in Wallingford, Vt., and d Feb. 20, 1840 ; 171 Epaphras, b April 9, 1763, d April 13, 1827, in Wallingford, Vt. ; 172 Eunice, b April 16, 1765, d Dec. 18, 1820, m Sheriff Whipple, Cazenovia, N. Y. ; 173 Lois, b Feb. i, 1769, d Oct. 20, 1777 ; 174 Caleb, b Nov. 9, 1768, d Aug. 9, 1816, at Wallingford, Vt. ; 175 Elizabeth, b Oct. 28, 1770, d Oct. 13, 1777 ; 176 Josephus, b Aug. 24, 1772, d March 18, 1813, at Wallingford, Vt. ; 177 Hannah, b Oct. n, 1775, m A. Meacham, Wallingford, Vt, d 1850. 95. CALEB. CALEB HULL, son of Caleb, son of Capt. Joseph, son of Dr. John Hulls, of Wallingford, married Mary Street ; he died June 4, 1767, as. 25. Children: 178 Ambrose; 179 Abraham; 180 Mary, m Hudson, he was drowned. 98. ZEPHANIAH. DR. ZEPHANIAH HULL, son of Dr. John, son of Dr. Ben- jamin and Elizabeth Hull, married Hannah Cook, March 28, 1749, and settled in Bethlem, Conn., probably through the inducement of Rev. Dr. Bellamy, with whom a close intimacy and warm friendship existed until death separated them. He died Nov. 10, 1760. She died the same day, both suddenly. Children: 181 Lydia, b Dec. 22, 1749, d Feb. 21, 1750; 182 Titus, M. D., b March 25, 1751, he went to Danbury in 1805, then to State of N. Y. ; 183 Lydia, b July 23, 1753, m Ja. Judson, March 21, 1769, by whom she had four children, GENEALOGIES. 815 married 2d, Amasa Clark, of Cheshire ; 184 Andrew, b Dec. 8, 1754, settled at Cheshire ; 185 Hannah, b Jan. 28, 1757, d Nov. 16, 1760; 186 Sarah, b May 17, 1759, d Nov. 16, 1760. 105. JOHN. JOHN HULL, son of Dr. John and Sarah Ives Hull, mar- ried Hannah Hitchcock, Dec. 13, 1764. Child : 187 John, b Oct. 8, 1765. 1 06. AMOS. DR. AMOS HULL, son of Dr. John and Sarah Hull, married Martha Hitchcock, March 2, 1764. Child : 188 Dr. Amos G., m Lydia Cook, dau. of Aaron of Wallingford, for his last wife. 109. SAMUEL. SAMUEL HULL, son of Capt. Samuel and Sarah Hull of Cheshire, married Sarah Humiston, Jan. 22, 1761. She died Sept. 4, 1775, ae. 31 years. He married Hannah for 2d wife, and she died April 4, 1811, ae. 62 years. Child : 189 Samuel, b 1777, m Alma, dau. of Jesse and Lois Humiston, of Cheshire, he was a saddler and harness- maker of Cheshire, he died May 5, 1831, ae. 54, leaving one daughter, Alma, wife of Wm. Kelsey, Esq. 112. JESSE. JESSE HULL, son of Capt. Samuel and Sarah Hull, was six years in the war of the Revolution, married Ruth Preston, and settled in Cheshire, where they died. Children: 190 Samuel, b 1769, d in Cheshire, ae. 90; 191 Thelus, went to Ohio, and has descendants there ; 192 eight daughters, most of whom went to western New York. 113. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN HULL, son of Capt. Samuel and Hannah Hull, married Mary ; he was a large landholder in Broad Swamp, Cheshire. He died May 3, 1835, ae. 63 years. She died Nov. 3, 1838, ae. 63 years. Children : 193 Rice Andrew, went to Canada ; 194 Lucy,m. 8l6 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Samuel U. Beach, of Cheshire ; 195 Chauncey, b 1794, d Aug. 2, 1830,35. 36 yrs. ; 196 Darius, m Martha ; 197 Amasa, b 1806, d in Cheshire; 198 Benjamin, b 1806, d April 6, 1812, as. 6 yrs. ; 199 Abiathar, b 1814, d Oct. 10, 1839, ae. 25 yrs. ; 200 Samuel Lee, b 1818, d Jan. 8, 1838, ae. 20 yrs. 1 1 8. BENJAMIN. DR. BENJAMIN HULL, son of Dr. Benjamin and Hannah Hull, married Esther , 1763. Child: 201 Benjamin, b Dec. n, 1763. 1 2O. CHARLES. CHARLES HULL, son of Dr. Benjamin and Hannah Hull, married Sarah Atwater, and when living, owned what is now known as the Ruggles farm at Yalesville in Wallingford ; he died May 4, 1819, ae. 75. His widow married Aaron Hall of Wallingford. Children: 202 Lucinda, b 1760, d April n, 1833, ae. 73 yrs., m Thomas Ruggles; 203 Lucia, b 1778, d Sept. 8, 1848, 82. 70 yrs, m Barney McCarthy. 122. JOEL. JOEL HULL, son of Dr. Benjamin and Hannah Hull, m Sarah . She died Aug 23, 1816, ae. 59, in Wallingford. He sold his farm, which is the one now owned by the heirs of Ransom Jeralds at Yalesville, and removed to Ohio, where he died. Child : 204 Anson, an only son, d in Ohio. 130. MOSES. MOSES HULL, son of Dr. John and Mary Hull, married Mary Ives, April 28, 1757. He lived, and I suppose, built the house where Thomas Berry lived in his old age, and where he died. The grandson of Mr. Berry now ( 1870 ) occupies the old house. 131. JOHN. JOHN HULL, son of Dr. John and Mary Hull, married ist, Lois Beadles, March 20, 1759. She died Sept. 6, 1802, ae. GENEALOGIES. 59 yrs. He married Phebe for his second wife. She died Sept. 3, 1834, ae. 93. He died Oct. 6, 1828, ae. 88 yrs. He was a large and enterprising farmer, and owned and occupied the house and land now belonging to Mr. Durand, near Yalesville. Children: 205 Nathaniel, b Sept. 7, 1759, d in infancy; 206 Mary, b Aug. 30, 1762, m Beach; 207 Sarah, m Samuel Wolcott; 208 Sally, m Reuben Ives ; 209 Eunice, m Ephraim A. Humiston ; 210 Melinda, m Samuel J. Simpson; 211 Diana, m Benjamin T. Cook. 132. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL HULL, son of Dr. John and Mary Hull, married Mehitable Beadles, April 13, 1760. Children: 212 Daughter, m Jonsey Curtis; 213 Wyllis,\> 1760, in Mehitable Mix, sister of John Mix, he d May 8, 1830, ae. 70; 214 Mary; 215 George. 133. AARON. AARON HULL, son of Dr. John and Mary Hull, settled in Meriden, was a farmer and a peddler of tin ware. Children: 216 Joel, m Hannah Hall, of Wallingford, daughter of Dickerman Hall ; 2 1 7 Cornelius. 137. JEREMIAH. JEREMIAH HULL, son of Jeremiah and Mary Hull, m ist, Sarah , 2d, Phebe, daughter of Nathaniel Hart of Wallingford. He was a noted peddler and farmer. Mrs. Sarah died at the age of 27 years. Mrs. Phebe died Nov. 9, 1855, ae - 84- He died Oct. 10, 1843, ae - 81 yrs. Children by ist marriage: 218 Alma, m Ira Morse of Wallingford ; 219 Julia, m Ira Andrews of Wallingford. By 2d marriage: 220 Philo, m Betsey Cook of Wallingford ; 221 Hiram, m Caroline Ives of Wallingford ; 222 Mary, res. Wallingford, old homestead ; 223 Lucy, m Senator Blakeslee, of Wallingford; 224 Orrin, m Ann Dowd ; 225 Jeremiah, m Sophronia Dudley. 8l8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 138. SAMUEL. SAMUEL HULL, son of Jeremiah and Mary Hull, married Lois Peck, and settled on the old homestead of his father ; he was an enterprising farmer in the north part of Walling- ford. Children : 226 William, m Alma, dau. of Reuben Hall ; 227 Sylvester, m Delilah, dau. of Benijah Morse ; 228 Lois, m Miles, son of Ichabod Ives. 151. JOSEPH. JOSEPH HULL, son of Ebenezer and Patience Hull, mar- ried Rebecca, daughter of Josiah Mix; he died of a wound in his knee joint, produced by an axe in his own hands while pruning apple trees for the late Chester Cook, March, 1818. Children: 229 James Mix; 230 Maria, m Jonathan Ives, of Meriden ; 231 Nancy; 232 Rebecca. 152. IRA. IRA HULL, son of Ebenezer and Patience Hull, died un- married at Cheshire in 1812, and by his will gave his real estate to his sister Amy, she paying the legacies named therein. 159. ANDREW. GEN. ANDREW HULL, son of Andrew and Lowly Hull, of Cheshire, married Elizabeth Mary Ann, daughter of Reuben Atwater, of Cheshire. He was a highly respectable gentle- man, merchant and farmer ; he died in Cheshire. Children : 233 Etidocia, m Gov. Samuel A. Foot, of Che- shire ; 234 infant son, d in infancy ; 235 Merab, m Henry Whittelsey, of Cheshire ; 236 Elizabeth, m Rev. Dr. A. Todd, of Stamford ; 237 Mary A., m Wm. R. Hitchcock, of Che- shire ; 238 Sarah, m Rev. Mr. Cloud ; 239 Adeline, m Rev. Mr. Mason. 169. SAMUEL. SAMUEL HULL, son of Samuel and Eunice Hull, married Abigail Doolittle ; she was born May 26, 1766. He was a farmer in the northern part of Cheshire, where he died, Oct. 27, 1828, ae. 70 yrs. Mrs. Abigail died Oct. 10, 1835, ae. 69. GENEALOGIES. Children: 240 Stella, b March 27, 1786, m Jonathan Law, Esq., she d Dec. 13, 1841, ae. 56 yrs. ; 241 Jedediah, b 1788, was insane ; 242 Ann, b 1793, d Aug. 27, 1818, ae. 25 yrs. ; 243 Abigail Ann, b Jan. 13, 1794; 244 Linda, b Feb. 6, 1796, m David Brooks of Cheshire, she d ae. 69 yrs. ; 245 Eunice, b Nov. 12, 1798, m Birdsey Booth, late of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio ; 246 Charlotte L., b Sept. 9, 1800, m John Olmstead, late of Hartford, Conn. ; 247 Samuel Cook, b Aug. 4, 1802, d Aug. 26, 1804 ; 248 Samuel, b .Feb. 4, 1805, d at Morris, Grundy Co., Illinois; 249 Julius, b July i, 1807, m Lucy Ives, and went to Ohio ; 250 Andrew Franklin, b Jan. 13, 1811, m Adeline Munson, he d Jan. i, 1845, ae. 34 yrs. 182. TITUS. DR. TITUS HULL, son of Dr. Zephaniah and Hannah Hull, studied medicine with Dr. Seth Bird, of Litchfield, and set- tled in Bethlem ; went in 1805 to Danbury. Ct. In the autumn of 1807, he went to the state of New York. He married Lucy Parmelee, daughter of Jonathan of Chatham, by whom he had two children, both of whom died in infancy. Mrs. Lucy died in Nov., 1776. In 1778 he married Olive Parmelee, widow of Abram of Goshen, her mother being a descendant of the Strong family of Northampton, Mass. He died Sept. 3, 1852. Children : 251 Lawrence, M. D., b June 6, 1779, m Dorcas Ambler of Bethlem, in 1803, and had 6 sons and 3 daus. ; 252 Althea, b Aug. 18, 1780, has six sons and a daughter; 253 Charles, b Jan. 4, 1782, was a physician, and practiced in Oneida Co., N. Y., and d in 1833, leaving a son and 3 daus., all married ; 254 Betsey M., b Sept. 17, 1783 ; 255 Elias, fc> April 3, 1786, has 2 chil. and lived in Alabama; 256 Lucy, b Aug. 23, 1788, m Ezra Starr, Oct. 17, 1807 ; 257 Olive E., b May 13, 1790, m Col. Elijah Morse of Eaton ; 258 Andrew C., b Oct. 28, 1792, m Betsey Morse, in 1818, at Eaton; 259 Leverett, b Dec. 3, 1796, m Julia Scoville of Salisbury, Ct., in 1829; 260 Rufus Lewis, died in childhood. 82O 'HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 184. ANDREW. ANDREW HULL, son of Dr. Zephaniah and Hannah Hull, after the decease of his father, went to live with his great- grandfather on his mother's side, at Cheshire, from whom he received an estate on which he continued to reside until his death. He married Naomi . She died Oct. 28, 1824, ae. 70 yrs. He died March 31, 1824, ae. 70 yrs., much lamented. Child : 261 Naomi H., m Mr. Wm. Brown, of New Haven, who was lost at sea. She was the mother of Wm. A. Brown, of Cheshire, and also of Mrs. Alfred Doolittle. 187. JOHN. JOHN HULL, son of Dr. John and Sarah Hull, married Hannah Hitchcock, Dec. 13, 1764. I find no further ac- count of them. Child : 262 John, b Oct. 8, 1765. 1 88. AMOS. DR. AMOS GOULD HULL, son of Dr. Amos Hull, who mar- ried a daughter of Dr. Norton of Cheshire, and was the in- ventor of the celebrated Hull truss, married Lydia Cook, daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth Cook of Wallingford. Child by Lydia, 2d or 3d wife : 263 Aaron Cook, was a physician at Brooklyn, N. Y., is deceased. 190. SAMUEL. SAMUEL HULL, son of Jesse and Ruth Preston Hull, mar- ried Manwaring, of Essex, and settled at the old home of his father, where he died Dec. 8, 1857, ae. 90 years. He was a farmer, and during his long life maintained the character of an honest man. Children: 264 Caleb ., resides near Wallingford line, Cheshire; 265 Josiah M., resides in Cheshire, a farmer; 266 Samuel T., resides in Cheshire, a farmer ; 267 Richard S., grad. at Yale College, is a lawyer in New Haven. 195. CHAUNCEY. CHAUNCEY HULL, son of Benjamin and Mary Hull, mar- ried Hannah, daughter of Jonah Hotchkiss, of Cheshire ; he GENEALOGIES. 821 died Aug. 2, 1830, leaving several children, most of whose names are to me unknown. Child: 268 Chauncey, d Jan. i, 1821, ae. 4 yrs. 196. DARIUS. DARIUS HULL, son of Benjamin and Mary Hull, married Martha . She died March 16, 1858, ae. 53 yrs. He has a considerable family of children, names unknown to me. He still lives at Cheshire. HUMISTON. HENRY. HENRY HUMISTON was at New Haven as early as 1650 ; he married Joanna Walker, Aug. 28, 1651. He died Jan. 16, 1663. Children : i Samuel, b Aug. 7, 1650 ; 2 Nathaniel, b Jan. 13, 1654 ; 3 Thomas, b Oct. 19, 1656 ; 4 Abigail, b May 17, 1661. Two of the name were at Wallingford about the commence- ment of the last century, viz., James and John, both from New Haven. John Humiston married Hannah Royce, of Wallingford, June 28, 1711, but it does not appear that he settled in Wallingford. James Humiston married Sarah Atwater, Jan. 7, 1719, and remained in Wallingford. He died Aug. 17, 1747. Children: 5 Daniel, b Nov. 16, 1721, m Lydia ; 6 Stephen,\> Nov. 9, 1723; 7 Noah, b March i, 1729, d Sept. 3, 1729; 8 James,\> Oct. 28, 1734, m Abiah Ives, Feb. 4, 1755-6, 2d Hannah : 9 Noah, d June 13, 1745. 5. DANIEL. DANIEL HUMISTON, son of James and Sarah Humiston, married Lydia , and settled in Cheshire, where he died July 27, 1767, ae. 46 yrs. She died Jan. i, 1809, ae. 83 yrs. Children: 10 Sarah., b Dec. 14, 1744; n Hannah, b March 2, 1745; 12 Stephen, b July 17, 1751; 13 Lydia, b D D D 822 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. March 17, 1754; 14 Patience, b Nov. 28, 1756; 15 Daniel, b April 10, 1759; 16 Daniel, b 1760, d Nov. 7, 1783; 17 y Aug. 24, 1712; 33 Rhoda, b Dec. 12, 1714; 34 Martha, b Aug. 10, 1716; 35 Amasa, b Nov. 15, 1718; 36 Gideon, b Sept. 24, 1720; 37 Joel, b Jan. 13, 1723 : 38 Mary, b Dec. 16, 1724 ; 39 Susan- nah, b May 26, 1727 ; 40 Esther, b Oct. 14, 1729. GENEALOGIES. 825 5. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL IVES, son of John, married Mary Cook, April 5, 1699, and settled in the south-west part of the town ; he died Nov. 6, 1711. Children: 41 Caleb, b Feb. 3, 1700, d Nov. 6, 1710 ; 42 Caleb; 43 Stephen, b March 24, 1704, m Sarah Hart, Oct. 25, 1730; 44 Thankful, b Aug. 4, 1708 ; 45 Abel, b May 6, 1711, m Sarah Reed, March 25, 1736. 9. JOHN. JOHN IVES, son of John and Mary Ives, married Hannah Royce, Dec. 18, 1719. He died Aug. 4, 1795. She died Nov. 5, 1770, ae. 70 yrs., at Meriden ; was daughter of Samuel and Hannah Royce. Children: 46 Eunice, b April 20, 1721, d Sept. n, 1727; 47 Anna, b April 20, 1725 ; 48 Eunice, b Sept. n, 1727, d Sept. 13, 1727 ; 49 John, b July 4, 1729 ; 50 Titus, b Feb. 17, 1732 ; 51 Levi, b Jan. 19, 1733 ; 52, 53 Joseph and John, b April 2, 1735 ; 54 Levi, b July 30, 1736, d Dec. 20, 1739; 55 Jesse, b April 2, 1738 ; 56 Joseph, b June, 1745 ; 57 Jesse. 10. SAMUEL. SAMUEL IVES, son of John and Mary Ives, married Phebe Royce, Jan. 28, 1720. He died Aug. 29, 1734. Children: 58 Mehitable, b March 29, 1724 ; 59 Bezaleel, b Dec. 14, 1726 ; 60 Samuel, b Jan. 28, 1733. II. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN, son of John and Hannah Royce, married ist, Hannah Moss, May 6, 1728. Children: 61 Rebecca, b March 29, 1723, d Dec. 9, 1724; 62 Rebecca, b Nov. 18, 1725 ; 63 Benjamin, b April 15, 1727, d June 19, 1727 ; 65 Benjamin, b Jan. 26, 1729 ; 66 Hannah, b Dec. 18, 1732 ; 67 Lois, b March 10, 1734; 68 David, b July 9, 1736, d Feb 20 1737 ; 69 Ruth, b Jan. 31, 1738 ; 70 David, b Jan. 15, 1740; 71 Levi, b July 23, 1743 ; 72 Thank- ful, b Jan. i, 1746 ; 73 Levi. b Sept. 18, 1748. 826 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 12. ABIJAH. ABIJAH IVES, son of John and Hannah Ives, married . She died May 6, 1753. He died July 17, 1762. Children: 74 Moses, b March 6, 1731; 75 Mary, b Sept. 22, 1732 ; 76 Abijah, b March 24, 1734, d Aug. 16, 1741 ; 77 Aaron, b May 26, 1736, d Nov. 24, 1742 ; 78 Abigail, b Feb. 14, 1738; 79 Phebe, b March 23, 1740; 80 Martha, b May 17, 1742 ; 81 Prudence, b June 19, 1744 ; 82 Aaron, b April 6, 1746 ; 83 Anna, b Feb. 21, 1749, d June 25, 1751. 14. LAZARUS. LAZARUS IVES, son of John and Mary, married Mabel Jerome, Jan. 5, 1731. His 2d wife was Isabella . Children by ist marriage: 84 Timothy, b Oct. 16, 1731; 85 Mary, b Sept. 10, 1733 ; 86 Lazarus, b Nov. 2, 1734. By 2 d marriage : 87 Ambrose, b May 22, 1736; 88 Isabella, b April 19, 1738; 89 Joshua, b March 16, 1740; 90 Amasa, bap. March 13, 1743 ; 91 John, bap. May 17, 1747 ; 92 Phebe, bap. Nov. 26, 1752. 15. DANIEL. DANIEL IVES, son of John and Mary Ives, married Abigail Parker, Oct. 28, 1738. Children: 93 Abigail, b July 30, 1736; 94 Lydia, b June n, 1738; 95 Martha, b Feb. 29, 1740; 96 Olive, b Nov. 29, 1741 : 97 Daniel, b Jan. 31, 1743 ; 98 Samuel, b March 9, J 745 > 99 John, b Feb. 19, 1747 ; 100 Levi, b March 29, 1750. 17. ABRAHAM. ABRAHAM IVES, son of John and Mary Gillette Ives, mar- ried Elizabeth Stanley. She died Aug. 4, 1735, and he married Barbara Johnson, May u, 1736. Children: 101 Elizabeth, b July 22, 1735; 102 Sarah, b Dec. 23, 1736; 103 Reuben, b Dec. n, 1738; 104 Barbara, b Oct. 9, 1739 ; 105 Abraham, b June 8, 1743 ; 106 Abraham, b March 8, 1746 ; 107 Barbara, b Oct. 5, 1747 ; 108 Ambrose, b June 30, 1748, m Lucy ; 109 Sarah, b Oct. 8, 1749. GENEALOGIES. 82/ IQ. BEZALEEL. CAPT. BEZALEEL IVES, son of John and Mary Gillette Ives, married Hannah Merriman, Feb. 14, 1753. He died Nov. 24, 1798, ae. 72 yrs. She died March 21, 1815, ae. 84 yrs. Child: no Capt. Samuel, b Jan. 5, 1752, m Lucretia, dau. of John Ives, d in Meriden, Oct. 18, 1803. 20. THOMAS. THOMAS IVES, son of Dea. Joseph and Esther Ives, married Abigail How, Sept. 2, 1702 ; he married 2d, Rebecca Hotch- kiss, Nov. 15, 1720. Children: in Isaac, b Nov. 8, 1721 ; 112 Andrew, b July 2, 1724; 113 Lent, b May 17, 1726, d July u, 1726; 114 Enos, b May 14, 1727. 25. JOSEPH. JOSEPH IVES, son of Dea. Joseph and Esther Ives, married Maria . Children: 115 Mary, b March 26, 1734; 116 Lent, b Sept. 12, 1735 ; IJ 7 Joseph, b Jan. 17, 1737. 26. PHINEAS. PHINEAS IVES, son of Dea. Joseph and Esther Ives, mar- ried Margery Munson, Jan. 26, 1738. Child: 118 Phineas, b Oct. 31, 1746. 27. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL IVES, son of Dea. Joseph and Esther Ives, married Zeruah . Children: 119 Mary, b Sept. 6, 1746; 120 Abigail, b Oct. 17, 1748; 121 Joseph, b June 15, 1749; 122 Nathaniel, b April 23, 1741 ; 123 Zeruah, b Dec. 15, 1753 ; 124 Samuel, b May i, 1756. 28. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM IVES, son of Dea. Joseph and Esther Ives, mar- ried Elizabeth Atwater, March 12, 1741. Children: 125 Sarah, b Nov. 19, 1741 ; 126 Ephraim, b Jan. 7, 1744; 127 Phineas, b June 12, 1746; 128 Elnathan, 828 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFOKD. b Dec. 21, 1748 ; 129 Elizabeth, b Nov. 6, 1751 ; 130 Eunice, b Feb. 19, 1755. 42. CALEB. CALEB IVES, son of Nathaniel and Mary Ives, married ist, Mary , 2d, Sarah , 3d, Elizabeth Plant, Feb. 27, 1733. He died April 13, 1752. Children: 131 Nathaniel, b Jan. 12, 1722; 132 Sarah, b Aug. 6, 1725, d Feb. 15, 1735. By 3d marriage : 133 Charles, b Sept. 5, 1734 ; 134 Eunice, b Sept 13, 1736 ; 135 Elizabeth, b Dec. 25, 1738; 136 Olive, b May 10, 1742 ; 137 Caleb, b May 19, 1745 ; 138 Caleb, b Feb. 9, 1748 ; 139 Amos, b May i, i75- 43. STEPHEN. STEPHEN IVES, son of Nathaniel and Mary Ives, married Sarah Hart, Oct. 25, 1730. Children : 140 Sarah, b May 29, 1733 ; 141 Mary, b April 16, 1735 ; 142 Lois, b Jan. 9, 1737. 45. ABEL. ABEL IVES, son of Nathaniel and Mary Ives, married Sarah Read, March 25, 1736. She died Jan. i, 1787, ae. 85 years. He died Jan. 31, 1781, ae. 80 years. Children: 143 Elizabeth, b Aug. 30, 1730; 144 Abel,\> Dec. 9, 1736 : 145 Anna, b Dec. 20, 1739 ; 146 Anna, b Aug. ist, 1740; 147 Sarah, b June 24, 1743; 148 Elizabeth, b Aug. 30, 1746 ; 149 Esther, b June 4, 1751 ; 150 Lois, b Mar. 27, 1754- 53- J HN - JOHN IVES, son of John and Hannah, married Sarah . Child : 151 Sarah, b Jan. 12, 1737. 56. JOSEPH. JOSEPH IVES, son of John and Hannah, married Mary . Child: 152 Anna, b Dec. 7, 1750. 36. GIDEON. GIDEON, son of Gideon and Mary Royce Ives, married and settled in Wallingforcl in a house still in existence, and stand- GENEALOGIES. 829 ing a little north and in the rear of the residence of the late Benajah Morse. Children: 153 Amos, bap. Jan. 5, 1752 ; 154 Enos, bap. Dec. 2, 1753 ; 155 Gideon, bap. May 15, 1757 ; 156 Jerusha, bap. Oct. 12, 1755. ELNATHAN. Children: 157 Elnathan, bap. March 21, 1731, m Ann Yale, March 9, 1758; 158 Abigail, bap. Feb. n, 1732 ; 159 Jerusha, bap. Feb. 28, 1735 ; 160 Josiah, bap. March 18, 1738 ; 161 Reuben, bap. March 13, 1744 ; 162 Huldah, bap. Jan. 17, 1748. 31. JOTHAM. JOTHAM IVES, son of Gideon and Mary Royce Ives, mar- ried Abigail Burroughs, Feb. 28, 1736. He died Sept. 2, 1753' ae - 43- Child: 163 Zachariah, b Jan. 31, 1737, settled near the Honey Pot brook in Cheshire, d March 9, 1815, ae. 78, and with his wife Lois was buried in the Episcopal church- yard, Cheshire. Children of Zachaiias : 164 Rev. Reuben, b in 1761, graduated at Yale in 1785, ordained by Bishop Seabury in 1786, Rector of St. Peter's Church, Cheshire, about thirty years, d Oct. 14, 1836, ae. 75 yrs.; 165 Chmmcey, b in 1762, d Nov. 17, 1778, in his i6th year ; 166 Lowly, m Seth De Wolf; 167 Jared, a farmer, d in Cheshire ; 168 Amos H., m Lois Cook, d in Cheshire ; 169 Jesse, settled on a farm in Meriden. 49. JOHN. JOHN, son of John and Hannah Royce Ives, b July 4, 1729, m ist, Mary, daughter of Dr. Isaac Hall. She d Feb., 1788. He married 2nd, Sarah , who d Nov. 24, 1804. He d Feb., 1816. Children: 170 Lucretia, m Capt. Samuel Ives; 171 John, m Martha Merriman ; 172 Isaac, m ist, Benedict, m 2d, - White of Danbury ; 173 Levi,n\ Fanny Silliman, June 1 8, 1789, he was father of Bishop Ives ; 174 Joseph, m Lucy, daughter of Benjamin Hall ; 175 Joel, in - -Hart; 176 Othniel, b Aug. 17, 1779, married ist, Sarah, daughter of 8 O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Nathaniel Yale, Oct 28, 1800, m 2d, Rosetta Yale, Oct. 26, 1815 ; 177 Titus, m Ximena Yale ; 178 Eli, d unmarried ; 179 Anna, m Noah Foster; 180 Polly, m John Hooker; 181 Meriel, m Clark, and moved to Canada. 177. OTHNIEL. OTHNIEL, son of John and Mary Hall Ives, lived in the east part of Meriden in the house now occupied by Othniel jr. Children: 182, Eliza, b Jan. 17, 1804, m Edwin R. Yale, March 14, 1824, she died March 9, 1846 ; 183 Elias, b Jan. 7, 1806, m Cornelius Pomeroy, Aug. 22, 1827 ; 184 Eli, b Jan. 7, 1809, m Gelina Ann Pomeroy; 185 Othniel, b Nov. 26, 1812, m ist, Julia Cook, 2d, Mary Howard; 186 Isaac I., b Jan. 21, 1817, m Eloise White of Danbury, 1847, d Oct. 14, 1850 ; 187 Sarah Rosetta, b Nov. 23, 1818, m Harvey Miller; 188 Juliette, b May 13, 1822, m Eli Butler, Nov. 10, 1842, d March i. 1855 ; 189 John, b Dec. 26, 1825, m ist, Alina Birdsey, Oct. 12, 1847, 2d Wealthy Merwin ; 190 Frederick W., b Jan. 27, 1828, m Frances Jones ; 191 Russell Jennings, b July 17, 1830, m ist, Flora Ann White, Sept. 15, 1853, 2d, Eliza, daughter of Deacon John Yale. JOHNSON.' Fitz James came from Normandy with William the Con- queror about the nth century, and settled in the north of England. It was customary before the Conquest to change a name by adding son, as we find Grimkelson, Gamelson, &c., I For collateral branches, see Abbot's Hist. Andover, Mass., 35, 36 ; Barry's Hist. Framingham, Mass., 303, 304 ; Bond's Hist. Watertown, Mass., 539-42 ; Brown's Gen. W. Simsbury Settlers, 88, 89 ; Chase's Hist. Haverhill, Mass., 276, 634-37 ; Cope's Record of Cope family of Penn. 52, 115, 116 ; Cothren's Hist. Woodbury, Ct, 600-2; Deane's Hist. Scitu- ate, Mass., 296, 297 ; Eaton's Hist. Thomaston, Me., 284, 285 ; Ellis's Hist. Roxbury, Mass., 122 ; Fox's Hist. Dunstable, Mass., 246; Gage's Hist. Rowley, Mass., 446; Heraldic Journal, m. (867,) 43-5, 182, 183; Hudson's Hist. Lexington, Mass., in, 112; Hudson's Hist. Marlborough, Mass., 403-6 ; Kellogg's Memorial of John White, 37 ; Leland's Gen. of GENEALOGIES. 83! in the time of Edward the Confessor, if not earlier. The Norman Fitz, a corruption of fits, was used the same way, and among the conquered Saxons was sometimes adopted in- stead. Thus, Fitz Harding became Hardingson; Fitz Clark, Clarkson ; Fitz James, Jameson; and Fitz John, Johnson. 1 The Fitz James mentioned above, changed his name to John- son, and had a numerous family. One branch of it went to Scotland, where the name became quite numerous. Some of these added a t to the name, and thereby made it read Johnston. 2 In the reign of Queen Elizabeth one branch went to Ireland, and became quite numerous. Sir William Johnston was of this branch of the family. In later ages the family were settled in Kingston-on-Hull. At the time of Dr. Johnson's visit, as agent from Connecticut, to England, he found the family almost extinct, there being but one, a maiden lady of thirty years, left in the place. On visiting the church- yard, he found a large number of tomb-stones and monuments with the name of Johnson inscribed upon them. Three brothers had gone from Kingston to North America, one of whom, a clergyman, settled near Boston, and was killed by the Indians. He left a considerable family, from whom have descended most of the name in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. One settled in the western part of Connecticut. Most of his descendants went to New Jersey, and were Leland Family, 249, 250 ; Littell's Passaic Valley Gen., 192-5 ; Mitchell's Hist. Bridgewater, Mass., 204-6 ; Morse's Gen. Reg. Sherborn and Holl- iston, Mass., 155,156; N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., vm. 232, 358-62; Pierce's Hist. Gorham, Me., 180; Poor's Hist, and Gen. Researches, 107; Savage's Gen. Diet., n. 549-59; SewalPs Hist. Woburn, Mass., 73-6, 165-8, 617, 618 ; Ward's Hist. Shrewsbury., Mass., 334-6 ; Washburn's Hist. 1 ,eicester, Mass., 379, 380. 1 The use of the prefix Fitz, has, with propriety, been revived in mod- ern times. The eldest son of Harris, Earl of Malmsbury, is. by title of courtesy, Viscount FitzHarris. 2 Most of the persons bearing the name of Johnston in Scotland, derive the name from the village of Johnston in Renfrewshire. The family are descended from Hugo de Johnstone, in the time of Alexander II. 832 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. numerous. Robert, the 3d brother, settled in New Haven, Conn., and was one of its first founders. Children : i John; 2 Robert; 3 Thomas ; 4 William, and possibly others. Edward Johnson originated from Kent, in England, in a parish within which county, called in his will Heron Hill, i. e. Herne Hill, or Herne, and' at a place in that parish called Waterham. He probably came to this country in the fleet with Winthrop, in 1630. He died April 23, 1672. He left five sons : Edward, George, William, Matthew and John, and two daughters, Susan and Martha. They have many descen- dants in Massachusetts. 4. WILLIAM. WILLIAM JOHNSON, son of Robert, the emigrant, appeared early in New Haven. He was one of the original sub- scribers to the compact for the settlement of Wallingford, in 1670, and had assigned him a lot, bounded as follows : " 20 rods wide north and south, 19 rods and 4 ft. east and west, and bounded east by y e street, and north by Jeremiah How, and west by Nathan Andrews." This piece of land he sold, with consent of his wife Sarah , to Isaac Curtis, in 1694. Mr. Johnson does not appear to have ever had a residence in Wallingford, but was simply a subscriber for the benefit of his heirs who might settle in the place. JACOB. JACOB JOHNSON, son of William, married Abigail Hitch- cock, Dec. 14, 1693. He built his house on the north side of the road that leads past the residence of the late Col. Thaddeus Codk, and nearly opposite the barn built within the last few years by Chauncey M. Cook. He was a tailor by trade ; he died July 26, 1749, ae. 80 yrs. Mrs. Abigail d Jan. 9, 1726. He married 2d, Parkis Lindley, 1726. Children: 5 Reuben, b Aug. 27, 1694, m Mary - ; 6 Isaac, b Feb. 25, 1696-7, m Sarah Osborne, he d April 2 3 X 779) ae - 84 ; 7 Enos, b 1698, d Jan. 31, 1786, ae. 88; 8 Abigail, b 1699; 9 Israel; 10 Abner, b Aug. 2, 1702. m GENEALOGIES. 833 Charity Dayton, Dec. 14, 1726; n Caleb, b 1733-4, d Oct. 13, 1777, ae. 73 yrs., m Rachel Brockett, Jan. 28, 1731, was a merchant in Wallingford ; 12 Daniel, b 1709, d Oct. 14, 1780, ae. 72 yrs. ; 13 Sarah, b 1710, m Matthew Bellamy, March 31, 1721; 14 Jacob, b April, 1713, grad. of Yale, was Cong. min. , settled at Groton, Conn. ; 15 Lydia, d June 3, 1729. 5. REUBEN. REUBEN JOHNSON married Mary Dayton, March n, 1718, and settled on the place now owned by Almon Doolittle, and built a house there. Children: 16 Justus, b April 6, 1720, d May 12, 1720 ; 17 Justus, b March 26, 1721; 18 Ephraim ; 19 Rebecca, b July 14, 1723 ; 20 Zaccheus ; and probably others. Ephraim occupied the old house where his father lived ; he took it down and built the one now owned by Mr. Rufus Doolittle. Zaccheus lived in the house that stood opposite the Caleb Dudley house. 6. ISAAC. DEA. ISAAC JOHNSON married Sarah Osborne, March 26, 1723. She died Nov. 16, 1766,86. 65. He built and occupied the Caleb Dudley house, and lived there ; he died April 29, 1779, ae. 84 yrs. Children: 21 Isaac; 22 Abigail, b Feb. u, 1722; 23 Joseph, b Jan. 21, 1725 ; 24 Sarah, b Feb. 10, 1729 ; 25 Isaac, b June 23, 1731, m Elizabeth - ; 26 Esther, b Nov. 31, J 735 j 2 7 Lois, b Feb. 15, 1738 ; 28 Rachel, b March 6, 1740. 7. ENOS. ENOS JOHNSON lived in the house of his father Jacob. Child : 29 Enos. 9. ISRAEL. ISRAEL JOHNSON married Sarah Miles, Jan. 26, 1732. His house was built by Caleb Johnson, and stood on the lot just east of the present residence of Turhand Cook. He also lived on the place now owned by the heirs of the late Liverius Carrington, in the village. He was a smith of some kind, and a worker of brass, &c., &c. He died 1747, leaving an Estate of ,2226 \2S. 834 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 30 Eunice, b Jan. 13, 1734; 31 Prudence, b Jan. n, 1738 ; 32 Caleb, b Sept. 17, 1739 ; 33 Anna, b Apr. 12, 1736 ; 34 Miles, b Oct. 31, 1741 ; 35 Rebecca, b Aug 4, 1744 ; 36 Warren, b Apr. 17, 1747 ; 37 Silas, b Jan. 21, 1749 ; 38 Jacob, b July 21, 1742. 10. ABNER. CAPT. ABNER JOHNSON married Charity Dayton, Dec. 14, 1726, and lived on the place where afterward his son Heze- kiah lived. He died Dec. 28, 1757. Children : 39 Dayton, b Feb. 8, 1728, m Hannah ; 40 Hezekiah, b March 12, 1732 ; 41 Abner, b Aug. 26, 1738, graduated at Yale College and settled in Waterbury ; 42 Anna, b Apr. 18, 1736 ; 43 Charles, b May 19, 1736 ; 44 Jacob, b July 21, 1742 ; 45 Lydia, m E. Fitch Esq. ; 46 Charity, b May 19, 1736. 