ALA. ANNOTATED LISTS GUIDE TO THE STUDY AND USE OF REFERENCE BOOKS ALICEB .KROEGER American Xifiratp &&etociation PUB LIC A TIONS THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ("A. L. A.") INDEX. An Index to General Literature, Bio- graphical, Historical, and Literary Essays and Sketches, Reports and Publications of Boards and Societies dealing with Education, Health, Labor, Charities, and Corrections, etc., etc. By William I. Fletcher, A. M., Librarian of Amherst College, with the cooperation of many librarians. Second Edi- tion, much enlarged. Royal 8vo, $10.00, net ; half morocco, $14.00, net. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FINE ART. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Landscape Gardening, Arts of Decoration and Illustration. By Russell Sturgis; Music. By Henry E. Krehbiel. 4to, $1.00, net ; paper, 50 cents, net. READING FOR THE YOUNG. A Classified and An- notated Catalogue, with an Alphabetical Index of Authors, by John Sargent. Prepared by Mary E. and Abby L. Sar- gent. With Supplement. 8vo, $1.50, net. SUPPLEMENT OF THE ABOVE, alone, 8vo, $1.00, net ; paper, 75 cents, net. LIST OF BOOKS FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN, AND THEIR CLUBS. With Descriptive and Critical Notes, and a List of Periodicals, and Hints for Girls' and Women's Clubs. Edited by Augusta H. Leypoldt and George Iles. 8vo, $1.00, net ; paper, 50 cents, net. THE LITERATURE OF AMERICAN HISTORY. Edited by J. N. Larned. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY Boston and New York a. t, % annotated tim GUIDE TO THE STUDY AND USE OF REFERENCE BOOKS A MANUAL FOR LIBRARIANS, TEACHERS AND STUDENTS BY ALICE BERTHA KROEGER Librarian and Director Library School Drexel Institute, Philadelphia ISSUED BY THE PUBLISHING BOARD OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & COMPANY C&e Etoetatte JJresia, Cambrt&ae 1902 \p jpfM GENERAL COPYRIGHT, I902 BY THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION All rights reserved "* . Published October, 1Q02 / CONTENTS PAGE Preface vii-viii References 2 Introduction 3-5 Books and Articles on Reference Books . 6-8 Encyclopedias 9-12 English 9-10 American 10-11 Foreign : French, German, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian .... 11-12 Dictionaries 13-17 English 13-14 Etymology, Synonyms, Americanisms and Slang, Obsolete and Pro- vincial, Dialects, Miscellaneous 14-15 Anglo-Saxon 15-16 Middle-English T 16 Foreign : German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swed- ish, Danish-Norwegian, Russian, Polish, Bohemian, Hungarian, Greek, Modern Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Arabic 16-17 Special Subjects 18-52 Philosophy 18 Temperance 18 Religion 18-20 Bible Dictionaries 19 Bible Commentaries 19 Bible Concordances 19 Sects 19-20 Missions 20 Miscellaneous 20 Non-Christian 20 Social Sciences 20-27 Political Science and Economics 21-22 Governments 21 Political Parties 21 U. S. Government Officials 21-22 Law 22-23 Statistics 23-24 Year-Books 23-24 Census 24 Commerce 24 Business 24 Railways 24-25 Shipping 25 Post Office 25 1 ()9M\ iv CONTENTS Money 25 Associations 25 Education 25-26 Customs 26 Costume 26 Science 26-28 Technical Terms 26-27 Mathematics and Astronomy 27 Electricity . 27 Chemistry 27 Geology . ' . . . . . . 27 Natural History 27-28 Birds 27 Botany 27-28 Useful Arts 28-31 Horticulture - . 28 Medicine 28-29 Domestic Science 29 Receipts 29 Mechanic Arts ....." 29 Engineering 29 Industries and Manufactures 30 Minerals 30 Patents 30 Printing 30 Military and Naval Arts 30 Fine Arts 31-33 Dictionaries 31 Annuals 31 Symbolic Art 31 Architecture 31-32 Painting . 32 Music ,_ 32 Photography 32 Games and Sports 32-33 Literature 33-40 General 33 Annuals 33 English and American 33-34 Allusions 34-35 Authorship 35 Noted Names of Fiction 35 Sobriquets 35 Anthologies 35-36 Recitations 36 Quotations 36-37 Proverbs 37 Anecdotes , 37 Concordances to Authors 37-38 Author Dictionaries 38-39 CONTENTS v Fiction 39-40 Drama 40 Classics 40 Biography 40-48 General 41-42 National 42-43 American 42 Canadian 42 English 42^3 Foreign : French, German, Austrian, Belgian 43 Ancient 43 Special Classes 43-45 Authors 43-44 English and American 43-44 German 44 Artists 44 Musicians 44 Army and Navy 44r45 Women 45 Directories 45 Genealogy 45-47 American 45-46 English 46-47 Crests 47 Foreign 47 Names 47 Flags 47 Portraits 47 Bio-Bibliography 48 Geography 48-50 Dictionaries 48 Atlases 48-50 American 48-49 English 49 German 49 Historical 49-50 Guide-Books 50 History . . 50-52 Dates 50 Tables 50-51 Annuals 51 Antiquities 51 English . 51 United States 51-52 Canada 52 Periodicals, Essays, Dissertations Indexes and Lists 53-58 Periodicals 53-55 General : English, French, German 53-54 Union Lists 54 Technical 55 vi CONTENTS Newspapers : American, English, French 55-56 General Literature and Essays 56-57 Dissertations 57-58 Society Publications Indexes and Catalogs 59-30 General 59 English 59 American 59 German 60 French 60 Government Documents 61-64 U. S. Public Documents 61-63 Indexes and Catalogs 62-63 State and City Documents 64 Foreign Documents 64 Bibliography 65-77 General or Universal . 66 Early Literature 66-67 National and Trade 67-72 American 67-69 English ' . 69-70 French 70-71 German 71 Other Countries 71-72 Bibliography of Bibliography 72-73 Special Bibliographies 73-74 Choice of Books 75 Children's Reading 75-76 Anonyms and Pseudonyms . . 76-77 Libraries 77-79 Statistics 77 Special Collections . . . . . . . . . . . 77-78 Library Catalogs 78 The Card Catalog 78-79 Library Bulletins 79 Library Periodicals 79 Suggestive List of One Hundred Reference Books 80-82 Index 83-104 PREFACE y This manual is a guide, designed primarily to help library assistants, library school students, college students, teachers, and users of libraries in general, in gaining a knowledge of reference books quickly. It does not pretend to be complete. The reference books and bibliographies included in this list are necessarily limited, first, to those of a strictly reference character, and, secondly, to the most useful works in the English language, with some exceptions in other lan- guages. It is obviously impossible, without exceeding the limits of one volume, to include all of the important works of reference in foreign languages, which, though often of more value than the corresponding English books, still are of restricted use owing to the comparatively small number of readers of foreign languages who frequent our libraries. Reference books which are limited to the use of the specialist have been in like manner usu- ally omitted. Out-of-print books have occasionally been mentioned because they are to be found in the older libraries. It sometimes happens that the best reference book on a subject is out of print. Almost all books of reference possess defects as well as merits ; it is difficult indeed to find one that is perfect. At the same time they are essential to a well -equipped library. The annotations of the titles herein contained are largely of a descriptive character, showing for what purposes the books mentioned are especially useful. Besides cyclopedias and dictionaries which give direct aid, the reader will have to consult more elaborate treatises for further information. Bibliographies are guides to these. A know ledge of bibliography, therefore, forms an important part in the preparation of the student. The most useful reference department will include bibliographies of special subjects along with the cyclopedias of those subjects. It is to be regretted that books belonging to the class Bibliography are as a rule kept in the cataloger's room or the librarian's office, not in the reference department where they would be useful to the public. In a large library, such an important printed catalog as that of the Peabody Institute Library should by all means be kept where the public can have easy access to it, even if it is necessary to duplicate such a work. This manual will also serve as a guide in the selection of reference books for a library. The prices given are the publishers' prices, and the lowest price is usually quoted. Books can often be obtained at a discount or picked up from time to time at auction or second-hand stores at a much reduced price. Reference books are expensive, and few libraries can afford to keep up with new editions or even with recent authorities. In many cases new editions are not worth the cost. They are frequently made from the same plates as the earlier editions, with slight alterations, not of sufficient importance to warrant the expense involved in their purchase. A suggestive list of one hundred reference books for a small library will be found at the end of the volume. The selection of the books in this volume has been made from a study of the reference &^ partments of the principal libraries of Philadelphia, Boston, New York, St. Louis, and Wash- viii PREFACE ington, and practically covers the course of study in reference books as pursued in the Drexel Institute Library School. Other library schools also give similar courses. The compiler extends grateful acknowledgments for helpful suggestions to Mr. F. W. Faxon, Mr. Charles C. Soule, Mr. S. H. Berry, Mr. A. Growoll, Mr. Edward H. Virgin, Mr. David H. Hutcheson, Mr. Charles Martel, Mr. Steingrimur Stefansson, Dr. H. A. Millis, Dr. Roland P. Falkner, Miss A. R. Hasse, Miss Theodosia E. Macurdy, Mr. C. W. Andrews ; to the reference librarians of .the Free Library of Philadelphia, Astor Library, Library of Congress, and other libraries for their many courtesies, and to Mr. W. I. Fletcher, Mr. W. C. Lane, and Mi3s Nina E. Browne for their assistance in reading proof. GUIDE TO REFERENCE BOOKS "Reference books are the clearing-houses of knowledge. They are libraries in miniature, focusing into a single book information scattered through a thousand volumes. They are short- cuts to learning, pass-keys to the accumulated wisdom of the ages. The ordinary reader knows little of them, and realizes but slightly the great help they would be to him in his daily reading and daily living." W: G: Jordan in Literary era, 8 : 52. " A selection of the best works of reference should be the corner- stone of every library collec- tion." A. R. Spofford in Ms Book for all readers. "... For I have long known how much books of reference fail of all the good which they might accomplish, simply from ignorance of them, or inability to use them intelligently. " Justin Winsor in Lib. jour. 3 : 159. "It is quite possible for a person of ordinary memory and ability, by careful study of refer- ence books, by familiarity with the arrangement of his library, and by attention to the aids which his fellow librarians have put in print, to gain that respectable amount of information about a great many things essential to work at the information desk." George T. Little in Lib. jour. ' ' We all agree in lamenting that there are so many houses even some of considerable social position where you will not find a good atlas, a good dictionary, or a good cyclopaedia of refer- ence. What is still more lamentable, in a good many more houses where these books are, they are never referred to or opened. That is a very discreditable fact, because I defy anybody to take up a single copy of the Times newspaper and not come upon something in it, upon which, if their interest in the affairs of the day were active, intelligent, and alert as it ought to be, they would consult an atlas, dictionary, or cyclopaedia of reference." John Morley in Ms Studies in literature, p. 205. "It [a public library] should be rich in books of reference, in encyclopaedias, where one may learn without cost of research what things are generally known. For it is far more useful to know these than to know those that are not generally known." J. JR. Lowell in Ms Books and libraries. INTRODUCTION A reference book has been defined as " a book which is to be consulted for definite points of information rather than read through, and is arranged with explicit reference to ease in finding specific facts." (E. C. Richardson in Lib. jour. 18 : 254.) Books which come under this classi- fication are usually separated from the rest of the books in a library and placed where they can be most readily consulted by the public, without the delay of customary formalities. They comprise general encyclopedias, cyclopedias of special subjects, dictionaries, gazetteers, atlases, etc. The term reference book in public libraries is also used to include many books that do not circulate outside the library either on account of their character or their value. 1 IN LIBRARIES The term reference work is commonly used in libraries to include that branch of their admin- istration which deals with the assistance given to readers in their use of the resources of the library. This is an important part of the educational work of public libraries. The "informa- tion desk" is now a well-established feature in the large libraries of America. 2 At this post the reference librarian presides. His duties are to assist readers in their search for information, and to some extent to guide the reading public by preparing lists of references on topics of the day or on subjects of general interest. He must be able to send inquirers to the necessary refer- ence books or other authorities, and in order to do this he should have a thorough knowledge of the librarian's aids and guides, reference books, and bibliographies. The reference librarian, especially in a public library, should keep a record of the questions most frequently asked, specifying places in which answers to the same can be found. It is well, if time does not allow for analytic work to be inserted in the card catalogue, to keep this record near the information desk, writing the questions on cards with references where found, and filing alphabetically. Much valuable time is consumed in looking up the same question over and over again. This is particularly noticeable in the case of questions for school work where a large number of children are assigned the same topic. Lists of all references on such subjects as Christmas, Arbor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Washington's Farewell address, lives of noted personages, Washington, Lincoln, Lowell, Holmes, etc., should be always at hand covering every available reference in the library on the subject. In libraries where there is no reference librarian every attendant at the delivery desk must be ready to answer questions, and, when not able to do so, must refer them to the Librarian. Any one at all familiar with library management knows what a large number of questions some trivial and some important are brought to the library for solution every day. The Librarian cannot always be accessible to the numerous visitors who come to the library. It is, therefore, of the highest importance that his assistants should, so far as possible, under- stand how to use reference books, which serve frequently as guides to more important authori- ties which may not be included under the limited title, reference book. The public certainly cannot expect the attendants to know the answers to the questions which they ask, but in the majority of cases they should be expected to know where to find them. This knowledge comes largely from daily experience, and becomes constantly more technical in character ; it can, how- 1 See the article on Reference books by E. C. Richardson, in Dewey, Melvil, ed. Papers prepared for the World's library congress, 1896, p. 976-982. 1 See Assistance to readers, by W: E. Foster, in Dewey, Melvil, ed. Papers prepared for the World's library congress, 1896, p. 982-993. 4 INTRODUCTION ever, be materially assisted by a systematic study of reference books. Johnson said : " Know- ledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it." The latter is one of the necessary requirements of a librarian. A thorough understand- ing of the use and value of reference books assists one to turn readily to the correct book for the solution of some difficult point, and saves much valuable time. Every desk-attendant should be a reference librarian so far as in him lies the ability. The true librarian finds no greater satisfaction in his daily work than that of solving a difficult problem for some earnest student by placing before him the best authority from some hidden corner of the library. The memory can be trained along these lines to a remarkable degree. The librarian who sincerely wishes to succeed in this, by a systematic study of the books of reference, and the use of the indexes and other keys, will be able to accomplish what will appear most wonderful to one not accustomed to the daily handling of books and constant observation of them. A librarian, distinguished for his ability to assist readers and students, writes : "In the inter- vals of library work, I am accustomed to consider the looking up of sub j ects or authorities as one of my very best recreations. It is as interesting as a game of whist and much more profit- able. . . . And this is one of the foremost attractions, let me add, of the librarian's calling ; it is more full of intellectual variety, of wide-open avenues to knowledge, than any other, vocation whatever." A. M. Spofford in his Book for all readers, p. 193. In some of the large libraries meetings of the assistants are held at regular intervals. A study of aids and guides, with the result of practical experience in using them, can be made an instruc- tive feature of such meetings. There are possibilities of improvement in the regular staff of the library in this way, while the results can be tested from time to time if desired by means of examinations, the questions asked at the delivery desk serving as a basis for such examination. IN COLLEGES In many colleges the study of bibliography has been introduced usually as an elective course in the senior year in which the use of reference books and the library catalog is included. This is realizing, to some extent, what Emerson so much desired when he wrote, earnestly advo- cating a professorship of books in every college. That the college is the proper field for such study there is little question. It is only to be regretted that such a chair does not exist in every college, and that the course is not a regular part of the curriculum. It is here that the student, who is pursuing a special line of work, finds that a knowledge of bibliography will aid him in obtaining access to the literature of his subject, and that in thoroughly understanding how to use reference books, he can find quickly information on subjects outside his specialty which otherwise he would either do without, or be obliged to consume much valuable time in finding. IN SCHOOLS A systematic study of the use of books can also be made an important feature in the training of teachers, and it might therefore be introduced to advantage into the course of study in high and normal schools. The knowledge of how to advise others what to read and how to find answers to the questions constantly coming up in the course of their reading is of the greatest value to the student who is soon to go out to teach young people. One of the difficult problems of the public libraries of the present day, especially in our large cities, is to make closer the union between the public library and the public schools. Many methods have been adopted to bring about better results in improving the character of the reading of the children in the schools, and much valuable discussion of these methods may be found in the volumes of the Library Journal. Nevertheless it still remains a formidable task for one librarian in a large city to influ- ence several hundred public school teachers or to assist them to any perceptible degree in learning how to use the library and the books in it. Instruction of this character should begin before the INTRODUCTION 5 cares and busy hours of teaching take up all the time, if not all the enthusiasm and desire on the part of the teacher. A normal school is generally provided with a working collection of books. The instruction should therefore include a study of the catalog and classification of its own library, which must be made to conform as nearly as possible to the best library methods. In teaching the use of reference books in schools, it will often be found necessary to take the class to the public library, if the school library does not contain the most important of these books. On leaving the school, every student should be able to go to a library to look up any information either in catalog, on shelves, or in reference books. The references (p. 6-8) will call attention to many articles in library periodicals, illustrating courses now given in normal schools. HOW TO STUDY REFERENCE BOOKS The student should first read the title-page and preface or introduction of each reference book, where the purpose of the book is usually stated. Then examine the book for special features, including indexes, cross-references,! bibliographies, etc. Several articles should be examined and compared with those on the same subj ects in another reference book. Additional points to be noted are : the authority for the article, its arrangement, the date, the treatment of the subject, whether technical or popular, whether concise or extended. It is not sufficient that titles of reference books should be known to the student, but syste- matic study should be followed by constant reference to the books by means of set questions which must be looked up thoroughly. As the student progresses, he must not confine himself to the reference books, but consult the best books on any subject for fuller, and sometimes more authoritative, information. Many text-books are the best reference books on special subjects. These have not been included in this list, which is limited to the more narrow meaning of the term reference book. Libraries such as that of the British Museum, and even others not so large, include the leading text-books and authorities in the reference department. This should be done if the library can afford to possess duplicate copies. Care should always be taken to keep in touch with what is being published, the latest editions and most recent authorities should be noted, and when a new work comes out, and is found to be useful for some specific purpose, it should be added to the students' list of reference books. : QF T. UNIVERSITY ^ n OF BOOKS AND ARTICLES ON REFERENCE BOOKS AND REFERENCE WORK ABBREVIATIONS. L. j. = Library journal. P. 1. = Public libraries. Abbott, Elizabeth L. Bibliography in a small library and a List of reference books for a library of from 3000 to 5000 v. P. 1. 7: 8-13. Describes the books mentioned in the list of refer- ence books, stating their scope and value. Adams, Emma Louise. Instruction in the use of reference books and libraries : in normal and preparatory schools for teachers. L. j. 23 : C 84-86. Includes a report from normal schools on work of this kind (1898). Ames, Anne Seymour. Instruction in the use of reference books and libraries : in high schools. L. j. 23 : C 86-87. Baker, C. A. Reference books for a small library. (In Dana, J: C. Library primer. 1899. p. 46-52.) Includes about 75 books, costing about $550. Gives relative importance of books on subjects. Bolton, Charles Knowles. Library exam- inations in schools. L. j. 20 : 122-123. Bostwick, Arthur E. Reference work in small circulating libraries. P. 1. 5 : 419-422. British museum Library. List of the books of reference in the reading room. Ed. 3. 475 p. tab. O. Lond. British museum, 1889. Contains not only books of a strictly reference char- acter, but also representative works in the various classes ; alphabetically arranged by authors with sub- ject index. Cutter, Charles Ammi. Some works of re- ference as aids in cataloguing. (In his Rules for a dictionary catalogue. 1891. p. 128-133.) Dana, John Cotton. Reference work. (In his Library primer. 1899. p. 53-56.) Ellis, Elizabeth. Instruction of school chil- dren in the use of library catalogs and reference books. P. 1. 4 : 311-314. Faxon, Frederick Winthrop. Periodicals in reference work. P. 1. 3: 207-209, 252-254. Finney, B. A. High school instruction in use of reference books. P. 1. 4 : 315-317. Gives a general outline of a course of study in this subject. / Fletcher, William Isaac. Reference work. (In his Public libraries in America. 1894. p. 73-79.) Foster, William E. Assistance to readers. L. j. 18:257-258. Assistance to readers. (In Dewey, Melvil, ed. Papers prepared for the World's library congress held at the Columbian expo- sition. 1896. p. 982-993.) How to use the public library. L. j. 4 : 447^48. Suggestions for the use of pupils in the schools; refers to the use of reference books. The information desk. L. j. 19 : 368- 370. The information desk at the Providence public library. L. j. 16 : 271-272. Green, Samuel Swett. Aids and guides for readers. L. j. 7 : 139-147. The report to the American library association. See also reports of following years on aids and guides. Libraries as bureaus of information. L. j. 21 : 324-326. Library aids. 10 p. O. Wash. Govern- ment printing office, 1881. The desirableness of establishing per- sonal intercourse and relations between libra- rian and readers in public libraries. L. j. 1 : 74-81. Read at the Conference of librarians, Philadelphia. 1876. Hasse, Adelaide Rosalia. Training of li- brary employes : reference work. L. j. 20 : 303-304. REFERENCE WORK Hewins, Caroline Maria. How to make the most of a small library. L. j. 11 : SOS- SOS. Hull, Charles H. Helps for cataloguers in finding full names. L. j. 14 : 7-20. An excellent list of reference books for catalogers. John Crerar library, Chicago. List of books in the reading-room, Jan. 1900. 251 p. O. Chic. John Crerar library, 1900. Not limited to reference books, but includes the most useful books for a reference library. Especially strong in technical sciences. Jordan, William George. A plea for refer- ence books. Literary era, 8 : 52-54. Argues for a knowledge of the use of these books by the general reader. Koopman, Harry Lyman. Reference books and catalogues. (In his Mastery of books. 1896. p. 48-62.) Little, George T. Helping inquirers. L. j. 20 : C 19-20. Instruction in the use of reference books and libraries : in colleges. L. j. 23 : C 92. Marvin, Cornelia. Reference work in the Armour institute library class. P. 1. 2 : 299- 300. Massachusetts library club. Discussion on reference work. L. j. 19 : 382-384. Milner, Ange V. Instruction in use of cata- logs and reference books in normal schools. P. 1. 4 : 324-326. Reference sheets. P. 1. 2 : 87-88. A method of keeping references on subjects. Moore, Evva L. Reference work and spe- cial lists. P. 1. 2 : 290-293. New York (state) Library. Selection of reference books for use of cataloguers in find- ing full names. (In its Bulletin; bibliogra- phy, no. 5. 1898. 18 p.) o. p. New edition in preparation. Selected reference books. (In its Li- brary school bulletins, no. 4. 1899. p. 151- 214.) lOcts. List of reference books used in the course in refer- ence work in the New York state library school. Classified. Index. Osterhout library, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Fin- ger-posts to the reference library. (In its Li- brary news-letter, Oct. 1898-1902.) A series of classified and annotated lists of the re- ference books, including many books not strictly reference. Plummer, Mary Wright. Reading-room and reference-room work. (In her Hints to small libraries. 1898. p. 45-^55.) With a list of " fifty works of reference of the great- est use in an average library." Rathbone, Josephine Adams. Instruction in the use of reference books and libraries in high schools. L. j. 23 : C 87-91. Reference work in libraries. L. j. 16 : 297-300. Experiences of the Brooklyn library, Columbia col- lege library, and Pratt institute library in this depart- ment. Reynolds library, Rochester, N. Y. Re- ference catalogue. 324 p. Q. Rochester, 1898. A classified list of all the books in the reference department, together with books in the circulating department which are believed to be useful for con- sultation. The contents are grouped as: Bibliography, Encyclopaedias and general treatises, Periodicals and reviews, Society transactions and publications, and Public documents. Author and subject indexes. Richardson, Ernest Cushing. Reference- books. L. j. 18 : 254-257. Reference books. (In Dewey, Melvil, ed. Papers prepared for the "World's library congress held at the Columbian exposition. 1896. p. 976-982.) One of the important articles on the subject. Salem Public library. How to use the reference library. (In its Bulletin, 1 : 9-10.) San Francisco Public library. Books in the reference room. (In its Catalogue, noi 11,. 1901. p. 37-63.) A list of reference books arranged alphabetically by subjects. Sargent, Abby L. Reference work among school children. L. j. 20 : 121-122. Spofford, Ainsworth Rand. Works of reference for libraries. (In U. S. Bureau of education. Public libraries in the U. S. 1876. 1 : 686-710.) Contains a brief but well-selected list, although now not recent enough for practical use. Aids to readers. (In his Book for all readers. 1900. p. 190-214.) Stanley, Harriet Howard. Reference work with children. L. j. 26 : C 74-78. Wales, Elizabeth B. Assistants' class at Braddock (Pa.) public library. P. 1. 3: 8. A brief description of the work done at this library in giving instruction to the assistants in the use of reference books. Warren, Irene. Instruction in the use of books in a normal school. P. 1. 3 : 151-153. Wellman, Hiller Crowell. Reference work 8 REFERENCE WORK with children. Library association record, 3 : 400-407. Wheatley, Henry Benjamin. List of refer- ence books. (In his How to form a library. 1887. p. 91-129.) Winsor, Justin. Reference books in Eng- lish. L. j. 1:247-249. A brief list of the best reference books for a small library. Principal reference books for college li- braries. (In U. S. Education, Bureau of. Circulars of information, no. 1, 1880. p. 9-13.) Woodruff, Eleanor Berry. Reference work. L. j. 22 : C 65-67, C 127-129. List of fifty reference books for a small popular library. (In Pratt institute monthly, 6 : 123-126.) An annotated list, carefully selected. ENCYCLOPEDIAS The word Encyclopedia is derived from two Greek words, meaning circular and instruction, and is applied to "a work in which the various topics included under several or all branches of knowledge are treated separately and usually in alphabetical order." (Century dictionary.) The shorter form, cyclopedia, is used with the same meaning, but it is often limited to a book treat- ing of the various topics of one branch of knowledge. In Encyclopedias the articles are usually arranged in alphabetical order as the most con- venient for ready reference. Some, however, have topics arranged under the general class not under the specific name of the subject, as in the Britannica. In others a classified method of arrangement has been adopted ; for example, the Iconographic encyclopaedia, where each volume treats of a separate class. The following outline is a condensed statement of the leading facts in the history of Encyclo- pedias. For fuller information consult the Century dictionary, Encyclopaedia Britannica, La grande encyclopedic, Chambers's Encyclopaedia, Larousse's Grand dictionnaire (pref. p. 5-76), and the chapter in Morley's Diderot and the Encyclopaedists (1: 117-247). Before the 16th century many attempts had been made to present in systematic form what- ever was known in all branches of learning. Among the earliest of these may be mentioned the lost works of Terentius Varro in the first century b. c. and the Historia naturalis of Pliny (23-79 a. d.). The Opus majus of Roger Bacon in the 13th century was an effort of the same kind. During this century many volumes appeared bearing the title, Speculum (notably those of Vincent of Beauvais), which were the encyclopedias of their time. It was, however, in 1541 that Ringelberg's Cyclopedia gave the name that has been com- monly used for works of this character, and from that time the number of similar enterprises increased rapidly. In the 17th century, encyclopedias were printed in the vernacular, the Latin language having prevailed until that time. Bayle's Dictionnaire historique et critique, which appeared in 1696, was for a long time an authority, and was translated into English. It is still to be found either in the original or in translation among reference books, and has been in the past a source of information for many writers, although now it is seldom used. ENGLISH Black, 1875-88. 36. (N. Y. Scribner, 1878-89. In England among^the earlier encyclopedias * 145 ) 3 2 of importance may J)e mentioned the Lexicon This stm remains the standard work of reference, ... , ~ iX Tx . /x i ^^/\ix although many of the articles are now out of date, techmcum, by Dr. ^fohn Harris (Lond. 1704), The arrangement is under general rather than specific and the Cyclopedia ; or, An universal die- subject, the index volume referring to places in the tionary of arts and sciences, by Ephraim general alphabet, where a specific subject may be Chambers (Lond. 1728, 2v. folio). The latter found - The articles are lengthy treatises in most , . ,, . ,. . cases, written by authorities, and signed, with val- was much superior to other encyclopedias of uable bibliogra p hies referring to sources appended, that day, and is of interest as forming the basis More useful for the specialist than the general reader, of the famous French Encyclopedic Biographies of living persons are omitted. The first edition of the Encyclopedia Bri- . The * n( J ex volume to the Philadelphia reprint (991 p.) , . , . _i i 1S much fuller than the index to the English edition tanmca appeared in three quarto volumes (499 p>)# By its aidf every name and every topic , (1768-71) and has since gone through nine edi- treated anywhere in this vast repository of human tions. knowledge, can be traced out and appropriated ; while Encyclopedia Britannica ; a dictionary of without ' the B v B /' th a " its g 5 eat "J 6 ?* ' T^xT J . r . * jr main very much m the nature of a sealed book to the arts, sciences, and general literature. Ed. 9. reader who stands in nee d of immediate use and re- 24 V. and index vol. il. pi. maps, Q. Edin. ference." A R. Spofford in his Book for all readers. 10 ENGLISH. AMERICAN An American reprint of the 9th edition of the En- cyclopaedia Britannica (Phil. Stoddart, 1875-90. 24v. and index, with supplement in 5v. $75) contains the same articles, with additional ones relating to Amer- ican subjects at the end of each volume. It is less expensive than the English edition, though not so well printed. Other and cheaper reprints have been made. Supplements to the Encyclopaedia Britannica have been compiled with the object of furnishing informa- tion on American subjects not sufficiently well treated in the original work, and including subjects omitted from it. Among these are the Supplement published by Stoddart (N. Y. Stoddart, 1882-89. 4v. $32), and one edited by D. O. Kellogg (Akron, O., Werner, 1900. 5v. $12.50.) Chambers's encyclopaedia ; a dictionary of i universal knowledge. New ed. lOv. il. por. maps, Q. Lond. Chambers, 1901, [ c 1892- 1900]. $20. (Phil. Lippincott.) 032 First edition was published in 1860-68. It is a good concise encyclopedia, probably not sufficiently Ameri- can, although the later editions have articles on American subjects written by specialists in the United States. Bibliographical references. Not much revi- sion has been made since the 1890 edition. Quilter, Harry. What 's what ; a guide for to-day to life as it is and things as they are. 1182 p. por. pi. maps, D. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1902. 6s. 032 A compact one-volume encyclopedia, in which the first part of the alphabet occupies about three quarters of the book. Of not much importance, but some- times found useful. Among the old English encyclopedias occa- sionally used may be mentioned : English cyclopedia, ed. by Charles Knight (1854-62, 22v. and Suppl. 1869-73, 4v.). Penny cyclopedia (1833-43, 27v.). Encyclopaedia Metropolitana (1817-45, 30v.). Rees's Cyclopaedia ; or, Universal dictionary of arts, sciences, and literature (1802-19, 45v.). AMERICAN The earliest American encyclopedias appear to have been simply reprints of those published in England. The Encyclopaedia Americana (Phil. 1829-33, 13v.) was based on the German Konversations-lexikon. The most important American encyclopedias in use at the present time are the following Universal cyclopaedia. New ed. prepared by a large corps of editors assisted by eminent European and American specialists, under the direction of C: K. Adams. 12 v. il. pi. maps, Q. N. Y. Appleton, 1900, [< 1874-99], $63. 031 Published originally in 1874 under the title, John- son's Universal cyclopaedia. This is the latest edition of the most comprehensive American encyclopedia, more nearly up to date than any other. Entry is made under specific subject and articles are signed. Scien- tific articles are good. Contains biographies of living persons. Colored plates and maps. Bibliographies appended to each article. This new edition is not a thorough revision ; the old plates have been used, slight modifications having been made where it would not affect the use of the old plates. An appendix (about 20 pages) to each volume gives new articles. Maps and illustrations have been altered. The work has been unnecessarily extended from 8 to 12 volumes without the addition of a corre- sponding revision. American cyclopaedia ; a popular diction- ary of general knowledge, ed. by George Rip- ley and C: A. Dana. 16 v. il. maps, Q. N. Y. * Appleton, 1883, [ c 73-83]. $80. 031 General and analytical index ... by T. J. Conant and Blandina Conant. 854 p. Q. N. Y. Appleton, 1888. $5. 031 The first edition of the cyclopaedia bore the title, New American cyclopaedia (1861-63, 16v.). The advance of knowledge since the publication of the last volume in 1883 makes the work now out of date for many subjects. It is supplemented by the Annual cyclopaedia, but with the supplements is too large a work for ready reference. Appleton's annual cyclopaedia and register of important events in 1876-95. New ser. 20 v. por. pi. maps, Q. N. Y. Appleton, 1888-96. $5 per vol. 031 Ser. 3, 1896-1901. v. 1-6, por. pi. maps, Q. N. Y. Appleton, 1897-1902.* $5 per vol. 031 Analytical index to the supplements of the American cyclopaedia. (See American cyclopaedia. General and analytical index. 1888.) $5. 031 The first series (published yearly 1861-75 with gen- eral index) was called the American annual cyclo- paedia. The second series forms a supplement to the American cyclopaedia. Each volume contains the history of the world for the year, biographical sketches of prominent men with portraits, a necrology, sketch of the literature of the year, and other valuable his- torical and statistical matter, the whole arranged alphabetically. The full alphabetical index to the second sei-ies will be found in volume 20, while the index in the volumes of the third series is cumula- tive. International cyclopaedia; a compendium of universal knowledge. New ed. 15 v. il. pi. maps, Q. N. Y. Dodd, 1894, [c '85-94]. $45. 031 Superseded by the New international encyclopaedia, which is thoroughly revised. It is to be completed in 17 vols., of which v. 1 has been published ($5 per vol.). International year book ; a compendium of the world's progress in every department of * Continued annually. AMERICAN. FRENCH 11 human knowledge, 1898-1901. v. 1-4, por. pi. maps, O. N. Y. Dodd, [ 1899-1902].* $4 per vol. 031 Similar in scope to Appleton's Annual cyclopaedia, but the entries are made under more specific topics. Designed to supplement encyclopedias. People's cyclopedia of universal know- ledge. ... Ed. by W. H. De Puy and H. F. Reddall. New ed. rev. and enl. 6v. il. maps, Q. N. Y. Eaton, [ c 1895-96]. $24. 031 Smaller than the others and of minor importance, but the appendix in vol. 6 contains useful miscella- neous information. An encyclopedia which differs in its treat- ment of subjects and in its arrangement, not so useful for the general public, but of occa- sional assistance to the special student is : Iconographic encyclopaedia of the arts and sciences ; tr. fr. the German of the Bil- der-atlas, iconographische encyclopaedic ; rev. and enl. by eminent American specialists. 7 v. il. pi. maps, Q. Phil. Iconographic pub. co., 1886-90. $7 per vol. 031 No more published. Contents : 1. Anthropology, ethnology and ethno- graphy ; 2. Archaeology, history of culture ; 3. Paint- ing and sculpture ; 4. Architecture ; 5. Constructive arts ; 6. Applied mechanics ; 7. Principles of geology. This is an anglicized edition of the German Bilder- atlas (Brockhaus), an earlier edition of which was translated by J. G. Heck (1851, in 4v. text and 2v. plates). The new edition is revised and enlarged by American specialists. It includes " those branches of human knowledge whose acquisition can be facili- tated and whose principles made clear by pictorial representation." The arrangement is not alphabet- ical but classed, related subjects being grouped to- gether, and indexes at the end of each volume refer under the specific subject to the page where informa- tion and plates will be found. Willsey, Joseph H. Harper's book of facts ; a classified history of the world, embracing science, literature, and art, ed. by C. T. Lewis. 954 p. Q. N. Y. Harper, 1895. $8. 031 A useful work, very concise in its treatment of events, persons, and places. Convenient chronolo- gical outlines of the history of cities and countries will be found under their names. Champlin, John Denison, jr. Young folks' cyclopaedia of common things. Ed. 2 enl. 850 p. il. pi. O. N. Y. Holt, 1896. $2.50. J 031 An attempt " to bring cyclopaedic knowledge within the range of a child's intellect." Articles very brief and simply told. Index. Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons and places. Ed. 2. 936 p. 0. O. N. Y. Holt, 1895, [ c '80-91]. $2.50. J 031 * Continued annually. Supplements the preceding by giving biographical and geographical information. These cyclopedias are most useful in the children's room. Many encyclopedias published earlier than those here mentioned, while for every -day use now out of date, contain much information that is occasionally needed. Among these may be mentioned : Brande & Cox's Dictionary of sci- ence, literature, and art (1875, 3v.), and Zell's Popular encyclopaedia (1875-76, 2v.). FRENCH In France, during the 18th century, the fa- mous Encyclopedic was conspicuous above all others of the time. This was the work of Diderot & D'Alembert, aided by many of the most able writers of that period, and was based on a French translation of the Cyclopedia of Ephraim Chambers. The Encyclopedic was published in Paris and Neufchatel in 28 vols., 1751-72, and was followed by a supplement in 5 vols., Amsterdam, 1776-77, and an ana- lytical index, Paris, 1780. It was of the greatest influence in spreading revolutionary thought in France. Several editions were published outside of France, and it served as a model for many other encyclopedias. For further information about this most interesting work, see Morley's chapter on the Encyclopaedia in his Diderot and the Encyclopaedists, 1891, 1: 117-247, and D'Alembert's Discours pr^liminaire de l'encyclope- die, Paris, 1893. The French encyclopedias of the present time are of importance to every library as the most convenient source for information regarding European subjects. La grande encyclopedic ; inventaire rai- sonne des sciences, des lettres et des arts, par une societe de savantes et des gens de lettres. v. 1-30, il. pi. maps, sq. Q. Paris, Lamirault, 1885-1901. 30 fr. per vol. 034 Not yet completed. Articles are prepared and signed by specialists and give a brief bibliography of the subject. Fuller than Larousse. Larousse, Pierre Athanase. Grand dic- tionnaire universel du xix e siecle. . . . 17v. Q. Paris, Larousse, 1866-90. $105. 034 v. 16-17 are supplements. Definitions and derivations of words are given, thus combining a dictionary with an encyclopedia. Nouveau Larousse illustre ; dictionnaire universel encyclopedique. v. 1-4, il. pi. maps, F. Paris, Larousse, 1898-1901. $6 per vol. 034 To be completed in 7 vols. 12 ENCYCLOPEDIAS GERMAN The German encyclopedias include some of the most voluminous undertakings of the kind. The Allgemeine encyclopadie der wissen- schaften und kilnste, edited by the scholars Ersch and Gruber, is the most extended. This great work was begun in 1818, and at present more than 170 volumes have appeared at inter- vals in three sections. Each subject is treated exhaustively, and many valuable contributions by specialists make it an important reference work. Its usefulness, however, is limited in this country to a few scholars. The "Konversations-lexicons," which have been so popular in Germany, are better known to our American libraries than any other German reference books. They have been used as models by later American encyclopedists in their compilations. The Konversations-lexicon of Brockhaus and that of Meyer hold an al- most equally important place in reference de- partments. Brockhaus, Friedrich Arnold. Brockhaus's conversations - lexicon ; allgemeine deutsche real-encyklopadie. Ed. 14 enl. 17v. il. pi. maps, Q. Lpz. Brockhaus, 1892-95. 170m. 033 v. 17 is a supplementary volume. v. 1-6 of the 15th edition have been published at 12m. per vol. Begun in 1796 by Lobel, it was taken up by Brock- haus in 1808. The first edition bore the title Damens- lexicon. "No encyclopaedia has been more useful and suc- cessful, or more frequently copied, imitated, and translated." Encyclopaedia Britannica, article En- cyclopaedias. Meyer, Hermann Julius. Meyer's konver- sations-lexicon ; eine encyklopadie des allge- meinen wissens. Ed. 5 enl. 21v. il. pi. maps, O. Lpz. Bibliog. instituts, 1893-1901. 10m. per vol. 033 v. 18 contains the index and some supplementary articles ; v. 19-21 are annual supplements arranged alphabetically. The volumes contain many illustra- tions and colored plates. "In completeness and compression the best of its kind." Chambers's Encyclopaedia. Some important encyclopedias in the other continental languages will be found in large libraries, and are necessary in looking up full information regarding foreign affairs. Among these may be mentioned : ITALIAN Nuova enciclopedia italiana; ovvero, Dizi- onario generale di scienze, lettere, industrie, ecc. Ed. 6 enl. 25 v. in 26, il. pi. F. Torino, Unione tipografico-editrice Torinese, 1875-88. 035 Supplemento raccolta di monografie sui recenti progressi delle scienze, delle arti e delle industrie, di biografie, di notizie storiche, geo- grafiche, statistiche, ecc. 5v. in 6, il. pi. F. Torino, Unione tipografico-editrice Torinese, 1889-99. 035 SPANISH Diccionario enciclopedico hispano-ameri- cano de literatura, ciencias y artes. 23v. il. pi. maps, F. Barcelona, Montaner y Simon, 1887-98. 036 NORWEGIAN Nordisk familjebok ; konversationslexikon och real-encyklopedi. 20v. il. pi. maps, O. Stockholm, 1876-99. 033.9 v. 19-20 are supplements. The largest encyclopedia is one published in China, a copy of which has been placed in the British museum, consisting of 5020 native volumes bound in 1000 volumes. In using general encyclopedias, the student should bear in mind the following points : (a) Whether the information wanted would be affected by the date of the article. (b) Whether the article wanted should be a brief statement or a more exhaustive treatise on the subject. Whether it should be technical or popular. (c) Whether the encyclopedia in hand enters under the general or the specific subj ect. In the Britannica one would find the smaller subjects treated under the class which includes them ; in Johnson and others they are usually to be found under their own headings. (d) To use the indexes and cross-references if the subject is not treated under the word for which one looks. (e) To observe the bibliographical references at the end of the articles and follow up a sub- ject by consulting the best authorities on it. DICTIONARIES The origin of the word is from the Latin dictionarium, which means a word-book. It was probably first employed in this sense by Joannes de Garlanda (d. 1250 a. d.). For the uses of the word consult the Century dictionary, and for its history the Introduction to Worcester's Dic- tionary, Tucker's Our common speech, p. 95-150, Williams's Our dictionaries and other English language topics, p. 5-44, and Baynes's Shakespeare studies and Essay on English dictiona- ries, p. 358-409. An interesting history of English dictionaries is to be found in James A. H. Murray's Evolution of English lexicography, 1900, 51 p. A bibliography of dictionaries still* useful, though not recent, is Trubner's Catalogue of dictionaries and grammars of the world (Lond. Trubner, 1882). ENGLISH The earliest English dictionary of impor- tance was Nathan Bailey's An universal ety- mological English dictionary (1721). Pre- vious to the publication of this work, there had been no attempt to prepare a dictionary of all the words in the English language. Many glossaries of difficult words had been compiled during the 17th century, but they were not what we now mean when we speak of diction- aries. After Bailey's great work, the next iinpor* tant dictionary was that by the celebrated au- thor and lexicographer, Dr. Samuel Johnson, which is now better known than any of the dictionaries that appeared in the 18th century. It was published in 1755 (2 vols, folio), and was used as a basis for other dictionaries by many compilers. The publication of John- son's Dictionary "formed a greater era than that of any other work. No other dictionary has had so much influence in fixing the exter- nal form of the language and ascertaining and settling the meaning and proper use of words." Worcester. Many dictionaries followed Johnson's, but there were none of much value until the ap- pearance of Charles Richardson's New dic- tionary of the English language, which was published in 1838 (2 vols. 4). In this work more attention was paid to the history of words, showing by numerous quotations their meanings and any changes in meaning they may have undergone. This dictionary is still ranked high among scholars. We now come to the dictionaries of the pre- sent day, which for practical use have super- seded the earlier ones. The most comprehen- sive is : Murray, James Augustus Henry. New English dictionary on historical principles, v. 1-5, F. Ox. Clarendon press, 1888-1900. 52s. 6d. per vol. 423 Founded mainly on the materials collected by the Philological society, since 1857. The interesting his- tory of this undertaking is told in the preface. Very full on the philological side, it includes Eng- lish words now in general use, or those in use at any time during the past 700 years, giving their meaning, origin, and history, with a large number of quota- tions from English writers to illustrate the history and use of words. On account of the slow progress made in publishing this great work, it will probably be many years before it is completed. Vol. 5 to K. It is a dictionary for the scholar rather than for popular use. Known also as the Oxford dictionary. Other English dictionaries of importance are : Stormonth's Dictionary of the English lan- guage (N. Y. Scribner, 1899. $9); Ogilvie's Imperial dictionary (Lond. Blackie, 1882-83. 4v. 5), encyclopedic in character ; Hunter's Encyclopaedic dictionary (Lond. Cassell, 1879- 88. 7v. Q. 21s. per vol.), which has been re- printed in America (Phil. Syndicate pub. co. 1895. 4v. AMERICAN During the past fifty years, two dictionaries have been published in the United States which hold about equal rank as authorities. The un- abridged editions of Worcester's and of Web- ster's dictionaries have gone through many revisions. Webster's dictionary was for many 14 DICTIONARIES years considered the authority for derivation and definition of words, while Worcester's was quoted as authority for pronunciation. The International dictionary, the latest edition of Webster, combines all the advantages of both. Webster, Noah. International dictionary of the English language. 2011 p. il. por. F. Sprgf. [Mass.], Merriam, 1891, [ c '64-90]. $12. 423 The first edition of Webster appeared in 1828. A later edition than the one above (1900) contains in a supplement a list of about 25,000 new words (238 p.). The supplement will probably be overlooked by the majority of users. The 1902 edition contains in addi- tion a Reference history of the world, with index. . " The last edition of Webster, the International, is, perhaps, the best of one volume dictionaries." Mur- ray in his Evolution of English lexicography, 1900. Worcester, Joseph Emerson. Dictionary of the English language. New ed. enl. 2126 p. il. por. pi. Q. Phil. Lippincott, 1891. $10. 423 Worcester's first dictionary was published in 1830. A new and much enlarged edition is in preparation. There is an introduction on the history of English lexicography and a catalogue of English dictionaries. Both Worcester's and Webster's dictionaries contain useful appendixes which are similar in scope : Dictionary of noted fictitious persons, places, etc. Pronouncing dictionary of biography. Pronouncing dictionary of Christian names. Pronouncing gazetteer of the world. Pronouncing dictionary of Scripture proper names. Pronouncing dictionary of Greek and Latin proper names. Dictionary of foreign quotations, phrases, etc. Tables of abbreviations used in writing and print- ing. Tables of signs used in writing and printing. Whitney, William Dwight. Century dic- tionary ; an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language. 6 v. il. F. K Y. Century co., [ c 1889- 1901]. $60. 423 " The plan includes three things : the construction of a general dictionary of the English language which shall be serviceable for every literary and practical use ; a more complete collection of the technical terms of various sciences, arts, trades, and profes- sions than has yet been attempted ; and the addi- tion to the definitions proper of such related encyclo- pedic matter, with pictorial illustrations, as shall constitute a convenient book of general reference." Preface. Supplemented by the Century Cyclopedia of names and Century atlas, which see. The most comprehensive American dictionary. The latest edition, 1901, includes all the revisions that have been made since the first edition in 1891, thus giving the most recent information. Funk, Isaac K., and others. Standard dic- tionary of the English language. . . . 2v. il. pi. sq. Q. N. Y. Funk, 1893. $18 (one vol. ed. $15). 423 A new edition (1901) has 11 p. of addenda, containing 1100 new words. It is encyclopedic in character, giving fuller expla- nations of things than is usual in a dictionary, and it contains some words not to be found in other dic- tionaries. Illustrations and plates are good. Apx. contains list of proper names of all kinds, with their pronunciations, and other miscellaneous information similar to the appendixes of Webster and Worcester. A supplementary volume of maps has been pub- lished, but is not important. Students' edition of a Standard dic- tionary of the English language. . . . O. N. Y. Funk, 1898. $2.50. 423 Abridged from the preceding. An excellent small dictionary. ETYMOLOGY For the etymology of the English language, the best authority, so far as it has been pub- lished, is Murray's New English dictionary. A smaller but very useful volume, and the best concise dictionary is : Skeat, Walter William. Etymological dictionary of the English language. Ed. 2. / 844 p. sq. Q. Ox. Clarendon press, 1893. 2 4s. 422 " Each article begins with a word, the etymology of which is to be sought ; then a brief definition merely as a mark to identify the word ; next an exact state- ment of the actual or probable language whence the word is taken, with an account of the channel or chan- nels through which it has reached us." Preface. A few quotations are given. SYNONYMS Books of synonyms are in constant use to distinguish words of similar meaning, and to assist in obtaining a variety of expression. Of these the best are : Crabb, George. English synonymes ex- plained in alphabetical order. New ed. enl. / 856 p. O. N. Y. Harper, 1892. $1.25. 424 Quotations from the best writers illustrating the use of the words are given. Fernald, James Champlin. English syn- onyms and antonyms ; with notes on the cor- rect use of prepositions. 564 p. O. N. Y. Funk, 1896. $1.50. 424 Fellows, Samuel. Complete handbook of synonyms and antonyms. 512 p. D. N. Y. Rev ell, 1886. $1. 424 Contains, in an appendix : Briticisms and American- ENGLISH 15 isms, prepositions, discriminated foreign phrases, list of abbreviations, colloquial phrases, homonyms. Smith, Charles John. Synonyms discrimi- nated ; a dictionary of synonymous words in the English language. . . . Ed. 5enl. 781 p. D. N. Y. Holt, 1896. $2. 424 Derivation of words is given. Discriminates more closely than the others as to use of words. Index. Soule, Richard. Dictionary of English synonymes and synonymous parallel expres- sions. New ed. enl. 488 p. O. Phil. Lippin- cott, 1892, [c 71-91]. $2.25. 424 Roget, Peter Mark. Thesaurus of Eng- lish words and phrases. . . . New ed. enl. 429 + 271 p. O. Bost. De Wolfe, [pref. 1852-79]. $2. 424 " A collection of words of the English language and of the idiomatic combinations peculiar to it, arranged not in alphabetical order, . . . but according to the ideas which they express. . . . Object : The idea being given to find the word or words by which that idea may be most fltly and aptly expressed." Preface. Classification : abstract relations, space, matter, in- tellect, volition, affection. Alphabetical index. AMERICANISMS AND SLANG Bartlett, John Russell. Dictionary of Americanisms. . . . Ed. 4 enl 813 p. O. Bost. Little, 1889, [''59-77]. $4. 427.9 A vocabulary of the words and phrases peculiar to the United States ; with quotations illustrating their use. Barrere, Albert, and Leland, C: G. Dic- tionary of slang, jargon, and cant. . . . 2 v. sq. O. Edin. Ballantyne press, 1889. 2 15s. 427 Includes English, American, and Anglo-Indian slang, pidgin English, tinkers' jargon, and other ir- regular phraseology. Gives meanings and many quo- tations illustrating use of the expressions. OBSOLETE AND PROVINCIAL Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. Dic- tionary of archaic and provincial words, obso- lete phrases, proverbs, and ancient customs from the 14th century. Ed. 11. 2v. O. Lond. Reeves, 1887-89. $5. 427 Explains the meaning of many words which have become obsolete during the last four centuries, and gives references and quotations illustrating the use of the words. Wright, Thomas. Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English. ... 2v. D. Lond. Bell, 1886. 10s. 427 Gives meanings of words that have become obsolete, and of words which are now used only in the provin- cial dialects ; with references and quotations. DIALECTS Wright, Joseph. English dialect dictionary ; being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or known to have been in use during the last 200 years ; founded on the publications of the English dialect society. . . . v. 1-3, sq. F. Lond. Frowde, 1898-1902. 