UC-NRLF $B 25 707 m Ao ■■^^^ "«~7'i^r'*" BERKELEY GENERAL LIERARY UNiVFRSITY or CALIFORNIA CErCOOPSPltP (}l/T^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/americananglersgOObrowrich "Tia sweet to view the limpid waters dance. As o'er their pebbly bed they eager rush ; Or in the sun's effulgence brightly glance. As through the mead meandering they gush } Now ringing forth rich music, now all hush, While song-birds chant the ever varied lay, From out the willow and o'erhanging bush : O, sweet it is to thread the blithsome way. Clad in an angling guise, to, spend a happy day. " O, ever healthful is the mountain air, And ever pleasant is the verdant glade ; 'Tis sweet to wander through the greenwood, wbem The sparkling current hath its passage made. I love, at times, the cooling stream to wade, Where brushwood dense a way will not allow; I love tlie arcning bowers, and sylvan shade, And blossoms sweet that wave from many a bough, As cautiously adown the rippling path I go. " How meagre seems the world of business strife. Compared with pleasures which the angler knows; A scene of toil with disappointment rife. And scarce an hour of calm and sweet repose, This lovely world is made a world of woes. To him whose soul is wrapped in selfish gains; From manhood's prime, till life ai length may close, His feelings all are bound in Mammon's chains. And wealth at raost he hoards for all his pains. " (I THE AMERICAN ANGLER'S GUIDE; OR, COMPLETE FISHEK'S MANUAL, FOR THE UNITED STATES: CONTAINING THE OPINIONS AND PRACTICES OP EXPERIENCED ANGLERS OF BOTH HEMISPHERES; WITH THE VARIOUS MODES ADOPTED IN OCEAN, RIVER, LAKE, AND POND FISHINa ; THE USUAL TACKLE AND BAITS REQUIRED ; INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ART OF MAKING ARTIFICIAL FLIES ; METHODS OF MAKING FISH PONDS, TRANSPORTATION OF FISH, ETC., ETC., ETC. iTouttl) Htiftfoti, REVISED, CORRECTED, AND GREATLY IMPROVED, WITH THB ADDITION OF A SECOND PART, C9NTAININa OVER ONE HUNDRED PAGES OF USEFUL AND INSTRUCTIVE INFORMATIOK, HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED WITH TWENTY ENGRAVINGS OF THE PRINCIPAL ANGLE FISH OF AMERICA, AND EMBELLISHED WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS ON STEEL, STONE, AND WOOD, BY THE BEST ARTISTS. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 846 & S4S BROADWAY. M.DOCO.LVII. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year J 845, by JOHN J. BROWN, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New-York. LIST OP ILLUSTEATIONS AND EMBELLISHMENTS. PAOB FRONTISPIKCK (STEKL KNORAVINO), TROUTINO. A FRESH WATER MESS X BAITINO NEEDLE AND DISQOROER XU PRIMITIVE HOOK, USED BT THE NATIVES Or THE SANDWICH ISLANDS 12 BASSE BASKET, WITH GAFF HOOK, ROD, REEL, &C 19 LIMERICK AND GRISWOLD SPRING SNAP HOOKS. PLATE 1 . . . 26 BLACK FISH, VIRGINIA, SPRING SNAP HOOKS, &C. PLATE 2 . . . 28 ARTIFICIAL MINNOW 45 BAIT, OR LANDING NET 51 THE SALMON 52 ARTIFICIAL SALMON FLY 63 THE LAKE TROUT 61 THE HOLLOW WOODEN FLOAT 65 THE BROOK TROUT 66 TROUT FISHING IN SULLIVAN COUNTY 74 THE PICKEREL, PIKE, OR JACK 1]5 TROUT BASKET 130 THE STRIPED BASSE, OR ROCK FISH 159 THE WEAK FISH, OR SQUETKAQUB 170 THE KINO FISH, OR BARB 174 SWIVEL SINKER 177 THE BLACK FISH, OR TAUTOG 178 THE DRUM 187 THE BLACK BASSE 189 MULTIPLYING BALANCE HANDLE REEL 194 THE SALT WATER SHEEFSHEAD 195 CLEARING RING 202 THE COD THE FLOUNDER 207 EEL SPEAR 209 THE BLUE FISH 210 CORK FLOAT FOR TROUT AND PERCH ANGLING 213 THE SEA BASSE 214 LANDING HOOKS, OR GAFFS 216 THE POROEB 216 THE PERCH, CHUB, AND EEL 219 FOLDING MET RING 224 i_j.£Lc M842054 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS AND EMBELLISHMENTS. Part IS. FAQB SNORAVCD TITLE PAGE (ON STONE) ., 325 THE RED FISH, OR SPOTTED BASSE 235 SPOON BAIT S36 NATURAL SQtJID 239 MACKINAW TROUT 240 TROUT CAUGHT «... 244 O'SHAUGHNESSY TROUT HOOK 246 THE SMELT 247 ARTIFICIAL GREY DRAKE TROUT FLY 249 O'SHAUOHNESSY SALMON HOOK 251 RED HACKLE TROUT FLY * 256 BAIT KETTLE 257 KNOTS, LOOPS, &.C. (FIVE ILLUSTRATIONS) 259, 260 NATURAL SALT WATER SHRIMP 261 ARTIFICIAL GRASSHOPPER BAIT 263 A WHITE PERCH 269 SCENE ON HARLEM RIVER, N. Y 271 TROUT COOKED 273 A CANADIAN FISHING SCENE 283 AN EEL IN A FIX 287 ARTIFICIAL TIN SQUID FOR BLUE FISH AND SEA TROLLING . . . 291 THE SPEARING 297 MAJOR JACK THOMAS, OR CHESTERTOWN HOOK 308 BAIT BOX FOR WORMS, GRASSHOPPERS, &C 310 THE MACKEREL 3lJ THE LUCKY FISHERMAN'S RETURN 312 A HAND LINE FOR THE FISHING BANKS 314 THE KILL DEVIL 318 ARTIFICIAL FROG BAIT .... 323 A FAMILY OF ANGLERS . . 331 CONTENTS TO PART I. PAO£. Preface Introduction . - . • . . 9 Introductory Remarks on Angling ... 13 Chapter I — On the Materials used in Angling - - 20 Chapter II — On Baits used in Angling - - . 34 Chapter III — Observations on the Practice of Angling 46 Chapter IV — The Salmon 52 Chapter V— Of the Salmon Trout, Lake Trout, or Lake Salmon ...... 64 Chapter VI — Of the Trout - - . . 66 Chapter VII— Of the Pike, Jack, or Muscalinga - 115 Chapter VIII— Of the Perch 140 Sun-Fish 149 Chapter IX — Of the Carp or Tench - - - . 151 Chapter X — Of the Striped Basse, or Rock-Fish - 159 Chapter XI— Of the Weak-Fish, Wheat-Fish, or Sque- teague 170 Chapter XII — Of the King-Fish, or Barb - - 174 Chapter XIII — Of the Black-Fish, or Tautog - - 178 Chapter XIV — Of the Drum - - . - . iqq Chapter XV — Of the Black, or Oswego Basse - - 189 CHAPTfiH XVI— Of the Sheepshead - - - - 195 X CONTENTS. PAGE. Chapter XVII— Of the Cod and Tom-Cod - - 203 Chapter XVIII— Of the Flounder - - - . 207 Chapter XIX— Of the Blue-Fish - - - - 210 Chapter XX — Of the Sea-Basse, Porgee, &c. - 214 Chapter XXI — Of some of the other Inhabitants of the Waters - - - - - - 217 The Eel ..... 217 The Chub 218 The Bull-Head, Sucker, Bream, Roach, Dace, Bleak, Gudgeon and Herring 2 1 9 The White-Fish and Cat-Fish 220 Chapter XXII — Concluding Remarks - 221 PREFACE TO PART I. 1 HE author of the following pages having been situated tor a number of years where the necessity of some general inform- ation on the subject of the art of Angling was daily seen, at first conceived the idea of publishing an Americ^i edition of Walton's Complete Angler ; but on a later and more care- ful perusal of its pages, and that of other writers, it was foimd that but little, comparatively, real practical knowledge could be given of the large variety of the fishes of our own country ; he therefore concluded to publish, in a small form, the opinions and practice of the various English authors, with remarks, thereon, and such information as could be gathered from American books and American sportsmen. Of the former, very few could be obtained : magazines and philosophical w^orks were searched with but little success ; the sportsmen were consulted, and much valuable information obtained; Btill there was a general lack of proper knowledge of the nature and habits of the great body of our northern and west- Xll PREFACE. em fishes, and it was found a much more difficult matter than was at first imagined ; yet the necessity of the case seemed to invite a continuation of the task. With the object in view of a small pocket edition, of 150 pages, the work was commenced and prosecuted under many difficulties ; but it was found that the field was vast and almost unlimited ; that compared with England, a work to embrace all the varieties of the subject in the United States, would require the labor of many years, and almost countless pages. The work there- fore has been restricted to the description of fishes most gen- erally angled for in the United States. The writer has endea- vored to give in plain language, and as far as could be ascer- tained, the modes adopted by the anglers and experienced authors of both hemispheres, leaving the amateur, in many cases, a selection of all, according to his own views, as occa- sion may require. To the friends who have assisted him, and to the authors consulted, he considers himself under many obligations for the favors bestowed and the benefits derived. To those into whose hands the work may fall, he submits it as an humble attempt to impart practical information on an interesting subject. ::0 INTRODUCTION In every library of any magnitude, there are well written histories of the tenants of the air, from the smallest insect to the " feathered King " that sits on the rocky tops of our ma- jestic hills, and emblems our glory to the world: and of that class, also, which walk the earth, from those that minister to or oppose our comfort and happiness, to the " gigantic un- known," whose aute-deluvian origin appears almost fabulous. Man has analyzed man ; and it has been supposed that the intricate machinery of the greatest work of the Maker, was well understood, yet every day seems to give new and con- vincing proofs that our knowledge is yet but limited. The sciences of Phrenology, Electricity, Magnetism, and, more latterly, Mesmerism, are daily opening new fields to the learned and curious; and regions which have formerly been considered as explored to their utmost depths, now prove mines of inexhaustible inquiry. Europe has furnished a GrOLDSMiTH, a BuFFON, E LiNN^us, and a CuviER, and our own country has not been backward in scientific researches. 10 INTRODUCTION Mr. Audubon, so well known to every American, has explor- ed the air, and opened to the world an enlarged and faithful picture of the feathered songsters of the Western Hemisphere. His History of Quadrupeds, also, promises for him a fame equal to that accorded any who have preceded him in this department. But amidst all these researches, but little, comparatively speaking, has been done in the Natural History of Fishes. The boundless ocean, with its vast waters, and numberless tributaries, remains miexplored : and the fact, that scientific inquirers of all ages, have neglected to penetrate so far into the philosophy of this branch of Nature's productions as into many other departments of her wonderful and deep-hidden mysteries, is certainly a source both of surprise and regret. The objects that continually present themselves in our every day relations, naturally invite the attention and awaken an interest for the wonderful creations of Nature. Hence we have a history of Birds, Beasts, Insects; works on Botany, Geology, and Astronomy ; but as yet no standard treatise on Ichthyology. The dangers attending navigation, are by the aid of steam power becoming daily less formidable; and where but few could formerly be tempted, thousands now are induced to view the sublimity of Nature on the great deep, and will consequently be led to study the natural history of its inhabitants. LinnsBUS has defined nearly 400 species of fishes in the Old World, while our own country, possessing as it does great advantages over any other, cannot boast of a single treatise on a subject so fraught with interest to the admirer of Nature. INTRODUCTION. 11 The late Dr. Mitchell, of New- York, together with Governor De Witt Clinton, have furnished to the Literary and Philoso- phical Society of tliis city, a great amount of valuable scientific information on the natural history of the Fishes of the State ol New-York. Dr. Smith, of Massachusetts, has written a very able work on the Fishes of his own State. But of the history of the fishes of our boundless western rivers and lakes, but little is known. The celebrated BufFon has said, " that in America animated nature is weaker, less active, and more circumscrib- ed in the variety of its productions, than in the old world : that there is some combination of elements, and other physi- cal causes, something that opposes its amplification; that there are obstacles to their development, and perhaps to the formation of large germs ; and that even those which, from the kindly influences of another climate, have acquired their complete form and expansion, shrink and diminish under a niggardly air and unprolific land " ! ! How absurd and foolish a remark from a person whom knowledge, and that too of a great general character, should have taught better ! One is almost tempted to believe that it is tinged with envy. It is true, that at the time it was uttered, our resources were comparatively small, our institutions weak and enfeebled, and in fact our country itself but little known abroad ; yet the re proach, even were the facts as stated, was ill-timed, and not in taste : its falsity is too plain to need comment. The plan adopted by many of our State Legislatures, of ordering geological surveys, bringing to its aid some of the best talent of the country, is well calculated to advance this science. As our country gradually progresses in wealth and 12 INTRODUCTIOU prosperity, let us also advance in the culture of the sciences and arts ; and although its age as a nation, will not admit oi as great perfection in literary or scientific attainments as those of the old world, let there be no obstacles to the full devel- opment of its prolific power ; and we may then hop* that that day is not far distant, when the Natxiral History of America shall be as thoroughly explored as that of the mother coun- try, giving valuable and important scientific information to the inquirer after knowledge as well as to the lover of aquatic sports. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON ANGLING. Angling, from the earliest periods of the world, has been considered a source both of amusement and profit. Walton, or old Izak, as he is more familiarly called, in his remarks on the Antiquity of Angling, goes back as far as the days of the sons of Adam, and the Book of Job, in which latter he proves the first mention of fish-hooks. The earliest authentic infor- mation, however, we have of Angling as an amusement, can be dated as far back as the days of the Romans. Trajan, the Roman Emperor, is mentioned as one who loved Angling, and also, if we may credit history, of eating the result of his days' sport in epicurean style. Plutarch also speaks of Mark An- tony and Cleopatra as using angling as a principal recreation ! We know little, however, of any perfection in the art, until the year 1486, when a treatise on the subject was ptibli shed by a lady, celebrated at that time for her beauty and ac- complishments, entitled " The Treatyse of Fyssynge with an Angle, by Dame .Tulyana Berners, Prioress of the Nun- nery near St. Albans." The book would at the present day be considered a curiosity, if we may judge from the follow- ing quaint extract, in which she shows the superiority of fishing over fowling : " The Angler atte the leest, hath his holsom walke, and raery at his ease, a swete ayre of the swete sauoure of the mede floures, that makyth him hungry ; he hereth the melo- 14 INTHODUCTORT REMARKS ON ASOLHSQ. - — ■-■• ^—rr-r^- -:^^ IvS- -_ r >--■ :.y^^ -^r=r: dyous arraony of fowles ; he seeth the yonge swannes, hee- rous, duckes, cotes, and many other fowles, wyth theyr brodes ; whyche me semyth better than alle the noyse of houndys, the blastes of hornys, and the scrye of fouhs, that hunters, fawkeners, and fowlers can make. And if the angler take fysshe ; surely, thenne, is there noo man merier than he is in his spyryte." Walton also makes mention of a Dr. No well, Dean of the Cathedral of St. Paul's, and author of the present Church Catechism, who lived in the reign of Henry the Eighth. He is represented as a good man, a constant practiser of angling, and as employing the tenth part of his time in that sport. In an ancient picture, (which would, by the way, be rather more cmious than the book above-mentioned) he is represented as leaning with one hand on a desk, holding a Bible, whilst at his side lie his lines, hook, and other tackle, with several kinds of rods ; underneath is written " that he died in 1601, at the age of 95 years ; that age had neither dimmed his eyes nor weakened his memory ; and that Angling and Temperance were the causes of these blessings.'' Sir Henry Wotton, who lived about the same period says, " 'twas an employment for his idle time, which was not then idly spent ; for Angling was after tedious study a rest to his mind; a cheererof his spirits; a diverter of sadness ; a calmer of unquiet thoughts ; a mode- rator of passions ; a procurer of contentedness." Joe Davors,* who wrote about the same time, runs prettily off in this style : " Let me live harmlessly ; and near the brink Of Trent or Avon have a dwelling place ; Where I may see my quill or cork down sink, With eager bite of perch, or roach, or dace ; And on the world and my Creator think ; Whilst some men strive ill gotten goods t' embrace, * John Dennys, Esq., author of" Secrets of Angling," A. D. 1613. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON ANGLINO. J9 And others spend their time in base excess Of wine, or worse, in war and wantonness. " Let them that list, these pastimes still pursue, And in such pleasiug fancies feed their fill} So I the fields and meadows green may view, And daily by fresh rivers walk at will, Among the daisies and the violets blue, Red hyacinth, and yellow daffodil, Purple narcissus like the morning rays, Pale gander-grass, and azure culver-keys. » I count it higher pleasure to behold The stately compass of the lofty sky, And in the mist thereof, like burning gold, The flaming chariot of the world's great eye ; The watery clouds that in the air up-roll'd. With sundry kinds of painted colors fly } And fair Aurora, lifting up her head, Still blushing, rise from old Tithonus' bed. ' The hills and mountains raised from the plains, The plains extended level with the ground ; The grounds divided into sundry veins, The veins enclosed with rivers running round} The rivers making way through nature's chains With headlong course into the sea profound; The raging sea, beneath the valleys low, Where lakes, and rills, and rivulets do flow. " The lofty woods, the forests wide and long, Adorn'd with leaves and branches fresh and green, In whose cold bowers the birds with many a song, Do welcome with their choir the Summer's queen; The meadows fair, where Floras gifts among Are intermix'd with verdant grass between ; The silver scaled fish that softly swim Within the sweet brook's chrystal, watery stream. " All these, and many more of His creation That made the heavens, the Anjfler oft doth lo INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON ANGLINO. Taking therein no little delectation, To think how strange, how wonderfiil they be ; Framing thereof an inward contemplation To set his heart from other fancies free : And whilst he looks on these with joyful eye, His mind is wrapt above the starry sky." If Angling can give birth to sucli pleasant and wholesome thoughts as these, who will deny that it is an employment both profitable and amusing ? Walton further says, that " it is the contemplative man's recreation ; for it is eminently calculated to still the stormy passions of the breast, and lead to the calm and tranquil pleasures ai'ising from frequent meditation of the beauties of nature." What more powerful argument can the Angler have in justification of this amusement ? Volumes could not have said more. Sir Humphrey Davy remarks : " For my health, I may thank my ancestors, after my God: and I have not squandei'- dered what was so bountifully given : and though I do not expect, like our Arch-Patriarch Walton, to number ninety years and upwards, yet I hope as long as I can enjoy a vernal day, the warmth and light of the sunbeams, still to haunt the streams, following the example of our late venerable friend, the President of the Royal Academy,* with whom I have thrown the fly, caught ti'out, and enjoyed a delightful day of angling and social amusement, by the bright clear streams of the Waiidle." The celebrated Dr. Paley said, in reply to a person anx- ious about the completion of one of his great philosophical works, that " it would be finished as soon as the fly-fishing was over;" evidently considei-ing this diversion of equal importance with those mental efforts that have render- ed his name almost immortal. * Benjamin West. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON ANGLING. 17 Gay, Thompson, John Tobin, S. T. Coleridge, Pro- fessor Wilson, Sir Walter Scott, and Sir Francis Chan- try, were all ardent disciples of Walton; and Admiral Lord Nelson was so passionately fond of the sport, that he fished with his left hand a long time after he had lost his right. Benjamin West, who enjoyed many a day's sport with Sir Humphrey Davy, was an American Painter ; and to come down to our own day, Hy. Inman, one of the best American Painters living, now on a visit to Europe, divides his time partly in painting the portraits of the nobles of England, and partly in the noble sport of trout and salmon fishing, in the beautiful lakes and rivers of Scotland. Daniel Webster finds relief, after a tedious vdnter's session of Congress, in angling for salmon in the Kennebec, and for trout in the various streams of Massachusetts. It is said, moreover, that this distinguished statesman is quite as much at home in preparing a kettle of chowder, as he is in the halls of legislation at Washington; and Martin Van BuREN is acknowledged to be equally successful in angling for pickereU as in the cultivation of his beautiful farm. Many other names of distinguished men, who Oft have tried with baited hook To tempt the tenant of the brook. could be added to this list, to prove that angling is held in high regard by all classes of people, but it is unnecessary. The observant reader wiU draw his own conclusions. When, however, we take into consideration the extent ot our country, its many beautiful streams and quiet lakes, where the finny tribe abound, we will find that the number of an- glers, when compared with that of England, is astonishingly small. But the fact is, (and a deplorable one it is, too,) that the majority of the American people are so much engaged in " gettmg rich," that they scarcelv ever think of enjoying the 18 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON ANGLING. .:~ii. - -"V — solid pleasures of this life, until, by the fatigues and perplexi ties of business, they are better fitted for the grave, than for any proper and healthy recreation. An eminent divine and sound philosopher of this city, in a discourse a short time since, remarking on the habits of the people of this comitiy, said: "that they alw^ays seemed to be in a state of perpetual excitement — one continual hurry and bustle ; and that it would not be surprising to him to see half of the population of New-York fall down in its streets in epi- leptic fits ; and that chronic diseases, in most cases caused by excessive mental excitement, close application, and want of air and proper exercise, w^ere fearfully on the increase." Walton says, " And for you, that have heard many grave and serious men pity anglei's, let me tell you sir, there be many men that are by others taken to be serious and grave men, which we contemn and pity. Men that are taken to be grave because nature hath made them of a sour complexion — money-getting men — men that spend all their time first in getting, and next in anxious care to keep it — men that are condemned to be rich, and then always busy or discontented ; for these poor rich men, we anglers pity them perfectly, and stand in no need to borrow their thoughts to think ourselves 80 happy." No, troth, we should be very sorry to borrow anything from persons of this stamp, much less their thoughts, the poorest-things probably by far in their possession. Good Isaac, verily thou didst know human nature ! It is true, as Walton has remarked, that many have ridi- culed this noble science and pitied its followers ; but let those whose extreme and somewhat morbid sensibilities have ren- dered them blind to the beauties of nature, remember that he " who went about doing good," chose a number of his apostles from among fishermen, and considered them worthy objects of his confidence and love. It seems, in fine, a work of supererogation to attempt to I INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON ANGLING, 19 justify this agreeable pastime, after the expressed opinions of SO many learned and distinguished men of every age ; and let us ask the reader if there is any recreation at once so harm- less, and with which so many happy associations are blended — which combines so many rational inducements to health and true enjoyment, as Angling. " Adieu ! ye sports of Noise and Toil That Crowds in senseless strife embroil ; The Jockey's Mirth, the Huntsman's Train, Debauch of Health, and waste of Gain, More mild Delight my Life employ, The ANGLER'S unexpensive Joy. Here I can sweeten Fortune's Frowns, Nor envy Kings the Bliss of Crowns." Bkookes on Angling, 1766. CHAPTER I. ON THE MATERIALS USED IN ANGLINO, " My rod and my line, my float and my lead, My hook and my plummet, my whetstone and knife, My basket, my baits, both living and dead. My net, and my meat, for that is my chief, Then I must have thread, and hairs green and small. With mine ' Angling Purse '—and so you have all." Walton. •■ You must have all these, and twice as many more, with which, you mean to be a fisher, you must store yourself." — Idem. It is necessary, in order to become a successful Angler, to have a complete assortment of tackle ; and as many Anglers pefer making and arranging their own materials, it will not be improper to give here a list of the articles which con- stitute a well aiTanged Angler's establishment. Therefore, let the sportsman provide himself with the following articles : Salmon and Tront Rods for both bait and fly-fishing ; rods for bass and pickerel; and also for bridge fishing and troll- ing ; spare tops of different sizes. Lines of silk, silk and hair, twisted and platted, silk- worm gut, India gi-ass ; and hemp, or flax lines for trolling or sea fishing. Reels or Winches, small and large, for light or heavy fishinsr. ALS USED IN ANGLING — RODS, 21 Hooks of various patterns, from No. to 12, on silk-worm gilt, hair, gimp or wire, snap-hooks for trolling, hooks on hemp lines, &c., loose hooks of all sizes. Floats of quill, cork, or wood, of various sizes. Sinkers, plain, swivel and hollow, for sea, middle or bot- tom fishing, split shot, and swivels for fly-fishing. Leaders of hair, gut or grass, of various lengths, loose gut for making or repairing leaders or tying on hooks, and gimp or wire for pickerel tackle. Squids of pearl, ivory, bone, tin or lead, for sea or river trolling, artificial flies, minnows, grasshoppers, frogs, mice, shrimp, &x;. Disgorgers of vainous sizes, bait needles, clearing rings, bait and landing nets, bait box, and baskets. A Book containing a full assortment of artificial flies ; a box containing a variety of feathers, worsted, silks of all colors, gold thread, shoemakers' wax, &c. ; also, a book for general tackle. A pair of plyers, a pair of scissors, a penknife, hand vice, and a file for sharpenmg the points and barbs of hooks. RODS. There is probably no article of tackle upon which the An- gler looks with so much pride and pleasure, as a good Rod; like the fowler's gun, or the jockey's horse— next to his wife, they are always the best. They are made of various kinds of woods, and of various lengths, for the different spe- cies of Angling. The best rods were formerly imported from England, and made of hazel or hickory, but they were little adapted to our modes of fishing, and have consequently grown into disuse. American rod makers have introduced great im provements in the article within the last ten years, and cau now turn out rods which, for workmanship and beauty of finish, cannot be sui-passed. They are mnrle to i^vM '1..- <;,s fs 22 of all Anglers, from the single ferruled rod for the novice, at the cost of from $2 to $5, to the more expensive one of the scientific Angler, varying from $5 to $50. Those now in ge- neral use are made either from ash, bamboo, Calcutta reed, or lance wood. The three former woods are preferred by- good Anglers ; the latter wood is objected to on account of its weight, and as it is the main object of the sportsman to have his tackle as light as strength and durability wiU permit, this description is seldom used. There are three requisites for all good rods, viz. strength, lightness and pliability; and it is absolutely necessary that the wood should be of such a na- ture as to admit of a uniform flexibility from butt to top. Rods for salmon are usually from 18 to 20 feet in length, the butt made of well seasoned maple, the second and third joints of ash, and the fourth joint, or top, of lance wood ; and if for fly-fishing, the top should be in diree pieces, neatly spHced, say in equal proportions of lance wood, bamboo, and whalebone. For striped, or black bass, and pickerel, a rod from 12 to 15 feet in length is used; the butt of ash, the second and third joints of ash or bamboo, (this latter wood is preferred by many Anglers on account of its lightness and toughness, and if it can be procured, is quite as good ^s the best ash,) the last joint, or top, of lance wood. The Calcutta reed also makes a very good rod, when it can be had of a regular taper, and free from worm-holes, or other imperfections, and is used mounted with rings, in its natural state, or cut up into joints, and ferruled. Some country Anglers prefer these rods in their rough state, and will send many miles to procure them. Those of the city sportsmen, also, who have their regular fishing grounds, provide an extra rod of this description, which they generally leave at the tavern where they stop. They cost but little, and if kept in a proper manner, will save the Angler much trouble ; as, in case of accident, his rod. i.^ always at the place of destination. The rods used for Trout are from 12 to 16 feet in length; the butt of maple, the second and third joints of ash or lance wood, and the last joint, or top, of lance wood, for bait ; if for fly-fishing, of spliced lance wood, bamboo, and whale-bone, similar to the salmon rod : in fact, a trout rod may be called a small salmon rod, and is very often used for the same pur- pose. The general rod is very useM in travelling where the Angler expects a variety of sport. It is composed of various kinds of woods, with a hollow butt, commonly of maple, and is made to contain several spare tops, of different sizes, by which it can be altered to suit any kind of fishing. The walking-cane rod, if well made, is also a very useful article for travelling, or where the Angler does not wish his business or profession known. Each joint is made to slide into another, and the whole is contained in a hollow butt, similar to the walking-cane. This rod suits very well for trout, perch, or any light fishing, but will not answer for heavy fishing, as it cannot be made sufficiently large to be strong. Heavy rods have been made to slide into metal cases, but they are large, and more inconvenient to carry than the ordinary jointed rod. The true Angler should if possible have a separate rod for each kind of fishing. AU the varieties of rods above men- tioned are for sale at the principal tackle stores in the Union, put up in compact form, in linen, woollen, and canvas bags. or neat leather cases. The Angler will therefore bear in mind, that in choosii a rod of any description, it is necessary to observe that it perfectly straight, tight in the joints, without shaking, a gi'ad ual tapering from b"tt to end, and that it springs equally in all its parts. 34 REELS. Many old-fashioned Anglers think that this is a superfluous article in the equipment of a sportsman ; but to any one who has used it, it is almost as indispensable as the rod itself. The main object of the reel is to give the fish a sufficient quantity of line to tire itself, and consequently affords more sport than could be obtained by the rod. alone. By means also of this valuable accessory, fish of almost incredible weight, may be captured where the rod. would prove utterly useless. They are generally made of brass or German silver, and are of two kinds, simple and compound, or plain and multi- fishing, are mostly imported from England, and hold from 20 to 50 yards of line. The majority of good Anglers prefer a multiplying reel, because they can wind up much faster, and consequently enjoy more sport in the same length of time ; some prefer the plain reel on account of its simpHcity, and object to the multiplier on opposite grounds, and also reason that with a heavy fish, the wheels of the multiplier are apt to be clogged by friction, or bent by pressure. This may apply to the cheap imported reels, but not to those of American manufacture, which have almost entirely superseded the fo- reign; in fact, with the exception of artificial baits, all articles of tackle made in this countiy are equal, if not superior, to those of England ; and if the Angler can procure the Ameri- can, he should patriotically avoid any thing else. The reels used in bass or salmon fishing, are manufactur- ed altogether in this country, and are calculated to hold from 50 to 200 yards of line each. They are made of the best hammered brass, or German silver, with balance handles, without stops, and with plain or steel bushings. They run with little friction, and the least possible noise, and when in perfect order are the pride of the scientific Angler. LINES — HOOKS, 29 LINES. Lines are made of silk, silk and hair, gut, India grass, flax, hemp, and cotton. They vary in size and length — coming from the size of a hair to that of a quarter of an inch, and in some cases even thicker, and being from 12 to 200 yards long. A line for trout, should be either of silk, silk and hair, India grass, or fine flax ; the most common one in use, how- ever, for this fish, is the India grass, which is to be had in lengths of from 12 to 20 yards, and of vai'ious sizes. The. silk plaitted line has an extensive reputation in England for this species of angling, as also that of twisted silk and hair. They are expensive, but considered by far the best for trout and salmon fishing. For salmon, lake pickerel, black or striped bass, the lines in general use are made of flax, hemp, grass, silk, or hair, all of which can be obtained in lengths of from 50 to 200 yards. The cotton and hemp lines (50 to 100 yards long) are used in trolling for blue fish, bass, pickerel, or any kind of sea fish. The size and length of a line should always vary in pro- portion to the sport anticipated. For instance, you cannot have too light a line in clear trout streams, provided it is strong enough to take your fish; and the same rule may also apply to striped bass, salmon, and other timid fish. On the subject of lines generally, much must be left to the discretion and judgment of the sportsman. HOOKS. There is no article of tackle of so much importance to the Angler, and concerning which such a variety of opinion exists, as the Hook. 36 The most common Hook in use in this country is the " Kirby, " which the reader will perceive is not included iu either of the plates, for the reason, that until a few years since, it has been the only kind in use, and consequently its shape and construction are well known to every sports- man. The sizes and numbers are similar to the " Lim- erick," so that a person wishing to procure a Kirby Hook, can do so by giving the number of the Limerick pattern. These hooks derive their name from one Kirby, who first made them, according to instructions given him by Prince Rupert, a member of the Royal Society of London. They vary materially in shape, being more or less kirb^d* or bent; high or low in the point ; with long or short shanks, some marked, and others flatted. Those with flatted shanks are used in taking salt water fish onli/ — such as black-fish, por- gies, eels, flounders, &c., where a hemp line is attached. Those w^ith marked or indented shanks are tied to gut, hair, or other light materials, and are used in all kinds of fresh water fishing. There are many cheap hooks of the Kirby description, imported and sold in this country.! Within a few years, an inferior quality, made in Germany, has been sold at cheap rates and in large quantities to the country trade. Hooks of this latter quality may always be tested (as in fact may any hook) by merely sticking the barb into a pine board and pulling moderately ; it will be found as brittle as glass. It may not be improper to state here, that one of the reasons w^hy the Kirby hook has gone into comparative dis- use, is because the Limerick, ioT fine fishing, is far superior, and has consequently superseded them ; although the former, * A phrase denoting the peculiarity in all Kirby hooks, derived from the name of the inventor. t There are many goods imported, and labelled " manufactured ex- pressly for the American market,^* which are absolutely unfit for any market. >o J? PLATE 1. Z> HOOKS. 27 when of fine quality, are still preferred by many scientific Anglers. Plate No. 1, represents the best pattern o[ Limerick book now m use. They are, as the reader will perceive, perfectly straight, without the shghtest* kirb or bend, the point and barb delicately finished, and the hook neatly japanned black, to prevent corrosion. Its great superiority, over any other hook, consists in its perfect adaptation to artificial fly-fishing ; in fact, it is rarely the case that any other hook is used for that purpose. They were origmally invented and made by one O'Shaughnessy, of Limerick. Sir Humphrey Davy, in his " Salmonia,''^ says : " I never use any hooks for salmon fishing, except those I am sure have been made by O'Shaughnessy, of Limerick."t He also gives the following method of tempering hooks : " It is requisite that the iron be pure and malleable, such as is procured from old horse-shoe nails, which we believe to be generally made from Swedish iron. This should be cemented with charcoal into good soft steel, and that into wires of different sizes." The original O'Shaughnessy hook thus highly spoken of, is not made of wire like the ordinary hook, but is forged and hammered into shape from the rough steel, which gives an opportunity of varying the foi-m, and of throwing proper strength into those parts of the hook which most require it. This latter advant- age, it will be remembered, cannot be attained in the ordi- nary wire hooks. Their general superiority, as Anglers say, consists in their excellence of temper, perfection of the barb, shape of the bend, and position of strength. The price of the * Some Anglers prefer the Limerick slightly kirb'd, which can be easily done by subjecting them to a moderate heat in the flame of a cau- dle, and bending them with a pair of plyers. t Professor Rcnnie objects to Davy's opinion, and says that inferior hooks were made at that time, but good hooks could be had both ut London and Birmingham. O'Shaughnessy hooks in Limerick, vary from one-and-six- pence to four shillings sterling per dozen, and when the cost of importation is added thereto, it will be found that they are rather expensive. The style and shape of the best Limerick hook described in Plate No. 1, when well made, and properly tempered, however, give satisfaction to the majority of Anglers. Those marked " Limerick Trout *' are in general use for trout or perch ; and Those marked " Limerick Salmon.'^ for pickerell, bass, weak-fish, salmon, or salmon trout. The hooks designated in Plate No. 2, as numbers 1 and 2, are the kinds used for black-fish, eels, and flomiders. Number 1 represents the ordinary round bent black-fish hook, and number 2 the Virginia hook. This latter was originally made to suit the fishing south of the Delaware, and is highly esteemed in that region of country, where it finds a large and ready sale. The numbers are the same as those of the Limerick pattern. No. 3 represents the " Aberdeen " pattern, which is made of small blued steel wire, with a perfectly round bend, low point and long shank. It is used by some Anglers for weak-fish, trout, salmon, and salmon trout. Nos. 4 and 5 are correct drawings of the " Pickerell Spring Snap Hook,^^ which the reader will notice consists of three hooks. The small hook, used for the bait, is placed at the top, whilst the two larger ones, made of spring steel, are lower down, and slide in a groove. No. 5 shows the hook at rest. The exertions used by the fish, when finding him- self caught, will naturally cause him to run, (if it may be so called,) and in so doing he pulls the hooks down, and thus spruigs them, securing him more safely than could be done with a common hook. No. 4 presents the hook in a state of action, and one too, it would appear, rather uncomfortable to PLATE 5. Co HOOKS — SINKERS, AC. 29 the member of the " finny family." This hook is mach used in Europe, and produces good sport. The single pickerell hook is numbered 6, on Plate 2, and is a stout hook, either bent or straight. The double pickerell hook is numbered 7 on the same plate, and is made of a single piece of wire, similar to the last. It has been found necessary, from the great voracity of this fish, to attach twisted brass wire, or gimp, instead of gut or line, to the hook used in angling for them. The weak trout hook, which is a superior quality of Kirby, made of slim wire, with a long shank, similar to the Aber deen, will be fomid an excellent hook for trout, salmon, or bass. Since the establishment of a manufactory of hooks in this country, the Angler can gratify his own taste in selection, but he must bear in mind that a great portion of his success de- pends upon the quality of these small articles of his equip- ment, and he should therefore take particular care to choose those that are well tempered. Let him test every hook be- fore attaching it to his line, and see that the barb and point are perfect and sharp. A small file will be found convenient for this latter purpose. SINKERS, DIPSIES, OR LEADS, AND SWIVELS, &c These articles of tackle are believed to be peculiar to this country — no mention of them bemg made in English works on Angling, split shot and bullets being used in their stead. There are three kinds in use, the Plain, Slide, and Swivel Sinkers. The first of these, the Plain Sinker, is made of lead, with brass wire loops at each end, and of various sizes, from a quarter of an ounce in weight, for trout or perch fishing, to that of one or two pounds for sea angling. 30 SINKERS, &C. — FLOATS. The Slide Sinker, is notliing more or less than a thick lead tiibe, slightly rounded at each end. It is used princi- pally in bottom fishing ; the object of the tube being to allow the Hne to pass through at the least motion of the fish, which is thus immediately felt. It is considered jnuch better than the old plan, where the fish moves the weight of the sinker, before the Angler has notice of his luck. The Swivel Sinker is decidedly the best in use for any kind of fishing, and is made similar to the Plain, with the ex- ception of the swivels at each end, instead of the plain sta- tionaiy loops. Tliis arrangement gives the double advantage, both of " spinning " the bait in trolling, and of preventing the line from twisting, and consequent entanglement of the leaders, hooks, &c. Split Shot are used almost universally for trout fishing. They should be quite small, and where greater weight is ne- cessary, should be used in larger numbers rather than of large size, as these latter make much noise when the line is thrown, and are apt to frighten the fish. Swivels are used for " spinning " bait, and for preventing entanglement of the hne. They are placed in various parts of the tackle, but usually on the gut-length, or leader, and should be a necessary appendage to the equipment. Should this chapter prove rather heavy for the patience of the reader, it is to be hoped that the buoyancy of the next may enable him to recover his equihbrium. FLOATS. Floats are made of quills, cork, and red cedar, of various sizes, adapted to the current of water, or the peculiar descrip- tion of angling, and are of two shapes, egg and oblong. The float used for trout is generally made of quills or cork, and cannot be too light for fisliing in clear streams ; SILK-WORM GUT, LEADERS, &C. 31 where the current is strong or water muddy, a larger float may be used without inconvenience. For bass, pickerell, or salmon, there are two kinds of floats employed, the cork, and that made of hollow red cedar, wliich are made of different sizes, varying from three to eight inches in length, and of neat proportions. Those of red cedar are very light, and much preferred in angling for bass and weak-fish, in the viciuity of New-York. SILK-WORM GUT, LEADERS, &c. This extraordinaiy substance is comparatively little known, except among dealers and scientific anglers. It is manufactured in large quantities in Spain, and sent thence to London, Edinburgh, and the United States.* It is a source of much surprise, and by many viewed as incredible, that this gut is taken from the siJk-worra, at the time when it is about to spin. The size of the gut varies according to the capacity of the worm, some strands being as small as a fine hair, while others are as thick as the 1-32 part of an inch. It is a beauti- ful, semi-ti-ansparent substance, and is in strands of from twelve to twenty inches in length, but usually not exceeding fifteen inches. When used by the Angler, it becomes quite soft and pUable, but at the same time extremely strong and durable. It is almost imperceptible in the water, and if of * Inferior qualities of this article are manufactured in China and Italy, but the best is imported from Alioant, in Spain. No mention is made of its ever having been successfully manufactured in any other country Mr. Durand, of Jersey-City, opposite New-York, succeeded in making Eome a few years ago, but the strands were entirely too short to be use- ful to the Angler. Latterly, however, an enterprising American in the same neighborhood, has had still better success, and produced some al- most equal to the Spanish. He is still experimenting, and will no doubt f^ucceed to ]»is entire satisfaction. 32 LANDING AND BAIT-NETS, AC. good quality, and carefully used, will outlast anything of the kind which can be procured. It is used singly, twisted, and plaitted for hnes, leaders or snells, for hooks. The smallest sizes are used for trout, and the larger, when of superior quality, are highly esteemed and in great demand for salmon or bass. Leaders are made from the above-mentioned article, twisted horse-hair, and India grass, and should always be 83 light as possible. LANDING AND BAIT-NETS, GAFF-HOOKS, AND CLEARING-RINGS. In the pleasure of anticipation, the enthusiastic fisherman is very apt to forget many little things which are very im- portant items in the success of his day's sport ; among these are the articles enumerated above. The Landing-Net in ordinary use is made of linen twine, or fish-line, sixteen inches in diameter, and about two feet in depth, with a mesh of three-eighths of an inch, and is at- tached to a stout wire ring, of iron or brass. The latter ma- terial is better adapted to the purpose, for the reason that it does not corrode the net, whereas with almost every precau- tion, the former cannot be prevented from acting on the twine. The handle should be made of stout hickory or ash, and not less than five feet in length. A very convenient form of this net is now made, and which occupies about half the space of the ordinary net. The ring or hoop is composed of three joints or hinges, by which it is folded into a very port- able shape. The handle to this contrivance, in order to carry out the principles of its space-economizing inventor, is made of three joints, which slide into each other like a telescope, or, as Blaine, in his " Rural Sports," calls it, " a swallowed- uv handle.^* LANDING AND BAIT-NETS. 33 The Bait-Net is made in a similar manner to the Landing, but of small size, for shrimp, minnows, spearing, or like fish. It should be about twelve inches in diameter by eighteen inches deep, with a quarter inch mesh. The Gaff-HooTc is found to be very important in securing large fish after their strength is expended, and where the landing-net cannot be.used. The hook is usually about four inches in length, with or without a barb ; but as the latter is the more safe hook of the two, it is preferred. The handle should be of hickory or ash, and from five to six feet in length The Clearing-Ring is a useful article to the Angler in difficulty, (for he is not wholly infallible, and will occasionally have some trouble,) and as Walton says the fisher should be patient and not swear, his disciples, to prevent any thing of the kind, should avail themselves of this valuable implement The most simple and useful is made of iron, or stout lead, and is in the form of a ring of from four to six ounces in weight, and about three inches in diameter, with a joint or hinge similar to that in the net bow before described. It is at- tached to a stout line, about twelve or fifteen yards in length, and when needed is opened, placed around the line, and sent down as a messenger. The reader can probably infer from the name, the use to which this ring is applied ; it is found very serviceable in removing any obstructions which the Angler may encounter in the enjoyment of his sport. It may be well to observe here that in many cases this little appara- tus should only be used with the oil of " patience," so highly spoken of by Walton. This brings us to the last item of the materials of the An- gler's equipment, which however necessarily tedious in the minutiae of explanation, will, we trust, be reUeved by other more interesting, or at least amusing, parts of the Angler's instructions. CHAPTER II. ON BAITS USED IN ANGLING. The most common Bait used in this country for ensnaiing almost all varieties of the finny tribe that inhabit fresh water, is the common earth-worm, or, as it is called, dew-worm, dug- worm, and the angle- worm; which latter, from its univer- sal use in angling, would be the most proper name. It can generally be obtained by digging a foot or two in the ground, except in sandy soils, which produce clear streams, and where the fly will be found the better bait. Another method, recommended by Blaine, is " to walk cautiously over close cut lawns, or clean fed meadows, with a candle or lantern, during the night. If the weather be moist, and the search be conducted with a very light tread, almost any quantity may be procured ; for as they are blind, it is not the light but the motion which disturbs them." When they are not wanted for immediate use, a good plan is, to wet some straw, or hay, and lay it on the ground for a few days, by which means they will be brought to the top, and can be easily gathered. An- other, and a more expeditious plan, practised by Walton, and others, is to take the green leaves of the walnut-tree, and squeeze the juice into fresh or salt water, and pour it on the ground, which will make them rise in a very short time. The common White Grub- Worm, is also a very good bait, and will often take trout when aU others have failed. They BAITS. 35 can be procured in the Spring of the year, underneath decay- ed trees, foliage, stumps, &c., and sometimes in fresh ploughed groimd. The Grasshopper is an excellent bait for trout, when in season, and is approved by all Anglers. The Minnow, that beautiful little fish so highly esteemed among all English sportsmen, is found in many of our streams, under a variety of names, and makes a good trout, pickerell, or salmon bait. The trout or salmon Spawn, hovs^ever, takes the lead as the best trout bait in the world ; so much so, that many An- glers in Europe deem it unworthy a sportsman to use it. Wasps, Beetles, Flics, Caterpillars, Locusts,* and many other insects, also make very good trout baits. The Frog, used whole or in parts, is one of the best baits for pickerell. The hind legs, when skinned, which operation leaves them perfectly white, is preferred. The Shiner or Mullet, the Gold-Fish, and in fact any small fish, is acceptable to this all-devouring subject of the Angler's toil. For salt water angling, the Shrimp, like the worm in fi'esh water, takes its place as the best bait, and is a great favorite with all anglers for striped bass or weak-fish. The Shedder-Crab, when it can be procured, is a dainty morsel and a most killing bait for striped bass-— many of the largest fish being taken with it. The Soft-Shell Clam, when cut up into small pieces, makes a very good bait for black-fish, floimders, or any kind of sea fish. These are the only kinds of baits in general use ; many others are occasionally used, but are not worthy of special * In the summer of 1843, Locusts were used as a bait for weak-fish, in the Hudson river, opposite Hoboken, with great success. notice. The Angler, to insure success, should always take a variety of baits : as the fish, like the fisher, in his tastes is often hard to please. In addition to the abovementioned baits, the following, taken from *' Hofland's Angler's Manual," and used with much success in England, may be found useful to the Angler. The Marsh- Worm, is smaller than the dew-worm, and of a paler color, with a broad flat tail. It is an excellent bait for trout, when well scoured, and two of them may be used on a hook. The Brandling, is streaked from head to tail in round ringlets, alternately red and yellow, and is found in old dung- hills, but chiefly where various kmds of dung are mixed to- gether, and in decayed tanners' bark. It is considered a fine bait for trout, perch, or eels. The Little Gilt- Tail, or Tag- Worm, is of a pale yellow towards the tail, and knotted like the dung-hiU red-wonn, and found in old horse-dung. The Red- Worm. This worm is small, and of a bright red. It is found in old manure heaps, in decayed tanners' bark, and on the borders of old drains, and is highly spoken of for almost every kind of fresh water fish. The Peacock-Red, or Black-Headed Red- Worm, is fotmd under cow or horse-dung, three parts dried in the fields, but chiefly under cow-dung. He is also found under stones in the beds of rivers, and is a good trout worm. The Gentle, or Maggot, is a universal bait, and will take any kind of fresh water fish, save salmon and pike. It is a very killing bait for trout. The Cadis, or Cad-Bait, and Straw- Worm, are found in tne shallow, sandy parts of rivers, small brooks, and even ditches. The first is a yellowish grub, with a reddish head, and is covered with a case or husk of straw, bark, bits of 37 rushes, particles of gravel, &c., and with this covering to shelter it, is enabled, by protruding its head, to creep on the bottom of the stream where it is found. There is another similar kind, of several varieties, called the straw-worm, which produce different sorts of flies. They are all excellent bait for trout. The Cow-Dung, Boh, or Clap-Bait, is found in the fields, and old pastures, under cow-dung, from April to September. It is something larger than the gentle, has a reddish head, and is a capital bait for trout. They may be preserved in a tin box, v^dth a little of the eai'th from which they were taken The Dock Grub, is a large white grub, a reddish head, and is found in the root of the common water-dock from April to June. A killing bait for trout, by dropping into a gentle stream, or a still deep hole. The Oak Grub is a small green caterpillar, and may be procured in the months of June, July, and August, by shaking the branches of an oak tree over a sheet or table-cloth. They should be preserved in a large tin box, with a few of the oak leaves in it. A most successful bait for trout. Bobs. These are found by follovraig the plough in Spring and Autumn; they are twice the size of a gentle, and have red heads — are good bait for trout. The Ash Grub, is found under the oak, ash, and beach, when filled, and when they have lain a long time on the ground ; also in the hollow of those trees when rotten. They are very tender, require careful handling, and are excellent for trout. The majority of these baits without doubt can be found in similar locations in this country; perhaps not in the same months as in England, but in as great perfection and numbers, and possibly as tempting baits for fish of the same description. How to scour and preserve worms. — The prfi 38 BAITS. Bcouring and preserving worms, is little practised in this country among Anglers generally ; but as the method is very simple, it should be followed by all sportsmen, on account of the increased activity, brightness, and toughness it gives to this favorite bait. A variety of modes are recommended by different writers. The best method is to take a quantity of moss, which can readily be procured in any part of the coun- try, wash it well, and squeeze it till nearly dry, after which place it m an earthern pot together with your worms. A few days will be sufficient to make them thoroughly scoured, and fit for use. They can be preserved m the same manner for a number of weeks, by changing and washing the moss every three or four days. Should any of them be found sickly or dead, they should be immediately removed, or they will eventually destroy the others. The mode of baiting hooks with worms. — " To bait with single worm, enter the pouit of the hook a Uttle below the aead, threading it carefully, without breaking or bruising it, to within a quarter of an inch of the tail ; the shank of the hook must be well covered with the worm." " To bait with two worms on a hook, enter your hook at the head of the first worm, and bring it out at the middle, and then draw it over the arming* of your hook on the line, then enter the hook at the middle of the second worm, and brmg it up to within one quarter of an inch of the head ; draw down the first worm till it meet the second, and your bait will then travel freely on the bottom." Another mode of baiting with a single worm, is to enter the point of the hook at the head, and bring it carefully down to within a quarter of an inch of the tail ; and if th3 worm be * The place where the hook is tied or whipped on , _M BAITS. 39 very large, part of it may be drawn above the anxung of the hook on to the line. — Hqfland. " To bait with a brandling. The point of your hook is to be put in at the very tag of his tail, and run up his body quite over all the arming, and still stripped on an inch at least upon the gut, the head and remaining part hanging downward. " Tlie Grubs are to be baited thus: It will be necessary to wrap on a piece of stiflf hair or gut, with your arming, leaving it standing out about a straw's breadth at the end of your hook. The hook is to be put in under the header chaps of the bait, and guided down the middle of the belly, without suffering it to peep out of the way, (for then the ash-grub, especially, will issue out water and milk till nothing but the skin shall remain, and the bend of the hook shall appear black through it,) till the point of your hook come so low that the head of your bait may rest, and stick upon the hair or gut that stand out to hold it, by which means it can neither slip of it self, neither will the force of the stream, nor quick pulling out upon any mistake, strip it off. " The Cadis may be put on to the hook two or three to- gether, and is sometimes (to very great effect) joined to a worm, and sometimes to an artificial fly, to cover the point of the hook, but is always to be angled with, (when by itself especially,) with the finest tackle, and is the most holding bait for trout." — Cotton. OF PASTES FOR BAIT. Pastes are considered of much importance in England, in taking carp, chub, dace, perch, and trout. Some of them have been tried with success in many of our own brooks and ponds. The following wiU tax the Angler's ingenuity, and a trial in many cases more than compensate him for his trouble. 