^! ■ ^S . ■ il t ■ 1 w, i ir^'r}!;',''? out as much idea of heing published as I have of going to Heaven in a coach. lirrata al end. 86 REPORT. REMINISCENCES.— Reminiscences of the Red River Rebellion of i86g. 10 + 46 pp. 100. Consists principally of extracts from newspapers, with an introduction by G. T. Denison. REMNANTS.— Remnants. By the Author of Odds and Ends. 64 pp. Montreal: James and Thomas A. Starke. 1835. 131. REPLY.— Reply of William Morris, Member of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada, to six letters addressed to him by John Strachan, D.D., Archdeacon of York. 54 pp. Toronto: Printed at the Scotsman Office. 1838. loi. REPORT. — Report of a Select Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Kewaydin, upon the Boundaries of the adjoining Province of Ontario. With an appendix containing the evidence. Printed, before presentation, from a manuscript copy, without permission of the Legislature. 6 + 54 pp. Winnepegoosis : Knisteneaux Printing Company. 1884. (J. B., C. 50. 50.) 87. Contains a folding' map. REPORT. — Report of George Burden, Esq., Commissioner, on the Western Part of the Disputed Territory belonging to the Province of Ontario, wherein the Dominion or Manitoba Governments have, since 1879, claimed to exercise jurisdiction. Printed by order of the Legis- lative Assembly. 26 pp. Toronto : Printed by C. Blackett Robin- son. 1883. ^^7- REPORT. — Report of the Chief Commissioner of Railways of the Province of Nova Scotia, for the nine months ending 30th June, 1867. 26 + 62 pp. Halifax, N.S. : Printed by A. Grant. 1867. (W. & Co., C. 3. 50.) 124. Contains a map of Pictou coal fields. REPORT. — Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario, for the year 1882. Prmted by order of the Legislative Assembly. 4 + 82 pp. Toronto: Printed by C. Blackett Robinson, 1883. 117. With 91 figures. REPORT. — Report of the Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario, for the year 1882. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly, 4 + 284 pp. Toronto: Printed by C. Blackett Robinson. 1883. 117. Contains 40 figures and map. REPORT. — Report of the Select Committee of the Senate ap- pointed to enquire into the resources of the Great Mackenzie Basin. Session 1888. Printed by order of Parliament. 310 pp. Ottawa: Printed by Brown Chamberlin, Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery. 1888. (J. B., C. 39. i.oo.) 122. Contains numerous maps. REPORT. — Report of the Select Committee of the Senate on the subject of Rupert's Land, Red River, and the North-West Territory, together with the Minutes of Evidence. Printed by order of the Senate. 38 pp. Ottawa: Printed by I. B. Taylor. 1870. (W. & Co., C. 3., 60.) 121. Contains a folding map of the North- West Territory, showing British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Red River and Saskatchewan Settlements. REVIEW. 87 REPORT. — Report of the Select Committee on the Boundaries between the Province of Ontario and the unorganized territories of the Dominion, with appendix. Printed by order of ParHament. 30 + 480 pp. Ottawa: Printed by Maclean, Roger & Co. 1880. 123. REPORT. — Report of the Select Committee on the Causes of the Difficulties in the North-West Territory in 1869-70. Printed by order of Parliament. 10 + 208 pp. Ottawa: Printed by I. B. Tay- lor. 1874. (R. W. D. & Co. 1.25.) 117. REPORT. — Report of the Select Committee to which was referred the answer of His Excellency the Lieut. Governor, to an address of the House of Assembly, relative to a responsible Executive Council. Ordered by the House of Assembly to be printed. 104 pp. Appen- dix 78 + 4 pp. Toronto: M. Reynolds, Printer. 1836. 107. REPORT.— Report of the Special Committee (St. John Board of Trade) on the Bay of Fundy and Harbor of St. John, N.B. Presented at a meeting held on February 27th, 1887. 4 + 56 pp. St. John, N. B. : J. & A. McMillan. 1887. 95. Contains a chart of the Harbor of St. John. REPORT. — Report of the Special Committee, to whom was referred that part of His Excellency's Speech which referred to the Organization of the Militia. Ordered by the Assembly to be printed, the 28th February, 1829. 152 pp. Printed by Neilson & Cowan, Quebec. 1829. 130. Contains a number of fokled sheets. REPORT.— Report of the State Trials before a General Court Martial, held at Montreal in 1838-9 ; exhibiting a complete history of the late Rebellion in Lower Canada. Volume i. 2 + 376 pp. Volume 2. 566 + 4 pp. Montreal: Armour & Ramsay. 1839. (H. & Co., C. I. 10.00.) loi. REPORT.— Report on the Mission to Australia. By the Minister of Trade and Commerce. Printed by order of Parliament. 2 + 124 pp. Ottawa : Printed by S. E. Dawson, Printer to the Queen's Most Ex- cellent Majesty. 1894. 117. Contains a folcling colored map. REPORT.— Report on Toronto Harbour, Ontario. By James B. Eads, C.E. 1882. 22 pp. 122. Contains folding^ plan. REPORTS.— Reports of His Worship the Mayor, and of the Standing Committees of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Toronto. Made at the close of the year 1858. Printed in compliance with the by-law, January, 1859. 80pp. Toronto: Clcland's Book and Job Printing House. 1859. (11. & Co., C. 2. 50.) 95. RESTORATION.— Restoration of tlie Jews. By a layman. 22 pp. Spectator Printing House, Hannlton, Onl. loi. REVIEW.— Review of the Proceedings of the Legislature of Lower Canada in the Session of 1831 ; with an appendix containing 88 ROLPH. some important documents now first given to the public. 4 + 232 pp. Appendix 292 pp. Montreal : Published by Thomas A. Starke. 1832. (P. G., C. 7. 3.00.) 130. [REYNOLDS (REV. HENRY DUNBAR).] —The Niagara Church Case : containing the whole of the correspondence and the comments of the Toronto press thereon ; with a preface, etc. 114 pp. Toronto: Maclear & Co. 1857. 87. RICHARDSON. — The Canadian Brothers ; or, the prophecy ful- filled. A tale of the late American War. By Major Richardson, Knight of the Military Order of Saint Ferdinand. In two volumes. Vol. I. 10 + 220 pp. Vol. 2. 228 pp. Montreal : A. H. Armour and H. Ramsay. 1840. (W. & Co. 7.50.) 41. RICHARDSON.— The Guards in Canada; or, the Point of Honor : being a sequel to Major Richardson's " Eighty Years in Canada." 56pp. Montreal: Printed for the author, by H. H. Cunningham. 1848. (A. P., C. 7. 3.75. Half morocco.) loi. ROBERTS. — Ave : an ode for the centenary of the birth of Percy Bysshe Shelley, August 4, 1792. By Charles G. D. Roberts. 6, 7 — 27 pp. Toronto : Williamson Book Company. 1892. (W. B. Co. 75.) 55- Printed bv J.J. Anslow, Windsor, Nova Scotia, one side of the leaf only. Contains bibliography of the author's works. ROBERTSON.— Religion in the School : a protest. By the Rev. Wm. Robertson, M.A., Chesterfield. 24 pp. Toronto : Globe Print- ing and Engraving Company. 1882. P. 10. (W. & Co., C. 3. 25.) 93. The Bible and the public schools. ROBERTSON. — Robertson's Landmarks of Toronto : a collection of historical sketches of the old town of York from 1792 until 1833, and of Toronto from 1834 to 1893 ; also over three hundred engrav- ings of old houses, familiar faces and historic places, with maps and schedules connected with the local history of York and Toronto. Published from the Toronto "Evening Telegram." 16 + 562 pp. Toronto: J. Ross Robertson. 1894. (A. B., C. 6. 2.00.) 87. ROGER. — The Rise of Canada from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilization. By Charles Roger, Quebec. Vol. i. 12, 4 — 412 pp. Quebec: Peter Sinclair. 1856. (A. P., C. 4. 2.00.) loi. One volume only published. ROGER. — Ottawa Past and Present ; or, a brief account of the first opening up of the Ottawa country ; and incidents in connection with the rise and progress of Ottawa City, and parts adjacent thereto. By Charles Roger. 8+ 124 pp. Ottawa : Printed for the proprietors by the Times Printing & Publishing Company. 1871. 106. [ROGERS (CHARLES).]— Stadacona Depicta ; or, Quebec and its Environs. Historicall}'-, panoramically, and locally exhibited. 8 + 200 pp. Quebec : Carey Brothers. (P. G., C. 22. 2.25.) 26. Contains engraved vignette title and j)lates. ROLPH. — A Brief Account, together with observations made during a visit in the West Indies, and a tour through the United ROUSSEAU. 89 States of America, in parts of the years 1832-3, together with a statis- tical account of Upper Canada. By Dr. Thomas Rolph, Ancaster, Gore District, Upper Canada. 288 pp. Dundas, U.C, : G. Hey- worth Hackstaff, Printer. 1836. (W. & Co., C. 3. 4.00.) loi. Errata, slip at end. ROSE. — Rose's National Biographical Series. — i. A cyclopaedia of Canadian biography : being chiefly men of the time. A collection of persons distinguished in professional and political life, leaders in the commerce and industr}' of Canada, and successful pioneers. Edited by Geo. Maclean Rose. 808 pp. Toronto : Rose Publishing Com- pany. 1886. P. 7.50. 127. " In preparing' the present work, any mm or woman who has, in any conspicuous way, contributed to the moral, intellectu^il, industrial or political growth of the country, has been deemed a suitable person for these pages." — Preface. ROSE. — Rose's National Biographical Series. — 2. A cyclopaedia ot Canadian biography : being chiefly men of the time. A collection of persons distinguished in professional and political life, leaders in the commerce and industry of Canada, and successful pioneers. Edited by Geo. Maclean Rose. 816 pp. Toronto : Rose Publishing Com- pany. 1888. P. 7.50. 128. ROSS. — The Birds of Canada : with descriptions of their habits, food, nests, eggs, times of arrival and departure. By Alexander Mil- ton Ross, M.A., M.D., Member of the Entomological Society of Lon- don, England, etc. With eight plates and thirty-eight woodcuts, expressly engraved for this work. 8 +132 pp. Toronto: Henry Rowsell. 1871. (W. R. H., C. 2. i.oo.) 80. ROSS.— The Butterflies and Moths of Canada ; with descriptions of their color, size and habits, and the food and metamorphosis of their larvae. By Alexander Milton Ross, M.D., F.R.S.L., Eng., Mem- ber of the Entomological Societies of England, Russia, France and Belgium. Illustrated. 16 + 94 pp. Toronto: Rowsell & Hutchison. 1873. (J. B., C. 25. 1.50.) 80. ROSS.— Recollections and Experiences ot an Abolitionist ; from 1855 to 1865. By A. M. Ross, M.D. 12 -1-224 PP- Toronto: Row- sell & Hutchison. 1875. (R. W. D. & Co., C. 4. i.oo.) 82. Contains a frontispiece and other illustrations. ROSS.— Memoirs of a Reformer. (1832-1892.) By Alexander Mil- ton Ross. 6 -f 272 pp. Toronto: Hunter, Rose & Co. 1893. 80. Contains portrait and other illu-;trations. ROSS.— The Legend of the Holy Stone. Edited by Mrs. Alexan- der Ross. 10 + 474 pp. Montreal : A. A. Stevenson. (W. D. T., C. 2. I-75-) 58. Contains several colored plates. Entered for copyright in the year 1878. ROUSE.— The Number and Nature of Vowel Sounds. An essay read before the Canadian Institute on the 13th of December, 1884. By Martin Luther Rouse, of the English Bar. 16 pp. Toronto: Rowsell & Hutchison, Printers. 1885. 87. ROUSSEAU.— Histoire de la Vie de M. Paul dc Chomedey, Sicur de Maisonneuvc, Fondateur et Premier Gouvcrncur dc Vilicmaric. 10 go RUMSEY. Par P. Rousseau, Pretre de Saint-Sulpice. 1 640-1676. 290 pp. Montreal : Librairie Saint-Joseph. Cadieux & Derome. (J. M. V. et Cie. 1. 00.) 140. Contains portrait, plan and views. ROUTHIER. — Causeries du Dimanche. Par A. B. Routhier. 14 -f-2g4 pp. Montreal: C.-O. Beauchemin & Valois. 1871. (J. M. V. et Cie. 2.00.) 82. ROUTHIER.— En Canot. Petit Voyage au Lac St. -Jean. A. B. Routhier. 204pp. Quebec: O.Frechette. 1881. (VV. & Co. 75.) 41. ROUTHIER.— Les Echos. Par A. B. Routhier, Docteur es Let- tres de rUniversite Laval. 288 pp. Quebec: P.-G. Delisle. 1882. (J. O. F. & F. 60.) 40. ROY. — History of Canada, for the use of schools and families. By Jennet Roy. 8-1-232 pp. Montreal: Armour and Ramsay. 1850. (Wg. & Co., C. 2. 50.) 82. ROY. — Monseigneur Deziel, Sa vie — ses ceuvres. Par Joseph- Edmond Roy. 8+182 pp. Levis: Mercier et Cie, Editeurs. 1885. 81. ROY. — Au Royaume du Saguenay. Voyage au Pays de Tadoussac. Par J.-Edmond Roy. 236 pp. Quebec : A. Cote et Cie. 1889. (J. O. F. & F. 75.) 93. ROY. — Lettres du P. F.-X. Duplessis de la Compagnie de Jesus, accompagnees d'une notice biographique et d'annotations. Par J.- Edmond Roy, Membre de la Societe Royale du Canada, un des delegues au Canada de I'Alliance Scientifique Universelle de France. 86 -1- 304 + 32 pp. Levis: Mercier & Cie. 1S92. (P. G., C. 22. 1.25.) 94. Portrait and plate. ROYAL. — Royal Templars of Temperance. Journal of proceedings of the sixth annual session of the Dominion Council of Canada and Newfoundland, held in Montreal, August 12th to i8th, 1890. 54 pp. Hamilton, Ont. : Robt. Raw & Co., Printers. 1891. 93. Portrait of James Wanless. ROYAL.— The Royal Path of Life ; or. Aims and Aids to Success and Happiness. (Illustrated.) Compiled from the best authors, ancient and modern. With an introduction by Rev. John Potts, D.D., Pas- tor, Metropolitan Church. 462 pp. Toronto : Rose Publishing Com- pany. 1884. P. 3.00. 93. R. T.— Municipal Single Tax. By R. T. 8 pp. The Budget Office, Toronto, Canada. 129. RUINED. — The Ruined Merchant, Grave Doings, the Statesman, the Thunder-struck, and the Boxer. By a late physician. 