MUSEUM OF FINE- ARTS BOSTON 9* Catalogue of Paintings 1921 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS TRELIMINART EDITION MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON 1921 In this catalogue are included paintings owned by the Museum, both those on exhibition and those in storage, and paintings deposited in the Museum for a long period; loans which may change month by month are not included. Paintings in storage may be seen on application at the Administration office. COPYRIGHT, IQ2I, BY MTJSEOM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Published February, iQ2i Art 1 ". :.vy nit? NOTE A catalogue of the European and American paint- ings in the Museum was undertaken nearly ten years ago by M. Jean Guiffrey, then Curator of Paintings here, now Conservateur des Peintures in the Musees du Louvre. He wrote descriptions of the more im- portant paintings, and collected many data for the catalogue. His work was translated into English by Mr. Richard Norton; later the translation was re- vised and many more descriptions added by Mr. Mor- ris Carter. With the constant aid of Mrs. Grafton L. (Dorothy Usher) Wilson, I have revised and in part rewritten the material thus available, and have com- pleted the work. For the attributions and for many useful suggestions Mr. John Briggs Potter, Keeper of Paintings, is responsible. The book is published in a preliminary edition, not as a definitive catalogue of paintings, for two reasons: first, in the hope that it may be useful as it stands to visitors and to students generally; secondly, to serve as the basis for a scholarly catalogue when the oppor- tunity may come for its preparation. It includes all the paintings that are regarded as of any importance for the student of paintings; about half of them are ordinarily on exhibition, while the remainder may be seen on request. Arthur Fairbanks, Director of the Museum. 81.61.01 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS PRELIMINARY EDITION ITALIAN ANGELICO, Fra: real name Guido or Guidolino di Pietro; religious name Fra Giovanni da Fiesole; also called II Beato. Florentine. Born, Vicchio di Mugello, 1387; died, Rome, 1455. Madonna and Child with Angels and Saints. The Madonna enthroned on a dais beneath a canopy diapered in red and gold (a blue mantle over her red dress) holding the Child (a transparent veil about His legs) who leans to the left to bless the kneeling donor; the donor (full pink surplice and ermine scarf) is presented by St. Peter (yellow mantle over blue tunic) who stands behind him, in front of St. Faul (red robe). At the right St. George (pink tabard over armor), holding his banner with his right hand and his sword with his left. At either side of the Virgin's throne, two angels (two en face in red, two in profile in blue robes). Dark green background covered with small flowers and plants in light yellow-green. Inv. 14.416. Octagonal panel: H. 0.29 (n|in.). W. 0.29 (iio in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 1914. Baron Triqueti Collection; Sale, Paris, May 4, 1886, no. 1. Aynard Collection; Sale, Paris, Dec. 1, 1913, no. 33. Berenson: Florentine Painters; 3d ed. 191 2, p. 107. M. F. A. Bulletin, XII (1914), pp. 27-32, illus. BARNABA DA MODENA. Influenced by the Sienese School. Fl. 1367-1383. Madonna and Child. Half-length figure of the Madonna holding the Child on her left arm; her head is slightly bent toward Him, al- though her glance is directly to the front; her right hand rests against the Child's knee. The Child looks up ques- 4 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS tioningly in His mother's face, His right arm resting on her shoulder, and in His right hand He holds a corner of her white veil; He wears a gold tunic and a red mantle with gold spots and a gold border; a piece of coral is fastened at His neck. The Madonna wears a dress of a duller red with patterns of gold at neck and wrists, and over this a mantle of very dark green with designs in gold and covered with fine gold lines; on her halo is written Ave gratia plena Dominus tecu[m]. Elaborately tooled gold background. Inv. 15.951. Panel: H. 0.991 (39 in.). W. 0.635 (25 m.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 191 5. Collection of Langton Douglas. M. F. A. Bulletin, XIII (1915), p. 8 3 , illus. BARTOLO DI FREDI. Sienese. Born, Siena, cir. 1330; died there, 1410. Follower of the Lorenzetti. Reredos. Central panel: Death and Assumption of the Virgin. In the lower part, the Virgin, wrapped in a blue mantle and white veil, lies upon a bier covered with a brocaded gold cloth. The Apostles (robes of gold, red, light blue, pale rose-pink) surround her in lamentation; one of them holds a new-born babe representing the soul of the Virgin ; St. John, seen from behind, kneels in the foreground. Near the Apostles stand angels (robes of white, or of brocaded gold) holding candles and censers, or supporting the cloth on which the Virgin lies. Above in a mandorla, surrounded by angels and cherubim (robes of blue, red, pale pink, green, brocaded gold), the Virgin sits draped in a mantle of brocaded gold. In the pediment the bust of Christ, full face, in the attitude of benediction. Left panel: St. Peter with key (blue tunic, brown mantle), and a bishop in his robes; full-length figures. Above, the heads and shoulders of two prophets (blue tunics, red mantles). In the pediment an angel. Right panel: St. Augustine (richly brocaded robe) and St. Bonaventura (blue tunic, rose-pink mantle), full- ITALIAN 5 length figures, each carrying a red book; above, the heads and shoulders of two prophets. In the pediment an angel. Inv. 83.175. Panels with frame: H. 2.731 (107^ in.). W. 2.026 (79S in.). Gift of Martin Brimmer, 1883. BARTOLOMMEO, Fra: real name Bartolommeo di Pagiiolo del Fattorino ; sometimes called Baccio della Porta. Florentine. Born in or near Florence, 1475; died, Florence, 151 7. Pupil of Cosimo Roselli, but much influenced by Perugino. Holy Family with St. Anne and the Infant St. John. The Virgin is seated on the ground wearing a pale red dress and blue-green mantle; she looks up at St. Anne, who sits under a dull green canopy. With her left hand the Virgin supports the little St. John, while the infant Christ leans against a cushion in front of her, reaching toward His cousin. St. Joseph is seated on the ground to the left below St. Anne. Landscape background at the right. Inv. n. 1263. Panel: H. 1.46 (57^ in.). W. 1.085 (42? in.). Purchased in Italy in 1842 by Edward Everett for Peter Chardon Brooks. Gift of Mary Ogden Adams and Charles Francis Adams, 191 1. BASAITI, Marco. Venetian. Fl. 1490-1521. Pupil of Alvise Vivarini and of Cima da Conegliano. Pieta. On the knees of the Virgin, who wears a violet dress, blue mantle and white veil, lies the dead Christ; His head is supported by St. John (black tunic, rose-pink mantle) at the left, and one leg is held by the Magdalen (green dress), who kneels between two women in lamentation (at left with green dress and brown veil; at right with red dress, brown mantle and violet veil). Behind this group at the left stands Joseph of Arimathea (blue tunic, green under- tunic, red apron) holding the crown of thorns, and near him a man (red tunic, brown cloak) with outspread arms seems to be rolling back the door to the tomb. 6 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 90.201. Panel: H. 0.56 (22 in.). W. 0.652 (25! in.). Gift of Edward Perry Warren, 1890. BASSANO, Giacomo: real name Jacopo da Ponte. Venetian. Born, Bassano, 1510; died there, 1592. Pupil of his father, Francesco da Ponte; influenced by Boni- fazio Veronese and Titian. 6 Ecce Homo. Christ crowned with thorns, half enveloped in a magenta mantle, is seated in profile on a platform at the right. Three guards insult and strike him; one of them hands him a reed. In the right foreground stand a soldier and a page ; behind at the left, an old man and a woman. On the roof of a building above them is a cock; on a balcony over the centre, two women are drying linen. Inv. 01.6. Canvas: H. 1.882 (74! in.). W. 1.372 (54 in.). Anonymous gift, 1901. BONIFAZIO: called Bonifazio Veronese. Venetian. Born, Verona, 1487?; died, Venice, 1553. Pupil of Palma Vecchio. 7 A Sibyl. Half-length figure of a blonde young woman wearing a low-necked richly pleated gown and a white turban; she holds a book in her right hand and supports her left hand upon another book. Inv. 01.6215. Canvas: H. 0.905 (35! in.). W. 0.775 (305 in.). Gift of Henry Lee Higginson, 1901, in mem- ory of Edward William Hooper. BOTTICELLI: real name Alessandro Filipepi. Floren- tine. Born, Florence, 1444?; died there, 15 10. 8 Madonna and Child with young St. John; school of Botticelli. The Madonna in a red dress and blue mantle, a violet scarf and white gauze veil on her head, is seated in profile to the left, gazing in adoration at the Child; He sits on a ITALIAN 7 cushion placed on her knees, looking up at her, and holds an open book with both hands. Behind stands St. John, draped in a crimson mantle, and holding the Cross. On the right, a book and a vase containing roses; panelled background. Inv. 95.1372. Panel: H. 1.238 (48^ in.). W. 0.845 (33 i in.). Purchased, Sarah Greene Timmins Fund, 1895. Formerly in the Beckford and Alexander Barker collec- tions. Waagen: Treasures of Art in Great Britain; Lond., 1854. II, p. 127. BRAMANTINO: real name Bartolommeo Suardi. Milanese. Born near Milan, cir. 1460; died, cir. 1535. Assistant of Bramante. Madonna and Child. 9 Near the shore of a lake the Madonna, apparently kneeling, is suckling the Child who stands beside her, a narrow white cloth wound repeatedly around His body; she wears a red dress, a dark green mantle with a gilt star on the right shoulder and a dark scarf wound about her head. At the left, the trunk of a tree with one young branch; in the background, buildings running out into the lake. Inv. 13.2859. Panel: H. 0.459 (i8£ in.). W. 0.357 (14I in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 1913. M. F. A. Bulletin, XI (1913), pp. 67-68, illus. CANALETTO: real name Bernardo Bellotto. Vene- tian. Born, Venice, 1720; died, Warsaw, 1780. Venetian Scene; school of Antonio Canaletto. 10 In the foreground gondolas are plying on a canal which turns at the right and is crossed by a bridge in the back- ground; palaces line its banks; attached to one of them rises a campanile. Inv. 17.590. Canvas: H. 0.38 (15 in.). W. 0.60 (23I in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. 8 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS CARAVAGGIO, Michelangelo Merisi da. Roman. Born, Caravaggio, cir. 1560-1565; died, Porto d'Ercole, 1609. 11 Itinerant Musicians; attributed to Caravaggio. Half-length figure of a middle-aged man singing to the accompaniment of a guitar; he wears a loose white shirt, brown mantle and dark hat ; at the right a boy playing a direct flute; dark background. Inv. 74.25. Canvas: H. 1.042 (41 in.). W. 0.94 (37 in.). Bequest of Charles Sumner, 1874. CARPACCIO, Vittore. Venetian. Born, Venice, cir. 1450; died, probably in Venice, before 1526. Follower of Gentile Bellini. 12 Portrait of a Venetian Senator. Bust portrait of a man about forty in three-quarter view to the left; his hair is cut straight across his fore- head just over his eyebrows and hangs down behind, cov- ering his ears; his expression is firm and serious ; he wears a black cap, a red coat, buttoned at the throat over a white shirt, and a black ribbon over his right shoulder; on the forefinger of his right hand is a ring; behind him is a broad vertical band of black, with a narrow bit of landscape on each side. Inv. 17.1080. Panel: Ff. 0.41 (i6| in.). W. 0.305 (12 in.). Purchased, Edward Wheelwright Fund, 1917. Burlington Magazine, XXIII (June, 1913), pp. 127-128, illus. 13 Portrait of the Wife of a Venetian Senator. Bust portrait of a mature woman in three-quarter view to the right; she wears her hair in a coil about her head, with a fringe of thin short locks on her forehead and temples; her low-cut bodice has sleeves of rich red-brown brocade, with soft folds of white around the arms at the shoulder, where two black tassels are attached; around her neck is a small gold chain, and two heavy gold chains, one of them set with pearls, hang down over her breast; ITALIAN 9 behind her is a broad vertical band of dark red with a narrow band of green on each side. Inv. 17.1081. Panel: H. 0.41 (i6| in.). W. 0.305 (12 in.). Purchased, Edward Wheelwright Fund, 1917. CARRACCI, Lodovico. Bolognese. Born, Bologna, 1555; died there, 1619. Pupil of Prospero Fontana and Tintoretto. The Nativity ; attributed to Lodovico Carracci. 14 In the centre, the Virgin lifting a white cloth from the Child who lies asleep; she turns toward St. Joseph at the left, who holds his finger to his lips. In the lower left-hand corner, a shepherd in adoration; on the right, the head of a cow; above, an angel with a flute. Inv. 94.173. Canvas: H. 0.97 (385 in.). W. 1.30 (5 1 1 in.). Turner Sargent Collection; bequest of Mrs. Turner Sargent, 1894. CIGOLI, Lodovico Cardi da. Florentine. Born, Castel- vecchio, 1559; died, Rome, 1613. Pupil of Alessandro Allori and Santi di Tito in Florence. Portrait of the Prince of Modena; attributed to 15 Cigoli. Nearly half-length figure of a boy, his head turned to the left but his eyes looking at the spectator; he wears a black velvet jacket with an elaborate lace collar; the sleeves are open, showing undersleeves of cloth of silver embroidered with gold; the coat has a collar of the same material and a narrow strip of it down the front; around his shoulders is the elaborate chain of an order. Brown background. Inv. 13.2903. Canvas: Ff. 0.635 ( 2 5 in -)- W. 0.527 (20I in.). Gift of Lydia Augusta Barnard, through Samuel Barnard, 1913. COSTA, Nino (Giovanni). Born, Rome, 1827; died, Marina di Pisa, 1903. Pupil of Coghetti, Podesti, and Chierici. 17 IO CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS j6 The Roman Campagna. An autumn day on the Campagna; ruins of aqueducts at the left ; a flock of sheep grazing in the middle distance at the right, and hills in the background. Signed in the lower left corner: G. Costa. Inv. 04.1616. Panel: H. 0.21 (8j in.). W. 0.431 (17 in.). Bequest of Mrs. William Whitman, 1904. COZZARELLI, Guidoccio. Sienese. Fl. 1450-1495. Pupil of Matteo di Giovanni. The Virgin and Child with Two Angels. Half-length figure of the Virgin holding the Child on her right arm; she wears a dress of red and gold brocade, and a mantle now almost black; behind her, on either side, an angel in adoration. Inv. 06.121. Panel: H. 0.44 (17! in.). W. 0.315 (i2§ in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. CRIVELLI, Carlo. Venetian. Born, 1430-1440; died after 1493. Pupil of the Vivarini; influenced by Squar- cione and the School of Padua. l8 PlETA. The dead Christ crowned with thorns, supported by the Virgin and the Magdalen at the left, at the right by St. John. The Virgin wears a violet dress and a blue mantle lined with green drawn over her head; the Magdalen is dressed in rich gold brocade and a red mantle; and St. John wears a golden tunic and a red mantle lined with green. Gold background richly tooled, with a vertical band of gold brocade in the centre, at the top of which is a garland of fruit. Hanging over the centre of the front of the tomb is a piece of red and gold brocade upon which is an escutcheon with arms. Signed: Opus Caroli Crivelli Veneti 1485. Inv. 02.4. Panel: H. 0.875 (342 in.). W. 0.525 (2of in.). Anonymous gift, supplemented by the Julia Brad- ford Huntington James Fund, 1902. From the Panciatichi Collection (Florence), Catalogue, No. 101. ITALIAN 1 1 DONNINO, Agnolo di Domentco. Florentine. Born, Florence, 1466; died there, 1513. Virgin and Angel Adoring the Infant Christ. iq The Virgin (red robe, green-blue mantle) kneels at the right, looking down at the Child at her feet, her hands in an attitude of prayer; she wears a gold crown, and a gold halo with a border of letters, and there is a gold star on her left arm. The Archangel Gabriel (red robe figured with gold) kneels at the left, his hands clasped in an atti- tude of prayer; a green band crossed over his chest bears the inscription: Misus est Angelus Gabriel. Ave Maria gratia plena Dominus tecum. The nude Child lies on the ground in the centre, a gold halo adorned with a simple pattern behind His head. At the extreme right, two cows under a thatched roof. Landscape background. Inv. 06.2416. Tondo. Canvas: 0.84 {33 in.). Be- quest of Mrs. Martin Brimmer, 1906. FIORENZO di Lorenzo. Umbrian. Born, Perugia, cir. 1445; died there, cir. 1522. Pupil of Mezzastris and Bon- figli. Madonna and Child with St. Jerome. 20 Three-quarter length figure of the Madonna standing behind a marble parapet, on which stands the Child at the left; her right hand rests on His hip, and in her lowered left hand she holds a red-bound missal; she wears a full red dress, drawn up in many folds by a brown band tied above the waist, and a brown velvet hood and cloak caught at the neck; on her left shoulder is a gilt star drawn in fine lines. The nude Child stands on a fold of her cloak and looks away from her; His left hand grasps her garments at her throat, I lis right holds the end of her veil which is drawn around His body. St. Jerome stands behind at the right, gazing at them, and holding a book in his arms; he wears the hood and hat of a cardinal, which permit his full white beard to be seen. Gilt stippled nimbi. Landscape back- ground nearly concealed by the figures. 12 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 20.431. Panel: H. 0.515 (20^ in.); W. 0.38 (15 in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 1920. Attributed by Berenson to Fiorenzo di Lorenzo. GIORDANO, Luca. Neapolitan. Born, Naples, 1632; died there, 1705. Pupil of his father, Antonio Giordano and of Ribera. 21 The Institution of the Eucharist. Half-length figures: Christ, in the centre of His dis- ciples, is handing the bread to one of them; St. John sits at the right behind the table, weeping. The scene is laid in a balcony with the buildings of Jerusalem in the back- ground. Inv. 82.112. Canvas: H. 1.88 (74! in.). W. 3.04 (i2of in.). Gift of Mrs. Louis Thies, 1882. 22 The Golden Age; attributed to Luca Giordano. A large allegorical composition of nude figures and tame animals; on the clouds above, Time with his scythe. Inv. Ath. 42. Canvas: H. 2.39 (94J in.). W. 3.66 (144 1 in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. GIOTTO di Bordone. Florentine. Born, Colle near Florence, probably in 1266; died, Florence, 1336. Said to have been a pupil of Cimabue. 23 The Nativity; school of Giotto. Under a thatched roof, the Child, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lies in a manger; the Virgin, seated on the ground close by and dressed in black, is cautiously lifting His bed- cover. In front at the left, St. Joseph (dull red tunic, golden brown cloak) is seated in meditation; at the right stand two women (one in black, one in red). An ox and an ass are kneeling near the head of the Infant, and above at the left is a group of three angels flying. Gold back- ground, broken by a high rocky hill at the right. Inv. Ath. 46. Panel: H. 0.35 (13! in.). W. 0.34 (13! in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. ITALIAN 1 3 Siren (Burlington Magazine, XIV, 1908, p. 125, illus.) attributed it to the School of Taddeo Gaddi and later (M. F. A. Bulletin, XIV, 1916, p. n, illus.), to Taddeo Gaddi himself. GUARDI, Francesco. Venetian. Born, Venice, 1712; died there, 1793. Pupil of Canaletto. Ice Storm at Venice, December, 1788. 24 A frozen canal with groups of people at the landing stairs, and approaching the stairs in a long line. Inv. 07.483. Canvas: H. 0.34 (13! in.). W. 0.495 (icji in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1907. The Marriage of Venice and the Adriatic: the Pro- 25 cession of Gondolas. In the foreground, gilded barges followed by a flotilla of gondolas; in the background, Venice with San Giorgio on the left. Inv. 11.1451. Canvas: H. 0.985 (38! in.). W. 1.38 (54s in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 191 1. M. F. A. Bulletin, IX (191 1), pp. 45-46, illus. INDUNO, Domenico. Born, Milan, 1815; died there, 1878. Pupil of Hayez at Milan and Sabatelli at Rome. The Rosary. 26 Cottage interior; a sick woman in a leather-covered chair propped up with a pillow, telling her beads, while two little girls lean toward her, one on each side; at the right, a table beside the hearth which a third little girl is brushing. Inv. 19.106. Water-color: H. 0.292 (115 in.). W. 0.242 (9', in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. LANINI, Bernardino. Milanese. Born, Vercelli, cir. 1510 (1520?); died, cir. 1578. Pupil of Gaudenzio Ferrari. Madonna and Child. 27 The Madonna, dressed in red with a dark green mantle, seated on the ground, with the naked Child leaning on her 14 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS knees and turning His head to look up at her face. With her right hand she holds the top of an open book on the ground near her feet. In the background at the right a man is taking fruit from a basket held up by a boy; be- hind them is an archway beneath which two other figures are seen. Inv. 90.165. Panel: H. 1.28 (50! in.). W. 1.04 (41 in.). Gift of Edward Perry Warren, 1890. Formerly attributed to Bronzino. LONGHI, Pietro. Born, Venice, 1702; died there, 1785. Pupil of A. Balestra in Venice, and of G. M. Crespi in Bologna. 28 Card Party and Masquerade. In a spacious apartment with richly draped walls are three tables occupied by card players; other ladies and gentlemen, most of them masked, are walking about. Inv. 17.1407. Canvas: H. 0.845 i33l *&•)• W. 1.025 (40I in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. 29 Portrait of a Man; attributed to Pietro Longhi. Half-length portrait of a handsome young man, life- size, turned slightly to the left; his very dark brown hair is brushed back from his forehead and confined by a flat dark red cap; he wears a gold-laced plum-colored coat and waistcoat; the latter is unbuttoned, except at the top and bottom, showing his white shirt and black cravat; with his right hand he holds his three-cornered hat, which is stuck under his left arm. Inv. 17.588. Canvas: H. 1.025 (4°f in -)- W. 0.845 (33i in-)- Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1917. 3° Portrait of a Man; attributed to Pietro Longhi. Nearly half-length figure of a young man, life size, his body almost in profile to the right, his head turned toward the front; his black hair is brushed back smoothly from his forehead and rolled up over his ears; he has a deep dimple in his long, rather pointed chin; he wears a white ITALIAN 15 stock, and a brown velvet cloak over his shoulder. Dark green-black background. Inv. 17.589. Canvas: H. 0.65 (25! in.). W. 0.48 (i8| in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1917. MARATTI or MARATTA, Carlo. Roman. Born, Camerano, 1625; died, Rome, 1713. Pupil of Andrea Sacchi; influenced by Guido Reni, the Carracci and Raphael. Christ and the Woman of Samaria. 31 Christ, wearing a red robe and blue mantle, seated by the well, pointing with His left hand to the city on a hill in the distance. The woman stands at the left wearing a brown garment, her water jar at her feet; with her left hand she holds the bucket which rests on the well-curb. Behind her on the farther side of the well are trees. There is a group of three men in the background at the right. Inv. Ath. 30. Canvas: H. 1.345 (53 in.). W. 0.985 (3&I in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. Holy Family, St. John and Angels; attributed to 32 Carlo Maratti. The Virgin, in dark pink robe and blue mantle, seated at the right beside a cradle; on her right knee she holds the Child, who is taking flowers from a basket held by the little St. John. At the left, St. Joseph in brown mantle, working at his carpenter's bench. Above the Virgin, two cherubs, who drop flowers over her, and a third cherub flying toward them. Through an archway behind the group a wooded landscape is visible. Inv. 12.380. Canvas. H. 0.495 (19 J in.). W. 0.38 (15 in.). Gift of the Heirs of John Adams Blanchard, through Sarah Harding Blanchard, 191 2. MASSARI, Lucio. Bolognese. Born, Bologna, 1569; died there, 1633. Pupil of B. Passerotti and L. Carracci. The Entombment. 33 Three disciples are bearing the dead Christ toward the tomb at the left; the youngest at the left wears a black 1 6 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS tunic and a red mantle, the one next him wears a gray- blue garment, and the third wears a bright blue tunic and a yellow mantle; a white cloth hangs over the corner of the tomb. In the background at the left is a tree-crowned knoll; at the right, the landscape extends to distant hills. Inv. 83.176. Canvas: H. 0.826 (325 in.). W. 0.524 (20! in.). Gift of Martin Brimmer, 1883. MEMMI, Lippo. Sienese. Died, 1356?. Brother-in- law and collaborator of Simone Martini. 34 Marriage op St. Catherine; attributed to Lippo Memmi. Against a gold background enclosed by a border design in black and red, the large figures of Christ and St. Cath- erine stand, at right and left, on a narrow red platform which separates the main picture from three smaller scenes, forming a sort of predella. St. Catherine at the left extends her right hand toward the Christ who places the ring on her fourth finger; in her left hand she holds a black book and a palm branch; she wears a white tunic covered with an elaborate design in red and gold and a crimson mantle lined with white; her golden hair is crowned with a jewelled diadem and her name is in- scribed at the sides of her halo. The Christ wears a black mantle over a crimson tunic, and with His left hand holds a scarlet-covered book; His halo is divided by the cross. In the space between these two figures, is a group painted on a very much smaller scale: on a settle, deco- rated with geometric patterns in intarsia, the Christ child stands between the seated Virgin and St. Anne. He is dressed in a rich gold brocade, and looks toward St. Anne who offers Him a rose; a little bird is perched on His out- stretched right hand. The predella is divided into three sections: at the left, St. Margaret (red robe) and the Devil; at the right, St. Michael (embossed white robe and pink mantle) and the dragon; in the centre, two young noblemen in rich gar- ITALIAN 17 merits, who have thrown down their weapons and embrace each other, under the influence of an angel who stands behind them with wings outspread and one hand resting on the back of each young man. On the edge of the red platform is written Arico di Neri Arighetti fece fare questa tavola, " Arico di Neri Arighetti had this picture made." Inv. 15.1145- Panel: H. 1.346 (53 in.). W. 1.07 (42! in.). Purchased, Sarah Wyman Whitman Fund, 191 5. Parker Collection, London. Collection of Algernon Sartoris. M. F. A. Bulletin, XIV (1916), pp. 1-2, illus. Probably by a follower of Lippo Memmi; Barna has been suggested. Crucifixion. 35 In the centre, Christ on the Cross; at the left, the Vir- gin seated on the ground, her hands clasped; at the right, St. John, his head supported on his right hand; both figures express profound grief. The Virgin wears a red tunic and a blue mantle; St. John wears a tunic of lighter blue and a red mantle; the gold background has a delicate tooled border. Inv. 16. 117. Panel: H. 0.196 (7! in.). W. 0.124 (4! in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 1916. From the Collection of Prince Golinicheff-Koutousoff. Brought to New York by Nicolas Riabouchinsky, but not included in the catalogue of his sale, April 26, 1916. M. F. A. Bulletin, XIV (1916), p. 27, illus. Attributed by Mather and others to Simone Martini. MICPIFLANGELO BUONARROTI. Florentine. Born, Castel Caprese near Arezzo, 1475; died, Rome, 1564. Pupil of Ghirlandaio. The Holy Family; early copy. 36 Rectangular copy of the circular Holy Family in the Uffizi Gallery. Inv. 07.486. Panel: II. 1.35 (535 in.). W. 1.09 (42-J in.). Gift of Edward Waldo Forbes, 1907. From the Rinucini-Corsini Collection, Florence. 1 8 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS MORONI, Giovanni Battista. Venetian. Born, Bondo, cir. 1525; died, Brescia, 1578. Pupil of Moretto da Brescia. 37 Portrait of Count Alborghetti and Son, of Bergamo. The Count, dressed in black, sits resting his left arm on a table upon which are placed an inkstand, paper and an eraser. His son, who stands at the left, is handing him a paper; he wears leggings, dull yellow trunks and shirt, and a black doublet. Inv. 95.1371. Canvas: H. 0.945 (37J in.). W. 0.835 (3 2 1 in.). Purchased, Turner Sargent Fund, 1895. NIGRO, Gaspar. Venetian. Living in Udine in 15 16 and 1538. 38 PlETA. The Virgin seated on a pedestal in the centre, holding the dead Christ on her knees; she wears a red dress, a white cloth over head and neck, and a blue mantle. At the right stand St. Catherine of Alexandria (?) holding up a palm with her right hand and carrying a book in her left (pale blue dress, red cloak), and a bearded man (St. James ?) with pilgrim's staff in his left hand (pale green cloak, golden brown tunic over slightly longer white tunic, black boots with yellow overhang) . At the left, St. Sebastian, his hands fastened behind, an arrow piercing his body (golden brown loin cloth) ; behind him, at the right, St. Blaise (?) in bishop's robes, with a wool comb in his right hand; and at the left an aged man in golden brown cloak. The scene is laid in a portico with square pillars and, at the left, a niche in the curved top of which are three figures, God the Father seated in the centre holding a small globe, the Holy Spirit as a youthful head with wings on His left hand, and the seated Christ on His right hand. Signed on the pedestal: Gaspar NigroVenico, I5I5- Inv. 02.681. Panel: H. 2.456 (97! in.). W. 1.245 (49 in.). Gift of Cornelius Conway Felton, 1902. Berenson: Venetian Painting in America, 1916, p. 262. 39 ITALIAN 19 PALM A, Jacopo, called Palma Giovane. Venetian. Born, Venice, 1544; died there, 1628. Son and pupil of Antonio Palma, the nephew of Palma Vecchio; influenced by Titian, Tintoretto, and others. The Annunciation. At the right stands the Virgin, her bowed head turned slightly to the left, her hands pressed against her heart as she makes obeisance to the angel; she wears a crimson tunic, a blue mantle and a white veil. In the centre under an open casement, a massive table, on which the Virgin's book, rests against a crimson velvet cushion. At the left, the angel half kneeling, his left hand stretched toward the Virgin, his right forearm raised; he has golden curls and crimson wings, and wears a gold-brown tunic over a light blue garment and a white shirt, the voluminous sleeves of which are rolled back at his elbows; in the clouds above him are four cherubs. The upper half of the picture is suffused with a golden radiance, concealing the walls of the room ; in the centre of this radiance appears the white dove of the Holy Spirit; above is a floating figure of God the Father, in a magenta drapery, His head toward the right; two cherubs at the extreme right help Him support a large crystal sphere. Inv. 01.5. Canvas with semi-circular top: H. 3.88 (12 ft. 82 in.). W. 1.775 (5 ^. gi in.). Gift of Quincy Adams Shaw, 1901. PANNINI, Giovanni Paolo. Roman. Born, Piacenza, 1695?; died, Rome, 1768. Pupil of Benedetto Luti and Andrea Locatelli. Interior of St. Peters, Rome. 40 Groups of clergy, nobility, fashionable ladies, peasants, and beggars are moving about in the nave and right aisle. A priest is saying mass in a chapel in the left aisle. Inv. Ath. 17. Canvas: H. 1.625 (64 in.). W. 2.16 (85 in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. 20 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 41 Roman Picture Gallery. In a sumptuous gallery, the frescoed vaulting of which is supported by marble columns, hang many pictures rep- resenting monuments of Rome and the surroundings. On the floor are other pictures and several pieces of sculpture, among them the Moses of Michelangelo. A man is seated before a book of drawings by Bernini; two men are chat- ting with him, one carrying a portfolio of drawings under his arm. A young man on the left is drawing and his companion watches the work ; another is looking at a bas- relief. In the background through an open window ap- pears the Campagna. Signed on the left: Paul Panini. Romae, 1757. Inv. Ath. 18. Canvas: H. 1.65 (65 in.). W. 2.39 (94! in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. RESCHI, Pandolfo. Born, Danzig, 1643; died, 1699. Pupil of Borgognone in Italy; painted landscapes in the manner of Salvator Rosa. 42 Landscape with Fishermen. A steep rocky hill, on the summit of which are buildings, and at its foot a fisherman's hut; in the foreground at the left, a stream with fishermen on the rocks beside it; at the right, several tall trees and, in the background, an expanse of rolling country. Inv. 84.240. Canvas: H. 1.20 (47! in.). W. 1.705 (675 in.). Bequest of Mrs. Peter Chardon Brooks, 1884. 43 Landscape with Huntsmen; attributed to Reschi. A mountainous landscape with scattered trees, a tall tree in the foreground at the right; mounted huntsmen ride along the road on a hillside, while the beaters, followed by the dogs, bring in the hares they have killed. Inv. 83.21. Canvas: H. 1.244 (49 in.). W. 1.702 (67 in.). Gift of Francis Brooks, 1883. 44 Landscape with Figures; attributed to Reschi. Hilly country leading back to a jagged rocky summit; at the left, horsemen on a road beneath a steep bank ITALIAN 21 crowned by trees; near the centre, a waterfall tumbling over stones. Inv. 84.241. Canvas: H. 1.191 (46I in.). W. 1.705 (67$ in.). Bequest of Mrs. Peter Chardon Brooks, 1884. ROSA DA TIVOLI; real name, Philipp Peter Roos. Born, Frankfurt a. M., 1657; died, Rome, 1705. Pupil of his father, Johann Heinrich Roos; he also studied in Italy, and settled in Tivoli. Landscape with Cattle and Figures. 45 In the foreground at the right near an overgrown ruin is a group of shaggy white goats: the goatherd reclines in the centre with a white dog in front of him; on a slight eminence at the left are a horse and a dog; on a hill in the background is a castle. Inv. 82.269. Canvas: H. 0.667 (26} in.). W. 0.882 (34^ in.). Gift of Edward Wheelwright, 1882. SANO DI PIETRO DI MENICO. Sienese. Born, Siena, 1406; died, Siena, 1481. Pupil of Sassetta. Triptych: Madonna and Child with Saints. 46 Centre panel: half-length figure of the Virgin wearing a blue mantle which nearly covers a white veil on her head; she holds on her right arm the Child clothed in a tunic of gold cloth and a rose-pink mantle; inscribed on her halo, ave gratia plena domin[us]. Above the Virgin, Christ in the attitude of benediction, olive-green tunic, pink mantle, a blue book in His left hand; on either side an adoring angel, the one on the left in olive-green robe, the other in pink robe; below on the left, a small kneeling woman in religious dress, probably the donor (by another hand). Gold background. Right panel: St. Catherine of Siena, holding a lily in her right hand and a red book in her left, white veil and dress, black mantle. Left panel: St. Jerome in his cardinal's mantle over a blue tunic, writing in a book on his left arm. Inscription 22 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS at the bottom (added later) : ns sautaca ciaivi comes et ADVOCAT TO. Inv. 07.515. Left panel: H. 0.99 (39 in.). W. 0.52 (20! in.) including frame. Centre panel: H. 1.23 (48^ in.). W. 0.71 (28 in.) including frame. Right panel: H. 1.02 (40 in.). W. 0.52 (20^ in.) including frame. Anonymous gift, 1907. Nevin Collection; Sale, Rome, May, 1907, no. 39. M. F. A. Bulletin, VI (1908), pp. 21-22, illus. 47 Madonna and Child with Angels. Half-length figure of the Virgin wearing a red robe and dark blue mantle brought up over her head; on her right arm she holds the Child who wears a pink tunic. Above, on either side, the head and shoulders of two angels in adoration. Gold background. Inv. 97.229. Panel: H. 0.655 ( 2 S^ m -)- W. 0.46 (i8| in.). Bequest of Caroline Isabella Wilby, 1897. 48 Madonna and Child; school of Sano di Pietro. Half-length figure of the Madonna, holding the Child in her arms; her head is inclined to the left, resting against His, which is also inclined to the left; she wears a blue mantle, lined with olive-green; on her head, under the mantle, she has a white veil; the Child is wrapped in white swaddling clothes, almost covered by a crimson drapery; in His right hand He holds a scroll; gold back- ground. Inscription : diligite g n. Inv. 07.78. Panel: H. 0.374 (14! in.). W. 0.25 (9! in.). Gift of Mrs. Josiah Bradlee, 1907. Attributed by Dr. Osvald Siren to Sano di Pietro. SEGNA DI BUONA VENTURA. Sienese. Fl. 1305- 13 1 7. Influenced by Ugolino da Siena and Duccio. 49 Magdalen. The head is inclined and turned to the left; she wears a scarlet tunic, and scarlet mantle, lined with black and bordered with gold ; the fingers of her upraised right hand ITALIAN 23 are visible and the top of the vase held in her left hand; over her left shoulder is the letter M. Gold background. Inv. 15.952. Panel (fragment): H. 0.407 (16 in.). W. 0.29 (n § in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 1915. SELLAIO, Jacopo del. Florentine. Born, Florence, 1442; died there, 1493. Influenced by Fra Filippo, Bot- ticelli, and Ghirlandaio. Story of Psyche. 50 On the left Psyche stands with her sisters at the head of a flight of steps before her palace, while numerous suitors below protest their love. In the background is a temple of Cupid; at the right above are Cupid and Venus who points out Psyche to her son, at the left, Cupid flying to carry out his mother's commands. In the centre, Psyche stands alone on a rocky mountain, from which her friends are departing in grief; below, Zephyr is already breathing on her; at the right, she is shown wafted through the air, and then asleep on the grass in front of the palace of Cupid. She is then shown conversing with her sisters who have come to see her, and again through their advice discovering the identity of her lover. Finally, above, at the right, Cupid is flying away, with Psyche clinging to his ankle. Inv. 12.1049. Panel from a Cassone: Ff. 0.455 ( z 7i in.). W. 1.525 (60 in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 1912. Collection of John Murray, Florence. SOLARIO, Andrea. Milanese. Born, cir. 1460; died, after 1515. Influenced by Antonella da Messina, and later by Leonardo da Vinci. Portrait of a Max (Giovanni Bentivoglio ?). 51 Bust of a man with strongly accentuated features and gray hair partly hidden by a black cap; he is dressed in black with a narrow white collar; the left hand, of which the thumb is ornamented by a ring, is partly visible. The background is a sombre wall pierced on the left by a nar- row arched window permitting a view of an extended, mountainous landscape. 24 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. ii. 1450. Panel: H. 0.47 (185 in.). W. 0.38 (15 in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 191 1. Exhibited in 1881 at the Royal Academy, attributed to Francesco Francia. Sir William Neville Abdy Collec- tion; Sale, May 5, 1911, no. 123. Sir Claude Phillips in Burlington Magazine, XIX (August, 191 1), p. 287, illus. M. F. A. Bulletin, LX (191 1), pp. 43-44, illus. SPAGNA, LO: real name Giovanni di Pietro. Umbrian. Born in Spain before 1500; died, cir. 1530. Pupil of Peru- gino and Pinturicchio; influenced by Raphael. 52 St. Sebastian; in the manner of Lo Spagna. Head and shoulders of a young man facing the spectator; he wears a white shirt, a black tunic, and a red mantle. In his right hand he holds an arrow. Landscape back- ground. Inv. 06.120. Panel: H. 0.47 (i8£ in.). W. 0.365 (14! in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. Copy of a picture in the Lochis Collection, Bergamo. SPINELLI, Luca, called Spinello Aretino. Floren- tine. Born, Arezzo, cir. 1333; died there, 1410. Pupil of Jacopo del Casentino. 53 Madonna and Child; attributed to Luca Spinelli. Half-length figure of the Virgin, holding the Child on her left arm, and touching His chin with her right hand; her head is inclined to the right; she wears a crimson tunic, a blue mantle over the thin white veil on her head, and gold earrings; on each shoulder is a gold star. The Child holds a bird in His left hand; He wears a yellow tunic and a light blue mantle. In the lower left corner is a small figure of a Carmelite nun in adoration. An ogival frame encloses the figures, on a rectangular panel. Gold background, and edges of garments decorated in gold. Inv. 84.293. Panel: H. 0.562 (2 2$ in.). W. 0.375 (14I in.). Gift of Mrs. C. B. Raymond, 1884. M. F. A. Bulletin, XIV (1916), p. 12, illus. ITALIAN 25 TIBALDI DE' PELLEGRINI, Pellegrino. Bolognese. Born, Valsolda near Milan, 1532 (1527?); died, Milan, 1592. Pupil of Bagnacavallo; influenced by the work of Michelangelo. Venus Anadyomene. 54 The full-length figure standing on the head of a dolphin, which is swimming over the sea; in her raised right hand she holds a spar to which is fastened a sail, the other end of which is wrapped round her left forearm. In the back- ground, a mediaeval castle. Inv. L. 1211.8. Panel: H. 0.302 (nf in.). W. 0.245 (9! in.). Lent by the Estate of James Jackson Jarves, 1888. TIEPOLO, Giovanni Battista. Venetian. Born, Ven- ice, 1696; died, Madrid, 1770. Pupil of Gregorio Laz- zarini; influenced by Veronese. Apotheosis of a Poet. 55 The poet, crowned with laurel and draped in a large mantle of yellow and orange-red, is reclining on a cloud and reading from a book, the top of which he holds with his left hand. A soaring Victory holds above his head a wreath. Cupids to the right and left. In the foreground, a woman reclining, and a red flag. Inv. 06.118. Canvas: H. 0.33 (13 in.). W. 0.415 (i6§ in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. M. F. A. Bulletin, IV (1906), p. 35, illus. TINELLI, Tiberio. Venetian. Born, Venice, 1586; died, Venice, 1638. Pupil of Giovanni Contarini and Leandro Bassano. Portrait of Lorenzo Giiirardello, Chancellor of Ber- 56 gamo, 1 600-1 640. Life-size, three-quarter length figure, standing, dressed in black with white lawn cuffs and collar; his right hand rests on a table, on which are a book and a seal, and his left hand holds a paper with writing. At the right is an open window showing a landscape. 26 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 17.575. Canvas: H. 1.12 (44! in.). W. 1.0 (39$ in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1917. Berenson in Gazette des Beaux-Arts; ser. 3, XV (1896), p. 211. TINTORETTO: real name Jacopo Robusti. Venetian. Born, Venice, 1518; died there, 1594. Pupil of Titian; influenced by Michelangelo. 57 The Adoration of the Kings. On the left, in front of St. Joseph, the Virgin uncovers the Child lying before her on a bed. One of the kings kneels and offers a golden vase; the negro king advances in the centre with gifts carried in the skirt of his robe; he is followed by the third king who takes a gold chain from a salver presented by a page. In the background is a semi-circle of women and soldiers in oriental costume, and in the distance are camels bearing merchandise. Inv. L. 2390. Canvas. H. 2.54 (8 ft. 5 in.). W. 4.015 (13 ft. 8 in.). Lent by Thomas C. Felton, 1893. Attributed by Berenson to Domenico Tintoretto in Gazette des Beaux-Arts, ser. 3, XV (1896), p. 204. 58 Sketch for the " Last Supper " in San Giorgio Mag- giore, Venice. A large Venetian kitchen with a long table at the left set for a meal. Christ stands near the farther end of the table, bending toward John on His right as He blesses the bread; the disciples are standing or seated around Him. In the centre a woman, kneeling beside a basket on the floor, holds out a plate of food to a man at the right who is arranging fruit on a serving table; behind the serving table a woman is holding a platter of fruit; on the left be- hind the dining table are two serving women. The light in the room comes from the halos of Christ and His follow- ers and from a lamp at the left. Inv. 96.657. Canvas: H. 0.63 (24I in.). W. 1.38 (54 J in.). Bequest of Mary Felton, 1896. ITALIAN 27 UCCELLO, Paolo. Florentine. Born, Florence, 1396- 1307; died there, 1475. Pupil and assistant of Lorenzo Ghiberti. Battle Scene; attributed to Paolo Uccello. 59 In the centre, two companies of knights are engaged in furious conflict; in the immediate foreground, a knight lies stretched on the ground while his horse gallops away; directly behind, a second knight is represented falling from his saddle; at the left of the group, a horse is writhing in death; at the extreme left is a solid phalanx of reinforce- ments, the front rank with their lances in rest; at the right, a small group of men stands mournfully around a decapitated knight whose head is held by a soldier at the left of the group. In the background, tents, a river (?) and distant hills; thick woods at the right and the left. Inv. 15.910. Panel: H. 0.408 (165 in.). W. 1.308 (51^ in.). Purchased, Francis Bartlett Fund, 1915. M. F. A. Bulletin, XIII (1915), p. 62, illus. UGOLIXO DA SIENA. Sienese. Died, 1339 at an ad- vanced age. Madonna and Child. 60 Half-length figure of the Virgin supporting the Child on her left arm; she wears a dark blue mantle, lined with maroon; over her head, under the mantle, she wears a white scarf, at one corner of which the Child is pulling; on her right shoulder is a star; the Child wears a white tunic and a maroon mantle. Gold background. Inv. 16.65. Panel: H. 0.915 (36 in.). \V. 0.616 (24} in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 1916. VITE, Timoteo della, or Timoteo da Urbino. Born, Ferrara, 1467?; died, Urbino, 1523. Pupil of Francia. The Virgin appearing to St. Francis of Assisi and 6j St. Anthony. The two saints kneel facing each other; on the left, St. Francis with the stigmata, his arms widespread, his eyes 28 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS lifted to heaven; on the right, St. Anthony, his right hand on his breast, a lily in his left hand which rests on an open book on his right knee. They raise their eyes toward the Virgin who appears in the sky among clouds, holding in her arms the Child, and surrounded by cherubim. Land- scape background. Inv. L. 121 1.9. Panel: H. 0.275 ( io s m 0- W. 0.215 (8 J in.). Lent by the Estate of James Jackson Jarves, VIVARINI, Bartolommeo. Venetian. Born, Murano; fl. 1450 to 1499. Pupil of his brother Antonio Vivarini; influenced by the School of Padua and by Antonello da Messina. 62 Reredos. Nine of the compartments are painted, and the tenth in the centre below contains a Pieta in high relief. Upon the four lower panels are represented St. Benedict, St. Andrew (?), St. George and St. Scholastica, full length. Above, in the centre, the ascension of Christ, who rises in the sky surrounded by cherubim, while the apostles are prostrate on the ground (this panel is regarded as later and school work). On the sides, half-length figures of St. Jerome, St. Gregory, St. John, and St. Christopher. Signed upon the wood of the sculptured pane 1 : Factum Venetiis per Bartholomeum Vivarinum de Muriaho pinxit 1485. Inv. 01.4. Panels: H. 2.41 (94! in.). W. 2.0 (78I in.) including frame. Gift of Quincy Adams Shaw, 1901. The upper central panel is not by the same hand. VOLTRI, Niccolo da. Genoese. Active in Genoa about 1400. 63 Madonna and Child. At the left, half-length figure of the Virgin, wearing a white head dress and a red gown almost covered by a dark greenish-blue mantle. She holds the Child, with His head ITALIAN 29 against her shoulder; He wears dark clothes and holds a bird in His left hand. Below, at the left, the head of a man, perhaps the donor; through a mullioned window at the right, a landscape. Signed: Nicolaus Vol . . . ne. Inv. 85.2. Panel: H. 0.52 (20^ in.). W. 0.354 (13! in.). Purchased, Everett Fund, 1885. Said to have been painted for San Teodoro, Genoa. See Champlin and Perkins: Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, N. Y. 1886-1887, IV,' p. 392. FLORENTINE SCHOOL Madonna and Child with Saints. 64 Full-length seated figure of the Virgin, holding the Child on her knee; she wears a tunic of red with an elaborate design in gold, and a black mantle lined with green; on her right shoulder is a gold star; the Child holds a bird in His right hand; He is partly covered with a pink mantle decorated in gold and lined with red. Below, at the left, kneels the Magdalen, dressed in red, holding with both hands the box of precious ointment; at the right kneels St. John the Baptist, his right hand raised, his left hand clasping a slender cross and a scroll; he wears a pink mantle over a brown tunic. Inv. 03.564. Panel: H. 0.803 (31I in.) . W. 0.505 (ioj in.). Bequest of George Washington Wales, 1903. Attributed by Dr. Osvald Siren to Ambrogio di Baldese. M. F. A. Bulletin, XIV (1916), p. i2,illus. Madonna and Child. 65 Half-length figure of the Virgin, supporting with her right hand the nude Child who is seated on a cushion in front of her; with her left hand she offers Him a pome- granate which He is about to take with His left hand, while with His right hand He clasps a small bird to His breast. The Virgin wears a tunic of red with a pattern in gold, a thin white veil over her yellow hair, and a black mantle with gold characters in the border, gold dots thickly sprinkled over the lining, and a gold star on her 30 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS left shoulder. Behind her is a doorway, and over it at either side a small tree. Inv. 03.565. Panel: H. 0.486 (iq| in.). W. 0.362 (14^ in.). Bequest of George Washington Wales, 1903. Attributed by Dr. Osvald Siren to Giovanni Battista Utili of Faenza. M. F. A. Bulletin, XIV (1916), p. 14, illus. 66 Madonna and Child and Four Saints. The Madonna enthroned on clouds, holding the Child on her left knee; with His left hand He clasps a bird to His breast; the Madonna wears a dull pink tunic and a black mantle decorated with gold; the Child wears a crimson tunic. In the foreground is a crimson carpet pat- terned in gold; on it stand St. Peter at the right, and St. John Baptist at the left; behind St. Peter is a female saint with a palm; behind St. John Baptist is a male saint, holding an open book; gold background. Inv. 03.563. Panel: H. 0.75 (29^ in.). W. 0.454 (17I in.). Bequest of George Washington Wales, 1903. Attributed by Dr. Osvald Siren to Lorenzo di Niccolo Gerini. M. F. A. Bulletin, XIV (1916), pp. 12-13. 67 Madonna and Child. The Madonna seated on an elaborate throne, holding the Child on her left arm; His left hand clasps her right and His right arm is around her neck. She wears a white tunic decorated with a rich design in gold and black, and a very dark green-blue mantle bordered with a gold design and lined with white; the Child wears a yellow tunic bordered with a gold design and lined with dark green. Gold background. Inv. 16.64. Panel: H. 1.62 (63! in.). W. 0.762 (30 in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 1916. Attributed by Dr. Osvald Siren to Niccolo di Pietro Gerini. 68 Two Angels. Two angels advancing side by side, their heads turned toward each other; the one on the left wears a light red ITALIAN 31 robe with blue sleeves and carries a lily in her right hand; the other wears a violet robe and holds an open book; both have light red and yellow wings. Gray-blue back- ground. Inv. 94.180. Canvas, transferred from panel: H. 0.87 (34$ in.). W. 0.655 ( 2 5l m -)- Bequest of Mrs. Turner Sargent, 1894. Triumphal Procession: The Return of Pazzino dei 69 Pazzi. Near the centre the victor rides aloft on a car draped in gold brocade and drawn by two white horses with gold brocade blankets, on which boys are riding; he is in armor, over which he wears a brown tabard and short cape. Mailed warriors follow, some with large gold plumes in the helmets; mules and camels laden with booty, and attendants on horseback with golden vessels precede the car; a banner carrier and two trumpeters on horseback head the procession. At the right a walled town into which the procession passes through a gate, by which two towns- men are looking on. In the background clumps of trees, and rocky hills in the distance. Inv. 18.319. Panel from a cassone: H. 0.48 (19 in.). W. 1.705 (67 1 in.). Purchased, Horace Wayland Wad- leigh Fund, 1918. Attributed to Dello Belli. FERRARA-BOLOGNA SCHOOL Portrait of a Lady. 70 Bust of a young woman with dull golden hair; she wears a richly decorated bodice, a light brown dress with dark blue sleeves, a pearl necklace, and a white cap decorated with pearls. Inv. L. 2633. Panel: H. 0.425 (16^ in.). W. 0.33 (13 in.). Lent by Mrs. T. O. Richardson, 1901. Attributed by Dr. Osvald Siren to Girolamo di Benve- nuto, born, 1470, died, 1524; Berenson at one time sug- gested Matteo di Giovanni. Technically it resembles the early work of Lorenzo Costa. 32 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS NORTH ITALIAN SCHOOL (PADUAN SCHOOL) 7 1 Torture of a Saint. The saint stands naked in the centre in front of a baldachino surrounded by his torturers; a man on the left (short pink garment) chops off his arm at the elbow; a man on the right (short red garment) rips flesh from his abdomen; another, kneeling (green garment) strips flesh from his right leg; while a third (green garment) holds a sword over his upraised left arm. Spectators on both sides. Inv. 04.237. Panel: H. 0.285 I 11 1 &•)• W. 0.31 1 (12 J in.). Gift of Catherine Sherwood, 1904. Attributed to Jacopo Avanzi. NORTH ITALIAN SCHOOL 72 Marriage of St. Catherine; school of Correggio. The Virgin in a red dress and grayish mantle seated at the left, holding the Child on her knee ; with her left hand she holds the right hand of St. Catherine who stands at the right, dressed in yellow. Inv. 12.378. Canvas: H. 0.255 ( IO m 0- W. 0.22 (8| in.). Gift of Sarah Harding Blanchard, from the Estate of Professor Henry Williamson Haynes, 191 2. In subject and method the picture closely resembles two paintings in the Naples Museum, which are attrib- uted to Correggio. See Corrado Ricci, Correggio, p. 170. SIENESE SCHOOL 73 Saint Gregory the Great (?) ; school of Simone Martini. Half-length figure, the head inclined and turned slightly to the left; in his right hand he holds a pen, and his left hand rests on an open book bound in red; he wears a tiara with black infulae over his amice, and a blue chasuble with an elaborately embossed gold orphrey. Gold back- ground with tooled halo. Inv. 15.953. Panel: H. 0.402 (15! in.). W. 0.203 ( l ^ in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 191 5. ITALIAN 33 TUSCAN SCHOOL The Virgin Adoring the Child. 74 At the right, the Virgin (dark red dress, black mantle lined with burl, a blue-white veil over her head) kneels in adoration before the naked Child, who lies in front of her on her mantle and holds a bird in His right hand. Over the Virgin's head is a dove with outspread wings, and above are rays of light. On either side above the Virgin, an angel in adoration (at the left in rose-pink robe, at the right in dark green). The halos are of tooled gold. In the background at the left is an extended landscape with a river winding through a valley. Inv. 03.562. Panel with circular top: H. 0.86 (33I in.). W. 0.482 (19 in.). Bequest of George Washington Wales, 1903. Attributed by Dr. Osvald Siren to School of Pesellino. M. F. A. Bulletin, XIV (1916), p. 13, illus. UMBRLAN SCHOOL Marriage Salver. 75 Obverse. Meeting of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. The king and queen, followed by their respective retinues, are meeting under a lofty arch which breaks the centre of the colonnade that closes the piazza in front of the Temple; the queen gives her left hand to the king, and holds up her gown with her right; an old nurse follows close be- hind the group of attendant ladies; at the right of the king are four elderly men of his suite conversing, and further to the right are two younger men; the temple of Solomon occupies the centre of the background, the open portal affording a view of the interior; near the door stand two pages in conversation. Reverse. A winged Cupid holding a cornucopia in each hand; landscape background. Inv. 17.198. Dodecagonal panel: H. 0.61 (24 in.). W. 0.61 (24 in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 191 7. 