80s. per vol. 427 Illustrative quotations from standard authors are given. To be completed in 6 vols. Morris, Edward Ellis. Austral English ; a dictionary of Australasian words, phrases, and usages, with those aboriginal-Australian and Maori words which have become incorpo- rated in the language, and the common scien- tific words that have had their origin in Aus- tralasia. 525 p. O. Lond. Macmillan, 1898. 16s. 427.9 MISCELLANEOUS Fennell, Charles Augustus Maude. Stan- ford dictionary of anglicised words and phrases. 826 p. sq. Q. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press, 1892. (Macmillan.) $8. 423 Objects : M To enable the English reader to find out the meaning and history of the foreign words and phrases which occur so frequently in English liter- ature ; 2d, to register the increase of the English vocabulary directly due to the adoption and naturali- zation of foreign words since the introduction of printing ; 3d, to record all English words of foreign origin which have retained or reverted to their native form." Preface. Quotations to illustrate words. Walker, John. Rhyming dictionary of the English language. . . . rev. and enl. by J. Longmuir. 720 p. O. Lond. Routledge, 1890. $1.50. 4 2 6 First published in 1775. A collection of rhymes, arranged according to the letters the words end with. Apx. contains an index to all perfect rhymes of a different orthography and allowable rhymes of a dif- ferent sound. Phyfe, William Henry Pinkney. Seven thousand words often mispronounced. . . . New ed. 574 p. S. N. Y. Putnam, 1901, [ c '89-94]. $1. 421.5 This edition has a supplement of over 1400 additional words. The work embraces : diflicu'ties in English pronunciation, proper names, and phrases from for- eign languages. ANGLO-SAXON Bosworth, Joseph. Anglo-Saxon diction- 16 DICTIONARIES ary ; ed. and enl. by T. N. Toller. 1302 p. sq. Q. Ox. Clarendon press, 1882. 72s. 429.3 Sweet, Henry. The student's dictionary of S Anglo-Saxon. ... 217 p. sq. O. N. Y. Mac- millan, 1897. $1.75. 429.3 MIDDLE-ENGLISH Stratmann, Francis Henry. Middle- English dictionary, containing words used by V English writers from the 12th to the 15th cen- tury ; rev. and enl. by Henry Bradley. 708 p. Q. N. Y. Macmillan, 1891. $8. 427 GERMAN Flugel, Felix. Universal English-German and German-English dictionary. Ed. 4 enl. 2v. in 3, Q. Brns. Westermann, 1891. $16.50. 433-2 " It is destined to remain for a long period the stand- ard dictionary of reference for translating between English and German. ' ' Nation, 54 : 155. Other good German dictionaries are those by Muret-Sanders (Ber. Langenscheidt, 4v. $12), and Thieme-Preusser (Hamburg, Handeke. 12.59 m.). Grimm, Jacob, and Grimm, Wilhelm. Deutsches worterbuch. v. 1-9, 11-12, Q. Lpz. Hirzel, 1854-99. about $70. 433 Covers the alphabet from A to Sinn and parts of G, T, and V. The standard dictionary, more historical than etymological ; quotations illustrating the use of words are given. FRENCH Edgren, Hjalmar, and Burnet, P. B. French and English dictionary, with indication of pro- nunciation, etymologies, and dates of earliest appearance of French words in the English language. 1252 p. O. N. Y. Holt, 1901. $2.50. 443.2 Other French dictionaries of merit are those by Hamilton & Legros (Paris, Fouraut, 1896, 2v. $6.50), and Spiers & Surenne (N. Y. Apple- ton, 1886. $5). Littre, Emile. Dictionnaire de la langue francaise. 4v. and lv. sup. F. Paris, Hachette, 1873-78. 100 fr. 443 One of the standard dictionaries. Villatte, Ce*saire, and Sachs, Karl. En- cyklopadisches franz5sisches-deutsches und deutsch-franzSsisches worterbuch. Ed. 11 rev. and enl. 2v. Q. Ber. Langenscheidt, 1899. $4.50. 443.3 v. 1, French-German ; v. 2, German-French. ITALIAN Davenport, John, and Comelati, Gugliel- mo. New dictionary of the Italian and English languages, based upon that of Baretti. 2 v. O. Lond. Whittaker, [pref. 1854], 1 Is. 453.2 Others are by Millhouse (N. Y. Appleton, 2v. $5.50) and Melzi (Lond. Hirschfeld. $2). SPANISH Velazquez de la Cadena, Mariano. Pro- nouncing dictionary of the Spanish and Eng- lish languages. New ed. rev. and enl. by Edward Gray and J. L. Iribas. 2 v. in 1, Q. N. Y. Appleton, 1901. $6. 463.2 PORTUGUESE Michaelis, H. New dictionary of the Por- tuguese and English languages. 2v. O. Lpz. Brockhaus, 1893. $11. 469.3 v. 1, Portuguese-English ; v. 2, English-Portuguese. DUTCH Calisch, I. M. New complete dictionary of the English and Dutch -languages. 2v. O. Tiel, Campagne, 1875. $11. 439-332 SWEDISH Bjbrkman, C. G. Svensk-Engelsk ord bok. 1360 p. O. Stockholm, Norstedt, 1889. about $5. 439-732 D ANISH-NOR WEGIAN Larsen, A. Dictionary of the Dano-Norwe- gian and English languages. Ed. 3. 683 p. O. Copenhagen, Hegel, 1897. 12s. 6d. 439.832 RUSSIAN Aleksandrov, A. Complete Russian -English dictionary. Ed. 2 rev. and enl. 717 p. Q. St. Pet. 1897. 491.732 Complete English-Russian dictionary. 895 p. Q. St. Pet. 1897. $14 for the 2v. 491.732 POLISH Kierst, W. and Callier, O. Pocket diction- ary of the English and Polish languages. 2v. in 1, T. Lpz. Holtz, 1896. 2.90m. 491.8532 BOHEMIAN Mourek, V. E. Pocket dictionary of the Bohemian and English languages. 2v. in 1, T. Lpz. Holtz, 1896. $2.20. 491.8632 FOREIGN 17 HUNGARIAN Bizonfy, Ferencz. English-Hungarian and Hungarian-English dictionary. 2v. O. Buda- pest, 1886. 16s. 491.86 GREEK Liddell, Henry George, and Scott, Rob- ert. Greek-English lexicon. . . . Ed. 7 enl. 1776 p. sq. Q. N. Y. Harper, 1888, [ c '82]. $10. 483.2 Gives references to classical authors. Yonge, Charles Duke. English-Greek lexicon . . . ed. by Henry Drisler. 663 p. Q. N. Y. Harper, 1890, [70]. $4.50. 483.2 MODERN GREEK Kontopoulos, Nikolaos. Greek-English lexicon. Ed. 4 rev. 514 p. O. Athens, Con- stantinides, 1900. English-modern-Greek dictionary. 692 p. O. Athens, Constantinides, 1892. about $8 for the two vols. 489.32 LATIN Lewis, Charlton Thomas, and Short, Charles. Harper's Latin dictionary. . . . New ed. enl. 2019 p. Q. N. Y. Harper, 1892. $6.50. 473.2 Founded on Freund's Latin-German lexicon, ed. by E. A. Andrews. Smith, William, and Hall, T. D. Copious and critical English-Latin dictionary. 754 p. O. N. Y. Harper, 1871. $4. 473.2 SANSKRIT Williams, Sir Monier Monier-. Sanskrit- English dictionary. . . . 1186 p. sq. Q. Ox. Clarendon press, 1872. 4 14s. 6d. 491.2 HEBREW Gesenius, Wilhelm. Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testament, including the biblical Chaldee. New ed. enl. 1160 p. O. Bost. Houghton, 1888. $6. 492432 ARABIC Steingass, F. The student's Arabic-English dictionary. . . . 1242 p. O. Lond. Allen, 1884. 50s. 492.73 Gives transliteration. The selection of foreign dictionaries is based partly upon those in use in the Catalogue division of the Library of Con- gress. SPECIAL SUBJECTS The general cyclopedias do not always contain answers to questions which come up in rela- tion to a particular subject. If the subject is a technical one for which a special cyclopedia has been compiled, it will save time to consult such a work, particularly if it is recent. A cyclopedia of this kind will describe and explain more minutely all the details of a subject and in many cases will be illustrated. For example, a special cyclopedia of chemistry will bring together all that relates to chemistry that is of practical use at the time of publication and within the scope of the work as laid down by the compiler. Every technical term will be explained as it could not be in a general cyclopedia. Many subjects are without special dictionaries and, therefore, longer or more recent treatises than those contained in the encyclopedias must be sought in magazine articles, transactions of societies, or in books on the subject not belonging to the reference collection. PHILOSOPHY Baldwin, James Mark. Dictionary of phi- losophy and psychology, v. 1, il. Q. N. Y. Macmillan, 1901. $15. 103 Its object is " to understand the meanings which our terms have, and to render them by clear defini- tions . . . and to interpret the movements of thought through which the meanings thus determined have arisen, with a view to discovering what is really vital in the development of thought and term in one." The treatment is primarily that of a dictionary, not that of a cyclopedia. The bibliographical feature has been given especial attention. There are references to each article. Volume 3 will be a complete biblio- graphy of the subject. " This dictionary is not only the first adequate work of its kind in English, but may be said to be the first adequate philosophic dictionary in any language." Joseph Jastrow in Dial, 31 : 276. Fleming, William. Vocabulary of philo- sophy, psychological, ethical, metaphysical. Ed. 4 enl. by Henry Calderwood. 439 p. D. Lond. Griffin, 1887. 10s. 6d. 103 A concise work giving variations in usage of philo- sophical terms ; references to the literature of the subject ; quotations from philosophical writers. BIBLIOGKAPHY Psychological review. Psychological in- dex, 1-7 ; a bibliography of the literature of psychology and cognate subjects, 1894-1900. O. N. Y. Macmillan, 1894-1900.* 75 cts. 016.15 Includes original publications in all languages with translations and new editions in English, French, and German. Embraces books and periodical literature. * Continued annually. TEMPERANCE Cyclopaedia of temperance and prohibi- tion. 671 p. O. N. Y. Funk, 1891. $3. 178 Gives facts and statistics in regard to the drink question, the temperance movement, and prohibition. Index. RELIGION M'Clintock, John, and Strong, James. Cyclopaedia of biblical, theological, and ecclesi- astical literature. 10 v. il. Q. N. Y. Harper, 1869-81. $50. Supplement. 2 v. il. Q. N. Y. Harper, 1885-87. $10. 203 A very comprehensive book of reference on the sci- ence of theology in its widest sense, though now some- what out of date. The supplement brings down to a later date many of the articles in the Cyclopaedia. References are given under subjects to the most im- portant and accessible books ancient and modern. Schaff, Philip. Religious encyclopaedia; or, Dictionary of biblical, historical, doctrinal, and practical theology, with an Encyclopaedia of living divines and Christian workers of all denominations. . . . Ed. 3 enl. 4 v. Q. N. Y. Funk, 1891, [ '82]. $20. 203 Based on the Real-encyklopadie fiir protestant- ische theologie und kirche, ed. by Herzog and oth- ers, it gives much additional information for English readers. Known as the Schaff-Herzog encyclopaedia. Smith, Sir William, and Cheetham, Sam- uel. Dictionary of Christian antiquities. . . . 2 v. il. O. Lond. Murray, 1876-80. 3 13s. 6d. (Bost. Little. $15.) 203 Includes organization of the church, the social life, RELIGION 19 worship and ceremonial, sacred places, art and sym- bolism, sacred days and seasons, graves and cata- combs of the Christians. Smith, Sir William, and Wace, Henry. / Dictionary of Christian biography, literature, sects, and doctrines. . . . 4v. O. Lond. Mur- ray, 1877-87. 6 16s. 6d. (Bost. Little. $24.) 203 From the time of the Apostles to the age of Charle- magne. With the Dictionary of Christian antiquities forms a continuation to the Dictionary of the Bible, com- prising together a cyclopedia of ecclesiastical history for the first eight centuries of the Christian era. The articles in the three are written and signed by promi- nent theological writers. BIBLE DICTIONARIES Cheyne, T. K., and Black, J. S. Ency- clopaedia biblica ; a critical dictionary of the literary, political, and religious history, the archaeology, geography, and natural history of the Bible, v. 1-3, il. O. N. Y. Macmillan, 1899- 1902. $5 per vol. 220.3 To be completed in 4 vols. The standpoint is that of the higher criticism ; the articles are written by leading biblical scholars. Hastings, James. Dictionary of the Bible, ,- dealing with its language, literature, and con- tents, including biblical theology. 4v. il. maps, Q. N. Y. Scribner, 1898-1902. $24. 220.3 " The book, in short, will be used with advantage by all non-professional students of the Bible. Nor can the professional student afford to disregard it." Nation, 72 : 38. In comparing these two important dictionaries the Nation says : " The one is an international undertak- ing which will be accepted and quoted on the conti- nent of Europe as well as in England and America ; the other is adapted for the use of the English-speak- ing peoples. The one [Cheyne] appeals to scholars and specialists, the other [Hastings] more to the body of the Christian church." Nation, 70 : 246. Smith, Sir William, and Fuller, J. M. / Dictionary of the Bible. ... Ed. 2. 3v. il. O. Lond. Murray, 1893. 4 4s. (Bost. Little. $22.) 220.3 This edition has been revised and enlarged. The Dictionary does not include the various sys- tems of theology, but embraces antiquities, biogra- phy, geography, and natural history of the Old Testa- ment, New Testament, and Apocrypha. Articles give references to the best ancient and modern authorities. " A work of a very high order . . . unquestionably antiquated." Nation, 67 : 485. BIBLE COMMENTARIES Lange, John Peter. Commentary on the Holy Scripture ; critical, doctrinal, and homi- letical ; tr. and ed. by Philip Schaff. 25v. O. K. Y. Scribner, 1873-87. $75. 220.7 The author was assisted by a number of eminent biblical scholars. The American edition has been re- vised to meet the needs of the American student. It contains introductions to each book and to the Bible as a whole. The international critical commentary, under the editorship of C: A. Briggs, S. R. Driver, and Alfred Plummer (N. Y. Scribner, 1895. $3 per vol.), is in course of publication. It represents the latest biblical criticism, while Lange stands for the old. An edition of the Bible must be included in the reference collection. One of the best for general use is the Riverside parallel Bible (Houghton, $5), which gives both King James's and the revised version. BIBLE CONCORDANCES Cruden, Alexander. Complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. ... 856 p. O. N. Y. Dodd, [pref. 1737]. $1. 220.2 A dictionary of all the words of the Bible arranged alphabetically, with references to the various places where they are to be found. Compares the several meanings of the same words. Divided into 3 alphabets : 1. Common words ; 2. Pro- per names ; 3. Apocryphal books. Strong, James. Exhaustive concordance of the Bible. . . . 1340 + 262 + 205 p. Q. N. Y. Hunt, 1894, [* '90]. $6. 220.2 The best concordance. It gives every word of the text of the common English version and a compara- tive concordance of the authorized and revised ver- sions, with brief dictionaries of the Hebrew and Greek words of the original, with references to the English words. To find a passage, look under any one of the words, especially the most important or strik- ing. Young, Robert. Analytical concordance to the Bible. New ed. enl. 1108 p. Q. N. Y. Funk, 1890. $5. 220.2 Contains the word3 of the Bible in alphabetical order, with their Hebrew or Greek originals, and the literal meaning and pronunciation of each. Includes proper names of every person and place. SECTS Blunt, John Henry. Dictionary of sects, heresies, ecclesiastical parties, and schools of religious thought. 647 p. Q. Lond. Long- mans, 1892. $7. 280 Sectarian cyclopedias give more detailed in- formation from the standpoint of each church. Among these are : Arnold's Catholic dictionary 20 SPECIAL SUBJECTS (N. Y. Catholic pub. soc. 1889), Cathcart's Bap- tist encyclopaedia (Phil. 1883), Kevin's Encyclo- paedia of the Presbyterian church in the U. S. (Phil. 1884), Simpson's Cyclopaedia of Metho- dism (Phil. 1883), Jacobs & Haas's Lutheran cyclopedia (N. Y. 1899). Religious year-books or almanacs, e.g. the Official year-book of the Church of England, Whittaker's churchman's almanac, the Amer- ican church almanac (for the Church of Eng- land and P. E. church), etc., are frequently needed. Lloyd's clerical directory for 1898 (Hamilton, O. News and tel. pub. co.) is a statistical book of reference for facts relating to the clergy, parishes, and missions of the P. E. church in the United States. The Clergy list, with which is incorporated the Clerical guide and ecclesiastical directory, 1902, is a similar work for Great Britain and the colonies. MISSIONS Bliss, Edwin Munsell. Encyclopaedia of missions. . . . 2v. maps, Q. N. Y. Funk, 1891. $12. 266 The scope of the work includes the description, history, biography, and statistics of mission work, arranged in alphabetical order, with maps and a bibli- ography. MISCELLANEOUS Julian, John. Dictionary of hymnology. . . . 1616 p. O. N. Y. Scribner, 1892. $10. 245 Origin and history of Christian hymns of all ages and nations, with especial reference to those in the hymn-books of English-speaking countries ; biogra- phical sketches of their authors ; and a cross-reference index to first lines in English, French, German, Greek, Latin, and other languages, with index of authors and translators. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. Dictionary of miracles. . . . 582 p. O. Phil. Lippincott, 1884. $2.50. 231.7 Contents : Miracles of saints in imitation of Scrip- ture miracles ; Realistic miracles ; Miracles to prove church dogmas ; Index. Schaff, Philip. Creeds of Christendom ; with a history and critical notes. Ed. 4 enl. 3v. O. N. Y. Harper, 1890, '7Tj. $15. 238 The creeds and confessions are given in the original languages from the best editions, with translations into English and notes. Bibliographical notes. NON-CHRISTIAN Singer, Isadore, and others. The Jewish encyclopedia ; a descriptive record of the his- tory, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people, v. 1, il. pi. Q. N. Y. Funk, 1901. $7 per vol. 296 To be completed in 12 vols. " On one side, it is a true encyclopaedia, and speaks, always from a Jewish standpoint, de omni scibili ; on another, it is a cyclopaedia as the record of a single branch of knowledge the civilization of a single race. . . . The chief value of this book ... is to be found in its biographies, its descriptions of the present state of Jews throughout the world, and in its elucida- tions of Talmudic law. On all these points it gives first-hand information of a kind and to an extent not accessible elsewhere." Nation, 73 : 341-342. Hughes, Thomas Patrick. Dictionary of Islam ; being a cyclopedia of the doctrines, rites, ceremonies, and customs, together with the technical and theological terms of the Mu- hammadan religion. 750 p. il. O. Lond. Allen, 1885. 42s. 297 Dowson, John. Classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geography, history, and literature. 411 p. O. Lond. Trilbner, 1879. 16s. 294 BIBLIOGRAPHY Hurst, John Fletcher. Literature of theo- logy ; a classified bibliography of theology and general religious literature. 757 p. O. N. Y. Hunt, 1896. $4. 016.2 Aims to include the best and most desirable books published in Great Britain, the United States, and Canada. Prices are given. It is based upon his Bibli- otheca theologica. Among other useful bibliographies of theo- logy are : Malcolm's Theological index (1868), Darling's Cyclopaedia bibliographica of theo- logical and general literature (1854-59, 2v.), and Princeton theological seminary library's Catalogue : part 1, religious literature (1886). There are also many important bibliographies on special topics, notably of the Bible. SOCIAL SCIENCES Bliss, William Dwight Porter. Encyclo- pedia of social reform, including political econ- J omy, political science, sociology, and statistics. 1439 p. sq. Q. N. Y. Funk, 1897. $7.50. 303 Designed for general workers and students in social reform, it is a compact work of reference compara- tively recent, written by specialists and containing brief bibliographies of the topics discussed. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bowker, Richard Rogers, and lies, George. Reader's guide in economic, social, POLITICAL SCIENCE 21 and political science. 169 p. D. N. Y. Soc. for polit. educ. 1891. $1. 016.3 A classified bibliography with clear, concise, de- scriptive notes, and an author index. POLITICAL SCIENCE NOMICS AND ECO- Lalor, John Joseph. Cyclopaedia of politi- J cal science, political economy, and of the po- litical history of the United States. ... 3v. Q. N. Y. Merrill, 188&-90, [ '81-84]. $15. 303 "An invaluable work of reference." Bowker and lies. The articles are signed and written by Ameri- can and European specialists with bibliographical notes at end of each article. The work is not suffi- ciently up to date on many topics. Brown, Everit, and Strauss, Albert. Dic- tionary of American politics. . . . 596 p. D. N. Y. Burt, \c 1888-92]. $1. 320.3 Very condensed accounts of matters relating to American politics, alphabetically arranged for ready reference. Palgrave, Robert Harry Inglis. Diction- ary of political economy. 3v. O. Lond. Mac- v millan, 1894-96. $19.50. 330.3 Full on the side of English political economy, but including the U. S. and the English colonies. Arti- cles are concise, signed, and give bibliographical re- ferences. Handworterbuch der staatswissenschaf- yj ten, hrsg. von J. Conrad, L. Elster, W. Lexis, Edw. Loening. Ed. 2 enl. 7v. Q. Jena, Fischer, 1898-1901. 142.50m. 320.3 The articles are signed ; bibliographies appended to articles. Of the first edition, Bowker and Iles's Reader's guide says : " The most comprehensive dictionary of political economy ever published, with collaborators from all countries." BIBLIOGRAPHY Miihlbrecht, Otto. Wegweiser durch die neuere litteratur der rechts- und staatswissen- schaften fur die praxis bearbeitet. Ed. 2 enl. 2v. O. Ber. Puttkammer, 1893-1901. 016.32 v. 1 to 1893, 15m. ; v. 2, 1893-1900, 30m. Classified with alphabetical index, giving prices of books, as well as other bibliographical details. The most comprehensive bibliography of jurisprudence and political science. Continued by the annual list entitled MUhlbrecht's Uebersicht der gesammten staats- und rechtswissen- schaftlichen litteratur, 1900 (6m.). Stammhammer, Josef. Bibliographic der ' social-politik. 648 p. Q. Jena, Fischer, 1896. 18m. 016.32 An author list with subject index, including books in various languages, more full in German. Refers not only to books and pamphlets, but also to periodical articles. Bibliographic des socialismus und com- munismus. 303 p. O. Jena, Fischer, 1893. 10m. 016.335 Marpt, Helen. Handbook of labor litera- ture. 96 p. D. Phil. Free lib. of economics, 1899. $1. 016.331 Classified and annotated. Gross, Charles. Bibliography of British municipal history. 461 p. O. N. Y. Longmans, 1897. (Harvard historical studies.) $2.50. 016.942 Including gilds and parliamentary representation. Brooks, Robert C. Bibliography of muni- cipal problems and city conditions. Ed. 2 rev. and enl. 346 p. O. N. Y. Reform club, 1901. (In Municipal affairs, v. 5.) 50 cts. pap. 016.352 Complete to Jan. 1, 1901, it "aims to include the books, pamphlets, and periodical literature on muni- cipal affairs of the United States, Great Britain and Colonies, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and other European countries." Preface. It is a subject list arranged by topics, cities, and countries with an au- thor index. Continued quarterly in Municipal affairs. GOVERNMENTS Sears, Hamblen. Governments of the world to-day. 418 p. il. tab. D. Meadville, Pa., Flood, 1895. $1.75. o. p. 350 Arrangement alphabetical under name of country. A concise handbook of important facts relating to the principal governments of the world. Wilson, Woodrow. The state j elements of historical and practical politics. . . . 686 p. D. Bost. Heath, 1900, [* '98]. $2. 320.9 POLITICAL PARTIES McKee, Thomas Hudson. National con- ventions and platforms of all political parties, 1789 to 1901, conventions, popular and electoral vote. Ed. 4 rev. and enl. 370 p. por. D. Bait. Friedenwald, 1901. $1. 329 A convenient reference book, arranged chronologi- cally, with index of names and of subjects. U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Poore, Benjamin Perley. Political register and congressional directory ; a statistical record of federal officials of the U. S. , 1776-1878. 716 p. Q. Bost. Houghton, 1878. $6. 923.27 Murlin, E. L. The United States red book. 591 p. por. pi. O. Alb. Lyon, 1896. |1. 923.27 22 SPECIAL SUBJECTS Contains portraits and biographies of the president and his cabinet, senators, and members of the House, etc. U. S. Congress. Official congressional directory for the use of the U. S. congress. 57th cong. 1st sess. 326 p. il. pi. map, O. Wash. Government printing office, 1901. 35cts. 328.738 Gives names and short biographical accounts of members of Congress, committees, reports, consuls, etc. A new issue for each session of Congress. Previous years from 1809 to date will be found useful. U. S. Dept. of the interior. Official re- gister of the United States, containing a list of the officers and employes in the civil, military, and naval service with list of vessels belong- ing to the United States, July 1, 1901. 2 v. Q. Wash. Government printing office, 1901-02. 351.2 v. 1, Legislative, executive, and judicial ; v. 2, Post- office dept. and postal service. Published biennially. Known as the Blue book. It contains the name of every employe" of the govern- ment, stating whence appointed and salary received. Lanman, Charles. Biographical annals of the civil government of the U. S. . . . 676 p. O. Wash. Anglim, 1876. $7. 923.27 An enlargement of his Dictionary of Congress (Wash. 1864). There are about 7000 biographical sketches of our national law-makers, alphabetically arranged. The tabular records cover useful facts about our govern- ment, such as : Speakers of the House, Presidents of the Senate, successive administrations, names of presidential electors, Supreme court of the U. S., min- isters to foreign countries, etc. LAW The statutes of the state in which the library is situated, the ordinances of the city, and the Revised statutes of the United States should be on the reference shelves of every public library, and in addition the session laws of the state, which are valuable also historically, and the laws passed at each session of Congress. Bouvier, John. Bouvier's law dictionary. New ed. rev. ... to date by Francis Rawle. 2v. O. Bost. Boston book co. 1897, [ c '39-97]. $12. 340.3 An encyclopedic dictionary, containing concise trea- tises on all the different phases of the law. Adapted to the laws and constitution of the United States, with references to the civil and other systems of for- eign law. References are made to valuable articles in legal periodicals, and to reports of cases, abridgments, digests, and other authorities. " [Bouvier] was the father of the hand-books of American law, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and all, by which we are surrounded and sometimes over- whelmed. Amid them he holds his own, through the inherent excellence of his arrangement, system, and execution." Nation, 66 : 389. American and English encyclopaedia of law ; ed. by D. S. Garland and L. P. McGehee under the supervision of James Cockcroft. Ed. 2. v. 1-20, O. N. Y. Thompson, 1896- 1902. $6.50 per vol. 340.3 To be completed in 32 vols. Ed. 1 is complete in 29 vols, and an index digest. A summary of each subject, with full notes referring to many cases, often summing up briefly the decision. Occasional bibliographical references. The articles are by various authorities. Intended for the lawyer rather than for the general reader, this cyclopedia will be important chiefly to the large public libraries. A rival cyclopedia, entitled Cyclopedia of law and procedure, is to be completed in about 30 v. (N. Y. 1901). Blackstone, Sir William. Commentaries on the laws of England, with notes selected from the editions of Archbold, Christian, Cole- ridge, Chitty, Stewart, Kerr, and others, and, in addition, notes and references to all text- books, and decisions wherein the commenta- ries have been cited and all statutes modifying the text, by W. D. Lewis. 4v. por. O. Phil. Welsh, 1897. $10. 347 The above is the latest edition of Blackstone. For popular use, almost any edition will answer the pur- pose. Kent, James. Commentaries on American law; ed. by O. W. Holmes, jr., and J. M. %/ Gould. Ed. 14. 4v. O. Bost. Little, 1896. $14. 347 While not strictly belonging with dictionaries, these two commentaries are essential to a reference depart- ment of a general library. Parsons, Theophilus. Laws of business for all the states and territories of the Union and the Dominion of Canada. . . . New rev. ed. 867 p. O. Hartford, Scranton co. 1901, [> 1878-1900]. $3.75. 347 Gives forms and directions for all transactions and abstracts of the laws of all the states and territories on various topics such as Partnership, Agency, In- terest, Shipping, Mortgages. A popular handbook. New York (state) Library. Bulletin, legislation no. 15 : comparative summary and index of legislation in [1901]. O. Alb. Univ. of the state of N. Y., 1901.* 25 cts. 345 Aims to digest and organize the laws of each state for each year, giving a concise comparative view of current state legislation by subjects, with alphabetical index. Jones's Index to legal periodical literature * Continued annually. STATISTICS (Boston book co. 1888-99. 2v.) is an important guide to articles on law, legislation, political science, economics, sociology, etc., contained in periodicals. STATISTICS Mulhall, Michael George. Dictionary of statistics. Ed. 4. 853 p. pi. Q. Lond. Rout- ledge, 1899. 18.50. 310 Divided into two parts : the first brings the statistics to 1890, the second embraces the last decade of the century to Nov., 1898. There are thus two alphabets and a general index at end. Tables of statistics of all countries, and covering as many years as possible on all subjects, the arrangement alphabetical. YEAR-BOOKS Year-books or annuals which give statistical information regarding the various states of the world are usually published about February or March of each year, and should be obtained immediately upon publication. They form one of the most important sections of a refer- ence department, since they afford a ready guide to recent statistics, saving much investigation into authorities more difficult of access. Not only the current number, but back numbers as well, will be found necessary in a large library. Besides the Statesman's year-book which is issued in England, there should be an Amer- ican annual to supply the necessary statistical facts about our own country which cannot be found so completely given in the English pub- lication, e. g. election returns of the various states, etc Appleton's Annual cyclopedia and the Interna- tional year-book, already described under Ency- clopedias, are among the important year-books. FOREIGN Almanach de Gotha; annuaire genealo- gique, diplomatique et statistique, 1902. T. Gotha, 1902.* $2.70. 354 Genealogies of the royal families and princely houses of Europe ; diplomatic information concerning rulers of all countries and of their diplomatic agents and consuls ; statistics of various countries. A German edition is also published. The first Alma- nach appeared in 1763. ENGLISH Statesman's year-book, for 1902. v. 39, D. f Lond. Macmillan, 1902.* $3. 305 Edited by J. S. Keltie. Statistical and descriptive information regarding all the countries of the world, revised every year. It has a high reputation for ac- curacy, and is the most important of the year-books. Arrangement: British empire; Foreign countries, * Continued annually. alphabetically. Refers at end of each country to sta- tistical and other books of reference concerning it. Index. Whitaker, Joseph. Almanack for 1901. D. Lond. Whitaker, 1902.* $1. 314.2 Contains an account of astronomical and other phenomena, information respecting the government, finances, population, commerce, and general statistics of the British empire throughout the world, with brief notice of other countries. Alphabetical index in front. Supplementary volume, entitled Whitaker's Titled persons, gives the history of the peerage. Hazell's annual for 1902. v. 17, D. Lond. Hazell, 1902.* $1.50. 032 A brief record of men and topics of the day alpha- betically arranged like an encyclopedia. English annuals* of a more special nature which are of occasional use in a large library are : Colonial office list (Harrison, 10s. 6d.), Politician's handbook (Vacher, 6s.), Constitu- tional year-book (Blackwood, 2s.), Municipal year book of the United Kingdom (Lloyd, 2s. 6d.), Civil service year-book and official calendar (Sheppard, 2s.), Year-book of Aus- tralia (Paul, 10s. 6d.), India list, civil and mili- tary (Allen, 10s. 6d.), Foreign office list and consular handbook (Harrison, 6s.), English- woman's year-book (Macmillan, $1.50), Rox- burgh's Handbook of Jamaica (Stanford, 7s. 6d.), Canadian year-book (Toronto. 25cts.). AMERICAN Of American annuals, the most practically useful are the newspaper almanacs, of which the following are the best : Tribune almanac and register for 1902. D. K Y. 1902.* 25 cts. pap. 317.3 Published yearly by the N. Y. Daily Tribune. Con- fined to facts about the U. S. Recent statistics, elec- tion returns, laws, and other political information. Index at end. World almanac, 1902. D. N. Y. World, 1902.* 25 cts. pap. 317-3 Especially useful for the TJ. S., but also includes much foreign statistics omitted in the Tribune al- manac. Index in front. The Chicago Daily News almanac* (25 cts.) is also to be recommended. A library should also have the almanac of some paper published in its own city, to give names of local and state officials and other in- formation of the locality. Statistician and economist, 1901-02. v. 21, il. D. San Fran. McCarty, 1901. $3.50. 317.3 Formerly published under the title Annual statis- tician and economist, now a biennial publication. * Continued annually. SPECIAL SUBJECTS Gives recent statistics and tables of the U. S., with some information about other countries ; also miscel- laneous facts and tables. U. S. Bureau of statistics. Statistical abstract of the U. S., 1901. v. 24, O. Wash. Government printing office, 1902.* free. 317.3 Annual statistics of population, finance, commerce, agricultural and other products, immigration, educa- tion, etc., for the current year, and in many cases for a number of years past. Manual of statistics, stock exchange hand- book, 1901. v. 23, O. N. Y. Nicoll, 1901.* 5. 332 Statistics of banks, railroads, corporation interests, and markets of this country. CENSUS U. S. Census office 11th census. Com- pendium. 3 v. F. Wash. Government printing office, 1892-97. free. 317.3 v. 1, Population ; v. 2-3, Miscellaneous statistics. U.S. Census office 11th census. Ab- stract. 300 p. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1896. free. 317.3 A more condensed statement (in one volume) of the facts of the 11th census. All the subjects that are treated of in the 11th census are comprehended in this Abstract. A complete set of the compendiums of the various censuses forms an important addition to the statistical books. The full census reports must be consulted for more detailed statistical information regard- ing this country. The bulletins of the 12th census are now in course of publication and give the most recent statistics. Volume one (on population) of the 12th census has been issued (1901). It con- tains graphic charts and maps, showing features of population. U. S. Census office 11th census. Sta- tistical atlas of the United States, based upon results of the 11th census, by Henry Gannett. 69 p. pi. maps, sq. F. Wash. Government printing office, 1898. 317-3 Shows the population, manufactures, agriculture, religion, etc., of this country by means of colored charts. An earlier edition is based upon the 10th census (1880). * Gannett, Henry. Building of a nation. . . . 252 p. il. pi. maps, O. N. Y. Thomas, 1895. $2.50. 317.3 A popular account of the growth, present condition, and resources of the U. S., with diagrams, outline maps, and statistical tables of the population, re- sources, etc., both of the past and present. * Continued annually. COMMERCE The dictionaries of commerce are considerably out of date. M'Culloch, John Ramsay. Dictionary of commerce and commercial navigation. New ed. enl. by A. J. Wilson. 1558 + 261 p. maps, O. Lond. Longmans, 1882. $21. 380.3 An English work which gives information regarding all matters relating to commerce in concise articles, with maps, statistical information, and bibliographical references. Beeton, Samuel Orchart. Dictionary of industries and commerce. . . . 338 p. pi. O. Lond. Ward, n. d. 1. 380.3 Articles are briefer than those in M'Culloch, and it is not so comprehensive a work. English. Includes accounts, banking, and other useful subjects. Colange, Auguste Leon de. American dic- tionary of commerce, manufactures, commer- cial law, and finance. 2v. il. Q. Bost. Estes, 1880-81. $13.50. o. p. 380.3 Commercial year-book ; a statistical and historical record, 1896-1901. v. 1-6, O. K Y. Journal of commerce and commercial bulletin, 1896-1901.* $1 per vol. 380.5 Relates to trade, industries, agriculture, banking, currencies, securities, railroads, shipping, insurance, population, etc., of the nations of the world. Index.. Statistics are given from 1840. U. S. Bureau of foreign commerce. Re- view of the world's commerce during the year 1900. 247 p. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1901.* free. 380 Statistical tables of U. S. imports and exports, and statistical reports of the commerce of foreign coun- tries. Index of places. BUSINESS Gaskell, G. A. Compendium of forms, edu- cational, social, legal, commercial, embracing a complete course in penmanship and book- keeping. Atchison, Davis, 1887. $4. 658 Hill, Thomas Edie. Hill's manual of social and business forms, a guide to correct writing. . . . Newed. rev. 581 p. il. sq. Q. Chic. Hill, 1895. Subscription, $3. 658 These two works are similar in scope, comprising miscellaneous information regarding correspondence, forms used in business, proof-reading, etiquet, etc. Alphabetical index. RAILWAYS Poor, Henry V. Manual of the railroads of the U. S. for 1901. v. 34, O. N. Y. Poor, 1902.* $10. 38S * Continued annually. COMMERCE. EDUCATION 25 Gives the routes of railroads, their mileage, stocks, bonds, debts, expenses, organizations, officers, etc., street railway and traction companies. Travelers' official railway guide for the U. S., Canada, and Mexico, 1902. O. N. Y. Nat'l railway pub. co. 1902.* $5 per year, 50 cts. per monthly copy. 3 8 5 Railway time-tables, maps, mileage, list of officials, and other information relating to railroads. U. S. Interstate commerce commission. Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States for the year ending June 30, 1900. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1901.* free. 385 SHIPPING Blue book of American shipping ; marine and naval directory of the U. S., statistics of shipping, and shipbuilding in America, 1901. il. O. Cleveland, O., Marine review pub. co. 1901.* 387 POST OFFICE U. S. official postal guide, rev. and pub. monthly, Jan. 1902. O. Phil. Lasher, 1902.* $2 per year. 383 Issued annually by authority of the Post-office de- partment, with monthly additions and corrections. Good for finding all facts relating to the postal ser- vice, list of post offices, rates of postage, foreign mails, general regulations, etc. Scott stamp and coin co. Scott's standard postage stamp catalogue, giving the date of issue, color, shape, and value of every postage stamp that has ever been issued by any govern- ment of the world, with illustrations of nearly every stamp. . . . Ed. 61 rev. il. D. K. Y. Scott stamp and coin co. 1901.* 58 cts. 383 Alphabetically by countries. MONEY Muhleman, Maurice L. Monetary systems of the world ; a study of present currency sys- tems and statistical information relative to the volume of the world's money. . . . Rev. ed. 239 p. D. N. Y. Nicoll, 1896. $2. 332 Dye, John S. Dye's coin encyclopaedia ; a complete illustrated history of the coins of the world. 1152 p. O. Phil. Bradley, 1883. o. p. 332.4 Useful for finding the value of the coins of the world ; includes all countries and gives descriptions and il- lustrations of coins. Bergen, W. von. Rare coin encyclopaedia. 123 p. il. S. Milwaukee, Caspar, 1901. $1.50. 332.4 * Continued annually. ASSOCIATIONS Stevens, Albert Clark. Cyclopaedia of fraternities. 444 p. O. N* Y. Hamilton pr. and pub. co. 1899. $5. 366 Describes the origin, derivation, founders, develop- ment, arms, emblems, character, and personnel of more than 600 secret societies in the U. S. An index to titles of organizations and an index to proper names. Mackey, Albert G. Encyclopaedia of free- masonry and its kindred sciences, comprising the whole range of arts, sciences, and litera- ture as connected with the institution ; contain- ing also an addendum by C: T. McClenachan. New ed. rev. 1081 p. il. por. O. Phil. Everts, 1896. $6. 366.1 EDUCATION Fletcher, Alfred Ewen. Sonnenschein's cyclopaedia of education. Ed. 3 enl. 570 p. O. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1889. 7s. 6d. 370.3 Brief articles by specialists on the history, theory, and practice of education, with references to sources and a bibliography of education as an appendix. Kiddle, Henry, and Schem, A. J. Cyclo- paedia of education. 868 p. O. N. Y. Steiger, 1877. o. p. 370-3 Especially good for American and English infor- mation. Not sufficiently recent to be of every-day use, but it is the only American cyclopedia of the subject. The most comprehensive cyclopedia of edu- cation is a German work compiled by K. A. Schmid, entitled Encyclopadie der gesamm- ten erziehungs- und unterrichtswesen (1876- 87. 10 v.). The French cyclopedia Diction- naire de pedagogie et d'instruction primaire by Ferdinand Buisson (Paris, Hachette, 1882. 4 v.) is also important. The latest reports of the United States Bu- reau of education and those of the state and city superintendents of instruction must fre- quently be consulted for statistical and other information relating to education. Minerva ; jahrbuch der gelehrten welt, 1891- 1902. v. 1-11, il. S. Strassb. Trubner, 1891- 1902.* 8m. per vol. 378 A most valuable yearly publication which gives brief history, list of publications, faculty, etc., of the universities, colleges, technical schools, libraries, mu- seums, learned societies, and institutes ; arranged alphabetically under name of city with index of per- sonal names. American college and public school direc- tory, 1901. v. 24, O. St. Louis, Evans, 1901.* $2. 370 * Continued annually. 26 SPEdAL SUBJECTS Classified lists and addresses of colleges, semina- ries, academies, normal schools, business colleges, and other schools of this country, giving name of presi- dent and of denomination with which the institution is associated. College year-book and athletic record, 1896-97. 592 p. O. N. Y. Stone, 1897. 378-73 A descriptive catalog of American universities, col- leges, etc. ; limited to those conferring degrees ; also useful for finding miscellaneous college information such as college colors, yells, fraternities, etc. Baird, William Raimond. American col- lege fraternities. Ed. 5. 438 p. D. N. Y. Au- thor, 1898. $2. 378.73 A full account of each fraternity is given. BIBLIOGRAPHY Columbia university Library. Books on education in the libraries of Columbia univer- sity. 435 p. O. N. Y. Columbia university, 1901. (Library bulletins, no. 2.) $1. 016.37 A catalog of more than 13,500 titles, classified with a full author index. The list includes the books in the Bryson library of Teacher's college. Monroe, Will S. Bibliography of educa- tion. 202 p. D. N. Y. Appleton, 1897. (Inter- national education series.) $1.50. 016.37 Classified list with author index. Many of the titles are annotated briefly. Hall, Granville Stanley, and Mansfield, J. M. Hints towards a select and descriptive bibliography of education. 309 p. D. Bost. Heath, 1886. $1.50. 016.37 Classified, with descriptive notes. The American educational catalog, published annually by the Publishers' weekly in July, is a good priced list of educational books in print. CUSTOMS * Brand, John. Observations on the popular antiquities of Great Britain . . . rev. and enl. by Sir Henry Ellis. New ed. enl. 3v. pi. D. Lond. Bell, 1888-90. 15s. 394 Gives the origin of customs, ceremonies, and su- perstitions of Great Britain. A general index in vol. 3. Chambers, Robert. Book of days; a mis- cellany of popular antiquities, in connection with the calendar. 2 v. il. Q. Phil. Lippincott, 1891. $7. 080 Published originally 1862-64. Later editions show little revision. Under each day of the year (beginning with Jan. 1 and ending Dec. 31) is given anecdote, biography, his- tory, curiosities of literature, and miscellaneous in- formation. A general index in vol. 2 must be used. Useful in looking up information about Hallowe'en, Christmas, etc. Walsh, William Shepard. Curiosities of popular customs and of rites, ceremonies, ob- servances, and miscellaneous antiquities. 1018 p. il. D. Phil. Lippincott, 1898. $3.50. 394 Tells of the origin of holidays, rites, ceremonies, and observances, particularly those pertaining to religion, with accounts of numerous miscellaneous antiqui- ties. A compilation from various sources. Lacks an index. Hone's Every -day book (Lond. 1826. 0. p.) is occasionally useful. COSTUME Planche, James Robinson. Cyclopaedia of costume ; or, Dictionary of dress. . . . 2v. il. pi. sq. Q. Lond. Chatto, 1876. $20. 391 Vol. 1 is a dictionary of costume, giving in alpha- betical order concise definitions of terms used in describing dress, with copious illustrations; vol. 2 gives a history of costume in Europe. Besides many general books on costume, such as Racinet's Le costume historique, il- lustrated biographies and histories of various countries and periods must be consulted. SCIENCE In no department (except statistics) is it more necessary to keep up with recent editions of reference books than in science. Many of the cyclopedias in this section become obsolete almost as soon as published. The reference library must therefore contain the latest editions and authorities. Comparatively few good scien- tific dictionaries exist. Many old cyclopedias are frequently found useful; among these are: Tomlinson's Cyclopaedia of useful arts, me- chanical and chemical, manufactures, mining, and engineering (Lond. Virtue, 1868. 3v.), and Ure's Dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines (N. Y. 1857-62. 2v.). TECHNICAL TERMS Tolhausen, Alexandre. Dictionnaire tech- nologique dans les langues francaise, anglaise et allemande. Ed. 4. 3v. S. Lpz. Tauchnitz, 1897-1901. (K Y. Lemcke.) $11.50. 603 v. 1, French-German-English; v. 2, English-German- French ; v. 3, German-English-French. Gives equivalents in English, French, and German of terms employed in the sciences and arts. Other similar dictionaries are: Rohrig and others' Technological dictionary (Wiesbaden, Bergmann, 1891. 3v. $14.50), Eger's Technological dictionary in the English and German languages (N. Y. Lemcke, 1886. SCIENCE 27 2v. $9.80), and Webber's Technisches wbrterbuch in vier sprachen (Ber. Springer, 1897-99. 4v. $4.40), which includes also Italian. MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY Davies, Charles, and Peck, W. G. Mathe- matical dictionary and cyclopedia of mathe- matical science. 592 p. il. O. N. Y. Barnes, ['1855-83]. $5. 510.3 Definitions of terms and condensed articles on the various branches of mathematics. American ephemeris and nautical alma- ** nac for . . . 1904. 591 p. il. maps, Q. Wash. Bur. of equipment, 1901.* $1. 528 Designed for the special use of navigators and as- tronomers. ELECTRICITY Houston, Edwin James. Dictionary of electrical words, terms, and phrases. Ed. 4 enl. 990 p. il. O. N. Y. Johnston, 1898, [ '89-98]. $7. 537 Concise definitions, with brief statement of the principles of the science, and some illustrations of apparatus. There are two appendixes, thus making three alphabets to be examined. A smaller dictionary is Sloane's Standard electrical dictionary (Lond. Lockwood, 1900). CHEMISTRY Watts, Henry. Dictionary of chemistry ; rev. and entirely rewritten by M. M. P. Muir and H. F. Morley ... Ed. 2. 4v. O. Lond. Longmans, 1890-94. $50.50. 540.3 The original edition was called Dictionary of chem- istry and the allied branches of other sciences (1865). This edition deals mainly with the purely scientific side of chemistry. Thorpe, Thomas Edward. Dictionary of applied chemistry. 3v. il. O. Lond. Long- mans, 1890-93. $50. 660.3 " Essentially a dictionary of chemistry in its appli- cation to the arts and manufactures, hence it deals but sparingly with the purely scientific aspects of chemistry, unless these have some direct and immedi- ate bearing upon the business of the technologist. The work may be considered as complementary to Watts's Dictionary, the general plan and arrangement are similar." Preface. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bolton, Henry Carrington. Select bibli- ography of chemistry, 1492-1892. 1212 p. O. Wash. Smithsonian inst. 1899. free. 016.54 First supplement, 1492-1897. 489 p. O. Wash. Smithsonian inst. 1899. free. 016.54 Academic dissertations. 534 p. O. Wash. Smithsonian inst. 1901. free. 016.54 * Continued annually. A comprehensive bibliography, containing some annotations. GEOLOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY Darton, Nelson Horatio. Catalogue and index of contributions to North American geology, 1732-1891. 1045 p. O. Wash. Govern- ment printing office, 1896. free. (U. S. geologi- cal survey. Bulletin, no. 127.) 016.557 Alphabetically arranged under author and subject. Includes references to articles in serials. Warman, Philip Creveling. Bibliography and index of the publications of the United States geological survey. . . . 495 p. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1893. (U. S. geo- logical survey. Bulletin, no. 100.) free. 016.557 Catalogue and index of the publications of the United States geological survey, 1880- 1901. 858 p. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1901. (U. S. geological survey. Bulle- tin, no. 177). free. 016.557 This is an extension of the preceding, which is fuller in bibliographic details; while this edition has a full index, broadly classified and alphabetically arranged. Weeks, Fred Boughton. Bibliography of North American geology, paleontology, petro- logy, & mineralogy, 1892-1900. 717 p. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1902. (U. S. geological survey. Bulletin, no. 188.) free. 016.557 Arranged alphabetically by authors' names, with full titles of separate papers, referring to the publica- tion in which each paper is printed. Annotated. To be continued yearly. NATURAL HISTORY BIRDS Newton, Alfred. Dictionary of birds. 1088 p. il. O. Lond. Black, 1893-96. $5. 598.2 " Covers the whole field of ornithology, including, in addition to the birds named, the anatomy of birds, their classification, their geographical distribution, their geological history, and much matter that is purely biographical." Nation, 57: 416. BOTANY Crozier, Arthur Alger. Dictionary of bo- tanical terms. 202 p. O. N. Y. Holt, 1892. $2.40. 580.3 " Aims to include all technical terms applied to plants both by botanists and others." Jackson, Benjamin Daydon. Glossary of botanic terms with their derivation and accent. 327 p. D. Phil. Lippincott, 1900. $2, 580.3 SPECIAL SUBJECTS "Volume is compact and convenient." Nation, 72:92. Smith, John. Dictionary of economic plants. 457 p. O. N. Y. Macmillan, 1882. $3.50. 580.3 "A useful compendium of the popular names of plants which supply the natural and acquired wants of man in all matters of domestic and general eco- nomy ; their history, products, and uses. Adapted to the general student." Leypoldt and lies' s List of books for girls and women. USEFUL ARTS HORTICULTURE v Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Cyclopedia of American horticulture. 4v. il. Q. N. Y. Mac- millan, 1901-02. $20. 630.3 " Purpose of this work is to make a complete record of the status of North American horticulture as it exists at the close of the 19th century. The work dis- cusses the cultivation of fruits, flowers, and garden vegetables, describes all the species which are known to be in the horticultural trade, outlines the horti- cultural possibilities of the various states, territories, and provinces, presents biographies of those persons not living who have contributed most to the horti- cultural progress of North America, and indicates the leading monographic works relating to the vari- ous subjects." Preface. A small volume will be issued annually to supple- ment the Cyclopedia. " The most complete similar recent work in the English language is Nicholson's Illustrated dictionary of gardening, four vols. 1884-87. . . . Mottet's French edition of Nicholson, five vols. 1892-99, is the largest modern cyclopedia of horticulture, and the only one which exceeds in size the present American venture." Preface to v. 4. MEDICINE Billings, John Shaw, and others. Na- tional medical dictionary. 2v. Q. Phil. Lea, 1890. $12. 610.3 Clear, concise definitions of medical terms in cur- rent use in English, French, German, and Italian medical literature. Includes the Latin medical termi- nology. Gould, George Milbry. New medical dic- tionary. 519 p.O. Phil. Blakiston, 1892. $3.25. 610.3 Includes words and phrases generally used in medi- cine with their proper pronunciation and definitions. Concise and of convenient size for ready reference. Illustrated dictionary of medicine and allied sciences. Ed. 4. 1633 p. il. sq. O. Phil. Blakiston, 1894. $10. 610.3 Gives pronunciation, derivation, and definition of terms used in medicine and the various sciences re- lated to it biology, zoology, botany, chemistry, etc., with illustrations. The best medical dictionary. Foster, Frank Pierce. Illustrated ency- clopaedic medical dictionary ; being a diction- ary of the technical terms used by writers on medicine and the collateral sciences in the Latin, English, French, and German languages. 4v. il. pi. Q. N. Y. Appleton, 1888-94. $40. 610.3 Other good dictionaries of medicine are : Duane's Dictionary of medicine and the allied sciences (Phil. Lea, 1900. $4), Dunglison's Dic- tionary of medical science (Phil. Lea, 1893. $7), which are dictionaries of terms, and Quain's Dictionary of medicine (N. Y. Appleton, 1894. 2v. $14), which is a dictionary of diseases. Stille, Alfred, and others. National dis- pensatory. ... Ed. 5 rev. Phil. Lea, 1894. ffc $7.25. 615.12 Gives the natural history, chemistry, pharmacy, actions, and uses of medicines, including those recog- nized in the pharmacopoeias of the U. S., Great Brit- ain, and Germany, with references to the French codex. It has a general index. Wood, George Bacon, and Bache, Frank- lin. Dispensatory of the United States. ... Ed. 18 rev. and enl. by H. C. Wood, J. P. Remington, and S. P. Sadtler. 1999 p. O. Phil. Lippincott, [ c 1877-99]. $7. 615.12 The first edition appeared in 1833. "The objects of a Dispensatory are to present an account of medical substances in the state in which they are brought into the shops and to teach the modes in which they are prepared for use." Pre- face. The work is arranged alphabetically under name of the drugs with index of diseases. A commentary upon the Pharmacopoeias of the TJ. S. and Great Britain. A more important work than the preceding. * National convention for revising the Phar- macopoeia. Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. 7th decennial revision (1890). 602 p.O. Phil. Blakiston, 1893. $2.50. 615 ^ BIBLIOGRAPHY U. S. Surgeon-general's office, U. S. army. Index-catalogue of the library, authors, and subjects. 16v. Q. Wash. Government printing office, 1880-95. $5 per vol. 016.61 Second series, v. 1-6, Q. "Wash. Gov- ernment printing office, 1896-1901. $5 per. vol. 016.61 Second series to Hern. In course of publication. This is one of the finest catalogs of any library, giv- ing in dictionary order, books, pamphlets, and titles of articles in medical journals and transactions con- tained in one of the largest of medical libraries. A separate volume entitled Alphabetical list of abbre- viations of titles of medical periodicals employed in USEFUL ARTS 29 the Index-catalogue, vols. 1-16, numbers 282 pages, showing the large number of periodicals indexed. Index medicus ; a monthly classified record of the current medical literature of the world, 1879-Apr. 1899. 21v. Q. Bost. 1879-99. 016.61 Ceased publication, April, 1899. Each yearly volume has an author index and a full subject index of the books and periodicals of the year which relate to medicine. Bibliographia medica ; index medicus, is- sued by the Institut de bibliographic of Paris, continues the bibliography of medicine from Jan. 1900 to date. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Cassell & co., pub. Domestic dictionary ; an encyclopaedia for the household. 1276 p. il. O. Lond. Cassell, n. d. 7s. 640.3 Condensed descriptions, definitions, and explana- tions of household matters. An English publication. Goodholme, Todd S. Domestic cyclopae- dia of practical information. New ed. enl. 652 p. il. Q. N. Y. Scribner, 1889, [ c 77-89]. $5. 640.3 A concise American dictionary. Not sufficiently recent. BIBLIOGRAPHY Shaw, Robert Kendall. Bibliography of domestic economy in English. 170 p. O. Alb. University of the state of N. Y., 1901. 15 cts. (See N. Y. (state) Library. Bulletins, no. 52.) 016,64 Aims " to include all bound books on domestic eco- nomy published in the English language between 1850 and 1899." The best books are starred. RECEIPTS Cooley, Arnold James. Cyclopaedia of prac- tical receipts. . . . Ed. 6 rev. by R. V. Tuson. 2v. il. O. K Y. Appleton, 1891. $9. 603 A collection of formulae and processes in the indus- trial and useful arts, manufactures, professions, and trades, including medicine, pharmacy, and domestic economy. Hopkins, Albert Allis. Scientific American cyclopedia of receipts, notes, and queries. 675 p. O. N. Y. Munn, 1892. $5. 603 Replies to correspondents in the Notes and queries column of the Scientific American, giving receipts. Brannt, William T., and Wahl, W: H. Techno-chemical receipt-book ; ed. chiefly from the German. 495 p. il. D. Phil. Baird, 1890, ['86]. $2. 603 Receipts and processes of practical application in the arts and the industries. MECHANIC ARTS Knight, Edward Henry. American me- chanical dictionary. 3v. il. pi. Q. Bost. Houghton, [c 1872-76]. $24. 603 A digest of mechanical appliances in science and the arts. Description of tools, machines, processes, and engineering. New mechanical dictionary. . . . 960 p. Q. Bost. Houghton, 1884, [c '82-83]. $9. 603 A continuation of the preceding. Refers to articles in technical journals, 1876-80. Appleton's cyclopaedia of applied mechan- ics ; a dictionary of mechanical engineering and the mechanic arts. 2 v. Q. N. Y. Apple- ton, 1884, [c'78]. $15. 603 Benjamin, Park. Modern mechanism . . . supplementary volume to Appleton's Cyclo- paedia of applied mechanics. 959 p. il. pi. Q. N. Y. Appleton, 1896, [<'92]. $7.50. 603 Describes machines, motors, and the transmission of power. Dixon, D. B. Mechanical arts simplified ; a work of reference. Newed. 497 p. il. O. Chic. Laird, 1897, [ c '94-97]. $2.50. 