320 pp. Toronto : Brewer, McPhail & Co. 1849. 5. [RUMSEY (JOHN).]— Curiae Canadensis ; or, the Canadian Law Courts : being a poem describing the several courts of law and equity which have been erected from time to time in the Canadas, with copi- RYERSON. 91 ous notes, explanator}' and historical, and an appendix of much useful matter. By Plinius Secundus. 8, 5 — 126 pp. Toronto : H. & W. Rowsell. 1843. 59- RUSSELL.— The Red River Country, Hudson's Bay and North- West Territories, considered in relation to Canada, with the last report of S. J. Dawson, Esquire, C.E., on the line of route between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement. Illustrated by a map. By Alex. J. Russell, C.E., Inspector of Crown Timber Agencies, Canada East and West. 18 + 202 pp. Ottawa : G. E. Desbarats. 1869. (R. W. D. & Co., C. 4. 1.25.) 104. RUSSELL.— The Red River Country, Hudson's Bay and North- West Territories, considered in relation to Canada, with the last two reports of S. J. Dawson, Esquire, C.E., on the line of route between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement. Accompanied by a map. Third edition. Illustrated. By Alex. J. Russell, C.E., Inspec- tor of Crown Timber Agencies, Canada East and West. 16 -1- 198 pp. Montreal: G. E. Desbarats. 1870. (J. M. V. et Cie. i.oo.) 56. RUSSELL. — On Champlain's Astrolabe, lost on the 7th June, 1613, and found in August, 1867, considered in solution of an obscurity in his journal of his first voyage up the Ottawa ; and the great antiquity of astrolabes and origin of their graduation. By A. J. Russell. 24 pp. Montreal : The Burland-Desbarats Litho. Co. 1879. (W. & Co. 1.75.) 93. Contains a route map and photogfraph. " I have been induced by tiie flatterinu^ recommendation of a few friends to have a very limited edition of it publislaed." — Preface. RUSSELL.— Book of Poems. By Euphemia Russell. Fifth edi- tion. 24 pp. Toronto : Printed by P. H. Stewart. 1872. (W. & Co. 50.) 12. " The writer of these Poems is a youn'^ woman who lost her sight while studying at the Normal School to fit herself for a teacher." RUSSELL.— Quebec : As It Was and As It Is ; or, a brief history of the oldest city in Canada, from its foundation to the present time, with a guide for strangers to the different places of interest within the city and adjacent thereto. Third edition. By Willis Russell (Rus- sell's Hotel). 8 + 136 pp. Quebec: Printed for the Proprietor by Rolio Campbell. i86o. (W. J., C. 3. 75.) 60. RUTHERFORD.— Charlie Chatterton, a Montreal story; with Canadian and other poems. By Jolm Rutherford. 144 pp. Mont- real : Printed by John Lovell. 1868. P. 50. 41. RYAN. — Oscar: and other poems. By Carroll Ryan. 120 pp. Hamilton, C.W. : Printed at the office of the Franklin Lightning Press. 1857. (J. B., C. 30. 40.) 46. RYAN.— Songs of a Wanderer. By Carroll Ryan, of the looth Prince of Wales' Royal Canadian Regmient. 10 + 310 pp. Ottawa : G. E. Desbarats. 1867. (D. B. 1.50.) 44. RYERSON.— Report on a System of Public Elementary Instruc- tion for Upper Canada. By the Reverend Egerton Rycrson, D.D., 92 SCHMITZ. Chief Superintendent of Schools for Upper Canada. 12 + 192 pp. Montreal: Printed by Lovell and Gibson. 1847. (W. R. H., C. i. 1.50.) 107. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. RYERSON. — The New Canadian Dominion : Dangers and Duties of the People in regard to their Government. By the Rev. Dr. Ryerson. 32 pp. Toronto : Lovell & Gibson, Printers and Pub- lishers. 1867. (H. & Co., C. 2. 60.) 93. RYERSON. — The Loyalists of America and Their Times : from 1620 to 1816. By Egerton Ryerson, D.D., LL.D., Chief Superin- tendent of Education for Upper Canada from 1844 to 1876. Second edition. Vol. i. 30 + 518 pp. Vol. 2. 22 + 490+10 pp. Toronto: William Briggs. 1880. (S., C. 6. 5.50.) 93. Contains a steel plate portrait of the author. SALTUS. — A Transaction in Hearts. An episode. By Edgar Saltus. 2,8— 99 pp. Toronto : William Bryce, Publisher. P. 15. 72. Home series. No. 120. Canadian edition. SANDHAM.— Ville-Marie ; or. Sketches of Montreal, Past and Present. By Alfred Sandham. With numerous engravings of churches, public buildings, street views, antiquities, maps, costumes, etc., etc. 14 + 394 pp. Montreal: George Bishop & Co. 1870. (W. & Co. 2.50.) 99. SANGSTER. — Hesperus, and other poems and lyrics. By Charles Sangster. 186 pp. Montreal : John Lovell. Kingston : John Creigh- ton. i860. (W. & Co., C. 3. 1.50.) 74. " Contains, at the end of the volume, opinions of the press on Sangster's Canadian Poems, 'The St. Lawrence and the Sagutnay.' " SAVAGE. — Life and Labours of the Rev. Wm. McClure, for more than forty years a minister of the Methodist New Connexion. Chiefly an autobiography. Edited by Rev. David Savage. 8 + 344 pp. Toronto: James Campbell & Son. 1872. (J. B., C. 50. 50.) 80. Contains steel portrait. SAWTELL. — The Mourner's Tribute ; or. Effusions of Melancholy Hours. By M. Ethelind Sawtell. 10 + 272 pp. Montreal: Published by Armour & Ramsay. 1840. 82. SCADDING.— Toronto of Old : Collections and Recollections. Illustrative of the Early Settlement and Social Life of the Capital of Ontario. By Henry Scadding, D.D., Canon of St. James', Toronto. 16 + 594 pp. Toronto: Willing & Williamson. 1878. (S., C. 4. 2.50.) 94. Contains numerous illustrations and folding map. SCADDING.— History of the Old French Fort at Toronto and Its Monument. By Henry Scadding, D.D., Canon of Toronto. 48 pp. Toronto : The Copp, Clark Company, Limited, Printers. 1887. (J. B., C. 12. 60.) 87. Contains, as a frontispiece, a vie^v of the monument. SCHMITZ. — A History of Greece for Junior Classes. By Leon- hard Schmitz, LL.D., Classical Examiner in the University of Lon- SMALL. g3 don. With an appendix, giving a sketch of the history from the Roman Conquest to the present day. By A. Gennadios, late Professor in the University of Athens. Canadian copyright edition. 200 pp. Toronto : Copp, Clark & Co. 1878. 39. Authorized text book series. Contains folding colored map and numerous illustrations. SELECTION. — A Selection of Psalms and Hymns for every Sunday and Principal Festival throughout the year. For the use of congregations in the Diocese of Quebec. Selected and arranged under the authority and direction of the Hon. and Right Reverend the Lord Bishop. 220 pp. Toronto, U.C. : Published by Robert Stanton, King's Printer. 1834. 14. Printed by G. P. Scott & Co., New York. SHANNON.— The United Empire Minstrel : a selection of the best national, constitutional and loyal Orange Songs and Poems ; with a large number of toasts and sentiments, and a chronological table, shewing the principal innovations and apostacies of the Romish Church — her persecutions of our Protestant forefathers, and the most particular events connected with the history of the United Empire and the Orange Institution. By William Shannon. 292 pp. Toronto : Henry Rowsell. 1852. (J. B., C. 32. 1.50.) 75. SHENSTON.— The Oxford Gazetteer ; containing a complete History of the County of Oxford from its first settlement ; together with a full abstract of each census, carefully copied from the original abstracts. To which is added a map of the county, compiled ex- pressly for the work, from rough drafts taken by the enumerators on the spot. By Thomas S. Shenston (compiler of the " County Warden "), County Clerk and Census Commissioner, County of Ox- ford. 216 pp. Hamilton, C.W. : Printed and Published for the Author by Chatterton & Helliwell. 1852. P. 5/- (W. J., C. 3. 1.50.) 100. Contains a portrait of the Hon. Francis Hincks, M.P. SHERWOOD.— A Welcome to Albert Prince of Wales, and other poems. Dedicated to His Royal Highness as a token of sincere respect. By Harold Sherwood. 50 pp. Toronto : Printed by Lovell & Gibson, i860. (J. B., C. 13. 30.) 103. Contains portrait of Albert Edward. SKEATS.— The Song of the Exile. A Canadian epic. Visions and miscellaneous poems. By Wilfred S. Skeats. 160 pp. Toronto : Hart & Company. 1891. 73. SMALL.— The Canadian Handbook and Tourist's Guide, giving a description of Canadian lake and river scenery and places of histori- cal interest with the best spots for fishing and shooting. Compiled by H. B. Small, S.C.L. Edited by J. Taylor. 196 pp. Montreal : M. Longmoore & Co. 1866. (A. P., C. 7. 2.25.) 57. Contains numerous mounted photographs. SMALL.— Chronicles of Canada, or a concise history of the leading events in the Old Provinces of the New Dominion. By H. Beaumont Small, S.C.L. 222 pp. Ottawa : G. E. Dcsbarats. 18G8. loi. " The material which constitutes the ' Chronicles of Canada.' has been carefully sorted from an iiilinite variety of old colonial books and public records."— Author's preface. 94 SMITH. SMILY. — Canadian Summer Resorts. Illustrated souvenir and guide book of some of the principal resorts of Ontario. With maps and tables of railway and steamboat fares and connections, hotel rates, etc. Including official maps and synopsis of the Trent Canal System. Second edition. Edited and published by Frederick Smily, Toronto. 2 + g6 pp. Toronto: Murray Printing Company. 1895. 87. SMITH.— The Political Destiny of Canada. By Goldwin Smith. With a reply. By Sir Francis Hincks. 32 pp. Toronto : Belford Bros., Publishers. 1877. (H. & Co., C. i. 35.) 87. Reprinted from The Fortnitrhtly Review and Canadian Monthly. SMITH. — Great Britain, America and Ireland. A reply. By Goldwin Smith, D.C.L. 30 pp. Toronto : Hunter, Rose & Com- pany. 1882. (W. & Co., C. 3. 25.) 93. Reprinted, v.'ith additions ;ind corrections, from The Princeton Review, for November, 1S82. [SMITH (GOLDWIN).]— Bay Leaves: translations from the Latin poets. Printed for private circulation. 6+ ii6 pp. Toronto : C. Blackett Robinson. 1890. (H. & Co., C i. 2.00.) 43. SMITH. — Loyalty : an address delivered before the Young Men's Liberal Club, Toronto, on February 2nd, 1891. By Goldwin Smith, D.C.L. 20 pp. Toronto: Printed b}' Hunter, Rose & Company. 1891. P. 25. (H. & Co., C. 2. 35.) 94. SMITH. — Temperance versus Prohibition : an address on the Scott Act. By Goldwin Smith, President of the Liberal Temperance Union. With an appendix on Alcohol. By C. Gordon Richardson. 36 pp. Toronto : Printed by C. Blackett Robinson. P. 10. (W. & Co., C. 3. 25.) 87. "The followino^ address gives the substance of speeches delivered on several occasions in support of the policj' of the Liberal Temperance Union and against that of prohibitive legislation." — Preface. SMITH. — A Book of Canadian and American Poems. By Martin F. Smith. 316 pp. Hamilton, C.W. : Donnelley and Lawson. 1863. 41. Contains portrait of the author as frontispiece. SMITH. — Young Lion of the Woods ; or, a story of early colonial days. By Thomas B. Smith. 4+148 pp. Halifax, N.S. : Nova Scotia Printing Company. 1889. 43. SMITH. — History of Canada, from its First Discovery to the Peace of 1763. By William Smith, Esquire, Clerk of the Parliament and Master in Chancery of the Province of Lower Canada. Ne quid falsi dicere audeat, ne quid veri non audeat. Vol. i. 4 + 384 + 72 pp. Vol. 2. 236 pp. Quebec : Printed for the Author by John Neilson. 1815. (Wg. & Co., C. 2. 38.00.) 141. Errata follows title-page in Volume i . The title-pag.e of Volume 2 reads : " History of Canada ; from its first discovery to the year 1791." " Ihis work was printed in this year (iSig), but did not appear until a few years afterwards. It is compiled from the Colony Records, tbp Jesuits' Journals, and Charlevoix's History." — Pol. State of L,. C. SOUTHEY. 95 SMITH. — Alazon, and other poems, including many of the fugitive pieces of Rusticus, By William Smith. 8+126 pp. Toronto: Hugh Scobie. 1850. 18. " A considerable number of the following pieces have been, durinsj the last two or three years, published in various periodicals under the signature of Rusticus." — Preface. SMITH. — Smith's Canadian Gazetteer ; comprising statistical and general information respecting all parts of the Upper Province, or Canada West ; distance tables ; government and district officers and magistrates in each district ; list of post offices, with their distances from some of the principal towns ; stage and steamboat fares ; prin- cipal hotels and taverns ; rates of toll on the Welland Canal, and some of the principal harbours ; lists of exports ; quantity of Crown lands for sale in each township ; names and addresses of land agents and forwarders ; the leading features of each locality as regards soil, climate, etc., with the average value of land. With a mass of other desirable and useful information for the man of business, traveller, or emigrant. The whole collected from the best authorities, verified by personal observation and inquiries, during nearly three years devoted to the subject, in which time the author visited every district, town and village, in search of information. With a map of the Upper Province, compiled expressly for the work, in which are laid down all the towns and principal villages. By Wm. H. Smith. 6 + 288 pp. Toronto : Pubhshed for the author by H. & W. Rowsell. 1846. P. 10/-. (W. & Co. 2.00.) 105. Contains illustrations. The first Gazetteer of Canada West. SMITH. — Canada : Past, Present and Future. Being a historical, geographical, geological and statistical account of Canada West. By W. H. Smith. Containing ten county maps and one general map of the Province, compiled expressly for the work. Volume i. 124 + 290 + 184 pp. Volume 2. 