IICS8 LIBRARY * A. WlLUA! RATIONAL RIP SAW Sole Agent for the Famous MOYER & HAY WOOD SOUVENIR KNiVES. Boys, don't scab o Election Day. THE AMERICAN ESPERANTO BOOK A COMPENDIUM OF THE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE ESPERANTO COMPILED AND EDITED BY ARTHUR BAKER, A. E. A., EDITOR OF "AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO." CHICAGO APPEAL TO REASON GIRARD :: KANSAS 1907 Copyright, 1907, by Arthin Baker All Rights Reserved ritr.ss o JOHN F UIGGINS CHICAGO PREFACE The purpose of Esperanto is to be a second language for those persons who have relations with people whose native languages they do not know. This great need of humanity Esperanto supplies. By a few weeks of study, even without the aid of a teacher, one can qualify himself for conversation and correspondence with all the other Esperantists of the world, whatever their nationality. Their number is increasing by hundreds of thousands each year. These facts being established beyond doubt, it would be conferring an undeserved dignity upon those who oppose the language to reply to their arguments. "It has an artificial sound" so has the voice in the telephone. "It is not art- istic" neither is a steam locomotive. The useful- ness of Esperanto is so thoroughly established that the discussion of its artistic merits may well be dismissed, with perhaps the observation that the language is frequently mistaken by the uninitiated for Italian or Spanish, popularly supposed to be the most musical of languages. The aim of this book is to provide, in one vol- ume, the means of acquiring a thorough, practical knowledge of Esperanto. As suggested by its title, the contents are especially adapted to the American student, due regard being paid to the Americanisms of our language. Sources of Authority This volume is based upon the Ekzercaro, by Dr. Zamenhof. All the exercises are taken from it and are therefore absolutely authoritative. The notes and translations, with the discussion of the grammar, while containing much original work, are also indebted to the following sources : The Standard Course of Esperanto, by George W. Bul- len, F. B. E. A.; Esperanta Sintakso, by Sro. Paul Fruictier; Grammar and Commentary, by Major- General George Co*. The Esperanto-English vocabulary is compiled from the second edition of the Esperanto- English Dictionary, by A. Motteau, and Worterbuch Esperanto-Deutsch, by Hermann Jurgensen, the latter volume being preferred where the two are not in concord. Supplementing these, the English-Esperanto Dictionary, by J. C. O'Con- nor and C. F. Hayes, is drawn upon for the matter contained in the English-Esperanto vocabulary. How to Study Read carefully the first part of the book, pages 7 to 76 inclusive. It is by no means desirable to attempt to assimilate everything set forth in these pages at once, but the student who has forgotten much of English grammar will find his memory refreshed, and the person who has considered him- self a good grammarian will find that Esperanto may widen his knowledge of the subject. Upon finishing this matter, return to page 7, and commit to memory the sounds of the Esperanto letters described on this and the four succeeding pages. Then take up, in their order, the exercises. Having finished these and memorized all the words contained in them, you will be able to read readily any ordinary correspondence and literature in the language. This book being a modest compendium of Esperanto material, it has seemed necessary to include in the Esperanto-English vocabulary many unusual words and technical terms, and the wise student will not attempt to burden his memory with such as are outside his own needs and uses. You may put your knowledge of Esperanto to immediate practical use in reading, or in correspon- dence for any purpose whatever, with persons in any part of the world. Addresses may be obtained on request (with stamp), from Amerika Espcrantisto, Chicago* CONTENTS Alphabet - 7 Rules of the Grammar - . . . I2 The Article ..... -19 The Substantive 20 The Adjective - - - - - 24 Pronouns - ... -26 The Verb The Participle .... 37 The Adverb 4I The Preposition .... 47 The Conjunction eg The Interjection 61 The Numerals - . . . 6 3 Prefixes and Suffixes - ... $5 Correlative Words ..... y o Capitals and Punctuation - - . . 74 Order of Words ... -75 Foreign Names - ..';. . . 75 Exercises - - . .' . . . 77 Correspondence - . . - 180 La Esperantismo . . 184 VOCABULARIES Esperanto-English Vocabulary - . 3 English-Esperanto Vocabulary ... 77 THE AMERICAN ESPERANTO BOOK THE ALPHABET The alphabet consists of twenty-eight letters, each representing one sound only: Aa, Bb, Cc, Ce, Dd, Ee.Ff, Gg, Gg, Hh, Hh, Ii, JJ, Jl, Kk, LI, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Rr, Ss,S, Tt, Uu, Uu, Vv, Zz. The Names of the Letters A, E, I, O, U (vowels) are the sounds, and those of the conson- ants are formed by adding the Esperanto noun ending : b bo, c tso, 6 cho, d do, ifo, g go, g jo, h ho, h hho, j yo, \ zho, k ko, 1 lo, m mo, n no, p po, r ro, s so, sho, t toe, u wo, v vo, z zo. SOUNDS The sound given each letter is the same as in English, with the following exceptions: A is like a in father. C is like ts in hats. C is like ch in chop. E is like a YO. fate (but not so long). G is like g in go. G is like j in joy, or g in George. H is like M in loch (See explanation). I is like ee in j^. The American Esperanto Book J is like y in yet. J is like z in seizure. O is like o in roll. S is like s in so. S is like ^// in show. U is like 00 in soon. is like a/ in how. Z is like z in It will be observed that the letters bearing the supersign * are pronounced ch, gh, hh, j'h, sh. Printers unable to pro- cure the special type may substitute these forms. The Esperanto E is a matter of difficulty to writers of text-books, as there is no English vowel sound which exactly represents it. Authorities agree that it is approximately half-way between our e in men and a in fate. Inasmuch as ej exactly duplicates the English a in fate, it is considered best to advise the student to pronounce c like our long a, but to cut it short. Still, if pronounced long, it cannot possibly be misunderstood except in two or three words; e. g. veno, vejno. Trill the R. While not listed as an exception r is pronounced with the trill usually regarded as an affectation in America, but used by most of Europeans. Copy therrr of your German, French or Bohemian friends. O in Esperanto is not exactly as in English. Beginners should pronounce it as in vote, roll, etc., shortening the sound as much as possible. The American Esperanto Book g A J has the sound of s as in pleasure, measure, leisure, treasure, or z in seizure, azure. J is classed as a consonant, and the sound is always blended with the preceding vowel in forming the plurals, oj, ojn, aj, ajn, uj, ujn, and its addition to the vowel ending of a word never changes the position of the accent : Plumo, ploo-mo; plumoj, ploo'-moy; plumojn, ploo'-moyn; granda, grahn'-dah; grandaj, grahn-dat (.at as in aisle or as /in file); grandajn, grahn-dine; tiu, tee'-oo; tiuj, tee-ooy; tiujn, tee'-ooyn; plej, play. OJ, Pronounced "oy," is not an inconsistency, as many superficial students suppose, nor is aj when given the sound of long /'. If you doubt this, pronounce oh yes and ah yes very quickly and you will observe that perfect diphthongs result. is a consonant, and is used after a and e to form the diphthongs au and eu. The sound of the letter is like w in English, and sometimes puzzles beginners, who think that they have discovered an exception to the rule that Esperanto letters have each one invariable sound. Au has the sound of ow in how, cow, plow. EU has a sound which may be approximated by a quick pronunciation of ehoo or ayoo, eliminating most of the oo vowel sound. A still better practice IO The American Esperanto BoJ; combination is ehw as in pronouncing very quickly the words eh Willie. This combination never makes two syllables: europano is pronounced ehw-ro-pa- no, not eh-oo-ro-pa-no. H presents some difficulty to English-speaking people. It is a strong gutteral aspirate, produced from a position lower in the throat than any English sound. It is used in several European languages, but if the student has not heard it he may approxi- mate it by pronouncing it hH. Fortunately, the letter is seldom used. Combinations such as kv, kn, gv, 9v, 9t, 9m, etc., are also unfamiliar to one who speaks only English, but present little difficulty, although one must remember that no letters are ever silent. The combination sc is no more difficult than many in our native language, except that we must not slur it, but bring out each detail: sts. Especial attention is directed to two other combinations: In pronouncing lingvo, and almost every word in which n is followed by g, the inclin- ation of the beginner is to sound the ng as in Eng- lish. Such words are leen-gvo, feen-gro, etc. The kz in ek-zi-li and similar words is pronounced as written, and should not be given the sound of gz as found in exempt, example, etc. Accent. The tonic or principal accent is on The American Esperanto Book II the syllable next to the last, no matter now many syllables the word may contain; dfo-mo; Ce-z/a-lo; ak-ci-//-tro; ad-min-is-tran-/0-ro. The secondary accents are placed where euphony, or good sound, demands, with due respect to derivation. The latter consideration is important in compounding words. For example: juvelo, a jewel; kesto, case; juvelkesto would require the secondary accent on the second syllable, or at least this should sound as strongly as the first. A syllable is necessary for every vowel, no matter how many come together; there are no double vowels in Esperanto: traire, tra-i-re\ boao, bo-a-o\ metiisto, me-ti-ist-o\ treege, tre-eg-e; zool- ogio, zo-o-lo-gi-o. 12 The American Esperanto Book RULES OF THE GRAMMAR [The paragraphs in Esperanto are the Sixteen Rules given by Zamenhof , a part of the Fundamento de Esperanto, The accompanying English paragraphs are a translation] . I The Article. There is no indefinite article; there is only a definite article, la, alike for all sexes, cases and numbers. Remark. The use of the article is the same as in other languages. Those persons to whom the use of the article presents a difficulty may at first not use it at all. Artikolo nedifinita ne ekzistas; ekzistas nur artikolo difinita (/a), egala por Ciuj seksoj, kazoj kaj nombroj. Rimarko. La uzado de la artikolo estas tia sama kiel en la aliaj lingvoj. La personoj, por kiuj la uzado de la artikolo prezentas malfacil- ajojn, povas en la unua tempo tute ne gin uzi. II The Substantive. Substantives have the end- ing o. For the formation of the plural we add the ending j. There are only two cases nominative and accusative*; the latter is obtained from the * Accusative, in English grammar, is termed objective. The American Esperanto Book 13 nominative by the addition of the termination n. The other cases are expressed by the help of prep- ositions (the genitive b by de, the dative by al, the ablative by per or other prepositions according to the meaning). La substantivoj havas la finigon o. For la formado de la multenombro oni aldonas la fin- igon j. Kazoj ekzistas nur du: nominative kaj akuzativo; la lasta estas ricevata el la nomina- tive per la aldono de la finigo n. La ceteraj kazoj estas esprimataj per helpo de prepozicioj (la genitive per de, la dativo per al, la ablative VST per au aliaj prepozicioj laii la senco). Ill The Adjective. The adjective ends in a. Cases and numbers as with the substantive. The com- parative is made by means of the word pli, the superlative by plej; with the comparative the con- junction el is used. La adjektivo finigas per a. Kazoj kaj nom- broj kiel 6e la substantive. La komparativo estas farata per la vorto pli, la superlative per plfj; Ce la komparativo oni uzas la konjunkcion ol. IV The Numerals. The cardinal numerals (they b ln English grammar, possessive. c These cases do not exist in English. 