j CALIFORNIA STATE MININd BUREAU. Ti A. S. COOPER, State Mineralogist. BULLETIN No. 19. San Francisco, November, 1900. 1 ID m iimii n OF CALIFORNIA. By W. L. WATTS, E.M. i'liblisheii under the Direction of HENRV T. GAGE, Governor of the State of California. SACRAMENTO: A, J, JOHNSTON, :::::: superintendent state printing. 1900. il» vr»i LIBRARY . : V -^ i^ * T TT^/^T>ATT A CifTIAmTTl IXTTATTXTT^ T^TTTlTHjiTT / \S «, .5\ ¥^ =.=-=^ I ! /. ~r X ^<^^. fA ' Xi h. k^ FIG. I •.l"ICE3 LISflARY California 5fAfE AjiNiNfr gv/i^&Av ^.S.(O0Pef^. S+are rriiqeralo^;s+? A"'>"ip°'7yin'J R'-p'"--^ <)l( W, L.Watts. A55'5-''ani''n ''kid Urjder- tf\c direct-ion c^ HENRY T. GAGE ^overr/or ofifje&rate of California, PilYSIOAL USriARY ^S^fl^ Formation . ftbanaonecf iV*//s. + - £?/*/ Spf/n^s 'g^ area LeGErrno R^itroatfs. --r^^i CoL/nl-y Boand^r/es, CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. A, S. COOPER, State Mineralogist. BULLETIN No. 19. San Francisco, November, 1900. i Ai m f lEiiG n OF CALIFORNIA. f: By W. L. WATTS, E.M. N A PuMished under the Direction of HENRY T. GAGE, Governor of tlie State of California. ( \ SACRAMENTO: A. J. JOHNSTON, :::::: superintendent state printing. 1900. !.0n ^ ■•N > A *>. ■y— . M ■ ■.. I i . — ^aM -^^ij-aj^f a/oioojoaQ .\/Aa,51\/Q >Si/lll^l[A .^>A>6 Alk510TlJA) 3 0AO .T Yf?H3H ^o poi-fosTfb ^/^ --isboU 1-^ . t^— --.-\^a \ •-=~-£^J ,Ji CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. A. S. COOPER, State Mineralogist. BULLETIN No. 19. San Francisco, November, 1900. h m m 111 wATis OF CALIFORNIA. <: By W. L. WATTS, E.M. \ Published under the Direction of HENRY T. GAGE, Governor of the State of California. A. J. JOHNSTON, SACRAMENTO: : : : : superintendent state printing. 1900. k CONTENTS. Page. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 13-14 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 15-16 PART 1. Chapter 1. Introductory 17-18 [The figures refer to Paragraphs under each Part and Chapter.] Value of the petroleum industry in California, 1 ; New developments along lines indicated by the Mining Bureau, 2; Personal research takes longer than the gather- ing of hearsay information, 3; The value of maps and illustrations, 4; The value of fossils in geological research, 5; The work of investigation has been confined to definite lines of research, 6. PART 2.< TERRITORY BETWEEN THE SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS IN ORANGE COUNTY, AND THE SAN GABRIEL RIVER IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Chapter 1. Geology of the Puente Hills 19-38 Reasons why a detailed examination of the Puente Hills was made,,l; Physical geography of the Puente Hills, 2; Two orders of canons, 3; Character of rocks in Puente Hills, 4; Metamorphosed sedimentary rocks, 5; The unaltered sedimentary rocks classed in three groups, 6; The Sandstone Group: petroleum and fossils in, 7; The Shale Group: petroleum and fossils in, 8; The Conglomerate Group: petroleum and fossils in, 9; The geological structure in the Puente Hills is complex, 10; Areas covered respectively by the conglomerate, shale, and sandstone formations, 11 ; Geological formations on the east side of Santa Ana River near Olive, 12; Outliers of conglomerate, 13; Reasons why only leading features of the structural geology are shown on Fig. A, 14; Two systems of folds in the Puente Hills, 15; Lines of geological disturbance between Central oil-wells and Brea Canon, 16; Line of dis- turbance marked AA traced, 17; Eastern extremity of fold AA, 18; Character of territory west of Puente oil-wells, 19; Formations and geological structure exposed in Puente Caiion, 20; Formations east of Puente oil-wells, 21; Line of disturbance marked BB described, 22; Anticlinal structure observed east of Station 218, 23; Axes of folds AA and BB cannot be followed in a straight line for any great distance, reasons suggested, 24; Geological structure in the west extremity of the Puente Hills, 25; Strike of oil-lines follows the strike of the axes of the folds, 26; Use of diagrams showing cross-sections, 27; Fig. 2, cross-section running through west end of Puente Hills described, 28; Fig. 3, cross-section running N. 20° E. from mouth of Savage Canon, 29; Fig. 4, cross-section running N. 20° E. from Station 212 B, near the Murphy well, to a point north of the United States Signal Station in Sec. 14, T. 2 S., R. 11 W., S. B. M., 30 ; Fig. 5, cross-section running N. 20° E. through Puente Hills north of La Habra, 31 ; Structure of Puente Hills an anticlinal fold modified by subordinate folds, 32; Figs. 4 and 5 compared, 33; Irregularities in dip and strike, 34 ; Folds indicated by lines AA and BB cannot be regarded as extensions of folds indicated by lines XX and ZZ, 35; Pig. 6, 36; Fold ZZ traced, 37; Character of rocks immediately west of Santa Ana River and south of Telegraph Caiion, 38; Character of formation north of Telegraph Cafion, 39; Carbonne and Clapp canons, 40; Bituminous sandstone on the Chino ranch, 41; Gird's quarry of bituminous rock, 42; Geological structure on portions of the Chino ranch, 43; Character of the higher portions of the Puente Hills between Soquel Canon and Cailada del Rodeo, 44 ; Reconnaissance of the north slope of the Puente Hills which lies west of the town of Chino, 45 ; Formations in the higher portions of the Puente Hills between Car- bonne Canon and Canada del Rodeo, 46; Reconnaissance of that portion of the Puente Hills which lies north of the Puente oil-wells, 47; Reconnaissance of the west extremity of the Puente Hills, 48. 4 CONTENTS. Page. Chapter 2. The Foothills East of the Santa Ana River 38-41 The geological formations east of the Santa Ana River, 1 ; Cross-section through certain portions of the foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains, 2; Thickness of sand- stone formation, character of sandstone, fossils, 3; Dark-colored earthy shale said to show traces of petroleum, 4; Character of the formation underlying the earthy shale, 5; Review of geological features pertaining to the occurrence of petroleum in the Puente Hills, 6. PART 3. LOS ANGELES AND ITS SUBURBS, THE SAN PEDRO PENINSULA, THE SAN FERNANDO OR NEWHALL DISTRICT, TERRITORY BETWEEN NEWPORT IN ORANGE COUNTY AND THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY LINE, AND PROS- PECT WELLS IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY. Chapter 1. Geological Formation between Puente Hills and the Los Angeles Oil-Field 42-44 Mesa lands west of San Gabriel River and the Rapetto Hills, 1 ; Wells of the Arctic Oil Company, 2; Gas in Hellman well, 3; Geological formations near Monterey Caiion, 4; Geological formations in East Los Angeles, prospect wells drilled in East Los Angeles, 5; Formation on west side of Los Angeles River, 6; Most of the rocks in Elysian Park and those north of the San Gabriel branch of the S. P. R. R. are older than the shale formation, 7; Fold in the older rocks, prospect wells north of the San Gabriel branch of the S. P. R. R., 8. Chapter 2. The Los Angeles Oil-Field, 1897-1899, inclusive 44-49 Developments in Los Angeles oil-field subsequent to the publication of Bulletin No. 11, 1; The Eastern Extension of the Los Angeles oil-field, 2; Comparison of formations penetrated in the Central field and the Eastern Extension, 3; Pos- sibilities of the extension of the Los Angeles oil-fields discussed, contour map of the Los Angeles oil-field, 4; Stratigraphy of the Central field, 5; Stratigraphy of the Eastern Extension, 6; The course of the contour lines shows the relation between the Central field and the Eastern Extension, 7 ; Explanations suggested touching the relative position of the Central field and the Eastern Extension at Los Angeles, 8; Review of geological features pertaining to the occurrence of petroleum at Los Angeles, the oil-measures at Los Angeles correspond to the upper oil- measures in the Central Valley of California, 9; The stratigraphical position and the strike of the oil-sand at Los Angeles, 10. Chapter 3. The Los Angeles Oil-Field, 1899 to July, 1900 49-53 Developments west of corner of Quebec and Miramar stree+s, character of geological formation and width of oil-line, 1 ; Character of formation and width of oil-line west of Alvarado Street, 2 ; Character of formation and width of oil-line. Sixth Street near Hoover, 3; Oil-wells west of Vermont Avenue, 4; Wells west of Western Avenue, 5. Chapter 4. San Pedro Peninsula, Los Angeles County 53-56 Reasons why the San Pedro Peninsula was investigated, 1 ; Topography of San Pedro Peninsula, 2; The rocks of the San Pedro Peninsula, 3; Raised beaches, 4; Geological disturbance, 5; Exudations of bitumen, 6; Prospect wells drilled at San Pedro, 7; Shales near San Pedro resemble shales in Puente Hills, 8; Formation north of Resort Point, well on Dos Palos Verdes ranch, 9; Conclusion with regard to the prospect of finding oil in remunerative quantities on the San Pedro Penin- sula, 10. Chapter 5. The San Fernando or Newhall Mining District 56-57 Siluation and history of San Fernando mining district, 1 ; The oil-yielding forma- tions of the San Fernando mining district, 2 ; Non-conformability in Elsmere Canon, 3; Petroleum found in crystalline rock, 4. I CONTENTS. O Page. Chapter 6. Territory between Newport in Orange County and the San Diego County Line - - -- - 57-61 Reasons why this territory was examined, 1; Extent of territory, topography, two ridges of hills, 2; Character of geological formations, conglomerate, whitish sandstone, and shale, 3; Extent of shale formation, limestone deposits near El Toro, 4; Upper Neocene (late Pliocene) formations near El Toro, 5; Sequence of formation in northern ridge of these hills, 6; The shale probably overlaps the under- lying formations, 7; Geology of shore-line between Laguna and Newport bays, also of the north end of the San Joaquin Hills, eruptive rocks, 8; Oil-sand at Rocky Point, oil-sand and shale north of Newport, fossils in overlying rocks, 9; Conclu- sions concerning territory between Newport and San Diego county line, 10. Chapter 7. Prospect Wells in San Diego County 61 Monarch Oil Company's well, 1; La Jolla Oil Company's well, 2; San Diego Oil Company's well, 3; Carlsbad (well near), 4. PART 4. PRODUCTIVE AND PROSPECT WELLS IN LOS ANGELES AND ORANGE COUNTIES. Chapter l. Productive Wells in Los Angeles County..- - 62-70 Distribution of productive wells in Los Angeles County, 1; Divisions of Los Angeles oil-field, 2; Number, distribution, and product of Los Angeles oil-wells, 3; List of oil-producers in Los Angeles City, July 1, 1900, 4; Hercules Oil Company's wells, 5 ; Los Angeles Oil and Transportation and Terminal Company, 6 ; San Gabriel Electric Light Company's wells, 7 ; Schmidt wells, 8 ; Oil-fields in the Puente Hills, 9 ; The Whittier oil-field, extent of, 10; The Central Oil Company's wells, 11; Chandler wells, 12; Clarendon Heights Oil Company's wells, 13; Fidelity Oil Company's wells, 14; Holden well, 15; Home Oil Company's wells, 16; Turner Oil Company's wells, 17 ; "Warner Oil Company's wells, 18 ; Whittier Crude Oil Company's wells, 19 ; The La Habra district, extent of, 20; Union Oil Company's wells, 21; The Puente district, extent of, 22; The Puente Oil Company, 23; Kellerman well, 24; Pacific Coast Oil Company's wells in Pico Caiion, 25; Pacific Coast Oil Company's wells in Elsmere Canon, 26; Pacific Coast Oil Company's wells in Wiley Caiion, 27; White Oil Company's well, 28. Chapter 2. Prospect and Unfinished Wells in Los Angeles County 70-79 Brea Ranch well, 1; Davis well, 2; Houser tract wells, 3; Ivy Station wells, 4; John & Strong well, 5; Keating wells, 6; Lewis well, 7; Lombard &Lockhart wells, 8; Mansfield well, 9; Mitchell & Stilson wells, 10; New Mexico Development Com- pany, 11; Pico Oil Company's wells, 12; Pitcher & GarbuttOil Company's wells, 13; Rhodes wells, 14 ; Rodeo Oil Company's wells, 15 ; Rommel Oil Company's wells, 16 ; Rosedale Cemetery, wells at, 17; Selby Oil Company, 18; Star Oil Company's well, 19; Thomas wells, Croswell tract, 20; Weid well, 21; Wicks and others' wells, 22; Williams (The National Oil Company's) well, 23; Bland well, 24; Par East well, 25; Headly well, 26; Johnston well, 27; Reeswell, 28; Scott & Loftus well, 29; W' biting (Dwight), and others' well, 30 ; Wilkinson well, 31 ; Chino well No. 1, 32 ; Chino well No. 2, 33; Gird well on Chino ranch, 34; Gird well on Brea Canon road, 35; Joyce Oil Company's well, 36; Murphy's Oil Company's well, 37; North Whittier Oil Company's well, 38; Shirley & McCray well, 39; Whittier Oil Company's wells, 40; Alpine Oil Company's well, 41; Bervelle & Bradshaw well, 42; California Oil Com- pany's well, 43; Commercial Oil and Development Company's well, 44; Eureka Crude Oil Company's well, 45; Good Luck Oil Company's well, 46; lola Oil Com- pany's well, 47; New Century Oil Company's well, 48; Pioneer White Oil Company's well, 49; Rice Caiion wells, 50; Rice wells, 51; Townsley Caiion wells, 52; Yankee Doodle Oil Company's well, 53; Zenith Oil Company's well, 54; Arctic Oil Com- pany's wells, 55; Bell Station well, 56; Bluett & Mullen wells, 57; Castac well, 58; Climax well, 59; Hellman well, 60; Pacoina wells, 61; Rosecrans wells, 62; Schuyler well, 63; Sickleworth well, 64; Wells near Azusa, 65; Bartelow well, 66; Chandler well, 67; Maier & Zobelein well, 68; Moulton well, 69. 6 CONTENTS. Page. Chapter 3. Productive Oil-Wells in Orange County ..- 79-81 Fullerton oil-tield, extent of, 1; Brea Cafion Oil Company's wells, 2; Columbia Oil Company's wells, 3; Consolidated Olinda Oil Company's wells, 4; Fullerton Consolidated Oil Company's wells, 5; Fullerton Oil Company's wells, 6; Graham & Loftus wells, 7; Santa F(§ Railroad Company's wells, 8; Union Oil Company's wells, 9. Chapter 4. Prospect Wells in Orange County 81-82 Egan Ranch wells, 1; Jensen Ranch wells, 2; Marius Meyer well, 3; Newport Oil Company's wells, 4; Orange County Oil Company's well, 5; Puente Crude Oil Com- pany's well, 6; San Joaquin Ranch wells, 7; Santa Ana Oil Company's well, 8; Soquel Oil Company's well, 9. PART 5. VENTURA COUNTY. Chapter l. The Territory between Sespe and Piru Creeks 83-92 Work done during last campaign in Ventura County, 1 ; Object of field work recorded in this chapter, 2 ; Sespe oil-measures described in Bulletin 11, 3 ; Territory between Sespe and Piru creeks, 4 ; Formations overlying Sespe oil-measures, whitish sandstone, fossils in, concretions in, petroleum in, 5; Shale formation overlies whitish sandstone, resembles shale in Puente Hills, petroleum in, lowermost por- tion silicious, physical appearance of shale formation, fossils in, 6; Conglomerate formation, fossils in, 7; Formations at base of Mount Cayetana, Pliocene fossils, 8; Difficulty of outlining contacts, 9; Structure between Sespe and Piru creeks, folds and cross-folds, fault lines, tilted blocks, solfataric action, 10; Petroleum in forma- tions overlying Eocene rocks, 11; Facilities for observation in Hopper Cailon, 12; Fig. 9 analyzed, sequence of formation and geological structure shown in Fig. 9, 13; Fig. 10 analyzed, 14; Bradley & Hutton well, old well near mouth of Hopper Canon, 15; Geological horizon of silicious shales, 16; Points at which the shale and conglomerate formations were observed, 17 ; Area over which the whitish sandstone was traced, 18 ; Area over which the shale formation was traced, 19 ; Area over which the conglomerate formation was traced, 20; Four folds in three miles, 21; Course of folds AA, BB, CC, DD, 22; Folds AA, BB, CC, DD, inclined folds, 23; Structure near Piru irregular, 24 ; Fold A A traced, 25; Fold BB traced, 26; Fold CC traced, 27; Fold DD traced, 28; Faults affecting folds CC and DD, 29; Formations north of Modelo Cafion, 30; Axis of fold and oil-sand in Narrows on Piru Creek, 31; Notable instance of variation in geological structure (probably block tilting), 32. Chapter 2. Recent Exploitations of the Eocene Formations on Sespe Creek. 92-95 The lowermost oil-yielding formation in the Sespe district, wells penetrating this formation, 1; Wells on Razzle Dazzle claim, 2; Wells of Henley, Crawford & Co., 3; Oil-claims on Sespe Creek north of the Devil's Gate, 4; General remarks on forma- tions between Sespe and Piru creeks, 5. Chapter 3 . Productive Oil- Wells in Ventura County 95-99 The productive oil-fields of Ventura County defined, 1; Tapo Canon wells, 2; South Pacitic Oil Company's wells in Eureka Canon, 3; Torrey Canon wells, 4; Bardsdale wells, 5; The South Pacific Oil Company's wells on the south slope of Mount Cayetana, 6; The Sespe district, 7; Big Sespe Oil Company's wells, 8; Fortuna Oil Company's wells, 9; Sunset Oil Company's wells, 10; Piru Oil Com- pany's wells, 11; Wells included in the Ex-Mission Group, 12; Adams Canon oil- wells, 13; Salt Marsh wells, 14; Wheeler Canon wells, 15; Scott & Gilmore wells, 16; Silverthread district, 17; Capital Crude Oil Company's wells, 18; The-Bard wells, 19; Astarte wells, 20; Mark Jones wells, 21; The Peri wells, 22. Chapter 4. Prospect Wells and Prospecting in Ventura County 99-101 Berkeley Oil Company, 1; Bradley & Hutton well, 2; Calleguas wells, 3; Crude Oil Company's well, 4; East Piru Oil Company's well, 5; Henley, Crawford & Co.'sweli, 6; Kellerman Oil Company's well, 7; Mclntyre & Co.'s well, 8; Nuevo CONTENTS. 7 Page Camulos Oil Company's well, 9; Piru Oil Company's wells, 10; Ramona Oil Com- pany's well, 11; Santa Ana Oil Company's well, 12; Western Oil Company's well, 13; Ranch No. 1, 9 miles north of Ventura (wells on), 14; Santa Ana Ranch well, 15; Prospecting in Ventura County, 16; Anacapa Island, 17. PART 6. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY. Chapter l. The Summerland Oil-Field and Productive Wells in Santa Barbara County - 102-104 Oil-bearing territory in Santa Barbara County, 1 ; Development of Summerland oil-field, 2; Methpd of drilling beneath the water, 3; Character of formation pene- trated in Summerland oil-field, 4; Cause of irregularity in stratification, probable age of oil-measures at Summerland, 5; Depth of Summerland wells, 6; Number and production of Summerland oil-wells, 7; List of oil-producers in Summerland oil- field for the year ending December 31, 1899, 8; Names of owners of wharves and length of wharves at Summerland in March, 1900, 9; The Occidental Oil Company's wells, 10. Chapter 2. Prospect Wells in Santa Barbara County.. 104-105 Arctic Oil Company's wells, 1; Buel Ranch well, 2; Careaga well, 3; Casmalia well, 4; Den Ranch well, 5; Heath well, 6; Illinois well, 7; Robinson well, 8; Santa Barbara and Naples Oil and Land Company's wells, 9; Stevens, Clark & Duncan well, 10; Treadwell well, 11. PART 7. THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY. Chapter 1. Geological Sketch. 106-109 The San Joaquin Valley, oil-fields in, 1; Oil-yielding formations, Eocene and Neocene formations, character of Eocene rocks, coal in, oil in, 2; Topography of the Central Valley of California during the Eocene and Neocene periods, 3; Character of Lower Neocene formations, non-conformability between Lower Neocene and Eocene formations, fossils in Lower Neocene rocks, petroleum in, 4; Middle Neo- cene formations, important oil-measures in, fossils in, character of Middle Neocene formations on eastern and western sides of San Joaquin Valley, evidence of non- conformability between Middle and Lower Neocene formations, thickness of Neo- cene formations, 5; Relation of Eocene and Neocene formations, question of non-conformability an important one, 6; Neocene formation less disturbed on eastern side than on western side of San Joaquin Valley, possibility of finding oil- fields similar to those of Kern River, where to look for them, 7. Chapter 2. Petroleum in Kern County 109-110 Petroleum in Kern County, 1 ; General statement concerning petroleum forma- tions of Kern Countj' quoted from Bulletin No. 3, 2; That petroleum should be found in the rocks on both sides of San Joaquin Valley in Kern County not surprising, 3. Chapter 3. Kern River Oil-District ...110-116 Attention first drawn to this locality by the State Mining Bureau, size and loca- tion of the Kern River oil-field, depth of wells, character of formation, table of well records, reputed thickness of oil-sand, yield of wells, character of oil-sand, means of separating it from oil, gas, 1 ; Exposed rocks in Kern River oil-field, Middle Neocene formations resting on granite, dip and strike of oil-sand, 2; The channel of Kern River, evidences of gradual erosion, reasonable probability that oil-bearing strata extend to south side of Kern River, 3; History of Kern River oil- field, Elwood discovery well, subsequent developments, 4; Barker ranch, 5; Poso and Cottonwood creeks, 6; List of operators, etc., 7; Barker Ranch Development 8 CONTENTS. Page. Company's wells, 8; Beaver Oil Company's well, 9; Rio Bravo and White Range Oil Company's well, 10; Mount Adelaide Oil and Mining Company's well, 11; Bachelors Oil Company's well, 12; Cosmopolitan Oil Company's well, 13; Defiance Mineral Company's well, 14; New Hope Oil Company's well, 15; Twenty-two Oil Company's well, 16; Vishnu Oil Company's well, 17. Chapter 4. The Sunset Oil-District ..117-123 History of Sunset Oil District, 1; Messrs. Jewett & Blodget drill, 2; They refine asphaltum, 3; They drill more wells, 4; Sunset oil-district defined, 5; Topography of Sunset oil-district, 6; Geological formations in, 7; Stratigraphy and lithological character, 8; Light-colored silicious shale, 9; Large content of silica, 10; Light- colored shales less disturbed than the formations on which they rest, 11 ; They are of Lower Neocene age and non-conformable, 12; Asphaltum beds and animal remains in, 13; Wells in, 14; Brine springs in, 15; Formations overlying light-' colored shales, fossils in, 16; Non-conformability between light-colored shales and overlying formations, 17; Wells drilled by Messrs. Jewett & Blodget in 1892-93, 18; Wells drilled in August, 1900, 19; Rocks associated with rocks of Middle Neocene age, 20; Sulphur deposits, 21 ; Gypsum deposits, 22. Chapter 5. Wells in Sunset Oil-District 123-125 Monarch Oil Company, 1; Jewett & Blodget Oil Company, 2; Acme Oil Com- pany, 3; Bachelors Oil Company, 4; Barrett Oil Company, 5; Golden Gate Oil Pro- ducing Company, 6; Lion Oil Company, 7; Manhattan Oil Company, 8; Navajo Oil Company, 9; Pittsburg Oil Company, 10; State Crude Oil Company, 11; Sunset Bakersfield Crude Oil Company, 12; Sunset Czar Oil Company, 13; Sunset King Oil Company, 14; Sunset Petroleum and Refining Company, 15; Sunset Queen Oil Com- pany, 16; Western Mineral Oil Company, 17. Chapter 6. The McKittrick District 125-129 Territory between Sunset and McKittrick districts, 1 ; McKittrick district defined, topography of, 2; History of McKittrick district, original locators, Buena Vista Petroleum Company erect a refinery. Blodget & Weil drill, Hambleton and others drill, railroad built. Standard Asphalt Company erects a refinery, asphaltum mines discovered, refinery burned, new one built, Buena Vista Oil Company drills. Melton McWhorter erects a refinery, McWhorter and others drill, Treadwell drills, number of producing wells in July, 1900, 3; Geological formations, silicious shales, diato- maceous rocks, bituminous rocks, saline rocks, fossils, geologic age, dip, strike, 4; Productive oil-yielding formations, yield, gravity of oil, 5; Formation in western portion of field, fragments of silicious shale in bituminous strata, 6; Thermal spring, superficial asphaltum deposits, character of asphaltum, 7; Asphaltum mines, character of veins and enclosing rocks, fresh-water shells, 8; The Temblor field, productive wells, gravity of oil, 9. Chapter 7. Wells in McKittrick District 129-131 California Standard Oil Company's well, 1; Climax Oil Company's wells, 2; El Dorado Oil Company's well, 3; Giant Oil Company's wells, 4; Kern River Oil Com- pany's wells, 5; San Francisco McKittrick Oil Company's well, 6; Shamrock Oil Company's wells, 7; Treadwell Oil Company's wells, 8; Climax Oil Company's wells, 9; Bay City Oil Company's well, 10; El Modelo Oil Company's well, 11; Hartford Oil Company's well, 12; National Oil Company's wells, 13; Pacific Consolidated Oil Company's well, 14; Sloan Oil Company's well, 15; Virginia Oil Company's well, 16 ; Diamond Oil Company's well, 17; Eureka Oil and Development Company's well, 18; Gould & Center Company's well, 19; Jameson well, 20; Nevada Oil Company's well, 21; Sunrise Oil and Development Company's well, 22. Chapter 8. Devil's Den District 131-132 The Devil's Den district defined, 1 ; Geological formation, 2 ; Devil's Den Develop- ment Company's well, 3 ; Imperial Oil and Development Company's well, 4 ; Raven's Pass Oil Company's well, 5; Spreckels well, 6. CONTENTS. 9 Page. Chapter 9. Kreyenhagen District.. --.132-136 Kreyenhagen district defined, 1 ; Avenal oil-field, 2; Kettleman Hills, 3; Fresh- water formations, 4; Kreyenhagen ranch, 5; Number of wells drilled, 6; Black Mountain Oil Company's well, 7 ; Kreyenhagen Oil Company's wells, 8 ; Avenal Land and Oil Company's wells, 9; Baby King Oil Company's well, 10; Consolidated Oil and Development Company's wells, 11 ; Kings County Oil Company's wells, 12 ; St. Lawrence Oil Company's well, 13; Esperanza Oil Company's wells, 14; Florence Oil Company's wells, 15; Gibbs Oil Company's well, 16; Iowa Oil Company's well, 17; Oceanic Oil Company's well, 18; Stanislaus Oil Company's well, 19; Stockton Oil Company's well, 20. Chapter lO. The Coalinga District.-. 136-142 Coalinga district defined, 1; The Oil City field, geological formations in, 2; History of Oil City field, first well, Rowland & Lacy drill, wells in 1893, Producers and Consumers Oil Company drill, Chanselor & Canfield drill, exploitations of Middle Neocene formations, 3 ; Water-supply, 4 ; Output of petroleum for 1899, 5 ; The Alcalde field, geological formations in, 6; Coalinga Oil Company's wells, 7; Home Oil Company's wells, 8; Independence Oil Company's wells, 9; Oil City Petroleum Company's well, 10; Phoenix Oil Company's wells, 11; Twenty-eight Oil Company's well, 12; ^Etna Oil Company's well, 13; Blue Goose Oil Company's well, 14; Bonanza King Oil Company's well, 15; California Oil and Gas Company's well, 16; Caribou Oil Company's well, 17; Carmelita Oil Company's well, 18; Con- fidence Oil Company's well, 19 ; Crescent Oil Company's well, 20 ; Elk Oil Company's well, 21; Great Western Oil Company's well, 22; Independent Oil Company's well, 23; Investment Oil Company's well, 24; Minnesota Oil Company's well, 25; Mont- jack Oil Company's well, 26; Mutual Oil Company's well, 27; New York Oil Com- pany's well, 28 ; Old Keystone Oil Company's well, 29 ; Rock Oil Company's well, 30 ; Santa Clara Oil Company's well, 31; Selma Oil Company's well, 32; Wisconsin Oil Company's well, 33; Badger State Oil Company's well, 34; Hawkeye State Oil Company's wells, 35; May Brothers' well, 36; Rommel & Westlake Oil Company's well, 37; Star Oil Company's well, 38; Sunnyside Oil Company's well, 39; Wright Association's well, 40 ; Venus Oil Company's well, 41 ; Wale Oil Company's well, 42. PART 8. MONTEREY. SAN LUIS OBISPO. AND SAN BENITO COUNTIES. Chapter l. Monterey County. Geological Description, by H. W. Fairbanks, Ph.D - 143-146 Formations similar to those of San Luis Obispo County, formations between Santa Lucia Range and Salinas River, flinty shales, oil-producing rocks extensive, oil preserved in San Pablo formation, wells drilled in, flinty shales doomed to be dry, 1 ; The Parkfield district, by W. L. Watts ; district defined, the Little Cholame, geological formations in, fossils of Middle Neocene age, sedimentary rocks in con- tact with metarnorphic, seepages of petroleum, 2; Cholame Oil and Development Company's wells, 3; Parkfield Oil Company's well, 4; Waverly Oil Company's well, 5; The San Ardo district, 6; Tomboy Oil and Development Company's well, 7; San Antonio Oil Company's well, 8; San Ardo Consolidated Oil Company's well, 9. Chapter 2. San Luis Obispo County. The Oil-Yielding Formations, by H. W. Fair- banks, Ph.D 146-148 Numerous oil-springs, source of the oil, the Monterey series, distillation of oil from organic matter, preservation in porous rocks, two belts of oil-yielding forma- tions, best place to drill for oil, the San Pablo formation, prospect wells poorly located, indications favorable in northern portion of the county, I ; Several prospect wells drilled during past twelve years, 2 ; Huasna Development Company's wells, 3 ; San Luis Obispo Company's well, 4; Union Oil Company's wells, 5. 10 CONTENTS. Page. Chapter 3. San Benito County 148-150 Distribution of oil-yielding formations, 1; Big Panoche district, 2; Ashurst Oil Company's well, 3; Dewey Oil Company, 4; Dos Palos Oil Company's well, 5; Esmeralda Oil and Development Company's wells, 6; Fresno Aljjha Oil Company's well, 7; Hamiltonian Oil Company's well, 8; Ingomar Oil Company's well, 9; McCoy Oil Company's well, 10; Olympia Oil Company's well, 11; San Benito Oil Company's well, 12 ; San Carlos Oil Company's well, 13 ; Santa Maria Oil Company's well, 14; Silver Creek Oil Company's well, 15; Union Oil Company's wells, 16; The Little Panoche district defined, 17; Big Panoche Company's well, 18; Old Glory Oil Company's well, 19; Pacific Oil Development Company's well, 20; Panichito Oil Company's well, 21; World Oil Company's well, 22; HoUister district defined, 23; HoUister Crude Oil Company's well, 24 ; Nonpareil Consolidated Company's well, 25 ; San Benito Oil Company's well, 26. PART 9. ALAMEDA, SANTA CLARA, SAN MATEO, AND CONTRA COSTA COUNTIES. Chapter l. Alameda County 151 Oil prospecting in, 1; Alameda Oil Company's well, 2. Chapter 2. Santa Clara County 151-154 Petroleum mining in, Sargent's ranch, McPherson enterprises, 1; Geological for- mations on Sargent's ranch, 2; Output of petroleum, 8; Golden Gate Oil and Development Company's wells, 4; Watsonville Oil Company's wells, 5; Alma Oil Company's wells, 6 ; Gilroy Oil and Development Company's wells, 7 ; Kreyenhagen Oil and Development Company, 8; Main Estate, 9. Chapter 3. San Mateo County 154-156 History of petroleum mining in, 1 ; Paraffin Oil Company's wells, 2; Half Moon Bay (wells near), 3; McNee wells, 4. Chapter 4. Contra Costa County 156-157 History of petroleum mining in, 1 ; American Oil and PLcfinery Company's well, 2 ; Contra Costa Oil and Development Company, 3; Grand Pacific Oil Company, 4; McCamley ranch, prospect wells on, 5; Mount Diablo Oil Company, 6; Point Rich- mond Oil Company's wells, 7; San Pablo Oil Company's well, 8; Sobrante Oil and Investment Company, 9; Tidewater Oil and Development Company's well, 10. PART 10. MENDOCINO, COLUSA, HUMBOLDT, AND NAPA COUNTIES. Chapter 1. Mendocino County -.- 158 Oil-yielding formations at Point Arena, 1 ; Watson Oil Company's wells, 2; The White Lumber Company's wells, 3. Chapter 2. Colusa County 159-161 The existence of petroleum in Colusa County known for many years, inflam- mable gas, 1 ; Reconnaissance in Bear Creek, evidences of petroleum and character of formation on Bear Creek, 2; Cretaceous fossils, serpentine, structure of rocks, 3; Spring of mineral water and traces of petroleum, specimens of Aucella, 4; Oil- springs in Sec. 27, T. 14 N., R. 5 W., S. B. M., 5; Oil-well sunk many years ago, 6; Inflammable gas in creek, workings of T. P. Rathburn, character of petroleum, signs of asphaltum, 7; Heron Oil Company's well, 8; Gorrell & Smith Oil Company's well, 9. Chapter 3. Humboldt County. By F. M. Anderson 161-166 Historical sketch, early attempts, renewal of efforts, present work, 1; The Mack- intosh well, 2; The Craig well, 3; The Humboldt Oil Company, 4; Other com- panies, 5; Extent of oil-lands, geological character of , 6; Structural features of, 7; CONTENTS. 11 Page. The Mattole Valley, fault lines, 8 ; Evidences of petroleum, seepages, gas springs, wells, etc., 9; Character of oil, specific gravity, analysis, 10; Promise of district, unsuccessful work, expert opinion, location of wells, favorable features, 11. Chapter 4. Napa County - 166 Mount Shasta Oil and Development Company, oil-spring, analysis of oil, Harris Canon, oil in qufcksilver mine at Knoxville, 1. PART 11. PIPE LINES AND REFINERIES. Chapter 1. Pipe-Lines 167-171 Water-tables do not apply to transmission of oil, 1; Central Oil Company's pipe-line, 2; Oil City pipe-line, 3; Puente Oil Company's pipe-line, 4; Pacific Coast Oil Company's pipe-lines, 5; Sunset Oil Company's pipe-lines, 6; Union Oil Com- pany's pipe-lines, 7; Union Oil Company's pipe-line at Los Angeles, 8; Alcatraz Oil Company's pipe-line, 9 ; Modelo Oil Company's pipe-line, 10 ; Table showing rate of discharge of oil through pipe-lines, 11. Chapter 2. Petroleum Refineries -.- 171-172 American Oil and Asphalt ('ompany, 1 ; Asphaltum Oil and Refining Company, 2 ; Franklin Refining Company, 3; Jewett & Blodget Refinery, 4; Paraffin Paint Com- pany, 5; Pacific Coast Oil Company, 6; Puente Oil Company, 7; Southern Refining Company, 8; Sunset Oil Refining Company, 9; Union Oil Company, 10. PART 12. SUMMARY OF OIL- YIELDING FORMATIONS, CHARACTER OF CALIFORNIA PETRO- LEUM, AND HISTORICAL SKETCH OF OIL MINING IN CALIFORNIA. Chapter 1. Geographical and Geological Range of Oil- Yielding Formations in California 173-177 Nearly all producing fields south of 17th township line, M. D. M., productive areas traced, 1 ; Great extent of oil-yielding formations, oil-yielding formations not always productive, 2; Range of oil-yielding formations shown between Sespe and Piru creeks. Middle Neocene formations, conglomerate and shale, thickness of Middle Neocene formations, 3; Middle Neocene formations in Elsmere Canon, 4; Middle Neocene formations in the Puente Hills, Summerland oil-measures probably of Middle Neocene age, 5; Middle Neocene formations in the San Joaquin Valley, 6; Gravity of oil in Middle Neocene formations, 7; Formations underlying Middle Neocene series, silicious shale, whitish sandstone, 8; Whitish sandstone in Piru and Santiago canons compared, 9; Eocene formations underlying whitish sandstone, 10; Formations in the Devil's Gate mining district, 11; Oil-yielding formation at Oil City of Eocene age, 12; Lower Neocene formations rest non-con- formably on the Eocene, Middle Neocene formations rest non-conformably on, or overlap the Lower Neocene, 13. Chapter 2. Neocene and More Recent Formations in Portions of Orange and Los Angeles Counties _ _ 177-181 Neocene formations near the mouth of Santiago Canon, cretaceous and crystal- line rocks at the head of Santiago Cailon, 1; Cretaceous and Eocene fossils, 2; Lower Neocene fossils, 3; Whitish sandstone formation similar to that noted in Ventura County and in other portions of Orange County, 4; Shale formation, whitish shale, whitish shale in other portions of Orange County, clay-shale over- lying whitish shale, clay-shale of Middle Neocene age, 5; Probably non-conformity between shales and underlying sandstone, 6; Conglomerate formation, 7; Upper Neocene formation in Orange County, 8; Quaternary formations in Orange County, 9; Volcanic disturbance since deposition of shale formation, 10; Bedrock of valley lands, 11. 12 CONTENTS. Page. Chapter 3. Recapitulation 181-184 Geological distribution of petroleum in California, the Middle Neocene horizons, 1 ; Four oil-yielding horizons on north side of valley of Santa Clara River, 2; Oil- yielding formations of Summerland, Kern River, Sunset, McKittrick, and a por- tion of the Coalinga oil-fields of Middle Neocene age, 3; Oil-yielding formations of Panoche and Cholame valleys of Middle Neocene age, 4; Oil-yielding formations o^ Tunitas and Purissima creeks of Eocene age, 5 ; Oil-yielding formations on coast- line north of San Francisco, geological horizons not determined, 6; Natural gas in Central Valley in both Quaternary and older formations, 7; Probably many unex- plored oil-fields in California, 8 ; Probable origin of petroleum deposits, 9; Table showing geological horizon of oil-yielding formations, 10. Chapter 4. Geological Structure Pertaining to the Occurrence of Petroleum in California 185-201 Two phases of geological research, 1;' Folded strata of the Coast Ranges, minor folds important to oil-miners, 2; Types of folds, the upright fold, the inclined fold, the overturned fold, 3; Wells on an overturned fold, 4; Fan-shaped folds, 5; Folds met with in the Coast Ranges, 6; Depth to which strata are affected by folds, 7; Probable results of great compression, 8; Ideal section of oil-field, 9; Hints to prospectors, 10; Faults occasion oil-lines, 11; Figs. 22 and 23 explained, 12; Faults and folds, 13; Cross-folds, 14; Knowledge of structural geology essential, 15; Folds and faults not confined to hills and mountains, 16; Financial risks of prospecting vary greatly, risks classified, 17; Character of risk should be ascertained before investment is made, 18; Character of oil-measures in California, limitations of oil- lines, 19; Knowledge of dip and strike of oil-sands essential, 20; Method of deter- mining the dip of an exposed stratum, 21; Method of determining strike of oil- sands when not exposed, 22; Method of determining dip of oil-sand when not exposed, 23; Value of knowledge as to dip of oil-sand stratum, 24; Methods which lessen the risk of oil-mining, 25; Conditions governing the depths of wells, 26; Life of wells, 27; Cost of drilling, 28; Favorable locations for prospect wells, 29. Chapter 5. The Character of California Petroleum, Fuel Value, etc 201-215 Origin of petroleum, three hypotheses, 1; Nearly all the oil in California has an asphaltic base, 2; Distillates of Colusa County oil and Los Angeles County oil com- pared, analysis of oil from Kern River field, 3; Ultimate analyses of California oil and that of Eastern States compared, 4; Examination of California oil by Dr. F. Salathe, 5; Examinations of California oils byC. P. Williams, 6; Uses of California oil, 7; California oil contains more carbon than Eastern oil, 8; Additional uses for California petroleum, 9 ; Calorimetric experiments on California petroleum, table showing comparative fuel value of California petroleum and coal, 10; The gasoline cut, calorific value of sludge, 11; Tests on coal and oil at Los Angeles, 12; B. H. Denicke on fuel value of petroleum, 13; A. S. Cooper on fuel value of petroleum, 14; A. M. Hunt on fuel value of petroleum, 15; Natural gas in Cali- fornia, fuel value of, 16. Chapter 6. Review of the Petroleum Industry in California 215-217 Early history, 1; First scientific report, 2; First oil excitement in California, 3; Pioneer distillers of petroleum, 4; Recent history, 5; First report on petroleum by the State Mining Bureau, 6; Number of producing companies in July, 1900, 7; The first successful refinery, refineries now in operation, 8; Tables showing growth of petroleum industry in California, 9. TABLES OF FOSSILS REFERRED TO IN THIS BULLETIN 218-224 ATLAS OF GEOLOGICAL SKETCH-MAPS. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. I. FRONTISPIECE, CROSS-SECTIONS, AND DIAGRAMS. Page. Fig. 1. Geological relief map of Puente Hills Frontispiece 2. Cross-section through west end of Puente Hills 27 3. Cross-section running N. 20° E. from Station 153 A, Puente Hills 27 4. Cross-section running N. 20° E. from Station 212 B, Puente Hills 27 5. Cross-section between Station 261A and Station 236 32 6. Cross-section through fold XX, Puente Hills 32 7. Cross-section through foothills, south side of Santa Ana River, Orange Countj' 32 8. Cross-section showing non-conformability in Elsmere Canon, Los Angeles County 57 9. Cross-section between Station 200, northeast of Buckhorn and Fortuna wells, Ventura County 87 10. Cross-section between Hutton Peak and Hopper Caiion, Ventura County 87 11. Cross-section running N. 10° W. from railroad bridge at Piru to N. Piru Peak, Ventura County ... 87 12. Cross-section showing approximately the maximum thickness of light- colored shales exposed in Sunset district, Kern County 119 13. Cross-section of Middle Neocene strata in Kettleman Hills, Kings County 119 14. Cross-section through Oil City field, Fresno County 119 15. Upright fold 186 16. Inclined fold ; Overturned fold 186 17. Wells on inclined fold ; Wells on overturned fold 186 18. Fan-shaped fold 187 19. Ideal section of oil-field on anticlinal fold ; oil-line developed on one limb of fold 188 20. Ideal section of oil-field on anticlinal fold ; oil-line developed on both sides of fold I88 21. Ideal section of oil-field 'on anticlinal fold; one limb of fold broken by faults 191 22. Section showing strata inclosing oil-sand stratum. 191 23. Oil-lines formed by faulting 191 24. Diagram illustrating method of determining dip of exposed strata 195 25. Diagram illustrating method of determining strike of oil-sand stratum. 196 26. Diagram illustrating method of determining dip of oil-sand stratum... 198 II. PHOTOGRAPHS. Facing Page. Photo 1. Overturned fold in Puente Hills, Los Angeles County 22 2. Crushed sandstone in Puente Hills, Los Angeles County 22 3. Central oil-wells, Los Angeles County 24 4. Oil-wells in Brea Caiion, Orange County 24 5. Santa F6 oil-wells, FuUerton oil-field. Orange County. (Photo taken in 1898.) '. 32 6. View in Eastern oil-field. City of Los Angeles 32 7. Central oil-field, City of Los Angeles 44 8. Eastern oil-field. City of Los Angeles 44 14 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Facing Page. Photo 9. Puente Hills from the south fork of the San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles County 52 10. Cliff of shale, San Pedro Peninsula, Los Angeles County 52 11. Bituminous sandstone, Point Fermin, San Pedro Peninsula, Los Angeles County - 54 12. Wave-cut terraces, San Pedro Peninsula, Los Angeles County 54 13. Sandstone formation on shore-line, Orange Coiinty 58 14. Conglomerate resting non-conformably on sandstone, San Juan Capis- trano. Orange Countj'-.. ._ 58 15. Concretion from whitish sandstone formation, Piru, Ventura County .. 82 16. Broken concretion from whitish sandstone formation, Piru, Ventura County 82 17. Silicious shale, Hopper Canon, Ventura County 84 18. Clay-shale, Hopper Canon, Ventura County 84 19. Rocks bleached by gas outburst in clay-shale formation, east of Fill- more, Ventura County . . - 86 20. Piru Peak, from Piru Caiion, Ventura County 86 21. View looking west from Modelo Peak, Ventura County, showing rela- tion of Neocene shale to whitish sandstone formation 88 22. View looking northwest from Piru Peak, Ventura County, showing rela- tion of Neocene shales to whitish sandstone formation ... 88 23. Concretionarj' strata in whitish sandstone formation, Piru, Ventura County 90 24. Overturned fold, Modelo Cafion, near Piru, Ventura County 90 25. Modelo oil-wells, Ventura County. (Photo taken in 1898.) 104 26. View on shore-line, Summerland oil-tield, Santa Barbara County 104 27. Sespe brownstone and underlying formations, looking southeast, from Tar Hole, Sespe Cafion, Ventura County 110 28. Kern River oil-tield, from the south bank of Kern River, Kern County. 110 29. Pacific Coast Oil Company's wells, Pico Cafion, Los Angeles County ... 116 30. Sunset oil-field, Kern County 116 31. McKittrick oil-held, Kern County 136 32. Oil City, Fresno County 136 33. Fold in Modelo Cafion, Ventura County _ 184 34. Inclined fold, Temescal ranch, Ventura County 184 35. Overturned fold, San Pedro Peninsula, Los Angeles County 188 III. ATLAS OF GEOLOGICAL SKETCH-MAPS. Fig. A. Geological sketch-map of territory between Los Angeles and Santa Ana River. B. Geological sketch-map of a portion of foothills of Santa Ana Mountains. C. Geological sketch-map of Los Angeles oil-field. D. Geological sketch-map (No. 2) of Los Angeles oil-field. E. Geological sketch-map of Peninsula of San Pedro. F. Geological sketch-map, southeast portion of Orange County. G. Geological sketch-map of territory between Sespe and Piru creeks, Ven- tura County. H. Geological sketch-map of Devil's Gate oil-district, Ventura County. I. Sketch-map of Summerland, showing oil-wells and wharves. J. Map of a portion of Kern County, showing location of McKittrick, Sunset, and Kern River oil-districts. K. Map of the Sunset oil-district, Kern County. L. Geological sketch-mai? of Coalinga oil-district, Fresno County. M. Map of a portion of California, showing location of oil-districts. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. California State Mining Bureau, October 31, 1900. To His Excellency Henry T. Gage, Governor of the State of California; The Honorable the Board of Trustees of the State Mining Bureau; and Hon. A. S. Cooper, State Mineralogist: Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit to you Bulletin No. 19, entitled "The Oil and Gas Yielding Formations of California." The matters treated in this Bulletin are descriptions: (1) of certain territory extending westward from the Santa Ana Mountains in Orange County, to the City of Los Angeles, including the Puente Hills and the oil-fields situated therein; (2) of the Los Angeles oil-fields; (3) of certain territory extending westward along the coast-line between San Diego County and Newport in Orange County, and northward, inland, for a distance of about ten miles; (4) of the peninsula of San Pedro; and (5) of certain territory in Ventura County extending eastward from the Sespe Creek to the Piru Creek in the mountains north of the valley of the Santa Clara River. A brief description is given of recent developments at Summerland in Santa Barbara County, and of the oil-fields in the foothills of the Central Valley of California, which have attracted so much attention. A chapter by Mr. F. M. Anderson on the oil-fields of Humboldt County, and remarks by H. S. Fairbanks, Ph.D., on the oil-yielding formations of San Luis Obispo and Monterey counties, are also included. The geological facts which I mention, concerning the Kern River, the Sunset, and the Coalinga districts, are largely quotations from Bulletin No. 3, now out of print, for which there is a great demand. In addition to the above, I have written chapters on the structural conditions pertaining to the occurrence of petroleum, and the geographical and geological distribution of this mineral in California. I have also added a summary of available data concerning the character and fuel value of California petroleum, also a chapter on the descriptive geology pertain- ing to the occurrence of petroleum in the territory I have investigated. Under the head of productive wells, I have mentioned only such wells as were productive when the locality in which they are situated was visited. 16 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. The records given of fractional distillation of California petroleum are from experiments made by the late Dr. W. D. Johnston, formerly chemist to the California State Mining Bureau, and by myself. The palseontological determinations shown in the tables at the end of this volume were made by Dr. J. C. Merriam of the State University of California; and the palseontological matter quoted from Bulletin No. 3 is based on determinations made by Dr. J. G. Cooper of Haywards. Since the beginning of 1897, I have been stationed principally in Southern California. A large portion of my time has been devoted to answering questions and attending to correspondence concerning not only petroleum, but also other minerals. This class of work has been especially onerous during the petroleum excitement of the past two years. I have also collected and compiled the annual statistics of petroleum and of several other mineral products in the southern part of the State. Since my appointment, in 1899, as State Expert in California Min- •ing, I have had charge of all the field-work of the State Mining Bureau prescribed under Chapter XCV, Statutes of California, 1899. Further- more, in order that there might be no delay in placing before the public the information obtained, I delivered lectures and compiled maps, giv- ing such facts concerning the oil-yielding districts as my investigations warranted. By these means, many of the facts set forth in this Bulletin found their way into the public press. Although the greater portion of this report might have been printed somewhat earlier, I considered it advisable to complete the work already in hand, and bring the statistical portion as nearly as possible up to date before offering my report for publication. Allow me to take this opportunity of returning thanks to the numerous gentlemen who have aided me in my work; also to the Academy of Sciences of San Francisco, California, and the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, for courteous assistance in the matter of office room. Permit me also to thank the Puente Oil Company, the Union Oil Company, and D. C. Cook, Esq., of Piru, Ventura County, for the handsome gift of text-books which they presented to the Library of the California State Mining Bureau as a token of their appreciation of the researches made by our Department concerning the oil-yielding formations of California. Most respectfully, W. L. WATTS. OIL AND GAS YIELDING FORMATIONS OF CALIFORNIA. PART 1. CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTORY. 1.1.1.* California's mineral wealth consists not only in those minerals from which metals are obtained, but also in numerous other mineral substances, which become in greater demand as our manufacturing interests expand and as our civilization advances. The most important of the latter class of minerals, which, in a com- mercial sense, may be regarded as non-metallic, are the hydrocarbons; and of these, petroleum, in the form of asphaltum, oil, and natural gas, is of the greatest value. This Bulletin is confined to the last two of these items. It is only of late years that the importance of the petroleum interests of California has been recognized. The value of our petroleum industry is far-reaching. Exclusive of asphaltum and gas, it is represented by the amount of foreign capital expended in the work of extracting and handling the oil, by the price obtained for that portion of our petroleum which is exported by California residents, and by the value of that portion which is consumed in California. The part consumed in this State constitutes the bulk of ©ur petroleum output, and is used chiefly as fuel, thus becoming one of the leading factors in our commercial economy. In California the question of petroleum as fuel assumes a special importance, owing to the fact that the deposits of coal thus far discovered in our State are inadequate to the steadily increasing demand for fuel. 1.1.2. Since the publication of our last Bulletin on this subject, the opening of new oil-fields has widened the horizon of research; and it is very encouraging to note that the new developments have been made along lines indicated in the reports of the Mining Bureau. 1.1.3. Investigations in which information is gathered b}-- interview- ing parties interested, and obtaining from them data which are the result of their researches, or by the compilation of records, can be made *The numbers at the beginning of the paragraphs are so arranged that the figure on the left hand denotes the Part, the next the Chapter, and the figure or figures on the right hand the Paragraph. Thus, 1.2.15 means Part 1, Chapter 2, Paragraph 15. 2— Bl9 (17) 18 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. with rapidity; but investigations which require that information be gathered by the personal research of the investigator demand a much longer time. In many instances the latter class of investigations involves a concentration of energy within a comparatively small area. Thus, in Los Angeles, Orange, and Ventura counties it was apparent that the relation of the oil-yielding rocks to the rocks which inclose them should be demonstrated; but this was not the work of a day or a week or a month. 1.1.4. There are few things which facilitate education as much as the object method of imparting ideas; hence, the stress laid on maps and illustrations. 1.1.5. There has been some discussion as to the value of fossils in connection with researches among the petroleum-yielding rocks of California. In order to make a competent record as to the occurrence of petroleum in this State, it is necessary to define the rocks in which petroleum is found, and to show their horizontal and vertical range; or, in other words, to show the area over which they extend, and the way in which they lie one on another. Furthermore, such a record requires that the petroleum-yielding rocks in the different oil-fields should be correlated with the geological formations of the State at large. The physical character of sedimentary rocks is an insufficient index by which to classify them. The rock-forming sediments in every age consist of mud, calcareous matter, sand, and fragments of rock, which have formed respectively shale, limestone, sandstone, and conglomerate. The accepted method of distinguishing such rocks or groups of rocks belonging to one age, from similar rocks or groups of rocks belonging to another age, is by means of the fossils they contain, which show the form of life existing at the time the sediment forming the rocks was deposited. This report describes a series of sandstones, shales, and conglomerates in which petroleum is found. It is essential, therefore, to mention such evidence as may define the position of these sandstones, shales, and conglomerates in point of vertical as well as of horizontal range, and to show their relation to the other sedimentary rocks found throughout California. Much more might be said as to the value of fossils in geological investigations. 1.1.6. In order to systematize the work, it has been found necessary to confine investigations to definite lines of research. The direction of these lines has been determined by the probabilities of finding the requisite geological data, by the amount of development done or about to be done in different areas, by the amount of interest taken in the work of investigation by citizens connected with the petroleum industry in the various oil-yielding districts, and by the demands for informa- tion concerning districts which were supposed to have value as oil-lands. GEOLOGY OF THE PUENTE HILLS. 19 TERRITORY BETWEEN THE SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS IN ORANGE COUNTY AND THE SAN GABRIEL RIVER IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. CHAPTER 1. GEOLOGY OF THE PUENTE HILLS. 2.1.1. In Los Angeles County there are three distinct formations which comprise the oil-yielding rocks and the rocks which inclose them and it became apparent that the relation of these formations one to another should be demonstrated. Since the most urgent requests for information came from parties operating or about to operate oil-territory in the Puente Hills, in Los Angeles and Orange counties, those hills were selected as an area within which to work out the problem. 2.1.2. Reference to Figs. 1 and A shows that the Puente Hills con- sist of a low range cut off from the Santa Ana Mountains by the Santa Ana River. On the north they are separated from the San Jose Hills by the south fork of the San Gabriel Valley (see Photo No. 9); on the west they are separated from the Rapetto Hills by the San Gabriel River; on the south they slope down to the valley of the Santa Ana River and the level country which stretches southward toward the Pacific Ocean, about 20 miles away. The highest elevation in the Puente Hills is about 1650'. The elevation of the valley of the Santa Ana River ranges from about 200' near the village of Olive to 450' at the narrows, where the Santa Ana River divides the Puente Plills from the Santa Ana Mountains. The elevation of the south arm of the San Gabriel Valley varies from about 350' near the west extremity of the Puente Hills, to about 700' near the village of Spadra. 2.1.3. The Puente Hills are traversed by numerous canons. Their trend appears somewhat erratic, but Fig. 1 shows that in a general way the canons are of two orders: (1) Numerous small canons, which run nearly at right angles to the crest of the hills; (2) Larger canons, which either cut through the crest of the hills or run parallel to their course. The canons of the first order have been formed principally by erosion. The course of the canons of the second order has probably been determined by the geological structure. The trend of the canons which cut through the crest of the hills is east of north, as is seen by 20 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. looking at the Sycamore and Turnbull canons, the Canada del Rodeo, and the upper portions of the Soquel and Brea canons. The trend of the canons which run nearly parallel to the crest of the hills is east of south, and can be observed best by noting a depression which, as depicted in Fig. 1, extends through the Puente Hills and forms portions of canons at the Central, the Puente, and the Santa Fe oil-wells, and in the lower portions of Brea, Soquel, and Telegraph canons. The course of the canons of the second series appears to follow the course of folds or faults in the rocky strata. Thus, Rodeo Caiion and portions of Brea, Soquel, and Telegraph canons are evidently worn along the axes of folds; for on one side of these caiions the strata dip in one direction, and on the other side in the opposite direction. 2.1.4. All the rocks seen by the writer in the Puente Hills are of sedimentary origin, except in the low foothills immediately south of Pomona, where granite and eruptive rocks are exposed. The sedi- mentary rocks show little or no signs of alteration, except in the spur of hills which culminates in Pomona Hill, and at the Sulphur mines which are about 1 mile northwest of Whittier, where the rocks have been subjected to chemical change by the action of sulphureted vapor. 2.1.5. At Pomona Hill there are sedimentary rocks consisting of hard brownish sandstones and a few strata of crystalline limestone. At the Sulphur mines the sedimentary rocks are decomposed by chemical action. 2.1.6. The unaltered sedimentary rocks of the Puente Hills may be classed in three groups. Mentioned in the order of their upward vertical range they are as follows: 2.1.7. First — A group consisting of sandstone varying in color from white to light brown or yellow. The sandstone is interbedded with some shale and a little conglomerate. The uppermost beds of this series consist of a very silicious shale. These sandstones correspond to certain sandstones in the Santiago Canon, which contain fossils, the age of which probably corresponds to that of the Lower Neocene formations in the Central Valley of California. (See table of fossils.) As seen in Fig. A, a large portion of the Puente Hills lying to the north and east of the Puente oil-wells is formed of these sandstones. At several points these sandstones are, or have been, impregnated with bituminous matter and constitute "dry oil-sands." Only in two instances did the writer note a spring of liquid petroleum in this formation. 2.1.8. Second — A group consisting of shale with a few strata of sand- stone, which become thicker and more numerous toward the bottom of the formation. The upper portion of the rocks of this group consists of thin-bedded clay-shales and sandy strata; lower, the shales become a putty-like clay; still lower, they are sandy and are interstratified with sandstone. In some places the lower portion of this shale is white or GEOLOGY OF THE PUENTE HILLS. 21 whitish. It appears either to have undergone some chemical change or to be made up largely of diatomaceous material, for in some places it resembles diatomaceous earth. The sandy strata interstratifying the lower portion of the shale formation constitute the principal oil-sands which have been penetrated by the productive oil-wells in the Puente Hills. These oil-sands, where they crop out at the surface of the ground, may or may not show traces of oil; in many places they show a brown pulverulent sandstone, but when the surface is removed the sandstone smells more or less of petroleum. At one point on the south side of Brea Caiion the shale contains nodules of limestone with fossils of Middle Neocene age. (See table of fossils No. III.) 2.1.9. Third — A group consisting of conglomerate, sandstone, and a little shale. In this group the conglomerate preponderates. The pebbles forming the conglomerate are, for the most part, granitic with black mica. In some places the conglomerate contains shells of Middle Neocene age. (See table of fossils No. III.) It appears, therefore, that these shales and conglomerate correspond in point of age to what are hereinafter described as the Middle Neocene formations of the Central Valley of California. At some points the rocks forming the conglomerate are more or less impregnated with petroleum; indeed, two of the wells of the Santa Fe Railroad Company yield oil from strata of conglomerate. 2.1.10. The complexity of the geological structure, the alluvium which covers the greater portion of the Puente Hills, and the scarcity of fossils made the differentiation of these formations slow work. Indeed, it was not until the country on the east side of the Santa Ana River was reached that the relative position of the conglomerate, shale, and sandstone was clearly made out. 2.1.11. An examination of Figs. 1 and A shows that the conglomer- ate forms a fringe around the base of the hills. At a higher elevation the conglomerate has been worn away, disclosing a formation of shale underlying it. At still higher elevations, the conglomerate and shale have both been worn away, disclosing the sandstone which forms the greater portion of the eastern half of the Puente Hills. 2.1.12. Crossing the Santa Ana River to the western end of the Santa Ana Mountains, we find the same sequence of formation. Thus, travel- ing east from the village of Olive, and ascending a ridge belonging to the foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains, we pass over, first the con- glomerate, then the shales, then the sandstone. The sandstone rests on older rocks. 2.1.13. If we examine Fig. A, we see that at two points there are small patches of conglomerate surrounded by shale. The patches of conglomerate are "outliers" (i. e., patches remaining of the sheet of conglomerate which at one time covered the shale, but which has been 22 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. partly removed by erosion). The question of the conformability or non-conformability of these formations will be discussed later. 2.1.14. In Fig. A only the leading structural features are shown, for in many places the strata are much disturbed and the stratigraphy is so complicated that it cannot be represented to advantage or any definite structure figured therefrom. 