40 BAITS. Salmon Roe. Barker, author of a work on angling, was the first to discover this most tempting bait. In a letter to a *' noble lord," he says: " I have an experience of late which you may angle with, and take great store of this kind of fish. First, it is the best bait that I have seen in, all my time ; and will take great store, and not fail, if they be there. Secondly, it is a special bait for dace, or dare, good for chub, or bottlin, or grayling. The bait is the roe of a salmon or trout ;* if it be a large trout, that the spawns be any thing great, you must angle for the trout with this as you angle with the brandling, taking a pair of scissors, and cut as much as a large hazel nut, and bait your hook, so fall to your sport; there is no doubt of pleasure. If I had known it but twenty years ago, I would have gained a hundred pounds only with that bait. I am bound in duty to divulge it to your honor, and not carry it to my grave with me. I do desire that men of quality should have it that dehght in that pleasure. The greedy Angler will murmur at me, but for that I care not." Blaine gives the following most approved method of pre- serving this spawn. " A pound of spawn is immersed in water, as hot as the hands can bear it, and is then picked from membranous films, &c. It is now to be rinsed with cold water, and hung up to drain for 24 hours ; after which, put to it two ounces of rock or bay salt, and a quarter of an ounce of salt-peti-e, and again hang it up for 24 hours more. Now spread it on a dish, and gently dry it before the fire or in the sun, and when it be- comes stiif, pot it down. We should, however, recommend that the potting be rot in one mass, but that it be divided in small pots, pouring over each some melted suet, by which method a part can be opened when wanted, instead of dis * A late writer in the " Spirit of the Times," says he has used this bait for trout, in the vicinity of the White Mountains, New-Hampshire, and found it a most killing bait. BAITS. 41 turbing the general store. It forms an additional security to cover each over with a moistened skin or bladder. To bait, first put on the hook (which should be sized according to the fish intended to be tried for) a mass which shall fill up the hollow of the bend and hide the steel. On the point, put two or more firm large grains, both to conceal the snare and tempt the fish." Shrimp Paste is used by some Anglers for perch, and is prepared and used in a similar manner to the salmon roe paste. Cheese Paste is a favorite with some Anglers. It is made of either old or new cheese, grated, and worked into a paste with a little butter and saffron, and also w^ith stale bread if the cheese be new, and new bread if the cheese be stale. Sweet Paste, is made by mixing a proportion of bread and honey together, until they become thoroughly incorporated, and of sufficient tenacity to remain well on the hook. When honey cannot be procured, white sugar, made into a syrup, or molasses, will be found equally good. Bread Paste. The following simple method is recom- mended by Hofland. Take the inside of a French roU, or a piece of fine white bread, nearly new, soak it a few seconds in water, then squeeze from it with very clean hands, knead it, and work it patiently tiU it becomes a perfect, smooth, and compact paste. Pastes are sometimes colored, to give them the appearance of fish spawn. For this purpose, to give a yellow color, use saffron or turmeric, and for a reddish, vermillion or red lead. Wheat, Rye, Barley, and other gi-ains, and Malt, are also used for taking small fish of various kinds, in stiU water. They should be soaked in water, or boiled in milk, until soft. The Angler will find them useful in taking minnows, shiners, spearing, and other small fry for bait. Graves or Tallow-Chandlers'' Scratchings. The latest 42 English writers on angling highly approve of this bait for barbel, roach, dace, chub, and eels. As it can be easily procured, and may prove a good bait for some vai-ieties of our ow^n fish, we conclude our Chapter on Baits, by giving Blaine and Hofland's manner of prepaiing it. Blaine says : " To prepare them, break a sufficient quantity, over which first pour some cold water, and let it stand by all night : in the next morning, pour ofi" the cold, and in lieu of it pour some warm, but not very hot water ; after this has stood an hour or two, the parts of the greaves will separate, from which choose as baits the largest, whitest, and most connect- ed pieces, which cover vdth leaves, or wrap in a moist cloth for use. When fisliing, hang one, two, or three of the whitest pieces on the hook, concealing the point." Hofland says : " They must be chopped into small pieces, placed in an earthen pan, and boiling water poured on them till covered, when in one hour, the slimy particles wiU have softened and separated, and become fit for use : when mixed with clay and bran, they form an excellent ground bait. Graves should be newly scalded for every day's fishing, for if stale, they do more harm than good." The following beautiful Hnes by Cotton, the celebrated Angler, and friend of Walton, may serve to remind their dis- ciples of many requisites for success, wliich put in plain prose might possibly be forgotten. Away to the brook, All your tackle out-look, Here's a day that is worth a year's wishing, See that all things be right, For 'twould be a spite To want tools when a man goes a-fishing. Your rod with tops two, For the same will noi do, If your manner of angling you vary ; And full well may you think, If you troll with a pink, One too weak may be apt to miscarry. Then basket, neat made By a master in's trade, In a belt at your shoulders must dangle ; For none e'er was so vain To wear this to disdain Who a true brother was of the angle. Next pouch must not fail, Stuflfd as full as a mail, With wax, crewels, silks, hairs, furs, and featheri, To make several flies. For the several skies, That shall kill in despite of all weathers. The boxes and books For yo'ir lines and your hooks ; And, though not for strict need notwithstanding, Jfour scissors and hone To adjust your points on. With a net to be sure of your landing. All these being on, 'Tis high time we were gone, Down and upward, that all may have pleasure, Till, here meeting at night, We shall have the delight To discourse of our fortunes at leisure. The day 's not too bright. And the wind hits us right And all nature does seem to invite us ; We have all things at will For to second our skill. As they all did conspire to delight us. 44 AITS On stream now, or still, A large pannier we'll fill, Trout and Grayling to rise are so willing; I dare venture to say, 'Twill be a bloody day. And we all shall be weary of killing. Away, then, away, We lose sport by delay ; But first leave our sorrow behind us: If Miss Fortune should come, We are all gone from home. And a-fishing she never can find us. The Angler is free From the cares that degree Finds itself with, so often, tormented ; And although we should slay Each a hundred a-day, 'Tis a slaughter needs ne'er be repented. And although we display All our arts to betray What were made for man's pleasure and die Yet both princes and states May for all our quaiut baits, Rule themselves and their people in quiet We scratch not our pates, Nor repine at the rates Our superiors impose on our living; But do frankly submit, Knowing they have more wit. In demanding than we have in giving. While quiet we sit. We conclude all things fit, Acquiescing with hearty submission For, though simple, we know That soft murmurs will grow At the last, unto downright sedition. BAITS. 45 We care not who says, And intends it dispraise, That an angler to a fool is next neighbor: Let him prate — what care we ? We're as honest as he ; And so let him take that for his labor. We covet no wealth. But the blessing of health, And that greater good conscience within us Such devotion we bring To our God and our King, That from either no offers can win us. While we sit and fish, We pray as we wish For long life to our King, James the Second Honest anglers then may. Or they 've very foul play, With the best of good subjects be reckon'd. Having commenced with the Rod, and finally wormeA through all the articles necessary to the equipment of the complete Angler, it wiU be proper in our next chapter, to make some observations on the 'practice of anglin". CHAPIERIIT. OBSERVATIONS ON THE PRACTICE OF ANGLING. For Angling may be said to be like the Mathematics, that it can never be fully learned ; at least not so fully but that there will be still more experimenting left for the trial of other men." Walton. -- ^' L - -mm. =^ — ='V;=:r .i:^:i^.rz:: ^^^^'— r __. \ -r: — --■ Angling generally, in this country, is not necessarily so sci- entific as in many parts of Europe. Our streams being larger, more numerous, and less fished, except in a few instances near our large cities, heavier tackle in some cases may be used, and less skill required. In angling for trout in the country streams, where immense quantities are found, the less skilful angler, with coarse tackle, will often succeed in filling his basket in a very short time. But as railroads in- crease, and access becomes more easy to the different fishing grounds, the fish will become more shy, greater skill be re- quired, and finer tackle indispensable, to complete success. Hence where a worm for trout, a piece of bread for perch, or a strip of pork for pickereU, have been used, natural or arti- ficial flies, and small fish, attached to the finest possible kind of materials, will be needed. Therefore the true Angler should make himself thoroughly acquainted with the most approved modes of Angling, and the best materials for his proper equipment. ON THE PRACTICE OF ANGLING. 47 The Artificial Fly, so much used in England, finds but litde favor in this country, not because it is not as good a bait, but because more skill is required in using it; consequently- many of our Anglers only fish in the spring months, when the water is thick and turbid, and the worm can be used, while the more experienced sportsman from foreign parts,* will astonish the native by his dexterity in throwing the fly and kill- ing an almost incredible number of fish, where the unbeliever regarded the fly as a useless article of tackle. There are some that attain to greater proficiency in fly-fishing than othei's, as is the case with almost any kind of sport. But the skill necessary to success in this branch of our subject, is not so great as the novice imagines : certainly it is the more gen- teel, as well as the most pleasant mode, as those who have successfully tided it can testify. It is therefore to be hoped it will be more generally adopted by All who seek the lake or brook, With rod and line, and float and hook. Great improvements have been made within a few years in the manufacture of artificial baits. Every variety of fish and insect has been most successfully imitated, defying almost the scrutiny of the Angler, and certainly the object of liis sport. These improvements every brother of the angle should adopt, and thereby remove the objections of the few who oppose the art on Bacon and Byronic grounds.t As the enjoyment of angling naturally makes the sports- man a keen observer, he should pay particular attention to the winds, those * Parties are often made up in England for fishing in the Canadu and the United States. t Byron and Bacon both objected to angling on account of the'neces- sity which then existed of using various live animals on the hook as baits 48 ON THE PRACTICE OF ANGLING « Unseen currents of the air, as Bryant has it. Walton says: " You are to take notice, that of the winds, the south wind is said to be the best. One ob serves, that ' When the wind is in the south, It blows the bait in the fish's mouth.' Next to that, the west wind is believed to be the best; and having told you that the east wind is the worst, I need not tell which wind is the worst in the third degree : and yet (as Solomon observes) ' that he that considers the wind shall never sow,' so he that busies his head too much about them, if the weather be not made extreme cold by an east wind, shall be a little superstitious ; for as it is observed by some that there is no good horse of a bad color, so I have observed that if it be a cloudy day, and not extreme cold, let the wind set in what quarter it will, and do its worst, I heed it not, and yet take this for a rule, that I would willingly fish standing on the lee shore ; and you are to take notice that the fish lies or swims nearer the bottom, and in deeper water than in sum- mer ; and also nearer the bottom in a cold day, and then gets nearest the lee side of the water. Sir Humphrey Davy says : " For fly-fishing, A day with not too bright a beam, A warm but not a scorching sun. Also, " never fish with your back to the sun, as your shadow is thrown on the water, and the fish are frightened at your movements." These are important instructions to the Angler, and the high source from whence they come should be con- sidered by him as law. It would be well to notice hero, also, that after protracted rains or severe storms, the Angler should fish at the bottom if he expect sport, and that it is use- ON THE PRACTICE OF ANGLING- 49 less to angle after a long drought in summer, or in the autumn or spring, when the high east, or cold north winds blow. In fresh water angling the best time is early in the morn- ing, or at the close of the day. The proper time for salt water a:ngling depends upon the tide. The best time is at the last of the ebb or the first of the flood, whether at morn- ing, at mid-day, or at night. In all kinds of angling it is necessary to be very cautious, but particularly in taking the wily trout. Many novices hi the art wander up and down streams, and wade creeks, with little or no success, from the want of this — a proper requisite of every good angler. The more skilful, also, sometimes fail from the same fault. A story is told, which serves well to show the necessity of caution. An Angler, who had risen with the sun, and fished till near noon-day without success, was outdone by a knowing one, who, with proper precaution, passed his rod and line betw^een the legs of the Angler (which like his line were pretty well stretched) into a hole underneath the bank. He soon had a bite, and succeeded in taking a two pound trout, almost before the astonished tyro was aware of his presence. Some are of opinion that trout, and similar fish, can hear* the tread on the ground. It is certain that it will start at the least noise, when nothing can be seen. Salter, in his " Angler's Guide," says: " Keep as far from the water as you can, and go quietly and slily to work, for fish have so many enemies that they are suspicious of every thing they see, feel, or hear ; even the shaking the bank of a river (un- * Smith, in his " History of the Fishes of Massachusetts," says that the acoustic apparatus is boxed up in the solid bones of the skull, so that sound propagated through the water, gives a vibratory motion or tremor to the whole body, and which, agitating the auditory nerve, produces hearing. 50 ON THE PRACTICE OF ANGLING. der which they frequently lie) will alarm them, and spoil the Angler's sport, &c. ; and also, when two or three anglers are fishing near each other ; therefore avoid agitating the water by trampling on the bank unnecessarily ; drop your baited hook in the water gently, and you will kill more fish than three Anglers who act differently." Blaine also says: " Avoid every thing that may attract the attention of the fish : stand so far from the water's edge aa you can, and never let your shadow fall on the water. If possible, take the advantage of a bush, tree, &c., completely to conceal the person. When an Angler fishes near home, an artificial screen of rushes, twigs, &c., may be employed for that purpose. In dropping or dipping with the natural fly, the greatest caution is necessary to keep completely out of view of the fish ; not only the shadow of the person, but that of the rod also, should be kept from falling on the water." The dress of the Angler is of great importance in trout angling. If it be true, as before stated, that this timid inha- bitant of the brook is disturbed by the least motion, certainly the best means should be taken to render any motion imper- ceptible. There are two colors of dress for angling, desirable on different occasions. If your sport be in the summer, and lie mid the brilliant green foliage of the trees, bushes, and mead- ows, your dress should undoubtedly be green throughout. On the contrary, should you be pleased to enjoy yourself in au- tumn, when nature has changed the scene, and draped herself in sober brow^n, the most proper uniform is a drab from top to toe. A disciple of Walton, who angles on Long-Island, and takes more trout than any ten sportsmen who visit that delight- ful resort, is represented as standing as still as a ghost, his rod extended in his hand, without any apparent motion, equipped in drab pantaloons, drab vest, drab coat, and drab hat; and so quiet is he in his movements, that he will take a mess of trout, when a person but a few yards distant would hardly be ON THE PRACTICE OF ANGLING. 51 aware that he moved a muscle. How different from many who profess to understand the art, and who go whipping and splashing the w^ater for miles around. As health is of great importance, the lover of this sport should adopt the physician's prescription, and " keep the head cool and the feet warm." To this end he should pro- vide himself with a pair of water-proof boots, to be ready should he wish to wade the stream, or cross a marsh. He should also pay strict attention to all laws regarding angling, and all rules laid down for bridge, boat, or brook fishing, and on no account transgress the laws of the different States with respect to spawning time, and the size of the fish to be taken. It is much to be regretted, that there are many who call themselves anglers, who set all laws at defiance, by taking many kinds of fish out of season ; such conduct is unworthy a sportsman, and should meet with rebuke from every member of the angling community. Finally, let the disciple of the rod " Use all gently," and when he has made up his mind to pass a few days, or even hours, in this dehghtful amusement, let him be fully prepared with everything necessary, and everything in order ilifiLz CHAPTER IV. THE SALMON This noble fish was known to the world as early as the days of the Romans. Pliny speaks of them as being in the rivers of Aquitaine. They are found at the present day in the waters of France, England, Ireland and Scotiand, and on this continent as far north as Greenland. They are fomid in the greatest abundance in Ireland and Scotland. In some of the rivers of the latter country, large rents are paid for these fisheries. In England and Wales, at certain seasons, they have been taken by thousands in a day, and on some occa- sions in such abundance that they have been fed to the swine. " In Scotland, they have been so plenty, that the farmer's servants have stipulated to have them but twice a week for food ! " Smith, in his " History of the Fishes of Massachusetts," relates the following : " Captain Charles Kendall, a respect- able and intelligent navigator of Boston, assm-ed us, that when on the northwest coast of America, withui a few years, he stood in a small stream that came leaping down the crags of a mountam, m which these delightful fishes were urging their way in such astonishing crowds, with hai'dly water enough to cover their backs, that he stood with an axe and killed hundreds of them as they passed between his feet. He saw birds of prey dive down from the long branches of trees THE SALMON 53 «hat waved over the falls, and pick out the eyes of Several at a time, before they flew back to their resting-places." The Salmon formerly frequented the Hudson*" and Con- necticut, but the steamboat navigation on these beautiful rivers, have interfered with their passage, and by increasing interruption, they have been driven farther north, and like the aboriginal inhabitants of our land, seem destined to find a resting-place far beyond the home of their fathers. The Kennebec, the St. Lawrence, the waters of California and Oregon, and many of our western lakes, now furnish large quantities, equal in beauty and flavor to those of any part of the world. They leap up the falls of many of these rivers with astonishing and almost incredible velocity, sur- mounting obstacles of great magnitude by the extraordinary muscular power of their tail. Michael Drayton, an English writer, speaks of their summersault, or leap, in the following lines: " As when the salmon seeks a fresher stream to find, (Which hither from the sea comes yearly by his kind,) As he towards season grows : and stems the watery tract Where Tivy, falling down, makes a high cataract, Forced by the rising rocks that there her course oppose, As though within her bounds they meant her to enclose; Here, when the laboring fish does at the foot arrive, And finds that by his strength he does but vainly strive ; His tail takes in his mouth, and bending like a bow That's to full compass drawn, aloft himself doth throw, Then springing at his height, as doth a little wand. That bended end to end, and started from man's hand Far off itself doth cast; so does the salmon vault; And if at first he fail, his second summersault He instantly essays, and from his nimble ring Still ycrking, never leaves until himself he fling Above the opposing stream." * A number were taken in netts, in the Bay of New-York, in the mouth of June, 1844. 54 THE SALMON. Like the trout, they are very timid ; and if, at the time of their advent, they are suddenly frightened by any noise, or splashing of the water, will turn and swim in a contrary direc- tion at a surprising rate of velocity. It has been ascertained by calculation, that they can move at the rate of 30 miles an hour. They run up the rivers from the sea, to deposit their spawn, from April to July, and are at this time in fine condi- tion for the table ; after which they return again to the sea. They are much troubled with what fishermen call the salmon- louse, and are known in some instances to return to the fresh water in the months of September and October, to rid them- selves of these aimoying insects. Smith says: '* The young are about two inches in length when they visit the sea for the first time. After the parent fish have passed up the rivers, the spring following, the young ones follow at a respectable distance, having grown about six inches. At the end of two years, they weigh five, six, and seven pounds ; at the end of six years, they have attained their ordinary dimensions." An English writer, called the " North Country Angler," says : " The roe of the salmon becomes salmon fry in March and April, and they veiy soon find their way to the sea, where they grow with amazing rapidity; as on their return to their native streams in June or July of the same year, they weigh six or seven pounds. They are usually called grilse until they weigh about nine pounds, after which they are called salmon.' The following account of late experiments on salmon in Scotland, taken from the " Kelso Mail," a Scotch paper, rather contradicts the opinions of former writers on the rapid increase in size of this species of fish, " In the month of April, 1843, Mr. James Keras, a game-keeper at BowhHl, Selkirkshire, took from the Ettrick, and marked from six to seven dozen of the salmon fry going do\vn to the sea, by in- serting a piece of wke through the tail of each, and twisting THE SALMON, 55 it at both ends. In the last week of July last, (1844,) a grilse of from five to six pounds weight, was caught at the shore- side fishery near Berwick, by James M'Queen, fisherman, and in the tail was a piece of wire twisted at both ends, as described. M'Queen did not preserve the wire, but is satis- fied in his own mind that it was brass, and of the description inserted m the fry by Mr. Keras. There can therefore scarcely be a doubt that it was one of the fry marked by the latter, and proves to a demonstration, that the fry occupy a much longer period in arriving at a state of maturity than has been generally supposed." This extraordinary fish grows to a very large size. Hof- land says, the largest ever heard of in England was sold in the London market, and weighed 83 pounds. He also tells a story of a Scotch Highlander, who, whilst fishing in the river Awe, struck a salmon, which he played with great skill and patience until night came, when the fish sulked at the bottom. The persevering fisher, not to be subdued, took the line in his mouth and lay down for a snooze, when he sulked until three o'clock in the morning, when his angling friends aroused him, and the fish, after a further run, was brought to land, and weighed 73 pounds. Sir J. Hawkins says that the largest salmon ever taken in England was caught in April, 1789 ; " it measured upwards of four feet in length, three feet around the body, and weighed nearly seventy pounds." There may be some in this country of like size and weight among our undis- covered waters and virgin streams where yet the angler's line *s to be thrown. The largest on record at present remembered weighed about forty pounds. The common length of the salmon is from two to three and a half feet, except when of the extraordinary English weight mentioned, when they would probably measure five or six feet. They are of a beautiful silver gray color, running into white on the belly and blue on the back, and are marked with numerous irregular dark and copper colored spots. The uimIc is tunn-r 50 THE SALMOK. ally of a larger and more slender shape than the female, with a slight difference in the shape and color of the spots. The upper jaw is larger than the lower, and in the males the under jaw is cur\'ed upward. Considered as a whole, he may be called the most extraordinary and most beautiful fish in the world ; and whether we admire him as leaping the cataract, fresh floored from his native element on the green carpet of the meadow, or in smoking anticipation as a viand on the table, he well deserves the appellation of king of the watery course, or, as WiUis in his quaint way would proba- bly call him, the prince o^fish-dom. The sport in taking him is of the most exciting kind, re- quiring the utmost skill of the truly scientific Angler. Sir Walter Scott says : " Salmon fishing is to all other kinds of angling, as buck shooting to shooting of any meaner descrip- tion. The salmon is in this particular the king of fish. It requires a dexterous hand and an accurate eye to raise aud strike him ; and when this is achieved, the sport is only be- gun where, even in trout angling, unless in case of an unusually lively and strong fish, it is at once commenced and ended. Indeed the most sprightly trout that ever was hooked, shows mere child's play in comparison to a fresh run-salmon. There is all the difference which exists between coursing the hare and running the fox. The pleasure and suspense ai'e of twenty times the duration — the address and strength required infinitely greater — the prize when attained, not only more honorable but more valuable. The hazeu-ds of failure are also an hundred-fold multiplied ; the instinct of the salmon leads to the most singular efforts to escape, which must be met and foiled by equal promptitude on the part of the angler " They love to haunt the rapid rivers or large lakes, with sandy or pebbly bottoms, that run into the sea, and are usually, when on the feed, found In the roughest and boldest parts, rhey will best take the bait early in the morning or late in THE SALMON. 57 the afternoon, when there is a light breeze on the water. When not on feed they retreat to deep water, and also under banks, bushes, &c. The best time for angling for them is from May until August. In July and August they will often take the fly freely ; for the months of May and June, worms, shrimp, or small fish, will be found the best baits. Bait-fishing for Salmon is generally practised with a rod of from sixteen to eighteen feet in length, with a hollow butt and spare tops, either for worm or minnow fishing. Some sportsmen prefer a lighter top for worm fishing than for spin- ning the minnow ; the hollow butt allows him to use his taste, and also the advantage of extra tops against breakage. There are two ways of rigging the rod for the line — the old- fashioned plan of rings, whipped on with thread, is preferred by some, and the patent guide, a solid stationary ring, (a new invention) by others. Attached to tlie rod should be a multi- plying reel, capable of holding from three to six hundred feet of line ; to insure success with large game, the largest sized reel, with six hundred feet of line, should be used. The line adapted to the reel should be either of silk, hair, silk and hair, or grass. The two former descriptions ai'e most in use, but the latter is now preferred by many on account of its strength, durability, and lightness. Affixed to the line should be a swivel sinker, and a leader, either of single or twisted gut, of from three to six feet in length, according to the depth of water. For middle fishing, use a large size float of cork or red cedar. The proper size of hook should be No. 0, 1, 2, 3, of the Kirby or Limerick pattern, attached to single or twisted gut. A very few Anglers use gimp instead of gut, but the show it makes in the water, both from its size and color, pre- clude the idea of much success. From the timid nature of the object of your sport, your tackle should combine strength with imperceptibility. For Fly-Fishing for Salmon, the customary rod used is 58 TH E 8 ALMON. from sixteen to twenty feet long, with a gradual taper, and uniform from the end of tlie first or butt joint to the end of the top, which latter should be of the most elastic substance, and brought almost to a point : in fact the proper form of a fly rod, is a perfectly whip taper. The rings should be of the lightest kind, and wound on with thread or silk, and the whole apparatus as light as the necessary strength will allow. In some instances they are provided with a spike or spear, which screws into the butt, and which is found very useful to the Angler on many occasions, for sticking the rod in an upright position, for the purpose of altering or arranging the line or other tackle. The same arrangement of tackle is required for the fly rod as for the bait rod, with the exception of substituting a swivel, instead of a swivel sinker. Worm fishing for Salmon. For worm bait, use a Salmon Limerick hook, from No. to 4, as the size of the game may indicate. Attach the worms according to the method de- scribed in Chapter TI. ; throw them gently in the current ; let them flow easily down a few yards ; then draw them back; then to the right and left; keeping up a continual motion of the bait. By this method, if you are cautious, and keep out of sight — and if there he fish, as Walton would say — you will be sure to have your share of good luck. In bright clear weather, a hook of either No. 3, 4, or 5, will be large enougTi. It will also be necessary, if the stream be clear, on some occasions to use only one large worm. When the halt is taken, the premonitory symptoms are a distended line, and sometimes a sudden jerk. In either case keep a tight line : the former admonition generally promises success, and when it is well understood, will give the most pleasure. After allowing a short time for gorging, you should give a sharp strike, and if done with precision, and not too THESALMON. 59 violent, you will rarely fail to hook your fish. On the con- trary, the sudden jerk is seldom more or less than a nibble ; you should therefore give a moderate pull, which will rather excite your game, and induce him to call again for worms! The following practical information, taken from " Fisher's Angler's Souvenir," will give the reader some idea of the manner of taking a large fish, after he is hooked ; for as it is one thing to catch a fish and another to cook it, so it is one thing to hook a fish and another thing to take him after you get him on. " Judging from his pull, you estimate his weight at 30 pounds, the largest and sti'ongest, you verily believe, you ever have hooked. With that headlong plunge, as if he meant to bury his head in the gravelly bottom, he has hooked himself. Your hook, which will hold 30 pounds dead weight, is buried in his jaws to the bend, and now that he feels the barb, he shoots up the stream with the swiftness of an arrow, and fifty yards of your fine are run olf before you dare ven- ture to check him. Now his speed is somewhat diminished, hold on a little, aiad as the river side is clear of trees, follow up after him, for it is bad policy to let out line to an unman- ageable length, when you can follow your fish. There are some awkward rocks towards the head of the pool, which may cut your line ; turn him, therefore, as soon as you can. Now is the time to show your tact, in putting your tackle to test, without having it snapped by a sudden spring. Hold gently — ease oft" a little — now hold again — how beautifully the rod bends, true from top to butt, in one uniform curve ! He has a mouth, though bitted for the first time! Bravo! his nose is down the water! Lead him along — gently, he grows restive, and is about again. Though his course is still up the stream, he seems inclined to tack. Now he shoots from bank to bank, like a Berwick smack tui-ning up Sea Reach in a gale of wind. Watch him well in stays, lest he shoot suddenly ahead, and carry all away. He is nearing the 60 THE SALMON. rocks — give him t];e butt and turn him again. He comes rotmd — he cannot bear that steady pull — what excellen tackle ! lead him downwards — he follows reluctantly, but he is beginning to fag. Keep winding up your line as you lead him along. He is inclined to take a rest 9,t the bottom, but as you hope to land him, do not grant him a moment. Throw in a large stone at him, but have both your eyes open — one on your rod, and the other on the place where the fish lies — lest he make a rush when you are stooping for a stone, and break loose. Great, at this moment, is the advantage of the angler who has a 'cast ' in his eye ! That stone has startled the fish — no rest for salmo — and now he darts to the surface. ' Up w^i tally ! ' what a leap ! it is well you humored him by dipping the top of your rod, or he would have gone free. Again and again! these are the last efforts of despair, and they have exhausted him. He is seized with stupor, like a stout gentleman who has suddenly exerted himself after dinner, or a boxer who has just received a swinging blow ou the jugular. Draw him towards the shore, he can scarcely move a fin. Quick, the gaff is in his gills, and now you have him out ; and as he lies stretched on the pebbles, with his silver sides glancing in the sun, you think that you never caught a handsomer fish in your life, though you perceive that you have been wrong in your estimate of his weight — thii'ty pounds — for it is evident that he does not weigh more than thirteen. It was exactly half-past seven when you hooked him, and when you look at your watch after lauding him, you perceive that it wants a quarter to nine, so that he Has kept you in exercise exactly an hour and a quarter." Artificial Flies for Salmon Fishing. The flies used in this country for taking salmon, do not differ materially from those used in England, Ireland, or Scotland. In the fly sea- son, those of the most gaudy description are generally used. I THE SALMON. fe'l The most approved are made of the choice feathers of the peacock, pheasant, parrot, partridge woodcock, ostrich, ma- caw, turkey, guinea-hen, &c., with bright colored bodies, and gold twist. They can be procured ready made, and of all descriptions, at the general tackle stores. The following list, used in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, and to some extent in the United States, may be found useful to the Angler. No. 1. Body of the fly half dark blue and half orange mohair, ribbed with silver twist and red tip ; legs of black hackle, v mallard. No. 2. The body half blue and half light green, or greenish yellow, with a gold rib and red twist, black hackle legs, and wings from the heron's wing. No. 3. Body, light green mohair, ribbed with gold twist ; tips, orange mohair and turkey's wing ; legs black hackle ; wings of the black and white tail feathers of the turkey. No. 4. Body of orange colored silk or worsted, with gold twist ; dun hackle legs ; wings dark brown mottled feather of the bittern. No. 5. Wings of the speckled feather of the mallard's wing; body of blue mohair, with silver twist, with a dark blue hackle for legs. No. 6. Body, claret and orange colored mohair, with green tip and gold twist ; wdngs of the turkey feather, with white tips ; legs black and red hackle. No. 7. Body of yellow silk or mohair, with gold twist; wings of the brown mottled feather of the turkey ; dark red hackle for legs . No. 8. Wings of the woodcock or partridge, body purple mohair, legs coch-a-bonddu hackle. No 9 Wings light speckled feather of the wing of the mallard ; body yellow silk with fine gold twist ; tail three sti'ands of red hackle, and legs of the same. 62 THE SALMON, No. 10. Body black osti-ich , with silver twist ; wings from the mallard's wing, and black hackle for legs. There are other varieties of flies, both of English and American manufacture, used in the United States and Canada, which can generally be procured at the tackle stores in the city of New-York. l^M it liil ^-='— .-. r ^. ' -^ 1^= Salmon Spearing. This is a mode of taking fish not ap- proved of by the regular sportsman. It is practised to a great extent on many of our western lakes and rivers, usually by persons who take fish for a livelihood, and where they are found in such immense quantities, that there can be no objection to the plan, as it is an active and invigor- ating pastime, almost equal to that of hunting. It is generzdly practised at night, with torches, and gives many an hour of evening sport, after a day's business, to the inhabitants in the vicinity of the lakes where they are found. The Indians, who in their rude manner surpass many of their more civilized brethren in water or land sports, are veiy fond of this amuse" ment, and in the season can be seen traversing the lakes in their canoes, with varied and brilliant pine lights, presenting a most beautiful and picturesque appearance. There is a law of the State of New-York, prohibiting the taking of salmon by net, hook, or spear, " or any other device whatsoever," in the months of October and November, but which, Hke many of our State laws, is better known by its breach than its observance. How to cook a Salmon. The follov^nng method of cooking and crimping a salmon, given by Sir Humphrey Davy, will be found useful after he has been taken; and as the reader has been led through the instructions of taking the game, con- cluding that the fish is taken, directions for cooking will be here in place. THE SALMON. 63 " He seems fairly tired, I shall bring him into shore. Now gaff him ; strike as near the tail as you can. He is safe ; we must prepare him for the pot. Give him a stunning blow on the head, to deprive him of sensation ; and then give him a transverse cut, just below the gills and crimp him, by cutting, so as almost to divide him into slices, and hold him by the tail that he may bleed. There is a small spring I see, close under that bank, which I dare say has the mean temperature of the atmosphere in this climate, and is much under fifty de- grees ; place him there, and let him remain ten minutes, and then carry him to the pot and let the water and salt boil furi- ously, before you put in a slice ; and give time for the water to recover its heat before you put in another ; leave the head out, and throw in the thickest pieces first " I CHAPTER V. OP THE LAKE TROUT. (Salmo Confinis.) This species of Trout is entirely distinct from that known as the Mackinaw Trout or Mackinaw Salmon ; he is not so much of a game fish, neither is he so tasteful to the palate as the former description. The following, taken from Dr. Dekay's New York Fauna, will enable our friends to make the proper distinction between the two : — "Char\cteristics: — Blackish, with numerous gray spots. Body robust, comparatively short in proportion to its depth. Caudal fin, with a sinuous margin. Length two to four feet. " It occurs in most of the northern lakes of this state ;* and I have noticed it in Silver Lake, Pennsylvania, adjacent to Broome county, which is, as far as I know, its southernmost limits. The average weight is from eight to ten pounds, but I have heard fishermen speak of its weighing thirty pounds, and even more. Some idea of their abundance may be formed from the fact that a single fisherman has been known to cap- ture, on Paskungameh or Long Lake, five hundred weight in the course of one week." They are taken with stout lines and tackle similar to that used for the Mackinaw Trout ; the deepest holes in the deepest • New York. THE LAKE TROUT. 65 parts of the lakes are their haunts. The best bait for taking them is the shiner, although they are not very particular as to feed, and can be captured with almost any kind of small fish that populate the brooks that run into the lakes. Although not so valuable as an article of diet or sport, still they should be pre- served from certain and inevitable extinction by a protective law during their spawning season. They have the misfortune to spawn in the month of October; a pleasant time for active out-door exercise, and for the favorite practice with many of the foolish inhabitants near the lakes, of spearing this fish when they go into shallow water to spawn. It is said that legis- lative enactments against this wholesale murder would be useless. It might be so ; but were our angling friends on the lakes to take the subject in hand, have proper laws passed, and see that they were put in execution against every ofTender, this member of the finny family might be preserved as long as waters run and fish swim. CHAPTER VI. OP THE TROUT This beautiful and well known fish inhabits the waters of almost all countries on the globe. In England, Ireland, Scot- land, Gennany, and Prussia, it is sought for by the angler and the epicure as the height of their admiration. Our own coun- try, with its countless streams and lakes, furnishes quantities equal to all the rest combined ; and although they have been much sought after within a few years back, still there are many streams where the line never floated, or the trout ever had the satisfaction of being tempted by the angler's scientific art. They vary greatly in size, color and description, accord- ing to the climate, the nature of the water, or the quality of their feed. They go imder the different names of common or silver trout, black trout, sea trout, and bass. The Silver Trout, or common trout, is found in almost all of our clear swift running northern streams, and weighfrom one to 15 pounds. A splendid specimen of this species of trout is taken in Bashe's Kill, Sullivan County, New-York, said to sur- pass any thing of the kind in the world. This stream winds along the western side of Shawangunk mountain, through the beauti- ful and well cultivated valley of Memekating, has a smooth gravelly bottom, and so remarkably clear and transparent is it, that the smallest insect is perceptible on its bed. TROUT FISHING IN SULLIVAN COUNTY " We break from the tree-groups, a glade deep with grass ; The white clover's breath loads the sense as we pass. A sparkle— a streak— a broad glitter is seen, The bright Callikoon, through its thickets of green ! We rush to the banks — its sweet music we hear ; Its gush, dash and gurgle, all blent to the ear. No shadows are drawn by the cloud covered sun, We plunge in the chrystal, otir sport is begun. Our line, where that ripple shoots onward we throw. It sweeps to the foam-spangled eddy below, A tremor— a pull— the Trout upward is thrown. He swings to our basket— the prize is our own ! "'—Street. THE TROUT. 67 Common Trout, * {Salmo Fontinalus — MUchill,) " with yellow and red spots on both sides of the lateral line, concave tail, and sides of the belly orange red ; back mottled pale and brown, sides dark brown with yellow and red spots, the yeL low larger than the red surrounding them ; the latter appear like scarlet dots ; lateral line straight, the yellow spots and red dots both above and below that line ; lowest part of the ab- domen whitish with a smutty tinge ; first rays of the pectoral ventral and anal fins white, the second black, the rest pur- plish red ; dorsal fin mottled of a yellowish and black ; tail is rather concave, but not amounting to a fork, and of a reddish purple, with blackish spots above and below ; eyes large and pale, mouth wide, teeth sharp, tongue distinct, skin scaleless. Is reckoned a most dainty fish. He hves in running waters only,t and not in stagnant ponds; and therefore the lively streams, descending north and south from their sources on Long Island, exactly suit the constitution of this fish. The heaviest Long Island trout that I have heard of weighed four pounds and a half." " The common trout of Massachusetts t is from 8 to 12 inches long, dotted on the back with brownish spots, shaded by a paler circle. On the gill-covers is a broad spot ; the un- der jaw is the longest ; the soft rayed fins tinged with yeUow, and on the sides of the body are red spots." The Black Trout is usually found in muddy sluggish streams or large ponds, vdith clay bottoms, in the roughest and wildest parts of our country. They are not considered as * The trout of Long Island. t This is not always the case. They are taken in great quantities at Stump Pond, Long Island, of a large size, but not of as fine a flavor and color as in swift running waters. They are also found in various other ponds throughout the country, and are often transferred to artificial ponds supplied from springs. J Smith. iis«C=^ 63 THE TROUT. game a fish as the ordinary trout, neither do they possess as fine a flavor for the table. They are supposed to t;ike their color from the quality and color of the water, which has gene- rally a dark smoky appearance, occasioned by the decayed leaves and timber which there abound. Many of the streams in the western and mountainous parts of Pennsylvania, contain this species. They are found also in great abundance, in the wild and uninhabited parts of Hamilton county, New-York, and in some parts of New-Hampshire and Vermont. Of the Sea Trout, the writer is enabled to give a better and more satisfactory description than his own. Smith says : " They are found, as may be inferred from the name, in the salt and brackish waters of tide rivers, inland bays in various parts of this * and the adjoining states. When taken from the salt water early in the spring, they are in high perfection, and nothing can exceed their piscatory symmetry. The general ap- pearance of the skin is of a silvery brightness ; the back being of a greenish and mackerel complexion, the spots of a vermil- ion color, mixed with others of a faint yellow, and sometimes slightly tinged with purple, extend the whole length on each side of the lateral line ; the fins are light in color and firm in texture, and together with the tail are rather shorter and more rounded than the common trout. They have a firm compact- ness of form from head to tail, which accounts for the superior sprightliness of their motion ; the head and mouth are very small, and the latter never black inside like the common, or fresh water trout ; the flesh is even redder, or rather we would say, more pink colored than the salmon, to which, by many, they are preferred as a delicacy, having, like the salmon, much of what is called the curd or fat between the flakes. " A fish of a pound weight measures about 11 inches in length. Their average size is considerably larger than the fresh water, or brook trout — having been taken in the waters to * Massachusetts. THE TROUT. which we refer* of nearly five pounds weight ; such instances, however, are rare, three pounds being considered a very large fish. We do not remember ever seeing a poor fish of this kind taken ; they are invariably in good condition, let the size be what it will ; their principal food is the minnow and shrimp, particularly the latter, with which early in the season their stomachs are found to be filled ; they feed upon the minnow rather later in the season, when the increasing warmth of the water invites it to leave the warmer springs of fresh water, where it has passed the vdnter, and venture into the shallows round the margin of the bay, it then becomes an easy prey to the voracious trout, which pursues it with desperate boldness to the very feet of the angler as he stands in the water, obli- ging it in shoals, to leap from the surface, and sometimes evea to be cast on shore in its attempts to escape its himgry jaws. Though they are, on the whole, the best bait ; the shrimp on the contrary, living as they do among the eel -grass in the bay, which also affords sheltc to the trout, being more wdthin reach, may consequently be said to supply their principal food, at least through the winter months. As it is necessary in the pursuit of all game to be governed by a knowledge of its par- ticular food, so it may be said of the sea trout ; their motions while in the salt water being regulated by those of the minute fish on which they live. Both minnows and shrimp are more or less affected by the action of the tide, particularly the lat ter, which in its reflux sweeps the passive shrimp in shoals across a sandy eddy of the bay, into the very mouths of the expectant trout, who there collect and lie in wait to feast up- on them," The last mentioned species, (Lepomis Salmonea,) is pe- culiar to our southern rivers, and with many southerners go under the name of Trout Bass, or Brown Bass. They grow to a much larger size than the northern trout, varying in * Waquoit Bay, upon Cape Cod, and Fire Place, L /o THE TROUT. length from 6 to 24 inches ; they are of a darker color, and do not possess that beauty of appearance when out of the water, or that delicious flavor when upon the table ; neither do they contribute as much to the Angler's sport, as those of more northern latitudes. Another species of trout, mentioned tjy Smith, is the HucJio Trout, {Salmo HucTio,) resembhng very much the sea trout; it is found, on careful inspection, to be more slender, and to have a greater number of red spots ; the back is dusky ; the ventral fin has a yellowish tinge ; all the others are of a palish purple ; the tail is forked, and the fish measures sometimes four feet through ; ordinarily they are only about two, and caught by the hook. This trout certainly exists in the large rivers and ponds in the interior, but deteriorate in size They are brought from New-Hampshire in the winter, frozen for the markets, and from the northern parts of Maine, where specimens have been taken, large as any produced in the great rivers of Europe. There is no fish that varies so much in size, shape, color and flavor, as the trout. They are found in different varieties in the same stream, and vary so much in external appearance and flavor in some parts of the Union, as to lead to different appellations from experienced and scientific men. They usually spawn in the months of September and Oc- tober. The best time for takuig them is from April untU August ; but if the weather is mild and pleasant, they are often taken in fine condition and of large size, in the month of March. They are not, however, considered in perfection until the months of May and June, until which time, owing to the coldness of our climate, they do not obtain sufficient quantity of the proper food to make them active and healthy. They are also more difficult to take, and will give the sports- man more pleasure than in the months of March and April, when they bite more freely, but not with that zest and vigor. b THE TROUT. 71 Of the nature and habits of the trout, Walton says : " And you are to note that he continues many months out of season ; for it may be observed of the trout, that he is like the buck or the ox, that will not be fat in many months, though he go in the very same pastures that horses do, which wiU be fat in one month. And so you may observe, that most other fishes recover strength and grow sooner fat and in season than the trout doth. " And next you are to note, that till the sun gets to such a height as to warm the earth and water, the trout is sick and lean, and lousy, and unwholesome ; for you shall in winter find him to have a big head, and then to be lank and thin, and lean ; at wliich time many of them having sticking to them sags, or trout-lice ; which is a kind of wonn, in shape like a clove, or pin with a big head, and sticks close to him and sucks his moisture ; those I think the trout breeds himself; and never thrives tiU he frees himself from them, which is when warm weather comes ; and then as he grows stronger, he gets from the dead still water into the sharp stream and the gravel, and there rubs off these worms or hce ; and then as he grows stronger, so he gets him into swifter and swifter streams, and there hes at the watch for any fly or minnow that comes near him." The North Coimtry Angler, an English writer, says : " The burn (or common) trout, grows fast if it has plenty of food and good w^ater ; several experiments have been made in fish-ponds ; some fed by river water, some by cleeu" fluent springs, into which the young have been put about five or sis months old — that is, in September or October, reckoning from April, when they come out of their spawning beds, at which time they will be six or seven inches lonj there has been but littie difference in theii^ age and size when put into the pond, yet in 18 months after there will be a sur- prising change. I have seen a pond drained ten months after 72 THE TROUT. the fish were put into it, which was in July, when they were about 15 months old, at which time they were 15 or 16 inches, others not above 12. But when the pond was drained ten months after, in March, when they were almost two years old, some were 21 or 22 inches, and weighed three pounds or more ; others were about 16 inches; and a fourth part not above 12. I do not know to what we can attribute this dif-' ference ; it could not be either in the food or the water, or the weather, they faring all alike in these. But if I may be allowed my opinion, perhaps some of the fry may have been the spawn of those that were only 17 months old, which is the soonest that any of them spawn ; others of parents 29 months, or two years and a half old ; and others a year older. This difference in the age of the parent trout may, I believe, occasion the difference in the size of their breed; otherwise I cannot account for it. Trout, in a good pond, will grow much faster than in some rivers, because they do not range so much in feeding. How long they live cannot be determined in any other way so well as by observation on those in ponds, which observation I never had an opportunity of making my- self, and therefore shall only mention what a gentleman told me. He assured me that at four or five years old they were at their full growth, which was, in some, at about 30 inches, and in many much less; that they continued about three years pretty nearly the same in size and goodness ; two years after they grew big headed and smaller bodied, and died in the winter after that change ; but he thought the head did not grow larger, but only seemed to be so, because the body decayed; so that, according to this gentleman's computation, nine or ten years is the term of their life ; and yet I think they may live longer in some rivers, and grow to a much greater size, when they have liberty to go into the tide-way and salt water." The evidence of other writers goes to show that they live THE TROUT. 73 to a much greater age, an instance being known in England where a trout remained ih a well upwards of sixty years, be- ing visited by the neighboring country as a remarkable curi- osity. Another one, for 28 years was an inhabitant of a well at Dumbarton Castle, Scotland. It had never increased in size from the time it was placed there, when it weighed about a pound, and became so tame that it would receive its food from the hands of the soldiers. When in prime condition the trout is short and thick, having a small head and broad tail ; the spots on the sides are red tinged with purple, and the belly of a beautiful bright silver color. This fish, from its extreme beauty, delicacy of flavor and extraordinary activity as a game fish, has attracted the atten- tion of all classes of people, from the boy with a pin-hook, to those that have swayed the destiny of empire. The divine, the philosopher, the poet, the artist, and the statesman, from the earUest dates, have enjoyed many days of recreation in his pursuit, sang songs to his praise, or wntten pages of in- struction of their own experience in taking him from his na- tive element. Un^er such circumstances, it would be super fluous, at this late day, to attempt to give any new instruc- tions to the young Angler, or the seeker after piscatorial in- formation. And as the opinions and practice of well known advisers will no doubt be preferred, they are here given, with such comments as may be found necessary. There are three different methods pursued in the capture of the trout : — angling at the top, with a natural or artificial fly, grasshopper, or other small insect ; at the middle, with a minnow, shrimp, or similar small fish ; and at the bottom, with a worm, or different kinds of pastes. Of Fly Fishing. Of all the various modes adopted and contrived by the ingenuity of man for pulling out the " cun* 74 THE IROUT. ning trout," this at once recommends itself as the perfection of the art ; but as it is considered by a majority of our brethren more difficult than worm fishing, it has many objectors. But the difficulties are more in the imagination than the practice, and when once understood, it gives the highest pleasure of the art. Others think they will not take the fly at all in this cannot be persuaded that with a simple fly made of feathers, they can take as many fish, and often times more. Tell them that Isaac Walton, Sir Humphrey Davy, and some of the greatest Anglers the world ever saw, adopted this mode altogether, and that all writers on Angling have devoted pages of their works to explanatory drawings, &c., in refer- ence to it; that it is the most gentlemanly, the most elegant, the least trouble ; that you can take your rod enclosed in a small bag a couple of feet long, and about half a pound in weight, or in the more portable form of a walking stick, and your flies in your pocket-book ; that you can traverse the stream, and enjoy its beautiful scenery for miles and miles with the least possible trouble ; and they will still adhere to their only method of worm fishing. From the fact of there being comparatively few who practice with the fly, some English writers are of the opinion that there are no jiy-Jishers in America, and many of our own countrymen think there are very few; but this is a great mistake. There are hundreds of good fly anglers, and many that can throw a fly with the most experienced of Europe. In the Spring, when the streams are muddy, the worm, of course, is prefeiTed, as it is the only method that can be practised, ov^dng to the state of the water, and also from the fact that the trout lie deep, and in the holes under the banks. It is also sometimes better towards the close of the day in summer ; the worm vdll then tempt the trout when nothing else will. But as a general rule, in clear streams, no mattex » THE TROUT. 