15. DANIEL. DANIEL JOHNSON married Joanna Preston, Dec. 24, 1734, and first occupied a house that stood a little east of where his father Jacob lived. He afterwards removed to the Sam'l Parker place. He died Oct. 14, 1780, ae. 72. She died Jan. 18, 1781. Children: 47 Charles, b Nov. 13, 1735, d at sea, brought to New Haven and buried ; 48 Solomon, b May 4, 1740, built the John B. Johnson house; 49 Dan, b Mar. 24, 1746; 50 Israel, b July 8, 1748, settled in Meriden near Hanging Hills ; 51 Justin, b Mar. 4, 1752 ; 52 Mindwell, b May 19, 1738, m Merrow; 53 Joanna, b Apr. 4, 1743, m Lee ; 54 Abigail, b Dec. 23, 1753 55 Joshua, b July 26, 1757, m Brockett; 56 Rebecca, b March 29, 1759, d March 31, 1759 ; 57 Rebecca. JOHN. JOHN JOHNSON, the son of John, the son of Robert, married ist, Mary Chatterton of New Haven, came to Wallingford before 1710; the date of this marriage is Dec. 12, 1710. She died within that year, and he married Sarah Hitchcock, July 12, 1711. His house occupied the same piece of ground as GENEALOGIES. 835 that now occupied by the dwelling-house of Russell Cook, and formerly known as the Pond house or place. He died July 24, 1748, ae. 64 years. Born 1687. Children : 58 Esther, b May 4, 1712, m Merriman Munson ; 59 Barbara, b Feb. 5, 1714, m Abraham Ives ; 60 Damaris, b June 31, 1716 ; 61 Daniel, b Dec. 14, 1717, m Ruth , he d in 1761 ; 62 Phebe, b April 28, 1720, m Dydimus Parker; 63 Jennings, b Jan. 7, 1722, m Sarah , 1745, owned the Pond place; 64 Ruth, b Oct. 10, 1723 ; 65 Amos, b March 4, 1726, d during the Revolutionary war near White Plains, N. Y. ; 66 Patience, b July 28, 1728. l8. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM JOHNSON, son of Reuben and Mary Dayton, mar- ried Hannah . Children: 67 Content, b July 14, 1755 ; 68 Luther, b June 25, 1759- 20. ZACCHEUS. ZACCHEUS JOHNSON, son of Reuben and Mary Dayton, mar- ried Phebe . Children: 69 Justus, b Dec. 6, 1756 ; 70 Sybil, b Jan. 27, 1769. 39. DAYTON. DAYTON JOHNSON, son of Abner and Charity Dayton John- son, married Hannah . She died Jan. 6, 1723, ae. 46 yrs. He died Feb. 19, 1798, ae. 70 yrs. Children: 71 Mamre, b Aug. 15, 1752 ; 72 Eliakim, b Dec. 3 1 . J 7S3 ; 73 Hannah, b April 28, 1756. 40. HEZEKIAH. HEZEKIAH JOHNSON, son of Abner and Charity Dayton Johnson, married Ruth . Children: 74 Caleb, b July n, 1759 ; 75 George, b March ii, 1760 ; 76 Charles, b Nov. 21, 1761. 48. SOLOMON. SOLOMON JOHNSON, son of Daniel and Joanna Preston Johnson, married Mary, daughter of John Barker. She died Sept. 7, 1825. He died April 4, 1779, ae. 59. 836 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Child: 77 John Barker, married Munson, he d in Wallingford. 49. DAN. DAN JOHNSON, son of Daniel and Joanna P. Johnson, mar- ried ist, Rebecca Hitchcock. She died July 25, 1813, ae. 65. His 2d wife, Lucy Dudley, died Jan. 22, 1825, ae. 69. He died Sept. 2, 1830, ae. 85. Children : 78 Cephas, m Frost ; 79 Dan, b on the old Humiston place, m Dudley; 80 Willard '; 81 Augustus, m Frost; 82 Ransom; 83 Laura, m Amos Curtis of Meriden. 50. ISRAEL. ISRAEL JOHNSON, son of Daniel and Joanna Preston John- son, settled near the Hanging Hills in the parish of Meriden. Some of the family are still on that farm. Children: 84 Andrew; 85 Peter; 86 William, still living on the farm, a bachelor; 87 Huldah. 63. JENNINGS. JENNINGS JOHNSON, son of John and Sarah H. Johnson, married Sarah Johnson. He cut the stone cider mill trough that was afterwards Samuel Cook's. Children: 88 Sarah, b June 4, 1749 ; 89 Damaris, b June 26, 1753 ; 90 Stephen, b March 18, 1754 ; 91 Esther, b March 2 7> J 756 ; 92 Rachel, b Oct. 29, 1759. 65. AMOS. AMOS JOHNSON, son of John and Sarah H. Johnson, mar- ried Abigail . Children : 93 Lucy, b Sept. n, 1747 ; 94 Esther, b Nov. 16, 1749 5 95 Sybil, b Sept. 16, 1751. JONES. THEOPHILUS. THEOPHILUS and Hannah Jones are the first recorded of that name in Wallingford ; he married Hannah Mix, Dec. GENEALOGIES. 837 26, 1711. She died Nov. 26, 1754. He married 2d, Sarah Moss, Sept. 22, 1755. Children: i Nathaniel, b March 30, 1717, m Sarah Merri- man ; 2 Theophilus, b Nov. i, 1723, m Anna Street; 3 Caleb, b Nov. 4, 1712, m Mary How, Oct. 6, 1741 ; 4 Lydia, b Nov. 9, 1714, m Joseph Moss, Feb. 4, 1735 ; 5 Hannah, b Oct. 4, 1720, m Jehiel Merriman, Aug. 5, 1740 ; 6 Abigail, b Dec. 28, 1726, m Benjamin Button, March 16, 1747 ; 7 Daniel, b Oct. 28, 1731, d May i, 1737 ; 8 Nicholas, b Dec. 17, 1729, m ist, Mary , 2d, Eunice . 1. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL JONES, son of Theophilus and Hannah, mar- ried Sarah Merriman, June 8, 1743, in Wallingford. Children: 9 Abigail, b Sept. 26, 1744; 10 Daniel, b Oct. 17, 1748; IT Sarah, b Aug. 16, 1750; 12 Eunice, b Jan. 27, 1752 ; 13 Benjamin, b Feb. 5, 1757 ; 14 Amos, b Aug. 3. 1758 ; 15 Reuben, b Oct. u, 1759, m Sarah , he d Oct. 6, 1840 ; 16 Hannah, b Feb. 25, 1761. 2. THEOPHILUS. THEOPHILUS JONES, son of Theophilus and Hannah, mar- ried Anna Street, May 24, 1757 ; she died Aug. 10, 1811, ae. 76 yrs. He died Oct. 8, 1815, ae. 91 yrs. Children: 17 Sarah, b March 30, 1758, m Elisha Whittel- sey ; 18 Nicholas, b Nov. 25, 1760, d Aug. 25, 1848, ae. 88 ; 19 Anna, b 1772, d Oct. i, 1776. 3. CALEB. CALEB JONES, son of Theophilus and Hannah, married Mary How, dau. of Zachariah. Children: 20 Anna, b August 19, 1742 ; 21 Zachariah H., b Sept. 3, 1744; 22 Hannah, b Jan. 8, 1746; 23 Caleb, b Sept. 3, 1748 ; 24 Samuel, b May 15, 1754. 8. NICHOLAS. NICHOLAS JONES, son of Theophilus and Hannah, married ist, Mary , 2d, Eunice . He died April 24, 1760. Children by ist marriage: 25 Charles, b May 19, 1752; E 838 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 26 Patience, b March 27, 1754. By 2cl marriage : 27 Mary, b April 30, 1756, d May 6, 1760 ; 28 Eunice, b Feb. 26, 1758, d March 31, 1758; 29 Mary, b Feb. 26, 1760. 15. REUBEN. REUBEN, son of Nathaniel and Sarah Jones, married Sarah . He lived about a mile east of Wallingford village, where his descendants are still living, 1869. He died Oct. 6, 1843, ae. 84 years. Mrs. Sarah his wife d March 12, 1833, ae. 72 years. 18. NICHOLAS. NICHOLAS JONES, son of Theophilus and Anna Jones, mar- ried Elizabeth , and remained on the old farm of his fathers, on the west side of the river, where his son Street Jones Esq. now resides. He was a very enterprising and prosperous farmer, and died Aug. 25, 1848, ae 88 yrs., and his wife died Feb. 8, 1845, ae - 81 vrs - Children: 30 Betsey, m Rufus Bradley, Cheshire; 31 Anna,\> 1785, d Nov. 19, 1861, ae. 76, m Jared Doolittle of North Haven ; 32 Street, m ist, Eastman, 2d - Par- sons ; 33 Sarah, m Dea. Ezra Dickerman of Hamden. SAMUEL. SAMUEL JONES was, with his wife Sarah, born in Walling- ford, previous to 1721; she died Nov. 9, 1760. He was possibly a brother of Theophilus Jones. He married Esther Pratt, April 12, 1762. Children: 34 Mary, b Dec. 5, 1721 ; 35 William, b May 31, 1722 ; 36 Diadate, b March 15, 1724 ; 37 Hester, b March 9, 1727, m Dennis Covert, March 10, 1758 ; 38 Eaton, b Aug. 26, 1730; 39 John, b May 25, 1747; 40 Daniel, b March 18, 1745-6. KIRTLAND.i The name of Kirtland is of Scotch descent ; and among the first 36 settlers of Saybrook in 1635, was John Kirtland. I For collateral branches, see Chapman's Gen. of Chapman family, 71, GENEALOGIES. 839 who came from Silver-street, London. He had a son John, who was the father of Daniel, who was the father of the noted missionary, Rev. Samuel Kirkland, who was born in 1701, graduated at Yale in 1720, under the name of Kirtland. JOHN. JOHN KIRTLAND was married to his first wife in Saybrook, March 3, 1703 ; 2d, Lydia Baldwin. Children: i Hester, b March 10, 1704; 2 John, b July 5, 1708, d March, 1787 ; 3 Temperance, b Nov. 10, 1710. By 2d marriage: 4 Elisha, b July 21, 1718; 5 Elisha, b Aug. 17, 1719, killed at Fort Edward, March 16, 1756; 6 Lydia,\> Oct. 29, 1721, d June 30, 1770, at Horton, Nova Scotia ; 7 Parmd, b Jan. 29, 1724 ; 8 Constant,^ Jan. 24, 1726, d young; 9 Constant, b Dec. 24, 1727, d at Wallingford ; 10 Ezra, b Oct. ii, 1730, d at Saybrook, Aug., 1801 ; n Elizabeth, b Oct. 13, 1732 ; 12 Dorothy, b Sept. 21, 1735. 8. CONSTANT. CONSTANT KIRTLANU, son of John and Lury Kirtland, of Saybrook, married Rachel, daughter of Isaac and Brockett, of Wallingford, April 19, 1753. She was born May 23, 1732, died at Northford, Feb. 17, 1812. Children: 13 Isaac, b March 9, 1754, d Sept, 30, 1807, in Wallingford ; 14 Turhand, b Nov. 16, 1755, d Aug. 16, 1854, at Poland, Ohio ; 15 Mary, b Dec. 23, 1757, m Samuel Cook, d March 3, 1839; 16 John, b Dec. 20, 1759, d at Granville, N. Y., May 19, 1843 ; 17 Billious, b June 9, 1762, d Oct. 25, 1805, at Wallingford ; 18 Rachel, b July 9, 1764, m Col. Ed- ward Barker, d June 13, 1823, at Wallingford ; 19 Jared, b Aug. 8, 1766, d April 16, 1831, at Poland, Ohio ; 20 George, b July 2, 1769, d April 10, 1793, at Wallingford ; 21 Lydia, b Feb. 27, 1772, m Jonathan Fowler, of Guilford, d Aug. 16, 1850, at Poland, Ohio ; 22 Sarah, b March 19, 1778, m Capt. 72, 96, 133; Lewis and Newhall's Hist. Lynn, Mass., 154; N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., xiv. 241-5; Savage's Gen. Diet, in. 31, 32. 840 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Wm. Douglass, and had John, Sarah, Benjamin and William, d Sept. 28, 1842, at Northford. 13. ISAAC. ISAAC KIRTLAND, son of Constant and Rachel Kirtland, married Sarah Ives. Children : 23 Delight, m Peter Hall, of Wallingford ; 24 Sarah, m Jehiel Hall, of Wallingford ; 25 Constant, m Caro- line Carrington, he died in N. Y. ; 26 Clarissa. 14. TURHAND. TURHAND KIRTLAND, son of Constant and Rachel Kirt- land, married Mary, daughter of Moses Beach, of Walling- ford ; she died Nov. 24, 1792. Married 2d, Polly, daughter of Dr. Jared Potter, Jan. 19, 1793; she was born in New Haven, Feb. 10, 1772, and died at Poland, Ohio, March 21, 1850. Children: 27 Jared Potter, M. D., b Nov. 10, 1793, m Caroline, dau. of Joshua Atwater, May, 1814; 28 Henry Tur- hand, b Nov. 16, 1795, m ist, Thalia Fitch ; 29 Mary Beach, b Sept. 12, 1798, m Richard Hall, d in Poland, Ohio; 30 Nancy, b Jan. i, 1801, m Elkanah Morse ; 31 Billious, b Aug. 29, 1807, m Ruthan A. Frame, resides in Poland, Ohio ; 32 George, m Helen, dau. of Randall Cook, of Wallingford. 16. JOHN. JOHN KIRTLAND, son of Constant and Rachel Kirtland, married ist, Lucy A. Burbank, April id, 1788; she was born Jan. 10, 1771, d Aug. 17, 1728. Married 2d, widow Mary Tyler Benham, dau. of Moses Tyler, and widow of Silas Benham, formerly of Meriden, June 7, 1829. She died April 4, 1836, ae. 57 years. Children: 33 Henrietta, b Jan. 23, 1789, m Wm. Sweetland, of Plattsburg, Nov. 19, 1811 ; 34 Wm. Henry, b Jan. n, 1791, d April 6, 1821 ; 35 Lucy Fitch, b April 3, 1793, m Peter J. H. Myers, of Whitehall, Jan. 29, 1815 ; 36 George Washington, b April n, 1795, m Frances Davis, Oct. 6, 1828, he is a lawyer; 37 Ann Burbank, b April 5, 1797, d May n, GENEALOGIES. 84! J 797 ; 38 Ann Burbank, b April 27, 1798, m Wm. Haile, April 15, 1822, d Nov. 26, 1859 ; 39 Eliza Cornelia, b Sept. 17, 1800, m John B. Shaw, Oct. 13, 1825, d July 22, 1842 ; 40 Lydia Maria, b March 25, 1802, m S. Myers, Oct. 23, 1827, d Nov. 9, 1864 ; 41 Rachel Brockett, b Feb. n, 1804, m Thos. A. Tomlison, May 16, 1833 ; 42 John, b Oct. 13, 1805, m Catherine Campbell, Sept. 13, 1836 ; 43 Isaac Billious, b Oct. 14, 1807, m Lucy Sperry, Dec. 8, 1835 '> 44 Edward, b July 23, 1810, m Maria Foot, Jan. 24, 1837 : 45 Jared Turhand, b Nov. 3, 1816, m Ann T. Palmer, Sept. 6, 1849, d May 19, 1861. 17. BILLIOUS. DR. BILLIOUS KIRTLAND, son of Constant and Rachel Kirtland, married Sarah, daughter of Dr. Jared Potter. Children : 46 Eliza, m Liverius Carrington ; 47 Polly, m Col. Russell Hall ; 48 George, d 1869 ; 49 Sarah, m Liverius Carrington. 19. JARED. JARED KIRTLAND, son of Constant and Rachel Kirtland, married ist, Lois, daughter of Elisha and Lucretia Stanley Yale, of Wallingford. He removed to Poland, Ohio, in 1802, where he died, April 16, 1831. She died Oct. 3, 1814, ae. 38 yrs., at Cookstown, Penn. He left a widow. 2d wife. Children by ist marriage : 50 Lucretia, b Nov. 2, 1796, m Dr. - - Manning; 51 Rachel, b Dec. 9, 1798, m Col. Caleb Wicks ; 52 Eliza, b Aug. 2, 1803, m Philo Cook, of Walling- ford ; 53 Sarah, b Oct. 8, 1805, m Geo. G. Hills ; 54 Lois Yale, b Sept. 21, 1813, m Eli Mygatt, M. D., of Poland, Ohio. LEWIS.' BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN LEWIS was the first of the name in Wallingford. He came from Stratford in 1670, and had assigned him lot , which he sold to Dr. John Hull, who had come j For collateral branches, see Alden's Coll. of Am. Epitaphs, v. 68-70 ; 842 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. from Derby to settle in the place as a physician. Mr Lewis soon after left Wallingford, and returned to his old home in Stratford. Children: Mary, b Nov. i, 1671, d in Wallingford; John, b Sept. 20, 1672 ; Mary, b Nov. 9, 1674; Edmund, b 1679, m Hannah Beach, May 21, 1702. He d in 1757, ae. 78 yrs. EBENEZER. EBENEZER LEWIS, blacksmith, married Elizabeth Merriman, Dec. 2, 1685, and settled in the eastern part of the town in 1684. He was a son of William Lewis, of Fafmington. He died in 1709. Children: i Hezekiah,\> Oct. 12, 1686, d 1711, m Abigail ; 2 Caleb, b Oct. 15, 1691, m Sarah Cook, Nov. 25, 1713 ; 3 Selekey, b Oct. 25, 1693 ; 4 Elizabeth, b Oct. 15, 1695 ; 5 Barnabas, b Nov. 4, 1697, m Elizabeth ; 6 Hannah, bOct. 10, 1699, m Samuel Cook Esq. ; 7 Dr. Benjamin, b Sept. 21, 1701, m Esther Matthews, Nov. 3, 1724; 8 Malacht, b Oct. 4, 1703, settled in Middletown ; 9 Agape, b Jan. 10, 1705. 2. CALEB. CALEB LEWIS, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, married Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Hope Cook, Nov. 28, 1713. Children: 10 Ichabod, b April 13, -1714, d March i, 1718 ; 11 Caleb, b Feb. 28, 1717, m Eunice Welton, Jan. 10, 1736 ; 12 Ichabod, b 1716, m Sarah , 1777 ; 13 Ebenezer, b Andrews' Hist. New Britain, Ct, 160, 161, 167, 277, 306, 307, 332, 354 ; Bradbury's Hist. Kennebunkport, Me., 257 ; Bronson's Hist. Waterbury, Ct, 518, 519 ; Caulkins' Hist. New London, Ct, 295, 296; Deane's^Hist Scituate, Mass., 303, 304 ; Fields' Hist. Haddam, Ct, 46 ; Freeman's Hist Cape Cod, Mass., i. 614, n. 285, 404, 465, 471, 480, 481. 507, 661, 676; Howe's Hist. Col. Virginia, 181-3 '> Hudson's Hist Lexington, Mass., 281 ; Judd & Boltwood's Hist. Hadley, Mass., 530, 531; Lewis & Newhall's Hist.JLynn, Mass., 180-2 ; Meade's Old Churches and Families of Virginia, n. 231-3, 325, 326 ; N. E. Hist, and Gen., Reg., xvn. 162-6; Pierce's Hist Gorham, Me., 181-3; Savage's Gen. Diet, in. 84-90 ; Sheppard's Account of Lewis Family ; Smith's Hist. Delaware Co., Penn., 478-80 ; Virginia Hist. Reg., v. 24, 25. GENEALOGIES. 843 April 14, 1715, m Sarah Avered, June 12, 1735 ; 14 Hezekiah, b Oct. 14, 1720, m Abigail Chamberlain, April 25, 1744. 5. BARNABAS. BARNABAS LEWIS, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, married Elizabeth ; he died Oct. i, 1729. Children: 15 Lucy, b March 23, 1724 ; 16 Lois, b May 26, 1728. 7. BENJAMIN. DR. BENJAMIN LEWIS, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, mar- ried Esther Matthews, Nov. 3, 1724. Children: 17 Bela, b Sept. 28, 1724; 18 Bela,\> Jan. 10, 1725 ; 19 Elizabeth, b March 6, 1727, m Cornelius Johnson, Dec. 9, 1746; 20 Benjamin, b Jan. n, 1728, m Mary Maltbie, April 3, 1773; 21 Barnabas, b Aug. 17, 1733, m Rachel Curtis, Feb. 24, 1762 ; 22 Jesse, b Jan. 29, 1734; 23 Caleb, b May 22, 1736, m Lucy Holt, March 13, 1748-9 ; 24 Samuel, b March 8, 1741 ; 25 Esther, b Oct. 23, 1738, m Nathaniel Douglass, Feb. i, 1759 ; 26 Mary, b Oct. 10, 1743 ; 27 Mary, b June n, 1747 ; 28 Levi, b Oct. 19, 1750 ; 29 Levi, b Oct. 19, 1751 ; 30 Lucy, b March 23, 1754, m Zebulon Frisbie. II. CALEB. CALEB LEWIS, son of Caleb and Sarah, married Eunice Welton, Jan. 10, 1736. Children : 31 Jacob, b Sept. 7, 1736 ; 32 Eunice, b April 6, I73 8 ; 33 Amy, b Jan. 31, 1745 ; 34 Caleb, b April 15. 1752. 12. ICHABOD. ICHABOD LEWIS, son of Caleb and Sarah, married ist, Sarah - , 2d, Esther ; she was burned to death in 1812. Children: 35 Samuel, b Oct. 9, 1748, m Esther , he d Feb. 8, 1824, ae. 76; 36 Elihu, b June 10, 1752, settled in Albany, N. Y. ; 37 Esther, b July n, 1756, m John Mans- field ; 38 Jared, b May 10, 1761, m Rhoda Munson. 844 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 13. EBENEZER. EBENEZER LEWIS, son of Caleb and Sarah Cook Lewis, married Sarah Avered, June 12, 1735. Children : 39 Hannah, b Oct. 9, 1736 ; 40 Malachi. 14. HEZEKIAH. HEZEKIAH, son of Caleb and Sarah Cook Lewis, m Abigail Chamberlain, April 28, 1744. Children: 41 John, b May 22, 1745 ; 42 Ebenezer, b Oct. 14, 1746 ; 43, 44 Mary and Hezekiah, b April 27, 1755 ; 45 Benjamin, b Nov. 18, 1757; 46 Abel, b Dec. 25, 1760. 1 8. BELA. BELA LEWIS, son of Benjamin and Esther Lewis, married Abigail . Child : 47 Joseph, b May 6, 1743-4. 21. BARNABAS. BARNABAS LEWIS, son of Dr. Benjamin and Esther Lewis, married Rachel Curtis, Feb. 24, 1762. Children : 48 Rachel, b March 20, 1768 ; 49 Levi, b March 5. 1 775 > 5 Merriam, b Feb. 14, 1777. 35- SAMUEL. SAMUEL LEWIS, son of Ichabod and Sarah Lewis, died Feb. 8, 1824, ae. 76 yrs. He married Esther . Children: 51 Sarah, b Sept. 8, 1773; 52 Esther, b July 15, 1776, m Ephraim Cook, of Wall. ; 53 Elihu, b March 12, 1777. 38. JARED. JARED LEWIS, son of Ichabod and Sarah Lewis, married Rhoda Munson. He died in Wallingford. Children: 54 Isaac, m Esther Beaumont, kept a hotel and store in Meriden ; 55 Frederick, m Sinai Hall, of Wall- ingford. JACOB. JACOB LEWIS married Mary Martin, June 22, 1773. Children: 56 Jacob, b March 10, 1776 ; 57 Ezekiel, b July 6, 1777. GENEALOGIES. 845 ISAAC. DR. ISAAC LEWIS married Keziah . He lived on the west side of the river. Children : 58 Charles, b May 8, 1772 ; 59 Isaac, died May 9, 1772, ae. 25 yrs. ; 60 Keziah, d May 29, 1772, ae. 19 yrs. Joseph Lewis of Windsor and Simsbury, had sons, Joseph and John, who had a numerous posterity, who settled in Waterbury. Joshua Lewis, a Baptist Clergyman, came from Wales about 1780, and settled in Connecticut. His son Joshua, likewise a Baptist Clergyman, resided in Conn, and R. I., where he had a son Joshua, who removed to Saratoga, N. Y., and married a Miss Grinelle, and had a son John, who moved to the neighborhood of Auburn, N. Y., where he married Delecta Barbour, and became a farmer. They had five chil- dren, one of whom is Dr. Dio Lewis, of Lexington, Mass., born in 1825. The name of Lewis is derived from the Welsh Lluaws, signi- fying a multitude. The name of Lewes is derived from the same source, as is also the ancient town of Lewes in Sussex, England. MARTIN.- The Martins of Plymouth, Devonshire, were originally from Kent. Capt. John Martin, of this family, went round the world with Drake, in 1577. The name of Martin was adopted as a surname at a very early date ; and few names have had a greater number to bear them. The earliest record containing it which I have found, is the " roll of Battle Abbey," on which appears the name of Le Sire de S. Martin. Battle Abbey was dedicated to St. I For collateral branches, see Habson's Hist. Gloucester, Mass., 115; Cothren's Hist. Woodbury, Conn., 620-31 ; Eaton's Hist. Thomaston, Me., 324; Hough's Hist. Lewis Co., N. Y., 172-4; Littell's Passaic Valley Gen., 278; Savage's Gen. Diet., in. -161-4. 846 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Martin, and the date of its roll is 1066. The name was not only numerous on the other side of the water, but has been the same in this country from its first settlement. There was a William Martin at London, England, who assisted the Puri- tans in preparing for their voyage to Plymouth Rock ; but it does not appear that he came with them. John Martyn, after- wards Capt. John Martyn or Martin of Plymouth, and son of Martin of Bridgetown, near Totness, who had male issue living at that place in 1620, sailed round the globe with Sir Francis Drake, leaving Plymouth Nov. 15, 1577, and returning to the same port Sept. 26, 1580. Christopher Martin with his wife and son Christopher, and one whose name is not given, came over in the Mayflower in 1620; but they all died during the first winter. Others of the name however, came in almost every ship that brought over a company, for some years. They settled in various parts of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Virginia and other colonies. Anthony died at Midclletown, Conn., 1693 ; William of Strat- ford at Woodbury, Conn. It is proposed in this to trace only the Wallingford families. As early as 1684, John and Elizabeth Martin made their appearance in Wallingford, and were married by Mr. Moss, Jan. 15, 1684 ; how long they continued in the place does not now appear. In 1735, Rob- ert Martin and his wife Abigail appear to have been in Wall- ingford. Children: i James, b March 3, 1735, m Agnes Crawford, March 8, 1718 ; 2 Lydia, b Oct. 27, 1740 ; 3 Elizabeth, b Sept. 23, 1742 ; 4 Samuel, b May i, 1744 ; 5 Abigail, b Dec. 9, 1745 ; 6 Isaac, b April 25, 1748 ; 7 Mary, b Aug. 30, 1750 ; 8 John, b Sept. 27, 1754. WOOSTER. WOOSTER MARTIN came into Wallingford early in the present century, and settled on the North Farms as a wagon- maker, and by industry and perseverance accumulated a very handsome estate. He was twice married ; ist, to Althea GENEALOGIES. 847 Hall, 2d, Delilah Morse, widow of the late Sylvester Hull. He died in Wallingford, May 4, 1862, ae. 72. Children by ist marriage : 9 Othniel Ives, m , daugh- ter of Augustus Hall, 2d, Cook, daughter of Colonel T. Cook; 10 ; n Henry, m Hall, daughter of Joel Hall. By 2d marriage, 12 . I. JAMES. JAMES MARTIN, son of Robert and Abigail, m Agnes Crawford, March 8, 1758. Children : 13 Mary, b Dec. 28, 1758, in Wallingford ; 14 James, b'Nov. 10, 1761, in Wallingford. MANSFIELD. CAPT. JOHN MANSFIELD married Esther Lewis, and owned and occupied the house and lot now owned and occupied by Mr. Harrison, and formerly by John Hiddleson, Esq. Mr. Mansfield was in the service of his country during the Revo- lution, and received for that service a pension from the government. He died highly respected. Children : i Ira, he settled at Atwater, Ohio ; 2 Sybil, m John Hiddleson of Georgetown, S. C. ; both d in Wallingford. MATTOON.' Philip, son of Philip and Mary Mattoon, was doubtless the first of the name in Wallingford. He settled in the northeast part of the town. JOHN. JOHN MATTOON, son of Philip and Mary, who also settled in Wallingford, was born in 1682, and married Jerusha Hall, Oct. 20, 1706. He died Feb. 19, 1754; she died Sept. 28, 1760, ae. 71 yrs. Children: i Eleazer, b Dec. 13, 1727, no knowledge of I For collateral branches, see Judd & Boltman's Hist and Gen. Hadley, Mass., 535, 536 ; Savage's Gen. Diet., m. 177, 178. HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. him or family ; 2 Gershom, b Aug. 18, 1730; 3 Ebenezer,\> April 4, 1735, m Martha , she d Nov. 10, 1802, he d May 27, 1814; 4 David; 5 Isaac; 6 Nathaniel; 7 Sarah; 8 Mary, m Brooks ; 9 John, d Jan. 6, 1808, ae. 51. 4. DAVID. DAVID MATTOON m Phebe Curtis, Oct., 5, 1742. Children: 10 Charles, b Dec 12, 1744; n Phebe, b Jan. 15, 1748 ; 12 Eunice, b March 19, 1751. 6. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL MATTOON married Mary Curtis, Feb. 17, 1745. Children : 13 Joel, b Jan. 24, 1749 ; 14 Seth, b March 21, 1753- MERRIMAN. This name is often spelled on the old records Merriam and Merriman, both names referring to the same person. Joseph Merriam took the freeman's oath in Lexington, Mass., March 14, 1638. He died Jan. i, 1641, and some of his descen- dants assumed the name of, or were recorded as Merriman. NATHANIEL. CAPT. NATHANIEL MERRIMAN was one of the original set- tlers in Wallingford in 1670. Lots Nos. i and 2 were set him on the north, west and east corners of the south cross street, also No. 2 adjoining the west lot. These corner lots are now owned by Peter Whittelsey, Esq., and Rev. Edgar J. Doolittle. These extra lots were set to him in consideration of some out land which the committee had given out to other parties to his damage. Capt. Merriman built his house on the lot where Mr. Whittelsey's house now stands, but a short distance to the west of it. A large elm tree stands nearly in front of the old site. He died Feb. 13, 1693. ae. 80 years. Children: i John, d Sept. 26, 1651 ; 2 Hannah, b May 16, 1651 ; 3 Abigail, b April 18, 1654 ; 4 Mamre, b July 12, 1657, m Samuel Munson ; 5 John, b Feb. 28, 1659, m ist, Hannah GENEALOGIES. 849 Lines, 2d, Mary Doolittle ; 6 Samuel, b Sept. 29, 1662, m ist, Anna - , 2cl, Elizabeth Peck; 7 Caleb, b May, 1665,01 Mary Preston ; 8 Moses, b 1667 ; 9 Elizabeth, b Sept. 14, 1669, m Ebenezer Lewis, Dec. 2, 1685. 5- JOHN. JOHN MERRIMAN married ist, Hannah Lines of New Ha- ven, March 28, 1682. He married 2d, Mary Doolittle, and after her decease married Elizabeth Peck, March 20, 1690. Children: TO Esther, b Jan. 24, 1683 ; n Abigail, b Feb. i, 1685 ; 12 George, b July 14, 1688, m Susanna Abernathy. By 3d marriage: 13 John, b Oct. 16, 1691 ; 14 Israel, b June 23, 1693, m Comfort Benham, June 23, 1715 ; 15 Sarah, b Feb. 17, 1702 ; 1 6, 17 Elizabeth and Susanna, b July 20, 1703; 18 Mary, b March 15, 1705; 19 Caleb, b April 25, 1707, m Ruth . 6. SAMUEL. SAMUEL MERRIMAN married ist, Anna , 2d, Elizabeth Peck. Children: 20 Nathaniel, b May 22, 1687 ; 21 Nathaniel, b March 16, 1690 ; 22 Theophilus, b April 28, 1692, m Mary , May 9, 1714; 23 Samuel, b Dec. 19, 1694, m Sarah 7. CALEB. CALEB MERRIMAN married Mary . He died July 9, 1703. Estate 439. Children: 24 Moses, b Oct. 31, 1691 ; 25 Elizabeth, b May 4, 1691 ; 26 Eliasaph, b May 21, 1695, m Abigail Hall, Dec. 10, 1719 ; 27 Phebe, b June 17, 1697 ; 28 Hannah, b Sept. 10, 1698 ; 29 Phebe, b Sept. 16, 1699, m Waitstill Munson, Dec. 10, 1719 ; 30 Lydia, b Dec. 3, 1701 ; 31 Lydia, b Nov. 12, 1702. 8. MOSES. MOSES MERRIMAN m Martha . Children: 32 Jehiel, b Oct. 28, 1713; 33 Esther, b Nov. n, 1716, d April 3d, 1734; 34 Phebe, b March 27, 1720; 35 850 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Benjamin, b Jan. 21, 1722 ; 36 Martha, b Dec. 30, 1723 ; 37 Mary, b Feb. 26, 1726 ; 38 Lent, b May 25, 1731. 12. GEORGE. GEORGE MERRIMAN married ist, Susannah Abernathy, June 28, 1713; 2d, Ruth . Children: 39 Nathan, b Nov. 30, 1713 ; 40 Nathan, b July 16, 1717 ; 41 Lois, b Nov. 10, 1720; 42 Susannah, b Sept. 13, 1723 ; 43 Daniel, b Feb. 22, 1727 ; 44 Molly, b July 6, 1730 ; 45 Sarah, b May 25, 1733. 14. ISRAEL. ISRAEL MERRIMAN m Comfort Benham, June 23, 1715. Children: 46 Joseph, b Aug. 20, 1716 ; 47 Comfort, b Oct. 3, 1720; 48 Jelin,\) Feb 16, 1724; 49 Israel, b Nov. 30, X 73 2 j 5 Elizabeth, b March u, 1734. 19. CALEB. CALEB MERRIMAN married Ruth , Aug. 31, 1732. She died before him. He died of small pox, June 2, 1770. Children: 51 Sarah, b May 25, 1733; 52 George, b 1736, d Sept. 24, 1787 ; 53 Elizabeth, b Nov. 24, 1739 ; 54 Ruth, b Nov. i, 1741 : 55 Anna, d July 4, 1751 ; 56 Jerusha, d July 5> I 75 I > 57 Abigail, d Oct. 3, 1761 ; 58 Caleb,V> Feb. 26, 1751, d Oct. 9, 1751. 21. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL MERRIMAN married Mehitable . Children : 59 Samuel, b May 3, 1712 ; 60 David, b Feb. n, 1715; 6 1 Thankful, b May 31, 1717; 62 Nathaniel, b May 31, 1720, m Prudence Austin, Dec. 19, 1743. 22. THEOPHILUS. THEOPHILUS MERRIMAN married Mary . Children : 63 Anna, b Sept. i, 1715 ; 64 Theophilus, b Aug. 20, 1717. 23. SAMUEL. SAMUEL MERRIMAN married Sarah Wilcher. Children: 65 Samuel, b Aug. 24, 1728 ; 66 Samuel, b Oct. 14, 1734; 67 Catherine, b Dec. 28, 1736 ; 68 Nicholas, b Feb. GENEALOGIES. 85 1 X 7> X 737 j 69 Anna, b March 10, 1737; 70 Samuel, b Feb. 28, 1739; 71 Sarah, b Jan. 28, 1742; 72 Stephen, b March 25, 1743 ; 73 Miles, b June n, 1744; 74 Hannah, b Dec. i, 1750 ; 75 ;', b Aug. 21, 1753. 26. ELIASAPH. ELIASAPH MERRIMAN married Abigail Hall ; she with her daughter Abigail were killed by lightning, Aug. 4, 1758. He died Aug. 14, 1758, ten days after. Children: 76 Eunice, b Oct. 7, 1720, d; 77 Eunice, b Jan. 1.2, 1722, d; 78 Eunice}) Nov. 24, 1722 ; 79 Sarah, b Nov. 18, 1723 ; 80 Titus, b Aug. 28, 1727 ; 81 Caleb, b Sept. 3, 1729 ; 82 Amasa, b about 1730; 83 Elizabeth, b July 27, 1732; 84 'Esther, b Dec. 2, 1734; 85 Abigail, killed by lightning, Aug. 4, 1758 ; 86 Elizabeth. 38. LENT. LENT MERRIMAN married Catherine . Children: 87 Luce, b Feb. 14, 1755 ; 88 Joel, b Sept. n, 1756 ; 89 Mamre, b June 30, 1758 ; 90 Katherine, b May 23, 1760; 91 Moses, b Oct. 30, 1761. 46. JOSEPH. JOSEPH MERRIMAN married Deborah . Children: 92 Joseph, b Dec. 20, 1732; 93 Susannah, b Sept. 9, 1745. AMASA. AMASA -and Sarah Merriman, of Wallingford. Children: 94 Charles, b Aug. 20, 1762. He enlisted into the army of the Revolution as a drummer, in 1776, became drum-major, and served through 'the war. He married Anna Punderson, of New Haven, May 16, 1784, and settled in Watertown, where he commenced the business of tailor, which he was compelled to relinquish in consequence of ill health. After having "ridden post" from New Haven to Suffield, Conn., four years, and made a voyage to the West Indies, he commenced the mercantile business in Watertown, in which he continued until 1829. He died Aug. 26, 1829, leaving ten children. 852 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. MILES.' John Miles was in New England in 1630, and was made free in 1732. THOMAS. MAJ. THOMAS MILES of New Haven, married Abigail Mix. daughter of Thomas Mix, Sept. 7, 1709. His father, Richard Miles, died in New Haven in 1663, and his mother, Mrs. Katherine Miles, died in Wallingford, Jan. 27, 1683, ae. 95 yrs. Anna, the wife of Rev. Mr. Samuel Street, was their daughter. The tomb-stone of Mrs. Catherine Miles is still in the cemetery at Wallingford. Maj. Thomas Miles died Oct. 5 J 74i- Children: i John, b Jan. 14, 1711, m Sarah ; 2 James, b Dec. 18, 1713, m Phebe Thompson, Jan. 10, 1733 ; 3 Elizabeth, b Sept. 18, 1718, m Daniel Clark, she d April 17, 1755 ; 4 Mary, b Nov. 19, 1719, m Josiah Stanley, March 14, T 739 j 5 Martha, b Nov. 5, 1723 ; 6 Eunice, b Dec. 6, 1726, m Stephen Culver, Feb. 12, 1745-6 ; 7 Abigail, b April 2, 1727. 1. JOHN. JOHN and Sarah Miles. He died Nov. 18, 1760. She died Nov. 25, 1760. Children: 8 Samuel, b Dec. 18, 1714 ; 9 Sarah, b Aug. 28, 1717 ; 10 John, b Oct. 4, 1723 ; n Esther, b Aug. 26, 1726 ; 12 Mehitable, May 2, 1741, she died May 2, 1757. 2. JAMES. CAPT. JAMES and Phebe Miles of Wallingford. He was Town Clerk of his native place for a great number of years. She died Oct. 23, 1756. Children: 13 Thomas, b Oct. 14, 1733 ; 14, 15 Samuel, and Anna, b Mar. 24, 1735; 16 Joseph, b March 7, 1737; 17 i For collateral branches, see Allen's Hist. Worcester, Mass. Associa- tion, 165, 166 ; Hill's Hist. Mason, N. H., 205 ; Miles' Gen. of Miles Family ; Savage's Gen. Diet., in. 206-8 ; Smith's Hist. Delaware Co., Penn., 485 ; Ward's Hist. Shrewsbury, Mass., 368-70 ; Westminster, Mass. Centennial Celebration, 30. GENEALOGIES. 