2.1.15. In the Puente Hills there are two predominant systems of folds or lines of geological disturbance. They are disjointed and rather hard to trace, and at many points they resemble faults rather than folds; but since for the most part they show an anticlinal structure and play an important part in the distribution of the oil-lines in the Puente Hills, they are herein spoken of as folds and cross-folds. The most important of these folds have a strike of east of north, and in the south- ern portion of the Puente Hills they mark the axis of a larger anticlinal fold of which they form a part. The cross-folds have a strike of east of north. The general effect of these folds and cross-folds has been to break up the formation into blocks, which fact adds greatly to the complexity of the geological structure. The course of the first-mentioned series of folds is marked on Fig. A by lines AA, BB, XX, ZZ, DD. As stated, the second series are cross- folds to the folds of the first series. They can best be seen by examin- ing the strata exposed in canons, which, as hereinbefore mentioned, cut through the crest of the hills. The rock-exposures which indicate the cross-folds are seen to the best advantage on the slopes of the hills. The complexity of the stratigraphy and the scarcity of rock-exposures in the Puente Hills render it hazardous to define the course of the axes of folds as precisely as is done by lines XX, ZZ, AA, BB, in Fig. A. These lines must be considered merely as pointers to direct the reader to the stations at which the exposed rocks give a clue to the course of the folds. It may appear that, in some instances, the inclined strata, treated as indicating cross-folds, may really be the termination of short anti- clines. Reference to Fig. A shows that at the points where the existence of cross-folds is inferred, the dip does not swing around the axes of the dominant folds, but frequently inclines toward it, and in some cases both limbs of the cross-folds can be observed. At a few places the exposed rocks suggest a local reversal, and at one point, as is shown in Photo No. 1, the reversal is evident. There is, however, no ground for believing that there is extensive overturning of the formations in the Puente Hills. 2.1.16. The southern portion of the Puente Hills constitutes an anti- clinal ridge, which has a trend of S. 70° E., or thereabouts. Through that portion of the Puente Hills which lies between the Central oil-wells and Brea Canon, two lines of geological disturbance can be traced, which ■■ -^ -:-KS^R*Sk£^,if*inK*l PHOTO 1. OVB'-KTURNED Foi.l) IN PUENTE HiLLS, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. ^iS^i a .e- ■^^^ -■;*. PHOTO 2. Crushed Sandstone in Puente Hills, Los Angeles County. GEOLOGY OF THE PUENTE HILLS. 23 have a strike of west of north. The axes of these folds have an average trend of about S. 70" E., and they are marked on Fig, A by lines AA and BB, respectively. In the syncline between these subordinate folds there appears to be a fault-line, the downthrow being to the south. 2.1.17. The northernmost of these folds or lines of disturbance (see line A A, Fig. A) can be traced as follows: From Station 228, in the edge of the foothills, west of Turnbull Canon, where the formation is sandy shale, to the abandoned oil-wells in Turnbull Canon, and thence to Sta- tion 150 in Woersham Caiion, where the formation consists of oil-sand and thin-bedded sandstone, with conglomerate on the southern limb of the fold. From Station 1 50 it probably extends to Station 134 at the Central oil-wells, where the formation is oil-sand and crushed shale. Between Stations 33 and 34 the prevailing dip is to the north; the formation is claye}- and sandy shale, apparently resting on conglomerate. Since the normal position of the conglomerate is on the top of the shales, the structure at this point indicates a fault or a reversal. 2.1.18. It is probable that this fold extends to Station 58, where the oil-sand is exposed near the axis of the fold. At Station 58 the southern limb is very short and crushed, and the oil-sand is overlain by sandy and clayey shale; on the northern limb the oil-sand is overlain by sandy and clayey strata and conglomerate. Fold AA probably extends to Station 70, where the formation is sandy shale; and on the northern limb of the fold the sandy shale is overlain by conglomerate. Near this point the shale on the southern limb of the fold is white, and appears to be diatomaceous. Farther to the southeast the structure is very irregu- lar, and appears to be complicated by cross-folds which have a strike of about N. 40° E. The best evidence as to the course of these cross-folds is to be found at Stations 39, 35, and 36, on the north slope of the Puente Hills. 2.1.19. Farther eastward and immediately west of the Puente oil- wells, the shales have been worn away, exposing the underlying sand- stone, which appears to be chiefly influenced by the folds having a northeastern strike. 2.1.20. At the Puente oil-wells the axis of a fold is exposed, on both sides of which are numerous remunerative wells belonging to the Puente Oil Company. (See wells of Puente Oil Company.) The rocks exposed in the Puente Canon are principally shales, varying in color from dark brown to light brown or whitish, and in composition from sandy to clayey or calcareous. The strike of the exposed strata varies from S. 80° E. to N. 80° E. At the Puente oil-wells a canon has been worn along the axis of a fold, showing a strike of south of east. There appears also to be a cross-fold having a strike of north of east. This is corroborated by the drilling record of the Puente Oil Company, which indicates that the strike of the oil-sand at the Puente oil-wells is a little north of east. 24 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. 2.1.21. For nearly 2 miles east of Puente oil-wells the formation is much disturbed. The prevailing dip is northerly. The rocks are shales and sandstones. It is not until Brea Caiion is reached that the structure of the formation can be definitely figured out. The structure of the formation from Brea Canon eastward will be discussed later. 2.1.22. The most southerly of the folds or lines of disturbance previ- ously mentioned as having a southeast course and extending eastward from the Central oil-wells, is marked BB on Fig. A. It is situated at a lower elevation and is less easy to trace than is line AA; for along its course it is only here and there that the rocks are not covered with alluvium. In the conglomerate, which forms the lower portion of the Puente Hills immediately to the north of the town of Whittier, and west of the Central Oil Company's wells, there is no trace of this fold; but a somewhat extensive oil-spring near Station 11 in Savage Canon lines up with the strike of the axis of the fold. The western extremity of this fold is noticeable at the Central oil-wells, the northern limb of the fold being soft sandstone, and the southern limb soft sandstone covered with conglomerate. The most remunerative wells of the Central Oil Company are on the south limb of this fold. (See Photo No. 3.) About 1 mile farther to the east, near the abandoned well of the Mutual Oil Company, the axis of this fold is again exposed. Its northern limb shows sandy shale and soft sandstone, and its southern limb soft sandstone covered with conglomerate. About a quarter of a mile south of the Mutual Oil Company's well, are the Chandler wells. A short distance south of Station 34 the axis of fold BB is again seen, and there is an oil-spring. At this point the northern limb of the fold consists of comparatively soft sandstone and sandy shale overlain by conglomerate. For a short distance down the southern limb of the fold, the formation is conglomerate; but at Station 37 the clay-shale comes to the surface. The outcrop of clay-shale at this point is jDrob- ably due to a fault, the trend of which is southeasterly. At Station 37 the clay-shale contains Middle Neocene fossils. (See table of fossils No. III.) The next point where the axis of this fold can be observed is Station 55, . the exposed rocks being, for the most part, grayish sandstone and sandy shale. Continuing in a southeasterly direction, which observation has shown to be the trend of the axis of the fold under consideration, more than half a mile of alluvium-covered territory is passed over, until, at Station 270, conglomerate and sandstone are seen dipping east of north. The hills between Station 270 and the La Habra Valley are composed of conglomerate and sandstone, dipping to the south. Still pursuing a southeasterly course to Station 230, soft sandstones are seen dipping to the north. Near Station 230 a well has been drilled by the Union Oil Company which has shown more or less oil from the surface down; and n PHOTO 3. Central Oh.-Wells, Los Angeles County. PHOTO 4. Oil-Wells in Brea Canon, Orange County. GEOLOGY OF THE PUENTE HILLS. 25 two pits have been sunk in oil-yielding rock, (See Union Oil Company's well at La Habra.) Farther to the southeast, the same course passes through Station 218, where the axis of an anticline can be observed. 2.1.23. The rocks dipping to the north are principally calcareous shale and soft sandstone; those dipping to the south are principally conglomerate and sandstone. East of Statidn 218, there are some points where the exposed rocks show an anticlinal structure, which may possibly indicate an extension of the line of disturbance marked by line BB. Thus, a short dis- tance south of the wells of the Puente Oil Company the structure is anticlinal, the formation being crushed shale impregnated with petroleum? and there is a small deposit of brea*. Farther to the east the formation is conglomerate and- sandstone. In this portion of the Puente Hills the rocky formations are cut through by Brea Canon, along the southern side of which the axis of a fold can be traced. 2.1.24. It will be observed that the axes of the folds AA and BB can not be followed in a straight line for an}'- great distance. This may be accounted for by the block-tilting previously mentioned or by faults running in the direction of the dip; or it may result from variation of surface elevation, coupled with the fact that the axis of a fold may have different inclinations at different points. 2.1.25. From the foregoing it appears that the western portion of the Puente Hills consists of an anticlinal ridge, traversed by two systems of folds. The folds belonging to one of these systems are dominant folds. To this order of folds belongs the one indicated by line XX. It is interesting to note that if the axis of this fold were extended westward^ it would enter the valley lands at or near the sulphur deposits about 1 mile northwest of the town of Whittier. The folds belonging to the other system have a course of east of north, and are cross-folds to the folds running west of north; it is doubtless a fold of this order which has given the strata exposed in Sycamore Canon a strike of east of north. In Sycamore Canon the dip is west of north; we look in vain, however, for the axis of a fold having a strike east of north, unless one is inferred from the fact that in Sycamore Caiion the exposed strata dip west of north, and that the conglomerate south of Turnbull Canon dips east of south. 2.1.26. It is a reasonable deduction that, in a general way, the strike of the oil-lines follows the strike of the axes of the folds, or of the blocks of strata on which they are situated. It is evident that in rocky forma- tions possessing as complex a structure as those of the Puente Hills the folds have been modified by fracture and faulting; but where the rocks are much covered by alluvium it is impossible to work out details of such displacement from surface observation, * Asphaltum formed by the exudation of heavy oil. . 26 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. 2.1.27. The reader will be able to gather a further conception as to the geological structure of that portion of the Puente Hills which has been thus far described, by examining the cross-sections shown in Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, paying attention to the arrows indicating the change in the dip of the different strata, and by noting also the position of the cross- sections in Fig. A. 2.1.28. Fig. 2 represents a cross-section about 3 miles in length through the western end of the Puente Hills. It shows the general structure to be that of an anticlinal fold. If we infer the strike of the axis of this fold from the prevailing dip of the strata on the outermost slopes of the fold, we should conclude that it is N. 80° E., or thereabouts. As the axis of this fold is approached, there is a discrepancy between the strike of the clayey and sandy shales which have been found else- where resting on the oil-sand (as is shown in Fig. 2) and the conglom- erate which overlies them. An analysis of Fig. 2 shows that the first outcropping rock observed on the northern side of the Puente Hills at this point is conglomerate, consisting of fine pebbles. (See Station 201, Fig. A.) The stations mentioned in paragraphs 28, 29, 30, 31 refer to those shown in the diagram of cross-sections, unless it is otherwise stated. Pursuing a southerly course, the following formations appear to rest with practical conformability one upon another: Thin-bedded sandstone, light-colored micaceous clays, micaceous sandy shale, con- glomerate sandstone, and clay-shale; the latter being very similar in appearance to that before mentioned as overlying the oil-sand in other places. Between Sycamore Caiion and Dark Caiion conglomerate is again the prevailing rock, the direction of the dip being practically the same as on the northern side of Sycamore Canon, but the angle of the dip increases to 60° or more. This probably indicates a fault on the north- ern limb of the fold. At Station 191 the conglomerate is underlain by a brownish and whitish sandstone, some of which is pulverulent and indicates dry oil-sand. If this sandstone is followed along its line of strike to Station 216 (see Fig. A), a sandstone saturated with petroleum is found underlying the conglomerate. Beneath this sandstone is a yellow- ish shale, which varies from clayey to sandy and is interbedded with sandstone and hard calcareous strata. These shales constitute a very characteristic formation in the Puente Hills and appear to overlie a body of oil-sand, Avhich, at Station 150 (see Fig. A), shows a thickness of about 50'. The dip of these shales varies from N. 20° W. to N. 20° E., and along the line indicated on Fig, 3 the angle of inclination does not exceed 50°; at many points it is less. In TurnbuU Canon there is an oil-spring; and a few rock-exposures indicate that the formation corresponds to that exposed at Station 150. Several years ago two wells were drilled near the mouth of Turnbull GEOLOGY OF THE PUENTE HILLS. 27 CROSS SECTION through kV. End Puentc Hills fromSt/iI. /S3 j^t Mouth of yVoEfPSHAM Canon to ST/r.20/ N. of Sycamore Canon FIG. 2 ^C/JLE : /3ZO' prev o/p. A//0 yy M A/Of^TM ^ Pf)cv Dip , _ ^/ £l/P S SO°E >y> — *- CR05S SECT/ON RUNAf/HG N.20£F/^oAi 5T/I. /53^/v£^/f tme Mocrrn OFS/fY/7GE CaTNON to STA. 2/6^^ ON /V S/0£ OF 7i/F!/VBC/Li. Cy^NOA/". FIG. 3. COUPSE OF CflOSS Sect/o/v m .v^^o^. ♦- .SOiZ-ie-.- /S20 ET. 18^ ! ToS2o'£. M f^s ^f:5--^^^<. Hi//S co\/ered FIG. 7. C/70SS S£Cr/ON THROUGM FOOT H/LL5, »y. ^/oE SANTA ANA ft/ V£R , 0/?a/v6£ Co . CROSS sfcr/o^_fiuA//^'_/vos. ^ I CROSS SECT/ON RUNNING N aO'lV. FPOM \ \Z%7/R^RT&Z^7f^sf^''\ BU/RRELL PT. TO STA. 5^7 OA/ THE O/V/OE B£r^£E/^\'''"^TosTA.ss/wsyi^'r,Aeoc/iN.\^ SANTA ANA R/VER & SANr/AOO CAA/O/V Buf?fil£LL ^539 7538 /545 5; ' , -^ J ClAVSHALCS & ArfW I .SM^l.£/ •JHAL£ (■O/^QLOMeRATg] ^ytyy^y ^T^^y^ pf^^^^ I O I P O r TH FSE S H aL £S /S rf?OM oip s.so'iv - /lA/aceof^l Aizo'-A/.so'iv. - An^ieo/^o/p O/P yM/>/£S rffOM3o°-eo°l i''^R/£S RROAf ^J' TO so' /K 111 *- *^ PHOTO 5. Santa Fe Oil-Wells, Fullerton Oil-Field, Orakge County. (Photo taken in 1898.) PHOTO 6. View in Eastern Oil-Field, City of Los Angeles. GEOLOGY OF THE PUENTE HILLS. 33 rather than with AA. This might be accounted for by the difference in elevation and the inclination of the axis of fold XX, but in view of the broken character of the structure between the Puente wells and Brea Canon it would be a hazardous generalization. At the south end of Brea Canon there is a well-marked anticlinal fold, the axis of which has a strike of about S. 76° E. The probable strike of the axis of this fold is shown in Fig. I by divergent arrows and in Fig. A by line XX. A short distance west of the junction of Brea Canon and the Spadra Road, fold XX is disturbed by a cross-fold, the axis of which has a strike of north of east, as is shown by rock-exposures along the Spadra Road. Along the axis of fold XX there is a series of oil-springs. Inves- tigation at the south end of Brea Canon leads to the conclusion that the axis of this fold is inclined to the north at an angle of about 25° from the vertical; for on the north side of the fold the strata dip N. 20° E. at an angle of about 75°, and on the south side of the fold the dip is S. 10° E. at an angle of about 40°. 2.1.36. Fig. 6 represents a cross-section through fold XX. It is drawn from observation at the south end of Brea Canon, which is locally known as Rincon de la Brea. As noted in Fig. 6, the delineation of the north limb of this fold must be accepted tentatively, for the scanty rock-exposures indicate a complex structure. Analysis of Fig. 6 shows as follows: Between points A and B the formation is conglomerate, the lower portion of which is more or less impregnated with petroleum. Near point B there are two strata of oil-sand, which are respectively 2' and 1' thick, and are separated by light-colored clay. The oil-sand is reddish in color, and contains granite and quartz pebbles. The oil- sand rests on soft sandstone and fine conglomerate, from which the writer obtained a small collection of fossils representing the Middle Neocene age. (See Bulletin No. 11, pages 79 and 80.) The soft sand- stone rests on a grayish bituminous clay-shale, which is shown between points C and D, Fig. 6. The last-mentioned rock appears to be the source of the oil-springs previously mentioned as extending along the south side of Brea Caiion. Near the top of this deposit of shale at the Rincon de la Brea is a thin stratum of fossiliferous sandstone, from which the writer obtained several fossils which are referred by Dr. Mer- riam to the Middle Neocene age. (See table of fossils No. III.) In the center of that portion of Brea Caiion shown in Fig. 6 there are no rock-exposures. On the north side of the canon, as indicated between points E, F, and G, there are strata of sandstone and con- glomerate similar in appearance to the sandstones and conglomerate on the south side of Brea Cafion. Between points G and H the formation is shale and soft sandstone, which probably belong to the same geolog- ical horizon as do the shales exposed between points C and D on the 8— Bl9 34 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. south side of Brea Canon. The upper portion of the shale between points G and H passes into thin-bedded, reddish sandstone, or sandy- shale, intercalated with soft whitish material, which resembles diatoma- ceous earth. It will be observed that on the south side of Brea Canon there is an orderly sequence of conglomerate and sandstone overlying shale, which, as before demonstrated, is normally the relative position of these formations in the Puente Hills. On the north side of the canon the shale appears to overlie the conglomerate. It is not improb- able that this apparent reversal is due to a fault such as that repre- sented at point G, Fig. 6. The shales and thin-bedded sandstone between points G and H show no evidence of petroleum. As previously mentioned, the rocks exposed on the north side of the fold at the point under discussion indicate a complex structure; moreover, the rocks exposed on the north side of the fold do not correspond sufficiently to the strata exposed on the south side of the fold to warrant the divergent strata shown in Fig. 6 being connected by an air-saddle. 2.1.37. Southeast of Brea Canon the fold marked by line ZZ (see Fig. A) traverses the mountain which lies to the north of the Santa Fe oil- wells. (See Photo No. 5.) Its course is somewhat obscure, but it appears to be in line with Station 40 in Clapp Caiion, where the axis of a fold can be observed. The formation immediately to the north of the Santa Fe oil-wells (see Fig. A) is principally sandstone, and the geolog- ical position of the exposed rocks is near the contact of the sandstone and shale formation. Since this locality was visited by the writer, wells have been drilled to the north of the wells of the Santa Fe Railroad Company. South of fold XX and southeast of Brea Canon, a series of oil-springs and beds of brea extend in a southeasterly direction toward the wells of the Santa Fe Railroad Company. These springs and brea beds mark the axis of a fold which is indicated by line ZZ. Along the fold the formation is shale and soft sandstone overlain by conglomerate, and most of the strata show a dip of from 60° to 80°, The wells of the Santa Fe Railroad Company are situated on this fold. (See wells of the Santa Fe Railroad Company.) In Telegraph Canon the angle at which the strata dip gradually lessens to about 50°. East of Telegraph Canon fold ZZ is very difficult to trace, and as the Santa Ana River is approached the geological structure becomes very complex. 2.1.38. The hills immediately west of the Santa Ana River are com- posed principally of whitish sandstone, corresponding to the whitish sandstone previously described. The writer did not find any springs of petroleum or brea beds east of Telegraph Canon. South of Telegraph Canon a series of hills, composed principally of conglomerate, slope down to the vallev lands. GEOLOGY OF THE PUENTE HILLS. 35 2.1.39. North of Telegraph Canon the Puente Hills extend for a distance of about 7 miles toward the Chino Valley. For the most part they consist of sandstone, and constitute rough grazing land, and a large area is comprised by the Chino ranch. 2.1.40. Carbonne and Clapp canons cut through hills nearly at right angles to the prevailing strike of the formation. The exposed rocks are principally sandstones. Between Stations 31 and 30 in Carbonne Canon the formation consists principally of slaty shale similar in appearance to that seen between Stations 22 and 23, north of the wells of the Central Oil Company. (See Fig. 4,) This shale varies from clayey to sandy; in some places it is very silicious, and some samples show a calcareous reaction with acid; it is usually fissile, frequently presenting a slaty cleavage; more rarely it is thick-bedded; and, in some instances, it loses its shaly structure. Exposures of similar shale may be seen at some places on the Chino ranch. Farther to the north- east up Carbonne Canon, between Station 30 and the Hiltscher ranch, the formation is principally sandstone. This sandstone varies in color from white to yellowish or light brown, and some of it is composed of mealy-looking grains which are very characteristic. In most places where it has been exposed to the weather it is soft and friable; but beneath the surface of the ground it is moderately hard; it resembles the Miocene (Lower Neocene) sandstone observed in Santiago Canon, as hereinafter noted. North of the Hiltscher ranch, most of the exposed rocks are sandstone. There are, also, a few places where sandy and clayey shales are seen, resting on bituminous sandstone. 2.1.41. Bituminous sandstone is exposed at several points on the Chino ranch. In most places the outcropping bituminous rocks have no odor of petroleum; but the fresh-broken rock shows the brown pul- verulent surface characteristic of oil-sand, and by a little digging rock smelling of petroleum can be found. On the Chino ranch bituminous sandstone may be observed at the following places: In a ravine about a quarter of a mile west of the well drilled by the Chino Valley Beet Sugar Company (see Chino Well No. 1, Fig. A) there are ledges of bituminous sandstone about 10' or more in thickness, which at one time must have been saturated with oil. (See record of Chino Well No. 1.) After breaking away the weathered surface, specimens can be obtained which smell slightly of petroleum. At Station 200, near Chino Well No. 2, there is another outcrop of bituminous sandstone, and a seepage of heavy petroleum. The exposed sandstone is about 20' thick, and the dip is N. 50° E., at an angle of about 25°. At this point there is an upper deposit of bituminous sandstone of le'Ss thickness than the main body, and separated from the latter by a stratum of barren sandstone. At Station 40 a ledge of bituminous sandstone is exposed, and there is a spring of heavy oil. A 1000' well was drilled near this point. (See record of Gird well.) 36 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU, 2.1.42. At Gird's quarry, on the road to Brea Canon, the bituminous sandstone shows a thickness of about 40'. In the lower portion of the quarry the sandstone is saturated with oil. In Rattlesnake Canon, northwest of Chino Well No. 2, there are extensive ledges of bituminous sandstone, which aggregate a thickness of more than 30'. There are also several places in the vicinity of Gird's quarry where bituminous sand- stone is exposed. 2.1.43. In the portion of the Puente Hills comprised within the Chino ranch, the prevailing strike of the formation is west of north. The lines of geological formation resemble faults running in the direc- tion of the strike of the formation, and the block structure, although on rather a small scale, is apparent. Near Gird's quarry of bituminous sandstone the formation is traversed by short folds, along which the bituminous sandstone crops out. The dip of the formation is at a very low angle, in most places only 10*^ or 15°. About a quarter of a mile south of Gird's quarry there is a line of disturbances of some importance; in places it exhibits more or less of an anticlinal structure; it is marked DD on Fig. A. Bituminous sand- stone crops out at several places along this line. At one point near Station 200 a prospect well was drilled by the Chino Valley Beet Sugar Company, but without success. (See record of Chino Well No. 2.) The lower foothills of the Puente range within the boundaries of the Chino ranch are covered with alluvium. The writer did not examine them east of the road leading from Gird's quarry to Chino. 2.1.44. The higher portions of the Puente Hills between Carbonne Canon and the Canada del Rodeo, which territory includes a portion of the Chino ranch, consist of rough mountainous grazing land. The most prevalent formation is thick-bedded sandstone, whitish or brownish in color, and resembling the Miocene (Lower Neocene) sandstone in Santi- ago Canon. In a few places the formation is shale. At Station 201, near to where the Brea Canon road crosses the San Bernardino county line, the sandstone is impregnated with brown pulverulent matter, and resembles dry oil-sand. The geological structure is quite complex. In some places the strike of the formation is east of north, and in others west of north. The crushing which the rocks of the Puente Hills have undergone is illustrated in many places where the surface of the strata is exposed, as is shown in Photo No. 2. 2.1.45. A reconnaissance along that portion of the north slope of the Puente Hills lying west of the town of Chino, showed that the foothills are composed principally of shale, which, south of Pomona, appears to rest on a gray or brown sandstone. 2.1.46. Pomona Hill is 1476' in height; it is about 2 miles southwest of the town of Pomona. This hill and the ridge on which it is situated are formed of very hard sandstone, which, in one or two places, contains GEOLOGY OF THE PUENTE HILLS. 37 veins of calcite. There are also a few strata of crystalline limestone. The most northerly ridge in this portion of the Puente Hills is com- posed principally of eruptive rock (laminated rhyolite). (See Stations 271 and 272, Fig. A; also Fig. 1.) On the boulevards in the southwest corner of the limits of Pomona, and at the foot of the ridge of rhyolite previously mentioned, the bed- rock is granite. (See Fig. A.) South of Pomona there is a narrow valley occupied by marshy land, with numerous springs which are the source of Brea Canon Creek. On the Wright & Lynch ranch, west of Pomona Hill, the foothills are composed of shale, resting on sandstone resembling that seen in the higher portions of the hills. There is also in this locality a somewhat extensive exposure of conglomerate, which probably belongs to the same geological horizon as the sandstones. At Station 273, on the Lynch & Wright ranch, the shale is interbedded with oil-sand, and the sandstone immediately underlying the shale is more or less impregnated with bituminous matter. The prevailing strike of these rocks is west of north, and the angle of the dip is about 20° or less. No springs of liquid petroleum were observed in this locality. West of Station 273 the foothills are covered with alluvium. In a canon running northwest of the water tunnel of the Puente Oil Company thick strata of sandstone are exposed, the dip being a little west of north at an angle of about 30°. 2.1.47. Immediately north of the Puente oil-wells the topography and the exposed rocks indicate considerable geological disturbance, probably in the nature of faults, running nearly in the direction of the strike of the formation (i. e., a little east of north). The formation is shale and sandstone. In the creek which runs north from the Puente w^ells, ledges of thick- bedded sandstones crop out, and a similar sandstone is exposed on both sides of a trail which leads from the crest of the Puente Hills toward the Puente ranch-house. The sandstone is overlain by shale, in which are strata of oil-sand, as shown at Station 181, Fig. A. The shale is capped with conglomerate. (Figs. 1, A, and 5.) The prevailing dip of the for- mation in this portion of the Puente Hills is west of north. This is probably occasioned by a cross-fold which traverses the Puente Hills at this point, and complicates the geological structure. The conglomerate constitutes an elevated ridge, which rises to an altitude of more than 1300'. From this ridge a slope of grazing land descends toward the north; the underlying rocks being conglomerate, overlain in the lowest tier of hills by bluish micaceous clay. The conglomerate can be traced through the foothills of Station 36, where it is overlain by a grayish clayey sandstone containing much mica and some fossils. Farther westward, erosion has worn down the hills, lessening their width and elevation and exposing the underlying shales and sandstones. 38 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. At Workman Hill,, north of the Central oil-wells, the hills rise to an elevation of 1391'; and the north slope of the hills is formed of con- glomerate underlain by shale. A stratum of oil-sand is exposed in the canon at the south base of Workman Hill. From Workman Hill to the west extremity of the Puente Hills, the north slope of the hills is principally conglomerate, with a few strata of sandstone. In some places the sandstone is impregnated with bitumi- nous matter, and there are springs of sulphureted water which deposit a tufa containing bituminous matter. As previously stated, the dip of the formation at the west end of the Puente Hills indicates a cross-fold or the nosing out of a fold of greater magnitude than those which have been individually described. 2,1.48. The west extremity of the Puente Hills descends somewhat abruptly to the San Gabriel River. The exposed rocks for the most part belong to those heretofore classed as the conglomerate series, but they are much obscured by alluvium. (See Fig. A.) In the lower por- tion of Sycamore Canon, the clay-shale crops out in several places, and it is overlain by conglomerate. About a mile north of the village of Whittier there are deposits of sulphur, which, in 1889, were mined by C. Prager of Los Angeles. These deposits present the usual characteristics of solfataric origin.* (See Solfataric Action, Bulletin No. 11.) It is probable that these sul- phur deposits indicate a fault or fissure. It is noteworthy that if the line of disturbance marked AA on Fig. A were extended westward, it would strike the sulphur deposits. The sulphurous rocks consist of decomposed shale impregnated with sulphur and a little bituminous matter. CHAPTER 2. THE FOOTHILLS EAST OF THE SANTA ANA RIVER. 2.2.1. Although the line of research to which the writer was assigned did not extend to the Santa Ana River, he made a reconnaissance of a portion of the foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains, the reason being that the rocks are much better exposed in the Santa Ana Mountains than they are in the Puente Hills. As previously mentioned, the Santa Ana Mountains are separated from the Puente Hills by the Santa Ana River. These mountains at their northern end are formed of eruptive rock and sedimentary rock of Tertiary and Cretaceous age. (See Table III, at the end of this Bulletin.) The Cretaceous rocks con- *Tlie term "solfataric" as here used is not meant to imply volcanic action, but simply chemical phenomena similar to those incidental to volcanic solfataras. FOOTHILLS EAST OF SANTA ANA RIVER. 89 tain coal veins, which have been mined for many years. The portion of the foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains which was specially exam- ined by the writer, is between the Santa Ana River and Santiago Canon, and extends from the village of Olive to the west line of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana. Throughout this area the formations corre- spond to those seen in the Puente Hills. As this locality shows by far the best sequence of the conglomerate shale and sandstone formations which has come under the notice of the writer, it is in order to describe it in detail. 2.2.2. Fig. B represents the ground plan of certain portions of the hills constituting the divide between the Santiago and the Santa Ana rivers, and Fig. 7 represents two cross-sections through these hills. The section on the left hand is drawn from observation between Burruel Point and Station 547. At Burruel Point the exposed rocks are conglomerate, resting on clay- shale interbedded with thin strata of sandstone. No actual contact between the conglomerate and the underlying shale is observed; but the following data suggest a non-conformability between the conglomerate and the shale: At Station 543 the dip of the conglomerate is N. 10° W., at an angle of 25°; in the canon below (i. e., between Stations 540 and 541) the prevailing dip of the shale varies from N. 40° W. to S. 50° W., at angles varying from 30° to 60°. At Stations 543 and 340 patches of conglomerate constitute outliers on the shale. At Station 340 a few Middle Neocene fossils were obtained (No. 15, Table III). At Station 338 the shale becomes sandy and the direction of the dip changes. At Sta- tion 339 the formation is a tough blue clay-shale. Near Station 545 the blue clay becomes whitish, and at Station 545 passes into a white shale, which is exposed between Stations 545 and 547. The white shale rests upon a coarse sandstone. This portion of the diagram represents a cross-section between Burruel Point and Station 547. From investiga- tion between these points it is obvious that the formations referred to rest one on another in the order named; but the shales have been so much disturbed that the locality is an unfavorable one in which to estimate their thickness, or to determine their conformability or non- conformability with the rocks inclosing them. In the opinion of the writer, the various kinds of shale mentioned rest conformably one on another, gradually passing from yellowish clay-shale to sandy shale, to tough blue shale, to whitish shale, and to white shale. Whether the whiteness of the shale is due to the character of the sediments from which it is formed, or whether it results from the alteration of the dark-colored shale, is a matter for further investigation. As set forth in Bulletin No. 11, Part 2, Chapter 1, Paragraph 38, and in Part 3, Chapter 1, Paragraph 3, a similar looking white shale is formed in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties by the alteration of dark-colored 40 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. shale. No seepage of petroleum or oil-sand was observed, but these shales in every way resembled those which inclose the oil-sands in the Puente Hills. As is shown in Fig. B, the shales referred to rest on a deposit of sandstone. Fig. 7 is made up of two parts: (1) A portion already described, representing a cross-section between Burruel Point and Station 547 on the ridge between the Santa Ana River and the Santiago Creek; (2) A portion representing a cross-section between Station 549, on the said ridge, and Station 551 in the Santiago Canon. The courses of these sections as shown in these portions of Fig. B are dis- similar, the first being N. 80° W., which appears to be the average dip of the shale between Burruel Point and Station 549; the second being nearly due north, which appears to be the average dip of the sandstone between Stations 549 and 551. This dissimilarity of dip is probably due to non-conformability. From observations on these formations in other localities, it appears probable that the shales overlap the sand- stones as hereinafter described. Fig. 7 must not be regarded as indica- ting the thickness of the shale, for as shown in Fig. B the angle of the dip varies and there are several local disturbances between Burruel Point and Station 549. 2.2.3. The sandstone formation between Stations 549 and 551 is more than 5000' thick, and about 1300' of this thickness is represented by strata of sand and conglomerate, as indicated between Stations 553 and 551. These rocks show a somewhat different dip to that of the overlying sandstones; but, in the opinion of the writer, this may be accounted for by local disturbance. Between Stations 549 and 550 the sandstone is for the most part thick-bedded, and grayish, whitish, or yellowish in color; when the sandstone comprising some of the strata is freshly broken it presents a mealy-looking surface, which is very characteristic. At Station 550 the sandstone contains Miocene fossils. (See fossils Nos. 12, 20, 22, 23, 24,31, Table II.) 2.2.4. Between Stations 550 and 553 the formation is a dark-colored, earth-like shale, interstratified with sandstone; the shale contains a great deal of mica. It is said that at some depth below the surface this shale has been found to be more or less impregnated with petroleum. 2.2.5. Between Stations 553 and 551 the sandstone is comparatively thin-bedded, and is interstratified with conglomerate. As shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. B, the dip of this strata is somewhat different from that of the sandstone overlying the shale. At Station 551 a stratum of cal- careous sandstone, containing a few poorly preserved fossils of Miocene age, is exposed. 2.2.6. From the foregoing, it appears that the rocks forming the Puente Hills may be divided into three formations: conglomerates, shales, and sandstones. These formations rest one on another in the order named, the conglomerate being at the top. They represent a FOOTHILLS EAST OF SANTA ANA RIVER. 41 geological age extending through a portion of the Lower and the Middle Neocene.* The productive oil-yielding formations consist of certain strata of sandstone interbedding the lower portion of the shale forma- tion of Middle Neocene age, and it is not improbable that the sandstones underlying the silicious shales may also contain petroleum in valuable quantities. The formations named are traversed by two series of folds, namely: folds having a strike of west of north; and cross-folds having a strike of east of north. As previously noted, the cross-folding has resulted in the formation of blocks, and these have been subsequently'tilted. The southern portion of the Puente Hills constitutes an anticlinal ridge, the structure of which is modified by faults and subordinate folds. The oil-lines which have thus far been developed appear to follow the axes of folds and blocks of strata which have a strike of west of north, and in a general way their course corresponds to the axis of the anti- clinal ridge to which reference has been made. At many places along the anticlinal ridge there are springs of oil, exudations of asphaltum, and rock impregnated with petroleum. Especially is this the case at and near the contact of the sandstone and the overlying shale. From the evidence at hand, it seems that the oil companies operating in the Puente Hills will make the best progress by following the axes of the folds and the strike of blocks of strata on which remunerative wells are situated, by carefull}^ fixing the site of new wells with reference to the dip and strike of the formation as determined by methods herein- after described; and by restricting the distance between old and new wells to very moderate limits. As a general proposition,[the most regular oil-lines will be found on the outer slopes of the main anticlinal fold or ridge herein described, while along the axis of the ridge the oil-lines are likely to be erratic. In the central and northern portions of the Puente Hills, oil-springs are seldom met with, but in some places the sandstone is more or less impregnated with petroleum, and at the surface it is for the most part a dry, oil-stained rock. Wells hitherto drilled for the purpose of testing these dry, oil-stained sandstones, have been unsuccessful, but it must not be taken for granted that these oil-stained sandstones have been thoroughly prospected. * At a few points, there are also some rocks which may be of later age. 42 CALIFOKNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. I^A.IIT 3. LOS ANGELES AND ITS SUBURBS, SAN PEDRO PENINSULA, SAN FERNANDO DISTRICT, TERRITORY BETWEEN NEWPORT IN ORANGE COUNTY AND THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY LINE, AND PROSPECT WELLS IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY. CHAPTER 1. GEOLOGICAL FORMATION BETWEEN PUENTE HILLS AND THE LOS ANGELES OIL-FIELD. 3.1.1. There are no remunerative wells between the Puente Hills and the City of Los Angeles. West of the San Gabriel River broad mesas of arable land extend toward Los Angeles, but they afford no opportu- nity for geological examination. The Rapetto Hills divide the mesa lands from the San Gabriel Vallev. These hills do not exceed an alti- tude of about 700', and are, for the most part, covered with alluvium. There are sufficient rock-exposures to show that the bedrock is con- glomerate, but not sufficient to demonstrate the geological structure. In the south edge of these hills there are a few places where clay-shales are exposed. 3.1.2. The Arctic Oil Company of San Francisco drilled three wells on the Garvey ranch in the Rapetto Hills. The depths of these wells are respectively 600', 1100', and 1200'. It is said that after penetrating the conglomerate the formation was clay-shale, but that no petroleum was discovered. The wells have been abandoned. 3.1.3. On the mesa land, in wells sunk for water on the Hellman ranch, near the cross roads south of the Rapetto Hills (see Fig. A), inflammable gas was struck in sufficient quantities to be utilized locally for light and fuel. These wells are less than 200' deep. It is said that the formation penetrated is principally clay or clay-shale. It is also said that in a well about half a mile northwest of the Hellman wells, oil-bearing shale was struck at a depth of about 100'. 3.1.4. In the hills to the north of the mesa land, the conglomerate extends almost to Monterey Canon, but the rock exposures are few and far between. West of Monterey Canon the formation is clay-shale over- lain by conglomerate, and a series of earth-covered hills reach to the city limits of Los Angeles. FORMATION BETWEEN PUENTE HILLS AND LOS ANGELES FIELD. 43 3.1.5. Within the city limits there are rock-exposures on Soto Street and near Reservoir No. 6 (see Fig. C), showing this reservoir to be situated on the axis of an anticlinal fold, which has a strike of about N. 80° W. A short distance down the south slope of this fold is a seepage of petroleum. A well was drilled at this point by Chandler in 1894. The formation is shale. It is said that there was a good showing of heavy oil at a depth of 150'; but the well was abandoned at 335', on account of water. In 1898, a well was drilled on the north side of this fold by the De Soto Oil Company, and clay-shale penetrated for 700'. It is said that no oil was struck. Farther westward along the Rapid Transit Railroad there were seepages of petroleum. The formation is shale, and in several places strata of oil-sand are exposed. The strata dip a little west of south at an angle of from 30° to 50°. Oil-yielding strata have been struck in more than one well in this portion of Los Angeles. Several years ago a well was sunk on the Rapid Transit Railroad, a short distance west of Prospect Park. It is said that at a depth of about 400' there was a good showing of oil, but that at a depth of 600' a body of water was struck which "drowned out '' the well. In a well sunk for water on property of F. E. Bland, on Judson Street, near State Street, oil was found at a depth of 80'. Also, in a w^ell sunk on the property of C. M. Johnson, on State Street, near its inter- section with Bailey, oil was found at a depth of 40'. In a well sunk by Scott & Loftus on St. Louis Street, between Emerson and Scott streets, oil-sand was struck at 560', but subsequently much water was encountered. Messrs. Scott & Loftus also sunk an 800' well on Mag- nolia Avenue, about 400' east of Soto Street, but only obtained traces of oil. (See record of wells.) 3.1.6. On the west side of the Los Angeles River, the glimpses of the rock formation which can be obtained among the houses show that the clay-shales constitute the bedrock throughout the greater portion of the city. Near the High School and the State Normal School, and possibly in other places, there are "outliers" of conglomerate which rest non- conformably on the shale. These shales outcrop at several places in the western borders of Los Angeles; and on the coast-line at Santa Monica they are represented by the formations described in Bulletin No. 11, 1.1.14. These shales rest on thick strata of sandstone, which are well exposed along the water company's ditch, on the east side of Elysian Park. These sandstones resemble the sandstones seen in Santiago Caiion containing Miocene fossils, w^hich are referable to the Lower Neocene division of the Tertiary system in California. 3.1.7. Throughout a great portion of Elysian Park, on the west side of the Los Angeles River, and north of the San Gabriel branch of the S. P. R. R., on the east side of this river, the formation is principally sandstone, resembling that seen at the eastern end of the Puente Hills 44 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. and between the Santiago Canon and the Santa Ana River. There are places, however, where patches of the shale formation either rest as outliers on the sandstone or are interfolded with it. 3.1.8. North of East Lake Park these older rocks are traversed by a foldj the axis of which, if extended westward across the Los Angeles River, would nearly coincide with a line of fault or fissure which runs through the northern extremity of the Los Angeles oil-fields. Some attempts have been made to prospect these older rocks, but at this writing no remunerative wells have been obtained. A short dis- tance north of Reservoir No. 5, a well was sunk to a depth of 840' by Headly of Los Angeles; no oil; abandoned. A 640' well was drilled by T. M. Wilkinson, about a quarter of a mile east of Reservoir No. 5; traces of oil were obtained, but the well was abandoned. (See record of the Wilkinson well.) A well was also drilled at Warneck Park, in East Los Angeles. The formation penetrated is shale; only traces of oil were obtained. CHAPTER 2. THE LOS ANGELES OIL-FIELD, 1897-1899, INCLUSIVE. 3.2.1. As the character of the formation in the Second-Street Park oil-field, now called the Central or Old field (see Photo No. 7), was fully described in Bulletin No. 11, it is in order to relate such developments only as are subsequent to those mentioned in that Bulletin. The west- ern end of the field was extended to the corner of Quebec Street and Ocean View Avenue (now called Miramar Street), where trouble was experienced from broken formation, quicksand, and water. These obstacles, and legal difficulties resulting from a complication of miners' rights with city ordinances, for a time discouraged further development in this direction. Eventually prospecting was continued in a westerly direction along what had been shown to be the strike of the formation; this resulted in the developments recorded at the end of this chapter. In the old field many new wells were sunk in the interspace between the wells previously drilled. Exploitation to a greater depth than that of most of the wells drilled prior to 1896 showed that there was a second stratum of oil-sand. East of Belmont Avenue, this second stratum of oil-sand was found to be productive wherever it was struck, at a depth less than 900', and west of Belmont Avenue at a depth less than 1050'. Below these depths it was found to contain water. The relative values of these oil-sands compare as follows: First oil- sand, 125' thick, about 45' productive; second oil-sand, 30' thick, all productive. w ^ ■f^'''^ THE LOS ANGELES OIL-FIELD. 45 The eastern end of the field was extended until the north line of geological disturbances, mentioned in Bulletin No. 11, was reached at the corner of Victor Street and Bellevue Avenue, near the Sisters' Hospital; then great trouble was experienced from broken formation, quicksand, and water. Subsequently, prospecting was recommenced a few blocks farther eastward, which resulted in the discovery of the eastern extension of the Los Angeles oil-fields. (See Photo No. 8.) In this connection see Bulletin No. 11, 1.1.26 and 1.1.28. 3.2.2. The first well drilled in the new field was sunk by Maier & Zobelein, at the corner of Adobe and College streets. This well was completed in November, 1896, and as soon as it was found to be a suc- cess, there was a rush for the new field. B}^ the middle of 1897 the wells in the new field were almost as closely crowded as they were in the old field. Fig. D shows the relative positions of the old and the new fields; i. e., the Central field, and the Eastern Extension, as they are now called. The black dots show the wells drilled before the end of 1896, and the open circles represent wells drilled during 1897. 3.2.3. The formations penetrated in the Central and in the Eastern Extension fields are very similar. They differ somewhat in different parts of the fields, but an idea of their similarity can be gathered from a comparison of the following records: Typical Record of Formation in Old, or Cen- Record of Formation in Xeic Field, or Eastern tral. Field. Extension. Given by Mr. Doheny. Given by ^Mr. Herschey. Sandy and clayej' shale with strata of ' Sandy shale, to 325' hard rock, to 650' Clay shale (bituminous) to 380' Oil-sand (oil 19° B.)interstratified with Hard shale, to 383' sandy clay, to -. 775' Clay-shale, to 395' Tovigh blue clay, to 975' | Oil-sand (oil 18.75° B.) to 450' Oil-sand (oil 16° B.) to 1020' Hard shale, to 453' Sand, with water. Tough clay-shale, to 483' Hard shale, to 485' Oil-sand (oil 16° B.) to 510' Hard shale 512' Tough clay-shale, to 552' 3.2,4. The question as to the direction in which the Los Angeles oil- fields were likeh^ to extend was one of great importance, and at every stage in the development of these oil-fields this subject has attracted the greatest public interest. It was discussed in Bulletin No. 11, as far as the evidence in hand warranted, and it was stated that '' If the oil- line on which the Second-Street Park oil-fields is situated be extended westward, it would pass a short distance south of the Baptist University." (See Bulletin No. 11, 1.1.25 and 1.1.26.) Events since the publication of the Bulletin named have corroborated what is expressed in the para- graphs referred to. 46 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. When the field-work on which the current Bulletin is based was in progress, excitement ran high lest the course of the oil-line should extend from the old oil-fields to West Lake Park; and in response to many requests with regard to the matter the writer has collected a large mass of data pertaining to what were then called the new and the old fields, especially with regard to the depth below the city datum at which the oil-sand has been struck in the different wells. From this data he estimated the dip and the strike of the oil in both fields, and drew certain lines indicating the slope of the oil-sand, as shown in Fig. D. The result is a picture, illustrating the structural conditions pertaining to the oil-sands in both fields. i Since the matter was of immediate interest and, owing to the State | Printing Office being closed, there was no likelihood of an early publi- I cation of the result of the writer's investigations, he made public his | conclusions by means of lectures, which were reported in full by the Los Angeles papers, and placed maps of the localities under discussion in the Chamber of Commerce at Los Angeles, and in other public institutions. 3.2.5. An analysis of Fig. D shows as follows: At the western extremity of the Central field, the formation is disturbed, and the angle of the dip ranges from 40° to 50°, both of which circumstances being in keeping with the surface indications. Farther eastward the formation is more regular, and the angle of the dip increases. At Second-Street Park, more geological disturbance is manifested, the angle of the dip increases, and the strike is irregular, the cause of the disturbances being a cross-fold, which intersects Court Street near Douglas Street. Farther eastward the formation becomes more regular, until the eastern extremity of the field is reached; here the trouble again commences, tlie cause being a cross-fold or fault, or both. 3.2.6. In the Eastern Extension the formation is more irregular, and the angle of the dip is less than in the Central field. The most regular portion is the central portion of this field, which extends from the Sisters' Hospital toward the corner of Bernard and Yale streets. Along this line the angle of the dip lessens, until at Yale Street it is only about 10'^. East of Yale Street the surface of the oil-sand is at first undulating, and then more violently disturbed. In the eastern extremity of the field, this disturbance is particularly well marked. In the northern corner of the Eastern Extension the immediate cause of the disturbance appears to be a fault, which may be seen at the corner of Bernard and Adobe streets, and in Chavez Ravine. This fault probably extends to the corner of Hinton Street and Beaudry Avenue, where the formation for a short space dips to the north. 3.2.7. The course of the contour lines shown in Fig. D corresponds to the prevailing strike of the oil-sand, which is practically N. 85° W. The contour lines also set forth the relation of the old and the new oil- . THE LOS ANGELES OIL-FIELD. 47 fields. Thus, if we take any line in the Eastern Extension such as the one along which the oil-sand could be struck at a depth of 400' below the city datum, and carry it westward, it would pass to the north of the Second-Street Park oil-field. Again, if we take any line in the Second- Street Park oil-field, such as the one along which the oil-sand could be struck at the depth of 500' below the city datum, and carry it eastward, it would pass to the south of the Eastern Extension. 3.2.8. This incongruity may be explained by either of the following causes: (1) It may be occasioned by a fault running in the direction of the dip of the formation; (2) It may be occasioned by a fault run- ning in the direction of the strike of the formation; (3) It may be occa- sioned by an oil-yielding stratum underlying those which have been struck in the Second-Street Park oil-field. If the first hypothesis is true, then there is no extension of the eastern end of the Central field, nor of the western end of the Eastern Extension. This is the least probable of the three explanations. If the second or third is true, it is not improbable that an oil-line would extend from the Eastern Extension beneath the Sisters' Hospital toward the corner of Edgeware Road and Temple Street, running parallel to, and north of, the Central field. There might also be an oil-line running east of the Central field, toward the corner of Alpine Street and Bunker Hill Avenue. Furthermore, a line drawn along the strike of the formation eastward, from the northern limit of the Eastern Extension, would cross the river near the Main-Street bridge, and a line drawn along the strike of the formation eastward from the south limit of the Central field would cross the river a short distance south of the Alhambra-Street bridge. The evidence which supports the hypothesis that there is a fault running in the direction of the strike of the formation between the Cen- tral field and the Eastern Extension, is as follows: At the northeast extremity of the Central field, namely, at the corner of Victor Street and Bellevue Avenue, the exposed rocks show a sudden increase in the angle of the dip, from 35° to about 70°; and more directly eastward from the said corner and south of the Eastern Extension, prospectors have found a broken, water-soaked territory, such as one might expect in the vicinity of a fault. 3.2.9. From the foregoing it appears that a body of clay-shale, which, in some places, has been found to contain oil-yielding strata, underlies the greater portion of the City of Los Angeles. This shale, as previ- ously mentioned, constitutes a large portion of the Puente Hills, and is probably the bedrock in the mesa lands between Los Angeles and Whit- tier; it contains fossils representing the Middle Neocene epoch. As hereinafter shown, the upper oil-measures of the San Joaquin Valley belong to this geological horizon. The facts herein set forth demonstrate that there is a strip of territory 48 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. at Los Angeles within which oil-lines have been developed, and that there are numerous other evidences of petroleum, and that this strip of territory extends eastward from the Baptist College and the Maltman well? toward the Second-Street Park oil-field, and thence toward the Scott & Loftus well on St. Louis Street in East Los Angeles. It is not to be supposed that an unbroken oil-line extends between the points named, for surface indications and drilling records show that this strip of territory is traversed by independent lines of minor geologi- cal disturbance, the course of which, in some instances, does not coincide with the prevailing strike of the formation. But it is by no means improbable that oil-lines besides those already discovered may be devel- oped in the strip of territory indicated, and that the extent of such oil- lines would be governed by faults or minor folds. 3.2.10. From the records of the oil-wells in Los Angeles and in the Puente Hills, and from the fact that outcropping oil-sands and oil- springs are, in many instances, found near the contact of the shales and the underlying sandstones, it is evident that remunerative oil-sands interstratify the lower portion of the shale formation, and in some instances probably constitute the uppermost strata of the underlying sandstones. From what has just been stated it follows that wells sunk in the shale should penetrate that formation and ought not to be abandoned before the sandstone, which in the territory under consideration underlies the shale, has been reached. The detailed observations concerning the dip a,nd strike of the oil-sand at Los Angeles, recorded in this report, cor- roborate* the statements made in Bulletin No. 11 of the California State Mining Bureau. As before mentioned, the average strike of the oil-sand in both the oil-fields at Los Angeles is N. 85° W., or S. 85° E. If a line were drawn S. 85° E., from the corner of Scott and Figueroa streets, in the Central field, it would cross the Los Angeles River about 300' south of the railroad bridge at Alhambra Avenue. If a line were drawn in the same direction from the center of the Eastern Extension, it would cross the Los Angeles River about 600' south of the Main-Street bridge. If a line were drawn S. 75° E. from the corner of Scott and Figueroa streets in the Central field, it would cross the Los Angeles River about half way between the Macy-Street bridge and the railroad bridge at Alham- bra Avenue. The last-mentioned line would run a short distance north of the oil-seepages on the line of the Rapid Transit Railroad, and would strike the well drilled by Scott & Loftus on St. Louis Street, in which the oil-sand was struck at a depth of 560'. This line, if continued I eastward, would strike the city limits about 600' north of Wabash Avenue. If a line were drawn N, 85° W. along the strike of the forma- tion, from the corner of Ocean View Avenue and Bonnie Brae Street, at ' THE LOS ANGELES OIL-FIELD. 49 which point the oil-sand was struck at a depth of about 700' belew the city datum, it would pass about 1000' south of the Baptist College. Assuming that along this line the oil-sand could be struck at a depth of about 700' below the city datum, and that the angle at which the oil-sand dips at the Baptist College is 20°, the outcrop of the oil-sand would theoretically be at the Maltman oil-wells. Investigations show that the dip of the exposed rocks in a creek immediately west of the Baptist College ranges from 20° to 25°, and that in some of the Maltman wells the oil-sand has been struck at a depth of less than 100'. These facts were set forth by the writer in Bulletin No. 11 published in 1896, and in lectures given at a later date, and on maps showing the trend of the oil-yielding formations, which, as previously mentioned, were placed in the Chamber of Commerce and the Mining Exchange at Los Angeles, and in other public places. How far subsequent events have proved the correctness of the deduc- tions cited, is shown by the developments between the corner of Burling- ton Avenue and the portion of Ocean View Avenue, now called Miramar Street, and the Baptist College, as recorded in the following chapter. CHAPTER 3. THE LOS ANGELES OIL-FIELD, 1899, TO JULY, 1900. 