603 Treats the subject in a popular manner. Hasluck, Paul N. Cassell' s cyclopaedia of mechanics, containing receipts, processes, and memoranda for workshop use. Ser. 1, il. O. Lond. Cassell, 1900. 7s. 6d. 603 Not alphabetically arranged, but it has an alphabeti- cal index. ENGINEERING Byrne, Oliver, and Spon, Ernest. Spon's dictionary of engineering, civil, mechanical, military, and naval ; with technical terms in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. 3v. il. Q. Lond. Spon, 1874. $40. 620.3 Articles written mainly by practical engineers. In- dex in vol. 3. Kempe, H. R. Engineer's year-book of formulae, rules, tables, data, and memoranda in civil, mechanical, electrical, marine, and mining engineering. D. Lond. Lockwood, 1901. 8s. 620.5 Full index. Among the ready reference books in engineering are the following handbooks, which, although not diction- aries, are of very great use in finding facts quickly : Haswell's Mechanics' and engineers' pocket-book of tables, rules, and formulas pertaining to mechanics, mathematics, and physics (N. Y. Harper, [c 1884-94]. $3), Kent's Mechanical engineer's pocket-book (N. Y. Wiley, [c 1895]. $5), Trautwine's Civil engineer's pocket- book (N. Y. Wiley [c 1882-94]. $5), and Foster's Elec- 30 SPECIAL SUBJECTS trical engineer's pocket-book (N. Y. Van Nostrand, 1901. $5). INDUSTRIES AND MANUFACTURES Lock, Charles G. Warnford. Spon's en- cyclopaedia of the industrial arts, manufactures, and raw commercial products. 2v. il. Q. Lond. Spon, 1882. 3 10s. 603 Treats fully of such subjects as acids, bleaching, cotton manufactures, dye-stuffs, floor-cloth, etc. An English work, alphabetically arranged. Seeger and Guernsey's cyclopaedia of the manufactures and products of the United States. Q. N. Y. U. S. industrial pub. co. ['1900].* $10. 670 A list of manufactures and products, with names of firms and an index to articles. Bolland, Simpson. Encyclopedia of found- ing and dictionary of foundry terms used in the practice of moulding. . . . 535 p. D. N. Y. Wiley, 1894. $3. 671 Names of minerals, metals, and chemicals have been included. American iron and steel association. Directory to the iron and steel works of the U. S. Ed. 13 corrected to Jan. 1, 1901. Phil. American iron and steel assoc. 1901. $10. 672 Issued biennially. Cole, George S. Encyclopedia of dry goods ; a reference book of the wholesale and retail dry goods trade of the United States. . . . New ed. rev. and enl. 640 p. O. N. Y. Root newspaper assoc. 1900. $2.50. 677 A useful reference book, alphabetically arranged, giving a descriptive and historical account of the standard fabrics, garments, and related articles of merchandise, and explanation of the processes of manufacture of textile fabrics. MINERALS Rothwell, Richard Pennefather. Mineral industry ; its statistics, technology, and trade in the United States and other countries to the end of 1901. O. N. Y. Scientific pub. co. 1902.* $5. 669 An annual publication alphabetically arranged. The U. S. Geological survey issues an annual work on the mineral resources of this country, which is distributed gratis. It does not appear so punctually as the preceding, and is limited to the United States. Chester, Albert Huntington. Dictionary of the names of minerals, including their his- tory and etymology. 320 p. O. N. Y. Wiley, 1896. $3.50. 549.03 * Continued annually. Brief definitions and history of names; with an index to the authors of mineral names. PATENTS U. S. Patent office. Official gazette, 1872-1902. v. 1-99, il. Q. Wash. Government printing office, 1872-1902. free. 608 Weekly since 1872. It contains patents, trade-marks, designs, and labels, issued each week ; decisions of the Commissioner of patents and of U. S. courts in patent cases. In libraries having complete files of the Offi- cial gazette they are a much used part of the refer- ence collection. The annual reports of the Commissioner of patents contain indexes to the Official gazette. For fuller in- formation concerning a patent, consult the Specifica- tions of patents. PRINTING American dictionary of printing and book- making . . . 592 p. il. por. sq. Q. N. Y. Lock- wood, 1894. 655 Historical and technical, including biographical sketches and definitions. Timperley's Encyclopaedia of literary and typographical anecdote (Lond. Bohn, 1842. o. p.) is an old work containing much miscel- laneous information about the history of print- ing. It is a chronological digest, with a full index. BIBLTOGEAPHY Bigmore, Edward Clements, and Wyman, C. W. H. Bibliography of printing. 3v. il. sq. O. Lond. Quaritch, 1880-86. about 3 19s. 016.655 Annotated. MILITARY AND NAVAL Farrow, Edward Samuel. Farrow's mili- tary encyclopedia; a dictionary of military knowledge. 3v. il. maps, Q. N. Y. Military- naval pub. co. 1895. $24. 623 Brief articles, not strictly technical, on military subjects, ancient and modern, foreign and domestic. Hamersly, Lewis Randolph. Naval en- cyclopaedia. 1017 p. Q. Phil. Hamersly, 1881. $5. 359. 03 A concise dictionary of nautical words and phrases, biographical notices, and records of naval officers, with special articles on naval art and science written by authorities. It contains also descriptions of naval stations and seaports. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF USEFUL ARTS Haferkorn, Henry Ernst, and Heise, Paul. Handy lists of technical literature. 6v. O. Milwaukee, Haferkorn, 1890-93. $12. 016.6 FINE ARTS 31 Contents: Useful arts in general; Military and naval science ; Electricity and magnetism ; Engineering and mechanics ; Mines and mining ; Fine arts. Gives trade information, publisher, price, etc. ; sub- ject and author lists are in one alphabet. FINE ARTS DICTIONARIES Adeline, Jules. Art dictionary . . . tr. fr. the French and enlarged. 422 p. il. O. Lond. Virtue, 1891. 7s. 6d. (N. Y. Appleton, 1891. $2.25.) 703 An illustrated index of terms used in art, architec- ture, heraldry, and archaeology. Mollett, John William. Illustrated dic- tionary of words used in art and archaeology. ... 350 p. il. O. Bost. Houghton, 1883. $5. 703 Explains terms used in works on architecture, arms, painting, sculpture, costume, etc., with their deriva- tions. ANNUALS Levy, Florence N. American art annual, 1898-1901. v. 1-3, O. N. Y. Macmillan, 1899- 1900.* $3 per vol. 705 Information as to art exhibitions and sales of the year, lists of artists, art directory. An English annual called The year's art, compiled by A. C. R. Carter, is also published (N. Y. Scribner. $1.40.).* SYMBOLIC ART Clement, Mrs. Clara Erskine, afterwards Mrs. Waters. Handbook of Christian sym- bols and stories of the saints as illustrated in art. Ed. 2. 349 p. il. O. Bost. Ticknor, [* 1871- 86]. $2. 703 Handbook of legendary and mythologi- cal art. Ed. 22. 575 p. il. D. Bost. Houghton, 1890, [< 71-86]. $3. 703 Contains a catalog of pictures in European gal- leries. Good popular handbooks on symbolic and legendary art. ARTISTS See Biography. BIBLIOGKAPHY Sturgis, Russell. Annotated bibliography of fine art ; painting, sculpture, architecture, arts of decoration and illustration ; ed. by George lies. 89 p. O. Bost. Library bureau, 1897. (A. L. A. annotated lists.) $1. 016.7 Contains also an annotated bibliography of music, by H. E. Krehbiel. * Continued annually. About 1000 carefully chosen titles with excellent de- scriptive and critical notes. Prices of books are given. South Kensington museum. First proofs of the Universal catalogue of books on art. 3v. sq. O. Lond. Chapman, 1870-77. 016.7 Author list ; no annotations. 'Farrar, Charles Samuel. Art topics in the history of sculpture, painting, and architec- ture. Ed. 3 enl. 206 p. sq. O. Chic. Farrar, 1890, [c '81]. $1.25. 016.7 Designed to furnish a course of reading in the his- tory of art, arranged as a syllabus with references to the best authorities on each topic. ARCHITECTURE Sturgis, Russell. Dictionary of architec- ture and building, biographical, historical, and descriptive. 3v. il. pi. Q. N. Y. Macmillan, 1901. $18. 720.3 " It is not hard to pick flaws in the best of technical dictionaries, and this one, in spite of its defects, which are of omission rather than commission, will prove an eminently useful and, in the main, reliable work." Nation, 72: 220. Combines the features of a dictionary and an ency- clopedia. Architectural publication society. Dic- tionary of architecture. . . . 6v. pi. F. Lond. Richards, 1852-92. $65. o. p. 720.3 An important work, including technical, aesthetical, historical, and biographical articles with bibliogra- phical references. Gwilt, Joseph. Encyclopaedia of architec- ture. New ed. enl. by Wyatt Papworth. lv. in 2, il. pi. O. Lond. Longmans, 1888. $17.50. 720.3 First published in 1842, it is still an authority. Not alphabetically arranged ; full index. Includes not only the historical and practical side of the subject but an extensive bibliography and a glossary of archi- tectural terms. Longfellow, William Pitt Preble. Cyclo- pedia of works of architecture in Italy, Greece, and the Levant. 546 p. il. pi. Q. N. Y. Scrib- ner, 1895. $25. 720.3 Arranged alphabetically by names of places with an account of the chief architectural monuments in each. The illustrations are good. Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel. Dic- tionnaire raisonne de 1' architecture francaise du xr 9 au xvi* siecle. lOv. O. Paris, Morel, 1868. 250fr. 7 2 0-3 A dictionary of medieval French architecture. An important authority. The index in volume 10, by Henri Sabine, is of use in finding subjects. Garnsey, George O. American glossary of SPECIAL SUBJECTS architectural terms, unp. il. Q. Cliic. Garnsey, 1887. $2. 720.3 Concise definitions of terms in architecture and the building arts in use in England and America. Parker, John Henry. Glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic architecture. Ed. 5 enl. 3v. il. pi. O. Ox. Parker, 1850. o. p. 720.3 v. 1, text ; v. 2-3, plates. A dictionary of architectural terms with many illus- trations and two volumes of plates. Concise glossary of terms used in Gre- cian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic architecture. Ed. 7. 335 p. il. pi. S. Lond. Parker, 1888. $3. 720.3 An abridgment of the preceding for popular use. Perry, J. Tavenor. Chronology of mediae- val and renaissance architecture. 290 p. il. O. Lond. Murray, 1893. 16s. 723 Architectural events from A. d. 306 to 1626 are ar- ranged in chronological order ; with an index to places and buildings and an index to names of architects, sculptors, and other persons. BIBLIOGRAPHY Boston Public library. Catalogue of the books relating to architecture, construction, and decoration. 150 p. Q. Bost. Public library, 1894. 25 cts. 016.72 Classified. Columbia university Library. Catalogue of the Avery architectural library : a memorial library of architecture, archaeology, and deco- rative art. 1139 p. il. Q. N. Y. Library of Columbia college, 1895. $9. 016.72 Author list. PAINTING Champlin, John Denison, jr., and Perkins, C: C. Cyclopedia of painters and painting. 4v. il. Q. N. Y. Scribner, 1892, [* '85-87]. $20. 750.3 The names of painters and their works are given in one alphabet. A sketch of the artist, with a list of his works and bibliographical notes, is often accompanied by his portrait, and an occasional reproduction in out- line of important paintings. Under the name of a celebrated painting will be found a brief description of it. MUSIC Grove, Sir George. Dictionary of music and musicians. . . . 4v. O. Lond. Macmillan, 1889-90. 21s. per vol. 780.3 Index ... and catalogue of articles contributed by each writer, by Mrs. E. R. Wodehouse. Lond. Macmillan, 1890. 780.3 The best cyclopedia of music in English. It covers the whole field of music from 1450 to 1889. English music and musicians have been given special attention. The articles are by prominent writers, and are signed. Champlin, John Denison, jr., andApthorp, W: F. Cyclopedia of music and musicians. 3 v. il. Q. N. Y. Scribner, 1893, [ c '88]. $15. 780.3 Its scope is confined to the biography of musicians and a dictionary of their works arranged in one alpha- bet. The theory and practice of music is not included. Important compositions are treated fully under their own names in separate articles. In the biographical articles, titles italicized are treated separately under their names. Bibliographical notes are added, and a bibliography of music is given in the first volume. The portraits and facsimiles are an interesting feature. Riemann, Hugo. Dictionary of music ; tr. by J. S. Shedlock. 895 p. O. Lond. Augener, [1899]. $6. 780.3 The best one-volume dictionary. It contains bio- graphical sketches of musicians, including contempo- raries. Stainer, Sir John, and Barrett, W. A. Dictionary of musical terms. New ed. 464 p. Q. N. Y. Scribner, 1899. 3. 780.3 Concise explanations of the common terms used in music. MUSICIANS See Biography. PHOTOGRAPHY Woodbury, Walter E. Encyclopaedic dic- tionary of photography. 536 p. il. Q. N. Y. Scovill, 1898. $5. 770.3 Definitions of terms. Two year-books of photography are issued : International annual of Anthony's photogra- phic bulletin (N. Y. Anthony. $1.25), and the American annual of photography (N. Y. Sco- ville. 75 cts.). Soule art company. Complete art refer- ence catalogue. 1460 p. pi. sq. Q. Bost. Soule art co. 1902. $5. 770 Under the names of artists is arranged a list of their works, of which photographic reproductions may be obtained. In many cases the dates, birthplace, and school of painting are given, also the gallery in which the picture is to be found, and the cost of the re- productions. There are many illustrations. There is also a list of photographs of architecture and sculp- ture. GAMES AND SPORTS Champlin, John Denison, jr., and Bost- wick, A. E. Young folks' cyclopaedia of LITERATURE games and sports. 831 p. D. N. Y. Holt, 1890. $2.50. 790-3 Includes both indoor and outdoor games and sports. The articles are brief and written from the American standpoint. Gomrae, Alice Bertha. Traditional games of England, Scotland, and Ireland ; with tunes, singing rhymes, and methods of playing ac- cording to the variants extant and recorded in different parts of the kingdom. 2v. O. Lond. Nutt, 1894. 25s. 790.3 Suffolk and Berkshire, Henry Charles Howard, earl of, and others. Encyclopaedia of sport. 2v. il. pi. Q. K Y. Putnam, 1898. $20. 790-3 Written from the English standpoint, embracing the whole field of sports, with some related topics. A glossary of terms used in each sport accompanies the articles, with occasional bibliographies. LITERATURE GENERAL Warner, Charles Dudley, and others. Li- brary of the world's best literature, ancient and modern. 30v. il. por. pi. O. N. Y. Peale, 1896-97. 3 per vol. 803 v. 1-27 : Biographical and critical sketches and se- lections. V. 28 : Songs, hymns, and lyrics. v. 29 : Biographical dictionary of authors. v. 30 : Synopses of noted books ; General index. The biographical and critical sketches of authors of all ages and countries are written by eminent scholars and writers and are signed. The selections from their works have been well made. Portraits and illustra- tions are a useful feature. This is the best compila- tion of the kind. An Index guide, prepared by E: C. Towne (565 p. Q. N. Y. Peale, [c 1899]. $3), is designed to aid in pursuing courses of reading and study. It gives also national and chronological conspectuses of the various litera- tures. Other compilations of a similar nature have been published, among which may be men- tioned : The universal anthology, edited by Richard Garnett and others (20v. $60), The international library of famous literature, with introd. by D. G. Mitchell and Andrew Lang (20v. $60), Literature of all nations, by Julian Hawthorne, Library of choice literature and encyclopaedia of universal authorship, by A. R. Spofford and Charles Gibbon (lOv. $20). Brewer, David Josiah. World's best ora- tions. lOv. por. pi. O. St. Louis, Kaiser, 1899-1901. $3.50 per vol. 808.5 Selected orations with brief criticism and sketch of life of each author. In volume 10 are: noted sayings and celebrated passages ; index of orators, index of subjects ; chronological indexes of orators and sub- jects, of periods and events, etc. ; general index. Champlin, John Denison, jr. Young folks' cyclopaedia of literature and art. 604 p. il. O. N. Y. Holt, 1901. $2.50. 803 Concise accounts of masterpieces of literature and art, including music, painting, architecture, and sculpture. Gidel, Charles Antoine, and Loliee, Fre- deric. Dictionnaire manuel illustre des ecri- vains et des litteratures. 908 p. il. D. Paris, Colin, 1898. $1.20. 803 Brief accurate accounts of authors, works, literary forms, etc. Vapereau, Louis Gustave. Dictionnaire universel des litteratures. 2096 p. O. Paris, Hachette, 1876. 30fr. 803 Literary biography, history, and works, literary forms, institutions, drama, journalism, etc. Biblio- graphical references. ANNUALS Literary year-book and bookman's direc- tory, 1897-1902. v. 1-5, por. D. Lond. Allen, N. Y. Dodd,1902.* $1.25 per vol. 805 Contents: Literature of the year, some writers of the year, some books of the year, events of the year, obituary, royalty tables, directories of authors, pub- lishers, booksellers, technical information, lists of clubs, societies, etc., Index. Clegg, James. International directory of second-hand booksellers and bibliophile's man- ual, including lists of the public libraries of the world, publishers, book collectors, learned so- cieties and institutions, theological colleges, Burns clubs, etc. 367 p. D. Rochdale, [Eng.] Clegg, 1899.* 6s. 655.4 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Allibone, Samuel Austin. Critical diction- ary of English literature and British and Amer- ican authors living and deceased. . . . 3v. Q. Phil. Lippincott, 1891, [ c '54-86]. 928.2 Supplement ... by J: F. Kirk. 2v. Q. Phil. Lippincott, 1891. (Complete in 5 vols. $17.50.) 928.2 In spite of many inaccuracies a most useful book of reference, containing biographical and bibliographi- cal sketches of authors with lists of their works and critical notes selected from well-known authors and reviews, which notes are particularly full in the ori- ginal three volumes. The first and second volumes are not later than 1858, whilevolume three comes down to 1870. The three volumes are most elaborately in- dexed. The Supplement brings the work down to 1888. Moulton, Charles Wells. Library of liter- * Continued annually. 34 SPECIAL SUBJECTS ary criticism of English and American authors. v. 1-3, por. O. Buffalo, Moulton pub. co. 1901- 02. $5 per vol. 928.2 To be completed in 8 vols. "Each author is treated chronologically, in most cases beginning with contemporary criticism and ending with some living authority." The arrange- ment is also chronological. A brief biographical sketch is followed by criticisms. BIBLIOGRAPHY Hodgkins, Louise Manning. Guide to the study of 19th century authors, v. p. D. Bost. Heath, 1891. 60 cts. 016.82 26 prominent English and American authors are in- cluded. Books and articles of value in studying each are indicated. Welsh, Alfred Hix. English masterpiece course. 205 p. D. N. Y. Silver, [ c 1887]. 75 cts. 820 A useful list of references under English and Amer- ican authors to authorities (books and periodical arti- cles) on them and on one or more of their chief works. The whole is arranged chronologically. ENGLISH Adams, William Davenport. Dictionary of English literature ... a comprehensive guide to English authors and their works. 776 p. O. N. Y. Cassell, 1884. 7s. 6d. 820.3 Most condensed information about prominent Eng- lish authors, their dates, the titles of leading works and dates of their production, with some critical ex- tracts illustrative of their characteristics. Also use- ful for finding the author of and some facts about important English essays, plays, and novels. Pseudo- nyms, familiar quotations, phrases, proverbs, charac- ters in poetry and fiction are entered under the first striking word. Poems are frequently entered under first lines. Chambers's cyclopaedia of English liter- ature. New ed. by David Patrick, v. 1, il. por. Q. Lond. Chambers, 1901. (Phil. Lippin- cott.) $5 per vol. 820.3 To be completed in 3 vols. The first ed. was published in 1842-44, a revision was made in 1876, and again in 1888. This new edition is thoroughly revised by well-known writers, and brought up to date. The arrangement of the work is chronological, presenting a history of English litera- ture with critical and biographical accounts of au- thors and characteristic selections from their works. American literature will be included, this portion to be discussed by American critics. Ryland, Frederick. Chronological outlines of English literature. 351 p. D. Lond. Mac- millan, 1890. 1.40. 820.2 The author designed this work to occupy " the same position which an ordinary date book does with regard to our political history." It gives in tables the dates of literary works, biographical dates, foreign litera- ture, history, and annotations. Part 2 is a list of authors and their works. AMERICAN Stedman, Edmund Clarence, and Hutchin- son, E. M. Library of American literature, llv. por. Q. N. Y. Webster, 1891, [ c '87-90]. $33. 810.8 " The design is to afford the reader a general view of the course of American literature from the outset. ... It is made for popular use and enjoyment. . . ." Preface. Select and characteristic examples from American literature are given without any critical notes, and the work is not confined to masterpieces. The arrangement is chronological, with a general index in the last vol- ume, which is useful in finding selections on special subjects. In the index, poems are indexed by title under Poetry. Short biographies of the authors are given in volume 11, which also contains a list of noted sayings of Americans. Portraits. Duyckinck, Evart Augustus, and Duyck- inck, G: L. Cyclopaedia of American litera- ture. . . . Ed. to date by M. L. Simons. 2v. il. por. Q. Phil. Baxter pub. co. 1881. $12. 810.3 Arrangement is chronological from the earliest times to about 1875. The work contains biographical and critical notices of authors, with selections from their writings. Whitcomb, Selden L. Chronological out- lines of American literature. ... 285 p. D. N. Y. Macmillan, 1894. $1.25. 810.2 Similar to Ryland's Outlines of English literature. ALLUSIONS Constant reference is made to books of this class for information regarding some word or proper name alluded to by a writer. Another class of users is that of the "prize question" seeker, whose first acquaintance with the use of books and libraries is often gained through the desire to answer correctly a set of ques- tions for the prize offered. Notes and queries ; a medium of inter- communication for literary men, artists, anti- quarians, genealogists. . . . Nov. 1849-1902. 105v. sq. O. Lond. 1850-1902. about 45. 805 Published weekly. Index volume to each series of 12 vols. A mass of curious and interesting information, much of which is in the form of answers to corre- spondents. It is made helpful by means of the index volume which accompanies each series. Often useful when answers to questions cannot be found elsewhere, e. g. for authors of quotations, the origin of proverbs or expressions, etc. In the indexes, quotations and proverbs appear under those words arranged alphabet- ically. ALLUSIONS 35 S Smith, Benjamin Eli. Century cyclopedia of namea 1085 p. sq. F. N. Y. Century co. [ c 1894]. $10. 803 Includes names in geography, biography, mytho- logy, history, ethnology, art, fiction, forming a supple- mentary volume to the Century dictionary. Fullest in biography and geography. The information given is concise. Pronunciation and derivation of names are given. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. Dictionary of phrase and fable. . . . New ed. rev. 1440 p. O. Lond. Cassell, 1896 (Phil. Lippincott). $3.50. 803 Derivation, source, or origin of common phrases, allusions, and words that have a special meaning. Reader's hand book of allusions, refer- ences, plots, and stories. . . . New ed. rev. 1501 p. D. Lond. Chatto, 1898 (Phil. Lippin- cott). $3.50. 803 A concise account of such names as are used in allu- sions and references by writers. Edwards, Eliezer. Words, facts, and phrases. . . . 631 p. D. Phil. Lippincott, [pref. 1881]. $2.50. 803 Wheeler, William Adolphus, and Wheeler, / C: G. Familiar allusions ; a hand-book of miscellaneous information. Ed. 5. 584 p. D. Bost. Houghton, 1890, [ '81]. $2. 803 Phyfe, William Henry Pinkney. Five thousand facts and fancies ; a cyclopaedia of important, curious, quaint, and unique infor- mation in history, literature, sciences, art, and nature. 816 p. O. N. Y. Putnam, 1901. $5. 803 Reddall, Henry Frederic. Fact, fancy, and fable ; a new handbook for ready reference on subjects commonly omitted from cyclo- paedias. 536 p. O. Chic. McClurg, 1889. $2.50. 803 ' Gives useful and curious information, such as : memorable days, pseudonyms, Americanisms, politi- cal nomenclature, foreign words and sentences, con- tractions and abbreviations, personal sobriquets and nicknames, familiar phrases and folk-sayings, mytho- logical allusions. Walsh's Handy-book of literary curiosities (Phil. Lippincott, 1893. $3.50), Killikelly's Curious questions (Phil. Keystone pub. co. 1890. 3v. $3), Bombaugh's Gleanings for the curious (Phil. Lippincott, 1890. $3.50), are similar compilations. A large number of smaller books will be found to contain answers to out-of-the-way questions and allusions. Among the best- known of these may be mentioned : Timbs's Things not generally known and his Popular errors (books issued in the middle of the cen- tury, but still useful), and more recently South- wick's Quizzisms and its key, and his Wisps of wit and wisdom (1892). AUTHORSHIP Wheeler, William Adolphus. Who wrote it? . . . ed. by C: G. Wheeler. 174 p. sq. D. Bost. Lee, 1887, [ c '81]. $2. 803 A brief index to the authorship of the more noted works in ancient and modern literature. Includes distinctive titles of poems, plays, essays, novels, ro- mances, philosophical and literary treatises. Works of the latter half of the 19th century are not included. A few critical quotations are given. Peet, Louis Harman. Who 's the author ? a guide to the authorship of novels, stories, speeches, songs, and general writings of Amer- ican literature. 317 p. T. N. Y. Crowell, [ c 1901]. 50cts. 810 A convenient little volume in which is given the author and a brief characterization of American lit- erary productions. It has also a list of authors. NOTED NAMES OF FICTION Wheeler, William Adolphus. Explana- tory and pronouncing dictionary of the noted names of fiction. . . . With an apx. by C: G. Wheeler. Ed. 21. 440 p. D. Bost. Houghton, 1891, [ c '65-89]. $2. 803 Explains allusions to noted fictitious persons and places occurring in modern literature. Contained also in Webster's International dictionary as an ap- pendix. SOBRIQUETS Frey, Albert Romer. Sobriquets and nick- names. 482 p. O. Bost. Houghton, 1889, [ c '87]. $3^ 014 Explains the meaning of many well-known nick- names and epithets. See also Pseudonyms. ANTHOLOGIES AND QUOTA- TIONS Anthologies and books of quotations are very numerous. Even a small library must have several in order to answer many ques- tions as to authorship of passages. They are also of service in finding passages illustrating special subjects, in verifying a quotation as regards its accuracy and as regards its exact place in an author's work. SPECIAL SUBJECTS ANTHOLOGIES POETICAL Sargent, Epes. Harper's cyclopaedia of British and American poetry. 958 p. Q. N. Y. Harper, 1882. $4.50. 808.8 Arranged chronologically, with index of first lines and an index of authors containing the names of their poems quoted in the volume. A short biogra- phical sketch of each author is given. Bryant, William Cullen. Family library of poetry and song. . . . 950 p. pi. facsim. Q. N. Y. Fords, [ c 1870-86]. $5. 808.8 Arranged under Poems of infancy and youth ; Poems of friendship ; Poems of love, etc. Index of first lines ; index of titles ; index of au- thors. Besides British and American poets, there are translations from ancient and modern languages. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Poets and poetry of Europe. . . . New ed. enl. 921 p. il. pi. Q. Bost. Houghton, 1888, [ c 70]. $5. 808.8 A collection of translations from the poetry of ten different nations of Europe, arranged chronologically under each country, with biographical notices of the authors and an author index. Other good collections are : Coates's Fireside encyclopaedia of poetry (Phil. Porter. $5), Dana's Household book of poetry (N. Y. Appleton. $5), Bates's Cambridge book of poetry and song (N. Y. Crow ell. $1.50). There are also collections of the poetry of special countries, such as Stedman's American anthology and his Victorian anthology, Wil- son's The poets and poetry of Scotland, Ward's English poets, etc., which may be classed among reference books. In many public libraries it is necessary to keep a card index of titles of poems for use of the reference department. The Carnegie li- brary of Pittsburg has a card index to 15,000 poems contained in 70 volumes of poetical selections. RECITATIONS Werner's directory of elocutionists, readers, lecturers, and other public instructors and en- tertainers, with lists of over 10,000 pieces for declamation and recitation, and 2500 dialogues. ... Ed. by E. M. Wilbor. 389 p. D. N. Y. Werner, 1887. o. p. 808.8 The index to recitations comprises 89 pages, and indexes collections such as Garrett's 100 choice selec- tions. They are mainly poetical selections, including, however, some prose recitations which are distin- guished by the letter p. While out of print and scarce, this volume is still to be found in some of the large reference libraries, and is the only reference book of the kind. QUOTATIONS Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations. Ed. 9. JL 1 1158 p. O. Bost. Little, 1900, [ c 1875-91]. $3. 808.8 A collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs both poetical and prose, giving their sources in ancient and modern literature. The arrangement is chronolo- gical, with an index of authors and an index by most important words of quotations. One of the most com- plete and accurate compilations. Hoyt, Jehiel Keeler. Cyclopedia of practi- cal quotations, English, Latin, and modern for- eign languages. New ed enl. 1178 p. O. N. Y. Funk, 1896. $6. 808.8 Arranged under subjects, instead of chronologi- cally like Bartlett's, giving the exact authority as fully as possible. English quotations first, then Latin and foreign. A list of quoted authors with dates and nationality and pages whereon quoted. No quotations from the Bible are included. There is a full index to quotations from English authors and the English translation of foreign quotations; also an index to Latin and modern foreign quotations. The most use- ful work for quotations by subjects. Wale, William. What great men have said about great men ; a dictionary of quotations. 482 p. D. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1902. $2.50. 808.8 Arranged under names of celebrated persons about whom something noted has been said. ' POETICAL Allibone, Samuel Austin. Poetical quota- tions from Chaucer to Tennyson. 788 p. O. Phil. Lippincott, 1891, [ c '73]. $3. 821.08 The arrangement is alphabetical by subject of quo- tation, with an author index, an index of subjects, and an index of first lines. Confined to English poetry. Durfee, Charles A. Concise poetical con- cordance to the principal poets of the world. 639 p. D. N. Y. Alden, 1884. $1. 808.8 A useful alphabetical list of first lines, characters, subjects, and quotations referring to editions of works by Alden and other publishers of the works of about 54 poets. PROSE Allibone, Samuel Austin. Prose quotations from Socrates to Macaulay. 764 p. O. Phil. Lippincott, 1889, [ c '75]. $3. 808.8 The arrangement is alphabetical by subject of quo- tation, with an index of authors and an index of sub- jects. Quotations are brief. Great authors of all ages. . . . 555 p. O. Phil. Lippincott, 1891. $3. 808.8 QUOTATIONS 37 Selections from the prose works of eminent authors from the time of Pericles ; longer than those in the preceding volume, often a page or two in length. Arranged chronologically, with an index of authors, an index of subjects, and brief biographical sketch of each author. * Edwards, Tryon. Dictionary of thoughts ... a cyclopedia of laconic quotations. . . . 644 p.O. N. Y. Cassell, [ c 1891]. $2.50. 808.8 The arrangement is alphabetical by subject of quo- tation, with an index of authors. Quotations are brief. Includes both ancient and modern authors. * Bent, Samuel Arthur. Familiar short say- ings of great men ; with historical and explana- tory notes. Ed. 7 enl. 665 p. D. Bost. Hough- ton, 1892, [ c '82-87]. $2. 808.8 The volume includes only famous oral utterances of great men and does not quote from their writings, with the exception of letters, journals, and addresses. The arrangement is alphabetical under the name of the person quoted, with an index of the sayings. Marvin, Frederic Rowland. The last words, real and traditional, of distinguished men and women, collected from various sources. 336 p. O. N. Y. Eevell, 1901. $1.50. 808.8 Arranged alphabetically under names of persons with index under striking words. FOREIGN Belton, John Devoe. Literary manual of foreign quotations, ancient and modern. 249 p. O. N. Y. Putnam, 1891. $1.50. 808.8 As the name implies, it includes only those quota- tions which have a distinct literary flavor. Gives extracts from modern authors, in which the quota- tions are used and explanatory notes. Arrangement is in one alphabet by first word, with Italian, German, French, and Latin indexes imder catch-words. Ramage, Craufurt Tait. Familiar quota- tions. 5v. D. Lond. Routledge, n. d. $7.50. 808.8 French and Italian, German and Spanish, Latin, Greek, ancient and modern authors. Translations are also given. Harbottle, Thomas Benfield, and Dalbiac, P. H. Dictionary of quotations, French and Italian. . . . 565 p. D. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1901. $2.50. 808.8 Index of authors, and index of subjects. To be fol- lowed by a volume of German, Spanish, and other sources. * Jones, Hugh Percy. New dictionary of foreign phrases and classical quotations, with English translations or equivalents. 532 p. D. Lond. Deacon, 1900 (Phil. Lippincott). $3. 808.8 Latin, Greek, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese. List of authors quoted. CLASSICAL Harbottle, Thomas Benfield. Dictionary of quotations, classical. 648 p. O. Lond. Son- nenschein, 1897. $2. 808.8 The best dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations. Translations are given, and there is an English index. " Such works as King's ' Classical and foreign quo- tations,' or Riley's old-fashioned ' Dictionary of Latin quotations,' cover a very limited field, and are hardly to be placed in the same category with his scholarly achievement." Nation, 66 : 408. ' Riley, Henry Thomas. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations, proverbs, maxims, and mottos, classical and mediaeval. . . . 622 p. D. Lond. Bell, 1888. (Bohn library.) $1.50. 808.8 Authorities and translations of quotations are given. There is an index of the Latin and an index of the Greek quotations. * MISCELLANEOUS Wood, Katharine B. Quotations for occa- sions. 220 p. D. N. Y. Century co. 1896. $1.50. 808.8 For such occasions as dinners, teas, bicycle meets, etc. PROVERBS Bohn, Henry George. Hand-book of pro- verbs. . . . 583 p. D. Lond. Bell, 1889. $1.50. 398.9 Includes Kay's Collection of English proverbs, with his additions from foreign languages, and a complete alphabetical index. Polyglot of foreign proverbs. 579 p. D. Lond. Bell, 1889. $1.50. 398.9 Comprises French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Danish proverbs, with English trans- lations and a general index. Christy, Robert. Proverbs, maxims, and phrases of all ages. . . . 2 v. D. N. Y. Put- nam, 1889. $3.50. 398.9 Arranged by subjects, giving sources of proverbs, etc., when known. Subject index. ANECDOTES Arvine, Kazlitt. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes of literature and the fine arts. 698 p. il. por. pi. Q. Bost. Estes, 1883. o. p. 808.8 Arranged alphabetically under subjects, with an in- dex of topics. CONCORDANCES TO AUTHORS Concordances are useful in locating the exact place in an author's works of a special word or quotation ; also, to find how many times and 38 SPECIAL SUBJECTS in what connection an author uses a certain word. The following are some of the useful con- cordances to authors which have been made : Burns Reid, J. B. Complete word and phrase con- cordance to the poems and songs of Robert Burns. 561 p. Q. Glasgow, Kerr, 1889. 1 5s. 821 Cowper Neve, John. Concordance to the poetical works of William Cowper. 504 p. O. Lond. Low, 1887. 21s. 821 Dante Alighieri Fay, Edward Allen. Concordance of the Divina Commedia. 819 p. O. Camb. [Mass.] Dante society, 1888. $10. 851 A concordance to the Italian text. Homer Dunbar, Henry. Complete concordance to the Odyssey and Hymns of Homer, to which is added a concordance to the parallel passages in the Iliad, Odyssey, and Hymns. 419 p. Q. Ox. Clarendon press, 1880. 1 Is. 883.1 Milton Bradshaw, John. Concordance to the poet- ical works of John Milton. 412 p. O. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1894. $4. 821 Pope Abbott, Edwin. Concordance to the works of Alexander Pope. 365 p. O. N. Y. Appleton, 1875. $3. 821 Shakspere Bartlett, John. New and complete con- cordance or verbal index to words, phrases, and passages in the dramatic works of Shake- speare with a supplementary concordance to the Poems. 1910 p. sq. Q. Lond. Macmillan, 1894. $7.50. 822.33 The most comprehensive concordance to Shakspere. Clarke, Mrs. Mary Victoria (Novello) Cowden-. Complete concordance to Shake- speare. . . . New ed. 860 p. O. Lond. Bick- ers, 1889. $7.50. 822.33 A verhal index to all the passages in Shakspere's dramatic works. Furness, Mrs. Helen Kate (Rogers). Concordance to Shakespeare's Poems. Ed. 2. 422 p. O. Phil. Lippincott, [ c 1874]. $4. 822.33 Adams, William Henry Davenport. Con- cordance to the plays of Shakespeare. 495 p. por. O. Lond. Routledge, 1886. 10s. 6d. Shelley 8 "- 33 Ellis, Frederick S. Lexical concordance to the poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. . . . 918 p. Q. Lond. Quaritch, 1892. 1 5s. , 821 Tennyson Brightwell, D. Barron. Concordance to the entire works of Alfred Tennyson. 477 p. O. Lond. Moxon, 1869. 21s. 821 AUTHOR DICTIONARIES Browning Berdoe, Edward. Browning cyclopaedia. 572 p. D. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1892. $3.50. 821 Gives an explanation of the various poems, with ex- planatory notes and references on all difficult pas- Cooke, George Willis. Guide-book to the poetic and dramatic works of Robert Brown- ing. 451 p. D. Bost. Houghton, 1896, [ c '91]. $2. 821 Alphabetical guide to the works of Browning, giv- ing information as to date, place, publication, allu- sions, bibliographical information, editions, charac- ters, etc., of his poems and plays. Molineux, Marie Ada. Phrase book from the poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning. 520 p. O. Bost. Houghton, 1896. $3. 821 Dante Toynbee, Paget. Dictionary of proper names and notable matters in the works of Dante. 616 p. Q. Ox. Clarendon press, 1898. 25s. <*5i Dickens Pierce, Gilbert Ashville. Dickens diction- ary . . . with additions by W: A. "Wheeler. 573 p. por. pi. D. Bost. Houghton, [ 1872]. $2. 823 A key to the characters and principal incidents in the novels and tales of Dickens. The stories are given in order of their publication, and under each the char- acters alphabetically arranged are described. Ex- tracts from the text are given. There is a classed list of characters and a general index. Hawthorne Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Analytical index to the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne. . . . 294 p. S. Bost. Houghton, [ c 1882]. $1. 813 FICTION Jefferson Foley, John P. The Jeffersonian cyclope- dia ; a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson. . . . 1009 p. il. por. O. N. Y. Funk, 1900. $7.50. 818 Arranged by subjects. Scott Rogers, May. Waverley dictionary. . . . Ed. 2. 357 p. D. Chic. Griggs, 1885, [ c '78]. $2. 823 An alphabetical list of all the characters in the Waverley novels, with a descriptive analysis of each character and illustrative selections from the text. Shakspere O'Connor, Evangeline M. Index to the works of Shakspere. 419 p. D. N. Y. Apple- ton, 1887. $3. 822.33 Refers by topics "to notable passages and signi- ficant expressions, brief histories of the plays, geo- graphical names and historical incidents, mention of all characters and sketches of important ones, expla- nations of allusions and obscure and obsolete words and phrases." Schmidt, Alexander. Shakespeare-lexicon; a complete dictionary of all the English words, phrases, and constructions in the works of the poet. Ed. 2. 2v. O. Ber. Reimer, 1886 (Lond. Williams). 31s. 6d. 822.33 Distinguishes the different meanings of words as used by Shakspere. Wordsworth Tutin, J. R. Wordsworth dictionary. 216 p. O. Hull, [Eng.] Tutin, 1891. 821 Indexes to collected works of authors must also be frequently used. FICTION The following guides to fiction are helpful in assisting the reader who wishes to pursue a course of reading in historical fiction, or who desires a novel illustrating some special sub- ject, e. g. strikes, hunting, etc. The Chronological index to historical fic- tion published by the Boston public library (ed. 2, 1875) included the titles of prose fiction, plays, and poems arranged chronologically under countries. This edition has been for some time out of print, but a third edition ap- peared in the Bulletin of the library from Jan- uary, 1892, to January, 1896. Some explana- tory notes are given. San Francisco Free public library. Classified English prose fiction, including trans- lations and juvenile works, with notes. 306 p. Q. San Fran. Crocker, 1891. $1.50. 016.823 Arranged alphabetically by subjects, including his- torical fiction under countries arranged by periods. Refers in the notes under subjects to bibliographies and other works. Dixson, Mrs. Zella Allen. Comprehensive subject index to universal prose fiction. 421 p. D. N. Y. Dodd, 1897. $2. 016.823 Subjects are arranged alphabetically. Full of inac- curacies. Griswold, William Maccrillis. Descrip- tive lists of novels. 617 p. O. Camb. [Mass.] Griswold, 1891. 016.823 Includes in separate parts : American, Interna- tional, Romantic, and British novels, with an index to authors of works described. The compiler's object was " to direct the reader to good novels usually con- sidered out of date and not read as often as the newer." Each part is arranged alphabetically under the titles, with a criticism of each novel quoted from some well-known literary review. Midland railway institute, Derby, Eng. Library. Descriptive handbook to the more noteworthy works of prose fiction in the li- brary, comp. by E. A. Baker. 151 p. O. Derby, Midland railway inst. 1899. 50 cts. pap. 016.823 Classified under countries, novels with a purpose*, and works of pure imagination. An annotated list with index of authors, places, and subjects. Bowen, Herbert Courthope. Descriptive catalogue of historical novels and tales. 29 p. O. Lond. Stanford, 1882. Is. 6d. 016.823 A convenient and concise list arranged under coun- tries by periods. Library catalogs and finding-lists are of as- sistance. Among the most important are : The catalogue of the St. Louis mercantile library, English prose fiction (1892), contains a list of historical novels conveniently ar- ranged for ready reference. The List of novels and tales of the Los Angeles public library (1894) gives many concise descriptive notes and a brief subject index. The Phila- delphia mercantile library in its Bulletins, Oct. 1885-89, contains lists arranged by countries and states with chronological sub-arrangement. In its Class list, no. 1, English prose fiction (1897), the St. Louis public library gives a list of the best fiction and a list of historical novels. In Sargent's Reading for the young and its Supplement (1890-96. 2v.)will be found a list of historical novels suitable for young folks, with brief descriptive notes. 40 SPECIAL SUBJECTS For choice of the best fiction the following are useful : Buffalo Public library. Author-title catalogue of English prose fiction, including translations. 190 p. O. Buffalo, Library, 1898. 25 cts. 016.823 Books on the open shelves, presumably the best fic- tion, are indicated. The annotations of the section Fiction in the List of books for girls and women by Leypoldt & lies are worth examining for clear, con- cise statement of each author's merits and de- merits. Cornu, Mme. Sophie, and Beer, William. List of French fiction. 28 p. Tt. Bost. Li- brary bureau, 1898. (A. L. A. annotated lists.) 10 cts. 016.843 " Comprises 186 titles chosen from the works of 70 representative authors of France." Selected to serve as a guide to reading for the young. DRAMA An index to the large collections of dramas usually to be found in our libraries would be a valuable addition to the tools of a reference librarian. It is often necessary for him to look up the author of a play whose title only is known, or to ascertain in what volume of the numerous sets of dramas the play can be found. The most useful indexes at present available for the purpose are those to be found in certain library catalogs, notably those of the Milwau- kee public library and the Library of the Pea- body institute. In the Catalogue of the Milwaukee public library a list of the plays to be found in col- lections in that Library is given under the au- thors and under the titles, and it indexes such sets as those of Lacy's and French's Acting edition of plays and other well-known dramas. The Peabody institute library catalogue (vol. 2) under the heading Drama gives an al- phabetical list of single plays, including those in foreign languages as well as in English. This is continued in the Supplement. The dramatic works of separate authors and many collections are indexed, among which are Dodsley's Old plays, Inchbald's British theatre, Cumberland's British theatre, and others. The Catalogue of the dramas and dramatic poems contained in the Cincinnati public li- brary (192 p. Q. 1879) is an extensive list, ar- ranged under authors with title lists of English, French, German, Greek, and Latin dramas. American dramatists' club. The American dramatists' club list, a standard of reference for the protection of dramatic property, no. 5, 1899. 46 p. O. N. Y; Amer. dramatists' club, 1899. 60 cts. 016.812 Issued annually. A catalog of plays and operas by American and foreign authors produced in this country, giving names of authors and composers, and of owners, managers, or agents. Arranged alphabetically ; 1st, by works of members of the American dramatists' club ; 2d, by plays and operas by American and foreign authors not members of the club ; 3d, by false titles. Bates, Katharine Lee, and Godfrey, L. B. English drama, a working basis. 151 p. O. Wellesley college, 1896. $1. 016.822 Contains a list of collections of old plays ; a gen- eral title index to collections ; authors, plays, and references for English drama ; books of general refer- ence. CLASSICS BIBLIOGKAPHY Engelmann, Wilhelm. Bibliotheca scrip- torum classicorum ; 8te auflage, umfassend die litteratur von 1700 bis 1878 neu bearbeitet von E. Preuss. 2v. O. Lpz. 1880-82. $9. 016.88 v. 1, Greek ; v. 2, Latin. Mayor, Joseph Bickersteth. Guide to the choice of classical books. Ed. 2. 76 p. D. Lond. Bell, 1879. $1. 016.88 New supplement, 1879-96. 128 p. D. Lond. Nutt, 1896. $2. 016.88 Under each author is given a list of the most useful editions, also short lists of illustrative works, notes, lexicons, and translations. The best editions are starred. There is also a list of helps to the study of ancient authors. Prices of books are given. BIOGRAPHY Dictionaries of biography are of three kinds : (1) general, (2) national, (3) of special classes. Consult first the national biographical diction- ary in looking up a sketch of the life of a per- son. The articles are likely to be fuller, and more names are usually included in it. There are national biographical dictionaries for the more important countries of the world, of which only those in most general use are here mentioned. General encyclopedias contain some excel- lent biographies. The Encyclopaedia Britan- nica does not include names of living per- sons. The biographical articles in Johnson's are good and include contemporaries. Larousse is BIOGRAPHY 41 especially useful for Europeans. Webster's International dictionary contains in an appen- dix 10,000 names, giving merely full name, dates, and characterization. In addition to biographical reference books, those cyclopedias of special subjects which in- clude lives of persons famous in certain lines must be consulted. These have been described more fully under other headings; e. g. for painters, Champlin and Perkins's Cyclopedia of painters and painting ; for musicians, Cham- plin and Apthorp's Cyclopedia of music and musicians, and Grove's Dictionary of music ; for theologians, Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, and McClintock and Strong's Ency- clopaedia of biblical, theological, and ecclesias- tical literature, etc. The article on biographical dictionaries by C. H. Hull, in Johnson's universal cyclopae- dia, 1 : 629, has some interesting information about their history, with a list of the best dic- tionaries. GENERAL Thomas, Joseph. Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology. Ed. 3 rev. and brought up to 1901. 2 v. 2550 p. por. Q. Phil. Lippincott, 1901, [ c 1870-1901]. $15. 920.01 Paged continuously. Known as Lippincott's biographical dictionary. The best general biographical reference book. It gives the pronunciation of names, sketches of lives of persons, and bibliographical references. A li&frof the leading English Christian names, with their equiva- lents in the various European languages, is given in an appendix. In the introduction the general principles of pronunciation of each of the more important Euro- pean and Asiatic languages are stated. The third edition includes some slight alterations of the original plates, which bring the information to the end of the nineteenth century. These have been made only when possible to do so without too much change to the articles. New names have in the same manner been inserted only where practicable. Full- page portraits have been introduced. Smith, Benjamin Eli. Century cyclopedia / of names. 1085 p. sq. F. N. Y. Century co. [ c 1894]. $10. 803 Full in biography, including persons still living. Articles are concise. See description under Allusions. Phillips, Lawrence Barnett. Dictionary of biographical reference. New ed. enl. by Frank Weitenkampf. 1038 p. O. Phil. Gebbie, 1889. $5. 920.01 This work does not give biographical details of the person mentioned, merely full names, dates, and brief characterization, referring to other dictionaries, where more complete information may be found. There are about 100,000 names. It contains also a biblio- graphy of biographical reference books. Hoefer, Ferdinand. Nouvelle biographie universelle. 46v. O. Paris, Didot, 1852-66. o. p. 30. 920.01 v. 10^6 published under title Nouvelle biographie generate. An important French biographical dictionary, in- cluding persons of all countries, but especially full in French biography. The articles are of some length. Michaud, Joseph Franpois, and Michaud, L. G. Biographie universelle, ancienne et moderne. 45v. Q. Paris, Desplaces, 1842-65. 0. p. $45. 920.01 Similar to Hoefer. " Of the larger number of the less important literary men, there is," in the Bio- graphie generate, " very little more than their names, the dates of their birth and death, and the titles of their respective works, without any of that informa- tion respecting the contents or subjects of their writings which adds so much value to the articles in the Biographie universelle. . . . Nor are these lists so full, or compiled with such accuracy, as those in the Biographie universelle. In one point, however, and that of no small importance, the bibliographical infor- mation of the Biographie generale is superior to that of its rival. ... In fact, the two books are comple- ments of each other; each is necessary for the stu- dent." Quarterly review, 157 : 225. Chalmers, Alexander. General biographical dictionary. 32v. O. Lond. 1812-17. o. p. 920.01 " Remains to this day one of the best comprehensive biographical dictionaries in English." Johnson's uni- versal cyclopaedia. Oettinger, Eduard Marie. Moniteur des dates ; biographisch-genealogische-historisches welt register enthaltend die personal akten der menschheit von mehr als 100,000 geschicht- lichen personlichkeiten aller zeiten und na- tionen. . . . 6v. in 3, Q. Lpz. Denicke, 1869-73. $11. 920.01 Brief characterizations of celebrated persons. Sanders, Lloyd Charles. Celebrities of the century ; a dictionary of men and women of the 19th century. 1077 p. O. Lond. Cassell, 1887. $5. 920.01 Brief notices, including the most important names of the century, mainly English. Among concise one-volume biographical dic- tionaries for convenient ready reference may be mentioned : Chambers's biographical dictionary, the great of all times and nations ; ed. by David Patrick and F. H. Groome. 1002 p. D. Phil. Lippincott, 1902. $2. 920.01 42 SPECIAL SUBJECTS An English work based upon the biographical articles in Chambers's Cyclopedia. Includes about 10,000 names. It has an index of pseudonyms. Morris, Charles. Handy dictionary of bio- graphy. 607 p. O. Phil. Coates, 1901. $2. 920.01 Comprises concise articles about well-known per- sons, including those of recent date. CONTEMPORARY Plarr, Victor Gustave. Men and women of the time; a dictionary of contemporaries. Ed. 15. 1300 p. O. Lond. Routledge, 1899. $5. 920.01 Useful for finding brief biographies of men and women living at the present time ; the appendix gives a necrology of those persons contained in previous editions, referring to the edition in which the bio- graphy was published, and there is a classified index to the names. It is most full in English names. Pre- vious editions published as Men of the time. Since 1901 absorbed in Who 's who. Vapereau, Louis Gustave. Dictionnaire universel des contemporains. Ed. 6. 1629 p. Q. Paris, Hachette, 1893. $7.60. 920.01 A general biographical dictionary of contempo- raries, especially full in French names. Includes the names of important persons who died before 1890, as foot-note to each page for that part of the alphabet to which the name belongs, referring to the number of the previous edition, containing a fuller account. Supplement a la sixieme edition. 103 p. O. Paris, Hachette, 1895. 920.01 Bound with the present edition for $8. Pratt, Alfred T. Camden. People of the period. 2 v. in 1, Q. Lond. Beeman, 1897. 25s. 920.01 Biographical sketches of living celebrities not con- fined to one country. NATIONAL AMERICAN Wilson, James Grant, and Fiske, John. Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography. 7v. il. por. Q. N. Y. Appleton, 1888-1900. $36. 920.07 " Includes names of native and adopted citizens of the U. 8., including living persons, from the earliest settlement. Also eminent citizens of Canada, Mexico, and all other countries of North and South America. Also names of men of foreign birth who are closely identified with American history." Preface. The arrangement of names of families is not alpha- betical, but under the oldest member. This is an objectionable feature. There is a bibliography at the end of each article. Volume 7 is a supplement containing names of per- sons who have become prominent since the publication 1 of the original six volumes. It has also a list of pseudonyms, and a list of deaths of persons recorded as living in vols. 1-6. National cyclopaedia of American bio- graphy, v. 1-11, il. por. Q. N. Y. White, 1892-1901. $10 per vol. 920.073 A volume is published every year. Contains biographical sketches of prominent Amer- icans, and is devoted mainly to the lives of those who are of the present time. Names of individuals are to some extent grouped with reference to their work, but they do not necessarily follow in any special order. Each volume has an index to the names in the pre- ceding volumes. Numerous portraits and plates are an important feature. Of special use for less known Americans. Brown, John Howard. Lamb's biographi- cal dictionary of the United States, v. 1-4, r por. Q. Bost. Lamb, 1900-01, [ c 1897-1901]. $7 per vol. 920.073 To be completed in about 6 volumes. Volume 1 was issued in 1897, with title Cyclopedia of American biographies. The later edition was re- vised. Alphabetically arranged. Comparing with Apple- ton, the Nation says : " As to the matter, Lamb makes a nearer approach to democratic equality. Presidents and the like are handled less extensively, men and women of minor fame more liberally ; very brief no- tices are few." Nation, 73: 12. Herringshaw, Thomas William. Encyclo- pedia of American biography of the nineteenth century. 1046 p. por. Q. Chic. Amer. pub- lishers' assoc. 1898. $20. 920.073 Frequently of use in finding information about less prominent Americans. CONTEMPORARY Leonard, John William. Who's who in America ; a biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of the United States, 1899-1902. v. 1-2, D. Chic. Marquis, [ c 1899- 01]. $2.75 per vol. 920.073 Condensed sketches of the lives of prominent Amer- icans. In the 1901-02 volume the publisher of an author's works is indicated. Each volume contains a necrology. CANADIAN Rose, George Maclean. Cyclopaedia of Canadian biography. 2v. O. Toronto, Rose pub. co. 1886-88. $20. 920.071 CONTEMPORARY Morgan, Henry James. Canadian men and women of the time. 1118 p. D. Toronto, Briggs, 1898. $3. 920.071 ENGLISH Stephen, Leslie. Dictionary of national biography. 63v. O. Lond. Smith, 1885-1900. " (N. Y. Macmillan.) $5 per vol. 920.042 BIOGRAPHY 43 Continued from vol. 22 by Sidney Lee. The most important reference book for English biography, including noted persons of Great Bri- tain, but no living persons. Articles are signed and give bibliographical references. A full index to the Dictionary including the Supplement is in prepa- ration. Supplement. 3v. 1 por. O. N. Y. Mac- millan, 1901. $5 per vol. 920.042 The supplement contains, besides some names omit- ted from the original, biographical articles about dis- tinguished persons who died at too late a date to be included in the original work. " The principle of the Dictionary requires that the memoirs should be mainly confined to a record of fact, should preserve a strictly judicial tone, and should eschew sentiment." Preface. Boase, Frederick. Modern English biogra- phy, containing many thousand concise memoirs of persons who have died since 1850. 2v. Q. Truro, Netherton, 1892-97. 