853 John, b Nov. 24, 1739; 18 Catherine, b Nov. 23, 1741; 19 James, b Feb. 19, 1743-4; 20 Abigail, b Nov. 9, 1746 ; 21 Sarah, b May 20, 1749 ; 22 George, b April 22, 1752. 8. SAMUEL. SAMUEL MILES m Phebe Tuttle, Nov. 29, 1736, and re- sided in Wallingford. Children : 21 Joseph, b March 7, 1737 ; 22 Amos, b Feb. 6, 1738 ; 23 Ruth, b May 24, 1739, m Stephen Hall, April 21, 1762 ; 24 Mabel, b Oct. i, 1741, m John McCleave ; 25 Martha, b June 28, 1743 ; 26 Joel, b Nov. 18, 1749 ; 27 Isaac, b Aug, 25, 1752 ; 28 Samuel, b Aug. 12, 1757. 10. JOHN. JOHN MILES m Martha Curtis, Nov. 14, 1743, and resided in Wallingford. Children : 29 John, b Aug. 31, 1745 ; 30 Simeon, b April 4, 1746 ; 31 Sarah, b Sept. 30, 1749. DANIEL. DANIEL MILES married Anna , of Wallingford. He died Dec. 12, 1756. Children: 32 Samuel, b Oct. 9, 1746 ; 33 Charles, b Feb. 8, 1748 ; 34 Susannah, b Sept. 6, 1750; 35 Molly, b Oct. 7 19, 1753 ; 36 Anna, b April 4, 1756. 22. GEORGE. GEORGE MILES son of Capt. James Miles, came to Wall- ingford some thirty-five or forty years since, and remained there, until his decease, a single man, greatly advanced in life. He died Feb. 13, 1838, ae. 86 years. He was the last of the male members of the Miles family in Wallingford. MIX.' JOHN. JOHN Mix was the first of the name who was in Walling- ford. He had assigned to him in 1670, lot No. 12, the same i For collateral branches, see Savage's Gen. Diet, in. 222, 223,, F F F 854 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORU. on which now (1870) stand the houses of Joel Peck, de- ceased, and the heirs of the late Hon. Edgar Atwater. He was the eldest son of Thomas Mix Sen., of New Haven. Daniel, his brother, also settled in Wallingford, married Ruth , May 2, 1678. Children: i Thomas, b March 25, 1678-9, m Deborah Royce, March 2, 1705 ; 2 Lydia, b July 31, 1682, m Ebenezer Hall ; 3 Daniel, b June i, 1685, m Lydia Erwin, May 24, 1732. I. THOMAS. THOMAS Mix, son of Daniel and Ruth, married Deborah Royce, daughter of Samuel and Hannah Royce ; she died Dec. 15, 1738. Children: 4 Abigail, b Jan. 29, 1706 ; 5 Josiah, b Nov. 20, 1707 ; 6 Thomas, b Nov. 27, 1709 ; 7 Daniel, b April 27, 1712; 8 Deborah, b March 17, 1744; 9, 10 Hannah and Sarah, b Jan. 30, 1716 ; n Stephen, b May 8, 1718, m Re- becca ; 12 Enos, b May 29, 1720 ; 13 Sarah, b April i, 1723, m Christopher Robinson, April 14, 1757; 14 Martha, b July 18, 1725 ; 15 Timothy, b Dec. 28, 1727 ; 16 Enos, b May 29, 1730, d Dec. 20, 1737. 3. DANIEL. DANIEL Mix married Lydia Eiwin, May 28, 1712. He was a son of Daniel and Ruth Mix. Children: 17 Benjamin, b Aug. 13, 1713; 18 Lydia, b Sept. 21, 1716; 19 Ruth, b Oct. 5, 1718 ; 20 Benjamin, b Dec. u, 1720; 21 Isaac, b June 7, 1723, d; 22 Isaac, b Nov. 5, 1727 ; 23 Daniel, b Nov. 31, 1730 ; 24 Jeremiah, b Nov. 12, 1737- 5. JOSIAH. JOSIAH Mix, son of Thomas and Deborah Mix, married ist, Sybil Holt; she d Aug. 5, 1731. He married 2d, Abi- gail Porter, Dec. 20, 1742. Children: 25 Jesse, b Oct. 22, 1731, m Deborah Parker; 26 Eldad, b Oct. 4, 1733 ; 27 Titus, b Dec. 4, 1735, d ; 28 Sybil, b April 5, 1738. By 2d marriage: 29 Titus, b Dec. 4, 1745. GENEALOGIES. 855 6. THOMAS. THOMAS Mix, son of Thomas and Deborah Mix, married Ruth . Children: 30 Samuel, b Feb. 3, 1740 ; 31 Thomas, b Aug. 12, 1745 J 3 2 Enos, b Feb. 2, 1747 ; 33 John, b Aug. 23, 1750, d in Wallingford ; 34 Amos, b Dec. 2, 1753. II. STEPHEN. STEPHEN Mix married Rebecca . Children: 35 Rebecca, b May 13, 1747 ; 36 Stephen, b Nov. 2, 1748; 37 Sarah, b Dec. 31, 1749. 25. JESSE. JESSE Mix married Deborah Parker, Nov. 22, 1753. Children: 38 Ruth, b Sept. 15, 1754; 39 Josiah, b Aug. 22, 1755, m Is t> Mindwell Royce, 2d, Keziah Royce. THEOPHILUS. THEOPHILUS and Damaris Mix were married Jan. 17, 1729. He died in Meriden July 3, 1750, ae. 53 years. Children: 40 Moses, b Jan. 3, 1730, died Feb 14, 1730; 41 Mary, b April 3. 1731 ; 42 Sarah, b Aug. 26, 1732 ; 43 Mary, b Aug. 4, 1734, d; 44 Mary, b Aug., 1735, d Sept. 3, 1735 ; 45 Eber. 39. JOSIAH. JOSIAH Mix was twice married, ist to Mindwell Royce, Aug. 17, 1777. She died in 1802. He married her sister Keziah Royce, Jan. 2, 1803. He formerly owned and occu- pied the house, late the residence of Harley Morse, at Yales- ville. In 1816, he, with his family, removed to Ohio and settled at Atwater. He died at Rootstown, Ohio, in his gist year. His wife Keziah died at Atwater, Ohio, ae. 82 yrs. Children: 46 James, b June 7, 1778, m Miss Curtis; 47 Josiah, b Sept. 15, 1779, m Sarah Mattoon, d Feb. 4, 1867 ; 48 Sarah, b June 7, 1782, m Joseph Rice, d in 1818 ; 49 Mindwell, b June i, 1784; 50 Rebecca, b May i, 1787, m ist, Joseph Hull, 2d, Joseph Parker, d in Wallingford; 51 Stephen, b Feb. 14, 1790, m Polly Owens, d Jan. 10, 1832 ; 52 856 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORI). Amanda, b April 13, 1792, m Earl Hawkins, Oct. 24, 1823 ; 53 Julia, d June 10, 1801 ; 54 Phebe, b Feb. 7, 1799, m James Webber, March i, 1827, is living in Atwater, Ohio. By 2d marriage: 55 Julia, b Feb. 4, 1804, m Chauncey Andrews; 56 Emeline, b March 14, 1805, m John B. Whit- telsey, Oct. 15, 1827, d Sept. 19, 1863 ; 57 Samuel, b Feb. 23, 1807, m Jane Case, is living at Rootstown, Ohio ; 58 Lucy, b Feb. 8, 1809, m Dr. L. W. Trask. JOHN. JOHN Mix married Elizabeth , and settled on the North Farms in Wallingford, as a blacksmith. He raised a large family of sons who learned their trades of him. He died Oct. 3, 1821, ae. 75 years. Mrs. Elizabeth died Sept. 7, 1845, ae. 8 1 years. Children: 59 John, b 1784, m Olive Ives ; 60 Titus, b 1787, d Aug. 31, 1833, ae. 46 ; 61 Eli, b 1802, d Dec. 16, 1848, ae. 46 ; 62 Elias,& in Prospect ; 63 William, died at Cheshire, was a miller at Hough's Mills ; 64 Thomas, m a daughter of Abel Sanford. 59- JOHN. JOHN Mix married Olive Ives of Wallingford. He was a blacksmith at Yalesville or Tyler's Mills, for several years. He died April 5, 1849, ae. 65 years. Children : 65 Joel ; 66 John, m Barnes, residence Cheshire ; 67 Butler, d unmarried at Prospect ; 68 Garry I., is a manufacturer at Yalesville, Conn. ; 69 William, resides in New Haven ; 70 Erwin, resides in Cheshire ; 71 Olive ; 72 Sylvia, m William Haywood, and resides at Brooklyn, N. Y. 60. TITUS. TITUS Mix, son of John and Elizabeth, was a blacksmith in the southeastern part of Mericlen, and was at one time celebrated as a plough-maker. Child : 73 Titus Mix, lives in Cheshire. DANIEL. DANIEL and Ruth Mix were in Wallingford as early as 1667. The name of his 2d wife was Deborah . GENEALOGIES. 857 Children by ist marriage : 74 Thomas, b March 25, 1678; 75 Lydia, b July 22, 1682 ; 76 Daniel, b July i, 1684, m Lydia , May 28, 1712. By 2d marriage: 77 .Daniel,b April 2, 1702 ; 78 Abigail,\> Jan. 29, 1706; 79 Josiah, b Nov. 20, 1707 ; 80 Thomas, b Nov. 27, 1709. 76. DANIEL. DANIEL Mix m Lydia . Children: 81 Deborah, b March 17, 1714; 82 Hannah, b Jan. 20, 1716; 83 Enos, b March 29, 1720, d Dec. 20, 1737; 84 Sarah, b April 21, 1723; 85 Isaac, b Nov. 5, 1724; 86 Martha, b July 18, 1725 ; 87 Joanna, b March 13, 1726 ; 88 Timothy, b Dec. 28, 1727 ; 89 Daniel, b March 31, 1730. THEOPHILUS. THEOPHILUS Mix married Damaris . Children : 90 Moses, b Jan. 3, 1730 ; 91 Mary, b Aug. 4, 1733 ; 92 Eben, b Sept. 3, 1735. MOSS.' JOHN. JOHN Moss, the ancestor of all who bear the name in these parts, was in New Haven as early as 1645, an< ^ perhaps before that date. He was a prominent man there, frequently representing the people in the General Court. As early as 1667, we find him in what is now Wallingford, perambulating the country in that region for the purpose of settling a village there. In 1670, at the age of 67 years, we find him exerting himself before the General Court at Hartford, to procure an act of incorporation, changing the name of the village to that of Wallingford, which was carried into effect the i2th day of May, 1670. At this time he was a member of the General Court from New Haven. Afterwards he was fre- quently a member of said Court, as a representative from Wallingford. He was a very active member of the company, I For collateral branches, see Savage's Gen. Diet, in. 246, 247. 858 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. and a leader among the settlers, who were constantly filling up the place. He was at first located on a lot at the south end of the village, a short distance below the present residence of Constant Webb, and adjoining his friends, John Brockett and Samuel Brown, to whom was assigned the lot on which the Beach house now stands. Failing to settle on it within the time limited, his title was forfeited, and the committee to whom such matters were referred, gave it to John Moss Jr., and the same remained in the possession of his heirs and descendants, until the death of the late Ebene^er Morse. John Moss sen. died in 1707, at the advanced age of 103 years. His sons, i Mercy, and 2 John, were among the early settlers of Wallingford. MERCY. MERCY Moss, son of John the emigrant, married and set- tled in New Haven ; was for a time in Wallingford. Child : 3 John, b Jan. 7, 1677. 2. JOHN. JOHN Moss Jr., son of John the emigrant, m Martha La- throp, 1677. She died Sept. 21, 1719, and he died March 31, 1717. He settled on the Moses Y. Beach lot, and built a house upon it, in which I suppose he died. Children: 4 Mary, b Jan. 7, 1677; 5 Esther, b Jan. 5, 1678 ; 6 Dea. Samuel, b Nov. 18, 1680, m Susannah Hall, Dec. 15, 1703 ; 7 John, b Nov. 10, 1682, m Elizabeth Hall, Feb. 25, 1708 ; 8 Martha, b Dec. 22, 1684 ; 9 Solomon, b July 9, 1690, m Ruth Peck, Jan. 28, 1714; 10 Isaac, b July 6, 1692, m Hannah Royce, May 2, 1717 ; n Mary, b July 23, 1694, m Solomon Munson, June 28, 1714; 12 Israel,^ Dec. 31, 1696, m Lydia ; 13 Benjamin, b Feb. 10, 1702, m Abigail 6. SAMUEL. DEA. SAMUEL Moss, son of John and Martha Lathrop Moss, married Susannah Hall, Dec. 15, 1703. He died July GENEALOGIES. 859 29, 1765, ae. 85 yrs.; she died March 4, 1766, ae. 83 yrs. Children: 14 Theophilus, b Oct. 24, 1704, m Ruth Bunny; 15 Martha, b June 7, 1706; 16 Susannah, b Dec. 5, 1708; 17 Samuel, b April 4, 1711, m Hannah ; 18 Esther, b July 30, 1713 ; 19 Isaac, b Dec. 5, 1715, m Hannah , 2d, Keziah Bowers; 20 Sarah, b Feb. 10, 1718 ; 21 Isaiah, b Oct. 16, 1720; 22 Bethiah, b March 2, 1723. 7. JOHN. JOHN Moss, son of John and Martha Moss, married Eliza- beth . She died Jan. 27, 1754; he died May 14, 1755. Children: 23 Hannah, b Nov. n, 1709; 24 Elizabeth, b Oct. 6, 1710; 25 Samuel, b April 4, 1711, m Mary ; 26 Joseph, b Feb. 9, 1714, m Lydia Jones, Feb. 4, 1735; 27 Mary, b April 22, 1716; 28 John, b Nov. 14, 1720; 29 Levi, b Sept. 30, 1722 ; 30 Eunice, b Feb. 6, 1728 ; 31 Thankful, b April 26, 1729. 9. SOLOMON. SOLOMON Moss, son of John and Martha Moss, married Ruth Peck. She died March 29, 1728. He married Sarah Children by ist marriage: 32 Martha, b June 7, 1706; 33 Susannah, b Dec. 5, 1708; 34 Daniel, b May 15, 1716; 35 Daniel, b Oct. 28, 1717, m Mary Watts, Oct. 3, 1737; 36 Abigail, b March 7, 1718; 37 Solomon, b Oct. 31, 1719, m Sarah ; 38 Ruth, b Aug. 5, 1721 ; 39 Martha, b Sept. 30, 1723 ; 40 Abigail, b July 9, 1729. Children by 2d mar- riage: 41 Lois, b Jan. 7, 1730; 42 Jonathan, b Feb. 8, 1731 ; 43 Sarah, b Nov. 28, 1734. 10. ISAAC. ISAAC Moss, son of John and Martha Moss, married Han- nah Royce, May 2, 1717. Children : 44 Heman, b July 21, 1718, d May 9, 1721 ; 45 Hannah, b March 7, 1722; 46 Orzel; 47 Jesse, b March 10, 1729; 48 Elihu, b May 25, 1731; 49 Mehitable, b May 9, 1735- 86O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 12. ISRAEL. ISRAEL Moss, son of John and Martha, married Lydia . Children : 50 Nathaniel, b Dec. 19, 1722 ; 51 Isaiah, b Apr. 10, 1725 ; Lydia, b March, 1727 ; 53 Isaiah, b Dec. 15, 1731 ; 54 Keziah, b Dec. 9, 1734, d Jan. 20, 1737 ; 55 Asahel, b Feb. 22, 1737 ; 56 Keziah, b July 27, 1739. 13. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN Moss, son of John and Martha, married Abi- gail . Children: 57 Abigail, b Dec. 28, 1728; 58 Benjamin, b Nov. 27, 1729 ; 59 Barnabas, b Dec. 27, 1733 : 60 Timothy, b March 17, 1736 ; 61 Abigail, b Sept. 30, 1740; 62 Joseph, b Dec. 17, 1742 ; 63 Martha, b Jan. 27, 1744-5 ; 64 Eunice, b Aug. 12, 1747. 17. SAMUEL. SAMUEL Moss, son of Samuel and Susannah Moss, mar- ried ist, Mary Judd, May 28, 1734 ; she died, and he married 2d, Hannah , Jan. 28, 1748. Children: 65 Susannah, b Oct. 20, 1735, d Feb. i, 1747 ; 66 Samuel, b March 31, 1739 ; 67 Joshua, b Jan. 18, 1742 ; 68 Sarah, b April 30, 1745 ; 69 Thomas, b Jan. 21, 1747 ; 70 Thomas, b July 27, 1751 ; 71 Mary, b April 9, 1753 ; 72 Martha, b May 10, 1755 ; 73 Bethia, b May 21, 1757. 19. ISAAC. ISAAC Moss, son of Samuel and Susannah, married Hannah . She died March 31, 1731, ae. 40. He married 2d, Keziah Bowers, Oct. 4, 1736. Children : 74 Ebenezer, b June 15, 1723 ; 75 Heman, b Jan. 2, 1727 ; 76 Capt. Jesse, b Dec. 16, 1729, d at Cheshire, March 20, 1793, ae. 64 years ; 77 Mehitable, d May 9, 1735 ; 78 Isaac, b Nov. 5, 1734. By 2d marriage : 79 Keziah, b March 1 8, 1746. 26. JOSEPH. JOSEPH Moss, son of John and Elizabeth, married Lydia Jones, Feb. 4, 1735. He died at Cheshire, July 10, 1775, ae, 62 yrs. GENEALOGIES. 86l Children: 80 Rhoda, b Jan. 9, 1736; 81 Moses, b March 18, 1738; 82 Eliada, b Aug. 18, 1740; 83 Eunice, b May 5, 1742 ; 84 Hannah, b April 9, 1745 ; 85 Joseph, b March 21, 1747 ; 86 Elizabeth, b May 31, 1750; 87 Isaac, b March 29, 1754 ; 88 Sarah, b March 22, 1757 ; 89 Amos, b Oct. 2, 1760. 28. JOHN. JOHN Moss, son of John and Elizabeth, married Lydia . She died and he married for second wife, Sarah . Children by ist marriage: 90 Amasa, b April 22, 1746 ; 91 John, b Sept. 3, 1747; 92 Joel, d Jan. 12, 1726; 93 Eunice, b Oct. 30, 1750; 94 John, b April 7, 1753. By 2d marriage: 95 Sarah ; 96 Phebe, b May 6, 1760. 29. LEVI. LEVI Moss, son of John and Elizabeth, married Martha Children: 97 Amos, b Nov. 17, 1744; 98 Levi, b Nov. 16, 1746; 99 Elizabeth, b Dec. 3, 1748; 100 Eunice, b Oct. 30, 1750; 101 John, b Feb. 14, 1751 ; 102 Martha, b Aug. 18, 1753 ; 103 Martha, b Nov. 28, 1755 ; 104 Stephen, b Feb. 6, 1758 ; 105 Hannah, b July 24, 1760. 35. DANIEL. DANIEL Moss, son of Solomon and Ruth, married Mindwell Children: 106 Chloe,\> Dec. 6, 1739; 107 Simeon, b Oct. 16, 1740 ; 108 David, b Sept. 30, 1742. 47. JESSE. JESSE Moss, son of Isaac and Hannah Moss, married Mary . Children : 109 Hannah, b June 16, 1754 ; no Joel, b Dec. X 7> I 755> d Nov. 22, 1756 ; in Jesse, b Sept. 10, 1757 ; 112 Reuben,\> June n, 1759; 113 Job, b April 25, 1761 ; 114 Job, b April 25, 1762. 50. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL Moss, son of Israel and Lydia Moss, married Mary , 862 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 115 Stephen, b Oct. 6, 1752; 116 Nathaniel, \> April 15, 1754; 117 Keziah, b May 13, 1756; 118 Mary, b July 19, 1758; 119 Lydia, b Aug. 26, 1760. 53. ISAIAH. ISAIAH Moss, son of Israel and Lydia Moss, married Phebe Doolittle, April n, 1738; she died May 10, 1758. Children: 120 Phebe, b June 3, 1739 '> I2r Hezekiah, b Jan. 20, 1741, d July 10, 1742; 122 Mehitable, b Nov. 15, 1743; 123 Hezekiah, b Nov. 3,1746; 124 Phebe, b Aug. 18, 1752; 125 Linus, b March 2, 1761. MUNSON.' SAMUEL. SAMUEL MUNSON, the first of the name in Wallingford, married Martha Bradley of New Haven, Oct. 26, 1665. She died Jan. 9, 1707. He married for his 2d wife, Mary Merri- man, March 10, 1708. He was a shoemaker and tanner of leather, and owned the lot on which now stands the house of Aimer I. Hall, Esq. He died in Wallingford, Nov. 24, 1741, ae. 74 years. Children by ist marriage : i Martha, b May 6, 1667, in New Haven ; 2 Samuel, b Feb. 28, 1669 ; 3 Thomas, b March 12, 1670, in New Haven, d in Cheshire, Sept. 28, 1746, ae. 76; 4 John, b Jan. 28, 1672 ; 5 Theophilus, b Sept. i, 1675 > & Joseph, b Nov. i, 1677 ; 7 Stephen, b Dec. 5, 1679 ; 8 Caleb, b Nov. 19, 1682, m Elizabeth ; 9 jfoshua, b Feb. 7, 1684, d Dec. 9, 1711 ; 10 Israel, b March 6, 1686 ; n Solomon, b Feb. 18, 1689, m Mary Cooley : 12 Samuel, b Aug. 25, 1691, m Rachel Cook ; 13 Mario, b Feb. 15, 1693 ; 14 William, b Oct. 13, 1695, m Rebecca , in 1750; 15 Waitstill,\> Dec. 12, 1697; 16 Eunice, b Sept. 13, 1700; 17 Obedience, b Oct. 13, 1792 ; 18 Katherine, b June 3, 1704, m John Mitchell, Oct. 12, 1702. By 2d marriage: 19 Tamar, b Dec. 5, 1709. i Machias Centennial Celebration. 171 ; Savage's Gen. Diet., in. 257; Temple's Eccles. Hist. Whately, Mass., 36. GENEALOGIES. 863 5. THEOPHILUS. THEOPHILUS MUNSON, son of Samuel and Martha, married to Mary Moss, by Mr. Hall, June 28, 1714. Child: 20, Eliasaph, b Nov. 17, 1719. 6. JOSEPH. JOSEPH MUNSON, son of Samuel and Martha Munson, married Margery Hitchcock, March 10, 1699. Children: 21 Abel, b Jan. 10, 1701, m Sarah Peck; 22 Abigail, b April 3, 1704, m Ichabod Merriman, Oct. 17, 1725 ; 23 Joseph, b Dec. 21, 1705 ; 24 Desire, b Feb. 7, 1707 ; 25 Thankful, b Jan. 8, 1708 ; 26 Ephraim, b Nov. 15, 1714 ; 27 Margery, b Oct. 10, 1717 ; 28 Jemima, b March 27, 1720; 29 Auger, b April 7, 1725, d Dec. 17, 1726. 8. CALEB. CALEB MUNSON, son of Samuel and Martha Munson, mar- ried Elizabeth Brewer, March 26, 1706. Children : 30 Keziah, b Jan. 13, 1706 ; 31 Caleb, b Aug. 19, 1709, m Abigail Brockett, April 23, 1735 ; 32 Elizabeth, b March 31, 1717; 33 Merriam, b April 12, 1720. 9. JOSHUA. JOSHUA MUNSON, son of Samuel and Martha Munson, married Katharine, daughter of Rev. Samuel Street, Dec. 20, 1710. He died Dec. 9, 1711. Children: 34 Joshua, b Aug. 2, 1710; 35 Mary, b .March 2, 1712. II. SOLOMON. SOLOMON MUNSON, son of Samuel and Martha Munson, married Mary Moss, June 28, 1714; m Sarah Peck, June M> 1753- Children: 36 Martha, b Sept. 14, 1715; 37 Samuel, b Sept. 15, 1717 ; 38 Elizabeth, b Nov. 17, 1719. By 2d mar- riage: 39 Jonathan, b June 30, 1756; 40 Eunice, b Nov. 19, 1754 ; 41 Sarah, b Dec. n, 1760. 12. SAMUEL. SAMUEL MUNSON, son of Samuel and Martha, married 864 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Mary Merriman, March 10, 1708. She died Nov. 28, 1755. He died Nov. 23, 1741. Children: 42 Samuel, b Feb. 5, 1709; 43 Merriman, b Nov. 30, 1710 ; 44 Mamre, b Dec. 16, 1712 ; 45 Lent, b Mar. 6, 1714. 14. WILLIAM. WILLIAM MUNSON, son of Samuel and Martha, married Rebecca , in 1750. Children: 46 Martha, b April 2, 1729, m Ambrose Doolit- lle ; 47 William, b July 5, 1731 ; 48 Eunice, b Aug. 15, 1733 ; 49 Peter, b Nov. 22, 1735, d at Cheshire in 1833, ae. 98 yrs. ; 50 Hannah, b Sept 6, 1737; 51 George, b Oct. 7, 1739; 52 Samuel ; 53 Amasa, b Jan. 27, 1741. 15. WAITSTILL. WAITSTILL MUNSON, son of Daniel and Martha, married Phebe Merriman, Dec. 10, 1719. Children : 54 Reuben, b May 9, 1721 ; 55 Hannah, b Feb. 20, 1723; 56 Samuel, b Dec. 7, 1724; 57 Phebe, b Jan. 14, 1726 ; 58 Solomon, b March 19, 1728, m Sarah Peck, June 14, J 753j 59 Waitstill, b Nov. 24, 1729; 60 Mamre, b Jan. 20, 1734, m Timothy Carrington, Sept. 26, 1751; 61 Martha, b June n, 1738. 21. ABEL. ABEL MUNSON, son of Joseph and Margery, married Sarah Peck, Nov. 7, 1728. Children: 62 Mary, b May 2, 1732, m Joseph Doolittle, March n, 1756 ; 63 Titus, b July 5, 1734 ; 64 Lud, b May 5, *736 ; 65 Levi, b Aug. 29, 1738 ; 66 Sarah, b Sept. 6, 1740 ; 67 Nathaniel, b Oct. 20, 1742 ; 68 Abigail, b Sept. 2, 1744; 69 Margery, b Nov. 3, 1746; 70 Lydia, b Oct., 1748 ; 71 Abel, b Jan 3, 1749 ; 72 Joseph, b Nov. 16, 1751. 30. CALEB. CALEB MUNSON, son of Caleb and Elizabeth Munson, married Abigail Brockett, April 3, 1735. He died July 2 5i 1747- GENEALOGIES. 865 Children: 73 Mabel, b June 2, 1730; 74 Abner, b March 2 > X 736 ; 75 Harmon, b Oct. 28, 1738 : 76 Caleb, \> March 13, 1741 ; 77 Cornelius, b April 16, 1742 ; 78 Benjamin, b Aug. 23, i?44- 33. JOSHUA. JOSHUA MUNSON, son of Joshua and Katherine Munson, married Anna . Children: 79 Joshua, b Feb. 4, 1750 ; 80 Elizabeth, b Feb. 29, 1752; 81 Joshua, b Aug. 2, 1754; 82 Lucy, b Feb. 3, J 757 ; 83 Anna, b June 28, 1760. 42. MERRIMAN. DEA. MERRIMAN MUNSON, son of Samuel and Mary Munson, married ist, Esther . She died April 6, 1757 ; he m 2d, Thankful Peck, June 23, 1758. Children: 84 Sarah, b Dec. 16, 1734; 85 Esther, b March 25, 1740 ; 86 Samuel, b Dec. 8, 1741 ; 87 Mamre, b Aug. 12, 1745, d Sept. 17, 1745. By 2d marriage: 88 Sarah, b Oct. 7, 1758. 44. LENT. LENT MUNSON, son of Samuel and Mary Munson, mar- ried Mary . Children: 89 Mamre, b Dec. 9, 1749, d Aug. 31, 1751 ; 90 John, b Aug. 25, 1754 ; 91 Luce, b Feb. 14, 1755 ; 92 Mary, b Sept. 29, 1756. 46. WILLIAM. WILLIAM MUNSON, son of William and Rebecca, married Phebe - . Children : 93 Medad, b Aug. 31, 1731 ; 94 Martha, b Jan. 16, 1740. 48. PETER. PETER MUNSON, son of William and Rebecca, married and settled in Cheshire, where he died ae. 92 years. Children : 95 Waitstill, d in New York a Methodist minister, left numerous descendants ; 96 Reuben, d in N. York ; 97 Levi, d in Cheshire, Conn. 866 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 53. REUBEN. REUBEN MUNSON, son of Waitstill and Phebe, married Mary Chittenden, Dec. 21, 1741. Children : 98 Stephen, b Sept. 23, 1742 ; 99 Moses, b Sept. 24, 1744 ; 100 Reuben, b Dec. 22, 1746. 57. SOLOMON. SOLOMON MUNSON, son of Waitstill and Phebe, married Sarah . Children: 101 Eunice, b Nov. 19, 1754; 102 Jonathan, b June 3, 1756. 58. WAITSTILL. WAITSTILL MUNSON, son of Waitstill and Phebe, married Children: 103 Martha, b June n, 1738; 104 Zerah, was a shoemaker; 105 Hunn. 62. TITUS. TITUS MUNSON, son of Abel and Sarah, married Lydia Lindsley, Sept. 22, 1759. Child: 106 Irene, b March 9, 1758. 92. REUBEN. REUBEN MUNSON, son of Peter and Rebecca Munson, married and settled in the city of New York, and became a wealthy manufacturer of combs. He had a large family of children, among whom were William and others whose names I have not learned. 96. LEVI. LEVI MUNSON, son of Peter and , married Tenny Brooks of Cheshire, and settled on the old homestead of his father, about a mile and a half north of the village of Che- shire, where he died. Children : 107 Levi ; 108 Abbey, m Rier Bristol of Cheshire ; 109 ; no Benjamin F., m ist, Abigail Atkins, 2d, Anna Cook; in Truman, m W. Hitchcock. GENEALOGIES. 867 98. MOSES. MOSES MUNSON, son of Reuben and Mary, married Phebe Children: 112 John, b Aug. 2, 1740; 113 Thomas E., b April 5, 1742 ; 114 Margaretta, b April 14, 1744 ; 115 Caleb, b May 22, 1746; 116 Hannah, b May 17, 1748; 117 Moses, b Aug. 13, 1750. EBENEZER. EBENEZER and Abigail Munson. Children: 118 Thomas, b Oct. 24, 1741 ; 119 Lydia, b Jan. 30, 1745; 120 Elizabeth, b Jan. 13, 1746; 121 Patience, b Aug. 31, 1749 ; 122 Jesse, b July 5, 1751 ; 123 John, b Dec. 3, >75 2 - OBADIAH. OBADIAH MUNSON married ist, Rachel Tyler, Feb. 28, 1753, 2d, Mary Williams, Oct. 15, 1755. Children : 124 Barnabas, b Sept. 24, 1754 ; 125 Wilmot, b July 23, 1755 ; 126 Lydia, b Aug. n, 1756 ; 127 Hannah, b Jan. 12, 1757 ; 128 Stephen, b Sept. 10, 1759; 129 Daniel, b March 23, 1761. 129. DAVID. DAVID and Sarah Munson. Children: 130 David, b Jan. 23, 1741 ; 131 Amos, b Oct. i3> 1743- WALTER. WALTER MUNSON married Phebe . Child : 132 Martha, d Jan. 26, 1740. ELIASAPH. ELIASAPH MUNSON married Rebecca , and settled on a farm on the west side of the river in Wallingford. He died Jan. i, 1826, ae. 75. Mrs. Rebecca died Aug. 9, 1849, ae. 90 years. Children: 132 Chauncey ; 133 ftachel, m John B.Johnson; 134 Sarah, m Billious Cook. 868 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. NO YES.' JAMES. REV. JAMES NOYES came from England in 1634, and is the ancestor of the Noyes family in Connecticut. He was born in 1608, in Choulderton, Wiltshire, England. His father was a minister of that place, and was a very learned man. He came to this country because he could not comply with the ceremonies of the Church of England. He was married to Miss Sarah Brown of Southampton, not long before he came to this country, which was in 1634. He was first called to preach in Mystic, and continued there nearly a year. After- ward he settled in Newbury, Mass., and was pastor of the church in that place for more than twenty years. He died Oct. 22, 1656, in the 48th year of his age. He had six sons and two daughters, all of whom lived to be married, and had children. Three of his sons graduated at Harvard College, and settled in the ministry. James was pastor of a church in Stonington, Conn. Moses settled in Lyme, Conn., and died 1729, in his 86th year, after having resided with his people 60 years. Nicho- las, brother of Rev. James, settled in Salem, Mass. JAMES. REV. JAMES NOYES of Stonington, married Dorothy Stanton, Sept. ii, 1674. He was one of the founders and first trus- tees of Yale College ; was pastor of the church in Stonington 50 years. He died Dec. 30, 1719-20, ae. 80 yrs. Children : i James, born in England, his sons were John, b 1619, d in Roxbury, Mass., 1682, and Robert, who settled I For collateral branches, see Coffin's Hist Newbury, Mass., 312 ; Hobart's Hist. Abingdon, Mass., 423-6 ; Journals of Smith and Dean of Portland, Me., 158 ; Kingman's Hist. North Bridgewater, Mass., 582-4 ; Noyes' Gen. of Noyes Family; Poor's Hist, and Gen. Researches, 119, 120, 136-40, 168, 169; Savage's Gen. Diet, ITI. 296-299; Ward's Hist Shrewsbury, Mass., 388-90 ; Wyman's Hunt Family Gen., 119, 120 ; also p. 291 of this history. GENEALOGIES. 869 in Roxbury, m Sarah Lynde ; 2 Thomas; 3 John; 4 Joseph, m Abigail Pierrepont ; 5 Moses ; 6 Dolly. 3. JOHN. JOHN NOYES, son of Rev. James of Stonington, married Mary Fish, at Stonington, Nov. 16, 1758. Children: 8 Rebecca, b Nov. 22, 1759, d at Stonington, May 14, 1760; 9 Joseph, b Feb. 14, 1761, m - Burr; 10 John, b Aug. 27, 1762, m Skidmore ; n James, b Aug. 14, 1764, m Anna Holbrook ; 12 Mary, b June 21, 1766, d Aug., 1770; 13 Anna. Mary, the wid. of John Noyes, married 2d, Gen. Gold S. Silliman of Fairfield, Conn., in 1775, and had two children by her second marriage : Gold S. Silliman, Esq., lawyer, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and the late Prof. Benjamin Silliman of Yale College. 4. JOSEPH. REV. JOSEPH NOYES, son of Rev. James of Stonington, was born in 1688, graduated in Yale College in 1709. After receiving his first degree, being then about 22 years of age, he became tutor in Yale College, and served four years in that office. He was ordained and installed over the church in New Haven, July, 1716. He married Nov. 6, 1716, Miss Abigail Pierrepont, dau. of his predecessor, Rev. James Pierre- pont. None of their children lived to be married except one son and two daughters, viz. : John, Abigail, who married Thomas Darling, Esq., of New Haven, and Sarah, who mar- ried Col. Chester, of Wethersfield, Conn. He died June 16, 1761, ae. 73 yrs. 7. JOHN. REV. JOHN NOYES, son of Rev. Joseph, graduated at Yale College in 1756, and was licensed to preach, May 31, 1757. He died Nov. 5, 1767, e. 32 yrs. 10. JOHN. REV. JOHN NOYES, son of Rev. John Noyes, was born Aug. 27, 1760, graduated at Yale College, Sept., 1779, and was licensed to preach, in Oct., 1783, by the Western Asso- G G G 870 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. elation of Fairfield Co., Conn. He was ordained and in- stalled at Northfield parish, town of Weston, Fairfield Co., Conn,, May 30, 1786. He married Eunice Sherwood, March 8, 1786. Children : 14 Samuel Sherwood, b May 20, 1787 ; 15 Mary, b Nov. 3, 1788; 1 6 John, b May n, 1788; 17 William, b May 23, 1792 ; 18 Ebenezer, b March 27, 1794; 19 Benjamin, b Feb. 5, 1796, d April 21, 1815 ; 20 Charles, b June 23, 1798, d July 9, 1821 ; 21 Eunice, b Aug. 21, 1800, d Feb. 13, 1804 ; 22 Burr, b Aug. 31, 1803, d July 3, 1830. Mrs. Eunice, wife of Rev. John Noyes, died March 25, 1824, ae. 64 yrs. Rev. John Noyes married 2d, Fanny Swann of Stonington, Conn., Oct. 16, 1827 ; she was born July 9, 1776. He died in Northfield, May 15, 1846, ae. nearly 84 yrs. He had written the discourse for the 6oth anniver- sary of his ministry, and it was to have been delivered by him two weeks from the Sabbath on which he was interred. 14. SAMUEL. SAMUEL SHERWOOD, son of Rev. John Noyes, born May 20, 1787, married Esther Chapman, who was born June 5, 1790, on Nov. 3, 1812. Children: 23 Samuel, b March 12, 1815; 24 Benjamin, b Nov. 10, 1816 ; 25 William, b Dec. 10, 1818 ; 26 Julia Chap- man, b July 25, 1820 ; 27 Charles, b Aug. 7, 1822, d March 12, 1857 ; 28 Josiah Chapman, b Jan. 22, 1824, d May 22, 1849 ; 29 John, b April n, 1826, d Oct. 22, 1853 ; 30 Elizabeth, b May 14, 1828; 31 James Burr, b Sept. 17, 1830, d Dec. 4, 1851. Dr. Samuel S. Noyes studied medicine and was licensed to practice in 1810. He settled in New Canaan, Fairfield Co., in 1811. 22. BURR. REV. BURR NOYES, son of Rev. John Noyes, graduated at Yale College, Sept., 1824. He settled at Chester, Saybrook, Conn., was very successful in his profession, and won the confidence and esteem of the people. He died July 2, 1830. GENEALOGIES. 8/1 9. JOSEPH. JOSEPH NOYES ESQ., son of Rev. John Noyes, was born Feb. 14, 1761, died in 1817, ae. 56 yrs. He was married to Amelia Burr, Dec. n, 1783. She was born Dec. 7, 1764, and died May 7, 1802 ; he married Lucy Norton, May 24, 1804 ; she died July 12, 1850, ae. 79 yrs. Children : 32 Joseph Fish, b Oct. 9, 1784 ; 33 John Noyes, b Aug. 7, 1786 ; 34 James, b Oct. 21, 1788; 35 Samuel, b Sept. 15, 1791 ; 36 Rebecca, b March 3, 1794. By 2d mar- riage : 37 Benjamin Silliman, b May 5, 1805 ; 38 Joseph Chester, b Aug. 5, 1808 ; 39 Thomas Norton, b Oct. 3, 1799 ', 40 Harriet Norton, b Oct. 5, 1796 ; 41 Mary Ann, b Sept. 7, 1813. II. JAMES. REV. JAMES NOYES, son of Rev. John Noyes, was born Aug. 4, 1764, and died in Wallingford, Feb. 18, 1844, i n the 8oth year of his age, being the oldest minister in the county of New Haven. He married Anna Holbrook, of Derby, Conn., Jan. 22, 1769. She died Jan. i, 1838, ae. 69 yrs. Children: 42 Catharine, b Feb. i, 1789, d March 19, 1811; 43 Anna, b Feb. i, 1790; 44 James, b May 23, 1792, d Oct. 26, 1794; 45 Mary, b May 13, 1794, d April 23, 1844; 46 Sally, b Feb. n, 1796, d Jan. 12, 1834; 47 James, b Jan. 27, 1708, d 1869, in East Haddam ; 48 Cornelia, b March 23, 1800, d Jan. 16, 1835 ; 49 Esther, b March 21, 1802, d Oct. 16, 1839; 50 Abigail, b May 13, 1804, d April 24, 1844; 51 Eunice, b March 12, 1806, d Oct 3, 1824; 52 Joseph Fish, b July 3, 1808 ; 53 John, b July 15, 1810, d Oct. n, 1810; 54 Catharine, b May 27, 1812, d Jan. 27, 1833 ; 55 Harriet, b Aug. n, 1814. PARKER.' Parker has always been a common name in New England. We find Abraham, Amariah, Edmund, George, Jacob, James, I For collateral branches, see Abbott's Hist. Andover, Mass., 20 ; Bar- 8/2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Joseph, Matthew, Nicholas, Robert, Thomas, two or more Williams, and as many Johns, appearing in nearly as many of the different settlements in Massachusetts and Connecticut, at an early day. Abraham Parker was the first of the family in this country. It is supposed that he came from Wiltshire, England. He first settled in Woburn, Mass., where he mar- ried Rose Whitlock, Nov. 18, 1644. I. WILLIAM. WILLIAM PARKER was early in Hartford and Saybrook, and had three children: 2 William; 3 Ralph, died in 1690; 4 John, who removed to New Haven ; he had 5 John, b Oct. 8, 1648, m Nov. 8, 1670, Hannah, dau. of Wm. Bassett ; 6 Mary, b April 27, 1649, m John Hall, 1666 ; 7 Hope, b May 26, 1650, m Samuel Cook, May 2, 1677 ; 8 Lydia, b May 26, 1652-3, m John Thomas, Jan. 12, 1671 ; 9 Joseph, m Hannah Gilbert, 1673. 