34 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Collection of E. Secretan; Sale catalogue, no. 183, Paris, July, 1889. Collection of M. Chabriere-Arles, Paris. Berenson {Central Italian Painters; 2d ed., 1909, p. 196), attributed it to Matteo di Giovanni. In his article in the Gazette des Beaux-Arts, ser. 4, XIII (Oct. -Dec, 191 7), pp. 447-466, illus., he attributes this panel to an artist of the School of Ferrara, close to Cossa and Tura; see also his Essays in the Study of Sienese Painting; 1918, pp. 57- 80, illus. Paul Schubring (Cassoni, Lpz. 1915, no. 613, illus.) attributes it to Paduan School about 1470. Gaston Migeon (La collection Chabriere-Arles, Les Arts, March, 1905, pp. 8-18, illus.) attributes it to Florentine School, 15th century. Attributed to Giovanni Boccati da Came- rino by Dr. Osvald Siren. M. F. A. Bulletin, XV (191 7), pp. 9-1 1, illus. VENETIAN SCHOOL 76 Portrait or a Man. Nearly full face, life-size head of a man with white beard. He wears black clothes and black cap. Inv. 78.33. Canvas: H. 0.625 (24! in.). W. 0.462 (i8£ in.). Bequest of Stephen Higginson Perkins, 1878. Ascribed to Tintoretto. From the Guadagni Collection, Florence. 77 Justice. A woman richly dressed in brocades and jewels advances toward the right, holding in her right hand a sword erect and in her left a pair of scales. Her foot, shod with a sandal, rests on a miniature fortress bearing the inscrip- tion, justo pensans. At the right upon a throne covered with red velvet under a red canopy, are a crown and sceptre. Landscape background. Inv. 02.45. Canvas: H. 0.53 (20J in.). W. 0.42 (162 in.). Purchased, Benjamin Pierce Cheney Fund, 1902. Attributed to Paolo Cagliari, called Veronese. ITALIAN 35 Portrait of a Venetian. 78 Bust portrait of a man in three-quarter view to left; he wears a black garment edged with white at the throat, and a small black cap. Dull blue background. Inv. L. 1211,10. Canvas: H. 0.31 (i2j in.). W. 0.25 (94 in.). Lent by the Estate of James Jackson Jarves, 1888. In the manner of Gentile Bellini, and formerly attributed to him. Portrait of a Man. Three-quarter length standing figure of a bearded man in armor; his right hand rests on his helmet, which is placed beside his gauntlets on a table. Inv. 04.265. Canvas: H. 1.18 (46 2 in.). W. 0.978 (38?, in.). Purchased, Isaac Sweetser Fund, 1904. M. F. A. Bulletin, II (1904), p. 10. 79 36 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS SPANISH GOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco Jose de. Born, Fuentetodos (Aragon), 1746; died, Bordeaux, 1828. Pupil of Jose Luzan y Martinez at Saragossa, and of Bayeu y Subias at Madrid. g Portrait of the Artist's Son. Half-length standing figure of a young man turned slightly toward the left; he wears a black coat, a blue waistcoat with stripes of black embroidery, a white shirt, and black stock; his right hand is thrust into his waist- coat which is open to the waist. Writing materials on a table at the left. Dark blue background. Signed at the right: Goya. Inv. 03.622. Canvas: H. 0.75 (29^ in.). W. 0.495 ( x 92 in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1903. 81 Portrait of a Man. Seated life-size figure, three-quarter length, turned toward the left; wears a brown coat, a white satin waist- coat embroidered with gold, and black breeches; his right hand is thrust into his waistcoat, and his left hand under his coat. The gilded armchair is upholstered in red. Dark green background. Inv. 10.33. Canvas: H. 1.055 (4 I 5 *&•)• W. 0.83 (32I in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 1910. M. F. A. Bulletin, VIII (1910), p. 13, illus. GRECO, El: real name Domenico Theotocopuli. Born, Crete, cir. 1548; died, Toledo, 1614. Influenced by Titian, Tintoretto, and the Bassani. 82 Portrait of Fray Feliz Hortensio Palavicino. Seated life-size figure in front view; he wears the black and white costume of the Trinitarians, with a red and blue cross on the front of his cassock, and another on his SPANISH 37 cape; in his left hand he holds two books, with his fingers between the leaves. The armchair has a leather back. Brown background. Inv. 04.234. Canvas: H. 1.13 (44I in.). W. 0.86 (33% in.). Purchased, Isaac Sweetser Fund, 1904. Collection of the Duke d'Arcos, in the eighteenth cen- tury; collection of Don J. de Mupriro. Maurice Barres et Paul Lafond: Le Greco, Paris, p. 158. M. F. A. Bulletin, II (1904), pp. 9-10; V (1907), p. 22, illus. RIBFRA, Jusepe de: called Lo Spagnoletto. Born, Jativa near Valencia, 1588; died, near Naples, 1652. Pupil of Francisco Ribalta at Valencia; influenced by Caravaggio. "bb The Philosopher. 83 Half-length standing figure in profile to the left of a dishevelled emaciated old man; he is dressed in black with a white shirt open at the neck; his eyes are upturned and his mouth open. In his right hand he holds compasses with which he is measuring on the globe. Dark brown background. Inv. 99.315. Canvas: H. 1.27 (50 in.). W. 0.955 (37t in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1899. RUIZ DE LA IGLESIA, Francisco Igxacio. Born, Madrid, 1648; died there, 1704. Pupil of Camilo and Carreno. The Immaculate Conception. In the centre the Virgin standing on the world and look- ing down, her hands on her breast; she wears a white robe and blue mantle, and from her head emanate rays of light. Beneath her feet is the vanquished dragon. Above float cherubs and cherub faces; below in front of the clouds that surround the world are Hying cherubs holding a palm, lilies, and a mirror. Signed at the right Francisco Ignacio Ruiz de la Iglesia. 84 38 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 18.622. Canvas: H. 2.282 (89! in.). W. 1.685 (66f in.). Gift of the heirs of Mrs. Mary Hemenway. VELAZQUEZ, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y. Born, Seville, 1599; died, Madrid, 1660. Pupil of Herrera and Pacheco. 85 Don Balthazar Carlos and his Dwarf. The little prince, son of Philip IV, stands in three- quarter view to the left in front of dark red velvet cur- tains; he wears a dark green frock, embroidered with gold, a magenta sash over his right shoulder, and toy armor of which the breast plate is visible. Below at the left, stands the dwarf, looking over his shoulder at the prince; on a dark red velvet cushion at the right is a plumed hat. Inv. 01.104. Canvas: H. 1.36 (53^ in.). W. 1.04 (41 in.). Purchased, Henry Lillie Pierce Fund, 1901. From the collection of the Earl of Carlisle, Castle Howard. 86 Portrait or Philip IV. Life-size standing figure turned slightly toward the right, dressed in black with white lawn collar and cuffs, and long black cape; over his right shoulder hangs a gold chain with the Order of the Golden Fleece; in his right hand he holds a paper and his left hand rests on the hilt of his sword. At the right, his hat lies on a table covered with crimson velvet. Olive-gray background. Inv. 04.1606. Canvas: H. 2.09 (82} in.). W. 1.10 (43 1 in.). Purchased, Sarah Wyman Whitman Fund, 1904. M. F. A. Bulletin, II (1904), p. 24, illus; III (1905), pp. 5, 17-24. Burlington Magazine, VII (April, 1905), pp. 8-16, illus. ZULOAGA, Ignacio. Born, Eibar, Spain, 1870; lives in Paris. 87 My Uncle Daniel and His Family. Six life-size figures: from left to right: Senora Dona Zuloaga seated in profile to the right with the dog " Polly " SPANISH 39 beside her; Senoritas Theodora and Candida, Sefior Don Daniel Zuloaga. Sefiorita Esperanza, and (nearly con- cealed ) Sefior Juan Zuloaga, all standing; all are dressed in black. Senorita Theodora also wears a gay, embroidered shawl, and the ruffles of Senorita Esperanza's skirt are embroidered in white; Sefior Don Daniel holds his palette and brushes in his left hand, and his easel stands before him; in the background Segovia, set among the hills; turbulent gray sky. Painted at Segovia in igio. Signed in the lower right corner: /. Zuloaga. Inv. 17.1598. Canvas: H. 2.045 (6 ft. 8£ in.). W. 2.89 (9 ft. 5 1 in.). Purchased of the Artist, Caroline Louise Williams French Fund, 191 7. M. F. A. Bulletin, XV (1917), p. 39, illus. SPANISH SCHOOL Coronation of the Virgin. The Virgin, wearing a dull red robe almost covered by a mantle of brown and gold brocade, is seated at the left on a Gothic bench; she bows her head to receive the crown that Christ holds over her. Christ, seated at the right on a similar bench, wears a tunic of brown and gold brocade, and a dull red mantle edged with gold. Behind stand angels in adoration, five at the left and four at the right. Tooled gold background. Inv. 10.36. Panel: H. 1.36 (532 in.). W. 1.06 (41 £ in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1910, in memory of Samuel Dennis Warren. Formerly attributed to Luis Borrassa; more like the work of Pablo Vergos. M. F. A. Bulletin, VIII (1910), p. 12, illus. Portrait. Bust portrait of a woman turned slightly to the left; she wears a brocaded gown, the low neck edged with lace, beads around her neck, and elaborate gold earrings; her black hair is tied with red ribbons; dark background. Inv. 18.654. Canvas: H. 0.58 (22! in.). W. 0.47 (17-2 in.). Gift of Dr. Henry Kemble Oliver, 1918. 88 89 40 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS FLEMISH Van DYCK, Sir Anthony. Born, Antwerp, 1599; died, London, 1641. Pupil of Rubens. 90 Portrait of Anna Maria de Schodt. Life-size standing figure in three-quarter view to the left, with folded hands; she is dressed in voluminous black, with a high white ruff, and cuffs of white lawn edged with lace; her stomacher is of yellow brocaded silk. There is a red drapery across the upper part of the picture, and below, in the background, a landscape. Painted about 1620. Inv. 03.25. Canvas: H. 2.02 (78f in.). W. 1.305 (51! in.). Purchased, Isaac Sweetser Fund, and contributions, 1903. _ Exhibited at Antwerp, 1899, no. 74; Royal Academy, London, 1900, no. 107. Cust: Anthony Van Dyck; an historical study of his life and works; Lond. 1900, pp. 17 and 235, no. 33. Rooses: Fiinfzig Meisterwerke von Anton Van Dyck; Lpz. 1900, p. 85, illus. Schaeffer: Van Dyck: des Meisters Gemalde; Stut. 1909, p. 152, illus. 91 Charles I of England, Queen Henrietta Maria and their Children, Prince Charles and Princess Mary; studio of Van Dyck. Full-length, life-size figures: the King, in a black suit trimmed with silver lace and a black coat lined with lilac, seated by a table covered with red velvet, on which rest the royal insignia; the Prince, in a black dress and white cap, stands at his father's knee. The Queen is seated at the King's left; she is dressed in yellow satin and lace, and holds the infant Princess, who is dressed in white. Behind the group is a colonnade, with a brown brocade drapery on the right, and a distant landscape on the left. Inv. 09.400. Canvas: H. 1.92 (75I in.). W. 2.44 (96 in.). Gift of Mrs. Robert Dawson Evans, in the name of Robert Dawson Evans, 1909. 92 FLEMISH 41 The Savoy replica of the celebrated picture painted in 1632, and now in the Royal Collection at Windsor. See Cust: Anthony Van Dyck: an historical study of his life and -works, London, 1900, p. 264, no. 20. LOMBARD, Lambert. Born, Liittich, 1505 (or 1506); died there, 1566. Pupil of J. Gossaert, Arnold de Beer, and later of Andrea del Sarto. Last Supper. In a hall of elaborate architecture Christ and his dis- ciples are gathered for the Last Supper; two other men stand at the right and three at the left; St. John leans his head on the bosom of the Christ whose right hand is raised in benediction; standing on the floor in the fore- ground are two elaborate gold ewers; near the centre of the foreground is a dog. Inv. 15.290. Panel: H. 0.788 (31 in.). W. 1.346 (53 in.). Gift of George Augustus Goddard, 1915. MASSYS (Matsys, or Metsys), J ax. Born, Antwerp, 1509; died there, 1575. Pupil of his father, Quentin Massys. Judith. _ 93 Three-quarter length seated figure en face, with a drapery of red silk lined with white over her knees; on her head a gold embroidered turban. In her raised right hand she holds the head of Holophernes by the hair, and in her left hand she holds a scimitar. Dark green curtain back- ground. Signed on the back of the sword: Opus Johannes Malsiis; on the side of the blade, the date 1543. Inv. 12.1098. Panel: H. 1.028 (40^ in.). W. 0.755 (29 \ in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 191 2. Collection of William T. Dannat, Paris. Exposition des primitifs flamands a Bruges, 1902, no. 241. Friedlander: Meistemerke dcr niederldndischen malerei . . . auf der Ausstellung zu Brugge, 1902; Miinchen, 1903, p. 25, plate 68. See Hymans in Gazette des Beaux-Arts; ser. 3, XXVIII (1902), p. 304, illus.; Dulberg in Zeilschrift der Bildenden Kunst; new ser., XV, p. 194, illus. 42 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS OOST, Jakob van, the Younger. Born, Bruges, 1639; died there, 1713. Pupil of his father Jakob van Oost the Elder; influenced by Philippe de Champaigne. 94 Portrait of a Cavalier. Nearly half-length figure of a man, in three-quarter view to the right; his wavy black hair hangs to his should- ers, and he has a black mustache and small imperial; he wears a black velvet, lace-trimmed coat, with deep lace- edged lawn collar, wide lace cuffs and slashed sleeves, showing his white lawn shirt sleeves. With his raised right hand, he holds the edge of his coat. Inv. 17. 1410. Canvas: H. 0.71 (28 in.). W. 0.572 (22^ in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. RUBENS, Peter Paul. Born, Siegen, near Cologne, 1577; died, Antwerp, 1640. Pupil of Tobias Verhaeght, Adam van Noort, and Otho van Veen. 95 The Marriage of St. Catherine; school of Rubens. The Virgin is seated on a raised throne, in front of a colonnade; above her is a red drapery, over which fly two angels, one of whom carries a wreath. The Child, held by the Virgin, turns to St. Catherine, who kneels at the left and places a ring on her finger; behind her is a cherub offering flowers. At the left stand St. Peter and St. Paul; at the right, St. Joseph and St. John the Baptist; between them are two cherubs bringing a lamb. Below at the left is a group of four female saints, and in the foreground, from left to right, St. George, St. Sebastian, St. Augustine, St. Lawrence, St. Anthony. Inv. 97.443- Canvas: H. 0.83 (32-f in.). W. 0.59 (23J in.). Purchased, Moses Kimball Fund, 1897. Probably a studio replica of a sketch by Rubens for the altarpiece in the church of St. Augustine, Antwerp. Sketches by Rubens of the same subject exist in the Kaiser- Friedrich Museum, Berlin (no. 780), and the Staedelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt a. M. (no. 128); school copy in the Prado Museum, Madrid (no. 1624). Descamps {La FLEMISH 43 vie des peintres flamands; Paris, 1753, I, p. 324) mentions two sketches of the same subject, one owned by the Marquis de Voyer, and the other by the author. One of these may have passed into the collection of the Earl of Mulgrave. See Smith's Catalogue, II, p. 185, no. 646. Bacchus with Attendant Faun and Satyr; school of 96 Rubens. A very fat full-length nude figure of the drunken Bac- chus supported on his left by a Satyr, and on his right by a Faun; a tiger presses close against the faun. Inv. 79.164. Copper: H. 0.359 (14^ in.). W. 0.492 {iq'i in.). Purchased, Everett Fund, 1879. SNYDERS, Frans. Born, Antwerp, 1579; died there, 1657. Pupil of Pieter Brueghel, the Younger, and of Hendrik van Balen. Boar Hunt. A wild boar, with its young, running to the left, pursued by a pack of dogs; one of the dogs has jumped on the boar's back and is biting it; five dogs run just behind it, one protected by a blanket; two more are writhing in agony at the right; another in the centre foreground has seized a pig; and at the extreme left, a dog in the water at the edge of a pool has seized a pig on the bank. Signed: F. Snyders. Inv. 17.322. Canvas: H. 2.25 (885 in.). W. 5.10 (200I in.). Gift of John Templeman Coolidge, 1917. Collection of Don Pedro de Borbon, Duque de Durcal; Sale, New York, 1889, no. 54. SNYDERS, Pieter. Born, Antwerp, 1681; died there, 1752. Pupil of Alexander van Bredael. Still Life. On a table is a basket filled with grapes, peaches, plums, figs, and cherries; beside it are quinces, melons, and two bunches of asparagus. 97 98 44 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 89.499. Canvas: H. 0.835 (3 2 ! m -)- W. 0.95 (37I in.). Purchased, with bequest of Sidney Bartlett, 1889. Collection of Prince Demidoff, Florence (San Donato Collection); Sale 1880, no. 1050. Collection of Stanton Blake, Boston. Formerly attributed to Willem Kalf. SUSTERMANS, Justus; also written Suttermans, Joost. Born, Antwerp, 1597; died, Florence, 1681. Pupil of Willem de Vos, and of Frans Pourbus. 99 Portrait of the Marchesa Guadagni and her Son. Life-size figure of the Marchesa seated en face, her right hand on her little son's shoulder; she is dressed in black with lace collar and cuffs and many jewels. The boy stands beside her, with both hands resting on the arm of her chair; he wears a bright red frock over a white guimpe embroidered in red. Very dark background. Inv. 12.425. Canvas: H. 1.25 (49! in.). W. 1.02 (40^ in.). Purchased, Picture Fund and Contribution, 1912. TENIERS, David, the Younger. Born, Antwerp, 1610; died, Perck, near Brussels, 1690. Pupil of his father, David Teniers the Elder; influenced by Rubens and Brou- wer. 100 Interior of a Butcher Shop. Near the centre hangs the carcass of an ox; the skin lies on the floor at the left and the head on a bench close by; at the right a woman is cutting up meat; near a fire- place in the background, a man and a woman are con- versing; another man is going out of the door. Signed at the right: D. Teniers. Inv. 89.500. Panel: H. 0.69 (27! in.). W. 0.98 (38^ in.). Purchased, with Bequest of Sidney Bartlett, 1889. Collection of Prince Demidoff, Florence (San Donato Collection); Sale, 1880, no. 1030. Collection of Stanton Blake, Boston. FLEMISH 45 Van der WEYDEN, Roger; also called Rogelet de la Pasture, or Roger van Brugge. Born, Tournay, 1399 or 1400; died, Brussels, 1464. Pupil of Robert Campin. St. Luke making a Portrait of the Virgin. ioi At the right St. Luke kneels, dressed in a dull red gar- ment lined with fur and a brown cap; in his left hand he holds his tablet; he gazes earnestly at the Virgin, who is seated at the left on a Gothic throne under a canopy of red and gold brocade. She wears a dress of gold brocade, a greenish robe lined with fur, and a dark, green-blue mantle. She is offering her breast to the Child. In an alcove at the right the head of St. Luke's ox is seen. Be- yond a colonnade at the back is a garden, with two people leaning over a parapet and looking out on a river lined with buildings. Inv. 93.153. Panel: H. 1.38 (54} in.). W. i.n (43! in.). Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee Higginson, 1893. Collection of Don Pedro de Bordon, Duque de Durcal; Sale, New York, 1889, no. 67. A school replica exists in the Pinakothek, Munich (see Catalogue, 191 1, p. 178, no. 100J; other replicas are in the Hermitage Gallery, Petrograd, in the Convent of Santa Trinidad, Madrid, and in Count Wilczek's collection, Vienna. Of a picture at- tributed to Thierry Bouts, owned by Lord Penrhyn, ex- hibited in 191 1 at the Grafton Gallery Exhibition of Old Masters (no. 92), the catalogue, edited by Roger E. Fry and Maurice \Y. Brockwell says (p. 87) " The prototype of this picture is in the Museum of Boston, and is better known by the copy in the Munich Gallery. If, as seems likely, the present work is by Aelbert Bouts (tl. 1473-1549) the Boston picture maybe byDirck Bouts." The Louvre possesses a fifteenth century tapestry after this picture. FLEMISH SCHOOL Madonna and Child. 102 The Madonna in a blue robe and red mantle giving the Child her breast. In the background hills and the build- ings of a town. 4.6 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 02.3. Panel: H. 0.29 (n§ in.). W. 0.18 (7 in.). Purchased, Elton and James Funds, 1902. It closely resembles a Madonna and Child by Thierry Bouts in Brussels. 103 St. John the Baptist. Full-length figure turned slightly to the right, standing in an archway; he wears a brown tunic and a red mantle; with his left hand he holds a red-covered book on which rests the Lamb; with his right hand he points to the Lamb. Both the saint and the Lamb have gold halos. Brown background. Inv. 09.294. Panel: H. 0.775 (30^ in.). W. 0.26 (ioj in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1909. 104 Crucifixion. In the centre, Christ on the cross; at the left, the Virgin standing with hands raised and clasped; she wears a green tunic and a mantle which almost covers the white scarf about her head; at the right St. John, apparently walking toward the left, his arms crossed on his breast; he wears a black tunic and red mantle; landscape back- ground. Inv. 15.289. Panel: H. 0.34 (13! in.). W. 0.254 (10 in.). Gift of George Augustus Goddard, 191 5. 105 DUTCH 47 DUTCH BACKHUYSEN, Ludolf: also spelt Bakhuyzen, or Bakhuizen. Born, Emden, 1631; died, Amsterdam, 1708. Pupil of Allart van Everdingen and of Hendrick Dubbels. Marine. Two Dutch warships at the right are scudding toward the distant shore across a spray-blown choppy sea; in the foreground at the left a boat approaches on which the sailors are lowering the sail, and in the distance is a war- ship. The sky is dark and stormy. Inv. 07.499. Canvas: H. 1.31 (51I in.). W. 1.77 (69! in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1907. Collection of Edward Balfour; Sale, Christie's, May 31, 1907, no. 134. Dr. Bredius and Dr. Kronig attribute the picture to Jan Abrahamsz Beerstraaten. BEERSTRAATEN, Jan Abrahamsz. Born, Amsterdam, 1622; died there, 1666. The Return of the Fleet. io 6 A large fleet coming to anchor in a quiet harbor; various small boats loaded with passengers are plying about the ships. Signed in the lower right corner: /. Beerstraaten. Inv. 17.1421. Panel: H. 0.755 (29! in.). W. 1.067 U 2 in.). Gift of Arthur Brewster Emmons, 191 7. BEKE, Joos van der, called Van Cleve, the Elder. Formerly known as " Master of the Death of the Virgin." Born, Cleve, or Antwerp, cir. 1485; died, Antwerp, 1540. Probably pupil of Jan Joest van Calcar; influenced by Quentin Massys, and by Joachim de Patinir. The Crucifixion. In the centre Christ on the cross: at the left the Virgin standing, her eyes downcast, her hands crossed on her 107 48 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS breast; she wears a blue-gray dress, a blue mantle, and a white head dress; at the right stands St. John, in lamen- tation, his hands clasped; he wears a blue tunic and a red mantle. Near the foot of the cross a skull and bones. Landscape background, with soldiers crossing a high bridge over the brook Kedron on their way back to Jeru- salem. Inv. 12.170. Panel: H. 0.80 (31^ in.). W. 0.64 (25! in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 1912. Collection of Gottfried Christian Beirlis (1 730-1 809 at Helmstedt). Private Collection at Diisseldorf. Collection of Eduard F. Weber, Hamburg; Sale, 191 2, no. 84. Kunst- historische Ausstellung, Diisseldorf, 1904, no. 60. Janit- schek; Geschichte der deutschen Malerei, Berlin, 1890, p. 521. Scheibler: Repertorium, XXVII (1904), pp. 541-542. BLOMMERS, Bernardus Johannes. Born, The Hague, 1845; died, Amsterdam, 1914. Pupil of the Hague Acad- emy. 108 Cottage Interior. In a rude cottage, before a fire in the large fireplace, a peasant family is gathered around a small square table for a meal; the young father, seated next the fire, is lifting a bowl from the table; the mother, seated behind the table, is blowing her bowl of soup; a little child stands at the left, with folded hands resting on the table. Signed in the lower right corner: Blommers. Inv. 15.878. Canvas: H. 0.254 (10 in.). W. 0.315 (i2§ in.). Bequest of William Rosewell Wilson, 1915. BOSBOOM, Johannes. Born, The Hague, 181 7; died there, 1891. Pupil of B. J. Hove. 109 Interior of a Church; sketch. View toward the altar; pulpit with sounding board against the pier at the right. Signed in the lower left cor- ner: Bosboom. Inv. 17.3171. Water-color: H. 0.25 (9I in.). W. 0.195 (7 i in.). Bequest of John Chancellor Crafts, 1917. DUTCH 49 Church Interior. ho A view of the front and one side of the communion table in the sanctuary; communicants kneel in front of it and are served by priests. Inv. 19. no. Water-color: H. 0.402 (15! in.). W. 0.268 (io§ in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Col- lection; gift, 191 9. BOTH, Jan. Born, Utrecht, cir. 1610; died there, 1652. Pupil of Abraham Bloemaert; influenced by Claude Lor- raine. Landscape. hi A winding pass through thickly wooded mountains, the atmosphere filled with golden haze; peasants with loaded mules are coming down the pass; in the foreground a woman, holding a child by the hand, gives directions to a man who is resting on a stone; his companion is seated on a mule nearby; tall trees at the right and smaller trees at the left of the pass in the foreground. Inv. 17.1420. Canvas: H. 0.94 (37 in.). W. 1.12 (44! in.). Gift of Arthur Brewster Emmons, 191 7. BRUCMANN, J. . Mother and Child. 112 Interior of a peasant's cottage; the mother is cutting a slice of bread for which the little child in front of her reaches up eagerly. Signed at the right: /. Brucmann. Inv. 15.379. Water-color: H. 0.56 (22 in.). W. 0.381 (15 in.). Bequest of William Rosewell Wilson, 191 5. DU CHATTEL, Frederik Jacobus van Rossum. Born, Leyden, 1856; died on a voyage from Java to Yoko- hama, 19 1 7. Self-taught. River in Holland. A quiet stream in which the shores are reflected; on the right bank dwelling houses, near which a boat is tied. Signed in the lower left corner: F.J. du Chattel. \n\\ 15.881. Water-color: H. 0.33 (13 in.). W. 0.475 (i&l in.). Bequest of William Rosewell Wilson, 1915. "3 50 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS CLAESZ, Pieter. Born, Steinf urt, Westphalia, 1 597-1 598 ; died, Haarlem, 1660. 114 Still Life. On a table, the left side of which is covered with a white cloth, are a broken loaf of bread, a plate holding a fish, a covered globular stein, a knife, a glass of white wine, and some nuts. Signed at the right: P. C. 1642. Inv. 13.458. Panel: H. 0.30 (nf in.). W. 0.36 (14I in.). Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 1913. 115 Still Life. On a table, the right side of which is covered with a white cloth, are a cracked walnut, a large glass of white wine, a knife, a porringer containing sauce, a plate holding a fish, and a broken piece of pastry. Signed at the left: P. C. 1642. Inv. 13.459. Panel: H. 0.30 (nf in.). W. 0.36 (14! in.). Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 191 3. CUYP, Albert. Born, Dordrecht, 1620; died there, 1 69 1. Pupil of his father, Jacob Gerritz Cuyp. 116 The Artist's Daughter. Half-length seated figure with body in three-quarter view to the left and head turned toward the front; she wears a pink-gray satin gown and white lawn collar edged with lace, pearl chains around her neck and wrists, a pearl ornament and a pink flower in her hair, and an- other pink flower on her bodice. In her lap she holds a basket containing grapes and a peach. Landscape back- ground. Inv. 74.10. Panel: H. 0.725 (28I in.). W. 0.587 (23A in.). Bequest of Charles Sumner, 1874. GOYEN, Jan van. Born, Leyden, 1596; died, The Hague, 1656. Pupil of Willem Gerritz and of Esaias van de Velde. 117 River Scene. On the left bank of a river a church and houses with steep tiled roofs; in the background on the right bank, DUTCH 51 houses and trees; in the foreground at the right a ferry with peasants and their horses approaches the landing. The sky is almost covered with fleecy, white clouds. Signed and dated on the gunwale of the ferry boat: /. G. 1655. Inv. 07.502. Panel: H. 0.46 (18 in.). W. 0.66 (26 in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1907. Collection of Edward Balfour; Sale, Christie's, May 31, 1007, no. 137. M. F. A. Bulletin, V (1907), p. 57; VI (1908), p. 7. HALS, Frans. Born, Antwerp, 1580 (?); died, Haarlem, 1666. Pupil of Karel van Mander. Portrait of a Lady. 118 Life-size figure nearly full length, seated in an arm- chair in three-quarter view to the left; she is dressed in black, with wide white ruff, white cuffs and cap; in her right hand she holds a little book with silver clasps. Brown background. At the left: JEtatis sua 47, 1648 H. Inv. 01.7445. Canvas: H. 1.23 (48J in.). W. 0.97 (38! in.). Purchased, Henry Lillie Pierce Fund, 1901. From the Stowe Collection. Moes, E. W. : Frans Hals, sa vie el son oenvre, 1909, p. 105, no. 108. Davies, G. S.: Frans Hals, London, 1904, p. 140. A Portrait of a Man, the pendant to this picture, is in the collection of Mr. Charles Schwab, New York. HELST, Bartiiolomeus van der. Born, Haarlem, 1611; died, Amsterdam, 1670. Pupil of Nicolaes Elias and Frans Hals. The Burgomaster's Wife; attributed to Van der Heist. 119 Half-length seated figure, turned slightly to the left; she is dressed in black with wide white lawn collar and cuffs and a black cap. Her hands are crossed and on the forefinger of the right hand she wears a jewelled ring. Gray background. Inv. 17.591. Oval canvas: H. 0.71 (28 in.). YY. 0.565 (22J in.). Gift of Penman Waldo Ross, 1917. 52 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS HONDECOETER, Melchior d\ Born, Utrecht, 1636; died, Amsterdam, 1695. Pupil of his father, Gijsbert d'Hondecoeter, and his uncle, Jan Baptiste Weenix. 120 The Barnyard. Near a wall shaded by trees are a cock and two hens; on the wall a pigeon; at the right a duck and ducklings near the edge of a pool; at the left two peacocks. Signed on the wall: Melchior d'Hondecoeter. Inv. 07.501. Canvas: H. 1.22 (48 m.). W. 1.36 (53-3- in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1907. Collection of Edward Balfour; Sale, Christie's, May 31, 1907, no. 138. M. F. A. Bulletin, V (1907), p. 58, illus. HOOCH, Pieter de: also spelled Hooghe. Born, Rot- terdam, 1629; died, Amsterdam, after 1677. Influenced by Carel Fabritius and Rembrandt. 121 Interior of a Dutch House. At the left a servant (red waist trimmed with blue bands, brown skirt and hat) kneeling and lighting a fire in a grate; near her stands a lady in black, a wrap over her left arm and a basket in her right hand; at the right a dog running toward her. Through a door at the back is seen a vestibule paved with marble tiles, the bottom of a stairway and through an outside door the canal and the buildings opposite. Signed at the left: P. de Hooghe, 1656. Inv. 03.607. Canvas: H. 0.555 ( 2I i i n -)- W. 0.565 (22^ in.). Bequest of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1903. The date and signature have been questioned; accord- ing to Dr. Bredius, the picture was painted by de Hooch about 1670. HUYSUM, Jan van. Born, Amsterdam, 1682; died there, 1749. Pupil of his father, Justus van Huysum. 122 Vase of Flowers. On a dark marble table set in a niche stands a vase deco- rated with figures in relief, and holding a bouquet of roses, poppies, tulips, petunias, primroses and other flowers. Signed on the edge of the table: Jan Van Huysum fecit. DUTCH S3 Inv. 89.503. Panel: H. 0.89 (35 in.). W. 0.70 (27^ in.). Purchased with bequest of Stanton Blake, 1889. Collection of Prince Demidoff, Florence (San Donato Collection); Sale, 1880, no. 1101. Collection of Stanton Blake, Boston. ISRAELS, Jozef. Born, Groningen, 1824; died, The Hague, 191 1 . Pupil of J. A. Kruseman at Amsterdam, and of Picot and Delaroche at Paris. The Convalescent. The convalescent is seated to the left in an armchair in a humbly furnished room; a square matting covers the red-tile floor under her chair; in her right hand she holds her knitting; behind her chair is a cradle; at the right, a little barefooted child walks toward her, carrying a heavy stool. Signed at the left : Jozef Israels. Inv. 87. 41 1. Panel: H. 0.277 ( IO ! i n 0- W. 0.367 (14^ in.). Gift of George Augustus Goddard, 1887. Young Girl in Cottage. Seated in front of a window near a table, on which is a potted plant and a work basket, a peasant girl is sewing on a white garment; she wears a dark skirt, a parti- colored waist, and a white cap; white muslin sash curtains are drawn across the window, and outside are the green spreading branches of a tree. Signed in the lower left corner: Jozef Israels. Inv. 15.885. Canvas: H. 0.588 (23! in.). W. 0.848 (33s in.). Bequest of William Rosewell Wilson, 191 5. The Day before the Parting. A Dutch interior; in the background a coffin supported on two chairs and covered with a pall is faintly illumined by a single altar candle; in the foreground, in a strong light, a woman is seated against the chimney-breast under a green curtain, holding a book in her left hand, and rest- ing her face upon her right hand; at her feet sits a child looking at the coffin, her right arm stretched across her 123 124 125 54 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS mother's knee, her left hand in her lap upon the cord of a doll's cradle at her side; at the right a hearth with an iron back bordered with blue tiles; above it an iron chain, be- side the woman an upturned basket. Signed in the lower left corner: J ozef Israels, 1862. Inv. 18.278. Canvas: H. 1.025 (40I in.). W. 1.265 (49! in.). Gift of Mrs. Roland Crocker Lincoln, 1918. A small replica exists which was formerly owned by Alexander Young of London. After his death it was bought by Francis Bartlett of Boston. (From a letter from Mrs. Lincoln.) M. F. A. Bulletin, XVI (1918), p. 82. JONGKIND, Johan Barthold. Born, Latrop, Holland, 1 81 9; died, Cote-Saint- Andre, Isere, France, 1891. Pupil of Schelfhout at the Hague and Isabey in Paris. 126 Moonlight — Rotterdam. The harbor of Rotterdam; at the right a ship with sails furled, at the left a smaller boat; dim outlines of trees and a windmill on the shore; dark clouds through which the moon shines faintly. Signed in lower right corner: Jong- kind, 1 8 y 1. Inv. 19.95. Canvas: H. 0.34 (13! in.). W. 0.47 (182 in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. KIERINCKS (KEIRINCX), Alexander. Born, Ant- werp, 1600; died, Amsterdam, 1652. 127 The Ferry. Through a rolling country flows a narrow river; on the bank in the foreground a number of people, one of them with a large wagon drawn by two horses, are gathered waiting for the ferry, which is just leaving the farther shore; at the right are two shepherds with a few sheep. Signed in the lower left corner: A. Kierincks f. Inv. 73.9. Canvas: H. 1.31 (51 -V in.). W. 2.02 (jg] in.). Gift of the heirs of John Adams Blanchard, 1873. 129 DUTCH 55 KOEKKOEK, Willem. Born, Amsterdam, 1839. Pupil of his father, Hermann Koekkoek. Gouda, Holland. 128 A group of steep-gabled houses; five peasants in the street before them. Inv. 15.328. Water-color: H. 0.19 (7-2 in.). W. 0.223 (8 1 in.). Bequest of Caroline Louise Williams French, I9I5- KOXINCK, Salomon. Born, Amsterdam, 1609; died there, 1656. Pupil of David Colijns and of Nicolaes Moijaert; influenced by Rembrandt. Portrait of an Old Woman. Half-length seated figure, turned toward the left; she wears a very dark blue-green dress with a band of wrought gold crossing the top of the bodice, a black cloak bordered with fur, and a purple veil edged with gold embroidery. Her toil-worn hands are folded in her lap. The signature at the left, just above the elbow, has almost disappeared. Inv. 04.266. Panel: H. 0.902 (355 in.). W. 0.705 (27 J in.). Purchased, Isaac Sweetser Fund, 1904. M. F. A. Bulletin, II (1904), p. 10. MAES, Nicolaes. Born, Dordrecht, 1632; died, Amster- dam, 1693. Pupil of Rembrandt. The Jealous Husband. 130 On the lowest step of a flight of stairs at the left stands a man with his right hand raised to caution silence. With his left hand he steadies himself by a rope which serves instead of a rail to a circular stairway; under the stair- wax- hangs a large lantern. In an inner room with a tiled floor a man and woman are seated near a window; a cradle stands in the middle of the room. Inv. 80.504. Panel: H. 0.725 (282 in.). W. 0.521 (20 2 in.). Gift by subscription, 18S9. Collection of Prince Demidoff, Florence (San Donato Collection); Sale, 1880, no. 1060. Collection of Stanton Blake, Boston. 56 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 131 Portrait of a Lady. Nearly full-length seated figure, in three-quarter view to the left. She wears a black dress with white chemisette and undersleeves and a black scarf. The chair is up- holstered in dull olive-green velvet, and a curtain of the same material is draped across the top of the picture in front of large columns. Signed at the right: N. Maes, i6j8. Inv. 10.104. Canvas: H. 1.16 (45! in.). W. 0.95 (37^ in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 1910. Collection of Lord Buckland. M. F. A. Bulletin, VIII (1910), p. 22, illus. MARIS, Jacob. Born, The Hague, 1837; died, Carlsbad, 1899. Pupil of Huib van Hove, J. Stroebel and Louis Meyer. 132 Teaching the Dog. A little girl dressed in white is leaning back in a big arm- chair, upholstered in deep violet material; beside her is a spaniel, which she playfully instructs. Signed in the lower right corner: J. Maris. Inv. 99.3. Water-color: H. 0.324 (i2f in.). W. 0.231 (9! in.). Purchased, Abbott Lawrence Fund, 1899. MARIS, Mathias (Matthys). Born, The Hague, 1839; died, London, 1917. Studied at the Hague Academy, the Antwerp Academy, and in Paris. 133 Woman Trussing a Fowl. A woman standing at a table by a window is trussing a fowl; the forms are vague, seen against the light. Inv. 13.467. Panel: H. 0.346 (13! in.). W. 0.266 (ioi in.). Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 1913. MAUVE, Anton. Born, Zaandam, 1838; died, Arnheim, 1888. Pupil of P. F. van Os. 134 Man Holding Child. Beside the stove in a dimly lighted peasant's cottage sits an old man holding a baby in his arms. Signed in the lower left corner: A. Mauve. 135 DUTCH 57 Inv. 04.1751. Water-color: H. 0.59 (23! in.) . W. 0.39 (15! in.). Gift of Augustus Hemenway, 1904. Returning from Work. A middle aged man in shirt sleeves and square black hat pushing a wheelbarrow along a muddy road beside a green held. Signed in lower right corner: A. Mauve. Inv. 19. 113. Water-color: H. 0.353 (13! in.). W. 0.507 (20 in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Col- lection; gift, 1919. MEMLING, School of. Madonna and Child. 136 Half-length figure of the Madonna, offering her breast to the nude Child, whom she holds in her arms; she wears a black dress and a red mantle. Landscape background. Inv. 02.3. Panel: H. 0.27 (iof-in.). W. 0.194 (7! in.). Purchased, Margaret Allen Elton and Julia Bradford Huntington James Funds. The picture has been attributed to Diereck Bouts. METSU, Gabriel. Born, Leyden, 1630; died, Amster- dam, 1667. Probably pupil of Gerard Dou; influenced by Terborch, Frans Hals, and Rembrandt. The Usurer. 137 Behind a table covered with a red rug sits an old man, weighing gold out of a strong box. A woman stands at the right, weeping and wiping her eyes with her handkerchief; in her left hand she holds a document with seals. Signed on a white paper at the left: Metsu, 1654. Inv. 89.501. Canvas: H. 0.745 (29! in.). W. 0.63 (24^ in.). Purchased with the bequest of Sidney Bartlett, 1889. Collection of Prince Demidoff, Florence (San Donato Collection); Sale, 1880, no. 1137. Collection of Stanton Blake, Boston. MIEREVELT, MicmEL Jansz van. Born, Delft, 1567; died there, 1641. Pupil of Anthony van Blocklandt. $8 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 138 Portrait of a Lady. Three-quarter length figure seated in an armchair, turned somewhat to the left; her hands rest on the arms of the chair; she is dressed in black with cuffs, a white ruff, and cap. Dark background. Inv. 11.1452. Panel: H. 1.15 (45I in.). W. 0.895 (3Si in.). Gift in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bunker Greene from the executors of Mr. Greene's will through Charles Benjamin Barnes, 191 1. MOLENAER, Jan Miense. Born, Haarlem, cir. 1610; died there, 1668. Probably pupil of Frans Hals; after- wards influenced by Rembrandt. 139 Peasants Carousing. A large room crowded with men and women carousing; on raised seats at the back is a group of tipsy musicians. Signed on a seat at the left: Jan Molenaer, 1662. Inv. 07.500. Canvas: H. 1.26 (49^ in.). W. 1.09 (43 in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1907. Collection of Edward Balfour; Sale, Christie's, May 31, 1907, no. 140. M. F. A. Bulletin, V (1907), p. 58. NETSCHER, Caspar. Born, Heidelberg, 1639; died, The Hague, 1684. Pupil of Herman Coster and Terborch. 140 Soap Bubbles. Sitting on the sill of a window, a small boy is blowing soap bubbles; in the room behind him stands a little girl, holding the bowl of soap suds; dark striped curtains are looped up on either side, and at the top of the left side of the window is a clock. The window frame is of stone elaborately sculptured with a nude boy on either side, and below with a relief representing seven children and a goat. Inv. 89.506. Canvas: H. 0.50 (191-6 in.). W. 0.415 (i6f in.). Gift by subscription, 1889. Collection of Prince Demidoff, Florence (San Donato Collection); Sale, March 1880, no. 1048. Collection of Stanton Blake, Boston. 141 DUTCH 59 PYNACKER, Adam. Born, Pynacker near Delft, 1622 (?) ; died, Amsterdam, 1673. Taught himself by the study of the works of Jan Both. Landscape. A road on the left follows along the base of a cliff to a high tower, partly hidden by a tall tree at the right of the road; near the foot of the tree sits a shepherd with his flock around him; a single arch juts out from the tower toward the bank of the winding river at the right, with a little waterfall in the foreground; in the distance is a town, and still farther away a mountain range. Signed on a rock in the foreground: A. Pynacker. Inv. 85.254. Panel: H. 0.775 (3°2 in.). W. 0.606 (23! in.). Bequest of Mrs. Henry Sigourney, 1885. REMBRANDT van RYN, Harmensz. Born, Leyden, 1606; died, Amsterdam, 1669. Pupil of Jacob Swanen- burgh at Leyden, and of Pieter Lastman at Amsterdam. Portrait of a Young Man (Dr. Nicholas Tulp ?). 142 Bust portrait turned slightly to the right; he is dressed in black with a white lace collar and large black hat. Brown background. Signed: Rembrandt f. 1&J4. Inv. 03.1475. Oval panel: H. 0.70 (272 in.). W. 0.52 (20 \ in.). Portrait of a Lady (Wife of Nicholas Tulp ?). 143 Bust portrait turned slightly to the left, of a smiling young woman with curling blond hair; she wears a black dress, large white lace collar, pearl necklace, and a wrought gold chain. Tainted about 1634. Inv. 93.1474. Oval panel: H. 0.69 (27} in.). W. 0.53 (20; in.). Both the Gift of Mrs. Frederick Lothrop Ames in the name of Frederick Lothrop Ames, 1894. Collection of Baron Seilliere, Paris; Collection of Prin- cesse de Sagan, Paris. Sold to Cottier, 1891; Collection of Frederick Lothrop Ames, Boston; Rosenberg: Rembrandt, p. 113. Bode: Ocuvre de Rembrandt, 1897-1906, nos. in- 112. 145 60 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 144 Portrait of his Father. Half-length figure in profile to the left with bowed head, the right hand resting on the chest; the face is wrinkled, the eyes bleary, the mouth open, the head almost bald; he wears a loose brown cloak lined with fur, with a large fur collar. Olive-brown background. Painted about 1630. Inv. 03.1080. Panel: H. 0.745 (29-4- in.). W. 0.60 (23! in.). Purchased, Arthur Rotch Fund, 1903. Collection of F. Newcombe, Bristol, England. M. F. A. Bulletin, I (1903), p. 23. Rosenberg: Rembrandt: des Meisters Gemalde, Stut, 1906. p. 19, Bode: Oeuvre de Rem- brandt, 1 897-1 906, no. 545. Danae. On a raised and carpeted dais a woman reclines against a bench, partly hiding her face with her handkerchief; be- hind ber is a curved stone wall or niche. A man, indicated as Mercury by the caduceus and winged hat and sandals, kneels before her offering her a bag of gold. The peasant faces and the rich costumes are Dutch. In the back- ground to the right an old woman is drawing water from- the basin of a fountain; behind it is a portico with views of a landscape. Signed at the left: Rembrandt, 1652. Inv. 03.1143. Canvas: H. 0.72 (28! in.). W. 0.91 (35! in.). Purchased, Martha Ann Edwards Fund, 1903. Collection of Francis Brooks, by whose father it was purchased in Paris, in 1854. Rosenberg, no. 279. M. F. A. Bulletin, I (1903), p. 23. It has been attributed to Govaert Flinck. ROELOFS, Willem. Born, Amsterdam, 1822; died, Berchem, 1897. Pupil of v. d. Sande-Bakhuyzen and de Winter. 146 Landscape. Sailboats on a broad winding stream; at the left a green meadow in the foreground, and on the farther side of a wooden fence buildings and trees; the farther shore, in the background at the right, is covered with trees. Signed in the lower right corner: W. Roelofs. 147 DUTCH 6l Inv. 15.875. Water-color: H. 0.49 (19! in.). W. 0.701 (27I in.). Bequest of Caroline Louise Williams French, 1915- RUISDAEL, Jacob Isaacksz van. Born, Haarlem, 1628 (or 1629); died there, 1682. Probably pupil of his uncle, Salomon van Ruisdael. The Ruined Cottage. A gentleman stands gazing at a cottage, of which part of the roof and of the walls has fallen in; at his left a peas- ant holds his horse, and another man is seated on the ground in the foreground. At the right, behind the ruined cottage is another cottage. The sky is filled with storm- clouds. The figures are by Philips Wouwerman. Inv. 89.502. Panel: H. 0.42 (i6£ in.). W. 0.53 (20! in.). Purchased from the bequest of Sidney Bartlett, 1889. Collection of Prince Demidoff, Florence (San Donato Collection); Sale, 1880, no. 1133. Collection of Stanton Blake, Boston. Edge of the Forest. The edge of a gloomy forest through which runs a river; ducks are swimming in a pool, and under the trees at the right is a man. Inv. 89.505. Panel: H. 0.6 (23! in.). W. 0.72 (285 in.). Gift by subscription, 1889. Collection of Prince Demidoff, Florence (San Donato Collection); Sale, 1880, no. n 21. Collection of Stanton Blake, Boston. Landscape; attributed to Ruisdael. 149 Under a tall spreading tree at the right is a group of two figures; in the centre is a church; to the left are cottages set among trees. Inv. Ath. 22. Panel: H. 0.762 (30 m.). W. 1.0 (39I in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. SANTVOORT, Dirck Dircksz van. Born, Amsterdam, 1610; died there, 1680. Probably pupil of Rembrandt. 148 62 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 150 Portrait of a Lady. Half-length seated figure, turned slightly to the left; she wears a white dress liberally trimmed with lace and a thin gray kerchief over it fastened with two rosettes and four strings of pearls; her curly brown hair hangs loose on her shoulders. Dark background. Inv.93.191. Panel: H. 0.62 (24! in.). W. 0.505 (19! in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1893. STRIJ, Jacob van. Born, Dordrecht, 1756; died there, 1815. Pupil of A. C. Lens, and imitator of Albert Cuyp. 151 Landscape with Cattle. In the foreground are seven cows, five of them lying in a meadow, and one of the others silhouetted against the sky; behind them is a river with boats, and on the further bank a town, perhaps Dordrecht. Inv. Ath. 1284. Panel: H. 0.51 (20 in.). W. 0.70 (27! in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1889. Collection of Prince Demidoff, Florence (San Donato Collection); Sale, 1880, no. 1151. Formerly attributed to Albert Cuyp. THYS (Tyssens), Peter the Elder. Born, Antwerp, 1616; died there, between 1677 and 1679. Pupil of Artus Deur- waerder; painted in manner of Van Dyck. 152 Portrait of a Cavalier with his Page; attributed to Thys. Life-size standing figure of a gentleman wearing an olive-green doublet embroidered with gold and silver, a black hat with red plumes, and high boots; a page at the left dressed in olive-green is leading a white horse by the bridle; in the lower right corner a coat of arms. Dark landscape background. Inv. 09.184. Canvas: H. 2.275 (892 i n -)- W. 1.585 (62! in.). Gift of Francis Bartlett, 1909. Originally attributed to Velazquez, and considered a portrait of Henry de Halmale. It was bought in Flanders DUTCH 63 from a descendant of Halmale by Mr. Thomas Purves, at whose sale in London (June, 1849), it passed into the hands of T. P. Smith. Exhibited at Manchester in 1857. Col- lection of Madame de Falbe; Sale, Christie's, May 19, 1900, still attributed to Velazquez. Stirling-Maxwell's Annals of Artists of Spain, 1891, IV, p. 1585. Curtis: Velazquez and Murillo, 1883, pp. 68-69, no. 162. In a letter dated " Anvers le 9 Novembre 1901," Max Rooses expressed his conviction that the picture was by Peter Thys. Ascribed to Carel Fabritius by J. O. Kronig and Carl Bredius, 1913 (M. F. A. Bulletin, XI, 1913, p. 70, illus.) and by them believed not to be a portrait of Henry de Halmale. VALCKERT, Werner (Warnard) van. Fl. 1600-1635, Amsterdam. Pupil of Hendrik Goltzius. Portrait of a Man. 153 Bust portrait of a man in partial profile to right; he is dressed in black with a large white ruff and is putting a glove on his left hand. Signed: W. v. Vackert pincet. Inv. 06.1909. Oval panel: H. c.757 (29^ in.). W. 0.55 (21^ in.). Gift of Edward Waldo Forbes, 1906. Formerly in the Collection of Charles Fairfax Murray, of London. VELDE, Wille.m van de, the Younger. Born, Amster- dam. 1633; died, Greenwich, 1707. Pupil of his father, Willem van de Velde, the Elder, and of Simon de Vlieger. Marine. Among fishing boats at their moorings dories filled with fishermen are moving about; several men are wading in the shallow water. Inv. 7S.30. Canvas: H. 0.66 (26 in.). W. 0.778 (30I in.). Bequest of Stephen Higginson Perkins, 1878. VERELST, Simon. Born, Antwerp, 1637 (1640?); died, London, 17 10 (?). Pupil of his father Pieter Verelst. 154 64 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 155 Still Life. On a table lies a dead kingfisher; over it hangs a par- tridge, suspended by one claw, its left wing broken. Signed at the left, on the edge of the table: S. Verelstf. Inv. 90.202. Canvas: H. 0.745 (29! in.). W. 0.635 (25 in.). Gift by subscription, 1890. Collection of Prince Demidoff, Florence (San Donato Collection); Sale, 1880, no. 1043. Collection of Stanton Blake, Boston. VINCK-BOONS, David. Born, Mechlin, Belgium, 1578; died, Amsterdam, 1629. Influenced by Roelandt Savery and Jan Brueghel. 156 A Fight with Death. A crowd of gaily dressed people including a king and queen and courtiers and ladies pours out of a doorway at the right waving a white banner and brandishing weap- ons; at the left Death, a skeleton in black draperies, aims his arrows into the crowd, and many fall dead at his feet; behind Death is Time, a book, parchment, sheet of music, and scissors on the ground at his feet. In the background among trees a group of wild and domestic animals are being attacked by another figure of Death. Inv. 74.3. Panel: H. 0.281 (11 in.). W. 0.44 (17! in.). Bequest of Charles Sumner, 1874. VLIET, Hendrik Cornelisz van. Born, Delft, 1611- 161 2; died there, 1675. Pupil of his uncle William van Vliet, and of Mierevelt. 157 Interior of a Church. A view across the nave toward a chapel; the walls are of white stone, the floor of dark stone, and the roof of brown wood; sunlight streams in through the windows. In the foreground at the right is the pulpit against a column, and at the extreme right a green curtain. Small groups of people are scattered about the building. Inv. 17.1411. Canvas: H. 1.08 (425 in.). W. 0.88 (34* in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. DUTCH 65 VVINT, Peter M. de. Born, Stone, Staffordshire, 1784; died, London, 1849. Pupil of J. R. Smith and the London Academy. Landscape. 158 Landscape of green field and trees; in the centre a stone bridge over a stream, a woman about to cross the bridge. Inv. 18.27. Water-color: H. 0.24 (of in.). W. 0.345 (132 in.). Gift of Mrs. David Isaacs, 1918. WOUWERMAN, Philips. Born, Haarlem, 1619; died there, 1668. Pupil of his father, P. J. Wouwerman, and of Frans Hals. See Ruisdael, J. I. : The Ruined Cottage. DUTCH SCHOOL Guitar Player. 159 A young man seated on a small chair, playing the guitar; his left ankle rests on his right knee; he wears a black hat, black sleeveless jacket, white shirt with lace collar, black breeches, and light red stockings; a saddle lies on the floor at the right of the chair. Brown background. Inv. 94.176. Panel: H. 0.285 ( IJ i m -)- W. 0.254 (10 in.). Turner Sargent Collection. Bequest of Mrs. Turner Sargent, 1894. Portrait of a Man. !6o Bust portrait of a young man turned slightly toward the right; he wears a black slashed jacket showing white sleeves and shirt front, and a white lawn collar. Olive- gray background. Inv. 16.389. Canvas: H. 0.61 (24 in.). W. 0.508 (20 in.). Gift of Miss Rose Lamb, 1916. Still Life. Game. j5j Two dead geese, one white, lying in the foreground, and one black and white, suspended by a rope tied around its feet. Dark brown background. Inv. 17.1409. Canvas: H. 1.22 (48 in.). W. 1.06 (41$ in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. 66 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS GERMAN BALDUNG, HANS, called Grien, or Grun. Born, Gmund, cir. 1476; died, Strassburg, 1545. Follower of Schongauer, Durer, and Griinewald. 162 Portrait of a Man; attributed to Grien. Half-length figure of a middle-aged man in three- quarter view to the left; he wears a large black velvet hat, with visors faced with brown fur; his black coat has a wide fur collar, and is open at the neck showing a finely- tucked white shirt; in his hands he holds a string of red beads. Greenish blue background; an elaborate tassel hangs from each of the upper corners. Inv. 74.2. Panel: H. 0.435 C 1 ?! in.)- W. 0.33 (13 in.). Bequest of Charles Sumner, 1874. CRANACH, Lucas, the Elder: real name Lucas Sunder. Born, Kronach, Bavaria, 1472; died, Weimar, 1553. Probably pupil of his father; influenced by Durer. 163 Descent from the Cross. The body of the dead Christ resting on a white shroud is supported by St. John (red robe) in a half reclining pos- ture, the legs stretched on the ground to the right. The kneeling Magdalen (black dress and white apron) at the right has raised His left arm and is kissing the hand. The Virgin and one of the holy women (both dressed in blue with white head coverings) kneel between St. John and the Magdalen; behind at the left are the other two holy women (one in blue, the other in red); and at the right stand Joseph of Arimathea (dressed in brown fur) carry- ing the crown of thorns, and Nicodemus (dressed in light red) with the jar of precious ointment. Behind the group parts of the uprights of the three crosses are seen against a blue sky. Signed in the lower left corner with a winged serpent and dated 1538. Inv. 74.28. Panel: H. 0.615 (24^ in.). W. 0.406 (16 in.). Bequest of Charles Sumner, 1874. GERMAN 67 Portrait of a Lady. 164 Half-length figure turned slightly to the left; the hair is entirely hidden by a cap of pleated muslin, trimmed with a pale yellow ribbon which passes under the chin, falls over the back, and is twisted around the left sleeve near the wristband; the ample gown is of black brocade and velvet; the clasped hands are adorned with rings, and hold a handkerchief. Turquoise blue background. Signed at the right with a winged serpent, and the date 1549. Inv. 11.3035. Panel: H. 0.635 (25 in.). W. 0.47 (i8\ in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 191 1. Thiem Collection, San Remo. M. F. A. Bulletin, X (191 2), pp. 9-10, illus. HOLZEL, Adolf Richard. Born, Olmutz, 1853; lives in Stuttgart. Studied in Vienna, and under W. Diez in the Munich Academy. Garden Restaurant. 165 A line of empty tables among the trees, whose fallen leaves cover the ground; seated on a bench beside the table in the foreground, are two weary, dejected peasants, a man and a woman. Signed in the lower right corner: A . Holzel. Inv. 00.207. Canvas: H. 0.68 (26! in.). W. 0.84 (33 in.). Gift of the Bostoner Deutsche Gesellschaft, through Professor Hugo Miinsterberg, 1909. KAULBACH, Friedrich August von. Born, Hanover, 1850; lives in Munich. Pupil of his father Friedrich Kaulbach. Portrait of a Lady. 166 Half-length figure of a lady, in three-quarter view to the right; she wears a low necked gown of black and gold brocade, laced in front over a white muslin chemisette; in her hands she holds a platter of fruit. Landscape back- ground. Signed in the lower right corner: F.A. Kaulbach. 