3.3.1. In the autumn of 1899 prospecting was carried on along the strike of the formation from the corner of Quebec and Miramar streets, where the broken formation had been encountered. On Miramar Street, between Burlington Avenue and Alvarado Street, the oil-field was developed for a width of about 600'. The wells are owned principally by the Yukon Oil Company. The formation at this point is somewhat different from that in the Central oil-field, and is as follows: Dark-colored shale to 300'; sand, with water and a little oil, 500' to 800'; on the south side of the oil-line, shale to 1100'; oil-sand to 1200'. On the south side of the oil-line water was encountered below the depth of 1200'. About 100', or less, of the oil-sand is impregnated with oil, but the lower portion of the sand is saturated with water. Farther northward, toward the center of the oil-line, the oil-sand is struck at 900' and drilled through for about 300'. On the north side of the oil-line the oil-sand was struck at 700' and drilled through to a depth of 1000' without striking water; but in one well which was drilled to a depth of 1200' water was encountered. 4— Bl9 50 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. It is believed that the angle of the dip is about 45°. At the northern edge of the oil-line the two strata of oil-sand which have been followed in the Central oil-field appear to be squeezed together, forming one body of oil-sand, which has been penetrated for about 300'. The strata of oil-sand are interbedded with thin, irregular strata of clay. It would seem that in the southern portion of the oil-line the water has, to some extent, displaced the oil and established a level for it about 1250' below the surface of the ground. At the corner of Alvarado and Ocean View avenues, the oil-sand was struck between 1180' and 1250', and was penetrated to a depth of 1300', when a small amount of water was encountered. The wells drilled in this area are quite productive. When first drilled, they started off at about 60 bbls. a day, but in one year the yield became reduced to 20 bbls. a day. 3.3.2. West of Alvarado Street the oil-line widens, probably owing to the lessening in the angle of the dip of the formation, and at Koefed Street it shows a width of about 500'. In this portion of the field it is rather deep drilling. Thus, in the Los Angeles Railway Company's wells, shale and sandstone were penetrated to a depth of about 1010', at which depth the oil-sand was struck. This was found to be about 150' thick. In a well drilled by Mr. Kellerman near the south edge of the oil-line, the oil-sand was struck at 1250', but at 1285' a large volume of water was encountered. Mr. Kellerman says that west of Koefed Street the irregularity of the depth at which the oil-sand has been struck leads to the conclusion that there has been considerable geological disturbance. In this portion of the field the wells vary from 1000' to 1200' in depth, and the oil-sand is thicker on the north side of the oil-line than it is on the south side. Near the southern edge of the oil-line there is trouble from water. In drilling there is also trouble from caving formation and the drill-holes have to be kept full of water. There are no productive wells south of Ocean View Avenue. 3.3.3. On Sixth Street, near Hoover, are the wells of the Uncle Sam Oil Company, Hardison, and others. The oil-line has been developed for a width of about 900'. At the south boundary of the oil-line the oil- sand was struck at a depth of about 525', and found to be from 60' to 90' thick; on the north line it was struck at a depth of about 200', and found to be about 23' in thickness. Near Hoover Street the oil-line widens to 1600', owing probably to the lessening of the angle at which the formation dips. The depth at which the oil-sand was struck at the southern edge of the oil-line in this portion of the field is about 500', and on the northern edge about 250'. Immediately south of the Baptist College the oil-line may be said to extend from the Maltman wells, which are probably situated on the outcrop of the oil-sand, to Fifth Street, a distance of about 3000'. ' THE LOS ANGELES OIL-FIELD. ' 51 The depth at which the oil-sand has been struck varies from about 300' on the Maltman tract, which is now owned by the Los Angeles Oil and Transportation and Terminal Company, to about 1000' in wells drilled by the Wilson Oil Company, on Miami Street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Between Hoover Street and Vermont Avenue the principal oil com- panies are the Wilson, the Green, the Westlake, the Wellington, and others. (See list of Los Angeles oil-wells.) On the Maltman tract, and on Vermont Avenue, between First and Third streets, are the wells of the Los Angeles Oil and Transportation and Terminal Company. Here there are thirty-five wells from 300' to 400' deep. For the most part these are small producers, and the oil has a gravity of about 14.5° B. On the corner of First and Vermont streets a flow of warm water was struck at a depth of 800'. 3.3.4. West of Vermont Avenue are the oil-wells of the Hercules Oil Company, where the oil-sand was struck at a depth of between 300' to 400'; and at the southeast corner of Vermont Avenue and Third Street are the wells of the Montana Oil Company, where the oil-sand was struck at a depth of about 400', and the Avells of J. Brown, in which the oil-sand was struck at a depth of about 400'. In the wells of Brown and the Montana Oil Company, the oil has a gravity of about 17*^ B. Farther to the westward prospect wells have been drilled by the Hercules Oil Company, on Rosedale Avenue, between First and Fourth streets, where the oil-sand has been struck at a depth of about 300'. Similar results were obtained by the National Oil Com- pany. 3.3.5. West of Western Avenue, two prospect wells were drilled by Mitchell, Stilson & Davis, near the corner of Western Avenue and Temple Street; they were abandoned. Subsequently these gentlemen drilled a well farther west, from which a large quantity of oil flowed. South of the Wilshire Boulevard, wells were drilled by the following: Parker & Proudfoot, to a depth of 1040'; McGee, Tait & Johnson, to a depth of 1260'. The formation is shale. No oil was struck. West of the boundary of the City of Los Angeles there has been con- siderable prospecting, the principal drilling being done by Thomas Brothers, who used a hydraulic rig, which drilled 4^" test-holes. A rock-drill was used to penetrate the hard strata. Mr. Thomas states that on the Rosedale Cemetery tract he drilled six wells, 120' to 800' in depth, the formation being sand, hard blue clay and shale, and oil-sand. In one of the wells no oil-sand was struck, but gravel and water were encountered. The gravity of the oil is between 15° and 16° B. About a quarter of a mile north of the Rosedale Cemetery tract are two wells drilled by Rommel. It is said that one of these wells is 1000' in depth, and that 60' of oil-sand was penetrated at the depth of 550'; the oil having a gravity of 18° B. 52 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. On the Croswell tract, about a quarter of a mile west of the Rosedale Cemetery tract, Mr. Thomas drilled two wells, one to a depth of 664' and the other to a depth of 175'. The formation is as follows: Loam, 45'; oil-sand and gravel to 136'; blue clay to 200'; sand to 283'. At the last-mentioned depth a hard rock was struck. About a quarter of a mile northeast of the Croswell tract, Mr. Thomas drilled a well for Garbutt & Pitcher. In this well the oil-sand was struck at a depth of 23', and penetrated for about 96'; then clay, sand, and hard, thin strata were passed through to the bottom of the well, where more oil-sand was struck. West of the Masslein tract, and immediately west of the well drilled for Garbutt & Pitcher, are three wells drilled for Messrs. Clark & Sher- man of Los Angeles (Los Angeles Transportation Company). These wells are from 120' to 521' deep. In four of them the oil-sand was struck at a depth of 50' to 85'. In another, which is 460' deep, the oil was struck at 150', and oil flowed from the casing. (See record of wells drilled west of the city limits of Los Angeles.) In well No. 1 of the Pico Oil Company, the following formations were observed: Adobe, 20'; yellow clay to 60'; sand and gravel, with 4' of oil- sand, to 129'; blue clay to 167'; sand rock and gravel to 450'; blue clay to 530'; black shale to 538'; blue clay to 545'; sand to 550'; blue shale, with traces of oil, to 558'; blue clay to 560'; black shale, with traces of oil, to 564'; blue clay to 566'; black shale to 572'; sand to 610'; blue clay, with traces of oil, to 620'; sand to 622'; blue clay to 635'; sand to 641'; blue clay, with oil, to 668'; blue shale, with oil, to 671'; blue clay, with oil, to 708'; shale, with black oil, to 780'; blue clay, with oil, to 822'. The oil at the bottom of the well was the best obtained. A well drilled on the Abbott tract showed sand to 43'; gravel to 53'; rocks to 76'; sand and shells to 83'; rocks to 98'; blue sand to 118'; clay to 136'; sand and rocks to 142'; blue clay to 144'; sand and rocks to 167'; clay, rocks, and sand to 281'; blue clay to 347'; sand to 385'; blue clay to 390'; blue clay to 420'; sand to 595'; blue, sticky clay, with oil, to 598'; clay, blue clay, to 723'. More or less oil was observed in the formation between the depths of 598' and 720'. The formation at the bottom of the well was blue clay. In most of the wells south of the La Brea ranch much gas has been struck. The cost of drilling with a hydraulic rig used by Thomas Brothers is: First 300', 35 cents a foot; below that depth, 50 cents a foot; below a depth of 500', 85 cents a foot. There is an extra expense when drilling in rock. The hydraulic rig can be used for drilling wells to a depth of 1000'. The hydraulic rig is of value to tell whether or not the formation _ contains an oil-sand, and the thickness of the oil-sand strata. In the northern portion of the La Brea ranch, several prospect wells I If ■|-H z o >• Ed O z IB O as o O o 3 O H O a z o Z -?V PHOTO 12. Wave-Cut Terraces, San Pedro Peninsula, Los Angeles County. SAN PEDRO PENINSULA, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 55 3 and 4, there are two veins of asphaltum which show a thickness of from 2" to 6". 3.4.7. At San Pedro two wells have been drilled by prospectors for oil. One of these wells was drilled in 1895 by the San Pedro Oil Com- pany. The record of this well shows: Adobe soil to 100'; dark-colored shale and brea to 400'; light-colored shale to 550'; brown shale to 850'. The water was cased off at 150'. It is said that small quantities of- heavy oil were found beneath thin and hard strata. This well was abandoned on account of the loss of the tools, which became fast in the well. San Pedro Oil Company of Los Angeles is the owner. Another well was drilled about 1 mile south of the center of the town of San Pedro, near the building known as the "Old Pierson Hotel." It is said that this well is 495' deep, that the formation penetrated is nearly all clay, or clay-shale, with a little brea, and that a stratum of asphaltum was struck at the bottom of the well. It is also said that this Avell was abandoned on account of the death of the owner. It is reported that rocks smelling of petroleum have been penetrated by many wells which have been sunk for water at San Pedro. Thus, in a well dug by A. Haller in the outskirts of San Pedro, the formation is: Black adobe soil to 3'; yellowish adobe to 12'; soft sandstone with sea- shells to 14' (this stratum is nearly horizontal); whitish rock inter- stratified with brown rock to 22'; hard limestone to 24'; white clay (dipping south) to 26'; white, soft, probably diatomaceous, rock to 34'; black shale (dipping to the north) to 42'. 3.4.8. On the shore-line near the town of San Pedro, as previously mentioned, there are some formations of tough clay and clay-shales; these rocks are dark in color and somewhat bituminous. They bear a physical resemblance to certain oil-yielding shales in the Puente Hills, but the shales near San Pedro are so much disturbed that they fail to show the position of the dark-colored shales with regard to the bleached bituminous shales. 3.4.9. North of Resort Point on the Rancho Los Palos Verdes and along the shore-line toward Redondo, the only rock exposed consists of whitish shale and a soft sandstone which rests non-conformably on the shales. On the Palos Verdes ranch, near the seashore, a well was sunk to a depth of several hundred feet. The formation penetrated is a calcareo-silicious shale. It is said that a small amount of heavy oil was obtained. It was accompanied by much water. 3.4.10. From the foregoing it appears that although bituminous shales are exposed on the peninsula of San Pedro, with the exception of the bituminous sand at San Pedro no definite body of oil-sand was observed, and the shale is irregular and broken. The shale composing a great portion of the San Pedro Peninsula is the hard silicious shale which seldom contains valuable oil-yielding strata. 56 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. The rocks throughout portions of the San Pedro Peninsula show metamorphism, and are disturbed by the intrusion of igneous rocks. These features, together with the broken character of the formation in general, bespeak unfavorable conditions for the existence of valuable quantities of oil. This view of the case is strengthened by the fact that the only seepage of petroleum seen in the shale formation is of a very heavy kind, being practically asphaltum; and that the sandstone for- mation, which overlies the whitish shales at Point Fermin, is impreg- nated with petroleum. It is possible that if the bituminous sandstone exposed at Point Fermin could be struck at a depth of more than 500', it might be found to yield oil in valuable quantities. Unfortunately, only a remnant of this sandstone is exposed, and the strike of the for- mation shows that its only extension lies beneath the ocean. North of township 5 south, the rocky formations are too much obscured by allu- vium to admit of geological investigation. CHAPTER 5. THE SAN FERNANDO OR NEWHALL MINING DISTRICT. 3.5.1. The San Fernando petroleum mining district, commonly known as the Newhall district, is situated on the north slope of the San Fernando Mountains, about 25 miles northwest of Los Angeles. As far as the records show, this district is the oldest producing oil-field in Cali- fornia. During the year ending June 30, 1900, this district attracted much attention, and several new companies commenced operations therein. During 1899, however, practically the only company pro- ducing oil in this field was the Pacific Coast Oil Company, which has been a producing oil company for more than twenty years. The prin- cipal wells of this company are in Pico Canon, about 6 miles southwest of Newhall (see Photo No. 29), in Elsmere Canon, about 4 miles south- east of that town. The recent developments in the San Fernando district are hereinafter recorded in detail. 3.5.2. The character of the rocks exposed in this district leads to the conclusion that the principal oil-3'ielding formations are certain sand- stones and shales which form the lower portion of the Middle Neocene formations, and some of the wells may penetrate sandstone of the Lower Neocene series. 3.5.3. At a point in Elsmere Canon, to which the writer's attention was directed by Mr. H. Hamlin of Los Angeles, sandstones containing fossils of the Middle Neocene epoch are found resting non-conformably THE SAN FERNANDO OR NEWHALL MINING DISTRICT. 57 on hard sandstones resembling the Eocene sandstones of the Sespe district. The relation of these formations may be seen in Fig. 8. 3,5.4. One remarkable feature of the San Fernando district is that petroleum has been found in the crystalline rocks. The central mass of that portion of the San Fernando range which lies to the south of Placeritos Canon is formed largely of crystalline rock, and, as herein- after noted, in June, 1900, several companies were drilling in these crystalline rocks. It is an established fact that a small amount of oil FIG. 8. CPOSS SECT/ON SHOW/NG NONCONrORMAB/UTY /A/ ELSMERE CAf/OM - ^ANFERNA/\fDO 0/JLJ}/ST;R/CT. Published by Ifje Permission of ^ B L/PP/A/COTT c£ L OS Angbl£S has been obtained from crystalline rocks in the Placeritos Canon at Newhall. The sample of this oil seen by the writer was of a very low specific gravity; it was quite transparent and of a light straw color. Since the writer visited the locality, wells have been drilled there which are said to be productive. It is stated that the formation penetrated is crystalline rocks overlying sedimentary strata. CHAPTER 6. TERRITORY BETWEEN NEWPORT, IN ORANGE COUNTY, AND THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY LINE. \ 3.6.1. In 1898 certain representative gentlemen of Orange County requested the California State Mining Bureau to examine the geological formations which form the coast-line between Newport and San Diego County and extend inland toward the Santa Ana Mountains, with a view of determining whether or not that portion of Orange County has 58 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. value as oil-territory. Since a cursory examination had shown that the geological formations in that area resemble those of the Puente Hills, and some prospects of oil were reported to have been discovered therein, the writer was detailed to make the examination which had been requested. 3.6.2. The territory examined comprises an area of about 300 square miles. It is traversed by two principal ridges of hills, which run in a northeasterly direction. One of these ridges extends along the coast from a point near the southeast corner of Orange County, marked Green Ridge in Fig. F, to San Joaquin Peak in the San Joaquin Hills, Avhich peak rises to an elevation of 1185'. The other ridge extends in a northwest direction from Station 35 (marked in Fig. F as State Monu- ment), about 5 miles from the coast-line, to and beyond Station 70. The ridge nearest the coast is cut through by the San Juan, Aliso, and Laguna creeks. The San Juan and Aliso creeks take their rise in the Santa Ana Mountains, and the Laguna Creek has its source in Laguna Lake on the San Joaquin ranch, and in sundry springs between Laguna Lake and the ocean. Thus, the territory referred to is in part hilly or mountainous, and in part mesa land. Its southern end is nearly all mountainous pasture; but toward the northwest there is a wide mesa devoted to agriculture. There is, also, some good agricul- tural and orchard land along the valleys of the San Juan and Aliso creeks. 3.6.3. The rocks forming the ridge nearest the coast are a conglom- erate characterized by angular masses of glaucophane schist. In some places these masses look as if they were in place, but a close inspection shows that they are cemented to fragments of other rock. This con- glomerate also contains numerous pebbles and angular fragments of white quartz. It is well exposed at San Juan Point, whence it can be traced in a northwesterly direction. It is said that the Sea Lion rocks, near San Mateo Point, are composed of a similar formation. Resting with probable non-conformability on this conglomerate is a whitish sandstone resembling the whitish sandstone seen in Santiago Canon, and containing fossils which are considered of Lower Neocene age by Dr. Merriam. This sandstone is exposed near the San Mateo and San Juan points (see Photo No. 13); it forms the great mass of the San Joaquin Hills, as is shown on Fig. F. Resting on this sandstone is a widely extending formation of shale. In many places this shale has a purplish color, and some of it when heated gives out a faint odor of petroleum. The upper portion of this formation is interstratified with thin-bedded sandy strata; the shale passes into a tough clay, yellowish at the surface, but probably of bluish color at no great depth. The central portion of this formation is tough shale. The lowest PHOTO 13. Sandstone Formation on Shore-Line, Orange County. .^ic^BKCasy PHOTO 14. Conglomerate Resting Non-conformably on Sandstone, San Juan Capistrano, Orange County. BETWEEN NEWPORT, OEANGE COUNTY, AND SAN DIEGO LINE. 59 portions of the formation are white or whitish, and in some places resemble diatomaceous earth. These shales are similar in appearance to the Middle Neocene shales of the Puente Hills. This shale formation extends inland toward the northernmost ridge of hills previously mentioned. For some distance inland, the prevail- ing dip is to the north at an angle of less than 20°. Still farther north the shales show an undulating structure, and, for the most part, dip at a very low angle. As the northernmost ridge of hills is approached, the prevailing dip is to the south, but it is irregular and greatly increases. 3.6.4. These shales overlie the sandstone on the north slope of the San Juan Hills and form the bedrock throughout a great portion of the mesa lands. They are exposed at many points along the Aliso Creek toward El Toro. In this direction there is an extensive deposit of white or light-brown shale, the lower portion of which is interstratified with yellowish sandstone, and in some places with ledges of limestone. Some of these limestone deposits are very extensive, and much lime- stone has been shipped therefrom. In some places the limestones contain large quantities of poorly preserved Neocene fossils. These shales also form a fringe of low cliffs along the coast-line between Laguna and the mouth of the Santa Ana River. The whitish shale underlies the shale described in the preceding paragraph. 3.6.5. On the west bank of the San Juan Creek, near its mouth, a con- glomerate formation rests non-conformably on the eroded surfaces of the whitish sandstone. (See Photo No. 14.) It probably belongs to the same geological horizon as the formations observed at Stations 60, 41, 66, 7, and 65, where conglomerate and very soft sandstones are exposed. At Station 7 a tusk and part of the bones of a mastodon were found, and a small collection of fossils was obtained from a well dug in this formation. These fossils are of Upper Neocene (late Pliocene) age, corresponding to the Merced series. (See table of fossils No. IV.) A gray sandstone is exposed on Aliso Creek near El Toro, which belongs to this horizon. It is probable that this formation is more extensive than is shown on Fig. F, but it can only be indicated where the exposed rocks show it to exist. 3.6.6. In the northern ridge of hills previously mentioned the same sequence of formation is met with as is seen along the coast-line, namely, conglomerate largely made up of fragments of glaucophane schist over- lain by whitish sandstone and clay-shale. Along the north base of these hills there appears to be an extensive fault, for there is a sudden drop of about 500', besides a sharply defined line between the conglom- erate and the sandstone. 3.6.7. An inspection of the territor.y herein described leads to the conclusion that the shale overlaps the whitish sandstone, and for these 60 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. reasons: In most places the whitish sandstone is found resting on the glaucophane conglomerate, and the shale upon the sandstone, there being quite an interval of sandstone between the conglomerate and the shale. In other places, however, there is no sandstone exposed between the conglomerate and the shale. The alluvium obscures the point of contact between the conglomerate and the formation overlying it, but the short space between the exposed shale and the conglomerate is suggestive of an overlap. This opinion is strengthened by finding whitish shale rest- ing on the conglomerate. Still, no very marked difference between the dip of the sandstone and the dip of the shale was observed. 3.6.8. The writer made a careful reconnaissance of the shore-line between Newport and Laguna, and of the north end of the San Joaquin Hills. The greater part of this area is covered by mountains, which rise to a maximum height of 11 85'. Toward the north the mountains slope down to the Santa Ana Valley, and toward the west to Newport Bay. At the north and west the mountains are bordered by marshes and peat lands of considerable extent. On the south, an ancient strand, now elevated 50' or 100' above the ocean, forms a narrow bench between the mountains and the seashore. The mountains are, for the most part, formed of sandstone, and in a few places eruptive rocks are seen. The eruptive rocks are exposed at the northern end of the San .Joaquin Hills, and at Abalone Point they are indicated on Fig. F by horizontal wavy lines. For a distance of about 4 miles along the shore-line southeast of New- port Bay, the sandstone is bordered by shale, which, as before mentioned, corresponds to the shale formation in the Puente Hills. In some places this shale is highly silicified. 3.6.9. At Rocky Point these shales rest on hard sandstone impregnated with petroleum, and at several places in a distance of about half a mile along the shore-line north of Rocky Point, strata of oil-sand are exposed which are overlain by shale. The oil-sand and the shale are inclined at a great angle. About one mile north of the town of Newport two formations are exposed. The lower of these consists of shales resembling the shale formation of the Puente Hills. The prevailing strike of these shales, as shown by the exposed rocks, is N. 50° W., and the angle of the dip ranges from 15° to 30°. A reconnaissance of this locality shows that the shale has been thrown into undulations producing a variable dip of comparatively low angle. At one point a stratum of dry oil-sand 2' in thickness is interbedded with the shale, and in several places this shale is interstratified with thin strata of dry oil-sand a few inches in thick- ness. At several places the shale is traversed by fissures filled with dry oil-sand. PROSPECT WELLS IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY. 61 The uppermost formation consists of soft sandstone and yellowish clay-shale, some hard calcareous strata, and some which appear to be made up largely of diatomaceous material. Some of the strata contain Quaternary fossils. (See table of fossils No. V.) The prevailing strike of this formation is east of north, and the angle of the dip ranges from 10° to 20°. The lowest stratum of this formation is a soft sandstone impregnated with petroleum. The source of the petroleum appears to be the under- l3dng shales. 3.6.10. From the foregoing it appears that the only portion of the territory investigated between Newport and the San Diego county-line, which would justify exploitation by the drill, is the territory around Newport Bay. Since this territory was examined by the writer prospect wells have been drilled at Newport Bay by the Newport and the Santa Ana oil com- panies. (See Orange County — Prospect Wells.) CHAPTER 7. PROSPECT WELLS IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY. 3.7.1. Monarch Oil Company (of San Diego) has a well situated about half a mile east of False Bay, near San Diego. In October, 1900, this well was 800' deep. Drilling. 3.7.2. La Jolla Oil Company has a well situated about midway between La Jolla and Pacific Beach, and about three-quarters of a mile from the ocean. In October, 1900, this well was 120' deep. Drilling. 3.7.3. San Diego Oil Company has a well about one mile east of Encinitas, and in October, 1900, this well was about 400' deep. Drilling. 3.7.4. Carlsbad (well near). The writer is informed that a company is drilling between Carlsbad and Oceanside. 62 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. PRODUCTIVE AND PROSPECT WELLS IN LOS ANGELES AND ORANGE COUNTIES. CHAPTER 1. PRODUCTIVE OIL-WELLS IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 4.1.1. The portions of Los Angeles County wherein productive oil- wells have been obtained are: the City of Los Angeles, that portion of the Puente Hills which lies west of Brea Canon, and Newhall. THE LOS ANGELES OIL-FIELD. 4.1.2. The Los Angeles oil-field may be said to be divided into three sections: The Central (or old) field (see Photo No. 7), which extends from the corner of Victor and Temple streets to the corner of Bonnie Brae Street and Miramar Street, formerly called Ocean View Avenue; The Eastern field (see Photos Nos. 6 and 8), which extends from the Sisters' Hospital to the Catholic Cemetery; and The Western field, which extends in a westerly direction from the corner of Bonnie Brae and Miramar streets to the city limits. These fields cover an area of rather more than 3 miles in length, and vary in width from about 500' to more than 1000'. Within this area about 1200 wells have been drilled, and at the end of June, 1900, the number of producing wells was 663. 4.1.3. The productive wells were distributed as follows: Central Field. Eastern Field. Western Field. Number of producing wells June 30, 1900 338 446,720 150 315,316 175 Product during 1899, in barrels 270,000 Total product of Los Angeles oil-field in 1899 was 1,032,036 bbls. PRODUCTIVE OIL-WELLS IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 63 OIL-PRODUCERS IN LOS ANGELES CITY. 4.1.4. The following is a list of companies engaged in oil-mining in the City of Los Angeles in July, 1900, together with a statement of the number of productive wells: No. of Wells. American Crude Oil Co.; Easton & Eldridge, 121 S. Broadway 14 Alderson, J. H. ; 807 S. Hope Street. ._ 5 Acme Oil Co.; 405 and 407 N. Main Street 1 Alton, John ; Farmers and Merchants Bank 5 Arizona Oil Co. ; 227 Byrne Building 8 Alpha Oil Co.; 342 Byrne Building... 7 Bayer & Roberts; 746 S. Broadway... . 4 Big "5" Oil Co. ; care Columbia Savings Bank 3 Bernard, C. A.; cor. Alameda and Second streets 5 Burns, John; 932 Court Circle 2 Blunt, C. A.; 149 Kern Street l Berry Barton Oil Co.; 235 W. Third Street 1 Bobst, M.; 429 Victor Street 1 Brown, John; cor. Vermont Avenue and Third Street 2 Burlington Oil Co. ; Doran & Brouse, cor. First Street and Belmont Avenue 15 Consolidated Oil Co. ; Frost Building, room 610 38 Chase Nursery Co. ; care Odonnell Oil Co., Hellman Block 3 Continental Oil Co. ; Laughlin Building 8 Carr, Mrs. J. ; cor. Lake Shore Avenue and First Street l Cates, A. M. (receiver); 310 Currier Block. _ 2 Carter, H. V.; rooms 12-18, 254 S. Broadway 2 City Brick Co.; 125 E. Second Street 4 Crown Oil Co. ; cor. Kern and Colton streets 5 City Water Co. ; office, Los Angeles Street 2 Croswell Oil Co. ; Edgeware Road and Omaha Street 4 Croswell, M.S.; Edgeware Road and Omaha Street 6 C. & H. Oil Co.; C. B. Boothe, 226 Los Angeles Street 3 Clampit, E. A. ; 1442 Court Street 5 Connell, D. A. ; cor. Ionia and HoUiday streets 2 Cake, M. E. ; cor. Grand Avenue and Seventh Street 4 College Oil Co. ; 1633 W. First Street 5 California Crude Oil Co. ; 419 and 420 Douglas Block. Drilling July 5, 1900 Doran & Brouse ; cor. First Street and Belmont Avenue 6 Davis & Harrison ; 815 Alpine Street H Daggett & Fletcher; 1342 Calumet Avenue 14 Davis, Cook & Co. ; Alameda Street 1 Davis, Frank ; 815 Alpine Street 4 Dryden, Wm. ; 1071 W. Jefferson Street 9 Delta Oil Co. ; McCarthy Bros., Henne Block 1 Enterprise Oil Co. ; 135 W. First Street 1 Eagen, S. ; care S. Clark, cor. Rockwood Avenue and Lake Shore 1 Easterday Bros.; cor. Temple Street and Boylston Avenue 3 East Side Oil Co. ; care I. W. Stewart, Gardner & Zellner Block 2 Evans, T. H. ; care Tubbs & Evans, New Depot Street 1 Evansville Oil Co. ; cor. First Street and Union'Avenue 1 Elton, C; W. First Street ] 1 Fergusson, Mrs. M. L.; 649 S. Hope Street _ ___ . i Frazier, Mrs. ; 123 E. Fourth Street 1 Ford, G.; 608 E. Fifth Street \[__ 2 Green & Whittier ; 1633 W. First Street 4 Green, B. E.; 1633 W. First Street 2 64 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. No. of Wells. Green, R. ; 1633 W. First Street 7 Gorham & Boeck ; cor. Court and Tolucca streets 7 Graham Sisters ; 131 N. Union Avenue 2 Green & Young; 1633 W. First Street 4 Giegrich, G. ; 526 Bernardo Street 1 Green Mountain Oil Co.; Bartlett Music Co Drilling July 20, 1900 Headley, A. H. ; cor. Bellevue and Ida streets 2 Huntley, E.; 1155 Temple Street 7 Harrison, H. H. ; 821 Hinton Avenue. -. 2 Hollingsworth, H. T. ; 347 Wilcox Building 2 Hughes & Strasburg; 15 Baker Block 1 Hansen, C; 815 N. Figueroa Street 2 Hammond, Mr. ; 717 S. Union Avenue 1 Harris, R. T. ; Santa Ana, Orange County 2 Hardison & H. ; Ojai Building 8 Hervey, Mrs. ; cor. Omaha Street and Edgeware Road... _ l Hughes Bros. Oil Co.; 15 Baker Block.. 1 Hubbell Oil Co.; Bullard Block 2 Hall, Chas. Victor, Oil Co.; Wilcox Block 34 Joyce, T. F. ; 971 Yale Street 7 Knight & Son; 315 Boylston Avenue i 22 Korber, K. ; 1320 Omaha Street 1 Kellerman, J. M. ; Ocean View Avenue 1 Kellum, F. R. ; 235 W. Third Street 1 Los Angeles Transfer Co 1 Los Angeles Transfer and Terminal Co. ; 222 W. Fourth Street 43 Lamb & Hanna; 504 Douglas Block 1 Los Angeles R. R. Co.; office, Central Avenue and Sixth Street 19 Lowry, W. P.; 985 Buena Vista Street 2 Lawrence, G.; 334 S. Main Street 1 Lamb, W. A.; 1929 Ocean View Avenue 2 Leslie & Spurling ; W. P. Book, care Batcheler, Henne Block 2 Leslie, C. C. L. ; 132 Quebec Street 1 Lake Shore Oil Co. ; Laing & Wiggin 1 Longstreet & Carhart ; 2403 S. Grand Avenue 3 Lewis, T. L. ; Rockwood Street and Belmont Avenue 1 Los Angeles Oil and Trans. Co. ; 201 Bradbury Building 5 Maier & Zobelein; Aliso Street Brewery 7 Martin, J.B.; 1447 Bush Street - 3 McGarry, D. M.; 103 S. Broadway 1 Maunatt, I 4 Magee, Mrs.; D. M. McDonald (Hellman Block). 1 Mattern, DeCamp ^ S. Spring Street 2 Van Every & Co. ; 109 S. Broadway 3 Van Trees, Mr.; 120 S. Witmer Street 2 Weller, Z. H.; 919 Kensington Road. 8 Wing, K. W. ; Belmont Avenue 2 West Lake Oil Co.; Clark & Bryan, Stimson Block 26 Wilson, W. D.; Hellman Block 15 Westlake, Walter; care 601 Laughlin Building 1 Wellington Oil Co.; 224Henne Building ■ 16 Whittier Consolidated Oil Co.; 225 Hellman Block 5 Young & Shaw ; 453 Cottage Home Street 4 Young, Walter L. ; 453 Cottage Home Street. 1 Yukon Crude Oil Co.; Easton & Eldridge Co 15 PRODUCTIVE WELLS WEST OF CITY LIMITS OF LOS ANGELES. 4.1.5. Hercules Oil Company (T. H. Dunham, president) has two 365' wells on Rosedale Avenue, between First and Fourth streets. Oil-sand struck at 300' and 311' respectively. 4.1.6. Los Angeles Oil and Transportation and Terminal Coinpany has seventeen wells, 300' to 400' deep, on Maltman tract, between First and Third streets, Vermont Avenue and Hoover Street. Average yield, 7 bbls. per day. Gravity of oil, 14.5° B. Formation penetrated: Yellow clay to 30'; dark brown sand to 70'; brown shale and sulphurous shale to 100'; then blue clay and shale to 250'; then oil-sand to 300'. Dip to 5— Bl9 66 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. the southwest at an angle of about 20°. Five of these wells are within the city limits. 4.1.7. San Gabriel Electric Light Company has two wells 400' deep on the northwest corner of Vermont Avenue and Fourth Street. Each well yields \2\ bbls. a day. 4.1.8. Schmidt {Fred) has three wells on the Luring tract, Third Street and Vermont Avenue. (See Transfer Oil Company.) PRODUCTIVE OIL-WELLS IN THE PUENTE HILLS, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Only those wells are included in this list which were productive when the Puente Hills were visited by the writer in May, 1900. Unfinished wells are recorded under the head of "Prospect Wells." 4.1.9. The oil-fields in that portion of the Puente Hills which lies within Los Angeles County are the Whittier, the La Habra, and the Puente oil-fields. The Whittier Oil-Field. 4.1.10. The Whittier oil-field represents that portion of the Puente Hills which extends from the San Gabriel River to the La Habra ranch. In May, 1900, the following companies were operating, or had drilled wells in the Whittier district: 4.1.11. The Central Oil Company (of Los Angeles). (SeePhotoNo. 3.) The wells of this company are in Sec. 23, T. 2 S., R. 11 W., S. B. M., about a mile southeast of Whittier. In May, 1900, this company was pumping sixteen wells, 700' to 1250' in depth, producing 10 to 70 bbls. a day. Gravity of oil, 18° B. These wells supplied sufficient gas for fuel. All of the producing wells of the Central Oil Company are situated on the south limb of the fold marked BB in Fig. A. The formation penetrated by the wells of the Central Oil Company is repre- sented by the following well-records: Well No. 1 (completed December, 1897): Big flow of water at 275'; blue clay and oil-sand to 485'; 5 bbls. oil in 24 hours; stratified shale and sand, good showing of oil, at 730'; 10 bbls. oil; water; hard shell to 735'; blue clay, sand, and shale to 865'; thin shale, with good show- ing of oil of 21° B., at 865'; sand to 879'. Well drilled to 400'; oil-sand at 955'; well pumped 70 bbls. oil in 10 days; total thickness of sand penetrated, 90'. Well deepened to 894'; total thickness of sand pene- trated, 105'; well pumped 60 bbls. oil in 10 days. In July, 1898, well pumped 25 bbls. oil a day. Well No. 2 (550' N. 20° W. of No. 1) : Clay to 175'; big flow of water at 275'; stratified formation (caving) to 384'; good showing of light oil in sand at 650'; slate, with hard shell, at 890'; sand and shale to 910'; very light oil at 990'; good oil-sand at 1007'; hard shell to 1012'; thick slate to 1035'; sand and clay to 1070'; slate and shale to 1135'. Much gas. Well choked and filled up to 1070'. Well produces 8 bbls. oil of 26° B. a day. PRODUCTIVE OIL-WELLS IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 67 Well No. 3 (completed July, 1898), about 325' S. of No. 1: Clay and gravel to 340'; hard shell to 350'; broken shale, trace of oil, to 425'; fine, soft sand to 500'; brown sand to 640'; white shale, trace of oil, to 710'; white shale to 730'; soft, white sand to 780'; brown sand to 785'; blue sulphur and shale to 880'; oil and sand to 930'. Well filled to within 70' of top. Well pumped 80 bbls. oil a day for two weeks. In July, 1899, 40 bbls. oil a day. Well No. 5 (completed July, 1898): Blue sand to 100'; brown shale to 150'; sulphurous sand and water to 235'; brown sand to 310'; white shale to 375'; white sand, some oil, to 430'; white quicksand to 450'; blue quicksand to 490'; hard pebbles and sand to 520'; mud vein (2') at 525'; fine sand to 545'; fine sand to 560'; blue shale to 575'; hard shell to 585'; soft, white slate to 620'; fine oil-sand to 685'. Well No. 6: Water and gravel to 60'; white sand to 80'; blue slate to 250'; sand to 300'; hard shell to 308'; slaty blue shale to 325'; hard, blue shell to 335'; soft slate and sulphurous water to 400'; soft slate to 535'; oil-sand to 550'; slate to 565'; oil-sand to 790'; hard shale to 795'; sand to 840'. The oil from these wells is conveyed by pipe-line to Los Nietos on the Santa Fe Railroad, a distance of about 4f miles. 4.1.12. The Chandler Oil-Wells are about 2 miles east of Whittier. In well No. 1, drilled in 1891, the formation is: Conglomerate to 200'; blue clay to 250'; fine sand and oil to 270'; blue clay and strata of sand and oil to 300'. Gravity of oil, 18" B. Well started at 3 bbls., and in 1897 was producing the same amount. No. 2 is 250' south, 1 6' east from No. 1, and at a lower elevation. Formation: Blue clay to 400'; hard stratum to 401'; sand and clay to 561'; sand contained oil and water. 4.1.13. Clarendon Heights Oil Company (of Whittier). The wells of this company are in Savage Caiion, about half a mile east of Whittier. In May, 1900, this company had two wells, 285' and 336' deep, respec- tively. These wells yield about 10 bbls. a day. Gravity of oil, 13° B. 4.1.14. Fidelity Oil Company (of Los Angeles). The wells of this company are about 1 mile northeast of Whittier. In May, 1900, this company had one productive well, and a second well was being drilled. 4.1.15. Holden (T.D.) (of Los Angeles) has a well one mile east of the Central Oil Company. Brea to 10'; conglomerate to 100'; sandy shale and thin strata of conglomerate to 900'; sandstone to 1000'; shale to 1050'; sulphur water at 800'. Abandoned. 4.1.16. Home Oil Company (of Los Angeles). The wells of this company are in Sec. 22, T. 2 S., R. 11 W., S. B. M., and are about three quarters of a mile northeast of Whittier. In May, 1900, this company had three productive wells and one dry-hole. The first well was drilled on the south side of Turnbull Caiion, about half a mile northeast of Whittier. The formation is: Well No. 1 — Yellow sandstone to 100'; 68 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. soft shells with hard shells of blue sand-rock to 180'; black clay or clay- shale to 250'; tough clay, streaks of gray sand, to 360'; dark-gray sand- stone to 400'; sandy clay-shale, streaks of gray sand, to 950'; water was struck at 105', 250', 400', and 500'. Abandoned. Subsequently this company drilled three other wells about one quarter of a mile east of their first well, with the following results: Second well, oil-sand to 400'; clay-shale to 550'; 3 bbls. Third M^ell, oil- sand and shale to 960'; oil below 200'; 40 bbls. Fourth well, oil-sand and shale to 700'. Drilling in May, 1900. 4.1.17. Turner Oil Company (of Los Angeles). The territory of this company adjoins that of the Home Oil Company on the east. In May, 1900, this company had two productive wells, 1125' and 550' deep, respectively. 4.1.18. Warner Oil Company (of Whittier). The territory of this company adjoins that of the Central Oil Company on the west. In May, 1900, the Warner Oil Company had one well 1108' deep, said to yield 48 bbls. a day. A second well was being drilled. 4.1.19. Whittier Crude Oil Company (of Whittier). The wells of this company are about 1 mile northeast of Whittier. In May, 1900, this company had two producing wells, one 1000' and the other 1250' deep. The La Habra District. 4.1.20. This district lies between the Puente and Whittier oil-fields. The only company operating in the La Habra district is the Union Oil Company. 4.1.21. Union Oil Company (of Santa Paula, Ventura County) has two wells on La Habra ranch. One well is 1270' deep, and produces about 3 bbls. of oil a day. In May, 1900, another well was being drilled, and was 1097' deep. The formation penetrated by these wells is clay and sandy shale, with strata of oil-sand. Gravity of oil, 20° B. The Puente District. 4.1.22. This district extends from La Brea Canon to La Habra. The Puente wells, which have been successfully operated for more than a decade, are situated in the higher portion of the Puente Hills, about 2 miles west of Brea Canon and 7 miles from Puente Station on the Southern Pacific Railroad. 4.1.23. The Puente Oil Company (of Los Angeles; J. A. Graves, president) has sixty producing wells, varying from 1000' to more than 2000' in depth, which yield from 5 to 40 bbls. of oil daily. The forma- tion penetrated is shale, with strata of oil-sand, varying from 5' to 20' in thickness and yielding an oil of about 23° B., to a depth of about 1000'. Below this depth the oil-sand strata are thicker, and some of the deepest wells have passed through oil-sand for a distance of 100' to 300'. The oil derived from these deeper formations has a gravity of from 30° I PRODUCTIVE OIL-WELLS IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 69 to 35° B. The oil from the Puente wells is conveyed by pipe-line to Chino refinery. (See chapter on Pipe-Lines and Refineries.) PRODUCING WELLS IN SAN FERNANDO OR NEWHALL MINING DISTRICT. Only such wells are mentioned as were producing oil in June, 1900. 4.1.24. Kellerman and others (of Los Angeles) have a well near the south line of Sec. 6, about 2 miles southeast of Newhall. This well is about 1400' deep. The formation is mostly sandstone, with a little shale. The first oil was struck at 820'; gravity of oil, 25° B. A second stratum of oil was struck at 1140'; this oil had a gravity of 30° B. A third stratum was struck at 1450'; gravity, 35° B. It is said that this is a 10-bbl. well. Pacific Coast Oil and California Star Oil Company (of San Francisco). The productive wells of this company are situated in the Pico, Els- mere, and Wiley canons, and prospect wells are being drilled in Rice Canon. 4.1.25. Pacific Coast Oil Company^ wells in Pico Canon are about 7 miles southwest of Newhall. (See Photo No. 29.) Here there are forty wells, varying in depth from 700' to 1950'. The formation is sandstone and shale, the sandstone predominating. The gravity of the oil varies from 41° to 42° B. The oil is conveyed by pipe-line to Ven- tura, in Ventura County; distance 44 miles. (See chapter on Pipe- Lines, etc.) 4.1.26. Pacific Coast Oil Company's wells, in Elsmere Cafion. In this canon there are fifteen wells, ranging from 400' to 900' in depth. Only seven of these wells are productive, and yield 7 to 45 bbls. a day ; the formation being gravel, sandstone, and a little shale. 4.1.27. Pacific Coast Oil Companyh wells in Wiley Canon are about 3 miles southwest of Newhall. Here there are thirteen wells, ranging from 600' to 1626' in depth, but only three of these wells are productive. The formation is shale and sandstone, the shale predominating. Gravity of the oil, 30° B. The total product of the Pacific Coast Oil Company's wells is about 150,000 bbls. a year. The gravity of most of this oil ranges from 41° to 42° B. 4.1.28. White Oil Company (of Los Angeles; G. S. Deline, secretary) has a well 530' deep, said to yield 25 bbls. a week; also a well 1030' deep. These were the first wells drilled in the crystalline rocks. The outcropping rocks at the wells are crystalline schists, and in them a 30' tunnel has been run for water, which yields enough for drilling. About 150' down the hill from the tunnel is the 1030' well previously referred to. The owners state that a hard crystalline rock was pene- trated to a depth of about 50'. At that depth the rock became darker, and several seams of clayey material were passed through. Three of these seams were found to be oil-yielding. About 100' north of the 70 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. 1030' well, a well has been drilled to a depth of about 500'. The officers of the company state that the formation in this well resembled that in the 1030' well. They say that this well yields about 25 bbls. of oil a week. A sample of this oil was furnished the writer by Messrs. Freeman & Nelson. It showed a gravity of 37° B. This oil finds ready sale for medicinal purposes. North of the well the formation is crystal- lized limestone and gneiss. CHAPTER 2. PROSPECT AND UNFINISHED WELLS IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Only those wells are mentioned which were drilled, or being drilled, in June, 1900. PROSPECT WELLS WEST OF LOS ANGELES CITY LIMITS. 4.2.1. Brea Ranch Well. Formation, broken shale to 600'; at 900' heavy oil flowed; mud to 1400'. J. E. Sanford, driller. 4.2.2. Davis (C. B.) has a well 400' deep on Western Avenue, a short distance south of Mitchell & Stilson well. Formation, shale to 400'. Abandoned. 4.2.3. Houser Tract Wells, on Pico Street, 6 miles west of city. Well No. 1, sulphur water at 230'. Well No. 2, artesian water at 355'. 4.2.4. Ivy Station Well, 7 miles from Los Angeles, on S. P. R. R. to Santa Monica, on Washington Boulevard and road to Palms; 153' deep; gas. 4.2.5. John & Strong Well, Eighth Street and Dewey Avenue; 850' deep. 4.2.6. Keating Wells. No. 1 on Bonita Meadows ranch, between Adams Street and S. P. R. R. This well was drilled in 1898. The formation penetrated was adobe to 60'; black sand to 200'; quicksand to 250'; clay and sandstone to 450'; blue clay to 910'; sand and clay to 960'; hard sandstone to 1030'; clay to 1256'; traces of oil and gas at 1000'. No. 2, between Pico and Washington streets. 4.2.7. Lewis Well (Flora and Santa Monica Company), half a mile east of Cole Grove. Shale and sandstone to 400'; oil and sand to 412'; shale and sandstone to 600'; oil-sand to 620'; shale and sandstone to 800'. Two flows of artesian water were shut off in this well. 4.2.8. Lombard & Lockhart have three wells: No. 1, on ranch of C. Greve ; 12 acres ; 891' deep ; no oil. No. 2, on ranch of Joseph Whitworth ; 14 acres; 417' deep. No. 3, on ranch of Joseph Whit- worth; 14 acres ; at 417' hard rock. Abandoned. PROSPECT ANf) UNFINISHED WELLS IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 71 4.2.9. Mansfield {Houser Station) Wells, 7 miles west of Los Angeles. Well No. 1, 550' deep; 60' oil-sand at bottom. Well No. 2, old gas- well ; burned many years in house. Well No. 3, 53' deep, 31' sand ; gas in 1" pipe, burning. 4.2.10. Mitcli.ell & Stilson have a well 600' deep on Western Avenue and Temple Street. 4.2.11. Neio Mexico Development Company has a well on the Arnaz ranch; down 600'; drilling. 4.2.12. Pico Oil Company. Well No. 1, on James Whitworth ranch, 7 miles west of Los Angeles. Formation: Adobe to 20'; yellow clay to 60'; sand and gravel with 4' of oil-sand to 129'; blue clay to 167'; sand, rock, and gravel to 450'; blue clay to 530'; black shale to 538'; blue clay to 545'; sand to 550'; blue shale, traces of oil, to 558'; blue clay to 560'; black shale, traces of oil, to 564'; blue clay to 566'; black shale to 572'; sand to 610'; blue clay, traces of oil, to 620'; sand to 622'; blue clay to 635'; sand to 641'; blue clay, oil, to 668'; blue shale, oil, to 671'; blue clay, oil, to 708'; black shale, oil, to 780'; blue clay, oil, to 822'. 4.2.13. Pitcher- Garhutt Oil Company has two wells on Masselin ranch, 7 miles west of Los Angeles. Well No. 1, 901' deep; oil-sand at 40'; pumped by hand. Well No. 2, 1073' deep; standard rig^ shale at 852'; oil-sand at 951'. 4.2.14. Rhodes Wells. No. 1, on Brea ranch, about 4 miles west of Los Angeles. Formation: Soil to 10'; yellow clay-shale to 73'; sand and bowlders to 85'; blue clay to 149'; shell to 154'; blue clay to 176'; shell to 177'; decomposed black shale to 192'; shell, or hard flinty blue shale, to 193'; oil-sand to 213'; gray shale to 214'; oil-sand to 237'; sand-rock to 239'; oil-sand to 282'; sand-rock to 284'; heaving beach sand to 324'; coarse black sand with asphaltum to 350'; hard rock to 351'; lightish- colored sand to 381'; hard oil-rock to 382'; oil-sand (showed well) to 432'; soft oil-rock of shale to 436'; coarse sand to 463'. Well No. 2, on Brea ranch, about 800' south of Rhodes Well No. 1- Formation: Soil to 10'; red sand to 50'; yellow clay and shale to 133'; shell to 137'; sand and bowlders (water strata) to 147'; blue shale to 185'; shell to 186'; shale to 215'; shell to 216'; clay to 255'; brea to 256'; shale to 284'; shell to 285'; shale to 302'; shell to 304'; shale and clay to 362'; shell or rock to 363'; shell to 370'; oil-sand (6' shale about center) to 449'; rock to 452'; oil-sand to 484'; rock to 485'; sand to 527'; sand-rock to 535'; sand to 546'; shale to 548'; oil-sand to 596'; hard shale or rock to 600'. This well was drilled to a depth of 600' by a hydraulic rig. Two days after removing the pipes the oil stood within 12' of the surface. The gravity of the oil is 12° B. Rhodes Well No. 3, on Brea ranch, about 800' southeast of No. 1. For- mation: Soil to 10'; yellow clay and shale to 74'; sand and bowlders (water strata) to 89'; shale to 104'; shell to 106'; blue clay to 173'; shell 72 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. to 179'; decomposed black shale to 211'; shell of hard blue shale to 212'; oil-sand to 245'; gray shale to 248'; oil-sand to 264'; hard shale or sand- rock to 265'; oil-sand to 267'. Casing would drive no further. Took out 20 bbls. twenty-four hours after cleaning well. Gravity of oil, 11^ B. 4.2.15. Rodeo Oil Company Wells. No. 1, on Abbott ranch, west of Houser Station, 7 miles west of Los Angeles. Formation: Sand to 43'; gravel to 53'; gravel, with oil, to 76'; sand and shells to 83'; rocks to 98'; blue sand to 118'; clay to 136'; sand and rocks to 142'; blue clay to 144'; sand and rocks to 157'; clay to 160'; rocks and sand to 281'; blue clay to 347'; sand to 385'; claj'- blue to 390'; blue clay, traces of oil, to 420'; sand to 595'; blue sticky clay, oil, to 598'; heavy sticky blue clay to 723'; oil from 598' to 723'; stopped in blue clay. Well No. 2 showed oil-sand at 400'. 4.2.16. Rommel Company has a well 750' deep on the Gay tract. Oil from 75' to bottom of well. Gravity, 25° B. Well flowed 10 bbls. per day while drilling. This company has aLso one well in Rimpau tract, east of Houser Station, about 6 miles west of Los Angeles. This well is 1000' deep. It is said that a stratum of oil-sand 60' thick was struck at a depth of 550', and that it yielded an oil of 22° B. 4.2.17. » Rosedale Cemetery Wells, 6 miles west of Los Angeles. On the cemetery grounds there are five wells. Well No. 1, 550' deep; 60' oil- sand, at bottom. Well No. 2, 800' deep; water; no oil. Well No. 3, 160' deep; 20' oil-sand, at bottom. Well No. 4, 160' deep; 30' oil-sand, at bottom. Well No. 5, 120' deep; 66' oil-sand. 4.2.18. Selby Oil Company has a well on the southwest corner of Third and Rosedale streets, near Los Angeles ; 400' deep ; clay-shale. Western Electric Works, 334 S. Main Street, drillers. 4.2.19. Star Oil Company has a well on the corner of Lee Street and Vermont Avenue, near Los Angeles; 1300' deep; heavy oil. 4.2.20. Thomas {H. C.) has two wells on the Croswell tract, 6 miles west of Los Angeles. Well No. 1, 654' deep ; it is said that in this well oil-sand was struck from 45' to 160'. Well No. 2, 175' deep ; it is said that in this well oil-sand was penetrated for 138'. 4.2.21. Weid Well, on Weid Estate, near Colegrove. Sand and gravel at 80'; blue shale at 800'; oil-sand, coarse; oil and water to 840'; water not cased off. Drilled by T. E. Sanford, 1013 Temple Street. 4.2.22. Wicks and others have a well 400' deep on the Arnaz ranch, 7 miles southwest of Los Angeles. No. 1, 400' deep. Little oil. Abandoned. 4.2.23. Williams {C. H. L.) (The National Oil Company) has a well on the southwest corner of First and Rosedale streets, near Los Angeles. Drilling. PROSPECT AND UNFINISHED WELLS IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 73 PROSPECT WELLS— EAST LOS ANGELES. Only such wells are mentioned as had been drilled, or were being drilled, in June, 1900. 4.2.24. Bland (F. E.), on Judson Street, between State and Lord streets. In a well drilled for water at this point, oil was struck at a depth of 80'. 4.2.25. Far East Oil Company has a well one third of a mile north of Evergreen Cemetery. Formation: Adobe to 500'; shale, dark shale, and clay to 540'; sand, with water and traces of oil, to 590'; shale (dark) to 630'; sand and water to 670'; blue shale to 930'. 4.2.26. Headly Well, north of Reservoir No. 5, East Los Angeles. Well, 840'; no oil. 4.2.27. Johnson {Mrs. C. M.), on State Street, corner Bailey. Well, 40'; oil. 4.2.28. Rees Well, near the corner of Britannia and Sheridan streets. Black mud, with occasional streaks of yellow clay, to 70' (at this depth a thin stratum of water-bearing gravel was penetrated); shale to 85'; brea to 92'; shale, alternating in light and dark-brown color, to 400'; water-bearing sand to 403'; shale, impregnated with oil, to 800'; fine sand to 803'; blue shale to 525'. At this depth the casing had been reduced to 4", and the well was abandoned. 4.2.29. Scott & Lojtus Wells. No. 1, on St. Louis Street, between Emerson and Scott streets. Gravel to 45'; blue clay to 315'; sandy shale to 420'; water at 450'; tough clay to 475'; sandy shale and a little oil and gas to 555'; oil-sand to 560'; sandy shale to 800'; sand and water to 875'. Seven barrels a day, 17° B. No. 2, 400' east of Soto Street, on Magnolia Avenue. Gravel to 20'; blue clay to 625'; sulphur water and blue clay to 650'; sandy shale to 800'; sand and water to 803'. No oil. 4.2.30. Whiting {Dwight) and others have a well about 250' east of the intersection of the El Monte wagon road and the San Gabriel branch of the S. P. R. R., about 4 miles east of Los Angeles. Formation, shale and sandstones. In May, 1900, this well was 500' deep. A thin stratum of oil-sand was passed through at a depth of 300'. 4.2.31. Wilkinson {J. M.) has a well one fourth of a mile east of Reservoir No. 5. Well, 670'. Said to have shown traces of oil at 640'. Yellow shale to 25'; blue shale to 175'; blue shale and hard shells to 365'; blue clay-shale to 410'; gray shale to 500'; blue mud and strata of shale and a little oil to 640'. 74 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. PROSPECT AND UNFINISHED WELLS IN THE PUENTE HILLS. Only those wells are mentioned which were drilled, or being drilled, in May, 1900. 4.2.32. Chino Well No. 1 was drilled by the Chino Valley Beet Sugar Company of Chino in 1897. It is on the Chino ranch and near the southeast corner of Sec. 35, T. 2 S., R. 9 W., S. B. M. This well is 1000' deep. The formation is sandstone, with a few thin strata of shale. No oil was struck, and well is abandoned. There is an exposure of oil-sand in a ravine about a quarter of a mile west of this well. 4.2.33. Chino Well No. 2 was drilled in 1897-98 by the Chino Valley Beet Sugar Company near Station 100 in Sec. 3, T. 2 S., R. 8 W., S. B. M. The formation penetrated is: Red clay and sandy shale to 70'; white sand with water to 77'; shale to 240'; white sand and water to 248'; dark shale to 272'; gray sand, water, and much gas to 310'; light- colored shale to 410'; dark shale to 440'; oil-sand to 465' (at this depth a small amount of heavy oil was struck); dark-colored shale to 475'; sand and water to 500'; clay-shale to 590'; coarse sand to 600'; fine sand to 610'; coarse sand to 620'; fine gray sand to 630'; gray sand to 640'; coarse sand to 650'; fine sand with water to 670'; brown shale to 675'; and shale with thin strata of sandstone, all smelling of petroleum, to 1000'. Abandoned. 4.2.34. Gird Well, on Chino ranch near the south line of T. 2 S., R. 8 W., S. B. M.; drilled in 1890. This well is near a seepage of heavy oil at a point on the Chino ranch marked Station 40 on Fig. A. Near the well a stratum of oil-sand is exposed. For the following record of the well referred to the writer is indebted to the courtes}^ of Mr. J. Kellerman, well-driller: Soft brown shale to 120'; white sand with water to 185'; rotten shale with water to 400'; soft sand to 450'; sand and shale to 950'; sand with brackish water to 1020'; sand and shale to 1200'. This well was abandoned on account of the water. The water was accompanied by a small amount of oil. 4.2.35. Gird Well, near quarry of bituminous sand. Several years ago a well was drilled about half a mile northeast of the Gird quarr}' of bituminous sand near where the Brea Cailon road crosses the east line of T. 2 S., R. 9 W., S. B. M. It is said that this well is 800' deep and that two or more strata of oil-sand were penetrated which yielded some heavy oil, but that the oil was cased off and the well deepened in order to obtain water from strata underlying the oil-sand. 4.2.36. Joyce Oil Company (of Whittier) has a well in Savage Cafion west of the Clarendon Heights well. In May, 1900, the Joyce well was unfinished. 4.2.37. Murphy Oil Company (of Los Angeles). In 1897 this com- pany drilled a well about 1 mile southeast of Whittier. The formation penetrated is as follows: Soft yellow sandstone to 35'; sandstone and PROSPECT AND UNFINISHED WELLS IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 75 tough blue clay to 40'; tough blue clay to 476'; limestone stratum to 481'; quicksand and showing of oil to 487'; sandy shale to 527'. Aban- doned. In 1898 the Murphy Oil Company drilled two wells about 100 yards southeast of the Chandler wells. In the first of these wells con- glomerate was penetrated to a depth of 660'. Mr. Plotts, superintend- ent, states that it yielded about 6 bbls. of heavy oil a day. In the other wells conglomerate was passed through for 850' and then soft shale to a depth of 1760'. No oil was found in this well, and the locality was abandoned. In May, 1900, this company was drilling a well a few hundred feet south of the wells of the Central Oil Company. 4.2.38. North Whittier Oil Company (of Los Angeles). In May, 1900, this company commenced drilling on the spur of hills between Turnbull and Sycamore canons, at a point northwest of the wells of the Home Oil Company and about 1 mile north of Whittier. 4.2.39. Shirley & McGray (of Los Angeles) have a well in Savage Canon and west of the Clarendon Heights well. In May, 1900, the Shirley & McGray well was 700' deep. The formation penetrated is conglomerate. 4.2.40. Whittier Oil Company (of Whittier). In 1897 this company drilled two wells in the mouth of Savage Canon, about half a mile southeast of Whittier. The formation is: Well No. 1 — Soil and gravel to 70'; sand-rock and conglomerate to 300'; oil-sand and conglomerate to 400'; sandy shale to 660'. Abandoned. Well No. 2 (about 350' south of first well) — Soil to 10'; yellow sand-rock to 20'; conglomerate to 110'; water at 170'; sandy shale to 1100'. Abandoned. PROSPECT AND UNFINISHED WELLS IN NEWHALL DISTRICT. Only those wells are mentioned which were drilled, or being drilled, in June, 1900. 4.2.41. Alpine Oil Company (of Los Angeles; R. R. McKinney, presi- dent) has two wells situated in the S.E. i of Sec. 12, T. 3 N., R. 16 W., S. B. M. One of these wells is 760' in depth. The formation penetrated is sandstone, with thin strata of shale. Oil- sand was struck at the bottom of the well. In driving the casing, water broke in and drowned out the well. When this property was visited a second well was being drilled, and a depth of 750' had been reached. 4.2.42. Bervelle & Bradshaw (of Los Angeles) have a well situated in East Canon, the south branch of Rice Canon. Well said to be 400' deep. No oil; much water. 4.2.43. California Oil Company (of Los Angeles; J. R. Thomas, president) has a well in the N.W. ^ of Sec. 17. Formation said to be granite. 4.2.44. Commercial Oil Development Company (of Los Angeles; Robert McGarvin, president). This company is drilling in the N.E. \ of Sec. 13, about 2^ miles south of Newhall. 76 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. 4.2.45. Eureka Crude Oil Company (of Los Angeles; J. H. Hellman, president) has a well in S. i of Sec. 13, T. 3 N., R. 16 W., S. B. M. This well was being drilled in June, 1900. 4.2.46. Good Luck Oil Company (of Los Angeles; W. W. Lowe, president) has a well in the S.E. cor. of Sec. 7, T. 3 N., R. 15 W., S. B. M. The manager stated that the following formation was pene- trated : Decomposed granite to 30'; quartzose rock to 58'; blue clay to 65'; gravel to 69'; blue clay to 72'; granite and blue clay to 670'; granite and blue clay, containing traces of oil, to 675'. 