5. JOHN. JOHN PARKER and HANNAH his wife were among the early planters in Wallingford, and settled at Parker's farms, about two miles west of the village, which first gave the name to that locality. He was an active business man, and did much in advancing the interests of the settlement. He died in 1711. Hannah his wife died June 7, 1726. ry's Hist. Framingham, Mass., 349-51 ; Bouton's Hist. Concord. N. H., 682; Bridgman's Granary Burial Ground, 136-44; Butler's Hist.; Groton, Mass., 421. 476,494; Caulkins' Hist of New London, Conn., 306; Ueane's Hist. Scituate, Mass., 320; Freeman's Hist. Cape Cod, Mass., n. 438, 466, 472, 642 ; Hill's Hist. Mason, N. H., 205 ; Hovvell's Hist. Southampton, L. I., 260; Hudson's Hist. Lexington, Mass., 169-76; Jackson's Hist. Newton, Mass., 375-81; Kidder's Hist. New Ipswich, N. H., 417-19; Littell's Passaic Valley Gen., 311 ; Morse's Gen. Reg. of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 185; Morse's Memorial of Morses, Appendix, No. 54; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Reg., iv. 139, vi. 375, 376, xvi. 41, 91-4 ; Poor's Hist. & Gen. Researches, 113-15, 124-8; Savage's Gen. Diet., in. 349-58; Sewall's Hist. Woburn, Mass., 628 ; Shattuck's Memorial, 375-7 ; Smith's Hist. Delaware Co., Penn., 490 ; Stoddard's Gen. of Stoddard Family, ed. 1865, 14, 38,39,63-8; Temple's Eccles. Hist. Whately, Mass., 29 ; Ward's Hist. Shrewsbury, Mass., 400-4. GENEALOGIES. 8/3 Children: 10 Hannah, b Aug. 20, 1671, m Wm. Andrews, Jan. 12, 1692 ; u Elizabeth, m Josiah Royce, March 24, 1693 ; 12 John, b March 26, 1675, m Mary Kibbe of Springfield, Nov. i, 1699 ; 13 Rachel, b June 16, 1680, m Thomas Relzea of New Haven, 1700 ; 14 Joseph, m Sarah Curtis, June 7, 1705 ; 15 Eliphalet, m Hannah Beach, Aug. 5, 1708 ; 1 6 Samuel, m Sarah Goodsell of Middletown, July 16, 1713; 17 Edward, b 1692, m Jerusha , he d Oct. 21, 1776, she d Dec. 27, 1745 ; 18 Mary, m Joseph Clark, Nov. 27, 1707; 19 Abigail, b March 3, 1710, m Joseph Bradley Dec. 8, 1765. 12. JOHN. JOHN, son of John and Hannah Parker, married ist, Mary Kibbe, 2d Sarah . Children by ist marriage : 20 Rachel, b Jan. 6, 1701-2 ; 21 John,\> Oct., 1703, m Deborah, dau. of Thomas Matthews, Oct. 17, 1727; 22 Aaron, b July 8, 1704, d Jan. 12, 1727 ; 23 Mary, b Feb. 8, 1736 ; 24 Elisha, b Oct. 25, 1708, m Su- sanna Tuttle, Feb. 28, 1728; 25 Abigail,}^ March 3, 1710, m Robert Martin, July 15, 1734 ; 26 Elizabeth, b June 3, 1716 ; 27 Lois, b July 20, 1718, m Thomas, son of Timothy Beach, Nov. 5, 1740 ; 28 Isaac, b 1720, m Hannah, dau. of Timothy Beach, Aug. n, 1742; 29 - , d April 27, 1773, m Lois Royce. By 2d marriage: 30 Sarah, b July 22, 1739. 14. JOSEPH. JOSEPH, son of John and Hannah Parker, married Sarah Curtis. Children: 31 Joseph, b Aug. 6, 1706, d July 25, 1712 ; 32 Joseph, b July 25, 1707 ; 33 Andrew, m Susanna Blakeslee ; 34 Thomas, b June 7, 1709, m Abigail Dutton and settled in Waterbury, Conn., in 1756; 35 Hannah, b Aug. 30, 1700; 36 Ebenezer, b March 5, 1713, m Lydia Barnes, April i, 1735 > 37 Joseph, b April 3, 1716, m ist, Lucy Parmalee, Feb. 23, 1742, 2d, Mary Andrews, March 30, 1758 ; 38 Ralph, b Jan. 9, 1718, went to Vermont; 39 Waitstill, b July 24, 1721, m Jemima, dau. of Joseph Munson, Oct, 27, 1742 ; 40 Sarah, b 8/4 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. Oct. 18, 1725,111 Asaph, son of Samuel Cook, Jan. 15, 1744-5. 15. ELIPHALET. ELIPHALET, son of John and Hannah Parker, married Hannah Beach ; he died in 1757, ae. 76 yrs. Children: 41 Eliada, b April 2, 1710, d March 24, 1712 ; 42 Eliada, b April 22, 1712, m Sarah Curtis Dec. 21, 1732 ; 43 Chestina, b April 18, 1714, m Peter Curtis Nov. 22, 1732 ; 44 Aaron, b Feb. 17, 1716, m Sarah Martin, March n, 1756; 45 Gamaliel, b June 6, 1718, d Dec. 3, 1799, he m Elizabeth ; 46 Didymus, b Jan. 14, 1721, m Phebe, daughter of John Johnson, Dec. 22, 1742 ; 47 Eliphalet, b Jan. 19, 1721, m Thankful Hitchcock, May 21, 1745 ; 48 Joanna, b July 8, 1723, m Amos Bristol of Cheshire, June, 1740 ; 49 Bethud, b April 2, 1727, m Tabitha. daughter of Matthias Hitchcock, July 19, 1749, he d March 13, 1778 ; 50 Benjamin, b Feb. 12, 1729, m Mary Atwater and removed to Simsbury, Conn. ; 51 Thankful, m Oliver Hitchcock. 1 6. SAMUEL. SAMUEL, son of John and Hannah Parker, m ist, Lydia ; 2d, Sarah Goodsell, July i6 r 1713 ; 3d, Mary Cham- berlain, Jan. 9, 1744. Children by ist marriage : 52 Thomas, b June 7, 1709 ; 53 Sarah, b May 17, 1714 ; 54 Abiah, b Aug. 2, 1716, m Daniel, son of John Ives, Oct. 28, 1735 ; 55 Joseph,\) Aug. 2, 1716, m Lucy Parmalee, Feb. 23, 1742-3. By 2d marriage: 56 Abraham, b March 24, 1720, m Damaris, daughter of William Abernathy, Sept, 9, 1747, d July 26, 1775 ; 57 Jacob, b April 24. 1722, m Elizabeth, daughter of John Beecher, April 26, 1749, d Sept. 24, 1767 ; 58 Titus, b Feb. 23, 1728. By 3d marriage: 59 Thankful, b Oct. 8, 1745 ; 60 Martha, b Sept. 10, 1749 ; 6 1 Lent, b July 8, 1752. 17. EDWARD. EDWARD, son of John and Hannah Parker, married Jeru- sha . They settled in Cheshire parish, on what is now called Cheshire street, where she died Dec. 27, 1745. GENEALOGIES. 875 He married 2d, Rebecca Ives, Dec. i, 1748; she died May 23, 1762, ae. 65. He married 3d, Ruth Merriman Merwin, Sept. 30, 1762. Children : 62 Ralph, b Jan. 9, 1718, m Martha, daughter of Gideon Ives, Dec. 25, 1740 ; 63 Athildred, b July i, 1719, m Timothy Hall, Jan. 10, 1748 ; 63 1-2 Edward, b March n, 1721, m Sarah Burroughs, Aug. 21, 1744 ; 64 Joel, b Feb. 24, 1723, m Susannah Hotchkiss, Dec. 25, 1746 ; 65 Ephraim, b Aug. 23, 1725, m Bathsheba Parsons, Nov. u, 1747; 66 Amos, b Nov. 26, 1726, d Aug. 20, 1748 ; 67 William, b 1728, d May 2, 1752 ; 68 Eldad, b Sept. 14, 1731, m Thank- ful, daughter of Matthew Bellamy, April 24, 1755, d July 6, 1779 ; 69 Joseph Merriam, b Feb. 2, 1734, d March 21, 1734 ; 70 Joseph, b Oct. 9, 1735, m Mary Andrews, May 30, 1758. 21. JOHN. JOHN, son of John and Mary Parker, married Deborah Matthews. He died March 28, 1749. Children : 71 Abiah,& Aug. 14, 1728; 72 John, b Dec. 25, 1730, m Eunice Beach, June 16, 1752, and had John, b Dec. 8, [ 755 ; 73 Deborah, b May 4, 1834, m Jesse, son of Josiah Mix, Nov. 26, 1753 ; 74 Jesse, b -March 16, 1736,01 Dorothy Spenser, Feb. 16, 1758; 75 Reuben, b March 12, 1738,01 Hannah Chapman of Waterbury, Dec. 10, 1764; 76 Gideon, b July 5, 1740, m Elizabeth , b Nov. n, 1743 ; 77 Isaiah, b June 14, 1746, m Susanna or Damaris Yale, Feb. 14, 1771. 24. ELISHA. ELISHA PARKER, son of John and Mary, married Susanna Tuttle. Children: 78 Ruth, b Feb. 28, 1728 : 79 Aaron, b April 9, 1730, m Sarah, dau. of Robert Martin, March u, 1756; 80 Elisha, b July 25, 1735,01 Esther Spencer, Aug. 10, 1759; 8 1 John, b Sept. 17, 1739 ; 82 Dan; 83 Damaris, b July 16, 1743, m Enos Parker, Dec. 2, 1761 ; 84 Susanna, b Dec. 7, 1745- 28. ISAAC. ISAAC PARKER, son of John and Mary, m. Hannah Beach. 8/6 HISTORY OF \\ALLJNGFORD. Children : 85 Keziah, b Feb. 12, 1743 ; 86 Lois, b April 30, 1746 ; 87 Ruth, b July u, 1750, m Gershom Maltoon, Dec. 5, 1776 ; 88 Isaac, b Sept. 4, 1754, m Annie Parker, March 19, 1778 ; 89 Mary, b Aug. 14, 1755, rn Amos Austin, Aug. 17, 1777 ; 90 Timothy, b Aug. 14, 1757; 91 John, b Feb. 21, 1762 ; 92 Phineas, b July 14, 1765. 34. THOMAS. THOMAS PARKER, son of Joseph and Sarah Curtis Parker, married Abigail Button, Aug. 30, 1748, and settled in Water- bury. He died in 1788. Children: 93 Thomas, b April 3, 1749; 94 Amasa, b Feb. 28, 1751, graduate of Yale, m Thankful Andrews, Aug. 28, I 77 I j 95 Peter, b March n, 1753, removed to the State of N. Y. ; 96 Abigail, b Aug. 28, 1755 ; 97 Abner, removed to the State of N. Y ; 98 Joseph, was a physician in Litchfield Co. ; 99 Daniel, m Miriam Curtis, Nov. 18, 1762. 36. EBENEZER. EBENEZER PARKER, son of Joseph and Sarah Curtis Parker, married Lydia Barnes. Children: 100 Desire, b June 7, 1735, m Aaron Bellamy, Dec. 20, 1753 ; 101 Ebenezer, b July 6, 1737, m Anna , d Dec. n, 1762 ; 102 Caleb, b March 30, 1739 ; 103 Joshua, b April 17, 1741, m Mary, dau. of Oliver Hitchcock, Oct. 30, .1765 ; 104 Jared, b Nov. 16, 1743 ; 105 Lydia, b March 8, 1745, m Abel Parker, April 23, 1762 ; 106 Stephen, b Oct. 27, 1747 ; 107 Eliakim, b July 10, 1751, m Phebe Carrington, Feb. 20, 1775, a d had Eliakim, b March 13, 1777, m 2d, wid. Lois Ives, Nov. n, 1777, and had three children ; 108 Caleb, b Nov. 2, 1759, m Dolly Peck, Nov. 3, 1783. 39. WAITSTILL. WAITSTILL PARKER, son of Joseph and Sarah Curtis Parker, married ist, Jemima Munson, 2d, Jemima Beach. Children : 109 Margery, b March 20, 1743-4, d Oct. i, i 744 ; no Justus, b Jan. i, 1747-8 ; in Margery, b Feb. 25, 1749, m Eliada Parker, Jr. By 2d marriage : 112 Jemima, b GENEALOGIES. 8// June 2, 1753; 113 Rhoda, b March 25, 1755. By 3d mar- riage : 114 Charles, b Aug. 21, 1760, m Charity Dibble, Oct. 21, 1784 ; 115 Eunice, b Aug. 9, 1762 ; 116 Justus, b May 23, 1764 ; 117 Martha, b April 17, 1766 ; 118 Abigail, b June 10, 1768 ; 119 Sarah, b April 2, 1771. 33. ANDREW. ANDREW, son of Joseph and Sarah Curtis Yale Parker, married Susannah Blakeslee. Children: 120 Ambrose, b March 6, 1738, m Comfort Par- ker, March 22, 1758 ; 121 Grace, b Dec. 10, 1739, d Dec. n, 1739; 122 Patience,\> Dec. 10, 1739, d Dec. 13, 1739 ; 123 Zeruiah, b Nov. 28, 1741, m David Miller, Jan. 3, 1765; 124 Oliver, b Nov. 20, 1743, m Lucy Parker, Dec. 3, 1764, and had Thaddeus, b Jan. 26, 1766 ; 125 Ezra, b Dec. 2, 1745 ; 126 Susannah, b Dec. 2, 1747 ; 127 Rachel, b Dec. 28, 1749 ', 128 Sybil, b Feb. 9, 1753 ; 129 Jason, b Aug. 17, 1764. 42. ELI AD A. ELIADA, son of Eliphalet and Hannah Beach Parker, mar- ried Sarah Curtis. Children : 130 Martha, b July 8, 1734 ; 131 Lettis, b Sept. 18, 1736 ; 132 Comfort, b Sept. 16, 1738, m Ambrose Parker, March 22, 1758; 133 Eliada, b Nov. 24, 1740, d March 23, 1742 ; 134 Sarah, b Jan. 23, 1743-4 ; 135 Hannah, b Sept. 23, 1746 ; 136 Patience, b Aug. 18, 1748, m Joseph Parker, June 29, 1769 ; 137 Eliada, m Margery Parker, May 10, 1770, d Sept. 12, 1776 ; 138 Phebe, b Oct. 31, 1752 ; 139 Levi, b June 8, 1757, m Lydia Bradley, July 22, 1779. 45. GAMALIEL. GAMALIEL, son of Eliphalet and Hannah Beach Parker, married Elizabeth . Children : 140 Abel, b Jan. 4, 1741, m Lydia Parker, Aug. 23, 1762 ; 141 Elizabeth, b Jan. 7, 1742-3 ; 142 Eunice, b Jan. 6, 1744-5 ; 143 Gamaliel, b Dec. 9, 1745, dOct. 29, 1765 ; 144 Amos, b Jan. 20, 1748-9 ; 145 Miriam, b Jan. 28, 1753 ; 146 Gamaliel, b Oct. 22, 1755, ^ Nov. 8, 1755 > X 47 Gamaliel, b 8/8 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Nov. 2, 1756, m Martha Parker, May 2, 1782 ; 148 Anna, b Feb. 8, 1759; 149 Amos, b Dec. n, 1761, m Mary Curtis, Dec. 5, 1785. 46. DIDYMUS. LIEUT. DIDYMUS, son of Eliphalet and Hannah Beach Parker, married Phebe Johnson. Children : 150 Enos, b March 12, 1744, m Damaris Par- ker, Dec. 2, 1761 : 151 Ichabod, b Jan. 2, 1748-9, married Susannah Cook, Dec. 3, 1766. 47. ELIPHALET. ELIPHALET, son of Eliphalet and Hannah Beach Parker, married Thankful Hitchcock. Children: 152 Valentine, b March 5, 1745-6, d Dec. 14, 1760; 153 Matthias, b Sept. 24, 1747 ; 154 Eliphalet, b Jan. 22, 1754 ; 155 Thankful, b April 3, 1756, d Nov. 28, 1763 ; 156 Michael, b Oct. 15, 1758. 49. BETHUEL. BETHUEL, son of Eliphalet and Hannah Beach Parker, married Tabitha Hitchcock. Children : 157 Jerusha, b April 6, 1750, m William Smith, July 10, 1777 ; 158 David, b March 9, 1752, d Sept. 6, 1753 ; 159 Olive, b March 9, 1754, m Joseph Distance, Feb. 27, 1777; 160 David, b March 18, 1756, d Oct. 9, 1776; 161 Martha, b Dec. 12, 1757, m Gamaliel Parker, May 2, 1782 ; 462 Joanna, b June 18, 1760; 163 Tabitha, b Nov. 16, 1762 ; 164 Bethuel, b Feb. 21, 1765 ; 165 Simon, b April 15, 1767, d Sept. 13, 1773 ; 166 Thankful, b June 15, 1769 ; 167 Asa, b Dec. 4, 1771 ; 168 Mary, "b 'Sept. 29, 1776, d Dec. 15, 1777. 55. JOSEPH. JOSEPH, son of Samuel and Lydia Parker, married Lucy Parmalee. Children: 169 Esther, b Jan. n, 1742-3, d Feb. 8, 1744-5 ; 170 Joseph, b Nov. 5, 1746, m Patience Parker, June 29, 1769 ; 171 Lucy, b March 13, 1748-9 ; 172 Esther, b March 27, 1754; 173 Charles, b Feb. 26, 1756. GENEALOGIES. 8/9 56. ABRAHAM. ABRAHAM, son of Samuel and Sarah Goodsell Parker, m Damaris Abernathy. Children: 174 Sarah, b July 16, 1748; 175 Abraham, b July 20, 1753, d May i, 1754; 176 Benjamin, b May 27, 1755, m Lucinda Curtis, and had two daus., June 25, 1778 ; 177 Abraham, b Aug. 23, 1757 ; 178 William, b Dec. 19, X 759 j : 79 Mehitable, b June 30, 1762. 57. JACOB. JACOB, son of Samuel and Sarah Goodsell Parker, married Elizabeth Beecher. Children: 180 Samuel, b Jan. 10, 1749, and had Jared, b April 22, 1777; 181 Solitary, b Jan. 7, 1752, d Aug. 31, 1754; 182 Elizabeth, b May 18, 1754; 183 Jacob, b Jan. 13, 1756, d Sept. 17, 1756; 184 Jacob, b July i, 1757; 185 Rebecca, b Feb. 27, 1759 ; 186 James, b March 3, 1760; 187 Solomon, b April 12, 1762 ; 188 Adah, b Feb. 23, 1765 ; 189 Abiah, b March 8, 1767. 62. RALPH. RALPH, son of Edward and Jerusha Parker, m Martha Ives. Children: 190 Jerusha, b Nov. i, 1741, m Robert Roys, May 27, 1762 ; 191 Ralph, b Feb. 8, 1743-4; 192 Medad, b March 29, 1746; 193 Martha, b April 18, 1749. 63 1-2. EDWARD. EDWARD, son of Edward and Jerusha Parker, married Sarah Burroughs. Children: 194 Sarah, b in Cheshire, Aug. 28, 1745; 195 Elizabeth, b June 7, 1748, m Enos Clark, of Southington ; 196 William,\> June 18, 1752, m Desire Bunnel, Feb. 25, 1779 ; 197 Abigail, b July 7, 1755, m Dr. Benjamin Yale, Dec. X 7> r 777 ; X 98 Edward, b April 21, 1760, m Rebecca Hen- drick, removed to Cazenovia, N. Y. 64. JOEL. JOEL, son of Edward and Jerusha Parker, married Susanna Hotchkiss. 88O HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. Children b in Cheshire: 199 Alhildred, b Sept. 17, 1747, m Asa Bronson, Feb. 5, 1772 ; 200 Amos, b Oct. 22, 1749, m Hannah Hough; 201 Susanna, b March 8, 1752, m Allen Bronson; 202 Joel, b Jan. 17, 1754; 203 Stephen, b Aug. 5, 1759, m ist, Sally, dau. of Joseph Twiss, May 27, 1787, m 2d, widow Rebecca Stone, dau. of Joshua Ray, b Jan. 6, 1805, d July i, 1846. 68. ELDAD. ELDAD, son of Edward and Jerusha Parker, m Thankful Bellamy. Children b in Cheshire: 204 Phebe, b July 23, 1756 ; 205 Thankful, b Oct. 6, 1757; 206 Anne, b Jan. i, 1760, m Wm. Starke, Chenango Co., N. Y. ; 207 Thankful, b March 8, 1762, 208 Eldad, b Sept. 27, 1763 ; 209 Levi,\> Sept. 28, 1765 ; 210 Levi, b March 19, 1767, m Phebe Scovill ; 211 Oliver, b March 19, 1771; Thankful, b May 12, 1769; Rebecca, b March 16, 1773, m Abisha Cowles. 70. JOSEPH. JOSEPH, son of Edward and Jerusha Parker, married Mary Andrews. Children, born in Cheshire : 212 Beckey, b March 29, 1760 ; 213 Joseph Merriam, b Oct. 10, 1762 ; 214 Eldad ; 215 Zephaniah, b Feb. 26, 1769 ; 216 Mary, b Jan. 24, 1767. 74. JESSE. JESSE, son of John and Deborah Matthews Parker, married Dorothy Spencer. Children: 217 Jesse, b May 30, 1759; 218 Lucy, b Sept. 17, 1761 ; 219 Jared, b Jan. 31, 1764 ; 220 Jotham, b Feb. 2, 1767 ; 221 Dorothy, b Aug. 5, 1770. 79. AARON. AARON, son of Elisha and Susanna Tuttle Parker, married Sarah Martin. Children: 222 Mamre, b Feb. 14, 1757; 223 Robert, b Feb. 12, 1759; 224 Susanna, b Feb. 20, 1762; 225 Abigail, b April i, 1764; 226 Sally, b March 20, 1766; 227 Lyman, b GENEALOGIES. 88 1 April 17, 1768; 228 Eunice, b Jan. n, 1771; 229 Ruth, b Feb. i, 1774; 230 Lyman, b Feb. 30, 1776. 80. ELISHA. ELISHA, son of Elisha and Susannah Tuttle Parker, married Esther Spencer. Children: 231 Elisha, b April 28, 1761; 232 Katherine,\> March 30, 1763 ; 233 Chloe, b Dec. 28, 1765 ; 234 Asahel, b April 2, 1768; 235 Polly, b March 20, 1773; 236 Shaler,\> Aug. 28, 1775 ; 237 Polly, b Sept. 13, 1778. 101. EBENEZER. EBENEZER, son of Ebenezer and Lydia Barnes Parker, married Anne . Children : 238 Ebenezer, b June 4, 1762 ; 239 Jabez, b July 18, 1763 ; 240 Jemima Doolittle, b Nov. 16, 1764; 241 Thomas, b May i, 1767 ; 242 Ebenezer, b May 7, 1771. 103. JOSHUA. JOSHUA, son of Ebenezer and Lydia Barnes Parker, mar- ried Mary Hitchcock. Children : 243 Stephen, b April i, 1766; 244 Lydia, b May 23, 1769; 245 Hannah, b April 21, 1773; 246 Chesttna,\> June 20, 1777; 247 Eber,\> March 28, 1779; 248 Jared,\> March 22, 1781 ; 249, 250 Mary and Miriam, b Nov. i, 1782. 114. CHARLES. CHARLES, son of Waitstill and Jemima Beach Parker, mar- ried Charity Dibble. Children: 251 Charles Pierce, b Dec. i, 1785, d Feb. 25, 1788; 252 Pierce, b March 20, 1788; 253 Ruth, b Feb. 17, 1790, m Sydney Smith, Dec. 16, 1807 ; 254 Nancy, b Dec. 13, 1791 ; 255 Charles, b Jan. 27, 1797. 120. AMBROSE. AMBROSE, son of Andrew and Susanna Blakeslee Parker, married Comfort Parker. Children: 256 Ambrose, b Jan. 15, 1759 ; 257 Giles, b Sept. 15, 1760; 258 Lydia, b May 26, 1763; 259 Comfort, b May 23, 1766. 882 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 137. ELIADA. ELIADA PARKER, son of Eliada and Sarah Curtis Parker, married Margery Parker. Children: 260 Munson, b Feb. 18, 1771; 261 Chester, b Oct. 20, 1773 ; 262 Linus, d Feb. 9, 1776. 1 08. CALEB. CALEB PARKER, son of Ebenezer and Lydia Barnes Parker, married Dolly Peck. Children: 263 Augustus, b Sept. 10, 1784; 264 Caleb, b Jan. 30, 1787 ; 265 Paulina, b Dec. 30, 1789 ; 266 Nancy, b July 5, 1792 ; 267 Juliana, b Nov. 21, 1794. 139. LEVI. LEVI PARKER, son of Eliada and Sarah Curtis Parker, married Lydia Bradley. Children: 268 Sybil, b April 28, 1780, m Amos Peck, Sept. 22, 1799; 269 Polly, b Sept. 25, 1782 ; 270 Eliada, b May 31, 1784, m Elizabeth Oswald, Feb. 15, 1807 ; 271 Ammi Bradley,\>}v\y n, 1787; 272 Lyman, b April 3, 1790, m Malinda Harrison, March 24, 1818 ; 273 Alfred, b Oct. 19, 1792, m Fanny ; 274 Belinda, b Sept. 18, 1795 > Philo and Om'n,"b April 18, 1798, d April 18, 1800. 44. DANIEL. DANIEL, son of Arnon and Sarah Martin, married Miriam, daughter of Benjamin Curtis, Nov. 18, 1762. Children : 275 Ruth, b Feb. 3, 1764 ; 276 Denison, b Sept. 28, 1766; 277 Leman, b Dec. 21, 1768; 278 Lucinda, b July 24, 1771 ; 279 Ruth, b Dec. 10, 1774 ; 280 Daniel, b May 24, 1775 ; 281 Ruth, b Dec. 27, 1777 ; 282 Betsey, b July 16, 1780. 147. GAMALIEL. GAMALIEL, son of Gamaliel and Elizabeth Parker, married Martha Parker. Children : 283 Joel, b April 17, 1783 ; 284 Chester, b Aug. 19, 1784 ; 285 Martha Hall, b Aug. 20, 1786 ; 286 Gamaliel, b Sept. 13, 1788; 287 Luroxa, b Nov. 18, 1790 ; 288 Zera, b GENEALOGIES. 883 July 13, 1792 ; 289 Laura, b Sept. 4, 1796 ; 290 Eunice, b Dec. 28, 1798. 150. ENOS. ENDS, son of Didymus and Phebe Johnson Parker, married Damaris Parker. Children : 291 Dorcas, b Dec. 17, 1761 ; 292 Dan, b March 18, 1764. 164. BETHUEL. BETHUEL, son of Bethuel and Tabitha Hitchcock Parker, married Eunice . Children: 293 Bethuel Virgil, b Oct. i, 1796, m ist, Polly Beach, Sept. 7, 1825, 2d, Lowly Thomas, March 30, 1835 ; 294 Jason, b Feb. 14, 1798 ; 295 Rhoda, b Sept. 29, 1800. 167. ASA. ASA, son of Bethuel and Tabitha Hitchcock Parker, mar- ried Keziah . Children: 296 Laura, b Feb. 13, 1796; 297 Liverius, b March 25, 1798 ; 298 James, b May 16, 1800 ; 299 Lemuel, b April i.i, 1804 ; 300 Asa, b May 14, 1806. 170. JOSEPH. JOSEPH, son of Joseph and Lucy Parmalee Parker, married Patience Parker. Children: 301 Jehiel, b Sept. 26, 1770; 302 Lena, b Feb. 23. J 773 ; 33 Luc )', b Nov - 20 > J 775 \ 34 Sarah; 305 Amy, b Oct. 16, 1780. 196. WILLIAM. WILLIAM, son of Edward and Sarah Burroughs Parker, married Desire Bunnel. Children : 306 Sarah, b Nov. 7, 1779, m Chas. T. Hill ; 307 William, m wid. Rebecca Hull ; 308 Nancy, m Divan Lusk ; 309 Anson ; 310 Abigail, m Elnathan Beach; 311 fanny, m ist, Simeon Perkins, 2d, Simeon Hersey ; 312 Mar- cus, m Mehitable Mathews. 198. EDWARD. EDWARD, son of Edward and Sarah Burroughs Parker, married Rebecca Hendrick of Cazenovia, N. Y. HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 313 Chauncey, b Oct. 9, 1786, m Lydia Atwater ; 314 Elizabeth, b Jan. 25, 1788, d June 7, 1794 ; 315 Oren, b March 9, 1790, d Aug. 4, 1790 ; 316 Oren, b July n, 1791, d 1812 ; 317 Edward, b Sept. 2, 1793, d June 8, 1794 ; 318 Edward, b March 15, 1795, m Philomela Hitchcock, rem. to Elyria, Ohio; 319 Don Carlos, b April 27, 1797, m Julia Strake ; 320 Louisa, b June 18, 1799; 321 Wm. Hendrick, b Aug. 9, 1801 ; 322 Abigail; 323 Harriet A., m Eliakim Hall. 203. STEPHEN. STEPHEN, son of Joel and Susanna Hotchkiss Parker, m ist, Sally Twiss, 2d, wid. Rebecca Stone. Children by ist marriage: 324 Clarissa, b June 10, 1788, d May 27, 1789 ; 325 Zeri, b Aug. i, 1790 ; 326 Stephen, b July 17, 1792, d Jan. 15, 1794; 327 Stephen, b Nov. 3, 1794, d May, 1826; 328 Sarah, b March u, 1797; 329 Clarissa, b March 10, 1800 ; 330 Joel, b March u, 1801 ; 331 Isabella, b Nov. 25, 1803. By 2d marriage: 332 John, b Aug. 30, 1805, m ist, March, 1832, Emily Ward, she d June i, 1867, and he m 2d, Jan. 22, 1868, Grace A. Belden ; 333 Betsey, b May i, 1807 ; 334 Charles, b Jan. 2, 1809, m Abi, daughter of Thomas Eddy, Oct. 6, 1831 ; 335 Edmund, b Feb. 9, 1811, m Jennette Bradley of Branford, Conn., and had seven chil- dren, four of whom are living, he d April 19, 1866. PARMALEE. LEANDER. LEANDER PARMALEE came into Wallingford a carpenter and joiner, and continued to prosecute that business until elected sheriff of the county of New Haven, which office he suc- cessively held for twelve years, to the great satisfaction of his constituents, and all who came in contact with him as an offi- cer. He married - Blakeslee, daughter of the late Joseph Blakeslee of Wallingford. They both died in Wallingford. Children.: i Samuel B., m Lavinia, dau. of George Cook ; 2 , m Lorenzo Lewis, Esq.; 3 Leander; 4 dau. GENEALOGIES. 885 PRESTON.' The name of Preston is of great antiquity in North Britain, and was assumed by the family from their territorial possessions in Mid-Lothian, in the time of Malcolm, King of the Scots. The first of this family upon record is Leolphus De Preston, living in the time of William the Lion, about 1040, whose grandson, Sir Wm. De Preston, was one of the Scotch nobles summoned to Berwick by Edward the First, in competition for the Crown of Scotland between Bruce and Baliol, it having been submitted to Edward for decision. After the death of King Alexander III., 1291, Sir William was succeeded by his son Sir Nicol De Preston, one of the Scottish barons who swore fealty to King Edward I. He died in the beginning of the reign of David II. of Scotland, son of Robert Bruce, and was succeeded by his son, Sir Lawrence De Preston, who was succeeded by Richard De Preston, who was seated at Preston Richard in Westmoreland, in time of Henry II. Sir Richard De Preston, the fifth in descent from the above Richard, of Preston Richard, represented the county of West- moreland in Parliament, in seventeen Edward III. His son, Sir Richard De Preston, had likewise the honor of being Knight of the shire for Westmoreland in the same reign ( twenty- seven Edward III.), and in the same year ( 1368 ) obtained a license to impark five hundred acres. His successor, Sir John De Preston of Preston Richard and Preston Patrick, was a member of Parliament for Westmoreland, in the thirty- sixth, thirty-ninth and forty-sixth years of Edward III. Children : i Richard, who left a family of daughters only ; 2 John, who was a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, in the reign of Henry IV. and VI., and retired from the bench I For collateral branches, see Abbot's Hist. Andover, Mass., 36 ; Adams' Haven Gen., 2d part, 32 ; Brown's Gen. of Brown Family ; Coth- rens' Hist, of Woodbury, Conn. ; Hudson's Hist. Lexington, Mass., 187, 188; Kidder's Hist. New Ipswich, N. H., 421-3; N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., xiv. 26 ; Savage's Gen. Diet, in. 482. H H H 886 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. in consequence of his great age, in 1427. He left John, a clergyman ; Richard, his heir ; and a daughter. In 1593 there was a William Robert Preston, who was a relative of Sir Edward Coke. WILLIAM. WILLIAM PRESTON, son of John, son of George of Valley Field, England, was created Baronet of Nova Scotia in 1637. He came to America in the ship Truelove in 1635, at tne a e of 44 years, from Yorkshire, England, with his wife Mary, ae. 34 years. They had on their arrival in Massachusetts four children, as follows : Children: i Elijah, b 1624, ae. n yrs. ; 2 Sarah, b 1627, ae. 8 yrs. ; 3 Mary, b 1629, ae. 6 yrs. ; 4 John, b 1632, ae. 3 yrs. Children born in New Haven, Conn. : 5 Jehiel, b 1640, removed to Stratford where he had land let to him, Sept. 21, 1668; 6 Hackaliah, b 1643, settled at Woodbury, Conn., in 1 68 1 ; 7 Eliasaph, b 1643, lived at Stratford and Wallingford ; 8 Joseph, b Jan. 24, 1647. 7. ELIASAPH. DEA. ELIASAPH PRESTON married ist, Mary Wilcoxen, widow of Thomas Kimberly, of Stratford, July 9, 1673. She died April 16, 1674. He m 2d, Elizabeth, dau. of John Beach, of Stratford. He went to Wallingford in 1674. He was their first Town Clerk and schoolmaster, and was an energetic and very valuable member of the colony, both for the church of which he was deacon, and the township at large. He died in 1705, ae. 70 years. Children by ist marriage : 9 Mary, b April 25, 1674, m Caleb Merriman, July 9, 1690. By 2d marriage : 10 Eliza- beth, b Jan. 29, 1776; n Hannah, b July 12, 1678, m Wm. Andrews, May 12, 1692 ; 12 Eliasaph, b Jan. 26, 1679, m Deborah Merriman, Jan. 2, 1717; 13 Joseph, b March 10, 1681, m Jane Cook, July 7, 1708 ; 14 Esther, b Feb 28, 1683; 15 Lydia, b May 5, 1686 ; 16 Jehiel, b Aug. 25, 1688, d Nov. 24, 1689. GENEALOGIES. 887 12. ELIASAPH. ELIASAPH PRESTON married Rebecca Wilcoxen ; she died Sept. 2, 1716. He married 2d, Deborah Merriman, Jan. 2, 1717. He married 3d, Hannah Mott, Nov. 26, 1726. Children by ist marriage : 17 Ephraim, b Sept. 8, 1703, m Patience ; 18 Elizabeth, b Aug. 8. 1711, d 1715; 19 Joanna, b March 18, 1714. By 20! marriage: 20 Jehiel,\> Sept. n, 1719, m Thankful Sedgwick, Oct. 21, 1741 ; 21 Rebecca, b Sept. 25, 1721 ; 22 Elizabeth, b Dec. 28, 1727, m Abner Bunnel, Feb. 19, 1745. By 3d marriage : 23 Isaac, b Oct. i, 1729 ; 24 Moses, b and d April 8, 1733 ; 25 Moses, b Oct. 30, 1734 ; 26 Lois, b Feb. 3, 1737-8. 13. JOSEPH. JOSEPH PRESTON married Jane Cook, July 7, 1708. He married Sarah How, Jan. 30, 1734. Children by ist marriage: 27 Eliasaph, b May 9, 1709; 28 Eliasaph, b May i, 1710 ; 29 Joseph, b April 7, 1711 ; 30 Jonathan, b Jan., 1713, m Sarah Williams July 28, 1740 ; 31 Samuel, b Aug. 27, 1715 ; 32 John, b June 22, 1715 ; 33 Ebc- nezer, b Sept. 17, 1725. By 2d marriage: 34 Dinah, b Nov. J 9> T 734; 35 Samuel, b Sept. 30, 1737. 17. EPHRAIM. LIEUT. EPHRAIM PRESTON married Rebecca , 2cl, Patience . She died May 4, 1753 ; he died April 8, 1772, ae. 69 yrs. Children by ist marriage: 36 J/ J 737- 38. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM PRESTON married ist, Eunice Doolittle, March 25, 1754; 2d, Esther . He died April 8, 1772, ae. 69. Children: 59, 60 Joel and Ebenezer, twins, d Dec. n, 1763. 39. REUBEN. REUBEN PRESTON married Elizabeth - . Children : 61 Charles, d May, 1758 ; 62 Mary, b Jan., 1757. 43. ELIASAPH. ELIASAPH PRESTON married Phebe Hart, Feb. 17, 1764. He died April 12, 1777, ae. 37 years. She m 2d, Stephen Ives. Children: 63 Titus, d in Wallingford ; 62 Reuben, d in Cheshire ; 65 Elizabeth, d in Prospect. REYNOLDS. 1 HEZEKIAH. HEZEKIAH REYNOLDS was born in Watertown, Conn., July 4, 1756. From there he went to Roxbury, Conn., and from I For collateral branches, see Gaulkins' Hist. Norwich, Conn., ed. 1867, GENEALOGIES, 889 thence to North Branford. He married Martha Davenport Wol- cott, a daughter of Uoct. Jeremiah Wolcott. She was born at Branford, Aug. 18, 1762, and died Aug, 19, 1839, ae. 77 years, at Wallingford. He died June 30, 1833, ae. 77 years. He came to Wallingford about the close of the last century, and resided for sometime in ihe west part of the town in what was the old Beadles house at Popple Hill. From this place he removed into the village, bought the house formerly the residence of Rev. Samuel Andrews, who was an Episcopal Clergyman before the Revolution. Children: Hezekiah, \> Dec., 1773, in Roxbury, Conn.; 2 Wolcott, b June 18, 1779 ; 3 James, b April 12, 1783, d Mar. 31, 1807, ae. 47 ; 4 John D., b Apr. 27, 1785 ; 5 Luanna, b Apr. 23, 1784, m Nehemiah Carrington of New Haven, Dec. 23, 1825 ; 6 Martha, b Feb. 13, 1794, m Col. Thaddeus Street of Cheshire, 1823 ; 7 Sarah, b Jan. 12, 1796, m Alexander Harrison, 1819 ; 8 Thomas G., b March 16, 1798, d Sept. 26, 1826, ae. 28 ; 9 William A., b April i, 1800, m Jane Lyncle, of New Haven ; 10 Beverly, b Nov. 15, 1806, d Nov. 5, 1807. I. HEZEKIAH. HEZEKIAH REYNOLDS, son of Hezekiah and Martha Wol- cott Reynolds, married Anna Wilson, at Savannah, Georgia, in 1806. Child: 12 Martha Ann, b 1807, m Henry Belden, Esq., of Hartford, Conn., in 1828. 2. WOLCOTT. CAPT. WOLCOTT REYNOLDS, son of Hezekiah and Martha W. Reynolds, married Serephina Beaumont, in 1804. He died Sept. 28, 1842, ae. 44 years. Child : 13 Serephina, b Jan. 16, 1805, d ae. 28 years. 3. JOHN. HON. JOHN DAVENPORT REYNOLDS, son of Hezekiah and 197, 198; Chapman's Gen. of Chapman Family, no; Kingman's Hist. N. Bridgwater, Mass., 629-35 > Mitchell's Hist. Bridgwater, Mass., 282, 283 ; Rogers' Hist. & Gen. Researches, 116; Savage's Gen. Diet., in. 525, 526. 890 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Martha D. Reynolds, married Lydia, daughter of John Scar- ritt, in 1822. He was a man eminently fitted by nature to fill almost any place of a public character in the gift of the peo- ple. He was often a Representative in the Legislature of the State from Wallingford, and a Senator from the sixth Senato- rial district, and Judge of the Probate Court for the district of Wallingford, for a number of years. The duties of those, and all other public offices, he discharged with marked ability. He died Oct. 18, 1853, ae. 68 years. Mrs. Lydia, his wife, died July 28, 1862, ae. 65 years. Children: 14 Martha, b March 27, 1826; 15 John D., b April 20, 1828; 16 Serephina, b March 15, 1833, m S. N. Edmonds, Oct. 4, 1852. 