68 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. ii. 1453. Canvas: H. 1.0 (39! in.). W. 0.76 (30 m.). Gift in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bunker Greene from the executors of Mr. Greene's will through Charles Benjamin Barnes, 191 1. MEISTER DER HEILIGEN SIPPE. So-called from a picture in the Wallraf-Richartz Museum at Cologne (no. 169). Fl. Cologne, 1486-1515. 167 Two Saints. Two bare-footed saints in partial profile stand facing each other in a church paved with marble ; behind them is stretched a drapery of green and gold brocade, above which is seen the rounded top of an ogival window. The saint at the left wears a green tunic and red cloak, and holds a glaive in his right hand; the one at the right wears a dark blue tunic and gray cloak and holds an open book in his right hand and a spear in his left hand. Inv. 07.646. Panel: H. 0.48 (i8| in.). W. 0.325 (12I in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1907. (Purchased from Julius Bohler, Berlin.) MEISTER VON S. SEVERIN. So-called from an altar- piece by him, dedicated to St. Severin in Cologne, of which only the wings remain in that city. 168 Triptych. Central panel: Calvary. In the centre Christ on the cross; in the foreground the Magdalen (yellow brocade dress, red mantle) kneels, embracing the cross; at the left the Virgin (blue tunic and mantle) faints in the arms of St. John (red robe), a holy woman (brown brocade dress and green mantle) helping to support her; behind, an- other holy woman kneels in prayer. At the right and left, behind the cross are horsemen, sumptuously dressed, and soldiers; among them St. Longinus with his spear, and a soldier holding a long rod with the sponge; at the sides are the dying thieves; in the corners of the foreground kneel the donors: on the left in silver armor, Konrad von GERMAN 69 Eynenberg, Herr zu Landskron und Drimborn; on the right in a dull red cloak, his wife, Margaretha von Nessel- rode-Hugenpoet; in front of each of them, their coat of arms. In the middle distance, various scenes from the life of Christ are represented: at the left Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, Christ bearing the cross, and the entry into Jerusalem; on the right, the Walk to Emmaus, Christ appearing to the Magdalen, the Resurrection, and the Ascension. In the background, Jerusalem, blue hills and a gold sky. Right wing, inside: Baptism of Christ. Christ stands in the Jordan, His hands joined in prayer; at the right on the bank, St. John (light brown tunic, red mantle) holding a book in his left hand, and with his right, pouring water over the head of Christ; an angel (brown robe over pale blue) kneeling on the left bank holds His light brown gar- ment; above the group appear God the Father and the Holy Spirit between two adoring angels. In the back- ground, in a mountainous landscape, two scenes from the life of St. John are represented: his preaching in the wilder- ness, and his meeting with Christ. Left wing, inside: Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist. In the foreground the executioner (thin green shirt and striped trousers), still holding his sword with his left hand, is placing the head of the saint on a golden salver which Salome (brown and yellow brocade over white) holds in her outstretched hands; the body of the saint lies on the ground, face down, the arms crossed above the neck; be- hind Salome stand two figures, one of them perhaps a portrait of the painter; near the executioner, an old man and a guard with a spear; in the background at the left St. John being led to prison, and at the right the feast of Herod, with Salome offering the head of the saint to Herodias. On the outside of the wings are represented four saints standing on a terrace paved with marble; behind them is a wall covered with a rich brocade. On the left wing are St. Christopher (dull red cloak over short brown brocade 70 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS tunic) with the Child on his shoulder, and the Virgin (white cloak over a dark blue dress) with the Child in her arms; at the feet of these saints respectively, a woman and a man kneel in prayer, facing to the right; between them is the inscription anno dm. The date which should have appeared on the other wing was omitted. On the right wing are St. John the Baptist (light-brown tunic and red mantle), holding a lamb on a book, and St. Agnes (yellow dress and green cloak), her neck pierced by a sword, a palm branch in her right hand; at their feet kneel a man and a woman, turned to the left. Inv. 12.169. Panels: H. 1.28 (50^ in.). W. of middle panel, 2.18 (85I in.). W. of wing panels, 0.93 (39! in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 191 2. Painted in 1511 for the chapel of St. Gertrude at Schloss Eller near Diisseldorf. In 1887 Dr. Bode found it in the possession of a dealer in Paris, and in a letter dated May 17, 1887, called it " ein hauptwerk des Kolner Meister Sankt Severin." Collection of Consul Weber, Hamburg; Sale, Berlin, Feb. 20, 191 2, no. 62 of the Catalogue. The wings were exhibited at the Kunsthistorische Ausstellung, Diissel- dorf, 1904 (no. 47), reproduced in the book on this ex- hibition by Paul Clemen and Ed. Firmenich-Richartz, Munich, 1905, pi. 15. The centre and the wings are also reproduced in Scheibler and Aldenhoven: Geschichte der Kolner Malerschule; Liibeck, 1896, III, pi. 93,95. M. F. A. Bulletin, X (1912), pp. 25-27, illus. SCHRAMM-ZITTAU, Rudolf. Born, Zittau, 1874; lives in Munich. Studied in Dresden, Karlsruhe, and Munich. 169 Poultry Yard. On the left a flock of turkeys; one of them is eating out of a large trough in which two hens are standing; on the right a peacock with his tail spread; in front of him, farther to the right two pea-hens; in the background the stable; the yard is shaded from the sun by a tree, of which only GERMAN 71 the lower part of the trunk is visible. Signed in the upper right corner: Rudolf Schramm-Zittau. Inv. 11. 9. Canvas: H. 1.20 (47^ in.). W. 2.05 (8o|in.). Gift of Hugo Reisinger, 191 1. SCHREYER, Adolf. Born, Frankfurt a. M., 1828; died, Kronberg, 1899. Studied at Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich and Diisseldorf. The Halt at the Fountain. 17° Two Arab horsemen rest in the shade of trees while their servants water their master's mounts and their own at a fountain. In the distance on the left another group of mounted Arabs approach the fountain. Signed on the right: Ad. Schreyer. Inv. 07.232. Canvas. H. 0.60 (23! in.). W. 1.117 (46 in.). Gift of the children of William Goodwin Russell, in memory of their father, 1897. WOHLGEMUT, Michel. Born, Nuremberg, 1434; died there, 15 19. The Death of the Virgin. The Virgin (dark blue-green robe and white veil) lies on a bed covered with a red drapery, her hands crossed and her back supported by a cushion; over her is a canopy of green and gold brocade. At the left are three apostles, two (olive-green mantles) standing and conversing, the third (red mantle over gray-blue tunic) kneeling at the foot of the bed, his hands clasped fervently. At the right are the rest of the apostles; in the background, St. John (red mantle 1 holds a palm leaf before the Virgin; one next him (gold brocade mantle over pale rose-pink tunic) raises his hand in benediction; behind stands one without a halo, probably Matthias, the successor of Judas; then an apostle (brown mantle) with his hands raised in adoration, and one at the foot of the bed (green mantle over red), kneeling and reading the prayers for the dying, then a group of three, one (red and green robe) carrying the aspergillum 171 172 72 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS with holy water, the second (red mantle over dark green tunic) kindling a censer, the third carrying a processional cross; the twelfth apostle (brown brocade tunic and laven- der cape lined with brown) is seated in the foreground, putting on his glasses to read from a book which he holds open on his knee. On either side of the canopy is a window with landscape view. On the predella are the kneeling figures of Hartwig Volkamer and his wife Hedwig Tucher; behind each one is the family coat of arms, and between them, in gothic letters on a white background is the following inscription: Nach Christi geburt 1479, AM Freitag vor S: Walburgen tag, VERSCHTD DIE ERBAR FrAW HeTT- WIG VOLKAMERIN, DER GOTT GNE- DIG UND BARMHERZIG SEY. (In the year of our Lord, 1479, on the Friday before St. Walpurga's day, departed this life the honorable Mistress Hedwig Volkamer, to whom may God be gracious and merciful.) Inv. 03.610. Panel: H. 2.05 (8of in.). W. 1.118 (44 in.). Gift of the children of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren in memory of their mother, 1903. M. F. A. Bulletin, II (1904), p. 14, illus. GERMAN SCHOOL A Donor with St. Peter and St. Paul. Bust portrait of a donor with his hands clasped in prayer; he wears a white shirt and a black coat with a wide collar of brown fur. Behind him is St. Paul whose head only is visible and at the right St. Peter holding an open book in his right hand and a key in his left. St. Peter wears a green tunic and bright red cloak. Inv. Ath. 395. Panel: H. 0.48 (19 in.). W. 0.39 (15! in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1878. Formerly attributed to the School of Holbein. GERMAN 73 Three Saints. 173 Three full-length figures: on the left St. George, clad in armor and a red cloak, stands on the dragon, down whose throat he thrusts his spear. In the middle is St. Michael. in a white tunic and a green cloak with a band of gold braid around the upper edges and red fringe on the bottom; his wings are brown and yellow; he holds with his left hand a pair of scales, in the heavier scalepan a naked soul over which he pours holy water from a covered ewer; a writh- ing devil is trying to pull down the other pan in which are a tower, a mountain, and bags of money. On the right is St. John, clad in a brown sheep-skin and a very light brown cloak; in his left hand he holds a book bound in black, on which rests the Lamb, to which the saint points with his right hand; the Lamb supports the staff of a banner which is red with a white cross. The names of the saints are written in their halos. Inv. 07.485. Panel: H. 0.92 (36! in.). W. 1.235 (48! in.). Gift of Edward Waldo Forbes, 1907. 74 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS FRENCH BARGUE, Charles. Born, Paris; died there, 1883. Pupil of Gerome. 174 Turkish Sentinel. A young man, wearing a fustanella, armed with a long rifle and a yataghan in his belt, leans against a wall beside a shop furnished with rugs, stuffs, and bronze vessels. Signed on the right: Bargue '77. Inv. 03.601. Canvas: H. 0.27 (iof in.). W. 0.203 (8 in.). Bequest of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1903. BAR YE, Antoine Louis. Born, Paris, 1796; died there, 1875. Studied at the Ecole des Beaux-x\rts, and under Bosio (sculpture), and Gros (painting). 175 Tiger in his Lair. Signed at the right: Barye. Inv. 03.609. Water-color: H. 0.32 (i2§ in.). W. 0.231 (9! in.). Bequest of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1903. jy6 Stag Walking. Signed at the right: Barye. Inv. 03.608. Water-color: H. 0.22 (8f in.). W. 0.28 (11 in.). Bequest of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1903. BERNE-BELLECOUR, Etienne Prosper. Born, Bou- logne, 1838; died, Paris, 1910. Pupil of Picot and Felix Barrias in Paris. 177 Soldiers at a Well. Two soldiers in French uniforms filling their canteens at a stone well in a farmyard. Signed in lower left corner: E. Berne Bellecour, 1893. Inv. 19.16. Canvas: H. 0.34 (13! in.). W. 0.47 (182 in.). Bequest of Abraham Shuman, 1919. BONNAT, Leon. Born, Bayonne, 1833. Lives in Paris. Pupil of Federico Madrazo in Madrid, and of Leon Cogniet in Paris. FRENCH 75 Portrait of Henry Lillie Pierce. 178 Nearly full-length seated figure, the body turned to- ward the left, the head toward the right; the hands rest on the arms of the chair, which is upholstered in green; he is dressed in black. Reddish-brown background. Signed above on the left: Ln. Bonnat, 1895. Inv. 98.1005. Canvas: H. 1.27 (50 in.). W. 0.933 (364 in.). Gift of Charles Frost Aldrich and Talbot Aldrich, BOUCHER, Francois. Born, Paris, 1703; died there, 1770. Pupil of his father who was a designer of embroid- eries and engraver, and of Le Moine. La Halte a la Fontaine. xyp A caravan resting by a mountain stream among steep hills. At the left a young woman reclines on the ground, holding her sleeping baby on her breast; a little boy lies asleep by her knee; near her are two other children, a dog and some sheep; behind her a man, standing under a shelter improvised of poles and a red shawl, is watering a donkey and an ox at a trough; at the right, two children are play- ing with a dog beside the pedestal of a large stone vase; in the background cattle and laden camels with their attendants approach an arching bridge over a waterfall. Signed at the right, on the pedestal of the vase: Boucher, 1765. Inv. 71.2. Canvas: H. 2.09 (824 in.). W. 2.75 (108} in.). Gift of the Heirs of Peter Parker, 1871. One of four pictures by Boucher, formerly in the Hotel de Richelieu, Paris; sold in Paris, May 18, 1852. L'Aller au Marciie. jgo At the left, a heavily laden donkey, guided by a man with a short stick, has aroused a dog and three sheep; be- hind the man sheep and cattle are advancing; at the right a young woman is reclining, and a little child near her is startled by the approach of a cow which a man tries to hold back; in the background, women, children, and cattle 76 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS proceed toward the left, one woman riding a white horse. High rocks at the right and in the distance at the left. Signed at the left, on a stone: F. Boucher, 1767. Inv. 71.3. Canvas: H. 2.064 (81 J in.). W. 2.87 (113 in.). Gift of the Heirs of Peter Parker, 1871. BOUDIN, Eugene Louis. Born, Honfleur, 1828; died, Deauville, 1898. Self-taught. !8i Beach near Scheveningen. A gay scene on the sandy beach; young women in the costumes of the middle nineteenth century promenading with young men; older men and women sitting in chairs talking together; in the middle foreground a black and white dog. Gray clouds in a yellow sunset sky. Signed in the lower right corner: E. Boudin 1864. Inv. 19.99. Canvas: H. 0.452 (17I in.). W. 0.752 (29! in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. 182 Marine: Bordeaux, 1873. Harbor of Bordeaux; pale gray water and sky; long points of land at left and right, on that at the left a lighthouse; a square rigged ship entering the harbor and several smaller sailing vessels at anchor. Signed in lower left corner: E. Boudin, '73. Inv. 19.98. Canvas: H. 0.36 (141^ in.). W. o. 583 (22! in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. BOUGUEREAU, Adolphe William. Born, La Rochelle, 1825; died there, 1905. Pupil of Picot, and of the £cole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. 183 Madonna and Child with Young St. John. The Madonna is seated on a stone, holding the Child on one knee; He is golden-haired, and is kissing the little black-haired St. John, who stands embracing Him. The children are nude; the Virgin wears a bright-blue cloak over a gray-blue dress with a lighter gray scarf wound FRENCH 77 about her head and shoulders. Signed in the lower right corner: W. Bouguereau, 185 1. Inv. 08.186. Canvas: H. 1.50 (59 in.). W. 1. 18 (46^ in.). Gift of the Estate of Thomas Wigglesworth, 1908. BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, Felix Saturnin. Born, Veron, 1818; died, Versailles, 1892. Pupil of Leon Cogniet and of the £cole des Beaux-Arts. Cottage. 184 Farmyard scene; on the right the cottage with a girl sit- ting on the steps and near her several ducks and chickens; on the left a thatched shed toward which a man is driving a flock of sheep. Signed in the lower left corner: F. Brissot. Inv. 19.102. Panel: H. 0.359 (14J in.). W. 0.453 (17$ in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 19 19. CASSAGNE, Armand Theophile. Born, Le Landin, 1823; died, Fontainebleau, 1907. Pupil of J. B. Harding, in Paris. Le Dormoir du nid de l'Aigle, Fontainebleau. 185 A group of large spreading trees about a sunlit clearing; a family of peasants in the edge of the clearing. Signed in the lower left corner: Armand Cassagne. Inv. 78.42. Water-color: H. 0.441 ( 1 7 § in.). W. 0.622 (24', in.). Gift of Mrs. William Aspinwall Tappan, 1878. Le Charlemagne et le Roland; Vallon des Peintres, 186 Fontainebleau. Two mighty oaks growing on a hillside among large boulders; in the centre the distant plain is visible. Signed in the lower right corner: Armand Cassagne. Inv. 78.43. Water-color: H. 0.425 (16J in.). W. 0.67 (26! in.). Gift of Mrs. William Aspinwall Tappan, 1878. CAZIN, Jean Charles. Born, Samer, Pas-de-Calais, 1841; died, Lavandou near Toulon, 1901. Pupil of the Ecole des Arts Decoratifs, under Lecoq de Boisbaudran. 78 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 187 The Cottage. On a little knoll by the sea, stands a simple stone cottage with red-tile roof; to the left is an unfinished building; down the lane which separates the cottage from fields of waving grain, a woman is walking toward the left. Signed in the lower right corner: /. C. Cazin. Inv. 15.882. Canvas: H. 0.465 (i8| in.). W. 0.56 (22 in.). Bequest of William Rosewell Wilson, 1915. 188 RlVERBANK WITH BATHERS. A river flowing quietly in front of scattered large build- ings of a city suburb ; in the foreground two women bathers on the grass, a maid bringing a tray of food, and a large dog; on the further bank, also, two women preparing to bathe and an older attendant; behind them a road runs along the bank and across the bridge over a small stream flowing into the river. Early morning light in the sky. Signed in the lower right corner: /. C. Cazin, 1881. Inv. 20.593. Canvas: H. 1.32 (52 in.). W. 1.475 (58 in.). Peter Chardon Brooks Memorial Collection; gift of Mrs. Richard M. Saltonstall, 1920. CHAMPAIGNE, Philippe de. Born, Brussels, 1602; died, Paris, 1674. Pupil of Jean Bouillon, Michel de Bor- deaux, and Jacques Fouquiere. x8q Portrait of Arnauld d'Andilly. Bust portrait turned toward the right; he wears a black skullcap, and black robe with a white lawn collar, fastened with a tasselled cord; his hair is almost black, his moustache and small imperial somewhat gray. In the background a gray-green drapery; in the foreground across the bottom of the canvas a stone bar on which, at the right, is the date, Ao. 1647. Inv. 06.119. Canvas: H. 0.737 ( 2 9 m -)- W. 0.598 (23 £ in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. M. F. A. Bulletin, IV (1906), p. n and p. 35, illus. FRENCH 79 CHARDLN, Jean Baptiste Simeon. Born, Paris, 1609; died there, 1779. Pupil of Pierre Jacques Cazes, and Noel Nicolas Coypel. Still Life: The Kitchen Table. igo On a heavy wooden table are a covered copper kettle, with a spoon on top of it, a light blue jug, a mortar and pestle, and other kitchen utensils, with a white cloth, a plucked chicken, a loaf of bread, and a loin of lamb. Signed at the right on the edge of the table: Char din, 1733. Inv. 80.512. Canvas: H. 0.394 (15^ in.). W. 0.473 (18-f in.). Gift of Mrs. Peter Chardon Brooks, 1880. Still Life. 191 White grapes, a pear, and two chestnuts lie beside a white teapot on a heavy wooden table. Signed at the left on the edge of the table: Chardin, 1764. Inv. 83.177. Canvas: H. 0.32 ( 1 2 1 in.). W. 0.403 (15I- in.). Gift of Martin Brimmer, 1883. CICERI, Eugene. Born, Paris, 1813; died, Marlotte, near Fontainebleau, 1890. Pupil of his father, P. L. C. Ciceri. Landscape: Souvenir of the Village of Bouron. 192 A rough road leads from the foreground back to an ex- tensive group of farm buildings, near which are several people and cattle. On both sides of the road are scattered pieces of cord wood; two men are sawing; in the back- ground tree and hills. Signed in the lower right corner: Eug. Ciceri, 52. Inv. 13.456. Panel: H. 0.32 (12I in.). \V. 0.462 (i8i in.). Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 1913. Gorge aux Loups, Foret de Fontainebleau. 193 Sturdy trees growing among large, moss-covered boul- ders; bright sunlight filters through the leaves; in the foreground a man with a long staff, a pack and an um- brella strapped on his back. Signed in the lower left cor- ner: Eug. Ciceri, 52. 80 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 13.460. Panel: H. 0.473 C 1 ^! in.). W. 0.373 (14! in.). Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 1913. 194 On the Loing. A placid river flowing through a peaceful landscape of meadow and forest; a party of men in a boat fishing; at the left, on the bank, a man fishing with a pole; near him, two women kneeling on the ground. Signed in the lower right corner: Eug. Ciceri, 52. Inv. 13.464. Panel: H. 0.32 (i2f in.). W. 0.465 (i8| in.). Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 1913. CLAUDE LORRAIN: real name Claude Gellee, also known as Le Lorrain. Born, Chateau de Chamagne, Department of Vosges, 1600; died, Rome, 1682. Pupil of his brother Jean and later of Godfrey Wals at Naples and of Agostino Tassi at Rome. 195 Parnassus. Landscape representing the slope of Mt. Helicon with trees and bushes among the rocks, the top crowned by a circular temple adorned with statues. Below the temple Apollo in blue drapery, playing the lyre, is seated near the fountain Hippocrene which Pegasus, seen at the extreme right, has caused to spring up; he is surrounded by the Muses, carrying their attributes. The fountain descends the hill in cascades and forms a pool in the foreground, where swans are swimming; on the left, a verdant and undulating plain extends to the Corinthian gulf, dotted with white sails; behind a promontory a fleet of galleys is anchored. Signed on a rock at the left: Claude, 1680. Inv. 12.1050. Canvas: H. 1.0 (39! in.). W. 1.358 (53^ in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 1912. M. F. A. Bulletin, XI (1913), p. 9, illus. Painted for the Constable Colonna. Collection of Rev. Holwell Carr; sold at Christie's, 1804, for 1290 guineas. Collection of Walsh Porter, 1816. Collection of Eynard, Paris; sold in London by Stanley, 1827, for 400 guineas. Collection of Wynn Ellis, 1876. Collection of William FRENCH 8 1 Graham, 1886. Collection of Sir W. Farrer, 191 2. En- graved by Dubourg. Smith's Catalogue Raisonne, pt. VIII, p. 302, no. 193. Corresponds to no. 193 of the Liber Veri- tatis, which drawing bears on the face "Roma 1681 Claudio IV," and on the back " Quadro facto per III mo Sig r il sig Contestabile . . Collonna 1680." See Mme. Mark Pattison: Claude Lorrain, 1884, pp. 115, 224. Landscape; school of Claude Lorrain. 196 A narrow estuary at sunset with ships at anchor; on the rocky shore in the foreground are several figures; at the left, on the farther shore, is a square tower. Inv. 04.1750. Canvas: H. 0.745 (29! in.). W. 0.98 (38! in.). Gift of Ernest Wadsworth Longfellow, 1904. A Seaport — Sunset; school of Claude Lorrain. T 97 On the quay in the foreground sailors handling merchan- dise; buildings at the right, which stretch back toward a hill in the distance; at the left, prows of vessels and small boats. Inv. 12.379. Panel: H. 0.25 (9! in.). W. 0.34 (13! in.). Gift of the heirs of John Adams Blanchard through Sarah Harding Blanchard, 191 2. CORNEILLE de Lyon: also called Corneille de la Have. Porn, The Hague, cir. 1500; died, Lyons, cir. 1574. Portrait of Francoise de Longwy. A bust portrait in miniature of a French noblewoman in three-quarter view to the left; she wears a low-necked rose- colored gown with ermine trimmed sleeves, and a heavy necklace of pearls and jewels; around her head is a circlet edged with jewels. Dark background. Inv. 19.764. Panel: H. 0.148 (5I in.). W. 0.117 (4' in.). Purchased, Francis Partlett Fund, 1919. Flameng Collection, Paris. M. F. A. Bulletin, XVII (1919), p. 64. 198 82 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS COROT, Jean Baptiste Camille. Born, Paris, 1796; died, Paris, 1875. Pupil of Michallon and Bertin. 199 Shepherd in Corot's Studio: Vieillard Assis sur la malle de Corot (Rome). A bearded old man seated on a trunk below a window; he wears a sleeveless jacket of sheepskin over a black shirt, brown breeches and leggings, and a brown hat; his hands are clasped, and his staff leans against his right shoulder. Signed in lower right corner: Corot. Painted 1826. Inv. 19.79. Canvas: H. 0.335 ( I 3i m -)- W. 0.242 (92- in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. Sold by Corot, 187 2-1 873, for about 800 francs. Corot Sale; no. 26, 750 francs to M. Febvre. Robaut: Voeuvre de Corot; catalogue raisonne, 1905, no. 89. 200 Old Beech Tree. Foret de Fontainebleau, Etude d'Arbres et de Rochers. The large trunk and lower branches of an old tree grow- ing among boulders in a forest. Signed in the lower right corner: Corot. Painted 1828-1830. Inv. 19.80. Canvas: H. 0.555 (21! in.). W. 0.462 (i8j in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. Robaut: Voeuvre de Corot, no. 216. 201 A Recouvrieres, 1831: Une Ferme dans la Nievre. A farmyard in summer; a group of thatched farm build- ings with green fields around them; in the foreground a stream in which a woman is washing clothes while an- other woman watches her, holding a baby in her arms; near them are blue, red, and white garments drying on the ground; to the left is a load of hay, and beyond it a man carrying fagots; blue sky with thin white clouds. Signed in lower right corner: Corot. Inv. 19.82. Canvas: H. 0.472 (i8f in.). W. 0.704 (27I in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. FRENCH 83 Gift of Corot to M. Pons. Belonged about 1895 to MM. Diot and Tempelaere. Robaut: Voeuvre de Corot, no. 292. Vue Prise dans la Foret de Fontainebleau. 202 In the foreground a pool surrounded by boulders and scattered bushes, in front of large oak trees; a peasant woman drives three cows toward it, and at the left a cow stands in the edge of the water; the sky is almost covered with white clouds. Signed in the lower left corner: Corot. Painted 1846. Inv. 90.199. Canvas: H. 0.905 (35I in.). W. 1.295 (51 in.). Gift of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1890. Salon of 1846, no. 422. At the close of this Salon, Corot was made Chevalier de la Legion d'Ffonneur. Sold, 1872. to Mr. Alfred Robaut for 4,000 frs. Exposition at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, 1875, no. 74. Robaut: Voeuvre de Corot, no. 502. Environs d Arras: Le Chemin des Marchands de 203 Porcs. Scattered trees with long, slender trunks growing on either side of a cut through which a road passes. Signed in lower right corner: Corot. Painted 1850-1855. Inv. 19.86. Canvas: H. 0.349 (13! in.). W. 0.22 (8| in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. Prevost Collection, about 1873. Robaut: Voeuvre de Corot, no. 852. Portrait of a Man (The Sculptor Rude ?). 204 Small, full-length seated figure in front view, the head turned slightly to the right, the knees crossed, the hands folded; he wears a yellowish-brown coat and slate-colored trousers. Dark background. Signed on the left: Corot. Painted 1 850-1 855. Inv. 91.27. Canvas: H. 0.235 (9I in.). W. 0.343 (13-J- in.). Gift of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1891. Robaut: L'ocuvre de Corot, no. 1030. 84 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 205 Dante and Virgil entering the Inferno. At the edge of a dark wood, Virgil, crowned with laurel and draped in white, points with his left hand to the right; Dante presses against him in an attitude of fear, his eyes fixed on a snarling she-wolf at the left; at the right a crouching tiger, and an advancing lion. In the sky at the left the last pale stars are shining above the sunrise light. Signed on the right: C. Corot. Painted 1859. Inv. 75.2. Canvas: H. 2.58 (101^ in.). W. 1.683 (66£ in.). Gift of Quincy Adams Shaw, 1875. The animals were painted by Barye. Salon of 1859, no. 688. Following advice that had been given him, Corot wrote (Feb. 15, 1874) to the Administra- tion des Beaux-Arts, offering the picture for 15,000 frs. ; the offer was refused. At the sale of his works after his death, it was bought by M. Detrimont for 15,000 frs. (Catalogue no. 149). Robaut: Voeuvre de Corot, no. 1099. 206 Near Gisors. On the left of a quiet stream is a dense wood; on the right a line of willows separates the river from a broad meadow; in the foreground at the right are two figures and in the background a farmhouse. Signed on the left: Corot. Painted about i860. Inv. 93.1462. Canvas: H. 0.25 (9! in.). W. 0.445 i x lh in.). Gift of Rev. and Mrs. Frederick Frothingham, 1893. Corot sale; no. 202, 1020 frs. to Mr. Ishingham. Robaut: Voeuvre de Corot, no. 1002. 207 Nymphs Bathing. Baigneuses dans une Clairiere. At the base of two tall white birches beside a stream are the indistinct figures of four nymphs; to the right and in the background are other trees. Unfinished. Painted 1865-1870. Inv. 76.4. Canvas: H. 0.92 (36! in.). W. 0.73 (28! in.). Gift of James Davis, 1876. Robaut: Voeuvre de Corot, no. 1966. FRENCH 85 Landscape after Sunset. Soleil Couchant au Bord 208 DE L'EAU. On the right a grove of tall trees, through which the sky shows bright in one spot; on the left, gently rolling wooded country; in the foreground, a man and a cow near a pool. Opalescent evening sky. Signed on the right: CoroL Painted 1 865-1870. Inv. 94.136. Panel: H. 0.355 (14 in.) W. 0.52 (20^ in.). Bequest of James William Paige, 1894. Robaut: L'oeuvre de Corot, no. 192 1. Portrait of Maritte (Sketch). Jeune Femme a 209 L'Echarpe Rose. A young woman seated, her head full front; she has black hair and wears a gray sleeveless gown and pink drapery; her right hand lies in her lap, while with her left she holds the drapery on her shoulders. Signed in lower left corner: Yente Corot. Painted 1865-1870. Inv. 19.81. Canvas: H. 0.667 ( 2( H in.). W. 0.554 (21^ in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. Corot Sale; no. 474, 160 frs. to M. Verane. Robaut: L'oeuvre de Corot, no. 1580. Near Ville d'Avray. L'£tang vu a travers le 2 io Feuillage. Scattered trees on the bank of a stream with glimpses of a hill and some buildings on the opposite side; in the foreground a girl seated sewing at the base of a tree; near her a brown cow. Signed in the lower left corner: Corot. Painted 1865-1870. Inv. 19.78. Canvas: H. 0.422 (i6| in.). W. 0.60 (23! in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. Exposition d'une collection particuliere (Mme. de Cassin), Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, Oct. to Dec, 1884, no. 2. Robaut: L'oeuvre de Corot, no. 1476. Landscape. 2I1 Tall trees growing behind a pile of boulders; in the fore- ground a woman gathering flowers in a field with bushes; 86 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS in the distance broad meadows, and at the right a sheet of water. Signed at the left: Corot, 1870. Inv. 13.2902. Canvas: H. 0.616 (24! in.) W. 0.451 (17! in.). Bequest of Francis Bartlett, 1913. M. F. A. Bulletin, XII (1914), p. 33, illus. 212 Landscape. Le Verger sur le Plateau. A small pond seen through scattered trees; in the fore- ground a path toward the pond, on which an old woman is walking, leaning on a cane; fleecy white clouds in the sky. Signed in lower left corner: Corot. Painted 1870- 1871. Inv. 19.83. Canvas: H. 0.382 (15 in.). W. 0.462 (i8j in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. Sold by Corot to M. Painel. Robaut: Uoeuvre de Corot, no. 2220. 213 Landscape. Pres Arras: Juillet, 1872. At the right a road through open woods, along which a man rides on horseback; at the left, birches, near which two women and a child are picking flowers; in the distance low hills beyond a river. Signed in the lower left corner: Corot. Inv. 19.172. Canvas: H. 0.425 (i6| in.). W. 0.616 (24I in.). Bequest of Alexander Cochrane, 1919. Gift of Corot to Oudinot. Robaut: L'oeuvre de Corot, no. 2379. 214 Landscape. Souvenir d'un Pre de Brunoy. Open gray-green woods in the foreground, on the left and in the background a thickly wooded slope crowned with the buildings of a town. Two women and a child are walking away from the spectator toward a sunlit clearing; a cow stands in the shade at the right, and at the left a woman gathers flowers. Signed in the lower right corner: Corot. Painted 1872-1874. Inv. 1 6. 1. Canvas: H. 0.90 (35?, in.). W. 1.149 (45 £ in.). Gift of Augustus Hemenway in memory of Louis and Amy Hemenway Cabot, 1916. FRENCH 87 Exposition at the ficole des Beaux-Arts, 1875, no - I 93- Exposition at Durand-Ruel's 1878, no. 120. Robaut: Voeuvre de Corot, no. 2417. M. F. A. Bulletin, XIV (1916), p. 4, illus. Italian Landscape. 215 Tall tree trunks in the foreground, at the foot of which are two peasant women, one standing, the other seated on the ground; at the right a brook, and farther back a clump of trees; in the distance at the left a round tower. Signed in the lower left corner: Corot. Inv. 19.85. Canvas: H. 1.008 (39I in.). W. 0.81 (31! in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. COURBET, Gustave. Born, Ornans, 1819; died, La Tour de Peilz near Vevey, 1877. Self-taught. La Curee. 216 Among tall pine trees a huntsman and his boy, the game and the dogs at their feet, await the arrival of the hunt; one hind hoof of the dead buck has been tied to a low branch of one of the trees, his head and forequarters lying on the ground; the hunter (blue belted hunting blouse, brown breeches, gray leggings, and black hat) leans against another tree, smoking his pipe, his arms folded; in the foreground one of the hounds, spotted with red-brown on white, turns a threatening muzzle toward the other, spotted in dark brown; against the tree beyond the hunts- man, the boy (red waistcoat, gray-brown trousers, brown cap) sits upon his folded jacket blowing the Hallali, or Call to the Quarry, on his horn. Signed in the lower right corner: G. Courbet. Inv. 18.820. Canvas: H. 2.108 (83 in.). W. 1.803 (7 1 in.). Purchased, Henry Lillie Pierce Fund, 191 8. No. 621 in the Salon of 1857. First bought by M. Vani- sack, Antwerp. After the exhibition at Frankfort trans- ferred to M. Luquet in exchange for other pictures. In 1866 bought by the Allston Club of Boston, and shortly 88 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS afterward by the late Henry Sayles. M. F. A. Bulletin, XVI (1918), pp. 83,85. COUTURE, Thomas. Born, Senlis, 1815; died, Villiers- le-Bel, 1879. Pupil of Gros and Delaroche, in Paris. 217 A Bacchante. Head and shoulders of a smiling young woman in full front view; she has vine leaves in her dark brown hair, and a panther skin about her shoulders. Dark olive-gray back- ground. Signed on the right: T. C. Inv. 80.484. Canvas: H. 0.546 (21 J in.). W. 0.482 (19 in.). Gift by contribution, 1880. 218 Portrait of Mme. Couture. Bust portrait, the head bent and turned to the right; she wears a low-necked white gown. Olive-brown back- ground. Signed on the left: T. C. Inv. 91.28. Canvas: H. 0.46 (i8£ in.). W. 0.375 (14! in.). Gift of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1891. 219 Portrait Head. Bust of a seated young woman in profile to left, her head bent forward; light drapery is drawn about her shoul- ders, leaving the throat bare. Dark background. Inv. 20.594. Canvas: H. 0.56 (22 in.). W. 0.462 (19^ in.). Peter Chardon Brooks Memorial Collection; gift of Mrs. Richard M. Saltonstall, 1920. 220 Sketch for " The Volunteers of 1792." Nearly half-length figures of two dashing young men; the one in front, on the right, is shown full face, in the uni- form of the guards (chapeau-bras, blue coat with white facings, red collar and epaulettes) ; the other is shown in profile to the left, bare-headed, in civilian clothes. In the lower left-hand corner is written : £tude faite pour les enrolements volontaires de 1792. Signed on the left: T. C, above the inscription. Inv. 77.236. Canvas: H. 0.812 (^2 in.). W. 0.654 (25J in.). Gift by contribution, 1877. American Art Review, II (1881), p. 243. FRENCH 89 Sketch: A Family Group. 221 On a stone terrace under a spreading tree, a woman in a gray-blue dress is seated, holding a baby; at her left stands a bearded man wearing a red cap and belted tunic; in front of him is a woman in a yellowish-brown dress, seated on a step; she offers flowers to the baby who stretches out his hands to take them. Inv. 99.4. Canvas: H. 0.406 (16 in.). W. 0.325 (12$ in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1899. DAUBIGNY, Charles Francois. Born, Paris, 1817; died there, 1878. Pupil of his father Edme Francois Daubigny, and of Delaroche. Landscape. 222 Under a threatening sky, a heavy road leads between meadows into a forest. Signed in lower right corner: Daubigny. Inv. 90.200. Canvas: H. 0.65 (25^ in.). W. 0.93 (36-I in.). Gift of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1890. Landscape. 223 On the left bank of a river are farm buildings and trees which are reflected in the water; in the background are the hills of the right bank. Signed in lower right corner: Daubigny. Inv. 04.1615. Panel: H. 0.235 (9* m -)- W. 0.432 (17 in.). Bequest of Mrs. William Whitman, 1904. Landscape. On the left a quiet stream, in which the woods in the distance are reflected; on the right, a low grassy bank and scattered trees in spring foliage. Signed in lower right cor- ner: Daubigny, 1866. Inv. 19.91. Panel: H. 0.382 (15 in.). W. 0.67 (26* in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. 224 90 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 225 Landscape. At the right, a group of thatched farm buildings in front of a grove of trees; in the foreground, fields stretching away to low hills wooded in spots; at the left, a man ploughing with two horses. Signed in the lower left corner: Daubigny, 1872. Inv. 19.90. Panel: H. 0.31 (12 ^ in.). W. 0.595 (23! in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. 226 On the Oise. The river Oise bordered by low green banks, widening to fill the foreground; on the left, behind tall poplars, a thatched farmhouse in front of which a woman is watering a cow in the river; at the right, low partially wooded hills in the distance. Signed in the lower left corner: Daubigny, 1873- Inv. 19.87. Panel: H. 0.384 (15! in.). W. 0.67 (26I in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. 227 Springtime. A reedy pond in which ducks are swimming; on the right bank slender, yellow-green poplars and farther back trees of a darker green; in the distance on the left, a low cottage in a meadow and farther away a range of blue hills; sky tinged with pink. Signed in the lower left corner: Daubigny, 1874. Inv. 19.88. Canvas: H. 0.343 (13 J in.). W. 0.582 (22! in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. 228 Landscape; sketch. Sunset over an inlet of the sea and gray sand dunes. Inv. 18.18. Canvas. H. o. 38 (15 in.). W. 0.68 (26J in.). Gift of Mrs. Josiah Bradlee, 1918. DAVID, (Jacques) Louis. Born, Paris, 1748; died, Brussels, 1825. Pupil of Vien. FRENCH 91 Priam Ransoming the Body of Hector; study. 22 g A scene before the city of Troy: at the right, the chariot of Achilles with the dead body of Hector dragged behind it, his feet strapped to the step; at the left, Priam seated, Achilles standing beside a couch on which the body of Patroclus lies, and other Greeks mourning the dead. Dark, stormy sky, in the distance the sea. Inv. 77.151. Canvas: H. 0.338 (13! in.). W. 0.464 (i8jj in.). Gift of Mrs. John Cheney, 1877. DECAMPS, Alexandre Gabriel. Born, Paris, 1803; died, Fontainebleau, i860. Pupil of Abel de Pujol, David and Ingres. Don Quixote Charging among the Sheep. 230 Don Quixote, mounted, in full armor, his lance upraised, charges to the right through a flock of sheep; in the fore- ground a dog leaps at the horse's head, and another is seen on the other side of the horse; in the background at the right, Sancho Panzaon his donkey raises his arms to heaven. Signed on the right: D. C. Inv. 03.738. Canvas: H. 0.39 (15I in.). W. 0.31 (12I in.). Bequest of Josiah Bradlee, 1903. Van Praet Collection, Brussels. Farmyard. A farmyard surrounded by low buildings with plaster walls and thatched roof; a woman stands in the open door- way of the building at the back; in the foreground is a pool, and in various parts of the yard are groups of chickens. Signed on the right: Decamps. Inv. 07.87. Panel: H. 0.26 (10J in.). W. 0.45 (17^ in.). Purchased, Otis Norcross Fund, 1907. Interior with Figure on a Cot. ( )n a rude wooden cot in an attic lies a man who has just shot himself; he wears a white shirt, white socks and one slipper, and a large blanket is wrapped around him; his other slipper and revolver are on the floor; on a rush- 231 232 92 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS bottomed stool near the head of the cot is a candlestick with a burnt-out candle; on a shelf beside the bed are books, a skull, etc. ; an easel on which is a palette leans against the shelf. Inv. 12.579. Pastel: H. 0.23 (9 in.). W. 0.342 (13^ in.). Gift of Charles Edwin Stratton, 1912. 233 Landscape; sketch. A country crossroads; beyond it a dilapidated old mill; dark sky with a streak of light at the horizon. Signed in lower left corner: D.C. Inv. 19.109. Canvas: H. 0.19 (7! in.). W. 0.245 (9s in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. DECOMBES, Mlle. Emilie Elizabeth. Died, Boston, 1905. 234 View in Switzerland. A mountain ravine, with a white peak beyond; the ravine is filled with mist. Signed: E. Decombes, 1904. Inv. 13.477. Water-color: H. 0.219 (8f in.). W. 0.301 (n I in.). Bequest of the Artist, 1913. 235 Surf at Ogunquit, Maine. Great rocks against which the sea breaks in white spray. Signed: E. Decombes. Inv. 13.478. Water-color: H. 0.216 (8£ in.). W. 0.30 (n I in.). Bequest of the Artist, 1913. DEGAS, Hilaire Germain Edgar. Born, Paris, 1834; died there, 191 7. Pupil of Lamothe. 236 Race Horses. In the paddock of a race course are eleven horses ridden by jockies in their racing colors; in the middle distance is the track, and in the background are wooded hills with houses on their open summits. Signed on the left: E. Degas. Inv. 03.1034. Canvas: H. 0.305 (12 in.). W. 0.40 (15^ in.). Purchased, Sylvanus A. Denio Fund, 1903. Lemoisne, P. A.: Degas, p. 77, no. xxxi, illus. 238 239 FRENCH 93 Landscape. 237 An autumn landscape, with a river winding through a little valley among hills; houses are visible over the brow of the hill in the foreground. Signed on the right: Degas. Inv. 09.295. Pastel: H. 0.26 (ioi in.). W. 0.34 (13! in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1909. Landscape. A spring landscape with a river flowing through a green meadow, at the foot of steep bluffs. Signed on the left: Degas. Inv. 09.296. Pastel: H. 0.30 (1 if in.). W. 0.40 (15! in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1909. Danseuses Roses. Four ballet girls stand on tiptoe with hands raised high in the air, moving to the left and away from the spectator; their dresses, red with streaks of gold, shimmer in the light; green relieved with brown predominates in the background; in the left foreground is the trunk of a stage tree, touched with green light above and red light below. Signed: Deyas. Inv. 20.164. Pastel: H. 0.84 (33 in.). W. 0.58 (23 in.). Purchased, Seth Kettell Sweetser Fund, 1920. From the Collection of Joseph F. Flannagan. M. F. A. Bulletin, XVIII (1920), p. 10. DELACROIX, Ferdinand Victor Eugene. Born, Charenton-Saint-Maurice, 1798; died, Paris, 1863. Pupil of Guerin. PlETA. 24O At the foot of a cliff the dead Christ wrapped in a wind- ing sheet lies extended on a stone block, His right hand hanging to the ground, His uncovered breast revealing the wound of the spear; the Virgin (black dress with brown sleeves, red head covering) seated on the stone near His head leans against another woman in an attitude of despair; the Magdalen (red tunic and blue mantle) kneels at the feet of the Christ and lifts a corner of the shroud to show the wounds; St. John, draped in a red cloak, is seated in the foreground with bowed head, holding the crown of 94 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS thorns; Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus stand on the other side of the Christ; in the distance is Calvary; the two robbers still hang on their crosses. Signed on the left: Eug. Delacroix, 1848. Inv. 96.21. Canvas: H. 1.613 (63J in.). W. 1.305 (51! in.). Gift by contribution, 1896, in memory of Martin Brimmer. Exhibited at the Salon, 1848; considered by Delacroix one of his best works. Exposition Universelle, 1855. Collec- tion of the Marquis de Geloes. Collection of M. Faure, sale, June, 1873, (60,000 frs. to M. Durand-Ruel). A.Robaut: V oeuvre complete de Delacroix, 1885, no. 1034. A. Moreau: Delacroix et son oeuvre, 1873, pp. 183 and 188. 241 Lion Hunt. In a wild and mountainous country, two horsemen, one on the right with a sword, and one on the left with a spear, attack a lion which has already killed one man and pins another to the ground with his right forepaw; behind this dramatic group, one mounted and three unmounted hun- ters are trying to do for the lioness. Signed on the right: Eug. Delacroix, 1858. Inv. 95.179. Canvas: H. 0.90 (35^ in.). W. 1.194 (47 in.). Purchased, Sylvanus A. Denio Fund, 1895. A. Robaut: L 'oeuvre complete de Delacroix, 1885, no. 1349. 242 Christ on the Sea of Galilee; sketch. The Christ lies asleep in the stern of a boat buffeted by a stormy sea; some of the disciples are rowing, one holds the rudder, and the others suggest by their attitudes that they are overcome with fear. Signed on the right: Eug. Delacroix. Inv. 03.741. Cardboard: Ff. 0.235 (9^ in.). W. 0.305 (12 in.). Bequest of Josiah Bradlee, 1903. Purchased by him from Durand-Ruel, March 23, 1893. M. F. A. Bulletin, I (1903), p. 8. 243 Descent from the Cross; sketch. In the centre, the body of Christ is being lifted from the cross by two men, while a third supports His feet; two FRENCH 95 other men are mounted on ladders leaning against the cross; at the right near the cross of one of the robbers, stands the Virgin, supported by the two other women; at the left, in front of the cross of the other robber, is the centurion on a prancing horse. Inv. 03.742. Panel: H. 0.298 (nf in.). W. 0.44 (17! in.). Bequest of Josiah Bradlee, 1903. Purchased by him from Charles Sedelmeyer, Paris, 1897. M. F. A. Bulletin, I (1903), p. 8. DELAROCHE, Hippolyte, called Paul. Born, Paris, 1797; died there, 1856. Pupil of Watelet and of Gros. Portrait of the Marquis de Pastoret, Chancellor 244 of France. Nearly full-length seated figure, the head turned slightly to the left ; his head is supported by the first two fingers of his right hand, his left hand rests on the arm of the gilded chair; he wears the flowing robes of violet and red silk of a Chancellor of France; the cross of the Order of the Holy Ghost hangs on a broad blue ribbon around his neck, and a lace jabot falls over the blue ribbon; two other decora- tions are pinned on his robe. Orange-brown background. Signed on the left: P. Delaroche. Painted in 1829. Inv. 1 1. 1449. Canvas: H. 1.55 (61 in.). W. 1.245 (49 in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 1911. Exhibited at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900. Collection of his granddaughter, the Marquise de Plessis Belliere; Sale, May, 1897, no. 25 of the catalogue. Collec- tion of Degas. Collection of Pierre Decourcelle; Sale, Paris, May, 191 1. M. F. A. Bulletin, IX (1911), p. 46, illus. The sketch for this portrait, which had never been separated from it before the Decourcelle Sale, is now in the Musee Bonnat, Bayonne, France. DIAZ de la Pena, Narcisso Virgilio. Born, Bordeaux, 1808, of Spanish parents; died, Mentone, 1876. Appren- ticed to a porcelain painter. g6 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 245 In the Wood. A forest with large boulders scattered among the trees; the tree trunks and the ground flecked with sunlight; a roadway runs back diagonally to the left, and in the back- ground two peasant women are conversing. Signed on the left: N. Diaz. Inv. 77.138. Panel: H. 0.26 (iojm.). W. 0.35 (13I in.). Gift by contribution through James William Paige, 1877. 246 A Turkish Cafe. In a quiet little cove, a ca'ique is moored near the steps of a cafe built on the quay; in the background at the right is a hill with trees. Inv. 84.278. Cardboard: H. 0.14 (5^ in.). W. 0.216 (8J in.). Bequest of Thomas Gold Appleton, 1884. 247 Forest Scene. The sunlight falls across a wide path through a thick forest, making spots of light on the trunks and the autumn foliage; in the foreground is a peasant carrying a bundle of fagots; she wears a dark dress, white apron, red necker- chief and white cap. Signed on lower left: N. Diaz, 1840. Inv. 94.137. Panel: H. 0.38 (15 in.). W. 0.60 (23! in.). Bequest of James William Paige, 1894. 248 Gypsies Going to a Fair. Following a winding path through a dark forest, a pro- cession of men, women and children is approaching a pool in the foreground; beside the pool stands a youth with two dogs ; the sunlight falls brilliantly on a group near the head of the procession and on the bank at the right. Signed on the left: N. Diaz. Exhibited at the Salon of 1844. Inv. 03.600. Canvas: H. 0.99 (39 in.). W. 0.80 (317^ in.). Bequest of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1903. 249 Venus and Cupid. Venus in three-quarter view to the right, her head in profile, is seated on a rock in a landscape; her right hand is braced on the rock; with her left hand she supports FRENCH 97 Cupid who stands on her knees; he is nude; a white gar- ment hangs from the left shoulder of Venus and a rose- colored drapery covers her legs. Signed on the left: N. Diaz, 4J. Inv. 03.739. Panel: H. 0.31 (12^ in.). W. 0.197 (7S in.). Bequest of Josiah Bradlee, 1903. Spencer Collection, New York. M. F. A. Bulletin, I (1903), p. 8. Wood Interior. 250 A dark forest of large trees through which filter a few rays of sunlight; in the centre a small sunlit glade, and in the foreground a small pool by which a woman is seated; she wears a dark dress, a small red shawl, and a white cap. Signed in lower left corner: N. Diaz, '58. Inv. 07.137. Canvas: H. 0.568 (22! in.). W. 0.755 (29 j in.). Bequest of Elizabeth Howes, 1907. Forest near Fontainebleau. 251 Small open glade in a dark forest with patches of sun- light on the tree trunks and open ground; a path, on which a solitary figure approaches in the distance. Signed in the lower left corner: N. Diaz. Inv. 19.105. Panel: H. 0.49 (19^ in.). W. 0.61 (24 in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. DIETERLE, Mme. Marie. Born, Sevres, 1856; lives in Paris. Pupil of her father Emile van Marcke. Going to Market. 252 In the foreground, where a little reedy stream flows over the country lane, stand a red cow, a black cow, and a white calf; another cow has left the road and is wading up the stream, which is bordered by tall trees. Up the road, a man on a white horse urges on two lingering cows, one of which is nibbling the trees. Signed in the lower left corner: Marie Dieterle. Inv. 15.883. Canvas: H. 0.595 ( 2 2>h m -)- W. 0.495 (192- in.). Bequest of William Rosewell Wilson, 191 5. 98 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS DORfi, Gustave Paul. Born, Strassburg, 1833; died, Paris, 1883. 253 Summer. On the right, in the foreground, lie a scythe and a pitcher among daisies, poppies, and other flowers; on the left are hollyhocks, white lilies, and a profusion of low-growing flowers; butterflies and dragonflies hover over the flowers. In the distance is a hill with a castle. Signed in the lower left corner: G ve Dore. Inv. 73.8. Canvas: H. 2.68 (105J in.). W. 2.019 (79^ in.). Gift of Richard Baker, 1873. DUPLESSIS, Joseph Silfrede. Born, Carpentras, 1725; died, Versailles, 1802. Pupil of Imbert and of Subleyras. 254 Benjamin Franklin. Bust turned slightly to the right, within an oval; he wears a reddish-brown coat and waistcoat, the coat with brown fur collar and lining; the waistcoat is unbuttoned at the top showing a white shirt ruffle. Olive-brown back- ground. Inv. Ath. 4. Canvas: H. 0.73 (28I in.). W. 0.587 (23! in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. Hart, C. H. : " Life portraits of great Americans, Ben- jamin Franklin "; McC lure's Magazine, January, 1897. DUPRfi, Jules. Born, Nantes, 181 1; died, Isle-Adam near Paris, 1889. Pupil of Laugee and Pils. 255 On the Cliff. Between rolling dunes, on which cows and a horse are grazing, is a view of the sea, and the opposite shore of the bay; the sky is almost covered with white clouds. Signed in the lower left corner: Jules Dupre. Inv. 03.602. Canvas: Ff. 0.80 (31^- in.). W. 1.00 (39! in.). Bequest of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1903. The signature has been questioned, and the picture assigned to a contemporary of Dupre. FRENCH 99 Cottage by the Sea. A low, thatched cottage on the left, at the door of which a woman is feeding chickens; below it a smaller thatched building on the beach beyond which is the sea. Sandy slopes in the foreground. Signed in the lower left corner: Jules Dupre. Inv. 19.17. Canvas: H. 0.217 (8-f in.). W. 0.46 (i8| in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, ioio. DUPRE, Julien. Born, Paris, 1851; died there, 1910. Pupil of Pils, Lauzee, and Lehmann. Landscape. A green field; in the foreground the trunk of a large tree, and at its foot a tub of water by which are two brown and white cows, one drinking; at the right a peasant girl lean- ing on her staff. Lines of trees across the fields in the back- ground. Signed in the lower right corner: Julien Dupre. Inv. 19.17. Canvas: H. 0.38 (15 in.). W. 0.55 (21-^ in.). Bequest of Abraham Shuman, 1919. D'ESPAGNAT, Georges. Born, Melun, 1870; lives in Paris. Triel ix Spring. A wide blue stream; on the grass-covered bank at the left a yellow-green tree, and a clump of willows with red- violet shadows on the right; in the distance, low orange- brown hills; light violet clouds in the pale sky. Signed in the lower right corner: G d E. Inv. 19.1318. Canvas: H. 0.643 ^ 2 5s m -)- W. 0.773 (300 in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. FARRE, Lieutenant Henri. Born, Foix, 1871; lives in Paris. Pupil of Gustave Moreau in Paris. Bombing Nancy. Two bombing planes over the city of Nancy, a French and a German; the French machine has fired on the Ger- 256 257 258 259 IOO CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS man which is falling, burning, to the ground; puffs of smoke over the city show where the anti-aircraft guns have been active. Inv. 19.2. Canvas: H. 0.725 (28! in.). W. 1. (39! in.). Purchased, the Abbott Lawrence Fund, 1919. M. F. A. Bulletin, XVII (1919), p. 4. FRANCAIS, Francois Louis. Born, Plombieres, 1814; died, Paris, 1897. Pupil of Gigoux and Corot. 260 Wood Interior. In the midst of a grove of tall trees, their spring foliage brilliantly lit by the sun, a brook falls over dark rocks in a cascade and forms a little pool below; at the edge of the pool a youth bends over among the rocks; near the head of the cascade, a woman leans against a tree. Signed on the right: Franqais. Inv. 79.323. Canvas: H. 1.106 (40 in.). W. 0.755 ( 2 9'i in.). Gift of Edward Darley Boit, 1879. 261 By the Banks of the River. A placid stream, shaded by old trees, which grow close along the edge of the banks; a woman is seated at the foot of the tree in the centre ; the foreground is a green meadow. Signed in the lower right corner: Franqais, 81. Inv. 01.6233. Water-color: H. 0.479 ( X &1 m -)- W. 0.60 (23! in.). Bequest of Mrs. Arthur Croft, 1901. FROMENTIN, Eugene. Born, La Rochelle, 1820; died, St. Maurice, 1876. Pupil of Cabat and Remond. 262 Khan in Algiers. The open court of a khan, surrounded by buildings which include a square white mosque on the left; palm trees rise above the buildings. By the mosque are two camels, one standing, one kneeling; near them a man crouches on the ground, his head bowed on his folded arms; to the left, nearer the foreground, a man leans against a wall; in the centre three men are loading a kneeling camel; on the right, near a doorway, two women are lying in the shade; FRENCH 101 through a large square gateway at the back, a man on a camel is entering the enclosure. Signed in the lower right corner: Eng. Fromentin. Inv. 94.138. Panel: H. 0.342 (13^ in.). W. 0.533 ( 2I in.). Bequest of James William Paige, 1894. GERICAULT, Jean Louis Andre Theodore. Born, Rouen, 1791; died, Paris, 1824. Pupil of Vernet and Guerin. Study of a Cuirassier, 181 8. 