24 + 544 pp. Toronto: Thomas Maclear. (W. & Co. 5.00.) 113. Entered for copyright in the year 1S51. Published in ten parts at 3.y. 6rf each. Volume i con- tains a steel vignette view of Niagara Falls. SOIREES. — Les Soirees Canadiennss. Recueil dc litterature nationale. Vol. i. 4 + 480 pp. Vol. 2. 400 + 2 pp. Troisieme annee. Vol. 3. 428 pp. Quatrieme annee. Vol. 4.408 + 4 pp. Cinquieme annee. Vol. 5. 376 pp. Quebec : Brousseau et Freres. 1861. Brous- seau Freres. 1862-1865. (J. M. V. et Cie. 25.00.) 94. SOMERVILLE.— Conservative Science of Nations (Preliminary Instalment), being the first complete narrative of Somerville's Diligent Life in the Service of Public Safety in Britain. By Alexander Som- erville, " One who has whistled at the plough." 320 pp. Montreal : Printed and Published by John Lovcll. i860. (W. & Co. 1.50.) 94. SOMERVILLE.— Narrative of the Fenian Invasion of Canada. By Alexander Somerville. With a map of the field of combat at Limestone Ridge. 128 pp. Hamilton, C.W. : Published for the author by Joseph Lyght. 1866. 100. SOUTHEY.— The Life of Lord Nelson. By Robert Soulhcy, l':sq., LL.D., Poet Laureate, etc., etc. First Canada edition. 140 pp. 96 STONE. Niagara : Henry Chapman, Publisher ; Samuel Heron, Printer. 1831. (P. G., C. 12. 1.25.) 58. Family library. SPEDON. — Rambles among the Blue-Noses ; or. Reminiscences of a Tour through New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, during the Summer of 1862. By Andrew Learmont Spedon. 230 pp. Montreal : Printed by John Lovell. 1863. (Wg. & Co., C. 2. 1.25.) 40. SPEDON. — Sketches of a Tour from Canada to Paris by way of the British Isles, during the summer of 1867. By Andrew Learmont Spedon. Printed for the author. 1868. 238 pp. Montreal : John Lovell. 1868. (J. B., C. 39. 35.) 81. SPOTTON.— The Commonly Occurring Wild Plants of Canada, and more especially of the Province of Ontario. A flora for the use of beginners. By H. B. Spotton, M.A., F.L.S., Prin. of Barrie Coll. Inst. With 26 woodcuts. 26+ 176 pp. W. J. Gage & Company, Toronto and Winnipeg. 40. Entered for copj'riglit In the year 1S84. W. J. Gage & Co.'s educational series. SPRAGGE.— From Ontario to the Pacific by the C. P. R. Mrs. Arthur Spragge. i86pp. Toronto: C. Blackett Robinson. 1887. (W. & Co., C. 3. 25.) 10. Contains a folding map of the Canadian Pacific Railway and its connections. The substance of this volume was published in a series of articles in the Toronto IVeei, and relates especially to the District of Kootenay and mining interests of British Columbia. STEPHENS. — Jacques Cartier and his Four Voyages to Canada. An essay, with historical, explanatory and philological notes. By Hiram B.Stephens, B.C.L. 4+12 + 164PP. Montreal: W. Drys- dale & Co. log. Entered for copyright in the year iSgo. Contains portrait, plans and views. STEPHENS.— Hamilton, and other poems. By William A. Stephens. 180 pp. Toronto : Rogers and Thompson. 1840. (H. & Co., C. 4. 2.00.) 33. "It was said, in a lecture upon the Poets of Canada by the Rev. W, W. Smith, that mine was the first volume of poems published in Upper Canada." STEPHENS.— Hamilton, and other poems and lectures. By W. A. Stephens, Collector of Customs, Owen Sound. Second edition. 410 pp. Toronto : Printed by A. Lovell & Co. 1871. (J. B., C. 36. 1. 00.) 82. STEWART.— The Story of the Great Fire in St. John, N.B., June 2oth, 1877. By George Stewart, Jr., of St. John, N.B. 274 pp. Toronto: Belford Brothers. P. i.oo. (W. & W. 1.50.) 80. Contains numerous illustrations and folding map. Entered for copyright in the year 1877. STEWART.— Canada Under the Administration of the Earl of Dufferin. By George Stewart, Jr. 8, 17 — 6g6 pp. Toronto, Canada : Rose-Belford Publishing Company. 1878. P. 2.50. (H. H., C. i. 4.00.) 93. Contains steel portrait as frontispiece. STONE.— Richard Hooker : a Sketch of his Life, Writings and Times. By the Rev. James S. Stone, B.D., Rector of St. Philip's TACHE. 07 Church, Toronto. 48 pp. Toronto : Hunter, Rose & Co. 1882. (W. & Co., C. 3. 25.) 65. " The following^ essay is an enlarg-ement of a paper read by me. in St. James' schoolhouse under the auspices of the Toronto Protestant Episcopal Divinity School."— Preface. STOWE. — Dred : a tale of the great dismal swamp. Bj^ Harriet Beecher Stowe. 212 + 8 pp. Toronto: Maclear and Company. 1856. 88. STOWE. — Pink and White Tyranny. A society novel. By Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Unabridged. 176 pp. Toronto : The Cana- dian News and Publishing Co. 1871. P. 40. 100. Bound in a paper cover with design. STRACHAN.— The Poor Man's Preservative Against Popery. Part I. Containing an introduction on tlie character and genius of the Roman Catholic religion, and the substance of a letter to the congregation of St. James' Church, Toronto, U.C, occasioned by the Hon. J. Elmsley's publication of the Bishop of Strasbourg's observa- tions on the 6th chapter of St. John's Gospel. By John Strachan, D.D., LL.D., Archdeacon of York, etc., etc. Also additional observa- tions on the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and Transubstantiation. 54 pp. Toronto : Printed and Pubhshed by G. P. Bull. 1834. P. 15. 3^. (W. & Co., C. 3. 1.25.) 58. It is acknowledged that this pamphlet is the first issued bearing- the imprint Toronto. STRACHAN. — A charge delivered to the clergy of the Diocese of Toronto, at the primary visitation, held in the Cathedral Church of St. James, Toronto, on the gth September, 1841. By the Right Reverend John Strachan, Lord Bishop of Toronto. 36 pp. Toronto: H. & W. Rowsell. 1841. loi. STRATON. — Lays of Love and Miscellaneous Poems. By Barry Straton. 8 + 80 pp. Saint John, N.B.: J. & A. McMillan. 1884. 78. STUART. — The Church of England in Canada, 1759-1793- From the Conquest to the establishment of the See of Quebec. By H. C. Stuart, M.A., Rector of Three Rivers. 118 pp. Montreal : Published for the Author by John Lovell & Son. 1893. P. 50. 94. Contains map of earliest Canadian parishes. SULTE. — Chronique Trifluvienne. Par Benjamin Suite. 2 + 238 pp. Montreal: Compagnie d'Imprimerie Canadienne. 1879. 123. SYSTEM.— A System of Drill, for the Mihtia of Upper Canada. By command of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor. 8 + 98 pp. York : Printed by Robert Stanton. 1830. (H. & Co., C. 3. i.oo.) 106. Contains a folding: plate of music, bug-le sounds. TACHE. — Vingt Annees de Missions dans le Nord-Ouest de I'Amerique. Par Mgr. Alex. Tache, Archeveque de St. -Boniface. Nouvelle edition, entierement revue et augmentee, avec une preface de M. T. A. Bernier. 240 pp. Montreal : Librairc Saint-Jo.scph. Cadieux & Derome. 1888. 118. Contains portraits'and view. 11 98 TAYLOR. TACHE. — Des Provinces de I'Amerique du Nord et d'une Union Federale. Par J. C. Tache, Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur. 252 pp. Quebec: J. T. Brousseau. 1858. 74. TANGUAY. — Monseigneur de Lauberiviere, cinquieme Eveque de Quebec. 1739-1740. Documents annotes. Par I'Abbe Cyprien Tanguay, Attache du Bureau des Statistiques du Canada. 2 + 160 pp. Montreal : Eus^be Senecal & Fils. 1885. (P. G., C. 13. 50.) 64. Contains portrait as frontispiece. TARTE. — 1892. Proces Mercier. Les causes qui Font provoque. Quelques faits pour I'histoire. Par J. Israel Tarte, Ancien depute, directeur du " Canadien." 196 pp. Montreal : Desaulniers & Cie. 1892. (J. M. V. et Cie. 50.) 99. Contains numerous portraits, TASSE. — Le 38™® Fauteuil, ou Souvenirs Parlementaires. Joseph Tasse. 6 + 302 pp. Montreal: Eusebe Senecal & Fils. 1891. 94. Contains six portraits. TAYLOR. — Boyhood Hours ; comprising a collection of simple poems, songs and odes. By Archibald M'Alpine Taylor. 178 pp. Toronto: Hunter, Rose & Company. 1881. P. i.oo. 81. TAYLOR.— Toronto " Called Back," from 1892 to 1847. Its won- derful growth and progress, with the development of its manufac- turing industries, and reminiscences extending over the above period, including the introduction of the bonding system through the United States. With a beautiful portrait of Her Majesty the Queen and Empress, and engraving of His Excellency Lord Stanley of Preston, Governor-General. The whole profusely illustrated. By Conyngham Crawford Taylor (of Her Majesty's Customs). Third thousand. 320 pp. Toronto: William Briggs. 1892. 87. Fourtli edition. TAYLOR. — An Attempt to Form a System of the Creation of Our Globe, of the planets and the sun of our system ; founded on the first chapter of Genesis, on the geology of the earth, and on the modern discoveries in that science and the known operations of the laws of nature, as evinced by the discoveries of Lavoisier and others in pneu- matic chemistry. By Henry Taylor. 122 pp. Toronto : Printed by W.J. Coates. 1836. (H. & Co,, C. 2. 75.) 41. " The original manuscript of tliis work was composed between tlie years iSig and 1825." — Preface. TAYLOR. — The Present Condition of United Canada, as regards her agriculture, trade, commerce. Part i. Containing plans for advancing the same, and for prom.oting the health, wealth and pros- perity of her inhabitants. Part 2. Reflections on the present state of the protestant religion ; with a view to harmonize its various sects, and ultimately to bring them into one powerful united body. Part 3. A dissertation on the national debt of Great Britain, with a plan for its gradual payment. Second edition. By Henry Taylor. 190 pp. Toronto: Printed for the Author. 1850. P. y. i^d. cy. 33. TAYLOR. — On the Intention of the Imperial Government to unite the Provinces of British North America, and a review of some events TIMPERLAKE. 99 which took place during the session of the Provuicial Parliament in 1854 in Quebec. By Henry Taylor. 118 pp. Toronto: 1858. (R. W. D. & Co., C. 4. 75.) 75. Part I. A review of some events which have taken place in the Hon. House of Assembly of United Canada, in last session. Part 2. Observations on the supposed intention of the Imperial Government of formintj a Federal Union of all the Provinces of British North America, bv representation in the Imperial Parliament. Part 3. Some remarks on the Hon. Mr. Hir.ck's answer to the Hon. Joseph Howe's (of Nova Scotia) plan on the subject ; and remarks, also, on the conclusion of the Russian war. TENNYSON.— Queen Mary: a drama. By Alfred Tennyson. 202 pp. Toronto: James Campbell & Son. 1875. (D. B. i.oo.) 80. Canp.dian copyright edition. TETU. — "Notices Biographiques. Les ^veques de Quebec. Par Monseigneur Henri Tetu, camerier secret de sa saintete Le'on XHI., aumonier de I'Archeveche de Quebec. 692 pp. Quebec : Narcisse- S. Hardy. 1889. (J. O. F. & F. 2.00.) 94. Contains numerous portraits. THAYERS.— A Wreath of Wild Flowers. By M. J. Thayers. 82 pp. Toronto : Morton & Co. 1877. {J. B., C. 50. 30.) 80. THEY. — They Two ; or, Phases of Life in Eastern Canada, fifty years ago. Written in 1875, t>y an ex-journalist. 164 pp. Montreal: Printed by John Lovell & Son. 1888. P. 50. 100. THISTLETON. — How I Came to be Governor of the Island of Cacona : with a particular account of my administration of the affairs of that island. Respectfully dedicated to my fellow-labourers in the colonial vineyard. By the Hon. Francis Thistleton, late Governor of the Island of Cacona. 2 + 220 pp. Montreal: H. Ramsay. 1852. (A. P., C. 7. 2.25.) 100. Contains illustrations. [THOM (ADAM, A.M.).]— Remarks on the Petition of the Conven- tion and on the Petition of the Constitutionalists. By Anti-Bureau- crat. 6-fi94 pp. Montreal: Printed at the Herald Office. May, 1835. (H. & Co. 2.00.) 18. THOMAS. — Contributions to the History of the Eastern Town- ships ; a work containing an account of the early settlement of St, Armand, Dunham, Sutton, Brome, Potton, and Bolton, with a history of the principal events that have transpired in each of these townships up to the present time. Bv C. Thomas. 376 pp. Montreal : 1866. (R. W. D. & Co., C. 4. 2.00.) 80. THOMAS. — The History of ShefTord, civil, ecclesiastical, biograph- ical, and statistical. By C. Thomas. 144 pp. Montreal : Printed by Lovell Printing and Publishing Co. 1877. 81. Contains ponraits. TIMPERLAKE.— Illustrated Toronto: Past and Present; being an historical and descriptive guide-book. Comprising its architecture, manufacture, trade ; its social, literary, scientific and charitable insti- tutions ; its churches, schools and colleges ; and other jirincipal points of interest to the visitor and resident, together with a key to tin; pub- lisher's bird's eye view of the city. Compiled by J. Tiniperlake. lOO TRAILL. Illustrated with over sixty pages of colored lithographs. 384 pp. Toronto: Peter A. Gross, 1877. (S., C. 6. 2.50.) 116. " The picture of Toronto is five feet by three feet tlirte inches and is printed in three colors." TODD. — A Treatise on the proceedings to be adopted in conduct- ing or opposing Private Bills in the Parliament of Canada, and the standing orders of both Houses in relation thereto. By Alfred Todd, Chief Clerk of Committees and Private Bills, House of Commons. Third edition, embracing the latest changes in the practice. 8+160 pp. Ottawa : Published by John Durie & Son. 1868. 65. TORONTO.