30s. per vol. 920.01 Mentioned in Johnson's universal cyclopaedia as one of the best of contemporary. Ward, Thomas Humphry. Men of the reign ; a biographical dictionary of persons of British and colonial birth who have died dur- ing the reign of Victoria. 1020 p. D. Lond. Routledge, 1885. 15s. 920.042 CONTEMPORARY Who 's who, 1 90 1. D. Lond. Macmillan, 1901.* $1.75. 920.01 Ed. by Douglas Sladen. An annual publication (of which this is the 53d year), giving brief biographies of the most prominent per- sons of England and America, including some conti- nental notables. Tables of British government offi- cials, army and navy lists, societies, etc., are prefixed. With the 1901 volume is incorporated Men and women of the time. FRENCH There is no national dictionary of French biography. See Michaud (under General Bio- graphy); Hoefer (under General Biography); Larousse (under General Encyclopedias), which are full in French names. GERMAN Allgemeine deutsche biographie ; heraus- gegeben durch die Historische commission bei der Konigliche akademie der wissenschaften. 45 v. O. Lpz. 1875-1900. $110. 920.043 The authoritative work on German biography, in- cluding full accounts of all prominent German men and women. Supplementary volumes are to be issued bringing the work down to the year 1900. * Continued annually. AUSTRIAN Wurzbach, Constant von. Biographisches lexikon des kaiserthums Oesterreich. 60v. O. Wien, Zamarski, 1856-91. $37.50. 920.0436 Includes biographies of important persons in Aus- tria and her crown lands. BELGIAN L'academie royale des sciences, des lettres, et des beaux-aits de Belgique. Bio- graphie nationale. v. 1-16, O. Bruxelles, Bruylant-Christophe, 1866-1901. 920.0493 To Pepyn. ANCIENT Smith, Sir William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. . . . 3 v. O. Lond. Murray, 1880. 4 4s. (Bost. Little. $18.) 920.038 The articles were written by scholars who were au- thorities upon their subjects. Names of persons of any importance which occur in Greek and Roman writers before 1453 are included in the work. Authors are treated with special fulness ; a list of the best editions and references to the principal works about each make the work valuable for bibliographical pur- poses. SPECIAL CLASSES AUTHORS GENERAL Gubernatis, Angelo de. Dictionnaire in- terna tionale des ecrivains du jour. 3v. Q. Florence, Niccolai, 1888-91. $5. 928 Dizionario biografico degli scrittori con- temporanei. 1276 p. por. O. Firenze, Le Mon- nier, 1879. o. p. 928 The French edition is later than the Italian and con- tains more names ; while the Italian edition includes some names omitted from the French edition. Both are useful. Bornmuller, Franz. Biographisches schrift- steller-lexicon der gegenwart. 800 p. D. Lpz. Bibliographisches instituts, 1882. $2. 928 The sketches are brief, including authors of all countries and not strictly limited to living writers. Warner's Library of the world's best litera- ture contains biographical and critical sketches of authors of all countries and times. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Allibone, Samuel Austin. Critical diction- ary of English literature and British and Amer- can authors. 3v. Q. 928.2 Supplement. 2v. Q. 928.2 For full description see under Literature English. 44 SPECIAL SUBJECTS AMERICAN Adams, Oscar Fay. Dictionary of Amer- ican authors. Ed. 4 enl. 522 p. O. Bost. Houghton, 1901, [ c '84-97]. $3. 928.1 Brief accounts of authors, including dates, biogra- phical and critical facts, and list of works. Stedman and Hutchinson's Library of Amer- ican literature, vol. 11, contains short bio- graphies of American authors. ENGLISH Adams, Oscar Fay. Brief handbook of English authors. Ed. 6 enl. 175 p. D. Bost. Houghton, 1892, [ c '83]. 75 cts. 928.2 A concise handbook giving the briefest possible sketch of authors with list of their writings. Sharp, Robert Farquharson. Dictionary of English authors. 308 p. D. Lond. Red way, 1897. 7s. 6d. 928.2 Brief biographical and bibliographical information. GERMAN Deutscher litteratur-kalender auf das jahr 1901. v. 23, S. Lpz. Goschen, 1900.* 6.50m. 928.3 Ed. by Joseph Kiirschner. Very condensed information, giving names and dates, indicating by curious signs the specialty of the author ; with a list of his works, pseudonyms, etc. ARTISTS Bryan, Michael. Dictionary of painters and engravers, biographical and critical. New ed. enl. byR.E. Graves. 2v. Q. Lond. Bell, 1886- 89. 3 3s. (N. Y. Macmillan. $22.50.) 927.5 First edition published in 1816. This edition is much enlarged. Short biographical sketches, with lists of the best works of the artists. James, Ralph N. Painters and their works ; a dictionary of great artists who are not now alive. . . . 3v. pi. facsim. O. Lond. Gill, 1896. $15. 927 Besides the biographical sketches, it states the prices paid at auctions for the works of the artists. Clement, Mrs. Clara Erskine (afterwards Mrs. Waters). Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and their works ; a handbook. Ed. 13. 681 p. il. D. Bost. Houghton, 1893, [ c 73- 81]. $3. 927 Living artists are not included. Sketches are very brief. Clement, Mrs. Clara Erskine (afterwards Mrs. Waters), and Hutton, Laurence. Art- ists of the 19th century and their works. . . . * Continued annually. 2v. in 1, D. Bost. Houghton, 1893, [ c '79-84]. $3. 927 More than 2000 brief biographical accounts of artists followed by critical quotations from authorities. Aims "to present the later artists of prominence, rather than to include all those of the century." MUSICIANS Baker, Theodore. Biographical dictionary of musicians. 653 p. il. O. N. Y. Schirmer, 1900. $3.50. 927.8 Especially full in English and American musicians. Good for contemporaries. Brown, James Duff. Biographical diction- ary of musicians. . . . 637 p. O. Paisley, [Eng.] Gardner, 1886. 15s. 927.8 More prominence is given to British musical bio- graphy. Fetis, Francois Joseph. Biographie uni- versale des musiciens et bibliographic gene- rale de la musique. Ed. 2 enl. 8v. O. Paris, Didot, 1865-66. 64fr. 927.8 Supplement et complement publie sous la direction de Arthur Pougin. 2v. O. Paris, Didot 1878-80. 16fr. 927.8 ARMY AND NAVY Powell, William H., and Shippen, Ed- ward. Officers of the army and navy, regu- lar, who served in the Civil War. 487 p. il. sq. Q. Phil. Hamersly, 1892. o. p. 923.57 Portraits and biographical sketches. Cullum, George Washington. Biographi- cal register of the officers and graduates of the United States military academy at West Point from 1802 to 1890. Ed. 3 rev. and enl. 3v. O. Bost. Houghton, 1891. $18. 923-57 Supplement, 1890-1900, ed. by E. E. Holden. v. 4, O. Camb. [Mass.], Riverside press, 1901. 2.50. 923-57 The military history of each graduate is given, the whole arranged by numbers with alphabetical index. Powell, William H. List of officers of the army of the United States from 1779 to 1900, embracing a register of all appointments by the President of the U. S. in the volunteer ser- vice during the Civil War, and of volunteer officers in the service of the U. S. June 1, 1900, comp. from the official records. 863 p. O. N. Y. Hamersly, 1900. $10. 923-57 A list of officers, 1779-1815, is arranged by years, then follows the army list, 1815 to 1900, which is arranged alphabetically by names, a list of officers of volun- teers, general officers of the Revolution, etc., also BIOGRAPHY. GENEALOGY 45 dates of certain wars, campaigns, etc. Known also as the United States army list. The Adjutant-general issues an annual Offi- cial register (35 cts.). Practically the same in- formation will also be found in the Official register or Blue book. Callahan, Edward W. List of officers of the navy of the United States and of the marine corps, from 1775 to 1900 . . . comp. from the official records. 749 p. O. N. Y. Ha- mersly, 1901. $10. 923.57 Comprises a complete register of all present and former commissioned, warranted, and appointed offi- cers of the navy and of the marine corps regular and volunteer. The names are in alphabetical order, showing the dates of their original entry, progressive ranks, etc. Known also as the United States navy list. Hamersly, Lewis Randolph. Records of living officers of the United States navy and marine corps. Ed. 7 enl. 511 p. O. N. Y. Hamersly, 1902. $10. 923-57 Not an alphabetical list, but there is an index of names. The Navy department issues an Annual regis- ter of commissioned and warrant officers of Navy and Marine corps (25 cts.). Practically the same information will be found in the Offi- cial register or Blue book. WOMEN Willard, Frances Elizabeth, and Liver- more, Mrs. Mary A. (Rice). A woman of the century. . . . 812 p. por. Q. Buffalo, Moul- ton, 1893. $10. 920.7 Biographical sketches, with portraits of prominent American women. Browne, William Hardcastle. Famous women of history, containing nearly 3000 brief biographies and over 1000 female pseudonyms. 434 p. D. Phil. Arnold, [< 1895]. $2. 920.7 Very brief notices of their lives. A list of meanings of proper names of women is given in an appendix. A useful collection of biographical sketches of women is Hale's Woman's record (N. Y. Harper, 1853), with portraits and an alphabeti- cal index. It is now out of print. DIRECTORIES The city directory is in constant demand and should therefore be in the most convenient place in the library. In a large city it is important to include the business directory of the city which groups together all persons engaged in the same line of business. The Blue book is also much used. Large libraries will possess in ad- dition directories of the large cities of this country. Volumes of past years are frequently consulted. Various directories of special classes of per- sons published annually in England and Amer- ica are also necessary to a large reference col- lection. Among these are : American: Medical and surgical register of the U. S. and Canada, the various religious directories, Textile manufacturers' directory and year book, Banker's register, Sharp & Alle- man Co.'s lawyers' and bankers' directory, etc. English : Whitaker's naval and military di- rectory and Indian army list, Colonial office list, Foreign office list, Hart's army list, Navy list, Official army list, Civil service directory, etc. GENEALOGY Genealogies constitute a much-used class of books in our public libraries. In large cities historical society libraries will contain the best collections of genealogical books, and read- ers can be referred to them. The books men- tioned here are among the best guides to the innumerable sources of information for family histories. Some historical society libraries have found it necessary to compile card indexes of local family history. As an example, the Penn- sylvania historical society library has a large card index to family histories especially full for the middle states. BIBLIOGRAPHY Boston Public library. Finding-list of genealogies and town and local histories con- taining family records. 80 p. O. Bost. 1900. 25 cts. 016.929 A selection of important general works of refer- ence with a list of serial publications, patriotic heredi- tary societies, town and family histories. AMERICAN Munsell, Joel, pub. American genealogist; being a catalogue of family histories, a biblio- graphy of American genealogy or a list of the title-pages of books and pamphlets on family history published in America from 1771 to date. Ed. 5. 406 p. O. Alb. Munsell, 1900. $5. 929.1 Former editions were edited by W. H. Whitmore in 1862, 1868, and 1875. " Plan of the work is to give the title-page of each book published on the genealogy of an American fam- ily, and -the number of pages together with other 46 SPECIAL SUBJECTS information. This edition is arranged alphabetically. . . . The foot-notes of former editions have been omit- ted, and in their place we have embodied in the title- page of each book in brackets such matter as seemed necessary to make the title of the book give an idea of the contents." Preface. List of titles of genealogical articles in American periodicals and kindred works, giv- ing the name, residence, and earliest date of the first settler of each family and adding defi- ciencies in brackets. 165 p. O. Alb. Munsell, 1900. $3. 929.1 Designed as a companion volume to their Amer- ican genealogist. Arranged alphabetically by fam- ily surnames. Index to American genealogies .... Ed. 5 enl. 352 p. O. Alb. Munsell, 1900. $5. 929.1 Ed. 1-3 were edited by D : S. Durrie. " Prepared with a view to facilitate the study of family history by furnishing an index to the genealo- gies contained in the large number of county and town histories, collections of public and privately printed genealogies, centennial anniversary celebra- tions, biographies, and other works containing the desired information." Preface. An alphabetical list containing nearly 50,000 references. Glenn, Thomas Allen. List of some Amer- ican genealogies which have been printed in book form, arranged in alphabetical order. 71 p. sq. Q. Phil. Coates, 1897. $2. 929.1 Stiles, Henry R. Hand book of practical suggestions for the use of students in genealogy. 55 p. O. Alb. Munsell, 1899. $1. 929.1 Gives information on what is genealogy, how to pre- pare for genealogical work, sources and authorities of general information, etc. Vermont, E. de V. America heraldica; a compilation of coats of arms, crests, and mot- toes of prominent American families settled in this country before 1800; illus. by Henry Rykers. 192 p. il. pi. F. N. Y. Brentano, [ c 1886]. $25. 929.6 Zieber, Eugene. Heraldry in America. 427 p. il. pi. Q. Phil. Bailey, 1895. $6. 929.6 Contains besides much important information on heraldry in general, seals of the U. S., of the depart- ments, and of the various states arranged alphabeti- cally; also ecclesiastical seals, and colonial societies and American orders. ENGLISH Burke, Sir Bernard. Genealogical and her- aldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage. Ed. 64. 2057 p. il. Q. Lond. Harrison, 1902.* $12. 929.72 Contents : Royal family ; Peerage and baronetage ; Archbishops and bishops ; Knightage, companionage, * Continued annually. and privy council; Precedence; Orders of knight- hood ; Foreign titles of nobility held by British sub- jects ; Mottoes. Entry is under the title of the person at present holding the title, giving his ancestry and sketch of his life. Refers from the family name. Only extant peer- ages. 11 A mine of information on the involved subject of social pedigrees, with every facility for ready refer- ence. ' ' Nation, 66 : 1 74. Genealogical history of the dormant, abeyant, forfeited, and extinct peerages of the British empire. New ed. 636 p. il. O. Lond. Harrison, 1866. 42s. 929.721 Landed gentry ; a genealogical and her- aldic history of the landed gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. Ed. 9. 2 v. O. Lond. Harrison, 1898. $25. 929.725 Pedigrees and arms of the untitled country gentle- men of Great Britain are described. General armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, comprising a registry of armorial bearings from the earliest times to the present. 1185 p., il. O. Lond. Harrison, 1884. 52s. 6d. 929.8 Cokayne, G. E. Complete peerage of Eng- land, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom, extant, extinct, or dormant, alphabetically arranged. 8 v. O. Lond. Bell, 1887-98. $32. 929.72 "The most comprehensive of all works of this kind in the English language." Gross's Sources and liter- ature of English history. Doyle, James E. Official baronage of Eng- land, showing the succession, dignities, and officers of every peer from 1066 to 1885. 3v. il. por. O. Lond. Longmans, 1886. 105s. 929.72 Includes dukes, marquises, earls, and viscounts. Kelly's handbook to the titled, landed, and official classes for 1902. v. 28, D. Lond. Kelly, 1902.* 16s. 929.72 A useful compact volume relating to the living peer- age. Other similar works are Whitaker's Directory of titled persons (annual), and Dod's Peerage, baronetage, and knightage of Great Britain and Ireland. Marshall, George William. The genealo- gist's guide. 884 p. O. Guildford, Billing, 1893. 31s. 6d. 9 2 9 x Privately printed. Its object is " to place the intel- ligent student in a position to find out the sources from which he may obtain a clue to the particular pedigree he is searching for." Preface. Arranged alphabetically by surnames. * Continued annually. GENEALOGY. FLAGS 47 CRESTS Fairbairn, J. Book of crests of the families of Great Britain and Ireland. New ed. rev. by A. C. Fox-Davies. 2v. pi. F. Edin. Jack, 1892. 84s. 9 2 9- 8 v. 1, text ; v. 2, plates. Index of surnames, mottoes, key to plates, diction- ary of terms. FOREIGN Rietstap, Jean Baptiste. Armorial gene- ral ; precede d'un dictionnaire des termes du blason. Ed. 2 enl. 2v. pi. O. Gouda, van Goor, 1884-87. lOOfr. 929-8 "A very useful heraldic book of reference of the same character as Burke's General armory ... it will afford a clue to the country where any name of ap- parent foreign origin may be found. ... It professes to deal only with families entitled to hereditary honours, so that in England, for instance, no families under the rank of a baronet are included." Philli- more. The following annuals of genealogy* are published. With the exception of the well- known Almanach de Gotha, they are usually to be found only in large libraries : Almanach de Gotha ; annuaire genealogique, diplomatique et statistique (Gotha, Justus Perthes) since 1763. Gothaisches genealogisches taschen- buch der freiherrlichen hiiuser (Gotha, Justus Perthes) since 1848. Gothaisches genealogisches taschenbuch der graflichen hauser (Gotha, Jus- tus Perthes) since 1825. Annuaire de la noblesse de France (Paris, Au Bureau de la publication) since 1843. La noblesse beige (Bruxelles) since 1889. Annuario della nobiM italiana (Bari) since 1879. Svensk adelskalen- der (Stockholm, Norstedt) since 1899. Dan- marks adels aarbog (Kjobenhavn, Vilh. Try- des) since 1884. Annuaire de la noblesse de Russie (St. Petersbourg) since 1889. NAMES Bardsley, Charles Wareing. Dictionary of English and Welsh surnames, with special American instances. 838 p. sq. O. Lond. Frowde, 1901. $6.25. 929.4 " I have gone little further than an attempt to trace back our names to their original forms, to clear them from the incrustations of time, and to place each, however misleading in appearance to-day, in its own particular class." Introduction. " Will always remain a monument of industry and good judgment. He has not only brought together a mass of material and placed it within convenient reach of the student, but his discussion of it is in the main very trustworthy. There must, in the nature of the * Titles furnished by the Harvard college library. case, be plenty of doubtful matter in such a volume." Nation, 74:19. Mackey, Mary Stuart and M. G. Pro- nunciation of 10,000 proper names, giving famous geographical and biographical names, names of books, works of art, characters in fiction, foreign titles, etc. 294 p. S. N. Y. Dodd, 1901. $1. 9 2 9-4 A convenient volume for ascertaining pronunciation of proper names which it is so often difficult to find elsewhere ; for example, Houyhnhnms. FLAGS U. S. Bureau of equipment, Dept. of the navy. Flags of maritime nations, prepared by the Bureau of equipment. 7 p. 67 pi. Q. Wash. 1899. o. p. 929.9 Excellent colored designs of flags, the TJ. S. flags first, then other states arranged alphabetically. Also pilot flags. When the coat of arms of a nation ap- pears in the flag, an enlarged reproduction is given. Among other important books, not strictly reference, but which should be in the reference department, are : Preble, George Henry. History of the flag of the United States of America, and of the naval and yacht-club signals, seals, and arms and principal national songs of the United States, with a chronicle of the symbols, stand- ards, banners, and flags of ancient and modern nations. Ed. 3. 808 p. il. pi. O. Bost. Osgood, 1882, [ c '80], $5. 929-9 Illustrations of state seals, arms, flags, and colors, with a few colored plates of flags. A subject index and an index of names. The most comprehensive work on the TJ. S. flag. Hulme, Frederick Edward. Flags of the world, their history, blazonry, and associations. . . . 152 p. pi. O. Lond. Warne, n. d. 6s. 929.9 26 colored plates. Webster's Dictionary, the Standard, and the encyclopedias also contain colored plates of flags which are convenient for reference. PORTRAITS Samuel, Bunford. Index to American por- traits. (In Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography, 25 : 47-70, 228-247, 384-399.) " This index is a selection only from one of a general nature in manuscript covering portraits of all nations. On account of space, even the American ones are selected, and comprise the period from 1T32 to 1852." Magazines and books are indexed. The American Library Association has in preparation an index to portraits. 48 SPECIAL SUBJECTS BIO-BIBLIOGKAPHY Oettinger, Edouard Marie. Bibliographie biographique universelle ; dictionnaire des ouvrages relatifs a l'histoire de la vie publique et privee des personnages celebres des tous les temps et de toutes les nations. 2v. O. Bruxelles, Stienon, 1854. 20fr. 016.92 Under the names of celebrated persons is given a list of important works relating to their lives. Chevalier, Cyr Ulysse Joseph, abbe. Re- pertoire des sources historiques du moyen age ; bio-bibliograpliie. 2370 p. Q. Paris, Librairie de la Societe bibliographique, 1877-86. 016.92 Supplement. 2374-2846 p. Q. Paris, Librairie de la Societe bibliographique, 1888. 016.92 Bibliographies of individuals are too numer- ous to be given here. Among examples may be mentioned the sections of the British museum catalogue relating to individuals, e. g. Shake- speare, Dante, etc. The Dante catalogue of the Cornell university library is an elaborate bibliography published in two quarto volumes. The bibliographies appended to the volumes of the Great writers series are excellent for the authors included. GEOGRAPHY DICTIONARIES Lippincott's gazetteer of the world ; a com- plete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of the world ; originally edited by Joseph Thomas. New ed. rev. 2636 p. Q. Phil. Lippincott, 1901. $8. 910.3 The most comprehensive American work of its kind, alphabetically arranged, giving description and infor- mation of places, with pronunciation and various spellings of names. Revision is only in the appendix. Chisholm, George G. "The Times'" ga- zetteer of the world. New ed. 1774 p. Q. Lond. "The Times office, 1899. 17s. 6d. 910.3 An English gazetteer, more full in English than in American names. Chambers's concise gazetteer of the world, topographical, statistical, historical. 768 p. D. Lond. Chambers, 1902 (Phil. Lippincott). $2. 910.3 A concise English gazetteer. U. S. Board on geographic names. Second report, 1890-99. Ed. 2. 150 p. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1901. free. 910 This list includes all decisions in regard to geo- graphic nomenclature and orthography as rendered by the Board, from its creation down to April 14, 1900, inclusive. Blackie, C. Geographical etymology ; a dictionary of place-names. Ed. 3 enl. 243 p. D. Lond. Murray, 1887. 75 cts. 910 Gives derivation and meaning of geographic names. BIBLIOGRAPHY Mill, Hugh Robert. Hints to teachers and students on the choice of geographical books for reference and reading, with classified lists. 142 p. D. Lond. Longmans, 1897. 1.25. 016.91 A selected list, classified, with introductions on the practical use of the books mentioned. More full on the British Empire. ATLASES The best atlases are German. American maps are not so well made as foreign maps. For maps of the United States, however, we must consult an American atlas, while for those of foreign countries the foreign atlases are much better. Even a small library should pos- sess a German or English atlas, and it. is possible to have one, because a good foreign atlas can be bought at a low price. AMERICAN Smith, Benjamin Eli. Century atlas of the world. 402 p. 1 18 maps, F. N. Y. Century co. [ c 1897-98]. $12.50. 912 A companion volume to the Century dictionary and the Century cyclopedia of names. One of the latest atlases, including recent changes in the Philippine and Hawaiian islands. Besides the usual information, the maps give steamship routes and cable lines, dis- coverers' and explorers' routes are traced, battlefields are marked with dates, and some historical maps are given. A very full alphabetical index makes the atlas easier to consult than the Rand & McNally atlas. Rand, McNally & co. Indexed atlas of the world, containing large scale maps of every country and civil division upon the face of the globe . . . with historical, descriptive, and statistical matter relative to each. 2v. F 6 . Chic. Rand, McNally & co. [ c 1892-98], $18.50. 912 v. 1, United States ; v. 2, foreign countries. Index accompanies each map, giving population of every city, town, and village. Maps of large cities are frequently given. Colored diagrams show area, popu- lation, wealth, debt, productions, statistics of manu- facture, commerce, and transportation. The maps are on a much larger scale than those of the Century atlas, but are not so well made. ATLASES 49 Rand-McNally new standard atlas of the world, containing large scale maps of every country and civil division upon the face of the globe. ... 373 p. F 6 . Chic. Rand, McNally & co. [ c 1899]. $8. 912 Cheaper edition of preceding in one volume, omit- ting descriptive text. Rand, McNally & co.'s enlarged business atlas and shippers' guide. Ed. 30. F. Chic. Rand, McNally & co. 1900. $7. 50. 912 Issued annually. Contains large scale maps of the TJ. S., Canada, Mexico, Central America, West Indies, and Cuba, showing in detail the railroad systems, with an index giving the express company doing business over each road, and locating all islands, lakes, rivers, etc. ; lo- cates branch railroads upon which each station is situated, the nearest mailing point of all local places, etc. Among other American atlases may be men- tioned : Cram's Atlas of the world (N. Y. Cram, 1901. $10) ; Bradley's Atlas of the world (Phil. Bradley, 1891. $27) ; Scribner-Black Atlas of the world (N. Y. Scribner, 1890. $22). BIBLIOGRAPHY Library of Congress. List of maps of America in the Library of Congress, preceded by a list of works relating to cartography, by P. L. Phillips. 1137 p. Q. Wash. Govern- ment printing office, 1901. free. 016.91 " A subject-chronological monograph. . . . The maps in atlases are each separately catalogued." Introduc- tion. ENGLISH Johnston, Alexander Keith. Royal atlas of modern geography. F 5 . Lond. Johnston, 1893. 6 6s. 912 There is also a smaller edition of this called the Handy royal atlas (52s. 6d.). "The Times" atlas. New ed. 120 p. maps, F 5 . Lond. The Times, 1900. 25s. 912 A translation of Andree's German atlas. An alpha- betical index to 150,000 names. Another well-known English atlas is Bartholomew's Library reference atlas (Lond. Macmillan, 1890. 52s. 6d.). His International student's atlas of modern geography (1902. $2.25) is an admirable small atlas of 105 physi- cal, political, and statistical maps. A good annotated list of representative atlases and maps from the English standpoint is to be found in Mill's Geographical books for refer- ence and reading, 1897, p. 44-46. GERMAN German atlases are the finest specimens of artistic and accurate map-making. Among the most useful for public libraries are : Stieler, Adolf. Hand-atlas uber alle theile der erde und liber das welt gebaude. 198 p. maps, F 5 . Gotha, Perthes, 1902. $10. 912 Alphabetical index at the end of the volume. " Probably the only atlas which continues from time to time to be constructed throughout from original materials on scientific principles. Has for long held the foremost place among all atlases.'' Sonnen- schein's Best books. Andree, Karl Theodor. Andrees allgemei- ner handatlas in 126 haupt- und 137 neben karten. Ed. 4 enl. 179 p. 186 maps, F 5 . Biele- feld, Velhagen, 1899. $7. 912 An excellent cheap atlas. HISTORICAL Poole, Reginald Lane. Historical atlas of modern Europe, from the decline of the Roman empire, comprising also maps of parts of Asia \ and of the New World connected with Euro- pean history. Pts. 1-28, maps, F. Ox. Claren- don press, 1896-1900. 3s. 6d. each pt. 911 To'be completed in 30 parts. Each map is accompanied by explanatory text. Its- special feature is a series of 17 maps illustrating the historical geography of the British Isles. Labberton, Robert Henlopen. Historical atlas, 3800 b. c. to 1900 a. d. Ed. 16. 72 maps, Q. N. Y. Silver, 1901. $1.25. 911 A useful up-to-date small atlas. Freeman, Edward Augustus. Historical geography of Europe. Ed. 2. 2v. O. Lond. Longmans, 1882. 31s. 6d. 911 v. 1, text; v. 2, maps. Not strictly an historical atlas, but is designed sim- ply to show the boundaries of states and their changes. Deals with " geography as influenced by history and with history as influenced by geography." " The work as a whole cannot fail to be of great service to every thoughtful student." C : K. Adams. Among other good historical atlases may be mentioned: Hand-atlas der geschichte by Spruner, published in 1880, a large, expensive work, but one of the best, and Smith's Atlas of ancient geography, biblical and classical (Bost. Little. $40) , designed to accompany his Diction- aries of classical antiquities. Smith, Sir William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography. . . . 2v. il. maps, O. Lond. Murray, 1873-78. 56s. (Bost. Little. $12.) 91338 Designed mainly to illustrate Greek and Roman 50 SPECIAL SUBJECTS writers. It is historical as well as geographical, to 476 A. D. Illustrated by plans of cities, districts, and battles, representations of public buildings, etc. GUIDE-BOOKS The small volumes so well known to all trav- ellers as " Guide-Books" are of much assistance in a reference library. They are usually well indexed, and may be easily consulted for spe- cial information on subjects not dealt with fully in the gazetteers and other books of refer- ence. Baedeker's or Murray's series of guide- books are in frequent use for such purpose. The latest edition should be consulted. There should be also in the reference library a guide- book of the city in which the library is located. HISTORY Larned, Josephus Nelson. History for ready reference from the best historians and y specialists. Rev. and enl. ed. 6v. il. maps, Q. Sprgf. [Mass.], Nichols, 1901, [ c 1895-1901]. $30. 903 Extracts from the writings of the best historians, biographers, and specialists to illustrate the history of all countries and times. It is not a condensation, but gives the exact words of the writers quoted. The arrangement is alphabetical by country, event, etc., and under place is chronological. There are numer- ous cross references. Volume 6 is devoted to recent history from 1894 to 1901. In the 1901 edition "some subjects not treated be- fore have been introduced, and the treatment of some others has been amplified, while matter which ap- peared as a Supplement in the earlier editions is now given its alphabetical and chronological place in the main body of the work." Little, Charles Eugene. Historical lights; V 6000 quotations from standard histories and biographies. Ed. 3. 958 p. O. N. Y. Funk, 1892, [ c '86]. $5. 903 Alphabetically arranged by topics, it embraces ex- tracts from various authorities with index of personal names and a general index of topics. Heilprin, Louis. Historical reference book. , Ed. 6 rev. to 1899. 592 p. O. N. Y. Apple- ton, 1899. $2. 903 A chronological table of universal history, a chrono- logical dictionary of universal history, a biographi- cal dictionary. "Comprehensive, and remarkable for its general accuracy." C: K. Adams's Manual of historical liter- ature, 1889. " Quite the most compact, convenient, accurate, and authoritative work of the kind in the language." Nation, 55: 106. Ploetz, Carl. Epitome of ancient, mediae- V val, and modern history ; tr. fr. the German, with . . . additions by W: H. Tillinghast. Ed. 8. 618 p. D. Bost. Houghton, [ c 1883]. $3. 903 Arranged under each division by nationality. " Perhaps the most valuable of all the small books of reference." C: K. Adams 's Manual of historical literature, 1889. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. Historic note- book; with an apx. on battles. 997 p. O. Phil. Lippincott, 1891. $3.50. 903 Explains briefly allusions to historical events, trea- ties, customs, etc. A popular handbook. BIBLIOGRAPHY Adams, Charles Kendall. Manual of his- torical literature. Ed. 3 enl. 720 p. O. N. Y. Harper, 1889, [ c '82-88]. $2.50. 016.9 Excellent critical notes. The work is classified by countries, and under each arranged chronologically. A course of reading in the history of each country is also given. Alphabetical index of authors. \ DATES Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of dates and universal information relating to all ages and nations. ... Ed. 22 enl. 1290 p. O. N. Y. Putnam, 1898. $6. 903 First edition appeared in 1841. An alphabetical arrangement under the name of event, place, etc., giving a brief account down to autumn of 1898. Especial attention is given to the British empire. An alphabetical index gives simply dates of persons and events. Little, Charles Eugene. Cyclopedia of classified dates. 1454 p. Q. N. Y. Funk, 1900. $10. 903 An American work. A chronological digest of the history of countries, which is arranged alphabetically by country. It has a full index under person, place, event, etc., which refers to the digest. Contains as an appendix The perfect calendar for every day of the Christian era, by Henry Fitch (32 p.), by which one can find on which day of the week any date in the Christian era occurred. TABLES Nichol, John. Tables of ancient literature and history, b. c. 1500-a. d. 200. unp. sq. O. Glasgow, Maclehose, 1877. $1.50. 902 Shows in chronological tables the parallel history and literature of the nations of ancient times. Tables of European history, literature, science, and art, from a. d. 200 to 1888 ; and of American history, literature, and art. Ed. 4 enl. unp. Q. K Y. Macmillan, 1888, $2.25. , 902 HISTORY 51 Arranged in columns by periods chronologically. English literature and history are placed together to be illustrated by the columns on either side which show foreign history, etc., for the same period. Morison, M. Time table of modern history, A. d. 400-1870. 159 p. tab. maps, obi. F. West- minster, Constable, 1901. 12s. 6d. 902 Parallel tables of the history of various countries, with genealogical tables of royal families, list of ruling monarchs, a general chart of ancient and modern his- tory, and seven historical maps ; also a full index. Not so comprehensive as Nichol's Tables. Gooch, G. P. Annals of politics and cul- ture, 1492-1899. 530 p. O. Camb. [Eng.] Uni- versity press, 1901. $2.25. 902 On the left-hand page is given political events in the history of the world, while the right-hand page deals with the record of culture for the same period ; the whole arranged chronologically. Each paragraph is numbered, and there is a general index referring to these numbers. An appendix is given containing tables of rulers, prime ministers, etc., of the various nations. There is also appended a list of works of reference, p. 47G-493. ANNUALS Annual register ; a review of public events ' at home and abroad for 1901. O. Lond. Long- mans, 1902.* 18s. 905 Published yearly since 1748. New series began in 1863. Contents : English history, Foreign and colonial his- tory, Chronicle of events, Retrospect of literature, science, and art, Obituary. Index in each volume. A full series is often found in large libraries. "The most famous, and one of the most useful, of the annual publications on the events of current history. It was given character in the last century by the editing of Burke." C: K. Adams's Manual of historical literature, 1889. ( ANTIQUITIES Peck, Harry Thurston. Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities. 1701 p. il. Q. N. Y. Harper, 1897. $6. 913.38 Includes Greek and Roman antiquities, biography, geography, history, literature, mythology, with much additional information; bibliographical references, illustrations, and maps. Special attention to recent archeological discoveries and investigations. Smith, Sir William, Wayte, William, and Marindin, G. E. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. Ed. 3 enl. 2v. il. O. Lond. Murray, 1890-91. 63s. (Bost. Little. $14.) 913.38 Ed. 1 appeared in 1842. " Accepted by all scholars as a work of authority on the subjects with which it deals." E. C. Marchant, in Stephens's Dictionary of national biography. * Continued annually. Seyffert, Oskar. Dictionary of classical antiquities . . . from the German, rev. and ed. by Henry Nettleship and J. E. Sandys. Ed. 2. 712 p. il. sq. Q. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1891. 21s. 913.38 Includes the mythology, religion, literature, art, and the constitutional and social antiquities of Greece and Rome. There is a later edition (the 6th) published by Mac- millan, $ 2.25. Cornish, Francis Warre. Concise diction- ary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 829 p. il. O. Lond. Murray, 1898. $4. 913.38 A good condensed work based on Sir "William Smith's larger dictionary, with information concern- ing the results of modern research. Greek, Latin, and English indexes. Brodrick, M., and Morton, A. A. Concise dictionary of Egyptian archaeology; a hand- book for students and travellers. 206 p. D. Lond. Methuen, 1902. $1. 913.32 ENGLISH Low, Sidney James, and Pulling, F. S. Dictionary of English history. New ed. rev. 1128 p. O. Lond. Cassell, 1897. $2.50. 942 Biographical, bibliographical, chronological, and constitutional information about English history. Index. 11 An invaluable work for the general reader as well as for the student." C: K. Adams's Manual of histori- cal literature, 1889. BIBLIOGRAPHY Gross, Charles. Sources and literature of English history from the earliest times to about 1485. 618 p. O. N. Y. Longmans, 1900. $5. 016.942 " Does not profess to be exhaustive ; it comprises only select lists of books ; worthless and obsolete treatises are omitted, except in the case of a few re- cent works which are mentioned merely in order that the student may be warned to shun them." Preface. An excellent bibliography, with notes explaining the contents of the books and estimating their value. Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, and Mullinger, J. B. Introduction to the study of English history. 424 p. O. Lond. Paul, 1881. 9s. 942 Contains a descriptive list of authorities by J. B. Mullinger (p. 201-404), with an author index. UNITED STATES Harper's encyclopaedia of United States history from 458 a. d. to 1902 ; based upon the plan of B. J. Lossing. lOv. il. por. pi. maps, facsim. O. K Y. Harper, 1902. $31. 973 SPECIAL SUBJECTS The most extensive cyclopedia of the subject, in- cluding many biographical articles and containing texts of the constitutions, famous speeches, essays, orations, resolutions, proclamations, facsimiles of im- portant documents, etc. Articles are by well-known historians and writers. Lossing, Benson John. Harper's popular cyclopaedia of United States history. New ed. enl. 2v. il. por. Q. N. Y. Harper, 1890, [ c '81]. Subscription. 973 An early edition of the preceding. Brief sketches in alphabetical order of important events in the his- tory of the U. S. and of biographies of the most promi- nent persons connected with its history. A full index in vol. 2 should be consulted. Jameson, John Franklin. Dictionary of United States history, 1492-1897. 733 p. por. v pi. Q. Bost. Puritan pub. co. [ c 1894-97]. $2.75. 973 Concise articles including biographical sketches. A later edition entitled Encyclopedic dictionary of American history, by J. F. Jameson and J. W. Buel (Wash. 1900. 2v.), is fuller and is useful for finding brief information about persons and events connected with the United States. If a library cannot afford Harper's encyclopaedia, this will be found useful. Townsend, Malcolm. U. S., an index to the United States of America, historical, geo- graphical, and political ; a handbook of refer- ence combining the "curious" inU. S. history. 482 p. il. pi. maps, D. Bost. Lothrop, 1890. $2. o. p. 973 A compilation of curious information regarding the U. S., including nicknames of states, state mottoes, state seals, presidential cabinets, political parties, wars, constitutions, etc. BIBLIOGRAPHY Larned, Josephus Nelson. The literature V of American history, a bibliographical guide. 596 p. O. Bost. Houghton, 1902. $6. 016.973 An A. L. A. annotated list, in which the scope, char- acter, and comparative worth of books in selected lists are set forth in brief notes by critics of authority. An appendix contains selected titles for students and readers by Edward Channing, also lists of books for 1, a good school library ; 2, a collection for a town library ; 3, a good working library. Channing, Edward, and Hart, A. B. Guide to the study of American history. 471 p. D. Bost. Ginn, 1896. $2. 016.973 Describes methods and materials for studying Amer- ican history, including a bibliography of the subject, giving estimates of the value of authorities. Parts II.-III. give topics and references for colonial and United States history. Sparks, Edwin Erie. Topical reference lists in American history with introductory lists in English constitutional history. Ed. 2. 96 p. D. Columbus [O.], Smythe, 1900, [ c '93]. $1. 016.973 A useful reference book with good index. Winsor, Justin. Reader's handbook of the American revolution, 1761-1783. 328 p. S. Bost. Houghton, 1893, [ c '79]. $1.25. 016.9733 The bibliographical notes to Winsor's Narra- tive and critical history of America are also important. Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark. Index of articles upon American local history in his- torical collections in the Boston public library. 225 p. Q. Bost. Public library, 1889. (Boston public library. Bibliographies of special sub- jects, no. 3.) o. p. 016.973 Originally published in. the Boston public library Bulletins. Index of the literature of American local history in collections published in 1890-95 with some others. 151 p. O. Bost. Griffin, 1896. $5. 016.973 CANADA Hopkins, J. Castell. Canada ; an encyclo- paedia of the country. 6v. il. por. pi. maps, Q. Toronto, Linscott pub. co. 1898-98. 972 Articles by specialists covering the whole range of subjects relating to Canada. The arrangement is not alphabetical. It is therefore necessary to consult the index volume. Index, topical and personal. 188 p. nar. Q. Toronto, Linscott pub. co. 1900. Subscrip- tion. 972 There are several sub-arrangements to the index. The articles are first indexed under the main divisions of Canadian history and development. Then indexes of the contributors, portraits, pictures, and maps, after which come the chief indexes, topical and per- sonal. PERIODICALS, ESSAYS, DISSERTATIONS INDEXES AND LISTS PERIODICALS Periodicals in a library serve two purposes : first, as current literature of the day, they are a record of the thought of the present, and second, in the form of bound volumes, they are a perma- nent record of the thought of the past. It is in the latter form more particularly that they become a part of the reference collection and are usually kept in the so-called M reference depart- ment " of a general library. A good collection of bound volumes of the well-known periodicals is almost indispensable to a public library. A large reference library will have so far as possible complete sets of all peri- odicals indexed in "Poole." These important reference books contain a vast amount of valuable material on all subjects, much of which cannot be found elsewhere. All of this would be inac- cessible without that most useful key, the Index to periodical literature, originally compiled by W: F: Poole in one volume, afterwards revised and enlarged, and brought down to date by supplementary volumes. The periodicals indexed in this great work do not include technical and scientific journals. In order that the collection of periodicals may be made readily useful, a list, specifying the exact volumes contained in the Library which are indexed in Poole and other indexes, must be kept in a conspicuous place near these indexes. REFERENCES. Faxon, Frederick Winthrop. Periodicals in reference work. Pub. lib. 3 : 207-209, 252-254. Spofford, Ainsworth Rand. Periodical literature. (In his Book for all readers. 1900. p. 157-170.) Bolton, Henry Carrington. Helps for cataloguers of serials ; a short list of bibliographies arranged by countries, with special reference to periodicals. 4 p. O. 1897. Reprinted from the Bulletin of bibliography. Boston, v. 1, no. 3, Oct. 1897. Blakely, Bertha. Library helps indexes. Lib. jour. 26 : 871-872. GENERAL INDEXES R : R. Annual literary index 1892-1901. ENGLISH 10v - Q- N - Y - Publishers' weekly, 1893-1902.* Poole, William Frederick, and Fletcher, $35 per VoL 5 W: I: Index to periodical literature. . . . 1802- l " thes K e annual volumes periodicals are indexed A a r\ -d tt 1 om under subjects, with a separate author index. About 81. Rev. ed. 2 V. Q. Bost. Houghton, 1891, 137 English and American periodicals are indexed [ c '86]. $16. 050 each year. In addition, each volume includes the Supplements, Jan. 1882-Dec. 1901. annual index to parts of books, essays, etc., thus sup- 4v. Q. Bost. Houghton, [.1887-1902].. $36. ^^J^ SLS^S 5 which can serve as a guide to newspaper articles, and An index to such general periodicals in the English a list of special bibliographies. language as are apt to be found in libraries, arranged , , ....... T A A -o i *__ under subjects. Reference is made to volume and Fletcher, William Isaac, and Poole, Mary page of the periodical where the article will be found. Poole's index to periodical literature. Abridged A list of serials indexed is given in front of each vol- ed. 843 p. Q. Bost. Houghton, 1901. $12. ume. It is important that the volumes of periodicals eg in a library should be numbered to correspond to the ... ' volume numbers in the Index, as in a periodical issued A condensation of Poole's Index, including all refer- in more than one series the numbering is usually con- ences to 37 Popular periodicals still published, to the secutive in the Index. One must therefore under- end of 1899. Designed especially for the small library, stand the Chronological conspectus which is in the but of *"* value to a11 libraries > lar S e or small .> on front of each volume. account of its one alphabet and the fact that it gives Poole's Index is continued by references enough for all ordinary work. Fletcher, William Isaac, and Bowker, Cumulative index to a selected list of peri- * Continued five-yearly. * Continued annually. 54 PERIODICALS odicals, 1896-1902. v. 1-7, Q. Cleveland, Cu- mulative index co. 1897-1902. $5 per year. 050 Started by the Cleveland public library (v. 1-3), con- tinued by the Helman-Taylor co. (v. 4), then by the Cumulative index co. (v. 5-7). Published monthly, and cumulates quarterly. The quarterly indexes should be bound together with the index for the year, which is much condensed. Indexes 50 periodicals. Fuller than the Annual literary index, which, however, indexes more periodicals. The indexing is by authors, titles, subjects. Por- traits and book reviews are indexed. Reader's guide to periodical literature, [monthly], Jan. 1901-02. v. 1-2, O. Minne- apolis, Wilson, 1901-02. $1 per year. 050 A more limited index than the Cumulative, includ- ing from 15 to 20 popular periodicals. Index cumu- lates monthly, the December number being a record for the whole year. Suitable for a very small library. Review of reviews. Index to periodicals . . . 1890-1901. v. 1-12, sq. Q. Lond. Review of reviews, 1891-1902.* $1 per vol. 050 An alphabetical subject index to more than 107 peri- odicals, including about 70 not in Poole nor the Cumu- lative, of which a large number are English magazines little known except in the largest American libraries. The American monthly review of reviews contains an index to the periodical literature of each month. Jones, Leonard Augustus. Index to legal periodical literature. 2v. O. Bost. Boston book co. 1888-99. $20. 340.5 v. 1, to 1887; v. 2, 1887-99. A very complete index to articles on law and legis- lation in general as well as legal periodicals. The second volume includes also articles on political sci- ence, economics, and sociology, making it useful in a general library. A large number of indexes to separate peri- odicals have been compiled. A list of such indexes is contained in the Handbook for readers of the Boston public library (1890), p. 263-311. A longer and more recent list is to be found in Stein's Manuel de bibliographie generale (1897), p. 637-710 (tables generates de periodiques de toutes langues). Many of these special indexes will be found most useful, particularly those to general and technical journals not contained in "Poole." The following may be mentioned as a few examples of special indexes to magazines of value in the average library : American architect and building news. Index. 1876-86. Of special use as an index to the plates. Harper's weekly. Index. 1857-87. Library journal. Index, v. 1-22. $3. Littell's living age. Index. 1844-96. Nation. Analytical index to the political contents. 1865-82. * Continued annually. North American review. Index. 1878. Popular science monthly. Index. 1872-92. Revue des deux mondes. Table generale. 4v. 1831- 74, 1874-86, 1886-93, 1893-1900. Scientific American supplement. Catalogue of some of the valuable papers. 1886. Other general magazines, such as the Atlantic, Harper's monthly, etc., have published separate indexes. These are important on account of the author entries, which are fuller than in "Poole." They contain, besides, more cross- references, and they index portraits. FRENCH Jordell, D. Repertoire bibliographique des principales revues francaises, 1897-99. v. 1- 3, Q. Paris, 1898-1900.* $2.50 per vol. 054 By subjects with author index ; about 350 periodicals are indexed. GERMAN Dietrich, F. Bibliographie der deutschen zeitschriften litteratur, 1896-1901. v. 1-8, sq. Q. Lpz. 1897-1902.* $2.50 per vol. 053 Indexes about 1300 periodicals by subjects with au- thor index and an alphabetical list of the periodicals indexed, giving their editors, publishers, frequency of publication, and price. Chiefly scientific. GENERAL LISTS Among the most important lists of serials, including periodicals and society publications, are: British museum Library. Catalogue of printed books; periodical publications. 1210 col. F. Lond. Clowes, 1885-86. 016.05 Arranged by places with the index by titles. A new revised edition, 1899-1900 (26s.), has been published. UNION LISTS Library of Congress. Union list of peri- odicals, transactions, and allied publications currently received in the principal libraries of the District of Columbia; comp. under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin. 315 p. Q. Wash. Government printing office, 1901. free. 016.05 Useful as giving titles of a large collection of peri- odicals. The libraries of Boston, New York city, and Chicago have also prepared union lists of peri- odicals, and others arein course of preparation. For a bibliography of union lists see article by Clement W. Andrews in Lib. jour. 24 : C 29- 32. The bibliography was compiled by A. G. S. Josephson. * Continued annually. PERIODICALS 65 TECHNICAL INDEXES Repertorium der technischen journal lit- teratur, 1879-99. Q. Ber. Heymann, 1881- 1900.* 24m. per vol. 050 A subject index of technical and scientific period- icals, compiled by order of the Imperial patent office. There is also an author index, and a list of periodicals indexed. From 1823 to 1878 published as Repertorium der technischen litteratur. " Beginning with the 1892 number, the index gives the German equivalent for the English technical terms, which practically serves for the use of English readers as a key to all the previous volumes." Lib. jour. 19: C80. Royal society of London. Catalogue of scientific papers, 1800-83. 12 v. sq. Q. Lond. 1867-1902. about $50. 016.5 v. 1-6, 1800-63 ; v. 7-8, 1864^73 ; v. 9-11, 1874-83 ; v. 12, Supplementary. An author index to the serial literature of science, comprising transactions and journals published be- tween 1800 and 1883, with the reference, date, and number of pages. Association of engineering societies. Descriptive index of current engineering lit- erature, 1884-95. 2v. O. N. Y. Engineering magazine, 1892-96. $4 per vol. 016.62 Suplee, Henry Harrison, and Cuntz, T. H. Engineering index, five years, 1896-1900. N. Y. * Engineering magazine, 1901. $7.50. A continuation of the preceding. Indicates the character and purpose of each article described. Indexes more than 200 periodical technical publications. Continued monthly in the Engineering magazine, which for each month has an index giving a classified list of articles published in the current numbers of the important technical journals (about 190) of the U. S., Great Britain, and the Continent. Galloupe's Index to engineering periodicals, 1883^92, in 2 vols., is an American index arranged alphabetically by subjects. The Engineering news has issued an index volume for the years 1890-99. ($2.50.) The Franklin institute has an index to its Journal, v. 1-120, 1826-85. (5.) The Electrical world has published an Index to the articles in its numbers from 1883 to 1896. ($8.) The Electrical world and engineer publishes in each number a digest of current electrical literature by subjects. Renaut's Collective index of the Journal of the Society of chemical industries, 1882-95 (v. 1-14). Lond. 1899. ($5.) The Catalogue of the United States Surgeon- * Continued annually. general's office indexes medical periodicals, and is supplemented by the Index medicus, which continues the work through the current jour- nals to May, 1898. The large libraries of the country will have on file the printed card index (authors and sub- jects) to current numbers of 184 technical periodicals. These cards are prepared under the direction of the A. L. A. Publishing Board by cooperating libraries. The indexing was begun in 1898. Some large libraries have also on file special card indexes, such as that of the U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, which has issued a card index to its publications since 1899. The list of books in the reading-room of the John Crerar library mentions nine such indexes on file for the use of its readers. TECHNICAL LISTS The following catalogs of technical journals are important : Bolton, Henry Carrington. Catalogue of scientific and technical periodicals, 1665-1895. . . . With chronological tables and a library check-list. Ed. 2. 1247 p. O. Wash. Smithso- nian inst. , 1897. (Smithsonian misc. coll. ) free. 016.505 Ed. 1, in 1885. Contains a list of the principal peri- odicals of every branch of pure and applied science, published in all countries from 1665 to 1895. Gives full titles, names of editors, sequence of series, and the names of the libraries of the U. S. in which com- plete sets can be found. Arranged alphabetically under title. Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. Catalogue of scientific serials of all countries, including the transactions of learned societies, 1633-1876. 358 p. O. Camb. 1879. $4. (Harvard univ. library. Special publications, no. 1.) 016.5 Alphabetically by countries, with an index of towns, an index of titles, and an index of minor subjects. NEWSPAPERS Bound volumes of newspapers are kept in almost all general libraries. They constitute a most important record of the history of the day. In some libraries the files are limited to the newspapers of the locality. The large libraries of the United States will, however, contain files of leading New York papers and often of representative papers of the east, west, north, and south, as well as of a London paper such as the Times. Of the newspapers, few have indexes. It is well to remember that the New York Daily 56 NEWSPAPERS. ESSAYS Tribune (yearly, price $1, pap.), the New York Times,and the London Times (quarterly, 10s. 6d.) have indexes, and these will be found to be of the greatest value to libraries having files of these papers. These indexes may be used for other news- papers, the date being the clue to where a subject may be found. AMERICAN Ayer & son, N. W. American newspaper annual, 1902. Q. Phil. Ayer, 1902.* $3. 071 A list of newspapers and periodicals published in theU. S. and Canada, with information regarding their circulation, issue, date of establishment, political or other distinctive features, names of editors and pub- lishers, etc. The first arrangement is by states, giving population of towns, principal industries, etc., in- cluding Cuba, Hawaii, and Porto Rico. Then follows arrangement by counties, a class list of publications, and a list of publications in foreign languages. Rowell, Geo. P. & co. American news- paper directory (issued quarterly). 32d year, O. N. Y. Rowell, 1900.* $5 for each issue ; $20 per year. 071 Description of all the newspapers and periodicals in the U. S. and Canada, giving details regarding circu- lation, editors, politics, etc. Arranged by states, with a classed list of publications. Revised and issued quarterly. The arrangement is not so convenient as that of Ayer's, being under state by frequency of pub- lication, while in Ayer the arrangement is alphabetical by title. U. S. Census office. History and present condition of the newspapers and periodical > press of the U. S., with a catalogue of the pub- lications of the census year, by S. N. D. North. 446 p. F. Wash. Government printing office, 1884. free. 3I7 . 3 The list of periodicals gives frequency of publica- tion, character, when established, and price. New Jersey historical society. Some ac- count of American newspapers, particularly of the 18th century, and libraries in which they may be found, v. 1-3, O. Paterson, Press pr. and pub. co. 1894-97. (In its New Jersey archives. 1894-97. Ser. 1, v. 11, 12, 19.) 974.9 Gives a brief history of every newspaper printed in North America prior to 1801, and tells in what libraries they may be found. From A. to New Hampshire. Wisconsin state historical society Library. Annotated catalogue of newspaper files in the library. ... 375 p. O. Madison, Democrat pr. co. 1898. 016.07 In two parts, showing the newspapers arranged (1) geographically and (2) chronologically. Gives a * Continued annually. bibliographical and historical description of each jour- nal. Index. The collection of papers is an unusually large and important one, numbering more than 10,000 volumes. Library of Congress. Check list of Ameri- can newspapers in the Library of Congress, comp. under the direction of A. B. Slauson. V 292 p. Q. Wash. Government printing office, 1901. free. 016.07 A list of a large collection of newspapers, arranged by states and cities, with indexes of titles and of cities. ENGLISH Sell's dictionary of the world's press and annual of useful commercial knowledge, 1899. 2v. por. map, O. Lond. 1898.* 7s. 6d. 070 Contents: v. 1, Newspaper section ; v. 2, Commercial section. County list of all newspapers published in the United Kingdom, list of magazines and periodicals published in the United Kingdom, newspapers published in other countries, giving name in vernacular, name in English, when published, and brief description. Willing's press guide and advertisers' di- rectory and hand-book, 1901. v. 28, O. Lond. Willing, 1901.