263 Three-quarter length seated figure, the body turned somewhat to the left, the head in profile to the right; his right arm is raised as if waving a sword, but his hand is not visible; he wears a white great coat, open and thrown back, and white breeches, a steel cuirass, at the edges of which a red jacket is visible, and a crested helmet with a black " criniere." Inv. 88.724. Canvas: H. 0.37 (14! in.). W. 0.31 (i2| in.). Gift of Samuel Dennis Warren, 1888. Study of a Man. 264 Half-length nude figure, the body full front, the head inclined in profile to the right; his left arm hangs beside his body; his right forearm is raised and with his right hand he grasps the top of a staff. Signed on the left: T. G. Inv. 91.26. Canvas: H. 0.342 (13I in.). W. 0.42 (i6h in.). Gift of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1891. GEROMK, Jean Leon. Born, Vesoul, 1824; died, Paris, 1904. Pupil of Paul Delaroche and Gleyre. L'E.MINENCE GRISE. 265 The grand stairway in the Cardinal's palace; on the right Friar Joseph, Richelieu's confidential adviser, is descending, so absorbed in his book that he fails to notice the group of richly dressed courtiers ascending on the left, who doff their hats and how low as he passes; a bishop and two courtiers who have passed the landing and are ascend- ing at the left look back at Friar Joseph; at the foot of the 102 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS stairs stands a halberdier; on the landing is a large tapestry with the Cardinal's arms. Signed on the lower step at the right: /. L. Gerome. Inv. 03.605. Canvas: H. 0.655 ( 2 5i m -)- W. 0.985 (38! in.). Bequest of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1903. Exhibited in the Salon of 1874. 266 The Greek Slave. A full-length nude standing female figure, her head bowed, her cheek resting on the palm of her right hand; her left arm hangs at her side; an architectural background has been ruled in, and covered with a thin and irregular glaze of dull greenish-brown. Inv. 87.410. Canvas: H. 0.54 (21J in.). W. 0.37 (14! in.). Gift of George Augustus Goddard, 1887. GREUZE, Jean Baptiste. Born, Tournus, 1725; died, Paris, 1805. Pupil of Grandon. 267 Chapeau Blanc. Bust of a young girl, her body turned toward the right; her head almost full front; her hair is curled and powdered; she wears a white organdie hat with a white feather and blue bow, a low-cut white dress, and a gray scarf knotted about her neck. Olive-gray background. Inv. Ath. 58. Oval canvas: H. 0.565 (22I in.). W. 0.464 (i8| in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. The Dowse Collection. 268 Head of a Girl; attributed to Greuze. A girl with clear, ruddy complexion is shown nearly front face, her body turned to the right. She has thick, brown hair, hanging low on her forehead. She wears a gray-green dress with a wide collar and a white muslin ruffle around the neck. Inv. 87.409. Canvas: H. 0.419 (i6| in.). W. 0.33 (13 in.). Gift of George Augustus Goddard, 1887. GRIMOU, Jean Alexis; also written Grimoux, or Gri- moud. Born, Romont, Switzerland, cir. 1680; died, Paris, 1740. Self-taught. 270 FRENCH 103 Portrait of a Girl. 269 Nearly half-length figure of a golden-haired girl, in pro- file to the right; she wears a low-necked dress of very dark blue-green, with a lace ruffle around the neck; the sleeves are slashed with white. Dark background. fnv. Ath. 57. Canvas: H. 0.647 ( 2 5h m -)- W. 0.534 (21 in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. HUE, Jean Francois. Born, St. Arnould en Yvelines, 1751; died, Paris, 1823. Pupil of Joseph Vernet. The Shipwreck. A ship has been dashed by an angry sea upon the rocks which run out from a precipitous shore; on a rock in the foreground at the right two half-naked men are pulling up an unconscious woman who is supported by a man in the water; another man on the rock is pulling on a rope at- tached to a lifeboat, which is struggling in the waves; farther out to sea is another ship and a small sailboat. Signed on a rock at the right: Hue. Inv.Ath. 7. Canvas: H. 1.245 (49 in.). W. 1.705 (67! in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. ISABEV, Eugene Louis Gabriel. Born, Paris, 1803; died there, 1886. Pupil of his father, Jean Baptiste Isabey. Harbor View. A narrow stream at low tide; on the left, low hills, on the right, the buildings of a town; several boats left high and dry by the tide with men working around them. Signed in the lower right corner: E. Isabey. Inv. 19.101. Canvas: H. 0.331 (13 in.). W. 0.479 (i8g in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collec- tion; gift, 1919. JACQUE, Charles Emile. Born, Paris, 1813; died there, 1894. Landscape: A Coming Storm. On the slope of a grassy hill, rising at the right to a low ridge covered with trees, a flock of sheep is grazing, tended 271 272 104 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS by two girls and a black shepherd dog; the sky is covered with black thunder clouds. Signed in lower left corner: Ch. Jacque. Inv. 85.253. Canvas: H. 0.53 (20! in.). W. 1.0 (39! in.). Bequest of Mrs. Henry Sigourney, 1885. 273 Landscape and Sheep. A green field with a flock of sheep and their shepherd at the left; behind them birch woods, and on the horizon line at the left a dim row of trees. In the foreground a sheep dog. Overcast sky. Inv. 18.399. Panel: H. 0.325 (12! in.). W. 0.605 ( 2 3* in.). Gift from the Fenno Collection through Mrs. Isaac Fenno-Gendrot, 19 18. LAMBINET,£mile Charles. Born,Versailles, 1815; died, Bougival, 1878. Pupil of Boisseher, Drolling, and H. Vernet. 274 Landscape. In the foreground, two women are washing linen at the edge of a river; on the farther shore is a grove of trees. Signed in the lower left corner: E. Lambinet. Inv. 17.1622. Canvas: H. 0.165 (6| in.). W. 0.22 (8f in.). Gift of John Richardson Hall, through Mrs. Hall, 1917. LEROLLE, Henri. Born, Paris, 1848 (?); lives there. Pupil of Lamothe. 275 By the River. Two women walking toward the right along the bank of a river; one carries a sack on her right shoulder, the other holds a baby in her arms; at the left, in the middle dis- tance, a woman is tending cows grazing near two leafless trees; in the background on the farther side of the river there is a village at the foot of a steep hillside; the sky is covered with clouds. Signed at the bottom on the left: H. Lerolle. Inv. 84.248. Canvas: H. 4.71 (15 ft. 5^ in.). W. 3. (9 ft. 10 in.). Gift of Francis Charles Foster, 1884. Exhibited in the Salon, 1881. FRENCH 105 LHERMITTE, Leon Augustin. Born, Mont-Saint-Pere, 1844; lives in Paris. Pupil of Lecoq de Boisbaudren. L'Ami des Humbles. 276 In a peasant's cottage, Christ, clad in a gray-white tunic, is seated at a table with His back to the window; His eyes are raised and in each hand He holds half of the loaf of bread which He has just broken; two laborers are also seated at the table, their attitudes expressing their amaze- ment; in the background, a boy brings a roast on a platter, while a woman with plates in her hands leans toward him, looking at the meat. Signed in the lower left corner: L. L her mi He, 18Q2. Inv. 92.2657. Canvas: H. 1.55 (5 ft. 1 in.). W. 2.20 (7 ft. 2§ in.). Gift of Joseph Randolph Coolidge, 1892. Exhibited in the Salon, 1892, no. 681. LOISEAU, Gustave. Born, Paris, 1865. Self-taught. Winter, on the Banks of the Eure. 277 Snow covered banks of a stream, the farther bank lined with slender, bare trees; scattered bare trees in the right middle distance, and low hills in the background. Signed: Loiseau, 00. Inv. 19.1320. Canvas: H. 0.655 ( 2 5s m -)- W. 0.812 (32 in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. On the Banks of the Eure. 278 A quiet stream in which pond lilies are growing; green trees on the bank at the left are reflected in the water; on the right, flat, green country, and in the distance a row of trees; gray sky. Signed in the lower right corner: Loiseau, 1Q04. Inv. 19.1319. Canvas: H. 0.652 (25! in.). W. 0.812 (32 in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. MAUFRA, Maxime. Born, Nantes, 1861; died, 1918. Pupil of Le Roux at Nantes. Winter Twilight, Douarnenez. 279 Dark blue sea in the right foreground, a high, sandy bank at the left, and in the background the houses of 106 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Douarnenez; faint streaks of orange in the gray sky. Signed in the lower right corner: Maufra, pi. Inv. 19.1317. Canvas: H. 0.546 (21$ in.). W. 0.651 (25^ in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. 280 Departure of the Fishing Boats. Pale green sea; in the foreground five small sail boats leaving the steep cliffs on the left; gray and yellow sunrise sky. Signed in the lower right corner: Maufra, 1 poo. Inv. 19.1316. Canvas: H. 0.541 (21! in.). W. 0.652 (25I in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. Four Water-Color Sketches, gift of Mme. E. E. De- combes in memory of her daughter, Mile. Emilie Decombes, 1907. 281 Camaret, Bretagne. Signed in the lower left corner: Maufra } p6. Inv. 07.102. H. 0.315 (i2f in.). W. 0.39 (15! in.). 282 Marine. Signed in the lower left corner: Maufra 'p6. Inv. 07.103. H. 0.315 (i2f in.). W. 0.39 (15I in.). 283 Twilight Landscape. Signed in the lower right corner: Maufra. Inv. 07.104. H. 0.315 (i2f in.). W. 0.39 (15I in.). 284 Sunset. Signed in the lower right corner: Maufra, ipoo. Inv. 07.105. H. 0.315 (i2f in.). W. 0.39 (15! in.). MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest. Born, Lyons, 181 5; died, Paris, 1891. Pupil of Leon Cogniet. 285 A General of the Revolution; sketch. Small half-length figure of an elderly man mounted on a horse whose shape is merely indicated; the man's body is squarely to the front, his head almost in profile to the right; he wears a black chapeau and a bright blue uniform; his right arm is bent, his right hand braced on his leg. Signed in lower right corner: M. FRENCH 107 Inv. 03.623. Panel: H. 0.09 (3I in.). W. 0.079 (3s in.). Purchased, Abbott Lawrence Fund, 1903. A Horseman, Time of Louis XIII; sketch. 286 Small, full-length figure of a young man in profile to the left, mounted on a brown horse; he wears a three-cornered hat with a blue cockade, a red uniform, high boots, and a sabre; in his right hand he holds the barrel of a musket, the butt of which rests on his knee. Signed under horse's belly: M. Inv. 03.624. Panel: H. 0.15 (5! in.). W. 0.114 (45 in.). Purchased, Abbott Lawrence Fund, 1903. MENARD, Emile Rene. Born, Paris, 1862; lives there. The Early Astronomers. 287 A brook in a green field; in the foreground above it three shepherds, nude or wrapped in skins, gazing toward the heavens; one stands, his staff held across his shoulders, another sits on a boulder, a dog at his side, and the third lies stretched on a skin on the ground; in the middle dis- tance low tents on the left, sheep on the right; fields stretch back to hills in the distance. Signed in the lower right cor- ner: E. R. Menard, 1883. Inv. 19. 1 14. Canvas: H. 0.905 (35I in.). W. 1.17 (465 in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. MERSON, Luc Olivier. Born, Paris, 1846; lives there. Pupil of Chassevent and Pils. Repose in Egypt. A moonlight night; at the left is the Great Sphinx; the Madonna and Child, reclining between its paws, are sleep- ing; Joseph lies asleep on the sand, with the base of the Sphinx for his pillow; near him is a tiny fire; at the right the ass, fastened to a stake, is nibbling the sparse dry grass; near the stake is the saddle; there are a few stars in the dark sky. Signed in the lower right corner: Luc Olivier Merson, i8jg. 288 108 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 18.652. Canvas: H. 0.715 (285 in.). W. 1.282 (50^ in.). Bequest of George Golding Kennedy, 1918. MICHEL, Georges. Born, Paris, 1763; died there, 1843. Pupil of Leduc. 289 Landscape. On a hill at the left a ruined castle, strongly outlined against the fading light of the evening sky; to the right at the foot of the hill a wide plain. Inv. 06.2420. Canvas: H. 0.52 (20I in.). W. 0.762 (30 in.). Bequest of Mrs. Martin Brimmer, 1906. MILLET, Jean Francois. Born, Gruchy-Greville, 1814; died, Barbizon, 1875. Pupil of Langlois and Delaroche. 290 Youth and Maiden before a Herm. Seated on a bank near a herm of Pan is a youth, nude, except for a garment across his knees; he holds a bird's nest with both hands; on the ground at his feet are his hat and staff; near him kneels a young girl, both arms raised in a gesture of excitement; beside her knee is an open pouch of bread and fruit; behind her is a goat tied to a sapling. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. M. Inv. 76.443. Pastel: H. 0.66 (26 in.). W. 0.34 (13! in.). Gift of Martin Brimmer, 1876. See Sensier: La vie et Voeuvre de J. F. Millet, 1881, p. 86. 291 The Sewing Lesson. The mother with a baby on her lap sits in profile to the left, directing the sewing of a little girl seated before her. The child wears a red dress and cap and a blue pinafore. Near the centre of the background is an open window look- ing out into a garden; on the window sill is a cat. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 76.1. Canvas: H. 0.813 (32 in.). W. 0.655 (25! in.). Gift of Martin Brimmer, 1876. See Sensier, p. 363. 292 Buckwheat Harvest. In the foreground two women are piling sheaves into a hand barrow; a man and a woman are carrying a barrow, 293 FRENCH 109 and farther away at the left a woman is carrying sheaves on her back toward the threshing place.- In the back- ground threshers swing their flails, while a woman throws sheaves of grain on the pile ; at the left two women toss the chaff onto a fire. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 06.2425. Pastel: H. 0.73 (285 in.). W. 0.952 (375 in.). Bequest of Mrs. Martin Brimmer, 1906. Exhibited in Paris in 1852, when it was bought by Mr. Brimmer for 500 francs. Lent by Mr. Brimmer to the Boston Athenaeum for its 27th exhibition, 1854, no. 120, where it is called " The Harvesting." Compare no. 309, p. 114. The Coming Storm. Black thunder clouds cover the sky over the green fields, between which runs a rough, muddy road; in the background a man leads a pair of horses toward the road. Signed in the lower left corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 06.2426. Pastel: H. 0.42 (162 in.). W. 0.533 ( 2I in.). Bequest of Mrs. Martin Brimmer, 1906. The Reapers. 294 Beside a big haystack men and women are gathered around a big dish, eating their midday meal; some are seated on the ground and others are stretched out on sheaves; at the left a young man approaches with a girl whom he is introducing to the company; she wears a blue dress and hood and carries an armful of grain; a dog sniffs her; in the background are two other haystacks and a peasant beside an ox cart. Signed on the right: /. F. Millet, 18 j j. (The last figure obscure.) Inv. 06.2421. Canvas: H. 0.692 (27! in.). W. 1.20 (47 ', in.). Bequest of Mrs. Martin Brimmer, 1906. Exhibited at the Salon in 1853. M. F. A. Bulletin, IV (igo6), p. 33, illus. Lent by Mr. Brimmer to the Boston Athenaeum for its 33d exhibition, 1859, no. 166 of the catalogue, where it is called, " The Noonday Rest." Also in the 34th exhibition. See Sensier, pp. 142-144. I IO CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 295 The Homestead at Greville. On the left a wall overgrown with vines in front of tall trees; beyond it along the village street is a two-storied house, illuminated by the setting sun, and a second house mainly in shadow. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 93.1461. Canvas: H. 0.597 (23I in.). W. 0.737 (29 in.). Gift of Rev. and Mrs. Frederick Frothingham, 1893. 296 The Knitting Lesson. A mother leans over her little daughter guiding her hands as she teaches her to knit; the mother sits near a window, wearing a pink waist, a dark brown skirt covered with a gray apron, and a cap, a heavy woolen garment across her lap ; the child, wearing a dark brown skirt, blue pinafore, and brown cap, sits on a low chair close beside her mother's knee. On the window sill is a work basket and a pincushion; high up on the wall by the window is a clock; against the wall at the back is a low cupboard, on which is a pile of linen; on the wall over the cupboard hang three flatirons. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 06.2423. Canvas: H. 0.457 (18 in.). W. 0.38 (15 in.). Bequest of Mrs. Martin Brimmer, 1906. Lent by Mr. Brimmer to the Boston Athenaeum for its 28th exhibition, 1855, no. 78 of the catalogue, where it is called " An Interior." Similar pictures exist in the Van- derbilt Collection at the Metropolitan Museum, New York, and in the Quincy Adams Shaw Collection, infra, no. 317. See Sensier, pp. 319-321. 297 Woman Milking a Cow. In a green field near a hedge a woman is seated on the ground, milking a red cow; on the other side of the hedge a field stretches away over a hill to the farmhouse; near the top of the hill cows and sheep are grazing. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 76.2. Canvas: H. 0.596 (23^ in.). W. 0.736 (29 in.). Gift of Martin Brimmer, 1876. Sketch for a picture in the collection of Mrs. Horatio Nelson Slater, Boston. FRENCH III Washerwomen. 298 A woman standing on a rock by a river piles linen on the shoulders of a second woman; on a bar near them is more linen, and on the ground are two bottles and a basket; farther off to the right a third woman has started for home carrying a large water jar. On the river is a fisherman in a boat; dimly seen on the farther bank are trees, and a line of cows wending their way home; the new moon is shining in the evening sky. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 06.2422. Canvas: H. 0.42 (16^ in.). W. 0.52 (20^ in.). Bequest of Mrs. Martin Brimmer, 1906. Lent by Mr. Brimmer to the Boston Athenaeum for its 35th exhibition, i860, no. 35 in the catalogue. Portrait of the Artist. 299 Head and shoulders, in three-quarter view to the right; long black hair, black beard and moustache; he wears a black coat buttoned up to his chin, with black velvet collar. Dark gray-green background. Painted at the time of his first marriage, when he was twenty-seven years old. Inv. 93.154. Canvas: H. 0.635 ( 2 5 m -)- W. 0.47 (i8f in.). Gift by contribution, 1893. See Sensier, p. 99. Girl Tending Sheep. 300 Leaning against a large rock at the right and shaded by high bushes is a girl knitting; she wears a blue skirt, a lighter blue apron and cap, and a large light brown cape with a dark brown hood; her staff leans against the rock; in the middle distance at the left a flock of sheep is grazing, and far off in the background two peasants are tilling a field. Signed in the lower right corner: J. F. Millet. Inv. 13.465. Canvas: H. 0.355 ( x 4 m -)- W. 0.27 (iof in.). Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 1913. Shepherdess. 301 A young girl sitting on a large rock in a pasture, her right leg drawn up on the rock; she wears a light blue- 1 1 2 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS gray skirt, a waist which is a darker shade of the same color and a broad-brimmed hat; in her left hand she holds her distaff across her lap, in her right hand a switch; a lamb is wandering away to the right, and the head of another appears at the left; in the background is a wide stretch of sunlit country. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 77.249. Canvas: H. 1.625 (64 in.). W. 1.295 (S 1 in.). Gift of Samuel Dennis Warren, 1877. 302 Killing the Hog. In a barnyard two men with a rope around the snout of a hog are trying to pull him toward them; near them is a woman holding a bucket of grain toward the hog, which squatting on his haunches resists the men with all his strength; another man at the left is trying to lift the hog to his feet. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. M. Inv. 92.2640. Pastel: H. 0.692 (27! in.). W. 0.89 (35 in.). Gift of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1892. See Sensier, pp. 322-323. 303 Les Regrets. A dark interior; the back of a nude woman who sits on a blue drapery and leans against a wall, her head resting on her hands. Signed in the lower right corner : /. F. Millet. Inv. 19.97. Canvas: H. 0.252 (9! in.). W. 0.183 (7I in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. QUINCY ADAMS SHAW COLLECTION: GIFT, 1917 PAINTINGS 304 The Sower. A young peasant striding to the right, sowing grain; he wears a soft hat pulled down over his forehead, a dull red blouse and blue breeches; his lower legs are wrapped in straw; a drab seed-bag is tied around his waist and over his left shoulder, and a loose side falls over his left arm; his right arm is extended to the left, scattering the seed. In the background at the left, a flock of crows is descend- ing; at the right, a man is driving a team of oxen hitched FRENCH: SHAW COLLECTION II3 to a harrow over the brow of the hill; they are enveloped in the rosy light of the dawn, while the sower and the ploughed field are still in shadow. Signed in the lower left corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1498. Canvas: H. 1.016 (40 in.). W. 0.825 (32^ in.). The original " Sower," painted in 1850, the year after Millet went to Barbizon. See Sensier, pp. 123-126. M. F. A. Bulletin, XVI (1918), p. 11, illus. The End of the Village of Greville, Overlooking 305 the Sea. At the left, part of a stone house beside a rough village road; three geese are in the road, one stretching its neck in at the open door; at the right of the door are a child's armchair, the mother's chair, and a spinning wheel. The mother has taken the child across the road to look out at the ocean, which extends to the horizon on the right; she is holding the child up on top of a short stone wall near an old elm " gnawed by the wind "; on the farther side of the wall is a thatched shed and a pile of fagots. In the fore- ground at the extreme right is a swift little brook, bridged by a large flat stone on which two geese are standing; other geese and ducks are feeding in the brook. Signed in the lower right corner: J.F. Millet. Inv. 17.1497. Canvas: H. 0.815 (325 in.). W. 1.003 (395 in.) ; Exhibited at the Salon, 1833. See Sensier, pp. 290-294. M. F. A. Bulletin, XVI (1918), p. 15, illus. The End of the Village of Greville. Study for the preceding; cooler and slightly less at- mospheric; the geese on the stone bridge and the child's chair are omitted; the spinning wheel is set squarely in front of the mother's chair, and other minor details are different. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1482. Canvas: H. 0.465 (i8{ in.). W. 0.56 (22 in.). 306 114 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 307 Planting Potatoes. A man and his wife, facing each other, are planting potatoes in a ploughed and harrowed field; he stands at the left, bending over and holding with both hands the mattock laden with the earth he has just removed from the hole into which his wife is dropping two potatoes; he wears a felt hat, a vest with pink fronts, white shirt, and drab trousers; his wife wears a gray-blue cap, a sleeveless violet jacket over a white waist, blue oversleeves, a blue skirt, and an apron in which she carries the potatoes. Just behind the potato field is a cabbage patch, across which there is a row of apple trees; in the shade of the nearest tree a donkey is tied and his two panniers are standing on the ground; in one, bedded on straw, sleeps a baby. A level plain stretches away to a village on the horizon en- veloped in the hazy atmosphere of a warm, sunny day. Signed in the lower right corner: F. Millet. Painted in 1861-1862. Inv. 17.1485. Canvas: H. 0.825 (32^ in.). W. 1.012 (39tin : ). Sensier, p. 222, " C'est une de ses plus belles oeuvres." 308 Sketch: Two Reclining Figures (Hagar and Ishmael ?) A youth, half reclining, supports himself on his right elbow; his head is turned in profile to the right; his hands are clasped; he wears a blue cap, a white shirt open so as to leave the right shoulder bare, a brown scarf knotted around his shoulders, and gray-blue trousers; the seated woman behind him, a less finished figure, is earnestly addressing the youth; she wears a red-brown mantle and hood. Inv. 17.1505. Canvas: H. 0.72 (28!- in.). W. 1.0 (39I in.). 309 The Buckwheat Harvest. In the foreground a woman is loading a hand barrow with sheaves which are being brought to her by a second woman. Behind the latter are a man and a woman carry- ing a loaded barrow toward the pile of sheaves in the back- FRENCH: SHAW COLLECTION 115 ground ; farther off two other women are carrying toward it sacks stuffed with sheaves. In the background are men swinging their flails around the threshing floor; a woman supplies them with grain from the pile at the right; at the left is a pile of chaff which two women are feeding to a bonfire. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1481. Canvas: H. 0.853 (33s m -)- W. 1.11 (43$ in.). Compare no. 292, supra. Watering the Cow. 310 A woman has brought her old red cow down to the river for her evening drink; the woman stands at the water's edge leaning forward on her staff and holding in her out- stretched right hand the rope that is attached to the cow's left horn; she wears a gray-blue hooded cape, a bright green-blue waist and a brown skirt. Some geese, at the left, are rushing out of the water and running over the hill in the background; a white crescent moon is in the cloudy sky. Signed in the lower right corner: J. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1486. Canvas: H. 0.813 (32 in.). W. 1.003 (392 in.)- Watering the Cow. 3U Study for the preceding; the hour is not so late, the rosy tints of sunset still fill the sky, the river bank is not so high, and there are no geese. In the background at the left is a large barn and near it are trees and bushes; the woman wears a light greenish hooded cape, dark brown waist and blue skirt. Signed in the lower right corner: J. /•". Millet.. Inv. 17.1487. Canvas: H. 0.462 (iS^in.). W. 0.555 (21 1 in.). Wood with Shepherd and Sheep. 312 A shepherd stands at the foot of tall trees bordering a forest road; some of his sheep are scattered among the trees behind him at the left, others are lying or standing in the road in front of him; the trees at the bend of the road in the background are bathed in sunlight. Signed in the lower right corner: J. F. Millet. Il6 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 17.1484. Panel: H. 0.273 (iof in.). W. 0.148 (5! in.). 313 Shepherd and Flock. At sunset on a late autumn day, a shepherd with a little black dog is standing on a knoll beside a group of tall, bare trees, permitting his sheep to get a few more mouthfuls of the brown, dry grass, as they move slowly homeward. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1499. Canvas: H. 0.60 (23! in.). W. 0.497 (19^ in.). 314 The Watchers. In a room dimly lighted by a lamp suspended from a pole, two women sit sewing; the one under the lamp in front view wears a rose-colored cap, buff waist, and dull- brown skirt, and is mending a white skirt; her companion, who sits facing her, wears a brown cap and skirt and a blue waist; she is darning a buff-colored skirt; on a rush- bottomed stool beside them are a pincushion and a ball of darning cotton. At the left is a high bed with blue cur- tains, on the wall near it a clock, and high up at the right a rack into which garments have been thrown. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1501. Panel: H. 0.351 (13! in.). W. 0.27 (iof in.). 315 Woman Mending. In a room dimly lighted by a lamp suspended from an upright pole, a woman is mending a thick white woolen shirt; she wears a dark gray-blue cap, a bright blue waist, and drab skirt; on the other side of the light a baby is asleep in his crib; in the background is a curtained bed. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1502. Panel: H. 0.34 (13! in.). W. 0.273 (iof in.). 316 Woman Spinning. A young woman spinning wool; she stands at the right of the high wheel, which she turns by a crank with her right FRENCH: SHAW COLLECTION 117 hand, while with her left she twists the thick yarn which is being wound on the spindle; some rolls of carded wool lie on a shelf attached to the bench; she wears a light blue cap, buff woolen waist, dull red sleeveless jacket, brown skirt, and large gray apron. On the floor under the wheel is a basket of carded wool; in the background at the left is a cupboard, at the right two full sacks stand on the floor below a shelf. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1491. Canvas: H. 0.463 (i8i- in.). W. 0.387 (i5i in.). The Knitting Lesson. 317 A mother leans over her little daughter, guiding her hands as she teaches her to knit. The mother, seated by a window, wears a white cap, a brown waist, a bluish-gray apron and a dull red skirt; the child, seated by her mother's knee, wears a pink cap, and a dark brown dress almost covered by a bright blue pinafore; the stocking she is making is dull red. On the window ledge at the left are some gray garments; in the background is a low cupboard, on which are a copper coffee pot and a pile of linen; just in front of the cupboard a white cat is lapping milk out of a white plate; in a rack on a wooden shutter above the cupboard are three spoons; the floor is of red tiles. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1493. Panel: H. 0.403 ( 1 5 J in.). W. 0.316 ( [2 rs in.). Compare no. 296, supra. Girl Spinning. 3j8 A girl in profile to the left sits before her wheel spinning; she wears a white cap and waist, a blue bodice and little black shawl, a dull violet skirt, yellowish-gray apron, blue stockings, and felt slippers; a cat is asleep under her chair. On the wall at the right is a rack tilled with dishes; the wooden shutters are closed over the window of the wall behind her. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1489. Canvas: II. 0.35 (134 in.). W. 0.267 (10J in.). 320 Il8 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 319 Shepherdess. A young shepherdess seated in sunlight on a bank be- side a road through a dark forest; in her left hand she holds the end of her long staff; she wears a white cap, a large yellowish-brown hooded cape, and an apron of the same color which almost entirely covers her skirt; a blue garment lies along her right knee, and a little of her red waist is visible at her neck and wrists. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1503. Canvas: H. 0.324 (i2f in.). W. 0.245 (9! in.). The Cooper. In a dimly lighted shed a man in profile to the right is driving hoops into place on a huge cask; he holds a block with his left hand against the hoop and the mallet in his raised right hand; he wears a bright blue blouse, white trousers, a big brown apron, loose slippers, and no socks; two hoops lean against the barrel at the right; at the left is a chopping block, in which a big pruning knife is stuck. Signed in the lower left corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1492. Canvas: H. 0.465 (17! in.). W. 0.387 (15! in.). 321 Shearing Sheep. Before an open, thatched shed partly filled with hay, a young woman is shearing a sheep; the sheep lies on the bottom of an inverted tub, its legs firmly held by an old man; the man is dressed in blue, with a large hat pulled down over his eyes; the young woman wears a white cap and waist, with a buff-gray sleeveless jacket, and light blue oversleeves, a red skirt turned up to her waist, show- ing the drab lining, and a violet-gray underskirt; on the ground behind her lies the sheep whose turn comes next, its legs already tied; the rest of the flock press against the picket fence which separates them from the shearing place. In the background is a large stone barn, behind which are poplar trees. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. 322 FRENCH: SHAW COLLECTION 119 Inv. 17.1504. Canvas: H. 0.41 (i6| in.). W. 0.244 (9I in.). Probably painted in 1853, the first sketch for the large Tondeuse, exhibited in the Salon of 1861, now owned by Richard M. Saltonstall. In the Vineyard. In a field of vines sloping up toward the left a peasant, dressed in brown, with a soft hat pulled down over his eyes, is tying a grape vine to a stake; a few stakes lie on the ground beside him; a younger man somewhat farther oft is driving in a stake with a mallet; in the distance on the brow of the hill a young woman is tending two cows. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1494. Canvas: H. 0.378 (14! in.). W. 0.295 (11 1 in.). Man Digging. 323 A stalwart young peasant, facing to the left, with his back to the light, is turning in sod in a fallow field; he wears a white shirt, open so that his chest is bare, blue breeches, and sabots; his coat and hat and a mattock lie on the ground behind him at the base of a knoll; in the distance at the left are farm buildings. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1500. Canvas: H. 0.249 (9I in.). W. 0.325 (125 in.). Sailboat. Two fishermen sailing in a small boat on a choppy sea; their oars lie across the thwarts; in the background at the left is a lighthouse at the end of a breakwater. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1495. Canvas: H. 0.248 (9! in.). W. 0.327 (12^ in.). Fruit. 325 Three large pears, and a pearl-handled fruit knife. Signed in the lower right corner: J. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1400. Panel: H. 0.185 (7] in.). \V. 0.254 (10 in.). 324 120 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 326 Landscape with Reclining Figure or a Woman. A young woman half reclining beside a pool, her head at the right; she supports herself on her elbow, which rests on a little mound by the edge of the pool; she wears a white garment which has fallen off her left shoulder, exposing her left breast; a brown drapery covers her legs; dark greenish- brown background. Signed in the lower left corner: J. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1483. Canvas: H. 0.187 (7! in.). W. 0.33 (13 in.). 327 Day Dreams. A young woman sitting on a grassy bank ; she is turned toward the left, her head in profile supported by her right hand, her right elbow resting on the ground ; a distaff lies across her lap and in her left hand she holds a spindle; she wears a white cap, a light blue waist with a brown shawl tied loosely about her shoulders, and a red brown skirt; her feet are bare. In the background at the right, the lower part of two big trees; at the left, blue sky. Signed in the lower left corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1496. Panel: H. 0.225 (8£ i n -)- W. 0.163 (65 in.). 328 Priory of Vauville, Normandy. A high stone wall surrounds the stone building of the Priory, which is situated just over the brow of a hill beside the sea; the gate which gives entrance to the Priory yard is being held open by a peasant woman to let a team of oxen pass through; an overturned harrow lies on the bank beside the gate; the uneven, stony ground of the hill is broken by rough cart roads; at the extreme left is a peasant seated on the ground; behind him, coming over the brow of the hill, is a peasant driving a horse. In the background, the sea extends to the distant horizon. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1506. Canvas: H. 0.895 (3 5 i in.). W. 1.164 (45! in-)-. This picture was painted at Mr. Shaw's request in 329 FRENCH: SHAW COLLECTION 121 1S72-1874, the subject having been selected by him from Millet's drawings. See Sensier, pp. 348-349, 362-363. Cliffs of Gruchy. Beyond the top of a little rocky promontory, " la falaise de Gruchy," stretches the broad ocean, calm and smooth beneath a sky saturated with light and vapor; in a little cove at the right, two men in a rowboat; gulls are circling about the rocks and two sheep are browsing at the edge of the cliff, the back of one and the head of the other being visible; in a little hollow, behind a boulder, are some geese. Signed at the bottom, at the right of the centre: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1488. Canvas: H. 0.602 (23^ in.). W. 0.736 (20 in.). Sent by Millet to London for exhibition, 1871. De- scribed in an enthusiastic letter by Theophile Silvestre, quoted by Sensier, pp. 334-335. Various titles have been given to this picture: " Sea Coast Rocks," " The Sea — Normandy Coast"; Silvestre writes that it should be called " Terre, ciel, et mer." M. F. A. Bulletin, XVI (1918), p. 16. QUINCY ADAMS SHAW COLLECTION: GIFT, 191 7 PASTELS Millet's Birthplace at Gruchy. 030 Part of a long, stone house with thatched roof, beside a village street; in one doorway stands a woman sweeping the doorstep; some geese run toward her, frightening a little child who squeezes against the wall near a second door; at the right of this door is a grape vine, which spreads its green foliage over a large part of the second story; a low stable is attached to the left end of the house; around the manure pile beside the stable door hens and geese are searching lor grain. Across the road from the house is a barn; along the road beyond the house there is a stone wall laden with vines, and behind it are high trees. Signed in the lower right corner: /. /''. Millet. Inv. 17.1518. Pastel: H. 0.315 (12 § in.). W. 0.457 (18 in.). 122 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 331 Stables of Millet's House at Gruchy. At the right, part of a thatched stone building; in the centre, a conically-roofed well-house connected with it; and at the left, a garden with trees enclosed by a vine-covered wall. At the bottom of a flight of steps separating barn from garden sits a woman scattering grain from her apron to a flock of chickens. Scattered geese and hens feeding in the road in front. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1517. Pastel: H. 0.321 (i2f- in.). W. 0.431 (17 in.). 332 Farmstead. In the centre a high building with a circular tower be- hind a country road; a luxuriant vine covers most of the tower and the upper part of the adjacent wall at the right. Beyond the building at the left a low stone wall and trees line the road; a man sitting sideways on a farm horse, leading another horse, has just come through the opening in the high wall at the right of the building; in the fore- ground geese and hens are running about. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1510. Pastel: H. 0.345 (13! in.). W. 0.455 (17! in.). 333 The Little Goose Girl. A green pasture leading up to barns in the centre, at the right of which is a spreading oak. In the foreground at the left a little girl, holding a green switch in her hands, sits on a low bank beside a duck run; three or four ducks are waddling down to a little pool in the foreground at the right; a duck is feeding at the edge of the pool, and others are sleeping in the shade of the bushes which overhang the farther side. Signed in the lower left corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1524. Pastel: H. 0.417 (i6f in.). W. 0.52 (20^ in.). 334 The Path through the Wheat. A man with a mattock over his left shoulder is walking along a narrow path through the shoulder-high wheat 335 FRENCH: SHAW COLLECTION 1 23 toward the farm buildings whose roofs and gables are seen in the background; the wheat field rises to a knoll at the left; at the extreme right in front of the lowest build- ing is a pine tree. Signed in the lower right corner: J. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1528. Pastel: H. 0.403 (15! in.). W. 0.51 (20re in.). Training Grape Vines. A peasant in a bright blue shirt and darker trousers is training grape vines on a wattled fence; the gate, at the right, stands open and nearly opposite it is an apple tree, not yet in bloom; beyond is a high wall enclosing an or- chard ; conspicuous above the top of the wall at the left is a pear tree covered with white blossoms; a brown field in the background slopes up to a line of leafless trees on the horizon. Inv. 17.1516. Pastel: H. 0.44 (171^ in.). W. 0.642 (25! in.). Sunset — Watering Horses. ,36 A young peasant, his trousers rolled up to his knees, has ridden a gray farm horse out into a broad stream for a drink; he is looking back toward the right and with his left hand holds the halter ropes of two more horses, the nigh one a chestnut, the off one a gray, which stand at the water's edge; the sky is filled with a golden light of the afterglow. Signed at the bottom, at the right of the centre: J. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1530. Pastel: H. 0.377 (14! in.). W. 0.478 (iSHin.). Peasant Girl with Cows. 337 A peasant girl, wearing a brown hood and cape and a blue skirt, stands in profile to the left, holding in her right hand the halter ropes of two cows, the front one red, the other gray-white; the cows are both cropping the short grass; the level pasture which extends to the distant horizon, is broken by a clump of trees at the right. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. 124 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 17.1523. Pastel: H. 0.292 (11J in.). W. 0.47 (18? in.). 338 Watering the Cows. In the foreground, on the bank of a winding river, stand four cows, attended by a young peasant woman who stands at the left, holding a long stick in both hands; she wears a pink bodice over her waist and an apron which almost covers her blue skirt; on the farther side of the river the land rises gently to a thick growth of tall bare trees; a white crescent moon, partly shrouded by a soft haze, hangs in the west. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1527. Pastel: H. 0.308 (12$- in.). W. 0.465 (i8Ain.). 33Q The New-Born Lamb. A young peasant girl, holding a new-born lamb wrapped in her apron, has just come through a gate at the left and is followed by her flock, the lamb's mother in the lead, stretching her head up toward the lamb ; the girl is looking at the sheep; she wears a blue kerchief on her head, an orange-brown waist and a blue skirt; a large tree grows near the gate at the left and at the right the high bank behind the girl is covered with trees and shrubs. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1526. Pastel: H. 0.41 (i6| in.). W. 0.472 (i8-| in.). In the Garden. On a sunny summer day, a young mother has taken her sewing out into the garden; she has seated herself on the ground at the foot of an apple tree and is looking off at the beehives near the garden hedge at the right; her work basket has tipped over, and its contents are scattered on the ground beside her; on the other side of the tree stands her little child, brandishing a switch to scare off the hens that are just appearing at the end of the garden path; in the background are the thatch-roofed farm buildings. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. 340 FRENCH: SHAW COLLECTION 1 25 Inv. 17.1532. Pastel: H. 0.315 (12! in.). W. 0.376 (14H in.)- Shepherdesses Watching the Flight of W 7 ild Geese. 341 Two shepherdesses stop their knitting to look at wild geese flying across the sky ; one of them has laid her knitting on the bank and stands with her back to the spectator, her left hand stretched toward her companion, her right hand raised to shield her eyes; she wears a gray hood with a deep cape, a reddish-brown waist and a blue skirt; her com- panion, with her knitting in her hands, leans back and gazes upward at the geese; she wears a brown cape, a blue waist, and light skirt with a tinge of violet; she sits on a slight projection at the foot of a high bank of earth crowned by a dense thicket; nearby are the sheep, busily grazing on the scanty vegetation. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F . Millet. Inv. 17.1521. Pastel: H. 0.574 (22-f in.). W. 0.422 (i6| in.). Shepherdess. 342 A young shepherdess leaning against a rock beside a big boulder shaded by young trees, is busily knitting, while her dog keeps an alert watch on the sheep in a field below the shady knoll; she wears a red kerchief on her head, a large blue hooded cape, and a violet-colored skirt; her staff leans against the rock at her side; in the background at the left, beyond the sunny field are red-roofed farm buildings. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1515. Pastel: H. 0.403 (15! in.). W. 0.286 (nj in.). Compare no. 300, supra. Winter Evening. 343 A peasant's cottage, scantily lighted by a lamp hanging on a pole which stands in the middle of the room; the man is seated on a stool, with his back to the spectator, intent upon the basket he is making; his materials and tools are on the floor at his feet; facing him sits his young wife sew- ing on a white shirt; the baby is asleep in its cradle on the 126 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS farther side of the light; on the hearth at the left sits a drowsy cat. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1513. Pastel: H. 0.444 (17! in.). W. 0.541 (21^ in.). 344 Two Men Digging. Two young peasants, almost in profile to the left, are turning in sod with long-handled wooden spades; the older one, whose expression is sullen, stands in front and to the right, pushing his spade into the ground; he wears a white shirt open at the neck, blue trousers, with suspenders hanging round his hips, and sabots; the younger one, of more patient aspect, is turning over a sod; he is dressed like his companion except that his trousers are yellow- brown; their coats, with their hats on them, are lying on the ground at the left; behind the two men the ground rises at the right to a little knoll; in the background at the left is a level field from which rises the white smoke of a group of bonfires. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1519. Pastel: H. 0.70 (271% in.). W. 0.943 (37I in.). 345 The Road to the Forest in Winter. A sunless winter day, after a snowstorm; the road, which leads through an opening in a stone wall to the forest be- yond, has not been broken out; the trees of the forest in the background stand thick and tall and bare; five crows are searching for food on the snow, and others are circling above the trees; at the left are snow-covered bushes and a group of tall trees. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1508. Pastel: H. 0.516 (20^ in.). W. 0.408 (16 in.). 346 Morning Toilet. A young peasant woman doing up her hair; she stands before a diamond-paned casement window, on which hangs a mirror; she wears a yellowish-brown waist and a dull FRENCH: SHAW COLLECTION 12J blue apron which almost covers her dark skirt; on the window sill are a jug and a towel; in the background is a curtained bed, with the bedclothes thrown back; near the bed are a chair and a pair of sabots; high up on the wall is a clock. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1529. Pastel: H. 0.372 (14! in.). W. 0.258 (10$ in.). Farmyard by Moonlight. 347 In the centre of a farmyard brilliantly lighted by the full moon, stands a dog, gazing fixedly at a cat which is climbing up a ladder to a window of the building at the left; in the foreground is a wheelbarrow partly loaded with firewood ; a high wall at right angles to the house encloses the yard; in the wall is a large picket gate; at the right of the gate is a shed, near which poles are stacked; over the top of the shed rises a gaunt bare tree. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1520. Pastel: H. 0.708 (27I in.). W. 0.872 (34! in.). Farmyard in Winter. 348 A sunless winter day, the landscape covered with snow; under a thatched shelter built against a stone wall hens are roosting; two hens are pecking at the sheaves stacked at the right and one pecks at straw in the foreground; in the distance are farm buildings with white smoke rising straight from the chimneys. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1511. Pastel: H. 0.682 (26! in.). W. 0.881 (34M in.). The Noonday Rest. 349 A man and a woman are stretched out asleep on sheaves of wheat in the shadow of a haystack; their sickles are lying on the ground at the left; the man lies on his back his arms crossed above his head; the woman has curled herself up a little and lies on her side; her head pillowed on her arms. Sheaves lie in piles over the field, and in the 350 35i 128 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS background near a haystack is a hay cart, beside which the unharnessed oxen are quietly eating; a noontide haze covers the golden harvest field. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1507. Pastel: H. 0.286 (nj in.). W. 0.417 (i6f in.). The Rabbit Warren. A boulder-strewn knoll at dawn ; in the bank in the fore- ground are two rabbit burrows, and on the bank are two rabbits, one at the left crouching in the grass, the other sitting up, his back to the spectator. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1522. Pastel: H. 0.495 (19^ in.). W. 0.596 (23! in.). Dandelions. Roadside flowers flecked with sunlight; in the centre a dandelion plant, most of whose blossoms have gone to seed; in the grass at right and left are short-stemmed daisies and violets; bright green clover leaves and grass make a background for the flowers. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1512. Pastel: H. 0.406 (16 in.). W. 0.502 (19! in.). Primroses. A primrose in sunlight full of small bright yellow blos- soms, growing at the foot of a tree; the sunlight does not penetrate the thick growth of trees in the background. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1509. Pastel: H. 0.40 (15I in.). W. 0.478 (i8ri in.). 353 After the Day's Work. Under a full moon, already high, a young peasant is riding slowly home through the fields; he is seated side- ways on a plodding farm horse, leading its mate; he holds his whip over his right shoulder. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. 352 FRENCH: SHAW COLLECTION 1 29 Inv. 17.1514. Pastel: H. 0.372 (14! in.). W. 0.458 (18 in.). The Return of the Flock. 354 A young shepherd, advancing slowly toward the left, is leading home his flock; one of his dogs walks at his side, while the other stands on the crest of a knoll directing the rear of the column; in the distance is a man on horseback; a white new moon hangs in the roseate sunset sky. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. I7-I53 1 - Pastel: H. 0.385 (15I in.). W. 0.514 (20! in.). Sunset — Shepherdess and Flock. 355 A shepherdess is seated on a boulder, with her back to the dazzling golden sunset; her attention is devoted to her knitting; behind her is her flock, all eagerly browsing. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Millet. Inv. 17.1525. Pastel: H. 0.365 (14! in.). W. 0.445 ( l 7h in.). Twilight. 356 The afterglow of sunset has nearly faded from the sky; the new moon shines faintly; a young peasant, walking beside the donkey on which rides his wife, drives before him his few sheep. Signed in the upper right corner: /. F. Millet. Possibly a study for a " Flight into Egypt." Inv. 17.1533. Pastel: H. 0.507 (20 in.). W. 0.391 (15! in.). MONET, Claude. Born, Paris, 1840; lives at Giverny. Pupil of Boudin and Gleyre; influenced by Manet. Martne. In the centre a sombre, weather-beaten bark riding at anchor, her sails half furled; farther to the right are several similar vessels; the reflections in the foreground are dis- torted by the ripples. Signed in the lower right corner: Claude Monet. 357 130 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 06.117. Canvas: H. 0.50 (19! in.). W. 0.60 (23! in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. M. F. A. Bulletin, IV (1906), pp. 11, 35, illus. 358 The Cliffs at Petites Dalles (Les Falaises des Petites Dalles). On the left high chalk cliffs which extend along the sea; in the foreground is a group of people on the beach looking out to sea; beyond a dilapidated breakwater. Signed in the lower left corner: Claude Monet 1880. Inv. 06.116. Canvas: H. 0.59 (23I in.). W. 0.75 (29^ in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. M. F. A. Bulletin, IV (1906), pp. n, 34, illus. 359 Le DebAcle, Serie des Gla^ons, a Vetheuil. A broad river filled with snow-covered blocks of floating ice; on the further bank snow-clad hills, the surface broken with blue shadows, rise rather steeply, near by at the right, farther off toward the left; in places groups of tall poplar trees with low bushes on the bank at the foot of the hills are reflected in the water. Gray-green wintry sky. Signed in the lower right corner: Claude Monet 80. Inv. 20.163. Canvas: H. 0.607 (23^ in.) . W. 1.00 (39J in.). Purchased from the Seth Kettell Sweetser Fund, 1920. From the Collection of Arthur B. Emmons, M. F. A. Bulletin, XVIII (1920), p. 10, illus. 360 Flower Beds at Vetheuil, 1880. Bright orange and yellow flowers massed in the fore- ground; beyond them a river winds around a group of poplar trees on a point at the right; on the opposite bank low, pinkish hills; opalescent sky. Signed in the lower left corner: Claude Monet 81. Inv. 19.1313. Canvas: H. 0.92 (36! in.). W. 0.75 (29! in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 191 9. 361 Seacoast at Trouville. Green, rolling country overlooking the pale blue sea in the distance; in the foreground a wind-swept tree. Signed in the lower left corner: 81 Claude Monet. 362 FRENCH 13I Inv. 19.1314. Canvas: H. 0.602 (34^ in.)- W. 0.812 (32 in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. M. F. A. Bulletin, XVIII (1920), p. 2, illus. Ravine of the Creuse. Between steep, high banks, whose brilliant color is sub- dued under a leaden sky, the rapid river emerges into a quiet pool. Signed in the lower left corner: Claude Monet 89. Inv. 06.115. Canvas: H. 0.65 (25I in.). W. 0.79 (31^ in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. M. F. A. Bulletin, IV (1906), p. n and p. 34, illus. Bras de Seine, pres Giverny. 363 A quiet stream, both banks lined with overhanging willows which are reflected in the water; the whole land- scape is veiled in the violet mist of dawn. Signed in the lower left corner: Claude Monet 97. Inv. 11.1261. Canvas: H. 0.87 (345 in.). W. 0.978 (38^ in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 191 1. Les Nympheas, Pays age d'Eau. 364 Water lilies tinged with red in clumps of green lily pads, growing in a pond in the smooth surface of which the trees on the bank and the blue sky are mistily reflected. Signed in the lower right corner: Claude Monet 1907. Inv. 19.170. Canvas: H. 0.895 (35 f m -)- W. 0.935 (36! in.). Bequest of Alexander Cochrane, 1919. M. F. A. Bulletin, XVII (1919), p. 44, illus. Le Grand Canal, Venice. 365 A view of the canal looking toward Santa Maria della Salute; on the left up to the foreground are poles to some of which gondolas are moored; canal and buildings en- veloped in haze, and reddened by the sunset light. Signed in the lower right corner: Claude Monet 1908. Inv. 19.171. Canvas: H. 0.735 ( 2 9 m -)- W. 0.925 (36^ in.). Bequest of Alexander Cochrane, 1019. M. F. A. Bulletin, XVII (1919), p. 44, illus. 132 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS MONGINOT, Charles. Born, Brienne-Napoleon, 1825; died, Dienville, igoo. Pupil of Couture. 366 Portrait of William Morris Hunt. Bust portrait, the head almost in profile to the right; he is dressed in black with a large black cravat; his brown hair is slightly curly, and he has a full brown beard. Gray background. Signed on the right: C. Monginot. Square canvas in an oval frame. Inv. 10.1059. Canvas: H. 0.655 (25I in.). W. 0.545 (21J in.). Deposited by Mrs. Horatio Nelson Slater, 1910. MONTICELLI, Adolphe. Born, Marseilles, 1824; died, Paris, 1886. Pupil of Raymond Aubert. 367 Scene from Don Quixote: Sancho Panza Relieving the Forlorn Maidens. A woodland scene; two women, one dressed in red, the other in blue, standing beside two horses and a dog; at the right Sancho Panza in red costume approaches mounted on a white horse. Signed in the lower left corner: Mon- ticelli. Inv. 19.107. Panel: H. 0.338 (13^ in.). W. 0.485 (19! in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. MORET, Henri. Born, Cherbourg, 1856; died, Paris, 1913. Pupil at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. 368 The Cliffs. High red-violet cliffs above a bright blue sea; the plateau is covered with grass and on the highest cliff in the dis- tance is a lighthouse; two small sailboats on the water; hazy blue sky. Signed in the lower left corner: Henry Moret 1 go 1. Inv. 19.1315. Canvas: H. 0.652 (25 J in.). W. 0.812 (32 in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. NATTIER, Jean Marc. Born, Paris, 1685; died there, 1766. Pupil of his father, Marc Nattier. FRENCH 133 Portrait of a Lady as Diana. 