— From Toronto to Fort Garry. An account of the second expedition to Red River. Diary of a private soldier. 64 pp. Hamilton : Evening Times Office. 106. Contains a frontispiece. TORONTO.— The Toronto Almanac and Royal Calendar of Upper Canada for the year 1839. Containing all the usual requisites for such a work. A general, historical, topographical, and statistical view of the Province, and of its resources, natural and artificial; together with brief sketches of the sister colonies of British America. Fifth edition. 224 pp. The militia register of Upper Canada, with a statement of the volunteer corps within the Province, and dates of commission, etc., etc. 1839. 88 pp. Important miscellaneous informa- tion relative to Upper Canada, i. The Post Office Department, in all its details. 2. Population returns, from all the townships in the Prov- ince. 3. Statistical tables, exhibiting the active resources of the coun- try, tariffs, fairs, markets, etc., etc. ; together with a set of useful tables that are in constant requisition by persons of every class, i — 63, 89 — 96 pp. A general chronology of remarkable events from the crea- tion of the world to the present times. Compiled for this work by Charles Fothergill. 78 + 4 pp. Published and sold at the Palladium Office, York Street, Toronto. P. 65. 3(Y. (A. P., C. 7. 1.25.) 17. TORONTO. — Toronto in the Camera ; a series of photographic views of the principal buildings in the City of Toronto. 4 + 48 pp. Toronto: O. Thomson. 1868. (A. P., C. 7, half morocco. 4.50.) 126. Photographs mounted. Descriptions of buildings printed on one side of the pa.ge only. [TOWNLEY (REV. ADAM).]— Ten Letters on the Church and Church Establishments : addressed to the Hon. W. H. Draper, M.P.P., etc., etc., etc. By an Anglo-Canadian. 80 pp. Toronto : Printed at the Commercial Herald Office. 1839. (A. P., C. 7. 1.50.) 57. The letters are in answer to certain letters of the Rev. Egerton Ryerson, and addressed to the public through the Hon. W. H. Draper. TRAILL. — The Female Emigrant's Guide, and Hints on Canadian Housekeeping. By Mrs. C. P. Traill. Second thousand. 232 + 40 pp. Toronto, C.W. : Sold by Maclear and Company. 1854. Price twenty-five cents, or one shilling and three-pence, each part. (J. B., C. 13. 1. 00.) 67. TRAILL.— The Canadian Settler's Guide. By Mrs. C. P. Traill. Fifth edition. 234 + 40 pp. Toronto, C.W. : Printed at the Old Countryman Office. 1855. (Wg. & Co., C. 2. i.oo.) 74. Contains a folding map of Canada West, or Upper Canada, and illustrations. WARDLAW. 101 TRAILL. — Pearls and Pebbles; or, notes of an old naturalist. By Catharine Parr Traill. With biographical sketch by Mary Agnes Fitzgibbon. 4 + 242 pp. Toronto: William Briggs. 1894. P. 1.50. 93- Contains portrait, fac-simile of handwriting and four illustrations. Author 93 years of age. TREMBLAY. — Caprices Poetiques et Chansons Satiriques. Par Remi Tremblay. 8 + 312 pp. Montreal: A. Filiatreault & Cie. 1883. 81. TRUDELLE. — Paroisse de Charlesbourg. Par I'Abbe Charles Trudelle. 22 + 326 pp. Quebec : Imprimerie generale A. Cote et Cie. 1887. 41. TURCOTTE. — Invasion du Canada et Siege de Quebec en 1775-76. Par Louis P. Turcotte. Etude precedee d'un compte-rendu de la celebration du centenaire de I'assaut de Quebec, en 1775. Par H. J. J. B. Chouinard. 104 pp. Quebec : A. Cote et Cie. 1876. 87. TUTTLE.— Our North Land : being a full account of the Cana- dian North-West and Hudson's Bay Route, together with a narrative of the experiences of the Hudson's Bay Expedition of 1884, including a description of the climate, resources and the characteristics of the native inhabitants between the 50th parallel and the Arctic Circle. By Charles R. Tuttle, of the Hudson's Bay Expedition. Illustrated with maps and engravings. 590 pp. Toronto : C. Blackett Robin- son, 1885. (A. B., C. 2. 1.75.) 129. [URE (G. P.).]— The Hand-Book of Toronto; containing its cli- mate, geology, natural history, educational institutions, courts of law, municipal arrangements, etc., etc. By a member of the press. 272 pp. Toronto: Lovell & Gibson. 1858. (A. P., C. 7. 1.75.) 105. Contains frontispiece VARIETY.— Variety, Poetry and Prose. By the Bard of Niagara. First edition. 256 pp. Montreal: John Lovell. 1872. 44. Contains photo of the author, and one of Niao-ara Falls, 'VARSITY,— 'Varsity Book, Prose and Poetry. 200 pp. Toronto : The 'Varsity Pubhshing Company, 1885. 20. WALKER.— Hours Off and On Sentry ; or, personal recollections of military adventure in Great Britain, Portugal, and Canada, By Alexander Walker, First relief. 248 pp. Montreal : John Lovell. 1859. (D. B. 60,) 46. [WALKER (SERGEANT).]— The Knapsack: a collection of fugitive poems. By a soldier. 132 pp. Kingston : James M. Creighton. 1853. 82. WARD.— Artemus Ward His Travels. Part i. Miscellaneous. Part 2. Among the Mormons. With comic illustrations by Mullen. Reprinted from the American copyright edition. 94 pp. Montreal : Pubhshed by C. K. Chisholm, Grand Trunk Railway General News Agent. Printed by John Lovell. P. 50. 112. Outside papur cover with vignette. WARDLAW.— Congregational Independency in contradisliiiclion to Episcopacy and Presbyterianism : the church polity of the New I02 WHITE. Testament. By Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. 354 pp. Glasgow : James Maclehose. Toronto, C. W. : Published, with the sanction of the proprietors of the copyright, by Andrew Hamilton. 1864. (W. & Co., C. 3. i.oo.) 73. WATERS.— The Water Lily : an oriental fairy tale. By Frank Waters. 88 pp. Ottawa : J. Durie & Son. 1888. 73. The story is taken from a very remarkable book, entitled " Oriental Fairy Tales."— Preface. WATSON.— The Constitutional History of Canada. By Samuel James Watson, Librarian Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Volume I. 158 pp. Toronto : Adam, Stevenson & Company. 1874. (W. & W. I.oo.) 80. Vol. I., all published, WATSON.— The Legend of the Roses : a poem. Ravlan : a drama. By Samuel James Watson. 4 + 228 pp. Toronto: Hunter, Rose & Company. 1876. (D. B. 1.50.) 80. WEBSTER.— Life of Rev. James Richardson, a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada. By Thomas Webster, D.D. With introduction. By Rev. Bishop Carman, D.D. 32,18— 240pp. Toronto: J. B. Magurn. 1876. 31. WELLS.— Life and Labors of Robert Alex. Fyfe, D.D., founder and for many years principal of the Canadian Literar}^ Institute (now Woodstock College). By J. E. Wells, M.A. 466 pp. Printed for the Author by W. J. Gage & Company, Toronto. (J. B., C. 45. 75.) 73. Contains portrait. WETHERELL.— Later Canadian Poems. Edited by J. E. Wetherell, B.A. 12 + 188 pp. Toronto : The Copp, Clark Company, Limited. 1893. P- 30- 80. " It contains selections from the productions of the best known of our young^er Canadian poets The volume, it is believed, contains no poem published before the year iSSo."— Preface. Eight portraits. WHELAN. — The Union of the British Provinces. A brief account of the several conferences held in the Maritime Provinces and in Canada, in September and October, 1864, on the proposed confedera- tion of the provinces, together with a report of the speeches delivered by the delegates from the provinces on important public occasions. Compiled by the Hon. Edward Whelan, M. P.P. (one of the Prince Edward Island Delegates). 8 + 232 pp. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island: Printed by G. T. Haszard. 1865. 74. WHITE.— Gold Regions of Canada. Gold : How and Where to Find It ! The explorer's guide and manual of practical and in- structive directions for explorers and miners in the gold regions of Canada, with lucid instructions and explanations as to the rocky strata, peculiar shale rocks, veinstone, etc., in which gold and many other valuable minerals are to be found in that region ; with easy modes of determination and analysis, accompanied by two colored geological maps. By Henry White, P. L.S. 108 pp. Toronto: Pub- Hshed by Maclear & Co. 1867. (Wg. & Co. 35.) 39. Two folding maps : Geological map of the gold regions of Madoc, and geological map of the gold regions of Canada West. WILLSON. 103 WICKSTEED.— The Canadian Militia. By Capt. R. J. Wick- steed. 4 + 140 pp. Ottawa : Printed by MacLean, Roger & Co. 1875. (J. B., C. 20. 1. 00.) 93. WIGGINS. — The Architecture of the Heavens : containing a new theory of the universe and the extent of the deluge, and the testimony of the Bible and geology in opposition to the views of Dr. Colenso. By Ezekiel S. Wiggins. 304pp. Montreal: John Lovell. 1864. (P-75-) 57- WTGGINS. — Universalism Unfounded, being a complete analysis and refutation of the system. By E. Stone Wiggins. 332 pp. Napanee : Printed by Henry & Bro. 1867. (H. & Co., C. 2. y^.) 66. " Here every Orthodox minister and private Christian is furnished witli a test-booli on Uni- versalism. Containinof a complete refutation of every position hitherto assumed either in the affirmative of universal salvation or the negative of punishment." — Preface. [WILKINS (HARRIETT ANNIE).]— The Holly Branch. By Harriett Annie. 140-^4 pp. Hamilton, C.W. : Printed at the Spec- tator Office, 1851. (J. B., C. 12. 40.) 40. [WILKINS (HARRIETT ANNIE).] —The Acacia. By Harriett Annie. 8, 7 — 200 pp. Hamilton : Printed at the Spectator Steam Press. 1863. (A. P., C. 7. 25.) 16. [WILKINS (HARRIETT ANNIE).]— Autumn Leaves. By Harriett Annie. 88 pp. Hamilton, Ont. : Spectator Printing House. 1869. (W. & Co. 50.) I. WILKINS.— Wayside Flowers. By Harriett Annie Wilkins. With a preface by the Rev. William Stephenson. 254 pp. Toronto: Hunter, Rose & Company. 1876. P. i.oo. 80. WILKINS.— Victor Roy: A Masonic Poem. By Harriett Annie Wilkins. 6, 5 — 128 pp. Hamilton : Spectator Printing Company. 1882. (W. D. T., C. 2. 50.) 40. WILLIAMS.— The Life and Actions of Alexander the Great. By the Rev. J. Williams, A.M., Vicar of Lampeter. First Canada edi- tion. 200 pp. Niagara: Published by Henry Chapman. S. Heron, Printer. 1831. (P. G., C. 10. 4.00.) 58. Family library. WILLIAMS. — Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. Part the second, containing the charges, regulations, etc., etc. Published by the authority of the United Grand Lodge. By William Williams, Esq., Provincial Grand Master for the County of Dorset. First Canadian edition. Repub- hshed by order of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Upper Canada. 106 pp. Kingston : Printed by H. C. Thomson. 1823. (H. & Co., C. I. 2.00.) 102. Dedication dated York, Upper Canada, July 9. A.D. 1^23. A. L. 5S23. WILLSON.— The Impressions of the Mind : to which are added some remarks on church and state discipline, and the acting prin- ciples of life. By David Willson, East Gwiliimbury. County of York, and Province of Upper Canada. 4 + 360 pp. Toronto: 1S35. 102. Errata sheet inserted in front of title pa>^e. J. II. Lawrence, I'rinter, Guardian OITuv. I04 YULE. WINGFIELD. — Poems and Songs, in Scotch and English. By Alex. H. Wingfield. 256 pp. Hamilton, Ont. : Printed at the Times Book and Job Office. 1873. 80. " Many of the pieces are written in the Lowland Scottish dialect, the author's mother tongue." — Preface. WITHROW. — A History of Canada for the use of schools and general readers. By William H. Withrow, M.A. 320 pp. Toronto : Copp, Clark & Co. 1876. (S., C. 5. 75.) 80. Contains as frontispiece a map of part of Canada and the United States. WITHROW. — Neville Trueman, the pioneer preacher. A tale of the War of 1812. By the Rev. W. H. Withrow, M.A. 8 + 244 pp. Toronto : William Briggs. 1880. P. 75. 31. YEIGH. — Ontario's Parliament Buildings; or, a Century of Legis- lation. 1792-1892. A historical sketch. By Frank Yeigh, Toronto. Illustrated, 172 pp. Toronto : The Williamson Book Company (Ltd.). 1893. P. 2.50. 93. Y — LE. — Recollections of a Convict, and miscellaneous pieces. By Y— le. 8 +198 pp. Montreal: Published by R. & C. Chalmers. 1847. J. C. Becket, Printer, Montreal. 1847. 33. "The Recollections of a Convict" must not be looked upon as fiction. The majority of the incidents recorded were experienced in the life of one person." — Introduction. YOUMANS. — Campaign Echoes. The autobiography of Mrs. Letitia Youmans, the pioneer of the White Ribbon movement in Canada. Written by request of the Provincial Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Ontario. Introduction by Miss Frances E. Willard. Endorsed by Lady Henry Somerset. 312 pp. Toronto : William Briggs. P. i.oo. 73. Entered for copyright in the year 1S93. Contains portraits. YOUNG. — Reminiscences of the Early History of Gait and the Settlement of Dumfries, in the Province of Ontario. By James Young, late M.P. for South Waterloo, M.P.P. 272 pp. Toronto : Hunter, Rose & Company. 1880. P. i.oo. 80. Contains portraits and views. YOUNG. — The Letters of Agricola on the Principles of Vegeta- tion and Tillage, written for Nova Scotia, and published first in the Acadian Recorder by John Young, Secretary of the Provincial Agricultural Board, and Honorary Member of the Massachusetts and Montreal Agricultural Societies. 462 + 10 pp. Halifax, N.S. : Printed by Holland & Co. 1822. (W. & Co. 5.00.) 89. YULE. — Records of a Vanished Life. Lectures, addresses, etc., of James Coiton Yule, M.A., late Professor of New Testament Inter- pretation and Evidences, in the Canadian Literary Institute. A memoir by his wife. A funeral sermon, by Rev. R. A. Fyfe, D.D., and some additional papers. 