* Is. 072 / A concise and comprehensive index to the press of the United Kingdom, containing an alphabetical list, a classified list, a list according to date of publi- cation, a local list, and a list of the chief American and continental newspapers. FRENCH Annuaire de la presse francaise et du monde politique, 1901. O. Paris, 1901.* 15fr. 074 French newspapers and periodicals, including some foreign. Indexes. GENERAL LITERATURE AND ESSAYS Fletcher, William Isaac. The "A. L. A." index; an index to general literature. . . . Ed. 2 enl. and brought down to Jan. 1, 1900. 679 p. Q. Bost. Houghton, 1901. 10. 040 Issued by the Publishing Board of the American library association. Refers under the subject to essays, papers, mono- graphs, and other parts of books which are of sufti- cient value, including some reports and publications of boards dealing with sociological affairs. Books in the English language only are included. A list of the books indexed is given at the end of the volume. This list can be checked with call numbers in the library, thus saving time in looking up references by showing what the library has and where it may be found. Continued in Fletcher & Bowker's Annual literary index, which see. * Continued annually. ESSAYS. DISSERTATIONS 57 Griswold, William Maccrillis. Index to articles relating to history, biography, litera- ture, society, and travel contained in collections of essays. Ed. 2 rev. 56 p. O. Bangor, Q. P. index, 1884. o. p. 040 Essays are indexed under subjects. In order to make the index concise, the compiler refers under subjects to numbers ; the volumes representing the numbers are to be found by means of the key in the front of the book. Cotgreave, Alfred. A contents-subject in- dex to general and periodical literature. 743 p. por. O. Lond. Stock, 1900. 10s. 6d. 028 "The chief aim of the work is not to give every- thing which appears in a select number of works on a few selected subjects, but rather to cover as many subjects as possible, and give a few references to each one." Preface. Contains a chapter on Subject indexes to general literature. California university Library. Con- tents-index, v. 1, O. Berkeley, State pr. 1889- 90. 028 An index of the contents of many books and peri- odicals in the Library of the University of California, including sets not indexed by Poole, some in foreign languages (as the Revue des deux mondes), and some technical journals. Jfany ofthe books indexed have since been included in the A?T. 'A. index, but there still remains a sufficient number not elsewhere in- dexed to make this volume occasionally useful. Other valuable references to subjects in essays and parts of books will be found in the analytical work of the catalogs of the Peabody institute library, the Brooklyn library, the Boston Athenaeum, and the Cleveland public library. \ The British essayists, 38 vols., a set which includes a collection of the essays of the' im- portant English writers of the 18th century (such as those of the Spectator, the Rambler, etc.), has an index volume which is sometimes found helpful. Wheatley's What is an index ? (Lond. 1878) gives, besides an interesting historical account of indexes, a preliminary list of English indexes published in separate volumes, p. 72-96. The following useful aids may, perhaps, be best included here : Brookings, Walter Du Bois, and Ring- wait, R. C. Briefs for debate on current political, economic, and social topics. 213 p. D. N. Y. Longmans, 1897. $1.25. 028 Its aim is "to state concisely the principal argu- ments pro and con, on a large number of the impor- tant topics of the day," and to refer to books, parts of books, and periodical articles upon each subject. A most useful handbook. Matson, Henry. References for literary workers. 582 p. O. Chic. McClurg, 1892. $2.50. 028 The author gives topics and questions for debate, with references to books, articles in periodicals, and essays of value in working up a subject. Alphabetical index of subjects. DISSERTATIONS In university and college libraries the fol- lowing indexes to dissertations will be found most helpful : FRANCE Mourier, Athnais, and Deltour, F. No- tice sur le doctorat es lettres, suivie du cata- logue et de l'analyse des theses fran9aises et latines admises par les facultes des lettres de- puis 1810. O. Paris, Delalain freres, 1880. 378.44 Arranged by " facultes " under each year. Author and subject indexes. Catalogue et analyse des theses fran- caises et latines admises par les facultes des lettres. O. Paris, Delalain freres, 1882-1900.* 378.44 An annual continuation of the preceding, contain- ing the theses from 1880 to date. " Full table of con- tents of each thesis is given, and at the end an index of authors and subjects.'' W: C. Lane in Lib. jour. 12: 418. Catalogue des theses et ecrits acade- miques; [publies en France], 1885-1900. 1885- 1894, O ; 1895-1900, Q. Paris, Hachette, 1885- 1900.* 378.44 Published by the Ministere de l'instruction publique annually since 1884-85. General author index every five years. Catalogue des dissertations et ecrits aca- demiques provenant des echanges avec les uni- versites etrangeres et recus par la Bibliotheque nationale, 1883-99. O. Paris, Klincksieck, 1884- 1900.* 378 Published annually by the Bibliotheque nationale. Arranged alphabetically under universities. GERMAN Jahres-verzeichniss der an den deutschen universitaten erschienenen schriften, 1885- 1900. v. 1-15, O. Berl. Asher, 1887-1900.* 5 to 9m. per vol. 37 8 -43 Arranged alphabetically by universities, with author index to each volume. There is a subject index (Sach- register) to v. 1-5, and from volume 6 to date each volume has a subject index. * Continued annually. 58 DISSERTATIONS Klussmann, Rudolf. Systematisches ver- zeichnis der abhandlungen welcbe in den scbul- schriften samtlicber an dem programmtausche teilnehmenden lehranstalten erschienen sind, 1876-85,1886-90,1891-95. 3v. O. Lpz. Teub- ner, 1889-99. 37 8 43 Classified, with index of places and index of authors. Jahres-verzeichniss der an den deutschen scbulanstalten erscbienenen abbandlungen, 1889-1900. v. 1-12,0. Berl. Asber, 1890-1901.* 37943 Published annually, and arranged by authors, with subject indexes. 500-600 titles annually. Verzeichnis der berliner universitats- schriften, 1810-85. O. Berl. Weber, 1899. 378.43 Issued by the University library, has author index, and contains about 10,000 titles. Fock, Gustav. Bibliographischer monats- bericbt iiber neuerscbienenen scbul- tind uni- * Continued annually. versitatsscbriften, 1889-1901. v. 1-12, O. Lpz. Fock, 1890-1901.* 378.43 Classified arrangement, with annual author index, and beginning with volume 4, an annual " Sachregis- ter " published separately. SWITZERLAND Jahresverzeichnis der schweizerischen universitatsschriften, 1897-1901. v. 1-4, O. Basel, Scbweigbauseriscbe bucbdruckerei, 1898-1901.* 378.494 Arranged by universities. Each issue has an author index. Each volume has 350 to 400 titles. SWEDEN AND FINLAND Josephson, Aksel Gustav Salomon. Avhandlingar ock program, uitgivna vid svenska ock finskaakademier ock skolor, under aren, 1855-1890. 264 p. O. Uppsala, [1891- 1893]. 378.485 Arranged alphabetically by authors. About 2000 titles. * Continued annually. SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS Reports and transactions of learned societies are essential to the student who would investigate his subject thoroughly, and they often furnish needed information to the general inquirer as well. Every reference library will have a number of these important sets. The student and reference librarian must therefore know their scope and value. INDEXES AND CATALOGS The following catalogs and lists will be of assistance in finding information about learned societies, and what has been published by these bodies: GENERAL Smithsonian institution. International ex- change list corrected to July, 1897. 331 p. O. Wash. Smithsonian institution, 1897. free. 060 A list merely of the names of societies, with their addresses. It does not contain any descriptive ac- counts or lists of publications. British museum Library. Catalogue of S printed books : Academies. 1018 col. F. Lond. Clowes, 1885. 1. 060 Alphabetically by cities, with index to academies. Royal society of London. Catalogue of scientific papers, 1800-83. 12 v. sq. Q. Lond. 1867-1902. 016.5 Described under Indexes to Periodical Literature. Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. Catalogue of y scientific serials of all countries, including the transactions of learned societies, 1633-1876. 358 p. O. Camb. 1879. 016.5 Described under Indexes to Periodical Literature. Minerva, jahrbuch der gelehrten welt, 1891- 1902. v. 1-11, il. S. Strassb. Triibner, 1891- 1902. 10m. per vol. 378 Described under Cyclopedias of Education. ENGLISH Year-book of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and Ireland, giving an account of their origin, constitution, and working ... to June, 1901. v. 1-18, O. Lond. Griffin, 1884-1901.* 7s. 6d. per vol. 506 The history and description of the work and pub- * Continued annually. lications of many of the societies are given in the first volume. The following years include lists of papers read or published, with the names of their authors. Lowndes's Bibliographer's manual (1857- 64) contains as an appendix (apx. p. 1-196) a complete list of all the books printed by the literary aud scientific societies of Great Brit- ain, "with such particulars respecting them as are likely to be useful to the scholar and collector." Wheatley's How to form a library (1887), p. 184-216, gives a brief account of the his- tory of many of the literary societies of Eng- land. The English catalogue of books to 1899 con- tains in an appendix to each volume a list of learned societies, printing clubs, and other lit- erary associations, with lists of their publica- tions. The Annual English catalogue for 1901 in- cludes a list of learned societies and their publications for that year. AMERICAN Bowker, Richard Rogers. Publications of societies ; a provisional list of the publications of American scientific, literary, and other socie- ties from their organization. 181 p. sq. O. N. Y. Publishers' weekly, 1899. $3. 016.06 Based upon the material contained in the Appen- dixes to the American catalogue of books, 1884-95. Growoll, Adolf. American book clubs ; their beginnings and history, and a biblio- graphy of their publications. 423 p. D. N. Y. Dodd, 1897. $7.50. 010.6 Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark. Biblio- graphy of American historical societies, the United States and Canada. (In American his- torical association. Annual report, 1895, p. 677-1236.) 906 With an index by authors and subjects. 60 SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS INDEXES A partial list of indexes to society publica- tions will be found in the Handbook for read- ers in the Boston public library, 1891 (p. 263- 311), where they are included with the list of indexes to periodicals. The following are a few indexes of society publications which are of general use : American economic association. General contents and index of vols. 1-11, 1886-96, of its Publications. 52 p. O. N. Y. Macmillan, 1897. 330.6 Authors and subjects. American society of mechanical engi- neers. Contents and general index of its Trans- actions, v. 1, 1880-v. 20, 1899. 188 p. O. N. Y. Pub. by the Society, 1899. 621 Author and subject index. National educational association. Index to volumes of its Proceedings, 1857-97, pre- pared by W: M. Griswold. 85 p. O. Chic. v Univ. of Chicago press, 1897. 370.6 GERMAN Muller, Johannes. Die wissenschaftlichen vereine und gesellschaften Deutschlands im neunzehnten jahrhundert ; bibliographic ihrer veroffentlichungen seit ihrer begriindung bis auf die gegenwart. 878 p. sq. O. Berl. Asher, 1883-87. $16.50. 063 Arranged by cities with alphabetical index of socie- ties. FRENCH Lefevre-Pontalis, Eugene. Bibliographic des societes savantes de la France. 142 p. sq. Q. Paris, 1887. $1. 016.064 France Ministere de l'instruction pub- lique. Bibliographic des travaux scientifiques, sciences mathematiques, physiques et natu- relles, publies par les societes savantes de la France, v. 1, pt. 1-2, Q. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1895-97. 016.064 Bibliographie generale des travaux his- toriques et archeologiques, publies par les so- cietes savantes de la France. 3v. Q. Paris, Im- primerie nationale, 1888-1901. $9. 016.064 UNIVERSn GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS REFERENCES. Bowker, Richard Rogers. United States government publications. 1885. Lib. jour. 10:236-241. An account of the various indexes and catalogs of the publications of the government with remarks on the difficulties of cataloging them and on their distribution. Channing, Edward, and Hart, A. B. Indexes to public documents, 1776-1895. (In their Guide to the study of American history. 1896. p. 38-39.) Ferrell, Louis Cass. Public documents of the United States. Lib. jour. 26 : 671-674. Fichtenkam, Alice C. The cataloguing of government publications in the office of the Superintendent of documents, Washington, D. C. Index and review, 1 : 167-171, 189-193, 234-240. Describes the cataloging of the official documents, catalogs, and indexes. Helpful in understanding how to use these aids. Hasse, Adelaide Rosalia. Public documents. Pub. lib. 1 : 263-264. "Written for the A. L. A. Library primer. Tells how and to whom documents are issued and about the care of them in a library. Same (In Dana, J : C. Library primer. 1899. p. 110-112). Hasse, Adelaide Rosalia. How may government documents be made more useful to the public. Lib. jour. 26 : 8-13, and Pub. lib. 6 : 29-34. Hasse, Adelaide Rosalia. United States government publications ; a handbook for the cata- loged v. 1, O. Post. Library bureau. 1902. $1. v. 1, The government at large. The constitution, statutes, treaties. Succeeding parts will treat of the legislative body, the executive body, the judiciary. Contains much information about documents which will be found useful to the reference librarian. Lane, Lucius Page. Aids in the use of government publications. (In American statistical association. Publications. 1900. 7: 40-57.) A most helpful account of public documents with a list of indexes and catalogs. McKee, Thomas Hudson. Note on the classes and printing of U. S. public documents. 1885. Lib. jour. 10 : 241-244. Mann, Margaret. Course in documents in the University of Illinois Library school. Lib. jour. 26 : 152-154. See also Ames's special report relating to public documents (1894), and the reports of the Superintendent of documents, 1895-1900 ; also, the reports of the A. L. A. committee on public documents to be found in the Library journal. Every library has a larger or smaller collection of the documents of the city, the state, and the nation. To be of use such documents must be carefully classified, cataloged, and placed where they can be readily found, instead of piled up, as is often the case, in out of the way cor- ners where they cannot be consulted when wanted. UNITED STATES PUBLIC DOCU- MENTS A public document is strictly defined to be " all publications printed by order of Congress or by either House thereof," but the term is used to include the departmental as well as the congressional documents. Congress publishes for each session : Congressional record (published daily during the ses- sion) ; Abridgment of Messages of the President and Reports of departments ; Statutes and recent treaties and executive proclamations. Senate publishes for each session: Journal ; Senate documents ; Senate reports. House publishes for each session : Journal ; House documents ; House reports. Before the 54th congress (December, 1895) each House published its journal, executive documents, miscellaneous documents, and re- ports of committees. The departments of the U. S. government are : State, Treasury. War, Navy, Justice, Post- office, Interior, Agriculture, Labor, the District of Columbia, and several independent bureaus and institutions. All of these issue reports separately, and the various subordinate bu- reaus, divisions, etc., of each department also issue their special publications. Publications of the national government ap- pear in two forms : first, the leather (or sheep) bound set (sheep-bound or congressional re- serve), which volumes are commonly known as " congressional documents," including the pub- lications of the Senate and of the House ; sec- ond, the cloth-bound sets, including reports and publications of the several departments and their bureaus. The same document may appear in two or more forms ; e. g. the Annual report of the Commissioner of education ap- pears separately as a publication of the Bureau, then as part of the Report of the Secretary of GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS the Interior, and again as one of the House documents in the series of congressional docu- ments. A "depository" library is one that is desig- nated to receive, store, and keep for use the publications of the U. 8. government. In every large city or town there is usually at least one depository library. Other libraries may not aim to collect all publications of the national government, but no general library however small can afford to be without the reports of some of the important departments and bu- reaus. The government publishes many valu- able documents on subjects of general interest. Each library must select what will be of most use to its readers, and refer to the nearest de- pository library when it has not the needed doc- ument on its shelves. Designated depositories are enumerated in the Report of the Superin- tendent of Documents, issued separately, and also in the Report of the Public Printer. The Catalogue of U. S. public documents, issued monthly, tells how all documents may be obtained. INDEXES AND CATALOGS In order to use the documents to the best advantage, it is necessary to know thoroughly the following indexes and catalogs : U. S. Documents office. Check-list of public documents from the 1st to the 53d con- gress. Ed. 2 enl. 222 p. O. Wash. Govern- ment printing office, 1895. free. 016.353 First ed. by J. G. Ames, 1892, was from the 15th to the 51st congress. Second ed. by F. A. Crandall. An itemized list of the volumes which constitute the set of Congressional documents, with the num- ber or numbers contained in each. Appendices con- tain list of Debates and proceedings of Congress for the same period, and of the Miscellaneous series of public documents arranged by departments, enumer- ating their publications, also a list of government catalogs, showing what lists each department or bu- reau has published to 1895, and an index showing where in the set of Congressional documents the more important executive and other reports may be found. This is being superseded by a much extended new edition to be completed in three volumes, the second volume of which has been published under the title : Table of and annotated index to the congressional series of United States public documents. 769 p. sq. Q. "Wash. Government printing office, 1902. free. 016.353 It gives a list of the documents of the 15th to the 52d congress inclusive, with a full annotated index. Part 1 will contain a list of the documents of the 1st to the 14th congress ; part 3 a list of the reports and miscellaneous publications of the executive depart- ments, bureaus, and other offices of the government, printed without congressional numbers. This is the most important of the indexes of U. S. public documents, and will make it less necessary to refer to Poore's imperfect list. Poore, Benjamin Perley. Descriptive cata- logue of the government publications of the United States, Sept. 5, 1774, to March 4, 1881. 1392 p. sq. Q. Wash. Government printing office, 1883. 0. p. 015-73 A chronological list of books, pamphlets, or docu- ments, with the names of authors, dates of publica- tion, where they are to be found, and a brief abstract of the contents of each. With an analytical index (alphabetical) referring to the numbers of the pages on which documents are entered. Arrangement is defective, and index is not easy to use. Criticism by R : R. Bowker in Lib. jour. 10 : 4-5. Ames, John Griffith. Comprehensive index of the publications of the United States govern- ment, 1889-93. 480 p. sq. Q. Wash. Govern- ment printing office, 1894. free. 015.73 Arranged in three columns. In the first is given the author of the document or department by which it is issued ; in the second, an alphabetical list of docu- ments arranged by subjects and titles ; in the third, reference is made to the congress, session, the volume of the series in which each is embraced, and the serial number of the document. A personal index is added. U. S. Documents office. Catalogue of the public documents of . . . Congress and of all departments of the government of the United States for the period, March 4, 1893, ... to June 30, 1899. 4v. Q. Wash. Government piinting office, 1896-1901. free. 015.73 v. 1, 53d congress; v. 2, 54th congress, 1st session; v. 3, 54th congress, 2d session ; v. 4, 55th congress. The Comprehensive index provided for by the act approved Jan. 12, 1895. Authors, titles, and subjects in one alphabet. After each entry is given in parentheses the number of the document, the session to which it belongs, and the volume in which it is bound. At the end of the volume is a useful list of the departments, bureaus, divisions, etc., represented in the catalog. Known as the Docu- ment catalog. Catalogue of United States public docu- ments, issued monthly, 1895-1902. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1895-1902. free. 01573 A list of documents printed by the government dur- ing the month, arranged under name of department. Tells how documents of each bureau, division, etc., may be obtained. Index, beginning with the year 1900, is made cumulative for half-yearly periods. Index to the subjects of the documents and reports, and to the committees, senators, UNITED STATES 63 and representatives presenting them . . . (be- ing the Consolidated index provided for by the act of Jan. 12, 1895), 54th cong. 1st sess.-56th cong. 2d sess. 7 v. O. Wash. Government print- ing office, 1897-1902. free. 015.73 Binder's title: Document index, by which name this series is known. An entry of every document may be found under its subject or subjects, and the name of the member or committee presenting it, with a numerical table of the documents and reports and schedule of the volumes of the documents. Hickcox, John Howard. United States gov- ernment publications ; a monthly catalogue, 1885-94. lOv. O. Wash. Lowdermilk, 1885-94. 01573 No more published. Contains the titles of all the official publications of the U. S. for each month, arranged alphabetically under authors' name, as regards special treatises ; also under topics for congressional documents. Index to each volume. The index and review, 1901-02. v. 1, O. Wash. Young 1% 1901-02. $1 per year. 015.73 A monthly journaiTcontaining a list of all publica- tions of the U. S. government issued during the month. Similar in scope to the Monthly catalogue issued by the Superintendent of documents, of which not a suf- ficient number of copies to meet the demand can be printed. Greely, Adolphus Washington. Public documents of the first 14 congresses, 1789-1817 ; papers relating to early congressional docu- ments. 903 p. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1900. (56th cong. 1st sess. Senate doc. no. 428.) free. 015.73 Hasse, Adelaide Rosalia. Reports of ex- plorations printed in the documents of the United States government. ... 90 p. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1899. free. 015.73 Alphabetical list by authors and subjects. Indiana State library. Sub j ect catalogue of United States public documents. 289 p. O. Indianapolis, State printer, 1900. (In its Bien- nial report of the librarian for 1900.) free. 027.5 Alphabetical list by subjects of the documents in the State library. Articles of general interest con- tained in the congressional documents, and especially of those of importance to this library, have been in- dexed under their subjects. Michigan State library. Catalogue, United States documents, state documents, foreign exchanges. 276 p. O. Lansing, Robert Smith pr. co. 1898. free. 016.353 Alphabetically by countries ; U. S. department docu- ments have contents very fully given. Library catalogs of use in looking up infor- mation concerning documents are those of the Boston public library (Bost. 1861, and Bost. 1866), which contain indexes to the publica- tions of the early congresses, the Boston Ath- enaeum, the Peabody institute library, and the Massachusetts state library. The series of the American catalogue for 1876-84, 1884-90, 1890-95, contain appendixes of U. S. government publications, arranged alphabetically by departments, with divisions and bureaus subordinated. Some departments and bureaus have issued separate catalogs and indexes of their publica- tions, a list of which (to 1895) will be found as an appendix to the Check-list (Ed. 2). Among these may be mentioned here : U. S. Bureau of education. Publications from 1867 to 1890-,* with subject index, p. 1453- 1551, O. Wash. Government printing office, 1891. free. 015.73 Reprinted from chapter 35 of the report of the Com- missioner of education for 1888-89. U. S. Consuls. Consular reports; index v. 1-63. 6v. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1883-1901. free. 382 ^ The index to Consular reports is issued at intervals. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. List of pub- lications from 1841 to June 30, 1895, inclusive. 76 p. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1896. free. 015.73 Compiled by A. R. Hasse. U. S. Dept. of agriculture Division of publications. Index to authors, with titles of their publications appearing in the documents of the U. S. Dept. of agriculture, 1841-1897, by G : F. Thompson, under direction of G : W : Hill. 303 p. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1898. (Bulletin, No. 4.) free. 015.73 U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Bib- liography ; descriptive catalogue of publica- tions relating to the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey, 1807 to 1896. 118 p. O. Wash. Govern- ment printing office, 1898. free. 015.73 U. S. National museum. List of publi- cations, 1875-1900 . . . with indexes to titles, by R. I. Geare. 168 p. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1902. (Bulletin, No. 51.) free. 01573 Lunt's Key to the publications of the United States census, 1790-1887, contained in the American statistical association, Publications, 1 : 63-125, gives a bibliography and groups by subjects the contents of the census reports. 64 GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS STATE AND CITY DOCU- MENTS Large libraries must have the reports of the departments of their state and municipal gov- ernments. These are issued in different ways in the various states and cities. Small libraries will find use for only a limited number of these reports, and need not collect other than those of their own city and state. Among reports of general interest are those of the departments of education, labor, railroads, fisheries, and agri- culture. An important catalog of state publications has been begun by R: R. Bowker: Bowker, Richard Rogers. State publica- tions ; a provisional list of the official publica- tions of the several states of the U. S. from their organization, v. 1, sq. O. N. Y. Pub- lishers' weekly, 1899. $2. 016.3539 v. 1 : New England states. A check-list of state publications, with extra mar- gins for insertions, arranged in geographical order. Entry is made under the office or officer responsi- ble for the issue of the document. The lists forming appendixes to the American cata- logue, from 1876-84 to 1890-95, inclusive, were used as a basis for the above. The following is a partial list of bibliogra- phies of state documents, some additional titles of which will be found in the article by A. R. Hasse in Pub. lib. 6: 28-34 : Alabama: Owen's Bibliography of Alabama. (In American his- torical association. Annual report. 1899. v. 1.) Cole's Bibliography of the statute law of the southern states. (In Southern history associa- tion. Publications, v. 1. 1897.) Arkansas: Cole's Bibliography of the statute law of the southern states, pt. 2, Arkansas. (In Southern history association. Publications, v. 1. 1897.) Indiana : Howe's Descriptive catalogue of the official publications of Indiana from 1800 to 1890. (Indiana historical society. Pamphlets, No. 5.) Kansas: The Transactions of the Kansas state historical association, 1897-1900, v. 6, contains a list of Kansas state publica- tions. Maine: Williamson's Bibliography of the state of Maine to 1891. (Portland, The Thurston print, 1896. 2v.) Mississippi: Owen's Bibliography of Mississippi. (In American historical association. Annual report. 1899. v. 1.) New Hampshire: Report of the state librarian of New Hampshire for 1891 contains an index list of reports and documents. New Jersey: Report of the state librarian of New Jersey for 1900 contains a list of New Jersey books and pamphlets in the general library. Ohio: Hayes's Publications of the state of Ohio, 1803-96. (Norwalk, 1897.) Pennsyl- vania : Report of the state librarian of Penn- sylvania for 1899 contains a check-list of the laws, minutes, journals, and documents pub- lished in Pennsylvania, 1682-1897. Texas: Raines's Bibliography of Texas ; being a de- scriptive list of books, pamphlets, and docu- ments. (Austin, 1896.) FOREIGN American library association Committee on foreign documents. Partial list of French government serials in American libraries, p. 97-164, O. Alb. Univ. of state of N. Y., 1902. (N. Y. (state) Library. Bulletin, 70.) 15 cts. 015.44 " The aim has been simply to produce a title list of serials found in certain American libraries. . . . The scope of the work is denned in its title ' A partial list of French government serials.' " Preface. The list specifies in what libraries the documents may be found. There is an index of offices. BIBLIOGRAPHY REFERENCES. Bisbee, Marvin Davis. Place of bibliography in the equipment of a cultivated man. Lib. jour. 22 : 429-432. Bowker, Richard Rogers. Bibliographical endeavors in America. Lib. jour. 22 : 384-387. Campbell, Frank. Theory of national and international bibliography, with special reference to the introduc- tion of system in the record of modern literature. 500 p. O. Lond. Library bureau, 1896. Chauvin, Victor. What a bibliography should be. Lib. jour. 17 : 87-88. Chicago, Bibliographical society of. Year-book, 1899-1900. 43 p. D. Chic. 1901. Addresses, particularly those on Some secent events and tendencies in bibliography, by C. H. Hastings, and, General and national bibliographies, by "W. S. Merrill. Cole, George Watson. American bibliography, general and local. Lib. jour. 19 : 5-9. Course in bibliology at Dartmouth college. Lib. jour. 22 : 439^140. An outline of the course of study given in that college. Davis, Raymond C. Teaching bibliography in colleges. Lib. jour. 11: 289-294. An outline of the course of study in the University of Michigan, with many interesting remarks on bibliography in general and on the teaching of it in colleges. Dewey, Melvil. Biblio- graphy in colleges. Lib. jour. 18 : 422. Quotes from the catalog of the University of Colorado its course of instruction in bibliography. Ferguson, John. Some aspects of bibliography. 102 p. O. Edin. Johnston, 1900. Guild, Reuben. Bibliography as a science. Lib. jour. 1 : 67-69. Keogh, Andrew. Some general bibliographical works of value to the student of English. 27 p. D. New Haven, Yale university, 1901. Koopman, Harry Lyman. College instruction in bibliography. Lib. jour. C22 : 166-168. Describes the course given in Brown university, followed by a discussion of similar courses by other librarians. Little, George T. Teaching biblio- graphy to college students. Lib. jour. 17 : C87-88. Professional instruction in bibliography, round table meet- ing, A. L. A. 1901. Lib. jour. 26 : C197-205. Spofford, Ainsworth Rand. Bibliography. (In his Book for all: readers. 1900. p. 459-500.) Tedder, Henry R. A few words on the study of bibliography. (In L. A. U. K. Transactions and proceedings, 7: 128-131.) Wheatley, Henry Benjamin. General bibliographies; Special biblio- graphies. (In his How to form a library. 1887. p. 141-183.) Wheatley, Henry Benjamin. Present condition of English bibliography, and suggestions for the future. Lib. jour. 19: 336-338. The student of reference work will find the study of bibliography most essential, inasmuch a& bibliographies serve to guide to the best authorities on a subject ; to the best editions of books ; to information as to what has been written by an author, or on a special subject ; to the author of a book when only the title is known ; to what has been published in a certain country ; to* the price of a book ; to the value and collation of rare books, and to much other important information. In a work of this character only .those bibliographies most necessary to the reference librarian are mentioned. For a general history of the subject, consult the article Bibliography by E. F. Taylor in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which gives an excellent account. Bibliography means literally the act or habit of writing books, and is applied to " the science which treats of books, their materials, authors, typography, editions, dates, subjects, classifica- tion, history, etc." Another use of the term is applied to " a classified list of authorities or books on any theme, as a bibliography of political economy." (Century dictionary.) The term bibliography, which is now defined as the science of books, was formerly used to signify the description and deciphering of ancient manuscripts, which science is now known as paleography. De Bure, in his Bibliographic instructive, published in 1763, employed the word in the sense ; in which it has since been used, applying it to printed books. There are two kinds of bibliography : material and intellectual (or literary). Material biblio- graphy embraces a description of a book according to its edition, typography, paging, etc. the external features ; while intellectual bibliography has to do with the contents or internal charac- teristics of the book. The subject is usually divided into the following sections : General (or universal) bibliography, which includes bibliographies whose object is to enumerate 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY the titles of books of every age and country and on all subjects (e. g. Brunet's Manuel du libraire). Special bibliography, which is confined to books on some particular author or subject, and may include all (complete bibliography) or a selection (select bibliography) of the books on that subject or author (e. g. Monroe's Bibliography of education). National bibliography, which gives a record of books printed in a certain country (e. g. Lowndes's Bibliographer's manual). This term is also applied to a list of books about a certain country. Trade bibliography, which includes those bibliographies useful in the purchase of books, as giving trade information (e. g. American catalogue of books). Bibliography of bibliography, which is a list of bibliographies (e. g. Vallee's Bibliographie des bibliographies). Miscellaneous (including anonyms, periodicals, etc.). GENERAL OR UNIVERSAL Brunet, Jacques Charles. Manuel du li- braire et de l'amateur de livres. . . . Ed. 5 enl. 6v. O. Paris, Didot, 1860-65. with Supple- ment about $65. oi i Supplement . . . par P. Deschamps et G. Brunet. 2v. O. Par. Didot, 1878-80. on v. 6 of the Manuel is a " table methodique." Brunet's work is especially valuable for the biblio- graphical details of the books mentioned. It aims to include the rare and precious books of all kinds from the origin of printing. It gives the history of differ- ent editions, distinguishing characteristics of each and their collation, full titles, prices that books have brought at auction, some illustrations, and facsimiles. The arrangement is alphabetical with a classified index, and the supplement includes books not men- tioned in the other volumes. It is probably the most useful book of its kind, although the work of Grasse is considered by some to be more important. Brunet's work contains entries of more books of French writers than Grasse. Grasse, Johann Georg Theodor. Tresor de livres rares et precieux. . . . 7v. Q. Dresde, 1859-69. o. p. about $60. on v. 7, Supplement. " Covers much the same ground as Brunet, but in- cludes also a large number of books that are intrin- sically valuable without being rare, and for this reason is preferable if a choice must be made between them." Grq^voll in his Bookseller's library. It is based on Brunet, but contains more entries of German books ; prices that books brought at sales are given. Ebert, Friedrich Adolf. General biblio- graphical dictionary ; from the German. 4v. O. Ox. University press, 1837. o. p. 30s. on Based upon the early edition of Brunet. Contains many notes descriptive of editions. Especial atten- tion is given to ancient German literature, and the Greek and Latin classics. Of less value than Brunet or Grasse. Watt, Robert. Bibliotheca Britannica; or, A general index to British and foreign litera- ture. 4v. sq. Q. Edin. Constable, 1824. o. p. about $15. on Under authors (v. 1-2) are given dates and brief bio- graphical information, a chronological list of works, their edition, place, size, and price (in a few cases). Under subjects (v. 3-4) the titles are arranged chrono- logically. Anonymous books are given in the subject volumes. Of especial importance for British litera- ture, but includes some books by continental writers. Georgi, Theophilus. Allgemeines euro- paisches bucher-lexicon. . . . 5v. and 6v. sup. F. Lpz. 1742-58. o. p. on Catalog of the most important authors from the beginning of the 16th century to 1739, giving editions, date, size, place, price, etc. Specially full in German books, v. 5 comprises French books. Quaritch, Bernard. General catalogue of books offered to the public at the affixed prices. 7v. Q. Lond. 1887-92. o. p. on v. 7 is a general index by authors and subjects. A most useful collection of sales catalogs of one of the largest of bookstores, particularly helpful in finding prices. The* annotations are good. There are 100,000 separate entries in the index. Quaritch also constantly issues some Supplementary catalogs on separate subjects, and besides sends out " Rough lists," with a serial number reaching to 210 Jan. 1902. See also Library Catalogs. EARLY LITERATURE AND INCU- NABULA Hain, Ludwig Friedrich Theodor. Reper- torium bibliographicum ... ad annum 1500. . . . 2v. in 4, O. Stuttg. Cotta, 1826-38. o. p. about $35. on An authoritative descriptive record of books printed before 1500, arranged alphabetically by authors. Indices uberrimi opera Conradi Burger. 428 p. O. Lipsiae, Harrassowitz, 1891. on Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bib- liographicum ; or, Collections towards a new edition of that work, by W. A. Copinger. EARLY LITERATURE. NATIONAL 67 v. 1-2, pt. 1, O. Lond. Sotheran, 1895-98. 4 14s. 6d. on v. 2 to the letter O. v. 1 contains corrections of and additions to the collation of works described in Hain; v. 2 a list of titles not contained in the original work. Panzer, Georg Wolfgang Franz. Annales typographic! ab artis inventse origine ad annum 1536. . . . llv. Q. Norimbergae, 1793-1803. o. p. on Arranged by places and under each chronologically. See descriptive note in Ebert, 3 : 1276. Maittaire, Michael. Annales typographici ab artis inventae origine ad annum 1664. 5v. Q. Hagae-Comitum, 1719-41. o. p. on Supplementum adornavit M. Denis. 2v. Q. Vienna?, 1789. o. p. on Gives additional titles of books. See descriptive note in Ebert, 3 : 1014. Santander, Carlos Antonio de la Serna de. Dictionnaire bibliographique choisi du quinzieme stecle. . . . 3v. O. Bruxelles, 1805- 07. o. p. about $7.50. on A select list describing the principal editions only. Pellechet, Marie Catherine Helene. Cata- logue general des incunables des bibliotheques publiques de France, v. 1, Q. Paris, Picard, 1897. 12fr. on v. 1, A-Biblia. Campbell, Frederick Andries Gerardus. Annales de la typographic neerlandaise au xv e Steele. 629 p.O. La Haye, Nijhoff , 1874. on Contains also Supplements, 1-4, 1878-90. Proctor, Robert. Index to the early printed books in the British museum from the inven- tion of printing to the year 1500, with notes of those in the Bodleian library. 4v. Q. Lond. Paul, 1898-99. 60s. on v. 1, Germany ; v. 2, Italy ; v. 3, Switzerland to Montenegro ; v. 4, Register. A chronological list under each country by names of presses. The index volume contains an alphabet- ical list of towns, printers, and publishers, a list of books mentioned in Hain and of those not in Hain, authors of books printed in the Low countries, books printed in England. There is also an annual supple- ment to the Index. Catalogs of special printers will also be use- ful ; such are, Willem's Les Elzevier, histoire et annales typographiques (Bruxelles, Van Trigt, 1880), Renouard's Annales de l'impri- merie des Aides (Paris, 1834), Blades's Life and typography of William Caxton (Lond. Lilly, 1861-63. 2v.), etc. NATIONAL AND TRADE Under this heading is included trade biblio- graphy as well as some other works relating to the bibliography of each country. As in other classes of bibliography, a selection has been made limited to the most useful works. An excellent account of trade bibliography and how to find information contained in it will be found in Growoll's The bookseller's library and how to use it, which should be carefully studied by librarians. A chapter on ' ' Hints for finding the author, title, publisher, place of publication, date, edi- tion, size or price of books," may be found in Caspar's Directory of the American book and stationery trade (1889), p. 1262-1265. Another useful list without annotations is : New York (state) Library. Selected na- tional bibliographies. (Library school bulletin no. 7, 1900. p. 301-330.) 5cts. This is the list used in the course in elementary bibliography in the New York state library school. Compiled by W. S. Biscoe. AMERICAN For a bibliography of the subject consult: Growoll, Adolf. Book-trade bibliography in the United States in the 19th century, to which is added a Catalogue of all the books printed in the United States, with the prices, and places where published annexed, published by the booksellers in Boston, January, 1804. 77+79 p. por. D. K Y. Dibdin club, 1898. o. p. 015.73 Edition limited to 100 copies. Chapters on The beginnings of book-trade biblio- graphy, book-trade helps, 1801-97, and a chronological list of catalogues, book-trade, and literary journals are of special interest. Sabin, Joseph. Dictionary of books relating to America, from its discovery to the present time. v. 1-19, A-Simms, and parts 115-116 (Simms to Smith), O. K Y. Sabin, 1868-92. o. p. about $125. 015.73 Half-title : Bibliotheca Americana, by which title it is generally known. An attempt to record all books published in or about America, with full bibliographical details, omitting prices. Triibner, Nicolas. Bibliographical guide to American literature. 554 p. O. Lond. Triibner, 1859. o. p. 18s. 015.73 A classified list of books published in the U. S. from 1817 to 1857, with author index. Prices of books are given in English money. There are some bibliogra- phical notes. 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY Roorbach, Orville Augustus. Bibliotheca Americana. . . . 1820-61. . . . 4v. O. KY. Roorbach, 1852-61. o. p. about $10. 015.73 v. 1, 1820-52, with a list of periodicals published in the U. S.; v. 2, Supplement, Oct. 1852-May, 1855; v. 3, Addenda, May, 1855-Mar. 1858; v. 4, Mar. 1858-Jan. 1861. A catalog of American publications, including re- prints, arranged alphabetically by authors, giving publisher, date, size, price. Kelly, James. American catalogue of books published in the United States from Jan. 1861 to Jan. 1871. 2v. O. N. Y. Wiley, 1866-71. $10. 015.73 Continues the record of American bibliography from Roorbach's last volume, giving about the same kind of information. Each volume contains a list of societies and their publications. Volume 1 also con- tains a list of pamphlets, sermons, and addresses on the Civil war, 1861-66. American catalogue of books . . . 1876- 1900. 5v. sq. F. N. Y. Publishers' weekly, 1881-1901. 015.73 [Ser. 1] Author and title entries of books in print, July 1,1876; o. p. (about $25); subject entries ($15). 2v. [Ser. 2] July 1, 1876-Jun. 30, 1884. Author and title alphabet ; subject alphabet, 2v. in 1 ($15). [Ser. 3] July 1, 1884- Jun. 30, 1890. Author and title alphabet ; subject alphabet. 2v. in 1 ($15). [Ser. 4] July 1, 1890- Jun. 30, 1895. Author and title alphabet; subject alphabet. 2v. in 1 ($15). [Ser. 5] July, 1895-Jan. 1, 1900. Author and title alphabet; subject alphabet. 2v.ini ($15). The American catalogue was founded by F: Leypoldt and continued by R: R. Bowker. The first series records the books for sale, July 1, 1876. Entries in elude information as to publisher and price of books. An apx. gives a list of bibliographies. A directory of publishers is prefixed to each volume. Series 2-4 have appendixes giving lists of U. S. government publica- tions, publications of literary and scientific societies ; series 3-4 has also a list of State publications. These appendixes are omitted in series 5. The entire series constitutes the most important record of American publications (including reprints and importations). The United States catalog ; books in print, 1899; ed. by G: F. Danforth and M. E. Potter. 2v. Q. Minneapolis, Wilson, [ c 1900]. $12.50. 015-73 A useful title-a-liner catalog, giving trade informa- tion for about 150,000 entries arranged under authors ; in volume two under the title. It shows the various editions of a book now in print in this country. A directory of publishers is given in volume one. The title index (vol. 2) refers to the author index for biblio- graphical details. Biographies are entered in the author volume, both under subject and author. This work saves time in looking up trade information for books in print, giving the titles in one alphabet. Annual Annual American catalogue, 1886-1901. 16v. Q. N. Y. Publishers' weekly, 1887-1902. $3.50 per vol. 015.73 The main index is arranged by authors, and gives full titles, complete imprint information and prices, with descriptive notes (the same entries as are in the Publishers' weekly's " Weekly record "). There is also a title and subject index, with brief entries. Useful for the annotations, even if a library has the American catalogue for the same period. Annual American catalogue cumulated, 1900-01, containing a record under author, title, subject, and series of the books published in the United States. . . . O. N. Y. Publishers' weekly, 1902.* $2. 015.73 The preceding form of the Annual American cata- logue has been superseded by this cumulated catalogue. The annotations are'omitted, but the author entries by their dates refer back to the Publishers' weekly, where the full titles and annotations can be found. Cumulated index to the books of 1898-99, 1900, 1901 ; being the record of the Cumulative book index, revised and enlarged ; comp. under the direction of M. E. Potter. 3v. O. Minne- apolis, Wilson, 1900-02.* v. 1, $5 ; others, $2 per vol. 015.73 Entry under author, title, and subject in one alpha- bet. Cumulates by 5-yearly volumes. Monthly Publishers' weekly monthly cumulative list. Described below. Monthly cumulative book-index, v. 1-5, O. Minneapolis, Wilson, 1898-1902. $3 per year. 015.73 An author, title, and subject index of books pub- lished each month, giving brief entries and cumulating monthly, so that the December number includes all the books of the year. Other features are : publishers' lists (cumulated monthly), books wanted and for sale, directory of publishers, notes, announcements, etc. Weekly Publishers' weekly; American book-trade journal, Jan. 1872-1902. v. 1-61, O. N. Y. Publishers' weekly, 1872-1902. $3 per year. 01573 A list of books published in America, giving full titles, imprint information, price, descriptive notes. It consists of a weekly record of books arranged alpha- betically by authors ; a list arranged by publishers ; a weekly list of the more prominent new English books ; a monthly cumulative list contained in the second number of each month, this list cumulating through the year, forms a yearly list to be found in the third number of January. The monthly cumulative list is * Continued annually. AMERICAN. ENGLISH 69 arranged under author, title, subject, series, and refers to the number of the Publishers' weekly in which the full title and description are recorded. The following are special features: Annual summary number in January, Spring announcement number in March, Summer number in May, Educational number in July, Fall announcement number in September, Christmas number in December. The Weekly includes also editorials, miscellaneous information, and columns of Books wanted and Books for sale. U. S. Copyrights, Office of the register of. Catalogue of title entries of books and other articles entered in the office of Register of copyrights, Library of congress . . . 1891- 1902. v. 1-12, O. Wash. Government printing office, 1891-1902. $5 per year. 015.73 Weekly. The most complete record of current Amer- ican publications, including books, periodicals, music, engravings, etc. No prices. Publishers Publishers' trade list annual . . . 1873- 1901. 29v. O. N. Y. Publishers' weekly, 1873- 1901.* $2 per vol. 015.73 The latest catalogs of American publishers are ar- ranged alphabetically by the names of the publishers. These catalogs usually contain such books as are in print. Each publisher has his own method of arrange- ment. Issued in August of each year. With the 1902 volume there will be a general index to the con- tents of the publishers' catalogs ($7 for this edition). Auction American book-prices current . . . 1895- 1901. v. 1-7, O. N. Y. Dodd, 1895-1901.* $6 per vol. (early volumes are scarce and higher in price). 018.3 A record of books, mss., and autographs sold at American auctions. Arrangement of all volumes (after vol. 1) is alphabetical under authors. The mar- ket value of each book is given ; subject index. First editions Foley, P. K. American authors, 1795-1895 ; a bibliography of first and notable editions. 350 p. O. Bost. 1897. $5. [015.73 Compiled from the point of view of the collector. It is arranged alphabetically by authors whose works are sub-arranged chronologically. Brief notes are given. No prices. There is a list of initials, pseu- donyms, and anonymous books appended. Stone, Herbert Stuart. First editions of American authors ; a manual for book-lovers. 223 p. S. Camb. [Mass.] Stone, 1893. $1.25. 015-73 Gives dates of first editions ; no prices. Leon and brother. Catalogue of first edi- tions of American authors, compiled, arranged, * Continued annually. and for sale by Leon and brother. 58 p. D. N. Y. 1885. o. p. 015.73 A priced list with brief titles. ENGLISH Lowndes, William Thomas. Bibliogra- pher's manual of English literature. . . . New ed. enl. by H: G. Bohn. 4v. D. Lond. Bell, 1858-64. o. p. about $8. 015.42 An account of about 50,000 rare and valuable books published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland from the invention of printing, containing biographi- cal and critical notices, collations of the rarer books and prices at which they have been sold in the present century. An apx. relates to the publications of liter- ary and scientific societies and private presses. Originally published in 1834. The later volumes of this edition are much fuller than the first volumes. Watt, Robert. Bibliotheca Britannica ; or, A general index to British and foreign litera- ture. 4v. sq. Q. Edin. Constable, 1824. o. p. on Described under General Bibliography. Collier, John Payne. Bibliographical and critical account of the rarest books in the Eng- lish language. 4v. O. N. Y. Scribner, 1866. $10. 015.42 Arranged under authors and titles. Contains very full descriptive and historical notes. British museum Library. Catalogue of books in the British museum printed in Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland, and of English books printed abroad to the year 1640. 3v. O. Lond. British museum, 1884. 015.42 Alphabetically by authors, with notes and full index of subjects, and index of printers, booksellers, and stationers whose books are cataloged. Cambridge university Library. Early English printed books in the university library of Cambridge, 1475 to 1640. v. 1, 0. Camb. [Eng.] University press, 1900. 15s. 015.42 London catalogue of books, 1786-1811 . O. Lond. Bent, 1811. o. p. 015.42 1810-Feb. 1831. O. Lond. Bent, 1831. 0. p. 015.42 London catalogue of books published in Great Britain, with their sizes, prices, and pub- lishers' names from 1814 to 1846. 542 p. O. Hodgson, 1846. o. p. 015.42 Contains also Supplement from 1846 to 1849, includ- ing a classified index. English catalogue of books published 1835-1900. 6v. O. Lond. Low, 1835-98. com- plete, about $90. 015.42 v. 1, 1835-62 ; v. 2, 1863-71 ; v. 3, 1872-80 ; v. 4, 1881- 89; v. 5, 1890-97; v. 6, 1898-1900(308.). 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY v. 1^4 comprise an author and title record of books published in Great Britain, giving brief titles and trade information ; v. 5-6 are arranged under authors and subjects in one alphabet. There is an apx. of pub- lications of learned societies, printing clubs, and other literary associations, and a list of collections, libraries, series, etc. English catalogue of books. Index, 1837-90. 4v. O. Lond. Low, 1858-93. 015.42 v. 1, 1837-55 (with '56 and '57 appended), o. p. ; v. 2, 1856-73 (42s.) ; v. 3, 1874-80 (18s.) ; v. 4, 1881-90 (31s. 6d.). These volumes, which have been discontinued, com- prise an alphabetical subject index to the English catalogue. Annual English catalogue of books [annual], 1837-1901. v. 1-65, O & Q. Lond. Low, 1837- 1902.* 6s. per vol. 015.42 Alphabetical lists continuing the English catalogue of books. Contains a directory of English publish- ers. Monthly The Bookseller ; a newspaper of British and foreign literature, published monthly since 1858. O. Lond. Whitaker, 1858-1902. 5s. 015.42 Includes a list of the publications of the month. There is also a quarterly index. Weekly Publishers' circular and booksellers' record of British and foreign literature, 1837-1902. . . . v. 1-73,0. Lond. Low, 1837-1902. $1.75 per year. 015.42 A weekly trade journal, including a list of publica- tions of the week, with an index of subjects and names of books in one alphabet. Contains also liter- ary news and a few reviews. Publishers Reference catalogue of current literature. 2v. O. Lond. Whitaker, 1898. o. p. 12s. 015.42 Catalogs of important English publishers, giving the full titles of books now in print and for sale, with their prices. An index of upwards of 100,000 refer- ences under authors, titles, and subjects in volume 1. Issued about every five years. New edition in prepa- ration. Auction Book-prices current, Dec. 1886-1901. v. 1- 15,0. Lond. Stock, 1888-1901* 27s. per year, (about $100 for complete set.) 018.3 Issued monthly and yearly. A record of the prices at which books have been sold at English auction sales, arranged chronologically by sales with an au- * Continued annually. thor index to each volume. Index of subjects in front of each volume since 1896. Book-prices current. Index to the first ten volumes, 1887 to 1896, constituting a reference list of subjects and incidentally a key to anony- mous and pseudonymous literature. 472 p. O. Lond. Stock, 1901. $5.50. 018.3 Book sales; record of the most important books sold at auction and the prices realized. 4v. O. Lond. Bell, 1896-99. 15s. per vol. 018.3 Edited by Temple Scott. The titles and notes are fuller than in the preced- ing. Discontinued. First editions Slater, John Herbert. Early editions ; a bibliographical survey of the works of some popular modern authors. 339 p. O. Lond. Paul, 1894. $8.50. 015.42 Gives the prices of books. For bibliographical information consult also Stephen's Dictionary of national biography and Allibone's Critical dictionary of English literature. FRENCH Brunet, Jacques Charles. Manuel du li- braire et de 1'amateur de livres. . . . Ed. 5 enl. 6v. Q. Paris, Didot, 1860-65. on Described under General Bibliography. Qugrard, Joseph Marie. La France litte- raire ; ou, Dictionnaire bibliographique des sa- vants, historiens, et gens de lettres de la France. . . . 12v. O. Paris, 1827-64. o. p. 015.44 A bibliography of French authors and those who have written in French during the 18th and 19th cen- turies, with critical and descriptive remarks, prices, and some biographical information. v. 11-12 are supplementary volumes with additions, corrections, etc. Que*rard, Joseph Marie, and others. La litterature francaise contemporaine, 1827-49. 6v. O. Paris, 1842-57. o. p. 015.44 Together about $50. Continuation of the preceding. Lorenz, Otto Henri. Catalogue general de la librairie francaise, 1840-90 v. 1-13, O. Paris, Lorenz, 1867-96. about $125. 015.44 v. 14 (1891-1900), issuing in parts. v. 12-14 are edited by D. Jordell. The Catalogue ge'ne'ral consists of author and sub- ject indexes (separate volumes) of French publica- tions. The volumes are issued about every ten years. Annual Catalogue annuel de la librairie francaise, FRENCH. GERMAN 71 1893-98. O. Paris, Jordell, 1893-98. lOfr. per vol. 015.44 No volume published for 1899. Continued as : Repertoire bibliographique de la librairie francaise, 1900. O. Paris, Lamm, 1901.* 10 fr. 015.44 Monthly Repertoire bibliographique de la librairie francaise is an alphabetical subject list of French publications issued monthly. Weekly Bibliographic de la France; ou, Journal general de l'imprimerie et de la librairie. v. 1- ser. 2, v. 46, D. & Q. Paris, Cercle de la li- brairie, 1811-1902. 20fr. per year. 015.44 Publishers LeSoudier, Henri, pub. Bibliographic francaise. . . . Ed. 2 enl. lOv. O. Paris, Le Soudier, 1900. $14.50. 015.44 Collection of about 174 publishers' catalogs, corre- sponding to the Publishers' trade list annual, alpha- betically arranged by firm names, with important author and subject indexes. About 125,000 titles are listed. Auction Dauze, Pierre. Repertoire des ventes pub- liques cataloguees ; index biblio-iconogra- phique . . . Jan. 1894 au sep. 1898. 5v. Q. Paris, Repertoire des ventes publiques cata- loguees, 1895-98. 30fr. per vol. 018.3 A review of French book sales published monthly and yearly. GERMAN Kayser, Christian Gottlob. . . . Vollstan- diges bucher-lexicon . . . 1750-1898. v. 1-30, Q.\Lpz. Schumann, 1834-1900. about $80. 015.43 An alphabetical catalog of all books published in Germany from 1750, giving trade information. A sup- plement appears about every four years. Tbera are subject indexes to vols. 1-6 (1750-1832), to vols. 27-28 (1891-94) and 29-30 (1895-98). Heinsius, Wilhelm. Allgemeines bilcher- lexicon, 1700-1892. 