369 Half-length standing figure of a woman, her body in profile to the right, her head turned to the front; she wears a low-necked soft white dress, with a floating scarf of light green silk; with the forefinger of her left hand she touches the tip of an arrow which she holds in her right hand. Gray-blue landscape background. Inv. 74.1. Canvas: H. 0.914 (36 in.). W. 0.737 (29 in.). Bequest of Charles Sumner, 1874. From the Thomas Thompson Collection, New York. PISSARRO, Camille. Born, St. Thomas, West Indies, 1830; died, Paris, 1903. Pupil of Melbye and Corot. Village on the River. 370 On the further bank of the river a line of houses which are reflected in the water; in front of them on the nearer bank tall, slender trees from which the leaves are nearly gone. Signed in lower left corner: C. Pissarro, 1873. Inv. 19.104. Canvas: H. 0.455 C 1 ?! m -)- W. 0.555 (2 1 5 in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collec- tion; gift, 1919. Morning Sunlight on the Snow. 371 A line of tall bare trees and underbrush divides the end of a snow-covered field in the foreground from the field beyond, which leads up to a wooded slope; a woman is walking toward the underbrush, carrying a basket in either hand; gray sky. Signed in the lower left corner: C. Pissarro, gj. Inv. 19.132 1. Canvas: H. 0.829 (3 2 * i n -)- W. 0.628 (24? in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. PRUD'HON, Pierre, called Pierre Paul Prud'hon. Born, Cluny, 1758; died, Paris, 1823. Pupil of Desvoges, at Dijon. L'Abondance. 372 At the right stands a woman holding in her arms a silver horn of plenty with a gold rim; she wears a greenish-yellow 134 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS dress, over which is violet drapery, and a broad blue band about her head; she looks down toward a younger woman at the left, whose head is raised to meet her glance; the woman at the left wears a white dress in the style of the First Empire, and a light blue cap. Unfinished. Inv. 13.391. Canvas: H. 1.162 (45! in.). W. 0.882 (34! in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 19 13. Exposition des oeuvres de Prud'hon, Paris, 1874, no. 86. Collection Laperlier; Sale, Feb. 17, 1879, no. 37 of the Catalogue. Collection Henry Rouart; Sale, Dec. n, 1912, no. 62 of the Catalogue, illus. RAFFAELLI, Jean Francois. Born, Paris, 1845; nves there. Pupil of Gerome. 373 Notre Dame, Paris. In the background the facade of Notre Dame; in the foreground people and vehicles crossing the Place du Parvis Notre Dame; at the left a row of trees with a few brown leaves still clinging to their branches. A gray morning in winter. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Rajjaelli. Inv. 19.108. Canvas: H. 0.72 (28! in.). W. 0.814 (32 in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. M. F. A. Bulletin, XVII (1919), p. 25, illus. 374 Returning from Market. An old man with a basket of vegetables on his left arm and a cane in his right hand, walking along a beach, a black and white dog at his heels; he wears gray clothes, a black vest and black hat. Signed in the lower right corner: /. F. Rajfaelli. Inv. 19.103. Canvas: H. 0.718 (28^ in.). W. 0.49 (19! in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. REGNAULT, Alexandre Georges Henri. Born, Paris, 1843; killed at Buzenval near Paris, 1871. Pupil of La- mothe and Cabanel. 375 AUTOMEDON WITH THE HORSES OF ACHILLES. On a rocky cliff above a leaden sea, a muscular man, with a red mantle almost blown off by the wind, holds FRENCH 135 with his upstretched left hand the slender rope halter of a rearing bay horse, and with his right hand that of a restive sorrel; the sky is covered with dark storm clouds. Signed on the left: H. Regnault, Rome, 1868. Inv. 90.152. Canvas: H. 3.15 (10 ft. 4 in.). W. 3.29 (10 ft. 95 in.). Gift by subscription, 1890. Regnault's first envoi from the French Academy in Rome. See Duparc, Correspondance de Henri Regnault, 1872, p. 169 for Regnault's description of the picture. Sketch for Automedox with the Horses of Achilles 376 Inv. 96.25. Panel: H. 0.19 (75 in.). W. 0.242 (9^ in.). Gift of Edward Brandus, 1896. RENOIR, Pierre-Auguste. Born, Limoges, 1841; died, Paris, 1 91 9. Pupil of Gleyre. Ox the Graxd Caxal, Vextce. 377 Sparkling blue water lined on both sides with rows of palaces; gondolas moving or moored to gaily striped poles. Signed in the lower right corner: Renoir. 81. Inv. 19.173. Canvas: H. 0.54 (21^ in.). W. 0.65 (25I in.). Bequest of Alexander Cochrane, 1919. La Seixe a Chatou. 378 At the right, high grass along the bank of the Seine, in the foreground a pink flowering tree against the blue water of the river; a child, her arms full of flowers, approaches on the path along the bank; on the further bank of the river a group of poplars along a road, and meadows at the foot of wooded slopes in the background. Signed in the lower right corner: Renoir. Inv. 19.771. Canvas: H. 0.74 (29I in.). W. 0.925 (36^ in.). Gift of Arthur Brewster Emmons, 1919. ROBERT, Hubert. Born, Paris, 1733; died there, 1808. Pupil of Pannini. Ruins of a Roman Arch; attributed to Robert. ~~ Q An elaborate stone arch with inscription of the emperor Trajan; around carved fragments on the ground are 136 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS grouped reclining female figures in Roman costumes; in the distance at the left wooded hills and a ruined aqueduct. Inv. 19.41. Water-color: H. 0.72 (28^- in.). W. 0.51 (20 in.). Gift of Brooks Adams, 1919. ROUSSEAU, Theodore. Born, Paris, 181 2; died, Bar- bizon, 1867. Pupil of Remond and Lethiere. 380 Landscape. Broad meadows dotted with clumps of trees stretch away to the distant hills; in a little pool beside a lane, two cows are drinking, attended by a woman; near a group of trees on the left is a flock of sheep; thin opalescent clouds almost cover the sky. Signed in the lower left corner: Th. Rousseau. Inv. 84.277. Panel: H. 0.267 (10^ in.). W. 0.382 (15 m.). Bequest of Thomas Gold Apple ton, 1884. 381 Landscape. A wide valley, brilliantly illuminated by the sunlight streaming through an opening in the clouds; through the valley runs a winding stream, bordered on both sides by wooded pastures; a man is pushing a punt out from the right bank; in the middle distance, on the left, cattle are grazing. Signed in the lower right corner: Th. Rousseau; dated in the lower left corner: Paris i860 (?). Inv. 17.1461. Panel: H. 0.533 ( 2I m -)- W. 0.745 (29! in.). Gift of Mrs. Henry Sturgis Grew, 191 7. ROYBET, Ferdinand Victor Leon. Born, Uzes, 1840; lives in Paris. Pupil of Vibert. 382 A Spanish Infante. Head and shoulders of a boy, shown almost full face, his head slightly bent forward; his thick brown hair hangs to his shoulders; he wears a black jacket, buttoned up to his chin, and a scarlet cap edged with gold lace and held by a scarlet ribbon under his chin; over his shoulder hangs the elaborate gold chain of an order. Dark greenish-gray background. Signed in the upper left corner: F. Roybet. FRENCH 137 Tnv. 02.85. Canvas: H. 0.457 (18 in.). W. 0.375 (14$ in.). Bequest of Ellen Frothingham, 1902. Boy with Tray. 383 Half-length figure of a boy nearly in profile to right, carrying a tray on which is a decorated glass vase contain- ing white wine; his head is turned toward the spectator and bent to the left; he wears a full brown cloak, which is open at the neck and shows the white shirt. Dark green background. Inv. 20.596. Canvas: H. 0.46 (i8| in.). W. 0.385 (15! in.). Peter Chardon Brooks Memorial Collection; gift of Mrs. Richard M. Saltonstall, 1920. SCHEFFER, Ary. Born, Dordrecht, 1795; died, Argen- teuil, near Paris, 1858. Pupil of Guerin. Eberhard, Count of Wurtemberg, Mourning over 384 the Body of His Son. The dead youth, clad in a rich suit of armor, lies on a couch, his head to the left; his father is seated in a chair on the further side of the couch, his hands clasped in a gesture of grief. Inv. Ath. 45. Canvas: H. 1.545 (61 in.). W. 1.645 (64$ in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. S ISLE'S', Alfred. Born, Paris, 1840; died, Moret sur Loing, 1899. Pupil of Gleyre. On the Road to Moret. 385 A strip of ground strewn with logs at the foot of a steep hill on the right; on a road from the centre of the picture a man approaches; on the left a river and distant hills are seen past groups of trees. Signed at the right below: Si shy. Inv. 19.1322. Canvas: H. 0.54 (21 -J- in.). W. 0.736 (29 in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. TROYON, Constant. Born, Sevres, 1810; died, Paris, 1865. Pupil of Riocreux and Poupart. 138 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 386 Landscape near Dieppe. In a quiet stream flowing through verdant meadows two cows are drinking; other cows are standing or lying in the meadow at the right; a woman is crossing the bridge over the stream; in the background, near a line of trees, are farm buildings; the sky is almost covered with lowering clouds. Signed in the lower left corner: C. Troy on. Inv. 84.275. Canvas: H. 0.82 (32J in.). W. 0.527 (20! in.). Bequest of Thomas Gold Appleton, 1884. 387 Landscape with Sheep. Down a lane between a meadow and a reedy pool, a flock of sheep is being driven by a shepherd; behind him comes a woman on a plodding horse; in the background is a village; clouds nearly cover the sky. Signed in the lower right corner: C. Troy on. Inv. 84.276. Canvas: H. 0.343 (13^ in.). W. 0.445 ( x 72 in.). Bequest of Thomas Gold Appleton, 1884. 088 Oxen Ploughing. A man is ploughing with three pairs of oxen in a bare field; a second man is guiding the nigh leader with a goad; in the distance is a man sowing; heavy thunder clouds cover the sky. Signed in the lower left corner: C. Troy on. Inv. 84.284. Pastel: H. 0.965 (38 in.). W. 1.31 (51! in.). Bequest of Thomas Gold Appleton, 1884. 389 Landscape near Paris. In the foreground grain and vegetable fields where two women are working; beyond, groups of houses and trees, and in the distance a blue hill; cloudy blue sky. Signed in the lower right corner: C. Troy on. Inv. 19. 117. Canvas: H. 0.267 (10^ in.). W. 0.455 (17 1 in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collec- tion; gift, 1919. VERNET, £mile Jean Horace. Born, Paris, 1789; died there, 1863. Pupil of his father, Carle Vernet, and of Moreau and Vincent. FRENCH 139 Judith. 390 Head and shoulders of a black-haired woman, her body turned toward the left, her head toward the right; her left arm hangs diagonally across her body. Signed in the lower left corner: H. Vernet, Rome, 1830. Inv. 89.157. Canvas: H. 0.66 (26 in.). W. 0.55 (21I in.). Gift of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1889. VOLLON, Antoine. Born, Lyons, 1833; died, Paris, 1900. Pupil of Ribot. Fruit. 391 On a heavy, dark table, are a ripe yellow pear, a dark glass goblet, a bunch of white grapes, some purple grapes, a peach, and some grape leaves. Signed in the lower right corner: A. Vollon. Inv. 17.3144. Canvas: H. 0.257 (io| in.). W. 0.40 (15 1 in.). Gift of Mrs. Josiah Bradlee, 1917. Interior. At the right a window; at the left, beside a wall where several pictures hang, a table on which stand a vase of flowers and a tray with carafe and goblets; near the table is a chair, and on the floor a dog asleep. Signed in the lower left corner: A. Vollon. Inv. 19. 115. Canvas: H. 0.402 (15! in.). W. 0.276 (10J in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collec- tion; gift, 1919. FRENCH SCHOOL (18th Century) Two Cupids ; sketch. 393 A Cupid in profile, reclines to the right; behind him is another Cupid, shown to the waist, full front, reclining to the left; he holds up a sickle in his left hand. Inv. 07.759. Panel: H. 0.27 (iof in.). W. 0.24 (95 in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1907. 392 140 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS BELGIAN CLAYS, Paul Jean. Born, Bruges, 1819; died, Brussels, 1900. Pupil of Horace Vernet, Suisse, and Gudin in Paris. 394 Marine. A Dutch fishing boat on a calm sea; in the background, other boats and a village on the distant shore. Signed at the right: P. J. Clays, 1870. Inv. 10.547. Panel: H. 0.59 (23J in.). W. 0.91 (35! in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 1910. COCK, Cesar de. Born, Ghent, 1823; died there, 1904. Pupil of the Academy of Ghent. 395 A Pool in the Woods. Dense green woods on each side of a quiet stream which widens into a pool; the foliage of the trees and a patch of gray sky are reflected in the water; in the foreground by the bank at the right, a man in a rowboat. Signed in lower right corner: Cesar de Cock, 1873. Inv. 19.94. Canvas: H. 0.637 (25^ in.). W. 0.879 (34s in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. 396 A Washing Place at Gasny (Un Lavoir a Gasny). In the central foreground a young woman is washing linen in a stream shaded by willows; a friend sits near her on a tree trunk; in the background are the sunlit buildings of a village. Signed in the lower right corner: Cesar de Cock, 1 88 1. Inv. 01.6770. Canvas: H. 0.401 (15! in.). W. 0.56 (22 in.). Gift of Dr. Henry Kemble Oliver, 1901. 397 On the River Epte, Gasny. Through a forest runs a river which reflects the green of the trees; a fisherman stands on the bank at the right. Signed at the left: Cesar de Cock, i88g. Inv. 02.69. Canvas: H. 0.368 (14I in.). W. 0.503 (19! in.). Gift of Dr. Henry Kemble Oliver, 1902. BELGIAN 141 STACQUET, Henri. Born, Brussels, 1838; died there, 1906. Winter Landscape. 398 Fields deep in snow leading up to distant woods; three men are advancing along a road toward farm buildings covered with snow at the right. Signed in the lower left corner: H. Stacquet, 87. Inv. 17.163. Water-color: H. 0.19 (7;} in.). W. 0.27 (io§ in.). Purchased, Abbott Lawrence Fund, 191 7. STEVENS, Alfred. Born, Brussels, 1828; died, Paris, 1906; pupil of Roqueplan and Ingres in the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. The Attentive Listener. 399 A woman dressed in a long pale blue gown sits in an olive-green armchair; her body is turned slightly to the right and her head bowed to the left; two pale pink roses are pinned at her bosom and in her right hand she holds several more; her feet rest on a blue cushion; the wall be- hind her is a shade deeper blue than her gown, and the polished floor reflects this prevailing tone. Inv. 19. in. Canvas: H. 0.51 (20I in.). W. 0.29 (nf in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. 142 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS SWISS BODMER, Karl. Born, Riesbach, 1809; died, Barbizon, 1893. Pupil of his uncle, J. J. Meyer von Meilen. 400 Oaks and Wild Boars. A gray day in a forest of oaks; the twisted branches of the trees are bare; in the foreground are a number of wild boars. Signed in the lower left corner: K. Bodmer. Inv. 06.3. Canvas: H. 1.34 (52! in.). W. 1.05 (41I in.). Bequest of Francis Skinner, 1906. CALAME, Alexandre. Born, Vevey, 1810; died, Men- tone, 1864. Pupil of Francois Diday. 401 Lake near Bayonne. The reedy margin of a lake, with a wooded bank in the background; the sky is covered with threatening clouds. Signed in the lower right corner: A. Calame 18 Avril 48. Inv. 96.45. Canvas: H. 0.40 (15! in.). W. 0.571 (225 in.). Gift of Caroline Louise Williams French, 1896. 402 Swiss Landscape. A cottage in a valley among mountains; on the left a stream with trees growing on its rocky bank opposite the cottage; gray, lowering clouds. Signed in the lower right corner: A. Calame. Inv. 15.329. Sepia drawing: H. 0.205 (8 m -)- W. 0.275 (iof in.). Bequest of Caroline Louise Williams French, 1915- 403 404 RUSSIAN 143 RUSSIAN BAKST, Leon Nikolaievitch. Born, Petersburg, 1868. Studied at the Petersburg Academy and in Paris. Mme. Bartet as " Berenice " in the Play by A. du Bois. A standing figure dressed in richly decorated orange and white garments, with red and yellow scarfs also decorated floating behind her. Signed at the left: Bakst, igi 3. Inv. 14.403. Water-color: H. 0.489 (19I in.). W. 0.333 (13I in.). Gift of Mrs. John Munro Longyear and Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 1914. The Butterfly. A dancing woman dressed in yellow and white, with richly decorated scarfs of blue and yellow floating behind her. Signed at the right: Bakst, igi 3. Inv. 14.701. Water-color: H. 0.454 (17! in.). W. 0.285 (n \ in.). Gift of Mrs. John Munro Longyear and Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 1914. " Grand Pretre," in the " Dieu Bleu." 405 He carries a long staff and his clothes are blue and white, with spots, stripes, and triangles of pink. Signed in the lower left corner: Bakst, ign. Inv. 17.594. Water-color: Ff. 0.284 (iij in.). W. 0.233 (95 in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1917. " Un Mendiant," in the " Dieu Bleu." 406 He leans on crutches; his clothes are orange and yellow with red and black spots surrounded by white. Signed at the right: Bakst, ign. Inv. 17.595. Water-color: H. 0.284 (n£ in.). W. 0.223 (8J in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1917. " Radja," in the " Dieu Bleu." a j His skin is jet black, his full trousers black with gold spots; the rest of his clothes, white with green, yellow and black decorations. Signed at the right: Bakst, igu. 144 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 17.596. Water-color: H. 0.28 (n in.). W. 0.215 (8^ in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. VERESTCHAGIN, Vassili. Born, Ljubez, 1842; died, 1904, on the Petropavlovsk when it was sunk in the harbor of Port Arthur by the Japanese. 408 Pearl Mosque in the Palace, Delhi. From the courtyard of the mosque three nights of nar- row steps lead up to a vaulted porch, roofed with domes; the mosque is of white marble, and the court is paved with white marble; in the shadow of the porch seven men kneel at their prayers; at the left other men kneel in the court by the fountain; in the foreground, at the extreme left are several pairs of slippers. Inv. 92.2628. Canvas: H. 3.96 (9 ft. 8| in.). W. 5.02 (16 ft. 5! in.). Gift by contribution, 1892. 4io ENGLISH 145 ENGLISH B0NINGT0N, Richard Parkes. Born, Arnold, near Nottingham, 1801 ; died, London, 1828. Pupil of his father and of Baron Gros at the ficole des Beaux-Arts. Scene from Gil-Blas. 409 A lady in white half reclining in a bed hung with red cur- tains; on the farther side of the bed stands a lady in blue. In the foreground a gentleman dressed in red and white, kneels, romantically addressing the lady in the bed. At the right stands a duenna and a young lady. Signed: R. P. Bonington. Inv. 84.281. Metal: H. 0.277 (iof in.). W. 0.227 (9 in.). Bequest of Thomas Gold Apple ton, 1884. The Visit. On a bed hung with rose-colored curtains a young woman half reclines, her head in profile to the right; an old woman, dressed in black with a white chemisette, and a thin black veil over her white cap sits in a high-backed, carved chair beside the bed; her right hand rests on the hand of the invalid; in her left hand, she holds a prayer book. At the left a small table; on the floor beside it, a work basket and a sleeping cat. Inv. 03.740. Canvas: H. 0.39 (15^ in.). \V. 0.315 (12-2 in.). Bequest of Josiah Bradlee, 1903. Collection Van Praet, of Brussels. M. F. A. Bulletin, I (1903), p. 8. BEWICK, Thomas. Born, Cherryburn, Ovingham, Nor- thumberland, England, 1753; died, Gateshead, 1828. At fourteen apprentice to the wood engraver Ralph Beilby. Three Studies of Birds; attributed to Bewick. Japanese Sparrow. H. 0.105 (4I in.). W. 0.165 (62 m -.)- 4 11 Snipe. H. 0.14 (5 \ in.)- W. 0.22 (8f in.). 412 Rail. H. 0.105 (4s m -)- W. 0.171 (6 J in.). 4I , Inv. 06.127. Water-colors: Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. 146 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS BROWNING, Robert Barrett. Born, Florence, 1849; died, 191 2. Studied in Antwerp, Paris, and Italy. 414 Solitude. In the still waters of a little lake the steep cliffs of the farther shore and the blue sky above are reflected; just above the cliffs is the new moon. On the right slender young willows; crocuses blossoming in the grass in the fore- ground. Signed in lower left corner: 18 RBB yg. Inv. 82.232. Canvas: H. 1.503 (59! in.). W. 2.351 (92J in.). Gift of Mrs. Bloomfield H. Moore, 1882. BUNNEY, John Wharlton. Born, London, 1828; died, Venice, 1882. Studied under John Ruskin. 415 Choir and Apse or San Vitale, Ravenna. The richly decorated walls of choir and apse are seen from a point somewhat at one side of the centre of the church. Signed in the lower right corner: /. Bunney, Ra- venna, 1874. Inv. 78.34. Water-color: H. 1.035 (4°* m -)- W. 0.616 (24J in.). Bequest of Stephen Higginson Perkins, 1878. BURNE-JONES, Sm Edward. Born, Birmingham, 1833; died, London, 1898. Pupil of D. G. Rossetti. 416 Study. Head of a girl in profile to left; yellow hair, gray eyes; delicate green background. Inv. 05.105. Canvas: H. 0.61 (24 in.); W. 0.451 (17! in.). Gift of Robert Walcott, 1905. 417 Le Chant d'Amour. In the centre a lady with auburn hair, dressed in pale brownish-yellow, kneels toward the right on a blue cushion ; with her right hand she plays on an organ and in her left hand she holds the book of music; at the right a kneeling figure, blindfolded, crowned with roses, and dressed in red with a floating blue scarf, blows the organ; a bow and arrow lie nearby; at the left reclines a young man in armor; these ENGLISH 147 figures are grouped on a narrow stone path, beside which grow tulips and primroses. In the background beyond a moat are mediaeval buildings. Inscribed on the back: Painted in Water-Color, Edward Burne Jones 1864. Inv. 06.2432. Water-color, mounted on a panel: H. 0.56 (22 in.). W. 0.785 (30! in.). Bequest of Mrs. Martin Brim- mer, 1906. Compare the oil painting in the Ismay Collection, Daw- pool. CONSTABLE, John. Born, East Bergholt, 1776; died, London, 1837. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools. Rochester Castle; attributed to Constable. 418 At the right on a wooded hill rises the Castle of Roches- ter, flanked by four towers; at the foot of the hill in the foreground, laborers' cottages. Cloudy sky. Inv. 84.279. Panel: H. 0.245 (9I in.). W. 0.364 (14! in.). Bequest of Thomas Gold Apple ton, 1884. Landscape. 419 On the left a line of tall old trees bordering a lane, in which sheep are lying; at the right fields and trees beneath a cloudy sky. Inv. 06.2419. Canvas: H. 0.33 (13 in.). W.0.48 (i8| in.). Bequest of Mrs. Martin Brimmer, 1906. The White Horse; studio of Constable. 420 In the foreground the river Stour; at the left, a barge in which a white horse is being punted out of a lock; on the further side of the river are farm buildings set among trees. Inv - 9S- I 373- Canvas: H. 0.93 (36! in.). W. 1.335 (S 2 h in.). Purchased, 1895. Replica of picture in the John Pierpont Morgan collection. St. John's Vale. 42I A brook winding through a peaceful valley between gently sloping hills. Signed in the lower right corner: "21 Sept. 1806 St. Johns Vale." Inv. 92.2632. 148 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 422 (On the reverse) Borrowdale. A brook descends from the hills in the background to a little pool, beside which is a low stone building among trees. Signed in the lower left corner: "8 Oct. 1806 Bor- rowdale Morning." Inv. 92.2631. Water-color studies: H. 0.15 (5! in.). W. 0.285 ( IJ 4 m -)- Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1892. COTMAN, John Sell. Born, Norwich, 1782; died, Lon- don, 1842. Studied architecture and etching in London. 423 Landscape. In the foreground a woman with a child in her arms is walking along a lane that leads through a group of fine old trees. Inv. 06.1897. Panel: H. 0.30 (nf in.). W. 0.26 (io|in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. CROME, John, known as Old Crome. Born, Norwich, 1768; died there, 1821. Influenced by Hobbema. 424 The Mill. On a hill at the right a windmill, silhouetted against a golden sunset sky; at the left a rolling plain, with a distant town; the cathedral spire stands out against the sky. Inv. 06.2418. Canvas: H. 0.641 (25-4- in.). W. 0.75 (29! in.). Bequest of Mrs. Martin Brimmer, 1906. FRANZ, E. Roesler. 425 Cypresses of the Villa d'Este, Tivoli. A group of tall cypresses; in the foreground a terrace with a marble balustrade leads to a flight of steps. Signed in the lower right corner: E. Roesler Franz, Roma. Inv. 86.1. Water-color: H. 0.762 (30 in.). W. 0.54 (21 J in.). Purchased at the Exhibition of English Water-colors, FRIPP, George Arthur. Born, Bristol, England, 1813; died, London, 1896. Pupil of Samuel Jackson. ENGLISH 149 Glen Slighan, Skye. 426 A rushing brook in a winding gully, on the side of a bar- ren hill; at the right a rough cart road. Inv. 86.2. Water-color: H. 0.35 (13^ in.). W. 0.505 (193 in.). Purchased at the Exhibition of English Water- colors, 1886. GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas. Born, Sudbury, Suffolk, 1727; died, London, 1788. Pupil of the engraver Hubert Gravelot, and of Francis Hayman. The Blind Max on the Bridge. 427 A blind man, guided by his dog is crossing a rustic bridge over a narrow river; on the right the trees of a somber forest; on the left a wide plain, under a gray sky. Inv. 11. 1374. Canvas: H. 1.02 (405 in.). W. 1.44 (56^ in.). Purchased, Picture Fund and contributions, 191 1. Collection of Sir George Beaumont. Exhibited at Gros- venor Gallery, 1885. Armstrong, Sir Walter: Gainsborough and his place in English art, London, 1898, p. 204. Perhaps the work of the nephew and pupil of Thomas Gains- borough, called Gainsborough Dupont. Portrait of John Eld. 428 Life-size, full-length standing figure en face; his left el- bow rests on the base of a column and he holds a sketch of the facade of the Staffordshire hospital which he founded; he wears a red suit trimmed with gold lace, a powdered wig, lace-trimmed neck cloth, lace cuffs, white silk stock- ings and a dress sword; his three-cornered hat rests near his elbow on the column base. Behind him at the left are tall trees. On the base of the column is the inscription: By the Command and at the Expense of the Sub- scribers. Inv. 12.809. Canvas: H. 2.37 (93! in.). W. 1.535 (6o§ in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 191 2. The picture was painted about 1772 and remained un- known in the Staffordshire General Infirmary till 1910. Burlington Club Loan Exhibition, 1910. International 150 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Exhibition, Rome, 191 1. Sold at Christie's, May 10, 191 2, no. 49 of the catalogue. M. F. A. Bulletin, X (1912), pp. 33, 34, illus. HERKOMER, Sir Hubert von. Born, Waal near Lands- berg, Bavaria, 1849; died, Bodleigh, Devonshire, 1914. Pupil of the art schools of Southampton and South Ken- sington, and of the Munich Academy. 429 Portrait of Dudley Williams. Nearly half-length figure in front view; he is dressed in black, with a black cravat. Black background. Signed on the left: H.H.83. Inv. 10.269. Canvas: H. 0.77 (30J in.). W. 0.64 (25J in.). Gift of Hettie B. Williams, 1910. HUNT, William Henry. Born, London, 1790; died there, 1864. Pupil of John Varley, and of the Royal Academy. 430 Sketch of a Boy. Full-length standing figure of a robust young boy; he holds a pole with his right hand, and a coil of rope with his left; he wears a blue cap, red- violet coat and waistcoat, and greenish-yellow trousers. Inv. 06.128. Water-color: H. 0.271 (iof in.). W. 0.15 (5! in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. LAWRENCE, Sir Thomas. Born, Bristol, 1769; died, London, 1830. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools. 431 Portrait of John Julius Angerstein. Bust portrait, showing an elderly man full front; he is clean shaven, with short white hair; over a dark red velvet coat he wears a brown cloak. Dark background. Inv. 99.304. Canvas: H. 0.61 (24 in.). W. 0.51 (20 in.). Bequest of Lucy Ellis, 1899. Study for portrait in the National Gallery, London, no. 129. 432 Portrait of William Locke. Half-length seated figure, the head turned slightly to the right; his right elbow rests on the arm of his chair, his right 434 ENGLISH 1 5 1 hand falling limply across his chest, he is smooth shaven and wears a powdered wig, a gray coat, and white neck cloth. Dark background. Unfinished. Inv. 02.514. Canvas: H. 0.73 (28^ in.). W. 0.61 (24 in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1902, in memory of Charles Greely Loring. Portrait of Lord Lyndhurst; (son of John Singleton 433 Copley) . Bust portrait, the body turned to the left, the head nearly full front; he is clean shaven and wears a black coat, high white collar and neck cloth. Reddish-brown background. Inv. 03.603. Canvas: H. 0.735 ( 2 9 m 0- W. 0.61 (24 in.). Bequest of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1903. Portrait of Lady Lyndhurst. Bust portrait, the body turned to the left, the head nearly full front, with hands clasped at her waist ; she wears a low-necked green velvet gown, the neck filled in with white gauze, and a large cap trimmed with lace, the ends of which are fastened under her chin with a gold clasp; her brown hair is arranged in curls on her temples. Landscape background. Inv. 03.604. Canvas: H. 0.745 (29! in.). W. 0.59 (23} in.). Bequest of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1903. Portrait of George IV. Small, full-length figure standing in front of a red curtain beside a table, on which his right hand rests; he wears the robes of the Garter. Inv. 07.484. Canvas: H. 0.295 ( IX 2 m -)- W. 0.215 (82 in.). Gift of Edward Waldo Forbes, 1907. Study for portrait in Windsor Castle. Portrait of John Philip Kemble. 436 Life-size, nearly full-length figure, seated full front in a red armchair; his chin rests on his left hand, his left elbow resting on a table; his right elbow is raised and his right hand grasps the chair arm ; he wears a black coat, white stock, buff breeches, and silk stockings. On the table 435 152 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS at the right, which is covered with an oriental rug, are books, papers, etc. Dark background; at the right, red drapery, at the left through a window a landscape is indi- cated. Inv. 09.183. Canvas: H. 1.455 (S7i in -)- W. 1.13 (44i in.). Gift of Francis Bartlett, 1909. LEIGHTON, Lord Frederick. Born, Scarborough, 1830; died, London, 1896; Pupil of Francesco Meli in Rome, the Royal Academies of Berlin, Florence, and Frankfort, and Ary Scheffer in Paris. 4317 Stella, a Roman Model. Head and shoulders of a handsome Italian woman, al- most in profile to the left; her black hair is parted in the middle and brushed smoothly over her temples; over it she wears a white scarf which hangs down over her right shoul- der; her dress is brown with a white chemisette, and around her neck is a string of red beads. Brown background. Inv. 10.81. Canvas: Ff. 0.34 (13! in.). W. 0.275 (iof in.). Gift of the Estate of Dana Estes, 1910. LESLIE, Charles Robert. Born, Clerkenwell, London, of American parents, 1794; died, London, 1859. Came to Philadelphia in 1799, an( ^ returned to England in 1811; studied under Benjamin West and Washington Allston, and in the Royal Academy Schools. Professor of drawing at West Point in 1833. 438 Porteait or Benjamin West. Bust portrait, seated, the head full front; he is clean shaven, with thin white hair, and wears a dark brown cloak lined with greenish-blue, and a white neck cloth. A red curtain in the background. Inv. 78.32. Canvas: Ff. 0.787 (31 in.). W. 0.61 (24 in.). Bequest of Stephen Higginson Perkins, 1878. Copy from the full-length portrait by Lawrence, in the National Gallery, London, no. 144. From the sale of West's studio effects. ENGLISH 153 Portrait of Sir Walter Scott. 439 Half-length seated figure, slightly turned to the left; his right hand rests on a cane, his left, on the arm of the chair; he is clean shaven, with his white hair in disorder; he wears a dark green coat, yellow waistcoat, high white collar and black cravat. In the upper left corner is his coat of arms. Dark brown background. Painted at Abbotsford in 1824. Inv. 96.945. Canvas: H. 0.915 (36 in.). W. 0.71 (28 in.). Bequest of Anna Eliot Ticknor, 1896. Portrait of John Howard Payne, author of " Home 440 Sweet Home," in the Character of Hamlet. Half-length figure of a young man, his body turned slightly to the right, his head three-quarters to the left; he is dressed in black velvet with white lawn cuffs and a white lawn collar edged with lace and tied with a white cord; his right forearm is held horizontally across his body. Dark gray background. Inv. 15.876. Canvas: H. 0.765 (30I in.). W. 0.635 ( 2 5 in.). Gift of George Robert White and Howard Payn, 191 5. Collection of Miss Virginia Cox, god-daughter of John Howard Payne, Paris. Purchased at the sale of her property by Howard Payn. MORLAND, George. Born, London, 1763; died there, 1804. Pupil of his father, Henry Robert Morland. Landscape. A country road winds around a sandy bank at the right, on which in the middle of a thick growth of bushes stands the trunk of a dead tree; in the centre of the foreground is a man on a white horse, who holds a child in front of him; two dogs at the left of the horse eye each other suspiciously; in the foreground at the extreme right, three cows stand at the edge of a pool; in the background at the left beyond the road are farm buildings set among trees; the sky is covered with threatening clouds. Signed in the lower left corner: G. Morland, 1798. Inv. 13.548. Canvas: H. 0.54 (21^ in.). W. 0.77 (30^ in.). Gift of Alexander Cochrane, 1913. 441 154 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS NICOL, Erksine. Born, Leith, 1825; died, 1904. Pupil of the Trustees' Academy, Edinburgh. 442 "Good News!" Standing behind a rude table in a cottage, a man is read- ing a letter; his clothes are ragged. Scattered over the table are books, papers, writing materials, his pipe and battered hat; a door behind him opens into another room lit by a small square window. Signed in the lower left cor- ner: Nicol, 1866. Inv. 06.4. Canvas: H. 0.55 (21! in.). W. 0.667 ( 2 ^i in.). Bequest of Francis Skinner, 1906. OPIE, John. Born, St. Agnes, near Truro, 1761; died, London, 1807. Pupil of Sir Joshua Reynolds. 443 Portrait of Charles Dibdin. Bust portrait turned slightly to the left, the head full front; his left forearm and his right hand, in which he holds a quill, rest on an open book of music; he is smooth shaven, with rumpled brown hair; he wears a black coat, white waistcoat lined with red, high white collar, and elab- orate white neck cloth. Dark brown background. Inv. 97.444. Canvas: H. 0.781 (30! in.). W. 0.65 (25! in.). Purchased, Abbott Lawrence Fund, 1897. PROUT, Samuel. Born, Plymouth, England, 1783; died, Camberwell, London, 1852. Learned topographical draw- ing under J. Britton. 444 A Gothic Portal. A Gothic portal, with a standing figure of the Virgin and Child in the tympanum; the doors are open, showing the worshippers crowded in the church; others kneel or stand in the doorway; at the left an elaborate oriel window. Signed in the lower right corner: S. Prout. Inv. 06.126. Water-color: H. 0.324 (i2f in.). W. 0.22 (8-f in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. RAEBURN, Sir Henry. Born, Stockbridge, near Edin- burgh, 1756; died, Edinburgh, 1823. ENGLISH 1 5 5 Portrait of T. P. Baillie. 445 Half-length seated figure of a young man, in three- quarter view to the left; he holds a paper in his hands; he wears a black coat with brass buttons, yellow waistcoat, white collar and black cravat. Dark brown background; through a window at the left, a landscape. Signed at the left: H.R.1817. Inv. 96.30. Canvas: H. 0.762 (30 in.). W. 0.635 ( 2 5 m -)- Purchased, Abbott Lawrence Fund, 1896. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua. Born, Plympton Earl, near Plymouth, 1723; died, London, 1792. Apprenticed to Thomas Hudson, 1840. Portrait of Miss Louisa Pyne. 446 Three-cjuarter length seated figure of a little girl, her body full front, her head turned to the right, her hands resting in her lap; her dress is amber-colored, with short sleeves, and a rose-colored shawl is wrapped about her shoulders; she has a rose-colored ribbon in her yellow hair, and a string of large pearls around her neck. Dark back- ground. Inv. 76.490. Canvas: H. 0.80 (31 \ in.). W. 0.635 ( 2 5 in.). Bequest of Thomas Gold Appleton, 1876. The Banished Lord. Half-length figure, the head and eyes turned to the left; he has brown hair and beard, and wears a brown cloak and white shirt. Dark background. Inv. 78.31. Canvas: H. 0.76 (30 in.). W. 0.635 ( 2 5 m -)- Bequest of Stephen Higginson Perkins, 1878. From the collection of Rev. Holwell Carr. Replica of no. 107 in the National Gallery, London. Portrait of Mrs Palk. 448 Half-length figure, the head turned to the left; she wears a low-necked gown of white with a pattern in yellow, and a gray-green scarf over her left shoulder; at her breast is a rose, from which a string of pearls passes under her right 447 156 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS arm; pearls are also twined in her dark hair, one curl of which hangs over her right shoulder. Brown background. Inv. 95.178. Canvas: H. 0.76 (30 m.). W. 0.635 (25 in.). Purchased, 1895. 449 Lady Caroline Ponsonby; attributed to Reynolds. Three-quarter length figure of a little girl seated in partial profile to the right; she wears a square-necked, short- sleeved white dress and a white hat trimmed with a white feather and pink ribbon; in her lap are bright red and yellow flowers. Dark background. Inv. 19. 112. Canvas: H. 0.75 (295 in.). W. 0.625 ( 2 4§ in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. ROMNEY, George. Born, Beckside, Lancashire, 1734; died, Kendal, 1802. Apprenticed to Christopher Steele. 450 Portrait of the Duke of Cumberland. Bust portrait, the head turned to the right; he is clean shaven and wears a tie wig, brown clothes, with white collar and black cravat. Gray background. Unfinished. Inv. 17.587. Canvas: H. 0.61 (24 in.). W. 0.495 ( x 92 in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. ROSSETTI, Dante Gabriel. Born, London, 1828; died, Birchington, Kent, 1882. Pupil of J. S. Cotman and of the Royal Academy Schools. Before the Battle. On a platform in a hall decorated with the banners of knights, stands a lady, the left half of whose dress is red and the right half green; her headdress is yellow; she is ty- ing a banner to the lance of a young knight standing at the left below her, of whom only half the figure is shown ; he is dressed in bright blue with white cuffs embroidered in red and a coat of arms embroidered on his shoulder; over his head appears the head of another knight; in the back- ground are ladies spinning and weaving. 45i ENGLISH 157 Inv. 1 2.1 164. Water-color: H. 0.425 (16 \ in.). W. 0.28 (11 in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 1912. From the Collection of Charles Eliot Norton. SOLOMON, Simeon. Born, 1840; died, London, 1905. Night. 452 Bust of a pale delicate-featured woman in profile to the left, her head and shoulders enveloped in a floating blue- black scarf ; in the sky a few pale stars. Signed in the lower right corner: Simeon Solomon, i8g6. Inv. 05.106. Water-color: H. 0.298 (nf in.). W. 0.225 (8| in.). Gift of Roger Wolcott, 1905. STOTHARD, Thomas. Born, London, 1755; died there, 1834. Pupil of Royal Academy Schools, London. Portrait of John Dryden. 453 Bust portrait of a young man, his body in profile to the right, his head slightly turned toward the front; he has light hair and wears a reddish-brown gown and white neck- cloth; the figure is placed within an oval frame, over which at the left a blue drapery is arranged. Signed in the lower right corner: /. Dryden, T. S tot hard. Inv. 74.21. Metal: Ff. 0.206 (8| in.). W. 0.152 (6 in.). Bequest of Charles Sumner, 1874. TURNER, Joseph Mallord William. Born, London, 1775; died there, 1851. Pupil of Thomas Malton, and of the Royal Academy Schools. Influenced by Girtin, and later by Claude Lorraine. The Slave Ship. A ship foundering in an angry sea, which is illuminated by a brilliant sunset. In the foreground, fish and birds hover about the bodies of negroes whose manacled limbs project from the water. Inv. 99.22. Canvas: H. 0.913 (36 in.). W. 1. 218 (48 in.). Purchased, Henry Lillie Pierce Fund, 1899. Exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1840. Collections of Ruskin's father, Johnston (New York), Alice S. Hooper, 454 158 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Sturgis Hooper. Ruskin says (Modem Painters, 1859, I, p. 376) "I think the noblest sea that Turner has ever painted, and if so, the noblest certainly ever painted by man, is that of the Slave Ship." 455 Falls of the Rhine at Schaffhausen. In the middle distance, the foaming torrent of the falls pours down between a wooded cliff at the right, and mighty tree-crowned boulders at the left; one of the distant build- ings on the farther bank at the left is afire, over-arched by a rainbow; in the foreground under the cliff are peasants with cattle, horses, and goats, barrels, bales, and baskets. Inv. 13.2723. Canvas: H. 1.488 (58! in.). W. 2.42 (95! in.). Purchased with the bequest of Alice Marian Curtis, and from the Picture Fund, 1913. M. F. A. Bulletin, II (1913), p. 68, illus. Collection of Sir John Heming Leicester, Bart., at Tabley House; repro- duced in the catalogue published in London, 1825. In the possession of his heirs since his death in 1827. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1806, Manchester Exhibition, 1857, Burlington House, 1879. 456 On the Rhine; sketch. A sketch of castles along the precipitous banks of the Rhine. Inv. 06.124. Water-color: H. 0.175 (6| in.). W. 0.231 (9! in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. 457 Calais Sands; sketch. A suggestion of a pier running out from a sandy beach; smoke is rising from a boat tied to the pier. Inv. 06.125. Water-color: H. 0.22 (8§ in.). W. 0.315 (i2f in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. VARLEY, John. Born, Hackney, England, 1778; died, 1842. 458 Old English Cottages. At the left of the highway is an old half-timbered house; the second story projects toward the road and is supported ENGLISH 159 by heavy beams at the comers; bed clothes are hanging out of an open window; at the left, part of a one-story cottage is seen; sky overcast. Signed in the lower right corner: /. Yarley. Inv. 15.326. Water-color: H. 0.285 (n \ in.). W. 0.245 (9 1 in.). Bequest of Caroline Louise Williams French, 1915- WEBB, Charles Meer. Born, Hough Bucks, near Lon- don, 1830; died, Diisseldorf, 1895. Pupil of the Amster- dam, Antwerp, and Diisseldorf Academies. Arrest of the Poacher. 459 Four men are seated around a table in a peasant's cot- tage; the one on the side nearest the spectator is seen in profile to the left, his left arm thrown over the back of the chair; a game bag hangs on his chair; at the right, a ragged little boy with a hoop points with his left hand at this man as the one sought by the officer who stands near the table, holding a warrant in his right hand. Signed in the lower left corner: C. M. Webb, 1874. Inv. 15.818. Canvas: H. 0.725 (28-3- in.). W. 1.056 (41! in.). Bequest of Caroline Louise Williams French, 191 5. WILSON, Richard. Born, Pinegas, Montgomeryshire, 1 713 ; died, Llanberis, North Wales, 1 782. Pupil of Thomas Wright. Italian Lake. 460 At the left a group of tall trees near the edge of a lake; at the right along the lake a road bordered by trees; in the foreground three men conversing near some ancient reliefs; on the farther side of the lake ruined buildings at the foot of a hill. A rolling plain stretches away to the mountains on the horizon. Inv. 94.171. Canvas: H. 0.40 (15 1 in.). W. 0.533 ( 2I in.). Bequest of Mrs. Turner Sargent, 1894. TlVOLI AND THE CaMPAGNA ROMANA. 461 View down a valley between a high wooded cliff on the left, and low hills on the right; on the crest of the cliff a 160 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS house, a church, and a ruined temple; a small cascade falls into the stream below. In the foreground, a man with two dogs is talking to a woman seated on the rocks, knitting; near her is a basket covered with a white cloth; at the right are three high trees. In the background the Campagna stretches away to the Alban Hills. Inv. 03.606. Canvas: H. 0.99 (39 in.). W. 1.255 (49! in.) Bequest of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren, 1903. 462 Landscape; attributed to Wilson. At the right are high jagged rocks, from which falls a cascade; at the left a broad undulating plain stretches to distant mountains; in the foreground is a galloping horse- man. Cloudy sky. Inv. 17.586. Canvas: H. 1.25 (49! in.). W. 1.75 (69 in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1917. AMERICAN l6l AMERICAN ALEXANDER, Francis. Born, Connecticut, 1800; died, Florence, Italy, 1881. Pupil of Alexander Robertson in New York. Portrait of Mrs. Fletcher Webster. 463 Half-length portrait of a young woman, full face, with bust turned slightly to the right; her light brown hair is tied with a narrow blue ribbon and falls in curls on either cheek; she wears a low-necked blue dress, and around her shoulders a crimson cloak trimmed with ermine. Dark background. Inv. 91.242. Canvas: Ff. 0.757 ( 2 9ii in.). W. 0.637 (25! in.). Gift of James William Paige, 1891. Portrait of John Odin. 464 Half-length seated figure of an elderly gentleman turned slightly to the right; he is dressed in black, with a high white stock. Dark brown background. Inv. 15.3. Canvas: H. 0.768 (30} in.). W. 0.642 (25^ in.). Request of Anna F. Odin, 1915. ALEXANDER, John White. Born, Allegheny, Pa., 1856; died, New York, 191 5. Studied in Munich, Paris, and Florence. / Isabella and the Pot of Basil. 465 Isabella stands in profile to right, leaning against a gray- green wall and clasping with both hands a brownish-gray pot which stands in a niche at the level of her shoulder; near the pot lie some fading white flowers. She wears a flowing white gown with a black scarf hanging from her shoulder to the floor; her eyes are closed. Behind her at the left is a pale lavender curtain. Signed in the lower left corner: John Alexander, gy. Inv. 98.181. Canvas: H. 1.915 (758 in.). W. 0.911 (35! in.). Gift of Ernest Wadsworth Longfellow, 1898. The story of Isabella is told in Boccaccio's "Decameron " and in Keats' poem "Isabella or the Pot of Basil." She hid 162 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS the head of her lover, who was murdered by her brothers in a wood near Florence, in a pot in which she planted sweet basil. ALLEN, Thomas. Born, St. Louis, Missouri, 1849; ti yes in Boston. Pupil of the Royal Academy, Diisseldorf. 466 Portal of the Mission of San Jose, Texas. A monumental rococo doorway, with figures of saints at the sides and of the Virgin above ; the panelled doors have sagged, so that they do not close; on the base of the jamb at the left sits a man wrapped in a blue and yellow striped mantle; near him are five sheep. Signed in the lower right corner: Thomas Allen. Inv. 12.326. Water-color: H. 0.77 (30J in.). W. 0.63 (24! in.). Gift of Thomas Allen, 1912. ALLSTON, Washington. Born, Waccamaw, S. C, 1779; died, Cambridgeport, Mass., 1843. Studied miniature painting under Malbone; pupil of Benjamin West in London; also studied in Paris and Rome. ,467 Self Portrait. Nearly half-length figure of a young man in three-quar- ter view to the right; he wears a black coat, bluish-green waistcoat, and brown stock; in his pleated shirt is a jewelled pin. Gray background with a column and part of an arch- way indicated. Painted in Rome, 1801-1805. Inv. 84.301. Canvas: H. 0.797 (3 1 m -)- W. 0.673 ( 2 &h in.). Bequest of Alice Hooper, received 1884. 468 Self Portrait. Inv. 264.10. Canvas: H. 0.84 (33 in.). W. 0.66 (26 in.). Deposited by the Allston Trust Fund. 469 Portrait of William Ellery Channing. Nearly half-length figure in front view; he wears dark clothes and a white stock. Dull wine-colored background. Painted, 1 809-1 811. Inv. 97.65. Canvas: H. 0.792 (31 3% in.). W. 0.705 (27^ in.). Gift of William Francis Channing, 1897. AMERICAN 163 Portrait of S. T. Coleridge; unfinished. 470 Inv. 265.10. Canvas: H. 0.762 (30 in.). W. 0.641 (25J in.). Deposited by the Allston Trust Fund. Portrait of Benjamin West. 471- Half-length seated figure of an elderly man turned slightly to the left; he wears dark clothes and a white stock. Dark background. Painted in London, 1 814. Drapery and background added in Cambridge, Mass., in 1837. Inv. Ath. 12. Canvas: H. 0.755 ( 2 9f m -)- W. 0.63 (24$ in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. Rebecca at the Well. 472 At the left is the well, with a rectangular stone curb; near it stands Rebecca, offering a drink from a large jar to Isaac who kneels before her; at the right two men are seated on the ground; behind them a man stands at the head of a kneeling camel, and a servant is mounted on a second camel. In the background are the ramparts and buildings of a city. Signed in the lower right corner: W. Allston, 18 1 6. Inv. 1293.15. Canvas: H. 0.82 (32 J in.). W. 0.762 (30 in.). Deposited by the Allston Trust Fund, 1915. Uriel in the Sun. Full-length figure of heroic size, seated on the ground, his body turned slightly to the left and his head to the right; his left knee is raised, and his left foot planted on the ground; his left arm rests on the rim of a shield and his right hand holds a lance; he wears a helmet, a sombre colored tunic, and a drapery over his knees which leaves his lower legs bare. Golden brown background. Inv. 404.08. Canvas: H. 2.48 (97 1 in.). W. 1.98 (78 in.). Deposited by the Allston Trust Fund, through Richard Henry Dana, 1908. Painted in London in 1818; obtained the first prize in the British Gallery that year, and the Directors of the British Institution made the Artist a gift of £150. Bought by the Marquis of Stafford in the same year and sold at Christie's, in 1908. M. F. A. Bulletin, VI (1908), pp. 42-43, illus. 473 164 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 474 Elijah Fed by the Ravens. Near the foot of a dead gnarled tree in the foreground, Elijah kneels in prayer; he wears a green-blue tunic, and a drab mantle; immediately in front of him a large raven is flying down with a loaf of bread in its beak; another raven, also holding a loaf of bread in its beak, is perched on the tree; behind the tree is a pool into which empties a small stream coming down from the hills. The landscape is wild and barren, with a few trees in the plain stretching to the left; at the right are steep jagged hills; the sky is nearly filled with black and white clouds. Painted, 181 8. Inv. 70.1. Canvas: H. 1.242 (48! in.). W. 1.842 (72^ in.). Gift of Mrs. Samuel Hooper and Alice Hooper, 1870. This painting was the first gift made to the Museum. 475 Rising of a Thunder Storm at Sea. Dark thunder clouds cover the sky at the left and extend along the horizon ; the water is almost black ; a sailboat in the foreground and a schooner in the middle distance are battling against the heavy sea. Inv. 78.46. Canvas: H. 0.978 (38^ in.). W. 1.295 (51 in.). Purchased from the heirs of Eliza Parker, 1878. 476 Landscape. Tall trees grow on the high bank of a pond in the fore- ground; in the distance is the sea; a man on a white horse is riding into the pond from the left. Inv. 00.505. Canvas: H. 0.47 (i8£ in.). W. 0.622 (24^ in.). Bequest of Edmund Dwight, 1900. 477 Isaac of York; unfinished. Bust of an elderly man in three-quarter view to the left; he has a full white beard, his hair hangs on his shoulders, and he wears a dark brown skull cap. Dark background. Only the head is finished. Inv. Ath. 15. Canvas: H. 0.762 (30 in.). W. 0.63 (24! in.). Painted, 1 830(7). Deposited by the Boston Athe- naeum, 1876. AMERICAN 165 Belshazzar's Feast. 478 Belshazzar is seated at the left upon his throne under the seven-branched candlestick; near him stands the queen, supported by two Egyptian female slaves; the prophet Daniel stands nearly in the centre of the foreground, point- ing with his left hand to the handwriting upon the wall; on the right are four figures, the astrologers and soothsayers who were "unable to read the writing or interpret the meaning thereof." Between them and the prophet, and somewhat farther back, is a group in shadow, whose devout postures indicate that they are Jews; one of the women kneels in an attitude of reverence, while another reaches forward to touch the garment of the prophet; behind these, and forming a part of the same group, is a youth in armor. The middle distance is occupied by the banquet table, be- hind which sit horror-stricken guests; large columns sup- port a gallery filled with spectators in attitudes of wonder and excitement; at the head of a flight of steps in the centre is a large idol, brilliantly lighted. Unfinished. Inv. Ath. 11. Canvas: H. 3.66 (1445 in.). W. 4.88 (192^ in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. 479 Study for Belshazzar's Feast. Inv. 06.1875. Millboard: Ff. 0.65 (25^ in.). W. 0.87 (34 J- in.). Bequest of Ruth Charlotte Dana, 1906. Head of a Jew. 4 8 Bust of a middle-aged man in three-quarter view to the right; he has a full beard and is dressed in black, with a crimson cap, largely in shadow. Very dark background. Inv. Ath. 13. Canvas: H. 0.755 (29! in.). W. 0.635 ( 2 5 in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. The following studies have been deposited at the Mu- seum by the heirs of Washington Allston. Study for Belshazzar's Feast; sepia. 481 Inv. 76.763. Millboard: II. 0.65 (25', in.). \V. 0.87 (34! in.). 1 66 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 482 First Study for Christ Healing the Sick; sepia. Inv. 76.764. Millboard: H. 0.705 (27! in.). W. 1.045 (41 1 in.). 483 Death of King John. Inv. 76.765. Millboard: H. 0.712 (28 in.). W. 0.958 (37* in.). 484 Study of a Foot. Inv. 76.766. Millboard: H. 0.40 (15! in.). W. 0.603 (23! in.). 485 Marriage Feast at Cana; copy after Paolo Veronese. Painted, 1809. Inv. 76.767. Paper: H. 0.536 (21 in.). W. 0.694 (27-I in.). 486 Cupid Playing with the Helmet of Mars; copy after Rubens. Inv. 76.768. Canvas: H. 0.981 (38I in.). W. 0.788 (31 in.). 487 Titania's Court; outline. Inv. 76.769. Canvas: H. 1.235 (48 1 in.). W. 1.848 (72! in.). 488 Lorenzo and Jessica; study. Inv. 76.770. Canvas: H. 0.762 (30 in.). W. 0.632 (24! in.). 489 A Troubadour. Inv. 76.771. Canvas: H. 0.80 (31^ in.). W. 0.697 ( 2 7i in.). 400 A- Sibyl; sketch. Inv. 76.772. Millboard: H. 0.78 (30! in.). W. 0.457 (i8in.). 4Q! Head of a Woman; study. Inv. 76.773. Canvas: H. 0.761 (30 in.). W. 0.638 (25 1 in.). AMERICAN 167 Dido and Anna. 492 Inv. 76.774. Millboard: H. 0.61 (24 in.). W. 0.46 (i8£ in.). Una. 493 Inv. 70-775- Canvas: H. 0.777 (3°f in -)- W. 0.657 (25! in.). Landscape: Indian Summer. 494 Inv. 76.778. Canvas: H. 0.546 (213 in.). W. 0.762 (30 in.). Angel of Wrath over Jerusalem; sketch. 495 Inv. 76.785. Canvas: H. 0.924 (36! in.). W. 0.743 (29I in.). Family Group; unfinished. 496 Inv. 76.791. Canvas: H. 0.956 (37-f in.). W. 0.80 (31^ in.). Mother and Child; unfinished. 497 Inv. 76.792. Canvas: H. 1.273 (S°5 m -)- W. 1.044 (4 1 ! in.). Numerous other sketches and studies. BABCOCK, William P. Born, Boston, 1826; died, Bois d'Arcy, France, 1899. Studied under Couture in Paris. The Red Hat. ,gg Half-length standing figure of a young woman, who looks over her right shoulder toward the spectator; she wears a bright red hat with dull red plumes, and a low- necked gown of red and gold, with collar and undersleeves of white. Landscape background. Signed in the upper right corner: Babcock. Inv. 00.506. Panel: II. 0.323 (12$ in.). W. 0.263 ( io s in.). Bequest of the Artist, 1900. The Quartet; sketch. 4gg On the left, the heads and shoulders of two men in profile to the right; in the centre, a young woman facing the spec- 5oo 1 68 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS tator, and at the right, another young woman in profile to the left; they are all singing out of one large book. Signed in the lower left corner: Babcock. Inv. 00.508. Panel: H. 0.243 (9& m -)- W. 0.146 (5! in.). Bequest of the Artist, 1900. Susanna and the Elders. Susanna is half reclining, nude, on a white cloth; behind her, sketched against an almost black background, stand the two Elders; the one in front, dressed in full red, is draw- ing a scarf away from Susanna; near his feet crouches a Cupid. Signed in the upper right corner: Babcock. Inv. 00.509. Panel: H. 0.307 (i2§ in.). W. 0.247 (9! in.). Bequest of the Artist, 1900. 