74 in what part of the country, in the summer months, the arti- ficial fly can be used with success. Fly-fishing is usually practised with a short one-handed rod, from ten to twelve feet in length, or a two-handed rod, from fifteen to eighteen feet in length. The first mentioned is the most common in use, and is calculated for the majority of our streams, which are small, and require but little length of rod or line. Attached to the rod should be a reel, contain- ing from thirty to fifty yards of hair, grass, silk, or silk and hair line — the latter description should be used if it can be procured, tapering from the tenth of an inch almost to a point ; to this should be attached a leader of from one to two yards in length ; and finally your fly, on a light length of gut ; if you wish to use two or three flies, place them on your leader with short gut, about 24 inches apart. The latter description of rod is used in larger streams, where it is necessary to" throw a great distance ; for this pur- pose, the reel should be large enough to contain 100 yards of line, with the other tackle precisely the same as with the smaller rod. It should be recollected that the trout rods should be made similar to the salmon rods, and of the lightest w^oods, as formerly described. The above descriptions are generally used in this country, but the following information from Hofland, one of the latest and best English writers, may be preferred : " A slight rod, 12 feet long, or, if wanted for a narrow or wooded stream, one of 10 or 12 feet only would be more convenient, a reel containing 30 yards of line, a book of arti- ficial flies, and a landing-net, and you are fully equipped for the sport. * * * j have already said that a one-handed rod should be 10 or 12 feet long, and a two-handed rod from 16 to 18 feet; to either of which must be attached a reel containing 30 yards of twisted silk and hair line, tapering from a moderate thickness up to a few hairs, at the end of 76 THE TROUT. which you are by a loop to attach your bottom tackle. This should be made of round, even gut, and three yards long : some persons prefer four yards ; but I think too great a length of gut increases the difficulty in casting the line. These lines should also taper gradually, the gut being much stronger at the end which is to be attached to the line on the reel, than at the end to which the sti-etcher fly is to be fixed. When you fish with only two flies, the second (or drop fly) should be at a distance of 36 or 40 inches from the bottom or stretcher fly ; but if you use three flies, the first drop should be only 34 inches from the stretcher, and the second 30 inches from the first. These drop flies are attached to the line by loops, and should not be more than three inches long; and by having the gut rather stronger than for the end fly, they will stand nearly at a right angle from the line. I re- commend the beginner to commence with one fly only; but at most he must not use more than two ; and, as for his mode of casting or throwing his fly, now his tackle is prepared, I fear little useful instruction can be given, as skill and dexterity, in this point, must depend upon practice. I may, however, advise him not to attempt to cast a long line at first, but to try his strength and gain facility by degrees. He must make up his mind to hear many a crack, like a coachman's whip, and find the consequent loss of his flies before he can direct his Stretcher to a given point, and let it faU on the water as light as a gossamer." Cotton says : " For the length of your rod, you are always to be governed by the breadth of the river you shall choose to angle at; and for a trout I'iver one of five or six yards is commonly enough; and longer, though never so neatly and artificially made, it ought not to be, if you intend to fish at ease ; and if otherwise, where lies the sport ? The length of your line, to a man that knows how to handle his rod and to cast it, is no matter of encumbrance, ex:cept in woody places, THETROUT. 77 and in landing of a fish, which every one that can afford to angle for pleasure has somebody to do for him.* And the length of line is a mighty advantage to the fishing at a dis- tance ; and to fish fine and far off, is the first and principal rule for trout angling. Your line in this case should never be less than one, nor ever exceed two hairs, next to the hook ; for one (though some, I know, will pretend to more art than their fellows) is indeed too few, the least accident, with the finest hand, being sufficient to break it ; but he that cannot kill a trout of twenty inches long with two, in a river clear of wood and weeds, deserves not the name of a tnie angler. " Now, to have your linet as it ought to be, two of the finest lengths nearest the hook should be of two hairs a-piece ; the next three lengths above them of three ; the next three above them of four ; and so of five, and six, and seven, to the very top ; by which means your rod and tackle will in a manner taper from your very hand to your hook ; your line will fall much better and straighter, and cast your fly to any certain place to which the hand and eye shah, direct it, with less weight and violence, than would otherwise circle the water and fright away the fish. " In casting your line, do it always before you, and so that your fly may first fall upon the water, and as little of your line with it as possible ; though if the wind be stiff, you will of necessity be compelled to drown a good part of your line to keep your fly under water. And in casting your fly you must aim at the farther or nearer bank, as the wind serves * This is the method of fishing without a reel, and with very fine hair Knes, mostly practised in Cotton's day. We hardly think that every body in Republican America, that can afford to fish for pleasure, has an attendant to land his fish for him ! t This mode is given for the benefit of those who live in the country, are obliged to make their own lines, and find it necessary to fish with out a reel. 78 THE TROUT. yoTir turn, which also will be with and against you on the same side, several times in an hour, as the river winds in its course, and you will be forced to angle up and down by turns accordingly, but are to endeavor, as much as you can, to have the wind evermore on your bacjc. And always be sure to stand as far off the bank as the length will give you leave, when you throw on the contrary side ; though when the wind will not permit you so to do, and that you are con- strained to angle on the same side whereon you stand, you must then stand on the very brink of the river, and cast your fly at the utmost length of your rod and line, up or down the river, as the gale serves." _^E^; ^ ~^- • =>;= Management of the Line, when Fishing either with one Fly, or two or more Flies. The following minute and easy method of the management of the line, and throwing the fly from Taylor's " Art of Angling," will be found to be excel lent advice to the young beginner. " When you have fixed your rod properly, with your winch thereon, and brought your line from it through the rings of your rod, loop on to it by the strongest end your foot length,* which should be about three yards and a half long, made of good strong silk-worm gut, well tied, and the knots neatly whipped, running (very little) finer towards the hot* tom end, at which place there must be a neatly whipped loop ; then take your end fly, or stretcher, which should be made of one or two lengths of good level gut, full as fine, or a little finer, than the bottom link of your foot length, tied and whipped neatly together, and looped nicely at the end ; loop this to the end of your gut length ; and then, your drop fly- just above a knot, where whipped, about a yard from the end fly, to hang from the Ime not more than two or three ♦ Called in this country a leader, as described on page 32. THE TROUT. 79 inches. If you choose to fish with more, keep them all at the same distance. And observe, that if your droppers be larger than, or even as large as, your stretcher, you will not be able to throw a good line : but a beginner should never use more than one fly. " When thus prepared, let out the line about half as long again as the rod ; and holding the line properly in one hand, and the line, just above the fly, in the other, give your rod a motion from right to left, and as you move the rod backwards, in order to throw out the line, dismiss the line from your hand at the same time ; and try several throws at this length. Then let out more line and try that ; stiU using more and more till you can manage any length needful ; but about nine yards is quite sufficient for a learner to practice with. And observe, that in raising your line in order to throw it again, you should wave the rod a little round your head, and not bring it directly backwards ; nor must you return the line too soon, nor until it has streamed its full length behind you, or you will certainly whip off" your end fly. There is great art in making your line fall light on the water, and showing the flies well to the fish. The best way that I can direct is, that when you have thrown out your line, contriving to let it faU lightly and uatiirally, you should raise your rod gently and by de- grees; sometimes with a kind of tremulant flourish, which will bring the flies in a little towards you ; still letting themi go down with the stream, but never drawing them against it, for it is unnatural ; and before the line comes too near you throw it again. When you see a fish rise at a natural fly, throw out about a yard above him, but not directly over his head ; and let your fly or flies move gently towards him, which will show it to him in a more natural form, and tempt him the more to take it. Experience and observation alone, however, can make a man a complete adept in the art, so as THE TROUT. to enable him to throw his fly behind bushes and trees, into holes, under banks, and other places mentioned as the * trout haunts,* and where the best fish are to be found." There is much diversity of opinion about the manner of fishing, whether up or down the stream ; the great majority of Anglers, both in Europe and this country, favor the latter method, and a very few the former. Hofland remarks on this : " Some persons recommend fishing up the stream, and throwing the fly before them. For my own part, (after much experience,) whenever I can do so with convenience, I cast my fly above me, and across the stream, drawing it gently towards me. If the v^rind should be against you, you will be constrained to stand close to the water's edge, and make your cast close to the bank on which you stand, either up or down the stream, as the wind may serve. Avoid, if possible, fishing with the sun behind you, as the moving shadow of yourself and rod will alarm the fish. The finer the tackle (particularly the bottom tackle) and the lighter the fly falls on the water, the greater will be your sport; indeed some Anglers use only a single hair for their bottom tackle ; but when the water you fish is weedy, or much wooded, a single hair is difficult to manage ; but in ponds or streams, free fi-om impediments, it may be used by a skilful hand to a great advantage." Of Bush-Fishing, sometimes called Dibhing, Dabbing, or Daping. This is a cunning mode of fishing on the part of the Angler, quite equal to any of the curious manoeuvres of the trout himself. It is practised in the summer months, when the water is low, and the bushes are in leaf, thereby giving the Angler a hiding place ; and when it is almost impossible to take him by any other method ; and although it requires extreme care, and all the ingenuity of the fisher, it will THE TROUT. 81 amply repay him, by the size and quality of the game, the lai'gest, oldest, most wary of the tribe, being often taken by this process. Hofland gives the following instructions : " The Angler must be provided with a 14 feet rod, with a stiff top, and strong running tackle ; he will seldom have to use more than a yard of line, the bottom of which should be of strong silk worm gut. I recommend strong tackle, because in confined situations, overhung with wood, you will not have room to play your fish, but must hold him tight and depend on the strength of your tackle. " The size of your hook must depend upon the size of the fly, from No. 7 to 9 for small flies and grubs, and for beetles No. 4 or 5. For bush-fishmg, you should be provided with well scoured brandlings and red worms, cad-baits,* clock- baits, earth-grubs, beetles, grasshoppers, and a horn of flies ; or at least as many of the above as you can procure. " Great caution is necessary in using your rod and line, for if there are few bushes or brambles to conceal you, the water must be approached warily, as the large trout often lie "' ?"^gj3 \ near the surface, and if you are once seen they will fly from you. If the water should be deep, dark, and overhung with thick foliage, so that you can scarcely find an open space for your bait, your line must be shortened to half a yard, and sometimes less. " If your flies are small, use two of them at once, as they frequently fall in the water in couples. When daping with the fly, if you see your fish, drop the fly gently on the water about a foot before him, and if you are not seen, he will eagerly take it. When your fish is struck, do not allow him to get his head down, for fear of roots and weeds, but keep him to the top of the water, when his fins and strength will * Cad-baits and clock-baits are not known amongst Anglers in thia country • the others will be found useful if they can be procured. S.^ THE TROUT. — --■ 1— = — ^^ •^x= ,-• be of little use to him; and in this situation, with good tackle, you may soon exhaust him, and make him your own by a landing-net, the handle of which should be two yards long ; or he may be landed by a hook or gaff, with a long handle, and this in some situations, amidst close thorny brambles, will be found more useful than the landing-net, which is liable to be caught in the bushes. When you use the worm, caddis or any other grub, you will require a single shot. No. 6* to sink your bait, for it cannot sink too slowly, or cause too little disturbance in the water." The North Country Angler says : " There are some obser- vations I have made, which the Angler may find the benefit of; one is, that although the shade of trees and bushes, is much longer and greater on the south or sun side of the river, than on the north ; yet I always find the most and largest trout on that side. I suppose the sun's being more intense and warm on the north side, may occasion more flies, erucas, and insects, to creep upon those bushes, and consequently the more fish will frequent them. " When the trees or bushes are very close, I advise the bush Angler to take a hedge-bill or hatchet, and cut off two or three branches here and there, at proper places and dis- tances, and so make little convenient openings, at wliich he may easily put in his rod and line ; but tliis is to be done some time before you come there to fish. " If you come to a woody place, where you have no such conveniences, and where perhaps there is a long pool, and no angling with a fly, or throwing the rod, there you may be sure of many large fish. For that very reason, I have chosen such places, though very troublesome, when I have been * It has not been thought necessary to remark upon the sizes of hooks, shot, or sinkers, in speaking generally, as they should vary materially in the various waters where the different sizes of fish are found, and where streams run more or less rapid. THE TROUT. forced to creep under trees and bushes, dragging my rod after me, with the very top of it in my hand, to get near the water; and I have been well paid for my trouble. Whilst you are getting in your rod, throw a brandling, or grub, or what you fish with, into the water, which will make the fish take your bait the more boldly. " There are some pools that have no bushes at all, but only hoUow banks, in some places under which the great fish wiU lie in the day time. I have gone softly to such places, and have dropped in a suitable bait, close by the bank, and have presently had a good fish. When I use cork, chamois, or buff, instead of natural baits. I always drop them in strong scented oil, in shade-fishing, because the fish comes slowly to the bait, and if he does not smell something like the natural bait, he will not take it, though well imitated." Cotton gives the following, vdth which we conclude our remarks on Daping or Dibbing. " These are to be angled with a short line, not much more than half the length of your rod, if the air be stiU, or with a longer, very near or all out as long as your rod, if you have any wind to carry it from you. And this way of fishing we call Daping, Dabbing, or Dibbing, wherein you are always to have your line flying before you, up or down the river, as the wind serves, and to angle as near as you can to the bank of the same side whereon you stand, though where you see a fish near, you may guide your fly quick over him, whether in the middle or on the contrary side ; and if you are pretty weU out of sight, either by kneeling, or the interposition of a bank or bush, you may be almost sure to raise and take him too, if it be presently done ; the fish will otherwise peradventure be re- moved to some other place, if it be in stiU deeps, where he is always on the motion, and roving up and down to look out for prey, though in a stream you may always, almost, espe- cially if there be a good store, find him in the same place. iifiLz~ 84 THE TROUT. Your line ought, in this case, to be three good hairs next the hook ; both by reason you are in this kind of angling to ex« pect the biggest fish, and also that, wanting length to give him line after he has struck, you must be forced to tug for it; to which I will add, tliat not an inch of your line being to be suffered to touch the water in Dibbing, it may be allowed to be the stronger." Having given two of the methods of taking the trout, it will be well to introduce the reader to his hiding-places. On this subject, Hofland gives the best and most minute infor- mation. " He is fond of swift, clear streams, running over chalk, limestone, or gravelly bottoms ; but he is more fre- quently in the eddies by the side of the stream, than in the midst of it. A mill-tail is a favorite haunt of the trout ; for he finds protection under the apron, which is generally hol- low, and has the advantage of being in the eddy, by the side of the mill-race, awaiting his food. He delights also in cas- cades, tumbling bays, or wiers. The larger ti-out generally have their hold under roots of overhanging trees, and beneath hollow banks in the deepest parts of the river. The junction of little rapids, formed by water passing round an obstruction in the midst of the general current, is a likely point at which to raise a trout ; also at the roots of trees, or in other places where the froth of the stream collects. All such places are favorable for sport, as insects follow the same course as the bubbles, and are there sought by the fish. After sunset, in summer, the large fish leave their haunts, and may be found in the sewers, and at the tails of sti'eams ; and during this time, so long as the Angler can see his fly on the water, he may expect sport." Of Fishing in the Middle, with a Minnow, or any Small Fish. The rod used in this kind of anghng, is from 12 to 16 feet in length, with a stifFer top than that used for fly-fishing, THE TROUT. 85 and goes under the name of a bait-rod. The smaller, say 12 feet, for small wading streams, and the longer for wider and deeper waters. Attached should be an American* reel, holding from 30 to 50 yards of American laid\ grass, or silk line, with from two to three yards of silk-worm gut, termi- nating with a Limerick hook, from No. 2 to 5, according to the size of your bait, fastened by a loop as before described. For baiting the miimow, pass your hook in at the mouth and out at the giils, then in again at the commencement of the dorsal fin and out again just beyond, tying the hook at each end with a piece of thin silk or thread. By this method you can, if you use a live minnow, and are very careful, keep your bait animated for a great length of time. The North Countiy Angler gives a very good mode of baiting with the minnow, as follows : " I have a gilse-hook (No. 3 or 4) at the end of the line, but wrapped no further on the end of the shank than to make it secure, and leave more room to bait. An inch, or very little more, from the shank end of the gilse-hook, I wrap on a strong hook, about half the size of the other. I put the point of the large hook in at the mouth of the mmnow, and out at the tail, on the right side of the minnow, binding it half round as I put it in ; then I put the other hook in, below the under chap, which keeps the minnow's mouth quite close. " When I am m no hurry, T tie the. tail and hook together, with a very small white thread ; before I enter the little hook, I draw up the minnow to its full length, and make it fit the bending of the gi'eat hook, to make it twirl round * The imported reels are used to a great extent, but those of Ameri- can manufacture are much superior, and should be preferred. t This description of line has of late years become much used. The grass is imported from Canton and laid here, or taken in a finished state, untwisted, and relaid, which makes it much stronger and firmei than when first imported. THE TROUT. when it is drawn in the water. "When all is in order, I take the line in my left hand, a little above the bait, and throw it under-hand, hfting up my right and the rod, that the bait may fall gently on the water. " I stand at the very top of the stream, as far ofl" as my tackle will permit, and let the bait drop in a yard from the middle of it ; I draw the minnow by gentle pulls, of about a yard at a time, across the stream, turning my rod up the water, within half a yard of its surface, keeping my eye fixed on the minnow. When a fish takes it, he generally hooks himself; however, I give him a smart stroke, and, if he does not get off then, I am pretty sure of him. In this manner I throw in three or four times, at the upper part of a stream, but never twice in the same place, but a yard lower every cast. I always throw quite over the stream, but let the bait cross it in a round, like a semicircle, about a foot below the surface, which two of No. 3 or 4 shot, which I always have upon my line, nine or ten inches from the hooks, will sink it to. When I am drawing the bait across the stream, I keep the top of the rod within less than a yard from the water, and draw it downwards, that the bait may be at a greater distance from me, and the first thing that the fish will see. Some- times I can see the fish before he takes tlie bait, and then I give in the rod a little, that the minnow may, as it were, meet him half-way ; but if I think he is shy, I pull it away, and do not throw it in again till he has got to his feeding place. '' The twirling of the minnow is the beauty of this kind of angling, the fish seeing it a greater distance, and fancying it is making all the haste it can to escape from them ; and they make the same haste to catch it." Hofland has the following : " The minnow rod should be of bamboo cane, at least 16 feet long, with a tolerable stiff top ; and 20 or 25 yards of line, something stronger than i THE TROUT. 87 your fly-line, will be sufficient. Some Anglers use a rod 20 feet long. To enable them to fish a wide stream, this length of rod is necessary, as the line, in spinning the minnow, is somewhat short of the rod ; if you wade the stream, a rod of 12 feet will be long enough. " For Baiting with the Minnow. In the first place, pro- cure a piece of brass wire, about three inches long ; one end of which must be hammered into a small loop, and the other end flattened with a hammer, and sharpened in the shape of a spear head. This must be drawn through a tapering piece of lead,* cast for the purpose. Wires of this description may be kept by you, of different lengths, to suit the size of the bait-fish used. " Enter the spear end of the leaded wire at the mouth of the minnow, and bring it out at the fork of the tail. Then take a triangular hook, formed by tying together three No. 8 or 9 hooks on a piece of strong gut, one inch and a quarter long, with a small loop on the end. Now, with a baiting- needle, enter the point under the back fin of the bait, when one of the triangular hooks will enter the bait under the back fin, the other two will lie by its sides, and the loop of the gut will be even with the brass loop in the minnow's mouth. " You must now prepare a minnow-trace, of three yards of gut, at.one end of which tie on a Limerick hook No. 9 ; 12 inches above this, place a fine swivel, and 24 inches higher up another swivel, and your trace is ready. Next, enter the hook at the end of your trace, at the back of the bait's head, and pass it through the two loops now in its mouth, and bring it out under the lips, when the bait's mouth will be closed. Then, bend gently the spear of brass wire, so as to gently curve the tail of the minnow, and then tie the tail fast to the wire with white tlu-ead, and you are ready for the stream." * These articles can be purchased at the tackle stores, of different sizes and descriptions. 88 THETROUT. The following is from Walton, who by many writers was considered the best minnow Angler in England : " And of these minnows, first you are to know, that the biggest size is not the best, and next, that the middle size and the whitest are the best; and then you are to know, that your minnow must be put on your hook, that it must turn round when it is drawn against the stream ; and that it may turn nimbly, you must put on a big sized hook, as I shall now direct you, which is this : put your hook in at his mouth and out at his gill; then having drawn your hook two or three inches be- yond or through his gill, put it again through his mouth, and the point or beard out at his tail ; and then tie the hook and his tail about very neatly, with a white thread, which w^ill make it apter to turn quick in the water ; that done, pull back that part of your line which was slack when you did put your hook into the minnow the second time ; I say, pull that part of your line back so that it shall fasten the head, so that the body of the minnow shall be almost straight* on your hook ; this done, try how it will turn by drawing it across the water, against a stream ; and if it do not turn nimbly, then turn the tail a little to the right or left hand, and try again till it turn quick ; for if not, you are in danger to catch nothing; for know, that it is impossible for a minnow to turn too quick." The Minnow is beautifully and faithfully imitated in England, and imported into this country, and w^ill be found a valuable addition to the Angler's stock of artificial baits.t Although in this and the following methods, the float is not mentioned as an article of tackle, it is much xiied by * Rennie, in his notes on Walton, says : " I have never been able ta cause a minnow to swim well in trolling, unless the tail was bent nearly to a semicircle.'' t Smearing the artificial baits with fish-slime is recommended by Rennie. THE TROUT. 89 Anglers generally. It should be of small size, and made of light cork, or quills, suited to the weight of your shot and the current of the stream. Of Bottom or Worm- Fishing. This is, and has been from the earliest periods, the standard mode of trout angling. It is practised principally at the opening and closing of the sea- son by Anglers generally; but by some of our piscatorial friends, who adjure fly-fishing, from the time the trees bud, until autumn scatters their leaves upon the ground. The rod generally used is from 12 to 15 feet in length, for small streams, and from 15 to 20 feet (according to circum- stances) for the larger. The reel, and other appurtenances, should be similar to that described for minnow-fishing. Hofland says: " For worm-fishing, your rod should be of bamboo cane, and from 16 to 20 feet long, and the line gene- rally something shorter than the rod ; but it may be shortened or lengthened, according to circumstances, by your reel. The best worms for a large trout are the lob-worm and the marsh- worm, but with many Anglers the brandling is a great favorite. " The method of casting your line will depend upon the nature of the water; but as a general rule I may say, keep the point of your rod, as nearly as possible, perpendicular to your bait, steadily following it, as the bait drags along the bot- tom, with the point of your rod, and when you feel a bite, let the fish turn before you strike. Unless the stream be rapid or deep, a single shot (No. 4) will be sufficient to sink your worm ; but in a deep heavy curi-ent, two or three more of the same size will be required. In fishing across a stream with a single hair, and a small red-worm, run, from your reel, line to the length of the rod, and, taking hold of the line about 12 inches above the bait, with your left hand draw it towards you till the line tightens, and the top of the rod DO THE TROUT. bends. Holding the rod fix-mly in the right hand, let go the line, and with a little practice you will find the bait drop lightly into the water at the extremity of the rod and line; and then, either draw your line gently across the water, or carry your bait down the stream, as above directed. The eddy by the side of a mill-tail, or flood-gate, or water-fall, is a good place to try the lob-worm. The deep holes near overhanging trees and old stumps, and those parts of the river where the stream has undermined the banks, are also the haunts of the largest trout. " When the water is discolored by rain, your tackle may be strong, and you will not easily be seen by the fish; but if the water be clear, and the day bright, your only chance for taking trout with the worm, vnU be by using fine tackle, and keeping completely out of sight. " The lob-worm is also used, without any shot on the line, after sunset in summer, by drawing it on the top of the water, across a sharp mill-stream, when the trout will rise and take the bait at the top of the water, as they would the fly; and in this manner very large trout are frequently taken. " The gentle, or maggot, is a good bait for a trout, during the months of June, July, and August, and may be used, with a small float, carrying one or two shot-corns, in miU-dams, ponds, and other still waters, allowing your bait to nearly touch the ground. " I shall now describe a method of bottom-fishing, with a bait which I have found, in certain situations and seasons, more successful than any other. The same tackle may be used as before described for the gentle, i. e. a fine gut bot- tom, with hook No. 10, and a small quill float, carry mg one or two small shot-corns. " Procure a wide-necked bottle, and fill it with blue bottle-flies, or the flies caught on newly scattered cow or horse-dung, and with two of these flies bait your hook, and THE TROUT. 91 let it nearly touch the ground. In this manner I have caught many fine trout in mill-dams, ponds, and deep quiet waters, during July and August, when not a single fish would rise at any kind of ai'tificial fly which could be offered. I have never seen the method described by any author on the subject, but I can with confidence recommend it to my brothers of the angle, at those times when the usual baits fail to procure a dish of fish. " When you have struck a good fish, keep him as near the top of the water as possible, and carry him down the stream above the weeds, and, if you succeed in getting him into clear water, with a little care he is your own." Cotton gives the following method of angling by the hand with a ground bait: " And by much the best of all other, is with a line full as long, or a yard longer than your rod ; with no more than one hair* next the hook, and for two or three lengths above it; and no more than one small pellet of shot for your plumb ; your hook Httle ; your worms of the smaller brandlings, very well scoured; and only one upon your hook at a time, which is thus to be baited : The point of your hook is to be put in at the very tag of his tail, and run up his body quite over all the arming, and still stripped on an inch at least upon the hair; the head remaining part hanging downward. And with this line and hook, thus baited, you are evermore to angle in the streams, always in a clear rather than a troubled water, and always up the river, still casting out your worm before you with a light one-handed rod, like an artificial fly, where it will be taken, sometimes at the top, or within a very little of the superficies of the water, and almost always before that light plumb can sink it to the bot- tom ; both by reason of the stream, and also that you must always keep your worm in motion by drawing still back * If the American Angler prefer any of Walton's or Cotton's instruc- tions, lie should in all cases use fine gut, instead of hair as described. 32 THETROUT. towards you, as if you were angling with a fly. And believe me, whoever will try, shall find this the best way of all others to angle with a worm, in a bright water especially ; but then his rod must be veiy light and pliant, and very true and finely made, which,- with a skilful hand will do wonders, and in a clear stream is undoubtedly the best way of angling for a trout or grayling, with a Worm, by many degrees, that any man can make choice of, and of most ease and delight to the Angler. To which let me add, that if the Angler be of a constitution that will suffer him to wade, and will slip into the tail of a stream, to the calf of the leg or the knee, and so keep off the bank, he shall almost take what fish he pleases." The following pertinent remarks for clear weather, from Blaine, should have place in the memory of every lover of trout angling : "Trout are to be taken in clear weather, when they will not touch either minnow or fly ; and there is certainly more art and sportsmanship in fishing with the worm at that time, than some people imagine or acknowledge. When to the advantage of bright weather are added those of clear and shallow streams, much artifice must be employed. Your tackle very fine, your hook small, (No. 5, 6, or 7,) and your baits well scoured and lively. A wheel will enable you to vary the length of your line as occasion dictates ; and though in general it must be as long or longer than your rod, yet where there is wood, &c. &c., you may by shortening it, get at the holes, and still contrive to keep out of sight, for com- pletely so to be must never be forgotten — kneel, stoop or stand — out of sight you must be ; and then if you can lightly and neatly drop in a lively brandling, near the likely holds or haunts in a strong stream, especially near the top of it, let the sun shine ever so bright, be the wind rough or calm, and the water ever so clear, you will kill fish when they are not to be taken by any other mode." THETROUT. 93 Franks gives the following pleasant mode of killing a trout which is well worthy of repetition : " And now, Theophilus, I must reprove your precipitancy, because a great error in young Anglers ; be mindful, there- fore, to observe directions in handling and managing your rod and line, and cautiously keeping out of sight; all of which precautions are requisite accomplishments, which of necessity ought to be understood by every ingenious Angler ; and so is that secret of striking, which should never be used with violence, because by a moderate touch, and a slender pro- portion of strength, the artist for the most part hath best success. Another caution you must take along with you ; I mean when you observe game to make out, that is, when he bolts, or when he launcheth himself to the utmost extent of your rod and line, which a well-fed fish at all times, fre- quently attempts, upon the least advantage he gains of the Angler; be mindful, therefore, to throw him line enough, if, provided, you purpose to see his destruction ; yet with this caution, that you be not too liberal. On the other hand, too straight a line brings equal hazard, so that to poise your fish and your foresight together, as by keeping one eye at the point of your rod, and the other be sure you direct on your game, wliich comes nearest the mediums of art, and the rules and rudiments of your precedent directions. But this great round may be easily solved, for if when you discover your fish fag his fins, you may rationally conclude he then struggles with death, and then is your time to triffle him on shore on some smooth shelf of sand, where you may boldly land him, before his scales encumber the soil. " Lest precipitancy spoil sport, I'll preponder my rudi- ments and prognosticate, here's a fish, or something like it, a fair hansel for a foolish fisher. This capering, for aught I know, may cost him his life, for I resolve to hold his nose to the grindstone : dance on and die, that is the way to your 94 THE TROUT. ■^t 1^^ -■ =B ■ -- silent sepulchre, for upon that silty, gravelly, shelf of sand I resolve to land him, or lose all I have. And now I fancy him weary of life, as aged people that are weary of infirmities, yet I want courage to encounter him, lest fearing to lose him, which if I do I impair my reputation. However, here is nobody but trees to reprove me, except these I'ocks, and they tell no tales. Well, then, as he wants no agility to evade me, I'll endeavor with activity to approach him, so that the difference between us will be only this, that he covets acquaintance with but one element, and I would compel him to examine another. Now he runs to divert me or himself, but I must invite him nearer home, for I fancy none such distance. " Though his fins fag, and his tail wriggles, his strength declines, his gills look languid, and his mettle declineth — all of which interpret tokens of submission — still, the best news I bring him is summons of death. Yet, let not my rashness pre-engage me to the loss of my game, for, to neglect my ru- diments is to ruin my design, which in plain terms, is the ruin of this resolute fish, who, seemingly, now measures and mingles his proportion with more than one element, and, doomed to a trance, he prostrates himself on the surface of the calms, dead to my apprehension, save only I want credit to believe him dead, when, calling to mind my former pre- cipitancy, that invited me to a loss, and so this adventure may prove, if I look not well about me, to land and strand him on that shelf of eand, where I resolve with my rod to survey his dimensions. Welcome on shore, my languisliing combatant, if only to entertain my friend Arnoldus." The following beautiful lines from the poet and fisherman Gay, " run " directly from the " reel " of his imagination, and from the crystal " waters " of the fount of inspiration; every " line " " plumbed " to the nicety of a " hair,^' the " point " needs but the aid of the "Jli/ " press of the printer THE TROUT, 9« and the " cast " of the founder, to stereotype on, or cause it to " worm'^ itself into, the " gentle " affections of every true piscatorial sportsman, and make it ever ^' float " around the " net "-work of his memory, giving him " buoyancy " of spirit, a "full length " of courage, and a " mess " of patience, sufficient to make him master of his " rod." " He lifts his silver gills above the flood. And greedily sucks in th' unfaithful food, Then downward plunges with the fraudful prey. And bears with joy the little spoil away ; Soon, in smart pain, he feels the dire mistake, Lashes the wave, and beats the foamy lake With sudden rage he now aloft appears. And in his eye convulsive anguish bears ; And now again, impatient of the wound, He rolls, and writhes his straining body round, Then headlong shoots beneath the dashing tide. The trembling fins the boiling wave divide : Now hope exalts the fisher's beating heart. Now, he turns pale, and fears his dubious art ; He views the trembling fish with longing eyes. While the line stretches with the unwieldly prize; Each motion humors with his steady hands. And one slight hair the mighty bulk commands ; Till tired at last, despoil'd of all his strength. The game athwart the stream unfolds his length ; He now, with pleasure, views the gasping prize Gnash his sharp teeth, and roll his blood-shot eyes ; Then draws him to the shore, with artful care, And lifts his nostrils in the sichening air ; Upon the burden'd stream he floating lies, Stretches his quivering fins, and gasping dies." How to Cook a Trout. As the sportsman, after a few aours diversion and toil, often needs a little refreshment, and as a meal of his own providing is generally ate with more zest and satisfaction, he should be possessed of the proper inform ation, either to prepare, or direct the preparation, of his re 96 THE TROUT. past. Barker, before spoken of, gives the following approv ed methods, which will be found sufficiently epicurean to tickle the palate of the most dainty, or to bring into requisi tiou the talent of a most finished Parisian cook. " We must have one dish of broyled trouts; when the en- trails are taken out, you must cut them across the side ; being washed clean, you must take some sweet herbs, thyme, sweet marjoram, and parsley, chopped small, the trouts being cut somewhat thick, and fill the cuts full with the chopped herbs ; then make your gridiron fit to put them on, being well cooled with rough-suet ; then lay the trouts on a charcc:J fire, and baste them with fresh butter until you think they are well broyled. The sauce must be butter and vinegar, and the yolk of an egg beaten ; then beat it altogether, and put it on the fish for the service. " The best dish of stewed fish that ever I heard com- mended of the English, was dressed in this way : first, they were broyled on a charcoal fire, being cut on the sides as fried trouts; then the stew-pan was taken, and set on a chafing-dish of coles ; there was put mto the stew-pan half a pound of sweet butter, one pennyworth of beaten cinnamon, a little vinegar ; when all was melted, the fish was put into the pan, and covered with a covering-plate, so kept stewing half an hour ; being turned, then taken out of the stew-pan and dished ; be sure to beat your sauce before you put it on your fish; then squeeze a lemon on your fish : it was the best dish of fish that ever I heard commended by noblemen and gentlemen. This is our English fashion. The Italian, he stews upon a chafing-dish of coles, with white wine, cloves, and mace, nutmegs sliced, and a little ginger ; you must un- derstand, when this fish is stew^ed, the same liquor the fish stewed iu must be beaten with some sweet butter and the juice of a lemon before it is dished for the service. " The French doth add to this a slice or two of bacou. THE TROUT. 97 Though I have been no traveller, I may speak of it, for I have been admitted into the most ambassadors' kitchens that have come into England this forty years, and do wait on them stiU, at the Lord Protector's charge, and I am duly paid for it ; sometimes I see slovenly scullions abuse good fish most grossly. " We must have a trout-pie to eat hot, and another to eat cold : the first thing you must gain must be a peck of the best wheaten flour, two pounds of butter, two quarts of milk, new from the cow, half a dozen of eggs to make the paste. Where I was born there is not a girl of ten years of age, but can make a pie. For one pie, the trouts shall be opened, and the guts taken out, and cleaned, and washed ; seasoned with pepper and salt, then laid in the pie ; half a pound of currants put among the fish, with a pound of sweet butter cut in pieces and set on the fish, so close it up ; when it is baked and come out of the oven, pour into the pie three or four spoonsfuU of claret wine, so dish it up and send it to the table. These trouts shall cut close and moist. " For the other pie, the trouts shall be boyled a little ; it will make the fish rise, and eat more crisp ; season them with pepper and salt, and lay them in the pie; you must put more butter in this pie than the other, for this will keep, and must be filled up with butter when it cometh forth of the oven." A common mode of cooking the trout, is by cutting them, as before directed by Barker, seasoning them well with salt and pepper, dredging them with oat meal or wheat flour, and frying them in butter. Another method is to cut them in two, sprinkle with a small quantity of Cayenne pepper, a due proportion of salt, and broil them. Of the Artificial Fly. The idea of having flies for every S^^»>v^ 98 THE TROUT. /' I ^-.N_ ' jy^-^ - — -. month in the year, is long since exploded, and although some authors in England still arrange them according to the months, it is found that they cannot be depended upon as a certainty. Walton, one of the first authors who arranged them in this manner, in his preface has these remarks : " That whereas it is said by many, that in fly-fishing for trout, the Angler must observe his twelve several flies for the twelve months of the year; I say, he that follows that rule shall be as sure to catch fish, and be as wise as he that makes hay by the fair days in an almanac, and no surer ; for those very flies that used to appear about and on the water in one month of the year, may, the following year, come almost a month sooner or later, as the same year proves colder or hotter ; but for the generality, three or four flies, neatly and rightly made, and not too big, serve for a trout in most rivers all the sum- mer ; and for winter, fly-fishing is as useful as an almanac out of date." Barker gives his instructions in his favorite vein, thus : " A brother of the angle must always be sped With three black Palmers, and also three red ; And all made with hackles. In a cloudy day Or in windy weather, angle you may. " But morning and evening, if the day be bright ; And the chief point of all is to keep out of sight. ' In the month of May, none but the May-fly, For every month one,' is a pitiful lie. " The hawthorn-fly must be very small ; And the sandy hog's-hair is, sure, best of all (For the mallard-wing May-fly, and peacock's train, Win look like the flesh-fly) to kill trout amain. « The oak-fly* is good if it have a brown wing, So is the grasshopper, that in July doth sing ; * The oak-fly is also known in England by the names of the asb-flf, the woodcock fly, and the cannon, or downhill-fly. THE TROUT. 39 With a green body make him, on a middle sized hook, But when you have catch'd fish, then play the good cook. " Once more, my good brother, I'll speak in thy ear ; Hog's, red cow's, and bear's wool to float best appear ; And so doth your fur, if it rightly fall ; But always remember, make two, and make all." It would be equally absurd to name any precise descrip- tion of fly for any particular month in this country, and per- haps more so, as our weather is more changeable than that of any part of Europe. There are many kinds of flies used both here and in Eng- land, but two descriptions have the preference, and accom- pany all Anglers as the universal fly, and are consequently necessary requisites to a well arranged Fly- Angler's estab- lishment. The Red Hackle, or Soldier Palmer, and the Black Hackle, or Black Palmer, are "the Flies. ^^ They are both made in a variety of ways, with difierent colored bodies, but with the same kind of hackle or legs. The most killing kind of the red hackle is made with a red worsted or mohair body, wound around with gold twist. The black hackle is used more particularly in very bright days, when the sun shines unobscured by clouds. It is made with black worsted body, and a black cock's hackle for legs ; the body is some- times w^ound with silver twist, which in many streams, at certain times, offers additional attractions to the dainty sub- ject of our discourse. They are both made in various ways and of various sizes, and are known under different names. The body of the red hackle is sometimes made with crimson, black, yellow, green, and various other hues of worsted, for bodies; the black, also, with red, white, green, and other colors intermingled. They are also made under different names with and without wings. The White HackCe, or Miller, is a good fly in dark, low- ering days. It is made with a white worsted body, and 100 THE TROUT. white dog's hair for legs, and is sometimes varied wdth a dark colored or gold twist ; also, sometimes with wings and some- times without. The Green Drake is also considered a good fly in some streams. It is made with a yellow floss silk or worsted body, wound with a red or ginger hackle for legs, and dark yellow or light green parrot feather for wings. As there are no particular names given to the different varieties of flies with us, the following list from Hofland, will be of assistance to the American fly-fisher, in making up his book of flies. The Chantrey. It takes its name from being a favorite of Sir Francis Chantrey, the celebrated sculptor. Body, copper-colored peacock's herl, ribbed with gold twist ; legs, a black hackle ; wings, partridge or brown hen's feather, or pheasant's tail. Hook No. 9 or 10. Hofland^ s Fancy. Body, reddish, dark brown silk ; legs, red hackle ; wings, woodcock's wing ; tail, two or three strands of red hackle. Hook No. 10. March Brown, also called the Dun Drake. Body, fur of the hare's ear, ribbed with olive silk ; legs, partridge hackle; wings, tail feather of the partridge; tail, two or three strands of the partridge hackle Hook No. 8 or 9. Blue Dun. Body, dubbed with water-rat's fur, and rib- bed with yellow silk ; legs, a dun hen's hackle ; wings from the feather of the starhng's wing ; tail, two strands of a griz- zle cock's hackle. Hook No. 10. Carshalton. Body, black silk, ribbed with silver twist, legs, a dark grizzle hackle ; wings, the dark feather of the starling's wing, made spare and short. Hook No. 10. Carshalton Cocktail. A dun fly. Body, light blue fur ; legs, dark dun hackle ; wings, the inside feather of a teal's tail, two fibres of a white cock's hackle. Hook No. 9 THE TROUT. 101 The Pale Yellow Dun. A very killing fly. Body, yellow mohair, or martin's pale yellow fur, tied with yellow silk ; wings, the lightest part of a feather from a young starling's wing. Hook No. 12. The Orange Dun. Body, red squirrel's fur, ribbed with gold thread ; legs, red hackle ; wings from the starling's wing ; tail, two fibres of red cock's hackle. Hook No. 9. The Coachman. Body, copper-colored peacock's herl; legs, red hackle; wings, from landrail. Hook No. 8. Cow'Dung Fly. Useful chiefly in dark, windy weather. Body, dull lemon colored mohair ; legs, red hackle ; wings, from feathers of the landrail or starling's wing. Hook No. 8 or 9. The Harems Ear Dun. Body, the fur of the hare's ear ; wings, the feather from a starling's wing ; tail, two fibres of the brown feather of a starling's wing. Hook No. 10, some- times dressed without the wisk or tail. Edmonson' s Welsh Fly. Body, dull orange mohair ; legs, the back feather of a partridge ; wings, the feathers from a woodcock's wing, or the tail of a hen grouse. Hook No. 8. The Kingdom or Kindon. Body, pale yellow silk, rib- bed with crimson silk ; legs, black hackle ; wings, the feather of a woodcock's wing. Hook No. 9. Brown Shiner. This is a hackle fly. Body, peacock's aerl, twisted spare, with a grouse hackle over it. Gravel or Spider-fly. Body, water-rat's fur ; legs, black hackle ; wings, the feather from the rump of a partridge. Also made with a dark dun hackle. Hook No. 10 or 11. The Iron Blue Body, the fur of the water-rat; legs, a light dun hackle ; wdngs, the tail feather of a tom-tit, or of an American robin. The Great Red Spinner, may be used as an evening fly during the whole summer season. Body, hog's wool, red 102 THE TROUT. and brown, mixed with gold twist ; legs, bright red cock's hackle ; wings, the light feather of the starling's wing ; tail, three strands of a red cock's hackle. Hook No. 7. Black Gnat. Body, black hackle, or ostrich herl, tied with black silk ; wings, the feather from a starling's wing. Hook No. 13. Wren Tail. An excellent killer in small bright streams, is always dressed as a hackle fly. Body, dark orange silk, with wings and legs of a wren's tail. Although the feathers of a wren's tail cannot be properly called hackles, they are here used as such, and this remark will apply to other feath- ers similarly employed. Hook No. 12. The Bracken Clock. A kind of beetle. Body, peacock's herl, dressed full, and tied with piu-ple silk; wings, feather of a pheasant's breast. Hook No. 9 or 10. Red Ant, in imitation of the small red ant. Body, pea- cock's herl, made full at the tail, and spare toward the head ; legs, red or ginger cock's hackle; wings, from the light feather of the staging's wing. Hook No. 9 or 10. By sub- stituting ostrich herl for peacock's herl, and a black hackle instead of a red one, the black ant may be imitated. The Sand Fly. Body, the fur from a hare's neck twisted round silk of the same color ; legs, a ginger hen's hackle ; wings, the feather from the landrail's wing. Hook No. 9. The Stone Fly. One of the larger kind of flies used in windy weather. Body, fur of the hare's ear, mixed with brown and yellow mohair, and ribbed with yellow silk, the yellow color towards the tail ; legs, a browiiish red hackle ; wings, the dark feather of the mallard's wing ; tail, two or three fibres of the mottled feather of the partridge. Hook No. 6. Alder Fly. Body, peacock's herl, tied with dark brown silk ; legs, coch-a-bonddu hackle ; wings, the brown speckled feather of a mallard's back. Hook No. 8. Sometimes dress- THE TROUT, 103 ed on a No. 6 or 7 hook, and winged with the red rump feather of a pheasant, when it is found excellent as a lake fly. Green Drake. Body, yeUow floss silk, ribbed with brown silk, the extreme head and tail coppery peacock's herl ; legs, a red or ginger hackle ; wings, the mottled wing of tho mallard, stained olive ; tail or whisk, three hairs from a rab- bit's whiskers. Hook No. 6. The natural fly appears in May and Jime, in such vast numbers that the trout become glutted with them, and grow fat upon their good living. Sometimes preferred dressed on a No. 4 or 5 hook. Grey Drake. Body, white floss silk, ribbed with dark brown or mulberry colored silk; head, and top of the tail, peacock's herl ; legs, a grizzle cock's hackle ; wings, a mal- lard's mottled feather, made to stand upright; tail, three whiskers of a rabbit. The Black Palmer. This is a standard fly, and its merits are too well known to need a description. It is a valuable drop-fly in dark, rainy, or windy weather, and in full water. Body, ostrich's herl, ribbed with silver twist, and a black cock's hackle over all. The Soldier Palmer. This fly, and its varieties, may be considered the most general fly on the list, and many An- glers never fit up a fly-book without having a red hackle of some kind for a drop-fly. The one given as a specimen may be used with success for large trout, and a strong water ; but for a bright stream a smaller hook must be adopted, and the fly must be more spare of hackle ; and, should the water be very clear, the gold twist had better be omitted, and a spare hackle be tied with red twist ; another variety, is the using a black hackle for the head of the fly, body red mohair, or squirrel's fui', ribbed with gold tvnst, and red cock's hackle over all. The Governor. Body, coppery colored peacock's herl, ribbed with gold twist, tipped with scarlet twist ; legs, red 104 THE TROUT. or ginger hackle ; wings, the light part of a pheasant's wing. Hook No. 9. Coch-a-honddri. This fly is a well known favorite throughout the United Kingdom, though not always under the same name. The cock that furnishes the peculiarly mixed deep and red black feather, necessary to make this fly, is in great estimation. Body, peacock's herl ; legs and wings, red and black, or coch-a-bonddu hackle. Hook No. 8 or 9. For clear streams it is dressed on a No. 12 hook. The Yellow Sally, Body, pale yellow fur, or mohair, ribbed with fawn colored silk ; legs, a ginger hackle ; wings, a white hackle, died yellow. Hook No. 9. Ginger Hackle. Body, short and spare, of yellow silk ; legs and wings, a ginger hackle. Hook No. 8. Grouse Hackle. Body, varied to the water and season, such as peacock's herl, orange silk, &c. ; legs and vsrings, a grouse hackle. Hook from No. 8 to 12. The Dotteril Hackle. Body made of yellow silk; legs and wings from the feather of a dotteril. Hook from No. 6 to 12. This is an excellent fly, and in the north parts of England considered superior even to the red hackle. The Water Cricket. Body, orange floss silk, tied on with black silk ; legs, are made best with peacock's topping ; if this cannot be easily procured, a black cock's hackle will answer the purpose. Either of these must be wound all down the body, and the fibres then snapped off. The Blue-Bottle Fly. Body, dark blue floss silk, tied with brown silk; legs, a cock's black hackle; wings, feather of the starling's wing. Hook No. 9 to 12.* Common House-Fly. Body, ostrich herl, rather full ; legs, a black hackle ; wings, the feather of the starling's wing. * The sizes of hooks used by Hofland are entirely too small for the majority of our streams. Where a hook No. 9 or 10 is recommended, No. 4 or 5 should be used. Those spoken of by Blaine are more suitable. THE TROUT, 105 The following night, and other flies, are from Blaine : The Mealy Wliite Moth. Upper wings, the dappled light feather of the mallard, or any very light clear colored feather; under wings, the soft mealy feather of a white owl, or in de- fault, any soft white feather ; body, white rabbit's fur or •white ostrich herl, dressed full, and exhibiting a brown head ; legs, a white cock's hackle, carried two or three turns only behind the wings. Hook No. 3, 4 or 5. The Mealy Brown Moth. Upper wings, the dappled feather of a mallard, dyed a reddish brown ; under wings, the soft feather of a brown owl, or a soft reddish feather or two from the landrail ; body, any soft brown fur, as of the hare, brown hog's down, bear's fur, and the nearest the shade is to tan the better, to be dressed moderately full and long; legs, a brown cock's hackle, carried one turn beyond that of the preceding fly. Hook No. 3, 4 or 5. The Mealy Cream Moth. Upper wings, the cream color- ed feather of the gray owl ; under wings, the soft feathers of the same a shade lighter; body, any dubbing or fur of a cream color; legs, a ginger hackle, w^rapped three times. Hook No. 4, 5, or 6. The Evening Wliite- Winged Harl Fly. Wings, of a white fowl's feather; body, peacock's herl, dressed fuU and short ; legs, a very minute portion of red hackle. Hook No. .5, 6, 7, or 8. The Hvmble Bee. Wings, of the cock black-bird, to lie flat; body, fore part dubbed with black glossy mohair or fur; hinder part of a deep orange ; legs, dress two-thirds of the body with a brown hackle. Hook No. 3 or 4. The Large Blow, or Flesh-Fly. Wings, any transparent looking feather, to be dressed flat ; body, dubbed with black bear's fur, and a very small portion of glossy pm-ple mohair with it, tied with silk of the same. Dress the body full, and pick out the dubbing to make it look rough ; legs, a very dark 106 THE TROUT. brown or black hackle, dressed two turns only behind the The Hazle Fly, or Lady Bird, crustaceous wmgs. A small stumpy portion of the red feather of a partridge's tail or landrail's wing, to be dressed extended; under wing, transparent looking feather of a hen black-bird, rather longer than the former, to be dressed thin, and rather less extended ; body, dubbed thick and round with dark purple mohair, and a small quantity of brown fur intermingled, which, when picked out, form the legs. Hook No. 7 or 8. The Orl Fly. Wings, a brown hen's or a landrail s rud- dy feather, to be dressed long and close to the back ; body, ribbed alternately with dark brown and orange dubbing, add- ing antennae, or horns ; legs, a grizzle cock's hackle. Hook No. 6 or 7. Cinnamon Fly, or Fetid Light Brown. Wings of a ruddy cream color, from the feather of the landrail, or any other of a flame color, to be dressed long, large, and flat; body, seal's fur of the natural hue; legs, a reddish brown hackle. Hook No. 6. There are many other flies not enumerated in the fore- going lists, which the trout will occasionally fancy. On this subject, Blaine says : ** The number of artificial flies required for the practice of fly-fishing, is very differently estimated by different wri- ters. The angling patriarch Walton, gives a list of twelve ' reasonable flies,' which his friend Cotton judiciously dou- bled. The experience of a century . and a half has since greatly increased the list, as more extended observation proved the universality of appetite in fish for the insect race. It appears, therefore, strangely extraordinary to find a writer of such credit as Salter, contracting the required numbers into the confined limits of Red and Black Palmers, Red and Black Hackles, Ant-flies, the May-fly, Stone-fly, Gnats, a Red THE TROUT. 