10. WILLIAM. WILLIAM A. REYNOLDS, ESQ., son o.f Hezekiah and Martha W. Reynolds, was born in Wallingford, married Jane Lynde, of New Haven, was a merchant and for several years a mem- ber of the firm of Harrison & Reynolds, in State-st, and for the last thirty years has been a respectable broker in New Haven. Children : two daughters and two sons, living in 1870. ROYCE.i Among the first planters in Wallingford was i Isaac, and 2d Nehemiah Royce, who made their appearance in the place in 1671 ; 3 Nathaniel, 4 Samuel, 5 Joseph, and 6 Robert Royce, were also there soon after, all of whom had families, and are believed to be sons of Robert Royce who was at Stratford in 1644. I. ISAAC. ISAAC and Elizabeth Royce were in Wallingford early in 1671. He died in the autumn of 1682, leaving an estate of I For collateral branches, see Andrews' Hist. New Britain, Conn., 190; Caulkins' Hist. New London, Conn., 293-4 ; Caulkins' Hist. Norwich. Conn., ed. 1867, 199 ; Savage's Gen. Diet., in. 569-70. GENEALOGIES. 89! His widow married Ebenezer Clark for her second husband in 1696. Children: 7 Isaac, b Oct. 28, 1673, d Dec. 8, 1673; 8 Robert, b Sept. 4, 1674; 9 Sarah, b March 10, 1677; 10 Martha, b June i, 1679. 2. NEHEMIAH. NEHEMIAH ROYCE (shoemaker) was in Wallingford with his wife Hannah, among the first settlers. She died June 19, 1677, and he married Esther , who died Sept. 12, 1706. He died Nov. 7, 1706, ae. 72 years. He was the original owner of the James Rice place at the head of Main-st, in Wallingford. Children: u Mary, b Aug. 12, 1673, d Aug. 12, 1675 ; 12 Mercy, b Feb. 4, 1675, d Feb. 24, 1675 > T 4 Esther, b Oct. 15, 1678; 15 Lydia, b May 28, 1680, m Daniel Messenger; 1 6 ftehemiah, b May 18, 1682-3, m Keziah Hall, Feb. 9, 1700 ; 17 Margery, d Sept. 12, 1683. 3. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL ROYCE married Esther - , Oct. 27, 1673. She died June 19, 1677. He was married to Sarah Lathrop by Mr. Moss, April 21, 1681. She died Nov. n, 1706. He then married Hannah Farnham, Aug. 24, 1707. She died Feb. 6, 1708, and he married Abigail Hoyt, Aug. 25, 1708. She died and he married Phebe Clark, Dec. 27, 1720. He died Feb. 8, 1736 ; was by trade, a carpenter and joiner and blacksmith in 1687. Children by ist marriage : 18 John, b April n, 1675 '> 1 9 Benjamin, b May 6, 1677, m Rebecca Wilcoxen, d Oct. 20, 1703. By ad marriage ; 20 Sarah, b April 3, 1683 ; 21 Hester, b Sept. 10, 1685, d Oct. 14, 1703, ae. 18 yrs. ; 22 Lois, b July 29, 1687, m Samuel Hall ; 23 Elizabeth, b Dec. 28, 1689. By 4th marriage: 24 Daniel, b Sept. 29, 1726; 25 Lois, b March 27, 1728; 26 Robert, b Nov. 16, 1729 ; 27 Elisha, b Oct. 27, 1731 ; 28 Nathaniel, b July i, 1733. 892 HISTORY OF WALLIXGFORD. 4. SAMUEL. SAMUEL ROYCE married ist, Sarah Baldwin, June 5, 1690, 2d, Hannah Benedict, Dec. 12, 1695. He died in Meriden, May 14, 1757, ae. 85 years Mrs. Hannah died in Meriden, Jan. 12, 1761, ae. 90 yrs. Children by ist marriage: 29 Abigail, b Nov. 24, 1677, m Joseph Cole ; 30 Prudence, \> July 26, 1680; 31 Deborah, b Sept. 8, 1683, m Thomas Mix ; 32 Isaac, b March 10, 1688 ; 33 Ebenezer, b Sept. 25, 1691 ; 34 Nathaniel, b Oct. 21, 1692 ; 35 John, b April 25, 1693 ; 36 Mary, b Feb. 17, 1695 ; 37 Jacob, b April n, 1697, m Thankful Beach, dau. of Moses ; By 2d marriage : 38 Hannah, b Feb. 19, 1697-8, m John Ives; 39 Ezekiel, b Feb. 10, 1699, m Anna Merwin, Apr. 26, 1723 ; 40 Samuel, b Oct. 5, 1702, settled in Cheshire, m Martha Moss, 1728; 41 Abel, b Jan. 10, 1700; 42 Benjamin, b May 23, 1705, m Minclwell Royce, April n, 1729, was clerk of the mines, d Jan. 30, 1758; 43 Mehitable, b July 30, 1709 ; 44 Ebenezer, b Aug. 21, 1713, d Oct. 18, 1752, in Meriden, aged 39. 5. JOSEPH. JOSEPH ROYCE, married to Mary Porter, by the Hon. J. Wadsworth, Oct. i, 1684. He died March 19, 1704, or 1707, as. 44 yrs. Children : 45 Mary, b Jan. 12, 1686 ; 46 Joseph, b May i, 1689, d June 27, 1689 ; 47 Joseph, b May 2, 1690, m Anna Andrews, March, 1710 ; 48 Thomas, b Aug. 13, 1692, m Mary ; 49 Nathaniel, b Oct. 21, 1693 ; 50 James, b July 31, 1695, d Dec. 22, 1695; 51 Hannah, b Nov. 6, 1696, d ; 52 Sarah, b Feb. 24, 1699, d Dec. 6, 1711 ; 53 Hannah, b March 18, 1701 ; 54 Reuben, b Dec. 18, 1713, d Sept. 10, 1790, ae. 77 yrs. 8 ROBERT. ROBERT ROYCE married ist, Mary , June 2, 1692 ; 2d, Abigail Benedict, March 14, 1709. He died in 1759, ae. 94 yrs. GENEALOGIES. 893 Children : 55 Nathaniel, b Oct. 23, 1694, m Phebe Clark, Dec. 20, 1720 ; 56 Dinah, b Feb. 24, 1696 ; 57 Josiah, b July 10, 1698 ; 58 Ruth, b Sept., 1701 ; 59 Sarah, b April 4, 1703, d Aug. 5, 1723 ; 60 Timothy, b June 2, 1705, m Mindwell Wassles, May 16, 1727 ; 61 Mary, b July, 1707 ; 62 Elizabeth, b Aug., 1709 ; 63 Gideon, b May 4, 1711, m Rebecca ; 6$ Prudence, b April n, 1714; 65 Moses, b Sept. 24, 1716, m Thankful ; 66 Martha, m Edmund Scott, March 16, 1730 ; 67 Lydia, b Nov. 20, 1719. 19. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN ROYCE, son of Nehemiah and Hannah, married Rebecca Wilcoxen of Stratford, Conn. ; he d Oct. 20, 1701. Child: 68 Mindwell, b Oct. 12, 1703, m Benjamin Royce, April n, 1729. l6. NEHEMIAH. NEHEMIAH ROYCE, son of Nehemiah and Hannah, married Keziah Hall. His farm was at the head of Falls Plain. Children: 69 Capt. James, b June 30, 1711, d Jan. 20, 1796, ae. 85 yrs. ; 70 Hannah, b Nov., 1713, d Dec. 14, 1713 ; 71 Phineas, b June 16, 1715; 72 Ephraim, b Feb. 9, 1717; 73 Hannah, b May 15, 1720, m Eunice ; 74 Keziah, b March 16, 1726. 32. ISAAC. ISAAC ROYCE, son of Samuel and Sarah, m Hannah . Children: 75 Richard, b March 16, 1759; 76 Hannah, b May 20, 1761. 33. EBENEZER. EBENEZER ROYCE, son of Samuel and Sarah, married Abigail Root, March 4, 1741. He died in Meriden, Oct. 18, 1752, ae. 39 years. Children: 77 Hannah, b Jan. 5, 1743 ; 78 Huldah, b Jan. 1 6, 1745 ; 79 Oliver, b March i, 1747, d at Meriden Dec. 6, 1755, ae. 7 years ; 80 Samuel, b Oct. 25, 1751. 34. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL ROYCE, son of Samuel and Sarah, married Phebe Clark Dec. 27, 1720. 894 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. Children : 81 John, b Feb. 14, 1723 ; 82 Dinah, b Nov. 6, 1724 ; 83 David, b Sept. 29, 1726 ; 84 Lois, b March 27, 1728 ; 85 Robert, b Nov. 16, 1729 ; 86 Nathaniel, b July i, T 733 ; 8 7 -f/^, b May 15, 1735 > 88 John, b March 22, T 737 i ^9 Josiah, b March 2, 1738; 90 Elisha, b Oct. 27, T 739 j 9 1 Clark, b Oct. 4, 1740. 37. JACOB. JACOB ROYCE, son of Samuel and Sarah Royce, was married to Thankful Beach by Capt. Hall, Sept. 28, 1724. He died Nov. 13, 1727. Children: 92 Amos, b Nov. i, 1725, m Sarah - ; 93 Experience, b Dec. i, 1727. 39. EZEKIEL. EZEKIEL, son of Samuel and Hannah Royce, married ist, Anna Merwin, April 25, 1723. She died Dec. 20, 1725; He married 2d, Abigail Ailing, Nov. 30, 1726. He died in Meriden, Sept. 4, 1765, ae. 66 years. Children by ist marriage: 94 Samuel, b Jan. 29, 1724; 95 Barnabas,\> Dec. 12, 1725. By 2d marriage: 96 Anna, b July 3, 1727 ; 97 Rachel, b Oct. 4, 1728 ; 98 Ezra, b June 7, 1730, m Anna ; 99 Lucy, b March 4, 1732 ; 100 Deborah, b Aug. 17, 1734 ; ioi Ezekiel,\> July 23, 1736 ; 102 Ezckiel, b Oct. 15, 1739, m Lydia , d Sept., 1808, ae. 69 years; 103 Abigail, b July 14, 1751. 40. SAMUEL. SAMUEL ROYCE, son of Samuel and Hannah, married Martha Moss, Dec. 25, 1728. Children: 104 Samuel, b May 9, 1732, m Sarah - j 105 Nathaniel, b May 20, 1734, m Sybil ; 106 Sarah, b Nov. 27, 1737 ; 107 Ebenezer, b April 13, 1740 ; 108 Levi, b Oct. 29, 1744; 109 Reuben, b June 22, 1750. 41. ABEL. ABEL ROYCE, son of Samuel and Hannah Royce, was married to Joanna Beach, Oct. 23, 1723, by Thomas Yale. Children: no, Rhoda, b Dec. 13, 1725; nr Hester, b GENEALOGIES. 895 Dec. 21, 1727; 112, 113 Abel and Joanna, b March 30, 1730; 114 Benedict, b Feb. 19, 1735; 115 Mehitable, b April i, 1737; 116 Hezekiah, b Dec. 16, 1739; 117 Huldah,\>Nov. 6, 1742. 42. BENJAMIN. BENJAMIN ROYCE, son of Samuel and Hannah Royce, married Mindwell' , April n, 1729. Children: 118 Benjamin, b April i, 1730, m Phebe , she d June 13, 1776, ae. 46, he d in Meriden, Feb., 1777 ; 119 Solomon, b Jan. 31, 1741. 44. EBENEZER. EBENEZER ROYCE, son of Samuel and Hannah Royce, married Abigail Root, March 4, 1741. Children: 120 Hannah, b Jan. 5, 1743; 121 Huldah, b Jan. 16, 1745 ; 122 Olive, b March i, 1747 ; 123 Samuel, b Oct. 28, 1751. 48. THOMAS. THOMAS ROYCE, son of Joseph and Mary Royce, married Mary Holt, Dec. 23, 1714, residence in Meriden. He mar- ried Anna Child, July 21, 1730. Children: 124 Sarah, b June 23, 1716 ; 125 Joseph, b July 16, 1719, m Eunice - ; 126 Mary, b Feb. 12, 1723; 127 Benjamin, b June 26, 1724, m Anna Chamberlain, May 29, 1750; 128 Thomas, b June 29, 1727; 129 Enos ; 130 Anna, b Sept. 15, 1731 ; 131 Samuel, b Nov. 20, 1733 ; 132 Phebe, b Dec. 30, 1742. 54. REUBEN. REUBEN ROYCE, son of Joseph and Mary Royce, married Keziah Moss, Nov. 18, 1736. She died Oct. 3, 1770, ae. 53. He died Sept. 10, 1790, ae. 77 years. Children: 133 Anna, b Aug. 5, 1737; 134 Rachel, b Nov. 26, 1753- 57. JOSIAH. JOSIAH ROYCE, son of Robert and Abigail, married Eliza- beth Parker, March 24, 1693. Married 2d, Abigail Clark, May i, 1722. 896 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 135 Ebenezer, b Jan. 22, 1713. By 2d marriage: 136 Sarah, b June 5, 1723 ; 137 Justus, b 1725 ; 138 Thank- ful, b 1727 ; 139 Charles, b 1731 ; 140 Stephen, b 1733 > I 4 I Caleb, b 1734. 60. TIMOTHY. TIMOTHY ROYCE, son of Robert and Abigail, married Mindwell Wassles, May 16, 1727. Children: 142 Hannah, b Dec. 29, 1727; 143 Lydia, b Feb. n, 1730 ; 144 Timothy, b June 25, 1732, m Abigail ; 145 Ruth, b Aug. 31, 1735. 63. GIDEON. GIDEON ROYCE, son of Robert and Abigail, m ist, Mary , 2d, Rebecca . Children : 146 Mary, b May 10, 1743 ; 147 Titus, b Feb. 4, 1745 ; 148 Wait, b July n. 1748; 149 Gideon, b Dec. 26, 1751; i $o Mary, b Oct. 30, 1753; 151 Justice, b Dec. 8, 1756, m Lois Perkins, of Meriden ; 152 Rebecca, b April 16, T 758 j X 53 Jonathan, b March 18, 1760. 65. MOSES. MOSES ROYCE, son of Robert and Abigail, married Thank- ful Austin, Jan. 6, 1740. Children: 154 Thankful, b July 5, 1747; 155 Amasa,\> March 21, 1751, d Dec. 12, 1797, ae. 47 yrs. ; 156 Abner, b Jan. 4, 1753 ; 157 Joel, b Feb. 16, 1754 ; 158 Amos, b March J 9, 1757- 69. JAMES. CAPT. JAMES ROYCE, son of Nehemiah and Keziah, mar- ried Miriam . She died Aug. 20, 1757, ae. 37 years. He died Jan. 20, 1796, ae. 85 years. Children: 159 Elizabeth, b Jan. 6, 1744; 160 Keziah. b July 27, 1746, m Janet Tyler, of Wallingford ; 161 James, b Dec. 18, 1748, m Mary Tyler; 162 Joel, b Jan. 10, 1751, d July 27, 1756, ae. 6 yrs. 72. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM ROYCE, son of Nehemiah and Keziah, married Eunice . GENEALOGIES. 897 Children: 163 Mindwell, b Aug. 12, 1740; 164 Keziah, b May 12, 1742 ; 165 Margery, b March 17, 1742 ; 166 Ephraim, b June 30, 1744 ; 167 Stephen, b Sept. 2, 1752 ; 168 Mary, b Dec. 31, 1754. 85. ROBERT. ROBERT ROYCE, son of Nathaniel and Phebe, married Hannah Bennet, Nov. 5, 1752. Children: 169 Bennet, b Nov. n, 1752; 170 Hannah, b Jan. 27, 1755 ; 171 Chauncey, b April 20, 1757 ; 172 David, b Feb. 24, 1760. 86. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL ROYCE, son of Nathaniel and Phebe, married Sybil - . Children : 173 Martha, b Jan. 3, 1756 ; 174 Sybil, b April n, 1760. 88. JOHN. JOHN ROYCE, son of Nathaniel and Phebe, married Hannah . Children: 175 Mary, b May 8, 1751 ; 176 Hannah, b Jan. I ^, 1753, d ; 177 Matthew, b Oct. 13, 1759 ; 178 Hannah, b June 2, 1761. 92. AMOS. AMOS ROYCE, son of Jacob and Thankful, m Sarah . Children: 179 Sarah, b Sept. 3, 1754; 180 Jacob, b Dec. 9, 1756, m - - Hull; 181 John, b Nov. 15, 1758; 182 Hannah, b May 22, 1761. 94. SAMUEL. SAMUEL, son of Ezekiel and Anna Royce, married Deborah Children: 183 Stephen, b Oct. 21, 1756; 184 Hannah, b April 28, 1758; 185 Ebenezer, b March 24, 1760. 98. EZRA. EZRA, son of Ezekiel and Anna Royce, married Anna Royce, Nov. 25, 1746; res. in Meriden before 1793. Children: 186 Jesse, b Oct. 3, 1746 ; Rachel, b Oct. 20, 1747; 187 Joseph, b April 14, 1756; Mehitable, b April 3, HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORU. 1750 ; 188 Sarah, b Nov. 9, 1751 ; Seth, b June 6, 1752 ; 189 Esther, b Aug. 2, 1754; Asa, b Sept. i, 1754; 190 Deborah, b Sept. 6, 1757 ; Lucy, b Oct. 26, 1757 ; 191 Thomas, b Sept. 26, 1749 ; 192 ^r<7, b Oct. 30, 1759, res. in Meriden. 102. EZEKIEL. EZEKIEL, son of Ezekiel and Anna Royce, married Lydia - . She died Oct. 28, 1813, ae. 73 yrs. He died Sept. 3, 1808, ae. 69, in Meriden. Child : 193 Oliver, b July 26, 1760, d in Meriden, April 28, 1794, ae. 34 yrs. 104. SAMUEL. SAMUEL, son of Samuel and Martha Royce, married Sarah Children : 194 Mind-well, b Nov. 8, 1756, m Josiah Mix in 1777 ; 195 Phebe, b Nov. 10, 1758 ; 196 Lucy, b May i. 1761 ; 197 Keziah, b March 25, 1768, m Josiah Mix, he d in Ohio, May 13, 1845, ae - 9 1 - Il6. HEZEKIAH. HEZEKIAH, son of Abel and Joanna Royce, died in Meri- den at a very advanced age. Children : 198 Benajah, d near South Meriden ; 199 Porter, d in Wallingford. 123. SAMUEL. SAMUEL, son of Ebenezer and Abigail Royce, married Deborah . Children: 200 Stephen, b Oct. 21, 1756; 201 Hannah, b April 28, 1758 ; 202 Ebenezer,\> March 24, 1760. 125. JOSEPH. JOSEPH, son of Thomas and Mary Royce, married Eunice Child: 203 Capt. Joseph, b 1748, d Sept. 10, 1790, ae. 77. 144. TIMOTHY. TIMOTHY, son of Gideon and Rebecca Royce, married Abigail . Children: 204 Mindwell, b April 27, 1754; 205 Timothy, b GENEALOGIES. 899 May 12, 1755 ; 206 Elijah, b July 26, 1756 ; 207 Chauncey, b Sept. 7, 1757 : 208 Joanna, b Sept. 27, 1758 ; 209 Katherine, b Oct. 4, 1760. 151. JUSTICE. JUSTICE ROYCE, son of Gideon and Rebecca Royce, mar- ried Lois Perkins of Meriden. She died in Wallingford and was buried there. Children: 210 Roswell, d in Wallingford; 211 Jotham, went west; 212 Ann, m Moses Taylor; 213 Mary, din Meriden; 214 Titus, resides in Wallingford now, 1870. EVAN. EVAN ROYCE married Rachel Parker, May 20, 1724. He does not appear to be of the same family of any of the prece- ding, yet it is quite possible that he was. Children: 215 John, b May 25, 1725; 216 Anna, b June 23, 1724; 217 Evan, b June 18, 1729; 218 Charles, b March 28, 1731 ; 219 Mary, b Feb. 5, 1733 ; 220 James, b Jan. i, 1735 ; 221 Lois, b Nov. 4, 1740 ; 222 Rachel, b June 30, 1743 ; 223 Hannah, b March 25, 1759 ; 224 James, b Feb. i, 1757. l6l. JAMES. JAS. ROYCE, son of Capt. Jas. and Miriam Royce, when liv- ing, owned and occupied the house and lot at the head of Main- Street, in the village of Wallingford. The old house and lot had been owned by the family from 1670 down to 1868. Mr. James Rice died Feb. 17, 1827, ae. 79 years. His wife died Aug. 6, 1834, ae. 83 years. The maiden name of his wife was Mary, daughter of William Tyler, and sister of Samuel and Jared Tyler, late of Wallingford. Children : 225 Nehemiah, b 1774, m ist, Ruth Hall, 2d, Abigail, daughter of Caleb Hall, Esq., he d April 8, 1831, ae. 57 years ; 226 Ambrose, b 1777, d Aug. 21, 1810, ae. 33 years ; 227 Miriam, m Isaac Peck of Wallingford ; 228 Sedgwick, d in western N. Y., a Baptist minister ; 226 Lura, m Chauncey Hough of Wallingford; 230 Joel, b 1786, m Lucretia Yale, d Dec. 21, 1828; 231 James, resides in west- 9OO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. ern N. Y. ; 232 Mary, b 1782, d Aug., 1859, ae. 77 ; 233 Henrietta, b 1791, d of measles, Feb. 18, 1818, ae. 27 years; 234 Sylvester, b 1793, d April i, 1820, ae. 27 years. 218. CHARLES. CHARLES, son of Evan and Rachel Royce, married Lois Child; 235 Thaddeus, b Nov. 3, 1757, res. near Gitteau's corner. STANLEY.' The ancestor of the Wallingford Stanleys was John Stan- ley, who died on his passage over from England, leaving a son John, and a daughter Ruth, both of whom were married (the same day), Dec. 5, 1645. John the son was nephew of Timothy Stanley, of Cambridge and Hartford. John Stanley, the grandfather of the Wallingford branch, was born in 1625, came to New England in 1634, settled early in Windsor and Farmington, joined the church in Farming- ton July 12, 1753, was a deputy from Farmington, four sessions to the General Court, was a Captain-in King Philip's War, and a leading man in Farmington. He married Sarah, daughter of Thomas Scott, Dec. 5, 1645. He married 2d, Sarah, daughter of John Fletcher, of Milford, June 26, 1661. He died Dec. 19, 1706, and his 2d wife and widow died May Children : i John, b in Hartford, Nov. 3, 1647 > 2 Thomas, b in Farmington, Nov. i, 1649, m m l ^9> Anne, daughter of Rev. Jeremiah Peck, she d May 23, 1718 ; 3 Sarah, b Feb., 1651-2, m Joseph Gaylord ; 4 Timothy, b March 17, 1653-4, m Mary, dau. of John Strong, in 1676, and d childless ; 5 i For collateral branches, see Andrews' Hist. New Britain, Conn. ; Dag- get's Hist. Attleborough, Mass., 94, 95 ; Judd and Boltwood's Hist. Had- ley, Mass., 582 ; Leonard's Hist. Dublin, N. H., 396-7 ; Morse's Memorial of Morses, App. No. 55; Savage's Gen. Diet., iv. 163-6; Thurston's Hist. Winthrop, Me., 196-7. GENEALOGIES. 90! Elizabeth, b April i, 1657, d ; 6 Abigail, b July 25, 1669, m John Hooker, Nov., 1687 ; 7 Elizabeth, b Nov. 28, 1672, m John Wadsworth, she d Oct. 5, 1713 ; 8 Isaac, b Sept. 22, 1660, was an imbecile. I. JOHN. JOHN STANLEY appears to have been a prominent man in Waterbury. He was the first recorder of the town and pro- prietors. He was appointed first by the committee, and afterward, Dec. 26, 1682, by the town, which offices he filled until his removal to Farmington. He was a good penman and well qualified for the office, as the records fully demon- strate. He married Esther, daughter of Thomas Newell of Farmington, and d May 16, 1729 ; she d in 1740. Children: 9 Esther, b Dec. 2, 1672, in Farmington, d 1676, ae. 4 years ; 10 John, b April 9, 1675, in Farmington, m Dec. 14, 1714, d Sept. 8, 1748 ; n Samuel, b 1677, m Eliza- beth, daughter of Abraham Bronson of Lyme, July 15, 1702 : 12 Nathaniel,\> 1679, m Sarah Smith and settled in Goshen, d 1770 ; 13 Thomas, b May 25, 1684, in Farmington ; 14 Sarah,\> July 4, 1686 ; 15 Timothy, b June 6, 1689, m Martha Smith of Farmington, settled in Goshen after 1735. n. SAMUEL. SAMUEL STANLEY married Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham Bronson of Lyme. He died in 1737 ; he was a mill-wright and carpenter, and lived in Wallingford, Farmington and Durham. Children: 16 Samuel, b in Waterbury; 17 Abraham, b April 13, 1705, m Prudence, dau. of Isaac Pinney, of Wind- sor, Conn. ; 18 John; 19 Esther ; 20 Ebenezer ; 21 Anna, b March 8, 1713, all b in Wallingford ; 22, Elizabeth, b 1715 ; 23 Asa, b 1717; 24 Ruth; 25 Josiah ; all b in Farmington. 17. ABRAHAM. ABRAHAM STANLEY married Prudence Pinney of Windsor. He settled on a farm a little west of Yalesville. He died Feb. 17, 1788, ae. 85 yrs. I i i 9O2 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Children: 26 Abraham, b Dec. 7, 1731 ; 27 Prudence, b May 13, 1734, m Laban Andrews, April 5, 1758; 28 Oliver, b Oct. 10, 1743, grad. at Yale, 1768, was a lawyer ; 29 Lucretia, b Aug. 7, 1748, m Elihu Yale. 18. JOHN. JOHN STANLEY married Hannah Ives, May, 29, 1735. She died in Wallingford, July 13, 1750. Children : 30 Hannah, b June 6, 1736, d June 28, 1750, ae. 14 yrs. ; 31 John, b Dec. 26, 1737; 32 Mary, b June n, 1740 ; 33 Thomas, b July i, 1743 ; 34 Sarah, b July 2, 1745. 25. JOSIAH. JOSIAH STANLEY married Mary Miles, of Wallingford, March 14, 1739. He died Oct. 31, 1756. Children , 35 Abigail, b June 9, 1742 ; 36 Mary, b Aug. 9, 1744 ; 37 Benjamin, b June 3, 1748. 28. OLIVER. OLIVER STANLEY ESQ. married - . He was graduated at Yale College in 1768, and became a lawyer of considerable note in his native village. He owned the house and lot where Mrs. Edgar Atwater now lives ( 1869 ), and died there. Children : 38 George Washington, graduated at Yale ; 39 Sarah, m Medad Baker. 38. GEORGE. GEORGE WASHINGTON STANLEY ESQ. married . He practiced his profession as a lawyer in his native place for several years, with great success ; and was Town Clerk and Judge of the Probate Court. In 18 he went to Middle- town, where he was made Attorney for the State. He remained there several years, and subsequently went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he soon became distinguished as a learned, discreet and faithful counselor. He died at an advanced age, leaving one son to perpetuate his name, and who is reported to be a successful business man at Cleveland. GENEALOGIES. 903 SCARRITT. James Scarritt was from Branford, Conn. In 1758 he was in the old French war with Miles Yale, Col. Isaac Cook, Samuel Parsons, and old Samuel Barnes. These men used to meet often and relate their experiences in that war, to the great gratification of any who might be present. Mr. Scarritt was a weaver and schoolmaster. He taught school before the Revolution, and until within the memory of the writer. He was the honored father of John Scarritt, who was also a schoolmaster, and also the highly respected Town Clerk of New Haven, for many consecutive years. He died in New Haven. Children: i Amanda, m W. Lyon, she d in 1869 ; 2 Lydia, m John D. Reynolds; 3 Marcus; 4 Louisa; 5 James, m Johnson, and removed to Waterbury. STREET.' NICHOLAS. REV. NICHOLAS STREET came from England and settled at Farmington, Mass. In 1649 he went to New Haven where he died April 22, 1674. Children: Samuel, b 1735, grad. at Harvard, 1664; Susan- nah ; Sarah ; Abiah ; Hannah. I. SAMUEL. REV. SAMUEL STREET married Anna, daughter of Samuel Miles, Nov. 3, 1664. He was one of the original subscribers to the settlement of Wallingford in 1670, and was the first settled clergyman in the place. Four years after the settle- ment commenced, he was called to settle there, and continued in the work of ministry there until his decease, Jan. 17, 1717, a period of nearly 45 years. Mrs. Anna Street died July 19, 1730. Children: i Anna,\> 1665, in New Haven; 2 Samuel, b I For collateral branches, see Dodd's Hist. East Haven, Conn., 153 ; Savage's Gen. Diet., IV. 222-3. QO4 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 1667, in New Haven ; 3 Mary, b 1670, m John Hall of Wall- ingford ; 4 Susanna, b June 15, 1675, in Wallingford ; 5 Nicholas, b July 14, 1677, settled in Groton, Conn. ; 6 Katha- rine, b Nov. 19, 1679 > 7 Sarah, b Jan. 15, 1681, m Theophilus Yale. 2. SAMUEL. SAMUEL STREET JR. married Madeline Daniels, Nov. i, 1684. She died and he married Hannah Glover, July 14, 1690. She died July 3, 1715, and he married for his third wife, Elizabeth , Dec. 20, 1716. Children by ist marriage: 8 Samuel, b Nov. 3, 1685 ; 9 James, b Dec. 28, 1686, m Rebecca Scoville, Sept. 6, 1731 ; 10 Anna, b Aug. 26,1688. By ad marriage: n Eleanor, b Dec. 3, 1690; 12 Nathaniel, b Jan. 19, 1692 ; 13 Elnathan, b Sept. 2, 1695, m Damaris Hull, Feb. 6, 1722 ; 14 Mehitable, b Feb. 15, 1699 ; 15 John, b Oct. 25, 1703, m Hannah Hall, June 9, 1734 ; 16 Samuel, b May 10, 1707, d Oct. 15, 1752. 5. NICHOLAS. NICHOLAS STREET married Jerusha Morgan, April 22, 1707. Children: 17 James, b Feb. 10, 1708 ; 18 Elizabeth, b Apr. 24, 1709. 9. JAMES. ' JA*MES STREET m Rebecca Scoville. Children: 19 Samuel, b Sept. 6, 1731 ; 20 James, b Sept. i4, 1733- 13. ELNATHAN. ELNATHAN STREET married Damaris Hall, Feb. 6, 1722. Children: 21 Benjamin, b May 18, 1723; 22 Samuel, b Jan. 10, 1725, d Jan. 18, 1725 ; 23 Samuel, b Dec. 8, 1728; 24 Nicholas, b Feb. 21, 1730, graduated at Yale, 1751, or- dained Oct. 8, 1755, d at East Haven, Oct. 3, 1706; 25 El- nathan, b Feb, 20, 1732 ; 26 Anna, b Feb. 16, 1736 ; 27 Mary, b June 28, 1738 ; 28 Jesse, b April 24, 1741, m Lois Cook. 15. JOHN. JOHN STREET married Hannah Hall, June 5, 1734. GENEALOGIES. 905 Children ; 29 Thaddeus, b March 15, 1735, d March 16, 1735 ; 30 Hannah, b June 7, 1736 ; 31 Sarah, b July 8, 1738 ; 32 Mary, b May 4, 1740 ; 33 Elisha, b Dec. 17, 1745. 1 6. SAMUEL. SAMUEL STREET married ist, Keziah Munson, Nov. 12, 1734 ; 2d, Sarah . She died Oct. i, 1795, ae. 68 years ; he died in Wallingford, 1792, ae. 85 years. Child by ist marriage: 34 Glover, b May 28, 1735. Chil- dren by 2d marriage: 35 Titus, b June 4, 1750, m Atwater, of Cheshire; 36 Caleb, b Oct. 23, 1753. THOMPSON.' There are few names more common among the early set- tlers of New England than that of Thompson, most of whom came ^from London and Hertfordshire, and were probably related to each other. Of these, the principal individuals connected with the New England settlements were David Thompson, who emigrated to Portsmouth, N. H., in 1622, where he established fisheries, and in 1623, removed to an island in Boston Harbor, which still bears his name ; James Thompson, who was one of the first settlers of Woburn, Mass., in 1634 ; Major Robert Thompson, who resided in Boston in 1639, and was a man of wealth and respectability ; Maurice Thompson, a merchant of London, Governor of the East India Co., who established fisheries at Cape Ann, in 1639 ; Rev. William Thompson, who came to York, Maine, in 1637, and Anthony Thompson, of New Haven, Conn. I For collateral branches, see Andrews' Hist. New Britain, Conn., 163, 232 ; Barry's Hist. Hanover, Mass., 409, 410 ; Bradbury's Hist. Kenne- bunkport, Me., 297-80; Cothren's Hist. Woodbury, Conn., 727-37 ; Dodd's Hist. East Haven, Conn., 154-6; Eaton's Hist. Thomaston, Me., 427-9; Hooker's Memorials of James and Augustus Thompson ; Journals of Smith and Dean of Portland, Me., 68; Kingman's Hist. N. Bridgwater, 314, 315 ; N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., iv. 180, xni. 1 12-16, 318-20 ; Sav- age's Gen. Diet, iv. 283-90 ; Sewall's Hist. Woburn, Mass., 390-402, 643-5 j Stiles's Hist. Windsor, Ct., 815 ; Thompson's Gen. of Thompson Family ; Thompson's Hist. Long Island, N. Y., n. 425-31. 906 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. JOSEPH. JOSEPH THOMPSON and his wife Elizabeth were in Wall- ingford among the first planters, though not an original sub- scriber. He was collector of taxes in 1681. Children: i Joseph, m Hannah Clark, Feb. i, 1700; 2 John, b Feb. i, 1685, m Sarah Culver, June 23, 1710; 3 Hannah, b April 16, 1687. i. JOSEPH. JOSEPH THOMPSON, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Thomp- son, married Hannah Clark. He died ae. 67 years. Children : 4 Elizabeth, b Oct. 23, 1710 ; 5 Samuel, b Nov. 10, 1713 ; 6 Tamar, b Sept. 18, 1715 ; 7 Phebe, b April 12, 1720 ; 8 Hannah, b Sept. 10, 1725 ; 9 Keziah, b Jan. 15, 1728. 2. JOHN. JOHN THOMPSON, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Thompson, married Sarah Culver, June 23. 1710. Children : 10 Abel, b and d Jan. 14, 1715 ; n Abel, b 1717, d 1798; 12 Anna, b Jan. 28, 1719, m Benjamin Sedgwick ; 13 Mabel, b Nov. n, 1721 ; 14 Sarah, b Oct. 5, 1724, m John Moss; 15 John, b Jan. 26, 1726. 5. SAMUEL. SAMUEL THOMPSON, son of Joseph and Hannah Thomp- son, married Rachel . Children: 16 John, b Feb. 24, 1747; 17 Samuel, b June n, 1751 ; 18 Phebe, b Feb. 20, 1753 ; 19 Rachel, b April 20, 1755 ; 20 Samuel, b Oct. 5, 1757. II. ABEL. ABEL THOMPSON, son of John and Sarah Culver Thomp- son, married - . He was the father of Abel, who was the father of Capt. Caleb Thompson, late of Wallingford, deceased. Children: 21 Edward, d in Wallingford; 22 Stiles H., d 1863 ; 23 Lodema, m E. S. Ives, Esq. ; 24 daughter. GENEALOGIES. 907 JOSEPH. JOSEPH and Abigail Thompson had the following family in Wallingford. Children: 25 Elihu, b Oct. 9, 1745; 26 John, b July 22, 1757- THORP.' SAMUEL. SERGT. SAMUEL THORP was an early settler in the eastern part ol Wallingford, near Muddy river. His house stood on the east side of said river, on an old highway which is closed, and which ran south from the east side of the late Col. Rus- sel Hall's barn. Lot No. 14 on the east side of the main street, in the village, was assigned him for a house lot. He died at the age of 84, Feb. 2, 1728. Mary Thorp, his wife, died March i, 1718. Children: i Elizabeth, b Feb. 15, 1668 ; 2 Samuel, b Mar. 8, 1670; 3 Hannah, b Sept. 9, 1678; 4 Naomi, b Jan. 31, 1681, m John Boulcott, Oct. 18, 1708 ; 5 John, b July 6, 1686 ; 6 Samuel, b Apr. n, 1687 ; 7 Hannah. 6. SAMUEL. SAMUEL THORP married ist, Hannah , 2d, Eliza- beth How. He died March 14, 1764. She died Oct. 19, i75i- Children by ist marriage : 8 Samuel, b Mar. 24, 1707; 9 Joseph, b Dec. 8, 1708; 10 Elizabeth, b Oct. 3, 1710; n Daniel, b Jan. 4, 1711 ; 12 Hannah, b Nov. 18, 1712 ; 13 Sam- uel, b Apr. 10, 1713 ; 14 Lydia, b Oct. 31, 1714; 15 Hannah, b Nov. i, 1716; 1 6 Thomas; 17 Benjamin, b Sept. 13, 1715 ; 18 John, b Aug. 2, 1718; 19 Olive, b Mar. 14, 1720. By 2d marriage : 20 Hannah, b Feb. n, 1722 ; 21 Mabel, b Jan. 12, 1724; 22 Mary, d Oct. 19, 1767 ; 23 Abner, b Oct. 14, 1720; 24 Asher, b Oct. 14, 1727; 25 Phebe, b April i, 1728; 26, i For collateral branches, see Savage's Gen. Diet., iv. 243. 908 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Elnathan, b Aug. 13, 1729 ; 27 Sarah, b Dec. 10, 1734; 28 Tamar, b Sept. 18, 1735. 9. JOSEPH. JOSEPH THORP, married Abigail . He died Sept. *3> 1755- Children: 29 Sarah, b July 7, 1741 ; 30 Jared, b Oct. 27, 1744; 31 Joseph, b May i, 1750; 32 Titus, b Mar. i, 1751 ; 33 Abigail, b Apr. 22, 1753. II. DANIEL. DANIEL THORP married Elizabeth . She died Oct. 16, 1751. Child: 34 Mary, d Oct. 16, 1751. 13. SAMUEL. SAMUEL THORP, son of Samuel and Hannah. Children : 35 Thomas ; 36 Lois, b Feb. 26, 1736 ; 37 Sarah, b Apr. 16, 1737 ; 38 Lydia, b Oct. 9, 1741 ; 39 Lynes, b Oct. 12, 1743. TUTTLE.' WILLIAM. WILLIAM TUTTLE, his wife and three children, and a brother John came from Devonshire, England, in the ship Planter, as passengers, and were registered April, 1635. John was born in 1596, and settled at Ipswich, Mass. ; he left numerous de- scendants. William's age was put at twenty-six years, his wife Elizabeth's at 23 yrs., John, their eldest child, at 3 1-2 yrs., Ann, 2 1-2 yrs., and Thomas at three months. Mrs. Elizabeth united with the church in Boston, July 24, 1636, and brought to be baptized a son, Jonathan, July 2, 1637, and another, David, April 7, 1639. Soon after, the family re- i For collateral branches, see Cothren's Hist. Woodbnry, Conn., 723-7 ; Dodd's Hist. East Haven, Conn., 156-8; Hall's Hist. Rec. Norwalk, Ct, 203-241, 267-269. 