755 m 2-NRLF EMS 7fl7 MR. BLAKE'S WALKING-STICK A CHRISTMAS STORY FOR BOYS AXD GIRLS. BY EDWARD EGGLESTON, U AUTHOR OF ' THE ROUND TABLE STORIES," "THE CHICKEN LITTLE STORIES/' "STORIES TOLD ON A CELLAR DOOR," ETC CHICAGO : ADAMS, BLACKMER, LYON PUBLISHING CO. 1872. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, BY ADAMS, BLACKMER, & LYON PUBLISHING COMPANY, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. RIVERSIDE, CAMBRIDGE: STEREOTYPED AND PRINTED BY H. O. HOUGHTON AND COMPANY. TO OUR LITTLE SILVERHAIR Who used to listen to My Stories; BUT WHO IS NOW Htstenfng to tl)e ^Ttjrfstmas Stovfes of t|)e Angela, THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED. 906806 PREFACE. / have meant tQ furnish a book that would serve for a Christmas present to Sunday -scholars, either from the school or from their teachers. I hope it is a story, however, appropriate to all seasons, and that it will enforce one of the most beautiful and one of the most frequently forgotten precepts of the Lord Jesus. EDWARD EGGLESTON. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE WALKING-STICK WALKS n CHAPTER II. LONG-HEADED WILLIE 20 CHAPTER III. THE WALKING-STICK A TALKING STICK ... 25 CHAPTER IV. MR. BLAKE AGREES WITH THE WALKING-STICK . 31 CHAPTER V. THE FATHER PREACHES, THE SON PRACTICES . . 36 CHAPTER VI. SIXTY-FIVE DOLLARS 39 CHAPTER VII. THE WIDOW AND THE FATHERLESS .... 44 CHAPTER VIII. SHARPS AND BETWEENS 51 TO Contents. CHAPTER IX. THE ANGEL STAYS THE HAND .re CHAPTER X TOMMY PUFFER AN ODD PARTY CHAPTER XL 57 Ma BLAKE'S WALKING-STICK. CHAPTER I. THE WALKING-STICK WALKS. rlOME mterf -carry c-ines. , -Sonae men make the cancb carry them. I ' never could tell just* what, Mr* Bla'k^ ;cayrj