107 Spinner, and a Moth ! A fly-book so furnished, might secure a medley of roach, dace, chub, and a few unhappy trout, which had strayed out of bounds ; but the exhibition of both bait and fish would not be very creditable to the professed fly-fisher. We have no doubt that many of the flies which the books of some excellent Anglers contain, are seldom called into action ; but as they are when collected not very cumbrous in carriage, eat and drink nothing, and may now and then suit the ' lucky occasion,' we see no disadvantage, but approve the judgment of those Anglers in being furm'shed with them. In our own fishing practice, we have met with numerous gratifying proofs of the benefit of an ample store ; but infinitely more have we felt the benefit arising from our ability to increase our stock from our own resources, when- ever we found occasion so to do. Many of the flies mentioned will be found useful to the Angler in this country. They may be had at the regular tackle stores, can be made to order, or procured from England. Some difficulty may arise should the sportsman wish" to make his own flies, in procuring the exact feathers and materials as described, but similar feathers can be taken from many of our birds, or can be dyed the same colors, which will answer every purpose. Although flies of every description can be procured in the principal cities, there are many in distant parts of the country who will not be able to procure them at all. Besides, the most skilful fisher may have the misfortune to lose his best flies at the beginning of a day s sport, and it would be well, therefore, for every brother of this branch of angling to be always ready with his materials and his knowledge for mak- ing the artificial fly. In fact, it is the practice of many An- glers, always to examine the waters and shake the boughs of the trees, to procure the latest insect that will most probably 108 THE TROUT. fall a prey to the voracious trout, and imitate nature's handi work on the spot. Gay, the celebrated poet, who was a great proficient in fly-fishing, in his " Rural Sports,"' gives the following beauti- ful description of fly-making: " He shakes the boughs that on the margin grow, Which o'er the stream a waving forest throw, When, if an insect fall, (his certain guide,) He gently takes him from the whirling tide, Examines well his form with curious eyes. His gaudy vest, his wings, his horns, his size ; Then round the hook the chosen fur he winds, And on the back a speckled feather binds ; So just the colors shine in every part. That nature seems to live again in art." And also — " To frame the little animal provide All the gay hues that wait on female pride : Let nature guide thee ; sometimes golden wire The shining bellies of the fly require ; The peacock's plumes thy tackle must not fail. Nor the dear purchase of the sable's tail ; Each gaudy bird some slender tribute brings, And lends the glowing insect proper wings ; Silks of all colors must their aid impart. And every fur promote the fisher's art : So the gay lady, with expensive care, Borrows the pride of land, of sea, of air; Furs, pearls, and plumes, the glittering thing displays. Dazzles our eyes, and easy hearts betrays." The following different directions, by various authors, will enable the reader to select a method suited to his own taste, by which with a little practice and perseverance, he can THE TROUT. 109 succeed in forming flies suitable for his different fishing- grounds, with very little trouble. How to make the Artificial Winged Fly- — (Hofland.) — " There are several raodes adopted in making the artificial fly ; one is, to tie the wings on the hook, in the natural pesi- tion, in the first instance ; another method is, to place the feathers for the wings in a reverse position, in the first in- stance, and naturally afterwards ; and the third and last way, is to tie the wings on the hook, after the body is made, instead of beginning the fly with them. " The most expeditious way of completing a number of flies, is to have every necessary material arranged immediately under your eye, and every article separate and distinct ; all the hooks, gut, or hair, wdngs, hackle, dubbing, silk, and wax, ready assorted and prepared for instant use. The hooks re- quire to be sized for your different flies ; the gut requires the most careful examination and adjustment; the hackles have to be stripped, and the dubbing to be well mixed ; the silk assorted, and to be of the finest texture ; and the wings to be tied the length of the hook they are to be fastened to, in or- der that the fibres of the feather may be all brought into the small compass of the hook. This previous trouble not only saves time, but insures a degree of neatness that is otherwdse almost unattainable. " The tying of the wdngs is thus performed : a piece of well waxed silk is laid in a noose on the fore-finger of the left hand, the wings or feathers are put on the under part of the noose, and at the distance of the length of the wdug required ; the thumb is then applied closely to the feather, and with one end of the noose in the mouth and the other in the right hand, the noose is drawn quite tight, and the silk is then cut within an inch of the knot, to leave a handle by which to hold the wdng. If the thumb is not closely pressed, the feathers will be pulled away. 110 THE TROUT. .7.:^ '=m. :^=^ sft 1^^ — - ' — — \^^-- " First Method — How to make the Fly with the Wings in the natural position in the first instance. Hold the hook by the bend, with the point downwards, between the fore-finger and thumb of the left hand; with your waxed sUk in your right hand, give one or two turns round the bare hook, about midway ; lay the end of the gut along the upper side of the hook, (if tied on the under side, the fly will not swim true, but continually revolve,) wrap the silk firmly until you get within a few turns of the top ; you then take the wings, lay them along the shank with the right hand, and hold them firmly in their place to the hook with the left hand. Next, tie the feather tightly at the point of contact, with two or three turns ; cut off' the superfluous ends of the feather, and tying the head of the fly very firmly, you carry the silk around the gut beyond the head, that the end of the hook may not chafe, or cut away the gut ; then retrace the silk, until you come to the tying on of the wings. Divide the wings equally, and carry the silk through the division alternately, two or three times, to keep the wings distinct from each other. Now prepare the hackle, by drawing back the fibres, and by hav- ing two or three less on the butt, on the side of the feather that comes next the hook, that it may revolve without twist- ing away. Tie the butt-end of the hackle close to the wings, having its upper or dark side to the head of the fly. The Scotch reverse this, and tie the hackle with its under side to the head ; and likewise strip the fibres entirely off that side which touches the hook. Take the dubbing between the fore-finger and the thumb of the right hand, twist it very thinly about your silk, and carry it around the hook as far as you intend the hackle or legs to be carried, and hold it be- tween the fore-finger and thumb of the left hand, or fasten it. Then, with your plyers, carry the hackle around your hook, close under the wings, and down to where you have brought your silk and dubbing, then continue to finish your body, by THE TROUT. Ill carrying over the end of the hackle; and when you have made the body of sufficient length, fasten off by bringing the silk twice or thrice loosely around the hook, and passing the end through the coils, to make all tight. " Some finish the body of this fly thus : — when the hackle is fastened, after it has made the legs of the fly, the bare silk is carried to the end of the intended body ; dubbing is then carried up to the legs and there fastened. " Second Method. This manner of proceeding difiers from the first in fixing on of the wings. When you have fastened the gut and hook together, to the point where the wings are to be tied, apply the wings to the hook, with the butt of the feather lying uppermost; when the wings are well fastened, pull them back into their natural position; and when the head of the fly is finished, pass the silk alternately through the wings ; and, having your silk well tied to the roots of the wings, (and not over the roots,) the fly is to be completed, as in the first method, having cut off the roots of the feather." How to make the Hackle or Palmer Fly. — (Kennie.) — " Hold your hook m a horizontal position, with the shank downwards, and the bent of it between the fore-finger and thumb of your left hand ; and having a fine bristle, or strand of silk-worm gut, and other materials, lying by you, take half a yai'd of red marking silk, well wajced, and with your right hand give it four or five turns about the shank of the hook, inclining the turns to the right hand ; when you are near the shank, turn it into such a loop as you are hereafter directed to make for fastening off, and draw it tight, leaving the ends of the silk to hang down at each end of the hook. Having singed the end of your bristle, lay the same along the inside of the shank of the hook, as low as the bent, and whip four or five times round ; then singing the other end of the bristle to a fit length, turn it over to the back of the shank, and. 112 THE TROUT. pinching it into a proper form, whip down and fasten off as before directed, which will bring both ends of the silk into tlie bent. After you have waxed your silk again, take three or four strands of ostrich feather, and holding them and the bent of your hook as at first directed, the feathers to your left hand and the roots in the bent of your hook, with that end of the silk which you have just now waxed, whip them three or four times round and fasten oif ; then turning the feathers to the right, and twisting them and the silk with your fore- finger and thumb, wind them round the shank of the hook, still supplying the short strands with new ones, as they fail, till you come to the end and fasten off. When you have so done, clip off the ends of the feathers and trim the body of the palmer small at the extremity, and full in the middle, and wax both ends of your silk, which are now divided, and lie at either end of the hook. " Lay your work by you ; and taking a strong bold hackle, with fibres about half an inch long, straighten the stem care- fully, and holding the small end between the fore-finger and thumb of your left hand, with those of the right stroke the fibres the contrary way to that which they naturally lie ; and taking the hook, and holding it as before, lay the hackle into the bent of the hook, with the hollow (which is the palest) side upwards, and whip it very fast to its place ; in doing whereof, be careful not to tie in many of the fibres; or if you should chance to do so, pick them out with the point of a very large needle. " When the hackle is thus made fast, the utmost care and nicety is necessary in winding it on ; for if you fail in this, your fly is spoiled, and you must begin all again : to prevent which, keeping the hollow or pale side to your left hand, and as much as possible the side of the stem down on the dubbing, wind the hackle twice round; and holding fast what you have 80 wound, pick out the loose fibres which you may have THE TROUT. 113 taken in, and make another turn; then lay hold of the hacklo with the third and fourth fingers of your left hand, with which you may extend it while you disengage the loose fibres as before. " In this manner proceed till you come within an eighth of an inch of the end of the shank, where you will find an end of silk hanging, and by which time you will find the fibres at the great end of the hackle something discomposed; clip these ofl:' close to the stem, and with the end of your mid- dle finger press the stem close to the hook, while with the fore-finger of your right hand, you turn the silk into a loop; which when you have twice put over the end of the shank of the hook, loop and all, your work is safe. " Then wax that end of the silk which you now used, and turn it over as before, till you have taken up nearly all that remained of the hook, observing to lay the turns neatly side by side; and lastly clip ofi'the ends of the silk." On making the Palmer or HacMe-Fly, roith the code's or hen's feathers, Hofland remarks, " is simply as described in the fore-named methods, (pages 110 and 111,) by twisting on the legs and body, taking care that the hackle has fibres as long as, or rather longer than, the hook it is to be twisted upon. " But in making hackle-flies with birds' feathers, such as those of the snipe, dotteril, &c., the feather is prepared by stripping off the superfluous parts at the butt-end, then draw- ing back a sufficient quantity of fibre to make the fly ; take the feather by the root and point, with both hands, (having its outside uppermost,) and put the whole of the fibres into your mouth, and wet them, that they adhere together back to back. When the gut is fastened to the hook, you must tie on the feather near to the head of the hook, and the feather may be tied either at the butt-end or point; then twist the feather twice or thrice round the hook, and fasten it by one :~ is: -'—: ^ —- ■—=5^ — --- 114 THE TROUT. or more loops ; the fibres of the feather will then lie the re- verse way, cut off the superfluous part of the feather, that remains after tying, and twist on the body of the required length ; fasten by two loops, draw down the fibres of the feather to the bend, and the fly is finished. " If tinsel, or gold and silver twist be required for the body of the fly, it must be tied on after the hackle, but car- ried round the body before the hackle makes the legs. If the tinsel be required only at the tail of the fly, it must be tied on immediately after the gut and hook are put together; the hackle next, and then the body, &c. " The choice of your fly must depend much upon the na tiire of the water you fish in, and the state of the weather i if the water be full, and somewhat colored, your flies may be of the larger and darker kind ; if, on the contrary, the water should be low and clear, and the day bright, your fly should be dressed accordingly, i. e., it should be pale in color and spare in the dressing." Of the different Feathers spoken of. A very good imitar tion of the starling's wing, which is a plain pale grey, can be Df tail of the black-bird, grey feather, with black specks, can be nearly imitated by the feather taken from the wing and shoulder of the common drake, and also by some of the light colored feathers of the game-hen. A similar to the landrail, which is a pahsh brown, can be supplied from the woodcock or pheasant. The coch- a-bonddu feather is neither more nor less than the black and red feather of the cock. CHAPTER VII. OP THE PIKE JACK, PICKEREL OR MUSCALINGA. This, with the Trout, may be considered the universal fish of the world. It appears to inhabit the inland waters of all northern countries. We read of them as far back as the days of ancient Rome ; and they have been known in Ger- many and Poland from time immemorial. A late writer on Natural History in England, says that they were introduced into that country in the year 1537, and that they were sold for double the price of a lamb ; but the lady writer on angling, Dame Julianna Berners, who lived and wrote some time be- fore the abovementioned year, (1496,) gives the following in- gtructions for taking him, which rather tends to a different con» elusion as to the period in which they were brought to that country. " Take a codlynge hoke; and take a roche, or a fresshe heeryng ; and a wyre with an hole in the ende, and put it in at the mouth and out at the taylle, down by the ridge of the fresshe heeryng ; and thenne put the line of your hoke in after, and draw the hoke into the cheke of the fresshe heer yng; then put a plumb e of lede upon your line a yerde longe 116 THE PIKE, &C. from your hoke, and a flote in mid way betweene ; and cast it in a pytte where the pyke usyth ; and this is the beste and moost surest crafte of takynge the pyke." In all probability they are natives of England as well as other parts of Europe. He is certainly one of the oldest inhabitants of our own country, as he was well known to the natives, and in some parts is still called by the Indian name of Muscalinga. At all events, he does not need such restrictions for his preservation as* were a short time since proposed in the Legislature of the State of New- York, for the protection of cai-p in the Hudson river. On a debate for the passage of a law to protect some newly imported fish of the carp species, a Mr. Bloss said : " that he w^as in favor of a term of naturalization, not over five years, and so he would protect the fishy foreigner, at least for that space of time." This well-timed joke caused so much merriment and good feeling amongst the members of the House, that the law of protection passed with but iittie opposition. The pike is also called the Tyrant of the Waters, the Wolf- Fish, and the Fresh Water Shark; and certainly, from his ravenous disposition, he well deserves all these names; and although not quite so voracious as that very peculiar bird, that devoured the boards, shavings, and even the jack-planes and hand-saws of the carpenter employed to fit up its cage, still his masticatory apparatus must be very powerful, and his digestive machinery equally strong, if all that is said of him be true. " A thousand foes the finny people chase : Nor are they safe from their own kindred race : The Pike, fell tyrant of the liquid plain, With rav'nous waste devours liis fellow train." It is said that in Germany a mule, while drinking from a pond, was seized at the mouth by a large pike, and nearly THE PIKE, &C. 117 drowned, but by the aid of an attendant, the mule succeeded in getting his head above water, and brought the pike on shore, still clinging to his mouth. They have also been known to devour young goslings, rats, and mice, and when placed in ponds with other fish, have sometimes devoured them all. Smith relates the following story, which serves to show the " ruhng passion strong in death:" " A gentleman was once angUng for pike, and succeeded in taking a very large one, at which time be was encountered by a shepherd and his dog. He made the man a present of his fish, and while engaged in clearing his tackle, he saw the dog, who had for some time been expressing his satisfaction by the most une- quivocal signs, seat himself unsuspectingly, with his tail at a tempting proximity to the jaws of the pike, which suddenly caught at It. It would be Impossible to express the terror of the dog, on finding such an appendage entailed upon him ; he ran in every direction to free himself, but In vain, and at last plunged into the stream as a last resource — but this was equally fruitless. The hair had become so entangled in the fish's teeth, that It could not release Its hold ; accordingly, he struggled over to the opposite side, now above and now be- low the surface. Having landed, the dog made for his mas- ter's cottage with all haste, where he was at length freed from his unwilling persecutor ; yet, notwithstanding the fa- tigue the latter had endured, he actually seized and sunk his teeth into a stick which was used to force open his jaws." They are known to live to a very great age. A Russian with an unpronounceable name,* makes mention of a pike that lived to the age of ninety years ; and Gf sner says, one was taken in a lake In Suabia, Germany, In 1479, having a * As some of our readers may want our authority, and may be willing to run the risk of breaking their jaws, we give the name, Rzacznshi. 118 THE PIKE, &C. ring attached, stating that it had been place^ there in the year 1280, making its age 249 years. It weighed 350 pounds. The identical ring is still preserved at Manheim. On drawing a pool near Newport, (Eng.) one was taken weigh ing 170 pounds. They are said also to grow to a very large size, and to live to a very great age in Persia. " In 1801," says Blaine, " a hook, baited with a roach, was set in the manor pond at Toddington, Bedfordshire ; the next morning a large pike was caught, which with difficulty was got out. It appeared that a pike of three and a half pounds weight was first caught, which was afterwards swal- lowed by another weighing thirteen pounds and a half, and both were taken. ''From the size of the fish which have occasionally been taken from within them, there appears to be hardly any limit to their voracity. One caught in the Iris was found to contain a bar- bel of six pounds, and a chub of more than three : these nine pounds of food formed nearly a third of his own proper bulk, which was 31 1-2 pounds. The circumstance of two fish of such dimensions being within the animal at one time, is a proof that the calls of appetite in this tribe are of a peculiar kind ; they are most imperative but not incessant. The de- sire to fill the stomach is such that no ofFal is refused ; animal substances of every kind, living and dead, are equally well received, and sometimes other matter ; for the clay plummet of the Angler, the clay and bran balls for ground-baiting, when which many instances have occurred ; and it is at such times that he dashes at large flies on the water, prompted to it pro- bably by his habits of receiving there many savory morsels, in the shape of rats, mice, and frogs, as well as the young of ducks, geese, swans, and other aquatic birds, which he is known to prey on as readily as fish." They are found in our streams, ponds, and lakes, firom one THE PIKE, ftC. 119 extremity of the Union to the other, and do not materially differ from the same species in other countries, and, as the Yankee would say, will live as long, eat as much, and grow- as large, as in any other place on airth. The largest within recollection was taken in one of our western lakes, and weighed 46 pounds. They increase in size faster than any other fish known. Block, a German author, says, that " in the first year tb6y grow from eight to ten inches, in the second from twelve to fourteen, and in the third from eighteen to twenty." r^ They are observed by Walton to be "a solitary, melan- choly, and bold fish ; melancholy because he always swims or rests himself alone, and never swims in shoals or with company, as the roach and dace and most other fish do, and bold because he fears not a shadow, or to see and be seen, as the trout and chub, and all other fish do." Rather sorry company for any kind of fish would be the pike, according to Rennie, who says that a pike placed in a pond with an abundance of fish, in one year devoured aU but one, which was a carp weighing nine pounds, and he had taken a piece out of him. Poor satisfaction would it be for any of the finny tribe to promenade down the stream with this voracious ani- mal, and to have the peculiar satisfaction of being devoured at once without sauce, or perhaps gradually consumed by a piece out of the back or tail at intervals. No amusement, as the song goes, * Like the trout and the salmon, Sitting down playing a nice dacent, agreeable, pleasant, sociable game of backgammou.' No wonder they have no company, or are not sociable ; they should stay by themselves and prefer the Angler's hook, by all means, and keep away from evil associates, that they may " come smoking," according to Bai-ker's rules, " as a viand 120 THE PIKE, &C. for the well set appetite of man, instead of the sharpened teeth and uusatiable desires of one of their own species." They generally spawn in the months of March and April, and sometimes, in some parts of the country, as early as February. Their colors, when in good water and under fa- vorable circumstances, are exceedingly beautiful. Smith re- marks that " during the height of the season, their colors are extremely brilliant, being green, diversified with bright yel- low spots; at the close of the season the green fades to a grayish hue; and the yellow spots become faint and in- distinct." They are fond of still, shady spots, under and near the weed called pickerel-weed, and appear to grow better and larger in ponds and lakes than in swift running streams. In the extreme heat of summer, they are often found near the surface, where they are sometimes taken with a wire noose, attached to a long pole. They are so bold that they will often take a bait after breaking their hold a few minutes previous, and they have been taken in several instances with a number of hooks imbedded in the flesh in the inside of their mouths. In winter, they retreat to the deep holes, and under rocky projections, stumps of trees, roots, &c., from which places by making a hole in the ice, they are readily taken by spear ing, or with a drop-line with a small live fish for bait. At this season of the year their appearance is somewhat changed, their colors being less brilliant, and their spots of a darker hue. Blaine remarks : '' The abstinence of the pike and jack is no less singular than their voracity ; during the summer months their digestive functions are somewhat torpid, which appears a remarkable peculiarity in the pike economy, seeing it must be in inverse ratio to the wants of the fish, for they must be at this time in a state of emaciation from the effects of spawning ; and the circumstance is fortunate, for were the appetite as usual, few young fiy could escape ; but during THE PIKK, &.C . 121 the summer they are listless, and affect the surface of the water, where in warm sunny weather they seem to bask in a sleepy state for hours together, and at these times frequently get ensnared by the wire halter of the poacher. It is not a little remarkable, also, that smaller fish appear to be aware when this abstuient state of their foe is on him ; for they who at other times are evidently impressed with an instinctive dread at his presence, are now seen swimming around him with total unconcern. At these periods, no baits, however tempting, can allure him ; but on the contrary, he retreats from every thing of the kind. Windy weather is alone capa- ble of exciting the dormant powers ; and then, if a cool sharp breeze spring up, he may sometimes be tempted to run; but even then he will rather play with the bait, and may be seen even sailing about with it across his mouth ; after doing which he commonly ejects it. This inaptitude to receive food with the usual keenness, continues from the time they spawn, until the time of their recovery from the effects of it ; and thus pike and jack fishmg are not productive of much sport between March and October, unless an occasional breeze should blow a hungiy fit on them ; and it is thus also that when they are attempted between these periods, the experienced fisher often at once commences his practice by snap-tackle. " We are disposed to think that the decreased voracity of these fish during the heats of summer, is in some measure likewise influenced by the increase of temperature. This animal thrives best in frigid climes, and the further we pro- ceed within certain limits, the larger is his growth ; thus, in the Canadian lakes he exists in vast numbers, and grows to the length of four or five feet ; and he does the same in the cold waters of Lapland, also disappearing, according to Wal- henburg, in geographical distribution with the spruce fir. It is no wonder, therefore, that only a slight approximation 122 THE PIKE, .fcC. to the equator should uimerve his powers, particularly during the summer heats." In this country, generally speaking, except in the more southern parts, the habits of the pike, although very similar, are not quite so indolent as they are in England. In the northern parts of the States of New-York and Pennsylvania, and the more northern states, where the climate is colder than that mentioned by Blaine, they are frequently taken in fine condition, and with the usual quantity of sport, in the months of August and September. Generally speaking, the months of September and October are found to be the best months, and in many parts of the country, afford the Angler as much true enjoyment and diversion, as any other of the numerous modes of piscatorial amusement. The streams and ponds containing them are abundant, and furnish immense quantities. Tiiere is perhaps more angling for the pike than for any other of the finny tribe, insomuch that it is almost impossible to mention a section of the country, except within some of our more southern states, which do not furnish fine grounds for the pike, from the moderate size contained in the ponds, to the essex or muscalinga of our western lakes. The most common mode of taking them in the ponds and lakes, is with a stiff rod of ash or bamboo, about 12 feet long, accompanied with a reel containing from 50 to 100 yards of strong flax or grass line, with a small fish, or the leg or hinder part of a frog for bait. The hook, which should be a Limerick or Kirby salmon, from No. to 5, according to the size of your game, is attached to strong gimp or wire, from 12 to 24 inches long, for spring and autumn fishing, and for summer fishing, if the pike are shy, strong twisted gut is preferable. In stream fishing, the addition of a swivel sinker and a cork or hollow float, will be found necessary. Of the Rod, Blaine remarks : " Mr. Nobbs, with more THE PIKE, AC. 123 truth than good taste, has observed, that if your hook and line be good, you may make shift with an indifferent rod; and he seems to ridicule * those precise craftsmen who spend their time in admiring their instruments;' for he adds, that he has 'often put a ring on his walking-stick, and with his hue thus mounted, has killed his pike ; ' and no one doubts him. We have also heard a boy discourse sweet music on a jew's-harp; and yet, somehow, jews'-harps have not super seded the use of the violin, which is passing strange ! ** We shall not, however, have much difficulty in persuad ing the true Angler that an appropriate rod will not only add to the success of his practice, but will render that practice more convenient and agreeable than otherwise. It will cer- tainly be more professionally characteristic. In the rod or rods used for jack fishing, the method to be employed, the nature of the water, and the probable size of the fish, are all matters necessary to be taken into account. In live-bait fishing, and in trolling, a rod of neai'ly similar length and di- mensions is required ; but in snap-fishing, one of greater strength but diminished length is generally employed. In a very wdde water, considerable length of rod is necessary for the purpose of reaching the probable haunts of the fish, and making a cast over the reeds or sedges which frequently skirt the banks and edges of some waters. Without a rod of con- siderable length, the bait often falls short, and not only misses its object, but gets torn by falling within, instead of without the reeds ; and an opening between weed-beds, (so likely a situation for jack,) either in rivers or lakes, can seldom be reached without a length rod. A proper rod, however, for the intended sport, not only adds to the pleasure of the prac- tice, but likewise to the success of it. Notwithstanding all which, it must be conceded, that in pike and jack fishing, it is more the method of the Angler than the merits of his rod, that is essentially requisite to his sport." 124 THE PIKE, &C. As pike angling has become a favorite practice with many sportsmen, both ia this comitry and Europe, the particular directions, practice, and instructions of the best, will be se- lected for the beaefit of those not initiated. The following, from the last mentioned writer, the readev can adapt to his peculiar situation, compared with the localities mentioned. " The rod or rods, for both live-bait fishing and trolling in the rivers of the southern parts of the kingdom, may be made throughout of bamboo ; but a rod so made must be composed of the very best possible materials ; in which case, in good hands, it will be fully equal to land any pike that does not exceed eight or ten pounds in weight. But where pike may probably be met with of heavier weight, the butt and top at least, should be of some solid wood ; the former may be of willow,* for lightness, and the latter of any tough, con- densed wood, at the discretion of a good rod maker, sur- mounted with one-third whalebone. " For the lochs of Scotland, the lakes and meres of Eng- lish counties, known to contain pike from 15 to 20 pounds, or more, in weight, the rod must wholly be formed of solid wood.t But even here we recommend that the butts be bored, both to lighten, and also to contain one or two spare tops, which it may very well do without weakening it Every trolling rod should be fitted up with at least one spare top, but it may with still more propriety have two. One should be made shorter and stronger than * The butts of rods so5d at the fishinj-tackle stores, are usually made of maple, and the tops of lance-wood, which is a good arrangement of woods, the former being perfectly strong and solid, and the latter tough and pliable; add the bamboo joints, as above described, of a proper taper, and you have a rod that cannot be surpassed for lightness, strength, and durability. See Article on Rods, page 22. t Well seasoned ash, with a maple butt and lance-wood top, is the best description that can be used, and is suitable for lake fishing. THE PIKE, &C. 125 the other, to \ary the fishing according to circumstances, and likevdse to enable the Angler at a distance from his stores, to have recourse to snap-fishing, if he find the jack dainty ; this purpose may, however, be still more effectually answered by a second top, made wholly of whalebone, and less than half the length of the other. Where the angling mania has possession of a traveller, as it had of ourselves, it is of much importance that an article should be capable of be- ing converted into many purposes. By such a rod as we have just described, he may troll in every water in the king- dom ; nay, he may extend his fishings to the enormous pike of the Canadian lakes, mailed over with rhomboidal scales, and yet he may not return without a successful run. " Captain Williamson says, that * the spare top of an ordi- nary bottom-rod, which is occasionally employed for jack trolling, should be firm, and not too pliant, so that it will bear a weight of four pounds hung to the hook w^ithout breaking.' Mr. Salter on this head, says : * I have two tops to my troll ing rod, which I always carry with me, in case of breaking one, &c. ; one is made very flexible of wood, and a whale- bone top, about two feet long; to this, for strength and secu- rity, I have a ring in the wood part, as well as the large one at the whalebone top ; this top 1 always use when trolling with the gorge-bait, or when fishing with live bait ; the other top is made wholly of stout whalebone, about one foot long ; this I use only when snap-fishuig, for which it is well adapted by its superior strength and stiffness.' " The length of the rod for live-bait fishing and trolling, may vary from 15 to 17 feet, according to circumstances ; if its wood and workmanship can be depended upon, 16 feet is in no case too much ; and where extensive streams are fished over, one of 16 or 18 feet is convenient." The Rings or Guides for the Line, on a trolling rod, should be much larger than those for salmon or trout, and 126 THE PIKE, &C. -■3 -^ a ^x^ {—- wider apart, say from two to three feet from each other. The solid rings, or patent guides, as they are called, and the patent tip or end, should be preferred. The manner of baiting, where a single hook, is used, for live or dead bait-fishing, is the same as that before described for trout. The Bottom- Tackle is sometimes fitted up with swivel- traces, which Blaine thus describes: " The single, is thus made : to about 10 or 12 inches of gimp, add a hook-swivel at one end, and a loop at the other ; the hook of the swivel will receive the loop also of the gimp-hook, and the gut loop will receive the reel line by a draw bow-knot, which it will be prudent occasionally to examine, w^hen the reel Une used is one either of hair, or silk and hair, as such knots made in them sometimes loosen, but in the plaited sUk this never happens. It will be necessary to add three or four swan shots to the trace, or otherwise a dip-lead,* either of which should be fixed just above the swivel. Note here, that it is necessary to add some weight to all the fish-bait beyond their own: the intention of which is, that the increased resistance to the water, made by this means, occasions an increase in the velocity of their spinning, by way of counteraction. " The Double Swivel-Trace, is made by uniting two 10 inch lengths of gimp by a box-swivel; to one end of this trace, add another swivel of the hook kind, loop the remain ing end, and finish by adding to the trace by way of ballast, either swan-shot or a dip-lead. Note, that in the application of these traces, it may be sometimes more convenient, in stead of making a loop for receiving the hook-loop, to whip the hook at once to the trace, and this may be more particu- * A sinker, with swivels attached to each end, dispensing with the swivel described, is generally preferred by American Anglers ; and also in the double swivel-trace, one of the swivels is often omitted, and a 8 mvel sinker used instead. THE PIKE &C. 127 larly proper when the water is shallow. On this subject, Salter says : * In the summer months, when the water gets low and bright, from a contiimance of dry weather, I have found, when I used traces made of the choicest twisted gut, instead of gimp, and hooks also tied to twisted gut, that I have killed more jack and pike, either when trolling with the gorge, or live-bait fishing, than I could if I used gimp. This, you are to observe, is only during the summer, when jack and pike are not much on the feed, and the water is very bright — they seem shy of coarse tackle; but not so in winter and spring, for they are then well on the feed and the water is generally somewhat discolored, at which time and seasons I believe jack and pike would take a baited hook if it was tied to a clothes' line or rope." Another mode of taking the pike is by baiting with a small fish on the gorge-hook, which Hofland says is " either a double or single hook, fixed on a twisted brass wire, and loaded on the shank with lead, to which is attached a piece of gimp, eight or ten inches long, at the end of which is a small loop. To bait this hook you must have a brass needle, about seven inches long; put the loop of the gimp in the eye or small curve of the needle ; then put the point of the needle in at the mouth of the fish, and bring it out at his tail ; bring the gimp and wire along with it, the lead being fixed in the belly of the bait fish, and th^ hook or hooks lying close to the out- side of the mouth; then turn the points of the hooks towards his eyes, if a double hook, but if a single one, dlt'ectly in a line with his belly ; next tie the fish's tail to the arming wire very neatly with a strong thread. To the line on your reel you must attach a gimp trace 24 inches long, having a swivel at each end, and one in the middle. The spring-swivel at the end of your line, is to be hooked on the loop of your baited trace, and you are ready for sport. " When you are thus prepared, drop in your bait lightly 128 THE PIKE, &C. before you, then cast it on each side, and let the third throw be across the river, or as far as you can reach ; still letting the bait fall lightly on the water. In each cast let your bait fall nearly to the bottom ; then draw it up gently towards you, and again let it sink and rise tUl you, draw it out of the ■water for another cast. " The further you throw your bait if the water be broad, (provided always that it fall lightly,) the greater your chance of success, so that you are not interrupted by weeds, roots of trees, &c. ; and if the water should be very weedy, you will be compelled to drop your bait into deep clear openings. " When you feel a run, let your line be perfectly free, and allow the fish to make for his haunt without check ; and when he stops, give out a little slack line ; by your watch give him ten minutes to pouch the bait before you strike, which you may then do, by first gently drawing in your slack line, and then striking gently; but should your fish move soon after he has been to his haunt, give him line, and he will stop again ; but, after this, if he move a second time before the ten minutes are expired, strike, and you will most likely secure him ; but if he has only been playing with the bait, you will have lost him. When I have been so served once or twice, I generally resort to my snap-tackle. " If you have fairly hooked your fish, he cannot easily break away ; and as your tackle is strong, unless he is very large, you need not give out much line, but hold him fast and clear of the weeds, giving him but a short struggle for his life. The gaff is better than a net for landing a large pike, for he is dangerous to handle, and his bite is much to be dreaded. " When you are without either gaff or landing-net, seize the fish by putting your finger and thumb into his eyes." The pike is sometimes angled for with worms, when the water is clear, and the game runs small. Blaine says : " Worm-fishing for jack is a species of live-bait angling, THE PIKE, &.C. 129 that we and others have sometimes practised with success, particularly where small jack are numerous, in ditches and dykes, in marshes, &c. In our worm-fishing for jack, we have found the brandling the most successful of all the varie- ties, and our practice has usually been to employ two at a time on a No. 3 or 4 hook ; we however did not use the common wire hook, but the barbed or stronger kind, by which means the strength was increased, though the appear- ance was not rendered more formidable. And note, that this kind of hook may be prudently used in all the various me- thods to be detailed, when single hooks of small size are re quired. Use a float correspondent to the nature of the water; and if that be moderately deep and at all rufl3ed, let the float be a small sized cork one ; but when the surface is not dis- turbed, use a porcupine's quUl, for the finer the tackle, the greater the chance of success. Retire as far as possible from the banks, and strike tolerably quick, at least after the second tug is felt, by which time the jack has usually got the worm within the throat." Live-Bait and Snap-Angling. These are favorite modes of sport with many Anglers, but objected to by others on ac- count of the spiceof inhumanity with which the practice is tinc- tured, by attaching the live bait to the hook, in anticipation of a bite from the all-devouring jack. It is usually practised in the summer months, when the water is low and clear, and the game requires particular attention. The following methods of baiting, frnm Blaine, are sufficiently compassionate for the most fastidious member of the Humane or Peace Societies. " One of the most simple and least painful, is to pass the hook under the back fin, just even with the roots of its rays, including a small portion of its skin only, by which means the fish will not be materially injured, and will continue to swim strong, and show itself. In this method it has been found that the struggles of the fish, or even the violence of the striking ff- ^^iW. / 130 of a jack, has often forced the bait from the Hook; to prevent which, a thread has been carried round the point of the hook on one side, and being passed under the belly, has been fas- tened to the shank of the other side ; but this deforms the fish, and injures its vitaHty, it is therefore not an ehgible practice : its object may be obtained in a more effectual manner, thus : instead of one, make use of two strong but small hooks. No. 3, 4 or 5, according to the size of the bait ; hang each of these to a small piece of strong gut, of three inches in length, and loop each end. Introduce each of these hooks a very little removed from each other, under the dor- sal fin, one on one side, and the other on the other side ; this done, if they are critically placed, these two loops will meet BO exactly as to be received into the loop of the trace-lines, without dragging one side more than the other. This me- thod, we can venture to promise, will prevent the escape of the bait, and is, as we believe, much more effective in taking the prey also. " The Snap-Bait variety is seldom chosen in pike-fishing by preference, but is rather forced on the fisher, in the spring and summer months, when the pike and jack are not much on the alert in taking baits. On the contrary, if one of them does seize a bait at these times, he is apt to pouch or gorge it, but after roving about with it in his mouth for some time, he ejects, or blows it out, as Anglers term it. Snap- fishing, we may add, intermixes itself with live-bait fishing, and with trolling also ; or rather, on some occasions we add a snap mode of striking the pike to the other methods ; we have therefore a live-snap and a dead-snap, and now and then snap-hooks are likewise added to a gorge-hook m trolling, and that vsrith perfect success. In all cases, therefore, if the bait- hooks are such as can be depended on, and the rod be suffi- ciently strong, the methods already described, and such as are to follow, may be made snap-fishing, by simply striking THE PIKE, 131 the fish at once, mstead of allowing him to take the bait away to his hold ; the principal, and indeed the only difference be ing, that when we go out with the intent of snap-angling, oui hooks are large, and ought to be strong also, and our rod is strong and short. '* Directions for making a Live Snap-Bait. Take two strong hooks, of size No. 3 or 4, according to the strength ot their make, as well as the size of the bait : tie each to about an inch and a quarter of fine twisted wire, and again tie these two wires together, including in the tie a hook* No. 8 or 9, and also eight or ten inches of gimp, which loop at the other end : but in the tying, place the large hooks, contrariwise, so that one may point towards the head, and the other towards the tail of the bait-fish, which will greatly increase the chance of success when using it. To apply this, enter the small hook under the back fin, and allow one of the two large hooks to apply itself close to one side of the bait, and the other to be similarly placed on the other, but with the direc- tion of their points reversed. We have often, even when the spring-snap has been in our book, made use of this more sim- ple plan in preference, particularly where our only baits were gudgeons. A good sized roach or dace can conceal the snap, but it is hardly applicable in any way to a small fish. *' Dead-Bait Spring-Snap. This machine can be applied either to the dead or living bait ; it is, however, we think, more applicable to the former, as it requires a sufficient hold on the bait to ofier a resistaiice equal to the springing snap, or the benefit is lost : such a hold is injurious to the live bait, and soon destroys it. No bait answers so well for the placing of the spring-snap, as either a roach, bream,t or perch, on * These hooks should be tied near the top, in a similar position to that on the spring snap-hook, described on plate of hooks. t Any of the small fish that inhabit the stream with the pike, will an swer the purpose, and be equally acceptable. 132 THE EIRE, tC. account of the breadth of their figures ; but to either of these, and to the roach particularly, it can be readily and conve niently attached. Choose a fresh dead roach, of from three to five ounces ; insert the small hook of the spring as above directed for the common snap, but a little deeper, so as to take a firmer and deeper hold, than when applied to the living one. If the apparatus, from its size, must project beyond the line of the fish form, let it be above ; but by no means allow the bend of the hooks to appear under the ventral surface. The figures Nos. 4 and 5 on Plate No, 2, exhibiting the snap sprung and unsprung, furnish a sufficient exemplification of its mode of action ; in seizing of the bait, the pike or jack draw the hooks out of the detaining frame, and in conse- quence they immediately expand and fix themselves into the jaws of the fish which has seized it. " Of the Hooks in Snap-Fishing. We must again say, it is of great consequence that those to strike the pike be so placed as to easily clear themselves ; if, therefore, it is ex- pected of these hooks that they shall support and play the fish, and yet be ready at a moment to disengage themselves from this attachment, then too much is expected of them ; and when they ought to be free, to strike at once into the mouth of the pike, they are apt to be buried deep in the body of the bait. It was purposely to relieve this strain on the bait that we added to the traces a small hook, which then left the large hooks at liberty to disengage themselves : for on the small hooks the stress of the action of playing the fish, was then altogether placed. It is on this principle that the snap-baits in general should be formed, and where they have not some sustaining hooks, independent of the snap-hooks, then they ought never to pass through the centre of the body of the bait-fish, but superficially under the skin only, so that when the pike strikes, the skin of the bait may readily tear away by the united forces of the stroke of the Angler and his THE PIKE, &C, 133 prey, the consequence of which is, that the hook or hooks immediately disengage themselves from the bait, and pene- trating the mouth of the pike, they retain him. " The Bait being properly fixed, cast it lightly into the rod, observing to make the first cast in shore, but be as much concealed as possible from viewr. If success does not follow this, extend the throw further into the water, and to do that with effect, give the impulsive swing of the bait with the same length of hne as before, but have in addition a yard or two of loose line in the left hand, which as the bait flies forward, loosen quickly from the hand, and as it arrives at its destination, drop the point of the rod, which will ease the bait into the water vdthout injury to itself, or alarm to the pike. The attempts of the live bait to make for the weeds or the shore, must be counteracted by drawing it back or giving it a new direction, and as it flags in liveliness, stimulate it by shaking the rod a little, which often stimulates the jack also to strike the bait. In drawing up the bait to remove it to a new situation, observe to do it gently, and at the same time watch the water, for it is not at all uncommon for a jack to follow on its attempted removal. If any thing of this kind is perceived, by no means remove the bait, but lower it again into the water, and begin moving it quickly at a few inches below the surface, backwards and forwards. In all cases, keep the float in sight, but avoid showing yourself if possible, particularly in the summer months, and when the weather and water are both bright. At such a time, to increase your small chance of sport, try to get the sun before you, and the wind behind ; the former you might well dispense with alto- gether, the other will prove your best friend ; but if there be Bun, you must at least take care that it do not reflect either your own shadow or that of your rod on the water. In the months of February, October and November, this mav be of 134 THE P I K K , &.C. little consequence, but it is otherwise in the spring and sum- mer months. " Be careful not to mistake the motions of the bait for those which are made by the pike or jack when seizing it. With the experienced Angler there is no danger in this, but one less initiated might be apt to fall into the error, particularly as the mere sight of the jack will sometimes make the bait throw himself out of water to avoid his dreaded foe. The proficient at such a time will do nothing more than gently move his bait as though it were going to leave the spot, which alone w^ill sometimes occasion the jack to seize it at once. The seizure of the bait by the pike is marked by the float, which is not throvni up, but on the contrary is drawn violently down, and the water is likewise observed to undulate, unless the bait be seized at a considerable depth. Be prepared for this with a free line as regards the reel ; it is also a good plan to have in the left hand a yard or two of loose line to give out as the pike runs, which is infinitely preferable to al- lowing it to be pulled by the fish himself from the reel ; which alone, with a pike not well on the feed, will cause him to reject it. Whatever line, therefore, is required in the pro- gress of the fish to his hold or haunt, veer it out by the hand, and such hold is seldom far off, and he will when there, stop to gorge the bait. " In striking, let not impatience tempt you: wait until you are certain that the pike has actually gorged the bait; otherwise your sliglit hold on your bait and prey will tear away, and you will lose both at the same effort. The pouch- ing time is by no means definite, but is regulated by circum- stances : thus, having satisfied yourself by the previous still ness of the pike or jack, that he is gorging, and by his again moving out from his retreat (which signal you must look for) that he has actually done so, give your line a smart hand THE PIKE, &C 135 Stroke, which will fix the barbs into the maw beyond the power of ejection." Trolling for Pike. This method, the last given, is per- haps the best of the series of the different contrivances for taking this species of game. It is generally practised in two ways, by roving or drawing the line from the shore, or by trolling the line gently from a small sail-boat or skiff, with an attendant, to be guided by your directions. With a stiff rod, reel, and other tackle, without a float, as before described, the latter method, with a good ground and large game, is de- cidedly at the top of pike-angling. Whether on shore or in a boat, the manner of proceeding should be the same. Of Bank-Trolling, Blaine, the best authority, has the fol- lowing : '• The method of holding the rod differs in the prac- tice of different Anglers, some grasp it firmly in the right hand, and depend on the strength of their arm for deUvering the bait out to its extent ; but we apprehend that much the better method is that of resting the butt against the hip, thigh, or stomach, or wherever convenient support can be obtained, (we always use our hip for the purpose,) by which much ex- ertion is saved, the bait can be cast much wider, and when the Angler is accustomed to the habit, he may, by this means, direct it within a few inches of the spot he aims at. The rod placed, and the bait swinging on such a length of line as can be managed, retain within the left hand a yard of it loose, which as the bait is cast gradually run off the hand, directing it rather slantingly; by such means it will shoot diagonally forward, with a natural appearance impelled by the weight of the lead.* When delivered, begin to move it after the man- ner of the motion, about mid-water, observing always to avoid removing it quickly from the water for another throw, for * This is where the leaded gorge-hook is used, the method of baiting most adopted in trolling. 136 THE PIKE, &C. both pike and jack often follow the bait, and seize it at tne moment it rises towards the surface, fearful it is going to throw itself out of the water to avoid the pursuit. " When you have a run, or in other words, when a pike or jack has seized your bait, lower the point of the rod to- wards the water, and at the same time draw the line gradu- ally from the reel with the left hand, so that nothing may impede or check the progress of the fish in carrying the bait to its hold in order to pouch it; do not strike until he has had possession of the bait about seven minutes, or till the line shakes or moves in the water, then wind up the slack line, and turn the rod, so that the reel may be uppermost instead of underneath, then strike, but not with violence." Taylor offers an excellent practical remark on striking, when he says: " The pike will as soon as he has seized a bait, run to his hold to pouch or swallow it ; allow him there- fore five minutes to do so, (unless the line slackens before that time, which is a signal that he has already done it,) and then strike. But if after he has run off with the bait, he makes scarcely any stay with it at his hold, but goes off with it again, you should not strike till after he has rested a second time allowing him still about five minutes; but if he should run off a third time before the five minutes are expired, draw a tight line, and strike him instantly." Captain Williamson observes, that " when you see a great number of very small bubbles rising from the spot where you know, by the direction of your line, the jack is lying, you should forbear from striking, it being a certain sign that he has not pouched your bait."* " The pike being struck,''^ the first directions continue, * There is much difference of opinion about the time to be j^iven for pouching the bait, some giving iu some cases fifteen or twenty minutes, and one writer recommends tliirty minutes I The most experienced, in particular instances, give ten, and even fifteen minutes; but thirty, or M&, THE PIKE, &C. 137 " if it should be a large fish, and the place open, give more line, and do not pull hard at any time, unless your tackle should be in danger of entangling among weeds or bushes , and when this is the case, the utmost caution is necessary lest the rod, line, hook, or hold, should break. When com- pletely exhausted, and brought to the side, take it up with a net, or fix a landing-hook in it, either through the upper lip or under jaw ; or, if in want of either of these, put your thumb and finger into its eyes, which is the most safe hold with the hand." It is also most judiciously remarked by Mr. Salter: ** When you have hooked a jack or pike, and played him till he is quite exhausted, and you are drawing him ashore, make it a rule to float him on his side, and keep the head a little raised above the surface of the water, that the nose or gills may not hang to or catch hold of weeds, &c., while you are thus engaged bringing your prize to the shore ; for some- times you cannot avoid drawing it over or among the weeds; and I have seen a pike touch and get entangled in this way, and before it could be disentangled, it recovered from its ex- haustion or stupor, and occasioned much trouble and hazard before it could again be subdued. ** When a pike has been brought to land, the inexperi- enced should be w^arued to be careful of his jaws, and to ob- serve that after he appears wholly exhausted, he can yet bite severely. He can also, if he be not immediately stunned, make his way again to the water most artfully, by repeated jumps, of which we witnessed a most ludicrous instance. The pike being stunned, it becomes necessary to recover the gorge-hook from the maw. To do this, turn him on his side, and set the hollow of your foot behind his gills ; then with your spud wrench open his mouth, and introduce your dis- even twenty minutes, would tire the patience of the most ardent of the followers of Isaac Walton. 