4.2.47. Tola Oil Company (of Los Angeles; R. H. Knight, president) has a well in the E. \ of Sec. 12, T. 3 N., R. 15 W., S. B. M., and at the time the locality was visited had been drilled to a depth of 200'. Formation said to be granite rock. 4.2.48. New Century Oil Company (of Los Angeles; C. W. Smith, president). When the territory was visited, this company was about to drill in the N.E. i of the S.E. i of Sec. 4, T. 3 N., R. 15 W., S. B. M. Formation, granitic rock. 4.2.49. Pioneer White Oil Company (of Los Angeles; G. W. Freeman, president) has a well in the S.E. \ of Sec. 3, T. 3 N., R. 15 W. At the time the locality was visited this well had been drilled to a depth of 100'. Formation, granitic rock. 4.2.50. Rice Carton WelU (owned by the Pacific Coast Oil Company of San Francisco) are about 3 miles southwest of Newhall. In this canon the Pacific Coast Oil Company has drilled two wells in the N.W. cor. of Sec. 22. These wells range from 500' to 800' in depth. The 500' well is a 3-bbl. well, but in the 800' well the water could not be shut off. 4.2.51. Rice {W. P.) has a well situated on his property in Rice Canon. In this well sandstone and shale were penetrated to a depth of 550', when oil-sand was struck which yielded 3 bbls. of oil a day. The well was then deepened to a depth of 700', when water was encountered. 4.2.52. Towsley Canon Wells. The Graves Oil Company and others have drilled, all told, three wells in this canon ; considerable oil was struck, but the wells were abandoned on account of water. 4.2.53. Yankee Doodle Oil Company (of Los Angeles; H. C. Dillon, president) has a well in the N.E. cor. of Sec. 7. When visited, this well had been drilled to a depth of 200'. 4.2.54. Zenith Oil Company (of Los Angeles; F. A. Garbutt, president) is drilling on land of H. C. Needham, about 1| miles southeast of Newhall. MISCELLANEOUS PROSPECT WELLS IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Only such wells are mentioned as had been drilled, or were being drilled, in June, 1900. 4.2.55. Arctic Oil Company (of San Francisco) has three wells on the ranch of R. Garvey, Rapetto Hills; drilled 1897-98. One well 600' PROSPECT AND UNFINISHED WELLS IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 77 deep, one well 1200' deep, and one well 1100' deep. Abandoned. Drilled by Kellerman. 4.2.56. Bell Station Well, at Terminal Railroad, Los Angeles County. Soil and sandy loam to 600'; gravel and water to 580'; bed of shells to 920'; gravel and water to 980'; bed of sea-shells to 1320'. At the bottom of the well the formation was gravel and sand with water. George Catey, well-driller, Los Angeles. 4.2.57. Bluett & Mullen (of Los Angeles) have two wells in Palomaras mining district, Castac Canon, about 10 miles northwest of Newhall. This well is in the S.W. i of Sec. 18, T. 5 N., R. 16 W., S. B. M. Formation as follows : Drift to 80'; soft sandstone to 30'; shale and sandstone to 300'; dark shale to 350'; shale and sandstone to 500'; hard shell and gray sandstone to 512'; soft, dark shale to 600'. Water was not shut off, but traces of oil were brought up by the sand-pump. Gas was struck at 500'; it burned with a flame 15' above a 5|" casing. About 10' north of this well, a well had been previously drilled. The formation was the same as in the first recorded well to a depth of 550'. Below that depth gray and white sandstone was drilled through to a depth of 940'. 4.2.58. Castac Oil Company (of Los Angeles) has one 800' well in Palomaras district, Castac Caiion, about 12 miles northwest of Newhall, which was drilled without casing. Formation, shale and sandstone. At 600' dry asphaltum was penetrated for 20'. Abandoned. 4.2.59. Climax Oil Company has a well on the road to Verdugo, 1^ miles north of Garvanza, 160' deep. Formation, sandstone. In July, 1900, this well was unfinished. 4.2.60. Hellman Ranch Well, about 9 miles east of Los Angeles. Formation, clay and discolored water to 140'; quartz rock to 142' (gold bearing?). Drilled by Palmer, Los Angeles. 4.2.61. Pacoima Oil Company (of Los Angeles) has a well in Sec. 20, T. 3 N., R. 14 W., S. B. M., about 4^ miles north of San Fernando, Los Angeles County. Well, 800' deep. Drilling. 4.2.62. Rosecrans Wells. C. E. Rosecrans has kindly given the fol- lowing information concerning the wells on the Rosecrans tract, in Sees. 18 and 19, T. 3 S., R. 13 W., S. B. M., and other wells in the vicinity: Gas wells: Well No. 1 was sunk fourteen years ago for water. Forma- tion: Soil, sand, gravel, etc., to 100' (water at 40'); shale to 115' (water under the shale); black sand to 135'. Gas under high pressure was struck beneath the shale, and the water standing 40' below the top of the casing was constantly agitated. The gas continues to force its way through 60' of water, with a pressure roughly estimated at 35 pounds. This gas is used for lighting and cooking in a house on the Rosecrans tract. Well No. 2, a short distance northwest of No. 1, is 90' deep; formation, similar to that of No. 1. From this well, in which the shale was not fully penetrated, a small amount of gas has escaped for more 78 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. than nine years. Well No. 3, about 300' northwest of No. 2, had a little gas in it, but it is now filled up. Ten years ago, about H miles southeast of the Rosecrans wells, on the Duncan property, in the Hayward tract, a well was drilled for artesian water, to a depth of 400'. Gas collects in this well. Brea is found in the vicinity of this well and has been used by the owner for fuel for many years. In 1899, about half a mile west of the Rosecrans gas wells, in Sec. 18, a 4" hole was drilled for artesian water. Formation: Soil, clay, sand, and gravel to 180'; sand-rock or shale to 195'. Owing to an accident this well was abandoned and a new well drilled 15' away. .A formation similar to that of the abandoned well was passed through to 330', but the drill used was not strong enough to penetrate the strata below that depth. In this well below 180' the formation seemed dry, hard, and clayey, and the shale oily. At about 197' there was a showing of car- bonaceous matter. Recently a test well for oil was commenced in Sec. 19, about 700' southwest of the gas wells. In this Avell gas was struck at about 95' and at about 145'. At 250' an oil-sand stratum 10' thick was struck. At about 420' a few feet of grayish oil-sand was encountered, and the driller stated that when drilling below this depth he saw traces of oil on the drill. At a depth of from 110' to 220' an abundant supply of water, which rose to within 40' of the top of the casing, was struck. On the Rosecrans ranch, in Sec. 23, there is an oil seepage from an irrigation well. This well is 380' deep. 4.2.63. Schuyler Ranch Well, 2 miles southwest of San Dimas ; 300' deep. It is said that a small amount of oil was struck in this well. Abandoned. 4.2.64. Siclieivorth Ranch Well, 1 mile north of Puente; 800' deep. Formation: Tough clay; strata of sand and gravel with water at the following depths: 120', 400', 650', 720'. Water stands at 54'. George Catey of Los Angeles, driller. 4.2.65. Wells near Azusa. Two prospect wells have been drilled. It is said that traces of oil were obtained. OTHER PROSPECT WELLS IN LOS ANGELES CITY. 4.2.66. Bartelow Well, on Moulton tract, corner of East Main and Daly streets, East Los Angeles ; 300' deep ; no oil. Abandoned. 4.2.67. Chandler Wells, northeast corner of Macy and Center streets; 775' deep; formation, principally shale ; 1^ bbls. of oil; much water. Abandoned. 4.2.68. Maier & Zobelein Brewing Covipany^s Well, on Aliso near Amelia Street; 10" pipe. Formation: Sand and gravel to 23'; wash to 76'; red sand and bituminous shale to 98'; bituminous shale to 678'; hard, silicious rock to 684'; water flowed at 825'; shale, with thin strata of limestone, 16" to 16' thick, to 1266'; 8" pipe; sand and gravel to PRODUCTIVE OIL-WELLS IN ORANGE COUNTY. <9 1366'; water forced sand into pipe ; yellowish gravel to 1432'; blue clay to 1454'; white gravel to 1458'; sand and shells, principally sand, to 1600'. Abandoned. 4.2.69. Moulton Well, on Moulton tract, corner of East Main and Daly streets; 887' deep; formation said to be sandstone (granite and quartz). Much gas ; no oil. Abandoned. CHAPTER 3. PRODUCTIVE OIL-WELLS IN ORANGE COUNTY. Only those wells are classed as productive which were so in May, 1900. 4.3.1. The portion of Orange County wherein productive oil-wells have been obtained is commonly known as the Fullerton oil-field. This oil-field comprises an area on the south slope of the Puente Hills, between Brea and Sequel canons. In May, 1900, the following oil companies were operating in this district: 4.3.2. Brea Canon Oil Company (of Los Angeles; D. Murphy, presi- dent). (See Photo No. 4.) The territory of this company is situated near the mouth of Brea Canon. When this territory was visited by the writer there was one producing well, which had proved very remunera- tive. It was drilled in 1899, and it is said to have yielded several hundred barrels a day during the first six months. Two other wells were being drilled. The formation is soft, sandy shale, containing much oil. A very fine-grained material, somewhat resembling quick- sand, forces itself into the casing with the oil. The formation penetrated by the Brea Caiion Oil Company's wells dips to the south. 4.3.3. Columbia Oil Company (of Los Angeles). The territory of this company is in Sec. 5, T. 3 S., R. 9 W., S. B. M. This company has four wells; depth, 775' to 950'; yield, 6 to 100 bbls. a day. The life of these wells may be gathered from the following data: Well No. 1, when com- pleted in May, 1899, yielded 25 bbls. a day; in May, 1900, it yielded 6 bbls. Well No. 4, when completed in February, 1899, yielded 150 bbls. a day; in May, 1900, it yielded 100 bbls. These wells adjoin the wells of the Santa Fe Railroad Company on the east. The formation penetrated resembles that noted in the wells of the Santa Fe Railroad Company. 4.3.4. Consolidated Olinda Oil Company has two wells in the Fuller- ton district. No. 1, 1000' deep, is a 10-bbl. well. No. 2, 1300' deep; drilling. Formation, sandstone and shale, the latter predominating. 4.3.5. Fullerton Consolidated Oil Company (of Los Angeles; C. V. Hall, president). The wells of this company are in Sec. 8, T. 3 S., R. 9 W., S. B. M. Here there are two producing wells. Gravity of oil, 18° B. The formation penetrated by these wells is shown by the follow- 80 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. ing records: Well No. 1: Conglomerate to 40'; clay-shale and sand to 820' (at this depth a stratum of oil-sand a few feet in thickness was struck); clay-shale, sandy strata, and oil-sand to 165'. Well No. 2: Conglomerate to 325'; below that depth a similar formation was pene- trated to that noted in well No. 1. 4.3.6. Fullerton Oil Company, formerly Rex (of Los Angeles; J. T. Fay, president), has five wells in Sec. 9, T. 3 S., R. 9 W., S. B. M. These wells range from 400' to 1000' in depth. At the time these wells were visited only one well was producing. One of these wells was used for water-supply; in one the tools had been lost and it was abandoned, and the others were in process of drilling. 4.3.7. Graham & Lojtus (of Fullerton). The wells of this company are in the N.W. i of Sections 8 and 9, T. 3 S., R. 9 W., S. B. M. In May, 1900, they had five wells 600' to 1875' deep. The production of these wells ranges from 6 to 122 bbls. daily; gravity of oil, 21° B. Some idea as to the life of these wells may be gathered from the following facts: One well, which yielded 25 bbls. a day when completed, ten months later yielded only 6 bbls. a day. Another well when completed yielded 200 bbls. a day; after ten days it yielded only 125 bbls. Another, which was drilled to a depth of 1465', when completed yielded 500 bbls. the first day and 700 bbls. the second day; the yield then decreased, and after twelve months it yielded only 60 bbls. a day. The character of the formation penetrated by these wells is shown by the following well-records: Well No. 2: Yellow clay to 50'; blue clay and oil-sand to 150'; oil-sand and sandy shale to 240'; clay-shale to 300'; oil-sand to 730'; sandy shale to 965'; oil-sand with gas to 1005'; sandy shale and oil-sand to 1090'; oil-sand and shale to 1400'; oil-sand pene- trated to 1465'. Well No. 3: Yellow clay to 50'; clay-shale to 300'; sandy shale to 360'; conglomerate an^ shale to 550'; clay-shale to 920'; sandy shale to 1130'; sandy shale and oil-sand to 1250'; oil-sand to 1370'; sandy shale and oil-sand to 1500'; oil-sand to 1565'; sandy shale and oil-sand to 1790'; oil-sand to 1875'. Mr. Loftus states that his wells are located within a few hundred feet of one another. They show a great variation in yield. He attributes this to the size of the grains forming the oil-sand. He sa.ys the fine oil-sand is the most productive. 4.3.8. The Santa Fe Railroad Company has nineteen wells in the Fullerton oil-field. (See Photo No. 5.) These wells range from 670' to 1700' in depth, and produce from 7 to 100 bbls. a day; black oil, gravity 20° B. The general character of the formation penetrated by these wells is : Conglomerate about 20'; blue clay and shale ; between the depths of 400' and 850' the shale was interstratified with oil-sand. Below this depth the underlying formation consists of strata of shale interbedded with thin strata of limestone and oil-sand. In one well, about 2000' southeast of the main group of Avells, conglomerate was penetrated for 200'; then shale with strata of oil-sand to a depth of 1800'. PROSPECT WELLS IN ORANGE COUNTY. 81 The oil from this well is of a dark-green color and shows a gravity of about 30° B. This well yields more gas than do the other wells belong- ing to this company. The Santa Fe wells yield enough gas to fire the steam boilers and for domestic use. The strata penetrated by the wells dip to the north, but the drilling records show that there is a great irreg- ularity in the angle of the dip. 4.3.9. Union Oil Company (of Santa Paula, Ventura County) owns a large tract of land near the mouth of Brea Caiion, and in May, 1900, had drilled three wells to a depth of 200', and the casing was full of oil ; gravity of oil, 21° B. The formation penetrated appears to be a soft, sandy shale. The Fullerton oil-field is the only producing oil-field in Orange County, and in 1899 it produced 108,077 bbls. of oil. In May, 1900, the oil from the greater portion of the Fullerton oil-field was conveyed by tank cars on a spur of the Santa Fe Eailroad. The Union Oil Company had just completed a pipe-line which extends from the Fullerton oil- field to Bixby ; distance, 26 miles. This is a 4" pipe-line, and has a head of 450'. The gravity of the oil which will be run through this line averages 21° B. CHAPTER 4. PROSPECT WELLS IN ORANGE COUNTY. Only such wells are mentioned as had been drilled, or were being drilled, when Orange County was visited by the writer in May, 1900. 4.4.1. Egan Ranch Wells, near Capistrano, in S.E. ^ of N.W. ^ of Sec. 36, T. 7 S., R. 8 W., S. B. M. Formation of Well No. 1 : Gravel to 26'; clay to 34'; gravel and bowlders to 55'; conglomerate "cement" to 67'; sand and bowlders to 102'; black shale, with a little gas and oil, to 315'. Well No. 2 (about 1000' northeast of No. 1 ) : Gravel to 26'; clay to 30'; gravel and bowlders to 58'; conglomerate to 65'; black shale to 253'. 4.4.2. Jenson Ranch Well, near Wanda railroad station; 130' deep. At 80' stiff blue clay formation was struck; gas, water, traces of oil. 4.4.3. Marius Meyer (of Fullerton) has a well 1-| miles north of Santa Fe Springs. The formation is gravel and pebbles to 80'; clay and sand to 310'. When completed this well threw a column of gas and water and stones to the height of 300' above the casing. 4.4.4. Newport Oil Company's Wells are on the shore of Newport Bay, about 1 mile north of Newport. The records of these wells are: Well No. 1: Sand, black and white, to 50'; brownish shale to 120'; brownish clay-shale, spotted with asphaltum, to 180'; liquid asphaltum to 230'; shale, fine and coarse sand, asphaltum, to 245'; coarse, granitic white sand, to 260'; blackish shale, globules of oil, to 300'; blackish 6— Bl9 82 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. shale, little asphaltum and oil globules, to 375'; alternate streaks of shale and dark sand to 495'; white, coarse sand, to 585'; alternate strata of shale and sand, sulphureted water, to 700'; cemented sand and gravel to 702'; white sand and salty water, quicksand and gravel, to 775'. Well No. 2: Soil to 8'; coarse yellow sand to 60'; dark shale to 220'; hard shell to 240'; black shale and sulphur water to 280'; black shale to 300' (seepage of asphaltum); black shale to 400'; hard shell to 402'; hard shell with asphaltum to 460'; black shale to 520'; black shale to 740'; sand and salt water to 765'. Well No. 3: Surface soil to 16'; white rock to 45'; soft shale and sulphur Avater to 140'; soft shale and water to 350'; soft black shale to 505'; hard black shale to 610'; hard stratum of white shale to 617'; hard black shale, salt water, to 770'; hard white rock to 773'; hard black shale to 800'; hard shale to 830'; soft blue shale to 885'. 4.4.5. Orange County Oil Company (of Santa Ana; W. A. Becket, president). This company is operating on the north side of Santiago Canon, about 5 miles east of Olive, and in May, 1900, had drilled to a depth of about 500' and found traces of oil. 4.4.6. Pucnte Crude Oil Company (of Los Angeles; E. Kendall, sec- retar}'). In May, 1900, this company was drilling a well on the east side of the Spadra road, near Brea Canon. When this locality was visited this well had been drilled to a depth of 500'. The formation penetrated was shale and slate. 4.4.7. San Joaquin Ranch. Lot 284: Well drilled in 1894 by W. Manser of San Bernardino County. Formation: Soil and clay to 150'; clay to 246'; gravel and sand to 247'; yellow and red clay to 269'; black sandstone to 303'; black and white rock to 304'; blue slate to 308'; hard blue slate to 309'; blue slate, very hard, to 314'; cemented rock to 484'. Lot 323: Well drilled in 1894 by W. Manser. Formation: Clay to 62'; gravel and water to 66'; soft clay to 102'; hard clay to 116'; clay to 124'; gravel and water to 134'; hard clay to 150'; gravel to 160' (sand and water); clay to 214'; gravel and water to 220'; clay to 234'; gravel and water to 236'; clay to 254'; hard clay to 323-'; sandy clay to 340'; gravel to 842'; clay to 350'; sand, gravel, and water to 360' (water rose to within 23' of top of casing); hard clay to 402'; gravel to 404'; hard clay to 416'; soft clay to 512'; hard clay to 540'; soft mud to 556'; gravel and clay to 566'; hard clay to 638'; gravel, sand, and clay to 646'; clay to 660'; sand to 672'; clay to 676'; sand with gravel to 686'; clay to 719'. 4.4.8. Santa Ana Oil Company has a well 1400' deep, on east side of Newport Bay. 4.4.9. Soquel Oil Company has a well on the N.W. i of Sec. 10, southeast of the Sante Fe Railroad Company's wells. The rocks pene- trated evidently belong to the whitish sandstone formation and dip to the south. Drilling. J '^y PHOTO 15. CONCKETION FROM WHITISH SANDSTONE FORMATION, PiRU, VENTURA COUNTY. .■s?a{^^l« .^■- -,~-r*'*»ak' «fe^ U^^. ' .^ PHOTO 16. Broken Concretion from Whitish Sandstone Formation, PiRU, Ventura County. 4 THE TERRITORY BETWEEN SESPE AND PIRU CREEKS. 83 P»^3^T 5. VENTURA COUNTY. CHAPTER 1. THE TERRITORY BETWEEN SESPE AND PIRU CREEKS. 5.1.1. The geological work done in Ventura County by the writer during the last campaign of the Mining Bureau consists of an exami- nation of the formations overlying the oil-measures developed by the Union Oil Company in the Sespe district ; and of an examination of certain oil-yielding rocks of Eocene age, which are referred to in Bulletin No. 11 as the lowermost oil-yielding rocks in that district. (See Fig. G.) 5.1.2. The field-work recorded in this chapter was undertaken in order to examine the formations overlying the oil-yielding rocks of the Sespe district, and to examine recent developments in the lowermost oil-yielding rocks of that district.* 5.1.3. As described in Bulletin No. 11, oil-measures of distinctively Eocene age underlie the Sespe brownstone formation, and consist of certain whitish and brownish sandstones and dark-colored shales. (See Photo No. 27.) The oil-yielding rocks exploited by the Union Oil Com- pany in the Sespe district consist of sandstones and certain dark- colored shales which overlie the Sespe brownstone formation, and which represent the upper portion of the Eocene formation. 5.1.4. The investigation of the formations overlying the oil-yielding rocks of the Sespe district involved an examination of the territory lying between the Sespe and Piru creeks. The territory under consideration extends south and east of the Sespe district; and it is, for the most part, quite mountainous, many of the higher elevations rising to an altitude of from 2000' to more than 3000', and furnishing only roughest pasture. (See Photos Nos. 19, 20, 21, 22.) The mountains are traversed by numerous canons, the principal ones being Piru Canon, Hopper Canon, and Pole Creek Canon. In a general way these canons run at an angle to the strike of the formation. (See Fig. G.) *The greater portion of the territory in which these lowermost oil-yielding rocks are exposed is now included in a new district called the Devil's Gate oil-district. 84 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. 5.1.5. Overlying the dark-colored shales of the Sespe district is a for- mation consisting of whitish sandstone, with some shale and conglom- erate. This sandstone resembles the whitish sandstone found in the Puente Hills and at Santiago Caiion; at the latter place it contains Miocene fossils. These sandstones are characterized by calcareous con- cretions (see Photos Nos. 15, 16, and 23); they contain a few Miocene fossils, and in some places they are impregnated with petroleum. As shown in Fig. G, this whitish sandstone occupies a large area in the higher mountains between the Sespe and Piru creeks. It belongs doubt- less to the Lower Neocene division of the Tertiary system in California. 5.1.6. The whitish sandstone is overlain by a shale formation which is very silicious and in most instances shows a calcareous reaction. (See Photo No. 17.) The silicious character of these shales is very apparent where the erosion has been rapid, or where the slides have exposed cliffs of freshly broken strata. Where the erosion has been gradual, the shale decom- poses and loses its cherty appearance, and, to a casual observer, resem- bles the clay-shales in the upper portion of this formation. Above the cherty shales there is a thick stratum of sandstone. (See cross-sections at Hopper Creek, Figs. 9 and 10.) Above this stratum of sandstone, the shale varies from sandy to clayey, and for the most part is either reddish or brownish in color. (See Photo No. 18.) In some places these shales exhibit a slaty cleavage, and apparently have been bleached by the action of sulphureted vapor. The physical appearance and geologic age of the clay-shales correspond to that of the clay-shale formations seen in the Puente Hills and at Los Angeles. As hereinafter described, the lower portion of this shale formation is interbedded with sandstone, which is frequently impregnated with petroleum. The writer obtained a small collection of fossils from the clay-shales which are sufficient to identify the formation as of Middle Neocene age. It is probable that the cherty shales, like the whitish sandstones which underlie them, represent the Lower Neocene in the territory under consideration. The shale of Middle Neocene age forms the greater por'tion of the foothills between the Sespe and Piru creeks, and a large portion of the mountains east of Piru Creek is composed of shale and sandstone belonging to this formation. As is elsewhere mentioned, there is reason to believe that these shales overlap the whitish sandstone formation. West of the Castac Creek, shales and sandstone, resembling in physical appearance the Neocene formations, rest on granitic rocks; and in San Francisco Cafion similar looking shales and sandstones, which contain fossils representing the Middle Neocene epoch, rest on metamorphosed sedimentary rocks. Extending from the Tar Creek Divide almost to Piru Creek, there is a body of shale resembling the Neocene shale, and resting on the dark- m , /. j^^j;- :r|c"7^^. PHOTO 17. SiLicious Shales, Hori'Eu Caxon, Ventuka County. PHOTO 18. Clay-Shales, Hopper CA.\oNf Ventura County. THE TERRITORY BETWEEN SESPE AND PIRU CREEKS. 85 colored shales of the Sespe district. It would require a closer examina- tion than it was practicable to give in the time at the disposal of the writer, in order to determine whether this body of shale is part of the Sespe formation or belongs to the Middle Neocene series. The writer could find no fossils in it, and, physically, it resembles the last- mentioned formation. 5.1.7. In the lowest tier of foothills between the Sespe and Piru creeks, a conglomerate formation is exposed. This conglomerate over- lies the shale formation. Between the Sespe Creek and the village of Piru it may be observed only in a few places, but at Piru it forms a bluff of considerable altitude. In the foothills east of Piru Creek this conglomerate is the prevailing formation, and in some places is found resting on the shales of the Middle Neocene series. The writer obtained a small collection of fossils from this conglomerate, and Dr. Merriam refers them to the Middle Neocene epoch. 5.1.8. As stated in Bulletin No. 11, the whitish sandstone, the shale, and conglomerate formations, compose the foothills at the base of Mount Cayetana, which rises to the westward of the Arroyo Sespe, and resting on the conglomerate are sandy formations and some clay-shales con- taining numerous distinctively Pliocene fossils, clearly representing the Upper Neocene formation. 5.1.9. It is somewhat difficult to outline the contact between the whitish sandstone and the Middle Neocene shales, partly on account of the complexity of the geological structure, and partly because through- out a large area the upper portions of the ridges are composed of shale, while the ravines cut through into the sandstone, forming an area between the whitish sandstones and the Neocene shales in which both the sandstone and the shale formations are represented. (See Photo No. 21.) 5.1.10. Between the Sespe and Piru creeks there appear to be two systems of folds: dominant folds having a strike of east of south, such as the fold marked DD (see Fig. G), and minor folds, which have a strike east of north, the latter folds being the more numerous. These folds are described in detailed accounts given of the Piru and Hopper caiions, but the time at the disposal of the writer did not admit of their being traced through their entire length. Between the Piru and Hopper canons the geological structure is complicated by fault-lines extending, for the most part, in the direction of the strike of the formation. The complex folding and the fault-lines have broken up the strata into blocks, which have subsequently been tilted, causing a diversity of strike at variance with the strike of the original folds. The effect of these fault-lines will be spoken of later on. In some places it is evident that the rocks are deeply fissured, although no evidence of displacement can be observed. At some of these 86 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. points sulphureted vapors have decomposed and bleached the rocks and formed deposits of sulphur. (See Photo No. 19.) This solfataric action is similar to that observed in the Puente Hills near Whittier, and at the Sulphur Mountains in Ventura County. The last-mentioned locality was described in our Bulletin No. 11. At the point marked " Sulphur Mine" in Fig. G, about 3 miles east of Fillmore, a company exploited one of these deposits with a view of obtaining sulphur for commercial purposes. After removing the sur- face of decomposed and bleached rock, which was more or less impreg- nated with sulphur, a very thin stratum containing about 30% of sulphur was found. At a depth of 3' the rock was too hot to be ffafely handled with the bare hand. 5.1.11. As previously mentioned, there are numerous evidences of petroleum in the formations overlying the Eocene rocks. In some places, notably west of Piru Creek, there are places where the whitish sandstones are more or less impregnated with petroleum, forming a dry oil-sand; and the oil-yielding strata at the Modelo and Sunset oil-wells are composed of sandstones which may be classed as belonging to this series of rocks. At the Fortuna and Piru oil-wells, the oil-yielding strata may be referred to the lower portion of the Neocene shale forma- tion. Sandstones belonging to this series and highly impregnated with petroleum, are exposed on the Piru ranch, in Hopper and Pole cafions, and at many other places. At one point on the Piru ranch the conglom- erate is impregnated with petroleum. 5.1.12. The Hopper Canon was selected as a suitable locality at which to investigate the rocks overlying the Sespe formation, for, throughout a great portion of its course, it cuts through these rocks in a direction which is nearly at right angles to their strike. Moreover, there are two groups of producing wells in this canon, and prospect work has resulted in trails being cut which facilitate geological research. 5.1.13. The formation and structure observed between the mouth of Hopper Canon and the Fortuna oil-wells, are shown in Fig. 9, The first bench of the foothills to the east of Hopper Canon is formed of con- glomerate, and the dip of the strata is a little east of south at an angle of about 60°. This conglomerate rests on the Neocene shales, which are much disturbed, and which dip both east of south and west of south. The shale rests on sandstone, and this rests on hard silicious shale. At Station 132 (see Fig. 9) there is an anticlinal axis. This is the axis of fold marked BB in Fig. G. On the northern limb of this fold the silicious shale shows a thickness of more than 1500' and is capped with sandstone. There is evidently a fault along the axis of BB, for an air- saddle drawn from the contact of the shale and sandstone on the north side of the fold would not connect with the point of contact between the shale and sandstone on the south side of the fold. .*. ^* S >K cc z H < s o a 3 z as o o cs o O H O a . cy^^ THE TERRITORY BETWEEN SESPE AND PIRU CREEKS. 87 FIG. 9 CPOSS SECT/OU BETWEEN STA. ZOO. N.E. of BUCKHOPN R.R._ DEPOT, i STA.20r NEAR BRADLEY 8(HUTTONS WELL //v HOPPER CANO/V. / ^'I / / ,0^^^ J^ FIG. lO. CROSS SECTION BETWEEN MUTTON PEAA^ f £ 120 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. i of this formation are the dark-colored argillaceous shales, and the sandstone containing rounded concretions. The stratigraphical posi- tion and the physical character of this formation warrant the assump- tion that it belongs to the same geological horizon as do the Eocene shales and sandstones underlying the light-colored silicious shales in the oil-district 9 miles north of Coalinga in Fresno County. Over- lying the formations, which we may tentatively class as Eocene, in the Sunset district, is a formation composed mainly of light-colored silicious shales, and constituting the first tier of foothills. (See Fig. 12.) These shales are for the most part of a brownish color when first mined, but they become almost white under the action of the atmosphere; indeed, the outcroppings of this rock are white or light-colored for several feet beneath the surface. In some places, the bleaching of these shales can be traced directly to the action of sulphureted vapor. 7.4.9. This light-colored silicious shale is by far the most character- istic rock of the bituminous formations; much of it is of low specific gravity and porous, sticking readily to the tongue, and is easily scratched. Some of it, however, especially in the lower portion of the formation, is indurated, apparently by the infiltration of silicious water. Occasionally pieces of this shale are found which show silicious induration only in the outer portions of the laminae of which it is composed, and a cross- fracture reveals soft, light-colored shale within. 7.4.10. The chemical composition of these shales is as interesting as their physical appearance, the characteristic feature being the large amount of silica they contain. Two specimens from the Sunset oil- district were examined which showed as follows : Insoluble in Acid. Silica Soluble in Sodium Carbonate. Total Amount of Silica. (a) 99 per cent 91 per cent 12 per cent 24 per cent 98 per cent 89 per cent 7.4.11. The light-colored shales are much less disturbed than the formation on which they rest. The prevailing direction of the dip of the light-colored shales in the Sunset oil-district is N. 30° E., and the angle of inclination is in some places as low as 20°, while in others it is as high as 80°. Although the southern limit of the light-colored shale in the district is tolerably well defined, it is not unlikely that in some places, where this shale has escaped erosion, it may extend a long way up the northeastern slope of the Coast Ranges. In one instance, a well was dug at an altitude of nearly 3000', in which light-colored shales, similar in appearance to those found in the lower foothills, were pene- trated. 7.4.12. Investigations in various parts of the Coast Ranges warrant THE SUNSET OIL-DISTRICT. 121 the classification of these shales as Lower Neocene (Miocene); there is reason to believe that they rest non-conformably on the underlying rocks. 7.4J3. Numerous seepages of heavy petroleum exude from these shales, forming beds of asphaltum, which, in some places, before these deposits were mined by Messrs. Jewett & Blodget, extended over an area of several acres. This asphaltum, much of which remains, is principally black, pitch-like bitumen, varying from solid to viscous, and some of it is of a yellowish-brown color; it is of different degrees of purity, and existed not only in beds and mounds, but was found by excavation to extend beneath the superficial drift. In some of these beds the bones of animals and stone mortars and other Indian relics were found beneath four or five feet of asphaltum. 7.4.14. When this territory was visited by the writer in 1894, he found that Messrs. Jewett & Blodget had drilled and dug twelve wells from 80' to 500' in depth in the shale formation; these wells are all within an area of 300' in length by 40' in width. They yielded, all told, about 15 bbls. of oil in twenty-four hours. The specific gravity of the oil varied in the different wells from about 12° B. to a liquid asphaltum which required to be heated by steam before it could be pumped. 7.4.15. In several places springs of brine and sulphureted water issue from the light-colored shales. 7.4.16. Overlying the light-colored silicious shales is a formation composed largely of comparatively soft sandstone. In the Sunset district only a few rocks belonging to this formation are exposed; they contain Middle Neocene fossils. (See Bulletin No. 3.) At Lobos Creek, on the San Emidio ranch, this formation is seen resting on the light-colored silicious shale. Between Lobos Creek and Mud Creek, a small collection of fossils was made from this formation. These were classified by Dr. J. G. Cooper and found to represent the Middle Neocene age, (See Bulletin No. 3.) 7.4.17. Near Coalinga in Fresno County, as hereinafter mentioned, the writer found evidence of this formation resting non-conformably on the light-colored shales, and in some places it contained fragments of shale, apparently similar to the light-colored silicious shales previously mentioned. At the Sunset oil-wells and in the Coalinga district, oil- sands are found in lower beds of this formation. 7.4.18. In 1892-93, Messrs. Jewett & Blodget drilled three wells in Sec. 28, T. 11 N., R. 25 W., S. B. M. Although at the point where the wells are drilled the rocks are covered with alluvium, there is little doubt that these wells penetrate Middle Neocene formations. The record of one of the wells is as follows : 122 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Well No. 1. Svilphur and apparently calcareous tufa deposited by mineral water... 45' Very hard gray and blue sandstone 80' (At a depth of 58' there was a little oil and some mineral water.) Gray sandstone with soft streaks and more mineral water 160' (At this depth the casing was reduced to 8%".) Soft blue sandstone, with hard shells and more water 402' (At this depth the casing was reduced to 6%".) Blue sandstone 420' (At this depth the water was shut off.) Coarse sandstone, with oil and water and much gas 440' Light blue sand 445' Sand, with water 820' This well was cased from the depth of 420' to that of 820' with 5" casing. Superintendent Youle states that this well was tested, and that about 100 bbls. of brine and 6 bbls. of oil were pumped from it daily for three months. It also furnished enough gas for a cook-stove. 7.4.19. Many of the wells being drilled in the Sunset district in August, 1900, appeared to penetrate strata immediately overlying the light-colored shales and belonging to the Middle Neocene formation; the character of this formation is further shown by the record of the Monarch well, which penetrated a series of clays and sandstones. (See record of Monarch well.) The oil obtained in this formation is of lower gravity than that obtained in the silicious shale formation. In the shale formation it is usually about 10° or 11° B., but in the Sunset dis- trict the oil from the Middle Neocene formations varies from 14° to 17° B. 7.4.20. Associated with the rocks of the Middle Neocene age are white silicious sandstones, which appear to have been hardened by infiltering water. There is also a soft gypseous rock, which rests non- conformably on the older formations. In the eastern portion of the Sunset oil-district, and about a mile eastward therefrom, this white gypseous rock attains a thickness of several feet and forms low hills on the mesa-land. It may also be seen resting upon the upturned edges of older strata at an altitude of nearly 2000'. A specimen of this white rock was examined in the laboratory of the State Mining Bureau, and was found to be composed of sulphate and a carbonate of lime and claye}'' matter. There are also deposits of calcareous tufa and breccia, apparently of later age than the Neocene rocks. A description of the Sunset district would be incomplete unless some mention were made of its deposits of sulphur and gypsum. 7.4.21. The deposits of sulphur in the Sunset district are found under the following conditions: As drift cemented with sulphur, as irregular masses of sulphur in the drift, as sulphur incrusting and filling fissures in the rocks, as sulphurous earth, or as sulphurous precipitate from the waters of mineral springs. The sulphurous earths are frequently black, contain bituminous matter, and have a strongly acid taste and fetid odor. The sulphur deposits appear to follow fissures in the rocks, the WELLS IN SUNSET OIL-DISTRICT. 123 prevailing trend being N. 80° E. The sulphur is evidently formed by the decomposition of sulphureted hydrogen. In some places these sulphur deposits have been prospected by excavation to a depth of 10' or 12'. These deposits are not worked. 7.4.22. The principal deposit of gypsum in the Sunset district is situated in its southeastern borders. The gypsum forms a stratum of rather soft, chalki^-looking rock, and in some places it attains a thick- ness of several feet. It is mixed, containing much carbonate of lime and chalky clay. CHAPTER 5. WELLS IN SUNSET OIL-DISTRICT. The following records were obtained in August, 1900: PRODUCING WELLS. 7.5.1. Monarch Oil Company (of Arizona; E. Aigeltinger, president) has a well in the N.W. i of Sec. 2, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M. In July, 1900, this well was 500' deep. It is a flowing well and is said to yield 75 bbls. of oil a day. The formation penetrated by this well is: Drift and water-sand to 260'; hard stratum to 266'; blue clay to 311'; brown sand and a little oil to 336'; oil-sand to 350'; hard stratum to 358'; blue clay to 388'; sand and heavy oil to 396'; blue clay to 488', and oil-sand to 495'. 7.5.2. Jewett & Blodget Oil Company has sixteen wells in the S.E. 5 of Sec. 13, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M. These wells vary from 250' to 400' in depth. The formation penetrated is principally shale. It is said that these wells yield from 10 to 25 bbls. of oil a day. Gravity of oil, 11° B. This company also has a well 875' deep in the S.W. i of Sec. 18, T. 11 N., R. 23 W., S. B. M. The formation is principally shale. There are two strata of oil-sand. PROSPECT WELLS. 7.5.3. Acvie Oil Company (of Los Angeles; E. V. Van Norman, presi- dent) has a well in the S.W. i of Sec. 12, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M. In July, 1900, this well was 300' deep. Formation, shale, with good showing of oil. Drilling. 7.5.4. Bachelors Oil Company (of San Francisco) has a well in Sec. 22, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M. It is said that there is a good showing of oil in this well. 7.5.5. Barrett Oil Company (of San Francisco) has a well in the N.E. i of Sec. 11, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M. In July, 1900, this well was 124 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. 1025' deep. Formation, mostly shale and clay, with a good showing of oil. Gravity of oil, 14° B. Drilling. 7.5.6. Golden Gate Oil Producing Company (of Stockton, San Joaquin County; D. 0. Castle, president) has a well 400' deep in Sec. 13, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M., but it was abandoned on account of water. This company also has a well in the S.E. i of Sec. 2, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M. Drilling. 7.5.7. Lion Oil Company (E. B. Weed of San Francisco, president) has a well in the S.E. i of Sec. 12, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M. Drilling. 7.5.8. Manhattan Oil Company (of Los Angeles; A. C. Jones, president) has a well in the S. W. i of Sec. 11, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M. Drilling. 7.5.9. Navajo Oil Company (of Los Angeles; R. R. Burns, president) has a well 200' deep in the N.W. i of Sec. 20, T. 11 N., R. 23 W., S. B. M. Formation, shale, with a good showing of oil. Drilling. 7.5.10. Pittsburg Oil Company (of Baiiersfield; F. S. Benson, presi- dent) has a well in the N.W. i of Sec. 1, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M. In July, 1900, this well was 800' deep. Formation, clay-shale and sand. Drilling. 7.5.11. State Crude Oil Company (of Los Angeles; G. W. Whiteford, president) has a Avell in the S.E. i of Sec. 14, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M. Formation, principally shale. Drilling. 7.5.12. Sunset Bahersfield Crude Oil Company (of San Francisco; H. F. Bulwer, president) has a well in the N.W. i of Sec. 13, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M. In July, 1900, this well was 800' deep. Formation, blue shale. This well yields flowing sulphureted water. Abandoned. This company also has a well in the N.W. i of Sec. 21, T. 11 N., R. 23 W., S. B. M. In July, 1900, this well was 325' deep. Formation, black shale, with some oil. Gravity of oil, 11° B. Drilling. 7.5.13. Sunset Czar Oil Company (of Pasadena, Los Angeles County; B. W. Hahn, president) has a well in the N.W. i of Sec. 19, T. 11 N., R. 23 W., S. B. M. Drilling. 7.5.14. Sunset King Oil Company (of Los Angeles; B. W. Hahn, pres- ident) has a well in the N.E. i of Sec. 10, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M. Formation, blue shale. Drilling. 7.5.15. Sunset Petroleum and Refining Company (of Los Angeles; J. W. Evans, secretary) has a well 100' deep in the N.W. i of Sec. 29, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M. Good showing of oil. Drilling. 7.5.16. Sunset Queen Oil Company (of Los Angeles; L. Vickery, president) has a well in the N.W. i of Sec. 14, T. 11 N., R. 24 W., S. B. M. Formation, shale. Drilling. 7.5.17. Western Mineral Oil Company (of Bakersfield; Gordon Bland- ing of San Francisco, president) has a well in the S.E. ^ of Sec. 17, T. 11 N., R. 23 W., S. B. M. In July, 1900, this well was 800' deep. Formation, black shale, with some gas. Drilling. This company has THE m'kITTRICK DISTRICT. 125 also a well in the N.W. i of Sec. 27, T. 11 N., R. 23 W., S. B. M. In July, 1900, this well Avas 1400' deep. Formation, shale, with a little oil of high specific gravity. Drilling. CHAPTER 6. THE McKITTRICK DISTRICT. 7.6.1. The railroad depot at McKittrick is about 25 miles northwest of the Sunset district. The road between the two places lies over the lowermost foothills of the Coast Ranges. Along this road there are very few rock-exposures, but they are sufficient to show that the rocks form- ing the lower foothills between Sunset and McKittrick belong to the Middle Neocene formation; while the white slopes of the upper foothills indicate the white outcropping shales of the Lower Neocene age. At the time this locality was visited by the writer, prospect wells were being drilled in the foothills between Sunset and McKittrick by the Bay City, the Pacific Consolidated, and the Hartford oil companies. (See record of prospect wells in McKittrick district.) 7.6.2. The McKittrick district, including the Temblor district, em- braces the following townships: T. 29 S., R. 20 and 21 E.; T. 30 S., R. 21 and 22 E.; T. 31 S., R. 22 and 23 E.; and also that portion of T. 80 S., R. 20 E., lying east of the western boundary of Kern County — all in M. D. M. This area extends more than 20 miles along the western foothills of the Santa Maria Mountains, and has a width of about 10 miles. The foothills in which the oil-wells and asphaltum-beds at McKittrick are situated are, for the most part, covered with alluvial soil, which, except in dry seasons, sustains a scanty herbage during the spring, but in many places there is an abundant growth of greasewood and sagebrush. 7.6.3. The first portion of the territory, now known as the McKit- trick district, to be developed was the lowermost bench of hills which rises from the mesa land to the north of the McKittrick railroad depot. (See Photo No. 31.) These lands were patented about thirty years ago by Garibaldi, Jo Queralo, and others, and the patents include the asphaltum-beds at what is now called McKittrick. In 1866 the Buena Vista Petroleum Company erected a still about 3 miles northwest from where McKittrick now stands, at the spring now owned by Miller & Lux. This still had a capacity of 300 gallons. The oil was taken from pits and open cuts, and had a gravity of from 10° to 12° B.; but it is said that at a depth of 30' oil was obtained having a gravity of 21° B. About 3000 gallons of refined oil were produced, but. 126 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. owing to the expense of transportation and other difficulties, the enter- prise was abandoned. Subsequently Blodget & Weil of Bakersfield sunk a 300' well, and at this depth there is said to have been a good showing of oiL In 1887, J. S. Hambleton and others drilled a 565' well, in which the oil rose to within 3' of the top of the casing. Later the Buena Vista Petroleum Company erected a refinery of three kettles to refine the superficial deposits of asphaltum, but this enterprise was abandoned. In 1893, when McKittrick, then called Asphalto, was visited by the writer, several companies were holding oil-land there; and a railroad had been built to it from Bakersfield. The Standard Asphalt Company, which had leased and acquired a large tract of oil and as- phaltum land, had erected an asphaltum refinery of twelve kettles, each of which was 12^'x 5'x 3'. This refinery was erected to refine the super- ficial deposits of asphaltum. The enterprise would have been a failure but for the discovery of veins of asphaltum about 1^ miles southeast of McKittrick. Until 1900 large quantities of asphaltum were obtained from these mines. The refinery first erected by the Standard Asphalt Company was burned down, but a new one was built about li miles southeast of the old site. This refinery consisted of twelve kettles, having a capacity of about 60 tons. Here the asphaltum from the asphaltum mines was refined until January, 1899, when the company practically suspended operations, making only occasional runs. The new works were called Asphalto, and the site of the old works, McKit- trick. In 1893, the Buena Vista Oil Company had a 410' well, from which 22 bbls. of oil a day had been pumped, and a 92' well which yielded about 3 bbls. of oil a day. Oil was also obtained for the asphaltum refinery from several dug wells. In 1898, Melton McWhorter erected a small refinery at McKittrick, where he manufactured paint, axle-grease, and other compounds from the crude oil. In February, 1899, McWhorter, Berry, Keller & Spencer leased a portion of the land operated by the Buena Vista Petroleum Company. These gentlemen then foi'med the El Dorado Oil Company and drilled several wells, which were unsuccessful ; but in the autumn of 1899 they drilled a 600' well, which is said to be productive. In the spring of 1899, McWhorter, Berry, Keller & Spencer sublet 40 acres to J. B. Treadwell, who drilled a 450' well. This well was com- pleted in May, 1899, and proved very productive. Subsequently other companies drilled in this district, as hereinafter noted. It is said that in this district the oil-sand has been penetrated for 300'. In August, 1900, there were sixteen producing wells in the McKittrick district, and seven prospect wells were being drilled, not including the wells in the Temblor district ; several other wells were about to be commenced. 7.6.4. The formations most extensively exposed in the McKittrick I THE m'KITTRICK DISTRICT. 127 district are light-colored silicious shales similar to those seen in the Sunset district. The outcropping rocks, which represent the formations resting on the silicious shales, are very scanty; they consist mainly of porous silicious rock containing marine diatoms, bituminous sandstones, and clayey and sandy strata. In some places the diatomaceous rocks contain petroleum, and in connection with the bituminous sandstones previously mentioned, they doubtless constitute oil-sand in the oil-wells at McKittrick. The diatomaceous rocks also contain a large amount of salt. A good exposure of these saline rocks may be seen in the N.W. cor. of Sec. 33, T. 30 S., R. 22 E., M. D. M., where a small canon extends in a southwesterly direction. During the summer, a crust composed principally of salt forms on the surface of the saline rocks. A short distance from the outcrop of the saline rocks, the sides of the canon are formed of soft sandstone, the loose sandy surface of which is in some places strewn with quartzose pebbles, fragments of silicious rock, and a few marine shells. In 1894 the writer collected several of these shells, and two well-known forms, identified among them by Dr. J. G. Cooper (see Bulletin No. 3), showed that the formation overlying the light- colored silicious shales at McKittrick belongs to the Middle Neocene series. At McKittrick there are extensive superficial deposits of asphaltum, which have exuded near the contact of the silicious shales and the Middle Neocene formations. The dip of the exposed rocks at McKittrick is about N. 30° E., and in many places the rocks stand at a very high angle, 60° or more. The strike of the formation corresponds to that of the oil-line, which is about N. 60° W. 7.6.5. The formation penetrated by the productive wells in the McKittrick district is that portion of the Middle Neocene formation which immediately overlies the light-colored silicious shales. The oil- yielding strata are inclined at a very great angle, which makes the oil-line a narrow one. It is said that in July, 1900, about 9000 bbls. of oil were sold from the McKittrick field. The gravity of the oil in this field ranges from 15° to 20° B. Following the strike of the formation in a northwest direction from the oil-wells south of the McKittrick railroad depot, the character of the debris covering the hills and occasional outcropping ledges of rock, evidence the proximity of the sandstone and diatomaceous rocks. The sandstones are frequently oil-soaked, and seepages of maltha may be seen in nearly every canon. These features warrant the conclusion that the source of the oil and maltha is at or near the contact of the sandstone and the diatomaceous rocks. 7.6.6. About 1^ miles west of the McKittrick depot there is a clifl" of light-colored sedimentary strata, some of which are bituminous and some interspersed with fragments of silicious shale resembling the silicious shale of the Lower Neocene. In 1894 the writer noted a vein 128 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. of very pure asphaltum at the base of this cliff. To the south of the stratum forming this cliff porous silicious shales are seen, but as investigation is made in a southerly direction across the strike of the formation, the light-colored shales lose their porous character and appear to be indurated by silica. In a few places there are weather- vs^orn masses of limestone. Still farther to the south the light-colored shale is covered with alluvial soil, which, except in dry seasons, pro- duces excellent pasturage during the spring. 7.6.7. About half a mile by a trail to the southeast of the McKit- trick depot, there is a spring of warm mineral water, which yields inflammable gas and a little oil. The gas smells strongly of sulphureted hydrogen. The asphaltum deposits at Asphalto are found under two conditions: (1) as superficial deposits of impure asphaltum; and (2) as veins of asphaltum in the Middle Neocene formations. The superficial deposits of asphaltum have been formed by exudation of heavy oil; they origi- nally covered a good many acres, and were from 1' to 12' thick. This asphaltum varies greatly in quality; some of it is brownish in color and resembles ironite. It is frequently dry and powdery, and more or less mixed with earth. The best asphaltum in these superficial beds lies near the surface; in some places it forms a stratum varying in thickness from a few inches to two feet or more. This stratum consists principally of a dull-black, compact asphaltum, but some of it possesses a pitch-like luster, and here and there it is rendered viscous by fluid petroleum. Beneath the upper stratum the asphaltum is frequently impure and rotten, and interbedded with drift. Attempts to mine and refine this asphaltum have proved unprofitable. 7.6.8. The principal asphaltum mines are 1^ miles southeast of McKittrick. In these mines the asphaltum occurs as irregular veins and intrusive masses in the Middle Neocene rocks. These veins are from a few inches to five feet or more in thickness. In one of the work- ings that the writer examined in 1894, the foot- wall is light-colored clay and the hanging-wall soft sandstone. In a cut made by miners who were prospecting for petroleum in the N.E. i of Sec. 34, T. 30 S., R. 22 E., M. D. M., several strata of impure asphaltum 1" to 1' in thickness were cut through. The asphaltum was found to be interbedded with thin strata of light-colored clay, sand, and pebbles. One of the uppermost strata, which is composed of dark-colored sand, is fossiliferous and contains fresh-water shells. These strata dip N. 80'' E. at an angle of about 50°. In 1894 the writer submitted speci- mens of these fresh-water shells to Dr. J, G. Cooper, who found them to be living forms. (See Bulletin No. 3, p. 49.) These asphaltum mines were successfully worked for several years. 7.6.9. The Temblor Oil-Field is about 12 miles northwest of the rail- WELLS IN m'kITTRICK DISTRICT. 129 road depot at McKittrick, and is considered a portion of the McKittrick district. In August, 1900, there were three productive wells in this field, and six prospect wells were being drilled. The gravity of the oil ranges from 18° to 20° B., and the rocks penetrated resemble the lower portion of the Middle Neocene formation hereinbefore described. CHAPTER 7. WELLS IN MCKITTRICK DISTRICT. PRODUCING WELLS. 7.7.1. California Standard Oil Company (of Oakland; J. M. Merrill, president) has a 450' well and two 500' wells in the S.W. ^ of Sec. 20, T. 30 S., R. 22 E., M. D. M. Formation: Asphaltum, shale, clay, and sand. It is said that in June, 1900, the 450' well yielded 150 bbls. of oil a day by pumping, and that one of the 500' wells yielded 40 bbls. and the other 75 bbls. a day. Gravity of oil, 22° B. This company has also three wells in Sec. 28, T. 30 S., R. 22 E., M. D. M. It is said that in July, 1900, these wells were about 600' deep, with a good showing of oil. Drilling. 7.7.2. Climax Oil Company (of San Jose) has two wells in the Tem- blor field in the N.E. i of Sec. 36, T. 29 S., R. 20 E., M. D. M. Forma- tion: Soft shale and sandstone. A flow of oil was struck at 285'. It is said that in July, 1900, these wells were producing 30 bbls. a day each. Gravity of oil, 15° B. This company has also a producing well in the N.E. i of Sec. 29, T. 29 S., R. 20 E., M. D. M. 7.7.3. El Dorado Oil Company (of Bakersfield; C. J. Berry, president) has a producing well 450' deep in the N.E. i of Sec. 29, T. 30 S., R. 22 E., M. D. M. It is said that in June, 1900, this well yielded 50 bbls. of oil a day. Gravity of oil, 20° B. On this quarter-section, oil was struck by the El Dorado Company in three wells, which were unfinished in July, 1900. 7.7.4. Giant Oil Company (of San Francisco; W. J. Dingee, presi- dent) has two wells in the N.W. i of Sec. 13, T. 30 S., R. 21 E., M. D. M. Formation: Shale, clay, and sandstone. Oil-sand was struck at a depth of 700' and penetrated to a depth of 1050'. 7.7.5. Kern River Oil Company (of San Francisco; C. Reise, presi- dent) has three wells, each 800' deep, in the N.E. i of Sec. 13., T. 30 S., R. 21 E., M. D. M. One of these wells is a flowing well. In July, 1900, they were said to yield, all told, about 200 bbls. a day by pumping. 7.7.6. San Francisco McKittrick Oil Company has an 800' well in 9— Bl9 • 130 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. the N.E. i of Sec. 14, T. 30 S., R. 21 K., M. D. M. In July, 1900, it was said to yield 25 bbls. a day. 7.7.7. Shamrock Oil Company (of San Francisco; J. W. Wright, president) has three wells in the S.E. I of Sec. 19, T. 30 S., R. 22 E.^ M. D. M. Formation: Clay, shale, and sandstone. These wells are each about 800' deep. Oil-sand was struck at a depth of about 700'. In July, 1900, it was said that each of these wells would yield 50 bbls. of oil a day by pumping. 7.7.8. J. B. Treadwell Oil Company has six wells in the S.E. 5 of Sec. 20, T. 30 S., R. 22 E., M. D. M. These wells range from 400' to 500' in depth. Formation: Sand and shale impregnated with asphaltum. It is said that in June, 1900, these wells were pumped and yielded, all told, about 450 bbls. a day. Gravity of oil, about 20° B. THE TEMBLOR OIL-FIELD— PRODUCING WELLS. This district is about 12 miles northwest of McKittrick Station. 7.7.9. Climax Oil Company (of San Jose; S. F, Lieb, president) has three wells in the N.E. i of Sec. 36, T. 29 S., R. 20 E., M. D. M. In well No. 1 the following formation was penetrated: Soft limestone to 20'; yellow shale to 35'; blue shale to 100'; brown shale to 250', and oil-sand to 322'. In well No. 2 a similar formation to that in well No. 1 was penetrated to a depth of 285', and then oil-sand to a depth of 330'. Below this depth the sand contained sulphureted water. In well No. 3 the formation passed through to a depth of 280' was similar to that penetrated for the first 290' in well No. 1, then oil-sand to a depth of 340'. The casing in these wells is not perforated. Well No. 2 is a flow- ing well, and yields about 30 bbls. of oil a day. Wells Nos. 1 and 3 yield about 10 l)bls. of oil a day. The gravity of these oils ranges from about 18° to 20° B. McKITTRICK DISTRICT— PROSPECT WELLS. 7.7.10. Bay City Oil Company (of San Francisco; G. W. Turner^ president) has a well in Sec. 22, T. 32 S., R. 22 E., M. D. M., about 12 miles from McKittrick. Drilling. 7.7.11. El Modelo Oil Company (of Fresno; C. L. Waters, president) has a well in Sec. 24, T. 30 S., R. 21 E., M. D. M. In July, 1900, this well was about 1000' deep, with some showing of oil. Drilling. 7.7.12. Hartford Oil Company (of Los Angeles; J. S. Dillon, presi- dent) has a 650' well in Sec. 12, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., M. D. M., about 6 miles south of McKittrick. Formation, principally shale. 7.7.13. National Oil Company (W. C. Beattie of Oakland, president) has a well in the N.E. i of Sec. 29, T. 30 S., R. 22 E., M. D. M. For- mation, shale and sandstone. Oil was struck at 1100'. Drilling. 7.7.14. Pacific Consolidated Oil Company (of Fresno) has a 700' well devil's den district. 131 in Sec. 2, T. 31 S., R. 21 E., M. D. M., about 15 miles from McKittrick. It is said that oil-sand has been struck in this well. 7.7.15. Sloan Oil Company (of Los Angeles) has a well in the S.E. ^ of Sec. 20, T. 30 S., R. 22 E., M. D. M. In this well a stratum of oil- sand was struck at 680', and a second stratum at 775'. Gravity of oil, 20° B. Drilling. 7.7.16. Virginia Oil Company (of San Francisco; J. W. Wright, president) has a well in Sec. 29, T. 30 S., R. 22 E., M. D. M. In July, 1900, this well was 800' deep, with some showing of oil. Drilling. TEMBLOR OIL-FIELD— PROSPECT WELLS. 7.7.17. Diamond Oil Company (of San .Jose) has a well in the N.W. i of Sec. 11, T. 29 S., R. 21 E., M. D. M. Drilling. 7.7.18. Eureka Oil and Development Company (of Bakersfield; A. J. Lightner, president) has a well in Sec. 13, T. 29 S., R. 20 E., M. D. M. Formation, sandstone and a little shale. Oil struck at 80'. Gravity, 10° B. This well is being drilled with a portable rig, run by a gasoline engine. It is furnished with a steel cable carrying a string of tools weighing 1750 lbs. The rig was designed by G. M. Bobs of Los Angeles. 7.7.19. Gould & Center Oil Company has a well near the center of Sec. 18, T. 29 S., R. 21 E., M. D. M. In July, 1900, this well was about 200' deep, with a good showing of oil. 7.7.20. J. Jameson (of Bakersfield) has a well in Sec. 31, T..29 S., R. 20 E., M. D. M. In August, 1900, this well was 100' deep. Forma- tion, shale. Drilling. 7.7.21. Nevada Oil Company (of Bakersfield; M. Wagy, president) has a well 1000' deep near the center of Sec. 24, T. 29 S., R. 20 E., M. D. M. Drilling. 7.7.22. Sunrise Oil and Development Company (of San Jose; 0. L. Baker, president) has a well in the S.W. i of Sec. 11, T. 29 S., R. 21 E., M. D. M. Formation: Alluvium and gravel to 240'; blue shale to 300'; soft sandstone to 340': brown shale to 410'; sandstone to 460'. Some gas. Drilling. CHAPTER 8. THE DEVIL'S DEN DISTRICT. 7.8.1. This district adjoins the McKittrick district on the northwest. It embraces T. 25 S., R. 17, 18, and 19 E.; T. 26 S., R. 17 and 18 E.; T. 27 S., R. 18 and 19 E.; T. 28 S., R. 19 and 20 E.— all in M. D. M.; and that portion of T. 27 S., R. 18 E., lying east of the western boundary of Kern County. 132 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. 