174 pp. Toronto : Baptist Publishing Co. 1876. (J. B., C. 45. 50.) 73- YULE.— Poems of the Heart and Home. By Mrs. J. C. Yule (Pamelia S. Vining). 8 + 220 pp. Toronto: Bengough, Moore & Co., Printers and Publishers. 1881. (S., C. 4. 60.) 81. "These poems are essentially Canadian." — Introduction, TITLE INDEX. A Book of Canadian and American Poems Smith Abrege de I'Histoire du Canada Perrault A Brief Account, together with observations made during a visit Rolph A Brief Statement of Municipal Tax Exemptions in Toronto Hallam A Brief View of the Constitution of Canada Brief A Canadian Political Com Kingsford A Catechism of English Grammar Grote A Catechism of Universal History Irving A Century of Municipal History Cruikshank A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Toronto Strachan A Collection of the Acts Passed in the Parliament Collection A Compendious History of the Northern Part of the Province Cooney A Compend of Baptism Hamilton Acorn Leaves Boggs Address at the Bar of the Legislative Assembly of Canada Dunkin Address of the Rev. Abbe J. C. K. Laflamme Kingsford A Discourse delivered in St. Andrew's Church, Toronto Leach Advanced Reader Advanced Advantages of a Liturgy Hanson Advice to a Mother Chavasse Advice to a Wife Chavasse A Few Words on Canada Few A Garland Gathered at Morn Hazelwood Agricultural Improvement Evans A Hand-Book of the Geography and Natural History Dawson A Historical and Statistical Report of the Presbyterian Church Historical A History and Geography of Nova Scotia Calkin A History of Canada Hodgins A History of Canada Withrow A History of Greece for Junior Classes Schmitz A History of Nova Scotia Murdoch A History of the County of Pictou Patterson A History of the County of Yarmouth Campbell A History of the late Province of Lower Canada Christie A History of the Siege of Londonderry Graham A History of the War Auchinleck A History of Upper Canada College Dickson Aims and Objects of the Toronto Humane Society Hodgins A la Bale d' Hudson Proulx Alazon Smith Album du Canadien Album Album du Canadien lioucher Album Litteraire et Musical de la Revue Canadienne Album Album Verses Davin Algoma Missionary News Algoma Algonkin Forest and Park Alguiikin 12 Io6 TITLE INDEX. Alpha and Omega Alpha Alphabetical List of the Members Alphabetical Alphabetical List of the Members Alphabetical Alphabet of First Things in Canada J ohnson A Manual of Intercessory Prayer Manual A Manual of the Constitutional History of Canada Bourinot A Memoir of John L. Eddy Memoir A Memoir of the Late Mr. William Ruttan Bethune A Method for Prayer Henry A Military Mite to the Mountain of Literature Military An Algonquin Maiden Adam A Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries of North America . . .Narrative An Attempt to Form a System of the Creation of Our Globe Taylor Ancient Carved Stone McCaul Ancient French Archives Ancient Anecdotes of a Life on the Ocean Cowans Anecdotes of Ireland Donovan An English Grammar Davies An English Grammar English An Exposure of the Mischievous Perversions of Holy Scripture Carry Anglo-Israel Poole An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia Haliburton An Hour with Ralph Wells Hour An Idle Excursion Clemens An Investigation of the Unsettled Boundaries of Ontario Lindsey Annuaire de Ville-Marie Annuaire Annuaire de Ville-Marie Annuaire Annuaire de Ville-Marie , Annuaire Annuaire de Ville-Marie Annuaire Annual Announcement of Trinity Medical College Annual Annual of the Ontario Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club Annual Annual of the Ontario Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club Annual Annual of the Ontario Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club Annual Annual of the Ontario Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club Annual Annual of the Ontario Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club Annual Annual of the Ontario Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club Annual Annual of the Ontario Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club Annual Annual of the Ontario Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club Annual Annual of the Ontario Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club Annual Annual of the Ontario Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club Annual Annual of the Ontario Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club Annual An Order for Prayer for Use in Sunday Schools Order Apocalyptic Sketches Apocalyptic A Poetical Account of the American Campaigns Cowdell A Portraiture from Life Portraiture Appendix to Report of the Commissioner of Crown Lands Appendix Appendix to the Report of the Select Committee on the Boundaries Appendix A Presbyterian Clergyman looking for the Church Presbyterian A Protestant's Appeal to the Douay Bible Jenkins A Quartette of Lovers Currie Arcturus Dent A Report on the Boundaries of the Province of Ontario Mills A Revelation from God Hall Arithmetic Morris Arrets et Reglements du Conseil Superieur de Quebec Arrets Artemus Ward, His Travels Ward A School History of Canada Hodgins A Selection of Psalms and Hymns Selection A Series of Poems J. A. R, A Sermon preached in St. Andrew's Church Barclay A Short Account of Ye Quebec Winter Carnival Fairchild A Sketch of the Early Settlement Poole A Sketch of the Life Macdonnell A Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Church of England Akins TITLE INDEX. 107 A Summary of Canadian History Boyd A Summary of Canadian History Boyd A Summary of Canadian History Boyd A Summer Holiday E. A. G. A System of Drill System A Tale of the Sea Eraser A Tour of the Thames Blot A Tract for the Times Paul A Transaction in Hearts Saltus A Treatise on the Proceedings to be adopted in Conducting or Opposing Todd A Treatise on the Six-Nation Indians Mackenzie A Trip to Manitoba Fitzgibbon Au Foyer de Mon Presbytere Gingras Au Royaume du Saguenay Roy Autumn Leaves Wilkins Ave : an ode for the centenary of the birth of Percy Bysshe Shelley Roberts A Vindication of Doctrinal Standards Caven A Welcome to Albert Prince of Wales Sherwood A Wife to Her Sister Hirschfelder " A Wreath of Rue " Mountain A Wreath of Wild Flowers Thayers Banfif and the Lakes in the Clouds Banff Baptism McKay Barnes's New Brunswick Almanack Barnes Bay Leaves Smith Ben Owen Perrett Bibliotheca Canadensis Morgan Bide a Wee MacColI Bigotry Demolished Moore Biographical Notice of Joseph-Octave Plessis French Biographical Sketches and Review Parsons Biographie, Discours, Conferences, etc, de I'Hon. Honore Merciere Pelland Biographies Canadiennes Casgrain Biographies de I'Honorable Barthelemi Joliette Biographies Biographies et Portraits David Bird-Nesting in North- West Canada Raine Bond Street Congregational Church, Toronto. Directory Bond Book of Poems Russell Boyhood Hours Taylor Breitmann's Ballads Leland Brief Devotions for the Holy Communion Brief Campaign Echoes • . Youmans Canada. A Descriptive Poem Canada Canada. A Memorial Volume Canada Canada and Her Resources Morns Canada and other Poems Herbin Canada. An Essay Hogan Canada as a Home Bourmot Canada from Sea to Sea •. • • Adam Canada in the Seventeenth Century Montizambert Canada Official Postal Guide Canada Canada on the Pacific Horetzky Canada : Past, Present and Future ^'" j[P Canada : Physical, Economic and Social Lillie Canada Under the Administration of the Earl of Dufferin Stewart Canadian Ballads McGee Canadian Humorous Reciter Hughes Canadian Idylls • l^"".''y Canadian Immigration in 1875 m "u'"^ Canadian Melodies and Poems ^,^^^^^y Canadian Nationality ; ^ annill Canadian Pacific Railway ( ana.lian Canadians in the Imperial Naval and Military Service Abroad Biiriihara Canadian Summer Resorts bmily lo8 TITLE INDEX. Caprices, Poetiques et Chansons Satiriques Tremblay Carpenter's Scholars' Spelling Assistant Carpenter Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Books Haight Catalogue of Books Haight Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Legislative Assembly Catalogue Catalogue of Books Relating to the History of America Faribault Catechisme Politique •. . Montigny Causeries du Dimanche Routhier Centennial of Canadian Methodism . . Centennial Centennial Prize Essay on the History of the City and County of St. John Jack Centennial, St. Mark's Church, Niagara Carnochan Cent-Vingt Jours de Service Actif Daoust Chansons Populaires du Canada Gagnon Chapters in Logic Chapters Charles Guerin Chauveau Charlie Chatterton Rutherford Christianity and Some of its Evidences Mowat Christie's Edition of Hodgson's Errors in the Use of English Christie Chronicles of Canada Small Chronique de Rimouski Guay Chroniques Fabre Chroniques Canadiennes Buies Chronique Trifluvienne Suite Chronological and Alphabetical Tables Gosselin Collection de Documents Inedits sur le Canada Collection Collection de Manuscrits Collection Compilation of the By-Laws and Police Regulations Compilation Congregational Independency Wardlaw Conservative Science of Nations Somerville Constance Constance Constitution and By-Laws of the Canadian National Association Constitution Constitution of the St. Andrew's Society of the City of Toronto Constitution Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons Williams Contributions to the History of the Eastern Townships , Thomas Controversy on the Subjects and Mode of Baptism Controversy Correspondence, Papers and Documents Correspondence Correspondence Relating to the Fenian Invasion Correspondence Correspondence Relative to the Accounts Correspondence Counsels to Young Converts Dickson Count Filippo , , Heavysege Country Life in Canada Fifty Years Ago Haight Cours d'Histoire du Canada Ferland Cullers' and Lumber Merchants' Pocket Ready Reckoner Cusson Culture and Practical Power Davin Curiae Canadensis Rumsey Curriculum Latinum Curriculum David Tetu David Day-Dreams by a Butterfly Day-Dreams Department of Militia and Defence of the Dominion Department Department of the Interior, Topographical Surveys Branch Department Description of the Surveyed Townships Description Description of the Various Systems of Wooden Railways Foster Descriptions of the Townships of the North- West Territories Descriptions Descriptive Catalogue of Live Fish, Reptiles Descriptive Des Provinces de I'Amerique du Nord et d'une Union Federale Tache Deuxieme-Centenaire. Notice Biographique sur Francois de Laval Laval Deux Voyages sur le Saint-Maurice Caron Disclosures of Concealed and Increasing Romanism Disclosures Discourse on the Nature and Duties of the Military Profession Leach Division Courts Armour Dix Ans au Canada Gerin-Lajoie Dix Ans de Journalisme Melanges Dunn Documents Illustrative of the Canadian Constitution Houston "Dot it Down " Begg TITLE INDEX. log Dreamland and other Poems Mair Dred Stowe Drill and Rifle Instruction for the Corps of Rifle Volunteers Drill Dundas , Croil Eastern Fruit on Western Dishes Locke Eclogae Curtianae Eclogae Eighty Years' Progress of British North America Hind Elections de iS86 Mercier Elemens de la Grammaire Fran9aise Lhomond Emigration to a Better Country McCaul En Canot Routhier Endymion Beaconsfield English Grammar Morris English Grammar Exercises Morris Eos : An Epic of the Dawn Davin Epitres, Satires, Chansons, Epigrammes Bibaud Esquisse du Commerce de Pelleteries des Anglois Esquisse Essais Poetiques Le May Evergreen Leaves Lauder Ewh Oomenwahjemoowin owh Tabanemenung Jesus Christ O'Meara Exploration de Quebec au Lac St. Jean Perrault Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews Cameron Extracts and Statements Respecting Bi-Lingual Teaching in Great Britain . . Extracts Extracts from the F irst Book of Gil-Bias Extracts Extraits des Archives des Ministeres de la Marine et de la Guerre a Paris . . Extraits Fables Le May Fables Canadiennes Le May Fables in Song Ly tton Faithful Unto Death Faithful Fenianism, Irish Land Leagueism and Communism Fenianism Fete Nationale des Canadiens-Fran9ais Chouinard Feuilles Volantes Frechette Fifteenth Annual Report of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society. . ..Fifteenth Fifth Book of Lessons P'ifth First Book of Lessons First First Reader : Part I First First Reader : Part II First First Report from the Select Committee First Five Years in a Sailor's Life Bech Flapdoodle Flapdoodle Food for Babes Gumming Foot-Prints Lawrence Forest, Lake and Prairie McDougall Forgiveness and Eternal Life Forgiveness Four Sermons on the Holy Sacrament Bethune Fourth Annual Report of the Ontario School of Agriculture Fourth Fourth Book of Lessons P'ourth Fourth Reader Fourth Fourth Reading Book Fourth Francois de Bienville Marinette Franyois-Xavier Garneau Chauveau From Ontario to the Pacific by the C. P. R Spragge From Toronto to Fort Garry Toronto Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Cooper Galerie Nationale I'Honorable A. N. Morin Bcchard Gems for the Home Circle F.eonard Geography and History of the British Colonies • . • • Hodgins Geography of Canada Gibson Getting On in the World Mathews God's Word Through Preaching H-;ill Gold Regions of Canada White Great Britain, America and Ireland Smith Guerre du Canada Casgrain Hamilton, and other Poems Stephens sto sto sto sto sto