138 THE PIKE, &,C. gorger. If the hooks are in the maw, as they usually are under the gorging system, open the fish's stomach about the middle, and you will be opposite to or rather under the points, so that your gimp will be safe. Cut away the parts that are hooked, and unslipping the knot that holds the gimp to the reel line, draw your bait, hooks, and gimp, all through the aperture made in the stomach. This will disfigure the fish less than cutting down the jaws, until the hook can be got out through the mouth. It is a good plan in trolling to be provided with two or three sticks of various lengths ; one of these will assist to prop open a jack's mouth, while the Angler is attempting the extraction of the hook, but by no means trust your fingers in his mouth unless he be gagged." In addition to the common pike, jack, or pickerel, the fol- lowing notice of different species, by Flint, in his History of the Mississippi Valley, may be interesting to the reader. " Pike Essex. We have noted many species of pike in the Ohio and Mississippi, and their waters. They are called pike, pickerel, and jack-fish, and perfectly resemble the fish of the same name in the Atlantic waters. The Indians of the Wabash and Illinois call them piccanau. They are of all sizes, from a half to twenty pounds. " Essex Vittatus, jack-fish, white pickerel. Length sometimes five feet." The latter appears to be a distinct species. They are very good for the table, and further as to his angling qualities we are not informed. Having given the pike a long run through many pages and over what may appear to the uninitiated the rocks and weeds of instruction, it is to be hoped, notwithstanding, that the subject is sufficiently clear to introduce him to the pot, which shall be done through Mr. Nobbs, an English author, quoted by Hofland. " How to Cook the Pike. Take your pike and open him ; THE PIKE, &C . 139 rub him within with salt and claret wine ; save the melt, and a little of the bloody fat ; cut him in two or three pieces, and put him in when the water boils; put in with him sweet marjoram, savory, thyme or fennel, with a good handful of salt ; let them boll nearly half an hour. For the sauce, take sweet butter, anchovies, horse-radish, claret wine, of each a good quantity; a little of the blood, shalet, or garh'c, and some lemon sUced; beat them well together, and serve him up." CHAPTER VIII. OP THE PERCH. This, like the last described, is a bold and voracious fish, and with the pickerel and trout, has his place in the numerous ponds and lakes throughout our country. There are many varieties, the most common of wrhich may be described under the general heads of Common, Yellow, White, and Black Perch. The Common Perch — (Perca Fluviatillis — Smith.) " A beautiful fish this, having an olive brown tinge, mingled with a golden hue, together with dark bands transversely coursing the sides. The first dorsal fin is somewhat larger than the second, and marked posteriorly by a particular dark spot. All the fins are tinged with a lively red, when first brought out of the water ; the same color is also observed on the under edge of the gill membrane." The Yellow Perch — (Bodianus Flavescens — Mitchill.) "A beautiful fresh water fish of a foot or more in length, and three inches in depth. Head rather small, and tapering towards the snout. Both jaws roughened with very small te*?*^:. THE PERCH. 141 Eyes large and yellowish. Body deep and thick, but becom- ing slender towards the tail. Scales rather rough and hard. Lateral line almost straight. Tail rather concave. First ven- tral ray spinous; as are also the two first and anal rays, all the rays of the foremost dorsal fin, and the first of the second dorsal. Colors, brown or olive on the back, turning yellow on the sides, and white on the belly. Faint brown zones, to the number of four, or more, diversifying the sides from the back to belly. Dorsal and pectoral fins brown. Ventral and anal scarlet. " In the year 1790, I tran.sported about two dozen of these yellow perch from Rockankama Pond, in Siiflfolk County, to Success Pond, in Queens. The distance is about 40 miles. Since that time there have been as many of them as could subsist. My assistant iu the undertaking, was my uncle Uriah Mitchill, Esq., High Sheriff of Queens County. We filled a large churn with the waters of Rockankama Pond. We put 80 few perch into it, that there was no necessity for changing it on the road. We were in a wagon, and came the whole distance on a walk, without stopping to refresh either man or horse. The project of transporting the fish to Success Pond was completely answered ; and in this way was the yellow perch carried to Hempstead waters." The first-mentioned pond furnishes immense quantities of the finest kind of yellow perch, and is the resort of parties of pleasure, and those who are fond of light sport, during the summer season. It is situated in the northwest part of the town of Islip, Long-Island, is a beautiful and picturesque sheet of water, almost large enough to deserve the name of a lake ; its shape is nearly circular, the water perfectly clear, and of gi-eat depth — so deep in some places that no bottom has been found. The water is said to rise and fall once in seven years. Smith remarks : " Under favorable circumstances, for in k 142 THE PERCH. mr — ■ — - _i_ __^.^ ■ ". . — x=^ - ■ --- — ■^~. stance, in a deep large pond, shaded by a thrifty growth of brushwood on the margin, the yellow perch attains to a large size, and becomes elegant in its proportions." It is the opinion of a late writer on Natural History, that this fish, and that called the silver perch, is one and the same thing. He says : " In our humble view, the yellow fins of the silver perch, entitle it to the name and rank of the one before us, (the yellow perch,) and further we believe, they are one and the same thing — the trifling difference in color depending on circumstances. The love and ambition of sub- division — the longing to be the creator of new genera and new species — has introduced more confusion into works of natural history, than can be expurgated in fifty years of common sense to come." White Perc^— (Bodianus Pallidus— Mitchill.) " With soft and connected dorsal fins, pale back, and white sides. Length eight inches, depth two and a half. Color whitish, with a dark hue, according to the angle of reflected light. Back, pale; tail even; lateral line extending through it. Small teeth in the lips. Patches of them in the throat. Eyes large and pale. Nostrils double." Smith gives a similar description, and also has the follow- ing : " Pond Perch is another common name for the same fish: we cannot discover any kind of difference whatever." Black or Red Perch — (Bodianus Rufus — Smith.) " This is a little larger than the silver perch, and though denominated red, is really nearly black, after it has done spawning. Oper- culum serrated, the tail slightly forked, and the jaws and swal- low set with fine sharp teeth. Usually the three first rays in theanalare stiff. Verycommonwherevertheothersarefound." Flint also mentions a species of this perch peculiar to western waters, and a fine- table fish, which he calls Brown Bass. It is called Brown Bass (Lepomis Fluxuolaris) or Black Perch, and grows from one to two feet in length. THE PERCH. 143 There are many other varieties in the ponds and brooks spread over the length and breadth of the country ; and al- though they do not give as much sport to the Angler in their capture, as the trout and similar descriptions, still they are much sought after, and considered a fine table fish. They generally spawn in the month of March; and although they may be taken at almost any time, either in winter or summer, they may be had in the largest quantities and in the finest condition, from May to July. The time of day in which the fisher will be most successful in taking them, is from seven until ten in the morning, or from four until dusk in the eve- ning. They are very slow in their growth, though some- times attaining a very large size, and multiply very fast. Smith remarks : " Perhaps there is not another fish, with the exception of the eel, so universally spread over the globe, as the fresh water perch. It is delicate food, and therefore exceedingly valued. From the largest rivers above the influ- ence of tides, to the smallest rills which trickle down the sides of the lofty mountain, the perch is always to be found. They swim swiftly, keeping near the surface, feeding on flies and minute insects. In the lake of Geneva, a female was very clearly that it is marvellously prolific, yet not ten in a hundred of the ova arrive at maturity, being the food of others. To the Greeks and Romans, this fish was perfectly femiliar." Of English authority, Blaine says : " The perch is con- sidered slow in its growth; but its increase depends much on the nature of its habitation: in ponds, and other small and perfectly stagnant waters, it grows slowly, and seldom ar- rives at last to any great size or weight ; but in rivers, in es- tuaries, and particularly in such waters as are subject to the rising tide, and as are slightly impregnated with brackish particles, although without current, they grow fast, and be- 144 THE PERCH. come very fat. Of the notifies of large pei'ch, we have be- fore observed on one taken in the Serpentine River, in Hyde Park, which weighed nine pounds, and another of eight pounds, taken in Dagenhara Breach, by a Mr. Curtis. In ' The Angler's Sure Guide,' mention is made of the portrait of one caught near Oxford, which was twenty-nine inches long, and of a proportionate depth ; and supposing such mea- sure to have been correct, the weight must have been very great. " The perch is gregarious, in the strictest sense of the word : a number herd together by a sort of compact, which confines them to situation, to size, and to habit as well as manner; all are alike; the same hole contains them, and the same swim maintains them; and if one should be taken, it is the Angler's owii fault if the whole do not share the same fate. This circumstance is remarkable in a fish of prey, since predatory fish in most instances are solitary ; and it is even more singular in one so voracious as to swallow its own eye, as heretofore stated.* The common mode of angling for perch in ponds, is vvdth a light stiff* rod, similar to that used in worm-angling for trout, * The following' is the circumstance alluded to : " Some time ago, two young gentlemen of Dumfries, while fishing at Dalswinton Loch, having expended their stock of worms, &c., had recourse to the expedient of picking out the eyes of the dead perch they had taken, and attaching them to their hooks — a bait which this fish is known to take as readily as any other. One of the perch caught in this manner struggled so much when taken out of the water, that the hook had no sooner been loosened from its mouth than it came in contact with one of its own eyes, and ac- tually tore it out. In the struggle, the fish slipped through the holder's fingers, and again escaped to its native element. The disappointed fisher, still retaining the eye of the aquatic fugitive, adjusted it on the hook, and again committed his line to the waters. After a very short interval, on pulling up the line, he was astonished to find the identical perch that had eluded his grasp a few minutes before, and which literally perished in swallowing its own eye." THE PERCH. 145 with a short line, about the length of the rod, a light float, and a small sinker, with a trout hook No. 2. This is not, however, the safest mode ; for although the Angler expects small game, he should be prepared for large; and as the pickerel is a com- mon inhabitant of ponds with the perch, he should always have attached to his rod a reel, to contain from 20 to 50 yards of line, unless, like the negro who was sent by his master to catch eels, he mean to take perch, and nothing else. The colored gentleman spoken of was sent by his master to catch a mess of eels for his breakfast. After sitting a long time, and taking only a few of his favorite fish, he had a severe tug at his hne, and with his strong tackle he immediately pulled out a fine three pound bass, but to the astonishment of the bystanders, unhooked him, and threw him overboard, say- ing, " Massa tell me cotch eelsJ'^ The usual bait for the pierch, in pond-fishing, is the com- mon ground-worm, which they will take generally if they take any thing. The brandling, and other worms, are some- times used, as also cheese and bread pastes. For stream- fishing, for large game, in addition to the worm, the mianow, or any similar small fish that delight in the same water; also, the parts of frogs, as in pickerel-fishing; and, when the stream runs into or near salt water, and they can be procured, the shrimp will be found an excellent bait. They are used in the same manner, and with the same kind of tackle, as in trout and pike-fishing, as before described. For Minnow-Fishing for Perch, Hofland gives the follow- ing: " The minnow may be used by fixing a No. 9 hook under the back fin, or by passing it through his lips, with a cork float, can-ying shot according to the depth of the water. You should fish within a few inches of the bottom, and when a fish bites, a little time should be given before you strike, as the perch is tender mouthed, and if not well hooked, is apt to break his hold. 146 THE PERCH. " Some Anglers prefer roving for perch, in the following manner : Use a reel on your rod, and have bottom tackle of three yards of gut, a hook No. 8 or 9, one or two shot-corns to sink the bait, which should be one or two well scoured red worms ; and you must then cast your line across the stream, letting it sink, and drawing it towards you alternate- ly, until you feel a bite, then allow a few seconds before you strike. You may also drop this bait into a deep still hole, as in trout-fishing ; indeed a practical Angler (especially an old trout-fisher, will prefer this mode of worm-fishing to the use of the float." Taylor directs : " If the Angler roves with a minnow, let it be alive, and the hook stuck in under the back fin, or through the upper lip ; let the minnow swim in mid-water, or rather lower; use a cork float, of a size that he cannot sink it imder the water, with a few shot, about nine inches from the hook, to keep him down, or when tired he will rise to the surface. When using the frog, put the hook through the skin of its back, and it will swim easier than if the hook was thrust through the skin of its hind legs ; recollect to keep the bait as fax from the shore as possible, for he will constantly be making to it ; always give line enough at a bite to let the perch gorge. Where pike are suspected to haunt, the hook should be attached to gimp, as in this way of fishing they will take the bait as well as the perch." For taking the perch, some Anglers affix the bait by two hooks, one inserted at the root of the back fin, and the other attached to either the gill, Up, or nostril. We think this by no means a bad plan ; but on the contrary, that it mcreases the chance of fixing the fish, when he only makes a snatching bite, as is common with the perch when not well on the feed. The former pages of this work having passed through the press, the following description of the perch of Western New Vork, his haunts, and mode of preparing for food, by an ardent THE PERCH. 147 and enthusiastic follower of Walton, taken from the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, wiU, though rather out of order io this place, be fully appreciated by the perch angler. " The Yellow Perch. This beautiful and active fish is almost omnipresent in the fresh waters of the Northern States. There are probably two distinct but similar species in our country, blended together under this common name. The perch of New England differs from ours principally in the shape of the head. In the Saratoga Lake, O wasco Lake, Cayu- ga Outlet, the Flats of Lake Huron, and many other localities, the perch is larger than with us, frequentiy weighing three pounds. Among the perch of our streams and river, a half pounder is a very portly citizen — though on a few particular bars they are sometimes taken in considerable numbers, averaging nearly a pound each. It is almost always to be had, from earliest Spring to the commencement of Winter ; and when poor Piscator has had all his lobsters taken by the sheeps- head, and utterly despairs of bass, he can, at any time, and almost any where, in our river, bait with the minnow and the worm, and retrieve somewhat from frowning fortune, by catching a mess of perch. " In the Spring, as soon as the ice has left the streams, the perch begins running up our creeks to spawn. He is then caught in them in great plenty. About the middle of May, however, he seems to prefer the Niagara's clear current, and almost entirely deserts the Tonawanda, and other amber waters. You then find him in the eddies, on the edge o\ swift ripples, and often in the swift waters, watching for the minnow. As the water weeds increase in height, he en- sconces himself among them, and, in mid-summer, comes out to seek his prey only in the morning and towards night. Ho seems to delight especially in a grassy bottom, and when the black frost has cut down the tall water-weeds, and the more delicate herbage that never attains the surface is withered, he 148 THEPICRCH. disappears until spring, — probably secluding himself in the depths of the river. " The back fin of the perch is large, and armed with strong spines. He is bold and ravenous. He will not give way to the pike or to the black bass ; apd though he may sometimes be eaten by them, his comrades will retaliate upon the young of his destroyers. '' The proper bait for the perch is the minnow. He will take that all seasons. In mid-summer, however, he prefers the worm, at which he generally bites freely. He is often taken with the grub, or with small pieces of fish of any kind. •' He is a capital fish at all times for the table. His flesh is hard and savory. He should be fried with salt pork rather than butter, and thoroughly done. He makes good chowder, though inferior for that purpose to the black bass or the yel- low pike. " A difference of opinion exists among our most tasteful icthyophagists, as to whether this fish should be scaled or skinned. Let me tell you how to skin him. Take a sharj> pointed knife, and rip up the skin along the back, from the posterior extremity of the back fin, on one or both sides of it along its whole length — then take the fish firmly by the head with the left hand, and with the right take hold of the skin of the back near the head, first on one side and then on the other, and peel it down over the tail. This being done, all the fins are thereby removed except those of the back and belly, which are easily drawn out by a gentle pulling towards the head. Cut off the head, and you have a skinless, finless lump of pure white flesh. Some say this is the only way a perch should be prepared for the cook's art — others say it impairs the flavor, and should never be pursued. As for me, I say, * in medio tutissimus ibis,^ — neither of the disputants is infallible. Much, very much of the sweetness of the perch and indeed almost all fishes, resides in the skin, which should THE SUN-FISH. 149 never be parted with except for some special reason, there- fore as a general thing, I scale my perch. But, in summer, the skin of the percli is apt to acquire a slight bitter taste, or a smack of the mud — therefore, in summer I skin my perch." '* Of the Gastronomic Properties of the Perch,'''' says Blaine, " whoever has heard of the broiled Y>erc\i flitches, and water souchy, of Sir Bamber Gascoyne's cooking, would not hold us blameless were we to be totally silent. This fish has indeed stood the test of time, and has been as little subjected to the mutations of fashion, perhaps as any one of the finny tribe : it was highly esteemed by the Romans, as we are in- formed by Aristotle, and its praises were sung by Ausonius : " * Nee te delicias mensarum, perca silebo Amnigenos inter pisces dignande marinis ! ' " How to cook the Perch. The pan, in proper hands, will do justice to this fish : many epicures, however, prefer broil- ing. Either method, according to former directions for others of the race, will give satisfaction to the Angler, particularly if very tired, and on the feed. Of the Water Souchy, Hofland gives the following me- thod: "Scale, gut, and wash your perch; put salt in your water; when it boils, put in the fish with an onion cut in slices, and separate it into rings ; a handful of parsley^ picked and washed clean; put in as much as will turn the water white ; when your fish are done enough, put them in a soup- dish, and pour a little water over them, with the parsley and the onions ; then serve them up with parsley and butter in a boat." Large perch may be crimped and boiled in the same way. THE SUN-FISH. This is a small fish, that generally tenants the same pond 150 THE SUN-FISH. with the perch. They vary in size, shape, and color, in dif- ferent parts of the country, and are taken readily with perch tackle. Their general size is from three to eight inches in length, except a species found in the Ohio, Kentucky, and other western rivers, where they are frequently taken twelve inches long. Angling for sun-fish, when found in ponds, with small perch, is a favorite amusement of lady Anglers, who often make the best part of pic-nic fishing parties, and, as Walton Bays, " angle for men and fish at fish, at the same time." De- termined old bachelors should be as wary in making up such parties, as they would be in taking a trout, or they will be caught in their own net ; and when beguiled by one of the fair sex, he might break out into a stream of rhyme like the following, by Dr. Donne : Come live with me, and be my love, And we will some new pleasures prove, Of golden sands and chrystal brooks, With silken lines and silver hooks. " Let coarse, bold hands, from slimy nest, The bedded fish in banks outwrest; Let curious traitors sleave silk flies. To witch poor wandering fishes' eyes : *« For thee, thou need'st no such deceit, For thou thyself art thine own bait ; That fish that is not catch'd thereby, Is wiser far, alas, than L" CHAPTER IX. OF THE CARP OR TENCH. This beautiful fish is not a native of our own country; but as they have been imported from England by a number of persons in many parts of the United States, for the purpose of stocking their ponds, and protection having been given them by the laws of the State of New- York, they will un- doubtedly become an object of the Angler's pleasure, it will be well to give some information of their habits, and the modes of taking them in other countries. " The family of carps," says Smith, " is distinguished by not possessing an adipose fin ; by a small mouth, and weak jaws, destitute of teeth. The brancial rays are few ; the body scaly ; the intestines short and without caecums. They have a swimming bladder, divided into two sacks, somewhat like an hour-glass, and live in fresh water, being harmless, inoffensive, and quiet inhabitants. " In the United States we have not yet discovered the true carp of Europe, which is so extensively bred in pleasure grounds. Usually it grows to a length of 12 or 18 inches, but in the stagnant waters of Persia, still larger. It is gene* 152 THE CARP OR TENCH, rally supposed to have been carried to England about 1514.* The quantity of roes exhuded by the female far exceeds the weight of her body. " Though denominated the wise on account of its sagacity, yet in the spawning season it will allow the Angler to tickle its sides, and is thus easily captured." In warai climates they are said to grow to a very large size, and often weigh thirty to forty pounds, and measure in length three or four feet. They are known generally in England, Germany, Russia, France, Italy, and Prussia, in which latter countiy they grow to the enormous size mentioned. They are said to live to a great age, instances being found where they have been supposed to be 1 00 years old. There are from twenty to thirty different species of the carp, most of which give sport to the Angler. Of the com- mon carp of England, Blaine remarks: " Its general color is a yellowish olive, much deeper and browner on the back, and accompanied with a slightly gilded tinge on the sides; the scales are large, rounded, and very distinct ; the head is ly long cirrus or beard, and above the nostrils is a much smaller and shorter pair •, the lateral line is slightly curved, and marked by a row of blackish specks ; the fins are violet brown, except the anal, which has a reddish tinge ; the dor- sal fin is broad, or continued to some distance from the mid- dle of the back towards the tail, which is slightly forked, with rounded lobes." * There is an old distich in reference to their introduction into Eng- land in 1514, which says— " Hops and turkie.«, carp and beer, Came into England all in a year; which is entirely disproved by the authoress of 1486, who says he is a " deyntous fysshe," and gives directions for the " harnavs " or tackle for taking him. THE CARP OR TENCH. 153 The carp generally feeds on worms and water insects, and are very tenacious of life, having been known to live a great length of time out of water. As an instance of this, it is re- lated that they have in Holland a way of fattening them, by hanging them up in a net in a damp cellar, and feeding them with bread and milk. They are then placed in wet moss, and moistened twice a day ; and by which method they grow very large, and increase in flavor. Hofland gives the following instance of their tenacity of life, through a Mr. Hilditch, who painted the full length por- traits of a carp and tench. " He kept these fish in a tub for a w^eek, taking them out alternately in the morning at ten o'clock, to paint fiora, and putting them into water again at four, during six days ; and I may add, that his amiable sister pleaded so well for the lives of these two fish, who had seen so much land service, that Mr. Hilditch took them down from Ludgate-Hill to Black-Friar's-Bridge, when, to use his own words, * they swam away fresh and lively.* " They are said to spawn several times in the course of a year, but their time or times of spawning depends much on the state of the weather and the temperature of the water. The time when they are known to spawn, is in the months of May or June. They are found near the bottom of muddy streams and ponds, and choose to lie under and near the weeds, plants, and water lilies. When old, they are like the trout, shy and crafty, and sometimes, where they are scarce, require all the skill of the most finished Angler in taking them. In large ponds, however, where they are found in abundance, they are often very tame, and are known in some instances in Ger- many, to be called to feed by the ringing of a bell. Hofland says: " Even large carp become very tame in ponds where they are regularly fed ; for Mr. Jesse says of 154 THE CARP OR TENCH some carp or tench* retained by him in a stew, that ' they were soon reconciled to their situation, and ate boiled pota- toes in considerable quantities ; and the former seemed to have lost their original shyness, eating in my presence with- out any scruple; ' and Sir John Hawkins says he was assured by a friend of his, that he saw a carp come to the edge of a pond, from being whistled to by a person who daily fed it ; and I have, myself, seen carp come to the edge of the water, to be fed with breadf by the visitors to Roche Abbey." The time for angling for them is from March till Septem- ber, with worms of various kinds, caterpillars, grasshoppers, beedes, wasps, and pastes. They are generally taken at or near the bottom, with a worm attached to a small strong hook, say No. 9 or 10 trout. The time of day for taking the carp is thus given by one of England's poets : — " At early dawn, or rather, when the air Glimmering with fading light, and shadowy eve Is busiest to confer and to bereave ; Then, pensive votary! let thy feet repair To silent lakes, or gentle river fair." Mr. Salter recommends a red worm on the hook, with a gentle on the point of it. They are also taken with fruit and vegetables of different kinds. Salter says they may be taken with marrow-fat peas. Taylor and Walton prescribe * The tench is a species of the carp, diflfering considerably in appear- ance from what is called the common carp. It is of a dark olive color, with quite small scales and nearly even. The mode of angling for him is the same adopted for the subject of our present chapter. i It may not be generally known that the gold-fish and silver-fish, which are seen about in glass globes, and small artificial ponds, and eat bread from the hand, are a species of the golden carp. They are natives of China, where they are bred and sold in great quantities. THE CARP OR T£NCH. 155 fruits and vegetables. In the use of peas, Taylor's plan is to hang one on the hook, about a foot from the ground, and throwing in a few now and then by way of a lure. In order to insui-e success at any time in taking the carp, ground-bait should be used in all cases, and in the evening previous to your expected sport, if possible. Of the requisite Tackle^ and. Manner of Taking the Carp, Hofland gives the following: " Notwithstanding the instances of familiarity, it is by no means easy to make a large carp familiar with your bait : to do this, the greatest nicety and caution must be observed ; but if the young Angler, who has been often foiled in his attempts, will patiently and im- plicitly follow my instructions, he will become a match for this cunning fish. " Use a strong rod with running tackle, and have a bot tom of three yards of fineish gut, and a hook No 9 or 10 ; use a very light quill float, that will carry two small shot, and bait with a well scoured red worm. " Now plumb the depth with the greatest nicety, and let your bait just touch, or all but touch the bottom ; but you are not yet prepared ; for a forked stick must be fixed in the bank, on which you must let your rod rest, so that your float shall exactly cover the spot you have just plumbed. Now throw in a sufficient quantity of ground-bait, of bread and bran, worked into a paste, and made mto little balls ; or in want of these, throw in the garbage of chickens or ducks ; and all this is to be done the evening of the day before you intend to fish. " The next morning, if in summer, be at the pond side where you have baited and plumbed your depth, by four o'clock, at latest, and taking your rod and line, which is already fixed to the exact depth, bait with a small, bright red worm; then approach the water cautiously, keeping out of sight as much as possible, and drop your bait exactly over 156 THE CARP OR TENCH, the spot you plumbed over night ; then rest part of your rod in the forked stick, and the bottom of it on the ground. '* You must now retii-e a few paces, keeping entirely out of sight ; but still, near enough to observe your float ; when you perceive a bite, give a little time ; indeed it is better to wait till you see the float begin to move off" before you strike, which you may then do smartly ; and as the carp is a leather- mouthed fish, if you manage him well, there is no fear of losing him, unless the pond is very weedy. Be careful to have your line free, that, if a large fish, he may run out some of your line before you attempt to turn him ; as he is a very strong fish, and your tackle rather slight, you must give him careful play before you land him. " The extreme shyness of the large carp, maizes all this somewhat tedious process necessary to insure success ; but I can safely assert that I scarcely ever took this trouble in vain. Various baits are recommended for carp ; such as green peas parboiled, pastry of all descriptions, gentles and caterpillars, &c. ; but I have found the red worm the best, and next to this, the gentle, and plain bread paste. Those who prefer a sweet paste, may dip the bread in honey. Pastes and gentles will answer better in autumn than in spring. April and May are, in my opinion, the best months for carp fishing, and very early in the morning, or late in the evening, is the best time for pursuing your sport." Walton remai'ks : " The carp bites either at worms or pastes ; and of worms, I think the blueish marsh or meadow- worm is best; but possibly another worm, not too big, may do as well, and so may a green gentle ; and as for pastes, there are almost as many sorts as there are medicines for the tooth-ache ; but doubtless sweet pastes are best ; I mean pastes made with honey or with sugar, which that you may the better beguile this crafty fish, should be thrown into the pond or place in which you fish for him, some hours or THE CARP OR TENCH. 157 longer, before you undertake your trial of skill with the an- gle-rod; and doubtless, if it be thrown into the water a day or two before, at several times, in small pellets, you are the likeliest, when you fish for carp, to attain your desired sport. " And if you fish for carp with gentles, then put upon your hook a small piece of scarlet, the sixth of an inch square, it being soaked in, or anointed with oil of petre, called by some, oil of the rock; and if your gentles be put, two or three days before, into a box anointed with honey, and so put upon your hook as to preserve them to be living, you are as like to kill this crafty fish this way as any other ; but still as you are fishing, chew a little white or brown bread in your mouth, and cast it into the pond about the place where your float swims. Other baits there be ; but these, with diligence and patient watchfulness, will do it better than any that I ever practised or heard of." Blaine has the following : " When the angling commences, if possible, keep entirely out sight of the fish ; make no noise ; let the bait slide silently into the water ; and try their fancy for taking it at various depths, beginning with the lowest. If rain falls lightly, the angler would do well to pursue his practise during the whole day. Sometimes, also, success will attend him through the whole of a gloomy day without rain, but in general cases, during the hot months, it ta not possible to fish too early or too late for carp. In a starlight or moonlight night of July, they have been taken after the ' witching time ' even. " When the angler perceives abite, he must strike accord- ing to the nature of his bait. If, for instance, in fishing with a lob-worm, he were to strike the moment he felt the float move, he would pull the worm out of the mouth of the carp, who sucks in after the manner of a barbel. On the contrary, if paste be employed, it is prudent to strike it on the slight- est warning, otherwise the waiy animal will suck away all 158 THE CARP OR TENCH. Z^ ^^^- ~~— . ■ ^-V; :t ^^zhx-::. — ' rr- — Xr=r. . the paste ; but with a small hook, and a very slight wris stroke, the nibbling fish may be probably struck ; or if he i not effectually hooked, the fineness of the stroke will not alarm him, and he will return to the charge. Again, when fishing for carp in rivers, it will be found that the habit ol meeting the insects which pass down the stream, makes the fish more on the alert to prevent their escape ; they take the bait quicker in rivers for this reason, and they should there- fore be struck much quicker." Walton prepares and dishes up this dainty fish in the fol- lowing sufficiently luxurious style, to make the Angler or reader smack his lips in anticipation. " But first, I will tell you how to make this carp, that is so curious to be caught, so curious a dish of meat as shall make him worth all yoar labor and patience. And though it is not without some trouble and charges, yet it will recompense both. Take a carp, (alive if possible) ; scour him, and rub him clean with water and salt, but scale him not ; then open him, and put him with his blood and liver, which you must save when you open him, into a small pot, or kettle ; then take sweet marjoram, thyme, or parsley, of each a handful ; a sprig of rosemary, and mother-of-savory ; bind them into two or three small bundles, and put them to your carp, with four or five whole onions, twenty pickled oysters, and three anchovies. Then pour upon your carp as much claret wine as will only cover him ; and season your claret well with salt, cloves and mace, and the rind of oranges and lemons. That done, cover your pot and set it on a quick fire, till it be suffi- ciently boiled. Then take out the carp and lay it with the broth into the dish, and pour upon it a quarter of a pound of the best fresh butter, melted and beaten with a half a dozen spoonsful of the broth, the yolks of two or three eggs, and some of the herbs shred ; garnish your dish vidth lemons, and so serve it up, and much good do you." CHAPTER X. OP THE STRIPED BASSE, OR ROCK-PISH. This noble and highly prized fish is peculiar to our own country, and to particular parts of it. As an object of sport, for perfect symmetry and beauty of appearance, and as a dish for the table, it is considered second only to the salmon. They are found in the rivers, bays, and inlets, from the Capes of the Delaware to Massachusetts Bay, and also in the rivers and bays of Florida. They appear in the greatest abundance in the Chesapeake Bay,* and in the rivers, bays, inlets and creeks in the vicinity of New- York, and are taken in large quantities, from the size of a common trout to the weight of upwards of a hundred pounds. In addition to the above described names, they are some- times called Perch. The late learned and distinguished Go- vernor De Witt Clinton, who was a member of the Philoso- * A friend who angles in Chesapeake Bay, below Baltimore, says that he h:is seen them as long as a crow-bar ! This is not quite so bad as be- ing as big as a lump of chalk, as the crow-bar was in sight at the time, and measured about five feet six inches. 160 THE STRIPED BASSE. phical Society of the city of New York, says that Basse is a Dutch word, signifying perch. As there is a difference of opinion among the few American authors, in respect to this fish, we give their own words. Smith of Massachusetts, defines this species as the Stri- ped Basse, Rock Basse — Perca Labrax — (Lin. Sciaena Bloch.) " On the sides are parallel lines, like narrow ribbons, eighl in number, which give it the name of the striped basse ; the scales are large, of a metallic lustre ; in the opper- culum, the middle plate is serrated ; the last portion of the third plate the gill cover, constituted of three pieces, has two nearly concealed spines. In the brancial membrane are seven rays ; pectoral, sixteen ; ventral, six ; dorsal, eight in the first, fourteen in the second ; anal fifteen, and in the can- dal 17 ; some of them in each fin, according to the size, it would appear, of the individual, are stiff or spinous. ** Three or four of the stripes reach the tail, — the num- ber not always being constant ; and the remainder gradually disappear at different points on the abdominal walls ; the eyes are white, the head strikes one as being long, and the under jaw, as in the pike, juts beyond its fellow. Next to the mackerel, this is decidedly the handsomest of native fishes. " Striped Bass, are a sea fish, and principally subsist near the mouths of rivers, up which they run as high as they can conveniently go. During the approach of winter, instead of striking out into the deep water of the open ocean, like most other anadromous species, the basse finds a residence in ponds, coves, rivers, and still arms of the sea, where undis- turbed and comfortable, it remains till the following spring. The principal rivers in the state of Maine, as the Penobscot. &c., are the places where they are now* taken in the great- est abundance, and of the finest flavor and size. In all the rivers, too, of Massachusetts, they are also found, at the in* * 183a THE STRIPED BASSE. 16* clement seasou of winter, but the fishery is not so productive as in Maine, whence the best in the Boston market are annu ally brought." The following is from the Transactions of the Literary and Philosophical Society, by Dr. Mitchill. " MitchilVs Perch, Striped Basse or Rock-Fish, (Perca Mitchilli), with eight parallel lines from head to tail. One of the largest and most excellent of the New York fishes : may be found from the weight of an ounce to that of seventy pounds and upwards. The position of the ventral fins rather behind the pectoral, made me once incline to place him in the abdominales. His second gill plate is finely serrated. That circumstance, if he remained among the thoracic, would rank him among the percae, and when I decided in favor of changing his order, I was obliged to constitute a new genus for him, which I called roccus. Ikit having since found that there are fishes whose ventral fins are further back on the abdo- men than this, that are nevertheless considered as thoracic, I have, on reconsideration, persuaded myself it will be most correct to place him among his compeers of the perch family.'* After a similar description to that given by Smith, our naturalist continues: " But one of the most obvious and distinguishing features of this fish, is the striped appearance of his body. From head to tail his back is marked by lon- gitudinal lines. The ground color is pale, brown, whitish and silvery. On this are delineated the aforesaid lines in parallel rows. These rows, at some seasons, appear black, and make a strong contrast. At other times they are more faint, and seem to be faded into areddish brown. When the brown thus predominates, dark specks or spots can be traced at regular distances along the stripes, particularly toward the back. " The number of these stripes is usually eight ; and four of them most commonly reach the tail. The rest are fre- "%._ '^M 162 THE STRIPED BASSE, / -— - ~r± ■'-^^- -^^- :_^zz:: ^^^^ -"^^ 1 • quently shorter ; vanishing unequally in their progress. Belly a fine mixture of silver and vv^hite. Scales adhere firmly. " This fish is very highly prized by the New-Yorkers. He is savory and excellent beyond the generality of fishes. His common abode is the salt water ; but he niigrates to the fresh streams and recesses to breed during the spring, and for shel* ter in winter. *' He takes the hook, especially when baited with soft crab, Small ones are catched by the boys, from the wharves and boats every where near the city. " Their greatest run is late in the fall. Instead of going away on the approach of winter, the striped bass seeks refuge in bays, ponds, and recesses where he may remain warm and quiet. Here the fishermen find him, and make great hauls during the coldest season, when very great numbers are brought to market in a frozen state. At this time it is usual to take some very large and heavy ones. Yet I have seen a dozen at a time, of the weight of fifty pounds each, in Oc- tober, while the weather was very mild. " He is also taken in seines during the summer, and in au- tumn. Indeed, there is no fish that stays more steadily with us all the year round, than the rock ; and he is found of all sizes, to suit all sorts of palates." The basse has been behoved, as stated at the commence- ment of this article, to be a native of this country, and was supposed first to have been noticed by Mitchill ; but the fol- lowing from Smith, would lead to a different conclusion. " By what authority Dr. Mitchill gave his own name to the striped bass, ' Perca MitchilU,' we cannot divine : he might with equal propriety have tacked his name to the white shark, or to the bones of the mastodon, and the last would have savored less of vanity, than affixing his cognomen to a common table fish, known from time immemorial all over Europe." THE STRIPED BASl 163 If the above assertion of Smith's is correct, it is very strange that so important an angle fish has not been known to the angling community of Europe ; for out of upwards of an hundred books on the subject of angling, in Europe, only one or two makes mention of any kind of basse whatever, and they are a species of trout, differing entirely from the striped basse of our waters. However, to us Anglers, (although we should like to see the learned Doctors agree,) it matters not * whether we have the name so long as we have the game." As an object of sport, they are sought after with great avidity, by the sportsmen of the parts of New York and New-Jersey, bordering on the Hudson river, and have been taken of quite a large size as far up as Albany * and Troy. They are also made very profitable to market fishermen, at some seasons being taken in great numbers, with very Uttle trouble. In the early part of January of the pre- sent year, 25,000 pounds were taken in Point Judith Ponds, the majority of a large size, that netted the proprietors $5,000. They are generally angled for with a strong, pliable rod, 12 to 15 feet in length, made of ash, with a lance-wood top. For boat fishing, a rod about 12 feet in length is considered long enough, but for bridge or bank fishing, 14 to 18 feet have the preference. They may be had in every variety of style at the tackle stores in the city of New-York, where no pains or expense is spared in adapting them to the peculiar tastes of the Angler. Attached to the rod should be a reel, suffi- ciently large to contain from 300 to 600 feet of flax, grass, or silk line ; to your line a swivel sinker, and float, according to the current of your fishing ground, and a leader, from three to six feet in length, double for fall fishing, and single for the spring run. Some of the best Anglers, however, prefer using * In the spring of 1844, one was taken with a rod and reel, in Sau- gerties creek, weighing fifteen and a half pounds. 1G4 THKSTRIPED BASSE. Single gut throughout the season, and if it can be procured of a large size, round and even throughout, in experienced hands it will be apt to take the most and largest fish. To your leader should be a Limerick or Kirby hook, from No. to 3, according to the season and size of t]ie game. In no species of angling is it so necessary to have superior quality of tackle, as in the one under consideration. The beginner should therefore provide himself with such descrip- tions as will meet any emergency ; for in salt water, in the bays and large rivers, the fisher will often be crossed by" fishes of great magnitude, and by taking the proper precaution to have every thing strong and durable, he will often prevent loss of tackle and loss of patience, two very important items of a successful Angler's stock. i An experienced Angler and mechanic, who has made many a rod, gives the following description of a proper one for basse fishing. " Your rod should be about 12 or 13 feet in length, not too stiflf nor yet too limber, for by being too stiff you are apt to break your tackle, or lose your fish by being struck too hard, and by being too light you are apt to break it, and thus spoil your sport. Besides, a rod of medium size is lighter, more convenient to handle, and much more likely to give you satisfaction after a tedious day's angling, if any such should be your lot, than if it were stiff— a fault which many new beginners are apt to acquire. For general basse angling, the one I should prefer (and it is the one most in use with good sportsmen) would be about seven-eighths of an inch in diameter at the butt ferrule, and a true taper to the point, which should not exceed three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter, making your butt sufficiently large for the grasp of your hand, say an inch and a quarter in diameter, which is about as large as will well fill your hand ; larger is inconve- nient — smaller will be likely to cramp your fingers. " Your hooks should be about No. 2 of Kirby, or No. 1 of THE STRIPED BAS 3E. 165 Limerick, firmly lashed to one or two strands of gut, accord- ing to the run of your fish. If you fish with one strand of extra strong gut next your hook, you will be safe enough, and be as likely to take as good fish as with stronger tackle ; but be sure that your leader, where your sinker is put on, and where the heaviest strain generally comes, be stronger than your hook length, and of two strands of strong gut, or three strands of medium size ; for by that means, if you should be 80 unfortunate as to get fouled on the bottom, you will es- cape with the loss of your hook only, whereas if your tackle be of an uniform strength, you will most likely lose the whole, line, sinker, hooks, and all, which may probably make you swear; arifTthis, according to Walton, is a bad practice; for as the old adage goes, ' He who swears takes no fish.' " You are to remember that in boat fishing, if you do not fish with a float, or with a running or sliding sinker on the bottom, your sinker should be light enough to float ofl" with the tide, and be able to feel the bottom at all times, so that if your sinker be 20 feet off", you can still feel it strike the bot- tom, and lift it up, when you can let out more line. I prefer this mode of fishing, both for basse and weak-fish, to any other; and you will be likely to get better fish, and more of them. " You are to consider, also, the times of tide, the baits in season, the quietness of the spot selected for your fishing, (for the basse, like the trout, will avoid all places where there is an unusual noise,) and the full or neapt tides, which latter are allowed by all salt water Anglers to be the best time for taking fish, and which I know to be the fact from experience. This time of tide, when it happens early in the morning, or towards sun-down, with the wind off* shore, and a gentle rip- ple on the water, is the time when basse are most upon the feed, and the sportsman's efibrts are generally crowned with success. 166 THE STRIPED BASSE. " You are to fish as near bottom as possible, either with float or without ; if the tide be too strong, the float should, be dispensed with; but a little experience will give proper judgment as to the time of using either, or both." The following, from an old and experienced amateur, who has angled for many years in the vicinity of New-York, will be foimd excellent information for those who think that " No angling can surpass The taking of the basse." " The Striped Basse is one of the finest fish of our waters. By sportsmen it is considered a game fish of the salt water tribe, affording capital amusement to the angler, by his great strength and activity. There are many places in the vicinity of New-York city, where these fish are frequently found in great plenty. They commence taking the hook generally in April. The first fishing ground in the neighborhood, in the spring, is in the creeks at Kingsbridge — next at Macomb's Dam, Newtown creek, and Jersey flats. At this early sea son, shrimp is far the best bait, especially where the water is salt, though in the Passaic, at Belleville, anglers are. very successful in the use of shad-roe as a bait. This bait is rather difficult to manage by a novice. The experienced angler makes use of tow, or wool, cutting his bait with as much of the skin as possible, and winding a few strands of the tow or wool around it on the hook, which prevents the current from washing it off", which it would soon do witbou' this pre caution On the reefs of the Passaic and Hackensack rivertj, many of these noble fish are taken early in April. The shad- roe has been tried repeatedly at Macomb's Dam and in New- town creek, without success ; the reason is obvious to the w^riter. The shad run up the fresh water streams to spawn, and are never known to spawn at either of the places just mentioned, and I have never had much success with this ^^ THE STRIPED BASSE. 167 b^it, excepting in fresh water streams. The shrimp is a much pleasanter and cleaner bait, and is very generally found to be successful in the early spring fishing, and continues so until crabs commence shedding their coats freely. In the latter part of June, the bass prefer the soft or shedder crab, though the shrimp continues to be used with success, until near the first of August, when the crab is decidedly the best of all baits that can be used. The mode of angling conse- quently varies at this time. While using the shrimp, the an gler is generally most successful, by using the float, and sus- pending his hook from mid-water to within a foot of the bot- tom, excepting where the water is quite shallow, when it should hang just so as to clear the bottom, as in water of little depth the fish look for their prey near the bottom. But when crab bait is used, the best mode of fishing is for tho bait to lie on the bottom ; a sliding sinker is then the best, always as light as the tide or current will allow. The largest fish are generally taken by thus fishing at the bottom, with- out a float ; and the reason for dispensing with the float is ob- vious, if we will look at the habits of the fish. In angling with shrimp, the bait should be suspended as above stated, because the shrimp, by the action of the current, are fre- quently swept from the edges of the channel, or driven out by eels, or other enemies, and the bass look for them accord- ingly ; when feeding on the crab, however, these fish search along the bottom to find the crab in his helpless and defence- less state, and swim with their bodies at an angle, with the head downward, examining the bottom, where experience teaches them to find their prey ; thus a crab bait suspended by a float at midwater would usually escape their observa- tion, and the angler unacquainted with these facts would mourn over his want of success without being able to ac- count for it. In the latter part of September, the shrimp again begin to come into use, and in October, these, with the 168 THE STRl PED BASSE. common kill fish, or, as it is usually called, killey fish, and the spearing in October, are decidedly the best baits, espe- cially in running waters, such as the streams at Macomb's Dam, Pelham Bridge, &c.; while in some of our fresh water fishing grounds, such as Hackensack river and English Neigh- borhood creek, the white opened soft-clam is found by far the best bait in October and November, especially for large fish. •'Another mode of fishing for striped bass is practiced by fishermen and amateurs, by which very large fish are often taken. It is by trolling with a strong hand line, w^ith a real squid for bait, or an artificial bait made in various ways: sometimes of the v^^hite leg bone of a sheep, or of bright metal, such as block tin, pewter, &c.: these can be had at the fishing tackle shops. The boat is gently rowed along by a skilful oarsman, who rests on his oars the moment a fish is struck, giving the angler full opportunity to play his fish with skill and care, both of which are highly requisite, for the fish thus taken are sometimes very large. Those weighing 20, 30, and even 40 pounds have often been taken in the East river, in the neighborhood of Hellgate, and in Harlem river, little Hellgate, which is the arm of the stream which passes between Ward's and Randall's islands, and in Morrisania creek. This is all fine trolling ground, but as the best suc- cess is usually met with at night, this precludes any but the most robust from enjoying this kind of sport — though fre- qupntly fine fish are taken during the day. " The fishermen who supply our market with these fine fish, have lately been very successful in the use of set lines late in the fall. In the neighborhood of Piermo.nt, on the Hudson, this mode has been employed to great advantage: a strong line is extended from one stake or anchor to another at given distances, and to this cord are attached short lines with strong hooks, baited with a small toracod or other live fish : at the proper time of tide the fishermen raise one end THE STRIPED BASSE. 1C9 of the line and proceed to take the fish from the hooks. In one night several hundred weight of these excellent fish have been taken from two or three of these set lines, to be seen alive on the stands in Washington market late in December Some of the finest the writer has ever eaten were bought ?it the stand of Mr. Hiscox in that market." On the subject of the different baits for the basse, it is proper to remark that, like the trout, the rock is very par- ticular about the quality of his food : in some places at some seasons he will jump readily at clam bait, and at other places he will take nothing but shrimp or crab. At Macomb's Dam, Harlem river, at particular periods, the best bait is a small, beautiful fish called the spearing, which sometimes he will take and nothing else, and other times nothing but shedder crabs will satisfy his dainty palate. At many places in the Hudson river, and in the bay, the clam bait is sufficient to hook him in large quantities. At the former place he is rather epicurean, and as long as Astor House fare is offered him by the peculiarity of the ground, he will not be content to take small dishes, and rejects everything for his favorite fancy at the time. In the striking and running of the basse, equally as much pleasure is given as with the trout and salmon, and is to be treated in the same manner as directed for those fishes. Care should always be taken, after having hooked him, to keep him well up from the bottom, with the line well stretched ; and if the angler be not so fortunate as to have a cast in his eyes, as so elegantly described on former pages, from the " Angler's Souvenir," let him be watchful of every move- ment, have faith in his tackle, (which should always be examined for that purpose previous to wetting his line,) courage, patience and perseverance, and there will be no difficulty in taking the largest run of fish with little trouble. CHAPTER XI. OP THE WEAK-PISH, WHEAT-FISH, OR SQUETEAGUE. This is another native fish, as far as known, and is found chiefly in the vicinity of New-York and Massachusetts. It takes the various names, of weak-fish, wheat-fish, and sque- teauge from different ascribed causes; the first from the weakness of its mouth. The second name has its origin from the fact of its having made its appearance always at harvest time, which is not now the fact, as they begin to run during the month of May, and are taken in small quantities in the month of April. The latter bold and elegant name is given by the native inhabitants of the island of New-York, who once were free to roam where the more refined now find a home. There are two species, as descnbed by Mitchill, as fol- .ows: "The Weak-Fish — (Labrus Squeteague) — with even tail, speckled back and sides, one or more sharp, long front teeth in the upper jaw, and yellowish ventral and anal fins. One of the most numerous and useful of New-York fishes, particularly during the season when the cold is not consider- THEWEAK-FISH, 17 1 able. Size commonly from a foot to fifteen inches; but often grows larger. I weighed one, for example, that measm-ed 27 inches in length, by seven in depth, and found him hea- vier than six pounds. He never goes into fresh streams, or ponds, but within the limits of the salt water is taken in al- most all the places where the rock-fish is caught. The weak- fish is so much the companion of the basse, that I once gave him the specific name of Comes. He resembles the rock in the following particulars: 1. A wide mouth, with small teeth in the lips and jaws; 2. Patches of teeth at the bottom of a capacious throat; 3. Two dorsal fins, the foremost of which has eight rays; 4. A lateral line passing into the cau- dal fin; 5. A nearly corresponding number of sixteen rays in the pectoral, and seventeen in the caudal fins; 6. Double nostrils, and an elongated lower jaw; 7. A projecting head; and, 8. Large pale yellow eyes on its sides. But there are no tangible serrae on the gill cover, the divisions at the edge are visible only. They are not long, but yield to the slightest touch. Also the gill cover is not fairly triparite ; but consists of no more than two plain divisions. * * * * The weak-fish cannot, therefore, be deemed a perca. I have been obliged to separate him from his companion, the rock, notwithstand- ing their numerous points of similitude. I have, upon the whole, associated him with the great family of labrus; a connexion he seems to be qualified for, by his smooth and scaly gill covers, his sharp and strong teeth, and the softness of his dorsal rays. I have given him the specific name by which the Narraganset natives distinguish him — squeteague. It would have been as easy to have assigned the Mohegan appellation, Checouts. Head and back of the weak-fish, brown, with frequently a tinge of greenish. The spaces to- wards the sides, faintly silvery, with dusky specks. These gradually disappear on the sides, until on descending to the belly a clear white pervades from the chin to the tail. The 172 THE WEAK-FIS; swimming bladder is convertible to good glue. I have eaten as fine blanc-mange from it as from the isinglass of the stur- geon. He is a fish of goodly appearance ; and is wholesome and well-tasted, though rather soft: is brought to market in great abundance during the summer months. He is taken by the line and the seine. He is called weak-fish, as some say, because he does not pull very much after he is hooked;* or as others allege, because the laboring men who are fed upon him are weak by reason of the deficient noui'ishment in that kind of food. Certain peculiar noises under water, of a low rumbling or drumming kind, are ascribed by the fisher- men to the squeteague. Whether the sounds come from these fishes or" not, it is certain that during their season, they may be heard coming from the bottom of the water; and in places frequented by weak-fish, and not in other places; and when the weak-fish depart, the sounds are no more heard. "A beautiful variety of this fish is sometimes seen, with the following characters, to wit : ^^ Spotted Squeteague — (Lab. Sq. maculatus). — There are black, well defined spots among the specks over the back and sides, and checkering the caudal and second dorsal fins. The pectoral fins are rather small: ventral and anal fins not yellow but brownish. The parts thus variegated with spots have a pretty appearance." They bite freely at the shrimp and shedder crab, and will often take clam bait as readily. In the vicinity of New- York they are found in the greatest abundance in the bay off" Com- raunipaw. Oyster Islands, Buckwheat Island, below Ellza- bethtown Point, at Buttermilk Channel, the Owl's Head, Gowanus Bay, and Manhattanville; and although they ac- * This is a great mistake ; the squeteague, considering the weakness or softness of the inner part of his mouth, is a fair pulling fish ; and when they are hooked of a good size, are known to give nearly as much sport as the more favored rock. THE WEAK-FISH. 173 company the basse in salt water, they generally swim deeper, more in the eddies, and farther off from the shore. The experienced angler will often after angling for basse without success, change his ground, drop his bait a little deeper in the water, and return satisfied with his quota of weak-fish if not his expected sport in basse. Although they are not as active when hooked, and do not compare as a game fish with the basse, the same description of tackle is requisite ; and the angler who occasionally lays off with a slack line, has to suffer some from the larger and more nimble rock, who will often be off with hooks, line, float and sinker, without particular notice. Some of those who make the squeteague a favorite object of their pursuit, prefer a light, round, bent hook called the Aberdeen, and others a light Kirby size No. 1, which they think increases their chance of success. A large hook, say No. 1. or even No. 0, on the whole, should be used, although the Limerick * is a good and sure hook. The Kirby, baited with a good sized shrimp, will be found for this weak mouthed animal a more sufficient guaranty for the faithful landing of any size that swims. A friend who pursues this sport during the season, vvath much success, says — "I once saw one taken by a friend of mine, that weighed eight pounds and a half, which is the largest I ever saw." You frequently take from 10 to 40 pounds of this fish in a day, when they are in abundance. The afternoon tides are always the best, about two hours before sundown, and as long after that as they keep from croaking, when you had better leave off, as you will take no more of them. * Some prefer the Limerick, slightly curbed, both for rock and sque- teague. f=: fe^ -1=^' .21=::^ ^!