7.8.2. In this district, the same sequence of formation was noticed as that heretofore described as forming the foothills of the Coast Ranges on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley, viz : the Middle Neocene sand- stones and shales, the silicious shales of the Lower Neocene, and rocks which in physical appearance resemble the Eocene formations noted at Coalinga, in Fresno County, In August, 1900, there were no productive wells in the Devil's Den district, but four companies were drilling pros- pect wells. (See prospect wells in Devil's Den district.) PROSPECT WELLS. Only such wells are mentioned as were drilled, or being drilled, in August, 1900. 7.8.3. DeviVs Den Development Company (of Visalia; A. R. Orr, presi- dent) has a 100' well in the N.W. i of Sec. 22, T. 25 S., R. 19 E., M. D. M. 7.8.4. Imperial Oil and Development Company (of San Francisco; E. C. Calvin, president) has a well in Sec. 27, T. 26 S., R. 17 E., M. D. M., about 6 miles southeast of Annette P. 0. 7.8.5. Raven Pass Oil Comjmny (of Los Angeles; M. A. Newmark, president) has a well in Sec. 23, T. 26 S., R. 17 E., M. D. M. Forma- tion, sandy shale. Well said to be 400' deep, with traces of oil. In June, 1900, this well was unfinished. 7.8.6. Spreckels {R.) (of San Francisco) has a 600' well in the N.W. i of Sec. 30, T. 25 S., R. 18 E., M. D. M. Formation: Hard sandstone to 60'; blue shale to 160'; hard stratum to 165'; black carbonaceous material to 170'; gas to 460'; hard, dark-colored shale interstratified with soft shale to 500'; and hard sandstone to 560'. Drilling in dark- colored shale. CHAPTER 9. THE KREYENHAGEN DISTRICT. 7.9.1. The Kreyenhagen district adjoins the Devil's Den district on the north, and is partly in Fresno County and partly in Kings County. It embraces T. 21 S., R. 16, 17, and 18 E.; T. 22 S., R. 16, 17, and 18 E.; T. 23 S., R. 16, 17, and 18 E.; T. 24 S., R. 17 and 18 E.; and such por- tions of T.22 S., R. 13, 14, and 15 E.; T. 23 S., R. 15 and 16 E.; T. 24 S., R. 16 E., as lie east of the western boundary of Fresno and Kings coun- ties—all in M. D. M. This district includes the A venal oil-field, which extends as far south as the sixth standard line of the Mount Diablo meridian, and the Kettle- man Hills, which rise between Tulare Lake and the main foothills of THE KREYENHAGEN DISTRICT. 133 the Coast Ranges, being separated from the latter by the Kettleman Plains. 7.9.2. In the Avenal oil-field, the Avenal Land and Oil Company is operating on a ridge which rises to an altitude of more than 2000'. (See Avenal Land and Oil Company.) In August, 1900, this company was drilling at a point on this ridge where it is cut through by Tar Canon. In this canon there are seepages of heavy, tar-like oil, which in one place has formed a small quantity of asphaltum. The before- mentioned ridge is composed of shale and sandstone, principally sand- stone, and some of the sandstone is highly impregnated with petroleum. These rocks dip about N. 10° E. at an angle of from 60° to 75°. They contain fossils of Miocene age. (See Bulletin No. 8, and Table II at the end of this volume.) Some of the strata are highly fossiliferous, but the fossils are in a poor state of preservation. The formation composing the ridge must be regarded as Lower Neocene, and probably underlies the light-colored shales which are here covered by the Middle Neocene formation. The formations on the south slope of this ridge show strata of soft sandstone and sandy shales. To the north and at the foot of this ridge, the formation is soft blue sandstone, and the dip of the rocks appears to be more easterly and at a somewhat lower angle than that of the rocks forming the ridge. In 1893 the writer obtained a col- lection of fossils from this sandstone, which shows it to belong to the Middle Neocene age. (See Bulletin No. 3, p. 54.) 7.9.3. The Kettleman Hills are immediately north of the ridge on which the wells of the Avenal Oil Company are situated. A reconnais- sance of these hills shows that their more elevated portions are formed of soft blue sandstone, and that their summits rise to an altitude of about 1000'. The summits of these hills present a rounded, undulating appearance, while their sides are furrowed by narrow gulches and ravines deeply cut in the comparatively recent formations. Near the summits of these hills the blue sandstone is interbedded with a few calcareous strata containing fossils which represent the latter portion of the Middle Neocene age. (See Bulletin No. 3, p. 54.) 7.9.4. One of the uppermost strata on the western slope of these hills contains fresh-water shells, but the fossiliferous portion is of no great thickness. The fresh-water shells obtained from this locality were classi- fied by Dr. J. G. Cooper, who found that they were mostly living forms, which in point of age ranged downward to the Pliocene. (See Bulletin No. 3, p. 55.) An idea of the formation of the western slope of the Ket- tleman Hills may be gathered from Fig. 13. In August, 1900, several prospect wells were being drilled in the Ket- tleman Hills, but the writer could not learn that any oil had been struck. (See Kettleman Hills — Prospect Wells ) 7.9.5. On the Kreyenhagen ranch there are oil-seepages in canons which cut through rocks of similar appearance to those seen in Tar 134 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Canon in the Avenal district. These rocks are well exposed on the south fork of the Zapato Chino Creek, where it breaks through the first tier of the higher foothills. Some of these rocks contain Miocene fos- sils. (See Bulletin No. 3, p. 55.) It is evident that these rocks, like those of Tar Caiion, must be classed as belonging to the Lower Neocene formations. As seen on the Kreyenhagen ranch, they contain three distinct strata of oil-sand. The uppermost stratum of oil-sand has a heavy black oil ; the middle ledge also has a heavy oil, and the lower ledge yields a peculiar green oil of high specific gravity. 7.9.6. In August, 1900, there had been or were being drilled in the Kreyenhagen district the following wells: In the Avenal field, two prospect wells ; in the Kettleman Hills, seven prospect wells ; on the Kreyenhagen ranch, two producing wells and five prospect wells. PRODUCTIVE WELLS. 7.9.7. Black Mountain Oil Company (of Los Angeles; E. R. Schnei- der, president) has an 800' well in the S.W. i of the N.W. i of Sec. 33, T. 22 S., R. 16 E., M. D. M. Formation: Dark-colored shale to 80'; white sand to 85'; dark shale to 400'; light-colored shale to 550'; shale and sand with oil to 570'; light-colored shale to 640'; oil-sand to 660'; shale to 700'; oil-sand to 720'. Operations were suspended in order to use the oil for drilling. This comjiany has also a well in the same sec- tion about 600' from well No. 1. Formation resembles that in No. 1. Drilling. 7.9.8. Kreyenhagen Oil Company (of Los Angeles; J. H. Henderson, president) ha§ two wells in the S.E. i of Sec. 32, T. 22 S., R. 16 E., M. D. M. In one of these wells the formation is as follows: Dark- colored shale to 400' (a water stratum was struck at a depth of 125', and another at 400'); dark-colored shale to 650'; oil-sand to 660'. This is said to be a 15-bbl. well, and yields a light-green oil; gravity, 38° B. Work was suspended on this well that it might be a source of fuel for the other wells. The Kreyenhagen Oil Company has another well 1350' deep. The formation is shale, with streaks of sand showing traces of oil at 1000' and 1100' and water at 1200'. Drilling. PROSPECT WELLS. 7.9.9. Avenal Land and Oil Company (of San Francisco; A. B. Will- iamson, president) has two wells in Tar Canon, in the E. -5 of the E. ^ of Sec. 18, T. 23 S., R. 17 E., M. D. M. In one of these wells the for- mation is: Adobe to 20'; oil-sand with water to 70'; blue water-sand to 140'; clay to 235'; shale to 521'; oil-sand to 555'; shale to 590'; sand showing traces of oil to 635'; shale to 802'; blue clay to 900'; sand with traces of oil to 984'. Drilling. The other well is a prospect well not yet completed. 7.9.10. Bahy King Oil Company (of Hanford; Mr. Griswell, presi- THE KREYENHAGEN DISTRICT. 135 dent) has one 1125' well in the N.E. i of Sec. 11, T. 23 S., R. 16 E., M. D. M. Oil of 30° B. specific gravity was struck at 400'; and at 1100' oil of 18° B. specific gravity; a short distance below this depth flowing water was encountered, and the well abandoned. 7.9.11. Consolidated Oil and Development Company (of Hanford) has two wells in the N.E. i of Sec. 10, T. 23 S., R. 16 E., M. D. M. One of these wells is 1100' in depth. A good showing of oil Avas obtained at 1050'. The oil obtained from this well is of an amber color, and has a specific gravity of 20° B. Drilling. 7.9.12. Kings County Oil Company (of San Francisco; T. E. Lamb, president) has a 500' well in the S.W. i of the S.W. i of T. 23 S., R. 16 E., M. D. M. Formation: Black shale, blue sandstone, and brown sandstone containing oil. This well was abandoned on account of water. This company also has a well in the S.W. i of the N.E. ^ of Sec. 3,~ T. 23 S., R. 16 E., M. D. M. Formation: Clay and soil to 12'; white shale to 29'; black shale to 65'; black sand to 67'; black shale to 90'; hard gravel to 120'; black shale to 275'; gravel to 285'; black shale to 410'; blue sand-rock to 450'; water-sand to 490'; blue sand-rock to 540'; sand to 556'; clayey sandstone to 600'; black shale to 660'; clayey sandstones to 696'; hard shale to 720'; hard rock, sandstone predominating, to 900'. Heavy oil was struck at a depth of 240'. This company has also a well 140' deep. 7.9.13. St. Lawrence Oil Company (of Hanford, Kings County) has a well in the S.E. i of the N.E. i of Sec. 12. It is said that oil was struck at the bottom of the well. KETTLEMAN HILLS— PROSPECT WELLS. 7.9.14. Esperanza Oil Company (of Hanford; D. L. Barney, presi- dent) has two wells, one 1100' deep, abandoned on account of water, and one 840' deep, operations suspended. These wells are in the S.W. ^ of Sec. 14, T. 22 S., R. 17 E., M. D. M. 7.9.15. Florence Oil Company (of San Francisco; D. Donan, presi- dent) has two 720' wells in the N.W. i of Sec. 15, T. 22 S., R. 17 E., M. D. M. In one of these wells much gas was struck. Operations suspended. In August, 1900, this company was drilling a well for water. 7.9.16. Gihhs Oil Company (of Hanford; E. M. Gibbs, president) has a 500' well in the N.W. i of Sec. 28, T. 21 S., R. 17 E., M. D. M. Drilling. 7.9.17. Iowa Oil Company (of Hanford; Louis Decker, president) has a 260' well in the S.W. i of Sec. 4, T. 22 S., R. 17 E., M. D. M. 7.9.18. Oceanic Oil Company (of Hanford; B. M. McCray, president) has a 950' well in the N.W. i of Sec. 1, T. 32 S., R. 17 E., M. D. M. Operations suspended. 136 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUEEAU. 7.9.19. Stanislaus Oil Company (of Modesto; J. Hewel, president) has a 600' well in the N.W. i of Sec. 4, T. 22 S., R. 17 E., M. D. M. 7.9.20. Stockton Oil Company (of Stockton, San Joaquin County) has a 670' well in the N.W. i of Sec. 30, T. 22 S., R. 18 E., M. D. M. Opera- tions suspended. CHAPTER 10. THE COALINGA DISTRICT. 7.10.1. This district adjoins the Kreyenhagen district on the north. It embraces T. 21 S., R. 14 and 15 E.; T. 20 S., R. 13, 14, and 15 E.; T. 19 S., R. 13, 14, and 15 E., all in M. D. M.; also such portions of T. 21 8., R. 12 and 13 E.; T. 20 S., R. 12 E.; and T. 19 S., R. 12 E., M. D. M., as lie east of the western boundary of Fresno County. Except in one instance, all the development and prospect work in this district is north of the south branch of Los Gatos Creek, locally known as Alcalde Creek. In the Coalinga district oil-mining has been carried on in two fields: In the Oil City field, which lies to the north of the north fork of Los Gatos Creek, and in the Alcalde field, which lies between Alcalde Creek and the north fork of Los Gatos Creek. 7.10.2. The most important of these fields is the Oil City, about 9 miles north of Coalinga railroad depot on the S. P. R. R. (See Photo No. 32.) In this field the exposed formations range from the upper portion of the Middle Neocene to that of the Eocene or Tejon (Cretace- ous B, according to the old nomenclature). A general idea as to the relation of these two formations may be gathered by an inspection of Fig. L (see atlas), which shows a ground plan of a portion of the terri- tory, and of Fig. 14, which is a cross-section drawn through the Oil City field in a direction of S. 50° E. As therein shown, the lowermost formation consists of hard sandstone containing numerous concre- tions. This sandstone is overlain by dark-colored shales and sand- stone containing Eocene fossils. Some of the strata of sandstone interbedded with the dark-colored shales yield an oil of low specific gravity, and have proved very productive. The shales and con- cretionary sandstone on which they rest are of Eocene (Tejon) age. Resting non-conformably on the Eocene rocks is a light- colored silicious shale, hereinbefore mentioned as belonging to the Lower Neocene series. Seepages of heavy, tar-like oil issue from this shale, and in some places form beds of asphaltum. In some of the wells in this vicinity an oil of 18° B., apparently from oil-sand in this formation, has been obtained. The only fossils found in the shales at Coalinga were Pecten yechhami (a Lower Neocene fossil), a few fish PHOTO 31. McKiTTRicK Oil-Field, Keen County. PHOTO 32. Oil City, Fresno County THE COALINGA DISTRICT. 137 bones, and marine diatoms. The light-colored shale is very much con- torted, and the exposed rocks for the most part stand at a greater angle than do the underlying or overlying rocks. Resting non-conformably on the light-colored shales (see Bulletin No. 3) is a series of sandstones and shales, sandstone predominating. This series contains numerous fossils, and represents the Middle Neocene formation. In most places it dips to the east of south at an angle of less than 25°. In this formation, immediately overlying the silicious shales, are strata of oil-sand, beds of gypsum which at one time were mined, and diatomaceous rocks impregnated with petroleum, the last named resembling the diatoma- ceous rocks seen at McKittrick, in Kern County. These rocks contain Miocene and Pliocene fossils. Higher up in the series are sandy forma- tions containing beds of Ostrea titan, Liropecten, and Tamiosoma. Still higher up are dark-colored sands containing petrified wood. The upper portion of the Middle Neocene formations in this locality is characterized by a soft bluish sandstone and fine conglomerate containing fossils of Middle Neocene age. The soft bluish sandstone dips east of north at an angle of 10° to 15°. 7.10.3. The first well in the Oil City field was drilled about 1890. It was 163' deep, penetrated dark-colored shale and soft sandstone, and yielded a little green oil and much gas. A windmill pump was attached to this well, and 20 bbls. of oil were pumped from it in two days. The third day it yielded 7 bbls. In 1891-92 four wells were drilled by Messrs. Rowland & Lacy of Los Angeles. In one of these ( a 4" well ) , which was drilled to a depth of 400', the formation penetrated is soft dark-colored shale and soft sandstone. This well was tested by pumping, and yielded about 9 bbls. of oil daily. The other wells were never pumped. When the locality of which Oil City is now the center was visited by the writer in 1893, he found five wells — one a 4" well in which an oil of low specific gravity stood within 32' of the surface, and in which inflammable gas bubbled freely through the oil (see table of oil analyses. Part 2, Chapter 3); one a 4" well, plugged; one a 7" well, plugged; one a 10" well, plugged; one a 14" well, from which oil and water flowed and from which inflammable gas was rising. The last named well was burn- ing fiercely, and a small stream of mineral water and oil flowed from the top of the casing. In 1895, the Producers and Consumers Oil Company of Selma was organized by J. A. McClurg and others. They sunk a 695' well and a 700' well on Sec. 20, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M., a short distance south- east of the wells of Rowland & Lacy. The two wells sunk by McClurg & Co. yielded 15 bbls. and 20 bbls. of oil a day respectively. The gravity of the oil was 34° B. In 1896, Chanselor & Canfield commenced drilling in Sec. 17, T. 19 S., 138 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. R. 15 E,, M. D. M. They drilled two or three wells which were small producers. In this year (1896) Chanselor & Canfield leased the territory of the Producers and Consumers Oil Company in the N.W. ^ of Sec. 20, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. They then drilled a well about 300' east of the old wells, and struck oil-sand at a depth of 890'. This was a flowing well and yielded about 300 bbls. of oil a day. In 1897, the Home Oil Company, of Selma, was organized by G. W. Terrill and others. This company drilled in the N.E. i of Sec. 20, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. The wells drilled ranged from 900' to 1700' in depth, and were farther down the dip of the formation than other wells drilled in the Oil City field at that time. The third well drilled by this company is the Blue Goose, which is 1400' deep; this well was completed in 1898, and is a flowing well, which is said to have produced from 500 to 1000 bbls. of oil a day. In August, 1900, it was stated that this well flowed at the rate of 250 bbls. in twenty-four hours. In 1899, many other companies commenced operations in the Oil City field, but without success. In 1900, the exploitations were carried on farther to the east. In the Middle Neocene formations overlying the silicious light-colored shales, some of these wells have proved very successful. 7.10.4. During the early development of the Oil City field, much inconvenience was experienced through lack of water. In 1899, J. A. McClurg sunk two 275' wells in the valley land about 6 miles south- west of Oil City. The formation is: Drift to 200'; water gravel to 212'; tough clay to 275'. The water rose about 5' in the casing. These wells yield an immense supply. Two 4" steam pumps are being used to pump the water into the receiving tank. A duplex Dow pump, having a capacity of more than 15,000 gallons in twelve hours, forces the water through 6 miles of 3" pipe to an elevation of 275' above the top of the wells. The oil-field consumes about 15,000 bbls. of water every twenty-four hours. This is potable water, and rather hard. 7.10.5. The output of petroleum from the Oil City field during 1899 Avas 439,372 bbls. The oil is conveyed by pipe-line from Oil City to Ora Station on the S. P. R. R., a distance of 8^ miles. (See Pipe-lines.) THE ALCALDE FIELD. 7.10.6. This field is about 3 miles southwest of Coalinga, and extends from the old coal mines, which are about 4 miles a little west of north from Coalinga, to Alcalde Creek. The petroleum claims on which pros- pect wells have been drilled are situated in the first two tiers of foothills which run in a southeasterly direction from the old coal mines. These foothills are for the most part formed of sandstone containing fossils of the Middle Neocene age. (See Bulletin No. 3, pp. 58-59.) It is con- ceded that these Neocene rocks lie non-conformably on the Eocene, although the dip of the two formations is about the same. No white THE COALINGA DISTRICT. 139 shale is seen between the Eocene and Middle Neocene formations in this locality, except a slight outcrop near the San Joaquin coal mine. In 1893 the writer obtained a small collection of fossils from the San Joaquin and California coal mines, which demonstrates that' the forma- tions of these mines are of the Eocene age (Cretaceous B, according to the old nomenclature). (See Bulletin No. 3, pp. 57-58.) The outcropping rocks belonging to the Middle Neocene formations are principally sandstones with a little shale and conglomerate, the pre- vailing dip being about N. 70° E. Several brine and sulphur springs issue from this formation, and at one point there is a spring of tar-like oil. In 1893 the writer visited the San Joaquin coal mine (one of the coal mines in this locality) and saw a small quantity of oil of medium gravity bailed from one of the workings. There are no productive wells in the Alcalde district, but in August, 1900, ten prospect wells had been, or were being, drilled. OIL CITY FIELD— PRODUCING WELLS. Only such wells are mentioned as were producing in August, 1900. 7.10.7. Coalmga Oil Company (of Coalinga; C. A. Canfield, president) has fifteen wells in the N.W. i of Sec. 20, and four wells on the S. i of Sec. 17, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. The wells on Sec. 20 range from 300' to 1450' in depth, and produce from 1 to 200 bbls. of oil a day. The formation is blue shale until oil-sand is struck at the bottom of the well. The oil-sand ranges from 2' to 80' in thickness. The wells on Sec. 17 range from 300' to 600' in depth, and it is said that they appear to be near the edge of oil-sand. They are small producers. The oil obtained from the wells on Sees. 17 and 20 has a gravity of about 33.3° B. 7.10.8. Home Oil Company (of San Francisco; R. A. Clark, president) has five wells, varying in depth from 1100' to 1680'. The formation is dark-colored shale and oil-sand. These wells yield from 20 to 250 bbls. of oil a day. Specific gravity of oil, 33.3° B. No. 3 of this group is the original Blue Goose well, which has proved such a bonanza. In August? 1900, this company was drilling two new wells, which were then 500' and 1200' deep, respectively. 7.10.9. Independence Oil Company ( of Fresno) has three wells, vary- ing in depth from 800' to 1000', in the S.W. i of the N.E. i of Sec. 28, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Formation, shale and sandstone. These wells are said to yield more than 5 bbls. a day each. Gravity of oil, 22° B. This is a brown oil. 7.10.10. Oil City Petroleum Company (J. T. G. Hart, president) has a 450' well in the W. \ of the N.W. i of Sec. 28, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M., and three wells in the S.E. i of the same section. These wells range from 800' to 950' in depth. They yield about 40 bbls. of oil a day. Specific gravity of oil, about 22° B. The formation is sandstone and shale. 140 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. 7.10.11. Phoenix Oil Company (of Hanford; P. McRae, president) has a 330' well and a 560' well in the S.E. i of Sec. 20, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. The formation in the deeper of these wells is as follows Pink shale to 300'; sand with water to 330'; dark-colored shale to 420' sand, with sulphur, water, and oil, to 440'; dark-colored shale to 500' white clay-shale to 520'; oil-sand to 535'; shale to 540'; white shale to 560'; oil-sand to 575'. It is said that this well yields 50 bbls. of oil a day. Specific gravity, 18° B. In the shallower well the oil-sand was struck at a less depth, but the well yields only 25 bbls. of oil a day- Specific gravity of the oil is 14° B. 7.10.12. Twenty-eight Oil Company (of Hanford) has a 1000' well in the N.E. i of Sec. 28, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. It is said that this well yields about 50 bbls. of oil a day. Gravity of oil, 22° B. This is a brown oil. Formation, shale and soft sandstone. OIL CITY FIELD— PROSPECT WELLS. 7.10.13. ^Etna Oil Company (of San Francisco) has a 900' well in the N.E. i of Sec. 31, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Formation, mostly shale. Abandoned. 7.10.14. Blue Goose Oil Company (of San Francisco; W. H. Gray, manager) has a 1600' well in the E. \ of the N.E. i of Sec. 20, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Formation, dark-colored shale. Drilling. 7.10.15. Bonanza King Oil Company (of San Francisco ; Mr. Hotal- ing, president) has a 1300' well in the S.W. i of Sec. 10, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Formation, shale and water-sand. 7.10.16. California Oil and Gas Company (of Coalinga; W. Graham, president) has a well in the S.E. i of Sec. 19, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Formation, principally shale. This company has also a well in the S.W. i of Sec. 20. Abandoned. 7.10.17. Caribou Oil Company (of Hanford; C. C. Spinks, president) has a well in the S.W. i of Sec. 22, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. For- mation, dark-colored shale and oil-sand. 7.10.18. Carmelita Oil Company has commenced drilling in the W. ^ of the E. i of Sec. 3, T. 20 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. 7.10.19. Confidence Oil Company (of Fresno; F. Clarey of Coalinga, manager) has a 900' well in the S.E. i of Sec. 25, T. 19 S., R. 4 E., M. D. M. Formation, dark-colored shale. Drilling tools lost in the well. Abandoned. This company has also a 300' well in the N.W. i of Sec. 31, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. 7.10.20. Crescent, Oil Company has a 900' well in the S.E. i of Sec. 20, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Formation, light-colored shale. Abandoned. 7.10.21. Elk Oil Company (of Hanford; E. E. Bush, president) has a 500' well in the N.E. i of Sec. 22, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Forma- tion, shale and much water. THE COALINGA DISTRICT. 141 7.10.22. Great Western Oil Company (G. W. McNear, president) has an 1150' well in the S.W. i of Sec. 26, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Formation, shale and sandstone, with much water. 7.10.23. Independent Oil Company has a 1580' well on the N.E. ^ of Sec. 17, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Formation, dark-colored shale and sandstone, flowing water, and a little oil. Abandoned. 7.10.24. Investment Oil Company (of San Francisco; E. B. Pond, president) has an 1800' well in the S.E. \ of Sec. 16, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Formation, dark-colored shale. Drilling. 7.10.25. Minnesota Oil Company (of Fresno, CaL, and Duluth, Minn.; J. A. McClurg, president) has a 600' well in the N.E. \ of Sec. 23, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Formation, sandstone and blue shale. Drilling. 7.10.26. Montjack Oil Company (of Hanford; E. E. Bush, president) has a 500' well in the N.W. i of Sec. 22, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Tools lost. Not completed. 7.10.27. Mutual Oil Company hsis an 1800' well in the S.E. i of Sec. 20, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Abandoned. 7.10.28. Neio York Oil Company (of Coalinga; L. L. Cory, president) has a 2080' well in the S.W. i of Sec. 20, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Formation, shale. 7.10.29. Old Keystone Oil Company (of Santa Paula, Ventura County; Lyman Stewart, president) has an 1150' well on the S.E. i of Sec. 8, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Formation, dark-colored shale, with small quantity of oil. Abandoned. This company has also a 1200' well on Sec. 4, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Drilling". 7.10.30. Rock Oil Company has a 700' well in the S.W. i of Sec. 28, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Formation, shale and sandstone. Drilling. 7.10.31. Santa Clara Oil Company has a 900' well in a fraction on the west side of Sec. 80, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Abandoned on account of water. 7.10.32. The Selma Oil Company (J. A. McClurg, president) has an 1888' well in the S.E. i of Sec. 20, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. For- mation: Sandstone to 340', then dark-colored shale to within 70' of the bottom of the well, at which depth oil-sand was struck. Abandoned. 7.10.33. Wisconsin Oil Company (of Superior, Wisconsin; J. M. Smith, president) has a 400' well in the N.E. i of Sec. 32, T. 19 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. Formation, principally sandstone. Drilling. ALCALDE OIL FIELD— PROSPECT WELLS. The following records were obtained in August, 1900: 7.10-34. Badger State Oil Company (of Duluth, Minn.; P. G. Hart of Fresno, president) has a TOO' well near the center of Sec. 1, T. 21 S., R. 14 E., M. D. M. The formation is similar to that noted at the Sunny- side wells. This well was abandoned on account of water and running sand. 142 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. 7.10.35. Havjkeye State Oil Company (of Los Angeles) has two wells in Sec. 6. One of these is 500' deep, and is being drilled still deeper. It is said that oil-sand has been struck in one of the wells; the other well is abandoned. 7.10.36. May Brothers (of Coalinga, Fresno County) have a 970' well in the S.E. i of Sec. 14, T. 20 S., R. 14 E., M. D. M. The formation is blue shale. At 900' a small quantity of light oil was struck in a thin stratum of oil-sand. Abandoned. 7.10.37. Rommel & Westlake Oil Company (of Los Angeles) has a well in the N.E. i of Sec. 2, T. 21 S., R. 14 E., M. D. M. Work suspended. 7.10.38. Star Oil Company (of San Francisco; G. W. Terrill, presi- dent) has a 650' well in the N.W. i of Sec. 34, T. 19 S., R. 1 5 E., M. D. M. Formation, principally blue shale. 7.10.39. Sunny side Oil Company (of West Virginia; J. A. McClurg of Coalinga, president) has a 654' well in the S.E. ^ of Sec. 35, T. 20 S., R. 14 E., M. D. M. Formation: Sandstone to 40'; dark-colored shale, with oil, to 75'; oil-sand to 110' (this oil had a specific gravity of 25° B.) ; then a stratum of hard sandstone, and a thick stratum of running sand with good water to 654'. This company has also a 256' well and a 312' well in the N.W. i of Sec. 1, T. 21 S., R. 14 E., M. D. M. In these wells a formation similar to that noted in the well in Sec. 35 was penetrated, but the oil-sand was struck at a depth of 256' and 312', respectively. The oil-sand was penetrated for about 20'. It is said that these wells would produce about 3 bbls. of green oil a day, which has a specific gravity of 24° B. 7.10.40. Wright Association (of Downey, Los Angeles County; W. W. Wright, president) has a 900' well in the N.W. i of Sec. 26, T. 20 S., R. 14 E., M. D. M. This- well is about 200' north of the Whittier & Green well. It was abandoned on account of water. WARTHAM CREEK FIELD. 7.10.41. Venus Oil Company (of San Francisco; J. Greenbaum, presi- dent) has an 850' well in the N.W. i of Sec. 5, T. 22 S., R. 14 W., M. D. M. Formation, slaty shale, with traces of oil of high specific gravity. Drilling. 7.10.42. Wale Oil Company (of Los Angeles) has a 700' well in Sec. 4, T. 22 S., R. 14 E., M. D. M. Some oil was struck, but the well was abandoned on account of water and quicksand. MONTEREY COUNTY. 143 P^A^HT 8. MONTEREY, SAN LUIS OBISPO, AND SAN BENITO COUNTIES. CHAPTER 1. MONTEREY COUNTY. THE OIL-YIELDING FORMATIONS. By H. W. Fairbanks, Ph.D. 8.1.1. The geological conditions of Monterey County with reference to oil are in many respects quite similar to those of San Luis Obispo County, which adjoins it on the south. (See San Luis Obispo County.) The same formations that are found in the latter county extend north- westerly into Monterey. In recent months much attention has been given to the oil-producing shales of this county, particularly in that region lying along the western side of the Salinas Valley, and in the southeastern portion occupied by the Cholame Valley. The following notes will deal particularly with the western portion of the county. In the western part of the county the oil-yielding formations are con- fined to the strip of territory lying between the summit of the Santa Lucia range and the Salinas River. These formations probably extend under the Salinas Valley in the direction of Cholame, but are separated from that valley by a low ridge of older rocks. At the southern edge of the county the flinty organic shales of the oil-producing formation form low hills, through which the San Antonio River flows to join the Salinas. As we continue northward between the San Antonio and the Salinas rivers we find a broad zone of low hills called the San Antonio Hills. These hills, as well as the region occupied by the San Antonio Valley, are formed of the same oil-producing shales. North and northwest of Jolon these rocks rise to form the more rugged mountains grouped about Santa Lucia Peak. A broad reach of mountainous country formed of the shales extends northerly to the valley of the Arroyo Seco and thence over a low divide to the headwaters of the Carmelo River. In the latter region the shales form a long trough inclosed between the Santa Lucia range and the Soledad Hills. The shales continue almost unbroken down the valley of the Carmelo River to the ocean. The writer is not aware that any oil has been found in this region. 144 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Although the oil-producing rocks are thus seen to be very extensive in Monterey County, indications of the presence of oil are not as prom- inent as farther south. There are, however, a number of promising local- ities. At the point where the San Antonio River cuts through the hills to join the Salinas, there is an extensive bed of oil-sand or bituminous rock. This may be traced for about a mile, and is fully 200' thick in places. The oil, as it issued from the shales, has here been preserved in a bed of sandstone at the base of the San Pablo formation. The extent of the latter formation and the presence of porous sandstones at its base condition, in large measure, the extent and value of the oil-deposits of this section, as is the case in San Luis Obispo County. Farther north* along the eastern slope of the San Antonio Hills, in the vicinity of San Lucas, other indications are reported, and it is these that form the basis of the drilling now going on in the latter region. Seepages are also reported from one of the southern branches of the Arroyo Seco. Six miles west of Bradley a well is now being drilled with the expec- tation of testing a portion of the oil-sands first described. Near San Lucas, one well has been drilled with negative results. In selecting locations for wells in this region, the greatest care should be exercised in studying the peculiarities of the formations present. It should be recognized that the oil-sands are not a part of the flinty shales, the oil-producing formation, but that they lie at the base of a younger formation overlying the former. Faulting and folding have affected this younger formation, and these conditions must be taken into account. Wells drilled in the flinty shales are doomed to be dry. THE PARKFIELD DISTRICT. By W. L. Watts. 8.L2. The Parkfield district embraces T. 23 S., R. 13 E., and that portion of T. 22 S., R. 14 E., M. D. M., which lies west of the Fresno County line. In this district the greatest interest has been centered in the Little Cholame Valley. On the east side of this valley the main ridge of the Coast Ranges rises to an elevation of nearly 4000'. The axial rocks of this ridge are granite. In some places the granite is overlain by meta- morphic sedimentary formations, and in others by unaltered Tertiary rocks. In the Parkfield district the Tertiary system is well represented. In Stone's Cailon are coal-bearing rocks, presumably of Eocene age. At several places in the Little Cholame Valley, silicious shales, character- istic of the Lower Neocene series, are found; they are also met with higher up on the mountain range, where they rest on the granite. In by far the greater portion of Cholame Valley the exposed rocks are shales and sandstones belonging to the Middle Neocene series. At several places in the Little Cholame Valley there are seepages of petroleum issuing from rocks belonging to the Middle Neocene series, and strata MONTEKEY COUNTY. 145 of oil-sand are exposed. At one point on the Big Sandy Creek oil of low specific gravity issues from a narrow strip of sedimentary rocks. Toward the north, these unaltered sedimentary formations are in contact with a bed of metamorphic sedimentary rocks and serpentine, and toward the south with granite; the latter is for the most part covered with sedi- mentary formations, probably of Neocene age. The granitic rocks form the axis of a fold which extends through the upper portion of the Big Sandy and Cholame creeks. In most places where the granitic rocks crop out, they are much decomposed and might easily be mistaken for sandstone. In September, 1900, the following companies were operat- ing in the Parkfield district: 8.1.3. Cholame Valley Oil and Development Company (Captain Frank Barrett of Palo Alto, manager) has four wells in Sec. 31, T. 22 S., R. 14 E., and Sec. 5, T. 23 S., R. 14 E., M. D. M. One well was drilled 950' through shale, rotten sand, and granite ; a small amount of oil (gravity, 20° B.) was struck at a depth of 130'. The three other wells in like formation had a depth of 800', 200', and 200', respectively. Abandoned. 8.1.4. Parkfield Oil Company (Captain Frank Barrett of Palo Alto, manager) has a well about 100' deep in Sec. 16, T. 23 S., R. 14 E., M. D. M. Abandoned. 8.1.5. Waverly Oil Company (Charles King of Hanford, president) has a well in Sec. 32, T. 22 S., R. 14 E., M. D. M. At 350' sand and a little gas were encountered; at 700' and 800' from 18" to 2' of lime "shells" were penetrated; below that depth the formation is black shale. This well is 1100' distant from the croppings of light-gray sand, and 1700' east of a granite ledge which has a strike of west of north. THE SAN ARDO DISTRICT. 8.1.6. This district includes that portion of the drainage basin of the Salinas River and its tributaries which lies between the 5th and 6th standard lines south of Mount Diablo. In September, 1900, the following companies were operating in this district: 8.1.7. Tomboy Oil and Improvement Company (of San Francisco) has one well in Sec. 19, T. 22 S., R. 10 E., M. D. M. 8.1.8. San Antonio Oil Company (Seth Mann of San Francisco, president). In October, 1900, this company was drilling on lands in Sees. 20, 29, and 30, T. 22 S., R. 10 E., M. D. M., on the west side of the Salinas River about 2 miles southwest of the town of San Ardo. 8.1.9. San Ardo Consolidated Oil Company (G. W. Fletcher of San Francisco, president). The territory of this company is in San Ardo dis- trict, in Sec. 12, T. 22 S., R. 9 E., M. D. M., and Sec. 7, T. 22 S., R. 10 E., M. D. M. One well; formation, soil to 50'; water-sand to 100'; sandy shale to 200'; coarse gray sand, gravel and bowlders, and sandy shale 10— Bl9 146 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. interbedded with oil-sand to 450'; hard shells and shale to 500'; oil was struck between the depths of 560' and 630'; below that depth the formation is oil-sand and shale to 846'. CHAPTER 2. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. THE OIL- YIELDING FORMATIONS. By H. W. Fairbanks, Ph.D. 8.2.1. That portion of the Coast Ranges embraced within the bound- ary of San Luis Obispo County is characterized particularly by extensive deposits of bituminous rock. There are also to be found numerous springs of a thick, tar-like oil. Under some circumstances the oil from these springs has impregnated sandstones forming bituminous rock; under others it has accumulated in great quantities on the surface, as in the valley of Tar Spring Creek. The source of the oil is to be found in a formation which once covered nearly the whole of the area of the county, but which has now been in a great measure removed by erosion. This oil-producing formation belongs to the lower part of the Middle Tertiary period, and is known as the Monterey formation. It is composed of sandstones, limestones, clays, and hard silicious shales. Investiga- tion has shown that the limestones and silicious shales are the source of the oil and other bituminous products. The rocks are in a great part of organic origin, having been formed of the skeletons of fish and micro- scopic sea organisms. In some places the oil-producing rocks are nearly a mile in thickness. Through a long-continued process of distillation brought about through the influences of pressure and heat, the organic matter has been driven off and in places preserved. Conditions for its preservation are in part furnished by porous rocks, such as sandstones and sandy shales. The oil-producing formation is at present found forming the main por- tion of the San Luis range, extending from Point Buchon southeasterly past Arroyo Grande and toward the Sisquoc. That portion of the Santa Lucia range lying east of Cuesta Pass is also formed of the same shales. Another belt runs northwesterly past Santa Margarita and down the Salinas Valley. These rocks swing around the northern edge of the low granite mountains lying east of the Salinas River, and undoubtedly underlie the Estrella region. Going south toward La Panza, upon the northeastern side of the San Jose Mountains, extensive outcrops of these rocks appear. They dip easterly under the valley of the San Juan, and there is every reason to suppose that these oil-producing shales underlie much of the Carissa Plains and the Temblor range, separating these SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. 147 plains from the San Joaquin Valley. They thus appear to connect with the oil-producing regions of Kern County. It must be borne clearly in mind in exploiting for oil that this oil-producing formation, whose extent has just been described, is not necessarily the best one in which to drill wells. Although the thick oil is distinctly seen issuing from this formation in springs in the San Luis and Santa Lucia ranges, yet it can only be found gathered in commercial quantities in those rocks which are of a nature sufficiently porous to permit of its absorption. On Tar Spring Creek, as well as on the Huasna River, heavy beds of sandstone are associated with the oil-producing shales as a part of the same formation, and it would seem that conditions might be favorable in this region for oil-wells in the oil-producing formation; but in other parts of the county oil can be found only where another and younger formation occurs overlying the oil-shales. It is to this younger forma- tion that we owe the presence of the great deposits of bituminous rock in the vicinity of Edna, where this formation consists essentially of porous sandstones. The formation is termed the San Pablo, and belongs to the upper division of the Middle Tertiary. The San Pablo forma- tion forms an elongated basin-like syncline reaching from a point on the Marie ranch about 1 mile northwest of Sycamore Springs south- easterly to Arroyo Grande Creek. The base of this formation, resting directly upon the oil-producing shales, is almost everywhere filled with an oil now so thickened that it constitutes the bituminous rock of commerce. Upon the Marie ranch along the ocean cliflfs southeast of Mallagh Landing, and in the vicinity of Edna, the outcrops of bitumi- nous rocks are particularly prominent. In the past years, quite a number of wells have been drilled in San Luis Obispo County, but the most of these have been so poorly located that, as yet, we cannot assert that this field has been fairly prospected. That vast quantities of oil have been formed here is certain; that it is forming to-day through chemical action and heat is equally certain, but as to whether it will be found in quantity in a thin condition, we have as yet no definite evidence. It may be that in this region the oil has a greater proportion of permanent base than in other sections. More investigations, however, are required to settle the matter. In drilling wells, it is very important to pay attention to the geolog- ical conditions. Those locations must be selected where the geological structure indicates that the proper rocks will be penetrated by the drill. Much useless work has been done in this section because of the lack of precaution in this regard. It is certain that the supply of bituminous rock in the southern part of the county is very great, and further exploitation may show oil thin enough to pump. Indications are cer- tainly favorable. In the northeastern part of the county there is a vast field underlain by the oil-producing rocks which is worthy of practical 148 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. investigation. It is as yet too little known for one to say anything about the depth at which these rocks would be encountered. RECORD OF WELLS. By Geo. A. Tweedy, C.E. 8.2.2. In this county there is as great a showing of bituminized for- mations as in an}'' other county in the State. There are extensive beds of bituminous rock which have yielded a large amount of paving material, and some attempts have been made to mine and refine the asphaltum which occurs as superficial deposits. During the last twelve years, several prospect wells have been drilled for oil, and in September, 1900, the following companies were operating in San Luis Obispo County: 8.2.3. Huasna Development Company (of Alcatraz Landing, Santa Barbara County) has two wells in the Huasna district about 15 miles east of Arroyo Grande. One of these wells is in T. 32 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M., and is said to be 841' deep. Abandoned. The other is in Sec. 23, T. 32 S., R. 15 E., M. D. M. In October, 1900, this well was said to be 210' deep. Drilling. 8.2.4. San Luis Obispo Petroleum Company has one well on the Tar Spring ranch in T. 32 S., R. 14 E., M. D. M. This well is said to be 900' deep. Abandoned. 8.2.5. Union Oil Covipany has three wells near Arroyo Grande. In these wells onl}^ traces of oil were obtained. This company is drilling a fourth well in the same locality. CHAPTER 3. SAN BENITO COUNTY. 8.3.1. In San Benito County there are oil-yielding formations in the Big Panoche, Little Panoche, and the Hollister districts. BIG PANOCHE DISTRICT. « 8.3.2. This district includes the drainage basin of the Big Panoche Creek and its tributaries. By far the greater portion of the district lies within the confines of San Benito County. The companies that have drilled or are drilling in the Big Panoche district are as follows: 8.3.3. Ashurst Oil Company (Jacob Simon of Stockton, president). This company began operations in October, 1900, in Sec. 31, T. 16 S., R. 11 E., M. D. M., on the lands of Robert Ashurst, 2 miles south of the Union Oil Company's lands. 8.3.4. Dewey Oil Company (W. Crawford of Hanford, president). A 16' shaft sunk by this company on Sec. 8, T. 17 S., R. 11 E., M. D. M. struck a strong seepage of oil. 8.3.5. Dos Polos Oil Company (M. Christian of Dos Palos, president) SAN BENITO COUNTY. 149 has a well in Sec. 8, T. 15 S., R. 11 E., M. D. M. Drilled, with hydraulic rig, 400' through shale and sandstone. A small quantity of oil was struck. 8.3.6. Esmeralda Oil and Development Company (H. S. Field of San Francisco, president) has a well in Sec. 13, T. 15 S., R. 10 E., M. D. M. Hand-drilled 32', through shale; struck sand stratum with a little oil. This company was also preparing to drill in Sec. 26, T. 17 S., R. 11 E., M. D. M. 8.3.7. Fresno Alpha Oil Company (Gen. J. M. Gleaves of San Fran- cisco, president) has a well in T. 16 S., R. 12 E., M. D. M., on Silver Creek. This well was drilled to a depth of 325', and struck a strong flow of gas. Between the depths of 95' and 268', a 35' and a 33' stratum of oil-sand were struck; at 300' a heavy flow of water was encountered. This company has made a preliminary survey for a railroad line to Mendota. 8.3.8. Hamiltonian Oil Company (N. C. Briggs of Hollister, presi- dent) has sunk a shaft 14' deep in Sec. 24, T. 17 S., R. 11 E., M. D. M A 2' stratum of oil-sand was struck. Still prospecting. 8.3.9. Ingomar Oil Company (M. H. de Young of San Francisco, president) has a well in Sec. 8, T. 15 S., R. 11 E., M. D. M. Hand- drilled 17' through shale and sand. 8.3.10. McCoy Oil Company (R. Irwin of Fresno, president) has sunk several shafts from 6' to 16' deep in Sec. 9, T. 17 S., R. 11 E., M. D. M. Some oil struck. 8.3.11. Olympia Oil Company (John Hammerschmidt of San Fran- cisco, president) has sunk a shaft 46' deep in Sec. 10, T. 15 S., R. 11 E., M. D. M. 8.3.12. San Benito Oil Company. During the summer of 1900, this company prospected in Sees. 24 and 36, T. 16 S., R. 10 E.; Sec. 1, T. 17 S., R. 10 E.; Sec. 7, T. 17 S., R. 11 E., M. D. M. (lands of J. C. Barg); and in Sec. 6, T. 17 S., R. 11 E., M. D. M. (lands of Thomas Flint, Jr., and Mark Ashurst), 65 miles southeast of Hollister. 8.3.13. San Carlos Oil Company has a well in Sec. 8, T. 17 S., R. 11 E., M. D. M. Seven years ago a 105' well was drilled by hand, and some oil struck. No work has been done since, owing to litigation. 8.3.14. Santa Maria Oil Company (Charles T. Behan of San Fran- cisco, president) has sunk a 40' shaft in Sec. 21, T. 17 S., R. 11 E., M. D. M, Formation, principally sandstone. Some oil was struck. 8.3.15. Silver Creek Oil Com-pany (George W. Schmidt of Fresno, president) has a well in Sec. 33, T. 15 S., R. 12 E., M. D. M., on Silver Creek 15 miles south of Panoche store. Drilled 800' through sand and shale. 8.3.16. Union Oil Company (Lyman Stewart of Santa Paula, presi- dent) has drilled five wells, varying in depth from 700' to 1200' in Sec. 24, T. 16 S., R. 10 E., and Sec. 19, T. 16 S., R. 11 E., M. D. M. Three 150 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. of these wells produced 30 to 40 bbls. per day; oil, 34° B. These three wells were capped. The two others were abandoned and the casings drawn . THE LITTLE PANOCHE DISTRICT. 8.3.17. This district includes the drainage basin of the Little Panoche Creek and its tributaries. The greater portion of the district is in Fresno County. In October, 1900, the following companies were operating or had been operating in this district: 8.3.18. Big Panoche Oil Com.pany has a well 700' deep in Sec. 23, T. 13 S., R. 11 E., M. D, M. Casings drawn and well abandoned. 8.3.19. Old Glory Oil Company (in Merced County?). One well drilled 530' and abandoned. 8.3.20. Pacific Oil and Development Company (of Los Baiios) has a well in T. 13 S., R. 9 E., M. D. M. Drilled 400'. At a depth of 280' some oil was struck. 8.3.21. Panichito Oil Company (D. M. Lloyd of Oakland, president) has a well in Sec. 20, T. 14 S., R. 11 E., M. D. M. Drilled 350' through shale and sandstone. Some oil was struck. 8.3.22. World Oil Company (J. T. Riley of San Jose, president) has drilled one well in Sec. 31, T. 14 S., R. 10 E., M. D. M., 500' through shale and sand, encountering a l)ody of salt water. THE HOLLISTER DISTRICT. 8.3.23. This district includes the drainage basin of the San Benito River and its tributaries. In October, 1900, the following companies were operating or had be^n operating in this district: 8.3.24. Hollister Crude Oil Company (Ltd.) (C. J. Tallon of San Francisco, president; E. J. Bean, resident superintendent). This com- pany has sunk a 68' shaft on lands leased from R. W. Chappel in San Justo grant. Lot 14, 4 miles southeast of Hollister. The formation is black shale, with a strong odor of oil. In October, 1900, a derrick had been erected preparatory to drilling. 8.3.25. Nonj)areil Consolidated Oil Company (of San Francisco; E. C. Newell, manager) has a 1030' well in Sec. 32, T. 18 S., R. 10 E., M. D. M., on the Alvarez ranch near Bitterwater Creek. Formation, blue shale and some hard shells, with traces of oil. Drilling. This company has also three test wells, 68', 89', and 97' deep, respectively. The owners state that oil was struck in all the test wells. 8.3.26. San Benito. County Oil Comjjany (R. P. Lathrop of Hollister, president; E. J. Bean, superintendent). This company is operating on 170 acres of land leased from John Kehl, 5 miles southeast of Hollister, in Sec. 24, T. 13 S., R. 5 E., M. D. M. In the middle of October, 1900, one well had been drilled to a depth of 425'. Formation: Black shale to 220'; oil-sand to 267'; blue shale to 285' (at this depth gas and warm salt water were struck); blue shale to 425'. ALAMEDA COUNTY — SANTA CLARA COUNTY. 151 F^HT 9. ALAMEDA, SANTA CLARA, SAN MATEO, AND CONTRA COSTA COUNTIES. CHAPTER 1. ALAMEDA COUNTY. 9.1.1. Oil-yielding formations crop out in many places in Alameda County, and as early as 1875 attracted the attention of the oil-prospector. Since that date, several comparatively shallow wells have been sunk, principally in the vicinity of Livermore. 9.1.2. The Alameda Oil Company (of San Francisco) has a well in Sec. 22, T. 2 S., R. 2 E., M. D. M., at a point about 4 miles north of Livermore. In July, 1900, this well was 1175' deep. The formation is principally sandstone. The well yields much gas and salt water, with some traces of oil. CHAPTER 2. SANTA CLARA COUNTY. 9.2.1. The existence of petroleum-yielding formations in Santa Clara County has been known for many years, notably at Moody Gulch and at the Sargent ranch near the western boundary of the county. At the first-mentioned locality an oil-field was developed by Mr. R. C. McPher- son, the first well being drilled in 1878-79. This field has been a productive one until the present time. It is now owned by the Golden Gate Oil and Development Company. On the Sargent ranch there are extensive superficial deposits of asphaltum, and tar-springs ooze not only from sedimentary formations, but also from serpentine. In 1890 a well was sunk on the Sargent ranch, but only a small quantity of tar-like oil was obtained. A large portion of the Sargent ranch and adjacent territory is leased by the Watson ville Oil Company, as herein- after noted. 152 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. 9.2.2. The geological formations seen by the writer on the territory of the Watson ville Oil Company consist of: (1) Silicious shales, which resemble the silicious shales of the Lower Neocene series. These shales are inclined at a great angle, and yield a heavy, tar-like oil, which forms superficial beds of asphaltum. (2) A formation, consisting principally of sandstone, which appears to rest non-conformably on the silicious shales; in places the sandstone is bituminous. A small portion of the territory owned by the Watsonville Oil Com- pany is in Santa Cruz County. 9.2.3. Output of petroleum in Santa Clara County for three years ending 1899: ' Bbls. Value. 1897 - .- 4,000 $10,000 00 1898 3,000 6,000 00 1899 1,500 3,000 00 Total for three j'ears 8,500 $19,000 00 PRODUCTIVE OIL-WELLS. Only those wells are mentioned which were producing in July, 1900. 9.2.4. Golden Gate Oil and Development Company (of San Francisco; Frank A. Garbutt, president). This company succeeded A. McPherson. The wells, numbering some fourteen, are situated in Moody Gulch, 2 miles west of Alma, in Sees. 8 and 17, T. 9 S., R. 1 W., M. D. M. The company began operations in March, 1900, re-opening two of the old wells, one at an elevation of 1225', the other at 1050'. The upper well, which was down 700', was deepened to 1150', through black shale for the greater depth, and through a white pebbled sand near the bottom. A small amount of oil (about 1 bbl. per day) was struck at 900'. The lower well was sunk 900' by the former operators, and the present com- pany had derrick, engine, and boiler on the ground in July to continue drilling. A third well, which was drilled to a depth of about 1200' by former operators, contains oil that stands about 15' below the collar of the well. The oil has a gravity of 39° B. The formation has a strike of west of north, and dips to the west. Steam power is used, with wood for fuel. Until 1900 these wells were the only productive wells in Santa Clara County; in that year they produced 1500 bbls of oil. 9.2.5. Watsonville Oil Company (of Watsonville; F. A. Kilburn, president) has under lease 7235 acres, including 3269 acres of the J. P. Sargent tract, 1200 acres of the Santa Clara Land and Lumber Com- pany tract, and 1845 acres of the Casserly tract. The Sargent lands, on which the Watsonville Oil Company operates, occupy Sec. 31 and a portion of Sec. 32, T. 11 S., R. 4 E.; Sees. 5 and 6, T. 12 S., R. 4 E.; Sec. 1 and a portion of Sec. 2, T. 12 S., R. 3 E.; and Sees. 35 and 36, T. 11 S., R. 3 E — all in M. D. M. There is also included in these lands two strips adjoining the Sargent lands on the north, containing respectively 433 and SANTA CLARA COUNTY. 153 488 acres. The Santa Clara tract and the Casserly tract lie to the north and northwest. The operations include seven wells. Well No. 7 was started in September, 1900, and in the middle of that month was down about 300'. Wells Nos. 5 and 6 were sunk 670' and 980'. In the spring and summer of 1900, No. 5 was producing about 5 bbls. a day, the oil finding a market at Gilroy and Hollister, where it is used for fuel; it is also used for fuel by the company operating the wells. In July last, it was decided to abandon well No. 6, for only traces of oil had been found in it, but when the casing was drawn, oil began to flow into the well. Well No. 7 was then commenced within 300' of Nos. 5 and 6. The wells of the Watsonville Oil Company are 2 miles distant from a shipping point on the S. P. R. R. PROSPECT WELLS. Information obtained by L. H. Eddy. Only those wells are mentioned which had been drilled, or were being drilled, in August, 1900. 9.2.6. Alvia Oil Company (of San Jose; M. G. Rhodes, president) has a well 4 miles south of Alma, in T. 9 S., R. 1 W. The company owns 20 acres on Los Gatos Creek. Drilling was commenced in July, 1900. The well is situated at an elevation of 1425', on a yellow sandstone belt which has a course of east of north. It is within half a mile of the Santa Cruz narrow-gauge branch of the S. P. R. R., 2^ miles from Wrights, and 60 miles from San Francisco. Steam power is used. There is a plentiful supply of wood and water. 9.2.7. Gilroy Oil and Development Company (of Gilroy, recently in- corporated). This company has bonded 1000 acres of land on Uvas and Arthur creeks, in Solis district, 4-g miles west of Gilroy. The surface formation is sandstone. There are oil-seepages within 200 yards of the well. 9.2.8. Kreyenhagen Land and Oil Company (of Los Angeles; John A. Hendrickson, president) has leased from the Watsonville Oil Company 250 acres in Sec. 32, T. 11 S., R. 4 E., M. D. M. In September, 1900, this company was preparing to drill. 9.2.9. Main Estate (oil-wells on). The following records of wells drilled on the Main Estate, 7^ miles south of San Jose, were given the writer by R. C. McPherson, of Santa Clara County: Well No. 1: Coarse gravel to 30'; sand and clay to 50'; slate to 83'; brown shale and gas to 134' (gas burned at top of well); sand, with oil, to 160'; hard shale (gas) to 170'; soft shale and a little sand, with oil, to 180'; hard, dark shale, with oil, to 212'; granitic rock and shale to 260'; black shale and oil to 285'; hard shells to 290'; shale, with oil, to 300'; shelly formation, with some oil, to 215'; dark shale to 340'; lime rock to 390'; brown shale to 400'; sandy shale to 410'; slate and iron pyrites to 415'; hard gray sand and gas to 422'; shale to 462'; slate and 154 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. streaks of hard, shelly rock to 498'; shale to 504'; cavey formation to 508'; sandy shale, with strong flow of gas, to 513'; slate to 541'; soap rock to 565'; slate to 580'; sand rock to 590'; sand and shale, with more gas, to 620'; slate to 629'; very soft slate to 666'; hard streaks of slate to 680'; bottom of well in slate to 754'. The well was cased with 10", 8", and 6" casing. Drilled in 1892. Well No. 2 : Gravel to 25'; sand to 35'; clay and little streak of sand to 28'; sand to 109'; clay to 119'; brown shale, with heavy oil, to 136'; brown shale and gas to 153'; sand to 156'; brown shale to 162'; shale mixed with green rock to 170'; dark sand, with showing of oil, to 190'; hard shale (brown) to 200'. This well is 30' west of well No. 1. Drilled in 1894. Well No. 3: Sand and gravel to 30'; green clay and thin stratum of brown shale to 112'; coarse gravel and sand, with gas and heavy oil, to 141'; streaks of clay mixed with sand rock to 180'; shale to 184'; brown sand rock to 200'; brown shale to 228'; marl filled with sea-shells to 336'; brown shale to 345'; mud streak to 406'; soft brown shale to 437'; very dark shell rock and salt water to 478'; gray sand, with strong flow of gas, to 490' (at this depth the gas raised water over derrick); gray sand and more gas to 505'; dark slate rock filled with sea-shells to 520'; sand rock, with asphaltum, to 525'; hard shale to 557'; mud streak to 565'; brown shale, full of oil, to 570'; brown shale, with more oil and gas, to 574'. Drilling was still in progress, the formation being shale, with oil and gas, when record was obtained. Drilled in 1896-97. CHAPTER 3. SAN MATEO COUNTY. 9.3.1. Oil-yielding formations have been traced through many por- tions of San Mateo County, and there are numerous seepages of petro- leum; there are also deposits of asphaltum on the Savage ranch about 2 miles southeast of Spanishtown. The only productive wells yet obtained in San Mateo County are wells less than 500' deep drilled on the Purissima and Tunitas creeks. Since 1890, several wells have been drilled on land adjacent to Purissima Creek about 4 miles southeast of Spanishtown, the deepest being only 350'. The formation is sandstone and dark-colored shale. It is said that none of these wells yielded more than 2 bbls. of oil a day, and that the specific gravity of the oil was 42° B. About 10 miles southeast of Spanishtown on Tunitas Creek, two or more wells were drilled several years ago. The formation resembled SAN MATEO COUNTY. . 155 that penetrated by the wells on Purissima Creek. The deepest of these wells is 560'. It is said that none of these wells yielded more than 2 bbls. of oil a day, and that the gravity of the oil was 48° B. A few fossils were obtained from one of the wells on Tunitas Creek. They were identified by Dr. J. G. Cooper, and proved to be of Eocene age. 9.3.2. The Paraffin Oil Company (of San Mateo; G. D. Roberts of Los Angeles, president). In July, 1900, this company was drilling a well on land adjacent to the Purissima Creek at a point 400' higher than, and 1100' east of, an old well drilled several years ago. At the date mentioned, this well was said to be 600' deep. Oil of 51° B. had been struck at 450', and it was thought that the well would produce 3 bbls. a day. The oil had been cased off, and the well was being deep- ened. The formation is sandstone and shale. There was some gas. Oil for fuel was obtained from the oil-well previously referred to. 9.3.3. Wells near Half Moon Bay. About three years ago E. J. Bean drilled for oil on land now owned by Joseph Fernandez, situated \\ miles south of Half Moon Bay, near Clam Rock, about 800' from the beach. AVell No. 1, TOO' deep, caved in, and was abandoned. Well No. 2, 10' from No. 1, 900' deep; 700' of casing; tools lost in the well, and the well abandoned. Well No. 3, 10' from No. 2, 1300' deep; abandoned on account of lack of funds. About 1^ miles south of the Bean wells, a well was drilled many years ago, of which no reliable data can now be obtained. More than twenty years ago, oil was prospected for on the ranch of R. D. Savage, about 1^ miles easterly from Half Moon Bay. About 1896, George Owens drilled a well in the gulch to the east of Savage's house. It is stated that at a depth of 30', a 20' stratum of oil-sand was struck which yielded a heavy black oil. The oil has since risen to within 2' of the surface. This well was drilled to a depth of 1200', at which depth granite was struck and the well abandoned. It is said that a stratum of dry oil-sand was struck before reaching the granite. About a year ago, Mr. Sidney Smith drilled a well 600' east of the Owens well. At a depth of 30' a stratum yielding a heavy black oil similar to that of the Owens well was penetrated to a depth of 60', but the well was abandoned. In this well, also, the oil has risen to within 2' of the surface. These wells are less than 3 miles from the ocean, and a'bout 600' above sea-level. 