501 Still Life: Fish. On a kitchen table lies a large mackerel, in front of which are a knife, three scallions, and two slices of lemon; behind the fish are a lemon and a red pitcher containing black mussels. Dark background. Signed in the upper left cor- ner: Babcock. Inv. 08.443. Canvas: H. 0.325 (12 xf in.). W. 0.408(161^ in.). Anonymous gift in memory of John W. Bigelow, 1908. Landscape with Figures. A young mother seated under a spreading tree; she wears a voluminous, low-cut yellow gown with loose white sleeves ; at her knee stands a little girl, dressed in blue; at the right stands an older child, dressed in red, who holds out a hand- ful of seed to a little white bird which a ragged boy has taken out of a cage. Landscape background. Inv. 17.1621. Canvas: H. 0.251 (9! in.). W. 0.346 (13! in.). Gift of John Richardson Hall, through Mrs. John Richardson Hall, 191 7. BACON, Henry. Born, Haverhill, Mass., 1840; died, Cairo, Egypt, 191 2. In the Civil War, field artist for Har- per's Weekly; after the war studied under Frere and Cab- anel in Paris. 502 AMERICAN 169 Ox Shipboard. 503 On the deck of a steamer in mid-ocean are a number of passengers; some are playing ring toss while others look on; some are sleeping and some reading; an officer stands at the extreme right with a telescope under his arm. Blue sea and grav sky. Signed in the lower left corner: Henry Bacon, i8 77 . Inv. 13.1692. Canvas: H. 0.502 (19! in.). W. 0.738 (29rg in.). Gift of Mrs. Edward Livingston Davis, 1913. BALL, Thomas. Born, Charlestown, Mass., 1819; died, Montclair, N. J., 191 1. Self-taught. Gave up painting in 1 85 1, and devoted himself to sculpture. Portrait of Mrs. Richards. 504 Three-quarter length figure of a woman seated in a dark red chair; she wears a low-necked blue satin gown, and in her right hand she holds a closed fan; over the arm of the chair hangs a cashmere shawl. Dark brown background. Inv. 12.424. Canvas: H. 1.281 (503 in.). W. 1.02 (405 in.). Gift of Elise Bordman Richards, 1912. BELLOWS, Albert Fitch. Born, Milford, Mass., 1829; died, Auburndale, Mass., 1883. Studied in Boston and Paris, and at the Antwerp Academy. The Wayside Inn. 505 A picturesque building standing among trees at the left of a country road, bordered with trees. Signed in the lower left corner: A. F. Bellows. Inv. 16.103. Water-color: H. 0.25 (9I in.). W. 0.47 (18?, in.). Bequest of Alexander Moseley. Received, 1916. BENSON, Frank Weston. Born, Salem, Mass., 1862; lives there. Pupil of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and of the Julian Academy, Paris, under Bou- langer and Lefebvre. Decorative Head. Head and shoulders of a brown-haired girl, draped in green, against a gray-blue background, in which a wide cir- 506 170 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS cular band of a darker tone surrounds the head. Signed in the upper left corner: F. W. Benson, 1894. Inv. 13.2907. Canvas: H. 0.508 (20 in.). W. 0.61 (24 in.). Bequest of Dr. Arthur Tracy Cabot, 1913. 507 Eleanor. A young girl in a pink dress seated, in profile to the left, on the railing of a veranda which partially shades her from the sun; she is leaning on her left arm, and holds in her right hand a straw hat trimmed with blue. Behind her is a white picket fence, on the farther side of which are young trees; between the trees are seen a meadow, a distant lake, and mountains. Signed in the lower left corner: F. W. Ben- son, 190J. Inv. 08.326. Canvas: H. 0.64(25^^1.). W. 0.762 (30 m.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1908. Bulletin, VI (1908), pp. 35 and 36, illus. 508 Flight of Ducks. Six ducks flying to the left over a ruffled stretch of water; leafless trees line the distant shore. Signed in the lower left corner : F. W. Benson. Inv. 13.2908. Canvas: H. 0.61 (24 in.). W. 1.525 (60 in.). Bequest of Dr. Arthur Tracy Cabot, 1913. BIERSTADT, Albert. Born, Solingen, near Diisseldorf, 1830; died, New York, 1902. Pupil of Lessing and Achen- bach. 509 The Arch of Octavius, Rome. In front of the ancient arch partly covered with stucco is a fish market, with peasants buying and selling fish; one man is asleep on the pavement beside his dog; a street sweeper sleeps leaning on the thick marble counter; two tourists are seen at the right; from the windows of the buildings beyond the arch, lines are stretched on which linen is drying. Signed in the lower right corner: A. Bier- stadt, 1858. Inv. Ath. 27. Canvas: H. 0.72 (28f in.). W. 0.945 (375 in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. AMERICAN 171 BLACKBURN, Joseph. Painted portraits in New Eng- land, 1754-1762. 'Portrait of Colonel Jonathan Warner. 510 Three-quarter length, standing figure turned slightly to the right, the head in front view; his right hand, in which he holds a black hat, rests on his hip; his left hand is in- serted in his waistcoat; he wears a yellowish silk suit and a powdered wig. Light brown background. Inv. 85.29. Canvas: H. 1.273 (5°i m -)- W. 1.022 (40^ in.). Purchased of L. P. Cazeneaux, 1883. Reproduced in Isham: History of American Painting, p. 15. See Park in Worcester Museum Bulletin, July, 1918; Art in America, February, 1919, pp. 70-79; Cleveland Mu- seum Bulletin, November, 1919. See also Morgan in Brook- lyn Museum Quarterly, January, 1919 and October, 1919. BOGERT, George H. Born, New York, 1864; lives there. Pupil of National Academy of Design, New York, Puvis de Chavannes, Aime Morot, and Eugene Boudin in Paris. Venice. Through an opalescent sunset mist the Salute is seen in the distance on the left, and in the foreground on the right the sails of a group of fishing boats. Signed in the lower left corner: George H. Bogert. Inv. 12.328. Canvas: H. 0.915 (36 in.). W. 1.425 (565 in.). Gift of George Arnold Hearn, 1912. BOGGS, Frank M. Born, Springfield, Ohio, 1855; H ves m Paris. Studied at the ficole des Beaux-Arts and under Gerome in Paris. A Rough Day, Harbor of Honfleur, France. 512 Through a rough sea, painted yellowish-brown, a small boat comes forward under full sail ; the sails are very dark gray, and on one is an anchor and HUT 723. In the right distance at a long pier is a small steamer; at the left a bea- con rudely constructed of piles. The sky is a dull leaden gray. Signed in the lower left corner: "Boggs 84.'' 5" 172 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 86.56. Canvas: H. 1.625 (64 in.). W. 0.985 (38! in.). Gift of the American Art Association, 1886. BOIT, Edward Darley. Born, Boston, 1840; died, Rome, 1 91 5. Pupil of Frederic C. Crowninshield in Rome and of Francais and Couture in Paris. Two Water-Colors, gift of the Artist, 1888. 513 Arc de Triomphe. Inv. 88.330. H. 0.55 (2if in.). W. 0.765 (30 in.). 514 Place de l'Opera. Inv. 88.331. F£. 1.023 (40^ in.). W. 1.23 (483^ in.). Thirty-Eight Water-Colors, purchased from Mr. Boit with the income of the Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1912. 515 New York — Looking down Park Avenue from the Seventeenth Story of the "Belmont." Inv. 12. 131. H. 0.55 (2if in.). W. 0.675 ( 2 6f in.). 516 New York — Looking across East River from the Fifteenth Story of the "Belmont." Inv. 12.132. H. 0.55 (2if in.). W. 0.675 (262 in.). 517 London — a Bend of the Thames at Chelsea. Inv. 12.133. H. 0.27 (iof in.). W. 0.37 (14^ in.). 518 London — a Glimpse of Piccadilly from the "Ritz." Inv. 12.134. H. 0.37 (i4§ in.). W. 0.27 (iof in.). e I0 Paris — Place de Theatre Francais. Inv. 12.135. H. 0.365 (14! in.). W. 0.49 (19I in.). 520 Paris — Place du Carrousel from the Louvre. Inv. 12.136. H. 0.37 (14! in.). W. 0.49 (195 in.). e 2 i Italian Lakes — the Lake of Orta. Inv. 12.137. H. 0.355 ( J 4 in.)- W. 0.49 (19I in.). 522 Italian Lakes — Mountains from Baveno. Inv. 12.138. H. 0.37 (14^ in.). W. 0.47 (18J in.). 523 524 AMERICAN 173 Venice — Showery Morning on the Zattere. Inv. 12.139. H. 0.255 ( IO m -)- W. 0.37 (14^ in.). Venice — Afternoon on the Campo San Trovaso. Inv. 12.140. H. 0.36 (14I in.). W. 0.42 (16^ in.). Venice — Morning on the Grand Canal. 525 Inv. 12. 141. H. 0.35 (13$ in.). W. 0.475 ( l8 l in.). Venice — Looking toward the Giudecca. 526 Inv. 12.142. H. 0.35 (13I in.). W. 0.47 (i8| in.). Venice — Morning on the Piazzetta. 527 Inv. 12.143. H. 0.375 (14J in.). W. 0.47 (i8£ in.). Venice — Off San Giorgio. 528 Inv. 12.144. H. 0.355 ( x 4 in-)- W. 0.47 (i8£ in.). Venice — A Pretty Corner. 529 Inv. 12.145. H. 0.225 (9 in.). W. 0.30 (nf in.). Venice — Afternoon Tints on the Grand Canal. 530 Inv. 12.146. H. 0.365 (14I in.). W. 0.47 (i8£ in.). Venice — Looking down the Rio of San Barnaba. 531 Inv. 12.147. H. 0.47 (i8§ in.). W. 0.345 (.13J in.). Venice — Fishermen's Quarters in the Giudecca. 532 Inv. 12.148. H. 0.35 (.13I in-)- W. 0.475 ( l8 l in.). A Bright June Morning at Bologna. 533 Inv. 12.149. H. 0.37 (14! in.). W. 0.47 (18J in.). Tuscany — a Street in Arezzo. Inv. 12.150. H. 0.375 (10I in.). W. 0.27 (iof in.). Tuscany — on the Consuma Pass. Inv. 12. 151. H. 0.295 (nf in.). VV. 0.445 (17^ in.). Tuscany — Poppi in the Casentino. 536 Inv. 12.152. H. 0.405 (16 in.). VV. 615 (24} in.). Lake of Garda — Morning at Gargagno. Inv. 12.153. H. 0.345 (.132 in.). W. 0.485 (19 in.). 534 535 537 174 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 538 Lake of Garda — Riva from the Lake. Inv. 12.154. H. 0.29 (n| in.). W. 0.375 (14! in.). 539 Italian Riviera — Boats drying their Sails, Beach of Sestri Levante. Inv. 12.155. H. 0.34 (13! in.). W. 0.485 (19 in.). 540 Italian Riviera — Beach at Sestri Levante. Inv. 12.156. H. 0.375 (14! in.). W. 0.475 ( l8 f in -)- 541 Italian Riviera — Big Sea in Portofino. Inv. 12.157. H. 0.37 (14J in.). W. 0.47 (i8£ in.). 542 Italian Riviera — Port of Genoa. Inv. 12.158. H. 0.34 (13^ in.). W. 0.49 (19! in.). 543 Italian Riviera — The Hillside at Genoa. Inv. 12.159. H. 0.36 (145 in.). W. 0.485 (19 in.). 544 Study of the City of Florence from the Heights of San Miniato. Inv. 12.160. H. 0.725 (285 in.). W. 1.03 (40^ in.). 545 The Capitol at Washington. Inv. 12. 161. H. 0.77 (30I in.). W. 0.64 (25! in.). 546 Roofs of Bidart in the Basque Country. Inv. 12.162. H. 0.295 (nf in.). W. 0.445 ( x 7i m -)- 54* Basque Country. Inv. 12.163. H. 0.215 (8§ in.). W. 0.295 ( XI f i n -)- 548 St. Peter's from the Roman Campagna. Inv. 12.164. H. 0.23 (9! in.). W. 0.34 (13! in.). 540 Big Sea at Biarritz. Inv. 12.165. H. 0.30 (nf in.). W. 0.445 (jlh m -)- 550 At San Gimignano. Inv. 12.166. H. 0.45 (17! in.). W. 0.345 (13^ in.). e-j At Monte Carlo. Inv. 12.167. H. 0.495 ( J 9l in -)- W. 0.35 (i3J in.). 555 AMERICAN 175 At Grenada. 552 Inv. 12.168. H. 0.335 (i3i in.). W. 0.245 (9l in-)- Two Water-Colors bequeathed by the Artist, 1916. Florence — The Bridge. 553 Inv. 16.101. H. 0.725 (28^ in.). W. 0.865 (34 in.). St. Peters, Rome. cca Inv. 16.102. H. 0.725 (283- in.). W. 1.04 (41 in.). BOSLEY, Frederick Andrew. Born, Lebanon, N. H., 1882; lives South Lincoln, Mass. Pupil of the Museum of Fine Arts School, Boston. The Dreamer. Three-quarter length figure of a young woman, seated in profile to the right, her head supported by her right hand; she wears a low-necked pinkish-white gown. In front of her are seen parts of the shadowy figures of a woman, and a . blue-winged cherub; another figure is slightly indicated be- hind her. Signed in the lower right corner: F. Bosley, ign. Inv. 16.43. Canvas: Ff. 0.92 (36! in.). W. 0.901 (35I in.). Gift by Contribution, 1916. BOUGHTON, George Henry. Born, near Norwich, Eng- land, 1833; died, London, 1905. Educated in Albany, N. Y., and lived in New York City until 1861. Sea Breeze. 556 Three-quarter length figure of a blonde girl standing by a sea wall and looking out to sea, her head in profile to the right; she wears a hat and a pink dress with a white vest, girdle and cuffs; from a chain hangs a miniature of a naval officer; in her left hand she holds a red rose. In the distance is a promontory with a lighthouse. Signed in the lower left corner: G. II. Boughton. Inv. 16.67. Panel: Ff. 0.534 (21 in.). VV. 0.35 (13! in.). Gift of John A. Lowell Blake, 1916. 176 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS BROWN, John Appleton. Born, Newburyport, Mass., 1844; died, New York, 1902. Pupil of B. C. Porter in New York and of Lambinet in Paris. 557 Landscape. On the farther side of a light green meadow, rilled with daisies, buttercups and clover, are elms and other trees with light green foliage; in the distance is a farmhouse al- most surrounded by trees; the sky is nearly covered by white clouds. Signed in the lower left corner: Appleton Brown. Inv. 11.1279. Canvas: H. 0.738 (29^- in.). W. 0.916 (36x5- in.). Gift of the Estate of Mrs. George Hebron Chaplain, 191 1. 558 Landscape. Fields of pale green sloping to the left; in the centre an apple tree in full bloom; at the left and in the background, scattered trees with the foliage of early spring; at the right, three cows grazing in the distance. Signed in the lower right corner: /. Appleton Brown. Inv. 13.553. Canvas: H. 0.431 (17 in.). W.0.535 (21& in.). Gift of Alexander Cochrane, 1913. 559 Landscape. Between green meadows flows a placid stream, bordered on both sides by old pollarded willows ; in the meadow at the right cows are grazing. Signed in the lower right corner: Appleton Brown. Inv. 13.2906. Canvas: H. 0.515 (20! in.). W. 0.685 (27 in.). Bequest of Dr. Arthur Tracy Cabot, 1913. 560 Landscape. In the foreground is a quiet river in which are reflected the birches and other trees growing at the edge of the green meadows on the farther shore. Signed in the lower left corner: /. Appleton Brown. Inv. 15.880. Water-color: H. 0.448 (17I in.). W. 0.548 (2if in.). Bequest of William Rosewell Wilson, 1915. AMERICAN 177 Landscape. 561 A field in front of scattered trees, among which is a group of farm buildings; blue sky with fleecy white clouds. Inv. 19.1323. Canvas: H. 0.434 (17$ in.). W. 0.533 ( 2I in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. BRUSH, George de Forest. Born, Shelbyville, Tenn., 1 85 5; lives in Dublin, N. H. Pupil of Gerome in Paris. Mother and Child. 562 Near the base of a column stands a young woman, turned to the right, her head slightly bowed and her eyes lowered; she wears a dress of dark green and brown ; on her left arm she carries a young naked child with light curly hair, who faces the spectator. In the background is a landscape stretching to the sea, in the right distance. Signed in the lower left corner: Geo. de Forest Brush, 1895. Inv. 95.1375. Square panel: H. 1.025 (40! in.). W. 1.002 (39tV in.). In square frame with circular opening. Pur- chased, William Wilkins Warren Fund, 1895. BUNKER, Dennis Miller. Born, New York, 1861 ; died' Boston, 1890. Pupil of the National Academy of Design, New York, and of Hebert and Gerome in Paris. Jessica. 563 Bust of an auburn-haired young woman in profile to the right; she wears a simple black low-necked gown. Back- ground dull black. Signed in the lower right corner: D. N. Bunker, i8go. Inv. 91.130. Canvas: H. 0.663 (265 in.). W. 0.613 (24! in.). Gift by contribution, 1891. Meadow Lands. 564 A level green meadow, bordered by thick green woods; in the middle distance, evidently growing near a brook, is a clump of willows. Signed in the lower right corner: D. M. Bunker, 1890. Inv. 91.43. Canvas: H. 0.633 ( 2 4rl in.). W. 0.763 (30^ in.). Gift of Susan Upham, 1891. / 178 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS CASSATT, Mary. Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1855; lives in Paris. Pupil of Manet. 565 At the Opera. A young woman in a black dress and a black bonnet is seated in left profile in a box at the opera; she holds a fan in her left hand, and is looking through opera glasses. At the left is seen a section of the auditorium with boxes filled with spectators. Signed in the lower left corner: Mary Cassatt. Inv. 10.35. Canvas: H. 0.813 (32 in.). W. 0.66 (26 in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 19 10. CHASE, Adelaide Cole (Mrs. William Chester). Born, Boston, 1868; lives there. Pupil of the Museum of Fine Arts School, Boston. 566 567 The Violinist. Half-length seated figure of a young man, his head turned slightly to the right; he holds his violin under his right arm, and his bow in his right hand; his trousers and waistcoat are brown, his coat very dark gray, his cravat purple. Dark purplish brown background. Signed in the upper left corner: Adelaide Chase. Inv. 16.97. Canvas: H. 0.901 (35^ in.). W. 0.622 (24J in.). Purchased from the Artist, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1916. CHASE, William Merritt. Born, Franklin, Ind., 1849; died, New York, 1916. Pupil of B. F. Hayes in Indianapo- lis; J. O. Eaton in New York; Wagner and Piloty in Mu- nich. Still Life — Fish. At the right on a table lie a large salt-water fish and several smaller fish; at the left on a pottery plate are more small fish; behind at the right are some large codfish in a brass dish, and at the left two pottery jars, a small green one and a large brown one. Signed in the lower left corner* Wm. M. Chase. AMERICAN 179 Inv. 08.453. Canvas: H. 1.121 (44 1 in.). W. 1.428(56^ in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1908. CHURCHILL, William W. Born, Jamaica Plain, Mass., 1858; lives in Boston. Pupil of Bonnat in Paris. Leisure. 568 A girl dressed in white half reclining on a seat upholstered in pink and white, which is drawn part way across a win- dow shaded by a green Venetian blind; she is reading an illustrated paper. At the right are a copper dish and a Japanese screen; a tapestry covers the wall at the left, and in the foreground is a mahogany table, on which are a brass candlestick, an open book, etc. Signed in the lower left corner: Churchill, igio. Inv. 12.325. Canvas: H. 0.766 (30^ in.). W. 0.64 (25^ in.). Gift of Gorham Hubbard, 1912. COLE, Joseph Foxcroft. Born, Jay, Maine, 1837; died, Boston, 1892. Pupil of Lambinet and Charles Jacque in Paris. Moret, France. 569 A narrow winding stream with poplars on both banks; in the distance a village. Signed in the lower left corner: /. Foxcroft Cole, i8j2. Inv. 18.397. Canvas: H. 0.465 (i8£ in.). W. 0.66 (26 in.). Isaac Fenno Collection; gift, 1918. Landscape. In the foreground is a pool with patches of sedge, in which at the right a clump of willows is reflected; in the middle distance on the left are two cows grazing by the edge of the water, and farther away are thick woods beneath a pale golden sunset sky. Signed in the lower left corner: J . Foxcroft Cole, iSyj. Inv. 13.550. Canvas: H. 0.461 (18-& in.). W. 0.668(26^ in.). Gift of Alexander Cochrane, 1913. 570 l8o CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 571 The Valley of Rombouillet, France. In the centre a group of thatched farm buildings beyond a road in the foreground; further back at the left, open meadows stretch back to low hills; at the right a river flows beneath a wooded slope. Inv. 20.597. Canvas: H. 0.57 (22^ in.). W. 0.91 (36 in.). Gift of the Misses Louisa W. and Marian R. Case, 1920. 572 A Normandy Pastoral, near Honfleur. A reedy brook runs through a pasture in which there are scattered trees, and numerous cows tended by a young woman; in the distance at the left are low wooded hills. Signed in the lower left corner: /. Foxcroft Cole, 1875. Inv. 93.97. Canvas: H. 0.98 (38^ in.). W. 1.335 (52^ in.). Gift by Subscription, 1893. 573 The Abbajona River. In the foreground a broad river with patches of sedge, which spreads out from a bridge which a man driving a horse and cart is just leaving. On the farther bank at the right is a grove of large trees. In the distance low wooded hills. Signed in the lower right corner: /. Foxcroft Cole. Inv. 13.551. Canvas:H. 0.462 (i8j^in.). W. 0.668 (26^ in.). Gift of Alexander Cochrane, 1913. 574 Pasadena, California. A winding river, flowing through a green plain, with hills in the distance; in the foreground, trees near the edge of the riverbank. Signed in the lower left corner: J. Foxcroft Cole. Inv. 15.328. Water-color: H. 0.222 (8f in.). W. 0.315 (12I in.). Bequest of Caroline Louise Williams French, 1915- California. A shallow stream winding among large stones; on both banks in the background are large spreading trees. Signed in the lower left corner: /. Foxcroft Cole. Inv. 18.398. Water-color: H. 0.277 ( IO ! in-)- W. 0.455 (17! in.). Isaac Fenno Collection; gift, 1918. 575 AMERICAN l8l COLLINS, Alfred Quinton. Born, Portland, Maine, 1S55; died, Cambridge, 1903. Pupil of Bonnat. Unfinished Portrait of Thomas B. Clarke. 576 Bust of a bald headed man in three-quarter view to the right; he wears black clothes sketchily indicated, a high white collar and white ascot tie; dark gray background. Inv. 05.84. Canvas: H. 0.686 (27 in.). W. 0.558 (22 in.). Gift by subscription, 1905. COPLEY, John Singleton. Born, Boston, 1862; died, London, 181 5. Chiefly self-taught. Galatea. 577 Galatea is riding on a chariot drawn over the sea toward the left by two dolphins; she wears a white tunic and bright blue mantle, and her uplifted right hand is wrapped in a floating white scarf; beside her at the right, on a sea horse, is Neptune with his trident; nymphs, cupids, and tritons sur- round her car. Inv. 12.45. Canvas: H. 0.94 (37 in.). W. 1.32 (52 in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 1912. Portrait of John Hancock. - 7 g Nearly full-length seated figure, in three-quarter view to the right; his right hand, which holds a pen, rests on his left; his left hand is turning down some pages of a large account book that is propped against other books on the table be- side him ; he wears a dark blue suit trimmed with gold braid and with muslin ruffles at the wrists, white silk stockings, white neckcloth and a powdered wig; the table is covered with rose-colored velvet, and near the books is a pewter inkwell. In the background at the right is a rose-colored silk drapery; the rest of the background is olive-brown. Inv. L 30a. Canvas: H. 1.262 (49x6 i n -)- W. 1.015 ( }q iV, in.). Deposited by the City of Boston, 1876. Portrait of Joseph Green. 579 Head and shoulders of a florid, rather stout, middle-aged man; he is smooth shaven and is dressed in gray with a white neck cloth, and powdered wig. Brown background. 1 82 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 10.34. Pastel: H. 0.559 ( 22 m -)- W. 0.435 ( x 7i i n -)- Gift of Dr. Samuel Abott Green, 1910. 580 Mr. Rogers(?) or Salem(?). Nearly full-length portrait of a rather stout man, sitting beside a table; his left arm rests on the back of the chair, his right elbow on the table, and his right hand is thrust into his waistcoat; his round full face is smooth shaven; he wears a red-brown coat with a velvet collar, brass buttons, and white ruffles at the wrists, a gold-laced waistcoat of the same color, black trousers, and white silk stockings. A dark green cloth covers the table, and a dull green drapery hangs behind it; the rest of the background is a warm brown. Signed near the lower right corner: 1767. Inv. 17. 1. Canvas: H. 1.265 (49* m -)- W. 1.10 (43 j in.). Bequest of Morrill Wyman, 191 7. 581 Portrait or Samuel Adams. Half-length, standing figure in three-quarter view to the left, the head turned toward the right; before him is a writing table on which lie an open book and a large rolled - up document with a seal; in his right hand he holds a roll of paper, on which is written: Instructions of Town of Boston, and with his left he points to the document; he is dressed in a dull red suit, and wears a powdered wig. Dark brown background, in which a row of columns is faintly indicated. Inv. L 30a. Canvas: H. 1.274 (50! in.). W. 1.022 (40^ in.). Deposited by the City of Boston, 1876. 582 Mrs. Skinner. Half-length portrait of a lady turned slightly to the left ; she is seated behind a small, square mahogany table on which she rests the elbow of her right arm, while the fingers of her right hand touch her cheek; her left forearm also rests on the table, and in her left hand she holds a short stalk of canterbury-bell; her hair is dressed high and sur- mounted by a small muslin cap; she wears a yellow silk dress with a brocade design of flowers in colors; the dress AMERICAN 183 is trimmed with ruffles of lace in the neck and sleeves, and a rosette of pink ribbon at the breast. Dark brown back- ground. Signed at the right: John Singleton Copley painter — ijj2 — Boston. Inv. 06.2428. Canvas: H. 1.012 (39! in.). W. 0.776 (30^ in.). Bequest of Mrs. Martin Brimmer, 1906. Portrait of General Joseph Warren. 583 Three-quarter length figure, full front, seated on a chair upholstered in rose velvet; his right hand rests on his knee and his left arm on a table covered with rose velvet, on which are some papers; his coat and breeches are black and his waistcoat is white silk. At the right, is a small rose- colored drapery; the wall behind is brown with a window at the left. Inv. 95.1366. Canvas: H. 1.27 (50 in.). W. 1.015 (40 in.). Gift of Dr. Buckminster Brown, through Warren Put- nam Newcomb, Trustee, 1895. Portrait of Mrs. Joseph Warren. 584 Three-quarter length seated figure, turned slightly to the right; she wears a low-necked, rose-colored gown, over a blue skirt; she is seated on a sofa upholstered in dark green. In the background at the left is a dark blue curtain; at the right, through a window, is seen a bit of landscape and part of a large decorative vase. Inv. 95.1367. Canvas: H. 1.27 (50 in.). W. 1.015 (40 in.). Gift of Dr. Buckminster Brown, through Warren Putnam Newcomb, Trustee, 1895. Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Iz.ard. 585 Mr. Izard is seated on a side chair at the left of a marble- topped table; Mrs. Izard is seated on a sofa at the right. He is in three-quarter view to the right, his right arm hanging over the back of his chair, his left forearm resting on the table; in his left hand he holds a drawing of the marble group in the Terme Museum, called Orestes and Electra, of which a small copy stands on the farther end of the table; he wears a gray suit; behind him on a low para- pet, the end of which forms the base of a column, stands a 586 184 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Greek red-figured vase; Mrs. Izard is seen in profile to the left, both elbows resting on the table, her right hand sup- porting her chin, and her left hand touching the drawing held by Mr. Izard; she wears a lace cap and a blue silk dress with a white gauze scarf in her lap. Behind her is a red brocade hanging; in the distant background stands the Coliseum. Inv. 03.1033. Canvas: H. 1.752 (69 in.). W. 2.245 (88f in.). Purchased, Edward Ingersoll Browne Fund, 1903. M. F. A. Bulletin, I (1903), p. 5. The following is a resume of this article: Mr. Izard was a resident of South Carolina; his wife was Miss Alice Delancey of New York. Copley met them in Italy in the winter of 1774, and painted this double por- trait in Rome. It is the first group painted by him, and he then considered it his masterpiece. Owing to the troubles which preceded the American Revolution Mr. Izard did not take the picture, and Copley carried it to England the following autumn. In 1825, ten years after Copley's death, Mr. Charles Manigault, grandson of Mr. Izard, purchased the picture of Mrs. Copley and it remained in the family until it was sold to the Museum. Watson and the Shark. The painting depicts the rescue from a shark in the har- bor of Havana of Brook Watson, afterwards Lord Mayor of London, who lost a leg in the adventure. He described the incident to Copley, when a fellow passenger on the voyage to England. Two men in a small rowboat are attempting to save a naked swimmer, one of whose legs has been bitten off, from a shark which is about to snap at him again; there are seven other men in the boat, some are rowing; one, standing with his foot on the gunwale is aim- ing a harpoon at the shark, while a negro beside him has thrown a rope to the swimmer. In the background, at right and left, are frigates and the fortifications of the harbor. Inv. 89.481. Canvas: H. 1.831 (72! in.). W. 2.292 (905 in.). Gift of Mrs. George von Lengerke Meyer, 1889. AMERICAN 185 John Quincy Adams. 5^7 Bust portrait of a young man, his body turned toward the right, his head toward the front; he wears a black coat and waistcoat, white inner waistcoat, white stock and ruf- fled cravat, and rose-colored shirt. Behind him is a dark crimson curtain, and at the right a landscape. Painted in 1795 when Mr. Adams was Minister at the Hague. Inv. 17.1077. Canvas: H. 0.762 (30 in.). W. 0.635 ( 2 5 in.). Bequest of Charles Francis Adams, 191 7. Portrait of Admiral Peter Rainier. 588 Bust portrait of a stout man in three-quarter view to the right; he wears a gold-laced blue coat with white fac- ings, a white waistcoat, black stock, powdered wig, and tortoise-shell spectacles. Background, a cloudy sky. Inv. 04.1757. Canvas: H. 0.764 (30^ in.). W. 0.637 (2 5tV in.). Purchased, 1904. CRANCH, Christopher Pearse. Born, Alexandria, Va., 1813; died, Cambridge, Mass., 1892. Studied in Italy. San Pietro in Castello, Venice. 589 In the foreground fishing boats with painted sails are reflected in the quiet waters of the lagoon; in the distance rises the church with its campanile. Signed in the lower right corner: C. P. Cranch. Inv. 13.552. Canvas: H. 0.36 (i4t\ in.). W. 0.61 (24 in.). Gift of Alexander Cochrane, 1913. CROWNINSHIELD, Frederic. Born, Boston, 1845; died, Capri, Italy, 1918. Pupil of Rowbotham in London, Benouville in Rome, and Cabanel and Couture in Paris. Perugia. Signed in the lower left corner: F. C. iqii. Perugia. Inv. 16.344. Water-color: H. 0.50 (19I in.). W. 0.35 (13 J in.). Purchased of the Artist, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1916. 590 1 86 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 591 Taormina. Signed in the lower right corner: F. C. 1913. Taormina. Inv. 16.345. Water-color: H. 0.365 (14! in.). W. 0.545 (215 in.). Purchased of the Artist, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1916. 592 Capri Cliff. Signed in the lower right corner: F. C. igi6. Capri. Inv. 19.159. Water-color: H. 0.528 (20! in.). W. 0.358 (14 in.). Gift of Classmates of Frederic Crowninshield, 1919. CUSHING, Howard Gardiner. Born, Boston, 1869; died, New York, 1916. Pupil of Laurens, Constant, and Doucet, in Paris. 593 Portrait of Mrs. Cushing. Half-length figure of a young woman, seated in an arm- chair in three-quarter view to the left; she has red hair, and wears over her white dress a yellow Chinese coat, bor- dered with blue, She sits in front of a mirror, in which are reflected a red drapery, a settee in light green against a gray wall, and a blue porcelain jar. Signed in the lower right corner: Howard G. Cushing, IQ04. Inv. 17.3170. Canvas: H. 1.01 (39! in.). W. 0.762 (30 in.). Purchased, Ellen Kelleran Gardner Fund, 1917. DABO, Leon. Born, Detroit, Mich., 1868; lives in New York City. Pupil of Daniel Vierge, Pierre Galland, Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and Julian Academy, Paris. 594 Winter on the Hudson River. A gray-green river on a cloudy winter night; in the fore- ground at the left snow-covered rocks, which extend in a narrow line into the river; in the background on the farther shore is a town, the lights of which illuminate somewhat the leaden sky. Inv. 12.327. Canvas: H. 0.766 (30$ in.). W. 0.865 (34tV in.). Gift of Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, 191 2. AMERICAN 187 DANNAT, William Turner. Born, New York City, 1853; lives in Paris. Pupil of the Munich Academy, and of Munkacsy. Portrait of Eva Haviland. Head and shoulders of a little girl in three-quarter view to the right; her yellow hair is tied at the back of her head with a black bow; her simple dress is a brown that is al- most black, with a narrow white band around the neck. Olive-brown background. Signed in the upper right corner: W. T. Dannat, 1886. Inv. 13.2803. Canvas: H. 0.543 (2if in.). W. 0.433 ( x 7 in.). Purchased, Picture Fund, 1913. DAVIS, Charles Harold. Born, Amesbury, Mass., 1856; lives at Mystic, Conn. Pupil of Otto Grundmann and School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and Bou- langer and Lefebvre in Paris. Landscape. The barns and stone walls of a New England farm seen against a background of trees and distant hills, with glimpses of a lake; a large apple tree hides one end of the barn. Signed in the lower left corner: C. H. Davis. Inv. 1 1. 1278. Canvas: H. 0.508 (20 in.). W. 0.762 (30 in.). Gift of the Estate of Mrs. George Hebron Chaplain, IQII. The Clouds. A range of green hills spotted with the shadows of the white clouds that cover a large portion of the sky. Signed in the lower left corner: C. II. Davis. Inv. 13.475. Canvas: H. 0.58 (22 in.). W. 0.686 (27 in.). Gift of the Heirs of George Adams Kettell, 1913. DE CAMP, Joseph. Born, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1858; lives in Medford, Mass. Pupil of Frank Duveneck, Cincin- nati Academy, and of the Royal Academy, Munich. 595 596 597 / 1 88 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 598 The Guitar Player. A young woman playing the guitar is seated full front on a sofa upholstered in green; she wears a low-necked gown of white striped with mauve under spangled tulle. On the sofa at the right are two rolled up scrolls and a red shawl; at the left, a dark scarf lies in the shadow; the wall is a warm gray. Signed in the lower right corner: Joseph Be Camp, igo8. Inv. 08.204. Canvas: H. 1.28 (50! in.). W. 1.18 (46 \ in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1908. Awarded second W. A. Clark prize and Corcoran silver medal, second exhibition of Contemporary American Oil Paintings at the Corcoran Gallery of Art, December, 1908 -January, 1909. M. F. A. Bulletin, VI (1908), pp. 35-36, illus. DUVENECK, Frank. Born, Covington, Ky., 1848; died, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1919. Pupil of Dietz in Munich. 599 Caucasian Soldier. A man seated on the ground against a gray wall, sup- porting himself on his left arm; he wears a large fur hat, a brownish-white military coat with cartridge pouches across the breast, tight brown breeches and leggings; the coat is open showing his hairy chest; his feet are bare. Beside him at the left is a saddle. Signed in the upper left corner: F. Duveneck, Munich, 1870. Inv. 76.296. Canvas: H. 1.273 (5°i m -)- W. 1.047 U 1 * in.). Gift of Alice Hooper, 1876. 600 The Old Professor. Bust portrait of an elderly man in front view; he is par- tially bald and wears spectacles; his clothes are brown. Dark brown background. Inv. 19.96. Canvas: H. 0.61 (24 in.). W. 0.486 (19! in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collections; gift, 1919. EATON, Wyatt. Born, Philipsburg, Canada, 1849; died, Middletown, R. I., 1896. Pupil of Joseph O. Eaton in New York, Gerome in Paris. AMERICAN 189 Mother and Child. 601 Three-quarter length seated figure of a peasant nursing her child; she wears a gray-blue skirt, a white waist, and a red kerchief tied about her head; the child wears a white cap and a light gray-blue dress. Signed in the lower left corner: Wyatt Eaton, 1876. Inv. 04.102. Canvas: H. 0.42 (i6£ in.). W. 0.597 ( 2 3s in.). Gift of Mrs. Warren B. Potter, 1904. ENNEKING, John Joseph. Born, Minster, Ohio, 1841; died, Boston, Mass., 1916. Pupil of Bonnat and Daubigny in Paris, and of Lehr in Munich. Hillside. 602 On a grassy hillside is a row of apple trees in full bloom; behind them along the crest of the hill are various other trees with their spring foliage. Signed in the lower right corner: Enneking. Inv. 13.474. Canvas: H. 0.63 (245 in.). W. 0.775 (3°2 in.). Gift of the heirs of George Adams Kettell, 1913. FISHER, William Mark. Born, Boston, 1841 ; lives, Hat- field Heath, Essex, England. Studied at Lowell Institute, Boston; pupil of Gleyre, Paris. Road to Menil, near Ecouen. 603 A country road curves from the left toward a clump of trees in the background; at the right of the road a flock of sheep grazes, tended by a shepherd. Signed in the lower right corner: W. M. Fisher '6q. Inv. 02.70. Canvas: H. 0.31 1 (12 j in.). W. 0.441 (17! in.). Gift of Dr. Henry Kemble Oliver, 1902. FROTHINGHAM, James. Born, Charlestown, Mass., 1786; died, 1864. Began as a painter of chaises in his father's shop. Mrs. Peter Gilman Robbins (Polly Williams). 604 Bust portrait of a lady in three-quarter view to the right; she wears a plain black dress with a lace collar, and a 190 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS scarlet shawl; her hair is brown and arranged with short curls at the temples and on her forehead. In the back- ground, a column, a drapery, and a bit of sky. Inv. 16.105. Panel: H. 0.666 (26I in.). W. 0.546 (21I in.). Bequest of Mrs. George Hollingsworth, 191 6. FULLER, George. Born, Deerfield, Mass., 1822; died, Brookline, Mass., 1884. Pupil of Henry Kirke Brown, in Albany, N. Y.; also studied in Boston. 605 Portrait of a Boy. Half-length front view of a boy with light wavy hair; he wears dark brown clothes, white collar, and small red cravat. Black background. Inv. 85.422. Canvas: H. 0.61 (24 in.). W. 0.473 ( J 8f in.). Gift of Edward William Hooper, 1885. 606 The Dandelion Girl. In a meadow a barefoot girl stands in profile to the right, blowing the seeds from a dandelion in her left hand ; in her right hand she holds a switch. A cow is grazing nearby at the right and other cows farther back at the left; in the background is a row of trees. Signed in the lower left cor- ner: G. Fuller, 1877. Inv. 11.2808. Canvas: H. 1.29 (50! in.). W. 1.02 (40^ in.). Gift of Dr. and Mrs. George Faulkner, through the Trustees of the Faulkner Hospital, 191 1. 607 Arethusa. The nude young nymph reclines on the ground, her head to the left, leaning on her right arm ; beside her is a spring, into which she is dipping her left hand. Behind her are large trees. Signed in the lower right corner: G. Fuller. Inv. 87.22. Canvas: H. 1.27 (50 in.). W. 1.028 (40! in.). Gift by contribution, 1887. The Artist's last work. FULLER, Richard Henry. Born, Bradford, N. H., 1822 ; died, Chelsea, Mass., 1871. Self-taught. 608 Landscape. A farm road leading to a building largely concealed by tall cedars, which grow near the road; at the left is a russet- AMERICAN 191 colored thicket. Signed in the lower right corner: R. H. Fuller. Inv. 87.412. Canvas: H. 0.457 i 1 ^ in.). W. 0.349 (13$ in.). Gift of George Augustus Goddard, 1887. Near Chelsea. 609 Broad green fields where men and women are working; on the right a grove of trees surrounding a red barn; in the distance a strip of water on which are sailboats, and be- yond it low hills. Signed: R. H. Fuller, 1847. Inv. 19.92. Canvas: H. 0.715 (28! in.). W. 1.22 (48 in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. GALLISON, Henry Hammond. Born, Boston, 1850; died, Cambridge, Mass., 1910. Pupil of Bonnefoy in Paris. The Golden Haze. 610 A dory in the shallow water of a rocky marsh; behind are low hills rising to mountains partly shrouded in a purple haze. Inv. n. 2801. Canvas: H. 0.493 (58^ in.). W. 1.83 (72^ in.). Gift of Mrs. Henry Hammond Gallison, 191 1. The Morning Shadow. 611 A stream reflecting woods on the further bank; in the left foreground a rock strewn meadow; in the background low hills partly wooded. Inv. 20.8. Canvas: H. 1.04 (43! in.). W. 1.38 (54^ in.). Bequest of Mrs. Samuel Parkman Oliver. GALLEY, Robert David. Born, Carnaveigh County, Monaghan, Ireland, 1875; lives in New York City. Pupil of Denman W. Ross, the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and Academie Julien, Paris. Goose. 6i2 Copy of a fresco found at Medum, now in the Museum at ( iizeh. Signed in the lower left corner: Robert D. Gauley, i8q6. 192 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 99.99. Water-color: H. 0.292 (n J in.). W. 0.445 17J in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1899. Six Water-Colors. Gift of Dr. Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. 613 Mediterranean Coast View. Signed in the lower left corner: Robert D. Gauley, 1893. Inv. 17.1413- H - °- 2 5 C9l in -)- W. 0.35 (13! in.). 614 Naples. Signed in the lower right corner: Robert D. Gauley, 1893. Inv. 17.1415- H. 0.25 {gi in.). W. 0.35 (13^ in.). 615 Amalfi. Signed in the lower right corner: Robert D. Gauley, 1893. Inv. 17.1417- H. 0.25 (9! in.). W. 0.35 (13! in.). 616 Azores. Signed in the lower left corner: Robert D. Gauley, 1895. Inv. 17.1416. H. 0.25 (9! in.). W. 0.35 (13! in.). 617 The Coast of Sardinia. Signed in the lower right corner: Robert D. Gauley, 1895. Inv. 17.1412. H. 0.25 (gl in.). W. 0.37 (14! in.). 618 Coast of Crete. Signed in the lower right corner: Robert D. Gauley, 1896. Inv. 17.1414. H. 0.25 (9! in.). W. 0.35 (13! in.). GAY, Walter. Born, Hingham, Mass., 1856; lives in Paris. Pupil of Bonnat. 619 Interior of the Palazzo Barbaro. A richly decorated and richly furnished salon; on the wall at the left is a large painting by Veronese representing the Rape of the Sabines; on the adjacent wall another repre- senting the Continence of Scipio; over the doors are por- traits of Venetians in elaborate carved frames; in the corner is a full length portrait of a man in scarlet and purple robes; in the centre of the room is a gilded table and a chair up- holstered in green; around the walls stand sofas, cande- AMERICAN 193 labra, chairs, commodes, etc. Signed in the lower right corner: Walter Gay. Palazzo Barbaro. Inv. 1 1. 1537. Canvas: H. 1. (39! in.). W. 0.902 (35I in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1911. GAY, Winckworth Allan. Born, Hingham, Mass., 182 1 ; died there, 1910. Pupil of Robert W. Weir, and afterward of Troyon in Paris. Landscape. 620 A winding road, with fenced and walled fields on the left, and rocky slopes on the right, leads down to a broad, sandy beach curving out to a distant point at the right; the sea is smooth and many sails are visible in the distance. Inv. 10.251. Canvas: H. 0.515 (20! in.). W. 1.041 (41 in.). Gift of Mrs. John C. Howe, 1910. Landscape. 621 Rocky pasture lands extending to a bay in the back- ground at the left. Signed in the lower left corner: Gay, 1865. Inv. 13.469. Canvas: H. 0.205 (i8j^in.). W. 0.344 (14 in.). Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 1913. Farmhouse. A narrow lane, shaded by two spreading trees leads be- tween two farmhouses; the one on the left is red, and calves are lying in the green grass near it; an old picket fence and a stone wall separate the yard of the other house from the road. Signed in the lower left corner: W. A. Gay, 1868. Inv. 13.453- Canvas: H. 0.403 (15! in.). W. 0.65 (25^ in.). Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 1913. Landscape. A little lake in the mountains; in the distance a snow- covered range; in the foreground a man driving cattle to- ward the lake. Signed at the right: W. A. Gay. Inv. 13.463. Panel: H. 0.27 (io| in.). W. 0.352 (13! in.). Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 1913. 622 623 194 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 624 Farmhouse at Rye Beach, N. H. On a bluff overlooking the sea a farmhouse, largely hidden by an apple orchard; in the foreground, pastures bounded by stone walls. Signed in the lower right corner: W. Allan Gay. Inv. 13.468. Panel: Ff. 0.254 (10 in.). W. 0.482 (19 in.). Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 1913. GRAHAM, William. Born, New York City, 1832; died, Buffalo, N. Y., 191 1. 625 A Rainy Day in Venice. A view of the side of St. Mark's and the Piazza from the colonnade of the Ducal Palace; in the foreground, the col- umn at the corner of the colonnade nearest St. Mark's. Signed at the left, near bottom: W. Graham, Venezia, 1885. Inv. 96.656. Canvas: Ff. 0.419 (16^ in.). W. 0.724 (28! in.). Bequest of Mary Felton, 1896. GROLL, Albert Lorey. Born, New York, 1866; lives in New York. Studied at Royal Academy, Munich. 626 Landscape near the Hopi Village "Laguna," New Mexico. Sandy, rolling country with an occasional patch of green or ruins of Hopi huts; low, rugged hills in the background, and at their base a Hopi dwelling; blue sky with large, white clouds. Inv. 19.7. Canvas: H. 0.708 (28 in.). W. 0.92 (36^ in.). Gift of William Maurice Bullivant, 1919. GRUNDMANN, Otto. Born, Dresden, 1848; died, Dres- den, 1890. Pupil of Dresden Academy. 627 Interior. A dark cottage interior; at the right a blue and white tiled hearth with a plate rack above it filled with blue and white plates; at the left in the shadow a dark red wall and black furniture; above, a plate rack. Inv. 19.15. Canvas: H. 0.422 (i6|- in.). W. 0.575 (22! in.). Bequest of Abraham Shuman, 1919. AMERICAN 195 HAAS, Maurits Frederik Hendrik de. Born, Rotter- dam, 1832; died, New York, 1895. Pupil of the Rotterdam Academy: settled in New York in 1859. Marine. 628 The breakers are rolling in on a rocky beach; near some of the larger rocks, three peasants have built a little fire; in the distance are three sailing vessels; Signed in the lower right corner: M. F. H. de Haas. Inv. 15.884. Canvas: H. 0.717 (28I in.). W. 1.12 (44! in.). Bequest of William Rosewell Wilson, 191 5. HALL, George Henry. Born, Boston, 1825; died, New York City, 1913. Studied in Dtisseldorf, Paris and Rome. The Roman Wine Cart. 629 A middle-aged, black-bearded man and a young peasant woman are seated beneath the circular canopy of a Roman cart; his right arm is around her and she holds a tam- bourine; in the background, the Coliseum. Signed in the lower left corner: G. H. Hall, Rome, Dec. 22nd, 18 '51. Inv. 16.44. Canvas: H. 1.089 U 2 s m -)- W. 1.03 (40I in.). Gift of Jennie Brownscombe, 1916. HALLOWELL, George Hawley. Born, Boston, 1872; lives there. Pupil of F. W. Benson, E. C. Tarbell, and H. B. Warren. Mountain Stream in Vermont. 630 The blue waters of the stream tumble over smooth boul- ders into foaming pools. Inv. 06.122. Water-color: H. 0.241 (95 in.). W. 0.336 (13I in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. Mountains of Dalmatia. 631 Rugged mountains with purple shadows, the lower slopes partly covered with dark evergreen trees. Signed in the lower right corner: Geo. II. Hallowell. Inv. 06.123. Water-color: H. 0.245 (9 1 m -)- W. 0.336 (13! in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1906. 196 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS HAMILTON, Edward Wilbur Dean. Born, Somerfield, Pa., 1862; lives in Boston. Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux- Arts in Paris. 632 Canal, Venice. A Venetian canal, crossed by a bridge in the background; narrow sidewalks on both sides of the canal separate it from the houses. Signed in the lower left corner: E. W. D. Hamilton, Venezia. Inv. 17.3143. Canvas: H. 0.254 (10 in.). W. 0.336 (14 in.). Gift of Mrs. Josiah Bradlee, 191 7. HARDING, Chester. Born, Conway, Mass., 1792; died, Boston, 1866. Chiefly self-taught. 633 Portrait of Dr. J. B. Brown. Nearly half-length figure, turned slightly to the left; he is dressed in black, with high collar and white stock; his right hand is inserted between the buttons of his coat. A red curtain is draped behind him, showing a little blue sky at the left. Inv. 14.424. Canvas: H. 0.765 (30! in.). W. 0.635 ( 2 5 in.). Bequest of Dr. Buckminster Brown, 1914. 634 Portrait of Abigail Warren (Mrs. J. B. Brown). Half-length figure in three-quarter view to the right; she wears a large lace cap with ribbons hanging over her shoul- ders, a gray-green dress with a lace collar, and a cloak of the same color, trimmed with ermine, Gray-green background. Inv. 14.425. Canvas: H. 0.762 (30 m.). W. 0.64 (25^ in.). Bequest of Dr. Buckminster Brown, 1914. HARDWICK, Melbourne Havelock. Born, Digby, Nova Scotia, 1857; died, Waverley, Mass., 1916. Pupil of Triscott, and of Luyten and Blommers. 635 Midsummer. Two girls playing on a sand dune on a sunny day; the older girl, with her back toward the spectator, is dressed in bright blue; the little girl facing her is dressed in white. Signed in the lower left corner: Melbourne H. Hardwick. AMERICAN 197 Inv. 17.1078. Canvas: H. 0.584 (23 in.). W. 0.69 (27J in.). Gift of Mrs. Melbourne Havelock Hardwick, 191 7. HARDY, Jeremiah Pearson. Born, Pelham, N. H., 1800; died, Bangor, Me., 1888. Pupil of a Mr. Brown in Boston and S. F. B. Morse in New York. Portrait of Cyrus Hamlin. 636 Portrait of a young man in profile to the left; he is smooth shaven, and wears spectacles; dark clothes and dark background. Inv. 16.397. Canvas: H. 0.686 (27 in.). W. 0.555 C 2I s in.). Gift of Anna E. Hardy, 1916. HART, William. Born, Paisley, Scotland, 1823; died, Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 1894. Self-taught. Landscape. 637 Cows standing in a quiet pool, shaded by large trees. Signed in the lower right corner: Wm. Hart. Inv. 06.2406. Panel: H. 0.26 (io| in.). W. 0.21 (8j in.). Gift of the Estate of Dr. Joseph Pierson Oliver, through Caroline Louise Williams French, 1906. HASSAM, Childe. Born, Boston, 1859; lives in New York. Pupil of Boulanger and Lefebvre in Paris. The Lady of the Gorge. 638 Dark blue water at the bottom of a deep gorge between steep cliffs; on a point of rock in the foreground is seated a nude woman with bowed head, in profile to the left. Inv. 19.1324. Canvas: H. 0.564 (22^ in.). W. 0.611 (24} in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. HAWTHORNE, Charles Webster. Born, Maine, 1872; lives at Provincetown, Mass. Pupil of Mowbray and William M. Chase, New York City. The Mother. 639 Three-quarter length standing figure of a young woman holding a baby in her arms; she wears a simple blue-green 198 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS dress, with yellowish cuffs and a band of the same material around the low-cut neck; the baby is dressed in white with a white cap. At the right is a table spread with a white cloth, on which is a plate of bread with a knife and spoon, a loaf of bread and a common white bowl; greenish-brown background. Signed in the upper left corner: C. W. Haw- thorne. Inv. 16.63. Bristolboard: H. 1.016 (40 in.). W. 1.016 (40 in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 191 6. HAYDEN, Charles H. Born, Plymouth, Mass., 1856; died, Belmont, Mass., 1901. Pupil of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Boulanger, Lefebvre, and Collin in Paris. 640 Turkey Pasture. A flock of turkeys grazing in a sun-burnt field strewn with rocks; beyond, at the left, are the roofs of the farm buildings; in the background is a wooded hillside. Signed in the lower right corner: C. H. Hayden. Inv. 95.8. Canvas: H. 0.761 (30 in.). W. 1.07 (42 1 in.). Gift of Eben Dyer Jordan, 1895. HEALY, George Peter Alexander. Born, Boston, 1813; died, Chicago, 1894. Studied in Paris. 641 Portrait of Daniel Webster. Bust portrait in three-quarter view to the left; he wears a blue coat with brass buttons, buff waistcoat, white shirt, collar and stock. Gray background. Signed at the right: G. P.A.Healy, 1853. Inv. Res. H. Canvas: H. 0.762 (30 in.). W. 0.635 (25 in.). Gift of Mrs. Waldo Ogden Ross and Mary Haven, 191 7. 642 Portrait of Orestes A. Brownson. Three-quarter length figure, seated in a gilded arm- chair upholstered in red; his body is turned to the left, his head to the front; he is dressed in black and has a full gray beard and rather long, thick gray hair; ragged folios lean AMERICAN 199 against his chair. Dark background. Signed at the right: G. P. A . Healy, Chicago, 1863. Inv. 95.1368. Canvas: H. 1.40 (55^ in.). W. 1.11 (43$ in.). Gift of Mrs. George Peter Alexander Healy, 1895. Portrait of Thomas Kemper Davis. 643 Bust of a dark-haired young man, in three-quarter view to the right; he wears a black coat and black stock. Brown background. Inv. 07.516. Bristolboard: H. 0.61 (24 in.). W. 0.51 (20J in.). Gift of Mrs. Richard Hathaway Morgan, 1907. Portrait of "Father Taylor." 644 Nearly half-length portrait of a man, facing squarely to the front, seated in a chair upholstered in red; he is smooth shaven, and his spectacles are pushed up into his brown hair; he is dressed in black, with a black cravat. Brown background with pillar at the left. Inv. 16.335. Canvas: H. 0.765 (30! in.). W. 0.635 ( 2 5 in.). Gift of Horatio Greenough Curtis, 1916. HIBBARD, Aldro Thompson. Born, Falmouth, Mass., 1886, lives in Boston. Pupil of the Massachusetts Normal Art School and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Winter Days. 645 In the foreground the spur of a hill sloping to the left, with a few scattered trees; at its foot are farm buildings; in the middle distance an open valley, running back toward the right; beyond it are rounded hills partly covered with trees. The ground lies deep in snow, and the atmosphere suggests that it is melting in the weak sunlight. 20.598. Canvas: H. 0.767 (30^ in.). W. 0.865 (34 m -)- Gift in memory of Elizabeth Brown Barrett, 1920. HOLLINGSWORTH, George. Born, Milton, Mass., 1813; died there, 1882. Studied in Italy. Portrait of Captain Fisher of Milton. 646 Half-length portrait of a white-haired man, in three- quarter view to the left; his arms are folded, and he is 200 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS dressed in black with white collar and cravat. Landscape background. Inv. 16.109. Canvas: H. 0.905 (35! in.). W. 0.736 (29 in.). Bequest of Mrs. George Hollingsworth, 1916. HOMER, Winslow. Born, Boston, 1836; died, Scarboro, Me., 1910. Pupil of the National Academy of Design, New York City, and of Frederic Rondel. 647 Scottish Fishwomen. Three fishwomen, one in front of the other two, are ad- vancing to the left on a tongue of sand; each woman carries a large basket on her arm, and the one in front is carrying a large fish by the gills. Signed in the lower left corner: Homer, 1883. Inv. 01.6232. Water-color: H. 0.51 (205 in.). W. 0.26 (10 1 in.). Bequest of Mrs. Arthur Croft, 1901. The Fog Warning. A fisherman, with two halibut in the stern of his dory, is rowing in a rough sea; he looks anxiously away to the right where the fog is rolling up behind a distant fishing schooner. Signed in the lower left corner: Winslow Homer, 1885. Inv. 94.72. Canvas: H. 0.763 (30^ in.). W. 1.223 (48A in.). Gift of Laura and Grenville Howland Norcross in the name of the Otis Norcross Fund, 1894. 649 Leaping Trout. Two trout are seen in the air over a bit of almost black water, streaked with light where it has been broken by the fish; two lily pads have been tipped so that their under- sides are shown. Signed in the lower left corner : Homer. Inv. 99.24. Water-color: H. 0.355 ( x 4 m -)- W. 0.489 (19! in.). Purchased, William Wilkins Warren Fund, 1899. 6e Trout-Fishing, Lake St. John, Quebec, 1895. In a canoe on a placid lake are two men, one paddling, one casting; the woods of the high bank are reflected in the water. Signed in the lower left corner: Homer, 1893. AMERICAN 20 1 Inv. 99.29. Water-color (black wash) :H. 0.346 (13! in.). W. 0.524 (205 in.). Purchased, William Wilkins Warren Fund, 1899. Indian Camp, Montagnais Indians, Pointe Bleue, 651 Quebec, 1895. On the brow of a green hill are two white tents; behind the one at the left is a group of three squaws; stretched on the ground at the right of the other is an Indian watching them ; two other Indians are working on canoes in the fore- ground. Signed in the lower left corner: Homer, 1893. Mon- tagnais Indians, Pointe Bleue, Quebec. Inv. 99.28. Water-color: H. 0.346 (13! in.). W. 0.502 (19 J in.). Purchased, William Wilkins Warren Fund, 1899. The Lookout: "All's Well." 652 In the lower left corner are the head and shoulders of an old sailor in oilskins and a "sou'wester" on a ship in the open sea; his head is turned to the left, and his right hand is raised calling "All's Well"; behind and above him is the ship's bell touched with moonlight, while ropes and rigging show on the left. On the right, moonlit sea and dark sky. Signed in the lower right corner: Homer, i8g6. Inv. 99.23. Canvas: H. 1.018 (40 in.). W. 0.768 (30^ in.). Purchased, William Wilkins Warren Fund, 1899. Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1900; Medaille d'Or. QUANANICHE FlSHING. 653 Two men, one of them almost entirely concealed by a fish that has leaped out of the water in the foreground, are paddling a canoe down a quiet stream; a third man is play- ing the fish. High wooded bank in the background, the sky largely covered by black clouds. Signed in the lower left corner: W. H. 1897. Lake St. John, P. Q. Inv. 99.30. Water-color: H. 0.28 (n in.). W. 0.502 (19 J in.). Purchased, William Wilkins Warren Fund, 1899. HUNT, William Morris. Born, Brattleboro, Vt., 1824; died, Isles of Shoals, 1879. Studied at Dtisseldorf; pupil of Couture in Paris; influenced by Millet and the Barbizon School. 