^_. --- ^- ::::n \^= CHAPTER XII. OP THE KING-FISH, OR BAR This is a fine fish, both for the hook and the palate, and is found only and seldom in the bay and harbor of New-York. Whence he comes, and whither he goes, and of his habits, little is known, even among the oldest uihabitants of New York. The older fraternity of anglers, however, know more about him than those of later growth: certain it is, that among those who have had the pleasure of his acquaint- ance with a hook and line, few can ever forget him. As a game fish he is considered as giving more real sport than either the trout, basse, or salmon. His name and where- abouts has only to be whispered to the New York Angler, and he is off after sport that perhaps he has anticipated for years. '* King-Fish — (Scejena Nebulosa — Mitchill) — With cir- rhous chin, clouded skin, and ragged, blunt processes, partly overhanging the upper lip. Length, sixteen or eighteen inches; depth about three; though some individuals are larger. Head and body scaly. Color of the head and body THE KING-FISH, OR BARB. 175 a light brown, glossed with silvery and blue, and interspersed with spots and blotches of a darker hue. Some of these clouds slant obliquely forward from the dorsal fin ; some run obliquely backward from the nape of the neck; and some pass midway from the sides to the tail. There is here and there an insulated dark patch, with dirty discolorations to- wards the white belly. He grows rapidly thick and stout towards the thorax, and then gently and gradually slopes away towards the taU." He is taken by the angler for basse and weak fish with their ordinary tackle, with the exception of the hook, which should be rather smaller, say No. 4, Limerick or Kirby sal- mon, to accommodate the mouth of the barb, which is rather small. The following description of his grounds, and manner of taking him, by a friend who has had much experience, will close our article on the king-fish to the gratification of all who have or ever expect to bite or get a bite from this interesting fish: " This is one of the finest fish for the table, procured from the salt water. They are not plenty in the neighborhood of this city, though occasionally a season occurs when they are taken in considerable numbers. I have often taken 20 or 30 in a tide, in the neighborhood of Communipaw, that delight- ful little Dutch town, rendered famous in history by the re- nowned Knickerbocker. " A little below this village there is a piece of hard bot- tom on the extensive flat which is spread out from Jersey City down nearly to Bergen Point. A single rock is bare at low water on this hard ground, called Black Tom. The best ground, in my experience, is found thus: Row your boat from Black Tom directly for the Jersey shore, sounding with an oar until the bottom becomes soft and the water a little deeper than on the hard. You are then at the edge of what CHAPTER XIII. OP THE BLACK-PISH, OR TAUTOO This is another of our native fishes, found only in the waters of New-York, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island and vicinity. They are not so much an object of sport as the two last named, but as they come early, and sometimes in great abun- dance, and when taken and fresh cooked are a fine table fish, they deserve a particular place in our extended catalogue of angle fishes. Black-Fish of New-York, Tautog of the Mohegans — Tide Black-Fish, or Runners — (Mitchill) — " The name of this fish is derived from the color of its back and sides, being of a bluish or crow black. " The black fish abounds in the vicinity of Long Island, and is a stationary inhabitant of the salt water. He never visits the rivers, like salmon or sturgeon; nor, on the other hand, deserts his dwelling place as they do. He is fond of rocks, reefs and rough bottoms. He is taken through the whole course of Long Island Sound, Fisher's Island Sound, ;md in the neighborhood of Rhode-Island., The tautog was "'W'^' THE BLACK-FISH. 179 not origiually known in Massachusetts bay ; but within a few years he has been carried beyond Cape Cod, and has multi- phed so abundantly that the Boston market has now a full supply, without the necessity of importing from Newport and Providence. Black-fish, however, does not confine himself to rough bottoms ; for he is also caught m the southern bays of Long Island, and on the banks of the ocean oflf Sandy Hook. He is considered, by the New-Yorkers, as a very fine fish for the table. He grows to the weight of ten or twelve pounds, and even more ; but it is a fish of a good size, that equals two or three. "He may be kept for a long time in ponds or cars ; and fed, and even fatted there. When the cold of winter be- numbs him he refuses to eat any more, and a membrane is observed to form over the vent, and close it. He begins to regain appetite with the return of warmth in the sping. The blossoming of the dogwood, (cornus floi-ida,) early in April, is understood to denote the time of baiting black-fish. As soon as these flowers unfold, the fishermen proceed with their hooks and lines to the favorite places. If there is no dogwood, a judgment is derived from the vegetation of the chestnut tree (castanea vesca). The season of baiting is reckoned very favorable until the increasing warmth of the season brings food enough to fill their stomachs, and they thereupon afibrd less pastime to the sportsman and less profit to the professor. The people express this sentiment in these coarse rhymes: " ' When chestnut leaves are as big as thumb nail, Then bite black-fish without fail ; But when chestnut leaves are as long as a span, Then catch black-fish if you can.* " "The common bait for black-fish is the soft clam, or pisser ^mya.) The soldier, crab, or fiddler, (ocypoda,) will fre- 180 THE BLACK-FISH quently tempt him when he refuses to taste the other. And he snaps very readily at the large finny worm of the salt water beaches, (nereis,) when used on a hook for him. " Some persons, who live contiguous to the shores where are situated the rocks frequented by tautog, invite the fish there by baiting. By this is meant the throwing overboard broken clams or crabs, to induce the black-fish to renew their visits, and fine sport is procured. "Rocky shores and bottoms are the haunts of black-fish. Long experience is required to find all these places of resort Nice observations on the land-marks, in different directions, are requisite to enable a fishing party to anchor on the proper spot. When, for example, a certain rock and tree range one way, with a barn window appearing over a headland the other way, the boat being at the point where two such lines intersect each other, is exactly over some famous rendezvous. To insure success on such expectation, it is proper to have a pilot along, well versed in all the local and minute know- ledge. According to the number and distance of the rocks and reefs visited, will be the time consumed, from the dura- tion of a few hours to a long summer's day. An opinion pre- vails, that the black-fish can hear very well; and, for fear of scaring them away, the greatest stillness is observed. He is a strong fish, and pulls well for one of his weight and size. "At some places black-fish bite best upon the flood: in others, they are voracious during the ebb. Thunder accom- panying a shower, is an indication that no more of them can be caught. The appearance of a porpoise infallibly puts an end to sport. Curious stories are told of fish in the wells and ponds, floating in their native element, having been found dead, after sharp and repeated flashes of lightning. Dull weather, with an easterly wind, is generally the omen of ill luck. The exploits performed in fishing for tautog, are recounted occasionally, with remarkable glee, and they afford THE BLACK-FISH. 181 a never-failing theme of entertainment to those who are en- gaged in this sort of a- PREFACE TO THE SECOND PART. But the temple of fame is yet open, and the name of the first ichthyologist of America is yet to be inscribed.* As was to be expected of a first attempt, the former editions contained many errors, but none of particular importance to the angler. It has been the object of the present edi- tion to revise and correct, and also to add such fiirther information as would be found useful, instructive, and interest- ing. The author returns his sincere thanks to his numerous friends who, with the true liberality of gentlemen and sports- men, have kindly aided him in this undertaking. The writer considers that his situation, in the midst of the piscatorial world, is one that affords the best possible opportunity for collecting practical intelligence of interest to the angling sportsman ; and since he has become known to some ex- tent among his Waltonian friends throughout the country, concludes to subscribe his name, and solicit from those inte- rested, such information as will be of value " to all true men who love quiet, and go an angling." In conclusion. Gratefully appreciating the proof of appro- bation given him by the success attending the first two editions of this work, and asking further indulgence for imperfections and omissions (for to authorship he makes no pretensions), this volume is respectfully submitted to the anglers of the United States, by their fellow angler, JOHN J. BROWN. Jfao York, 1849. • Professor Agassiz, a celebrated German naturalist, is now engaged in this country on the subject. THE FISH AND FISHING OF THE UNITED STATES CHAPTER I. •• I love the babbling brook, the placid lake, Where spotted trout and pike their pastime take ; I love tho rocky shore, the rushing stream. Where lordly salmon leap, in sunlight gleam ; The stately river, the expansive bay, Where striped basse and silver squeteagae play ; The ocean's distant roar, the bounding wave, Where monsters daily bask and dolphins lave ; These ! these ! I love, and oft away from home Truant I stray, tempted by them to roam ; These ! these ! I love, and never can forsake. For all the gold that trade or toil can make." Anglers of the western world, you, as the lamented Power would have said, are " born to good luck." Your lot is cast in a land of many waters and many fishes. Loud should be your paeans of praise, profound your gratitude to the giver of all good, when you consider the many advantages you enjoy as anglers of the United States. Were you to traverse the circle of the globe for pleasure with the rod, you would return with an anxious step and a loving heart to the "Land of the free and the home of the brave, satiafied that no country you had visited possessed half the TEE FISH AND FISHINa sporting advantages of your own ; for it would occupy an ordinary lifetime, were a man, with angling implements, merely to explore the waters and make acquaintance with every variety of fish that has " a local habitation and a name" within its extended boundaries. As the state of natural science in regard to the history and habits of our fishes is in its infancy, so also are the contrivances and arts employed in taking them, yet rude and undeveloped. But we are rapidly increasing our knowledge and refining our methods ; as we must do when pleasure, and not profit, is the object of our pursuit, and the fi^h, constantly sought, become wary, and yield only to the utmost address of the angler. Much certainly might here be said of the ordinary and ex- traordinary game fish inhabiting the waters of both hemi- spheres, which have long furnished themes to cultivated anglers and practical studies of the art. But much especially deserves to be said of the finny inhabitants of our own bright streams, which are unhappily unknown to our brotherhood in the old world. Who that ever took a striped basse or squeteague of five or ten pounds' weight can ever forget the pleasur- able excitement and ecstasy of the moment ; or what man, worthy the name, whose fortune has been cast among the northern lakes, can fail, even in his dreams, to remember the intense enjoyment that thrilled his soul and senses as he trium- phantly drew from its pellucid waters, after a long skirmish and a doubtful struggle, a three foot trout or a large black basse 1 Who, too, that has made one of a party in the briny bay, and captured a mess of lively barb, or the noble sheeps- head, after a vigorous contest and a beautiful play with rod and reel, wonders at the enthusiasm of the American angler, surrounded by such opportunities of enjoyment ? The salmon, the trout, and the pike are almost the only game fish of Europe. It is true. L^riAfc OF THE UNITED STATES. 331 "Their plenteous streams a various race supply : The bright eyed perch, with fins of Tyrian dye, The silver eel, in shining volumes rolled, The yellow carp, in scales bedropped with gold, Swift trouts, diversified with crimson stains, And pikes, the tyrants of the watery plains," but we have, in addition, almost innumerable objects of sport. For the lover of the breezy ocean there is the invigorating pastime of trolling for blue fish, or of drawing from its populous depths the valued sea basse, porgie, and tautog. In our larger rivers and lakes abound the mighty muskellunge, or ponderous cat-fish, and buflTalo ; and last, though not least, is the never-to-be-forgotten red-fish, which tenants the bays and mouths of our southern rivers. Happy and grateful then should our angler be that his lot is cast in such a land ! Surrounded by such abundance and variety of " finny attractions," is it wonderful that the angler falls into ecstasies, expatiating on his favorite subject 1 But we would moderate any pride of superiority we indulge in over our transatlantic brethren in respect to the quantity and quality of our game, by reasoning with ourselves and inquiring. Are our advantages to last, can they always be? You who have trod the mossy bank in pursuit of trout, and warred against the swift current when the striped basse was the object of your sport, will answer emphatically no. You are painfully assured that the well known haunts wherein in happy boyhood you took many a " silver side," are deserted, and the overarching banks of your favorite streams conceal your spotted friends no longer. You know that at your basse grounds you take few and still fewer fish, and that some of your former places are now never visited by the sought for game. It is the commonest complaint of the old anglers that fishing nowadays is uncertain; that It is much more difficult to take a mess of fish ; there are too A» 232 THE FISH ANH FISHINO many after them ; in short, that " times are not as they used to be," and so also says the gunner of his favorite sort of game. Now, what are the causes of this scarcity and disappearance ; what the preventives and the remedy therefor 1 The causes are easily seen, and almost as easily remedied, if those interested in the preservation of our game would unite their efforts to do so. The haunts of our favorite fish are netted by mercenary fishermen, who, in season or out of season, take large and small (for all is fish that comes to their net) to the nearest city, where they get extravagant prices for their unhallowed spoil. And this resurrectionism, for it is little better, is practised nightly* in our midst. Another reason is the indiscriminate taking of fish at spawning time by boys and (what is worse) ignorant men, and also by market fisher- men, who take them in great numbers from their icy retreat and spawning grounds in tide waters. Add to this the wanton waste of fish by many who call themselves anglers, who (angling not for the pleasure of fishing, but to see how many they can take) leave them to gasp and die by the stream side, and you have reasons enough for the depopulation of all the waters in creation. Trout has almost become extinct in those parts of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and many of the eastern states, that are adjacent to the principal cities and towns, and are abundant only in the less populated and accessible portions, and even there are fast decreasing, owing to the same causes. Now what are the remedies ? The rod sportsman has several advantages over the gunner. Birds fly high, are as free as air, and so are those that pursue them ; " they can bo seen." Every boy in the country that has arrived at the age * Very few streams where anglers mach frequent are cared for in the day time by the netters ; night is the time to cover their dark deeds. '"^^^^iSTTiVjC;- OF THE UNITED STATES. 233 of twelve years is a good shot, and can bag his game, in season or out, by getting out of hear-shot distance ; and no obstacles can be interposed to this general and indiscriminate slaughter, except the enforcement of rigid laws, and the severe discountenance of public opinion. But the lover of the finny race can protect his game with more certainty. Although the inhabitant of the crystal water can often be seen, there is no certainty of taking him, except it be with net or spear, and this can be prevented. A gentleman who had a fine pond, stocked with golden carp, was asked by a dealer in fish for the privilege of taking some fish from his pond. The gentleman, having been in a former instance im- posed upon by the inquirer, answered, that he might come and take as many as he pleased ; but immediately he set his men to work, and planted stakes throughout the pond. Much time was spent in the purchase and preparation of nets, at considerable expense ; the netters went, but returned with torn nets and no fish, and a flea in their ear. A word to the wise is sufficient. Were a few anglers in the vicinity of water netted by poachers to club together to protect it, and see that the ground was properly staked, the ponds and streams could in a measure be preserved from the depredations of such barbarians. Draw- nets and seines are the most injurious ; gill-nets and fykes cannot be used with much effect without being visible, and can be watched by the vigilant angler. In regard, then, to the protection of game, we have the same interest with the fowler ; and as there are many who pursue fish and fowl, and many epicures also Who love a dish Of birds or fish, concert ol action among them could not fail to be effectual. 234 THE FISH AND FISHING OF THE UNITED STATES. Strong laws against taking or vending game out of season, strictly enforced by the rigorous prosecution of all offenders, would check, if not stop the growing evil. To this end sporting clubs should be formed in the different cities, towns, and districts of country, which might be bene- fited by such laws ; and vigilance committees formed to cor- respond with and visit the sporting grounds, and see that every violation of the statutes is thoroughly dealt with. By such a course of procedure our game grounds could be preserved, our pleasures greatly increased, and a stock of nature's " best gift, our ever new delight," preserved to future generations. We can do more. Where ponds and streams have ceased to be tenanted by the favorite trout, transportation and propagation can be carried on privately, at little expense, and the fish left to remain many years with safety and success. Then the streams we once loved may be made lively and joyous as in the days of our youth. There appears to be only one descrip- tion of fish that we are destined to lose, and that is the king of the tribe, the salmon. The majority of our rivers being large enough to admit of all kinds of navigation, including that enemy of fish and fishing, the steamboat, we shall eventually have to bid farewell to this royal visitor. He cannot be do- mesticated, but roams as his instinct leads him. Other descrip- tions of game are ours, and in our keeping ; and it behoves us, as true men and faithful anglers, to propagate and preserve them. CHAPTER II. OP THE K£D FISH, OR SPOTTED BASSE. Corvina Ocellata.—DsKA.Y. This fish is an inhabitant of our more southern waters, being found in great abundance on the Atlantic coast, in most of the bays that set in south of Cape Hatteras, although he occasion- ally, in limited numbers, roves as far north as New York. He is, however, more of an object of sport in the southern bays, and is taken in the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico, in Lake Borgne, at Pascagoula, Pass Christian, Bay of Biloxi, Mobile, Pensacola, and Apalachicola bays. At the south he is called the Red Fish (^Poisson Rouge), and further north, at Charleston, the Basse, or Spotted Basse. He varies in size from one to four feet. When first taken from the water he is of a beautiful silver color, but after a little exposure becomes dark and clouded along the back, like many others of his species. In death he changes his color to rainbow hues. Beyond the caudal fin and near the tail he has a very singular and peculiar black or brown spot, bordered with white. A single spot looks, at first sight, rather unnatural, and one would be apt to suppose it the work of art or accident. The late Dr. Mitchell says, " it resembles the mark left by a heated iron, which has given rise to the name of branded drum." They are often taken having two, three, or even four of these strange looking spots clustered together in the same situation. In the vicinity of Charleston he commences taking the hook in the early part of March, and is caught all through the season, until mid winter, at which time he is taken of larger size than at his early coming. Along the more southern coast 236 OF THE KED FISH, OR SPOTTED BASSE. at New Orleans and Mobile, he seems to be always on hand, and furnishes food for the table all the year round. He runs in shallow water, similar to the striped basse, and is taken mostly with the hand line with a small sized cod hook, baited with shrimps or pieces of mullet. He is a strong, powerful, and bold biting fish, and, with the rod and reel, affords as much plea- sure in his capture as any of the tribe. A friend relates that whilst fishing near the South Pass, Mis- sissippi River, being tired and inclined to snooze, he wound his line around his wrist, and resigned himself to the arms of Mor- pheus ; but before his nap was half out was suddenly awakened by a tug at his line, and before he could recover himself was pulled overboard by the extreme strength and vigor of this game fish. He is held in high estimation as an article of food, and is well worth the angler's toil and patience. The rod and reel angler may fish for him in the same manner as directed for striped basse or weak fish, using always, to insure success, twisted gut leaders, and No. 00 Limerick, or Kirby hooks. CHAPTER III. TKOLLINQ FOR STRIPED BASSE. Those who prefer the more active and invigorating practice of our much admired art, will find trolling for this beautiful game fish as exciting a recreation as any that comes within the angler's reach. It has two advantages over the ordinary bridge and boat fishing (always allowing that the angler knows his ground well) ; one is, that, as in the scientific pursuit of trout, his scene is more changeful and varied, being relieved from the sometimes tedious and monotonous stillness ; and the other is, that the game is more likely to be attracted by his bait, from the more continual change of position, than it could be by the usual mode of casting and drawing from the boat's side, bridge's height, or projecting bank. At Harlem river and Hurlgate,* near New York, they are taken * Perhaps it were better to give this place its original and more appro priate appellation of Hellgate. No angler should attempt to fish there unless with an experienced hand who knows the ground ; for unruffled and inviting as this favorite spot appears at slack water, less than an houi may change it from the gentleness of the lamb to the raging of the lion, and before he be aware of it he may be hurled into the Pot, among the Hen and Chickens, on the Hog's Back, Frying-pan, or Gridiron. Wash- ington Irving, in his celebrated History of New York, says : — "This is a narrow strait in the Sound, at the distance of six miles above New York. It is dangerous to shipping, unless under the care of skilful pilots, by reason of numerous rocks, shelves, and whirlpools. These have received sundry appellations, such as the Gridiron, Frying- pan, Hog's Back, Pot, &c. Certain mealy-mouthed men, of squeamish consciences, who are loath to give the devil his due, have softened the above characteristic name into Hurlgate, forsooth ! Let those take care how they venture into the Gate, or they may be hnrled into the Pol before they are aware of it." 238 TROLLING FOR STRIFED BASSE. — -^ — : ^iL_ri ^y^ 3v= ^='- - ■ of from three to fifty pounds' weight, with a natural squid or eel for bait. The line most proper to be used is a stout flax or cotton line, twenty-eight fathoms long and about one-eighth of an inch thick, the size of an ordinary cod line. The angler, to troll properly, should have a portable seat (which should be placed across the stern of the boat), and sit with his back to the person propelling him along. The boat should be rowed gently, and with the least possible noise, with muffled row-locks. The size of the hook is about the same as that used in taking the ordinary cod. But how to put on the squid — by the way, brother angler, did you ever see a squid 1 If you have not, you will find a pretty good portrait of him at the bottom of page 239 ; but should you see him in his living person, you will never forget him. He is the most singular, odd-looking cus- tomer that has its residence beneath tide water. His oze varies from four to ten inches in length. " Gudgeons in rivers, dragonet in weeds, Squid 'midst the roclcs, in open water feeds.'' He is not known to bite at anythmg, but is as good a morsel for a hungry basse as a roast turkey for us of the fraternity at a Thanksgiving dinner ; and is as hard to be passed by the nunble basse as would be a gin palace by a regular toper. To attach him to the hook, procure a stout needle and a good length of linen thread. This tie to the end of your hook's length, which indispensable to your success, should have been fastened with a strong winding of waxed thread to a piece of cord of the same thickness as your line, and twelve inches in length. Take off that calico spotted uniform that he wears, and leave him pure and white as the mountain snow. Divest him of that singular-looking transparent article called his back bone ; now take your needle, with thread and hook attached, enter the needle at the opening of the neck from which yon TROLLINa FOR STRIFEI) BASSE. 239 took his pellucid spine ; draw the hook so far through, that the point of the hook will pass through near his eye ; enter it there, cut off your thread, and commence at the tail by sewing him firmly around the projecting part of the hook, and con- tinue to stitch him nicely and firmly all the way down to his neck, where you may, after a few turns firmly secured, clip off your thread and consider him fixed for his fate. There are very few persons that attempt this mode of fishing Lewis Rogers and John Hilliker, who keep public -houses near the places mentioned, have taken some very large fish of late years, weighing in some instances as high as sixty pounds. The best time for taking them is in the months of October and November. Another method of trolling practised is, with the usual basse tackle, with rod and reel, and with spearing, killy, or minnow for bait. The latter method is adopted in trolling in the various creeks that run into the Hudson River. In these places they are taken from one to ten pounds weight both in the spring and autumn ; but the best time is in the month of October. CHAPTER IV. THE MACKINAW TROUT, OR MACKINAW SALMOK. Salmo Amethystua. — Mitchill. This appears to be a different species from that known as the common Lake Trout, Salmo Confinis, Dekay. It is described in the New York Fauna as follows : " Color. — Dark or dusky grey above ; chin, throat, and belly light ash grey or cream color ; the back and sides sprinkled with numerous irregular lighter grey or brown, or soiled white spots, which do not, however, as in the preceding species (Lake Trout), rise upon the fins ; ventrals and pectorals slightly yel- lowish ; irides yellow ; the teeth, gums, and roof of the mouth with a bright purple tinge ; length, two to five feet." " This magnificent trout, which is the largest hitherto known of Salmonidae, exists in all the great lakes lying between the United States and the Arctic Ocean, is exceedingly voracious, feeding upon every fish within its reach, and, according to Dr. Mitchill, is sometimes of the weight of 120 pounds. It is a favorite article of food with the Canadian voyageurs, who fre- quently eat it raw. Its flesh is reddish. Like the Salmo Con- finis, it resorts habitually to the deepest parts of the lake, and only comes near the shores in October to spawn, when the natives spear it by torchlight. Lake Huron appears to be it:^ most southerly range in any considerable number, although a few are taken occasionally in Lake Erie, along the shores of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York." This kind is much supe- rior to the common lake trout (with which it is often con- founded), as an article of food ; and by good judges of good things is considered equal in flavor to any fish that swims. THE MACKINAW TROUT, OR MACKINAW SALMON. 241 They are mostly taken with gill nets and set lines in deep water. The lines used are as large as the largest sized cod lines, and the hooks, which are generally made by the blacksmiths in the vicinity of the lakes, are equal in size to the biggest cod hooks. The bait is, pieces of the lake herring, or of the white fish. When the lines are taken up, if the fish are large, they are lifted into the boat with a large strong gaff. The most pleasant and exciting mode of capture for the angler is that of trolling with stout line and hooks, as before described,* and a piece of pork attached, or the spoon bait, or brass revolving hook. The best places for this kind of sport are in Lakes Huron, Superior, and the Straits of Mackinaw. He affords amusement and exciting exercise to the inhabitants near the lakes, and bites equally as sharp at the baited hook as Jack Frost does at the exposed features of the fisherman. A friend at Detroit says : — " During the winter, trout are taken in great numbers through ^^^3= . x the ice, in Green Bay ; and the markets of Chicago, Galena, %^^_ ' *• v and many of the interior towns of Wisconsm are thus supplied. ^~'^ The bait (herring) are caught with small gill nets sunk through ^^ l~^_ ' the ice. A hole is then cut over twenty-five or thirty fathom ifc.. ^-S^Lj water, and the hue, which is kept m motion, prevents the hole ^i^ / - from freezing. When a fisherman has a bite, and strikes the ^'^A / fish, he throws the line over his shoulder and runs off*, drawing .—?*/:-: the fish rapidly up to the hole and out upon the ice, where it is -^ left to freeze. In this manner trout are taken in large quanti- ties, and transported in a frozen state to the towns above named. Hundreds of barrels of them are salted and sold in the spring." At Peseco Lake, Lake Louis, and Lake Pleasant, in Hamilton County, N. Y., and other northern lakes, much sport is had by boat trolling with the rod and reel, and parties are * See Lake Trout, page 64. 242 THE MACKINAW TKOUT, made up from the cities of New York, Albany, Troy, Roches- ter, and places in the vicinity of the lakes, for a two-weeks' tour in that beautiful wilderness of exuberant nature. A visit to that lonely sporting region will richly repay the money and time spent ' in sweet communion with nature' by a store of health and contentment exchanged for the worn frame and hag- gard countenance caused by excessive city confinement. The rod proper for this description of trolling is the same as that used for striped basse, only it should have a hollow butt and extra top, so that should you be so unfortunate as to break a top, you can easily replace it with another. Some use two rods at one time ; but it requires a skilful and experienced troller to manage two, as the lines are apt to become entangled. To succeed well, you must have an experienced oarsman, who has been in the habit of trolling, and can row you gently and quietly about the lake. They have a mode of rigging hooks to the shiner or minnow a little different from the usual Waltonian method, and that recommended by Hofland, at page 87 ; it is called a train of hooks. These trains of hooks are made on a stout strand of single gut in the following manner. Take the largest and roundest piece of gut that you can procure ; tie two No. 5 Limerick salmon (or No. 1 trout, or smaller, according to the size of the bait you expect to use) hooks to the end of it for tail hooks ; about an inch further up place two others of the same size for back fin hooks ; and about one and a half inches further up one more, for a lip hook ; apply these hooks to your shiner in their regular order, fastening them through the toughest part of your bait, and attach them to your leader, and you are ready for your game. The lip hook can be attached with a small loop so as to slide and accommodate itself to various sized baits. Some prefer more hooks to their train, and put three at the tail and two at the mouth, making seven hooks in all ; others prefer to use one large Limerick hook, say No. 1 or OR MACKINAW SALMON. 243 0, salmon, after the Waltonian method, described on page 88 ; this latter method is more simple in construction, but not con- sidered as sure as the train of hooks. Your leader should be of the best double or twisted gut, from three to four feet in length, and should you wish to use the fly (which is often done), it should be from two to three yards in length. For fly fishing use one or two large gaudy salmon flies, made on No. 3 or 4 salmon hooks, at a sufficient distance apart, to prevent their interfering with each other or the shiner. With your minnow and fly train you may take a speckled brook trout and a lake trout at the same time, of such proportions as will require your utmost skill in bringing them to your boat. A necessary article on such an excursion is a good sized gaff" for securing your lake trout ; your brook trout may be handled more carefully. When you feel a bite, lower the point of your rod so as to give your fish a chance to take the bait further in his mouth, and to place yourself and rod in such a position as to give your game play in case he needs it. Should the fish you seek run in deep water, plac6 a light swivel sinker on your line before your -^^^^ leader. In all cases of trolling, use one or two swivels to _--:_:£§?^^ allow free spinning of your minnow and prevent your tackle ^i^^^^ from entangling. . -^f ' A curious way of taking lake trout, practised by the inhabit- &^ ^^^' ants living near the lakes, is to sink in some part of the lake '^^ a large piece of bark attached to a pole, some twenty-five or v ^=r thirty feet in length, to which heavy weights are fastened ; this ^ * ZT is called an anchor, and is regularly baited two or three times -— ^^^ a week, with small fish. A number of anchors may be set in _^-j^ this manner in different parts of the lake. These are kept baited ^^^^IL^ l for several weeks, until it is thought that the trout have fairly ^^^| got into the habit of resorting to them. A fisherman will then ^^^'/i tie his skiff" to the end of the pole, and commence fishing with im a common drop line, using a very large, straight, and pointed /^« 244 THE MACKINAW TROUT, OR MACKINAW SALMON. hook, called the lake hook. This method is called fishing at anchor. New Yorkers who would visit the sporting lakes of Hamil- ton County, will reach them most speedily and economically by leaving the city by the Monday night's boat for Albany, and taking the cars for the west at 7 o'clock next morning. At about 10 you reach Amsterdam, where you take the stage for Northville. Here stay till morning, when the regular mail conveyance, which leaves but once a week, carries you to Lake Pleasant, the first of the series. Salmon trout are there taken as the ice breaks up, and even in winter through the ice. But if you value comfort, and have no fancy for the keen air of those elevated regions (where the season is two months later than on Long Island), the four weeks from and after the middle of May are infinitely prefer- able, even if you regard the quantity 'and quality of the fish. The speckled brook trout do not bite until the end of May. CHAPTER V. BASSE FISHING ON THE SHORES OF LONG ISLAND. Kindly furnished for this edition by T. D. Lowther, Esq. Off the south-east shore of Long Island, during the fall months, Basse are taken in considerable numbers. About the middle of August, fish of from four to ten pounds begin to make along the coast between Montauk Point and Fire Island, and enter the Inlets, where they are generally taken upon the bar, or just beyond the surf, either by trolling, or by " heaving and bawling" from the shore. The latter is a favorite mode of fishing, but rather laborious, requiring both physical strength and practical skill. The squid for this purpose should be of block tin, full six ounces weight, with large hook (no kirb), size, number one Cod. This attached to a cotton line, full twenty fathoms long, light and close twisted, is made to gyrate around the head until it acquires sufficient velocity and momen- tum, when it is cast, with the full swing of the arm, into the breakers, carrying after it the line that is held loosely coiled in the left hand. The moment the squid strikes the water, it is hauled swiftly to shore that it may not sink, but play on the surface, and imitate the motion of the natural fish. At Mon- tauk, they wind around a long squid-lead a strip of fresh skin from the belly of the basse, or draw and tie up over the lead the tail-skin of an eel. But hungry fish will snap at any moving thing. I have seen taken a basse of twenty-five pounds that bit at a rag. As you will need a nimiber of squids (for some will get broken and lost in the rocks), take various kinds if you please: — ^Fishermen have their fancies and so perhaps have fish ; but ^-. 246 BASSE FISHIN& ON THE SHOEES OF LONG ISLAKO. your success will depend much more on the reach of your cast, than on the sort of squid you employ. In the like manner and place, but earlier in the season, Blue fish are sometimes taken in large numbers, and afford to the " lucky ones," for a few brief minutes, an exciting sport of the tallest kind. The capture of " Mackerel"* from the shore presents to even the most passive observer, a most animating spectacle. When Blue fish are announced as in sight, all who can, hurry to the beach and take stands upon some elevation of rock or platform, with coats off and lines ready, eager to receive them. Hovering over the approaching school career clouds of Gulls, screaming, diving, and eddying around the wounded Menhaden and fragments of fish that escape from the jaws of their pursuers. Nearer they come, their green backs darkening the broken water, and the still water within begins to ripple and sparkle and foam, till the sea is alive with fish, crowding upon the shore. A leap, a splash — again another — and a hundred silver sides are glancing in the sun. A dozen lines whiz glistening through the air, cleaving the waters in the midst of the school, and a dozen fish are instantly struck, and drawn hand over hand, swiftly and steadily to shore. Vigor- ously the fishers ply their lines with various chances of fortune, and so the battle rages until the mackerel, in diminished num- bers, retire beyond the reach of their cunning enemies. * The name for the Blue fish in Siifiblk County. :5 r CHAPTER VI. THE SMELT. Osmerus Viridesceris. This beautiful, almost transparent, and prolific little fish, as an angle fish may be said to belong almost exclusively to the Bostonians, in whose vicinity it is found and caught in large quantities. It is supposed to derive its name from its peculiar smell when taken out of the water, being similar in scent to the cucumber. It is called the dainty of Boston, is taken in large quantities by hook and net, and makes quite a desirable article for the palate by the addition of a frying-pan operation. " Color. — Pale olive green above the lateral line ; opercles and sides silvery ; obscure traces just below the lateral line, of a broad satin-like band, extending the whole length of the body ; the place of the ribs indicates unusually lustrous stripes, which disappear shortly after death ; upper part of the opercles, near the nape, dark green ; caudal dark at the base, and with an obscure marginal band ; dorsal caudal fins light green ; pec- torals, ventrals, and anal light colored, tinged faintly with bluish ; irides silvery ; bones of the head sub-diaphanous." — DeKay. In habits they are similar to the salmon, and are classed by naturalists among that species. Their average size is from six to nine inches in length, and are occasionally taken as long as twelve or thirteen inches.* They run up from the sea into * Narborough, a celebrated voyager, says.— "The smelts at Monte Video are four and-tweniy inches in length ; they are semi-transparent, and are most delicious eating; they are very abundant, and may be caught with the hook. They are also to be taken in the Straits of Magellan, twenty-nine inches in length and eight in circumference." 248 THE SMELT. fresh water to spawn, in the months of March and April, and return home in the month of May. They pay their return visit for the benefit of the angler and epicure, and bite about the same time with Jack Frost, in the month of October or Novem- ber. In the vicinity of Boston they are caught all through tho winter in immense quantities, and sent to the markets. As many as one hundred dozen of them are known to have been taken by one man with two lines in one day. The usual mode of fishing for them through the ice, is with a fixing consisting of a piece of brass wire, of ten or fifteen inches in length, passed through a small piece of lead which answers for a sinker ; to each end of this is attached a Lime- rick trout hook, about No. 2 or 3, tied to the ordinary length of gut, baited with shrimps, or small pieces of minnow or frog. This is attached to a sufficient length of cotton or flax line, and finally fastened to a short stick of live oak, ash, or some other elastic wood, which is stuck into the ice through a hole about eighteen to twenty-four inches in diameter. An expert hand at this business can attend to two or three lines of this description, amuse himself by skating, and take home a sufficient quantity of smelts to satisfy a craving appetite sharpened by exercise, excitement, and a pure, healthy atmosphere. At other places, and in other seasons, they are taken with the usual trout tackle, with the exception of the sinker, which should vary in size according to the strength of the tide. This fish is very tenacious of life, has been known to exist a long time after being taken out of water, and is for this reason admirably adapted for transportation. They have been trans- ferred successfully into fresh-water ponds, both in this country and England. Yarrell, in his " British Fishes," says : " Smelts were kept for four years in a fresh-water pond, hav- ing no communication with the sea ; they continued to thrive, and propagated abundantly. They were not affected by freez- THE SMELT. 249 ing ; as the whole pond, which covered about three acres, was so frozen over as to admit of skating. When the pond was drawn, the fishermen considered they had never seen so fine a lot of smelts." Several years since the same experiment was tried with almost equal success at Jamaica Pond, on Long Island, with this exception, that although equal in flavor and quantity, they do not grow so large in size. They are taken in considerable quantities in the rivers and bays that run up from the eastern coast, and also in the Passaic, Hackensack, and other small rivers of New Jersey, from which latter place the New York market is supplied during winter. CHAPTER Vn. POON BAIT Dear brother of the rod, unless thou wast bom, brought up, or been fishing in the northern part of the State of New York, you must certainly wonder at the above caption as a name for an article to bait fish withal. Shade of departed Walton ! could you but imagine a sOver plated table-spoon attached to a hook to lure the finny tribe with ! thou wouldst shrink with utter dismay from the sight. But there were no Yankees in Walton's days, and the telegraph and spoon bait were alike unknown. This, dear reader, is a good trolling bait for Black Basse, Lake Trout, Pike, and Muskellunge. It was first invented and used by a gentleman in the vicinity of Saratoga Lake for Black Basse. The idea occurred to him that the Lake basse would bite at anything bright if kept in motion ; he procured the bowl of an old silver plated spoon, scraped off the silver from one side, cut off the point, flatted the shape, soldered two good sized hooks in the small end, and attached a swivel to the other. It worked like a charm, and he took more fish in the same space of time than was ever done before by any individual in the neighborhood. It has since been made up in various styles, with one, two, and three hooks, and is made with silver plate or brass on the convex side, and painted red (decidedly the best color) on the concave. They are for sale at the fishing tackle shops in the city of New York, and can generally be had in the vicinity of the lakes. It is used in the ordinary manner of boat trolling, or can be em- ployed in hand trolling from the bank. It would be well to try it for other descriptions of either fresh or salt water fish. If made small it would answer very SPOOK BAIT. S51 well for the usual size pickerel,* and perch, and, much larger and stronger, it would answer remarkably well for blue fish, or any of the more ravenous of the finny tribe. It is difficult to tell what in earth, air, or water the spoon bait with its hooks and swivel looks like to the angler, much less what the deluded and ravenous animal thinks of it, when making after it with such extreme impetuosity. It would seem in its gyrations through the water to resemble the shape and motions of the frog more than anything else it could be likened to, and certainly goes to prove that a moving bait is more likely to take fish than a still one. The practise of boat trolling is by far the most pleasant mode of lake fishing, and the spoon bait has added much to the convenience and economy of this branch of the angler's delight. This form would no doubt have equally as " taking a way" (if made larger and stronger) for the Blue Fish, Bonita, or the other inhabitants of the ocean's depths. It should be tried. ♦ A gentleman informs me that he has succeeded in taking a number of PicJcerel with it from a pond in the northern part of the State of New York CHAPTER VIII. BEROALL, CHOCKSETT, NIBBLER, BLUE PERCH, OR CUNNER. Ctenolabrus Cendeu8» This fish, although usually a pest to the Black fish angler, is by some of the fraternity at Boston and New York considered a worthy object of sport. It is usually so small and of such little capability of mouth, as to be a continual vexation when fishing for black fish with a hook of the usual size. Its weight averages from 4 to 16 ounces ; but a 3-4 lb. Bergall is con- sidered a large fish. Its flavor by epicures, and those who angle for the pleasures of the table, is considered inferior to no fish that swims ; and there are a few, who really love angling in its perfection, that will occasionally, in anticipation of a rich repast, spend a day in the capture of these little fish with as much zest as they would when bagging as many woodcock, snipe, or quail. Its range is from the Delaware to the banks of Newfoundland. Of its color, De Kay says : There is scarcely any fish whose colors are so variable as this species. In the smaller individuals, the general color is blue, more or less mixed vdth browTi ; and faint, dusky, transverse bars may be frequently In the larger specimens, as in the one now before me, which is twelve inches long, the colors are bright and showy, a light orange colored tint pervading the whole body. In these also, the head and opercles are of a beautiful chocolate, mixed with bright blue ; the fins of a blue more or less brilliant." Smith in his history of the fishes of Massachusetts says : " To all appearance, the Perch, or Gunner, is the Tautog in minia- ture, and if it were black, it would be supposed the young of that fish." But anglers who have often taken both descriptions BEKOALL, CHOCZSETT, KIBBLER, BLXTE PEECH, OR GUNNER. 253 ol the same size and weight, could not be deceived in this re- spect. For a Tantog's a blactr fish the universe round, And a Gunner's a cunner though he weigh a full pound. No difference of any consequence can be seen between a small black fish and a large one, but a wide difference between a Bergall and a black fish ; and to us of the fraternity, why the two should be classed as relations of the same family is rather mysterious. The most successful mode of taking this fish is with the usual black fish or hand line tackle, with the exception of the hook, which should be a Limerick trout, of either number 2 or 3, attached to single gut. The eye and hand of the angler should be active. A moderate but steady jerk is necessary to get him out of his element. Those who know how he tastes after being well cooked, recommend the following method. Take this despised little animal and handle him as though he were a friend ; take out from his interior the parts not designed for food, and cut off his head, tail, and fins ; then (Eel skinning fashion), with a sharp pointed knife commence at the head and strip his skin entirely off: sprinkle a little salt over to harden, not salt his flesh, and let him lie a sufficient time for that pur- pose. You may then broil him on the gridiron and dish him ; season him slightly with a little Cayenne pepper, and pour some spiced claret or port wine over him ; or put him in the pan and " do him brown," with butter and flour, adding the seasoning and wine. A little celery well dressed with the dish adds to the perfection of the meal. Some prefer him stewed ; but if properly cooked either way, one trial of the palate will give him his proper rank with the most finished epicurean. CHAPTER IX. BLACK FISH ANGLING IN SUFFOLK CO. L. Z. By T. D. L. Either shore of the Sound affords fine fishing, but the reefe and boulders of the north side of Long Island, especially, are favorite feeding grounds of the Black Fish. Off Montauk on a calm day, after the clearing up of a southwest storm, may be seen a hundred to a hundred and fifty sail of smacks, busily employed fishing, and they generally succeed in filling their wells in a tide or two, at most. But the beautiful and pic- turesque north shore, anywhere between Port Jeflferson and Oyster Pond Point, aflfords the true angler the best sport, be- cause thereabouts fish are neither too provokingly scarce nor disgustingly abundant. Greenport, the eastern terminus of the L. I. Railroad, is most deservedly a favorite resort of anglers in pursuit of health and pleasure. Having the Peconic Bay on one side, and the Sound within two miles on the other, it is a convenient point of de- parture for bay or sea fishing, as you incline, or wind and weather may determine. The Sound is the preferable fishing ground, for it always affords sport, though very unequal. A party in a boat, with hand lines, and bait of soft clams, or " Fiddler" (as the soldier crab is called), will always take fish at any time, because able to follow them unto water too deep or too swift for successful rod fishing. But there pleasure ends and labor begins. One skilful angler, who, with rod and reel, fishes irom a good rock, between half tide and high water, where it never exceeds three fathoms, will not only have more sport, but get larger and better game than any ordinary party. BLACK FISH ANGLINff IN SUFFOLK CO., L. I. 255 who, unrefined and unbelieving, fish in the common inglorious way. For taking Black Fish, as, perhaps, for all others, the morning, irrespective of tide, is generally best. But in fine weather, when high water happens just after sundown, of a warm summer afternoon, the last hour of flood is worth all the rest of the day. Then the large " tide run- ners" leave the cool deep water, and come in shore to feed on barnacles that grow against the rocks ; and then often may be seen, around some insulated point of rock, the " flukes" of large Black Fish feeding. The average size of the fish in good localities may be from twenty ounces to two pounds. Five pounds is large, and such are not numerous, though I have caught several the same day. Very rarely one of ten, even twelve honest pounds, is taken. A steel-yard, which I always carry, is a wonderful corrector of the judgment ; it is a weighty sinker to the buoyant fancy, and often ungraciously translates the poetic quantities of the enthusiast into flat and scaly prose. As in these waters the angler may chance to strike a huge Dog Fish, Fluke, or other ugly " varmint," he should be pro- vided against accidents with an extra basse rod — the best kind for this fishing, and a dozen hollow sinkers. Hooks* from Nos. 5 to 8 (much smaller than those usually sold with hand lines), should be strongly bound with a well- waxed arming to a flax line, double and twisted ; for stiffness, as well as strength, is most desirable in a snell, to avoid entanglement. For clear, warm days, when the fish are shy, and " off* their feed," twisted gut is preferable. Then noiselessly approach a rock, gently drop your line, and let it slowly float into the eddy, drawing it along the leeward side, a foot above the bottom weeds ; and if in five minutes a fish does not bite, or quietly draw the bait into his hole, be sure there is no fish there. You can often change your ground with advantage. The white-nosed variety c* 256 BItACI fish ANGLINa IN SUFFOLK CO., L. I, feeds everywhere, comes and goes with the tide. But the com- mon Black Fish — the true darkies — seem to have " local habi- tations." The rock that is "fished out," though sometimes visited, will not soon have other finny tenants, unless you in- vite them by throwing overboard your spare bait, which often secures you next day an hour's good fishing. In baiting with " Fiddler," pass the hook through the belly, and out at the back (careful not to divide the shell), and take ofi* the large claw. If Bergalls (or " Gunners," as they are called) trouble you, leave the claw on, and the crab, in self- defence, will nip their noses. Whenever Bergalls suddenly stop biting, be sure a Black fish or sea basse is near. They re- spect their superiors, and keep their distance. * A small, flat, stout, sharp hook, with short shank, and flat head, fastened by a double hitch to a flax line, armed for two inches above the hook, by the loose end being twisted around it and knotted— smack man's fashion— makes so superior a snell that none other should be used or sold for hand fishing. At the Angler's Depot, N. Y., they can be had, from one who is an old salt in these matters. Verbum sap. Hooks made of light wire are worthless. The Bottle, or Swell Fish, literally chew them up. A landing net, file, knife, and thin cotton gloves, are indispensable. CHAPTER X. THE WHITE LAKE BASSE Ldbrax Albidua. This is another species of the universal perch family, and is found in many of the lakes in the northern part of the State of New York. At Buffalo they are called the white basse. They do not partake of all the vigorous qualities of the black basse, neither do they attain to so great a size, but are, nevertheless, a very active game fish, and well worth the angler's patience and perseverance. A northern friend says: " The white basse of the western lakes is a very fine fish, and gives good sport in the taking. They resemble in shape the white perch of the Hudson River, but are much larger, weighing from one to three and a half pounds. In color they are a blackish white on the back, and white on the sides and belly, with a few dark, parallel, narrow streaks along the sides. The live minnow is an excellent bait for them, but should be of smaller size than for their black brethren, as they are not so well provided for, in the way of gape. They are a shy fish, and very lively on the hook. Their season corresponds with that for taking the black basse. They run in schools, and you may sometimes take a dozen in half an hour." CHAPTER XI. SILKWOEM GUT, KNOTS, LOOPS, &C ■:--|:-T .