281-290, 297 ; Hudson's Hist. Lexington, Mass., 248, 249 ; N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., via. 132-42 ; Otis's Gen. Otis Family; Savage's Gen. Diet, iv. 350-2 ; Wyman's Hunt Family Hist., 529. GENEALOGIES. 909 moved to New Haven ; there he became a man of conse- quence, and was much employed in public affairs. He resided in that part of the town now called North Haven, and was there in 1659, on land that belonged to the estate of Gov. Eaton. He died in 1673, at tne a g e f 64 years. Mrs. Elizabeth died Dec. 30, 1684, ae. 81 yrs. He was a sub- scriber to the compact for the settlement of East Haven. Es- tate, .440. Children: i John, b 1631, in England, m Catharine Lane; 2 Anna, b 1633, in England; 3 Thomas, b 1635, m Hannah Powell, May 21, 1760 ; 4 Jonathan, b July 2, 1637, in Boston, m Rebecca, dau. of Francis Ball ; 5 David, b April 7, 1639, in Boston, d in 1693 ; 6 Joseph, b Nov. 22, 1640, in New Haven, m Hannah Munson ; 7 Sarah, b April, 1642, m John Hanson, Nov. n, 1663 ; 8 Elizabeth, b Nov., 1645, m Timothy Edwards of Windsor, 1667 ; 9 Simon, b March 28, 1647, settled at Wallingford in 1670 ; 10 Benjamin, b Oct. 29, 1648 ; ii Mercy, b April 27, 1650, m Samuel Brown of New Haven ; 12 Nathaniel, b Feb. 29, 1652, m Sarah, dau. of Ephraim How, and settled at Woodbury, Conn., where he d Aug. 20, 1721. Cothren, in Hist, of Woodbury, gives his descendants. I. JOHN. JOHN TUTTLE, eldest son of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, was born in England in 1628, came to America with his parents in 1635, in the ship Planter, married Catherine Lane, Nov. 8, 1653, and died in 1683. Estate, ^"79. Children : 13 Hannah, b Nov. 3, 1655, m Samuel Clark, Nov. 7, 1672 ; 14 John, b Sept. 16, 1657 ; 15 Samuel, b Jan. 9, 1659, m Sarah Newman, in 1684 ; 16 Sarah, b Jan. 22, 1 66 1-2, m John Humiston, Sept. 10, 1685 ; 17 Daniel, b April 13, 1664, d 1700, at Milford, ae. 36 years; 18 Mary, b April 13, 1664, m John Ball, June 6, 1716; 19 Elizabeth, b Nov. 26, 1666 ; 20 David, b Nov. 14, 1668. 3. THOMAS. THOMAS TUTTLE 2d son of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, QIO HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. was born in England in 1634-5, and was brought to America by his parents in the ship Planter. He married Hannah Powell, May 21, 1661. Children : 21 Hannah, b Feb. 24, 1661, m Samuel Clark, Nov. 7, 1672 ; 22 Abigail, b Jan. 17, 1663 ; 23 Mary, b June 14, 1665, d Aug. 12, 1683; 24 Thomas Jr., b Oct. 27, 1667, m Mary Sanford, June 28, 1692, he d Jan. 30, 1703 ; 25 John, b Dec. 5, 1669 ; 26 Esther, b April 9, 1672, m Samuel Russell, Feb. 25, 1694; 27 Caleb, b Aug. 29, 1674, m Mary Hotch- kiss, March i, 1699 ; 28 Joshua, b Dec. 19, 1676, m Mary Mix, Feb 25, 1710; 29 Martha, b May 23, 1679, d Jan. 25, 1699, ae - 20 - 4. JONATHAN. JONATHAN, son of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, was born in Boston, and came to New Haven when a child with his parents. He married Rebecca Bell of Norwalk, Conn., and settled on a farm in what is now North Haven, and on which some of his descendants continue to reside to this day ( 1870 ). He died in 1700. Estate, ^"100. His wife Rebecca died May 2, 1676. Children: 30 Rebecca, b Sept. 10, 1664 ; 31 Mary, b Feb. 7, 1666, m Ebenezer Frost, Oct. 4, 1704 ; 32 David, b Nov. 14, 1668; 33 Jonathan, b April 6, 1669 ; 34 Simon, b March ii, 1671 ; 35 William, b May 25, 1673 ; 36 Nathaniel, b Feb. 25, 1676. 5. DANIEL. DANIEL, son of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, was a pro- prietor in 1685. For some cause which does not now appear, he was in 1687 put under the charge of his brother Thomas, and died in 1692, ae. 55 years, without children. He had lot 16, east side of Main-st. in Wallingford, 1670. Estate, ^"29. 6. JOSEPH. JOSEPH, son of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, married Hannah, daughter of Thomas Munson, May 2, 1667. He died in Sept., 1690. She afterwards married Nathan Bradley GENEALOGIES. QT I in 1694, and died in 1695. Estate, ^"269. This family was of East Haven, Conn. Children : 37 Joseph, b March 18, 1668, m Elizabeth San- ford, Dec. 10, 1691-2 ; 38 Samuel, b July 15, 1670, m Sarah Hart, Dec. n, 1695 > 39 Stephen, b May 20, 1673, m Ruth , settled at Woodbridge, N. J. ; 40 Joanna, b Feb. 25, 1675, m Stephen Panbonna ; 41 Timothy, b Sept. 30, 1678, d Nov. 21, 1678; 42 Susannah, b Feb. 20, 1679 > 43 Elizabeth, b July 12, 1683 ; 44 Hannah, b May 14, 1685, d in infancy; 45 Hannah, b Feb. 26, 1686. 8. ELIZABETH. ELIZABETH TUTTLE, daughter of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, married Richard Edwards of Windsor, Conn. She was the maternal ancestor of the late Gov. Henry W. Edwards, of New Haven. Children : 46 Mary, b 1668 ; 47 Timothy, b May 14, 1669, in Esther Stoddard; 48 Abigail, b 1671 ; 49 Elizabeth, b 1675; 50 Ami, b 1678 ; 51 Mabel, b 1685 ; 52 Cynthia . 9. SIMON. SIMON TUTTLE, son of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, mar- ried Miss Abigail, daughter of John Beach, and was among the first subscribers to the compact for the settlement of New Haven village (now Wallingford ), in 1669-70, and settled there near his father Beach's land, perhaps on a portion of it. His house lot was No. 13, east side Main-st, with 8 acres of out land. He died April 16, 1719, ae. 72 years. Mrs. Abigail died Aug., 1722. Children: 53 Daniel, b Nov. n, 1680, m Ruth How, Oct. 18, 1711 ; 54 Dea. Timothy, b 1681, m ist, Thankful Doolittle, Nov. 2, 1706, shed Nov. 23, 1728, 2d, Mary ,3d, Sarah Humiston, June 28, 1749, he died April 15, 1756, ae. 75 ; 55 Thankful ; 56 Rebecca, b April 30, 1698 ; 57 Jonathan, b Sept. 18, 1701 ; 58 Isaiah, b July 10, 1704, m Susannah Doolittle, June 4, 1727; 59 Elizabeth, b Nov. 8, 1705; 60 Deborah, b Jan. i, 1709; 61 David, b April 25, 1713. 912 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. II. MERCY. MERCY TUTTLE, daughter of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, married Samuel Brown, who was among the original sub- scribers to the compact for the settlement of the village of Wallingford, and had assigned to him the lot on which now stands the residence of the late Moses Y. Beach, Esq. ; but as he did not settle on it within the time prescribed, he lost his title, and it was assigned to John Moss. Dea. Philo Brown, of the firm of Brown, Elton & Co., of Waterbury, is a direct descendant of her. See " Branson's Waterbury." Children: 62 Abigail, b March u, 1669, d young; 63 Sarah, b Aug. 8, 1672 ; 64 Rachel, b Aug. 14, 1677 ; 65 Francis, b Oct. 7, 1679 > 66 Gideon, b July 12, 1685 ; 67 Sam- uel, b Oct. 29, 1699. 12. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL TUTTLE son of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, married Sarah How, Aug. 10, 1682. He settled in Wood- bury, Conn., about 1680, where he raised a considerable family. He died Aug. 20/1721, leaving a widow, Sarah. His descendants are somewhat numerous in Woodbury and vicinity, to this day. Children: 68 Mary, bap. May, 1683, d before 1721; 69 Ephraim, bap. July 20, 1683, m Dinah Wheeler, Feb. 13, 1706 ; 70 Temperance, bap. Nov. 24, 1674, d Nov., 1749 ; 71 Hezekiah, m Martha Huthwith, April n, 1711, d in 1753 ; 72 Isaac, b Feb. 3, 1698, m ist, Prudence Wheeler, Jan. 10, 1729, she d 1730, m 2d, Mary Warner, she died Oct. 28, 1746 ; 73 Anna, d July 22, 1753. 35. WILLIAM. WILLIAM, son of Jonathan and Rebecca Tuttle, m . Children: 74 Aaron, b Nov. 25, 1698, m Mary Munson, Feb. 6, 1723-4; 75 Mary, b Aug., 1702; 76 Susannah, b Nov. 10, 1708 ; 77 Lydia, b Feb. 22, 1710-11 ; 78 Jemima, b Feb. 13, 1712; 79 Hannah, b Nov. 10, 1715; 80 Dan, b Aug. i, 1718, d young ; 81 Dan, b Aug. 30, 1722, m Abigail Frederick, Jan. 26, 1743, at Wallingford. GENEALOGIES. 913 37. NATHANIEL. NATHANIEL, 2d son of Jonathan and Rebecca Tuttle, mar- ried and settled in New Haven. Children : 82 Jonathan, b 1701 ; 83 Silence, b 1703 ; 84 Moses, b May 8, 1704; 85 Nathaniel, b May 29, 1714, m Mary Todd, Jan. 16, 1737-8. 53. DANIEL. CAPT. DANIEL TUTTLE, son of Simon and Abigail Tuttle, settled on lot 16, east side of the main street in Wallingford village, married Ruth How, Oct. 18, 1711 ; he died in 1748. Children : 86 Daniel, b 1714, d Aug. 12, 1767, ae. 53 ; 87 Jehiel, b Aug. 7, 1717, m Hannah Hull, Aug. 31, 1742 ; 88 Abiah ; 89 Phebe, b Jan. 8, 1719, d; 90 Lydia, b April 15, 1722, m Benj. Culver of Wallingford ; 91 Eunice, b April 9, 1725, d April 12, 1726 ; 92 Eunice, b July 12, 1726, m Gideon Ives, Jr., Oct. 19, 1745 ; 93 Ambrose, b Sept. 25, 1728, m Esther Ives, May 31, 1748 ; 94 Enos, b Jan. 3, 1732, m Sarah Francis, April 21, 1757 ; 95 Mary, b Oct. n, 1733, m Joseph Francis, Aug. 31, 1750 ; 96 Phebe, b Jan. 8, 1734, m Samuel Miles; 97 Lois, b March 9, 1737, m Abel Ives, June 19, 1760; 98 Martha, b Feb. 25, 1720, d Jan. i, 1742. 54. TIMOTHY. DBA. TIMOTHY TUTTLE, son of Simon and Abigail Tuttle, married Thankful Doolittle, Nov. 2, 1706. She died Nov. 23, 1728. He married 2d, Mary Rowe of New Haven, June 9, 1729 ; she died Jan. 22, 1747-8. He married 3d, Sarah Humiston, June 28, 1749. He died at Cheshire, April 15, 1756, ae. 76 yrs. Children: 99 Rachel, b April 10, 1706, m Nathan Tyler; 100 Ebenezer, b May 18, 1708, d Dec. 3, 1736, ae. 28 yrs. ; 101 Ephraim, b April 10, 1710, m Hannah Payne, Jan. 16, 1734; 102 Mary, b Oct. 3, 1712, m Miles Hull of Derby, Dec. 4, 1729; 103 Gershom, b Aug. u, 1714, settled in Bristol, Conn., d ae. 74 yrs. ; 104 Timothy, b Dec. 4, 1716. m Hannah Wadams of Goshen, Conn. ; 105 Abigail, b April n, 1719, m John Gaylord of Cheshire; 106 Simon, b June 12, 914 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 1721, settled in Bristol, Conn. ; 107 Moses, b Dec. 18, 1723, settled in Cheshire; 108 Thankful, b Nov. 15, 1726, d Dec. 9, 1747 ; 109 Mehitable, b Nov. 15, 1730, m Andrew Clark ; no Ichabod, b July 2, 1732, d Jan. 9, 1747-8. 57- JONATHAN. JONATHAN, son of Simon and Abigail Tuttle, married Re- becca Gilbert, Dec. 8, 1724. Child: in Simon, b Nov. 16, 1725. 58. ISAIAH. ISAIAH, son of Simon and Abigail Tuttle, married Susanna Doolittle, June 4, 1727. Children: 112 Jonathan, b May 19, 1728, settled in Wall- ingford ; 113 Theophilus, b March 4, 1729, settled in Walling- ford, d Nov. 17, 1787, ae. 58 ; 114 Isaiah, b Feb. 6, 1732, d in childhood ; 115 David, b Jan. 21, 1733, d in 1765 ; 116 Elizabeth, b June 17, 1736; 117 Sarah, b July 13, 1738 ; 118 Isaiah, b Nov. 29, 1742, d young; 119 Solomon, b Aug. 19, 1746. 71. HEZEKIAH. HEZEKIAH, son of Nathaniel and Sarah Tuttle, had a son who settled in North Haven, and has numerous descendants, some of whom reside in New Haven, Conn. ( 1870 ). 86. DANIEL. DANIEL TUTTLE, son of Daniel and Ruth Tuttle, married Phebe - . Children : 120 Zopher, b July 19, 1743 ; 121 Prudence, b Jan. 24, 1745 ; 122 Dan, b Nov. 27, 1746 ; 123 Ichabod, b Feb. 14, 1748 ; 124 Benoni, b Sept. 30, 1749 ; 125 Jabez, b July 20, 1751 ; 126 Ichabod, b Nov. 28, 1757, d Oct. 31, 1834, ae. 77 years; 127 Ben, b Apr. 29, 1761, drowned May n, 1809, ae. 47 years. 87. JEHIEL. JEHIEL TUTTLE, son of Daniel and Ruth Tuttle, married Hannah Hull, Aug. 30, 1742. Children : 128 Daniel^ b Jan. 9, 1743-4; 129 John, b Apr. 30, GENEALOGIES. 915 1746 ; 130 Charles, b Dec. 24, 1747 ; 131 Jeremiah, b Nov. 25, 1750 ; 132 Charles, b Jan. 26, 1753, settled at Windham, Greene Co., New York ; 133 Joel, b July 25, 1756. 93. AMBROSE. AMBROSE TUTTLE, son of Daniel and Ruth Tuttle, married Esther Ives, May 31, 1748. He died in 1757. Children : 134 Samuel, b Dec. 22, 1748, d May 9, 1755 ; 135 Ambrose, b Oct. n, 1752 ; 136 Martha, b Oct. 9, 1750; 137 Benjamin, b Sept. 5, 1754; 138 Samuel, b Dec. 22, 1757. 94. ENOS. ENOS TUTTLE, son of Daniel and Ruth Tuttle, married Sarah Francis, April 21, 1757. Probably left Wallingford when a young man. Child : 139 Sarah, b Feb. 19, 1758. 101. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM TUTTLE, son of Dea. Timothy and Thankful Tuttle, married ist, Esther Hotchkiss, June n, 1731. She died May, 1732, of small pox. He m 2d, Hannah Paine, Jan. 16, 1734. She died May 22, 1756, ae. 42. He m 3d, Thankful Preston, Dec. 16, 1761. He died in Cheshire, Feb 2, 1775, ae. 64 yrs. Children : 140 Edmund, M. D., b Nov. 26, 1733-4, d May 5, 1763, ae. 30 yrs. ; 141 Esther, b Feb. 10, 1736 ; 142 Ebe- nezer,bOct. 15, 1737, m Eunice ; 143 Ephraim,\> March 20, 1739, m ist, Mary Hall, Aug. 2, 1754, 2d, Eliza- beth Atwater; 144 Noah, b June 30, 1741, d July 23, 1742; 145 Timothy, b July i, 1743, d young; 146 Noah, b Dec. 18, 1744, d June 30, 1828, at Camden, N. Y., ae. 84 yrs. ; 147 Timothy, b May 17, 1745, went to Ohio ; 148 Hannah, b Jan. 4, 1746-7; 149 Lucius, b Dec. 4, 1749, d June 27, 1846, ae. 97 yrs. ; 150 Thankful, b March 13, 1752. By 20! marriage: 151 Ruth, b Jan. 3, 1761-2 ; 152 Edmund, b Dec. 30, 1764, m Sarah L. Royce, Dec. 6, 1784, he d Jan. i, 1846, ae. 90. 103. GERSHOM. GERSHOM TUTTLE, son of Dea. Timothy and Thankful HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Tuttle, married and settled in Goshen, Conn. He died Oct. 23, 1760. Children: 153 Noah, b March 26, 1742, m Ruth Beach; 154 Mary, b Dec. i, 1743 ; 155 Ichabod, b June 23, 1744, was killed at Wyoming, by the Indians ; 156 Amos, b Feb. 9, 1745; 157 Elisha, b Nov. 24, 1746, m Elizabeth Matthews, Feb. 20, 1772 ; 158 Deliverance, b Oct. 14, 1753, d Oct. 8, 1760 ; 159 Timothy, b Jan. 13, 1755 ; 160 David, b Dec. 26, 1756, d Oct. 10, 1760; 161 Hannah, b May 10, 1758; 162 Thankful, b May 30, 1759, m Philip Cook; 163 Lois, b May 21, 1760. 104. TIMOTHY. TIMOTHY, son of Dea. Timothy and Thankful Tuttle, mar- ried Hannah Wadams Jan. 27, 1743, and settled at Goshen, Conn. Children: 164 Mary, b Dec. i, 1743, m Sedgwick of Cornwall Hollow; 165 Amos, b Feb. 4, 1745 ; 166 Elisha, b Nov. 24, 1746, d in Goshen, July 28, 1825 ; 167 Ichabod, b June 23, 1748, m Elizabeth Matthews, Feb. 20, 1772, killed by Indians at Wyoming, Pa.; 168 Noah, b March 26, 1752, m Ruth Beach, was hotel keeper several years in Canada; 169 Deliverance, b Oct. 14, 1753, d Oct. 8, 1760; 170 Timothy, b June 10, 1755, m Abigail ; 171 David, b Dec. 26, 1756, d Oct., 1760; 172 Hannah, b Aug. 10, 1758 ; 173 Thankful, b May 30, 1759, m Phillip Cook of Goshen, Conn. ; 174 Lois, b May 21, 1760. 107. MOSES. MOSES, son of Dea. Timothy and Thankful Tuttle, married Sybil Thomas, June 2, 1746. He died in Cheshire, Jan. 17, 1809, ae. 86 yrs. She died July 16, 1804, ae. 80 yrs. Both are buried in the Episcopal yard, Cheshire. Children: 175 Ichabod, b Feb 14, 1748, m Sarah Hitch- cock; 176 Sybil,}) April 15, 1749, m Amos Hitchcock, May 31, 1764, settled irj Canada and died there; 177 Sarah, b Aug. 19, 1750, m Isaac Moss; 178 Rebecca, b Feb. 21, 1752, m Reuben Merriman ; 179 Moses, b Oct. 24, 1753, settled in Prospect; 180 Anna, b Oct. 24, 1753; 181 Freelove, b April GENEALOGIES. 917 8, 1756, m John Benham ; 182 Thaddeus, b Aug. 18, 1757, m Cornelia Atwater ; 183 Samuel, b April 16, 1759, m Martha Hull, settled in Vermont; 184 Lydia, b July 9, 1761, m Abner Doolittle of Cheshire. 112. JONATHAN. JONATHAN TUTTLE, son of Josiah Tuttle of North Haven, married Hannah Barns, Feb. 6, 1754, and settled in the south- west corner of Wallingford, near the foot of the Blue Hills. The locality has ever since borne the name of Tuttle's farm. He died May 27, 1795, ae. 65 years. Hannah his relict died Nov. 6, 1831, ae. 97 years. Children : 185 Rebecca, b Dec. 21, 1754, m Lent Hough, of Wallingford ; 186 Isaiah, b May 5, 1757, m Sarah Yale, their children were Samuel, Jonathan, Harvey, Romantha, and Rev. Anson, all went to Ohio ; 187 Hannah, b Jan. 2, 1760, m Bethiel Todd ; 188 Sarah, b Dec. 18, 1762, m Reuben Jones, of Wallingford; 189 David Justus, b Jan. 27, 1765, m Polly Tuttle, April 29, 1790, she d Jan. 9, 1813, ae. 48 ; 190, Samuel, b 1771, m Abigail Cook, Oct. 25, 1792; 191 Polly, m Samuel Johnson, of Wallingford. 127. BERI. BERI TUTTLE, son of Daniel and Phebe Tuttle, of Wall- ingford, was drowned while at work on the bridge at Humis- ton Mills, May n, 1807, ae. 47 years. He married Charity Johnson. She died Jan. 31, 1814, ae. 52 years. Children: 192 Nancy; 193 Laura, b 1788, m Asa Tuttle and d in Cheshire; 194 Clarissa; 195 Merrit, b 1795, m Mary, dau. of Stephen Cook ; 196 Franklin, b 1800, d Nov. 18, 1811, ae. n yrs. ; 197 Ira Esq., b June 30, 1805, m Mary, dau. of John B. Johnson Esq., d Jan. 10, 1870, ae. 64. 132. CHARLES. CHARLES TUTTLE, son of Jehiel of Wallingford, settled at Windham, Greene Co., N. Y. Children: 198 Mamre ; 199 Anna; 200 Charles; 201 Daniel Bliss, b July, 1797. m Abigail Clark Stimpson ; 202 Sallie ; 203 Ephraim, d 1866. K K K HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. 201. DANIEL. DANIEL BLISS, son of Charles and - Tuttle, married Abigail Clark Stimpson. Children : 204 Lenmel S., b at Wind ham, Greene Co., N. Y. ; 205 Sarah B.; 206 Daniel; 207 Rev. Daniel Sylvester, b Jan. 26, 1837, m Harriet M. Foote, he was consecrated a Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Idaho, Mon- tana and Utah, May i, 1867, his children were George M., b Sept. 23, 1866, and Herbert Edward, b June 14, 1869. 142. EBENEZER. EBENEZER TUTTLE, son of Ephraim and Hannah Tuttle, married Eunice . Children : 208 Mary, b March 12, 1761 ; 209 Phebe, b Aug. 15, 1763 ; 210 Ebenezer, b July 28, 1765 ; 211 Joseph, b Aug. 9, 1767. 143. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM TUTTLE, son of Ephraim and Hannah Tuttle, married ist, Maiy Hull, Aug. 20, 1764. She died in 1768. He married 2d, Elizabeth Atwater. She died in 1808. He died in Cheshire, Conn., 1811, ae. 72 years. Child by ist marriage: 212 Uri, b Oct. 31, 1765, m ist, Peggy Morrison, she d Oct. 17, 1813, ae. 46 yrs, he m 2d, Stowe. By 2d marriage: 213 Ephraim, b Feb. 28, 1776, m Lois, dau. of Capt. David Hitchcock; 214 Lucy, m Gideon Walker, settled in Southington, Conn. ; 215 Mary, b in 1769, m S. Ufford Beach, she d Feb. i, 1854; 216 Elizabeth, m Nath'l Royce, of Southington, Conn. ; 217 Hannah, m Elia- saph Preston, of Prospect, Conn. ; 218 Abigail, m John Peck, of Homer, N. Y. ; 219 Stephen, m Catharine Smith, and went to Burton, Ohio. 149. LUCIUS. CAPT. Lucius TUTTLE, son of Ephraim and Hannah Tut- tle, married Hannah, daughter of Andrew and Lowly Hull, of Cheshire. He was a prominent man in Cheshire for many years, and during the Revolution was under General Wash- ington's command at Boston and Long Island, and himself GENEALOGIES. 919 had command of a company of his townsmen at the battle which resulted in the surrender of General Burgoyne and his army in 1777. He died at the house of his son Lucius, in Wolcott, at the age of 97 years. Children: 220 Andrew Hull, b Aug. 28, 1775 ; 221 Lucius, b Aug. 7, 1776, d in Wolcott, Conn., had a family there; 222 Betsey Ann, b April 8, 1778, m Samuel Benham, of Cheshire ; 223 Marcus, b March 25, 1780 ; 224 Anson, b Dec. 22, 1781, d Sept. 19, 1863, ae. 32 ; 225 William B., b Feb. n, 1784, d Jan. 6, 1822, ae. 38 yrs. ; 226 Hannah, b March 24, 1785, d unm. June 9, 1846, ae. 59 ; 227 Gains, b July 5, 1736, d ae. 67 yrs. in Cheshire; 228 Esther, b Dec. 30, 1792, m Levi Doolittle, and died in Cheshire. 152. EDMUND. EDMUND TUTTLE, son of Ephraim and Thankful Tuttle, married Sarah S. Royce, Dec. 6, 1784. He died at Cheshire, Jan. i, 1846, ae. 82 years. She died Dec. 16, 1856, ae. 89 yrs. Children : 229 Sybil Stella, m John Hall, April, 1826; 230 Lowly, d Nov. 18, 1813, ae. 17 yrs. ; 231 Edmund, d July n, 1793, in infancy ; 232 Lois S., m James Merriman, of South- ington ; 233 ftancy, d Jan. 4, 1827, ae. 24 yrs. ; 234 Laura Ann, d Sept. 20, 1829, ae. 23 yrs. ; 235 Myra, m Jesse Brooks, of Cheshire ; 236 Ruth, m John Peck, and died in Cheshire, Conn. 175. ICHABOD. ICHABOD TUTTLE, son of Moses and Sybil Thomas Tutlle, married Sarah Hitchcock, daughter of Dan and Esther Hitchcock, of Cheshire, and was for many years owner of the farm now known as the Dickerman farm, situated about a mile and a quarter east of Cheshire village. She died Oct. 30, 1834, ae. 77 years. Children : 237 Dan, m Hannah Holdreden, settled at Great Bend in Penn. ; 238 Sally, m Ephraim Smith ; 239 Clara, m Titus Smith ; 240 Friend, m Eunice Linn, and died in Penn. ; 241 Susannah, m Green Smith of Cheshire ; 242 Alfred, d unmarried at Cheshire ; 243 Minerva, m Ethural Bristol of Q2O HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. Cheshire ; 244 Ichabod, d at Vergennes, Vermont, by his wife Elizabeth, he had Calvin, Luther and Ichabod ; 245 Benajah, d in Vergennes, Vt. ; 246 Lavinia, m Gaius Hitch- cock of Cheshire, in 1791, he d May 27, 1862, ae. 71 years; 247 Zephaniah, m Betsey Hotchkiss, he d in S. C. ; 248 Sarah Julia, m ist, Capt. Wm. Harwood, 2d, Harry Davidson ; 249 Maria, m ist, Cyrus Bradley, 2cl, Sheldon Lewis, of Bristol. 179. MOSES. MOSES TUTTLE, son of Moses and Sybil Tuttle, married Damaris , and settled in Prospect, Conn., where he died Jan. 17, 1835, ae. 82 years. He was the honored father of Mrs. Joel Merriman, of Cheshire, and of Mrs. Benjamin Button Beecher, of Cheshire and Prospect, and others whose names I have been unable to ascertain. She died July 25, 1835, ae - 77 years. Child: Wooster, m Mercy , d in Prospect, Feb. 26, 1843, ae. 65 yrs. 189. DAVID. DAVID JUSTUS, son of Jonathan and Hannah Tuttle of Wallingford, died Jan. 9, 1813, ae. 48. Mrs. Polly Tuttle, his widow, died Sept. 22, 1836, ae. 67 years. Children: 250 Rebecca Hough, b March 7, 1801, m Augus- tus Hitchcock ; 251 Betsey, b Nov. i, 1790, m John Gaylord of Wallingford; 252 Sally, b June 29, 1792, d Sept. 21, 1810 ; 253 Harry, b Oct. 20, 1796, m Mary Bronson of Wolcott ; 254 Julius, b Dec 2, 1798, m Sylvia, dau. of Ambrose Tuttle of Hamclen ; 255 Jesse, b Sept. 22, 1794, res. in Wallingford ; 256 Merwin, m Eliza Hemingway, and died at East Haven, Conn; 257 Caroline, m Allen Tuttle of Hamden, res. North Haven ; 258 Eliza. 190. SAMUEL. SAMUEL, son of Jonathan and Hannah Tuttle, married ist, Abigail Cook. She died July 6, 1808, ae. 36. He then mar- ried Lucy , who died Dec, 2, 1823, ae. 56 yrs. He died Feb. 3, 1824, ae. 53 yrs. He was a man of note in Wallingford. GExNEALOGIES. 92 I Children; 259 Lucy, b Sept. 20, 1793 ; 260 Anna, b Nov. 5, 1795 ; 261 Orren, b Jan. 18, 1801, deceased while a young man ; 262 Rev. Beri, Baptist minister in Ohio. 195. MERRIT. MERRIT TUTTLE, son of Beri and Chanty Tuttle, married Mary, daughter of Stephen Cook, of Cheshire. He died June 20, 1844, ae. 49 years. She married Wm. Todd for her 2cl husband, and died Oct. 2, 1864. Children: 263 Sarah; 264 Caroline; 265 Marietta ; 266 Benajah, killed by falling into a cider mill, Nov. 12, 1813, ae. ii yrs. ; 267 Julia; 268 Ira A., m Maria, dau. of Hiram Bristol; 269 Selden, m ist, Ellen Doolittle, April n, 1849, 2d, Sarah L. Chatfield, Dec. 24, 1862 ; 270 Henry Clay, b June, 1832, m Cornelia Blakeslee, April 14, 1804; 271 Merrit ; 272 Louisa. 212. URI. URI TUTTLE, son of Ephraim and Mary Tuttle, married ist, Peggy Morrison, she died ; he married 2cl, Catharine Stow. He died in New Haven. Children: 273 Henry Hopkins, b May 18, 1794; 274 Wm. Ames, b Jan. 22, 1796, resides in Auburn, N. Y. ; 275 Eliza- beth Mary, b Nov. 20, 1797, m Wm. Hall; 276 Harriet, b April 12, 1801, m Smith : 277 Jane C., b Sept. 17, 1803, d Aug. 17, 1805. By 2d marriage : 278 Charles, b Oct. 3, 1815, d Oct. 23, 1854; 279 Jane, b Jan. 5, 1818, d Jan. 9, 1818 ; 280 Chester Allen, b Oct. 20, 1819, d Sept. 16, 1820; 281 Frances, b Jan. 28, 1821, m Henry How ; 282 Frederick, b 1822, d ae. 14 yrs. ; 283 George F., b Oct. 28, 1823, m Maria Antoinette, dau. of Rev. W. Brown, of New York city, a grad- uate of Yale College in 1818 ; 284 Chester Uri, b June 9, 1825. 213. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM TUTTLE, son of Ephraim and Elizabeth Tuttle, married Lois, daughter of Capt. David Hitchcock, of Che- shire, June 15, 1806. She was born Sept. 2, 1781, and died Feb. ii, 1843, ae. 62 years. He died July 4, 1860, ae. 84 years. Q22 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFOKI). Children : 285 Marus, b March 6, 1807, m Fannie Tyon of Colchester, Conn. ; 286 Ephraim, b Jan. 20, 1809, m Elizabeth Ives, of Middletown, Conn. ; 287 Aimer, b Jan. 27, 1811. m Hannah Beecher, of Bristol, Conn. ; 288 Henry, b Sept. 8, 1812, m Abigail Ames, of Ohio; 289 Edmund, b Sept. 6, 1814, m Betsey Hubbard, of Wallingford ; 290 Peter Green, b Sept. 7, 1816, m Mary A. Roberts ; 291 Lucy Ann, b July 24, 1818, m Henry Lane, she d Jan. 14, 1855 ; 292 David, b May 6, 1820, d ae. 6 weeks; 293 Joseph, b March 26, 1822 ; 294 James, b March 26, 1822, d ae. 3 weeks ; 295 James, b Feb. 14, 1822, m ist, Levia Root, of Southington, Conn., 2d, Calista Darrow, of Bristol, Conn. 264 STEPHEN. CAPT. STEPHEN TUTTLE, son of Ephraim and Elizabeth Tuttle, married Catharine Smith, of Cheshire, Conn. He went to Burton, Geauga Co., Ohio, and died there about 1866-7. Children: 296 Augustus f., res. in New Haven; 297 Mary, m Silas Gaylord, of Cheshire, and settled in Ohio ; 298 Elizabeth. 227. GAIUS. GAIUS TUTTLE, son of Capt. Lucius and Hannah Tuttle, married Bella Gaylord, of Wallingford. He was a farmer and resided about a mile and a quarter from the village of Cheshire, eastward, on the road to Mericlen. He died in Cheshire, ae. 67 years. Children: 299 Phebe N., b Jan. 24, 1811, m Stephen Beecher, Aug. 8, 1844; 300 Samuel Anson, b Aug. 18, 1814, m ist, Eunice Pierrepont, May i, 1844, she d Sept. 17, 1850, ae. 29, he m 2d, Emily R. Royce, dau. of Dea. Silas Royce of Meriden, May n, 1854. JOTHAM. JOTHAM TUTTLE. a descendant of Jonathan and Rebecca Tuttle, son of Nathaniel and Mary Tuttle, married Keziah Munson, and settled at Turtle's farm, in Wallingford, where he died, ae. 66 years. His 2d wife was Elizabeth Perkins. GENEALOGIES. 923 Children by ist marriage: 301 Eli, m Asenath Perkins, and settled in Hamden ; 302 Asa, m Laura Tuttle, and set- tled in Cheshire, where he d, she d in 1870 303 Mary ; 304 Esther. By 2d marriage : 305 Manning, went west many years ago. TYLER. i Roger, John and William Tyler, supposed brothers, were the first of the name in Wallingford. Roger Tyler married Sarah Humiston, Jan. 10, 1698. John Tyler married Phebe Beach. William and Mary Tyler were the first of the name in Wallingford. JOHN. JOHN TYLER, married to Abigail Hall, by Rev. Samuel Street, Jan. 14, 1694. She died Nov. 20, 1741. Children: i Esther, b Sept. 20, 1695, m Moses Beach of Wallingford; 2 John,\> Jan. 29, 1697; 3 Abigail, b Jan. 29, 1697, m Sam'l Andrews, of Wallingford ; 4 Nathan, b Apr. 17, 1701, m Rachel , she died in Cheshire, Nov. 2, 1749, ae. 44 years ; 5 Lois, b Nov. 7, 1706 ; 6 Thomas, b Nov. 26, 1708, m Lydia ; 7 John, b Jan 14, 1710, m Phebe Beach, April 7, 1731 ; 8 Isaac, b Jan. 17, 1713, m Susannah Miles, Nov. 27, 1732 ; 9 Joseph, b March 21, 1716, m Mehita- ble ; 10 Experience; u Hannah, m Macock Ward. WILLIAM. WILLIAM TYLER married Mary . She died in Wallingford, March u, 1754. He, in company with Mr. Samuel Stanley, purchased the mills at Yalesville in 1703. He bought the interest of Mr. Stanley in 1704. From this i For collateral branches see Bradbury's Hist. Kennebunkport, 16, 581 ; Bridgeman's King's Chapel Burial Ground, 289-91 ; Daggett's Hist. Attleborough, Mass., 95 ; Eaton's Hist. Thomaston, Me., 440 ; Field's Hist. Haddam, Conn., 46; Heraldic Journal, in. (1867) 184; Holden's Gen. Capron Family, part I, 191 ; Hudson's Hist. Lexington, Mass., 281 ; Savage's Gen. Diet., iv. 354-6, 924 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. elate, they remained in the family until after the decease of the late Mr. Samuel Tyler, in 1822, when they were set out to his daughter Merab, whose guardian, the late Nehemiah Rice, sold them to Charles Yale Esq. Children : 111-2 Mary, b Sept. 7, 1695, m Francis Seclg- wick, Feb. 5, 1734; 12 Sarah, b Nov. 25, 1697 ; 13 Phebe, b Oct. 5, 1700; 14 Samuel, b Aug. n, 1702, m Jerusha Sedg- wick Feb. 15, 734; 15 Martha, b Oct. 4, 1706, m Jacob Francis, Jan. 20, 1763; 16 Mehitable, b Nov. 14, 1707 ; 17 Abiah, b Nov. 10, 1708; 18 Ephraim, b April 18, 1713, m Elizabeth De Wolf, Feb. 13, 1734; 19 Mehitable, b Nov. 17, 1718, m Stephen Merwin, April 12, 1743 ; 20 Asa, b July 30, 1722. NATHAN. NATHAN TYLER m Rachel - . She died at Cheshire, Nov. 25, 1749, ae. 44 years. Children: 21 Lois, b May 12, 1731 ; 22 Thankful, b April 1 8, 1733 ; 23 Rachel, b Nov. 24, 1736 ; 24 Tirzah, b March 6, I 73&j 2 5 Barnabas, b Aug. 30, 1739, d Sept. 20, 1749 ; 26 Heber, b and d Sept. 30, 1749. 6. THOMAS. THOMAS and Lydia Tyler were of Wallingford. Children: 27 Elizabeth, b Nov. 18, 1736; 28 Reuben, b Sept. 19, 1738 ; 29 Rispie, b Dec. 8, 1740 ; 30 Joseph, b Feb. 19, 1743, d Feb. 25, 1752 ; 31 Experience, b Aug. 18, 1745 ; 32 Obedience, b Nov. 24. 1747. 7. JOHN. JOHN TYLER married Phebe Beach, April 7, 1731. After her decease he married Mary Doolittle, Nov. 9, 1741. Children: 33 Benjamin, b Jan, 14, 1732, d Feb. 25, 1732; 34 Benjamin, b Feb. 23, 1733; 35 Lydia, b June 28, 1735: 36 Patience, b March 6, 1739. By 2d marriage: 37 John, b Aug. 15, 1742 ; 38 Phebe, b Nov. 10, 1743. 8. ISAAC. ISAAC TYLER married Susannah Miles ; she died Jan. 25, GENEALOGIES. 925 1760. He died April 12, 1801, ae. 89 years, at Cheshire. Children : 39 Abraham, b June 9, 1735 ; 40 Enos, m Obe- dience Smith; 41 Abraham, b 1738; 42 Miles C. ; 43 Isaac, b March 23, 1740; 44 Amos; 45 Jacob, b March 20, 1742-3 ; 46 Susannah, b April 8, 1745 ; 47 Hannah, b July 20, 1747 ; 48 Sarah, b March 2, 1749, m Jesse, son of Stephen Welton, of Waterbury ; 49 Nathaniel, b Oct. 9, 1753 ; 50 Eunice. 9. JOSEPH. JOSEPH TYLER married Mehitable . She died Aug. 28, 1757. He died Oct., 1741, leaving an estate of .548. Child : 51 Sybil, b Dec. 31, 1740, m Benjamin Cook, Aug. 28, 1757. 14. SAMUEL. SAMUEL TYLER married Jerusha, daughter of Samuel and Ruth Sedgwick, of Hartford. Children: 52 Lathrop, b June 22, 1734, he built the ori- ginal mill known as Humiston Mill ; 53 Samuel, b Dec. 14, 1735, m Damaris Atwater, April 21, 1763; 54 Daniel, b March 17, 1738, he built the mill in the south-east part of the town; 55 Moses, b March 15, 1740, d Jan. 15, 1743; 56 Jerusha, b July 23, 1743, d May 3, 1744; 57 Jared, b Nov. 5, 1744, m Keziah Rice, she died 1817, ae. 73 yrs. ; 58 Moses, b Feb. 12, 1746, d Nov. 22, 1776, in Wallingford ; 59 Jason, b May 23, 1749 ; 60 Mary, b 1751, m James Rice, he d in Wallingford ; 61 Jerusha, b Jan. 4, 1754. 40. ENDS. ENDS TYLER married Obedience Smith, who died July 28, 1771, ae. 38 years. He then married Lydia , and she died Oct. 27, 1744, ae. 36 years. Children: 62 Reuben, b May 30, 1759; 63 Enos ; 64 JVa- thaniel, bjan. 22, 1761 ; 65 Bede ; 66 Sarah ; 67 Mary ; 68 Lydia. 