9.3.4. In May, 1898, Mr. McNee and others drilled three wells about 300' from Drafiin's Beach, about 9 miles from Half Moon Bay. It is said that in one at a depth of 200', and in each of the others at less than 100', granite was encountered, and the wells abandoned. The formation is as follows: Well No. 1: Soil to 3'; yellow clay to 21'; blue clay to 40'; water-sand and pebbles to 60'; blue sand to 84'; blue clay to 90' oil-sand to 114' (end of casing); granite to 150'; blue quartz to 158' granite to 178'; quartz to 196'; granite to 200'. Well No. 2: Soil to 15' 156 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. clay to 20'; yellow sand to 45'; gray sand to 50'; coarse pebbles, with water, to 58'; blue sand and coarse gravel, with a little oil, to 62'; gray sand, with oil, to 67'; clay and sand, traces of oil, to 71'; blue clay, with traces of oil, to 75'; green sand to 77'; granite to 80'. CHAPTER 4. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY. 9.4.1. The existence of petroleum in Contra Costa County has been known as long ago as 1864. At that date J. W. Cruikshank (now of Paso Robles) drilled several experimental wells about 1^ miles south of the Empire coal mine. One of these wells was drilled to a depth of 300'. Mr. Cruikshank states that in one well he struck a green oil of high specific gravity, and pumped about 15 bbls. In 1865 the Adams Petroleum Company was organized; several shal- low wells were drilled, and some oil was obtained. It is said that the drilling machinery used was inadequate, and the enterprise was aban- doned. The Adams Petroleum Company operated on land which is now a part of the Coates estate. 9.4.2. American Oil and Refinery Company (of San Francisco; W. E. Holbrook, president) has a well on the Minor ranch, about H miles from Orinda Park postoffice. It is said that this well is 1300' deep. The formation penetrated is shown by the following record: Alluvium to 15'; gray sandstone to 90'; tough clay to 215'; fine-grained, bluish sandstone to 900'. Salt water flows from this well, and when the water is stirred inflammable gas rises to the surface. Tools were lost in the well and it was abandoned. The company then selected another well-site near the first well, and in October, 1900, a new drilling plant had been set up. In the creek-bed near the new well-site, sandstone and shale are exposed and there are seepages of petroleum. 9.4.3. Contra Costa Oil and Petroleum Company (of San Francisco; L. R. Mead, president) has bonded a portion of the Coates estate, and has selected a well-site about 1^ miles south of the Empire coal mine. In October, 1900, this company had erected a derrick and had machinery on the ground ready to drill. The land on which the derrick of this company stands was the scene of one of the earliest attempts at oil- mining in California, and some oil was found, as before recorded. 9.4.4. Grand Pacific Oil Company (A. G. Deardorf, president) has bonded the ranch of Josephus Hodges, about a mile east of Lafayette. In October, 1900, this company had selected a well-site and had a drill- ing plant on the ground. I CONTRA COSTA COUNTY. 157 9.4.5. McCamley Ranch (near San Ramon). It is said that shallow prospect wells have been sunk on this ranch, with satisfactory results. 9.4.6. Mount Diablo Oil Company (of San Francisco; G. W. Terrill, president) has secured control of the Old Tar ranch, situated about 2 miles easterly from San Pablo. Oil was found on this ranch many years ago, and several shallow wells have been drilled on it. In 1899, Mr. J. W. Laymance of Oakland drilled a 170' well. He states that much seepage oil was found. In October, 1900, a drilling plant was on the ground. 9.4.7. Point Richmond Oil Company (of San Francisco; H. B. Russ, president) has two 100' wells on the Mulford ranch, 3 miles northeast of San Pablo. There is a seepage of heavy oil near these wells. 9.4.8. San Pablo Oil Company (E. L. Doheny of Los Angeles, presi- dent) has a well about a mile northeast of San Pablo on the ranch of T. W. Mulford. The well is about 500' above sea-level. It is said that the company has drilled 670', and that traces of oil have been found. Inflammable gas escapes from the well. 9.4.9. Sobrante Oil and Investment Company (C. Harris, president) has secured land upon the Castro tract. The well-site chosen is about I7 miles northeasterly from the Mount Diablo Company's wells, and is about 160' above sea-level. It is said that there are indications of oil in the vicinity. 9.4.10. Tide Water Oil Development Company (C. D. Howry, presi- dent) has a well about 1 mile south of the well-site of the Contra Costa Oil and Petroleum Company. The well is on the Coates estate. In October, 1900, this well was about 300' deep. Water was struck at 250'. 158 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. P^^IIT lO. MENDOCINO, COLUSA, HUMBOLDT, AND NAPA COUNTIES. CHAPTER 1. MENDOCINO COUNTY. 10.1.1. In Mendocino County petroleum-yielding formations have been discovered in several places, the best known being Point Arena, where ledges of oil-sand are exposed. As described by Mr. Goodyear in the Vllth Report of the California State Mining Bureau, several prospect wells had been drilled at Point Arena prior to 1887, but no valuable quantity of oil was obtained. During the past two years other prospect wells have been drilled at Point Arena. The following history of these enterprises is contributed by Mr. H. Howe of that place: 10.1.2. The Watson Oil Company of Napa Junction, California, drilled a 700' well on the Curley ranch, about l-^ miles northwest of Point Arena. The formation is sandstone and soft rock. At 700' a stratum of asphaltum was struck. This company then drilled a second well on the Porter O'Neill ranch, a short distance west of the first well. This well was between 600' and 700' deep; it is abandoned. 10.1.3. The interests of the Watson Oil Company were purchased by the White Lumber Company of San Francisco, and others, who drilled two 400' wells on the land of the White Lumber Company. These wells are about 100 yards northwest of the chutes where the lumber company load their vessels. The records of these wells are similar to the records of the wells of the Watson Oil Company. Asphaltum was struck; it could not be penetrated, and the wells were abandoned. COLUSA COUNTY. 159 CHAPTER 2. COLUSA COUNTY. 10.2.1. As mentioned in Bulletin No. 3, published by the California State Mining Bureau, the existence of petroleum in Colusa County has been known for many years. At an early day in the history of the county, some prospecting was done on the McMichael and the Stoval ranches, near the Mountain House, on the Lake County road. Forma- tions which yield inflammable gas are exposed at the Peterson ranch, near Sites ; and at the Elgin mine, near Sulphur Creek ; and at several other places in Colusa County. 10.2.2. In the winter of 1896, the writer made a reconnaissance of a portion of Bear Creek, where some of the springs of petroleum were said to exist. In T. 14 N., R. 5 W., M. D. M., about a mile east of Sulphur Creek P. 0., on land owned by T. Sheerer and M. A. Long & Sons, of the village of Williams, Colusa Count}', petroleum was found oozing from the rocks. The general character of the formation exposed along Bear Creek is shale and sandstone, with thin strata of impure limestone. 10.2.3. A few fossils were obtained, which indicated that these rocks were deposited during the Cretaceous period. In many places, the strat- ified rocks show metamorphic action. The summits of the adjacent hills, especially to the west of Bear Creek, consist of serpentine, and on the flanks of the hills the stratified rocks are much obscured by blocks of serpentine and earth. The structure of the stratified rocks is that of compressed anticlinal folds. The first oil-seepage inspected is near the S.E. corner of Sec. 21, in the bed of a little creek emptying into Bear Creek. . 10.2.4. At the point named a small quantity of greenish petroleum and mineral water issues from a deposit of calcareous tufa which covers the stratified rocks. The dip of the last-mentioned rocks, as observed in the bed of Bear Creek, is N. 50° E., and the angle of inclination is about 70°. On the hill-side east of Bear Creek, near the mouth of Sulphur Creek, there is a coarse sandstone containing numerous fossils {Aucella), but they are much decomposed. At se^seral places in the bed of Bear Creek, and for a distance of about half a mile below the mouth of Sulphur Creek, strata of shale and sand- stone are exposed. They dip N. 50° E. and N. 60° E., at an angle of from 50° to 80°. 10.2.5. A short distance south of the S.E. corner of the S.W. i of the N.W. i of Sec. 27, T. 14 N., R. 5 W., M. D. M., Bear Creek crosses an anticlinal axis. The dip of the formation is S. 25° W. and N. 25° E. at 160 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. an angle of about 70°. At and near the axis there is a slight showing of oil in the creek. Farther down Bear Creek, the formation is shale; it is much crushed, and small quantities of oil are said to exude from it in hot weather. Near the N.E. corner of the S.W. i of Sec. 27, Bear Creek has cut through a thick stratum of sandstone. This stratum is the source of several springs of sulphureted water, on the surface of which a small quantity of oil was floating. 10.2.6. It is said that many years ago a 6" well was sunk to a depth of 200' in this sandstone, and that it yielded more than 1 bbl. of oil a day. In December, 1896, this well was full of sulphureted water, on the surface of which there was a slight showing of oil. The above-mentioned sandstone stratum is much fractured, and, except where it is broken by a fault, the dip is about S. 30° E., at an angle of 75°. Near the well, the sandstone contains numerous speci- mens of Aucella. Another seepage of oil was observed in the creek-bed, in the N.E. ^ of Sec. 34. At this point, the formation is sandstone, and the angle of * the dip decreases about 35°. It is said that a small amount of coal is found in this sandstone. A short distance farther southward, the sandstone dips to the north- east, at an angle of about 85°. Farther down Bear Creek, the exposed rocks are for the most part serpentine. As this creek enters Section 35, it has a general course of about S. 80° E., and the rocks are obscured by earth and drift. 10.2.7. Still farther down Bear Creek, near the S.E. corner of Sec. 35, strata of sandstone and impure limestone dip N. 23° E. at an angle of about 70°, and gas bubbles up in the creek at several places. Near the S.E. corner of Sec. 35, there are seepages of petroleum, and some work, consisting of open cuts, pits, and tunnels, has been done by Mr. J. P. Rathburn of the village of Williams. Most of these workings are in the serpentine drift which covers the stratified rocks. From one of these openings a small quantity of petroleum and mineral water was running into a trough. Samples of petroleum were obtained from this trough, and from the surface of the water which had collected in the workings. The petroleum in the trough had been exposed to the weather for a long time, and had thrown down a flocculent precipitate, resem- bling the sludge, or b. s., found in petroleum from other localities. No signs of asphaltum were seen on Bear Creek. Samples of this petroleum and precipitate were examined by the writer in the laboratory of the State Mining Bureau. The results of this exami- nation are given in Chapter 5, Part 12, of this Bulletin. When the floc- culent precipitate above mentioned was heated, it separated into water, oil, and earthy or organic matter. ^ HUMBOLDT COUNTY. 161 In September, 1900, the following companies were drilling in Colusa County: 10.2.8. Herron Oil Company (of Los Angeles) has one well in the S.E. i of Sec. 35, T. 14 N., R. 5 W., M. D. M. Formation: Serpentine (loose rocks) to 100'; shale to 800'. Some oil was obtained, apparently seepage, from the serpentine. Drilling. 10.2.9. Gorrell & Smith Oil Company has a 543' well in the S.E. :f of Sec. 7, T. 13 N., R. 3 W., M. D. M. CHAPTER 3. HUMBOLDT COUNTY. By F. M. Anderson, C.E. 10.3.1. The existence of oil in Humboldt County has been known from an early date. A full account of the attempts made here in 1865-67 will be found in the Vllth Report of the State Mineralogist, pages 195-202. According to the author, Mr. Adolph H. Weber, no less than twenty-five wells were sunk at that date, but the total amount of oil produced by any of them did not exceed 100 bbls., which was the quantity taken from the Union well on the north fork of the Mattole River. Smaller quantities were taken from other wells, but all of them had to be pumped. The abandonment of these prospects at that date is said to be largely due to the views held at the Land Office regarding location of these lands. The oil-bearing formation is stated by Mr. Weber to be a close-grained, light-gray sandstone, overlain by bluish clay-shales. A feebler effort was made in 1892-93, but little or no success was attained, for reasons that will appear later. A third and more promising effort to obtain oil in paying quantities has been more recently made and is now in active progress. During the spring and summer of 1900 no less than six companies began opera- tions in southwestern Humboldt County in search of oil. At the date of this report (September, 1900) only three companies were actually drilling, and only one had reached any considerable depth. 10.3.2. The Mackintosh Well, situated on the Cook ranch (Sec. 29, T. 1 S., R. 2 W.), is being drilled by Mr. A. Mackintosh under a term lease. It is on a low ridge separating the two branches of McNutt Gulch, near the site of the old Muldrow well of 1865. The present well has reached a depth of more than 1200', passing mainly through blue and yellow clay-shales and sandstone, which are at intervals more or less 11— Bl9 162 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. bituminous, but not yet sufficiently so to be profitably productive. The present capacity of the well does not probably exceed 2 bbls. per day, but it is expected that with greater depth more productive strata will be reached. Oil was struck at a depth of 300' and again at 1100', from which depth the greater portion is believed to come. The oil is of good quality, having a specific gravity of 0.860 and from 33° to 34° B. 10.3.3. The Craig Well, situated on the lower north fork of the Mattole River, near the site of the old Union well (Sec. 30, T. 1 S., R. 1. W.), is being drilled under a contract by Mr. Allen Craig, as directed under the management of Major Bulyer and others. The present depth is about 300'. The formation is mainly sandstone. 10.3.4. The Humboldt Oil Company, consisting of Dr. E. L. Dow, A. F. Coffin, and others, has drilled to a depth of nearly 200' on a tributary of the Mattole known as Buckeye Creek (Sec. 6, T. 2 S., R. 1 W.). The formation is mainly sandstone and shale, no bituminous strata having yet been reached. 10.3.5. Other companies actually making preparations for drilling are as follows : T. L. Reed & Co. have two derricks in progress of erection, with proper equipments (Sees. 14 and 24, T. 1 S., R. 2 W.); the Wild Goose Company (Kroeger, Coffin, Dow, and others) is erecting a der- rick at Joel's Flat, near the site of a former somewhat productive well (Sec. 15, T. 1 S., R. 2 W.); and the Mattole Paraffin Company, includ- ing the firm of Baker & Hamilton, is erecting a derrick, with equipments, on the upper north fork of the Mattole (Sec. 2, T. 3 S., R. 1 W.). All of these and still other companies have secured leases or other titles to large and desirable tracts of land in the Mattole Valley for the purpose of thorough prospecting. 10.3.6. Extent of Oil Lands. — The true extent of the territory in Hum- boldt County that might be classed as oil-lands is very vaguely known. At present, the chief district is that of the Mattole Valley. Promising indications have been recognized along the Bear River, at Oil Creek, Ferndale, Scotia, and Eureka. In fact, much of the southwestern por- tion of the county is known to be underlain by more or less bituminous strata. This belt extends along the southern coast of the county for a distance of 60 miles or more, and with an average width of 12 or 15 miles. The belt consists chiefly or entirely of Neocene strata, the upper portions of Avhich include the Wild Cat series of Prof. A. C. Lawson, which is usu- ally fossiliferous. The lower portions consist of yellow or blue sand- stones and shales, with some interstratified beds of chert and limestone. No recognizable fossils have yet been found by which their age can be certainly determined, but their general aspect, situation, and bituminous character lead to the belief that they are not older than the Miocene. The oil-bearing members of the series are moderately fine-grained sand- HUMBOLDT COUNTY. 163 stones, often loose and porous in texture, but also occasionally pretty hard. Where fresh and bituminous samples of the rock are to be seen it is dark in color, but bleaches in the weather to a light-gray or yellow- ish sandstone. It often contains lenses or strata of pebbly sandstone or conglomerate. No satisfactory section of the series has yet been made. 10 3.7. Structural Featxires of the District. — The geological structure of this belt is not very simple. A great deal of faulting has broken the country into numerous blocks that have on the whole something of a systematic arrangement. Most of the topographical features of the countr}'' trend northwesterly. The more conspicuous fault-lines have a similar course, though they are often sinuous and not easily followed for a great distance. Transverse faulting is common, though less pro- nounced. Most of the faulting appears to be normal. The inclination of these fault-blocks is not regular; in many of them the strata dip toward the southwest, or westerly, and in some cases they dip in other directions. It is stated by local observers that everything dips south- westerly or in the opposite direction. There are several prominent lines or zones of faulting, some of which deserve to be mentioned. 10.3.8. The Mattole Valley, which contains the field most prospected for oil at the present, is evidently a structural valley, developed by normal faulting. To one unfamiliar with the structural features of the county its existence is a surprise. It is surrounded on all sides by hills that attain a general elevation of nearly 2500', among which it has been sunk to a general level of 200' to 800'. Even along the coast it is shut off from the sea by a comparatively high and narrow line of hills. The river passes from the valley to the ocean through a narrow gorge in this breastwork of ridges. Two chief lines of faulting run somewhat parallel in a southeasterly direction from the coast and determine the trend and, in part, the borders of the valle3\ One of these lines follows the north- ern border, and is in evidence along the southern face of the hills 3 miles north of Petrolia. The other line lies nearly as far south of the town and is perhaps followed by the upper portion of Squaw Creek Valley. Fault-lines intermediate between these two are easily found. In some places sharp folds in the strata are to be seen which have left the beds in a steeply inclined position. The structural conditions of the country, which are always important in an oil-district, ought especially to be studied here, and it is to the interest of the count)'' as well as to prospecting companies to secure a clear statement of these facts by a competent expert early in the history of prospecting for oil. 10.3.9. Evidences of Petroleum. — There are many proofs of the pres- ence of oil in this district, chief among which are the oil-springs and seepages and vents of the hydrocarbon gases everywhere known. These "indications" fall into line in their distribution, forming two or three well-marked zones traversing the country in a southwesterly direction. 164 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. This fact has led to the general recognition of as many distinct " oil- belts " in the vicinity of the Mattole and Bear rivers. A cursory examination of the country makes it apparent that these lines agree with the principal fault-lines already described. Connected with nearly all the springs of oil or gas there are more or less clearly recognizable evidences of faulting. This is expressed either in the presence of escarpments, often somewhat reduced by erosion, or in the highly tilted and broken strata which in some cases are even brecciated. This is true at the " Osborne Spring," where brecciated sandstone forms a portion of the very steep slope of the hill that marks the position of a transverse fault. The brecciated appearance of the rock here has led some to sup- pose that the oil-bearing strata were pebbly sandstone. Similar facts are observed along Bear River, at the Morrison ranch, and elsewhere, the " Guptell Spring " being apparently situated on a line of faulting. Some of these springs afford a few gallons of oil per week for a portion of the year, but most of them are small seepages. Gas springs are fairly common, particularly along Bear River, and at other points farther north. At Briceland, near the head of Mattole Valley, some 25 miles southeast of Petrolia, natural gas from a well drilled for oil is used for light and fuel. Gas, and petroleum, too, have been struck in the deep borings for water in the town of Eureka. Other places still farther north are reported to afford indications, but they are not well known. It is stated that at the present time over 12,000 acres of land in southern Humboldt County are filed on as " mineral locations." 10.3.10. Character of the Oil. — As to the character of the oil found in the seepages and in the wells, it may be said that it has generally been pronounced to be of superior quality. It is claimed that the oil from the " Osborne Spring," which is of unusual quality, has often been used for lighting in ordinary lamps. It is a dichroic oil, showing con- siderable fluorescence, appearing of a reddish amber color in transmitted light, while in reflected light it is a dark olive-green. It has a density of 30° B. and a specific gravity of 0.875. Most of the seepage oils are similar, but are usually darker and thicker, with a greater specific gravity. Oil from the Mackintosh well is considerably darker in color, being translucent only in thin films, with a density of 33° to 34° B., and with a gravity of 0.860. Upon exposure to air it becomes still darker in color and loses much of its fluidity by the volatilization of some of its lighter ingredients. The oils of this district differ from those of other sections of California in the fact that they contain a smaller percentage of asphalt bases and a relatively larger percentage of paraffin. 10.3.11. Promise of the District. — From what has already been said, the apparent promise of this district may be inferred. The presence of oil cannot of course be doubted, but it yet remains to be demonstrated HUMBOLDT COUNTY. 165 whether it can be found in payin;^ quantities. No attempt has yet been made to ascertain the facts available to scientific search in answer to this question. As usual, prospecting has been carried on without any study of the field by a geologist competent to give it direction. Among the things which such an investigator would deem desirable to know and which his science would enable him to discover are two of para- mount importance: (1) What is the character, richness, and extent of the oil-bearing strata? (2) What are the structural peculiarities of the country? And considering the present stage of development of this district, the question might be subjoined: If oil exists in paying quan- tities, why has it not been reached by the drill? No satisfactory answer to these questions can be made in this report, but a few impressions may be worth recording. Concerning the first question, it is commonly believed that the oil-bearing strata are mainly of close-grained sandstone, often quite hard, and existing in compara- tively thin beds. No attempt has been made to determine their real extent or to learn their aggregate thickness. Alternating beds of sand- stone and shale is the rule in parts of the series. The whole series of strata ought to be better known. Close-grained rock is not the most favorable for containing oil. One often hears in this district the fear expressed that the country is " too much broken." Faulting is indeed common, but it is less frequent than is generally believed. It follows chiefly a few prominent zones trending southeasterly through the country. Most of the seepages of oil and gaseous emissions are along these lines of faulting. Most, if not all, of the well's thus far sunk are comparatively near the seepages, and consequently along the lines of faulting. For several reasons such a location for a well is not the most favorable, although the seepages seem to indicate the presence of oil at such points. It ought to be remem- bered, however, that if the vents opened by faulting or otherwise are of long duration the oils from their vicinity may have been largely drained off, and are therefore no longer available. A better location would be at a point somewhat removed from such faulting, other things being equal. It is possible, if not probable, that paying quantities of oil have not yet been reached only because wells have so far been sunk in exhausted portions of the field. Similar observations have been recorded for other districts of California in former years. In the Vllth Report of the State Mineralogist, page 41, Mr. W. A. Goodyear remarks: "It was believed in the early days of our petroleum excitement that where oil was found upon the surface, or seen issuing from the ground, such points were the proper places to sink for the reservoirs; but experience has taught us the fallacy of early convictions, as the present producing wells have demonstrated. In passing over our oil-belt it is noticeable that nearly all the earlier workings, afterward abandoned, were in close proximity 166 CALIFORNIA STATE JOINING BUREAU. to the exudations, or in ravines." Such statements, if true, ought not to be ignored in any district. Something like a recognition of such principles is contained in the common belief that a "much-broken" country is not favorable for oil in large quantities. On the whole, it may be truthfully said that the best success in reaching oil in this dis- trict in commercial quantities will be attained by the employment of some one able to interpret the indications and the structure of the country correctly, for the purpose of making a detailed report upon it. CHAPTER 4. NAPA COUNTY. PETROLEUM. 10.4.1. Mount Shasta Oil and Development Company (J. E. Finnell, president) has an oil-spring in the N.E.' i of Sec. 32, T. 10 N., R. 3 W., M. D. M., on the western slope of the Blue Mountain range, about 6 miles northeast of Monticello, on property owned by Mrs. Harris. Elevation, about 1000'. The spring occurs in a fissure in blue sandstone resting on dark-colored shale. Gas issues from an orifice in the sand- stone about 2' from the mouth of the oil-spring. The flow of oil is intermittent, and is accompanied with water. The spring produces about 4 gals, of oil in twenty-four hours. The oil is said to be an excellent lubricant. An analysis by Mr. Krutzman, chemist to the Pacific Refining and Roofing Company, gives the following : Analysis of Oil from Berryessa Valley, Napa County. Specific gravity of crude oil _ 0.9642. Viscosity, 4.87 Light lubricating oil 24% " 2.91 Heavy lubricating oil 22% " 28.80 Gas oil 32% Residue 18% 96% Asphalt in residue, 3.66% ; sulphur, no trace. The Harris Caiion, in which the oil-spring is located, runs nearly east and west from its mouth to the site of the spring. The formation con- sists of alternate strata of shale and grayish sandstone. The strike is northwest and southeast, and the angle of the dip varies from 55° to 80°. It is said that at the quicksilver mine at Knoxville, 22 miles north, a seepage of similar oil occurred between the 300' and 400' levels, and that the oil was used for lubricating the machinery at the mine. PIPE-LINES. 167 P^^I^T 11. PIPE-LINES AND REFINERIES. CHAPTER 1. PIPE-LINES. 11.1.1. It has long been known that tables which supply information concerning the transmission of water through pipe-lines are not appli- cable to the conveyance of oil by pipe-lines. Since the publication of Bulletin No. 11 the writer has received numerous inquiries concerning this subject. The data he has obtained on this important question are therefore placed in one chapter, in the hope that some idea as to the conveyance of California oil by pipe-line may be gathered therefrom. 11.1.2. Central Oil Company. — The oil from the wells of this com- pany is conveyed by pipe-line to Los Nietos, on the Santa Fe Railroad, a distance of about 4f miles. It is a 4" pipe-line, and has a head of 700'. Along its course there are no undulations which exceed 25' in variation of altitude. At a temperature of about 65° F. this pipe-line discharges at the rate of about 60 bbls. an hour. The gravity of the oil is about 21° B. 11.1.3. Oil City {Fresno County) Pipe-Line. — This line conveys the oil from the Oil City wells to Ora Station on the S. P. R. R. This is a 3" line. It is 8^ miles in length; the difference in elevation between the head and point of discharge is 600'. The gravity of the oil is 33° B. An experiment of ten hours' duration showed that the oil could be dis- charged at the rate of 125 bbls. an hour, the temperature of the oil being about 60° F. In hot weather the discharge is less and irregular, owing to the gas generating in the pipe-line, which collects at the high points and retards the flow. When the pipe-line was first laid it was above ground, and the retardation of the flow in the summer time amounted to 25 bbls. an hour. Subsequently the pipe-line was covered with earth, and the retardation of the flow was made less. 11.1.4. Puente Oil Company.— The pipe-line of this company extends from their wells in the Puente Hills to their refinery at Chino, a dis- tance of 15 miles. It is a 5" pipe-line, and the head is about 700'. 168 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. The gravity of the oil averages 33° B. The discharge is about 1 bbl. a minute at a temperature of 60'^ F. Along this line there are several undulations, some of which show a variation in altitude of more than 100'. 11.1.5. Pacific Coast Oil Company. — The pipe-line of this company conveys the oil from their wells in Pico Canon, Los Angeles Count}'^, to the seashore at Ventura, in Ventura County, a distance of 44 miles. For 20 miles from the wells, the line is 2" pipe, and from that point to Ventura, a distance of 24 miles, it is 3" pipe. The head is about 1900'. The greatest undulation is about 200', and for nearly the entire dis- tance the grade is uniform and nearly level. This pipe discharges by gravity at the rate of 25 bbls. an hour at a temperature of 65° F. The gravity of the oil is about 41.5° B. The Pacific Coast Oil Company has also a pipe-line extending from their wells in Pico Cailon to the railroad at Newhall. This line is about 7 miles long, and is of 2" pipe. It has a head of about 600', and at a temperature of about 65° F. it will discharge by gravity at the rate of about 30 bbls. an hour. 11.1.6. Sunset Oil Company (of Ventura County). — The pipe-line of this company conveys the oil from their wells in Hopper Canon to Buck- horn Station on the Santa Barbara branch of the S. P. R. R., Ventura County. This is a 2" pipe-line, and about 5 miles long. It has been laid with no regard to hydraulic grade. It has a head of about 500', and along its course there are no undulations in which the difference of altitude is more than 50'. The oil is about 12° B., and is mixed with about equal volumes of water. The water and oil pass through the pipe-line in a rotating column, the oil forming a core in the center of the column. In summer time the discharge from the end of this pipe at Buckhorn is about 250 bbls. in twelve hours ; in winter time, 250 bbls. in eighteen hours. 11.1.7. Union Oil Company (of Santa Paula). — The oil from the various oil-fields owned and controlled by this company is conducted by pipe-lines to a trunk line in the Santa Clara Valley by which the oil is conveyed to the seashore at the mouth of the Sespe River. It is a 4" line, and is about 25 miles in length, although the distance between Santa Paula and Ventura is less than 20 miles in an air line. The feeders are usually 2" and 3" pipe. The total length of pipe-line belong- ing to the Union Oil Company's pipe-line system in Ventura County is said to be 100 miles. No particulars could be obtained about the rate of discharge. The facts relating to the following interesting experiment were kindly furnished by Mr. Lyman Stewart, president of the Union Oil Company: Several years ago, oil from the Astarte wells in the Sisar Canon, Ventura County, was conveyed by a 2" pipe-line to a tank in the Santa Paula Canon, a distance of 3 miles, with a fall of 300'. The oil had a gravity of about 13° B., and at a temperature of 60° F. the dis- PIPE-LINES, 169 charge by gravity was at the rate of 20 bbls. in twenty-four hours. As an experiment the oil in the pipe-line was placed under a pressure of 800 lbs. to the square inch, but the discharge was only increased to 24 bbls. in twenty-four hours. When the pressure was increased it burst the pipe-line. 11.1.8. Union Oil Companyh Pipe-Line at Los Angeles. — The pipe-line of the Union Oil Company extends from First and Lake Shore streets, in the Los Angeles oil-field, to Palmetto and San Mateo streets, on the S. P. R. R., a distance of about 4 miles. It is a 4" line, and the course followed is undulating. The gravity of the oil is 14^ B. It is forced through the pipe-line under a pressure of 600 lbs. Some trouble is experienced from the sand which the oil contains accumulating in low places in the pipe-line. In summer the discharge from this line is about 800 bbls. in twenty-four hours; in winter, about one third less. The pipe-line of the Union Oil Company in Orange Coimty extends from the Fullerton oil-field to Bixby, a distance of 26 miles. This is a 4" line and has a head of 450'. The gravity of the oil which runs through this line averages 21° B., and at a temperature of about 65° F. the rate of discharge is about 2000 bbls. in twenty-four hours. 11.1.9. Alcatraz Refinery Pipe-Line. — This line conveys a solution of asphaltum dissolved in distillate from the mines of bituminous sand- stone at Sisquoc to the company's refinery at Alcatraz Landing, Santa Barbara County. The length of the pipe-line is about 37 miles; diam- eter of the pipe, 3". The difference in elevation between Sisquoc and Alcatraz Landing is 1900'. Along the pipe-line there are several undu- lations, one of which shows a difference in elevation of about 1000'. The gravity of the solution is about 25° B. The following interesting data concerning the rate of discharge from a pipe-line in the Eastern States were furnished the writer by Mr. Lyman Stewart of the Union Oil Company : There was a 4" pipe-line running from Duke Center, Pennsylvania, to Olean, in New York, a distance of about 13 miles. The course is undulating, and the line ran over hills about 900' higher than the pumping station. Oil having a gravity of 47° B. was transmitted through this pipe-line under a pressure of about 1150 lbs., the discharge being at the rate of 15,000 bbls, of oil in twenty- four hours. 11.1.10. The Modelo Oil Company's Pipe-Line. — It extends between the Modelo oil-wells and the railroad at Piru, Ventura County. This is a 2" pipe-line and is about 3 miles in length ; the difference in elevation between the head and the point of discharge is about 800'. The gravity of the oil is 28° B. 11.1.11. Some information concerning the discharge of oil through pipe-lines can be gathered from the following tables : 170 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. DISCHARGE OF OIL BY GRAVITY. Pipe-Lines. So ■5 "2. go CD i-n CD CD 1 »-^ 1 CD 1 •-* 1 o 1 *~** Spec. Grav- ity of Oil . Head. J* CD 1. *~i '■ ? Rate of Dis- charge in 24 Hours.. Remarks. Central Oil Co.'s pipe- line Miles. 4.65 Inches. 4 21° B. Feet. 700 65° F. Bbls. 1440 No great undu- lations. Between Central Oil "Wells and Los Nie- tos, Los Angeles County. Union Oil Co.'s pipe- line Between Astarte Wells and Santa Paula, Ventura Co. 3.00 2 13° B. 300 60° F. 20 No great undu- lations. Union Oil Co.'s pipe- line 26.00 4 21° B. 450 65° F. 2000 No great undu- lations. In Orange County, between FuUerton oil-field and Bixby. Sunset Oil Co.'s pipe- line Bet. Sunset Wells and Buckhorn R. R. Station, Ventura Co. Pipe-line between Oil Citv and Ora Siding on 'the S. P. R. R., Fresno County 5.00 8.50 2 3 12° B. 33° B. 500 600 75° F. in sum- mer, 60° F. in win- ter. 60° F. 500 350 3000 No great undu- lations. Oil mixed with about equal volume of wa- ter. No great undu- lations. Several undu- lations, some of which dif- fer in eleva- tion more than 100'. Grade fairly uniform. Un- dulations dif- fer 200'. Puente Oil Co.'s pipe- line Bet. Puente Wells Los Angeles County, and Chino, San Ber- nardino County. Pacific Coast Oil Co.'s pipe-line .. 15.00 44.00 5 (a) 33° B. 41.5° B. 700 1900 60° F. 65° F. 1440 700 Between Pico Caiion and Ventura, Ven- tura County. Pacific Coast Oil Co.'s pipe-line- 7.00 2 41.5° B. 600 65° F. 600 Between Pico Cafion and Newhall, Los Angeles County. Alcatraz Refining Co.'s pipe-line Conveying asphal- tum "solution be- tween Sisquoc mines and Alcatraz Land- ing, Santa Barbara County. 37.00 3 25° B. 1900 65° F. Along pipe-line several undu- lations show variation in elevation of 1000'. (a) For 1 to 20 miles the diameter of pipe-line is 2"; for remaining distance it is 3". PETROLEUM REFINERIES. 171 DISCHARGE OF OIL UNDER PRESSURE. f o CB K . > ITJ W Name of Company. h32 »2. ►—50 "SB ; (S ■ •-) ; o 2.1 O" p a. p p r X i- mate Tem- perature .- at C CO 1 1 ate of Dis- charge in 24 Hours.. Remarks. Miles. /n. i<'eei. i6s. Bbls. \ Union Oil Co., pipe-line at Los Angeles 4.00 4 14° B 200 70° F. 600 800 Course undulat- ing. Union Oil Co., Astarte wells, Ventura County. 3.00 2 13° B 300 60° F. 800 27 No great undu- lation. Discharge of Eastern Oil Under Pressure. Pipe-line running from Duke Center, Pa., to Clean, N, Y 13.00 47° B 900 60° F. 1150 1500 CHAPTER 2. PETROLEUM REFINERIES.* 11.2.1. American Oil and Asphalt Company (q! Los Angeles) has a refinery at Date and Alhambra streets. Plant consists of two 300-bbl. and three 125-bbl. stills; tankage for crude oil, 2300 bbls. Product: stove distillate, 32° B.; distillate for spraying trees, 28° B.; fuel distil- late, 22° B.; asphaltum. Fifteen men are employed. 11.2.2. Asphaltum and Oil Refinery Company (of Los Angeles; E. D. Roberts, president) has a refinery at Ninth Street and Santa Fe Railroad track. Plant consists of two 150-bbl. stills, one 55-bbl. still, and one 25-bbl. still. Product: gasoline, gasoline-engine distillate, illuminating, neutral, and fuel oils. 11.2.3. The Franklin Refining Company (of Los Angeles; E. H. Dunham, president) has a refinery at 1504 Newton Street. Plant: one 300-bbl. still, four 100-bbl. stills, and three 50-bbl. stills. Product: gasoline, 60° to 64° B.; gas-engine distillate, 43° to 52° B.; gas distil- late, 32° to 34° B.; neutral oils, 26° to 28° B.; lubricating oil, 18° to 22° B.; green oil, 15.5° to 16.5° B.; asphaltum. Amount of crude oil handled in 1899 was 20,000 bbls. 11.2.4. Jewett & Blodget Refinery is situated at Hazelton, Sunset oil- district, about 40 miles west of Bakersfield. Plant consists of one still, capacity 100 bbls. in twenty-four hours. The Baku process is used. Product: distillate, lubricating oil, and asphaltum. The crude oil yields gas distillate, 20%; lubricating oil, 12%; heavy distillate, 13%; *For asphaltum refineries, see general report of California State Mining Bureau. 172 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. asphaltum, 55%. The product is shipped to Gosford on the McKittrick branch of the S. P. R. R. Gosford is about 8 miles from Bakersfield. 11.2.5. Paraffin Paint Company (of San Francisco) has a refinery at Emeryville, Alameda County. Plant consists of three 60-bbL stills and a tankage of about 360 bbls. Six men are employed. The oils refined by this company are all of high specific gravity, none of them being above 19° B. The product is distillates ranging from 15° B. to 16° B., and asphaltum. The asphaltum constitutes about 22%, by volume, of the crude oil. 11.2.6. Pacific Coast Oil Coynpany (of San Francisco) has a refinery at Alameda Point, Alameda County. Plant consists of 13 stills which have a total capacity of 2215 bbls., and the following tankage: For crude oil, 54,000 bbls.; for refined products, 12,000 bbls.; bleachers and agitators, 4000 bbls. Thirty-two men are employed. The petroleum refined by this company is obtained principally from the wells of the Pacific Coast Oil Company near Newhall. The product is gasoline, illuminating and lubricating oils, and other distillates and asphaltum. 11.2.7. Puente Oil Company^ s Refinery is connected by pipe-line with the Puente oil-wells, distance about 15 miles. Plant consists of three 400-bbl. stills, and 95,000 bbls. crude-oil tankage. Manufactured product consists of gasoline, 67° B.; water-white illuminating oil, 45° B.; residuum fuel oil, 18° B. The residuum is about 60% of the crude oil. Output of Puente refinery for 1899: gasoline, 105,000 gals.; painters' benzine, 50,000 gals.; water-white oil, 450,000 gals.; gas-engine distillate, 900,000 gals.; total, 1,505,000 gals., or about 35,833 bbls. The amount of crude oil was 120,000 bbls. 11.2.8. Southern Refining Company. — Refinery at First Street and Alhambra Avenue, Los Angeles. Plant, two 25-bbl. stills. Product: gas-engine distillate, 49° B.; stove distillate, 35° B.; gas distillate, 22° B.; neutral oils, 22° B,; lubricating stock, 16° B.; asphaltum. 11.2.9. Sunset Oil Refining Company (J. A. Tubbs, Pittsburg, Pa., president). — Works situated at Obispo, Terminal Island, Los Angeles County. Plant consists of eight stills; total capacity, 1200 bbls. a day. Tankage for crude oil, 25,000 bbls. Product: gasoline, illuminating oil, lubricating oil, and intermediate products. The president of this com- pany informed the writer that a special process was employed at his works which had not previously been used in California. Work was commenced at this refinery in May, 1900, when two stills were in opera- tion, thirty-five men being employed. 11.2.10. Union Oil Company's Refinery is at Oleum, Contra Costa County. The stills at these works have a total capacity of 900 bbls. of crude oil. Tankage for refined product, 20,000 bbls.; tankage for crude oil, 70,000 bbls. Product: benzine, 52° to 63° B.; illuminating oil, 43° B.; gas-engine distillate, 39° B.; gas distillate, 28° B.; lubricating oil, 15° to 28° B.; asphaltum. RANGE OF OIL- YIELDING FORMATIONS. 173 I^^RT 12. SUMMARY OF OIL-YIELDING FORMATIONS. CHARACTER OF CALIFORNIA PETROLEUM, AND HISTORICAL SKETCH OF OIL-MINING IN CALIFORNIA. CHAPTER 1. GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL RANGE OF OIL-YIELDING FORMATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 12.1.1. It is now in order to summarize and compare the leading geographical and geological facts thus far ascertained concerning the occurrence of petroleum in California, and to review the character of the oil-yielding formations and their relation one to another. Nearly all the oil-fields which at this writing contribute to the petro- leum product of California are situated below the 17th township line south of Mount Diablo. (See Fig. M.) The productive oil-fields in the portion of the State referred to are distributed as follows: In the foot- hills of the Sierras near the eastern extremity of the San Joaquin Valley; on the eastern slope of one of the Coast Ranges which form the western boundary of the San Joaquin Valley; and in other localities of the Coast Ranges which traverse Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, and Orange counties. 12.1.2. It must not be supposed that the oil-yielding formations are confined to the localities enumerated, for they constitute a large portion of the mountains composing the Coast Range system. Moreover, in many places they form the bedrock beneath the alluvium of the valley land. It does not necessarily follow that wherever these oil-yielding formations are found they contain oil in valuable quantities, any more than the coal-measures always contain valuable beds of coal; but it is a reasonable conclusion that there are in California numerous areas through which these formations extend wherein new oil-fields will be discovered. This conclusion applies not only to the portions of Cali- fornia described in this Bulletin, but also to a large portion of the State which lies between the foothills of the Sierras and the Pacific Ocean. 174 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. THE OIL- YIELDING FORMATIONS OBSERVED BETWEEN THE SESPE AND PIRU CREEKS, VENTURA COUNTY, COMPARED WITH THE OIL- YIELDING FORMATIONS OF OTHER DISTRICTS. 12.1.3. The relative position in point of vertical geologic range of the formations wherein remunerative oil-wells have been obtained in Ven- tura and Los Angeles counties, is demonstrated by an investigation of the country between Piru and Sespe creeks in Ventura County, where a j sequence of formations ranging from the uppermost beds of the Middle J Neocene to the lowermost beds of the Eocene are exposed. At Piru Creek, beds of conglomerate occur which contain Neocene fossils. Pliocene forms being the more numerous. (See Table III.) This formation is more than a thousand feet thick, and in one place it was found to be impregnated with petroleum. The conglomerate rests on a clay-shale, likewise containing Neocene fossils. (See Table III.) The lower por- tion of the shale is interbedded with sandstone strata, and passes into a mass of sandstone, which, in Hopper Canon (see Fig. 10), shows a thick- ness of 1100'. In most instances when the lower portion of the Middle 4 Neocene is exposed, strata of sandstone are found more or less impreg- nated with petroleum. At the mouth of Hopper Canon, the Middle Neocene shale and sandstone show an aggregate thickness of about 3000'. (See Fig. 9.) The Middle Neocene rocks form a very important series, for, as described in the foregoing pages, by far the greater portion of the oil mined in California is obtained from sandy strata in the lower por- tion of this group. | 12.1.4. Thus, the old-yielding rocks at Elsmere Canon near Newhall are evidently of Middle Neocene age (see Table HI); and, as before described, the outcropping rocks on the south side of the valley of the Santa Clara River indicate that the oil-yielding formations which extend from Newhall to Bardsdale belong to the Middle Neocene series, although the gravity of the oil is less than that of the oil usually obtained from Middle Neocene beds. 12.1.5. In the Puente Hills the Middle Neocene rocks are well repre- sented, and the principal oil-yielding formations are sandstone strata interbedding the lower portion of the Neocene shales. At Summerland, in Santa Barbara County, the character of the oil-yielding formations and their relation to the whitish shales of Lower Neocene age, which are exposed near Carpinteria and in the low ridge of hills immediately east of Summerland, warrant the conclusion that the oil-measures in Summerland are of Middle Neocene age. 12.1.6. On the eastern side of the San Joaquin Valley, we find the oil-field of the Kern River district wherein the oil-measures must be referred to the Middle Neocene series.* On the western side of the San Joaquin Valley, the most productive oil-measures in the Sunset district, the oil-measures of the McKittrick district, and those in the *See fossils collected in this district, as described in Bulletin No. 3, pp. 39 and 40. RANGE OF OIL-YIELDING FORMATIONS. 175 southern portion of the Oil City field in Fresno County, are of Middle Neocene age.* In the San Joaquin Valley, the Middle Neocene forma- tion consists of sandstones and shales, the sandstones predominating, while in Ventura, Los Angeles, and Orange counties, the formations of corresponding age consist of conglomerate and a thick body of shale, the lower portion of which is interstratified with sandstone, passing into a massive body of sandstone at the bottom of the Middle Neocene series. 12.1.7. The oil obtained in the Middle Neocene formation varies greatly in quality, the specific gravity ranging from 12° B. to 30° B. In most districts, however, in which the oil-yielding formations have been identified as of Middle Neocene age, the gravity of the oil ranges between 14° B. and 22° B. 12.1.8. In the territory between Sespe and Piru creeks, the formation immediately underlying the Middle Neocene series is a very characteristic one. It consists of silicious shale. This shale is well exposed in Hopper Caiion and at the Modelo oil-wells, and shows a thickness of about 1500'. When freshly broken, this shale usually smells of petroleum, and in most instances it gives a calcareous reaction with acid. The upper portion of this mass of shale is interbedded with sandstone. There is no marked stratigraphical division between these shales, which rest con- formably on a whitish sandstone, and the overlying rocks. Nevertheless, since silicious shale is so characteristic of the Lower Neocene in other portions of California, the writer has tentatively referred the silicious shale of the territory under discussion to that horizon. In Los Angeles County a similar shale is exposed at a few points in the central portion of the Puente Hills, and it is not improbable that the whitish silicious shale seen in the Santiago Canon in Orange County belongs to this horizon. As previously mentioned, the silicious shale rests on a whitish sandstone formation, which, as is shown in Fig. G, constitutes a large portion of the higher mountains between the Piru and Sespe creeks. This sandstone is evidently several thousand feet in thickness, and con- tains some fossils which are referred by Dr. J. C. Merriam to the Lower Neocene epoch. (See Table II.) 12.1.9. The silicious shale previously referred to as being in the Puente Hills and in the Santiago Caiion, rests on a thick-bedded sand- stone. In the Santiago Canon this sandstone contains fossils represent- ing the Lower Neocene epoch. On the western side of the San Joaquin Valley the Middle Neocene beds rest non-conformably on a whitish silicious shale, and this rests either on Eocene strata, as at Oil City, or on sandstone or shale of Lower Neocene age, as is the case at the Avenal field in the Kreyenhagen district. f In most instances the oil from these *See fossils collected in this district, as described in Bulletin No. 3, pp. 38, 43, 49, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65. t See Bulletin No. 3, p. 53: Fossils collected in Tar Canon, now called the Avenal field. Recently the writer obtained specimens of Turritella ocoyana from this locality. See also same Bulletin, p. 55: Specimens collected in Zapato Chino Creek, Kreyenhagen. 176 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. 1 formations has a gravity of more than 25° B. As before stated, the whitish sandstone extends westward from Piru Creek, in Ventura County, to the Sespe oil-district, the distance between the two places being about 8 miles. 12.1.10. At the Sespe oil-district, the whitish sandstone rests prob- ably non-conformably on a shale formation, although the non-conform- ability is not very apparent. The shale formation is whitish and grayish at the top, passing into a dark-colored shale, which is interbedded with numerous thin strata, or nodular masses, of hard bituminous limestone- These shales rest on a drab-colored sandstone of no great thickness and contain Eocene fossils.* The drab-colored sandstone rests on a brown sandstone, locally known as the Sespe brownstone. 12.1.11. In the Devil's Gate mining district the brownstone rests on whitish sandstone, and the latter on a bufi-colored sandstone. The Sespe brownstone, the white sandstone, and the buff-colored sandstone all contain typical Eocene fossils, f All these sandstones are more or less interbedded with shale. The principal oil-yielding formations in the Sespe district are the lowermost portions of the drab-colored shales, the drab sandstone, and the uppermost portion of the Sespe brown- stone. These formations have been extensively exploited by the Union Oil Company. 12.1.12. It is probable that the oil-yielding formations in the north- ern portion of the Oil City field in Fresno County, J and those on the Tunitas and Puri8sima§ creeks in San Mateo County, belong to the same geological horizon as do the oil-yielding rocks of the Sespe district. In the Devil's Gate district there are numerous seepages of petroleum in the hard, buff-colored Eocene sandstones, and productive oil-wells have been obtained. Between the Piru and Sespe districts no marked non-conform ability was observed by the writer, the variations of dip being referable rather to local geological disturbance than to non-con- formability. Still, it by no means follows that the formations actually rest conformably one on another. 12.1.13. It is conceded that in California the Lower Neocene forma- tions rest non-conformably on the Eocene, and observations in Orange and Los Angeles counties lead to the conclusion that the Middle Neocene shales overlap the underlying formations. There are also some reasons for believing that in Los Angeles County the conglomerate rests non- conformably on the Middle Neocene shales. Since the Eocene period, *See Bulletin No. 11, pp. 82, 83, 84, 85: Fossils collected at Tar Creek ranch and on a divide between Tar and Maple creeks. tSee Bulletin No. 11, p. 84: Fossils collected at mouth of Stony Corral Creek and Redstone Peak. J See Bulletin No. 3, p. 62: Fossils collected at oil-claims 9 miles north of Coalinga, Fresno County. §Two shells were brought up by the sand pump from a well on Purissima Creek and they were identified by Dr. J. G. Cooper as being of Eocene age. FORMATIONS IN ORANGE AND LOS ANGELES COUNTIES. 177 there have been not only epochs of unusual geologic disturbance, but also disturbances of a secular nature which have produced oscillations of the land surface during the deposition of the Tertiary and Quaternary formations. Similar disturbances continue to this day. It appears that in many instances these disturbances were of local character. CHAPTER 2. NEOCENE AND MORE RECENT FORMATIONS IN PORTIONS OF ORANGE AND LOS ANGELES COUNTIES. 12.2.1. As mentioned in a previous chapter, the rocks containing petroleum deposits in Los Angeles and Orange counties are members of a geological series represented by formations which may be studied to advantage in the foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains, between the Santiago Canon and the canon of the Santa Ana River. (See Figs. 1, B, and 7.) This series may be correlated with the Lower and Middle Neocene formations observed between the Piru and Sespe creeks in Ventura County, and previously described. In the order of its down- ward vertical range it consists of conglomerate, shales, and sandstones, the sandstones being for the most part of a whitish color. The whitish sandstones rest on Eocene and Cretaceous formations, and in the portion of the Santa Ana Mountains herein referred to, the Cretaceous forma- tions rest on crystalline rocks. The areas over which these Neocene formations extend are shown in Figs. A, B, and G. The writer made a brief reconnaissance of the portion of the Santa Ana Mountains consisting of eruptive crystalline rocks and the Cretaceous and Eocene formations. 12.2.2. The area occupied by these rocks is marked " Unexplored " in Fig. 1. The fossils obtained from the Cretaceous and Eocene rocks are classified in Table I. They are from localities adjacent to those shown in Figs. 1 and B. It is probable that in the extremity of the Santa Ana Mountains, the formations immediately overlying the crystalline rocks are Cretaceous, and there is reason to believe that there are Eocene formations between the Cretaceous rocks and the whitish sandstone. 12.2.3. Some Lower Neocene (Miocene) fossils were obtained in sand- stone in the higher portions of the Santa Ana Mountains, in the S.E, cor. of Sec. 12, T. 4 S., R. 6 W., S. B. M., but the greatest body of this sandstone is found in the foothills. A cross-section of this sandstone is shown in Fig. 7, where it is about 7000' in thickness. 12— b19 178 - CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. 12.2.4. At the bottom of the whitish sandstone formation there are a few strata of conglomerate, and the pebbles forming this conglomerate are principally quartzose. Whitish sandstone similar to that seen between the Santiago Canon and the Santa Ana River, forms a large portion of the Puente Hills, and also a large portion of the ridge which traverses Elysian Park at Los Angeles. A similar sandstone forms the central mass on the San Joaquin Hills, and crops out on the shore-line near the southeast corner of Orange County. On the north side of the valley of the Santa Clara River, in Ventura County, a similar whitish sandstone, as previously described, is found resting on Eocene forma- tions. At the Santiago Canon and in the San Joaquin Hills in Orange County, and at Piru Creek in Ventura County, these sandstones were found to contain Lower Neocene (Miocene) fossils. Near Piru Creek, they yield petroleum in valuable quantities. (See Table II, at end of this Bulletin.) 12.2.5. Resting on this whitish sandstone, near the mouth of the Santiago Canon, is a very interesting series of shales, the lower por- tion of which is white or whitish, and the upper portion gray or brown. The whitest of the shales resembles infusorial earth. The upper portion is brown clay-shale, and is, for the most part, thin- bedded. It is interbedded with thin strata of sandstone. At the first glance, it appears improbable that the white shale belongs to the same formation as the overlying brown clay-shale; yet the writer could discover no non-conformability between the white shale and the dark- colored shale overlying it. An inspection of this shale formation in the eastern portion of Orange County showed a gradual transition from the white shale into the dark-colored shale overlying it. Similar whitish shales are found at several other places in Orange County, and it seems reasonable tentatively to correlate them with the silicious shales found resting on the whitish sandstone formation in the Puente Hills and in Ventura County, as previously described, and with the silicious shales which form a large portion of Point San Pedro in Los Angeles County. North of the San Joaquin Hills in Orange County, the white shale forms the bedrock throughout a large area in the valley lands, and shales of this series, grayish to brownish in color, form low cliffs along the shore-line to the east of Newport Bay. At Point San Pedro there are silicious shales which were deposited during a period of volcanic activity, for not only does eruptive rock occur there as dikes penetrating the shale, but also the shale is found interstratified with volcanic material. The clay-shales overlying the whitish shale in Orange County must be correlated with the Middle Neocene shales observed in Ventura County, in the Puente Hills, and in the City of Los Angeles. These clay-shales are the prevailing formation exposed in the southeast end of Orange County, where they form purple-colored cliffs along the shore-line. As FORMATIONS IN ORANGE AND LOS ANGELES COUNTIES. 179 described in previous chapters, this formation has been identified in other localities, and fossils obtained therefrom are classified by Dr. Merriam as representing the Middle Neocene epoch. (See Table III.) These shales were classed as Pliocene in previous reports, on account of the number of living forms found among the fossils they contain. It is not sur- prising that a more extensive examination of this formation and of the collection of fossils from larger areas, led to the conclusion that these shales are somewhat older than they were at first supposed to be. As previously stated, the principal oil-yielding formations in the Puente Hills are situated in the lower portion of this shale formation, and prob- ably in the upper portion of the underlying sandstone. In Newport in Orange County, shales resembling the Middle Neocene shales contain a large amount of heavy petroleum. 12.2.6. The question as to whether these shales rest conformably or non-conformably on the underlying sandstone, is an important one. The structural evidence on this point in sight at the Santiago Caiion is not very conclusive, owing to the fact that there has been much local disturbance, but such evidence as is in sight favors the conclusion that the shale rests non-conformably on, or at least overlaps, the underlying sandstone; in other words, that at least a portion of the shale was deposited when the land surface was sinking, and that the ocean, from which the sediments forming the shale were deposited, was overflowing, not only the whitish sandstone, but also the formation underlying it. In this connection, the most important evidence observed by the writer is, that, as noted between the Santiago Canon and the Santa Ana River, there is a discrepancy between the direction of the angle of the dip of the whitish sandstone and the overlying shales, that the shale is found resting on different material in different places, and that in some places it rests on formations underlying the whitish sandstone. At Point San Pedro in Los Angeles County, silicious shales rest on eruptive and metamorphic rocks, and near the Aliso Caiion in the San Joaquin Hills, an outlier of the shales rests on rocks underlying the whitish sandstone. In the Puente Hills south of Pomona, these shales are found in close proximity to granitic rocks, and there does not appear to be any whitish sandstone intervening between the shale and the metamorphic and granitic rocks. 