19v. sq. Q. Lpz. Brock- haus, 1812-94. 015.43 No more published. Similar in scope to Kayser's work. v. 1-4 cover from 1700-1810; supplements were issued about every five years. The arrangement is alphabetical by authors. Georg, Karl. Schlagwort-katalog ; verzeich- nis der bilcher und landkarten in sachlicher anordnung, 1883-1897. v. 1-3, Q. Hannover, * Continued annually. Lemmerman, 1889-1901. v. 1-2, 57m. v. 3, 85m. 015.43 v. 1, 1883-87; V. 2, 1888-92; v. 3, 1893-97. Entry is under catchword of title, making a subject list arranged alphabetically. Hinrichs, J. C. , pub. Fiinf jahrs-katalog der im deutschen buchhandel erschienenen bilcher, zeitschriften, landkarten, etc. ; titel verzeichnis und sachregister, 1851-1900. v. 1-10, Q. Lpz. Hinrichs, 1857-1901. 015.43 Complete about $75; irregular in price; v. 10 is 100m. Semi-annual Hinrichs, J. C, pub. Verzeichnis der im deutschen buchhandel neu erschienenen und neu aufgelegten bucher, landkarten, zeitschrif- ten. D. & O. Lpz. Hinrichs, 1798-1902. 7.50m. 015.43 A half-yearly trade catalog of all books, maps, etc., published in Germany, with classified index. Hinrichs also publishes a Vierteljahrs-katalog, a Monats-register, and a Wochentliches verzeichnis. Monthly Allg-emeine bibliographie. Brockhaus, 1901. Sent to book-buyers post-free. O. Lpz. 015-43 Weekly Wochentliches verzeichnis der erschien- enen und der vorbereiteten neuigkeiten des deutschen buchhandels. O. Lpz. Hinrichs, 1902. 10m. 015.43 Daily BSrsenblatt fur den deutschen buchhandel (Lpz. published since 1834) is the only daily- trade publication in any country, but is sold only to the trade. Publishers Russell, A., pub. Gesammt-verlags-katalog. 16v. in 27, Q. Mttnster in Westf. Russell, 1881-93. about $40. 015.43 Includes the publications of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The catalogs are arranged according to cities. Now somewhat out of date. OTHER COUNTRIES The following is a selection of national bib- liographies of importance in ascertaining prices and other bibliographical details about books published in several other countries of Europe. These are essential to a large library, but are not usually found in small libraries: Belgian ; 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY Revue bibliographique beige, is a monthly re- cord published since 1889 (Bruxelles, Societe beige de librairie), which has an author index to each yearly volume. Danish : Dansk bog- fortegnelse (Kjob. Gad) 1841-92 in 4 v. (1841- 58, 1859-68, 1869-80, 1881-92) is continued by bi-monthly numbers with an annual alphabeti- cal index. Dutch : Brinkman's Catalogus der boeken, plaat- en kaartwerken die . . . 1850 tot en met 1891 (Amst. Brinkman, 1884-93. 2v.) is continued yearly by Brinkman's alphabetische lijst van boeken, landkaarten (Amst. Brink- man), and by the monthly Nederlandsche bib- liographic Italian : Catalogo collettivo della libreria italiana (Milan, Associazione tipogra- fico-libraria italiana) consists of publishers' cat- alogs bound together. The last volume (v. 4.), published in 1891, is in two parts, the second part being an alphabetical index. Bibliografia italiana (Milan, Associazione tipografico-libraria italiana), of which 1902 is the 36th year, gives a semi-monthly record of Italian publications and is a republication of the Bollettino delle publicazioni italiane of the Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze. Catalogo generale della libreria italiana dall' anno 1847 a tutto il 1899 is an important contribution to Italian biblio- graphy in course of preparation, of which pts. 1-11 (A-D) have appeared (Milan, Associazione tipografica-libraria italiana, 1900-01). Norwe- gian : Norsk bog fortegnelse (1848-65, 1866- 72, 1873-90. 3v.) is continued by the Norsk bog fortegnelse annually. Spanish : Boletin de la libreria is a monthly "record issued since 1873 (Madrid, Murillo). Swedish : Svensk bok- katalog for aren 1866-95 (Stockholm, Svenska bokforlaggare-foreningen, 3v.) is continued yearly by the Arskatalog f5r svenska bok- handeln. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHY Petzholdt, Julius. Bibliotheca biblio- graphica ; kritisches verzeichniss der das gesammtgebiet der bibliographic betreffenden litteratur des in- und auslandes. 939 p. O. Lpz. Engelmann, 1866. o. p. about $2. 016.01 Tlie most important work of its kind, complete and accurate up to the date of its publication. It is well annotated, and gives prices. It is arranged by classes, with author index. Stein, Henri. Manuel de bibliographie generale ; bibliotheca bibliographica nova. 895 p. O. Paris, Picard, 1897. 18 fr. 016.01 Divisions : Universal bibliographies, national bib- liographies, bibliographies of special subjects. Ap- pendixes contain : (1) A list of places which have contained printing establishments before the 19th century, (2) List of periodical indexes in all languages, (3) List of printed catalogs of the principal libraries in the world. The work is the most recent important bibliography of bibliographies. The author gives critical annota- tions of many of the titles. There is an index of sub- jects, but unfortunately none of authors. Langlois, Charles V. Manuel de biblio- graphie historique. 239 p. D. Paris, Hachette, 1901. $1.20. 016.9 This is pt. 1, Instruments bibliographiques. It is the intention of the author to continue the work in a sec- ond volume. This edition has no index. The 1896 edition, while not so full, has the advantage of an alphabetical index. ** It has since [its first appearance, 1896] been univer- sally recognized as one of the most useful bibliographi- cal contributions of recent years, and as such indis- pensable to every library. Perhaps the most important result of the book is that it will promote the systematic study of bibliography in connection with university instruction, and it is greatly to the credit of M. Lang- lois that he has clearly pointed out the lines upon which this study should be conducted." F. J. Teggart in Lib. jour. 26:407. Valle'e, Leon. Bibliographie des biblio- graphies. ... 773 p. Q. Paris, t erquem, 1883. 016.01 Supplement. 354 p. Q. Paris, Terquem, 1887. together about $10. 016.01 Not very accurate. Arranged alphabetically under authors, with index of subjects. British museum Library. List of biblio- graphical works in the reading-room. Ed. 2. 103 p. O. Lond. 1889. o. p. 016.01 Contents classified as: Bibliographies of biblio- graphies ; Universal bibliographies ; Bibliographies of countries ; Bibliographies of special subjects ; Indexes to periodicals. Guild, Reuben Aldredge. Librarian's man- ual; a treatise on bibliography. . . . 304 p. il. sq. O. N. Y. Norton, 1858. o. p. 010 Contains a descriptive list of bibliographies, p. 1-114, and sketches of public libraries. Josephson, Aksel Gustav Salomon. Bib- liographies of bibliographies chronologically arranged, with occasional notes and an index. 45 p. O. Chic. 1901. (Bibliographical society of Chicago. Contributions to bibliography, no. 1.) 50 cts. 016.01 Power, John. Handy book about books. 217 p. il. O. Lond. Wilson, 1870. 8s. 6d. 010 SPECIAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES 73 Part 1 gives a brief list of the best bibliographies of profession." The titles of the books are annotated, all countries. giving concise descriptions of their contents. Contains also much interesting information on Contained also in his Profession of bookselling, v. 1. printing, a dictionary of terms, and useful receipts. N> y. (state) Library. Selected subject Sabin, Joseph. Bibliography of biblio- bibliographies. (Library school bulletins, no. 5, graphy ; or, A handy book about books which 1899. p. 221-265.) 5 cts. 016.01 relate to books. . . . 150 p. O. N. Y. Sabin, The list used in the course in advanced bibliography 1877. $1.50. O16.OI in the N. Y. state library school. Classified, with au- thor and subject indexes. An alphabetical list of the most important biblio- ; . . .. graphies of all countries, based upon Power's Handy Other useful works of this kind are : the list book about books. Contains critical notices of some of special bibliographies in the Handbook for of the books mentioned. readers of the Boston public library (1890, Caspar, Charles Nicholas. List of prac- p. 28-262) ; the lists in the Bibliographical tical bibliographies, trade and library cata- contributions of Harvard university library logues, etc. (In his Directory of the American (nos. 20, 24, 29, and 40); one in the American book and stationery trade. 1889. p. 1266-1299.) catalogue of books, 1876, subject volume ; an- Growoll, Adolf. Bookseller's library and other in Sonnenschein's Best books, p. 702-709, how to use it. 72 p. D. N. Y. Publishers' and in his Reader's guide, p. 534-542. The weekly, 1891. o. p. 016.01 John Crerar library is publishing a List of bibli- __ ' " - , . . ographies of special subjects covering those The obiect of this excellent little manual is to make . , . .; M ,. .. . . . , t . -a guide for the young bookseller to the more impor- contained in its collection, which IS full in tant and practical works of reference necessary in his science and the useful arts. SPECIAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES A special bibliography is a list of books and articles on some particular subject or author, and may include all or a selection of books on that author or subject. Books of this kind are of much assistance in guiding the student to the best authorities. Of special importance are those with annotations, among the best examples of which are the bibliographies published by the American Library Association, selected and annotated by specialists. In many libraries special bibliographies are of such frequent use that indexes of them are made including those which appear as parts of books and in library bulletins. It is well to keep the most commonly used bibliographies near the catalog, to accustom readers to their use. The titles of such books as the library owns may be starred or the call numbers written in the margins. Librarians are frequently called upon to prepare special bibliographies (called reading lists, reference lists, etc.) on topics of general interest. These are often printed in their Bulletins or issued separately. The Monthly bulletin of the Providence public library was for long the best- known of these lists. An index to subject bibliographies in library bulletins to December 31, 1897, has been compiled by Mrs. Alice Newman Nachtmann and published in the State library bulletins of bibliography by the University of the State of New York (lOcts.), while the Bulle- tin of bibliography published by the Boston book company contains in each number a quar- terly index to reference lists published by libraries, compiled by the Providence public library. Many authors prepare careful lists of authorities or references on the subjects of their books, which are often most important in looking up the literature of a subject. The Annual literary index contains a list of the special bibliographies of each year. The Library of Congress has within the past four years issued some special bibliographies which deserve mention, since the publication of these has become one of the features of its Biblio- graphical division. Many of these are on subjects of current interest in connection with the government of this country. Of these the following may be noticed : Alaska and the northwest part of North America, 1588-1898 ; maps in the Library of Con- gress. (1898.) List of books relating to Cuba, with bibliography of maps (1898), which contains also a list of books relating to Hawaii. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to the theory of colonization, govern- ment of dependencies, protectorates, and related topics. (1900.) 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY List of books and of articles in periodicals relating to interoceanic canal and railway routes, with a bibliography of U. S. public documents relating to interoceanic communication. (1900.) List of books, with references to periodicals, on Porto Rico. (1901.) List of books, with references to periodicals, on the Danish West Indies. (1901.) List of books, with references to periodicals, on Samoa and Guam. (1901.) List of books relating to trusts. (1902.) Bibliographies of special subjects are in this manual included under their subjects with other reference books, e. g. a bibliography of the fine arts will be found with Cyclopedias of the fine arts, as being there most useful. Only a few of the most important and commonly used biblio- graphies have been mentioned, since on account of their great number it was impracticable to name many of them. For further lists of subject bibliographies consult the New York state library bulletin enti- tled Selected subject bibliographies, 1899(5 cts.), which embraces a number of titles arranged by classes; also the lists included in the bibliographies of bibliography, such as those of Stein, Vallee, Petzholdt, etc. For the use of college students and specialists, a list is here given of the most important annual summaries of the literature of special subjects. A large number of such summaries is issued each year, especially in Germany and France. The following list is a selection of those in most general use in a reference library. Additional titles will be found in Stein's Manuel de bibliographic generate.* Astronomy: Astronomisches jahresbericht. Biology: L'annee biolo- gique ; comptes rendus annuels des travaux de biologie generate (Paris, since 1895). Botany: Just's botanischer jahresbericht (Berlin, since 1873). Chemistry : Jahresbericht uber die fort- schritte der chemie (Giessen, since 1861). Classical 'philology : Jahresbericht liber die fort- schritte der classischen altertumswissenschaft, which contains an annual Bibliotheca philologica classica, also issued separately (Berlin, since 1873). Education : Educational review (N. Y. since 1899), contains an annual bibliography. Pedagogical seminary (Worcester, since 1898), contains a bibliography of child study for the year. Anzeiger fur die neueste padagogische litteratur (Lpz. since 1872). Jahresberichte iiber das hohere schulwesen (Berlin, since 1886). English language and literature: Beiblatt zur Anglia; mittheilungen ilber englische sprache und lit- teratur und liber englischen unterricht (v. 13, 1902). Geography: Geographisches jahrbuch (Gotha, since 1866). Petermann's Mittheilungen contains an important annual Geographischer litteratur-bericht (Gotha). Annales de geographic (Paris, since 1893), contains a Bibliographic geographique annuelle. Geology : Bibliographia geologica, repertoire des travaux concernant les sciences geologiques. Geologisches centralblatt (since 1901). German language : Jahres- bericht iiber die erscheinungen auf clem gebiete der germanischen philologie, herausg. von der Gesellschaft fur deutsche philologie in Berlin (Berlin, since 1879). German literature : Jahresberichte fur neuere deutsche litteraturgeschichte (Stuttg. since 1892). History : Jahres- bericht der geschichtswissenschaft (Berlin, since 1878). Law : see Political science. Mathe- matics : Jahrbuch iiber die fortschritte der mathematik (Berlin, since 1868). Medicine: Biblio- graphia medica (Paris, Institut de bibliographic, since 1900). Music: Hofmeister's Yerzeichniss der erschienenen musikalien auch musikalischen schriften und abbildungen (Lpz. since 1852). Oriental studies : Orientalische bibliographic (published also under the title Oriental bibliography, Lond. Williams) (Berlin, since 1888). Physics : Fortschritte der physik (Braunschweig, since 1845). Political science: Mtihlbrecht's Uebersicht der gesammten staats- und rechtswissen- schaftlichen litteratur (Berlin, since 1869). Psychology: Psychological review publishes an annual Psychological index (K Y. since 1894). L'annee psychologique (Paris, since 1894). Romance languages: Kritischer jahresbericht uber die fortschritte der romanischen philologie (Miinchen, since 1892). Theology: Theologischer jahresbericht (Braunschweig, since 1882). American journal of theology issues as a supplement an annual classified list of theological and Semitic literature. Zoology : Zoological record ; being records of zoological literature (Lond. since 1861). Bibliographia zoologica ; beiblatt zum zoologischem anzeiger (Lpz. since 1895) is published as a volume and also on cards. * Also In Langlois's Manuel de bibliographic historique, 1901, p. 170-201. CHOICE OF BOOKS 75 CHOICE OF BOOKS Many good manuals have been prepared which give hints on methods and courses of reading. These are often suggestive to persons who wish to pursue some definite line of study or reading, without knowing how to do so. Baldwin's Book-lover, Porter's Books and read- ing, Harrison's Choice of books, Richardson's Choice of books, Carlyle On the choice of books, and Emerson's interesting chapter on Books in his Society and solitude, may be mentioned as suggestive aids in this direction. More recent volumes are Koopman's Mastery of books and Spofford's A book for all readers. Other help- ful aids are the syllabi with bibliographies pub- lished by the University extension society, and some of those published by the University ex- tension department of the University of the State of New York. Among the more extensive guides for the choice of books are : Sonnenschein, William Swan. Best books ; a reader's guide to the choice of the best avail- able books. ... Ed. 2. 1009 p. sq. Q. N. Y. Putnam, 1891. $9. on A classified list, with author and title and subject indexes, of 50,000 of the best books, principally in Eng- lish, although some foreign books are entered. It includes books that are in print; a few out-of-print books are given. The price, size, publisher, and dates of first and last editions are given with a brief char- acterization of some of the books, and bibliographical notes. The very best books on each subject are indi- cated by stars. Reader's guide to contemporary litera- ture. 775 p. sq. Q. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1895. $7.50. on The first supplement to Best books. Contains a large selection of the best contemporary literature, classified and arranged in a manner similar to the preceding volume. Sargant, E. B., and Wishaw, Bernhard. Guide book to books. 344 p. Q. Lond. Frowde, 1891. 5s. o. p. on An alphabetical list of some of the best books, ar- ranged under subjects with occasional brief explana- tory and critical notes. The books are mainly confined to those in English. The price, size, and publisher are mentioned. There is an index of authors at the end of the volume. Perkins, Frederick Beecher. Best read- ing ; hints on the selection of books', on the formation of libraries, public and private, on courses of reading, etc., with a classified bib- liography for easy reference. Ed. 4 rev. and enl. 313 p. D. N. Y. Putnam, [> 1877]. 016 Perkins, Frederick Beecher. Best read- ing ; series 2-4 ; a priced and classified bibliogra- phy for easy reference of the more important English and American publications. 3v. D. N. Y. Putnam, 1892-93. $1.50. 016 Edited by Lynds E. Jones. Now somewhat out of date. Leypoldt, Augusta Harriet, and lies, George. List of books for girls and women and their clubs. ... 161 p. Q. Bost. Library bureau, 1895. $1. 016 A classified list of more than 2000 selected titles, with notes prepared by specialists. The annotations are particularly interesting. One of the best of the selected lists. The title of the book is misleading. The list is equally useful for boys and men. American library association. Catalog of "A. L. A. library ; " 5000 volumes for a popu- lar library, selected by the American library association and shown at the World's Colum- bian exposition. (U. S. Bureau of education.) 592 p. O. Wash. Government printing office, 1893. free. 017 Classified and dictionary catalogs. New edition in preparation. Wisconsin free library commission. Sug- gestive list of books for a small library recom- mended by the state library commissions of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, and Idaho. 43 p. O. Madison, Wisconsin free library commission, 1902. free. 028 Its aim is to help book committees in small libraries. A classified list. Distributed by the library commis- sions named. As aids in the selection of new books may be mentioned: Fifty best books for a village library, issued annually by the New York state library, and Selection from the best books of the year, with notes, by the same in its State library bulletins (10 cts.). CHILDREN'S READING Several guides tochildren's books have been compiled, and many libraries have issued cata- logs of their well-selected collections. In order to make these important lists of use to the in- dividual library, it is well to put opposite the titles in Sargent's Reading for the young (or others) the call numbers of books when they are contained in the library. Field, Mrs. E. M. The child and his book; some account of the history and progress of children's literature in England. 356 p. il. pi. D. Lond. Gardner, 1891. 6s. 028.5 A most interesting account of the history and pro- 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY gress of children's literature in England to 1825. Not a bibliography, but helpful in the understanding of children's books. Sargent, John Frederick. Reading for the young; a classified and annotated catalog. 121 p. Q. Bost. Library bureau, 1890. $1. o. p. 028.5 Supplement, p. 125-225, Q. Bost. Li- brary bureau, 1896. $1. 028.5 The most important guide to children's reading. The notes assist in the selection of books. References under subjects are made to articles in the periodicals for young people. The titles are graded according to the age to which they are adapted. The subject index in the supplement includes the original edition as well. Hardy, George E. Five hundred books for the young. Ed. 2. 94 p. D. N. Y. Scribner, 1892. 50cts. 028.5 A graded list, with brief descriptions of the books. Griswold, William Maccrillis. Descrip- tive list of books for the young. 175 p. Q. Camb. [Mass.] Griswold, 1895. $1. pap. 028.5 Classified list, with author and subject indexes. The titles are annotated, with critical and descriptive extracts from leading reviews such as the Nation, Athenseum, etc. Not always a safe guide. Hewins, Caroline Maria. Books for boys and girls. 31 p. Tt. Bost. Library bureau, 1897. (A. L. A. annotated lists.) 10 cts. 028.5 A brief list prepared as a help in buying books, for parents, teachers, and the smaller libraries. Anno- tated. Burt, Mary Elizabeth. Literary landmarks. ... 156 p. il. pi. D. Bost. Houghton, 1893. 75 cts. 028.5 Guide to good reading for young people. Of special interest to teachers. Contains chapters on theories of children's reading, epigrammatic literature, works of the creative imagination, history, biography, etc., with a list of books. Caller, Mary Alice. Literary guide for home" and school. 205 p. pi. D. N. Y. Merrill, 1892. $1.25. 028.5 For girls. Salmon, Edward. Juvenile literature as it is. 243 p. D. Lond. Drane, 1888. 6s. 028.5 An account of children's literature of the time in England. LIBRARY LISTS Buffalo Public library. Class-room li- braries for public schools, listed by grades ; to which is added a list of books suggested for school reference libraries. 133 p. O. Buffalo, Public library, 1902. 31 cts. 028.5 " The chief purpose of this catalogue is to help the teacher to find the book she wants to use in her work or to recommend to her pupils. It has been arranged for grammar school work, with special attention to American history, literature, and geography, nature study, holidays, etc. The catalogue does not pretend to be complete or exhaustive, but gives under each subject heading some available material, including fiction and poetry." Preface. Graded list, with author-title index, and an alpha- betical subject index. Carnegie library of Pittsburgh. Graded and annotated catalogue of books for the use of the city schools. 317 p. O. [Pittsburgh] Carnegie library, 1900. 50 cts. 028.5 An admirable list, particularly useful on account of the annotations. Cleveland (O.) Public library. Refer- ences to books in the library, intended to aid the third grade teachers of the Cleveland pub- lic schools, comp. by M. H. Prentice. 108 p. O. Cleveland, Public library, [*1898]. 028.5 Hartford (Conn.) Public library. Boys' and girls' books. Ed. 2 enl. 103 p. O. Hartford, Case, 1895. 028.5 N. Y. (state) Library. Class list of a $500 library recommended for schools, p. 955-1032, O. Alb. Univ. of the state of N. Y. 1901. (Bulletin ; 65.) 15 cts. 028.5 Goss, Harriet, and Baker, G. A. A com- plete comprehensive index and dictionary cata- logue to the first 27 volumes of St. Nicholas, containing 20,000 references arranged analyti- cally, alphabetically, and classified. 234 p. Q. Cleveland, Cumulative,index co. [ c 1901]. $4. J 051 Of great value in finding references for children. ANONYMS AND PSEUDONYMS AMERICAN AND ENGLISH Cushing, William. Anonyms ; a diction- ary of revealed authorship 829 p. O. Camb. [Mass.] Cushing, 1890. $10. 014 Gives names of authors of anonymous books, English and American, with index of names at end. Initials and pseudonyms; a dictionary of revealed disguises. 2v. O. N. Y. Crowell, [< 1885-88.] $8. 014 English and American, with a few well-known con- tinental names. Each series in two parts ; first, initials followed by real name, second, real name followed by pseudonym or initials, with short biographical notices. Halkett, Samuel, and Laing, John. Dic- tionary of the anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Great Britain, including the works ANONYMS. PERIODICALS. LIBRARIES 77 of foreigners, written in or translated into the English language. 4v. Q. Edin. Patterson, 1882-88. $17.50. 014.2 Strictly alphabetical ; the author's name is printed in small capitals and the authority in italics. There is an index to authors' pseudonyms and an index of authors in vol. 4. A list of authors of anonymous and pseu- donymous books will be found in the monthly numbers of the Library journal. These are also indexed in its annual index. FRENCH Querard, Joseph Marie. Supercheries lit- teraires devoilees. ... Ed. 2. 3v. O. Paris, Daffis, 1869-71. 014.4 Pseudonyms of French writers. Barbier, Antoine Alexandre. Diction- naire des ouvrages anonymes. . . . Ed. 3 enl. by Olivier Barbier, Rene and Paul Billard. 4v. O. Paris, Daffis, 1872-79. 014.4 Supplements the Supercheries devoilees by Querard. Includes French and Latin works, with historical and critical notes. Brunet, Gustave. Supplement au Diction- naire des ouvrages anonymes de Barbier et aux Supercheries litteraires devoilees de Querard. v. p. Q. Paris, Fechoz, 1889. 014.4 Other books of anonymous and pseudony- mous literature are: Dutch: Doorninck's Ver- momde en naamlooze schrijvers (Leiden, 1883- 85. 2v. in 1). English : Marchmont's Concise handbook of ancient and modern literature is- sued either anonymously, under pseudonyms, or initials (Lond. 1896). German: Weller's Index pseudonymorum ; worterbuch der pseu- donymen, oder verzeichniss aller autoren, die sich falscher namen bedienten (Lpz. Ochme, 1862). In the preface is given an account of books on the pseudonymous literature of vari- ous countries. Italian : Melzi's Dizionario di opere anonime e pseudonime di scrittori italiani (Milano, Pirola, 1848-59. 3v.), and a supple- mentary volume (Aucona, 1887). Scandina- vian: Collin's Anonymer og pseudonymer (Kjeb. 1869) and Petersen's Anonymer og pseudonymer ; den norske litteratur, 1678-1890 (Kristiania, 1890). CHANGED TITLES Whitney, James Lyman. A modern Pro- teus ; or, A list of books published under more than one title. 106 p. S. N. Y. Leypoldt, 1884. o. p. 016 The same may also be found in Lib. jour. 8 : 172-193, and in the American library association. Papers and proceedings. 1883. p. 10-31. This is the only publication of the kind, and is still occasionally useful. Later notices of books published under more than one title may be found in the col- umns of the Library journal. PERIODICALS Bibliographer; a [monthly] journal of book-lore. 6v. Q. Lond. Stock, 1882-84. 010.5 Book-lore ; a [monthly] magazine devoted to old-time literature, Dec. 1884-Nov. 1887. 6v. il. Q. Lond. Stock, 1885-87. 010.5 Book-worm [monthly]. 5 v. il. Q. Lond. 1866-71. 010.5 Bookworm [monthly], an illustrated trea- sury of old-time literature. 7v. il. O. Lond. Stock, 1888-94. 010.5 Bibliographica, 1895-97. 3v. il. pi. F. Lond. Paul, 1895-97. 010.5 Philobiblion ; a monthly bibliographical journal. 2v. O. N Y. Philes, 1862-63. 010.5 Bibliographer, 1902. v. 1, O. N. Y. Dodd, 1902. $5. 010.5 The above are useful for finding information about old and rare books, etc. LIBRARIES STATISTICS U. S. Bureau of education. Public, so- ciety, and school libraries, p. 923-1165, O. Wash. Government printing office, 1901. (Re- print of chapter from the report of the Com- missioner of education for 1899-1900.) free. 027 Under each state is given a list of libraries contain- ing over 1000 volumes, with statistics thereof. Richter, P. E. Verzeichniss der bibliothe- lien mit gegen 50,000 und mehr banden. 2 v. in 1, O. Lpz. Hedeler, n. d. 8m. 027 Hedeler, pub. List of private libraries. 2v. O. Lpz. Hedeler, 1897-98. 027 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Lane, William Coolidge, and Bolton, C: K. Notes on special collections in American libraries. 82 p. O. Camb. [Mass.] Library of Harvard univ. 1892. (Harvard university Library. Bibliographical contributions, no. 45.) 027 A list of special collections arranged alphabetically by places, with index of subjects. New York library club. Libraries of Greater 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY New York; manual and historical sketch. 185 p. D. K Y. 1902. H. 027 Contains besides the description of the libraries and their special collections, an alphabetical index to these collections. LIBRARY CATALOGS Printed catalogs of libraries, especially of the large libraries, are among the useful tools of the bibliographer and reference librarian. Those of the British museum and Bibliotheque nationale are important as general bibliogra- phies. Author catalogs British museum Library. Catalogue of printed books. 393 pts. in 95v. F. Lond. Printed by Clowes, 1881-1900. 84 01 8.1 Supplement, v. 1, F. Lond. 1900-01. v. 1 and parts to Bruyne have been published. France Bibliotheque nationale. Cata- logue general des livres imprimes. Auteurs. v. 1-8, O. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1900- 01. 018.1 v. 8 to Bauzon. Astor library. Catalogue or alphabetical index. 4v. O. K Y. 1857-61. 018. 1 Supplement ; with an alphabetical in- dex of sub j ects. 605 p. O. N. Y. 1866. 01 8.1 Catalogue. 4v. O. Camb. [Mass.] 1886- 88. 018.1 Faculty of advocates Library. Cata- logue of the printed books. 7v. Q. Edin. Blackwood, 1857-79. 018. 1 v. 7 is a Supplementary volume. Brief biographical data in volume one. Dictionary catalogs Peabody institute of the city of Baltimore. Catalogue of the library. 5v. Q. Bait. 1883-92. $25. 019. 1 Second catalogue, including the addi- tions made since 1882. v. 1-5, Q. Bait. 1896- 1901. $5 per vol. 01 9.1 Full in the line of analytical and tables of con- tents. Boston Athenaeum .library. Catalogue. 5v. Q. Bost. 1874-82. in sheets $25. 019. 1 Full in analytical. Detroit Public library. General cata- logue. . . . 1888. 2v. Q. Detroit, Gulley, 1889. $2.50. 01 9. 1 First supplement, 1889-93. 898 p. Q. Detroit, Bornman, 1894. $1.50. 019. 1 Detroit Public library. General cata- logue. Second supplement, 1894-98. 860 p. Q. Detroit, Stone, 1899. $1.50. 019. 1 Annual bulletins are also issued. Other dictionary catalogs of smaller libraries are those of the Cleveland and Grand Rapids public libraries. Classed catalogs Milwaukee Public library. Systematic catalogue, with alphabetical author, title, and subject indexes, 1885. 836 p. pi. Q. Milwau- kee, 1885-86. $3.50. 017. 1 Quarterly index of additions, 1886-1902. Q. Milwaukee, 1888-1902. $3.50. 017. 1 Osterhout free library, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Class catalogue and author index. 432 p. O. Wilkesbarre, 1889. $1. 017. 1 First supplement, 1889-95. 457 p. O. Wilkesbarre, 1895. $1. 017. 1 Brooklyn library. Analytical and classed catalogue; authors, titles, and subjects. 1110 p. F. Brooklyn, 1881. $5. 01 9.1 Useful for its analyticals. Another good subject catalog is: British museum Library. Subject index of the modern works added to the library, 1880- 95 ; comp. by G. K. Fortescue. 3v. Q. Lond. 1886-97. 019. 1 V. 1, 1880-85 (o. p.), scarce ; v. 2, 1885-90 (2); v. 3, 1891-95 (2), o. p. Arrangement is alphabetical. Good examples of finding-lists (which are brief catalogs of libraries) are those of the Jersey City public library (alphabetical) ; Newark pub- lic library (classed with author index) ; Salem public library (classed with author index); Scranton public library (classed with author index) ; Buffalo public library (classed with author index). Some library catalogs are excellent special bibliographies. Such are: Catalogue of the Avery architectural library, Columbia univer- sity, the Catalogue of the books relating to architecture of the Boston public library, the Catalogue of the Spanish library of the Boston public library, etc. THE CARD CATALOG Perhaps it may be worth while to emphasize the importance of using a card catalog. The young student in college or in school should be taught at an early period the general prin- ciples of classification and the arrangement and mode of entry adopted in preparing a card LIBRARY BULLETINS AND PERIODICALS 79 catalog for public use. He should understand how to look up a subject by means of the catalog. The freedom of the shelves which is granted in so many libraries does not enable the student to find all the material on a sub- ject. The catalog can aid him by means of its cross-references, double entries, and analytical references. The resources of the library on any subject cannot be thoroughly exhausted until the catalog, as well as the books on the shelves, has been examined. BULLETINS The bulletin, usually issued monthly, is the best way a library has to keep its readers in- formed of additions to its collection, and to supply to them reading-lists and reference lists as well as other interesting matter relating to books and the library. The expense of print- ing the bulletin has kept many libraries from using it for these purposes. By means of ad- vertisements, however, the expense can be greatly reduced, so that a comparatively large number of libraries now publish bulletins. The bulletin is useful to other libraries, espe- cially if the reference list is one of its features. The Monthly bulletin of the Providence public library was particularly noted for its reference lists so admirably carried out by Mr. W. E. Foster. Other bulletins are : Bulletin of the Salem public library (monthly), which publishes ex- cellent reading-lists on subjects of general interest; those of the Boston public library, the New York public library, the Carnegie library of Pittsburgh, etc. LIBRARY PERIODICALS The two American library periodicals are the Library journal (v. 1, 1876), published monthly, $5 per year, and Public libraries (v. 1, 1896), ten numbers each year, $1 per year. The Library journal is the official organ of the American library association, the full set of volumes since 1876 forming the most valuable source of information relating to libraries. The index volume (v. 1-22) increases its usefulness. Public libraries is devoted especially to the interests of small libraries, and is representative of library interests in the West. The English journals are: the Library, the Library world, the Library association record, and the Library assistant. Foreign journals are the Centralblatt furbib- liothekswesen in Germany, the Rivista delle bibliotheche in Italy. SUGGESTIVE LIST OF 100 REFERENCE BOOKS The selection of the most important reference books for a small library is often difficult to make, depending as it must upon the amount of money available, which often is too limited to buy even the essential works of reference. While the selection depends also upon the character of the library, there are still many books which are necessary to every library. No library, how- ever small and whatever its character, can be complete without a dictionary, an encyclopedia, an atlas, and a biographical dictionary. To assist in selecting for a small public library, a suggestive list of the first one hundred reference books is offered. It must be remembered, as stated before, that these books can often be bought for less than the published price, at auction or second-hand. Many important works of reference are published by the government and can be obtained free, e. g. the Statistical abstract, Census reports, Review of the world's commerce, etc. The titles are t given to a certain extent in the order of usefulness of the books. It is comparatively simple to mention the first ten reference books, but after that the choice becomes more and more difficult, influenced as the librarian must be by the desire to cover as many subjects as possible. The personal esti- mate of a reference book based upon experience and habit will always influence in its selection. Therefore the following list is not claimed to be the best possible, but it may be helpful to some who find difficulty in selecting reference books. Other lists are mentioned in the list of Books and articles upon reference books at the beginning of this volume. American reference books have been preferred to foreign in some cases where the foreign books are better, but it is thought that in American libraries an American book is on the whole more useful where only one book on a subject can be bought. In such cases as the gazetteer and the atlas, the information in foreign works is not sufficiently full in American names. 1. Dictionary (the Standard or Webster's International) $15.00 2. Universal cyclopedia (or Johnson's the new edition is not needed in a small library if the library has the last edition of Johnson's) 63.00 The best of the completed encyclopedias for a small library. The New international encyclopae- dia is the most recent, and should be preferred if a library can wait for its completion. 3. Century atlas (Smith) 12.50 4. Lippincott's biographical dictionary (Thomas). The one- volume edition can be ob- tained at a lower price than the latest two-volume edition and answers all pur- poses for a small library 15.00 5. Lippincott's gazetteer 8.00 6. World almanac 40 7. Poole's Index (Abridged edition) 12.00 8. Cumulative index 5.00 9. Hoy t's Cyclopedia of practical quotations 6.00 10. Warner's Library of the world's best literature .90.00 11. Century cyclopedia of names (Smith) . 10.00 12. Bliss's Encyclopedia of social reform 7.50 13. Peck's Harper's dictionary of classical antiquities . 6.00 14. Chambers's Book of days 7.00 15. Who 's who in America (Leonard) . . . . 2.75 W 16. Riemann's Dictionary of music 6.00 SUGGESTIVE LIST OF 100 REFERENCE BOOKS 81 17. International year book (or Appleton's Annual) 4.00 18. Bible (Riverside parallel or any other edition) 5. CO 19. Allibone's Critical dictionary of English literature . 17.50 W20. Sargent's Harper's cyclopaedia of British and American poetry 4.50 21. Brookings & Ringwalt's Briefs for debate 1.25 22. Harper's Book of facts (Willsey) 8.00 23. Edgren's French and English dictionary 2.50 24. Fliigel's English-German & German-English dictionary 16.50 25. Larned's History for ready reference 30.00 26. Statesman's year-book 3.00 27. Who's who 1.75 28. M'Clintock & Strong's Cyclopaedia of biblical, theological & ecclesiastical literature 60.00 29. " A. L. A." index to general literature (Fletcher) 10.00 ^ 30. Cooley's Cyclopaedia of practical receipts 9.00 31. Little's Cyclopedia of classified dates 10.00 32. Strong's Exhaustive concordance of the Bible 6.00 W 33. Champlin's Young folks' cyclopaedia of common things 2.50 W84. Champlin's Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons and places 2.50 W 35. Champlin's Young folks' cyclopaedia of literature and art 2.50 36. Champlin's Young folks' cyclopaedia of games and sports 2.50 W 37. Goss and Baker's St. Nicholas index 4.00 \V38. Labberton's Historical atlas 1.25 39. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American biography (Wilson & Fiske) . . . .36.00 40. Larned's Literature of American history 6.00 41. Champlin & Perkins's Cyclopedia of painters and painting 20.00 42. Leypoldt & Iles's List of books for girls and women 1.00 43. American library association's "A. L. A." catalog free 44. Gaskell's Compendium of forms (or Hill's Business manual) 4.00 45. Bartlett's Familiar quotations . . . . 3.00 46. Lewis & Short's Harper's Latin dictionary 6.50 47. Liddell & Scott's Greek-English lexicon 10.00 48. Grove's Dictionary of music and musicians 20.00 49. Fletcher & Bowker's Annual literary index 3.50 W 50. Parsons's Laws of business 3.75 51. Walsh's Curiosities of popular customs 3.50 52. Bartlett's Dictionary of Americanisms 4.00 53. Tribune almanac . . . . ' . .25 54. Brewer's Historic note-book . . . . - 3.50 55. Stedman & Hutchinson's Library of American literature .'33.00 56. Burke's Peerage 12.00 57. Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography . . . . . . . 18.00 58. Bartlett's Concordance to Shakespeare 7.50 59. Lossing's Harper's popular cyclopaedia of U. S. history (or Harper's Encyclopaedia of U. S. history if the library can afford it, $31) 10.00 60. Sturgis's Dictionary of architecture and building . 18.00 61. Lalor's Cyclopaedia of political science, etc. 15.00 62. Commercial year-book 1.00 63. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of applied mechanics and Supplement 22.50 64. Congressional directory (U. S. Congress) 30 65. Century dictionary (Whitney) 60.00 ^ 66. Peet's Who 's the author ? 50 67. Bailey's Cyclopedia of American horticulture 20.00 82 SUGGESTIVE LIST OF 100 REFERENCE BOOKS 68. Velazquez's Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages 6.00 69. Millhouse's Italian dictionary 5. 50 70. Hastings's Dictionary of the Bible (or Cheyne's) . . . . . . 20.00 w 71. Smith's Synonyms discriminated 2.00 72. Julian's Dictionary of hymnology 10.00 73. Newton's Dictionary of birds . 5.00 W 74. Dixon's Mechanical arts simplified 2.50 75. Sturgis & -Krehbiel's Annotated bibliography of fine arts . . . . ... 1.00 76. Phyfe's Five thousand facts and fancies . . . 5.00 77. Wood's Quotations for occasions . 1.50 W 78. Mchol's Tables of history : Ancient and European . .3.75 79. Walsh's Handy-book of literary curiosities 3.50 80. Thorpe's Dictionary of applied chemistry 50.00 W 81 1 Houston's Dictionary of electrical words . . . , 7.00 82. Chambers's cyclopaedia of English literature 15.00 83. Rothwell's Mineral industry 5.00 84. Rowell's American newspaper directory (or Ayer's) 5.00 85. U. S. Census bureau's Compendium (and full reports) free 86. U. S. Interior department's Official register (Blue book) free 87. U. S. Documents office's " Document catalogue " free 88. U. S. Documents office's Check -list free 89. Adams's Manual of historical literature 2.50 W90. Townsend's U. S 2.00 91. San Francisco free public library's Classified English prose fiction .... 1.50 92. United States catalog of books 12.50 93. Publishers' weekly . . . . 3.00 94. Publishers' trade list annual . . . 1.50 95. Reference catalogue of current literature 5.00 96. English catalogue annual 1.50' 97. Sonnenschein's Best books 9.00 VV98. Sonnenschein's Reader's guide ... . . .7.50 99. Detroit public library's Catalogue and Supplements . 5.50 100. Encyclopaedia Britannica 145.00 INDEX INDEX The index has been made as full as practicable in order that the reference books may be more readily used by persons who have had little experience in looking up information in them. It includes, besides topics referred to in the text, many subjects of general interest to be found in the books of reference mentioned in this manual, such as state seals, state flowers, coats of arms, consuls, election returns, etc. While it is obviously impossible to make a complete analytical index to the contents of reference books, there are still a number of subjects which it is convenient to locate quickly, and which are difficult to find without a thorough knowledge of these books. A. L. A. index. See Fletcher, W : I: 56. Abbott, E. L. Bibliography in a small library, 6. Abbott, Edwin. Concordance to Pope, 38. Abbreviations. Fellows, 14: Funk (Standard), apx. 14; Reddall, 35; Webster, apx. 14 ; Worcester, apx. See also People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 11. L'academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Bel- gique. Biographie nationale, 43. Academies. See Societies, 59-60. Acrostics. Bombaugh, 35 ; Walsh, 35. Adams, C : K. Manual of historical literature, 50; ed., see .Universal cyclopaedia, 10. Adams, E. L. Instruction in the use of reference books, 6. Adams, O. F. Brief handbook of English authors, 44; Dictionary of American authors, 44. Adams, W : D. Dictionary of Eng- lish literature, 34. Adams, W : H. D. Concordance to the plays of Shakespeare, 38. Adeline, Jules. Art dictionary, 31. Advocates, Faculty of. See Faculty of advocates. Agriculture. U. S. Dept. of agri- culture, 63; U. S. Census ofhce, 24. Aids and guides, 6. Air-ships. Appleton's annual, 10; Iconographic encyclopaedia, 11 ; International year-book, v. 5, 10, Alabama bibliography. Cole, 64; Owen, 64. Alaska bibliography. Library of Congress, 73. Aldine press. Renouard, 67. Aleksandrov, A. Complete Russian- English and English-Russian dic- tionary, 16. Alembert, J. Le R. d'. Discours pr^liminaire de 1'encyclopedie, 11. See also Encyclopedie, L', 11. Allgemeine bibliographic, 71. Allgemeine deutsche biographie, 43. Allgemeine encyclopiidie der wis- senschaften und kiinste. See Ersch and Gruber, 12. Allibone, S : A. Critical dictionary of English literature, 33, 43, 70; Great authors of all ages, 36; Poetical quotations, 36 ; Prose quotations, 36. Allusions. Bombaugh, 35; Brewer, 35; Edwards, 35; Killikellv, 35; Phyfe, 35; Reddall, 35; Smith, 35; Southwick, 35 ; Timbs, 35 ; Walsh, 35; Wheeler, 35. Allusions. See also Funk (Stand- ard), apx. 14; Notes and queries, 34; Webster, apx. 14; Worcester, apx. 14. historical. Brewer, 50. Almanach de Gotha, 23, 47. Almanacs. American ephemeris, 27; Tribune almanac, 23; Whita- ker's almanac, 23; World alma- nac, 23. Almanacs, church, 20. Ambassadors. See Diplomatic ser- vice. America heraldica. Vermont, E. de V. 46. American and English encyclopae- dia of law, 22. American annual of photography, 32. American architect and building news. Index, 54. American art annual. Levy, F. N. 31 . American bibliography. American catalogue, 68; Annual American catalogue, 68; Annual American catalogue cumulated, 68; Cumu- lated index, 68; Growoll, 67; Kelly, 68 ; Monthly cumulative book- index, 68; Publishers' trade list annual, 69; Publishers' weekly, 68; Roorback, 68; Sabin, 67; Triibner, 67; U.. S. Copy- rights office, 69. American biography. Brown, 42 ; Herringshaw, 42 ; National, 42 ; Wilson (Appleton's), 42. See also Harper's, 52; Jame- son, 52 ; Lossing, 52 ; also Contem- poraries American. American book-prices current, 69. American catalogue of books, 63, 64, 68, 73. American church almanac, 20. American college and public school directory, 25. American cyclopaedia, 10. American dictionary of printing and book-making, 30. American dramatists' club. The American dramatists' club list, 40. American economic association. General contents and index, 60. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 27. American genealogist. Munsell, Joel, pub. 45. American iron and steel associa- tion. Directory to the iron and steel works of the U. S. 30. American journal of theology. Classified list of theological and Semitic literature, 74. American library association. An- notated lists, 73 : Cornu and Beer, 40; Hewins, 76; Larned, 52; Ley- poldt and lies, 75; Sturgis, 31 ; Catalog of " A. L. A. library," 75; Portrait index, 47. American library association Committee on foreign documents. Partial list of French government serials, 64. Publishing board. Card index to technical periodicals, 55. American literature. Anthologies: Duyckinck, 34 ; Stedman and Hutchinson, 34 ; Criticism of : Allibone, 33 ; Moulton, 33 ; Chro- nology of : Whitcomb, 34. See also Chambers, 34 ; Peet, 35. bibliography of. Hodgkins, 34 ; Welsh, 34. American poetry. Sargent, 36 ; Stedman, 36. American revolution. See U. S. history. American society of mechanical engineers. Contents and general index, 60. Americana. Sabin, 67. Americanisms. Bartlett, 15 ; Fel- lows, 14; Reddall, 35; see also People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 11. Americans. See American biogra- pby. Ames, A. S. Instruction in the use of reference books, 6. Ames, J : G. Comprehensive index of the publications of the U. S. government, 62 ; Special report relating to public documents, 61. See also U. S. Documents office, 62. Anagrams. Walsh, 35. Ancient biography. Smith, 43. See also Classical antiquities. Ancient geography. Smith, 49. Ancient history. Nichol,50; Ploetz, 50. See also Classical antiquities. Ancient literature. Nichol, 50. See also Classical antiquities. Andriie, K. T. Andrews allgemeiner hand-atlas, 49. Andrews, C. W. Bibliography of union lists, 54. Anecdotes. Arvine, 37. Anglia, Beiblatt zur, 74. Anglicised words. Fennell, 15. Anglo-Saxon dictionary. Bosworth, 15-16; Sweet, 16. Annales de geographic Bibliogra- phic geographique annuelle, 74. L'ann^e biologique, 74. L'annee psychologique, 74. Anniversaries. World almanac, 23. Annuaire de la noblesse de France, 47. INDEX Annuaire de la noblesse de Russie, 47. Annuaire de la presse francaise, 56. Annual American catalogue, 68. Annual American catalogue cumu- lated, 68. Annual cyclopaedia. See Appleton's annual cyclopaedia, 10. Annual literary index. Fletcher, W : I : and Bowker, R : R. 53, 56. Annual register, 51. Annuals. See Year-books. Annuario della nobilta italiana, 47. Anonyms. Book-prices current. Index, 70 ; Foley, 69. American. Cushing, 76. Dutch. Doorninck, 77. English. Halkett and Laing, 76-77; Marchmont, 77. French. Barbier, 77, Brunet, 77. German. Weller, 77. Italian. Melzi, 77. Scandinavian. Collin, 77 ; Pet- tersen, 77. See also Notes and queries (index vols.), 34. Anthologies. Garnett, 33; Haw- thorne, 33; Mitchell and Lang, 33; Spofford and Gibbon, 33; Warner, 33. See also American literature ; English literature. poetical. Bates, 36; Bryant, 36; Coates,36; Dana, 36; Longfellow, 36 ; Sargent, 36 ; Stedman, 36 ; Ward, 36 ; Wilson, 36. Anthony's photographic bulletin. See International annual. Anthropology. Iconographic ency- clopaedia, v. 1, 11. Antiquities. Brand, 26; Chambers, 26; Hone, 26; Walsh, 26. See also Archeology, Classical antiquities, Egyptian archeology. Antonyms. Fellows, 14, 15 ; Fer- nald, 14. See also Funk (Standard), 14. Anzeiger fiir die neueste padago- giscne litteratur, 74. Appleton's American cyclopaedia. See American cyclopaedia, 10. Appleton's annual cyclopaedia, 10, 23. Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography. Wilson, J. G., and Fiske, J : 42. Appleton's cyclopedia of applied mechanics, 29. Apthorp, W : F. See Champlin, J : D., jr. 32. Arabic dictionary. Steingass, 17. Arbor day. Appleton's annual, new ser. 12 : 765, 10 ; Willsey, 11. Archeology. Adeline, 31; Icono- graphic encyclopaedia, v. 2, 11 ; Mollett, 31. bibliography. Columbia uni- versity Library, 32. See also Classical antiquities, Egyptian archeology. Architects. Clement, 44. See also Architectural publica- tion society, 31 ; Sturgis, 31. Architectural publication society. Dictionary of architecture, 31. Architecture bibliography. Bos- ton Public library, 32 ; Columbia university Library, 32 ; Farrar, 31 ; Gwilt, 31 ; Sturgis, 31. See also Sturgis, v. 4, apx. 31. chronology. Perry, 32. dictionaries. Architectural publication society, 31 ; Icono- graphic encyclopaedia, v. 4, 11 ; Gwilt, 31; Longfellow, 31 ; Stur- gis, 31 ; Viollet-le-Duc, 31. Architecture glossaries. Garn- sey, 31; Gwilt, p. 1201-1393, 31; Parker, 32. Areas of countries. Lippincott, 48 ; World almanac, 23. Arkansas, bibliography of. Cole, 64. Armies. World almanac, 23. Armorial bearings. See Coats of arms. Arms and armor. Mollett, 31. Army officers. Cullum, 44; Powell, 44 ; Powell and Shippen, 44 ; TJ. S. Adjutant-general, 45; U. S. Interior dept. Official register, 22, 45. Army U. S. Townsend, 52. Arnold, T : Catholic dictionary, 19. Arskatalog for svenska bokhan- deln, 72. Art exhibitions. Levy, 31. Art for the year. Annual register, 51. Art galleries. Baedeker, 50; Carter, 31 ; Clement, 31 ; Murray, 50. list of. People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 11. ; Art sales. Carter, 31 ; Levy, 31. Art schools. Carter, 31; Levy, 31. Artists. Clement, 44; Clement and Hutton, 44. directory of. American : Levy, 31; English: Carter, 31. See also Painters, Engravers. Arts. See Fine arts, Useful arts. Arvine, Kazlitt. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes, 37. Association of engineering socie- ties. Descriptive index of cur- rent engineering literature, 55. Associations, 25. Associazione tipografico-libraria italiana, 72. Astor library. Catalogue, 78. Astronomical maps. Century atlas, 48 ; Stieler, 49 ; Times, 49. Astronomical phenomena. Ameri- can ephemens, 27. See also Tribune almanac, 23; Whitaker almanac, 23; World al- manac, 23. Astronomisches jahresbericht, 74. Astronomy bibliography of. As- tronomisches jahresbericht, 74. Athletics. College year-book, 26. records for the vear. Tribune almanac, 23 ; World almanac, 23. Atlantic monthly. Index, 54. Atlases American. Bradley, 49; Cram, 49 ; Funk, 14 ; Rand Mc- Nally & co. 48-19 ; Scribner- Black, 49; Smith's Century, 48. English. Bartholomew, 49 ; Johnston, 49 ; Times, 49. list of. Mill, 49. German. Andre,49; Stieler, 49. See also Historical atlases. Auction prices of books. American book-prices current, 69; Book- prices current, 70 ; Book sales, 70 ; Dauze, 71. Australasian words. Morris, 15. Australia, Year-book of, 23. Austrian bibliography. See German bibliography. Austrian biography. Wurzbach, 43. Authors. Gidel and Loliee, 33 ; Gubernatis, 43 ; Literary year- book, 33 ; Vapereau, 33 ; Warner, 33,43. American. Adams, 44 ; Alli- bone, 33, 43; Duyckinck, 34; Sted- man and Hutchinson, v. 11, 34. bibliographies of. Hodg- kins, 34; Welsh, 34. English. Adams, 44; Adams, 34; Allibone, 43; Chambers, 34; Sharp, 44. Authors English bibliographies of. Hodgkins, 34 ; Welsh, 34. German. Bornmuller, 43 ; Deutscher litteratur-kalender, 44. Authorship. Peet, 35; Wheeler's Who wrote it, 35. See also Adams, 34. Also Anonyms, Bibliographies, Library catalogs. of plays. See Dramas. of poems. See Poems author- ship of. Avery architectural library. See Columbia university Library, 32. Ayer & son, N. W. American newspaper annual, 56. Bache, Franklin. See Wood, G : B., and Bache, Franklin, 28. Bacon, Roger. Opus ma jus, 9. Badges and decorations. See Deco- rations of honor. Baedeker, K. Guide-books, 50. Bailey, L. H. Cyclopedia of Ameri- can horticulture, 28. Bailey, Nathan. Universal etymolo- gical English dictionary, 13. Baird, W: R. American college fraternities, 26. Baker, C. A. Reference books for a small library, 6. Baker, G. A. See Goss, Harriet, and Baker, G. A. 76. Baker, Theodore. Biographical dic- tionary of musicians, 44. Baldwin, J. M. Dictionary of phi- losophy and psychology, 18. Baldwin, James. Book-lover, 75. Ballads. Duyckinck (index), 34; Notes and queries (index vols.), 34. Bankers. Banker's register, 45 ; Sharp & Alleman co.'s lawyers' and bankers' directory, 45. Banker's register, 45. Banking. Beeton, 24; Commercial year-book, 24 ; Manual of statis- tics, 24. Baptist church. Cathcart, 19. Barbier, A. A. Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes, 77. Bardsley, C: W. Dictionary of English and Welsh surnames, 47. Baronetage. Burke's Peerage, 46 ; Dod, 46; Kelly, 46; Whitaker, 46. Barrere, Albert, and Leland, C: G. Dictionary of slang, jargon, and Barrett, W. A. See Stainer, Sir J : and Barrett, W. A. 32. Bartholomew, J: G: International student's atlas, 49; Library refer- ence atlas, 49. Bartlett, J: Familiar quotations, 36 ; New and complete concord- ance to the dramatic works of Shakespeare, 38. Bartlett, J : R. Dictionary of Amer- canisms, 15. Bates, C. F. Cambridge book of poetry and song, 36. Bates, K. L., and Godfrey, L. B. English drama, 40. Battlefields. Smith's Century atlas, 48. Battles. Brewer, 50 ; Harper's book of facts, apx. 11 ; People's cyclo- pedia, v. 4, apx. 11. U. S. Powell, 44 ; Harper's en- cyclopaedia, 51. Bayle, Pierre. Dictionnaire histo- rique et critique, 9. Baynes, T: S. Shakespeare studies, and Essay on English dictionaries, INDEX 87 Beer, W : See Cornu, Mme. Sophie, and Beer, W : 40. Beeton, S : O. Dictionary of indus- tries and commerce, 24. Belgian bibliography. Revue bib- liographique beige, 72. Belgian biography. L'academie royale des sciences, etc. 43. Belton, J: D. Literary manual of foreign quotations, 37. Benjamin, Park. Modern mechan- ism, 29. Bent, S : A. Familiar short sayings of great men, 37. Bequests. See Gifts and bequests. Berdoe, E: Browning cyclopaedia, 38. Bergen, W. von. Rare coin encyclo- paedia, 25. Best books. Sonnenschein, 75. See also Choice of books, 75. Bible. Riverside parallel edition, 19. atlas. Smith, 49. commentaries. Briggs, 19; Lange, 19. concordances. Cruden, 19; Strong, 19; Young, 19. dictionaries. Cheyne and Black, 19; Hastings, 19; Smith and Fuller, 19. Bibliografia italiana, 72. Bibliographer, 77. Bibliographer's manual of English literature. Lowndes, W : T : U9. Bibliographia geologica, 74. Bibliographia medica, 29, 74. Bibliographia zoologica, 74. Bibliographica, 77. Bibliographie de la France, 71. Bibliography, 65-79. Bibliography definition, 65. early. Campbell, 67; Hain, 6G; Maittaire, 67 ; Panzer, 67; Pelle- chat, 67 ; Proctor, 67 ; Santander, 67. See also Incunabula. general. Brunet, 66 ; Ebert, C6; Georgi, 66 ; Grasse, 66; Quaritch, 66 ; Watt, 66. of bibliography. American catalogue, 1876, apx. 68; British museum, 72; Caspar, 73; Growoll, 67, 73 ; Guild, 72 ; Josephson, 72 ; Langlois, 72; Pctzholdt, 72; Power, 72; Sabin, 73; Stein, 72 ; Vallee, 72. periodicals. Bibliographer, 77; Bibliographica, 77; Book-lore, 77; Book- worm, 77; Bookworm, 77; Philobiblion, 77. See also National, Special bib- liography; also American, Eng- lish, French, German, etc., also Catalogs of libraries. Bibliotheca Americana. Roorbach, O. A. 68 ; Sabin, Joseph, 67. Bibliotheca Britannica. Watt, Rob- ert, 66, 69. Bibliotheca philologica. See Jah- resbericht liber die fortschritte der classischen altertumswissen- schaft, 74. Bibliotheque nationale. See France Bibliotheque nationale, 78. Bigmore, E: C. Bibliography of printing, 30. Billings, J: S., and others. Na- tional medical dictionary, 28. Bio-bibliographv. Chevalier, 48; Oettinger, 48; 'Phillips, 41. Biographie universelle. See Mi- chaud. J. F. and L. G. 41. Biography dictionaries. Chal- mers, 41 ; Chambers, 41 ; Champ- lin, 11; Heilprin, 50; Hoefer, 41; Michaud, 41; Morris; 42; Oettin- ger, 41 ; Phillips, 41 ; Sanders, 41; Smith (Century), 35, 41. Biography. See also Webster, apx. 14 ; Worcester, apx. 14 ; People's cyclopedia, apx. 11 ; also Encyclo- pedias and Dictionaries of special subjects. See also American, Ancient, Canadian, Christian, English, French, German, Italian, etc.; also C ontemporaries . Biological terms. - Gould's Illus- trated dictionary, 28. Biology. L'annee biologique, 74. Birds. Newton, 27. Birthdays of noted persons. Cham- bers, 26 ; Little's Classified dates, 50. Birth-stones. See Gems. Bisbee, M. D. Place of bibliography in the equipment of a cultivated man, 65. Biscoe, W. S. See N. Y. (state) Li- brary, 67. Bizonfy, F. English - Hungarian dictionary, 17. Bjbrkman, C. G. Svensk-Engelsk ord bok, 16. Black. See Scribner-Black, 49. Black, J. S. See Cheyne, T. K., and Black, J. S. 19. Blackie, C. Geographical etymo- logy, 48. Blackstone, Sir W : Commentaries on the laws of England, 22. Blades, W: Life. and typography of Caxton, 67. Blakely, Bertha. Library helps indexes, 53. Bliss, E. M. Encyclopaedia of mis- sions, 20. Bliss, W: D. P. Encyclopedia of social reform, 20. Blue book, 45. Blue book (U. S.), 22. Blue book of American shipping, 25. Blunt, J : H : Dictionary of sects, 19. Boase, Frederick. Modern English biography, 43. Bbrsenblatt fiir den deutschen buchhandel, 71. Bohemian dictionary. Mourek, 16. Bohn, H: G. Hand-book of pro- verbs, 37 ; Polyglot of foreign proverbs, 37. Boletin de la librerfa, 72. Borland, Simpson. Encyclopedia of founding, 30. Bollettino delle publicazioni ita- liane, 72. Bolton, C: K Library examina- tions in schools, 6. See also Lane, W : C. and Bol- ton, C:K. 77. Bolton, H: C. Catalogue of scien- tific and technical periodicals, 55; Helps for cataloguers of serials, 53; Select bibliography of chem- istry, 27. Bombaugh, C : C. Gleanings for the curious, 35. Book clubs. Growoll, 59. Book collectors. Clegg, 33. Book making. American diction- ary, 30. Book of days. Chambers, Robert, 26. Book reviews index to. Cumula- tive index, 54. Book sales, 70. See also Auction prices of books. Bookbinding. American diction- ary of printing and book-making, 30. Bookkeeping. Gaskell, 24. Book-lore, 77. Book-prices current, 70. Books synopses of noted. Warner, v. 30, 33. Bookseller, 70. Booksellers. Clegg, 33 ; Literary year-book, 33. Bookseller's library. See Growoll, 73. Book- worm, 77. Bornmuller, Franz. Biographisches schriftsteller-lexicon der gegen- wart, 43. Boston Public library. Catalogue, 63 ; Catalogue of the books relat- ing to architecture, 32, 78; Cata- logue of the Spanish library, 78 ; Chronological index to historical fiction, 39 ; Finding-list of genealo- gies, 45 ; Handbook for readers List of bibliographies in, 73 ; List of periodical indexes in, 54 ; Monthly bulletin, 79. Boston Athenaeum library. Cata- logue, 57, 63, 78. Boston book company. Bulletin of bibliography, 73. Bostwick, A. E. Reference work in small circulating libraries, 6. See also Champlin, J: D., jr., and Bostwick, A. E. 32. Bosworth, Joseph. Anglo-Saxon dictionary, 15, 16. Botanical terms. Crozier, 27 ; Jack- son, 27. Botany. Smith, 28. bibliography. Just, 74. See also Horticulture. Bouvier, J : Bouvier's law diction- ary, 22. Bowen, H. C. Descriptive cata- logue of historical novels and tales, 39. Bowker, R : R. Bibliographical en- deavors in America, 65 ; Publica- tions of societies, 59 ; State publi- cations, 64; United States govern- ment publications, 61. and lies, G : Reader's guide in: economic, social, and political science, 20, 21. See also American catalogue, 68 ; Fletcher, W : I : and Bowker, R: R. 53. Bradley's Atlas of the world, 49. Bradshaw, J: Concordance to Mil- ton, 38. Brand, J: Observations on the popular antiquities of Great Brit- ain, 26. Brande and Cox. Dictionary of science, literature, and art, 11. Brannt, W: T., and Wahl, W: H. Techno-che mical receipt book, 29. Brewer, D. J. World's best ora- tions, 33. Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of mira- cles, 20; Dictionary of phrase and fable, 35 ; Historic note-book, 50 ;; Reader's handbook, 35. Briefs for debate. Brookings, W: Du B. 57. Briggs, C: A. International criti- cal commentary, 19. Brightwell, D. B. Concordance to Tennvson, 38. Brinkman's Catalogus der boeken, plaat- en kaartwerken ; Alphabe- tische lijst van boeken, 72. Briticisms. Fellows, 14. British empire. See Great Britain. British essayists. Index to, 57. British museum Library. Cata- logue of books printed in Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland, and books printed in English to 1640, 69; Catalogue of printed books, 88 INDEX 78 ; Catalogue of printed books : academies, 59 ; Catalogue of frinted books: periodical pub- ications, 54 ; List of bibliographi- cal works, 72 ; List of the books of reference in the reading-room, 6 ; Subject index of the modern works, 78. See also Proctor, Rob- ert, 67. Brockhaus, F. A. Brockhaus's con- versations-lexicon, 12. Brodrick, M., and Morton, A. A. Concise dictionary of Egyptian archaeology, 51. Brookings, W. Du B., and Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs for debate, 57. Brooklyn library. Analytical and classed catalogue, 57, 78 ; Refer- ence work in, 7. Brooks, R. C. Bibliography of mu- nicipal problems, 21. Brown, Everit, and Strauss, Albert. Dictionary of American politics, 21. Brown, J. D. Biographical diction- ary of musicians, 44. Brown, J : H. Cyclopedia of Ameri- can biography, 42. Browne, W : H. Famous women of history, 45. Browning, Robert, dictionaries of. Berdoe, 38; Cooke, 38; Molineux, 38. Brunet, Gustave. Supplement au Dictionnaire des ouvrages ano- nymes de Barbier, 77. Brunet, J. C : Manuel du libraire, 66, 70. Bryan, Michael. Dictionary of painters and engravers, 44. Bryant, W: C. Family library of poetry and song, 36. Buffalo Public library. Author- title catalogue of English prose fiction, 40 ; Class-room libraries, 76 ; Finding-list, 78. Building dictionaries. Sturgis, 31. glossaries of terms. Garnsey, 31,32; Parker, 32. See also Iconographic encyclo- paedia, v. 5, 11. Buildings. Baedeker, 50; Long- fellow, 31 ; Smith (Century), 35. See also Allusions. Buisson, Ferdinand. Dictionnaire de pedagogie et d' instruction primaire, 25. Bulletins. Boston Public library, 79; Carnegie library of Pitts- burgh, 79 ; New York Public library, 79 ; Salem Public li- brary, 79. Bure, G. F. de. Bibliographie in- structive, 65. Burke, Sir Bernard. Genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage, 46; Gene- alogical history of the extinct peerages, 46; General armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, 46; Landed gentry, 46. Burnet, P. B. See Edgren, H., and Burnet, P. B. 16. Burns, Robert, concordance to. Reid, 38. Burt, M. E. Literary landmarks, 76. Business atlas. Rand, McNally & co. 49. Business directory, 45. Business forms. Gaskell, 24 ; Hill, 24 ; Parsons, 22. Business law. Colange, 24 ; Par- sons, 22. Byrne, Oliver, and Spon, Ernest. Spon's dictionary of engineering, Cabinets presidential. Murlin, 22; Townsend, 52. See also Commercial year- book, 24 ; Harper's encyclopaedia, v. 2, 51; Lanman, 22; Statistician and economist, 23; Tribune al- manac, 23; Wilson and Fiske (Ap- pleton's), v. 7,42 ; World almanac, 23. Cable lines. Smith's Century atlas, 48. Calendar. Chambers, 26. for ascertaining the day of the week. Little, apx. (for any day of Christian era), -50; Townsend (1492-2000), 52; World almanac (for 200 years), 23. for current year. Almanach de Gotha, 23; Tribune almanac, 23; Whitaker, 23 ; World almanac, 23. French republic. Whitaker, 1902, p. 65, 23. Greek and Russian. Almanach de Gotha, pref. 23; World alma- nac, 23. Jews and Mohammedans. Al- manach de Gotha, pref. 23; Trib- une almanac, 23 ; World almanac, 23. Roman and Greek. Whitaker, 23. Calendars. Funk (Standard), p. 267, 14. California university Library. Contents-index, 57. Calisch, I. M. Dictionary of the English and Dutch languages, 16. Callahan, E : W. List of officers of the navy of the U. S. 45. Caller, M. A. Literary guide for home and school, 76. Callier, O. See Kierst, W., and Cal- lier, O. 16. Cambridge university Library. Early English printed books, 69. Campaigns (U. S. army). Powell's List, 44. Campbell, F. A. G. Annales de la typographic neerlandaise, 67. Campbell, Frank. Theory of na- tional and international biblio- graphy, 65. Canada. Canadian year-book, 23 ; Hopkins, 52. Canadian year-book, 23. Canadians. Morgan, 42 ; Rose, 42. Cant. Barrere and Leland, 15. Card catalog its value and im- portance, 78, 79. Card indexes, 55. Carlyle, T : Choice of books, 75. Carnegie library of Pittsburgh. Bulletin, 79; Card index to poems, 36 ; Graded and annotated catalogue of books for the use of the city schools, 76. Carpets. Cole, 30. Carter, A. C. R. The year's art, 31. Cartography. See Maps. Caspar, C. N. Directory of the American book and stationery trade, 67, 73. Cassell & co. Domestic dictionary, 29. Cassell's cyclopaedia of mechanics. Hasluck, P. N. 29. Catacombs. Smith and Cheetham, 19. Catalog. See Card catalog. Catalogers' reference books lists of. Cutter, 6; Hull, 7; New York (state) Library, 7. for serials. Bolton, 53. Catalogo collettivo della libreria italiana, 72. Catalogo generale della libreria ita- liana, 72. Catalogs of libraries. Astor li- brary, 78; Boston Athenaeum, 78 British museum Library, 78 Cleveland Public library, 78 Detroit Public library, 78 Faculty of advocates Library! 78 ; France Bibliotheque na- tionale, 78; Grand Rapids Pub- lic library, 78 ; Peabody institute, 78. lists of. Caspar, 73 ; Stein, 72. Catalogue annuel de la librairie fran9aise, 70, 71. Catalogue des dissertations et ecrits academiques, 57. Catalogue des theses et ecrits academiques, 57. Cathcart, W: Baptist encyclopae- dia, 19. Catholic church. Arnold, 19. Caxton press. Blades, 67. Celebrities. Wale, 36. Celebrities of the century. San- ders, L. C : 41. Census. U. S. Census office, 24. bibliography. Lunt, 63. tables, 1900. International year book, 1900, apx. 10, 11; U. S. Census office, 24. Centralblatt fur bibliothekswesen, 79. Century atlas. Smith, B : E. 48. Century cyclopedia of names. Smith, B : E. 35. Century dictionary. Whitney, W: D. 14. Ceremonies. Brand, 26. Chalmers, Alexander. General biographical dictionary, 41. Chambers, Ephraim. Cyclopedia, 9. Chambers, Robert. Book of days, 26. Chambers's biographical diction- ary, 41. Chambers's concise gazetteer of the world, 48. Chambers's cyclopaedia of English literature, 34. Chambers's encyclopaedia, 10. Champlin, J : D., jr. Young folks' cyclopaedia of common things, 11; Young folks' cyclopaedia of literature and art, 33; Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons and places, 11. and Apthorp, W : F. Cyclo- pedia of music and musicians, 32, 41. and Bostwick, A. E. Young folks' cyclopaedia of games and sports. 32. and Perkins, C: C. Cyclopedia of painters and painting, 32, 41. Changed titles. Library journal, 77; Whitney, 77. Channing, E : and Hart, A. B. Guide to the study of American history, 52; indexes to public documents in, 61. Characterizations, Personal. Sted- man and Hutchinson, v. 11, index, 34; Warner, v. 30, index, 33. Characters in fiction. Wheeler, 35; Funk (Standard), apx. 14; Web- ster, apx. 14; Worcester, apx. 14. See also Adams, 34; Brewer, 35 ; New international encvclopaedia, 10; Smith (Century), 35; Pierce, 38; Rogers, 39. Chauvin, Victor. What a biblio- graphy should be, 65. Cheetham, S: See Smith, Sir W: and Cheetham, S : 18. Chemical elements tables of. Funk, p. 585, 14. Chemical synonyms. Hopkins, apx. INDEX 89 Chemicals. Bolland, 30. Chemistry. Thorpe, 27 ; Watts, 27. bibliography. Bolton, 27. (annual) Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemie, 74. periodical indexes. Journal of the Society of chemical in- dustry, 55. Chester, A. H. Dictionary of the names of minerals, 30. Chevalier, C. U. J., abbe". Reper- toire des sources historiques du moyen age, 48. Cheyne, T. K., and Black, J. S. En- cyclopaedia biblica, 19. Chicago, Bibliographical society of. Year-book, 65. Chicago Daily News. Almanac, 23. Child study, bibliography? Peda- gogical seminary, 74. Children's encyclopedias. See Cbamplin, J : D., jr. Children's reading. Buffalo rub- he library, 76 ; Burt, 76 ; Caller, 76; Carnegie library, 76 ; Cleveland Public library, 76 ; Field, 75; Goss and Baker, 76 ; Griswold, 76 ; Hardy, 76; Hartford, 76; Hewins, 76; >ew York (state) Library, 76; Salmon, 76; Sargent, 76. Chisholm, G: G. "The Times'" gazetteer, 48. Choice of books. American li- brary association, 75 ; Baldwin, 75; Carlyle, 75; Emerson, 75; Harri- son, 75; Koopman, 75; Leypoldt and lies, 75; New York (state) Library, 75; Perkins, 75; Porter, 75; Richardson, 75; Sargant and "Wishaw, 75; Sonnenschein, 75; Spofford, 75 ; Wisconsin, 75. Christian antiquities. Smith and Cheetham, 18. Christian art and symbolism. Smith and Cheetham, 18. Christian biography. Smith and Wace, 19. See also Schaff, 19. Christian doctrine. Smith and Wace, 19. Christian names. Webster, apx. 14 ; Worcester, apx. 14 ; Funk (Standard), apx. 14. list of, with their equivalents in foreign languages. Thomas (Lippincott's), apx.. 41. See also Notes and queries (in- dex vols.), 34. Christian symbols. Clement, 31. Christianity. See Religion. Christmas. Chambers, 26; Walsh, 26. Christmas games. Champlin and Bostwick, 32. Christy, Robert. Proverbs, maxims, and phrases of all ages, 37. Chronology. See Dates, History. Church days. World almanac, 23; see also Church almanacs. Church history. See Religion. Church of England. Clergy list, 20 ; Official year-book, 20 ; see also Whitaker's almanac, 23. Churches. See Religious denomina- tions. Cincinnati Public library. Cata- logue of the dramas and dramatic poems contained in, 40. Cities chief events in history of. Willsey, 11. areas of. World almanac, 23. largest of the world. World almanac, 23. See also Industries, Maps, Nick- names, Plans, Population. City documents, 64. City government bibliography. Brooks, 21 ; Gross, 21. Civil engineering. Byrne and Spon, 29. Civil service directory, 45. Civil service year-book, 23. Civil war bibliography. Kelly, 68. Clarke, Mrs. M. V. (Novello) Cow- den-. Complete concordance to Shakespeare, 38. Classical antiquities. Cornish, 51; Peck, 51; Seyftert, 51 ; Smith, 51. Classical geography. Peck, 51; Smith, 49. Classical literature. Peck, 51. See also Smith, 43. bibliography. Engelmann,40 ; Mayor, 40. Classical philology bibliography. Jahresbericht iiber die fort- schritte der classischen alter- tumswissenschaft, 74. Clegg, James. International di- rectory of second-hand booksell- ers, 33. Clement, Mrs. C. E. Handbook of Christian symbols, 31 ; Handbook of legendary and mythological art, 31 ; Painters, sculptors, archi- tects, engravers, and their works, 44. and Hutton, L. Artists of the 19th century, 44. Clergy list, 20. Clerical directories. Clergy list, 20 ; Lloyd's clerical directory, 20. Cleveland Public library. Cata- logue, 57, 78 ; References to books in the library, 76. Clubs London. Who 's who, pref . 43. See also Book clubs, Printing clubs, Societies. Coates, H: T. Fireside encyclo- paedia of poetrv, 36. Coats of arms family American. Yermont, 46. English. Burke's General armory, 46 ; Burke's Landed gen- try, 46 ; Burke's Peerage, 46. foreign. Rietstap, 47. national. U. S. Bureau of equipment, 47. See also Funk (Standard) (colored plate), 14 ; Johnson's uni- versal, 10 ; Worcester (colored plate), 14. of cities of England. Encyclo- paedia Britannica (under name of city), 9, 10. of U. S. and states. Harper's encyclopaedia, 51 ; Preble, 47 : Webster, 14; Worcester (colored plate), 14. Coins rare. Bergen, 25 ; Dye, 25. U. S. Townsend, 52. value of foreign, in U. S. money. See Moneys value of. Cokayne, G. E. Complete peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom, 46. Colange, A. L. de. American dic- tionary of commerce, 24. Cole, G: S. Encyclopedia of dry goods, 30. Cole, G: W. American biblio- graphy, general and local, 65. Cole's Bibliography of the statute law of the southern states, pt. 1, Alabama, pt. 2, Arkansas, 64. College cheers. College year-book, 26. See also Townsend, p. 455, 52 ; World almanac, 1900, 23. College colors. College year-book, College colors. See also World al- manac, 1902, 23. College degrees list of. Funk, p. 482-483, 14. English. Who 's who, pref. 43. College fraternities. Baird, 26 ; College year-book, 26. See also Stevens, 25. College instruction in bibliography. Course in bibliology at Dart- mouth college, 65; Davis, 65; Dewey, 65; Koopman, 65; Little, 65; Professional instruction in, 65. College year-book, 26. Colleges. American college and public school directory, 25; Col- lege year-book, 26 ; Minerva, 25. See also World almanac, 23. Collier, J: P. Bibliographical ac- count of the rarest works in the English language, 69. Collin, E. Anonymer og pseudo- nymer, 77. Colloquialisms. See Americanisms, Phrases, Slang. Colonial office list, 23, 45. Colonial societies. See Societies colonial. Colonies bibliography. Library of Congress, 73. Colors national. Brewer, 35. state. Preble, 47. symbolism of. Brewer, 35. Columbia university Library. Books on education, 26 ; Cata- logue of the Avery architectural library, 32, 78; Reference work in, 7. Comelati, G. See Davenport, J: and Comelati, G. 16. Commerce. Beeton, 24; Colange, 24; Commercial year-book, 24 ; M'Culloch, 24; U. S. Bureau of foreign commerce, 24; U.S. Bureau of statistics, 24; U. S. Consuls, 63. See also Tribune almanac, 23. Commercial law. See Business law. Commercial products. Lock, 30. Commercial year-book, 24. Communism. See Socialism, 21. Compounds of words. Funk, 14. Conant, T. J., and Conant, Blan- dina. See American cyclopaedia, 10. Concordances. Bible, 19. Burns, Cowper, Dante, Homer, Milton, Pope, Shakspere, Shelley, Tennyson, 38. poetical . Durf ee , 36. Confederate constitution. See Con- stitutions U. S. Confessions. Schaff, 20. Congress dates of, from 1 st. Sta- tistician and economist, 23. Congress, Members of. See Gov- ernment officials U. S. Congressional directory. Poore,21; U. S. Congress, 22. Congressional documents. See U. S. public documents, 61-63. Conrad, J., and others, ed. See Handworterbuch der staatswis- senschaften, 21. Constellations tables of. Funk, p. 403, 14. Constitutional year-book, 23. Constitutions England. Low and Pulling, 51. U. S. Townsend, 52. See also Harper's. 51 ; Trib- une almanac, 23; Brown and Strauss, 21. various nations. Earned, v. 1, 50 ; Larned, v. 6, 50. Constructive arts. Iconographic encyclopaedia, v. 5, 11. 90 INDEX Consular reports. See U.S. Con- suls, 63. Consuls. Almanach de Gotha, 23; Commercial year-book, 24; Trib- une almanac, 23 ; U. S. Con- gress, 24 ; World almanac, 23. Contemporaries American. Leon- ard, 42. Canadian. Morgan, 42. English. Who 's who, 43. French. Vapereau, 42. general. Plarr, 42 ; Pratt, 42 ; Vapereau, 42. Contractions. See Abbreviations. Contracts. Parsons, 22. Conventions. See Political parties. Cooke, G-: W. Guide-book to Browning, 38. Cooley, A. J. Cyclopaedia of prac- tical receipts, 29. Copyright books. U. S. Copy- rights office, 69. Copyright law. Parsons, 22 ; Trib- une almanac, 23 ; World alma- nac, 23. Cornell university library. Dante catalogue, 48. Cornish, F. W. Concise dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities, 51. Cornu, Mme. Sophie, and Beer, W : List of French fiction, 40. Corporations. Manual of statis- tics, 24. Correspondence. Gaskell, 24; Hill, 24. Costume. Planch^, 26 ; Racinet, 26. terms. Mollett, 31. colored plates. See also Brock- haus, 12 ; Larousse's Le nouveau Larousse, 11 ; Meyer, 12. illustrations. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9, 10 ; Icoriographic, v. 2, 11. Cotgreave, Alfred. Contents-sub- ject index, 57. ' Countries chronological outline of history of. Willsey (Harper's), County histories. See Genealogy. Course in bibliology at Dartmouth college, 65. Courses of reading. See Reading courses. Cowper, William concordance. Neve, 38. Cox. See Brande and Cox, 11. Crabb, G: English synonymes, 14. Cram's atlas of the world, 49. Crandall, F. A. See U. S. Docu- ments office, 62. Creeds. Schaff, 20. Crests American. Vermont, 46. English. Fairbairn, 47. Criticisms. Allibone, 33 ; Moulton, 33 ; Warner, 33. Crops. Commercial year-book, 24. Crozier, A. A. Dictionary of botani- cal terms, 27. Cruden, Alexander. Complete con- cordance to the Holy Scriptures, 19. Cuba bibliography. Library of Congress, 73. Cullum, G : W. Biographical regis- ter, 44. Culture. Gooch, 51; Iconographic encyclopaedia, v. 2, 11. Cumberland's British theatre, 40. Cumulative index to the books of 1898-99, 1900, 1901, 68. Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals, 53, 54. Cuntz, T. H. See Suplee^H: H., and Cuntz, T. H. 55. Currency. See Monetary systems, Moneys. Cushing, W : Anonyms, 76 ; Ini- tials and pseudonyms, 76. Customs. Brand, 26; Chambers, 26; Hone, 26 ; Walsh, 26. See also Iconographic encyclo- paedia, v. 2, 11 ; Brewer, 50. See also Allusions. Cutter, C: A.^ Some works of refer- ence as aids in cataloguing, 6. Cyclopaedia of temperance and pro- hibition, 18. Cyclopedia of law and procedure, 22. Dalbiac, P. H. See Harbottle, T: B., and Dalbiac, P. H. 37. Dana, C: A. Household book of poetry, 36. ed. See American cyclopaedia, 10. Dana, J : C. Reference work, 6. Danish bibliography. Dansk bog- fortegnelse, 72. Danish dictionary. Larsen, 16. Danish West Indies bibliography. Library of Congress, 74. Danmarks adels aarbog, 47. Dansk bogf ortegnelse, 72. Dante Ahghieri bibliography of. Cornell university library, 48. concordance. Fay, 38. dictionary. Toynbee, 38. Darling, James. Cyclopaedia biblio- graphica, 20. Dartmouth college, bibliography at, 65. Darton, N. H. Catalogue and index of contributions to North Ameri- can geology, 27. Dates. Haydn, 50 ; Little, 50. See also Heilprin, 50. ecclesiastical. Brewer, 20. of events of each year. Fletcher and Bowker, 53. of first things in U. S. history. Townsend, p. 446-449, 52. Dauze, Pierre. Repertoire des ventes publiques cataloguees, 71. Davenport, J: and Comelati, G. New dictionary of the Italian and English languages, 16. Davies, C : and Peck, W : G. Mathe- matical dictionary, 27. Davis, R. C. Teaching biblio- graphy in colleges, 65. Day of week how to find. See Calendar. Days. Chambers, 26 ; Hone, 26 ; Reddall, 35. sacred. Smith and Cheetham, 19. Deaths. See Mortality statistics ; Obituaries. Debates. Brookings and Ringwalt, 57; Matson, 57. Debts of nations. See National debts. Declaration of independence. Har- per's encyclopaedia, v. 3, 51; Sted- man and Hutchinson, v. 3, 34 ; Townsend, 52. Decoration day. See Memorial day. Decorations of honor (plates). Fnnk, p. 476, 14. Decorative arts bibliography. Columbia university Library, 32; Sturgis, 31. Degrees. See College degrees. Deity names of, in various tongues. Statistician and econo- mist, 1899-1900, 23. Deltour, F. See Mourier, Athenais, and Deltour, F. 57. Depository libraries, 62. Detroit Public library. General catalogue, 78. Deutscher litteratur-kalender, 44. Dewey, Melvil. Bibliography in colleges, 65. Dialects English. Wright's Dic- tionary of obsolete English, 15; Wright's English dialect diction- ary, 15. Dialogs. Werner, 36. Diccionario enciclopedico hispano- americano, 12. Dickens, Charles dictionary of. Pierce, 38. Dictionaries. See English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portu- guese, Dutch, Swedish, Danish- Norwegian, Russian, Polish, Bo- hemian, Hungarian, Greek, Mod- ern Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, He- brew, Arabic. bibliography of. Trubner, 13. of subjects. See Names of sub- jects. Diderot, Denis. See Encyclopedic, L\ 11. Dietrich, F. Bibliographic der deutschen zeitschriften littera- tur, 54. Dinners quotations for. Wood, 37. Diplomatic service. Almanach de Gotha, 23; Tribune almanac- 23; World almanac, 23; Statistician and economist, 23. to 1876 (U. S.). Lanman, 22. Directories, 45. Discoverer's routes. Smith's Cen- tury atlas, 48. Diseases. Quain, 28; Stille\ 28; Wood, 28. Dispensatories. Stille\ 28 ; Wood, 28. Disputed spellings. See Spellings. Dissertations France. Mourier and Deltour, 57. Germany. Fock, 58 ; Jahres- verzeichniss der an den deutschen schulanstalten, etc.. 58; Jahres- verzeichniss der an den deutschen universitaten, etc., 57 ; Kluss- mann, 58 ; Verzeichnis der ber- liner universitatsschriften, 58. Sweden and Finland. Joseph- son, 58. Switzerland. Jahresverzeieh- nis der schweizerischen universi- tatsschriften, 58. Divines. Schaff, 18. Dixon, D. B. Mechanical arts sim- plified, 29. Dixson, Mrs. Zella Allen. Compre- hensive subject index to uni- versal prose fiction, 39. Dod, R. P. Peerage, baronetage, and knightage, 46. Dodsley, Robert. Old plays, 40. Domestic science. Cassell, 29; Goodholme, 29. bibliography. Shaw, 29. Doorninck, J. I. van. Yermomde en naamlooze schrijvers. 77. Dowson, J : Classical dictionary of Hindu mythology, 20. Doyle, J. E. Official baronage of England, 46. Dramas authorship of. Ameri- can dramatists' club, 40; Bates and Godfrey, 40; Cincinnati Public library, 40; Milwaukee Public library, 40 ; Peabody insti- tute library, 40. See also Brewer, 35. Dress. See Costume. Garments. Drugs. National convention for revising the Pharmacopoeia, 28; Stille, 28; Wood, 28. Dry goods. Cole, 30. Duane, Alexander. Dictionary of medicine and the allied sciences, INDEX 91 Dunbar, H: Complete concordance to Homer, 38. Dunglison, Robley. Dictionary of medical science, 28. Durfee, C: A. Concise poetical concordance, 36. Durrie, D. S. See Munsell, Joel, pub. 46. Dutch bibliography. Brinkman, 72. Dutch dictionary. Calisch, 16. Duyckinck, E. A., and G : L. Cyclo- paedia of American literature, 34. Dye, J : S. Dye's coin encyclopaedia, 25. Dyeing. Cole, 30; Hopkins, 29. Easter. Walsh, 26. dates of, for 20th century. Whitaker, 23 ; World almanac, 23. Ebert, F. A. General bibliographi- cal dictionary, 66. Ecclesiastical history. See Reli- gion. Economics. Bliss, 20; Handworter- buch, 21; Lalor, 21; Palgrave, 21. bibliography. Bowker and lies, 20, 21. periodical indexes. Jones, V. 2, 22, 54. references* for debates in. Brookings and Kingwalt, 57 ; Mat- son, 57. society publications. Ameri- can economic association, 60. Edgren, H., and Burnet, P. B. French and English dictionary, 16. Editions. See First editions. Editors of newspapers and periodi- cals. Ayer, 56 ; Rowell, 56. Education. U. S. Bureau of edu- cation, 63. bibliography. American edu- cational catalogue, 26 ; Colum- bia university Library, 26 ; Fletcher, apx. 25 ; Hall, 26 ; Mon- roe, 26 ; Publishers' weekly (July no.), 26, 69. bibliography (annual). Anzei- fjer fllr die neueste piidagogische itteratur, 74 ; Educational re- view, 74 ; Jahresberichte iiber das hohere schulwesen, 74; Peda- gogical seminary, 74. dictionaries. Buisson, 25 ; Fletcher, 25; Kiddle and Schem, 25; Schmid,25. society publications. National educational association, 60. statistics. U. S. Bureau of education, 25. year-books. American college and public school directory, 25 ; Minerva, 25. See also Colleges, Schools, Uni- versities. Educational review. Bibliography of education, 74. Edwards, Eliezer. Words, facts, and phrases, 35. Edwards, Tryon. Dictionary of thoughts, 37. Eger, Gustav. Technological dic- tionary, 27. Egyptian archeology. Brodrick and Morton, 51. Election returns. McKee, 21. See also Statistician and econ- omist, 23; Tribune almanac, 23; World almanac, 23. Electrical world. Index to articles, 55. Electrical world and engineer. Di- gest of current electrical litera- ture, 55. Electricity. Foster, 29, 30. bibliography. ' ;, 31. Houston, 27 ; Electricity korn and Heise dictionaries. Sloane, 27. periodical indexes. Electrical world, 55; Electrical world and engineer, 55. Ellis, Elizabeth. Instruction of school children in the use of re- ference books, 6. Ellis, F. S. Lexical concordance to Shelley, 38. Elocutionists. Werner, 36. Elzevir press. Willem, 67. Embassies and legations. See Diplo- matic service. Emerson, R. W. Books, 75. Encyclopaedia Americana, 10. Encyclopaedia Britannica and Sup- plement, 9, 10, 12, 40. Encyclopaedia metropolitana, 10. Encyclopedias, 9-12. how to use, 12. American. American, 10 ; Ap- pleton's annual, 10 ; Brande and Cox, 11 ; Champlin, 11 ; Icono- fraphic, 11 ; International, 10 ; nternational year book, 10, 11 ; People's, 11 ; Universal, 10 ; Will- sey, 10 ; Zell, 11. Chinese, 12. English. Chambers, E. 9 ; Chambers's, 10 ; Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9 ; Encyclopaedia metropolitana, 10 ; English, 10 ; Harris, 9 ; Hazell, 23 ; Penny, 10 ; Quilter, 10 ; Rees, 10. French. Encyclopedic, L', 11 ; La grande encyclopedie, 11; La- rousse, 11; NouVeau Larousse, 11. German. Brockhaus, 12 ; Ersch and G ruber, 12 ; Meyer, 12. Italian. Nuova enciclopedia italiana, 12. Norwegian. Nordisk familje- bok, 12. Spanish. Diccionario enciclo- pedico hispano-americano, 12. Encyclopedie, L\ 11. Engelmann, Wilhelm. Biblio- theca scriptorum classicorum, 40. Engineering bibliography. Ha- ferkorn arid Heise, 31. dictionaries. Appleton, 29; Byrne and Spon, 29; Knight, 29. handbooks. Haswell,29; Kent, 29 ; Trautwine, 29. periodical indexes. Associa- tion of engineering societies, 55; Engineering magazine, 55; Engi- neering news, 55 ; Galloupe, 55 ; Suplee and Cuntz, 55. year-book. Kempe, 29. See also Iconographic encyclo- paedia, v. 5, 11. Engineering magazine. Index to engineering periodicals, 55. Engineering news. Index, 55. England. See Great Britain. English bibliography. British museum Library, 69 ; Cam- bridge university Library, 69; Collier, 69; English catalogue, 69, 70 ; London catalogue, 69 ; Lowndes, 69; Publishers^ circular, 70 ; Reference catalogue, 70 ; Watt, 66,69. English biographv. Boase, 43 ; Stephen, 43 ; Ward, 43. See also Contemporaries English. English catalogue of books, 59, 69. English catalogue of books, annual, 70. English cyclopedia, 10. English dialect dictionary. Wright, Joseph, 15. Hafer- English dictionaries. Funk (Stand- ard), 14 ; Hunter, 13 ; Murray, 13 ; Ogilvie, 13 ; Stormonth, 13 ; Web- ster, 14 ; Whitney (Century), 14 ; Worcester, 14. list of. Worcester, introd. 14. English language bibliography. Beiblatt zur Anglia, 74. English literature bibliography. Hodgkins, 34 ; Welsh, 34. (annual). Beiblatt zur Anglia, 74. chronological outline. Ryland, 34. dictionaries. Adams, 34 ; Alli- bone, 33, 43; Chambers, 34; Moul- ton, 33, 34. English peerage. See Peerage. English poetry. Sargent, 36; Sted- man, 36 ; Ward, 36. Englishwoman's year book, 23. Engravers. Bryan, 44; Clement, 44. Engravings copyrighted. U. S. Copyrights office, 69. Enigmas. Walsh, 35. Ephemerides. American ephe- meris, 27. Epigrams. Bombaugh, 35 ; Notes and queries (index vols.), 34 ; Walsh, 35. Epistolary addresses English. Kelly, pref . 46. Epistolary art. See Letter writing. Epitaphs. Bombaugh, 35 ; Hill, 24 ; Notes and queries (index vols.), 34; Walsh, 35. Epithets. See Nicknames, Sobri- quets. Ersch and Gruber. Allgemeine en- cyklopadie der wissenschaften und kunste, 12. Essays indexes to. British essay- ists, 57; California university Library, 57 ; Cotgreave, 57; Fletcher, 56; Fletcher and Bow- ker, 53 ; Griswold, 57. See also Brookings and Ringwalt, 57; Matson, 57. Ethics. Baldwin, 18. Ethnography. Iconographic en- cyclopaedia, v. 1, 11. Ethnology. Iconographic encyclo- paedia, v. 1, 11. Etymology. Murray, 13, 14; Skeat, 14. Events. Brewer, 50 ; Haydn, 50 ; Little, 50; Willsey, 11. See also Brewer (index), 33 ; Larned, v. 5, 6, 50. of the year. Annual register, 51. See also Fletcher and Bow- ker, 53 ; also Almanacs, Year- books. Exploration routes. Smith's Cen- tury atlas, 48. Explorations (U. S.). Hasse, 63. Exports. See Commerce. Expositions of the year. Apple- ton's annual, 10. Express companies. Rand, Mc- Nally & co. 49. Expressions. See Allusions, Phrases, Slang. Fabrics. Cole, 30. Faculty of advocates Library. Catalogue, 78. Fairbairn, J. Book of crests, 47. Family histories. See Genealogies. Family names of English noblemen. Burke's Peerage, 46. Farms statistics of, in U. S. U. S. Census office, Reports, 24. Farrar, C : S: Art topics, 31. Farrow, E : S. Farrow's military encyclopedia, 30. 92 INDEX Fasts and feasts. Wkitaker's Al- manack, 23. Fathers of the church. Brewer, 20. Faulty diction. Funk (Standard), apx. 14. Faxon, F: W. Periodicals in re- ference work, 6, 53. Fay, E: A. Concordance of the Divina Commedia, 38. Fellows, S: Synonyms and anto- nyms, 14. Fennell, C:A:M. Stanford dic- tionary of anglicised words and phrases, 15. Ferguson, J: Some aspects of bibliography, 65. Fernald, J. C. English synonyms and antonyms, 14. Ferrell, L: C. Public documents of the U. S., 61. Festivals. Chambers, 26. Fetis, F. J. Biographie universelle des musiciens, 44. Fichtenkam, A. G. Cataloguing of government publications, 61. Fiction. Boston Public library, 39 ; Bowen, 39 ; Buffalo Public library, 40; Cornu and Beer, 40; Dixson, 39 ; Griswold, 39 ; Ley- poldt and lies, 40; Los Angeles Public library, 39 ; Midland rail- way institute, 39; St. Louis mer- cantile library, 39 ; St. Louis Public library, 39 ; San Francisco Free public library, 39; Sar- gent, 39. Fictitious names. See Characters in fiction. Field, Mrs. E. M. The child and his book, 75. Finance. Colange, 24. See also Year-books and Alma- nacs. Finding-lists. Buffalo Public li- brary, 79 ; Jersey City Public library, 79 ; Newark Public li- brary, 79; Salem Public library, 79 ; Scranton Public library, 79. Fine arts annuals. Carter, 31 ; Levy, 31. bibliography. Farrar, 31 ; Ha- ferkorn and Heise, v. 6, 31 : South Kensington museum, 31 ; Sturgis, 31. chronological table of. Nichol, 50. dictionaries. Adeline, 31 ; Champlin, 33 ; Mollett, 31. See also Architecture, Decora- tive arts, Engraving, Music, Painting, Sculpture. Finney, B. A. High school instruc- tion in use of reference books, 6. First editions American. Foley, 69 ; Leon, 69 ; Stone, 69. English. Slater, 70. Fiske, J: See Wilson, J. G., and Fiske, J: 42. Fitch, Henry. Perfect calendar, 50. Flags. Hulme, 47 ; Preble, 47 ; U. S. Bureau of equipment, 47. colored plates. See also Ameri- can cyclopaedia, 10; Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9, 10 ; Farrow, 30 ; Funk, 14; Hamersly, 30; Interna- tional cyclopedia, 10; Johnson's universal, 10 ; Webster, 14 ; Worcester, 14. U. S. Townsend, 52. Fleming, W: Vocabulary of phi- losophy, 18. Fletcher, A. E. Sonnenschein's cy- clopaedia of education, 25. Fletcher, W : I : " A. L. A." index, 56 ; Reference work, 6. and Bowker, R : R. Annual literary index, 53, 56, 73. Fletcher, W: I: and Poole, Mary. Poole's index. Abridged ed. 53. See also Poole, W : F : and Fletcher, W: I: 53. Flowers. Bailey, 28. language of. Brewer, 35 ; Funk, 14 ; Hill, 24 ; People's cvclopedia, v. 4, apx. 11 ; Recldall, 35. national. Brewer, 35, 50. state. Harper's encyclopaedia, 51 ; Tribune almanac, 1900, 23 ; World almanac, 1902, 23. Fliigel, Felix. Universal English- German and German-English dic- tionary, 16. Fock, Gustav. Bibliographischer monatsbericht, 58. Foley, J: P. Jeffersonian cyclope- dia, 39. Foley, P. K. American authors, 69. Folk-lore. Notes and queries (in- dex vols.), 34. Folk-sayings. Brewer, 35 ; Ed- wards, 35 ; Wheeler, 35. Foods chemistry of. Thorpe, 27. Foreign documents. Michigan State library, 63. See also French documents, 64. Foreign moneys. See Moneys. Foreign office list and consular handbook, 23, 45. Foreign phrases and words pro- nunciation of. Phyfe, 15. translation of. Fellows, 15 ; Funk, apx. 14 ; Jones, 37 ; Recl- dall, 35; Webster, apx. 14; Worces- ter, apx. 14. Forenames. See Christian names. Formulae. See Receipts. Fortschritte der physik, 74. Forty immortals of the French Academy. World almanac, 23. Foster, F. P. Illustrated encyclo- paedic medical dictionary, 28. Foster, H. A. Electrical engineer's pocket-book, 29, 30. Foster, W : E. Assistance to read- ers, 6; How to use the public li- brary, 6 j The information desk, 6 ; The information desk at the Providence public library, 6. Founding. Bolland, 30. France Bibliotheque nationale. Catalogue general, 78. Mimstere de 1' instruction pub- lique. Bibliographie des travaux scientifiques, 60 ; Bibliographie generate des travaux historiques, 60. Franklin institute. Index to its Journal, 55. Fraternities. Stevens, 25. See also College fraternities. Freeman, E : A. Historical geogra- phy of Europe, 49. Freemasonry. Mackey, 25. French, S : Acting edition of plays, 40. French architecture. Viollet-le- Duc, 31. French bibliography. Bibliogra- phie de la France, 71; Brunet, 70; Catalogue annuel, 70, 71 ; Dauze, 71 ; Le Soudier, 71 ; Lorenz, 70 ; Querard, 70 ; Repertoire biblio- graphique, 71. French biography. Hoefer, 41 ; La- rousse, 11 ; Mictiaud, 41 ; Vapereau, 42. French dictionaries. French-Eng- lish: Edgren and Burnet, 16; Hamilton and Legros, 16; Spiers and Surenne, 16. French-French : Littr, 16. French-German: Villatte and Sachs, 16. French documents. American li- brary association, 64. French fiction. Cornu and Beer, 40. French periodicals indexes to. Jordell, 54. Frey, A. R. Sobriquets and nick- names, 35. Friday, in U. S. history. Townsend, p. 450, 52. Fruit. Bailey, 28. Fuller, J. M. See Smith, Sir W: and Fuller, J. M. 19. Funk, I. K. Standard dictionary, 14; Students' edition of a 'Stan- dard dictionary,' 14. Fur. Cole, 30. Furness, Mrs. H. K. (Rogers). Con- cordance to Shakespeare's Poems, Galloupe, F. E. Index to engineer- ing periodicals, 55. Games. Champlin, 32, 33; Gomme, 33. Gannett, H : Building of a nation, 24. See also U. S. Census office, 24. Gardening. Bailey, 28; Mottet, 28 ; Nicholson, 28. Gardiner, S : R., andmullinger, J. B. Introduction to the study of Eng- lish history, 51. Garland, D. S., ed. See American and English encyclopaedia of law, 22. Garlanda, Joannes de, 13. Garments. Cole, 30. Garnett, R: and others. Universal anthology, 33. Garnsey, G : O. American glossary of architectural terms, 31. Garrett's 100 choice selections. In- dexed, 36. Gaskell, G. A. Compendium of forms, 24. Gazetteers. See Geographic diction- aries. Gems language of. Funk, apx. 14; Hill, 24; People's cyclopedia, apx. 11. Genealogy American. Boston Public library, 45 ; Glenn, 46 ; Munsell, 45, 46; Stiles, 46; Ver- mont, 46. English. Marshall, 46. See also Baronetage, Landed gentry, Peerage. foreign annuals. Almanach de Gotha, 23 ; Annuaire de la no- blesse de France, 47; Annuaire de la noblesse de Russie, 47 ; Annua- rio della nobilta italiana, 47 ; Dan- marks adels aarbog, 47 ; Gotha- isches genealogisches taschen- buch der freiherrlichen hauser, 47 ; Gothaisches genealogisches taschenbuch der granichen hau- ser, 47; La noblesse beige, 47; Svensk adelskalender, 47. See also Almanach de Gotha, 23; Notes and queries (index vols.), 34. General literature indexes. Cali- fornia university Library, 57 ; Cotgreave, 57; Fletcher and Bow- ker, 56; Griswold, 57. See also Boston Athen- aeum, 57; Brooklyn library, 57 ; Cleveland Public library, 57; Peabody institute library, 57. Gentry. See Landed gentry. Geographic dictionaries. Cham- bers, 48 ; Champlin, 11 ; Chisholm, 48; Lippincott, 48. See also Webster, apx. 14 ; Worcester, apx. 14. INDEX Geographic names. Blackie, 48; Smith, 35 ; Thomas (Lippincott's), 48 ; U. S. official postal guide, 25. pronunciation. Mackey, 47. spelling. U. S. Board on geographic names, 48. translation of place-names. Smith, 48. U. S. derivation, etc. Town- send, 52. Geographic nicknames. See Nick- names geographic. Geographisches jahrbuch, 74. Geography bibliography. Mill, 48. (annual). Geographisches jahrbuch, 74 ; Petermann's Mit- theilungen, 74 ; Annales de geo- graphic, 74. See also Greek, Roman. Geologisches centralblatt, 74. Geology. Iconographic encyclopae- dia, v. 7, 11. bibliography. Darton,27; War- man, 27; Weeks, 27. (annual). Bibliographia geologica, 74; Geologisches cen- tralblatt, 74. Georg, Karl. Schlagwort-katalog, 71. Georgi, Theophilus. Allgemeines europaisches biicher-lexicon, 66. German bibliography. Allgemeine bibliographic, 71 ; Borsenblatt, 71 ; Georg, 71 ; Heinsius, 71 ; Hinrichs, 71 ; Kayser, 71 ; Russell, 71 ; Wochentliches verzeichnis, 71. German biography. Allgemeine deutsche biographic 43. German dictionaries. German- English : Fliigel, 16 ; Muret-San- ders, 16; Thieme-Preusser, 16. German-French : Villatte and Sachs, 16. German-German. Grimm, 16. German language bibliography. Jahresbericht, 74. German literature bibliography. Jahresbericht, 74. German periodicals indexes to. Dietrich, 54. Gesenius, W : Hebrew and English lexicon, 17. Gibbon, C : See Spofford, A. R., and Gibbon, C : 33. Gidel, C: A., and Loliee, Frederic. Dictionnaire manuel illustre des ecrivains et des literatures, 33. Gifts and bequests (annual). Ap- pleton's Annual cyclopedia, 10. Glenn, T: A. List of some Ameri- can genealogies, 46. Godfrey, L. B. See Bates, K. L., and Godfrey, L. B. 40. Gomme, A. B. Traditional games of England, Scotland, and Ire- land, 33. Gooch, G. P. Annals of politics and culture, 51. Goodholme, T. S. Domestic cyclo- paedia, 29. Goss, Harriet, and Baker, G. A. In- dex to first 27 volumes of St. Nicholas, 76. Gothaisches genealogisches tasch- enbuch der freiherrlichen hauser, 47. Gothaisches genealogisches tasch- enbuch der graflichen hauser, 47. Gould, G: M. Illustrated diction- ary of medicine and allied sciences, 28 ; New medical dic- tionary, 28. Government documents, 61-64. Government officials Great Brit- ain. Civil service year-book, 23; Foreign office list, 23 ; India list, 23; Kelly, 46. Government officials Great Bri- tain. See also Hazell, 23 ; Who 's who, pref. 43 ; W hi taker, 23. U. S. Lawman, 22 ; Murlin, 21, 22 ; Poore, 21 ; U. S. Congress, 22 ; U. S. Interior dept. 22. See also Tribune almanac, 23 ; World almanac, 23. Governments of the world. Sears, 21 ; Wilson, 21. See also Statesman's year- book, 23 ; Whitaker, 23 ; Statis- tician and economist, 23. Governors of states and territo- ries. Commercial year-book, 24 ; Statistician and economist, 23; Willsey's Harper's book of facts, Grasse, J. G. T. Tresor de livres, 66. Grammars bibliography of. Triib- ner, 13. Grand Rapids Public library. Catalogue, 78. La grande encyclopedic, 11. Great Britain antiquities. Brand, 26. army and navy. Hart, 45 ; Navy list, 45 ; Official army list, 45 ; Whitaker, 45. colonies. Colonial office list, 23. See also Australia, Canada, India, Jamaica. constitutional history biblio- graphy of. Sparks, 52. government officials. See Gov- ernment officials Great Britain. history annuals. Annual re- gister, 51. bibliography. Gardiner and Mullinger, 51 ; Gross, 51. dictionary. Low and Pull- ing, 51. municipal government bib- liography. Gross, 21. political economy. Palgrave, 21. politics. Constitutional year- book, 23 ; Politician's handbook, 23. statistics. Statesman's year- book, 23 ; Whitaker, 23. Great men. Wale, 36. Great writers series, 48. Greece architecture. Longfel- low, 31. Greek antiquities. Cornish, 51 ; Peck, 51 ; Seyffert, 51 ; Smith, 51. Greek biography. Smith, 43. Greek dictionaries. Greek-Eng- lish : Liddell and Scott, 17. English-Greek: Yonge, 17. Greek geography. Smith, 49. Greek proper names. Webster, apx. 14; Worcester, apx. 14. Greek (modern) dictionary. Kon- topoulos, 17. Greely, A. W. Public documents of the first 14 congresses, 63. Green, S : S. Aids and guides for readers, 6; Libraries as bureaus of information, 6 ; Library aids, 6 ; The desirableness of establish- ing personal intercourse between librarians and readers, 6. Griffin, A. P. C. Bibliography of American historical societies, 59 ; Index of articles upon American local history, 52. Grimm, Jakob and Wilhelm. Deutsches worterbuch, 16. Griswold, W : M. Descriptive list of books for the young, 76 ; De- scriptive lists of novels, 39 ; Index to articles contained in collec- tions of essays, 57. Gross, C: Bibliography of British municipal history, 21 ; Sources and literature of English history, 51. Grove, Sir G : Dictionary of music and musicians, 32, 41. Growoll, Adolf. American book clubs, 59; Book-trade bibliogra- f)hy in the U. S. 67 ; Bookseller's ibrary, 67, 73 ; Profession of book- selling, 73. Gruber. See Ersch and Gruber, 12. Guam bibliography. Library of Congress, 74. Gubernatis, Angelo de. Dizionario biografico degli scrittori contem- poranei, 43; Dictionnaire inter- nationale des ecrivains du jour, 43. Guernsey. See Seeger and Guern- sey, 30. Guide-books. Baedeker, 50 ; Murray, 50. Guild, R. A. Bibliography as a science, 65; Librarian's manual, 72. Gwilt, Joseph. Encyclopaedia of architecture, 31. Haas, J : A. W. See Jacobs, H: E., and Haas, J: A. W. 20. Haferkorn : H : E., and Heise, P. Handy lists of technical litera- ture, 30. Hain, L. F. T. Repertorium biblio- graphicum and Supplement, 66. Hale, Mrs. S. J. Woman's record, 45. Halkett, S: and Laing, J: Dic- tionary of the anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Great Britain, 76. Hall, G. S., and Mansfield, J. M. Hints towards a select bibliogra- phy of education, 26. Hall, T. D. See Smith, Sir W : and Hall, T. D. 17. Halliwell-Phillips, J. O. Diction- ary of archaic and provincial words, 15. Hallowe'en. Brand, 26; Chambers, 26 ; Walsh, 26. Hallowe'en games. Champlin and Bostwick, 32. Hamersly, L. R. Naval encyclo- paedia, 30 ; Records of living offi- cers of the U. S. navy, 45. Hamilton and Legros. French dic- tionary, 16. Handworterbuch der staatswissen- schaften, 21. Harbottle, T: B. Dictionary of quotations, classical, 37. and Dalbiac, P. H. Dictionary of quotations, French and Italian, 37. Hardy, G:E. Five hundred books for the young, 76. Harper's book of facts. Willsey, J. H. 11. Harper's cyclopaedia of British and American poetry. Sargent, Epes, 36. Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities. Peck, H. T. 51. Harper's encyclopaedia of United States history, 51. Harper's Latin dictionary. Lewis, C. T: and Short, C: 17. Harper's monthly magazine. In- dex, 54. Harper's popular cyclopaedia of U. S. history. Lossing, B. J : 52. Harper's weekly. Index, 54. Harris, John. Lexicon techni- cum, 9. Harrison, F: Choice of books, 75. 94 INDEX Hart, A. B. See Channing, E: and Hart, A. B. 61. Hart's army list, 45. Hartford (Conn.) Public library. Boys' and girls' books, 76. Harvard university Library. Bibliographical contributions, 73. Hasluck, P. N. Cassell's cyclopae- dia of mechanics, 29. Hasse, A. R. Public documents, 61 ; How may government documents be made more useful to the public, 61 ; United States government publications, 61;' Reports of ex- plorations, 63; Training of library employes : reference work, 6. Hastings, James. Dictionary of the Bible, 19. Hawaii bibliography. Library of Congress, 73. Haswell, C : H. Mechanics' and en- gineers' pocket-book, 29. Hawthorne, Julian. Literature of all nations, 33. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Analytical index to his works, 38. Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of dates, 50. Hayes, R. P. Publications of Ohio, Hazell's annual, 23. Hebrew dictionary. Gesenius, 17. Hebrews. See Jews. Hedeler, pub. List of private li- braries, 77. Heilprin, L: Historical reference book, 50. Heinsius, Wilhelm. Allgemeines biicher-lexicon, 71. Heise, Paul. See Haferkorn, H: E., and Heise, Paul, 30. Heraldry. Rietstap, 47. American. Vermont, 46 ; Zie- ber, 46. terms. Adeline, 31 ; Fairbairn, v. 2, 47. See also Notes and queries (in- dex vols.), 34 ; also Crests. Heresies. Blunt, 19. . Herringshaw, T: W: Encyclope- dia of American biography, 42. Hewins, C. M. Books for boys and girls, 76 ; How to make the most of a small library, 7. Hickcox, J: H. United States gov- ernment publications, 63. High schools instruction in refer- ence books. Ames, 6 ; Finney, 6 ; Rathbone, 7. Hill, T: E. Hill's manual of social and business forms, 24. Hindu religion. Dowson, 20. Hinrichs, J. C. Fiinf jahrs-katalog, 71 ; Monats-register, 71 ; Verzeich- nis der bucher, 71; Vierteljahrs- katalog, 71; Wochentliches ver- zeichnis, 71. Historical atlases. Freeman, v. 2, 49 ; Labberton, 49 ; Poole, 49 ; Smith, 49 ; Spruner, 49. Historical fiction. Boston Public library, 39 ; Bowen, 39 ; Dixson, 39 ; Midland railway institute, 39 ; Philadelphia mercantile library, 39 ; St. Louis mercantile library, 39 ; St. Louis Public librarv, 39 ; San Francisco Free public li- brary, 39 ; Sargent, 39. Historical societies. Griffin, 59. History. Ploetz, 50 ; Smith, 35. bibliography. Adams, 50 ; Langlois, 72. bibliography (annual). Jahres- bericht der geschichtswissen- schaft, 74. chronological outlines of. Heilprin, 50 ; Webster, apx. 14. History dictionaries. Brewer, 50 ; Heilprin, 50 ; Larned, 50 ; Lit- tle, 50. of the year. Annual register, 51; Appleton's annual, 10; Inter- national year book, 10 ; also Almanacs, Events of the year. tables. Gooch, 51 ; Morison, 51 ; Nichol, 50. See also Chronology, Dates, names of countries. Hodgkins, L. M. Guide to the study of 19th century authors, 34. Hoefer, Ferdinand. Nouvelle bi- ographie universelle, 41, 43. Hofmeister's Verzeichniss der er- schienenen musikalien, 74. Holidays. Walsh, 26. See also Arbor day, Christmas, Easter, Hallowe'en, etc. See also Chambers, 26; Goss and Baker, 76. legal. Townsend, 52 ; Harper's encyclopaedia, 4 : 398^100, 51 ; Peo- ple's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 11; Funk, p. 856, 14. Holy days. Chambers, 26; M'Clin- tock and Strong, 18 ; Smith and Cheetham, 18. Homer concordance. Dunbar, 38. Homonyms. Fellows, 15. Hone, W: Every-day book, 26. Hopkins, A. A. Scientific Ameri- can cyclopedia of receipts, 29. Hopkins, J. C. Canada, 52. Horticulture. Bailey, 28. Hospitals. Medical and surgical register, 45. House of Commons. See Govern- ment officials Great Britain. House of Lords. See Government officials Great Britain. Houston, E. J. Dictionary of elec- trical words, terms, and phrases, 27. Howe's Descriptive catalogue of official publications of Indiana, 64. Hoyt, J. K. Cyclopedia of practical quotations, 36. Hughes, T: P.. Dictionary of Is- lam, 20. Hull, C. H. Article on biographical dictionaries in Johnson*s univer- sal cyclopaedia, 41 ; Helps for cat- aloguers in finding full names, 7. Hulme, F : E : Flags of the world, 47. Hungarian dictionary. Bizonfy, 17. Hunter, R. Encyclopaedic diction- ary, 13. Hurst, J : F. Literature of theology, 20. Hutchinson, E. M. See Stedman, E. C, and Hutchinson, E. M. 34. Hutton, Laurence. See Clement, Mrs. C. E., and Hutton, Laurence, 44. Hymns. Julian, 20 ; Warner (v. 28 and index in v. 30), 33. See also Notes and queries (index vols.) 34. Iconographic encyclopaedia, 11. lies, G: See Bowker, R: R., and lies, G: 20 ; Leypoldt, A. H., and lies, G: 75. Illustration bibliography. Stur- gis, 31. Immigration statistics of. U. S. Bureau of statistics, 24. Important events. See Events. Imports. See Commerce. Inchbald, Mrs. Elizabeth (Simpson). British theatre, 40. Incunabula. British museum Library, 69 ; Cambridge univer- sityLibrary, 69; Campbell, 67; Hain, 67 ; Maittaire, 67 ; Panzer, 67 ; Pellechet, 67 ; Proctor, 67 ; Santander, 67. , Incunabula. See also Aldine, Cax- ton, Elzevir presses. Index and review, 63. Index medicus, 29, 55. Indexes. Wheatley, 57. See also Essays, General litera- ture, Periodicals, Chemistry, and other subjects indexed. India list, civil and military, 23. Indiana State library. Subject catalogue of U. S. public docu- ments, 63. Indiana bibliography. Howe, 64. Indians. U. S. Census office, 24. Industrial arts. See Useful arts. Industries. Beeton, 24 ; Commer- cial year-book, 24 ; Lock, 30 ; M'Culloch, 24 ; Seeger and Guern- sey, 30. See also Tribune almanac, 23. of countries and cities. Lip- pincott's gazetteer, 48. Information desk. Foster, 6; Lit- tle, 2. Initials. See Pseudonyms. Insignia of rank of army. Town- send, p. 369, 52. Institut de bibliographie, Paris. Bibliographia medica, 29. Institutes. Minerva, 25. Instruction in reference work. Adams, 6 ; Ames, 6 ; Ellis, 6 ; Finney, 6 ; Little, 7 ; Marvin, 7 ; Milner, 7 ; Rathbone, 7 ; Sargent, 7; Stanley, 7; Wales, 7; Warren, 7 ; Wellman, 7. Insurance. Commercial year-book, 24 ; U. S. Census office. Reports. 24. See also Parsons, 22. Intemperance. See Temperance. Interest tables and laws. World almanac, 23. International annual of Anthony's photographic bulletin, 32. International critical commentary. Briggs, C: A., 19. International cyclopaedia, 10. International dictionary. Webster, Noah, 13, 14. International library of famous literature. Mitchell, D. G., and Lang, Andrew, 33. International year book, 10, 11, 23. Interoceanic canals and railways bibliography. Library of Con- gress, 74. Interstate commerce commission. See U. S. Interstate commis- sion, 25. Iron works. American iron and steel association, 30. Islam. Hughes, 20. Italian bibliography. Catalogo col- lettivo della libreria, 72 ; Biblio- grafia italiana, 72 ; Catalogo gene- rale, 72. Italian biography. Gubernatis, 43. Italian dictionaries. Davenport and Comelati, 16; Melzi, 16; Mill- house, 16. Italy architecture. Longfellow, 31. Jackson, B : D. Glossary of botanic terms, 27. Jacobs, H: E., and Haas, J: A. W. Lutheran cyclopedia, 20. Jahrbuch fiber die fortschritte der mathematik, 74. Jahresbericht der geschichtswis- senschaft, 74. Jahresbericht fiber die erscheinung- INDEX 95 en auf dem gebiete der german- ischen philologie, 74. Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der cheniie, 74. Jahresbericht iiber die fort- schritte der classischen alter- tumswissenschaft, 74. Jahresberichte f Ur neuere deutsche litteraturgeschichte, 74. Jahresberichte iiber das hohere schulwesen, 74. Jahres-verzeichniss der an den deutschen schulanstalten er- schienenen abhandlungen, 58. Jahres-verzeichniss der an den deutschen universitaten erschie- nenen schriften, 57 Jahresverzeichnis der schweizer- ischen universitatsschrif ten, 58. Jamaica. Roxburgh, 23. James, R. N. Painters and their works, 44. Jameson, J : F. Dictionary of U. S. history, 52. and Buel, J. W. Encyclopedic dictionaiy of American history, 52. Jargon. Barrere and Leland, 15. Jefferson, T: Foley, 39. Jersey City Public library. Find- ing-list, 78. Jewish encyclopedia. Singer, Isa- dore and others, 20. Jews. Singer, 20. John Crerar library. Card indexes on file in, 55 ; List of biblio- graphies of special subjects, 73; List of books in the reading- room, 7. Johnson, S : Dictionary, 13. Johnson's universal cyclopaedia. See Universal cyclopaedia, 10. Johnston, A. K. Handy royal atlas, 49 ; Royal atlas of modern geo- graphy, 49. Jones, H. P. New dictionary of foreign phrases and classical quo- tations, 37. Jones, L. A. Index to legal peri- odical literature, 22, 23, 54. Jones, L. E. See Perkins, F: B. 75. Jordan, W: G: A plea for refer- ence books, 7. Jordell, D. Repertoire bibliogra- phique des principales revues iran9aises, 54. See also Lorenz, O. H. 70. Josephson, A. G. S. Avhandlingar ock program, 58 ; Bibliographies of bibliographies, 72 ; Biblio- graphy of union lists, 54. Journal of the Society of chemical industry. Index, 55. Judaism. See Jews. Julian, J: Dictionary of hvmno- logy, 20. Jurisprudence bibliography. MUhlbrecht, 21. Just's botanischer jahresbericht, 74. Justices of the Supreme Court. See Government officials U. S. Juvenile books. See Children's reading. Kansas bibliography. Kansas state historical association, 64. Kansas state historical association. Transactions, v. 6, 64. Kayser, C. G. Vollstandiges bucher-lexicon, 71. Kelly, James. American catalogue of books, 68. Kelly's handbook to the titled, landed, and official classes, 46. Keltie, J. S., ed. See Statesman's year-book, 23. Kempe, H. R. Engineer's year- book, 29. Kent, James. Commentaries on American law, 22. Kent, W: Mechanical engineer's pocket-book, 29. Keogh, Andrew. Some general bibliographical works of value, to the student in English, 65. Kiddle, H: and Schem, A. J. Cy- clopaedia of education, 25. Kierst, W., and Callier, O. Pocket dictionary of the English and Polish languages, 16. Killikelly, S. H. Curious ques- tions, 35. King, W : F. H : Classical and for- eign quotations, 37. Klussmann, Rudolf. Systema- tisches verzeichnis der abhand- lungen, 58. Knight, C: See English cyclope- dia, 10. Knight, E : H : American mechan- ical dictionary, 29 ; New American mechanical dictionary, 29. Knighthood orders of. Burke's Peerage, 46. See also Whitaker, 23. Kontopoulos, N. Greek-English lexicon, 17. English-modern-Greek diction- ary, 17. Konversations- lexicons. See Brock- haus, Meyer, 12. Koopman, H. L. College instruc- tion in bibliography, 65 ; Mastery of books, 7, 75. Krehbiel, H. E. Annotated biblio- graphy of music, 31. Kritischer jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der romanischen philologie, 74. Kurschner, Joseph. See Deutscher litteratur-kalender, 44. Labberton, R. H. Historical atlas, 49. Labor bibliography. Marot, 21. Lace. Cole, 30. Lacy, T : H. Acting edition of plays, 40. Laing, J: See Halkett, S: and Lamg, J : 76. Lakes list of principal. People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 11 ; Statis- tician and economist, 23. Lalor, J : J. Cyclopaedia of political science, 21. Lamb's biographical dictionary. See Brown, J: H. 42. Landed gentry. Burke, 46. Lane, L. P. Aids in the use of gov- ernment publications, 61. Lane, W: C, and Bolton, C: K. Notes on special collections in American libraries, 77. Lang, Andrew. See Mitchell, D. G. 33. Lange, J : P. Commentary on the Holy Scripture, 19. Langlois, C : V. Manuel de biblio- graphic historique, 72, 74. Language of flowers and gems. See Flowers, Gems. Lanman, C: Biographical annals of the civil government of the U. S. 22. Larned, J. N. History for ready reference, 50; Literature of Ameri- can history, 52. Larousse, P. A. Grand dictionnaire universel du xixe siecle, 11, 40, 43; Nouveau Larousse illustrC, 11. Larsen, A. Dictionary of the Dano- Norwegian and English lan- guages, 16. Last words. Marvin, 37. Latin dictionaries. Latin-English : Lewis and Short, 17. English-Latin : Smith and Hall. 17. Latin proper names. Webster, apx. 14 ; Worcester, apx. 14. Law bibliography. MUhlbrecht, 21, 74. commentaries. Blackstone, 22; Kent, 22. cyclopedias. American and English encyclopaedia, 22; Cyclo- pedia of law and procedure, 22. dictionaries. Bouvier, 22. periodical indexes. Jones, 22, 23,54. statutes. U. S. Revised stat- utes, 22. U. S. abstracts of state laws. People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 11. See also Legislation. Lawyers. Sharp & Alleman co.'s lawyers' and bankers' directory, 45. Learned societies. See Societies. Lee, Sidney. See Stephen, Leslie, and Lee, Sidney, 42. Lefevre-Pontalis, Eugene. Biblio- graphic des society savantes de la France, 60. Legal holidays. See Holidays, Legal. Legal periodicals. See Law peri- odical indexes. Legations. See Diplomatic service. Legends. Clement, 31. See also Brewer, 35. Legislation by states for the year. N. Y. (state) Library, 22 ; World almanac, 23. Legros. See Hamilton and Legros. Leland, C : G. See Barrere, Albert, and Leland, C : G. 15. Leon and brother. Catalogue of first editions, 69. Leonard, J: W. Who 's who in America, 42. Le Soudier, Henri. Bibliographie franyaise, 71. Letter postage. See Postage rates. Letter writing. Gaskell, 24 ; Hill, 24. Levy, F. N. American art annual, 31. Lewis, C. T : and Short, C : Harper's Latin dictionary, 17. Leypoldt, A. H., and lies, G: List of books for girls and women, 75. Leypoldt, F: See American cata- logue, 68. Libraries. Clegg, 33 ; Minerva, 25. special collections. Lane and Bolton, 77 ; New York library club, 77, 78. statistics of . Private: Hedeler, 77; public: Richter, 77; U. S. Bureau of education, 77. See also Willsey, 11. Library, 79. Library assistant, 79. Library association record, 79. Library catalogs. See Catalogs of libraries. Library journal, 79 ; Index, 54 ; Changed titles in, 77. Library of American literature. Stedman, E. C, and Hutchinson, E. M. 34. Library of choice literature. Spof- ford, A. R., and Gibbon, C: 33. Library of Congress. Alaska and the northwest part of North America, 73. Check list of American news- papers, 56. List of books on Porto Rico, 74. List of books on Samoa and Guam, 74. 