53. SAMUEL. SAMUEL, son of Samuel and Jerusha Sedgwick Tyler, mar- ried Damaris, daughter of Phineas and Mary Atwater, April 926 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 21, 1763. He was the last male in the Tyler line that owned the mills at Yalesville, and was himself constantly employed about the mills during a long life. Bennet Jeralds Esq. has recently erected a new house on the site of the old one. The new Episcopal church at Yalesville occupies the ground on which formerly stood the large barn of Mr. Tyler. He died March 13, 1823, ae. 88 yrs. She died April 24, 1810, aged 72 yrs. Children: 69 Merab, b 1/63; 70 Selina, m Sherlock Andrews of Wallingford ; 71 son, d young ; 72 Julia, m Dr. James Gilbert of New Haven ; 73 Lavinia, b March 14, 1781, m Harry Whittelsey of Catskill, N. Y. 54. DANIEL. DANIEL, son of Samuel and Jerusha Tyler. He built the mills at the south-east part of the township, which are still in the possession of his descendants. He was killed by an insane person named Coles, for the crime ( as the insane man claimed ), of being a tory of the Revolution. Children : 74 Royal D. ; 75 Samuel, d at the south. 57. JARED. JARED, son of Samuel and Jerusha Tyler, married Keziah Royce, July 15, 1772. He died March 17, 1816. She died Feb. 8, 1819, ae. 73. He owned and occupied a large farm at what is now Yalesville. Miles Clark is the present owner of the house in which Mr. Tyler lived. Children: 76 Jared Royce, b Sept. 2, 1776, m Rhoda - , went to Vermont, where he died ; 77 Kezia, b April 18, 1784, m Ethelbert Benham of Cheshire, she d July 19, 1830 ; 78 Joel, b about 1774, m ist, Esther Hough, in 1798, 2d, P. Blakeslee, he d in 1831, in Lockport. N. Y., had Jared, James, Jane and Amanda, all deceased ; 79 Elizabeth, b 1794, m Ebenezer Allen and went to Ohio, where she d at the age of 74; 80 Amanda, b April 2, 1780, m Capt. Wm. Davidson of Milford, was lost at sea ; 81 twins, b 1796, d early. GENEALOGIES. Q2/ 58. MOSES. MOSES, son of Samuel and Jerusha Tyler, married Lois . She died Aug., 1809, ae. 54 yrs. He died Nov. 22, 1776, ae. 31 yrs. He was the owner of a large house which was occupied as a hotel, and stood on the ground now occu- pied by Mr. McKenzie's house at Yalesville. The old tavern was burned some sixty or seventy years since, with all its con- tents. Children : 82 Noble, b 1802, d Mar. 22, 1844, ae. 42 ; 83 Lois, m Capt. John Nott of Wethersfield, both died in Wall- ingford ; 84 Mary, m ist, Silas Benham of Meriden, and had Jared Nelson Tyler Benham, an only son, she m for her ad husband John Kirtland Esq. 78. JOEL. JOEL TYLER, son of Jared and Keziah Tyler, was born about 1774, married Esther Hough about 1798 ; after her death he married Polly Blakeslee. He died in Lockport, N. Y., in Feb. or March, 1831. 76. JARED. JARED ROYCE TYLER, son of Jared and Keziah Tyler, was born Sept. 2, 1776. He died Nov. 14, 1844, ae. 68 yrs., in Lockport, N. Y., leaving a widow, Rhoda, but had no children born to them. 80. AMANDA. AMANDA TYLER, daughter of Jared and Keziah Tyler, was born April 2, 1780, married Capt. William Davidson, of Mil- ford, in the year . He with his vessel and crew were lost while returning from the West Indies. The last heard from him was that he left the Island with his vessel heavily laden with salt, just before a severe gale. She married 2cl, Abijah Carrington, in Milford, in the year , and died in Milford, in the year . 77. KEZIAH. KEZIAH TYLER, daughter of Jared and Keziah Tyler, was born April 18, 1784, married Ethelbert Benham, of Cheshire, Conn., Oct., 1808, died July 19, 1830, in Cheshire, Conn. 928 HISTORY OF WALLINGFOKD. 79. ELIZABETH. ELIZABETH TYLER, daughter of Jared and Keziah Tyler, was born in 1794, married Ebenezer Allen, of Bristol, at the age of 25, and died ae. 74 yrs. and n months. She died in Geneva, Ohio. WHITTELSEY.' JOHN. JOHN WHITTELSEY is believed to be the first person of the name who emigrated to the United States, and the ancestor of all the Whittelseys who have lived here. He came from England about 1650, and became a tanner and shoemaker at Saybrook, Conn. The town of Saybrook, by authority of the General Court, gave to Mr. Whittelsey and Wm. Dudley the right to establish a ferry over the Connecticut river, near which he lived, in 1663. This still belongs to his descendants. He died April 15, 1704; his wife died Sept. 29, 1714. Their descendants were : ( a ) John, settled in Saybrook ; ( b ) Stephen, attorney at Saybrook ; ( c ) Joseph, settled at Saybrook ; ( d ) Eliphalet, settled at Wethersfield, married Mary Pratt, Dec. i, 1702 ; ( e ) Ebenezer, settled at Saybrook; (f) Jabez, settled at Bethlem, deacon ; ( g ) Samuel, settled at Wallingford, minister ; ( h ) Elizabeth ; ( i ) Ruth. SAMUEL. REV. SAMUEL WHITTELSEY was the youngest son and child of John and Ruth Dudley Whittelsey of Saybrook, and was born there in 1686, was graduated at Yale college in 1705, married Sarah, daughter of Rev. Nathan Chauncey, son of Rev. Charles Chauncey, President of Harvard College. He i For collateral branches, see Andrews' Hist. New Britain, Conn., 235, 3 1 ?, 355, 376; Cothren's Hist. Woodbury, Conn., 756-65 ; N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., xx. 321 ; Scranton's Gen. of Scranton Family, 43 ; Savage's Gen. Diet, iv. 537 ; Whittelsey's Memorial of Whittelsey Family. GENEALOGIES. 929 was ordained at Wallingford as colleague to Rev. Mr. Street, April 10, 1710, after having preached one year on probation. He died April 15, 1752, having nearly completed the 426. year of his ministry. 1 His widow died Oct. 23, 1767, ae. 84 yrs. Children: i Samuel, b July 10, 1713, m Susanna Newton of Milford, Sept. 21, 1743; 2 Lois, b Nov. 28, 1714, m Col. Elihu Hall, Jan. 2, 1734 ; 3 Chauncey, b Oct. 8, 1717, m ist, Elizabeth Whiting. Oct. 17, 1751, 2d, Martha Newton, Aug. 13, 1753 ; 4 Sarah, b Jah. 19, 1720, d Aug. 23, 1725 ; 5 Elisha, b Oct. 19, 1721, m Susanna Hall of New Haven, Aprils, 1754; 6 Charles, b Jan. 16, 1723, m Lucy Hall of Cheshire, June 13, 1751 ; 7 Sarah, b Oct. 20, 1726, d Nov. 2, 1746 ; 8 Katherine, b Dec. 26, 1728, m Rev. James Dana, May 8, 1759 ; he was born May 10, 1735, and d Aug. 28, 1793, at New Haven ; she d Aug. 18, 1812. i. SAMUEL. . SAMUEL WHITTELSEY grad. at Yale College in 1729. He was a tutor in that college from 1732 to 1738, Master of Arts from Yale and Harvard colleges ; settled in the ministry at Milford, where his virtues, piety, and good deeds shone with peculiar brightness and beauty. His life was unceasingly devoted to faithful labor in sacred things, and the advance- ment of religion among his people in Milford, who with com- mendable zeal honor his memory. His wife, to whom he was married Sept. 21, 1743, died May 10, 1803, ae. 87. He died Oct. 22, 1769. Children: 9 Samuel, b Aug. 3, 1745, m Mary Hubbard, was a physician in Milford, d Oct. 22, 1776 ; 10 Susanna, b Jan. 26, 1747, m Dr. Edward Carrington of Milford, d Jan. i, 1 80 1 ; ii Sarah, b Oct. 31, 1749, m John Chandler, who grad. at Yale, 1764, and was sheriff of New Haven Co., she d July i, 1803 ; 12 Royal Newton, b Feb. 24, 1754, m Ann Woodruff of South Farms, April 20, 1775. 3. CHAUNCEY. CHAUNCEY WHITTELSEY was graduated at Yale College, I See p 115, ante. 93O HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 1738, ordained March i, 1758, over the ist church in New Haven; preached election sermon, May 14, 1778. Presi- dent Stiles says of him, " He was an excellent classical scholar, well acquainted with the three learned languages, Latin, Greek and Hebrew, also with Geography, Mathemat- ics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, with Moral Philoso- phy and History, and with the general Cyclopaedia of an academic life ; and amassed by laborious reading, a great treasure of wisdom. In Literature, he was in his day, oracu- lar at College, for he taught with facility and success in every branch of knowledge." One of his most distinguished pupils said of him at his funeral, " I shall never forget the pathetic and earnest recommendations of early piety which he gave to us in the course of his tutorship." It was this man of whom David Brainard said, " He had no more grace than this chair." Peabody, in his life of Brainard (p. 274) said in reference to this language, that it was "a phrase which that individual justified by his sub- sequent proceedings." Dr. Bacon in his historical discourses ( pp. 248, 249 ) refutes this charge, and shows the spirit which dictated the utterance of such language. He was licensed to preach, Sept. 30, 1740. "In 1745 he resigned his office in college, and for reasons which do not appear, relinquished the design of entering the ministry, and settled in New Haven as a merchant. He continued in business ten years ; during this time he was an active member of the first Church and Society. He was brought forward by his fellow citizens into public life. He represented this town in the General Assembly of the colony, and in a variety of public trusts, he discharged himself with fidelity and grow- ing influence. He was subsequently settled as colleague with Mr. Noyes." 1 When settled in the ministry he applied him- self to theological studies and the duties of the pastoral office with an ardor, zeal and assiduity equaled by few. His I See Bacon's Historical Discourses, pp. 243, 266. GENEALOGIES. 93 1 affability and dignity of manner, philanthropy and integrity, joined to an accurate knowledge of men and the affairs of life, commanded esteem and veneration. 1 He married ist, Elizabeth, daughter of Col. Whiting, and 2d, Martha Newton, a sister of .his brother Samuel's wife. Children: 13 Chauncey, b Oct. 27, 1746, m Lucy Wetmore, Feb. 12 1770 ; 14 Samuel Joseph, b July 13, 1749, d Aug. 3, 1751 ; 15 Elisha, b Oct. 14, 1751, d Oct. 23, 1751 ; 16 New- ton, b June i, 1754, grad. at Yale, 1773, m Beulah Fuller; 17 Martha, b Sept. i, 1756, m Capt. Wm. Van Duerson, he d May 3, 1763 ; 18 Elizabeth, b July i, 1758, d Aug. i, 1758 ; 19 Elizabeth, b May 2, 1760, d July, 1760 ; 20 John Bryan, b June 15, 1763, d Aug. 27, 1763 ; 21 Samuel, b Feb. 10, 1763, grad. at Yale college in 1779, m Sarah Van Duerson, Dec. 10, 1788; 22 Charles, b Oct. 18, 1764, m Anna Cutler, Oct. 9, 1792 ; 23 Susannah, b Feb. 25, 1766, m Judge Dyer White ; 24 Bryan, b Aug. 6, 1768, d at New Haven, Jan 9, 1835 > 2 5 John, b Sept. 8, 1770, grad. at Yale college in 1791, m Ann Kerwood ; 26 Elizabeth, b Sept. 18, 1773. 5. ELISHA. ELISHA WHITTELSEY married Susanna Hall of New Haven, April 8, 1754. He was an attorney at Wallingford, and died at that place Feb. 25, 1808, ae. 87 yrs. She d Oct 19, 1768. Children: 27 Elisha, b Jan. i, 1755, m Sarah Jones; 28 Susanna, b Sept. 2, 1756, m Caleb Street; 29 Sarah, b Mar. 15, 1759, d June 23, 1764, in Wallingford ; 30 Mary, b April 9, 1751, m Dr. Wm. Cook ; 31 Elizabeth, b April 4, 1763, m Dr. Liberty Kimberly, in 1788, she d in Derby, 1827 ; 32 Charles, b Nov. 12, 1764, d May 26, 1768 ; 33 Sarah, b Dec. 6, 1766, d Nov. 8, 1774; 34 Charles, b Sept. 29, 1768, d Jan. 9, 1769. 12. ROGER. ROGER NEWTON WHITTELSEY married Ann Woodruff, April 20, 1775 '} s h was born April 5, 1756, and died March i See Dana's sermon on the Close of the i8th Century, Note B, p. 60. 932 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. 7, 1825, at Litchfield, South Farms. He was a farmer, and died March 15, 1835 ; he was for many years a Justice of the Peace for Litchfield County. Children: 35 Samuel, b Dec. 18, 1775, was a minister in New York, in Abigail Goodrich ; 36 Newton, b Oct. 31, 1777, m Esther Robbins of Claremont, N. H. ; 37 an infant son, b Dec. 29, 1779, d Jan. 7, 1780.; 38 Chauncey,\> Dec. 13, 1781, m Mary Bacon of Roxbury, Conn., Dec. u, 1811 ; 39 Susanna, b Feb. 12, 1784, m Capt. Stephen Cogswell of New Preston, Conn. ; 40 Jabez, b Feb. 8, 1786, m Nancy Parker of Terryville, Conn. ; 41 William, b July 28, 1788, m Abigail Mills of Boston, Mass. ; 42 Henry, b May 18, 1790, in Abby Ray of New York ; 43 Frederick, b Jan. 25, 1792, m Hannah Ray of South Farms ; 44 Charles, b Aug. 23, 1793, m Elizabeth Fuller of Avon, Conn. ; 45 Anna, b May 28, 1795, m Dea. Chester Stone of Franklin, N. H. ; 46 Lucy, b Oct. 10, 1797, m Stephen Cogswell Jr. of New Preston ; 47 George Washing- ton, b Aug. 10, 1799, in ist, Cornelia Keeler, 2d, Elizabeth G. Boardman, res., New Milford. 13. CHAUNCEY. CHAUNCEY WHITTELSEY married Lucy Wetmore of Middle- town, Conn., Feb. 12, 1770 ; he graduated at Yale College in 1764, and was licensed to preach, but gave it up on account of his health, after two years ; he was elected deacon, Sept. 17, 1778, and served twenty-three years; was Alderman and Collector of the Port at Middletown ; his wife was an only daughter of Seth Wetmore, and her mother was a sister of Pres. Edwards. Children: 48 Lucy, b Oct. 4, 1773, m Capt. Joe. Alsop, of Middletown, Conn., Nov. 5, 1797 ; 49 Hannah, b May 10, Z 775 j 5 Betsey, b May 24, 1780, m Capt. Joseph Williams, May 25, 1817 : 51 Chauncey, b Jan. 18, 1783, m Seth Lathrop Tracy, April 14, 1818, an attorney. 1 6. NEWTON. NEWTON WHITTELSEY, married Beulah Fuller, of Middle- GENEALOGIES. 933 town, Conn. He graduated at Yale, in 1773. Was a mer- chant. He died Dec. 4, 1785, ae. 64 years. Child : 52 Marlha, b Nov. 6, 1785, m Julius Dunning, Nov. 20, 1808, settled in Shelby Center, N. Y. 21. SAMUEL. SAMUEL WHITTELSEY married Sarah Van Duerson, of Vin- cennes, Ind., Dec. 10, 1788. She was born May 30. 1763, and died Apr., 1811, ae. 65 yrs., at Vincennes, Ind. He grad. at Yale, in 1779. He was an attorney. He died March 7, 1838, ae. 71 years. Children: 53 Catherine Van Duerson, b Sept. 9, 1790, res. Carlisle, Ind. ; 54 Wm. Chauncey, M. D., b Dec. 26, 1792, m Ann Elizabeth Rapine, Nov. 20, 1822 ; 55 Samuel Gilbert, b in 1794, d ; 56 Samuel Gilbert, b Dec., 1796, d June, 1810 ; 57 Isaac Newton, b July 19, 1798, m A. Elizabeth Van Buntin, April 12, 1831 ; 58 Eliza Lefferts, b April 16, 1800, m Dr. James K. Ohaver, Dec. 6, 1825 ; 50 Chas. Egbert, M. D., b March 24, 1802, d Sept. 4, 1824. 22. CHARLES. CHARLES WHITTELSEY married Ann Cutler, Oct. 9, 1792. She was. born in New Haven, July 12, 1773, and died Feb. 8, 1850. He was a merchant at New Haven, and died March 12, 1828, ae 64 years. Children: 60 Mary Cutler, b Aug. 12, 1793, d in New Haven, Dec. 5, 1853 ; 61 Chauncey, b Aug. 5, 1795, d Aug. 21, 1795 ; 62 Susannah, b Dec. 5, 1796, m ist, Rev. Samuel B. Ingersoll, 2d, Wm. T. Eustice, of Boston ; 63 Charles Bryan,\> Dec. 12, 1798, m Jane B. Wilford, was a merchant in New Haven ; 64 Chauncey, b Sept. 6, 1801, was a minister, d March 12, 1826 ; 65 John Cutler, b Nov. i, 1803, m Eliza Waller, June 7, 1829, she was b in 1807 ; 66 Henry Newton, b -Feb. 9, 1808, m Elizabeth A. Wilson, of New Haven, Nov. 30, 1837; 67 Martha Ann, b Oct. 13, 1811, m Rev. George Oviatt, Feb. 17, 1839, d April 5, 1811. L L L 934 HISTORY OF \YALL1NGFORD. 24. BRYAN. BRYAN WHITTELSEY was lame from his birth. He died at New Haven, Jan. 9, 1835. 25. JOHN. JOHN married Ann Kerwood, June i, 1799. He grad. at Yale, 1791, was U. S. Inspector in N. Y. city. He died May 12, 1849, at New Haven. Children : 68 Elizabeth K., b May 12, 1800, d ae. 3 years; 69 Edward, b May 2, 1801, a merchant, d in New York, July 9, 1842 ; 70 John Newton, b Feb. n, 1803, d in New Orleans, La., July 9, 1803 ; 71 Mary Elizabeth, b June 29, 1805, din New Haven ; 72 Charles, b Nov. 3, 1807, m Maria Tuthill, Nov. 3, 1837, she was b Dec. 28, 1816 ; 73 John Russel, b Oct. lo. 1809. m Martha Butler, Jan. 12, 1835, she was b March 29, 1809; 74 Win. Kerwood, b Aug. 27, 1812, d at Tipton, Iowa, Sept. 15, 1849 > 75 Martha Newton, b April 17, 1815, m Moses H. Baldwin April 23, 1839, Pittsfield, Mass. ; 76 Jane Ann, b Feb. 2, 1818, d Sept. 20, 1825. 27. ELISHA. ELISHA WHITTELSEY married Sarah Jones of Wallingford, Sept, 8, 1777. She was born March 30, 1758, and died Sept. 15, 1836. He was a merchant and town clerk of his native town for many years. He died greatly lamented, Sept. 16, 1822, ae. 67 years. Children : 77 John Hall, b June 4, 1778, m ist, Sally Chit- tenden, Dec. 14, 1798, 2d, wid. Clara Bostwick, Aug. 4, 1824; 78 Nancy, b March 15, 1780, m ist, Wolcott Reynolds, 2d, John Hunt of New Haven ; 79 Henry, b Feb. 2, 1782, m ist, Lavinia Tyler of Wallingford, May 2, 1811, 2d, Merab Hull of Cheshire, May 12, 1828 ; 80 Eunice, b Sept. 26, 1784, d July 31, 1819, in Wallingford ; 81 Jared Potter, b March 8, 1777, m Lydia G. Acker, Oct. 22, 1814, d Jan. 25, 1869 ; 82 Lucy,\> Feb. 16, 1789, m Drake Andrews of Wallingford; 83 Sarah, b May 29, 1792, d Nov. n, 1792 ; 84 Peter, b Feb. 8, 1794, m Betsey Hunt, April 16, 1823. GENEALOGIES. 935 35. SAMUEL. SAMUEL married Abigail Goodrich. He graduated at Yale in 1803, licensed to preach in June, 1804, ordained at New Preston, Dec. 30, 1807, settled nine years, during which time 142 were added to the church, April' 30, 1817, took charge of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Hartford, became Principal of the Ontario Female Seminary, April, 1826, afterwards removed to the Seminary at Utica, became publisher of the Mother's Magazine, 1833, removed to New York city in 1833-' Children: 85 Samuel Goodrich, b Nov. 8, 1809, m Anna Cook Mills ; 86 a son, b March 26, 1811, d March 28, 1811 ; 87 Charles Chauncey, b Sept. 2, 1812, d April 29, 1818 ; 88 Elizabeth, b Sept. 29, 1815, d Jan. 26, 1848; 89 Henry Martyn, b Aug. 12, 1821, lawyer in N. Y. city; 90 Charles Augustus, b Oct. 20, 1823, a seaman ; 91 Emily Chauncey, b Jan. 17, 1825, m Rev. Lucius Curtis, of Woodbury. WILCOX. The family of Wilcox is of Saxon origin, and was seated at Bury St. Edmonds, in the county of Suffolk, England, before the Norman Conquest. Sir John Dugdale, in his visitation of the county of Suffolk, mentions fifteen generations of this family previous to 1600. In the reign of King Edward III., Sir John Wilcox was entrusted with several important com- mands against the French, and had command of the cross- bowmen from Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex. Jno. Wm. Wilcox, of Bury Priory in Suffolk, an eminent Queen's counsel, is the representative of this ancient family. Sir George Lawrence Willcocks, of Brookend, County Tyrone, Ireland, is the eldest son of the late George Willcocks Esq. of Coal Island, County Tyrone, by Isabella, daughter of the Rev. Charles Caulfield. He was born in 1820, educated at Dungannon, and is a magistrate for County Tyrone. This family is a i See Cothren's Hist, of Woodbury, Conn., p. 270. 936 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORI). branch of the family of Willcockses of Tottenham High Cross, Middlesex, but has been settled in Ireland for about two centuries. They have been, and some branches are still members of the Society of Friends. On the old records the name is spelled both Wilcox and Wilcocks. It is derived from William. 1 William Wilcox, who was chosen Lieut. Governor in the early times of the Massachusetts Colony, was the first of the name who is recorded on the list of the early officers. He was an officer of the artillery company, and died at Cam- bridge, November, 1653. He is there stated to have come to this country from the county of Suffolk. Nine of his descend- ants graduated at the New England colleges up to the year 1823. JOHN. JOHN WILCOX of Hartford was an original proprietor in 1639. He had a son John who accompanied him from England. This son John was born in England, and married ist, Sarah, eldest daughter of Wm. Wadsworth, Sept. 17, 1646 ; 2d, Catherine, daughter of Thomas Stoughton, Jan. 18, 1650; 3d Mary ;-, who died 1671 ; 4th, Esther, daughter of Wm. Cornwall. Child by ist marriage : i Sarah, b Oct. 3, 1648. By 2d marriage : 2 John, b Oct. 29, 1650 ; 3 Thomas ; 4 Mary, b Nov. 13, 1654 ; 5 Israel, b June 19, 1656 ; 6 Samuel, b Nov. 9, 1658. By 3d marriage : 7 Ephraim, b July 9, 1672 ; 8 Esther, b Dec. 9, 1673 ; 9 Mary, b March 24, 1676. John Wilcox died May 24, 1676. 5. ISRAEL. ISRAEL WILCOX was in Middletown in 1675 ; he mar- I This name has become the parent of a greater number of sirnames than any other baptismal appellation ; among which may be mentioned Wilcox, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilmot, Willis, Wilson and Williams. Gillet, and Gillot are also from the same source. In France this Christian name has produced Guillot, Guillemin, Guillemette, Villemain, etc. See Mem. Soc, Ant. Normandie, XIII. GENEALOGIES. 937 ried Sarah, daughter of John Savage, March 28, 1678 ; he died Dec. 20, 1689. She died Feb. 8, 1724. Children: 10 Israel, b Jan. 16, 1680; n John, b July 5, 1682; 12 Samuel, b Sept. 26, 1685: 13 Thomas, b July 5, 1687 ; 14 Sarah, b Nov. 30, 1689. 6. SAMUEL. SAMUEL WILCOX of Middletown, born Nov. 9, 1658, mar- ried Abigail, daughter of Francis Whitmore, May 9, 1683 ; he died March 16, 1714. Children : 15 Samuel, b Feb. 20, 1684 ; 16, 17 Francis and Abigail, b July 5, 1687, Abigail d in 1688, and her mother a fortnight after. 7. EPHRAIM. EPHRAIM WILCOX removed to Middletown, and married, Aug. 23, 1698. Children : 18 Esther, b Jan. 4, 1707 ; 19 Ephraim, b June 4, 1709 ; 20 John, b Aug. 8, . 20. JOHN. JOHN WILCOX, born Aug. 8, 17 , married Hannah , lived in Middletown. Children: 21 John, b Jan. 15, 1740, d April 25, 1823 ; 22 Samuel, b May 8, i742,,d Sept. 4, 1807 ; 23 Hezekiah, b Mar. 4, 1744, d Sept. n, 1776 ; 24 Joseph, b March 29, 1746, d Jan. 31, 1832 ; 25 Hannah, b Jan. 28, 1748, d Feb. 19, 1826 ; 26 Giles, \> Jan. 2, 1750 ; 27 Simeon, b Feb. 25, 17 , d Oct. 13, 1827 ; 28 Submit, b Dec. 5, 1754, d Aug. 16, 1803 ; 29 Com- fort, b Feb. 17, 175 , m Patty Doolittle, Aug. 10, 1780; 30 Sarah, b Feb. 7, 1760, m Abel North, Feb. n, 1788, and had five children. 21. JOHN. JOHN WILCOX, son of John and Hannah, married Eunice Norton, Oct. 16, 1766. Children : 31 Seth, b July 31, 1767, m Matty Bacon, Mar. 21, 1736 ; 32 Jeduthan, b Nov. 18, 1768, m Sally Fisk, May, T 7935 33 John, b Sept. 13, 1771, m Sybil Giles, 1795; 34 938 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. Eunice, b July 4, 1774 ; 35 Jedediah, b June i, 1778, cl Oct. 10, 1789. 22. SAMUEL. SAMUEL WILCOX, son of John and Hannah, married ist, Ruth Roberts, 1784, and 2d, Ruth Wood, 1796. Child: 36 Ruth, b Aug. 12, 1798. After his death his widow married Thomas Scofel, Feb. 17, 1779. 23. HEZEKIAH. HEZEKIAH WILCOX, son of John and Hannah, married Rachel Boardman, Nov. 9, 1775. Child: 37 Hezekiah, b Oct. n, 1776, d Jan. 18, 1792. 24. JOSEPH. JOSEPH WILCOX, son of John and Hannah, married Miriam, daughter of Josiah and Sybil Bacon, Nov. 30, 1785. She was born Feb. 7, 1762. d March 19, 1825. Children: 38 Sarah, b Oct. 29, 1786, d Nov. 4, 1847 ; 39 Jedediah, b Feb. 7, 1788, d 1856 ; 40 Submit, b Nov. n, 1789 ; 41 Joseph, b Oct. 21, 1791, d Jan., 1858 ; 42 Hezekiah, b March 28, 1793; 43 Elisha B., b June 20, 1795 ; 44 Lavinia, b Jan. 31, 1797, d Sept. 24, 1843 ; 45 Maria ( or Miriam), b March 19, 1801, d March, 1847. 26. GILES. GILES, son of John and Harfnah_ Wilcox, married Rachel Dove, Nov. 9, 1775. Children: 46 Olive, b Nov. i, 1776, m Amos Churchill, April 21, 1796; 47 Giles, b Aug. 28, 1779; 48 Sylvester, b Feb. 14, 1782; 49 Samuel, b Oct. 20, 1786; 50 Sarah, b Nov. 30, 1788. 42. HEZEKIAH. HEZEKIAH, son of Joseph and Miriam Wilcox, married Rama Roberts, Nov. 7, 1816. She was born Dec. 23, 1792, and died Jan. 10, 1869. Children born in Westfield : 51 Joseph Alston, b Oct. 15. 1817, m Lucy Ann Bacon; 52 Ann, b Sept. 7, 1821, d March 7, 1826 ; 53 Phebe Miranda, b Dec. 4, 1822, m Hollister Ris- GENEALOGIES. 939 ley; 54 Lavinia, b July 29, 1825, m Wm. Hall of Meriden ; 55 Hczekiah, b Dec. 23, 1827, d Nov. 16, 1833 ; 56 Henry, b May 30, 1830, m Sarah Dunham. 43. ELISHA. ELISHA B., son of Joseph and Miriam Wilcox, married Hepsibah , Jan. 26, 1818. Children, born in Westfield : 57 Frances Sophia, b June 3, 1819, m Edwin Savage, Nov., 1837; 58 Lucy Maria, b June 15, 1820, m George Miller, Aug. 5, 1845 ; 59 Hannah Jane, b April 13, 1822 ; 60 Horace Cornwall, b Jan. 26, 1824 ; 61 Julia, b Jan. 7, 1826, m Newell H. Bowers, Sept. 2, 1846 ; 62 Jedediah, b March 4, 1827 ; 63 Dennis Cornwall, b Dec. 14, 1831 ; 64 Edson, b March 14, 1831, d Oct. i, 1851 ; 65 Hezekiah, b Oct. 12, 1832 ; 66 Edmund North, b Aug, 7, 1836 ; 67 Mary Ellen, b Oct., 1838 ; 68 Elisha Watson, b July 27, 1840. Israel and Jedediah Wilcox were the first of the name in Westfield, Conn. ; both came from Middletown, Upper houses. The arms of the Wilcoxes of England are, per fesse, or and az, a fesse, gules, over all a lion rampant, counterchanged. Crest : a demi lion rampant, az. The lion rampant indi- cates that he to whom the arms were granted, had gained a victory whilst in command of the army. YALE. THOMAS. THOMAS YALE married Mary, daughter of Capt. Nathaniel Turner, of New Haven, in 1645. Capt. Turner was of Lynn, Mass, in 1630; he moved to New Haven in 1638. He was Captain of Mr. Lamberton's Phantom ship, which sailed from New Haven on a voyage to the old country, and was lost with all on board, Jan., 1666. Mr. Yale came to America in 1637, with his father-in-law Gov. Eaton, his mother, brother David and sister Ann, who 94 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. became the wife of Gov. Hopkins. He was a merchant at New Haven ; his house stood on the ground now owned and occupied by Yale College, in that city. Gov. Theophilus Eaton, his step-father, having deceased, Mrs. Eaton and her son Thomas Yale, went to England, with Elihu, afterwards Gov. Yale, the distinguished donor of Yale College, accompanied by David Yale his brother, and Hannah Eaton, a daughter of the Governor. Returning to New Haven the following year, he purchased land in North Haven near the present location of the bridge ( Mansfield bridge), of Gov. Eaton's estate, and settled on it in 1660. He was evidently a man of energy and business tact, and was frequently called to fill many important offices, by the citi- zens of New Haven. He died March 27, 1683, ae. 67 years. His wife, Mary Turner, died Oct. 15, 1704. Children : i John, b 1646, settled in North Haven ; 2 Thomas, b 1647, settled in Wallingford in 1670 ; 3 Elihu, b April 5, 1648, donor of the College at New Haven ; 4 Mary, b Oct. 26, 1650 m Capt. Joseph Ives ; 5 Nathaniel, b Jan. 3, 1652 ; 6 Martha, b May 6, 1655, d Jan. 15. 1670 ; 7 Abigail, b May 5, 1660 ; 8 Hannah, b July 6, 1662, m Enos Talmage ; 9 Elizabeth, b Jan. 29, 1667, m Joseph Pardee, of East Haven. > 2. THOMAS. CAPT. THOMAS YALE, son of Thomas and Mary Yale, of New Haven, was born in that place in 1647, married Rebecca, daughter of William Gibbards, Esq., Dec. n, 1667. She died, . He married 2d, Sarah, daughter of John Nash. She died May 27, 1716. He married 3d, Mary Beach, of Wallingford, July 31, 1716. He was one of the first and most active settlers in the village of Wallingford in 1670, to which place he removed that year. In 1710 he with the Rev. Sam- uel Street were the only surviving signers of the Plantation Covenant of Wallingford. He was a Justice of the Peace and Captain of the Train band, Surveyor of land and gen- erally moderator of the business meetings of the town, &c. GENEALOGIES. 941 He died Jan. 26, 1736, ae. 89 years. Mrs. Rebecca Yale was born Feb. 26, 1650. Children : 10 Hannah, b July 27, 1669 ; n Rebecca, b Oct. 2, 1671 ; 12 Elizabeth, b July 25, 1673 ', *3 Theophilus, b Nov. J 3> J 675 ; 14 Thomas, b March 20, 1678 ; 15 Nathaniel, b July 12, 1681 ; 16 Mary, b Aug. 27, 1684; 17 John, b Dec. 8, 1687. NOTE TO BENHAM FAMILY. 1 URI BENHAM was born December 26, 1739, died April 22, 1832, at Cheshire. Lois his wife was born Oct. 16, 1747, died Dec. 26, 1827, at Cheshire. Children: Sarah, b Oct. n, 1769 ; Uri, b Oct. 23, 1771, d Oct. 23, 1826; Lois, b Sept. 25, 1773, d Nov. 27, 1774; Mary Lois, b Oct. 27, 1775 '> Lent, b March 25, 1778, d Oct. 18, 1836; Ethelbert, b July 14, 1780, d Jan. 26, 1849; Amanda, b Jan. i, 1783 ; Joseph, b Jan. 26, 1785, d Oct, 29, 1853 ; Martha, b March 2, 1788, d March 7, 1836. [This work has increased to such an extent that it has been found advisable to omit the Yale genealogy, 2 for which ma- terial had been gathered. Mr. Elihu Yale, of New Haven, a few years ago published a genealogy of the family, to which the reader is referred]. 1 See pp. 653-656, ante. 2 See p. 546, ante. APPENDIX. A. SUCCESSION OF TOWN CLERKS IN WALLINGFORD, FROM 1670. NEW HAVEN COMMITTEE, to April 28, 1673, 3 years. NA- THANIEL MERRIMAN, from April 28, 1673, to Dec. 15, 1682, 9 years. ELIASAPH PRESTON, from Dec. 15, 1682, to April 26, 1687, 5 years. JOSEPH HOULT, from April 26, 1687, to April 28, 1696, 9 years. JOSEPH ROYCE, from April 28, 1696, to Dec. 28, 1697, i year, 8 mos. THOMAS HALL, from Dec. 28, 1697, to Dec. 25, 1711, 14 years. SAMUEL MUNSON, from Dec. 25, 1711, to Dec. 23, 1740, 29 years. THOMAS MILES, from Dec. 23, 1740, to Oct. 20, 1741, 10 mos. JAMES MILES, from Oct. 20, 1741, to Feb. 6, 1766, 25 years. CALEB HALL, from Feb. 6, 1766, to Dec. 20, 1774, 8 years. CALEB COOK, from Dec. 20, 1774,10 Dec. 19, 1775, i year. CALEB HALL, from Dec. 19, 1775, to Dec. 16, 1783, 8 years. ELISHA WHITTELSEY, from Dec. 16, 1783, to Nov. n, 1800, 17 years. GEO. W. STANLEY, from Nov. n, 1800, to Nov. 8, 1803, 3 years. HUNN MUNSON, from Nov. 8, 1803, to Oct. 6, 1834, 31 years. FRIEND COOK, from Oct. 6, 1834, to Oct. 5, 1835, i year. JAMES CARRINGTON, from Oct. 5, 1835, to Aug. 15, 1836, 10 mos. JAMES W. CARRINGTON, from Aug. 15, 1836, to Oct. 3, 1836, 2 mos. SAMUEL COOK, from Oct. 3, 1836, to Oct. 5, 1840, 4 years. DELOS FORD COOK, from Oct. 5, 1840, to Oct. 22, 1840, less than one month. HENRY A. COOK, from Oct. 22, 1840, to Oct. 4, 1841, i year. LORENZO LEWIS, from Oct. 4, 1841, to Oct. 6, 1856, 5 years. E. S APPENDIX. 943 IVES, from Oct. 6, 1.856, to Sept. 29, 1860, 4 years. LORENZO LEWIS, from Oct. 8, 1860, to Oct. 7, 1861, i year. E. S IVES, from Oct. 7, 1861, to April i, 1863, 2 years. J. B. POMEROY, assistant T. C., from April i, 1863, to Sept. 7, 1863, 4 mos. AUGUSTUS HALL, from Sept. 7, 1863, to Sept. 27, 1864, i year. E. S. IVES, from Sept. 27, 1864, to Jan., 1868, 4 years. GEORGE W. BARTHOLOMEW, from Jan , 1868, to April 15, 1868, 3 mos. EDWARD F. COOK, from April 15, 1868, to Sept. 6, 1869, i year, 5 mos. FRANKLIN PLATT, elected April 6, 1869. B. PHYSICIANS IN CHESHIRE. DR. ELNATHAN BEACH was located in the center of the village. He built the house known as the Bronson house. DR. QOULD NORTON owned and occupied the house since owned by the late Pliny Hitchcock. DR. PIERRE E. BRAN- DON, a Frenchman, lived and died in Cheshire. He was a skillful physician and had an extensive practice. DR. THOMAS TRYON CORNWALL had a large practice. DR. LAM- BERT FOOTE was an excellent physician for many years. DR. CHARLES SHELTON was eminent in his profession. He died in 1832, ae. 50 years. DR. ASA J. DRIGGS is still practising ( 1870 ) in Cheshire, where he has been for many years. DRS. CHAMBERLAIN and UPSON recently removed to Cheshire. DR. WILLIAMS, a homoeopathic physician, is practising in Cheshire. C. On page 233, in speaking of the division of the society, we said that the ist Congregational society claimed and retained the church records. In order that we may not be misconstrued, we annex the following note: 944 HISTORY OF WALLINGFORD. " Meriden, Dec. 31, 1847. " The Church met after preparatory lecture. A communi- cation was read from the Congregational society connected with this Church, stating that the new house of worship was nearly completed, and inviting the Church to occupy it for the service of the sabbath, whereupon resolved : 'That the invitation from the society to remove our place of worship be accepted, and our Pastor requested to appoint all meetings on the Sabbath in the new Church immediately after it shall have been completed. " Resolved further, that so many of the members of the Church as choose to remain in the old house of worship, be affectionately recognized as a Church of Christ whenever duly organized, and that our Pastor be authorized to ter- minate their connection with this Church on their intimating to him their wishes to that effect, and that they thus reserve one-half of the Church property. " Resolved further, that the brethren thus leaving us for the purpose of forming another Church, be allowed to take a copy of the Church records. Meeting adjourned. "G. W. PERKINS, Moderator." A true copy. B. H. Catlin, Moderator. Meri.ien, Aug. 2, 1870. D. REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS, In addition to those found on pp. 368-70. Lieut. Ephraim Chamberlain, Lieut. Dan Johnson, Benajah Rice. Daniel Atwater was killed in a skirmish with British troops at Camp's Hill, April 28, 1777. Asaph Cook was at the battle of Lex- ington. Capt. Joel Cook served with his father Capt. Isaac, through the war. In 1812, he was an officer under Gen. Har- rison, in many hard fought battles with the Indians. Lieut. Samuel Hart was wounded at Saratoga. Charles Merriman APPENDIX. 945 was a drummer; in 1776 he was drum major, and served through the war. Capt. Lucian Tuttle was under Gen. Wash- ington at Boston and Long Island, and had command of a company of his townsmen at the battle which resulted in the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne and his army in 1777. E. OFFICERS IN THE CIVIL WAR. It was found that the second group of officers intended for this work could not be finished in time ; it is therefore omitted. It will probably be published in the Soldiers' Me- morial. CHARLES L. UPHAM was born in Townshend, Vt., May 24, 1839, enlisted as Orderly Sergt. in Rifle Co. B, 3d Reg. Conn. Vols., May 14, 1861, mustered into the U. S. Vol. service as Captain Co. K, 8th Reg. Conn. Vol. Inf., Sept, 23, 1861, promoted to Major, same Reg., Dec. 23, 1862, to Lieut. Col. Apr. 2, 1867, to Col. i5th Reg. Apr. 6, 1863, mustered out of service at the close of the war, June 27, 1865, was in the following engagements: Bull Run, Roanoke Island, Newbern, severely wounded, South Moun- tain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Com. the i6th Conn. Reg., Siege of Suffolk, Edenton Road, Providence Church Road, Kinston. WM. McLAiN PRATT was born in Mericlen, December 12, 1837, enlisted and mustered in 8th Conn. Vol. Infantry, May 14, 1862, as private, wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862, promoted to 2cl Lieutenant, November 17, 1862, ist Lieut, and Adj. May 29, 1863, Major, November i, 1864. Lieut. Col. April 25, 1863, resigned Oct. 30, 1865, and was on detached service in North Carolina as A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Edward Harland from Feb., 1864, to Feb., 1865, served with the 8th Regiment the rest of the time from date of enlistment to resignation, commanded the regiment from Feb., 1865, through the final struggle, was at the capture of Richmond April 3, 1865. 946 HISTORY OF WALL1NGFORD. THEODORE BYXBEE was born in New York City, Nov. 29, 1834. enlisted April 16, 1861, and was mustered in at New Haven, April 21, r86i, as captain of Co. F, ist Reg. Conn. Vols., promoted to Major, June i, 1861, engaged in the first battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, re-enlisted Sept. 3, 1862, as captain of Co. G, 27th Reg. Conn. Vols., promoted to Major, Oct. 2, 1862, mustered in U. S. service, Oct. 21, 1862, was engaged in the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 17, 1862. ROGER M. FORD was born in New Marlborough, Mass. Dec. 28, 1834, enlisted April 17, 1861, for three months, as private in Co. F, ist Reg. Conn. Vols., mustered in April 23, 1861, promoted to Corporal, July 6, 1861, at Falls Church, Va., was at the battle of Bull Run, discharged July 31, 1 86 1, enlisted Sept. 21, 1861, for three years, in Co. K, 8th Reg. Conn. Vols., Inf., mustered in as 2d Lieut., Sept. 22, 1861, promoted to ist Lieut. March 18, at New- bern, and to Captain of Co. G, March 7, 1863, at Newport News, Va., discharged Sept. 2, 1864, at Annapolis, Md., on account of wounds received at Petersburg, Va., June 25, 1864, enlisted at New Haven, Jan. 3, 1865, as private in the 8th Reg. Conn. Vols., Inf., promoted to ist Sergt. Co. E, Feb. 6, 1865, at Chapin's farm, Va., mustered out Dec. 12, 1865, was in the following battles : Roanoke Island, New- bern, Fort Macon, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Wallthal Junction, Swift Creek, Dairy's Bluff, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, and at the taking of Richmond, April 3, 1865. JARED R. COOK was captain of Rifle Co. B, 3d Reg. Conn. Vols., and was mustered into service, May 14, 1861. May 23, the Regiment arrived at Washington, and on the 24th of June went to Virginia, where it was placed in the extreme front of the Union center. Capt. Cook was at the battle of Bull Run, and was honorably discharged Aug. 12, 1861. INDEX. A. ABERNATHY, 243, 430. Abby, 370, 371. Abbot, 442. Abelle, 464. Ackerman, 376. Adams, 25, 264. 288, 289. Allen, Allyn 48, 88 353, 391, 430, 467, 469, 497, 509, 558. Andrews, Andrus, 49, 50, 74, 78, 81, 86, 98, 124, 127, 128. 138, 139. 142, 144, 147, 213, 234, 240, 248, 249, 260, 261, 264, 314, 329, 346, 361, 368, 381, 410 426 430, 442, 458, 459, 466, 508, 509, 573, 609. Andrus, 376, 381. Appleton, 167. Archer, 468 544. Arms, 233. Arnold, 427, 431. Aspinwall, 127, 397. Atkins, 376, 426, 428. Atwater, 85, 130, 141, 142, 191, 194, 196, 226, 260, 261, 269, 371, 416, 430. 441, 459 462 463, 509, 510, 512, 531, 533 539. Atwell, 290, 285. Angus, 376. Austin, 86. 191, 371, 428. Averill, 470. Avery, 376. Averitt, 371. B. BACON, 130. Bailey, 376, 419. Baker 376 Baldwin, 78, 86, 98, 133, 139, 147, 185, 213, 222, 258, 264, 269, 370, 371. 389, 426, 428 445. 464, 469. Ballard, 451. Bangs. 391. Banks, 464. Barker, 191, 341. Barlow, 234, 376, 466, 469. Barnes, 234, 397, 466, 469, 610. Barelle, 288, 290. Bartlett, 130. Barton. 5:51. Barr, 376. Bario, 427, 431. Bates, 245, 312, 313 340 376. Barber, 258, 261. Batchelor, 288. Baulcot, 512. Bassett, 147 29(5, 376. Bartholo- mew, 462. Beach, 314, 361, 371, 381 410 426 429, 430, 513, 514, 515, 542 594. Beadle, 167, 209. Beardsley, 264, 443, 451, 458. Bell, 51. Beard, 426. Belcher, 17, 18, 19, 20 46, 124, 148, 159, 160, 161, 409. Benham, 78, 81, 86 138, 139 191, 360, 371, 412, 430, 495, 539. Benedict, 229. Bestow, 191. Beckwith, 219, 424. Beckley, 21, 234, 503, 504. Bentley 285. Berry. 219, 222, 226, 368, 371, 372, 384, 424, 552. Bellamy 46 48, 243, 269, 303, 314, 368, 371, 429, 440. 445, 519. Belts, 518. Belden, 376, 427, 576. Beecher, 147, 410, 468. Bennett, 426. Bevins, 234. Birdsey, 290, 426, 430, 431, 495, 610. Bishop, 73, 126, 147, 219, 381, 3P3, 407, 427, 440. Billings, 514. Blakes- ! ley, 243, 257, 495. Bliss, 398. i Blake 376.397,428,610. Booth, 1 231, 234, 236, 426, 430, 436, 467, I 547. Bottsford, 162, 258. Boies, i 565. Boardman. 340, 418 Bot- i torn 391. Borden, 400. Bowden, ' 445, 446, 448, 449. Bi-wdilch 391. Boylston, 345. Boyden, 394. Bodyfield, 470. Bohrman, 609. Brewster, 150, 259, 263. Breckenridge, 234. 489, 547. Brace, 466. Bray, 141. Bnfin- artl, 606. Bradley, 77 147, 276, 281, 282 346. 370, 398, 498, 520, 554, 601. Briscol, 602. Bristol, 498. Brooks, 83 155 314, 362, 376, 390, 394, 417, 430, 431, 436, 440, 441, 591. Brown. 78, 81. 119, 139, 173, 240, 292, 391, 397, 456, 467. Brockett, 26, 27, 70, 73, 76 81, 85, 98, 128, 133, i:!5, 138, 139, 147, 191, 247, 276, 280, 948 INDEX. 341, 424, 425 429, 430, 520, 534. Bronson, 257, 289, 443, 450, 530. Bruce, 262. Bryant, 259, 443, 451. Bruen, 88. Buck, 559. Buckingham, 517. Bull, 458, 596. Bulkley, 391, 456, 457. Buel, 408. Bunnell, 441. Burr, 428. Burch, 391. Burrows, 376. Bur- roughs, 601. Button, 593. Bush, 162', 426 503 504, 548, 581. Butler, 26, 234, 260, 290, 376, 417, 427, 431, 466, 467, 551, 552. 553, 554, 555, 565. Burgess, 234. Byxbee, 376, 427. C. CAMP 144, 149, 213, 219, 222, 236 245 361, 378, 424, 426, 442. Catlin, 236, 376, 466, 470, 548, 556, 568, 570. Carlin, 376. Cassidy, 376. Callahan, 378. Carrington, 409, 520, 521. Can- fielcl, 88, 490. Castelow, 493. Carter, 537, 610. Cannon, 539. Carrol 378. Chapman, 259. Chappel, 139,430. Chamberlain, 264, 391, 453. Chauncey, 112, 115. Churchill, 469. Church, 26, 427. Chester, 39. Cheesbrough, 235. Clapp, 232, 441. Clark, 15, 17,*86, 88, 128, 139, 158, 159, 171, 183, 191, 234, 236, 290, 294, 314, 341, 368, 376, 378, 390, 412, 442, 448, 449, 493, 495, 551, 592, 593, 608. Coe, 234, 395, 397, 399, 410, 427, 428,430,431,495. Cogswell, 15, 220. Collins, 124, 141, 147, 213, 219, 234, 368, 369, 371, 384, 390, 4.23 424, 427,- 466, 485, 587. Cobbet, 227. Cords, 287, 290. Condon, 378. Cole, 461. Colton, 441, 442. Cone. 495. Cook, 48, 78, 81, 138, 139, 147, 149, 191, 193, 195, 247, 248, 315 340 341, 357, 358, 361, 368, 371, 372, 376, 409, 410, 427, 429, 430, 434, 436, 461, 510, 511, 522, 528, 531, 539, 545, 574, 575, 597, 605. Comstock, 340, 376. Cooper, 74, 128, 144. Cornwall, 429, 435, 443, 459, 602. Couch, 141, 357, 368, 370, 430. Cowles, 126, 139, 144, 150, 162, 213, 236, 361, 381, 384, 415, 417, 503, 553, 573, 591. Crane, 369. Creevy, 391. Cragin, 498. Crock- er, 489, 495, 595, 610. Crowley, 376. Crusius, 376. Cruse, 443, 451. Culver, 85, 102, 131, 139, 147, 191, 311, 429. Curtis, 78, 81, 84, 85, 86, 114 118, 130. 133, 134, 138, 143, 147, 149, 191, 213, 234, 236, 237, 259, 263, 277, 315, 329, 343, 353, 381, 410, 425, 426, 427, 428, 430 431 435, 459, 466, 467, 484, 494, 574, 592, 603, 610. Gush- ing, 263. Cutler, 144, 240, 610. D. DA OLE, 376. Dana, 167, 366. Darling, 186. Davis, 376, 464, 469 470, 557. Davenport, 7 10, 12, 13, 27, 101, 103, 129, 303. Day, 517. Dayton, 395, 397. D'Augelist, 375. Delevau, 421. Deming, 88, 371. Denslow, 351. Denisou, 288, 289. Deshon, 263, 264. Devotion, 219. Dewey, 516. De Wolfe, 580, 605. Dickerman, 74 77, 290. Dickinson, 458. Dodd, 29.3. Dodge, 394. Doran, 376. Dorman, 421. Doolittle, 26, 27, 70, 73, 76, 78, 81, 86, 98, 99, 110, 122, 133, 138, 139, 149, 165, 166, 167, 190, 191, 193, 243, 314, 330, 332, 333, 334, 376, 388, 424, 425, 429, 430, 523, 524, 610. Douglass ,260, 371. Dowd, 130. Driggs, 256, 429. Dudley, 191, 264. Dutton, 231, 296, 316, 378, 497, 529. Dunham, 376, 469. Dunbar, 424. Dunby, 545. E. EATON, 10, 12, 13, 27, 81, 236, 376, 399, 421, 561. Eddy, 234. Edgerton 376. Edwards, 134, 408. Eells, 186, 187. Elliot, 240, 534. Ely, 376. Elmore, 351. Elton, 604. Ellsworth, 559. El- kins, 391. Ensign, 469. Everest, 263. Ewer, 288. F. FA RNS WORTH, 400,401. Farringtou, Fay, 610. Fenn, 139 191 229 230, 524. Ferris, 602. Fields, 467, 605. Finking, 376. Fisher 243, 399. Fitch, 191, INDEX. 949 470. Fletcher, 391. Ford, 191, 2-32, 370, 376, 436. Ford ham, 517. Foot, 83, 229, 429, 440, 442, 525: Folsom 233. Foster, 124, 125, 126, 127, 144, 147, 213, 234, 237, 276, 284, 298, 400, 410, 428, 491, 494, 495 551, 555, 560. Fowler, 173, 180, 328, 329, 330, 331. French, 462. Franklin, 360. Free- nvin, 3(59. Friry, 495, 575, 593, 591, 603. Frost. 280. Francis, 190, 370, 871, 435, 583. G. GALLAGER, 397, 398. Gard- ner, 248, 398, 399. Gangloff, 376. Garrelt 376. Garvey, 427. Gay, 209. Gay lord, 48, 461, 492. Gee'r, 428. Gemini, 127. Gibbons, 421, 547. Giescke, 377. Gilbert, 17, 18, 20, 22, 74, 77, 158, 159. 199, 231, 293, 296, 436. Gillette, 526. Glazier, 288. Gladwin, 398, 427. Glover, 391. Golden, 397. Goffe, 125, Gold, 88. Goodyear, 27. Goodrich, 49, 50, 229, 264, 290, 350, 370, 407, 489, 495, 594. Gran- ger, 231, 503, 507. Graham, 473. Grant, 209, 288. Greenland, 376. Griffin, 376. Grisvvokl, 49, 50, 391, 428, 430, 495, 593. Griggs, 231, 507. Green, 280, 376, 417 610. Grigson,27. Guernsey, 185. Gulli- ver 233. Gushee, 259, 264. Guion, 262. Guy, 427, 563. Groeber, 609. H. HALT,, 48 50, 78, 81,85, 86, 91, 98, 101, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 130, 131, 133, 134, 138, 141, 142, 143, 144, 155, 162, 165, 166, 167, 171, 173, 177, 183, 184, 186, 190, 191, 192, 193, 195, 209, 213, 219, 220, 223, 234, 237, 276, 290, 305, 329, 337, 340, 341, 345, 346, 353, 354,361,362, 369, 370, 871, 376,381,382, 384, 387 394, 409, 410, 416 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 434, 486, 440, 458 465, 468, 491, 513, 520, 525, 527, 533, 537, 53S, 5:ii), .',.->:; 564, 567, 575, 587. 604, 607, 610. Hijckley, 191. Harris, 213, 561. tlallam, 262, 264. Harvey, 376. Harwoocl, 376. Harrison, 436, 461, 462, 585. Hatch, 453 467, 469, 560. 565. Hamlin, 18 48, 470. Hale. 495 Hamilton, 498. Harpins, 534. Hanlon, 609. Hart 18, 20, 118, 187 191, 195 240, 257, ?9(), 426, 526, 556 610! Hayden, 233. Hawley, 288, 384, 45:-', i;>9 Hawks, 390 Hawes, 231. Hirriman, 77, 78, 81 93 108. Hawkins, 88 Hecock, 213. Hemingway, 270. Hervey, 285, 290. Beaton 79. Heath, 398. Hendrick, 429. Henderson, 49. Hewitt. 602. Hill, 125, 351. Hinsdale, 231, 306. Hinman, 419 429 Higby, 22, 23, 49, 50, 129, 280, 29J, 424. Hitchcock, 83 85, 139, 147, 376, 429, 441, 521. Hicks, 398, 399. 427 610. Hill- house, 407. Hobart, 188, 261. Hpdurkins, 314. Hoadley, 453. Hoppin, 539. Holley, 436" Hor- ton, 451. Hopkins 185 407, 53(5. Holmes, 165, 209. Hopper, 81, 131. Hopson, 191. Hotchkiss, 234, 314, 369. 370, 428, 436, 440, 442,504,555. Hooker, 353. How- ell, 384, 430, 489. Hodge, 78. Hodgdon, 398, 399, 400. Hoi- comb, 518. Houseman, 610. Hovey, 427. Hoisina-ton, 125. Howard, 286, 290, 581. Hoyt, 262. Howe, 78, 81, 85, 86, 130 133, 139, 147, 188, 191, 429, 430. Hough, 50, 66, 86, 144 155, 213, 215, 234, 236, 237, 276, 290, 315, 346, 361, 371, 378, 381, 384 417 465, 470, 566. Holt, 74, 78 80, 130, 138, 139, 237, 371, 430, 598. Hosford, 421, 527. Hollister, 596. Ilowland, 390. Hubbard, 129, 136, 150, 165, 216, 229 234 2:!(i 260, 383, 415, 427 466, 590. Hull, 110, 119, 131, 134, 138, 147, 259, 276, 369, 376, 384, 429, 430, 45S. 525, 527, 606, 610. Hubbell, 390, 391. Hudson, 126. Humis- lon, 77, 148, 155, 526, 528. I. IWJLKSTON, 371. Ingersoll, 194, 262, 408. Ingham, 243 Isaacs, 350. Isbell, 504. Ives, 78* 81, 950 I NDEX. 83 113, 138 149, 190, 195. 213, 219, 222, 229, 237, 243, 255, 260, 261, 276 286, 290, 342, 369, 371, 378, 381, 384, 397, 423 424, 426, 427 428, 429, 430, 431, 436. 442, 443, 446, 459, 489, 491, 495, 527, 530, 571, 594, 605, 610. J- JAMESON, 376. Jeralcls, 594 Jennings, 285, 290. Jerome, 213, 342, 381. Jewell, 234. Jonas, 377. Jones, 73, 77 126, 129, 130, 191, 377. Johnson, 52, 78, 81, 84, 138, 139, 165, 166, 167, 171, 183, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 219, 240, 245 314, 371, 376, 381, 382, 384, 409, 429, 430, 436. 446, 513, 538, 540, 587, 610. Judd, 234, 610. K. KRA.CII, 376. Keyser, 288. Keeler, 258, 262. Kehney. 376. Kelsey, 391. Kendrick, 429. 430. Kellogs: 441. King, 541. Kiiby, 351. Kirlland, 346, 429, 458, 459, 521, 528, 530, 550. Kimball. 288. Knapp, 15. Knight, 530. Knowl- ton, 288. Kursled, 517. L. LAMPIIEAK, 376. Lankton, 350 Lapham, 467. Lalhrop, 86. 133 137, 139, 376, 430, 610. Leon- ard 398. Lester, 270, 376. Leeds 234. Lee, 215, 390, 409. Leavitt, 144, 213, 384. 428. Leavenworth, 185. Levi, 376. Lewis, 78, 81, 98 137, 138, 149, 229, 328, 329, 376 387, 397, 398, 420, 427, 429, 430 431 458, 464, 466, 484, 495, 532, 533, 539, 573, 592, 597, 603. Lindsley, 428, 461, 551. Lit tie- John 263. Little, 453. Lord, 88, 455, 456, 473. Lounsbury, 610. Lockwood, 234. Love, 143. Ludlow, 231, 503. Lyon, 244, 427. Lyraan, 143, 381,' 384, 430, 432, 495, 575, 592, 593, 594, 603. Lynch, 378. M. MARCH, 229, 441, 442. Mark- ham, 427. Martin, 436, 464, 604. Marks, 426. Marshall, 256. Marsh, 264 Marvin, 398. Mans- field, 74. 470. Matthews, 429, 497. Maxham. 399. Mallory 264, 376. Mason. 264, 287, 290, 443. Matooi i,276, 534. Mauley, 399 Massey, 345. Maschmeyer 376 Mairee, 376. May, 144. Mallon, 609. Mather 48. Mrr- rick, 179, 185. Merchant, 288 371. Meky, 243. Menhaur 384. Merriam, 74, 98, 124, 125 126 127, 144, 210, 213, 215, 260, 261 342, 368, 371, 376, 381, 427, 429, 493, 494, 495, 538, 587. Meade 391 Merriman, 26, 27, 74, 78, 81. 85, 86, 114, 127, 128, 138, 139, 162 165, 166, 167, 171, 173. 177 183. 190, 191, 192, 237, 269, 328, 34i). :l.->0, 352, 353, 354, 369. 371, 384, 409, 416, 417, 424 425, 429, 430, 487, 553, 555, 575, 595, 610. M'Cook, 264. McCorney, 376. McAllister, 391. MeLain, 231, -306, 582. McCarty, 533. McMa- hon, 470. McWhinnie, 376. McOannon, 607. Meyer, 376. Miles, 78, 81, 165, 191,' 234, 384, 436, 521. 542, 599, 610. Mitchell, 133, 144, 222, 236, 276, 424. Mi- ner, 229, 376, 560. Miller, 233, 283, 286, 287, 288, 290, 334, 375, 376, 390, 395, 427, 431, 443, 485, 489, 492. Mills, 303, 428, 429. Mix, 85, 130, 131, 144, 147, 222. 276, 342, 371, 381, 416, 423, 430, 436, 494. Morse, Moss, 26, 27, 74, 78, 81, 85, 86, 114, 127, 128, l:-'8, 139, 167, 171, 191, 193, 195, 289, 311, 313, 328, 332, 378, 410, 412, 424, 425, 426, 430, 4(5o. 53JJ. Mountain, 209. Morgan, 222, 245, 424, 443, 451, 494^ Morris, 243, 244, 245, 467. Moen, 487. Morton, 555. Mulbree, 191. Mur- ray, 234. Murdock, 237. Mun- son, 78, 81, 85, 98, 102, 139, 147, 149, 155, 263, 369, 378, 429, 430, 478, 519, 603. N. NASH, 129, 390, 544. Negus, 191. Newhall, 391. Newport, 470. Niles, 264 North, 150, 350. Norton 139, 290, 423. Nor- INDEX. 951 wood, 39(5, 399, 400. Noyes, 173, 186, 197, 231, 290-6, 459, 497, 500, 509. North, 442. Nichols, 443. Nickerson, 470. o. OLIVER, 397. Osboru, 77, 377. Osgood, 495. Ogden, 88. P. PADDOCK, 346, 427, 428, 451. 596. Parsons, 52, 127, 130, 144, 560. Partridge, 46. Parker, 85, 114,118,133, 138, 147,299, 311, 314, 369, 375, 376, 378, 410, 427, 428, 430, 431, 435, 442, 467, 468, 481, 486, 491, 494, 537, 553, 564, 575, 597, fiOO, 003, 610. Panmilee, 162, 234, 295, 436, 458, 495. Page, 191, 234. Payne, 489, 587, 588, 595, 610 Peck, 70, 78, 81, 85, 86, 91, 102, 120, 131, 133, 138, 139, 144, 149, 167, 183, 191, 276, 311, 391, 429, 430, 443, 513. Penfield, 219, 222, 381, 423, 424, 610. Pegg, 391. Perkins, 17, 219, 232, 260, 290, 424 428, 489. Perry, 257. Peterson, 376. Pelton, 398. Peters, 429, 436. Perrine, 441. Phillips, 343, 430. Phelps, 378, 419, 584, 610. Pierce, 49, 50. Pitkins, 232, 353. Pierrepont, 302, 353. Plant, 591. Plum, 191, 257, 376 Plntt, 375, 410, 419, 420, 4-3 1 . 431, 596, 610. Plunkett, 609. Huymert, 143. Pond, 458. Post, 234. Potter, 78, 81, 91, 431, 457, 527, 530, 533, 539. Porter, 350, 458, 458, 526. Pomeroy, 30. 34, 303, 305, 378, 394. 395, 397, 398, 399, 427 428, 429, 464, 492, 495, 577, 594, 610. Pratt, 162, 290, 376,427,428, 473,487, 494, 495, 503, 550, 563, 580. Preston, 78, 86, 98, 138, 234, 311, 346, 424, 425, 430. Price, 193, 195. Prindle, 144, 213, 219. Prout, 126. Pun- derson, 245, 246. Putnam, 259. Pynchon, 228. Q- QUINN, 376, 608, 609. R. RANCORN, 376. Ranney, 610. Record, 399. Redfield, 430, 610. Reed, 474, 581. Regan, 378. Rex- ford, 49, 50, 51, 222, 368, 371. Reynolds, 351, 426, 429. Rich, 127, 213, 231, 306, 546. Richards, 376, 537. Richardson, 376, 430, 537. Richmond, 376. Riggs, 421. Riley, 376, 557, 608. Ripley, 230, 306/ Rice, (Roice), 48, 49,50,51, 83,86,98, 101,122, 124,126,130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 144, 147, 149, 155, 165, 166, 167, 186, 193, 213, 215, 234, 235, 236,247, 288,290, 329,331, 338, 369, 370, 371, 381, 382, 384, 395, 396, 406, 410, 412, 425, 427, 428, 429, 430, 465, 521, 540, 610. Robinson, 124,127, 144, 191, 213, 229, 371, 381, 382, 545. Rogers, 228, 257, 420, 493, 581. Root,"234, 376, 438, 442. Robbins, 269, 270, j 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 304, 534. Rockwell, 351. Rodman, 441. Ropes, 487, 494. Rossetter, 23. Rourke, 378. Ruggles, 173, 180, 186, 537. Russell, 119, 155, 182, 185, 226, 538, 539. Rutty, 489, 495, 594, 610. S. SACKET, 180 Sage, 234. Salter, 219. Saltonstall, 610. Sanford, 162, 234, 236, 495. Sawyer, 234, 557. Saxton,287. Scoville, 127, 144, 219, 222, 423, 424. Scudder, 391. Schmidt, 609. Scott, 376. Screen, 417. Seabury, 254, 257. Searles, 390, 391. Seagor, 243. I Sears, 597. Sellow, 376. Seward, ! 442. Seymour, 21, 234, 340, 389, 504, 610. Shaler, 223. Shailer, 286, 288, 289, 368. Shepherd, 231, | 398, 565. Sheridan, 609. Sher- ! man, 78, 81, 230, 376, 519. Shipman, 408 Silliman, 530. Simonds, 376. Simpson, 477, 538, 589. Smiley, 397. Smith, 136, 243, 341, 343, 395, 410, 448, 449, 450, 461, 524, 530, 539, 603, 610. Snow, 494. S'.mersides, 390. Spci-ry, 190. Spencer, 220, 234, 581. Stanley, 18, 19, 20, 142, 167, 196, 337, 429, 434, 605. Starkey, 581. Stedman. 4;:0, 495. Steere, 952 INDEX. 401, 559. Steelf, 850. Steinwehr, 541. Stevens, 228, 234, 897, 55;',, (JOS. Stickney, 896, 400. Sfill- man, 49, 50, 521. Stiles, 166, 178, 186, 229, 270, 427, 495. Stoddard, 400. Stratton, 467. Street, 26, 27, 76, 80, 81, 85, 98, 108, 112, 129, 138, 139, 191, 275, 349, 361, 887, 429, 539, 544. Strong, 164, 219. Stuart, 203. Studley, 122. Sut- liff, 491. Squires, 555. T. TAIT 467, 4(59. Talcott, 23, 24, 25, 26, 88, 270, 353. Talmadge, 376, 395. Taylor. 204 306, 376. Tapping, 88. Tennant, 234. 303. Terrell, 280. Thayer, 397, Thomas, 49, 50, 397. 398. Thom- son, 86, 139, 191, 247, 311, 376, 430. Thorp, 81, 85, 139, 191, 334, 429, 513. Thrall, 376, 610. Tib- bals, 417. Todd, 186, 376, 540, 595. Tower, 3,91,392. Townsend, 259, 264, 548. Treat, 88. 495. Tracy, 430. Trumbull, 185, 229. Tryon, 473. Tuthill, 442. Tuttle, 78, 81, 139, 147, 191, 234, 230, 237, 243, 340, 399, 429, 430, 435, 480, 442, 540. Turhand, 315. Twiss, 868, 396, 436, 504, 582, 605. Ty- ler, 85, 133, 139, 191,337,338,340, 399, 480, 461, 540. U. UPHAM, 427, 431. Upson, 229, 427, 461. V. VAN DuzER,419. Venters, 340, W. WADHAM, 840. Wadsworth, 40, 606. Wallace, 479, 481. Wal- dron, 376. Walker, 376. Walls- worth, 48. Wainwright, 243. Ward, 140, 245, 264, 443, 543. Waterman, 193, 197, 397, 495. W;iters, 267. Walsh, 009. War- ner, 180, 371, 376, 556. Way, : i. 144, 213, 234, 381, 428. Warren, 575. Webb, 342, :,78, 420, 4,4, 494,520,581. Webster, 424. Wei- ton, 397, 524. Wells, 88, 21! I, 220, 281, 340, 574. West, 220. West- wood, 102, 182, 139, 430. West- erhood, 376. Wetmore, 180, 564. Whetmore, 231, 240. White, 74, 238, 235, 431, 434, 598, 600, 602, 610. Whipple, 491. Whitehead, ;:!, ;s. Whiting, 48, 142, 144, 213, 235, 426, 441, 442. Whitelield, 800. Whittemore, 400, 427 Whittelsey, 79, 85, 113, 117, 122, 165, 166, 167, 173, 186, 192, 209, 239, 240, 270, 304, 416. Whitney, 884, 521. Wilford, 74. Willard, 227-30. Wildman, 290. Wilson, 288, 375, 419, 469. Wilmot, 493. Wilder, 560. Wilcox, 370, 371, 427, 484, 485, 495, 602. Willshine, 314. Winton, 420, 421. Williams, 178, 179, 186, 229, 243, 204, 414, 431, 474, 477, 495, 581. Wither- ton, 204. Winslow, 251, 253. Wisner,517. Winthrop, 88. Win- ston, 74, 119. Wolf, 260. Wood, 234, 236, 480, 441. Woodbridge, 1*5, 1!;0, 227, 240. Woodruff, 141, 466, 470, 555, 556. Woolley, 285, 601. Wolcott, 88. Wright, 375. 468, 583, 609, 610. Wylie, 469, Wvllis, 88, 434. Y. YALE, 78, 81, 85, 98, 114, 126, j 128, 130, 133, 134, 137, 138, 148, 144, 147, .149, 159,213, 219, 222, 280, 284, 280, 200, 270, 328, 338, 844, 352, 353, 354, 368, 369, 371, 876, 384, 388, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 480, 440, 473, 475, i 477, 495, 503, 515, 526, 538, 544, ! 545, 573, 587, 590, 594, 597, 004, ; 605, 610. Yeatman, 436. Yeo- mans, 42S. This index does not contain the names to be found in the genealogies. INDEX. 953 INDEX TO GENEALOGIES. A. ABERNATHY, 613, Allen, 614. Andrews, 614-626. Atwater, 626- 635. B. UEAUMONT, 635. Barker, 635. Beach, 636-650. Bartholomew, 650. Beadles, 651. Bellamy, 652, 653. Benham, 653-656. Blakeslee, 656, 657. Bristol, 657, 658. Brockett, 658-661. Brown, 662. Bunnell, 662-665. C CANNON, 665. Carter, 665, 666. (Harrington, 666-669. Clark, 669- 671. Cook, 671-718. Cowles or Coles, 719, 720. Culver, 720-722. Curtis, 722-725. D. DAVIDSON, 726. Doolittle, 726- 741. Dudley, 741. Dutton, 741- 743- F. FENN, 743, 744. Foot, 744. G. GAYLORD, 747-750. H. HALL, 750-787-. Harriman, 787. Hart, 787-789. How, 789-792. Hitchcock, 792-798. Hotchkiss, 798-801. Hough, 802-806. Hull, 806-821. Humiston, 821-823. I. IVES, 823-830. J- JOHNSON, 830-836. Jones, 836- 838. K. KlRTLAND, 838-841. L. LEWIS, 841-845. M. MARTIN, 845-847. Mansfield, 847. Mattoon, 847, 848. Merri- man, 848-851. Miles, 852, 853. Mix, 853-857. Moss, 857-862. Munson, 862-867. N. NOYES, 868-871. P. PARKER, 871-884. Parmalee, 884. Preston. 885-888. R. REYNOLDS, 90-900. 90. Royce, s. STANLEY, 900-902. Scarritt, 903. Street, 903-905. T. . THOMPSON, 905-907. Thorp, 907-908. Tuttle, 908-923. Ty- ler, 923-928. W. WHITTELSEY, 928-935. \Vil- cox, 93S-939- Y. YALE, 939"94i- ERRATA. In the year 1561 a book was printed called the " Anatomy of the Mass." It had only one hundred and seventy-two pages in it, but the author was obliged to add sixteen pages to correct the blunders. Type setting in early times was not remarkable for accuracy or exactness, and the same may be said at the present day in regard to local histories. The proof-sheets of this work were carefully read three times before the work went to press, yet a multitude of errors have been discovered since the book was printed. The following are the more important ones : Page 75, line 15 from bottom, for 1782, read 1682 ; p. 81, line 4 from hot, for James Andrews, read Jo. Andrews ; p. 85, line 10 from hot., for Edward Peck, read Eleazar ; p. 108, line 8 from top, for time, read town ; p. 119, line i at hot., for Hull, read Hall ; p. 122, line 9 from hot, for Studley, read Standley ; p. 122, line 7 from hot., for 1831, read 1721; p. 138, line 9 from hot., for Hull, read Sam'l Hall ; p. 147, line 9 from hot, for Mix, read Ives ; p. 147, line 5 from hot, for South, read North ; p. 149, line 9 from hot., for pains, read point ; p. 154, line 5 from hot, for Hoppen's, read Hopper's; p. 225, line 17 from hot, for 1742, read 1726; p. 247, line 9 from top, for How, read Now ; p. 256, line 4 from hot, for Asa I., read Asa J. Driggs ; p. 259, line 10 from hot., for north- ern, read southern ; p. 270, line 4 from hot., for Thomas, read Theophilus Yale ; p. 306, line 10 from hot, for McLean, read McLain ; p, 314, line 9 from top, for Willshine, read Thomas Willshire ; p. 368, line 16 from top, for Joseph Twin, read Joseph Twiss ; p. 369, line 14 from bot, for Hull, read Isaac ERRATA. 955 Hall, Jr. ; p. 371, line 18 from hot., for Justin read Justice Rice ; p 376, line 12 from hot., for Norton, read Newton ; p. 412, lines 3 and n from hot, for Denham, read Benham ; p. 417, line ii from top, for Screen, read Green ; p 430, line n from hot, for Curtin, read Curtiss ; p. 440, line 5 from top, for Homer, read Thomas Brooks ; p. 474, line 10 from hot., for Reed, read Read ; p. 478, line 14 from hot., for 1833, read 1853 ; p. 513, line 9 from hot, for west, read east; p. 517, line ii from hot., for labors, read losses ; p. 533, line 18 from hot., for Hall, read Hull ; p. 533, line 19 from bottom, for Dacia Hall, read Docia Hull ; p. 534, line 10 from bot., for is, read was a son of the Judge ; p. 537, line 4, for Joel Hall, read Hull ; p. 538, line 2 from top, for Charles Hall, read Hull ; p. 538, line 4 from top, for Mr. Hall, read Hull ; p. 538, lines 2 and 5 from bot, for Hall, read Hull ; p. 539, line 17 from top, for Carmon, read Cannon ; p. 540, line 3 from top, for Johnson, read Doolittle ; p. 544, line 12 from bot., for Gibbons, read Gibbards ; p. 545, line 6 from bot., for Elisha, read Elihu ; p. 546, line n from bot., for 1750, read 1850 ; p. 546, line 10 from top, for 1850-7, read 1850-1 2 years; p. 559, line 3 from bot, for I read J ; p. 559, line 7 from bot, for 24, read 23 ; p. 573, line i from bot., for Evans read Lewis ; p, 585, bottom line, for national, read natural ; p. 610, line 5 from top, for Hall, read Hull ; p. 625, line 2 from bot, for Julia Hall, read Hull, dau. of Jeremiah ; p. 626, lines 9 and 12 from top, for Daniel, read David Atwater ; p. 635, line 6 from top, for Free- man, read Truman ; p. 647, line 8 from top, for Grange, read Geauga ; p. 668, line 4 from bot., for McLean, read McCleve ; p. 669, line 8 from top, for Hall, read McCleve ; p. 675, line 15 from top, add, Ephraim Cook m Elizabeth Hull ; p. 675, line 3 from bot, for Boone, read Boorge ; p. 676, line 19 from bot, for survey, read society ; p. 693, line 6 from top, for Per- lina, read Pauline ; p. 709, line 19 from bot., omit Horace ; p. 743, line 6 from top, for Daniel, read David ; p. 750, top line, for Bradley, read Moss ; p. 780, line 8 from bot, for 1802, read 1809 ; p. 781, line n from top, for Ann Bull, read Ann Buel ; p. 785, line 13 from top, read, m 2d, Aimer Hall ; p. 956 ERRATA. 796, line 15 from top, for Hall, read Hull ; p. 802, .line 14 from hot, read Mehitable ; p. 812, line 13 from top, for Brothers, read Bray ; p 817, line 9 from top, for Sam'l J., read Sam'l G. ; p. 8 1 8, line 12 from top, for Jonathan, read Jothain ; p. 819, line 12 from bot., for Lawrence, read Lauren ; p. 822, line 10 from top, for 1761, read 1781 ; p. 841, line 12 from bot., for Cookstown, read Coolstown ; p. 842, line 14 from top, for Selekey, read Selebes ; p. 886, line 2 1 from bot., for let, read set ; p. 888, line 6 from bot., for Elizabeth, read Eliasaph ; p. 900, line 17 from bot., for 1753, read 1653 ; p. 904, line 9 from bot, for Hall, read Hull. 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