14 The American Esperanto Book are not declined) are: Unu, du, tri, kvar, kvin, ses, scp, ok, nau, dek, cent, mil. The tens and hundreds are formed by the simple joining of the numerals. For the signification of the ordinal numerals, we add the ending of the adjective ; for the multiples the suffix -obi; for the fractionals -on; for the collectives, -op; for the distributives the word po. Besides that, substantival and ad- verbial numerals can be used. La numeraloj fundamentaj (ne estas deklin- aciataj) estas unu, du, tri, kvar, kvin, ses, sep, ok, nati, dek, cent, mil. La dekoj kaj centoj estas for. mataj per simpla kunigo de la numeraloj. Por la signado de la numeraloj ordaj oni aldonas la finigon de la adjektivo; por la multoblaj la sufikson -obi, por la nombronaj -on, por la kolektaj -op, por la disdividaj la vorton po. Krom tio povas esti uzataj numeraloj substan- tivaj kaj adverbaj. V The Pronouns. Personal pronouns: mi, vi, li, Si, gi (referring to thing or animal), si, ni, vi, ili, oni; the possessive pronouns are formed by the addition of the adjective ending. Declension is as with the substantives. Pronomoj personaj: mi, vi, li, Si, /i (pri ob- jekto au besto), si, ni, vi, ili, oni; la pronomoj posedaj estas formataj per la aldono de la Fmigo The American Esperanto Book 15 adjektiva. La deklinacio estas kiel Ce la sub- stantivoj. VI The Verb. The verb is not changed in person or number. Forms of the verb: the present tense takes the ending -as; the past tense, -is; the future tense, -os; the conditional mode, -us; the imperative mode, -u; the infinitive mode, -i. Participles (with an adjectival or adverbial sense): active present, -ant; active past, -int; active future, -ont; passive present, -at; passive past, -it ; passive future, -ot. All forms of the passive are formed by the help of a corresponding form of the verb esti and a passive participle of the required verb; the preposition with the passive is de. La verbo ne estas Sangata lau personoj nek nombroj. Formoj de la verbo: la tempo estanta akceptas la finigon -as; la tempo estinta -is; la tempo estonta -os ; la modo kondifia -us ; la modo ordona -u; la modo sendifina /; Partici- poj (kun senco adjektiva au adverba): aktiva estanta -ant ; aktiva estinta -int ; aktiva estonta -ont; pasiva estanta, -at; pasiva estinta, -/'/; pasiva estonta, -ot. Ciuj formoj de la pasiva estas formataj per helpo de responda formo de la verbo esti kaj participo pasiva de la bezo- nata verbo; la prepozicio 6e la pasivo estas de. 1 6 Tht American Esperanto Book VII The Adverb. Adverbs end in c; degrees of comparison as with the adjective. La adverboj finigas per ? ; gradoj de kom- parado kiel Ce la adjektivoj. VIII Nominative with Prepositions. All preposi- tions require the nominative. Ciuj prepozicioj postulas la nominativon. IX Pronunciation. Every word is read as it is written. Ciu vorto estas legata , kiel gi estas skribita. X Accent. The accent is always on the penulti- mate (next to the last) syllable. La akcento estas Ciam sur la antaulasta silabo. XI Compound Words. Compound words are formed by the simple joining of words (the princi- pal word stands at the end); the grammatical end- ings are also regarded as independent words. Vortoj kunmetitaj estas formataj per simpla kunigo de la vortoj (la Cefa vorto staras en la The American Esperanto Book 17 fino); la gramatikaj finigoj estas rigardataj ankau kiel memstaraj vortoj. XII Negation. With another negative word the word ne is omitted. Ce alia nea vorto la vorto ne estas forlasata. XIII Direction. In order to show direction, words take the ending of the accusative. Por montri direkton, la vortoj ricevas la finigon de la akuzativo. XIV The Preposition Je. Every preposition has a definite and constant meaning; but if we have to use a preposition and the direct sense does not show us what special preposition we ought to take, then we use the preposition je, which has no inde- pendent meaning. Instead of the preposition je we can also use the accusative without a preposi- tion. Ciu prepozicio havas difinitan kaj konstan- tan signifon; sed se ni devas uzi ian prepozicion kaj la rekta senco ne montras al ni, kian nome prepozicion ni devas preni, tiam ni uzas la prepozicion je, kiu memstaran signifon ne havas. Anstatau la prepozicio je oni povas ankau uzi la akuzativon sen prepozicio. 1 8 Tht American Esperanto Book XV Foreign Words. The so-called foreign words, that is, those which a majority of the languages have taken from one source, are used in the Esper- anto language without change, receiving only the orthography of this language; but with various words from one root it is better to use unchanged only the fundamental word, and to form the rest from this latter according to the rules of the Esper- anto language. La tiel nomataj vortoj fremdaj, t. e., tiuj kiujn la plimulto de la lingvoj prenis el unu fonto, estas uzataj en la lingvo Esperanto sen Sango, ricevante nur la ortografion de tiu Ci lingvo ; sed fie diversaj vortoj de unu radiko estas pli bone uzi senSange nur la vorton fun- damentan kaj la ceterajn formi el tiu Ci lasta lau la reguloj de la lingvo Esperanto. XVI Elision. The final vowel of the substantive and the article can be omitted and replaced by an apostrophe. La fina vokalo de la substantivo kaj de la artikolo povas esti forlasata kaj anstatauigata de apostrofo. The American Esptranto Book 19 THE ARTICLE No indefinite article, such as a, is used in Esperanto, this being implied in the noun: hundo, a dog-, arbo, a tree. The definite article is la: la hundo, the la arbo, the tree. Its use is much the same as in English, with some very important exceptions. For example, when we use a word in its generic sense, the article is employed: The sentence, Man is a slave, we translate La homo estas sklavo. La medicino estas scitncoMedicine is a science. Tiel blanka kiel la negoAs white as snow. Instead of possessive pronouns the article i s used when referring to a relative of the speaker or person addressed, or even of a third person when the identity is unmistakable. La patro=J/j' (or your) father. [See Exercises 8 and 9]. Before numeral adjectives which denote day, hour, etc.: Venu je la deka horo=C0me at ten. La unua de januaro=7% err is human; to forgive, divine. Note that the adjectives and participles modifying the infinitive take the adverbial form. 36 The American Esperanto Book INTERROGAT In questions, the indicative mode is used, and accompanied by an interrogatory word. There are (see Correlative Words) nine interrogatory words beginning with k: kia, kial, kiam, kie, kiel, kies, kio, kiom, kiu. These words are used in precisely the same manner as their English equivalents, what, why, when, where, how, etc. Kiam li revenos?=W7^ will he return? Kie ni estas ?= Where are we? Any sentence not introduced by one of these may be changed to a question by the word Cu, meaning whether: Cu vi venos ?= Will you come? Cu vi nin amas ?=Do you love us ? The American Esperanto Book 37 THE PARTICIPLE A participle is a word derived from a verb root, and implying action, though not directly stating it, as does the verb. Participles in Esper- anto are of three classes: Adjectival Expressing the quality of being in action : Kantanta birdo=^4 singing bird; and, with a helping verb, the act itself : La birdo estas kantanta=:7% before me. The American Esperanto Book 49 Antau niaj okuloj flugis fantomo=J3ef0re our eyes there flew a phantom. Antau ol morgau, li venos=ef0re tomorrow, he will come. Antau tri tagoj, li venis=Three days -ago, he came. The use of antau in the last two sentences is worthy of special observation. The tense of the verb, and the conjunction ol, show in the first that a future time is mentioned ; while in the latter, the absence of ol and the past tense of the verb show that the time referred to has passed. APUD NEAR La fonto apud la granda arbo=7% <7/r standing around the house. La prezo estas fiirkaii kvindek cendoj=77^ Price is about fifty cents. Mi venos Cirkau la sepa horo=7 shall come about the seventh hour. Li surmetis ledan zonon Cirkau la talio=//i > put a leather belt around his waist. DA OF This preposition is used only after words denot- ing quantity, weight, number or measure. Funto da teo = A pound of tea. Multe da pensoj=J/a#y (of) thoughts. Miloj da Yiomo}= Thousands of men. Peco da ligno=^4 piece of wood. The beginner will find great care necessary to avoid confusion as to da and de. Compare care- fully the examples. DE-OS, BY, FROM This preposition is used as the sign of posses- sion, and to connect the passive participle with its complement. It also indicates origin, place of beginning, etc. : La libro de Johano=Jo/in's book. La filino estas amata de sia patro=7%w March until May. Atendu gis morgau=Wa/'/ until tomorrow. INTER BETWEEN, AMONG Inter aliaj &fer6}=Among other matters. Inter la du ^.rc\\^Q\^=Bctween the two friends. Inter Marto kaj Hla.}Q=Between March and May. La amikoj malkonsentis inter si= The friends disagreed among themselves. The American Esperanto Book 53 JE This preposition has no fixed meaning, and is used only when the sense does not clearly require some other word : Li ridas je mia eraro=Zfe laughs at my error. Je la unua okazo=;4/ the first opportunity. Li ekkaptis la hundon je la |orto=Zfe caught ihe dog by the throat. Je la kvara de marto=0 the fourth of March. Alta je ses futoj =Six feet high. Je la unua fojo en sia vivo=For the first time in his life. KONTRAti OPPOSITE, A GAINST Kontraii la hotelo= Opposite the hotel. Ni iris kontrau la vento=We went against the wind. La armeo maris kontrau la arbo = 7% a#z no place, nowhere. , in that place. 72 The American Esperanto Book Adverbial Iel=/ some way, somehow, anyhow, in any manner. Ciel / every manner, every way, all ways, by all means. Kiel=/ what manner? How, as, like. Neniel=/ no manner, in no way, by no means. Tiel=/ that way, thus, so, as, like. IES ^POSSESSION Pronominal \t&=Somebody's, anybody's, anyone's. &'\ts=Everybody's, each one's, everyone's^ Kies= Whose. Nenies=7V^0 never slurring a sound or leaving a letter "silent": Citrono. Cento. Sceno. Scio. Balau. Sanceli. Neniel. Embaraso. Zoologio. Reservi. Traire. Hodiau. Disiri. Ne-u-lo. Majesta. Packapo. Heroino. Pezo. Internacia. Seshora. Cipreso. Stalo. Feino. Plu. Sukero. Gento. Indigni. Sigelo. Krajono. Ruino. Pesilo. Lipharo. Me- tio. Gardeno. Sono. Laudi. Pale. Facila. In- sekto. Kiu. Zorgi. Cikano. Traetera. Sofismo. Domoj. Spino. Majo. Signi. EC. Bonajo. Legi. lei. Juristo. Cielo. 8a The American Esperanto Book EXERCISE 5 patro, father. kolombo, dove. kaj, and. birdo, bird. frato, brother. aparteni, to belong to. leono, lion. al, to. esti, to be. suno, sun. besto, beast brili, to shine. rozo, rose. Sana, well, healthy. floro, flower. tajloro, tailor. la, the (definite article). o, substantive (noun) ending. a, adjective ending as, verb ending, present tense. 1 Patro kaj frato. 8 Leono estas besto. * Rozo estas floro kaj kolombo estas birdo. * La rozo apartenas al Teodoro. 6 La suno brilas. 6 La a patro estas sana. 7 La a patro estas tajloro. b The use of la here signifies a definite father; the father of whom we have been speaking; my father, your father, etc. b After esti in all its forms the noun is nominative. TRANSLATION 5 1 A father and a brother. 8 A lion is a beast. 8 A rose is a flower, and a dove (or pigeon) is a bird. * The rose belongs to Theodore. 6 The sun shines. * (The) father is healthy. 7 (The) father is a tailor. The American Esperanto Book 83 EXERCISE 6 infano, child. ne, not. matura, mature, ripe, homo, man (general jam, already. for human being). plori, to mourn, weep. fiielo, heaven, sky. blua, blue. kie, where. libro, book. krajono, pencil. sur, on, upon. tablo, table. kui, to lie (down). fenestro, window. plumo, peu jen, 10, behold pomo, apple. kiu, who. mi, /. trovi, to find. tero, earth. stono, stone. n, ending of accusative (objective). is, verb ending, past tense. 1 Infano ne a estas matura homo b . 2 La infano jam c ne ploras. 3 La Cielo estas blua. * Kie estas la a ln Esperanto, the negative word precedes the verb, and usually precedes other words to which it belongs, though not always: tute nenot quite; certe ne=certai>ify not. b Homo, a human being, man in general; vito,aman; vlrino, a woman. c jam ne=atready not. Jam is used with much greater fre- quency than the word already in English, and it is well for the student carefully to study the sense wherever it is found, 84 The American Esperanto Book libro kaj la krajono? B Lalibro estas sur d la tablo kaj la krajono kuSas sur la fenestro. ' Sur la fen- estro kuSas krajono kaj plumo. 7 Jen e estas porno. 8 Jen estas la pomo, kiun f mi trovis. 