= 1 "^"~'- -'- ■ ^rrirr- "^^^^ ^E=:- We now c^jme to a knotty question in our line of discourse. Those who are blest for the first time in their lives with an opportunity of viewing and handling the beautiful article called silkworm gut (and there be many, even anglers, who to thia day have never seen it), are struck with perfect astonishment when they are told that this beautiful semi-transparent sub- stance is the product of the silkworm.* It is not actually the gut of the worm, but what he would spin out into silk were he allowed to take the due course of nature. A few days before he begins to spin, the worm is immersed in a weak acid and left to soak about twelve or eighteen hours, after which he is opened and two pieces of the substance taken from him. These are drawn out with great care and stretched to their full length to dry. They are at first opake, but after becoming dry they assume their transparent appearance. They are put together in bunches of 100 strands, and the useless ends wrapped around with red twine, and exported to all parts of the world. Those who first form an acquaintance with it for the purpose of making their own tackle, are apt to use it in its hard dry state, and condemn it at once as brittle and useless. But to work well and handsomely, it should be soaked in moderate- ly warm water for about half an hour, or in cold water about two hours before using. It can then be tied or twisted into any shape to suit the capricious angler's will. There are many kinds of knots used by the fraternity in •See Parti., p. 31. 8ILZW0RM GUT, KNOTS, LOOPS, &0. 259 t3dng and looping, all of which have their advocates and contemners, but it will be well to remember that in all modes of tying, the simplest in construction, and freest from angles and abrupt turns, is the best ; all turns should be made round and not short and quick so that one strand cuts the other. This doctrine holds good not only in regard to our subject matter, but also to the tying or putting together of any stiff substance. The best knots in use amongst anglers are sailors' knots, which afford the simplest and surest modes of rigging any line. One of the simplest, and most secure is the double knot, made by passing the ends around each other after the manner of the common knot, but twice instead of once. For leaders or loops gut can be tied together at the ends, as in the draw- ings. The ends need not be whipped down, but can be cut close off, as they are perfectly secure, and not liable to break. The double and single water knots for tying lengths of gut to- gether are approved by some, and are made after the following manner : the single is found to be sufficiently secure, and being smaller and simpler, is more used than the double. ___ j ii rJ , Wj..j .,. 260 SILKWORM GUT, K^OXS, LOOPSj &C The loop knot is a very easy way of tying a line or piece of gut to a loop, and is made thus. A facile mode of fastening gut together, is the loop hitch, but observe that the ends must be whipped down with silk. The gut in this case is not knotted, and when close together and properly fastened, it forms one of the smallest and most simple ties ever invented. The celebrated Theophilus South in his fly-fisher's text book, recommends it above all others. Leaders or Bottom Lengths. — These useful articles of tackle need a more precise explanation than that given in former pages. They are made of lengths of silkworm gut, tied to- gether as before described in lengths single, double, or twisted, of from one to four yards. When employed for trout they are invariably used singly ; their position on the tackle is after your swivel or sinker, or if in fly-fishing, tied immediately to your line. The usual way of making them is with a loop at each end. To fasten your leader to your other tackle pass the loop of your leader through the loop of your line, sinker, or swivel, whichever you be using, so that it will draw down as in the last mentioned cut above, and it will be firmly secured. When through your sport back out your leader and separate it from your line, and dispose of it in your tackle book. When fishing for salmon, basse, or other large fish, use your leader long or short according to your depth of water, single, double, or SILKWORM GUT, KNOTS, LOOPS, &.C. 261 twisted, according to the shjmess, strength, or vigor of your game. The most experienced basse anglers fish with only one hook ; but where the game is small, many fish with two ; this is done by attaching two leaders, one of one yard in length, and the other of two, so that one hook will hang about one yard from the other ; or use one leader of one or two yards in length, doubling it at about one third the length, and passing it through the sinker in the form of a loop, drawing it down as before described. Your leaders being rigged, pass the looped end of your hook through your leader and draw your hook through. Put your bait on your hook, and you are rigged for a bite. Should the foregoing be not found sufficiently explicit for the tyro, he will find at the fishing tackle store these articles all ready arranged, which will give him more practical ideas than he can possibly get on paper, by which to arrange his tackle as he chooses. \ CHAPTER XII. SPRING SNAP HOOES. ** A WEAK invention of the enemy." Why the humble and gentle piscator should be called the enemy of the finny race, or why anglers, in speaking of their exploits, should call their finny friends their enemies, is a mystery yet to be explained. Such cannot certainly pursue their sport with a true Waltonian spirit ; for the father of anglers never used the word enemy, and always spoke in the most mild and pleasant manner of the finny race. " Handle him as though you loved him," says he, when speaking of preparing a line bait for the hook. The piscato- rial world was for generations without any invention for taking their game other than the ordinary kerbed steel until about fifty years ago, when the spring snap hook was invented. This was in general use until a few years since, when a boy by the name of Griswold, about sixteen years of age, living in the vicinity of Schroon Lake, conceived the idea of inventing a spring snap that would hold the fish after he was hooked. He succeeded in making the hook which is called the Griswold — see plate 1. It is arranged with a spring, lever, and striking hook. The striking hook is so adjusted that when set it lies alongside of the main hook, and is retained by a slide at the top ; when the fish nibbles the striking hook descends and takes him on the outside of the head — see plate 2. By an improvement patented by Mr. Ellis, of Naugatuck, Conn., the striking hook is relieved fi:om the lever instead of the upper part of the hook. It was much approved of at the time, and considered an aid to the angler. Immediately the mechanical genius of the country was put in motion, and, presto ! at least a dozen inventions of striking hooks of various descriptions were made to facilitate SPSma SNAF HOOKS. 263 the taking of our scaly friends. They all have their merits or demerits, a diversity of opinion existing among the fraternity. Some consider them " a weak invention of the enemy," very cruel, and those unworthy of a sportsman's name who use them ; others highly approve of them. They are not well adapted for salt-water fishing where there is a strong tide, as they are apt to spring before the fish bites. They are better suited to lake fishing for pike, black basse, and lake trout. They are preferred and recommended by some for that purpose, and for fish, such as often slip the hook, will always be used to a certain extent. Many improvements and suggestions have been made, but none to alter materially the character of the device. CHAPTER XIII. PISH POND AND TK AN S P K T AT I N OF FISH. This is a subject of great importance, not only to the angler, but to those who own farms or property in the country. In Germany and France, the renting of fish ponds is a source of large income to the owners of land, and an acre of water is considered of equal value to an acre of soil. In our own coun- try, a small sheet of water is considered of no particular advan- tage, except it be to keep a few geese or ducks, to amuse the children, to arouse the family in the morning by their incessant quack, or perhaps remind them of those in the city whose per- formance is the same, only one quacks through his natural in- strument, and the other through the public press. Few lovers of the beautiful in nature ever think of improving, enlarging, or adorning a natural water spot, and making it joyous and lively with the finny brood. Fewer still may think of damming a natu- ral spring, widening a valley, making an outlet, and modifying nature sufficient to allow depth of water capable of sustaining and nourishing an animal that will conduce not only to their pleasure and pastime, but also to their bodily comfort. Every piece of ground of a springy or marshy description is imme- diately drained, to make room for a crop of corn or potatoes, as though it were intended that " man should live by bread alone." Many reasons might be urged in favor of artificial fish ponds, but as those who love the rod are largely on the increase throughout the land, the necessity of these additions to comfort, economy, and picturesque beauty as well as recreation, will soon be seen. The rearing and breeding of various kinds of cattle and feathered creatures for food, is an object of in- terest and study with the farmer, but the propagation, naturali- PISH FOND AND TRANSPORTATION OF FISH. 265 zation, or transportation of the scaly tribe, seems to be with most tenants or owners of land beneath or beyond their notice. As an article of food, the fish is given to us, without doubt, to gratify our varied tastes ; and in some seasons, particularly in the early spring and summer, when other meats are out of season and without relish, is more tasteful, healthful, and desi- rable than any other palate delicacy. Include then the pleasure, excitement, and vigor embraced in his piscatorial capture, and we have a means of happiness which should be improved by all who study the pleasures of mind and body. Most of the varieties of our subject can be transported or propagated with very little trouble, and some are so tenacious of life that they require no care whatever. Perch, Carp, and Pike can be transported a long distance, say fifty or sixty miles, with ordinary carriage conveyance, and by the present railroad and steamboat conveyance, hundreds of miles, Capt. Henry Robinson, of Newburgh, N. Y., in the year 1832, brought some six or seven dozen Carp from France, and put them into a pond, supplied by springs of clear and pure water, on his farm, where they increased to a surprising degree. He has supplied many friends with them, who have distributed them about in various parts of the country. This public -spirited gentleman has also for a number of years put a few dozens in the Hudson river. They grow much larger in the river, and have increased so much that they are often taken by the fisher- men in their nets. The Black Basse can be made to change his residence by one or two changes of water for the same distance. This latter fish is growing in favor for large ponds, and will in the course of a few years become very generally distributed throughout the country. He is well worth the trouble of removing, and where a few gentlemen, or those of the craft join together in the ex- 26b FISH POND AND TRANSPORTATION OF FISH. pense, the amount would be small in comparison with the bene- fits which would accrue. The Trout is the most delicate and difficult fish to convey any considerable distance, and should bp narrowly watched during the progress, and the water kept clear and as cool as possible. Salt-water fish can be easily transported by sea in cars, or the well-holes of fishing-smacks adapted for keeping them alive. The tautog, many years since unknown in the harbor of Boston, is now found there in great abundance, having been taken in cars from Newport, R. I. There are many fish that swim the southern waters that would thrive equally well in more northern latitudes, and vice versa. Several years since, Mr. Pell, of Pelham, N. Y., had some shad in pairs conveyed from the Hudson river to a pond on his farm. A few years after he was much surprised to find, con- trary to his expectation, that they had bred, and had grown to the size of six inches. There is hardly a doubt that our ele- gant striped basse of the salt water which goes up into the fresh- water streams to spawn, could be domesticated, and made a tenant of fresh- water ponds that are supplied with fresh- water There are many other descriptions worthy a trial. The celebrated Dr. McCulloch, of Edinburgh, succeeded in naturalizing eight different kinds of fish from salt water into fresh, with an improvement in their flavor ; and the philosopher Bacon says, " that fish used to the salt water do nevertheless delight much more in the fresh." Speakmg of the salmon and smelt, he says, " I doubt there hath been sufficient experiment made of putting sea-fish into fresh- water ponds and pools ; it is a thing of great use, for so you have them new at a great dis- tance; besides, fish will eat the pleasanter, and may fall to breed." " Mr. Arnold, of Guernsey," says Pickermg, in his " Remi- FISH POND AND TRANSPOETATIOK OP PISH. 267 niscences," " has in his lake, of about ten acres, chiefly supplied with fresh water, many sea-fish ; all have improved in quality and propagated. The lake, which before was worthless, pro- ducing a few eels, now yields a large rent. The bottom of the lake is various — ^muddy, rocky, and gravelly, and since the introduction of sea-fish, the eels have multiplied a thousand- fold." A mode of culture of carp, spoken of by Daniel, in hia " Rural Sports," may be found useftil to those wishing to breed that description of fish. " It is supposed that ninety brace of full-sized carp, and forty of tench, are a good stock for an acre of water. In soma parts of Germany, where the domestication of fish is practised.. a suite of ponds are so constructed, that they can empty the water and fish of one pond into another. The empty one is then ploughed, and sown with barley. When the grain is in the ear, the water and its inhabitants are again admitted ; and by feeding on the com are more expeditiously fatted than by any other management." All ponds should have a brook or rivulet running through them, or fresh springs. It increases the feed and comfort of the fish during the heat of summer, and counteracts the effects of frost daring the winter. All kinds of refuse grain, as beans, peas, &c., thrown into carp ponds, or sown in the mud along the edges when the water is low, will serve to fatten and improve the fish very much. The following method of making artificial fish-ponds, from Best's " Art of Angling," will be found useful. ** It is agreed that those grounds are best that are full of springs, and apt to be moorish : the one breeds them well, and the other preserves them from being stolen. " The situation of the pond is also to be considered, and the nature of the currents that fall into it ; likewise that it be refreshed with a little brook, or with rain-water that falls Ironi »» 268 PISH POND AJTD TRANSPORTATION OF FISH. the adjacent hilly ground. And that those ponds which receive the stale and dung of horses, breed the largest and fattest fishes. " In making the pond, observe that the head be at the lowest part of the ground, and the trench of the flood-gate, or sluice, has a good swift fall, that it may not be long in emptying. ** If the pond carries six feet of water it is enough ; but it must be eight feet deep, to receive the freshes and rains that should fall into it. " It would be also advantageous to have shoals on the sides, for the fishes to sun themselves in, and lay their spawn on ; besides in other places certain holes, hollow banks, shelves, roots of trees, islands, &,c., to serve as their retiring places. " Reserve some great waters for the head -quarters of the fishes, whence you may take, or wherein you may put, any quantity thereof. And be sure to have stews and other auxiliary waters, so as you may convey any part of the stock from one to the other, so to lose no time in the growth of the fishes, but employ your water as you do your land, to the best advantage. View the grounds, and find out some fall between the hills, as near a flat as may be, so as to leave a proper current for the water. If there be any difficulty of judging of such, take an opportunity, after some sudden rain, or breaking up of a great snow in win- ter, and you will plainly see which way the ground casts, for the water will take the true fall, and run accordingly. " The condition of the place must determine the quantity of the ground to be covenxi with water. For example, I may propose in all fifteen acros in three ponds, or eight acres m two, and not less ; and these ponds should be placed one above another, so as the point of the lower may almost reach the head or bank of the uppej which contrivance is no less beau- tiful than advantageous. " The head, or bank, which, by stopping the current, is to raise the water, and so make a pond, must be built with the clay FISH POND AND TSANSPORTATION OF FISH. 269 or earth taken out of the pan or hollow dug in the lowest ground above the bank ; the shape of the pan to be a half oval, whereof the flat to come to the bank, and the longer diameter to run square from it. " For two large ponds, of three or four acres apiece, it is advisable to have four stews, each two rods wide and three long. The stews are usually in gardens, or near the house, to be more handy and better looked to. The method of making them, is to carry the bottom in a continual decline from one end, with a mouth to favor the drawing them with a net. " It is proper to cast in bavins in some places not far from the sides, in the most sandy spots, for the fishes to spawn upon, and to defend the young fry, especially the spawn of Carp and Tench." CHAPTER XIV. This buoyant article of our fancy has been of late much improved. Patience and perseverance, it is said, will work miracles ; but the two invaluable substances, Gutta Percha and India rubber, having been successfully used in the manufacture of floats, will prove to be of great importance and utility to the angler, and will work wonders, as to the durability and con- venience of this essential article of his equipment. The great objection to the cork float was, that much diflni- culty was experienced in keeping it in order, either the quill or the stem becoming, with verj' little wear, loose and unfit for M ivW - — "^1-^ ..-^^ The turned hollow float, almost as light as air, being glued or cemented together in the centre, by the constant action of the sun and water, was apt to part in the centre, or by its ex- treme thinness, liable to be broken almost as soon as a soft boiled egg, particularly if the gentle Piscator, in his boat move- ments, happened to tread too hard upon it. In the manufacture of the new descriptions, all these difficulties are obviated, and the angler can now be furnished with an ar- ticle almost as light as air, and durable as time. Gutta Percha is admirably adapted for the formation of this implement of tackle, being, from its nature, very tenacious, and easily worked into the desired shape. Those made of this substance are lighter than wood, and cannot come apart in the centre, nor break at the ends, except by extreme hard usage and carelessness ; and even where this happens, they can be repaired by the angler himself, with but little trouble. The caoutchouc float is made in the usual form of the sheet rubber, FLOATS. 27i with a screw valve at the top, and can be put in the vest pocket, or even the pocket-book, and inflated for use at the pleasure of the possessor. The float has been considered the most incon- venient article for use on a long tour, and is often left behind on occasions of distant excursions. But all difficulties of this kind vanish in the convenience of the rubber float. Those of the fraternity who find it difficult to keep their temper, when not in the usual luck, will therefore please blow up their floats instead of the fish, the weather, or some less harmless object of their displeasure. CHAPTER XV. WEAK FISH OR BARB ANGLING ON LONG ISLAND SOUND. By T. D. L. Into the Peconic Bay — that most noble and beautiful har- bor — flow a number of small streams, brooks deep at the mouth, but short, shoaling into a grassy bottom, full of crabs and other food for fish. Up into these, for food or shelter, run at night, tide permitting. Weak Fish (or Cheecout), and Barb or King Fish ( Tom Cod they are there called) . Across these creeks nets are sometimes set, which yield in a tide perhaps a hundred weight of " yellow fins," from two to five pounds each. The south shore of the Great Peconic is famous ground, and parties often take boat at James Port or Canoe Place, ior a day's fishing there. Let the angler anchor off any of the larger inlets to the Shinnecock Hills, and amuse himself, if he please, catching pound Porgies, until the tide is well up. Then draw in towards the mouth of the creek, and he will probably have lively sport for an hour, catching King or Weak Fish, enough to astonish the natives, as your thorough-bred angler generally contrives to do. When the Toad Fish begins to at- tack you, the game is up, and the fish gone. For Barb use a Kirb hook, about No. 5 Salmon, short in the shank. More good fish of all kinds have been lost by using a long shanked hook (which has become the fashion), than by any want of skill in the angler. The wire outside the mouth often acts as a lever, and enables the fish to throw himself off in the strug- gle. For Weak Fish crab is undoubtedly the best bait, but I have caught more Barb with shrimp — so despised in those parts — thaa with any other bait. King Fish average over a pound. WEAK FISH OK BARB ANGLINS. 273 fight hard, and die nobly — f* die like demi-gods." No one who takes the Weak Fish of these crystal waters and clean gravelly shores, can fail to see the propriety of its nome d'honneur, " the salt water Trout." The brilliant tints that spot its silver sides render it indescribably beautiful. ^i Ete ^^— — CHAPTER XVI. THE EEL. Anguilla Vulgaris. " Saw you that snake, sir 1" "No: 'twas an eel." This crooked subject of our discourse is a pest to the regular angler. As an object of sport he is far beneath the contempt of a regular game fisherman, and is only " taken" when he cannot be " shaken" from the hook by all the arts of his unfor- tunate possessor. They are not particular as to their meal. The finest worm thrown for a trout will often bring his snake- ship out. The best shrimp or crab bait in salt water is good enough for him, and he seizes it with avidity as a creature of taste. The truly patient Waltonian angler dispatches him without complaint ; and if he happen to be of a goodly size, is invited to partake of the hospitalities of his table. There are seven or eight different descriptions, some of which grow to quite a large size. (See page 217.) The eel belongs to no particular place or clime. He is a cosmopolite, and is always where water flows and mud grows. He is a warm-blooded animal, and has been known to climb up trees and poles, but not to get very near the north pole, the only exception to their general distribution being in the more intensely cold latitudes. Says Yarrell, one of the best English writers on the subject, " Eels are in reality a valuable description of fish ; their flesh is excellent for food ; the various species are hardy, tenacious of life, and very easily preserved. They are in great esteem for the table, and the consumption in our large cities is very consi- derable. The London market is principally supplied from Holland, by Dutch fishermen. There are two companies in THE EEL. 275 Holland having five vessels each ; these vessels are built with a capacious well, in which large quantities of eels are preserved alive until wanted. One or more of these vessels may be con- stantly seen lying off Billingsgate ; the others go to Holland for fresh supplies, each bringing a cargo of 15,000 to 20,000 pounds' weight of live eels, for which the Dutch merchant pays a duty of jCIS per cargo for permission to sell." Their serpentine form has rendered them objects of dislike in this country among some people. The fair sex, in particular, have a great aversion to them from their resemblance to the snake. But all objections are removed when they are brought upon the table as an article of food. The New York market is abundantly supplied by the fishermen from Long Island and adjacent places. Being easily taken, and found in great abun- dance, they furnish a cheap and healthy food for the poorer class of people. In some parts of the country where they are taken in fresh water, they are held in high estimation, and are made the object of sport by the young fishermen, by night and day, with bobs, eel pots, and spears. A singular practice was in vogue at Catherine Market, foot of Catherine Street, New York, some years ago. The fish markets, as usual in large cities, were open on Sunday morning, in the summer season, for a few hours after sunrise. At the -^^^^ above-mentioned market the negroes used to gather from all "'~~'^'M^.-^ i^ parts of the city to the skinning, immense quantities being brought in for that purpose. After the operation was performed and the fish were tied into bundles, certain lots were purchased by the lovers of fun, to be danced for by the negroes. The ceremony of dancing for eels was performed with great skill and dexterity by the sons of Afric's soil upon an ordinary shingle, brought by each competitor for that purpose. The spectacle was witnessed by hundreds of lookers-on, composed of all classes of people, who expressed their satisfaction and 276 approbation or dissent by cheers, claps, or groans. There were certain rules for the regulation of the dance, one of which was that the individual who shuffled off the shingle lost the prize, and was considered beaten. On some occasions, to produce more excitement and stimulate them to greater effort, larger bunches were put up for the dance. The grotesque appearance of the crowd, with the negro in the centre, attired in a white or check shirt, little the worse for absence from the wash-tub, an old straw hat, and pantaloons rolled up to the knees, " Intense emotion glitter'd in tlieir eyes, Each eager watciiing for ttie slimy prize," surrounded by the fishermen with their red shirts and tarpaulin hats, the various dark-skinned polished face and white-teeth competitors with shingle in hand, watching anxiously their turn, surrounding the inside of the nng, and the motley laughing, joking, and betting crowd without, furnished a scene which we believe has been undeservedly neglected by the artist, and belongs to the history of New York as it was. The discussions of naturalists respecting Eels, have been as crooked as their line of locomotion. Ichthyologists are gene- rally of opinion that Eels make two migrations in each year, one in the autumn to the sea, and one, returning up the rivers in the spring. Yarrell says, " I am, however, of opinion that the passage of adult Eels to the sea, or rather to the brackish water of the estuary, is an exercise of choice, and not a matter of necessity ; and that the parent Eels return up the river as well as the fiy." There are several different kinds of these fish found in both fresh and salt water ; a singular description, called the Syren Mud Pup, or Rain Eel, is taken in one of the rivers near Charleston, S. C. Their shape is similar to the ordinary Eel, THE EEL. 277 with the exception of two paws similar to a dog's, that they cany in front, to scratch their way in the mud, to avoid their enemies. A friend who lives in the northern part of the state of New York, says he has observed two descriptions of fresh water Eels. " One having a small sharp head, tapering out very nar- row towards the mouth, being larger according to their weight, and thicker through the middle than the common Eel. They generally inhabit clearer water, and are more frequently found above waterfalls. Their flesh is a lighter color, having more the appearance of fat pork. They are also much better, and when boiled or fried are a great relish." The other description has a larger head, wider mouth, the lower jaw projecting beyond the upper ; they are largest through the gills, and taper to the tail ; their flesh of a bluish color, and not as palatable as the former description. " All Eels are spawned in the ocean ; the young ones commence running up rivers and smaller streams the latter part of April or beginning of May. They are then about the size of large needles ; they go up along the shores and the edges of streams, and also up wet rocks near waterfalls, and over mill-dams, by exhaustmg the atmosphere under their bodies, then by raising their flat tail over, with or above their head, exhaust the atmosphere under that, and raise their head again ; in this way they ascend the swifter streams, and reach the remotest lakes, except those above Niagara Falls, which they are never known to ascend. They select deep still water with soft bottom, and hibernate where old deep channels are filling up ; at this time they are taken through the ice, or in boats with spears. They are in much better condition at this time than in summer, and offer more inducement to the angler with the spear, than when taken in that season with pot or line. They never spawn in lakes or rivers. Take theni there as 278 THE EEL. large as you will, and you cannot find the least appearance ol spawn ; on the contrary, take a sea Eel in the latter part of winter, and you will find it fiill of spawn.* Since, then, they are an object of sport, and the truly scienti- fic angler, when in want of excitement, is sometimes seen by torch light, with spear in hand, striking for him in the depths below, it will be well to remark on some of the methods pur- sued in his capture. In England they have a mode of taking the eel called snig- gling, which, says Blaine, is a practice so ingenious and full of artifice, that it might reconcile the sportsman to Eel fishing. For the benefit of country friends, who are fond of Eel fishing, the following description of the tackle, and mode of operating is here given. A stick two yards long, with a cleft at each end, a strong needle whipped to a small whip-cord line, from the eye to the middle, which, with a lob-worm stuck on the needle, leaving the point to be inserted in the cleft of the stick, constitutes the simple apparatus. The art consists in putting the worm, needle, and line softly into the mouth of the Eel holes, which are suffered to remain until taken by the Eel, when the line and hook are again reclaimed, but accompanied by the Eel also. The most common modes of angling for them in this country are with the hook, bob, pot, and spear. For hook fishing, take an ordinary line, such as used for pickerel, in fresh water, or black fish in salt water, attach by a short length of line, gimp, or twisted gut, a size Black fish or Eel hook, suited to the size of fish expected, and a sinker ac- * Dr. Mitchill says the roes or ovaria of Eels may be seen by those who will look for them in the proper season, like other fishes. Yarrell also remarks, Eels that have lived in brackish water all the winter, under the constant influence of the high temperature of that locality, probably deposit their spawn earlier in the spring, than those who have passed the winter in places from which there existed no probable egress. ^'' THE EEL. 279 cording to the tide or current ; see that all your tackle be strong, and you are rigged. If in fresh water, bait with worms, pieces of fish, frogs, entrails of chicken ; for salt water, pieces of clams, fish, shrimp, or anything else you think they will fancy. The largest and oldest of the family snake along the muddy bottom at night, and perhaps accommodating you with a bite, will allow you to draw them up, of a size such as may trouble your dreams. Some salt water anglers take them with shedder crab and shad roe, after the following manner ; they procure some white horse hairs, and work them into the shape of a bag, and within place their bait, or wind them thoroughly around a good size bait. They attach this to a hand line, with a sinker of sufficient weight to sink it to the bottom. The Eel takes hold, and soon entangles his teeth in the mesh of the bag, and is brought up without difficulty. The bob is made by stringing on to a strong piece of worsted yam or linen thread, a large number of worms, wound up into a ball, and by attaching your line, and letting it down with an appropriate sinker, to the bottom ; when you feel any bites, give a little time, that they may get well hold ; pull up mode- rately until at the top of the water, then give a jerk, sudden but steady, and you will, if successful, have several that will clear themselves without your help. Pot fishing is still more of the wholesale kind, and is much practised in the country streams. The pot is made much after the fashion of an Irish potatoe hamper, but of the commonest basket materials, and the end like the entrance to a mouse trap, forming an inverted cone, with an elastic hole, large enough for the animals to squeeze their way through. These ends are constructed so that they can be taken off to bait, or to remove the fish. They are usually from 3 to 4 feet in length, and 6 to 8 inches in diameter. The bait, con- sisting of pieces of meat, fish, or garbage of any description, E* 280 THE EEL. is placed in the inside, with a weight to sink it. To the centre is attached a strong cord or rope. When ready, it is let down to the bottom of the stream, and it is hauled up at turn of tide, or when ite weight indicates a sufficient quantity of the desired fish. Last, though not least, and probably the best mode, is spear- ing. This is done with a steel spear, made with five or six flat or square prongs, attached by a socket to a strong ash handle. They can be had at the fishing tackle stores, or made to order by the nearest blacksmith. These are forced into the mud from a boat, or used in wading, accompanied by an assistant, with a basket, to receive the result of the operator's skill. They make a capital dish for eating, by either stewing, fry- ing, pyeing, or better, according to Walton, as follows : " First, wash him in water and salt ; then pull off his skin below his newt or navel, and not much further ; having done that, take out his guts, as clean as you can, but wash him not ; then give him three or four scotches with a knife, and then put into his belly and those scotches sweet herbs, an anchovy, and a little nut- meg, grated or cut very small ; and your herbs and anchovies must also be cut very small, and mixed with good batter and salt ; having done this, then pull his skin over him all but his head, which you are to cut off, to the end that you may tie his skin about that part where the head grew ; and it must be so tied as to keep all moisture within his skin, and having done this, tie him with tape or packthread, to a spit, and roast him leisurely, and baste him with water and salt until his skin breaks, and then with butter, and having roasted him enough, let what was put into his belly, and what he drips, bo his sauce." Thus endoth the chapter on Eels. CHAPTER XVII. THE BAKE. Merbiciua Midua.—DzKxr, This fish is similar in appearance to the Tom-Cod, for which it is often mistaken by those who have never examined the two together. They, however, belong to the cod family, and are classed among ichthyologists as being related, although some- what distant, to that species. They are found in great abundance in England and France, where they are caught and sold in immense quantities. They are also caught of very large size, measuring three to five feet in length. Mr. Yarrell says, that they are " so abundant in the Bay of Galway that it was formerly called the Bay of Hakes. On that part of the N)miph off* the coast of Waterford, the Hake is also so plentiful, that one thousand have been taken by six men with lines in one night. It is a voracious fish, as its systematic name of Merlucius, sea-pike, implies. They feed upon a description of fish called Pilchards, on which they glut themselves to their heart's desire. I have seen seventeen Pilchards taken from the stomach of a Hake of ordinary size. Their digestion, however, is quick, so that they speedily get rid of their load, and fishermen observe that upon being hooked, the Hake presently evacuates the contents of his stomach to facilitate its escape ; so that when hundreds are taken with a line, in the midst of prey, not one will have anything in its stomach. When near the surface, however, this rejection does not take place until after they are dragged on board." They do not appear to be so generally distributed in this country, as they are in others, neither do they grow to so large a size, and although not a game fish they are easily taken with 282 THE HAEE. the hook, and are considered very palatable. They are exceed- ingly common, says Dr. J. V. C. Smith, though not taken in any quantity in Massachusetts. The largest caught here seldom exceeds two feet. They are denominated Poor Johns. The best hake are taken off Cape Cod and sold under the name of stock fish. When very hungry, the hake exhibits considerable voracity, and does not hesitate to seize a crab, which, in self-defence, sometimes fixes its shears in the retractile lips of the enemy, who whirls it through the water with surprising velocity, till it is finally obliged to let go its hold. DESCEiPTiON . — Dekay. Characteristics. — Reddish brown above ; long, acute, pala- tine teeth ; lower jaw largest ; length one to two feet. Color. — Reddish brown, with golden tints towards the shoulders ; sides of the opercle silvery, with a pinkish lustre ; summits of the head dark brown ; lower part of the body soiled white ; lateral hue brownish black ; tongue, surface of the bronchial arches, fauces, and interior of the opercles, deep bluish black ; irides golden, mottled with brown ; dorsals light brown, the rays lighter ; caudal dark brown ; remaining fins whitish, minutely punctate with brown. They were formerly little known at New York, but of late years have become quite abundant, where they are taken at the docks generally at night by boys, and those of the craft that cannot spare time during the day. The Hake, like the Tom- Cod, is a bottom fish, and is taken generally with hand lines, and the usual black fish tackle. Being of the voracious order, he seems to love the eddies and currents, and is better taken when the tide is running strong, where he delights to feed upon what is forced in its way. On such grounds the line should be THE HAKE. 283 rigged with a heavy sinker, and a hollow one if it can be procured, as the bite is much easier felt. Some prefer instead of a black fish hook a Limerick, about No. 4 salmon. He is fond of shrimps, crabs, and clams. Economical anglers universally use the latter bait, considering it good enough to take him or any of his family. CHAPTER XVIII. WHITE PERCH AND CAT-FISH ANGLING IN THE VICINITY OF NEW YORK. By T. D. L. Lake fishing lacks one element of interest possessed by the salt water, namely, the condition of hopeful uncertainty respect- ing the sort and size of your game. Between the humble Flounder and the noble Sheepshead are many kinds of gamo fish, and greater disparities of weight and value than exist between the fish of fresh ponds, which are less various and more equal. Moreover, the salt water tribe come and go with sea- sons and tides, and cannot, like their inland brethren, always be followed and found. There is therefore an excitement in the doubtful chances of sea-fishing wanting in that of the lakes which presents greater uniformity of character and certainty ol success. But though still water fishing, as compared with the flowino salt, is inferior in interest, perhaps it has superiority in the gene- ral satisfaction it affords. In the numerous lakelets of New York, fish, of some sort, can at any time be taken. Not, how- ever, always with equal ease. When the water is warm and the fish well fed, the angler will find occasion for all his art ; — in the successful exercise of which, and not in the magnitude of his fishing, lies, after all, the chief satisfaction. Perch, large and lively, both yellow and white : Sunfish, sometimes of con- siderable size ; Pickerel, which are shy, and employ all your cunning and skill ; Cat-fish, whether you would or no ; are taken in our hundred little lakes ; and the angler, with light rod and fine tackle (which are indispensable to enjoyment), will find fishing in them anything but a dull and tame affair. WHITE PEECH AOT) OAT-FISH ANGLING. 285 The baits used are various: live bait, as woiin or fish, is generally best. But whatever you take " To bait fish withal," if it will feed nothing else, 'twill feed Cat-fish, which are omni- vorous. They are the i'resh water Toad-fish, and, like others of the family, seem to subserve the purpose of purification, by the reconversion into life of corruptible organic matter. Though esteemed delicate eating* when well cooked, they are not pleasant to take raw ; — their ugly mouths, slimy skins, and dangerous horns, causing the dainty angler to avoid their neighborhood. This he can do only by fishing some feet above bottom. But drop below that discreet distance, and he will surely damage his tackle in the jaws of some bull-headed Man- darin, to be disengaged only with infinite difficulty and disgust. Fishing for them, wnen rightly prepared, is, like fishing for Eels, well enough and quite another thing. You will then use gimp, and a kirb about No. 3 Salmon, upon bottom. The best time is simdown, and after. Then they bite boldly, and are a sure fish. Glove your left hand and seize them fearlessly but firmly behind the horns when you disgorge the hook. Boys with stick and string, a rusty hook and piece of pork, take " Bull- heads" (as the small Cat-fish are called) in almost every pond and fresh stream in the Northern States. But angling for the White or Silver Perch — the graceful oright-eyed Perch — with pliant rod and gossamer thread of gut — this is no boy's play, but a true exhilarating sport. A nimble, strong, clean fish, that springs voraciously at the bait, struggles hard, and dies game, is a respectable adversary, and occasions vou to " Know the fierce joy that anglers feel, In fishes worthy of their steel.'* » From Philadelphia, pleasure parties very commonly visit the falls of ihe Schuylkill, to despatch them with knife and fork. 286 WHITE PERCH AND CAT-FISH ANGLINO. ~- f^-. J^l ^=rzr- ~ — ^'-^~ :-^- _ ~^'jrz. m- Seen at daybreak or sundown, playing in sparkling schools on the sunny side of some lakelet, he is an object of attractive beauty to the poetic angler. Perch bite best in early morning and evening about the shallows near shore ; but at mid-day, when they retire to bars that run out into deeper water, they become dainty, yet may, however, be there taken. Worm, upon a Limerick hook (1 to 3 trout), is a common bait. But the " killy," and small brook shiner, or gold fish, are better. Pre- pared with these, I generally contrive to drift with the wind, if there be any, outside the shadow of the woods and beyond the weeds, trailing a light float, with swivel just weighty enough to dip it and balance the live bait swimming at half depth. This is the ground and mode of fishing, good alike for Perch and Pick- erel. Be therefore prepared for the latter, and if one bite give liim no quarter, but bring him in steadily, and quickly, if you would save your tackle. His bite may be distinguished from that of the Perch. His is a long pull, holding the float under ; whereas the Perch bite is comparatively quick and short. Slowly drifting, then, fishing between the boat and shore, and drawing or casting my line into every likely nook, I generally strike upon a school of Perch, when I quietly drop anchor. When they cease biting I row above, float down again, and commonly take more in the same place, or if not, continue to drift as before. Large fish, as Perch over half a pound may be called, are more solitary in their habits ; the smaller the more gregarious, as though instinctively associating for mutual pro- tection. I choose the sunny side, because I think the Silver Perch (other circiunstances equal) prefer the strong lights to the dark waters of the pond ; and this may be one reason why they swim nearer the surface in the twilight of morning and evening. If then the fish don't bite freely, examine the crop of one, and suit your bait to its apparent food. The White Perch, though less common than the Yellow, is WHITE PERCH AND CAT FISH ANGLINO. 287 yet widely distributed in our waters. It is found in the Hud- son and tributary streams. The Passaic river abounds with a small size. Very fine fish are taken in most of the lakes of Putnam county (accessible by the Harlem railroad), and in many ponds of that paradise of sportsmen, Long Island, es- pecially in Suffolk County. There, a short ride through the pines from almost any point, will bring you to some quiet spot, where you can find fair sport angling, " under the shade of overhanging boughs," yet within sound of the ocoan surf The pine woods, interlaced with their bright sandy avenues, have a peculiar beauty, and to fish in their still depths, of a serene day, in a light skiff, gently gliding over some mirrored lake, •* Fair as the bosom of the swan,* IS a luxury they can best appreciate who are ennuiedhy fashion, or distempered by the wear and tear of an intense business life. To minds of any sensibility, the mere repose of these suburban solitudes is " a feeling" of beauty, and awakens the conscious- ness of an infinite presence, replete with religious emotions. CHAPTER XIX. OCEAN ANGLIN Likeness of Heaven ! Agent of Power ! Man is thy victim, Shipwreck's thy dower Spices and jewels From valley and sea, Armies and banners Are buried in thee ! The art we love being admirably adapted to recruit the broken-down or enervated constitution ; and the pure breath of heaven, as it comes from off the dark blue sea and the white capped wave, being a more potent medicine than that prescribed by the physician, or compounded by the apothecary, no excuse need here be offered for a few remarks on a subject of interest to those who may cast their first line from the side of a ship. Those who have never been to sea are apt to think that such a large pond was only made for the leviathan whale, the ponderous shark, or the Nahant Sea Serpent, but a little reflection would convince the most sceptical that they labor under a delu- sion. The depths of the trackless ocean, wherein the mon- sters bask in broad noon-day, as well as the reefs and shal- lows nearer land, are teeming with shoals of the living brood of smaller size, which are designed not only to feed and fatten the larger majesties of their own species, but to minister to the appetite, comfort, amusement, and support of the man in whose power they are placed. The poor sailor, who is obliged to make a voyage of many months, is ever on the alert for a change of diet, and the sight of a school OCEAN ANGLnro. 289 of fish is a subject of gratification to the whole of a ship's company, and more particularly to those who have never be- fore tempted their precious souls and bodies on the ocean wave. "And now approaching near the lofty stern, A shoal of sportive dolphins they discern. From burnish'd scales ihey beam refulgent rays, Till all the glowing ocean seems to blaze Soon to the sport of death the crew repair, Dart the long lance, or spread the baited snare." The ocean is supposed to have as many tenants as the earth or the air. But few of the descriptions are much known by any particular names, and very few described by naturalists. The Dolphin, whose fame has been said and sung by poet and philosopher, is worth a sea voyage for the pleasure of his capture, and the satisfaction of" be- ing in at his death " Their usual size is from 2 to 5 ft. in -=-^?"^*- ^ length. The variableness and beauty of his rainbow - : ,- ' ' colorings, as he shuffles off his mortal coil, is a sub- . . ^; , ject indescribable by pen or pencil. He is not a hand- I'^r / some fish as he is lifted up and exposed to the view of those -., "" % who make his acquaintance for the first time ; on the con- trary, his proportions and appearance as to beauty are ra- ther ordinary, and not until a change comes o'er the spirit of his dream, and he flaps his tail upon the white deck of the vessel, and, gasping, dies, is his beauty acknowledged. " What radiant changes strike the astonish'd sight What glowing hues of mingled shade and light ! Not equal beauty gilds the glowing west, With parting beams all o'er profusely drest ; Nor lovelier colors paint the vernal dawn, When orient dews impearl th' enamell'd lawn, Than from his sides in bright suftusion flow, That now with gold imperial seem to glow ; 290 OCEAN ANGLIKO. / ^ :, - „- --- -Z"_^- fife- .v= ^^', Now \n pellucid sapphires meet the view, And imitate the soft, celestial hue ; Now beam a flaming crimson on the eye, And now assume the purple*s deeper dye. But here description clouds each shining ray ; What terms of art can nature's power display 1'* He that would prepare himself for the pleasure and excite- ment of his capture, should provide himself with a stout hawser-laid cotton or hemp line of 28 or 30 fathoms length, and in thickness about one-eighth of an inch ; to this should be attached one of the largest size Cod hooks, seized on to the line with the stoutest kind of white, black, or colored No. 1 2 thread, or small fish line, well waxed with shoemaker's wax ; fpr bait, use a large piece of salt pork, about six inches in length by 2 or 3 wide, made well fast. Fasten your line, cast your baited hook overboard, and troll till you get a bite ; pull him in with a steady line, stout heart, and strong nerve, and he will soon repay the trouble of his capture, both by the excitement of the occasion, and the table exercise with the instruments of appetite. You will not find his meat as pleasant to the taste as some others of the tribe, but rather preferable to the salt pork upon which he expected to dine himself. The sailors take him with a large piece of bone, tin, or lead attached to a good sized hook ; but you will find a much better article called an artificial squid, of handsome shape, from 4 to 8 inches in length, and composed of tin, after a similar manner, at the general fishing tackle stores. This article is used without bait in its simple form, being made something in the shape of a fish. There are other fish captured in the same way, on sea voyages ; among them the Bonita, Barracouta, and Skip Jack. Smaller squids are employed, similar to those OCEAN ANGLINO. 291 in trolling for blue fish, say from 3 to 5 inches in length, of tin or bone, the former to be used in rough water, and the latter in smooth ; those who contemplate going to sea, to be sure of success, should take both kinds. The Bonita and Skip Jack vary in size from 1 to 2 feet, and can be taken with lighter tackle ; but to be on the safe side, and insure success, employ your Dolphin line ; and should you use beef or pork instead of the artificial squid, attach to your line stout Kirby sea hooks, the size of 1-G or 2-0 Limerick. In pur- chasing and rigging your sea tackle, see that it is well made, and perfectly strong. Let not parsimony deter you from preparing it of the best quality, and you will never regret your angling enjoyments on the ocean. CHAPTER XX. INHABITANTS OF THE OREGON AND CALIFORNIA WATERS. The waters of California are alive with a great variety of the finny race, equal in value to the angler as are its golden sands* to the adventurer. In the bay and harbor of San Francisco are found the Haddock, the Black Fish or Tautog, the Flounder, the Mackerel, the Weak Fish or salt water Trout of the south, the Mullet, and the Red Fish, or Spotted Basse. These different descriptions,which are taken with rod or hand-tackle in the usual manner, are of unusually large size and of very fine flavor. The Red Fish is said by those who have tried it with the knife and fork to be superior in gastronomic qualities to the celebrated fish of the same name at New Orleans and Charleston, being also much finer in outward appearance, having more delicate skin, smaller scales, and its superficial surface more beautiful. They bite at the hook baited with pieces of mullet, beef, or pork, very freely, are very vigorous, and give good play with the rod and reel. The beautiful Mullet is also found here in all its glory, and grows to quite a large size, being taken from 6 or 8 inches to 2 or 4 feet in length in seines or nets. A singular description of fish is also taken in the bay called the Trigger Fish. This member of the family has a singular projection on the back, similar in appearance to the trigger of a gun, from which much amusement is had by the inhabitants by its singular motions, * In the time of Cortes gold was reported to be so plenty in Mexico, thfit the fishermen used gold weights to their nets. Our Salmon anglers of the Sacramento will of course use golden Rods and Reels. INHABITANTS OF OREGON AND CALIFORNIA WATERS. 293 when pulled by the knowing ones. The fresh water fish swarm the streams and lakes in abundance. The Salmon here lord their way through the Sacramento and Columbia rivers, and their branches, in such large numbers, that they can be seen in immense shoals when entering the rivers in the month of April, and are speared, or captured by the Indians with a wicker basket, with much ease. The natives, also, set fences across the streams where they go up, and confine and secure them in large quantities. They take the fly finely, and afford good sport with the rod and reel. The lakes and inland rivers, also, teem with an abun- dance of Catfish, and Salmon Trout of the finest quality and flavor. Capt. Fremont, in his narrative of his exploring expedition to California, says, in speaking of those of the Salmon Trout River : " Their flavor is excellent — superior, in fact, to any fish that I have ever known." In the moun- tain streams, the Spotted Trout is found in large quantities, as are the Yellow Perch and many other smaller descrip- tions of fish. The River Gila, which empties into the northern extremity of the Gulf of California, contains fish similar in shape, general appearance, and color to the Trout. =;^^|^^^gi^ " At a little distance," says Lieut. Emory, " they seem covered with scales, but a closer examination detects n( (thing of the kind, but small marks of a scaly ap- pearance, making them look entirely different from what they seem. Their meat, although very palatable, is rather soft, and not equal to the Spotted Trout. On the coast are to be found the Green Turtle, Oysters, Mussels, Clams, and other kinds of shell-fish of the largest size, and o<' the finest flavorable qualities. Altogether California and Ore- gon oflfer great inducements to the angler and epicurean," CHAPTER XXI. OF THE WHITE FE£Ci This fine fish, although a general inhabitant of most of our fresh water ponds, is often found in many of our large rivers, where he partakes more of the active nature of the striped, or Black Basse (to which family he belongs), than of that of his more sluggish but less active and nearer relative, the Yellow Perch. At the High Bridge, Harlem River, they are taken in large quantities, and sometimes of large size, all through the summer season ; they also abound in many parts of the Hudson, Dela- ware, and Schuylkill rivers, and are the objects of much sport in many parts of Connecticut, the large ponds of Long Island, and the streams of various other parts of the United States. They are generally caught with the usual Trout, or Perch tackle, except when found in the more rapid rivers, when the angler delights to master him with his Basse rod, stronger bot- tom lengths, and hooks in proportion. It is also well to pre- pare in this manner, in order to be in readiness for larger fish, w'lich in the rivers and often in the large ponds, give conside- rable trouble. A Connecticut friend, who was once almost mastered by a large pike, whilst angling for white perch, gives the following graphic account of his success. " I had been fishing nearly the whole afternoon ; the sun had almost set, and I was drifting along with the declining wind, not far from the shore of a lake, near the southern part of the state, when I felt a most violent jerk at my line, which imme- diately began to run out with great rapidity. Supposing my fiigitive to be only a remarkably vigorous perch, I attempted to check him, but found the strain so great as to convince me that I had encountered a more powerful opponent. I had only a slight trouting-rod, with a very slender silk and hair Hne, and OF THE WHITE PERCH. 295 a very fine gut bottom with a number 6 trout hook, and I saw at once that skill and patience and not force, must win the day. I accordingly gave out plenty of line, keeping it tight, however, and very soon my antagonist rose to the surface, while I reeled in again with my utmost celerity. He then leaped with extend- ed jaws a full yard from the water and immediately plunged again towards the bottom, where he dug along until he very nearly carried out 40 yards of line, when luckily he turned once more and came directly towards the boat. After a con- test of about 25 minutes, sustained with great strength and per- severance on the part of the fish, and the utmost skill I could muster on my own part, and the most intense excitement on both sides, I fairly overcame my scaly friend, and led him, gasping at length and unresisting, with his broad green sides gleaming in the sunset, to the side of my boat, placed my land- ing net under him, and in an instant he was at my feet; he proved to be one of the largest pike I had ever taken in that water, and weighed 7 1-2 pounds." The same gentleman fishes for Perch in the following manner. " My common method of taking w^hite Perch, is w^ith a small minnow or shiner, placed upon two Limerick hooks, tied about an inch apart, on a bottom length of five or six i'eet of fine single gut, furnished with a couple of swivels. The lower hook is about No. 3, and the other No. 6, according to the arrangement of hooks in the Angler's Guide. I row my boat out nearly to the middle of the pond and then allow it to drift before the wind, with my line run off" the reel to just about such a length as that the motion of the boat will keep the bait near the surface of the water. The white Perch play about in schools, constantly leaping above the water in a fine breezy day, and often in seizing the bait, they will spring entirely from the surface, as a trout does in taking a fly. In this way, with two rods, I have frequently captured from 80 to 100 in a few hours." CHAPTER XXII. THE YELLOW PIKE PERCH. Lucioperca Americana. , This is a very fine fish, both for table and rod exercise, and seems to partake of the nature of both the pike and perch family ; like the trout he loves the more bold and rapid parts of rivers and lakes, and also the deep holes, and under weeds and grass, and with some of the fraternity is considered equal in vigor and activity to the favorite trout. A friend who sent two from Albany this winter (1849), as specimens, says they are taken in Lake Ontario, and also in the Mohawk, where they are called Mohawk Pike. It has also been ascertained that they abound in the Susquehanna and its tributary streams, where the true pickerel also are found. They grow in the above mentioned places to the weight of ten or twelve pounds, are fearless in attack, roaming the streams a terror to the finny race, often endeavoring to gorge more than they can swallow. Color. — " Yellowish olive above the lateral line ; lighter on the sides, silvery beneath ; head and gill covers mottled with green, brownish and white ; chin pale flesh color ; pupil dark and vitreous ; sides mottled with black and yellowish ; mem- brane of the spinous dorsal transparent, with a few dark dashes ; the upper part of the membrane tipped with black ; the posterior part of the membrane, including the two last rays, black ; the soft dorsal fin light yellowish, spotted with brown in such a manner as to form irregular longitudinal dusky bars ; pectoral fins yellowish olive, with maculated brownish bars ; ventral fius transparent yellowish ; anal fin of the same color, with a broad whitish margin ; caudal fin with irregular dusky bars." — Dekay. THE YELLOW PIKE PERCH. 297 ** This is the common Pike, Pickerel, Glass Eye, and Yellow Pike of the great lakes and most of the inland lakes of the western part of the State. In Ohio it has received the name of Salmon. The ordinary name gives no correct idea of its character. It is a true perch, although its form and habits suggest very naturally the idea of pike. I have, therefore, applied to it a name which indicates its true position, and is a translation of its classical appellation." " The Pike-perch is exceedingly voracious, and is highly prized for food. It is caught readily with the hook, and appears to prefer as bait the common fresh water cray-fish (Astacus Bartoni). According to Dr. Rutland it is one of the most valuable fish for the table found in the western waters, and sells readily at a high price. It is found in such quantities about the Maumee River, as to induce the fishermen to make it an article of commerce. At Lake Huron it spawns in April or May. In Chatauque Lake I was informed of one which was thirty inches long. It had swallowed a duck, which had thrust its head through the gill openings of the fish, and having thus destroyed it, both were found dead upon the shores." The best arrangement for his successful capture is a good size basse rod, and the regular basse tackle, with the exception of the hook, which should be about the size of that used for the king fish, say about No. 4 salmon. The bait most generally used is the minnow or shiner. CHAPTER XXIII. BLACK BASSE ANGLING IN MICHIGAN. Kindly famished for tills work by a friend at Detroit. Black Basse are found in all the great Western lakes, and in all the rivers connecting them or tributary to them. They abound also in the picturesque and beautiful lakelets with which the peninsula of Michigan is studded. There are several spe- cies of fish which pass by the general name of Black Basse, but two or three of which appear to be described by naturalists-^ The Black Basse {Huro Nigricans) of Lake Huron, the Black Basse (Centrarchus Fasciatus) of Lake Erie and the Ohio River, and Labrax Nigricans, or Small Black Basse. They differ in different localities in form as well as in color. They all belong to the great Perch family, and are a game fish, afford- ing fine sport to the angler. They, with the White Basse, Pick- erel, Pike, Yellow Perch, and Catfish, comprise the list out of which the Detroit River angler is to find his sport ; but the one which will most reward him for his toil, is the Black Basse. He is shy and capricious, yet when feeding bold and voracious. In size and shape he strongly resembles the Blackfish (Tautog) of salt water, and like him is found among rocks and reefs, and stones, and rapids, and eddies.* In weight they range from one to five pounds. On the eastern coast of Lake Michigan, and in Green Bay, * Another variety of this species does not appear to have been described by naturalists. It is never black. The back of tlie fish is a dark color, shading gradually into green on the sides, and from that into a whitish cream color on the belly. The characteristic mark of this variety is two broad longitudinal parallel lines running the whole length of the body. They are commonly called the Green Basse, and are found where there is grassy bottom. Their weight ranges from one to five pounds. BLACK BASSE AKGLINa IK HICHiaAN. 299 they are somewhat larger. In color, too, at times, the Black Basse is like the Tautog ; but his color changes with the sea- son, or from some other cause, from a dingy black to a dark green. Perhaps these varieties of color are the result of age or sex, though it is said that the same fish, kept in a vessel of water, will change its color repeatedly in a short space of time. The Black Basse makes his appearance in the Detroit River about the latter part of May or first days of June, as the season is early or late. He is then in fine condition, and at his feeding time, which is from sunrise till half-past seven or eight o'clock A. M., and from four p. m, to sunset, will give good sport till the last of July. In August they are spawning ; and though the bait be cast in the midst of " a crowd," as it sometimes may on a gravelly bank over which the water, two or three leet deep, runs rapidly into an eddy or pool, they will nose it about in turn as disdainfully as though they were innocent of ever mas- ticating a minnow. If you do succeed by artifice, as you flat- ter yourself, in enticing one to take the hook, he gives but little play, and comes out with scarcely a struggle. You will find him hollow over the eyes, sharp on the back, thin and shrunk and so woe-begone of look, suggestive of fishy fever and ague, that his taking the hook, you are convinced, is mere desperation, in fact a piscatory suicide. You throw him back into his native element, and he swims languidly off" with an air which plainly says his destiny is a matter of indifference to him. You may succeed during the month of August, even at mid-day, in taking a few stout, frisky young fellows of a pound or a pound and a half in Weighty which the accomplished fishing corres- pondent of the " Buffalo Commercial" calls " yearlings ;" but there your sport will end. Reel up then, friend, and hie thee to the edge of the sedge, to inveigle Yellow Perch or a stray Pick- erel, and leave the " yearlings" to grow, and their emaciated progenitors to recover their plumpness and vigor. 300 BLACK BASSE ANGLING IN MICHIGAN. \ I \ It is said that at this time they will greedily take the grasshopper and artificial fly, but the fish are not generally good ; in this season you will rarely succeed in inducing them to rise to the simulated insect. The proper months, then, for black basse fishing, are June and July, and from the beginning of September to the middle and last of October. Basse seldom lake the bait during the prevalence of a north-east or east wind. In the latter part of September or during the month of October, basse may be taken at almost any time of day, but they bite better mornings and afternoons, even in that season. The modes of taking this delicious fish, are by trolling, and still fishing with the rod and reel. In trolling, the spoon may be used with success, or a few white feathers fastened around the shank of the hook with a bit of red woollen yam or red flannel. White deer hair adorned with bright red, is said to be a killing trolling bait ; a tuft of hair, two and a half inches in length, and nearly the thickness of one's finger, is laid along the shank of the hook and securely fastened in the middle by binding on sewing silk, which is covered by red yarn or flannel. As it is drawn through the water, the ends of the hairs above the yarn spread out and turn back ; this bait is showy and said to be very effective. It is used in the rapids of rivers, and for trolling in the small inland lakes. The baits used with the rod and reel are minnows, small frogs, and the common craw fish, or little fresh water lobster. The live minnow is the best, though there are times when their voracity will prompt them to take almost any bait. The bait, whatever it may be, except the angle worm, should be kept in motion, by drawing it through the water a yard or two at a time ; this seems to act as a provocation, and they will dart at it, when, if the bait be dead and stationary, they will not touch it. A strong, live minnow of three inches in length is a very killing bait. Use a gut BLACK BASSE ANGLING IN MICHIGAN. 301 leader of four or five feet in length. Pass your hook through the eyes of the minnow, taking care not to wound the brain, and he will live and swim about, the full length of his tether, in the most natural manner possible. With this description of bait, and this mode of adjusting it, you cannot fail to take basse, if they are in the mood to bite at all ; whilst others, fishing near you with portions of minnow or dead bait, will meet no encourage- ment to continue their sport. Basse invariably swallow the bait head first. The manner pursued by the boys living near the small lakes in Michigan, will illustrate the superiority of live bait in taking Basse. They take a small live sunfish, and after running a hook through the extreme end of his nose, conceal its point with an angle worm ; then, when it is cast overboard, a number of sunfish gather about it attracted by the worm ; the collection draws the attention of a basse, who straightway darts among them — the little fellows " all immajiately swim away" to shallow water, leaving the decoy to the mercy of the hungry basse, who in his turn becomes the prisoner of the ingenious young piscator. But Basse, like others of the finny tribe, are not always caught when hooked. In the season when in full strength, they make most violent efforts to release themselves from the " barbed steel," and will frequently, after making a burst or two, throw themselves two or three feet out of the water with a flutter, shaking their heads most intelligently to throw out the hook. This is a ticklish time for the angler, and unless he keeps his strain upon the fish, and drops the end of his rod, he will lose his prize. This ma- noeuvre, a strong basse will repeat several times. The angler who wishes to have a day's sport for Black Basse, should catch his minnows the afternoon before, keeping them in a vessel per- forated with small holes and sunk in the water. At early dawn he must be off" for the ground. If he has selected an eddy, above which the water ripples over a rocky ledge or gravelly 302 BLACK BASSE ANGLING IN MICHIGAN. - l^=- ~' ii~-_- ^ =^- r^- bank, he should not go straight to the place, splashing the water with his oars, but make a circuit above, and drop down with the current, keeping his anchor overboard till he reaches the proper spot, then let it go with as little noise as possible. Cast the bait well out into the stream, and let it swing round into the eddy, keeping it in motion by drawing it towards him a yard or two at a time, and letting it run out again with the stream. My word for it, if he is on Basse ground, he'll soon have a lusty pull. Now care is necessary. Cool now ! Don't strike too quick, for the scaly rascals like to mouthe the tempt- ing, struggling morsel a bit (and they have to swallow it head first, you know). So wait, my friend, till he gives another strong decided pull, then "have at him." Now caution and steadiness are required — ^if he make a burst, keep your drag upon him, but not too strongly, or he'll spring from the water and shake the hook out if it has merely gone through the membrane which lines the tough cartilage of the nose, but steadily, and he'll give you fine play, for he is full of vigor. Reel him in gently, but be careful he don't run under your boat, and foul your line or leader ; there he is, within reach ! Now the landing net — and voila ! the stout rogue, flapping in the bottom of your boat, with his capacious jaws wide spread, and the morning sun gilding his emerald side. The sportsman on a western angling tour will find Basse ground in the Niagara river, at and near Black Rock, a few miles from Buffalo ; at the islands near the head of Lake Erie ; at many points in the Detroit river ; on the St. Clair flats, or western " overslaugh," at the upper end of Lake St. Clair ; and at Fort Gratiot near the entrance to Lake Huron. CHAPTER XXIV. THB MUSKELLUNffE, MUSCALINGA, OE LAKE PIKE. E3S9X Eator. This capital fish, from his size, if for no better reason, deserves more attention than we have given him in former pages. By some naturalists he is classed as a distinct species, and different from the ordinary pike or pickerel of the ponds and rivers, but ichthyologists generally consider him nothing more than a monstrous fresh water pike,* or " Jack" as he is called in England. While on this subject, it may be well to remark that there are in some ponds and small creeks, a species of stunted pickerel that grow to about the size of from three to six inches, and never attain to a greater length ; they seem not to have the same rapacious habits as the true pickerel which grows to pikehood, and are often found in trout streams, where they are said to be harmless, as would natural- ly be the case, for from his limited dimensions he could not do much harm. The appearance, especially when large, of the various inhabitants of the waters, they being more coarse, ill- shaped, and less symmetrical, leads many inexperienced persons to call them by different names, and consider them different species, though, in fact, often the same. This fish, also, in his variety of size and age, has been a subject of much discussion among the knowing ones. The writer recollects the many re- marks made upon a portrait of a very large trout, hung in a place of resort for the fraternity. With some his head was too large and his tail too small, others his head too small and his tail too large ; some would have his tail more square, and others more forked ; some said his eyes were too small, and others the * In Ireland and Scotland they have been taken weighing eighty and ninety pounds. ©» 304 TEE MFSKELLUNGE, MT7SCALIN&A, OK LAKE PIKB. reverse ; and so from head to tail not excepting his fins, which were too long or too short, too wide or too narrow, or too far apart or too close together. Some would have him a salmon trout, and others would not let him be a trout at all, and still others said he was a salmon, and nothing else. And in this manner was this correct subject of the painter's study criticized, because he happened, like the Belgian Giant or Daddy Lambert, to grow higher or broader, grosser or coa'-ser than the rest of his species. If a pike in his youthful days must be called a pickerel, in manhood a pike, and when in larger waters he enlarges in size, or increases in age, a muskellunge ; why should not the trout or basse be called by some other name when he comes to manhood or full size 1 The same in regard to the salmon ; when young, he has some half dozen names, such as parr, grilse, smelt, smolt, pink, &c. With equal propriety we might call our own species by different names in different stages of growth and forms of development. Brother anglers, let us simplify instead of mystify, and avoid the multiplication of names that only serve to mislead those who would otherwise arrive at just conclusions. But to our subject. The following description of the muskellunge is taken from the New York Fauna. Body cylindrical, elongate, somewhat quadrate ; scales thin, small, orbicular, ascending on the cheeks; the upper part of the head smooth; snout broad, rounded, and depressed ; head covered with numerous pores on the summit and sides ; an oblong cavity between the orbit? : mouth very large, a single row of small recurved teeth in the anterior part of the upper and lower jaw ; sides of the lower jaw with long acute distant teeth ; bonds of small teeth on the vomer and palatines ; a series of minute teeth on the bronchial arches ; tongue truncate, with asperities on its base ; bronchial rays eighteen ; the dorsal fin with twenty rays, of which the THE MUSKELLUNGE, MUSCALINGA, OR LAKE PIKE. 305 first five are applied closely to the base of the sixth ; anal similar in shape, with its first four rays similarly applied to the fifth ; pectorals small ; ventral on the middle of the body, and small ; caudal large, lamellated with rounded lobes. Color. — Deep greenish brown ; darker on the back ; pale on the sides, with numerous rounded, distinct, pale yellow oj greyish spots on the sides. These spots vary in size from two to three-tenths of an inch in diameter ; they become occasion- ally confluent. Each scale has a bright quadrate spot, which reflects brilliant metallic tints of various colors. Length one to three feet. Like the smaller denominations of his tribe his propensities are shark-like ; he feeds, fattens on, and makes prey of every- thing that comes in his way ; he is in no respect an epicurean, but seems ready to dine, breakfast, or lunch, whenever invited out. A slice of pork, a bundle of worms, the entrails of a fowl, a frog, the part of a fish, or a whole one, he is not particular, if his capacious jaws can be extended wide enough. A piece of beef, an artificial tin squid, or a spoon bait, is suf- ficient to tempt him to bite. You may fish for him as for a smaller pike, only be sure that your tackle is strong in propor- tion to the size of your game. In the larger lakes a good size cod line is not too large, nor the largest cod hook too small to attach a bait of sufficient size to suit his extended jaw and fill his capacious maw. In smaller lakes your tackle should be proportionally light. His successfiil capture requires the utmost vigilance, and sometimes the most extreme exertion of the physical power of the angler. With a stiff" breeze upon a large lake, with the waves running high, one can readily imagine himself fishing upon the ocean, and as far as the exercise and excitement is concerned, be really as much benefited. He is considered one of the best fish for the table that inhabits the western waters. CHAPTER XXV. THE CAT FISH. Pimelodua Catus. /Z^ 3^^ IM --^ mm This aquatic family is as large as any that comes under the notice of the naturalist or the pleasure or displeasure of the regular angler. There are eleven different species described in the Natural History of the State of New York. They are a bottom fish, and like the eel, are tenants alike of the smallest pond, the largest river, and the mighty ocean. They occur in most of the fresh w^ater streams and ponds from Maine to Florida, and vary in size from six inches in length to the untold length and weight of the ponderous inhabitant of the mighty Mississippi, or the " Almighty Ocean." In some parts of the country they are found of superior flavor, and highly prized as an article of food, and in other places they are not respected either by the hook or the cook, and are only used as bait to catch their more highly prized brethren. Dr. Dekay says of the brown cat fish (Pimelodus Pullus), " This is very common in Lake Pleasant, Lake Janet, and many of the other lakes in the northern districts of the State of New York. There are many varieties in its markings, and it occasionally exceeds a foot in length. Its principal use in these regions appears to be to serve as a bait for lake trout." COMMON CAT FISH. Color. — Dusky, with a deeper shade on the back and sum- mit of the head ; sides of the head with a greenish tint ; cupreous on the sides ; abdomen pearl grey ; fins dusky. After death from infiltration, some of the fins become tinged with red ; irides white. — Dekay. 307 This is one of the most common species, and makes its ap- pearance in market in the first days of April. A peculiarity connected with this species, and perhaps with others of the same family, is that it occasionally appears without any ventral fins. I have seen two thus deprived of these fins, and thus furnished a naturalist with an opportunity of forming a new genus — Pimapterus. The specimen thus defective agreed in every respect to the minutest particular with the species above described, so that I am induced to conclude that it was entirely accidental. THE GREAT LAKE CAT FISH. — Pimelodus Nigricans. Characteristics. — Large ; deep olive brown ; caudal forked ; anal fin with twenty-five or twenty-six rays ; length two to four feet. Color. — General hue olive brown ; the upper part of the head and cheeks bluish ; the sides of the body towards the tail, ash white, vnth occasional large confluent black spots ; a tew irregular distant round spots on the upper part of the body ; upper lip maculated with black; all beneath bluish white, varied with darker ; base of the ventrals and pectorals whitish ; pupil black ; irides varied with blackish and golden. I have seen them weighing from twenty-five to thirty pounds, and have heard of others that reached the weight of eighty pounds. Those who wish to capture the cat fish, whether in pond, river, or lake, need not be particular as to the size or appear- ance of their tackle, provided it be strong enough to bring the fish to land. Of course the hooks and lines (which should be hand lines, although some prefer the rod) should be in propor tion to the size of fish expected. Worms, minnows, insects, or pieces of fish, if cast within his reach, are certain to bring out the common cat fish from his slimy bed. 308 THE CAT FISH. An esteemed friend who would infinitely prefer the capture of a single trout or black basse, to the taking of a cart-load of cat fish, thus discourseth of his first and last lake cat fish. " I have taken the cat fish but once, and , on that occasion used a long, strong hand line, heavy sinker, and No. 1 Lime- rick salmon hook. I baited, as one would a mouse trap, with a bit of toasted cheese. I fished at night, and the result of this scientific procedure was a cat fish weighing seventeen and a half pounds. My ambition was satisfied. I have never repeated the experiment. A great many are taken by the dock fishers at night in this manner from the wharves (Detroit), The baits are toasted cheese, chicken guts, and raw liver, or beef The latter, impregnated with asafoetida, is said by the knowing ones to be the best of the lot. These fish suck the bait in, rather than bite, giving a tremulous motion or series of little jerks to the line, much in the way an eel takes the bait. They are vigorous, exceedingly tenacious of life, and when ' laid to the land' denote their satisfaction by frequent groans and grunts. A year or two since whilst basse fishing (from the government wharf at Springwell's, three miles below the city of Detroit) with a friend, he took a cat fish weighing twenty-two pounds, with a live minnow, on a single gut ; subsequently the same gentleman caught several others of as great weight with the minnow, by casting in very deep water and suffering the bait to lie on the bottom. " In the hands of an experienced cook the lake cat fish makes a dish fit for the gods! It should be parboiled to extract the oil, then stuflTed and roasted ' a la dindon.'" CHAPTER XXVI. THE BLACK TKOUT. This fish, found in most of the Southern states, is a trout by name, and perhaps by nature, but not in appearance, being very unlike the beautiful, bright sided, red spotted, lovely creature of the North. He is not noticed by any of our ichthyologists, but is classed by experienced anglers with the perch family, where he no doubt properly belongs. In appearance, nature, and habits, he is similar to the black basse of the Northern streams and lakes, and by some amateurs in the art is believed to be the same. Like other species of which we discourse, he varies considerably in the different latitudes in which he is found, and in some parts is called by different names. His general color is dark on the back running into white on the belly ; the fins are of the same shape, and disposed similar to those of the black basse. He has a large head and capacious mouth, and like many others of our game fish has a projecting under jaw. When boiled (decidedly the best way of cooking him), the color of his flesh (although coarse) is as white as that of the hahbut. If pat into the pot soon after bedng brought from his element he makes a dish worthy of the angler's toil. The black trout commence taking the hook in the month of April, and continue biting until June. In the months of July and August they are hard to take, being on their spawning beds. But in September and October they are again on hand for a bite (at which they are pretty good), when they are much sought after. They delight to sun themselves near the surface, about logs and lily pads, and are there caught (fishing two feet deep) with the minnow, killy, or what is better, the roach ; ♦* a dainty dish for this lively fish," is the small « homy head," 310 THE BLAC£ T&OUT. a small species of fish, which, whea well secured to the hook, is a killing bait. They bite only when the water is clear ; at all other times, whether from defect of vision, or from fear, they caimot be persuaded to bite, but remain " In muddy meditation, fancy firee." A small size basse rod, with light basse tackle, is a good outfit, and will enable the angler to capture him provided he also take with him the usual skill and patience required in the game fish of the same name at the north. There is another mode of taking this fish. A fly made upon a good sized salmon hook dressed with red and white flannel or feathers, is attached to a short line and southern reed pole, with which it is cast and whipped to and fro upon the water. A good rod, and reel with 50 to 100 yards of line, although not much used, should always accompany the angler, and indeed is not only a convenient, but a necessary appendage in the full enjoyment of a refined sport. The black trout is well flavored, but like most other fish, his character is in the hands and at the mercy of the cooks. f. ^ I CHAPTER XXVIL MACKEREL. ScoTiiber. This world-renowned fish, although not much sought after by sportsmen, deserves a higher place in the catalogue of hooked fishes, than he has usually received. He is in all respects a game fish, and the only reason why he does not receive more attention from anglers than others of his race is because he prefers to remain outside on the coast, instead of running up the bays and rivers. The fishermen who make it their business to take him for a living, and the means of a living, delight to tell of his activity and beauty, and he is certainly worthy of all praise in these respects, but more particularly for his beauty. He is undoubtedly the handsomest sea fish that swims, and is worthy of the title he sometimes receives, of the Adonis of the sea. Great preparations are made by the fishermen for the coming of the mackerel, which happens about the 1st of May, when those who are fond of sea fishing should leave their relations, take a smack and go to the " deep deep sea" with some old salt who knows the whereabouts of the fish. They are found in most abundance along the coast of Massachusetts, and near Sandy Hook, New York. At the former place they are taken in immense quantities, salted, packed, and sent to the four quarters of the globe. In the year 1837, says Dr. Storer, 234,039 barrels were taken, equal to $1,639,042. They vary in size from fifteen to twenty inches, and are taken with a line about k of an inch thick attached to a stout pole about twelve feet long. The hook generally used is called the mackerel hook, and is 313 MACKEREL. about the same size as No. Limerick salmon, but of the kirby pattern, quite stout, much smaller, and narrow in tlie bend. Others prefer a straight short bend, black fish hook. They love the bright and beautiful, and all the bait necessary for their speedy and certain capture is a small piece of red cloth or flannel, firmly tied to the hook. Like the blue fish they can also be easily taken with a tin squid, or, as fishermen call it, a jig ; this is made by running a small piece of block-tin of an oblong form on a long shanked hook and skittering or trolling it about in the water. The sport is preferable to that of cod fishing, and is highly relished by those who have once tried it. CHAPTER XXVIIL THE BUFFALO, Catostomus BabtUus. Is a singular looking fish with an odd name, having his abid- ing place in the waters of the Mississippi, Ohio, and many other of our western rivers. In appearance he somewhat resembles the porgy of salt water, except that he is much thicker through the body. The formation of his mouth is similar to that of the common fresh water sucker. In color we would liken him to the salt water sheepshead, being of dull silvery and smutty hue. He varies in size from one to four feet in length, although he is sometimes taken of much larger dimensions. Mr. Flint, in his History of the Mississippi Valley, describes the several different species as follows : " Catostomus Niger, Black Buffalo fish, found in the lower waters of the Ohio, and in the waters of the Mississippi. Some- times weighs fifty pounds." " Catostomus Babulus, brown Buffalo Fish. — One of the best fishes in the western waters, and found in all of them. Length from two to three feet, and weighing from ten to thirty pounds. " Buffalo Carp Sucker. Found on the lower waters of the Ohio ; vulgar name, Buffalo Perch : one foot in length. One of the best fishes for the table." The Buffalo is not a game fish, and consequently is not often an object of sport with the scientific angler. Nevertheless, he is much sought after with the hook and line, and forms a staple commodity in the markets of many of the southern and western cities and towns. The requirements for taking him are not very extravagant aa 314 THE BUFFALO. to quality. A line about the size of an ordinary Black fish (Tautog) line is sufficiently strong to land him. To this should be attached a stout kirby or round bent hook of about the size of No. 1, salmon, with a sinker of sufficient weight to suit the current of the water and take your bait to the bottom, and you are rigged. Except with your bait ; and what shall that be ? Nothing that is used or heard of in the capture of others of the finny tribe. To attract him then, you are to take some soft cheese and raw cotton, and work them thoroughly together. Bait with a piece of such a size as you think will suit his fancy and cast into the water, and you will hardly fail to hook a Buffalo. He is prepared in various ways for table use, and makes a fair dish for a hungry man, but not such an one as would suit the fastidious epicure. CHAPTER XXIX. FLUEE, PLAICE, TURBOT, &C. These flat friends of ours are to the scientific sportsman "stale and unprofitable" as regards their game qualities, but make about as good a dish as the angler could wish, after a few hours' exercise with squid and line, or rod and reel, on the ocean's breezy shore. This class of fish belong to the univer- sal flounder family, and to the untutored eye appear precisely the same, except being of larger size. The fish called in some parts of the country the Plaice, is taken mostly along the white shelving shores of the ocean, from Maine to Florida. The species known by the same name to the in- habitants along the coast near Shrewsbury, N. J., is, according to Dr. De Kay, related to the general tribe of Flounder, and is called the Oblong Flounder — Platessa Oblonga. Characteristics. — " Oblong, smooth, nearly uniform brown ; occasionally with spots. Caudal fin angulated. Length fifteen to twenty inches. " Color, dark olive-green, with somewhat lighter spots on the head and body ; these spots are occasionally distinct, but oftener with no vestige of them. Dorsal, anal, and caudal, dusky, tinged with sanguineous. The pectoral, anal, and ventral of the under side reddish ; above, dark olive, with dusky bars. Bron- chial membrane bright olive. The lower parts white, with a faint blush of pink. Interior of the mouth rosaceous. Pupils black ; irides yellow." The Ichthyological description is here given, in order to set many of our friends aright, and enable them to call the objects of their pleasure by their right names. It is during the summer season, when Basse and Blue Fish 316 FLUKE, PLAICE, TURBOT, ETC. are plenty, and anglers seek the cool retreat of the sea-shore at Shrewsbury and other places, that these fish are mostly taken. There the sportsman, standing with his rod in hand or his line and squid thrown over his arm, occasionally casting and draw- ing, and when he hopes to take a ten pound Basse, he is obliged often to be satisfied with the more humble flounder. Hope reigns for ever in the angler's breast, He never is, but always to be blest. His largest fish lies hidden in the deep, Often he takes him in his dreamy sleep ; But wakes, and opes his ever eager eyes, And finds the game is yet to be his prize. The liveliest fish that weighs a pound or two, Is small to that within his fancy's view ; Ten pounds, at least, he always hopes to reach, And land his scaly friend upon the beach. Those who wish to fish for him, may take him with the above description of tackle, with crab and killy bait, on good sized kirby or Limerick hook, say about No. 1, or 2, salmon, is necessary. Bait with a good sized piece of crab or a killy, and when the tide is coming in you will not fail to catch many of them, and may be a mess of Blue Fish, and perhaps, if good luck favor you, a ten pound Basse. When you fish for him by casting from the shore, after feeling a bite, you should nui straight back on the shore and draw your prize out as quickly Should you be using the rod, after striking your game, you must take a backward march, keeping the point of your rod down ; otherwise, if your fish be a heavy one, your top will stand a poor chance. The fish taken in our bays and rivers, called by our friends the Fluke, is not described by naturalists as a species distinct from the flounder. Where the cognomen Fluke originated, is not known. Dr. Dekay speaks of a kind denominated the FLUKE, PLAICE, TURBOT, ETC. 317 Rusty Dab — Platessa Ferrusinea, which comes very near to that known as the fluke. " Characteristics —With numerous minute rusty spots over the body ; Dextral. A series of four white distinct rounded spots along the dorsal and abdominal outline : length twelve to twenty inches." " Color. — Head and body greenish, with numerous irregular, crowded, chocolate or rust-colored spots, giving a rusty hue to the animal. These spots appear to be confined to the body alone, not extending over the fins. A series of four or five dis- tant obscure rounded spots appear along the dorsal, and a simi- lar series along the abdominal outline. When held up to the light, these spots are deep black, and the whole body pellucid. Beneath, white, except the lower margins." The angler will often, when fishing in deep water for basse, be favored instead with a bite from one of these, which will weigh three or four pounds. When fishing with a rod, if you chance to hook a Dab, you should, after reeling him well up (if he be of good size), take hold of your line and lift him into your boat, otherwise he may give a flap of his broad white belly and break the top of your rod, as often happens to the inexpe- rienced. Very often in reeling in or drawing up the line, you will hook one of these fellows in the belly or near the tail. In this case, having the advantage, he will give you some play, and cause you to mistake him for something of more grit. Should you get on ground where you can catch nothing else, take oflT your light basse tackle and put on good sized black fish hooks, on twisted gut. Another description called the Turbot, Fleuronectes Ma- culatus, from twelve to eighteen inches in length, is rather rare. It is called also the Spotted or Watery Turbot, and on the coast of Massachusetts, says Dr. Dekay, it is called the English Turbot, from which, however, it is readily distinguished by the M 318 FLUKE, PLAICE, TUKBOT, ETC. absence of the numerous tubercles on the colored side, which characterize that species. " Color. — Dark olive brown above, with rounded deep choco- late brown spots on the body, becoming larger behind, and oblong on the fins ; are rather of a lighter color than the body. When held up to the light, the whole animal is diaphanous, showing the position of the viscera in the abdominal cavity. The under side of the usual bluish white." It has been known to weigh twenty pounds. It is sometimes called the Watery Flounder, and more frequently the Sand Flounder. All of this singular looking flat family are delicious in quality for the table, and worthy the angler's toil. They are best when fried in flour and butter, and give entire satisfaction to the lovers of pan-fish. CHAPTER XXX. THE SUCKER. (Catostomus.) The generality of the tribe are not of much importance to the angler, as they do not often bite at the baited hook. There are, however, some descriptions that will take the hook readily. Dr. Dekay mentions fifteen different species belonging to this family. Those which will not bite, are either taken in nets, speared, or noosed with a wire. They inhabit all our fresh water places, from the smallest brook to the largest lake. They are called in different parts of the country by the various names of Mullet, Barbel, Dace, &c. A particular reason for giving them a place here is, that they may get a proper classifi- cation by the angler as well as ichthyologist. " Common Sucker. Catostomus Communis. Characteris- tics — ^body long, rounded, and tapering ; caudal fin lunate^ almost furcate : length 12 to 14 inches. " Color. — Head dark green above, verging to black. Cheeks bronze and golden. Body above dark purplish, with pink and metallic tints on the body, frequently of a resplendent golden hue, extending over the abdomen ; beneath white. Pectoral, ventral, and anal, orange-colored ; dorsal, light brown ; caudal, deep brownish or blackish ; irides varied with brown and white." No attempts of the fisher with any description of bait have succeeded in getting him to bite. His ingenious and never- tiring pursuer, however, contrives to get him on the table, where he finds much favor, by the means of a wire slip-noose, or by a small spear made from a large size Cod-hook, straightened for the purpose, and secured into an ash pole. A friend uses the snare after the following manner : To the end of a very stiff 320 THE SUCKER. rod fasten a short line, to be kept straight by a heavy sinker, heavier or lighter according to the force of the stream ; make the noose or snare of fine wire, and about 6 inches diameter when open or set, which should be a circle, and attach to the lower end of the sinker ; thus equipped, lower the snare into the water, a few feet above the fish to be caught, and slowly move it down the stream, passing it over the head, and jerk quickly as soon as it passes the gills. I have frequently caught suckers by the above method, weighing from 1 lb. to 1^, in the various small streams running into the Hudson river, particularly in Dutchess county. N. B. Annealed iron wire should be used for the snare, as those made of brass are apt to startle the fish. The Oneida Sucker, Catostomus Oneida, is somewhat simi- lar in description, and taken by those who like him in a similar manner. " Characteristics. — Back gibbous, with two short sub-spinous rays to the dorsal fin, head smooth, with numerous mucous pores. Length 12 inches. " Color. — Dark, bluish-brown above ; lighter on the sides, whitish beneath. Common in lake Oneida, where it is called Mullet and Sucker." — Dekay. The Horned Sucker — Catostomus Tuherculatus. — This little fish abounds in many of the streams throughout the country, and has about as many names as he has relations. He does not live by suction alone but will bite at a baited hook, and consequently receives many appellations more properly belong- ing to other denominations of the tribe. " Characteristics. — Body short and thick, caudal lunate ; three to five tubercles on each side of the snout. Length seven to nine inches. " Color. — Head, dark olive green. Back and sides of the body green, with purple and golden reflections ; sides tinged with yellow : abdomen yellowish, with a faint flesh color. Anal, THE SUCKER. 321 fin dark blacAibu-brown, the caudal rather lighter ; the remain- ing fins light olivaceous. Base of the pectorals flesh-colored." " The Horned Sucker is common in most of the fresh-water streams of the state of New York, and is also found in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Penn- fiylvania. It is known under the various popular names of Bar- dCi, Dace, aiid Horned Dace. It is considered by many as well «asted, and begins to bite about the middle of April. Dr. Storer has described a specimen fourteen' inches long, which is anusually large." The tackle required is the same as that used for trout or perch. The bait mostly used is worms. Another larger and more beautiful species described by Dr. Dekay is called the Mullet Sucker, Catostomus Aureolus. " Characteristics. — With four or five longitudinal stripes. Anal extending beyond the base of ihe caudal fin, which is fur- cate. Length twelve to eighteen inches. " Color. — Greenish above, with metallic greenish reflection when viewed in certain lights, sides lighter, with the same me- tallic reflections ; beneath white. About five dusky obsolete longitudinal lines on each side above ; the superior pair arising from the dorsal fin, diverging and then uniting beyond the neck ; gill-covers with metallic brassy reflections. Upper part of the head and snout bluish brown ; pectorals, ventrals, and anals, tinged with reddish ; dorsal and caudal bluish brown ; iridca golden, varied with white." " The specimen described above was one of the largest dimensions. It is very indifferent food. It is very common in Lake Erie, and at Buffalo passes under the various names of Mullet, Golden Mullet, and Red Horse. In August and Sep- tember I observed them to be full of worms. The dusky lon- gitudinal lines, which are distinctly visible in the newly captured 322 THE StrCKEi. -ZE^ ==r ■.- = ~=-^ ~- =S^?^— . =X^=: fish, disappear almost immediately after death. It is a very beautiful and distinct species." This fellow may not live altogether by suction, as he is known to contain worms. A hook baited with worm would then be a sufficient inducement to make him bite. Should you wish to take him, use a Limerick salmon hook, No. 5, attached to stout trout tackle, or spear him or noose, which you will. A description called the Black Sucker, length about 13 inches, is taken in Lake Erie, and at Walpole, Mass.,. where, says Dekay, it is frequently called by the whimsical name of Shoe- maker, probably in allusion to its being something of the color of shoemaker's pitch. In the western rivers also, there is a variety of the Sucker family, some of which bite readily at the hook, and are also of superior quality for the table. The Kentucky sucker, Catostomus Fluxuosus, is a fine fish, varying in size from 6 to 12 inches in length, and bites readily at the worm baited hook. The Pittsburgh sucker, Catostomus Duquesni, grows much larger, and is found in the Ohio river near Pittsburgh ; length from fifteen to twenty-four inches. A very pretty fish called the red tail sucker, Catostomus Ery- tarus, is taken in some of the western rivers. In some place? he is called the Red horse. He is a lively fish, takes the hook freely, and is by some sportsmen considered game. Length about 12 inches. There are two other descriptions of this family taken in the Ohio River. The Long Sucker, Catostomus Elongatus, a fine fish, of from fifteen to twenty inches in length, and the Ohio Carp sucker, length from one to three feet. The Carp sucker bites freely at the baited hook, and affords some sport. In the shallow, clear parts of the streams, at certain seasons, he is THE ST7CEES. 323 taken in large quantities by spearing. They are both highly prized for the table, when properly boiled or fried. In the Delaware river is found a kind known by the name of the Large Scaled Sucker. He is similar in appearance to others of the species, except that he has larger scales. Some of the members of this large family are highly esteemed as food, and others might be, if properly cooked. They are undoubt- edly placed in the fresh water streams, where the monsters rove not, for the use and benefit of man, and not made, as some others of the tribe are, to fatten on their own species. The most sport is had by spearing them, both in lakes, ponds, and rivers. CHAPTER XXXI. TYING HOOKS, REPAIRINO RODS, &C. " A little learning is a dangerous thing" But what is here set down, although it may not seem of much importance to those unaccustomed to rig their own tackle, may at some future time, and when they least expect it, be made available. " Accidents will happen in the best regulated families," and so will they to the angler, be he ever so careful. When the tackle maker is not near by to assist, how to help oneself may be a secret worth knowing. To tie or whip a hook to Gut or Line. — Prepare, by waxing with shoemaker's wax, a piece of strong silk or thread : take your hook in your leit hand between your thumb and forefinger, about as high up as the point of the barb or a little higher, as you may fancy ; place the end of your silk under your thumb, take three or four random but firm turns around the shank of the hook until you reach the end (for the purpose of prevent- ing the gut being cut by the hook, and moreover that your gut may stick firmly without the possibility of coming off) ; now lay your gut or line (the inside of the hook, up) on to this winding, holding it with the end of the thumb, and commence whipping it around firmly and closely, occasionally pressing the turns to keep them even ; continue this operation until you get within three or four turns of the finishing point ; in order to fasten firmly — give three loose turns, then insert the end of your silk under them, and drawing it through, you have a secure fastening, called the hidden knot. Another method of finishing when you have arrived at the fastening point, is to make two or three half hitch knots: this is done by passing kirz. TTINS HOOKS, EEFAIRmS RODS, ETC. 325 the end under one turn of the silk, making a loop, and drawing it down. The hidden knot is the better and most secure mode. To repair a broken joint. — Should you be so unfortunate aa to break a top or joint, which misfortune, brother angler, haa happened to many a more careful and scientific sportsman be- fore you — ^proceed in this manner. Take your two broken parts, and with your knife, or a plane if you can get one, smooth down each part in an oblique direction, fitting them closely together, and rubbing some shoemaker's wax on to the parfe to make them stick ; now take a long length of waxed thread or silk and wind it around, similar to the commencement of hook-tying, merely to keep the parts together, continuing it a little beyond the extreme end of the fracture ; then careiully and firmly whip it evenly around until you pass the other end of the fracture : here halt, and wind the three last turns on the fore- finger of the left hand, extended for that purpose ; now pass the end of the silk or thread under the windings, carefully drawing out your finger, and pull it through, and you have the hidden or inverted knot, as before described. Be careful in finishing, see that your thread does not get loose, and your whippings are firm and even. In all cases of winding, see that your silk is well waxed. Some take a small piece of wax and rub it evenly over their hook or rod windings, which adds somewhat to its security. To splice a rod properly at home, when you can have Every- thing you desire, the parts should be sawed with a fine saw, and afterwards tiled down evenly with a fine file; they should then be well glued, and left to dry before winding ; to finish neatly after vending, take a round, smooth piece of wood or bone and rub down the surface of the thread j then give it a coat or two of thin varnish. CHAPTER XXXII. XISOBLLANEOUS ITEMS OF SOME INTEREST TO THE ANGLER. The fin of a trout or other small fish is successfully used in some parts of Pennsylvania, for taking the trout. It is used by casting and drawing, similar to roving with a minnow, or in the manner of throwing the fly. The fleshy part of the shell-fish called the Horsefoot is much used in some parts of Long Island, and considered an excellent bait for Black fish. Night fly-fishing is much practised in the northern part of the state of New York, The fly used is of light color if the night be dark, but if moonlight, any of the ordinary colors answers the purpose. Those who follow this method say that they bring out the older and larger members of the family, who are not so impmdent as to venture out when anglers with rods are seen walking about. The Horse Mackerel, or small blue fish, is for all salt-wate fish a most excellent bait. In swift water use the tail, leaving the fin on. A simple but ingenious way of taking pickerel, when the> won't bite, as practised in some parts of the country, is with a running noose of fine brass wire. This, fastened to the end of a stick, is slily slipped under and around the body of the fish, when, with a jerk, he is snared and secured, and brought strug- gling to land, fairly lassoed. This may not be called taking them with a hook, but is certainly an ingenious mode of hook' ingfish. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. 327 Frogs, as bait for Pike, are much used in some parts of the country. They are generally employed as live bait, by passing the hook through the skin of the back or belly. Some use the double Limerick Pickerel hook, attached to brass wire, making a hole through the skin of the back or belly with a baiting needle, and fastening it with thread to prevent its getting out of place ; others pass the hook through the lip of the frog, and some again through the back muscle of the hind legs, and then tie up the hmbs to conceal the hooks. They are mostly used on the top of the water (still-fishing, or trolling). When em- ployed in mid water, or near bottom with a float, it will be necessaiy to use a good size sinker, or a few large shot, to keep them down. In all cases, in live bait angling, they should be allowed to come to the top occasionally for air ; but not quite as long as the Virginia abstractionist, as related in the N. Y. Spirit of the Times, who, using an insufficient weight, or giving his line too much freedom, found, after fishing all the morning without a bite (whilst taking a bite at his 12 o'clock lunch), his veritable bait sitting on a stump opposite, looking at him. Frogs are very tenacious of life, the piercing of the skin in baiting doing them very little injury. The hind legs are very success- fully used in trolling, and make a bait, when skinned and placed on the double or single hook, perhaps the most taking in the whole list of pike baits. The gentler sex m this country as well as m the Old World are becoming captivated with, and enthusiastic on the subject of angling. In some parts of our trouting districts there are many ladies that can throw the fly with as much dexterity and grace as those that are made of sterner stuflC An artificial bait called the Kill-devil, which has been in use a number ol years in England, has proved very successful with some of our sportsmen, in trolling for trout or pike. In appear- 1* 388 MISCELL4NE0US ITEMS. ance it is similar to a caterpillar ; the body is composed of coarse thread windings, finished over with the most gaudy silk colors, and wound with silver tinsel ; the hooks, numbering seven, are arranged according to the usual minfiow rigging ; the tail is composed of tin or bright metal, split up or bent at an angle, to insure swift spinning. They are made strong and durable, and their cost is trifling : they are worth a trial. fT" An odd looking hook, and to make a home-\y expression, odd as the angler's notion, is used at Baltimore, Md., and vicinity, called by some the Capt. Jack Thomas hook, but more generally known as the Chestertown pattern. The artist has endeavored to give a proper representation, see page 308, which, by a careful examination, may, to an experienced eye, appear sufficiently explicit. It is considered a very sure hook, the advantages being its singular shape, narrow bend, and low point. It is highly approved of by some of the fraternity at New York for black fish angling. Care of Rods. — When the fishing season is over, this essen- tial implement of equipment should not be thrown carelessly by, but be cleaned, nicely oiled, and put away in a cool place, in readiness for the next campaign. The best of wood that a rod can be composed of, even though it be kiln-dried, if expos- ed a length of time in a dry atmosphere will shrink some, caus- ing the ferules and guides to become loose. A moist atmo- sphere is preferable to a dry one. When rods that have not the ends covered where the joints are put together, become by a day's service swelled and difficult to separate, hold the ferule over a candle or lighted paper until it become sufficiently hot to dry out the moisture, and the parts can be easily separated. To prevrent this annoyance, occasionally oil the wooden part that is let in to the socket. - Mjrui MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. 329 Preservation and care of Lines. — Many adepts in the art are careless and neglectful of their lines, often leaving them (when soaked with water) on their reels, in which wet state, if they long continue, they are apt to mildew and rot. Every line, immediately after being used, should be run off from the reel and laid out freely, or stretched on pegs to dry. Should they have been lying by for any length of time, they should be thoroughly examined and tried in every part before used. Lines will chafe and fray out by constant wear, and many large fish are often lost by carelessness in these small but important matters. The scientific and graceful art of throwing the artificial fly is a beautiful accomplishment, but not so difficult as is generally imagined. In the months of May and June, the raft and lum- bermen from the Delaware and rivers of Pennsylvania, are seen in the fishing-tackle stores of New York, selecting with the eyea of professors and connoisseurs the red, black, and grey hackle flies, which they use with astonishing dexterity on the wooded streams of their mountain homes. Those, therefore, who have never tried this method of fishing, with such untutored examples before them, should make a little effort towards the successful practice of this branch of the art. A feeling Angler. — A New Hampshire fisherman occasion- ally when in need of amusement for an evening, and in want of fresh fish for breakfast, takes a blazing torch of twisted birch bark in his left hand, and goes down to the bank of the stream at the time when the fishes dream, and cautiously takes out his quantity of Trout and Perch, with his right hand, assisted in his feeling propensities by his lighted torch, and retires to his home with his stolen property. 330 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. A Mr. Oliver, an experienced fly-fisher of England, con- trary to the opinion of many of his brethren, does not believe in examining the stomach of a Trout to find the successful fly : he says — " I have often known a red hackle or a dun fly take trout when they would not look at either the artificial or natural May-fly, though hundreds of the latter were at the time skim- ming the surface of the water. No directions for fly-fishing are better than the following rhyme : — " A brown red fly at morning grey, A darker dun in clearer day ; When summer rains have swelled the flood The hackle red and worm are good ; At eve when twilight shades prevail, Try the hackle white and snail ; Be mindful aye your fly to throw, Light as falls the flaky snow." In some parts of Pennsylvania, a fly called the Professor is used with good success. It is made on a number 4 Trout hook, and is dressed with a bright yellow worsted or silk body, and a light-grey mottled wing. On Long Island and in the northern part of the state of New York, a bright red fly is often in favor. Red body, red wing, and red tail. A fly called the grey drake, with grey wings, and a transparent body similar to the appearance of a worm, is also used at the above mentioned places. Trout are certainly very capricious in their tastes, and there is no accounting for their desires or fancies, any more than for the changeable notions of the angler who pursues them. The best way is to be well prepared, and ii plain bread (red Hackle) won't suit them, try them with plum pudding, a fly composed of a variety of bright colors. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. 331 In the St. John's river, Florida, a fine game fish called the Trout, but belonging to the Perch family, is taken by trolling, or heaving and hauling, with a piece of deer's tail. Like the common trout of the south they give great play, and afford the highest perfection of sport with the rod and reel. The striped Basse or Rock fish are also found along the coast, and in most of the streams running up therefrom. They are taken of large size, and are as active when hooked as those of the more northern latitudes. The most daring and exciting sport in the world that is called fishing, is the capture of the inhabitants of the ** deep, deep sea." Of this description are Shark and Devil fishing. Parties are made up in the hot summer months from the cities of the Atlan- tic coast, to take a shark or catch the devil. For shark fishing the nearest ship-chandler's store furnishes the line, which should be a rope large and strong enough to hold him, and the nearest blacksmith's shop will get ready to order a large hook and chain with swivel attached, sufficient sometimes to hold him. The hook is baited with a large piece of beef or pork, and thrown over- board from a good sized row boat. The line is fastened to the Btem of the boat, which is propelled rapidly along by good oarsmen, until you get a bite. Any lover of ocean sport may imagine that when such an event happens, if the monster be well hooked, how many knots he will go an hour, what will be the course pursued, and what the amount of excitement. Catching the devil is practised by the sturdy, athletic sons of the south along the sea coast, but principally in Port Royal Sound, near Beaufort, S. C. Great preparations are made when the devil fish, or " Vampire of the Ocean," begins to school around the sound: large parties of strong men, in large and strong boats, with from four to eight oars, big ropes of great length, long and strong harpoons, hatchets, muskets, rifles, &c.. 332 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. make up the party, and its equipments. These monsters of the deep are captured of immense size, measuring often from sixteen to thirty feet across the back. They will tow a party about for many miles, and often succeed in breaking away, after two or three hours' play. Our line of discourse on the different modes of taking the variety of the finny inhabitants might be extended a cZ infinitum, but the length already exceeds the design ; we shall, therefore, brother anglers, make a half-hitch here, to be extended per- haps more profitably and pleasantly on some other occasion. RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW NOV 15 2001 12,000(11/95) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1 1 /78 BERKELEY CA 94720 [_ ' ®s /yr 7 VC 12467 U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES C0S71DS64fi