202 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 654 Jewess. Head and shoulders of a young woman with delicate features; her head is bent and turned almost in profile to the right; a white garment is draped about her, and her black hair hangs over her shoulders. Signed at the right: W. Hunt. Inv. 1053.10. Canvas: H. 0.56 (22 in.). W. 0.47 (i8£ in.). Deposited by Mrs. Horatio Nelson Slater, 19 10. 655 Self Portrait. Small bust portrait, turned slightly to the right; he has a full brown beard, and wears a dark brown coat and a large high hat. Light brown background. Painted in Paris, 1849. Inv. 92.2742. Canvas: H. 0.275 ( io 8 m -)- W. 0.22 (8| in.). Gift of William P. Babcock, 1892. 656 Cupid. Cupid seated on a white cloth under dark trees, a lamb feeding from his hand; in the distance is a lake. Inv. 1058.10. Canvas: H. 0.74 (29! in.). W. 0.60 (23! in.). Deposited by Mrs. Horatio Nelson Slater, 1910. 657 The Hurdy-Gurdy Boy. Three-quarter length figure of a young lad in front view, the head inclined to the left and the eyes raised; he is play- ing a hurdy-gurdy which is slung over his shoulder; he wears a white shirt, red coat, and dark green trousers; be- hind him is a sunny wall, on which, at the light, a vine is growing. Signed in the lower left corner: Hunt 1851. Inv. 00.503. Canvas: H. 1.083 (4 2 f m 0- W. 0.838 (32! in.). Bequest of Edmund Dwight, 1900. The Fortune Teller. A young mother in a low-necked crimson gown, with a yellow-brown drapery over her lap, holds in her arms a little child whose white shirt is partly off; at the right sits a haggard old woman, a black staff in her left hand, her right pointing toward the child; she is dressed in a brown 658 AMERICAN 203 waist and striped skirt, with a shawl on her head. Signed in the lower left corner: W. M. Hunt, 1852. Inv. 07.136. Canvas: H. 1.397 (552 in.). W. 1.295 (5 1 in.). From the Estate of Elizabeth Howes, 1907. Head from the Fortune Teller. 659 The head of the mother in the larger picture. In this study she is dressed in dark green, and the background is green. Inv. 104.13. Canvas: H. 0.46 (185 in.). W. 0.56 (22 in.). Deposited by Mrs. Horatio Nelson Slater, 1913. Girl Reading. 660 Three-quarter length figure of a seated young woman in three-quarter view to the left, reading a book which lies on her knees; her elbows rest on the arms of the chair and with the forefinger of her right hand she follows the text as she reads; she wears a blue-gray skirt, a white waist with an orange and white kerchief, the ends of which are tucked into her skirt; the sleeves of her waist are short and her forearms are covered by the bright blue sleeves of an under- garment. Signed in the lower right corner: W. M. Hunt, §3. Inv. 93.1455. Canvas: H. 0.545 (21^ in.). W. 0.41 (165 in.). Gift of Mrs. Charles W. Dabney, 1893. Marguerite. 661 Three-quarter length figure in profile to the right, standing in a field of yellow wheat; she wears a dark skirt and a loose white waist hanging from her shoulders, leaving the upper part of her back bare. Signed in the lower left corner with a monogram : W M H, 1833. Inv. 06.2429. Canvas: H. 1. 172 (465 in.). W. 0.90(35^ in.). Bequest of Mrs. Martin Brimmer, 1906. M. F. A. Bulletin, IV (1909), p. 7,3- Lent by Mr. Brim- mer to the Boston Athenaeum for its 27th exhibition, 1854; no. 117 of the catalogue. Girl with Kitten. Three-quarter length figure of a blonde little girl, in three-quarter view to the left; she wears a pink dress, with 662 204 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS undersleeves of white muslin, trimmed with black ribbon bow knots, and is carrying a maltese cat on her right shoul- der; she supports the cat on her folded hands. Signed on the lower right hand side of dress: Wm. M. Hunt, 1856. Inv. 00.504. Canvas: H. 1.065 U 2 i n -)- W. 0.848 (33! in.). Bequest of Edmund Dwight, 1900. 663 Girl with Kitten. Study for the larger picture of the same subject. Inv. 1054.10. Canvas: H. 0.45 (17 J in.). W. 0.305 (12 in.). Deposited by Mrs. Horatio Nelson Slater, 1910. 664 The Belated Kid. A young bare-footed girl, walking toward the right, is holding in her arms a white kid whose anxious mother is following close at her side; the landscape is lighted by the glow of the setting sun. Inv. 07.135. Canvas: H. 1.378 (54I in.). W. 0.988 (38! in.). Gift from the Estate of Elizabeth Howes, 1907. 665 Woman and Child in the Snow. Dark woods with snow covering the ground; in the open foreground a woman lying in the snow holding an infant in her arms. Signed in lower left corner: W. M. Hunt, 1859. Inv. 19.10. Millboard: H. 0.47 (185 in.). W. 0.305 (12 in.). Gift of Elizabeth S. Gregerson, 1919. 666 Sheep. A group of sheep in a pen; they are dull brown in color, with three white lambs ; one sheep is eating hay from a rack at the left; the floor of the pen is covered with straw. Signed in the lower right corner: W M Hunt. Inv. 13.461. Canvas: H. 0.215 (8| in.). W. 0.385 (15! in.). Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 1913. 667 Twin Lambs. Two white lambs are lying close together on a grassy hillside; at the top of the hill are large boulders and leafless bushes; the sky is nearly covered with fleecy white clouds. Inv. 05.8. Canvas: H. 0.96 (37! in.). W. 0.60 (23! in.). 66g AMERICAN 205 Gift of Subscribers through Ellen Day Hale and Adelaide E. Wadsworth, 1905. Girl and Cow. 668 A peasant girl stands with head bent, intent on her knit- ting; she wears a blue skirt, and a pink waist; just behind her is a white cow grazing. In the background is a thick clump of trees. Inv. 1055.10. Cardboard: H. 0.32 (i2§ in.). W. 0.24 (q ; j in.). Deposited by Airs. Horatio Nelson Slater, 1910. Sheep Shearing at Barbizon. Two men are shearing sheep just inside the door of a barn; a third man leans against the doorway, holding a sheep by its legs. Copy of the picture by J. F. Millet, lent by Mrs. Horatio Nelson Slater. Inv. 13.455- Panel: H. 0.245 (9§ in -)- W. 0.39 (15I in.). Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 1913. French Peasant Woman and Pig. 670 In a forest clearing is a peasant woman with her staff, holding a pig by a cord. Signed in the lower left corner with a monogram: WM II. Inv. 18.394. Panel: H. 0.438 {iy\ in.). W. 0.275 I io I in.). Isaac Fenno Collection; gift, 1918. Landscape. A clump of trees growing beside a body of water in which the trunks and foliage are reflected. In the right middle distance a figure half hidden by the bushes, wearing a blue dress. Signed in lower left corner with a monogram: WMH. Res. H. Canvas: H. 0.62 (24J in.). W. 0.36 (14I in.). Gift of Mary C. Wheelwright, 1919. Landscape. 672 In the foreground a red and white cow r is grazing near a pond, on which are swans being fed by a woman who stands under the trees in the middle distance. Signed in the lower right corner: W. M. H., i860, Newport. 671 206 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 1056.10. Panel: H. 0.31 (i2j in.). W. 0.25 (of in.). Deposited by Mrs. Horatio Nelson Slater, 1910. 673 Wounded Drummer Boy. On sloping ground in a field a boy lies on his back, his drum beside him; he wears a torn white shirt and the blue trousers of his uniform. Signed in the lower right corner with a monogram: WM H. Inv. 18.393. Canvas: H. 0.358 (14I in.). W. 0.485 (19^ in.). Isaac Fenno Collection; gift, 191 8. 674 Man in a Wheat Field. At the left a sloping field of high yellow grain; in the fore- ground a man bends over, cutting and gathering it; at the right, distant fields. Inv. 19.8. Millboard: H. 0.15 (5! in.). W. 0.205 (8 in.). Bequest of Elizabeth S. Gregerson, 1919. Signed in the lower right corner with a monogram: WM H '65. 675 Abraham Lincoln. Small, full-length figure turned slightly to the right, his hands folded in front of him; he is dressed in black. Be- hind him a table and gray wall. Inv. 19.9. Panel: H. 0.25 (9! in.). W. 0.135 (ste in.). Bequest of Elizabeth S. Gregerson, 191 9. 676 Self Portrait. Nearly half-length figure in three-quarter view to the right, with arms folded; he has a long gray beard, and is dressed in black. Light yellow-brown background. Signed in the lower right corner with a monogram: WMH, 1866. Inv. 97.63. Canvas: Ff. 0.77 (30I in.). W. 0.65 (25! in.). Purchased, William Wilkins Warren Fund, 1897. 677 Boy and Butterfly. A nude boy with yellow curls is standing in three-quar- ter view to the left, his head thrown back so that it is seen in profile; he is reaching up with his right hand toward a white butterfly; in his left hand he holds a white gar- ment, which drags on the ground. Behind him are a large tree and tall flowers. AMERICAN 207 Inv. 1057.10. Canvas: H. 1.302 (,51^ in.). W. 0.79 (3 1 5 in.). Deposited by Mrs. Horatio Nelson Slater, 1910. Girl with the Cap. 678 Bust portrait of a young girl in profile to the right; her reddish hair is brushed back from her forehead and nearly covered by a close-fitting white cap tied under her chin; she wears a plain gray waist with a white ruffle at the neck, and a broad red scarf tied around her neck. Inv. 1063.10. Canvas: H. 0.555 C 2I I in.). W. 0.46 (,18^ in.). Deposited by Mrs. Horatio Nelson Slater, 1910. Anahita, or the Flight of Night; study for the Capitol 679 at Albany. The goddess seated on a rolling cloud, driving three dash- ing horses (black, bay, and white), and extending her right hand in a gesture of command; she is nude to the waist. The bay horse is held in check by a swarthy man with in- verted torch. At the left of the goddess a sleeping mother and child lie on a cradle-like cloud, supported by a cherub. Inv. 158.15. Canvas: H. 1.59 (62! in.). W. 2.52 (99! in.). Deposited by Mrs. Horatio Nelson Slater, 1915. Study for Anahita, or the Flight of Night. 680 Inv. 97.203. On a tea tray: H. 0.238 (9I in.). W. 0.397 (15! in.). Gift of Jane Hunt, 1897. The Gleaner. 681 Head and shoulders of a sunburned young woman in three-quarter view to the right carrying a sheaf of wheat on her head; she wears a simple low-necked white waist and a red cap; the background is robin's-egg blue. Signed in the lower left corner: W. M. Hunt, 1868. Inv. 15. 1. Canvas: H. 0.54 (2i£ in.). W. 0.39 (15! in.). Gift of George Robert White, 1915. Portrait of Isaac Fenno. 682 Bust portrait turned slightly to the left; he has dark brown hair and a heavy dark brown beard and is dressed in black. Very dark background. Signed in the lower left corner with a monogram: WM H. 208 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 18.392. Canvas: H. 0.615 (24.J in.). W. 0.515 (201 in.). Isaac Fenno Collection; gift, 191 8. 683 Portrait Study. Bust portrait of a young woman with black hair and deep-set eyes; her head is squarely to the front, her right hand raised to her left shoulder; she wears a gray drapery with a red scarf around her neck. Yellow-green back- ground. Signed at the left: WMH. Inv. 99.305. Canvas: H. 0.63 (24! in.). W. 0.52 (20! in.). Bequest of Lucy Ellis, 1899. 684 Portrait Study: Miss S. Bust portrait of a woman, her body turned to the right, her head to the left; she wears a black dress, a bright yellow shawl and a light scarf. Dark background. Signed at the left with a monogram: WMH. Inv. 99.306. Canvas: H. 0.533 ( 2I ln -)- W. 0.432 (17 in.). Bequest of Lucy Ellis, 1899. 685 Portrait of a Girl. Head and shoulders of a little girl seated behind a table on which is an open book; her head is supported on her right hand; her right elbow and her left hand rest on the book; she wears a gray dress with a pink bow at her throat; her brown curls hang over her left shoulder. Signed at the left with a monogram : WM H. Inv. 677.13. Canvas: H. 0.38 (15 in.). W. 0.31 (12! in.). Deposited by Mrs. Horatio Nelson Slater, 1913. 686 The Edge of the Forest. Among the tall trees stands a peasant woman knitting; she wears light colored clothes and a red cap; a white-faced black cow is grazing close beside her. Signed in the lower right corner: W. M. Hunt. Inv. 13.466. Panel: H. 0.187 (7! in.). W. 0.277 ( io s m -)- Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 1913. Boy and Dog. Three-quarter length figure of a dark-skinned boy, wear- ing a blue smock and dark brown trousers; he is breaking 687 AMERICAN 209 off a branch of a tree; a brown and white dog is jumping up beside him. Inv. 17.1685. Canvas: H. 0.546 (21 \ in.). W. 0.397 (15! in.). Gift of the Copley Society, 191 7. Head of a Girl. 688 Head and shoulders of a nude girl, the body almost in profile to the left, the back in deep shadow; she is looking over her shoulder at the spectator. Gray background. Inv. 17.1686. Canvas: H. 0.555 ( 2I 1 m -)- W. 0.454 (17! in.). Gift of the Copley Society, 1917. Head of a Woman. 689 Head of a woman in profile to the right; dark background. Signed in the lower right corner: WMH, 1866. Inv. 19. 11. Panel: H. 0.303 (12 in.). W. 0.25 (9I in.). Gift of Elizabeth S. Gregerson, 1919. Landscape. On a stream in the foreground a man is poling a punt; behind are the houses of a village, with poplar trees near them ; over the roofs rise the buttressed nave and the spire of the church. Signed in the lower right corner: W. Hunt. Inv. 13.457. Cardboard: H. 0.50 (19I in.). W. 0.335 (13! in.). Bequest of Mrs. Edward Wheelwright, 1913. Landscape. In the foreground women are washing linen in a stream; in the background are dwelling houses and the ruins of a church, partly screened by bushes, with trees at the right and the left of it. Inv. 15. 1 143. Panel: H. 0.277 ( io s m -)- W. 0.438 (17} in.). Gift of Mrs. Edwin C. Cushman, 191 5. Pine Woods — Magnolia. The crest of a hill carpeted with pine needles in a forest of straight, sturdy trees; at the edge of the hill stands a man, with his right hand on his hip and with his left hand holding the bridle of a saddled white horse; he wears 690 691 692 2IO CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS brown trousers, a dark blue shirt and a large straw hat; a bay horse is tied to a nearby tree in the background. Inv. 10.231. Canvas: H. 0.86 (33! in.). W. 1.12 (44! in.). Purchased, contributions in memory of the Artist by pupils and friends, and Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1910. 693 Gloucester Harbor. On the left a pier runs out into the water; at the right is a large scow; in the distance are the indistinct outlines of wharves and shipping; sea and sky are bathed in the bril- liant opalescent light of a summer afterglow. Inv. 99.14. Canvas: H. 0.536 (2i| in.). W. 0.795 (3 I i in.). Deposited by Mrs. Horatio Nelson Slater, 19 14. Formerly in the Fenway Court Collection. 694 Self Portrait. Bust portrait of the painter in three-quarter view to the right, the eyes turned toward the spectator; he has a long white beard, and wears a brown jacket. Dark green back- ground. Signed in the lower right corner with a monogram : WMH '79. Inv. 20.595. Canvas: H. 0.51 (20^ in.). W. 0.435 (Jl\ in.). Peter Chard on Brooks Memorial Collection. Gift of Mrs. Richard M. SaltonstalL 1920. INMAN, Henry. Born, Utica, N. Y., 1801; died, New York City, 1846. Pupil of John W. Jarvis. 695 Portrait of John Inman. Bust portrait of a fresh complexioned, brown-haired young man, turned slightly to the left; he wears steel- bowed spectacles, high white collar, black stock, ruffled shirt, loose yellow waistcoat, green coat, and dark brown overcoat with a fur collar and red lining. Inv. 03.1156. Canvas: 0.762 (30 in.). W. 0.635 (25 in.). Purchased, William Wilkins Warren and general funds, 1 903 . 696 Portrait of Lord Cottenham. Bust portrait of a man turned slightly to the right, seated on a rose-colored sofa; he wears the wig and the robe of AMERICAN 211 the Lord Chancellor, and a lace neckerchief. Olive-brown background. Inv. 19.1338. Canvas: H. 0.763 (30! in.). W. 0.632 (28! in.). Bequest of Georgianna Buckham Wright, 191 9. Portrait of Mrs. Wright and her Mother. 697 Three-quarter length figure of the mother, seated in profile to right, the head full front; she wears a black dress and a lace cap; the young child leans against her knees, facing the spectator; she wears a plaid dress edged with green. Landscape background at the right. Inv. 19.1370. Canvas: H. 0.865 (34 in.). W. 0.685 ( 2 7 in.). Bequest of Georgianna Buckham Wright, 1919. IXXESS, George. Born, Newburgh, N. Y., 1825; died, Bridge of Allan, Scotland, 1894. Pupil of Regis Gignoux. The Rising Storm. 698 A marshy meadow with grazing cattle, from which the ground rises at the right; along the slope a white horse driven by a peasant in a two-wheeled cart is approaching; beyond are thickets, houses and a broad plain; the evening sky is overcast with dark storm clouds. Signed in the lower right corner: G. Inness. Inv. 82.113. Canvas: H. 0.762 (30 in.). W. 1.146 (45I in. J. Gift of George Higginson, 1882. Landscape. 699 A quiet pool in a river at the base of a thickly wooded mountain; in the foreground a man fishing; a willow-bor- dered road crosses the river by a bridge in the background. Signed in the lower left corner: G. Inness, 1S67. Inv. 17.1620. Millboard: H. 0.305 (12 in.). W. 0.457 (18 in.). Gift of John Richardson Hall, through Mrs. John Richardson Hall, 1917. Rainbow over Perugia. 1700 A hillside with scattered trees, up which winds a path from a water basin in the right foreground to some low farm buildings part way up in sunlight, and on to a white 212 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS walled monastery on top of the hill. Three women are washing clothes in the basin, and two men in clerical garb approach them. The path descends on the left into a deep valley with wooded sides; above the valley are dark clouds with a short rainbow. Signed: G. Inness, 1875. Inv. 20.169. Canvas: 11.0.98(38! in.). W. 1.605 (63! in.). Gift of the Misses Case, 1920. JOHNSTON, John. Born, Boston 1752; died there, 1818. In early life apprenticed to John Gore, a house and sign painter; his father, Thomas Johnston, painted some por- traits, and engraved portraits. 7 01 Portrait of Sally Bass. Bust portrait of a young woman turned slightly to the right and looking at the spectator; she wears a low cut gown of blue white, a frilled lace band about her neck, and rings in her ears. Warm gray background. Inv. 20.188. Pastel: H. 0.60 (23J in.). W. 0.46 (18 in.). Purchased of Mrs. Edward A. Brigham from the Julia Henrietta Copeland Fund, 1920. 702 JOHNSTON, John Bernard. Born, Boston, 1847; died there, 1886. Pupil of William Morris Hunt. The New-Born Calf. In the corner of a field, shaded at the left by trees, a red cow stands licking a white calf that lies on the ground; farther to the left a black cow; in the background at the right a rough board fence. Signed in the lower right corner: John B. Johnston. Inv. 87.48. Canvas: H. 0.56 (22 in.). W. 0.46 (i8£ in.). Gift of the artists of Boston, 1887. 703 Landscape with Cattle. In the shade of a clump of gnarled trees by an old stone wall, stand three cows; a fourth cow, to the light, is lying in the sunlight; beyond the wall is a field of grain, bounded by woods. Signed in the lower right corner: John B. Johnston. AMERICAN 213 Inv. 87.49. Canvas: H. 0.309 (12& in.). W. 0.435 ( j 7k in.). Gift of the artists of Boston, 1887. Cow Grazing. 704 In the foreground is a black and white cow grazing; be- hind are clumps of thick trees, over which, on the right, a bit of blue sky with a few clouds is seen. Signed in the lower left corner: John B. Johnston. Inv. 99.307. Canvas: H. 0.266 (105 in.). W. 0.355 (14 in.). Bequest of Lucy Ellis, 1899. Cow Lying Down. 705 In the foreground a red cow with a white face lies on a grassy slope; in the distance at the left are other cows; on the right is a thick growth of low trees. Signed in the lower right corner: John B. Johnston. Inv. 99.308. Canvas: H. 0.305 (12 in.). W. 0.508 (20 in.). Bequest of Lucy Ellis, 1899. Cow Lying Down. 706 In a green field lies a red and white cow near a clump of bushes, its head at the right. Signed in the lower right corner: John B. Johnston. Inv. 14.1. Millboard: H. 0.222 (8f in.). W. 0.215 (8£ in.). Bequest of Dr. Arthur Tracy Cabot, 1914. JONES, Leon Foster. Born, Manchester, N. H., 1871; lives in Port Jefferson, Long Island. Pupil of Major and DeCamp in Boston. Suncook Brook. 707 In the foreground a blue brook flowing over stones with slender, overhanging trees on the right bank, and low shrubbery on the left; in the background an old red barn on a stone foundation. Inv. 19.1326. Canvas: H. 0.638 (25! in.). W. 0.638 (25s in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. 214 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 708 Winter Landscape. A steep, snowy hillside; at the left a board fence, and beyond it a field covered with snow and a red barn dimly seen. Inv. 19.1325. Canvas: H. 0.608 (24 in.). W. 0.51 (203 in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. KNOWLTON, Helen Mary. Born, Littleton, Mass., 1832; died, Needham, Mass., 1918. Pupil of William Morris Hunt, and Frank Duveneck. 709 Haystacks. Three large haystacks in a field; a man in a two-horse hay cart is pitching hay on the stack nearest the centre; in the foreground, a flock of turkeys. Signed in the lower right corner: HM K. Inv. 18.403. Cardboard: H. 0.282 (n| in.). W. 0.395 (15^ in.). Isaac Fenno Collection; gift, 191 8. KRONBERG, Louis. Born, Boston, 1872; lives there. Pupil of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; of the Art Students' League of New York City; and of the Julian Academy under J. P. Laurens and Benjamin Constant in Paris. 710 The Lady of Clan-Care. On a chair at the left sits an old lady, wearing a black dress, a gray shawl, and a small black bonnet tied with brown strings; she is telling her story to two girls dressed in white, one of whom is sitting on a sofa, and the other in a big armchair; both sofa and chair are upholstered in dull red; on the back of the sofa is a lace scarf, and magazines are spread over the seat; the girl in the chair holds a Japanese kimono; a dull blue and brown striped portiere hangs at the right; high on the gray wall is a picture. Signed in the lower right corner: Louis Kronberg, ign. Inv. 12.130. Canvas: H. 1.025 U°t m -)- W. 0.766 (303^ in.). Purchased, gift of Charles Henry Bayley, 191 2. 7ii AMERICAN 215 LA FARGE, John. Born, New York City, 1835; died, Providence, R. I., 1910. Pupil of Couture in Paris; of William Morris Hunt in Boston. Halt of the Wise Men. At the right on a slight eminence overlooking the broad undulating plain at the left, are the three Wise Men, two older men standing, the youngest, at the left and little be- low the others, mounted on a richly caparisoned black horse; the young man, who wears an orange-red robe with a purple and yellow girdle, turns his head toward his com- panions, who both look away to the left, whence the light of the star they follow streams across the sky; the Mage at the right wears a green and white turban, a dull red tunic, and a yellow girdle; his tunic is open at the side, showing one leg encased in armor; in the middle is the eldest of the three, a striking figure with a full white beard, and clad all in white; at the right, behind the main group, a servant is restraining a restive gray horse; farther in the background is another servant with a bay horse; below on the left and some distance away, a horseman and camels are moving to the left; beyond the broad undulating plain stretches the calm blue sea. Inv. 90.151. Canvas: H. 0.832 (32! in.). W. 1.067 U 2 in.). Gift of Edward William Hooper, 1890. The Fisherman and the Djinn 712 The fisherman is kneeling on the curving beach; in his amazement he is leaning far back, as the vapor from the jar before him rises in a cloud and takes the form of the Djinn. Inv. 04.1758. Water-color: H. 0.225 (8-|- in.). W. 0.175 (6g in.). Bequest of Mrs. William Whitman, 1904. Saint George. 713 Small standing figure clad in armor, his back toward the spectator, his head turned to the right; his right hand rests on his hip, his left hand holds his banner, a red cross on a white ground. Simple landscape background. 2l6 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 04.1725. Water-color: H. 0.21 (8| in.). W. 0.115 (4^ in.). Bequest of Mrs. William Whitman, 1904. 714 In the Forest. A dense thicket in a wood, in autumn; a bit of blue sky- shows through the trees. Inv. 14.2. Panel: H. 0.248 (of in.). W. 0.305 (12 in.). Bequest of Dr. Arthur Tracy Cabot, 1914. LANE, Susan Minot. Born, Cambridge, Mass., 1832; died there, 1893. Pupil of William Morris Hunt. 715 Rear of Moon Street, 1882. A gambrel roofed brick house in a court; to the left and behind it are tenements with wooden railings on their roofs and washing hung up to dry; there is snow on the roofs, and piled high in the court. Signed in the lower right corner: S. M. Lane. Inv. 12.172. Canvas: H. 0.31 (12 j in.). W. 0.357 (14 in.). Gift of Emma Lewis Coleman, 191 2. LIE, Jonas. Born, Norway, 1880; lives in New York. Pupil of the National Academy of Design and the Art Students' League, New York. 716 The Fisherman's Return. Several fishing schooners with white sails landing at a wooden pier, where a crowd of men await them. Inv. 19.1327. Canvas: H. 0.636 (25! in.). W. 0.763 (30! in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. LITTLE, Philip. Born, Swampscott, Mass., 1857; lives in Salem, Mass. Pupil of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 717 January Thaw. Snow-covered landscape. A gully between low hills, leading to a stream where two boats are ice bound; on the right slope two cottages, in the gully a hay cart; low hills beyond the river. Signed: Philip Little, igio. Inv. 19.1328. Canvas: H. 0.634 (25 in.). W. 0.762 (30 in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. AMERICAN 217 LOCKWOOD, Wilton. Born, Wilton, Conn., 1861; died, Boston, 1914. Pupil of John La Farge; studied in Paris. Portrait of John La Farge. 7*8 Half-length seated figure, the head forward and the eyes lowered; in his raised right hand he holds a cigar; he wears gold-rimmed spectacles, and is dressed in black. Dark background. Signed in the lower left corner: Wilton Lock- wood, 1 891. Inv. 09.208. Canvas: H. 0.965 (38 in.). W. 0.762 (30 in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1909. A similar portrait, without the hands, is in the Brook Club, New York. Reproduced in the History of American Painting, by Samuel Isham, New York, 1905, p. 523, fig- "5- Peonies. Pink and white peonies, wide open, in a green jar; one flower and a few petals and leaves lie beside the jar. Brown-green background. Signed in the lower left corner: Wilton Lock-wood. Inv. 10.558. Canvas: H. 0.765 (30! in.). W. 0.765 (30I in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1910. LONGFELLOW, Ernest Wadsworth. Born, Cambridge, Mass., 1845; lives in New York. Pupil of Hebert, Bonnat, and Couture, in Paris. Marine. High breakers are rolling in on a sandy beach; the sky which is pale pinkish-yellow near the horizon is filled with rain clouds. Signed in the lower left corner: Ernest Longfellow, 18 '7 5. Inv. 13.549. Canvas: H. 0.463 (i8| in.). W. 0.762 (30 in.). Gift of Alexander Cochrane, 1913. LONGFELLOW, William Pitt Preble. Born, Portland, Me., 1836; died, East Gloucester, Mass., 1913. Studied architecture. 719 720 21 8 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 721 Landscape. Inv. 19.179. Water-color: H. 0.157 (6£ in.). W. 0.222 (8f in.). Bequest of Mrs. William Pitt Preble Longfellow, 1917. 7 22 Hall of Ambassadors, Ducal Palace, Venice. Inv. 19.180. Water-color: H. 0.245 (9l m -)- W. 0.28 (n in.). Bequest of Mrs. William Pitt Preble Longfellow, 1919. 723 Interior. Inv. 19. 181. Water-color: H. 0.19 (7I in.). W. 0.24 (9I in.). Bequest of Mrs. William Pitt Preble Longfellow, 1919. LORING, Francis William. Born, Boston, 1838; died, Meran, Austria, 1905. Studied in Europe. 724 The Bridge of Chioggia. At the right is the bridge, under which some barges are lying; a woman with a child is seated on the lowest step at the right, and a boy stands near her; other people are walk- ing across; in the foreground is the paved quay, on which some doves are picking up food; along the water front gon- dolas are tied; beyond are fishing boats with parti-colored sails. Signed in the lower right corner: Francis William Loring, 1886-1887. Inv. 01.7253. Canvas: H. 1.45 (57! in.). W. 3.002 (n8j in.). Gift of the Artist, 1901. Paris Salon, 1888. 725 The Army of Peace. On the farther side of a line of trees, a number of men are walking to the left along a cart track through a field of ripe grain; they all carry scythes over their shoulders; in the foreground at the right two men are reclining where the grain has been cut, and a woman is handing a glass to one of them ; in the background men are reaping. Signed in the lower left corner: F. W. Loring, i8qj. Inv. 12.2. Canvas: H. 0.745 (29! in.). W. 1.80 (70I in.). Gift of Mary Greely Loring, 191 2. AMERICAN 219 MAC KNIGHT, Dodge. Born, Providence, R. L, i860; lives, East Sandwich, Mass. Pupil of Cormon in Paris. Cold Day. 726 Signed in the lower left corner: Dodge MacKnight. Inv. 07.101. Water-color: H. 0.375 (14^ in.). W. 0.55 (2 if in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1907. 727 Fish Houses, Newfoundland. Signed in the lower right corner: Dodge MacKnight. Inv. 09.168. Water-color: H. 0.374 (14! in.). W. 0.55 (21 f in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1907. Snow on the Cape. 728 Inv. 13.2904. Water-color: H. 0.372 (14! in.). W. 0.55 (2if in.). Bequest of Dr. Arthur Tracy Cabot, 1913. Snow Scene. Signed in the lower left corner: Dodge MacKnight. Inv. 17.576. Water-color: H. 0.395 ( x 52 in.)- W. 0.575 (22 f in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. Snow Scene. Inv. 17.577. Water-color: H. 0.39 (15! in.). W. 0.57 (2 2 \ in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. "Below Zero." Signed in the lower right corner: Dodge MacKnight. Inv. 17.578. Water-color: H. 0.395 ( x 52 in.). W. 0.57 (22J in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1917. Snow Scene. Signed in the lower right corner: Dodge MacKnight. Inv. 17.579. Water-color: H. 0.395 ( x 52 in.). W. 0.57 (22} in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1917. Sand Dunes. Signed in the lower right corner: Dodge MacKnight. Inv. 17.580. Water-color: H. 0.39 (15! in.). W. 0.57 (22 2 in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. 729 730 731 732 733 220 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 734 Turning to Rain. Signed in the lower right corner: Dodge MacKnight. Inv. 17.581. Water-color: H. 0.39 (15! in.). W. 0.565 (22J in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1917. 735 Snow Scene. Inv. 19. 1329. Water-color: H. 0.37 (13 in.). W. 0.554 (2i| in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. 736 Country Road, New England. Signed in the lower right corner: Dodge MacKnight. Inv. 17.582. Water-color: H. 0.39 (15! in.). W. 0.57 (22^ in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. 737 Spring Landscape. Signed in the lower left corner: Dodge MacKnight. Inv. 17.583. Water-color: H. 0.38 (15 in.). W. 0.55 (2if in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. 1738 Along the Road, Mexico. Signed in the lower left corner: Dodge MacKnight. Inv. 17.584. Water-color: H. 0.38 (15 in.). W. 0.56 (22 in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. 739 Freshly Fallen Snow. Signed in the lower right corner: Dodge MacKnight. Inv. 17.585. Water-color: H. 0.37 (14J in.). W. 0.55 (2 if in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. MACOMBER, Mary Lizzie. Born, Fall River, Mass., 1861; died, Boston, 1916. Pupil of Dunning, Duveneck, and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 740 Saint Catherine. The saint is seated at the right on a long stone bench, in profile to the left, her hands half clasped over her heart; she is gazing at a small painting which stands on the bench, leaning against a yellow and green jar, in which grows a lily; she wears a pink dress over a white tunic and on her feet are sandals; the floor is paved with polychrome tiles in AMERICAN 221 a geometrical design, and the wall above the seat is deco- rated with a geometrical mosaic pattern. Signed at the right: M. L. Macomber, i8g6. Inv. 98.622. Canvas: H. 0.877 (342 in.). W. 0.612 (24! in.). Gift of the Artist, 1898. My Mother. 741 Half-length portrait of an elderly lady seated in an arm- chair almost in profile to the right, her head turned away from the spectator, her eyes fixed on an hour-glass standing on a table in the background; she supports her head with her left hand and in her right hand she holds a book; she is dressed in black and wears a small white lace cap. Dark background. Signed in the upper right corner: My Mother, M- L. Macomber, igoo. Inv. 17.1687. Canvas: H. 0.71 (28 in.). W. 0.588 (23 \ in.). Bequest of the Artist, through Mary Crease Sears, 1917. METCALF, Willard Leroy. Born, Lowell, Mass., 1858; lives in New York. Pupil of George L. Brown in Boston; Boulanger and Lefebvre in Paris. The Birches. 742 Delicate white birches growing beside a stream; in the right foreground a meadow with patches of brown vegeta- tion. Signed: W. L. Mekalf, igo6. Inv. 19.1330. Canvas: H. 0.656 (26 in.). W. 0.738 (29! in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. May Pastoral. In the foreground is a meadow bordered by budding trees and shrubbery; beyond is a little stream skirting wooded hills; gray sky. Signed in the lower left corner: W. L. Mekalf, igoj. Inv. 08.325. Canvas: H. 0.914 (36 in.). W. 0.99 (39 in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1908. M. F. A Bulletin, VII (1908), p. 35, illus. 743 222 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS MONKS, John Austin Sands. Born, Cold Spring-on- Hudson, N. Y., 1850; lives in Medfield, Mass. Pupil of George N. Cass, and George Inness. 744 Sheep. A flock of sheep straggling across a sun-burnt pasture, with a row of stunted trees at the right and hills in the dis- tance. The sky is almost covered with light clouds. Signed in the lower left corner: J. A. S. Monks. Inv. 13.476. Canvas: H. 0.495 (19! in.). W. 0.737 (29 in.). Gift of the Heirs of George Adams Kettell, 191 3. NEAGLE, John. Born, Boston, 1799; died, Philadelphia, 1865. Pupil of Bass Otis. 745 Portrait of Gilbert Stuart. Bust portrait of an elderly man turned slightly to the left; he is smooth shaven with gray hair; he wears a black coat, a ruffled shirt and white stock. Brown background. Inv. Ath. 35. Canvas: H. 0.695 ( 2 7t i n -)- W. 0.57 (22! in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. NEWMAN, Henry R. Born, New York City, about 1833 ; died, Florence, Italy, 191 8. 746 WlLDFLOWERS. Signed in the lower left corner: H. R. Newman, 1885. Inv. 17.1418. Water-color: H. 0.381 (15 in.). W. 0.254 (10 in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 7. 747 Wall Enclosing the Temple of Iyeyasu at Nikko. Signed: H. R. Newman, Nikko. Inv. 99.143. Water-color: H. 0.415 (i6| in.). W. 0.225 (8| in.). Inv. 99.144. Water-color: H.0.415 (i6j in.). W. 0.225 (8f in.). Inv. 99.145. Water-color: H. 0.415 (i6£ in.). W. 0.225 (8| in.). Inv. 99.146. Water-color: H. 0.415 (i6J in.). W. 0.225 (81 in.). Purchased of the Artist, 1899. AMERICAN 223 Abou-Simbel Temple. 748 Inv. Res. N. Water-color: H. 0.65 (25^ in.). W. 0.42 (162 in.). Gift of Mary C. Wheelwright, 1919. NEWTON, Gilbert Stuart. Born, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1795; died, Chelsea, England, 1835. Pupil of his uncle, Gilbert Stuart, in Boston; studied at the Royal Academy in London. Forsaken. 749 In the centre is a woman seated on a dull red sofa with her face buried in her hands; she is dressed in a low- necked white silk dress; in front of her on the floor lie some letters; behind her at the extreme right a window with heavy dark blue curtains. Inv. 84.280. Canvas: H. 0.609 (24 in.). W. 0.508 (20 in.). Bequest of Thomas Gold Appleton, 1884. Painted for Lord Chesterhill and a duplicate made for Lord Francis Leveson Gower. The Farewell. 750 Half-length figure of a young woman standing behind a balustrade and facing the spectator; she wears a low- necked gray dress with voluminous muslin sleeves, brace- lets, pearl necklace, and at her breast a brooch attached to a chain which hangs over her left shoulder; in her right hand she holds a handkerchief. Inv. 97.227. Millboard: H. 0.253 ( IO i n -)- W. 0.203 (8 in.). Gift of Samuel Putnam Avery, 1897. From the Collection of Viscount Chief den; sale, London, 1893. Companion picture of "Deserted" given by Mr. Avery to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Spanish Girl. Half-length figure of a young woman standing with downcast eyes by an open casement window; with her up- raised right hand she holds a dark blue curtain; she wears a yellow skirt, a black bodice with slashed sleeves of yellow over white, a wide white lace collar tied at the neck with a 751 224 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS blue ribbon, and on her head a white mantilla. In the lower left corner is a rosebush. Inv. 95.1374. Millboard: H. 0.38 (15 in.). W. 0.28 (n in.). Purchased, William Wilkins Warren Fund, 1895. 75 2 Self Portrait. Half-length portrait of a young man, shown full face with his body turned somewhat to the left; he is dressed in dark clothes, with a red neck-cloth and high standing collar. Gray background. Inv. 96.693. Canvas: H. 0.51 (20 in.). W. 0.44 (17 J in.). Purchased, Turner Sargent Fund, 1896. NO YES, George L. Born, Bothwell, Canada, 1864; lives in Boston. Studied in Paris. 753 Gloucester Wharves. A bit of the harbor showing the wharves on both sides; on the wharf in the foreground are numerous barrels, and at the right of a barrier codfish drying on racks; a schooner is tied to the wharf in the background, and behind it are seen the warehouses on the wharves and the buildings of the city. Signed in the lower left corner: G. L. Noyes. Inv. 15.1223. Canvas: Ff. 0.635 ( 2 5 m -)- W. 0.762 (30 in.). Gift of Mrs. Percy Chase, 191 5. PAGE, William. Born, Albany, N. Y., 1811; died, Tot- tenville, N. Y., 1885. Pupil of James Herring and of S. F. B. Morse. 754 Portrait of John Quincy Adams. Half-length figure of an old man facing toward the right, seated in an armchair; he wears a black coat and trousers, white waistcoat, high collar and black stock; in his right hand he holds a cane, and in his left a paper; the chair, which is upholstered in red, stands in front of the base of a column. Signed on the bottom of the paper in his left hand: Page. Inv. L. 30a. Canvas: H. 1. 194 (47 in.). W. 0.915 (36 in.). Deposited by the City of Boston, 1876. 756 AMERICAN 225 Portrait of William Lloyd Garrison. 755 Nearly half-length seated figure of a man in three-quar- ter view to the right; his right hand rests on the arm of his chair; he is dressed in black, and wears steel-bowed spec- tacles. Very dark background. Inv. 87.420. Canvas: H. 0.762 (30 in.). W. 0.638 (25! in.). Gift of Mrs. Francis George Shaw, 1887. Ceres. Half-length figure in three-quarter view to the left; she wears Greek drapery and holds a few blades of wheat in her left hand, and in her uplifted right hand a bunch of grapes. Inv. 03.569. Canvas: H. 0.74 (295 in.). W. 0.606 (23! in.). Bequest of George Washington Wales, 1903. Portrait of Sargent Smith Littlehale. 757 Bust portrait in three-quarter view to the left; he is dressed in black with a white neck cloth. Dark back- ground. Inv. 05.48. Canvas: H. 0.615 (24I in.). W. 0.51 (20 m.). Bequest of Mary Frances Littlehale, 1905. Portrait of Ednaii Parker Dow Littlehale. Bust portrait in three-quarter view to the left; she wears a dark red dress, dark brown scarf, and lace collar; corkscrew curls hang down her cheeks. Dark background. Inv. 05.49. Canvas: K. 0.615 (24! in.). W. 0.51 1 (205 in.). Bequest of Mary Francis Littlehale, 1905. Reminiscences of Ednah Dow Cheney. Boston, 1902, pp. 22, 40, illus. PATTERSON, Margaret Jordan. Born, Soerabaja, Java; lives in Boston. Pupil of Arthur W. Dow, at Pratt In- stitute, Brooklyn, N. Y., Charles H. Woodbury in Boston, and Castellucho in Paris. Basque Fishing Boats. j$q Inv. 16.305. Water-color: H. 0.37 (145 in.). W. 0.445 (175 in.). Gift of Subscribers, through Adelaide E. Wads- worth, 1916. 758 226 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS PAXTON, William McGregor. Born, Baltimore, Md., 1869; lives in Newton, Mass. Pupil of Dennis M. Bunker in Boston, and of Gerome at the jficole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. 760 Nude. A nude young woman seated on the farther side of an olive-green couch, with her back toward the spectator ; her blue dressing gown is spread out on the couch; with her right hand, she is reaching out for some clothing on a chair. Signed in the upper right corner: Paxton. Inv. 16.98. Canvas: H. 0.61 (24 in.). W. 0.841 (34! in.). Purchased from the Artist, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1916. PEALE, Charles Willson. Born, Chestertown, Md., 1 741 ; died, Philadelphia, 1827. Pupil of John Hesselius in Maryland, of Copley in Boston, and of Benjamin West in London. 761 Head of Washington. Bust portrait, the head turned slightly to left; he wears a black coat, ruffled shirt, and white stock. Black back- ground. Inv. 74.29. Canvas: H. 0.191 (7^ in.). W. 0.153 (6 in.). Bequest of Charles Sumner, 1874. (Presented by the Artist to Mrs. Callahan of Annapolis; given by her to her granddaughter, Mrs. Ridgeley of Washington, from whom Charles Sumner obtained it.) PEALE, Rembrandt. Born, Buck's County, Pa., 1778; died, Philadelphia, i860. Pupil of Benjamin West. 762 Portrait of Rammohun Roy. Bust portrait of a swarthy man, the head in three- quarter view to the left; he wears a dark green velvet coat, cut out at the neck showing a vermilion shirt, and a flaring headdress formed of a coiled scarf of alternate red and variegated dark stripes. Dark brown background. Inv. Ath. 38. Canvas: H. 0.758 (29! in.). W. 0.632 (24! in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. AMERICAN 227 PERRY, Lilla Cabot (Mrs. Thomas Sergeant). Born, Boston; lives there. Pupil of the Julian and Colarossi Academies, Paris. The Young Violoncellist. 763 Full-length seated figure of a young girl holding a 'cello; her body is almost in profile to the right, her head turned to face the spectator; in her lowered right hand she holds her bow; she wears a simple brown dress with a lace collar; the wall behind her is dark brown ; at the right one corner of a landscape in a gold frame is visible, and part of a sheet of music. Signed in the upper left corner: Lilla Cabot Perry, 1892. Inv. 13.2905. Canvas: H. 1.40 (55! in.). W. 1.0 (30J in.). Bequest of Dr. Arthur Tracy Cabot, 1913. PICKNELL, William Lamb. Born, Windham, Vt, 1854; died, Marblehead, Mass., 1897. Pupil of Inness in Rome; Gerome in Paris; Robert Wylie in Brittany. Morning on the Loing at Moret. 764 Moored to the bank of the still river, along which runs a towpath, are two barges abreast of each other; along the, land side of the towpath is a line of trees; the red-roofed houses against a background of trees on the right bank are reflected in the water. Signed in the lower left corner: Wm. L. Picknell. Inv. 06.2398. Canvas: H. 1.47 (57! in.). W. 2.102 (82! in.). Bequest of Mrs. John S. Flagg, 1906. Sand Dunes of Essex, in the Rear of Coffin's Beach. 765 Dunes covered with short sparse grass stretch from the foreground to the middle distance on the right, where a narrow inlet separates them from a distant hill; at the left rises a rocky hill; across the dune winds a rough cart track along which a man in a two-wheeled cart is driving slowly awav. Signed in the lower right corner: W. L. Picknell. Inv. 85.486. Canvas: H. 1.336 (52^ in.). W. 2.085 (82^ in.). Anonymous gift, 1885. 228 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS REDFIELD, Edward Willis. Born, Bridgeville, Del., 1868; lives in Centre Bridge, Bucks Co., Pa. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; of Bouguereau and Robert Fleury in Paris. 766 The Ravine. A narrow stream, over-arched by a stone bridge, runs between two barren brown hillsides on which the snow still lingers; there are scattered cedars and small leafless trees; on the farther hillside are a barn and a small white farm- house. Signed in the lower right corner: E. W. Redfield. Inv. 10.158. Canvas: Ff. 0.975 (38! in.). W. 1.276 (50J in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 19 10. RICH, James Rogers. Born, Boston, 1847; died, Marble- head, Mass., 1910. 1767 The Sphinx. A view of the Sphinx, the head toward the right, the first pyramid at the right, the second pyramid at the left; bright blue sky. Inv. 10.546. Canvas: H. 0.457 C 1 ^ in.). W. 0.603 (23I in.). Gift of William De Young Field, 1910. RICHARDS, William T. Born, Philadelphia, 1833; died, Newport, R. I., 1905. Pupil of Paul Weber. 768 Twilight. Breakers are rolling in on a rocky shore; at the left rises a steep, rocky cliff. Signed at the left: Wm. T. Richards. Inv. n. 1277. Canvas: H. 0.495 ( I 9i m -)- W. 0.826 (3 2 J in.). Gift of the Estate of Mrs. George Hebron Chap- lain, 191 1. ROBINSON, Florence Vincent. Born, Boston, 1874; lives in Boston and Paris. Pupil of Vignal and Harpignies in Paris. 769 Versailles. A corner of a fountain basin; in the background, one end of the palace. Signed in the lower left corner: Florence Robinson. AMERICAN 229 Inv. 13.479. Water-color: H. 0.375 ( x 4-4 i n -)- W. 0.55 (21 f in.). Gift of Mrs. David Pulsifer Kimball, 1913. ROBINSON, Thomas. Born, Nova Scotia, 1835; died, Providence, R. I., 1888. Pupil of Courbet and Auguste Bonheur. Cattle Ploughing. 770 In a bare, brown field a man is ploughing with four oxen, advancing to the right. Signed in the lower right corner: T. Robinson. Inv. 88.343. Canvas: II. 0.77 (30^ in.). W. 1.275 (5°f? in.). Gift by subscription, 1888. Woods and Equestrienne. 771 A woman on horseback preceded by a dog follows a trail through high open woods. Inv. 18.400. Canvas: H. 0.745 (29I in.). W. 0.915 (36 in.). Isaac Fenno Collection; gift, 1918. Arabian Horse, Algiers. 772 A white horse with a high-backed saddle stands in front of a stucco building; at his head an Arab with white head covering; he wears red and blue garments and a white cloak hangs over his left shoulder. Signed: T. Robinson. Inv. 19.100. Canvas: H. 0.635 ( 2 S m -)- W. 0.76 (29J in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. ROSS, Denman Waldo. Born, Cincinnati, O., 1853; lives in Cambridge, Mass. Portrait of a Young Man. Bust portrait of a young man turned slightly to the left; a white cloth is tied around his head and his dark shirt is open at the neck. Dark background. Inv. 19.767. Canvas: H. 0.356 (14 in.). W. 0.252 (10 in.). Gift of the Artist, 1919. Portrait of a Young Man. Half-length portrait of a young man, his body in profile to the left, his head turned slightly toward the front; he has 773 774 230 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS yellow hair and wears a white shirt with soft collar and pale blue tie. Light gray background. Inv. 19.768. Canvas: H. 0.557 (22 in.). W. 0.36 (14I in.). Gift of the Artist, 19 19. 775 A Translation into Chinese. Half-length portrait of a young man, turned slightly to the left; he wears a blue Chinese mandarin coat embroid- ered in gold, red, blue, and white, and a high Chinese hat. Dark background. Inv. 19.769. Canvas: H. 0.93 (36! in.). W. 0.52 (20J in.). Gift of the Artist, 191Q. 776 The Musician. Three-quarter length seated portrait of a middle-aged man turned slightly to the left; his head is slightly bent for- ward and in his hands he holds a violin; he wears black clothes. Dark background. Inv. 19.770. Canvas: H. 0.93 (36! in.). W. 0.53 (21 in.). Gift of the Artist, 191 9. 777 A Study of Cross Lights. Full-length figure of a nude boy seated in profile on a mahogany stool covered with a yellow cushion. Behind him a darkened room. Inv. 19.810. Canvas: H. 0.815 (32I in.). W. 0.65 (25! in.). Gift of the Artist, 1919. SALMON, Robert. Dates of birth and death unknown; lived in Liverpool in 1806, came to Boston in 1828, and was living there in 1840. 778 Rocks at Nahant; Swallow's Cove. In the foreground at the left, a sailboat with several pas- sengers, at the right three people fishing off a ledge; in the background at the right, high cliffs with people on their summit. Inv. 01.6219. Panel: H. 0.199 (7I in.). W. 0.254 (10 in.). Bequest of Mrs. Arthur Croft, 1901. AMERICAN 231 See the Artist's own list of his pictures preserved in the Boston Public Library, where this picture is no. 23, dated November, 1839. SARGENT, Henry. Born, Gloucester, Mass., 1770; died, Boston, 1845. Pupil of Copley and West in London. Watson and the Shark: study after John Singleton 779 Copley. Inv. 16.346. Canvas: H. 0.60. (23-f in). W. 0.476 (i8£ in.). Gift of Mrs. Winthrop Sargent. Portrait of Turner Sargent, Son of the Artist. j$ Bust portrait of a little boy in three-quarter view to the right; he wears a black suit and white ruffled collar; dark red background. Painted about 1819. Inv. 19.14. Panel: H. 0.61 (24 in.). W. 0.50 (19! in.). Gift of Mrs. Horatio Appleton Lamb in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Sargent, 1919. The Tea Party. 781 A large, high ceiled drawing room with an arched door- way at the back leading into another room; both rooms are filled with men and women in the evening dress of the early nineteenth century; the furniture is of the Empire period. Inv. 19.12. Canvas: H. 1.63 (64^ in.). W. 0.133 (5 2 2 in.). Gift of Mrs. Horatio Appleton Lamb in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Sargent, 1919. The Dinner Party. 782 A large, high ceiled dining room with two long French windows draped with red curtains at the end; eighteen gentlemen are seated at a table set with fruit and wine; an old negro stands at the left, while a younger white servant at the right waits on the company; at the left a marble mantlcpiece, and at the right a mahogany sideboard; paint- ings hang on the white walls; on the floor is a blue rug under the table, over a carpet with geometrical pattern. 232 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 19.13. Canvas: H. 1.505 (59^ in.). W. 1.215 (48 in.). Gift of Mrs. Horatio Appleton Lamb in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Sargent, 1919. SARGENT, John Singer. Born, Florence, Italy, of American parents, 1856; lives in London. Pupil of Carolus- Duran in Paris. 783 Study — The Artist's Studio. A small room, the right half of which is filled with an un- made bed; on the foot of the bed hang a white shirt and a blue garment; at the left sits a man in profile to the right, a palette and brush in his left hand; he has a large beard and wears gray-brown clothes. Against the end wall leans a large painting, supported on the bed and the wash stand; on this stand are a bowl and pitcher; two sketches stand on the floor, another is lying on the bed, and a Panama hat has been thrown on the bed; the walls of the room are yellowish brown. Painted in 1903. Signed in the upper right corner: John S. Sargent. Inv. 05.56. Canvas: H. 0.555 ( 2I 1 m -)- W. 0.714 (28I- in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1905. 784 Daughters of Edward D. Boit. An interior with four little girls; the two older ones in black dresses and white aprons stand together in the back- ground, one in profile to the right leaning against a large blue and white Chinese vase, the other facing almost front; at the left stands a third child in a red dress and white apron, her arms folded behind her; in the foreground the youngest daughter sits on a gray-blue rug, holding a doll; at the right a red screen and another blue and white Chinese vase. Inv. 19.124. Canvas: H. 2.22 (87! in.). W. 2.22 (87^ in.). Gift of the daughters of Edward Darley Boit, in memory of their father. M. F. A. Bulletin, XVII (1919), p. 50. 785 The Road; sketch. A scene in the World War; helmeted troops in khaki uni- forms with guns over their shoulders, marching along a AMERICAN 233 road toward the spectator, followed by mounted troops; behind them at the left a tank and a Red Cross camion; overhead fluttering strips of cloth fastened to a rope which is stretched across the road and tied to the bare, splintered tree trunks at either side; slanting rays of sunlight come through a break in the thick clouds. Inv. 19.759. Canvas: H. 0.382 (15 in.). W. 0.67 (26^ in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1919. Forty-five Water-Colors, purchased from Mr. Sargent with the income of the Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 191 2. Venice — La Salute. 786 Inv. 12.200. H. 0.40 (15I in.). W. 0.525 (20I in.). Venice — La Dogana. 787 Inv. 12.201. H. 0.505 (19! in.). W. 0.355 ( x 4 m 0- Venice — I Gesuati. 788 Inv. 12.202. H. 0.355 (*4 m -)- W. 0.495 ( x 92 in.). Venice — Under the Rialto. 789 Inv. 12.203. H. °- 2 75 ( IO * m 0- W. 0.48 (i8f in.). Genoa — University. 790 Inv. 12.204. H. 0.525 (20-I in.). W. 0.405 (15! in.). Florence — Boboli Garden. 791 Inv. 12.205. H. 0.405 (15J in.). W. 0.53 (2o| in.). Florence — Boboli Fountain. 792 Inv. 12.224. H. 0.335 (13 in.). W. 0.50 (19-f in.). Corfu — Cypresses. 793 Inv. 12.206. H. 0.40 (15^ in.). W. 0.52 (20^ in.). Corfu — Lights and Shadows. 794 Inv. 12.207. H. 0.40 (15^ in.). W. 0.525 (20I in.). Corfu — The Terrace. 795 Inv. 12.208. H. 0.525 (20 1 in.). W. 0.40 (15$ in.). 234 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 796 Corfu — A Rainy Day. Inv. 12.209. H. 0.37 (14$ in.). W. 0.54 (2i£ in.) 797 Avalanche Track. Inv. 12.210. H. 0.33 (13 in.). W. 0.525 (2of in.) 798 Fresh Snow. Inv. 12. 211. H. 0.355 ( J 4 in 799 The Green Parasol. Inv. 12.212. H. 0.40 (15! in 800 Mountain Brook. Inv. 12.213. H. 0.355 (i4 in 801 Reading. Inv. 12.214. H. 0.505 (19! in 802 Crags. Inv. 12.215. H. 0.355 (14 in. 803 The Tease. Inv. 12.216. H. 0.40 (15J in. 804 Chalets. Inv. 12.217. H. 0.40 (15! in 805 The Lesson. Inv. 12.218. H. 0.38 (15 in.) 806 The Foreground. Inv. 12.219. Ff. 0.355 (14 in 807 At the Top. Inv. 12.220. Ff. 0.40 (15! in 808 Shallows. Inv. 12.221. Ff. 0.40 (15$ in 809 The Garden Wall. Inv. 12.222. Ff. 0.40 (15J in 810 Torre Galle — Wine Bags. Inv. 12.223. H. 0.505 (19J in.). W. 0.32 (12^ in.) ). W. 0.495 (19 in -)- ). W. 0.525 (2of in.). ). W. 0.51 (20 in.). ■)• W. 0.355 (i4 in.). ). W. 0.495 (19I in-)- ). W. 0.525 (2of in.). ). W. 0.525 (2of in.). . W. 0.46 (18 in.). ). W. 0.51 (20 in.). ). W. 0.525 (20I in.). ). W. 0.525 (20I in.). ). W. 0.525 (20I in.). AMERICAN 235 Torre Galle. 811 Inv. 12.225. H. 0.675 (265 in.). W. 0.655 ( 2 S* in-)- Vines and Cypresses 812 Inv. 12.226. H. 0.36 (14^ in.). W. 0.505 (19! in.). The Cashmere Shawl. 813 Inv. 12.227. H. 0.505 (192 in.). W. 0.30 (nf in.). The Balustrade. 814 Inv. 12.228. H. 0.40 {1 $% in.). W. 0.525 (2of in.). La Biancheria. 815 Inv. 12.229. H. 0.405 {1 si in.). W. 0.525 (2of in.). Daphne. 816 Inv. 12.230. H. 0.525 (2of in.). W. 0.40 (15$ in.). Villa Falconiere. 817 Inv. 12.231. H. 0.37 (14I in.). W. 0.535 (21 in.). Marlia. 818 Inv. 12.232. H. 0.405 (15I in.). W. 0.53 (2of in.). Marlia Fountain. 819 Inv. 12.233. H - 0.405 (i5i in-)- W. 0.525 (20I in.). Carrara Quarry. 820 Inv. 12.234. H. 0.355 (14 in.). W. 0.505 (19J in.). Carrara Workmen. 821 Inv. 12.235. H - o-355 (14 in -)- W. 0.505 (19J in.). Monsieur Derville's Quarry. 822 Inv. 12.236. H. 0.405 (15J in.). W. 0.53 (2of in.). Quarry. 823 Inv. 12.237. Ff. 0.36 (145 in.). W. 0.51 (20 in.). Trajan's Quarry. 824 Inv. 12.238. H. 0.405 (1 $i in.). W. 0.53 (20J in.). LlZZATORI I. 825 Inv. 12.239. H. 0.53 (20J in.). \V. 0.405 (15! in.). 236 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 826 LlZZATORI II. Inv. 12.240. H. 0.405 (15! in.). W. 0.53 (2of in.). 827 Wet Quarries. Inv. 12.241. H. 0.405 (15! in.). W. 0.53 (20! in.). 828 In a Quarry. Inv. 12.242. H. 0.405 (15! in.). W. 0.53 (2of in.). 829 Marmo Statuario. Inv. 12.243. H. 0.36 (14J in.). W. 0.51 (20 in.). 830 Little Quarry. Inv. 12.244. H. 0.355 (14 in.). W. 0.51 (20 in.). SCHMITT, Albert Felix. Born, Boston, 1873; lives, Cambridge, Mass. Pupil of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 831 On the River Bank. On the bank of a quiet river, in the shadow of the wide- spreading branches of a tree, stands a nude female figure; the head and shoulders of another figure, nearer the river, are seen above the bank; on the farther bank of the stream is a gently rising hill covered with light green verdure. Signed in the lower left corner: Albert F. Schmitt. Inv. 17.3148. Canvas: H. 0.695 (27I in.). W. 0.87 (345 in.). Gift of Sherburn M. Merrill, 191 7. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 191 5. SELINGER, Jean Paul. Born, Boston, 1850; died there, 1909. Pupil of the Lowell Institute, Boston, and of Leibl in Munich. 832 The Water Seller. Three-quarter length figure of a dark-skinned boy, lean- ing against a wall, and resting both hands on a large red water jar that stands in front of him at the left; he is bare to the waist, and wears loose white trousers; a white cloth is tied around his head. Signed in the upper left corner: John Selinger, i8j8. AMERICAN 237 Inv. 10.101. Canvas: H. 1.168 (46 in.). W. 0.549 (2if in.). Gift of Mrs. Jean Paul Selinger, 1910. SENAT, Prosper Louis. Born, Germantown, Pa., 1852; lives, Kennebunkport, Maine. Pupil of E. Hampden, and of the ficole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Street Scene, Taormlna. 833 Signed in the lower left corner: Prosper L. Senat. Inv. 15.886. Water-color: H. 0.47 (i8£ in.). W. 0.305 (12 in.). Bequest of William Rosewell Wilson, 1915. SHIRLAW, Walter. Born, Paisley, Scotland, 1838; died, Madrid, Spain, 1910. Came to United States in 1840. Studied in Munich. Susannah and the Elders; study. 834 Signed in the lower right corner: W. Shir law. Inv. 12.96. Water-color: H. 0.185 (71 in.). W. 0.241 (9§ in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Shirlaw, 1912. The Artist's last work. SMIBERT, John. Born, Edinburgh, 1688; 1 died, Boston, 1 75 1. Studied in Edinburgh, London, and Italy. Portrait of Judge Edmund Quincy. 835 Bust turned slightly to the right; he wears a dull crimson coat, white lawn jabot, and curled periwig. Dark brown background, in which an oval is indicated enclosing the figure. Inv. 76.348. Canvas: H. 0.753 ( 2 9s in.). W. 0.627 ( 2 4f in.). Gift of the children of Josiah Quincy, 1876. Portrait of Mrs. Hannah Gardiner McSparren. 836 Nearly half-length figure, the head turned slightly to the left; she wears a low-necked blue silk dress, with white lace set in across the breast; one curl hangs over her right shoul- 1 Date given by Lawrence Park in Bulletin of the Worcester Art Museum, VIII (1917). p. 46. 238 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS der. Dark brown background in which an oval is indicated enclosing the figure. Inv. 88.289. Canvas: H. 0.769 (30! in.). W. 0.641 (25! in.). Bequest of Margaret Allen Elton, 1888. 837 Portrait of John Turner; father of Mrs. Daniel Sar- gent. Half-length figure turned slightly to the left; he wears a white wig, an olive-green coat, and white ruffled shirt. In the background a view of the sea and a sailing vessel. Inv. 18.663. Canvas: H. 0.905 (35^ in.). W. 0.715 (28J in.). Gift of Mrs. Horatio Appleton Lamb in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Sargent, 1918. SMITH, Frank Hill. Born, Boston, 1841; died there, 1904. Pupil of Hammatt Billings in Boston and of Bonnat and the Atelier Suisse in Paris. 838 American Pulpit in St. Mark's, Venice. At the right a marble pulpit in which stands a priest in red vestments; beside it part of the gallery. Inv. 18.402. Canvas: H. 0.732 (28I in.). W. 0.522 (2of in.). Isaac Fenno Collection; gift, 1918. SMITH, Joseph Lindon. Born, Pawtucket, R. I., 1862; lives in Boston. Pupil of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston; of Boulanger and Lefebvre in Paris. 839 Head of Equestrian Statue of Bartolommeo Colleoni before SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice. Inv. 94.215. Water-color: H. 0.95 (43^ in.). W. 0.635 (25 in.)- 840 Critics; Interior of San Giorgio degli Schiavone. Inv. 18.405. Water-color: H. 0.76 (30 in.). W. 1.16 45 if in.). Gift of Mrs. Henrietta Page, 191 8. 84! Statue of Sho Kwannon in Kondo, Horyuji Monas- tery. Inv. 02.43. Water-color: H. 0.765 (30! in.). W. 0.23 (9tV in-)- Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1902. AMERICAN 239 Monju Bosatsu in TOkondO, KOfukuji Monastery. 842 Inv. 02.44. Water-color: H. 0.76 (29^ in.). W. 0.485 (19! in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1902. Statue of Kongo Rikishi in Saikondo, Kofukuji Mon- 843 ASTERV. Inv. 02.45. Water-color: H. 0.755 ( 2 9* m 0- W. 0.655 (25 H in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1902. Gate before the Tomb of Shinran. 844 Inv. 02.46. Water-color: H. 0.535 (213^ in.). W. 0.38 (15 in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1902. Head of a Statue of Tamonten in Kofukuji Monas- 845 TERY. Inv. 02.47. Water-color: H. 0.535 ( 2I tV in.). W. 0.38 (15 in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1902. Gudatsu Bosatsu in Akishinodera Monastery. 846 Inv. L. 2506. Water-color: H. 0.546 (21^ in.). W. 0.373 (i4r£ in.). Lent by William Sturgis Bigelow, 1902. Statue of Kokuzo in Kondo, Horyuji Monastery. 847 Inv. L. 2506. Water-color: H. 0.770 (30^ in.). W. 0.270 (iof in.). Lent by William Sturgis Bigelow, 1902. Head of Sho Kwannon in Kondo, Horyuji Monastery. 848 Inv. L. 2506. Water-color: H. 0.546 (215 in.). W. 0.373 (i4xl in.). Lent by William Sturgis Bigelow, 1902. Archaic Greek Statue of a Maiden; original in the 840 Acropolis Museum, no. 684. Inv. 04.4. Water-color: H. 0.755 ( 2 °2 in.). W. 0.535 (21 iV in.). Gift of Charles Archibald Kidder and Nathaniel Thayer Kidder, 1904. 240 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 850 Archaic Greek Statue of a Maiden; original in the Acropolis Museum, no. 674. Inv. 04.5. Water-color: H. 0.755 ( 2 92 in.). W. 0.535 (21 j^ in.). Gift of Charles Archibald Kidder and Na- thaniel Thayer Kidder, 1904. 851 Archaic Greek Statue of a Maiden; original in the Acropolis Museum, no. 686. Inv. 04.139. Water-color: H. 0.59 (23^ in.). W. 0.42 (i6| in.). Gift of Joseph Lindon Smith. 852 Ephebos: Head of an Archaic Greek Statue; original in the Acropolis Museum, no. 689. Inv. 04.140. Water-color: H. 0.31 (12& in.). W. 0.24 (9yV in.). Gift of Joseph Lindon Smith, 1904. 853 Sarcophagus of Alexander, Greek, Fourth Century, from Sidon. Copies from the two long sides. Original in the Museum, Constantinople. Inv. 00.501, 502. Canvas: H. 0.53 (20I in.). W. 2.737 (io7f in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1900. 854 Doorway, Looking into the Tomb of Seb-ta, Nine- teenth Dynasty, in the Valley of the Kings. Inv. 07.517. Canvas: H. 0.70 (27^ in.). W. 0.60 (23! in.). Anonymous gift through Joseph Lindon Smith, 1907. 855 Doorway, Looking out from the Tomb of Seb-ta, Nineteenth Dynasty, in the Valley of the Kings. Inv. 07.518. Canvas: H. 0.70 (27^ in.). W. 0.60 (23! in.). Anonymous gift, through Joseph Lindon Smith, 1907. 856 Head of Seb-ta, Nineteenth Dynasty, from His Tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Inv. 07.519. Canvas: H. 0.61 (24 in.). W. 0.51 (20^ in.). Anonymous gift, through Joseph Lindon Smith, 1907. 857 Bas-relief: The Sacred Boat; fragment from the southern exterior wall of the granite sanctuary at Karnak. Size of the original. AMERICAN 241 Inv. 12.319. Canvas: H. 0.995 (39 A in.). W. 2.0 (78 1 in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 191 2. Portrait Head of Ra-Shepses, Fourth Dynasty, 858 found in his Tomb at Sakkara; size of the original. Inv. 12.320. Canvas: H. 0.465 (18 f$ in.). W. 0.395 (i5r\ in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 191 2. Chair of Princess Sat-Amen, Eighteenth Dynasty. 859 Inv. 12.321. Pasteboard: H. 0.76 (291! in.). W. 0.55 (2i| in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 1912. Copy of Wall Painting at Thebes, Eighteenth Dy- g^ nasty. Inv. 12.322. Canvas: H. 0.94 (37 in.). W. 0.35 (13I in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 191 2. Portrait of Ramose and his Wife, Eighteenth Dy- 861 nasty Relief. Inv. 12.^2^. Canvas: H. 1.05 (39^ in.). W. 0.95 (37I in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 191 2. Ti: Sixth Dynasty Relief, from his Mastaba at Sak- 862 kara; size of the original. Inv. 12.324. Canvas: H. 0.50 (i9fe in-)- W. 0.42 (i6§ in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 191 2. Priest of Mut; Nineteenth Dynasty Relief from 35^ Luxor Temple, Luxor. Inv. 12.580. Cardboard: H. 0.66 (26 in.). W. 0.55 (21-f in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 191 2. Priest of Mut; Nineteenth Dynasty Relief from 864 Luxor Temple, Luxor. Inv. 14.918. Cardboard: H. 0.40 (15^ in.). W. 0.324 (12 J in.). Anonymous gift, 1914. Rameses the Great; Nineteenth Dynasty Relief 35^ from Karxak Temple, Luxor. Inv. 14.919. Cardboard: H. 0.61 (24 in.). W. 0.495 (195 in.). Anonymous gift, 1914. 242 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 866 Tomb of Mery-Ankh, Chief Gardener of Pharaoh, Sixth Dynasty. Inv. 14.920. Canvas: H. 0.711 (28 m.). W. 0.865 (34tV in.). Anonymous gift, 1914. 867 Bas-Relief from an Old Empire Tomb at Sakkara. Inv. 14.921. Canvas: H. 0.262 (ioffc in.). W. 0.928 (36! in.). Anonymous gift, 19 14. 868 Amenophis; Eighteenth Dynasty Relief from Kar- nak Temple, Luxor. Inv. 14.922. Cardboard: H. 0.605 (23H in.). W. 0.493 (19 in.). Anonymous gift, 1914. 869 The Architect Nekhebew; Fifth Dynasty Relief from Giza. Inv. 14.923. Cardboard: H. 0.545 (21^ in.). W. 0.453 (17! in.). Anonymous gift, 1914. 870 Rameses the Great; Nineteenth Dynasty Relief from the Southern Wall of the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak. Inv. 15.293. Canvas: H. 2.075 (81 t£ in.). W. 1.015 (40 in.). Anonymous gift, 191 5. 871 Wife of Rameses the Great; Nineteenth Dynasty Relief from Karnak. Inv. 15.294. Bristol board: H. 0.54 (21^ in.). W. 0.45 (17! in.). Anonymous gift, 1915. 872 Wife of Rameses the Great; Nineteenth Dynasty, from Karnak. Inv. 15.295. Bristol Board: H. 0.54 (2i| in.). W. 0.45 (17! in.). Anonymous gift, 1915. 873 Relief from the Tomb of Ramose at Gourneh; Eight- eenth Dynasty. Inv. 15.296. Canvas: H. 1.26 (49! in.). W. 0.835 (32! in.). Anonymous gift, 1915. AMERICAN 243 Fresco on the Southern Wall of the Tomb of Ramose 874 at Gourneh; Eighteenth Dynasty. Inv. 15.297. Canvas: H. 0.83 (32^ in.). W. 2.44 (961V in.). Anonymous gift, 1915. Relief from the Tomb of Ramose at Gourneh; Eight- 875 eenth Dynasty. Inv. 15.317. Canvas on Cardboard: H. 0.465 (18^ in.). W. 0.55 (12I in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 1915. amon-r a between two figures of rameses the great ; 876 Nineteenth Dynasty Relief from the Wall of Luxor Temple. Inv. 15.1144. Canvas on cardboard: Ff. 0.643 ( 2 5t\ in.). W. 0.57 (22^ in.). Gift of Joseph Lindon Smith in memory of Airs. Samuel Torrey Morse, 1915. The Ramesseum. 877 Inv. 17.1408. Canvas: H. 0.715 (28! in.). W. 0.972 (383 in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1917. SPIERS, Harry. Born, Selsea, Sussex, England, 1869; lives in Islington, Mass. Pupil of Julian Academy, Paris. As the Sunlight Bursts. Inv. 15.292. Water-color: H. 1.39 (54! in.). W. 1.01 (39I in.). Gift of James Michael Curley, 1915. STUART, Gilbert. Born, Narragansett, R. I., 1755; died, Boston, 1828. Pupil of Cosmo Alexander in America and Scotland; of Benjamin West in London. Portrait of Mrs. Richard Yates. Half-length figure of an elderly lady seated in profile to the left, her head turned toward the front; she wears a grayish satin gown with a shawl, apparently of the same material, crossed over her chest; on her head is a high mus- lin cap with ruffled edge, encircled by a ribbon; in her up- raised hand she holds her needle, and with her left hand 878 879 244 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS she holds the muslin on which she is sewing; her chair is upholstered in red. Golden brown background. Inv. 96.29. Canvas: H. 0.765 (30I in.). W. 0.635 ( 2 5 in.). Purchased, 1896. The picture has been attributed to Ralph Earle. 880 Portrait of Washington; the Athenaeum Head. Only the head is finished; it is turned slightly to the left, and he is looking at the spectator with a grave, thoughtful expression. Gray-brown background. Painted in 1796. Inv. Ath. 1. Canvas: H. 1.08 (42J in.). W. 0.876 (34^ in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. 881 Portrait of Martha Washington. Only the head is finished; it is turned slightly to the right, and she is looking at the spectator; she wears a large cap of muslin edged with a full ruffle. A gray-brown back- ground is indicated behind the head. Inv. Ath. 2. Canvas: H. 1.08. (42^ in.). W. 0.876 (34I in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. 882 Portrait of Councillor Dunn. Bust portrait of a smooth-shaven, fresh-complexioned man with curly brown hair; his body is turned almost in profile to the left, his head three-quarters to the left; he wears a white stock and a red velvet coat with a fur collar which he holds with his right hand. Brown background. Inv. 06.2427. Canvas: H. 0.74 (29! in.). W. 615 (24^ in.). Bequest of Mrs. Martin Brimmer, 1906. M. F. A Bulletin, IV (1906), p. 33. 883 Self Portrait; sketch. Small head, three-quarters to the left; gray-green back- ground. Inv. L 868. Canvas: H. 0.27 (iof in.). W. 0.228 (9 in.). Lent by the Estate of Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis, 1883. 884 Portrait of Major-General Henry Knox. Half-length standing figure in three-quarter view to the right; his ruddy countenance is clean shaven, and he AMERICAN 245 wears a powdered wig, a blue coat with epaulettes and buff facings, white waistcoat and breeches, and a ruffled shirt; his right hand rests on his hip holding back his coat, and his left on a cannon. Dark brown background shading to gray. Inv. L 30a. Panel: H. 0.194 (47 in.). W. 0.978 (38! in.). Deposited by the City of Boston, 1876. Washington at Dorchester Heights. 885 Full-length standing figure, life size, the head in three- quarter view to the left; at the right is a restive white horse, seen from behind; Washington is in uniform, blue coat with gold buttons and epaulettes and white facings, high white stock, white waistcoat, and breeches, close fit- ting high boots, and spurs; he holds his hat in his right hand at his side; his sword hilt shows on his left hip, and from his watch pocket on the right hangs a bunch of seals; he wears a powdered wig, tied behind with a black ribbon; his left hand, holding the bridle of his horse, rests on the pommel of his saddle. At the left is seen the English fleet in the harbor; the sky is covered with clouds and with the smoke and reflected flame of cannon. Inv. L 30a. Panel: H. 2.742 (108 in.). W. 1.829 (7 2 m -)- Deposited by the City of Boston, 1876. Portrait of Governor James Sullivan. 886 Half-length figure of a smooth-shaven elderly man in three-quarter view to the right, the head turned toward the front; he is seated in an armchair upholstered in red, and in his right hand is a book which rests on his knee; he wears a black coat and waistcoat, and a white frilled shirt. Brown background. Inv. 19.760. Panel: H. 0.84 (33 in.). W. 0.675 (262 m -)- bequest of Alexander Cochrane. Portrait of Mrs. James Smith Colburn. 887 Bust portrait of a young woman turned toward the left, the head full front; her brown hair is parted in the middle, with ringlets at her temples; she wears a low-necked white 246 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS dress and a red cashmere shawl with a variegated border. In the background against a mottled sky stand a column and part of a high wall. Inv. 10.232. Panel: H. 0.72 (28I in.). W. 0.581 (22! in.). Gift of Sarah Jane Colburn, 1910. 888 P° RTRAIT 0F Edward Stow. Half-length figure of a man in three-quarter view to the right, seated in an armchair before a writing table; he holds a quill in his right hand; he wears a black coat, white waistcoat, ruffled shirt and white stock. In the back- ground are a column and a red drapery, drawn back to show a bit of sky. Inv. 13. 1. Panel: H. 0.74 (29! in.). W. 0.594 (23! in.). Gift of Anna S. Bascom and Annie B. Phillips, 1913. 889 Portrait of Mrs. Anna Stow. Half-length figure of a lady seated in three-quarter view to the left; her right arm rests on the end of the sofa and her hands are clasped; she wears a white gown, open at the throat, an embroidered olive-green shawl, a string of pearls around her neck and pearl earrings; her brown hair is arranged in curls on her forehead, and flowers are stuck in at the back. Behind her are a column and a red drapery drawn back to show a bit of sky. Inv. 13.2. Panel: H. 0.74 (29! in.). W. 0.594 (23! in.). Gift of Anna S. Bascom and Annie B. Phillips, 1913. 890 Portrait of Jane Bethune Hunt. Bust portrait of a woman seated in an armchair, turned slightly to the left; she is dressed in black with a triple lace ruffle around her neck; on her head is a white muslin turban beneath which brown ringlets appear at the temples; the chair is gilded and upholstered in red. Brown background. Inv. 13.2806. Panel: H. 0.685 (27 in.). W. 0.55 (2if in.). Gift of Gen. John Parker Hawkins in the name of his wife, Jane Bethune Craig Hawkins, 1913. 891 Miss Sally Patten. Three-quarter length figure of a round-faced little girl, sitting on the edge of a gilt armchair which is upholsteied AMERICAN 247 with crimson velvet; she is in three-quarter view to the left, her head turned toward the front; her hands are folded in her lap; she wears a simple white frock, cut very low, with little shoulder-puff sleeves. Brown background. Inv. 16.106. Panel: H. 0.67 (265 in.). W. 0.54 (215 in.). Bequest of Mrs. George Hollingsworth, 1916. Mrs. Mary Sumner Williams. 892 Bust portrait in three-quarter view to the left, the head turned toward the front; she wears a high black dress with a white double ruffle around the collar, and a large white cap with a band of black ribbon. Dark gray background. Inv. 16.107. Panel: H. 0.67 (26I in.). W. 0.54 (2ij in.). Bequest of Mrs. George Hollingsworth, 1916. Lydia Pickering Williams; (Mrs. George Williams). 893 Half-length figure of an elderly lady seated in an arm- chair, in three-quarter view to the left; she wears a black dress, black lace mitts, a wide white fichu edged with lace, and a white cap tied under her chin. The chair is uphol- stered in crimson brocade, and a curtain of similar ma- terial is draped around a column at the left. Inv. 17.3141. Canvas: H. 0.914 (36 in.). W. 0.715 (285 in.). Gift of Mrs. Edward Richmond Fairbanks in memory of Ellen Williams, great granddaughter of Lydia Pickering Williams, 1917. Portrait of Hon. Josiah Quincy; Mayor of Boston, 894 1823-1829. Half-length figure seated in an armchair, turned slightly to the right and looking at the spectator; he is smooth shaven, with curling brown hair, and is dressed in black; he holds in his hands a half-unrolled architectural plan, resting on the table before him. At the left is a column and a rose drapery; at the right, in the background, is the facade of the Quincy Market. Painted in 1826. Inv. 76.347. Canvas: H. 0.915 (36 in.). W. 0.711 (28 in.). Gift of Eliza Susan Quincy, 1876. Extract from a letter from Eliza S. Quincy, published in Mason's Life and Works of Gilbert Stuart, N. Y., 1879, 248 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS p. 244; "Mr. Stuart asked for the elevation and plan of the new market, as he intended to represent Mr. Quincy as seated at a window of Faneuil Hall, commanding a view of the edifice." Quincy market was the central feature of Mayor Quincy's great work in constructing six new streets over a sweep of flats and rocks. 895 Portrait of Robert Waterston. Bust portrait in three-quarter view to the left, the head turned toward the front; he is smooth shaven except for short side whiskers, and is dressed in black with white frilled shirt and stock. Brown background. Painted, 1828. Inv. 19.1367. Canvas: H. 0.76 (30 in.). W. 0.63 (24! in.). Gift of grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Water- ston. 896 Portrait of Hepzibah Lord Waterston. Bust portrait in three-quarter view to the right, the head turned toward the front; she wears a black dress, white lace cap, earrings, and over her shoulders a red shawl, which she grasps with her right hand. Inv. 19.1368. Canvas: H. 0.76 (30 in.). W. 0.635 ( 2 5 in.). Gift of grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Water- ston. SULLY, Thomas. Born, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, Eng- land, 1783; died, Philadelphia, 1872. Pupil of the minia- ture painter, Belzons, at Richmond, Va.; of Stuart in Boston; of Benjamin West in London. 897 The Torn Hat. Head and shoulders of a red-cheeked little boy, full face ; he wears a gray coat, large open white collar, and a yel- lowish-brown straw hat which shades the upper part of his face; through the torn brim, the sunlight strikes his fore- head. Brown background. Signed where the brim is torn from the hat: T S 1820. Inv. 16.104. Panel: H. 0.483 (19 in.). W. 0.373 (14! in.). Gift of Belle Greene and Henry Copley Greene in mem- ory of Mary Abby Greene (Mrs. John Singleton Copley Greene), 1916. AMERICAN 249 Fanny Kemble; sketch. 898 Head of a young woman turned slightly to the right; her chestnut hair is parted in the middle and drawn down over the temples. Light brown background. Signed on the back: Miss F. A. Kemble, March 10, 1832. TS. Inv. 03.737. Canvas: H. 0.765 (30! in.). W. 0.635 ( 2 5 in.). Purchased, Abbott Lawrence Fund, 1903. M. F. A. Bulletin, I (1903), p. 8. Painted at Philadel- phia for the Artist's wife, a friend of Miss Kemble, it al- ways remained in the Artist's family. Miss Kemble wished to acquire the portrait, declaring it to be the most truthful and agreeable likeness of herself, but Mrs. Sully would not part with it. Washington at the Delaware River. gnp On high ground at the right Washington seated on a white horse to right, looking back toward the river which his troops are crossing; at the extreme right a soldier holding a horse, and three men on horseback, the upper one of whom is giving orders to the troops below on the river bank at the left. The ground is covered with snow, and floating ice delays the boats heavily laden with soldiers. Inv. 03.1079. Canvas: Ff. 3.72 (1465 in.). W. 5.265 (207 ys i n -)- Gift from the owners of the Boston Museum. 1903. TARBELL, Edmund Charles. Born, West Groton, Mass., 1862; lives in Washington, D.C. Pupil of the Museum of Fine Arts School in Boston; of Boulanger and Lefebvre in Paris. Portrait of Charles Greely Loring; Trustee of the Museum, 1873-1902; Curator, 1876-1887; Director of the Museum, 1887-1902; Director Emeritus, 1902. Half-length seated figure, turned slightly to the left; his left arm rests on the arm of the chair, his right hand lies in Ins lap; he has a heavy white moustache and pointed beard; he wears a dark suit. Dark background. Signed in the lower right corner: Tarbell. 900 902 250 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Inv. 06.2455. Canvas: H. 1.016 (40 in.). W. 0.76 (29H in.). Memorial portrait painted upon the commission of the Trustees, 1906. M. F. A. Bulletin, IV (1906), p. 34, illus. 901 Portrait of Edward Robinson ; Director of the Museum, 1 902-1 905. Half-length seated figure, in three-quarter view to the right, the head facing the spectator; he wears a dark suit, brown waistcoat and dark cravat. Dark background. Signed in the lower left corner: Edmund C. Tarbell, igo6. Inv. 06.1895. Canvas: H. 1.118 (44 in.). W. 0.857 (334 in.). Painted upon the commission of the Trustees, 1906. Girl Reading. At the left, in a room lighted by three long narrow win- dows on the right, a young girl is seated in profile to the right; she is reading from a large book which lies on her lap; her elbows rest on the book and her chin on her clasped hands. On a seat beside her at the left are a large black cloak and a black hat; on a footstool in front of her is a bowl of fruit, and on a table near the windows a large porcelain jar, a teapot and an embroidered textile; against the warm gray back wall stands a mahogany armchair with a green back and seat; on this same wall, at the left, half of an oval mirror is visible. Signed in the lower right corner : Tarbell. Inv. 09.209. Canvas: Ff. 0.82 (32 j in.). W. 0.72 (28! in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1909. My Children in the Woods. Standing at the left in a grove of pine trees are two young girls dressed in white, one of them offering an apple to a bay horse in the centre on which a boy is seated ; he is turning to the right toward a younger girl dressed in blue and white, riding a dappled gray pony; through the woods a lake is seen in the left distance. Signed in the lower right corner: Tarbell, iqii. Inv. 11.2809. Canvas: H. 1.28 (50! in.). W. 1.025 (40! in.). Gift of Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz, 191 1. 903 904 AMERICAN 25 1 THAYER, Abbott Handerson. Born, Boston, 1849; lives, Monadnock, N. H. Pupil of the ficole des Beaux- Arts in Paris, under Lehmann and Gerome. Caritas. A young woman clothed in white stands with out- stretched arms, her back against a laurel tree; she is look- ing down at two little naked children who are pressing close to her at either side. Signed in the lower right corner: A bbott II. Thayer. Inv. 97.199. Canvas: H. 2.145 (84^ in.). W. 1.385 (38^ in.). Purchased, William Wilkins Warren Fund and con- tributions, 1897. William L. Elkins prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, at the Sixty-Fifth Annual Ex- hibition, (1895-1896). TOMPKINS, Frank Hector. Born, Hector, N. Y., 1847; lives in Boston. Pupil of Art Student's League, New York; School of Design, Cincinnati; Royal Academy, Munich. The Young Mother. 905 A young woman seated in profile to the right, her hands clasped on the edge of a crib behind her, in which lies a baby; she wears a dark red skirt and a velvet cape of the same color with wide white collar. Behind the crib is a table on which stand two glass vases; behind the mother is a high cupboard. A strong light comes into the room from the left. Inv. 19.1381. Canvas: H. 1.10 (43 1 in.). W. 0.80 (315 in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1919. TRISCOTT, Samuel Peter Rolt. Born Gosport, Eng- land, 1846; lives Monhegan, Maine. Studied in England; came to United States in 1871. Cottage. qo6 Signed in the lower left corner: S. P. Rolt Triscott. Inv. 15.877. Water-color: H. 0.305 (12 in.). W. 0.47 (18J in.). Bequest of William Rosewell Wilson, 1915. 252 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS TRUMBULL, John. Born, Lebanon, Conn., 1756; died, New York City, 1843. Pupil of Benjamin West in London. 907 The Sortie from Gibraltar, November 27, 1781. A little to the left of the centre lies a dying officer, with his head toward the spectator; another young officer on the ground beside him raises his hand to keep back a group of officers at the right who express by gestures and looks their emotion; most of the officers wear red coats, white waistcoats and breeches, and high boots; at the left, sol- diers with axes are storming a barricade; the sky at the left is lighted up with flames. Inv. Ath. 10. Canvas: H. 1.705 (67! in.). W. 2.64 (104 in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. 908 Portrait of Mr. Stephen Minot. Bust portrait in three-quarter view to the left, the head facing the spectator; he has short side whiskers, and thin locks of black hair hang down over his forehead; he wears a black coat, a high collar and white stock. Brown back- ground. Inv. 79.333. Canvas: H. 0.762 (30 in.). W. 0.61 (24 in.). Gift of Susan I. Minot, 1879. 909 Portrait of Mrs. Stephen Minot. Nearly half-length figure, in three-quarter view to the right, the head facing the spectator; her dark brown hair is arranged in a cluster of curls on top of her head, and curls hang down in front of her ears; she wears a simple white empire gown, with a jewelled brooch at her breast. Brown background. Inv. 79.334. Canvas: H. 0.765 (30! in.). W. 0.61 (24 in.). Gift of Susan I. Minot, 1879. 910 Priam Receiving the Body of Hector. In the portico of the palace Priam with Hecuba, Andro- mache and attendants receive Hector's body which is carried by an old man and by a warrior in steel and gilt armor; a white cloth is wrapped about the lower part of the body; at the left is a group of soldiers with spears, in front AMERICAN 253 of whom crouches a woman clasping in her arms a small child whom she directs to look at Hector; other mourning women stand in the background. Inv. Ath. 412. Canvas: H. 0.625 (24-f in.). W. 0.927 (36^ in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1879. Portrait of Alexander Hamilton. Bust portrait of a rather sharp-featured man, in three- quarter view to the left; he is smooth shaven, with a powdered wig tied behind with a black ribbon; he is dressed in black with a white stock. Brown background. Inv. 94.167. Canvas: H. 0.775 (3°§ m -)- W. 0.623 (24^ in.). Bequest of Robert Charles Winthrop, 1894. TUCKERMAN, Stephen Salisbury. Born, Boston, 1830; died, Standeford, England, 1904. Pupil of School of Design, Birmingham, England. Marine. The harbor of a town; at the right three sailing vessels, at the left another sailing vessel and a rowboat; gray sky and sea. Inv. 19.93. Panel: H. 0.305 (13! in.). W. 0.406 (16 in.). Henry Clay and Martha Bartlett Angell Collection; gift, 1919. TURNER, Ross Sterling. Born, Westport, N. Y., 1847; died, Nassau, Bahama Islands, 1915. Studied in Munich and in Italy. The Dawn. In the foreground, a river; the further bank is hilly and toward the right are a few trees. Signed in the lower left corner: Ross Turner, July 8y. Inv. 09.206. Water-color: H. 0.52 (205 in.). W. 0.829 (32! in.). Gift of pupils of Ross Turner, through Mrs. William M. Parker, 1909. Evans prize, American Water- Color Society, 1908. 911 912 913 254 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS TWACHTMAN, John Henry. Born, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1853; died, Gloucester, Mass., 1902. Pupil of Cincinnati School of Design under Frank Duveneck; also studied in Munich and Paris. 914 Landscape. In the foreground, part of a wide brown common with a double row of leafless trees; at the right and in the back- ground the common is bounded by peasant cottages; near a tree at the right stands a woman with her back to the spectator; leaden sky. Signed in the lower right corner: /. H. Twachtman. 915 Sketch: Venice '78. Inv. 04.1715. Artist's board: Ff. 0.31 (12 \ in.). W. 0.52 (205 in.). Bequest of Mrs. William Whitman, 1904. 916 Sketch. A wide river, which fills the foreground, winds away into the distance; the left bank is wooded; in the foreground at the right a canal boat is moored, and in a small boat nearby a man is fishing; in the distance on the right bank is a line of buildings and poplar trees. Signed in the lower left corner: /. H. Twachtman. Inv. 09.214. Canvas: Ff. 0.381 (15 in.). W. 0.465 (185 in.). Gift of the Estate of Mrs. William Whitman through Mrs. Henry Parkman, 1909. 917 Winter Landscape. A brook flowing between low snowy hills; in the distance bare, purplish trees; pale gray sky. Inv. 19.1331. Canvas: H. 0.36 (14! in.). W. 0.46 (17^5 in.). John Pickering Lyman Collection; gift, 1919. 918 February. On the right and left are snow-covered hillsides between which flows a brook; in the middle distance a stone wall runs across the field at the left, crosses the brook and is continued up the hillside on the right; a few leafless trees AMERICAN 255 mark the course of the brook and in the distance are the dark forms of three spruces. Signed in the lower right corner: /. H. Twachtman. Inv. 07.7. Canvas: H. 0.917 (365 in.). W. 1.222 (48^ in.). Purchased, Charles Henry Hayden Fund, 1907. M. F. A. Bulletin, V (1907), p. 7. YEDDER, Elihu. Born, New York City, 1836; lives in Rome. Pupil of T. H. Mattison at Sherburne, N. Y., and of Picot in Paris. Portrait of Miss Kate Field. Bust portrait of a young woman, her head in profile to the right; a white scarf with a narrow colored border is draped over her shoulders. The duomo of Florence and Giotto's tower are seen in the distance. Signed at the right: Vedder, Florence. Inv. 91.164. Canvas: H. 0.522 (20^ in.). W. 0.522 (20^ in.). Gift of Mrs. Milton H. Sanford, 1891. The Sphinx. In the foreground at the left the gigantic head of a sphinx surrounded by the desert sands; a fellah is kneeling before it with his ear pressed against its lips; at the right, near a large block of stone is a skull; in the background are shat- tered columns and fragments of ruined temples; dark blue-green sky. Signed below at the right, on a stone: Elihu Vedder 1863. Inv. 06.2430. Canvas: H. 0.914 (36 in.). W. 1.067 U 2 in.). Bequest of Mrs. Martin Brimmer, 1906. M. F. A. Bulletin, IV (1906), p. 33. The Lair of the Sea Serpent. Amid sand dunes covered with sun-burned grass an enormous serpent is lying, gazing out at the calm blue sea. Signed in the lower left corner: Elihu Vedder 1864. Inv. 84.283. Canvas: H. 0.536 (21$ in.). W. 0.918 (36J in.). Bequest of Thomas Gold Appleton, 1884. 919 920 y 921 256 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 922 Italian Landscape. In the centre under the shadow of stunted trees a well with a water wheel stands besides the road that leads to a distant village; in the foieground are a goat and a kid. Inv. 74.15. Canvas: H. 0.355 ( I 4 m -)' W. 0.71 (28 in.). Bequest of Charles Sumner, 1874. 923 Lazarus. The head and shoulders of a dark, emaciated man, en- veloped in white draperies which are gray in the shadow; beyond are rocky hills in the glare of hot sunlight. Signed in the lower left corner: V. Roma. Copyright i8qq by E. Vedder. Inv. 01. 1. Canvas: H. 0.51 (20 in.). W. 0.80 (31^ in.). Gift of Edwin Atkins Grozier, 1901. 924 Fisherman and Djinn. The fisherman is seated on the sand turned toward the right; he gazes at the smoke which pours from the jar standing before him; as the smoke rises, the head of the Djinn takes form; beyond the fisherman in the middle dis- tance is a group of gnarled trees, and at the left a glimpse of the sea. Signed in the lower right corner: Vedder. Inv. 06.2431. Panel: H. 0.19 (7! in.). W. 0.355 (14 in.). Bequest of Mrs. Martin Brimmer. M. F. A. Bulletin, IV (1906), p.33. VINTON, Frederic Porter. Born, Bangor, Me., 1846; died, Boston, 191 1. Pupil of William M. Hunt and Dr. Rimmer in Boston; Bonnat and Laurens in Paris. 925 On the River Loing at Grez. The narrow, quiet river, bordered by reeds, flows slowly through the green fields; in the background at the right are the houses of the village of Grez. Signed in the lower right corner: Frederic P. Vinton, Grez 'go. Inv. n. 1385. Canvas: H. 0.654 (25I in.). W. 0.815 (3 2 1 in.). Purchased, Joseph Beale Glover Fund, 191 1. AMERICAN 257 La Blanchisseuse. 926 A woman on her knees is washing clothes in the river, over which hang green branches of trees which are re- flected in the water. Inv. 13.554. Canvas: H. 0.47 (18$ in.). W. 0.61 (24 in.). Gift of Alexander Cochrane, 1913. Portrait of Alexander Moseley. 927 Nearly full-length portrait of a middle-aged man seated in an armchair, turned slightly to the left; the top of his head is bald and his moustache is almost white; his left hand rests on the arm of the chair; in his right hand he holds a cane; he wears a black coat, dark gray trousers and a gray overcoat. Reddish background. Inv. 00.373. Canvas: H. 1.20 (47! in.). W. 1.05 (41I in.). Bequest of Alexander Moseley, 1900. WAGNER, Jacob. Born, Buthweiler, Bavaria, 1852 ; died, Dedham, Mass., 1898. Neponset River, Milton. g 2 8 Signed in the lower right corner: /. Wagner. Inv. 99.1. Water-color: H. 0.245 (9! in.). W. 0.346 ( 1 3 1 in.). Gift of Augustus Peabody Loring, 1899. WALKER, Henry Oliver. Born, Boston, 1843; nves at Lakewood, N. J. Pupil of Bonnat in Paris. Narcissus. A youth with a light blue drapery, kneeling on his left knee, regards his reflection in a pool. Signed in the lower left corner: Henry Oliver Walker. Inv. 17.164. Millboard: H. 1.22 (48 in.). W. 0.86 (33! in.). Gift of Mrs. Arthur Welland Blake, 1917. WARREN, Harold Broadfield. Born, Manchester, England, 1859; lives, Brookline, Mass. Pupil of Charles H. Moore and Charles Eliot Norton at Harvard Univer- sity. 929 932 258 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 930 The Parthenon from the Northwest. Signed on a marble slab in the foreground: H. B. War- ren. Inv. 99.31. Water-color: H. 0.515 (20^ in.). W. 0.75 (29! in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1899. 931 The Prqpylaea; a Detail of the North Side, from the South. Signed in the lower left corner: H. B. Warren. Inv. 99.32. Water-color: F£. 0.515 (20I in.). W. 0.645 (25! in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1899. Corner of the Parthenon. Signed in the lower right corner: H. B. Warren. Inv. 99.33. Water-color: H. 0.66 (26 in.). W. 0.45 (17I in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1899. 933 Aegina from the Acropolis. Signed in the lower left corner: H. B. Warren. Inv. 99.34. Water-color: H. 0.445 (Jlh ln -)- W. 0.75 (29 J in.). Purchased, Julia Bradford Huntington James Fund, 1899. WATERMAN, Marcus A. Born, Providence, 1834; died, Moderno, Italy, 1883. Self-taught. 934 Hillside in Autumn. A hillside with groups of trees in autumn foliage. At the foot of the trees are two women. Inv. 18.401. Canvas: H. 0.51 (20I in.). W. 0.407 (16 in.). Isaac Fenno Collection; gift, 191 8. WEST, Benjamin. Born, Springfield, Pa., 1738; died, London, 1820. Chiefly self-taught. 035 The Adrian Hope Family of Sydenham, Kent. The family is grouped about a round, red-topped table, on which are books, papers, maps, and a bronze vase; AMERICAN 259 Adrian Hope, an elderly man, is seated at the left in profile to the right, wearing a dark blue suit, buff waistcoat, and powdered wig; leaning against the table near him is a portrait, presumably of his father, in a gilt frame; on a slender pedestal is a model of a house; on the other side of the table sits Mrs. Hope, wearing a dark brown dress, her hands folded in her lap; standing back of the table are four grandchildren, two boys at the left, two girls at the right; their father stands in the background at the right; his wife is seated in front of him a little farther to the right, and their youngest son is leaning over her knees; she wears a white dress, and a white scarf tied about her head. In the background is a red drapery and marine view. Painted in 1802 when West was, for the second time, elected Presi- dent of the Royal Academy. Signed at the left, just below the elbow of Adrian Hope: B. West, 1802. Inv. 06.2362. Canvas: H. 1.78 (70 in.). W. 2.56 (ioof in.). Purchased, Abbott Lawrence Fund, 1906. M. F. A. Bulletin, IV (1906), p. 21, illus. King Lear. P36 Act III, Scene IV; the mad scene on the moors. In the centre King Lear standing, in brown and white draperies, holding above his head with his right hand part of a red, ermine-trimmed robe which he has torn off; on the right, Kent, holding Lear's left arm; at his feet, Edgar, partly naked, disguised as a madman; on the left, Gloucester in armor under swirling red draperies, brandishing a torch in his upraised right hand; at his feet the Fool, crouching, in brown garment and Fool's cap; in the background the rafters of a hut. A storm is raging. Inv. Ath. 9. Canvas: H. 2.72 (107^ in.). W. 3.66 (144I in.). Deposited by the Boston Athenaeum, 1876. WHISTLER, James Abbott McNeill. Born, Lowell, Mass., 1834; died, London, 1903. Pupil of Gleyre in Paris; also studied with Degas, Bracquemond, and Fantin- Latour. 260 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 937 The Blacksmith of Lyme Regis. Bust of a man turned slightly to the right; his hair, moustache, and thin beard are black; his arms are crossed and he wears a dark coat and white shirt, without a collar. Dark greenish-brown background. Inv. 96.951. Canvas: H. 0.514 (20! in.). W. 0.311 (12J in.). Purchased, William Wilkins Warren Fund, 1896. 938 The Little Rose of Lyme Regis. Half-length figure of a little girl, full face; her chestnut hair falls on her shoulders, and her hands are clasped in her lap; she wears a black dress and a dull red pinafore. Red- dish-brown background. Inv. 96.950. Canvas: H. 0.514 (20! in.). W. 0.311 (i2j in.). Purchased, William Wilkins Warren Fund, 1896. 939 A Street in Old Chelsea. A row of old houses of varied types, seen from across the street; in each one the street floor is used for shops; people are walking along the sidewalk, some of them stopping be- fore the shops; in the foreground four figures are indis- tinctly represented. Inv. 09.297. Thin board: F£. 0.134 (5I in.). W. 0.232 (9! in.). Gift of Denman Waldo Ross, 1909. 940 Portrait of a Girl; sketch. A full-length standing figure en face with head slightly turned to the left and arms folded in front of her; she wears a black dress and gray kerchief and apron. Inv. 19.6. Millboard: H. 0.33 (13 in.). W. 0.172 (6f in.). Gift of Robert Day Andrews, 1919. WHITMAN, Sarah de St. Prix Wyman (Mrs. William). Born, Baltimore, Md., 1842; died, Boston, 1904. Pupil of William M. Hunt in Boston; of Couture in Paris. 941 Gloucester Harbor. View up the harbor toward the evening light in the west; boats are moored to the wharves at either side, and are indistinctly reflected in the water. AMERICAN 26l Inv. 04.1717. Canvas: H. 0.523 (21 in.). W. 0.635 ( 2 5 in.). Bequest of the Artist, 1904. Sunset. 942 The orange-colored sun is sinking below the horizon, be- hind a brown meadow; a little pool in the foreground re- flects its light. Inv. 04.1721. Pastel: H. 0.42 (16^ in.). W. 0.398 (15-f in.). Bequest of the Artist, 1904. Warm Night. 943 An orange-colored moon, veiled in gray mist, hangs over the smooth gray water, in which is reflected the light from a small group of buildings vaguely silhouetted on the distant shore. Inv. 04.1722. Pastel: H. 0.432 (17 in.). W. 0.47 (18-J in.). Bequest of the Artist, 1904. Portrait of Martin Brimmer; sketch. 944 Bust portrait in three-quarter view to the right; he has white hair and heavy white moustache; indications of a dark olive-brown overcoat, merging into a background of the same color. Inv. 19.143. Canvas: H. 0.64 (25! in.). W. 0.54 (21I in.). Gift of Mrs. Richard Morris Hunt and Mrs. William Whitman. The following sketches were also bequeathed by the Artist. 945 Portrait of Martin Brimmer. Bust in three-quarter view to the right. Inv. 04.1718. Canvas: H. 0.61 (24 in.). W. 0.508 (20 in.). Edge of Evening, Annisquam. 946 The quiet water of the foreground reflects the landscape; over the hilltop is a crescent moon. Inv. 04.1716. Canvas: H. 0.432 (17 in.). W. 0.45 (17! in.). 262 CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS 947 Rhododendrons. A spray of white rhododendrons. Inv. 04.1720. Panel: H. 0.787 (31 in.). W. 0.754 (29! in.). Q^g Roses: "Souvenir de Villier le Bel." White roses and dark foliage. Inv. 04.1719. Panel: H. 0.458 (18 in.). W. 0.228 (9 in.). 949 Winter Daffodils, 1902. Inv. 04.1724. Pastel: H. 0.203 (8 in.). W. 0.14 (5I in.). 950 Draped Female Figure. Full-length standing figure, draped in white. Lemon- yellow background. Inv. 04.1723. Pastel: H. 0.52 (20^ in.). W. 0.298 (nf in.). WIGHT, Moses. Born, Boston, 1827; died there, 1895. Pupil of Hebert and Bonnat in Paris. 951 Portrait of Alexander von Humboldt at the Age of Eighty-two. Bust of an elderly man turned to the right, but looking at the spectator; he is clean shaven, with his white hair in disorder; he wears a large white stock and a black coat. Brown background. Signed at the right: M. Wight pt. Berlin 1852. Inv. 96.47. Square canvas in square frame with oval face: H. 0.71 (28! in.). W. 0.61 (24 in.). Bequest of the Artist, 1896. WOODBURY, Charles Herbert. Born, Lynn, Mass., 1864; lives in Boston. Pupil of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, and of Boulanger and Lefebvre at the Julian Academy, Paris. 952 Off the Florida Coast. An ocean wave, cold and green, which has broken into foam. Signed in the lower left corner: Woodbury. AMERICAN 263 Inv. 05.47. Canvas: H. 0.736 (29 in.). W. 0.915 (36 in.). Gift of Subscribers, through Martha Silsbee, 1905. WOODBURY, Marcia Oakes. Born, South Berwick, Me., 1865; died, Ogunquit, Me., 1913. Studied with Lassar in Paris. Triptych; Mother and Daughter. 953 Centre panel: At the right the mother spinning, at the left the daughter carding wool, in a dimly lighted room. Left panel: the mother telling her beads. Right panel: the daughter holding a prayer book. Inv. 18.215. Water-color: H. 0.675 ( 2 ^5 in.). W. left panel 0.315 (12^ in.); centre panel 0.625 ( 2 4i m -); right panel 0.315 (i2§ in.). Gift of Charles Herbert Woodbury, 1918. UNKNOWN. Portrait of a Man. 954 Half-length standing figure in three-quarter view to the right; he is dressed in black with white cuffs and a square white collar fastened with a tasseled white cord; his right hand rests on a book which lies on a table covered with red velvet; in his gloved left hand he holds his right glove. Behind him at the left is a red curtain; at the right is a landscape showing a peninsula with several buildings. In the upper left corner is an inscription, much later than the picture, which reads: John Elliot The Apostle of the Indians nascit. 1604: obit. 1690. Inv. 96.650. Canvas: H. 0.99 (39 in.). W. 0.832 (32$ in.). Gift of Rose Standish Whiting, 1896. Portrait of Mrs. Samuel Adams. 955 Half-length portrait of a middle-aged woman in a large ruffled lawn cap, and a lace-trimmed kerchief. Unfinished. Inv. 94.133. Canvas: H. 0.75 (29^ in.). W. 0.63 (24J in.). Gift of Belinda Randall, 1894. INDEX INDEX Alexander, Francis, 161. Alexander, John White, 161. Allen, Thomas, 162. Allston, Washington, 162. Angelico, Fra, 3. Babcock, William P., 167. Backhuysen, Ludolf, 47. Bacon, Henry, 168. Bakst, Leon Xikolaievitch, 143. Baldung, Hans, 66. Ball, Thomas, 169. Bargue, Charles, 74. Barnaba da Modena, 3. Bartolo di Fredi, 4. Bartolommeo, Fra, 5. Barye, Antoine Louis, 74. Basaiti, Marco, 5. Bassano, Giacomo, 6. Beerstraaten, Jan Abrahamsz, 47. Beke, Joos van der, 47. Bellows, Albert Fitch, 169. Benson, Frank Weston, 169. Berne-Bellecour, fitienne Prosper, 74; Bewick, Thomas, 145. Bierstadt, Albert, 170. Blackburn, Joseph, 171. Blommers, Bernardus Johannes, 48. Bodmer, Karl, 142. Bogert, George H., 171. Boggs, I'' rank M., 171. Boit, Fdward Darley, 172. Bonifazio, 6. Bonington, Richard Parkes, 145. Bonnat, Leon, 74. Bosboom, Johannes, 48. Bosley, Frederick Andrew, 175. Both, Jan, 49. Botticelli, 6. Boucher, Francois, 75. Boudin, Fugcne Louis, 76. Boughton, George Henry, 175. Bouguereau, Adolphe William, 76. Bramantino, 7. Brissot de Warville, Felix Satur- nin, 77. Brown, John Appleton, 176. Browning, Robert Barrett, 146. Brucmann, J., 49. Brush, George de Forest, 177. Bunker, Dennis Miller, 177. Bunney, John Wharlton, 146. Burne- Jones, Sir Edward, 146. Calame, Alexandre, 142. Canaletto, 7. Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da, 8. Carpaccio, Vittore, 8. Carracci, Lodovico, 9. Cassagne, Armand Th6ophile, 77. Cassatt, Mary, 178. Cazin, Jean Charles, 77. Champaigne, Philippe de, 78. Chardin, Jean Baptiste Simeon, 79. Chase, Adelaide Cole, 178. Chase, William Merritt, 178. Chattel, Frederik Jacobus van Ros- sum du, 49. Churchill, William W., 179. Ciceri, Fugcne, 79. Cigoli, Lodovico Cardi da, 9. Claesz, Pieter, 50. Claude Lorrain, 80. Clays, Paul Jean, 140. Cock, Cesar de, 140. Cole, Joseph Foxcroft, 179. Collins, Alfred Quinton, 181. 367 268 INDEX Constable, John, 147. Copley, John Singleton, 181. Corneille de Lyon, 81. Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille, 82. Costa, Nino, 9. Cotman, John Sell, 148. Courbet, Gustave, 87. Couture, Thomas, 88. Cozzarelli, Guidoccio, 10. Cranach, Lucas, the Elder, 66. Cranch, Christopher Pearse, 185. Crivelli, Carlo, 10. Crome, John, 148. Crowninshield, Frederic, 185. Cushing, Howard Gardiner, 186. Cuyp, Albert, 50. Dabo, Leon, 186. Dannat, William Turner, 187. Daubigny, Charles Francois, 89. David, Louis, 90. Davis, Charles Harold, 187. de Cock, Cesar, 140. de Haas, Maurits Frederik Hen- drik, 195. _ de Hooch, Pieter, 52. de Ribera, Jusepe, 37. cleWint, Peter M., 65. De Camp, Joseph, 187. Decamps, Alexandre Gabriel, 91. Decombes, Mile. Emilie Elizabeth, 92. Degas, Hilaire Germain Edgar, 92. del Sellaio, Jacopo, 23. Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugene, 93. Delaroche, Hippolyte, 95. della Vite, Timoteo, 27. d'Espagnat, Georges, 99. d'Hondecoeter, Melchior, 52. Diaz de la Pena, Narcisso Virgilio, 95- Dieterle, Mme. Marie, 97. Donnino, Agnolo di Domenico, 11. Dore, Gustave Paul, 98. du Chattel, Frederik Jacobus van Rossum, 49. Duplessis, Joseph Silfrede, 98. Dupr6, Jules, 98. Dupre, Julien, 99. Dutch School, 65. Duveneck, Frank, 188. Dyck, Anthony van, 40. Eaton, Wyatt, 188. Enneking, John Joseph, 189. d'Espagnat, Georges, 99. Farre, Lieutenant Henri, 99. Ferrara-Bologna School, 31. Fiorenzo di Lorenzo, n. Fisher, William Mark, 189. Flemish School, 45. Florentine School, 29. Francais, Francois Louis, 100. Franz, E. Roesler, 148. French School, 139. Fripp, George Arthur, 148. Fromentin, Eugene, 100. Frothingham, James, 189. Fuller, George, 190. Fuller, Richard Henry, 190. Gainsborough, Thomas, 149. Gallison, Henry Hammond, 191. Gauley, Robert David, 191. Gay, Walter, 192. Gay, Winckworth Allan, 193. Gericault, Jean Louis Andre Theo- dore, 101. German School, 72. Gerome, Jean Leon, 101. Giordano, Luca, 12. Giotto di Bordone, 12. Goya y Lucientes, 36. Goyen, Jan van, 50. Graham, William, 194. Greco, El, 36. Greuze, Jean Baptiste, 102. Grimou, Jean Alexis, 102. Groll, Albert Lorey, 194. Grundmann, Otto, 194. Guardi, Francesco, 13. Haas, Maurits Frederik Hendrik de, 195. INDEX 269 Hall, George Henry, 195. Hallowell, George Hawley, 195. Hals, Frans, 51. Hamilton, Edward Wilbur Dean, 196. Harding, Chester, 196. Hardwick, Melbourne Havelock, 196. Hardy, Jeremiah Pearson, 197. Hart, William, 197. Hassam, Childe, 197. Hawthorne, Charles Webster, 197. Hayden, Charles H., 198. Healv, George Peter Alexander, 198. Heist, Bartholomeus van der, 51. Herkomer, Sir Hubert von, 150. Hibbard, Aldro Thompson, 199. Hollingsworth, George, 199. Holzel, Adolf Richard, 67. Homer, Winslow, 200. d'Hondecoeter, Melchior, 52. Hooch, Pieter de, 52. Hue, Jean Francois, 103. Hunt, William Henry, 150. Hunt, William Morris, 201. Huysum, Jan van, 52. Induno, Domenico, 13. Inman, Henry, 210. Inness, George, 211. Isabey, Eugene Louis Gabriel, 103. Israels, Jozef, 53. Jacque, Charles fimile, 103. Johnston, John, 212. Johnston, John Bernard, 212. Jones, Leon Foster, 213. Jongkind, Johan Barthold, 54. Kaulbach, Friedrich August von, Kierincks, Alexander, 54. Knowlton, Helen Mary, 214. Koekkoek, Willem, 55. Koninck, Salomon, 55. Kronberg, Louis, 214. La Farge, John, 215. Lambinet, fimile Charles, 104. Lane, Susan Minot, 216. Lanini, Bernardino, 13. Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 150. Leighton, Lord Frederick, 152. Lerolle, Henri, 104. Leslie, Charles Robert, 152. Lhermitte, Leon Augustin, 105. Lie, Jonas, 216. Little, Philip, 216. Lockwood, Wilton, 217. Loiseau, Gustave, 105. Lombard, Lambert, 41. Longfellow, Ernest Wadsworth, 217. Longfellow, William Pitt Preble, 217. Longhi, Pietro, 14. Loring, Francis William, 218. Macknight, Dodge, 219. Macomber, Mary Lizzie, 220. Maes, Nicolaes, 55. Maratti, Carlo, 15. Maris, Jacob, 56. Maris, Mathias, 56. Massari, Lucio, 15. Massys, Jan, 41. Maufra, Maxime, 105. Mauve, Anton, 56. Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest, 106. Meister der Heiligen Sippe, 68. Meister von S. Severin, 68. Memling, School of, 57. Memmi, Lippo, 16. Menard, £mile, Rene, 107. Merson, Luc Olivier, 107. Metcalf, Willard Lcroy, 221. Metsu, Gabriel, 57. Michel, Georges, 108. Michelangelo, Copy of, 17. Mierevelt, Michiel Jansz van, 57. Millet, Jean Francois, 108. Molenaer, Jan Miense, 58. Monet, Claude, 129. Monginot, Charles, 132. Monks, John Austin Sands, 222. 270 INDEX Monticelli, Adolphe, 132. Moret, Henri, 132. Morland, George, 153. Moroni, Giovanni Battista, 18. Nattier, Jean Marc, 132. Neagle, John, 222. Netscher, Caspar, 58. Newman, Henry R., 222. Newton, Gilbert Stuart, 223. Nicol, Erksine, 154. Nigro, Gaspar, 18. North Italian School, 32. North Italian School (Paduan School), 32. Noyes, George L., 224. Oost, Jakob van, the Younger, 42. Opie, John, 154. Page, William, 224. Palma, Jacopo, 19. Pannini, Giovanni Paolo, 19. Patterson, Margaret Jordan, 225. Paxton, William McGregor, 226. Peale, Charles Willson, 226. Peale, Rembrandt, 226. Perry, Lilla Cabot, 227. Picknell, William Lamb, 227. Pissarro, Camille, 133. Prout, Samuel, 154. Prud'hon, Pierre, 133. Pynacker, Adam, 59. Raeburn, Sir Henry, 154. Raffaelli, Jean Francois, 134. Redfield, Edward Willis, 228. Regnault, Alexandre Georges Henri, 134. Rembrandt van Ryn, Harmensz, 59- Renoir, Pierre- Auguste, 135. Reschi, Pandolfo, 20. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 155. Ribera, Jusepe de, 37. Rich, James Rogers, 228. Richards, William T., 228. Robert, Hubert 135. Robinson, Florence Vincent, 228. Robinson, Thomas, 229. Robusti, Jacopo, called Tintoretto, 26. Roelofs, Willem, 60. Romney, George, 156. Rosa da Tivoli, 21. Ross, Denman Waldo, 229. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 156. Rousseau, Theodore, 136. Roybet, Ferdinand Victor Leon, 1 36. Rubens, Peter Paul, 42. Ruisdael, Jacob Isaacksz van, 61. Ruiz de la Iglesia, 37. Salmon, Robert, 230. Sano di Pietro di Menico, 21. Santvoort, Dirck Dircksz van, 61. Sargent, Henry, 231. Sargent, John Singer, 232. Scheffer, Ary, 137. Schmitt, Albert Felix, 236. Schramm-Zittau, Rudolf, 70. Schreyer, Adolf, 71. Segna di Buonaventura, 22. Selinger, Jean Paul, 236. Sellaio, Jacopo del, 23. Senat, Prosper Louis, 237. Shirlaw, Walter, 237. Sienese School, 32. Sisdey, Alfred, 137. Smibert, John, 237. Smith, Frank Hill, 238. Smith, Joseph Lindon, 238. Snyders, Frans, 43. Snyders, Pieter, 43. Solario, Andrea, 23. Solomon, Simeon, 157. Spagna, Lo, 24. Spagnoletto, Jusepe de Ribera, called, 37. Spanish School, 39. Spiers, Harry, 243. Spinelli, Luca, 24. Stacquet, Henri, 141. Stevens, Alfred, 141. Stothard, Thomas, 157. Strij, Jacob van, 62. INDEX 271 Stuart, Gilbert, 243. Sully, Thomas, 248. Sustermans, Justus, 44. Tarbell, Edmund Charles, 249. Teniers, David, 44. Thayer, Abbott Handerson, 251. Thys, Peter, 62. Tib'aldi de' Pellegrini, Pellegrino, 2 5- Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista, 25. Tinelli, Tiberio, 25. Tintoretto, 26. Tompkins, Frank Hector, 251. Triscott, Samuel Peter Rolt, 251. Troyon, Constant, 137. Trumbull, John, 252. Tuckerman, Stephen Salisbury, 253- Turner, Joseph Mallord William, 157- Turner, Ross Sterling, 253. Tuscan School, 33. Twachtman, John Henry, 254. Uccello, Paolo, 27. Ugolino da Siena, 27. Umbrian School, 33. Unknown, 263. van der Beke, Joos, 47. van der Heist, Bartholomeus, 5i- van Dyck, Anthony, 40. van Goycn, Jan, 50. van Huysum, Jan, 52. van Mierevelt, Michiel Jansz, 57. van Oost, Jakob, the Younger, 42. van Ruisdael, Jacob Isaacksz, 61. van Santvoort, Dirck Dircksz, 61. van Strij, Jacob, 62. van Valckert, Werner, 63. van Vliet, Hendrik Cornelisz, 64. van de Velde, Willem,'the Younger, 63- van der Weyden, Roger, 45. Varley, John, 158. Vedder, Elihu, 255. Venetian School, 34. Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y, 38. Velde, Willem van de, the Younger, 63. Verelst, Simon, 63. Verestchagin, Vassili, 144. Vernet, Emile Jean Horace, 138. Vinck-Boons, David, 64. Vinton, Frederic Porter, 256. Vite, Timoteo della, 27. Vivarini, Bartolommeo, 28. Vliet, Hendrik Cornelisz van, 64. Vollon, Antoine, 139. Voltri, Niccold da, 28. von Herkomer, Sir Hubert, 150. von Kaulbach, Friedrich August, 67. Wagner, Jacob, 257. Walker, Henry Oliver, 257. Warren, Harold Broadfield, 237. Waterman, Marcus A., 258. Webb, Charles Meer, 159. West, Benjamin, 258. Weyden, Roger van der, 45. Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, 259- Whitman, Sarah de St. Prix Wy- man, 260. Wight, Moses, 262. Wilson, Richard, 159. Wint, Peter M. de, 65. Wohlgemut, Michel, 71. Woodbury, Charles Herbert, 262. Woodbury, Marcia Oakes, 263. Wouwerman, Philips, 65. Zuloaga, Ignacio, 38. PRINTED AT THE HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. UN* UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ART LIBRARY RE'" V E QL DEC WL ntx\ LIBRARY JUN 8 1987 R E C E f V £ it MAY 26 1987. i \Ncd UCLA-Art Library N 520 A5 1916 PRESENT ARRANGEMENT OF THE GALLERIES I— II. Italian primitives. III. Later Italian and other primitives. IV. 16th and 17th century paintings. V. English and French, 18th century. VI. Early American. VII. (Changing exhibitions.) VIII. French 19th century, mainly Barbizon school. IX. French and American impressionist. X. Contemporary schools, mainly American. XI-XII. Shaw Collection. Pastels and paintings by Millet. East Corridor: Water-colors by Sargent, Boit, and others. West Corridor: Early drawings. French water-colors. Lower floor: 1. Early European. 2. Early American. 3. Contemporary, mainly American. 4. Contemporary American.