9 Sur la tero kuSas Stono. d See, in list of prepositions, the uses of sur. Esperanto prepositions require careful study. "Jen means behold. It translates with equal precision the English phrases here is and yonder is. f Kiun is here in the accusative (objective) case, being the object of trovis. Pomo is the subject of estas, which (See Note b, Exercise 5) cannot be followed by an accusative. To understand precisely why kiun is accusative, let us remember that it is a pronoun and stands for pomo. If we render the sentence Jen estas pomo, pomon mi trovis, the reason for the accusative becomes clearer. Kiu is frequently thus placed in accusative by verbs which follow it. TRANSLATION 6 1 A child is not a mature man. "The child no longer (already not) cries. 8 The sky is blue. * Where are the book and the pencil ? * The book is upon the table and the pencil lies upon the window. * Upon the window lie a pencil and a pen. 7 Here is an apple. * Here is the apple which I found. * On the ground lies a stone. American Esperanto Book 85 EXERCISE 7 forta, strong. dento, tooth. de, of, by, from. akra, sharp. doni, give. mano, hand. vidi, to see. resti, to stay, remain. kun, with. dangero, danger. kuraga, brave, daring, rajdi, to ride. paroli, to speak. pri, about, concerning. j, sign of the plural. e, adverb ending. i, verb ending, infinitive mode. u, verb ending, imperative mode. 1 Leono estas forta. z La dentoj de leono estas akraj a . 8 Al leono ne donu la manon. * Mi vidas leonon. e Resti b kun leono estas dangere c . 6 Kiu kuragas rajdi sur leono? 7 Mi parolas pri leono. *Observe that the adjective, akraj, is in the plural form, as the noun to which it refers is plural. b lnfinitive verb; has no subject, no tense or time of action. For any person, at any time, to stay with a lion, is dangerous. "Here, the word dangere takes the adverbial form (ending e) not because it is adverbial in sense, to be translated dan- gerously, but because it has no noun, the subject of this sentence being the verb, resti. Should we say leono estas danfera, the adjective form would be used. TRANSLATION 7 1 A lion is strong. 2 The teeth of a lion are sharp. 3 Do not give your hand to a lion. * I see a lion. 6 To remain with a lion is dangerous. "Who dares to ride on a lion? 7 I am speaking about a lion. 86 American Esperanto Book EXERCISE 8 bona, good. diri, to say. diligenta, diligent. veni, to come. filo, son. apud, near, close by. koni, to know (to be acquainted with'). per, by means of. flari, to smell. antau, before. arbo, tree. Capelo, hat. ke, that (conjunction), .ami, to love. kune, together. stari, to stand. pura, clean, pure. pano, bread. man|i, to eat. buo, mouth. nazo, nose. domo, house. Cambro, room. 1 La a patro estas bona. * Jen kugas la Capelo de la patro. 8 Diru al b la patro, ke mi estas diligenta. * Mi amas la patron. 8 Venu kune c kun la patro. * La filo staras apud la patro. 7 La mano de Johano estas pura. *Mi konas Johanon. 'Ludovicko, donu al d mi panon. 10 Mi mangas per la bugo kaj flaras per 6 la nazo. n Antati la domo staras arbo. " La patro estas en la Cambro. *See Note a, Exercise 5. b Diru al= Tell to. The preposition al is used in expressions such as speak to, recount to, etc. American Esperanto Book 87 c Kune kun= Together with. Here, a word is repeated with no apparent purpose other than that of emphasis. This is often done with prepositions, especially in connection with verbs., See Note c, Exercise 31. d Note again that the preposition is followed by the nomina- tive case. Literally, this would read give to I bread. 'Panon is in the accusative case from the verb ; donu. "Find, on Page 54, the proper uses of per. TRANSLATION 8 1 (The) father is good. 2 Here lies father's hat. 3 Tell (to the) father that I am industrious. * I love (the) father. 5 Come with your father. 6 The son stands near the father. 1 John's hand is clean. 8 1 know John. 9 Ludovick, give me [some] bread. 10 1 eat with the [my] mouth and smell with the [my] nose. n Before the house stands a tree. 12 The [my] father is in the room. It is suggested that the student review the pre- ceding exercises, read again all that is said about sounds and pronunciation in the beginning of this book and test his pronunciation by tne rules. It is much easier to correct errors before they shall have become habits. 88 American Esperanto Book EXERCISE 9 flugi, to fly. agrabla, agreeable. Car, because, for. voli, to wish, to will. knabo, boy. kanti, to sing; akvo, water. ill, they. trinki, to drink, for, forth, out. peli, pursue, chase out. ni, we. okulo, eye. orelo, ear. tial, therefore. ricevi, to get, obtain. iri, to go. onklo, uncle. sed, but. audi, to hear. lerni, to learn. bati, to beat. avo, grandfather. nun, now. legi, to read. li, he. letero, letter (missive) litero, &//*r(a,b,c, etc.) skribi, to write. 1 La birdoj flugas. * La kanto de * la birdoj estas agrabla. 3 Donu al la birdoj akvon, Car ili volas trinki. 'La knabo forpelis b la birdojn . 6 Nj. vidas per la okuloj kaj atidas per la oreloj. 6 Bonaj infanoj lernas diligente. 'Aleksandro ne volas lerni, kaj tial mi batas Aleksandron. * De la patro mi ricevis libron, kaj de d la frato mi ricevis plu- mon. 'Mi venas de la avo, kaj mi iras nun al la American Esperanto Book 89 onklo. 10 Mi legas libron. n La patro ne legas libron, sed li skribas e leteron. a The article here is used in a sense not known to English. It refers to birds generally the song of birds. La is used with the plural form in speaking of a species or race: La birdoj, birds in general; la homoj, mankind in general. Of a science or trade, we use the singular form, with the article: Science, la science; medicine, la medicine. b A preposition may thus be joined to any verb, modifying its meaning: Iri, to go; foriri, to leave, to go away; eniri, to enter, to go into; preteriri, to go past. "The sign of the accusative case follows that of the plural. d De is translated by several English prepositions. See exam- ples of da and de, Page 50. e Skribas may be translated -writes or is writing, according to sense. See The Verb, Indicative Mode. TRANSLATION 9 1 Birds fly. 2 The song of birds is pleasing. 8 Give the birds water, as they wish to drink. *The boy drove away the birds. 6 We see with (by means of) the eyes and hear with the ears. ' Good children learn diligently. 7 Alexander does not want to learn, and therefore I beat Alexander. 8 From the [my] father I received a book, and from the [my] brother I received a pen. 9 1 come from the [my] grandfather and am going now to the [my] uncle. 10 1 am reading a book. "Father is not reading a book, but he is writing a letter. po The American /.\ >><:. :d> Book EXERCISE 10 papero, paper. blanka, white* kajero, copy-book. juna, young. fraulo, unmarried man. fraulino, Miss. dolfia, sweet. rakonti, to tell^ ,*l(.te. mia, my. amiko, friend. bela, beautiful. historic, story, history. obstina, obstinate. deziri, to desire. vi, you. tago, day. sinjoro, sir, Mr. mateno, morning. foji, to rejoice. festi, to make a festival. kia, what kind, what a. hodiau, today. en, in. he la, clear, glaring. nokto, night. nokto, night. pala, pale. luno, moon. stelo, star. nego, snow\ pli, more. lakto, milk. nutri, to nourish. ol, than. vino, wine. havi, to have. freSa, fresh. erari, to err. el, from, out from. Ciu, each* every one. plej, most. Ciuj, all. tiel, thus, so. si, oneself. kiel, as, how. sia, one's. saga, wise. in, suffix of the feminine. mal, prefix of contrary, opposite. Exercises 9 1 1 Papero estas blanka. ? Blanka papero kuas sur la tablo. 3 La blanka papero jam a ne kuas sur la tablo. * Jen estas la kajero de b la juna fraulino. 5 La patro donis al mi dolfian pomon. 6 Rakontu al c mia juna amiko belan historion. 7 Mi ne amas obstinajn d homojn. 8 Mi deziras al vi bonan tagon, sinjoro ! 9 Bonan matenon e ! 10 Cojan feston ! (mi deziras al vi). n Kia goja festo ! (estas hodiau). 12 Sur la Cielo staras la bela suno. 13 En la tago ni vidas la helan sunon, kaj en f la nokto ni vidas la palan lunon kaj la belajn stelojn. u La papero estas tre blanka, sed la e nego estas pli blanka. 15 Lakto estas pli nutra, ol vino. 16 Mi havas pli b frean panon, ol vi. 17 Ne, vi eraras, sinjoro ; via pano estas malpli frea, ol mia. 18 El i Ciuj miaj infanoj Ernesto estas la plej juna. 19 Mi estas tiel forta, kiel 3 vi. 20 El Ciuj siaj k fratoj Antono estas la mal- plej saga. a See Note c, Exercise 6. b Esperanto nouns form the possessive case with the help of the preposition de: La libro de la knabo=7%* boy's book. Imperative mode, signifying, here, a command or request. This mode has other uses. See Page 34. d Adjectives agree with their nouns in number and case. There is an exception see The Adjective. "Bonan matenon is accusative here, the verb being omitted, but understood. Mi deziras al vi bonan matenon=7 wish you good morning. Bonan tagon!=(70oe? day! 92 The American Esperanto Book 'As in English, this preposition may be en (I'M) or dum (during). See Note a. Exercise 9. b See Comparison, Page 25. 'El means of, out of, from among. J Tiel kiel. These are correlative words, the first being demonstrative and the second relative. They are translated as ax, so as, etc. k For full explanation of the uses of si, sin, sia, see Reflexive Pronoun, Page 27, and also examples in Exercise 18. TRANSLATION 10 1 Paper is white. * White paper lies upon the table. 8 The white paper no longer lies upon the table. * Here is the young lady's copy - book. ' Father gave me a sweet apple. * Tell my young friend a pretty story. 7 I do not like obstinate people. 1 1 wish you good day, sir 1 ' Good morning I 10 A joyous festival 1 (I wish you). "What a joyous festival 1 (there is today). "In (on) the sky stands the beautiful sun. " In the day we see the bright sun, and at night we see the pale moon and beautiful stars. " Paper is very white, but snow is whiter. 16 Milk is more nourishing than wine. 16 1 have fresher bread than you. 1T No, you are wrong, sir ; your bread is less fresh than mine. 11 Of all my children, Ernest is the youngest. 19 I am as strong as you. "Of all his [the] brothers, Anthony is the least wise. Exercises 93 EXERCISE 11 feino, fairy. unu, one. vidvo, widower. du, two. simila, like, similar. karaktero, character. vizago, face. povi, can, to be able. pensi, to think. ambau, both. fiera, proud. oni, one, people, they. vivi, to live. plena, full, complete. portreto, portrait. lau, according to. honesta, honest. krom, besides. ec, suffix denoting abstract quality: bona, good; boneco, goodness. La Feino 1 Unu * vidvino havis du filinojn. * La pli mal- juna estis tiel simila al la patrino per sia karaktero kaj vizago, ke Ciu, kin in vidis, povis pensi, ke li a Unu here is not an indefinite article, neither is it precisely definite. In Exercise 12, Sentence 5, we have: El iaj mul- taj infanoj, unuj estas bonaj^Q/^ her many children, some [certain ones] are good. The good children receive more or less of definite identification from unuj. 94 American Esperanto Book vidas la patrinon ; ili ambati estis tiel malagrablaj b kaj tiel fieraj, ke oni ne povis vivi kun ili. 8 La pli juna filino, kiu estis la plena portreto de sia patro latt sia boneco kaj honesteco, estis krom tio unu el la plej belaj knabinoj, kiujn oni povis trovi. b Mal always confers a directly opposite meaning. Although the more agreeable idea is usually expressed by the root word and the opposite by means of mal, it has no significance of bad : Alta, high, malalta, low; forta, strong, malforta, iveak. TRANSLATION 11 1 A certain widow had two daughters. * The older was so like her mother in character and face that every one who saw her might think that he saw (sees) the mother ; they were both so dis- agreeable and proud that one could not live with them. 8 The younger daughter, who was the exact image of her father in her goodness and honesty, was, in addition to that, one of the most beautiful girls that one could find. Exercises 95 EXERCISE 12 multe, much. fari, to do, to make. nur, only. promeni, to walk. tri, three. hundo, a doff. Cio, everything. dek, ten. fingro, finger. alia, other. kvin,jftve. sep, seven. kvar,four. ok, eight. mil, thousand. cent, hundred. nau, TZ/V^. ses, j/jc. minuto, minute. horo, >fo>ar. konsisti (el), consist of sekundo, second. Januaro, January. monato, month. Aprilo, April. jaro, year. Novembro, November, semajno, week. Decembro, December. Dio, God. Februaro, February. elekti, choose, elect. gi, //. sankta, holy. krei, to create. dato, date. Marto, March. naski, to bear, produce. it, sign of past participle: am-it-e, been loved. 