sto sto sto sto sto sto sto sto sto sto sto gh School History of England Buckley re Abregee de I'Ancien Testament Histoire re de Cinquante Ans Bedard re de la Litterature Canadienne Lareau re de la Mere Marie de 1' Incarnation Casgrain re de la Venerable Mere Madeleine-Sophie Barat Brunet re de la Vie de M. Paul de Chomedey Rousseau re de Longueuil Jodoin re des Grandes Families Frangaises du Canada Daniel re du Canada Bibaud re du Canada Bibaud re du Canada Garneau re du Canada Garneau re du Canada Garneau re du Canada Gauthier re du Chevalier D'Iberville D'Iberville re Populaire de Montreal Brumath stoire Populaire du Canada La Rue story of British Columbia Begg story of Canada Bell story of Canada Jeffers story of Canada Jeffers story of Canada Roy story of Canada Smith story of Manitoba Gunn story of Nova Scotia Campbell story of Toronto and County of York History story of Trinity Church, St. John, New Brunswick Brigstocke story of the Early Settlement of Bowmanville Coleman story of the Eastern Townships Day story of the Fenian Raid Denison story of the Guibord Case History story of the North-West , Begg story of the Old French Fort at Toronto Scadding story of the Province of Ontario Canniff story of the Townships of Dartmouth, Preston and Lawrencetown Lawson story, Rise and Progress of the Caledonia Springs History Hochelaga Depicta Bosworth Hours of Childhood Hours Hours Off and On Sentry Walker Household Receipts Household How I Came to be Governor of the Island of Cacona Thistleton How I Once Felt Currie How Is Your Man ? How How to Promote Temperance Patterson How We Raised Our Baby How Hymns for Little Children Hymns Illustrated Guide to House of Commons and Senate of Canada Campeau Illustrated Halifax Metzler Illustrated Novena of St. Francis Xavier Illustrated Illustrated Toronto Illustrated Illustrated Toronto : Past and Present , Timperlake Immersion Proved to be Not a Scriptural Mode of Baptism Mackay Important Public Documents Important Impressions of the West and South Kingsford In Dreamland O'Hagan TITLE INDEX. m Industries of Canada . Industries Interference Croker Introduction to the Analytical and Practical Grammar IBuUions Invasion du Canada et Siege de Quebec en 1775-76 Turcotte Isabel Leicester Alma Jacques Cartier '. .'. .'.Stephens Jean-Baptiste de la Salle. Frechette Jean Rivard, Economiste Gerin-Lajoie Jean Rivard le Defricheur Gerin-Lajoie Jesuit Maxims Jesuit Journal des Campagnes du Chevalier de Levis en Canada Journal Jubile Sacerdotal de S. E. le Cardinal E. A. Taschereau Jubile Kathleen Burnett Knights of Pythias King L'Abbe Joseph Aubry Chandonnet La Bourse et la Vie Provost Lacrosse McNaught L' Affaire Sougraine Le May Lake St. Louis Girouard L' Album des Families Drapeau La Litterature Canadienne Litterature L'Ancien Quebec Bechard Land of the Okanagan Land La Nouvelle-France de Cartier a Champlain Dionne La Question de la Tenure Seigneuriale du Bas-Canada Kierzkowski La Question du Jour Resterons-nous Fran^ais Faucher de Saint-Maurice La Rebellion de 1S37-38 Globensky La Rebellion de 1837-38 Globensky La Rebellion de 1837 a Saint-Eustache Globensky La Rebellion de 1837 a Saint-Eustache Globensky Later Canadian Poems Wetherell La Verite sur la Question Metisse au Nord-Ouest Ouimet La Vie de la Venerable Soeur Marguerite Bourgeois Bourgeois Lays of Love . . Straton Learned Testimonies on Baptism and the Lord's Supper Learned Leaves from the Backwoods Leaves Le Bas-Canada entre le Moyen-Age et I'Age Moderne Gingras Le Canada et I'Emigration Fran^aise Gerbie Le Canada et les Zouaves Pontificaux Bellefeuille Le Comte de Paris a Quebec Gagnon Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry Hind Lectures on Temperance Nott Le Decouverte du Mississippi Decouverte Le Foyer Canadien Fo yer Legendes Canadiennes Casgrain Legendes du Nord-Ouest Dugast Le Manoir de Villerai Leprohon Le Medaillier du Canada Leroux Le Pantheon Canadien Bibaud Le Pelerin de Sainte- Anne Le May Le Premier Cardinal Canadien Premier Le R. P. Louis Sache Duguay Le Saguenay et la Vallee du Lac St. Jean Buies Les Bourgeois de la Compagnie du Nord-Ouest Masson Les Canadiens Fran9ais de la Nouvelle-Angleterre Hamon Les Deux Girouettes La Fontaine Les Echos Kouthier Les :^]venements de 1837-38 .Carrier Les Fleurs Boreales Frcrhette Les Fleurs de la Poesie Canadienne Flours Les Guepes Canadiennes Laperricre Les Institutions de I'Histoire du Canada Bibaud Les Patriotes de 1837-1838 David Les Perce-Neige Legendre 112 TITLE INDEX. Les Quebecquoises Chapman Les Soirees Canadiennes Soirees Lessons on the Truth of Christianity Lessons Les Vengeances Le May Les Voyageurs Canadiens a I'Expedition du Soudan Labat Letellier de Saint-Just et Son Temps Casgrain Le 38me Fauteuil, ou Souvenirs Parlementaires Tasse Letters and Speeches on the University Question Letters Letters on Emigration from the British Isles McVicar Letters on Prince Edward Island Lawson Lettres de la Cour de Versailles au Baron de Dieskau Lettres Lettres de M. de Bourlamaque au Chevalier de Levis Lettres Lettres du Chevalier de Levis Lettres Lettres du P. F. X. Duplessis Roy Lettres et Pieces Militaires Instructions Lettres Le Vicomte C. DeLery DeLery Le Vieux Lachine et le Massacre du 5 Aout, 1689 Girouard L'Hero'ine Chretienne du Canada, ou Vie de Mile. Le Ber Le Bar Life and Labors of Robert Alex. Fyfe Wells Life and Labours of the Rev. Wm. McClure Savage Life in Canada Fifty Years Ago Haight Life in the North-VV est Mounted Police Dwight Life of Colonel Talbot Ermatinger Life of Rev. James Richardson Webster Life of Right Reverend Patrick Phelan Life Life of the Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald Macpherson Literature and Dogma Maclaren Little Grace Grove Looking Backward Bellamy L'Outaouais Superieur Buies Lovell's History of the Dominion of Canada Lovell Loyalists' Centennial Souvenir Loyalists Loyalty Smith Lunenburgh Pringle Lyrics, Songs and Sonnets Chandler Macdougali's Illustrated Guide, Gazetteer and Practical Hand-Book. . .Macdougall Maiden Mona F. A. D. Manitoba and the Great North- West Macoun Man's True Guide to Heaven Man Manual of Outpost Duties Denison Manual or Explanatory Development of the Act for the Union of Canada.. . .Gooch Maple Leaves Johnson Maple Leaves Le Moine Maple Leaves Le Moine Maple Leaves Le Moine Maple Leaves Le Moine Maple Leaves Le Moine Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister Gregg Marriage with the Sister of a Deceased Wife. Laing Mechanics' Institutes Mechanics Meditations Sociales Malijay Memoires pour Servir a I'Histoire du Chapitre de la Cathedrale Memoires Memoires Relatifs a I'Emprisonnement de I'Honorable D. B. Viger Memoires Memoires sur le Canada, depuis 1749, jusqu'a 1760 Memoires Memoires sur le Canada, depuis 1749, jasqu'a 1760 Memoires Memoir of Le Baron Botsford Murray Memoir of Sir Brenton Halliburton Hill Memoir of the Distinguished Mohawk Indian Chief Memoir Memoir of the Late Thomas Scatherd Horton Memoir of the Right Reverend John Strachan Bethune Memoirs and Remains of the Reverend Walter Inglis Cochrane Memoirs of a Reformer Ross Memoirs of Right Rev. Edmund Burke O'Brien Memoirs of the Administration of the Colonial Government Christie TITLE INDEX. U^ Memoirs of the Administration of the Government of Lower Canada Memoirs Memoirs of the Life of Rev. E. J. Dunphy Nannary Memorandum, with Accompanying Plans and Documents Memorandum Memorial des Honneurs Etrangers conferes a des Canadiens Memorial Memorials of Capt. Hedley Vicars Memorials Memorials of the Life and Ministry of the Rev. John Machar Memorials Mental Arithmetic McLellan Mental Arithmetic McLellan Mes Rimes Labelle Mes Vers Belanger Methodist Hymn Book Methodist Methodist Hymn Book Methodist Methodist Hymn Book Methodist Methodist Hymns Translated into the Cree Language German Minutes of the Proceedings of the Public School Board Minutes Minutes of the Proceedings of the Second Convention of Delegates Minutes Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Session Minutes Miscellaneous Poems Gillespie Miscellaneous Poems Nobile Miscellaneous Poems and Songs Herbert Monseigneur de Lauberiviere Tanguay Monseigneur de Saint- Vallier et I'Hopital General de Quebec Monseigneur Monseigneur Deziel Roy Monseigneur Dominique Racine Huart Monseigneur Ignace Bourget Brumath Monseigneur Provencher Dugas Monsieur Isaac S. Desaulniers David Montreal After 250 Years Lighthall Montreal Directory for 1842-3 Mackay Mr. Potter of Texas Gunter Municipal Single Tax R. T. Muskoka Illustrated Adam Narrative of the Fenian Invasion of Canada Somerville Ned Fortesque , Forrest Neville Trueman Withrow New Brunswick Monro New Brunswick and its Scenery Hamilton Niagara Falls Listen Niagara : Its History and Geology Holley Nine Lectures on the Earlier Constitutional History of Canada Ashley Noces d'Or de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste Charette North-Western Ontario North Northwest Rebellion , Northwest Nos Croises Nos Nos Grand Meres Bourassa Nos Hommes de Lettres Darveau Nos Paroisses Gauvreau Notes d'un Condamne Politique de 1838 Prieur Notes on Sabbath School Lessons Notes Notes sur la Paroisse de St. -Francois de la Beauce Demers Notices Biographiques Tetu Notices on the Claims of the Hudson's Bay Company Notices Nouveau Recueil de Chansons Comiques Blondin Nouvelles Soirees Canadiennes Nouvelles Nouvelles Soirees Canadiennes Nouvelles Nova Britannia Morris Nova Britannia Morris Nova Scotia Campbell Obesity ; or, Excessive Corpulence Barrett Observations on the Moral Agency of Man Borland Observations on the Rights of the British Colonies Chisholme CEuvres de Champlain Laverdicre Official Report of the Liberal Convention Official Old and New Canada Bender 13 114 TITLE INDEX. Ollendorff s New Method Greene On Champlain's Astrolabe Russell One Quiet Day , Ramsay Ontario's Parliament Buildings Yeigh On the Intention of the Imperial Government to Unite the Provinces Taylor Opuscules Ferland Orangeism, Catholicism, and Sir Francis Hincks Allan Oscar Ryan Ottawa, Past and Present Roger Our North Land Tuttle Our Strength and Their Strength Dawson Our Swell Our Our Volunteers in the North-West Dunlevie Papal Antiquity and Supremacy Evans Papers Respecting Claim of Shareholders in the late Welland Canal Papers Paroisse de Charlesbourg Trudelle Parting Address to the People of Canada Middleton Patriotic Speech Beers Paul de Chomedey Chouinard Peace in Death Baldwin Peace River McLeod Pearls and Pebbles Traill Pele-Mele Fantaisies et Souvenirs Poetiques Frechette Personal Memoirs of Major Richardson Evans Petits Poemes Le May Petroleum Hunt Picounoc le Maudit Le May Picturesque Canada Picturesque Picturesque Quebec Le Moine Pink and White Tyranny Stowe Pioneers of the Eastern Townships Day Poems Breckenridge Poems Brooke Poems Haynes Poems . . M'Lachlan Poems and Essays Howe Poems and Fragments May ne Poems and Hymns Cameron Poems and Songs McLachlan Poems and Songs W ingfield Poems by Mary A. Mclver Mclver Poems, Descriptive and Moral McPherson Poems : Lyrical and Dramatic Brown Poems of James Mclntyre Mclntyre Poems of the Heart and Home Yule Poems : Religious, Moral and Sentimental Hogg Poems : Satirical and Sentimental McBride Poems, Serious, Sentimental, Patriotic and Humorous Blair Poetry for the Dominion of Canada Liston Political Annals of Lower Canada Political Popery Dissected Gillies Pray — Pay — Prosper Hunter Predestination Breckenridge Preliminary Investigation and Trial of Ambroise D. Lepine Preliminary Premieres Poesies Evanturel Presby terianism Langtry Prince Arthur's Landing Prince Prize Papers McMahon Proceedings and Reports of the twenty-first annual convention Proceedings Proceedings of the Colonial Conference, 1894 Proceedings Proces Mercier Tarte Promenades dans le Golfe Saint-Laurent Faucher de Saint-Maurice Promenades dans le Golfe Saint-Laurent Faucher de Saint-Maurice Province of Manitoba Province TITLE INDEX, U^ Quebec Russell Quebec : Past and Present Le Moine Quebec, The Harp, and other poems Hawley Queen Mary Tennyson Railway from Lake Superior to Red River Settlement Foster Railways and Other Ways Pennington Rambles among the Blue-Noses Spedon Rapport Annuel de la Societe de Quebec pour la Protection des Animaux. .Rapport Rapport sur I'Exploration de la Contree situee entre le Lac Superieur Rapport Recollections and Experiences of an Abolitionist Ross Recollections of a Checkered Life Recollections Recollections of a Convict Y — le Records of a Vanished Life Yule Recreations of a Long Vacation Beaven Regulations for the Government of the Public Schools Regulations Relation Abregee, de Quelques Missions Bressany Relation d'un Voyage a la cote du Nord-Ouest de I'Amerique Franchere Religion in the School Robertson Remarks on Insanity Lehmann Remarks on the Petition of the Convention Thom Remarks upon the Disputed Points of Boundary Remarks Reminiscences of a Soldier Reminiscences Reminiscences of His Public Life Hincks Reminiscences of the Early History of Gait Young Reminiscences of the late Hon. and Right Rev. Alexander Macdonell . . .Macdonell Reminiscences of the North-West Rebellions Boulton Reminiscences of the Red River Rebellion of 1869 Reminiscences Remnants Remnants Reply of William Morris Reply Reply to a Pamphlet written by Rev. E. W. Gilbert A. J. W. Report of a Select Committee of the Legislative Assembly Report Report of Geo. Burden Report Report of the Chief Commissioner of Railways of the Province Report Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario, for the year 1882 Report Report of the Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario, for the year 1882 Report Report of the Select Committee of the Senate Report Report of the Select Committee of the Senate on the subject Report Report of the Select Committee on the Boundaries Report Report of the Select Committee on the Causes of the Difficulties Report Report of the Select Committee to which was referred the answer Report Report of the Special Committee Report Report of the Special Committee (St. John Board of Trade) Report Report of the State Trials Report Report on a System of Public Elementary Instruction for Upper Canada . . Ryerson Report on Canadian Archives Bry mner Report on Canadian Archives Brymner Report on Canadian Archives Brymner Report on Canadian Archives Brymner Report on Canadian Archives Brymner Report on Canadian Archives Brymner Report on Canadian Archives Brymner Report on Canadian Archives Brymner Report on Canadian Archives Brymner Report on Canadian Archives Brymner Report on Canadian Archives Brymner Report on Canadian Archives Brymner Report on Canadian Archives Brymner Report on the Basin of Moose River Borron Report on the Line of Route Dawson Report on the Mission to Australia Report Report on Toronto Harbour Report Reports of His Worship the Mayor Reports Restoration of the Jews Restoration Retrospect of Thirty-six Years' Residence in Canada West Carruthcrs Il6 TITLE INDEX. Review of the Proceedings of the Legislature of Lower Canada Review Richard Hooker Stone Ris et Croquis .Ducharme Robertson's Landmarks of Toronto Robertson Roland Graeme Machar Rome in Canada Lindsey Rose's National Biographical Series, i Rose Rose's National Biographical Series. 2 Rose Roughing it in the Bush Moodie Rowsell's City of Toronto and County of York Directory Armstrong Royal Templars of Temperance , Royal R. R. R. Muse-whangs France R. R. R. A Lapful of Lyrics and Merry Muse- Whangs France Samuel Champlain Dionne Saul. A drama Heavysege Saul. A drama Heavysege Scenes in Hawaii Grant School Geography of the World Calkin Science and Theology Hall Second Oration of Cicero Against Catiline Henderson Selected Hymns Dixon Selections from Canadian Poets Dewart Selections from the Public Documents of the Province of Nova Scotia Akins Seven Lectures on the Second Coming of the Lord Darby Seventy Years of New Brunswick Life Baird Shahguhnahshe ahnuhmeahwene Muzzeneegun O'Meara Shanty, Forest and River Life Eraser Short History of the Presbyterian Church in the Dominion of Canada Gregg Sir William Alexander Patterson Sir William Phips devant Quebec Myrand Six Years in the Canadian North-West D' Ar tigue Sketches Illustrating the Early Settlement and History of Glengarry, ... Macdonell Sketches of a Tour from Canada to Paris Spedon Sketches of Celebrated Canadians Morgan Sketch of the Old Parish Burying Ground of Windsor, Nova Scotia Hind Sleep ; or, the Hygiene of the Night Hall Smith's Canadian Gazetteer Smith Some Startling Facts Relating to the Canadian Pacific Railway Horetzky Songs by the Way Darnell " Songs in Travel " Patterson Songs of a Wanderer Ryan Songs of Life Dewart Songs of the Sierras Miller Souvenirs d'un Demi-Siecle Barthe Speech of the Honorable Edward Blake Blake Splores of a Halloween Dick Stadacona Depicta Rogers Step by Step Muchall St. George's Parish Church, St. Catharines Ker Stirring Incidents in the Life of a British Soldier Faughnan Stories and Sketches Caswell Stories from Canadian History Marquis Stray Leaves Grant Stray Leaves from Scotch and English History Glass Supplement du Medaillier du Canada Leroux Tales, Sketches and Lyrics Macgeorge Temperance versus Prohibition Smith Ten Letters on the Church Townley Ten Years in Winnipeg Begg Ten Years of Upper Canada in Peace and War Edgar " That They All May be One." Beaven The Acacia Wilkins The Adopted Daughter Adopted The Advocate , , Heavysege TITLE INDEX. I17 The Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the VVelland Canal Annual The Apostle of Kerry Campbell The Architecture of the Heavens Wiggins The Argonauts of North Liberty Harte The Arrow Arrow Theatre National. Les Vengeances Le May The Autobiography of a Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Autobiography The Autobiography of the Rev. Charles Freshman Autobiography The Battles of the Crimea Hay ward The Beauties of Nature Engelhardt The Beauty Spots of Canada Beauty The Bible and the Sunday School Crafts The Birds of Canada Ross The Book of Psalms Book The British North American Almanac Kirby The Butterflies and Moths of Canada Ross The Cabinet of Scientific Industry Marples The Calendar of the University of Trinity College, Toronto Calendar The Canada Stamp Catalogue Canada The Canadian Brothers Richardson The Canadian Guide Book Canadian The Canadian Handbook and Tourist's Guide Small The Canadian Legal Directory Morgan The Canadian Militia Wicksteed The Canadian North-West Lome The Canadian Parliamentary Companion Mackintosh The Canadian Settler's Guide Traill The Canadians of Old De Gaspe The Canadian Sunday School Harmonium Canadian The Canadian Sunday School Harp Canadian The Canadian Sunday School Organ Canadian The Canadian Temperance Minstrel Canadian The Catholic School Book Catholic The Centennial of the Settlement of Upper Canada Centennial The Changed Cross Changed The Characteristics of Scottish Religious Life King The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life H. W. S. The Church and Brethrenism Mockridge The Church of England in Canada Stuart The Church Service Carmichael The Church's Warfare Langtry The Classic Reader Hamilton The Clergy Reserves Lindsay The Coming of the Princess Maclean The Commonly Occurring Wild Plants of Canada Spotton The Communications of Mercator Mercator The Consolation. A Poem Gerrard The Constitutional History of Canada Watson The Constitution of the Canadas Constitution The Cottage Florist Bain The Crusades Breakenridge The Discovery of America Mackintosh The Doctor's Daughter Barry The Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church Doctrines The Early Bibliography of the Province of Ontario Kingsford The Earnest Student Macleod The Educational Manual for Upper Canada Educational The Elements of Structural Botany Macoun The Emigrant M'Lachlan The Emigrant O'CJrady The Emigrant's Assistant Christie The English Spelling Book Mavor The Every Boy's Book Bridges The Explorations of Jonathan Oldbuck I-t: Moine llS TITLE INDEX. The Fallen Leaves Collins The Fall of New France Hart The Father Manifested in the Son Hall The Female Emigrant's Guide ..Traill The Fenian Raid at Fort Erie Fenian The Fenian Raid of 1870 Fenian The Fifth Book of Reading Lessons Fifth The First Report of the Upper Canada Bible Society First The Forest Wreath Forest The Fourth Book of Reading Lessons Fourth The Gaelic Class-Book Gordon The Geography and History of British America Hodgins The Georgian Bay Hamilton The Golden Butterfly Besant and Rice The Gold Thread Macleod The Great Game Great The Guards in Canada Richardson The Hand-Book of Toronto Ure The Harbours and Ports of Lake Ontario Hodder The Harp of Canaan Borthwick The Hem of His Garment Hall The Highlands of Toronto Highlands The History of Canada Kingsford The History of Canada McMullen The History of Canada McMullen The History of Canada under French Regime Miles The History of Regina Powers The History of Shefford Thomas The History of the Administration Leggo The History of the North- West Rebellion of 1885 Mulvaney The Holly Branch Wilkins The Hon. Alexander Mackenzie, his Life and Times Buckingham The Hon. Judge Wilmot Lathern The Honorable Elijah Leonard Leonard The Huron Chief Kidd The Hymnal Companion Hymnal The Imperial Stamp Directory Imperial The Impressions of the Mind Willson The Irishman in Canada Davin The Jesuit Order Jesuit The Jesuit Question McCarthy The Journal of the Board of Arts and Manufactures for Upper Canada. . . .Journal The Knapsack Walker The Land Prospector's Manual Allen "The Land Shall Not Be Sold Forever" Land The Last 40 Years Dent The Laurel Bush Craik The Legend of the Holy Stone Ross The Legend of the Roses Watson The Letters of Agricola Young The Life and Actions of Alexander the Great Williams The Life and Labors of Most Rev. John Joseph Lynch McKeown The Life and Speeches of Hon. Geo. Brown MacKenzie The Life and Times of Gen. John Graves Simcoe. „ Read The Life and Times of the Rev. Robert Burns Burns The Life and Times of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie Lindsey The Life of F. M. , H. R. H. Edward, Duke of Kent Anderson The Life of Lord Byron Gait The Life of Lord Nelson Southey The Life of Mahommed Bush The Life of Rev. Amand Parent Life The Literary Garland Literary The Literary Garland Literary The Literary Garland • Literary TITLE INDEX. lig The Literary Garland Literary The Literary Garland Literary The Literary Garland Literary The Loyalists of America Ryerson The Marshlands Herbin The Medical Profession in Upper Canada Canniff The Military and Naval Operations in the Canadas Christie The Minutes of Twelve Annual Conferences Minutes The Missionary Problem Croil The Missions of the Church Brock The Mound Builders Bryce The Mourner's Tribute Sawtell The Muskoka Lakes McAdam The Muskoka Lakes McAdam The New Canadian Dominion Ryerson The New Illustrated Poultry Book New The New Testament New The Niagara Church Case Reynolds The Ninth Report of the City of Toronto Auxiliary Bible Society Ninth The Ninth Report of the Upper Canada Religious Tract and Book Society. ..Ninth The Northerly and Westerly Boundaries of the Province of Ontario Hincks The Northern Lakes of Canada Cumberland The North-West Territories Dawson The Number and Nature of Vowel Sounds Rouse The Old Lieutenant and His Son Macleod The Ontario Judicature Act, iSSi Maclennan The Ontario Law List Ontario The Oregon Treaty Oregon The Origm and History of the North American Indians Mackintosh The Origin, History and Management of the University of King's College.. .Origin The Other Side of the " Story " King The Oxford Gazetteer Shenston The Patriarch of Western Nova Scotia Davis The Pearl of Troyes Bourgeoys The Pentateuch Freshman The Picture of Quebec Bourne The Pioneers of Beverly Cornell The Political Destiny of Canada Smith The Poor Man's Preservative Against Popery Strachan The Practical Speller Practical The Present Condition of United Canada Taylor The Provinces and the States Griffin The Provincial J ustice Keele The Provincial Statutes of Upper Canada Provmcial The Public School Grammar Public The Public School Speller and Word-Book Johnson The Pulpit Harvest Magee The Quebec Act Hart The Quebec and Lower St. Lawrence Tourists' Guide Quebec The Red River Country Russell The Red River Country • • K«ssell The Relations of the Industry of Canada with the Mother Country Morgan The Religion of Life Manly The Rise of Canada ,• • •/^'^?^5 The Rising Village Goldsmith The Romish Doctrine of the Rule of Faith Examined Maclaren The Royal Path of Life • iiterary i'"^)^ 836 O'Meara 1846 14 122 CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. Smith 1846 Album 1847 Correspondence 1847 Literary 1 847 Ryerson 1847 Y— le 1847 Borland 1848 Christie 1848 Richardson 1 848 Akins 1849 Album 1849 Boucher . , 1849 Canadian 1849 Eclogse 1 849 Minutes 1849 Ruined 1849 Armstrong. 1850 Curriculum 1850 Illustrated 1850 Literary 1850 O'Meara 1850 Presbyterian 1S50 Roy 1850 Smith 1850 Taylor 1850 Book 1851 Hind 1 85 1 Lawson 1851 Lindsay 1851 Smith 1851 Wilkins 1851 Bethune 1852 Bressany 1852 Carroll 1852 English 1852 Garneau 1852 Kierzkowski 1852 Shannon 1852 Shenston 1852 Thistleton 1852 Chauveau ... 1853 Dunkin 1853 Jenkins 1853 McVicar 1853 Papers 1853 Walker 1853 Day-Dreams 1854 Traill 1854 Arrets 1855 Auchinleck 1855 Bibaud 1855 Gibson 1855 Hay ward 1855 Hogan 1855 Lillie 1855 Monro 1855 Morris 1855 McMullen 1855 Traill 1855 Autobiography 1856 Cooper 1856 Educational 1856 Memorials 1856 M'Lachlan 1856 Notes 1856 Roger 1856 Stowe 1856 Appendix 1857 Harrison 1 857 Heavysege 1857 Hodder 1857 J. A. R 1857 Nettle 1857 Reynolds 1857 Ryan 1857 Baldwin 1858 Greene 1858 Hodgins 1858 Keele 1858 Kingsford 1858 Macgeorge 1858 Military 1858 Morris 1858 McGee 1858 Nott 1858 Rapport 1858 Tache 1858 Taylor 1858 Ure 1858 Beaven 1859 Ermatinger 1859 Faithful 1859 First 1859 Garneau 1859 Heavysege 1859 Kirby i S59 Reports 1859 Walker.. 1859 Apocalyptic i860 Breckenridge i860 Dawson 1S60 Heavysege i860 Hodgins 1 860 Le Ber i860 Morgan i85o Morris i860 Russell i85o Sangster i860 Sherwood . . i860 Somerville i860 Barclay 1861 Carruthers 1861 Cellem 1861 Croil 1861 Ferland 1861 Journal 1861 Mayerhoffer 1861 M'Lachlan 1861 Soirees 1861 Darnell 1862 Drill 1862 Leaves 1862 Life 1862 Lindsey 1862 Morgan 1862 McPherson 1862 Portraiture 1862 Adopted 1863 CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. 123 Annuaire . Ascher . . . Barclay . . , Darby . . . , Day Dixon .... Foyer .... Hind Histoire . . Learned . . Le Moine. Minutes . . Smith .... Spedon Wilkins.. . Barrett Calendar . Coffin .... De Gaspe. Dewart . . . French . . . Freshman . Haynes. . . Hill Johnson. . . Kirby Le Moine. Litterature Morgan.. . O'Brien. . Wardlaw . . Wiggins . . Barclay. . . Boyd Bullions. . Gagnon. . . Grant Hamilton. Heavysege Hodgins. . Hunt Le May... Le Moine. Mavor .... Murdoch . Whelan . . Borthwick Canadian . Davis Denison . . Denison . . E. N. L... Fenian . . . Fifth Fifth Fourth . . . Grote Hodgins. . Small Somerville Thomas. . , Annuaire . Gumming. Daniel. . . . 863 863 863 863 S63 863 863 S63 863 863 863 863 863 863 863 864 864 864 864 864 864 864 864 864 S64 864 864 864 864 S64 864 864 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 SG6 867 867 867 De Lery 1S67 Dick 1867 Gooch 1 867 Hall 1867 Hall 1867 Hour 1867 Household 1867 Morgan 1867 Poole 1867 Report 1867 Ryan 1867 Ryerson 1867 White 1867 Wiggins 1S67 Autobiography 1868 Bellefeuille 1868 Cusson 1868 Dawson 1868 Gregg 1868 Historical 1868 Laing 1868 Liston 1868 Mair 1868 Recollections 1868 Rutherford 1868 Small 1868 Spedon 1868 Todd 1868 Toronto 1868 Akins 1869 Bedard i 869 Boyd 1869 Campbell 1869 Correspondence 1869 Davies 1869 Day 1869 Dewart 1869 Dickson 1869 Fleurs i£69 Forrest 1869 Foster 1869 Graham 1869 Hymns 1869 Leonard 1869 McBride 1869 Mclver 1869 Reminiscences 1869 Russell 1869 Wilkins 1869 Anderson . • 1870 Bethune 1870 Chapters 1870 Dawson 1870 Fenian 1870 Foster 1870 Eraser . . . 1 870 Hall 1870 Hanson 1 870 Laverdiere 1 87° Leland 1870 Report 1870 Russell 1870 Sandham i ^7" Begg 1871 1:^4 CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. Boyd 1871 Canadian 1871 Cowans 1871 Few 1871 Hazelwood 1871 Miller 1871 Moodie 1871 Nos 1871 Roger 1871 Ross 1871 Routhier 1871 Stephens 1871 Stowe 1871 Burns 1872 Canniff 1872 Carmichael 1872 Caswell 1872 Changed 1872 De Guise 1 872 Donovan 1872 Engelhardt 1872 Holley 1872 Maclaren 1872 Magee 1872 Marples 1872 Memoir 1872 McLeod 1872 Order 1 872 Patterson 1872 Russell 1872 Savage 1872 Variety 1872 Boggs 1873 Brief 1873 Brock 1873 Campbell 1873 Carpenter 1873 Casgrain 1873 Darveau 1S73 Decouverte 1873 Guay , 1873 Le Moine 1873 Lindsey 1 873 Maclaren 1873 Memoires 1873 Memorials 1873 Mills 1873 Mockridge 1873 Mountain 1873 Ramsay 1873 Ross 1873 Wingfield 1873 Alma 1874 Biographies 1874 Constance 1874 Gerin-Lajoie 1874 Gillies 1874 Hamilton 1874 Horetzky 1874 Howe 1874 Hughes 1874 Kingsford 1874 Lareau 1874 Laval 1874 Lytton 1874 Malijay 1874 McLachlan 1874 Preliminary 1874 Report 1874 Watson 1 874 Blair 1875 Braun 1S75 Canniff 1875 Casgrain 1875 Casgrain 1875 Caven 1875 Chandonnet 1875 Coleman 1875 Controversy 1875 Disclosures 1875 Evans 1875 Great 1875 Hall 1875 Hall 1875 History 1875 La Rue 1875 Le May 1875 Locke 1875 Manly 1875 Manual 1875 Memoir 1875 Picturesque 1875 Quebec 1875 Rapport 1875 Ross , 1875 Tennyson 1875 Wicksteed 1875 Annual 1876 Bell 1876 Besant and Rice 1876 Blake 1876 Breckenridge 1876 Campbell 1876 Canadian 1876 Chapman 1876 Crafts 1876 Craik 1876 David 1876 Dunn 1876 Ferland 1876 Gauthier 1876 Gerin-Lajoie 1876 Glass 1876 Gordon 1876 Jenkins 1876 J ohnson 1876 Labelle 1876 Le May 1876 Le Moine 1876 Lovell 1876 Macleod 1876 Macleod 1876 Mathews 1876 Morris 1876 Muchall 1876 Province 1876 Turcotte 1876 Watson 1876 Chronologic index. 125 Webster Wilkins Withrow Yule Algoma Allan Annual Barnes Calkin Campbell Carrier Davin Fabre . F. A. D Frechette Le May Lindsey Mackintosh Man Mechanics Minutes Nannary New Patterson Smith Stewart Thayers Thomas Timperlake Annuaire Annual Bourgeoys Calkin Clemens Evanturel Hirschfelder Horton How Kirkwood Leggo Le May Macleod Macleod Montigny Morgan Morris McLellan McLellan Prince , Rainsford Ross , Scadding Schmitz Stewart , A. J.W Annuaire Annual Armour Begg Cameron Campeau Collins Faucher de Saint-Maurice Faughnan 876 876 876 876 877 S77 877 877 877 877 877 877 877 877 877 877 S77 S77 877 877 877 877 877 877 877 877 877 877 877 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 879 879 879 879 879 879 879 879 879 879 Fourth 1879 Frechette 1879 Le May 1879 Monro 1879 North 1879 Poole 1879 Russell 1 879 Suite 1S79 Annual 1880 Annual 1S80 Appendix 1880 Beaconsfield 1880 Buies 1880 Chandler 1880 Chavasse 1880 Faucher de Saint-Maurice 1880 Fitzgibbon 1880 Gingras 1880 Gunn 1880 Horetzky 1880 Moore 1880 Morris 1880 McNaught 1880 Report 1880 Ryerson 1880 Withrow i88o Young 1880 Allen i88l Annual i88i Blot 1881 Calkin 1881 Dawson 1881 Dent 1881 Fenianism 1881 Flapdoodle 1881 Gerrard 1881 Gingras 1881 Haight i88i Hamilton .... 1881 Henry 1881 Hincks 1881 Lathern 1881 Mackay 1881 Maclean 1881 Maclennan 1881 Memorandum 1881 Miles 1881 Our 1881 Patterson 1881 Perrett 1881 Practical 1S81 Routhier 1881 Taylor 1881 Yule iSSi Advanced 1882 Annual i'^82 Belanger 1^82 Bender 18S2 Bourinot i S«2 Brooke 18S2 Brymner 1882 Chavasse ' 882 Chouinard 1882 Correspondence 188a [26 CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. D'Artigue 1882 Davin 1882 How 1882 Hymnal 1882 King 1882 Laperriere 1882 Le May 1882 Le Moine 1882 Lome 1882 Macdougall 1882 Mackenzie 1882 Mackenzie 1882 Macoun 1882 Macoun 1882 Memoires 1882 Methodist 1882 Methodist 1882 Monseigneur 1882 MacColl , 1882 Nouvelles 1882 Ontario 1882 Report 1882 Robertson 1882 Routhier 1882 Smith 1882 Stone 1882 Wilkins 18S2 Alpha 1883 Annual 1883 Brunet 1883 Brymner 1883 Chauveau 1883 Collection 1883 Croil 1883 David 1883 Dawson 1883 Drapeau 1883 Dugast 1883 Fraser 1883 Globensky 1883 Jack 1883 Jeffers 1883 Lawrence 1883 LeMay 1883 Marmette 1883 Montizambert 1883 Nobile 1883 Nouvelles 1883 Paul 1883 Provost 1883 Report 1883 Report 1883 Report 1883 Tremblay 1883 Annual 1884 Blake 1884 Br yce 1 884 Brymner 1884 Buies 1884 Charette 1884 Constitution 1884 David 1884 First 1884 Gerbie 1884 Globensky 1884 Globensky 1884 Griffin 1884 Hincks 1884 Jeffers 1884 Lanjuere 1884 Le May 1884 Leprohon 1884 Letters 1884 Methodist 1884 Morris 1884 Mulvany 1884 McAdam 1884 McAdam 1884 Prieur 1884 Report 1S84 Royal 1884 Spotton 1884 Straton 1 884 Allen 1885 Annual 1885 Barry , 1885 Barthe 1885 Bechard 1885 Brumath 1885 Brymner 1885 Canadian 1885 Carry 1885 Casgrain ... 1885 Centennial 1885 Christie 1885 Dent 1885 Dunlevie 1885 Dupuy 1885 Edgar 1885 Fontaine 1885 Fourth 1885 France 1885 German 1885 Haight 1885 Haight 1885 Haight 1885 Herbert 1885 History 1885 Memorial 1885 Northwest 1885 Rouse 1885 Roy 1885 Tanguay 1885 Tuttle 1885 'Varsity 1885 Algonkin 1886 Arrow. 1886 Bech 1886 Boulton 1886 Brymner 1886 Cumberland 1886 Daoust 1886 Department 1886 Descriptions 1886 Industries 1886 King 1886 Labat 1886 Legendre 1886 CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. 127 Lynch i886 Mercier 1886 Mulvaney 1886 McKeown 1886 Premier 1S86 Proulx 18S6 Public 1886 Rose 1 886 Adam 1887 Adam 1887 Bell 1887 Bond 1887 Bourassa 1887 Brymner 1887 Canada i887 Casgrain 1 8S7 Cochrane 1887 Dent 1887 E. A. G 18S7 France 18S7 Gosselin 1887 J. C. B 1887 Johnson 1887 Kingsford 1887 Life 18S7 Loyalists 1887 Macdonnell 1887 Powers 1887 Report 1887 Scadding 18S7 Spragge 1887 Trudelle 1887 Adam 1888 Adam i888 Adam 1888 Bourinot 1888 Brymner 1888 Chateauclair 1888 Collection 1888 Gerin-Lajoie 1888 Grant 1888 Hart 1888 Harte 1888 Hodgins 1888 Le May 1888 Leroux 1888 Macdonell 1888 Martineau 1888 Report 1888 Rose 1H88 Tache 1888 They 1888 Waters 18S8 Annual 1889 Ashley 1889 Barrett 1 38g Brymner 1889 Buies 1889 Cameron 1 8.S9 Canada 1 889 Cornell i HH9 Davin 1 8S9 Davin 1 889 Description 1 889 Ducharme i SSg Dugas 1889 Frechette 1889 Girouard 1S89 Henderson 1 889 Hind 18S9 Huart 1S89 H. W. S 1889 Jesuit 1889 Jodoin 1889 Journal 1889 Le Moine 1889 Lettres 1 889 Masson 1889 Minutes 1889 Mclntyre 1889 Ouimet 1889 Roy 1889 Smith 1889 Tetu 1889 Alphabetical 1890 Baird 1890 Bechard 1890 Borron 1890 Brumath 1890 Brymner 1890 Chouinard 1 890 D'Iberville 1890 Duguay 1 890 Edgar i S90 Extraits 1890 Extracts 1890 Faucher de Saint-Maurice 1890 Fifteenth 1 890 Gauvreau 1 890 Gosselin . . . 1 890 Hallam 1890 Illustrated 1 890 Johnson 1890 King 1890 Lalande ... 1890 Lero ux 1 890 Lettres 1 890 Macdonell 1890 Middleton 1890 Mowat . 1890 MacKeracher 1890 Parsons 1 890 Pelland 1S90 Pringle 1890 Proceedings 1S90 Read 1890 Regulations 1 890 Smith 1890 Stephens 1890 Adam 1891 Alphabetical 1891 Bibaud 1891 l^rymner 1891 Buckley 1891 I'nrnham 1891 Casgrain 1891 (Centennial 1891 ( Toker 1891 128 CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. David 1891 Demers 1891 Dionne 1891 Dionne 1891 Frechette 1891 Gagnon 1891 Hamon 1891 Hart 1891 Herbin 1891 Houston 1891 Kingsford 1891 Le May 1891 Lettres ... 1891 Lettres 1891 MacpVierson 1891 Metzler 1891 McMullen 1891 Royal 1891 Skeats 1891 Smith 1891 Tasse 1S91 Brigstocke 1892 Brown 1892 Brymner 1892 Buckingham 1892 Canada 1892 Carnochan 1892 Cruikshank 1892 Currie 1892 Department 1892 Dwight 1892 Jubile .1892 Kingsford 1892 Langtry 1892 Lighthall 1892 Machar 1892 Murray 1892 McKay 1892 Patterson 1892 Raine 1892 Roberts 1892 Roy 1892 Tarte 1892 Taylor 1892 Brymner 1893 Cruikshank 1893 Currie 1893 Dickson 1893 Girouard 1893 Gregg 1893 Hamilton 1893 Herbin 1893 Langtry 1893 Lawson 1893 Macdonell 1893 Marquis 1893 Merkley 1893 Myrand 1893 O'Hagan 1893 Official 1893 Ross 1893 Stuart 1893 Wetherell 1893 Yeigh 1893 Youmans 1893 Adams 1894 Begg 1894 Begg 1894 Brymner 1894 Canniff 1894 Descriptive 1894 Dionne 1894 Fairchild , 1894 Kirby 1894 Le Moine 1 894 O'Brien 1894 Pennington 1894 Poisson 1894 Proceedings ... 1894 Report 1894 Robertson 1894 Traill 1894 Beauty 1895 Haight 1895 McDougall 1895 Smiley 1895 Bain ? Banff ? Beers ? Bellamy ? Blondin ? Brief ? Burnett ? Caron ? First ? First ? Forgiveness = ? Fourth . ? Fourth ? Froude ? Globensky ? Gunter ? Hall ? Highlands ? Hunter ? Imperial ? Important ? Jesuit ? Ker ? Land ? Land ? Lauder ? Leonard ? Massey ? McCarthy ? McCaul ? McMahon ? Oregon ? Perrault ? Restoration ? Rogers ? Rosseau ? R. T ? Saltus ? Smith ? Toronto ? Ward ? Wells ? SLTBSCRIBERS. Toronto Public Library. Toronto, Ont. University of Toronto Library. Toronto, Ont. Hamilton Public Library. Hamilton, Ont. Literary and Historical Society. Quebec, Que. Library of Parliament. Ottawa, Ont. (2.) Legislative Library. Halifax, N.S. Legislative Library. Quebec, Que. Victoria University Library. Toronto, Ont. The Law Society of Upper Canada. Toronto, Ont. Public Library. Detroit, Mich. Free Public Library. New Bedford, Mass. The Buffalo Library. Buffalo, N.Y. The Newton Theological Institution Library. Newton Centre, Mass. Mechanics' Institute. San Francisco, Cal. Kansas Historical Society. Topeka, Kan. Case Memorial Library. Hartford, Conn. St. Louis Mercantile Library. St. Louis, Mo. Peabody Institute. Baltimore, Md. City Library Association. Springfield, Mass. California State Library. Sacramento, Cal. Free Public Library. Worcester, Mass. The State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. Boston Athenasum. Boston, Mass. Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C. State Library. Lincoln, Neb. Mercantile Library. St. Louis, Mo. Milwaukee Public Library. Milwaukee, Wis. Johns Hopkins University Library. Baltimore, Md. Legislative Library. Victoria, B.C. New York State Library. Albany, N.Y. Case Library. Cleveland, Ohio. Public Library of the City of Boston. Boston, Mass. Public Library. Cleveland, Ohio. Free Public Library. St John, N.B. Queen's University Library. Kingston, Ont. Manitoba Historical Society. Winnipeg, Man. Thos. C. Allen & Co. Halifax, N.S. The Toronto News Co. Toronto Ont. The Montreal News Co. Montreal, Que. Henry Stevens & Son. London, England. Little, Brown & Company. Boston, Mass. I30 SUBSCRIBERS. Dulau & Co. London, England. (3.) Robert Clarke & Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. A. & R. Milne. Aberdeen, Scotland. W. H. Lowdermilk & Co. Washington, D.C. Barnicott & Pearce. Taunton, England. John Dickinson & Co, New York, N.Y. Cushing & Company. Baltimore, Md. (2.) Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd. London, England. G. P. Putnam's Sons. New York, N.Y. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York, N.Y. The Edw. P. Judd Co. New Haven, Conn. The Ferguson Company, Ltd. Winnipeg, Man. Macmillan & Bowes. Cambridge, England. B. Westerraann & Co. New York, N.Y. The Burrows Brothers Company. Cleveland, Ohio. Williamson & Co. Toronto, Ont. L. P. Sylvain. Ottawa, Ont. F. C. Wurtele. Quebec, Que. David Waters. Montreal, Que. Wilber force Fames. New York, N.Y. Thos. J. Taylor. Taunton, Mass. E. Dufosse. Paris, France. (2.) Frank Murray. Derby, England. Timothy Lane. London, England. C. N. Caspar. Milwaukee, Wis. John Clarke. London, England. James Reid Jr. Montreal, Que. Henry J. Morgan. Ottawa, Ont. Joseph McDonough. Albany, N.Y. Philip Roeder. St. Louis, Mo. Thos. Roxborough. Ottawa, Ont. Chas. D. Raymer. Minneapolis, Minn. C. C. James. Toronto, Ont. John Moore. Ottawa, Ont. The Hon. Mr. Justice Baby. Joliette, Que. John Cowan. Oshawa, Ont. Ivan Somerville. Rochester, N.Y. P. Gagnon. Quebec, Que. Rev. Wm. Briggs. Toronto, Ont. Edward Arnold. London, England. John Wright. St. Paul, Minn. J. Mackinnon. Cowansville, Que. Alfred Sandham. Toronto, Ont. -^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. wrz-^ ,i!CsouT>.cn. AA Zl»yF.r 'i ITV 000 5{^''^!^m^^ z 1365 H12c \