12.2.7, Resting on the shale is a conglomerate composed principally of granitic pebbles containing much black mica. From this conglom- erate a few fossils of Middle Neocene age were obtained. * In the Puente Hills the conglomerate is much less disturbed and dips more to the west than does the underlying shale; but whether these differences are due to non-conformability or to local disturbance, coupled with the difference * It will be noted that a conglomerate similar to that seen in Los Angeles and Orange counties is found resting on the Middle Neocene shales in Ventura County. 180 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. in the relative tensile strength of the shale and the conglomerate, it is not easy to determine. One thing, however, is certain, the difference in the character of the sediments forming the shale, and of those forming the conglomerate, indicates that these sediments were deposited under very different conditions. The change from homogeneous bodies of shale to shale interbedded with sandstone, and from that to conglom- erate, tells of a gradual rise in the land surface. The massive granitic rocks which are the probable source of the pebbles forming the conglom- erate are ten miles or more distant from the conglomerate at the mouth of the Santiago Caiion. This fact indicates an interval between the end of the period when the shale was deposited and the beginning of the period when the conglomerate was deposited. It is probable that the pebbles forming this conglomerate came from a land surface composed largely of granitic drift. 12.2.8. At San Juan Capistrano, in Orange County, a sandy forma- tion was found containing fossils representing the Upper Neocene (Plio- cene) epoch. (See Table IV.) In that locality the rock-exposures are insufficient to determine the relation of the Upper Neocene formations to the underlying shales. At the San Pedro Peninsula, a sandy forma- tion containing numerous Quaternary fossils is found resting non-con- foi'mably on shales, presumably of Neocene age (see Table V), and there are diatomaceous deposits which probably belong to the same geological horizon. 12.2.9. On the low cliffs which form the shore-line of the inner bay at Newport, Orange County, there arediatomaceousshales and sandy strata, the latter being impregnated with petroleum. These formations contain numerous Quaternary fossils, and rest non-conformably on shales re- sembling the Middle Neocene shales previously described. As may be inferred from the foregoing pages, the hill ranges in the portion of Los Angeles and Orange counties described in this Bulletin, owe their exist- ence mainly to the structure of the rocky formations ; but their outline has been modified both by atmospheric erosion and by wave-cutting, as is evidenced by the terraces on the San Pedro Peninsula and at other places. (See Photo No. 12.) 12.2.10. Since even the recent sedimentary beds in Los Angeles County are more or less tilted, it is probable that the process by which the rocks have been folded continues in operation until the present day. A study of the western end of the San Joaquin Hills and of Point San Pedro leads to the conclusion that there have been volcanic outbursts since the depo- sition of the Neocene shales. Moreover, there is evidence that the bed- rocks beneath the alluvium of the valley are traversed by fissures. Thus, about a mile northwest of the village of Whittier, and at Howard Sta- tion, about 10 miles south of Los Angeles, there are deposits of sulphur- ous earth or decomposed rocks more or less impregnated with sulphur. RECAPITULATION. 181 These deposits have doubtless been formed by sulphurous gases arising from fissures in the bedrock. 12.2.11. Beneath the alluvium of the valley the bedrock may be of any of the formations which have been described. There is reason to believe that throughout large areas the bedrock is of Quaternary age, for Quaternary fossils have been brought up from a depth of several hundred feet, and in one instance, from a depth of more than 1000' in wells sunk in the valley land. (See record of well at Bell Station; also record of Green Meadow ranch well, described in Bulletin No. 11.) In some instances, natural gas has been struck in wells penetrating what appear to be Quaternary formations beneath the alluvium of the valley land. (See Marius Meyer well, also the Rosecrans gas-well.) CHAPTER 3. RECAPITULATION. 12.3.1. A recapitulation of the occurrence of petroleum in California, as described in this and previous bulletins, will give the reader a clearer conception as to the distribution of this mineral. Petroleum, in the form of natural gas, oil, and asphaltum, is found at various places in the Coast Ranges and in the foothills of the Sierras in Kern County. Natural gas is also found in the Central Valley of California, and at some places in the foothills of the Sierras. The geological formations yielding petroleum in California range from the Lower Cretaceous to the Quaternary. Some idea as to geographical and geological distribution of these formations may be gathered from a brief enumeration of the localities where oil-mining has been carried on, and where, in some instances, valuable oil-fields have been developed. In the Puente Hills in Orange and Los Angeles counties and at the City of Los Angeles, the oil-yielding formations, as previously stated, belong to the Middle Neocene series. On the south side of the valley of the Santa Clara River in Ventura and Los Angeles counties, the principal oil- yielding formations may be tentatively classed as of Middle Neocene age, but the writer has not yet made a detailed examination of those districts. 12.3.2. On the north side of the valley of the Santa Clara River in Ventura County there are four oil-yielding horizons: 1. In the lower portion of the Middle Neocene series. 2. In the upper portion of the Lower Neocene series. 3. In the upper portion of the Eocene series. 4. In the lower portion of the Eocene series. 182 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. In the oil-fields north of Santa Paula in Ventura County the geologi- cal structure is so complex that there is some doubt as to the- age of the rocks which really furnish the oil, but in the Ex-Mission field the oil- yielding formations probably belong to the upper portion of the Lower Neocene. 12.3.3. At Summerland in Santa Barbara County the character of the oil-yielding formations leads to the conclusion that they belong to the Middle Neocene series. The writer has been unable to procure any fossils from these formations. In the foothills bordering the San Joaquin Valley the oil-yielding formations range from the Eocene to the lower portion of the Middle Neocene. In the foothills of the Sierras east of Bakersfield the oil-yielding formations may be referred to the Middle Neocene. In the foothills of the Coast Ranges west of Bakersfield in Kern County petroleum is found in formations ranging from the Eocene to the Middle Neocene. In these oil-fields the most productive formations are in the lower portion of the Middle Neocene series, and valuable quantities of heavy oil are found in the upper portion of the Lower Neocene. At McKittrick the oil-bearing strata are of Middle Neocene age ; at the Avenal and Kreyenhagen districts the oil-yielding strata are of Lower Neocene age. At Oil City, near Coalinga, remuner- ative oil-yielding strata are found in the lower portion of the Middle Neocene, the upper portion of the Lower Neocene, and the upper portion of the Eocene formations. 12.3.4. In the Panoche Valley in San Benito County, both the Middle and Lower Neocene formations are represented, but the writer has not made a detailed examination of that county. At the Cholame Valley in Monterey County there are oil-yielding formations of Middle Neocene age. At Moody Gulch in Santa Clara County, the age of the oil-yield- ing rocks has never been determined. 12.3.5. At the Tunitas and Purissima creeks in San Mateo County, oil is obtained from wells which penetrate rocks of Eocene age. 12.3.6. North of San Francisco, petroleum-yielding formations crop out along the coast at Bolinas Bay and at Point Arena ; at these places the exposed rocks probably belong to the Upper Neocene series. The Humboldt County oil-fields are less known than any in the State, but reconnaissances that have been made of these northern oil-terri- tories warrant us in tentatively referring a large portion of the oil-yielding formations of Humboldt County to the Lower and Upper Neocene series. On Bear Creek and Sulphur Creek* in Colusa County gas and oil are found in rocks of Cretaceous age. Oil-yielding formations have also been discovered in Napa, Contra Costa, and Alameda counties. At Calleguas at the west end of the Simi Valley in Ventura County, a straw- colored oil has been found in volcanic tuflf; and in the Placeritos Canon *See Bulletin No. 3, p. 6. See also chapter on the oil-yielding formations of Colusa County in this Bulletin. RECAPITULATION. 183 in Los Angeles County, a light-colored oil is obtained from crystalline rocks. It is reported that oil-yielding formations have been discovered in the foothills of the Sierras in Shasta County, and near Yuma on the Colorado River. 12.3.7. At Stockton, in San Joaquin County, at the City of Sacra- mento, and near Tulare Lake, in Tulare County,* natural gas is obtained in remunerative quantities from wells penetrating strata of Quaternary age. At Marysville Buttes,f and near Sites, J in the Sacramento Valley, natural gas is found in rocks of Eocene age. There are several places in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys where wells are yielding sufficient natural gas to be of local value. 12.8.8. It is reasonable to suppose that the oil-fields described in this Bulletin have their counterparts in many other places in California not yet explored, for the geological formations, including the oil-measures thus far developed, form a large portion of the Coast Ranges between San Diego and Humboldt counties. From the description of the oil-yielding formations, the geological positions of which have been determined, it appears that the productive oil strata are sandstones underlying bodies of shale or clay, or interstratified with them. It may be argued that these conditions indicate natural distillation as the chief cause of the accumulation of petroleum in the oil -measures. 12.3.9. It is reasonable to infer that the petroleum, having been elaborated in the shale, may have been driven out of it by natural distil- lation or by pressure into inclosing or interstratified beds of sandstone. Concerning the origin of sufhcient heat to produce natural distillation, it is enough to mention chemical action and the stress to which the rocks have been subjected. It is generally conceded that the principal source of petroleum is animal and vegetable organisms which have been buried in rock-forming sediments. There doubtless have been different epochs in which such organisms were particularly abundant. Thus, in California, the early Neocene appears to have been such an epoch, for during this epoch the silicious shales which form such a landmark in the geology of our Coast Ranges, were deposited, and in many places these shales are found to be made up largely of the silicious skeletons of animal and vegetable organisms, mainly microscopic. It must also be remembered that a very small percentage of petroleum originally distributed through a great thickness of strata might be driven into different zones by natural distillation; and that, at certain temperature and pressure, it would pass readily through sandstone. The upward course of the petroleum might be impeded by strata of shale, and, when the tem- perature decreased, the petroleum might condense in any rocks suffi- *See Bulletin No. 3, p. 68: Quaternary fossils from gas wells in the Central Valley. f See Bulletin No. 3, pp. 9 and 10: Description of Marysville Buttes of California, t See Bulletin No. 3, pp. 6 and 7: Inflammable gas, near Sites, Colusa County. 184 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. ciently porous to afford it storage. If the shale were only partially impervious to the petroleum, the former would be more or less permeated by the latter, and fractures in the shale would give the petroleum access to overlying formations. A modification of such processes, by gas or hydrostatic pressure, would be quite sufficient to bring about a redistribution of the petroleum and the formation of secondary deposits of that mineral. 12.3.10. The following table shows the geological horizon of the oil- yielding formations in the districts which the writer has investigated: TABLE SHOWING GEOLOGIC RANGE OF OIL-YIELDING FORMATIONS IN CALIFORNIA AS FAR AS THEY HAVE BEEN DETERMINED. System. Epoch. California Equivalent. Localities where Oil-yielding Formations are Found. Creta- ceous Tertiary ■ Lower Upper. Upper Eocene .. Lower Neocene (Miocene) Knoxvillebeds Tejon Monterey Middle Neocene* (Transition be- tween Miocene and Pliocene) . San Pablo. Bear Creek and Sulphur Creek, Colusa County. Coalinga District, Fresno County ; Tunitas and Purissinia creeks, San Mateo County; Sespe and Devil's Gate districts, Ventura County; Santa Ynez. Mountains, Santa Barbara County. Kreyenhagen district. Kings County ; Oil City, Fresno County ; Sunset oil-dis- trict, Kern County; Modelo oil-wells, Ventura County ; Sulphur Mountains ; Ex-Mission district, Ventura County. Coalinga district, Fresno County ; McKit- trick, Sunset, and Kern River districts, Kern County; Piru, Ventura County; Los Angeles City and Elsmere Cafion, Los Angeles County ; and the Puente Hills, in Los Angeles and Orange coun- ties. Also, a large part of the oil-yield- ing formations of San Luis Obispo, Monterey, and San Benito counties; Summerland, Santa Barbara County ( ?) ; the oil-fields on the south side of the valley of the Santa Clara River, Los Angeles and Ventura counties (?). * In Bulletins Nos. 3 and 11 this formation was classed as Pliocene, on account of the number of living forms found among its fossils. PHOTO 33. Fold in Modei-o Canon, Ventura County. PHOTO M. Inclined Foi,r>, Temescai, Ranch, Ventuua County. GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE PERTAINING TO ^'ETROLEUM. 185 CHAPTER 4. GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE PERTAINING TO THE OCCUR- RENCE OF PETROLEUM IN CALIFORNIA. 12.4.1. There are two phases of geological research upon which a right understanding of our petroleum deposits depends : ( 1 ) An investiga- tion as to the area over which the petroleum-yielding formations extend; and (2) an investigation as to the probable course, length, and width of the oil-lines, or the lines along which remunerative wells can be obtained. With a good topographical map, the former can be success- fully carried on without the expenditure of much time and labor; the latter, upon which alone a correct estimation as to the value of our petroleum deposits can be based, requires a careful study of the structural geology pertaining to the subject. 12.4.2. To those who explore the hills and mountains of the Coast Ranges there are few things more interesting than the curiously folded condition of the rocky strata. In California the student of structural geology has not to search very far before he finds natural illustrations of the types of folds he has seen in his text-books. In some parts of the world such folds are many miles in breadth, but in the Coast Ranges the conspicuous folds are generally narrow ones. These small and con- spicuous folds usually constitute portions of larger folds, which, although they are more important than the small folds in the formation of hills and mountains, are not so easily detected unless a large area is care- fully mapped out and studied. The small folds are, however, of great importance in, determining the course and the width of oil-lines. It is in order, therefore, to speak of the more common types of folds and structural forms which are familiar to all students of geology, and to say a few words about their relation to petroleum mining. 12.4.3. First — The upright fold, as shown in Fig. 15. The strata forming the sides or limbs of this fold slope away at equal angles of inclination from the axis of the fold. Now, provided the structure is not complicated by faults, it is obvious that wells sunk on opposite sides of this fold, and at points equidistant from its axis, would strike the stratum of oil-sand at the same depth. Second — The inclined fold, as shown at C, Fig. 16. In this fold the strata forming one side or limb of the fold slope away from the axis at a greater angle than do the strata forming the other side or limb of the fold. If wells were sunk on opposite sides of this fold at points equi- distant from its axis, such as at points A and B, Figs. 16 and 17, it is evident that a well sunk at point A would strike the oil-sand at a much less depth than would a well sunk at point B. 186 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Third — The overturned fold, as shown at D, Fig. 16. In this case a well sunk at point C would penetrate the oil-sand on both sides of the fold. When erosion has worn away the crown of an overturned fold, as shown at D, Fig. 17, a geological problem presents itself, which in many .Upright Fold. Fig. 15. \ Wells on Inclined Fold. Fig. 17. Wells on Overturned Fold. instances requires the investigation of a wide area in order to obtain a satisfactory solution. 12.4.4. Illustration D, Fig. 17, shows mistakes which are qurte likely to be made by drilling on an overturned fold. If an outcrop of oil-sand had been discovered at point K, the dip at the outcrop would coincide GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE PERTAINING TO PETROLEUM. 187 with OM, the axis of the fold. Unless the structure of the formation were known, it would naturally be supposed that the dip of the oil-sand stratum was fully shown by the exposed rocks at point K. If well G were drilled, the oil-sand would be struck at point I, and the oil-sand stratum would be penetrated lengthwise between I and N. This would lead to the erroneous conclusion that a very thick stratum of oil-sand had been penetrated. If well J were drilled with the intention of strik- ing the oil-sand at 0, it is obvious that the oil-sand would be missed altogether. This illustrates the advisability of exhausting all the evi- dence in sight concerning the structural geology of a locality before wells are located. 12.4.5. It is quite probable that in many instances the dip of strata greatly increases at short distances from anticlinal axes. Moreover, as the axis of a syncline is approached, the strata may be pushed over so that they dip backward toward the axis of the anticline, giving the fold Fan-shaped Fold. Pig. 18. a fan-shaped structure, as shown on the right in Fig. 18. If oil-yielding formations were folded in this manner, it is obvious that, although the oil-sand mighi be struck at a reasonable depth near the axis of the anticline, as in the case of wells A and B, Fig. 18, a very short distance farther down the slope of the fold the oil-sand might plunge to so great a depth that it could not be profitably reached by the drill. 12.4.6. Photos 33, 34, and 35 illustrate the plication met with in the Coast Ranges. Photo 33 looks like an upright fold, especially at the point photographed. Investigation showed that the strata forming the side of the fold on which the derrick is situated dip at a less angle than do the strata on the opposite side of the fold. The fold is, therefore, slightly inclined. Photo 34 is a good representation of an inclined fold. Photo 35 188 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. illustrates the contortions to which rocky strata are subjected, and of which the overturned fold is a type. (See also Photos 1 and 20.) 12.4.7. A question here suggests itself as to the depth at which the rocks cease to be affected by folds. It is evident that where the axes of the folds are close together, strata inclined at a moderate angle could not extend to a great depth; but where the angle of the dip approaches the vertical, the lowest portion of the inclined strata may be deeply buried. A simple calculation shows that in the case of folds, the axes of which are 1200' apart, other things being equal, the greatest depth attained by strata dipping at 50°, 60°, 70°, and 80°, respectively, would be : At 50°, 715'; at 60°, 1039'; at 70°, 1648'; at 80°, 3403'. In any case, there is little doubt but that the smaller folds disappear as great depth is attained, and that strata in the zone underlying them are affected by greater folds, to which the smaller folds are secondary structures. 12.4.8. It is reasonable to suppose that compressed folds do not extend to a great depth in a uniform curve, but that the rock-masses have been readjusted by reciprocal movement. Wherever there has been so much stratigraphical disturbance as is the case in the Coast Ranges, it is evi- dent that structural conditions must be afiected, not only by faults and fractures, but also by the thinning or thickening of the softer strata, on account of the compression to which they have been subjected. 12.4.9. A supposed case will illustrate the relation of anticlinal folds to oil-lines. Thus, let Fig. 19 represent oil-yielding strata as CC and 00 and the inclosing rocks thrown into an anticlinal fold, the axis of which extends between points B and E. HH is the line of outcrop, or the line along which the oil-sand comes to the surface. An examination of this outcrop and a study of the geological structure of the formation would enable operators to determine a suitable point at which to sink their first well. The derricks shown in this illustration indicate that an oil-line has been developed on the east side of the fold. It will be observed that the oil-line runs parallel to, and at no great distance from, the axis of the fold. Distance DA represents the breadth of the oil-line, which is supposed to include only two rows of wells, for east of point A the oil-sand might lie too deep to be profitably reached by the drill. If the^ investigations showed that the geological formation had been thrown into a fold such as that shown in Fig. 19 and an oil-line had been developed on the east side of the fold, it would be reasonable to expect the existence of a similar oil-line on the opposite or west side of the fold, and that, like the oil-line on the east side, it would run parallel to, and at no great distance from, the axis of the fold. (See Fig. 20.) On the west side of the fold the angle of the dip is less than it is on the east side. There- fore, the oil-line is wider on the west than on the east side of the fold, thus permitting more than two rows of wells to be drilled with profit. PHOTO 35. OvEUTt'KNED Fold, San Pedro Peninsula, Los Angeles County. Ideal section of oil field on anticlinal fold; oil-line developed on one limb of the fold. Fig. 19. Ideal .section of oilfield on anticlinal fold; oilline developed on both sides of fold. Ifa Fig. 20. GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE PERTAINING TO PETROLEUM. 189 In order to further prospect the territory, well X might be deepened, and a second stratum of oil-sand discovered. It is obvious that a dis- covery of a second oil- sand would greatly increase the value of the terri- tory, for not only might wells be drilled which would tap both strata of oil-sand, but remunerative wells, such as Y and Z, might be drilled and derive their oil entirely from the second oil-sand. It might be, that while one side of the fold furnished valuable oil-territory, the formations on the other side would be so crushed and broken that remunerative wells could not be obtained; or, as shown in Fig. 21, the oil-line might be cut in two by a fault, or a part of it might have slipped down to too great a depth for the oil-sand to be reached by the drill. As previously mentioned, the dark line HH on the east side of the fold represents the outcrop of the oil-sand with seepages of oil. On the west side of the fold the slope of the hill is supposed to be covered with alluvium. The line of outcrop of any stratum is the line along which it comes to the surface. 12.4.10. In prospecting for petroleum or any other mineral the out- crop is a most important guide. Thus, supposing the black line HH to be the oil-sand, an examination of the outcropping stratum would show the direction in which the oil-sand extends, and the angle at which it dips or is inclined. Consequently, the depth at which the oil-sand could be struck by drilling at any distance from the outcrop might be calculated. When, however, the exposed rocks are situated near the axis of a fold, or the fold of which they form a part is overturned, they are by no means an infallible guide as to the prevailing angle of the dip. In locating an oil-well, the character of the fold affecting the rocks about to be prospected should be taken into account, as demon- strated by the type-folds described in this paper. In most instances, however, only glimpses of the outcrop can be obtained. As in the case of stratum 00 (Fig. 19), the oil-sand may be covered by a great thickness of overlying rock, and the existence of oil- yielding formations may be indicated only by an oil-spring, or they may have been accidentally discovered by drilling. When such buried oil-yielding formations have been discovered on any particular fold, and the position of the oil-sand with regard to the inclosing rocks has been determined, the probable course of the oil-lines may be ascertained by tracing the course of the fold. It is quite important to ascertain Avhether or not the oil- sand lies conformably beneath the rocks which cover it; or, in other words, whether or not the oil-sand is folded in the same way as the rocks which are exposed at the surface. In hills and mountains, however, it is more than likely that the prospector will be assisted by glimpses of the oil-sand in ravines and canons, where the overlying rocks have been cut through by erosion. 12.4.11. There are structural conditions of the rocky strata besides 190 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. that of folding which may determine the existence and the course of oil-lines. The most important of these are faults. As there are many who may not have studied structural geology, it might not be out of place to say a few words on that subject. Faults are breaks or displacements in the rocky strata, whereby blocks of the earth's crust have been elevated, depressed, or pushed over one another. Where only depression or elevation has taken place, they are called normal or gravity faults; where pushing over has occurred, they are called reversed or thrust faults. The fractures are occasioned by the stretching or compression of the rocky strata. In the case of thrust faults, the controlling power is the thrust or stress occa- sioned by the compression; and, in the case of gravity faults, it is the force of gravity. In areas of great compression, like that of the Coast Ranges, it might be supposed that all the faults would be thrust faults, but in many instances the fracture which occasioned the fault is nearly vertical to the plane of the horizon, in which case the force of gravity may control the thrust. The faults most likely to result in the formation of oil-lines are those which have been caused by fractures extending in the direction of the strike of the formation, and which have allowed blocks of the earth's crust to slip past one another, so that they are arranged in the form of steps. 12.4.12. Let Fig. 22 represent a series of rocky strata inclosing a stratum of oil-sand, the dip being at an angle of about 30°. If well Z is 2000' deep, the oil-sand west of this well would be too far below the surface to be profitably reached by the drill. Let us suppose that, owing to fractures at points B and D, a fault was formed by block BD slipping down, as shown in Fig. 23. When erosion has worn away the surface (see Fig. 23) two oil-lines might be formed, and the oil might be reached by wells of moderate depth between points E and B, as well as between B and D. In Fig. 23 a gravity fault is used for purposes of illustration, and it will be observed that the fracture slopes toward the block which has slipped down. Thrust faults, when the fissures which formed them are nearly vertical, might produce similar results, so far as the multiplica- tion of the oil-line is concerned; but in the case of thrust faults the fractures would slope toward the block which has been elevated. When faults are close together the rocks are likely to be so crushed that the oil-line has been destroyed. 12.4.13. Lines of geological disturbance may show faults at one point and a well-marked fold at another. Other things being equal, the ques- tion of faulting or folding is determined by the character of the rocks, the thickness of the strata, and the conditions to which they are sub- GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE PERTAINING TO PETROLEUM. 191 Ideal section of oil-field on anticlinal fold: one limb of the fold broken by faults. Fig. 21. Section showing strata inclosing oil-iand stratum. Fig. 22. Oil-lines formed by faulting. Fig. 23. 192 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. jected. In the movement which occasioned the faulting or folding, deeply buried strata are more likely to be folded than to be fractured or faulted ; while with less deeply buried strata the reverse is the case. In most instances beds of soft material are likely to be more crumpled and folded at acute angles than are harder rocks, but where the hard rocks are thin-bedded they are often as severely crumpled as the softer rocks. 12.4.14. In many localities the rocks are found to be affected by more than one order of folds. In most instances we find dominant folds which have controlled the prevailing strike and dip of the formation, and cross-folds which have a different strike to that of the dominant folds. At points where the cross-folds strike the axes of the dominant folds, the tendency is to form dome-like elevations, or to occasion a great complexity of structure by plication and fracture. 12.4.15. The foregoing remarks on structural geology are sufficient to indicate the structure which, in most instances, controls the course of oil-lines in a country where the formations have been much disturbed. So far as observed, the oil-lines in the Coast Ranges are governed by structural conditions, such as are described in this paper. A continued study of the development of our oil-fields will still further show how nearly the facts disclosed by the drill conform to the recognized types of geological structure ; and a record of such observations cannot fail to be beneficial to the development of the petroleum industry. Where the rocks are closely folded, as they are in most of the oil- districts of the Coast Ranges, drillers are likely to meet with anomalous experiences, owing to faulting and shifting incidental to the rearrange- ment of rock-masses, and this necessitates extended observation and great care in making deductions. 12.4.16. The folds and geological structures to be seen in the hills and mountains where the rocks are exposed, do not necessarily termi- nate in the uplands; they also extend beneath the alluvium of the valleys. Oil-lines that have been discovered in the hills and mountains may be followed into the valleys where the rocks are covered with alluvium. ' It would be expected that in districts where there has been much geological disturbance oil-lines would be broken and of irregular extent; this is found to be the case in California. In the Coast Ranges the longest unbroken oil-line yet developed is that of the Central oil-field at Los Angeles and its western extension, which constitute an oil-line more than 2 miles in length. 12.4.17. The financial risks of prospecting for oil vary greatly. Oil- prospecting propositions may be divided into two orders: First — The " orthodox " proposition. In this case the prospectors have in view a definite oil-yielding stratum, which has proved remunera- tive in adjacent territory, and from which stratum they expect to obtain GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE PERTAINING TO PETROLEUM. 193 their oil. Moreover, they have satisfactory geological evidence in sight that the oil-stratum they have in view forms an oil-line through the territory they are about to prospect. Second — The " wild-cat " proposition. In this instance the prospect- ors have no definite oil-stratum in view which has proved remunerative in adjacent territory, or they have not satisfactory geological evidence in sight that an oil-yielding stratum, which is known to be productive in adjacent territory, forms an oil-line through the land they are about to prospect. In prospect wells of the first order the least risk is taken where the outcrop of an oil-sand, which has proved remunerative in a certain oil- field, can be actually traced through the territory to be prospected, and the geological structure of the locality is known. More risk, however, is undertaken where there is no outcrop of the oil- sand, although the strike and dip of a remunerative body of oil-sand in an adjacent oil-field are known, and the rocks overlying the oil-sand can be traced to the territory about to be prospected. When an oil-line has been developed on one side of a fold, under certain conditions shown in Fig. 19, and an outcrop of oil-sand has been discovered on the other side of the fold, propositions to prospect this side must be classed among the more risky "orthodox" propositions. Most oil-mining enterprises which have for their object the develop- ment of new territory, especially when operations are conducted at a distance from any known oil-field, are "wild-cat" propositions. Some idea of the conditions regulating the amount of risk involved in such enterprises may be gathered from the following statements : The least risky " wild-cat" proposition is the case in which the strike and dip of a remunerative stratum of oil-sand in adjacent territory have been ascertained, and, although there is no conclusive geological evidence in sight, it is found after carefully platting a map of the territory that, if the stratum of oil-sand were extended in the direction of its strike, without any material alteration of the angle of the dip, it would form an oil-line across the territory to be prospected. It is a more risky "wild-cat" proposition to prospect the side of a fold opposite to that on which an oil-line has been developed (as shown in Figs. 19, 20, 21, and 23) in cases where surface indications warrant the assumption that the same sequence of formation exists on both sides of the fold, and yet no outcrop of oil-sand has been discovered on the side about to be pros- pected. It is a still more risky "wild-cat" proposition when a stratum of oil- sand has been discovered, concerning which nothing is known except that the sand gives evidence of containing oil, and a well is sunk for the first time to determine whether or not the oil-sand contains oil in remunerative quantities. 13— Bl9 194 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. It is a much more risky "wild-cat" proposition where no outcrop of oil-sand has been discovered, but where a well has been sunk in a certain formation because it shows some irregular seepages of petroleum, or because the formation appears to be similar to that containing a remuner- ative body of oil-sand in other places. 12.4.18. It is well for oil-prospectors to study the risk they are about to take before expending money, and care should be taken to control sufficient territory that they may have sufficient room to develop their oil-field, in case their venture proves successful. No one should under- take the more risky forms of prospecting unless he can well afford to lose the money to be put into the enterprise. 12.4.19. In California petroleum is found in shales, limestones, sand- stones, and conglomerates, and in a few instances crystalline rocks are found impregnated with it; but in nearly all of the productive wells the oil is found saturating sandy strata. In this State the folding of the rocks has brought these oil-soaked strata near the surface, and the oil-lines, or lines along which remunerative wells can be obtained, are parallel to the axes of folds, or to the lines of faulting. The oil- lines extend in breadth only a certain distance down the limbs of the folds or down the block of tilted strata, which has been isolated by fault- ing. The lateral extent of the oil-line is limited at its upper margin by the outcrop of the oil-sand, or by a line of geological disturbance such as a fault, or by the oil-sand being brought too close to the surface at the axis of the fold on which the oil-line is situated. On its lower margin it is limited by the dip of the formation, which carries the oil- yielding stratum to too great a depth for it to be profitably reached by the drill; or, where the oil-sand is struck below a certain depth, it may be found that water has displaced the oil. 12.4.20. As geologists and oil-men know, the dip and the strike of the oil-sand are of the greatest importance in locating the site of an oil- well, and in the case of prospect wells the dip and the strike have to be ascertained from the exposed rocks. Many people are not familiar with geological terms, therefore it is in order to describe what is meant by the dip and the strike of a stratum of rock, and to give simple methods for determining the conditions represented by these terms. The dip of a stratum of rock is the angle which its surface, when inclined, makes with the horizon. The strike is the horizontal direction in which a stratum of rocks extends, and is always at right angles to the dip. Therefore, if the direction of the dip is known, the strike can be readily determined. The direction of the dip of an inclined stratum corresponds to a line drawn along the inclined surface in the direction of its greatest inclina- tion, and is always at right angles to the strike. (See article by the writer in the " Mining and Scientific Press," Feb. 4, 1899.) GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE PERTAINING TO PETROLEUM. 195 12.4.21. The following is a simple method for determining the dip of exposed strata with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes: In Fig. 24 let P Q D C represent the surface of an inclined stratum. It is required to determine the direction in which it dips, and the angle at which it is inclined. If a plumb-bob be suspended from a partly open rule, as shown in Fig. 24, and the open ends of the rule be turned in the direction of the dip until the plumb-line forms one side of a triangle with the two limbs of the rule, then the lower limb G H will lie in the direction of the dip; for the plumb-line will only complete the triangle with the limbs of the rule when its lower limb is placed on I K, the line of greatest inclina- tion of stratum P Q D C. -kiio^ This can be seen by turn- \ ing the rule so that limb ^ G H falls on line L M or S^^ N 0, neither of which is V, the line of greatest incli- nation of the stratum. It will then be seen that, while the limb GH is in either of these positions, or any other position except the one which coincides with the line I K, the plumb-line and the limbs of the rule will not form a triangle. If E F, the upper limb of the rule, be placed in a horizontal position and the lower limb G H on I K, the line of greatest inclination, the side of the triangle formed by the plumb-line will be opposite the angle of the dip. The value of this angle may be found from the two sides of the triangle formed by a portion of the upper limb of the rule and the plumb-line. The angle of the dip may also be ascertained with approximate accur- acy by carefully laying the rule, opened as explained in the preceding paragraph, on a piece of paper, drawing the angle and measuring it with a protractor. Some rules are furnished with a clinometer scale, by which the angle formed by the open limbs of the rule is indicated. It will be apparent to mathematicians that, if the upper side of the triangle be considered as radius, the plumb-line will represent the tangent of the angle of the dip; and if the hypothenuse, i. e., the lower Fig. 24. Diagram illustrating method of determining dip of exposed strata. 196 CALIFOKNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. side of the triangle, be considered as radius, the plumb-line will represent the sine of the angle of the dip. As previously mentioned, the strike is always at right angles to the dip. Thus, in the case of stratum P Q D C, if the direction of the dip, as shown by line I K, is found to be S. 20° E., the strike will be repre- sented by line P Q, at right angles to line I K, and the stratum will extend in a horizontal direction with a strike of S. 70° W., or N. 70° E. Care should be taken that the surface of the stratum, the dip of which is to be ascertained, really is a bedding plane. It must be borne in mind that the bedding planes are seldom true planes, as they are sub- ject to many inequalities. Therefore, if possible, the dip should be estimated at several places on the same stratum, and the average of the results taken as the dip. In estimating the dip of a stratum of rock by this method, it is well to Depth 100 clear off a space on the surface of the stratum, and to lay thereon a board, thus getting a better surface on which to work. 12.4.22. When a re- munerative oil-yielding stratum has been discov- ered, its strike and dip should be determined by ■p drilling three wells ac- Depth boo' cording to the following method : In Fig. 25 let A, B, and C be three wells in which the oil-sand has been struck at 100', 500', and 250', respectively, below any datum-plane, such as a horizontal plane touching the top of well' A. Draw A B, and let it represent a horizontal distance of 600'. If a point be found between wells A and B, at which the oil-sand can be struck at a depth of 250' below the datum-plane, a line drawn from well C to that point must necessarily be drawn along the strike of the formation; and if a line be drawn at right angles to the strike of the formation and toward the deepest well, that line will necessarily be drawn in the direction of the dip of the formation. More- over, the figure contains the elements from which the angle of the dip may be calculated. The question is, at what point along the line A B will a well strike the oil-sand at 250' below the datum-plane. The distance A B is 600'; Fig. 25. Diagram illustrating method of determining strike of oil-sand stratum. GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE PERTAINING TO PETROLEUM. 197 the difference in the depth of wells A and B is 400'; therefore, the grade of the surface of the oil-sand A and B is 400' in 600', or 2' in 3'. Hence, wells situated along line A B and sunk to strike the stratum of oil-sand, would, if measured from the datum-plane, increase in depth as well B was approached, and the depths would be in proportion to the distance from A measured along A B. It is required to find a point along the line A B at which the oil-sand may be struck 250' below this line, or 150' deeper than at A. Since the increase in depth of wells which may be sunk from the datum-plane to the oil-sand along the line A B is at the rate of 2' in depth to every 3' of horizontal advance toward B, the distance from well A to the required point will be to the increase of depth of well at the required point as 3 to 2, or one and one half times 150', which is 225'. Lay off A D = 225'- As point D is 225' distant from well A, along line A B, a well sunk at point D will strike the oil-sand at a depth of 250' below the datum- plane. Hence, a line drawn from C to D will give the direction of the strike of the oil-sand stratum. Or the proposition may be stated thus: The grade of the stratum of oil-sand between wells A and B is 400' (the difference between the depth of the wells at A and B) divided by 600' (the horizontal distance between the two wells), which gives two thirds of a foot in depth to one foot along A B. Dividing 150' (the diflterence of depth of wells A and C) by two thirds of a foot, we obtain the distance 225', which is the dis- tance A D. Therefore, if a well were sunk at D, the oil-sand would be struck at a depth of 250'. Draw the line C D. Now, it is evident that a well sunk at any point along C D would strike the oil-sand at a depth of 250'. Hence, as before stated, the line C D is the direction of the strike of the oil-sand stratum. Moreover, any line drawn at right angles to line C D, and in the direction of the deepest well, will be drawn in the direction of the dip of the formation. It is now required to find the angle at which the oil-sand dips, and this can be found as follows : From B draw B E at right angles to C D (the line of strike). This line E B is the direction of the dip of the formation. By measurement, we find that line E B is 330'. If a well were sunk at point E, it would strike the oil-sand at a depth of 250' below the datum-plane. Therefore, the grade along the surface of the oil-sand in the direction of E B is 250' in 330'; and this grade represents an angle of about 37°. If the meridian be represented by the arrow in Fig. 25, then the oil-sand penetrated by the wells A, B, and C dips S. 80° E., at an angle of about 37°, and, consequently, the strike is N. 10° E. 12.4.23. When a remunerative stratum of oil-sand has been struck and the angle at which it dips has been ascertained, as shown in the foregoing paragraphs, the distance from any of the wells, as B, to the 198 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. point at which the oil-sand ought to crop out at the surface of the ground, if it were on a level with the datum-line, can be determined. This is done by the following method : Let Fig. 26 represent a vertical cross-section drawn through the ground-plan of Fig. 25, along line B E, and extended along the line of dip toward the outcrop. Let B 6 represent 500', the depth of well B, and let E e represent the depth of a well which, if sunk at E, would strike the oil-sand at a depth of 250', as explained in a preceding para- graph. It is required to find the point at which the stratum of oil-sand, struck in well B, ought to crop out at the surface of the ground, pro- vided the surface were on a level with the datum-line and not covered with alluvium. Through points 6 and e, or the top of the oil-sand stratum, draw 6 e, and extend it until it cuts the datum-line ; the point where it cuts this line is at L. If the distance between B and L be measured, it will be found to be about 660', which is the distance between well B and the outcrop. ^ If the surface of the ground sloped upward from the datum-line, as indicated by the outline H Y, it is evident that the oil-sand would crop out at a point above the datum-line. This point can be found by extend- ing line h L till it strikes the surface. It is obvi- ous that if the surface of the ground sloped down- ward from any point, such as H on the datum-line, the outcrop would be below the datum-line. The angle at which the oil-sand dips, and the distance from well B to the outcrop, may be found by measurement and the simple methods already given, with sufiicient accuracy for practical purposes. But, if a closer estimate is desired, it can be obtained by the following trigono- metrical formulas : From the right-angled triangle a eh (see Fig. 26), of which a e = 330' and a 6 = 250', we have : Cot. of angle of dip (a e &) = 330'-t-250'=37° 8' 48". From the right-angled triangle B L 6, of which B 6^500', and angle a e 6 = angle B L & = 37° 8' 48", we have : B L = 500' X cot. 37° 8' 48"= 660'. That is to say, the distance from well B to the outcrop at L, meas- FlG. 26. Diagram illustrating method of determining dip of oil-sand stratum. GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE PERTAINING TO PETROLEUM. 199 ured on the datum-plane, equals the depth of the well multiplied by the cotangent of the angle of the dip. 12.4.24. If in the first instance an outcrop of oil-sand had been dis- covered at point F, and well B had been sunk to strike it, then it becomes important to determine whether or not the previously discovered outcrop of the oil-sand is identical with the outcrop of the oil-sand as determined by calculation. It has been found that the angle of the dip would cause the oil-sand struck in well B to come to the surface at point L or Y. Therefore, it is reasonable to suppose that the discovered outcrop which comes to the surface at F represents a stratum of oil-sand underlying that penetrated by wells A, B, and C. (See Fig. 25.) If an outcrop of oil-sand had been discovered at F and well B sunk and oil-sand had been struck at 500', it would naturally be supposed that the oil-sand stratum discovered at point F had been reached. If struck a little sooner than expected, it might be accounted for on the supposition that there is some irregularity in the dip; but when three wells are sunk and the dip, calculated by the method of triangulation already explained, shows that the stratum of oil-sand struck in wells A, B, and C ought to appear at L or Y, it is presumptive evidence that the outcrop of oil-sand discovered at F is a stratum underlying that penetrated by the wells. When no outcrop of oil-sand has been dis- covered, it is important to find out where the outcrop ought to be in order that some idea may be had on the ground as to the width of that por- tion of the oil-line which lies between the well and the outcrop. In all these calculations everything must be reckoned with reference to a common datum, which is preferably the horizontal plane passing through the highest or lowest part of the oil-field in which the calcula- tions are made. Oil-fields should be developed by this method of triangulation, or some modification of it. In the development of an oil- field in California it is expected that many cases will occur where the calculations will not tally with the results, for the reason that there are irregularities in the formation; but taken as a whole, progress by trian- gulation is the only safe method of procedure. It will be evident to mathematicians that the calculations herein set forth may be made by various formulas. 12.4.25. From the foregoing paper it will appear that, although the element of risk is inseparable from petroleum mining, it is greatly diminished by competent and careful preliminary work, consisting of: First — A study of the structural features of the locality wherein operations are to be conducted. Second — By following a systematic method of triangulation for deter- mining the strike and dip of the oil-sand, and the site of new oil-wells. When a remunerative oil-line has been discovered it should be devel- oped gradually; and in districts where there has been much geological disturbance, it is better to limit the distance between wells to about 300'. 200 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. If oil-lines are discovered on both sides of an anticlinal fold, it is well to develop them simultaneously, by which means a correct idea as to the structure of the fold may be obtained. By prospecting and developing territory on the lines mentioned in this paper, a few wells may be so located as to demonstrate in most instances the value of the territory; whereas wells drilled without due regard to the geological conditions of the locality demonstrate nothing more than the value of the rocks they actually penetrate, and several wells may be drilled which prove only the same fact instead of the group of facts on which the value of an oil-field depends. 12.4.26. From the foregoing discussion it is apparent that the depth of oil-wells depends on the angle at which the oil-sand dips, and the distance the wells are from the outcrop of the oil-sand, or from the axis of the fold or the fault-line on which the wells are situated. As a gen- eral statement it may be said that the most productive wells are about 1000' in depth, some being much deeper. 12.4.27. The "life" and yield of such wells are naturally varied. Some wells are "spouters" and "start off" by flowing several hundred barrels of oil a day, but in most instances the flow subsides and the well becomes an ordinary "pumping-well." In some instances wells have "started off" with a yield of 100 bbls. or more a day by pumping, but, in the course of from two to six years, the yield has diminished to 10 bbls. or less a day. In other instances the first yield was less than 100 bbls. a day, but the rate of production was better sustained during the "life" of the well. In some oil-fields, the wells are considerably less than 1000' in depth, but, as a rule, their yield is not so great as that of the deeper wells. 12.4.28. The cost of drilling wells varies according to the accessibility of the locality where the well is situated, and the character of the for- mation penetrated. The following statement as to the cost of drilling 1000', exclusive of the cost of casing, is a consensus of opinion obtained by correspondence with several well-known oil-producers: Locality. Los Angeles and the Kern River district ThePuente Hills --. Newhall and Territory on the north side of the valley of the Santa Clara River The foothills of the Coast Ranges on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley Cost of Drilling 1000'. $1,000 00 to $3,500 00 3,500 00 to 7,000 00 5,000 00 to 7,500 00 2,000 00 to 7,000 00 12.4.29. A review of the oil-fields in the Coast Ranges leads to the conclusion that the most favorable locality in which to drill "prospect ^ wells" is one wherein a definite stratum of oil-sand has been discovered CHARACTER OF CALIFORNIA PETROLEUM, FUEL VALUE, ETC. 201 in a formation belonging to a geological horizon known to include pro- ductive oil-measures in other places; preferably there should be seepages of liquid petroleum at or near the locality in which prospect wells are to be drilled, and the angle at which the oil-sand dips should not be more than 50° nor less than 10°. As stated in a previous chapter, it may be said that, in a general way, the oil-lines, or lines along which remunerative wells may be found, follow the strike of the axes of folds in the rocks, or the course of faults which have isolated blocks of strata inclosing the oil-yielding rocks. It is evident that the oil-yielding formations, in common with the other rocks of the Coast Ranges, show great geological disturbance, and the complex structure resulting there- from gives rise to somewhat difficult geological problems. It follows that the tracing of oil-lines in this State, and the development of oil- fields, necessitate a competent knowledge of structural geology, without which the risks of oil-mining are greatly increased. CHAPTER 5. THE CHARACTER OF CALIFORNIA PETROLEUM, FUEL VALUE, ETC. 12.5.1. The character and fuel value of California petroleum were treated at some length in Bulletins Nos. 3 and 11, published by the State Mining Bureau. Since these bulletins are out of print, the leading facts concerning the character and fuel values of California petroleum are recapitulated in this chapter, and other data available at this writing are added hereto. It is not within the scope of this paper to enter into a lengthy discussion concerning the vexed question as to the origin of petroleum; still it is in order to give a short summary of the principal hypotheses by which the formation of petroleum has been explained. As is well known, the origin of petroleum has been accounted for in three ways: First — By the chemical combination of inorganic matter. Second — By chemical change, with or without natural distillation, of animal matter. Third — By chemical change, with or without natural distillation, of vegetable matter. The first of these hypotheses requires either that petroleum must have been originally produced by the actual combination of carbon and hydrogen then existing in the cosmical matter of which the earth is made, or that it results from chemical reactions between the substances formed from the primitive elements, such as the action of water on metallic carbides. The advocates of the first theorv refer to the fact 202 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. that hydrocarbons similar to those forming petroleum have been formed in the laboratory by the action of water on metallic carbides, notably that of steam on iron carbide; also by the action of water on calcium carbide. The latter process is now one of common use in the produc- tion of acetylene gas for domestic purposes. The occurrence of bitu- minous matter and the occlusion of hydrocarbon gases in meteorites have also been referred to by the advocates of the first theory. They mention the fact that bitumen has been found in trappean rocks and in quicksilver deposits, and refer to the discovery of boracic acid in water accompanying springs of petroleum at the Island of Trinidad. According to the second hypothesis, petroleum is derived from animal organisms. Supporters of this theory point out that petroleum has been manufactured in the laboratory from fish-oil soap and from fish- oils; also, that petroleum is found in limiestones rich in animal remains, and that nitrogen is a constituent of many petroleums, in some forming as much as 1% of the mass. According to the third hypothesis petroleum is derived from vegetable matter. The supporters of this theory rely on the facts that petroleum has been manufactured in the laboratory from vegetable oils ; from vapors arising from boiling varnish, and by the distillation of wood, and from decaying seaweed from which air has been excluded. Some of them point out that putrefaction and decay would destroy the animal matter before it could be converted into petroleum. At first sight the objection to the animal-matter theory on the ground of rapid putrefac- tion seems a very serious objection, but inquiry shows that when fish are cast upon a sandy shore they are frequently buried in the sand before many tides have rolled over them. It is not the larger animals only which are to be regarded as a probable source of petroleum. The corals and the microscopic foraminifera and diatoms, the skeletons of which in some places are the principal constituents of strata hundreds of feet in thickness, must be regarded as contributing no inconsiderable quota of hydrocarbon material from which petroleum might be formed. Bearing in mind the immense amount of seaweed which in all ages has flourished in the ocean, it is impossible not to recognize this material as a probable source from which petroleum may have been formed. This view is strengthened by the fact that water accompanying petroleum in the Central Valley of California is rich in iodine. (See Bulletin No. 3.) Since it is evident that hydrocarbons similar to those found in petro- leum can be manufactured in the experimental laboratory by any one of the processes named, there does not appear to be any reason why petroleum should not be formed by any or all of such processes in the greater laboratory of nature ; nor is it possible for us to figure out what reactions may take place between the hydrocai-bons themselves in deeply buried strata when they are subjected to temperatures and pressures of unknown quantities. CHARACTER OF CALIFORNIA PETROLEUM, FUEL VALUE, ETC. 203 o iz; M m pq pq o o o o o 05 • O rH in CO CO (N ^? s-s 5-9 cS 03 (N (N o t< u ci 1-5 t> H H 1-H m pq o o CO (N »-( CO ^ K CO a) 03 a) o 5-S 5-S S-? CO ■* tH %^ t-< iH rH CO CO H Eh »— 1 , . 0) w m M so o O O a 1—1 > > •* OO ■^ P>^ m CO CO aj 05 5^ ^ S^ O 03 c3 © o o )-^ Sh (H 00 oi ■^ .. H H .-1 2 "S s cq M pq pq o o o o • p4 t^ O CD l^ o « rH o3 A ^ CO IM "3 5-S 5-S 5^ ?3 03 CD CO q Sh t-( OJ t^ IC ii H H i-H Q a m m pq pq s o o O o U-l t^ 05 ^ t^ a3 I-l • CO CO lO I> H H 1—1 m p: pq o o o t^ oc (M 1-1 CC CO ■4 CO CQ a? 5^ ^S 5^ 03 03 c CD q ^ iH az CO CO H H iH ■ 1 1 1 1 1 O 1 (U ,— 1 •^ 'o ."rf u bl D 1 'o o P •00 C4H -^ a O 03 03 C5 '-tj >. A A r- cj -4J +3 4J CJ >. ^ ,11 a 'C 03 a A !3 ,£5 (^ 03 03 •— 1 [3 O ^ !2; 1— ( 1— 1 J ^ 01 03 ■" aj^Sd 5i2 d d d d d 03-'-' 3 S«5 o o o o o o O o o >o o vC o >o c O oS tH (M C^ CO CO s-^ t* a>4: - ^^ 1 o o o M n H a D o o o3 03 pa ■d a a 03 o fq a s . 2a« -■3h OS " 2 »; o o S u a* O pq o pq pq pq pq o CO o cc CO o o CO ^5 CD o 5-5 CO 5-5 O i« 00 lO pq o m o 03 o 03 03 H H H o co' pq o in o 03 u H a> o o3 a) o 03 H pq o o 03 u H Ol o 03 u a> o 03 H o CO 05 pq o aj u 03 03 u o CD CO o pq o Ol o 03 a> o 03 5-9 o H H P5 q 00 03 a) ta" 13 +J o ■i-t Q pi o a t) (S t" a> ,« H &: pq o CO o 03 ;-< H Ol o c3 £> O o3 u H 5-9 CO aj 73 03 U o3 03 O 03 03 03 5-5 o pq pq o o CO r~ CO (M 5^ 5^ CO 00 1-H CO pq pq CO CM 5^ q pq pq o CO q 5-9 CD 05 5-5 CJD 03 i-q d d d d d o iH O 1 1 o o 204 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. 12.5.2, A general idea of the character of the petroleum obtained in the Tertiary rocks of California may be formed by inspecting the fol- lowing tables. The samples of petroleum included in Table No. 1 (page 203) are from oil-measures which, as before described, are referred to the lower portion of the Middle Neocene formations. These oils are essentially fuel oils, as is shown by their fractional constituents. The percentages given are volumetric and the temperatures are those in the head of the retort. The samples included in Table No. 2 are from oil-measures which, as before described, are referred to the Eocene formations. These oils are of a much lighter specific gravity and contain more volatile constitu- ents than are found in the oils included in Table No. 1. TABLE No. 2. Temperature at which Distillate was Cut Off. Tar Creek. B 100° c. 150° C. 200° C. 250° C. 300° C. 350° C. Gravity of crude oil. Naphtha Naphtha Illuminating oil Illuminating oil Lubricating oil Lubricating oil 23° B. 23° B. 7.6% 60° B. 11.0% 55° B. 10.4% 41° B. 12.4% 34° B. 6.0% 29° B. 8.4% 63° B. 8.0% 58° B. 10.4% 45° B. 14.2% 33° B. 4.0% TABLE No. 2— Continued. Temperature at which Distillate was Cut Oflf. Four Forks. Kentuck. Coalinga (Oil City). 100° C. 150° C. 200° C. 250° C. 300° C. 350° C. Gravity of crude oil. Naphtha.. Naphtha Illuminating oil Illuminating oil Lubricating oil Lubricating oil 22° B. Traces. 6.9% 52° B. 16.8% 45° B. 9.7% 38° B. 6.6% 33° B. 25° B. 6.0% 64° B. 8.6% 54° B. 10.0% 44° B. 12.2% 36° B. . 2.5% 32° B. 34° B. 0.6% 32.0% 45° B. 27.0% 38° B. 16.6% 30° B. 12.0% 24° B. The samples included in Table No. 3 are for the most part of a lighter gravity than the samples included in Tables Nos. 1 and 2. Samples marked A, B, and C were distilled by the late W. D. Johnston, chemist to the California State Mining Bureau. The sample from the Puente wells is from formations which, as previously described, are referred to the lower portion of the Middle Neocene series, although the CHARACTER OF CALIFORNIA PETROLEUM, FUEL VALUE, ETC. 205 gravity of the oil suggests a source of greater age. The same remarks apply to the sample from the Pacific Coast Oil Company's wells, and also to the oils obtained at the Torrey Caiion and from the Bardsdale wells in Ventura County. The sample from Tunitas Creek is from rocks of Eocene age, and it is probable that the sample from Moody Gulch was obtained in formations belonging to a similar geological horizon. TABLE No. 3. Puente Oil- Wells. Pacific Coast Oil Company, Pico Caiion Well No. 4. Tunitas Creek, San Mateo County. Moody Gulch, Santa Clara County. Sample No. 1. Sample No. 2. A B C Gravity of crude oil .: Temperature at which distillate was cut off : 100° C 23° B. 28° B. 40° B. 9.1% 69° B. 10.4% 59° B. 9.3% 54° B. 13.4% 48° B. 13.9% 41° B. 8.3% 35° B. 45° B. 9.9% 68° B. 17.3% 59° B. 19.5% 54° B. 17.2% 46° B. 11.8% 37° B. 6.0% 33° B. 44° B. 9.4% 65° B. 125° C 150° C 200° C 250° C. -- 300° C. .- 350° C Traces. 15.9% 52° B. 10.8% 45° B. 9.3% 35° B. 2.9% 33° B. 10.2% 61° B. 13.5% 55° B. 12.2% 43° B. 10.2% 36° B. 8.3% 34° B. 24.4% 57° B. 17.1% 47° B. 14.8% 39° B. 3.6% 34° B. A scrutiny of these tables indicates that on the ground of physical composition alone there is a wide range in the products that can be manufactured from California petroleum. With the exception of a sample of oil from the Cretaceous formations of Colusa County, all the samples of oil which have been examined by tl)e writer showed an asphaltic base; i. e., the residuum, after the distil- lation of the lighter hydrocarbons, was an asphalt, or a heavy tar of asphaltic character. These asphaltic oils form asphaltum on exposure to the atmosphere. 12.5.3. The residuum from the Colusa County oil is not an asphalt; 1 physically, it resembles the residuum from Eastern asphaltum. The : Colusa County oil does not form asphaltum on exposure to the air. Two samples of the Colusa County petroleum were distilled by the i writer, and their distillates compare with distillates from a sample of asphaltic oil, as follows: Sample A, from Colusa County. By Volume. Specific Gravity. Crude oil 0.982, about 12° B. Distillate below 250° C 1% Distillate between 250° C. and 325° C 60% 0.950, about 17° B. Nearly all the distillates came over 300° C. 206 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Sample B, from Colusa County. This sample contained b. s. (sludge). By Volume. Crude oil - -•- - Distillate below 280° C -. Traces Distillate below 300° C ..- --- 16.250% Distillate below 350° C - 3.122% At a somewhat higher temperature - 43.750% Sample of Oil from Los Angeles. By Volume. Crude oil - - -- --- Distillate below 150° C Traces Distillate below 200° C Traces Distillate below 250° C -- 8% Distillate below 300° C 13.6% Distillate below 350° C - - -- 3% Sample of Oil from Kern River Oil-Field. (Analysis byThos. Price & Son, of San Francisco.) Specific gravity of crude oil, 0.962 (15° B.). One bbl. of 44 gals, will weigh 352.72 lbs. Sample was free from water, clay, and sand. 1,000 volumes of the oil, on fractional distillation, yielded as follows: Specific Gravity. 0.9835, about 11° B. 0.9111, about 24° B. 0.9600, about 16° B. 0.9788, about 13° B. Specific Gravity. 0.9534, about 17° B. 0.8330, about 38° B. 0.8653, about 32° B. Degrees. Volume. Specific Gravity. Degrees B. Weight. 240° to 300° 109 100 134 .874 .896 .915 30 26 23 95.26 300° to 350° 89.60 122.61 140 .925 21 129.50 From 360° gradually up to a dull red 143 .928 20% 132.70 heat ■ 143 .930 20K 133.00 183 .939 19 171.83 21 .958 16 171.83 *- 27 .958 16 20.01 77.49 1.000 960.00 Flashing point of crude oil, 400° F. " The uniformity of the various products for a range of temperature from 360° F. to a dull red heat is a good characteristic in a fuel oil, as such oils will exhibit great regularity in burning. At a temperature of 140° C, this oil is very fluid. The calorific value of the oil is 22.985 British thermal units. The theoretical evaporation per pound of oil, at a pressure of 8 atmospheres, is 17iV lbs. Under similar conditions, the best coals coming to this market (San Francisco) show an evaporation of from 12 to 13 lbs." CHARACTER OF CALIFORNIA PETROLEUM, FUEL VALUE, ETC. 20i I 12.5.4. The ultimate analyses of samples of oil from California and the Eastern States compare as follows: Locality where Oil was Obtained. Specific Gravity. Nearest Degree. C. H. 0. N. s. By Whom Analyzed. Oil Creek, Pa 0.730 0.840 62° B. 30° B. 82.0 84.3 86.934 84.0 14.8 14.1 11.817 12.7 3.2 1.6 1.2 Deville West Virginia Deville California 1.1095 1.7 0.4 Pprkhnm California 0.920 22° B. Salathe An examination of the foregoing table shows that in the California oils the content of carbon as compared to that of hydrogen is greater than it is in oils from Eastern States. Concerning crude oils from Los Angeles and Ventura counties, Dr. Salathe says: 12.5.5. "These crude oils, all of which carry asphalt, are held in combination with the high boiling members of the hydrocarbon series and are of a very complex constitution, which conditions render their refining exceedingly difficult. By a series of chemical reactions and fractional distillations, I have succeeded in isolating various hydro- carbons which define clearly the presence of the following hydrocarbon series: "(a) Hydrocarbons of the paraffin, or fatty, series. "(6) Hydrides, or hydron, additional products of the benzole series, and homologous hydrocarbons. "(c) Pyridin and chinolin series. "(d) Isomeres of the terpene series. "(e) Sulphureted hydrocarbons. "The refining of the crude California oils is not an easy task, and they require refining methods different from those practiced with Eastern or Russian oils. The complicated nature of this class of asphaltic crude oils necessitates complete elimination of all unstable hydrocarbons by inexpensive practical processes. Another great difference exists between the specific gravities of Eastern oil distillates and those of California oils. Viscosity of distillate or reduced stock being equal, the gravities are from 5° to 6° B. lower in California oil fractions than in those of Eastern oils. Flash and fire tests are from 10° to 30° F. lower in Cali- fornia oil distillates than in Eastern distillates of the same gravity. 208 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Crude Oil. i Lubricating Distillate, 28° Gas Distillate, 42° Distillate . "The following is a diagram of products available from California crude oil by refining, showing where re-distillation is required: 'Asphalt . . . >- Asphalt, different grades of hardness or liquid asphalt. Reduced stock, valve oil, etc., 14° to 16° B. Heavy lubricating oil, engine oil, 21° B. Neutral oil, 23° B. Light lubricating oil, spindle oils, 26° B. Gas distillate, 28° B. Residue. ■Mineral sperm, 38° B. Illuminating kerosene, 45° B. Residue, 50° B. Benzin, 63° B. Gasoline, 76° B. "The average yield of products from 100 bbls. of Ventura County mixed crude oils of 24° B., determined by actual running on a large scale, is as follows: Gasoline, 76° B 3 bbls. Benzin, 63° B 4 Kerosene, 45° B... - 15 Heavy kerosene, 38° to 40° B 8 Gas distillate, 28° B 21 Light lubricating (spindle) oil, 26° B 10 Neutral oil, 23° B 12 Heavy neutral oil, 21° B.. 6 Reduced stock, lubricating oil, 14° B 5 Asphalt, crude - - 11 Loss - -- 5 " The extraction of pyridin bases with dilute sulphuric acid should be done before the re-distillation of the distillates, as the treatment of those distillates with concentrated sulphuric acid will otherwise form certain sulpho-conjugated products, which, during the washing process with water and alkali, decompose and re-enter into solution with the refined products." (See resume of Original Researches and Analysis and Refining Crude Naphtha, 58°-60° B CHARACTER OF CALIFORNIA PETROLEUM, FUEL VALUE, ETC. 209 Methods of Petroleum, mainly from the southern counties of California, by F. Salathe, Ph.D., in Bulletin No, 11 of the California State Mining Bureau.) 12.5.6. Several years ago Dr. C. P. Williams made a careful exami- nation of certain of the lighter distillates from Southern California petroleum. His experiments showed that the samples tested were com- posed of the following hydrocarbons: Name of Hydrocarbon. Approximate Amount Contained in Sample. Paraffin 25% Olefin 30% Aromatic hydrocarbons _.. 20% Naphthalene --. 25% 12.5.7. As is well known, the petroleum of the Eastern States is com- posed principally of hydrocarbons of the paraffin series. As previously mentioned, by far the greater portion of the California oil is used for fuel, and that in a crude state. It is the general opinion of those Avho use oil as fuel that, weight for weight, there is not much difference be- tween the fuel value of oils of different specific gravities, provided the oils are clean, or a suitable allowance is made for water and other foreign substances which they contain. A portion of the oil is used for fluxing asphaltum and for the manufacture of illuminating gas, and a portion is refined. The portion refined yields crude naphtha, illuminating oil, gas distillate, lubricating oil, and asphaltum. The naphtha distilled from California oils is of special value for use in gasoline engines. Those who have made comparative tests of California and Eastern gasoline in gasoline engines claim a superiority for the California product. 12.5.8. As might be expected from the foregoing statements concern- ing the relative composition of petroleum from the Eastern States, and the asphaltic oil of California, illuminating oil manufactured in this State contains more carbon and less hydrogen than does illuminating oil manufactured from Eastern petroleums. The result is that when burned under similar conditions, California oil gives a more smoky flame than does oil manufactured from Eastern petroleum. This is due to the fact that it requires more oxygen to effect the complete combustion of carbon than it does to consume hydrogen. 12.5.9. As previously stated, the petroleum obtained from the Cre- taceous formations of Colusa County is not an asphaltic oil. Should the petroleum from this county prove to be paraffin, and be obtained in sufficient quantities, it might yield distillates which would blend with the illuminating oil manufactured from our asphaltic petroleum and offset the excess of carbon which it contains. A comparison of the fractional distillations of the Colusa County oil with that of the asphaltic oil from Los Angeles shows a marked dis- crepancy in the boiling-point and in the specific gravity of the distillates; 14— Bl9 210 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUEEAU. the excessive gravity and high boiling-point of the Colusa County oil indicate that it is a valuable lubricant.* There is no doubt that as time goes on, more use will be made of the constituents of our asphaltic oils in chemical manufacture. One use was pointed out by Dr. Salathe, who says: "The occurrence of pyridin and chinolin bases in California crude oil opens up a new resource for these products, which are largely used for the synthetical production of alkaloids, dyes, etc., and in a large measure for denaturalizing alcohol in Europe." 12.5.10. In 1896, the writer made calorimetric experiments on the fuel value of California petroleum, as stated in Bulletin No. 11 of the California State Mining Bureau, Part 4, Chapter 3. In the publica- tion referred to, the fuel value of the petroleum, as determined by the calorimetric experiments, is compared with the fuel value of Nanaimo coal; also with the fuel value of petroleum as computed from practical working tests in locomotives on the Southern California Railroad, In Bulletin No. 11 there is also a record of calorimetric tests of the fuel value of petroleum, made b}^ Prof. H. Stillman in the laboratory of the Southern Pacific Railroad. In 1898, calorimetric tests were made by Messrs. Jaffa and Colby of the University of California on samples of a heavy grade of petroleum from Summerland, Santa Barbara County. The fuel values, determined by these different estimates, compared as follows: FUEL VALUES OF CALIFORNIA PETROLEUM COMPARED WITH FUEL VALUE OF COAL. <2^ P 3 CD O D O ft: aq p.- t-i B <'> to > 'I (= 5 o r P p-o o So O i-n S.to Nanaimo coal Sample of petroleum, 15° B., from practical working test in locomotives on Southern California R. R Sample of crude petroleum, 16.5° B., tested by Prof. imp stii: Stillman Sample of lubricating oil, 16° B. to 17° B., tested by Prof. Stillman - Sample of Los Angeles oil, 13° B., tested by W. L. Watts. Maximum fuel value obtained in calorimetric tests by W. L. Watts -- Minimum fuel value obtained in calorimetric tests by AV. L. Watts - Sample of Summerland oil (crude), tested by Messrs. Jaffa and Colby Sample of Summerland oil extracted by naphtha, by Messrs. Jaffa and Colby - 6,684 9,800 10,788 10,203 10,381 9,991 9,688 10,242 6,075,756 9,886,585 8,908,200 9,796,192 9,274,527 9,436,329 9,081,819 8,806,392 9,309,978 3.870 3.487 3.834 3.630 3.693 3.554 3.447 3.644 * See analysis of oil from Berryessa Valley, Napa County, Part 10, Chapter 4. CHARACTER OF CALIFORNIA PETROLEUM, FUEL VALUE, ETC. 211 It will be observed that the practical tests in locomotives on the rail- oad gave a higher fuel value to the petroleum than did the calori- metric tests in the laboratory. This is due to the fact that in a furnace it is possible to obtain a more complete combustion of petroleum than of coal. In the calorimetric tests made by the writer, the petroleum was cut with gasoline, and the fuel value of the gasoline was deducted from the total calorific value. By this method, an estimate was obtained which corresponds to that by "the gasoline cut" in common use among oil-dealers for determining the amount of foreign matter in petroleum. 12.5.11. "The gasoline cut" consists in mixing, in a graduated glass, equal volumes of crude oil and gasoline. The water and foreign matter sink to the bottom of the oil, and the relative amounts of oil and foreign matter may be noted by reading the scale on the side of the graduated glass at the point of contact between the oil and residuum. The residuum at the bottom of the glass consists of earthy matter, water, and sludge, or b. s., as it is known to the trade. In many instances the sludge, or b. s., constitutes several per cent of the sample. It is usually a brown flocculent precipitate, heavier than oil and lighter than water. The calorific value of sludge was estimated by Messrs. .laffa and Colby at 4,149 kilogramme calories, or a little more than 40% of the fuel value of the sample of oil, which was dissolved in naphtha. Prof. T. Price, of San Francisco, who has examined samples of sludge from the Cali- fornia oils, states that it is composed principally of asphaltene. 12.5.12. The relative fuel value of coal and Los Angeles oil as shown by combustion in furnaces, is as follows: The heating furnaces of Los Angeles Steel and Iron Company: One ton Wellington coal equals 2.50 bbls. of oil; for steam purposes, one ton of Wellington coal equals 3 bbls. of oil. Los Angeles Consolidated Electric Railroad Company: Steam pur- poses, one ton of Wellington coal equals 3.62 bbls. of oil. Los Angeles Court House: Steam purposes, one ton of good coal equals 3.10 bbls. of oil. Southern California Railroad Company: Steam purposes, one ton of Nanaimo coal equals 4 bbls. of oil. 12.5.13. A careful experiment was made by the Western Sugar Refinery on the relative fuel value of Coalinga petroleum and coal, and the following record of it is from a valuable paper by E. H. Denicke of the College of Mining, University of California: EVAPORATIVE TEST OF COALINGA OIL. Duration of test 22 hours. Oil burned 5,233 lbs. Water evaporated... 61,208 lbs. Temperature of water 67° Fahr. Steam pressure above atmosphere 90 lbs. Actual water evaporated per pound of oil 11.69 lbs. Equivalent evaporation from and at 212°... 13.9 lbs. 212 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. It was originally intended to run this test four days continuously, but in consequence of poor combustion, due to defective arrangement of boilers, it was decided to stop at the end of twenty-two hours to make alterations. This was the first test of Coalinga oil at the Western Sugar Refinery, and was made under unfavorable conditions, but on the strength of this test the whole method of heating was changed. STATEMENT OF COAL BURNED IN 1897, Showing Average Evaporative Efficiency from and at 212° Falir. Efficiency Figures from Tests Under Boiler No. 22. p , ,p Evaporation from *"°^^- ^°'^®- and at 212° F. CoSperative 8,986 8.88 Duckenfield 2,957 7.37 Nanaimo 9,850 7.29 Wallawah.-. 676 7.70 Greta --.- - -- 9,207 7.56 Teaham 2,591 8.05 Wallsend ..- .- 1,080 8.88 Total ---- 35,347 Av...-7.88 From this table, obtained from best results, and the foregoing, there has been prepared the following table, which shows a saving of $46,012.15 per year by burning oil. But as it was based on the first test, it is safe to say that the minimum saving over coal is $60,000. This does not take into account wear and tear on boilers and general convenience: STATEMENT OF COMPARATIVE VALUE OF OIL AND COAL (Based on the first trial test). Coal. (Basis of 1897.) Total bituminous coal received during 1897 - 35,347 tons- Average evaporation of that coal from and at 212° Fahr 7.88 lbs- Total water evaporated on that basis... 624,183,481 lbs- Fireroom cost of handling that coal, reckoning 300 days at .$64.26 $19,278 00 Cost of coal for this work on basis of present price— 35,347 tons at .$6.55 ... .$231,522 85 Total cost of evaporating above quantity of water .$250,800 00 Oil. (Basis of $1.30 per barrel, and 13.9 evaporation.) Oil necessary to evaporate above quantity of water 152,739 bbls. Cost of oil, at$1.30 --- -- .$198,560 70 Fireroom cost of handling that oil— 300 days at .$20.76 $6,228 00 Total cost of evaporating the above quantity with oil $204,788 70 Equivalent value per ton of coal on the above basis .... $204,78^8^7^— $19,278 ^^ ^ Saving on year's work by burning oil under the above conditions $46,012 15 COMPARATIVE VALUE OF COALINGA OIL WITH DIFFERENT FUELS USED ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Evaporation at Value per ton com- aud from pared with oil Coal. 212° Fahr. at -f 1 30. Cooperative Wallsend.. 8.88 $5 53 Nanaimo --.- 7.29 4 44 Greta 7.56 4 60 Bulli 7.26 4 42 Wallawah 7.70 4 69 CHARACTER OF CALIFORNIA PETROLEUM, FUEL VALUE, ETC. 213 This table is made up of average coal tests and compared with oil at $1.30 per barrel, and an average evaporation from and at 212° of 15.5 pounds. The intermittent demand for steam at the refinery does not allow them to work all of the time on the most economical metliods, and instead of a test evaporation of 16.4 pounds, the average evaporation comes to 15.5 pounds. Many tests have been made at the refinery with air-blowing instead of steam, and it has been found cheaper, but as their demand for steam is subject to extreme fluctuations and as air-blowing does not " respond " as quickly as steam-blowing, it is not used under their boilers. It is now used under their kilns and gives great satisfac- tion. For a plant where the demand for steam is constant, it is much cheaper to use air-blowing. A different kind of a burner must be used; instead of the lip of the nozzle being 1" wide, as in a steam burner, it must be from 2|" to 3" wide, according to the flame desired. Air-blow- ing does not give as perfect a flame as steam-blowing, because the latter heats the oil and volatilizes it. In using air to blow with, practical tests show that about 15% more air must be added than is necessary for complete theoretical combustion. From the above record it is apparent that one ton of coal having the average fuel value of the coal used in the experiment would have a fuel value equal to about 3.73 bbls. of Coalinga oil having a specific gravity of 0.852, or 34° B. 12.5.14. Mr. A. S. Cooper, California State Mineralogist, who has made a close study of California petroleum, says: " A comparison of the consumption of fuel oil with that of coal shows 3.33 bbls. of fuel oil to be equivalent to one ton of good imported coal. Figuring oil at $1.40 per bbl., and coal at $7.50 per ton in San Francisco, it shows the cost of oil to be $4.66 as against $7.50 for its equivalent in coal. Moreover, the labor required to operate with coal is far greater than with oil, in most instances being nearly double. The perfect cleanliness of fuel oil and the ease and simplicity of supply and regulation, make it a most desirable substitute for coal. As long as coal remains at $7.50 per ton in California, it cannot be expected that oil will fall below its present price, not at least for some time to come. In the year 1899 there were 1,740,027 tons of coal imported into the State of California; to supplant this, 6,794,278 bbls. of oil will be required. As the supply becomes more permanent the uses of fuel oil will multiply." 12.5.15. Several years ago, Mr. A, M. Hunt, C.E., of San Francisco, made a very able report on the relative fuel value of petroleum and coal. As compared with Carbon Hill coal, he found that the relative evapora- tive equivalents were in the following proportions: Carbon Hill coal 7.6 lbs. of water to 1 lb. of coal. California petroleum 15 lbs. of water to 1 lb. of oil. This gives 1.97 to 1 as the ratio of the value of petroleum to the value of Carbon Hill coal. 214 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. Mr. Hunt continues: "The following table shows the equivalent prices of oil and Carbon Hill coal, figured on the above ratio of 1.97 to 1 and taking oil as weighing 310 lbs. per barrel, which is the result of a num- ber of determinations: Based on Relative Evapoeative Equivalents. All Economies Considered. Oil, per bbl. Coal, per ton. Coal, per ton. $1 00 $3 66 $3 30 1 10 4 03 3 62 1 20 4 40 3 95 1 30 4 77 4 29 1 40 5 14 4 61 1 50 5 51 4 94 1 60 5 87 5 27 1 70 6 23 5 61 1 80 6 59 5 94 1 90 6 95 6 27 2 00 7 21 660 "The third column is figured on the basis of the statements made by Dr. Charles B. Dudley in his lecture before the Franklin Institute. He gives the relative evaporating powers of oil and coal as 1.75 to 1, and then remarks as follows: ." 'There are certain chances for economy in burning oil that do not occur with coal. Of these, there have been pretty well worked out, as just stated, economy in handling coal and ashes, and economy in repairs. The amount of these has been obtained in dollars and cents, and is, perhaps, best expressed by saying that, taking all ascertained economies into account, a pound of petroleum is as good as two pounds of coal.' " 12.5.16. The only places where natural gas assumes sufficient impor- tance to be treated as a factor in the mineral statistics of the State are at Stockton, in San Joaquin County, and the City of Sacramento. The yield of natural gas at Stockton during the last three years has been * Cubic Feet. Value. For 1897 --- 63,920,000 $62,657 00 For 1898 -. 74,424,650 74,424 00 For 1899 - 102,960,000 84,880 00 In the City of Sacramento the amount of natural gas produced has been as follows: Cubic Feet. Value. For 1898 ...12,000,000 $10,000 00 For 1899 12,000,000 10,000 00 12.5.17. In 1893, the writer made a careful investigation as to the fuel value of the natural gas at Stockton. Its fuel value as compared with that of coke and Nanaimo coal showed as follows : 2,000 lbs. coke, carrying 10% ash =42,500 cubic feet of gas. 2,000 lbs. Nanaimo coal ^38,800 cubic feet of gas. REVIEW OF PETROLEUM INDUSTRY IN CALIFORNIA. 215 As stated in Bulletin No. 4 of the California State Mining Bureau, the absolute value of natural gas is considerably in excess of its calorific value. In the Eastern States, the use of natural gas, instead of solid fuel, has been found to effect a saving of nearly 50%, in addition to that arising from the greater cheapness of gas as compared with coal. This economy results from a saving in labor and wear and tear of plant, and from the fact that a more uniform temperature can be secured by the use of gas than by the use of solid fuel. CHAPTER 6. REVIEW OF THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY IN CALIFORNIA. 12.6.1. The existence of petroleum in California has been known for many years. From time immemorial the California Indians used this mineral, in the form of asphaltum, for various purposes. In the early history of the State, the Catholic fathers utilized it for roofing their missions and other buildings. It is said that in 1855 or 1856, Andreas Pico distilled petroleum on a small scale for the San Fernando Mission. He obtained his crude oil from Pico Caiion near Newhall, in Los Angeles County; and he was probably the first refiner of petroleum in this State. In 1856, a com- pany commenced work at the La Brea ranch in Los Angeles County, and tried to refine the crude oil. In 1857 an attempt was made to pro- duce illuminating oil from crude petroleum, at Carpinteria, in Santa Barbara County; and there are records of similar attempts having been made in other localities previous to 1860, but they were not successful. 12.6.2. The first scientific report on petroleum in California was made by Prof. B. Silliman, who published his researches in 1865. He spoke favorably of the possibility of obtaining petroleum in remunera- tive quantities in this State, and gave the results of his experiments on the fractional distillation of California petroleum. 12.6.3. The next decade was marked by a considerable oil excite- ment in California, and a great many companies were formed for the purpose of petroleum mining, and for distilling crude oil. In most instances, these companies did not meet with success, but it must be remembered that the pioneer oil-miners did not have the drill- ing machinery of the present day, and that they only possessed a very 216 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. limited knowledge concerning the geological conditions pertaining to the occurrences of petroleum deposits. 12.6.4. The pioneer distillers appear to have expected that by the fractional distillation of California petroleum they would obtain prod- ucts similar to those resulting from the fractional distillation of the petroleum found in the Eastern States, but they were disappointed. It is not surprising that in the course of years the smaller operators became merged in larger concerns. 12.6.5. The most remarkable feature in the recent history of the petroleum industry in California is the development of the Los Angeles oil-field; of the Summerland oil-field, in Santa Barbara County; of Coalinga, in Fresno County; and of the Kern River, the Sunset, and the McKittrick districts, in Kern County. A historical sketch of these districts will be found elsewhere in this Bulletin. 12.6.6. In 1887, when the State Mining Bureau made a reconnais- sance of the petroleum industry of California, the only companies actually engaged in petroleum mining were: The Pacific Coast Oil Com- pany, in Pico Canon; the Puente Oil Company, in the Puente Hills, Los Angeles County; the Hardisson & Stewart Oil Company (subsequently incorporated as the Union Oil Company of Ventura County), and McPherson & Co., in Moody Gulch, in Santa Clara County. 12.6.7. In July, 1900, there were about 250 companies producing oil in California, about 1590 producing wells, and about 470 prospect w^ells- During the last decade there has been a steady increase in the amount of petroleum produced in California, as is shown by the comparative statement at the end of this chapter. 12.6.8. The first refinery that can be considered a commercial suc- cess was that of the California Star Oil Company, which was situated near Newhall, in Los Angeles County, and managed by T. H. Scott. Subsequently, refineries were erected at Alameda, by the Pacific Coast Oil Company, and at Santa Paula by the Union Oil Company. At the present day there are refineries at Los Angeles, Chino, Ventura, Ala- meda, Terminal Island in Los Angeles County, and at the Sunset oil- district in Kern County; also at Oleum in Contra Costa County, to which place the refinery of the Union Oil Company has been removed. REVIEW OF PETROLEUM INDUSTRY IN CALIFORNIA. 217 12.6.9. The following is a comparative statement showing the growth of the petroleum industry in California, from statistics compiled by Chas. G. Yale, statistician of the California State Mining Bureau: 1897. 1898. 1899. County. Product. Value. Product. Value. Product. Value. Fresno 70,140 $70,840 154,000 10,000 1,462,871 60,000 132,217 3,000 427,000 $154,000 10,000 1,462,871 60,000 112,549 6,000 571,000 439,372 15,000 1,409,356 108,077 208,370 1,500 496,200 $439,372 Kern . 13,500 Los Angeles ... Orange.. Santa Barbara . Santa Clara Ventura 1,327,011 12,000 130,136 4,000 368,282 1,327,011 12,000 130,136 10,000 368,282 1,409,356 108,077 191,288 3,000 496,200 1,911,569 $1,918,269 2,249,088 $2,376,420 2,677,875 $2,660,793 PETROLEUM. Year. Bbls. Year. Bbls. Prior to 1876 175,000 12,000 13,000 15,227 19,858 40,552 99,562 128,636 142,857 262,000 325,000 377,145 678,572 1888 990,333 1876 1889 303,220 1877 1890 1891 307,360 1878 :.. 323,600 1879 1892 . 385,049 1880 1893 470,179 1881 1894 -.- 783,078 1882 1895... 1,245,339 1883 1896 1897 1,257,780 1884 1,911,569 1885 1898 - 2,249,088 1886 1899 2,677,875 1887 Total 14,893,879 bbls. 218 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. TABLES OF FOSSILS REFERRED TO IN THIS BULLETIN. The fossils mentioned in the following tables have been identified and classified by Dr. J. C. Merriam, of the University of California. The numbers given in Table I refer to the following localities : No. Station. Sketch- Map. Fig. Character of Formalion. Locality. 16 Calcareous stratum in shale Coal measures. .. . Cafion near Black Star Coal 18,25 Mine, Santa Ana Mountains. Abandoned coal mine (4 miles S. of Corona), Sec. 12, T. 4 S., R. 6W., S. B. M., north slope of Santa Ana Mountains. About 5 miles S. W. of Corona, 21 Calcareous stratum in sand- stone. north slope of Santa Ana Mts. TABLE I. Cretaceous and Eocene. Santa Ana Mountains, South Side. 16 Santa Ana Mountains, North Side. 18 21 25 Acteonella (aff.) oviformis Area (aff.) brewerianus Astarte tuscana Avicula (aff.) pellucida Cinulia mathewsoni Dentalium (?) Dentalium stramineum... Dosinia inflata Indet. New Indet. Probably new Notica sp - Nucula truncata Ostrea(?) Pectun cuius veatchii (?).. Tellina (?) Trigonia sp. indet Turritella sp. - Venus sp X X X X X X X X X TABLES OF FOSSILS. 219 The numbers given in Table II refer to the following localities, as shown on the accompanying sketch-maps: No. Station. Sketch- Map. Fig. Character of Formation. Locality. 6 G Whitish sandstone Piru Creek, Ventura County. 7 Shale underlying conglomerate. South side of San Felician Creek, Ventura County. 12,22, 23 550 B "Whitish sandstone formation . . Santiago Canon. 20 551 B Lower portion of whitish sand- stone formation. Santiago Canon. 24 Whitish sandstone formation .. S. E. cor. Sec. 12, T. 4 S., R. 6 W., S. B. M., south slope of Santa Ana Mountains. 31 F Whitish sandstone formation .. S. Joaquin Peak, Orange County. 32 M Tar Caiion, Avenal oil-field, Kreyenhagen district, Kings County. TABLE II. Miocene or Lower Neocene (California equivalent: Monterey Group). Santiago Canon. Plru Creels and Vicinity. San Joaquin Valley. Ostrea tayloriana. Cited as Miocene by Gabb Fiscus sp. indet. Probably new - Ostrea sp. indet Pecten n. sp. - --- Balanoid barnacle.. -- Cardium sp — Shark's tooth ..- Ostrea sp -. Turritella ocoyana (?) Zirphseasp - Turritella ocoyana - Turritella variata Mytilus sp. (?) - Ostrea -. Turritella ocoyana Pecten, like cerrosensis. Possibly new Pecten n. sp 12 12 20 20 20 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 31 31 6 7 32 220 CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. the following localities, as The numbers given in Table III refer to shown in the accompanying sketch-maps: No. Station. Sketch- Map. Fig. Character of Formation. 1,7 Light-colored shale underlying conglomerate. 2 G Conglomerate 3 G Fine conglomerate and coarse sandstone. 4 G Coarse conglomerate 8 G Conglomerate .-- 33 G Conglomerate .... 15 540 B Conglomerate 29 Sandstone and shale 30 25 A Calcareous stratum in bitumi- nous shale. 37, 38, 39 A Shale and sandstone immedi- ately underlying conglomer- ate. 40 A Locality. i San Felician Creek, Piru, Ven- tura County. Five miles N. E. of Camulos, Ventura County. One mile N. of Camulos, Ven- tura County. One mile N. of Camulos, Ven- tura County. Mt. Olivette, Piru. East side of Piru Creek, near « R. R. bridge. | Foothills, Santa Ana Mts. T. 3 N., R. 17 W., S. B. M., Simi Valley, Ventura County. . Brea Cafion, Puente Hills. About one mile E. of Chandler wells, Puente Hills. Bank of creek about one mile N. of Chandler wells, Puente Hills. TABLE III. Middle Neocene (California equivalent: San Pablo Group). I Puente Hills. Piru Creek and Vicinity. o 15 30 38 40 1 2 3 4 33 1 o 1 1— i Area n. sp. (o) X X X X — X ... Area (cf.) sulcicosta Acila castrensis .- X Balanoid casts X Bittium asperum (?) Bison, horn of, n. sp X X — — — Bulloid n. sp. X Cancellarian. sp. (a) X X — X Cancellaria n. sp. (&) X Cardium sp. indet Chlorost.nma. sn. — — X X X ... Chrvsodomus n. sp.(a) X X X — X X Chrysodomus n. sp. (&) TABLES OF FOSSILS. TABLE III— Continued. 221 « Puente Hills. Piru Creek and Vicinity, o Si? i ^ 1 a ' £ 1 *^ 15 30 38 40 1 2 3 4 33 Chrysodomus (cast) sp. indet. X Chrysodomus sp. indet X dementia subdiaphana . . X dementia subdiaphana (?) cast . X — Conus sp. indet. Probably new X Conus californicus (?) X Conus californicus X — — .... X Conus (cast) sp. indet X X Corbula n. sp - Crepidula sp. indet. X — — — — Dentalium sp. indet. Possibly new X X Dosinia sp. ponderosa (?) Dosinia sp. — — — X — — — Drillia sp. Probably new -.. Echinarachinus, near excentricus X — X X — — — — Fish vertebrae . Fusus ambustus Hinnites, near giganteus. Possibly new Indet. Probably new — X — — — X — — X X Indet. Probably new - Indet. Possibly new Indet. New X — — — X — — Indet. Probably new X Leda ctelata .. X X X ;;;: Lucina sp Lucina sp. Probably new X X X — — — Lucina richthofeni Lutricola alta (?) — — ---- — — X — — Macoma, near secta X Macoma secta X X Mammal bones (fragments). .- Mangelia (conf.) variegata Mangelia sp. Probably new X — — X — — — X Nassa calif ornica X Nassa indet. X Nassa perpinguis Natica sp. indet .. . X — — X X X — — Natica (Lunatia) lewisii X X — — — — Natica (Neverita) (aff.) recluziana Nucula n. sp — X — — — — X — Nucula sp. Probably new .... ... X 222 CALIFORNIA. STATE MINING BUREAU. TABLE III— Continued. Puente Hills. Piru Creek and Vicinity. o ■ M 15 30 38 40 1 2 3 4 33 Olivella boetica ^> X Operculum, probably of Pachypoman. sp. {a). Ostrea sn. indet. (a^ .- X 37 39 Ostrea sr». indet. (a) . Ostrea SD.. like (a'l - -. . .. 8 0« o 00 t Lucina californica Tjiioina nuttalli . . .- . X ... X X X X X — Macoma inquinata X X X X X Macoma nasuta ... . ._ ?>9. Monoceros engonatvim Mvnrella faff.^ siniDlex . . . X — i^?. Nassa cooneri X X X X X X X X X 34 X X X X X X Nassa fossata Nassa perpinguis - X X X Natica (Lunatia) lewisii (?) — 32 Olivella binlicata .. . . X X X 3"^ Olivella intorta . X X Ostrpa SD. . X X / X X X X Pecten osquisulcatus Ppptpri caurinum (?^ .... .. . T*prt,pn SD. . -- -- -- X X — — X X — X Phnladidea faff.'l ovoidea . . Platyodon cancellatum — X X X — — — Pnmanlax undosus - X 3^ Rnxidonms arracilis X SmridnTTius srracilis (?'> ... X RphiV.nthafirus nuttalli X Rprnnlorbis snuamiererus X X Solecurtus californianus Solen sicarius Stnndplla f aff 1 Dlanulata . — — — — X X X X X X Tanps stamiiiea - X — X X X X Tnrnatplla SD. - 3? X X X X X Tnrritplla oooDeri var. nov. Vpnprirardia borealis . X INDEX. A Part, Chapter, and Paragraph. Accepted method of distinguishing stratified rocks 1.1.5 Alameda County, Oil prospecting in 9.1.1 B Bituminous sandstone, at Gird's quarry... 2.1.42 On Chino ranch 2.1.41 Brea Canon 2.1.23 Complex structure near mouth of 2.1.36 Cross-fold at 2.1.35 Dissimilarity in formations shown on the north and south sides of fold in. 2.1.36 Dominant fold at 2.1.35 Dominant fold west of 2.1.16 Formations exposed in 2.1.36 Oil-springs in 2.1.35 Oil-springs mark the axis of fold ZZ in 2.1.37 Structure west of 2.1.16 C Carhonne and Clapp Canons, Slate shale in 2.1.40 Character of sandstone in 2.1.40 Central oil-wells. Formations penetrated by 2.1.30 Geological structure at and near... 2.1.30 CMno Ranch, Character of formations west of 2.1.44 Northern foothills covered with alluvium on 2.1.43 Shale formation in foothills west of ... 2.1.45 I Strike of formation on -. 2.1.43 Coalinga District 7.10.1 Alcalde field in 7.10.6 Alcalde field, prospect wells in 7.10.34 History of 7.10.3 Oil City field in 7.10.2 Oil City field, productive wells in 7.10.7 Oil City field, prospect wells in 7.10.13 Wartham Creek field, prospect wells in... 7.10.41 Coal, Scarcity of in California i.i.i Colusa County, Oil-yielding formations in 10.2.1 Prospect wells in 10.2.8 Contra Costa County, Petroleum mining in 9.4.1 D Devil's Den District. 7.8.1 Prospect wells in 7.8.3 Devil's Gate District, Eocene formations in... 5.2.1 m Wells in... 5.2.2 P E Eruptive rocks in foothills south of Pomona , 2.1.46 15— b19 226 INDEX. F Part, Chapter, and Paragraph. Figure 3, Cross-section between Turnbull and Savage canons 2.1.29 Folds, Types of 12.4.3 Formations and oil-seepages on Rapid Transit Railway 3.1.5 Formations in East Los Angeles 3.1.5 In foothills between Santiago Canon and Santa Ana River 2.2.1 In Monterey Caiion 3.1.4 Fossiliferous rocks between Santiago Cafion and Santa Ana River 2.2.2 Fossils, Value of in classifying oil-yielding rocks 1.1.5 G Geological structure shown by cross-sections , 2.1.27 Geological work confined to definite lines of research 1.1.6 Geology of shore-line between Laguna and Newport bays 3.6.7 Granite in foothills south of Pomona -. 2.1.46 H Humboldt County, Character of oil in 10.3.10 Evidences of petroleum in -. 10.3.9 Extent of oil-lands in --. .-. 10.3.6 Mattole Valley in 10.3.8 Petroleum mining in 10.3.2 I Inflammable gas struck in shallow wells between Los Angeles and Puente Hills. 3.1.3 K Kern County, Petroleum in _ 7.2.1 Kern River oil-field - ..- 7.3.1 List of operators in .- 7.3.7 Producing wells in... 7.3.7 Prospect wells, Barker Ranch, in 7.3.8 . Prospect wells, Cottonwood Creek, in 7.3.11 Prospect wells, Poso Creek, in 7.3.12 Kreyenliagen District 7.9.1 Avenal oil-field in 7.9.2 Kettleman Hillsin .'. 7.9.3 Kettleman Hills, prospect wells in... 7.9.14 Productive wells in 7.9.7 Prospect wells in 7.9.9 Lines of research. Reasons governing directions of 1.1.6 Los Angeles, Clay-shale the bedrock throughout a great portion of 3.1.6 East, Prospect wells in 4.2.24 Investigations concerning strike of oil-measures at 3.2.4 List of oil-producers in 4.1.4 No remunerative wells in whitish sandstone at 3.1.8 Outliers of conglomerate in 3.1.6 Productive wells west of city limits of 1.4.5 Prospect wells west of city limits of 4.2.1 Shale formation in. 3.1.6 Whitish sandstone formation in 3.1.6 Los Angeles County, Miscellaneous prospect wells in 4.2.55 La Habra district in . 4.1.20 Prodiictive oil-wells in 4.1.1 The Puente district in 4.1.22 Whittier oil-field in 4.1.10 INDEX. 227 Part, Chapter, and Paragraph. Los Angeles oil-field 4.1.2 Developments at western end of. - - -.- 3.2.1 Development in _ 3.2.1 Development of Eastern Extension of .-. 3.2.2 Eastern Extension of .- 3.2.1 Formations penetrated in, compared 3.2.3 Oil producers in 4.1.4 Output of during 1897, 1898, 1899, compared 3.3.5 Production of.. - 4.1.3 Second stratum of oil-sand in - -. 3.2.1 Stratigraphy of -- 3.2.10 Wells west of Vermont Avenue in - 3.3.4 Wells west of Western Avenue in 3.3.5 Western extension of -- 3.3.1 M Maps and illustrations, Value of - - 1.1.4 McKittrick District .-- - 7.6.1 Asphaltum mine in 7.6.8 Geology of - - - .- 7.6.4 History of - 7.6.2 Oil-yielding formations in 7.6.5 Producing wells in.. - 7.7.1 Prospect wells in 7.7.10 Temblor oil-field, producing wells in 7.7.9 Temblor oil-field, prospect wells in 7.7.17 Mendocino County, Petroleum mining in 10.1.1 MetamorpMc sandstone at Pomona Hill -.. 2.1.46 Method of determining dip of exposed stratum 12.4.21 Dip of oil-sand when not exposed -. 12.4.23 Strike of oil-sand when not exposed 12.4.22 Monterey County --. 8.8.1 Parkfield district in 8.1.2 Prospect wells in 8.1.3 San Ardo, prospect wells in.._ -. -. 8.1.6 N Natural Gas, Fuel valueof -.. 12.5.16 In Central Valley 12..S.7 Newhall District, Prospect wells in. 4.2.41 Non-metallic minerals. Most important of -. 1.1.1 Important addition to the wealth of California 1.1.1 Oil-fields, Ideal section of . 12.4.9 Opening of new 1.1.2 Oil-lines, Follow the course of axes of folds 2.1.26 Occasioned by faults - 12.4.11 Strike of coincides with that of dominant folds 2.1.32 Oil-prospecting, Risks of, classified 12.4.17' Oil-wells, Conditions governing depth of .- -- -.. 2.4.26 Conditions governing life of 12.4.27 Cost of drilling-- 12.4.28 Favorable locations for 12.4.29 Orange and Los Angeles counties. Neocene and more recent formations in por- tions of - - 12.2.1 Orange County 3.6.1 Cretaceous and Eocene fossils in 12.2.2 228 INDEX. Part, Chapter, and Paragraph. Orange County, Eruptive rocks in _ 3.6.8 Geological formations of 3.6.3 Oil-sand at Rocky Point and Newport in 3.6.9 Productive wells in 4.3.1 Prospect wells in _ _ 4.4.1 Quaternary formations in 12.2.9 Topography of 3.6.2 Upper Neocene formations in 12.2.8 Original Investigations consume much time 1.1.3 Oil-yielding formations, Importance of defining the position of 1.1.6 Geographical and geological range of in California 12.1.2 Between Sespe and Piru creeks _ 12.1.3 In Devil's Gate mining district... 12.1.11 In Oil City, Fresno County 12.1.12 In Puente Hills and Summerland 12.1.5 In San Joaquin Valley 12.1.6 Table showing geological horizon of 12.3.9 Oil-yielding horizons in California 12.3.1 In the Panoche and Cholame valleys and MoodyGulch 12.3.4 In San Mateo County ___ 12.3.5 In Summerland, Santa Barbara County, Kern and Fresno counties 12.3.3 In valley of Santa Clara River 12.3.2 P Petroleum, Analysis of 12.5.4 Chief use of in California 1.1.1 Fuel value of 12.5.10 Origin of 12.5.1 Uses of 12.5.7 Petroleum in California, Geological structure pertaining to 12.4.1 Pioneer distillers of 12.6.4 Petroleum industry in California, Review of -. 12.6.1 History of 12.6.5 Table showing growth of 12.6.9 Value of 1.1.1 Petroleum Refineries, American Oil and Asphalt Company's 11.2.1 Asphaltum Oil and Refinery Company's. -_ 11.2.2 Franklin Refining Company's 11.2.3 Jewett & Blodget's 11.2.4 Paraffin Paint Company's 11.2.5 Pacific Coast Oil Company's 11.2.6 Puente Oil Company' s... 11.2.7 Southern Refining Company's 11.2.8 Sunset Oil Refining Company's _. 11.2.9 Union Oil Company's 11.2.10 Pipe-lines :.. 11.1.1 Alcatraz Oil Company's 11.1.9 Central Oil Company's 11.1.2 Modelo Oil Company's 11.1.10 Oil City 11.1.3 Pacific Coast Oil Company's 11.1.5 Puente Oil Company's , 11.1.4 Sunset Oil Company's 11.1.6 Table showing rate of discharge of 11.1.11 Union Oil Company's 11.1.7-8 Producing companies, Number of in July, 1900 12.6.7 Prospectors, Hints to.. -.. 12.4.10 Puente Hills, Altered sedimentary rocks in 2.1.5 Anticlinal structure of 2.1.33 INDEX. 229 Part, Chapter, and Paragraph. Puente Hills, Canons in - 2.1.3 Causes which have determined trend of canons in 2.1.3 Character of formations between Chino ranch and Canada del Rodeo in... 2.1.44 Character of formations at northwestern extremity of - 2.1.47 Character of formations in 2.1.17 Character of formations nortli of 2.1.47 Conglomerate and shale formations much obscured by alluvium in 2.1.48 Conglomerate formation in age of fossils in 2.1.9 Conglomerate less distributed than underlying formations in 2.1.34 Conglomerate north of - 2.1.47 Cross-section through western extremity of 2.1.28 Difficulties of geological research in 2.1.10 Dip of strata irregular in - -.- 2.1.34 Dominant and minor folds in 2.1.32 Elevation of — --- 2.1.2 Eruptive rocks in - 2.1.4 Folds and cross-folds in 2.1.15 Formations between the Murphy well and Workmen's Hill in 2.1.30 Formation between Turnbull and Savage cafions in.. 2.1.29 Formations constituting western extremity of - 2.1.28 Formation east of - - 2.1.21 Geological formations north of La Habra in - -.- 2.1.31 Oil-sands in, age of - - 2.1.8 Outliers in - 2.1.13 Prospect wells in.. - 4.2.32 Reasons why only leading features of the geological structure are shown in.. 2.1.14 Relation of conglomerate, shale, and sandstone formations in 2.1.11 Sandstone formation in, fossils in, age of - 2.1.7 Shale formation in, fossils in, age of - 2.1.8 Summary of geological conditions observed in 2.2.6 Topography of.. - - 2.1.2 Three groups of sedimentary rocks in — 2.1.6 Unaltered sedimentary rocks in - 2.1.4 Puente oil-wells, Formations at - - 2.1.20 Formations east of -- - 2.1.19 R Rapetto Hills 3.1.1 San Benito County, Big Panoche district, prospect wells in 8.3.2 Hollister district, prospect wells in 8.3.23 Little Panoche district, prospect wells in -- 8.3.17 Oil-yielding formations in 8.3.1 San Diego County, Prospect wells in 3.7.1 San Fernando 3.5.1 Oil in crystalline rocks in 3.5.4 Oil-yielding formations in 3.5.2 Producing wells in - - --- 4.1.24 San Joaquin Valley, Oil-fields in --- 7.1.1 Descriptive geology of -.. - 7.1.2 San Luis Obispo County, Oil-yielding formations in 8.2.1 Prospect wells in - --- 8.2.2 San Mateo County, Petroleum mining in. 9.3.1 San Pedro Peninsula - --- --- 3.4.1 Topography of - 3.4.2 Geological formations of 3.4.3 Raised beaches on - u.. 3.4.4 230 INDEX. Part, Chapter, and Paragraph. San Pedro Peninsula, Exudations of bitumen on 3.4. G Wells drilled on 3.4.7 Oil prospects on. 3.4.10 Santa Barbara County, Oil-bearing territory in 6.1.1 Prospect wells in 6.2.1 Summerland oil-field in 6.1.2 Summerland, oil-producers in 6.1.8 Santa Ana Mountains, Bituminous slate in 2.2.4 Character of rocks forming northern end of 2.2.1 Coal measures in 2.2.1 Reconnaissance of foothills in 2.2.1 Santa Ana River, Complex structure near 2.1.37 Formations on south side of 2.1.12 Whitish sandstone near 2.1.38 Santa Clara County, Petroleum mining in ... 9.2.1 Productive oil-wells in 9.2.4 Prospect wells in 9.2.6 Shale formation overlies whitish sandstone 1.5.7 Summerland, List of oil-producers in — 6.1.8 Sunset oil-district 7.4.1 Geology of 7.4.8 Producing wells in 7.5.1 Prospect wells in.. 7.5.3 Sycamore Canon, Geological structure in 2.1.25 T Telegraph Canon, Character of hills north of ..- 2.1.39 Conglomerate foothills of 2.1.38 No oil-springs nor brea-beds observed east of 2.1.38 TurnbuU Canon, Bituminous conglomerate south of 2.1.28 First wells drilled in 2.1.28 U Upper Neocene formations near El Toro 3.6.5 V Ventura County, Conglomerate formations in 5.1.7 Field work in 5.1.1 Formations at base of Mount Cayetana in 5.1.8 Formations overlying Sespe oil-measures in .__ 5.1.5 Geological structure in 5.1.21 Petroleum formations overlying Eocene rocks in 5.1.11 Productive oil-fields in 5.3.1 Prospect wells and prospecting in 5.4.1 Sespe oil-measures in 5.1.3 Shale formation in. 5.1.6 Silicious shales in 5.1.16 Territory between Sespe and Piru creeks in 5.1.4, 5.1.10 Whitish sandstone in 5.1.18 W Wells,* Acme Oil Company's 7.5.3 Adams Cafion 5.3.13 ^tna Oil Company's 7.10.13 Alameda Oil Company's 9.1.2 Alma Oil Company's 9.2.6 ♦For wells in Los Angeles, Summerland, and Kern River oil-fields, see lists on pages 63, 103, and 115 respectively. INDEX. 231 Part, Chapter, and Paragraph. "Wells, Alpine Oil Company's 4.2.41 American Oil and Refinery Compan}''s 9.4.2 Arctic Oil Company's .- 3.1.2,4.2.55,6.2.1 Ashurst Oil Company's 8.3.3 Astarte -.- --- 5.3.20 Avenal Land and Oil Company's - 7.9.9 Azusa - - 4.2.65 Baby King Oil Company's 7.9.10 Bachelors Oil Company's 7.3.12, 7.5.4 Badger State Oil Company's .- 7.10.34 Bard's ..- - - 5.3.19 Bardsdale -. --- 5.3.5 Barker Ranch Development Company's 7.3.8 Barrett Oil Company's - - 7.5.5 Bartelow's - 4.2.66 Bay City Oil Company's 7.7.10 Beaver Oil Company's 7.3.9 Bell Station. --- -.. 4.2.56 Berkeley's Oil Company's 5.4.1 Bervelle &.Bradshaw ..- 4.2.42 Big Panoche Company's 8.3.18 Big Sespe Oil Company's _ 5.3.8 Black Mountain Oil Company's 7.9.7 Bland's - 4.2.24 Blue Goose Oil Company's 7.10.14 Bluett & Mullen's - 4.2.57 Bonanza King Oil Company's 7.10.15 Bradley & Mutton's 5.1.15, 5.4.2 Brea Cailon^Oil Company's 4.3.2 Brea ranch 4.2.1 Buel ranch 6.2.2 California Oil and Gas Company's 7.10.16 California Oil Company's 4.2.43 California Standard Oil Company's 7.7.1 Calleguas --. .- 5.4.3 Capital Crude Oil Campany's 5.3.18 Careaga. 6.2.3 Caribou Oil Company's 7.10.17 Carmelita Oil Company's 7.10.18 Casmalia 6.2.4 Castac 5.2.58 Central Oil Company's 4.1.11 Chandler's 4.1.12,4.2.67 Chine - 4.2.32-33 Cholame Oil and Development Company's 8.1.3 Clarendon Heights Oil Comjjany's 4.1.13 Climax Oil Company's 4.2.59, 7.7.2, 7.7.9 Coalinga Oil Company's 7.10.7 Columbia Oil Company's 4.3.3 Commercial Oil and Development Company's 4.2.44 Confidence Oil Company's... 7.10.19 Consolidated Oil and Development Company's 7.9.11 Consolidated Olinda Oil Company's 4.3.4 Contra Costa Oil and Development Company's . 9.4.3 Cosmopolitan Oil Company's 7.3.13 Craig's. 10.3.3 Crescent Oil Company's -. 7.10.20 282 INDEX. Part, Chapter, and Paragraph. Wells, Crude Oil Company's 5.4.4 Davis's - - 4.2.2 Defiance Mineral Company's 7.3.14 Den ranch - - 6.2.5 Devil's Den Development Company's -- 7.8.3 Dewey Oil Company's - 8.3.4 Diamond Oil Company's --- -- 7.7.17 Dos Palos Oil Company's 8.3.5 East Piru Oil Company's 5.4.5 Egan ranch - 4.4.1 El Dorado Oil Company's 7.7.3 Elk Oil Company's 7.10.21 El Modelo Oil Company's .- --- 7.7.11 Elwood Discovery.-.. - 7.3.4 Esmeralda Oil and Development Company's 8.3.6 Esperanza Oil Company's - 7.9.14 Eureka Crude Oil Company's... 4.2.45 Eureka Oil and Development Company's 7.7.18 Ex-Mission - 5.3.12 Far East 4.2.25 Fidelity Oil Company's - --- 4.1.14 Florence Oil Company's -- - .- 7.9.15 Fortuna Oil Company's 5.3.9 Fresno Alpha Oil Company's 8.3.7 Fullerton Consolidated Oil Company's 4.3.5 Fullerton Oil Company's -. - 4.3.6 Giant Oil Company's 7.7.4 Gibbs Oil Company's --- 7.9.16 Gilrov Oil and Development Company's 9.2.7 Gird's -.-- 4.2.34-35 Golden Gate Oil and Development Company's - 9.2.4 Golden Gate Oil Producing Company's 7.5.6 Good Luck Oil Company's - ..-. 4.2.46 Gorrell & Smith Oil Company's 10.2.4 Gould & Center Company's - 7.7.19 Graham & Loftus' - 4.3.7 Grand Pacific Oil Company's --- 9.4.4 Great Western Oil Company's - 7.10.22 Half Moon Bay -- - 9.3.3 Hamiltonian Oil Company's 8.3.8 Hartford Oil Company's. 7.7.12 Hawkeye State Oil Company's 7.10.35 Headly's -- .- 4.2.26 Heath's - 6.2.6 Hellman's - 3.1.3, 4.2.60 Henley, Crawford & Co.' s 5.2,3, 5.4.6 Hercules Oil Company's 4.1.£ Herron Oil Company's _ -- 10.2.8 Holden -.- 4.1.15 Hollister Crude Oil Company's 8.3.24 Home Oil Company's 4.1.16, 7.10.8 Houser tract - -- 4.2.3 Huasna Oil Company's -- 8.2.3 Humboldt Oil Company's - 10.3.4 Illinois --- - 6.2.7 Imperial Oil and Development Company's 7.8.4 Independence Oil Company's... 7.10.9 Independent Oil Company's.. 7.10.23 INDEX. 233 Part, Chapter, and Paragraph. Wells, Ingomar Oil Company's 8.3.9 Investment Oil Company's 7.10.24 lola Oil Company's 4.2.47 Iowa Oil Company's 7.9.17 Ivy Station 4.2.4 Jameson's 7.7.20 Jensen ranch 4.4.2 Jewett& Blodget's 7.4.2, 7.4.4, 7.4.18, 7.5.2 John & Strong's 4.2.5 Johnston's 4.2.27 Joyce Oil Companj^'s 4.2.36 Keating's 4.2.6 Kellerman's 4.1.24 Kellerman Oil Company's 5.4.7 Kern River Oil Company's .._ 7.7.5 Kings County Oil Company's 7.9.12 Kreyenhagen Oil and Development Company's 9.2.8 Kreyenhagen Oil Company's 7.9.8 La JoUa Oil Company's 3.7.2 Lewis's 4.2.7 Lion Oil Company's 7.5.7 Lombard & Lockhart's 4.2.8 Los Angeles Transportation and Terminal Company's 4.1.6 Mackintosh's 10.3.2 Maier & Zoebelin's 4.2.68 Manhattan Oil Company's 7.5.8 Mansfield's 4.2.9 Marius Meyer's 4.4.3 Mark Jones's 5.3.21 May Brothers' 7.10.36 McCamley ranch 9.4.5 McCoy Oil Company's 8.3.10 Mclntyre & Co.'s 5.4.8 McNee's 9.3.4 Minnesota Oil Company's 7.10.25 Mitchell & Stilson's... 4.2.10 Monarch Oil Company's 3.7.1, 7.5.1 Montjack Oil Company's 7.10.26 Moulton's - 4.2.69 Mount Adelaide Oil and Mining Company's 7.3.11 Mount Diablo Oil Company's 9.4.6 Murphy Oil Company's. 4.2.37 Mutual Oil Company's 7.10.27 National Oil Company's 7.7.13 Navajo Oil Company's 7.5.9 Nevada Oil Company's 7.7.21 New Century Oil Company's 4.2.48 New Hope Oil Company's 7.3.15 New Mexico Development Company's.. 4.2.11 Newport Oil Company's 4.4.4 New York Oil Company's 7.10.28 Nonpareil Consolidated Company's 8.3.25 North Whittier Oil Company's 4.2.38 Nuevo Camulos Oil Company's 5.4.9 Oceanic Oil Company's 7.9.18 Oil City Petroleum Company's 7.10.10 Old Glory Oil Company's 8.3.19 16-B19 234 INDEX. Part, Chapter, and Paragraph Wells, Old Keystone Oil Company's 7.10.29 Olympia Oil Company's 8.3.11 Orange County Oil Company's 4.4.5 Pacific Coast Oil Company's 4.1.25-27 Pacific Consolidated Oil Company's 7.7.14 Pacific Oil Development Company's 8.3.20 Pacoina 4.2.61 Panichito Oil Company's 8.3.21 Paraffin Oil Company's 9.3.2- Parkfield Oil Company's. 8.1.4 Peri 5.8.22 Phoenix Oil Company's ^ 7.10.11 Pico Oil Company's . — 4.2.12 Pioneer White Oil Company's 4.2.49 Piru Oil Company's 5.3.11, 5.4.10 Pitcher & Garbutt Oil Company's 4.2.13 Pittsburg Oil Company's 7.5.10 Point Richmond Oil Company's 9.4.7 Puente Oil Company's 4.1.23 Puente Crude Oil Company's 4.4.6 Ramona Oil Company's 5.4.11 Ranch No. 1 5.4.14 Raven's Pass Oil Company's 7.8.5 Razzle Dazzle claim 5.2.2 Rees's 4.2.28 Rhodes's 4.2.14 Rice's - 4.2.51 Rice Caiion 4.2.50 Rio Bravo and White Range Oil Company's 7.3.10 Robinson's 6.2.8 Rock Oil Company's , J.30 Rodeo Oil Company's i.2.15 Rommel Oil Company's 4.2.16 Rommel & Westlake 7.10.37 Rosecran's 4.2.62 Rosedale Cemetery 4.2.17 Salt Marsh 5.3.14 San Antonio Oil Company's l 8.1.8 San Ardo Consolidated Oil Company's 8.1.9 San Benito Oil Company's 8.3.12, 8.3.26 San Carlos Oil Company's 8.3.13 San Diego Oil Company's 3.7.3 San Francisco McKittrick Oil Company's 7.7.6 San Gabriel Electric Light Company's.. 4.1.7 San Luis Obispo Company's 8.2.4 San Pablo Oil.Comijany's 9.4.8 San Joaquin ranch 4.4.7 Santa Ana Oil Company's 4.4.8, 5.4.12 Santa Ana ranch 5.4.15 Santa Barbara and Naples Oil and Land Company's 6.2.9 Santa Clara Oil Company's 7.10.31 Santa F6 Railroad Company's 4.3.8 Santa Maria Oil Company's 8.3.14 Schmidt... 4.1.8 Schuyler's .." 4.2.63 Scott & Gilmore's 5.3.16 Scott& Loftus's 4.2.29 SelbyOil Company's 4.2.18 INDEX. 235 Part, Chapter, and Paragraph. • Wells, Selma Oil Company's 7.10.32 "ihamrock Oil Company's -.. 7.7.7 Ihirley & McCray's... 4.2.39 iickleworth's - -. 4.2.64 Oliver Creek Oil Company's -..- 8.3.15 Uoan Oil Company's - 7.7.15 Jobrante Oil and Investment Company's 9.4.9 soquel Oil Company's 4.4.9 50uth Pacific Oil Company's 5.3.36 ^preckels's 7.8.6 5tanislaus Oil Company's -.- 7.9.19 5tar Oil Company's 4.2.19, 7.10.38 3tate Crude Oil Company's 7.5.11 Stevens, Clark & Duncan's .. -.-- 6.2.10 St. Lawrence Oil Company's - 7.9.13 Stockton Oil Company's 7.9.20 Sunnyside Oil Company's 7.10.39 Sunrise Oil and Development Company's 7.7.22 Sunset Bakersfield Crude Oil Company's , 7.5.12 Sunset Czar Oil Company's -.. 7.5.13 Sunset King Oil Company's - 7.5.14 Sunset Oil Company's _.. 5.3.10 Sunset Petroleum and Refining Company's 7.5.15 Sunset Queen Oil Company's 7.5.16 Tapo Cafion.- - 5.3.2 Thomas's 4.2.20 Tidewater Oil and Development Company's 9.4.10 Tomboy Oil and Development Company's 8.1.7 ■"orrey Canon 5.3.4 owsley Cafion _ 4.2 52 i'readwell's 6.2.11 Treadwell Oil Company's 7.7.8 Turner Oil Company's 4.1.17 Twenty-eight Oil Company's 7.3.16, 7.10.12 Union Oil Company's 4.1.21, 4.3.9, 8.2.5, 8.3.16 Venus Oil Company's 7.10.41 Virginia Oil Company's 7.7.16 Vishnu Oil Company's 7.3.17 Warner Oil Company's _ 4.1.18 Watson Oil Company's 10.1.2 Watson ville Oil Company's 9.2.5 Waverly Oil Company's 8.1.5 Weid's .- 4.2.21 Western Mineral Oil Company's 7.5.17 Western Oil Company's ._ 5.4.13 Wheeler Cafion ._. 5.3.15 White Lumber Company's 10.1.3 White Oil Company's 4.1.28 whiting and others 4.2.30 Whittier Crude Oil Company's 4.1.19 Whittier Oil Company's 4.2.40 Wick's - 4.2.22 Wilkinson's 4.2.31 Williams's 4.2.23 Wisconsin Oil Company's 7.10.33 World Oil Company's 8.3.22 Wright Asiociation's 7.10.40 236 INDEX. Wells, Yankee Doodle Oil Company's Zenith Oil Company's Whittier, Sulphur deposits near Wright & Lynch ranch, Formations on Oil-sand on _ . Part, C and Par Jit uun BETW.' = N L0)S Ap*«©iLEi. an" Sa\njta\ ActA. Rimer . A. 5 Cooper, 5fa+e Mineralogist: "'''ICHC£S Prepared by W. L .Vy't,T-rs , /\ssisra'jr in tf\c FTeld.t'SSyl;)). ^ HENRYT.GAGE L.^« ^ ^ ^. ' ■ "" Of— Mill Mafsmorphic ^a^dsfone if it oJ 3^nd. FIG.A A Geo A PC SAN CALin AS HI ^0\/£RNC .A -— ?i^ .- ■Zo--. 2A <«> «« ooo ooc ■fi ^91^ f<...p^:z .„^ j — :'}^c^ ..< / .<^ > .■J*' ^ f*S e r / :'"'2ii:^>^-.ii»' J :^y ^^«i<^^ WK,^ n >y _x ^A (i ci ^•ilSl y^^' f"^ J !") -.^qUitsfife; "^ij r'^^^^ieBi / I n // '!'■: .A. on Geo! A P(j SAN Califc AS HI :2<3'> ?o. ooo Cn, /X r-^ \. g FIG . B . PHYSICAL OEObOGicAu Sketch Map sciemces o F- LIBPARy A POR-rloM OF FbOfHI LL.8 OF SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS California State Mining Bv/reau A. S.Cooper. State rriinefaiogist. PKcpared by W.L.WATTS. ^^^i^tant ir\ field . scale; i>& 2 njii^s Under the DifjECTioN of^ HENRY T. GAGE III!,'!//!/, /ItttJIH ' «« ooo ooo Legend : fiai/roads. ' Conf-our L/nes SfsHon O'/p ofS/ra/^a Shales -(B'-oyyn 8; IVhi^e) Con^fonterate « sciences •1900. I Off ttje State ofj c X*- 55: r i/f"^ // I f\.- 'I..:. \ . a . on qAM HDTa>ie dA3JOO^I03a ei/IIATHUOM AHA Al .m* vJA3«V;a Ommn 3TAT6AIHfl .tei^oi6"i9njrn etste. RaqooD .aTTAW.J.W yd bsNeq^xq :3JADa .e>ti(n s ^1 I s\' 30A0 . T YWH3H m ■ ^ r-T'l iffmi ■ii ?Are •1900. ! arf ifie ^tafe ofj b< r^KZ u n \ 1 V'- si: iL -1 r^' ■— , ■ - I r— ~3C ^/////^:^ 7.. cbnU .(i^^ .ellsW bsnobnacIA * ih-^-» M I \ s • aliaWWah o .<^P8i ot-ionq , blO « bpaci. qiQ VU I I \_/ -f-^ .'^,«l i f I- .>J r T aJ3 i&i Ipid^ i: ! V Physical sciences LIBRARy O ,00 200 SCA,LE.. 600 800 1000 1^00 FT. FIG. D. GtOLoeiCAU SKeYc/A A^Ap CH9 2 ) 1-06 /\NGELE.5 OIL FIELD (alipOI^NiA ^JTATfc A)lHlH>\ «pk ■K^r ^K - ;t "'AMt-^cSE. 'i;33vop) frirSlCAL s;:'MCES lieSARY ROCKY PT ' RESORT PT < >? /-* IV. /?. /3 »v; FIG. E . (Geological Si^eYch /^AP OF THE PENINSV/UA OF SAN PEDRO, -A.S.Cooper, stai-t-? ^\i^\ { \ ^ on . r.>^ e,'\'\K .T YnM3H ba(^\>b '^w0^c^o« '.asi- i»\\CT\ I. t ' s •V * TSS. T.9S. AM Oii&O WW J i mx-i i M 1 K // ^ ^ ^y ^^ -^ r)\•^ 'A^vV\ vc\«\2.\«.2.^, , zr^ "x^j"-. .».\c.v ^aVsv^ ^ !>• t ■ 5 FIG. O. Geological Skb-Tck y\)4P o-flERRlT0RV (gETWEEri SESPE j^PmV CHEEKS Ventura Co. California State P^ininggureau A. 5. Cooper .State rpioeralo^ist. Prepared by W.L. WATTS , Assistant in ttie field. - Under dirftcti09 of HENRY T . GAGE. (Governor of -t^e STATE of Q/^LI FOf^M I /») . 1900. 4 SCIENCES I X ( \?. ^v\> Itlar^ . H . O I -=1 v/A3jiv5 01/11H1/A3TAT6 AiMaoni Tta ig o 1 613 n in stst^ , 55 3 Q 00 D . Cs^]^' Cii -tOS+eieeA.eTXAW. J .W ]o -fioqa^. j 30A0.T YSM3H_i. (0 \A 1> .T .\A ^ -^ ' - / ■^^- "'Mr*'***' ;:^^^^''''v ^A\H(i?pi«»Lv^ i ' ^■>%,_ ^^^ ■m -^ 4 1 . Ji I 1 1 1 H / . / / '^i^A*-^^, OX i^- \Ar. •«J?\ / . -^ \ J ,X H .on JMTZiQ JiO 3tA3 ; VAapvJoHIHl/AjaTATdAIMflOCHl s • 3 0A«> .T YSH3H ..iJMk\po>J^A:D -^ 3T^T(^ "^V^ ;R0K' v^:: 0\-- J'llll' X ^ J'^''^ r >\\^ i i o V Cross Section. Pirou^h Fold slong line Pf! ne-sr Devils Qal-e- Denili Gate Oil Dish "i-'C/VCES- FIG. H. Devil's Gate Oil District CaliforniaStateMining 5vreav •A.S.Cooper. State nineraiogis+r conjparjy'ifjg (^epor*- of W. L. .WatTS , Asjistapt irj field. K FIG o A. Bluffs near fhe be Land alon^ fhe se /^/£s bui/f. Wells small prod. Well producing ovi per da Dry yve/Zs. Gas yvells ^c:i 5\ov\'5\^Nj o^ -3 J" /// >&»//* ^. -V =^§ ,V:,|,1' ■'ji ':Ji' / FIG o Ik 4. 8C Bluffs near the bcc. Land slong fhe se Wells small prod, Well producing o\/i per da^ Dry we//s. Gas wells FIG. I . Sketch Map or SUMMERLAND smow/ng O/lWells /7>vz? Wharves . ■ — CALJFOf?A//A State M/Af//S/G Bu/?EAU, a ^.Cooper , state mineraios'st. Prepared by \A/. I. . WATTS, Assistant w the F/elo. UNDER THE DJ/?ECT/ON OE- HENJ^y^. 7-. GAGE^ Go\/EffNOR Of^ THE StATEt OE CaL/EO/?N/A. Cal Prepare' C^ov IS- ,. .*. -!;^ s,s; €,s ,^^.a.^ NK 3E>>a aig^n&iv 1 KyiH-'iU' . I .on .e,V IV ~ < • « ':i \ -^ \ o K c\ M<^KIT Cal, Prepare Qov ^kl s5 '^-S.^.j,-;>»; .--^?*^ I ^..•: <> SS tS ,VA.^ -^ >»* J^-S. aig^ne.'A Ran^e J 9 MO. M. •■!!«*„ ■^•^c S:iE.\CES r^ FlG. J. >;:-<-"^v^ ' Mc/c,rrRja "o^^ Kern Countv, ____ sbowiog locafior? of M«K1TTRICK , SUNSET & KERN - RIVER OIL DISTRICTS. California State mining Bureau A S.Cooper . ^-t-a+e rrjineraioqis+r Prepared by W. L .WATTS ,As5lsta9^ in Field. H E NRY T . GAGE (^OVEI^NOI^ OF- g^ATE- 0(^ CAL1POR.MIA. 1900. flt/r? pA'tv/i^z.tJW ''ti„. v'l„V\*^- \,er ^ '-ft. - , .^vt" ^'- gy y-a /■" s Ht*"'»i.Al''"V'n [ G^^se^p'^t-os £pl(\ (fe ••■' Panels Z^ h/ SB /^, 23 oj^^" ::\U^J Sfe'v. i»,.iS>"- \ SCIENCES l-tSRARY .iiiiiii. /9 »ve.sy- won ir6 9TrrfI gninifft 9fGfS einto'iJJBD • *>^- Di:ii-l sftt oi tn6t2ieeA .eTTAV/ . -J- . W :30A0 . T Y51H3H ooer rfr-r.i TI-. »i si.,; / Si^<^ Vv^f ^»-Ae^^ o^' I A T36HUa , >IOmTTI>t^M .aroifiTeia Jio 9\3V\9\ - T^^^i^pl6^^olC^ s"^a-f(£) . jiaqooO.S.A .bi5i^ ni IqstaieeA^ ST TAW. J .W yd bs-ieaa^Q 30AG , T YSai/I a H A 1 MJ^O^twlAD — ^ ooei ifR^tirH gninifTt efef^, erfffolJlBD >— •*.^-- i^ -^ *^^' •■^— ** • ■ • bl3i=l 9ftt ni tnelaiee/s , ATTAV/ . -J- . W >o <:ioitosT'ib TsboL) .A' aOAO . T Y5JH3H T ' . '■ W ^^Wf ^e . ' j ' TmMH ^fmm-^^^ ooer '■^\ \(^-' ^.vNvP A%v. -:>v- "^^^^ "-^e^-^j: ^ n. 4U > •a-. -£> ^ J^^b.# >s*-' W., ^ vVS^. . '? Ci^ <^-'- ^ V.'., •1 'I X'i^. m^m^m^^ ■■ ■ ^ ■^■^f— ■?» •T~» II ■ !*<«■ California State mining gureau A . 5 . CoopEtR , §+aterril9eral03i5h ■■•■'— — «.»..» , Prepared by W . I_ . VVAT"rS , Assistant in tRe Field. Uoder direc+ioo of ''A ? r ^ "•~\ -< \ ,k- O o o IN J A.'S^'SCI " - ;yJ4o; " V\ !^-.. 1 " '<" \ ■1 J J - 1 5 * t c 1 - 5 V \ . 5 rt^-s'vX 1 "^^ 4 / K. \ I V\\\ '^^^^ -^^HL?^ N -^ .-*" c?*^ ■Z/ ^^V9^v^ v.Ci » - -«j) ; 'e:s,.-«i!»< #«'■* ■■■'■■ I 6 ,/ t m ^t ■p o A ^^ o o rjO' I >0\Qvi^^>>0^ -CnoQC*^" "3. Ov.V >o\]o •^ \ .-■-=r^ ■r K 9? 0> 6 o w. ■ ! ■^^- C( I" i/^no^ c//i^5-u ^ -C- J i / 5 * t I ••"•!- Iili ) >vii""<;,-, !\>>" V : — g^ a ' y Sir ^ -\ ... ri'! ^ e ^ %%?^ ,■ ■ •vim'.' '^■-.-"«-r.u?7-" T^ ^>- P/ (S/ r ;«5« o ^ s ■o u <" s- "> fiv. i ~ » — H 14 Oj £■ > i O \<3 O J \_ - ^ "T '^^ iXV -*.--:; > s > I i b- - >| U'^y^- J/ £'1 y mmm fy/^O^ c/'US-C/^^O/ -^/i wv. £ip5fs-vr L m ^c.^^i-jy.,,- \* ! ?! V ?f f.;^ - - -^ r kl/ ^X/!_J %$h J 5^- ^'1: "&> -sgi-«.