1 Du homoj povas pli a multe b fari olunu. 8 Mi a Pli multe ol=Literally, more much than. It should be remembered that pli is merely a word of comparison: Pli granda=/ar^r, "more large" ; pli ma.lgTanda=smaller, "more small." 96 The American Esperanto Book havas nur unu buSon, sed mi havas du orelojn. 8 Li promenas kun tri hundoj. *Li faris Cion per la dek fingroj de siaj c manoj. 5 E1 Siaj multaj infanoj unuj d estas bonaj kaj aliaj estas malbonaj. 6 Kvin kaj sep faras dek du. 7 Dek kaj dek faras dudek. * Kvar kaj dek ok faras dudek du. * Tri- dek kaj kvardek kvin faras sepdek kvin. JO Mil okcent naudek tri. "Li havas dek unu infanojn. "Ses- dek minutoj faras unu horon, kaj unu minuto kon- sistas el e sesdek sekundoj. "Januaro estas la unua monato de la jaro, Aprilo estas la kvara, Novembro estas la dek-unua, Decembro estas la dek-dua. 14 La dudeka (tago) de Februaro estas la kvindek- unua tago de la jaro. 18 La sepan tagon de la semajno Dio elektis, ke gi estu f pli sankta, ol lases unuaj tagoj. 18 Kion Dio kreis en la sesa tago? "Kiun daton* ni havas? 18 Hodiau estas la dudek sepa tago de Marto. 19 Georgo VaSington estis naskita la dudek duan h de Februaro de la jaro mil sepcent tridek dua 1 . This use of multe is quite confusing to the beginner. The final e frequently has a neutral rather than an adverbial sense. Multaj birdoj, multo da birdoj and multe da birdoj all mean about the same, the adverbial form being most often used. This is similarly true of kelke da, which is used instead of kclkaj. Exercises 97 c Be sure that you understand the use of this pronoun. See Reflexive Pronoun, Page 27. d See Note a, Exercise n. e See El, Page 51. f Note that the imperative form is used in a subjunctive clause indicating purpose. See Imperative Mode, Page 34. 8 'What date have u>e? Instead of flow old are you? the Esperanto query is What age have you ? h See Rules of the Grammar, XIV, Page 17. Neither sur (on), fie (at) nor en (zw)expresses the sense, so we can use je or the accusative without a preposition. *The adjective ending denotes the ordinal numeral. We say, in English, Nineteen hundred and seven. In Esperanto the sense is always The nineteen-hundred-and-seventh. TRANSLATION 12 1 Two men can do more than one. 8 1 have only one mouth, but I have two ears. 8 He takes a walk with three dogs. * He did everything with the ten fingers of his hands. B Of her many children, some are good and others are bad. 6 Five and seven make twelve. 1 Ten and ten make twenty. 8 Four and eighteen make twenty-two. 9 Thirty and forty- five make seventy-five. 10 One thousand, eight hundred and ninety-three. n He has eleven chil- dren. 12 Sixty minutes make one hour, and one hour consists of sixty seconds. l3 January is the 98 The American Esperanto Book first month of the year, April is the fourth, Novem- ber is the eleventh, December is the twelfth. " The twentieth day of February is the fifty-first day of the year. l8 The seventh day of the week God selected to be more holy than the first six days. " What did God create on the sixth day? " What date is it (have we) today. " Today is the twenty- seventh day of March. 19 George Washington was born on the twenty-second day of February, in the year one thousand, seven hundred and thirty-two. Exercises 99 EXERCISE 13 dauri, to continue. ordinara, ordinary. persono, a person. tiu, that. varma, warm. sama, same. tempo, time. teruro, terror. kontrau, against. devi, ought. kuiri, to cook. labori, to labor. sen, ^uithout. cesi, to cease. inter, between, among, afero, affair, matter. Cerpi, to draw. tre, very. proksima, near. loko, place. porti, to carry. krufio, pitcher. ig, suffix, meaning to cause to be : pura, pure ; purigi, purify. eg, suffix of increased degree : granda, large ; grandega, immense. ej, suffix indicating the place devoted to: lerni, to learn ; lernejo, a school. ad, suffix showing continued action : spiri, to breathe ; spirado, breathing. n, sign of accusative case. 6i, denotes proximity: tie, there ; tie 6i, here; tio, thai ; tio 6i, this. fojo, "time": unu fojo, onetime, once; du fojoj, twice. La Feino (Daiirigo) 1 Car Ciu amas ordinare personon, kiu estas simila al li a , tial tiu 6i patrino varmege amis sian pli maljunan filinon, kaj en tiu b sama tempo Si ioo The American Esperanto Book havis teruran malamon kontrau* 5 la pli juna. : Si devigis Sin mangi en la kuirejo kaj laboradi sen- Cese. 'inter aliaj aferoj tiu Ci malfeliCa infano devis du fojojn d en Ciu tago iri Cerpi akvon en tre malproksima loko kaj alporti domen plenan grandan kruCon. *Li, here, and not si, because if si were used it would refer to kiu, which is the subject of this clause, and again refers to persono. the person who is loved. In the same sentence sian is used because it refers to the subject of the phrase in which it appears. 'Tiu sama tempo= That same lime. Esperanto often uses a demonstrative adjective or pronoun instead of la. ''Malamon kontrau=//a/rrrf against. In a similar sense we would use, in English, for or toward. ^Accusative because an implied preposition is omitted. Je du fojoj=/br tiL'o times. This is also written dufoje. 'Domen; literally, house-wardly. Again we see the ready use of the adverbial form. Were the noun domon used here it might mean that the poor girl, in addition to her other bur- dens, was carrying the housel Domen has the accusative end- ing to show direction fozuard the house. See Rule XIII, ' TRANSLATION 13 The Fairy ( Continued ) 1 As every one ordinarily loves a person who is like him [self], therefore this mother ardently loved her elder daughter, and at the same time she had a terrible hatred against the younger. 'She com- pelled her to eat in the kitchen and to work inces- santly. 'Among other things this unhappy child had to go, twice every day, to draw water in a very distant place, and carry home, full, a large pitcher. Exercises 101 EXERCISE 14 urbo, town. aeti, to buy. kulero, spoon. re, back, again. danki, to thank. peti, request, ask. post, after, behind. bezoni, to need, -want. Stofo, goods, stuff. fiiam, always. venki, to conquer. se, //. logi, to lodge, reside. au, or. forko, fork. mono, money. por, for. ankaii, also. kiam, when. pagi, to pay. kosti, to cost. Jeti, to throw. pago, page. fini, to end, to finish. tuta, whole, entire. da, of; used after words expressing weight or measure. prunti, to lend or borrow ; prunte doni, to give as a loan ; prunte preni, to take as a loan. ant, ending of active participle, present tense : arnante, loving, being now loving. obi, .fold: duobla, twofold, double. op, suffix of collective numeral : duope, by or in twos ; two together. on, suffix of fractionals : duono, half. 1 Mi havas cent pomojn. 2 Mi havas centon a da pomoj. 3 Tiu c*i urbo havas milionon da logantoj. a Centon. The cardinal numerals are not changed. When we say cento, milo, dekduo, etc., we have substantives, which take the regular case and number changes. The two forms are used interchangeably. Mil homoj, milo da homoj, are both correct. ioa The American Esperanto Book 4 Mi aCetis dekduon (au dek-duon) da kuleroj kaj du dekduojn da forkoj. * Mil jaroj (ati milo da jaroj) faras miljaron. * Unue mi redonas al vi la monon, kiun vi pruntis al mi ; due mi dankas vin por la prunto; trie b mi petas vin ankau poste prunti al mi, kiam mi bezonos mpnon. 7 Por Ciu tago mi ricevas kvin frankojn, sed por la hodiaua tago mi ricevis duoblan pagon, t. e. (=tio estas) dek frankojn. * Kvinoble c sep estas tridek kvin. *Tri estas duono de ses. 10 Ok estas kvar kvinonoj de dek. !1 Kvar metroj da d tiu Ci Stofo kostas naii frankojn ; tial du metroj kostas kvar kaj duonon frankojn (au da frankoj). 1S Unu tago estas tri- cent-sesdek-kvinono au tricent-sesdek-sesono de jaro. ls Tiuj Ci du amikoj promenas Ciam duope 6 . 14 Kvinope ili sin Jetis sur min, sed mi venkis la kvin atakantojn. 15 Por miaj kvarinfanoj mi aCetis dek du pomojn, kaj al Ciu el la infanoj mi donis po f tri pomoj. " Tiu Ci libro havas sesdek pagojn ; tial, se mi legos* en Ciu tago po dek kvin pagoj, mi finos la tutan libron en kvar tagoj. b Note the addition of e to form adverbial ordinals: Unue, due, \x\t=Firstly, secondly, thirdly. c Suffix of multiplication, -obi-: Unuobla, single, duobla, double. See again the use of the adverbial ending. This has a neutral significance (Note b. Exercise 12). Kvinoble sep has a noun value and is the subject of the sentence. Exercises 103 d Da. This preposition, translated of, is used with words indicating quantity, weight, measure, etc. See Da, De, P. 50. "The collective suffix of Esperanto has no exact English equivalent. Duope, triope=.5y twos, by threes. f Po means at the rate of. For distinction between po and por, see Page 55. K Here, although the sentence is conditional in sense, the conditional mode is not used. After se, the endings as, os and is are frequently used. TRANSLATION 14 1 1 have one hundred apples. 8 1 have a hundred "of" apples. 8 This city has a million of inhab- itants. 3 1 bought a dozen spoons and two dozen forks. 6 A thousand years (or, a thousand oi years) make a millenium. 6 First, I return to you the money which you lent me ; second, I thank you for the loan ; third, I ask you also to lend to me after- wards, when I shall need money. 'For each day I receive five francs, but for today I receive double pay, that is, ten francs. 8 Five times seven is thirty-five. * Three is half of six. 10 Eight is four- fifths of ten. "Four meters of this material cost nine francs ; therefore two meters cost four and a half francs (or of francs). 12 One day is a IO4 The American Esperanto Book three-hundred-and-sixty-fifth, or a three-hundred- and-sixty-sixth, of a year. "These two friends always walk (two) together. "Five together they threw themselves upon me, but I overcame all five assailants. "For my four children I bought twelve apples, and to each of them I gave at the rate of three apples. " This book has sixty pages ; there- fore, if I read at the rate of fifteen pages every day, I shall finish the entire book in four days. Exercises 105 EXERCISE 15 fonto, source. rica, rich volonte, willingly. tuj, immediately. lavi, to wash. sub, under, beneath. teni, to hold, grasp. oportuna, opportune. trankvila, quiet. soifi, to thirst. donaci, make a present, preni, to take. preni, to take. formo, /" Mi vokas la knabinon, kaj Si venas. 18 La infano ploras, Car gi c volas mangi. 17 La infanoj ploras, Car ili volas mangi. " Knabo, vi estas negentila. d "Sinjoro, vi estas negentila. "Sinjoroj, vi estas negentilaj. 8l Mia hundo, vi estas tre fidela. ** Oni e diras, ke la vero Ciam venkas. "En la vintro oni hejtas la fornojn. "Kiam oni estas rifia (att riCaj) oni havas multajn r amikojn. Exercises 109 *See uses of the present tense, page 30. b Kie may have either an interrogatory or relative sense : Iru kie gloro vin atendas=G : o where glory -waits thee c As in English, it (gi) is used with reference to a child, when unnecessary to specify sex. d Ne has only a neutral significance and does not mean, like mal, the direct opposite. Here, the sense is that the boy is not polite, though not necessarily that he is rude. e Oni translates the English one or they in such sentences as one ought, they say, etc. As the author indicates (Sentence 24), it may be followed by a plural adjective if the sense requires this. Oni is always nominative, its accusative and possessive being reflexive, sin, sia : Oni devas sin gardi rilate sian reputacion=<9e ought to watch himself with respect to his reputation. 1 See Note b, exercise 12. TRANSLATION 16 1 1 am reading. z Thou art writing instead of ci (thou) we ordinarily use vi (you). s He is. a boy, and she is a girl. * The knife cuts well, for it is sharp. 6 We are men. 6 You are children. 7 They are Russians. 8 Where are the boys? 9 They are in the garden. 10 Where are the girls ? 11 They also are in the garden. 12 Where are the knives? 13 They lie upon the table. "I call the boy, and he comes. 18 1 call the girl, and she comes ? l6 The child cries because it wants to eat. 17 The children cry, because they wish to eat. 18 Boy, you are impolite. 19 Sir, you are impolite. 20 Sirs, you are impolite. 21 My dog, you are very faithful. 82 They say that truth always conquers. 28 In the winter they heat the stoves. 2 * When one is rich, one has many friends. no The American Esperanto Book EXERCISE 17 insulti, to insult. kial, why, wherefore. frue, early. pardoni, to forgive. longa, long. salti, to leap, jump. perlo, pearl. granda, great, large. diamanto, diamond. miri, to wonder. Sajni, to seem. nomi, to name. naiva, naive. okazi, to happen. dum, during, -while. sendi, to send. kapabla, capable. La Feino (Dafirigo) 1 Kiam tiu Ci bela knabino venis domen, Sia patrino insultis a Sin, kial Si revenis tiel malfrue de la fonto. '"Pardonu al mi, patrino," diris la mal- feliCa knabino, "ke mi restis tiel longeV' s Kaj kiain Si parolis tiujn Ci vortojn, elsaltis c el Sia buSo tri rozoj, tri perloj kaj tri grandaj diamantoj. "Kion mi vidas!" diris Sia patrino kun grandega miro. '"Sajnas al mi, ke el Sia buSo elsaltas perloj kaj diamantoj ! * De kio tio Ci venas, mia filino?" 7 (Tio Ci estis la unua fojo, ke Si nomis Sin sia filino). 'LamalfeliCa infano rakontis al Si naive Cion, kio okazis al Si, kaj, dum Si parolis, elfalis el Exercises 1 1 1 ia buSo multego da diamantoj. "Se estas tiel," diris la patrino, "mi devas tien d sendi mian filinon. 10 Marinjo, rigardu, kio eliras el la buo de via fratino, kiam i parolas ; 6u e ne estus al vi agrable havi tian saman kapablon? u Vi devas nur iri al la fonto Cerpi akvon ; kaj kiam malriSa virino petos de vi trinki, vi donos gin al gi gentile." *Insultis Sin kial literally, insulted her why. In English insult would not be the proper word, though obviously the writer intends to express a humiliating invasion of the girl's dignity and "feelings." b Longe is adverbial, there being no noun to which it could be joined. If we say dum tia longa tempo, the adjective is of course properly used. c See Note c, Exercise 8. d Accusative sign for direction. It is not proper to refer to words of direction as in the "accusative case," as it is seen that adverbs may have this ending. e 6u {whether) is the sign of the question, when no other word indicates it. Kie vi estas?= Where are you? Here, kie indicates the question. 6u vi estas en la domo?=.<4rho-has-lied. The person referred to has told a lie, therefore the past form, -into. In the same sentence, mensoganto is in the present form because it refers to some one who is a general liar ; as the person speaking tells him, with commendable candor, a still, now, all-the-time liar. 126 The American Esperanto Book Ciam mensoganto. * La tempo pasinta f jam neniam revenos ; la tempon venontan neniu ankorau konas. * Venu, ni atendas vin, Savonto de la mondo. 10 En la lingvo "Esperanto" ni vidas laestontan lingvon de la tuta mondo. " Augusto estas mia plej amata filo. "Mono havata estas pli grava, ol havita. 11 Pasero kaptita estas pli bona, ol agio kaptota. 14 La soldatoj kondukis la arestitojn tra la stratoj. "Li venis al mi tute neatendite. "Homo, kiun oni devas jugi, estas Jugoto. 'This meaning can be expressed : Tempo pasinta=/ > ajtf time. Tempo kiu estas pasinta= 7Y>* which has passed. Tempo, pasinte, jam neniam revenos= 7Yz*, having passed, will never return. TRANSLATION 22 1 Flowing water is purer than water standing still. * While walking in the street, I fell. "When Nicodemus beats Joseph, then Nicodemus is the beater and Joseph is the beaten. *God readily pardons a man who has sinned unintentionally. 6 Having found an apple, I ate it. * The fallen man could not raise himself. 7 Do not reproach your friend, for you yourself more deserve reproach ; he Exercises 127 is only once a liar, while you are still, now, always a liar. 8 The past time will never return ; the future time no one yet knows. 9 Come, we await you, Savior of the world. 10 In the language "Esperanto" we see the future language of the whole world. " Augustus is my most beloved son. 12 Money had [now] is more important than [that which has] been had. 18 A sparrow caught is better than an eagle to be caught. u The soldiers led the arrested persons through the streets. 16 He came to me quite unexpectedly. 16 A man whom they have to try is the accused (person to be tried). The student has observed that while sometimes the translations of these Exercises follow the Esperanto text so literally as to make very poor English, this is not invariable; frequently the translation follows the thought more closely than the text. The student will find fewer parenthetical explanations as he proceeds and will rely more and more upon his own perceptions to grasp the spirit and style of Esperanto. 1 28 Tht American Esperanto Book EXERCISE 23 kelke, some. aventuro, adventure. konsideri, to consider, inda, worthy, valuable. doto, dowry. palaco, palace. propra, (one's) own. akcepti, to accept. baldau, soon. angulo, corner, angle. ig, to become : pala, pale ; paligi, to turn pale. je, indefinite preposition. See p. 53. La Feino (Fino) 1 La regido, kiu vidis, ke el Sia buSo eliris kelke* da perloj kaj kelke da diamantoj, petis Sin, ke Si diru al li, de kie tio Ci venas. * Si rakontis al li sian tutan aventuron. 8 La regido konsideris, ke tia kapablo havas pli grandan indon, ol Cio, kion oni povus doni dote al alia fraulino, forkondu- kis b Sin al la palaco de sia patro, la rego, kie li edzigis je Si. * Sed pri Sia fratino ni povas diri, ke Si farigis c tiel malaminda, ke Sia propra patrino Sin forpelis de si ; kaj la malfeliCa knabino, multe kurinte kaj trovinte neniun. kiu volis Sin akcepti, baldau mortis en angulo de arbaro. Exercises 129 Kelke. See Note b, Exercise 12. b Conducted aivay. For, with other Esperanto adverbs and prepositions, is often thus joined to the verb instead of following it. 8 Fari, to make; farigi, to become. TRANSLATION 23 The Fairy (Concluded) 1 The prince, who saw that from her mouth issued some pearls and diamonds, begged her to tell him whence this came. 2 She told him her whole adventure. 3 The prince considered that such a gift had greater value than all which one could give as a dowry to another maiden, [and] took her away to the palace of his father, the king, where he married her. * But concerning her sister we may say that she became so hateful that her own mother drove her away from her ; and the unhappy girl, having run about a great deal and having found no one who wished to receive her, soon died in a corner of the forest. 130 The American Esperanto Book EXERCISE 24 saloho, drawing-room. os, sign of future tense of verbs : amos, will love. 1 Nun li diras al mi la veron. * Hierau li diris al mi la veron. 8 Li Ciam diradis* al mi la veron. 4 Kiam vi vidis nin en la salono, lijam antaue diris al mi la veron (an li estis dirinta al mi la veron). 8 Li diros al mi la veron. * Kiam vi venos al mi, li jam antaue diros al mi la veron (au li estos dirinta al mi la veron ; au antau b ol vi venos al mi, li diros al mi la veron). 7 Se mi petus lin, li dirus al mi la veron. 8 Mi ne farus la eraron, se li antaue dirus al mi la veron (au se li estus dirinta al mi la veron). 'Kiam mi venos, diru al mi la veron. 10 Kiam mia patro venos, diru al mi antaue la veron (att estu dirinta al mi la veron). "Mi volas diri al vi la veron. "Mi volas, ke tio, kion mi diris, estu vera (au mi volas esti dirinta la veron). Exercises 131 "Diri, to say; ad, suffix of continued action; diradas, continues to say, to tell. b Antaii ol, before than. See Page 49. c Observe that the conditional, or -us mood, has no time. Here, the past tense is inferred from antaue. TRANSLATION 24 1 Now he tells me the truth. 2 Yesterday he told me the truth. 3 He always tells me the truth. *When you saw us in the drawing-room he had already (previously) told me the truth. 6 He will tell me the truth. 6 When you come to me he will previously have told me the truth (or he will have told me the truth ; or, before you come to me he will tell me the truth). 7 If I should ask him, he would tell me the truth. 8 1 should not have made the mistake if he had previously told me the truth. 9 When I shall come, tell me the truth. 10 When my father comes, tell me (previously) the truth. 11 1 wish to tell you the truth. 12 1 wish that what I said be true (or, I wish to have told the truth). In connection with this Exercise the student should review the conjugations of the Infinitive, Imperative and Conditional modes. See pp. 32-35. 132 The American Esperanto Book EXERCISE 25 inviti, to invite. komerci, to trade, sekvi, to follow. konstrui, to construct. Suldi, to owe. oro, gold. ringo, ring. lerta, skillful. projekto, project. ingeniero, engineer. fero, iron. vojo, road, way. agi, to act. pastro, priest, pastor. kameno, fire-place. poto, pot. kaldrono, kettle. boli, to boil. vaporo, steam. pordo, door. korto, yard, court. aj, something made from or possessing the qual- ity of: malnova, old; malnovajo, an old thing ; frukto, fruit ; fruktajo, something made from fruit. 1 Mi estas amata. * Mi estis amata. 8 Mi estos amata. 4 Mi estus* amata. 6 Estu amata. ' Esti amata. 7 Vi estas lavita. * Vi estis lavita. ' Vi estos lavita. 'Vi estus a lavita. 1! Estu lavita. 11 Esti lavita. " Li estas invitota. " Li estis invitota. "Li estos invitota. "Li estus a invitota. 17 Estu invitota. 18 Esti invitota. " Tiu Ci komer- cajo estas Ciam volonte aCetata b de mi. 80 La .surtuto estas aCetita de mi, sekve i apartenas al mi. zl Kiam via domo estis konstruata, mia domo estis jam longe konstruita. 2a Mi sciigas, ke de Exercises 133 nun la Suldoj de mia filo ne estos pagataj de mi. 28 Estu trankvila ; mia tuta Suldo estos pagita al vi baldau. 2 * Mia ora ringo ne estus a tiel longe serfiata, se gi ne estus tiel lerte kaita de vi. 25 Lau la projekto de la ingenieroj c tiu Si fervojo estas konstruota en la dauro de du jaroj ; sed mi pensas, ke gi estos konstruata pli ol tri jarojn d . 26 Honesta homo agas honeste. " La pastro, kiu mortis antau 8 nelonge (au antau nelonga tempo), logis longe en nia urbo. 28 Cu hodiaii f estas varme aii malvarme? 29 Sur la kameno inter du potoj staras fera kaldrono ; el la kaldrono, en kiu sin trovas bolanta akvo, eliras vaporo ; tra la fenestro, kiu sin trovas apud la pordo, la vaporo iras sur la korton e . a The use of estus in Sentences 4, 10 and 16 indicates the presence of a condition or contingency, though this is not stated, as in Sentence 24. Be careful not to translate should by estus where duty is expressed use devas=o^7zA b The passive participle is connected with the source of the action by de. See Rule VI, Page 15. c This word means civil engineer. The word for locomo- tive engineer is maSinisto, or a more precise term, lokomotiv- isto. Fervojo (iron-way) is the Esperanto term for railway. d Do not forget that where a preposition is omitted the accusative case is used. Here, the absent preposition is dum. e Antau nelonge is the expression usually used for not long &go, a short time ago, recently. 1 Hodiau, hierau and morgaii are not nouns, but adverbs, Hence the adverbial form of varme and malvarme. The noun form, when necessary so to speak of today, tomorrow, is la hodiaua tago, la morgaua tago. e Accusative to show direction. 134 The American Esperanto Book TRANSLATION 25 1 1 am loved. * I was loved. * I shall be loved. * I should be loved [if ]. * Be loved. ' To be loved. * You have been washed. * You had been washed. 'You will have been washed. 10 You would have been washed. n Be washed (past). " To be washed. IS He is to be invited. " He was to be invited. " He will be (about) to be invited. " He would be (about) to be invited. " Be invited (future). "To be (about) to be invited. "This article (of commerce) is always willingly purchased by me. " The overcoat has been bought by me , consequently it belongs to me. " When your house was being built, my house had already been built . for a long time. ** I make [it] known that from now on the debts of my son will not be paid by me. M Be at ease ; my entire debt will have been paid to you soon. " My gold ring would not be so long searched for if it had not been so cleverly hidden ' by you. " According to the project of the engin- eers, this railway is to be built in the course of two years, but I think that it will be under con- struction more than three years. " An honest man acts honestly. IT The priest who died recently had lived along time in our city. " Is it warm or cold today? (or, is today warm or cold?) 2 * On the hearth between two pots stands an iron kettle ; from the kettle, in which is (finds itself) boiling water, issues steam ; through the window, which is near the door, the steam goes into the yard. Exercises 135 EXERCISE 26 ekster, outside. vojagi, voyage, travel. piedo,./W/. benko, bench. meti, to put, place. kanapo, sofa, lounge. muso, mouse. lito, bed. super, over, above. aero, air. kafo, coffee. teo, tea. sukero, sugar. kremo, cream. interne, within. fianco, betrothed person hirundo, swallow. trans, across. rivero, river. estro, chief. atenta, attentive. kvankam, although. dubi, to doubt. estimi, to esteem. fi! fie! abomeno, abomination. rapida, rapid, quick. et, diminution of degree or size : malvarma, cold', malvarmeta, cool; ridi, to laugh; rideti, to smile. 1 Kie vi estas? * Mi estas en la gardeno. s Kien vi iras? *Mi iras en la gardenoh. 5 La birdo flugas en la Cambro (=gi estas en la Cambro kaj flugas en gi). 6 La birdo flugas en la Cambron (=gi estas ekster la Cambro kaj flugas nun en gin). 7 Mi vojagas en Hispanujo. * Mi vojagas en Hispanujon. 9 Mi sidas sur sego kaj tenas la piedojn sur benketo. 10 Mi metas la manon sur la 136 The American Esperanto Book tablon*. " El sub la kanapo la muso kuris sub la liton, kaj nun gi kuras sub lalito. "Super la tero sin trovas b aero. 1S Anstatau kafo li donis al mi teon kun sukero , sed sen kremo. " Mi staras ekster la domo, kaj li estas interne. " En la salono estis neniu krom li kaj lia fianCino. ls La hirundo flugis trans la riveron, Car trans larivero sin trovis aliaj hirundoj. " Mi restas tie Ci lau la ordono de mia estro. 18 Kiam li estis Ce d mi li staris tutan boron 6 apud la fenestro. 19 Li diras, ke mi estas atenta. *Li petas, ke mi estu f atenta. " Kvankam vi estas riCa, mi dubas, Cu* vi estas feliCa. "Se vi scius, kiu li estas, vi lin pli estimus. " Se li jam venis, petu lin al mi. " Ho, Dio 1 kion vi faras ! "Ha, kiel bele ! "For de tie Ci ! "Fi, kiel abomene ! " Nu, iru pli rapide ! * I move my hand toward the table in the act of placing it upon the table. Hence, n for direction. Note carefully this sign of direction in Sentences 4, 6, 8, 10, n, 16. b Observe the use of sin trovas here, as in Sentence 29. Exercise 25. This is often used instead of estas. A similar form is sin turnu al, to address oneself to, to turn to. Ciuj sin turnu al la redaktoro=Z*/ all address the editor. c Sukero here, because kun is a preposition. Without the preposition, it would be teon kaj sukeron. d Esperanto often uses the pronoun thus : fie m\=At my house. Ce vi=A( your house. See Note c. Exercise 25. 'This meaning, in English, has two forms of expression he asks that I be attentive, or he asks me to be attentive. In Esperanto the former is invariably used. Exercises 137 g Dubi in any form is followed by 6u to connect a proposi- tion containing a verb, and by pri when followed by a noun : Mi dubas cu vi estas fidela=/ doubt whether you are faith- ful Mi dubas pri via fideleco=7 doubt (concerning) your fidelity. TRANSLATION 26 1 Where are you? 2 I am in the garden. 8 Where are you going ? * I am going into the garden. 5 The bird flies in the room (it is in the room and flies about in it). 6 Thebird flies into the room (it is outside the room and flies into it). 7 I am traveling in Spain. 8 I am traveling into Spain. 9 1 sit on a chair and keep my feet upon a stool. 10 1 place my hand upon the table. n From under the sofa the mouse ran under the bed, and now it runs about under the bed. 12 Above the earth is (finds itself) air. 13 Instead of coffee he gave me tea with sugar, but without cream. 14 1 stand out- side the house, and he is within. 15 In the draw- ing-room was nobody except him and his fiancee. 16 The swallow flew across the river, because beyond the river were other swallows. ll I am remaining here according to the orders of my chief. l8 When he was at my house he stood a whole hour at the window. 19 He says that I am attentive. 20 He asks that I be attentive. 21 Although you are rich, I doubt that (whether) you are happy. 22 If you knew who he is you would esteem him more. 23 If he has already come, ask him to come to me. 2 * Oh God ! what are you doing? 25 Ah, how beautiful ! 28 Away from here 1 27 Fie, how abominable 1 28 Well, go faster 1 138 The American Esperanto Book EXERCISE 27 artikolo, article. tiam, then. objekto, object, tia, such, such a kompreni, understand, ekzemplo, example. polo, Pole. necesa, necessary. vokalo, vowel. prepozicio, preposition. kunmeti, to compound', simpla, simple. ligi, to bind. radiko, root. soni, to sound. klara, clear. postuli, claim, require, gramatiko, grammar. nacio, nation. diversa, diverse, various 9ipo, ship. aboni, to subscribe. matenmangi, to eat breakfast. 1 La artikolo la estas uzata tiam a , kiam ni paro- las pri personoj au objekto j konataj. " Cia uzado estas tia sama kiel en la alia] lingvoj. 3 La per- sonoj, kiuj b ne komprenas la uzadon de la artikolo (ekzemple rusoj au poloj, kiuj ne scias alian ling- von krom sia propra), povas en la unua tempo tute ne uzi la artikolon, Car gi estas oportuna sed ne necesa. * Anstatau la oni povas ankau diri F, (sed nur post prepozicio, kiu fin i gas per vokalo). 6 Vortoj kunmetitaj estas kreataj per simpla kun- ligado de vortoj ; one prenas ordinare la purajn radikojn, sed, se la bonsoneco au la klareco postu- las, oni povas ankau preni la tutan vorton, t. e., la radikon kune kun gia gramatika finigo. *Ek- zemploj : skribtablo au skribotablo (tablo, sur kiu oni skribas) ; intcrnacia (=kiu estas inter diversaj nacioj); tutmonda (de la tuta mondo); unutaga Exercises 139 (kiu dauras unu tagon); unuataga (kiu estas en la unua tago); vaporipo (=ipo, kiu sin movas per vaporo); matenmangi, tagmangi, vespermangi; abonpago (=pago por la abono). B Observe this use of tiam kiam=then -when. In English we use zvhen alone, and frequently in Esperanto simply kiam. Tiam kiam is more definite and emphatic. b Note that kiuj is plural because it represents more than one person. TRANSLATION 27 1 The article la is used when we speak of persons or things known. 2 Its use is the same as in the other languages. s Persons who do not understand the use of the article (for example Russians or Poles who do not know another language beside their own), may at first not use the article at all, for it is convenient but not necessary. ^Instead of la we can also say /' (but only after a preposi- tion which ends with a vowel). 5 Compound words are formed by simple junction of words ; we gen- erally take the pure roots, but if euphony or clear- ness demands, we can also take the whole word ; i. e., the root together with its grammatical ending : 6 Examples : skribtablo, or skribotablo, a table on which one writes ; internacia, that which exists between or among various nations ; tutmonda, of the whole world ; unutaga, lasting one day ; unua- taga, of the first day ; vaporsipo, a ship which moves by steam ; matenmangi, tagmangi, vesper- mangi, to breakfast, to dine, to eat supper ; abon- pago, payment for subscription. 140 The American Esperanto Book EXERCISE 28 iam, at any time, ever nominative, nominative. akuzativo, accusative tie, there. dependi, to depend. kauzo, cause. esprimi, to express. direkti, to direct. celi, to aim. . egala, equal. ia, any kind of . veturi, to journey, travel flanko, side. dekstra, right-hand. neniel, in no way. nek.... nek, neither... nor dis' same as the English prefix dis : semi, sow ; dissemi, to scatter broadcast, disseminate. 1 Ciuj prepozicioj per si mem postulas Ciam nur la nominativon. * Se ni iam post prepozicio uzas la akuzativon, la akuzativo tie dependas ne de la prepozicio, sed de aliaj kauzoj. 'Ekzemple: por esprimi direkton, ni aldonas al la vorton la finon n\ sekve: tie (=en tiu loko), tien (=al tiu loko); tiel same ni ankau diras "la birdo flugis en la gar- denon, sur la tablon," kaj la vortoj "gardenon," "tablon" staras tie Ci en akuzativo ne Car la pre- pozicioj "en" kaj "sur" tion Ci postulas, sed nur Car ni volas esprimi direkton, t. e. montri, ke la Exercises 141 birdo ne sin trovis antaue en la gardeno kaj tie flugis, sed ke gi de alia loko flugis al la gardeno, al la tablo (ni volas montri ke la gardeno kaj la tablo ne estis la loko de la flugado, sed nur la celo de la flugado); en tiaj okazoj ni uzas la finigon n tute a egale Cu ia prepozicio starus au ne. *Morgati mi veturos Parizon (au en Parizon). 6 Mi restos hodiati dome. 6 Jam estas tempo iri domen. 7 Ni disigis kaj iris en diversajn flankojn : mi iris dek- stren kaj li iris maldekstren. 8 Flanken, sinjoro ! 9 Mi konas neniun en tiu 6i urbo. 10 Mi neniel povas kompreni, kion vi parolas. u Mi renkontis nek lin, nek b lian fraton (ati mi ne renkontis lin, nek lian fraton). *Egale is here used where one would expect same. b Note nek nek, translated neither nor. A similar form, though practically obsolete, is sometimes used in Eng- lish : nor voice nor sound. TRANSLATION 28 1 All prepositions, in themselves, always require only the nominative. 2 If we ever, after a prepo- sition, use the accusative, the accusative there depends not on the preposition, but on other causes. * For example, to express direction, we add to the 142 The American Esperanto Book word the ending ; consequently, //>, in that place: //>, to that place; similarly, we also say "the bird flew into the garden, upon the table"; and the words "garden," "table," here stand in the accu- sative not because the prepositions "in" and "on" require this, but only because we wish to express direction ; i. e., to show that the bird was not previously in the garden and flew about there, but that it flew from another place into the garden, upon the table (we wish to show that the garden and table were not the place of the flying, but only the goal of the flight); in such cases we use the accusative just the same, whether any preposition is there or not. * Tomorrow I shall go to Paris. 6 1 shall remain in the house today. " It is already time to go home. 7 We separated and went in different directions ; I went to the right and he went to the left. * To one side, sir I ' I know no one in this city. 10 1 can in no way understand what you are saying. " I met neither him nor his brother (or, I did not meet him, nor his brother). Exercises 143 EXERCISE 29 senco, sense. komuna, common. ebla, possible. ofte, often. ridi, to laugh. lasta, last, latest. sopiri, to sigh, long for. regulo, rule. verbo, verb. obei, to obey. permesi, to permit, allow. 1 Se ni bezonas a uzi prepozicion, kaj la senco ne montras al ni, kian prepozicion uzi, tiam ni povas uzi la komunan prepozicion je. 8 Sed estas bone uzi la vorton je kiel eble pli b malofte. 8 Anstatau la vorto je ni povas ankau uzi la akuzativon sen prepozicio. * Mi ridas je lia naiveco ( au mi ridas pro lia naiveco, au : mi ridas lian naivecon) 6 Je la lasta fojo mi vidis lin 6e vi (afi : la lastan fojon). 6 Mi veturis du tagojn kaj unu nokton. 7 Mi sopiras je mia perdita feliCo (au: mian perditan felifion). 8 E1 la dirita regulo sekvas, ke se ni pri ia verbo ne scias, Cu gi postulas post si la akuza- tivon (t. e. Cu gi estas aktiva) au ne, ni povas *Note indicative mode following se. The need of a prepo- sition is not a matter of doubt. See Note e. Exercise 20. b Another peculiar Esperanto form, very frequently used : Kiel eble plej frue, kiel eble plej bone, kiel eble plej multe. 144 The American Esperanto Book Ciam uzi la akuzativon. 9 Ekzemple, ni povas diri "obei al la patro" kaj "obei la patron" (anstatau "obei je la patro"). 10 Sedni ne uzas la akuzativon tiam, kiam la klareco de la senco tion Ci malper- mesas ; ekzemple : ni povas diri "pardoni al la malamiko" kaj "pardoni la malamikon," sed ni devas Ciam diri "pardoni al la malamiko lian kul- pon." TRANSLATION 29 1 If we need to use a preposition and the sense does not show us what preposition to use, then we can use the common preposition je. * But it is well to use the word je as seldom as possible. 8 Instead of the word je we can also use the accusa- tive without a preposition. * I laugh at his sim- plicity. 6 The last time I saw him at your house. 6 I travelled two days and one night. 7 1 sigh for my lost happiness. 8 From the said rule it follows that if, concerning any verb, we do not know whether or not it requires the accusative after it (i. e. whether or not it is transitive) we can always use the accusative. * For example, we can say "to obey 'to' the father" and "to obey the father." 10 But we do not use the accusative when the clearness of sense forbids this ; for example, we can say "to pardon 'to' the enemy" and "to pardon the enemy"; but we should always say "to pardon to the enemy his fault." Exercises 145 EXERCISE 30 ia, of any kind. konsili, counsel, advise. ial, for any cause. serio, series. iam, at any time, ever, pronomo, pronoun. ie, anywhere. adverbo, adverb. iel, in any way. rilati, to be related to. ies, anyone's. prefikso, prefix. io, anything: ajn, ever. iom, any quantity. diferetici, to differ. iu, anybody, somebody. helpi, to help. sufikso, suffix. 1 la, ia/, iam, ie, iel, ies, io, iom, iu. 8 La montritajn natt vortojn ni konsilas bone ellerni a , Car el ili 6iu povas fari al si grandan serion da aliaj pronomoj kaj adverbo j. 3 Se ni aldonas la literon k ni ricevas vortojn demandajn afl rilatajn : kia, kial, kiam, kie, kiel, kies, kio, kiom, kiu. * Se ni aldonas la literon /, ni ricevas vortojn montrajn : tia, tial, tiam, tie, tiel, ties, tio, tiom, tiu. 5 Aldon- a El, when used as a prefix, is sometimes translated thor- oughly, though this is not its literal sense. Ellerni, to learn out, to study out; ellabori, to zvork out. 146 The American Esperanto Book ante la literon t ni ricevas vortojn komunajn : tia, tia/, tiam, tie, tie/, ties, tio, (torn, fiu. *Aldon- ante la prefikson nen ni ricevas vortojn neajn : nenia, nenia/, neniam, nenie, nenie/, nenies, nenio, neniom, neniu. 7 Aldonante al la vortoj montraj la vorton ti ni ricevas montron pli proksiman ; ekzem- ple : tiu, pli malproksima, tin ti (au ti tiu) pli proksima ; tie, malproksime, tie ti au ti tie, prok- sime. 'Aldonante al la vortoj demandaj la vorton ajn ni ricevas vortojn sendiferencajn : kia ajn, kial ajn, kiam ajn, kie ajn, kiel ajn, kies ajn, kio ajn, kiom ajn, kiu ajn. Ekster tio el la diritaj vortoj ni povas ankoratt fari aliajn vortojn, per helpo de gramatikaj finigoj kaj aliaj vortoj (sufiksoj) ; ek- zemple : tiama, tiama, kioma, /tea, ti-tiea, tieulo, tiamulo, k. t. p. (=kaj tiel plu). In connection with this lesson, the student should review what is said of Correlative Words, pp. 70-73. A few explana- tions are added here : Tia is the demonstrative of quality, translated that, such a, such kind. With the relative, kia, it translates such as. Also, it is used as a demonstrative article, in the sense of the for the purpose of giving added force, just as unu is similarly used in a less definite sense. (See Note a, Exercise n). In this sense, it loses its significance of quality, and may be followed by kiel. the relative of manner. In Exercise 27, Exercises 147 Sentence 2, we have tia sama kiel, which is correct, because tia means the. But we must not say tia bona kiel, the sense here being as good as, and the correct form tiel bona kiel. lo, tio, kio, cio, nenio. These all refer to objects and are not used as modifying words, They indicate the thing itself. Kio estas tio? Nenio=F#a/ is that? Nothing. But if we wish to use the correlatives as modifying words, we say : la birdo=^4w_y kind of bird. Ciuj birdoj=^// birds. 6iu means each, or every, but does not mean all, as do 6iam, 6ie, fiiel, iom, etc. lu and the other four words of this series express individuality, but refer, when not otherwise specified, to persons. Hence, to express plurals, Ciuj, kiuj, tiuj are the correct forms. TRANSLATION 30 1 Some kind, for some reason, some time, some- where, somehow, somebody's, something, some quantity, somebody. 2 The nine words shown we advise [the student] to learn thoroughly, because from them everj r one can make for himself a large series of other pronouns and adverbs. 8 If we add to them [as a prefix] the letter k, we obtain inter- rogative or relative words : what kind, why, when, where, how, whose, what (thing), how much, who. If we add the letter / we get demonstrative words : such, therefore, then, there, thus, that person's, 148 The American Esperanto Book that, that much, that person. 'Adding the letter/ we get collective words : each and every kind, for every reason, always, everywhere, in every way, everybody's, everything, all, everyone. 'Adding the prefix ncn, we obtain negative words : no such, for no reason, never, nowhere, nohow, no one's, nothing, none, nobody. 'Adding to the demon- strative words the word ft, we obtain a meaning of proximity ; for example : //', that, tiu ft, this ; //>, there, tie ft, here. "Adding to the interrogative words the word aj'n, we get indifferent words : whatever kind of, for whatever reason, whenever, wherever, however, whosesoever, whatever, what- ever quantity, whoever. 'Besides this, from these words we can make still other words, with the help of the grammatical endings and other words (suf- fixes) ; for example : contemporaneous (existing then), eternal, how much, there, a person living there or being present, a contemporary or person of that time. Exercises 1 49 EXERCISE 31 humoro, humor. fermi, to shut. korpo, body. animo, soul. kontrakti, to contract, plenum!, to fulfill. bruli, to burn. . ligno, wood. material, material. bastono, stick. tegmento, roof. funto, pound. koloro, color. supre, above, upper. telero, plate. tero, earth. kesto, chest, box. lipo, lip, haro, hair. griza, gray. vango, cheek. 1st, person occupied with : maro, sea\ maristo, sailor. 1 Lia kolero longe dauris. 8 Li estas hodiati en kolera humoro. 8 Li koleras kaj insultas. *Li fermis kolere la pordon. 5 Lia filo mortis kaj estas nun malviva. 6 La korpo estas morta, la animo estas senmorta. 7 Li estas morte malsana, li ne vivos pli, ol unu tagon. 8 Li parolas, kaj lia parolo fluas dolCe kaj agrable. 9 Ni faris la kontrakton ne skribe, sed parole. 10 Li estas bona parolanto. 11 Starante ekstere, li povis vidi nur la eksteran flankon de nia domo. 12 Li logas ekster la urbo. 13 La ekstero de tiu 6i homo estas pli bona, ol lia interno. 14 Li tuj faris, kion mi volis, kaj mi 150 The American Esperanto Book dankis lin por la tuja plenumo de mia deziro. "Kia granda brulo 1 kio brulas? "Ligno estas bona brula materialo. 17 La fera bastono, kiu kuSis en la forno, estas nun brule a varmega. 18 Cu li donis al vi jesan respondon, aft nean? "Li eliris el b la dormoCambro kaj eniris en la mangoCambron. 10 La birdo ne forflugis ; gi nur deflugis de la arbo, alflugis al la domo kaj surflugis sur la tegmenton. 11 Por Ciu aCetita funto da teo tiu Ci komercisto aldonas senpage funton da sukero. ** Lernolibron oni devas ne tralegi, sed tralerni. 8S Li portas rozkoloran super veston kaj teleroforman Capelon. **En mia skribotablo sin trovas kvar tirkestoj. **Liaj lipharoj estas pli grizaj, ol liaj vangharoj. In Sentences i. a, 3, 4, kolero, kolera, koleras, kolere; in 15, 16, 17, brulo, brulas, brula, brule. These sentences are designed to show with what facility an Esperanto root may be used as a noun, adjective, verb or adverb. To add the parti- ciples in their adjectival, substantival and adverbial forms, with the variations and degrees of meaning made possible by the use of affixes it would puzzle the expert Esperantist to measure the possible range of expression. ''Eliris el, deflugis de, alflugis al, surflugis sur. See Note c, Exercise 8. "This lesson contains a number of compound words. The student may at first find it difficult to distinguish these at sight, but he will soon "catch the spirit" of Esperanto. Failing in this, he will search the vocabularies in vain for seeming roots which are only simple combinations. Exercises 151 TRANSLATION 31 1 His anger lasted a long time. 2 He is today in an angry mood. 3 He is angry and is insulting. * He shut the door angrily. 5 His son died and is now lifeless. 6 The body is mortal, the soul is immortal. 7 He is mortally ill, he will not live more than one day. 8 He speaks and his speech flows sweetly and agreeably. 9 We made the con- tract not in writing, but verbally. 10 He is a good speaker. " Standing outside, he could see only the outside of our house. 12 He lives outside the city. 13 The exterior of this man is better than his interior. u He did at once what I wished, and I thanked him for the immediate fulfillment of my desire. I5 What a big blaze 1 What is burning? 16 Wood is 'good burning material. 17 The iron rod which lay in the furnace is now burning hot. 18 Did he give you an affirmative or a negative reply? 19 He went out of the bed-room and entered the dining-room. 20 The bird did not fly away ; it only flew down from the tree, flew to the house and lit upon the roof. 21 For every pound of tea purchased, this dealer adds free a pound of sugar. 22 A text-book one ought not to read through, but to learn through. 2S He wears a rose-colored gown and a mortar-board hat. Z1 In my writing- table are four drawers. 25 His mustache is grayer than his whiskers. 152 The American Esperanto Book EXERCISE 32 teatro, theater. okupi, to occupy. maniero, manner. mehaniko, mechanics. Jiemio, chemistry. diplomatic, diplomacy. fiziko, physics. science, science. glaso, glaso. nigra, black. drapo, cloth. signifi, to signify. ovo, egg. bordo, shore. maro, sea. amaso, crowd. autuno, autumn. lando, land, country. suferi, to suffer. najbaro, neighbor. mezuri, to measure. 1 Teatramanto ofte vizitas la teatron kaj ricevas* haldaii teatrajn manierojn. 8 Kiu okupas sin je mehaniko, estas mehanikisto, kaj kiu okupas sin je hemio, estas hemiisto. * Diplomatiiston oni povas ankau nomi diplomato, sed fizikiston oni ne povas nomi fiziko, Car fiziko estas la nomo de la scienco mem. *La fotografisto fotografis min, kaj mi sendis mian fotografajon al mia patro. 6 Glaso de vino estas glaso, en kiu antaue sin trovis vino, ati kiun oni uzas por vino ; glaso da vino estas glaso plena je vino. 6 Alportu al mi metron da nigra Exercises 153 drapo. (Metro de drapo signifus metron, kiu kugis sur drapo, au kiu estas uzata por drapo). 7 Mi aCetis dekon da ovoj. 8 Tiu 6i rivero havas ducent kilometroin da longo. 9 Sur la bordo de la maro staris amaso da b homoj. 10 Multaj birdoj flugas en la autuno en pli varmajn landojn. n Sur la arbo sin trovis multe (au multo) da birdoj. 12 Kelkaj homoj sentas sin la plej feliaj c , kiam ili vidas la suferojn de siaj najbaroj. 13 En la Cambro sidis nur kelke da homoj. "Da" post ia vorto montras, ke tiu t\ vorto havas signifion de mezuro. *Note the use of ricevas where the inclination would be to use akiras. The latter would mean that he desired or culti- vated the manner, rather than that it simply "stuck to him," and in some instances at least would be fully appropriate. b lf the student will thoroughly study the uses of da in this exercise he should never err regarding its use. c Sentas sin te\\Sa.\=Feel themselves happy. Feli6aj is nominative, being a predicative adjective. Supplying the full sense, we have sentas sin esti felicaj. See also Sentence 7, Exercise 33. TRANSLATION 32 X A theater-lover often visits the theater, and soon acquires theatrical manners. 2 He who occu- 154 The American Esperanto Book pies himself with mechanics is a mechanic, and he who occupies himself with chemistry is a chemist. 8 A diplomat we can call diplomato, but a physician we cannot call fiziko, because fiziko is the name of the science itself. * The photographer photogaphed me and I sent my photograph to my father. Glaso de vino is a glass in which was previously wine, or which one uses for wine; glaso da vino is a glass full of wine. * Bring me a meter of ( rend. peco, piece. moSto, universal title, episkopo, bishop. grafo, earl, count. difini, to define. 'Ni Ciuj kunvenis, por priparoli tre gravan aferon; sed ni ne povis atingi ian rezultaton, kaj ni disiris. * MalfeliCo ofte kunigas la homojn, kaj feliCo ofte disigas ilin. * Mi disSiris la leteron kaj disjetis giajn pecetojn en Ciujn angulojn de la Cambro. 4 Li donis al mi monon, sed mi gin tuj redonis al li. 5 Mi foriras, sed atendu min, Car mi baldaurevenos. 6 La suno rebrilas en la klara akvo de la rivero. 7 Mi diris al la rego : via rega moSto, pardonu min! 8 El la tri ieteroj unu estis adresita : al Lia Epis- kopa MoSto, Sinjoro N.; la dua : al lia Grafa MoSto, Sinjoro P.; la tria: al Lia MoSto, Sinjoro D. 9 La sufikso urn ne havas difinitan signifon, kaj tial la (tre malmultajn) vortojn kun urn oni devas lerni, kiel simplajn vortojn. 10 Ekzemple : plenumi, kolumo, manumo. " Mi volonte plenumis lian deziron. " En malbona vetero oni povas facile malvarmumi. Sano, sana, sane, sani, sanu, san- iga, saneco, sanilo, sanigi, sanigi, sanejo, sanisto, sanulo, malsano, malsana, malsane, malsani, mal- sanulo, malsaniga, malsanigi, malsaneta, malsan- ema, malsanulejo, malsanulisto, malsanero, mal- saneraro, sanigebla, sanigisto, sanigilo, sanilo, Exercises 179 resanigi, resaniganto, sanigilejo, sanigejo, malsan- emulo, sanilaro, malsanaro, malsanulido, nesana, malsanado, sanilajo, malsaneco, malsanemeco, saniginda, sanilujo, sanigilujo, remalsano, remal- sanigo, malsanulino, sanigista, sanigilista, sanil- ista, malsanulista a k. t. p. TRANSLATION 42 1 We all convened to discuss a very important matter, but we could not attain any result, and we separated. 2 Unhappiness often unites people and and happiness often separates them. 3 1 tore up the letter and scattered its fragments into all cor- ners of the room. * He gave me money, but I immediately returned it to him. e I am going away, but await me, as I shall soon return. 6 The sun reflects in the clear water of the river. 7 1 said to the king: " Your Majesty, pardon me !" 8 Of the three letters, one was addressed : "To His Reverence, Bishop N."; the second: "To His Excellency, Count P."; the third : "To The Hon- orable Mr. D." 9 The suffix um has no definite meaning, and therefore the (very few) words with um one should learn as simple words. 10 For ex- ample : plenumt, kolumo, manumo. n I willingly fulfilled his desire. 12 In bad weather one can easily catch cold. *The 'fifty-three words shown here from the root san' are self-defining and serve to illustrate the wide latitude of ex- pression which may be had by use of the affixes. 180 The American Esperanto Book CORRESPONDENCE In the date-line of a letter, we usually omit the preposition je and write the day of the month with accusative sign following the figures : St. Louis, 1 8** de Angus to, 1908. San Francisko, 26 de Marto, 1914. Everyone may safely use his own taste as to the form of salutation, conforming, however, to the relations between adresanto and adresato. By a peculiar paradox, the most formal style of address for Americans, "My Dear Madam", is far from formality in its literal meaning, and should the average European be addressed as Mia Kara he would infer at least some degree of affection. A few of the many forms of greeting are : Sinjoroj: Respektata Sinjorino : Tre Estimata Amiko : Kara Kolego : Kara Samideano* : The forms of closing letters are much the same as in English : Kun plena respekto, Tre vere via, Kun granda estimo, etc: , etc. Sam-ide-an-o, a fellow-thinker. Correspondence 181 Modelaj Leteroj Al Administranto de Amerika Esperantisto^ Cikago, U. S. A. Sinjoro : Tralerninte mian lernolibron kun treegaintereso, kaj dezirante lernadi pli multe pri Esperanto, kiel ankau uzadi mian gis nun akiritan scion, mi sendas enfermite mandaton por la sumo da unu dolaro kaj dudek-kvin cendoj. Aminde enskribu mian nomon kiel abonanto al via gazeto dum unu jaro, komen- conta je la oktobra kajero. Ankau, enpresu kiel eble plej frue, la sekvantan anonceton : Dekses-jara esperantistino deziras korespondadi kun kelkaj geartistoj de fremdaj landoj pri la inter- sango de artajetojn, kuriozajojn y k. /. p. A/able sin turnu al: Fno. Gladys Nelson^ 23 Paul Avenue, Sttite 16, Nov- Yorko. Esperante ke vi baldau plenumos mian mendon, mi estas, sinjoro, Tre respekte la via, (Fraulino) Gladys Nelson. Urbo Nov-Jorko, i6 an de Septembro, 1907. 23 Paul Avenue, Suite 16. 1 82 The American Esperanto Book Toronto, Kanado, 17* de Aprilo, 1908. D ro W. F. Cody, Galveston, Texas, U. . A. Mia Kara Samideano : Respondante vian leteron pri la reciproka inter- Sangado de manuskriptojpredikaj, mi povas diri ke mi multe aprobas la projekton. Per tiu Ci farado ni sendube ricevos muite da helpon, kaj plibonigos nian laboradon. Mi sendas al vi per la sama poSto lanotojn de mia hieratia prediko, titolita "Ju pli da Sapo, des pli da Sankteco." Mi vere kredas keoni ne povas purigi la morojn de la amasoj gis kiam ili havos sufiCe da riCeco por gui purajn domojn, puran aeron kaj purajn vestojn. Cu vi opinias ke mi eraras? Frate via, Charles Saunders Hamm. Novembro la 6 an , 1906. Sekretario de 1' Algera Esperantista Societo, 4, rue du Marine, Algero, Algerujo. Respektata Sinjoro : Cu vi povas doni al mi, poStkarte, adreson de juna algera esperantistino kiu kredeble Satus kores- pondi kun nord-amerika samideanino? Mi multe interesas pri la afero nia en Afriko, kaj deziras pli detale sciigi. Kun kora danko pro via komplezo, mi subskribas min, sinjoro, Via humila servantino, Alberta V. Edwards. Adreso: Griff, Mo., U. . A. Correspondence 183 Especially in correspondence with foreign per- sons, one should be careful to write plainly, as to many of these Esperanto script is not easy to read unless clearly written. Be particularly careful as to name and address. We Americans, many of whom habitually use figures of speech called slang while new, and good English when the gloss is worn off, must remember that such language cannot be translated. An Indiana man writes me that a certain book is a persiko. He is a rare American who doesn't know what is meant by a metaphorical "peach," and most Europeans would understand if we mentioned "bird"; but to the home-grown Japanese or Maori these words would indicate things pertaining to horticulture and ornithology. 184 The American Esperanto Book LA ESPERANTISMO La sekvanta Deklaracio estis eldonata de la Unua Jnternacia Kongreso Esperantista en Boulogne-sur- Mer, la $an de Atigusto, 1905 ': Car pri la esenco de la esperantismo multaj havas tre malveran ideon, tial ni subskribintoj, reprezentantoj de la esperantismo en diversaj landoj de la mondo, kunvenintaj al la Internacia Kongreso Esperantista en Boulogne-sur-Mer, trovis necese latt la propono de la autoro de Esperanto doni la sekvantan klarigon. 1. La esperantismo estas penado disvastigi en la tuta mondo la uzadon de lingvo neutrale homa, kiu, "ne entrudante sin en la internan vivon de la popoloj kaj neniom celante elpuSi la ekzistantajn lingvojn naciajn," donus al la homoj de malsamaj nacioj la eblon komprenigadi inter si, kiu povos servi kiel paciga lingvo en publikaj institucioj de tiuj landoj, kie diversaj nacioj batalas inter si pri la lingvo, kaj en kiu povos esti publikigataj tiuj verko], kiuj havas egalan intereson por Ciuj popo- loj. Ciu alia ideo au espero, kiun tiu ati alia esperantisto ligas kun la esperantismo, estas lia afero pure privata por kiu la esperantismo ne respondas. 2. Car en la nuna tempo neniu esploranto jam La Esperantismo 185 dubas pri tio, ke lingvo internacia povas esti nur lingvo arta, kaj Car el Ciuj multegaj provoj faritaj en la dauro de la lastaj du centjaroj, Ciuj prezentas nur teoriajn projektojn, kaj lingvo efektive finita, Ciuflanke elprovita, perfekte vivipova kaj en 6iuj rilatoj pleje tauga montrigis nur unu sola lingvo, Esperanto ; tial la amikoj de la ideo de lingvo internacia, konsciante ke teoria diskutado kondukos al nenio kaj ke la celo povas esti atingita nur per laborado praktika, jam de longe Ciuj grupigis Cirkau la sola lingvo Esperanto kaj lahoras por gia disvas- tigado kaj la rifiigado de gia literature. 3. Car la aiitoro de la lingvo Esperanto tuj en la komenco rifuzis unufoje por Ciam Ciujn personajn rajtojn kaj privilegiojn rilate tiun lingvon, tial Esperanto estas "nenies proprajo" nek en rilato materiala, nek en rilato morala. Materiala majstro de tiu Si lingvo estas la tuta mondo kaj Ciu dezi- ranto povas eldonadi en an pri tiu Ci lingvo Ciajn verkojn, kiajn li deziras, kaj uzadi la lingvon por Ciaj eblaj celoj ; kiel spiritaj majstroj de tiu 6i lingvo estos 6iam rigardataj tiuj personoj, kiuj de la mondo esperantista estos konfesataj kiel la plej bonaj kaj plej talentaj verkistoj de tiu 6i lingvo. 4. Esperanto havas neniun personan legdonan- ton kaj dependas de neniu aparta homo. Opinioj kaj verkoj de la kreinto de Esperanto havas, simile al la opinioj kaj verkoj de Ciu alia esperantisto, karakteron absolute privatan kaj por neniu devigan. La sola unufoje por Ciam deviga por Ciuj esperan- 1 86 The American Esperanto Book tistoj fundamento de la lingvo Esperanto estas la verketo "Fundamento de Esperanto," en kiu neniu havas la rajton fari Sangon. Se iu deklinigas de la reguloj kaj modeloj donitaj en la dirita verko, li neniam povos pravigi sin perlavortoj "tiel deziras au konsilas la aiitoro de Esperanto." Ciun ideon, kiu ne povas esti oportune esprimata per tiu mate- rialo, kiu trovigas en la "Fundamento de Esperan- to," Ciu esperantisto havas la rajton esprimi en tia maniero, kiun li trovas la plej gusta, tiel same, kiel estas farate en Ciu alia lingvo. Sed pro plena unueco de la lingvo al Ciuj esperantistoj estas rekomendate imitadi kiel eble plej multe tiun stilon, kiu trovigas en la verkoj de la kreinto de Esperanto, kiu la plej multe laboris por kaj en Esperanto, kaj la plej bone konas gian spiriton. 5. Esperantisto estas nomate Ciu persono, kiu scias kaj uzas la lingvon Esperanto, tute egale, por kiaj celoj li gin uzas. Apartenado al ia aktiva societo esperantista por Ciu esperantisto estas rekomend- inda, sed de deviga. VOCABULARIES The following Esperanto-English Vocabulary contains all of the word-roots found in the Funda- mento de Esperanto, with some hundreds of others in general use. The student must understand that the great majority of these roots can be changed by the addition of the various grammatical endings and of the prefixes and suffixes ; so that, having appropriated a thousand Esperanto roots, he will possess a working vocabulary of several thousand words. The English-Esperanto Vocabulary is merely a supplementary help, to assist the student in finding the root connected with the idea he has in mind. It contains few feminine nouns, these being formed from the general or masculine term by adding the suffix in. Hundreds of words for which Esperanto has no root equivalent are translated by the word of contrary meaning, with the prefix mal. The method of word-building is shown in the following series of words from the root for health : Sano, health. Sani, to be healthy. Sana, healthy. Sane, healthfully. Sanigi, to make healthy. Vocabularies Sanigi, to become healthy. Malsani, to be ill. Malsano, sickness. Malsaneco, the state of being sick. Sanulo, a healthy person. Malsanulo, an invalid. Resanigebla, curable. Nesanigebla, incurable. Malsanulejo, a sanitarium, hospital Resaniganta, convalescent. Remalsanigi, to suffer a relapse. Malsanema, sickly. Malsanero, a malady. Malsaneraro, a category of diseases. Sanemulino, a healthily-inclined female. Sanigilo, a medicine. Sanigilaro, materia medica. Sanigisto, a physician. Malsaneto, a slight disease. Malsanego, a very serious malady. Sanigilujo, a medicine case. Etc., etc,, etc. See full list of affixes, pp. 65 to 69. Esperanto- English Vocabulary a, adjective ending abat-o, abbot abel-o, bee aberaci-o, aberration abi-o, fir abisen-o, Abysinnian abism-o, abyss abiturient-o, abiturient ablativ-o, ablative abomen-o, abomination abon-i, to subscribe to abnegaci-o, abnegation abrikot-o, apricot abrotan-o, southern- wood abrupt-a, abrupt absces-o, abscess absin-to, absinthe absolut-a, absolute absolutism-o, absolut- ism absolv-i, to absolve absorb-i, to absorb abstemi-a, abstemious abstinenc-o, abstinence abstrakt-a, abstract absurd-a, absurd acer-o, maple acetat-o, acetate acetile-no, acetylene acid-a, sour aSet-i, to buy ad, suffix indicating con- tinued action : paroli, to speak ; parolado, a speech adapt-i, to adapt adekvat-a, adequate adept-o, adept adiaii, farewell adici-i, to add adjektiv-o, adjective adjunkt-o, adjunct adjutant-o, adjutant administr-i, administer administraci-o, admin- istration, management admir-i, to admire admiral-o, admiral admiralitat-o, admi- ralty admon-i, to admonish adopt-i, to adopt ador-i, worship, adore adres-i, to address adstring-a, astringent adult-i, to commit adul- tery adverb-o, adverb advent-o, advent Esperanto-English Vocabulary advokat-o, attorney, advocate aer-o, air; aerumi, to ventilate aerometr-o, aerometer aeronautik-o, aeronaut- ics aerostat-o, aerostat afabl-a, affable afekci-o, affection (not love) afekt-i, to affect afer-o, affair, matter aforism-o, aphorism afiks-o, affix afi-o, placard afrank-i, to pay postage Afrik-o, Africa afust-o, gun-carriage ag-i, to act agac-i, to set the teeth on edge agarik-o, mushroom agat-o, agate agend-o, note-book agent-o, agent agit-i, to agitate (/