96 INDEX Library of Congress. List of books on the Danish West Indies, 74. List of books relating to Cuba, 73. List of books relating to inter- oceanic canal and railway routes, 74. List of books relating to the theory of colonization, 73. List of books relating to trusts, 74. List of maps of America, 49. Union list of periodicals, trans- actions and allied publications, 54. Library of the world's best litera- ture. Warner, C: D. and others, 33. Library periodicals. Centralblatt fur bibliothekswesen, 79 ; Library, 79; Library assistant, 79 ; Library association record, 79 ; Library journal, 79; Library world, 79; Public libraries, 79; Rivista delle bibliotheche, 79. Library world, 79. Liddell, H : G., and Scott, R. Greek- English lexicon, 17. Life-saving stations list of. U. S. official postal guide, 25. Lippincott's biographical diction- ary. Thomas, Joseph, 41. Lippincott's gazetteer of the world, 48. Literary clubs. Growoll, 59 ; Liter- ary year-book, 33. Literary criticism. Allibone, 33, 43 ; Moulton, 33 ; Warner, 33. See also American, English. Literary societies. See Societies. Literary year-book, 33. Literature annuals. Literary year-book, 33. dictionaries. Champlin, 33 ; Gidel and Loliee, 33; Vapereau, 33 ; Warner, 33. historical outline. Willsey, 11. for the year. Annual register, 51 ; Appleton's annual cyclopae- dia, 10; International year book, 10 ; Literary year-book, 33. tables. Nichol, 50. See also American, English, etc. Literature of all nations. Haw- thorne, Julian, 33. Littell's living age. Index, 54. Little, C: E. Cyclopedia of classi- fied dates, 50 ; Historical lights, 50. Little, G: T. Helping inquirers, 7; Instruction in the use of refer- ence books and libraries, 7; Teach- ing bibliography to college stu- dents, ,65. Littr, Emile. Dictionnaire de la * langue fran9aise, 16. Livermore, Mrs. M. A. (Rice). See Willard, F. E., and Livermore, Mrs. M. A. (Rice), 45. Lloyd's clerical directory, 20. Local government. See City gov- ernment. Local history. Griffin, 52. Lock, C : G. W. Spon's encyclopae- dia of the industrial arts, 30. Logic. Baldwin, 18. Loliee, Frederic. See Gidel, C: A., and Loliee, Frederic. London catalogue of books, 69. London Times. See Times, 56. Longfellow, H : W. Poets and poe- try of Europe, 36. Longfellow, W : P. P. Cyclopaedia of works of architecture in Italy, Greece, and the Levant, 31. Lorenz, O. H. Catalogue general de la librairie f ran9aise, 70. Los Angeles public library. List of novels and tales, 39. Lossing, B. J: Harper's popular cyclopaedia of U. S. history, 52. Low, S. J., and Pulling, F. S. Dic- tionary of English history, 51. Lowndes, W: T: Bibliographer's manual of English literature, 59, 69. Lunt, E: C. Key to the publica- tions of the U. S. census, 63. Lutheran church. Jacobs and Haas, 20. Lyrics. Warner, 33. M'Clintock, J : and Strong, J. Cy- clopaedia of biblical, theological, and ecclesiastical literature, 18, 41. M'Culloch, J: R. Dictionary of commerce and commercial navi- gation, 24. McGehee, L. P., ed. See American and English encyclopaedia of law, 22. McKee, T: H. National conven- tions and platforms, 21 ; Note on the classes and printing of U. S. public documents, 61. Machinery. Appleton, 29; Benja- min, 29 ; Knight, 29. Mackey, A. G. Encyclopaedia of freemasonry, 25. Mackey, M. S., and M. G. Pronun- ciation of 10,000 proper names, 47. Magnetism bibliography. Haf er- korn and Heise, v. 3, 31. Maine bibliography. Williamson, 64. Maittaire, Michael. Annales typo- graphic!, 67. Malcolm, H. Theological index, 20. Mann, Margaret. Course in docu- ments in the University of Illinois library school, 61. Mansfield, J. M. See Hall, G. S., and Mansfield, J. M. 26. Manual of statistics, 24. Manufacturers. Seeger and Guern- sey, 30; Textile manufacturers' directory, 45. Manufactures. Beeton,24; Colange, 24 ; Commercial year-book, 24 ; Lock, 30; Seeger and Guernsey, 30; Tomlinson, 26; Ure, 26; U. S. Census office. Report, 24. Maps list of. Library of Con- gress, 49. Maps of cities. Baedeker, 50 ; Rand McNally & co., 48. See also Atlases, Encyclope- dias. Marchmont's Concise handbook of ancient and modern literature, 77. Marindin, G. E. See Smith, Sir W : and Marindin, G. E. 51. Marine corps. Callahan, 45; Ha- mersly, 45. Marot, Helen. Handbook of labor literature, 21. Marriage laws of states. Tribune almanac, 23 ; World almanac, 23. Marshall, G: W: Genealogist's guide, 46. Marvin, Cornelia. Reference work in the Armour institute library class. 7. Marvin, F : R. The last words, real and traditional, of distinguished men and women, 37. Massachusetts State library. Cat- alogue, 63. Massachusetts library club. Dis- cussion on reference work, 7. Mathematics bibliography (an- nual). Jahrbuch iiber die fort- schritte der mathematik, 74. Mathematics dictionary. Davies, 27. Matson, H : References for literary workers, 57. Maxims. Christy, 37 ; Riley, 37. See also Proverbs, Quotations. Mayor, J. B. Guide to the choice of classical books, 40. Measures. See Weights and mea- sures. Mechanic arts. Appleton, 29 ; Ben- jamin, 29 ; Dixon, 29 ; Hasluck, 29 ; Haswell, 29 ; Iconographic en- cyclopaedia, v. 6, 11 ; Knight, 29. Mechanical engineering. American society of mechanical engineers, 60 ; Appleton, 29 ; Knight, 29. Mechanics bibliography. Hafer- korn and Heise, v. 4, 31. Medical and surgical register of the U. S. and Canada, 45. Medicine bibliography. Biblio- graphia medica, 29, 74 ; Index medicus, 29 ; U. S. Surgeon- general's office, 28. dictionaries. Billings, 28 ; Du- ane, 28 ; Dunglison, 28 ; Foster, 28 ; Gould, 28. periodical indexes (annual). Bibliographia medica, 29. Medicines. See Drugs. Melzi, B. Italian dictionary, 16. Melzi, Gaetano, conte. Dizionario di opere anonime e pseudonime, 77. Memorial day. Townsend, p. 380, 381, 52. Men and women of the time. Plarr, V. G. 42. Men of the reign. Ward, T : H. 43. Metals. Bolland, 30. Metaphysics. Baldwin, 18. Methodist church. Simpson, 20. Metric system. Funk, 14; Statisti- cian and economist, 23; Webster, apx. 14 ; Willsey, 11 ; World al- manac, 23. Meyer, H. J. Meyer's konversa- tions-lexicon, 12. Michaelis. Dictionary of the Portu- guese and English languages, 16. Michaud, J. F., and L. G. Bio- graphie universelle, 41, 43. Michigan State library. Cata- logue United States documents, 63. Middle-English dictionary. Strat- mann, 16. Midland railway institute, Derby, Eng. Librarv. Descriptive handbook to prose fiction, 39. Military academy at West Point. SeeCullun^Gi'W. 44. Military engineering. Byrne and Spon, 29. Military officials. See Army offi- cers. Military posts lists of. U. S. offi- cial postal guide, 25. Military science. Farrow, 30. bibliography. Haferkorn and Heise, v. 2, 31. Mill, H. R. Hints to teachers and students on the choice of geo- graphical books, 48, 49. Millhouse, J: Italian dictionary, 16. Millionaires list of. World al- manac, 23. Milner, A. V. Instruction in use of catalogs and reference books in normal schools, 7. Reference sheets, 7. Milton, J : concordance. Brad- shaw, 38. Milwaukee Public library. Sys- tematic catalogue, 78; List of plays in, 40. INDEX 97 Mineralogy. Bolland, 30; Chester, 30 ; Rothwell, 30 ; U. S. Geolo- gical survey, 30. bibliography. "Weeks, 27. Minerva, jahrbuch der gelehrten welt, 25, 59. Mining. Tomlinson, 26 ; Ure, 26. bibliography. Haf erkorn and Heise, v. 5, 31. Ministers (of state). See Diplomatic service. Miracles. Brewer, 20. Missionaries. Bliss, 20. Missions. Bliss, 20. Mississippi bibliography. Owen, 64. Mitchell, D. G., and Lang, A. Inter- national library of famous litera- ture, 33. Mohammedan religion. Hughes, 20. Molineux, M. A. Phrase book from Browning, 38. Mollett, J:W: Illustrated diction- ary of words used in art and ar- chaeology, 31. Monetary systems of the world. Muhleman, 25. See also Commercial year-book, 1901, 24. Moneys value of foreign, in U. S. money. Commercial year-book, 24; Funk (Standard), p. 366-369, 14 ; People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 11 ; Statistician and economist, 23 ; Tribune almanac, 23; Willsey, 11 ; World almanac, 23. value of foreign in English money. Clegg, 33. Monroe, W. S. Bibliography of education, 26. Monthly cumulative book-index, 68. Months history of the. Cham- bers, 26. Moore, E. L. Reference work and special lists, 7. Morgan, H : J. Canadian men and women of the time, 42. Morison, M. Time table of modern history, 51. Morley, J: Diderot and the Ency- clopaedists, 11. Morris, C: Handy biographical dictionary, 42. Morris, E : E. Austral English, 15. Mortality statistics. U. S. Cen- sus, 24 ; World almanac, 23. Mortgages. Parsons, 22. statistics of U. S. U. S. Cen- sus office, 24. Morton, A. A. See Brodrick, M., and Morton, A. A. 51. Motors. Appleton, 29; Knight, 29. Mottet's French edition of Nichol- son, 28. Mottoes. Riley, 37. See also Hoyt, apx. 36. of families American. Ver- mont, 46. English. Burke's Peerage, 46 ; Fairbairn, 47. of states. Harper's book of facts, 52; Townsend, 52. See also People's cyclo- pedia, v. 4, apx. 11. See also Proverbs, Quotations. Moulding. See Founding, 30. Moulton, C : W. Library of literary criticism of English and Ameri- can authors, 33. Mountains height of. Lippin- cott's gazetteer, 48; People's cy- clopedia, v. 4, apx. 11. list of principal. Statistician and economist, 23; Tribune al- manac, 23; World almanac, 23. Mourek, V. E. Pocket dictionary of the Bohemian and English languages, 16. Mourier, Athenais, and Deltour, F. Notice sur le doctorat es lettres, 57. Catalogue et analyse des theses franpaises, 57. Mourning in different countries. Brewer, 35. Muhlbrecht, Otto. Uebersicht der gesammten staats- u. rechtswis- senschaftlichen litteratur, 21, 74; Wegweiser durch die neuere lit- teratur der rechts- u. staatswis- senschaften, 21. Muhleman, M. L. Monetary sys- tems of the world, 25. Mulhall, M. G: Dictionary of sta- tistics, 23. Miiller, Johannes. Die wissen- schaftlichen vereine und gesell- schaften Deutschlands, 60. Municipal affairs, 21. Municipal government. Municipal year-book of the United Kingdom, bibliography. Brooks, 21 ; Gross, 21; Municipal affairs, 21. Municipal year-book of the United Kingdom, 23. Munsell, Joel, pub. American genealogist, 45; Index to Ameri- can genealogies, 46 ; List of titles of genealogical articles in Ameri- can periodicals, 46. Muret-Sanders. German diction- ary, 16. Murlin, E. R. United States red book, 21. Murray, J: Guide-books, 50. Murray, J. A. H : Evolution of Eng- lish lexicography, 13; New Eng- lish dictionary, 13, 14. Museums. Minerva, 25. Music. Champlin, 32 ; Grove, 32 ; Riemann, 32 ; Stainer, 32. bibliography. F^tis, 44 ; Kreh- biel, 31. (annual). Hofmeister, 74. Musical publications. U. S. Copy- rights office, 69. Musicians. Baker, 44; Brown, 44 ; Champlin, 32; Fetis, 44 ; Grove, 32; Riemann, 32. Mythology. Peck, 51 ; Seyffert, 51 ; Smith, 43 ; Thomas (Lippincott's), 41 ; Smith (Century), 35. See also Funk, 14 ; Reddall, 35; also Hindu religion, 20. Mythology in art. Clement, 31. Nachtmann, Mrs. Alice Newman. Index to subject bibliographies, 73. Names. Smith (Century), 35. meaning of women's. Browne, 45. pronunciation. Mackey, 47; Phyfe, 15 ; Smith (Century), 35 ; Thomas (Lippincott's), 41. See also Warner, 33; Web- ster, apx. 14 ; Worcester, apx. 14. of English. Who 's who, 1902, pref. 43. See also Characters, Christian names, Geographic names, Scrip- ture names, Surnames. Nation. Analytical index, 54. National bibliographies list of. Growoll, 67 ; N. Y. (state) Li- brary, 67. National colors. See Colors, na- tional. National convention for revising the Pharmacopoeia. Pharmaco- poeia of the United States, 28. National cyclopaedia of American biography, 42. National debts. Bliss, 20 ; Willsey, 11 ; World almanac, 23. National educational association. Index to volumes of its Proceed- ings, 60. National flowers. See Flowers national. Natural history, 27, 28. Nautical almanac. American ephemeris, 27. Naval engineering. Byrne and Spon, 29. Naval officers. Callahan, 45 ; Ha- mersly, 30, 45; Powell and Ship- pen, 44 ; U. S. Interior dept. Official register, 22, 45 ; U. S. Navy dept., 45. Naval science. Hamersly, 30. bibliography. Haferkorn and Heise, v. 2, 31. Naval statistics. World almanac, 23. Navies of the world. World alma- nac, 23. Navigation. American ephemeris, 27. Navy U. S. Townsend, 52. Navy list, 45. Necrologies. Plarr, 42 ; Vapereau, 42 ; Wilson (Appleton's), v. 7, 42. annual. Annual register, 51 ; Appleton's annual, 10 ; Fletcher and Bowker, 53 ; International year book, 10, 11 ; Leonard, 42 ; Literary year-book, 33 ; Who 's who, 43. by days and months. Chambers, 26; Little's Classified dates, 50. Neve, J : Concordance to Cowper, 38. Nevin, A. Encyclopaedia of the Presbyterian church, 20. New American cyclopaedia. See American cyclopaedia, 10. New Hampshire bibliography. New Hampshire State librarian, 64. State librarian. Report, 64. New Jersey bibliography. New Jersey State librarian, 64. State librarian. Report, 64. New Jersey historical society. Some account of American news- papers, 56. New Year's day. Chambers, 26. New York (city) Public library. Bulletin, 79. New York (state) Library. Bul- letin, legislation, no. 15,22 ; Class list of a $500 library, 76; Fifty best books for a village library, 75; Index to subject bibliographies, 73; Selected national bibliogra- phies, 67 ; Selected reference books, 7; Selected subject biblio- graphies, 73, 74 ; Selection from the best books of the year, 75 ; Selection of reference books for use of cataloguers, 7. New York (state) University. University extension department, 75. New York daily Tribune. Index, 55, 56. New York library club. Libraries of Greater New York, 77, 78. New York Times. Index, 56. Newark Public library. Finding- list, 78. Newspaper almanacs. Chicago Daily News, 23 ; Tribune, 23 ; World, 23. Newspapers indexes to. London Times, 55, 56 ; New York Times, 55, 56 ; New York Tribune, 55, 56. See also Fletcher and Bowker, 53. 98 INDEX Annuaire, 56. Who 's who, pref . Dictionary of Newspapers lists American. Ayer, 56 ; New Jersey historical society, 56; Library of Congress, 56 ; Rowell, 56 ; U. S. Census office, 56; Wisconsin state his- torical society, 56. English. Sell, 56 ; Willing, 56. foreign. Sell, 56; Willing, 56. French. London. 43. Newton, Alfred, birds, 27. Nichol, J: Tables of ancient lit- erature and history, 50 ; Tables of European history, 50. Nicholson, G. Illustrated diction- ary of gardening, 28. Nicknames. Frey, 35 ; Reddall, 35. See also Brewer, 35 ; Brewer, 50 ; Webster, 14 ; Wheeler, 35 ; Wilson (Appleton's), v. 7 : 291, 42. geographic. Reddall, 35. national. Brewer, p. 615, 35. states, cities. See also Bartlett, p. 812-813, 15; People's cyclopedia, apx. 11 ; Townsend, 52 ; Tribune almanac, 23 ; Brown and Strauss (cities), 21. Nineteenth century events of the. Appleton's Annual cyclopaedia, 1900, p. 430, 10. progress of the. International year-book, 1900, apx. 10, 11. La noblesse beige, 47. Nordisk familjebok, 12. Normal schools instruction in reference books. Adams, 6; Milner, 7 ; Warren, 7. Norsk bog f ortegnelse, 72. North American review. Index, 54. Norwegian bibliography. Norsk bog f ortegnelse, 72. Norwegian dictionaiy. Larsen, 16. Noted books. See Books. Noted names in fiction. See Char- acters in fiction. Noted sayings. Bent, 37 ; Brewer, v. 10, 33 ; Stedman and Hutchin- son, 11 : 446-462, also index, p. 630, 34. See also Bombaugh, 35 ; Brown and Strauss, 21; Reddall, 35; Walsh, 35. Notes and queries, 34. Novels. See Fiction. Nuova enciclopedia italiana, 12. Obituaries. See Necrologies. Obsolete words. Halliwell-Phillips, 15 ; Wright, 15. O'Connor, E. N. Index to the works of Shakspere, 39. Oettinger, E. M. Bibliographie biographique universelle, 48 ; Moniteur des dates, 41. Official army list, 45. Official gazette. See U. S. Patent office. Official register. U. S. Interior dept. 22. Official year-book of the Church of England, 20. Officials. See Government officials. Ogilvie, J: Imperial dictionary, 13. Ohio bibliography. Hayes, 64. Operas. American dramatists' club, 40. See also Champlin and Ap- thorp, 32 ; Brewer, apx. 35. Orations. Brewer, 33.. Oratorios. Brewer, 35; Champlin and Apthorp, 32. Orators. Brewer, 33. Orders (American). Zieber, 46. Orders of chivalry. Funk (Stand- ard), p. 1238, 14. Orders of knighthood. See Knight- hood orders of. Oriental studies. Orientalische bibliographie, 74. Orientalische bibliographie, 74. Origins of things. See Allusions. Osterhout free library, Wilkes- barre, Pa. Class catalogue, 78 ; Finger-posts to the reference li- brary, 7. Owen, T. McA. Bibliography of Alabama, 64 ; Bibliography of Mississippi, 64. Oxford dictionary. Murray, J. A. H:13. Painters. Bryan, 44; Champlin, 32 ; Clement, 44 ; James, 44. list of famous. Willsey, 11. tables, of various schools. Clement, 44. Painting. Champlin, 32 ; Icono- graphic encyclopaedia, v. 3, 11. bibliography. Farrar, 31 ; Sturgis, 31. Paintings catalog of, in European galleries. Clement, 31. galleries where to be found. Clement, 31 ; Soule art company, 32. Paleontology. See Geology bibli- ography, 27. Palgrave, R. H. I. Dictionary of political economy, 21. Panzer, G. W. F. Annales typo- graphic!, 67. Parker, J: H: Concise glossary of terms used in architecture, 32 ; Glossary of terms used in archi- tecture, 32. Parliament members of. See Government officials England. Parsons, Theophilus. Laws of busi- ness, 22. Parties political. See Political parties. Patent laws. Parsons, 22. Patents. U. S. Patent office, 30. Patron saints. Brewer, 35, p. 861, 50. Peabody institute. Catalogue of the library, 40, 57, 63, 78. Peck, H. T. Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiqui- ties, 51. Peck, W. G. See Da vies, C: and Peck, W. G. 27. Pedagogical seminary. Biblio- graphy of child study, 74. Pedigrees. See Genealogy, Peer- age. Peerage. Burke's Peerage, 46 ; Burke's Extinct peerage, 46; Co- kayne, 46 ; Doyle, 46. annual. Dod, 46 ; Kelly, 46 ; Whitaker, 46. Peet, L : H. Who 's the author, 35. Pellechet, M. C. H. Catalogue ge- neral des incunables, 67. Penmanship. Gaskell, 24. Pen-names. See Pseudonyms. Pennsylvania State librarian. Re- port, 64. Pennsylvania bibliography. Penn. State librarian, 64. Pennsylvania historical society Library. Card index to family histories, 45. Penny cyclopedia, 10. People of the period. Pratt, A. T. C. 42. People's cyclopedia, 11. Periodicals, 53-55. Periodicals indexes American. American monthly review of re- views, 54 ; Cumulative, 53, 54 ; Fletcher and Bowker, 53 ; Fletcher and Poole, 53 ; Jones, 54 ; Reader's guide, 54. Periodicals indexes English. Review of reviews, 54. French. Jordell, 54. German. Dietrich, 54. list of. Boston Public library, 54 ; British museum Library, 72 ; Stein, 54, 72. technical. By authors : Royal society of London, 55 ; by subjects : Repertorium der tech- nischen journal-litteratur, 55. See also Chemistry, Electricity, Engineering, Medi- cine ; also names of periodicals. See also California univer- sity Library, 57 ; Cotgreave, 57 ; also names of periodicals, Atlan- tic, Harper, etc. lists. British museum Li- brary, 54 ; Library of Congress, 54. American. Ayer, 56; Row- ell, 56 ; U. S. - Census office, 56 ; U. S. Copyrights office, 69. See also Roorbach, 68. English. Sell, 56; Willing, 56. French. Annuaire de la presse franfaise, 56. technical. Bolton, 55 ; Scudder, 55. See also Newspapers, Union lists. Perkins, C : C. See Champlin, J : D., jr., and Perkins, C: C. Perkins, F : B. Best reading, 75. Perry, J. T. Chronology of mediae- val and renaissance architecture, 32. Petermann's Mittheilungen. Geo- graphischer litteratur-bericht, 74. Petrology. See Geology bibli- ography, 27. Pettersen, Hjalmar. Anonymer og pseudonymer, 77. Petzholdt, Julius. Bibliotheca bibliographica, 72. Pharmacopoeia of the United States. See National convention for re- vising the Pharmacopoeia, 28. Philadelphia mercantile library. Bulletins, 39. Phillips, J. O. Halliwell-. See Hal- liwell-Phillips, J. 0. 15. Phillips, L. B. Dictionary of bio- graphical reference, 41. Philobiblion, 77. Philology. See Classical, English, German, Romance, Oriental, Se- mitic, etc. Philosophers. Baldwin, 18. list of. Willsey, 11. Philosophy. Baldwin, 18; Fleming, 18. bibliography. Baldwin, 18. Photographs. Soule art company, 32. Photography annuals. American annual, 32 ; International annual, 32. dictionaries. Woodbury, 32. See also Hopkins, 29. Phrases. Adams, 34 ; Bartlett, 36; Brewer, 35; Christy, 37; Edwards, 35 ; Fellows, 15 ; Reddall, 35. See also Bartlett, 36; Notes and queries (index vols.), 34. See also Foreign phrases and words, Proverbs, Quotations. Phyfe, W: H: P. Five thousand facts and fancies, 35 ; Seven thou- sand words often mispronounced, 15. INDEX 99 Physicians. Medical and surgical register, 45. Physics. Fortschritte der physik, 74. Pictures. See Paintings. Pierce, G. A. Dickens dictionary, 38. Place - names. See Geographic names. Places facts relating to. Haydn, 50; Little, 50; Willsey's Harper's book of facts, 11. See also Atlases, Geographic, Geography. legends of. Clement, 31. Plagues list of. People's cyclo- pedia, v. 4, apx. 11. Planche, J. R. Cyclopaedia of cos- tume, 26. Plans of cities ancient. Smith, 49. Plarr, V. G. Men and women of the time, 42. Platforms, political. See Political platforms. Plays. See Dramas. Pliny. Historia naturalis, 9. Ploetz, Carl. Epitome of ancient, mediaeval, and modern history, 50. Plots. Brewer's Reader's, 35. See also Warner, v. 30 2 33. Plummer, M. W. Reading-room and reference-room work, 7. Poems authorship of. Durfee, 36. See also Stedman and Hutchinson, v. 11 (index), 34 ; Warner, v. 30 (index), 33; also Goss and Baker's St. Nicholas in- dex, 76. See also Anthologies poetical, Recitations. dates of. Brewer, apx. 35. Poetical selections. See Antholo- gies, Poems. Poets. Longfellow, 36. See also Authors. Poets-laureate list of. Willsey, 11. Polish dictionary. Kierst and Cal- lier, 16. Political economy. See Economics. Political history. Gooch, 51. Political nomenclature. Reddall, 35. Political parties. Bliss, 21 ; Brown, 21 ; Lalor, 21 ; McKee, 21. See also Townsend, 52 ; Tribune almanac, 23. Political platforms. McKee, 21. See also Tribune almanac, 23 ; World almanac, 23. Political science bibliography. Bowker and lies, 20, 21 ; Miihl- brecht, 21, 74 ; Stammhammer, 21. dictionaries. Bliss, 20 ; Brown, 21; Handworterbuch, 21; Lalor, 21. periodical indexes. Jones, 23, 54. references for debates. Brook- ings and Ringwalt, 57 ; Matson, 57. Politician's handbook, 23. Poole, Mary. See Fletcher, W: I : and Poole, Mary, 53. Poole, R. L. Historical atlas of modern Europe, 49. Poole, W: F: and Fletcher, W: I: Index to periodical literature, 53. Poor, H: v. Manual of the rail- roads of the U. S. 24. Poore, B:P. Descriptive-catalogue of the government publications of the U. S. 62 ; Political register and congressional directory, 21. Pope, Alexander concordance. Abbott, 38. Popes list of. Morison, 51; Will- sey, 11. Popular science monthly. Index, 54. Population. Commercial year- book, 24. 1900 census. Lippincott's ga- zetteer (Supplement, p. 2495- 2636), 48. of cities and countries. Chis- holm, 48; Lippincott's gazetteer, 48; Rand, McNally & co. 48. See also U. S. population. Porter, Noah. Books and reading, 75. Porto Rico bibliography. Li- brary of Congress, 74. Portraits. American library as- sociation, 47 ; Samuel, 47. indexed in Cumulative index, 54. Americans. Appleton's annual cyclopaedia, 10 ; International year book, 10, 11 ; National cyclo- paedia, 42; Wilson, 42. authors. Chambers's cyclopae- dia of English literature, 34; Moul- ton, 33 ; Stedman and Hutchin- son, 34 ; Warner, 33. Portuguese dictionary. Michaelis, 16. Post-office officials. U. S. Dept. of the interior, 22. Post-offices. U. S. official postal guide, 25. Postage rates. U. S. official postal guide, 25. See also Commercial year-book, 24 ; Tribune almanac, 23; World almanac, 23. Postage stamps. Scott stamp and coin co. 25. Powell, W: H. List of officers of the army of the U. S. 44. and Shippen, E : Officers of the army and navy, 44. Power, J : Handy-book about books, 72. Pratt, A. T. C. People of the period, 42. Pratt institute library. Reference work in, 7. Preble, G: H: History of the flag of the U. S. 47. Precedence order of English. Burke's Peerage, pref. 46 ; Kelly, pref . 46. Precious stones language of. See Gems. symbolism of. Brewer, 35. Prepositions use of. Fellows, 14 ; Fernald, 14. See also Funk (Standard), 14. Presbyterian church. Nevin, 20. Presidential campaigns. Inter- national year book, 10, 11 ; Ap- pleton's annual, 10. See also Almanacs, Statistician and economist, 23. Presidents. Murlin, 22. Presidents list of. See Govern- ment officials U. S. rhymed list of. Townsend, p. 309, 52. Presidents' cabinets. See Cabinets presidential. Presidents' portraits. Harper's encyclopaedia, 51. Presidents' sobriquets. Townsend, 52. Press. See Newspapers, 56. Presses private. Lowndes, 69. Preusser. See Thieme-Preusser, 16. Prices of books. See Auction prices m: of books, Bibliographies, Choice of books, Rare books. Prime ministers tables of. Gooch, apx. 51. Princeton theological seminary li- brary. Catalogue, 20. Printing. American dictionary of printing, 30; Timperley, 30. bibliography. Bigmore and Wyman, 30. Printing clubs list of. English catalogue, 69. Printing-presses list of places which have contained. Stein, 72. Printing terms. Power, 73. Private presses. Lowndes, 69. Processes. See Receipts. Proctor, Robert. Index to the early printed books in the British mu- seum, 67. Products. Lock, 30 ; Seeger and Guernsey, 30. See also Commercial year-book, 24 ; Tribune almanac, 23 ; U. S. Bureau of statistics, 24. statistics of. U. S. Bureau of statistics, 24. Professional instruction in biblio- round table meeting, L. A. 65. Prohibition. Cyclopaedia of tem- perance, 18. Pronunciation difficulties of. Phyfe, 15. disputed. Funk, apx. 14. foreign languages. Thomas (Lippincott's), introd. 41. proper names. See Names. See also Dictionaries. Proof-reading. Gaskell, 24; Hill, 24; Webster, apx. 14; Worcester, apx. 14. See also American dictionary of printing, 30. Proper names. See Names. Protestant episcopal church. Amer- ican church almanac, 20 ; Lloyd's clerical directory, 20 ; Whittaker's churchman's almanac, 20. Proverbs. Adams, 34 ; Bartlett, 36 ; Bohn, 37; Christy, 37; Halliwell- Phillips, 15; Riley, 37. See also Notes and queries (in- dex vols.), 34. See also Quotations. Providence Public library. Monthly bulletin, 73; Quarterly index to reference lists, 73. Pseudonyms. Adams, 34; Cham- bers's, apx. 42; Foley, apx. 69; Reddall, 35 ; Wilson (Appleton's), 42. American. Cushing, 77. Dutch. Doorninck, 77. English. Halkett and Laing, 77 ; Marchmont, 77. French. Querard, 77 ; Barbier, 77 ; Brunet, 77. German. Weller, 77. Italian. Melzi, 77. Scandinavian. Collin, 77; Pet- tersen, 77. women. Browne, 45. See also Brewer, 35 ; Literary year-book, 33 ; People's Cyclope- dia, apx. 11 ; Wheeler, 35 ; Who 's who, pref. 1902, 43; also Book- prices current. Index, 70 ; Li- brary journal, 77. Psychological review. Psychologi- cal index, 18, 74. Psychology. Baldwin, 18; Flem- ing, 18. bibliography. Baldwin, 18. (annual). L'annee psycho- logique, 74 ; Psychological review, 18, 74. 100 INDEX Public documents. See U. S. public documents. Public libraries, 79. Public schools. See Schools. Publishers' catalogs. American : Publishers' trade list annual, 69 ; English: Reference catalogue of current literature, 70 ; French : Le Soudier, 71 ; German : Russell, 71. Publishers' circular, 70. Publishers directory of (Ameri- can). Monthly cumulative book- index, 68; American catalogue, 68 ; United States catalog, 68. (English). English cata- logue annual, 70; Literary year- book, 33 ; Clegg, 33. See also National bibliogra- phies. Publishers' trade list annual, 69. Publishers' weekly, 68. American educational cata- logue in, 26, 69. Pulling, F. S. See Low, S. J., and Pulling, F. S. 51. Quain, R: Dictionary of medicine, 28. Qualifications for voting U. S. Statistician and economist, 23; World almanac, 23. Quaritch, Bernard. General cata- logue of books, 66. Querard, J. M. La France litteraire, 70; La litterature fran?aise con- temporaine, 70 ; Supercheries lit- teraires devoilees, 77. Quilter, Harry. What's what, 10. Quotations. Bartlett, 36 ; Hoyt, 36 ; Wale, 36. classical. Belton, 37; Harbot- tle, 37; Jones, 37; Ramage, 37; Riley, 37. foreign. Belton, 37; Harbottle, 37; Hoyt, 36; Jones, 37; Ramage, 37 ; Webster, apx. 14 , Worcester, apx. 14. poetical. Allibone, 36 ; Durfee, 36. prose. Allibone, 36 ; Edwards, 37. for occasions. Wood, 37. See also Adams, 34 ; Notes and queries (index vols.), 34. Racinet, A. C. A. Le costume his- torique, 26. Railroad routes. Rand, McNally & co. 49. See also Smith (Century), 48. Railroads. Poor, 24 ; Travelers' offi- cial guide, 25 ; U. S. Interstate commerce commission, 25. See also Commercial year-book, 24 ; Manual of statistics, 24. Raines, C. W. Bibliography of Texas, 64. Ramage, C. T. Familiar quota- tions, 37. Rand, McNally & co.'s enlarged business atlas, 49. Rand, McNally & co. Indexed atlas of the world, 48; Rand-McNally new standard atlas of the world, 49. Rare books. Brunet, 66 ; Ebert, 66 ; Georgi, 66; Grasse, 66; Quaritch, 66. See also Americana, Auction prices of books,' Bibliography, First editions, Incunabula. Rates of postage. See Postage rates. Rathbone, J. A. Instruction in the use of reference books, 7. Ray, J: Collection of English pro- verbs, 37. Reader's guide to periodical litera- ture, 54. Reading courses. Perkins, 75; Towne (Warner), 33. See also Choice of books. Receipts. Brannt and Wahl, 29 ; Cooley, 29 ; Hasluck, 29 ; Hopkins, 29. for books, etc. Power, 73. Recitations list of. Werner's di- rectory, 36. Recreations of noted Englishmen. Who 's who, 43. Red-letter days. See Days. Reddall, H: F: Fact, fancy, and fable, 35. Rees's Cyclopaedia, 10. Reference books lists of. Abbott, 6; Baker, 6; British museum Library, 6 ; John Crerar library, Chicago, 7 ; New York (state) Library, 7; Osterhout library, 7; Plummer,7; Reynolds library, 7; San Francisco Public library, 7 ; Spofford, 7 ; Wheatley, 8; Win- sor, 8 ; Woodruff, 8. their value. Quotations, 2. Reference catalogue of current lit- erature, 70. Reference work in libraries, 7. Reforms. See Social reforms. Reid, J. B. Complete concordance to Burns, 38. Religion bibliography. See The- ology bibl iography. dictionaries. M'Clintock and Strong, 18 ; Schaff, 18. Religions of the world. Appleton's annual cyclopaedia, 1901, p. 579, 10; World almanac, 23. Religious denominations. Apple- ton's annual cyclopaedia, 10. U. S. U. S. Census office, 12th census. Report, 24. Religious organizations (U. S.). Tribune almanac, 23. Religious rites and ceremonies. Walsh, 26. Religious statistics. World al- manac, 23. Religious year-books. American church almanac, 20 ; Official year- book, 20 ; Whittaker, 20. R^nouard, A. A. Annales de l'im- primerie des Aides, 67. Repertoire bibliographique de la librairie fran9aise, 71. Repertorium der technischen jour- nal-litteratur, 55. Review of reviews. Index to pe- riodicals, 54. Revue bibliographique, 72. Revue des deux mondes. Table ge- nerate, 54. Reynolds library, Rochester, N. Y. Reference catalogue, 7. Rhymes. Walker, 15. Richardson, Charles. New diction- ary of the English language, 13. Richardson, C: F. Choice of books, 75. Richardson, E. C. Reference- books, 7. Richter, P. E. Verzeichniss der bibliotheken, 77. Riemann, Hugo. Dictionary of music, 32. Rietstap, J. B. Armorial general, 47. Riley, H: T. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations, 37. Ringelberg's Cyclopedia, 9. Ringwalt, R. C. See Brookings, W. Du B., and Ringwalt, R. C. 57. Ripley, George, ed. See American cyclopaedia, 10. Rites. Walsh, 26. Rivers list of principal. People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 11 ; Statisti- cian and economist, 23. length of. Lippincott's gazet- teer, 48. Rivista delle bibliotheche, 79. Rohrig and others. Technological dictionary, 26. Rogers, May. Waverley dictionary, Roget, P. M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases, 15. Roman antiquities. Cornish, 51 ; Peck, 51 ; Seyffert, 51 ; Smith, 51. Roman biography. Smith, 43. Roman catholic church. See Catho- lic church. Roman geography. Smith, 49. Romance languages. Kritischer jahresbericht, 74. Roorbach, O. A. Bibliotheca Ameri- cana, 68. Rose, G: M. Cyclopaedia of Cana- dian biography, 42. Rothwell, R : P. Mineral industry, 30. Rowell, G: P., & co. American newspaper directory, 56. Roxburgh's Handbook of Jamaica, 23. Royal families. Almanach de Go- tha, 23. genealogical tables. Labber- ton, 49; Larned, 50 ; Morison, apx. 51. Royal family of England. Burke, 46; Kelly, pref. 46; Whitaker, 23 ; Who 's who, pref. 43. Royal household England. Whit- aker, 23. Royal lineage England. Burke, pref. 46. Royal society of London. Cata- logue of scientific papers, 55, 59. Rulers of nations. Almanach de Gotha, 23. list of living. Statistician and economist, 23 ; Tribune almanac, 23; World almanac, 23; Whitaker, 23. from 1492. Gooch, 51. See also Royal families. Ruling dynasties. People's cyclo- pedia, v. 4, apx. 11. Russell, A. Gesammt-verlags-kata- log, 71. Russian dictionary. Aleksandrov, 16. Ryland, F: Chronological outlines of English literature, 34. Sab in, Joseph. Bibliography of bibliography, 73 ; Dictionary of books relating to America, 67. Sachs, Karl. See Villatte, Cesaire, and Sachs, Karl, 16. Sacred poems. Duyckinck (see in- dex to), 34. St. Louis Public librarv. Class list, no. 1, English prose fiction, 39. St. Louis mercantile library. Eng- lish prose fiction, 39. St. Nicholas index. See Goss, Har- riet, and Baker, G. A. 76. Saints. Brewer, 20 ; Brewer, 35. legends of. Clement, 31. See also Patron saints, Re- ligion. Saints' days Protestant, Catho- lic, Russian or Greek church. Almanach de Gotha (calendar), 23 ; Chambers, 26. Sa ints of the 19th century. Brewer, 20. Salaries of government officials. See Government officials. INDEX 101 Salem Public library. Bulletin, 79; Finding-list, 78; How to use the reference library, 7. Salmon, E : Juvenile literature as it is, 76. Samoa bibliography. Library of Congress, 74. Samuel, Bunford. Index to Ameri- can portraits, 47. Sanders. See Muret-Sanders, 16. Sanders, L. C. Celebrities of the century, 41. San Francisco Free public li- , brary. Books in the reference- room, 7; Classified English prose fiction, 39. Sanskrit dictionary. Williams, 17. Santander, C. A. de la S. Diction- naire bibliographique choisi, 67. Sargant, E. B., and Wishaw, B. Guide-book to books, 75. Sargent, A. L. Reference work among school children, 7. Sargent, Epes. Harper's cyclopae- dia of British and American poetry, 36. Sargent, J: F. Reading for the young, 39, 75, 76. Sayings. See Noted sayings. Schaff, Philip. Creeds of Christen- dom, 20; Religious encyclopaedia, 18. Schem, A. J. See Kiddle, Henry, and Schem, A. J. 25. Schmid, K. A. Encyclopadie der gesammten erziehungs- und un- terrichtswesen, 25. Schmidt, Alexander. Shakespeare- lexicon, 39. School libraries. Buffalo Public library, 76 ; Carnegie library of Pittsburgh, 76; Cleveland Pub- lic library, 76 ; New York (state) Library, 76. Schools. American college and public school directory, 25. Science, 26-28. of the year. Annual register, 51. tables. Nichol, 50. Scientific American cyclopedia of receipts. Hopkins, A. A. 29. Scientific American supplement. Catalogue of papers, 54. Scientific periodicals. See Periodi- cals, technical, 55. Scientific societies. See Societies. Scotch poetry. Wilson, 36. Scott, R. See Liddell, H: G: and Scott, R. 17. Scott, Temple, ed. See Book sales, 70. Scott, Sir Walter dictionary. Rogers, 39. Scott stamp and coin co. Scott's standard postage stamp cata- logue, 25. Scranton Public library. Find- ing-list, 78. Scribner-Black Atlas of the world, 49. Scripture names pronunciation. Webster, apx. 14 ; Worcester, apx. 14. Scudder, S : H. Catalogue of scien- tific serials of all countries, 55, 59. Sculptors. Clement, 44. list of. Willsey, 11. Sculpture. Iconographic encyclo- paedia, v. 3, 11. bibliography. Farrar, 31 ; Sturgis, 31. Seals ecclesiastical. Zieber, 46. U. S. and state. Preble, 47; Townsend, 52 Zieber, 46. See also Funk (plate), 14 ; American cyclopaedia, 10 ; Uni- versal cyclopaedia, 10 ; Webster (plate), 14 ; Willsey, 11. Seals U. S. and state U. S. de- Sartments. Harper's encyclopae- ia, 2: 11-13,51. Sears, Hamblen. Governments of the world to-day, 21. Seasons references to articles. Goss and Baker's St. Nicholas index, 76. Secret societies. Stevens, 25. See also Tribune almanac, 23. Secretaries of state, treasury, war, etc. See Cabinets presidential. Sects. Blunt, 19 ; Smith and Wace, 19. See also names of sects. Seeger and Guernsey's cyclopaedia of the manufactures and pro- ducts of the U. S. 30. Selection of books. See Choice of books, Courses of reading. Selections. See Anthologies, Reci- tations, Quotations. Sell's dictionary of the world's press, 56. Semitic literature. American jour- nal of theology, 74. Serials. See Periodicals, Societies. Series of books. American cata- logue, 68 ; English catalogue, 69. Seynert, Oskar. Dictionary of clas- sical antiquities, 51. Shakspere, William concord- ances. Adams, 38 ; Bartlett, 38 ; Clarke, 38 ; Furness, 38. dictionaries. O'Connor, 39 ; Schmidt, 39. Sharp, R. F. Dictionary of Eng- lish authors, 44. Sharp & Alleman co.'s lawyers' and bankers' directory, 45. Shaw, R. K. Bibliography of do- mestic economy, 29. Shelley, P. B. concordance. Ellis, 38. Shippen, E: See Powell, W: H. and Shippen, E : 44. Shippers' guide. Rand, McNally & co. 49. Shipping. Blue book of American shipping, 25 ; Commercial year- book, 24. Ships. World almanac, 23. Short, C : See Lewis, C. T : and Short, C: 17. Signal flags. See Flags. Signers of the Declaration. Sta- tistician and economist, 23; Wil- son (Appleton's), 42. See also Declaration of Inde- pendence, 42. Signs used in writing and printing. Funk's Standard dictionary, apx. 14 ; Webster, apx. 14 ; Worcester, apx. 14. Silk. Cole, 30. Simpson, Matthew. Cyclopaedia of Methodism, 20. Singer, Isadore, and others. Jewish encyclopedia, 20. Skeat, W. W: Etymological dic- tionary, 14. Sladen, Douglas, ed. See Who's who, 43. Slang. Barrere and Leland, 15. See also Bartlett, 15; Walsh, 35. Slater, J: H. Early editions, 70. Sloane, T : O'C. Standard electrical dictionary, 27. Smith, B : E. Century atlas of the world, 48; Century cyclopedia of names, 35. Smith, C: J: Synonyms discrim- inated, 15. Smith, John. Dictionary of eco- nomic plants, 28. Smith, Sir W: Atlas of ancient geography, 49; Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 43 ; Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography, 49. and Cheetham, S : Dictionary of Christian antiquities, 18. and Fuller, J. M. Dictionary of the Bible, 19. 41. and Hall, T. D. Copious and critical English-Latin dictionary, 17. and Wace, H : Dictionary of Christian biography, literature, sects, and doctrines, 19. and others. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities, 51. Smithsonian institution. Interna- tional exchange list, 59. Sobriquets. Frey, 35; Reddall, 35. See also Brewer, 50; Wilson's (Appleton's), 7: 291, 42. of presidents. Townsend, 52. See also Nicknames, Pseudo- nyms. Social forms. Gaskell, 24 ; Hill, 24. Social reforms, chronology of. Bliss, apx. 20. Social science. See Sociology. Socialism bibliography. Stamm- hammer, 21. Societies American publica- tions. American catalogue, 59, 68 ; Bowker, 59 ; Kelly, 68. colonial. Zieber, 46. English lists, addresses, offi- cers, etc. Clegg, 33 ; Literary year-book, 33 ; Who 's who, pre! . 43. publications. Year-book of the scientific and learned so* cieties, 59 ; English catalogue of books, 59 ; English catalogue of books, annual, 1901,59 ; Wheatley, 59 ; Lowndes, 59, 69. French publications. Lef evre- Pontalis, 60; France Ministere de l'instruction publique, 60. general lists, addresses, offi- cers, etc. Minerva, 25; Smith- sonian institution, 59. publications. British mu- seum, 59 ; Library of Congress, 54 ; Royal society, 59 ; Scudder, 55. German publications. Mid- ler, 60. See also Tribune almanac, 23. See also Book clubs, Education society publications, Histor- ical societies. Society of chemical industry. Index to its Journal, 55. Society publications, 59, 60. Sociology. Bliss, 20. bibliography. Bowker and lies, 20, 21. periodical indexes. Jones, v. 2, 23, 54. references for debates. Brook- ings and Ringwalt, 57 ; Matson, 57. Songs. Warner, 33. authorship. Notes and que- ries (index vols.), 34. Sonnenschein, W: S. Best books, 73, 75 ; Reader's guide to contem- porary literature, 73, 75. Sonnenschein's cyclopaedia of edu- cation. See Fletcher, A. E. 25. Soule, R: Dictionary of English synonymes, 15. Soule art company. Complete art reference catalogue, 32. South Kensington museum. First proofs of the Universal catalogue of books on art, 31. 102 INDEX Southwick, A. P. Quizzisms and its key, 35 ; Wisps of wit and wis- dom, 35. Spanish bibliography. Boletin de la libreria, 72. Spanish dictionary. Velazquez, 16. Sparks, E. E. Topical reference lists in American history, 52. Speakers of the House of Repre- sentatives. Commercial year- book, 1901, 24 ; Statistician and economist, 23. Special bibliographies, 73, 74. of each year. Fletcher and Bowker, 73. Special collections. Lane and Bol- ton, 77; New York library club, 77, 78. Speeches. Harper's encyclopaedia of U. S. history, 51. Spellings disputed. Funk, apx. 14. Spiers, A., and Surenne, G. French and English, and English and French, pronouncing dictionary, 16. Spofford, A. R. Book for all read- ers, 7, 53, 65, 75 ; Works of refer- ence for libraries, 7. and Gibbon, C : Library of choice literature, 33. Spon, Ernest. See Byrne, Oliver, and Spon, Ernest, 29. Spoil's encyclopaedia of the in- dustrial arts. Lock, C : G. W. 30. Sports. Champlin, 32, 33 ; Suffolk, 33. records for the year. Tribune almanac, 23 ; World almanac, 23. Spruner von Mertz, Karl von. Hand-atlas der geschichte, 49. Staff training of library employes. Hasse, 6 ; Wales, 7. Stainer, Sir J: and Barrett, W. A. Dictionary of musical terms, 32. Stammhammer, Josef. Biblio- graphic der social - politik, 21 ; Bibliographic des socialismus und communismus, 21. Stamps. See Postage stamps. Standard dictionary. Funk, I. K. 14. Stanford dictionary of anglicised words and phrases. Fennell, C. A:M.15. Stanley, H. H. Reference work with children, 7. State and territorial governments. Tribune almanac, 23 ; World almanac, 23. State and territorial legislatures and elections. Statistician and economist, 23; Tribune almanac, 23 ; World almanac, 23. State documents. American cata- logue, 64 ; Bowker, 64; Michigan State library, 63. See also Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Missis- sippi, New Hampshire, New Jer- sey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, 64. State flowers. See Flowers state. State holidays. See Holidays legal. State legislation. See Legislation by states. State mottoes. See Mottoes of states. State nicknames. See Nicknames. State officers. See Election returns. State seals. See Seals. States chief events in history of. Willsey, 11. Statesman's year-book, 23. Statistical abstract. See U. S. Statistics, Bur. of, 24. Statistician and economist, 23. Statistics. Bliss, 20; Mulhall, 23. annual. Almanach de Gotha, 23 ; Chicago Daily News almanac, 23 ; Commercial year-book, 24 ; Hazell, 23; Manual of statistics, 24 ; Statesman's year-book, 23 ; Statistician and economist, 23 ; Tribune almanac, 23 ; Whitaker, 23 ; World almanac, 23. See also U. S. Statistics. Statutes, 22. Steamship lines. World almanac, 23. Steamship routes. Smith's Cen- tury atlas, 48. Stedman, E. C. American antho- logy, 36 ; Victorian anthology, 36. and Hutchinson, E. M. Library of American literature, 34, 44. Steel works. American iron and steel association, 30. Stein, Henri. Manuel de biblio- graphic generate, 54, 72, 74. Steingass, F. Student's Arabic- English dictionary, 17. Stephen, Leslie. Dictionary of na- tional biography, 42, 70. Stevens, A. C. Cyclopaedia of fraternities, 25. Stieler, Adolf. Hand-atlas fiber alle theile der erde, 49. Stiles, H : R. Hand book of practi- cal suggestion for students in genealogy, 46. Stille, Alfred, and others. National dispensatory, 28. Stock exchange. Manual of sta- tistics, 24. Stone, H. S. First editions of American authors, 69. Stormonth, James. Dictionary of the English language, 13. Stratmann, F. H. Middle-English dictionary, 16. Strauss, Albert. See Brown, Everit, and Strauss, Albert, 21. Street railways. Commercial year- book, 24; Poor, 24. See also Railroads. Strikes list of. Harper's book of facts, 11. Strong, James. Exhaustive con- cordance of the Bible, 19. See also M'Clintock, J: and Strong, James, 18. Sturgis. Russell. Annotated bibli- ography of fine art, 31 ; Diction- ary of architecture and building, 31. Subject bibliographies. See Special bibliographies. Suffolk and Berkshire, H : C : How- ard, earl of. Encyclopaedia of sport, 33. Superstitions. Brand, 26. See also Chambers, 26. Suplee, H: H., and Cuntz, T. H. Engineering index, 55. Supreme court justices. See Gov- ernment officials U. S. Surenne, G. See Spiers, A., and Surenne, G., 16. Surnames. Bardsley, 47. Svensk adelskalender, 47. Svensk bok-katalog, 72. Swedish bibliography. Svensk bok- katalog, 72 ; Arskatalog for sven- ska bokhandeln, 72. Swedish dictionary. Bjorkman, 16. Sweet, Henry. Student's diction- ary of Anglo-Saxon, 16. Symbolism in art. Clement, 31. Symbols ecclesiastical. Brewer, 20; Clement, 31. See also Christian symbols. Synonyms. Crabb, 14; Fellows, 14; Fernald, 14, 15; Roget, 15; Smith, 15; Soule, 15; Worcester, p. 1877- 1896, 14. See also Dictionaries. Tables. See Fine arts, History, Literature. Tariff latest schedule. Tribune almanac, 23 ; World almanac, 23. Taylor, E. F. Bibliography, 65. Technical literature bibliogra- phy. Haferkorn and Heise, 30. Technical schools. Minerva, 25. Technical terms. Eger, 27 ; Rohrig, 26; Tolhausen, 26; Webber, 27. Tedder, H : R. A few words on the study of bibliography, 65. Temperance. Cyclopaedia of tem- perance, 18. Tennyson, Alfred concordance. Brightwell, 38. Terentius Varro, 9. Territories. See State. Texas. Raines, 64. Textile manufacturers' directory and vear-book, 45. Textiles. Cole, 30. Thanksgiving day. Walsh, 26. Theologians. See Theological dic- tionaries. Theologischer jahresbericht, 74. Theology bibliography. Darling, 20 ; Hurst, 20 ; Malcolm, 20 ; Princeton theological seminary, 20. (annual). American jour- nal of theology, 74 ; Theologischer jahresbericht, 74. dictionaries. M'Clintock and Strong, 18 ; Schaff, 18. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. Roget, P. M. 15. Theses. See Dissertations. Thieme-Preusser. German diction- ary, 16. Thomas, Joseph. Universal pro- nouncing dictionary of biography and mythology, 41. See also Lippincott's gazetteer, 48. Thorpe, T: E: Dictionary of ap- plied chemistry, 27. Timbs, J: Popular errors, 35; Things not generally known, 35. Time difference in. World al- manac, 23. Time tables. Travellers' official guide, 25. Times, The. Index, 56. Times atlas, 49. Times' gazetteer. See Chisholm, G: G. 48. Timperley , C : H : Encyclopaedia of literary and typographical anec- dote, 30. Titled persons. See Baronetage, Peerage. Titles of books. See Bibliographies, Catalogs of libraries, Changed titles. Tolhausen, Alexandre. Diction- naire technologique, 26. Tomlinson. Cyclopaedia of useful arts, 26. Tools. Appleton, 29 ; Knight, 29. Town histories. Griffin, 52. See also Genealogies. Towne, E : C. Index guide to War- ner's Library, 33. Townsend, Malcolm. U. S., an index to the U. S. of America, 52. Toynbee, Paget. Dictionary of proper names and notable mat- ters in the works of Dante, 38. Traction companies. Poor, 25. Trade. See Commerce. INDEX 103 Harper's encyclopaedia, Transportation. U. S. Census office. Reports, 24. See also Railroads. Trautwine. Civil engineer's pocket- book, 29. Travelers' official railway guide for the U. S. 25. Treaties. Brewer, 50. list of. People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 11 ; Willsey, 51. U. S. " 51. Tribune. See New York daily Trib- une, 55, 56. Tribune almanac, 23. Triibner, Nicolas. Bibliographical guide to American literature, 67. Triibner & co. Catalogue of dic- tionaries and grammars, 13. Trusts bibliography of. Library of Congress, <4. list of. World almanac, 23. Tucker, G. M. Our common speech, 13. Tutin, J. R. Wordsworth diction- ary, 39. Typography. See Printing. U. S. Townsend, Malcolm, 52. Union lists of periodicals. Library of Congress, 54. Andrews, Josephson, 54. United States Adjutant-general. Official register, 45. Agriculture, Dept. of. Card index to its publications, 55; List of publications, 63. Division of publications. Index to authors with titles of their publications, 63. Census office. History of news- papers, 56. 11th census. Abstract, 24 ; Bulletins, 24 ; Compendium, 24 ; Reports, 24 ; Statistical atlas, 24. 12th census. Bulletins and Report, 24. Coast and geodetic survey. Bibliography, 63. Congress. Official congres- sional directory, 22. Consuls. Consular reports ; in- dex, 63. Copyright, Office of the register of. Catalogue of title entries of books, 69. Documents office. Catalogue of the public documents (Docu- ment catalogue), 62 ; Catalogue of U. S. public documents, issued monthly, 62 ; Check-list of public documents, 62 ; Index to the sub- jects of the documents and re- ports (Document index), 62, 63; Reports of the Superintendent of documents, 61; Table of and an- notated index to the congressional series, 62. Education, Bur. of. Public, society, and school libraries in the U. S. 77; Publications from 1867 to 1890, 63; Reports, 25. Equipment, Bur. of. Flags of maritime nations, 47. Foreign commerce, Bur. of. Review of the world's commerce, 24. Geographic names, Board on. Second report, 48. Geological survey. Mineral re- sources, 30. See also Darton, 27; War- man, 27 ; Weeks, 27. Interior, Dept. of the. Official register, 22. Interstate commerce commis- sion. Annual report, 25. United States National museum. List of publications, 63. Patent office. Annual reports of the Commissioner, 30; Official gazette, 30 ; Specifications of pa- tents, 30. Public printer. Report, 62. Revised statutes, 22. Statistics, Bur. of. Statistical abstract, 24. Surgeon-general's office. In- dex catalogue of the library, 28. United States biography. See American biography. Congress. See Government offi- cials U. S. 22. dates of first things. Town- send, p. 446-449, 52. finance. U. S. Bureau of statistics, 24. government officials. See Gov- ernment officials U. S. history. Harper's, 51 ; Jame- son, 52; Lossing, 52; Townsend, 52. See also Webster, 1902, apx. 14. Revolution. Winsor, 52. bibliography. Channing and Hart, 52; Griffin, 52; Larned, 52 ; Sparks, 52 ; Winsor, 52. politics. Brown and Strauss, 21 ; Lalor, 21. population. U. S. Bureau of statistics, 24 ; U. S. Census of- fice, 24. at each census. Statisti- cian and economist, 23; Tribune almanac, 23 ; U. S. Census office, 24 ; World almanac, 23. 1900 census. Commercial year-book, 1901, 24; International year-book, 1900, apx. 10, 11 ; U. S. Census office, 12th census, 24. public documents how ob- tained, 62. indexes and catalogs. Ames, 62 ; Boston Athenaeum, 63; Boston public library, 63; Greely, 63; Hickcox, 63; Index and re- view, 63 ; Indiana State library, 63 ; Mass. State library, 63 ; Michigan State library, 63; Peabody institute library, 63 ; Poore, 62 ; U. S. Documents office, 62, 63. resources. Gannett, 24 ; U. S. Census office, 24. statistics. Gannett, 24 ; Trib- une almanac, 23; U. S. Bureau of statistics, 24; U. S. Census office, 24. United States army list. Powell, W:H. 44. U. S. blue book. U. S. Dept. of the interior, 22. United States catalog, 68. United States in the leading lan- guages of the world. Townsend, p. 456-457, 52. United States military academy at West Point. See Cullum, G : W. 44. United States navy list. Callahan, E: W. 45. United States official postal guide, 25. United States red book. Murlin, E. L. 21 22. Universal anthology. Garnett, R: and others, 33. Universal cyclopaedia, 10, 12. Universities. American college and public school directory, 25; College year-book, 25 ; Minerva, 25. See also Tribune almanac, 23; World almanac, 23. Universities. See also College, Dis- sertations. University extension society. Syllabi and bibliographies, 75. Ure, Andrew. Dictionary of arts, 26. Useful arts, 28-31. Tomlinson, 26 ; Ure, 26. See also Lock, 30. bibliography. Haferkorn and Heise, 31. Valine, Leon. Bibliographie des bibliographies, 72. Vapereau, L: G. Dictionnaire uni- versel des contemporains,42; Dic- tionnaire universel des litera- tures, 33. Vegetables. Bailey, 28. Velazquez de la Cadena, Mariano. Pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages, Vermont, E. de V. America her- aldica, 46. Verzeichnis der berliner univer- sitatsschriften, 58. Vice-presidents. See Government officials U. S. Victorian anthology. Stedman, E. C.36. Villatte and Sachs. Encyklo- padischesfranzbsisches-deutsches worterbuch, 16. Vincent of Beauvais, 9. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Dictionnaire raisonne de 1' architecture fran- 9ais, 31. Voters, qualifications for. See Qualifications for voting. Votes. See Election returns. Wace, H: See Smith, Sir W: and Wace H: 19. Wahl, W:H. ' See Brannt, W: T., andWahl, W:H. 29. Wale, William. What great men have said about great men, 36. Wales, E. B. Assistants' class at Braddock (Pa.) public library, 7. Walker, J : Rhyming dictionary of the English language, 15. Walsh, W: S. Curiosities of popu- lar customs, 26 ; Handy-book of literary curiosities, 35. Ward, T: H. English poets, 36 ; Men of the reign, 43. Warman, P. C. Bibliography and index of the publications of the U. S. geological survey, 27 ; Catalogue and index of the pub- lications of the U. S. geological survey, 27. Warner, C : D. and others. Library of the world's best literature, 33, 43. Warren, Irene. Instruction in the use of books in a normal school, 7. Wars list of. Willsey, 11. U. S. Powell, 45 ; Townsend, 52. Waters, Mrs. Clara (Erskine) Clem- ent. See Clement, Mrs. C. E. Watt, Robert. Bibliotheca Britan- nica, 66, 69. Watts, H : Dictionary of chemistry, 27. Waverley dictionary. Rogers, May, 39. Wayte, W: See Smith, Sir William, and Wayte, W: 51. Webber, E. Technisches worter- buch, 27. Webster, Noah. International dic- tionary, 13, 14, 41, 47. Weeks, F. B. Bibliography of North American geology, 27. Weights and measures foreign with American equivalents. Com- 104 INDEX mercial year-book, 24 ; Hopkins, apx. 29; People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 11; Statistician and econo- mist, 24. Greek and Roman. Peck, apx. 51. tables of. Funk, p. 1095, 2048- 2049, 14. Weller, Emil. Index pseudony- morum, 77. Wellman, H. C. Reference work with children, 7. Welsh, A. H. English masterpiece course, 34. "Werner's directory of elocutionists, readers, lecturers, etc. 36. "West Indies (Danish) biblio- graphy. Library of Congress, 74. "What great men have said about great men. Wale, W: 36. "What 's what. Quilter, Harry, 10. Wheatley, H: B: How to form a library, 8, 59, 65 ; Present condition of English bibliography, 65; "What is an index, 57. Wheeler, W: A. Explanatory and pronouncing dictionary of the noted names of fiction, 35; Who wrote it? 35. and C : G. Familiar allusions, 35. Whitaker, Joseph. Almanack, 23. Whitaker's Naval and military di- rectory and Indian army list, 45. Whitaker's Titled persons, 46. Whitcomb, S. L. Chronological outlines of American literature, 34. Whitmore, W. H. See Munsell, Joel, pub. 45. Whitney, J. L. Modern Proteus, 77. Whitney, W : D. Century diction- ary, 14. Whittaker's churchman's almanac, 20. Who 's who, 43. Who 's who in America. Leonard, J: W:42. Willard, F. E., and Livermore, Mrs. M. A. (Rice). A woman of the century, 45. Willem's Les Elzevier, 67. Williams, Sir Monier Monier-. San- skrit-English dictionary, 17. Williams, R. O. Our dictionaries, 13. Williamson, Joseph. Bibliography of the state of Maine, 64. Willing's press guide, 56. Wills. Parsons, 22. Willsey, J. H. Harper's book of facts, 11. Wilson, J. G. Poets and poetry of Scotland, 36. and Fiske, J: Appleton's cy- clopaedia of American biogra- phy, 42. Wilson, Woodrow. The state, 11. Winsor, Justin. Karrative and critical history of America, 52 ; Principal reference books for col- lege libraries, 8; Reader's hand- book of the American revolution, 52 ; Reference books in English, 8. Wisconsin free library commission. Suggestive list of books for a small library, 75. Wisconsin state historical society Library. Annotated catalogue of newspaper files, 56. Wishaw, Bernard. See Sargant, E. B., and Wishaw, Bernard, 75. Wochentliches verzeichnis, 71. Woman of the century. Willard, F. E., and Livermore, Mrs. M. A. (Rice), 45. Women. Browne, 45 ; Hale, 45 ; Willard and Livermore, 45. Wood, G : B., and Bache, F. Dis- pensatory of the United States, 28. Wood, K. B. Quotations for oc- casions, 37. Woodbury, W. E. Encyclopaedic dictionary of photography, 32. Woodruff, E. B. List of fifty refer- ence books for a small library, 8 ; Reference work, 8. Worcester, J. E. Dictionary of the English language, 13, 14. Words obsolete. Halliwell- Phillips, 15; Wright, 15. Words. See also Anglicised words, Australasian words, Dialects, Pro- nunciation. Wordsworth, W : dictionary. Tu- tin, 39. World almanac, 23. World's best literature. Warner, C:D. 33. World's best orations. Brewer, D. J. 33. Wright, Joseph. English dialect dictionary, 15. Wright, T : Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English, 15. Wurzbach, Constant von. Bio- graphisches lexicon des kaiser- thums Oesterreich, 43. Wyman, C. W. H. See Bigmore, E. C, and Wyman, C. W. H. Year's art. Carter, A. C. R. 31. Year-book of Australia, 23. Year-book of the scientific and learned societies, 59. Year-books American. Apple- ton's annual, 10 ; International annual, 10, 11 ; Statistician and economist, 23 ; Tribune almanac, 23; World almanac, 23. English. Annual register, 51 ; Hazell,23; Statesman's year-book, 23 ; Whitaker, 23. foreign. Almanach de Gotha, 23. special subjects. See names of subjects. Yonge, C: D. English-Greek lexicon, 17. Young, Robert. Analytical con- cordance to the Bible, 19. Young folks' cyclopaedias. Champ- lin, J: D., jr., 11, 32,33. Zell's popular encyclopaedia, 11. Zieber, Eugene. Heraldry in America, 46. Zoological record, 74. Zoology bibliography (annual). Bibliographia zoologica, 74 ; Zoo- logical record, 74. ElectrotyPed and printed by H. O. Houghton &* Co. Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED KimXRY SCHOOL LIE This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. JAN 1 8 1963 JAN 5 1968 LD 21-50m-12,'61 (C4796sl0)476 General Library University of California Berkeley \oi<\4l UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY