THE GRAPHIC ATLAS THE GRAPHIC ATLAS AND GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD Edited by J. G. BARTHOLOMEW, F.R.S.E., F.R.G.S.. Etc. N E W YORK THOMAS NELSON & SONS L O N ]J O N A N D 1<: D I N B U R G H Map Library 6- CONTENTS 1. FRONTISPIECE. 2. THE WOKLD, Hemispheres. :!. THE WORLD, Commercial, suowixG British Empire. /Climate. 4. THE WORLD,. OcEAx \ Currents. r,. THE WORLD, (■Time Chart. ' (Rainfall. (!. NORTH AMERICA, Physical. 7. NORTH POLAR CHART. 8. NORTH AMERICA, Political. 9. NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN. 10. UNITED STATES, Railways. 11. UNITED STATES, Eastern Division. 12. UNITED STATES, Western Division. fUNITED 1 Temperature. ^^1 STATES./Rainfall. 14. ALABAMA. 1.-). ALASKA. 16. ARIZONA. 17. ARKANSAS. 15. CALIFORNIA. 11). COLORADO. 20. CONNECTICUT. 21. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 22. DELAWARE. ^ /DAKOTA, NORTH. ^^HDAICOTA, SOUTH. 24. FLORIDA. 25. GEORGIA. 52. PENNSYLVANIA. 2G. IDAHO. 53. SOUTH CAROLINA. 27. ILLINOIS. 54. TENNESSEE. 28. INDIANA. 55. TEXAS. 29. IOWA. 50. UTAH. 30. KANSAS. 57. VERMONT. 31. KENTUCKY. 58. VIRGINIA. 32. LOUISIANA. West Virginia. 33. MAINE. 59. WASHINGTON. 34. MARYLAND. 60. WISCONSIN. 35. MASSACHUSETTS AND (;i. WYOMING. RHODE ISLAND. C2. YOSEMITE VALLEY. 3G. MICHIGAN. 37. MINNESOTA. iiZ. DOMINION OF CANADA. Eastern Provinces. 38. MISSISSIPPI. 64. DOMINION OF CANADA. 39. MISSOURL Western Provinces. 40. MONTANA. 65. NOVA SCOTIA, NEW 41. NEBRASKA. BRUNSWICK, & PRINCE 42. NEVADA. EDWARD ISLAND. 43. NEW HAMPSHIRE. GO. QUEBEC. 44. NEW JERSEY. Environs of Montreal AND Quebec. 40. NEW MEXICO. G7. ONTARIO. 4fi. NEW YORK. Environs of Ottawa and 47 HUDSON RIVER. Toronto. 48 Environs of New York, 68 MANITOBA, Etc. Philadelphia, Chicaoo, Boston, New Orleans, 69 BRITISH COLUMBIA, Etc. and San Francisco. 70 NEWFOUNDLAND. 49 NORTH CAROLINA. 71 Plans of Toronto, Quedkc, M OHIO. Montreal, and Niagara. 51 OREGON. 72 MEXICO. IV CONTENTS 73. WEST INDIES AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 74. WEST INDIES. Enlarged Map. 7.5. SOUTH AMERICA. 76. SOUTH AMERICA, Sect. 1. 77. SOUTH AMERICA, Sect. 2. 78. SOUTH AMERICA, Sect. 3. Environs of Rio Janeiro. 79. EUROPE. 80. BRITISH ISLES, Railways. 8L ENGLAND AND WALES. Northern Section. 82. ENGLAND AND WALES. Southern Section. 83. Environ.s of London, Liver- pool, AND Manchester. 84. SCOTLAND, North Section. 85. SCOTLAND, South Section. 8(1. CENTRAL SCOTLAND. 87. IRELAND, North Section. Environs of Moville. 88. IRELAND, South Section. Dublin, Queenstown. 89. CENTRAL EUROPE. 90. HOLLAND AND BELGIUM, Brussels, The Hague, Amsterdaii. 91. FRANCE. 92. PARIS, RIVIERA. 93. GERMAN EMPIRE. 94. THE RHINE, Berlin, Ham- burg, Leipzig, Etc. 95 SWITZERLAND. 96. SPAIN AND PORTUGAL, Gibraltar. 97. ITALY. Environs of Rome. 98. BALKAN PENINSULA. Environs of Constanti- nople. 99. AUSTRIA- HUNGARY. Environs of Vienna. 100. SWEDEN, NORWAY, AND DENMARK, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Christiania. 101. RUSSIA IN EUROPE, St. Petersburg, Crimea. 102. ASIA. 10.3. TURKEY IN ASIA, Egypt, Cyprus. 104. PALESTINE. Environs op Jerusalem. 105. CENTRAL ASIA. 106. INDIAN EMPIRE, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. 107. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. 108. BENGAL PRESIDENCY. 109. MADRAS PRESIDENCY. 110. PUNJAB, SINDH, RAJ- PUTANA, KASHMIR,Etc. 111. FARTHER INDIA. 112. EAST INDIES. 113. CHINESE EMPIRE, Hong-Kong, Pekin. 114. CHINA. 115. JAPAN AND COREA, Central Japan. 116. AFRICA. Physical Sketch Map. 117. NORTHERN AFRICA, Barbary States, Suez Canal. 118. CENTRAL AFRICA. 119. SOUTH AFRICA, Environs of C.\pe Town. 120. OCEANIA, Hawaii, Fiji, Etc. 121. AUSTRALIA. 122. NEW SOUTH WALES. 123. VICTORIA. 124. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Northern Territory. 125. QUEENSLAND. 126. WEST AUSTRALIA. 127. NEW ZEALAND, Tasmani.\, Dunedin, and Auckland. 128. SOUTH POLAR CHART. THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ALPHABETICAL LIST OF COUNTRIES AND SECTIONAL MAPS Indicating tlie Maps in the Atlas on which tliey are shoivn. Map No. ABYSSINIA 117, iiS AFGHANISTAN 103. 105 AFRICA 116 AFRICA, NORTHERN 117 AFRICA, CENTRAL iiS AFRICA, SOUTH 119 AFRICA, WEST 117 ALABAMA 14 ALASlwV 15 ALBERTA 69 ALGERIA 116, 117 AMERICA, NORTH, Physical 6 AMERICA, NORTH, Political... .8 AMERICA, CENTRAL 73 AMERICA, .SOUTH 75 AMERICA, SOUTH- NORTH-WESTERN 76 NORTH-EASTERN 77 SOUTHERN 78 AMSTERDAM, E.wirons of 90 ANAM Ill ANDORRA 96 ANGOLA 118 ANTARCTIC OCEAN 128 ANTWERP, Environs of 90 ARABIA 103 ARCTIC OCEAN 7 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC 78 ARIZONA 16 ARKANSAS 17 Map No. ARMENIA 103 ASIA 102 ASIA, CENTRAL 105 ASIA MINOR 103 AS.SAM 106, loS ASSINIBOIA 68 .\THABASCA 69 .VTLANTIC, NORTH, CHART.. S, 9 AUCKLAND, Environs of 127 AUSTRALIA 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY 99 .-\ZORES ISLANDS 9 BAFFIN LAND 7, 63 BAHAMA ISLANDS 73 BALKAN PENINSULA 98 B.VLUCHISTAN 103, 106 BAVARIA 93 BECHUANALAND 119 BELGIU.M 90 liENGAL 108 BERAR 107 BERLIN, Environs ok 94 BERMUDAS 74 BOHKNHA 93 BOKHARA 105 BOLIVIA 76 BOMBAY, Province of 107 BOMBAY, Environs of 106 Map No. BORNEO 112 BOSNIA 98, 99 BOSTON, Environs of 4S BR.\ZIL 76, 77 BRITISH COLUMBIA 69 BRITISH GUIANA 76, 77 BRITISH HONDURAS 73 BRITISH ISLES, Railways So BRUNEI 112 BRUSSELS, Environs of 90 BULGARIA 98 IIURNLV 106, HI CALCUTTA, Environs of 106 CALIFORNIA 18 CAMBODIA Ill CANADA, EA.STERN 63 CANADA, WESTERN 64 CANARY ISLANDS 9 CAPE COLONY 119 CAPE TOWN, Environs of 119 CAROLINA, NORTH 49 CAROLINA, SOUTH S3 CAUCASIA lOi CENTRAL AMERICA 72, 73 CENTRAL EUROPE 89 CEYLON 106, 109 CHANNEL ISLANDS S2 CHICAGO, Environs of.! 48 CHILE 76, 78 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF COUNTRIES AND SECTIONAL MAPS. Map No. CHINA 114 CHINESE EMPIRE 113 CHRISTIANIA 100 CLIMATE CHART 4 COCHIN 109 COCHIN CHINA in COLOMBIA 76 COLORADO 19 COLUMBIA, District of 21 COMMERCIAL CHART OF THE WORLD 3 CONGO FREE STATE iiS CONNECTICUT 20 CONSTANTINOPLE, Environs OF 98 COPENHAGEN, Environs of.. ..100 COREA 115 CORK HARBOUR 88 CORSICA 91, 97 COSTA RICA 73 CRIMEA loi CUBA 73 CYPRUS 103 DAKOTA, NORTH AND SOUTH 23 DALMATIA gS, 99 DAMARA LAND 119 DELAWARE 22 DENMARK 100 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 21 DOMINICA, WEST INDIES 73 DRESDEN, Environs of 94 DUBLIN, Environs of 88 DUNEDIN, Environs of 127 EAST INDIES 102, 112 ECLIPSES, Solar and Lunar.... 2 ECUADOR 76 Map No. EGYPT 103, 117 ENGLAND, NORTHERN 81 ENGLAND, SOUTHERN 82 EUROPE 79 EUROPE, CENTRAL 89 FARTHER INDIA iii FIJI ISLANDS 120 FINLAND loi FLORIDA 24 FRANCE 91 GAZALAND 119 GEORGIA 25 GERMAN EMPIRE 93 GIBRALTAR, Bay ok 96 GREECE 98 GREENLAND 7, 63 GUATEMALA 72 GUIANA 76, 77 HAGUE, Environs of 90 HAITI 73 HAMBURG, Environs of 94 HAVRE, Environs of 91 HAWAII, OR SANDWICH ISLANDS 120 HERZEGOVINA 98, 99 HOLLAND 90 HONDURAS 73 HONG-KONG 113 HUDSON RIVER 47 HUNGARY 99 HYDRABAD 109 ICELAND 79 IDAHO 26 ILLINOIS 27 INDIAN EMPIRE io6 Map No. INDI.A., Provinces of 107, 108, 109, no INDIA, FARTHER in INDIANA 28 IOWA 29 IRELAND, NORTHERN 87 IRELAND, SOUTHERN ...88 ITALY 97 JAMAICA 73, 74 JAPAN 115 JAPAN, CENTRAL 115 JAVA n2 JERUSALEM, Environs of 104 KANSAS 30 KASHMIR no KEEWATIN 68 KENTUCKY 31 KHIVA 105 LABRADOR 63 LAPLAND loi LEEWARD ISLANDS 73, 74 LEIPZIG, Environs of 94 LIBERIA 117 LIVERPOOL, Environs of 83 LONDON, Environs of 83 LONG ISLAND 46 LOUISIANA 32 LUXEMBURG 90 MADAGASCAR 116, 118 MADRAS, Province of 109 MADRAS, Environs of 106 MAINE 33 MALAY ARCHIPELAGO 112 MANCHESTER, Environs of 83 MANCHURIA 113 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF COUNTRIES AND SECTIONAL MAPS. Map No. MANITOBA 68 MARYLAND 34 MASSACHUSETTS 35 MESOPOTAMIA 103 MEXICO 72 MEXICO, NEW 45 MICHIGAN 36 MICRONESIA 120 MINNESOTA 37 MISSISSIPPI 38 MISSOURI 39 MOLUCCAS 112 MONGOLIA 113 MONTANA 40 MONTENEGRO 98 MONTREAL, Environs of 66 MONTREAL, Plan of 71 MOON, Phases of thf, 2 MOROCCO 117 MOUNTAINS OF WORLD i MOVILLE, Environs of 87 MOZAMBIQUE. iiS MUNIPUR 108 MYSORE 109 NATAL 119 NEBR.\SKA 41 NETHERLANDS 90 NEVADA 42 NEW BRUNSWICK 65 NEWFOUNDLAN'D 70 NEW GUINEA 112 NEW HAMPSHIRE 43 NEW HEBRIDES 120 NEW JERSEY 44 NEW MEXICO 45 NEW ORLEANS, Environs of. ..48 NEW SOUTH WALES 121, 122 NEW YORK STATE 46 Map No. NEW YORK CITY, Environs of.. 48 NEW ZEALAND 127 NIAGARA 71 NICARAGUA 73 NORTH CAROLINA 49 NORTH POLAR REGIONS 7 NORWAY 100 NOVAIA ZEMLIA 7 NOVA SCOTIA 65 OCEAN CURRENTS, Etc 4 OCEANIA 120 OHIO so ONTARIO 67 ORANGE FREE STATE 119 OREGON 51 OTTAWA, Environs of 67 PACIFIC OCEAN, Islands of... 120 PALESTINE 104 PANAMA, Isthmus of 73, 74 PARAGUAY 77, 78 PARIS, Environs of 92 PATAGONIA 78 PEKIN, Environs of 113 PENNSYLVANIA 52 PERSIA 103, 105 PERU 76 PHILADELPHIA, Environs of.. .48 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 112 PLANETS I, 2 POLAR NORTH CHART 7 POLYNESIA 120 PORTUGAL 96 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 65 PRUSSIA 93 PUNJAB no QUEBEC, Province of 66 Map No. QUEBEC, Environs of 66 QUEBEC, Plan of 71 QUEENSLAND 121, 125 RAINFALL, WORLD 5 RAINFALL, UNITED STATES. ..13 R.VJPUTANA no RHINE, THE 94 RHODE ISLAND 35 RIO DE JANEIRO, Environs of.. 78 RIVIERA, THE 92 ROME, Environs of 97 ROTTERDAM, Environs of 90 ROUMANIA 98 ROUMELIA, EASTERN 98 RUSSIA IN EUROPE loi RUSSIA IN ASIA 102 SAHARA n6, n7 SAN FRANCISCO, Environs of.. 48 SAN SALVADOR 73 SARDINIA 97 SASICATCHEWAN 68 SAXONY 93 SCANDINAVIA 100 SCOTLAND, NORTHERN 84 SCOTLAND, SOUTHERN 85 SCOTLAND, CENTRAL 86 SEASONS, Diagram of the i SENEGAMBIA... \\^ SERVIA 98 SIAM ni SIBERIA 102 SICILY 97 SIERRA LEONE n7 SINDH no SNOW, Line of Pf.rpetual 5 SOUDAN n7 SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC. .ng ALPHABETICAL LIST OF COUNTRIES AND SECTIONAL MAPS. Map No. SOUTH AUSTRALIA I2i, 124 SOUTH CAROLINA 53 SOUTH POLAR REGIONS 12S SPAIN 96 STOCKHOLM, Environs of 100 ST. PETERSBURG, Environs OF lOI STRAITS SETTLEMENTS ti2 SUMATRA 112 SWEDEN 100 SWITZERLAND 95 SYRIA 103 TASMANIA 127 TEMPER.A.TU RE- WORLD 4 UNITED STATES 13 TENASSERIM 11 1 TENNESSEE 54 TEXAS 55 TIBET 113 TIDES 4 TIME CHART 5 TONQUIN Ill Map No. TORONTO, Environs of 67 TORONTO, Plan of 71 TRANSYLVANIA 99 TRAVANCORK 109 TRINIDAD, Island of 74 TRIPOLI :i7 TUNIS 117 TURKESTAN 105, 113 TURKEY IN EUROPE 98 TURKEY IN ASIA 103 TYROL 99 UNITED STATES, Railways 10 UNITED STATES, EASTERN ... 11 UNITED STATES, WESTERN. ..12 UNITED STATES, Mean Tem- perature 13 UNITED STATES, Mean Rain- fall 13 URUGUAY 78 UTAH 56 VANCOUVER ISLAND 69 VENEZUELA 76 Map No. VERMONT 57 VICTORIA 121, 123 VIENNA, Environs of 99 VIRGINIA 58 VIRGINIA, WEST 58 WALES 81, 82 WASHINGTON, City of 21 WASHINGTON, State of 59 WEST AUSTRALIA 121, 126 WEST INDIES 73 WEST VIRGINIA 58 WINDWARD ISLANDS 73, 74 WISCONSIN 60 WORLD IN HEMISPHERES 2 WORLD ON JIERCATOR'S PROJECTION ^3 WURTEMBERG 93 WYOMING 61 YOSEMITE VALLEY 62 ZANZIBAR iiS ZULULAND 119 i\v I, juiYinr^ (^o^tpluf4kL biftitut^ .Idai fisFUeLuftcw A f L. % Li A) 1= ^ W 5-s t:2 -^ 120 140 160 IPO ISO 1+0 130 lOO GO M} 20 O 20 40 100 120 UO leo 120 140 leo 180 1£0 140 120 100 UD 140 ICO ISO IBO \*0 IZO 100 m'MM CHEHFTS &c 40 20 20 40 60 80 100 120 1*0 160 loo 130 140 160 @i '■ H|--H^ UO UO IGO ISO 140 120 Lang. 100 Kof 80 i;nMR.60 40 20 20 40 GO L^iy.eO S.oT lOOAwm-UO 140 lEO Ocean Tiors SFRI>'{1 TIDES rWRfte NKAP TIDES Ih» lin^aifh C™.->-La|>ln<-nl i ANTE MERITSrETr POST MERIDIEM TIMS €BAMT ! r^a.tfSlo'-^ j Ape T I IC C KJATT^ SiHUb«r^« A, R i T ;I T I ^^Si'vUty, i,y^?tl -4-H-^-i^i IPS 120 us )^ j &uimi;Citcli '^^'SW'af". A.-.ui^, 13(1 ^£h \bv \ : &UL&KLAt 15* irf'" Lonatlud^ or out hmir m Zbn« L.-» 105 aOZoqjTS V^60ft»ndS 30 15 15 30 ♦Sio-w 60£^75O«a3O ID; lOO 120 no IM IJi IJO 165 WO leo 140 120 lOO l^hSXMfmSXL "RMSfM^A ,f~ *0 go O 20 40 60 30 IQQ izo no j«o WO lap no 160 leo mo no lao i»w.ioo Koi- bo *° ^0 go *o 'K> t«w B»t /:.«f ioofi/,«,iao 140 160 uo ^^7- 1)1 ACU AMM AT I C SECTION SHOWING HEIGHT OF THE LINE OF PERPETUAL SNOW AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES FROM THK EQUATOK TO THE NORTH }'OLK IL» tiUiAnir^ &t*,j{».pl,w kl luUluu SECTION ACROSS UNITED STATES 150 "V 170 HOBSH F©Ii^- 'UillJBT ^^ ' 1-""''°" '^ I •-^; ti^ w o S5s SJo ~,.r il., jj„,ln»'>'^aV<. I i '?Wo-j:, ,t^*^^. ■aktz: ' ^J .y^i" ^?^i X? -SB- '^, ^4 ^ y \*^ M lc,Tmm\n '--1 B-4- i<0 .TnorpT-i ?r^3=^i *^ ,3^ ^>/ ihisbfln') B-i^2ii V ^^ Petanunm X ^ . ^ s& !^X. '¥ ■j^^- "NL 4»- '^^ist 4 ' " '^°i?.i ^*''; &» ... jfC X; '^S-, \ ^^ ■'»w»j>'! / ^ J~ ■"*«». *, r ^■*Ti,rf :r; "tin , W"; SH ^ie» ^'!^'' :^ ^^io^'M^ y ■lo T^ SjmfcoT^ GMjsKplacw iftintuu JJaSul^mmrA C« Aa ZiicHno^ OtagrKfbkittX Iiutituir »«* ,Htt^ SECTION ACROSS THE ATLANTIC OCEAN ATLANTIC C e A N ir ,^ V -w»»^ /•^^^••Tj^i' ^ji,;;;r7:^V7 ^„.„iisio«- > , .-^{i,,,,,.^- Plll^lliil' ' p.-/'. -Ah *•(■.» i -5 l|l -a G" S"**"^ ■■ ,0 I ' L r o F M F. X J C V> EASTERN DIVISION ■^WSa ^ . 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',^^ ,,"S«V^^ii Qm^aalM j , „, n«tu,j.ra«Mi*'«.. ii|^| .fey,, ivr ^ r.«t»,j«m TK- y.^T.iin.t^ i-.fg»^^^ T»fiTi*« Xoruiitiide Wiest 113 of Grven-wieh. ^'■'i'St^- >:K.V M,../ /.f/ '"''■'•' ■ r^ §L ^ ' tCV Butt.- ■ [i:. I ;:< ; ^ ^V- -^' ^' ^ fT'g^ ' />^ "'^j '.-•'■ M^JP"' INDIAN,!^ M 1a V ^: o i ^"^ S. Seal PKEStOTT 1"1«"^ ,.'- ■\r -5^«^£ ;#"> ft' ^*.j>5 'Lr'/'- W^ Spn :» w "^^ ^ iL*L^^^^o ^y'j^^ y jr-ififlCTTi-iT^, % '•'^, iff ,-,.o I N A LI Torjja^;^^'^ i-vi/V \ ^^5^' '^ °filufiriu«r I 1 .J'y ■"■"'Ait?"" %. \, iiAl 5^ iLftdro/ C .4 i / fl O K A' I ^ JSaxi^^iacio ^ Loag^tode West 35 of Waalnii^on 'Hu £3ln>1)ut^ Gcoji'^lkleal Lutituu TKr cambir^ Gvafrt^rji lactihi' 'oiuBKrtliolan!»»'S' 1 I4 & 5^ is!\i Ar' Or' ^4x^?t$*^^r , Q m -s.:^-H ■wf-'Si. i:'*"i V '. "- 1 g Q ^ ^4lf ?i III ■■-^ t .,-5- > l". i*T -V* ?^*5 i "^ '5 -I i' i-;. ^ yPi.i,/w£l]..^^^ rT >5\ "5^i ; M,M »\ , '- It 21 DISTRICT OF COLUMEIA TUSaiblniP^ewejrBpliual ^alltata ^^Sa^tLJom»>ii*" LojiaitUlit Vett la'SO' <>*' Oiv^ntrU-ii tU Tl» Ejm>>Tii-^ r-«op«pJac«l Isttituir r feiiuKirf'k (i"ojir«[p)iir*l FLORIDA »p 40 StstUe- of MUm Hu ZilaiiiaAOma*rnhle^ Ltmgitnde Wert, G of Waahmgton 5 >T jm fiarl^oloBtw A Co N R I l/^yi C A R ! L I N A : GEORGIA W" Uf ,j,.„, «Miir"B/ ^^ ' '^ .........m ■.. ^&'7 '■^«'»;^i.»^fe4»"^CL.i(^■iDeNg^ii-- w*« . ,J^- GWINNETT v>^^«nJ^ltet^ir„^«->^^^ .;^^'"^'^^ , =T^>aj^ig~. j^^i^j^^cg^jji-j^-; .wAritoN.frs;;;^,,™ /.; " ^^wuKts 1 ,■ — ; jif-Q^Ii^vy; t3™^^fe¥A' Vfcf^^';r;/^^^ ''-'>^^i£^>^;>^'^ -^ m ''*»'vSr.>Cr^:3rTX/J\- ^'^^:? ^-'^ .-^y fiiv-rA^y v^y^^» S u,V so N -B/itoUl/%, ri TAL60T ^"O^^^^' ^'^ l-"""^"!. T AL60T ''^CRAWroRD. lift-,-, , TWIGGS-/'"^" -.i -Lji^A./.^/iy,^ XJ-itoW ■%>.»>«'«i'^ ^U » " " tit's ,^^ ^^/"^OC ilth^ MOUaTO ' '^-colum/bia B U L r\o C ff. w 0^ qT>y\ 'I ■ t' ^ ^ /wnJA.*^-' ! A^. "^ \ v'^Sj i. Vdw7M 'Lif' Jk J- l(<<^^I2?i»'^ ^^^W ^«*^^"', B RIO K $ /l-W^lfs) V / il"'^""'''^ ^tS'CH AR LTOW ^ ^"1/ j D Ti* B-lmViiT(l OtefrapUc*] Ibi Longitudr Wrsi O of Wnaiun^tini 5" A/D A IDAHO SaiU efJRlar T f \ A^ J/'Br- "■• ^■'"^ 4 h , .■■ rT,^ ''/111 a-i^h'J^ - i) --frO-AV. * >CVjA '-^^ ^" .ii».c'(>,rtE ' B I N .^nvt and Basalt < N' T]i» EJliklnu-j(I> (^u^ajKic*! ImliliitB iM M-* N E .J D A MaLi.W ... _^I^X^^^^i^ U T A^i VaBKingioi JdiB BBrOtoloamr Jr (' JiengiUAdr Wttt 89 of Grtiwruh I DnfauqUj VS all iSpru-a ffluTf J^ A^ K H WROLL ^^'"f'-'V^.jn,.*",, ?«'«i4i>aufc« '■™r%li2!2i*' •«™ys>&> r^ JU..,™ vj/V-**^ / cs. ^iHf^^T- ^•m^^d 1, i , /"■■■v*v™ "{"■"■IK _ M OfKA NV Tk» ZdlnVur^ CiofraplucaJ Iiudtuli JircC% sr^Boi t r Q_ N j . T. I Ptr N il\"n.ffa/7 (Atf ibT7 ( /> i3 I lirrao r»v* ParU "f^i -^u2# litlir^riiJi^l 1 , i' ^ \ "Tr^^Y uii-Snn/ SVyiTZtfiLAND flBAVIESS i^i-ai. .'-H-w.. '•"^" / :«*¥•!-' j^5S._c L AIR K^ft ^ ■ 4-^ IHDIAHA Lan^tude "West 9 pg Vjiattington. -j^ nyiliin:*! i£,(Utalc JcJa E^Ouilanair A Co oo t ffi?' XffTjXrria.g'i^ P E \C y Longitude West Q9 of Greaandi ^^ ^ R-TTt Kent ^Fnm-Ii^ 4 /'; >©'iaKS )U Ai-^ ■'.0--9JS T\o kXlm^ rk„^m,. '^^'■'-'Na .7^5-7' 1 ^S^ VN.V'" r"*x ;^v, l«P E, N O WS-COT, 'A -^ '. /**■""'" S;SWL ,1^' TifinfrrpLiff 1 i ^Midrt^-' "^ )BcxmI. .Vi>A»^itmJ^ Malinifiut An4 I 6 Umgtiode Ewt 7 of Vaahin ^ A T L A ^'^ t J C O (■ K A X MAIIf E ,.,.*;^ .« J/..V.. 56 T^ LJicL^ifvlfe LrttjkVELphi^^ loii Ajli-r^» J!AlniJ% ~^tn.tia f K V^vj .L„„,,,,(- '!fe...x m"^" 'li'f'J'"^ T.cA/ ■AOl«.yf C^'-4'I #^ JSAGOV -w c I / u s Rotjk rv;;^ Himh B L C S jStuHjir, aifJ.5VJ.asrXK.-i.r-T-rr#'iCr^'^»»^M star <^ -A V ^/r >ctS* r*s^ Ju Elin^tr^ G*',<£r*irluc*l iaiutou^ J7^ ^ Loii^tud r ^"l ip o f TVa JiingfaMS rk« Edlnliiu-^ Gi. i>F*|^u*I lutii Tl-r ^ioluTf;. K-ogt «;]».■«] tartltit* * QHH B iLjOialDIa*^- A I" 3 Bthell S)J^^^ f^'TF.u,. ■i)tf I>- )^ v,-''i'7v,,^^jrK . /-■'^-•'s /.• V -VoW/omXjSo---^, 3'"'';?''"'", Ls^.iyci^ \/Lw.,.,,.,,. ,,Yj'-.-.* T\, „,.„., ~ri ,1,., io'(«wiAiuWHifc"^^^^'& vL-Cr^ v"^ V Jl A^lr»i.rryi/ ' '.„,,, ,,,■,/.. /'»n.>'ui \\ v_(:?T7*\wVu- >■./ / S\f„.../ji, T: J'"^ "^A, ,— ^/^--7\ «fK!zr ■ '^httihif^i .V"^ i'lgftturdiri .V. ^ .''^V^ ^^SC' iP""W^l"r' ROt^f/N G_|H m''''''''ktJlyc^ --^ — «• II (' i: .\y jCupo Ami T.ongitmlp RflBt V.^o' nf WnNhinglitn Thr lJk.burj(liG>uL3U»ir& Ce lu £iUulmiii(Ii (nuiVapIiipiil luiin .' ejtu, B mOiiiI atKwvA C« ^-- A mfK^SiU ENVIBONS Of '"■'■"""""" ,wC HI CAGO -fi^S^^^ ENVIRONS OF BOSTON Scale «t'3f0.rjr Z 3 \ .,. r\Ztti-fZtt ir;|Sft-a--,""--,.. - ,o JSitrbo:- 'r^^ao.-^-n^n .", /-.' I LIVING S t\o N 7~7 ' E NVIRONS OF NEW ORLEjVNS Hxi Sjiuburg^ CrogTcpkic^ Iactitut« Jcta 3*r^Al£>iE«v & Co. )0 56 ,>-;fIS;*^'5^S^ '■''l.Ji. -^h?^« !"«"™j^ .ocHimal'SBSi**- ;^- Jnf^-j "i.Tl ^afcA />.S^J„^l-.^,7.J,^-^i^'l Via,,..- A™ft>, OK^AMO r£l COCHft*!. MOCHLtV Llaiio Estacado I - rH I YOAKUM ! TCRRV OP '. Stalled Plaiu/li — •%,.,~ -~^ r, ,. flghn^ -^^^^i^-iJPrfe^ I'nii^aij^^^J/^triJH ■5v Blanco iV-jpmjV-' , - ?/ ,.■ iTTW^riii iJ ^ . i_~T^tr-^JJi*nliSir'V %^X'M^^ i!.*^' ^^/#~. 1/ '^,^^^SK^''^tH^^.i^*. SAN J U AjlN H;* ZJlulia).^ G»Cigr(^tuciil Lmioiu Jaiia Bai-tLuliuBfv & Co 57 30 Ximainide H(MT 30' or' 1 1 v^' 'ESSEX 'P^ .■^Ji^ ^CHlUfpr JTY ra'Y"r' T\vE N D-E-N JMR' ^-V jOAf JlaW-^SJN^r^v™-".'' .■>■', nnu/zT. , l\Lii4aMin,.f/^'^ ^,„ X j?.^|Ay j]^>7f ■:r:^,-^ss;;;3> ■./iifl.^ _W.i».^ * /*«ia:£?'.' w/'' ." 'I i-w > ^fW-^MrVN ''•A'-'"^i?K #'^^''~'"="=^r-*~ »" -■ [""S \ ■■Znyim.A-VI I N. D S p Fl JBanlmd ,4- Sciixk/ W" ,1,2 *'■'"■:'*'- liTroy \ p , rt'^ 1/ VV l,'N p H A mj*^"'- .i.Wfi-/^/; f.-^-JjilJ ,":'i\ S S AVC HI S.E.TlT S TL* ZiIlnInit]^0"ilr~\. fcT^fe"^^^^"*?" LfrJtn^tBti >>* Tort ^rasbin^nn. lice S}u>rt June j^ IL V \ \Jb^I liAr^i ^ ^V^^^Vsf^. Ys.^av*riyl|« 1 / \ i~- , t "gtaitv Xi"' ^. ?TE, yi.;.j^-^;T >>-o A^ i SiferTt^. -.~c^^^ ^~■^^^■^•*JtJ^^-^^^ik■„ , WISCONSIN SfAlf of lO 20 M> -to SO 60 L-on^toae West 13 of 'Washin^on Tie Sioburgli &»D/r«plii£*l Icitmtf Jo>in l^nrlli^omw A C* 'Aia £iit^ -J fit {.•tiigrt.y.'bit The Efia'bupgi Oia^apbic^ btctitate Hu I-itiUftnA G«i^*alu£*<- luiUiuia Tf\^ ^ —A J >wi mm- A Gfl 5 5 i S 2 ~ .'.' ^^: *«.'5i K ^ «■ <% ti^mk y ■■=■ '*\- v?^ ... •"' / ^'^''m. ?^;: f.C i?' •t c/' ^1, I s 5 "■ ■ rv^s 74f Canal T^ X^itkbi^^ Otofru^tacaX InjilTut« ao Ia R I B S JE A X SUA ..San-Iiiiui .7. .Vi.vir.»./ui SnitJcff .„fi.„ fejJ™^^Ef<^ .A,Oira'>i» Coqvi ^ ^ JUiT\ hitmh^xfi Ifuamtc Sa&».dnffurto SOUTH AMU KI£;A SECTION I ■', p-^ .'"''7' '" Sucre CII^ ' .* - TU r ''i' -Tafnxai Th« XdtnldkF^ (noj(rap^c«l Irjtitalf Jcha B^nkcListfltr A Co / / oD'ca'Tr Ajyr:^ia€A TL* ZdlnlnjrvL ("..^i itplu^Ll lui U*c > TerritorT' of tke CKac o V"' ^Odd Esten-o Coni£in.T*-s V}*'""'? Sii'-itSfA Desterro Ss Telparaiso Jk SAIf Am A nfoTHQJ o Std C, .<)J&^1 . .'f ' •■" M.irlu, 3 (Liiia" Cf' '~~~~'_ 7:W,-../ii,.i:. X-' P^ '' ' "■ ■ ■■"'^l' the IJelMt-ij I S Martin. i-^i ffhtman. ■', P^ios wxt^-^J-^^tc^^J^ i CamhridofLC^- ■ «(; ' \InUt ATLANTIC OCEAN SECTION 3 PetropolisB ENVIRONS OF ^ RIO DE JANEIRO /tez ^a SerrS^ Sir &£ Jda^alhux ^.i »* ,>V" " \Svrufy /\ ■^acift/'/tfa . " ..vj / S.Ch?^tovao(Ss ^JrrGctliepoy ^Z Cq/porim j r^ Xdibbti^tfk tna^^lofiBl liutlbita JahsJtBEtLuloiiiPv Ik Cs SECTION ACROSS NOHTUEKN EtTBOPK Thn t^^iiburA &e«^BpLic«I Tti « *>>** f Su X^lnktu^ CntijpspbiCkl loAUIuta 'oliftBwtlulamwadiT^ S7 D 1 1 M V 1 1 V .90 E (DLL AH ID CcBuaLa It* Zihiliirda .■»oj^iii.|iic»l till' Tk* kdmiburjlt &aagr»fliici^ Liiutnl* jolai BBf4iu>LnA0v ^ Ca €'^? ^"^ J!f ^ D I T E R RA N^EA N SEA •Q •^.i^'^. '■^ _^^^^^^Wj^:;«v^ THE RIVIERA Siuilm of ^les !• liajmri^ Otvftw^hifl Ujtltate ^iM THE RHINE SaiJe of Engluh MiUt "iita Ziijiirar^ (nuj^nplupal lutitm* 1^ T?^ ux --1 1 't^" '-^! >• !/:■■=«. 1-1 %>- J\i 5 /:i_^ i IS "xfeocij A — U.^ t> 14 ^3 IS--?; :^=s;s5«'- ■3^~-^ 1^' .'?*., ^■•§llJ>l/c ^iA i£l.ii!t~i2' '^*f:7' ^ % IM^ ei Mil ?^. ;.-P-a^^,e i-SS' im jfeA ^fR m:Mh 19^ P^ft ^i*" " ■« , 'i^7^ ■l'- M% £^1^ _-«gh-i 44r %: -v^$4 ' r|oK^ l'll>?,f fAr-^- Tl^ ^ ' '^-'1% I /,. *A? mp l7i :#:' ; jIyj._%'J-~ ? =* -4 \^=">'- ■'KIMI? "I ' I i o -VS- Sc^S. '£S.?-i f- >|?ii L^'' •! ■- ■ e ^ fl.S<-*fe ^ ? =t - i -t :\?^^ I 1=4 . -^r-*-;f ^ - S » *>.T "-^^i l~ V* r|>i Vi iS-i «IM - L 3-t^ 4:^^^dl 'J "v s 1 ? ; i^J IV t-= •^" t ■,.5 ■«.;.! . ill /^ J\iH^i-A f^ I'tf J ^: tSCj ;i2 hi''- 4 ^ > 5 1 5 C ^ ?5'-s 15, ;:ii .s:«N 11- ^< _:^_-J1j H HtBf y S.S* AT /If O — sj: "M^ 1 " 1 . 1 ]^BDl>uKl Wi T^ £juibui^ (rt^fti^bac^ I&iUBiU 100 ""jJ-'-o, t' •(>'' -r'" - Haminpr/z. ^ t.ikSi '% ■'/'•>■, "'Ip^r *V. Snaliah MOea SVTE DEN. N O RWA Y. I.auts or Disiricts. Aiiits DrBafllicwiclo. i NoTThoum 2 \\'e^t/rbi)t£en. o Jemjdand 3 yorth ThmdhJern 4- yfgsUrXorrboaen 4 Rpns.ial ^ 5 G^Jetorp 3 South Dn^uitn 6 Kopparbfra 6 BJedanarkai 7 TtiniTiiruT 7 Oiristians 8 Orebro 8 Xorih, BayienhxuLs 9 Wf^aiunUand 9 SouthJiav'^'iliuua 10 Vptalu 10 Stavaiwir U SloMiolm 11 lister AJfaniial StoAIwlm. 'town; L! SeJani^ & liobypdel 12 S^doTrumland Jl3 Bratfherp IS Osta- Oodiland H Sush^rud it SIturabiin} 15 Jarhbay 15 Ehbory 16 Jiiw)|M Tlv Iali.Hi=,-L i>....-i.f.lij»i L^i lO'J o \^ J \ J^cf ' -i- \l \ ^.^ ,1. ^na-fv *♦, ■ .^ 1 s A.^v*>- SKCTION ACROSS ASIA FItOM SIBERIA. 10 IKDLA Dapsang »n.t7t r^^_ ^JiCT/C <)C£4M ,^s^.....^^,. '\.Ms ^ \^^^,S£^y ^X^'"- IHOIAt OCEAN VERTICAL SECTION 17,000 / V tSJii- , CjlSPlAH SS^ Plfim of C*ii.ti-al . XV a JSL'^ .5 M^-jS^js.. , ^ . '=?« «f. shf* T, 'ft 1 S s 1/% . ?•; ?r% *- -^ «»■ K- <^ CO T 33 O 1^ 3 r« — 1 < £ oS ■? z 5- M < ki S ^ ■p" ad < '<: t 'llA y 3// ' 104- FALESTIHI Ras e 1 If'akiira V.Ko'ittra : TSerdawil , ■ , . f ■ BiMy, NOTE. TAf Depression of the Jordan VaVey is coloured Often Biblical Names are printed in Hairline lettering f Arr^ Ari^hi^V ■ Pt ol^mais i *. Of Sh^taAnmiy Athlit . ( CajeteQtan.PeregniicraiiL)A 3rj*M Z.ibura. 7 -6; . "-J-i/'apturiv] Lutilute ^Tn^ii Bfc«}i*jli^iu**' i r^-i 105 10 c> 107 BOMBAY, BERAR AND PART OF CETTTRAIi IlfMIA, to ♦*! «o to ion Tio Kefertoices to IHstircta uLBombe^ 1 Ahnxfdithaji 11 AhrncJna^Of 3 Parvch'MaJuUii 13 lu-itntiairi 5 Sur/tf 15 ShKlnpur 6 KhitnMUth \P, Kahidii or Butfpur 7 Jk«,A 17 hfJ.,a,rm ' a rAn«*< 18 North Kojutra, 9 Bomhrtf 19 Dhartrar 10 Xo<[«iJ>a 70 T^ K3i&bw^ (nL>^lfkk>>l lajbtuu JAk BkMjMlawH A Co 108 109 . ^Z^i^fSi^f^'^^'"""''^^^''^ \Maimr Ma/iikftrujj • CAj>(^JuJi^orfV \Pardi:da>9 3{aid:^ ir«ngiiT J tlaiiiaiti. '"^fftipw Vuda fBelga^ Xampal^. 'a. MUwttn Giihto 5 ^""'"^ .i<-u2wa 5^. *''iaBL v' IV"^ / '*J<^i>'-^'a VAnantfiiipar *1 \ ""*''■-; 'Biddeuoor. 23 CamiRnorL . ^_, Beypooi — FOUUKjOIA sipi^' ,5fiDTC P^Pal/nvru or-Peth-o ^ ._ Capt?^Js ^ j^ ,^jj, JSft'jr,...)., >! »»^?Jt."" '„'^i^ 7Vn|nv^P0P C/inrutW ISliAKUS wm/iYwr Nltwbar .4» ^^^^ ■ -^ ^ I .■ / ^ XSfnu.?) *.i'i-Ki'-'°."J'' C"P5 Jt\ ■«*^;, -f — so U T \B c n L .V .1 s ;•: a V^ r'AlkiLoul 'I- J!.JrfIfl lutl-flfL Nntn^na tslautlB DJ^» i^SS:i T^ f dlj^tuTf^fe GvoiTvnpljuftI ilLCtitutd JiJib J' (uHiiNnoWV- A Cfi "Oim TiaAtirgk GiH^iipLifal I&ciituu Jolm BKHLalmr* ,. 0>. 114' ^120 ^ The E^^nu^L Gfogsophicail Liititau JokbSocOuilfUBKW ft Co. 115 ^ K'^' - Blaruirr s i jr ^ P BmugLlan. Jb. B. chutt Samciuh ^aqelrt I- nungt """ft T U ^ r rr £ASTh Fo ^»» ybiLDitmwo. Str. }uA'U/U> Sinia. AND COREA YTT^ V" fguitAdm^ i«5l"^^V ^ CENTRAL JAPAN Statutt JttU* , CAMEROOISS -'''I'A it- l^'^ia r ■If''"'' «. ^**^ oQnrn Tryifr*!, S\ O U T A t\ L A N -Jiffls f/ESt/J CONGO Sa\A.TE 1 A^A L L * ,y^^. BRITISH ,^ EAST ATRICA -■^^ 5^-T — - t' V ? . ' ■'^ 1 PHYSICAL SKETCH <4 sir—- iSi^^ijJi in'"*"/ s.p^o a;Lo.Baa ^^ry.„.>vf?^; ' # UNVAMWC7I ' ''^ yHombasa- GERMAK • fW""''"' .ZASTArlaC" lD«esSal«^ Mu_<^(hi&l)n AUinJnv-J. \ ■iiT'.'/^A-JiVi-"'^*^ ' 4= ^faj ^OM'y ,\ BBTTTSq \ lUAlARA LAUD CJteLfaJo I iAyumj 2V)dli>oK 4^ SeaXDOiiQ / .V D J/ ^-i j>r CASE COL! i^r OCEAN € Af»iIAiu QtPTH Of &fc>, ■ ^ ■jlOO POLITICAL MAP OF AFRICA Jha 'S.iaUmF^ GesgrifJixcal laititnt* Joiax B MT^linlrTrjrr A C« :<1 ^iCi^ '^i F ,..j^ .^ A" r" "-' lit'' 'is 3 ■J:i)'. 'J ^/'^ ifel v«^„->^i w^o"' "•^ ^- fi=^ ■y/|- "■^" '<*>S= y I 122 " |v 1 'iS V a i s n V ii x a 6 s » 3 124 - ^■-gl v- T^^ ^ I a. .j->^ '^= ?- O 8 ~p^ ii>^,. £ :2;| -i s k' BH ec! iquJIJ ISZ V I 1 ^v ^^ ^'l s n V ; CO -..ii;.?^-...,_*......s_J4Lw_M.„ 0^d |> M 3 N J I H 15 to' IM SK If. r.x m 170 ^i_s. ito ~^m*c eyjjM e a V2; M/u. j^.-^t:; •-.^s3f^ MMlgrw^U^, V 0tliPl»lllJ''l tt fmtKtcTin„H„it,„tl,. f.SMnfl new" CU.-rNEA lun X I!«oM>{klur(ii l»ltllut« JoW "B a^WiLtbi*^' JL C' 126 lyiEST AUSTlflALIA .'*«*'« "-■<>. ]) L A N : • .„ '"■^-p^^'{%<;^At Jlv,J„.i„«.-. *"--^,/'V %^ Saleilif 3ai\t^:_ C. BMlti /J arrow Kofitv A\' "' '%Rjuh^S3ls ^orU}TLTIm/lf Steep Pointy CtsjiA -Uistrici./if ->»■ 'Tf cHi. /^MiUUf Joanna Spi\\ SaltlaktaA 17 n. e cc -p Sandy D e s ^\r t E a s t . e Ir^lc- n ic*-j^.M " Ban' - '^Fa/m,] ^w^^„. ^u^^.<^"i^^i«; 'teKs;"^ vi 23 LUnark lonff. Unit 130 o'" GrrentnA. 7tf- E^fcnr^ Gvsglcpliie*! I&ttiBiU Tin tiiVnpjf^ tVcpwJnfiii II! Tfilai B vtlurlooLAw A i'. 128 . > -E"}- ^ 1 'A A ^ .A9 I " \ ■il /w il ^-- \ ^^:. .$c .'■>* % 'It _ t ■3^ 53 11 |t V.-» ; "I 1 A ■^ ' C - , ^ 'ar. and vil., Aberdeensh., 8 m. W. of Fraserburgh. Aberdour, vil.. Scotland, co. Fife, on Firth of Forth. Aberdovey, spt. vil., Wales, Merioneth, 3J m. S. of Towyn. Aberdulais, Vil., Wales, co. Glamorgan, cj m. NE. of Koath, Aberfeldy, vil., Scotland, on R. Tay, co. and 32^ m. KW. of Perth. Aberfeldy, \il., Ontario, co. Lambton, on Sydenham R. Aberfeldy, posttn., Victoria, co. Tanjil, 121 ni. from Melbourne. Aberffraw, par. and vil., Wales, 12 m. E. of Holyhead. Aberford, par. and vil., England, Yorkshire, 6 m. SW. of Tadcaster. Aberfoyle, riv., N. S. Wales, co. Clarke, trib. of Guy Fawkes R. Aberfoyle, i»ar. and vil., Scotland, Perthshiie, on R. Forth. Aberfoyle, i)ost vil., Ontario. 5 m. SE. ofGuelph. Abergarw, ^il., Wales, CO. Glamorgan, 9 m. N. of Bridgend. Abergavenny, tn., Engl., Slonmouth, 17^ m. N. of Newport. Abergldie, Highlandseatof Princeof Wales, Aberdeensh., on R. Dee. Abergele, tn , Wales, co. Denbigh, 34I ni. W. of Chester. Abergorlech, vil., Wales, Carmarthtn, 7 m. WNW, of Llangadock. Abergwiliy, vil., Wales, co. and i^m. NE. of Carmarthen. Abergwynolwyn, vil., AVales, Merioneth, 6] m. NE. ofTowyn. Aberlady, vil., Scotland, co. Haddington, on Firth of Forth. Aberlemno, par., Scotland, co. and 6 m. NE. of Forfar. Aberlour, par. and ry. stn., ^cotland, in SW. of Banffshire. Abermenai, contraction at SW. end of Menai Strait, Wal-s. Abermule, vil. and ry. stn., Wales, co. and 3^ m. SW. of Montgomery. Abernant, par. and vil., Wales, co. and 5 m. NW. of C rm.t^then. Abernant, ry. stn., Wales, co. Glamorgan, on Valeuf Neatli Ry. Abemethy, par., Scotland, Inverness, 4.^ m. SW. of Grantown. Abemethy, par. and vil., Scotland, co. and 6J ni. SE. of Perth. Abernyte, par., Scotland, Co. and iijni. NE. of Perth. Aberporth, spt. vil., Wales, co. and 7 m. NE. of Cardigan. Abersoch. vil., Wales, Carnarvonshire, 7 m. SW. of Pwllheli. Abersvchan, tn., England, Monmouth, 2 m. NW. of PonlypooL Abertham, tn., Bohemia. 10 ni. NNW. of Carlsbad. Aberthaw, spt. vil , Wales, co. Glamorgan, 5 ni. SE. of Cowbridge. Abertillery, tn , England, Monmouthsh., 16 m. NW. of Newport. Aberuthven, vil., Scotland, en, and ii\ ra. SW. of Perth. Aberystruth, par., England, Monmouthsh., 9 m. SW. of Abergavenny. Aberystwith. spt. tn., Wales, co. and ^3 ra. NE. of Cardigan. Abesher, tn. Soudan, cap. of Waday. Xat. 14° N., long. 21° E. Abhana. vih, India, Damoh di>t.. Central Provinces. Abilene, post vil., Kansas, 95 m. W. of Topeka. Abilly, vi!., France, dep. Indre-et-Loire, canton La Haye-Descartes. Abimes. Les, vil , on Guadeloupe I., in canton Point-a-Pitre. Abingdon, ^■il., Virginia, cap. of Washington co. Abingdon, tn., England, Berkshire, 6 m. S. Of Oxford. Abingdon, )iost vil., Ontario, co. Lincoln, 19 m from Hamilton. Abington, par. and vil., Ireland, co. andqni. E. of Limerick. Abington,, England, CO. and i^ m. NE. of Northampton. Abington, vil. andtnshp., Mass., in Plymouth co. Abington, vil., England. Cambridgeshire, si m. NW. of Linton. Abington, vil. and tnshp.. Pa., in Montgomery co. Abington, viL, Scotland, co. Lanark, 15J m. S of Carstalrs. Abington. Gt. and Lit., 2 parishes, England, in co. Cambridge Abinsl. stn., Niger Protectorate, W, Africa. Abiraman, tn., India, Madras Presidency, in Madura dist. Ab-istada, saltlaUe, Afghanistan, 5om.'SW. of Uhazui. Abjad, tn., Abyssinia, in Enderia district. Abjat, vil., France, dep Dordogne, in canton Nontron. Abji, tn , Haist vil., Ontario, co. Wellington, 14 m. from Guetpli. Aboyne, or Charleston of A., vil., in above par., 10^ m. E. ofBallater. Aboyne and Glentaaner, par., Scotland, in S. Aberdeenshire. Abra, pruv. of Luzon, Philippine Is. Area 2537 sq. ni. Pop. 42,647. Abra ds la Cortaderaa, high i»hun iu the Cordilleras of Bolivia. Abra de Zenta. mtn., Cordilleras, Argentine Rep. Elev. 14,596 ft. Abraham, Heights of, wooded eminence, Derbyshire, near Matlock. Abraham, Plains of, Quebec, on left bank of K. fSt. Lawrence. Abrakrampa, vil.. West Africa, iu Aslianti, Abram, tnshp., Lancashire, ■\\ m. SE. of Wigati. Abramovo, vil., Russia, in Nishni Novgorod gov. Abram's Village, pistvil., Pr. Edward I., 3111, from WelUnston, Abranches and PiJarzinho, col., Brazil, in Parana prov. Abrantes, tn , Portugal, ou R. T.igus, 85 m. NE. of Lisbon. Abrantea, tn.. Brazil, prov. Bahia, near the coast. Abravezes, vit., Portugal, prov. Beira, in Vizeu dist. Abremu, vil. and factory, "W. Africa, in vicinity of Cape Coast Castle. Abrets, Les, vil., France, dep. Iscre. canton Pont de Beauvoisin. Abrles, vil,, France, dep. Hantes-Alpes, 24 m. SE. Brian^on. Abrigada, vil., Portugal, in Lisbon district. Abrlola, vil., Italy, in prov. and dist. of Potenza. Abrolhos, groups of rocks, off coasts of Brazil and Australia. Abmcena, vil., Spain, prov. Aimeria, in Gergaldist. Abrodbanya, tn.. Transylvania, 27 ni. NW. of Karlsburg. Abrupt, nitn., Victoria, between Victoria range and Glcnelg River. Abruzzen, mtns,, Italy, of which tlie Gran Sasso is the highest. Abrazzo e Moliae, div., Italy, on the Adriatic. Pop. 1,434,351. Abscon, vil., Franci\ tlep. N'ort.1, in Valenciennes arronti, Absle. V, vil,, P'rance, dep. Deux-.Sevres, in Parthenay arrond. Abatatt, vil.. Wiirteinberg, in Heilbronn di,^t^ict. Abatelnen, vil., Prussia, in the circle of Tilsit. Abtel, vd., Austria, in Tyrol, dist. of Bruncck. Abtel Oberlungwitz, vil., Saxony, ia the circle of Zwickau, Abtenau, vil., Austria, in Salzburg. Abterode, vil., Prussia, in circle of Cassel, near Eschwege. Abtaberg, mtn., on borders of Thuringia and Bavaria. Abtaroder Hobe, intn. grjt., Prussia, in Rhongebirge. Abtwyl, vil., Switz., St. Gall, in Gaiserwald parish. Abu, mtn., India, Rajpntana, 50 m. KXE. of Siddhapnr. Abu Arisb, til., AraVtia, Yemen, 6 hours from the coast. Abu Ballah Lake, Lower Egypt, forms pait of the Suez Canal. Abufoia, mtns., Middle E:-'ypt, running parallel with the Nile. Abogan, riv., Siberia, affluent of t' e R. Tohol. Abu-GIrgeh, tn., Egypt, 1 10 m. SSW. of Cairo, and near R. Nile. Aba Gorad, Vil., Kordofan, on the rtmt« from K. artum to Obeid. Aba Hammed, vil.. Nubia, on Nile, at end of Nubian desert. Abu Harras, tn., Soudan, at junction of Riihad with Blue Nile. Aba Hashim, statii-c. Bushire. Abutlge, tn., Upper Egypt, prov. Slut, on R. Nile, Aby, vil., Sweden, in Kalmars Lan. Aby, par., England, Lincolnshire, 3 m. NW. of Alford. Abydos, ruined City, Uppar. and barb., France, dep. Oise, cantnii Ularseille-lc-petit. Aclgn^, tn., France, Ille-ct-Vilaine, 7 m. E. of Rennes. Acireale, spt. tn., Sicily, 7 m. NE. of Catania. Pop. 25,900. Acl Sant" Antonio, tn., Sicily, 7 ni. W. of Acireale. Ackenthwaite, hamlet, England, Hcversham par., Westmorland. Ackergill Tower, aiic. stronghold, Scot., Caithness, 2 m. N. of Wick. Ackernesa, ht;adland, Scot., on N. Wcstray I., Orkney. Ackley, post vil., lowa, CO. Hardin, 132 m. W, of Dubuque. Acklington, tnshp., Northumberland, ii^ m. N. of Morpeth. Acklin laland, iu the Bahamas, ^5 m. long by i to 2 m. Ackton, tnshp., England, York.sli., 3J m. W. of Pontefract. Ackworth. par. and ry. stn., Yorksh., 3i ni. S. of Pontefract. Aclare, vil., Ireland, co. Sligo, 17^ m. SW. of Bally mote. Acle, vd., England, co. Norfolk, 11 m. E. of Norwich. Aco, plaio, I'ern, in Junin department. Acoba, Serra. mtn. -chain, Portugal, in jirov. of Befrfl. Acobamba, tu., Peru, in dep. Iluancavelica. Acocka Green, ocel. dist. and ry. stn., Engl,, 4jm. SR. Birmingham. Acol, or Wood, par., Engl., in I. of Tliauet. 3 m. SW. of Margate. ACO THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ADO AcoUa, tn., Peru, dep. Junin. Acomayo, place, Peru, dep. Cuzco. Acomb, I'ar. andtnshp., England, co. and 2 m. W. of York. Acomb, East, tnslip., Northumberland, 4 m. E. of Corbridge. Acomb, West, tnshp., Northumberland, 2 m. NW. of Hexham. Aconbury, vil., England, in co.-and 4^ m. S. of Hereford. Aconcagua, prov.. Chili, on Pacific. Area 5840 sq. m. Pop. 144,571. Aconcagua, peak of the Andes in above prov., Chili. Elev. 2;'.. 910 ft. Aconqoija, nitn. ra., Argentine Rep., part of Cordillera of Chili. Acopanzingo, place. Mexico, "vvith original Aztec inhabitants; Acos, tn., Peru, in the state of Cuzco. Acoz, vil., Bi;l-ium, prov. Ilainaut, canton Chatelet. Acquacanonck, tnshp. New Jersey, co. Passaic. AcquaformoBa, vil., Italy, dist. Cosenza, 11 in. SW. Castrovillari. Acqualagna, vil., Italy, dist. and 8 m. S. of Urbino. Acquanegn Cremonese, vil., Italy, prov. and 7 ni. WNW'. of Cremona. Acquanegra 8ul Chieae, tn., Italy, 16 m. W. of Mantua. Acqnap?ndente, tn., Italy, 31 m. NNW. of Viterbo. Acquappesa, vil., Italy, dist. and 11 m. NNW. of Paola. Acquarica del Capo, vil., Italy, 2 m. SE. of Gallipoli. Acqaaro, tn., Italy, dist. and 12 m. SE. of Montelcone. Acquaianta, tn., Italy, in prov. and circle of Ascoli Piceno. Acqnaseria, steamboat stn., Italy, on the Lago di Conio. Acqoasparta, tn., Italy, pvov. Umbria, 13 m. NW. of Terni. Acquate. vil., Italy, Lombardy, in dist. of Lecco. Acqaaviva CoUecroce, com., Italy, prov. Molise, %\ \\\. NW. of Larino. Acqaaviva delli Fontl, tn., Italy, 20 m. S. of Bari. Acquaviva Picena, vil., Italy, in dist. of Ascoli Piceua. Acqnaviva Platanl, vil., Sicily, 25 m. WNW. of CaltaQiseita. Acqui, tn., Italy, prov. and 20 m. S. of Alessandria. Pop. 11,297. Acqoia Creek, river-port, Virginia, iB m. from Fredericksburg. Acquigny, tn., France, dep. Eure, 3 m. S. of Louviers. Acquijah, vil., W. Africa, on Slave Coast, N. of Qnitta. Acre, s)^t. city, Syria, at footof Mt. Carmel. Lat. 32° 55' N. Acrefair, ry. stn., Wales, Denbighsliire, 6 m. SW. of Wrexham. Acri, tn., Italy, prov. and 15 m. NE. of Cosenza Pop. 11,669. Acs, tn., Hungary, co. and 11 m. SW. of Koniorn. Acton, par. and tnshp. , Cheshire, li m. NW. of Nantwich. Acton, tn., Engl., co. Middlesex, W, suburb of London. Acton, hamlet. Engl., Dorset, i\ ni. SE. of Corfe Castle. Acton, par., Engl., Suffolk, 2^ m. N. of Sudbury. Acton, tnshp., Engl., Yorkshire, 3 J m. W. of Pontefract. Acton, vil., Maine, co. York, 40 m. W. by S. of Portland, Acton, vil., Ireland, co. Armagh, on Newry Canal. Acton, vil., Mass., co. Middlesex, 13 m. SW. Lowell. Acton, tr.shp., Minnesota, in Meeker co. Acton Beauchamp, par., Engl., CO. and 11 m. SW. Worcester. Acton Bridge, ry. stn., England, Cheshire, 14 J m. NW. of Crewe Acton Gr^ea, ry. stn., England, W. suburbs of London. Acton Vale, post vil., Quebec, co. Bagot, 55 m. E. of Montreal. Acton West, post vil., Ontario, co. Halton, 35 ni. from Toronto. Actopan, tu. and dist., Mexico, 70 m. NNE. of Mexico. Pop. 12,000. AcQl, spt. tn., St. Domingo, West Indies, on N. coast. Acnlco, hike, Cliili, 38 m. SSW. of Santiago. Acnto, vih, Italy, prov. and 35 m. E. by S. of Rome. Acworth, vil., Georgia, en. Cobb, 35 m. NW. Atahinta. Ada, tn., Hungary, co. Bacs, 30 ni. S. of Szegedin. Ada, Lake, New Zealand, in co. Lake. Ada, Lake, Tasmania, cos. Lincoln and Westmorland. Ada Laks,, Cass co., traversed by Pine R. Adacs, vil., Hungary, 8 \\\. S. of Gvongvos. Adafa, vil., W. Africa, Togoland, S. of Porto Seguro. Adafudia, tu., Central Soudan. Lat. 1,8" 6' N., long, i" 3' E. Adagha, isl., one of the Fox group, in the Aleutian Is., Alaska"" Adaglu, state and tribe, W. Africa, on the Slave Coast. Adah Kaleh, small fortification in I3ulgaria. Adair, vil., Ontario, co. Bruce, on an inlet of Georgian Bay. Adaja, spt., Spain, on NW. side of Minorca Island. Adaja, riv., Spain, affluent of Douro, Old Castile, 90 m. long. Adakh, isl., Alaska, in the Andrconofi* group. Adal. region, Africa, E. of Abyssinia, inhabited by the Danakil. Adalia, sjit. tn., Asia Minor, on Mediterraman. Adalpur, tn., Bombay, in Shikarpur dist. Lat. 27° 56' N. Adam, Mt., extir.ct vol., Washington, Cascade Ra. Elev. 8390 ft. Adamawa, country. Cent. Africa, S. of the Soudiin, a negro kingdom. Adam Bar, N. Ter. of S. Australia, on NW. Coast. Adamello Stock, mtu., Austria, in Tyrnlcse Al]i^^. Alt. 12.290 ft. Adaminaby c>r Seymour, tnshp., N. S. Wales, 285 ni. SW. Sydney. Adam-jo-Tando, tn. in llaidarabad dist., Sind. Adampur, vih, Punjab, in Jalandliar dist. Lat. 31° 26' N. Adams, tn., Mass., CO. Berkshire, no in. E. of Boston. Adams, vih, N. Y., co. Jefferson, 12 ni. SSW. Watertown. Adams Bridge, reefs and sandbanks between Ceylon and India. Adam's Centre, post vil , New York, in Jefferson co. Adam's Mount, New Hampshire, peak of the White Mtns. Adam's Peak, pyramidal nitn., near centre of Ceylon. Alt. 7420 ft. Adamson's Peak, nitn., Tasmania, in co. Kent. AdanjBtown, par., Ireh, co. Wexford, 6m.NE. of New Ross, Adamatown, vil., N. S. W., CO. Northumberland, Zo ni. N. Syd-icy. Adamaville, tnshp.. South Carolina, in co. Jliirlborough. Adamnngu, place, West Africa, ca the Lower Niger. Adamuz, tn., Spain, in Andalusia, 21 ni. NE. of Cordova. Adana, tn., Asia Minor, on R. Syhoon, 30m. from the sea. P. 30,000. Adanara, a Dutch isl. in the Malay Archipelago, Molucca Is. Adand, vil , Hungary, dist. Karad, near Flatten See. Adangbe, tn., West Africa, in the interior of Togoland. Adangme. tn. and miss, stn., W. Africa, on coast of Ashanti. Adare, mkt. tn., Iriland, co. and 11 ni. SSW. of Limerick. Adaseveca, vih, Hungary, in di.strict of Pcterwardein. Adavad, tn., Bombay, in Chopoda sub-div. of Khandesli dist. Adavale, tnshp., Queenshand, 150 m. W. of Charleville. Adda, riv., Italy, drains L. Como.and flowing S. 80 ni. joins thcPo. Addah, stn. of the Basle Miss. Society on the Gold Coast. W. Africa. Addanki, tn., India, Madras, in Nellore dist. Lat. 15° 48' 42" N. Adderbury, vil., England, Oxfordshire, s^ni. R. of Banbury. Addergoole, vil., Ireland, Co. Cork, 15 ni. E. of Banbury ry. stn. Adderley, par. and ry. stn., Shropshire, 4 m. N. of Market Drayton. AddieweU, vih, Scoth, Edinburghsh., 2 ni. SW. of West Calder. Addigherat, chief tn. prov. Agame, Abyssinia, 8200 ft. above sea. Addlngham, par., Engl., Cumherland, 6^ m. NE. of Penrith. Addingham, par. and tnshp., Yorksh., 6 m. SE. Skipton. Addington, jiar. and vih, Surrey, 3 m. SE. of Croydon. Addington Park, seat of Archb{i. of Canterbury, 3 m. SE. of Croydon. Addiscombe, suburb of Croydon, Surrey, England. Addison, post, vih, Illinois, 18 ni. W. by N. of Chicago. Addison, post vih, N. Y., CO. Steuben, 28 m. W. of Elmira. Addison, post vih, Mich., Lenawee co., 20 m. NW. of Adrian. Addison's Flat, mining tnshp., New Zealand, BuUer co., Nelson prov. Addison Road, ry. stn., on W. Loudon Ry., Kensington, Loudon. Addlestone, vil. with ry. stn., Surrey, 2 ni. SE. Chertsey. Addlestrop, vih with ry. stn., Engl., Gloucestershire, on R. Evenlode. Addo, ry. stn., Cape Colony, 32 m. from Port Elizabeth. Adegaon, estate and vih, India, Central Provinces, in Seoni district. Adeghem, vih, Belgium, E. Flanders. 4 m. WNW. of Eeeloo. Adeje, tn., Canary Islands, on Teneviffe Island. Adeke, ish, Guinea, in the Upper Ogowe, at jimction of the Okono, Adel, par. and tnshp., Engh, Yorkshire, 6 m. NW. of Leeds. Adel or Soma! Land, '/.r. Adel, post vih, Iowa, CO. Dallas, 214 m. W. of Des Moine.^. Adelaide, cap. city, S. Australia, on Torrens R. Pop. 129, 07T. Adelaide, post vih, Ontario, co. Middlesex, 7 m. from Strathroy. Adelaide, riv., N.W. Australia, debouching in Adam's Bay. Adelaide, tn., Cape Colony, Fort Beaufort div.. East of Bedford. Adelaide, tnshp., Tasmanin, co. Kent, on estuary of Heron R. Adelaide, Port. .S(l' Port Adelaide. Adelaide Island, Antarctic Ocean, Graham Land, in lat. 67' 15' S. Adelaide Peninsula, Arctic America. Lat. 63' 30' N. Adelaide Islands, group, S. America, at W.entrance to Str. ofMagellan. Adelaide Lead, tnshp., Victoria, co. Talbot, 4 ni. fmm Maryburougli. Adelboden, vil., Switz., canton Bern, 23 m. S. of Thun. Adelboden, vih, Switzerland, canton Lucerne, dist. of Willisau. Adele I,, New Zealand, Tasnian B., off E. cnast co. ColUngwood. Adelebsen, mkt. vih, Prussia, 7 ni. NW. of Gultingen. Adelie Land, barren tract, in Antarctic Regions, in long. 140° E. Adelina-longa, British factory, W. Africa, on the lower Ogowe R. Ad el-Jivaz, tn., Asiatic Turkey, on L. Van, 15 m. from Akhlat. Adelmannsfelden, vih, Wiirtemberg, 12m. NNW. Aahn. Adelnau, tn., Prussia, in Posen, 8 m. SW. of Ostrowo. Adelong. tnshp , N. S. W., Wynand CO., 273 ni. SW. of Sydney. Adelphi, or Fratelli, 2 isls., in Grecian Archipelago, in lat. 39" N. Adelsberg, In., Austria, in Carniola, 39 m. SW. of Laybach. Adelsdorf, vih, Austrian Silesia, 3 ni. S. of Adelsheim, tn., Germany, Baden, 32 m. E. of Heidelberg. Adelso. ish, Sweden, Stockholm hin, in Malar Lake. Ademuz, tn., Spain, prov. and 62 ni. NW. of Valencia. Aden, free port and Brit, fortified tn., SW. Arabia. P. 34,860. Adenara Island. East Indies. ,St'(' Adanara. Adenau, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 37 m. WNW. Coblenz. Adendorp, ry. stn., Cape Colony, in div. and S. of Graaf-Reinet. Aderar, mtnous. region, Sahara, between Timbuktu and Asben. Aderer or Adrar, oasis, Sahara, between Senegal and Morocco. Aderno, tn., Sieily, at foot of Etna, 22 ni. NW. of Catania. P. 20,160, Adevi Avnilapalli, mtn., Madras, in Cuddapah dist. Lat. 13° 28' 27" N. Adganga I., Fiji, close to Yandun. Highest p<.'int 6od ft. Adi, subsequently Sabaki, riv., E. Africa, debouching atMelinde. Adiaman, tn., Asiatic Turkey, pashalik and 74 m. SW, of Diarbehir Adie's Pond, lake, Ne\vfoundIand, S. of Whitebay district. Adige or Etsch, riv,, N. Italy, flowing -z-io m. to the Adriatic. Adigetto, canal, Italy, between the Adige and the Po, prov. Rovigo. Adigherat, vih, Abyssinia, prov. Agame, 8500 ft. above sea-lcveh Adikayevka, ry, stn., Russia, gov. Penza, on Morshansk-Sysrau Ry. Adina Masjid, mosque, Bengal, in Pandnah, q.w Adinkerke, vih, Belgium, W. Flanders, 3 m. W. of Fumes. Adirondack Mtns., grp.. New York, risin,' in Mt. Marcy tn 5460 ft. Adiaham, par. and vih, England, co. Kent. 6 ni. SE. of Canterbury Adjai, riv., Bengal, Birbhum dist., joins the Bhagirathi. Adjunta. ^1:? Ajanta. Adler, riv., Bavaria, rises in two heads, and is anafH. of the Elbe. Adler, river, German New Guinea. Adlergebirge, mtn. -chain, Bohem'a, liighcRt peak, 3880 ft. Adlerkosteletz, tn.. Bohemia, in circle of Kouiggratz. Adlershorst, vih, Prussia, prov. Posen, SW. of and near Broniberg. Adlingfleet, par. and tnshp., Yorkshire, 5^^^ m. E. of Goole. Adlington. tnshp., Engh, Cheshire, on R. Bolh'u, 5 m. N. MacclesfcM. Adlington, tnshp., Engh, Lancashire, 3^ m. SE. of Chorley. Adlisweil, vih, Switzerland, canton and 5 m. S. of Zurich. Admaston, sub-dist., Ontario, in co. Renfrew. Admirallsland, Brit. Columbia, in the Gulf of Georgia. Admiralty Bay, New Ziahi'id, co. Sounds, niqiosite D'Urville I. Admiralty Gulf, inlet on NW. coast of Western Australia. Admiralty Inlet, Canada, Baflinlaud, off Lancashire Sound. Admiralty Inlet, Washington, Pnget Sd. and Juan de Fnca Strait. Admiralty Island, Alaska, U.S., off coast of British Columbin. Admiralty If lands, group in Pacific Ocean, N. of New Guinea. Admiralty Sound, Ticrradel Fuego, 43 m. long. Adnith, or Athnid, par., Ireland, co. Tipperary, 3 m. NE. of Thur^es. Ado, tn., on Slave Coast, under British j-rotection. Pop. 30,000. Adoa, tn., Abyssinia, capital of Tigre. Adolphhaven, German poss., on Luard I., Pacific Ocean. Adolphas la., Mt., Queensland, off C. York. Highest point 54S ft. AdoIphu3 Reef, Fiji, one of the Ringgold Islands. Adoni, fiW^ffc, Bellary dist., Madras. Area 787 pq. in. Adoni, tn , Madras, Bellary dist. Lat. 15° 37' 30'' N. Adony, tn., Hungary, on DanuTic, 28 ni. below Pesth. Adore, riv., Franoe,'Puy de Dome, affluent of R. Allicr. Adorf, tn., Saxony, on R. Elster, 20 m. SW. of Zwickau. ADO THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER AGR Adorf, vil., Saxony, dist. and 6 m. S. of Chemnitz. Adoah, In., Russia, in the gov. of Baku. Adoar, viv., France, flows 200 in. from Pyrenees to Bay of Biscay. Adowa, tn., Abyssinia, cap. Tigre, 145 m. NE. Gondar. Adpar, tn., W'ah*s, Cardigansh., opposite Ncwcastle-Etnlyn. Adra, spt, tn., Si)ain, in Granada, 27 m. WSW. of Almeria. P. 11,320. Adramltl, spt., Asiatic Turkey, 83 \\\. N. of Smyrna. Adrampet, .';j>t., India, M:idras, in Tanjore district, 10° 20' N. Adrar, region, Sahara, ^ic Aderer. Adrla, tn., Italy, Rovign, between Po. and Adigo. Pop. 16,1B2. Adrian, tn., Michigan, U.S., 73 m. WSW. Detroit. Adrlanople. city, Turkey, 137 ni. NW. of Constantinople. P. 60,000. Adrian's Wall, anc. wall, which extended from Solway to R. Tj ne. Adriatic Sea, separates Italy from lUyria, Dalmatia, and Albania. Adriera, vil., France, dej*. Vienue. 5 ni. EXE. of L'Isle Joardain. Adro, tn., Italy, prov. and 12 ni. "WNW. of Brescia. Aduafll, ciiief tn, in Kawar Oa.sis, Central Sahai'a, Africa. Adaard, par., Netherlands, prov. Groningen. Adula, ehain of Alps, Switzerland, in canton Grisnns. Adoma, country, Guinea, in the Upper Ogowe district. Adnr, spt., B<}ml)ay. Stc Boria. Adur, riv., England, en. Sussex, flows 20 m. to the English Channel. Adveoture Bay, in Bnnie Island. offSE, coast of Tasmania. Adventure iBlanda, group in the Low Archipelago, Pacific Ocean. Advla, ry. stn., Scotland, Elgin.shire, 8 ni. NE. nf Grantown. Advocate Harbour, spt-, Nuva Seotiaj on Jlinas Channel. Adyal, til., India, Ehanrlara dist., Central Provs. Aedo, isl., Finland, one of lite Aland Islands. Aeflligen, vil., Switzerland, canton Bern, dist. Burgdorf. Aefva, isl., Finland, in E. gri.up of the Aland Islands. .Xg-Ldea, grp. isls., otFW. coast of Sicily, 15 to 35 m. W. of Trapani. .ffgean Sea, between Greece, part of Turkey, and Asia Minor. Aegerl, 2 vils., Switzerland, in canton Zug. JEglna, isl., Greece, in gulf of same name. Area 33 sq, m. Aelbeke, vil., Belgimu, W. Flanders, 3^ m. S. of Courtrai. Aelen (Algle), tn., Swjtz., cant. Vaud, 25 m. SE. of Lausanne. Aeltre, vi)., Belgium, E. Flanders, 13 in. "W. of Ghent. Aeng. !?'■'• An. Aengulrden, vil., Netherlands, dist. Heercnveen. Air6, French settU'incnt, W. Africa, in Sencgambia. Aeroe, or Arroe, 151., Denmark. Area 320 sci. m. Pop. 12,000. Aeroeakjobing, fipt. tn., Denmark, on NE. side of Aerde. Aerschot, tn., Belgium, S. Biubant, 10 m. NE. Louvain. Aerseele, vil., B'-lginm, AV. Flanders, 20 m. NE. of Courtrai. Aertrycke, Ail,, BelgiMiu, W. Flanders, 11 m. SW. of Bruges. Aertaelaer, Vil., Belgium, Antwerp, 3 m. W. of Contich. Aeach, vil., Bwitz., canton Basel, 4 m. SW. of Arlesheim. Aeschach, vil., Bavaria, dist. Lind;iu,on Lake of Constance. Aeschi, vil., Switz., Cant. Bern, 9 m. NE. of Frutigen. Aeschl, vil., Switzerland, canton and 7 m. ESE. of Soleuro. JEXi\a., nitn., Sicily. .*^ft; Etna. Aetolia with Acamania, nom., Greece. Pop. 138,444. Cap. Missolongla. Aeugst. vd., Switzerlan-l, canton and 7! in. SSW. of Zurich. Afadeh, tn., AVest Africa, in Kntoko, 31 m. S. of Lake Chad. Afelele, small desert, Central Sahara, in the Tawarek country. Aflane. vil , Irel., Waterford, 4 in. E. Lisniore ry. stn. Affeltrangen, vil., Bwitz., canton Tliurgau, i m. from Tobel. Affile, vil., Italy, dist. Rome, 7 m. S. of Sul»iacn. AffogadoB, Vil., Brazil, prov. Pernanibuco, near Recife. Affoltern, vd., Switz., Canton and 15 ni. SSW. of Zurich. Afforl ed TJnitI, tn., Italy, dist. and 3 in. N. of Milan. AffreviUe, par., Algiers, 5 in. S. Mili.ina, and 72 in. SW. Algiers. Affrlck, lake and riv., Scotland, in NW. Inverness-shire. Afghanistan, country of Asia. Area 278,700 sq. in. Pop. 6,000,000. Aflum-Eara-Hissar, city, A.sia Minor, 56 111. SE. of Kutaieh. P. 20,000. Aflenz, vd., Au^ttria, inStyiia. Pop. 6135. Marble (pl.irries. Afognak, isl,, Alaska, separated from mainland by Sh'dikolf Strait. Afragola, tn., Italy, p'oV. and 6 m, NE. of Naples. Pop. 20,336. Africa, one of the gnat divisions of the globe. Area 11,514,0.0 sq. m. Pop. 130,000,000, or 11 inhabitants to a sq. in. Africo, vil., Italy, prov. Calabria, 23 m. E. of Reggio. Afton, vil., Isle of Wight, 2 ni. S. of Yarniouth. Afton, riv., Scotland, Ayrshire, flcjwing 9 in. to R. Nitli. Afton, ]V)st vil., Nova Scotia, co. and 16 m. from Anli^onish. Alton, p'ist vil., Iowa, cap. Union co., 105 in, W. of Ottuiuwa. Afton, post tnshp.,, in Sedgwick co, Afton, jiost vil. and watering-place, Va., t6 m. from Staunton. Afton Bridgend, vil., Si'otland, Ayrshire, New Cumnock parish. Afzalgarh, tn., India, NW. I'rnvs., on left bank Hamganga. Afzalpur, In. , India, Nizam's Dominions, 128 m. W. of Uaidarabad. Aga, liritisli sitlleijiciit. W. Africa, on the Gold Coast. Agably, tn., N. Africa, in Twat, on route from Tripoli to Timbuktu. Agadem, oasis, Africa, on route from Fez to Bornu. AgadflB, tn,, Africa, cap. Air Oasis. Lat. tS" 10' N,, long. 13'" E. Agadir, or Santa Cruz, spt. tn., Morocco, on Atlantic. Agal, tn., India, Oudh, 28 m. from Rai Bareli. Agam (Anam Kotas). (list., Sumatra, Dutch Kastlnflics, Agamch, (irov. of Tigr^', Abyssinia. Cap. Addi-Ghrat. Agamtl, place, E. Africa, Drinakil, between rs. Haiwash and Melli. Agana, spt. tn., Guam I., Marianne Is., Pacific Ocean. Agar, petty slate, Bombay Pres. Area 17 .sq, m., with 2S vihs. Agar, tn,, Ccniral India, in Gwalior, 41 m. NE. of Ujjain. Agarpara, tn., Ih-ng-al, cm llugli, jo m. N. Calcutta. P. 30,317, Agartala, tn., Bengal, cap. of IIiU Tippcrah State. Agartala Old, vil.,, Udl Tipperah State, 4 m, E. of above. Agaahl, spt., Bombay, Thana dist., 10 m. N. of Bassein. AgasBlz, ry. stn., Prit. Columbia, on O.P. Hy., 388 m. W. of Donald. AgasBlz, Cape, on NW, Cf>ast of Greenland. Agaaslz Moant, Ariz., extinct volcano, 10,000 ft. above seadcvcl. Agastya-malal, mtn. jieak, Madras, in Travancorc. Elcv. 6200 ft. Agata Island, Fiji, one of the Yasawa group. Agattu, flic of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, U.S. Agawa R., Ontario, flows to N. shore of X^kc Superior. Agayak. Set Seven Islands. Agaz2ano, tn., Italy, ]»rov. and 12 m. SW. of Piacenza. Agboto, desert dist., W. Africa, E. of Lagos. Agde, spt. tn., France, dep. Herault, on Canal du Midi. Agen, tn., France, dep. Lot-et-Garoune, on 11. Garonne. Ager, tn., Spain, in Catalonia, 25 in. NE. of Lerida. Agerola, tn., Italy, prov. and 6 m. SE. of Castellamare. Agersoe, isl., Denmark, in the Great Belt, oft" coast of Seeland. Agger, place, Denmark, in Jutland ; lifeboat station. Agger Canal, Denmark, Jutland, from Liim Fjord to North Sea. Aggerahuaa, amt Norway, surrounding Christiania. Pop, 98,973. Aggleatone, large rock, Engl., Dorset, locally called Devil's Nightcap. Aghabe, vil., Ireland, co. Antrim, 2^ m. N. of Moira. Aghaboe, vil., Irel., Queen's Co., 5 lii. SW. Mountrath. Aghabog, par., Irel., co. Monaghan, 6 m. SE. of Clones. Aghabulloge, par., Irel., co. Cork, 7^ m. NE. of Macroom. Aghade, par. anar. and vil., Irel., Londonderry, 8 m. SW. of Coleraine. Aghadown, coast par., Irel., co. Cork, 4 m. SW. of Skibbereen, Aghagallon, par., Irel., co. Antrim, 3 m. SE. of Lurgan. Aghagour or Ayle, par. and vil., Irel., co. Mayo, 4 ni. SE. Westport. Aghaloo, par., Irel,, co. Tyrone, containing Caledon town. Aghalorcher, par., Irel., cos. Tyrone and Fermanagh. Agbamorc, jiar,, Irel., co. Mayo, 4 m. N. of Ballyliaunis. Aghamore or Abbey Isle, fishing stn., Ireland, CO. Kerry. Aghanagh, par., Irel., Co. Sligo, 5 ni, NW. of Boyle. Aghanloo, par., Londonderry, 2^ in. N. Newtown-Limavady. Aglianurishin, par., Irel., CO. Donegal, 3 ni. N. of Lctterkenny. Aghavallen, par., Irel., co. Kerry, 5 m. WSW. of Tarbert. Aghavannah, jtlace with barracks, Wicklow, 6 m, NW. Aughrim. Aghavea, I'ar., Irel., co. Fermanagh, round Brooksborougli. Aghaviller, par,, Irel., co. Kilkenny, 3^ m. SW. of Knocktopher.. Aghenish, peninsula and isl., Ireland, in r. Shannon, 19 in. below Limerick. Agherton, or Eallyaghran, par,, Irtl. , L'deny, 3 m. NW. of Coleraine.. Aghery, lake, Irel., co. Down, 5m. E. of Droinore. Aghlnagah, par., Irel., CO. Cork, i m. SE. of Macroom. Aghinish, isl., Irel., Kinawley par,, co. Fermanagh. Aghmacart, par., Ireland, in S. of Queen's Co. Aghmat Urika, vil., Morocco, aboub 30 m. S. of Morocco. Aghnahoo, place, Irel., Termonamongan par., co. Tyrone. Aghnameadle, par., Irel., in N. CO. Tipperary, contaius Toomavara, Aghnamnllen, par , Irel., Monaghan, 3 ni, S, Ballybay. Aghonre, par., Irel,, co. Kilkenny, contains Freshford. Aghowle, par, and vil., Irel., co. Wicklow, 5 m. SE. of Tullow. Aghrim, vil., Ireland. ^reAughrim. AghrlB, prom., In-1., co, and 14 m. W. of Sligo. AghUmar, isl. ami conviut, A-ia Minnr, in SE. of Lake Van. Aghwanpur-Mughalpur, tn., India, Woraiiabad dist., NW. Pr<»vs. Aglmont, vil , Belgium, prov. Nanuir, j2 m. SE. of Florennes. Agin, tn,, Armenia, dist. Maniuretul Aziz. Agincourt, post vil., Ontario, en. York, 14 m. from Toronto, Aglncourt, vil., France, dep. Pas-de-Calais, 13 111. NW. of St. Pol. Agira, tn., Sicily, prov. Catania, 9m. SE. of Nicos-a. pop. 14,eo8. Agliia, vil., Italy, in Sardinia, in Teinpio Pausania dist. Agivey, par., Irel., Londonderry, 7 m. SE, of Coleraine, AglaaterhauBcn, vil. , Germany, Baden, in circle of Mo.sbach, Aglen, vil., Bulgaria, in the circle of Plevna. Agliano, tn,, Italy, in Piedmont, prov. Ah-ssandria. Agile, vil., Italy, prov. Turin, 9 111. SW. of l\rca. AgUonby, tnshp., Engl., co. Cumberland, 3 m, E. of Carlisle. AgUsh, par., Irel., co, and 12 in. W. by S, of Cork, Agllsh, par., Ink, co. Kerry, 5 ni. NW. ofKillarney. AgUsh, par. and vil., Iicl , co, Waterford, 5 m. S. of Cappoquin. Aglish, par,, Irel., co. Mayo, containing Castlebar. Agliahcloghane or EghlUh, par., Ircl., in N. of co, Tipperary. Agly, riv., France, Pyrenees-Orientales, flows to Mediterranean. Agna, tn., Italy, prov, Padua, 6 m. SE. of Conselvc. Agnadello, vil., Italy, prov. Cremona, 10 m. E. of Lodi- Agnana, tn , Italy, j>rov. Iteggin, 3 m. N. of Geracc. Agnaoo, lake, Italv, 4 in. W. of Niples. Agnea, post vil., Quebec, co. Beauce, 69 m. from Sherbrnoko. Agnethlen, vil., Transylvania, 28 m. WNW. Ileniiannstadt, Agnetz, tn., France, dep. Disc, 2 in, from Clermont, Agnew'sHiU. Irel,, co. Antrim, 5 m. W. of Lnrne. Alt. 1558 ft. Agno, riv., Italy, aflluent of tli-j AUige. Length 50 m. Agno, viL, Switz., cnnton Ticino, 4 m. "W. of Lugann. Agnone, tn., Italy, prov. and 20 lu. NW. of C^nnpobasso. lop. u,080. Agnoalne, vil., Italy, prov. Brescia, 12 m. WNW. of Salo. Agny, vil,, Fiance, Pas-de-Calais, 2} in. S. of Arras, Agoada.'headland and bay, Goa, India. Lat. 15° 30' N., long. 73' 46' E, Agoafria, tn., Brazil, prov, and 100 in. NW. of Bahi.i, Agoaquente, tn., Bra?:ii, ]u'ov. Gnyiiz, Ila-s gold-mines. Agoasdocea, tn., Brazil, Minas-Geiaes, nlll. of r. Sua Francisco. Agodft, place, W(st Africa. NW. of Little I^ivo, Agomska, isl., NW. Ter,, Canada, in James Bav. lat. 53' N, Agon, vil., France, dep. Manche, 5 m. W. of Coutances. Agonac, tn., France, dep, Dordogne, qm. SF. nf Brantomc, Agong, volcano, on E. coast of IJnli L, Malay Archipelago. AgoOya, tn. andcap. of kingdom of Yorulia, W, Africa. Pop. 70,000. Agordo, tn., It.aly, prov. and 16 m. NW. of Brlluno. Agost, tn., Spain, prov, Valencia, 12 m. W, of Alicante. Agosta, cily, Sicily, on E. coast, 17 in. N. of Syraiuse. Pop. 12.739. AgoBta, vil., Italy, prov. Rome, 8 m. NW. of Subiaco, Agra, div., NW. Provinces, India Area 10. 151 sq, m. Pop. 4,867,720. Agra, dist., NW. Provs., in above Area 1850 sq, in. Pop, 1,004,400. Agra, Uili^il, NW. Provs, Area 206 sq. m. Agra, city, NW. Provs., cap. ofabove. Pop. 168,710. Agra, vil, of Khulna district, Bengal, with many ryins. Agra Barkhera, petty stat.-, O-ntral India. Agra CanaJ, connects the Junina r, with the Utanghaiv AGR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER AIM ACTadwip i*l., Bengal, in Bhagirathi r., Nadiya dist. l^aSvaiiur, tr,., 'Madras. Coimtatored.stnct AS.lLlian, bay and harb., W. est. Caspian Sea, at mth. r. Terek. iSiror'zaJab, city and cap. ".f C'-o^'.' t "n W of Ce-Vera iSamant, tn., Spain, prov. Lenda, .oim. ^W. of Ce.^era. ApTiDha vil., Corfu, Ionian Is., Greece. IJate.CoaturMa. vil., "^ly. ^ro^^ ami m c'^'^e of >ovara. « In ■ ISorc'lu'd^Vso'KuiaMllaS, state Popayan. tSr^iv itairrrov. rotcnza, falling into Gnlf cf Taranto. •Inad Portu"uese fortification in Goa, India. . i^dar". Spain, in Salamanca province Contains gold. ilSda d" dina. vil'., Portugal, in district of rr;:^;s:'A^i^^^^oS'^^£:- tBr's^?^":5"toS'^^&^-oJ'r%.u,o.. i|S^«: ?iv., in island of Cuba, on t^.e 8. coast. AeoaWa. tn., Brazil, in province of Balua. .c-„-r„T,p iSt^aAde, riv., W. Africa, in Portnguese isl. of Sao Tome. ISy^, V.I.. Meiico, instateof Tamaulipas. Aiiau^co, Vil., Mexico, in state of Jalisco. ^'^' ^■'VG''uar.'S"'B'rSrp"o"- Ko Grande do Korte. iS:rnv"n Xasrfr"n?Sn,a;.?Mtns. to Gulf otHonduras. iirL^'iy'i-aS.'rait'Z*^. Napo.^ Length .40 ni. tl^ron: vil.,'Spain, prov. Sai^gossa dist D.aroca l£ii:;.^:^S'ii:\tS?ofSri|'||rm.m if^rs Suja tn., Brazil, in prov. of Minas Geraes. _ i^L v^iosa. vil,, Brazil, in P™v. of M.nas Geraes. imavlva, vil., Sp.iin, prov. Teruel, dist Castellote. iSavo vil., Mexico, in state of Tamau.pas. • S vil «Dain prov. Ciudad-Real, dist. Almaden. W 't, ace W Afr^oTon Slave Coast, E. of Little Povo. is da ?n; Portugal, 'dist. and r. m. SE. of Avejro ifc' ^11 Sl:Sr;n^^an:j; ^n^glr^Ue ,a.e. Agallar de laFrontcra, tn., Spain 31 m. =• °f ^f/'i°"- „ ^ £-{^::sa,sWn:^;»^sr"^^"- l«.i"-k^™KnTl^Ar°rfcrnrNa,al to Saldanba Bay. l^as cape the soutlieramost point of Africa, m lat. 34 5° S. AgtUo, vil., Canary Islands, on Teneriffe Island. A^be, p.ass, Madras, connecting Mysore with Kanara. il^enjot, place, W. Africa, dist. of Fan Negroes, on Lr. Con Agustivaram,(f.(i.t, M.adras, in Travancore State I™anpor-Maghalpar, tn., India, Moradabad dist., >W. Provs. ll^on'". ami S^^eveiuie Circles, B""na m Ranpoon dist Xgg« (Hogar), dist. in the Sahara, >"habited by the Twarek. AtaSLh, par., Ireland, CO and 9 m. >>.W. of Sligo. liar tn India, Bulandshar dist., ^ W. Provs iST;, rui'nJdcit'y, India in V''f.'P""'?,f ■/^^ffSiz Ahar tn., Persia, prov. Azerba.ja.. 60 > >. N E. otTabnz SSw", ruined fort, Central India, in lat. « 31 N., long. 76 3' '^■ ^rj;^; deKr iS^^^P; Oman, and Yemen. SSTd-A, k vils., Prussia, 3 m- ^ W. bwinemunde. AUbenr mtn., Prussia, in Silesia. Alt. 130011. IServi" Westphalia, onr. Werse, iSni. SE of Munster. ISt.ld, tn". Prussia, on B.Leine, .7 m.S. of Hanover. Ahmadlbad dist, Gujarat, Bombay. .Area 38=1 sq. m. P. 921,7- irsrr'b:ii\s,°"i^c<;"' ,„„„ g- ,y E. H:;f;.^ri&i5^:s;rv^isi^5s^|ie..fen^ «'=?'SlS;^pr^^,ai^^^^Se,oppositeLiiitz. tSrkm t'n PereU prov. Farsistan, SE. of Bushire. . Ahraura, tn., India, Mirzainir d,st., ^ W. ^'ovs. l-al =5 15 TiT^io vi P,ru, in Jim ndppaitnunt. Pop. 1847. ^--"-' ^n ^S°:^nlf ^o^^' ^^;^s:S^or. irfS:li::^^a5d;^Jo.^aitaki^nb^nVaitangir. Abun, tu,, France. d_ep. Creuse ,3 ■"■^E. of Guuet.^ ace, dep. creuse, 13 m- '^'^- ■!,' "Vri,, stiiiista.l '^iri :iierr ^™v."K=^:on-.^t^tg^:;rr r. r3^^"is"r^im^J:"on'^^fanT;rrNV.ofI..l 'i- " ''' I^fSue de Elatiire. mtn., France, in Savoy Alt. 11,588. l^SSe de Midi, mtn., France, in Savoy Alt. .2 60s ft. iS-^r?^niJ;-fS^^S:^^|&„.na^^ iS-?sr?i^s^4f:-M^ KcA^-i,Sa:;;!^.^j^fi;^'n^Ba;;?iJ^^:b„db. t^^;.v rock? pen., Scotland, Elginshire, in r. Spey. SH SS^Xos;^-^^- -i - - ---'- lll;::-pf^:Kp..B^^;Cumbertand,^m^ 11!!"^ ^anc Vo t'al?;™Vret o!''Do^"gaT, ne^r'^;fe. tSr vT:Xn''ce dep^G-o"'!':? m. NE. of Bazas %'.S:;WS5S?S^H?Abbev.e. AiUa Cralg, ■'"'^I'y >*'vP„™'' MidUese "24 m.W. otLondon. Aiisa c^^e. vih, O"';j,:;'^;rco B gh. 140 m. KW. of Sydney. tli^tow^vir'Engfand, War«°cksh!re', 3 m. S. of Stratford-on-Avon. ZZ^.rin.: Francerdep. Gard^ .5 m. SW. of .Nimes. AIM THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER AEI Alme-la-CAte, vil., France, Savoic, 8 m. KE. Moutiers. Almog::sta, ), Argentine Ileimblio, in prov. Iliuja. Aln, clep,, France. Area 2239 sq. m. Pop. 304,408. Cap.~ Bour^. Ain, riv., France, rises in Jura Wtns., and fluws 118 m. to the riionc. Aln-Abesaa, colony, Al eria, prov. Constant ne, 15 nx. N. of Strtif. Ain-AblJ, colony, Algeria, prov. and 25 ni. SE. of Constantine. Alnad, tu., Arabia, Iladramaut, 207 in. NE. Aden. Pop. 10,000. Ainadjik, tn.. Roumelia, 11 m. W. uf Iladosto, i;ear Sea of Marmara. Ainay-le- Chateau, vil., Franco, dcp. Al.ii'r, 20 m. N. of Wontlu^on. Aln-Beida, vil., Algeria, prov. and 70 ni. SE. of Constantine. A:n-EoatUnar, vil , Algcra, df'p. Oran, dist. of Jlastagem. Ain-Bou-Sif, military post, AU'eria, 2j ni. E. of Ui'g;,ar. Ainderby, TV. stn., England, Yorksliire, 3 m. W. oi Korthallerton. Aln-el-Affeurd, \ .1., Algeria, prov. Oran, 9 ni. S\V. of St. Denis. Aln-el-Ecy, rans, Algeria, prov. and 8 m. S. of Constautine. Aln-cl-Gooca, locility, Algerin, prov. ami 23 in. SE. of C»nRtantinc. Ain-el-HaJar, loeal.ty, Algeria, piov. Oran, iu the pla'n of Jlleta. Ain-el-IIimmani, I'C tlity, Algeria, prov. Oran, 4 ni. N W. Bebdn. Aln-el-Ibel, caravanserai, Alg'-ria, on route from Algiers to Laghouat, Aln-el-Tork, vil., Algeria, prov. and 9 m. W. of Oran. Aln-Fekan. colony, Algeria, prov. Oran, 16 m. SW, Mascara. Ain-Fesguia, spring, Algeria, BUjipHi-s Constantino with water. Ain-Gaettxr, place, Algeria, 10 ni. SH. of Souk-IIarras. Ain-Hamza, locality, Algeiia, 9 ni. NE. of Jlilianali. Alnhoa, vil., France, Basses-Pyrenf cs, 4 ni. SW. of Espelette. Ala-Khenchela, vil., Algeria, 29 m. SW. of Ain-Beida. Aln-Machira, localifv, Algeria, prov. Constantine. Aln-MadM, tn., Algerian Sahara, 40 m, W. of Laghonat. Ain-M'lila, tn., Algeria, dep. Constantine, canton Uled Rahmnn. Aln-Mokra, Vil., Algeria, prov, Constantine, 20 m. from Bonah. Ain-Naze eg, v.l., Algeria, prov. Oran, 3 m. N. of Saida. Alnnah-BaziT, vil., Asiatic Turkey, 53 m. SSE. of Smyrna. Ainort, sea-loch, Scotland, in SE. of Isle of Skye. Aln-Oasera, caravanserai, Algeria, 132 ni. S. of Algiers. Aln-Regad.i, ci>lony, Alg,Tia, prov. and 32 m. ESK. Constantine Alnrlng, ^il., Upper Bavaria, dist. and 8 ni. S. of Laufen. Aln-Iloua, caravanserai, Algeri.i, 22 ni. NW. of Setif. AlnalaJe, ham. and ry. stn., Engl., Lancash., 3^ m. S. of Sonthport. Ain-Selisifa, oa^is, Algeria, prov. Oran, near frontier of Morocco. Aln-Sidi-l"onaE:f, place, Alg'Tia, in Constantine dep. AlnsUe Lake, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton I., co. Inverness. Ain-Sroara, vlL, Algeria, prov. Constantine, district Ned Atmenia. Aln-Soilra, Colony, Algeria, prov. Oran, 9 m. W, of Sidi-bel-Abbas. AiMtable, par., England, Cumberland, n m. NE. Penrith. Alnaty, district, England, ia N. Riding of Yorkshire. Aln-StUtan, vil., Algeria, dep. Algiers, canton Miliana. Alnaworth, tushp., Engl,, Lancasiiire, 2J ni. SW. of Bury. Alntab, tu., Syria, on slope of Taurus. Pop. 20,000. Am-Tagrut, colony, Algeria, prov. Constantine 22 m. W. of S^tif. Aln-Taya, vil., Algeria, in dep. and canton of Algiers. Ain-Tedeles, tn., Algeria, prov. Oran, 12 ni. NE. of Jlostagem. Ain-Tekbalet, vil,, Algeria, prov. Oran, 22 m. N. of Tlemoen. Aha-Temoaclient, tn., Algeria, prov. Oran, 36 m. NXPi. of TIemcen. Ainthorpe, vd., England, Danby par., NW". Riding, Yorkshire. Ain-Tinn, col"ny, Algeria, between Milah and Constantine. Ain-Touta, colony, Algeria, 93 m. SW. of Constantine. Aintree, lns''p., Engl., Lancashire, 6 m. NE, of Liverpool. Alnur Marlgudl, state forest, Madras, in Jlysore, Area 30 sq,. m. Aln-Zarbe, tn., Asiatic Turkey, 35 m. NE. of Adana. Alou, group i.sls., Malay Arch., 100 m. NW. of New Guinea. Alpe, tn., Colombia, state of Tolim, 22 m. N. of Neiva. Aipere (Tanna), isl., with volcano. New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Ai Petri, nitn., Russia, in the Crimea. Alt. 4264 ft. Airainea, tn., France, dep. Somine, 16 m. NW. of Amiens Air, or Aabea, oasis, Sahara. Lat. 15° to 19° N., long. 6' to 10° E. Alrasca, tu., Italy, 5 in. ENE. of Pinerolo. Aird, The, dist , Scotl., InverDcss-shire, iu Vale of Beauly. Alrd, haiiiht, Scotl., Wigtownshire, 2^^ m. E. of Stranraer. Alrd, post Ail., Quebec, co. Miasisquoi, 15 m. from St. Armand. Aird, handet and headland, Scotland, at NE. extremity of Skye I. Aird or Eye, pen., Scotl., Lewis I., iu Stornoway parish. Aird HIU, New Guinea, about 40 m. N. of Cape Blackwood. Aird River, New Guinea, enters the s -a W. of Cape Blackwood. Airdrle, pari, nndiniin. bur., Scotl., Lanarksh., n m. E. of Glasgow, Airda, di.^t., Seoll., Argyllshire, between l.oehs Linnhe and Creran. AlrdsBay, Scotland, Argyllshire, on S. s'dc of Loch Etive. Airda M0B8, moor, Scotland, Ayrshire, between r%. Ayr and Lugar. Aire, riv., Engl,, Yorkshire, flows 70 in. to r. ouse. Aire, riv., France, rises in dep. Meuse, allluent of r. Aisnc. Airedale, valley (d'r. Aire, Yorkshire, England, Aires orOi Rocki, isl.s., Scotland, on W. coast of Wigtownshire. Alre-Bur lAdour, tn., France, d'p. Lande.s, on r. Adour. Alre-Bur-LyB, ft. 1:l., France, dcp. Pas-de-Calai;i, 10 m. SE. St. Omcr. Airey, riv., England, Cumberland, flows 5 m. to Ullswatcr. Alrhonfle Law, a summit of Lamniermuir Hills, Scotland. Alrl, teak forest, India, in Mandla , i d., W. France, NW. of mouth of r. Chareate. Aii-d'Angmon, vil., France, de]>. Cher, 18 m. NE. of Bonrgcs Aixe-en-Otbe, tn., France, dep. Aul)e, 20 m. W. of Troyes. Aiie-aur-Vienne, tn., France, 8 m. SW. of Limoges. AU-la-Cha- eEe, city, Prussia, 34 m. WSW. of Cologne. P. 103,140. Alx -les- Bains, tn., France, dip. ^avoie, 8 m. N. of Chambery. Alyar, riv., India, Salem district, Madras Presidency. Aizenay, vil., Frmce, Vendrc, 10 m. NW. Roche-snr-Yon. AJabpur, native state, Bombay, tributary to Baroda. Ajacclo, cap. city of Corsica. P. 18,005. Birthplace of Napoleon I. Ajagedan, vole mo, Unimak L. Aleutian Islands. Alt. 63So ft. Ajalgarh, native state, India, Central Provs. Area 802 sq. m. AJahi, vil,, France, dep. Creuse, 8 m. EXK. of Gueret. AJak, vil., Hungary, co, Szibolcs, near Kisvarda. Ajan, name giveu on old nnps to Somal coast, E. Africa, Ajanta, or Indhyadri, bill-chain, India, in SW. of Bciar, Ajanta, vil. and ravine, with cave temples, among above hills. AJannr, tn,, Madras, in S. Kanara district. AJeUo, vil., Illvria, 12 m, SW. ofG'iritz. AJello, tn,, Italy, 9 m, SW. of Cosenza, Ajello del Sabato, vil,, Italy, prov. and 3 ni. SE. of Ai'ellino. Ajerbangis, div. and vil. of Sumatra I., Malay Archipelago. Ajeatan, tn. and palace, I'ers a, in Irak Adjimi district. Ajeta, vil., Italy, pn>v. Cosenza, C m. N. of Scalea. Ajgain, tn. and ry. stn., Unao district, Oudh. Ajgaon, tn., Unao district, Oudh. Ajimpor, tn., Kadur district, Mysore, Madras. Ajmere-Merwara, Brit, prov., Rajputana. Area27n sq. m. P. 541,890. Ajmere, city, Rajputana, in abuve province. Pop. 67,880. Ajmlrgarh, hill, India, Bilaspurdist., Cent. Provs. 3500 ft. eiev. Ajnala, (c'isii, Amritsar district, r'uujab. Area 428 sq, m. Ajnala, vil., Amritsar district, Punjab. Ajo, dist., Argent. Rep., Buenos Ayres. Area 10S8 sq. m. Ajo, tn., Argentine Rep., in above prov. and district. Ajodhya, tn., India, in Faizab..d district, Oudh. Ajodbya, vd,, India, Eardwan district, Bengal. Lat. 23" 35' N. Ajofrln, tn.. Spain, prov. and 8 ni. S. of Toledo. Ajra, tn., Kolliapur state, Bombay, in lat. 16' 8' N., long. 74° 17' E. Ajnchitlan, tn., Mexico, prov. Gi.crrero, 84 m. WNW. of Tixtla. Ajuda, Portuguese settlement, W. Africa, on Dahomey coast. Ajnrnoca, tn., Brnzil, 117 m. NW. of Rio Janeiro. Pop. 18,000. Ajuoco, vil., M< xico, IS m. from the city of Mr ico. Aka Hilla, on NE. frontier of India, inhabited 1/ tlie Aka tribe. Akabah, Gulf of, NE. branch of the Red Sea, E. of Sinai. Akabah, sm lU post, Arabia, for protection of pilgrims to Mecca. Akabah-el-Kcbir, hill range, between Egvpt and Barca. Akaibi, caravan stn., Sahara, in the oasis of Twat. Akalgarh, tn., India, inGujranwala district, Punjab, Akalgarh, tn., India, in Paliala state, Punjab. Akalkalakl, vil., Russia, gov, Titlis, on the borders of the Caucasus. Akalkot, feudatory state, Bombay. Area 498 sq. nt. Pop. 75,740. Akamagasekl, tn., Japan, in Nuguto prov. Pop. 32,384. Akaoka, tn., Japan, in prov. of Tosa. Akaroa, tnshp.. New Zealand, 38 m, SE. Christehurch. Akaroa, co., New Zealand, S. Island, forms Banks Peninsula. Akaroa Harbour, deep indentation, in S. of above co. 8 m. long. Akashl, tn., J.ipan, prov. Ilarima, ni>ndo Island. Pop. 18,327. Akassa, Brit, set., W. Africa, on Amambara Creek Lower Niger. Akaszto, vil., Hungary, comitat Pestli. Akazakl, tn., Japan, Ilonilo I., Sanindo div., Iloki prov. Akbarbandar, vil.. India, Rangpur dist., Bengal. Akbarpar, iahsil, India, Cawnpur dist., NW. Provs. Area 247 sq. m. Akbarpur, tn., India, Cawnpur dist., NW. Provs. Akbarpnr, (a/isiV, India, Faizabad dist , Oudh. Area 392 sq. m. Akbarpur or Katra, vil., Muzaflarpnr dist., Bengal. Akbarpar- SlnjhauU, jmrr/aHrt, Faizabad dist,, Oudh. Area 263 sq. TU. Akbou, colony, Al/cria, prov. Constantine, 47 m. SW. of Bougie. Ak-Cheh, tn., Asiatic Turkey, 60 m. ESK. of Afium-Kara-IIissar. Akdagh, mtns., Asia Minor, part of the Cilician Taurus. Akdenlz, " White Sea," Turkish name of the iEgean Sea. Ak-Deyavln, vil., Syria, 40 m. SK. of Aleppo. Akdla, pcttv state, India, Bombay. Lat. 21' 43' N., long. 71* 8' E. Akeman Street, Roman rd., AUemancester (Bath) to Watling Street. Aken, tn., I'rus. Saxony, on Elbe, 25 ni. SE. Macdrhnrg. Akereh, vil , Asiatic Turkey, Kurdistan, 35 m. NNE. of Mosul. Akerley, vil., New Brunswick, co. Queen's, 20 m. from Norton. Akermoor, lake, Scotland, in Yarrow par., Selkirkshire. Akero, isl., Norway, stift Trondhjem, amt Romsdal. Akero, isl., Sweden, Ian Stidcrmiinland, in Lake Yngam. AkerBhos, amt, Norway, ^ce Arsorahnur Akersnnd, tn., Sweden, on N. shore of Lake Welter. Akhaldk, ft. tn., Russia, iu Caucasia, gov. Tifli.'*, uu r. Kur. P. 13,767. Akherl. iy(.e Ikkerl. Ak-ni8Bar, tn., .^sia Minor, 58 m. N. of Smyrna. Pop, 10,000. Akhlat, tn., Asialic Turkey, on NW. shore of Lake Van. Akhmln, tn., L'i>per Egypt, on r. Nile, 74 m. SE. of Siut. P. 10,000. Akhnur, tn,, Kashmir. .SVc Aknur. Akhtl, tn., Russia, in Caucasus, on r. Samur, 25 ra. SSW. Dorbcnd. Akhtyxka, tn., Russia. .Sr e Achtyrka. Aki, prov., Jaj)aii, in W. of lUnnlo I., on Inland Sea. Aki. tn., Japan, Shikoku 1., jirov. Tosa. AKI THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ALB AiicU, bay, Japan, on E. coast of Matsmai I., abont lat 43* N. Aklm Xe'To ter.. Gold Coast, between Accra and Ashanti. Allmivkarvil., Russia, gov. Taurida, in Melitopol circle. Aklr, vil., P.nlestine, about u m. S. of Jaffa, and 6 ni. from tlie coast. AMsaba, place, W. Africa, in kingdom of Dahomey. Aklta tn., Japan, Hondo!., prov. Ugo, ou the Omonogo. AkSt6t>, tnshp., New Zealand, on coast of co. Wairarapa ^ortll. AU-tsnU, tn., Japan, in I. of Kin-Siu. Atla, tribe of dwarfs. Central Africa, TV. of Gondoioro. Akiayavalasa, estate, India, Gaiijam dist., Jf.adras Presidency. Akkerman, ft. tn., Russia, Rov. Bcssar,al>ia, on r. Dniester. P. 45,693. Akkerwonde, vil., Netherlands, prov. Friesland, circle of Leeuwarden. Akkosino, vil., Russia, in gov. of Kazan. Akkra, tn.. Gold Coast. See Accra. Akknuo vil., Netherlands, prov. Friesland, 7m. E. of Sneek. Ak-kum, sandy desert. Central Asia, SW. of Lake Balkash. _ AklaJ, tn.,Bombav, Sholapur district. Lat. i7°33' N., long. 75 4 E. Aklanak tn., E. Siberia, on R. Aklan, gov. Irkutsk. Akmollnsk, gov., Asiat. Russia, Kirghiz Steppes. Area 210,555 sq. m. Akmolinsk, tn., Asiat. Russia, cap. of above, on R. Ishim. ^ _ and fort, India, in Kashmir. Lat 32° 5' N., long. 74 47 E. Ako, tn., Japm, Hondo I., Harima prov., on Inland Sea. Akoda. vil., West Africa, on the Gold Coast Akohrl tn , India, in Unao district, Ondh, 11 m. SE. of Purwa. Akoko, a Fellata state, W. Africa, lying W. of E. Niger. 'Akola, dist., Berar, Central India. Area 2660 sq. ni. Pop. 592,792. Akola, taint, in above dist., Berar. Area 739 sq. ra. Akola, tn., Berar, in above dist., 9^0 ft. above sea. Akola, sub-div., AhmadnagOT, Bombay. Area 5S8 sq. m. Akona. Sic Ikaiina. Akora. tn.. India, in Peshawar district, Punjab. Akot, (afuft, India, in Akola dist., Berar. Area 5 j8 sq. m. Akot tn. and head-quarters of above. Lat. 21° 6' N. Akoto, or Akpoto, state, W. Africa, S. of Benuii and NE. Niger. Akova, vil., Turkey, Eoumelia, in Kossova vilayet. Akpatok, isl., Labrador, at entrance to Ungava Bay. Akri tn., Asiatic Turkey, in sandshak of Mosul. Akra Jebcl-el-, nitn., Asiatic Turkev, Haleb, on coast. Alt. 521S ft. Akragly, rv. stn., Russia, on the Trans-Caucasian Railway. Akrakn place, W. Africa, on the N. border of Ague. Akrilanka, pass, Bulgaria, Balkan JItns., leading to plain of Sofia. Akraai. jdTOiiirt, Khandesh dist., Bombay, 16 m. long by 15 to 30 in. Akrata, tn.," Greece, in Aigialia eparchy, on Akrata r. Akreyri, spt., Icel.ind, N. coast, on the Eyja Fjord. Akron, tnshp., Michigan, in Tuscola co. Akron, vil.. New York, Erie Co., manufactures of cement. Akron, city, Ohio, can. of Summit CO., founded 1S25. Pop. 27,702. Akropong, mission station, W. Africa, in Ashanti. Aksabi-s-Shnrfa, tn., Marocco, in the district of Fez. Aksal. riv., Circassia, flowing 120 m. to the Terek. Aksalskaya-Staniza, vil., Russia, gov. Don Cossacks. Ak-Serai tn., Asiat. Turkev, on Kizil-Irinak, 80 ni. NE. Konieh. Ak-Seral, riv., Cent Asia, from the Hindu Kush to the Amu Faria. Aksher, ci'.v, Asiati Turkev, 65 m. NW. of Kouieh. Pop. 15,000 Akstala, riv. and val., Russia, in Transcaucasia, m TiK.s gov. tn , E. Turkestan, 250 m. NE. of Yarkand. Pop. 100,000. Ak-sn, vil., Asiatic Turkey, 18 ra. E. of Broussa. Ak-sn riv., Asiatic Turkev, falls into the Mediterranean Sea. Aktagh, tn., Tibet, between Karakoram Pass and Y'arkand. Aktash,' riv,, Caucasus, flowing Into Caspian Sea. Aktahl-Dagh, tovm in Afghanistan. Aknn, isl., Aleutian p'oiip, Alaska, U. S. Aknne. tn., Japan, Kiusiul., iuSatsumaprov. Pop. 10.950 Aknra. vil, Asiatic Turkey, vilayet Beirut, on road to Baalbek. Aknsa, factory, Africa, on the Gold Coast. Akuaha, tn., Russia, in the Caucasus. Akntia. volcanic isl., Aleutian g-nup, Alaska, U.S. Akwambo, riv., Guinea, boundary between Gold and Ivory Coasts. Akwana, dist. and tn.. Upper Guinea, in the Fanti kingdom. Pop. 10,000. Akyab, dist., Arakan div., Lr. Burma. Area 5535 sq. m. P. 415,300. Akyab, tn. and spt, Arakan div.. Lower Bunna. Pop. 38,920. Akyaw, revenue circle, Tboon-kliwad: t., Lower But ma. Ala, tn., Austria, Tyrol, 10 ni. S. of F.overedo. Ala, tn.. Bornu, Central Africa, S. of La::e Chad. Alabama, riv., Ala, formed by confl. of Talbprosa and Coosa rs. Alabama, a S. state of the United States. ■;2,55o sq. m, P. 1,513,017. Alabaster, vil. and tnshp., Midi., Iosco Co., en Saginaw Bay. Alabaster Island, Atlantic Ocean, in the Bahama group. Alabat. isl., Philipiine Islands, E. of Luzon. Alabogskoia, vil., Russia, in gov. of Astraktan. Alacatzo, lutn., EcuatU r, in the Cordillem of Quito. Alt 15,646. ft. Alacranels., group in Gulf of Mexico, 70 ni. N. of Yucatan. Alada, vil., W. Africa, in Dahomey. Palm-oil emporium. AlaDagb, nitn. -chain, Asiatic Turkey, vilayet of Krzerum, AlaDagh, nitus., Asiatic Turkey, vilayet of Kas'amuni. AlaDagh, mtn., Turkey, prov. Adriaiiople, in the DespotoMtns. Aladin Islands, group, in Bay of Bcigrl, in 9' 40' N. Aladshan, spt., Asiatic Turkey, Anatolia, on Black Fea. Alaejos, tn., Spain, prov. Leon, 30 m. S. of Valladolid. Alagar Hills, Madura district, J'adras Presidency, India. Alagnon, riv., France, dcp. Canlal, afHuent of the Allier. Ala^oa, spt. vil., fSiio Miguel I., Azores. Alagoa-Nova, vil., Brazil, in pr v. of P.arahyba. Alagoas, state of the U.S. of Brazil. Area 22,583 sq. m. Pop. 459,371. Alafioas, tn., Brizil, in above state. Pop. lO.CCO. AlagoD, tn., Spain, on r. Et)ro, 15 m. NW. r.f Karagossa. Alagnela, vil.. Central America, in Costa R>a. AlaWar-Jo-Tando, iahi\\ Haidambad di^t., Bombay. AlalOar jo-Tando, chief town of above Udiik, Alald, isl., Kuiile group, S. of Kamchatka. Alaipur, vil., Khulna dist., Bengal, in lat 22* 49' K. Alals, tn., France, dep. Card, at foot of the Ccvennes. Pop. 22,255. AIal-Ta«h, mtn. -chain, Asiatic Russia, in Turkistan. Alaja. maritime tn., Asiatic Turkey, on G. of Adalia. Alajar, vil., Spain, in Andalucia, 40 m. N'. of Huelva. Alajero, tn., Canary Is., in Sauta Crazde Teneriffe. Alajncla, prov. and tn., Costa Rica, 29 ra. W. by S. of Cartago. Alaijnna, mtn., Siberia, in the Aldan Range. Alt 6396 ft Alaknanda, riv., India, Garhwal dist., N W. Provs. Ala-Knl, group of Lakes, Central Asia, E. of L.ake Balkash. Alamognan, isl., in the Ladroiies group, Pacilio Ocean. Alaman, W. chain of Zungiirian Alatau. Alambadal, tn., Coimbafore district, Madras Presidency Alamdanga, vil. and rv. stn., Nadija district, ' Alameda, tn., Cal., Alameda CO., on San Francisco Bay. Alameda, set, Assiuihoia, Canada, near Moose Mountain Creek. Alameda', tn., Spain, Andalusia, 54 m. NW. of Malaga. A^amgimagar, ancient fort at mouth of Sleghna r., Bengal. Alamnagar, -jmrmna, Hardoi dist, Oudh. Area 5939 sq. m. Alamnagar-ThomaongaaJ, tn., Sitapur dist, Oudh. Alamos (Los), tn., Mexico, 138 ni. NW. of Sinaloa. Alamparal, vil., India, Chengalpat dist, Madras. Alampnr, petty state, India, in Bombay Presidency. Alampur, ji-fr^/naa and tn., Indore state, India. AUn or Camei. riv., Encl., Cornwall. Length 27 m. Aland riv., Prussia, afllucut of r. Elbe, above Schnackenbnrg. Alands Islands, grp., Finland, at entrance to Gulf of Bothnia. Alanis, vil., Spain, prov. and 37 m. NE. of Seville. Alanje, tn., Colombia, dep. Chiriqui, Pan.ania. Alanno, tn., Italy, II m. S. of Civita di Penne. Alano dl Piave, vil., Italy, Venetia, 8 m. S. of Feltre. Alantika, lutn., Soudan, in Adamawa. Alt. 9800 ft. Alapaevsk, tn., Russia, gov. Perm, on r. Neva. Alaply tn , Asiatic Turkev, vilayet of Kastamuni, on Black Sea. AlapuT tn., India, NW. Provs., 11 m. SE. of Budaun. Alaric, canal, France, dcp. Hautes-Pyrenees, from the r. Adour. Alaro.'tn., in Majorca I., B.".learic Isles, Spain. Alaselskoi, settlement, Siberia, on Alaseya r. AJaseya, riv., Siberia, gov. Yakutsk, flows N. to the Wliite Sea. Alaseyaakaya, mtn., Siberia, gov. Yakutsk. Alt 3280 ft Ala-Shan, the wildest part of the Gobi Desert. Ala-Shan Mtns., between the Ali-Shan and the Chinese prov.of Gansn. Ala-shehr, tn., Anatolia, Asia Minor, 75 m. E. of Smyrna. P. 15,000. Alaska ter , U.S., fonnerlybelonging toBussia. Ana 531,409 sq. m. Alaska, liaiulct and port, Wis., on L. Michigan, Kewaunee 00. AlaEka'peninsula, N. America, extends SW. 350 in. Ala-'sio, SI t. tn., Italy, Genoa, 4 m. SW. of Albeiiga., Turkev, 35 m. NE. ofTrikhala. Alata, riv., A!iv.ssinia, affluent ofthe Bahr-el-Azrek. Alatau (Zungari'an Alatau), mtn.-chain. Central Asia, 200 m. long. Alatan double chain mtns., Siberia, along the Issyk-kul. Alatrl, tn., Italy, prov. Rome, 6 m. N. of Frosinone. Pop. 13,596. Alattur tn., India, in district Madias. Alatyr, tn., Russia, gov. Simbirsk, 102 m. NW. Simbirsk. P. 16,000. Alatyr,' riv., Russia, joins the Sura River at Alatyr. Alausl tn., Ecuador, prov. Chimborazo, 1^8 m. S. of Quito. Alava. Basque prov., N. Spain. An a 1176 sq.m. Pop. 92,893. Alaveddi, tn., Cevlon, in Northern Piovince. Alavo. vil., Russia, in Finland, gov. Vasa. Alawalpur, tn.. India, in Jalandhar dist, Punjab. Alay-K-hyoung, revenue circle, Lr. Burma, Kyouk-hypu district Alay-Kywon, revenue circle. Lower Burma, in Basscin district. Alay-Kywon, revenue circle. Lower Burma, Kyouk-hypu district. Alayor, tn., Spain, on Minorca I., Balearic Is. Alazanl, riv., Russia, gov. Titlis, affluent ofthe Kur.a. Alb or Swablan Alps, mtn.-chain running through ^ urtemberg. Alba, tu., Italy, prov. Cuneo, 30 m. SE. of Turin. Pop. 12,209. Alba' tn., Italy, prov. Aquila, 4 m. N. of Avezzano. Albacciaa stn., It.aly, Ancona and Rome ry., 44 m. from Aucona. Albacete, prov., Spain. Area 5738 sq. m. Pop. 229.492. Albacete, tu., Spain, in above, 173 m. SE. of Mailr.d. P. 20,886. Albacotya, Lake, Victoria, connected with Lake Hindluarsh. Alba de Tormcs, tn., Spain, 12 m. SE. Sakamanra. Albalda tn., Spain, prov. Valencia, 6 m. S. of Jativa. Albairate. vil., Italy, prov. Milan, 1 m. NE. of Abbiategrasso. Albak, vil., Tiansvivania, Also Feherval co. Albalato del Araobispo, tu., Spain, 6 m. SW. of Hijar. Albanals, dist, in ancient duchy of Savov, France. Albancbcz, tn., Spain, prov. and 43 ™. NE. of Almeria. Albanel tnshp., Quebec, Chicoutimi CO., in Tikonabi \alley Albanl, phice with factorv, "W. Africa, on Ashanti coast Albania, f irmerdiv., Turkey, on the Adriatic Sea. Area i8,ooosq. m. Albano.'citv, It.aly, prov. and 13m. S>:E. of Rome. Albano, lake and mtn., Italv, 13 m. SE. of Rome. Albano dl Licania, tn.. Italy, prov. Basilicata, dist Potenza. Albany, Co., Cape Colony, in E. division. Cap. Grahamstown, Albany! v;l., Georgia, cap. of Dougherty CO. Albany, City, New York, cap. of state aud Albany co. Pop. 94,923. Albany vil'., Oregon, cap. Linn Co., 28 in. S. Salem. Albany' vil.. Prince Edward Island, 16 ni. from Summerside. Albany'tnshp., Tasmania, co. Monmouth, 56 ni. KW. of Hobart Albany' tn , W. Australia, King George's Sd., 261 m. SE. Perth. Albany' Fort, Kewatin, at mouth of Albany r. in James Bay. Albany N-w set., Nova Scotia, Queen's Co., 40 m. from Annapolis. AlbanyHonse, and Lake, Kewatin. Lat 52* 50' N., long. 94" 50 W. Albany Island, Queensland, NE. of Cape York, 3 m. by i m. Albany Elver, N W. Ter., Canada, flows 320 m. to James Bay. Albaredo d'Adi««, vil., Italy, Verona, 5 m. W. Cologna ^ eneta. Albareto di BorgoUro, tu. , Italy, prov. of Parma. Albarracln, tn., Spain, prov. aud 19 m. W. of Tcruei. Albasln Cossack settlement, Asiatic Russia, in the Amur territory. AlbaUrk, tn.. Spain, prov. and 25 in. WSW. of Alicame. Albatross Island, Tasmania, NW. of Hunter Is., J m. by Jm. Albatross Point New Zealand. S. shelter of Kawliia Harb. ur. Albay, prov. Luzon, Philippine IsU Area 2537 sq. m. Pop. 267,»3S. 8 ALB THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ALE Albay^ tn., Luzon, Philippine Islands, cap. of preceding. Pop. 13,000. Albemarle, sub-dist., Ontario, co. Bruce. Albemarle Sound, inlet, N. C, penetrating flic land for 90 m. Albendorf, vil., IVussian Silesia, 7 ni. SS\V. Kciirude. Atbenga, tn., Italy, prov. and 53 ni. S\V. of Genoa. Alberche, riv., Spain, rises in 6IJ, Castile, flows 150 m. to Tagus. Alberes(Mtna.), name given to the E. portion of I lie TyreDecs. Albergaria, tn., Portugal, prov. Beira, 9 m. E. of Aveiro. Alberique, tn., Si>ain, prov. and 28 in. t>S\V. of Valeni:ia. Albemi, spt., Brit. Columbia, Vanconvfr I., at end of A. Cans.!. Alberobello, tn., Italy, prov. Bari, dist. of Altaniura Alberona, tn., Italy, 20 m. AV. of Foggia. Albert (Ancre), tn., France, dep. Soniine, 14 m. W'XW. of Pcronnc. Albert, dist. in NW. of Kew Suulh Wales. Area about 60,000 sq. ni. Albert, Port, Victoria, co. Bulu-Bnln. Alberta, pruv, dist., KW. Ter., C anada. Area about 100,000 sq. ni. Albert Bridge, tubuliir Viaduct Ixtwecn Pevon and Cornwall. Albert Edward Nyanzn (Muta Nzlge\ lake, Central Africa, oa Equator. Albertl-Irsa, nikt, vil., Hungary, 62 111. SB. of Pestlu Albertla Island, New Guinea, iu Fiy r. Albert Lake, S. Australia, S. part of Lake Alcsandrjna. Albert Mines, vil., New Brunswick, 29 in. from Salisbury. Albert Mountains, New Guinea, visible 60 in. off. Albert Nyanza, lake, Cent. Africa, >\'. of VJctoiia Nyanza. Alberton, tn>bp., N'>rtli Carolina, in Dniilin ro. Alberton, spt. tn., Pr. Ear. and vik, Enu'k, ShropsJi., 5 in. SE. Shillnal. Albuera. vil., Spain, 12 ni. KSE. of Badajoz. Site of battle, 1811. Albufeira, tn., I'ortiigal, prov. Algar^•e, 21 m. WNW. of Faro. Albufera, lake, Spain, on coast, 7 m. S. of Valencia. Albula, niln. pass, Switz., cant. Grisons, leading to Up. Engadine, Albunol, tn., Spain, prov. and 37 ni. E. of Granada. AJbuiiQelaa, vil., Spain, prov. Granada, d'st. Orgivn. Albuqaerque, tn., Spain, dist. and^g 111. NW. of Badajos. Albuquerque, \il.. New Mexico, cap. (if Bernalillo CO. Albury, par. Engk. Herts, 4 in. NW. of Bisliop Stortford. Albury, jiar. and vik, Eiigk. Surrey, 5 ni. SE. of Guildford. Albury, vik, Ontario, Prince E Iwanl co., on Bay of Qnint6, Albury, tn., N. S. W., on r, Murray, 190 ni. NE. of Melbourne. Albury, tnslip. and ry. fitn., New Zealand, co, Mackenzie. Albuzinska, IlussiaJi fort, Siberia, dist. Nerchinsk, on r. Amur. Aibuzzano, \\\., Italy, prov. and circle of Pavia. Alcabldeche, vik, Portugal, dist. Lislwn, near coast. Alcaijar, promontory, N. Africa, between Ceuta and Tangicrs. Alcacer, vil., Spain, prov. Valencia, dist. Torrente. Alcacer do Bal, tn., Portugal, 46 m. SE. of Lisbon. Alca^ovftB, tn., Portugal, i)rov. Alemt<'jo, dist. Evora, Aicalg, hamlet, ScolL, Nairnshire, i m. 8. of Dingwalk Alcala do Chivcrt, tn., Spain, 28 m. NE. of CastcHon dc la Plana, Alcala do Hpnarcs, In., Spain, 30 in. ENE. of Madrid. Pop. 12,317. AJcala de Quadaira, In., Spain, 9 in. SE. of Seville. ,AJcala delJucar, tn., Spain, 27 m. NE. of Albacete. Alcala de Iob Gazuleo, t n., Spain, 34 m. E. of Cadiz. Alcala del Rio, tn., Spain, 6 in. N. of Seville. Alcala del VoUe, vik, Spain, 63 ni. NE. of Cadiz. Alcala la Reak tn., Spain, 39 ni. SW. of Jaen. Pop. 15,901. AJcamo, tn., Sicily, 30 m. K. of Trapani. Pop. 39,016. AJcanar, tn., Spain, prov, Tarragona, 19 ni. S. of Turtosa. Alcanede, tn., Portugal, 15 ni. N. of Santarem. AJcaniz, tn., Spain, Aragon, prov. and 83 m. NE. of Teruel. Alcantara, tn., Spain, pruv. and 35 in. KW. of Caceres. Alcantara, tn. and suburb of Lisbon, Portugal. Alcantara, spt., Brazil, Maranhao, W. entrance to Silo Marcos B. Alcantara, rFv., Sicily, flowing into the Ionian Sea. Alcantarilha, vik, Portugal, in Fa-,*o district. Alcantarllla, tn., Spain, prov. and 5 m. NW. of Murcia. Alcaraz, tn., Spain, ]n-ov. and 34 in. WSW. of Albacete. Alcaraz, Sierra de, iiitn. chain in SE. of Spain, prov. Albacete. Alcarracbe, r:v., Spain, allluent of r. Guadiana, on its left bank. Alcarria, La, region, Spain, in provs. Cuenca and Guadala^jara. AlcatrazeB, isl. grp., W. Africa, opposite the mouth of the Rio Nuflez. Alcatrazes, isl. grp. off SE. coast of Brazil. Alcaudete, tn., Si)ain, prov. and 24 in. SW. of Jaen. Alcazaba. nit 11., Spain, in the Sierra Nevada. Alt. 11,100 ft. Alcazar de San Juan, tn., Spain, 68 m. NE. of Ciudad-Real. Alcazar, Sierra, intns., Spain, source of the r. Guadiana. Alceater, mkt. tn., Eugk, co. and 15 in. SW. of Warwick. Alcira. tn., Spain, prov. and 22 ra. SSW. of Valencia. Pop. 16,146. Alcobaca, tn., Portugal, dist. Leiria, 72 in. N. of Lislwn. Alcobaca, spt. tn., Brazil, prov. Bahia, 86 ni. S. of Porto Seguro. Alcochete, tn., Portugal, 9 m. ENE. of Lisbon, Alconcbel, vik, Spain, prov. and 24 m. SSW. of nadajoz. Alcora, tn., Spain, j2 ni. NW. of Castellon dc la Plana. Alcott-End, lianilct, Englaml, Gloucesteish., 3 in. E. of Cirencester. Alcoutim, tn., Portugal, Algarve, 25 in. NE. Tavira. Alcoy, tn., Spain, prov. and 32 m. N. of Alicante. Pop. 32,437. Alcublaa, vik, Spain, prov. Valencia, dist. ViUar del Arzobispo. Alcudia, tn., Spain, Mjjorca I., i ni. from the sea. Alcudia, valley, Spain, prov. Ciudad-Real. Antimony mines, Aldabra, grp. isls., Indian Ocean, in N. of Mozambique Channel. Aldan, riv., E. Siberia, gov. Yakutsk, afllnent of r. Lena. Aldan Mtns., E. Siberia, branch of the Stanovoi chain. Aldansk, tn., E. Siberia, gov. and about 210 ni. E, of Yakutsk. Aldborough, par., England, Norfolk, 4^m. N. of Aylsham. Aldborough, par. and tnshp., Ynrkshiie, 7 m. SE. of Rijinn. Aldbowin, par. and vil., England, Wilts, 6 m. NE. of Marlborough, Aldbury, par., Engl,, Herts, 3 m. NE. of Berkliampstead. Aide, riv., England, Suffolk, flows ;om. to Orford Haven. AMea del Eey, tn., Spain, prov. and 12 ni. S. of Ciudad-Real. Aldeburgb, par. and .spt., Suffolk, 100 m. NE. London. Aldeby, par., Engkmd, Norfolk, 3 m. NE. of Becclcs. AldeiadeSaoBento, vil., Portugal, prov. Alemttjo, dist. Beja. Aldeia Gallega de Riba Tcjo, In., Portugal, 7 m. E. of Lisbon. Aldemau, -^argaiia, India, Sultanpur dist., Oudli. Area 349 sq. in. Alden, vik and tnshp.. New York, in Erie co. Aldenbam, par., England, Herts, 3 m. NE. of "Watford. Alderbury, }tar. and vik, England, co. Wilts, 3 ni. SE. of Salisbury. Aldergrove, ly. stn., Ireland, co. Antrim, 22} m. from Belfast. Alderley, par. and ry. stn., Cheshire, 8 in, SW. Stockport. Alderley, par. and vd., Engk, Gloucesteish., 4 lu. NE. of Wickwar. Alderman Haw, vil., England, Leicestershire, 2 ni. W. ofMt. Sorrel. Alderman Island, New iiealand, olf E. coast of eo. Coroniandek Aldermaston, jiar. and vik, England, Berks, 8 m. E. of Newbury. Aldermoor, eminence, England, Isle of Wiglit, 2 ni. SW. of Rjdc. Aldemey, isk, Channel Is., separated from France by the Race cf A. Aldersbrooke, place, England, CO. Essex, in Epping Forest. Aldershot, tn., and military camp, Hants. 35 m. from Loudon. Aldershot, vil., Ontario, Wentworth co., on Burlington Bay. Alderville, vik, Ontario, Northumberland co., 19 m. from Cobourg. Aldgate, ry. stn., S. Australia, co. and 22 m. E. of Adelaide. Aldinga, tnshp., S. Australia, co. and 27 m. S. of Adelaide. Aldlnga Bay, S. Australia, between cos. Hindmarsh and Adelaide. Aldingham, par., Engk, Lancashire, 5 m. S. of Ulverstone. Aldln Grange, ry. stn., England, co. and 2 in. W. of Durham. Aldington, par. and vik, Engk, co. Kent, 6 m. SE. of Ashford. Aldinzl, vik, Servia, circle of Knjashevatz, dist. Zaglav.i. Aldridge, par. and tnshp., Staffordsh., 3 m. NE. Walsalk Aldringham, par. and vik, Engk, Suffolk, 2 m. N. of Aldborough. Alduldea, name of Pyrenees, between Navarre, Spain, and France, Aldwark, ham. and ry. stn., Yorkshire, 2 m. NE. of Rotherham. Aldyn, glen, Isle of Man, 2 m. W. of Ramsey. Alechnovltchl, ry. .stn., Russia, on the Libau-Romny Railway, Aleck, Mount, Suutli Australia, in Hanson co. Aled, riv., Wales, Denbigh, flows 10 m. to r. Elwy. Aledo, vik, Illinois, cap. of Jlcrccr co. Alegranza, entail isl., in the Canary Islands. Alegre, Rio, riv., Brazil, prov. Malto Grosso, allk of r. Guapore. Alegrete, Vik, Brazil, jirov. Siao Pedro, on r. Ibyraputian. Alel, riv., W. Siberia, gov. Tomsk, aflluent of r. Obi. Aleljsliol-Letevskol, In., W. Siberia, gov. Tomsk. Copper-mines. Aloknagak, riv. and lake, Alaska, the former falling into Nushagakr. Alelbad, lake, E. Africa, Massowah, Alemquer, tn., Portugal, dist. and 25 m. NNE. of Lisbon. Alemtejo, former prov., Portugal, Area 0424 sq. m. Pop. 3G7,1C9. Alemulr, small loch, Scotland, SE. Selkirkshire. Alen9on, tn., France, dep. Ornc, ti8 m. W. Paris. Pop. 17,237. Alengad, ialuky Travancore, Madras. Area 208 sq. m. AleuBo, vik, West Africa, in the delta of the r. Niger. Aleppo or Haleb, vilayet, Syria. Area 40,756 sq. m. Pop. B35.714. Aleppo or Halcb, city, Syria, 70 m. E. Mediterranean. P. 110,000. Aleria, vil.. Franc*, in Corsica, 32 m. SE. of Corte. AleshUuIiaya Plattform, ry. stn., Russia, on the Riazan-Kosluv Ry. Aleahkl, tn., Russia, gov. Taurida, at mouth of r. Dnieper. Aleshkino, vik, Russia, in gov. of Simbirsk. Aleflsandria, prov., Italy, in Piedmont. Aica 1051 sq. m. P. 746,441, Alessandria, In., Italy, cap. of above, 50 in. E. Turin. Pop. 62,464. Aleisandrla della Roca, In., Sicily, prov. Girgcnti. Alessano, tn., Italy, prov. and 22 m. S. of Otranto, AlesElo, Leih, or Eahenderasl, tn., Turkey, ill Albania, on Adriatic. Alesso, lake, Italy, Venetia, in prov. Udine. Alesund, steamboat stn., Norway, between Bergen and Dronthcim. Aletachhom, peak, Switzerkand, in Valais. Alt. 13,769 ft. Aleutian Islands, vol. grp., Alaska, between N. America and Asia. Alo Water, riv., Scotland, Berwickshire, allluent of r. Eye. Ale Water, riv., Scotland, Selkirksh., flows 24 m. NE. tn r. Teviot. ^Alexander, set., Nova Scotia, co. Inverness, 14 in. from Port Hood. ALE THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ALL Alexander, vil. and tnshp., K.Y., Genesee CO., on Tonawanda Creek. Aleianderdorf, German colony, Asiatic Russia, near Tiflis. Alexander Fort, JIanitoba, at SE. end of Lake Winnip^. Alexander Island!, Alaska, between 54' 40' and 58° 25 N. Alexander, Mount, New Guinea, 60 m, N. of Cape Blackwood. Alexander, Monnt, Victoria, iu N. of Talbot CO. Alexander, Point, N. Ter. of S. Australia, on N. of Caledon Bay. Alexander's Point, tn., New Brunswick, on Sliippefnin I. Alexandra, tnslir., Y.ctnri.i, on Goulburn r., 90 m. NE. of Melbourne. Alexandra or Mannherlkla, tn.. New Zealand, no m. N W. Diinedin. Alexandra, tu.. New Zealand, co. Waip.i, 105 in. S. of AtlcklanO. Alexandra Dock, stn., Engl., on L. & N W. Ky., Liverpool. Alexandraland, former name of N. Australia. Alexandra Nile (Kaeera), riv., Kq. Africa, affl. Victoria Nyanza. Alexandra Peak, nitn,. New Zealand, CO. Fiord. AlexandravUle, tn, , West Africa, on the coast of Loango. Aleiandretta (Iskanderun), spt., Asiat. Turkey, 65 ill. WNW. Aleppo. Alexandretta, Gulf of, Asia Minor, on tlie Mediterranean Sea. Alexandria, tn., Scot., Dumbartonshire, on r. Leven. Alexandria, spt. city, Egypt, J31 HI. NW. of Cairo. Pop. 227,061. Alexandria, settlement, British Columbia, on Iraser r. Alexandria, div.. Cape Colony. Area 614 Alexandria tn., Cape Colonv, in above div., NE. of Port Elizabeth. Alexandria, vil., La., on Bed K., 360 m. NW. New Orleans. Alexandria, vil., Ontario, co. Glengarry, j6 in. NW. Lancaster. Alexandria, vil., Pr. Edward L, CO. Prince, 35 m. from Summersidc. Alexandria, vil., Kentucky., Campbell Co., 13 m. from Cincinnati. Alexandria, vil., Ohio, Licking Co., 25 m. NE. of Columbus Alexandria, citv, Virginia, cap. of above Co., 7 m. S. of Washington. Alexandria Bay', New Yoik, iu the Thousand Is , Jefferson Co. Aleiandrina, Lake, S. Australia, at the mouth of the Murray r. Alexandrina, tn., Russia, 198 m. NNE. Kherson. P. 16,889. Alexandropol, tn., Transcaucasia, gov. Envan Pop. 23,009. Alexandrov, tu., Russia, gov. and 70 m. E. of \ ladimir Alexandrov, tn., Russian Poland, gov. Piotrkov, circle Lodz. Alexandrov Gai, tn., Russia, gov. Samara, circle Novousin. Alexandrovka, tn., Russia, in Don Cossacks ter. Alexandrovo, tn., Russia, gov. and 60 ni. W. of Warsaw. Alexandrovsk, tn., Russia, 51 m. S. Yekaterinoslav. Alcxandrovsk, vil., W. Russia, gov. and circle of Pskov. Alexandrovsk, f.irt, Russia, in Caucasia, gov. StavropoL Alexandrovsk, colonv, E. Siberia, on Amur, 139 ni. S. Nlkolaievsk. Alexandrovsk, fort, Russia, on E. coast of Caspian Sea. Aleiandrovska, Nova, tn,, W. Russia, in gov, of Kovno. Alexandrovskaya, tu., Russia, in Caucasus, gov. Stavropel. Alexandrovskaya, castle, Russia, sj- ni. E. of St. Petersburg. Alexievka, tn., Russia, in gov. of Voronesh. Pop. 14,069. Aleilevskaya, tn., Russia, 213 m. NNE. of Novu-Cherkask. Alexlevskoye, vil., Russia, gov. of Kazan. Alexin, tn., Russia, gov. and •54 m. NW. of Tula. Alexinatz, tn., Servia, 133 m. SE. of Belgrade. Alexisbad, batha, Germany, in Anhalt, 12 m. from Quedlinbttrg. Alcy, vil., Asiatic Turkey in vilayet of Libanon. , _ „. ,, Alezlo{GiaVmaplceiotti),vil., Italy, prov. Lecce, circle of Gallipoli. Allalu Gyergyo, vil., Transylvania, 45 ni. ENE. Maros--\ asarhely. Alfaques, spt., Spain, Catalonia, 14 m. SE. of TortosB. AlXarnate, vil., Spain, prov. Makaga, dist. Colmenar. Aliaro, tn., Spain, prov. and 33 m. ESE. of Logroiio. Altenaa, tn,, Brazil, prov. Miiias Geiacs, on r. Sapucahy. Altold great central plain of Hungary. Area about 27,000 sq. m. Alfold par. and vil., Engl., Surrey, 8 ni. SE. of Godalming. Alfonslne, tn., Italy, in jirov. and circle of Ravenna. Alford, mkt. tn., Engl., Lincolnsh., i^\ m, NE, of Boston. Altord jiar. and vil., Scotl., CO. and 29J m. NW. of Aberdeen. Alford, Howe or Vale of, part of r. Don's basin, Aberdeenshire. Alfordaville, vil. and tnshp.. North Carolina, in RobesOQ CO. Alfred, Vil, and tnshp,, Maine, cap, of York CO. Alfred, hamlet and tnshp.. New Y'ork, Alleghany co,, 66 m. W. Almira. , „ , Alfred, Port, spt., Cape Colony, 28 m. SE. of Grahamstown. AUredton, liislip., Victoria, co. Grevillc, gS m. W. of Melbourne. AllS-cdton, tijslip., New Zealand, in co. Wairarapa North. AUreton, mkt. tn., Engl., co. and 14 111. NNE. Derby. AlXriston, par. and vil., England, Sussex, 6 m. NE. of Eastbonrrr. Alfu, vil., Sweden, Gelleboiga hin, 10 liu W. of Soderhaiun. Algaba, vil., Spain, prov. and 3 in. fiom Seville. Algalda, vil., Spain, on Majoi ra I., dist. of Palina. Algarinejo, tn,, Spain, prov. and 25 111, W. if Granada. Algarklrk, par. andry. stn,, Eiigh, Lincolnsh., 65 m. SW. of Boston, Algarrobo, Vil., Spain, prov, and 18 m. KE, of Malaga. Algarve, former prov. in S. of Portugal. Area 1489 sq. m. P. 204,037, Al«au, dist., S. Bavaria, N. to K.anfl.euren and Memmingen. Alganer Alps, Bavaria, a prolongation of the Rhatian All'.*. Algeciras,, tn. , Spain, prov. and 49 ni, SE. of Cadiz, Pop, 12,46S. Algemesl,'tn., Spain, prov. and 20 m. SSW. of Valencia. Alger, prov., AlL'eria. Area 40,605 sq. m. Pop. 1,380,641. Algeria, countrv, N. A&icn, telongii g to Fiauce. Area 257,529 ^'^■ m. Pop. 3;sn,466. Cap. Algiers. Algezira, dist., Asiatic Toi key, between the Euphrates and Tigris. Alghero, tn., Italv, in Sardinia, 20 ni. SW. of Sassari. Pop. 10,632. Algiers, spt. and cap., Algeria, OH bay of same name. Pop. 74,792. Algiers, vil., La., on Mississippi r., opposite New Orleans. Alginet, tn., Spain, prnv. and 10 m. SW. of Valencia. Algoa Bay, on S E. coast Cape Colon y. I'ort Eli zabctli is on its shores. Algodonales, tn., Sjiain, prov, Cadiz, 13 m. NW. of RontU. Algoma, W. dist. of Ontario. Aiea 43,132 sq. m. Algomera Creek, New South Wales, CO. Kaleigll. Algona, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Kossuth co., 52 m. W. of Mason City. Algonquin, ^11. and tnshp., 111., 50m. NW. Chicago. Algringen, vil., Alsaee-Lon-aiue, in circle and dist. of Diedcnhofcr.. Alguada, reef. Bay of Bengal. Lat. js" 40' N., long. 94" 16' E. Algntsboda, vil., Sweden, in Krnnobergs Ian. Algyo, viU, Hungary, on r. Tlie'sa, 7 m. NE. of Szegedin. Alhadas, tn., Portugal, in Coimbra district. Al-Hadsher, fort, Arabia, prov. Hejas, between rocky hills. Alhalbad take, E. Africa, S. of Massowah, on Red Sea littoral. Alhama, city, Spain, prov. and 31 m. SW. of Granada. Alhama, tn., Spain, prov. and 18 ra. SW. of Murc:a. ADiama, riv., Spain, prov. Logrono, affluent of r. Ebro. Alhama-la.Seca, vil., Spain, 12 m. NW. of Alnieria. Albambra, former Moorish palace in Granada, Spain. AlhamUla, vil., Spain, prov. and 7 m. from Almeria. Albandra, tn., Brazil, in province of Parahiba. Alhan, German colony, Hungary, in co. of Vosvar. Albaurin-de-la-Torre, tn., Spain, 15 m. SW. Malaga. Alhaurin-el-Grande, tn., Spain, 20111. SW. Malaga. Alhucemas, Spanish settlement, on N. coast of Morocco. Alhne, place. Chili, prov. Sant' lago. Gold-mines. Al-Hufhuf, tn., Arabia, prov. El Hasa. Pop. 16,000. All, tn., Sicily, prov. and 15 m. SW. of Messina. Alia, tn., Sicily, prov. and 34 m. SE. of Palermo. Aliaska. 6"ec Alaska. Alibagh, sub-div., Kolaba, Bombay. Area 194 sq. m, Allbagb, chief tn., Kolaba dist., Bombay. All-Bang, plain, Persia, Azerbaijan, between Lakes N'an and Shahi. Alibunar, tn., Hungary, 15 ni. NNE. of Pancsova. Alicante, prov. in SE. of Spain. Area 2185 sq. m. Pop. 432,335. Alicante, spt. tn., Spain, 124 m. S. of Valencia. Pop. 39,638. Alice, dist., N. S. Wales, co. Drake, about 350 m. N. of Sydney. Alice, ry. stn., Queensland, 326 ni. W. of Rockhampton. Alice, tn.. Cape Colony, co. Victoria East, 12 m. E. of Ft. Beaufort. Alice, sub-dist., Canada, prov. Ontario, co. Renfrew. Alice River, New Guinea, tributary of the Fly r. Alice Kiver, Queensland, dist, Mitchell, tributary of Victoria r. Allcedale Junction, ry. stn.. Cape Colony, W. of Grahamstown. Allcndl, isl., Lipari Islands, Italy. Allle, tn., Italv, 23 ni. NE. of Capua. AUga Grande, cape on SW. coast of Sicily, near SjTacuse. AUga^J, tahM, India, Etah dist., NW. Provs. Area 525 sq. m. AUganJ, tn., India, Etah dist., NW. Provs. AliganJ Sewan, tn., Bengal, Saran dist. AUgarb, (list., India, NW. Provs. and Oudh. Area 1955 sq. ni. Allgarh, tu. and ry. stn., in above district. Pop. 61,730. AUgarb, ('i/isii and vil., Farukhabad, NW. Provs. Area 1S7 sq. ui. Aligarb, Bengal, site of old fort, 5 in. below Calcutta. Allgaum, tn., India, in Poona district, Bombay. Lat. 18" 35' N. Allgbirl Mtna., Travancore, Madras, S. part of the Ghats. Aliguay, sm.all island, in the Philippine Islands. Alikratla, place, Turkey, on the Bosporus, near Constantinople. Allma, riv. and station', W. Africa, in French territory of Congo. Alimena, tn., Sicily, 23 ni. S. of Cefalu. AU-Mu^ald, fort Afghanistan, in the Khaiber Pass AUnderHlU, S. Australia, in NE. of co. Herbert. Aline, Loch, small arm of sea, off Sound of Mull, Argyll, Scotland. Alingar, riv.. Central Asia, Kafiristan, affluent of r. Cabul. Alingsas, tn., Sweden, Elfsborg Ian, 28 m. S. of Wenersborg. Alloa, small isl. off E. coast of .\frica, Zanzibar. Allpur, principal sub-div., 24 Parganasdist., Area S62 sq. ni. Alipur, tn., Bengal, 24 Parganas dist., a suburb of Calcutta. Allpur, civil stn. and hd.-qrs., Baxa sub-div. , Bengal, Alipur, iahsil, India, Muzaffargarh dist., Punjab. Area 887 sq. m. Allpur, vil., Punj.ab, Mnzalfargarh dist. AUpnr, vil., India, Wardhadist, Central Provs. Allpura, native state, India, Bundelkhand. Area 6944 sq. m. Alipura, chief tn. in above state. Lat. 25° 10' N. , long. 79° 24' E. All-Ra]pnr, native state, Central India. Area 836 sq. m. P. 66,827. AU-Kajpur, chief tn. in above state. Lat. 22° 11' N., long. 74" 24' E. Allscb (Gross and Klein), 2 vils. , Hungary, Siebenbiirgen. Allstrati, vil., Turkey, in Bounielia, sand.shak of Gallipoli. AUtka, isl., Aleutian Islands, Alaska, in the Fox Islands. Aliveri, place, Greece, Eubo;a, eparchy of Karystio. Pop. 10,460. Aliwal, Til., Punjab, in Ludhiana district. Lat. 30° 57' N. Allwal North, div.. Cape Colony. Area 1950 sq. m. AMwal North, tn.. Cape Colony, on Orange r., in al ove div. Aliwal South, div. and tn.. Cape Colony, on JIosscl Bay. Aljustrel, tn., Portugal, dist. and 21 m. SW. of Beja. Alkemade, tn., Netherlands, prov. South Holland. Aiken vil Belgium, prov. Linibourg. 4 m. S. of Hassclt. Alkmaar, tn., Netherlands, 25 m. NNW. of Amsterdam. P. 14,366. Alkofen, vil., Bavaria, 2 m. W. of Vilshofen. AUada, tn., W. Africa, in Dahomey, 40 Bi. N. of Whydah. P. 10,000. Allagen, vil., Westphalia, 7 m. SSW. of Warstein. Allahabad, div., NW. Provs., India. Area 13,745 sq. m. P. 6,942,900. Allahabad, dist., NW. Provs., India. Area 2833 sq. m. P. 1,660,360 Allahabad, lahsil^ NW. Provs. Area 312 sq. m. Allahabad, cap. city, NW. Provs., 564 m. from Calcutta. P. 176,870. Allaire, tn., France, dep. Morbihan, 31 m. E. of Vannes. AUalin Glacier, Switzerland, in S. of canton Valais. Alt. 13.000 ft. AUalone, mtn., S. Australia, 48 ni. N. of co. Musgrave. Allaman, vil., Switzerland, canton Vaud, on L. of Geneva. Allan riv. Scotland, ailUnnt of r. Forth, ij in. above Stirling. AUan, riv., Scotland, alllucnt ofr. Teviot, 4J m. SW. of Hawick. Allan, Bridge of. ^ta Bridge of Allan. Allan, Mt., N. S. Wales, co. Cunningham, 10 m. N. of Lachlan r. Allan, Port of, harbour, Scotland, Sorbie par., Wigtownshire. Allanburg, vil., Ontario, co. Wclland, 80 ni. from St. Catharine's. Allanche, vil., France, dep. Cantal, g m. NE. of Murat. Alland, vil., Austria, 8 ni. WNW. of Baden. Allandale, ry. stn., Manitoba, NW. from Portage-la-Pr-airic. Allandale, tnshp., S. Australia, CO. Light, 45 m. NE. of Adelaide. Allandale, East, tn., S. Australia, CO. Grey, 300 m. E. of Adelaide. AUandale, North, tn.. S. Au.stralia, CO. Light. 51 m. NE. of Adelaide. Allande, tn, , Spain, prov. Oviedo, dist. and NW. of Cangas, Allan myo, tn., Lower Burma, in Thayetdist. AUan's Flat, tn., Victoria, co. Bogong, 203 m. NE. of M-lbourne. AUauford, vil., Africa, Cape Colony, iu Victoria co. 10 ALL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ALN Allaasford, tns'iip., Victori.i, 156 m. WSW. of Melbourne AUaatoa, hainlct, tJcotiauJ, AjTsliire, 5J ni. K. of Ncwtmlns. AlUnton, Vil., Scotlaud, Berwickshire, ■2\ m. E. of IvJrom. Allinton, vil,, .Scotland. Lanarkshire, ij in. SE. Uaniilton. Allan Water, pKice, Scotland, Ruxburghsliire, 8 m. from liawick. Allarla, tu., t^pain, prov. and 13 m. SSE. of Urenae, Alla3, district, on >iW. coast of Sumatra Island. AUoB, riv., Sumatra, in residency of lienkot-len. Alla«, vil., Timur Island, Dutcli East Indies, on SE. coast. Alias, strait of, B. Indies separates Lombok from Sumbawa. AUaasac, tu., France, dep. Currtze. 9 m. NN W. of Uri\ es, Allatl, fort, Bulgatia, saudshak Sil.stnn, on r. Danube. All Cannings, p tr. and vil., England, Wilts, 4m. E. of I'cvizes. Alia, liv., I'russia, fl 'W3 160 ni. tor. Pre/'d, at Welilau. Allegan, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, on Kalamazook r. Alleghany, vil. and miiiiiit; camp, California, in Sierra CO, Alleghany, tnshp,, Ntw York, Cattarauj^us co , on Alleghany r. Alleghany, city, Pennsylvania, on Alleghany r., opposite Pittsbui^. Fop. 10&,287. AUeghany Mtnfl., runthrou^liPa.,Md.,and Va. Mean lieipht 2500 ft. Alleghany R., Pa., unites \Mth tho Monongahela to form the Ohio. Alleghany Springs, liam. and spa, Virginia, Jloutgoniery co. Allegrauza, the must N. of the Canary Islands, 20 ni. K. of Lanzarote. All^gre, vil., France, Haute-Loire, 16 m. K\V. of Puy. Allemagne, Allemania, French, and Sp:inish names of Germany. Allen, stream, England, Cornwall, unites with Kenwyn near Truro. Allen, riv., P'n;,'land, atUuent of r. Stour, Dorset. Allen, riv., AValos, afllueiit of r. Dee, Flintshire. Allen, riv., En;^'land, allluent of S. Tjnie, Northumberland. Allen, Bog of, bug of undefined extent, Leinster, Ireland. Allen, Island of, cultivated tract in Bog of Allen, Ireland. Allen, Loogh, on r. Shannon, cos. Leitrim and Roscommon, Ireland. Allenburg, tu., E. Prussia, circle and 9 ni. S. of Wehlau. Allenburg, tn., Prussia, prov. of Hesse, on r. W'erra. Allendale, tn., Northumberland, 9 m. SW. Hexham. Allendale, vil., Ontario, Simcoo co., on Kempenfeldt Bay. Allendale, vil. and tnshp,, S. C, 55 m. SE. of Augusta. Allendale, tn., Victoria, co. Talbot, 117 m. NW. of Melbourne. Allende, San Bartoiomeo de, tn., Mexico, 166 in. S. Chihuahua. Allende, San Miguel de, tn., Mexico, 50 in. ESE. of Guanajuato. Allendorf, tn., Prussia, on r. Werra, 24 m. E. of Cassel. Allenford, vil., Ontario, co. Bruce, 13 m. from Owen Sonnd. Allensbach, vil., Germ., in Baden, 6 m. NW. of Constance. Allenamore, par.. Engl., CO, and 4 ni. SW. of Hereford. Allenatein, tn., E. Prussia. 77 m. S. of Kbnigsberg. Pop. 11,655. AUensville, vil., Ontario, Victoria CO., 16 m. from BracebriUge. Allenton, vil., Alabama, Wilcox Co., 33 m. S. of Selma. Allentown, city, Pa., cap. of Lehigh co,, on Lehigh r. Pop. 25,183. Alleppl, chief port of Travanrore state, Madras. Pop. 30,000. AUequash, river and lake, Maine, the former an a(tl, of St. John r. AUer, par. and vil., Engl. Somerset, 2 J m. N. of Langport. Aller, riv., Prussia, affluent of Wcser, below Verdun. Lengthisom. AKer, tn., Spain, prov. OvieJo, dist. Labiana. Allennohe, vil., Prussia, Hamburg, 4 m. W. of Bergedori'. Allennair. Edinburghsh., one of the Pentland Hills, 1617 ft. high. Allerton, tnshp., Engl., Vorksh., 3^ m. NW. of Bradford. Allerton, ry. stn., Engl., Yorksh., 4^ m. NE. of Knaresborough. Allerton Bywater, tnshp., Yorksli., 5 m, NW. Pontefract, Allerton Chapel, tnshp., Yorkshire, 2^ m. N. of Leeds, Allealey, par., Engl., Warwick, 2 m. NW. of Coventry. AUevard. tn., France, dep. Isere, 28 m. NE. of Grenoble. Alio Vata or Alten Vanded, lake, Norway, Finmark. Allei, vil., France, dep. Dnjme, 6 m. WNW. of Crest. ' Alliance, vil., Ohio, in Stark co. Alller, a central dep. of France, Area 2822 sq. m. Pop. 424,582. AlUer, riv., France, from Mtns. of Lozere, 202 m. to the r. Loire. Alligator Island, New Guinea, in Fly r. Alligator Keef, off S. coast of Florida. lias a lighthouse. Alligator Klver, North Carolina, falls into Albemarle Sound. Alligator Rivera, N. Ter., S. Australia, falling into Van Diemen G. Alligator Swamp, N.C., between Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds. Alllgin, haniht with pier, Scotl., Ross-shire, 4 m. W. of Torridon. Alii gny- en- Morvan, vil.. France, Is'ievre, 23 m. NE. Chateau-Chinon Alligny- BUT -Loire, vil., France, dep. Nievre, 7 m. NE. of Cosne. Allihies, vil., Ireland, co. Cork, 7 m. SW. of Castlt-town-Bereliaven. Allinge, tn., Denmark, on NE. of Bomholm Inland. Alllngton, par , England, Dorset, \ m. N. of Bridport,. Allington, par., Engl., Kent, on r. Medway, ij m. NW. Maidstone. AlUos, vil., Hungary, coiidlat Teme.s, near Lippa. Allleon Island, I'ai-ilic Ocean. Lat. 1' 25' S., long. 142° E. Allisonville, vil., Ontario, Prince Edward co., 12 ni. from Pictou. Alliate, spt., Italy. Otranto, 12 m. SSE. Gallipoli. Allmann Mtna., Switzerland, canton Zurich. Alt. 4248 ft. Allmendingen, vil., Wurteniberg, dist. and 3 m. N. of Ehingen. Allnach, uv,, Scotland, Inveriio.sfl, flows 13 m. NE. to r. Aven. Alloa, .spt. tn., S'-ulland, Clackmaunansliire, on r. Forth, Alloa Inch, isl., Scotland, in Finh of Forth, Alloa parish. Allolrea. Lea, puss between canton Valais, Switzerland, and Savoy. Allonby, s|)t. vil., Engl., Cumberland, 6 m. NE. of Maryport. Allonne, vd., France, dep, Deux-S^vrcs, 3 m. SE. of Sccoudigny. Allonne, vil., France, dep. Oise, 2^ m. SE. of Beanvai?. AUonnes-Bout-Montfloreaa, vil., Maine-et- Loire, 6 m. ENE. Sannuir. Allor, i>lace, on Onihay I., Dutch E. Indies, Timor residency, AUora, tnshp,, Queensland, 159 m. SW. of Brisbane. Allow, riv., England, Durhanishire, flows 6 m. to r. Tync, Allow, riv., Wab'S, Anglesey, Hows 9 m. to Holyhead Bay. Alloway and A. Kirk, par., Scntl., 2I m. S. Ayr. Burns's birthplace. Allowayatown, vil., N. J., Salem Co., 38 m. H. of Philadelphia. Allright Iflland, in Magdalen grt)up, Gulf of St. Lawrence. All Sahata, islet, Ireland, in Lough Ree, co. Longford, All Saints, par., Irtl., CO. Donegal. 7 J m. W. of Londonderry. All SainU' Bay, Brazd, prnv. Bahi.a, San Salvador on its shore. Allachwyl, vil.,, Canton Ba.sel, dist. Arleshcim. Allfltedt, tn., Germany, Sase-TVeimar, 31 m. N. of Weimar. Alltgreig, hamlet, Wales, Glamorgan, 5 m. NW. of Neath, Alltgymbyd, hamlet, Wales, Denbigh, 9 m. NW. Wrexham. Alltna Calllich, stream, Scotland, Sutherlandsh., 7 ni. S. of EriboU. Alltwen. hamlet, Wales, Glamorgan, i m. S. of Pontardawe. Alltyar. hamlet, Wales, Carmarthenshire, 3 m. W. LlandilofawT. Allua, riv., Irel., aflluent of r. Blaekwater, cos. Limerick and Cork. Allaa or Lea, Ireland, expansion of r. Left in co. Cork. AUumette, isl., Quebec, co. Pontiac, in r. Ottawa. Allomlere, vil., Itily, Home, 9m. NE. Civita-Veecliia. Allur, tu,, India, Nellore, Madras. Allnr cAt-m Kottapataam, vil. and p'Tt, Nellore dist., Madras. AUuyn, lake, Ireland, co. Roscominon, drains to r. Suck, Alma, riv., on W. side of Crimea, Russia, falls into Black Se.i. Alma, vil. and tnshp., New York, cap. of Butlalo co. on Buffalo r. Alma, vil., Nova Scotia, co. Pieton, 5 m. from Stellarton. Alma, vil., Ontario, co. Wellington, 18 m. frumGuelph. Alma, set, Prince Edward I., co. Prince, 5 ni. from Alberton. Alma, tn., S. Australia, co. Gawler, 53^ m. NE. of Adelaide Alma, vil., Victoria, co. Talbot, 122 m. NW. Melbourne. Alma, vil. and tnshp.. Wis., cap. Butlalo co., on Buffalo R. Almaceda, vil., Portugal, dist, of Castello-Branco. Almachar, tn., Spain, prnv. and 18 in. NW. of Malaga. Alma City, vil., Jlinuesota, Waseca co., on La Sueur r. Almada, tn., Portugal, on r. Tagus, opposite Lisbon. Alma Dagh, mtns., Syria, branch of Taurus. A v. (lev. 5900 ft. Almaden, tn., Spain, prov. and 62 m. SW. of Ciudad-Real. Almadia Islets, rocky ledge, W. Africa, running out from C. Vei-de. Almagreira, vil,, Portugal, in Coimbra district. Almagro, tn., Spain, prov, and 13 \\\. ESE. of Ciudad-Real. Almagros (Loa), tn., filcxico, prov. Vera-Cru;^, dep. Acayucam. Almaguer, tn., Colombia, 50 m. SSW. ofPopayan. Almahadia, spt, tn., Tunis. 5c(; Mehedia. Al Mahfldham, tu., Arabia, in Yemen. Famous niosqne. Almali. tn., Anatolia, 52 m. ENE. of Makri. Pop. 25,000. Almalongo, vil., Guatemala, dep. and 6 m. SW. of Que^altenango. ' Almansa, tn., Spain, prov. and 87 m. N. of Murcia. AlmanBil, tn., Portugal, prov. Algarvo, dist. Faro. Alma n zora, riv., Spain, Andalusia, flows 50 m. to Mediterranean. Almar, riv., Spain, from the Sierra de Avila to the r. Tormes. Almas, vil., Brazil, prov. Goyaz, 62 m. E. of Natividade. Almas, vil., Hungary, comitat of Arad, 6 m. E. of Bulyin. Almaa. vil., Hungary, comitat of Bacs, ^V. of Theresiopel. Almaty or Almatlnka, riv., Asia, attluentof r. Hi. A lmazan, tn., Spain, prov. ami 20 m. S. of Soria, Almazan, tu., Spain, prov. and dist. of CastellondclaPlana. Almazarron. &in Mazarron. Almazora, tn., Spain, 4 m. S. Castellon de la Plana. Almberg, nitn., Bavaria, in the Buyrischer Wald. Alt. 3746 ft. Alme, riv., We.stphalia, fruiu tlie plateau Of Paderborn to r. Lippe, Almedinilla, tn., Spain, prov. Cunlolja, dist. Priei^o. Almeida, tn., Brazil, 18 m. N. of Victoria de Espirito Santo. Almeida, tn., Portugal, 223 m. NE. Lisbon. Pop. 10,125. Almeirim. tn., Portugal, dist. and 3 ni. from Sautareui. Almelaguez, vil. , Portugal, in Coimbia district. Aimeley, par. and ry. stn., Hereford, 4 m. SE. Kington. Almelo, tn., Netherlands, Overijssel, 31 m. ESE. of ilwolle. Almenar, tn., Spain, prov. and 11 in. N. of Lerida. Almenara, tn., Spain, 18 ni. SSW. of Castellon de la Plana. Almendral, tn., Spain, prov. and igSbE. of Badajos. Almendral, tn. and suburb of Valparaiso, Chili. Almcndralejo, tn., Siiain, prov. and 27 ni. ESfl. of Badajoz. Almening, isl., Norway, in Sondre-Trondlijom aint. Almeria, I'rov. in S. of Spain. Area 3360 sq. m. Pop. 339,383. Almerla, spt. tn., Spain, 87 m. ESE. Granada. Pop. 36,200. Almeria, Riode, riv., Spain, falls into the Gulf of Almeria. Almes Cllfl, cr.ig, Yorkshire, Engl,, 5 m. SW. of HaiTugate. Almlrante Brown, vil., Argentine Rei)ublic, state Buenos Ayres. Almlssa, tn., Austria, in Dalmatia, 16 in. ESE. ofSpalato. P. 11,647. Almkerk, \il,. Netherlands, N. Brabant, 7 m. NE. of Heusden. Almo, riv., Itily, alHuent of the Tiber, S. of Rome. Almodh, cliii-fship, India, Chhindwara, Cent. Provs. Area 52 sq. m. Almodovar, tn., Portugal, 133 m. SE. Lisbon. Pop. 10.436. Almodovar del Campo, tn., Spain, 18 m. SSW. Ciudad-Keal. P. 10,362, Almogia, tn., Siiain, prov. and 14 m. NW. of Malaga. Almoharin, tn,, Spain, prov. and 30 m. SSE. of Caceres. Almoloyan, tu. , Slexico, prov. and 3 m. NW. of Colima. Ahnonacld. riv., Spain, in Aragon, aflluent of llic Aguas. Almonacid, vil,, Spain, prov.and 25m. NXW. of Valencia, Almonacid do Toledo, ^ il., Ppain, prov. and 12 m.'SE. ToKilo, Almonaster-la-Rcal. vil., Spain, 30 m. N. Huelva. Almond, riv., Scutl., fluws 24 m, to Firih of Forth, W. of Edinburgh, Almond, riv., Scntiand, I'ertlishire, flows 30 m. to r. Tay. Almond, vil. and tnsbp,. Nvw York, in Alleghany co. Almondbank and Brldgeton. vil., Scotland, co. and 4 m. W. of Perth. Almondbury, par., Yorkshire, 2 m. SE, Huddcrsfirld. Almond Glen or Sma' Glen. Scotland, Perthshire, 6 ni. N. of CriefT. Almondsbury, ]iar,, Eiighaul, Gloucestershire, 8 m. N. of Bristol. Almont, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Lapeer co., 44 m. N. of Detroit. Almonte, tu., Ontario, Lanark c(j , 35 m. W. of OUawa. Almonte, riv., Spain, prov, Caccrcs, flows 74 m. to tlio Tagus. Almonte, In., Spain, prov. and 23 ni. E. of Huclv.i. Almora, chief tn., Kumaun dist., NW. Prov.s., I .iia. Almoradi, vil, , Spain, prov, and 26 m. SSW, of Alicante. AhBorchon, ry. stu., Spain, Badajoz, 39 m. N. Belmcz. Almorltia, Ballyrnoran, or Moranstown, par,, Irel., CO. Wcstmcatli. AlmoBter, vil., I'ortngal, di.slrict of Santarem. Almudevar, tu., Spain, prov. and 11 ni. SW. of Huesra, Almuiiecar, tn., Spain, prov. and 38 m. H. of Granada. Almunge. place, Sweden, in 8t()ckholu;3 Ian. Almnnla de Dona Godina, tn., Spain, 30 m. WSM'. of, Almvik, jilaco willi harbour, Sweden, in Kabnars Ian. Aln, riv., EngL, Northumberland, flows 16 m. to North Sea. 11 ALN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ALT Alne, par. and tnshp., England, njm. NW. of York. Alne, riv., Engl., Warwickshire, flows 15 m. to the Avon. Alness, par. and vil., Scotland, Ross-shire, 8 m. KE. of Dingwall. Aluey, isL, England, in r. Severn, near Gloucester. Alnmouth, spt., Northumberland, 5 m. SE. Alnwick. Atoo, 1^1., Sweden, in Gulf of Bothnia. Pop. 600. Iron-mines. Alnwick, tn., Northunil eriand, 38 lu. NW. Xcwcaslle. Alnwick Lodse, colliery vil., Scot]., Ayrshire, 3 m. XE. of Irvine. Alonia, small vil., Asia Jlinor, in Scaof JIarniara. Alora, tn., Spain, prov. and 22 m. NW. of JIalaga. Pop. 10,014 Alosno, tn., Spain, prov. Huelva, dist. ValverdedelCaminhire, 4 ni. NE. of Preston Alstonefield, par. and vil., St;tirord.shire, near Leek. Alstonville, tn., N. S. W., on Richuiond r., 367 ni. ENE. of Sydney. Alt, riv., l.iigl., Lancashire, flowing 12 m. to the Irish Sea. Alt, Alt Edge, and Alt HiU, 3 hamlets, Engl., SE. Lancashire. Alt or Aluta, r\\\, Hungary, 300 m. from Carpathians to Danube. Alia, silver-mining canij', Utah, iu Salt I^ike co. Alta, lake, Venezuela, piov. tumana, in Pasqua valley. Alucarry Head. NE. point of Kaihlin Is., co. Antnm,'lreland. Altagracia, tn., Argentine Rep., prov. and 25 m. SW. of Cordova. Altagracia, In., Venezuela, prov. and 15:^ m. W. of Angostiu-a. Altagracia, tn., Venezuela, at mouth of Maracaibo Strait. Altagracia, Higuny, or Higuly, v,L, St. Domingo Republic. Altahoney, mtn., Irel., Londondeny, abounding in calcareous 6]>ar. Altai Mtns. (' '/ujiwc Khinshan), great mtn. chain of Central Asia. Altamaha, nv., Georgia, Montgomery en., falls into the Atlantic. Altamlra, tu., Mexico, prov. Tamaulipas, 10 ni. NNW. ofTampico. Altamira, Sierra de, Sjiain, between rs. Tagus and Guadiana. Altamura, dist., Italy, prov. Bari, Area 634 sq. m. Pop. 108 167. Altamura, tn., Italy, prov. and 30 m. SW. of Bari. Pop. 20,841. Altar: tn.. Mexico, prov. Sonora, 108 m. WXW. of IKrmosillo Altare, vil., Italy, Liguria, dist. and 8 m. W. of Savona. AltawB, vil., Terceira I., Azores Is., dist of Angrado Heroismo. Altata, spt. to., Mi'xico, prov. Cinalna, 27 m. W. of Culiacan. Altavaig, isl., Scotland, otf NE. coast of Skye, lnvernes.s-shire. Alta Vela, small uninhabited isl., St. Domingo, W. Indies. AltaviUa Irplnn, vil., Italy, 6 m. N. of Avellino. Altavilla Milicia, com., Sicily, 9 m. NW. of Termini. AltaviUa Silentina, tn., Italy, 9 ni. S. of Campagna. AltaVista, observatory, on Peak of Tencrilfe. Elev. 10,693 ft Alt-Breisach, tn., GeruKiny, Baden, on r. Rhine. Altbunzlau, tu., Bohemia, 14 m. ENE. ofPra::ue. AltburoD, vil., Switzerland, canton Lucerne, 6 ni. NM'. of WilEsan Altcar, par., ry. stn., Lancashire, 6 m. SW. of Ormskirk. Altcar Eifle Station, Engl., Lancashire, near Formby. Altchemnitz, vil., Saxony, near Chemnitz. Altdamm, city, Prussia, in Pomerania, 4 m. ESE. of Stettin. Altdorf, tu., Bavaria, 13 m. ESE. of Nuremberg. Altdorf, or Altorf, tn., Switz.. cap. Uri, on r. Reuss. Alte, vil, Portu'^al, in Faro district. Copper-mines. Altea tn., Spain, prov. Murcia, 28 m. NE. of Alicante. Alteiban, vil., Saxony, dist. and 4 m. SE. of Ebersbach. Aiteland, narrow strip land, in Hanover, on r. Elbe. Area 80 sq m. Altela, mtn., Switzerland, in W. of Bernese Alps. Alt. 11,006 ft Alten, tn., Norway, prov. Finmarken, 105m. EXE. Tromso. Altena, tn., Westpltalia, 18 m. WSW. of Arnsberg. Altenau-am-Harz, tu., Prussia, 5 m. ENE. of Zellcrfeld. Altenberg, neutral dist, between Prussia and Liege, Bel"-ium. Altenberge, vil., We.stpha]ia, g m. SE. of Steinftirt ° Alten-Bochum, vil., Westphalia, i m. E. of Boclumi. Altenbmch, vil.. Prussia, in Hadeln, 6 m. W. of Ottemdort Altenburg, tn. , Germany, cap. of Duchy of Sai-e-Altenburg. Altenburg (Magyar-Ovar). tn., Hungary, 53 m. ESE. of Vienna. Altendorf, name of many small jilaces in Germany, etc. Altendorf, vil., Austria, in Moravia, circle of Olmutz. Altendorf, vil., Prussian Silesia, 1 m. NKW. of Ratibor. Altendorf, vil., Sasony, 4 m. W. of Chemnitz. Altendorf, vil., Switz., canton Schwyz, on Lake of Zurich. Alten Elf, riv., Norway, Finmarken, falls into the Alten Fjord. Altenessen, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 2 m. N. of Essen. Pop. 17 35*0 Altenfelden, vil., Upper Austr:a, 19 m. NW. of Linz. Altengamme, dist,, belonging to Hamburg, Gennauy. Altenhagen, vil., Prussia, in circle of Hagen. Altenhain, mtn., Germany, on border of Westphalia. Alt. iS-o ft. Altenhein, vil., Germany, in Baden, circle of Offenburg. "^ Altenmarkt, name of many rmimportant places in Germany. Altenplathow, vil., Prussian Saxony, 2 m. NW. of Gcnthin'. Aliens, Coast hamlet, Scotland, Kincardinesh., c^m. SE. of Aberdeen. Altenschwand, vil., Bavaria, in Ncunburg dist. Altenstadt, vil., Austria, in Vorarlberg, i m. N. of Feldkirch. Altenstadt, \il., Wurtemberg, i m. NW. of Geislingen. Altensteig. tn.. Lower Austria, 6S m. NW. of Vienna. Altensteis, tn., Wiirtemberg, dist. and 10 m. W. of Nagold. Altenwald, vil., Prussia, in circle of Saarbriicken. AJtenweddinge!!, vil., Prus. Saxony, 6 m. SSE. Wanzleben. Alter do Chao, tn., Portugal, 14 m. SW. of Pottalegre. Alter do Chao, tn., Brazil, prov. Grao Para, on r. Tapajos. Altemon, par., England, Cornwall, 8 m. SW. of Launceston, Altersdorf, vil., Germany, in Saxony, g m. SSW. Ebersbach.' AltersTTeilen, viL, Switz., cant. Thuigan, circle Kreuzlingeu. Alterswyl, vil., Switz., canton and 7 m. E. of Fribourg. Althabendorf, vil., Bohemia, in circle of Reichenberg Althaldensleben, vil., Prussian Saxony, 2 i.i. S. of Ncuhaldcnsleben. Althammer. vil., Austria, in Silesia, circle Teschen. AJthome, par., England, Essex, 6 J m. SE. of Maldon. Althorp, par. and ry. stu., Engl., co. and 6 m. NW. of Northampton. Althorpe, par. and tnshp., liincolnshire, 4 m. SE. of Crowle. Althorpe Islands, S. Australia, in Investigator Strait. Althouse, vil., Oregon, in Josephine co. Gold-mining camp. Althiitten, vil., Bohemia, circle of Prague, i m. E. of Dobricz. Altin, lake of Siberia. Sec Altyn Noor. Altino, vil., Italy, circle and g m. SW. of Lanciano. Alti-Shehr, collective name of the six principal towns of Bokhara. Altishofen, vil., Switzerland, canton Lucerne, dist Willisau. Altissimo, vil., Italy, prov. Vicenza, 4 m. NW. of Arzignano. Altissimo dl Nago, mtn,, Austria, E. of L. di Garda. Alt 6822 ffc. Altivole, vil., Italy, prov. Treviso, 3 m. SE. of Asolo. Alt-Karlsthal, vil., Austria, in Silesia, 12 m. NNE. of Freudenthal, Altkirch, tn., Alsaoe-Iorraine, 17 ra. W. of Basel. Altkloster, Lakes of, group of lakes, Prussia, in prov. of Posen. Altkonig. mtn. peak, in Taunus Mtns.. W. Germany. Alt 2^188 ft Alt-Land£berg. tn., Prussia, circle of Nieder-Bamiin, our. Slicnitz, Altmannsdorf. vil., Lower Austria, 2I- m. S. of Vienna. Altmark, former dist. of Prussia, now in circle of Magdeburg. Altmarkt, ry. stn., Switzerland, in district of LiesthaL, Altmiihl, riv., Bavaria, flows 108 m. to r. Danube. Altmiinster, vil., Upp- r Austria, 2 m. SSW. of Gmunden. Altnabreac, ry. stn., Scoll., Caithness-shire, 10 m. SW. of Halkirk. Alt-na-Giuthasach or The Hut, the Queen's lodge, Aberdeenshire. Altnan, vil., Switz., cant. Thurgau, 6 m. SE. of Gottlieben. Alto, tn., Argenlme Rep., 50 m. NE. of Catamarca. Alto. Sierra de, mtns., Argentine Republic, in Altodistrict Alto del Biente, mtn., in the Cordillera of Colombia. Alt. 9600 ft Alto del Malpaso, mtn., Ferro Island, Canary Islands. Alt 4641 ft Altoduero, dist., Portugal, prov. Tras-os-Montes, on r. Douro, Altofts, tushp. and ry. stn., Engl., Yorkshire, 3im. NE. of Wakefield, Altolka, dist., N. S. Wales, co. Yantara, 600 m. NW. of Sydney. Altomonte, tn., Itiily, 12 m. SW. of Cassano. Alton, mkt tn., England, co. Hants, 58 m. SW. London. Alton, par. and tnshp., Engl., Staffordsh., 7J m. NW. of Uttoxeter. Alton, vil., Scotland, Ayrshire, ij m. NE. of Galston. Alton, city and port, Illinois, Madison co.^ on Mississippi. Alton, vil., Missouri, cap. of Oregon co. Alton, vil. and tnshp., New Hampshire, in Belknap co. Altona, hamlet and tnshp., New York, in Clinton co. 12 ALT THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER AMB Altona, vil, Oatario, in Ontario co., 31 m. from Toronto. Altona, spt., Prussia, on R. Elbe, adjoining Hamburg. P. 144,636. Altoona, city, Pennsylvania, in Blair co. Pop. 30,269. Altopaacio, vil., Italy, in dist. of Lucca. Altorf. Switztrland. Set Altdorf. AJto-Tero, iiitn., Spain, i>lateau of Old Castile and Leon. Alt. sSjift. Alt-Reichenau, vil., Prussia, in circle of Bolkenhain. Altrincham, tn., Chesliire, 8 ni. SW. Manchester. Alt-Rohlan, vil,, Bohemia, in circle of Karlsbad. Alt-Rothwaaaer, vil., Austria, in Silesia, circle of Weidenas. Alt-Ruppin, tn., Prussia, in circle of Ruppin. Alt-St. Johann, vil., Switz., amton St. Gall, on R. Thur. Alt-Sandec, Stary Sacz, tn., Galicia, dist. Neu-Sandec. Altsattl, mkt. vil., Bohemia, in circle of Falkeuau. Alt-Schalkowitz, \il., Prussia, circle of Oppeln. Altahausen, vil., Wurteiuberg, 6 ni. SE. of Sarglan. Altsls58k, tn., Croatia-Slavonia, in circle of Szissek. Altaohl (Zolyom), free tn. , llunyary, in comitat of Zolyoni. Altstadt, Vil., Austria, in Mor.ivia, opposite llradisch. Altstadt. til., Austria, in Moravia, 48 m. NNW. of Olmlitz. Altstatten, tn., Switz., St. Gall, 15 m. 8, of Rorschach. Altstettan, vil., Switz., in canton and district of Ziirich. AltatreUtz, tn., Mccklenburg-Strelilz, 57 m. NNW. of Be ill n. Alt-Thann, vil., Alsace-Lorraine, iu dist. of Tli.inn. Altan-Kuprl, tn., Asiatic Turkey, 60 in. ESE. of Mosul. Altura, tn., Spain, 23 ni. WSW. of Castellon de la Plana. Altushi, pLuc, China, in Eastern Turkestan. Altusried, iiikt. tn., Bavaria, 5 m. S. of Grononbacli. Altvater. mtn., Hudetic Ciiain, on frontiers of Silesia and Moravia. Alttvasser, Ail., Prussian S.lesia, 35 ni. SW. of Breslau. Altyn-Imal, nitn. chain, Central Asia, from the Ala-Tau to the R. Hi. Altyn-Noor or Teletskoe, lake, Siberia, 320 m. SSE. of Tomsk. Altynovka, place, Russia, gov. of Chernigov. Altyre, riv., Scotland, Elgin, flowing 10 m. to Findhorn Bay. Aluilu, place, NE. Africa, on Tadjura Bay. A]um Bay, on N. side of W. extremity of Isle of Wight. Alambre, Sierra del, mtu. chain, Argentine Rep., Jnjuy and Sal ta. Alum Ridge, vil., Virginia, iu Floyd co. Alma Springfl, summer resort, Keutucky, in Boyle co. Alum WeUa, watering-place, Virginia, in Washington co. Alunda, pUce, Sweden, in Upsala bin. Alar, /('^(fcand tn., Bellary dist., Madras. Area 646 sq. ni. Alushta, Tartar vil., Russia, in Crimea, circle of Yalsa. Aluta, riv., Hungary. See Ait. Alva, i)ar. and tn., Scotland, co. and 8 m. NE. of Stirling. Alvah, par., Scotland, in NE. of Banlfshire. Alvarado. spt. tn., Mexico, state and 40 m. SE. of Vera Cruz. Alvarado, Rio de, riv,, Mexico, flowing through the Lag. del Madero. Alvarez, tn,, Portugal, dist. C'imbra, g ni. S. of Argauil. Alvarkurichchi, tn.. Intlia, Tinucvelli dist., Madras. Alvaston, tnshp., England, co. and 3 m. SE. of Derby. AJvear, dist. :iud vil., Argentine Rep., prov. Buenos Ayres. Alvechurch, vil,, Worcestershire, 5 m, NE. Bronisgrove. Alvega, tn,, Portugal, dist. of Santarem. Alvelloa, tn,. Brazil, jirov. Para, on R. Camay. Alverbank, vil., England, co. Hunts, 2 ni. SW. of Gosporfc. Alveringhem, vil., iielgium, W. Flanders, 6 ni. SSE. of Furnes. Alvemia (Sacro Monte della Vema), nitn., Italy, Arezzo. 4428 ft. Alverstoke, p ir., Hants, includes tn. of Gosport. Alverstone, vil., England, I. of W^ight, ij m. NW. of Sandown. AIverthorpe-with-Tiiomea, tnshp., Wakefieldpar., Yorkshire. Alves, ]iar. and vil., Scotland, Elginshire, 5 m. W. of Elgin. Alveacot, par. and ry. stn., Engl., Uxfordsh., 3^ m. NW. of Bampton. Alveaton, par., England, Gloucestersh., 9 m. NW. of Bristol. Alveaton, par. and vil., Warwickshire, near Stratford-ou-Avon. Alvie, par,, Scotland, SE. Inverness, on R. Spc-y. Alvignano, tn,, Italy, ii m. NE, of Capua, Alvlnaton, vil., Ontario, Lanibton co,, 30 m. SW. of London. Alvito. tn., Italy, dist, and 6 m, SE. of Sora. AIvo, isl., Norway, off W. coast. Alvor, tn., Portugal, in Algarve, 7 m. ENE, of Lagos. Alvorge, vil., Portugal, district of Leiria. Alvornlnha, vil., Portugal, district of Leiria. Aiwa, prtty state, India, in Bombay Presidency. Area 6 sq. ni. Alwar, state, R;i.iinitana. Lat. 27' 5' N. Area 3024 sq. m. P. 769,080. Alwar, tn., Itijpuiana, cap. of above slate. Pop. 52,430. Alwaye, tn, and sanitarium, Kannutanad dist., Madras, Alwaye, riv., Cuchin State, Madras, branch of the Pcryar. Alwen, riv,, Wales, Denbighshire, flows 14 m. to R. Dee. Alweaton, vil., Eniiland, Dnisrtshirc, 3 m. SE. of Sherborne. Alwinton nr AUenton, tndip., Nnrthumberland, ig m. SW. Alnwick. Alyth, tn. and, Scutliuid, I'ertlishire, 23^ m. NW. of Dundee. Alyth Junction, ry. stn., Scotl., on border of cos. Perth and Forfar. AJzano Maggiore, vil., Italy, dist. and 3 ni. NE. of Bergamo. Alzey. tn., Germany, in Haasen, 18 ni. SiW. of Maycnce. Amabel, sub-dist., Ontario, in co. Bruce. Amabele, vil., Cape Colony, in div. of Aliwal North. Amadous, Lake, S. Australia. Lat. 24° 50' S., long. 130" E. atnadl, negro tribe, in Niam-Niaiu country, Central Africa. Amadiah, tn., Asiatic Turkey, 65 m. NNW. of Mosul. Amador City, vil., California, Amador co. Gold-mining district. Amaga, tn., Colombia, in di-partmeut del Centro. Amaganset, bathing-]ilac'', Long Isl:ind, Now York, in Sufl"olk co. Amagaaakl, tn., Japan, liondu 1., Hctsu prov. Pop. 12,404. Am^er or Amak, isl., Denmark, E. of Seeland. Area 21 sq. ni. Amagl, tn., Japnn, Kiusiu I., prov, Chikuzen. Amahel, dist. and .siit., on S. coast of Ceram L, Moluccas, E. Indies. Amak Island, olF coast of Alaska. Lat. 56° 32' N,, long. 163° W. Amakusa Island, Japan, W. of Kiusiu Island, Amal, tn., Sweden, Elfsborgs liiu, on Wener Lake. Amala, Ihia'j state, Kliandesh dist., Bombay. Area 200 sq. in, Amalapuram, tn., Brdtary district, Madras Presidency. Amaldpuram. tn., Godavari dist., Madras Presidency. Amalatel-Rlf, tract, NW. Morocco, containing the Spanish presidios. Amalfl, spt. tn., Italy, circle and 8 m. W. of Salerno. Amalfi, tn., Colombia, Antioquia, 62 ni. NE, Medellin. Amallnda, New and Old, 2 sins,, Cape Colony, on Eastern Railroad. Amalner, tn,, Kliandesh dist,, Bombay. Amalyara, chief tn., in above state. Lat. 23° 13' N., long. 73° 5' E. Amalyara, trib. state, Gujarat, Bombay. Pop. 12,437. Amambara, riv., Africa, afltuent of the Lower Niger, below Onitsha. Amandola, tn., Italy, prov. and 15 m. NW. of Ascoli. AmaniganJ, vil., India, in Faizabad dist., Oudh. Amaniganj-hat, vil., India, in Maldali dist., Bengal. Amanlia, vil., France, dep. Ille-et-Vilaiue,4m, NE. of Janze. Amantea Calabro, spt. tn., Italy, 13 m. S. of Paola. Amanubang, state, on S. Coast of Timor I., Malay Arch, Pop. 20,000. Amanweiler, vil., Alsace-Lorraine, circle and dist. of Metz. Amapala, spt., Tigre L, Honduras, on Gulf of Fonseca. Amapur, tn. , India, in Etahdist., NW. Provinces. Amara, place, W. Africa, state Akoto, on R. Benuc. Amara, district, Central Africa, N. of the Victoria Nyanza. Amara, mtn. in the highlands of Abyssiiua, Alt. io,i63 ft. Amarah, \'il., Soudan, in Sukkot district, on R. Nile. Amarante, tn., Portugal, 34 ra, ENE. of Oporto. Amarante, tn., Brazil, prov. Piauhy, at mouth of the Caninde. Amarapura, tn., Burma, in lat. 21° 57' N., long. 73° 4' E. Amaraporam. Anantpur district, Madras. AVe Amrapur. Amarelleja, tn,, Portugal, district of Beja. Amargura, isl,, Pacific Ocean, in N. of the Tonga or Friendly group. Amaribo or Mana, jiv., French Guiana, falls into At'.antic Ocean. Amarkantak, liill, India, iu Satpura range, Rewastate. Alt, 3493 ft. Amarna. TeU-el-, mtnous, dist. Mid. Egypt, near right bank R. Nile. Amarnatli, vil. with temple, Thana district, Bombay, India. Amarnath, cavn, Kashmir; believed to be dwelling-place of Siva. Amaro or Sao Amaro, spt. tn.^ Brazil, prov. and 15 m. NNE. Sergipe. Amasia, tu., Asia Minor, vilayet Sivas, on the Yeshillrmak. Amasaera, spt. tn., Asiatic Turkey, vilayet Kastamuni, on Black Sea. Amatignak Island, Ala.ska. Lat. 51° ig' N., long. 179" 8' W. Amatigue, spt. tn., Guatemala, on the Bay of Amatigue. Amatitlan, tn., Guatemala, 18 m. S. of Guatemala city. Amatlan-de-loa-Reyes, vil , Mexico, deii. Vera-Cruz, district Cordova. Amatonga, broad plain, SB. Africa, W. of Lucia Bay. Amatrice, tn., Italy, prov. and 22 ni. N. of Aquila. Amaxichl, spt. tn., on Santa Maur;i, Ionian Islands, Greece. Amay, vil., Belgiinn, i)rov. and 15 m. SW. of Liege. Amazoc, tn., Mexico, in stale and n m. from Puebla. Amazon or Maranon, great riv., S. Antcr., flowing 4000 m. to Atlantic. Amazonaa, state, U.S. of Brazil, traversctl by Amazon R. P. 80,654. Amazonas, dep. Peru. Area 14,129 sq. m. Pop, 34,300. Amb, estate in Hazara district, Punjab. Area 204 sq. m. Ambaca, tn., Angola, W. Africa, 140 ni. SSE. of St. Paul de Loanda. Ambad, tn., Aurungabad dist., Uaidarabad, India. Ambagarh-Chauki.cliiefshipandtu., India, Chanda dist., Cent. Provs. Ambahta, tu., India, Saharanpur dist., NW. Provinces. Ambaji-durga, hill, S. India, in Kolardist, Mysore state. Ambal, administrative residency, Bagelen, Java, E, Indies. Ambala, div., Punjab, India. Area 3963 sq. m. Pop. 1,729,04,3. Ambala, district, Punjab. Area 2570 sq. m. Pop. I.p67,263. Ambala, city, Punjab, 3 m. E. of R. Ghaggar. Pop. 79,270. AmbalapuJai, Uilnk^ Travaiicore, fliadras. Area 121 sfp m. Ambalega, tn., in centre of Madura I., Malay Archipelago. Ambalema, tn., Colombia, state Colinia, on R. Magdalena. Ambaraa, mtu., iu Seniien Mtns,, Abyssinia, Alt. 10,988 ft. Ambar^a, vil., Fr., dep. Gironde, 2m. NNE. of Carboublanc. Ambaaamudi-am, f.'?i(/.-, TinnevelH dist., Madras. Area 569 sq. m. Ambasamudram, tn. and head-quarters of above tali(k. Ambassl (Sao Salvador), former caj-ital of the Congo. Ambatmuri, jiass, H. Kanara, Madras district, leading into Mysore. Ambato, tu., Ecuador, near Mt. Chimborazo. Pop, 10,000. Ambato, Sierra de, mtn. chain, Argentine Rep., prov. Catamarca. Ambazac, vil., Fr., Haute-Vicnne, 11 m. NE. of Limoges. Ambela, pass, India, Peshawur district, Punjab. Ambelakia, tn., Turkey, vilayet Yanina, 14 m. NNE. of Larissa. Ambepusaa, vil., Ceylon, iu the Western Province. Amber, Cape, the N.-most point of Madagascar I. Amber, tn., India, Jaipur state, Rajpntana. Amberg, tn., Bavaria, on the Vils, 35 m. E. of Nuremberg. P. 15,812. Ambergate, vil. and ry. stn., Engl., Derbyshire, 3 ni. N. of Belper. Ambergrig, isl., in Gulf of Honduras, 28 m. NNE. of Belize. Amb^rleu, vil., France, dep. Ain, 27 m. NW. of Belley. Amberley, tn., New Zealand, Ashley co., 54 m. N. of I'hristchurch. Amberley, vil., Ontario, on Lake Huron, 11 m. from Kincardine. Ambert, tn., France, Puy-de-Dome, 45 m. SE. of Clermont. Amblalet, vd., France, dep. Tarn, 15 m. E. of Albi. Amblerlo, vil., France, dep. Loire, 4 m. NNW. St. Ilaoude-Chatel. Amblau, isl., in the Moluccas, 44 m. SW. of Amboina. Amble, tnshp., Engl., Northumberland, 7 ni. SE. Alnwick. Ambleside, tnshp., Engl., Westmoreland, 12 NW. of Kendal. Ambleside, vd., Out.uio, co. Briu-e, 10 m. from Wroxcter. Ambleston, jiar., Wales, Pembrokesh., 8 m. N R. of Haverfordwest Ambleve, riv., Prussia and Belgium, alUucnt of tlie Ourtlie. Amboina, isl., Moluccas, SW, of Ceram. Pop. about 30.000. Ambolae, tn., France, luilre-et-Loire, 14 m. E. of Tours. Ambort, place, E. Africa, S. of Tana, on the coast. Amboule, tn., Madasgascar, dist, of Ano.ssi. Amboy, city an I tnshp,. 111,, Leo co., 100 m. W, Chicago. Ambraa or AroraB, vil,, Austria, in Tyrol, 3 m, SE. of Innsbruck. Ambre, Cap., the N, iioint of Madagascar I. Ambrl^rea, vd., France, dep, and 6 m, N. of Mayenne. Ambrini, isl., Pacilic Occaii, in New Hebrides, volcano, 3493 ft. AmbrlPiotto, ry. stn., Switzerland, in district of Levcnlina. Ambiiz, It. ami spt. tn., in Angola, Portuguese W. Afric.i. Ambrizette, .spt. and factory, in Angola, Portuguese W. Africa. Ambrosetown,, Irel., co. Wcxforci. 7i m. SW. of Taghmon. 13 AMB THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ANA Ambroz, riv., Spain, prnv. Caceres, affluent of R. Alagaon. Ambugol, vil., Soudan, on the Nile, near l)ong'>la. Ambar, tu. and ry. stn., N. Arcotdist., Madras. Amburpet, tn., Salem dist., Madras. Lat. 12° 4/ N., long. 78* 45' E. Amcbitka Island, Alaska, in lat. 51° 25' N., long. 180' 45' W. Amden or Ammon, vil., Switzerland, St. Gall, 3 m. NE. of Weson. Amdo, prov. of Tibet, W. from China, celebrated in Lama history Ameaico, tn., Mexico, prov. and 41 m. SE. of Queretaro. Ameca, small tn., Mexico, 70 m. W. of Guadalajara. AmegUa, vil., Italy, pruv. Genoa, on G. of Spezia. Ameland, isl., Netherlands, prov. Friesland. Amelia, vil., Italy, prov. Umbria, 12 m. W. of Temi. Amelia Courthouse, vil., Virginia, cap. of Amelia co. AmeUa Island, Florida, in the Atlantic, forms part of Nassau co. AmeUasburg, vil., Ontirio, Prince Eevon, on NW. of Dartmoor, 2000 ft. Amiens, city, Fr., dep. Somme, 83 ra. N. of Paris by rail. Pop. 74,170. Amiens, vil., Ontario, co. Middlesex, 5 m. from Strathroy. Ami lly, vil., Fr., dep. Loiret, 2^ m. SE. of Montargis. Amilpaa, volcanic peak, in highlands of Guatemala, over 13,000 ft. Amina, district, Upper Guinea, Ashanti, on Gold Coast. Ammdivi Islands. Sec Laccadive Islands. Amingadh, tn., Bomb.iy, in K..larnierly Salaniis, vil., Greece, in tlie I. of Salamis. Ampeni, tn. (LVit ) W. Africa, on the Gold Coast. Amphissa (Salona), tn., Greece, 84 m. "WNW. of Athens. Amphitheatre, tn^hp., Victoria, in m. NW, Melbouine. Amphitrite Islands, part of the Paracel Is., China Sea, SI:!, of IlaiiiAn, Amphrite Point, British Columbia, on Vancouver Island. Amping, treaty port, F rmosa, on W. coast, 4ni. from Tai- wan. Ampitiya, vil., Ceylon, in Central province. Amplepuia, tn., Fr., Rhone. 35 m. W. Villefranche, Amposta, tn., Spain, prov. Tarragona, 8 ra. SSE. of Tortosa Ampthill, par. and tn., Bcdronishire, 7 m SW of Bedford. Ampuero, vil., Spain, prov. Santander, dist. of Laredo. Amrah, ruined tn., Morocco, in the oasis of Ertib. Amrah, tii., Arabia, iu Nejd, on route from Basra to Mecca. Amran, dist., Arabia., in Yemen, 25 m. NNW. of Sana, Amraoti, dtst., Berar, India. Area 2759 sq. ni. Pop. --j.SlO. Amraoti, tn., in above. Lat. 20° 56' N., long 77° 47' E. Amrapur, native state, Bombay. .SVe Umrapur. Amrapur, tn., Anantapur dist,, Madras. Amrapur, petty state, Bombay. Lat. 21° 36' N., long. 71° 6' E. Amravatl River, Madras, flows 122 in. to the Kaveri. Amravatl, in., Kistna dist-, Madras. Lat. 16' 35' N., long. 80° 24' £1. Amravati or Chatia Hill, Cuttack dist., Bengal. Lat. 26' 37' N. Amrell, div., Baruda state, Bombay. Area 1560 sq. m Pop. I79,^(h Amreli, chief tn. of above div. Lat. zi''36N. Pop. 13.642. Amri, Vil., Karachidist., Sind, Bombay. Lat. 26" ii' N., long. eS^'R. Amrisweil, vil., Switz., cant. Thurgau, 3^ m, W. Roman.shorn. Amrita-Bazar or Magnra, vil., Jessor dibt., Bengal, in lat. 23° 9' N- Amritsar, div., Punjab, India. Area 5481 sq. m. Pop. 3,016,000. Amritsar, dist., Punjab, India. Area 1601 sq. m. Pop. 992,100. Amritsar, city, Punjab, in above, 44 m. NE. of Lahore. Pop. l36,5O0i. Amroha, m/isU, India, in Moradabaddist.,NW. Provs. Area 383 sq.m. Amroha, tn., India, in above. Lat. 28° 25' N., long. 78° 31' E. Amrum. isl., Prussia, off W. coast of Schleswig. Area 11 sq. m. Amschelberg, vil,, Bohemia, 28 m. SE. of Prague. Amsin, -pavijana, Faizabad dist., Oudh. Area 99 sq. m. Amsin, tn., India, in Faizabad di.strict, Oudh. Amsteg, vil., Switzerland, canton Uri, 9 m. S. of Altdorf. Amstel, riv., Netherlands, flowing through Amsterdam to R, Ij. Amstelveen, vi!., Netherlands, 5 m. S. of Amsterdam. Pop. 20,382. Amsterdam, city, Netherlands, cap. N. Holland, on R. Ij, P. 406,316. Amsterdam, vih, New York, Montgomery co. , on Mohawk R.P. 17,264. Amsterdam, New, spt. tn., British Guiana, on Berbice R. Amsterdam Flats, dist., at Port Ellzabt-th, Caj e Colony. Amsterdam Island, Arctic Ocean, otf W. coast of Spitzbergen. Amsterdam Island, in S. Indian Ocean. Lat. 37° 52' S., long. 77° 3' E. Amucu, lake, British Guiana, on confines of Brazil. Amu-Darya, region, Asiatic Russia. Area 37,970 sq. m. Amu-Darya, riv., Central Asia, flows 1300 m. to the Sea of Aral. Amulree, vil., Scotland, Pertlishire. 11 m. N. of Crieff. Amungerie. tnshp., N. S. Wales, Lincoln co,, 220 ni. NE. of Sydney. Amur or Saghalien, riv., E. Asia, flows 2920 ni. to Sea of Okhotsk. Amur, ].r.,v., E. Siberia. Pop. 62,640. Cap. Blagovcstckensk. Amura Bhauriari. vil., Chani] aran dist., Bengal. Lat. 26° 4/ N. Amurang, vil., Celebes Island, residency Macassar, Dutch E. Indies. Amuri, a N. central co. of S. Island, New Zealand. Amwell, tnshp., Pennsylvania, in Washington co. Amwell, Great, i)ar. and vil., Engl., Herts, i^m. SE. of Ware. An or Aeng, tnshp., L. Burma, Kyauk-pyu dist. Area 2853 sq. m. An or Aeng, In. in above tnshp. Lat. 19" 49' N., long. 94° 5' E. Anaa, gi p. of coral isls., in the Low Archiprlago, PaciUc Ocean. Anabama HUl, S. Australia, 43 ra. N. from borders of co, Y'oung. Anabara, riv., E. Siberia, to Arctic Ocean, 7" 40' N., and 112° 30' E. Anabich. isl., Scotland, Harris par.. Outer Hebrides. Anachuana, vil. aud bay, Colombia, in N. of Isthnms of Panama, Anadia, tn., Brazil, prov. and 44 m. W. of Alngoas. Anadia, vil., Brazil, prov. Matlo Grosso, on Santa Anna Isl. Anadia, In., Portugal, dist. Aveiro, 15 m. N. of Coimbre. Anadoli, Asiatic Turkey. 5tc Anatolia. Anadom, vil., Ireland, co. D.nvn, 4 m. W. of Downpatrick. Anadyr, riv., N E. Siberii, falls into the Gulf of Anadyr. Anafane, glen, Ireland, co. Wicklow, iu vi-inity ofGlendalongh. Anagni, tn., Italy, prov. and 13 ra. NW. of Frosinone. Anah, tn., Asiatic Turkey, on R. Euphrates, in lat. 34° 27' 27" N. Anahagarh, tn,, Patiala state, Punjab. Anaheim Landing, California, landmg-place, 13 m. W. of Anaheim. Anahuac, name of extensive plateau. Cent. Mexico. Alt, 7000 ft. AnaikoJdal, vil., Ceylon, iu the Northern Province. Anaimudi, plateau, Ananialai Hills, Madras. Av. height 7roo ft. Anakala, dist., Sandelhout (Sandalwood) I., Dutch E. Indies. Anakapalle, iahik^ Vizagapatam dist., Madras. Area 313 sq. m. Anakapelle, chief tn., in above taluk, L;it. 17° 42' N. Amaklia, ft. tn., Russia, Transcaucasia, in gov. of Kutais. Analabu, spt. tn., on NW. of Sumatra, Dutch E. Indies. Analaitlvu, vil., Ceylon, in Northern Province. Anam, country, SE. Asia, fi'C Annam. Anamabu, vil. and factory, Gold Coast, 9 m. from C;tpe Coast Castle. AnamalaiMtns., Travancore state, Madras, Highest point, 8850 ft. Anamalai, tn., Coimbatore dist., Madras Lat, jo° 35' N, Anamasamudrampet, vil., Nellcre dist., Madras. Lat, 14° 42' N. Anambafl Islands, grp. in China Sea, between Borneo and Malacca. Anamosa, vil., Iowa, cap. of Jones co , on Wapsipiuicon K. Anamur, cape and gulf, on S. coast of Anatolia. Anand. chief tn., Kairadist., Bombay. Lat. 22° 32' N. Anandpur, petty state, N- Kathiawar, Bombay, India. Anandpur. tn., Hoshiarpur dist., Punjab. Anandpur, vil., Midnapnr, Bengal. Lat. ai" 42' N., long. 87" 35' E. Ananihobe, vil.. Mozambique, on the R. Licungo. Anansaya, tn., Peru, in Cuzco dep. Anontagirl, vil., Vizagapatam dist., Madras. Coffee estate. 14 ANA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ANG Anantapnr, tn., Shinioga dist., Mysore, India. Anantapur, dist., Area 5274 sq. m. Pop. 707,660. Anaiitapur, tn. in above. Lat. 14' 41' N., long. 77° 39' E. Anantasagaram, tn., Anantapur dist., Madms. Lat. 14° 40' X. Anantaaagaram, tn., Kellore dist.. Madras. Lat. 14" 34' JJ. Ananur, tn., bilieria, in gov. of Tiflis. Anapa, ft. tn., Russia, on E. co;ist of Black Sea. Anaphe, isl., GrecL-e, in tlie Cycladcs. Area 16 sq. m. Anaroytna, tn , C'dombia, in the state of Cundinaniarca. Anassarawa, tii., W. Africa, dist. of Benuc, SW, of Kalli. Anata, vil., Palestine, near Jerusaleu], Anatajon, isl. in the N. of the Jlarianne Islands ; uninhabited. Anatolia, prov., A.sia Minor. Aiea 195,000 sq. m. Pop. 9,000,000. Anatshlnsk, tn., E. Siberia, on the peninsula of Kamchatka. Anank, tn^lip., Tavoy dist.. L-nvt-r Burma. Anauk-Khian, W. arm of Iiawadi, brandling offat Bassein. Anbally, vil., Ireland, co. and 12 iii. Kb), of G;thv;iy. Ancachs or Huaylaa, dep., I'lTU. Area 19,300 sq. 111. Pop. 285,000. Ancan, vil., I'ortuyal. di^it. and 7 ni. from Coimbra. Ancaate, vil., Ar^'t iitine Uep., in Catamarca province. Ancaste, Sierra de, part of Cui-dilleras of Chili, E. of Catamarca. Ancaster, j>ar. and vil., Lincnlnsliire, 8 ni. NE. of GmnthauJ. Ancaster, vil., Ontiuio, 7 ni. W^W. Xlamilton. Ancede, vil., Portug;il, dist. antl 28 ni. E. of Oporto. Ancensia, tn., Fr., Luire-Iiif., on It. Luir>', 23 ni. ENE. of Nantes. AncerviUe, tn., Fr., dep. Meuse, 12 in. S\V. Bar-le-Duc. Anchittai-dargam, hill fort, Salem dist., Madras, India. Ancholme, riv., Knyl,, Lincolnshire, flows 22 m. N. to the Huniber. Anchor Island, Ke Colony, in Ilnmansdorp div. Andrlevcl-dolnjl, vil., Croatia-Slavonia, 31 jn. WSW. Vinkovcc. Andritz, vil., Austria-Hungary, in Styria, ai m. X. of Gratz. Andrltzena, tn., Greece, Messenia, 37 m. NNW. Kalatnata. Andro, isl., Grecian Archipelago, S. of Eubo^a, in the Cyelades Andromeda Island, Fiji, in the Yasawa group. Andros, isl., one of tlie Bah.inias, W. Indies. Androscoggin Elver, N. H. and Me., affl. of Kennebec R. Andros Island, California, in Sacramento co. Area 6 sq. m. Andruco, tnshp., N.S.W., Co. Wentworth, on Darling R. Androsa, tn., Grerce, in Messenia, 7 m. NW. of Kalamata. Andnuisov, \\\., Russia, gov. and 50 m. SSW. Smolensk. Andsflord, Strait, Norway, between Lofoden Is. and the coast. Andojar, tn., 8pain, prov. and 23 m. NW. of Jaeu. Pop. 11,974. Andoze, tn., Fr., dep. Gard, 8i in. SW. of Alais. Andwyl, vil., Switz., cant. St. Gall, dist. Gossan. AnechaukuT, toll stu., Conrg, India, on road through W. Ghats. Anegada,, in NE. of Virgin I.s., W. Lulies. Area 13 sq. 111. Anelmudl, hi^'hest mtn., S. jnda, Aiiam ili grp., 8S57 ft. Aneituum, tlie southernmnst island of the New Hebrides grp, Anekal, tahik. Bangalore, Mysore. Ar. 178 sq m. Anekal, tn. and headquarters of above tahik, Mysore. Anelongo, vil. , W. Africa, on Ogowe R., near mouth of Nqnnie. Anerley, vil. and ry. stu,, Engl., Surrey, 1 m. SW. of Sydenham. Anesa, tn., Turkey, vilayet Janina, on theGreek border. Anfa, Dar-el-Beida, spt. tn., on W. coast of Morocco. Angaco, vil., Ar^'cutine Rep., prov. and 12 m. NE. of San Juan. Angad, desert with oasis, in Alj^iers and Mnrocco. Angadipuram, nikt. tn., Malabar district, M;idras. Angangueo, tn., Mexico, in state of Michoacan. Angara, liv., Sil'cria, flows 349 m. through L. Baikal to R. Yenisei, Angasa Island, Fiji, enclosed by small islands and leefs. Angasiya (Gt. Comoro), isl. in S. of the Comoro group. Pop. 35,000. Angasmarca, vil., Peru, in dep. of Libertad. Angaston, tnshp., S. Australia, 51 ni. NW. Adelaide. Ange Gardlen, vil., Quebec, Montmorency co., on R. St. Lawrence. Angeja, tn., Portugal, di---t. Aviiro, 6 m. NE. of Aveiro. Angel de la Guardia, isl., W. California, in the Gulf of California. Angfele, Kt., France, in Western Alps. All. 5^7^ ft. Angeles, Los. tn., California, 12 m. from the sea- Angeles, Lo3, tn., Chili, Clip, of Eiobio prov. Angeles, Los, sm,ill tn., Mexico, jtruv. ami 56 m. E. of Zacatecas. Angelica, vil. and tnshp., N. Y., acap. of Alleghany co, Angelina, German colony, Brazil, prov. Santa Catarina, Angeln, dist., Prussia, SLhleswig-IIolsteiu. Am a 510 sq. m. Angel Ro-id, st;i., Engl., on Gt. E. stern Ry,, 8 ni. from London. Angel's Cimp, vil., California, Calaveras co. Gold-mines. Angel's Hill, Scotland, lona, Argyllshire. Crowned by stone circle. Angelstad, vil., Sweden, in Krouobergs li\n. Angepena, tushp,, S. Australia, in Flinders Range, Anger, vil., Saxony, circle and 3 m. ESE, of Leipzig, Angera, tn., Italy, Lonibardy, on L. Maggiore, Angerap, iiv., E. Prussia, alllueut of the Pregel at luster. Angerburg, tu., Prussia, 30 in. SSW. of Guml)innen. Angerbnrger Canal, Prussia, from Angerburg to the Mauersee. Angerman, riv., Swedt n, falls into G. of Bothnia at llernosand, Angermanland, di^t., Swedt ti. Area 300081]. m. Angcrmund and Rahm, tn., Prussia, 7 m. N. Dusseldorf. Angermiinde, tn., Prussia, 43 in, NE. of Berlin. Angers, tn., France, cap, of dep. Mainc-et-Loire, Pop. 68,049. Angerton, ry. stn., Engl., Northumberland, 7^ m, W. of MorpetK Anghad, petty state, Rewa Kantha, Bombay, India. Area 3^ sq. :n. Anghiari, tn., Italy, prov. and 1 1 m. ENR. of Arezzo, Anglarl, vil., Italy, prov. Verona, 2 m. NW. of Legnago, Angistrl, isl., Greece, in Gulf of j^gina. Area4^sq. m, Angkor, tn., Siamese Cambodia, in province of same name. Anglais, bay, onSW. coast of Martinique I., West Indies. Angle or Nangle, par., vil., Wales, co. and 9 m. W. Pembroke. Angledool, lu-slip., N, S. Wales, co., 400 ni, NW. of Sydney. Anglegrove, vil., S, Australia, co. Stanley, 107 m. N, of Adelaide. Angles-duTarn, vil., France, Tarn, 20 in. SSE. Castres. Anglesey, isl. co., N, Wales, scparatedfromniainlanil by Menai Strait, Anglesey, w;ttrring-place, Engl,, Hants, 2 m. SW, of Gosport. Anglet, tn,, France, Basses- Pyrenees, ajm. W. of Bayonnp. Angle Tarn, lutn, lakelet, Westmorland, 6i ni. N. of Ambleside. Angle Tarn, mtn. lakelet, Engl., Cumberland, loj m. S. of Keswick, Angleur, vd., Belgium, pmv. and district of I..ii-ge. Angle Vale, vil., S. Australia, 24 m. N. of Adelaide. Angling Cra-, rock, Cumberland, on S. side Enuerd.i1o Lake. Angmerlng, pir. and ly. stn., England, Sussex, 4 ni. SI', ('t Arundel. Angol, ter., LowerGuinea, bounded S. by Congo, and W. by Atlantic. Angol, ter., Chili, in the interior. Area 2120 sq. m. Angol, tn.. Ch li, in above, 112 in. SE. of Concepcion, Angola, vil., Indiana, c;ip. of Steuben CO, Angola, Portuguese poss., W. Africa. Area 312,740 sq. m. P. 2 000,000 Angola, tn., in above, tire Sao Paul de Loanda. An,';ola Bay Swamp, inarsli, N. Carolina, Duplin and New Hanover cos, Angolola, tn., Abyssinia, in Phoa, 17 ni. W. of Anknlnr. Angora or Engurl, city, Turkey, 140111, N. Konidi. Pop. 35,000. Angoma, tn., Ont. Alrica, in Bomn, near Lake Chad. Pop. SO.OOi AngoBtnra or Cludad BoUvar, tn., Ven-zuela, on Orinoco, Angouleme, tu., France, Cliarenle, 276 ni. SSW. Paris. Pop. 34,647. Angoumols, old prov., France, of which Angouleme vas cap. Angoza, grp., E. Africa, between Mozambique auil Quilimani. Angoza, stri]i of coast, E. Africa, opposite above islands. Angra, bay, W. Alrica, betwc' n Capes San Juaii and Esteiras, Angra-do-Herolsnio, spt. tn., Terccira L, Azona. Pop. 11,2C3. AngradoB Rels, tn., Brazil, 93 in. W. of Rio do Janeiro. Angra-Fria, riv., W, Africa, falling into Atlantic at Cape Frio. 15 ANG THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ANT Angra-Pequena, bay en W. cnast oT Africa, iu Nainalaiul. Angrezabad. Set English Bazar. Angri, tn., Italy, prnv. and 12 m. Js'W. of Salerno. Pop. 11,389. Angrogna, vil., Italy, prov. lurin, circle Piuerolo. Angsa, isl., Sweden, in Gulf of Bothnia. Anguilla, isl., Leeward group, West Indies. Area 35 sq. m. Angtiillara, tn., Italy, prov. and 22 ni. S. of Padua. AnguUIara, vil., Italy, prov. and 18 ni. NW. of Rome. AnguiUita, small isl., Leuward group, NE. of Anguilla. Angnl, gov, estate and tn., Orissa, India. Area 8S1 sti- m. Angus, the ancient name of Forfarshire, Scotland. Angus, vil., Ontario, co. Sinicoe, 12 m. from Barrie. Angus, vil., Quebec, on St. Francis R., 6 m. from Coolvslure. Anhal, tn., China, prov. Fo-kien, to the ENE. of Aniny. Anhalt, durliy, Central Germany. Area 906 sq. ni. Pop. 271,759. Anhanduhy, tworivs., Brazil, Matto-Grosso, falling into R. Vermelho. Anhim, spt. tn., Siam, on E. coast of Gulf of Siam. Anholt, isl., Denmark, in Cattegat. Area 21 sq. m. Anholt, tn., Westplialia, circle and 18 ni. W. Borken. Anlakchak Bay, Alaska, in lat. 56° 45' K, long. 157° W. Anlane, tn,, France, Herault, 16 ni. WNW. Jlontpellier. Aniche, vil., France, dep. Kurd, 8 m. ESE. Douai. Aniva, bay, at S. extremity of Saglialien I., E. Asia. Aniwa, isl., in New Hebrides group, Pacific Ocean. Anizeh or Onizeh, tn., Ncjed, Central Arabia. Pop. 30,000. Anjangaon, tn., Ellichpur district, Berar, India. Anjansjoe, Lake, Sweden, in prov. of Norrland. Anjanwel, spt., Ratnagiri district, Bombay, on Anjanwel R, Anjar, tn., India, Cutch state. Lat, 23° 6' N., long. 70" 10' E. Anjehem. steanuT stn., Sweden, on Anjansjoe Lake. Anjer, spt. tn.. W. coast of Java, on the Strait of Sunda. Anjoa, tn., Brazil, prov. Sao-Pedro-do-Rio-Grande-do-Sul, Anjou, old prov. , France, intersected by R. Loire. Cap. was Angers. Anjuan Island, in the Comoro Islands. 5cc Johanna Island, Anjui. (rt. and Little, two rivi?., E. Siberia, afflui-nts of the Kolyma. Ankara, country at N. end of Madagascar I. Exjiorts cattle, Ankaratra, mtn. chain iu Madagascar Island. Ankarsrum, ry. stn, and p. o., Sweden, in Kalmars Ian. Anker, riv,, Engl,, "W'arwicksh., flows 20 m. to R. Thame. Ankerville, vil., Scotland, Ross-shire, 5 m. SE. of Tain. Ankewallia, petty state, Katliiawar, Bombay, India. Anklam, tn., Prussia, gov. and 44 m. NW. Stettin. Pop. 12,785. Ankleswar, sub-div., Broacli dist., Bombay. Area 294 sq. ui. Ankleswar, ry. stn. and chief tn. of above sub-div. Ankober, tn., Abyssinia, cap. of Shoa. Pop. 12,000. Ankola, sub-div., N. Kanara dist., Bombay. Area 367 sq. m. Ankola, spt. and chief tn., in above sub-div, Ankova, central country of Madagascar, containing Antananarivo. Anlo, vil., Netherlands, Drenthe, 6 m. NE. Assen. Ann, riv., Kew South "Wales, co. Claike, affluent of Sara R. Ann, riv., Scotland, Ayrshire, affluent of Irvine "Water. Annaberg, mining tn., Saxony, com. S. Chemnitz. Pop, 13,824. Annabnoy or Avonbuoy, riv., Iicl., co. Cork, falls into Cork llarb. Annacarriga.^il., Irel , CO. Clare, 3 ni. N. of Killaloe. Annaclone, par., Irel., co. Down, 4 ni. S. Banbridge. Annacloy, vil., Irel., Co. Town, 3^ ni. NW. of Downpatrick. Annacloy or Ballinahinch, riv., Co. Dnwn, 20 m. to L. Strangford, Annacotty, vil., Ire!.,co ami 4 m. E. of Limerick. Annagaaaan, vil. and harh , Irel., en, Louth, 4 ni. NE. Dunleer. Annagelliff, Ire!., in co, and near town of Cavan. Annagh or Blennerville, par. Irel., co. Kerry. 2 ni. SW. Tralee. Annagh, vil , Irel., co. Cork, 5 ni. SW. of Charleville. Annagh, isl., Irel., CO. Mayo, in Achill Sound. Annagh, isl., Irel., CO. Mayo, in Lough Conn. Annagh, lake, Irel., King's and Queen's Cos., 7 m. S. of Tullamore, Annagh, extensive bog, Irel., in co. Rnsconunon. Annagh, vast bog, Irel., Co. Kerry, in Trughanackmy barony. Annaghdown, par., Irel., co. and 7 m. NE. of Gahvay. Annaghmore, railway station, Ireland, co. Armagli, 6 ni. NW. of Port ad own. Annaghvaan, isl., Irel., co. Galway, on Kilkcrriu Bay. Annaheim, German set., Cal., Los Angeles Co., 12 m. from coast. Annahilt, par., Irel., co. Down, 4 ni. SE. of Hillsborough. Annaka, tn., Japan, Hondo L, piov. of Kotsuke, Annalee, nv., Irel., co.s. Monaghanand Cavjin, 30 ni. to R. Erne. Annalong, vil. and barb., Irel., co. Down, 5 m. NE. oi^Kilkcel. Annalore, vil., Irel., co. Monaghan, 2 \\\. W. of Clones. Annam, country, SK. Asia. Area 106,293 sq. ni. Fop. 2,000,000. Annamalai, tn., India, Coimbalore dist., Madras. Annamoe, vil., Irel., co. and 8 m. NE. of AVicklow. Annamoka or Namuka, isl., in the Friendly Islands. Annan, tii., Seroniontory, France, on coast of dep. Manche. Antignana, vil., Austria, Istria, ^2 m. NW. Fiume. Antigonish, formerly Sydney, spt. tn., at E. extremity. Nova Scotia. Antigonish Harbour, set., Nova Scotin, at head St. George's Bay. Antigua, isl.. Leeward Is., "W. Indies. Area io3 sq. m. Pop. 34,964. Antikaro, ^vooded isl., Greece, in the Cyclades. Uninhabited. Auti Lebanon, mtn. range, Palestine, E. of Lebanon. Alt. 9000 ft. Antilles, great chain of isls. in the Atlantic. Set West Indies. AntiU Ponds, tn., Tasmania, Somerset co., 68 m. N. of Hobart. Autimano, tn., Venezuela, a suburb of Caracas. Anti Miles, isl., in Grecian Archipelago, 5 m. NW. of Milo. Antioch, city, Syria, on Orontes, 57 m. "W, Aleppo. P. 20,000. Antioch Bay, inlet of Mediter., Asia Minor, receives R. Orontes. Antioquia, state, Colombia, Area 2230 sq. m, Antioquia, tn., Colombia, 37 m. NW. Medellin. Antiparos. isl., Greece, in the Cyclades. Area 19 sq. m. Antipa3os, isl., Greece, in Ionian Sea. Area \ sq. m. Antipodes I., S. Pacific Ocean. Lat. 49" 40' 53" S., 178' 53' E. Antique or Antiqua, prov. and barb., Philijipine Is., iu Panay I. Antisana, volcano, Ecuador, 48 m. ESE. Quito. Alt. 18,880 ft. Anti-Taurus, extensive chain of mtns. in Asia Minor. Antivari, spt. tn., Monteuegro, on the Adriatic. Antjol, riv. and canal, Java, debouching at Batavia. Antler, settlement, Assiniboia, on the North Antler. Antofagasta, prov. and tn., N. Chili. Pop. 34,981 ; tn. 7588. Antola, mtn., Austria-Hungary, in the Camic Alps. Alt. 8764 ft, Antola, Monte, mtn., Italy, in tlic Ligurian Alps. Alt. 5241 ft. Anton, riv., Engl., Hants, flows 7 m. SE. to R. Test. Anton, tn., Colombia, state of Istmo. Antongil, large bay, on the E. coast of Madagascar I. Antonienhiltte, tn., Prussian Silesia, 6 m. SSW. Bcuthen. Antonina, tn., Brazil, Parana, i3 m. NW. Paranagua. Antoninus* Wall. Scotland, stretched from Forth to Clyde. Antonio, fortified spt., in Jamaica, "W. Indies. Antonio, mtn., Santiago, Cape Verde Is. Alt. 7872 ft. 16 ANT THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER AEA Antonio, riv., W. Africa, Calabar coast, deboucliing at Bonny. Antonopol, lukt. vil., Russia, guv. of Vitebsk, 14 ni. SW. Kishitza. Antonovki, vil., Russia, ia gov. of Kherson, circle of Olviopol. Antonovka, inkt. vil., Russia, gov. Kiev, circle of Skvira. Antonovki, Vil., Russia, gov. Muhilev, circle of Homel. Antony, \ il., France, Seine, 2J ni. S, Sceaux. Antora, spt., Bombay, KoUbadiot. Lat. 19^ 14' X., long. 73° 19' E. Antrain, vil., France, Ille-et-Vilaine, 16m. NW. Fougeres. Antrl, jKirjcuwi, Indore slate, under W. SlaUva Agency, Cent. India. Antrim, maritime Co., NE. Iiel. Area 1164 sq. m. Pop. 427,968. Antrim, par. and tn., Iiel., cu. Antrim, 22 m. from Belfast. Antrodoco, tu., Italy, circle and 9 m. W. of Citta-Ducale. Antrona, ali)ine val., Iialy, 12 m. WSW. of Domo d'Ossola. Antsianaka, interior country, Madagascar. Cap. Rahinadru. Antnco, tn., Chili, prov. Arauco, on Riode la Laja. Antuco, volcano. Chili, in the Cordilleras of Cliili. xMt. S971 ft. Antwerp, prov., Belgium. Area 1053 sq. m. Pop. 687,699. Antwerp, city, Belgium, on Schelde, 27 ra. N. Brussels. P. 221,360. Antwerp, vil. and tnslip., N. Y., Jefferson ro., on Indian R. Anal, riv., Siberia, rises in Yakutsk and flows to R. Ob. Annisk, furtifled vil., Siberia, gov. Tomsk, on R. Anui. Anuncion, vil., Venezuela, on Marguerite I. Pearl fishery. Anundsjo, par., Sweden, Vesternorrland, on R. Gidea, Anunghol. i.>l., China, in the Canton R. Anupgarh, chief tn., Bikaner state, Rajputana, on Sotra R. Anapshahr, tn., Bulandshar, NW. Provs., on Ganges. Anuradhapura, dist. and ta, Ceylon, Central Prov. Anvil Creek, tn., N. S. W., CO. Northumberland, 104^ ni. N. Sydney. Anvil Point, cliff, Engl., SE. Dorsetshire, 10 m. S. of Poole. Anwa, tn., Nizam's Boms., India, on R. Jua. Anxious Bay, South Australia, in Eyre Peninsula. Lat. 33' 20 S. Anzano deglllrpinl, vil., Italy, 12 ni. E. Ariano di Puglia. Anzasca, v>ii., on Italian side Mte. Rosa, circle Domo d'Ossolo. Anzenna, tn., Colombia, prov. Cauca. Gold-mines. Anzer^hoi,,, Russia, in White Sea, at entrance to G. of Onega. Anzl, tn., Italy, circle and 15 m. S. of Potenza. Anzin, tn., France, dep. Nord, i ni. NW. of Valenciennes. P. 10,043. Anzola dell* Emilia, com., Italy, 9 m. NW. Bologna. Aohaaga River, New Zealand, Hows through co. Wairarapa North. Aomori, tn., Jai>an, on Aomori Bay, in N. of Hondo I. P. 11,861, Aonach Beag and Mor, nitns., Scoll., nr. Ben Nevis, 4060 and 3999 ft. Aonla, tn., India, on Oudh and Rohilkhand Ry. Aor, small isl., in Indian Ocean, E. of Malacca. Aoral, nitn., in Tahiti, Society Is. Alt. 7665 ft. Aosta, tn., Italy, prov. Turin, on Dora BaUea. Aotea Harbour, New Zealand, on coast, 90 m. S. ol Auckland. Apacza, vil., Hungary, co. Csauad, 20 ni. NW. Batonya. Apalshchina, tn., Russia, in gov. and near Moscow. Apam, Vil., Mexico, 97 m. from Mexico, and 44 m. SW. Tulanzingo, Apam, tn., GoM Coast, Fanti ter., contains Fort Lijdzaamheid. Apaneca, tn., San Salvador, dep. and 10 m. NW. of Sonsonate. ApapuriB, riv., Ecuador, altluent of the Yapura. Aparrl. spt. tn., Luzon. Philippine Islands, on N. coast, Apaatepeque, large Indian vil., San Salvador^dep. San Vicente. Apata, tn., Peru, in dep. of Junin. Apattalva, vil., Hungary, co. Csanad, 7 m. SE. Mako. Apatin, vil., Hungary, on Danube, 10 m. SW. Zombor. Pop. 11,973. ApatsMn, tn., Siberia, gov. Irkutsk, 223 m. SW. Nijni-Kamchatsk. Apatahka, vil., Russia, gov. Orenburg, 78 m. SSW. Menzelinsk. Apatzingan, vil., Mexico, in state of Alichoacan. Apecchio, vil., Italy, dist. Urbino, at foot of Apennines. Apeldoom, tn., Netiierlands, 31 m. N. Aniheni. Pop. 16,571. Apenburg, nikt. vil., Prussian Sasony, 10 m. S. of Salzwcdel. Apeunlnea, nitn. chain, Italy, continuation of the Alpes-Maritimes. Apenrade, spt,, Schlcswig, I'russia, on hord of same name. Aperanthoa, vil., Greece, on isl. of Naxos. Apfelatedt, vil., Germany. Saxe-Gotha, 4 ui. WNW. Ichtcrshausen. Apl, isl., in the New Hebrides, Pacilic Ocean. Apia, chief tn. of Samoa Is., on Upolu I., Pacific Ocean. Aplahy, tn., Brazil, ])rov. Sao Paulo, 31 m. SW. Itapetininga. Apice, vil., Italy, dist. and 9 m. E. of Benevento. Apips, isl., ArgL-nt. Rep., Parana R., where it forms its last rapids. Apiro, vil., Italy, in prov. and district of Macerata. Apiahapa, riv., Colorado, tributary of the Arkansas R. Apiton, small isl., Philippine Islands, near Panay. Aplao, tn., Peru, dep. Arcquipa, 63 m. NNE. of Camana. Aplorbeck, vil., Westphalia, 4 m. ESE. Dortmund. Apo, small isl., Philii)piiie Is., at S. extremity of Nogros I. Apoinga, tn., Si. Australia, co. Burra, 86 ni. NE. of Adelaide. Apolda, tn., Germany, 8 m. ENE. of Weimar. Apollo, b'liough, Pa., Armstn'ng co., 40 m, ENE. Pittsburg. Apollo Bay, inlet of Bass' Strait, Victoria, co. Pohvarth. ApoUonia, British fort. Gold Coast, between Assini and Ankobra. Apolobamba, tn., Bolivia, prov. of Beni, on R. Tuiche. Apostag, vil., Hungary, CO. Pesth, 4 m. SSW. of Duna-Keszi. Apoatlea Ib., Wis., L. Superior, sometimi-3 called Twelve Apostles. Apothecary I., Russia, in R. Neva, St. Petersburg. Botanic garden. Appalachce Bay, Fla., ojiening off the G. of Mexico, 45 m. by 20 m. Appalachee River, Ga., fluwa through several cos. to the Ocnneo R. Appalachian Mtna., from Cape Gasp6, Quebec, to Alabama, U.S. Appalachicola, riv., Fla., falls into St. George's Sound at A. Bay. Appallo Island, Fiji, old name for Kambara Island, q.v. Apparlzione, vil., Italy, prov. Genoa, 4 m. E. of N. rvi. Appeablnna ivllne, S. Australia, 10 ni. NW. of headBunycroo Creek. Appecharla, tn,, Anantapur district, Madras. Appel, riv., Bavaria, alll. of Nahe, between Kreuznach and Bingcn. Appelbo, vil., Swclon, Kopparbergjan, on W. Dal Elf. Appeltern, vil., Netherlands, 4 J m. SSW. Drutcn. Apponweler, vil., Germany, Baden, 5 m. from Offenburg. Appenzell, NE. canton, Switzerland. Area 162 sq. m. Pop. 67,106. Appenzell, tn., Switz., in above canton, 96 m. ENE. Berne. Apperley Bridge, vil., Engl., Yorkshire, ']\ ni. NW. ofLceda. Appiano, vil., Italy, iu Lumbardy, 8 m. SE. of Coino. Appila Yarrowie, tn., S. Australia, co, Frome, 157 ni. N. of Adelaide. Appin, dist., Scotland, Argyllshire, on Loch Linnhe, 18 ni. by 12 ni. Appin, viL and port, Scotl., in above district, 15 m. NXE. of Oban. Appin, tn.. New South Wales, co. Cumberland, 42 m. S. of Sydney. Appin, vil., Ontario, co. MiddU-sex, 26 ni. WSW. of London. Applngadam, tn., Netherlands, prnv. and i3ni. NE. of Grnuingen. Appleby, tnshp., New Zealand, Waimea Co., on Tasman Bay. Appleby, mkt. and co. tn., Westmorland, England, on R. Eden. Appleby, vd., Derby and Leicestersh., 6m. SW. Ashby-deda-Zouch. Appleby, par., England, Lincolnshire, 7 ni. NW. of Brigg. Appleby, vil., Ontario, co. Halton, 11 m. from Hamilton. Applecross, par. and ham., Scotl., Ross-shire, on bay of same name. Appledore, spt. vil., Devonshire, 3 m. N. of Bidefurd. Appledore, par. and vil., England, co. Kent, 6 m. SE. of Tenterden. Appledore, settlement, Ontario, Kent co., 10 m. from Chatham. Appleford, hamlet, England, Isle of Wight, SW. of Godshill. Appleahara, locality, England, Sussex, 1 ni. NW. of Old Slioreham. Applethwaite, tnshp., England, Westmorland, on Windermere Lake. Apple thwaite, vil , England, Cumberland, 2 m. N. of Keswick. Appleton, city, Wisconsin, cap. of Outagamie co. Pop. 11,825. Appleton, vil., Ontario, Lanark Co., on Mississippi R. Appley Bridge, ry. stn., Engl., Lancash., on Wigan and Southport Ry. Appomattox, liv,, Virginia, unites with tlie James R. at City Point. Appomattox Court House, vil., Virguiia, Cap. of Appomattox co. Approuagne, riv., Fnnch Guiana, flows 140 ni. to the Atlantic. Approuague, fort, French Guiana, near mouth of above river. Apricena, tu., Italy, prov. Capitante, 6m. NXE. San Severo. Aprigliano, tn., Italy, prov. Calabria, 6 ni. SE. of Cosenza. Apse Castle, wooded hill. Isle of Weight, ijm. NW. of Shanklin. Apsheron, Cape, Russia, on penin. of same nam*", in Caspian Sea. Apsley, tnshp., N. S. W., Bathurstco., 100 m. NW. by W. of Sydney. Apsley, vil., Ontario, co. Peterborough, 31 m. from Lakefield. Apaley, tnshp., Victoria, co, Lowan, on border of S. Australia. Apsley Falls, t*ew South Wales, on Apsley R., (/.v. Apsley Kivcr, N. S. Wales, co. Vernon, tributary of Macleay R. Apsley Strait, N. Ter., S. Australia, between Melvilleand Bathurst Is. Apt, tn., France, dep. Vaucluse, 34 ni. ESE. of Avignon, Apukama Serle, isl., in Paumotu, or Low Archipelago, Pacific Ocean. Apulia, cnnipartimento, S. Italy, provs. Bari, P'uggia, and Lecce. Apure, riv., Venezuela, rises in Colombia and flows E. to the Orinoco. Apurimac, riv., Peru, one of the heads of the Amazon. Length 550 m. Aqnafort Harbour, Newfoundland, in Ferryland district, Aqualate Mete, lake, Englanil, Staffordsh., 2 ni. NE. of Newport. Aquambo, tn., Upjier Guinea, Gold Coast, on the Volta. Aquapim, region, Gold Coast, under British protection. Aquara, vil., Italy, dist. and 20 m. 9. of Cami>agna. Aqua'a Stadt, vil., W. Africa, in Cameroons district. Aquataahi, vil., W. Africa, on Benue, between Lokodia and Gamdra. Aqaello, dist., Africa, on Kuilu, an aflluent of the Congo. Aquida, British settlement, on Gold Coast, W. Africa. AquUa, tn., Italy, ou R. Aterno, 38 m. NE. of Rome. Pop. 19,027. Aquila, prov., Italy. Area 2556 sq. m. Pop. 365,734. Aquila, vil., Switzerland, canton Ticino, on R. Brenno. AquUeja, vil., Austria-IIungary, circle and 18 m. SW. Gorz. Aquilonda, large lake, Equatorial Africa, on N. border of Angola. Aquilonia, vil., Italy, in circle of Sant'Augelo dei Lombardi. Aquino, tn., Italy, prov. Caserta, i3 ni. S. of Sora. Aquiras, \\\., Brazil, prov. Ceara, between L. Arjuiras and the sea. Arab, disf rii't. Nubia, oa route from Korosko to Abu Hamed. Araba, Wadi el, Arabia, between G. of Akaba and Dead Sea. Arabah, plain, Egypt, between Cairo and Suez. Arabat, furtnss, Crimea, on Sea of Azov, 70 ni. ENE. of Simferopol. Arabat-el-Madfun, vil., Upper Egypt, near ruins of ancient Abydos. Arabela, vii., lieland, co. Kerry, 5 m. SE. ofTralee, Arabia, couutry, SW. Asia. Areaabout 930, oro sq. ni. P. 4-5,000,000. Arabian Sea, partof Indian Ocean, between Arabia ami India. Arabkir, tn., Asiatic Turkey, 100 m. SE. of feiv-is. Pop. 30,000. Aracaju, tn., Brazil, prov. Sergipp, 140 m. N. of Bahia. Pop. 20,000. AracatI, riv. port, Brazil, on R. Jaquaribe, 55 m. SE. Ceara. Aracatl, riv., Brazil, prov, Ceara, flows 120 ni. tu the Allautic. Aracena, tn., Spain, prov. and 58 m. NXE. of Huelva. Aracena, Sierra de, intn. chain, Spain, part of the Sierra Morena. Arachalur, vil., Indin, Coimbatore district, Madras. Aracuary, riv., Brazil, forming S. border of French Guiana. Arad, tn., Hungary, on R. Maros, 145 m. SE. of Pesth. Arad, a coniitat of Hungary. Area 24S8 sq. m. Pop. 303,964. Aradaa, tn., Portugal, in district of Aveiro. Aradeo, vil., Italy, dist. and 10 m. EXE. of Gallipoli. Arafall, place, E. Africa, on Adulis Bay, near Massowah. Arafat or Jebel-el-Rahm, hill of Arabia, 15 m. E. of Mecca. Arafura Sea, N. of Australia, and between Papua, Timor Laut, etc. Araga or Pentecost lal., New Hebrides, Piicilic Ocean. Araglin, riv., Ireland, co. Cork, affluent of tlie Blackwater, Arago, Cape, Oregon, at mth. Coos R., iu Pacific. Aragon, old prov., Spain, now prnvs, Iluesca, Sarngossa, andTeruel. Aragon, riv., Spain, ris. s in I'yrenees, and flows 80 m. SW. to Ebro. Aragona, tn., Sicily, prov. and 9 ni. N. of Girgenti. Pop. 13,520. Aragua, tn., Venezuela, c.ip. of Aragua state, 175 ni. SE. Caracas. Aragua, riv., Venezufla, falling into the Caribbean Sea. Araguay, riv., Brazil, Hows 1000 m. N. to the Tocantius, at Sao JolO. Arahal, tn., Spain, Andalusia, 22 m. E.SE, of Seville. Aral, tn., Japan, Hondo I., i>rov. Totonii. Aralkawa, riv., Japan, debouching in tlie Fuye-Fuki gawa. Arail, iuU^il and vil., Allahabad dist., NW. Provs., India. Araiflh, El, tu., Morocco, on Atlantic, 45 m. SSW. Tangiers. Arakan, prov., Low.r Burma. Area 14,526 sq. m. Pop. 669,640. Arakan. iS'ie Mro haung. Arakan Hill Tracts or N. Arakan, dist., Lr. Burma. Area 4-5000 sq. m. Arakan Yoma or Roma HillB, E. boundary of Bengal and Arakan. Arakawe, riv., Japan, ilV. of Arbroath. Arbizon, Pic d', mtn., France, Hautes- Pyrenees. Alt. 90S5 ft. Arbo, vil., Spain, prov. and 21 m. SE. of Pontevedra. Arboe, par., cos. Londonderry and Tyrone, on Lough Neagh. Arboga, tn., Sweden, 30 m. SW. of Westeias. Arboga, riv., Sweden, unites Arboga Canal with Malar Lake. Arboia, tn., France, dep. Jura, 8 m. NNE. of Poligny. Arboleas, vil., Spain, prov. and 40 m. NNE. of Almeria. Arbon, tn., Switz., canton Thurgau, ism. SE. Constance. Arbora, vil., Bukowina, Austria-Uungary, 6 m. NE. Solka. Arboran, isl., Balearic Islands, Spain, t'ninhabited. Arbor Low Hill, eminence, Derbysh., England, near Youlgreave. Arbory, par. , Engl., I. of Man, 3 m. N W. of Castletown. Arbory Hill, Scotland, Lanarkshire, on R. Clyde. Alt. 1406 ft. Arbra, i>ar., Sweden, Norrland, in Gefleborgs Ian. Arbresle, L', tn., France, dep. Rhone, 13 m. WNW. of Lyon. Arbroath or Aberbrothock, si>t. tn., Scotl., Forfarsh., at mouth of R, Brothock, 17 m. NE. of Dundee. Arbncias, vil., Spain, prov. Gerona, 8 m. SW. Sta. Colomade Fames. Arbuckle, vil., Scotland, Lanarkshire, near Airdrie. Arbufl, vil., Italy, Sardinia, prov. and 33 m. NW. Cagliari. Arbuthnott, par., Scotland, iu SE. of Kmcardineshire. Arcachon, tn., France, dep. Gironde, 35 m. SW. of Bordeaux, Arcade, vil., Italy, prov. Treviso, 8J m. E. of Montebellmia. Arcadia, nomarchy, Greece, Morea. Pop. 148,285. Chief town Tripolitza. Arcadia, tnshp. and vil., New York, Wayne co. Arcadia, tnshp., Victoria, co. Moira, 98 m. NE. of Melbourne Arcadia, tnshp. and vil., Wisconsin, in Trempealeau co. Arcahaye, L', place, iu Haiti, W. Indies, on Port-au-Prince Bay. Arcany, riv., Ireland, affluent of R. Nore, in SW. Queen's Co. Areas, group of islands and reefs in the Gulf of Mexico. Areas, small island, in the Bissagos group off coast of Senegambia. Arcs, tn., Italy, prov. Caserta, 12 m. SSW. of Sora. Arcetri, vil. and suburb of Florence, Italy. Arcevia, tn., Italy, prov. and 40 m. W. of Ancona. Arch, vil. , Austria-Hungary, Camiola, 6m. SW, Gurkfeld. Archambault Lake, Canada, prov. Quebec, Montcalm co. Archangel, gov., N. Russia. Area 327,629 sq. m. Pop. 328,819. Archangel, tn., Russia, cap. of above, on R. Dwina. Pop. 19,7;o. Archangel Bay, Russia, in White Sea, at mouth of R. Dwina. Archangelsk, vil., Russia, in gov. of Kherson. Archangelsk, vil., Russia, in gov. of Yekaterinoslav. Archangelsk, tu., Russia, in guV. of Penza. Archangelsk, Vil., Russia, in gov. of Voronesb. Archangelsk, vil., Russia, in gov. of Kazan. Archangelsk, vil., Russia, in gov. of Saratov. Archangelsk, vil., Russia, in gov. of Samara. Archangelsk, vil., Russia, in gov. of Tambov. Archangelsk, name of several other small places in Russia, Archangelskoye, vil. and cattle, Russia, in gov. of Moscow, Arcbasig Haven, ou W, of Rona I. , Portree par,, Skye, Scotland. Archbald, borough, Pa., Lackawanna co., 6 m, SW. Carbondale. Arched Island, Tasmania, off E, coast of Bruui L Archena, tn., Spain, prov. and 15 m. N W. of Murcia. Archer River, Queensland, flowing W, to Gulf of Carpentaria. Archi. tn., Italy, prov. Chieti, 23m. W. of Vasto. Archibald, set., Manitoba, Marquette co., 70 m. from Emerson. Archibald, set., New Brunswick, 22 m. from Dalhousie. Archidona, tn., Ecuador, 124 m. EbE. of Quito. Archidona, tn., Spain, prov, Malag.i, 55 m. WSW. Granada, Archieatown, vil., Scotland, Elginslnre, 6 m. SW. of Rothes. Archipelago, 'Chief Sea,' nauie formerly given to the J:]gean Sea. Now applied to a sea siriiilarly studded with isls. Arcbipovka, ry. stn., Russia, on the Ural Railway. Archonskaya-Staniza, tn., Asiatic Russia, in ter. of Terek, Arcidosso, tn., Italy, prov. and 50 m. ENE. of Grosseto. Arcls, German cmI.idv, Rusbia, iu Bessarabia. Arcts-Bur-Aube, tu., France, dep. Aube, 18 m. N. of Troyes. Arcledon, ham., England, Cumberland, 5 m. NE. Maryport. Arc-16s-Gray, vil., France, Haute-Saone, opposite Gray. Arclid, tnshp., Wales, Cheshire, 2 m, NE. of Sandbach. Arco or Arch, tn., Austria, Tyrol, 7^ m. W. of Roveredo. Areola, vil, and tnshp., Illinois, in "Douglas co. Areola, vil., Italy, prov. Genoa, 2^ m. W. of Vezzano. Arcole, viL, Italy, prov. and 18 m. E. of Verona. Arcona, prom., Prussia, at NE. end of Riigen Island. Arconate, vil., Italy, 11 m. NNW. of Abbiategrasso. Areonce, riv,, France, Saone-et-Loire, flows 43 m. to R. Loire. Arcore, vil., Italy, prov. Milan, 4 m. NE. of Monza. Arco8(Los), vil., Spain, prov. Pamplona, 15 m, NE. of Logrono. Arcos de la Frontera, tn,, Spain, 28 m. ENE. of Cadiz. Pop, 16,280. Arcoa de Valle do Vez, tn., Portugal, 25 m. ENE. Vianna do Castello. Arcot, ty\\\0:, N, Arcotdist., Madras. Area 432 sq, m. Arcot, tn., N, Arcot dist., Madras. Lat, 12° 56' N., long. 79' 24' E. Arcot, North, dist,, Madras. Area 7600 sq. m. Pop. 2,178,230. Arcot, South, dist., Madras. Area 5200 sq. m. Pop. 2,169,810. Arcs, Les, tu., France, dep. Var., 8 m. ESE. of Lorgues. Arctic Ocean, the great water-expanse wUliin the Arctic Circle. Arcueil, vil., France, dep. Seine, i\ m. NE. cf Sceaux. Arcugnano, vil., Italy, in Veuetia, 4 m. S, of Vicenza. Ard, Loch, Scotland," Perthshire, Aberfoyle par., 2^ m, by 1 m. Arda, riv,, Roumelia, Turkey, affluent of theBlaritza, atAdrianopIc. Ardagan, ft. vil., Russia, in Caucasus, near Kars. Ardagh, par. and vil,, Irel., co. Limeri»k, 3 m, N. of Newcastle. Ardagh, par., Irel., co. Cork, 5J m. NNW of Youghal. Ardagh, par,, Irel., Co. Mayo, 3 m. WSW. of Ballina. Ardagh, par,, Irel., co. Meath, 4 m. NE. of Nubber. Ardagh, par, and vil., co. Longford, 5 m. SSW. Edgeworthstown. Ardagh, dist., Irel., co. Galway, 3 m, SSW. of Ballymoe. Ardalanish, headland, Scotland, iu SW. Mull, Argyllshire. Ardales, vil., Spain, prov. and 35 m. NW. of Malaga. Ardamine, par., Irel,, co. Wexford, 4^ m. SE. of Gorey. Ardanutsh, vil., Asiatic Russia, in Batum dist. Ardara, vil., Ireh,co. and i3m. NW. of DonegaL Ardatov, tn., Russia, 96 m. SSW. Nijni-Novgorod. Ardatov, tn., Russia, gov. and 116 m. WNW. of Simbirsk. Ardauli, vil., Italy, in Sardiuia, 32 m. SE. Oristano. Ardavasar or irdvasar, ham., Scotland, Skye I., 12m. S. Broadford. Ardbear, sea-inlet, Galway. extending 14 m. W. from Clifden. Ardbeg, headland, Scotland, Bute I., on N. side of Rothesay Bay. Ardbraccan, par. and vil,, Irel., co. Meath, 3 m. W. of Cavan, Ardcam, par., Irel., co. Roscommon, 5 m. E. of Boyle, Ardcastle, fishing harb., Irel., co, Galway, on pen. of Mosa Point. Ardcath, par, and vil,, Ireland, co. Meath, 6 m. SW. of Drogheda, Ardcavan, par., Ireland, co. and 4 m. NE. of Wexford. Ardchattan andMuckaim, par., Scotland, Lorn dist., Argyllshire. Ardclach, par. and ham., Scotl., Nairnshire, 5^m. SW. of Dunphail. Ardclinis, par., Irel., co. Antrim, 4 m. NW. of Glenarm. Ardcolm,, Ireland, co. and 3 m. NE. of Wexford. Ardcroney, par., Ireland, co. Tipperary, 4 m. S. of Borris 0' Kane. Arddleen, ry. stn., Wales, Montgomerysh., 6 m. N. of Welshpool. Ardea, par., Ireland, Queen's Co., contains part of Monntmellicktn. Ardebil, tn., Persia, prov. Azerbaijan, 130 m. E. of Tauris. Ardiche. dep., SE. France. Area 2134 sq. m. Pop. 376.472. Ardiche, riv., France, in above dep., flows 45 m. to the Rh6ne. Ardee, par. and tn., Ireland, co. Louth, 14 m, NW. of Drogheda. 18 ARD THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ARJ Ardeer Works, ironworks and dynamite factory, ScotL, Ayreliire, i in. S. of Stevenstou. Ariekun, tn., Persia, prov. Irak Ajimi, 8 m. NW. Yozil, Ardelan, dist, Persia, partof piov. Irak-Ajimi. Cap. Kerraanshalian. Ardeliater, isl. grp., Scotland, Kiidalton par., Argyllshire. Ardelve, vil., Scotland, Lochalsh par., Russ-sliire. Ardea, vil., Ontario, Froutcnac co., on Clear Lake Creek. Arden, part of Temide Grafton par., S. Warwickshire. Arden, Mount, S. Australia, co. Newcastle, in Flinders range. Ardenadam, \ il., Scotl., Argyllshire, on Holy Loch, near iJunonn. Ardennea, frontier dep., N. France. Area 2020 sq. m. Pop. 332,776. Ardennes, Forest of, dist, in S. Belgium and N. France. Ardenno. vil., Italy, prov. and 11 m. W. of Sondrio. Ardentea, vJI., Fr., dep. Indre, 8 m. SE. of ChjUeanroux. Ardeonaig, ham., Scotland, Perthshire, par. and 7 tti. NE. of Killin. Ardersier, coast par., Scotland, co. and \o\ ni. XE. of Inverness. Ardeslo, vil., Italy, prov. Bergamo, 4^. Kw. cf Clusoiie. Ardeasie, haul, and stream, Sijotl., Rttss-shire, 3 m. from Ullapool. Ardeatan, tn., Persia, prov. Irak-Ajimj. Ardfern, ham., Scotland, J ura I., Argyllshire, near Port Askaig. Ardfield, par., Ireland, co. Cork, 4 m. SE. of Clonakiity. Ardfinnaa, pur. and vil., Ireland, co. Tipperary, 5 m. from Caher. Ardfry, p..n;n., Irelaml, co. Galway, 3 ni. S. of Oranmorc. Ardgarten, penin., Argyllshire, between Glencroe and Loch Long. Ardgay, vil., Scotland, Koss-shire, 13 m. N\V. of Tain. Ard^lass, tn., Irel., co. Down, on A. Bay, 16 ni. SE. of Downpatrick. Ardgour, dist., Scotland, Argyllshire, 10 m. SW. Fort William. Ardgroom, harb. and vil., Irel., at boundary of cos. Cork and Kerry. Ardila, riv., Spain, flowing 83 in. to the Guadiana in Portugal. Ardinsly, par., Engl., E. Sussex, 3 m. NE. of Cucklield. Anyuno, mtn., Java, E. Indies. Alt. 10,955 ft. Ardkeen, par. and vil., Irel., co. Down, 4 m. N. Portaferry. Ardle, riv., Perthsli., unites with the Shee to form II. Kricht. Ardleigh, par., England, Esse.v, 4i^in. NE. of Colchester. Ardler, ry. sta., Scotland, Forfarshire, s^ ni. KE. of Coupar- Angus. Ardlui, lunding-place, atN. end Loch Lomond, Scotland. Ardmayle, par., Irel., Co. Tipperary, 3J m. NW. of CasheL Ardmeanach orBJack Isle, dist., between Cromarty and Moray Firths. Ardmkhael, r.ickyprom., Scotl, on W. side 8. L'lst, Outer Hebriv. and 16 ni. SE. Madrid. Argandab, nv., All^hanistan, affluent of the Ilelinand. Argao, tn., Philippine Islands, on Zebu Island. Pop. 22,669. Ar^aum, tn., Akola dist., Berar, India. Argivan, tn., Asiatic Turkey, iu mutessariflik of Rfamuret-nl-Aziz. Arseles-aur-Mer tu.. Fr. Pyrenees-Orient.- 12 m. ESE. Perpiguan- Argenau, tu., Prussia, circle of InowTazlow. Argena, coast riv., S. France, dep. Var, tails into Gulf of Frejus. Argenta, vil., Italy, Emilia, 18 m. SE. Ferrara. Pop. of com. 17,589. Argentan, ta., Fiance, dep. Orne, 31 m. NNW. Alen^oii. Argentaro or Argentario, mtn., Italy, forms penin. S. coast Tuscany. Argentat, tn., Fiance, dep. Correze, zo m. SE. Tulle. Argcnteuil, tn., Fr., Seiue-et-Oise, 13 in. NNE. VersaiPes. Argentiera or Kimolos, isl., Greece, iu the Arch. Area 16 sq. m. Argentina. See Argentine Republic. Argentina, smatl coh>ny, Argentine Rep., prov. Santa Fe. Argentine Republic, S. AniLiiea. Area 1,077,000 sq. in. P. S,500,OCO. Argenton-sur-Creuse, tn., France, Indre, 17 m. SW. Chateauroux. Argentre-du-PlesBis, vil., France, Ille-et-Vilaine,6m. SE.Vitre. Argenvifliera, vil.. Fiance, Eure-et-Loir, 10 m. SE. Nogent-le-Rotrou. Arghana -Maden, .SVt; Argana. Arghandab, riv., Afghanistan. fi'T Argandab. Argo, isl., Niiliia, K. Nile, between 3d tataracfc and New Dougola. Argoed, ry, stn., Wales, on Sirhowy ry., Monmouthshire. Argoed and Ystrad, tnshp. and ry. stn., Wales, Cardiganshire. Argolia and Corinth, nomarcliy, Greece. Area 2024 sq. m. Pop. 144,836. Argonne, hilly region, France, deps.Meuse and Ardennes, on the Maas. Argo Reef, Fiji, E. of Lakemba, in the E. group. Argoa, III., Greece, Morea, 6 m. NNW. ofNauplia. Argoatolj, spt tn., Greece, cap. of Cophaluuia I. Arguin, isl., off W. coast Africa, 25 m. SE. of Cape BLmco. Argula, riv., Ireland, affluent of R. Nore, co. Kilkenny. Argun, riv,, Chinese Tartary, flows N. and joins the Shilka. Argunski, vil., Siberia, Trans- Baikal ter., 124 m. E. of Nerchinsk. Argyle, post vil., Nova Scotia, co. and 19 ni. from Yarmouth. Argyle, post vil., Ontario, co. Victoria, 67 in. from Toronto. Argyle, or South River Lake, set., Nova Scotia, 36 m. fnun Hopewell ArgyU, a W. Co. of ScothuaL Area 3213 sq. m. Pop. 75,945. Argyro-Kastro, tn., Turkey, 47 ni. NW. of Yanina. Pop. 11,000. Arhelligen, vil., Germany, Hessen, 3 m. N. Darmstadt. Ari, vil., Italy, dist. and 8 m. SE. of Chieti. Arlakupam, fort and estuary, Fr. ter., in S. Arcot dist., Madra;. Ariankavu, vil., pass, and shrine, Tra\ancore state, Madras. Ariino del Veneto, tn.. Italy, 25 ni. KSE. of Rovigo. Ariano dl Puglia, tn., Italy, 17 m. E. of Benevento. Pop. 12,618. Arlapad, shrine, Travancore, Madras. Lat. 9" 17' N., long. 76° 30' E. Arica, dep., Peru, prov. Tacna. Area 5403 sq. m. Arica, maritime tn.. Peru, 200 m. SSE. of ArequJpa. Aricari, riv., Venezuela, affluent of the Orinoco. Ariccia, vil., Italy, prov. and 15 m. S. of Rome. Arichat, Spt. tu.. Nova Scotia, on Cape Bietou Jsland. Arico, tn., Tenerilfe, Canary Islands. Arid, Cape, Western Australia. Lat. 34" 8., long. 123° 12' E. Aridlaland, New Zealand, otTE. coast of Great Barrier Island. Ariege, dep., S. France. Area 1S89 sq. m. Pop. 237,619. Cap. Fois. ArlAge, riv., France, Hows 97 m. to the Garonne. Arlenzo, vil., Italy, Caserta, 18 m. NE. Naples. Arigna, mineral dist., Irel., border of cos. Roscommon and Leitriiu. Arikkod, tu., Malabar dist., Madras. Arima, tn., Trinidad, connected by rail with Port of Spain. Arlnos, riv., Brazil, unites with Juruena to form the Tapajos. Ario, place, Mexico, state Michoacan, near the JoruUo. Aripo, spt. tn., on NW. coast of Ceylon, 148 m. N. of Colombo. Ariaaig, vil.. Nova Scotia, on Gulf of St. Lawrence. Arlape, dep. and tn., Mexico, state Sonora, in the Sierra Madre. Arlstizable I., Britisli Columbia, between lat. 52° and 53° N. Arlta, tn., Japan, Kiusiu I., prov. Hizen. Aritz, riv., Scotland, Forfarshire, flows 8 m. N. to R. Dean Arttzo, vil., Sardinia, 23 m. WNW. of Lanusci. Arlzaba, ry. stn., Mexico, between Cumbre and Cordova. Arizona, ter., United States. Area 113,020 sq. m. Pop. 4O,440l Arizona City, former name of Yuma, q.v. Arjesch, vil., Wallachia, Roumania, NW. of Bukarest. Arjona, tn., Spain, ijrov. and 2^ m. NNW. Jacn. 19 ARK THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ART Arkaia, tnshil., S. Australia, co. Hanson, 40 m. E. of L. Torrens. Ailaig, loch, Scotland, Inverness-shire, 12 in. NW. Fort Williain. Arkalgad, tn., Hassan dist., Mysore. Lat. 12" 46' N., long. 76° 6' E. ArkamaB.riv., U.S., rises in Rocl;y 51 tns., flows 2000m. to Mississippi. Arkansas, state, U.S. Area 53,850 sq. m. Pop. 1,128,179. Arkansas City, vil., Kansas, Cowley CO., 14 111. S. Wintield. Arkavatl, nv., India, Madias, flows 120 m. to the Kavari. Arkell, vil.. Ontario, co. Wellin^-ton, 5 m. from Guelph. Arkengarth Dale, pir., Ensl., Yorlc.sliiie, 2 m. NW. of Reeth. Arkiko, S[)t., Erytlirea, Jied Sea littoral, opposite Massowah. Arkle, mtn., Sutjicrlaudshire, B. of L. Laxford. Alt. 2582 ft. Arklow, spt. tn., Irel., CO. Wicklow, 49 ni. SK. of Dublin. ArkSe, rocit, Sweden, in Baltic Sea, Ostergotlands Ian. Arkonam, tn., India, N. Arcotdist.,.M.idras. Arksey, par., Engl., Yorkshire, 2 m. N. of Doncaster. Arkwright, vil., Ontario, CO. Bruce, 22 m. from Owen Sound. Arkwright, Point, Queensland, in Wide Bay district. Arl, Gross, vil , Austria, in Salzburg, 8 111. S. of Sanct Johann. ArlLn, tn., Russia, in the Kuban territory. Arlanc, tn., France, Puy-de-Dome, gni. S. Ambert. Arlanza riv., Spain, flows 60 ni. tojoin the Arlanzon. Arlanzoii, riv., Spain, Old Castile, flowing 70 m. to the Pisuerga. Arlberg, branch Rluetian Alps in W. Tyrol, etc. Arlecdon, par. and ry. stn., Cuml.ierland, si m. NE. Whitehaven. Aries city, France, dep Bouches-du-Rhoue, on R. Elione. P. 23,480. Arles'cote, ham., England, Warwickshire. 4! in. SE. of Kington. Arlesey. par. and vil., Engl., Bods, 4 m. Sli. of Shefford. Arlesheim, mkt. vil., Switzerland, 5 m. S. of Basel. Arless vil., Ireland, Queen's Co., 7 m. N. of Carlow. Axleut, tn., France, Nievre, 6 m. ESE. Chiteau-Chinon. Arley par. and ry. stn., England, Warwicksh., 6 m. SW. Nuneaton. Arleyi ry. stn., England, Stalfordshire, 4! m. N. of Bewdley. Arlington, vil., Illinois, Bureau co., 92 in. SW. of Chicago. Arlington, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Middlesex co. Arlington', vil., Va., Alexandria CO., opposite Washington City. Arlington Heights, vil., Ms., Middlesex CO., 8 m. NW. of Boston. Arlon tn , Belgium, 18 ni. WNW. of Luxembourg. Arlnno. tn., Italy, prov. Milan, 12 m. SE. of Gallarate. Armacao tn., Brazil, in island of Santa Catarina. Armadale, tn., Scotl., Linlithgowsli., 2} m. W. by S. of Bathgate. Armadale, fishing vil.. Scotl., Sulherlandsh., 23 m. W. otThimso. Armadale, post vil., Ontario, CO. York, 17 m. from Toronto. Armadale, suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, 4! m. SE. of city. Armagh, Co., Ireland, prov. Ulster. Area 512 sq. m. Pop. 143,056. Armagh, city and co. tn. of above, 33 ni. SW. of Belfast. Armagh, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Miftliuco. Armagnac, firmer ter. in old prov. of Gaseony, France. Armagon, shoal and lighthouse, off coast of Nellore dist., Madras. Armamir, tn., Portugal, dist. Vizeu, 6 in. E. of Lainego. Armancon. riv., France, C"te-d'-Or, affl. of Y'onne. Armathwalte, vil., Engl., Cumberland, 10 ni. N. of Penrith. Armazi (Hermosika), vil., Asiatic Russia, ill gov. of Tiflis. Armhoth Fells, lull range, England, in W. of co. Cumberland. Armenia, mtiious. Country, W. Asia, S. of the Caucasus. ArmentiSres, tn., France, dep. Nord, 11 m. NW. of Lille. Pop. 25,o:o. Armento. tn., Italy, dist. and 32 m. SE. otPotenz.i. Armi, Cipo deU', cape, S. Italy, in Strait of Messina. Armiansk, vil., Russia, gov. Taurida, 80 m. EiH. Kherson. Armidale, tn., N. 8. W., CO. Sandon, 260 m. N. Newcastle. Armitage and Bandsacre, par., StafTordsliire, 5! m. NW. Lichfield. Armley, tnshp., England, Yorkshire, j} m. W. of Leeds. Armonisch, vil., Croatia, Hungary, district of Terregova. Armoy, par. and vil., Ireland, co. Antrim, 9 in. NE. Ballymoney. Armstrong, vil , Kansas, in Wyandotte co., near Kansas city. Armstrong Coal Works, vil., Pennsylvania, Westmorland en. Armstrongs, tnshp., Victoria, Co. Bornng, 15910. NW. Melbourne. Arna. riv., Berar, India, flows 64 m. to the Aran R. Arnabost, liain., Scolland, in Coll I., Argyllshire. Araage ry. stn., Scotland, Aberdeenshire, 3I m. NW. of Ellon. Arnala I.. Tliana dist., Bombay, off mouth of Waitarua R. Arnir Fiord, bay on N W. side of IceUnd. Arnas vil Sweden, Westernorrlaiids km, 52 m. NE. Hernosand. Arnaud, ry. stn., Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 48 >"• S. of Winnipeg. Arnay-Ie-Duc, tn., France, Cote-d'Or, 20 m. WN W. Beauue. Arnbarrow, hill, Scotland, Fordoun par, Kincardineshire, 1060 ft. Arncroaih, vil., Scotland, Fifesliire, ^\ 111. NE. of Colinsbiirgli. Arneburg, tn., Prussia, 45 in. NNE. Magdeburg. Arnede, tn., Spain, 54 ni. ESE. of Logrono. Arnesbey, par., England, Co. and 8 in. SE. of Leicester. Arney. ham., Ireland, co. Fermanagh, 2 m. SE. of Florence Court. Ameybog, mineral dist., Scotl., Cumbernauld par., Dumbartoush. Arn^ask, par., Scotl., cos. Perth, Fife, Kinross, contains Damheail. ArnhaU, hum., Scotl., Kincardinesli., 6i m. W. by S. Laurencekirk. Amielm, tn., Nelherlands, cap. Gueldeiland. Pop. 49,938. Arnhem, Cape, on E. coast of N. Territory, S. Australia. Arnhem Bay, inlet, N. Territory, S. Australia. Ambem Land, dist., S. Australia, now called N. Territory. Amlefoul, vil., Scotland, co. and sj m. SW. of Forfar. Amisdale, vil., Scotland, Invernc-,s-sh., 13 m. S. of Glenelg. Arnish, headland, Scntland, Lewis, at entrance to L. Stornoway. Arnisort, ham., Scotland, on loch of same name, I. of Skye. Arnlstonand Hunterfleld, colliery dist., Scotland, Edinburghshire. Axnloss Colliery and Baltiuhatson Row, vil. , Stirlingsh., Slamannan par. Amo, riv., Itidv, flows 75 in. to the Mediterranean, below Pisa. Arnold, par. and tn., Engl , co. and 5J m. KE. Nottingham. Arnold, tlJ^hp., England, Y'olkshire, 7 m. E. of Beveriey. Arnold's Cove, fishing set., Newfc.undland, on Long I. Amoldsteln, vil., Austria, in Cariulhia, 37 m. WNW. of Klagenfurt. Arnott, vil., Ontario, Grey co., 12 m. from Owen Sound. Arnott Point, New Zealand, in Westland co. Arnprior, vil., Perthshire, Scotland, aj m. W. o. Kippen. Amprior, tn., Ontario, Renfrew Co., 51 m. W. of Ottawa. Amsberg, city, Westphalia, 44 m. ESE. Munstcr. Arnslde, vil., Westmorland, 4J m. W. Burton-in-Kend„l. Arnstadt, tn., Germany, Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. Pop. 11,287. Arnstein. tn., Bavaria, dist. and g 111. E. Karlst.adt. Amswalde, tn., Prussia, mm. NE. Frankfurt-am-Oder. Amtully, vil , Scotland, Perthshire, jj in. NW. Stanley Jnnction. Aroa, tn., Venezuela, outhe Ai'oa, 33 m from the G. of Triste. Aroche, tn., Spain, prov. and 49 m. N. Hnelva. Arogi, vil., Abyssinia, near the fc.-tre.^a of Jlagdala. Arogno, vil., Switz., canton Ticino, dist. Lugano. ArokSzallas, free tn., Hungary, 11 m. N. Jasz-Bereny. Pop. 12,794. Arolsen, tti., W. Germany, cap. of Waldeck, on the Aar. Arona, tn., Italy, circle and 22 m. N. of Novara. Arone, riv., Italy, prov. Rome, debouching N. of the Tiber. Aroona Mine, South Australia, in CO. Taunton. Aroostook River, Me., falls into St. John's E., New Brunswick. Aropakl. tiisliiL, New Zealand, co. Whakatane. Arorai (Hurd Saltai), isl., Gilbert Is., Pacilic Ocean. Aros, vil., Scotland, Mull I., 9 in. SE. of Tobermoiy. Arosa, bay and isl., N. Spain, in prov. of Pontevedia. Arowenua, ry. stn.. New Zealand, ill CO. Geraldine. Arpajon. tn., France, Seine-et-Oise, loni. WSW. Corbeil.^ Arpajon or Le Pajou, vil., France, dep. Cantal, 2^ 111. SSK. Anrillac. Arpa-tchal, riv., Armenia, flows 80 111. to the R. Aras. Arpino, til., Italy, prov. Caserta, 6 m. SW. Sora. Pop. 11.629. Arpitza. iilace, Turkey, vilayet Yanina, on coast near i'arga. Arqua-Polesina, vil., Italy, 6 In. SW. of Rovigo. Arquata del Tronto, tn., lUly, 15 m. WSW. Ascoli Picenn. Arque, tn., Bolivia, dep. Cochabamba, near sources of Bio Grande. Arquennes, vil., Belgium, prov. Haiiiant, 3 m. N. Senefle. Arquerag. silver-mining place. Chili, near Coquimbo. Arques, tn., France, Pas-de-Calais, 2 m. SE. of St. Omer. Arrali, sub-div., Sh.ahabad dist-, Bengal. Area 915 sq. m. Arrah, tn. and ry. stn. in above. Arrah Canal, Bengal, branch of Son Canal system, 74 111. long. Arra Mtns , Irel. , N. CO. Tipperary. Alt. 1588 ft. Arran,, Scotland, co. Bute, Firth of Clyde. Area 165 sq. m. Arran, Cock of, bill, N. coast Arran I., Scotland. Alt. 1083 It. Arran Island, Ireland. iSce Aran. Arranmoro or North Arran, isl., Irel., W. co. Donegal, 4 m. by 3 m. Arras, ft. tn. and cap. of Pas de-Calais, France. Pop. 27,041. Arrash, riv., Algiers, from the Atlas Mtns. to the Bay of Algiers. Arrayas, tn., Brazil, prov. Goyaz, 120111. SE. Natividade. Arrayolas, tn., Portugal, 11 m. NNW. Evora. Arrecife, tn., Canary Islands, on Lanzarote. Arrecifcs, tn., Argentine Rep., 135m. W. ofBuenos-Ayies. Arredondo, vil., Spain, prov. Santander, 7 m. W. Ramales. Arrentl, mtn., Italy, prov. Siena. Famous marble quarries here. Arreton, par. and vil.. Isle of Wight, 2} m. SE. Newport. Arriate, tn., Spain, prov. Malaga, 4 m. NE. Ronda. Arrifes, tn., San Miguel I., Azores. Arrington, par. and vil., Engl., Cambridgesli., 7 m. NE. Royston. Arrochar, par. and vil., Scotl., Dumbartoush., at head of L. Long. Arroe, isl., Denmark, in the Baltic, S. of Funeu. Pop. 11,418. Arroeskjobing, vil., Denmark, in above island. Arrojo, ^ il., Brazil, prov. Pedro do Rio Grande. Arros, riv., Fr.ance, H.autes-Pyrenee3 and Gers, atfi. of the Adour. Arroa. vil., France, dep. Eure-et-Loir, 8 m. NW. Cloyes. Arronch, El, tn., Algeria, prov. and 33 m. from Constantino. Arroui, liver, France, Cute-d'Or, atil. of the Loire. Arrow, i>ar, Engl., Warwickshire, i m. SW. of Alcester. Arrow, riv., Wales, Radnorshire, flows 25 in. to the Lugg. Arrow, riv., England, Worcestershire, flows 11 ni. S. to the Alne. Arrow, lake .and riv., Ireland, SE. of co. Slign. Arrowhenua, tnshp. and ry. stn.. New Zealand, co. Geraldine. Arrow Lake, Brit. Columbia, expansion of the Columbia B. Arrow Lake, Ontario, on borders of Jlinnesota, U. S. Arrowsmith. Mt, New Zealand, co. Asbburton. Arrowsmith, Mt., Western Australia. 32° 8', long. iiS' 23' E. Arrowsmith Point, on E. coast of N. Territory, 8. Australia. Arrowsmith River, W. Australia, falls into Geelvink Channel. Arrow Town, tn.. New Zealand, Lake co., 172 m. NW. of Uunedin. Arroyo del Paerco, tn. , Spain, prov. and 12 m. W. of Caceres. Arrozil, vil, Brazil, prov. Rio do Janeiro, dist. Pir.ahi. Arsago, vil., Italy, prov. Milan, 4 m. NE. of G.all.aiate. Arsakl ry. stn., Russia, on the Moscow and Yaroslav lino. Arsamas, tn., Russia, 63 m. SSW. of Nijni-Xovgorod. Pop. 11,848. Arsena, vol. mtn., Asiatic Russia, gov. Baku. Alt. J148 ". Ars-en-Re, tn., France, Charentc-Inler., 21 ni. WNW. La Rochelle. Arsii, tn., Italy, prov. Belluno, 3^111. SW. ofFonzaso. Arsiero, tn., Italy, Vcnetia, 9 m. N. of Sehio. Arsinoe, one of the ancient names of Medinet-el-Iayum, fi.v. Ars-Bur-Moselle, vil., Alsace-Lorraine, 6 m. SW. of Metz. Arstad, bailiwick and vil., Sweden, in Hallands Ian. Pop. 12,276. Arsanda, vil., Sweden, 16 m. SW. otGefleborg. Arta, tn., in NW. of Miijorca I., Spain. Arta tcr., Greece, acquired from Turkey in i£32. Area 4S2 sq. m. Arta', chief tn. in above, on R. Arta, which flows to tlie G. of Arta. Artajona, tn., Spain, prov. Navarra, 12 m. NW. of Tafalla. Artana tn., Spain, jo m. SW. of Castellon da la Plana. Artegna, vil., Italy, prov. Udine, 2} m. S. of Geinona. Arteilo, vil., Spain, prov. and 6 m. SW. of Coruiia. Artemisa, vil., on I. of Cubll, W. Indies. Artern, In., Prussian S.axony, 34 m. W. of Merseburg. Arth, riv., Wales, Cardiganshire, 8 m. to the Irish Sea. Arthabaska, vil., Quebec, A CO., loS m. E. of Montreal. ArthabaskaviUe, vil. , Quebec, 23 m. fi oin Arthabaska Station. Arthlngton, tnshp., England, Yorkshire, 4 ni. B. of Otley. Arthon, vil., France, dep. Indre, 7 m. SW. of Ardentes. Arthon, vil., Fr,ance, Lmre-Iiifer., 8 m. E. of Pornic Arthur, municipality, Manitoba, in Souris River co. Arthur vil , Ontario, co. Wellington, 72 m. from Toronto. Arthur, tnshp., N. S. Wales, CO. Georgiana, 100 m. W. of Sydney. Arthur, Mount, New South Wales, co. Gordon. 20 ART THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ASK Arthur, Grsat and Little, two islets, SciUy Is., England. Arthur, Mount, New Zealand, in Co. Duller. Arthor, Mount, Tasmania, in Co. Dorset. Arthuret. with Longtown, par. Cumberland, S m, X. of Carlisle. ArthurLikes, Tasmania, co. Westmorland. Arthur Port. ^'( e Port Arthur. Arthur Range, nitns., Tasmania, COS. Arthur and Kent. Arthur Eiver, post.stn., \V. AusUaha. Lat. 33° 14' S., long. 117° E. Arthur River, Tasmania, CO. Kussell, flows to the sea. Arthur's Perry, Ireland, on R. Shannon, near AjthUT'ePasa, Kew Zealand, in the Kouthern Alps. Arthur's Round Table, cir.:le, Eng!., ■ft'estiiiorlaud, 1} m. S. renrith. Arthur's Seat, hill, 822 It, lii^jh, overlooking Edinburgh, Scotland. Arthur's Seat, hill, Victoria, near Uromana, c ■. Slornington. Arthurstowa, vil., Ireland, Co. Wexford, 7 in. from Waterford. Arthurton, tnshp., S. Aubtralia, Co. Daly. Artibonite, riv,, Haiti, flows 139 m. to Gnn.i'ive.s Bay. Artney, i:v., Scotland, Perthshire, aiJUienl of It. Itnchill. Artois, old prov., France, now dep. I'as-de-Calais. Caj). Arras. Artosh or Artush, tn., E. Turkestan, \V. of Kashgar. Artotini, vil., Greece, in eparchy of Nanpaktus. Artshadlnskaya, vd., Uussia, in Don Cossacks ter. Artwin, tn., Russia, guv. of Kutais. Aruba, isl., Dutch West Indies, below Cura(;oa. Area i}i, sq. in. Arucas, tn.. Talmas, Canary J.^lands. Arudy, vd., France, Bas^es-Pyreiues, 11 111. bE. Oloron. Aru Islands, group, in Indian Ocean, 80 ni. SW. of Papua. Aran, iiv., Sussex, flows 37 m. to 1-ugiisli ClianneL Aran and Wey Canal, England, connects rivs. Amu and Wey. Arundel, tn., England, Co. Sussex, 10 m. E. of Cluchester. Arundel, set., t^uebec, Co. Argenteuil, 28 m. from Grenvi.le. Arundel Mills, vil, Irel., co. Cork, 1 J m. SE. of Clonakilty. Arundel Plain, South Australia. Lat. 28' 32' S., long. 134' 30' E. Aruppakotal, tn., Madura dist., Maar., Cumberland, 7^ ni. NE. Maryport. Aspe, tn., Spain, prov. and 22 m. W. Alicante. Aspe, valley, France, dep. Basses-Pyrenees, 27 m. long. Aspeboda, vil., Sweden. Kopparbergs Ian, SW. of Falun. Asperg, vil., Wnrteinberg, 2* m. NW. Ludwigsburg. Aspern, Grocs, vi!., Austria, 6 ni. E. Vienna. Site of battle 1S09. Afiphaltites, Lake. S'lf Dead Sea. Asphodel, tu., I )ntario, co. Peterborough ,"3 m. from Hastings. Aspinwall nr Colon, spt., Colombia, on Pacific coast of Panama. Aspiring, Mt., New Zealand, co. Vincent, peak of the Haast Range. Asplangea Lake, Swedc-n, traversed by Guta Canal. Aspley Guise, par., Bedfordshire, am. N. Woburn. Aspoe, i-^1., Russia, gov. Viborg. in Finland. Aspoe, isl., Norway, in Snndre-Troudhjcms Ian. Aspoe, i^l- , Sweden, in Lake Malar. Aspotogan Harb., spt., Nina Scotia, 50 m. W. Halifax. Aspra, vil., Italy, Unibria, 17 m. SW. Rieti. Aspres, nitn. chain, S. France, running N. from Pyrenees. Aspromonte, nuns., Italy, forming S. i>art of the Apennines. Aspro Potamo, largest riv., Greece, flows ico m. to the Ionian Sen. Aspull, tnshp., England, Lancashire, 3 ni. NE. Wigan. Asp7 Bay, Cape Breton I., Nova Scotia, Victoria co. Assab. .SVc Asab. Assal, salt lake, E. Afriea, 570 ft. below sea-level; 11" 40' N. Assam, i^rov., NE. Bengal, India. Area 46,341 sq. m. P. 5,424,190. Assanpink Creek, New Jersey, falls into the Delaware R. Assaso, tn., Abyssinia, in iieighboiarhood of Gondar. Assateague, isl , Virginia, in bay of same name. Assaye, vil. , India, Nizam's Dominions. Lat. 20° 15' N. Assegai Bush, place, Cape Colony, in Kuraansdorp div. Asseln, vil , Pnissia, circle and 6 ni. E. Dortmund. Assen, tn., Netlierlands, j8 m. S. of Groningen. Assendelft, vil., N. Holland, 8 m. NW. Amsterdam. Assenede, vil., Belgium, K. Flanders, 9 m. EXE. Eccloo. Assena, spt., Denmark, Fvintn I., 24 m. WSW. Assenza, steamboat stn., Italy, on the Lago di Garda. Assi, riv., Italy, prov. Reggio, falls into the Ionian Sea. Aasia HiUs, India, in Cuttack district, Bengal. Assini, Freneh set, on Ivory Coast, W. Africa, on R. Assini. Assiniboia, prov. dist., NW. Territories, Canada. Area 95,000 sq. ni. Assiniboine, Fort, Alberta. Canada. Lat. 54° 27' N., long. 115° 7' W. Afisiniboine, riv., NW. Territories, flows 600 ni. to the Red River. Assisi, tn., Italy, Umbria, 10 m. ESE. Perugia. Pop. 16,474. Assmannshausen, vil,, Prussia, circle of Rheingau. Asso, vil., Italy, in Lombardy, 15 m. W. Lecco. Asso or AsEos, spt. vil., Greece, on W. Cephah:>nia T. Assofudah, In., Fulah country, W. Africa. 10° 25' N., 2° 35' E. AsBuni-ViUaNovadaPrinceza, tn., Brazil, prov. Rio Grande del Norte. Assuan, tn., I'l^iier Egypt, on R. Nile, 545 m. S. of Cairo. Assuay, dtp. Ecuador, E. Andes. Area 259,000 sq. ni. Assynt, dist., Scotland, Sutherlandshire. Contains Loch Assynt. Aata, vil. and lake, Scotland, Shetland, 6^ m. E. of Lerwick. AEta, Cma d', nitn., Tyrol, in the Dolomite Alps. Alt. 9328 ft. Astaffort, vil., France, Lot-et-Garoune, 12 ni. SSE. of Agen. Astikos, spt. tn., Greeee, iEtoliaand Acarnania, on Ionian Sea. Astarah, \il., Russia, gov. Baku, 22 ni. S. of Lenkoran. Astbury, par. and vil., Engl., Cheshire, near Congleton, Pop. 18,242. Asteo or Asde?, vil., Ireland, co. Kerry, 9 in. N. of Listowel. Astenberg, mtn., I'russia, in Westphalia, Alt. 2788 ft. Asti, tn., Italy, in Piedmont, 20 m. W. of Alessandria. Fop. 33,233. AsUey, tnshp.'and ry. stn., Lancashire, Si m. W. Manchester. Afltley Bridge, vil., England, Lancashire, 3 ni. N. of Bolton. Aston, tnshp., Wales, Flintshire, 5 ni. NK. of Mold. Aston, par. and ry. stn., England,partly in borough of Birmiugham. Aston, vil., Quebec, Kicoletco., jSni. NW, of Athabasca. Astoa with Aughton, par, and tnshp., Yorksh,, 5m. E, of Rotherhani. Aston Cantlow, par,, Warwieksh., 5J m. NW. Stratford. Aston Clinton, j^ar. end tnshp., Bucks, 3^ m. SE. Aylesbury. Aston Cross, England, suburb of Birnnnghnm. Aston Manor, pari, bur., Warwickshire, ouN. side of Birmingham. Aston-npon- Trent, par,, England, Derbyshire, 6 m, SE. cf Derby. Astorga, tn,, Spain, ]irov. and 37 ni. WSW. of Leon. Astoria, vil. and port of entry, Oregon, cap. of Clatsop co. Astrabad, city, Persia, cap. of prov. of same name. Astrabad, prov., Pers a, on Ca.spian Sea. Area 5791 sq. m. P. 80,000. Astrakhan, gov., Rus., on Caspian Sea. Area9i,3i'3 sq. m. P. 830,813. Astrakhan, City, Russia, cap. of above gov,, on. R. Volga. P. 70,554. Astrolabe, Mount, British New Guinea, 3543 ft. above sea-level. Astrolabe Bay. on coast of German New Guinea. Astrolabe Keefa, Fiji, offend of Kandavu I. Astropalia, i^l. in iKgean Sea, 22 m. SW. Kos, Astudillo, tn,, Spain, 18 m. NE. of Falencia. AstuTJaa, old prov., Spain, now Oviedo, on Bay of Biscay. AstwoodBank, vil. and ry. stn., Worcestersh., 3 ni. S. of Redditch. Asu, nv., Soudan, an E."anu of the Shari. Asuke, tn., Jajan, Mikawa prov., Hondo I. Asuncion, city and cap. of Paraguay, on R. Paraguay. Pop. 24,000. Asuncion, tu., Venezuela, on Margarita I. Asuncion (Assonsong\ isl., in Marianne Islands, Micronesia. A8ur(Ya6ova), vukano, Aipere I,, New Hebrides. Alt. 656 ft. Asvyg, bay, Denmark, Jutland, opposite Eudelave T. Aaylangen, Lake, Sweden, in neighbourhootl of L. Wetter, Aszod, vil,, Hungary, co. and 26 m, NE, of Pesth. Atabapo, riv., Venezuela, flnws 140 m. to the Orinoco, Atacama, prov., Chili. Area 39,575 sq. m. Pop. 66,636. Atacama, prov., Bolivia. Area iQ,6cosq. ni. Atacama, volcano, ill the Andes cf Bolivia. Alt. 18,040 ft. Atacamea, spt. tn., Ecuador, 15 m. WSW. of Esmeialdas, Atacazo, nitn., Ecuador, near the Equator. Alt. 15,416 ft. Atad, Nagy, vil,, Croatia, 24 ni, SW. of Kapos^ar. Atajo, Sierra de, mtns.,, in the Cordilleras, 10,000 ft, high. Ataki, tn. , Russia, in Bessarabia, on the Dniester, Atalaia, tn., Brazil, prov. and 12 ni. SE, of Alagoas. Atalanti or Talanti, tn., Greece, cap. of eparchy of Lokris. Atalaya, tn., Brazil, in prov, of Pernambuco. Atamisqul, tn,, Argentine Rep,, prov. Santiago del Estero. Atani, stn. of the Niger Company's Ter., W. Africa. Atany, Ail,, Hungary, co, and 4 lu. NE. of Heves. Atapawa Island, New Zealand, olf W. coast of co. Sounds. Atar, oasis in Western Sahara, Africa, about lat. 21' N. AtaragaUa, vil,, Ceylon, in the Central Province. Atarfe, vil,, Sj-ain, prov. Granada, 3 ni, NE, ofSantafe. Atasarai or Islampur, trading vil., Patna dist,, Beni^al. Lat. 25' 9' N. Atatlauca, place, Mexico, state Oajaca, dep. Teutillan. Ataucanar, tn., Ecuador, dep. A.ssuay, Ataun, vil., Spain, j3 ni. SW. cf Tolosa. Atbara, riv., NE. Africa, enters the Nile at Ed Darner. Atchafalaya Bayou, Louisiana, outlet of Red 11. and IVIississippl. Atc-hak, isl., in Andreanov group, Aleutian Islands. Atcbinsk, tn., Siberia, 75 ni. W. of Krasnoiarsk, on the Khulim. Atchinsk, tn., Siberia, in gov. of Yenisseisk. Atchison, city, Kansas, cap. of A. co,, on the Jlissouri R. P, 14,222. Atchuk or Atchuyev, isl, and fort, Russia, in Sea (tf Azov. Ateamuri, tnshp., New Zealand, co. E. Taupo, on Waikato R. Ateca, til,, >^i>a!n, (>t in. S\V. of Saragossa. Ategash (Ateshgah), Vil,, Russia, gov. Baku. Has burning springs. Ateleta, vil., Italy, circle and 23 m. SE, of Solmona. Atella, tn,, Italy, circle and ji m. S, of Melli. Atemar, vil., Russia, gov. Penza, 9 m. E. of Saransk. Atena, vil., Italy, prov. and 45 m. SE. of Salerno. Atemo, riv., Italy, Aquila, debouches in Adriatic ns the Pefcara. Atessa, tn., Italy, circle and 17 m. W. of Vasto. Pop, 10,537. Atflh, tn.. Lower Egypt, on R. Nile, 45 in. S- of Cairo. Ath, tn., Belgium, prov. Bainaut, 15 m. NNW, of Mi..ns. Athabasca, prov, dist., NW. Territories, Canada, Area 122,000 sq. m. AthabascaL , N \V. Ter,,discharg. bySlave R.anome, 3 m. HK. of Clermont. Aablora, Lea, vil., Fr., Deux-S6vre3, 8 ra. ENE. Chi'itillon-sur-Sivre. Aublgn^, vil., France, Sarthe, 6 m. S. of Mayet. Aubin, tn., France, Aveyron, 21 m. N. of Viilefranche. Aubonne, tn., Switzerland, 13 m. WSW. of Lansani.e. Aubrey, landing-place, Arizona, Mohave co., on Colorado R. Aubrey or California, vil., Quebec, Chateaugnay co., on English R. Auburn, Liaboy, orLlssoy, vil., co. Westmeath, 7 m. NE. Athloiie. Auburn, vil., Alabatna, Lee co. Agricul. and Mechan. College. Auburn, city, Maine, cap. of co, and on Androscoggin R. P. 11,228. Aubura, tn., New S. Wales, Cuinberlaml co., 11^ m. W. of Sydney. Auburn, city, New York, cap. of Cayuga CO. Pop 25,887. Auburn, vil., Ontario, co. Halton, 10 m. from Goderich. Auburn, vil., Oregon, Baker Co., on Powder R. Auburn, bor., Pa., on Schuylkill R., 83 m. NW. of Philadelphia. Auburn, tushp., Pennsylvania, in Susquehanna co. Auburn, tnshp., Queensland, Burnett dist., 180 m. NW. Brisbane. Auburn, tn., S. Australia, co. Stanley, 74^ m. N. of Adelaide. Auburndale, vil., Mass., forming part of city of Newton, g.v. Auburn River, Queensland, dist. Burnett, trib. to Burnett R. AubuBson, tn., France, dep. Creu;>e, 26 ni. SE. Gueret. Auby, vil., France, dep. Nord, 4 m. from Douai. Anch, cap. city, Gers, France, 42 m. W. of Toulouse. Pop. 13,186. Aucball, lake, Scotland, Ross and Cromarty, 2 m. by i m. Auchallader, pass, Scotland, at head of L. tulla, Argyllshire. Anchanault, ry. stn., Scotl., and Cromarty, 21 m. W. Dingwall. Auchel, vil., France, Pas-de-Calais, 7 m. SSE. "of Norrent-Fontes. Aucbenbowie, vih, Scotl., Stirlingshire, ij m. SW. of Eannockburn. Auchencairn, vil., Kirkcudbrightshire, 7.^ m. S. of Castle-Douglas. Auchencruive, ry. stn., Scotland, co. and 3 ni. NI'-. of Ayr. Auchendryone, vil., Scotland, Aberdeenshire, in Crathie par. Auchengray, ry. stn., Scotl., Lanarkshire, 5^ ni. NE. of Carstairs. Anchenheath, colliery vil., Scotland, co. and 4^ m. W. of Lanark. Auchenloch, vil., Scotland, Lanarkshire, 61 ni. NE. of Glasgow. Auchenskeigh, romantic dell, Scotland, Ayrsliire, 2 m. from Dairy. Auchentibber, vil., Scotland, Lanarkslure, 1^ m. SW. of Hi"h Blantyre. ^ Auchinalm, vil., Scotland, Lanarkshire, 3 m. NE. of Glasgow. Aucbincraw, vil., Scotland, Berwickshire, 3 m. NW. of Chirnsidc. Aucaindachy, ry. etn., Scotland, Banlfshire, 3 m. SW. of Keith. Auchindinny, vil., Scotland, co. and 8 m. S. of Edinburgh. Am;hingill, coast vil., Scotland, Caithness-shire, 10 m. N. of Wick. Auchingree, hamlet, Scotland, Dairy par., Ayrshire. Auchinleck, par. and tn., Scotl., Ayrshire, 2 m. NW. of Cumnock. Aucbinraith, vil., Scotland, Blantyre par., Lanarkshire. Aucbintibber, vil., Scotland, Ayrshire, 4^ m. NE. of Kilwinning. Auchleven, vil., Scotland, Aberdeenshire, 2^ m. S. of Inseh. Auchmill or Auchmull, vil., Seotlaud, CO. and 3 m. N. of Aberdeen. AuchmUlan, vil., f^^iuf land, Ayrshire, 2m. NE. of Mauchline. Auehmithie, fi^liiiig viL, ScotL, Forfarshire, 3^ m. NE. of Arbroath. Aucbmuty and Balbirnie Mills, vil., Fifesh., ij m. W. Markineh. Auchnagatt, vil., Scotl., Aberdeenshire, 7jm. N. of Ellon, by rail. Auchnasheen, Ty. stn., Ross and Cromarty, 27.^ m. W. of Dingwall. Auchnaahellach, ry. stn., Koss-sh., 13 m. >.'E. Strome Ferry. Auchrles, vil., Scotland, Aberdeenshire, 7 m. SW. of Peterhead Auchterarder, nikt. tn., Scotl., co. and 14 m. SW. Perth. Auchterderran, par., Scotl., Fifesh., 5 m. NW. Kirkcaldy. Auchtergaven, par. and vil., Scotland, co. and 8 m. NW. of Perth. Auchterhouse, par. aud vil., Scotl.,, i-J m.NW. Dundee. Auchterleaa, par. and vil., Scotland, 34,V m. NW. Aberdeen. Aucbtermuchty, tn., Scotland, Fife, 4,1 m. NW. L.adybank Junction. Auchtertool, i>ar. and vil., Scotland, File. 4 m. W. Kirkcaldy. Auchtertyre, vil., Scotland, Forfarshire, in Newtyle p.arish. Auckland Islands, grp., in S. Pacilic Ocean, 56° S. 116' E. Auckland, N. prov. dist., N. Z. Arei 26.015 sq- "i- Pop. 130,379. Auckland, portaud cap. of above, 1650 m. NE. Melbourne. Auckland, tnshp., N. S, Wales, co. Durham, loo m. N. of Sydney. Auckland, vil., Qoeboc, Co. Compton, 30 m. from Sherbrooke. Auckland St. Andrew, par., Durham, in(dude3 Bishop-Auckland Auckland St. Helens, par., Durham, 2J m. SW. Bishop-Auckland Auckland, West, tnshp., Durham, 3 m. SW. Bishop-Auckland. Auckland Bay, Mergui dist,, Lr. Burma. Lat, 12" 10' N. Aucutta, one of the Laecadive Is., olf Malabar coast. Aude, dep., Fr., on Mediterranean. Area 2437 sq. m. Pop. 332.080. Aude, riv., France, flowing 130 m. to Mediterranean. Audegem vil., Belgium, 2^ m. SSW. Termonde, Audenarde or Oudenarde, tn., Belgium, 16 m. SSW. Ghent. Audenshaw, vil., England, Lancashire, 4 m. E. of Manchester. Auderghem, vil., Belgium, Brabant, 2 ui. SE. Ixellcs. Audierae, sjit. France, Finistere, 25 m. W. Quimpcr. Audlncourt, tn., France, Doubs, 5 m. SE. Montbeliard, Audlcm, par. and tnshp., Engl., Cheshire, 6 m, S. Nantwich. Audley, par., tnshp., Staflbrdsh., 4J m. NW. Newcastle-un-ler-Lyme. AudleyEnd, ry. stn., England, E.ssex, ij m. SW. SallronWalden. Audruicq, vil., Fr., Pas-du-Calais, 13 m. NW. St. Onier. Audubon's Peak, Colorado, in Roeky JItns. Alt. 11,173 ^^^ Aue, tn.. Saxony, 12 ni. SE. of Zwickau. Aue, .streams, Prussia, allls. of Eider, Fuse, Hunte, Loine, Seve. Aue, riv., Prussia, flows Co m. to the Weser at Nicnburg. Auerbach, tn., Bavaria, lo ni. WSW. of E.schenbach. Auerbach, vil., Germany, in Ile.ssen, circle of Bensheim. Auerbach, tn.. Saxony, 15 m. SsW. Zwickau. Auerbcrg, ndu., Germany, in the Harz Mtna. Alt. 1770 ft. Auerhahn, irdn., Weimar, in Thuringcrwald. Alt. 2348 ft. Auerabcrg, min., Saxony, in the Krzgebirge. Alt. 3148 ft. Auerswalde, vil., Saxony, 5 m. WSW. Frankenberg. Augan, vil., Frauec, dep. Morbihan, 8 m. W. Guer, Augathella, tn., Queensland, on R. Warrego, iBo m. NW. of Roma. AugeroUes, vil, France, Puy-de-D6me, 6 m. SE. Courpiere. Augerum, vil.. Sweden, in Blokinge Ian. Aughaderry, l:am., Ireland, co. Monaghan, near Anghnacloy. Augbamore, vd., Ireland, co. Roscommon, 4 m. SW. of Dromond. Augher, vil., Ireland, co. Tynme, in Clogher parish. Aughlnish, pen. and vil., Ireland, CO. Clare. 011 s.silace. Saxony, lircle Dresden. Auffustusburg, cas.. Saxony, Sehellenbeig, 8 m. ESE. Chemnitz. Augvaldnas, vil., Norway, Kannbe, 31 \\\. NW. Stavanger. At^ezd, Gross, vil., Moravia, 6 in. NW. Leipnik. Aqjezd, Unter, vil., Boheuiia, dist. of Leitomischl. Anjezd, vil., Jluravia, dist. of Mahrisch-Neustadt. Auldbar Road, ry. stn., Srotl., Forfarsh., 2 ni. NW, Guthrie June. AnJdclune, ham., Scotland, Pertlishire, 2 ni. SE. Blair-Athole. Auldearn, par. and vil., Scotland, co. and si m. SE. of Nairn. Auldgirnaig, ham., Scotland, Perthsh., 4 m. NW. Pitlochry. Auldgirth, ham., Scotland, co. and 8 m. NW. of Dumfries. Auldhouse, ham., Scotland, Lanarksh., 3 m. S, of E. Kilbride. Aulendorf, vil., Wiirtemberg, 6 m. WNW. Waldsee. Auletta, vil., Italy, 15 ni. NW. Sala Consiliiia. Aulich, ham., Scotland, Pertlish., on N. side Loch Rannoch. Aulie-Ata, tn., Asiatic Russia, gov. Syr-Darya. Aulifl, demos, Greece, in eparchy of Thebes. Aolla, tn., Italy, 11 m. N. of Sarzana. Aullagas, lake, Peru, prov. La Paz, 16,400 ft. above sea. Aullagas, tn., Bolivia, 62 ni. NW. Sucre. Silver-mines. Aulne, riv., France, dep. Finistere, flows to Bay of Brest. Aulnoy, vil., France, dep. Nord, i m. S. of Valenciennes. Ault, vil., France, Sonime, 21 ni. W. Abbeville. Aultbea, toast ham,, Scotland, Ross-sh., 5 m. NE. Poolewe. Aultnaharrie, ferry. Scotland, on L. Broom, Ross and Cromarty. Aoltsville, vil., Ontario, Dundas co., 83 m, W. of Montreal. Auma, tn., Saxe-Weiniar, 8 m. ESE. Neustadt. Aumaire, lake, Switzerland, ranton Freiburg. Aumale, In., Algeria, prov. and 77 m. SE. Algiers. Aumale, tn., France, Seine-Infer., 15 m. ENE. Neufehatel. Aumetz, vil., ANace-Lorraine, circle Diedenhofen. Aumiihle, vil., Prussia, Lauenburg, 7 m. NW. Schwarzenbeck. Aundh, )'etty state, Satara Pr^litical Agency, ludia. Area 447 sq. ni. Aundh, chief tn. in above. Lat. 17° 33' N., long. 74" 22' E. Auneau, vil., France, Eure-et-Loir, 13 m. E. t'hartres. A nil is, old prov., W. of France, of which La Rochelle was cap. AuniEjokl, riv., Russia, Lapland, flowing to G. of Bothnia. Aups, 2 rivs., Bohemia, from the Riesengebirge to the Elbe. Aup2, tn., France, dep. Var, 15 m. NW. of Draguignan. Aur, grp. small isls., in Radack Chain, Marsljall Arch. Aurai, spt. and cap., Rapa 1., Austral Is,, Pacific Ocean. Auraiya, tahsil, Etawahdist., NW. Provs. Area 308 sq. m. Auraiya, tn. and hd.-qrs, in above, Lat. 26° 28' N., long. 79° 33' E. Aurangabad, sub-div,, Gaya dist., Bengal. Area 1246 sq. ni. Aurangabad, \il. and hd.-qrs. of the above. Aurangabad, tn., Kheridist., Oudli. Lat. 27° 47' N,, long 83" 27' E. Aurangabad, tn., Sitaltpur dist., Uudh. Aorangabad, tn., Nii^am's Dnm., 150 m. ENE. of Bombay. Aurangabad Sayyid, tn., Biilandshahr disr., NW. Provs., India. Anray, tn., Frant e, Morbihan, 23 lu. E?>E. of Lorient. Aurdal, viL, Norway. Lat. 61" N., lung. 8" 40' E. Aure, riv., France, Calva-ios, flows 20 in. to R, Drome. Anrec, in., Frituce, llaute-Loiif, 6 m. NNW. St. Didier-la-Seauve. Anrella, colony, Argentine Rep., prov. Santa Fe. Aurea, mtns., E. of Algeria, bordering on ihe Gt. Atlas. Aurich, tn., Prussia, Hanover, i3in. NE. of Emden. Aurigny, Chanm;! Islands, French name of Alderney, q.v. Aurillac, tn , France, cap. of Cantal, 269 m, S. of Paris. Pop. 13,727. Auriol, tn , I3nuches-du. Rhone, 2J m. NE. Roquevaire. Auron, riv., France, dep. Aliier, Hows 50 m. to the Cher. Auronzo, tn., Italy, prov. and 46 m. NN E. Belluno. Aurora, city, liiiiiuia, Ku,ue co,, 38 m. WSW. L-hicago. Pop. 19,634. Aurora, vd., Indiana, Dearborn co., on Ohio R. Aurora or Machell"a Comers, vil., Ontario, 30111. N. of Toronto. Aurora, small isl., in Gulf of Arabia. Lat. 23° 13' N. Aurora, isl., New HebridL-s. Lat. 15° 2' 35" S., long 168° 25' 15" E. Aurora, jsl. group, S. America, E. lierra d' 1 Fuego. Area 212 sq. m. Aurouze, Mont, intn., France, in Cottian Alps. Alt. 7895 ft. Aurzim. Gross and Klein, 2Contiguou3 vils., Bohemia, dist. Ivdniggratz. Au Sable, vil. and tnshp,, Michigan, Iosco co., on L. Huron. Au Sable, riv., N. Y., rises in Essex co. and falls into L. Champlain. Au Sable, tnshp. and vil., New York, in Clinton co. Auscha, tn,, Bohemia, 10 in. ENE. of Leitmeritz. Ausohowltz, vil., Bohemia, W. of Tejd, near Maiienbad. Auschwitz (Oavieczim), tn., Galicia, 37 m. W. of Cracow. Au.kerry, one of the Orkney Is., nh m. S. of Stronsay I. Ausonia, tn., Italy, circle and 11 1:1. E. of Gacta. Auspitz or Hustopetsch, tn., Moravia, 22 m. SSE. Briinn. Ausaa or Housaa, tn,, E. Africa, 85 ra. SW. of iicyla. Ausaee, tn., Austria, Styria, 8 m. NE. Hallstadt ; rock-salt mines. Aussee, tn., Moravia, 22 m. NNW. ofOlmiitz. Aussersihl, com., Switz., canton Zurich, 011 R. Sihl. Pop. 14,186. Aussig. tn., Bohemia, circle and 14 m. NNW. Ltritmeritz. P. 16,624. Austerfield, tnshp., Engl., Yorkshire, i J m. NE. Bawtiy. Austerlitz, tn., Moravia, 12 m. ESE. Briinn. Napoleon's victory 1805. Austerlitz, ham. and tnshp., New York, in Columbia co. Austhorp, tnshp., Englanje South and Wea'ern Australia. Australian Alps, Victoria and N. S. W, Mt. K».>sciusko 7308 ft. Australian Eight, Gt, immense indentation, on S. cuast Australia. Australind, tn,, W. Australia, Wellington dist,, 100 ni, S. Perth. Austria, archduchy, Austria-Hungary, divided into provs. Up, and Lr. Austria, Area 12,300 sq. m. P. 783,576, and Lr. A., 2,661,630. Austria-Hungary, empire, Europe. Area 240,274 sq. m. P. 41,284,966. Autaugaville, vil., Ala,, Autauga Co., near Alabama R. Autelets, The, rocks, Channel Is., near Sercq. Auterieve, tn., France, Haute-Garonne, 12 m. SE. Muret Auteuil, vil,, France, dep. Seine, suburb of Paris. Autlan-de-la-Grana, tn., Mexico. 140 m. SW. Guadalajara. Autol, tn., Spain, prov, Logrono, on Rio Cicados. Autricbe, French name of Austria. Autiui, tn., France, Saone-et- Loire, 60 ni. NW. Macon. Pop. 14,049. Autunols, former dist., France, Burgundy, of which Autun was cap. Autz, vil., Russia, in Courlaiul, 33 ni. SSW. ofTukkum. Auvelois, vil., Belgium, prov. Namur, 5 ni. NW. Fosse. Auvergne, firmer prov., France, now deps. Cantal, Puy-de-D6me, etc. Auvergne, Mts. d', trauce, branch of the Cevennes, in above district. Aux Cayes, spt, tn., on S. coast of Haiti I., W. Indits. Auierre. city and cap. of Yonne, France, 105 ni. SSE, Paris. P. 16,986. Auierroia, former district in Burgundy, France. Auiois, formerly small country in Burgundy, France. Auxonne, tn., France, Cute-d'Or, 17 m. SE. Dijon. Auzits, vil., France, Aveyron, 7 m. N. Rignac. Auzon, name of several small streams in France. Ava, city, Burma, former cip., on R. Irawadi. Ava, tn., Japan, on Shikoku Island, with line harbour. Availles, tn., France, dep. Vienne, 22 m. E. Civray. Avala, vil., Servia, SW. Belgrade, with ruins of famous castle. Avalanche Lake, N. Y., 2900 ft. above ttde-level of Hudson. Avallon, tn., France, dep. Yonne, 26 m. SE. Auxerre. Avalon, peninsula, SE. part Newfoundland, Trinity Bay on the X. Avanca, tn., Portugal, in Aveiro district. Avani, vil , Kolar dist., Mysore, India. Lat. 13" 6' N., long. 78° 2/ E. Avasaxa, nitn., Finland, gov. Vleaborg. AU. 663 feet. Avatcha, tn. and active vol., SE. Kamchatka, near Petropaulovski. Avchar, Dang state, Khandesh dist., Bomi)ay. Area 8 sq. m. Ave, ri\'., Portugal, flows 50 m. to the Atlantic Ocean. Avean, lake, Irtland, co. Monaghan, 3 m. W. Ballytrain. Avebury or Abury, par. and vil., Engl., Wilts, 6 ni. W. Marlborough. Avegno, vil., Italy, circle and 14 m. SE, of Genoa. Aveiras de Cima, tn., Purtugal, district of Lisbon. Aveiro, spt. tn., Portugal, prov. Beira. 31 ni. NW. Coimbra. Aveiro, tn., Brazil, prov. Para, on R. Tapajos. Aveley, ]'ar. and vil,, Endand, Essex, 7 ni. SE. of Romford. Avelghem, tn.. Belgium, W. Flanders, 9 in. SE. Courtrai. Avella, tn., Italy, 11 ni. NW. Avellino. Avellino, prov. and tn , Italy, in Campania. Pop. 412,086 ; tn, 23,763. Avenches, tu., Switztriaud, 50 m. NXE. Lausanne. Avenel, tnshp., Victoria, co. Anglesey, 72 in. NE. Melbourne. Av^nieres (Lea), tn., France, dtp. Isere, 6 ni. SE. Morestel. AveniDg, par., England, Gloucestersh., 6 m. SE, Stroud. Avening, vil., Ontario, Sinicoe co., 19 m. S, of Collingwood. Avenue, stn., Engl., on L. and N. W. Ry., Leamington, Warwicksh. Avenue Range, ry. stn., S. Australia, co. Robe, 23 m. SE. Kingston, Avenza, In., Italy, 3 ni. by rail SW. of Carrara. Averankal, vil., Ceylon, in the Northern Province. Avereest, vil,, Netherlands, 12 m. NE. Zwolle. Avernakoe, isl., Denmark, in Little Belt, S. of Funen. Avernish, ham., Scotland, Ross-shire, on Lochalsh. Averno, lake, Italy, in Campania, 8 jn. W. of Naples, Averoe, isl., Norway, off the W. coast, in Romsdal anit. Avcraa, tn., Italy, (list. Caserta, 7 m. N. Naj.les. Pop. 21,173. Averton, vil,, France, dep. Maycnne, ci m. E, Villaincs-la-Juhel. Avery's Bock LighthouEe, Maine, at headof Machias Bay. Aves or Bird Is., grp. in Lesser Antilles, ESE. of Bueu Ayre. Avesa, vil,, Italy, prov. and 2i m. K. Verona. Aves I., Venezuela, prov. Barcelona, \Yith rich guano deposits. Aveanelles, vd., France, Nord, i ni. E. Avesnes. Avesnes, ft. tn., France, Nord, 51 ni. SE. Lille. Avesnieres, vil., France, dep. Mayenne, dist. Laval. Avessac, vih, France, Loire-Infer., 4 m. E. St. Nicolas-de-Redon. Avestad or Afvestad, tn., Sweden, 35 m. SE. Falun. Aveton Gifford, par. and vil., Devon, 3^ m, NW. Kingsbridge. Aveyron, dcj'., S, France. Area 3340 sq. m. Pop. 416,826. Aveyron, riv., France, rises in abovedcp. and flows 90 m. to the Tarn, 24 AVE THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BAB Avezzano, tn., Italy, 22 ni. S. Aquila. Avla Isianj, Fiji, one of the Exi'loriiig Islanils. Aviano, In., Italy, prov, and 33 ni. W. of Udine. Avkh, l.icli, Scotland, Argyllsh., 3^ ni. lonj; by \ ni. hroad. ATlemore, ry. stn., Scotland, Elginshire, i2i m. SW. Grautown. AvlgUana, tn., Italy, Turin, 18 ni. E. Siisa, Avlgliano, tn., Italy, n ni. NW. of Potcnza. Pop. 20,505. Avignon, city, France, cap. Vancluse, on R. Rli^ne. Pop. 41,007. AvUa, pniv. and tn., Si'ain, Old Ca.'itile. Pop. 193,093 ; tn. 9136. AvUa, former tn., Ecuador, 95 in. ESE. of gmto. Now an Indian vil. AtUcs, sjit, tn., Spain, prov. and 17 ni. N. of Oviedo. Avintes, tu., Portuj^al, forms a suburb of Oiiorto. Avio, vil., An-itria, in Tyrol, 4 in. SW. of Ala. Avion, vil., France, Pas-de-Calais, 3 ni. NNE. Viniv. Avliford, tn., N. .S. Wales, \Vell:n-lon Co., 1E6 in. NW. of Sydnev. Aviilo, riv. Tyrol, joins tlicAdiye at I.avis. Length 60 in. Aviz, tn., Porlugal,, 34 m. SW. Portalejjie. Avlz, vil., France, dep. Marne, 6 in. SE. Ejiernay. Avlona, spt. tn., Albania, on Adriatic, 33 in. SW. Berat. Avoca, riv., M'icklow Co., Ireland. St:c Ovoci. Avoca, set., Queliec, co. Argenteuil, 6 in. from Point-au-Chenc. Avoca, tnshp., Tasmania, co. Corinvall, 103111. NE. of Hobart. Avoci, tn., Victoria, co. Gladstone, 127 in. NW. Melbourne. Avoca River, Victoria, between cos. Gladstone and Kara Kara. Avocli, par., Scotland, Black Isle, Ross-sliire, li 111. SW. Fortrose. Avoid Bay, S. Australia, Co. Flinders, between WhidbeyaudA- Points. Avola, spt. tn., Sicily, 13 in. SW. Syracuse. Pop. 13,182. Avon, riv., England, Devonshire, Hows 20 111. SE. to Enf;lish Chan. Avon, riv., Wales, Glamorgan, flows 15 in. to Bristol Cliannel. Avon, riv., England, Monmouthsliire, flows 16 in. to the Usk. Avon or E. Avon, riv., Wilts and Haiit.s, 48 in. to English Channel. Avon or Lr. Avon, riv., England, flows 75 in. to Bristol Channel. Avon, Little, or Middle A., riv., Engl., Gloucestersh., 15 in. to R. Severn. Avon or Upper A., riv., Engl. , ll.nvs 96 m. to R. Severn at Tewkesbury. Avon, riv., Scotland, Banifsliire, flows N. 30 111. to the Spey. Avon, riv., Scotland, flow s i3 in. to Firth of Forth at Grangemouth. Avon, riv., Scotland, flows 28 m. to the Clyde at Ilainilton. Avon, riv., Kova Scotia, flows 30 in. KXE. to Minas Basin. Avon, riv.. New Zealand, Marlborough co., joins the Waihopai \\. Avon, vil., Ontario, Middlesex Co., 17 111. from Ingersoll. Avon, riv., Victoria, between cos. Boning and Kara Kara. Avon, vil., France, Seine-et-Marne, 2 111. NE. Fontaineblcan. Avonbeg, a headatream of R. Ovoca, Wicklow, Ireland. Avonbridge, vil., S<-otIaiid, Stirlingshire, io\ in. NE. of Airdrie. Avondale, vil.. Nova Scotia, Pictou Co., 22 111. from New Glasgow. Avondale, vil., Ohio, Uamilton Co., suburb of Cincinnati. Avondale, par., Scotland, I-anarkshire, contains Slratliaven tn. Avonbead, \ il., .Scotland, New Moiikland par., Lanarksliire. Avonmore, N. headstreani, of Ovoca R., co. Wiclclow, Ireland. Avonmore, vil., Ontario, Storinont CO., 18 in. NW. Cornwall. Avonmouth, ham., England, Devon, 4^111. W. of Kingsbridge. Avomnouth, ry. terminna, Engl., Gloucestershire, 6 m. NW. Bristol, Avon Plains, tiislip., Victoria, Kara Kara Co., 175 in. NW. Melbournr. Ayonport, vil., Nova Scotia, King's Co., 57 111. from Halifax. Avontar or Anner, riv., Ireland, Co. Tipitcrary, flows 16 m. to the Suir. Avonton, vil., Ontario, Penh Co., 7 in. from Stratford. Avova, Capo, Asia Minor, on Gulf of Ad.ilia. Avrancbes, tn., France, Maiiche, 22 in. SW. .St. Lo. Avre, riv., France, dep. Orne, flows 46 111. to the Enre, Avrlcoart, vil. and r.v. stn., on borders of France and Alsace-Lorraine., Asia Minor, in highlands of Armenia. Alt. 10,380 ft. Avuiapali Hiils, Cnddapali dist., Madras. Higliest point 3850 ft. Awa, piov., Japan, in NE. part of Shikoku Island. AwadBl, isl. and prov., Japan, in Inland Sea. Area 230 sq. 111. Awah, tn., Etahdist., NW. Provs. Lat. 27° 27' N., long. 78" 32' E. Awakalan I., Fiji, S. of the Gt, .Sea '^ri^K. Highest point 500 ft. Awakino River, New Zealand, co. Kawliia, flowing W. Awanui, tiishi'.. New Zealand, CO. Mongonui. Awarua Bay, New Zealalul, in co. Colliiigwood. Awaa Oeblrg, plateau, Ilainaraland, S. Africa, 6500 ft. above sea Awatere, tnshp. ami riv., New Zealainl, in co. Marlborough. Awbeg, riv., Ireland, Co. Cork, flows 30 In. to the Blackwater. Awbeg, riv., Irel., CO. Cork, flows 11 111. .S. to the Lee, 3 in. .S. Cork. Awbrldge, liain., England, Hants, i\ in. NW. of Roiiisey. Awe, loch, Scotl., Argyllshire, runs 24 in. to base of Ben Cruaclian. Awe, riv., Scotland, Ilowing 4 ni. from above to Loch Etive. Awe, loch, .Scotland, in Assyiit par., Siitherlandshire. Awlnbanna, riv., Ireland, Co. Wexford, flows 14 111. to the sea. Awinigarry, riv. and bog, Ireland, Co. Kerry, on W. border. Awitu, tnshp., New Zi.'aland, co. and on Manukau Harb. Awkiey, tnshp., England, Notts and Yorkshire, 5 m. SE. Doncaster. Awllscombe, par. and VI I., England, Devon, 2 in. NW. Ifoniton. Awomori, tn., Japan, Nippon I., on A Ba.v, opposite Yesso. P. 11,000. Awre, par., England, Gloucestershire, 2 in. SE. of Newnhain. AwBworth, eccl. dist. ami ry. stn., England, CJ in. NW. Nottingham. AzamB, \\\.t Austria, Tyrol, o 111. W. of Innsbruck, Axar FJorder, large bay on W. coast of Iceland. Aibrldgo, par. ami tn., Engl., .Soiiiersetsh., oj in. NW. Wells. Axe, riv., England, Somerset, flows 25 in. N W. to Bristol Channel. Axe, riv., Engl., Dorset and Devon, flows 21 m. SW. to Engl Chan. Aie Edge HUl, Engl., Derbysh., 4 in. SW. of Buxton. Alt. 1756 ft. Aiedale, tnshp., Victoria, Co. Bendigo, 00 in. N. of Melbourne. Axel, ft. tn., Netherlands, prov. Zealainl, 22111. W. Antwerp. Axenberg, lotn., Switzerlan.l, on Lake of Four Cant.ins, 3345 ft. Aicnfels, Inallh res.irt, Switz., in Canton ami dist. of Schwytz. Axenntcln, li-Mlth resort, Swilz., in canton and dist. of Schwytz. AiovaUa, plain, Sw.'den, Skaraliorgs, lying W. of Skara. Axhoime, lale of, dist., Lincoliish., f.trmed by Rs. Trent, Don, etc Aiim, liril. Bit., W. Africa, Gold Coast, on R. Tenda. Axmlnater, par. and inkt. tn., Devon, 25 in. NE. Exeter. Axmoutb, par. and vil., Engl., Devon, 6 in. SW. Axniinster. Alton,, Wah'S, Flintshire, f)J in. NE. of Rhuddlan. Axtun, tn., Abyssinia, iu Tigre, 85 in. NW. Antalo. Ay, tn., France, dep. Slariie, 16 m. SE. of Reims. Ay, isl., Banda Islands, Jlalay An-liipelago. Ayabaca, vil., Peru, department of Piura. AyacachD, tn., Peru, 140111. WNW. of Cnzco. Pop. 10,212. Ayacucho, In., Argentine Rep., prov. Buenos Ayres. Ayakotta, tn., Malabar dist., Madras, 15 in. N. Cochin. Ayakudi, estate, Madura dist, Madras. Area 42 sq. 111. Ayakndi, tn., Madura dist., Jladras. Lat. lo' 27' N., 77' 33' E. Ayala, tn., Spain, jirov. Alava, dist. Aniurrio. Ayamonte, spt. tn., Spain, 37 in. W. Uuelva. Ayan, It. spt., E. Siberia, about 310 in. from Okhotsk. Ayaaoluk, vil., Asiatic Turkey, site of ancient Epliesus. Ayaviri, vil., Pern, in Pnro department. AyclifEe, par. and vil., Durham, 5 111. N. Darlington. Ayerbe, tn., Sjiain, 17 in. NW. Huesca. Ayi Tbodori, vil., Cyprus I., Laniaka district. Ayle, riv., Ireland, CO. Mayo, fl(,ws 13 in. to Lough Mask. Aylesbeire, ]'ar. and vil., England, Devon, 8 111. E. of Exeter. Aylesbury, mlit. tn., CO. and 16 111. SE. of Bnekinghaui. Aylesford, par. and in., Engl., Kent, 3^ 111. NW. Maidstone. Aylesford, vil.. Nova Scotia, King's Ci\, 87 111. from Halifax, Ayleatone, par. and tnshp., CO. and 2i in. SW. Leicester. Aylmer, vil., Quebec, CO. and 8 ni. above Ottawa. Aylmer, vil., Ontario, CO. E gill, 12 ill. from St Thomas. Aylmer, Lake, small lake, Quebec, in Wolfe co. Aylort, sea loch, Scotland, on SW. coast, Invemess-sliire. Aylsbam, mkt tn., England, Norfolk, 12 in. NW. Norwich. Aymestrey, vil., Engl., Herefordsh., 5^ 111. NW. Leominster. Aynho, par. and vil., Northamptonsh., 6 m. .SE. Banbury. Ayopaya, prov. of Bolivia, in dep. Cochabamba. Ayoquesco, vil., Blexico, .State of Oajaca. Ayora, tu., Spain, 5S m. SW. Valencia. Ayot, ry. stn., En^l., Herts, on Gt. Northern Ry., 22 m. N. London. Aypur, place, on W. coast Sumatra I., Malay Archiiielago. Ayr, pari, and royal burgh, Ayrshire, 40J in. SW. Glasgow. Pop. 23,836. A,,i-, vil., Ontario, Waterloo Co., 63 111. SW. of Toronto. Ayr, tnshp. ^ nsland,onLr. Burdekin R., ncarrlaulatioii Creek. Ayre, small is. , . j.ain, Balearic Is., S. of Minorca. Ayre, Point of, at N. e.vtremity Isle of Man, Enghand. Ayron or Aeron, riv., Wales, flows 17 m. to Cardigan Bay. Ayr RoaJ, ry. .stn., Scotland, Lanarkshire, il m. SE. Larkhall. Ayrsbire, a SW. CO., Scotland. Area 11.18 sq. m. Pop. 224 222 Aysgarth, par. and tnshp., Yorksli., 7ni. W. Leyburn. ' Ayton, par., Engl., Y'orkshire, 2^111. NE. of Stokesley. Ayton, coast par., vil., Scotl., co. and 7^ 111. N W. Berwick. Ayton, vil., Ontario, co. Grey, 9 ni. from Clilford. Ayton Bank, vil., England, Durham, 4^111. SE. Newcaslle-on-Tyne. Aynthia or Yuthia, city, Siaiii, on Meiiani, 54 m. N. of Bangkok. Ayutla, vil., Mexico, state Oajaca, near mouth of Tlascala R. AywaiUe, tn., Belgium, jirov. Liege, on R. Ambleve. Ayyankere or Dodda Madaga-kere, lake, Kadur dist, Mysore State. Azambma, tii., Portugal, dist Lisbim. Azamgarh, (list and (u/isiV, NW. I'rovs. Pop. dist. 1,733,610. Azamgarh, tn., in above dist Lat. 26° 3' N. Azamor, spt tn., Morocco, at mouth of R. Morbev.a. Azangaro, In., Pern, dep. and 96 111. N. of Piilio. Azaredo, spt, Brazil, prov. Bahia, on Sant Espiritii Bay. Azay-Ie-Eideau, tn., France, Iii.lre-et-Loire, 14 m. NE. Cliinon. Azay-If.Perron, tn., France, Iiuire, 7 in. iroiii Mezieres. Azcoltia, tn., h'pain, 23 In. SW. of San Sebastian. Azegiio, vil., Italy, prov. Turin, 6 m. ESE. of Ivrea. Azeitao, tu., Portugal, dist and 15 111. SE. of Lisbon. Azem, dist. and tn., W. Africa, in Dahomey. Azerablea, vil., France, Crease, 8 m. N. La Sonterraine Azerbaijan, prov., N. Persia. Pop. about 1,000 000. Azerley, tnshp., Y-orkshire, Engl., 4J m. NW. of Ripon. Azille, tn., France, Aude, 6111. E. I'eyriacMinervois Azlmgan), vil., Miirshidabad dist, Bengal. Lat. 24'" 14' N Azlmghur. Brc Azamgarh. Aznerijan) or AJmerlgan), vil., .Syllict dist.,, on Surma R. Aznalcoliar, tn., Spain, 17 m. WNW. .Seville. Azores, isl. gri.., N. Atlantic, 800111. W. of Portugal. Pop. 269,401. A2ov,tn., Russia, gov. Yekaterinoslav. Pop. 19,831. Azov, Eea of, inland sea, forming the N. part of the Black Sea. Azpeitia, tn., Spain, 20 111. SW. .San Sebastian. Altaian, ham. and tnshp., Wisconsin, in Jellerson co. Azua, tn., Haiti I., W. Indies, on R. Bia, 3 in. from its mouth. Aznaga, tn., Spain, prov. Badajoz, dist. Llerena. Aznara, tn., Spain, prov. .Saiagossa, 9 m. SW. of B.Ioliite. Azuay, prov., Ecuador. Area 11,300 sq. 111. Pop. 104,639. Azuero, pen.. Cent America, in W. of Gulf of Panama, Azul, tn., Argentine Rep., j.rov. Buenos Ayres. Azyris, small spt , Tripoli, on coast of liarca. Azzano Decimo, vil., Italy, Udine, 8 m. SE. Pordcnone. Ba, vd. ami riv., Fiji, in Viti Levu Island. Ba, isl., .Scotland, in par., Ross-shire. Ba, loch, Scotland, on Raniioch iiiour, NE. Argyllshire. Ba, loch, and riv., Scotland, Mull I , Argyllshire. Biagoe, isl., Denmark, between Falster, Moeii, and Seeland. Baagoe, isl., Denmark, in Litlle Belt, W. of Fniien I. Baak, vil., Westphalia, circle lioclium, 1 m. NW. Hattingen Baalbek, vil., Sjria, at foot of Anti-Lebanon. Baan, vil., Hungary, 14 in. SE. otTrenczin. Baan, vil , Hungary, co. Baianya, 14 111. S. of Moliacs. Baan Baa, ry. sin., N. S. W., CO. Pottinger, 240 111. NE. of Sydney. Baar, largo dist., in Baden and Wurtembirg. Area 250 Baar, vil., Rwilzerland, cireleaud 2j 111. N. of Zug. BaarJeradeol, vil., N. thcrlamls, 5 In. SW. Lceuwarden. Baarle-Nassan, tli.,Netlierlamls, N. Brab.ant, 12 m. SSK. Breda. Baam, vil., Neth.rlands, Utrecld, 6 in. NW. Amersfoori. Baba, spt tn., Asia Minor, at its W. extremity. Baba, isl., E. Archipelago, 80 In. W. of Timor- Laut 2.'i BAB THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BAG Baba-Bndaa or Chamira Drona, nitns., Kadur dist., Mysore, InJin. Baba-Dagh, ft. tn., Kuuiiiaina, 93 111. NE. Silistria. Pop. 10,000. Babahoyo or Bodegas, spt. tn., Ecuador, prov. Rios. Babai-Atik, vil., Turkey, in vilayet of Adrianople. Babbala, vil. ami ry. stu., Budann dist., NW. Provs., India. Babbicombe, coast vil., Engl., Devon, 1 j m. KE. Torquay. Babbila, vil., W. Africa, dist. Sankurn, on R. Niger. Babcary, par., England, Somerset, 3 1 in. NE. Ilcliester. Eabek, tn., Persia, prov. Kerinan, KXE. of Shiraz. Babel I., Tasmania, Furneaux grp., E. of Flinders I. Babel-Mandeb, strait uniting Red .Sea with Indian Ocean. Babelsberg, royal castle, Prussia, in district of Potsdam. Babelthuap, lar^^'est of the Felew Islands, Pacific Ocean. Babenhausen, nikt. Vil., Bavaria, to ni. SE. Illertissen. Babenhausen, tn., Germany, in Hessen, 6in. NE. of Dieburg. Baberu, U'.hsil, Banda dist., NW. Provs. Area 362 sq. m. Baberu, tn. and hd.-qrs. of above tithsil. Babhar, native state and tn.,Guzerat, Bombay. Ar. 80 sq. ni. Babhnipipair, jxirgana, Gonda dist., Oudh. Area 67 sq. ni. Babi or Eimalur, isl., E. Indies, W. of Sumatra. Area 656 sq. ni. Babiacora, vil., Mexico, prov. Sonora, 50 m. SSTV. of Arispe. Bablagura, iiitn. chain, Austria, in the Cifrpathians. Babinagreda, vil., Slavonia, 30 m. E. of Brod. Babine Like, Bnt. Columbia, source of a tributary of Columbia R. Babington, par and ry. stn., Enj;!., Somerset, 5 111, NW. Frome. Bablnka, riv., Russia, gov. Riazan, affl. of the Oka. Babino, vil, Russia, in gov. of Novgorod. Babinovitchi, tn., Russia, gov. and 70 m. N. Mohilev, Babla 1: r Dwarka, riv.. Lower Bengal, trib. of the Bhagiratlii. Bablock Hj-the, England, ferry on R. Isis, 7^ m. SW. Oxford. Babocsa, nikt. vil., Hungary, 14 m. S. Nagy-Atad. Babolna, vil., Hungary, CO. Koniorn. Site of Austrian victory 1848. Babot. ^■i]., IIuni,'ary, co. and 30 ni. ESE. Oedcnburg. Eabra, potty state, Bombay. The vil. is in lat. 21" 51' N., 71° 21' E. Babraham, par. and vil., England, CO. and 6\ ni. SE. Cambridge. Babriawar, tnn't, Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat. 20° 47' N., long. 71° 3' E. Eabuabera, vil., Eardwau dist., Bengal, India. Eabuk, vil., Tibet, on N. frontier of Nepal. Long. So' 40' E. Babuyan Islands, grp., Pacific Ocean, N. of Luzon. Bibworth, p ir. and vil., Engl., Nott.^, iS m. W. of E. Retford. Babylon, ham., Walc'^, Flintshire, 3 m. KE. Caergwrle. Babylon, ruins, Asiatic Turkey, on R. Euphrates, near Uillali. Babylon, tn.. New York, in Suffolk Co. Babylon, vil., Illinois, in Fulton co. Babylon Hill, eminence, cos. Dorset and Somerset, i m. E. of Yeovil. Baby's Point, vil., Ontario, Lambtonco., 24 in. from barnia. Bacalan, suburb of Bordeaux, dep. Gironde, France. Bacalar, San Telipe de, spt., Yucatan, 86 m. NW. Belize. Bacaliau or Bacalliao, U\. offE. coast Of Newfoundland. Baccarat, tn., Fr., Jleurthe-et-Moselle, 15 m. SE. Luntjvillo. Bacchiglione, riv., N. Italy, flows 80 m. to Adriatic, near Chioggia. Bacchus Marsh, tn., Victoria, co. Bourke, 31m. NW. Melbourne. Bacescl, vil., Ruuniania, in Moldavia, circle of Roman. Bich-beg and B.-more, two isls., Scotl., Trislinish Is., Argyllshire. Bacher Gebirge, mtns., Styria. Contains Velka Kai)pa, 5070 ft. Bachhrawan, ]'ifviii'n«, tn., Rai Barelidist., Oudh. Bachi Islands, Philippines. See Bashee Islands. Bachinio, llI^hp,, Victoria, 15 m. E. of S. Australian bord'"r. Bachireddipalem, vil., Nellore dist., Madras. Bachlui, riv., Moldavia, near Yassy, tributary of the Prutli. Bachmut, tn., Russia, in gov. Yekaterinoslav, on R. Donetz. P. 12,061. Bachnagaira Falls, cascades on R. South Esk, Forfarshire, Scotland. Bachnen(Bonyha), vil., Transylvania, circle Maros-Vasai hely. Bachoi, ri\'., W. Africa, atlluent of the Senegal at Bafoulabe. Bachsee, lake, Switzerland, dist. Interlaken, 7300 ft. above sea. Bachta, riv., Siberia, gov. Yeniseisk, affluent of R. Yenisei. BachtcMserai, Crimea. iSVr Bakhtchiserai. Bachwy or Machwy, riv., Wales, liadnorshire, 10 ni. to R. Wye. Bach-ynys, isl., Wales, Carmarthen, in R. Llwchwr. Back, vil., Scotland, Lewis L, 7 ni. NE. of Stornoway. Back, vil,, Ireland, co. Londonderry, Drumachoso par. Back nr Gt. Fish R., iJoni. of Canada falls into Arctic Oce.m. Backaskail, bay, in Sanday I., Orkney, producing shell-li^h. Backbarrow, locality, England, Lancasliire, SJ m. SW. Kendal. Back Bay, set.. New Brunswick, 7 m. from St. Goorge. Back Creek, Va., Frederick and Berkley cn^., joins the Potomac: Back Creek, tnslip., Norih Carolina, in Randolph co. Backergunge, India. iSce Bakar^anJ. Backford, par. and Inslip., Englantl, Cheshire, 3^ m. N. Chester. Backies, ham., Scotland, Sutheilandshire, 2 m. N. of Golspie. Backmuir, vil., Scotland, Fifeshire, z^m. SE. of Ceres. Backmoir, vil., Scotland, Forfarsliiie, 5J m. NW. of Dundee. Backnang, tn., Wiirtenibei^, 18 ni. NE. Stuttgart. Backwell, par, England, Somerset, 7 ni. SW. Bristol. Backworth, tnslip , Northumberland, 4^ NW. North Shields. Bac-ninh, inland tn., Anam, in Tonquin. Pop. 10-12,000. Bacolor, tn., Luzon, Philippine Is., joni. NW. Manilla. Bacon, 2 tns., Philippine Is., one on Mindoro, the other on Luzon I. Bacongau, vil., on W. coast of Sumatra I. Baconniire, La, vil., France, dep. Mayenne, 4 m. S. of Chailland. Bacqueville, vil., France, Seine-Infer , jo m. SW. Dieppe. Bacs, tn,, Hungary, dist. and 30 m. S. of Zombor. Baca-Bodrog, comitat, Hungary. Area 42S0 sq. ni. Pop. 638,063. Bacsfaln, vil. , Transylvania, 4m. SE. Krontjadt.on R. Tomos. Bacska, region, Hungary, between Danube and Theiss. Bacsnjfalu, vil., Hungary, dist. and 3 m. ENE, of Bacs. Bacton, par., England, Suflolk, 6 m. N. Stowmarket. Bacnbirito, mining-place, Mexico, in state of Sinaloa. Bacnp, tn., Engl., Lancasliire, jglra. N. Manchest>.r. Badagara, tn., Malabar dist., Madras. Badagiy, tn., Dahomey, on Slave Coast, Pop. iO,O0O. Badf^oz, prov., Spain, in Estremadura. Area 8453 sq. m. P. 480,418. Badajoz, tn., Spain, on R. Guadiana, 1^2 m. E. of Lisbon. P. 27,279. Badakshan, ter., Afghan Turkestan, between Oxus and Hindu Knsli. Badalona, tii., Spain, prov. and 8 m. NE. of Barcelona. Pop. 13,749. Badalncco, tn., It-aly, circle and 12 m. from San Remo. Badaml, sub-div., Kaladgi dist., Bombay. Area 676 sq. m. Badami, tn., Kaladgi dist, Bombay, India. Badania, tn., Servia, 24m. S. of Liesnitza. Badaraua, tn., Fellata country, Sokoto, Soudan. Badarganj, \i\., Rangpnr dist., Bengal. Lat. 25° 40' N., long. 89' 6' E. Badari River, Mysore, Madras, flows S. to the Hemavati. Bidariya, vil., Etah dist., NW. Provs., India. Badarpur, India. i5ee Badjpnr. Badauaa, tahsil and tn., Banda dist., NW. Provs., India. Badbury or B. Rings, hundred, England, E. Dorset. Badby, par. and vil., England, Northamptonsli., -zUn. SW. Daventry. Baddeck, spt. tn., No\a ticotia, in Cape Breton Island. Baddegama, vil,, Ceylon, in Southern Province. Eaddesley Ensor, par., Warwickshire, 3 ni. N W. AtherstoLC. Baddesley, North, par., Engl., Hants. 3.V m. SE. Romsey. Baddiginnie, tnshp., Victoria, co. Moira, 100 ni. NE. of Melbourne. Baddow, Gt., par., vil., Engl., Essex, 2 m. SE. Chelmsford. Baddow, Little, par. and vil , Essex, 4m..NE. Chelmsford. Baddn, vil., Liberia, W. Africa, in dist. of Mena. Ba4ebom, vil,, Germany, in Anlialt, 4m. ESE. Quedllnburg. Baden, grand duchy, SW. Germany. Area 5S93 sq. ni. Pop. 1.656. 817. Baden, tn., Germany, in above, jSm. SW. of Carlsruhe. Pop. 12,779. Baden, tn. , Switz., canton Aargau, 14 ni. N W. of Zurich. Baden, tn.. Lower Austria, j2 m. SW. Vienna. Baden, tn., France, dep. Morbihan, 10 m. SW. Vannes. Baden or Baddanloch, loch, Scotl., Kildonan par., Sntherlandsliire. Badenoch, mtnous. dist., Scotland, SE. Inverness-shire. Badenstijn, place with fort, W. Africa, in Axim district. Badesar, vil., Udaipur state, Rajputana, India. Badgeworth, par. and vil., Glnucestersh., 4 m. SW. Cheltenham. Badhalgaon, tn., Gorakhpur dist., NW. Piovs. Badia, tn., Italy, on R. Adige, n m. NW. of Rovlgo. Badln or Badino, talul' and tn., Haidarabad dist., Bombay. Badingham, par., Engl., SufTolk, 3^ m. NE. Framlingliam. Badlpudi, taluk, Nellore dist., Madras, included in Kandukur. Badiraguato, vil., Mexico, prov. Sinaloa, 10 m. N. Culiacan. Badkert, tn., Hungary, 28 ni. SE. Kecskemet. Badminton, Gt., par., Gloucestershire, 5 m. NE. Chipping Sodbury. Badnera, tn. and ry. stn., India, Amraoti dbt., Berar. Badnievatz, vil., Servia, in circle of Kragn jevatz. Badnur, tn., India, Betul dist., Central Provs. Badolato, tn., Italy, in Calabria, 15 ni. S. of Sqnillacp. Badolatosa, tn., Spain, prov. Se^'ille, 10 ni. E. of Estepa. Badong, state and spt., on S. side of Bali, Malay Arch. Pop. 130,000. Badonviller, vil,, France, Meurtho-et-Moselle, 9 m, ENE. Baccarat. Bade Sarai, fargnna and tn., Bara Banki dist., Oudh. Badrihat or Ghiasabad, jiolice outpost, Murshidabad, Bengal, Badrinath, peak, Himalayas, NW. Provs., India. Alt. 23,210 ft. Badrupur or Badarpur, vil., Syllietdist., Assam. British victory 1826. Badsey, par. and Ail., Worcestersh., 2 m. SE. Evesham. Badshahpur, tn., Jaunpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Eadshahpor, hill torrent, Delhi and Gurgaon dists., Punjab. Badsworth, par. and tnshp., Engl., Yorksh., 5 m. S. of Pontefract. Badulla, tn., Ceylon, in Central Province. Badoria, tn., Bengal, dist. of 24 Parganas. Badvel, tahik, Cuddapah dist., Madras. Area 755 sq. m. Baelen, tn., Belgium, prov. Antwerp, 14 ni. SE. Turnhout. Baena, tn., Spain, prov. and 23 m. SE. of Cordov.-i. Pop. 13,336. Baependy, tn., Brazil, Minas-Geraes, 180 m. WNW. Rio de Janeiro. Ba«srode, vil., Belgium, E. Flanders. 3 m. E. Dendermonde. Baeza, tn., Spain, prov, and 21 ni. NE. of Jacn. Pop. 14,377. Baf, Lake, Sweden, Sodermans lau, contains numerous isls. Baffa, tn., Hazaradist,, Puniab. Lat 34° 26' N., long. 73° 15' E. Baffa, vil., Cyprus, 56 m. WSW. of Nicosia. Baffi, vil.. West Africa, on the Togo lagoon. Baffin Bay, part of N. Polar sea, E. of Greenland. Baffinland, large isl., Canada, in Arctic Circle, W. of Davis Strait. Baffu, mkt. tn., W. Africa, Dahomey, at foot of Kfmg Mtns. Baflo, vil., Netherlands, prov. and 10 ni. NXW. Groningen. Bafoulabe, French set., W. Africa, on the Senegal. Bafra, vil., Asiatic Turkey, vila\ et Trebizoud, 26 ni. NW. Samsun. Eaga, isl., on Danakil coast. Gulf of Arabia. Eagagem, tn., Brazil, prov. Minas Geraes, on R. Bagagem. P. 10,000. Bagalkot, sub-div., Kaladgi dist., Bombay. Ar. 683 sq.m. Bagalkot, chief tn., in above sub-div., Bombay. Bagamlaji, place with ry. stn., Luzon, Philippine Islands. Bagamoyo, spt. tn., German E. Africn, opposite Zanzibar. P. 10,000. Baganga, spt., Mindanao, Philippine Islands. Eagaspur, tn,, Narsinghpnr dist.. Cent. Provs., India. Bagasra, petty state, S. Kathiawar, Bombay, comprises 15 vils. Bagasra, tn., Kathiawar Pen., Bombay. Lat. 21° 29' N., long. 71' E. Bagat, tn., Luzon, Philippine Islands. Bagaud, jxirgano, Dewas state, C'Ut. India. Area 70 sq. m. Bagborough, West, par., Engl., Somerset, 8 m. NW. of Taunton. Bagbnry, ham., England, Somerset, i ni. S. of Slieptou Mallet. Bagdad, city. As. Turkey, cap. of B. prov., on R. Tigris. Pop. 100,000. Bagdogra, tn., Rangpur dist., Bengal. Bag6, tn., Prazil, jTov. Rio Granile do Snl. Bageida and B. Beach, vil. and German factory, Tugo est., W. Africa. Bagelen, residency, Java, E. Indies. Area 1323 sq. ni. P. 1,270,422. Bagenalstown, tn., Ireland, co. and 10 m. SW. of Carlow. Bagenbon, prom., Ireland, in SW. of co. Wexford. Eagesar, tn., Kumaun dist., NW. Provs., India, 3000 ft. above sea. Bagewadi, sub-div., Kaladgi dist., Bombay. Area 764 sq. m. Baggage Knowe, eminence, Scotland, Kilsyth par., Stirlingshire. Baggio, vd., Italy, circle and 5 m. W. of Rlilan. Baggotrath, vil., Ireland, co. and 2 m. SE. of Dublin. Baggotrath, West, vil., Ireland, co. and 5 ni.SW. Dublin. Baggra, hill range, Ireland, co. Cork, Duhallow and Mnskerry bars, Baggrow.ry. stn., England, Cumbtrland, 18 m.SW, of Carlisle. 26 BAG THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BAL BasST Point, headland, England, Devon, 5 ni. X. of inouth of R. T:i\v. Bagh, riv., Bliautiara dist., Cent. Provs., India. Bagh, tn., Gwalior, India, 80 m. SW. Ujjain. Cave temples noir. Baghal, protected hill state, Punjab, India. Ar. 124 sq. m. Saghar, branch of R. Indus, Karachi dist., Bombay, India. Baghat, protected hill state, Punjab. Area 36 sq. in. Baghbanpur, viL, Lahore dist, Punjab, contains Slialimar Gardens, Bighdanga, vil., Jessor dist., Bengal. Lat. 23' 13' N., long. 8g° 12' B Baghelkliand, colleciiou of native states, Cent. India. Ar. 11,323 .sq. m. Bagherat, sub-div. and tn., Khulna dist., Bengal. Aren 679 sq. in. Bagheria, tn., Sicily, prov. and n m. E. of Palermo. Pop. 15,007. Baghirmi, negro ttate, Soudan, S. of Lake Chapine Islands, 50 m. S. of Palawan. BAL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BAL Balabalagan, grp. of 13 isls., E. Indies, in Strait of Sliicassar. Balabea, hinall i.>l., Piicitic Ocean, N. of New Caledonia. Balachany, tn., Asiatic Russia, gov. Baku. Petroleum springs. Balachna, tu., Russia, piiv. and 20 in. N. Nijni Novgorod. Balai^lava. 6'ce Balaklava, Balaclava, TS- stu.» Victoria, 5 m. E. of Melbourne. Baladaka, vil., British Baluchistan, Lat. 30* N. Balade, harb., K. est., New CaleJooia, first point touched by Cook. Balaganj, \il., SylUet dist., Assam. Lat. 24° 39' N., lung, gi* 52' K Balagansk, tn., Siberia, iiom. NW. of Irkutsk. Balagarh, tn., Bengal, Hu-li dist., on R. Hugli. Balaghat, name given to certain dists. in the Kamatic. Lat. 8' 10' N. Balaghat, upland tract of Berar. Lat. 20° 29' N., long. 76° 37' E. Balaghat, dist, Najipur, Cent. Frovs., India. Area 3146 sq. m. Balaguer, tn., Spain, prov. and 18 ni. NE. of Leiida. Bala'iera, vil., Jaipur, Rajputana. Lat. 26° 57' N., long. 76° 47' E. Balahi Hilla, Bhandaia, Cent. Provs., India. Alt. 400 ft. above plain. Balah Lake, Isthmus of Suez, traversed by The Suex Canal. Balakhissar (Balikesrl), tu., Asiatic Turkey, 75 m. SW. Erusa, and 95 m. NXE. Smyma, Pop. 12,500. Balaklava, tn., Crimea. Site of battle, October 1354. Balaklava, vil., Scot!., Renfrewsh., 1 m. NE. Johnstone. Sec Clippens. Balaklava, tn., S. Australia, 67 m. N. of Adelaide. Balakot, In., Ilazara dist., Punjab. Balakot, ft. vil., Damoh dist.. Central Provs., India. Balamau, yionjana. and tn., Hardoi dist., Oudli. Aiea 25 sq. ni, Balambangan, isk.olf NE. coast of Borneo. Area 46 sq. m. Bala MuTghab, fnit, Afghanistan, on Murghab River. Balanda, tn., Russia, in gov. of Saratov. Balaaga, tn., Luzon I., Pliilippine Islands, on Manilla Bay. Balanginie, sm. i^l., Sulu Archipelago, E. Indies. Pop. 10,000. Balangoda, tn., Ceylon, in Western Province. Balante, peninsula on E. coast of Celebes, E. Indies. Balapur, talxil: and tn., Akola dist., Berar. Area 570 sq. m. Balarampur, tn., Knch Behar state, Bengal. Pop. 10,696. Balasan River, Darjiling dist., Bengal, India. BaJashove, tn., Russia, gov. Saratov, on R. Khoper. Pop. 10,088. BaJasiaor, iKitive state, Gujarat, Bombay. Ai-ea i8g so m. P. 46,328. BaJasinor, chief tn. iu above state, Bombay. BaJasor, dist., Orissa, India. Area 2066 sq. m. Pop. 989,230. Balasor, sub-div. and tn. in above. Pop. Oi. 20,770. BalisorMt., W. Ghats, Malabar dist., Madras. Alt. 6762 ft. Balassa-Gyarmath, tn., Hungary, 50 m. NNE. ofPcstli. Balaton Lake, Hungarian name for the Platten See, q.v. Balayan, dist. and bay, Luzon, Philippine Islands, S\V. of Manilla, Balbamip, lushp., W. Australia, 161 m. S. of Perth. Balbi, mtn., on Bougainville I., Pacific Ocean. Alt. 10,305 It. Balbirnie, ham., Scoiland, Forfarshire, 2J m. NE. of Meiglo. Balblavi, vil., Scotland, Ross and Cromarty, si m. W. of Tain. Balbrisgan, spt. tn., Irel., CO. and 22 ni. NXE. Dublin. Balbrogie, vil., Scotland, Coupar-Angus par., E. Perthshire. Balbung, tnslip., N. S. Wales, co. Nicliolson. Balbunnoch, vil., Scotland, Perthshire, 4 m. "W. of Dundee. Balby-with-Hexthorpe, tnslip., Yorksh., z in. SW. Doncaster. Balcairn, tn., New iiealantl, 30 m. N. of Cliristclmrch. Balcarrick, vil., Irekmd, co. Dublin, 4 m. E. of Swords. Balcarry, bay, S -ntland, co. and 9 m. E. of Kirkcudbright. Balcha. pass, Garhwal state, NW. Provs.. 88^8 ft. above sea. Balcharl L, Lo\v>'r B-mgal, India, iu the Matla R. Balchino, tn., Asia Minor, on route fmm Brusa to Smyrna. P. 15,000. Balclutha, tn., N<\v Zealand, 52^ m. SW. of I>unedin. Balcombe, par. and vil., Engl.,T^ussex, 4 m. N. Cuckfield. Balcoracama Creek, S. Australia, branch of L. Frome. Bald Eagle Mtna., Pa., near Juniata R. and Bald Eagle Valley. Bald Eagle River, Pa., tributary Of the Susquehanna R. Bald Face Moiuitain, N. Y., peak of Adirondack Mtns. Alt. 3903 ft. Baldegger See, lake, Switzerland, g m. N. of Lucerne. Baldeaburg, tu., W. Prussia, 33 m. NW. of Kouitz. Baldcras, tn., Spain, 30 m. SSW. of Leon. Baldernock, ^lar., Scotland, Stirlingshire, 7^ m. N. of Glasgow. Baldersby, tnshp. and ry. stn., England, Yorkshire, 5 m. NE. of Hipuu. Balderton, par., England, Notts, 2 m, SE. Newark. Baldeva or Baldeo, \ il., Muttra dist., NW. Provs., India. Bald Head, Me., peak of Mt. Wa.-,hington. Alt. 2624 ft. Bald HIUs, tushp., Victoria, co. Tanjil, 113 m. E. Melbourne. Baldock, par. and tn., Engl., Herts, 5 m. NE. Hitchin. Baldovan, vil. and ry. stn., Scotland, Fortarsh., 3 m. N. IJundee. Baldoyle, fishing vil., Ireland, co. and 5 m. NE. Dublin. Baldragon, ry. stn., Sctland, Forfarsh., 3 m. NW. Dundee. Baldwin Island, P iji. Lat. 17° 30' S., b-ng. 176" 55' E. Baldwin, vil. and summer resort, N. Y., Queen's Co. Baldwin, bnrough, Pennsylvania, butler co. Baldwinsville, vil., N. Y., Onondaga co., on Seneca R, Bale, Switzerland. See Basle. Balearic Is., grp., Spain, iu Slediterranean. Area 1936 sq. m. Balerna, vil., Switz., Ticino, 2 m. S. of Mendrisio. Balemo, vil., Scotland, co. and 7 m. SW. Edinburgh. Balesci, vil., Roumauia, 12 m. W. of Rimnik. Balestrate, vil., Sieily. dist. and 22 m. W. Palermo. Baleswar, branch of the Ganges, Nadiyadist., Bengal. Balfln, ibl., Chili, prov. Atacama; exports guano. Balfour, vil.. Cape Colony, Stoekenstroin division. Balfour R., Tasmania, trib. of Arthur R., flows N. Ba'fron, vil., Scothmd, Co. and 20 m. SW. of Stirling. BaOfrush, tu., Persia, prov. Mazanderan, 20 ni. W. ctSari. Balgach, vil., Switz., 11 m. E. of St. Gall. Balgonle, MUtonof, vil., Scot., Fifesh., ijm. SE. Markinch. Balgowan, ry. stn., Si:otland, co. and 9 m. W. of Perth. Balgowan, tnshp., S. Australia, Fergussim co., on Spencer's Gulf. Balgriffin, jiar. and vil., Irel., co. and 5 m. NE. of Dublin. Balhajmah, tn., S. Australia, 28J m. E. of Adelaide. Bali, tn., Hugli dist., Bengal. Lat. 22' 49' N. Bali, mkt. vil. andry. stn., Hugli dist., Bengal. Hindu academv. Bali, i^l., Malay Arcli., E. of Java. Area 3170 sq. in. P. 1,350,00b. Baliaghata, vil. and canal, 24 Parganas dist., Bengal; canal 5^ m. long, Balighatiam, vil., Vizagapatain dist., Madras, a sacred shrine. Baligrod, tn., Galicia, circle and 18 m, SE. of Sanok. Balibri, tn., Jabalpur dist., Cent. Provs., India. Balikesrl, tn., Asia Minor, 75 m. SW. of Brusa. Pop. 12,500. Balingen, tn., Wurtemberg, 25 ni. S. of Reutlingen. Balintober, par., Ireland, co. Mayo, 7 m. S. Castlcbar. Balintober, par. and vil., Irel., Roscommon, i ni. from Ballymoe. Balintore, fishing vil., Scotl., Hoss-sh., 6i m. SE. of Tain. Balintradd, haib. and pier, Scotl., Ross-sh , 3 m. NE. Invergordou. Ba ipara, forest reserve, Darrang dist., Assam. Area 83 sq. m. Balirangan Mtns., C, Kilkenny, 4 m. N. Waterford. Ballincoslan© (Ballycuslane), par., Kerry, 10 in. NE. Killarney. Balllndalloch, ham. and ry.stn., Scotl., Elginsh., 12 in. NE. Grantown, BUlinderry, par., Ireland, co. Antrim, on L. Neagh. Eallindine or Ballindangan, vil., co. Slayo, n ni. ENE. Ballinrobe. BallindooD, coast par., Connemara, Galway, Ireland. Ballingaddy, par., Irel., Limerick, 3 ni. S. of Kilniallock. Eallingarry, par. and tn., Irel., co. and 16 m. SW. Limerick. Balllngarry, jiar. and vil., Tipperary co., 15 m. SW. Thurlea, Eallingeary, vil., Ireland, co. Cork, 13 111. SW. Macroom. Ballinglen, ry. stn., Ireland, co. Wicklow, 3 m. KE. Tinahely. Balllngrane, ry. June, Ireland, co. Limericl;, 3 m. N. Ratlikeale. Balliugry, par. and ham., Scotland, Fifeshire, 3 m. NW. Lochgelly. Ballinhassig, par. and ry. stn., Ireland, co. and ()\ 111. SE. Cork. Balllnlough, vil. and ry. stn., Roscommon, 6 m. VVSW. Castlereagh. Balllnluig, vil. and ry. J'mic, Scotland, co. and 23J m. NW. Perth. Ballinrobe, mkt. tn., Ireland, Galway and Mayo, 17 ni. S. Castlebar. Eallinakelliga Bay, Ireland, in SW. of co. Kerry. Ballintemple, par., Ireland, co. and 6 m. SW. Cavan. EaUintoberor Ballintubbert, vil.. Ink, Queen's Co., 1 ni. SW. Athy. BalUntogher, vil. and ry. stn., Ireland, co. and 6 ni. SE. Sligo. BaUlntoy, est. par. and vil., Irel., N. co. Antrim. Balllntra, \il., Ireland, en, and 5 m. S. Donegal Eallintuim, vil., Scotland, Perthsb., 9 m. NW. Blairgowrie. Ballinvoher, coast par., Irel., co. Kerry, 13 m. SW. Tralee. BalUtore, vil., Ireland, co. Kildar-, 7 m. NE. of Athy. Balloch, vil. and ry. stn., Scotl., Dumbartonsh., fuotof I-. Lomond. Ballochbuie, royal deerforest, Scot., Aberdeensh., 4 m. SW. Balmoral. Ballon, tn., France, dep. Sarthe, 12 m. NNE. of Le Mans. Ballon, par. and vil., Ireland, co. and 9 m. SE. of Carlow. Ballon d'Alsace, peak, Vosges Mtns., France. Alt. 4690 ft. Ballon de Guebwiller, highest peak Vosges Mtns. Alt. 4697 ft. Ballots, vil., France, Mayenne, 6 m. NE. St. Aignan-sur-Roe. Ballston Spa, vil., New Yorlc, cap. bUr-noga c-o. Mineral springs. BaUwyl, vil., Switz., canton and 7 m. N. of Lucerne. Ballyadams, par., Ireland, Queen's Co., 3 m. W. of Athy. 28 BAL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BAN Ball^aghran or Agherton, par., Londonderry, 3 m. XW. Colerainc- Ballybacon, par., Ireland, Tipperary, 10 m. S\V. Clonmel. Ballybay, tu,, Ireland, CO. and o m. SE. of Monaghan. Ballybeg, ry. sin,, Ireland, co. Meath, 6 ni. N\V. Navan. Ballybofey, viL, Inl., co. Donegal, 2 m. from Stranorlar. Ballyboy, par. and vil., Ireland, King's Co , on R. Silver. Ballybrack, ry. stn., Ireland, co, and 11 in. SE. Dublin. BaJlybrophy, June, stn., Ireland, Queen's Co., 67 ni. SW. Dublin. BaJlybunnioQ, vil., Ireland, co. Kerry, 9 ni. NW. Listowel. Ballyburke, vil,, Ireland, co. Mayo, 6 in. SE, ofWestport. Ballycanew, jiar, and vil., Ircdaiid, co. Wexford, 5 ni. S. of Gorey. Ballycarney, ]i:tr. ami vil., Wi-xfnrd, 5 ni. N. Enniscortliy. Ballycarogae (Ballykeroge), vil., Waterford, 5 in. SSV. Kilniactliomas. Ballycarry, vil. and ry. stn., Ireland, co. Antrim, fj m. SE. Larnc. Ballycastle, nikt. tn., co. Antrim, 15 m. N. IJallymoney. Ballycaatle, vil., Ireland, co. Slayo, 30 ni. N. of Castlebar. Ballyclare, nikt. tn., Irel., co. Antrim, loi ni. SW. Larne. Ballyclog, par., Ireland, co. Tyrone, 2 in. EXE. Stewartstown. Ballyclogh, p;ir. and vil., Irel., co. Cork, 3 m. NW. Blallow. Ballyclog, par., Indand, co. Antrim, contains part of Ballymena, Bailycoimell, iiikt. tn., Ireland, co. and 14 ni. NW. of Cavan. Ballycottln, ^il,, Ireland, co. Cork, 11^111. SE, Middleton. BallycToane or Bailychroan, li.sbing vil., Irel., co. Cork, Kenmare R. Ballycolter, ]'.-ir. and vil., Irel., co. Down, 5 ni. ENE. Downpatrick. Ballydehob, \ il., In land, co. Cork, 8 in. W. Skibbereen. Ballydonegan, Ii.shing vil., Ireland, co. Cork, 7 ni. WSW. Castletown. BaUyfaman, vil,, Irel., CO. Roscommon, 8 m. NE. of Boyle. Ballygar, \il., Irel., co. Gahvay, 8 in. SW. of Rosconnnon. Ballygawley, mkt. tn., CO. Tyrone, 11 ni. SW. Dunganuon. Ballygeary Bay, Ireland, in SE. CO. Wexford. Ballyglasa, vd., Ireland, co. Mayo, 9 m. SE. of Castlebar. Ballygowan, ry. stn., Ireland, co. Down, 12 m. SE. of Belfast. Ballygnnge, suburb of Calcutta and ry. stn. BaUyhack, lisliing vil., Irel., co, WexVord, 10 m. SE. of Waterford, BaUyhalbert or Bt, Andrews, coast vil., Ir. land, E. co, Down. BaUyhaunis, vil., Inl., co. Mayo, 22 m. SE. of Castlebar. Ballyhean, par., Irrland, co, Jlayo, 8 m. E, ofWestport. Ballyhelge, par. and vil., Irel., co. Kerry, 12 m. NW. Tralee. Ballyhooly, par. and vil., Inl., co. and 18m. SE. of Cork. Ballyhoman, fishing vil., Ireland, co. Down, 4 ni. NE. of Ardglass. BaUyhuflkard, i»ar., co, Wexford, 4 ni. SE. Enni^scortliy. BaUyjamesduff, mkt. tn., Inl., co. and 11 m. SE, of Cavan. Ballykean, pir., Irel , King's Co., 4 in. SE. of Geashill. Ballykelly, \ il, an^l ry. stn,, Irel., co. and 13 m, NE. Londonderry. Ballykine,, Ireland, co. Wicklow, 4 ni. SW. of Rathdrum. Ballylanders, par. and vil., co. Limerick, 10 ni. ESE. Kilmallock. Ballylaneen, i)ar. and vil., co. Waterford, containing Kilmacthoinas. Ballylinny, par,, Irtl., co. Antrim, 6 m. W. Carrickfergus. Ballylongford, ^ il,, Irel., co. Kerry, 8 ni. N. of Listowel. Ballylooghloe, pai',, Irel., co. Westmeath, 4 m. NW. Moate. Ballymat-egan, is!,, Ireland, co. Tipperary, in L. Derg. BaUymacelligott, par., Irtl., co. Kerry, 5 m. E. of Tralee. Ballymachugh, jiar., Ireland, co. Cavan, 7 in. NW. of Oldcastle. Ballymackey, jiar. and bam., Irel., co. Tipperary, 4 m. E. of Nenagh. Ballymacormick, par., Ireland, co. and 3 in. S. of Longford. Ballymacward, par., Ircdand, King's Co., 3 m, N. of Woodlawn. Ballymahon, mkt. tn., Ireland, co. and 12 m. S. of Longford. Ballymakeimy, par,, Ireland, co, Louth, 3 m, N. of IJrogheda. Ballymartle, jjar. and ry. stn., Irel,, co, Cork, 6 m. N. of Kinsale, Bailymaacanlan, jxir., Ireland, CO. Louth, 3 m. NE. of Dundalk. Ballymena, mkt. In., Irel., co, Antrim, 33 in. NW. Belfast. BaUymodan, jar., Ireland, co. Cork, containing Bandon. BaUymoe, vil. and ry. stn., Irel., co. Galway, 5 m. S. of Castlereagh. Ballymoney, mkt. tn., Ire]., co, Antrim, 53 in, NW. Belfast. Ballymoney, par., Irel., co. Cork, containing Ballyneeii. Ballymore, jKir., Irel., CO. Armagh, containing Tandcragee. Ballymore, i»;ir. and vil,, Irel., co. Westmeath, 15 in. W. MuUingar. Ballymore Eustace, par. and tn., Ireland, co. Kildare, on R. Liffey. Ballymote, mUt. tn,, Ireland, co. and 14 in. S. of Sligo. Ballymurreen, par., Ireland, co. Tipperary, 5 in. SE. Thurles. BaUymnrtagh, hill, Ireland, co. Wicklow, 4 m, S. of Rathdrum. BaUymyre, par., Irel., co. Armagh, jo m. NW. Newry. BaUynacarrigy, vil., co. Westmeath, 8 m. NW, MuUingar. Ballynacorra, vil., Irel,, CO. Cork, 2 m. S. of Middleton. BaUynacourty, ])ar. and vil., Irel., co. Galway, 6 m. S. Oraninore. Ballynacourty, par., Ireland, CO. Kerry, 10 in. NE. of Dingle. Ballynagaul Beg or Ringville, vil., Irel., on S. side Dungarvan Harb. BaUynahagUsh, jiar., Ireland, CO. Mayo, 6 m. S. of Ballina. BaUynahagUsb, jiar., Irel., co. Kerry, 6 in. W. of Tralee. Ballynahinch, vil., Ireland, CO. Galway, 6 m. SE. of Clifden. BaUjTiahlnch, ndvt. tn., Irel., co. Down, 12:^ in. 8. Belfast. EiUynakjU, coast i>ar., Irel., CO. Galway, s'm. N. Clifden. Ballynaklll, jKir., Ireland, cos. Galway and Roscommon. BaUynaklU, jKir., Irel , co. Galway, containing Woodfunl. BallynakUl, par., Ireland, co. Sli-o, 5 m. SE. Colloouey. Ballynamona, lishingstn., Ire!., co. Louth, on K. of Carlingfnrd Bay. Ballynascreen, i)ar., Irel., CO. Londonderry, contains Draper.stown. Ballyneddan, lisluiig vil., Ireland, co. Down, 3 m. N. of Carlingford. Ballyneen, vil., Ireland, co. Cork, 10 m. W. uf Uan-poreen, vil., Irel., co. Tipperary, 13 m. SW. of Caher. Ballyragget, mkt. tn., Irel., co. and 10 m. NW. Kilkenny. Ballyrashane or Baldraihane, par., cos, Antrim anil Londonderry Ballyroan, par. and vd,. Queen's Co,, 4 m. NE. Abbeyleix. Ballyroney, vil. and ry. 8tn., Irel., co, Down, 8 ra. SE. Banbridge. Ballyaadare, par. and vil., Irel., co. and 4 ni, SW. of Sligo. Ballyaakeery, par,, Irelanil, co. Mayo, 4 m. NW. Ballina. BallyEaz, jiar,, Ireland, co. and 4 ni. SE. of Kildare. BaUyaculUon, par., Irel., cos. Antrim and Lnndou'lerry. Ballyahamion, spt. tn., co. Donegal, 128 in. W. Belfast. 1 Ballysheehan, par,, Irel., co. Tijjperary, 4 m. NE. Cashel. BaUytelga Bay and Lough, Ireland, on H. coast of co. Wexford. Ballyvaghan, fishing vil., Ireland, co. Clare, 12 m. S. of Galway. BaUyvoomey, par. and \\\., IreL, co. Cork, on R. SuUane. Ballywalter, li-shing vil., co. Down, 10 m. SE. Newtownards. BallywilUn, par., Irel., Antrim, etc., contains Portrush Balmacarra, \ d., Scotland, Ross and Cromarty, on Loch Alsh. Balmaclellan, par., vil., Kirkcudbrightsh., 2 m NE. New Galloway. Balmaha, ham. with pi.r, Scotland, Stirlingsli., on L. Lonioud. Bilmain, suburb of Sydney, New South Wales. Pop, 20,000. Balmangan, bay and harb., Scotland, in Kirkcudbright Bay. Balmaz-UjvaroB, tn., Hungary, 14 m. NW. of Debrecziu. Balmerlno, i>ar. and vil., Scoth, Fifeshire, 3.^ m. SW. Dundee. Balmhom, intn., Switz., in the Mte. Rosa group. Alt. 13.923 ft. Balmoral, ry. stn., Ireland, co. Antrim, 3 m. SW. of Belfast. Balmoral, set., New Brunswick, 10 m, SW, of Dalhou^ie, Balmoral, vil., Victoria, co. DumJas, 204 m. W. by N. Melbourne. Balmoral, vil.. Cape Colony, ia Fraserburgdiv. Balmoral CaaUo, royal residence, Scoll., co. and 52^ ni. W. Aberdeen. Balmore, vil., Scotland, Stirlingshire, 3^ m.E. of Jiilngavie. Balnabruicb, fishing \il., Scotland, Nigg par., Ross and Cromarty. Balnahuiigh,, Scotland, Argyllshire, in Jura parish. Balne, tiislip. and ry. stn., England, Yorkshire, 4 tn. S W. Suaith. Baloda, tn., Bilaspur dist., Central Provs. Balonne River, Queensland. Scz Condamine. Balotra, tn., Jodhpur state, "Rajputana, India. Balquhidder, jiar.and vil., Scidl., Pertlish., E. end Loch Veil. Balrampur,jnr;;aimandtn.,Goiidadist.., Oudh. Balranald, small harb., Scotland, N. List I., Outer Hebrides. Balranald, tushp., N. S. W., onMurrnmbidgec R.. 554 m. SW. Sydney. Balrothery, par., Irel., N. co. Dublin, contains Balbriggan. BalBaU, ham., England, Warwicksh., 9 m. SW. of Coventry. Balaamand, vil.. Hissardist., Punjab. Balsamo, com., Italy, prov. Milan, 5 m. SW. of 31onza. Balsan, hill state, Punjal). Area 51 sq. m. Balsane, vil., Khandesh dist., Bombay, Iiulia. Balaham, par. and vil., England, Cambridgeshire, 4 m. NE. Linton. BalBorano, vil., Italy, circle and 34 m. SSE. of Avezzano. Balsta, place with ry. stn., Sweden, in Upsala liin. Balathal, mkt. vil,, Switzerland, canton and 12 m. NE, of Solothum. Balta, isl.and ham., Scotland, on Unst I., Shetland. Balta, tn., Russia, gov. Podolia, i63 m. ESE. Kamenetz. Pop. 32,983. Baltchik, tn., Bulgaria, on Black Sea. Balteagh, par., Ireland, Londonderry, 4 m. SE. Lininva<]v. Baltic Port, small port, Russia, in Esthonia, 28 ni. WSW." Koval. Baltic Provs., consist of govs, of Courland, Esthonia.and Livonia. Baltic Sea, inland sea, N.Europe. Area 138,185 sq. in. Baltimore, city, Maryland, 40 m. NE. Washington. Pop. 434,4:9. Baltimore, fishing vil., Ireland, co. Cork, 7 m. SW. Skibbereen. Baltinglass, mkt. tn., Irel.,co. Wicklow, 10 m.E. ofMageney. Baltlstan, div., Kashmir, generally called Iskardoh, q.v. Bil tons bo rough, par., Somersetsh., 4 in. SW. Glastonbury. Baltray, Ijshing vil., Irel., co. Louth, 3 in. NE. of Drogheda, Baltrum, i^l., I'russia, North Sea, between NorderneyandLangeroog. Baltutinsk, vil., Russia, gov. Smolensk. Balua, vil., Bhagalpur dist., Bengal, Lat. 26° 25' N., long. 87° 3' E. Baluchistan, country, Asia. Area 106,746 sq. in. Baluma, vil., West Africa, in Sierra Leone. Balvano, tn., Italy, prov. Basilicata, 20 m. W. Totcnza. Balve, vil., Westphalia, 10 in. WSW.of Arnsberg. Balygchi, tn., Asiatic Russia, in prov. Ferghana. Balzas, tn., Peru, prov. Trnjillo, un Tnnguragua. Balzaa, ri\-., W. Mexico, rising in prov. Tlascala, falls into Pacific., Italy, prov. Alessandria, 4 m. NW. of Casalc. Bam, tn., Persia, in prov. of Kerman. Pop. 10,000. Bamaku, tn., W. Soudan, in Bambarra, on R. Joliba. Bamanbor, petty state and tu., Bombay. Lut. 22' 24' N., 71" 6' E. Bamanghatl, N. div., Morbhanj state, Orissa. Pop. 129,368. Bamangwato, country, S. Africa, bet. Kalahari Desert, Zambesi, etc. Bamanl, mln. peak, Vizagapatant dist, Madras. Highest i)t. 2488 ft, Bamauri, vjl., Kumaun dist., NW. Provs., 17,500 ft, above sea. Bambarra, negro state, W. Soudan, on Upper Niger, Bambeque, vil,, France, dep. Nord, near Dunkirk. Bamber Bridge, vil. and ry. stn., Engl., Lancashire, 3 in. SE. Preston. Bamberg, vil. and tnshp., S.C., in Barnwell co. Bamberg, tn., Bavaria, 33 m. N. of Nuremberg. Bambuhy, riv., Brazil, Minas Gcraes, falls into R. Francisco. Bambuk, country, W. Africa, E. of the Senegal. Has French stns. Bambnrgh, par. and tnshp., Northumberland, 5 m. NE. Belford. Bamford, vil., England, Lancashire, 3 m. W. of Rochdale. Bamhangaon, estate, Balaghat dist,. Cent. Provs., India. Baml, ry. stn., on Transcaspian Ry. Bamian Pass, in Hindu Kusli, between Afghanistan and Turkestan. Bammaku, ft. tn., Senogambia, on R, Niger. Bamnl, tu,, Mandladist., Central Provs., India. Bamnlawaa, tn., Jaipur state, RajputJina. Bamonl, tn., Rangpur dist., Bengal. BamptoD, tn. and par., Engl., Devonshire, 7 m. N.Tiverton. Bampton, mkt. tn., Engl., Oxfurdsh., 79 m. NW. of London. Bampton, par. and vil., Westmorland, 4 m. NW. of Shap. Bamra, native state, Central Provs., India. Pop. 104,390. Bamaam, pass, Janinotri mtns., Garhwal, NW. Prov.s. Banaganapalll, estate and tn., Kamul dist., Madras. Banagher, mkt. tn., Irel., King's Co., 8 m. N W. of Birr. Banagher, par., Irel., Londonderry, 2 ni. SW. of Dungiven. Bana, La, tn., Spain, prov. Coruiia, N. of Negreira. BanaJya, set., on Aruwimi R., Congo Free State. Banana, prov. and port, Congo state, near mouth R. Congo, Banana, tn., Queensland, co. Ferguson, 320 m, NW. BrisbauPL Banana iBlfl., gmu]), NW. Africa, olT Sierra Leune. Bananal or Santa Anna, isl., in R. Araguay, Brazil. Bauarl, vil., Sardinia, circle and 30 in. from Alghero 29 BAN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BAB Sanaa, riv., Rajputana, tributary of the Chambal. Banas, riv., Shahabad dist., Bengal, branch of Son R. Banaa, riv., Chulia Nagpur, 13engal. Banaaa, vil., Garbwal state, KW. Provs., India. Banat, region, Hungary, between the Theiss and the Marcs. Banavar, \aluk and vil., Kadur dist., Mysore. Area 467 sq. in. Banavasi, In., N. Kanara dist., Bombay. Banavie, vil., Scotland, Argyllsliire, at S. end Caledonian Canal. Banbrldge, nikt. tn., Ire!., co. Ltown, 25 \\\. S\V. Belfast. Banbury, mkt. tn., Kngl., co. and 21 m. N. of Oxford. Bance, isl. group, W. Africa, oft' Sierra Leone coast, Banchory, tn. andry. stn., Aberdeensh., 17111. SW. Aberdeen. Banco, dep. and tn., Colombia, state Jlagdalena. Band. Mezo, vil., Hunga-y, join. W. of Vasarhely. Banda, dist. and tahsil^ N\V. Provs. Area 3061 sq. m. and 428 sq. m. Banla, cli. tn. in above. Lat. 25° 28' N., long. 80° 22' E. Banda, tn., Sagardist., Central Provs., India. Banda Isls., group in the Sloluccas, 50 ni. S. of Ceram. Bandajan, i)ass, Kashmir, Punjab, 14.854 ft. above sea. Banda Oriental, former name of tJmguay, g.r. Bandarban, vil., Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bengal. Bandarnlanka, vil., Godaven dist., Madras. Banda Sea, Malay Archipelago, K, of Timor. Bandawe, Livingstonia miss, stn., on Lake Kyassa, Equat. Africa. Ban-de-la Eoche or Steinthal, val., Alsace, in the Vosges. Ban-de-Sapt, vil., France, dep. Vosges, 5 m. S. of Senones. Bandeya, tn. and dist., W. Africa, between Senegal and Gambia. Bandols, spt., France, dep. Var, 6 m. W. of Ollioules. Baudon, mkt. tn. andtnshp., Irel., co. and igm. SW. Cork. Bandon, tnshp., New South Wales, in Forbes co. Bandon Grove, tn., N. S. W., co. Gloucester, i:^S in. X. of Sydney. Bandra, tn., Salsette I., Bombay. Lat. lo" 3' X. Baieras, tn., Spain, prov. Alicante, 12 m. W. of Alcoy. Banfalva, vil., Hungary, 24 m. W. of Csaba. Banff, spt. tn., Scotl., cap. Banfishire, 65 m. NW. Aberdeen. Banff, tn., Canada, in Alberta, gig m. W. of Winnipeg. Banffshire, a NE. maritime co., Scotl. Area 641 sq. m. Pop. 64,167. Ban%-Hunyad, vil., Transylvania, 30 m. W. Kolozsvar. Banga, tn., Jalaudhar dist., Punjab, India. Bangahal, valley, Kangia dist., Punjab. Area 2go sq. m. Bangala, station, Congo Free State, on R. Congo, Bangali, riv., N. Bengal, tributary of the Halhalia. Bangalore, dist., Mysore, Madras. Area 24g3 sq. ni. Pop. 704.090. Bangalore, chief city inabove dist. Lat. 12' 57' N. Pop. 179,670. Banganga, riv., Rajputana, tributary of the Jnmna. Banganga, stream, Nepal, trjb. of the Burhi Rapti R. Bangaon, sub-div., Nadiyadist., Bengal. Area64gsq. in. Bangar, jxtrgaiia, Hardoidist., Oudh. Area 143 sq. m. Bangarman, jxirgana and tn., Unao dist., Ondh. Bangasai, tn., Soudan, in Seiiegal, on R. Bakhoi. Banggai Isls., group, Malay Arch., off E. coast Celebes. Bangil. regency, Java, residency of Passuruan. Bangiri, ry. stn. and tnshp., Xew Zealand, co. Waikato. Bangka, tn., Formosa I., China, near jwrt of Tamsni. Pop. BO, 000. Bangkolang, administrative residency, Madura I., E. Indies. Bangkok, cap. city, Siam, nearniouth of Jtenam R. Pop. 350,000. Bangor, mkt. tn., AVales, 60m. W. of Chester. Bangor, spt. tn., Irel., co. Dowu, on S. side Belfast Lom^h. Bangor, city and spt., ^Sfaino. cap. of Penobscot en. Pop. 19,090. Bangor, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, in Van Buren co. Bangor, borough, Pennsylvania, Northampton co. Bangor-ys-Coed, par., Wales, Denbighsh., si m. SE. Wrexham. Bang-pa Kong, riv., Siam, falling into Gulf of Siam. Bang-pa-Soi, tn., Siam, 43 m. ESE. of Bangkok. Bang-Se-Koton, tn., Manchuria, at foot of Kian Dabagan. Bangweolo, lake, Cent. Africa, drained by Luapnla R. to L. Moero. Banham, par., Engl., Norfolk, 2 m. S. of New Buckeuham. Bania, \il., Hungary, 21 m. W. of Mehadia. Baniachang, vil., Sylhetdist., Assam, India. Banialuka, tn., Bosnia, 86 m. NW. of Eosna-Serai. Pop. 11,400. Banihal, pass, Kasliinir state, Punjab, gcoo ft. above sea. Banja, mkt. vil., Servia, circle and 50 m. NE. of Alexinatz. Banjak, group of 53 isls. and 50 rocks, off W. coast of Sumatrn. Banjermaasin, dist. and tn., SE. Borneo. Pop. 600,000; tn. 38,000. Banjoeblm, vil. , Java, in residency of Samarang. Banjoensas, residency and tn., S. Java. Ar. 2150 sq.m. P. 1,096,039. Banjoewaugl, residency and spt., E. coast Java ; thinly populated. Banka, sub-div., Bhagalpur dist., Bengal. Area 1185 sq. m. ; tn. in hit. 24° 33' X., long. 86" 58' E. Bania Canal, Miilnapurdist., Bengal, ii ni. long. Bankaner, tn., Gwalior, Central India, on R. Mau. Bankapur, sub-div. and tn., Dharwar, Bomlay. Bankend, vil., Scotl., on Lochar Water, co. and 6 in. SE. rumfrics, Bankfoot, vil., Scotland, Perthshire, Auchtergaven par. Bankhead, vil., Scotland, CO. and 2 m. N W. Aberdeen. Bankhead, vil., Scotland, Dreghom par., Ayrshire. Bankherl, tn. and ry. stn., Hoshangabad dist.. Cent. Provs, Banki, gov. estate, Orissa, India. Bankipor, suburb of Patna city, Bengai, and hd.-qrs. of dist. Bankomnndl, peak, Bod state, Orissa. Alt. 2080 ft. Bankot, spt., Ratnagiri dist., Bombay. Lat. 17'' 58' N., long. 73° 5' E. Banka, tnshp., Pennsylvania, in Carbon co. Banks, Cape, S. Australia, co. Grey, at S. end of L. Bonney. Banks' Island, Brit. Columbia, in Princess Royal grp., 50 m. long. Banks' Island, Queensland, Torres Strait, 45 m. N. of C. York. Banks' Land, large isl. in Arctic Ocean. Lat. 74° X.,long. 116" W. Banks' Peninsula, New Zealand, on E, coast of South Island. Banks' Strait, between Banks' Land and Slelville Island. Banks' Strait, between Tasmania and the Fumeaux Islands. Bankstown, tn., N. S. Wales, co. Cumberland, 12 m. S. of Sydney. Bankura, dist. and tn., Bengal. Area 2621 sq. m. Fop. 1,063,200. Banlak, vih, Hungary, dist. and 15 m. ESE. of Modes. Bonn, riv., Ireland, co. Wexford, flows 20 m. to R. Slancy. Bann, Lower, riv., Irel., flows 33 m, from Lough Neagh to Atlantic. Bann, ITpper, riv., Ireland, co. Down, flows 25 m. to Lough Neagh. BannackCity, vit., Mi-ntana, cap. Beaver Head co. Gold-unnes. Bannalec, ^ it., France, Finistere, g m. NW. Quiniperle. Bannister, postal stn., W. Australia, 67 m. SE. Perth. Bannock, riv., Scotland, Stirlingshire, affl. of the Forth. Bannockbnm, tn., 2i m. SE. Stirling. Site of Bruce's victory 1314. Bannockbum, tnshp., New Zealand, 156 m. NW. l>iinedin. Bannockburn, vil., Ontario, on R. Moira, 40 m. from Belleville. Eannow, par., Irel., co. Wexford, 9 m. 6W. of Taghnion. Banna, dist. and tahsil, Punjab. Areas S47 and 446 sq. m. Pop. dist. 371,890. Banolas, tn., Spain, prov. and 10 m. X. of Gerona. Baios, " baths," forms part of name of numerous places in Sjain. Banos, tn., Ecuador, on E. border of plateau of the Andes. Baios, tn., Peru, dep. Junin, 56 m. NW. Cerro de Pasco. Banpas, vil., Bardwan dist., Bengal. Bansa, tn., Hardoi dist., Oudh, India. Bansa, ^il., Damoh dist.. Cent. Provs., India. Bansbaria or Bansbati, tn., Hugli dist., Bengal, 29 ni. X. Calcutta. Bansda, native state and tn., Bombay. Ar. 384 sq. m. P. 34,122. Bansdih, taksil am\ tn., Ballia dist., XW. Pruvs. Area 374 sq. m Pop. 287,352; tn. in lat. 25° 53' X. Bansgaon, to.hsU, Gorakhpur dist., NW, Provs. Area 616 sq. ni. Pop. 422,858. Bansgaon, tn., Purniah dist., Bengal. Eansi, vil., Udaipur state, Rajputana. Banal, Uihsil, Basti dist., XW. Provs. Area 609 sq. m. P. 338,839. Bansi tu., Gorakhpur dist., XW. Provs. Bansloi, riv,, Mursliidabad dist., Bengal, tributary of Bhagirathi. Banstead, par. and vil., Engl., Surrey, 3A ni. E. of Epsom. Bansnra, tu., Sitapur dist., Oudh. Pop. 2293. Opium warehouse. Banswara, state and tn., Rajputana. Area 1500 sq. m. P. 211.640. Bantam, prov. and tn., Java. Area 3200 sq. m. Pop. 630,171. Bantry, ry. stn.. Alberta, on C. P. Ry., 713 m. W. of Winnipeg. Bantry, spt. tn., Ireland, co. and 5S m. SW. of C<»rk. Bantry Bay, Ireland, SW. co. Cork, 35 m. long by 3 to 5 m. broad. Bantwa, native state, Gujarat, Boml-ay. Area 221 sq. m. P. 38,B36. Bantwal, tn., S. Kanara dist., Madras. Banwell, par. and ^il., Engl., Somerset, 4 m. NW. Aibridge. Banya, Felso, tn., Hungary, 6 ni. E. of Nagy-Bauya. Banya, Nagy, tn., Hungary, 46 m. ESE. Szathmar-Xemethi. Banyena, tn., Victoria, 190 m, XW. Melbourne, on Richardson R. Banjruls-Eur-Mer, Spt. tn., France, dep. PjTenees-Orientales, Baol, state, W. Africa, in Senegambia. Cap. Lambeye. BaoU, tn., Meerutdist., XW. Provs., India. Baoni, state, Bundelkliand, India. Area 127 sq. m. Pop. 17,055. Bapatla, taluk, tn., Kistna dist., Madras. Ar. 679 sq. m. p. 151,736- Bapanme, tn., Franco, Pas-de-Calais, 12 m. SSE. of Arras. Bar, tu., Russia, gov. Podolia, 50 m. NE. of Kamieniec. Pcp. 11,566. Bara, vil., Unao dist., Oudh. Lat. 16' 21' N., long. So" 46' E. Bar a Banki, dist.. t ihsH, and tn., Oudh. Area 1768 and 357 sq. ni. Pop. 1,128,150 ; tn. 13,933. Barabar Hills, Gaya dist., Bengal. Lai. 25° 1' N., long. £5° 3' E. Baraba Steppe, Siberia, between the Obi and the Irtish. Barabatl Fort, citadel of Cuttack tn., Bengal. Baraboo, vil. and tnshp., Wis., cap. Sauk co., on B. riv. Barachati, vil., Gaya dist., Bengal. Lat. 20° 30' X., long, d^" 3' E. Baracoa, spt. tn., in extreme E. of Cuba. Pop. 12,476. Barada, riv., SjTia, traverses the plain of Damascus. Bara Dehi, peak, Assia range, Cuttack dist., BengaU Baradero, vil., Argentine Rep., prov. Buenos Ayre.o. Barad ne, post stn., X. S. W., co. Bonrke, 240 m. KW. Sydney. Baragan, vil., Roumania, 47 m. E. Bukarest. Baragaon, tu., Ballia dist., XW. Provs., India. Pop. 10,4S7. Baragaon, tn., Sitapur dist., Oudh, India. Baragari, tn., Rangpur dist., Bengal. Baragiano, vil., Italy, prov. Basilicata,, 15 m. NW. Potenza. Barah, (o.ksil and vil., Allahabad dist., NW. Provs. Earahtiya, tn., Chittagong dist., Bengal. Barak or Sorma, riv., Assam, falls into R. Meghna. Baxakhar, riv., Bengal, tributary of the Damodur. Barakhati, tn., Rangpur dist., Bengal. Pop. 11,393. Barakila and Talibunda, peaks, Bellary, Madras, 800 ft. above plain. Barakulla Khal, riv., 24 Parganas dist., Bengal, India. Bara Lacha, pass, Kangra dist., Punjab, 16,500 ft. above aea. Bar-Ali, old raised road, Sibsagar dist., Assam. Length 22 nt. Baral River, Bengal, branch of the Ganges. Bar*mati, tn., Poona dist., Bombay. Lat. 18° 8' X., long. 74° 37' E. Baramba, trib. state, Orissa, India. Area 135 sq. m. Pop. 20,772. Baramnla, tn. and mtn. gorge, Kashmir state, Punjab. Baran, tahsil, Bulandshahr, NW. Provs. Ar. 478 sq. m. P. 262,901. Baran, tn., Kotah slate, Rajputana. Baranacb, isl., Ireland, co. Mayo, in Blacksotl Bay. Baranagar, tn., 24 Parganas dist., Bengal. Pop. 29,982. Baranchinsk, vil., Russia, gov. Perm, on the TagiL Barand, vil., Hungary, co. Bihar, 6 ni. E. of Pusp.">k-LadaiT5'. Barano d' Iscbia, com., Italy, prov. Naples, iu Ischia L Baranov, vil., Galicia, 16 m. N. of Mielec. Baranov, small tn., Russia, in gov. of Lublin, on R, Vieprz. Baranya, a SW. co. of Hungary. Area 1966 sq. ni. Pop. 293,414. Baranyavar, vil., Hungarj', inabove co., 13 m.fromMohacs. Bara-pole, riv., Madras, Coorg and Malabar dists., to Aiabian Sea. Bara River, Peshawar dist., Punjab, trib. of Kabul R. Barasat, sub-div. and tn., 24 Parganas, Bengal. Pop. tn. 10,533. Barasia E., Jessor, Bengal, branch of the Madhumati. Length 25 m. Baratarla Bay, in SE. of Louisiana, 15 m. long by 6 m. wide. Baratevka, German colony, Russia, gov. Saratov, on R. Volga. Baran, tn., Bohemia, dist. and 3 in. SW. of Wodnian. Baraonda, stateandtn.,Bundelkhand, India. Ar. 238sq.m. P. 17,285, Barava, spt., E. Africa, lying N. of the Juba R. Barbacena, tn., Brazil, Minas-Geraes, 92 m. NNW. Petropolis. B&rbacoas, tn., Columbia, state Cauca, on Pacific. .30 BAR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BAR Barbadoes, isl., Brit. West Indies. Area 166 sq. 111. Psp. ISljOOO. Barbalha, tn., Brazil, prov. Ceara, dist. Crato. Barbania, vil., Jtaly, prov. Turin, 18 111. N. of Turin. BarbarnssI, vil., Houniania, in Wallachia, on the Danube. Barbary States, comprise Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, Tripoli, etc. Barbaspur, estate, Central Provs., India. Area 43 sq. ni. Barbaate, vil., France, Lot-et-Garonne, i ni. S. Lavardac. Barbastro, tn., Spain, prov. and 31 ni. ESE. of Huesca, Barbatescl, vil., Koumania, Little Wallachia, circle Valce. Barbitre, vil., France, dcp. Ven-n-e, on Noiruioutier I. Barbentano, vil., B)UcUes-du-Rhune, 6 ni. W. Cbateau-Renard. Barberino dl MusoUo, tu., Italy, jg ni. N. Florenrov. and 13 ni. SE. of Aqnila, Birito, riv., Borneo, called also tlio Banjermassin. Length 350 m. Barjac, vil., France, dep. Gard, 22 m. NE. of Alais. Birjarg, tnshp., Victoria, co. Delatite, on Broken River Barjols, tn., France, dep. Var, 13 m. N. of Brignoles. Barka, coast territory, N. Africa. iSee Barca. Barkal, mtn. and vil., Nubia, above Dongola. Barkal HUls, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bengal. Highest pt 1879 ft Barkal Rapids, Karnaphuli R., Bengal. Lat 23° 43' N., long. 92' 26' E. Barkalur, ruined tn., Kanara dist., Madras. Lat. 13° 50' N. Barkby, par. and tnshp., Leicestersh., 4^ni. NE. Leicester. Barken, N. and S., 2 lakes, Sweden, connected with L. Slalar. Barker, tuslip., New York, in Broome co. Barker, Mount, S. Australia, co. Adelaide, 2331 ft. high. Barker'8 Creek, vil., Victoria, co. Talbot, 83 ni. NW. Melbourne. Barkennlle, vil., British Columbia. 53° N., long. 121° ro' W. Barkhamsted, tnshp.. Conn., co. Litchfield, 20 in. NW. Hartford. Barkhera, 2 petty states in Central India. Barking, mkt. tn., Essex, 7111. E. of London, BarkiBland, tnslip,, Engl., Yorkshire, 5 m, SW. Halifax. Barkly, tnshp., Victoiia, Kara-Kara co., 146 m. NW. Melbourne. Barkly, East, vil.. Cape Colony, in en, of same name. Barkly, West, Co., Cape Colony, in Griqualand West. Barkol, tn. and lake, E. Turkestan. Lat 43° 40' N., long. 94' E. BarkuT, vil. aud port, S. Kanara dist,, Madras. Lat. 13° 28' N. Barkway, par. and vil., England, Herts, 4J m. SE, Rovston. Barlaston, par. aud ry. stn., Staffordsh.,3^ ni. NW. of Stone. Barlborough, vil., Engl,, co, Derby, 8 m. NE, Chesterfield. Barleben, vil., Prussian Saxony, 6 m. N. of Magdeburg. Ear-le Due, tn., France, dep. Meuse, 157 m. E. of Paris. Pop. 17,485. Barlee Lake, W. Australia. Lat, 29° 30' S,, long. 119° 30' E. Barletta, spt. tn., Italy, prov. aud 33 ni, NW. of Bari. Pop. 34,775. Barlovento, tn., Canary Islands, on Palma I. Barmalang, isl., off coast of Malacca, near Singapore. Barmbeck, vil., Germany, forming suburb, 2 ni. NE. of Hamburg. Barmedman, tnshp., N. S. W., co. Bland, 306 m, NW. of Sydney. Barmen, tu., RliLMiish Prussia, 37 m, NE, Cologne. Pop. 116,143. Barmoe, isl,, off SW. coast Norway. Lat 58' 4V N., long. 26" 55' E. Barmouth, spt tn., Wales, Merionethsh., 10 m. W. Dolgellv. Barmstedt, tn., Schleswig-Holslein, 6 m. NE. of Elnishorn. Barn, tn., Moravia, circle Olniutz, 5 m. SW, of Hof, Bama, fishing vil., Ireland, co. and 4 m. SW, of Galway, Barnadi, riv., Assam, trib. of the Brahmaputra. Bamagor, tu., G walinr territory. Central India. Barnard Castle, ndit tn., Engl., CO. Durham, on R. Toes. Barnaul, tn., Siberia, gov. and 230 ni, SSW. of T^msk. Pop. 17,182. Barnawartha, tu., Victoria, co. Bogong, 174 ui. KE. Melbourne. Barnby-npon-Don, par. and tnshp., Yorkshire, 5 m. NE. Doncaster. Barnes, vil., Surrey, 7 m. SW. ttf "Waterloo Bridge stu., Loudon. Bamesville, vil., G''nr-i:i, in Pike CO. BarneaviUe, vil., Ohio, in Belmont co. Barnet, Chipping, mkt tn,, Herts, 11 J m. N. of London. Barnet, Zaat, par., England, Herts, 2 m. SE. Barnet. BarnetFryem, i>ar.,N. border Middlesex, lim.NW.Sonthgate rv. stn. Barneveld, viI.,\etherlands,GuelderIand,i4m.N W.Arnhcm. BameviIl:-flur-Mer, spt, France, dep. Maiiclu'. 18 m. SW. Valogues. Barney's R., Nova Scotia, flows N to Nnrihumberland Strait. Bamhardfa Island, N, V,, in R. St. Lawrence. Area 2000 acres. Bamhlll, vil., Scotland, Forfarshire, 4 m. NK. of Dundee. Bamlm, Obernnti Nleder, 2 circles, Brandenburg. Area 1210 sq. in. Barnklrk, headland, Scotl., at mouth of R. Annan, l>umfries8hire. Barnoldswick, par., tnshp., Yorkshire, 7J m. BW. Skiptou. Barnsley, mun. bor., Kngl,, Yorkshire, on R. Pcai'no, Barnstable, spt. tn., Mass., in co. and on Barnstable Bay. Barnstaple, spt. tn., Devonshire, 40 ni. KW. of Exeter. Barnton, tuslip., Engl., Cheshire, 2 m. KW. of Nortliwich. Baroda, nuu-trib. state, Gujarat, Bombay. Area 8570 stj. lu. Pop. 1,414.200. Cap. Baroda, 235 m. N. Bombay, Pop. 116,460. Baroda, vil., Rohtak dist., Punjab. Lat. 29" 9' N., long, 76° 40' E. Barodsalr, tn., Gwalior territory, Cent, India. Barono HIU, Scotland, Bute I., 1 J m, from Rothesay. Alt. 532 ft. Baronlssl, vil., Italy, circle and 6 m, N. of Salerno. Baronne, tnslip., N. S. W,, co. Lcichliardt 350 ni. NW, of Sydney. Barony and Evenwood, tnshp., Durliam, 7 m. SW. Bislmp-Auekland. Baroflsa Goldfleld, tnshp,, 8. Australia, co, and 34^ra. NE. Adelaide. Barot, tn., Meerutdist, NW. Provs. Lat 29° 6' N. Baroth, vil., Transylvania, 34 m. N. of Kronstadt. BarotB«f dist. and tribe, Central Africa, ou Zambesi K. 31 BAR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BAS Barp, !■«, coni., France, dep. Gironde, 8 m. from Belin. Barpall, estate and tn., Central Provs., India. Area i8o sq. iii. Barpeta, sub-div., tu., Kamrnpdist., Assam. Barque, spt., on W. coast of Guadeloiiiie I., W. Indies. Barquisimeto, dep., Venezuela, ou Canibcau Sea. Area 7380 sq. m. Barquisimeto, tn., Venezuela, 165 m. WSW. Caracas. Pop. 31,476. BaiT, par., vil., and ry. stn., Scotland, in S. Ayrshire. Barr, tn., Alsace, 11 m. N. of Schlettstadt. Baxra, isl., Scotland, Outer Hebrides. Area 35 sq. m. Barra, state, W. Africa, at mouth Gambia li. Pop. about 300,000. Barra, com., Italy, prov. and 301. E. of Naples. Birraba, tnshp., N. S. W., CO. Darling, 311 ni. N. of Sydney. Barrackpur, snb-div. and tn., 24rargunas, Bengal. Area 42 sq. m. Pop. 57,330; tn., on Hugh, 15 m. above Calcutta. Barradeel, i^ar., Netherlands, Friesland, circle Harlingen. Barra do Pirahy, vil., Brazil, state Rio de Janeiro. Barra do Rio Contas, tn., Brazil, State Bahia, ou coasf. Barra do Rio Grande, tn., Brazil, State Bahia. Barra do Kio Negro, tn., Brazil, nr. junction R. Negro with Amazon. Barra do Kio Sao Joao, tn., Brazil, state R o de Janeiro. Barrafranca, tn., Sicily, prov. and 9 m. SE. of Caltanisetta. Barrage, vil., Egypt, on R. Nile, 35 m. N. of Cairo. Barragh, par., Irel., CO. Carlow, 10 m. E. of Bagenalstown. Barra Head, prom, on Bernera I., Outer Hebrides. Barral, vil., Algeria, 20 m. SSE. of Bona. Barraloola, tnshp., N. Ter., S. Australia, 650 m. from Port Darwin. Barra Lough, Ireland, co. Donegal, 6 m. "W. of Letterkenny. Barra Mansa, tn., Brazil, prov. Rio de Janeiro, Barran, vil., France, dep. Gers, 6 m. WSW. of Auch. Barrancoa, vil., Portugal, dist. of Beja. Barrancos, tn., Colombia, in state and on R. Magdalena. Barranquilla, tn. , Colombia, 68 m. E. of Cartagena, on R. Magdalena. Barraux, vil., France, dep. Isere, 6 ni. N. of Le Touvet. Barrax, tn., Spain, prov. and 20 m. WNW. of Albacete. Barrages, watering-piace, Fiance, in Hautes-Pyrenees. Barreiro, tn., Portugal, on R. Tagns, facing Lisbon. Barren Island, N. Y. , King's Co., in Jamaica Bay. Barren Islands, Alaska, at entrance to Cook's Inlet. Barrhead, tu., Scotland, Renfrewsh., 7 ni. SW. of Glasgow. Barrhill, vil., Scotland, Ayrshire, 72J m. S. of Girvan. Barrie, tn., Ontario, co. Simcoe, 66 m. NXW. of Toronto. Harrington, postal centre, N. S. W., Gloucester, 160 m. N. Sydney. Barrington, spt., No\a Scotia, j6i m. SW. of Halifax. Barrington, tn., Tasmania, co. Devon, 6 m. NW. of Lauuceston. Barrington station, vil., 111., 31 m. NW. of Chicago. Barrios, Los, vil., Spain, prov. Cadiz, 5 m. NE. of Algeciras. Barrios de Salas, vil., Spain, pvov. Leon, dist. Ponferrada. BarrmiU, vil and ry. stn., Scotl., Ayr.shire, in Beith parish Barro, vil., Spain, prov. Pontevedra, dist. Caldas. Barrosa, vil., Spain, 15 ni. SE. of Cadiz. British victory 1811. Barrow, par. and vil., Suffolk, 6 m. W. Bury St. Edmunds. Barrow, riv., Ireland, Queen's Co., flows 100 m. to R. Suir. Barrow, Cape, N. Ter , S. Australia, S. extremity Blue Mud Bay. Barrow, Mt., Tasmania, cos. Dorset and Cornwall. Alt. 4644 ft. Barrowford Booth, tiishp., Engl., Lancashire, 2 m. W. Colne. Barrow-in-Furness, spt, Lancashire, 50 m. NW. Liverpool. P. 51,712. Barrow Island, W. Australia. Lat. 20" 48' S., long. 113° 15' E, Barrow-on-Humber, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, opposite Hull. Barrow -on -Soar, par , tnshp., Leicestersh., 3 m. SE. Loughborough. Barrow. Point, Is^orth Anicrica. Lat, 71" 32' N., long. 156" 31' W. Barrow Strait, chan., N. America. Lat. 74° N., long. 84° to 90° W. Barruelo, vil., Spain, prov. Palencia, dist. Cervera de Pisuerga. Barrule, N., mtu., Isle of Man, 2 m. SW. of Ramsey. Alt. 1842 ft. Barrule, S., ratn., Isle of Man, 5 ni. SE. of Peel. Alt. 1584 ft. Barruwa. British settlement, on Lake Chad, Soudan. Barry, coast par., vil., Scotl., Forfarsh., 8^m. NE. Dundee. Barry, vil. anort. Beamaville, vil,, Ontario, co. Lincnin, 22 m. ESK. of Hamilton. Bear Creek, ry. stn., Brit, Columbia, 27 m, W. of Donald. Beardfltown, city, 111., cap, of Cass, co,, on the Illinois R. Bear Haven, chan. between Bear I, and the niaiidand, co. Cork. Bear I., Indand, co, Cork, on N. side of Bantry Hay. 33 BEA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BEH BearlBland, Arctic Ocean, 315 111, S. of Spitzbergen. Bear Islands, group off N E. coast of Siberia. Bear Islands, N, and S., isls. in Hudson Bay, Canada. Beariz, vil., Spain, prov. and 25 ni. NW. of Orcnse. B^arn, former prov., France, now dep. Basses-Pyrenees. Bear River, Utah and Idalio, flows 450 m. to Gt. Salt Lake. Bearsden, vil., Scotland, Dumbartonshire, 5 m. NW. of Glasgow. Beas, riv., Punjab, tributary of the Sutlej. Length 290 m. Beasain, vil., Spain, dist. and 9 m. SW. of Tolosa. Beas de Segura, tn., Spain, prov. and 50 m. NE. of Jaen. Beath, par., ScotL, Fifesliire, s m. ENE. Dunfermline. Beatrice, vil and tnslip , Xeb.. cap. Gage CO., on Big Blue R. P. 13,921. Beattock, ry. stn., Scotland, Dumfriesshire, 2 m. SW. of Moffat. Beaucage, ry. stu., Ontario, 250 m. W. of Ottawa. Beaucaire, tii., France, dep. Gard, on R. Rhone. Beaucampa-le-Vieux, vil., France, Somme, 22 m. W. Amiens. Beaoce, ane. div., France, between the Seine and the Loire. Beauchesne. small isl., Atlantic Ocean, S. of the Falkland Is. Beaacom-t, vil., and ry. stn., France, 10 m. NE. of Belfort. Beaufay, vil., France, dep. Sartlie, 10 in. NE. Le Maus. Beaufort, tn., France, Savoy, 33 m. ENE. Chanibery. Beaufort, tn., France, Jlaine-et-Loire, 10 m. E. of Angers. Beaufort, spt., North Carolina, mouth of Newport R. Beaufort, spt., S, Carolina, on Port Royal R. and L Beaufort, vil. and ry. stn., Engl., Monraouthsh., am. NE. Tredegar. Beaufort, tn., Victoria, co. Ripon, 128J m. WNW. of Melbourne. Beaufort, West, div. and tn.. Cape Colony. Beaugency, tn., France, dep. Loiret. 16 m. SW. of Orleans. Beauhamois, tn., Quebec, 31m. SW. of Montreal. Beai^jeu, tn., France, dep. Rhone, 15 m. NW. Villefranche. Beaajolais, div., France, now included in deps. Loire and Rhuue. Beaulieu or Bewley, par., Engl., Hants, 6 ra. NE. Lyniington. Beaulieu, tn., France, dep. Correze, on R. Dordogue. Be aulieu-sous-la -Roche, vil., France, dep. Vendee. Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne, tn., Fr.,dep, Correze, 18 ra. SE. Brives. Beauly, vil. and ry. stn., on B. riv., co. and 10 m. W. Inverness. Beaumarchalfl, vil., France, dep. Gers, 3 m. SE. Plaisance. Beaumaris, spt. tn., Wales, co. Anglesey, 7 m. NE. Bangor. Beaumont, tn., B*^]gium, prov. Hainaut, 8 m. SSW. Thuin. Beaumont, vil. , Qm-bec, on R. St. Lawrence, 9 m. below Quebec. Beaumont -de -Lomagne, tn., France, Tarn-et-Garonne. Beaumont-en-Gatinais, vil., France, dep. Seine-et-Marne. Beaumont -en -Veron. vil., France, Indre-et-Loire, 4 m. NW. Chinon. Beaumont-le-Roger, tn., France, dep. Eure, g m. E. Bernay. Beaumont-lis-Valence, vil., France, dep. Drume, 6 m. SSE. Valence. Beaumont-le-Vicomte, vil,, France, 15 m. NNW. Le Mans. Beaumont -SUP -Oise, vil., France, 20 m. N. of Paris. Beaumont -sur-Sarthe. i*^(C Beamnont-le-Vicomte. Beaune, tii., FraiiOf, Cute-d"Or, 23 ra. SW. Dijon. Pop. 12,038. Beaune-la-Rolande, vil., France, 26 m. NE. of Orleans. Beauport, vil., Quebec, on St. Lawrence, 2 ra. below Quebec. Beaupreau, tn., France, Maine-et-Loire, 27 m. SW. Angers. Beauquesne, vil., France, dep. Somme, 6 m. SE. Doullens. Beauraing, vil., Belgium, prov. Namur, 12 m. SSE. Dinant. Beauregard Isles, small group, Quebec, in R. St. La^vrence. Beaurepaire, tn., France, dep. Isere, 13 m. SE. of Vienna. Beaurevoir, vil., France, dep. Aisne, 3 m. E. of Le Catelet. Beausejour, ry. stn., Ontario, 36 ni. E. of Winnipeg. BeauBset, Le, vil., France, dep. Vaucluse, 5 m. ESE. of Pernes. BeauBset, Le, tn,, France, dep. Var, 10 m. NW. of Toulon. Beautiful Valley or Wilmington, tn., S. Australia, 205 m, N. Adelai/if. Beauvais, tn., France, cap. ofOise, 54 m. NW. of Paris. P. 17,525. Beauval, ^il., France, dep. Somme, 4 m. S. of DouUens. Beauville, vlL, France, Lot-et-Garonne, 15 m. ENE. Agen. BeauToir-sur-Mer. tn., France, dep. Vendee. 3 m. from sea. Eeauvois, vil., France, dep. Nord, 3 m. SSE. of Carnieres. Beauvolsin, vil., France, dep. Gard, 3 m. NE. Vauvert. Beauzac, vil., France, Haute*Loire, 6 m. SW. MonistroL Beaver, borough. Pa., cap. Beaver co. , on Ohio R. Beaver, ^iL, Utah, cap. Beaver co., on Beaver R. Beaver, ry. stn., Brit. Columbia, 12 m. W. of Donald. Beaver Creek, Colorado, tributary of the Platte R. Beaver Dam, city, Wis., Dodge co., on Beaver Dam Creek. Beaver Falls, borough, Pa., in co. and on Beaver R. Beaver laland, small isl. , off SE. coast of Nova Scotia, Beaver Islands, gruup, Rlichigan, in L^ke Michigan. Beaver Meadows, vil.. Pa., iu Carbon co. Contains anthracite mine. Beaverton, vil.. Ontario, 66 m. by mil K. of Port Hope. Beawar, tn., Ajmere-Merwara div., Rajputana. Beba, 0-, vil., Hungary, co. Torontal. 13 ni. NE. Torok-Kanisza. Bebawan, nitn. pass, Morocco, between Morocco and Tarodant. Bebedero, lake, Argentine Rep., prov. San Luis, 18 ra. by g m. Bebington, jtar., Cheshire, 3 ra. SE. uf Birkenhead. Bebra, vil., Pnis^a. circle and 3 m. SE. Rotenbnrg. Becancour, riv., Quebec, flows 70 m. to the St. Lawrencq. Becancour, tn., Quebec, 80 ra, SW. of Quebec. Beccles, nikt. tn., Engl.. Suffolk, 33 m. NE. of Ipswich. Beceite, tn., Spain, jtrov. Teruel, 4 m. from Valderrobres. Becelaere, vil., Belgium, W. Flanders, 7 ra. E. of Ypres. Becerrea, tn., Spain, prov. and 31 ni. ESE. of LugO. Becerril de Campos, tn., Spain, prov. and 10 m. NW. Palencia. Bechln, tn, , Bohemia, 54 m. S. of Prague. Bechtheim, tn., Germany, Hossen, 18 m. S. of Mainz. Bechaanaland, country, S. Africa. Area 184,50080. ra. Pop. 183,000. Beckenham, par. and tn., Engl.. Kent, 7 m. SE. of London. Beckenried, vil., Switzerland, on Lake of Lucerne. Becket, tnshp. and vil., Mass., in Berkshire co. Beckington, par. and vil., England, Somerset, 3 m. NE. of Fronie. Beckley, par., England, Sussex, 5 ra. NW. of Rye. BecKum, tn., Prussia, Westphalia, 23 ra. SE. Miinster. Beckwith Island, Ontario, Simcoe co., in Georgian Bay. Becon, vil., France, Maine-et-Loire, 4 ra. ESE, Louroux-Beonnais. Becae, New, tn., Hungary, 40 m. SE. of Zombor. Becse, Old, tn., Hungary, on Tlieiss, 50 m. S. ofSzegedin. P. 15,040. Bective, tnslip., N. S. W., co. Parry, 200 m. N. of Melbourne. Beczko, tn., Hungary, co. and 9 m. SW. Trentschin. Beczwa, 3 neighbouring vils., Moravia, circle Neutitschein. Beda, coast tn., Arabia, on Persian Gulf. Pop. of dist. 20,000. Beda Arm, inlet, S. Australia, near S. end of Lake Torrens. Bedale, par. and mkt. tn., Yorksh , 7 m. SW. Northallerton. Bedanga, tn., Murshidabad district, BengaL Bedar, vil., Spain, prov. Almeria, 9 m. SW. of Vera. Bidarieux, tn., France, Herault, 20 ra. N. of Btziers. Bedarridea, tn., France, dep. Vaucluse, 8 ra. NE. Avignon. Bedburg, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 4 ra. NW. of Bergheim. Bedbum, riv,, Engl., Durham, aflluentof R. Wear. Length 10 m. Bedburn, North, tnshp., Durham, 5 m. NW\ Bishop-Auckland. Beddadanol, vil., Godavari dist-, Madras. Bedden, ft. stn., Equat. Africa, on Nile, between X^ido and Kirii. Beddgelert, par. and vil, Wales, co. and 13 m.SE. Carnarvon. Beddington, par. and vil., Surrey, 2 m. W. of Croydon. Bedee, vil.. Fiance, Ille-et-\'ilaiue, 4 ra. N. of Bloutfort. Bedeguna, tn., W. Africa, Bornu. Lat. 12° 17' N. Bedeque Harbour, Prince Edward Island, 10 m. from Suimnei"Side. Bederkesa, vil., Prussia, circle and 12 m. ENE. Lehe. Bedfont, East, par. and vil,, Middlesex, 3 m. NE. Staines. Bedford, co. tn,, Beds, England, 49J ni NW. London. Bedford, tn., Cape Colony, cap. of Bedford co, Bedford, tnshp., Lancashire, 1 m. NE, of Leigh. Bedford, vil., Indiana, cap. of Lawrence co. Bedford, vil., Iowa, cap. of Taylor co Bedford, borough, Pa., cap. of Bedford co. Bedford, vil., Quebec, Missisqnoi co,, on Pike R. Bedford, ry. stn., Ontario, co. Addington, 30 m. from Kingston. Bedford Cape, Queensland, dist. Cook, 3 m. long. Highest pt, 818 ft. Bedford Level, marshy flat on E. coast England. Area 703 sq. ni. Bedford Rivers, Old and New, 2 cuts, through I. of Ely to R. St"ke. Bedfordshire or Beds, midland co., Engl. Ar. 462 sq. ra. P. 160,729. Bedimole, com., Italy, pruv. and 10 ra. W. of Brescia. Bedla, tn., Udaipur state, Rajputana, 3 m. N. of the capital. Bedlington, tnshp., Northumberland, 5 m. SE. Slorpeth. Bedloe'sl., in New York Harbour. .Contains the statue of Liberty. Bedminster, par. and ry. stn., Somerset, suburb of Bristol. Bednor, tu., Udaijiur state, Rajputana. Bednya, vil., Croatia, co. and 20 m. WSW. Varasdin. Bedonia, tn., Italy, prov. Parma, 7 m. W. of Borgotaro. Bedouin, tn., France, dep. Vaucluse, 5 m. N. Mormoiron. Bedouins, name of the nomadic tribes of Arabia and N. Afiica. BedrorBadr, tn., Arabia, 175 m. NNW. of Mecca. Bedum, vil., Netherlands, n m, W. Bedwas, par. and ry. stn., Monraouthsh., 2 m.NE. Caerphilly. Bedwelty, par. and vil., ftlonmouthsh., 7 m. SW. Pontypool. Bedwin, Gt., par. and tn., Wilts, 5 m. SW. Hungerford. Bcdworth, ]ar. and tn., Warwickshire, 3^ m. S. of Nuneaton. Bee, .sea-luch, in NW. of S. List I., Scotland. Beeac, tnshp., Victoria, between Lakes Corangamite and Calvert. Beechey Islands, Arctic Ocean, off coast of North Devon. Beechworth, tnshp., Victoria, co. Bogong, i7iim. NE. Melbounie. Beechy Point, cape on NE. coast of Alaska. Bee Creek, Queensland, trib. of the Dawson R. Beeifllav, tn., Russia, gov. Ciierson, on R. Dnieper. Beek, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 4 m. N. of Duisburg. Beek, vil., Netherlands, 6 m. NE. of Maestricht. Beel or Bel, vil., Hungary, co. Bihar, 43 m. S. Grosswardeiu. Beelitz, tn.. Prussia, 11 m, SSW. of Potsdam. Beemery, tnshp.. New South Wales, co. Clyde, on Darling R. Beemster, par., North Holland, circle Purmeiend. BeenJeigh, tn., Queensland, 24 ra. S. of Brisbane. Beerenberg, lutn., on isl. of Spitzbergen. Alt. 4474 ft. Beerfelden, tn., Germany, in Hesseu, 6 ra. S. of Erbach. Beerferris, par., England, Devon, 7 m. S. of Tavistock. Beemem, \\\ , Belgium, 8 ni. ESE. of Bruges. Beersheba, vil., Orange Free State, Rouxville div. Beeraheba, ruined border tn., Palestine, 40 m. SSW. of Jerusalem. Beerta, vil., Netherlands, 23 m. ESE. of Groningen. Beesenstedt, vil., Prussian Saxony, 6 ra. ENE. Eisleben. Beeskow, In., Prussia, on R. Spree, i3 ra. SW. Frankfurt. Beeston, par., England, co. and 3 m. SW. Nottingham. Beeston, tnshp., England, Yorkshire, 2 m. SW. Leeds. Beeston Rock, Cheshire, 2 ra. SW. of Tarporley. Alt. 366 ft. Beetha, riv., Westmorland, flows 14 m. to R. Kent. Beetham, par. and tnshp., Westmorland, lim. S. Milnthorpe. Beg, Lough, Irehind, cos. Antrim and Londonden-y. Bega, riv,, Hungary, joins the Theiss 21 m. E. Peterwardein. Bega, tn., N. S. W., co. Auckland, 256 m. SW. of Sydney. Begamabad, tn., India, dist. and 14 m. from Meerut^. Begard, tn., France, C6tes-du-Nord, 9 ni. NW. Giiingauip. Begecs, vil., Hungary, co. Bacs, 12 ra. E. of Palanka. BegeUy, par. and ham., Pembrokeshire, 5 ra. S. of Narberth. Begerin, isl., Ireland, co. and 2 m. NE. of Wexford. Beggingen, \'il., Switz., SchalTliausen, o.'k m. E. tchleitheim. Bfegles, tn., France, dep. Gironde, 3 m. SSE. of Burdeaux. Beglie, Wicks of, pass, Scotl , Pertlish., 3^ m. W. of Abemethy. Begna Elv, riv., Norway, falls into Christiania Fjord at Draramen. Begnins, vil., Switz., canton Vaud, 4 m. N. of Nyon. Begonte, c<'in., Spain, prov. and n ra. NW. of Lugo, Begoro, station of the Bale mission on the Gold Coast. Beg-Sheher, tn., lake, and riv., Asia Minor, 44 m. SW. Konieh. Begu Saral, sub div,, Monghyr, Bt-ngal. Ar. 769 sq, m. Behar, prov,, Bengal. Area 44,139 sq. m. Pop. 24,284,370. Behar, sub-div. and tn., Patiia dist., Bengal, pop. tn. 47,660. Behbehan, tn., Persia, 130 ra. NW. of Shiraz. Pop. 10,000. Behlr, vil., Balaghat dist., Cent. Prnvs., India. Behle, a il., Prussia, 10 ni. NXW. Czarnikau. Behneseb, tn., Egj'itt, 48 m. SW. of Beni-Suef. Behring Sea, Asia and N. America, part of N. Pacific Ocean. 34 BEH THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BEL Behring Strait, connects the Pacific and Arctic Oceans. Behror, tii., Alwar state, Rajputaim. Behtl, vil., Partab^'arh dist., Oudh. BehtiKalan, tn., Kai Bareli dist., Uudh. Contains u Hindu temple. Beibazar, tn., Asiatic Turkey, on alB. of Sakariyah. Belerthelin, vil., Germany, in Baden, i ni. S. CarlsnJie. Beighton, par. and ry. stn., Derbyshire, 5 m. SK. Shellield. Beijerland, vil., B. Holland, 10 ni. S\V. of Rotterdam. Bellan, tn. and pass, Syria, on G. of Iskanderun. Bellen, vil., Netherlands, 10 m. SW. of Assen. Beilngries, tn., Bavaria, 38 ni. SE. of Nuremberg. Beilstein, tn., Wurtemberg, 8 m. NNE. of Marbach. Beilul, harb., E. Africa, Danakil coast, Red Sea. Belra, prov., Portugal. Area 9244 sq, m. Pop. 1,377,432. Belrendrecht, vil., Belgium, 10 m. KNW. of Antwerp. Beirut, spt. tn., Asia Minor, on Mediterranean. Pop. 86,000. Beit-el-Fakih, coast tn., Yemen, Arabia, 37 m. N. Hodeida. Belth, jar. and tn., Ayrshire, 18 m. SW. Glasgow. Beitstad, tn., Norway, 55 m. NE. of Trondhjem. Beja, tn., Portugal, Alemtejo, 2 m. W. of Guadiana. Bejar, tn., Spain, prov. and 40 m. S. of Salamanca. Pop. 11,099. Bejetsk, tn., Russia, gov, and 6g m. NNE. of Tver. BeJUar, tn., Spain, prov. Jaen, 6 m. WSW. Baeza. Bejucai, tn., Cuba, 14 m. S. of Ha^'ana. Bejoma, tn., Venezuela, 15 m. SW. of Valencia. Bekal, tn., S. Kanara dist., Madras. Lat. 12" 24' N. Bekan, par., Ireland, co. Mayo, containing part of Ballyhauuis. Bekes, tn., Hungary, 57 m. SW. of Debreczin. Bela, tn., India, Partabgarh dist., Oudh. Bela, tn., India, Nagjmr dist., Cent. Provs. Bela, tn., Hnngary, co. Zips, 4 m. N. of Kesmark. Bela, tn., Baluchistan, cap. of Lus prov. Belabre, vil., France, dep. Indre, 7 m. SE. Le Blanc. Belagavi or Belagami, vil., Shimoga dist., Mysore. Bel Air, vil., Md., cap. Harford Co., 23 m. N. of Baltimore. Belalr, tn., S. Anstralia, co. and 7 m. SE. of Adelaide. Belalcazar, tn., Spain, 43 m. NNW. of Cordova. Belalie, tushp., S. Australia, co. Victoria, 120 m. N. Adelaide. Belalie, tnshp., N. 8. Wales, co. In-ara, 470 m. NW. Sydney. Belau Point, headland, Wales, at SW. entrance to Meuai Strait. Belapur, seaport, Thana dist., Bombay, India. Belbeifl,tn., Lower E^ypt, 29 m. NXE. of Cairo. Belbroughton, par., Worcestersli., 5 m. SW. Bromsgrove. Belcele, vil., Belgium, 3 m. SW. of St. Nicolas. Belcher IsU., 2 smallgroups in Hudson Bay. Lat. 50° N., 80^ W. Belchlte, tn., Spain, 32 m. SSE. of Saragossa. Belclare, par. and vil., Ireland, co. Galway, 5 ni. SW. Tnanu Belcoo, vil. and ry. stn., Irehmd, g ni. SW. of Enniskillen. Belcoort, municipality, Marquette Co., Manitnbu. Belderg, small bay, Ireland, co. Mayo, 5 ni. W. of Ballycastle. Belebel, tn., Russia, gov. and 102 m. SW. of Ufa. Beled-el-Jerid, the parts of the Sahara in Barbary. Belem, tn., Portugal, a S. suburb of Lisbon. Pop. 31,063. Belem, vil., Brazil, 39 m. by rail from Rio de Janeiro. Belen, tn., Argentine Rep., 45 m. W. of Gatamarca. Belenyea, tn., Hungary, 30 m. SE. of Grosswardein. Belep iBlanda, grp., Pacitic Ocean, 2"; m. N. New Caledonia. Beleata, tn., France, Ariege, 5 m. ESE. of Lavelanet. Belfast, spt. city, Ireland, Antrim, 113 m. N. Dublin. Pop. 255,896. Bellafit, spt. city, Me., cap. of Waldo co. Belfast, vil., Ontario, Huron co., 18 m. N. of Gndericli. Belfast or Port Fairy, port, Victoria, 180 m. WSW. Melbourne. Belfast Loagh, cos. Antrim and Down, 12 m. long, by 3 m. broad. Belford, mkl. tn., Northumberland, 15 m. SE. Berwick. Belfont, tn., N. S. W., co. Northumberland, 115 m. N. Sydney. Belfort, ter. and tn., France, bordering on Alsace. P. of tn. 19,386. Belgard, tn., Prussia, 16 m. SW. of Koslin. Belgaum, dist., Bombay. Area 4657 sq. m. Pop. 1,010.610. Belgaum, sub-div. and tn. in above dist. tn. 40.090. Belgentier, tn., France, dep. Var, 14 m. NW. Toulon. Belgem, tn., Prussian Saxcmy, 8 m. SE. of Torgau. Belgharia, vil., India, 24 Parganas dist., Bengal, 7 m. from Calcutta. BelgiojoBO, tn., Italy, prov. and 7 m. E. of Pavia. Belgium, kingdom, W. Europe. Area 11,373 sq. m. Pop. 6.093,798. Belgorod, tn., Russia, gov. and 88 m. S. of Kursk. Pop. 16,200. Belgrade, cap. city, Servia, on the Danube. Pop. 39,422. Belgrano, tn., Argentine Rep., 5 m. from BuenuH Ayrcs. Belgrave, par. and tnshp., co. and i ni. NE. of Leicester. Belgravia, a subnrb of the W. end of London, Belgrove, ry. stn , New Zealand, co. Waimea, 23 m. from Nelson. Belliaven, par. and vil., Scotland, 1 m. W. of Dunbar. Belhelvie, coast i)ar , Scotland, 8 ni. N. of Aberdeen. Bella Narayanpur, vil., Mnrshidabad dist., Bengal. Bellapatam, tu., Malabar dist, , Madras. Lat. n'ss' N., long. 75' 25' E. Beliapatam River, Malabar, Madras. Belikerl. spt. vil., N. Kanara dist., Bombay, Belin, vd., France, dep. Gironde, 25 ni. S."SW. Bordeaux. Belinchon, vil., Sjain, dist. and 4 m. NW. of Tarancon. Belize or British Honduras, colony, Central America, Area 8292 sq. m. Pop. 27.668. Cap. Belize. Belka, vil., Itangpnr dist., Bengal, India, Belkhera, vil., dabalpur dist., Cent. Provs., India, Belkuchl, tn., Pabna dist., Bengal. Lat. 24° 19' N., long. 89° 47' E Bella, tn., Italy, prov. Basilicata, 27 m. S. of Melti. Bellac, In., France, Haute-Vienne, 24 m. NW. Limoges. Bellagglo, vil., Italy, prov. and jo m. N. of Como, Beliagupa, vil., Bcllary dist., Madras. Bellaire, city, Ohio, Belmont Co., on Ohio R, Bellamkonda, hill, Ki.stna dist., Madras, 1569 ft. above sea, Bellanagh or BalUnagh, vil., Ireland, co. Cavan, Kilinore par. BellaoamaUard, vd. and ry. stn., Ireland, 6 m. NE. of Enniskillen. Bellano, vil., Italy, prov. and 35 m. ENB. of Como. Eellante, com., Italy, circle ami 9 m. NE. of Teramo. Bellary, dist., Madras, India. Ai'ea 5904 sq. m. Pop. 900,670. Bellary, chief tn. of above dist., 305 m. NW. of Ma.lras. P. 69,770. Bellas, tn., Portugal, dist. and 7 m. NW. of Lisbon. Bellavi, vil., Tumkurdist., Mysore, India. Bellavlsta, tn., Argentine Rep., 70 m. S. Corrientes. Bellavista, vil., Uruguay, 2 ui. N. of Montevideo. BeUe -Alliance, farm, Belgium, 13 m. S. of Brusst^ls ; site of Waterloo. Belle-de-Mel, suburb of Marseilles, France. Pop. 10,600. Belleek, par. and vil., Irel., Fermanagh, 20 m. NW. Enniskillen. Belle -Fontaine, vil., France, Vosges, 10 m. S. ofEpinal. Bellefontaine, vil., Ohio, cap. of Logan co. Bellefonte, biir., I'a., cap. of Centre co. Belle-Fonrche, the N. fork of Cheyenne R., Wyoming. Bellegarde, vil,, France, dep. Ain, 3 m. SSE. Ch.itillun-de-Michaille. Bellegarde, vil., France, dep. Gard, 10 m. SE. Nimes, Belleghem, tn., Belgium, 3 m. S. of Courtrai. BeUe Isle, strait, separating Newfoundland from Labrador. BeUe Isle, Newfoundland, at entrance to above strait. Belle Isle, Newfoundland, in Conception Bay. Belle-lsle-en-Mer, France, Bay of Biscay. Area 85 sq. m. Belle-lsle-en-Terre, tn., France, Cotes-du-Nord. Bellem, vil., Belgium, loi m. NW. of Ghent. Belleme, tn., France, Orne, 11 m. S. of Mortagne. Belienaves, vil., France, Allier, 6 m. N. of Ebreuil. Bellenden Ker Mtna., Queensland, dist. Cook. Highest pt. 5438 ft. BeUe Plaine, ry. stn., Assiniboia, 17 m. E. of Moose Jaw. Bellerive, suburb of Hobai't, Tasmania, on R. Derwent. Belie Vernon, borough. Pa., Fayette co., on Monongahela R, Belleville, vil., France, dep. Rh-uie, on the Saone. Bell;ville, tn. and suburb, 3 m. ENE. of Paris. Pop. 60,000. Lellcville, city, Illinois, cap. of St. Clair co. Pop. 16,360. Belleville, vil. and tnshp., N. J., Essex co., 10 m. from New York. Belleville, tn. and ry. June, Ontario, cap. Hastings co., on Bayuf Quinte, 57 m. W, of Kingston. Bellevne, vil., France, Seine-et-Oise, 6 m, E. of Versailles. Bellevue, vil., tnshp., Iowa, Jackson co., on Mississippi R. Bellevue, borough. Pa., Alleghany co., on Ohio R, Bellevue, vil., Neb., cap. Sarpy co., 10 ni. S. Omaha. BeUe Vue, ry, stn., England, i\ m. E. of Manchester. Belle Vue, tnshp., Queensland, on Woolgar R. Gold-field. BeUevue, \il., Ohio, in Huron co. BeUevue Mountain, Col., peak of the Elk Mtns. Alt 12,350 ft. BeUewstown, vd., Ireland, co. Meath, 4 ni. SE. of Duleek. BeUey, tu., France, dep. Ain, 46 m. SE. of Bourg. BelUieim, tn., Bavaria, 5 m. WSW. of Germersheim. BeUle, par., Elgin and Banflshires, contains Fochabers. BeUieuse, vd., St. Martin par., Guernsey Island, BelUgni, \il., France, Loire-Infer., 6 m, N. Varades. BelUngen, tnshp., N. S. W., Raleigh co., 250 m. NE. of Sydney. Bellingham, par. and vil., Northumberland, 16 m. NW. Hexham. BeUingham Bay, Washington, Whatcom co. ; depth 3 to 20 fathoms. BellingshauBen, isl., in Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. BeUinzago-Lombardo, vil., Italy, 15 m. E. of Milan. EeUinzago-Novarese, vil., Italy, 2 m. S. of Oleggio. Bellinzona, tu., Switzerland, Ticino, 16 m. N. Lugano. BeUona, vil., Italy, 6 m. from Capua. Bellot Strait, Arctic America, separating N. Somerset and Boothia BeUou-en-Honlme, vil., France, Orne, 13 m. N. Domfront. BeUows FaUs, vil., Vt,, Windham co., on Connecticut R. BeUrequart, vil., Spain, prov. Valencia, 2 m. SE. of Gandia. BeU River, N.S. W., co. Wellington, trib. to Macquarie R. BeU Rock orlnch Cape, lighthouse, Scotland, 12 ni. SE. of Arbroath. BeUsMU, tn., Scotl., Lanarkshire, 9 m. SE. of Glasgow. BeUside, ry. stn., Scotland, Lanarkshire, 7 m. SE. of Coatbridge. BeUano, prov., Italy, in Veuetia. Area 127 sq. m. Pop. 180,840. BeUuno, tn., Italy, in above, 37 m. N. of Treviso. Pop, 16,026. BeUuB, vil , Spain, dist. and 3 m. SE. of Jativa. BeUy River, Alberta, aflluent ot the S. Saskatchewan R. Belmez, vil., Spain, prov. and 43 m. NW. of Cordova. Belmont, ry. stn., on L. B. and S. Coast Ry., 16 m. SSW. London. Belmont, ry. stn., Ireland, co. Down, 3J m. E. of Belfast. Belmont, tn., France, dep. Loire, 23 m. NE. of Roanne. Belmont, vil , Mo., on Mississippi R. Site of battle Nov. 7, j86i, Belmont, vil.. New York, cap. Alleghany co., on Genesee U. Belmont, N. S. W., CO. Northumberland, 63 m. N. of Sydney. Belmont, tnshp., Victoria, co. Grant, 47 m. SW. Melbourne. Belmont, vil., Nevada, co. Nye, 85 m. SSE. Austin. Belmonte, spt. tn., Brazil, N. of Porto Seguro. Belmonte, tn., Spain, prov. and 62 m. SW. of Cuenca. Belmonte-Calabro, spt. tn,, Italy, 23 m. S. of Paola. Belmonte-Mezzagno, tn., Sicily, prov. and 6 m. S. of Palermo. Belmore, Tiiln., Ireland, Fermanagh, near Enniskillen. AJt. 1312 ft. BelmuUet, fishing vil., Ireland, Mayo, 49 ni. NW. Ballina. Belo, Vil., Karachi dist.. Bombay. Lat. 24° 44' N. BeloeU, vil., Belgium, Hainaut, 4 m. NE. Qnevaucamps. Belolt, vil. and tnshp., Kau., cap. of Mitchell co., on Solomon R. Beloit, city. Wis., Rock co., 90 m. N W. of Chicago. Belona, tn., Nagpurdist, Central Provs., India. Beloochlstan or Beluchistan. NW' Baluchistan. Belorado, tn., Sjiain, prov. aTid 25 m. E. of Burgos. Belovar, tn., Croatia, 52 m. E. of Agram. Belp, vd., Switz., canton and 6 m. SSE. of Berne. Belpah, tnshp., N. S. W., co. Tandora, 550 m. NW. of Sydney. Belpasso, tn., Sicily, prov. and 6 m. N W. of Catania. Belpech, tn., France, Aude, 12 m. SW. Castelnaudary. Belper, mkt. tn., England, co. and 7 m. N. of Derby. Belpri, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Wa-sbingtou co., on Ohio R. Bel Royal, ry. stn., Jersey, between St. Anliiu and St. Uelier. Belsand Kalan, vil., Miizallarpnr dist., Ik-ugal. Belt, Gt., strait, Denmark, between Baltic and Cattegat, 37 m. long. Belt, Lit., Chan., Denmark, between Funen and Jutland, 30m. long: Beltana, tn , S. Australia, co. Fromc, 353 m. N. Adelaide. Beltana HiU. S. Australia. 22 m. E. of Lake Torrcns. 35 BEL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BEN Beltingham, vil., Northumberland, 4 m. E. of Haltwhistlc. Belton, par., Lincolnshire, i^in. NE. ofEpworth. Belton, vil., Texas, cap. of Bell co. Belturbet, viK, Ireland, co. Cavan, 8 ni. NW. of Cavan. Beltzhoover, borough, Pennsylvania, Alleghany co. Belar, inluk and vil., Hassan dist., Mysore, India. Area 236 sq. m. Belvedere Maritimo, tn., Italy, 25 ni. NNW. of Paola. Belvedere Ostrense, vil., Italy, 24 m. W. of Ancona. Belvea, tn., France, Dordogne, 20m. SW. Sarlat. Belvidere, vil,, HI., cap. Boone Co., 78 m. NW. Chicago. Belvidere, vil., N. J., cap. Warren co., on Delaware R. Belvidere, tn., S. Australia, co. Light, 39 m. N. Adelaide. Belvis de la Jara, vil., Spain, 15 m. SE. Puente del Arzobispo. Belz, tn., Austrian Galicia, 44 ni. N. of Lemberg. Belz, vil., France, Morbihan, 19 ni. W. of Vannes. Belzig, tn., Prussia, 17 ni. SE. of Brandenburg. Bemba, Lake. Bc( Bangweolo. Bembridge, vil.. Isle of Wight, 2\ m. NE. of Brading. Bemflca, \il., Portugal, dist. and 6 m. NW. Lisbon. Bernini Islands, small grp., Bahama Is., NW. of the Gt. Bank. Bemmel, p:ir., Netherlands, 3 m. E. of Nimeguen, Bemua Heights, vil., N. Y., Saratoga CO. Battle of Stillwater, 1777. Ben, Bein, Beann, or Bhein, gaelic name for mountain. Ben, 3rivs.. India, respectively tribs. of the SuViej, Beas, and Ravi. Benabarre, vil., Spain, prov. Iluesca, z3m. ENE Barbastro. Ben a' Bourd, mtn., Scotland, Aberdeenshire. Alt. 3924 ft. Benacazon, tn., Spain, prov. and 17 m. W. of Seville. Ben Achallader, mtn., Perth and Argyll shires. Alt. 3399 ft. Benagalbon, vil., Spain, prov. and 8 m. E. of Malaga. BenagnacU, tn,, Spain, prov. and 12 m. NW. of Valencia. Ben-Ahin, vil., Belgium, prov. Liege, 3 m. W. of Huy. Ben Alder, mtn. and deer forest, Inverness-shire. Alt. 3757 ft. Benalliassar, tn., Lower Egypt, on right bank of R. Nile. Benalla, tnshp., Victoria, co. Delatite, 122 m. NE. Melbourne. Ben-Alligin, mtn., Gairloch par., Ross-shire. Alt. 3015 ft. Benalmadena, vil., Spain, prov. and 13 m. SW. Malaga. Benamargosa, tn., Spain, 6 m. NW. of Velez Malaga. Benamaurel, vil., Spain, dist. and 7 m. from Baza. Eenambraa, mtn. range, Victoria. Highest point 4940 ft. Benameji, tn., Spain, dist. and 8 ra. ENE. of Rute. Benamocarra, tn., Spain, 3 m. SW. of Velez Malaga. Benanee Lake, N. S. W., CO. Taila, close to the Victorian bordec Benaocaz, tn., Spain, prov. Cadiz, 6 m. S. Grazalena. Benaojan, vil., Spain, prov. Malaga, 6 m. SW. of Ronda. Benares, div. and dist., NW. Provs. Areas 18,337 and 998 sq. ni. Pop. 10,632,190 an. Mootwingee. Ben Cbabhair, nitn., Perthshire, 3 m. N. of L. Lomond. Alt. 3053 ft. Bench Island, New Zealand, at entry to Paterson Ink't, Stewart I. Ben Chonzie, mtn., Perthshire, above Conirie. Alt. 3048 ft. Ben Chroln, mtn., Perthshire, 4 m. N. of L. Katrine. Alt. 3101 ft. Ben CUbrlck, mountain, Sutherlandshire, S. of Loch Naver. Alt. 3.54 ft. Bencoolen or Benkoelen, tn., SW. coast of Sumatra. Pop. 12,000. BenCreachan, mtn., Perthshire, at head of Glen Lyon. Alt. 3540 ft. Ben Cruachan, mtn., Lome dist., Argyllshire. Alt. 3689 ft. Ben Cmachan, mtn., Victoria, in co. Tanjil. Ben Dearg, nitu, , Scotland, N. Perthshire. Alt. 3304 ft. Bendemeer, tnslip., N. S. W., CO. Inglis, '^T^va. N. of Sydney. Bender or Bendery, ft. tn., Russia, on R. iJniester. Pop. 44,684. Bender-Abbaa (Gombrum), spt., Persia, on I'ersian Gulf. Bender-Deloahi, spt., on Socotra I., Gulf of Aden. Bender-Rig, spt. tn., Per.'^ia, in prov. Farsistan. Ben Dhu or Dubh, mtn., Scotl., on W. side L. Lomond. Alt. 2108 ft. Bendicuta Creek, South Australia, connected with Lake Frome. Bendigo, niiningvil., New Zealand, 175 m. NW. of Dunedin. Bendochy, par., Scotland, NE. Pertlishire. Bendock, tnshp,, Victoria, about 230 m. NE. by E. of Melbourne. Bendock, Mount, Victoria, co. Croajingnlong. BenDoran, mtn., Scotland, NE. Argyllshire. Alt. 3523 ft. Bendorf, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 4J m. N. of Coblentz. Bendramo, spt., Anatolia, on Sea oJ Marmora. Pop. 10,000. Bendzin, tn., Russia, gov. and 56 ni. SSW. Piotrkov. Bene, tn., Italy, circle and 12 ni. N. of Mondovi. Benedictbeuern, vil., Upjier Bavaria, 10 m. WSW. of Tdlz. Ben-Eln, mtn., Scotland, W. Pfrthshire. Alt. 3827 ft. Bene-Grona, steamboat stn., Italy, on the Lago di Lugano. Benejama, vil., Spain, prov. Alicante, 7 m. NE. Villena. Benenden, par. and vil., England, Kent, 3 m. SE. Cranbrook. Benerambong, tnshp., N. S. W., co. Cooper, 320 m. SW, of Sydney. Beneschau, tn., Bohemia, 24 m. SSE. of Prague. Beneschaa, viL, B.dieniia, dist. and 8 m. WSW. of Gratzcu. Beneatare, tn., Italy, Calabria, 18 m. SSW. of Gerace. Benet, vil., France, dep. Vendee, 8 m. E. Maillezais, Benetntti, vil., Sardinia, circle and 25 m. SE. Ozieri. Benevente. set. tn., Biazil. slate Espiritu Santo, on coast. Benevento, prov. and tu., Italy, in Camjiania. P. 249,143 ; tn. 22,699. Beufeld, tn., Alsace, 11 m. NNE. of Schlettstadt. Benfleld3ide, tnslii»., England, Durham, on R. Derwent. Benfleet, South, coast par. and ry. stn., Essex, 35^ m. E. of Lnmion, Bengal, a ]m'sidency of Brit. India. Ar. 496,836 sq. m. P. 153,097,590. Bengal, Lower, lieut. -governorship. Ar. 187,240 sq. m. P. 74,337,650. Bengal, Bay of, partof Indian Ocean, between lurliaand Farther India. Bengalla, tnshp., N. 9. W., on the borders of Queensland. Bengasi, tn., Barca, N. Africa, 420 m. ESE. Tripoli. Pop. 10,000. Bengeo, par., England, co. and i m. N. of Herttord. Bengore Head, cape, Ireland, Antrim, E. of Giant's Causeway. Bengnela, pruv., Purtuguese W. Africa. Area 106,200 sq. m. P. 500,000. Benguela, San Filipo de, spt. tn. and cap. of above province. Benha, tn,, Lower Egypt, 31 m. N. of Cairo. Benhar, E., vil,, Linlithgowshire, \\ \\\. NW. Fauldhouse. Ben Heasgaraich, mtn., Perthshire, head of Glen Lyon. Alt. 3530 ft. Ben Hee, mtn., Sutherlandshire. Alt. 2864 feet. Benholm, coast par., Scotland, SE. Kincardineshire. Ben Hope, mtn., Scotl., Sutherlandsh., S. end L. Hope. Alt. 3040ft. Benl, tn., Bhandara dist., Central Provs., India. Beni or Paro, riv., Bolivia, the main source of the Madeira. Beni or VenI, dep., Bolivia. Area 166,023 sq. ni. Pop. 16,700. Benicarlo, spt., Spain, 42 m. K K. Castellon de la Plana. Benicia, tn., California, 40 m. NE. of San Francisco. Benidorm, tn., Spain, 25 m. NE. of Alicante. Benlganim, tn., Spain, prov. Valencia, 6 m. NNE. of Albaida. Beniganj, tn., Harduidist., Ondh, India. Beni-Hassan, vil. with catacombs, Egypt, 13 m. S. of Slinieh. Benl-Isghen, tn., Algerian Sahara. Lat. 33° 3' N., long. 2° E. Ben Ime, mtn., Argyllshire, at head of L. Long. Alt. 33i8-ft. Beni-Mered, vil., Algeria, 26 m. from Algiers. Beni-Mzab, oasis, in Algerian Sahara. Pop. 30,000. Benin, country, Guinea, W. Africa, on both sides Benin R. Benin, tn., and cap. of above. Lat. t" 12' N., long. 5' 45' E. Benin, Bight of, the N. portion of the Gulf of Guinea. Beni Rasulpur, vil., Puruiah dist., Bengal, Lat. 25° 37' N. Benisa, tn., Spain, prov. and 44 m. NE. Alicante. Beni-Saf, com., Algeria, prov. Oran., at mouth of Tafna.' BeniBon, tnshp., Tasmania, in Dorset co. Beni-Suef, chief tn., Middle Egypt, 98 m. S. of Cairo. Benito, riv., French Congo, falls into Gulf of Guinea. Benken, vil. , Switz., cant. Zurich, 3 ni. S. of SchafTliauscn. Benkoelen, Sumatra. Ste, Bencoolen. Benkovacs, tn., Austria, Dalmatia, 22 m. ESE. of Zara. Pop. 11,695. Ben Lair or Larig, mtn., Ross-shire, N. of L. Maree. Alt. 2817 ft. Ben Lawers, mtn., Perthsliire, N. of L. Tay. Alt. 39S4 ft. Benleby, tnshp., S. Australia, co. Granville, 180 m. N. Adelaide. Ben Ledi, mtn., Scotland, SW. Perthshire. Alt. 2875 ft. Ben Liath Mhor, mtn., Ross-shire, E. of L. Torridon. Alt. 3034 ft. Ben Liughach or Liathack, mtn., M'. Ross-shire. Alt. 3,456 ft. Ben Lomond, nitii., Scotl., on E. side Loch Lumond. Alt. 3192 ft. Ben Lomond, mtn., N. S. Wales, co. Clarke. Alt. 5000 ft. Ben Lomond, mtn., Tasmania, co. Cornwall. Alt. 5010 ft. Ben Lul, mtn., Perthshire, 7 m. SE. Dalmally. Alt. 3708 ft. Ben Macdhui, mtn., Cairngorm group, Aberdeenshire. Alt. 4296 ft. Ben Mheadoin, peak. Cairngorm Mtns., Banflshire. Alt. 3883 ft. Ben More, mtn., Perthshire, 10 m. W. Loch Earn. Alt. 3843 ft. Ben More, mtn.. Mull I., Argyllshire. Alt. 3185 ft. Ben More, mtn.. New Zealand, co. Marlborough. Alt. 4360 ft. Benmore, tnshp. and ry. stn.. New Zealand, co. Southland. Benmore or Fair Head, cape, Ireland, N. co. Antrim. Alt. 636 ft. Bennachie, group of hills, Aberdeenshire, nearAlford. Alt. 1698 ft. Ben-na-Lap, mtn., Inverness-shire, E. of Loch Treig. Alt. 3066 ft. Bennan© Head, Scotland, on S. coast of Ayi'shire. Bennan Head, S. point of Arran I., Scotland. Bennebecola, Twelve Pins of, mtn. grp., Irel.,co. Galway. 2395 ft. Benneckenatein, tn., Prus. Saxony, 18 m. NNW. Nordhausen. Bennet'a, tnshp. and ry. stn., New Zealand, co. Ashley. Bennett, borough, Pa., in co. and on Alleghany R, Bennett's Bridge, vil. and ry. stn., Irel., co. and 5 m. S. Kilkenny. Bennettaville, tnshp. and vil., S. C, cap. Slarlborongh co. Ben Nevis, mtn., Inveniess-shire, highest in Brit. Isles. Alt. 4406 ft. Ben Nevia, mtn., Tasmania, in N. of co. Cornwall. Bennigsen, vil., Prussia, circle and dist. ofSi>ringe. Benningcn, vil., Wurtemberg, 4 m. NE. Ludwigsburg. Bennington, tnshp. and vil., Vt., 35 m. NE. of Albany. Bennington Furnace, vil., Pennsylvania, in Blair co. Benniach, tn., Austrian Silesia, 14 m. WNW. 01 Troppau. Bennungen, vil., Prussian Saxony, circle Sangerhausen. Benquerencia, vil., Spain, 4 m. SE. of Castuera. Benrath, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 6 m. SE. Df Diisseldorf. Ben Rhydding, vil.andhydropathicestab., Yorksh., 12m. NW. Leeds. Benaberg, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 8 m. from Miillieim. Pop. 10,270. Ben Serial, mtn., Inverness-shire. N. of L. Hourn. Alt. 3196 ft. Benaen, tn., Bohemia, 21 m. NNE. of Leitmeritz. Ben Sguliaird, mtn., Argyllshire, head of L. Creran. Alt. 3058 ft. Bensheim, tn., Germany, Hessen, 12 m. S. Darmstadt. Ben SUoch, mtn., lloss-shire, N. of L. Maree. Alt. 3217 ft. Benson or Bensington, par. and vil., Oxford, i| ui. NE. Wallingford. Benaon, Mount, South Australia, in co. Robe. Bensonville, vil.. Cape Colony, in Herschel co. Ben Stack, mtn., Sutherlandshire, W. of L. Stack. Alt. 2367 ft, Ben Btarav, mtn., Argyllshire, NE. of Loch Etive. Alt. 3541 ft. Bentala, tn., Senegambia, aiom. NNE. of Siena Leone. Bentham, )>ar. and nikt. tn., Yorkshire, 10 m. NW. Settle. Bentheim, tn., Prussia, 27 m, W. of Osnabriick. Bentlnck Arm, Biit. Coluniliia, inland part of Burke Channel. Bentinckl., Queensland, in Gulf of Carpentaria. Bentley Harbour, Victoria, in co. Buln-Buln. Benton Harbour, Michigan, on Lake Slichigan. Benton, vil. and tnslip.. 111., cap. of Franklin co. Bents, vil., Scotland, Linlitligowshire, 5 m. S. of Bathgate. Bentachen, tn., Prussia, circle and zo m. SE. of Meseritz. 36 BEN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BER Ben Tnlachan, mtn., Perthshire, at head Loch Katrine. Alt. 3099 ft. Ben Udlaman, mtii., Perthshire, E. of L. Ericht. Alt. 3306 ft. Benae, formerly Chadda, riv., Soudan, E. allluent of R. Niger. Ben Vane, mtn., Scotland, 4 m. N. of Loch Long. Alt. 3004 ft. Ben Vannoch, mtn.. Perthshire, head of Glen Lyun. Alt. 3125 ft. Ben Venue, mtn., Perthshire, on S. of L. Katrine. Alt. 2393 ft. Ben Vorlich, mtn., Scotland, on W. side L. Lomond. Alt. 3092 ft. Ben Vorlich, mtn,, Perthshire, on 8. side of L. Earn. Alt. 3224 ft. Ben Vrackle, mtn., Perthshire, near Blair Athol. Alt. 2757 ft. Benwee Head, most N. point co. Mayo, Ireland. BenweU, tuslij'., Northmnberland, 2 m. W. of Newcastle. Ben Wyvia, mtn., Scotland, Ross and Cromarty. Alt. 3429 ft. Ben-y-Gloe, mtn., Perthshire, 8 m. NE. Blair Athol. Alt. 3671 ft. Beodra, tn., Hungary, 12 m. N. of Xa^'y Kikin-ta. Bequia, isl., the N.-most of the Gn-nadines, Wust Indies, Berar, India. St^ Hyderabad Assigned Districts. Berat or Blelagorad, tn., Albania, 30 ni. NE. of Avlona. Pop. 10,000. Beratzhansen, vil,, Bavaria, 3 m. NNE. of Hemau. Berann, tn., Bohemia, circle and 24 m. SE. Prague, Berbenno, commune, Italy, 12 m. NE. of Bergamo. Berber, tn., Nubia, on E. bank of R. Nile. Berbers, spt., E. Africa, on a bay off Gulf of Aden. Berblco, the E. div. of British Guiana, traversed by Berbice U. Berbir, tn., Bosnia, on right bank of R. Save. Berceto, vil., Italy, prov. and 36 m. SW. of Parma, Berchem, tn., Belgium, E. Flanders, 6 m. SW. Audenarde. Berchem, vil., Xetlieilands, N. Brabant, 12 m. ENE. Herzogenbosch. BercMdda, vil., Sardinia, dist. and 20 m. from Ozieri. Berching, tn., Bavaria, 5 m. N. of Beilngiies, Berchtesgaden, vil., Bavaria, 105 m. ESB. of Munich. Berchules, vil., Spain, prov. Granada, 6 m. WNW. Ujijar. Berck-aur-Mer, vd,, France, Pas-de-Calais, on coast. Bercy, suburb of Paris, within the fortilications. Pop. 16,000. BerdI, tn., Chhindwara dist.. Central Provs,, India. Berdianak, tn., Russia, guv. Taurida, on Sea of Azov. Pop. 18.180. Berdlchev, tn., Russia, gov. and 92 m. WSW. Kiev. Pop. 77,223. Berea, \ il., Ohio, Cuyahoga co,, on Rocky R. Bereczk, tn,, Tiansylvania, 9 m. ENE. Kezdi Vasarhcly. Beregh, comitat, Hungary, W. of the Theis<^, Pop, 153,377. Bereghszaaz, tn., Hungary, 17 m. S. of Munkacs, Bereguardo, vil., Italy, 8 m, NW. of Pavia. Beregzo, vil., Hungary, 10 m. W. of Temesvar. Berelda, tn., Aiabia, in Nejid district. Pop. 24,000. Bereket, riv., Russia, gov. of Astrakhan. Beremboke, dist., Victoria, co. Grant, 89 m. \V. Melbourne. Berenice, ruined city, Egypt, on Red Sea. Berena River, Manitoba, falls into Lake AVinnipeg, Berent, tn., Prussia, gov. and 32 m. SW. Dantzig. Bereny, Jasz, tn., Hungary, 34 m. H of Pfstli, Pop. 21,507. Bereny, Lovaa, vil.. Hungary, 12m. NNE. Stuhlweissenlmrg. Bereny, Mezo, tn., Hungary, 10 in, NNW. of Csaba, Pop. 11,368. Bere Regis, tn,, England, 10 m, NE, of Dorchester. Bereslna, riv., Russia, gov. Minsk, affl. of Dnieper ; 200 m. long, Berettyo, riv., Hungary, flows 170' m. to the Korbs. Bere ttyo-DJ fain, nikt. tn,, Hun;^ary, 30m. NW. Grosswardein. Berezan, isl, Russia, in the Black Sea. Berezna, tn., Russia, gov. and 24 m. ENE, Chernigov. Pop, 11,086. Berezov, tn,, Siberia, gov. and 514 m. NNW. Tobolsk. Berezovskaya-Stanitza, vil., Rus.->ia, gov. of Don Cossack.s. Berga, tn., Spain, prov. and 72 ni. NNW, Barcelona. Berga, tn., G'Tinany, Saxc-Weimar, 4 lu. ESE. Weida. Berga, tn., Swrd-'u, in Krouobergs Ian, Bergama, rniij-d eity, Asia Minor 42 m. NE. Smyrna. Bergambacht, vi!., Snuth lb. Hand, 13 in. E. Rottrrdatii. Bergamo, city, N. Italy, 39 m, NE. of Milan, Pop. 39,129. Bergantino, tn., N. Italy, 25 m. W of Rovigo. Bergedorf, tn., Germany, 10 m. ESE, of Hamburg. Bergen, ft. siit". city, Norway, 190 in. WNW, Christiania, Pop, 53,686. Bergen, vil., Nethi'rlands, Limburg, 8 m. SSE. Gennep. Bergen, vil., Prussia, Hessen-Nassan, 4 m, NE. Frankfort, Bergen, tn,, Prussia, 14 m, NNW. of Celle. Bergen, tu., Prussia, in centre of Rugen I. Bergen, ry, stn., Manitoba, 7J m. from Winnipeg. Bergen, vil, and tnshp., N. Y., in Genesee co, Bergenhus, N, and B., 2 amts. Norway, Pop. 87,663 and 128,125. Bergen-op-Zoom, tu., Netherlands, prov. N, Brabant, Pop, 11,089. Bergerac, tn.. Franco, Dordogne, 30 m, SW, Perigueux. Pop. 16,042. Bergerhausen, vil., Rhenish Prussia, on R. Rubr. BergglesBhiibel, tn., Saxony, 2 m. NNE. of Gottleuba, Bergheim, tn., Al.sace, 8J m. N. of Colmar. Pop. 2771. Bergheim, vd., Hliunish Prussia, 13 m. W. of Cologne, Bergholt, East, par., Engl., Sutlblk, 9 m. SW. of Ipswich, Bergholt, West, par., Engl., Essex, 4 in. NW. Colchester. BergiBch Oladbach, tn., Prussia, 10 m. NE. of Ccdogne. Bergneustadt, tn., Prussia, circle of Gnniniersbaeh. Bergondo, ctn., Spain, prov. and ir m. SE. of Corufia. Bergrelcheuateln, tn., Bohemia, 42 in. WNW. of Budweis. Bergnes, tn., France, dep. N<)rd, 6 m. SSE. of Dunkirk. Bergum, vil., Netherlanbau. Bemstadt, tn., Prussian Silesia, 9 m. SE. of Oels. Bemstadt, colony, Argentine Rep., 18 m. WNW, Rosario. Bemstelo, tn., Prussia, 21 m. ENE. of SoUlin. B^rouaguia, vil,, Algeria, 20 m. SE, of Medeah. Berraba, tnshp,, N, S. Wales, co, Denliam, on the Namo! R. Berre, tn., France, Bouches-du-Rhone, 16 m, W. Aix. Bern or Berry, former prov., France, now deps. Indre and Cher. Berrlan, tn., Algerian Sahara, 80 m. SE. Laghuat. Berriedale, i)ar, and vil,, Scotland, Latheron par,, Caithness. Berrien Springs, vil., Mich., cap, Berrien co,, on St. Joseph R. Berriew, par. and tnshp,, M'ales, co. and 34 m. NW. Montgomery. Berrima, tnshp,, N, S. W., co. Camden, 83 m. SW. Sydney. Berrington, par. and ry. stn., Shropshire, 4^ m. SE. Shrewsbui-y. Berry, Mount, Tasmania, co. Kent, N. of Port Davey, Berrynarbor, coast par. and vil., Engl., Devon, 2^ m. E, Ilfracombe. B^rry Pomeroy, par. and vil., Devon, 1 J m. NE, of Totiies. Bersbo, mining vil., Sweden, in Ostergotlands liin, Bers^e, vil., France, dep. Nord, 4 m. S. of Pont-:i-Marcq. Bersetz, spt, tn., Istria, 42 m. SE, of Trieste. Bersham, tnshp., Wales, Denbighsh., in Wrexham par. Berson, vil,, France, dep. Gironde, 4111. SE. of Blaye. Berated, Sonth, ])ar. and vil., Sussex, containing Bognor, Bertat, dist., E. Cent. Africa, W. of Blue Nile and S. of I Bertetchi, tn., Wallachia, Roumania, circle of Braila. Berthelaase, isl., France, in R. Rhone, Villeneuve. Berthelsdorf, vil.. Saxony, 18 in. SE. of Bautzen. Bertblor-en-Haut, riv. port, Quebec, 45 m. NE. Montreal. Bertholdsdorf, (n., Lower Austria, 8 m. S. of Vienna. Bertie Bay, inlet, Goodc I., in Torres Strait. Bertlgnat, vil., France, Puy-dc-Dumc, 9 m. from Ambert. Bertincourt, vil.. Franco, Pas-de-Calais. 18 m. SE. of Arras. ^Bertinoro, tn., Italy, prov. and 8 m. SE. of Forli. : Fazokl. 37 BER THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BHA Bertioga, B&rrade, spt., Brazil, prov. Sao Paulo. Bertiolo, com., Italy, prov. Udiiie. 4 m. ESE. Codroipo. Bertonico, com., It-aly, prov. Milan, 12 m. SE. of Lodi. Bertraghboy Bay, inlet, on SW. coast of Gahvay, Ireland. Bertrix, vil., Belgium, Luxembourg, 8 ni. W. Xeufchateau. Bertry, vil., France, dep. Xord, 2^ m. E. of Clary. Bertsdorl, vil., Saxony, 4 m. WSW. of Zittau. Bemdsliirel, tn., Persia, prov. of Irak-Ajemi. Pop. 10,000. Berul, vil., M'ardha dist., Central Provs., India. Berun, vil., Prussian Silesia, so m. ENE. of Pless. Bervaisk, vil., Sil)eria, gov. Tobolsk, at mouth of R. Obi. Bervie or Inverbervie, spt. bor., Scotl., in SE. Kincardinesh. Berwick, tn., Victoria, co. Wornington, 263 ni. SE. Melbourne. Berwick, vil. and tnslip., Me., York co., on Salmon R. Berwick, bor. and tushp., Pa., in Adams co. Berwick, borough, Pa., in Columbia co. Berwick, North. Sec North Berwick. Berwick-on-Tweed, ba.s3 of the Ilimalayas, India, Kumaon dist. Alt. 18,000 ft. Bianze, tn., Italy, circle and 16 m, W. of Vercelli. Blar. vil., Spain, prov. and 30 m. NNW. of Alicante. Biarritz, spt. tn., France, on Bay of Biscay, 4 m. WHW. Bayoiine. Blaaca, tn., Hwitz., canton Tiemo, 12 in. N. of Bellinzona. Blbbenluke, tn., N. H. W., co, Welleslev, 307 ni. S. of Sydney. Blbbiano, vil., Italy, Emilia, 8 in. W.SW. of Reggio. Blbbiena, tn., Italy, prov. and 10 in. N. of Aro/zo. Blbbona. tn., Italy, prov. Pisa, 22 m. SW. of Volterra. BIberach. vil., lia«len, on K. Kirizig, 5 m. H. of Gengenbach. Biberach, tn., Wurtcmbcrg, 22 m. SHW. of Ulm. Blblana, vil., Italy, prov. Turin, 5 m W. of Cavour. Blblla, vil., Germany, in Iles.sen, 8 in. W. of Benaheim. Bibra, tn., Prussia, circle and 6 m. N. of Kckartsberga. Bibury, par. and vil., Glour-estersb., 5J m. S. Northlcach. Blc or L'Islet an Maasacre, island, Quebec, in It. 8t. Lawrence, Bic, vil., Quebec, (tn St. Lawrence, 181 J m. below Qnebec. Blcanere. Sea Blk&ner. Blccarl, tn., Italy, rlist. and 22 in. "W'SW. of Foggin. Bicester, mkt. tn., England, co. and loj m. NE. of Oxford. Bicfitre, vil., Franco, i m. S. of Paris. Contains lunatic asylum. Bichana, tn., Abyssinia, 160 m. SSE. of Gondar. Bicheno, tn., Tasmania, co. Glamorgan, 100 m. NE. Hobart. Bickerataffe, tnshp., Lancashire, 3 J in. SE. of Ormskirk. Bickerton I., N. Ter., S. Australia, 11 m. long by 10 m. broad. Bickmore's Hill, 8. Australia, near centre of co. Lytton. Blcquette, isl., Quebec, in St. Lawrence R., near Bic L BlcBke, tn., Hungary, 15 m. W. of Buda. Bida, tn., Africa, Nupe state, on the Kaduma R. Pop. 80,000. Bidar, tn., Haidarabad, India. Lat. 17° 53' N., long. 77° 34' E. BidasBoa, riv., Spain, flows 40 m. to Bay of Biscay at French frontier. Biddeford, city, Me., York co., on Saco R. Pop. 14,418. Biddenden, par. and vil., Kent, 7A in. NE. of Cranbrook. Biddulph, par., Staffordshire, 3 m. SE. of Congleton. Biddulph'a lalands, group in Persian Gulf. Bidduma Islanda, group in Lake Chad, Central Africa. Bideford, spt. tn., Devonshire, on R. Tnrridge, 4 m. from sea. Bidesir, tn., Rajputana, 60 m. frnin Bikaner. Bidford, par. and vil., Warwickshire, 7 m. SW. Stratford-on-Avon. Bldghlkli, tu., Anatolia, Asia Minor, 17 m. N. of Adala. Bidhuna, tahsil and tn., Etawah dist., NW. Provs., India. Blar. and vil,, I. of Wight, i\ ra. NW. Ryde. Biusted, par., England, Sussex, 2 ra. SW. Arundel. Bintang, isl., Malay Archipelago, on Equator. Pop. 20,000. Binton, par. and ry. stn., AVarwicksh., 4 ra. SW. Strattord-on-Avon. Binya, Mount, New South Wales, in co. Cooper. Bio Bio, a central prov. of Chili. Area 4158 sq. m. Pop. 118,537. Bio Bio, riv.. Chili, flows 300 m. to Pacilie, at Concepcion. Biomeborg, tn., Finland, at mouth of Kuno in G. of Bothnia. Bir, tn., Asiatic Turkey, on Euphrates, 115 ra. NE. Antioch. Bir, vil., Kangradist., Punjab. Iron-mines in vicinity. Biramganta, tn., Nellore dist., Madras, India. Former salt stn. Birblium, dist., Bardwan, Bengal. Area 1756 sq. m. Pop. 789,600. Birch, par., England, Essex, 5 m, SW. Colchester. Birch, cccl. dist., Engl., Lancashire, 2 m. NW, Middleton. Birchfleld, eccl. dist., Statlordshire, in Handsworth parish. Birchigaon, pass, Himalayas, India, Kumaon dist. Alt. 15,000 ft, Birchington, par. and vil., Kent, 2 m. SW. Margate. Birchwood, vil., England, Derbyshire, 2 m, SE, Alfreton. Bird, isl,, Ireland, co, Cork, in Dunmanus Bay, Bird, isl,, Ireland, co. Down, in Lough Strangford, Blrdbrook, vil,, England, Essex, 4 ra SE. Haverhill, Blrdhill, ham. and ry, stn., Ireland, Tiiqierary, 13 ni. SW. Nenagh. Birdlngbury or Blrbury, par.. Warwickshire, 7 ra. SW. Rugby. Bird Island, Victoria, in Geelong Harbour, Port Philip Bay. Bird Island, Queensland, off NE. coast of Cook district. Bird Island, South Australia, in Daly co. Birdjan, In., Persia, dist. Khorassan. Pop. 12,000. Birdsall, par., England, Yorkshire, sh '"• ^'''- ^*^'^^' Malton. Bfa-dsborough, bor.. Pa., Berks CO., 49' ni- NW. Philadelphia. Bird's Hill, ry. stn,, Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 8 m. E, Winnipeg. Birdaville, post tn,, Queensland, on Diamentina R. Birdwell, ry. stn., England, Y'orkshire, 4 ra. SE. Barnsley. BlrganJ, vil.. Drnajpur dist,, Bengal. Lat, 25° 51' N-, long, 88" 4^ K. Birgham, \i\., Scotland, Berwickshire, 3^ m. W. Coldstream. Birhar, paroaua, Faizabad dist,, Oudh. Area 221 sq. m. Biria, tn,, Ballia dist,, NW. Provs,, India. Birie, riv,, N, S, W., co. Narran, tributary of Culgoa R. Birioutch, tn., Russia, gov. and 76 ra. SSW. Voronesh. Birkdale, tnshp., England, Laneashire, li^ ra. S. Southport. Blrkenberg, tn., Bohemia, in circle of Prague. Blrkenfeld, principality, Oldenburg, Prussia. Area 194 sq. m. Birkenhead, spt. tn., Engl,, opposite Liverpool, on Mersey, z 99,249. Birkenhead, tnshp., S. Australia, 8 ra. SW. Adelaide. Birkenshaw, eccl. dist,, England, 4V ra. SE. Bradford. Birket-el-HadJi or Lake of Pilgrims, Egypt, 10 ni. NE. Cairo. Blrket-el-Kam, lake, Egypt, in Fayum, 35 m. long by 7 m. Birket-Mariut, lake, Egypt, near Alexandria. Birket-er-Ram, lake, Palestine, SE. of Bangns. BirkhaU, royal seat, Aberdeenshire, aim. SW. Ballater. Btrkul, vil,, Midnapur dist., Bengal. Hot weather resort, Birladu. See Berlad, Birley Vale, vil., England, Yorkshire, near Sheffield. Birling, par., Eng!;ind, Kent, 6 m. NW. Maidstone. BirlingGap, artificial cut, Sussex coast, 1^ ra. W. Beachy Head. Birma. Sec Burma. Birmingham, bur., Engl., Warwlcksh., 113 m, NW. London. P. 478.117. Birmingham, tn., Alabama, caj^ of Jeffersoil co. Pop. 26,241. Birmingham, bor., Connecticut, in New Haven co. Birmingham, Pa., on Monongahela R., part of Pittsburg. Bii-nagar, tn., Nadiya dist., Bengal, India. Bimam, vil. and hill, Scotland. Perthshire, S. of Dunkeld. Bimbaum, tn., Prussia, 4«; ra. WNW. Posen, Bimie, par., Scotland, NE, of Elginshire. Blroslaf, tn., Russia, gov. Kherson, on R. Dnieper. Birpor, ■\il., Bhagalpur dist., Benpal. Birr or Parsonstown, tn., Ireland, King'.s Co., on Lit. Brosna K. Birregun, Mt., Victoria, between Dargo and Wcntworth Rs. Birregurra, tn., Victoria, co. Polwarth, 83^ ra. SW. Melbourne. Birrwyl, vil., Switz., Aargau, 4 ra. SE, Kulm. BlTB, riv., Switzerland, atll. of Rhine at Basel. Birsay and Harray, par., Orkney Is., 20 ra. NW, Kirkwall, Biree, par, and viI,, Scotland, Aberdeen, on R. Dec, Birsfelden. vil,, Switz,, Basel, 4 m. N. Arlesheim. Birsig, riv., Switzerland, alH. of Rhine below Basel. Blrsilpur, tn., Jaisalmir st;ite, Raji'utana, Birsk, tn., Russia, gov. Orenburg, tm the Belaia. Birsley, place with colliery, adj;ufut to Tranent, HaddingLonsliire. BirsNimrud, ruins of Tower of Babel, on R. Euphrates. Birstall, tn., England, Yorkshire, 7ra. SW. Leeds. Birstwith, tnshp., England, Yorkshire, 3 ra, SW. Ripley. Birten, vil., Rhenish Prussia, circle of Murs. Birtle, vil., Manitoba, on ry,, 13-^ ra, from Portage-Ia-Prairic. Birtle-cum-Bamford, tnshp,, Lancashire, 2\ m. NE. Bury. Birtley, tnshp. and ry. stn., Durham, 5 m. SE. Gateshead. Bhrtley, tnshp., Northumberland, 5 m. SE. Bellingham. 40 BIB THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BLA Blru, country, W. Africa, N. of Bfiiiil>arra. Bimpa, riv., CntUck, Bengal, trib. of the Brahmaui. Blrur, tn., Kadiirdist., Mysore, India. Bisaccla, tn., Italy, prov. and 30 m. EXE. Avellino. Biaacqnino, tn., Sicily, 27 m. S. of Palermo. Pop. 10,086. Bisall, pass, S. Kanara dist., Madras. Lat. 12' 44' N. BiBalnagar, sub-div., Kadi dist., Baroda, India. Ar. 227 m. BiBaoll, tn., XW. Provs., India, 24 ni. X^W. Budaun. BiB&w&r, tn., NW. Pruvs., India, 6 ni. N. of R. Jumna. Blabal, La, tn., Spain, 17 ni. E. Gerona. BlBbut, tn., Malta I., Mediterranean Sea. BUcari, vil , Sicily, 30 m. XW. of Modiea. Biscay orBlacaya, X. prov., Spain. Area 850 sq. ni. Pop. 235.669. BUcay, Bay of, i>art of Atlantic, along W. coast France and X'. Sp.iin. BiscajTie, vil., Florida, cap. Dade co,, on B. Bay. Sponge lisheries. BUceglie, spt., Italy, on Adriatic, 21 \\\. XW, Bari. Pop. 26,127. BiBchheim, tn., Alsace, 2 m. N. of Strasburg. Biflchoff, Mount, Tasmania, in Russell co. BUchofBburg, tn., Prussia, 60 m. SSE. Konigsberg. Blschofsborg-am-Rheln, tn., Baden, 19 ni. S\V. Rastadt. Blschoffiheim-am-Tauber, tn., Baden, ig ni. S\V. Wiirzburg. Bifichofslaak, tu., Austria, 15 m. X'E. Laybacli. Bischotsteln, tn., Prussia, 46 m. SSE. Konigsberg. Bischo&werda, tn., Saxony, 29 m. EXE. Dresden. Biachotswerder, In., Prussia, 25 m. SE. Slarienwerder. Biflchofszell, tn., Switzerland, 11 in. SE. Constiince. Blscbweiler, tn., Alsace, 14 m, N. Strasburg. Blscoe Islands, group ofl' coast of Antarctica. Biacotasing, ry. stii., Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 412 m. W. Ottawa. Blsenz, tn., Moravia, 6 m. W. of Ostrau. Biaham, par., England, B-'rks, oti R. Thames. Blshangarh, tn., Farukhabad dist., XH'. I'rovs., India. BlBhanpor Narhan Ehas, vil., Darbhanga dist., Bengal. Bishkhall Eiver, Bengal, Sandarbans, llows 45 m. to the sea. Blstmapor, sub-tliv., Ban kura dist., Bengal. Bislmupur, tn., Bankura dist., Bengal. Bishop and Clerks, rocks, Wales, 4 m. SW. St. David's Head. Bishop- Auckland, tn., England, gi ni. SW. Durham. Bisopbriggs, vil., Scotland, 3i m.'XE. Glasgow. Bishop- Mi ddleham, jiar., England, SJ m. SE. Durham. BishoFmill, tn., Scotland, forms a suburb of Elgin. Bishop Rock, isl., Scilly Islands, 7 m. from Hngh Town. Bishopsboume, par., Kent, 4 m. SE. Canterbury. Biahopsboume, vil., Tasmania, co. and 8 m. W. of L'mgford. Bishopa Cannings, par. and vil., Wilts, 3 m. NE. Devi/.es. Bishops Castle, tn., Shropshire, 9J ni. SW. Church Stretton. Bishops Cleeve, par. and tnshp,, Glouceatersh.,3 m. XE. Cheltenham. Bishopagate, liam., SuiTey, adjacent to Windsor Park. Bishops-Lydeard, par. and vil., Somerset, 5 m. XW. Taunton. Bishops-Nympton, vil., Devonshire, 3^ m. SE. South Molton. Bifihop-Stortford, mkt. tn., England, 12 ni. XE. Hertford. Biahops-Tawton, par., Devonshire, 2 m. SE. Barnstaple. BiahopBteignton, par., Devonshire, 2 in. SW. Teignmouth. Bishopstoke. par., vil., England, 6j in. XE. Southampton. Bishops -Waltham, tn., Hants, 9^ m. SE. Winchester. Bishop Thorpe, i)ar., Engl., 3J in. SE. York. Archbishop's palace. Bishopton, \il., Scotl., Renfrewshiri', 5} m. XW. Paisley. Btahopville, vil., S. Carolina, 45 m. EXE. Columbia. Bishop Wearmouth, par., Durham, in Sunderland pari. bor. Bisignano, tn., Italy, prov. aud 14 m. N. Cosenza. Blskara, tn., Algerian Sahara, 214 m. SE. Algiers. Biakupltz, tn., Prussian Silesia, circle OiJpeln. Bialey, mkt. tn., Engl., Gloucestershire, 3 in. E. Stroud. Bialich, vil., PriLssia, circle Rees, dist. Wesel. BUIlg, dist., tn., Mimlanao, Pliilippine Isls.,prov. Surigo. P. 21.000. Biamarck, tn., Prussian Saxony, 13 m. W. Stendal. Bismarck, tn., cap. X. Dakota, on Missouri R. Bismarck Archipelago, isls. (German), off N'ew Guinea. 20,150 sq^. m. Pop. 188,000. Blamarckburg, sin., Tognland. Slave Coast, W. Africa. Biflon BAnge, ur Papl-konda, Godavari dist., Madras, India. Biaphara, Coast par., Engl., Lancashire, near Poulton. Biarampur, vil., Sargnja, Chutia Xagpur, India. Coal-field. Biasagoa, grp. i.^ls., olf coast of Scnegambia, W. Africa. Bisaao, isl. and PortiigUL'se set., W. Africa, Scnegambia. Bissau, tn., Rajputana, 120 m. XW. Jaijjur. Blssemkatak, tn., Vizagapatam dist., Madras. Bissett, ry. stn., Ontario, 164 m. W. of Ottawa. BiBtagno, vil., Italy, Piedmont, 5 m. W. Accjui. Biatam, In., Persia, 40 m. S. of Astrabad. Biatlneau, lake, Louisiana, 30 m. long; navi;^able by steamers. Blstrau, tn., Bohemia, 8 m. SSE. of Poltschka. Bistree, tn.shp., Wales, Flintshire, z m. E. Mold. Blstricza, tn., Croatia, 18 m, XE. Agrani. Blstrilz, tn., Transylvania, on R. Bistritza. Biatrltz, Neu, vil., Bohemia, 33 in. E. of Budweis. Bistritza, riv., Transylvania, aflluent of the Szamo.?. Eistrltza, riv., Hungary, Hows through Bukowina and Moldavia. Blstrltz-am-Hostein, tn., Moravia, 25 in. SW. Neutitschein. Blswan, tahsU , Sitapurdist , Oudh. Area 573 sq. m. Biswau, tn., Oudh, 21 m. E. of Sitapur. Blaztra, vil., Transylvania, dist. OlUmbanya. Bitburg, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 17 ni. XW. Treves. Bltetto, tn., Italy, 10 m. by rail S. Bari. Blthar, tn., Unao dist., Oudh, India. Bithur, lu., Imlia, Cawnpur dist., XW. Pruvs. BltllB, tn., Asiatic Turkey, 130 m. SE. Erzerum. Pop. 10-12,000. BitoUa or Monaatir, tn., Turkey, 118 in. W. Salonica. Bltonho, grp. small islets, Vasawa group, Fiji. Bltonto, tn., Italy, 10 m. W.SW. of Bari. Pop. 27,060. Bltrltto, vil. , Italy, circle and 7 m. S. of Bari. BlUch, ft. tn,, Al-sace-Liirraine, ^5 m, X. Strasburg. Bltschweller, tn., Alsace, 18 m. XNE. Belfort. Bitterfeld, to,, Prussian Saxony, 18 ni. XE. Halle. Bitter Lakes, Egypt, traversed by Suez Canal. Bltterley, par., England, Shropshire, 4 m. XE. Ludlow. Bltterne, eccl. dist., Englanrl, 2 m. X'E. Southampton. Bitter Root Mtna., range between Idaho and Montana. Bltti, vil., Sardinia, ig m. X. of Nuoro. Bitton. ]iar., Engl., Gloucestershire, 6 m. SE. Bristol. Blviere, lake, Sicily, prov. Syracuse, near Lentini. Bivona, tn., Sieily, prov. and 20 m. XW. Girgenti. Blyerre, riv., Eqnat. Africa, allluentofR. Congo. Bizerta, tn., X. Africa, 38 m. X. of Tunis. Bizot, vil., Algeria, 8 m. X*. of Constantine. Blzovac, vil., Hungary, 12 m. WXW. Eszek. Blaavands Huk, moat W. p>int of Jutland, Denmark. Blabheln or Blaven, mtn., Srotland, S. of Skyc I. Alt. 3042 ft. Blaby, par., England, co. and 4^ m. S. Leicester. Black, tnshp., Indiana, in co. Posey. Blackall, bor., Qnei-nsland, co. Tamlio, 625 in. XW. Brisliane. Blackadder, riv., Scotland, Berwicksh., fliiws 20 in, to Whiteadder. Blackboy, tnshp., Tasmania, 134 m. XE. Hobart. Gold-mining. Blackboy, vil., Ireland, St. Lawrence par., co. Limerick. BlackboyB, vil., England, Sussex, 8^ m. XE. of Lewes. Blackbraea, vil., Scotland, Stirlingsii., 3} in. SB. Falkirk. Black Brook tnshp., X'ew York, Clinton co. Black Brook, atfl. of R. Soar, Leicestershire. Length g in. Black Bull, ry. stn., Statfurdsliire, 7} in. X. of Stoke. Blackburn, tn., Engl., Lancashire, q m. E. Preston. Pop. 120,064. Blackburn, vil., Scotland, g in. X W. of Abeideen. Blackburn, vil., Scotl , Linlithgowsh., ^\ in. S. Bathgate. Black Combe, lutn., England, Cumberland. Alt. igrq ft. Black Country, tract with mines and iron-works, S. Staffordshii'e. Black Craig, mtn., Scotland, mid Ayrshire. Alt. 2298 ft. Black Creek, Jlississijtpi, flows to the Passagoula R. Black Creek, S. Carolina, flows to the Gt. Pedee R. Blackdown. vil., England, Dorset, 5^^ in. XW. Beaminster. Black Down, highest peak, Mendip Hills, E. Somerset. Alt. 1160 ft. Black Down, lull ridge, England, XW. Dorset. Alt. 817 ft. Black Dyke, ry. stn., Cumberland, 8 m. XW. Wigton. Blackfellows's Creek, set. and ry. stn., S. Australia, co. Taunton. Blackfoot Crossing, Canada, Alberta, between Bow and Red Deer Rs. Blackfoot River, Blontana, from Rocky Mtns. to Hell Gate R. Black Force, cascade, England, Westmorland, on Fell Head. Blackford, vil., Scotland, Perthshire, 9 m. KE, Dunblane. Black Forest (Schwarzwald), mtn. region, SE. Germany. Area 1843 sq.m. Black Forest, mtn. range, Wales, between Rs. Wye and Usk. Blackball, vil., Scotland, co. and 2 m. W. Edinburgh, Black Hawk, tn. Colorado, Gilpin co., in Rocky Mtns. Black Head, ]uom., Cornwall, England, 6m. XE. of the Lizard. Black Head, prom., ouX, side of entrance to Belfast Lough. Black Head, lightliouse, Irel., Waterford, i m. XXE. Duncannun Ft. Blackhead, cape, Xew Zealand, E. coast ofco. Patangata. Blackheath, vil. and common, England, 7 m. SE. of London. Blackheath, ry. stn., Xew S. Wales, co. Conk. 50 ni. W. of Sydney. Black Hills, Dakota and Wyoming. Highest peak 7403 ft. Blacklsle, prom., Scotland, between Invernessand Cromarty Firths. Black Island, Xewfoundland, at entrance to Exploits Bay. Black lalauda, grp., in Atlantic, off coast of Labrador. Black Lake, Xew York, 7 m. S. of Ogdensburg, 20 m. long. Black Lake, Canada, XW. Ter. Lat, 59" 20' X., long. 105" 12' W. Blacklarg, mtn., Scotland, Ayr and Dumfries. Alt. 2231 ft. Blackley, tnshp., Lancashire, 3 m. X^. Manchester. Blacklow Hill, wooded euiiuenre, Englaiul, li m. X. "Warwick. Blackman Point, Tasmania, on X*. coast of co. Wellington. Blackman'a River, Tasmania, trib. of Macquarie R. Blackmill, vil., Wales, Glamorgan, 5^ m. XW. Llantrissant. Blackness, coast ham., Scotl., Linlithgowshire, 3^ in. E. Bo'ness. Black Peak, mtn., S. Australia, Gawler Ra., 10 m. SW. Salt L. Black Point, fishing set., Xova Scotia, 20 m. from Shelburne. Black Point, sub-div., Xova Scotia, 28 m. from Halifax. Blackpool, spt. tn., Lancashire, 17^ m. X'W. Preston. Black Mtns., X". Carolina, higliest of Appalachian Ra. U. pt. 6760 ft. Black Mtns. or Fforeat Fawr, S. Wales. Brecknock Van 2631 ft. Black Range, mtns., Victoria, in SE. part of co. Lowan. Blackridge, vil., Scotland, Linlithgowshire, 5^ m. W. Bathgate. Black River, Missouri and Arkansas, fiows40o m. to R. Arkansas. Black River, Xew York, flows 200 m. to Lake Ontario. Black River, Quebec, flows 128 m. to the Ottawa R. Black River, South Carolina, flows 150 in. to Winyaw Bay. Black River, Wisconsin, flows 200 m. to the Mississippi. Black River Falls, tn., Wisconsin, cap Jackson co. Blackrock, f.t ry, on R. Severn, Monmouthshire, 4 in. SW. Chepstow. Blackrock, tusl'iji., Ireland, co. and 4 m. SK. Dublin. Blackrock, vil., Irehind, co. and 3 m. E. C<>rk. Blackrock, vil., Ireljind, co. Luutli, 5 in. SK. Dundalk. Blackrock, lighthouse, Ireland, at S. entrance to Sligo Bay. Black RockB, grp., Ireland, co. Mayo, 6 ni, X W. Achill Head. Blackrod, tnslip., Engl., Lancashire, 5 m. SE. Clioriey. Blacksboat, ry. stn., Scntland, Elginshire, 8i m. SW. Aberlour. Blackaburg, vil., Viigiiiia, Muntguineiy CO., 75 m. WSW. Lyncliburg. Black Sea (Kara Denghls), betw, Europe and Asia. Area 163,700 sq. m. Blackshttw, vil., Sc'illaiid, co.and8m.SE. Dumfries. Blackshlela, ham., ILiiMuigtunsUirc, 15 m. SE. Edinburgh. Black Snake, mining (list., Queensland, 12 m. SW. Kilkivan. BlacksodBay, Ireland, JNW. co. Mayo, 10 m. long by 6 in. Blackstalra, mtn, range, Ireland, Carlow and Wexford, 13 m. long. Blackatocks, yd., 8. Carolina, 53 m. X. of Columbia. BlackBtone, vil., Scotland, Renlrewshire, 2 in. XW. Paisley. Blackstone, vil., Massachusetts, Worcester co., on Blaekstono R. Black Sturgeon, riv,, Ontario, enters Black Bay, Lake Superior. Black Sturgeon Lake, on above river, 13 ni. long by 2 m. broad. Black Sugar Loaf, mtn., Tasmania, in co. Devon. Black Tor, hill, England, Dartmoor Forest, S. Devon. Blacktown, liiNlip., N. S. Wales, co. Cumberland, 22 m. W. Sydney. 41 BLA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BLU BlackviUe, tnshp., New Soutli Wales, co. Pottinger, 197 in. NW. Sydney. BlackvUle, vil., S. Carolina, 9 m. WNW. of Charleston. BlackviUe, sub-*list., Ontario, co. Jlid».Uesex. Blackwall, ry. bin. and suljurb, 3J m. E. of London. Black Warrior, riv., Alabama, flows 300 ni. to the Tonibigbee E. Blackwater, vil., Ent^laiul, iiauts, 2 ni. NW. Christchurch. Blackwater, vil., Eui^laiid, Uants, 3^ m. NW. Earnborough. Blackwater, ry. stn., Isle of Wight) 2 nu SE. Newport. Blackwater, nv., England, Dorset, flows 15 m. to It. Stour. Blackwater, riv., England, Essex, flows 40 m. to North Sea. Blackwater, riv., England, Surrey, afll. of R. Loddon, Berks. Blackwater, riv., Scutland, Banttsliire, flows 8 ni. to the Deveron. Blackwater, riv., Scotland, alll. of K. Ken, Kirkcudbrightshire. Blackwater, Scotl., i'ertlishire, unites with Ardle to form the Ericht. Blackwater, hcotland, altl. of K. Couou, Ross and Cromarty. Blackwater, riv., Munster, flows 100 ni. to Youghal harb. Blackwater, riv., Ireland, Weath, flows 40 ni. to R. Boyne. Blackwater, riv., Ireland, Tyrone, flows 50 m. to L. Neagh. Blackwater, nv., Ireland, afll. of It. Baun, co. Cavan. Blackwater, riv., Ireland, co. Kerry, flows 8 m. to Kenmare R. Blackwater, coastguard stn., co. Wexford, 10 tn. SE. Euniscorthy. Blackwater, riv., Virginia, alH. of the Nottaway K. Blackwatertown, vil., Ireland, co. and 4 ni. N. Armagh. Blackwell, par., Derbyshire, 2^ m. NE. Alfreton. Blackwella Island, New York, in East R., part of New Tork city. Blackwood, Cape, New Guinea, forms W. side Deception Bay. Blackwood or Mt. B., tnshp., Victoria, 54 m. WNW. Jlelhourne. Blackwood, pd.'^t stn., W. Australia, 170 in. S. of Perth. Blackwood, tn., S. Australia, iii ni. SE. Adelaide. Blackwood, riv., W. Australia, tfows W. to Indian Ocean. Bladenoch, vil., Scotland, Wigtownshire, on R. Bladeuoch. Bladensburg, vil., Jlaryland, 6 ni. NE. Washington. Br. victory 1S14. Bladon, par. and vil., Oxfordshire, 2 m. S. of Woodstock. Blaenau Festiniog, vil. and ry. stn., Wales, NW. co. Merioneth. Blaenavon, eccl. dist. and vil., MounioutUsh., 5^ m. NW. Pontypool. BlaengwawT, mining stn., Glamorgansh., 8 m. NE. Neath. Blaenhonddan, vil., Glamorgansh., 2^ m. NE. Neath. Blagdon, par., England, Somerset, 6 m. NE. Axbridge. Blagnac, vil., France, Haute-Garonne, 4 m. NW. Toulouse. BlagovestchecBk, tn., Asiatic Russia, gov. and on R. Amur. Blagovyeshtchenaki, tn., Russiaj gov. Ufa. Copper mines. Blain, tn., France, Loire-Infer., 20 m. NNW Nantes. Blaina, vil., Monmouthshire, 2 m. SE. Nantyg.o. Iron-works. Blair, vil. and iron-works, Ayrshire, adjacent to Dairy. Blair, vil., Nebraska, cap. Washington co., on Missouri R. Blairadam, ham. and ry. stn., Scotland, co. and 4^ ni. SE. Kinros?^. Blair-Athole, par. and vil., Scotland, 35^ m. NW. Perth. Blairbum, vil., Scotland, Perthshire, Culross par., on R. Forth. Blair Drummond, vil., Scotland, Perthshire, 2 m. SE. Doune. Blairgowrie, tn., Scotl., Perthsh., 5 m. NW, Cnpar-Angus. Blairhall, vil., Scotland, Perthshire, 6^ m. NW. Dundee. Blairmore and Strone, vil., Scotland, at entrance to Loch Long. Blairaville, vil., G<-nrgia, cap. Union co. Gold and marble worked. Blairsville, bor., Pennsylvania, Indiana co., on Conemaugh R. Blairtaieri, tnshp.. New iiealand, in co. and on Taieri R. Blakely, bor., Pennsylvania, Lacknawanna co. Coal-mining. Blakeney, vil., England, Gloucestershire, 3^ m. SW. Newuham. Blakeuey, spt., England, Norfolk, sJ m. NW. Hult, Blamont, tn., France, Meurthe-et-Moselle, 18 m. E. LuneviUe. Blanc, Le, tn., France, dep. Indre, on K. Creuse. Blanc. Mont, France, Alps, highest in Europe. Alt. 15,781 ft. Blanca, tn., Spain, 25 m. NWl of Murcia. BlancaPeak, hightst mtu. of Colorado. Alt. 14,464 ft. Blanchard, municipality, Manitoba, Minnedos:t, co. Blanchardatown, vil. and ry. stn., Ireland, 5 m. NW. of Dublin. Blanche Town, tushp., S. Australia, 88 m. NE. Adelaide. Blanch Harbour, S. Australia, on NW. Spencer's Gulf. Blanchland, tnshp., Northumberland, 9 m, SE. Hexham. Blanco, Cape, Sahara, W. coast Africa. Lat. 20° 46' 55" N. Bland Creek, New South Wales, in co. of same name. Blandford, tnshp., New S. Wales, cu. liiiaUane, itia m. N. Sydney. Elandf or d- Forum, tn., En^'land, E. Dorset, on R. Stour. Blandinsville, vil. and tnslip. , Illinois, WDonough CO. Blanefield, vil., hcutland, Stirlingshire, 7jni. NW. Kirkintilloch. Blanea, spt., Spain, on Jleditenanean, 2c m. B. Geruna. Blankenberghe, tn., Belgium, W. Flanders, on English Channel. Blankenburg, mining tn., Brunswick, in Harz mtns. Blankenese, vil., Prussia, on Elbe, 6 ni. W. Altona. Blanket Bay, bight, Victoria, on SE. coast co. Polwarth. Blankenhain, tn., Germany, g Ui. SSE. Weimar. Blanqnefort, vil., France, 6in. NW. Bordeaux. Blanquilla, is!., Venezuela, Caribbean Sea, NNE. Tortuga. Blanako, tn., Moravia, 12 m. N. of Brunn. Blantyre, par. and 2 vils., Scotland, 3 ni. NW. Hamilton. Blantyre, mission stn., E. Central Africa, S. of Lake Shirwa. Blanzy, vil., France, Sa6ne-et-Loire, 18 m. SE. Autun. Blarney, vil. and castle, Ireland, 4 m. NW, Cork. Blasewitz, vil., Saxuny, 5 \\\. SSE. Dresden. Blaaket or Blasquet Islands, Ireland, co. KeiTy, 12 m. W. Dingle. Blaszkl, tn., Russia, I'uland, 17 Di. ESE. Kalisz. BlatchinworthwithCalderbrook, tnshp., Lancash., 5 \\\. NE. Rochdale. Blatna, tn., Bohemia, 16 m. N W. Piaek. Blato, vil., Bosnia, district Mostar. Blaton, vil., Belgium, Hainant, 15 m. SE. Toumay. Blatta, viL, Dalmatia, 20 m. W. of Cnrzola. Blau, riv., Wurtemberg, affluent of the Danube at Vhii. Blaubeuren, tn., Wiirtemberg, 10 m. NW. Ulm, Blauda, vil., Austria, in Moravia, circle of Olmiitz. Blaydon, tn., Durham, on Tyne, 5 ni. W. Gateshead. Blaye tn., France, on Girondo, 24. m. NNW. Bordeaux. Blayney, tnshp., New South Wales, 172 m. W. Sydney. Blaze, Cape. N. Australia, between Anson and Fog Bays. Blazowa, vil., Galicia, in circle of Jaslo. Bleadon, I'ar. and ry. stn., Somerset, 4^ m. SE. Weston-super-Mare. Bleaaby, par., England, co. and loi m. NE. Nottingham. Blea Tarn, lakelet, Westmorland, 5^ m. W. Ambleside. Blechynden, coastguard stn., England, 2 m. S. of Southampton. Bledlow, vil., Engl., Bucks, 3 \\\. W. Princes Risboruugh. Blegno, riv. and val , Switzerland, the former flowing S. totheTiciuo. Bleiberg tn., Austria, Carinthia, 8 ni. W. Villach. Lead-mines. Bleicherode, tn. , Prussian Saxony, 10 m. SW. Nordhausen. Blekinge, Ian, Sweden, on Baltic. Area 1164 sq. m. Pop. 143,096. Blencow, ry. stn., Cumberland, 2i m. W. Penrith. Blenheim, vil., Bavaria, 23 ni. NNW. Augsburg. Battle 1704. Blenheim, spt., New Zealand, cap. Marlborough co. Blenheim, vil., Ontario, co. Kent, 60 m. from London. Blenheim Palace, Oxfordsh., "Woodstock, seat Duke of Marlborough. Blenklnaopp, tnshp., Northumberland, 3 m. W. llaltwhistle. Elennerville, vil., Ireland, co, Kerry, 2 m. S. Tralee. B16r6, tn., France, Indre-et-Loire, 16 m. ESE. Tours. Blesle, vil., France, Haute-Loire, 12 ni. W. Biioude. Bleasington, tir , Ireland CO. Wicklow, 18 m. SW. Dublin. Bletchingly, vil., England, Surrey, 5 m. NE. Reigate. Bletchington, par., England, Oxfordshire, 6 m. SW. Bicester. Bletchley, dist., S. Australia, co. Frome, 348 m. N. Adelaide. Bletchley, tn., S. Australia, co. Hindmarsli, 36 m. SE. Adelaide. Bleville, vil., France, Seine-Inferienre, 2J m. N. Le na\Te. Blevlo, vil., Italy, near Lago di Como. Blewbnry, par. and vil., England, Berks, 3^ m. S. Didcot. Blewfielda, Central America. 6Ve Blnefields. BUdah, tn., Algeria, 30 m. SW. Algiers. Pop. 12,839. BUdworth, par. and vil., England, Notts, 5 m. SE. Mansfield. BUeskastel, tn., Bavaria, 6 m. W. of Zweibrucken. BUgh, dist., New South Wales. Area 5,000,000 acres. Bligh' Entrance, New Guinea, Gulf of Papua. BUgh Sound, New Zealand, on NW. coast co. Wallace. BUgny-sur-Ouche, tn., France, C'jte-dOr, 9 in, N. Beaune. Blind Bay, NeW Zealand, i'ee Tasman Bay. Bllndport, cuve, Irehiiul, co. Mayo, 4 in. NE. Bebnullet. Blinkbonny, ham. and hill, Scotland, S. Berwickshire. Alt. 654 ft. BUnman, tn., S. Australia, co. Flinders, 348 in. N, Adelaide. Blissfleld, vib, Michigan, on Lake Shore Railway, Blisaville, vil., New Brunswick, 22 m. from Fredericton. BUsworth, par. and vil., England, co. and 5 m. SW. Northampton. Blitar, dist., Java, Kediri residency, Dutch E. Indies. Blithe, riv., England, Warwickshire, flows 12 m. to R. Thame. BUzna, vil., Galicia, 4 m. NNW. Brzozo. Block Island, Rhode Island, 24 m. SW. Newport. Bleckley, par. and vil., Worcestershire, n^ m. SE. Evesham. BlockBberg, mtn., Harz Mtns. Sie Brocken. Bloemendaal, vil., N. H(dland, 3 in. N. Haarlem. Bloemfontein, c;xp. tn.. Orange Free State, S. Africa. Blofleld, par. and vil., Nurfulk, 7 m. E. of Norwicli. BloEOBtlaviensko, mkt. vil., Russia, gov. of Suvalki. BloU, city, France, cap. of Loir-et-Cher. Pop. 21,077. Blomberg, vil., Germany, Lippe, 40 m. SW. Hanover. Blomidon, Cape, Nova Scotia, in King's co. Blond, tn., France, Haute-Vienne, 6 ni. SSW. Bellac. Blood River, Zululand, SE. Africa, affluent of Buflalo R. Blood River, Manitoba, enters Lake Winnipeg. Bloody Foreland, cape, Ireland, NW. co. Donegal. Bloom, tnshp. and vil., Illinois, co. Cook, 27 m. S. Chicago. Bloomfield, vil., Ontario, Prince Edward eo., 17 111. from Belleville, Bloomfleld, tnshp. and vil., Connecticut, 5J m. NW. Hartford. Bloomfield, tnshp., Illinois, Johnston cu. Bloomfleld, vih, lowa, cap. of Davis co. Bloomfield, vih, Indiana, cap. of Greene co. Bloomfleld, tnshp. and vil., New Jersey, in co. Essex. Bloomfleld River, tnshp., Queensland. 75 in. S. Cookstown. Bloomington, city, Illinois, cap. of McLean co. Bloomington, vil., Indiana, cap. Jlonroe co. Bloomington, tnshp., Iowa, in Sluscatine co, Bloomsburg, bor., Pennsylvania, cap. of Columbia co. Bloomebury, tnshp., Queensland, N. Kennedy, near Repulse Bay. Bloore Heath, battlefield, Staflordshire, 3 m. E. Market Drayton. Blossburg, vil., Pennsylvania, in co. and on Tioga R. Blotzheim, vil., Alsace, 4 m. W. of Huningen. Blount Springs, vil., Alabama, co. Blount, 83 m. NE. Tuscaloosa. Bloxham, par. and vil., Oxfordshire, 3A in. SW. Banbm-y, Bloxwich, eccl. dist., England, Staflbrdshire, 3 m. NW. Walsall. BlQdan, vil., Asiatic Turkey, near Damascus. Bludenz, tn., Austria, on lUe, 12 m. SE. Feldkirch. Bludowitz, tn., Austrian Silesia, 10 m. W. Leschcn. Blue cuff, ry. stn,, Cape Colony, Uitenhage division. Blue Earth City, vil., Minnesota, on Blue Earth R. Bluefleldaor BlewfleldB, riv.. Mosquito ter., Nicaragua, Cent. Ameriau Blue HiU, eminence, Scotland, 4.^ ni. SW. Aberdeen. Blue Hill, vil., Maine, co. Hancock, 15 m. from Bucksport. Blue Mountain, peak, Yoma Range, Lr. Burma, 7100 ft. high. Blue MounUina, lung range in NE. Oregon, U.S. Lat. 46° N. Blue Mountains, in E. jiart of Jamaica. Alt. 5000 to 7000 ft. Blue Mountains, New South Wales, 70 m. inland from Sydney. Blue Mountains, Ontario, Canada, in Grey co. Blue Mud Bay, on E. CH;ist of N. Territory, S. Ansti'alia. Blue Nile. .'^' <■ Bahr-el-Azrek. Blue Nobby Mount. New South Wales, CO. Stapylton. Blue Ridge, t lie SK. partof the Allcghauies, VirginiaandN. Carolina. Blue Shirt Watercourse, S. Australia, 47 m. SE. L. Frome. Blueskin, tn., New Zealand, 17 m. NE. Dunedin. Blueatack, nitn., Ireland, Donegal, near Gleniies. Alt. 2213 ft. Blue Stone Bay, Tasmania, E. coast Freycinet Peninsula. Bluetler, tn., Tasmania, on Tamar R., 5 m. S. Beaconsfield. Bluff, The, mtn.. New South Wales, co. Clive. Bluff, The, cape, New Zealand, S. coast co. Southland, Bluff Harbour, New Zealand, S. coast co. Southland. 42 BLU THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BOL Bluff Point, two hcadlauds, Tasmania, W. coast co. Wellington. Bluffton, vil., Indiana, cap. Wells cc, on Wabash R. Bluffton, vil., South Carolina, Beaufort co., 22 in. NE. Savannah. Blamberg, tnsbp., S. Australia, 28 ni. N'E. of Adelaide. Blumenatein, vil., Switz., cant. Bern, 5 ni. W. Tliun. BIomenaTi, Gennan colony, Brazil, .St;i. Catarina, on R. Itajahy. Elumenthal, tn., Prussia, 12 ni. NW. Bremen. Bliimfleid, tiislip., Michigan, :oni. E. of East Saginaw. BlomlUalp, nitu., Switz., in Bernese Oberlaud. Alt. 12,038ft. BlundellaandB and Crosby, ry. stu., England, 6 ni. NW. Liverpool. Blundeaton, pcir., Engl., Sullolk, s^ni. KW. Lowestolt. Blunham, par. ;uid vil., En^;t;ind, co. and 6 ni. E. Beiiford. BlontlsUam cum Earith, par., Iluntin^'donsh , 4! m. KIC. St. Ives. Blyth, spt., Kortluiniberland, 9 in. KE. Morpeth. Blyth, riv., England, Northumberland, flows 20 ni. to North Se;i. Blyth, iKxr. and tushp., Ynrk.shire, 7 m. NE. Worksop. Blyth, riv., England, Staflnrdshire, flows 22 m. to R. Trent. Blyth, riv., England, Sutfolk, flows 15 ni. to North Kea. Blyth, vil., S. Australia, co. Stanley, 92J m. N. Adelaide. Blyth, vil., Ontario, Huron Co., 60 m. N. of London. Blyth, lake, S. Australia, in lat. 31" 48' S., long. 137° E. Blyth Bridge, ham., Stafl'ordshire, 5J ni. SE. Stoke. Blythburgh, par. and vil., Englaud, Sutlolk, 4^ in. SE. Halesworth. BIythe, tushp,, Pennsylvania, in Schuylkill co. Blythe Bridge, vil., Scotland, Peeblesshire, 4 m. SW. West Linton. BIythe Klver, Tasmania, CO. Devon, falls into sea at Heybridge. Blyth Plains, tiishp., S. Australia, 73 ni. N. of Adelaide. Blyth River, New Zealand, co. Ashley, flows NE. Blythflwood, seat, Scotland, on R. Clyde, i ni. NW. Renfrew. Blyth Town, tnshp., S. Australin, 5 m. N. of Blyth Plains. Blyton, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 4 m. NE. Gainsborough. Boa, isl., Ireland, in Lough Erne. Area 1400 acres. Boadilla de Rio Beco, tn., Spain, 26 m. NNW. Falencia. Boal, vil., Sp;iin, prov. Oviedo, 12 \\\. SK. Castropol. BoaU, Bovall, or Loango, tn., Africa, cap. Loango. Pop. 16,000. Boalmari, vil., Fandpur dist., Bengal. Lat. 23' 23' N. Boamha Creek, New S. Wales, on coast of co. Fitzroy. Boando, vil., W. Africa, on W. side Cameroons Mtns. Boara Padovana, Com., Italy, 10 ni. S. Monselice. Boara Poleslne, com., Italy, prov. and 2 m. N. Rovigo. BoarhUlfl, vil., Scotland, Fifeshire, 3.^ m. SE. St. Ania, 138 m. SSE, Voronesh. Bohain, tn., France, Aisne, 12 in. NNW. St. Queutin. Boharm, ry. stu., Canada, on C. P. Ry., 406 in. W. Winnipeg. Bohelmkirchen, vil., Lr. Austrin, 7 in. E. St. Polten, Bohemia, kin-dom, Austria, Area 20,057 sq. m. Pop. 6,837.603. Bohena, tnshp., Nt.\v South Wales, co. White. Boher, ry. stn., Ireland, co. and 7 m, SE. Limerick. Boherlahan, vil,, Irt-land, co, Tipperary, 4 m. N. Cashel. Bohle, vil., Wesljdialia, 3 in. N. of Hagen. Bohmerwald, mtn. range iietween Bohemia and Bavariii. Bohmlflch-Brod, tn., Bulninii, 19m. E. Prague. Bohmisch-Kamnitz, tn., Bi>lR-iiua, dist. Tetsclien. Bohmlach-Lelpa, tn., Bohemia, 25 in. ENE. Leitmeritz. Bohmlsch-SkalUz, tn., Bohemia, circle of Gitschin. Bdhmlsch-Trubau, tn., Bohemia, 35 m. ESE. Chrudiin. Boho, i>ar., Ii>;lanil, co. Femianagli, 7 m. W. Enniskillen. Bohol, isl., Philippine Islands, 70 m. N W. Mindanao. Bohola, par., Ireland, co. Mayo, 6 m. SE. Foxford. Bohorodczany, tn., Galicia, 12 m. SW, Stanislavov. Boieatown, vil., New Brunswick, 38 ni. frmu Fredericton. BoiBdale, sea-loih, S. Uist par,. Outer Hebrides. BolBdale, vil., Nova Scotia, on Lit. Bras d'Or. Bola de Leaaines, vil., Belgium, 2^ m. SE. Lessines. Bo1b6 City, eap. of Idaho, on Boi.s6 R., 50 m. SW. Idaho City. Bols Oulllaume, vil., France, Seine Irilcr., 2 in. N. Rouen. Bols-le-Duc. ft. tn., Netherlands, 28 m. SSE. Utrecht. Pop. 27,07C. Bolsaevaln, ry. stn., Manitoba, 1S3 m. SW. Winnipeg. Bolasezon, vil., France, Tarn, 8 m. N. Mazamet. Boltzenburg, tn., Meeklenburg-Scliwerin, on R. Elbe. Bojador, Cape, W. Africa, Sahara. Lat. 26' 7' N. Bojan, tn., Bukowina, 13 m. E. of Czernuvilz. Bojana, riv., Turkey, from Lake Scutari to the Adriatic. Bojano, tn., Italy, 10 m. SW, Campubasso. tiojanowo, tn., I'russia, 12 m. SSE. Kroben. Bokaro, c^al II. -M, llaz;iriliagli dist., lierigal. Bokhara, khanate, W. Turkestan. Area 190,000 sq. ni. P. 3,000,000. Bokhara, tnshp., New Smith Wales, co. Narran. Bokhara River, New South Wales, co. Narran, trib. of Darling R. Bokol, vil., Sencganil)ia. Lat. 16" 24' N., hmg. 15" 24' W. Bokore, stn. of Brit. E. Africa Company, 011 R. Tana. BokumbI, riv., affl. of the Congo, E. of Bangala. Bola, Lake, Victoria, in Rii>on co. Bolabola, isl., Society Islands, S. Pacific, NW. Tahiti. Bolam, par. and tnshp., Northumberland, 6i in. SW. Morpeth. Bolama Island, SeTR'gambia, in the Bissagos group. Bolanos, tn., Mexico, state Jalisco, t-^ m. NNW. Guadalajara. 43 BOL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BOO Bolan Pass, in mtna. of NE. Baluchistan. Length 60 111. Bolaram, military cantonment, Haidarabad. Lat. 17' 32' N". Bolaro, tnshp , N. S. Wales, co. St. Vincfnt, 140 m. S.SW. Sydney. Bolbec, tn., France, Seine-Infer., at m. EXE. Le Havre. Bolchen, tn., Alsace-Lorraine, 16 m. ENE. Sletz. Boldon, par., Eii^iland, Duiliainsliire, 3^ m. NW. Sunderland. Boldre, par. and tnshp., England, Hants, 2J m. KW. Lymington. Bolechow, tn., Galicia, 14 m. S. of Stry. Bolesklne and Abertarff, par,, Scotland, Inverness-shire, on L. Ness. Bolgary, vil., Russia, gov. Kazan, 80 m. S. of Kazan. Bolgrad, tu., Russia, gov. Bessarabia, 28 ra. NW. Ismail. BoU, tn., Asia Minor, 76 in. NW. Angora. Pop. 10,000. Bol nmen or Gt. Llman, lake, Russia, formed by Manitch R. Bollmov tn., Russia, gov. Warsaw, on the Ravka. Bollngbroke, par. and vil., Lincoln, 3^ m. SW. Spilsby. Bollngbroke, New, vil., Lincolnshire, 7^ m. SW. Spilsby. Bolingbroke, Point, S. Australia, co. Flinders, Bolivar, dep., Colombia. Area 27,027 sq. m. Pop. 323,097. Bolivar, state, Venezuela. Area 143,800 sq. m. Pop. 58,560. Bolivar, vil., Tennessee, 68 m. E. of Memphis. Bolivia, rep., S. America. Area 515,140 sq. m. Pop. 1,434,800. Bolivia, ry. stn., New S. Wales, co. Olive, 330 m. from Sydney. Bolkenhain, tn., Prussian Silesia, on R. Neisse. Bolkhov, tn., Russia, gov. and 30 m. N. of Orel. Pop. 26,39G. Boll, vil., Wurtemberg, 5 m. SW. Guppingen. BoUalt, vil., England, Cornwall, 4^ m. SW. Penzance. BoUate, vil., Italy, 6 m. NW. of Milan. BoUine, tn., France, Vaucluse, 22 m. N. Avignon. Bollengo, vil., Italy, prov. Turin, 3 ra. E. Ivrea. Bolligen, vil., Switzerland, circle of Bern. Bollin, riv., Cheshire, flows 20 m. to the Mersey. Bollin Fee, tnshp., Cheshire, 6 m. SW. Stockport. Bollingen. Set BoUigen. BoUington, tnshp., Cheshire, 2^ m. NE. Macclesfield. Bollnafl, tn., Sweden, Gefle Ian, 27 m. W. S., dist. Eutin. Boabury, par. and vil., Herefordrihirc, 4 m. NW. Ledbury. Boflcastle, coast vil., England, Cornwall, 20 m. W. Launcestou. Boacawen, vil.. New Hampshire, 10 m. NW. Concord. Boaco, tn., Italy, 7 m. S^^E. of Alessandria. Boacobel, par., England, Shropshire, 6 m. NE. of Shifnal. Boacobel, vil., New Ynik, on Hudson R., 38 m. from New Y'ork. Boacobel, vil., Wisconsin, Grant co., on Wisconsin R. BoBcombe, summer resort, England, Hants, E. of Bournemouth. Boaconero, vil., Italy, 14 m. NE. of Turin, Boaco-Reaie, tu,, Italy, Naples, at foot of Vesuvius. Boaco-Tre-Caae, tn., Italy, prov. Naples, on Vesuvius. Boadarroa, vil., France, Basses-Pyrenees, 8 m. S. Pan. Boaham, par. and vil., Sussex, 3J m. SW. Chichester. Boahendl, tn., Congo Free State, on Congo R. BoaUio, vil., Italy, prov. Como, 8 m. SW. Lecco. Boakoop, vil., S. Holland, 9m. SE. Liydcn. Boakowltz, tn , Moravia, 21 m. N. of Biuun. Boamana CroBslng, ry. stn., Cai>e Colony, stellenbosch branch line. Boana, riv , IJ'isnia, flows 150 ni. to R. Save. BoanaSerat(Sarayevo), cap. Bosnia, 122 m. SW. Belgrade. Pop. 26,268. Bosnia, 'I'urkish prov. under Austria. Ana 16,204 sq. m. P. 1,148,017. Boanyakl, vil., Austria Hungary, 42 m. ESE. Brod. 45 BOS THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BOW BoBpsroB or Strait of Constantinople, separates Europe from Asia, and counects Black fcjea and Sea of SJaiiuara. Bosra. 6'' e Bauorah. Bosaacz, vil., Hungary, co. and dist, Trencsin. Boss&ll, par., England, on K. Dervvent, lo ni. E. York. Bosslney, vil., England, Cornwall, 4 in. NW. Canielford. BoBtam, tn.» Persia. 6'ce Bistam. Boston, spt., England, Lincolnshire, on R. Witham. Pop. 14,937. Boston, sjit. city and cap., Massacluisetts. Pop. 448,477. Boston, vil., Ontario, CO. Korfulk, 11 in. from Brantford. Boston, vil., Pennsylvania, Alleghany co. Has coal-mines. Boston Bay, South Australia, co. Flinders. Boston Deeps, chan., England, Lincolnsh., on W. side of the Wash. Boston Point, S. Australia, on NE. Boston Bay. Boston Spa, vil., Engl., Yorksh., 3^ m. NW. Tadcast^r. Bosna, vil., Africa, on E. bank of Cameroous K. Bosworth, Market, tn., Engl., \\\ ni. S. Leicester. B. Field 2 m. S. Bosworth, vil., Ontario, Welling'ton Co., 13 ni. from Elora. Bosworth Creek, joins Carapateeua Arm of L. Ton'ens, S. Australia. Boswyl, tu., Switz., cant. Aargau, 3 m. NW. Muri. BoBzonneny, tn., Hungary, 18 m. NW. Grosswardein. Boszonneny, Hajdn, tn., Hungary, 11 m. NW. Debreczin. Pop. 19,035. Botad, ft. tn., Katliiawar, Bombay. Botany Bay, inlet. New South Wales, 5 m. S. Sydney. Botea, vil., Sweden, in Westernorrlands llin. Boter Kloof, vil., Cape Colony, co. Cahinia. BoterLengte, vil.. Cape Colony, co. Carnarvon. Botesdale, tushp. and vil., Suffolk, 7 m. NW. Eye. Bothal, par., Northumberland, near Morpeth. Bothenwald, vil., Mnravia, 6 m. E. of Fulnek. Bothkennar, par., Scotlanrov. Lugo, dist. Blonforte; Bovegno, vil., Italy, 22 m. N. of Brescia. Bovenden, tu., Prussia, 4 m. N. of Gottingen. Boven Downes, vil.. Cape Colony, co. Clavinia. Boves, tn., It.aly, prov. anil 4 ra. S. of Coni. Pop. 10,394. Boves, vil., France, dep. Snnnne, 4m. S. Amiens. Bovevagh, par., Ireland, mid. co. Londonderrj*. Bovey Tracey, par. and vil., Devon, 6ra. SE. Moreton Hampstead. Bjvlngdon, ]>ur., Herts, 3 ni. SE. Berkhampstead. Bovino, ft. tn., Italy, 20 ra. SSW. ofFoggia. Bovisand, small bay, England, on E. side Plyraouth Sound. Bovolenta, vil., Italy, 10 ui. SSE. Padua. BoToIone, vil., Italy, 6 ra. ESE. Isola della Scala. Bovukl. riv., Africa, affluent of Congo. Bow or Nymet Tracey, vil., England, Devon, 15 m. N"*W. Exeter. 46 BOW THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BRA Bow. Si^ Stratford-le-Bow. Bow River, Alberta, head^vaters of S. Saskateliewan U. Bowden, a W. suburb of Adelaide, S. Australia. Bowden, Gt., par., Leicestershire, i m. NE. Market Harborough. Bowden, Lit.. i)ar., Xurthaiiiptoiisliire, ^ m. S- Market Harborouf;h. Bowditch Island, in Union group, Pacilic Ocean. Bowdoinliam, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Sagadahoc co. Bowdon, par. and tnsh|v, Cheshire, containing Altrincham. Bowell, ry. stn., Assiuiboia, 675^1, W. Winnipeg. Bowen, spt., Queensland, 725 \\\. NW. Brisbane. Bowen, tiishp., Victoria, co. Buln-Bulu, on Corner Inlet. Bowen, tiishp., New Zealand, co. and on Tauranga Harb. Bowen Creek, New South Wales, co. Cook, branch of Colo R. Bowen Downs, vil., Queensland, Mitchell dist., 750 m. NW. Brisbane. Bowenfelfl, inshp., New South Wnles. co. Cook. 97 m. "W. Sydney. Bowen Mins., \ ietoria, bttwcen cos. Benanibra and Dargo. Bowen, Port. &e Port Bowen. Bowen River, Queeiislaini, North Kennedy dist. Bowen Strait, N. Austiaha, between Crokcr I., and Coburg Pen. Bowenvale, tn., Victoria, 117 m. NW. Melbourne. Bower, par. and ham., C.iitlmess-shire, \i\ ni. NW. Wick. Bowes, par. and tn-hp., York.shire, 4 in. S\V. Barnard Castle. Bow Fell, nitn., EnylariJ, W. Cuinlierland. Alt. 2960 ft. Bowhouse, vil., Scotland, Lanarkshire, 4) ni. NE. Wishaw. Bow or Harp Island, Low Archipelago, Pacific Ocean. Bowling, tiishp. and vil., Yorkshire, i m. S. Bradford. BowUng, vil., Scotland, Dumbartonshire, on R. Clyde. Bowling Green, City, Kentucky, cap. Warren co. Bowling Green Cape, Qiuciisjjiiid. N. K.-niu'dy dist. Bowling Green Bay. Qiuciisl.uid, N. K(.-niUMly dist., 26 m. by 11 ni. Bowman's Forest, tn., Victoria, co. Bognng, 184 ni. NE. Melbourne. Bowmanville, jiort, Ontario, on L, Ontari(t, 42 ni. NE. Toronto. Bowmont Water, alfluent of R. Glen, Northuiriberland. Bowmore, spt., Scotland, Islay J., on Loch Indal. Bowna, tn.. New Soutli Wales, co. Goulburn, 378 m. SW. Sydney. Bowness, par., Cumberland, on Solway Firth. Bowness, tn., Westmorland, ou E. side L. Windermere. Bownlng, tn., New South \Vales, co. Harden, 194 ni. S. Sydney. Bowood orBridport, port, Tasmania, co. Dorset. Bowood, vil., Ontario, Mtddh-s.-x co., 7 m. from Ailsa Craig. Bowra, tnshp.. New South WiiU-s, co. Ralpi^h. 2^0 ni. NE, Sydney. Bowral, tn.. New South Wales, no. Camden, 80 ni. S. Sydney, Bowravill©, tnshp. , New S. Wales, co, Kaleigh, 349 ju. N. Sydney. BowTing-pet or Maramatln, vil., Knlardist., Mvsure, India. Box, par, and vil., England, Wilts, 5 ni. NE. Bath. Boiberg, tn., Geimaiiy, Baden, 28 m, EXE. Mosb:ich. Box Elder, tnshp., Utah, in co. of same name, Boxford, par. and vil., Berks, ^\\\\, NW. Newbury. Boi/ord, par. and vil., Sulfolk, 6 m. BE. Sudbury. Boigrove. par. and vil., Sussex, 3^ m. NE. Chichester. Boxhill, tn., Vii-turia, co. Buurke, 9} ni. NE. Melbourne. Boxholm, iron-works, Sweden, Oestergutlands liin, Boiley, par. and vil., England, Kent, 2 ni. NE. Maidstone. Boxmeer, vil., N<'th.-ilaiids, 28 m, ESE. Boisde-Duc. Boxted, itar., Entrland. Essex, i\m. N, Colchester. Boxtel, vil., Netherlands, 6ni. s". Bois-le-Duc. Boyaca, state, Columbia. Area 33,320 sq. m. Pop. 516,940. Boyaca, tn., Columbia, in above, 12 m. SSE. Tuiija. Boyadlne, post In., W. Australia, co. York, 88 ni. E. Perth. Boyan, riv., >.evv ft. Wales, tluwd through several cos. to iJarliug B. Boyana, bay and tn., NW. coast < if Madagascar. Boyarant, tn., Ganjam dist., Madras. Boyd, Mt., Queensland, dist Maranoa, jSm. SW. Mt. Elliot. Boyd River, Queen.sland, LeJclihardt dist., aflluent of Dawsou B, Boydton, tn., Virginia, cap. Mecklenburg co. Boydvllle, vil., Ontario, co. Peterboro, 8 m. from Haliburton. Boyer, riv., Iowa, flows 1^0 ni. to the Missouri R. Boyeratown, vil., Pennsylvania, Berk.sco., 47111. NW. rhiladeli)hia. Boygabilla, tnshp., New S. Wales, co. Stapyllon, on Maclntvre R. Boyle, iiikt. tn., Ireland, Roscommon, on R. Boyle. BoylBton, vih, Nova Sc-itia, 3 ni. Imm Port Mulgrave. Boyndle, coast par., Scotland, 3 m. W. of Banff. Boyne. riv., Ireland, Leiiister, flows Eo ni. to Irish Sea. Boyounagh, par., Ireland, co. Galway, 12 m. NE. Tuam. Boystown, par., Ireland, co. Wicklow, 3 m. S. Blessingtou. Bozbaba, isl., Turkey, near Candia \. Bozeat, par., Northainptonsliire, 6^ m. S. of Welllngborongh, Bozeman, tn,, Miintana, cap, Gallatin co. Bozrah, tnshi"., Connecticut, 4 m. W, Norwich. Bozzolo, tn., Italy, jirnv. and 16 ni. W. Mantua. Bra. tn., N. Italy, prov. Cuneo, 25 m. NE. Coni. Pop. 14,863. Brabant. .SVc North and South Brabant. Bracadale, par., Skye Isl., 10 ni. NIO. Portree. Bracclano, tn., Italy, 17 m. NW. Rome. Bracebrldge, [lar., mid Ijinnolnshire, on R. Witham. Bracebrldge, vil., Ontario, Victoria co., 125 m. N. Toronto. Brace Meole, par., Shropshire, partly in Shrewsbury, Eraceville, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Grundy co. Bracevllle, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Trumbull eo. Brachelen, vil., Rhenish rrtissia, 9 m. NW. Julich. BracUglano, tn., Italy, prov. and \o\ m. N. Salerno. Brackenhelm, tn,. Wurtemberg, 21 m. NNW. Stuttgart. BrackettvlUe, vil., Texas, rap. of Kinney co. Bracklesham Bay, on W. coast of Sussex, 3 m. W. of Selscy Bill. Brackley, tn., Northamptonshire, on R. Onse. Bracknell, eccl. dist. and vil,, SE. Berks, 3 in. W. Ascot. Bracknell, tnshp., Tasmania, co. Westninrlan*]. Brackwede, vil., Prussia, Westphalia, 3 m. S. BieleflcM. Eraco or Ardoch, vil., S. Perth.shire, 7* ni. 8, Crii'ff. Bradano River, Italy, in Basilirate, falls into Gulf of Taranto. Bradbourne. jiar. nnd tnshp., N. Derbyshire, Bradbury IbI. , Maine, off coast of Hancock co. Braddan, par., Isle of Man, partly in Douglas. Braddock, bor., Pennsylvania, Aliegnany co. Bradfleld, par. and vil., mid Berks, 7 ni. W. Reading. Bradfleld, par. and ry. stn., Essex, 3 m. E. Manuingtree. Bradfield, tnshp. and vil., W. Riding:, Yorka. Bradford, bor., par., tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, 8 ni. W. Leeds and 191 ni. by rail from London. Pop. 216,361. Bradford, tnshp., SW. Lancashire, 4 m. E. M:mcnester. Bradford, vil., Illinois, Stark co., 36 in. N. Peoria. Bradford, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Cliickasaw co. Bradford, vil., tnshp., Slassachusetts, Essex co. Bradford, tnshp., Maine, Penobscot co. Bradford, vil., Ohio, Darke and Miami cos., 84 m. W, Culuinbus. Bradford, bor,, Pennsylvania, Alle;,diany co. Bradford, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Clearlield co. Bradford, City, Pennsylvania, M'Kean co. Pop. 10,478. Bradford, tnshp., Tennessee, Gibson co. Bradford, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Orange co., on Connecticut R. Bradford- on- Avon, par. andtn., Wilts.gin. SE. Bath. Bradlng, par. and tn., Isle of Wight, 4 in. S. Ryde. Bradley, vil. and tnshp , Illinois, Jackson co. Bradley, North, par. and tnshp., Wilts, z m. S. Trowbridge. Bradninch, par. and tn,, N. Devon, z m. SW. GoUuinpton. Bradpole. par., Dorset, i m. NE. Biidport. Eradflhaw, eccl. dist., N. div. W. Killing, York.shire. BradweU, tnslip., Derby.shire, 2 m. SE. Castleton. Bradwell, par., N. Bucks, 1} m. SE. Wolverton. Brady, tnshp., Michigan, Kalamazoo co. Brady, tnshp., Michigan, Saginaw co. Brady, tnshp., Ohio, Williams co. Brady, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Clearlield co. Brady, bor., Pennsylvania, Indiana co., also called Marion. Brady's Bend, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Armstrong co. Brady'fl Sugar Loaf, mountain, Tasmania, co. Cumberland, near U. Dee. Brae, vil., Prince Edward Island, 35 m. NW. Sumnierside. Eraehead, vil., Scotland, co. and 7 m. NE. Lanark. Braehead, vil., Scotl., Lanarkshire, 2 ni. W. Coatbridge, Brae Isl., Prince Edward I., ineluihd in Princes co. Braemar, f/.s. par., SW, Aberd(.Hi]sliiie, among Grampian JItns, Braeriach, nitu., Inverness and AbrnU-cusliires. Alt. 424S ft. Braeslde, ry. .stn., Canada, C. P. Railway, 54 m. W. Ottawa. Braga, tn., Portugal, cap. Minho, 35 m. NE. Oporto. Pop. 19,755. Bragado, vil., Argentine Rep., 124 m. WSW. Buenos Ayres. Braganca, tn., I'ortugal, Tras-os-Montes, 30" in. NE. Lisbon. Bragan^a, sjit., Brazil, prov. and 100 m. NE. Para. Bragar, N. and S., vil., Barvas par., Ross and Cromarfysh. Brahe R., Prussia, trib. of tJie Vistula, above Fordun. Brahestad, sjit, Russia, Finland, 36 m. SW. Uleaborg. Brahllov, Ibrail, or Braila, spt., Ronmania, on R. Danube. P. 28,272. Brahmajiri Hillfl, M:Hira-!, in Malabardist. Alt. 5276 ft. Brahmanakraka, vil , Madras, N<;llore dist. Brahmanbaria, sub-dist., Tijiperah dist., Bengal. Brahmanbaria, tn. and hd.-iiis. Of above. Lat. 23° 58' N. Brahmani R., India, falls into the Bay of Bengal, in lat. 20" 46' 45" N. Brahmapuri, h'hi.'il. Central Provs., India, Brahmapuri, tn. and hd.-qrs. of above. Brahmaputra R.. Tibet, Assam, and Bengal. Length 1800 ni. Braich-y-PwU, licadlaud, Wales, SE. extremity of Carnarvonshire. Braid HiUa, Scotland, 3 m. S. of Edinburgh. Alt. 698 ft. Braidwood, vil., Scotl., Lanarkshire, i^ ni. SE. Cailuke. Braidwood, tnshp , New S. Wales, co. Vincent, 189 m. SW. Sydney. Braidwood, ^il., Illiiiuis, Will Co., 20 m. SW. Joliet. Eralla. .S't-f Brahllov. Erailes, par., S. Warwickshire, 5220 ac. Eraine-la-Leude, vil., Bel^'ium, Brabant, 12 m. S. Brussels. Eralne-le-Compte, tn., Belgium, 18m. SSW. Brussels. Bralnerd, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, cap. Crow Wing co. Braintree, tn., NE. Essex, on R. Biackwater. Braintree, vil. and tnshp., Mas.sachusetts, Norfolk co. Braintree, tnshp., Vermont, Orange co. Brake, tn., Germany, Oldenburg, ou R. Weser. Brakel, tn., Prussia, Westphalia, 42 in SSE. Minden. Bralin, tn., Prussia, Silesia, 93 ni. ENE. Breslau. Brambach, tn., Saxony, 11 m. N. Eger, Brambanan, dist., Hi)erakarta, Java. Bramfield, tn., S. Australia, co. Flinders, 328 in. W. Adelaide. Bramford, par., E. Sullblk, on R. Gipjiing, NW. Ipswich. Eramhall, tnshp., Cheshire, 2 m. SE. Stockpnrt. Bramham, par. and vil., W. Riding, Yorks, 5681 ac. Eramham -cum -Oglethorpe, Yorks, 4 in. W. Tadcaster. Bramley, par., Surrey, 3J ni. SM. Guildford. 4106 ac, Eramley, tnshp., W. Riding, Ynrks, zj in. W. Leeds. Brampton, par. and tn., Cumberland, 9 m. NE. Cai-lisle. Brampton, par., Dcrliyshirc, 3i m. NW. Clustcrtiehl. Brampton, tn., Ontario, cap. I'eelco., 21 m. NW. Toronto. Brampton Bierlow, tnshp., Yorks, 5 in, N. Rotherham. Brampton Isl , New Guinea, in S. of the Fly estuary. Bramsche, tn., Prussia, Hanover, 10 m, NNW. Osnaburg. Bramshott, par. and vil., Hants, 4 m. W. Hasleinerc, Bramatedt, tn., Pinssia, Holstein, 26 in. N. Hamburg. Brancepeth, par. and tnshp., 8. Durham, on R. Wear. Branuh, tnshp., Kansas, Marion co. Branchbnrg, tnshp.. New Jersey, Somerset co. Branch Dale, vil., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co. BranchviUe, vil., New Jersey, Sussex co. , 10 m. N. Newton. Eranchville. vil. and tnshp., S. Carolina, Osnaburg co. Branco R., Brazil, state Bahia, trib. of the Rio Grande, Branco R,, S. America, trib. of R. Negro from Sierra Parima. Brand, tn.. Saxony, 23 in. SW. Dresden, BrandelB. tn., Bohemia, 13 m, ENE. Prague, Brandenburg, ])rov,, Prussia. Area is. 379 ^H- "i- PoP- 2,642,401. Brandenburg, tn., Prussia, 27 m. WSW. Berlin. Brandenburg, vil., Prussia, 13 ni. SW. Konigsberg. 47 BRA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BRE Branderborgh, tn., cnniointwitn ijossiemouth, ^.t'. Brander. Pass of, between Loch Etive and Loch Awe, Argyll. Brandon, tn., England, co. Suffolk, on R. Little Ouse. Brandon, tn., Manit-Oia, i32jin. W. Winnipeg. Brandon, mtn , co. Kerrj', W. of Tralee. Alt. 3:27 ft. Brandon, tushp., Iowa, Jackson co. Brandon, tnshp., Michigan, Oaklands co. Brandon, vil., Wississi|Jiii, cap, Eaukin co. Brandon, vil. and tiislip,, Vermont, Rutland co. Brandon, vil., Wist^nnsin, F-md du Lac co., 76 m. K\V. Milwaukee. Brandon and Byshottlea, tnslip., 3 ni. SW. Durham. Brandon Hill, C'l'l dist., Bristol, W. Gloucestershire. Brand? Creek, vil., Ontario, co. Norfolk, 22 ni. from Brantford. Brandywina, luindred, Delaware, New Castle co. Erandywine, tTishp., Indiana, Hancock co. Brandywine, tnslip., Indiana, Shelby co. Brandywine Creek, Pennsylvania, falls into Christiania Creek. Brandywine Creek, Indiana, trib. of Bine R., in Shelby co. Eranford, b^'f. ainl tnshp., Connecticut, New Haven co. Branna, vil.. Bohenda, 2^ ni. E. Starkenbach. Brannock Isls., Ireland, co. Gal way, part of Aran groni>, Branscombe, par. and vil., Devonshire, 4^ m, E. Sidmonth. Branaton, par., co. and 4 ni. SE. Lincoln. 5389 ac. Brant, tnshp.. New York, Erie co. Brantford, port of entry, Ontario, cap. of Brant co. Brantingham, par. and tnshp., Yorksh., 8 m. NW. Hull. Brantome, tn.. France, dep., Dordogne, 16 ni. N. Perigueaux. Branxholm, castle, Scotland, Roxburghshire, 3 ni. SW. Hawick. Branxholm, tn., Tasmania, co. Dorset, 59 m. E. Lannceston. Branxholme, tn., Victoria, co. Normanby, 240 m. W. Melbourne. Eraniton, tnshp.. New South Wales, no m. N. Sydney. Bras d' Or, arm of the sea, Cape Breton Island. Brasher, tnshp.. New Y'ork, St. Lawrence co. Braail Bank, England, in mouth of R. filersey. Brasparts, tn., France, dep. Fini.stere, 9 m. NE. Chateaulin. Brass, tn. and riv., Africa, in Guinea, ami of Niger delta. Bra33ac, vil., France, dep. Tarn, 12 ni. E. Castres. Brasschaet, vil., Belgium, 7 m. XE. Antwerp. Brassington, tnshp. and vil., Derbyshire, 3 m. NW. Wirksworth. Brasso. ^V'; Kronatadt, Hungary. Braated, y^x. and vil., W. Kent, 4 m. NW. Sevenoaks. Brathay R., Westnioiland and Lancashire, flows to L. Windermere. Bratsberg, amt, S. Norway. Area 5805 sq. ni. Pop. 91,815. Bratalav, tn., Russia, PodDlia, on R Bug. Erattleborough, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Windham co. Bratton, tnshp., Ohio, Adams co. Bratton, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Mifllin co. Bratton Clovelly, par. and vil., Devonshire, 8 m. SW. Okehampton. Bratton Fleming, par., Devonshire, 6 m. NE. Barnstaple. Bratz, tn., Prussia, in Posen, 10 m. SSE. Meseritz. Bratzkoi, tn., Siberia, 250 ni. NW. Irkutsk, on Angara R. Branbach, tn., Prussia, on the Rhine, 10 ni. WSW. Nassau. EraugMng. par. and vil.. Herts, un R. Quin. 4368 ac. Braunan, tn., Austria. 60 ni. W. Lintz. Braunau, tn., Bohemia, 33 m. NE. Koniggriitz. Braunhirschen, vil., Austria, near Vienna, Pop. 10,244. Braunlingen, tn., Baden, 29 m. ESE. Freiburg. Eraunsberg, in., Prussia, 35 m. SW. Konigsberg. Pop. 10,750. Erannsberg. tn., Moravia, 38 m. NE. Preran. Braunschweig, vil., Cape Cobmy, in King William's Town div. Brannseifen, tn., Moravia, 18 m. NNE. Olmiitz. Braunston, par. and vil., Northamptonshire, 3.^ ni. NW. Daventry. Braunton, par., N. Devon, on R. Taw. Brava, tn., E. Africa. Zanzibar coast, no ni. SW. Magadoxo. Erava Isl., S.-niost of tlic Cape de Verde Is. Braviken Bay, Gothland Ian, off Baltic Sea. Bravo del Norte. ,S'cc Rio Grande. Bray, piar. and vil., E. Berks, i\ m. SE. Maidenhead, Eray, tn. and tnsh]>., cos, Wirklow and Dublin, on R. Bray. Braybrook, vil., Victoria, co. Bourke, 8J m. W. Melbourne. Bray-aur-Seine, tn.. Fiance, Seine-et-ilarne, oji R. Seine. Brazeau, tnsliji., Missouri, Perry eo. Braaeau Mts., Alberta, Canada, E. of Big Horn Mtns. Brazil, U.S. of, rei>., S. America. Ar. 3,228.320 sq. m. P. 14,002,335. Brazil, vil. and tnslip., iLidiaua, cap. of Clay co. Brazil, vil. and tnslip., Tennessee, Gibson co. Brazoria, vil., Texas, cap. of Brazoria co., 60m. WSW. Galveston. Brazoslfll., Texas, in BrazosSantiago. Lat.26'4'N., long g7"~i2'W, Brazos B., Texas, falls into Gulf of Mexico, Length 900 m, BrazoB Santiago, Texas, sea inlet and port, near Brazos I. Brazza, isl , Dalniatia, in the Adriatic, 8 in. S. Spalato. Pop. 19,969. Brazzaville, French stn., on Congo River, Africa, near Stanley Pool. Breadalbane, intu. dist., W. Perthshire. Area 1000 sq. m. Breadalbane, vil , Tasmania, co. Cornwall, •j\ m. S. Launceston. Breage, vil., Cornwall, 3 ni. W. Helslon. Breakfast Creek, Queensland, suburb and 2^^ m. E. Brisbane. Breaksea Point, cape, S. Glamorgan, sJm. SE. Cowbridge. Breaksea Sound, New Zealand, co. Fiord. Anchorage in 12 fathoms. Breakfiea Spit, Queensland, dist. Burnett, off Hervey Bay, Breal, tn., France, lUe-et-Vilainc, 10 ra. SW. Rennes. Bream, eccl. dist., W. Gloucestershire, 3ni. NW. Lydney. Bream Creek, tn., Tasmaiia, 30 m. E. Hobart. Bream Tail, cape. New Zealand, S. of Whangarei Bay. Breast or Teton R. , Montana, trib. of the Missouri R. Er^aut6, tn., France, Seine- Inferieure, 15 m. NE. Havre. Breaux Bridge, vil., Louisiana, St. Martin's par. Breccy, tn., France, dep. Manche, 27 ni. SW. St. L6. Brechin, par. and bor., Forfarsh., on S. Esk R. Brecht, tn., Belgium, 14 m. NE. Antwerp. Ereckenridge, vil., Colorado, cap. of Summit co. Breckenridge, vil, and tnslip., ilissouri, Caldwell co. Ereckenridge, vil., Texas, cap. of Stevens co., 90 ni. W. Fort Wortli. Breckerfeld, tn., Prus.sia, Westphalia. J4J ni. E. Elberfeld. Brecknock or Brecon, bor., Brecknocksh., 40 in. NE. Swansea. Brecknock, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Lancaster co. Brecknock Beacons, peaks, co. and 5 m. S. Brecknock. Alt. 2862 ft. Brecknockshire, Co., S. Wales. Area 719 sq. ni. Pop. 67,031 Brecksvllle, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Cuyahoga co. Breda, tn., Netherlands, prov. Brabant, on the Merk. Pop. 20,321. Bredaadorp, div. and tn., SE. Cape Colony. Bredbo R., NewS, Wales, co, Beresford, trib. of Murrumbidgee. Bredbury, tnshp,, Cheshire, 2 m. NE. Stockport. Brede, par. and riv., E. Sussex, 5 m. N E. Battle. 4840 ac. Bredevoort, tn., Netherlands, prov. Gelderland, 30 ni. i^E. Arnheni. Bredon, tnshp., E. Worcestershire, on R. Avon. Bredons, vil., France, dep. Cantal, t\ m. SW. Murat. Bredstedt, vil., Schleswig, 24 m. WSW. Flensborg. Brie, tn., Belgium, prov. Limburg, 18 ni. W. Roermond. Breede R., Cape Colony, falls into seaat Port Beaufort. Breedon on the Hill, par., N. Leicestershire. 6410 ac. Breeae, vil. and tnslip. , lllimiis, Clinton co. Breeaport, vil., New York, Chemungco., n m. NE. Elraira. Breeza, tnshp.. New S'^nfh W^Ifs, ''o. Pottinger, 242 m. N. Sydney. Bregenz, tn., Austria, cap. of Vorarlberg. Brehat, isl., France, English Channel, off coast Brittany. Brehna, tn., Prussia, Saxony, 12 ni. NE. Halle. Breidbach, vil., Cape Colony, in King William's Town div. Breiddon Hill, E. Slontgouieryshire, 6i ni. NE. Welshpool. Breidenbach, vil.. South African Rep., Lydenburg div. Brelghtnet, tnshp., S.E. Lancashire, 2 ni. E. Bolton. Breil, tn., France, Alpes-JLiritimes, 20 m. NE. Niee. Breisach, tn., Baden, on R. Rhine. Also called Alt-B, BreUgaa, old div. of Germany in Sl\'. Swaliia. Breitenbach, tn., Germany, Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. Breitenbach, vil., Switzerland, canton Soleure. Breitenbach, viL, Alsace, 3 ni. N. Weller, Breltong, tnshp,, Michigan, Menominee co. Brejo da Madre de Dios, tn., Brazil, state I'ernambuco, Brejod'Area, tn., Biazil, state and 46 m. NW. Parahyba. Brejo, tn., Brazil, state and 210 m. SW. Maranhao. Brembio, vil., Italy, prov. Milan, 9 ni. SE, Lodi, Bremen, rep. state, spt., and Hanse tn., Germany, on R. Weser. 63 ni. WNW. Hamburg. Pop. 180,309; tn. 126,760. Bremen, tnshp., Illinois, C»iok co. Bremen, vil., Indiana, Marshall co., 13 ni. NE. Plymouth. Bremer, Port, N. Ter., South Australia, near Port Kssington. Bremer Bay, telegraph stu., W. Australia, 107 ni. E. Albany. Bremerhaven, tn., Germany, 34 ni. NNW. Bremen. Pop. 14,797. Bremerlehe, tn., Prussia, prov. Hanover, 30 m. WSW. Stade. Bremervorde, vil., Prussia, Hanover, 30 ni. NNE. Bremen. Bremgarten, tn., Switzerland, canton and 2 m. N. Bern. Bremgarten, tn., Switzerland, canton Aargau. Bremhill. par. and vil., N. Wilts, 4 ni. NE. Chippenham. Bremond, vil., Texas, Robertson co., 143 ni. NW. Houston. Brenchley, vil., Kent, 7 ni. NE. Tunbridge Wells. Brenchley and Horsemorden, hundred, mid Kent. 16,877 ^*^' Brenda, niunieii)ality, Manitoba, Souris co. Brendola, vil., N. Italy, 6 ni. SW. Virenza. Brendon Hilla, Somersetshire, 6 m. S. Watchet. Alt. 1290 ft. Brenham, tn,, Texas, cap. Washington co. Brenner Pass, over Tyrol Alps, between the Inn and Adi^e. Breno, tn., Italy, 35 ni. NE. Bergamo, on the Oglio, BrenU R., Tyrol and Lombardy, falls into the Adriatic. Brentford, tn., ^Middlesex, \o\ ni. W. London. Brentford, pari. div. of Middlesex, near London. Pop. 69,793. Brentford, New, tnshp., W. Sliddlesex. 220 ac. Brentford, Old, cccl. di.sts, (Sts. George and Paul). Middlcser . Brenton, tnshp., Illinois, Ford co. Brenton Bay, X. coast of Melville I., Australia. Brentonlco. vil., Austria, Tyrol, 6i m. SW, RovereJa Brenton with Wrington, hundred, mid Somerset. Brent R., trib. of Thames, Middlesex, at Brentford. Brent, South, par. and vil., Devon, 7 ni. W. Totnes. Brentsville, ■\il. and tnslip., Virginia, cap. Prince William co. Brentwood, tn., Essex, 10 in. SW. Chelmsford. Brereton, eccl. dist., Staffordshire, i m. from Rngeley. Brescello, tn., Italy, prov. and 18 m. NW. Reggio. Brescia, prov., Italy, Lombardy. Area 1^44 sq ni. Pop. 480,191. Brescia, tn., ItiUy, cap. of above, 60 m. EXE. Milan. Pop. 62,343. Breskens, vil., Netherlands, prov. Zealand, si m. from Middelbnrg, Breslau, city, Prussia, ciip. of Silesia, on the Oder. Pop. 334,710. Breslau, vil., Ontario, co. Waterloo, 4 m. E. Berlin. Breslau, ^•il., New York, Suffolk co.. 33 m. from Brooklyn. Bresnltza, vil., Servia, circle of Rudnik, Bresaay, isl., Shetland, opposite Lerwick. Bressay Sound, Shetland, between Bressay and Lerwick. Eresciilre, tn., France, dep. Deux Sevres, 35 m. N. Niort. Brest, city. France, dep. Fin stere, 389 ni. W. Paris. Pop. 69,110. Brest -Litovski, tn , Russian Poland, 131 m. S. Grodno. Pop. 37,9£.l. Breflztovacz, tn., Hungary, 14 m. ESE. Apatiu. Bretagne, old prov., NW. France. Breteuil, tn., France, dep. Eure, 16 m. SW. Evrenx. Breteuil tn., France, dep. Oise, 16 m. NNE. Beauvais. Bretigny, vil., France, Eure-et-Loire, on the Orge. Breton, tnshp., Missouri, Washington co. Breton, Cape. 'SVo Cape Breton Island. Brett, Cape, New Zealand, S. of Bay of Islands. Bretten, In., Baden, 13 m. E. Carlsruhe. Bretton, Monk, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, 2 m. NE, Barnsley. Breusch River, Alsace-Lorraine. 5cc Bruche, Breven, mtn , Savoy, above Chamounix. Alt. 8500 ft. Brevig, til., Norway, 11 m. WNW. Laurvig. Brewarrina, tnshp.. New S. Wales, co. Clyde, on R. Darling. Brewer, tnshp.. Maine, U.S., Penobscot co. Brewer ViUage, vil., Maine, Penobscot co., 3 m. below Brewer. Brewood, par. and tn., co. and Bj m, S. Stafford. 48 BRE THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BRI Brewster, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Barnstable co. Brewster, Mt., New Zealand, in co. Westland. Brewster's Station, vil., New York, Putnam co. Brezowa, tn., Hungary, 20 ni. NW. Leopoldstadt. Briagaiong, tnshp., Victoria, co. Tanjil, 9 ni. N. Stratford. Brlancon, tn., France, Hautes-Alpes, on the Durance. Brianflk, tn., Rnssia, on the Desna, 70 ni. WNW. Ond. Pop. 16,403. Briar Creek, tnshp., P^^nnsylvania, Columbia co. Brlare, tn., France, dep. Loiret, on R. Loire. Briatico, tn., Italy, prov. Catanzaro, 15 m. NNE. Nicotera. Biibiesca, tn., Spain, on tlie Oca, 20 m. NE. Burgos. Bribiea Isl., Queensland, in Moreton Bay and on I'umicestone Strait. Bribir, tn., Croatia, 18 m. SE. Fiunie. Bricherasio, tn., Italy, prov. Turin, 5 m. SW. Piuerolo. Brick, tii^lip., New Jersey, Ocean co. Bricksburg, vil., New Jersey, Ocean co., 44 m. SW. New York. Bricquebec, tn., France, dep. Manche, 8 ni. WSW. Valognes. Bridekirk. par., Cumberland, 2 ni. NW. Cockermouth. Bride River, Ireland, tiib. of the Blackwater above Youghal. Bride River, Ii'cland, trib. of R. Lee at Innishcarra. Bridesburg, tnslip., Pennsylvania, subui'b of Plnladelphia. Bridge and Petham, hundred, E. Kent. 12,037 ac. Bridgebo rough, vil., New Jersey, Burlington co. Bridge hampton, vil., New York, Suftblk co., on Long I. Bridgend, tn., Glamorganshire, 17J m. W. Cardiff. Bridgenorth, bor., Shropshire, 13^ m. SW. Wolverhampton. Endgenorth, vil., Ontario, co. and 6 m. from Peterborough. Bridge of Allan, j^ar. and tn., Stirlingshire, on Allan Water. Bridge of Earn, vil., en. and 4^ ni. S. Perth. Bridge of Weir, vil., Renfrewshire, 6ni. NW. Paisley. Bridgeport, tnshp., California, Nevada co. Bridgeport, port, Connecticut, cap. Fairiield co., 56 m. E. New York. Bridgeport, ^'il., Illinois, Washington co., 22 m. E. Belleville. Bridgeport, vil., Indiana, Marion co., 9 ni. W. Indianapolis. Bridgeport, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Saginaw co. Bridgeport, tnshp., Missouri, Warren co. Bridgeport, vil,, New Jersey, Gloucester en., 22 m. SW. Camden. Bridgeport, vil., Oliio, Belinunt CO., on the Ohio R. Bridgeport, bnr., Pennsylvania, Fayette Co., ou Dunlap's Creek. Bridgeport, b(jr., Pennsylvania, Montgomery co. Bridgeport, vil., Wisconsin, Crawford co., on Wisconsin R. Bridgeport, set.. Nova Scotia, co. Cape Breton, near Sydney. Bridge River, Briti-sh Columbia, trib. of the Fraser R. Bridge River, ry. stn., Ontario, 104 m. NW. Port Arthur. Bridger's Pass, delilir in Rocky Mtns., M'yoming. Lat. 41" 39' N. Bridges, tnslip., Missniiri, Ozark co. Bridgeton, vil. and tnshp , Maine, Cumberland co. Bridgeton, prt. of entry, New Jersey, cap. Cumberland co. P. 11,471. Bridgeton, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Bucks co., on Delaware R. Bridgetown, tn., W. Australia, on Blackwood R., 172 m. S. Pertli. Bridgetown, port of entry. Nova Scotia, Annapolis R. and co. Bridgetown, vil.. Prince Kdward I., King's Co., on Grand R. Bridgetown, cap. of Barbadoes I., on W. coast. Pop. 20,947. Bridgewater, bor. ami spt., W. Somerset, ou R. Parret. Bridgewater, ]iar]. dxw of Somerset. Bridgewater, tiish])., S. Australia, co. and 23^ m. SE. Adelaide Bridgewater, tnshp., Tasmania, CO. Buckingham. Bridgewater, vil., Ontario, Hastings Co., 30 m. N. Belleville. Bridgewater, vil.. Nova Scotia, co. and 12 m. W. Limenburg. Bridgewater, vil. and tnshp,, Massachusetts, Plymouth co. Bridgewater, vil. and tnslip,, Michigan, Washtenaw co. Bridgewater, tnshp,, Minnesota, Rice co. Bridgewater, tnshp.. New Jersey, Somerset CO. Bridgewater, vil. and tnshp.. New Y'ork, Oneida CO. Bridgewater, tnshp., Ohio, Williams co. Bridgewater, bor., Pennsylvania, Beaver co. Bridgewater, tnshp., Peimyslvania, Susquehanna CO. Bridgewater, vil. and tnshji., Vermont, Windsor co, Bridgewater Bay, on SE. side of Bristol Channel, England. Bridgewater Bay, Victoria, co. Noniianby, exj'osed to S. Bridgewater Canal, Lancashire, between Man(-hester and Leigh. Bridgewater Cape, Vi<-tar., NE. co. Cork. 15,212 ac. Brigatock, par. and vil., N. Northamptonshire, sgcx) ac. Brigns, port of entry, Newfoundland, on Conception Bay. Brihuega, tn., Spain, 20 m. ENE. Guadalajara. Briley's Brook, vil., Nova Scotia, 4 m. from Antlgonish. Brill, par. and vil., Bucks, 7 m. NW. Thame. 3109 ac. Brlllion, vil. and tnslip., Wisconsin, Calumet co. Brilon, tn., Prussia, Westphalia, 22 m. E, Arn.sberg. Brimfleld, par. and vlI., Herefordshire, 5 m. SE. Ludlow. Brimfield, vil. and tnslip., Illinois, Peoria co. Brimfield, vil., Indiana, Noble co,, 135 m, E, Chicago. Brimfield, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Hampdeu co. Brimfield, vil. and tnshp. , Ohio, Portage co. Brimington, par. and vil., Derbysh,, 2 m. NE. Chesterfield. Brimscombe, eccl. dist,, Gloucestershire, 3 m. SE. Stroud. Brimsness, headland, Caithness, 4 ra. SW. Holborn Head. Brlndaban, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27" 32' 20" N. Erlndisi, spt., Italy, prov. Lecce, on the Adriatic. Pop. 17,515. Erindle, par., Lancashire, 4^ m. SE. Preston. Brink, vil., S. African Rep., in Rustenburg div. Brinkley, vil. and tnshp., Arkansas, Monroe co. BrinklesviUe, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, Halifax co. Erlnkworth, par. and vil., Wilts, 5 m. SB. Malniesbuiy. Brinnington, tnshp., Cheshire, 2 m. NE. Stockport. BrinBley, eccl. dist. and vil., co. and 8 m. NW. Nottingham, Brinsworth, tnshp,, S. div., W. Riding, Yorks. Briono Islande, otf lUyria, in the Adriatic Sea. Briones, tn., Spain, prov. and i3 m. WNW. Logrono. Brionne, tn., France, dep. Eure, 9 m. NE. Berney. Brioude, tn., France, dep Haute-Loire, 29 m. NW. Le Puy. Briquebec. .Sfe Brictiuebec, Brisbane, city, cap. uf Queensland, on Brisbane R. Pop. 84,000. Brisbane Downs, New S, Wales, E. of Murrumbidgee R. Alt. 2000 ft. Briflbane R , Queensland, falls into Moreton Bay. Lat. 27° 30' S. Brisbane Water, dist., New S. ^'ales, on Broken Bay. Brialghella, tn., Italy, prov. and 28 m. SW. Ravenna. Pop. 12,491. Brissago, tn., Switzerland, canton Ticino, on Lago Maggiore. Bristol, city, bor., and sj't , GloucesterandSomersetshircs. P. 28D,6ll. Bristol, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Hartford co. Bristol, vil. an.l tnshp., Illinois, Kentlall co. Bristol, vil., Indiana, Elkhart co., 10 m. NE. Elkhart. Bristol, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Lincoln co. Bristol, tnshp., Minnesota, Fillmore co. Bristol, vil. and tnshp., New Uampshire, Grafton co. Bristol, tnshp., New York, Ontaiio co. Bristol, tnshp., Ohio, Trumbull co, Bristol, city, Pennsylvania, Bucks co., on Delaware R. Bristol, tnslip., Pennsylvania, Bucks co, Bristol, port of entry, Rhode I., cap. of Bristol co. Bristol, vil., Tennessee, Sullivan and Washington cos. Bristol, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Addison co. Bristol, tnshp., Wisconsin, Dane co. Bristol, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Kenosha co, Bristol Bay, Alaska, inlet of Pacilic Ocean. Bristol Channel, arm of Atlantic Ocean, England and Wales. Brifl tow Island, New Guinea, i-u S. of Fly estuary. Britain, ,Sc.: Great Britain. Britannia Islands, Pacilic Ocean, NE. of New Caledonia. British Burma, old name fur maritime provs. of Burma. British Columbia, prov., Canada. Area 390,344 sq. ni. Pop. 92,767. British Guiana, ter, , N. coast, S. America. Area 85,422 sq. m. Pop. 282.066. Cap, Georgetown, or Demerara, British Honduras. Si'C Belize. British Isles. .SVc Great Britain. British North America, old name for Canada and Newfoundland. Briton Ferry, tn. and par., Glamorganshire, on R. Neath. Brit River, W. Dorset, falls into English Channel at Bridport. Brltshany, vil., Rnssia, in gov, of Bessarabia. Brltstown, vil.. Cape Crdony, in Richmond div. Brittany. .S'te Bretagno. Brittnau, vil., Switzerland, canton Anrgau, 2 m. S. Zoflngen. Brltton'B Neck, tnshp., S. Carolina, Marion co. Britt's, tnshp., N. Carolina, Rol)eson co. Britz, vil., S. African Rep., in IIcidelberR div. Brives-la-Galllarde, tn., France, dep. Correze. Pop. 14,182. Brivio, tn., Italy, on the Adda, 22 m. NK. Milan. Brht, vil., France, dep. Mancho, 54 m. NW, Valognes. Brlxen, tn., Tyrol, 40 m. SSE. Innsbruck. Brixham. tn., S. Devon, 7 m. SE. Tntnes. BrUton, suburb of Loudon, 4^ m. SSW, St. Paul's. 49 BKI THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BRO Brixton, par. and vil., Isle of Wight, on SW. £oast. Broach, dist., Bombay. Area 1453 sq. m. Broach, sub-div. of above. Area 320 sq. m. Broach, chief tn. , Broach dist. Lat. 21° 43' N. Pop. 38,430. Broadalbyn, tushp., New York, Fulton co. Broad Bay, E. side of Lewis I., Hebrides. Lat. 58° 20' N. Broad Bay, tushp., N. Carolina, Forsyth CO. Broad Brook, vil., Connecticut, Hartford co. Broad Cllat, i>ar. and vil., E. Devon, 4^ m. NE. Exeter, Broad Cove, vil., Nova Scotia, 20 m. SW. Lunenburg. Broadford, vil.. Isle of Skye, on Broadford R. and Bay. Broadford, tushp., Victoria, co. Dalhousie, 47 m. N. Melbourne. Broadford, vd , i'ennsylvauia, Fayette co., 55 m. SE. Pittsburg. Broadford, vil.. Cape Colony, in Barkly East div. Broad Green, eccl. dist., Croydon par., E Surrey. BroadkiU, hundred, Delaware, Sussex co. Broad Law, intn., Peeblesshire, Tweedsmuir par. Alt. 2723 ft. Broad Meadows, tii., Victoria, CO. Bourke, 10 m. N. Melbourne. Broad Mountain, Pennsylvania, cos. Carbon and Schuylkill, 2000 ft. Broad R., Queeushmd, dist. Burke, falls into Gulf of Carpentaria. Broad R., Georgia, Franklin and Madison cos., trib. of Savannah. Broad R., N. and S. Carolina, head water of the Congaree R. Broad River, tnslip., S. Carolina, Lexington co. Broad Kun, stream, Virginia, trib. of the Potomac R. Broad Run, stream, Vir-inia, head water of the Occoquan. Broadsea, vil., part of Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire. Broad Sound, channel, among the Scilly Is., ofl" Cornwall. Broad Sound, inlet, Queensland, dist. Port Curtis. Broadstaira, tn., E. Kent, 1^ m. NE. Ramsgate. Broad Top, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Bedford co. Broad Top Mtn., l*ennsylvania, Bedford co. Alt. 2500 ft. Broadview, ry. stn., Assiniboia, C. P. Ry., 263I m. W. Winnipeg. Broadwater, par. and vil.. W. Sussex, 10 m. W. Brighton. Broadway, par. and vil., Worcestershire, 5 m. SE. Evesham. Broadway, tnshp., S. Carolina, Anderson co. Broadwinaor, par. andvil., W. Dorset, 3 m. NW. Beaminster. Brocken, mtn., Germany, peak of Harz Mtns. Alt. 3740 ft. Brockenhurst, par. and vil., S. Hants, 4 m. N. Lymington. Brockhagen, vil., Prussia, Westphalia, SW. Minden. Brockley Hill, eccl. dist, W. Kent Brockmoor, eccl. dist., W. Statlurd shire. Brockport, vil., New York, Monroe co., 55 m. E. Niagara Falls. Brockton, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Plymouth co. Pop. 27,294. Brockton, vil., Ontario, 3 in. from Toronto. Erockville, elect, dist., SE. Ontario. Area 117 sq. m. Pop. 15,107. BrockviUe, port of entry, Ontario, on R. St. Lawrence. Pop. 12,514. Brockway, vil. and tnslip., Michigan, St. Clair co. Brod or Bohmisch Brod, tn., Bohemia, 20 m. E. Prague. Brod or Deutsch Brod, tn., Bohemia, 60 m. SE. Prague. Brod or Slavonisch Brod, tn., Sla\'ouia, on the Save. Brod or Turkish Brod, tn., Bosnia, on the Save. Brod or Ungariach Brod, tn., Moravia, 9 m. ESE. Hradisch. Brodhead, vil., Wisconsin, Greene co., on Sugar B. Brodheadaville, vil., Pennsylvania, Monroe co. Brodick, vil., par. and bay, Arran L, Scotland. Brodrib R., Victoria, co. Croajingolong. Brody, frontier tn., Galicia, 58 m. ENE. Lemberg. Pop. 20,071 Broek-in-Waterland, vil., Netherlands, 6 m. NE. Amsterdam. Broglie, tu., France, dep. Eure, 8 m. SW. Bernay. Broke, tn., New S. Wales, co. Northumberland, 161 m. N. Sydney. Broken Bay, New S. Wales, is a liarbour of refuge, 20 m. N. Sydney. Broken Creek, Victoria, co. Moira, branch of the Murray R. Broken HiU, tn.. New S. Wales, 17 m. SE. Silverton. P. 20,000. Broken R., New Zealand, tributary of the Waimakariri R. Broken R., Victoria, cos. Delatite and Moira. Broekn Straw, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Warren co. Bromberg, tn., Prussia, prov. Posen, on the Brahe. Pop. 40,655. Bromborough, par., Cheshire, 4 m. SE. Birkenhead. Brome, vil., Quebec, Bronie co., 5 m. SW. Kuowlton. Brome Mt., Quebec, Brome co. Alt. 1000 ft. Bromfleld, par. and tnshp., W. Cumberland. Bromham, par. and vil., Wilts, 3^ m. NW. Devizes. 3593 ac. Bromley, tn. and par., Kent, 8 ni. SE. London. Pop. 21.685. Bromley, tn., Victoria, co. Gladstone, 104 m. SE. Melbourne. Bromley Common, eccl. dist., Bromley par., W. Kent. Bromley St. Leonard, or by Bow, par. , Tower Hamlets, Lond. P. 70,002. Brompton, suburb of London, 3* m. SW. St. Paul's. Pop. 47,552. Brompton, tnshp., N. Riding, Yorks, 3 m. N. Northallerton. Brompton, eccl. dist., Kent, mostly in Chatham bor. Brompton, ward of Hindmarsh, S. Australia. Brompton, New, eccl. dist., GiUingham par., mid Kent. Brompton, West, ecch dists., St. Luke and St. Mary, Middlesex. Brompton Falls, vil., Quebec, Richmond Co., on R. St. Francis. Brompton Road, eccl. dist., Middlesex, Kensington par. Bromsebro, vil., Sweden, 29 m. SW. Calniar, on the Bromse. Bromagrove, tn., co. and 12 m. NE Worcester. Bromwich, Little, handet, Warwickshire, in Birmingham. Eromwich, bor. and par., Staflbrdsh., on R. Frome. Bromyard, nikt. tn., Herefordshire, 17 m. W. Worcester. Brondesbury, eccl. dist., Willesden par., Middlesex. Broni, vil., Italy, 15 m. ENE. Voghera. Bronnltza, tn., Russia, gov. and 28 m. SE. Moscow. Bronson, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Branch co. Bronaon, tnshp., Ohio, Huron co. Brontfi, tn., Sicily, 22 m. NNW. Catania, near Etna. Pop. 17,395. Bronte, vil., Ontario, Ilalton co., on L. Ontario. Bronx R., New York, falls into Long Island Sound, Brookfleld, eccl. dist., Middlesex, St. Pancras par. Brookfield, vil.. Nova Scdia, co. Colchester. Brookfleld, vil. and tnshii,, Connecticut, Fairfield CO. Brookfleld, tnslip., Illinuis, La Salle co. Brookfleld, tnshp., luwa, Clinton CO. Brookfleld, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Worcester co. Brookfleld, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Eaton co. Brookfield, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Linn co. Brookfleld, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Madison co. Brookfield, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Trumbull co. Brookfleld, vil. and tnslip., Vermont, Orange co. Brookfleld, tn.shp., Wisconsin, Waukesha co. Brookhaven, vil., Missouri, cap. of Lincoln co. Brook Haven, tnshp., New York, Suffolk co. Brooking, tushp., Missouri, Jackson co. Brookline, suburb of Boston, Massachusetts. Pop. 12,103. Brookline, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Greene co. Brooklyn, vil. and tnshp., California, Alameda co. Brooklyn, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, cap. Windham co. Brooklyn, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Lee co., 85 m. W. Chicago. Brooklyn, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Schuyler co. Brooklyn, vil., Iowa, Poweshiek co., 105 m. W. Davenport. Brooklyn, vil., Maryland, Anne Arundel co. Brooklyn, vil., Michigan, Jackson co., on Raisin R. Brooklyn, tnshp., Minnesota, Hennepin co. Brooklyn, city, New York, cap. of King's Co., on Long I. P. 806,343. Brooklyn, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Cuyahoga co. Brooklyn, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Susquehanna co. Brooklyn, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Green co. Brooklyn, vil., Nova Scotia, 2 m. from Yarmouth. Brooklyn or Herring Cave, vil.. Nova Scotia, Queen's Co. Brooklyn or Musgrave Harbour, vil., Newfoundland, W. of Bonavista Bay. Brook Point, Isle of Wight, famous for fossils. Brookfl, tnshp., Michigan, Newaygo co. Brookston, vil., Indiana, White co., 13 m. N Lafayette. Brookaville, tnslip., Maine, Hancock co. Brookville, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, cap. Franklin co. Brookville, ■\il., Ohio, Montgomery co., 13 m. NW. Dayton. Brookville, bor., Pennsylvania, cap. Jefferson co. Broom, Loch, arm of sea, NW. Ross and Cromartyshires. Broome, tnslip., New York, Schoharie co. Broome, leh-^raph stn., W. Australia, in Kimberley div. Broomfield, tn., Victoria, co. Talbot, 115 m. NW. Mellmurne. BroomhaU, ecrl. dist., W. Riding, Yorks, 3^ m. SW. Shellield, Broomielaw, N, side of Glasgow harbour, u]i to Jamaica Bridge. Broons, tn., France, Cotes-du-Nord, 15 in. SW. Dinau. Brora, vil., Sutherlandshire, 6 m. NE. Golspie. Brora, Loch, E. Sutherlandshire, 3J m. N. Dunrobin. Brora R., E. Sutherlandshire, falls into Moray Firth at Brora. Brosely, par. and tn., Shropshire, on R. Severn. Brosna, vil., co. Kerry, on R. Clydagh. Broana, Gt. and Little, King's Co., Ireland, tribs. of the Shannon. Broaville, tnshp., Virginia, Campbell co. Brother's Home, tnshp., Tasmania, co. Dorset Brother's Valley, tnshp,, Pennsylvania, Somerset co. Brotherton, jtar. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks. Brotterode. tn., Prussian Hessen, 7 m. N. Schmalkalden. Brotton, tn., N. Riding, Yorks, 6 m. NE. Guisborongh. Brotzingen, tn., Baden, 2 ni. W. Pforzheim. Brou, tn., France, Eure-et-Loir, 22 m. SW. Chartres. Brough, par. and tn., E. Westmorland. Brougham or Bentley'a Corners, vil., Ontario, Ontario co Broughshane, vil., co. Antrim, 4 m. NE. Ballymena. Bronghton, tnshp., SE. Denbighshire, Wrexham pai-. Broughton, tnshp., Lanca.shire, within Salford bor. Broughton, par. and vil., N. Lincolnshire, 3 m. NW. Brigg. Broughton, tn., Queensland, Kennedy dist., 14 m. SE. Charters Trs. Broughton, tnshp., Illinois, Livingston co. Broughton, East, tnshp., Lancashire, 7 m. NE. Ulverston. Broughton, Glenholm, and Kilbucho, par., W. Peeblessliire. Broughton, Great, tiislip., (;uniberland, on R. Derwent. Broughton, West, tnshp., N, Lancashire, on R. Dnddon. Broughton Bay, Curea, E. coast. Lat. 39° 30' N., long. 126° 30' E. Broughton Creek, tnslip., New S. Wales, co. Camden. Broughton-in-Fumess, tn., Lancashire, 9 m. NW. Ulverston. Broughton Island, New S. Wales, 8 m. off coast co. Gloucester. Broughton Island, Georgia, U.S., off coast of Mcintosh co. Broughty Ferry, tn., Forfarshire, on R. Tay, near Dimdee. Brousa. Sf.e Brusa. Brouwerahaven, tn., Netherlands, prov. Zeeland, on Schouwen I. Browers, tnshp., N. Carolina, Randolph CO. Brown, tnshp., Arkansas, Columbia co. Brown, tnslip. Indiana, Hancock co. Brown, tnshp , Indiana, Hendricks co Brown, tnshp., Indiana, Martin co. Brown, tnshp., Indiana, Montgomery CO. Brown, tnshp., Indiaua, Morgan CO. Brown, tnshp., Indiana, Ripley co. Brown, tnshp., Indiana, Washington CO. Brown, tnshp., Iowa, Linn co. Brown, tnslip., Ohio, Carroll co. Brown, tii^hp., Ohio, Daike co. Brown, tnshp., Ohio, Delaware co. Brown, mshp., Ohio, Knox co. Brown, tnshp., Ohio, Miami co. Brown, tnshp., Ohio, Paulding co. Brown, tnshp., Ohio, Vinton co. Brown, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Mifflin co. Brown Edge, eccl. dist., Stattord shire, 3 m. N. Burslem, Brownfleld, vil. and tnslip., Maine, Oxford co. Brownhelm, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Lorain co. Brownhillfl, tn., Staffordshire, 5 m. N. Walsall. Browning, vil. and tnslip., Illinois, Schuyler co. Brown Lake, W. Australia. Lat. 31" 10' S., long. 118° 30' E, Brown Mtn., New Guinea, So m. SE. Port Moresby. Alt. 7940 ft. Brown Mtn., S. Australia, co. Frome, 15 m. from Spencer's Gulf. Brown Mtn., British Columbia, peak of Rocky Mtns. Alt. 16,000 ft. Brown Mtn., tushp.. New South Wales, co. Auckland. 50 BRO THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BUG Brown's Bay, at entrance to L. Lame, co. Antrim, Ireland. Brownsburg, vil., Quebec, co. Argeuteuil, 4 ni. from Lacliute. Brownsborg, vil., ludiana, Ueudricks co,, 14 m. NW. Indianapolis. Brown's Diggings, tn., Victoiia, co. Grenville, SW. Ballarat. Brownsea, isl. and vil., Dorset, in Pool Harbour. Brown's River, tn., Tasmania, co. Euckiiighara, 10 m. S. Hobart. Brown's K., Queensland, dist. Leichhardt, trib. of the Comet R. Brownstown, vil. and tushp., Indiana, cap. Jackson co. Brownstown, tnshp., Slicliigan, Wayne co. Brownsville, vil., California, Yuba co., 25 ra. from Marysville. Brownsville, Til. and tnshp., Indiana, Union co. BrowTiBville, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, llouston co. Brownsville, vil., Missouri, Saline co., on Black R. Brownsville, bor., Pennsylvania, Fayette co., on Monongahela R. Brownsville, tnshp., S. Carolina, Marlborough co. Brownsville, viL, Tennessee, cap. Hoywood co., 45 ra. NE. Memphis. Brownsville, port, Texas, cap. Cameron co., on tlie Rio Grande. Brownville, vil., Alabama, Lee co., on Chattahoochie R. Brownville, vil. and precinct, Nebraska, cap. Nemaha co. Brownville, vil. and tnshp., New York, Jefterson co. Brown Willy, highest summit in Cornwall. Alt. 1368 ft. Brownwood, vil., Texas, cap. Brown co., 136 m. NW. Austin. Broxaah, hundred, NE. Herefordshire. 58,995 acres. Broxbourne, par. and tnshp., SE. Herts. Broxburn, tn., Linlithgowshire, 11 m. W. Edinburgh. Broxton, hundred, W. Chesliire. 77,875 acres Brozas, tn., Spain, 24 m. NW. Caceres. Brozzi, vil., Tuscany, prov. and 5 m. WNW. Florence, on R. Amo. Bruar, stream, N. Perthshire, trib. of the Garry. Bmay, vil., France, dep. Nord, 3 m. from Valenciennes. Bruce, tnshp., Illinois, La Salle co. Bruce, tnshp., Michigan, Macomb co. Bruce Bay, New Zealand, on coast of co. Westland. Bruce Mines, vil., Ontario, Algoma dist., on L. Huron. Bruce Mtn., W. Australia. Lat. 22° 30' S. Alt. 3800 ft, Bruchaall, tn., Baden, 25 m. S. Heidelberg, on Saabacb. Pop. 11,653. Bruck, tn., Austria, prov. StjTia, 25 m. NNW. Gratz. Bruck, til., Lr. Austria, on R. Leytha, 23 ni. SE. Vienna. Bruck, tn., Bavaria, on the Regnitz, 2 m. SSW. Erlangen. Brue R., W. Somersetshire, falls into Bridgwater Bay. Bruff, tn., CO. Kerry, 6 m. N. Kilmallock. Bruges, city, Belgium, cap. W. Flanders. Pop. 47,033. Bmgg or Brack, tii., Switzerland, canton Aargau. Bruggen, vil., Switzerland, canton and 3 m. SW. St. Gall. Bruggen, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 9 m. SW. Kempen. BrilM, In., Rhenish Prussia, 8 m. SSW. Cologne. Brtilil, vil., Lower Austria, 62 ni. SSW. Vienna. Bruin Island, Tasmania, separated from mainland by Long Bay. Brule, ry. stn., Canada, on C. P. Ry., 109 m. W. Port Arthur. Briilon, tn., France, dep. Sartlie, ig m. NNW. La Fleche. Brumath, tn., Alsace, 16 m. NNW. Strasburg. Brummen, vil., Netherlands, Gidderland, 14 m. NE. Anihem. Brttn6 IsL, oltSK. coast of Tasmania. Area 140 sq. ui. Bruneck, tn., Tyrol, 50 m. SE. Innsbruck. Brunl, sultanate, Borneo, between Sarawak and British North Borneo. Area 17,760 sq. m. Pop. 125,000. BrOnig Paaa, Switz., between Bern and Unterwalden 3395 ft. Brunl Isl, 6't'e Brun6 I. Brunn, tn., Austria, cap. of Moravia, 70 m. NNE. Vienna. P. 94,866. Briinn-am-Gebirge, tn., Austria, 7 m. SW. Vienna. Brunnen, vil., Switzerland, canton and 3^ m. SW. Schwylz. Brunner, Lake, New Zealand, in co. Grey. Brunstatt, vil,, Alsace, 3 m. S. Jlillhausen. Brunswick, city, ca]i. of Duchy of Brunswick, SE. Hanover. P. 100,488. Brunswick, vil., Prussia, Holstein, near Kiel. Brunswick, port of entry, Georgia, U.S., cap. Glynn co. Bnmawlck, vil, and tnshp., Maine, Cumberland co Brunswick, vil. and tiislip., Missouri, Chariton co, Brunswick, tnshp.. New York, Rennsselaer CO. Brunswick, viL and tnshp., Ohio, Medina co. Bmnswick, tn., W\ Australia, Wellington dist., 100 m. S. Perth. Brunswick, aubiub,, and 24 m. N. Melbourne, Victoria. Bnmawlck, tnsljp., New S. Wales, co. Rous, 400 m. NNE. Sydney. Brunswick, Duchy of, Germany. Area 1425 sq. m. Pop, 403,029. Brunswick Elver, New South Wales, co Rous. Brunyel IsL Hce. Bruno I. Bruree, par. ,'ind vil., co. and 20 m. S. Limerick. Brurie Skerries, isls., Shetland, Nesting par. Brusa or Bronssa, city, Asia Minor, 57 m. SSE, Constantinople. Brush Creek, vil., Iowa, Fayette co., 14 m. NW. Davenport. Brush Creek, Ohio, Adams co., trib. of tlie Oliio R. Brush Creek, Ohio, trib. of the Scioto R., in Scioto co. Brush Creek, tnshp., Ohio, Highland CO. Brush Creek, tn.sliii., Ohio, Muskingum co. Brush Creek, vil., Ohio, Scioto co. Brushgrove, tn., New S. Wales, co. Clarence, 360 m. N. Sydney. Brush Isls., New S. Wales, off coast of co. St. Vincent. Erushton, vil., New York, Franklin co., 49 ra. K. Ogdensburg. Brush Valley, vil. and ttislip., Pennsylvania, Indiana co. Brushy Creek, tnshp., S. Carolina, Andeison co. EruBBela, city, cap. ofBelgium and Brabant, on R. Senne. P. 482,275. Brussels, tn., Ontario, Huron co., on the Maitland R. Bnissow, tn., Prussia, on L. Bnissow, 12 m. NE. Prenzlow. Bniflterort, cape, With lighthouse, E. Prus.sia, on Baltic Sea. Bruthen, tn., Victoria, cos. Dargo and Tamljo, 201 m. E. Melbourne. Bruton. i)ar. and tn., Somerset, 2 m. E. Bridgwater. Brutus, tnshp., Nfw York, Cayuga co. Brux, tn , BulMMiiia, 14 m. N. Saaz, on R. Bila. Pop. 10,136. firuxellea. H^t Brussels. Bruyires, tn., Franrp, dep. Vosges, 13 m. ENR. Epiual, Bruz, vil., France, Illc-i.t-Vilaine, 6 ni. SW. Rennes. Bryan, tnshp.. North Carolina, Surry co. Bryan, vil., Ohio, cap. of Wilhums Co., 52 m. W. Toledo, Bryan, vil., Texas, cap. of Brazos co., room. NW. Houston. Bryan Mt., S. Australia, in NW. of co. Burra. Bryanston, vil., Ontario, co. Middlesex, 12 m. from London. Bryant, viL, Illinois, Fulton co., 8 m. SW. Canton. Brydekirk, par. and vil., S. Dumfriesshire. Bryher, one of the Scilly Is., SW. Cornwall, 2 ni. long. Brymbo, tnsbp., Denbighshire, 3J m. NW. Wrexluim, Brynmawr, tn , Breconshire, 8 m. SW. Abergavenny. Eryn Mawr, vil., Pennsylvania, Montgomery co. Bryson, vil., Quebec, cap, of Pontiac co,, on R. Ottawa, Brzesko, tn., Austria, Galicia, 8 m. E. Bochnia, Brzezany, tn., Galicia, 54 m. from Lemburg. Pop. 10,899. Erzezyn, tn., Poland, 63 m. SW. Warsaw. Erzozov, tn., Galicia, 10 m. NW. Sanok. Bu, tn., France, dep. Eure-et-Loir, 7 m. NE. Dreux. Bua, isl., Dalmatia, in the Adriatic, opposite Trau. Buach or Garden Isl., 5 m. off coast of Sv. Australia. Euangor, tn., Victoria, co, Ripon, 139 m. NW. Melbourne. Euarcoa, In., Portugal, prov. Beira, 24 ra. W. Coimbra. Eubak, tn., Bombay, Karachi dist. Lat. 26" 26' N., 67" 45' E, Bubendorf, vil., Switzerland, canton Basel, 2im. S. Liesthah Bublitz, tn., Prussia, Pomerania, 23 ra. SE. Coslin. Bubry, vil., France, dep. Morbihan, 17 ra. NE. Lorient. Bubwith, par. and tnshp., E. Riding, Yorks. Eucaramanga, tn., Colombia, cap. dep. Santander. Buccaneer Archipelago, Indian Ocean, NW. of Australia, Buccarl, spt., Austria, Croatia, 5 m. ESE. Fiume. Buccheri, tn., Sicily, prov. Syracuse, 25 m. NW, Noto. Bucchianico, tn., Italy, prov. and 4 m. SE. Chieti. Euccino, tn., Italy, prov. Salerno, 14 m. E. Camjiagna. Buccleuch, old par., Selkirk, Scotland, now in Ettrick. Buceros Island, New Guinea, in the Fly R. Buchan, dist., NE. Aberdeenshire, between the Ythan and Devcron, Buchanan, par., W. Stirlingshire. Buchanan, tnshp., Iowa, Jefferson co. Buchanan, tnshp., Iowa, Page co. Eachanan, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Berrien co. Buchanan, tnshp., Wisconsin, Outagamie co. Buchanan Isls., N. Territory, Australia, S. of Bathurst I. Buchanan Lake, Queensland, dist. Mitchell. Euchanhaven, vil., Aberdeenshire, ij-m. N. Peterhead, Buchan Ness, cape, E. Aberdeenshire, 3 m. S. Peterhead, Bucharest, city, cap. of Roumania, in Wallachia. Pop. 221,000. Eucharia. S-'-C Bokhara. Buchan, tn., Wilitemberg, 7 ra. SE, Riedlingen, Euchberg, tn., Lower Austria, 15 m, W, Neustadt. Euchen, tn., Baden, 29 m, ENE. Heidelberg. Euchholz, tn., Saxony, 8 m. SE. Griinhain. Buchholz Wendiach, tn., Prussia, 36 m. SE. Potsdam. Euchlowltz, tn., Sloravia, 6 m, W, Hradisch. Buchaweiler, tn,, Germany, Lower Alsace. Bucine, vil., Italy, Arezzo, 25 m. SE, Florence, Buck, tnshp,, Ohio, Hardin co. Euckau, tn. , Prussian Saxony, near Magdeburg. Pop. 16,040. Euckby, Long, par. and vil,, Northamptonshire. 3900 ac. Buck Creek, tnshp., Indiana, Hancock co. Buck Creek, Ohio, trib, of Sugar Creek, in Shelby co. Buck Creek, Ohio, falls into W. fork of White R. at Yorktown. Buck Creek, Ohio, trib. of the Ohio R. Buckden, par. and vil., co. and 4 m. SW. Huntingdon. Biickeburg, tn., Germany, cap. Schaumburg-Lippe. Euckenham, New, par. and vil. , S. Norfulk. Euckenham, Old, par. and vil., S, Norfolk. Buckeye, tnshp., Illinois, Stephenstm CO. Buckeyatown, vil., Maryland, Frederick co. Buckfastleigh, par. and vil., Devon, 5^^ m. NW. Totnes. Buckfield, vil. and tnshp,, Maine, Oxford co,, 45 ni. N. Portbnd, Buckhannon, vil., W. Virginia, cap. of Ui)shur co. BuckhannonR., W. Virginia, trib. of the Tygarts Valley R. Euckhart, tn.sliji., Illinois, Christian co. Buckhart, tnsli]>., Illinois, Fulton co. Buckhaven, tn., S. Fif< shire, 4J m. NE. Dysart. Buck Horn, tnshp., Illinois, Brown co. Buck Horn, tnshp., N. Carolina, Wake co. Back Horn lal. , New York, in Niagara R., Erie co. 75 ac. BackhuTBt Hill, ectd. dist., Essex, 10 m. from London, Buckle, spt., bor., and q.s. par., N. Banffshire. Buckingham, \n^T. Buckinghanishire, on R. Ouse. Buckingham, tnshp., Ontario, co. Otlawa, on R. Ottawa. Buckingham, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Bucks co. Buckingham, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Wayne co. Buckinghamshire, co., England, on R, Thames. 746 sq. m. P. 186,190. Buckland, par. and vil., E. Kent, \\ m. NW. Dover. Buckland, post centre, Tasmania, co. Pembroke. Buckland, tnshi)., Victoria, co. Delatite, 210 m. NE, Melbourno. Buckland, set., Quebcir, co. Bollecliasse, 27 m. from St. Charles, Buckland, tnshp., Massachusetts, Franklin Co. Buckland Monachorum, I'ar. and vil. S. Devon. Buckland Mount. Queensland, dist. Mitchell, Buckland Newton, hundred, Dorset, 1 1 ,940 ac. Eucklebury, par. and Vil., S. Berks, 6 ni. NE. Newberry. Buckley, eccl., Flintshire, 7 m. NE. Mold. Buckley's Crossing Place, tn.. New South Wales, co. Wallace. Bucklln, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Linn co, Bucklyvlo, vil. and q.s. jmr., co. and 15^ m. W. Stirling. Buck Mountain, vil., Pennsylvania, Carbon en. Bucknall cum-Bagnall, eccl. dist., N. Staffordshire. Buck Prairie, tn^shp., Maine, Lawrence co. Euckroae, pari, div. , E. Riding, Yorks. Bucks, tnslip., Ohio, Tuscarawas co. Bucks, tnsbp.. South Carolina, Horry co. Bucksboal, tnyhp., N. Carolina, Yadkiu co. Buckskin, tnshp., Ohio, Rosa co. 51 BUG THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BUN Buckskin Mt., Colorado, peak of Park Range. Alt. 14,022 ft. Eucksport, vil. andtnslip., Maine, Hancock co. Bucktell, \il., Ohio, Athens CO. Bucquoy, tn., France, dep. Pas-de-Calais, 10 m. S. Arras. Bactouche, vil., New Brunswick, Kent co., 21 m. NNE. Shediac. Buctouche E., New Brunswick, Kent co., enters Northumberland Str. Bucyma, tn., Ohio, cap. of Crawford co. Baczacz, tn., Galicia, gov. Lemburg, 33 in. ENE. Stanislawow. Buczowic, tn., Moravia, iS m. E. Briiun. Buda, vil., Illinois, Bureau co., 118 m. W. Cbicago. Buda, ry. stn., Canada, on C. P. By., 44 m. W. Port Arthur. Buda-Peath, city, Hungary, on both sides of R. Danube. P. 606,061. Budaun, dist., Nff. Provs., India. Area 2001 sq. m. Budaun, hd. qrs. talisil of above. Area 466 sq. m. Budaim, city, KW. Provs., India. Lat. 28^2' 30" N., long. 7g°g'45"E. Baddh Gaya, vil., Bengal, Gaya dist. Lat. 24" 41' 45" N. Buddon Ness, headland, Forfarshire, on Firth of Tay. Buddxi,tn., Guinea, on R. Niger, 37 in. NW. R. Benue. Bude or Bude Baven, eccl. dist. and vil., E. Cornwall. Budel, vil., N\T]it.'ilands, N. Brabant, 12 m. SK. Eindhoven. Biiderich or Bliicher, tn., Rhenisli Prussia, on R. Rhine. Budesheim, vd., lUssen, i m. SE. Bingen. Budgee Budgee Mt., Victoria, in N. of co. Tanjil. Budliana, tuhsil, KW. Provs., India, Muzaflarnagar dist. Budhana, tn., in above. Lat. 29° i' N., 77' 31' E. Budhata, vil., Bengal, Khulna dist. Lat. 22° 37' N., long. 89° 12' E. Badhpur, vil., Bengal, Blanbhum dist. Lat. 22° 58' 15" N. Budihal, ialuh, Mysore, Chitaldi-ug dist. 369 sq. m. Budikot, vil., Mysore, Kolar dist. Lat. 12° 54' 40". Eudingen, tn., Hessen, 28 m. SE. Giessen. Budleigh, East, par. and vil., E. Devon, 5 m. SW. Sidmouth. Budleigh Salterton, watering-place, E. Devon. Budleigh, West, hundred, N. Devon. 17,367 ac. Budock, par., Cornwall, 1^ m. W. Falmouth. Budrio, tn., Italy, 12 m. NE. Bologna. Pop. 16,796. Budrun. See Eoodroom. EudukhBhan, ter., AJghan Turkestan. Pop. 65,000. Eudweia or Budwitz, tn., Bohemia, on R. Moldau. Pop. 23,845. BadweisorEudwitz, tn., Moravia, 17 m. WNW. Znaim. Badworth, Great, par., Cheshire, 2 m. N. Northwich. Pop. 23,732. Budzanow, tn., Galicia, 7 m. N. Czortkow. Buenaventura, tu., Mexico, state and 140 m. NW. Chihualiua. Buenaventura, spt., -Columbia, state Cauca, on Choco Bay. BuenaViBta, battletield, Mexico, 90 m. SW. Monterey. Buena Vista, tushp., Arkansas, Columbia co. Enena Vista, vil, Colorado, Chaffee co. Euena Vista, vil., Georgia, cap. Marion co., 106 m. S. Atlanta. Buena Vista, tnshp., Illinois, Schuyler co. Buena Vista, tnshp., Iowa, Jasper co. Buena Vista, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Saginaw co. Euena Vista, tnshp., Wisconsin, Richland co. Buen Asn-e, isl. , Dutch W. Indies, otl' coast of Venezuela. Buenos Ayres, state, Argentine Repub. Area 76,488 sq. m. P. 800,000. Buenos Ayres, city, cap. of above and of Aigentine Repub. P. 435,000. Buffalo, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Ogle co. Buffalo, vil. and tnslip., Iowa, Scott CO., on the Mississippi R. Buffalo, tnshp., Kansas, Jewell co. Buffalo, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, La Rueco. Buffalo, vil., Missouri, cap. of Dallas co., 4 m. W. Niagara R. Buffalo, tnshp., Missouri, Newton co. Buffalo, tnshp., Missouri, Pike co. Buffalo, port of entry, New York, on L. Erie. Pop. 255,664. Buffalo, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Butler co. EuflaJo, tnslip., Pennsylvania, Union co. Buffalo, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Washington co. Buffalo, tnslip., S. Carolina, Kershaw co. Buffalo Creek, Georgia, branch of the Oconee R. Buffalo Creek, Iowa, trib. of the Wapsipinicou R., Linn co. Buffalo Creek, Minnesota, falls into S. fork of Crow R. Buffalo Creek, New York, forms the harbour of Buffalo. Buffalo Creek, Saskatchewan, trib. of Battle R. Buffalo Gap, vil., Texas, cap. of Taylor co., 12 m S. Mtn. Pass. Buffalo Peak, nitn., Victoria, co. Delatite. Buffalo Peak, Colorado, Park Range. Alt. 13,541 ft. Buffalo Prairie, tnshp., Illinois, Rock Island co. Buffalo R., Tennessee, trib. of Dutch R., in Humphreys co. Buffalo R., Wisconsin, trib. of the Mississippi R. Buffalo E., Victoria, trib. of the Ovens R., co. Delatite. Buffalo R., Canada, trib. of Athabasca R., in Athabasca. Buffalo Rocks, off Brit. Burma. Lat. 16'' 19' N., long. 94" 12' E. Buffon, vil., France, Cote-d'Or, 11 m. N. Semur-en-Auxois. Euffon, Cape, S. Australia, co. Grey, S. of Rivoli Bay. Buford, tnshp., N. Carolina, Union co. Buford, tnshp., 9. Carolina, Lancaster co. Buford's Bridge, tnshp., S. Carolina, Barnwell co. Bug, Boug, or Bog, riv., Russia, trib. of the Dneiper R. Bug, riv., Poland, trib. of the Vistula, 300 ni. long. Buga, tn., Colombia, state Cauca, 105 m. NNE. Popayan. P. 10,090. Bugama, miss, stn., W. Africa, Niger Protectorate. BugganbilMt., New S. Wales, co. Cooper. Buggenhout, vil., Belgium, Flanders, 5 m. E. Dendermond. Buggiano, tn., Italy, 27 m. WNW. Florence Pop. 11,029. Buglawton, tushp. and vil., Cheshire, 2 m. NE. Congleton. Bugle Ranges, ham., S. Australia, co. Hindjnarsh, 1161 ft. above sea. Bugulma, tn., Russia, gov. Samara, on Bugulma R. Pop. 13,746. Buhl, tu., Baden, 25 m. SSW. Carlsruhe. Biihler, vil., Switzerland, 3 m. 8. Trogen. Bula Point, SW. extremity of Vanua Levu, Fiji Is. Buildwaa. par., S. Somersetshire, on R. Severn. EuUth, par. and tn., Wales, N. Brecon, on R. Wye. BuinahaCape, W. CO. Mayo, on 9. side of Clew Bay. Buis orLeEaia, tn., France, dep. Drome, 10 ra. SE. Lyons. BuitenpoBt, vil., Netherlands, 16 m. E. Leeuwarden. Euitenslois, tn., Netherlands, 25 m. S. Rotterdam. Buitenzorg, prov. and tn., Java, 36 m. S. Batavia. Eujalance, tn., 8pain, 7 m. E. Cordova. Bujaleuf, vil., France, Haute-Vienne, i3 m. E. Limoges. Eujnurd, tn., Persia, prov. Khorasan, 150 m. NW. Meshed. Euk, tn., Prussia, prov. and 15 m. SW. Posen. Bukaczowce, tn., Galicia, 30 m. E. Stry, on R. Dniester. Buka Island, Solomon Islands, belonging to Germany. Bukera. vil., Bombay, Haidarabad dist. Bukharest. See Bucharest. Eukharia, E. part of W. Turkestan and W. part Chinese Tartary. Eukkapatnam, tn,, Madra.'i, Anantapur dist. Bukken, isl. and vil., W. coast Norway. Lat. 59" 12' N. Eukkur Isl., in R. Indus, Shikarpur dist., Bombay. Bukowina, prov, , Austria, E, Galicia, etc. Area 4036 sq. m. Eulacan, tn., Luzon Is!., Philippines, 20 m. NW. Manilla. P. 10,000. Biiiach, tn., Switzerland, canton and 10 m. N. Zurich. Eulak. See Eoulak. Bulandflhahr, dist, NW. Provs., India. Area 1914 sq. m. Bulandshahr, tn. and hd. -qrs. of above. Euldana, dist. , Berar, India. Area 2804 sq. ni. Bulfontein, diamond-field. Cape Colony, near Orange R. Bulgaria, principality, trib. to Turkey. 24,341 sq. m., or, including E. Rounielia, 37,310 sq. m. Total pop. 3,164,375. Bulger, set., Ontario, co. Renfrew, 8 in. from Cobden. Bulimba, suburb and 4 m. N. Brisbane, Queensland. Bulkington, par. and vil., Warwicksh., 4 m. SE. Nuneaton. Bulla, tn., Victoria, co. IBourke, 18 m. N. Melbourne. Bulla-Bulla Mt., Victoria, co. Croajingolong. BuUadelah, vd., New S. Wales, co. Gloucester. Bullarto, tn., Victoria, yih m. from Melbourne. Bullas, tn., Spain, 32 m. W. Murcia. Bulle, tn., Switzerland, canton and 14 m. S. Freiburg. Buller, Mt , Victoria, co. Wonnangatla. Buller River, New Zealand, fails into Karamea Bight. Eullers of Euchan, rocky cauldron, E. Aberdeenshire. Bullea. tn., France, dep. Oise, 6m. NNW. Clermont. Bull Head, tnshp., N. Carolina, Granville co. Bulli, spt., New S. Wales, cos. Camden and Cumberland. Bullionville, mining camp, Nevada, 20 m. N. Pioohe. Bullock Creek, tnshp., S. Carolina, York co. Bullock Creek, New S. Wales, co. Kennedy, from Bogan R. Bullock Creek, Victoria, co. Bendigo, from Moonlight Creek. Bullock Island, W. suburb of Newcastle, New S. Wales. Bullock's Corners, vil., Ontario, co. Wentworth, J m. from DuEdas. Bulloo River, Queensland, flows through Warrego dist. Bull Point, headland, NW. Devon, 4 m. W. Ilfracombe. Bull Pond, tnshp., S. Carulina, Barnwell co. Bull Run, Virginia, trib, of Occaquan R. Scene of two battles. Bulls, tn., New Zealand, co. Rangitikei, 129 m. NW. Wellington. Bull Sand, bank in mouth of R. Humber, Yorkshire. Bull's Island, in the Delaware River, New York. Bullflkin. tnshp., Pennsylvania, Fayette en. Euln-Buln, tnshp., Victoria, co. Buln-Buln, on Brandy Creek. Buloke, L., Victoria, co. Bnrung, near border co. Kara-Kara. Bulola, tn. and riv., Senegambia. Lat. 11° 31' N., long. 14^ 20' W. Eulsar, jtt. and tn., Bombay, Surat dist^ Lat. 20° 37' N. Bulsar, sub-div., Surat dist., Bombay. 208 sq. m. Bulstrode, vil., Quebec, co. and n m. from Arthabaska. Eulti, name for N. part of Kashmir. Bul-Tul, pass, Kashmir, 11,300 ft. above sea. Lat. 34''i4' N"., long. 7V 33' E. Eulweil, par. and vil., Notts, within Nottingham. Eumawadl, tnshp.. Lower Burma, Tanng-ngu dist. Bumbunga L., S. Australia, in E. part of co. Daly. Bumirau, set., New Brunswick, co. Carleton. Bumlin, par., E. co. Roscommon. 652S ac. Bumm. >' (' Bam. Eumstead Steeple, par., Essex, Si m. NE. Thaxted. 3423 ac. Bun. See also Ban. Bunawe. Sec Eonawe. Eunbury, par. and tnshp., Cheshire, 3^ m. SE. Tarporley. Bunbury, spt., W^. Australia, cap. of co. Wellington, 112 m, S. Perth. Buncrana, tn., co. Donegal, on Lough Sivilly. Bund, tn., Punjab, India, Jind state. Eundaberg, tn., Queensland, co. Cooke, on R. Burnet. Bundala, tn., Punjab, Amritsar dist. Lat. 31° 32' N. Bundamba, tn., Queensland, 21 m. from Brisbane. Bundanoon, tn., New S. Wales, co. Camden, 93 m. SW. Sydney. Buudare, vil., Madras, Vizagapatam dist. Eundarra, tn.. New S. Wales, co. Hardinge, 323 m. N. Sydney. Eundarrah R., Victoria, flows through co. Bogong. Eunde, ■\il., Prussia, Westphalia, 7 m. NNW. Herford. Bundelkhand, trad, Upper India. Area 20,559 sq. m. BundemirR., Persia, prov. Fars, enters L. Bakhtegan. Bunder, port, S. Arabia, 12 m. AV. AdeU. Bunder Abbass. See Gombroon. Eundl, native state, Bajputana. Area 2300 sq. m. Pop. 295,670. Bundi, cap. of above. Lat. 25° 27' N.,long. 75° 40' ^7" E. Bundoran, vil., CO. Donegal, on Donegal Bay, 4m. SW. Ballyshaunon. Bundroes, vil., CO. Leitrim, i m. SW. Bundoran, on Donegal Bay. Bunera, In., India, Rajputana, Udaipur state, 1903 ft. above sea. Eunga Head, New South Wales, co. Dampier, S. of Dry R. Bungaree, tnshp., Victoria, co. Grant, 105 m. W. of Melbourne, Bungaree Norah, peninsula. New South Wales, co. Northumberland. Bungay, tn., E. Suffolk, on R. Waveney, 6 m. W. Beccles. Eungendore, tushp., New South Wales, 174 m. SW. Sydney. Eungwall Flat, tn.. New South Wales, 169 m, N, Sydney. Euuhar R., Punjab, India, Jhelum dist, BunhillRow, eccl. dist., Middlesex. Buninyong, tnshp., Victoria, co. Grant, 7 m. S. Ballarat. Bunker Creek, New South Wales, co. Yungnulgra. Bunker Hill, viL and tnshp., Illinois, Macoupin co. 52 BUN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BUR Bunker Hill, Massachusetts, in Boston. Scene of battle 1775. Bunker Hill, tiislip., Michigan, lugham co. Bunker Hill, tiislip., Mississippi, Smith co. Bunker Hill, vil. and tnslip., Tennessee, Giles co. Bunker iBla., olf Queensland, 60 ni. E. Fort Curtis. Bunkle and Preston, par., KE. Uorwickshire. Bunmahon, vil., co. and 14 ni. SW. Waterford. Bonol, tn., Spain, 24 m. W. Vali?ncia. Bunratty, Lower, l>arony, SFI. co. Clare. 57,314 ac. Bunratty, Upper, barony, mid co. Clare. 53,595 ac. Buntingford, tn.,co. and 17 \\\. NE. Uertfcrd, on R. Rib. Buntzlau, In., I'russiau Silesia, 24 m. WNW. Liegnitz. Pop. 11,532. Bunwtd or Bongo, isl., Philippine Islands, otF Mindanao. Bunyip, vil , \'ictoria, co. Mornington, 48 m. E. Melbourne. BuochB, vil., Switzerland, S. of Lake Lucorno. Buolick, par., W. co. Tipperary, g ni. E. Tliurles. Buonabitalco, tn., Italy, prov. Salerno, g m. S. Sala. Buonalbergo, tn., Italy, prov. Bencvento, 7 m. NW. Ariano. Buonconvento, vil., Italy, jtrov, and 15 ni. SE. Siena. Burabalang B., Orissa, India, rises in Morbhauj state. Burada, .Stc Barrada. Bura Dharla, riv., Bengal, trib. of the Dharla. Bura Mantreawar, Bengal, name for mouth of Hugli R, Burano, tn., Italy, on Burano I. Burano Isl., Italy, in the Adriatic, 5 m. NE. Venice. Bnraajun, tn., Persia, in Fars, 22 m. NXE. Bushire. Burbage, par., Wilts, 5 m. SE. Marlborough. Burbage, eecl. dist. and vil., N. Derbyshire. Burbage and Sketchley, tnshp., S. Leicestershire. Burbo Flats, sandbank, off coasts of Lancashire and Cheshire. Burbois, tnshp., Missouri, Gasconade co. Burdekin R.. Queensland, flows through N. Kennedy. Burdette, vil., New York, Schuyler co., on L. Seneca. BurdlehouBe, vil., co. and 4^ m. S. Edinburgh. Burdu, tn.. Central India, Gwalior Territory. Burdor, tn,, Asiutic Turkey, in Anatolia, 63 m. N. Adalia. Burdwan. >'cc Bardwan. Bureau Creek, Illinois, trib. of the Illinois R., in Bureau co. Biiren, tn., Prussia, Westphalia, 10 m. E. Soest. Biiren, tn., Switzerland, canton and 14 in. NW. Bern. Bures St. Mary, par. and tnshp., Suffolk and E^sex. Burford, par. and tn., co. and 18 m. NW. Oxford. Burford, vil, Ontario, Biant co., g m. from Brantford. Burford Bank, sandbank, in entrance of Dublin Bay, Burford Isl., N. Territory, Australia, in Dundas Strait. Burg, vil., Switzerland, canton Bern, 10 m. SW. Basel. Burg, tn., Prussian Saxony, 13 m. NE. Magdeburg. Pop. 16,414. Burg, tu., Rhenish Prussia, 16 m. NNE. Cologne. Burg, tn., Prussia, on Feliniarn I. Burgas, tn., E. Roumelia, on Black Sea. Burgdorf, tn., Switzerland, canton and n m. NE. Bern. Burgdorf, tn., Prussia, Hanover, on R. Aa. Burgeo, port of entry, Newfoundland, on one of the Burgco Is. Bnrgeo and La Poile, dist., Newfoundland. Burgeo lals., Newfoundland, in Gulf of St. Lawrence. EurgesB Hill, tn., Sussex, 8^ m. N. Brighton. Burgeaaville, vil., Ontario, co. Oxford, 10 in. from Woodstock. Burgettstown. tn., Pennsylvaiiia, Washington co. Burghausen, tn., Bavaria, 58 m. E. Munich. Burgh-by-Sands, par. and vil., E. Cumberland. Burghead, q.$. par. and sjit., co. and lo^ ni. NW. Eljrin. Bnrghersdorp, tn., Cape Colony, Albert div., 630 m. NE. Cape Town. Bnrghfleld, par., mid. Berks, on R. Kennet. 4311 ac. Burgbill, and vil., co. and 3^ m. NW. Hereford. Burgh-in-the- Marsh, par. and tn., mid. Lincolnshire. Burghur HUlfl, Madras, Coimbatore dist. Alt. 5000 ft. Burglo, tn., Sicily, 28 m. NW. Girgenti. Burgk, vil., Germany, Reuss-Greiz, on R. Saale. Burglen, vil., Switzerland, cant. Uri, ij in. E. Altorf. Biirglen, vil., Switzerland. Thurgau, 11 m. E. Frauenfdd. Burglengenfeld, tn., Bavaria, 15 m. NNW. Ratisbon. Burgo, tn., Spain, 36 m. W. Malaga, on tlic Ardales. Burgo de Osma, tn., Spain, 28 in. W. Soria. BurgoB, prov., Spain, Old Castile. Area 5481 sq. m. Pop. 337,822. Burgos, cap. of the above, 130 m. N. Madrid. Pop. 31,301. Bnrgatadt, tn., Saxony, 35 ni. SE. Leipsic. BUrgateln, vil., Bohemia, 25 ni. NE. Leitmeritz. Burguete, tn., Spain, in Navarre, 15 m. NE. Pamplona. Burgundy, former prov. of Fiance. Area 12,000 sq. 111. Burha, tnhsil. Cent. Provs., India. Area 1695 sq. m. Burba, tn., Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 21° 28' 30" N. Burham, par. and vil., Kent., on R. Medway, 4^ in. NW. Maidstone. Burhanpur, taksil. Cent. Provs., India, Nimardist. Bnrhanpur, tn.. Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 21° 18' N. Bnrlas, isl., Philippine Is., 20 m. SSE. Luzon. Area 193 sq. m. BurlDlhlng, riv., Assam, trib. of the Brahmaputra R. Burl Gandak, riv., Bengal, trib. of llie GangfS. Buriganga R., Bengal, Dacca dist., branch of the Dlialcswhari. Burin, port of entry, Newfoundland, on Planentia Bay. Burin, dist., Newfoundland, on W. side of Placentia Bay. Bnrlton, par. and vil., Hants, 2 m. SW. Petrrslield. Buriya, tn., Punjab, Ambala dist. Lat. 30" 9' 30" N. Burke, dist., Queensland, between Conke and N. Gregory dists. Burke, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Franklin CO. Burke, vil., and tnshp., Vermont, Caledonia CO. Burke, tiinh]!., Wisconsin, Dane co, Burke Channel, Brit. Columbia, between King I. ami mainland. Burke Creek, (^ucenslan'i, N. Gregory (list., bramh of Herbert R. Burkesvllle, vil., Kentucky, cap. of Cumberland Co. Bnrkeradorf, vil., Austria, 10 ni. W, Vienna. Burke's Flat, tn., Victoria, co. Gladstone, 146 m. NW. Melbourne. Burketown, tnslip., Queensland, dist. Burke, on Albert R. Bnrkha, tu., Arabia, 45 in. NW. Sluscat. Burkhardtsdorf, vil.. Saxony, 7 m. S. Chemnitz. Burkley Eanges, mtns.. New S. Wales, co. P'aruell. Alt. 2000 ft. Burksville, vd., Washington, Columbia Co., 10 m. S. Snake R. Burkville, vil., Illinois, Pulaski co. Burley, vil. and fcch dist., W. Riding, Yorks., aj "'• ^'W. Leeds. Burley-in-Wliarfdale, vil. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks. Burlingame, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, cap. of Osage co. Burlington, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Hartford co. Burlington, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, Carroll co. Burlington, city, Iowa, cap. Des Moines co. Pop. 22,528. Burlington, Vil. andtu-slip., Kansas, cap. Coffee co. Burlington, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Boone co. Burlington, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Calhoun co. Burlington, tnshp. , Michigan, Laj'eer co. Burlington, city. New Jersey, Burlington co., on Delaware R. Burlington, vil. and tnshp, , New York, Otsego co. Burlington, tnshp., Ohio, Licking co. Burlington, bor. and tnshp., I'ennsylvania, Bradford co. Burlington, City, Vermont, cap. Chittenden co. Pop. 14,566. Burlington, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Racijie co., on Fox R. Burlington, vil., Ontario, Ilalton Co., 33 in. SW. Toronto. Burlington, vil., Prince Edward I., 35 m. W. Charlottetown. Burlington Bay, Ontario, W. extremity of L. Ontario. Burlington Junction, vil., Slissouri, Nodaway co. Burma, country, Asia, Brit, possession, di\'idfd into Tip. B. and Lr. B. Area 68,922 and 87,220 sq. m. Pop. 4,069,680 and 2,984,730. Bormantofts, eccl. dist., Leeds par., W. liiiling, Yorks. Burnaby laL, British Columbia, one of the Oueen Charlotte Is. Bumadgera Lake, S. Australia, N. of Blue Shirt Watercoiu'se. Bum Bluff, intn., Tasmania, co. Lincoln. Bumbrae, vil., Ontario, Northumberland co., 28 m. from Belleville. Burneside, eecl. dist., Westmorland, 2 m. N\V. Keudal. Bumeston, par. and tnslip., N. Riding, Yorks. Burnett, vil., California, Santa Clara co. Burnett, tnshp., Wisconsin, Dodge co. Burnett, dist., SE. Queensland. Area 7740 sq. m. Burnett R., Queensland, falls into Ilervey Bay, dist. Burnett. Biirnfoothill, vil., Ayrshire, Dahnellington par. Burnham, par., tnshi>., and vil., SE, Bucks. Bumham, par. and spt., NE. Essex, on R. Crouch. Bumham, par. and vil, , mid. Somerset, 7J m. N. Bridgwater. Bumliam, tn.. New Zealand, co. Selwyn, 18 in. from Christchurch. BiuTiliam Flats, extensive shoal, olTN. Norfolk. Burnham-Thorpe. par., Norfolk, 4^^ m. SW. Wells. Nelson's birthplace. Bumham-Weatgate, par. and vd.,"W. Norfolk, 6 ni. SW. Wells. Bumhaven, vil., NE. Aberdeenshire, Peterhead par. Burnie, tnshp., Tasmania, 102 m. from Launceston. Burning Springs, vil. and tnshp., W. Virginia, Wirt co. Bum Island, Newfoundland, otl' Placentia Bay. Burnley, bor., Lancashire, 21 in. E. Preston. Pop. 87,058. Eurmnoor, eccl. dist., N. Durliam. Bumopfield, eccl. dist., Durham, S. of Gateshead. Bum Row, vil., E. Stirlingshire, Slamannan par. Burns, tnshp., Illinois, Henry co. Bums, tnshp., Michigan, Shiawassee co. Bums, tnshp., New York, Alleghany co. Bums, tnshp., S. Carolina, Colleton co. Bums, tnshp., Wisconsin, La Crosse co. Bomsall, par. and tnslip., W. Riding, Yorks, on R. Wharfe. Burnside, suburb and 4 m. from Adelaide, S. Aiistralia. Burnslde, ry. stn,, Manitoba, C. P. Ry., 63^ m. W. Winnipeg. Burnside, vil., Illinois, Hancock co,, 5 m. NE. Ferris June. Bumside, tnshp., Michigan, Lapeer co. Bumside, bur. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, ClearGeld co. Burnside, tnshp., Wis 'onsin, Trempealeau co. Bumsville, vil., Alabama, Dallas co., 9 m. N. Seliua. Bumsvllle, tnshp., N. Carolina, Anson co. Burnt Church, sid., New Brunswick, Northumberland CO. Burnt Coat lal., Maine, otTBlue Hill Bay, Hancock co. Burnt Isl., Newfoundland, in Bonavista Bay. Burnt lab, two isls., otf coast of Maine, U.S. Burntisland, burgh and spt., S. Fife, on Firth of Forth. Burnt Prairie, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, White co. Burnt R., On'gnn, trib, of the Snake R., rises in Union co. Burnt Swamp, tnshp., N. Carolina, Robeson CO. Burntwood, tnshp., Stairordsliire, 5^ m. W. Lichfield. Burpan, In., Balucbistan, itniv. Wekran. Burr, tnshp., Missouri, Lincoln co. Burr Creek, New S. Wales, co, Evelyn, N. of Mt, Arrowsinith. Burr, Mt., S. Australia, co. Grey, 10 in. NE. Lake Bonney. Burra Creek, S. Australia, en. Burra, arm of Murray U. Burradon, tnshp., Northumberland, 8 ni. NE. Newcastle. Burra, E. and W., two of the Shetland Is., Bressay par. Burra Burra, dist., S. Australia, 80 ni. N. Adelaide. Burra Burra Lake, New 8. M'ales, CO. Westmorland. Burraflord. inlet, N. coast of Urist, Slietlaud Is. BurragevUle, vil., Massachusetts, Worcester co. Burragong Creek, New S. Wales, cos, Monteagle and Forbes. Burranesa, headland. Yell I., Slietlaud. BurrangUong Creek. New S. Wales, Bathurst co. Burrard Inlet, Biitish Columbia, offtJulf of Georgia. Burrawang, tu.. New S. Wales, co. Camden, 96 m. S. Sydney. Burray, isl., one of the Orkneys, S. Iloualdshay x>ar. Burrell, tnslip., luwa, Decatur co. Burrelton. vil., Perthshire, near Woodsido. Eurren, barony, N. co. Clare. 74,;i6oae. Burriana, tn,. Spain, 8 ni. 8, Castelbm do la Plana, Pop. 10,058. BurriUvllIe, tnshp., Rliode Island, Providence co. Burrishoole, barony, W. co. Mayo. 145,172 ae. Burriahoole. par., in above barony. 53,749 ac. BurrifB RnpidB, vil., Ontario, co. Greiiville, on small isl. Burr Oak, tnslip,, Kansas, Doniphan co. Burr Oak, vil. and tnslip,, Kansas, JewcU co. 53 BUR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CAB Burr Oak, vil. and tnshp., Slichigan, St. Joseph co. Burrowa, tnslip., New S. Walu-s, co. King, on Burrowa K. BurrowaE., New S. Wales, co. King, on the Lacblan 11. Burrow Head, cape, SE. extremity of Wtgto%vnshire. Burrow Head, headtaud, Si:. Stronsay I., Orkney. Burrowa, ry. atn., NW. Territory, Canada, on C. P. Ry. Eumunbeet, tn., Victoria, co. Kipon, 113 ni. from Melbourne. Bamunbeet Lake, Victoria, co. Ripon, 12 m. W. Ballarat. Burrundie, tiishp., N. Ter., S. Australia, on M'Kinlay R. Buny Inlet, S. Wales, estuary of Loughour and Amman Rs. Buracheid, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 6 ni. S. Solingen. Buracongh, tnshp. and vil., SW. Lancash., 3^ m. N. Ormskirk. Bursledon, ]>ar. and vil., S. Hants, 4^ m. SE. Southampton. BoTBlem, bor., co. and 20 ni. NE. Stafford, in Hanley. Pop. 30,862. Burstead, Great, Essex, ijm. S. Billericay. Burstow, par. and vil., Surrey, 7^ m. SE. Reigate. Bursztyn, tn., Galicia, on the Lippe, 20 ni. SW. Brzezany. Burt, i,iar., CO. Donegal, on L. Swilly, 7 in. NW. Londonderry. Burton, pari. div. of Staflordshire. Burton, tnshp., Michigan, Genesee co. Burton, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Geauga co. Burton, vil.. New Brunswick, Suubury co. Burton-in- Kendal, tn., S. Westmorland. Burton Latimer, par., Northampton, ^\ m. SR Kettering. Borton-upon-Slather, par. and vil., N. Lincolnshire. Burton -upon- Trent, bor., cos. Stafford and Derby. Pop. 46,047. Burtonwood, tnshp., Lancashire, 4 m. NW. Warrington. " Burtrask, tn., Sweden, Westerbotten liin. Burtacheid, tn., Prussia, sub. of Aix-la-Chapelle. Pop. 12,139. Borta Lagoon, S. Australia, 6 m. S. of L. Torrens. Bum, isl., Molucca group, W. Amboyna. Pop. 94,000. Burum, vil., Netherlands, Friesland, n m. SE. DokUuin. Burwash, par. and vil., E. Sussex, 8 in. NW. Battle. Burwell, par. and vil., Cambridge, 4 m. SE. Newmarket. Burwood, vil., Victoria, co. Bourke, g m. E. Melbourne. Bin-wood, vil.. New S. Wales, co. Cumberland, sub. Sydney. Burwood, vil.. New S. Wales, sub. of and 2 m. from Newcastle. Bury, bor., Lancashire, 11 ni. NW. Manchester. Pop. 57,206.. Bury St. Edmunds, bor., Suffolk, on R. Lark. Burzet, tn., France, dep. Ardiche, 14 m. N. Largentiere. Buaachi, tn., Sardinia, 11 m. NE. Oristano. Biisbach, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 6 m. E. Aix-la-Chapelle. Busby, tn., Lanark and Renfrew, 7 m. from Glasgow. Busca, tn., Italy, Piedmont, 9 m. NW. Coni. Buseo, tn., Roumania, in Wallachia, 60m. NE. Bucharest. P. 12,000. Bushbury, ]>ar. and tnshp., W. Staffordshire. Bush Creek, tnshp., Illinois, Wayne co. Bush End Point, New Zealand, extremity of Farewell Spit. Buabey, i>ar. and vil., Herts, i J m. S. Watford June. Bushey Park, royal park, Middlesex, on R. Thames. Bushire, spt., Persia, on Persian Gulf. Lat. 29° N. Pop. 20,000. Buslikill, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Northampton co. BushkiU Creek, Pennsylvania, 2 tribs. of the Delaware R. Bush mi 11.^, tn., Antrim, 5 m. E. Portrush. Bofihuell, city, Illinois, McDonough co. Bushnell, tnshp., Slichigan, Montcalm co. Bushy, tnshp., Illinois, Saline co. Bushy Fork, tnshp., N. Carolina, Pearson co. Bushy Isl., in Clarence Strait, NW. America. Lat. 56' 17' N. Busigny, vil., France, dep. Nord, 12 m. SE. Cambrai. Busk, tn., Galicta, on R. Bug, 32 m. ENE. Lemberg. Buskerud, amt, Norway, Christiania stift. Buskirk'a Bridge, vil., New York, Washington co. Bualingthorpe. eccl. dist, W. Ridine:, Yorks. Bussa, dist. and tn., W. Africa, in Borgu, on R. Niger. Bussang, \il., France, dep. Vosges, ou R. Moselle. Busselton or Vasse, tn., W. Australia, 30 m. S. Bunbury. BuBserach, vil., Switzerland, cant, and 15 m. N. Soleurc. BuaseroUes, ^il., France, dist. Dordogne. Busseron, tnshp., Indiana, Knox co. Busaeto, tn., Italy, on the Ongina, 17 m. NW. Parma. Bussifere-Dunoiae, tn., Frajice, dep. Creuse. Bussnang, vil., Switzerland, cant. Thurgau, on R. Thur. Buasolengo, vil., Italy, 9 m. WNW. Verona. Busaoleno, tn.. Italy, 5 ni. E. Susa, on the Dora Riparia. Bussora. .S(c Bassorah. Bustard Bay. Queensland, dist. Port Curtis, Flinders co. Busti, vil. and tnslip, , New York, Chatauqua co. Bustleton, vil., Pennsylvania, now part of Philadelphia. Bustor Arsizio, tn., Italy, prov. and 20 m. NW. Milan. Pop. 13.600. Buauluk, tn., Russia, gov. Samara, on Busuluk R. Pop. 15,000. Biisum. spt., Prussia, Holstein, on North Sea. Busvagon, isl. of Philippines, 50 m. SW. Mindoro. Butan, 5ec Bhutan. Butana, tn., Punjab, Rolitak dist. Bute, isl., in Firth of Clyile, Scotland. Area 64 sq. m. Pop. 10,998. Bute, North, par., in N. of Bute Island. Bute Inlet, bay, British Columbia. Lat. 50° 30' N., long. 125° W. Butera, tn., Sicily, prov. Caltanisetta. Buteshire, insular Co., Firth of Clyde,. comprising Bute, Arran, etc Buti, tn., Italy, Tuscany, gjm. E. Phsa. Butler, ry. stn., Canada, on C. P. Rv.. 160 ni. W Port Arthur. Butler, vih, Georgia, U.S., cap. of Taylor co. Butler, tnshp , Illinois, Vermillion co. Butler, vil., Indiana, De Kalb Co., 12 m. E. Auburn. Butler, tnshp., Indiana. Franklin co. Butler, tnshp., Indiana, Miami co. Butler, tnshp., Iowa, Butler co. Butler, tnshp , Micliigan, Branch co. Butler, vil., Missouri, cap. Bates co., 73 m. S. Kansas City. Butler, tnshp., Missouri, HaiTison co. Butler, tnshp., Missouri, St. Clair co. Butler, tnshp.. New York, VTayne co. Butler, tn^hl'., Ohio, Columbiana co. Butler, tn^lip., Ohio, Darke co. Butler, tnshp., Ohio, Mercer co. Butler, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Adams co. Butler, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, cap. of Butler co. Butler, tnslip., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co. Butler, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co. Butler, tnslip., S. Carolina, Greenville co. Butler, tnshp., W. Virginia, Hancock co. Butler Grove, tnshp,, Illinois, Montgomery co. Biitow, tn., Prussia, Ponierania, 53 m. E. Coslin. Butrinto, tn., Turkey, oi>posite Corfu. Butschatsch. St^ Buczacz. Eutschowitz, tn., Moravia, 18 m. E. Briinn. Buttaiiatchie R., flows through Alabama and Missouri, U.S. Butte, tnslip., California, Sierra co. Butte, tnshji., California, Sutter co. Butte City, vil. , Montana, cap. of Deer Lodge co. Pop. 10,701. Butte Creek, California, trib. of the Sacramento R. Butte Creek, tnshp., California, Calusa co. Batter Isl., Maine, in Penobscot Bay, Hancock co. Butterley, coal and iron works, co. and 10 m. from Derby. Buttermere, lake, in English Lake dist., 247 ft. above sea. Buttermilk Channel, New York, part of New York harbour. Butternuts, tnshp., New York, Otsego co. Butterahaw, eccl. dist., W. Riding, Yorks. Butterwood, tnshp., N. Carolina, Halifax co. Butterworth, tnshp., SE. Lancashire, Rochdale par. Buttes, vil., Switzerland, cant, and 19 m. NW. Neufch&tel. Buttevant, tn. and par., co. and 27 m. N. Cork. Buttigliera, t[i., Italy, in Piedmont, 16 m. NW. Asti. Buttisholz, vil., Switzerland, cant, and 11 m. NW. Lucerne. Buttle Lake, British Columbia, Vancouver Island. Butt of Lewis, headland, N. Lewis I., Ross-shire, 142 ft. high.\ Buttatadt, tn., Germany, Saxe- Weimar, 11 m. NNE. Weimar. Buturlhaovka, tn., Russia, gov. Voronesh. Pop. 21,694. Butyln, tn., Hungary, 37 ra. NE. Arad. Butz, vil., Switzerland, canton Aargau, 7 m. N. Aarau. Eutzbach, tn., Germany, in Hessen, 11 m. S. Giessen. Butzow, tn., Germany, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Buiar. Scji Baiar. Buiey Sand, bank, at mouth of Crouch R., Essex. Buxted, par. and vil., Sussex, \\ m. NE. Uckfield. Buxtehude, tn., Prussia, Hanover, 13 m. SE. Stade. Buxton, watering-jdace, co. and 13 m. from Derby. Buxton, vil., Victoria, co. Anglesey, 60 m. NE. Melbourne. Buxton, tnslip., Maine, York co., on the Saco R. Buxy, tn., France, Saone-et- Loire, 9 ni. SW. Chalons. Buyukdere, tn., Turkey, on Bosporus, 10 m. NE. Constantinople. Buzan9ai3, tn., France, Indre, on R. Iiidre. Buzen, prov., Japan, N. Kiusiu I. Pop. 331,878. Buzzard'a Bay, Massachusetts, with important harbours, "i Bwangata, dist., Congo Free State, on Congo R. . Bwlch Gw3m, eccl. dist., Denbigh and Flintshires. Bwlch Oerddrwa, pass, near Dolgelly, Merionethshire. Bwlch Tyddiad, pass, near Harlech, Merionethshire. Ewlch-y-Ddeufaen, pass, N. Carnarvonshire. Eyaduck, vil., Victoria, co. Normanby, 225 m. SW. Melbourne. ByamMartin'alal., Low Archipelago, PaeiHc Ocean. Byberry, precinct of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.] Byera Green, tnshp., S. Durham, 5^ m. N. Bishop-Auckland. ' Byfleet, par. and vil., Surrey, 8 in. NE. Guildford Bygoleer Mtn., New South Wales, co. Dowling. Byker, tnshp., Northumberland, on R. Tyne. Bykund, ruined city, Turkestan, 23 m. from Bokhara. Byng Inlet, vil., Ontario, 90 m. N. Collingwood. Bynoe Range, mtns., N. Territory, Australia, N. of Victoria R. Bynoe R., (Queensland, dist. Burke. Byram, tnshp.. New Jersey, Susses co. Byram E., Connecticut, falls into Long Island Sound. Eyrd, tnslip., Missouri, Brown co. Byrock, vil., New S. Wales, co. Cowper, 455 m. NW. Sydney. Byron, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Ogle Co., 88 m. W. Chicago. Byron, tnshp., Iowa, Buchanan co. Byron, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Oxford co. ' Byron, tnslip., Michigan, Kent co. Byron, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Genesee co. Byron, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Fond-du-Lac CO. Byron, vil., Ontario, co. Middlesex, 6 m. from Loudon. Byron, Cape, New S. Wales, coast of co. Rous. Byron Mtn., Victoria, Black Range, co. Lowan. Byron's Bay, Labrador, N. America. Lat. 54° 40' N. Byron'a Island, Gilbert Is., Pacific. Lat. 1° 18' S., long. 177° 20' E. Byth, New, '/. .«. par. and vil., Aberdeenshire. Bywell, St. Peter, par. and tnshp., S. Northumberland. Caacaty, tn., Argentine Rep., 77 m. S. of Corrientes. Caaf- Water, Scotland, trib. of Garnock R., Ayrshire. Caba9a, tn., Africa, Lower Guinea. Lat. 6° S., long. 11° 30' E, Cabagan, tn., Philippine Is., on Luzon I. Pop. 12,000. Caballas or Port Cortez, Honduras, 56 m. N. Santiago. Cabanea, tn., Spain, 12 m. NE. Castellon de la Plana. Cabatuan, tn., Philippine Islands, in Panay I. Pop. 20,216. Cabazera, tn., Pliili]ipine Islands, in Luzon I. Pop. 29,057. Cabbage Bay, New Zealand, W. coast of co. Cororaandel. Cabello, Puerto, spt, Venezuela, on Caribbean Sea. Cabendik. .See Eablnda. Cabea or Gabes, spt., Tunis, 200 m. S. of Tunis city. Cabea, Gull of, inlet of Mediterranean, E. of Tunis. Cabeza del Buey. prov. and tn., Spain, prov. Badajoz. Cabezaa de San Juan, tn., Spain, 27 m. S. Seville. Cabezon de la Sal, prov. and tn., Spain, Cabezuela, tn., Spain, 16 m. NE. Placencia. 54 CAB THE GRAPHIC GAZATTEER CAL Cablao, tn., Philippine Islands, on Luzon Island. Cable Island, Ireland, in Youghal Bay, co. Cork. Cable, La, spt,, Alfjeria, 300 in. E. Algiers. Cabo Frio, spt. city and headland, Brazil. Cabool or Caboul. Set Kabul. Caboolture, post tn., Queensland, 31 m. N. Brishane. Cabooltore Eiver, Queensland, falls into Moreton Bay. Cabot, vil., Vermont, U.S., 18 m. NE. Montpelier. Cabot's Head, Ontario, between L. Huron and Georgian Bay. Cabot Strait, entrance to Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Cabourn, par., England, Lincolnshire. 2860 acres. Caboum Mount, England, hill, Sussex, with ancient camp. Cabra. tn., Siain, 30 ni. SSE. of Cordova. Pop. 13,763. Cabra del Santo Criato, tn., Spain, Andalusia. Cabraa, vil., t^ardinia, 5 m. N\V. Oristauo. Cabrera, isl., Balearic Islands, 9 m. S. of Majorca. Cabriel, riv., Spain, trib. of Jucar, in New Castile. Cabal. 5f e Eabnl. Caca or Mapirl, riv., Bolivia, prov. Larecaja. Cacagne, tn., Senegambia, on the Gambia R. Cacahltla, tn., Mexico, prov. La Puebla, on Yopcz R. Cacahuamllka, c;ive of great size near Mexico city. Ca^apaba, tn., Brazil, 150 m. SW. Porto Alegre. Cacapon, 2 rivs., W. Virginia, falling into tlie Potomac R. Caccamo, tn., Sicily, prov. and 18 m. SE. Palermo. Caccavone, tn., Italy, prov. Campobasso. Caceres, prov., Spain, basin of Tagus. Area 7669 sq. ni. P. 339,793. Caceres, tii., Spain, cap. of above prov. Pop. 14,204. Caceres, tn,, Colnmlua, state Antiuqnia, 1 10 m. N. Popayan. Caceres orNueva Caceres, tn., Philippine Islands, ou LUZOU I. P. 12,000. Cachar, (list., Assam, India. Area 3750 sq. m. Cache, riv'., Arkansas, trib. of the White R. Cache, riv., Illinois, trib. of the Ohio R. Cache Creek, tnshp., California, Yoio co. Cache Creek, Calilurnia, connects Clear L. with Sacramento R. Cache laPoudre Creek, Colorado, falls into S. fork of Platte R. Cacheo, Portuguese settlement and riv.. Senegauibia. Cachimayo, riv., Bolivia, trib. of the Pilconiayo 11. Cachinal, vil., Chili, in prov. of Atacania. Cachoeira, tn., Brazil, state and 60 m. K\V. Bahia. Pop. dist. 20,000. Cachoelra, tn., Brazil, state Rio Grande do Sul. Cachoeira Grande, tn., Brazil, state Para. Caconda, dist, and tn., Benguela, W. Africa. Pop. 30,000. Caconga, tn., Angola, W. Africa, 35 m. SE. Loaiign. Cacouna, vil., Quehec, Temiscouata Co.. on St. Lawrence R CactuB Lake, Saskatchewan. Lat. 52° 5' N. Cad, riv., England, Devon, trib. of the Plyni. Cadalen, tn., France, dep. Tarn. Cadamstown, par., Ireland, co. Kildare. 5035 acres. Cadbury, par.. England, N. Devon, Area 1899 ac. Cadbury, North, par. and vil., England, Somerset. 2810 acres. Cadbury, South, par., England, mid. Somerset. 800 acres, Cadder, inr. and vil., Scotland, Lanark, 5 m. N. of Glasgow. Caddington, par., Bedfonlshire and Herts. Caddo, tnshp., Arkansas, Clark co. Caddo, i>ar., Louisiana. Area 1200 sq. m. Caddo Creek, Arkansas, tril). of the Ouachita R. Caddo Lake, Texas and Louisiana, 20 m. long. Caddonfojt, r^invatZ sflcra par., Selkirkshire. Cadeby, par. and tnshp., S. Leicestershire. Cadell Strait, N. Ter., Australia, which it divides from Elcho I. Caderldris, mtns., Mcrionethsliire. Highest \A. 2929 ft. Cadillac, tn., France, de]>., Giroude, ou Garonne R. CidlUac, vil., Micliigan, on Clam Lake. Cadiz, prov., Spain, on Atlantic. Area 2833 sq. m. Pop. 429,381. Cadiz, city, Spain, cap. of Cadiz prov.. Isle of Leon. Pop. 62,631. Cadiz, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, cap. of Harrison co. CadmiteLake, S, Australia, co. M'Dounell. Cadore, tn., Italy, 22 ni. NE. Belluna. Cadotte Pass, Montana, among Rocky Mtns., Deer Lodge co. Cadottes Elver, Athabasca, Canada, trib. of the Peace R. Cadoxton, jiar., W. Glamorgan, Wales. Cadron, tiislip., Arkansas, Faulkner co. Cadron Creek, Arkansas, falls into the Arkansas R, Cadzow, qwioA sacra par. and vil., Lanarkshire. Caen, city, Fjancn, cap. deji. Calvados. Pop. 41,508. Caer Arlanrhod, .sutimergcd tn., iu Carnarvuji Bay, Wales. Caergwrle, ])arl. bur., Klintslnre, 5 m. NW. Wrexham, Caerhun. jiar., NW. Carnarvonshire. 13,402 ac. Caerlaverock, par,, S. Dumfriesshire. 5664 ac. Caerleon, tn., Monmouthsh., on Usk R., 2} m. NE. Newport. Caerphilly, tn., Glamorganshire, 7 m. N. of Cardiff. Caerwys, pari, bc»r. and par., Flintshire, 7J m. E. St. Asaph. Casarea, haven, Palestine, 55 m, NNW, of Jerusalem, Caffrarla. .S',>; Kaflrarla. Caffrlatan. .Si t Kaffiristan. Cagayan. piov., I'lnIipiMnrs, in N. of Luzon. Pop. 72,697. Cagayan, i^I., Mulu Arcliipelago, N, of Borneo. Area 38 8q, m. Cagayanes, i^ls., Sulu St-a, i)ait of the Philippines. Cagglano, In., Italy, pr(»v, Salerno, 14 m. N. Diano. CagU, tn., Italy, in tlie Marches, 13 ni. S. of Urbino. Pop. 10,604. Cagliarl, city, cap. of Sardinia, on 9. coast. Pop. 39.312. Cagliarl, prov., Italy, S. half of Sardinia. Pop. 419,972. Cagnano, tn., Italy, prov. and 25 m. NK. Fi)ggia. Cagnano, tn., Italy, prov. and 10 m. NW, of A(iuila. Cagnes, vil., France, dcp. Var, 10 im. W. of Nice Caguan, tn., Ct., Queensland, co. Nares, goo ni. NW, Brisbane. Cairnsmore of Carsphairn, mtn., N. Kirkcudbrightshire. Alt. 2612 ft. Caimsmore of Fleet, mtn., W. Kirkcudbrightshire. Alt. 2331 ft. Cairntaggart, mtn., W, Aberdeenshire. Alt. 3430 ft. Cairntoul, mtn., SW. Aberdeenshire. Alt. 4241 ft, Cairo, city, rap. of Egypt, near R. Nile. Pop. 374,833. Cairo, tn., Italy, 12 111. by rail WNW. Savona. Cairo, city, Illinois, on Mississippi and Ohio. Pop. 10,044. Cairo, tnshp., New York, Greene co. Caiator, par. and tn., N. Lincolnshire. CaiBtor-next-Yarmoiith, par., N. Norfolk. 3047 ac, Caistorville, vil., Oulario, co, Lincoln, 8 m. from Canfleld. Caithness, most N, co. Scotland. Area 686 sq. m, Caivano, tn., Italy, 8 m. NE. Naples. Pop. 11,707. Cajabamba, prov. and tn., Peru. Cajamarca. 8nc Caxamarca, Cajare, tn., France, dep. Lot., 19 m. ENE. Cahor-s. Cajazzo, tn., Italy, i)rov. Caserta, 10 m. NE. Capua. Cala, vil., Cajie Colony, Tembuland div., on Tsomo R. Calabar (Old), riv., and miss, stn., Africa, Niger Protectorate, Calabar (New), riv., Africa, branch of the Niger Delta. Calabogle Lake, Ontario, Renfrew co. Calabozo, tn., Venezuela, cap. of Guavico department. Calabria, div., SW. Italy. Area 6663 sq. m. Pop. 1,369,872. Calabretto, tn., Italy, prov. Avellino, Calaceite. tn., Spain, 75 m. NE. Teruel. Calahorra, city, Spain, 25 m. SE. Logrofio. Calais, tn., France, dep. Pas-de-Calais, Pop. 13,529. Calais, city, Maine, Washington co., on St Croix 11. Calamata. S>'€ Kalamata. Calamianea Islands, jiart of the Philippines. Pop, 17,041. Calamo, isl., one of the Ionian Islands, Greece, Calamocha, tn., Spain, 38 m. N, Teruel. Calanas, tu., Spain, in Andalusia, 20 m, N. Huelva. Calanda, tn., S|iain, 62 ni. NE. Teruel. Calanna, tn., Italy, in Calabria, 7 m, NE. Rcggio. Calapan, tn., Fhilipinne Islands, cap. of Mindoro. Calapooya River, Ortgon, trib. of the Willamette R. Calasparra, tn., Spain, 40 m. NW. Murcia, Calatabiano, tn., Sicily, 15 m. NE. Acireale. CalataFiml, tn., Sicily, prov. Trapani, 28 m, SW. Palermo. P. 10,9C4. Calata-Scibetta, tn., Sicily, 46 m. W. Catania. Calataynd, tn., Spain, prov. and 55 m. SW, Saragossa. Pop. 11,512. Calayan, isl., Babuyan Islands, 60 m. N Luzon, 15 m. long. Calbuco, tn., Chill, on Chiloe I. Calca, prov. and tn., Peru, 22 m. NE. Cnzco. Calcar, tn., Rhenish Prussia, on R. Rhine. Calcasieu River, Louisiana, falls into Gulf of Mexico. Calcl, vil., Italy, sJ m. E. Pisa. Calclnaja, tn,, Italy, 12 m. E. Pisa. Calchiate, vil., Italy, 10 m. ESE. Bergamo. Calcinato, tn., Italy, 16 m. SE. Brrgamo. Calcken, tn., Belgium, Flanders, 8 m. E. Ghent. Calcutta, city, cap. of India and Bengal, on R. Hugli, Pop. 840,130. Caldaj da Rainha, tn., Portugal, 58 m. N. of Lisbon. Caldas de Mombuy, U\., Spain, 14 m. N. Barcelona. Caldas de Reyes, In., Spain, prov. Galicia. Caldbeck, par., tnslip., and vil., W. Cumberland. Caldbeck Fells, ouLsliuot from Sld'ldaw range, Cumberland. Calder, tn., Lanarkshire, 2 m. SW. Airdrie. Calder, riv., Inverness-shire, trib, of the Sjiey. Calder, riv., NW. I.anarkshire, trib. of the Clyde. Calder, riv., W. Cumberland, falls into the Irish Sen. Calder, riv., Victoria, co. Polwarih, falls into the sea. Calder, East, vil., 11 m. SW. Edinburgh. Calder, Mid, vil., iij m. SW. Edinburgh, Calder. West, tu., 15;^ m. SW. Edinburgh. Caldera, port, Costa Rica, on Gulf of Nicoya. Caldera, spt., Ilayti, on S. coast, 50 m. SW. Santo Domingo. Caldera, spt., Chili, prov. Atacama, 50 m. from Copiapo. Calderbank, vil., Lanarkshire, near Airdrie. Caldercnilx, vil., NE. Lanarkshire, 4J m. NE. Airdrie, CaJderhead, quoad sacra ii0.r., NE, Lanarksliirc. 55 CAL THE GRAPHIC GAZATTEER CAM caldew, riv., trib. of the R. Eden, "W. Cumberland. Caldewgate, sub. of Carlisle, Cumberland. Caldicot, par. and vil., SE. Monmouthsliire. CaJdlero, vil., Italy, pro v. and 8 m. E. Verona. Caldmore, ecd. dist., Walsall par. , Staffordshire. Caldwell, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Summers co. Caldwell, tnshp., New Jersey, Essex co. Caldwell, vil., New York, Summer co. Caldwell, tnshp., South Carulina, Newterry co. Caldy and St. Margaret, 2 isls. , off SE. coast Pembrokeshire. Caledon, mkt. tn., S. co. Tyrone, 8 m. W. Armagh. Caledon, vd , Cape Colony, son. WSW. Zwellendara. Caledonia, vil., Ontaiio, on tlie Grand R. Caledonia, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Boone co. Caledonia, tnshp.,, Kent CO., on Thornapple R. Caledonia, vil., Minnesota, cap. Houston co. Caledonia, vil., New York, Livingstone co. Caledonia, tnsliii., North Carolina, Halifax co. Caledonia, tiKslip., M'iscmsin, Racine co. Caledonia Corner, vil., Nnva Seotia, Queen's Co. Caledonia Minea, vil., Nova Scotia, co. Cape Breton. Caledonian Canal, Scotland, from Moray Firth to Loch Linnhe. Caledonia Springs, vil., Ontario, 72 m. SW. Montreal. Caledon R., S. Afriai, trib. of the Nu Gariep. lat. 30° 18' S. Caleebee Creek, Alabama, trib. of the Tallapoosa R. Calf Creek, tnshp.. Arkansas, Searcy co. calf of Man, isl., Enf,'land, at S. end of Isle of Man, 620 ac. Calf Pastnre R,, Virginia, falls into James R. Calgary, cap. Alberta, on Bow and Elbow Rs., 840 m. W. Winnipeg. Calhoun, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, on Green R, Calhoun, tijslip., S. Carolina, Abbeville co. Calhoun's Mills, tnshp., Georgia, Abbeville co. Cali, tn., Culnmbia, state Cau&i, 70 m. NE. Popayan. P. dist. 12,743. Calian, site of old Portuguese tn., India, Madras Presidency. Calice de Vara, tn., Italy, prov, Massa-e -Carrara. Calicut, tn. and iahik, India, Madras Pres. Pop. tn. 65,700. California, state, U.S. Area 158,360 sq. m. Pop. 1,208,130. California, borough, Pennsylvania, Washington co. California, Gulf of, on W. coast of Mexico. California, Lower, ter., W. Mexico. Area 55,479 sq. m. Pop. 31,668. Calig or Calix, tn., Spain, 3S m. NE. Castellou de la Plana. Calimera, tn., Italy, 13^ m. NW. Otranto. Calimere Point, India, S. extremity of Coromandel Coast. Calinga. .S'ci' Kalinga. Calingapatam. .Scf Kalingapatam. Caliatoga, vil., California, 73 m. N. San Francisco. Calitri, tn,, Italy, prov. Avellino, 7 m. NE. Conza. Calizzano, vil., Italy, on the Bormida, 14 m. SW. Cairo. Callac, tn., France, 37 m. WSW. St. Brieuc. Calian, barony, W. co. Kilkenny. 5653 ac. calian, tn., par., and tn.shp., W. co. Kilkenny. Callander, tn. and par., SW. Perthshire. Callao, isl. of Cochin China. Lat. 15° 48' N. Callao, fort. spt. and arsenal, Peru, 6 m. W. Lima. Pop. 33,602. Callater, lorh, Aberdeenshire, in SW. of co. Callaway, tnshp., Missouri, St. Charles co. Callayi. Sc£ Kallayi. Callenberg, vil., Saxony, dist. Waldenburg, Callenberg, vil.. Saxony, near Lichtenstein. Callemifih, vil., Lewis Island, in Uig par. Has "Druidical" remains, Calliano, vil., Italy, prov. Alessandria. Callicoon, tnslip., New York, Sullivan co. Callicoon Creek, New York, falls into the Delaware R. Callies, tn., Prussia, 58 m. ESE. Stettin. CaUievar, hill, mid. Aberdeenshire. Alt. 1757 feet. CaUigray, isl., Hebrides, in Sound of Harris, 2 m. by 1 ni. Callington, tn. and par., Cornwall, n m. S. Launceston. Calliope, gold-lirhl, t^ueensland, Clinton co. Calliope R., Queensland, falls into Port Curtis. CaUoo, vil., Belgium, E. Flanders, on R. Scheldt. Callosa de Enaarria, tn., Spain, 26 m. NE. Alicante. Calloaa de fiegnra, tn., Spain, 27 m. SW. Alicante. Callundborg. ,Sc»? Kallundborg. Calma, Lake of, Quebec, ChicoutJmi co. Calmar. >■(■ar., Wiltshire, 6 m. SE. Chippenham. Calosaa, tn., Italy, in Piedmont, 11 m. SSE. Asti. Caloto, tn. and gold-tield, Colombia, Cauca State. Calpentyn, tn., Ceylon, 93 m. N. Colombo. .Calry, par., N. co. Sligo. 0974 acres. iCalBtock, par. and vil., E. Coruwall. •Caltabellota, vil., Sicily, Girgenti prov. «altaglrone, city, Sicily, prov. and 32 m. SW. Catania. Pop, 28,119. Caltaniaetta, tn., Sicily, 28 m. NE. Girgenti. Pop. 30,480, Caltaulaetta, i)rov, , S. Sicily. Area 1455 sq. m. Pop. 264,308. Caltavuturo, tn., Sicily, prov. and 28 m. SE. Palermo. Caltowie, tn., S. Australia, co. Victoria. Caltura, spt., Ceylon, 25 m. SSE. of Colombo. Calnlre, tn., France, dep. Rh6ne, on R. Saoue. Calnmet, tnshp., Illinois, Cook co. Calumet, vil., tnshp., Michigan, Houghton co. Calumet, tnshp., Mis.'^ouri, Pikeco. Calumet Island, tn., Quebec, Pontiac co., on the Ottawa R. Calumet R, Indiana and Illinois, falls into L. Michigan. Calnso, tn., Italy, prov. Turin, 11 m. S. Ivrea. Calvados, dep., France, part of Normandy. Pop. 437,267. Calvary, tnshp., S. Carolina, Clarendon co. Calvello, tn., Italy, prov. and 12 m. S. Potenza. Caiventura, rocks, olf coast of Arakan, British Burma. Calverley, par. and vil., Yorks. Calvert, vil., Texas, cap. of Robertson co. Calvert Island, Canada. Lat. 5i''28'N., long. 128° 20' W. Calvert Lake, Victoria, co. Grenville. Calvl, spt., Corsica, 38 ni. WSW. Bastia. Calvi, tn., Italy, prov. Caserta, 7^ 111. KNW. Capua. Calvia, tn., Spain, Majorca Island, 6 m. W. Palma. Calvillo, tn., Mexico, in Agnas Calientes. Calvin, tnshp., Micliigan, Cass co. Calvinia, tn., NW. div.. Cape Colony. Calvisson, tn., Franee, dep. Card, 10 m. SW. Nimes. Calvizzano, vil., Italy, 5 m. NW. Naples. Calw, tn., Wiirtemberg, zo m. SW. Stuttgart. Calzada, tn., Spain, 15 m. SE. Ciudad Real. Cam, I'ar., W. Gloucestershire. 2946 acres. Cam, riv., Cambridgeshire, trib. of the Cam, riv., W. Gloucestershire, trib. of the Severn. Camajore, tn., Italy, 11 m. NW. Lucca. Pop. 17,070. Camamn, tn., isl., and bay, Brazil, 75 m. SW. Bahia. Camana, tn. and prov.. Pern, 108 ni. W. Arequipa. Camanche, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, 143 m. W. Chicago. Camano Island, Washington, Included in Island co. 12 ni. long. Camaret, vil., France, Finistere, 8 m. SW. Brest. Camargo, vil., Si>ain, prov. and 6 m. S. Santander. Camargo, tn., Mt-xico, state Tamaulipas. Caroargue Island, France, dep. Bouches-dn-Rhune. Camarones, Bahia de los, bay and riv., on E. coast Patagonia. Camarota, vil., Italy, prov. Avellino, 7 m. SW. Policastro, Camatagua, tn., Venezuela, 50 m. S. Caracas. Cambay, feu'Iatory stat«, India, Bengal Pres. Cambay, chieftn. ofabove state. Lat. 22' 18' 30" X. Pop. 31,170. Cambay, Gulf of, India, between Bombay and Katliinwar. Camberwell, bor. and par., in S. of London. P. 255,687. Camberwell, tn.. New S. Wales co. Durham, i^g m. N. Syaney. Camberwell, suburb and 5^ m. E. Melbourne, Victoria. Cambewarra, tn., New S. Wales, co. Camden, 106 m. S. Sydney. Cambiano, vil., Italy, prov. aud 9 m. SE. Turin. Cambil, tn., Spain, prov. and 13 m. SSE. Jaen. Cambo, watering-place, France, 9 m. SSE. Bayonne. Cambodia, tn., Stam, ancient cap. of Cambodia, on R. Mekong. Cambodia, kiii^^dnm and French protectorate, Indo-Chinese Benin. Cambodia Point, S. extremity of French Cochin China. Cambodia River. S^t Mekong. Camboia, eccl. di^t., and vil., Bedlington par., S. Northumberland. Camboogoolah, tnshp., New S. Wales, co. Leichhardt. Camboorie, tn., Siani, 120 m. NXW. Bangkok. Cambooya, tn., Queensland, Aubigny co., 124 m. SW. Brisbane. Camborne, tn., W. Cornwall, n m. SW. Truro. Camborne, pari, div., Cornwall. Cambrai, tn., France, dep. Nord, 32 m. SSE. Lille. Pop. 23,448. Cambria, vil., California, San Lui.s Obispo co. Cambria, tnslip., Michigan, Hillsdale co. Cambria, tnshp.. New York, Niagara co. Cambria, bor., Pennsylvania, Cambria co. Cambria, vil., Quebec, Argenteuil co., 9 m. W. St. Jerome. Cambridge, bor. and co. tn., Cambridgeshire, 56 m. by rail N. of London ; famous for University. Pop. 44.387. Cambridge, vil , Maryland, cap, Dorchester en. Cambridge, city, Massachusetts, Middlesex co. Pop. 70,028. Cambridge, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Saline co. Cambridge, vil.. New York, Washington co. Cambridge, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, cap. Guernsey co. Cambridge, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Lamoille co. Cambrlige, tnshp.. New Zealand, co, Waikato. Cambridge, vil., Canada, Nova Scotia prov., 7 m. from Kentville, Cambridge City, vil., Indiana, Wayne co., on Whitewater R. Cambridge Gulf, NW. Austr.dia. Lat. 13' S., long. 128' E. Cambridge Port, jtart of city Of Cambridge, Massachusetts. P. 27,274. Cambridgeshire, inland co., England. Area 820 sq. m. CambrilE, Spt., S|taiu, 8 m. SW. Tarragona. CambuB, vil., Clackmannanshire, 2 m. NW. Alloa. Cambusbarron, vil,, co. and j\ m. SW. Stirling. Camhoskenneth Abbey, ruins, co. and 3 m. E. Stirling. Cambuslang, tn., Lanarkshire, 35 m. SE. Glasgow. Cambusnethan, vil., N. Lanarkshire, near Wishaw. Cambyna, isl., Malay Archipelago, 15 m. S. Celebes. Camden, vil., Arkansas, cap. ol Ouachita co. Camden, vil,, Delaware, Kent co. Camden, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Knox co. Camden, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Hillsdale co. Camden, tnshp , Missouri, De Kalbco. Camden, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Ray co. Camden, city, New Jersey, cap. of Camden co. Pop. 68,274. Camden, vil.. New York, Oneida co. Camden, vil,, S. Carolina, cap. of Kershaw in.0. Camden, an E. co. of Ni-w South W^ales, on Pacific coast. Camden, tnshp.. New South Wales, co. Camden. Camden Bay, Alaska. Lat. 70° N., long. 145° W. Camden East, vil., Ontario, Addiugton co. Camden Haven, New South Wales, co. Macquarie. Camden Town, dist., N. Londini. Camel, riv., E. Cornwall, falls into the Atlantic Ocean. Camelford, tn., E. Cornwall, 15A ni. W. Launceston. Camelon, i\nr>admcra par. and vil., E. Stirlingsliire. Camelot, hill, Somersetshire, 5 m. ENE. Ilchester. Camel's Hump, mtn., Vermont, Chittenden co. Alt. 4088 ft. Camel's Hump, mtn., India, Malabar dist., Madras Pres. Alt. 4677 ft. Camen, tu., Prussia, Westphalia, 8 m. SW. Hamm. Camenz, tn.. Saxony, 20 ni. NE. Dresden. Camerano. tn., Italy, prov. and 9 m. S. Aneona. Cameri, vil., Italy, Piedmont, 4* m. NE. Novara. Camerlno, City, Italy, prov. Macerata. Pop. 11,761. 56 CAM THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CAN Camerlata, vil., Italy, prov. and 2 111. S. Conio. Cameron, par., E. Fifeshire, 3A 111. SW. St. Andrews. Cameron, viL, Missouri, Clinton co. Cameron, tnslip., Nebraska, Hall co. Cameron, vil. audtnsbp., New Yurk, Steuben CO. Cameron, tn., Texas, cap. of Milam co. Cameron, vil. and tiislip., W. Virginia, Sfarshall co. Cameron Mt., Tasmania, co. Dorset. Alt. 1808 ft. CamerooHB Mtns., W. Africa. Lat. 4° 13' N. Alt. 11,000 ft. Cameroonfl R., W. Africa, Upper Guinea, falls into Bight of Biafra. Cameroto, tn., Italy, pruv. Salerno, 17 in. SE. Vallo, Camerton, par., W. Cumberland, 3 m. NE. Workington. Cameta, tn., Urazil, 85 m. SW. Para. Cam Fell, hill, N. Riding, Yorks. Alt. 1925 ft. CamiUoB, vil. and tnshp. New York, Onondaga co. Caminha, tn., Portugal, 27 m. NW, Braga. Comisano, tn., Italy, prov. and 8^ m. ESE. Vicenza. Camisdon Bay, N. tiutlierlandsh., par. ; has safe anchorage. Camlachie, E. dist. of Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Camlin, par., Ireland, co. Antrim, contains Crumlin. Cammarata, tn., Sicily, 36 m. SE. Palermo. Cammin. tn., Prussia, Punierania, 38 ni. NE. Stettin. Camoge, riv,, cos. Tipperary and Limerick, trib. of the Maigue. Camoghe, mtn., Swiizerland, canton Ticiuo. Alt. 8800 ft. Camogli, tn., Italy, prov. and 18 m. ESE. Genoa. Camolin, vil., N. co. Wexford. 8 m. SW. Gorey. Camotes, isls., Pliilippines, W. of Leyti Islau Camp, tnshp., Iowa, Polk CO. Campagna, tn., S. Italy, prov. and 20 ni. E. Salemo. Campagna dl Roma, old prov., Italy. Atalarious tract. Cimpagnatico, tn., Italy, prov. and 15 ni. NE. Grosseto, Campagnola, vil., Italy, 12 m. NNE. Keggio. Campan, tn., France, dep. Hautes-Pyrenees. Campana, isl., off W. coast of Patagonia, 55 m. long. Campana, tn., Italy, prov. Cosenza, 7 in. SW. Cariati. Campana, Argentine Rep., on R. Parana, 45 m. NW. Buenos Ayres. Campana, La, tn., Spain, 37 m. ESE. Seville. Companario, tn., Sjiain, in Estramadura. Campanha, city, Brazil, 150 m. SW. Ouro Preto. Campania, con'ijiartiinento, Italy. Area 6985 sq. m. Pop. 3.128,809. Campania, ry. stu. for Richmond, Tasmania. Campania laiand, British Columbia, opposite Princess Koyal I. Campaape, tnshp., Victoria, co. Rodney. Campaape K., Queensland, disU. N. and S. Kennedy. CampaBpe E., Victoria, trib. of the Murray R. Campauna, tn., Colombia, 45 ni. W. Tuiija. Campbell, tnslip., Arkansas, Lawrence co. Campbell, tnslip., Indiana, Jennings co. Campbell, tnshp., Indiana, Warrick co. Campbell, tnshp., Mic-liigan, lona co. Campbell, tnshp., Missouri, Greene co. Campbell, tushp., New Ynrk, Steuben co. Campbell, Cape, New Zealand, co. Marlborough, Cook Strait, Campbell Island, in Pacific Ocean, 450 m. S. New Zealand. Campbellpur, eantonment, India, Punjab. Lat. 33° 47' N. Campbell Range, mtns., Tasmania, co. Wellington. CampbeUflburg, vil., Kentucky, Henry co. Campbell's Creek, tn., Victoria, co, Talbot. Campbell's Creek, New S. Wales, co. Faruell, near Burkley Range. Campbell's Cross, vil., Ontario, Peel CO. Campbellton, tn., New Brunswick, Restigonclie co. Campbelltown, tnshji., New S. Wales, co. Cumberland. Campbelltown, tnslip., New Zealand, Otago, in co. Southland. Campbelltown, bnsh tnshp., New Zealand, prov. Wellington. Campbelltown, tiisiip., H. Australia, on R. Torrens. Campbelltown, tiisIijT,, Tasmania, 91 in. N. Hobart. Campbelltown, vil., Inverness-shire, near Fort George. CampbeUvUle, vil., Ontario, Halton co. Campbeltown, bur., par., and spt., Argyllshire. Camp Branch, tnshp., Missouri, Cass ro. Camp Creek, tnshp., N. Carolina, Rutherford co. Campden, tn., co. and 30 in. NK. Gloucester. Campeachy, tn., Mexico, cap. of Campeachy state. Pop. 18,730. Campeachy, state, Mexico. Area 21,800 sq. m. Pop. 91,180. Campeachy, Oolf of, part of Gulf of Mexico, W. Yucatan. Campello, vil., Massac^husetts, Plymouth co. Camperdown, W. suburb, Sydney, New South Wales. Camperdown, tn., Victoria, co. Hampden. Camperdain, sand-hills, coast N. Hnlland. Brit, naval victory 1797. Campl, tn., Italy, prov. and 7 m. NW. Florence. Pop. 12,236. CampigUa, tn., Italy, 33 in. NW. Grosseto. Campillo de Altobney, tn., Spain, 40 in. SE. Cuenca. Camplllos, til., Spain, 33 in. NW. Malaga. Camplna, tn., Roumama, 32 m. NW. Ploesti. Campina Grande, tn., Brazil, 80111. W. Parahyba. Campinas, rity, Brazil, 50 m. N. Sao Paulo. Camplo Formio, tn., Italy, 66 in. NE. Venice. Cample, riv,, N. Dumfriesshire, trib. of the Nith. CompU, tn., Italy, 5 m. N. Teramo. Camp Nelson, hamlet, Kentucky, 8 m. S. NicliolasvlUe. Campo, nv., Cameroons, W. Afrii-a. falls into Bight of Biafra. Campo, vil., SW., Ellia Island, Italy. Campo, Port, Victoria, co. Ileytesbury, near Bay of Martyrs. Campobasso, tn., Italy, cap. of Caiiipobasso prov. Pop, 14,694. Campobasso, prov., Italy. Area 1778 8(i. m. Pop. 380,467. Campo Bello, tnshp., S. Carolina, Sitartanburg rn. Campo Bello or Welah Pool, port of entry. New Brunswick. Campo Bello, isl., Ni-w IJruiiswick, in Bayof Fnndy. Campobello, tn., Sirjly, prov. Trapani, 8 ni. E. Mazzara. CampobeUo de Crlptana, tn., Spain, 50 m. NE. Ciudad Real. Campobello dl Licata, tn., Sicily, 15 m. N. Alicata. Campo Corvo, vil., SK, Africa, WNW. of Lorenzo Marquez. Campoformio, viL, Italy, prov. and 4 m. SW. Udine. Campo Preddo, tn., Italy, prov. and 16 ni. N W. Genoa. Campo Largo, tn., Brazil, state Bahia. on Rio Grande. Campolieto, tn., Italy, prov. and 8 ni. NE. Campobasso. Campo Mayor, tn., Portugal, g m. NE. Elvas. Campo Mayor, tn., Brazil, prov. Piauhy, 145 ni. NE. Oeiras. Campo Reale, tn., Sicily, Tiapani, 12 ni. SE. Alcamo. Campos, city, Brazil, state and 155 m. NE. Rio Janeiro. P. 18,000. Campos, tn., Majorca, 21 ni. SE. Palma. Campo San Pletro, tn., Italy, 13 ni. N. Padua. Campoaanto, tn., Italy, prov. Modena, SW. Finale. Camp Point, vil., Illinois, Adams co., 21 m. NE. Quincey. Campsail, bay, with good anchorage, Dumbartonshire. Campsall, par. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks. Campsie, par. and vil., Stirlingshire. C. Fells 1894 ft. Campton, par. and tnshp., E. Bedfordshire. Campton, tnshp., New Hampshire, Grafton co. Camptonville, vil., California, Y'ubaco. Camptown, vil., Pennsyh'ania, Bradford co. Camtoos or Gamtoos, riv., Cape Colony, falls into the ocean. Camas, par., N. co. Tyrone. Area 7505 ac. Camvelin, vil., Wales, W. Carmarthenshire, sj m. NE. Narberth. Cana, ruined city, Palestine, 13 m. SE. Acre, near Nazareth. Canaan, vil., Connecticut, Litchheld co. Canaan, tnshp., Iowa, Henry co. Canaan, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Somerset co. Canaan, tnshp., Missouri, Gasconade co. Canaan, vil.. New Hampshire, Grafton co. Canaan, tnshp.. New Y'ork, Columbia co. Canaan, tushp , Ohio, Athens co. Canaan, tnshp., Ohio, Morrow co. Canaan, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Wayne co. Canaan, set., Ontario, co. Russell, 10 m. from Buckingham. Canaan, set., New Brunsmck, co. Carleton. Canada, country, N.America. Brit. col. 3,610,257 sq.m. P. 4,823,164. Canada Bay, Newfoundland, White Bay dist. Canada Creek, jit. of entry. Nova Scotia, 43 m, from Halifax. Canada Lake, New York, Fulton co. Tourist resort. Cinaderaga Lake, New Y'ork, outlet joins that of Otsego L. Canadian River, lisesin N.Mexico and flows 900 m. to th e Arkansas R. Canadice Lake, New York, Ontario co., 3 in. E. Hemlock L. Canagas, tn., Panama, dep. Veraguas. Canajoharie, vil.. New York, Montgomery co. Canal, tushp., Pennsylvania, Venango co. Canal Dover, vil., Ohio, Tuscarawas co. Canale, tn., Italy, Piedmont, 24 m. SE. Turin. Canales, tn., Spain, 36 m. SW. Valencia. Canal Fulton, vil., Ohio, Stark CO., on Tuscarnw.Ts R. Canamina or Cana, tn., Africa, Dahomey. Pop. 10,000. Canandaigua, vil.. New York, cap. Ontario co. Canandaigtia Lake, New Y'ork, Ontario and Yates cos. Cananea, tn., Brazil, state SaO Paulo. Lat. 25° S. Canara. .Se6 Eanara. Canard, vil. and riv., Nova Scotia, Kings Co. Canardiere, La, vil., Canada, near Quebec. Canarsic, vil. , New York, King's Co., on Jamaica Bay. Canary Isls., N. Atlantic Ocean. Area 2808 sq. ni. Pop. 287,728. Canaseraga Creek, New York, joins the Genesee in Livingston co. Canastota, vil., New York, Madison co,, on Erie Canal. Canaatota Creek, New Y<>rk, Madison CO., enters Oneida Lake. Canavaral de Alconetn, vil., Spain, 25 m. N. Caeeres. Canaveral, Cape, Florida. Lat. 28° 27' N., long. 80" 33' W. Cana Verde, tn., Brazil, Minas Geraes, 12 m. from Tamandua. Cancale, In., France, Ille-et-Vilaine, 8 m. ENE. St. Malo. Cancao orKang-Kao, Spt., French Cochin China, on G. of Siain. CanccUara, tii., Italy, prov. and 8 m. NE. Poteuza. Cand^, tn., Frant-e, 11 m. SW. Scgre. Candeish. So' Khandeiah. Candela, tn,, Italy, prov. and 22 in. S. Foggia. Candelaria, tn,, Argentine Rep., prov. Corrieiites, on the Parana. Candelarla, spt., E. coast of Teneriffe, Canary Islands. Candelarlo, tn., Spain, in Leon, 40 in. S. Salamanca. Candeleda, tn., Spain, Old Castile, 42 m. SW. Avila. Candelo, tn., New South Wales, 14 m. SW. Bega. Candelo, tn,, Italy, 3^ m. SE. Biella, on the Cervo. Candia. See Crete. Candla or Mcgalo Kastron, City, Crete. Long. 25" 8' E. Pop. 13,000. Candia, tn., Italy, Piedmont, 20 m. S. Novara. Candla, vil. aiul tnshp.. New Hampshire, Rockingham co. Candle Lake, Saskatchewan. Lat, 5:^° 55' N., long. 104" 5' W. Candon, tn., Luzon, I*hilii>pines, prov. Hocos Sur. Pop. 20,688. Candor, vil. and tnshp., New York, Tioga co. Candy. .S'te Kandy. Canea. See Khanea. Caneadea, vil., New York, Alleghany co. Cane Creek, Alabama, falls into the Coosa R. Cane Creek, tnshj)., Arkansas, Lincoln co. Cane Creek, Missouri, falls into Big Black R. Cane Creek, tnshp., S. Carolina, Lancaster co. Cane Hill, tn.shp., Arkansas, Washington co. Canel, tushp., Senegambia, 30 m. SE. Sedo. Canelas, mining tn., Mcxiro, iiom. NW. Durango. CaneUl, lu., lUly, 13 m. SE. A.sti. Canelones, tn., Uruguay, in C. dep. Pop. 3000; dep. 70,162. Canestoga Creek, Ontario, M'ellington co., falls into Grand R. Oan.t de Mar, tn., Sjain, NE. Barcelona. Canete, spt., N. Peru, dep. and 85 m. SE. Lima. Canete de las Torres, tn., Spain, 25 m. E. Cordova. Caiiete la Huerglna, tn., Spain, 27 m. E. Cuenca. Canete-la-Real, tn., Spain, 44 in. NW. Malaga. Caneva, tn., N. Italy, prov. and 37 ni. W. Udine. Cane Valley, tnshp., Kentucky, Adair co. Caney, tushp., Kansas, Montgomery co. Caney Bayon, Texas, falls into Matagorda Bay. 57 CAN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CAP Caney Creek, Texas, Montgomery co., fills into the San Jacinto R. Caney Fork, Tennessee, trib. of the Cumberland R. Caney River, tnshp., N. Carolina, Yancey co. Canfield, vil., Ohio, cap. of Mahoning co. Canford Magna, i>ar. and tnshp., SE. Dorset. Cangallo, tn., Peru, dep., Ayacucho, 30 m. SE. Lima. Caugan, tnshp., New S. Wales, co. Cadell, on Victorian border. Cangafl, tn., Spain, prov. and 15 m. SW. Pontevedra. Cangas de Onia, tn., Spain, Oviedo. Lat. 43° 2' N., long. 5" W. CangaadeTineo,tn., Spain, Oviedo. Lt. 43° 14'N., 1. 6°29' W. P. 22,212. Cangozima. iSVe Kangoahlma. Cangu^u, tn., Brazil, on CangnQU R., 64 m. NW. Rio Grande. Caniapuacaw or Koksoak, lake, central Labrador. 70 m. long. Caniapuacaw R., Central Labrador, falls into Ungava Bay. Canicattl, tn., Sicily, prov. and 15 m. NE. Girgenti. Pop. 20,785. Canie Island, in Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Canigou, mtn., France, Pyrenees. Alt. 9137 ft. Caniles, tn., Spain, 29 m. SW. Granada. Canlllas, tn., Spain, 22 m. ENE. Malaga. Canino, tn., Italy, zo ni. WNW. Viterbo. Canisbay, par., Caithness-shire, on Pcntland Firth. Canisp, mtn., SW. Siitherlandshire, on L. Assynt. Alt. 2779 ft. Canisteo, vil., New York, Steuben en. Canisteo R., New York, falls into the Tioga R. in Steuben co. Caniza, La, tn., Spain, prov. and 24 m. SE. Pontevedra, Canna, isl., Hebrides, Argyllshire, 12 m. SW. Skye. Cannaigre Bay, Newfoundland, Fortune Bay dist. Cannanore, spt. tn,, India, Malabar dist., Madras, Canne (anc. Cannm\ vil., Italy, prov. Bari, 8 m. froni Barletta. Cannelton, vil., Indiana, cap. of Perry co., on Ohio R. Cannelton, vil., W. Virginia, Kanawha co. Cannes, tn., spt., and liealth resort, France, 22 m. SW. Nice. P. 19,385. Cannetello, vil., Italy, Calabria, 8 m, N. Reggio. Canneto, tn., Italy, '20 ni. W. Mantua, on the Oglio. Cannibai Creek, tin mining locality, Queensland, Palmer dist. Cannibal Point, New Guinea, 30 m, NE. Deliverance Island. Cannifton vil., Ontario, Hastings co., 3 m. N. Belleville. Canning, Spt., Nova Scotia, King's Co., 10 m. NE. Kentville. Canning, tnshp., W. Australia, 12 m. from Perth. Canning Port, ^'t'e Port Canning. Cannington, par. and tnshp., W. Somerset. Cannington, vil., Ontario, Ontario co., 59 m. NE. Toronto. Cann Islands, Newfoundland, 16 m. from Fogo. Cann Mount, Victoria, co. Croajingolong. Alt. 1SS5 ft. Cannock, tn., W. Stafford, 125 m. NW. London. Cannon, tnshp., Michigan, Kent co. Cannon City, tnshp., Minnesota, Rice co. Cannon Falls, tnshp., Minnesota, Goodhue co. Cannon R., IMinnesota, tributary of the Mississippi. Cannon River Falls, vil., IMinnesota, Goodhue co. Cannonbar, tn.. New South Wales, Gregory co. Cannons, tnshp,, S. Carolina, Newberry co. Caunonsburg, tn., Pennsylvania, Washington co. Cannonville, set.. Nova Scotia, co. Cumberland, 16 m. from Athul. Cannouchee R., Georgia, tributary of the Ogeechee R. Cannstadt, tn., Wiirtemberg, 4 m. NE. Stuttgart. Canoa Island, New Guinea, in the Fly estuary. Canoba, tnshp., New South Wales, co. Gregory, on Duck Creek. Canobalas, Mount, New South Wales, co. Ashburnham. Canobio, tn., Italy, on W. shore Lago Slaggiore. Canoe, tnshp,, Pennsylvania, Indiana co. Canoe Lake, British Columbia. Lat. 52° 30' N., long. 119° 35' W. Canoe R., British Columbia, tributary of the Columbia R. Canon Island, in R. Fergus, S. co. Kildare. 270 acres. Canonbie, par. and vil., SE. Dumfriesshire, on R. Esk. Canon City, Colorado, cap. of Fremont Co., on Arkansas R. Canonicut Island, Rhode Island, in Narragansett Bay. Cauosa, tn,, It.Tly, prov. Bari, 13 m. SW. Barletta. Pop. 18,656. Canoasa, tn., Italy, Emilia, 11 ni. SW. Reggio. Canouan, isl. of the Grenadines, W, Indies. Lat. 12° 43' X. Canowie, tnslip., 8. Australia, SE. CO. Victoria. Canowindra, tii^shp., NewS. AVales, cos. Ashburnham ami Bathurst. Canquaga Creek, New York, falls into Lake Erie. Canrobert or Ange Gardien vd., Quebec, RouviUe co. Canso, spt., Nnva Scotia, on Chedabucto Bay. CansoCape. SH. extremity of Nova Scotia. Cantabrian Mtna., N. Spain, pmlongation of Pyrenees. Cantagallo, tn., Brazil, 85 m. NE. Rio Janeiro. Cantal, dop., France, S. Auvergne. Area 2166 sq. m. Pop. 241,742, Cantalopo, tn., lUly, prov. and 1;^ m. WSW. Campobasso. Canteleu, tn., France, dep. Seine-Inferieure. Canterbury, city, parl.,andmun. bor., E. Kent, onR. Stour. P. 23,026. Canterbury, vil., Connecticut, Windham co. Canterbury, tnshp.. New Hampshire, Merrimack co. Canterbury or Cornwall, vil. and summer resort. New York. Canterbury, dist., New South Wales, co. Cumberland. Pop. 15,000. Canterbury, prov. dist.. New Zealand, South Island. Pop. 118,850. Canterbury, vil.. New Brunswick, York co., 28 m. S. Woud-Ttock Canterbury, vil., Quebec, co. Compton, 2 m. from Scottstuwn. Canterbury Bight, inlet, New Zealand, on E. coast of South Island. Canterbury Plains, New Zealand, South Island. A level plateau. Cantiano, tn., Italy, in the Slarches, 15 ni. S. Urbmo. Cantick Head, SE. extremity, S. Walls Island, Orkney. Cantillana, tn., Spain, 18 ni. N. Seville, on Guadalquivir. Cantin, Cape, W. coast Morocco. 32° 35' N., long. 9° 12' W. Cantire or Cantyre. S€,t Kintyre. Cantium, Roman name for N. Foreland, NE. Kent. Cantley, set., Quebec, co. Ottawa, 10 m. from Hull. Canton, city and spt., China, c,ij>. of prov. Quantung. P. 1,600,000. Canton, eccl. dist^ and vil., Llandaff par., SE. Glamorgan. Canton, tnshp., Connecticut, Hartford co., on Farnnngton River. Canton, vil., Dakota, of Lincoln co., on Big Sioux R. Canton, vil., Georgia, cap. of Cherokee co. Canton, city, Illinois, Fulton co. Has coal mines. Canton, tnshp., Iowa, Benton co. Canton, vil., Maine, Oxford co., on Androscoggin R. Canton, vil., Maryland, Baltimore co. and city. Canton, tnshp., Massachusetts, Norfolk co. Canton, tnshp., Michigan, Wayne co. Canton, tnshp., Minnesota, Fillmore CO. Canton, vil., Mississippi, cap. of Madison co. Canton, tn. and tnshp,, Missouri, Lewis co. Canton, vil., New York, cap. of St. Lawrence (i(\. Canton, city, Ohio, cap. of Stark co. Pop. 26,327. Canton, bor., Pennsylvania, Bradford co. Cantoria, tn., Spain, 34 m. NNE. Almeria. Canturio or Cantn, tn., Italy, 5 m. SE. Como. Cantry Gwaelod, shoal, off coast of Cardiganshire. Canty Bay, 22 m, NE. North Berwick, Haddingtonshire. Cantyre. See Kintyre. Canvey Island, par., in R. Thames, S. Essex. 43S3 ac. Cany, tn., France, Seine-Inferieurc, 40 m. NW. Ruuen. Canzo, tn., Italy, 10 m. NE. Como. Caolaa-ITist, sound, between List and Bernera Islands, Hebrides. Caorle, isl. and vil., Adriatic Sea, 29 m. NE. Venice. Caorao, vil., Italy, 10 m. E. Piacenza. Capac, vil., Michigan, St. Clair co. Capaccio, tn., Italy, prov. and 35 ni. SE. Salerno. CapannoU, vil., Italy, 16 m. SE. Pisa. Capanori, tu., Italy, 5 m. E. Luccn. Caparica, vil., Portugal, prov. Eslremadura, 8 m. S. Lisbon. Capatarida, spt. tn., Venezuela, on Gulf of Maracaibo. Capay, hamlet, California, Yolo co,, 25 m. NW. Sacramento. Capbem, vil., Fmuce, Hautes-Pyrenees, 8 m. NE. Bagneres. Cap Chat, vil. and par., Quebec, Gaspe co., on St. Lawrence. Cap Chat R., Quebec, Rimouski co., trib, of the St. LauTence. Cap d'Espoir, Quebec, Gaspe co., in Gulf of St. Lawrence. Cap de la Magdalene, vil., Quebec, co. Champlain. Cap des Rosi^res, vil. and par., Quebec, co. and 19 m. from Gaspc. Cap d'Or, Nova Scotia, Cumberland co. Cape Barren Island, in Furiieaux group, off Tasmania. Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Area 3120 sq. m. Pop. 84,600. Cape Broyle, set., Newfoundland, Ferryland district. Cape City, New Jersey. See. Cape May. Cape Coast Castle, tn.. Gold Coast, Africa. Pop. 16,000. Cape Colony, Brit. Cul.,occupyingS. jartofS. Africa. Areaincluding Griqmiland E. and W. and Transkei. 217,440 sq. m. P. 1,525,739. Cape Elizabeth, tnshp., Maine, Cumberland co. Cape Elizabeth Depot, vil., Maine, Cumberland co. Cape Fear, tnshp., N. Carolina, Chatliam co. CapaFear, tnshp., N. Carolina, New Hanover co. Cape Fear R., N. Carolina, falls iuto Atlantic Ocean near C. Fear. Cape George or Georgeville, Vil., Nova Scotia, Antigonish co. Cape Girardeau, city, Missouri, on the Mississippi R. Cape Haytien, .spt., Haiti, on E. Coast. Large trade. Pop 10,000. Cape Island, vil., New Jersey. Bathing-place. Cape John, sub-dist., Nova Scotia, Pictou co. Capel, par., W. Surrey, 6 m. S. Dorking. 5663 ac. Capel Bangor, eccl. dist., NW. Cardiganshire. Capel Fell, mtn,, between Selkirk and Dumfries shires. Alt. 2223. Capella, tnshp., Queenslaml, co. Kiosku, 197 m. W. Rockingham. Capellante, mtn. peak, SW. Brecknockshire. Alt. 23S2 ft. Cape May. city. New Jersey, 81 m. SSE. Philadelphia. Cape May Court-House, vil.. New Jersey, cap. of Cape May co. Cape Negro Isl., Nova Scotia, Shelburne co., 12 m. from Barrington. Cape North, sub-dist., Nova Scotia, co. Victoria. Cape of Good Hope, S. Africa. 30 m. S. Cajie Town. Alt. 1000 ft. Cape River or Vaunka or Rio de Segoria, Nicaragua. Capertree, ry. stn., N. S. Wales, 122 m. W. Sydney, 2739 ft. above sea. Capertree River, New S. Wales, co. Hunter, trib. of the Colo R. Cape Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Lat. 43° 26' N., long. 63° 38' W. Capestang, tu., France, dep. Heranlt Capesterre, La or Le Marigot, tn., Guadeloupe. Capestrano, tu., Italy, prov. and 22 m. SE. Aqnila. Cape Town, spt. and cap. of Cape Colony, on Table Bay. P. 84,903. Cape Traverse, vil. and capp, Prince Edward I. Cape Verde Islands, in Athmtic, 320 m. W. Cape Verde. Pop. 110,926. Capeville, mining dist., Queensland, on Cape R. Cape Vincent, pt. of entry and tnshp.. New York, on St. Lawrence. Cape York Peninsula, N. extremity of Australia, Queensland. Capibarl, tn., Brazil, state and 120 m. W. Sao Paulo. Cap Island. Sec Yeata. Capistrello, tn., Italy, 3^ m. W. Lake Fncino. Capitanata, former prov. of S. Italy, now Foggia. Capitol Mt., Colorado, peak of Elk Mtus., 13,997 f^- ^^ove sea. Capivarl, tn., Brazil, state Rio Janeiro. Capiz or Capis, city, Philippines, cap. of Capiz prov. Pop. 12,000; prov. 243,244. Capizzl, tn., Sicily, 19 m. WNW. Bronte. Cap Madelaine. Quebec, Champlain co. Capo d'istria, tn., Austro-Hungary, 8 m. SW. Trieste. Pop. 10,834. Capodriai, vil., Italy, prov. and 3 ni. SW. Casertiu Capoompeta Peak, mtn., New S. Wales, co. Clive, 4730 ft. high. Caposelle, tn., Italy, prov. Avellino, 13 m. NE. Campagna. Cappadocia, vil., Italy, prov. Aquila, 8 m. W. Avezzano. Cappagh, par , mid. co. Tyrone. 37,580 acres. Cappaghwhite, vil., co. and g m. N. Tipperary. Cappamore, vil., co. and 12 m. SE. Limerick. Cappeln, vd , Prussia, Schleswig, 15 m. SE. Flensburg. Cappoquin, tn., W. CO. Waterford, on R. Blackwater. Capracotta, tn., Italy, prov. and 27 m. NW. Campobasso. Capraja. isl., Italy, 27 m. N. Corsica, 3^ m. by ij m. Caprarola, tu., Italy, g m. SE. Vit«rbo. Caprera, isl., 1 m. NE. Sardinia, was home of Garibaldi. Oapresi, tn., Italy, 13 m. NE. Arezzo ; birthplace of Michael Angdo. 58 CAP THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CAB Capri, isL and tn., Italy, 20 m. S. Naples. Lat. 40" 32' X. Capriata, \il., Italy, iu Piedmont, 7 m. SW. Novi. Capricorn Cape, Queensland, NE. point of Curtis I. Capricorn Channel, Queensland, ott' coast of Port Curtis dist. Capricorn lalandfl, Queensland, on the tropic of Capricorn. Caprino, tn., Italy, 10 in. WNW. Bergamo. Cap Rouge, vil., Quebec, co. and g ni. above Quebec. Caprj-ke, tn., lielj^ium, E. Flanders, 13 m. NNW. Ghent. Capsali, tn., Greece, on Cerigo I. Cap Sant6, tn., Quebec, cap. of Portneuf co. Cap St. Ignace, vil., Quebec, co. Montmagny. Captains Harbour, Alaska, Oonalaska Island. Captain's Island, S'ew York, Westchester co. Capna, city, S. Itily prov. Caserta, 19 m. X. Naples. Pop. 15,504. Capnrao, tn., Italy, 7 m. SE. Bari. Caputta, par. and vil., Perthshire, 5 m. SE. Dunkeld. Caquiavlri, tn., B'divia, on the Desaguadera K. Cara, isl., S. Argyllshire, i in. S. of Giglia, j in. by J ni. Caraballeda, spt., Venezuela, state Bolivar. Carabaya, prov., Peru, dep. Puuo. Rich in gold and silver. P. 45,232, Carabobo, state, Venezuela. Area 29S5 sq. ni. Pop. 570,948. Caraca, La, isL, Spain, on Bay of Cadiz. Caracas or Santiago de Leon de Caracas, cap. of Venezuela. P. 70,466. Caracoles or La Placilla de Caracoles, tn., X. Chili, prov. Atacauiu. Caraglio, tn., Italy, Piedinuutj 6 m, W. Coni. Caragola. Stc Karagola. Caralne Bluff, nitit., 8. Australia, 5 ni. N. co. Jervois. Caramanico, tn., Italy, prov. and 17 ni. SW. Chieti. Caramut, tnshp., Victoria, co. Villiers, 35 in. from Warrnambool. Carapack, tnshp., Victoria, co. Dundas, near Glenelg B, Carapateena Arm, bay, S. Australia, ofTL. Torrens. Carapooee, tnshp., Victoria, co. Kara-Kara, 30 m. NNW. Avoca. Caraquette, jit. of entry, New Brunswick, Gloucester co. Caraquette Bay, New Brunswick, Gloucester co. Caratal, tn., Venezuela, dist. Bolivar. Carate, tn., N. Italy, 15 m. N. Milan. Caravaca, tn., Spain, 39 m. NW. Murcia. Pop. 15,017. Caravaggio, tn., Italy, 16 m. S. Bergamo. Caravellas, tn., Brazil, state Bahia, on Caravellas Bay. Carballo, tn., Spain, prov. and 10 m. from Corunna. Pop. 11,449. Carben-y Hill, Edinburglishire, SE. Musselburgh. Alt. 500 ft. Carbery, isl., Dunmanus Bay, SW. co. Cork. Carbery, East, barony (2 divs.), S. co. Cork. Carbery, West, barony (2 divs.), W. co. Cork. Carbon, vil., Indiana, Clay co. Carbon, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Huntingdon co. Carbonara, tn., Italy, prov. and 36 ni. E. Avellino. Carbonara, tn., Italy, prov. and 4 m. S. Bari. Carbondale, vil. and tnshp., llUnuis, Jackson co. Carbondale, vil., Kansas, Osage CO. Carbondale, city, Penn.sylvania, Lackawanna co. Pop. 10,826. Carbonear, port of entry, Newfoundland, on Conception Bay. Carbonne, vil , France, Haute-Garonne, 25 in. SW. Toulouse. Carbon Rnn, vil., Pennsylvania, Bradford co. Carbrook, eccl. dist., Sheffield par., W. Riding, Yorks. Carbury, barony, NW. co. Kildare. 48,264 ac. Carbury, barony, N. co. Sligo. 76,592 ac. Carcabuey, tn., S}iain, 36 in. SE. Cordova., Spain, jjiov. Valencia, 12m. NE. San Felipe. P. 12,102. Carcarrlck Tor, hill, E. Corn wall, 6^ m. NW. Callington. Carcassonne, city, France, cap. Aude, 5^ ni. SE. Touluusc. P. 27,612. Carces, tn., France, d* p. Var, 18 ni. WSW. Dragiiignan. Carcha, tn., Guatemala, N. of Coban. Pop. 36,000. Carclaze, ilowns, W. Cornwall, 2 m. N. St. Austell. Cardiff Tor, lull, N. Deiby.shiro, on Stanton Muur. Carcoar, tnshp., New South Wales, CO. Bathurst. Cardaillac, tii., France, dep. Lot, 31 in. NE. Cahors. CardamonHiUfl, Travancore State, Madras. Lat. 10' N., long. 77" E. Cardenas, si f., Cuba, 120m. E. Havana. Cardenden, \il., Fifeshiio, \ in. SW. Auchterderran. Cardiff, bor.,spt., aridro. In., Glamorijansli., on U. Severn. P. 128,840. Cardifffltown. iSct Kerdiffstown. Cardigan, hor., spt., par., and Co, tn., Cardiganshire. Cardigan, p;ir., \ i-toria, CO. Grenvillc, 106 in. NW. Melbourne. Cardigan Bay, W. Wales, with an extent of 70 ni. N. and S. Cardigan Bay, Piince Edward I., Canada. Cardigan Head, N. extremity of Penibrokcshirc. Cardigan Isle, drdik'ati.shire, in mouth of II. Teifi. Cardiganshire, co., Wales. Area 693 sq. 111. Cardinalfl, tn., Italy, prov. and 21 in. SSW. Catanzaro. Cardington, p;tr. and vil., co. and 2^ m. SE. Bedford. Cardington, vil. and tn.sliji., C)liio, Morrow co. Cardito, vil., It.ily, 7 m. N. Napli's. Cardona, tn., Sjt.iin, 45 ni. NW. Barcelona. Cardrona, tnshp.. New Zealand, co. Luke. CardroBS. par. and vil., sJin. NW. Dumbarton, on K. Clyde Cardwell, tn., Queensland, 950 in. NW. Brisbane. Cardwell District, Ontario. Area 380 Rq. m. Pop. 16,770. Car Dyke, cut, in Fens, S. Lincolnshire, 23 in. Vav^. Cardy Eocka, N. co-ist of co. Dublin, a m. N. Balbriggan. Careggl, vil., Italy, 3 in. N. Florence. Carenage. tSVc Castrlei. Carentan, tn., Franco, dep. Manche, 17 m. NW. St. Ltk. Carentolr, vit., Fiance, Morbihan, 35 m, ENE. Vannes. Caresana, vil., Italy, prov. Novara, 10 m. SE. VercoUi. Carew, i)ar. and vih, co. and 4 m. £. Pembroke. 5405 ac. Carey, vil., Ohio, Wyandot CO. Carfin, vil., NE. Lanarkshire, 2 m. NE. Motherwell. Cargarie, dist, Victoria, CO. Grant, 77! ni. W. Melbourne. Cargolllgo, tnshp.. New S. Wales, co. Dowling, ou L. Cutljallagong. Carglll, par. and vil., E. Perthshire, on R. Tay. Cargo, tnshp.. New 3. Wales, co. Ashhurnham. Carhaix, tu., France, dep. Finistcrc, 37 m. NE. Quiinper. Carham, par. and vil., N. Northumberland, on R. Tweed. Carhuamayo, tn., Pern, 16 in. S. Pasco. 13,087 ft. above sea. Cariaco, tn., Venezuela, 40 ni. E. Cuinano. Cariati, tu., Italy, prov. Caserta, 20 in. ESE. Rossana. Caribbean Sea, between W. Indies and S. and Central America. Caribbees or Lesser Antilles, E. portion of tlie W. Indies. Cariboo, gold-Iield, British Columbia, on Upper Fraser R. Cariboo Fort, N W. Territory, Canada, ou Rein Deer Lake. Cariboo Lake and Mtn., British Columbia. Cariboo Point, on N. shore of L. Huron, Canada. Caribou, vil., Colorado, Boulder co., 9900 ft. above sea. Caribou Island, Nova Scotia, co. and 5 in. from Pictou. Cariewerlne, tnshp., S. Australia, 30 in. NW. Port Augusta. Carife, tn., Italy, prov. Avellino, on the Apennines. Cariguan, tu., France, dep. Ardennes, 26 m. SE. Mezieres. Carignano, tn., Italy, prov. and 11 in. S. Turin, on R. Po. Carillon, vil., Quebec, on Ottawa R., Argenteuil co. Cartmata, isls., in Billiton Passage, W. of Borneo. Carimona Creek, Minnesota, Fillmore co., branch of Root R. Cariuhenlia, tn., Brazil, state Bahia, on Sao Francisco. Carini, tu., Sicily, 12 in. WNW. Palermo. Pop. U,797. Carinola, tn., S. Italy, prov. Caserta, com. SE. Gatta. Carinthia, duchy, Austria. Area 39S7 sq. 111. Pop. 360,874. Carisbrook, tn., Victoria, co. Talbot, 107 in. NW. Melbourne. Carisbrooke, vil. and castle. Isle of Wiglit, SW. Newport. Cark, hill, inid co. Donegal. Alt. 1198 ft. Carlentinl, tn., Sicily, 19 m. NW. Syracuse. Carles Work, stone embankment, N. Derbyshire, near Castle ton. Carlet, tn., Sx>ain, 23 m. S. Valencia, on R. Requena. Carleton, vil., Nova Scotia, co. and 16 in. from Yarmouth. Carleton, vil., Quebec, Bonaventure co. Carleton, suburb of St. John, New Brunswick. Carleton, tnshp., N. Lancasliire, 1 m. SW. Poulton. 2oi2ac. Carleton Bay, SW. Ayrshire, t\ m. SW. Girvan. Carleton Place, tn., Ontario, Lanark co. , 28 m. SW. Ottawa. Carlin, vil., Nevada, Elko co. , ou Humboldt R. Carling, vil., Ontario, co. Muskoka, ou Georgian Bay. Carlingford, spt. tn., N. co. Louth, on Carlingford Lough. Carlingford, vil., Ontario, co. Perth, u m. from Stratford. Carlingford Lough, sea inlet between cos. Down and Louth. Carlingford Mountain, co. Louth, NW. Carlingford. Alt. 1935 ft. Carlinghow, eccl. dist., W. Riding, Ynrks. Carlins Cairn, mtn., NW. Kirkcudbrightshire. Alt. 2650 ft. Carlin Skerry or Barrel of Butter, rock, \\\\\. SE. Pomona, Orkney. Carlin Tooth, summit of Clieviots, SE. Roxburghshire. Alt. iSoi ft, Carlinville, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Macoupin co. Carlisle, city, co. Cumberland, on R. Eden. Pop. 39,176. Carlisle, vil., Indiana, Sullivan co. Carliflle, vil., Kentucky, cap. of Nicholas co. Carlisle, vil., New York, Schoharie co. Carlisle, tn., Pennsyhania, cap. of Cumberland CO. Carloforte, tn., Italy, on San Pietro Island, SW. Sardinia. Carlonan Linn, fine waterfall, R. Aray, Aigyllshire. Carlopago, spt., Croatia, on the Adriatic. Carlopoli, tu., Italy, prov. and 12^ m. NNW. Catanzaro. Carlops, vil., NW. Peebleshire, 14 m. SW. Edinburgh. Carlota, tn., Spain, 15 m. SSW. Cordova. Carlow, inland co., Leinster, Ireland. Ai'ea 346 sq. m. Pop. 40,899. Carlow, tn., Carlow co., on R. Barrow. Carlow, vil., Ontario, co. Huron, 6 m. from Goderich. Carloway, vil., Lewis Island, Hebrides, on Carloway Loch. Carlowitz or Karlowiti, tn., Hungary, on R. Danube. Carlow's Linn, waterfall, R. Tweed, Peebleshire, nearTweedsmuir. Carlsbad or Karlsbad, tu., Bohemia, 70 m. NW. Prague. Pop. 10,579. Carlsburg. See Karlsburg. CarlscronaorBlekinge, pruv., S. Sweden. Area 1162sq.n1. P. 143,096. Carlacrona or Karlakrona, tn., Sweden, cap. of above, on isls. ia Baltic. Pop. 20,668. Carlsdal, ironworks, Sweden, prov. and 22 lu. NW. Orebro. Carlshafen. Ste Earlshafen. Carlshamn ur Karlshamn, spt., Sweden, 20 m. W. Carlscrona. Carlsruhe or Karlsruhe, city, cap. of Baden, 4 m. E. Rliinc. P. 73,496. Carlsruhe, tu., Prussian Kilcsia, 18 m. NW. Oi>pelu. CarlBruhe, tn., Victoria, Kyneton co.,48m. NW. Melbourne. Carlstad ur Wermland, prov., Sweden. 7457 sq. m. Pop. 2&3,617. Carlstad, tn., Sweden, cap. of Carlstad i>rov., ou L. Wener. Carlstadt, vil.. New Jersey, Bcr|,'en co. Carlstadt, Germany. Set Karlstadt. Carlton, tn., S. Notts, 3^ m. NE. Nottingham. Carlton, and vil., W. Riding, Yorks, (m R. Aire. 5258 ac. Carlton, tnslip., W. Riding, Yorks, in Snaith iwr. 4220 ac. Carlton, N. part of Melbourne, Australia. Carlton, tnshp., Tasmania, W. co. I'cmbroko. Carlton, municipality, Slanitobji, iu Duderin co. Carlton, vil aud tu^,iip., New York, Orleans co. Carlton, tiislii*., Wiseonsin, Kewaunee co. Carlton Colville, p;ir., V.. Suffolk, 2 in. SW. Lowestoft. Carlton Fell, hill, SE. Wigtownshire, 3I m. SW. Whitlioru. Alt. 475ft. Carlton In Ltndrick, pal'., N. Notts, 4 m. N. Worksop. sgSoac. Carluke, juir. and tn., Scotland, 5I m. NW. Lanark. Carlyle, vil. and inshj)., Illinois, cap. of Clinton co. Carlyle or Patea, tn.. New /o.dand, 60 m. S. New Plymouth. Carlyle, setllenient, Assinibuia, near Moose Mountain Creek. Carmagnola, tn., Italy, on the Po, 16 m. S. Turiu. Pop. 12,771. Carman, S(.ttkiiient, Manitoba, SW. Winnipeg. Carmarthenor Caermarthen, CO. tn., Carmarthenshire. Carmarthen Bay, opening, S. coast Carnuirthenshire, i3 ni. wide. Carmarthenshire, CO., S. Wales, on Bristol Channel. Carmaux, tu., France, dep. Tarn, 11 m. N. AlUy. Carmcl, tnshp., Maine, Penobscot co. Carmel, tnshp., Michigan, Eaton co. Carmel, vil. and tnshp., New York, cap. Putnam co. Carmel Head, NE. Anglesey, i\ in. NE. Holyhead. 59 CAR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CAR Carmel, Mount, P;tlestine, extremity of range bet. Esdraelon and sea. Carmen, tu., Colombia, state of Bolivar. Carmen, spt., Mexico, on Campeacliy Bay. Carmen de Patagonea, tn., Argent. Kep., 500 m. SW. Buenos Ayres. Carmen de las Flores, tn., Argentine Rep., 140 m, SW. Buenos Ajtcs. Carmen Point, W. Cornwall, zi ni. SW. St. Ives. Carmen Silva Mtnfl., Tierra del'Fuego, across middle of island. Carmen Silva E., Tierra del Fuego, flows S. Lat. 53° 40' S. Carmi, vil. and tnslip., Illinois, cap. of White co. Cannignano, tn., Italy, Val d'Ombrone, NW. Florence. Carmoe or Karmoe, isl., Norway, 20 m. NW. Stavanger. Carmona, city, Spain, 18 m. SE. Seville. Pop. 17,426. Carmunnock, par. and vil., 4J m. SE. Glasgow. Carmnnnock, settlement, Ontario, co. Perth, 9 m. from Newry. Carmyle, vil , N. Lanarkshire, 4jni. SE. Glasgow. Carmylie, par. and vil., Forfarshire, 6^ m. NW. Arbroath. Carna, isl., NW. Argyllshire, in Loch Sunart. Camabat, tn., Tnrkey, 70m. NE. Adrianople. Camabattan. loch, N. Inverness-shire, in Kiltarlity par. Carnamah, tn., W. Australia, 197 m. N. Perth. Carnanto Lake, S. Australia, 48 m. E. Lake Frome. Carnarvon, bor., spt., and CO. tn., Caniarvonshire, Wales. Carnarvon, Queensland, SW. part Darling Downs dist. Carnarvon, tnshp., W. Australia, at mouth of Gascoyne R. Carnarvon, set., Queensland, onSweer's Isl., Gulf of Carpentai'ia. Carnarvon, tnshp.. New Zealand, co. Manawatu. Carnarvon, tnshp., Tasmania, co. Pembroke. Lat. 43° 8' S. Carnarvon, vil., Ontario, co. Peterborough, 12 m. from Minden. Carnarvon, div. and tn., Cape Colony, in Karee Bergen. Carnarvon Bay, between Carnarvonshire and Anglesey. Carnarvonshire, maritime CO., N. Wales, on Irish Sea. Camatic. .S- '_■ Karnatic. Carnbee, par., Fileshire, 3 m. NW. Pittenweem. 839630. Carn Bodnan. hill, SW. Carnarvonshire, near Nevin. Cambroe, part of town of Calder, N. Lanarkshire. Camcastle, par., E. co. Antrim. 9723 ac. Carndonagh, vil., N. CO. Donegal, 20 m. N. Londonderry. Camedd Dafydd, peak, E. Caniarvonshire. Alt. 3430ft. Camedd Llewelyn, peak, E. Carnarvonshire. Alt. 3482 ft. Cameil, liill, Carnock par., SW. Fifeshire. Alt. 400 ft. Camethy, summit, Pentland Hills, Edinburghshire. Alt. 1890 ft. Camew, par. and vil., co. Wicklow, 10 m. NW. Gorey. Camforth, tnshp., co. and 6 m. NE. Lancaster. Camgham, tn., Victoria, Grenville co., 16 m. W. Ballarat. Camic Alps, extend along NE. frontier of Italy into Carniola. Camieres, vil., Belgium, prov. Hainant, 12 m. W. Charleroi. Camifei Ferry, W. Virginia', on Canity K., Nichols co. Carniola, duchy, Austria. Area 3S47 sq. m. Pop. 498,390. Cam Liath, sunnnit of Ben-y-Gloe, N. Perthshire. Alt. 3193 ft. CamloQgh, vil., E. CO. Antrim, 6 m. SE. Cushendall. Carn Madryn, hill, SW. Carnar\'onshire. Alt. 1200 ft. Cam Mairg. mtn., NW. Perthshire, 5 m. SE. Kinlocli Rannoch. 34igft. Cammenellia, eccl. dist., Wendron par., W. Cornwall. Carnmoney, par,, N. CO. Antrim, 5 m. N. Belfast. 807720. Carnock, par. and vil., SW. Fife, 3^ m. NW. Dunfennline. Carnoustie, tn. and quoad sacra par., S. Forfarshire. Camsore Point, SE. extremity of Ireland, co. Wexford. Camteel, j»ar. and vil., S. co. TjTone. i3)43i ac. Caratogher, hill, mid co. Limerick. Alt. 1521 ft. Carawath, par. and vil., Lanarkshire, 25 m. SW. Edinburgh. Caro, vil., Michigan, Tuscola co. Caroche, tn., Venezuela, state and 20 m. NE. Trujillo. Caroge, tnshp., N. Radnorshire, 11 m. W. Knighton. Carolina, tn., Spain, prov. and 35 m. NNE. Jaen. Carolina, U.S. ^ec North Carolina and South Carolina. Caroline, tnshp., New York, Thomson co. Caroline Isl, (Brit.) South Pacific. Lat. g" 57' S., long. 150' 25' W. Caroline Isla., N. Pacific, claimed by Spain. Lat. 3° N., long. 138° E. Caroling, post stn., W. Australia, 104 m. E. Perth. Caromb, tn., France, dep. Vancluse, 4 ni. NE. Carpentras. Caron, par., E. Cardiganshire, 18 m. NW. Llandovery. Carondelet, tnshp., Missouri, Louis co. Caroni E., Venezuela, trib. of the Orinoco. Caronia, tn., Sicily, 22 m. E. Cefaln. Carora, tn., Venezuela, state Barquisimeto, 100 m. SW. Coro. Carotto, vil., Italy, on Bay of Najjles. Carouge, tn., Switzerland, canton and li m. S. Geneva. Caxovlgno, tn., Italy, prov. Lecce, igm.'NW. Brindisi. Carovllli, tn., Italy, prov. Campobasso. Carpaneto, tn., Italy, prov. and 13 m. SE. Piacenza. Carpathian Mtna., enclose the plains of Hungary. Highest pt. 9528. Carpenedolo, tn., Italy, 2t m. SE. Brescia. Carpentaria, Gulf of, N. Australia, between Cape York and Wessel I. Carpenter, tnshp., Indiana, Jasper co. Carpentras, city, France, Vancluse, 16 ni. NE. Avignon. Carpi, tn., Italy, 9m. NNE. Modena. Pop. 18,806. Carpineti, tn., Italy, 23 m. SW. Modena. Carpino, tn., Italy, prov. Fogcia, on Mt. Gargano. Carpinone, tn., Italy, prov. and ig ni. W. Campobasso. Carplo, tn., Spain, 15m. NE. Cardova, on R. Guadalquivir. Carp Lake, Brit. Columbia. Lat. 54° 40' N. Carqaefon, vil., Franee, Loire-Inferieure, 6 m. NE. Nantes. Carqulnez Strait, California, between San Sable and Suisun Bays. Carr, tnshp., Indiana, Chirke co. Carr, tnshp., Indiana, Jackson co. Carra, barony, S. co. Mayo. 134,706 sq. m. Carradale, bay, strrani, and vil., Argyllshire, E. KintjTC. Carradale Point, Ar;:yl]shire, NE. side of Carradale Bay. Carradon, hamlet, E. Cornwall, 4^^ m. N. Liskeard. Carraig Fadda Point, at Port Ellen, S. Islay, Argyllshire. Carranca, tn., Brazil, statt^ Minas Geraes. Carran Lough, mid. co., Fermanagh, 6 m. SW. Enniskillen. Carrantuohm or Carrantual, mtn., Kerry, highest pt. of Irel., 3414 ft. Carrara, city, Italy, 59 in. SW. Modena. Pop. 30,143. Carraroe Mtns., W. CO. Tyrone. Alt. 1024 ft. Carratraca Springs, vil., Ontario, 40 ni. E. Ottawa. Carr Bank, shoal, Milford Haven, W. Pembrokeshire. Carreg-gwastad Point, N. Pembrokeshire, 2^m. NW. Fishguard. Carreg-Llwyd, j^tak, Black Mtns., Carnarvonshire. Alt. 2028 ft. Carreg-narth Point, St. Mawes Harbour, W. Cornwall. Carreno, tu., Spain, prov. and 58 m. SSE. Oviedo. Carriacou, isl., Brit. W. Indies, largest of Grenadines. Carrical. .?t'^ Karikal. Carrick, ancient div., Ayrshire, S. of R. Doon. Carrick, par., co. Londonderry, 3 m. S. Limavady, Carrick, par., S. CO. Tipperary. 2426 ac. Carrick, par., co. and 2 ni. N. Wexford, on R. Slaney. Carrick, hill, E, co. Wicklow, 4 m. Ntl Rathdrum. Alt. 1252 ft, Carrick, tnshp., Tasmania, co. Cumberland, on Liffey R. Carrickahock, hill, mid. co. Tipperary, 6 m. SE. Fethard. Alt. 1859 ft. Carrick -a -rede, rocky islet, co. Antrim, 4 ni. NW. Ballycastle. Carrickbeg, vil., co. Waterford, opposite Carrick-on-Suir. Carrickbyrne, hill, S. CO. Wexford, 5 m. NW. Taghmon. Carrickfergus, tn. and spt., co. Antrim, on Belfast Lough. Carrickfergua Bay, a name for Belfast Lough. Carrickmacrosa or Magheross, tn. and par., co. Monaghan. Carrick-on-Shannon, tn., co. Leitrim, 37 ui. SE. of Sligo. Carrick-on-Suir, tu., co. Tipperary, 12 m. E. Clonmel. Carrick's Ford, W. Virginia, on Cheat R. Scene of battle 1863. Carrickton, tnshp., New Zealand, co. Vincent. Carriden, coast, par., Linlithgowshire. 2705 ac. Carrieton, tn., S. Australia, co. Dalhousie. Carrig, isl., N. CO. Kerry, 2 ni. N. Ballylongford. 231 ac. Carrig, hill, W. co. Wicklow, 5 m. E. Baltinglas. Alt. 1845 ft. Carrigaholt, vil., SW. co. Clare, at month of Shannon. Carrigaline, par. and vil,, co. and 6 m. S. Cork, Carrigallen, barony, SE. CO. Leitrim. 62,395 ac. Carrigallen, par. and vil., co. Leitrim, 12 m. W. Crossdoney. Carrigan Head, SW. Co. Donegal. Alt, 745 ft, Carrigo, vil., Texas, cap. of Zapato co., on Rio Grande. Carrigrohane, par., co. and 5 m. W. Cork. 2658 ac, CarrigtohiJl, vil., E. CO. Cork, 3 m. W. Middleton. Carrington, eccl. dist, N. Notts, Basford par. Carrington, i)ar. and vil., mid. Edinburghshire. 4403 ac. Carrion de Calatrava, tn., Spain, 6 ni. NE. Ciudad Real. Carrion de los Cespedca, tn., Spain, 14 m. W. Seville. Carrion de los Condes, tn. , Spain, 1 8 ni. N. Palencia. Carrizal Alto, tn., Cliili, prov. Atacama, 25 ni. E. Cabo Bajo. CarrizalB.^jo, spt., Cliili, prov. Atacama, 140 m. N. Coquimbo. CarrockPell, peak, Skiddaw Mtns., W. Cumberland. Alt. 2174 ft, Carrol, Falls of, beautiful waterfall, IJrora, Sutherlandshire. Carroll, tnshp.. New South Wales, 275 m. N. Sydney. Carroll, tnslip., Illinois, Vermilion co. Carroll, tnshp., Iowa, Carroll co. Carroll or CaroUton, Maryland, suburb of Baltimore. Carroll City, vil. , Iowa, Carroll co. CarroUton, vil., Arkansas, cap. of Carroll co. Carrollton, vil., Georgia, cap. of Carroll co. CarroUton, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, cap. Greene CO. Carrollton, vil., Kentucky, caji. of Carroll co. CarroUton, City, Louisiana, Jefferson par., on Mississippi. Carrollton, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Saginawco. Carrollton, tnshp., Minnesota, Filmore co. Carrollton, vil., Missouri, cap. Carroll co, Carrollton, tnslip., New York, Cattaraugas co. Carrollton, vil., Ohio, cap. of Carroll co. Carrolltown, borough, Pennsylvania, Cambria co. Carrol Rock, on L. i3rora, Clyne par., Sutherlandshire. Carron, riv., Stirlingshire, trib, of the Forth at Grangemouth. Carron, vil., Stirlingshire, 2 m. NW. Falkirk. Ironworks, Carron, riv., SW. Ross and Cromarty, falls into L. Carron. Carronbrook, vil., Ontario, Perth co., 17 m. NW. Stratford. Carronshore, vil., E. Stirlingshire, on Carron R. Carrot Kiver, Saskatchewan, trib. of R, Saskatchewan. Carrouges, tn., France, dep. Orne, 15 m. NW. Alen^on. Carrowdore, vil., co. Down, 7 m. SE, Newtownards. Carrowmore Lough, N. CO. Mayo, 8 m. SE. BelmuUet. Carr Kocks, off coast of E. Fife, i m. NE. Fife Ness. Has lightship. Carru, tn., Italy, Piedmont, 6 m. NE. Mondovi. Carruthers, ancient par., Annandale, Dumfriesshire. Carrville, \i\., Ontario, co. York, 17 m. from Toronto. Carryall, tnshp., Oliio, Paulding co. Caree of Forth, dist., Scotland, on R. Forth, Gartmore to Bo'ness. Carse of Cowrie, tract, Scotland, on R. Tay, Kinnoul to Dundee. Carshalton, par, and vil., mid Surrey. 3 m. SW. Croydon. CaraoU, tn., Italy, prov. Aquila, 40 m. ENE. Rome. Carson City, cap. of Nevada, Ormsby co. Carson R., from E. slope of the Sierra Nevada to Carson L. Carsphairn, par. and vil., N. Kirkcudbright, on R. Deugh. Carssdale, settlement, Assiniboia, NW. of Regina. Carstalrs, par. and vil., Lanaikshire, C^rstaira Junction, vd. and ry. stn., 28 m. SW. Edinburgh. Cart, riv., Renfrewshire, tributary of the Clyde. Cartagena, city, chief naval arsenal, Spain, prov. Murcia. F. 76,908. Cartagena, city and spt., Colombia, cap. of Bolivar state. Cartago, tn., Costa Rica, 20 m. E. San Jose. Pop. 60,000. Cartago, tu., Colombia, state Antioquia, 150 m. W. Bogota. Cartama, tn,, Spain, 21 m. W. Malaga, Cartaxo, tn., Portugal, Santarem dist. Cartaya, tn. and spt., Spain, Andalusia. Carter, tnshp., Indiana, Spencer co. Carter Fell, summit of Cheviot Hills, 11 ni. SE. Jedburgh. Alt. 1S1-. ft. Carter's Crossing, tnslip., S. Carolina, Suinpter co. Cartersville, vil., Georgia, cap. of Bartow co. Carterton, tn.. New Zealand, 58 m. NW. Wellington. 60 CAR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CAS Carterville, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, 'Williamson co. CarterviUe, vil., Missouri, JasiK-r co. lias lead mines. Carthage, vil. and tii^lip., Illinois, cap. Hancock co. Carthage, vil., Indiana, Rush co., on liig Blue R. Carthage, vil., Mississippi, cap. of Leake co. Carthage, city, Missouri, cap. Jasper co,, on Spring R. Carthage, vil., New York, Jefferson co., on Black U. Carthage, vil., N. Carolina, cap. of Moore co. Carthage, vil., Ohio, Hamilton co., on Mill Creek. Carthage, vil., Texas, cap. ofPuunla co. Lat. 32" / N., 94° 18' W. Carthige, i>ost vil,, Ontario, co. Perth, 26 lu. from Stratford. Carthage, Cape, N. Africa, on Meditr. Lat. sS" 52' N., long. io''2i' E. Carthagena. ^Vt; Cartagena. Cartier, ry. stn., Ontario, 258 m. TP". Ottawa. Lat. 46° 40' N. Cartmel, tn. and par., N. Lancashire, 6 ni. E. Ulverston. Cartflbum, dist., Renfrewshire, E. of Greenock. Cartsdyke, E. suburb of Greenock, Renfrewshire. Cartworth, tushp. and tn., Yorks, 6 m. S. Huddersfield. Cartwright, post vil., Ontario, Durham co. Cartwright, tnshp., Illinois, feinr^amon co. Canmhanha, tn., Brazil, state Baliia, on R. Sao Francisco. Campano, spt., Venezuela, state and 57 m. NE. Cumana. P. 12,389. Carver, tiislip., Massachusetts, Pljnnouthco. Carver's Creek, tnshp., N. Carolina, Bladen co. Carver's Creek, tnshp., N. Carolina, Cumberland co. Carvin-Epinay, tii., France, Pas-de-Calais, 20 in. NE. Arras. Carvoeiro, Cape, Portugal, Estremadura, opposite Berlenga Is. Cary, barony, Antrim, including Rathlin L 75,o35ac. Gary, vil. and tnsiip., N. Carolina, Wako co. Caryapundy Swamp, New South "Wales, co. Tongowoko. Caryville, vil., New York, Genesee co. P. O. called Oakfield. Caaaba or Kassaba, tn., Asia Minor, 30 m, NE. Smyi-na. Pop. 12,000. Casablanca, tn., Chili, prov. Valparaiso. Casa Branca, tn., Brazil, state Sao Paulo. Lat. 21' 12' S., 48" 25' W. Caaa Branca, tn., Brazil, state Minas Geraes. Casacalenda, tn., Italy, 18 ni. NE. Campobasso. CaaalangxUda, vil., Italy, prov. Chieti, 11 m. SW. Vasto. Casal Bordino, tn., Italy, prov. Chieti, 7 m. NW. Vasto. CasalBore. tn., Italy, prov. Avellino, 7 m. NW. Ariauo. Caaal Borgone, tn., Itjily, 4 ni. ENE. Turin. Lat. 45" 7' N. Casal Buttano, tn., Italy, 8 m. NNW. Cremona. Lat. 45° 16' N. Casal Duni, tn., Italy, prov. and 21 ni. S. Campobasso. Casal dl Principe, tn., Italy, prov. and 14 m. 8W. Caserta. Casale, tn., Italy, prov. and 18 m. NW. Alessandria. Pop. 17,096. Casale, vil., Italy, 7 m. SE. Treviso. Casale Corte Cerro, tn., Italy, prov. Novara. Casale della Trinita, tn., Italy, jirov. and 25 m. SE. Foj^gia. Casale lo Btarno, tn., Italy, Avellino, 1 m. NE. Frigento. Casal Maggiore, tn., Italy, on tlie Po, 22 ni. E. Cremona. Pop. 15,648. Casalnnovo, tu., Italy, prov. and 6 m. NE. Naples. Casalnuovo, tn., Italy, prov. Foggia, 15 m. SW. San Severo. Caaal Pusterlengo, tn., Italy, prov. Milan. Lat. 45° 11' N. Casalvecchjo, vil., Sicily, 23 m. SW. Messina. Caaalvieri, tn., Italy, prov. Caserta, 7 m. SE. Sora. Caaamarciano, vil., Italy, prov. Caserta, \\ m. NE. Nola. Casamaaaima, tn., S. Italy, prov. and 2 ra. 3. Bari. Caaamicciola, tn., Italy, 12 m. SW. Pozzuoli ; ruined by earthqkc. 1883. Caaandrino, vil., Italy, 6 m. N. Naples. Casanere, ter., Colombia, from Andes to Orinoco. Casanova, tn., Italy, prov. and 2 m. NW. Caserta. Casapulla, tn., Italy, 3 m. NW. Caserta. Casarabonela, tn., Spain, 29 m. WNW. Malaga. Casar de Cacerea, tn., Spain, 10 m. NW. Caceres. Casarea, tn., Spain, 52 ni. WSW. Malaga. Lat. 36° 27' N. Casariche, tn., Si>ain, 52 m. E. Seville, on R. Yegnas. Casarona, tn., Italy, prov. Lecce, 12 m. SE. Gallipoli. Caaorza, vil,, Italy, prov. Genoa, 6 m. SE. Chiavari. Casas Grandea, tn., Mexico, state Chihuahua, 35 m. S. Llanos. Casate-Nuovo, vil., Italy, 18 m. NE. Milan. Cascade, tnshp., Iowa, Dubuque co. Cascade, \ il. and tnshp., Michigan, Kent co. Cascade Creek, Montana, falls into the Yellowstone R. Cascade Mtns., U. S. and Canada, offshoot of Sierra Nevada. Cascade Point, Nt-w Zealand, on coast of co. Westland. Lat. 44" S. Cascade River, tin mining centre, Tasmania, co. Dorset. Caacaea, spt., P'»rtugal, 15 m. W. Lisbon, on Atlantic. Cascante, tn., Spain, Navarra, 53 m. S. Pamplona. Caacapedia Bay, (Quebec, Bonaventure co. Lat. 48° 10' N. Cascapedla R., Gt,, Quebec, Bonaventure co., falls into Chalcur Bay. Cascapedla R., Lt., Quebec, Bonaventure co,, falls into Chaleur Bay. Cascavel, tu., Brazil, state and 40 in. SW. Ceara. Cascia, tn., Italy, in Umbria, 13 m. E. Spoleto. Casclna, tn., Itily, Tuscany, on R. Arno. Pop. 22,225. Casco, tnshp., Wisconsin, Kewaunee co. Casco Bay, Maine, studded with small isls., favourite resorts. Caacumpeque, set., Prince Edward Island, 6 ni. from Alberton. Caselle, tn., Italy, 8 m. NW. Turin, on the Stura CaaelleLandl, vil., Italy, in Lombardy, 19 m. SE. Lodi. Caaelllna, suburb of Florence, Italy, 2 m. W. city. Pop. 15,321. CasertA, tn., Italy, cap. Caserta prov., 17 m. NE. Naples. P. 31,349. Caaerta, ])n)V., Italy, in Campania. 2307 sq. m. Pop. 807,110. Caserta Vecchla, tn., Italy, 3 m. NE. Caserta. CaseviUe, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Huron co. Casey, vil. and tnslip., Illinois, Clark co. Casey, vil., Iowa, Cuthrio co. Caseyville, vil., Illinois, St. Clair CO. Has coal mines. Caaheen Bay, between Dinnish and Gorumna Isls., co. Galway. » Cashel, city, co. 'lippcrary, 96 m. SW. Dublin. Lat. 52* 31' N. Caahel or Dookie South, tnshp., Victoria, co. Moira. Cashel (jr Crosby's Comera, vil., Ontario, co. York. Cashel and Islands, p;ir., SW. co. Longford. 15,859 acres. Cashmere, iitc, Kashmir. Casigua, ta, Venezuela, in N. of Falcon state, near coast. Casilda, ry. stn., Argentine Rep., Entre Rios, W. of Rosario. Casino, tn., New S. Wales, Rous co, Lat. 28° 53' S., 153" 6' E. Casio e Casola, tn., Italy, prov. and 29 m. SW. Bologna. Caskets or Caaqueta, rocks in Channel, 7 m. W. Alderney. Casma, tn., Peru, dep. Ancachs, 186 ni. NNW. Lima. Lat. 9" 40' S. Caanovia, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Muskegon co. Caaola, tn., Italy, 3 m. E. Castellamare. Casole, vil., Italy, prov. and 15 m. W. Siena. Casoli, tn., Italy, prov. and 17 m. SW. Cliieti. Caaorate, tn., Italy, in Lombardy, 11 m. NW. Pavla. Caaoria, tn., Italy, 6 m. N. Naples. Pop. 10,063. Caspar, vil , California, Mendocino co. Caape, tn., Spain, prov. Saragossa, 12 m. NE. Alcaiiiz. Caspian Sea, between Europe and Asia. Area iSo,ooo sq. m. Caaa, tnshp., Indiana, Sullivan co. Caaaadoga Lake, New York, Chautauqua co. Casaala, tn. , Nubia. 6'(cKasaala. Caaaano, tn., Italy, prov. and 34 m. N. Cosenza. Casaano, tn., Italy, prov. and 18 ni. SSW. Bari. Caaaano Magnago, vil., Italy, Lombardy, 23 m. NW. Milan. Cassano sopra-Adda, tn., Italy, prov. Milan, on R. Adda. Cassel or Kaasel, tn., Piussia, cap. of gov. of Cassel. Pop. 72,086. Caasel, tn., France, dep. Nord, 27 ni. NW. Lille. Casselman, vil., Ont;uio, Russell co., 33 in. from Ottawa. Cassergode, taluk, S. Kanara dist., Madras Presidency. Casaergode, til., S. Kanara dist., Madras Presidency, India. Caasiar, sub-dist., Brit. Columbia, co. New Westminster. Caaailia, tn., New South Wales, co. Bligh, 223 m. N. Sydney. Cassils, ry. stn., Alberta, on C. P. Ry. 713 m. W. Winnipeg. Casaim-Pasha, suburb of Constantinople, Turkey. Caaaine, tn., Italy, 14 m. SSW. Alf^s^'sandria. Lat. 44° 45' N. Casfiini, Cape, S. Australia, N. coast of Kangaroo Island. Caasino con Sant' Angelo. SfC San Germano. Caaaiquiare, riv., Venezuela, bifurcation of the Orinoco. Cassia, spt., France, Bouches-du-Rlione, 10 m. SE. Marseilles. Casa Lake, Minnesota, near source of the Mississippi, Caaaley, ri^'., Sutherlandshire, trib. of Oykel, 8 ni. SW. Lairg. Cass ny-Awin, remarkable rock.s, SE. coast Isle of Man, Cassolnova, vil., Italy, lo^ ni. HE. Novara. Casaopolia, vil., Michigan, cap. of Cass co. Lat. 41° 56' N. Casa River, Miclii^an, branch of the Saginaw R. CassvUle, vil., Missouri, cap. of Barry co. Casaville, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Grant co. Castagna, tn., Italy, prov. Teramo. Caatagnaro, vil., Italy, 6 m. SE, Verona, on R. Adige. Castagneto, tn,, Italy, i^rov, and 30 m. SE. Salerno. Castagneto, vil., Italy, 39 m. SE. Pisa, on the coast. Caatagnole, vil., Italy, prov. Turin, 13 m. NE. Pinerolo. Castagnole, viI., Italy, prov. Alessandria, iS ni. S. Casale. Castagnole delle Lanze, vil., Italy, i m. S. Asti. Castalia or St. John's Fountain, spring at foot of Parnassus, Greece. Castalla, tn., Spain, 24 ni. NW. Alicante. Lat. 38" 36' N. Caatano, tn., Italy, 21 m. WNW, Milan. Lat. 45' 34' N., 8° 47' E. Caateggio, tn., Italy, Piedmont, 5.3 m. NE. Vogliera. Castel or Kastel, tn., Prussia, gov, Wiesbaden, on R. Rhine. Castel Baldo, vil., Italy, 21 m. SW. Padua. Castel Eelforte, tn., Italy, 7 m. NE. Mantua. Lat. 45° 13' N. Castel Bolognese, tn., Italy, prov. and 22 m. SW. Ravenna. Castel Bottaccio, tn., Italy, prov. and 14^ m. N. Campobasso. Caatel Buono, tn., Sicily, near Palermo. Mineral springs. Castel Cucco, tu., Italy, in Lombardy, 21 m. NW Treviso. Caatoldaccla, tn., Sicily, prov. Palermo. Caatel dell" Abate, tn., Italy, Salerno, 12 m. SW. Cappacio, Caatel del Piano, tn., Italy, 28 ni. NE. GrossetO. Caatel del Rio, In., Italy, 33 ni. WSW. Ravenna. Caatel di Sangro, tn., Italy, prov. and 53 ni. SE. Aquila. Caatel Fidardo, tn,, Italy, prov. Ancona, near Loretto. Caatel Fiorentino, tn,, Italy, in Tuscany, Castel Forte, tn., Italy, pi'ov. Caserta, 14 m. NE. Gaeta. Caatelfranct, tn., Italy, prov. Avellino. Caatel Franco, tn,, Italy, prov, and 16 m. WNW. Bologna. Caatel Franco, tn., Italy, prov. and 15 m. W. Treviso. Pop. 11,721, Castel Franco, tn., Italy, pivtv. Avellino. Castel Franco dl Sotto, tii., Italy, 26 m. SW. Florence. Castel Gandolfo, vil., Italy, 14 m. SE. Rome, on Mt. Albauo. Caatel Goffredo, tn., Italy, 13 m. NW. Mantua. Castel Gomberto, vil., N. Italy, 7^ m. NW. Vieeuza. Castelgrande, tu., Italy, 21 m, NW. Potenza. Castelguelfo, vil., Italy, prov. and 6m. NW. Parma. Caatel Guglielmo, vil., Italy, 12 m. SW. Rovigo. Castel J aloux, tn,, France, Lot-et-Garonnc. Caatellamare, city and sjit., Italy, 17 m. SE. Naples. Pop, 29,267. i Caatellamare, spt, Sicily, 20 m, E. Trapani. Pop, 16,563. Castellamare, tu., Italy, prov. Teramo, near Adriatic. Caatellamare della Bruca, vil., Italy, prov. Sale 1 no, on coast. Castellamonte, tn., Italy, prov. Turin, 12 m, SW, Ivrea. Caatellana, tn., Italy, prov, and 26 m, SE, Bari. Castellane, In., France, Basses-Alpes, 35 m. SK. Digne. * CaateUaneta, tii., Italy, prov. Leccc, 21 m. NW. Taranto. Caatell "Arquato, tn,, Italy, in Parma, 10 ni. S. Piacenza. Caatellazzo, tn., Italy, prov, and 5 m, SW. Alessandria. Castel-Leone, tn., N. Italy, prov. and 16 m. NW. Cremona. Castelleto Bopra Tlcino, vil., Italy, 19 m. N. Nnvara. Castellina, vil., Italy, prov. and 19 m. SSE. Pisa. Castellina, vil., Italy, 9 m. KNE. Siena. Lat. 43" 28' N., n° 17' E. Castel-Llwchwr. .See Lloughor. Caatello Branco, in., Portugal, Bcira, 64 m. SE. Coimbra. Caatello do Vide, vil., Portugal, 11 m. ^l. Portalegre. Caatello dl Quarto, tn., Italy, 4 m. NW. Florence. Castellon de Ampurlas, tu,, Spain, 31 m. NE. Gerona. Caatellon de la Plana, prov., Spain. 2496 sq. m. Pop. 292,437. Castellon de la Plana, city, cap. of above prov., 4 m. from sea. P. 25,193. CaateUote, tu., Spain, 25 m. N. Teruel. Lat. 40" 48' N., o* 14' W. Gl CAS THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CAT CasteUucchlo, vil., Italy, 7^ in. W. Mantua. Lat. 45° 9 ^^• CastellDccIa, vil., Italy, prov. and 27 m. ESE. Salerno. Castelluccio, tn., Italy, prov. Caserta, 6 m. SW. Sora. CasteUaccio Aqua Borrana, tn., Italy, prov. Campobasso. CasteUuccloInleriore, tn., Italy, 32 ni. SW. Tursi. Castellacclo Superiore, tn., Italy, NW. of above. Caatel-Madama. vil., Italy, EXK. Rnme. Caatel-Maggiore, tn., Italy, 8 ni. KE. Bologna. Caatelnau de Erassac, tn., France, 2 ni. KE. of Brassac. Caetelnau de M^doc, tn., France, 16 ni. NW. Bordeaux. Castelnau de Montmirail, tn., France, dep. Tarn, on R. Vtiri?. Caste Inaudery, tn., France, 22 ni. W. Carcassonne. Pop. 10,059. Caatelnau Montratier, tn., France, 12^^ ni. SW. Cahors. Castelnovo, tn., Italy, prov. and 12 m. W. Verona. Castelnuovo, tn., Italy, prov. and 14 m. SE. Cliieti. Castelnuovo Eocca d'Adda, vil., Italy, 23 m. S. Lodi. Castelnuovo d'Asti, tn., Italy, 15 m. NW. Asti. Castelnuovo, -spt., Dalniatia, 11 m. W. Cattaro. Lat. 42" 27' N. Castelnuovo Berardenga, tn., Tuscany, prov. Siena. Castelnuovo del Monti, tn., N. Italy, 20 m. SW. Reggio. Castelnuovo della Daunia, tn., Italy, 24 m. NW. Foggia. Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, tn., Italy, 43 m. SW. Modena. Castelnuovo di Magra, tn., Italy, 11 ni. E. Spezia. Castelnuovo di Sotto, tn., N. Italy, 10 m. NW. Reggio. Castelnuovo Scrivia, tn., Italy, 13 m. KE. Alessandria. Castelorizo or Kasteloryza, isl., Asia Minor. 36° 8' N., 29° 40' E. Caatel-Pagano, tn., Italy, prov. and 12 m. SE. Campobasso. Castel-Petroao, vil., Jtaly, prov. and 20 ni. W. Campobasso. Castel Kodrigo, tn., Portugal, prov. Beira, near Spanish border. Castel Rotto or Caatelruth, vil,, Tyrol, 14 ni. KE. Botzen. Castel Sagrat, tn., France, 23m.'WNW. Montauban. Castel San Georgio, tn., Italy, circle and 12 m. N. Salerno. Castel San Giovanni, tn., Italy, dist. and 12 m. W Piacenza. Castel San Nicolo, tu., Italy, 20 m. NW. Arezzo. Castel SanPietro, tn., Italy, 14 m. SE. Bologna. Pop. 12,695. Castel-Saraceno, tn., Italy, 23 m. S. Potenza. Castel Sardo, spt., Sardinia, 16 ni. NE. Sassari. Castel Sarrasin, tn., France, 12 m. W. Montauban. Castel Termini, tn., Sicily, 16 m. N. Girgenti. Castelvetere, tn., Italy, Calabria, 47 ni. NE. Reggio. Castelvetere, tn., Italy, prov. Avellino. Lat. 40° 55' N., 14° 59' E. Castelvetere, tn., Italy, prov. Benevento. Castelvetrano, tn., Sicily, prov. Trapani. Pop. 20,097. Castenedolo, tn., Italy, prov. and 6 m. SE. Brescia. Casterton, In., Victoria, cos. Follet and Dundas, on Glenelg R Castets, vil., Pi'ance, in Landes, 12 m. NNW. Dax. Caatiglion del Lago, tn., Italy, 22 m. W. Perugia. Pop. 11,377. Castiglion della Pescaia, tn., Italy, 14 m. W. Grosseto. Castiglione, tn., Italy, Lombardy, ii^ m. SE. Lodi. Castiglione, tn., Italy, 21 ni. NW. Lucca. Castiglione, tn., Sicily, 25 ni. NE. Catania. Castiglione, vil., Italy, prov. and 12 m. E. Rome. Castiglione, tn., Italy, Ma ssa-e -Carrara. Castiglione, tn., Italy, prov. and 25 m. SE. Bologna. Castiglione dei Gatl. tn., Italy, 26 m. SW. Bologna. Castiglione delle Stiviere, tn., Italy, 22 m. NW. Mantua. Castiglione d'Orcia, tn., Italy, prov. Siena. Castiglione Fiorentino, tn., Italy, 10 ni. SE. Arezzo. Pop. 13,012. Castiglione Messer Marino, tn., Italy, Chieti, SW. Vasto. Castiglione Messer Raimondo, tn., Italy, SE. Teranio. Castile, anc. kingdom, Spain. See New and Old Cartile. Castile, vil., New York, Wyoming co. Castillo de las Guardas, tn., Spain, 30 m. NW. Seville. Castillo de Locubln, tn., Spain, 18 m. SW. Jaen. Castillon, tn., France, Gironde, on the Dordogne. Castillonia, tn., France, Lot-et-Garonne. Castine, pt. of entry, Maine, Hancock co., on Penobscot B. Castle, isl., SW. CO. Cork, Skull par. 121 acres. Castle, isl., CO. Down, in Lough Strangford. 112 acres. Castle Acre, par, and vil., W. Norfolk. 3249 acres. Castlebar, co. tn., co. Mayo, on Lough Castlebar. Castlebellinghb-m, vil., CO. Louth, 7 m. S. Dundalk. Castleblayney, tn., Monaghan, 18 m. NW. Dundalk. Castleboy, par., E. co. Down. 1385 acres. Castle Cary, tn., Somerset, 12 m. NE. Yeovil. Castlecary, ry. stn. and old cas., Stirlingshire, 6i ni. SW. Falkirk. Castle Church, par., W. StatTordshire. 3861 acres. Castle Comer, tn. and par., N. co. Kilkenny. Lat. 52° 48' N. Castle connell, vil., Ireland, 8 m. NE. Limerick. Castleconor, par., W. co. Sligo. 16,667 acres. Castle Cove, bay, Victoria, S. coast co. Polwartli. Castle Creek, Victoria, co. Moira, branch of Goulburn R. Castle Creek, vil., New York, Broome co. Castle Dale, vil., Utah, cap. of Emery co. Castle Dawson, vil., S. CO. Londonderry. Lat. 54" 46' N., 6" 34' W. Caatlederg, vil., W. CO. Tyrone, 10 m. SW. Strabane. Castledermot, tn., S. CO. Kildare, 9 m. SE. Athy. Castle Donington, tn. and par., N. Leicestershire. Castle Douglas, tn., Kirkcudbrightshire, SW. Dumfries. Castle Eden, par., co. and 9J m. BE. Durham. 1949 acres. Castle Ellis, par., E. co. Wexford. 5603 acres. Castle Fin, vil., Pennsylvania, York co, Castlellnn, vil., co. Donegal, 17 m. S. Londonden'y. Castleford, tn., W. Riding, Yorks, 10 m. SE. Leeds, Castlegregory, vil., CO. Kerry, on Tralee Bay. Castle Hall, eccl., Stockport par., E. Cheshire. Castlehaven, par. and vil., co. Cork, 5 m. SE. Skibbereen Castle Hedingham, vil., Essex, 5 m. N. Halstead. CastlehiU, vil., Lanarkshire, in Carluke par. Castle Hill, mtu. peak, Victoria. Alt. 4680 ft. Castleieland, tn. and par., co. Kerry, 11 m. SE. Tralee. Castlejordan, par., KE. King's co. and SW. co. Meath. Castlekeeran or Loughan, par., cos. Cavan and Meath. 7772 ac. Castle Kennedy, ham. and ry. stn., Wigtownshire, 3 m. SE. Stranraer, Caatleknock, barony, W. co. Dublin. 21,372 acres. Castleknock, par. and vil., co. and 5 m. NW. Dublin. Castle Law, liill, par., s m. SE. Forgandenny, Perth. Alt. 1026 fL Castle Law, summit of Pentlands, Edinburghshire. Alt. 1595 ft. Castle Law, hill, NE. Roxburghshire, Yetholm par. Alt. 1S73 ft. Castlelost, par., S. co. Westmeath, 8 m. S. Mullingar. Castlelyons, pur. and vil., E. co. Cork. 12,718 ac. Castlemacadam, par., S. CO. Wicklow, 4 m. NW. Arklow. Castlemagner, par., N. co. Cork. 7SS0 acres. Castlemaine, vil., co. Kerry, 8 m. S. Tralee, on R. Maine, Castlemaine, borough, Victoria, 77 m. NNW. Melbourne. Castlemartin, hundred, S. Pembrokeshire. 36,817 acres, CastlemartjT, vil., E. on. Cork, x\ ra. S. Mogeely ry. stn. Castlemore, par., cos. Mayo and Roscommon. 8912 ac. Castlemore, vil, Oiit^irio, Peel CO., II m. from Weston. Castle Mountain, ry. stn.. Alberta, on C. P. Ry., 927 m. W. Winnipeg. Castle Northwich, tnshp., mid Clieshire, i m. SW. Northwich. Castle Peak, California, peak of Sierra Nevada. Alt. 13,000 ft. Castle Peak, Colon-do, highest pt. of Elk Mtns. Alt. 14,115 ft. Castle Point, tn., Kew Zealand, loS m. KNE. Wellington. Castle Point, high rock. New Zealand, co. Wairarapa N. Castle pollard, vil., N. co. Westmeath, 12 m. N. Mullingar. Castle Precincts, par., in Bristol, Gloucestershire. Castlerahan, barony, S. co. Cavan. 69,278 acres. Castlerahan, par., in above barony, 10,212 -ores, Castlereagh, tn., co. Roscommon, on R. Suck. Lat. 53' 47' N. Castlereagh, tu.. New South Wales, co. Cumberland, on Nepean R. Castlereagh Bay, N. Territory, Australia. Lat. 12° S. Castlereagh River, New South Wales, trib. of the Darling. Castle Rising, vil, Norfolk, 4 m. NE. King's Lynn. Castleswood, tnshp., Virginia, Russell co. Castleterra, par., co. and 4 m. NE. Cavan. 99S0 acres. Castleton, par. and tnshp., N. Derbyshire, Peak dist. Castleton, tnshp., SE. Lancashire, Rochdale par. 38i2ac. P. 38j&66. Castleton, par. and vil., Scotland, 21 m. S. Hawick. Castleton, vil., Ontario, Northumberland co. Castleton, tnshp., Michigan, Barry co. Castleton, vil.. New York, Rensselaer co., on Hudson R, Castleton, tnshp.. New York, on Staten Island, Castleton, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Rutland co. Castleton Moor, eccl. dist., Rochdale par., SE. Lancashire, Castleton of Braemar, vil., SW. Aberdeenshire, on R. Dee. Castleton River, Vermont, Rutland co., trib. of the Poultney R, Castletown, spt.. Isle of Slan, in S. of island. Lat. 54° 4' N. Castletown, R])t., Portland I., Dorsetshire, near Weymouth. Castletown, eccl. dist , W. Staflbrdshire. Castletown, vil., Caithness, on Dunnet Bay, Lat. 58° 36' N. Castletown, vil., co. Limerick, 7 m. W, Bruree ry. stn. Cistletownarra, par., NW. co. Tipperary. 6804 acres. Castletown Bay, between Scarlet Point and Lang Ness, Isle of Blan, Castletown Bearhaven, spt., CO. Cork, on Bantry Bay. Castletownkindalen, par., S. co. Westmeath. 11,349 acres. Castletownroche, par. and vil., N. co. Cork. Caatletownsend, spt., S. CO. Cork, 6 m. SE. Skibbereen. Castlewellan, tn., co. Down, 19 m. NE. Newry. Castor, par. and tnshp , Northamptonshire. Lat. S3''3o'N , o" 19' W. Castor, tnshp., Missouri, Madison co. Castor, Mount, Queensland, dist. Mitchell. Castor Peak, nitn.. New Zealand, co. Sounds. Castor Kiver, Newfoundland, White Bay dist. Castor River, Missouri, unites with the Whitewater R. Castra, tnshp, , Tasmania, co. Devon. Castrt's, tn., France, dep. Tarn, on R. Agont. Pop. 27,408. Castri, vil., Greece, Phocis, 7 m. E. Salona, on Mount Parnassus. Castries or Port Castries, pt. of entry, Brit. W. Indies, I. St. Lucia. Castries Point, Victoria, E, coast of co. Polwarth. Castro, \i!., Italy, prov. Rome, 9m. S. Frasinone. Castro, tn., Asiatic Turkey, cap. Mitylene Island. Castro, tn., Brazil, state Sao Paulo, 85 m. NW. Curitiba. Lat. 24''46'S. Castro, dep. aud tn., Chili, prov. and on Chiloc I. Pop.35,016. Castro Dalre, tn., Portugal, prov. Beira, 18 in. SW. Lamego. Castro del Rio, tn. , Spain, 16 m. SE. Cordova. Pop. 10,261. Castro -Giovanni, city, Sicily, 13 m. NE. Caltanisetta. Pop. 19,777. Castro-Jeriz, tii., Spain, 18 m. W. Burgos. Lat. 42° 2iJ' N. Castro-Marim, tn., Portugal, Algarve, on R. Guadiana. Castro Nuovo, tn., Sicily, 25 m. N. Girgenti. Castro Nuovo, tn., Italy, prov. and 34 m. SSE. Potenza. Castro Pignano, tn., Italy, prov. and 5 m. NW. Campobasso. Castropol, spt , N. Spain, 58 m. WNW. Oviedo. Castro-Reale, city, Sicily, 12 m. 8W. Milazzo. Castro -TJrdialea, spt., Spain, prov. and 37 m. E. Santander. Castro-Verde, tn., Portugal, in Alemtejo, 26 ra. S. Beja. Castro Villari. tn., Italy, in Calabria, 7 m. NW. Cassano. P. 11,743. Castroville, vil., California, Monterey Co., 107 m. SE. San Francisco. Castrovllle, vil., Texas, cap. Medina co., on Medina R, Caatna, tn., Istria, 34 m. SE. Trieste. Pop. dist. 14,636. Caatuera, tn., Spain, 63 m. ESE. Badajoz. Casuarina Isls., S. Australia, offS. coast of Kangaroo Island. Castite, tn., Chili, prov. Aconcagua. Gold is found here. Caawell, tnshp., N. Carolina, Pender co. Caswell Bay, S. Glamorganshire, 4^ m. SW. Swansea. Caawell Sound, New Zealand, co. Fiord. Very shallow, Catalina, tn. and pt. of entry, Newfoundland, 60 m. NW, St. John. Catalonia, former prov., Spain, now divided into 4 provs. Catalpa, tnshp., Virginia, Culpeperco. Catamaran Bay, New Guinea, SE. coast. Catamarca, jirnv., Argentine Rep. Area 42,085 sq. m. Catamarca or San Fernando del Catamarca, cap. of above. Catanduanes, isl , Philippine Islands, SE. of Luzon. Length 40111. Catania, prov. of Italy, in Sicily. Area 1970 sq. m. Pop. 664,186, Catania, city, Sicily, cap. of above, 54 m. NW. Syracuse. P. 116,000. 62 CAT THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CED Catanzaro, prov., Italy. Area 2307 sq. m. Pop. 432,064. Catanzaro, city, Italy, c^P- of above, 33 lu. SE. Cosenza. P. 24,094. Cataracts, prov. of tUe Cungo Free St;xte. Cat Arm, NewfouniUand, White Bay dist. Lat. 50° g' N. Catarroja, tn., Sjiain, 6 m. S. Valencia. Lat. 39° 24' N., 0° 21' W. Cataa Altas, vil., Brazil, state Minas Geraes, Cataaaqna, borough, Pennsylvania, Lehigh co. Catastrophe, Cape, S. Australm, S. extremity of Eyre Peuinsula. Catawba, vil. and tnsbp., N. Carolina, Catawba co. Catawba Island, tnshp. , Ohio, Ottawa co. Catawba Kiver, N. and S. Carolina, headwater of "Watcrce R. Catawisaa, vil., Pennsylvania, Columbia co. Catawissa Creek, Pennsylvania, trib. of the Susquehanna R. Catbalogan, tn., Philippine Islands, cap. of Saniar Island. Cateau-Cambresis or Le Gateau, tn., France, in Nord. Catel or St. Mary de Caatro, par., Guernsey Island. Caterham, par. and vil., E. Surrey, 7 nu B. Croydon. 243830. Catfleld, v>ar., IS. Norfolk, 12 m. NE. Norwich. 2^93 ac. Cat Fiah Creek, Ontario, Elgin co., falls into L. Erie. Cat Fish River, Wisconsin, joins the Rock R. in Rock co. Catharine, tnshp., New York, Schuylkill co. Cathay, medueval name for China and E. Tartary. Cathcart, par., 3 m. S. Glasgow. Pop. 12,221; contains Old ami New Cathcart. Cathcart, tn.. New South Wales, co. Wellesley, 220 m. S. Sydney. Cathcart or Sydenham, vil., Ontario, co. Brant. Cathedral Peak, suniiiiit, Sierra Nevada, California. Alt. 11,000 ft. Catherington, par. and vil., N. Hants, 5 ni. N. Havant. Cathkin Braes, liills, NW. Lanarkshire, Carmunnnck par. Cathlapootle River, Washington, trib. of Columbia R. Cat Island, Ontario, in Lake Huron. Cat Island or Guanahani, Bahama Islands. Area 340 sq. m. Cat Lake, NW. Territory, Canada, traversed by Cat Lake R. Cat Lake, Ontario, AK'omadist. Cat Lake River, NW. TeiTitory, Canada. Falls into Severn R. Cat Law, suunnit of Grampians, Forfarshire. Alt. 2196 ft. Catlettsburg, vil., Kentucky, cap. of Boyd co. Catlin, tnshp., New York, Chemung co. CatUn, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Vermillion co. Catmandoo. See Khatmandu. Cato, tnshp., Michigan, Montcalm co. Cato, tnshp.. New York, Cayuga co. Catoche, Cape. NR. extremity of Yucatan, Mexico. Lat. 21° 33' N. Catoctln Creek, Maryland, falls into the Potomac R. Caton, vil. and tnshp., New York, Steuben co. Catonsvllle, vil., Maryland, Baltimore co. Caton-with-Littledale, tnshp., N. Lancashire. 8395 ac. Catorce, tn., Mexico, 125 m. N. San Luis Potosi. Pop. 25,000. Catrlne, tn., Ayrshire, on K. Ajt, 50 m. SW, Edinburgh. Catsash, humlred, mid. S'^mcrset. 24,09330. Cat's Cove or New Conception, settlement, Newfoundland. Catshlll or Chadshill, eccl. dist., E. Worcestershire. CatskUl, vil., New York, cap. of Greene co. Catakill Creek, New York, trib. of the Hudson R. Catakiil MtnB., New York, belong to the Appalacliian system. Cattarausns, vil., New York, Cattaraugus co. Cattaraugna Creek, New York, falls into Lake Erie. Cattaro, si't., Austria, prov. Dalmatia. Lat. 42° 23' N., 18" 33' E. Cattegat, arm of North Sea between Sweden and Jutland. Cattenon, vil., Alsace. .S« Kattenhofen. Catterlck, par., tnshp., and vil.,N. Uiding, Yorks. Cattolica, tn., Sicily, prov. and 14 m. NW. Girgenti. Catton, par., E. Riding, Yorks, 6J m. NE. York. 8002 ac. Catuama, small spt., Brazil, state Pernambuco, N. of Olinda. Catumbela, riv., Lower Guinea, falls into Atlantic. Catwater, estuary of R. Plym, at Plymouth, S. Devon. Caub, tn., Prussia, gov. Wiesbaden, on R. Rhine. Cauca, riv., Colombia, trib. of the Magdalena R. Caaca, state, Colombia. Area 257,45a sq. m. Pop. 468,000. Caucahne, isl., Chili, prov. and NE. Chiloe I. Caucasia, lieutenancy, Russian Empire, between Black and Caspian Seas. Area 182,453 sq. ni. Pop. 7,284,B67. Cancaaua, mtns., Russia, between Black and Caspian Seas. Caucasiu, Indian, i^cc Hindu Eosh. Caadan, vil., Franct\ dei>. Morbilian, 4 m. W. Hennebout. Caadebec, tn., France, Seino-InffrJcurc, on the Seine. Caudebec-lis-Elbeuf, tu., France, Seine-Inferieiire. Pop. 11,290. Caad^ran, vil., Frunre, Gironde, 2 m. W. Bordeaux. Caudete, tn., Spain, prov. and 50 m. ESEi Albacete. Caudry, vil., Franr-e, in Nord, 10 m. 8E. Carabrai. Caughnawaga or Sault St. Louis, vil., Quebec. Cauldcleuch, btil, Ri>xburgli-;hire, ^J m. SW. Hawick. Alt. 1996 ft. CauldsMelds, hiUaiul hicli, Gutashiels par., Roxburghshire. Cauiaeld, tnshp., Victoria, 6 m. SE. Melbourne. Caolonlft. fcVe Caatel Vetere. Caumont, tn., France, Calvados, 12 m. SW. Bayenx. Caumont, tn., France, Lut-et-Garonne, 4 m. S. Marmande. Caunes, Les, tn., France, dep. Aude, 11 m. NK. Carcassone. Ciunton, par., S. Notts, 6 m. NW. NVw.irk. 3345 ae. Cauquenes, tn., Chili, cap. of prov. Maulo, 60 m. S. Chillon. Caumamont, tushp., S. Australia, co. Start, on Murray It. Caoaapscal, vil., Quebec, Rimouski en., 141 m. E. Riviere du Loup. Causewayhead, vil,, CO., and \\ m. NE. Stirling. CauaeyPike, mtn., W. Cumberland, 5 m. SW. Keswick. Alt. 2030 ft CauBsade, tn., France, Tarn-et-Garonne, 13 m. NE. Monlauban. Cauterets, vil., France, Hautis-Pyrenecq, 25 ni. fjom Tarbes. Cauteraklll Creek, New York, falls into Catskill Creek. Caution, Cape, British Columbia. Lat. 51' 9' N., long. 127" 43' W. Caution Point, New Guinea, E. coast, S. of Capo Ward Hunt. Cautla-Amilpaa or Ciudad Moreloa, tn., Mexico, state Mexico. Cauvery, riv., S. India, falls into Bay of Bengal, Taiijore dist. Cava, isl., Orkney, 9 m. 8. Pomona. Lat. 58" 32' N., 3° 11' W. Cava dei Tlrrenl, tu., Italy, prov. and 6 m. N W. Salerno. P. 22,077. Cavado, riv., Portugal, flows 80 m. WSW. to Atlantic. Cavaglia, tn., Italy, 30 m. NE. Turin. Lat. 45' 24' N., 8" 12' E. Cavaillon, tn., France, Vaucluse, 15 m. SE. Avignon. Cavalcante, tn., Brazil, state and 300 m. NE. Guyaz. Cavalese, tn., Tyrol, 22 m. NE. Trent, on the Avisio. Cavally, vil., Liberia, W. Africa. Exports rice and ivory. Cavalier -Maggiore, tn.. Italy, in Piedmont, 27 m. NE. Coni. Cavalli Islands, New Zealand, off coast of Whangaroa. Cavan, co., Ulster. Area 746 sq.m. Pop. 111,679. Cavan, CO. tn., Cavan, 72 in. SW. Belfast. Lat. 53° 59' N. Cavan, vil., Ontario, Durham co., 65 m. NE. Toronto. Cavanas or Cabanas, port, NW. Cuba, 38 m. SW, Havana. Cavarzere, tn., Italy, prov. Venice, on R. Adige. P. with com. 17,280. Cavaao, vil.. Italy, prov. and 20 m. NW. Treviso. Cavazuechurina, tn., Italy, prov. Venetia, on Lago d'Orta. Cave, tnshp., Illinois, Franklin co. Cave or Cavi, tu., Italy, prov. Rome, 2 m. SE. Palestriua. Cave, tnshp., New Zealand, co. Geraldine. Cave City, vil, Kentucky, Barren co., 6 m. from Mammoth Cave. Cave-in-Rock, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Hardin co. Cavendish, par., W. Suffolk, on R. Stour. Area 3354 ac. CaTendish, vil., Vermont, Windsor co., 30 m. SE. Rutland. Cavendish, tn,, Victoria, co. Dundas. 193 m. W. Melbourne. Cavendish, co. Queensland, NW. portion of Moreton dist. Cave Point, New Zealand, N. extremity of Stewart Island. Cavers, par., S. Roxburghshire, 2 m. NE. Hawick. 18,25430. Caversham, par, S. Oxfordshire, i m. N. Reading. 487930. Caverswall, par., N. Staffordshire, 5 m. SE. Sloke-on-Trent. Cave Spring, vil., Georgia, Floyd co., 16 m. SW. Rome. Cave Spring, tnshp., Virginia, Roanoke co. Cavezzo, tn., Italy, Emilia, dist. of Miraudola. Cavite, spt., Pliilippines, Luzon Island, 10 m. SW. Manilla. Cavonr or Cavore, tn., Italy, Piedmont, 7 m, SE. Pinerolo. Cavriana, vil., N. Italy, 17 m. NW. Mantua. Lat. 45° 21' N. Cawarra, tnshp., New S. Wales, co. Georgiana, 105 m. W, Sydney. Cawarral, tnslip., Queensland, co. Livingston. Caw Caw, tnshp., S. Carolina, Orangeburg co. Cawdor, par.and vil., Invernessand Nairnshires. 29,366 ac. Cawee, Great and Little, small isls., Quebec, Saguenay co. CawkerCity, vil., Kansas, Slitchellco. Cawndilla Lake, New S. Wales, co. Menindee. Cawnpnr, dist., NW. Provs., India. Area 2370 sq. ni. Cawnpur City, chief tn. of above, on R. Ganges, 62S m, NW. Cal- cutta. Lat. 26° 28' N., long. 80' 24' E. Pop. 182,310, Cawood, par. and vil., W. Riding, Yorks, 4^ ni. NW. Selbj'. Cawsand Beacon, peak, S. Devon, sim. SE. Oakhainpton. Alt. 1792 ft. Cawston, par. and vil., N. Norfolk, 4 m. SW. Aylsham. 4296 ae. Cawthome, par. and vil., Yorks, 4^ m. NW. Barnsley. Cax or Kaso. Turkish isl., in Grecian Archipelago. Caxamarca or Cajamarca, tn., Peru, 90 m. E. Pacasmayo. p. 12,000. Caxamarca. dep., Peru. An-a 17,721 sq. m. Pop. 244,895. Caxamarquilla, tn., N. Peru, 70 m. S. Caxamarca. Caxatambo or Cajatambo, prov., Peru, dep. Juniu. Pop. 30,472. Caxatambo, tn., Peru, in above prov., 140 m. N. Lima. Caxiaa or Cachlas, tn., Brazil, state Maranhao. Pop. 12,000. Caxoeira. iScc Cachoelra. Caxton, par. and vil., co. and g m. W. Cambridge. Cayack Cove, inlet, W. Cornwall, 3 m. SW, St. Agnes Head. Cayambe, mtn., Andes of Ecuador, on equator. Alt. 19,535 ft. Caycara, tn., Venezuela, state Bolivar, on the Orinoco. Cayenne, spt., S. America, cap. of French Guiana. Pop. 11,000. Cayes, Les, spt., Haiti, 92 m. WSW. Port Republican. Cayes-de-Jacmel, tn., Haiti, on Jacmel R., 20 m. S. Port-au-Prince. Cayeux, tu., France, dep. Somme, on English Channel. Caylus, tn., France, 25 m. NE. Montauban. Lat. 44° 14' N. Caymans, sisls., Brit. W. Indies, 150 m. WNW. Jamaica. Cayon, tn., Spain, prov. and 9 m. W. Corunna. Cayor or Kayor, maritime state, Senegambia. Pop. 150,000. Cayte or Caite, riv., Brazil, flows past Braganija. Caythorpe, i».ir. and vil., S. Lincolnshire, 10 m. NE. Grantham. Cayuga or Cayuga Bridge, vil.. New York, Cayuga co. Cayuga, tn., Ontarii>, Haldiniand CO., on Grand R. Cayuga Creek, New York, headwater of Buflalo Creek. Cayuga Lake, New York, 38 m. long, drains to Seneca R. Caynta Creek, New York, trib. of the Susquehanna R. Cayuta Lake, New York, Cliemung co., abounds with fisli. CazaUade la Sierra, tn., Spain, prov. and 39 m. NE. Seville. Cazaubon, tn., France, dep. Gers, 40 m. NW. Auch. Cazbln. .SVc Kasbln. Cazembe'a Country, Africa. Lat. 10° S., long. 39° E. Ar. 120,000sq.m. Cazenovla, \\\. and tnshp., Illinois, Woodiurd co. Cazenovia, vil. and tnslip.. New York, Madison co. Cazenovla Lake, New York, in Madison co. Caz^res, tn., France, Haute-Garonne, on R. Garonne. Cazes -Monde nard, vil., France, Tarn-et-Garonnc. Cazorla, city, Spain, Andalusia, 41 m. E. Jaen. Cazoula lAs-B^ziers, tn., France, Herault, 6 m. NW. Beziers. Cea, vil., Portugal, prov. Beira, 28 m. WSW. Guarda. Ceara, prov., Brazil. Lat. 5' S. Area 40,251 sq. m. Pop. 721,686. C^bazat, tn., France, Puy-de-D6me, <; ni. N. Clermont Ferrand. Cebollaor CevoUa, tn., Sjiain, 25 m. NW, Toledo. Cebreros, tu., Spain, 21 m. SSE. Avila, on the Albercho. Ceccano. vil., Haly, 5 m. S. Frosinone, on R. Sacco, Cecil, tnslip., Pennsylvaaia, Washington co. Cecllton, vil., Maryland, Cecil co., 45 m. E. Baltimore. Ceclavln, tn., Spain, 35 \\\. NW. Cacores. Cedar, tnshp., Iowa, Mahaska co. Cedar Berge, mtns.. Cape Colony, between Elephant and Doom Rs, Cedarburg, vil. and tn.shp., Wisconsin, Ozaukeo co. Cedar City, vil., Utah, Iron co. Lat. 37° 52' N., long. 113° 4' W. Cedar Creek, Alabama, trib. of the Alabama R. Cedar Creek, Indiana, trib. of the St. Joseph R. Cedar Creek, Iowa, falls into the Des Moiues R. 63 CED THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CHA Cedar Creek, Iowa, falls into the Skunk R. Cedar Creek, Blissouri, trib. of tlie Missouri R. Cedar Creek, Texas, falls into the Trinity K. in Henderson co. Cedar Creek, Virginia, trib. ofWhenandoah R. Cedar Dale, vil., Ontario, co. Ontario, 3 m. from Osbawa. Cedar Falls, city, Iowa, Black Hawk co. Cedar Falls, vil., Wisconsin, Dunn co. Cedar Grove, vil , Georgia, Walker co. Cedar Grove, tashp., N. Carolina, Orange co. Cedar Grove, vil., \N isconsin, Shtboygan co. Cedar Hall, vil., Quebec, co, and 54 m. from Rimouski. Cedar Isl., New York, in Sag Harbour, Long Lsland, Suffolk eo. Cedar Keys, spt., Florida, Levy co. Has timber trade. Cedar Lake, Ontario, Nipissing District. Cedar Lake, Saskatchewan, lies NE. of Lake Winnipegosis. Cedar Mt., Virginia, Culpeper co. Confederate victory 1S62. Cedar Rapids, city, Iowa, Lum co., 98 m. NNW. Burlington. F. 18,000. Cedar Kiver, MiL-higan, trib. of the Grand R. Cedar River, Minnesota and Iowa, trib. of the Iowa R. Cedar Rock, tnshp., N. Carolina, Franklin co. Cedar Run, Virginia, falls into the Broad Run. Cedara, vil., Quebec, Soulanges co., 29 m. SW. Montreal. Cedar Springs, vil., Michigan, Kent co., 21 m. from Gd. Rapids. Cedar Springs, tnslip., S. Carolina, Albeville co. Cedar Town, \il., Georgia, cap. of Polk co. Cedarville, vil., Illinois, Stephenson co. Cedarville, vil., New Jersey, Cumberland co. Cedarville, vil., New York, Herkimer co. Cedarville, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Greene co. Cedarville, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, Warren co. Ceded and Conquered Provinces, obsolete term fornucleusofthe North- western Provinces, India. Ceded Districts, territory, Deccan, India, ceded to British iSoo. Ceded Districts, territory, comprising 4 dists., Madras Presidency. Cefalu, tn., Sicily, 44 ni. ESE, Palermo. Pop. 14,774. Ce&ii, riv., Anglesey, falls into Malldiaeth Bay. Length 14 m. Cefullys, par. and vil., Radnorsliire, 9 m. SE. Rhayader. Cegid, riv., N. Carnan'onshire, falls into Beaumaris Bay. Ceglie, city, Italy, prov. Lecce, 27 m. W. Brindisi. Pop. 15,171. Cehegin, tn., Spain, prov. and 37 m. WNW. Miircia. Ceira or Elnas, riv., Portugal, trib. of the Mondego. Ceira, vil., Portugal, dist. and 2 m. E. Coimbra. Celano, tn., Italy, prov. and 28 m. SSE. Aquila. Celbridge, vil., NE. co. Kildare, on R. Liffey. Celebes, isl., Malay Archipelago. Area 77,271 sq. m. P. 4,000,000. Celebes Sea, N. of Celebes, £. of Borneo, and S. of Philippine Is. Celenza, tn., Italy, prov. and 30 m. WNW. Foggia. Celenza, tn., Italy, prov. Chieti, 17 m. SW. Vasto. Celestial Mtns. See Tbian-Shan. Celina, vil., (_)hio, cap. of fiercer co., on Wabash R. Cellardyke or Nether^Kilrenny, vil., SE. Fife. Celle, tn., rrus.sia, 23 m. N. Hanover, on R. Aller. Pop. 18,782. Celle, tn., Italy, on Gulf of Genoa, 4 m. NE. Savoua. Cellino, tn., Italy, prov. and 12 m. SE. Teramo. Celorico, tn., Portugal, in Beira, n m. NW. Guarda. Cembra, tn., Austria, 9 m. NE. Trent, on the Avisio. Cenunes, par. and vil., W. Montgomeryshire. Ceneda, tn., Italy, prov. and 22 m. N. Treviso. Ceneselli, tn., Italy, prov. Rovigo, dist. Massa Superiore. Cenia, tn., Spain, "prov. Tarragona, 15 m. SW. Tortosa. Cenis, Mt., Alps, between Savoy and Italy, pierced by ry. tunnel. Cenon-la-Eastide, vil., France, on Gironde, near Bordeaux. Centallo, tn., Italy, in Piedmont, 7 m. N. Coni. Cento, tn., Italy, in Emilia, 16 m. NNW. Bologna. Pop. 19,881. Centorbi orCenturipe, tn., Sicily, 19 m. WNW. Catania. Central, vil. and tnshp., S. Carolina, Pickens co. Central America. S>in America, Central. Central Chebogue, vil., N.jva Scotia, CO. and 2^ m. from Yarmouth. Central City, tn., Colnrado, cap. of Gilpin co Lat. 39° 4S' N. Central City, tn., Dakota, Lawrence co. Central City, vil., Illinois, Marion co., 252 m, S. Cliicago. Central City, vil., lowa, Linn CO. Central City, vil., Nebraska, cap. of Merrick co. Central Covington, vil., Kentucky, Kenton CO. Central Falls, vil., Rhode Island, Providence CO. Central Hill, Groote Eylandt, N. Territory, Australia. Alt. 520 ft. Centralia, city, Illinois, Marion co., 253 m. S. Chicago. Centralia, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Boone co, Centralia, borough, Pennsylvania, Columbia co. Centralia City, vil., Wisconsin, Wood CO., on Wisconsin R. Central India, includes g political agencies. 75,ooosq. m. P. 10,139,570. Central Park, vil., Illinois, Cook co., 5 m. W. Chicago. Central Provs., chief commissionership, India, extending from Buu- delkhand S. to Madras. 113,279 sq. m. Pop. 12,932,330. Central Village, vil., Connecticut, Windham co. Centre, vil., Alabama, cap. of Cherokee co. Lat. 34° 7' N. Centre, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Ralls co. Centre, Mt., S. Australia, part Gawler Range, 10 m. N. co. Robinson. Centre Brook, vil., Connecticut, Middlesex co. Centreburg, vil., Ohio, Knox co. Centre Cambridge, vil.. New York, Washington co. Centre Creek, Kansas and Missouri, trib. of Spring R. Centredale, vil., Iowa, Cedar co. Centre Harbour, tnshp.. New Hampshire, Belknap co. Centre Hill, peak, Newfoundland, near Trinity Bay. Alt, over lOCXJ ft. Centre Island, N. Territory, Australia, one of Sir Edward Pellew Is. Centra Point, vil., Arkansas, cap. of Hov/ard co. Centre Point, vil., Iowa, Linn co. Centreport, vil.. New York, Suffolk co., on Centreport Harbour. Centreport Harbour, New York, a branch of Long Island Sound. Centreton, vil.. New Jersey, Salem co. Centre View, vil., Missouri, Johnson co. Centreville, sub-dist., Nova Scotia, King's co. CentreviUe, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, cap of Bibb co. Centreville, vil., Connecticut, New Haven co. Centreville, vil., Delaware, New Castle co. Centreville, vil., Indiana, cap. of Wayne co. Centreville, vil , luwa, c^ip. of Appanoose co. Centreville, tnshp., Kansas, Linn co. Centreville, vil., Maryland, cap. Queen Anne co. Centreville, vil., Jlicliigau, cap. St. Jusepli CO., on Prairie R. CentreviUe, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Anoka co. Centreville, borough, Pennsylvania, Butler co. Centreville, vil., Pennsylvania, Elk co. Centreville, vil., Rhode Island, Kentco., on Pawtueket R. Centreville, vit. and tnshp., Virginia, Fairfax co. Centreville, vil. and tnshp., W. Virginia, Tyler co. Centreville, vil., Wisconsin, Manitowoc co. Centropolis, vil. and tnthp., Kansas, Franklin co. Cephalonia or Eephalonia, one of Ionian Islands. 315 sq. m. P. 80,957. Cephisaia or Kephissia, vil., Greece, 12 m. NE. Athens. Cephissia or Melas, riv., Greece, falls into L. Topolias. Cephissus, riv., Greece, in Attica, falls into Gulf of Jigina. Ceppaloni, tn., Italy, prov. Avellino, 6^ m. S. Benevento. Ceprano, tn., Italy, 11 ni. SE. Frosinone. Lat. 41° 32' N. Cera, isl., Malay Archipelago, W. of Timor Laut. Ceram or Sirang, isl., Malay Archipelago. 10,000 sq. m. P. 200,000, Cerami, tn., Sicily, prov. Catania, 17 m. W. Bronte. Ceram Laut, small isls., otf E. end of Ceram. Cerano, vil., Italy, in Piedmont, Z\ ni. ENE. Novara. Cerbat, viL, Arizona, Mohave co., 6 m. S. Mineral Park. Cerchiara, tn., Italy, prov. Cosenza, 17 m. NE. Castrovillari. Cerda, tn., Sici!y, 3 m, SE. Termini. Cerdyn, riv., SW. Cardiganshire, trib. of the Teifi. Cere, riv., France, Cantal and Lot, trib. of the Dordogne. Cerea, tn., Italy, 19 m. SSE. Verona. Lat. 45° n' N., 11° i^ E. Ceredo, vil. and tnshp., W. Virginia, Wayne co., on Oliio R. Ceres, vil., Cape Colony, Tulbagh Div., 75 m. NE. Cape Town. Ceres, par. and vil., Fifeshire, 2^ m. SE. Cupar. Ceres, tn., Victoria, co. Grant, 51 m. SW. Melbourne. Ceret, tn., France, Pyrenees-Orientales, 18 m. SW. Perpignan. Cerfontaine, vil., Belgium, prov. Namur, 6 m. WSW. Pliilippeville. Ceriana, vil., Italy, 5 m. N. San Renio. Lat. 43° 53' N., f 45' E. Cerignola, tn., Italy, prov. and 24 m. SE. Foggia. Pop. 25,418. Cerigo, S.-most of Ionian Islands, Greece. Area 116 sq. m. P. 13,259, Cerigotto, isl., Greece, between Cerigo and Crete, 5 m. long. Cerilly, tn., France, dep. AUier, 24 m. WNW. Mouiius. Cerina, tn., Cyprus, on N. coast, 10 m. N. Lefkosia. Cerizay, tn., France, dep. Deux -Sevres, 12 m. W. Bressuire. Cermignano, vil., Italy, prov. Teramo, 12 m. NNW. Penne. Cerue-Abbas, tn. and par., mid. Dorset. 3063 ac. Cernetz or Zemetz, vil., Switzerland, Lower Engadine. Cemilow, vil., Bohemia, Kunigratz, near Smiritz. Cemowitz, tn., Bohemia, 14 m. ESE. Tabor. Cemusco-Asinario, tn., Italy, 7 m. NE. Milan. Cerra-del-Cobre, mtn., Andes of Atacama, Chili, 18,320 ft. Cerreto, tn., Italy, prov. Benevento, on the Apennines. Cerreto Guidl, tn., Italy, prov. Florence, 4 m. NW. Empoli. Cerro, tn., Italy, prov. Campobasso, 10 m. NW. Isemia. Cerro Azul, tn., Peru, 75 in. SSE. Callao. Cerro de la Giganta, highest intns., Lower California, 5000 ft. Cerro del Andevalo, tn., Spain, 26 m. N. Huelva. Cerro de Pasco, tn., Peru, dep. Junin, 13S m. NE. Lima. Cerro do Roque, mtns. , Brazil, W. of Lake Patos. Cerro Gordo, mtn. pass between Mexico and Vera Cruz. Cerro Gordo, mining camp, California, Inyo co. Cerro Gordo, vil., Florida, cap. of Holmes co. Cerro Gordo, \'\\. and tnshp., Illinois, Platte co. Cerro Gordo de Potosi, metalliferous mtn., Bolivia, nr. Potosi. Cerros, isl., Pacilic Ocean, otf Lower California. 30 m. by 5 m. Certa or Serta, tn., Portugal, 23 m. SE. Coimbra. Certaldo, tn., Italy, Tuscany, iS^ ni. SW. Florence. Cervaro, tn., Italy, prov. Caserta, 22 m. SE. Sora. Cervasca, ^il., Italy, 5J m. SW, Coni, on the Stura. Cerveira, tn., Portugal, prov. Minho, 16 m. N. Vianna. Cervera, tn., Spain, pruv. and 28 m. E. Lerida. Cervera, tn., Spain, 58 m. N. Palencia. Cervera de Rio Alhama, tn., Spain. 18 m. S. Calahorra. Cervetere, vil., Italy, in tlie Carapagna, 27 m. W. Rome. Cervia, tn., Italy, in Emilia, 13 m. SE. Ravenna. Cervicales, isl.^., Mediterranean, SE. of Corsica. Cervin, Mont. Pennine Alps, 12 m. WNW. Monte Rosa. Alt. 14,771 ft. Cervinara, tn., Italy, prov. and 12 m. SW. Avellino. Cervione, tn,, E. Corsica, 26 m. S. Baslia. Cesana, vil., Italy, prov. and 11 m. SW. Belluna. Cesan Maderno, vil., Italy, 10 ni. NW. Milan. Cesaro, tn., Sicily, 7^ m. NW. Bronte, on a hill. Cesena, tn , Italy, prov. and 12 ni. SE. Forli. Pop. 39,490. Cesenatico, tn. , Italy, g m. NE. Cesena, on Adriatic. Cesl or Cesio, vil., Italy, 7 m. NNE. Narni. Cessbrook, tnshp., Queensland, 50m. NW. Brisbane. Cesseuon, vil., France, Herault, 15 in. E. St. Pons. Cessford, vil., Roxburghshire, 6 m. NE. Jedburgh. Cesson, vJl., France, lUe-et-Vilaine, 3 m. E. Rennes. Cetona, vil., Italy, prov. Siena, jom. SW. Chiusi. Cetraro, tn., Italy, prov. and 24 m. NW. Cosenza. Cette, spt., France, Herault, 19 ni. SW. Montpellier. Pop. 35,517. Cettinge, Cettigne, or Zetlnge, cap. of Montenegro. Lat. 42" 45' N. Ceata, spt., Morocco, opposite Gibraltar, belonging to Spain. Ceva, tn., Italy, Piedmont, 26 m. E. Coni, ou the Tanaro. Cevennes, mtns., S. France, rich in minerals. Greatest alt. 5794 ft. Cevlco de la Torre, tn., Spain, Leon, 12 m. SE. Palencia. Ceylon, isl., separated from India by Gulf of Manaar. Pop. 3,008,239. Cezlmbra, tu , Portugal, on Atlantic, i3 m. S. Lisbon. Chaam, ViL, Netherlands, N. Brabant, 10 m. SE. Breda. 64 CHA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CHA ChabanaiB, tn., Franco, in Cliareiite, 30 m. NE. Angouleme. ChabeuU, tn., France, dep. Drunie, 7 ni. SE. Valence. Chabkan, riv., Chinese Empire, enters L. Ike-Aral-Nor. Chablis, tn., France, dep. Yonne, 9 m. E. Auxerre. Chabramau. >'*>■ Chbibramaw. Chabria, tn., Francf, A*'\>. Indrf, 30 m. N. Chfiteauroux. Chacao, tn., Cliili, on Cliiloc Island, 16 m. NE. Ancud. Chacarilla, vil., Bolivia, dep. La Paz Ayacucho. Copper mines. Chacewater, ecol. dist. and vil., W. Cornwall. Chach, valley, Rawal Pindi, Punjab, on E. banK of the Indus. Chachacomaul, peak, Andes of liulivia. Lat. 13° S Alt. 20,235 ft. Cbachana, petty state, Bombay. Chachapoyas, tn., Pern, cap. of Amazouas. Chachra, /a/ufc. ^'ct; Umarkot. Cbachra, tn., cap. of Umarkut UiXuk^ Bombay. Cbaco, El Gran. SVe El Gran Chaco. Chad, Tschad, "'^ Tsad, lake, Suudan. Lat. 13° N., long. 14" E. Chadchat, pitty stut--, Bombay, in Gujarat. 440 sq. ni. Chadda River. Stic Benu^. Chadderton, tnslip., SE. Lancashire, on R. irk. Chaddesley-Corbett, par. :ind vil., W. Worcestershire. Cbadkirk, eccl. dist., E. Cheshire, Stockport par. Chadwell Heath, hamlet and ry. stn., Essex, 10 m. N. of London. Chaffey, sub-dist., Ontario, Muskoka co. Chagaramufl or San Fernando, naval stn., Trinidad, West Indies. Chagdah, tn., Bengal, Nadiyah dist., on R. Hugli. Chagford, par. and vil., S. Devon, 3 ni. NW. Moreton-Harapstead. Chagga, tribe, E. Equatorial Africa, on Mt. Kilima-Njaro. Chagny, tn., France, Haone-et-Loire, 10 m. NW. Chalons. ChagoB Archipelago, in Indian Ocean, S. of the Maldive Islands. ChagreSjtn., Colombia, N. coast of Isthmus of Panama. Chagrin Falls, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Cuyahoga co., on Chagrin R. Chagrin River, Ohin, falls into Lake Erie. Chaban or Tch-han, tn., Slongolia, 200 m. NNE. Pekin. Chabarbag, tn., Afghanistan, 30 ni. N. Cabul. Chaibasa, tn., Bengal, cap, of Singhbhum district. Chailey, par. and vil., W. Sussex, 6 m. N. Lewes. 5944 ac. Cbaillac, tn., France, in Indre, 17 m. SE. Le Blanc. Chailland, tn., France, in Mayenrie, 11 m. NW. Laval. Challle-lea-Maraifl, vil., France, 28 m. SE. La Roche-sur-Yon. Cbaillevette, sjit., France, Charente-Inferieure, 6 m. S. Marennes. Chain of Ponds, tn,, S. Australia, co. and 19 m. NE. Adelaide. Chainpur, tn., Bengal, Shahabad dist. Lat. 22° 5' 15" N. Chaitanpnr Hillfl, Bengal, Singbhum district. Alt. 2529 ft. Chaitpet, \il., Madras, S. Ar cot dist. Scene of battle 1782. Chai-ya, tn., Siam, E. side Malay Peninsula. Lat. 9° 30' N. Chak, tn., Bombay, Shikarpnr dist. Chaka, principal vil., on Pemba Island, E. Africa, on W. coast. Chaken, tn., India, Rajpntana, Jaipur state. Chakl River, Punjab, Gurdasjmr dist., trib. of the Beas R. Chaklasi, tn., Bombay, Kaira district. Chakwal, tahsil, Punjab, Jhelum dist. 818 sq. m. Chakwal, tn., Punjab, lidqrs. Jhelum dist. Lat. 32" 55' 50" N. Chala, jiort, Peru, prov. Arequipa. Lat. 15° 50' S. Chalabre, tn , France, dep. Aude, 24 m. SW. Carcassonne. CbalakQdi River, Madras, Cochin state. Chalamont, tn., France, dep. Ain, ig m. E. Trevoux. Chalan Bil, marsh, Bengal, liajshalii dist. Varies from 20 to 150 sq. m. Chalan9on, tn., Frane'\ dep. Artlecho, 16 ni. SW. Tournon. Chalantenango, tn. and 'Ifj),, San Salvador, Central America. Chalanthiista, tn., Greece, in the Morea, 12 m. SSE. Patras. Chaiaval, vil., Chili, (nuv. Atacama. Copper mines. Chalcla, Chalkla, or Negropont, tn., Greece, cap. of Euboea. Chaico, tn. and lake, Mexico, 25 m. SE. Mexico. Chale, vil. and bay, Lsle of Wight, 6i in. W. Ventnor. Chaleur Bay, inlet of Gulf of St. Lawrence. Chalfont St. Giles, lar. and vil., S. Bucks, 3 m. SE. Amersham. Chalfont St. Peter, par. and vil., S. Bucks, 5 m. SE. Amersham. Chalford, eerl. dist. and vil., E. Gloucestershire. Chalgrove, par. and vil., SE. Oxfordshire, 5 m. SW. Tetsworth. Chali5gaon, snb-div., Bombay, Khandesh di>t, Challagaon, tn., Bombay, lieadqnartcrs of above. Chalk Farm, stn., N. London ry., ij m. NW. Euston. ChaUtl Island, one of tlie I'l inee's Inlands, Sea of Marmara. Chalk Elver, vil. and stream, Ontario, Renfrew co. Chalky Inlet, New Zealand, co. Fiord. Chalky Isl., Is'ew Zealand, co. Fiord, at entrance of Chalky Inlet. Challans, tn., France, dep. Vendee, in marshy dist. Challea, vil., France, dep. Sarthc, n ni, SE. Le Mans. Challlch, mtn., NW. Ross-shire, Lochbrooni par. Alt. 3483 ft. Chalmers, vil.. New York, co. Niagara, 7 m. NE. of the "^'alls. Chalonnes-sor- Loire, tn., France, on the Loire. Chalons- BOX- Mame, city, France, cap. dep. Marne. Pop. 23,200. ChAlon-8nr-Sa6ne, tn., France, dep. Saone-et-Loire. Pop. 21,618. Chalus, tn., France, Haute-Vienne, 17 m. SW. Limoges. Cham, tn. and riv., Bavaria, 30 m. NE. Ratisbon. Cham, tn.. Slum, on Gnlf of Siam, 70 ni. SW. Bangkok. Chama, vil. and riv., W. Africa, on Gold Coast. Chamall4rea, tn., France, Puy-de-Uume. Chamardl, i)e1ty state, Boniliay, Gujarat prov. Chamarlakota, tn., Mailras, Godavari dist. Chamba, lull state, Punjab. Area 3180 sq. ni. Chamba, chief tn. ofahove. Lat. 32° 29' N., long. 76° 10' E- Chambal, tn., Bengal, Chittagong dist. ChambalR., Central India, tiil». uf tlio Jumna. Length 650 m. Chamberet, tn., France, dep. Correze, 21 ni. NW. Tulle. Chamber's Bay, N. Territory, Australia, otf Van DiemeuGulf. Chamberaburg, tnshp.. New Jersey, Mercer co. Chambersburg, borough, Pennsylvania, cap. of Franklin co. Chambers' Creek, Texas, he dwater of PoW. Tulle. Chambra Mala, peak, Madras, Malabar dist. Alt. 6500 ft. Chamelco, tn., Guatemala, in Alta Vera Paz. Chamiani, tn., India, Unao dist., Oudh. Chamisso Island, Alaska, in Kotzebue Sound. Chamois, vil., Missouri, Osage co., on Missouri R. Chamomeril Lake or Iso Moriri, Kashmir. Lat. 32' 55' N. Chamounix, val. and vil., France, Savoie, below Mt. Blanc. Champa or Cbapa, estate, India, Central Provs. Champagne, old prov., NE. France. Troyes was the cap. Champagney, tn , France, Haute-Saone, 25 m. ENE. Vesoul. Champagnole, tn., France, dep. Jura, on R. Ain. Champaigne, city, Illinois, 128 m. SSW. Chicago. Chimparan, dist., Bengal, Patna div. Area 3531 sq. in. Champdeniers, tn., France, dep. Deux-Sevres. Champeix, tn., France, Puy-de-Dome. Champigny, vil., France, dep. Seine, 8 ni. ESE. Paris. Ciampion, vil., Michigrin, Marquette co. Champion, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Jefferson co. Champlaln, vil., New York, Clinton co. Champlain, vil., Canada, on St. Lawrence, 64 ni. SW. Quebec. Champlaln, Lake, between New Yoikand Vermont. Area 488 sq. m. Champlitte, tn., France, Haute-Saone, 29 m. W. Vesoul. Cbampney'slsl., Georgia, off Coast of and inclmled in M'Intosh CO. Champniers, tn., France, Charente, 5 ni. NE. Angouleme. Champoton, tn., Mexico., 35 m. SSW. Campeachy. Champsecret, tn., France, Orne, 4^ m. NE. Uomfront. Champtoc^, tn., France. Maine-et-Loire, 15 m. SW. Angers. Chamrajagnr, tn. and tahfk. India, Mysore. Chamula San Juan, vil., Mexico, state Chiapas. Chamundibetta, Idll, India, Mysorestate. Alt. 3489 ft. Chamursi, tn., India, Central Provs., Chanda dist. Chamusca, tn., Portugal, on R. Tagus, 13 m. NE. Santareni. Chanac, tn., France, Lozere, 8 m. SW. Memie, on R. Lot. Chanak-Kalesel, spt., Turkey, on Asiatic side of the Dardanelles. Chanar, Uihsil, India, NW. Provs., Mirzapur dist. Chanar, furt aud tn., India, NW. Provs. Chanaral, spt.. Chili, prov. Atacama, 48 m. N. Caldera. ChanarcUlo, tn.. Chili, Atacama, 26 m. from Pabellon. Chancay, spt., Peru, dep. Lima, on Chancay R. ChancellorviUe, vil., Pennsylvania, Spottsylvania co. Chanchocon, mining vil., Chili, prov. Atacama. Chanda, dist., India, Central Provs. Ar. 10,785 sq. m. Chanda, chief tn. and headquarters of above. Chandan River,, Bhagalpur dist., trib. of Ganges. Chandarnagar, French settlement, Bengal, Huglidist. Chandauli, tahsil, NW. Provs., India. Area 418 sq. m. Chandausl, tn., India, NW. Provs., Moradabad dist. Chandavolu, tn., Madras, Kistna dist. Chandbali, port, India, Orissa, on Baitarani R. Chandeleur Bay, Louisiana, N. of mouth of the Mississippi. Chandeleur Island, Louisiana, 60 ni. NE. mouth of Mississippi. Chanderl, dist., India, Gwalior state. Comprises 380 villages. Chanderi, tn. and hdqrs. of above, 170 ni. S. Agra. Lat. 24° 42' N. Chandgaon, tn., Bengal, Chittngong dist. Chandkhali, vil., Bengal, Khulna dist. Lat. 22° 32' N. Chandler R., New South Wales, co. Clarke, trib. of the Macleay R. Chandod, vil., India, Gujarat. Place of pilgrimage. Chandor, sub-div., Nasik dist., Bombay. 385 sq. m. Chandor, tn., Chandor, sub-div., Bombay. Lat. 20° ig' 40" X. ChaDdos, vil., Ontario, co. Peterborongh, 30 ni. from LakelieUl. Chandpur, tn., India, dist. ami 19 m. 8. Bijnaur. Chandpur, Vil., Bengal, at, mouth of R. Ilngli. Chandpur, taJtsi', In 1/ Charlbury, tn., NW. Oxfordshire, 9 m. E. Chipping Norton. Charlcombe, nir., E. Somersetshire, ij m. N. Bath. Chariegark Lake, Victoria, CO. Lowan, 15 m. E. S. Australian border. Charlemagne, vil., Quebec, Co. L'Assomption, 15 m. from Montreal. Charleiol, tn., Belgium, prov. Hainaut, on R. Sambre. Pop. 19,310 Charles, par. and tnshp., S. Devon. Charles, sub-disfc, Quebec, Bellechasse co. Charles, sub-dist. , Quebec, St. Hyaciuthe co. Charlesbonrg, tn , Quebec, cap. of Co., 4 m. below Quebec. Charles, Cape, Virginia, at entrance to Chesapeake Bay Charles, Cape, Labrador, N. coast. Lat. 52° 15' N. Charles City, Iowa, cap. of Floyd CO., on Cedar E. Charles de Caplan, sub-dist., Quebec, Bonaventure CO. Charles Island, Quebec, in Gulf of St. Lawrence. Charleslsl.. Canada, Hudson Strait. Lat. 62" 44' N., long 74° 18' W Charles Lake, S. Australia, 52 m. W. of Lake Frome. Charles Point, N. Territory, Australia, near Port Darwin. Charles River, Massachusetts, enters the sea at Boston. Charles Sound, New Zealand, CO. Fiord, S. of Caswell Sound. Charleston, viL, Ontario, Leeds Co., on Charleston Lake. Charleston, tn., Ontario, 41 m. from Toronto. Charleston, tn., cap. of Nevis, British West Indies. Charleston, city, pt. of entry, S. Carolina. Lat. 32° 46' N. P. 64,692. Charleston, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Coles co. Charleston, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Lee co. Charleston, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Hopkins co. Charleston, vil. and tnslip., Maine, Penobscot co. Charleston, vil., Missouri, cap. of Mississippi co. Charleston, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Montgomery co. Charleston, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, cap. of Swain co. Charleston, city, cap. of W. Virginia, on Great Kanawha R. Charleston, tn.. New Zealand. Butler co., 18 m. SW. Westport. Charleston, tnshp., S. Australia, co. and 25 m. E. Adelaide. Charleston Lake, Ontario, Leeds co. Charlestown or S. Waratah, tn.. New S. Wales, 87 m. N. Sydney. Charlestown, spt., Fit'eshiie, 3^ m. SW. Dunfermline. Charlestown, vil., NW. Banflshire, 4 Ul. NW. Dutl'town. Charlestown, vil., co. Mayo, 10 m. NW. Ballaghadereen. Charlestown, eccl. dist. and vil., E. Cornwall. Charlestown, eccl. dist. and suburb of Manchester, England. Charlestown, eccl. dist., N. div., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Charlestown, \\\., Indiana, Clark co. Charlestown, former city, now suburb of Boston, U.S. Charlestown, tii.shp., New Hampshire, Sullivan co. Charlestown, tnshp., Rhode Island, Washington co. Charlestown, vil., W. Virginia, cap. of Jefl'erson co. Charlesworth, eccl. dist. and vil., N. Derbyshire. Charleville, tn., France, in Ardennes, i ui."NE. Mezieres. Pop. 16,185. CharlevUle, tn., Ireland, co. and 35 m. N. Cork. CharleviUe, ViL, Ontario, co. Grenville, 7 m. from Prcscott. Charleville, tnshp., Queensland, 483 m. W. Brisbane. Charleville, tnshp., Queensland, Warrego dist., on i\'arrego R. Charlevoix, vil., Michigan, cap. of Charlevoix co. Charlies, tn., France, dep. Loire, 38 m. N. Montbrison. Charlois, vil., Nitherlands, ou R. Maas, 2 m. SW. Rotterdam. Charlotte, vil., Michigan, cap. of Eatou co. Charlotte, tlLshp., New York, Chattanooga CO. Charlotte, vil.. New York, on L. Ontario, 7 ni. E. Niagara Falls. Charlotte, city, N. Carolina, cap. of Mecklenburg co. Charlotte, tnshp., Vermont, Chittenden CO., 12 in. S. Burlington, Charlotte Amalie, tn., St. Thomas I., W. Indies. Pop. 14,000. Charlotte Harbour, Florida, shallow inlet. Manatee CO. Charlotte Lake, New York, in Columbia co. Charlottenbmnn, tn., Prussia, Silesia, 42 m. SW. Breslau. Charlottenburg, tn,, Prussia, on R. Spree, 3 m. W. Berlin. P. 76,873. Charlotte River, New Yori:, trib. of the Susquehanna R. Charlottesville, tn., Virginia, cap. Albemarle co. Charlottetown, city and cap.. Prince Edward Island. Pop. 11,485. Charlton, tnshp., S. Australia, co. Frome, 15 ni. E. Port Gei-mein. Charlton, tn. and dist., Victoria 173 m. NN W. Melbourne. Charlton, tnshp., New S. Wales, co. Killara, 500 m. NW. Sydney. Charlton, tnshp., Massachusetts, Worcester co. Charlton, vil.. New York, Saratoga co. Charlton Depot, ^iL , Massachusetts, Worcester co. Charlton Isl. , N W. Territory, Canada, in James' Bay. Lat. 52° N. Charlton Kings, par., E. Gloucestershire. Charlton-near-Dover, par., E. Kent, mostly in Dover. Charlton-next-Woolwich, par., Kent, in Greenwich. Charlton, Old, eccl. dist. and vil., E. Kent, Charlwood, and vil., mid. Surrey, 6 m. S. Reigate. . Charly, vil., France, Aisne dep., 42 m. SSW. Laon. Charmadi, pass, Mailras, S. Kanara dist. Lat. 13' 4' 30" N. Charmes-sur-Moselle, tn., France, dep. Vosges. Charmey, \il., Switzerland, 14 m. S. Fribourg. Charminster, par. and vil. , S. Dorset, 2 m. NW. Dorchester. Charm Lake, Victoria, co. Tatchera. Charmonth, par. and vil., W. Dorset, 6 m. SE. Axminster. Charmunsha, tn., Bengal, Noakhali dist. Chamenx, vil., Belgium, 10 m. E. Liege. Chamwood Forest, barren hill tract, N. Leicestershire. Charo, tn., Mexico, state Miehoacan. Charolles, tn., France, Saoneet-Loire, 30 m. WNW. Macon. Charonne, tn., France, E. of and close to Paris. Pop. 22,006. Charost, tn., France, dep. Cher, 15 m, SW. Bourges. Charpey, tn., France, in Drome, 9 m. E. Valence. Charra, vil., Bengal, Manbhum dist. Interesting ruins. Charrette, tnshp., Missouri, Warren co. Charroni, tn., France, in Vienne, 30 111. S. Poitiers. Charsadda, tn., Pun.jab, dist. Peshawar. Lat. 34' 9' N. Charters Towers, tnslip., Queensland, CO. Davenport. Chartham, vil., E. Kent, on R. Stour, 2i m. SW. Canterbury. Oharthawal, tn., India, NW. Provs. Lat. 29° 32' 30' N. Ohartiers, borough and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Alleghany co. Cbartiers, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Washington co. Chartiers Creek, Pennsylvani.i, falls into the Ohio E. Chartiervuie, vil., Quebec, Co. Compton, 39 m. from Sherbrooke. Chartres, city, France, cap. of dep. Eure-et-Loir. Pop. 21,903. Chartrense, La Grande, monastery, Fi'ance, 14 m. N. Grenoble.' Chartum. .SVe Khartum. Charybdis Keef, Fiji, lies N. of Malaki Island. Chascomua, tn., Argentine Republic, 200 m. SSE. Buenos Ayres Cbaskol, tn., Turkey, 25 m. E. Adrianople. Chasland's Mistake, cape. New Zealand, S. point co. Clutha Chassenenil, tn., France, in Charente, 18 m. SW. Confolens Chata, /fiftii? and tn., India, NW. Provs., Muttra dist. ATea25risa m. Pop. 84,698 ; tn., in lat. 27° 43' N., 6014. Chatawa, vil, , Mississippi, Pike Co., 92 m. N. ICew Orieans. Chateaubriant, tn., France, Loire-Inflrieure, 40 m. NNE. Nantes. Chateau-Chlnon, tn., France, NievTe, 37 m. E. Nevers. Ohateau-d'Etoc, fort, Aldemey Island, NE. Braye harbour. 66 CHA THE GRAPHIC GAZATTEER CHE Cliatean-d'(Ei or d'Oyen, vil., Switzerland, 22 m. E. Lausanne. Chateau -du-Loir, til., Krauce, Sartlie, 23 in. SSE. Le Mans. Chateaudun, tii., Fmnce, Eure-et-Loir, 26 in. SW. Chartres. Chateaugay, vil. and tnshp., New York, Franklin co. Chateaugay Lake, New York, Clinton co., 1400 ft. above the Hudson. Chateaugay MtuB., New York, extend into Canada. Chateaugay R., New York, falls into the St. Lawrence in Canada. Chateau Gonthler, tn., France, 17 m. SE. Laval. Chateauguay, vil. and CO., Quebec, 24 m. S. Montreal. Chateauguay Baain, vil., Quebec, 14 m. from Montreal. Chateauguay River. See Chateaugay River. Chateau Landon, tn., France, Seine-et-Marne. Lat. 48° 9' N. Chateaulin. tn., France, Finistere, 13 m. N. Quimper. Chateaumeillant, tn., France, in Cher, 21 ni. SSE. Bourges. Chateauneufdu-Faon, tn., France, 17 m. NE Quiniper. Chateauneul-du Rhone, tn., France, 5 m. S. Monteliniar. Chiteauneuf-sur-Chareute, tn., France, dep. Charente. Chiteauneuf-Bur-Cher, tn., France, 12 m. NW. St. Amand. Chateauneaf-sux- Loire, tn., France, 14 m. ESE. Orleans. Chateau Ponsat, tn., France, Haute-Vienne, g m. E. Bellac. Chateau- Renard, tn., France, Bouches-du-Rliune. Chateau-Re nard, tn., France, Loiret, 10 m. ESE. Montargis. Chateau-Renault, tn., France, Indre-et-Loire. Chateau -Richer, tn., Quebec, on St. La\vrence. Lat. 46' 58' N, Chateauroux, tn., France, cap. Indre, 83 ni. SW. Orleans. P. 21,179. Chateau- Salina, Alsace-Lorraine. See Salzburg. Chateau-Thierry, tn., France, Aisne, on R. Marne Chateau- Villain, tn., France, Ilaute- Marne. Lat. 48° 3' N., 4° 55' E. Chatelaudren, tn., France, Cotes-du-Nord. Lat. 48" 34' N., 3' g' W. Chateldon, tn., France, Puy-de-D6me, g m. N. Thiers. Chatelet, tn., Belgium, Hainaut, on the Sambre. Pop. 10,955. Chatelineau, tn., Belgium, Hainaut, on the Sambre. ChateUerault, tn., France, dep. and ou R. Vieune. Pop. 18,280. Chatel-St. Denis, vil., Switzerland, 23 m. SW. Fribourg. Chater, riv., Rutlandshire, trib. of the Welland. Chater, ry. stn., Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 127* ni. W. Winnipeg. Chatfield, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Fillmore co. Chatfield, tnshp., Ohio, Crawford co. Chatham, ft. spt. tn. and bor., Kent, 33 m. SE. London. P, 59.3S9. Chatham, tnshp., Connecticut, Middlesex co. Chatham, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Sangamon co. Lat. 39° 38' N. Chatham, vil. and tnshp,, Massachusetts, Barnstable co. Chatham, vil. and tnslip.. New Jersey, Morris co. Chatham, tn.stip., New York, Columbia co. Chatham, tiislip., Pennsylvania, Tioga co. Chatham, vil., Virginia, cap. of Pittsylvania co. Chatham, port of entry, New Brunswit'k, un Miramichi R. Chatham, subnlist., Quebec, Argenteuil Co. Lat. 45" 35' N., 74^36' W Chatham, tn., Ontario, cap. Kent co., 67 ni. SW. London. Chatham Island, W. of Patagonia, 30 m. S. Wellington L Chatham Island, one of the Galapagos Ls., Pacilic Ocean, Chatham Island, dependency of and 450 m. E. New Zealand. Chatham Port, vil., Massachusetts, go m. SE. Boston. Chatham Village, vil.. New York, Columbia co. Lat. 42° 19' N. Chatilion, tn., Italy, 15 m. E. Aosta, on Dora Baltea. Chatillon-les-Dombes, tn., France, 16 m. NE. Trevoux. ChitiUon-sar-Indre, tn., France, dep. and on R. Indre Chatillon-sur-Loire. tn., France, 44 m, SE. Orli^ans. Chitillon-Bur- Seine, tn., France, Cotes-d'Or, 48 m. NW. Dijon. Chat MoBB, jii-at bog, Lancashire, 7 m. W. Manchester " Chatonnay, tn., France, in Isijre, 15 m. ESE. Vienne. Chatou, \il., France, Seine-et-Oise, 3 m. E. St, Germain. Chatra, tn,, Bengal, Hazaribagh dist. > Lat. 24° 12' 27" N. Chatrapur, tn., Madras, Ganjam dist. ' Lat. ig"" 21' N., long.Ss*" 3' E. Chatre. La, tn,, France, dep. and on R. Indre. Chatau, tn., India, Jaipur state, Rajputana, 28 ni. SE. Jaipur. ChatBworth, splendid seat, Derbyshire, on R. Derwent. Chatsworth, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Livingston co. Chatsworth or Johntown. vil., Ontario, Grey co., log m. NW. Toronto. Chatsworth, agricultural dist., Victoria, 167 ni. W. Melbourne.' Chatsworth Island, New S. Wales, in mouth of Clarence R. Chattahoochee R., Georgia, unites ivith the Flint R. Chattanooga, city, Tennessee, cap. of Hamilton co. * Pop. 29,11?. Chattanooga Creek, Georgia, trib. of the Tennessee R. Chatteris, tn., Cambridgeshire, 72 m. N. London. Chatton, par,, N. Nortliumberland, on R. Till. 17,335 "-C- Chattooga R., Georgia and Alaliama, trib. of the Coosa R. Chattooga R., Georgia, headwater of the Savannah It. Chaudesaiguefl, tn,, France, 12 in, SSW. Saint Fleur. Chaudi^re, hiki^, Canada, an expansion of the Ottawa R. Chaudlire Junction, vil., Quebec, Levis co., 9 in. HE. Quebec. Chaudi^ro R., Quebec, rises in L. Megantic, trib. of the St. Lawrence. Chaudoc, tn., French Cochin-China, cap. Mangiang jirov. ChauffalUea, tn,. France, Saone-et~Loire, 24 m. WSW. MAcon. Chaughat, tn., Madras, Malabar dist. Lat. 10" 35' N. Chauka U., Oudh, part of lower course of the Sarda R. Chaukidanga, coal mine, Bengal, Bardwan dist. ChauJ, tn,, Bombay, Kolaba dist. Lat. 18" 33' N. Chaumont, tn., Franco, Haute-Marne, 150 \\\. from Paris. P. 12,110 Chanmont, vil., New York, Jefferson co, , on L. Ontario. Chaumnha, vil., India, NW. Provs,, Muttra dist. Chaumun, tn., India, Ra^jnutana. Flourishing place. Chauncey, vil., Indiana, Tippecanoe co. Chauny, tn., France, Alsne, 21 m. NW. Laon, on R. Oise. Chaur, iritn. peak, Punjab. Lat. 30" 52' N. Alt. ii.gSa ft Chauradadar, plateau, India, Central Provs,, Mandla dist. Chanaa, vil., Bengal, Shahabad dist,, 4 m. W. Baxar. Chansa Canal, Bengal, Slmliabad dist., part of Son system. Chautauqua, tnshp.. New York, Chautauqua CO. Chautauqua L,, New York, Chautauqua co., 726 ft. above L. Erie. Chaui-do-Fonds, tn., Switzerland, 9 m. NW. NeufchAtcl. P. 24,123, Chaves, tn., Portugal, 14 m. W. Bragan^a. Chazelles-Bur-Lyon, tn., France, in Loire. Lat. "45° 38' N., 4* 22 E. Chazy, vil. and tnshp., New York, Clinton co. ChazyLake, New York, Clinton co. 4 m. by i m. Chazy River, New York, falls into Lake Chaniplain. Cheadle, par., tnshp., and vil., Cheshire, on tlie Mersey. Cheadle, tn. and par., co. and 13 m. NE. Stafford. Cheadle Hulme, eccl. (list., E. Cheshire. Cheam, par. and vil., mid. Surrey, 3 m. NE. Epsom. Cheat R., W. Virginia and Pennsylvania, trib. of the Monongahela R. Chebanse, vil. au'laud and Virginia, largest inlet in U.S. Chesapeake City, vil., Maryland, Cecil co. Chesham, tn., Bucks, 5 ni. SW. IJerkhampstead. Cheshire, co., England, on Irish Sea. Ar. 1027 sq. m. Cheshire, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, New Haven co. Cheshire, vil., Mas-^^achusetts, Berkshire co. Cheshire, vil., Ohio, Gallia co., on Ohio R. Cheshont, tn. and par., England, co. Herts, si m. S. Hertford. ChesU Bank, i-lT coast of Dorset, 9^ m. long. Cheslahta Lake, British Columbia. Lat. 53° 35' N. Chealey, vil., Ontario, Bruce CO., 15 ni. from Walkerton. Chesley's Corners, set., Nova Scotia, CO. Lunenburg, on R. La Havre CheslynHay, par., W. Staffordshire, 4i m. SE. Penkridge. Chesme, vil., Asia Minor, opposite Scio Island. Chest, tnslip., Pennsylvania, Clearfield co. Chest Creek, Pennsylvania, joins the Susquehanna R, Cheste, tn., Spain, 14 m. W. Valencia. Chester, pari, and mun. bor., city, and co. in itself, England, locally in W. Cheshire, 16 m. S. Liverpool. Pop. 42,295. Chester, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Middlesex co. Chester, city, Illinois, cap. of Randolph co., 76 ni. from St. Louis. Chester, vil*. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Hampden co. Cheater, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Eaton co. Chester, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Ottawa co. Chester, vil. and tnshp., New Hampshire, Ri-ckingham co. Chester, vil. and tnshp., New Jersey, Morris co. Chester, vil. and tnshp.. New York, G range co. Chester, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Meigs co. Chester, city, Pennsylvania, Delaware co. Pop. 20,167. Cheater, tnshp , Vermont, Windsor co. Chester, tnshp,. Nova Scotia, co. Lunenburg, on Mahonc Bay. Chester Basin, vil.. Nova Scotia, co. Lunenburg. Chester Court-House, vil., S. Carolina, cap of Chester co. Chester Creek, Pennsylvania, trib. of Delaware R., Delaware co- Chester Depot, vil., Vermont, Windsor co. Chesterfield, borough, Derbyshire, 11 m. S. SnefReld. Chesterfield, pari, div., Derbyshire. Chesterfield, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Macoupin co. Chesterfield Inlet, extends 250 m. W. from Hudson Bay. Chesterford, Great, vil., W. co. Essex, on R. Granta. Chester Hill, vil., (Jhio, Morgan co. Chester-Ie-Street, pari, div., CO. Durham. Chester-le- Street, tn, and par., co. and 5 m. N. Durham. Pop. 50,694. Chester, Mount, New Guinea, Sir Arthur Gordon Range. Chester R., Delaware and Maryland, tails into Chesapeake Bay. Chesterton, par, and vil , in co. and N E. suburbs of Cambridge. Chesterton, eccl. dist. and vil,, N. Staffordshire. Chestertown, spt., MarWand, cnp. of Kent co., on Chester R. ChestervUle, vil., Ontario, co Dundas, 17} m, from Morrisburg. Chestnut Hill, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Monroe co. Chestnut Hill, former vil,, Pennsylvania, now in Philadelphia. Chestnut Ridge, Pennsylvai.ia, branch of the Alleghany Mtns. ChesuTicook Lake, Maine, Piscataquis co., 25 m, by 3 m, Cheswardine, par,, N, Shropsliire, 4^m. SE. Market Drayton. Cheticamp, vil,, Cape Breton I., Nova Scotia. Cheticamp, set., Nova Scotia, bigby co., 25 m, from Yarmouth. Chetimaches L., Louisiana, 40 m, long, by from i to 6 m. wide, Chetopa, vil., Kansas, Labette co., on Neosha R. Chetpat, India, a quarter of Madras city. Chetterpur, tn,, Sladras, dist. and 5 ni. from Ganjam. Chetvai, vil., Madras, Malabar dist. Dutch settlement. Chetwynd, tn., Victoria, co. Dunjas, 270m. W. Melbourne. Chevening, ]iar. and vil,, W. Kent, ;^ij ni. NW. Sevenoaks. Cheverie, vi!.. Nova Scotia, co. Hauls, 18 m. from Newport. Cheviot, tn. and Co., New Zealand, 70 m. N. ChrisUhurch. Caeviot Htils, on border between England and t^cntland. Chevreuse, tn., France, Seine-et-Oi^e, 7 m, SW, Versailles. Chew Magna, ]'ar. and vil., Snmei'set, 7 ni. SW, Bristol. Chewton, nniiing tn., Vi toria, ^\ m. from Castlemaine. Cheyair River, M niias, Cuddapah di:;t., trib. of the Pennar. Cheyair River, Madras, N. Arcot dist., trib. of the Palar. Cheyenne City, Ca|'. Wyoming, on Crow Creek. Pop. 11,693. Cheyenne River, Wyoming and Dakota, trib. of the ilissouri R. Cheylard, La, in., France, Anleche, 28 m. SW. Tournon. Chezettcook, sut>-dist , Nova Scotia, co. Halifax. Chhachrauli, tn., Punjab, Kalsia stite. Chhaliar, pttty state, Bombay, Gujarat, Area 11 sq. m. Chhalla, jietty state, Bombay, Jhalawar, div. of Kalhiawar. Chhanuya, port. Orissa, Balasordist. Lat. 21° 32' 30" N. Chhapara, tn., India, Cf'ntral Provs., 22 ni. N. feeoni, Chhatak, vil., Assam, Sylhet dist., on the Surma R. Lat. 25 2' N. Chhatirpur, native state, Bundelkhand. 1169 sq. m. Pop. 164,376. Chhatarpur, chief tn, of above. Lat. 24°54'N., long. 79° 38'E, Chhatisgarh, div., India, Cent. Pruvs. Area 39,761 sq. m. 4,612,705. Chhatnai, In., India, in Bengal, Rangpur dist. Chhibramau, ti'hsil, India, NW. Provs.. Farukhabad dist. Chhibramau, tn., India, NW. Provs., Farukhabad dist. Chhindwara, dist., India, Central Pruvs. Chhindwara, fnhsil, in above dist. Area 2S27 sq. m. Chhindwara, chief tn., Chhindwara tahsH. 22 o ft. above sea. Chhola Mtns., India, separate Sikkiin from Bhutan and Tibet. Chhota Bhagirathi, riv., Bengal, Maldahdist., branch of Ganges. Chhota Nagpur. .See Cbutia Nagpur. Chhota Sinchula, p^ak, Bengal, Jalpaiguri dist. Alt. 5695 ft. Chhota Udaipur, state, India, in Gujarat. 873 sq, m. Pop. 71,218. Chhota TJdaipiu-, chief tn. ol abo\'e. Lat. 22' 20' N., long. 74' i' E. Chhuikadan, vil., India, in Kondka state. Chhuri, estate, India, Cent. Provs. Area 320 sq. m. Chiajano, vil., Italy, 4 m. NW. Naples. Chia Lake, Equatorial Africa, on W. of Lake Nyassa. ciiiampo, vil., N. Italy, 12 m. W. Vicenza. Pop. 21,357. Chianciano, vil., Italy, prov. Siena, 4 m. SE. Montepulciano. Chiapas, state, SE. Mexico. Area 21,357 ^1 '"• PoP- 265,496. CMaramonte, ui., Sicdy, prov. Catania, 33 ni. SW. Syracuse. P.10,014. CMaravalle, tn., Italy, 10 m. W. Ancona, on R. Esiuo. Chiaravalle, tn., Italy, prov and 17 m. SW. Catanzaro. Chiari, tn., Italy, Lombardy, 14 m. W. Brescia. Pop. 10,507 Chiaromonte, tn., Italy, 42 m. SE. Pottuza. Lat. 40° 6' N. Chiasso, tn., Switzerland, canton Ticino, 4 m. NW. Como. Chiavari, tn., Italy, prov. and 17 m. ESE. Genoa. Pop. 12,066. Chiavenna, tn., Italy, prov. and 20 in. WNW. Sondrio. Chibwe's, vil., Kqiiat-irial Afiica, S. of Lake Tanganyika. Chicacole, taluk. Madras, Ganjam dist. 402 sq. ni. Chicacole, tn., Madras. Chicacole tahik. Pop. 16,355. Chicago, chief city, Illinois, Cook ro., on L. Jlichigau. Pop. 1,099,860. Chicago Junction, vil., Ohio, Huron co. Chicago R., Illinois, forms the harbour of Chicago. Chichagoff Island, Alaska, one of the Alexander group. Chichagoff Harbour, Alaska, port of Attoo Island. Chichen, vil., Mexico, Yucatan, 18 m. bW. Valladolid. Chichester, city and bor., Sussex, 28 m. W. Brighton. Lat. 50° 51' N. Chichester, pari, div., Sussex. Chichester, \i\., Quebec, Pontiac co., on Ottawa R, Chichester Harbour, sea inlet, Sussex, close to Hants. Chichia Island, Fiji. 20 ni. N W. Naiaii I., 3 m. in diameter. Chichli, tn., Central Provs., India, Gadarwara taJisil. Chickadandi, tn., Bengal, Cliittagongdist. Chickahominy R., Virg nia, fads into the James R. Chickimauga Creek. Ceorgia, trib. of the Tennessee R. Chickasaw, vil. and tnshp., Iov\a, Chicka-aw co. Chickasaw Bayou, Slississiiipi, from the Yazoo to the Mississippi. Chickasaw Creek, .Mabama, falls into the Mobile R. Chickasawba E., Mississippi, head .stream of the Pascngonla. Chicken Head, S. extremity of Eye peninsula, Lewis I., Ross-shire. Chicken Rock, off SW. coast Isle of Man, 2 m. S. Calf of Man. Chicks Springs, tnshp , S. Carolina, Greenville co. Chiclana, tn., Spain, prov. and 21 m. SE. Cadiz. Pop. 11,627. Chiclayo, city, Peru, cap of dep. Lainbayeque. Pop. 11,325, Chico, tn. and tnshp., California, Butte co. Chicopee. vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Hampden co. P. 14,050. Chicopee Falls, vil., Jlassaehusetts, Hampden co. Chicopee R., Massu-husetis, trib. of the Connecticut R. Chicoutiml, t . and CO., Quebec, tn. on Saguenay R. Chicoutimi R., Quebec, trib, of the Saguenay R. Chicova, tn,, S. Africa, on Z.imbesi R,, 160 m. W. Tette. Chief's Point, 1 ntario, Bruce co., in Lake Huron. Chiem See, lake, Bavaria, 42 m. SE. Munich. 1500 ft. above sea. Chieri, tn., Italy, in Piedmont, g m, SE. Turin. Pop. 13,260. Chiese R., lyrol and N. Italy, trih. of the Oglio. Chieti, prov., Italy, on the Adriatic. Area 1105 sq. m. P. 367,982. Chleti, tn., Central Italy, 95 m. ENE. Rome. Pop. 22,432. Chieveley, par., mid. Beiks, 4^^ ni. N. Newberry. 9217 ac. Chievres, tn., Btd^iium, in Hainaut, 11 m. NW. Mons. Chi-fu, treaty port, China, at entrance to Gulf of Pe-chi-li. Chlgnecto Bay, Canada, N. extremity of Bay of Fundy. Chlgnecto Cape, Nova Scotia, Cumberland co. Chignolo, tn., Italy, Lombardy, 16 m. ENE. Pavia. Chlgonaise River, vil., Nova Scotia, CoUhester co. Chigrln, tn., Russia, gov, Kiev, 21 m. W. Krilov, Chigwell, par, and vil., W. Essex, 13 m, NE. London. Chihuahua, state, N. Mexico. Area 88,39ft sq. ni. Pop, 266,496. Chihuahua, city, Mexico, cap. of above state. Pop, 25,000. 68 CHI THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CHO CMkalda, vil. and s.nntariuni, Berar, Imlia. Mean temp. 71° F. CWkatl, estate, Mafiras, Ganjani dist. Chikballapur, taluk. Mysore. Area 379 sq. m. Chiltballapur, tn., Mysore. Lat. 13° 26' 10" N., long. 77" 46' E. ChikhU, petty state, Bombay, Kliandesh dist ChikUi, sub-div., Bombay, Surat dist. Area 167 sq. in. Chlkhll, tri. and lidfjrs. of above. 20° 46' N.^ long. 73° 9' E. Chikhll, taluk, Berar, India, Buldana dist ChikisUar, tn., R ssia, on E. shore of Caspian Sea. CMkmagalnr, ia'nk, Mysore. Area 412 sq. \\\, CWkmagalur, ilinrftn., Kidurdist., Mysore. CMknayakanhalli, toXxik, Mysore, Tunikur dist. ChiknayakanliaUi, tn. aiil lieadvjunrters of above. Chlkole, vil., Mashonal nd, S. Afi ica. Ctiikorl, sub-div., Belg lum dist., Bombay. 840 sq. m. CMkorl, lieatlquartcrs tn. of abnve. Lat. 16" 26' X. CUknae, Livin^stoniamiss. stn., Equat. Africa, S. of L. Nyassa. ChUambaram, tnUiky Madras, S. Arcot dist. 303 sq. m. Chllambaram, lidqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 11° 24' 9" N". Chilapa, til., Mexico, state Gufrrero, 60 m. NE. Acapulco. Chilaw, tn., W. Ce,. Ion, 45 ni from Colombo. Cbilca, tn., Pern, 40 ni, SE. Lima. Lat. 12' 33' S., long. 76° 35' W. Chllchote, vil., Mexico, state Jalisco. Chllcoh Lake, British Columbia. Lat. 51" 25' N., 124° 5' "W. Chilcoh R., British Columbia, drains Cliilcoh Lake. CUlcotlnR., British Columbia, trib. of the Fraser R. Chilcott Island, in Coral Sea, 300111. E. Trinity Bay, Queensland. Childer's Cove, Victoria, on 8. coast of co. Heytesbury. Child'H Hill, eccl. dist., E. MiddleS'X, 5} ni. from London. Cbildwall, par., SW. Lancashire, i\\\\. E. Liverpool. Ckllecito, vil., Argentine Kep., La Rioja prov. , near Monagasta. Chllbam, par., E. Kent, 5^ m. SW. Canterbury. 4398 ac. Chili, Kepub., W. coast S. America. Area 299,614 sq. m. P. 3,173,000. Chili, vil, and tnshp., Illinois, Hancock co. Chill, tnshp., New S'ork, Monroe co., 8 m. SW. Rochester. Chl-U. .v« Po-Chi-Ll. ChlUanwala, vil., Punjab, Gnjrat dist. Lat. 32" 39' 46" X. Chllka Lake, Orissa ami JIadras, opening oft' Bay of Bengal. Chlllagoe, dist. , Queensl .nd, 80 m. W. of Herberton. Chilian, tn., Chili, cap. Nuble prov., 113m. NE. Talcaguana P. 16,000. ChilUcothe, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Ptoria co. Chillicothe, city, Missouri, c^p. Livingstone co. ChilUcothe, city, Ohio, cap. of Ross Co., on the Scioto R. P. 11,256. ChiUon, tn., Spain, 56 m. SW. Ciudad Real. Chlllon, castle, Switz., at E. end of L. of Geneva, 6 m. from Vevay. Chlloango R., forms bound. iry between Congo Slate and Angola. ChUoe, isl. ami prov., Chili. 3995 pq. m. Pop. 77,602. Chllpanclngo, tn., Mexico, cap. of state of Guerrero. ChUtem, tn., Victoria, Bogong co., i63i m. NE. Melbourne. ChUtem Hills, Oxfonlsh., Burks, Bear., Gloucestershire. Chipping Norton, bor. and par., NW. Oxford, 12 m. SW. Banbury. Clipping Ongar, tn. and par., Essex, 23J m. NE. London. Chipping Sodbury, tn. and par., W. Gloucestershire. Chipping Wycombe or High W., bor. and par., co. Bucks. Chipurupalle, ^(////,■, Madras, S'izagapatam dist. Chiputneticook Lakes, New Brunswick, York co. Chiputaeticooh B., New Brunswick, widening into several lakes Chiqulmula de la Sierra, tn., Guatemala, prov, ChiquiumJa. Chiquinquira, tn., Colombia, state Boyaca, 31 m. W. Tunja. Chiquitos, prov., Bolivia, dep. Santa Cruz. Chirakkal, tiluk, Madras, Malabar dist. 648 sq. in. Chj-akkal, tnshp., Chirakkal taluk. Lat. 11° 54' N., long 75" 29' E. Chirala, tn., Madras, Kistna dist. Lat. 15° 58' 20" N. Chiramcod, div., Nilgiri dist., Madras. Area 41 sq. m. Chirang Dwar, tract, Assam, Goalpara dist. 495 sq. m. Chirawa, tii., Rijputana, Jaipur state, Shaikhawati div. Chirbury, par. and vil., Shropshire, 3 ni. NE. Montgomery, Chirgaon, tu., India, NW. Provs., 18 m. NE. Jliansi. Chiriqui. dejt., riv., lagoon, and archipelago, Colombia. Pop. 17,300. Chirk, par, and vil., Denbighshire, 9 m. SW. Wrexham. Chirnside, vil., Berwickshire, 4J m NE. Duns. Chirton, tnshp , Tyuemouth par., Northumberland. Chisago Lake, Minnesota, in Chisago co. Chisago Lake, tnshp., Minnesota, Chisago co. Chialedon, par. and vil., N. Wilts, 3 m. SE. Swindon. Chislett. par., E. Kent, 6 m. NE. Canterbury. 6807 ae. Chiatlehurst, par. and vil., Kent, 9 m. SK. London. Chistopol, tn., Russia, gov. Kazan, on R. Kama. Pop. 18,193. Chiaumulu, isl. and University miss, stn., Africa, in Lake Nyassa. Chiawick, par. and W. suburb of London, on R. Thames. Pop. 21 964. Chitildnig, dist., India, Mysore state. Area 4871 sq. m. Cbitaldrng, taluk of above dist. Area 6ig sq. ni, Chitaldmg, chief tn, Chitaldrug dist. Lat. 14° 14' N. Chitambo, vil., Africa, on L. Baugweolo. Livingstone died nr. here. Chitangall, miss, stn., German E. Afriea, 10 in. N. Rovuma R. Chitang R., Punjab, ends in the W. Jumna Canal. Chitanilga Wells, 8. Australia, between L. Harris and L. Gairdner. Chita KewaR., India, Central Provs., trib. of the Shakar R. Chitartala R., Orissa, India, falls into the estuary of the Mahanadi. Chitor, tn., Rajputann, Udaipur state. Lat. 21° 42' N. Chitral, state, Kashmir. Has a cold climate. Slave region. Cliitral, cap. of above. Lat. 35° 55' N., long 71° 56' E. ChitraR., Bengal, Jessor dist., loses itself in a swamp. CMtravatiR., Madras, Cuddapah dist., trib. of the Pennar. Chlttagong, div,, Bengal. Area 12,118 sq. m. Chlttagong, dist., Bengal. Area 2567 sq. m, Chlttagong, chief tn. in ;ibuve. Lat. 22° 21' N. Pop. 2D,320. Chlttagong Hill Tracts, dist., E. of Chlttagong. Chittenango, vil , New York, Madison co. Chlttenango Creek, New York, falls into L. Oneida. Chittenden, tnshp., Vermont, Rutland co. Chittlvabisa, tn., ^Iadras, Vizagapatam dist. Chittlvalasa R., Madras, falls into the sea near Bimlapatam. Chlttlehampton, par. ami vil., England, Devon, 7J in. SE. Barnstaple. Chittur, taluk, Madras, N. Arcot dist. Area 671 sq. m. Chlttur, tu., Madras, N. Arcot dist. Lat. 13" 13' 20" N. Chittur, tn., Mjidras, Cochin state. Lat. 10° 42' 30" N. Chltwail, tn., Madras, Cuddapah dist. Lat. 14° 10' 30" N, Chluaa, tn., Italy, in Piedmont, 8 m. SE. Coni. Chlusa, tn., Sicily, 30 m. SSW. Palermo. Lat. 37' 42' N., 13' 14' E. Chluaano, tn., It.aly, 16 m. KNE. Avcllino. Chiusi, city, Italy, in Tuscany, prov. and 56 m. SE. Siena. ChlutaLake, Equat. Africa, N.ofLakc Shirwa; source of the Lu,jenda. Chlva, In., S])ain, 18 m. W. Valencia. Lat. 39° 28' N., o" 42' W. Chivasso, eity, Italy, in Piedmont, 15 m. NE. Turin. Pop. 10,137. Chlvllcoy, tn., Argentine Republic, 115 m. W. Buenos Ayrcs. Chlorydormes, set., Quebee, co. Gasp6, 27 m. from Fox It. Chlumetz, tn., Bohemia, 46 m. ENE. Prague. Chmlelnlk, tn.. Russia, in Podolia, 93 m. NE. Kamienick. Chmlelnik, tn. , Russian Poland, 19 in. SSE. Kielce. Choarlc Island, NW. Suthcrlandshire, in Loch Eriboll. Chobe R., S. Africa, trib. of the Zambesi. Long. 25° 30' E. C9 CHO THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CIT Chobham, p:ir. and vil., W. Surrey, 4 m. NW. Woking, Choccolocco Creek, Alabama, brauch of the Coosa R, Cbockowinity, tiisli])., N. Carolina, Beaufort co. Chocbtawhatchy R., Alabama and Florida, falls into G. of Mexico. Chocoma Mtns., New llaniiishire, Carroll CO. Alt. 3540 ft. Choczim, tn., Russia. .Srt' Chotyn. Chod2desen, tn., Prussia, prov. Posen, 47 ni. WSW. Bromberg. ChoisetU I., Pacific Ocean, one of the Solomon Is. 7" 20' 10" S. Choiay-sxir- Seine, tn., France, 6 ni. S. Paris. Chokampati, tn., Madras, Tinnevelli dist. Chola, ancient (liv., Dravida, India, N. of the Kaveri. Chole Bank, shoal, Channel Islands, 3^ m. S. Alderney. Cholen, tn., French Cochin China, 8 ni". WSW. Saigon. Pop. 15.000. Cholet, tn., France, Maine-et-Loire, 37 ni. SW. Augers. Pop. 15,916. ChoUerton, tnshp., Northumberland, 6 m. N. Hexham. Cholmondeley, tnshp., Cheshire, 7^ ni. W. Nant^vich. Cholola, Indian tn., Mexico, state and 15 m. WNW. Puebia. Chomerac, tn., France, dep. Ardeche, 3^ m. SE. Privas. Chong-Ping, tn., China, prov. Fo-Kien, 120 ni. SW. Fu-chu. Chonoa Archipelago, off Patagonia. Lat. 44° to 46° S. Choo-Kiang R. Sue Canton. Choolim R., Siberia, trib. of the Obi, 500 m. long. Choomp-Hoon, tn., Siam, on G. of Siani. 11° N., 99" 30' E. Chooroom, tn., Asia Minor, 28 ni. SW. Osman.jik. Choo-Yimg, city, China, prov. and 75 m. W. Yun-nan, Chope, coallield, Bengal, Hazaribagh dist., 2000 ft. above sea. Choppington, eccl. dist. and vil., S. Northumberland. Chopra, sub-dist., Bombay, Khandesh dist., 368 sq. m. Chopra, eh. tn. of above. Lat. 21° 15' 15" N., 75° 20' 25" E. Choptank R., Delaware and Maryland, falls into Chesapeake Bay. Chopwell, tnshp., Durham, 8} m. SW. Gateshead. 3846 ac. Chorasi, sub-div. , Bombay, Surat dist. Area no sq. m, Chorillos. vil., Peru, 9 m. S. Lima. Bathing-resort. Chorley, bor., tn., and par., Lancashire, 9 m. SE. Preston. 23,082. Chorley, tnshp., E. Cheshire, 5* m. NW. Macclesfield. Lat. 53° 38' N. Chorley. pari, div., N. Lancasliire. Chorloo, tn., Turkey, Rounielia, 20 m. NE. Rodosto. Chorlton-cnm- Hardy, tnshp., Lancashire, sJm. SW. Manchester. Chorlton-upon-Mediock, tnslip., SE. Lancashire. 646 ac Chorostow, tn., Austria, prov. Galicia, SE. Tarnopol. Chorrera, tn., Colombia, state Istnio, 12 ni. W. Panama. Chomk R., Ai'menia, enters the Black Sea at Batoum. Chorzele, tn., Rus. Poland, gov. Flock, 16 m. N. Przasznik. Choshi, tn., Japan, prov. Shimosa. Pop. 17,688. Chota, tn., Peru, dep. Libertad, in Andes, 130 m. N. Trujillo. Chota Nagpur. 5ee Chutla. For other Chotaa see Chhota. Chotebor, tn,, Bohemia, ig m. SE. Czaslau. Chotyn, tn., S. Russia, Bessarabia, on R. Dniester. I'op. 16,183. Chotzen, tn., Bohemia, 19 m. E. Chrudin. Lat. 49" 59' N. Chouteau Island, tnshp., Illinois, Madison co. Chowan R,, N. Carolina, falls into Albemarle Sound. Chowilla, tnshp., S. Australia, co. Hamley, on the Murray R. Chrisman, vil., Illinois, Edgar co., 23 m. S. Danville. Christ, vil, Haiti I., on NW. coast. Christburg, tn., Prussia, 23 m. NE. Marienwerder. Lat. 53" 58' N. Christchurch, par. and vil., Monmouthshire. 5757 acres. Christchurch, bor., spt., l>ar., S. Hants. Pop. 63,270. Christchurch, tn., N. Zeal., South I., cap. Canterbury prov. P. 30,719. Christ Church, tnshp., S. Carolina, Charleston en. Christchurch Bay, inlet and harbour, Hants, on SW. coast. Christchurch Head, SW. coast, Hants, 3! m. E. Bournemouth. Christian, tnslip., Arkansas, Independence co. Christiana, vjl., Delaware, Newcastle co. Christiana, vil., Pennsylvania, Lancaster co. Christiana Creek, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware Christiania, raji. city, Norway, on C. Fjord, about 310 m. W. of StnLkhnlin. Lat. 59" 54' N., Inn^'. 10° 45' E. Pop. 160,444. Christian Island, Ontario, Sitneoe co., in L. Huron. Lat. 44° 52' N. Christian's Amt, prov., S. Norway, Area 10,368 sq. m. ChriBtiansand, spt. and naval arsenal, S. Norway. Pop. 12,831. ChriBtiansand, stift, S. Norway, 157 m. SW. Christiania. P. 342,672. ChriEtiansborg, set., Africa, Biit. Gold Coast, 4 m. E. Accra, Christiansburg, tn., Virginia, cap. of Montgomery co. Chriatianbury Cray, height, E. Cumberland. Alt. 159S ft. Christianfihaab, Danish set., W. Greenland. SE. Disko Island. Chrifltianstad, tn., Sweden, cap. Christianstad la?n. Pop. 10,334. ChriBtianstad, hen, Sweden, 265 m. SW. Stockholm. Pop. 223,422. Christiansted, tn., cap. of SantA Cruz I., Danish W. Indies. Christ ianaund, spt., Norway, Romsdal Amt. Lat. 63° 10' N. Christie Bay, Canada, NW. Ter., in Great Slave Lake. Christie s Junction, tnshp.. New Zealand, Inangahua co. Christine hanm, tn., Sweden, Carlstad leen, on L. Wener. Christinestad, spt., Finland, 55 \\\. S. Vasa, on G. of Bothnia. Christleton. jtar. and tnshp., W. Cheshire, 2 m. SE. Chester. Christmas Hill, dist., Victoria, co, Evelyn. Christmas I. (Brit.), Indian Ocean. Lat. io° 30' S., long. 105° 30' E. Christmas I., Pacilie Ocean. Lat. 1° 57' N., hmg. 157° 27' W. Christmas I., Cape Breton I., in Little Bras d'Or. Christ's Kirk or Rathmuriel, ancient par., W. Aberdeenshire. Christy, tnshp., Illinois, Lawrnnce co. Chrudim, tn., Bohemia, 62 m. ESE. Prague, Pop. 11,886. Chryston and Mulrhead, vil., Lanarkshire, 7^ m. NE. Glasgow. Chrzanow, tn., Austria, prov. Galicia, 27 m. W. Cracow. Chuadanga, sub-dist. and tn.. Bengal, Nadiya dist. Chadieigh, tn. and jiar., E. Devon, 10 m. SW. Exeter. Chudleigh, vil., Tasmania, co. Westmoreland, on Lobster R. ChudJeigh, Cape, N. Labradr>r, at entrance to Hudson Strait. Chui R., Asiatic Russia, from L. Issyk-KnI. Chulmlelgh, tn., par , N. Devon, on 1{. Taw, 8 m. SW. ofS. Molten. Chumulari, peak, Himalaya.^. Lat. if 49' N. Alt. 23,944 ft. Chunohungiri, hill, Mysore, India. Lat. 13° 1' N., long. 76° 49' E. Chang-king, free port, China, prov. Sc-Chuan. Pop. 200,000. Chnnian, Uxksil, Punjab, Lahore dist. Area 1227 sq. ni. Chunian, tn., Punjab, Lahore dist. Lat. 30° 58' N., long. 74° i' E. Chupat R., Patagonia, enters Atlantic in lat. 13° 14' S. Chuquibamba, tn. and mtn., Peru. Alt. of mtn. 21,000 ft. Chuquisaca, city, dep., and former cap., Boli^'ia. Pop. city 12,000 (?). Chur, tn., Switzerland, cap, canton Grisons, ESE. Lucerne. Chura, tn., petty state, Gujarat, Bombay, India. P. state 13,495. Churaman, port, Orissa, India, on the Gauimai R., near its mouth. Church, tn., Lancashire, i m. NW. Accrington. Church Coppenhall, tnshp., Cheshire, \\\\\. NW. Crewe. Churchdown, par., tnshp., and vil., E. Gloucestersh. Churchdown Hill, co. and 3^ m. E. Gloucester. Alt. 2550 ft. Church Falls, vil., Ontario, Peel co., 45 m. from Toronto. Church Gresley, tnshp., S. Derbyshire, 4^ ra. SE, Burton-on-Trent. Church Hill, vil., Ohio, TruinbuU co., 4^ m. NW. Youngsto^vn. Churchhill, tnshp.. New Zealand, co. Raglan. Churchhill, vil., Ontario, Co. Simcoe, 12 m. from Barrie. Churchhill, Missinnippi, or English R., Canada, enters Hudson Bay. Churchill Cape, Canada, Kewatiii, on Hudson Bay. Lat. 58° 47' N. Churchill, Fort, Canada, Kewatin, on Hudson Bay. Church Island, Calry par., N. co. Sligo. Area 41 acres. Church Over, vil., Nova Scotia, co. and 7 m. from Shelburue. Churchstoke, par,, Montgomery and Shrnpshires. Churchfitoke, tnshp., in above. 8787 acres. Church stretton, tn. and par., S. Shrojishire. 10,716 acres. Churchtown, par. and vil,, co, Cork, 4 ni. N. Buttevant. Churchtown, par., W. co. Kildare, ^\ith part of Athy. Churchville, vil., Iowa, Warren co. Churchville, vil., Maryland, Harford co., 6 m. NE. Bel Air. ChurchviUe, vil.. New York, Monroe co., 15 ni. SW. Rochester. Churchville, vil., Ontario, co. Peel, on R. Credit, 24 w\. from Toronto. Churchville, vil., Nova Scotia, 5 m. from New Glasgow. Churjajira, tn., Bengal, Dacca dist. Chum, Iieadstream of R. Thames, E. Gloucestershire. Chumet Valley, E. Cheshire and N. Stallurdshire. Churu, tn., Rajputana, Bikaner state. Lat. 28° 19' 15" N. Churwell, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, 3 m. SW. Leeds. Chusan, is].. ntlE. coast of China, in "lat. 30° 15' N. Pop. 200,000. Chute k Blondeau, vil., Ontario, co. Prescott, on R. Ottawa. Chutia Nagpur, div., Bengal. Area 43,020 sq. m. Chutia Nagpur, 9 native tributary states, Bengal. Chuzu's, vil., Mashonaland, S. Africa. Chynhals Point, Cornwall, 5 m. NE. Lizard Head. Ciamot, vil., Switzerland, canton Grisons, 3 ui. NE. Mt. Baduz. Clanciana, tn., Sicily, 15 m. NW. Girgenti. Cibolo River, Texas, tributary of the San Antonio River. Cicagna, vil., Italy, 11 m. N. Chiavari, foot of Apennines. Cicciano, tn., Italy, prov. Caserta, 5 m. N. Nola. Cicero, vil., Indiana, Hamilton co., 22 m. N. Indianapolis. Cicero, tnshp., Indiana, Tijitou co. Cicero, vil. and tnshp., New York, Onondaga co. Cicia. S<:e Chichia. Ciechanow, tn., Russia, gov. Plock, 14 m. N. Pultusk. Lat. 52° 53' N. Cienfuegos, tn., W. Cuba. Long. 81'' W. Pop. 65,067. Cieplice, vil., Austria, Galicia, 30m. NNW. Frzemysl. Lat, so^iB'N. Cieza, tn,, Spain, 26 ra. NW. Blurcia, near the Segura. Pop. 10^910. Cigliano, tn., Italy, in Piedmont, 18 m. W. Vercelli. Cilavegna, tn., Italy, prov. Pavia, 4 m. NE. Mortara. CiUy, Ciili, or Zilli, tn., Austria, StjTia, on the Save, 58 m. 8. Gratz. Cilycwm. par., Carmarthenshire, on R. Towy, 4 m. N. Llandovery. Cimarron or Red Fork of Arkansas R., Indian territory, U.S. Cimbrishamn, tn., Sweden, 3.1m. S8E, Christianstad. Ciminna, tn., Sicily, 18 m. SE. Palermo. Lat. 37° 52' N. CimitUe, tn., Italy, prov. Caserta, i m. N. Nola. Cimone, mtn., Apennines, prov. Modena. Lat. 44° 13' N. Alt. 6975. Ciualoa, state, Mexico, E. Gulf of California. 28,675 ^1- 1"- P- 223,684. Cinaloa, tn., in above, 50 m. from Gulf of Mexico. Pop. 17,330. Cincinnati, chief city, Ohio, on Ohio R., Hamilton co. Pop. 296,309. Cincinuatus, vil. and tnshp., New York, Cortland co. Cindery Islands. Essex, in R, Colne, at Brightlingsea. Ciney, tn., Belgium, prov. and 15 m. SE. Namur. CingoU or Ciugolo. tn., Italy, 14 m. WNW. Macerata. Pop. 12,389. Cinigiano, tn., Italy, prov. Grosseto, 28 m. SE. Siena. Cinisi, tn., Sicily, 14 ni. WNW. Palermo. Cinnaminson, tnshp,, New Jersey, Burlington co. Cinquefrondi, tn,, Italy, prov. Reggio di Calabria. Cinque Hommes, tnshp., Missouri, Perry co. Cinque Ports or Five Ports, anc. jurisdiction of Lord Warden, in Essex, Kent, and Sussex, England. Cintra, tn., Pnrtugal, 14 ni. NW. Lisbon, Lat. 38° 56' N, Ciotat or La Ciotat, spt, , France, Bouches-du-Rhone. Lat, 43° 12' N. Circars, Northern, historical name for tract, Madras. 17,000 sq. m. Circassia,, W. Caucasus, govs. Kuban and Chernomorsk. Clrcleville, city, Oliio, cap. of Pickaway co., on Scioto R. Circleville, tnshp., W. Virginia, Pendleton co. Circular Head, Tas7nania, on W. side of Sawyer's Bay. Circular Road Canal, Bengal, between the Hugli and Salt Water L. Cirencester, tn, and par., E. Gloucestershire. Lat. 51° 43' N. Cirencester, pari, div , Gloucestershire. Clrie, tn., Italy, in Piedmont, 12 m. NNW. Turin. Lat. 45' 13' N. Ciro, tn., Italy, prov. Catanzaro, 21 m. NXW. Cotrone. Cir Vohr, mtns. and peak, Arran I., 5 m. N W. Brodick. Alt. 2618ft. Ciscaucasia, that part of Caucasia N. of the mountains. Cisco, ry. stn., Brit. Columbia, on C. P. Ry., 308 m. W. Donald. Cis-SutleJ States, Punjab, include 4 dists. and 3 states, Cisterua, vil., Italy, 8 m. SSE. Velletri. Lat. 41° 34' N., long. 12" 50' E. Cisterna, vil., Italy, in Piedmont, 23 ni. SE. Turin. Cistemino, tn,, Italy, prov. Bari, 17 ni. SE. Monopoli. Clteaux, hamlet, France, Cote d'Or, 14 m. Ni*;. Beanne. Cithsron or Elatea, mtn., Greece, Attica and Boeotia. Alt. 4620 ft. Cittadella, tn., Italy, 14 m. NE. Vicenza, on the Brentella. Citta della Pieve, tn., Italy, in Umbria, 23 ni. WSW. Perugia. Cltta dl CasteUo, tn., Italy, on R. Tiber, 30 m. NW. Perugia. 70 CIT THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CLE Clttanova, tn., Italv, prov. Reggio di Calabria, near Palmi. P. 12,070. Citta Vecchia or KotabUe, city, Malta, 6 m. W. Valetta. Pop. 22,182. Citta Vecchia, spt. of Dalniatia, on I. of Lesina. City Island, vil., New Vork, Westchester co., on Long Island Sountl. City Point, port of entry, Virginia, on James and Appomattox Rs. Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela, iS'ce Ajigostura. Cludad de Cara, tn., Venezuela, state Guzman Blanco. Pop. 12,198. Ciudad de las Casaa, tn. , Mexico, state Chiapas. Ciudadela, spt., Minorca, 25 m. W. Port Mahon. Lat. 4o''o'N., 3° 54' E. Ciadad Eeal, city, Spain, cap. of prov. of same name. Pop. 13,589. Ciudad Real, prov., Spain, formerly La Manclia, S. Madrid. P. 292,291. Ciudad Eodrlgo, city, Spain, 44 m. SW. Salamanca. Ciudad Victoria, tn,, Mexico, cap. of Tamaidijias state. Cividale, tit., Italy, prov. Friuli, g m. ENE. Udine. Civlta Castellana, tn., Italy, prov. Latiuni, ig m, SE. Viterbo. Civlta di Peane, city, Italy, 23 ra. SE. Teramo. Civita Ducale, tn. , Italy, prov. Aquila, 5 ni. E. Rieli. Civita Nuova, spt, Italy, prov. and 12 m. W. Slacerata. Pop. 10,000. Civita Sant' Angelo, tn., Italy, prov. Taramo, near Adriatic. Civitavecchia, spt., Italy, 38 m. NW. Rome. Pop. 11,938. Civltella, tn., Italy, prov, Arezzo. Lat. 43° 27' N., long. 11° 42' E. CivltellaCaaanuovo, tn., Itily, Abruzze, dist. Penne. Civltella del Tronto, tn., Italy, prov. and 9 ni. N. Teramo. Clvray, tn., Fmnce, in Vienne, on R. Cliarente. Lat. 46° 10' N. Clachan, vil., Ontan'o, co. Elgin, 6 in. from Both well. Clachan Sound, Argyllshire, between Lome and Seil Island. Clachnaharry, in co. and XW. suburb of Inverness, Clackamas E., Oregon, Clackamas co., trib. of Willamette R. Clackmannan, CO. tn., Clackmannanshire, on R. Devon, Clack man nanahire, smallest co. of Scotland. 47 sq. m. Clackton-on-sea, watering-jdace, E. Essex, 67 m. N"E. London. Claddagh, suburb of Gal way, chiefly inhabited by fishermen. Claerwen E., joins R. Elan on borders of Radnor and Brecknock. Claggan, hill, W. co. Mayo, 6 m. E. Achill Sound. Alt. 1258 ft. Clahoquot Sound, British Columbia, W. Vancouver I. Clalnea, par. and tnshp., W. Worcestershire. Clairac, tn., France, Lot-et-Garonne, 16 m. NW. Agen, Clair Lake, Quebec, Maurice co. Lat. 47" 5' N., long. 73° 50' W. Clair Lake, Quebec, Portneuf co. Lat. 47° 10' N., long- 72" 3' W. Clairvattx, vil., France, dep. Aube, 33 m. SE. Troyes. Ciairvaux, vil., Quebec, Charlevoix i-o., 9 m. NW. St. Paul's Bay. Clamart, vil., France, 5 m. SW. Paris. Clamecy, tn., France, in Ni^vre, on R. Tonne. Lat. 47' 27' N. Clanubell Cave, Staffa I., Argyllsliire, 130 ft. long. Clanawley, barony, W. co. Fennanagh. Clandonagh, barony. Queen's co. 43,733 ac. Clandown, eccl. dist., Midsomer Norton par., E. Somersetshire. Clane, vil, co. KUdare, on R. Liffey, 18 m. W. Dublin. Lat. 53° 18' N. Clankee, barony, E. co. Cavan. 64,380 ac. Clankelly, barony, Ft-mianagh. 39,067 ac, Clanmahon, barony, S. co. Cavan. 51,46030. Clanmaurlce, barony, Kerry, 120,52030. Clanmorria, barony, S. co. ^I.1yo. 69,252 ac, Clanque Battery, rock fort of S W. part of Aldernoy. ClanwiUlam, barony, N. co. Limerick. 55,627 ac. Clanwilliam, barony, W, co. Tipperary. 115,96030. Clanwllliam, municipality, Minnednsa co., Manitoba. Clanwilliam, div., Cape Colony, watered byOlifantR. ClanyardBay, Wigtownshire, 5^ m. NW. Mull of Galloway. Clapham, par, and suburb, SW. London, Mid. Surri-y. Pop. 43,693. Clapham, par. and vil,, W. Riding, Yorks., 6 m. NW. Settle. Clapper Rocka, St. Mary's L, Scilly Isles, Cornwall. Clapper Street, vil., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co. Clapton,, NE. London, Middlesex, Clara, tn.. King's no., Ireland, 6 ni. NW. TuUamore. Lat. 53" 21' N. Clara or Villa Clara, tn., Cuha, 30 m. NE. Cienfuegos. Pop. 22,781. Clarboroagh, par, and vil., Notts., 3 m. NE, of E, Retford. Clare, eccl. dist., N. Devon, in Tiverton. Clare, Co., Ireland, prov, Munsler. Area 1294 sq, m. P, 123,869. Clare, tn. and par., W. Sutlolk, on R. Stour, Lat. 52° 5' N.,©" 37' E. Clare, jsl.,inClew Bay, W. co. Mayo. Lat. 53° 48' N., long. 10° o' W. Clare, tn., co. Clare, 2 m. SE. Ennig. Lat. 52° 48' N., long. Z" 58' W. Clare, municipality, S, Australia, Stanley co., NW. Adelaide, Clare, tnshp., New S. Wales, co. Manara, 430 in. W. Sydney. Clare, vil., Michigan, Clare co., 49 m. NW. of E. Saginaw. Clareabbey, par., mid. co, Clare, containing Clare tn. Claregalway, par. anti vil., co. and 7 m, NE. Gahvay, Claremont, vil. and tnshp,, New Hampshire, Sullivan co. Lat. 43''22'N. Claremont, vil., Ontario prov, and co., 6 m. from Stouffvillc. Claremont Island, Queensland, 65 m. NW. Cape Melville, Claremont Point, Queensland, dist. Cook, on Princess Charlotte Bay. Claremorrla, tn., S. co. Mayo, 14 ni. SE. Castlcbar. Clarence, dist., NE. New Snuth Wales. Area 5000 sq, m. Clarence, vil., Ontario, Russell co,, on R. Ottawa. Clarence, NE. co., New South Wales, on the Pacific coast. Clarence, vil., L.wa, Cedar co., 47 ni. W. of Clinton. Clarence, vil., Missouri, Shelljy co., n m. E. M.acon Citv. Clarence, vil. and tnshp., Now York. Eriu co., 18 m. ENE. Buffalo. Clarence Harbour or Port Clarence, Alaska, on Behring Strait. Clarence Eidge, s.t., New Brunswick, co. Charlotte. Clarence River. New S. Wab-s, enters Shoal Bay, Lat. 29° 25' S. Clarence River, New ^lealaiid, fjills into Cook Strait. Clarence River Heada or Yamba, tn., N. S. Wales, 307 m. N. Sydncv. Clarence Strait, Alaska, betw. Prince of Wales and Duke of York "is. Clarence Strait, N. Territory, South Australia, H. of Melville I. Clarence Town, tnslip.. New 8. Wales, 114 ni. NNE. Sydney. Clare nee vllle, ].t. of entry, Quebec, Missisquoi ca, on Ilieholicu R. Clarendon, tnshp., S. Australia, co. and 18 m. SK. Adilaidn. Clarendon, tn. and dist., Victoria, ca Gnnl, 83 m. WNW. Melbourne. Clarendon, post dist , N. S. Wales, co. Clarendon, 290 m. SW. Sydney. Clarendon, vil., Arkansas, cap. of Monroe Co., on White R. Clarendon, tnshp., Michigan, Cnlhoun co. Clarendon, viL and tnshp., New York, Orleans co. Clarendon, vil. and tnshp,, Vermont, Rutland co. Clarendon Centre, vil., Quebec, Pontiac co., 8 m. NW, Bristol, Ctaridon, tnshp., Ohio, Marifjn co., 4 m. S. of Caledonia. Clarina, vil., Quebec, Shefi"ord co., 4 m. SW. Granby. Clarinda, tn., Iowa, cap. of Page CO., on Nodaway R. Clarington, vil , Ohio, Monroe co., on Ohio R. and Sunfish Creek. Clarion, borough, Pennsylvania, cap. Clarion co. Clarion R., Pennsylvania, falls into the Alleghany R. Clarke, vil., Ontario, Durham co., 3 m. from Newtonville station, Clarke Mt., N. 8. Wales, highest peak of Australian Alps, 7256 ft. Clarke Range, mtns., Queensland, dist. S. Kennedy. Clarke River, Queensland, dist. N. Kennedy, trib. of Burdekin R. Clarke River, New Zealand, co. Westland, trib. of the Uoast 11. Clarke's Point, Massachusetts, on New Beilford Bsy. Clarke's River, Montana, Idaho, and Washington, 700 m. long. Clark's, ry, stn., Ontario, on C. P. Ry., g m, from Brockville, Clark's Beach, fishing set,, Newfoundland, on Conception Bay. Clarksburg, vil , Indiana, Decatur co,, 40 m. SW, of Richmond. Clarksburg, vil., W, Virginia, cap. of Harrison co, Lat. 39° 17' N. Clarksburg, vil., Ontario, co. Grey, 16 m. from CoUing^vood. Clark's Creek, New South Wales, co. Hardinge, Clark's Creek, Kansas, falls into the Kansas U. in Davis co. Clarkafield, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Huron co., 44 m. W3W. Cleveland. Clark's Fork, tnshp., Missouri, Cooper co., 7 m. SE, Boonville. Clarke's lal., Maine, in Penobscot Bay, included in Knox co. 200 ac. Clark's Island, in Arctic Ocean. Lat. 69° 30' N., long. 118' 40' W. Clarkson, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Monroe co. Clark's R., Kentucky, falls into Ohio at junction with Tennessee R, Clarkston, q. s. pir. ami vil , forming partof Airdrie, N. Lanarkshire, Clarkston Toll and Sheddens, vil., E. Renfrewshire. ClarkfiviUe, vil., Missouri, Pike co., on the Mississippi R. Clarksville, vil., Tennessee, cap. Montgomery co. Lat. 36° 33' N. Clarksville. ry. stn.. New Zealand, 8 m. from Dunedin. Clarmallagh, barony. Queen's co., Ireland. 43,533 ac. Clary, vil., France, 10 m. SE. Carabrai. Lat. 50° 3' N., long. 3° 23' E. Clase, tnshp. and sub, of Swansea, S. Wales. Clashcarnach, harbour, N. Sutherlandshire, 4 m. E. Cape Wrath. Claahmack, hill, NW. Abordeensh., 2 m. SW. Huntly. Alt, 1229 ft. Claahmore, par. and vil., SW. co. Waterford, 7 ni. N. Youghal. Clashwan, vil., N. King's co,, near Clare. Founded 1873. Clatford. Upper, par., N. Hants, i m, S. Andover. 2209 ac. Clatt, vil., W. Aberdeenshire, 3 m, SW, Kinnethmont. Clande, Mt., Tasmania, co, Devon, on the Forth R. Claugh Ouyr, hill, NE. Suae Fell, Isle of Man. Alt. 1808 ft. Claughton-cum- Grange, tnshp., W. Cheshire, part Birkenhead, Clausthal, tn., Prussi3, in Harz Mtns., 56 m. SE. Hanover. Clava, plain, with standing stones, Inverness and Naimshires. Claverack, vil.. New York, Columbia CO., 4i m. ESE. Hudson. Claverack Creek, New York, Columbia co., joins Kinderhook Creek. Claverhouse, vil., Forfarshire, 3^ ni. NE, Dundee. Clavering, par., Essex, 6J m. SW. Saffron Walden, Claverley, par., Shropshire, 5 m. E. Bridgnorth, 8143 ac. Clay Centre, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, cap. Clay co. Clay City, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Clay co. Clay City, vil., Indiana, Clay co. Clay Cross, tn., E. Derbyshire, 4^ m. S. Chesterfield. Clay Lake, S. Australia, in co. MacDonnell. Clayaville, vil,, Kentucky, Bonrbon co, Clayton, vil., Lancashire, 3^ ni. E. Manchester. Clayton, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, 3^ m. SW. Br3dford. Clayton, vil., Alabama, cap. of Barbour co. Clayton, vil., Delaware, Kentco., on Duck Creek, Clayton, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Adams co, Clayton, vil. and tnshp.. New Jersey, Gloucester co. Clayton, vil. and tnshp., New York, Jefferson co., on St. Lawrence. Clayton, vil. and tnshi\, N. Carolina, Johnston co. Clayton, vil., Wisconsin, Polk co. Clayton, vil., Ontario, co. Lanark, 11 m. from Almonte. Clayton-le-Moors, tnshp., Lancashire, 5J ni. NE. Blackburn. Clayville, vil.. New York, Oneida co., ii m. S. of Utica. Clear Cape, S, point of Ireland, on an island, witli lighthouse. Clear Creek, California, trib. of the Sacramento in Shashta co. Clear Creek, Colorado, rises in Rocky Mtns., trib. of Platte R. Clear Creek, Illinois, trib. of the Mississippi, in Union co. Clear Creek, tnshp., Indiana, Monroe co. Clear Creek, tnshp., N. Candina, Mecklenburg co. Clear Creek, vil., OnUirio, CO. Norfolk, 28 m. from Simcoe, Clearfield, bor., Pennsylvania, cap. of Clearfield co. Clearfield River, Pennsylvania, trib. of the Susquehanna. Clear Lake, Victoria, between Glenelg R. and Morton Creek, Clear Lake, Athabasca, Canada. Lat. 58° 30' N,, long. 112" E, Clear Lake, Ontario, Renfrew CO., draining to Bonnechtre R. Clear Lake, California, 112 ni. N. San Francisco, 1500 ft. above sea. Clear Lake, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Cerro Gordo co., on Clear L. Clear Lake, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Polk CO. Clear Spring, vil., Maryland, Washington co, Clearwater Creek, Saskatchewan, Canada, trib. of Beaver B. Clearwater Lake, on the Labiador Peninsula. Lat. 56° 12' N. Clearwater Lake, ()n(;trio. Lat. 49° 25' N., long. 94° 25' W. Clearwater Lake, Britisli Columbia, 111 lat. 52° 10' N. Clearwater River, Alhcrta, Canada, trib. of N. Saskatchewan R. Clearwater River, blulid. trib. of the Snake or Lewis R, Clearwater River, Minnesota, fiows through Wright co. Cleator Moor, tn., en. Cmnberland, on R. Eden. Cleaveland, tn., Tennessee, cap. Bradley Co.. 83 m. SSW. Knoxvillc. Cleburne, vil., Texas, cap. of Johnson Co., 155 m, N. of Austin. Cleckhoaton, tn., W. Riding, Y'orksh., 5^ in. SE, Bradford. Cleden-Capslzun, vil., France, dep. Finisttire. Cleethorpe, vil., N. Lincolnshire, on the Ilumber. CleftlsUnd, Victoria, one of the Anscr group, 7. v. Cleguirec, tn., France, in Mnrbihan, 6ni. NW. Pontivy. Cleland, vil., Lanarkshire, 3J in. N i'l. Motherwi 11. Clementsport or Moose River, vil.. Nova Scotia, Annapolis Basin. 71 CLE THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CLY Clementsvale, vil., Nova Scotia, on Moose R. Clemmonsville, vil. aad tnshp., N. Carolina, Davidson co. Clendennin, tnshp., W. Virijiuia, Mason co. Cleobury Mortimer, tu., Siiropshire, 7J ni. E. Tenbury. Clepin^n Fens, suburb of Dundee, iicotland. Clercken, vil., Belgium, W. Flanders, 20 ni. SW. Bruges. ClerkenweU, par., in Fiusbury pari, bor., Loudon. Pop. 65,880. Clerk Point, K. Devon, \\ m. NB. Teignniouth. Clermont, tn., France, dep. Oise, 16 m. SSE. Beauvais. Clermont, tnshp.. Queensland, 575 m. NW. Brisbane. Clermont, vil. and tnslip., Iowa, Fayette co. Clermont, vil., Pennsylvania, MrKean co. Clermont-Ferrand, city, France, cap. Puy-de-D6nie. Pop. 43,033. Clermont-l'Herault, tn., France, Herault, 23 :n. W. Montpellier. Clery, tu., France, dep. Loiret, 9 m. SW. Orleans, on R. Loire. Clea. tu. , Tyrol, ig m. NW. Tient. on the Noce. Clett, immense rock in sea, near Holborn Head, Caithness. Cleve, tnshp., S. Australia, co. Jervois, 23 m. W. Franklin Harbour. Clevedon, par. and vil , Somerset, 16 m. SW. Bristol. Cleveland, dist., N. Riding, Yorks. 28 m. long by 15 ni. broad. Cleveland, pari, div., N. Riding, Yorks. Cleveland, tnshp., Indiana, Whitley co. Cleveland, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, La Sueur CO. Cleveland, vil., New York, Oswego co-, on L. Oneida. Cleveland, city, Ohio, port of entry, cap. of Cuyahoga co. P. 261,546. Cleveland, tn., Tennessee, Bradley co. Cleveland, Cape, Queensland, dist. N. Kennedy. Cleveland Mountain, Tasmania, co. Rnssell. Cleves, tn., Khenish Prussia, 23 m. NW. Wesel. Pop. 10,170. Clevea, vil., Oliio, Hamilton CO. Clew Bay, W. co. Mayo, 7 in. by 10 m. Lat. 53° 50' N., long. g° 45' W. Clewer, lar., E., Berkah., on R. Thames, partly in Windsor. Cley-next-the-sea. par. and vil., Norfolk, 4I ui. NW. Holt. Clichy or Clichy la Garenne, N. suburb of Paris. Clifden, spt. of Connemara, W. co. GaUvay. Lat. 53* 29' N., 10" i' W. CUffe, par., E. Susse-x, near R. Onse, W. of Lewes. 33 ac. Cliffe at Hoo, par. and vil., mid. Kent, 5 ni. E. Gravesend. Clifion, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Susquehanna co. Clifford, vil.. Uutari", on Red R., Wellington co. Clifford -cam-Boston, tnshp., W, Riding, Yorks, on R, WTiarfe. Cliff Sound, cliannel, between E. and W. Burra Is., Shetland. Clifton, w.itering-plac.?, W. suburb of Bristol, England. Pop. 29,345. CUfton, name of several small pars, and vils.. Great Britain. Clifton, vil., Illinois, Iroquois co., 69 m. SW. Chicago. Clifton, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Washington co. Clifton, vil., New York, Staaten I., Richmond co. Clifton, vil., Ohio, Hamiltm co. Clifton, ^ il., Tennessee, Wayne co., on the Tennessee R. Clifton, tushp., Virginia, Alleghany co. Clifton, vil., W. Viiginia, Mason co. CUfton or Suspension Brii^ge, tn., Ontario, on Niagara R. Clifton, vil., New South Wales, co. Cumberland, 35 ni. S. Sydney. Clifton, tnshp.. New ;iealand, on coast of co. Westland. Clifton Heights, vil., Pennsylvania, Delaware co. Clifton HiU, Victoria, 3 ni. NNE. Melbourne. Pop, 10,000. Clifton Park, vil. and tnshp., New York, Saratoga co. Clifton Springs, vil., New York, Ontario co. CliftonviJle, \S . suburb of Bnghtmi, E. Sussex. Cligga Head, ou W. coast of Cornwall, near St. Agnes. Clingman's Peak, S. Carolina, summit of Black Mtns., 6660 ft. Clinton, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Greene co. Clinton, vil. and tiislip., Connecticut, Middlesex co. Clinton, tnshp., Illiiiuis, De Kalb co. Clinton, vil, Illinuis, cap. of De Witt co, Clinton, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, Vermillion co. Clinton, city, Iowa, cap. Clinton co., on Mississippi. Pop. 13,629. Clinton, tnshp., luwa, Linn co. Clinton, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Douglas co. Clinton, vil., Kentucky, cap. of Hickman co. Clinton, vil., Lnuisiana, cap. of E. Feliciana parish, Clinton, vil. and tu.slii>., Maine, Kennebec co. Clinton, tn., Massachusetts, Worcester co., on the Nashua R. CUnton, viU and tnshp., Mu-higan, Lenawee co. Clinton, vil., Missi.ssijjpi, Hinds co,, g ni. W. Jackson. Clinton, vil. and tuslip,, Missouri, cap. of Henry co. Clinton, bor. and tnshp., New Jersey, Hunterdon co, Clinton, vil.. New York, Oneiiylvania, Lawrence co. Clinton, tnshp., Wisconsin, Rock co., 78 m. NW. Chicago. Clinton, Til., Ontario, Huron co., 13 m. SE, Goderich. Clinton, tn., New Zeulaud, Chuha co., 74 ni. SW. Dunedin. CUnton, tn., S. Australia, on St. Vincent's Gulf. Clinton-Golden Lake, Canada, Lat. 64° N,, lon^. 107° 30' W. CUnton LiUoet, siib-dist., Brit. Culumbia, Cariboo co. Clinton River, Michigan, falls into Lake St. Clair. Clintonville, tnslip., Alabama. Coffee co. CUntonville, vil., Iliu'Ms, Caneco., 39 m. from Cliicago. Clintonville. vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Barbour co. CUntonviUe, vil., W iscMUsiu, Wauj>aca co, Clio, vil,, Michigiu, Genesee cu., 23 m. S. Saginaw City. CUon, vil., France. Loire-Iuferionre, ji ni. S. Painibceut CUppenB, vil., Renfrewshire, Kilb:irchan par. CUpper, vil., Maryla'.d, Baltimore co. CliMon, tn., fraii'-e, Loire-Inferienre, 16 m. SE. Nantes. CUtheroe, bor., N E. Lancashire, on R. Ribble. CUtheroe, pari, div., NE. I^ncashire. CUve, tnshp.. New Zealand, co. Hawke's Bay, 6 m. from Napier. CUvlger, tnshp., NE. Lancashire, 3^ m. from Burnley. Cloche Mtna., Ontario, Algoma dist. Clochnaben, jutn., Kincardineshire, 9 m. SW. Banchory. Alt. 1944 ft. Cloch Point, Renfrewshire, opposite Dunoon. Clode Bound, Newfouadlaud, Bonavista Bay. Clodock, par. and vil.. co. and 13J ra. SW. Hereford. Clogh, Vil., N. CO. Kilkenny, 9 m. SW. Carlow. Cloghan, vil., W. King's Co., 5 m. NE. Banagher. Cloghane, jwr. and vil., W. co. Keny, on Brandon Bay. Clogteen, tn., S. co. Tipperary, 8 m. S. Caher, Clogher, par. and vil., co. Tyrone, 9 m, SE. Fiutona. Clogher, pur. and vil., S. CO. Loulh, 7 m, NE.Drogheda. Clogher, par., mid. CO. Tipperary, 6 m. SW. Thurles. Clogher, barony, S. co. Tyrone. 97.569 ac. Clogher Head, S. co. Louth, near Clogher. Cloghjordan, viL, N, co. Tipperary, 10 m. W. Roscrea. Clonagam, par., co. and 9 ni. NW. Waterford. 493930. Clonaghe;n and Clonenagh, par., mid. Queen's co. Clonakllty, spt., S. CO. Cork, 15 ni. SW. Bandon. Clonallan, par., SW. co. Down, 2 m. N. Warrenpoint. Clonard, par. and vil., SW. co. Meath, on R. BojTie. Clonbeg, par., co. and 4 m. SW. Tipperary. 15,112 ac. Clonbem, par., N. co. Galway, 6 m. NE. Tuam. 10,461 ac. Clonbroney, par., mid. co. Longford, 4ni. N. Edgeworthstown. Clonca, par., NE. co. Donegal. 19,646 ac. Cloncnrry, tn., Queensland, 1500 m. NW. Brisbane. Cloncnrry K.. Queensland, dist. Burke, flows N. into Giliiat R. Clondagad and Islands, par,, mid. co. Clare. 16,965 ac, Clondahorky, i^ar., N. co. Donegal, 30,243 ac. Clondaikin, par. and vil., co. and 5 m. W. Dublin. Clondavaddog, par., N. CO, Donegal, 6 m. N. Milford. Clonderalaw, barony, S. CO. Clare. 75,878 ac. Clonder.aot, pur,, W. CO. Londonderry. 21,608 ac. Clondrohid, par., W. co. Cork, 4 m. NW. Macroom. Clondnfl, par., S. co. Down, 8 m. E. Newry. 21,227 ac. Clondolane, par. and vil., NE. co, Cork, i^ra. E. Fermoy. Clones, tn., W. co. Monaghan, 39 m. NW. Dundalk. Clones, par., SE. co. Fermanagh, and W. co. Monaghan. Clone's, set, Nova Scotia, co. Queens, 15 m. from Gagetown. Clonfeacle, par., NW. CO. Armagh and SE. co. Tyrone. Clonfert, par., N. co. Cork, on R. Allow. 62,109 ^c. Clongesh, par., co. and 3 m. NW. Longford, on R, Shannon. Clonlea, par., E. co, Clare, 5 in. N. Sixmilebridge. 86S0 ac. Clonlisk, barony, SW. King's co. 49.053 ac. Clonlonan, baruuy, SW. CO. Westmeath. 32,09930. Clonmacnoise, par., NW. King's co,, on R. Sliannon. 21,918 ac. Clonmacnowen, barony, W. co. Galway. 33,467 ac, Clomnany, par. and vil., NE. co. Donegal. 23,381 ac. Cloumeen, par., N. co. Cork, 5 m. S. Kauturk, on R. Blackwater. Clonmel, bor., cos. Tipperary and Waterford, on R. Suir. ClonmeUon, viL, NE. eo. Westmeath, 5 m. NW. Athboy. Clonmore, par. and vil., NE. co. Carlow. 6029 ac. Clonoe, par., E. co. Tyrone, on L. Neagh and R. Blackwater. Clonoulty, par., mid. co. Tipperary, 6 m. NW. Cashel. Clonprieat, par., E. CO. Cork, 4 ni. W. Yonghal. 6984 ac. Clonmsh, par., SE. co. Galway, on L. Dearg. 7410 ac. Clonsast, par., E. King's co., 4 m. NE. Portarlington. Clontarf, tu, , par , and tnshp., co. Dublin., 3 m. NE. of Dublin. Clontibret, par., E. co. Monaghan, 2 m. NW. Castleblaney. Clontnrk, par,, co. and i m. N. Dublin, on R. Tolka. Clontuskert, par., W. co. Galway, 5 ni. S. Ballinasloe. Clonty, Lough, TuUyhunco baruny, W. co. Cavau. Clonygoose, jKir., W, co. Carlow, on R. Barrow. 4699 ac. Clonyhurk, par., SE. King's CO., on R. Barrow. 11,747 ac. Cloon, Lough, S. CO. Mayo, 10 in. SE. Westport. Cloonacleigha, Lough. S. 00, Sligo, 3 m. W. I3allymote. Cloonacolly, Lough, W. Co. Roscommon, 8 m. NW. Castlereagh. Clooncl re, par., N. co. Leitrim, 2 m. E. Manor Hamilton. Clooncr.ff, par., N. co. Roscommon, on L. Bodarig. Cloone, ixir. and vil,, SE. co. Leitrim, 2 m. E. MohilL Clooney, par., W. CO. Clare, i m. SE. Ennistimon. Cloonflnlough, par., E. CO. Roscommon. 7814 ac Cloonoghill, par., S. co. Sligo, 3 ui. SW. Ballymote. 6989 ac. Cloontuskert, par. and vil., co. and 7 m. NE. Roscommon. Clophill, par. and vil., Bedfordshire, on R. IveL 2140 ac. Clopton, vil. and tii^hp., AlaV>ama, Dale co. Cloquet, R., Minnesota, trib. of the St. Lonis R. Closebum, par. and vil., co. and ji| m. NW. Dumfries. Closepet, tuluky Mysore, Bangalore dist. 476 sq. m. Closepet, hdqrs. tn. ofabove. Lat. j2''4o'N., long. 77° 12'E Closter, vil., New Jci-sey, Bergen Co., 19 m. N. Jersey City. Clotze, vil., Prussian Saxf^ny, 40 m. NW. JIagdeburg. Cloud Creek, New South Wales, co. Fitzroy. Cloudy Bay, New Zealand, co. Marlborough, W. Cook Strait. Cloudy Bay, New Guinea, on SE. coast. CloveUy, par. and vil., Devonshire, 11 m. SW. Bideford. Clover Bottom, tnshp., Kentucky, Woodford co. Cloverdale, vil. and tnshp., California, Sonora co, Cloverdale, vil. and tnsli])., lu'liana, Putnam co. Clover HiU, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, Chesterfield co. Cloverport. vil , Kentucky, Ereekenridge co. Cloyin Creek, Queenslaml, dist. Burke, branch of Giliiat R. Cloyne, tu,, SE. co. Cork, 5 m. S, Middleton. Cluca Hills, S. Australia, on W. shore of L. Gairdner. Clump I., N. Territory, Australia, in Queen's Channel. Clun, tn., S. Shropshire, on R. Clun. Clunes, bor., Victoria, Talbot co., 20 m. N. Ballaratw Cluny(Clugny),tn.,France,Sa6ue-et Loire, 14 m. NW. Macon. Cluny, ry. stn., Canada, on C. P. Ry., 776^ m. W. Winnipeg. Cluaone, tn., Italy, 17 m. NE. Bergamo, near the Serio. Clutha R., New Zealand, enters Molyneux Bay in Dunedin prov. dist. Glutton, par and vil., Somerset, 3 ra. S. Pensford. ClwydR., N. Wales, Denbighshire, enters sea at Rhyb Clydach, vil., Glamorganshire, 9^ ni. NW, Llantrissant. Clyde or Dunstan, tnshp.. New Zealand, 151 m. NW. Dunedin. Clyde, dist., Victoria, 34 m. SE. Melbourne. Clyde, vil., Kansas, Cloud Co., on Republican R. 72 CLY THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER COL Clyde, tnshp., Michigan, St. Clair co. Clyde, vil., New York, Wayne co., on the Clyde R. Clyde, vil., Ohio, Sandusky co., 17 m. S\V. Sandusky. Clydebank, bor., Dumbartunshire, 5J in. NW. Glasgow. Clydebank, (list., Victoria, CO. Tanjil, 137 m. E. Melbourne. Clyde Iron Works, vil., Lanarksiiire, 3 ni. S. Glasgow. Clyde, River, Lanarkshire, enters Firth of Clyde bt-low Dumbarton. Clyde River, Tasmania, between cos. Cumberland and Monmouth. Clyde River, New York, falls into the Seneca K. Clyde River, Vermont, falls into L. Memiihremagog, Orleans co. Clydeedale, dist., forming Vale of Clyde, Lauarkshire. Clydesdale, mining tii., Victoria, 83A m. NW. Melbourne. Clydesdale, vil, N. Lanarkshire, near Huly town junction. Clydey, par., NJB. Pembrokeshire. 8120 acres. Clyman, tushj)., Wisconsin, Dodge co., 6 m. S. Juneau. Clymer, vil. and tnshp., New York, Chautauqua co. Clyne, par. and vil., Sutlierlandshire, 9 m. SW. Helmsdale. Clynish Island, CO., Mayo, in Kilmeena par. 80 acres. Clynuog, par. and vil., co. and 9 m. SW. Carnarvon. CljOhe Ness, cape, Caithness, on North Sea. Lat. 38° 21' N. Coagh, vil., NE. co. Tyrone, 5 m. E. Coukstowu. Coahuila, state, NE. Mexico. Area 59,305 sq. m. Pop. 183,327. Coahuila, tn., in above, 150 m. NW. Monti-rey. Coal, tustip., Penn.-ylvania, Northumberland co. Coal Branch, vil.. New Brunswick, co. Kent. Coalbrookdale, mineral dist., S. Shropshire. Coal Castle, haniU-t, Pennsylvania, Scliuylkill co. Coal City, vil., Illinois, Grundy co., 58 m. SW. Chicago. Coal Creek, vil., Tennessee, Anderson co. Coaldale, tnshp.. New S. Wales, co. Clarence, 350 m. NNW. Sydney. Coal Island, vil., co. Tyrone, 5 m. NE. Dungannon. Coalpit Heath, eccl. dist., W Gloucestershire, 3 m. SW. Chipping Sodbury. Coal River, Tasmania, co. Monmouth, flows S. into Pitt Water. Coal River, W. Virginia, falls into the Great Kanawlia R. Coal River, Newfoundland, St. George's Bay dist. Coalsnaughton, vil., Clackmannan, par. and i m. SE. Tillicoultry. Coalton, vil., Fifeshire, 2 m. S. Markincli. Coaltown, vil., SE. Fifeshire, \\ m, N. Wemyss. Coal Valley, vil. and tnslip., Illinois, Rock Island co. Coalville, vil., N. Leicestershire, 5 m. SE. Asliby de la Zouch. Coalville, vil., Iowa, Webster co., 5 m. SE. Fort Dodge. Coalville, vil., Utali, cap. of Summit co. Coamo, tn., Porto Rico, W. Indies. Lat. iS" 3' N., long. 66° 24' W. Coanza R., Lower Guinea, falls into Atlantic below Sao Paolo. Coa River, Portugal, flows 90 m. to R. Douro. Coary, riv., Brazil, alllucnt on N. of Amazon. Length 370 m. Coast Range, mtus., California, Oregon, and Washington. Alt. Sisoft. Coatbridge, bur., N. Lanarkshire, 8} m. E. Glasgow. Pop. 30,000. Coatdyke, vil., N. Lauarkshire, 1 m. SW. Airdrie. Coatea, eccl. dist., Cambridgeshire, Whittlesey par. Coateavtlle, bor., Peuiisylvauia, Chester co., 38 m. W. Philadelphia. Coatesville, vil., Indiana, Hendricks co., 10 m. SW. Danville. Coatham, East, eccl. dist., N. Riding, Yorks, on R. Tees. Coatlcook, vil., Quebec, Stanstead co. Lat. 45' 6' N., long. 71" 50' W. Cobalt, vil., Connecticut, Middlesex co., near Middle Iladdam. Coban, tn., Guatemala, 9 m. N. of Guatemala city. Pop. 18,000. Cobar, tn., New South Wales, Robinson co., 550 m. W. Sydney. Cobargo, tn.. New S. Wales, Dainpier co., 234 m. S. Sydney. Cobbadah, tnshp., New S. Wales, Murchison co., on the Horton R. Cobbe or Kobbe, tii., Cent. Africa, caji. of Darfur. Lat. 14° 11' N. Cobberaa Mountain, Victoria, co. Tambo. Alt. 6025 ft. Cobbler, The, mtn., Ai'gyllshire. Sec Ben Arthur. Cobbler Mountain, Victoria, co. Delatitc. Alt. 5342 ft. Cobbler's Island, Newfounillaud, in Bouavista Bay. Cobbora, tn., New S. Wales, co. Bligb, zoo m. W. Sydney. Cobb River, JIiniiesota,,iriin3 the Darby Creek in Blue Earth co. Cobb'fl Creek, Pennsylvania, falls into Darby Creek. Cobden, ry. stn., Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 85 m. W. Ottawa. Cobden, tn., Victoria, co. Ileytesbury, 132 m. SW. Melbourne. Cobden, tnshp., New Zealand, co. Grey, on the Grey R. Cobdo, city, NW. Mongolia, on the Iso. Lat. 48° N., long. 91° E. Cobdogla, tnshp., S. Australia, co. Hamley, on R. Murray. Cobequid Bay, tlio E. reaches of Minas Basin, Nova Scotia, Cobham, par. and Vil., W. Surrey, 6i ni. W. Epsom. Cobham, p ir. and vil., iniar., W. Staftordshire. 2580 ac. Coedfrank, tuslip. and vil., Glamorganshire, i m. N. Neath. Coele-Syrla, valley, Syria, between Leljanon and Anti-Lebanon. Coen R., Queensland, falls into Gulf of Carpentaria. Coepany, tn. and Dutch set., in SW. of Timor I., E. Indies, Coesfeld, tn., Prussia, gov. and 18 m. \V. Miinster. Coetivy, isl., Indian Ocean, 550 m. NE. Madagascai". Lat. 7''S. Coeur dAlene Lake, Idaho, 18 m. long. Coevorden, tn., Netherlands, 23 m. SSE. Assen. Coeymans, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Albany co. Coeymana Creek, New York, trib. of the Hudson R. Coffee Creek, Colorado, falls into the Arkansas R. in Bent co. Coffeeville, vil., Mississippi, cap. of Yalabusha co. Coffeyville, vil., Kansas, Montgomery co., on Verdigris R. CofllnBay, S. Australia, W. coa.stofco. Flinders. Coffin I., Canada, Mag'laleu group, Gulf of St. Lawrence. Cogan House, tnslip., Pennsylvania, Lycoming co. Coggau, tnshp., New Stmth Wales, co. Phillip, on the Hunter R. Coggeshall, tn., co. Essex, 44^ m. NE. London. Lat. 51° 53' N. Coggeahall, Great, par., E. Essex, 13 m. NE. Chelmsford. Coghills Creek, tn., Victoria, Talbot co., 114 m. WNW. Melbourne. Cognac, tn., France, dep. Cliarente, 24 m. W. Angoulcmo. P. 14,078. Cogoleto, vil., Italy, 14 m. W. Genoa. Lat. 44° 23' N., 8' 38' E. Cohansey Creek, New Jersey, falls into Delaware Bay. Cohasset, vil. and tnshp , Massachusetts, Norfolk co. CohasBBt Rocks, Massachusetts, reef off Cohasset, q.v. Cohoctah, tnshp., Michigan, Livingston co. Cohocton, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Steuben co. Cohotton R., New York, unites with the Tioga to fonn the Chemnng. Cohoes, city, New York, Albany co., on Mohawk and Hudson Rs. Cohuna, tnshp., Victoria, co. Gunbower, 150 m. NNW. Melbourne. Coiba,, Colombia, on S. coast Isthmus of Panama. Lat. 6° 20' N. Coigach, dist., Ross and Cromarty, 24 m. NW. Ullapool. Colla, tnslip., New South Wales, co. Dampier, 160 ni. SSW. Sydney. Coilantogle, ford on R. Teith, Perthsliii-e, 2^ m. SW. Callander Coimadat, tn., Victoria, co. Bourke, 34 m. NW. Melbourne. Coimbatore, dist., Madras. Ai'ea 7842 sq. m. Coimbatore, chief tn. of above. Lat. 10° 59' 41" N. Pop. 46,360. Coimbra, city, Portugal, cap. Beira prov. Pop. 13,369. Coin, tn., Spain, in Andalusia, 21 m. W. Malaga. Pop, 10,060. Coin, vil., Iowa, Page co.. 7 m. S. Tai'kio. Coire, Switzerland. .Sec Ohur. CoitaviUe, vil. and tnshp., Oliio, Mahoning co. Cojedea, dep., Zamora state, Venezm la. 5086 sq. ni. Pop. 83,792. Cojutepeque, tn.. Cent. America, 15 m. S. San Salvador. P. 10,000. Cokato, vil. and tnshp., Mliniesota, Wright co. Coker, East, par., luiil. Sonicrset. aiai ac. Cokeaburg, vil. and tnshp., S. Carolina, Abbeville co. Cokeville, vil., Pennsylvania, Westmoreland co. Colac, tn., Victoria, Polwarth co,, 50 m. from Geelong. Colao Lake, Victoria, in extreme N. of co. Polwarth. Colberg, tn., Prussia, 25 m, W. Coslin. Lat. 54° 10' N. Pop. 16,657. Colbinabbln, dist., Victoria, co. Rodney, 143 m. N. Melbourne. Colborne, vil., Ontario, 85 m. E. Toi-onto, on L. Ontnio. Colchagua, prov., Cliili. Area 37S7 sq. ni. Pop. 156,278. Colchester, bor. and spt., Essex, 52 m. NK. London, Pop. 34,559. Colcheater, vil., Ontario, Essex co., on Lake Erie. 73 COL THE GRAPHIC GAZATTEER COL Colchester, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Xew London co. Colchester, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, M'Donough CO. Colchester, tushp., New York, Delaware co, Colchester, vil. and tnshp,, VeiTuont, Chittenden co. Cold Creek, Quebec, Montcalm co., falls into the Rouge R. Col de BaJme, pass, Alps, Chainonnix valley to Switz. AH. 728 ft. Col de Ferret, pass, Alps, from Orsieres to Courmayeur. Alt. 7641 ft. Colden, summit, Isle of Man. Alt. 1599 ft. Colden, vil. and tnshp., New York, Erie co., 22 m. SE. Buffalo. Cold Harbour, Virginia, scene of battle 1864, near Chickahoming R, Coldhurst, eccl. dist. and suburb of Manchester, Lancashire. Coldingham, par. and ^il., Berwickshire, 3 m. NW. Eyemouth. Colditz, tn., Saxony, 25 ni. SE. Leipzic. Cold Lake, Saskatchewan. Lat. 50° 48' N., long. 110° W. Cold Spring, tnslip., Illinois, Slielby co. Cold Spring, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Campbell co. Cold Spring, vil.. New York, Putnam. co., 52 m. N. New York city. Cold Spring, vil., New York, Suffolk co., 30 m. E. Brooklyn. Coldstream, par. and tn., Berwickshire, on R. Tweed. Coldstream, vil., New Brunswick, Carleton co. Coldfltream, tnslip., N. S. Wales, co. Rodney, 350 m. NNE. Sydney. Col du Bonhomme, pass, Alps, 10 m, SW. Mont. Blanc. Alt. 8054 ft. Col da Julier, pass, Alps, near source of R. Inn, Switz. Alt. 7558 ft. Coldwater, city, Michigan, cap. Branch co., on Coldwater R. Coldwater R., Missouri, joins the Tallahatchec. Length 140 m. Colebrook, vil., Ontario, co. Addington, 20 m. W. Kingston. Colehrook, vil, and tnshp., Connecticut, Litchfield co. Colebrook, vil. and tnshp.. New Hampshire, cap. of Coos co. Colebrookdale, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Berks co. Colebrook Dale, tnshp., Tasmania, co. Monmouth. Coleford, tn., \V. Gloucestershire, 4 m. SE. Monmouth. Coleham, eccl. dist. and suburb of Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Cole Harbour, vil., Nova Scotia, co. and 35 m. from Guysborough. Colehour, vil., Illinois, Cook co., on L. Michigan. Coleman, vil., Texas, cap. of Coleman co., 150 m. NW. Austin. Coleman R., Queensland, dist. Cook, trib. of Kennedy R. Coleman's, tnshp., Alabama, Elsmore co. Coleman's, tnshp., S. Carolina, Edgefield co. Cole Mount, Victoria, peak of the Great Dividing Range. Colerain, tnshp. and vil., Massachusetts, Franklin co. Colerain, tnshp. aud vil., N. Carolina, Bertie co., on Chowan B. Colerain, tnshp., Ohio, Belmont co., 10 m. NNW. Bellaire. Colerain, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Lancaster co. Coleraine, spt., co. Londonderry, on R. Bann. Coleraine, barony, NE. co. Londonderry. 85,837 ac. Coleraine, tn., Victoria, Dundas co., 236 m. W. Melbourne. Coleraine, NE. Liberties of, NE. co. Londonderiy. 18,007 &c. Coleridge, vil., Ontario, co. Wellington, 13 m. from Orangeville. Coleridge, tnshp., New ZeaLind, co. Selwyn, on Lake Coleridge. Coleridge Lake, New Zealand, co, Coleridge, 18 m. from Springfield. Coleme, par., N. Wilts, 8 m. SW. Chippenham. 262a ac. Coleroon, N. mouth of the Kaveri R., Madras. Lat. 11° 26' N. Colesberg, tn., Cape Colony, 410 m. N. Port Elizabeth. Coleshill, tn. and par., N. Warwickshire, 10 m. NE. Birmingham. Coletta Creek, Texas, trib. of the Guadalupe R., Victoria co. Coleville, vil., Pennsylvania, M'Kean co., 8 m. NW. Bradford. Coley, eccl. dist, N. div., W. Billing, Yorkshire. Colfax, vil., California, Placer co., 54 ra. E. Sacramento. Colfax, tnshp., Illinois, Champaign co. Colfax, vil., Indiana, Clinton co., 42 m. NW. Indianapolis. Colfax, tnshp., Iowa, Grundy co. Colfax, vil., Iowa, Jasper co., 23 m. E. Des Moines. Colfax, tnshp,, Iowa, Page co. Colfax, tnshp., Missouri, Daviess co. Colfax, tnshp., Missouri, De Kalb co. Colfax, tnshp., Missouri, Harrison co. Colfax, tnshp., N. Carolina, Rutherford co. Colfax, vil., Washington, cap, of Whitman co. Colgong, tn., Bengal, div, and dist. Aliagalpur. Colgrave Sound, between Yell and Fetlar Islands, Shetland. Colico, vil., Italy, prov. and 26 m. NNE. Como. Colima, state, Mexico, Pacific Ocean. Area 2704 sq. m. Pop. 69,547. Colima, city, cap. of above. 80 m. E. Manzajiilla. Pop. 25,124. Colima, volcano, Mexico, 30 m. NE. Colima city. Alt. 12,685 ft. Colinsburgh, vil., E. Fifeshire, 2 ni. NW. Kilconquhar. Colinton, par. aud vil., Midlothian, 4 m. SW. Edinburgh. ColinviJle, vil., Ontario, co. Lambton, on R. St. Clair. CoU, isl. and par., Argyllshire, gi m. W. Ardnamurchan Point. CoUace, par. and vil., co. and 8 ni. NE. Perth. Colla Firth, Shetland, on E. side of Northmavine Island. CoUamer, vil., Oliio, Cuyahoga co., i m. from Collinwood. CoUares, tn., Portugal, 12 m. WNW. Lisbon. Lat. 38° 46' N. Collarindaboi, tnshp., New South Wales, co. Finch, on Barwan R. Colle, tn., Italy, prov. Benevento. Lat. 41° 22' N., long. 14° 51' E. CoUe, tn., Italy, prov. and 22 ni. SSW. Florence. Lat. 43° 25' N. Collector or Yarra, tnshp.. New South Wales, co. Argyll. CoUeda, tn., Prussian Saxony, 5 m. E. Sommerda. Colle di val d'Elsa, In., Italy, 12 m. NW. Siena. CoUegal, taluk, Maxims, Coimbature dist. Area io6a sq. m. Collegal, chief tn. of above, in lat. 12° 10' N.. long. 77° 9' E. College, tnshp,, Iowa, Linn co. College, tnshp., Pennsj'lvania, Centre co. College Hill, vil., Ohio, Hamilton co,, 6 m. N. Cincinnati. College Point, viL, New York, Queen's co., 11 m. E. New York. College Springs, vil., Iowa, Page co., 13 m, SE. Clarinda. CoUegeville, \i\., Pennsylvania, Jlontgomery co. Colleaana, tn., Sicily, 25 m, ESE. Palermo. Lat. 37° 54' N. CoUessle, par. anne. 74,322 ac. Colton, tn , S. Australia, Flinders dist., 320 m. NW. Adelaide. Colton, vil., California, San B«.Tnai-dino co., 55 m. E. Los Angelos. Colton, vih and tnshp., New York, St, Lawrt-nce co., on Racket R. Coltwang, tn.shp., New South Wales, co. Taila, on the Murray R. Columbia, tnshp., Arkansas, Randolph co. Columbia, vil., California, Tuolmne co., 142 m. N. San Francisco Columbia, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Monroe co. Columbia, vil., Indiana, Dubois co. Columbia, tn.'-hp., Indiana, Gibson co, Colombia, tnshp,, Indiana, Jennings co. Columbia, tuslii*,, Indiana, Martin co. Columbia, tnslip., Indiana, Wliitley co. Columbia, tn>]ip., Iowa, Wapello co. Colombia, tuslip., Kansas, Ellsworth co. Columbia, vil, and tnshp,, Kentucky, cap. Adair co. Columbia, tnslip., Michigan, Jackson co. Columbia, tnshp,, Michigan, Tuscola co. Columbia, vil. and tu>hp., Michigan, Van Bnren co. Columbia, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, cap. of Boone co. Columbia, vil. and tnshp., New York, Herkimer co. Columbia, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, Randolph co. Columbia, vil. and tnslip., N. Carolina, cap. of Tyrrell CO. Columbia, suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio, on the Ohio R. Columbia, tnshp., Ohio, Hamilton co. Columbia, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Bradford co. 74 COL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CON Colombia, bor., Pennsylvania, Lancaster co. Pop. 10,697. Colombia, tushp., Pennsylvania, Pender co. Colombia, City, cap. of S. Carolina. Columbia, city, Tennessee, oap. of Murray co., on Duck R. Colombia viL, Texas, Brazntia co., ou Brazos R. Colombia, vil. and tnslip., Virginia, Fluvanna co. Colombia, Cape, N. point of Grant Land, Arctic America, Colombia City, tn., Indiana, cap. of Wliitley co. Colombia, District ol^ fee District of Colombia. Columbiana, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, cap. Shelby co. Columbiana, vil., Ohio, Culumbiana co., 42 m. E. Canton. Colombia or Oregon River, Brit. Columbia and U.S., falls into Pacific. CoIombkiU, par., co. Lonj^furd, 5 m. N. Granard. 18,566 ac. Colombos, vil., Ontario, co. Ontario, 6 m. from Oshaka. ColomboB, city, Georgia, U.S., cap. of Muscogee co. Colombos, vrl. and tnshp., Illinois, Adams co. Colombos, city, Indiana, cap. Bartholomew co. Colombos, vil., Kansas^ cap. of Cherokee co. Colombos, vil., Kentucky, Hickman CO., on the Mississippi. Colombos, tnshp., Micliigin, St. Clair co. Colombos, city, Mississippi, cip. Lowndes co., on Tombigbee R. Columbus, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Juhnsou co. Columbus, city, Nebraska, uap of Pratte co. Columbus, vil., X-^w Jersey. Burlington Co., 13 m. SE. Trenton. Colombos, vil. and '.ushp.. New York, Chenango co. Columbus, vil. andtuslip.,N. Carolina, cap. Polkco. Columbus, city, Oliio, cap of state p.nd Franklin co. Pop. 90,393. Columbus, bor. and tnshp. Peunsylvania, Warreu co. Columbus, Vil., Texas, cap. of Colorado co., on Colorado R. Columbus, vil. and tnshp. Wisconsin, Columbia co. Columbus City, vil. and tnslip., Iowa, Louisa co. Columbus Grove, vil , Ohio, Puinam co., 58 m. SW. Toledo. Columbos Junction, vil., Iowa, Louisa co , on the Ohio R. Colusa, vil. and tnshp., California, cap. Colusa co. Colvend, par. and vil., SE. Kirkcudbrightshire. ColvlUe, tnshp., Arkans is, Benton co. Colville, Cape, New Zealand, N. point of co. CoromandeL Colwall, par. and vil. Herefordsh., 3^ m. NE. Ledbury. Colwich, par., tnshp., and vil., co. and 6i m. S. Stafford. Colwyn, hundred, S. Radnorshire. 31,335 ac. Colwyn, eccl. dist. and vil., Denbigh and Carnan'onsliires. Colyton, par. and tn., E. Devon, on R. Coly. Colyton, hundred, E. Devon. 28,487 ac. Comacchlo, tn., Italy, prov. and 28 m. ESE. Ferarra. Comadeny, Mt., mid. CO. Wicklow. Alt. 2268 ft. Comanche, vil., Texas, cap. of Comanche co. Comara Mt., New South Wales, co. Dudley. Comayagua, city, Cent. America, cap. of llonduras. Pop. 10,000. Combaconum, taluk, Madras, Tanjore dist. 314 sq. m. Combaconum, hd(|rs. tn. of above. Lat. 10° 58' 20" N. Pop. 54,000. Combahee K., S. Carolina, rises in Barnwell co., falling into Atlantic. Combarbala, tn., Cliili, prov. Coquimbo. Combedown, eccl. dist. and vil., E. Somerset, 2 m. S. Bath. Comber, tn. and par., co. Down, 8 m. SE. Belfast. Combe St. Nicholas, par. and vil., W Somerset. 4203 ac. Comblu, mtn., Switzerland, E. of Gt. St. Bernard. Alt. 14,163 ft. Comblnteignbead, par. and vil., Devon, 6 m. N. Torquay. Combmartin, jiar. and vil., Devon, 5 m. E. Ilfracombe. Combourg, tn., France, Ille et-Vilaine, 32 m. SE. St. Malo. Combs, par., Sullolk, i m. S Stowmarket. Comeaovllle, vil., Nova Scotia, co. Digby, a m. from Digby. Comeragh Mtns., N. co. Waterfoi'd. Alt. 2478 ft. Comet, tnsli]>., Queensland, 140 m. W. Rockhainpton. Comet E., Queensland, dist. Leiclihardt, flows N. Comlllah, cap. Tipperah dist., Bengal Lat. 23° 27° 55" N. Comines, in., Belgium, E. Flanders, 10 m. SE. Ypres Comlnes, tn. France, dep, Nord. on R. Lys. Comlno, isl., Me. Cooperstown, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Brown co. Cooperstown, vil.. New York, cap. Otsego co. Cooperstown, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Manitowoc co. Cooperaville, vil., Michigan, Ottawa co., 15 m. W. Grand Rapids, Cooranbong. tn.. New Suuth Wale,s, co. Northumberland. Coorato Mtns., New South Wales, co. Yungnulgra. Coorg, prov., S. India. Area 1583 sq. m. Coorong, The, arm of sea, S. Australia, 100 m. lohg by 2 m. wide. Coorong Lake, Victoria, co. Karkarook. Coorongoola, tnshp.. New S. Wales, co. Hunter 80 m. NNW. Sydney. Cooroonboon, tnshp., N. S. Wales, co. Townsend, 400 m. SW. Sydney. Coosa, R., Alabama and Georgia, a headstream of the Alabama. Coosawattee R., Georgia, headstream of the Oostenaula R. Coosa whatcbie, tnshp., S. Carolina, Beaufort co. Coos Bay, s|it. and bay, Oregon. Lat. 43° 20' 38" N. Cootamondra, tn., New South Wales, co. Harden, 253 m. S. Sydney. CootehUl, tn., NE. CO. Cavan, 88 m. NW. Dublin. Cooum R., Cliengalpat dist., Madras, falls into sea at Madras. Cooyal, tnshp,, New South Wales, co. Phillip, 150 m. NW. Sydney. Cooyatong Creek, Victoria, co. Benambra, branch of the Murray. Copake, vil. and tnshp., New York, Columbia co. Copan, ruined city, Guatemala, 30 m. S. Chiquimnla. Copaylsl., in the Sound of Harris, Invemess-shire. Cope Cope, tn., Victoria, co. Kara Kara, 161 m. NW. Melbourne. Copeland, tnshp., New S. Wales, co. Gloucester, 167 m. N. Sydney. Copeland Island, Mountmorrts Bay, N. Territory, Australia. 76 COP THF GRAPHIC GAZATTEER COB Copelaod Islands, off CO. DowD, at entrance to Belfast Lough. Copenhagen, aip., Denmark, in E. Seelandandon Ainagei I. P. 312,387. Copenhagen, vil., New York, Lewis Co., on Peer R Copenhagen, vil., Ontario, CO. Elgin, 28 m, from London. Copertino. tn , Italy, prov. and 10 m. SSW. Lecce. Cope's Creek, New South Wales, co Hardinge Copiapo, tn., Cliili, caji. prov Atacarna, on II. Cnpiapo. P. 10.374. Coplapo, .spt., Cliiti, 30 \\\. W. of above. Also called Porto Copiapo. Copiapo R., falls into the Pacilin 30 ni. below Cnpiapo. Copinahay, one of the Orkney Is., off coast of Mainland. Coplay, bor., Pennsyh'ania, Leliigh co., on Lehigh R. Cople, tnslip., \'irgiuia, Westmoreland co Co. ley, vil. and tnslip., Oliio, Summit CO. Copmanhorat, locality, Sherwood Forest, 8. Notts. Copmanhorst, vil. New South Wales, Clarence co., on Clarence R. Copp, ecel. disf. and vil., N. Lancashire, 3 m. SE. Garstang. Copparo, tn.. Iraly n m. KXE. Ferraia. Coppenbriigge, tn , Gtrniany, ig m. SSW. TIanover. CoppenhaU, par.. W. Cliesliire, 5 ni. NE. Nantwich. Copper Creek, liishp,, Virginia, liiissell co. Copperfleld, tn., Queensland, co. Clermont, 580 m. NW. Brisbane. Copper Harbour, Vil., Siicliigan, Keweeiiah co., on L. Superior. Coppermine R., Canada, falls into Coronation (iulf. Lat. 66" 30' N. Copperopolia, vil., California. Calaveras co. Copper R., Mi'^suurl, trib. of the Mississippi, Lincoln co. Coppet vil., Switzerland, canton Vaud, on Lake of Geneva. Copp's Creek, tnslip., Missouri, Barry co. Coppul, tnshp,, Lancasiiire, 4.^ ni. NW. Wigan. 2280 ac. Copt Point, licadland. Kent, 1 \\\. NE. Folkestone. Coquago, br.tuch of Delaware R., New York and Pennsylvania. Coquet L, otf coast of Northumberland. Lat. 55° 20' N., 1° 34' W. Coquet R., Noi-ttiumber and, rises in Cheviots and falls into N. Sea. Coquille R., Oregon, Cass co., falls into the Pacific. Coqulmbo, citv, Chili, cap. of Coquimbo prov. Pop. 14,000. Coqulmbo, prov., Cliili. Area 12,905 sq. m. Pop. 186,895. Coquimbo, si)t., Ch li, 7 m. from cap. of Coquimbo. Cora, tn., Island of Samos, &^Q\i.\\ Sea. Lat. 37° 45' N., 26° 50' E. Coraki, tnslip.. New S. \\ ales, on Richmond R., 515 m. N. Sydney. Coral, vil. and tnslip., Illinois, M'Henry co. Coral, vil,,, Jlunti^abn co., 5 ni. SE. Howard. Coral Sea, part uf J'acitie, between Australia and New Guinea. Coranga. tnslip., Que-iisland, di.-.t. Burnett, 160 m. NW. Brisbane. Corangamite L., Vietin ia, co. Hampden. W^ater salt. Ar. 76 sq. m. Corato, city, Italy, prov. Bari, 14 ni. SE. Barletta. Pop. 33,208. Corbach, tn., Germany, In W'aldeck, on R. Itter. Corbally, par , King's co. and co. Tipperary. 12,746 acres. Corbeil, tn., France, dep. Seine-et-Oise, on R. Seine. Corbetta, lu., N Italy, 10 m. W. Milan. Corbie, tn., France, dep. Smnme, 9 in. E. Amiens. Corblire, lieailland, S. Gut-msey, Cliannel Is. Corblire Rocka, a. point of St. Oueii's Bay, Jersey, Channel Is. Corblferea, mins,, France, deps. Ande and PjTC-nees-Orientales. Corbridge, tn., par., and tnslip., Northumberland. Corbury, set., Nova Scotia, co. and 20 ni. from Digby. Corby, par. and vil.. S. Lincolnshire, on R. Glen. Corcomohlde, ]>ar., cos. Cork and Limerick, 10,011 acres. Corcomroe, par , co. Clare. 61,385 acres. Corcoran, tnslip., Minnesota, Uennepin co., 16 ni, NW. Minneapolis. Corcovado, Gulf of, Cliili, between Chiloo 1, and the mainland. Cordangan, par., W, co. Tijipcrary. 3905 acres. Cordillera, Si).'tiiish term applied to the Andes chain. Cordova, prov., Spain, on R, Guadalquivir, 5300 sq. m. P. 420,714, Cordova, ciiy, cap. ot above, 86 m. NE. Seville. Pop. 65,614. Cordova, In., Jlexico, state and 66 ni. WSW. Vera Cruz, Cordova, prov , Argentine Rep., on R. Primero, Pop, 310,000. Cordova, city, cap. of above, 387 m. NW. Buenos Ayres. P. 66,247. Cordova, vil and tnshp., Illinois, Rock Island co. Cordovado, vil., N, Italy, 23 ni, SW. Udine. Corea or Korea, peninsular kingdom, trib. to China. Pop. 10,518,937. Coree, tn.sttp., NewS. Wales, co. Townsend, 360 m. SW. Sydney. Coreen, tnslip.. New South Wales, co. Hume, 550 m. SW. Sydney. Coreen Creek, New South Wales, waters part of co. Denison. Corella, tn., Spain, in Navaria, 49 m. SSW. Pamplona. Corembu Gaondcn HIUb, Madras, S. Arcot (list. Lat. 12° N. Corentyn R., S America, between British ami Dutch Guiana. Corfe Castle, tn. and liar., Borsi t, 4 m. SE. Warcham. Corfu, one of the Ionian Is., Greece. Area 274 sq, m. Pop. 78,024. Corfu, city, c:tp. of above, on E. coa*tt. Pop, 19,025. Corfu, nomarcliie, crmsisting of Corfu and other isl.s. 422 sq. ni. Corg, Mt., S. Australia, co, Musgrave, N. of Coolidie. Corl. tn., Italy, 29 m. SE. Rome. Corla, tn., Spain, 47 m. NNW. Caceres, on the Alagon. Corla, tn., Spain, 6 m. S. Seville, on the R. Gnarlalquivir. Corigllano, tn., Italy, prov. Cosenza, 6 m. SW. Rossano. P. 13,878. Corlgllano, tii,, Italy, prov. and 18 m. SSE. Lecce. Corinaldo, tn., Italy, in the Marches, 25 ni. W. Aucona Corlndhap, dist., Victoria, no. Grenville, 85 m. W. Melbourne. Corlnga, tn , Italy, prov. and 15 ni. WSW. Catanzaro. Cortnga, spt., Madra.-<, Godavari dist., on Godavari R. Corlnga laland. Coral Sea, 40 m. W. of Willis group, Corlnna, gold centre, Tasmania, co. Knssell, 100 ni. W. Launccston. Corlnna, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Penobscot co. Corinth, ancient city, Greece, 48 m. W. Athi-ns. Corinth, vil., Ontario, co. Elgin, 20 m. from St Thomas. Corinth, tnshp , Maine, Penobscot co., 20 m. NW. Bangor. Corinth, vil., Mississippi, cap. of Alcon co. Corinth vil. and tnshp.. New York, Saratoga co. Corinth, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Orange co. Corinth, Gulf of, separates N. Greece from the Morea, Corlo, tn., Italy, 20 m. NNW. Turin. CorlBco Bay ami Island. French Congo, Ijat. o* 50' N., long. 9° 30 W.^ Cork, maritime co., Irela'ul. Area 2890 sq. m. Pop. 436,611. Cork, city, cap. of above, on R. Lee, 166 m. SW. Dublin. P, 75,070. Cork, vil., New Brunswick, co. York. 61 m. W. St. John. Corkaguiny, peninsular bar., W. co. Kerry. 138,605 ac. Corkaree. bar., W. co. Westmeath. 21,869 acres. Corkbeg, par,, SE. co. Cork, 4 m. sE. Qnecnstown. 266oacres. Cork Hole, channel between banks, off coast of Sussex. Corleone, tn., Sicily, ci ni. S. Palermo. Pop. 16,391. Corleto, tn., Italy, prov, Basilicata. 23 m. SE. Putenza. Corlin. tn., Prussia, in Ponierania, 16 m. SW. Coslin. Corm Creek, Arkansas ann. Cosenza, prov., S. Italy, in Calabria. Area 2S41 sq. m. P. 474,207. Cosenza, city, Italy, cap. of above. Pop. 21,613. Cosford, hundred, W. Suffolk. 30,532 ac. Coshlea, barony, SE. co. Limerick. 95.232 acres. Coshma, barony, S. co. Limerick. 49,018 acres. Coahmore and Coahbride, bar., CO. Waterford. 88,253 ac. Coshocton, vil., Uliio, cap. of Coshocton CO., 59 m. NE. Columbus. Coslin, tn., Prussia, in Pomerania, 7 m. from the Baltic. Pop. 17,277. Cosne, tn., France, in Nievre, 33 in. NNW. Nevers. Cosaack, port, W. Australia. Lat. 20° 40' S., long. 117° 8' E. Cossacks, Cotmtry of the Don, pov., Russia, on R. Don. P. 1,683,327. Cos3e-le- Vivien, tn., France, Mayenne, 13 m. NW. Chateau Gontier. Cossipur, suburb of Calcutta, with government works. Costa Rica, most S. Republic of Cent. America. Pop. 214,000. Coaterfield, tnshp., Victoria, CO. Dalhousie, 79 m. N. Melbourne, CostigUole d'Asti, tn., Italy, prov. Alessandria. Coswig, tn., Germany, Anhalt, near Zerbst, on R. Elbe. Coteau duLac, vil., Quebec, co. Soulanges, on R. St. Lawrence. Coteau Laniing, tn., Quebec, cap. Soulanges co., on R. St. Lawrence. Coteau St. Pierre, vil., Quebec, 4 ra. from Montreal. Coteau Station, vil., Quebec, co. Soulanges, on R. Delisle. Cote des-Neiges, vil., Quebec, 3 m. from Montreal. Cote-d'Or, dep. , E. France. Area 3383 sq. m. Pop. 381,574. Cote St. Andr6, La. tn., France, dep. Isere. Cote St. Antoine, dist., Canada, W. of Montreal. Cote Sana Deasein, tnshp., Missouri, Callaway co. Cotes duNord, dt.-p., NW. France, on English Channel. Pop. 628,256. Cothen, tn., Germany, Anhalt, on R. Zittau. Pop. 17,473. Cothi R., Cardigan and Carmartheushires, trib. of the Tuwy R. Cotignac, tn., France, in Var, 16 ni. W. Draguinan. Cotignola, tn., Italy, 34 m. SSE. Ferrara. Cotinga Hill, S. Australia, between Jervois co. and Lake Giles. Cotmanhay, eccl. dist., S. Derbyshire, li m. N. Ilkeston. Cotopaxi, volcano, Ecuador, 34 m. SSE. Quinto. Alt. 19,493 ^^■ Cotrone, tn., Italy, prov. Calanzaro, 6 m. KW. Cape Nau. Cotswolds, hills, E. Gloucestershire. Alt. 1134 ft. Cottage Grove, tnshp., Kansas. Allen co. Cottam, vil., Ontario, co. Essex, 7 m. from Kingsville. Cottbus, tn-, Prussia, on R. Spree, 43 m. SSW. Frankfort. P. 34,620 Cottenham, par. and vil., co. and 6i m. N. Cambridge. Cotter Hills, between Yorkshire and Westmorland. Alt. 2346 ft. Cottesloe, hundred, N. Bucks. 71,78630. Cottian Alps, div. of Alps from 3It. Viso to fltt. Cenis. Cottingham, tn., E. Riding, Yorks, 4 m. fiom Hull. Cotton, eccl. dist., co. and 2 m. S. Northampton. Cotton, tnshp., Indiana, Switzerland co. Cottondale, vil., Alabama, co. and 7 m. E. Tuscaloosa. Cotton Grove, tnshp.. North Carolina, Davidson co. Cotton Grove, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Dane co. Cotton Hill, tnshp., Alabama, Barbour co. Cotton Hill, vih and tnshp., Illinois, Sangamon co. Cotton Hill, tnshp., Missouri, Dunklin co. Cotton Plant, vil. and tnshp., Arkansas, Woodruff co. Cotton Valley, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Macon co. Cottonwood, vil., California, Yolo co. Cottonwood, tnshp., Illinois, Cumberland co. Cottonwood, tnshp., Kansas, Chase co. Cottonwood Creek, California, trib. of the Sacramento R. Cottonwood Creek, Kansas, trib. of the Neosho R. Cottonwood Falls, vil., Kansas, cap. of Chase co., 20 m. SW. Emporia, Cottonwood Grove, vil. and tnshp.. Illinois, Bond co. Cottonwood R., Minnesota, falls into the Minnesota R. Cottrellville, tnshp., Michigan, St. Clair co. Couckelaere, vil., Belgium, 11 m. SW. Bruges. Couckiching Lake, Ontario, Simcoe CO., 12 m. long. Coudersport, bor., Pennsylvania, cap. of Potter co. Couedie, Cap de, S. Australia, SW. extremity of Kangaroo Island. Coulsdon, jtar. and vil., Surrey, 5 m. SW. Croydon. 4314 acres. Coultersville, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Randolph co. Counani. region in extreme NE. of Brazil, claimed by France. Council Bluffs, city, Iowa, cap. of Pattawattomee co. Pop. 21,388. Council Grove, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, cap. Morris co. Coundon, tTishp., Durham, 2 m. SE. Bishop Auckland. Coundon Grange, tushp,, Durham, \\ m. SE. Bishop Auckland. Countesthorpe, tiishi) , co. and 5A m. S. LeicestiT. Country of the Don Cossacks. St'f Cossacks, country of the Don. County Line, vil., Prince Edward Island, 21 m. from Charlottetown. Coupar Angus, tn., Perth and Forfarshires, 153 m. NE. Perth. Coupe, The, headland, extreme NE. point of Jersey, Channel Is. Couple, The, neck of land joining Sark and Little Sark, Chan. Is. Coupe Lench, Newhalley, and Hall Car, tnshp., SE. Lancashire. Conrallie, a X. co. of New S. Wales, traversed by the Gwyder R. Courallie E., New South Wales, Courallie co., trib. of the Wan R. Courbevoie, tn. , France, on R. Seine, 5J m. NW. Paris. Pop. 16,113, Courland, gov., Ru.ssia, on Baltic Sea. 'Area 10,533 sq. m. P. 642,572. Cournlauudee Range, mtns.. New South Wales, co. Yungnulgra. Courpiire, tn., France, Puy-de-Dume, 22 m. E. Clermont. Courriirea, tn., France, Pas-de-Calais, 18 m. ESE. Bethune. Coura, tn., France, dep. Rhone, 20 m. WNW. ViUefranche. Coursan, tn., France, dep. Aude, 3 m. NNE. Narbonne. Conrtableau Bayou, Louisiana, trib. of the Atchafalaya R. Courtais, tnshp., Missouri, Crawford co. Courtallum, tn. and sanitarium, Madras. Lat. 8° 56' 20" N. Conrtenay R., New Zealand, co. Selwyn, trib. of the Waimakariri R. Courthouse, tnslip., N. Carolina, Camden co. Courthouse, tnshp., 8. Carolina, Chesterfield co. CourtJand, vil., Alabama, Lawrence co., 44 m. W. Huntsville. Courtland, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, De Kalb co. Courtland, tushp., Michigan, Kent co. Courtland, tnshp., Virginia, Spottsylvania co. Courtland, tnshp., Wisconsin, Columbia co. Courtland, Vil., Ontario, co. Norfolk, 20 m. from Simcoe. Courtral, tn., Belgium, W. Flanders, on R. Lys. Pop. 29,307, Coushatta Chute, vil., Louisiana, cap. of Red R. par. Coussac -Bonne val, tn., France, Vienne, 6 m, E. St. Yrieix. Coutances, tn., France, dep. Manche, 41 m. S. Cherbourg. Coutraa, tn., France, dep. Gironde, on R. Dronne. Cove, vil., Kuicardineshire, 4 m. S. Aberdeen. Cove, vil., S. CO. Cork, li m. E. Kinsale. Cove and Kilcreggan, tn., SW. Dumbartonshire, on R. Clyde. Cove Cape, Quebec, Gasp6 co. Lat. 48° 27' N. Cove Creek, tn.shp., N. Carolina, Watauga co. Cove Head, vil., Prince Edward Isl., 12 m. from Charlottetown. Cove Island, Ontario Bruce co., at entrance to Georgian Bay. Covelong, vil., Madras, Chengalpat dist. Lat. 12" 46' N. Coventry, par. and bor., N. Warwickshire. Pop. bor. 54,743 Coventry, vil., Ontario, co. Cardwell, 3 m. from Bolton. Coventry, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Tolland co. Coventry, vil. and tnslip.. New York, Chenango co. Coventry, tnshp., Ohio, Summit co. Coventry, tnshp,, Rliniie Island, Kent co. CoventiT', viL and tnslip., Vermont, Orleans co. Cove of Cork. See Queenstown, Ireland. Coverdale, set.. New Brunswick, co. Albert. Coverley, set., Ontario, co. Gray, 16 ni. from Durham. Covert, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Van Buren co. Covert, vil. and tnshp., New York, Seneca co. Covey Hill, vil., Quebec, co. Huntingdon, 10 m. from Hemmingford. Covilhao, tn., Portugal, in Beira, zi m. SW. Guarda. Pop. 10,986. Covington, tn., Georgia, cap. of Newton co., 21 m. SE. Atlanta. Covington, vil. .Indiana, cap. of Fountain co. , on Wabash R. Covington, city, Kentucky, Kenton co., on the Ohio R. Pop. 37,375. Covington, vil., Louisiana, cap. St. Tammany par. Covington, vil., and tnshp., New York, Wyoming co. Covington, viL, Ohio, Miami co., 30 m. N. Dayton. Covington, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Tioga co. Covington, vil., Tennessee, cap. of Tipton co. Covington, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, cap. of Alleghany co. Cowabee Mount, New South Wales, co. Bourke. Cowall, peninsular dist., Scotland, between L Fyne and Firth of Clyde. Cowal Lake, New South Wales, co. Glpps. Now dry. Cowanesque Creek, Pennsylvania and New York, trib. of the Tioga. Cowanshannock, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Armstrong co. Cowansville, vil,, Quebec, Missisquoi co., 55 m. SE. Montreal. Cow Bay, Cape Breton Isl. and co. Has new breakwater. Cow Bay, vil., Nova Scotia, on above, 22 m. from Sydney. Cowbridge, bor., SE. Glamorganshire, 14 m. SW. Cardiff. Cow Castle, tnshp., South Carolina, Orangeburg co. Cow Creek, tnshp., Iowa, Clayton co. Cowee, tnshp., North Carolina, Macon co. Cowes, spt., Isle of Wight, loj ni. tsSE. Southampton (W. Cowes). Cowes, vil., Isle of Wight, on R. Medina (E. Cowes), Cowes, spt., Victoria, on Phillip Island, 55 m. SE. Melbourne. Cowflat, tn., New South Wales, 155 m. W. Sydney. Cowfold, par. and vil., Sussex, 6 m. SE. Hoi'sham. 4501 ac. Cowhouse Creek, Texas, trib. of the Leon R. in Bell co. Cowie's Creek, tn., Victoria, co. Grant, 40 m. SW. Melbourne. Cowlairs, ry. stn. and N. suburb of Glasgow, Scotland. Cowley, par. and vil., in co. and partly in bor. of Oxford. Cowley, a S. CO., New South Wales, on the Murrurabidgee R. Cowling, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 5 m. SW. Skipton. Cowlitz River, Washijigton, trib. of the Columbia R. Cowpasture River, Virginia, joins Jackson R. to form the James R. Cowpen, tnshp., Northumberland, 1 m. NW. Blyth. Cowper, a N. central co. of New South Wales, on the Darling R. Cowra, tnshp., New South Wale.'', co. Bathnrst, 184 m. W. Sydney. Cowsackie, vil. and tnshp., New York, Greene co. Cowwarr, tn., Victoria, co. Tanjd, 113^ m. E. Melbourne. Cox Bight, Tasmania, in S. coast of co. Kent. Coxhoe, tnshp., co. and 5^^ m. SE. Durham. 1058 acres. Coilodge, tnshp., Northumberland, 2 m. NW. Newcastle. Cox River, New South Wales, trib. of the Hawkcsbury, co. Cook. Cox's Bazaar, sub-div., Chi ttagong dist., Bengal. 937 sq. m. Cox's Bazaar, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 21° 26' N., long. 92° i' E. Cox's Point, set., New Brunswick, co. Queen's. Coychurch, par., Glamorganshire, si m. NE. Bridgend, Coylton, par. and vil., co. and ^\ m. SE. AjT. Coyote, vil., New Mexico, co. and 10 m. NE. Mora. Coy's Diggings, tn., Victoria, co. Rodney, 87 m. NE. Melbonme. Coytesville, vil., New Jersey, Bergen co., on the Hudson R. Coyty, par., Glamorganshire, on R. Ogwr, ij m. NE. Bridgend. Cozumel Island. E. of Yucatan, 24 m. long by 7 m. wide. Crab Orchard, vil. and tnshp. , Illinois, Williamson co. Crab Orchard, vil., Kentucky, Lincoln co., 48 m. SE. Lebanon, Crab Orchard, tnshp., N. Carolina, Mecklenburg co. Cracow, city, Austria, Galtcia, on R. Vistula. Pop. 66,096. Cradle Mtn., Tasmania, co. Lincoln. Alt, 5069 ft. Cradle Mtn., E. Brecknockshire. Alt. 2545 ft. Cradley, par., Herefordshire, 3 m. N. Colwall ry. stn. Cradley, tnshp. and vil., Worcestershire, 2 m. NE. Stourbridge, Cradock, div., NE. Prov., Cape Colony. Area 3247 -sq. m. Cradock, tn., S. Australia, co. Frome, 228 m. N. Adelaide. Crafers, tn., S. Australia, co. and 10 m. SE. Adelaide. Craftsbury, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Orleans co. 78 CRA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CEO CraggB Island, S. Australia, CO. Hamley, in the Murray R. Craggy I., N. territory, Australia, one of the 8ir E. Pellew group. Craig, par. and vil., Forfursliire, ij in. SW. Moutrose. CraJf, tiishi>., Indiana, Switzerland co. Craig, vil., Jlissouii, Holt co., 45 m. NW. St. Joseph. Craig Alvle, hill, with Waterloo Cairn, Kincraig, Inverness-shire. Craig Bank, vil., Ayrshire, 2 in. SW. New Cumnock. Craigddwry, nitn., Mt-rionethshire, 5 ni. E. Harlech. Alt. 2100 ft. Craigellachie, vil., Banffshire, on R. 8pey, SE. of EI;;in. Craigenputtock, farm, co. and 15 m. NW. Uunifrics. Homeof Carlyle. Craig Gowan, hill, Abcrdecusliire, i m. from Balmoral. Craigie, yxx. and vil., Ayrshire, 4 m. S. Kilmarnock. Craigie, tii., \'ictoria, co. Talbot, 109 m. NW. Melbourne. Craigleith, vil., Ontario, co. Grey, 6 ni. from CoUingwood. Cralgmark, vil.. SE. Ayrshire, i m. NE. Dalinellingtou. Craig-na-Caillach, nitn., Pertlishirc, 3 m. NW. Killin. Alt. 2990 ft. Craigneuk, tn., Lanarkshire, forming part of Wishaw, Craignlfih, par., Argyllshire, 10 m. NW. Lochgilphead. CraigTownie, quoad sacra i»ar., SW. Dumbartonshire. CraigB, par., W. co, Antrim, on R. Maine, 5 ni. NW. Ballymena. CralgB Creek, ^'il■ginia, tnb. of the James R., in Botetourt co. Crall, Imr., Fife.sliire, 10 ni. NE. St. Andrews, on Firth of Forth. Crailsheim, tn., Wiirtembcrg, 13 m. NNE. Elwangen. Crake River, Lancashire between Couiston Water and the Leven. Cramlington, vil., Northumberland, 6 ni. SE. Morpeth. Cramond, vil., 5 m. NW. Edinburgh, on Firth of Forth. Cranberry, tnshp., Ohio, Crawford co. Cranberry, vil., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co. Cranberry, tnshp., Pennsylvania, Venango co. Cranberry Lake, Saskatchewan, NE. of Reed Lake. Cranbome, hundred, NE. Dorset. 34,188 acres. Cranbome, tn. and par., NE. Dorset, in Cranbome Chase. Cranbome Chase, anc. forest, now enclosed, Dorset and Wilts. Cranboume, eccl. dipt., Berkshire, zt m. SW. Windsor. Cranboume, vil., Victoria, co. Slornington, 27J m. SSE. Melbourne. Cranboume, vil., Quebec, CO. Dorchester, 45 m. from Quebec. Cranbrook, hundred, Seraylathe, mid Kent. Cranbrook, tn. and par., mid Kent, on R. Crane. Cranbrook, tn., Tasmania, cn. Glamorgan, 190m. from Hobart. Crane, tnshp., Ohio, Panldingco. Crane, tuslip., Ohio, Wyandot co. Cranebury, vil. and tnshp.. New Jersey, Middlesex co. Crane Creek, Inwa, juins the Turkey R. in Fayette co. Crane Island, tinebec, in R. St. Lawrence, Montmagny co. Crane Lake, Assinibuin. Lat. 50" 10' N., long. 1:0° W. Crane Keck, peninsula, Nt-w York, in Long Island Sound. Craney I., ViigJnia, in Hampton Road, mouth of Elizabeth R. Cranfleld, par. and vil., co. and 8 m. SW. Bedford. Cranford, vil. and tnslip., New Jersey, Union co. Crannagh, bar., co. Kilk(!nny. 58,075 acres, Cranstal Point, N. termination of R;imsey Bay, Isle of Man. Cranaton, tn.shp., Rhudn I.'^Iand, Providence co. Cranston Print Works, vi] , Rhode Island, Providence co. Craon, tn., France, in M;iy'nnc, 18 m. feSW. Laval. Crapaud, vil., Pnnce E'lward Island. Queen's co. Crapaudiire Mtn., Queltec, in Dorcliester co, Craponne, tn., France, Hante-Loire, 19 m. N. Le Puy. Crathie and Braemar, vil., W. Aberdeenshire. Crato, tn., Brazil, pruv, Amaznnas, on Madeira R. Crawfish R., Wisconsin, trib. of the Rock R., in Jefferson co. Crawford, viL, Ontario, co. Grey, n ni. from Durham. Crawford, vil. and tnshp., Ahibiuna, Russell co, Crawford, vil. and tnshp. , Iowa, Washington co. Crawford, tnshp., Kansns, Crawford co. Crawford, tnslip., Missouri, Buchanan co, Crawfordjohn, par. and vil,, L:inarkshire, 4 m. W. Abington, Crawford Range, mtns., N. Territory, Australia. Crawford River, Victoria, co. Normanby, tril). of the Gleijelg. Crawfordsvllle, city, Indiana, cap, of Montgomery co. CrawfordBvlUe, vil., Georgia, cap. of Taliaferro co. Crawley Down, eccl. dist. , Worth i>ar., Sussex. Cray, vil., co. and 10 m. SW. Brecknock. Cray, Foots, par. anar. aiid vil., W. Kent, 8 m. SE, Greenwich. Cray, St. Mary, par. and vil., W. Kent, 2 ni. S. Foots Cray. Cray, St. Paul, )i;ir. and vil., W. Kent, close to above. 1654 ECres. Creagh, par. SW. co. Cork, on R. Hen. 7073 acres. Creagh, par., S. co, Roscommon, on R. Suck. 8C67 acres. Creamwall Islands, Barra ]'ar.. Outer Hebrides. Cricy or Cressy, tn., Frani^e, dep. Snmme, 10 m. N. Abbeville. Crediton, tn. and par., N, Devon, on R. Creedy. Credlton, vil., Ontario, co. Huron, 14 m. from Lucan. Crediton, p;ui. ar., mid Bucks, on R, Thamo. 3461 acres, Cripy, tn., France, in Oise, 13 m, E. Senlis, Creran, Loch, N. Argyllshire, between Appin and Ardchattan. Crescent City, vil., California, cap. of Del Norte co. Crescent Head, New South Wales, co. Macquarie, N. Port Macquaric. Creicentlno, tn., Italy, in Piedmont. 18 m. WSW. Vcrcelli. Crescent Lake, Tasmania, S. portion of Lake Sorrell. Cresco, vil., Iowa, cap, of Howard Co., 150 in. SE. St. Paul. Crespino, tn., Italy, on R. Po, 40 m. SSW. Venice. Cressona, bor., Peimsylvania, Schuylkill co. Cressy, France. See Crecy. Cressy, tn., Victoria, co. Grenville, 87 m. SW, Melbourne. Cressy, vil., Tasmania, co. Westmoreland. Crestline, vil., Ohio, Crawford Co., 63 m. NE. Columbus. Creston, vil., Iowa, Union Co., 190 m..W. Burlington. Creswick, tnshp., Victoria, co. Talbot, 112 ni. NW. Melbourne, Crete, is!., Mediterranean, belonging to Turkey, 3327 sq.m. P. 300,000. Crete, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Will co., 30 ni. S. Cliiciigo. Crete, vil. and tnshp., Nebiuska, Saline co., on Big Blue R. Creteil, vil-, France, in Seine, on the Marne, 6 m. SE, Paris, Creuse, dep., Central France. Area 2150 sq. m. Pop. 284,942. Creuse R., France, deps. Crease and Indre, trib. of the Vienne. Creux, Cape, extreme E. point of Spain, on Gulf of Lyons. Creozbnrg, tn., Prussian Silesia, 40 m. SE. Oels. Creuzot, Le, tn., France, dep. Saone-et-Loire. P. 15,105. Crevalcore, tn., Italy, Emilia, prov. and ig m. NW. Bolog:na. Crfevecoeur, vil., France, Nord, on R. Scheldt. Crevillente, tn., Spain, Valencia, x8 m. SW, Alicante. Crewe, patl. div., Clieshire. Crewe, bur., co. and 22 m, SE, Chester. 1336 acres. Pop. 28,761. Crewkerne, tn. and par., Somerset, 15 m. SE. Taunton. Criccieth, bor. and par., S. Carnarvonshire. Crich, vil., par., and tnshp., N. Derbyshire, 4 ni. SW. Alfretou. Crichton, par. and vil., Edinburghshire, 6 m. SE, Dalkeith. Criukhowell, tn. and par., co. and 13 m. SE. Brecknock. Cricklade, tn., N. Wilts, on R. Thames. Crickiade, pari, div., Wilts. Crieff, tn., co. and 18 m. W. Perth, on R. Earn. Crieff, vil., Ontario, co. Wellington, n m. from Gait. Criffel, mtn., SE. Kirkcudbrightshire, near R. Nith. Alt. 1800 ft. CriflEel, dist., New Zealand, Otago, 4000 ft. above sea. Crigglestone, tnshp., W, Riding, Yorkshire, on R. Aire. Crillon, Cape, S. extremity of Saghalien Island. Crimble Passage, between Devonport and Mt. Edgcumbe^ England. Crimea, penuisula, S. Russia, on Black Sea. Crimmitzschau, tn., Saxony, 10 ni. NW. Zwickau. Pop. 19,755. Crinan Canal, between Loch Gilp and Atlantic, Argyllshire. Crinkill, vil., W. King's co., near Parsonstown. Criafield, vil., Maryland, Somerset co,, 19 ni. SW. Princess Anne. Croagh, par. and vil., co. Limerick, 3 m. E. Rathkeale. Croaghnakeela Island, W. CO, Gal way, Moyrus 141 acres. Croaghpatriok, mtn., S. CO. Mayo, 4 m. SW. Westport. Alt. 2510 ft. Croatan Sound, N. Carolina, between Dale co. and Rn.inoke Island. Croatia and Slavonia, kingdom, inclusive of Military Frontier, Austria- Hun.,'ary. Forms part of Hungary. Pop. 2,184,414. Crocken Hill, eccl. dist. and vil.. West Kent, 6 m. SE. Bromley. Crocker's Cove, set., Newfoundland, on Conception Bay. Crockett, \\\. and tnshp., Texas, cap. of Houston co. Crocodile Island, N. Teiritory, Australia, E. of Cape Stewart. Crofthead, vil., S. Renfrewshire, near Neilston. Crofton, tnslip., New Zealand, co. Huth, N. of Wellington. Crofton Holy Rood, eccl. dist., Litchfield, par., S. Hants. Crogham, vil. and tnshp., New York, Lewis co. Croisic, Le, spt., France, Loire-Inferieure, 44 m. W. Nantes. Croker, Cape, Indian set., Ontario, Bruce CO.. on Georgian Bay. Croker Island, N, Territory, Australia, 5 m. E. Coburg Peninsula. Croki. vil.. New S. Wales, co. Macquarie, 205 m. N. Sydney. Cromar, dist., Al>erdeenshire, on R, Dee. Cromarty, bur, and spt., Ross and Cromarty, on Cromarty Firth. Cromarty Bay, expansion of Cromarty Firth, nearnmuth. Cromarty Pirth, arm of North Sea, Ross and Cmmarty, iS m. long. Cromartyshire, former Co., Scotland. Sec Ross and Cromarty, Cromdale, par., Invern-ss and Elgin, in Strathspey. Cromer, tn. and par., Norfolk, 20 ni. N. Norwich. Cromford, tn., Derbyshire, 2 m. N. Wirksworth. Crompton, tnshp., Lancashire, included in Oldham. Crompton East, eccl. dist., SE. Lancashire. Crompton, High, vil., Lancashire, near Oldham. Cromwell, In., New Zealand, co. Vincent, cap. Kawarau dist. Cromwell, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Middlesex co. Cromwell Point, Valentia Island, co. Kerry, Ireland. Cronberg, tn., Prussia, in Hesseii-Nassau, near Homburg. Cronberry, vW., Ayrshire, 2 ni. NE. Lugar. Crondall, par. ami vil., Hants, 3 m. NW. Farnham. Cronstadt, spt., Russia, on Kotlin I., Gulf of Finland. Pop. 48,276. Crook, eccl. dist. and vil., S. Durham. Crook and Billy Row, tnshp., BrunceiK'th par., Durham. Crooked River, Missouri, trib. of tlie Missouri in Ray co. Crooked River, Siskateliewan, trib. of the Beaver R. Crooked River, Qtiebec, ( Co., trib. of the St. Maurice R. Crookes. eccl. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Crookham cum Ewshott, eccl. dist., N. Hants. Crookston, vil. and tnslip., Minnesota, cap. of Polk co. Crookwell, tn., New Sunth Wales, 160 m. SW. Sydney. Crookwell R., NewS'iuth Wales, co. King, trib. of the Lachlan R. Croom, tn., co, and 11 m. SW. Limerick. Croppenstiidt, tn., Prussian Saxony, 7 m. SSE, Oscliersleben. Croppies Point, Tasmania, co, Dorset, NE. extremity Anderson Bay. Cropredy, tnslip, .tnd vil.. Oxford and Warwiekshires. Crosland, South, trishji,, S. div., W. Riding, Yorks, on R. Colue. Cross, i/.fi. jtaj'., Barvas par., Lewis Island, Outer Hebrides. Cross and Burness, par., N. Ronaldsliay and Sanday, Oi'kney Crosaby or Crosby, tn., Ijincashire, 6^ m. NW. Liverpool. Cross Canonby with Maryport, par., W. Cumberland. Cross Creek, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Washington co. Crossen, tn., Prussia, 23 m. SE. Frankfort-on-Ocler. Cross Fell, mtn, peak, Cumberland, 12 m. NE, Penrith. Alt. 2930ft:. Crossford, vil., iJanarkshire, 3 in. SE. Carluke. OroBsgar, vil., co. Down, 5 m. from DownjMitrick. 79 CRO THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER CUR Crosagatea, vil., Fife, 3J m. NE. Dunfermline. CroBBhaven, vil., co. Cork, 4 m. 3. Queenstown. Cro33hUl, vil., mid Ayrshire, 3 m. SE. Maybole. CroBstUl, bur., S. suburb of Glasgow. CroBshouse, vil., N. Ayrsliire, Kilmaurs par. Cross Isle, in Queiulal B;iy, Sheil;nnl Isl.iuds. Cross Keys, vil. and tuslip., Alabama, Macon co. Cross Keys, Vil., Virginia, Roekingliam co. Scene of battle, 1862. Cross Lake, Caua'ia, source of the Chureliill R. 60 m. long. Cross Lake, Briti.-ih Columbia, W. of Babine Lake. Cross Lake, Kewatin, Canada. Lat. 54° 32' N., long. 98" W. Crosslee, vil., Renfrewsliire, 4 m. from Paisley. CroBsley, tii., Victoria, 175 m. W. Melbourne. CroBsmaglen, tn., S. CO. Armagh, 3 m. NE. Culloville. CroBsmichael, par. and vil,, Kirkcudlnightshire. CroBsmolina, tn. and par., N. co. Wayo, 7 m. W. Ballina. CroBsmyloof, vil., Renfrewshire, i^m. SW. Glasgow. Crossover Diggings, tnsiip., Vi ■tinia, 76 m. E. Melbourne. Cross Plains, vil, and ttislip., WisiMusin, Dane co. Cross Point, vil., Quebec, co. Bonaveuture, on Chaleur Bay. Cross Roads, vil., Nova Scotia, co. and 20 ni, from Guysltorongh. Cross Roads, set.. Nova Scotia, Inverness co., 16 ni. from Mabou. Cross Roads, set., Nova bcotia, co. Guysborough, on Chedabucto Bay. Cross Roads, set., Nova Scotia, co. and 12J m. from Autigonish. Crosthwaite, ]>ar., W. Cumberland, around Keswick. Croston, j'ar., tnshp., and vil., SW. Lancashire. Crothersville, vil., Indiana, Jackson co. Croton Falls, vil., New York, Westchester Co., on Croton R. Croton Landing, vil., New York, Westchester co., on Hudson R, Croton River, New York, trib. of tlie Hudson R. Crouch River, Essex, falls into tt.e North Sea at Foulness. Crouse Town, set., Nova Scotia, co. Lunenberg. Crowan, par. and vil., Cornwall, 5 m. NW. Helston. Crowborough, ecfl. dist. and vil., E. Sussex, 4ni. NE. Ucktield. Crowders Mountain, tnshp., N. Carolina, Gaston co. Crowdy Bay and Head, New South AVales, co. Macquarie. Crowland, tn.,par., Lincolnshire, 8 m. NE. Petetborough. Crowlands, tn., Victoria, co. Kara Kara, 148 m. NW. Melbourne. Crowle, tn., N. Lincolnshire, 7 m. E. Thorne. Crown Point, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, cap. of Lake co. Crown Point, vil. and t^:^]lp., New York,on L. Champlain. Crow River, Minnesota, trib. of the Missi.ssippi R. Crow's Nest, tn , Que-^nsland, co. Aubigny, 75 ni. NW. Brisbane. Crow Sound, betwet-n St. Mary and Tresco Islands, Scilly Islands. Crowthome, eccl. dist. and vil., Sandhurst par., Berkshire. Crow Wing River, Minnesota, rises in Cass co. , trib. of the Mississippi. Croidale, eccl. dist. and vil., N. Durham. Croxley Green, eccl. dist. and hamlet, SW. Herts. Croy, vil., Nairn and Inverness-shires, 3 m. S. Fort George. Croydon, bor., Surrey, 10 m. S. Loiidi)n Bridge. Pop. 102,697 Croydon, suburb of Sydney, New South Wales, co. Cumberland. Croydon, tnshp., Queensland, 100 ni. E. Norniaiiton. Croydon, vil., Ontario, co. Aldington, on Salmon R. Croyland. .Sfe Crowland. Crozet Islands, Indian Ocean. Lat. 46° 27' N., long. 52° 14' E. Crozier Range, nitns., Queensland, in S. of Burke dist. Crozon, tn., France, dep. Fini^ttre, 25 ni. NW. Quiniper. Cruach, mtn., Ferlhshire, Fortingall par. Alt. 2420ft. Crnden, par., NE. Aberdeenshire, near Peterliead. Cmikshank, vil., Ontario, co. Grey, 6 m. from Owen SOund. Crum Creek, Pennsylvania, trib. of Delaware R. Cnftnlin, \jl., Outai-in, co. Middlesex, 5 m. from London. Crummock Water, lake, Cumberland, 7 m. SW. Keswick. Crumpsall, tnshp., Lancasliire, sj m. N Manchester. Crumpstone Island, one of the Fame group, otl Northximberland. CruyEhautem, vil., Belgium, 11 m. SW. Ghent. Crysler, vil., Ontario, co. Stcjrniont, 23 ui. from Wales. Crystal, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Montcalm co. Crystal Brook, tn., S. Australia, co. Victoria. Crystal City, tn., JIanitoba, co. Marquette. Crystal City, ^il., MisS'Uiri, Jefferson en. Crystal Lake, vil. and lake, Dlinois, M'Henry co. Crystal Springs, vil., Missouri, Copiaii co. Csaba, tn., Hungary, 7 m SSW. Beke.s. Pop. 32,616. Csakova, tn., Hungary, on R. Temes, 18 m. S. Temesvar. Csanad, tn., Hungary, 24 m. N. Temesvar. Csath, tn., Hung;iry, Borml, 13 m. from Mi.skolcz. Cservenka, tu., Hungary, Baks, 10 ni. from Zombor. Csrongrad, tn., Hungary, at junction of Theiss and Kbros. P. 17,356. Cuan Sound, between Seil and Lning I.ilands, Argyllsliire. Cuba, liirgL-st of W Indian Islands. ^j,8Si sq. m. Pop. 1,521,684. Cuba, vil., Illinoi.«, Fulton co., 10 m. W. Canton. Cuba, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Alleghany co. Cubacao, tn., Brazil, state Matto Grosso. Cubango River, Africa, falls into Lake Ngarai. Cuba Station, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Sumpter co. Cucharas River, Colorado, trib. of the Huerfano R. in Huerfano co. Cuchullin Hills, Isle of Skye. Alt. 3183 ft. Cuckfield, tn., Sussex, 12 m. NW. Lewes. Cuckney, vil., Notts, 5^ m. SW. Worksop. Cuckold's Point, shoal, in R. Thames, opposite West India Docks. Cudil, dist.. New South Wales, co. Ashburnham, 221 m. W. Sydney. Cuddalore, tnluk, Madras, S. Arcot dist. Area 459 .sq. m. Cuddalore, tn. and hdqrs., S. Arcot dist., Madras. Pop. 47,340. Cuddan Point, cape, W. Cornwall, si m. SE. Penzance. Cuddapah, dist., iladras, India. Area 8745 sq. ni. Cuddapah. tolak of above. Area 760 sq. m. Cuddeadon, par., tnshp., and vil., CO. and sJ- m. 3E. Oxford. Cudgee, tiislip., Victoria. CO. Heytesbury, 158 m. SW. Melbourne, Cndgegong, tnshp., New South Wales, co. Wellington. Cadgegong River, N. S. Wales, CO. Wellington, trib. of the Macquarie. Cndgewa, vil., Victoria, 259 m. NE. from Melbourne. Cndham, par. and vil., W. Kent, 4 m, N, Westerham. Cttdjallagong Lake, New S. Wales, co. Bowling, near Laclilan R Cudworth, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, 3^ m. NE. Barnsley. Cuenca, prov , Spain, on Huescar R. Area 6639 sq. ni. Pop. 244,910. Cuenca, tn., Spam, cap. of above. Lat. 40° 5' N., long. 2° 10' W. Cuenca, city, Ecuador, dep. Assuay, 85 m. SSW. Quito. Pop. 30,000. Cnernavaca, tn., Mexico, cap. of State Morehis, 40 m. S. Mexico. Cuero, vil., Texas, De Wittco., on Guadalupe It. Cuers, tn., France, in Var, 1 1 m. NE. Toulon. Cuesmes, tn.. Belgium, Hainaut, 3 m. S. Mons. Ouevas de Vera, tn., Spain, on Almaiizora R., 42 m. NE. Almeria. Cuevas de San Marcos, tn,, Spain, 38 m. N. Malaga. Cuffey's Cove, vil., Caliiornia, Mendocino co. Cuglieri, tn., Saidinia, 9 m. SE. Bosa. Cuilcach, mtn., Ireland, on NW. border of co. Cavan. Culbin, sandy desert, Elginshire, on the Moray Firth. CiUcheth, tn.slip. and vil., Lancashire, 9 m. SE. Wigan. Culdaff, par. and vil., co. Donegal, 17 m. NE. Buncrana. Calebra, &pt., Costa Rica. Lat. 10° 35' N., long. 85° 38' W. Culfeichtrin, par., co. Antrim, i m. E. Ballycastle. Culgoa R., New South Wales, trib. of the Darling, flows SW. Coliacan, tn., Mexico, 90 m. SE. Cinaloa. Cullar de Baza, tn., Spain, prov. and 54 m. N. Almeria. CuUen, bnr., co. and %\ m. NW. Banfl". Cullen, par., NW, co. Cork, on R. Blackwater, 13,674 acres. Cullenagh, barony, S. Queen's co., Ireland. Cullenbone, tn,. New South Wales, co. Wellington, Cullera, tn., Spain, prov. and 24 ni, SSE. Valencia. Pop, 11,049. Cullercoats, tnshp., Northumberland, NW. Tynemouth. Cullingworth, eccl. dist. and hamlet, W. Riding, Yorks. Cullman, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, cap. of Cullman co. Culloden Moor, co. and 3^ ni, from Inverness. Battle 1746. Cullompton, tn., Devon, i2jm. NE, Exeter. Culpeper, vil., Virginia, cax\ of Culpeper co. CulroBS, spt. and par., Fifeshire, on Firth of Forth. Culsahuond, par., mid Aberdeenshire. 6994 acres. Culter, par. and vil., Lanark and Peeblesslures. Cults, par., Fifeshire, 3^ m. SW. Cupar. Cttlvain, mtn. peak, Kilmalic par., Inverness. Alt. 5224 ft. Cumana, city, Venezuela, cap. of Cuniana State. Pop. 12,060. Cumana, dep., Venezuela, on Caribbean Sea. 3913 sq. m. P. 78,469. Cumbal, mtn., Andesof Colombia, just N. ofEquator. Alt. 15,620ft. Cumber, Lower, par., co. and 5 ni. E. Londonderry. 14,466 acres. Cumber, Upper, par., W. co. Londonderry and N. co. Tyrone. Cumberland, c>>., England, on Irish Sea. Ar. 1316 sq. m. Cumberland, vil., Ontario, co. Russell, on Ottawa R. Cumberland, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Cumberland co. Cumberland, city, Maryland, cap. of Alleghany co. Cumberland, vil. and tnshp., Mississippi, Sumner co. Cumberland, vil., Ohio, Guernsey co., jam. SW. Cambridge. Cumberland Bay, New York, in L. Cliamplain. Battle 1814. Cumberland Bay, set.. New Brunswick, co. Queens, on Grand L. Cumberland Island, Georgia, U.S. , off coast of Camden co. Cumberland Island, Quet- n.'iland, off coast of N. Kennedy dist. Cumberland Mills, set.. Quebec, co. Beauce, 18 m. from St. Joseph. Cumberland Mtns., iu K.entui;ky, Tennessee, and Virginia. Cumberland Peninsula, Canada, W. shore of Davis Strait. Cumberland River, Kentucky and Tennessee, trib. of the Ohio R. Cumberland Strait, N. Territory, Australia, between the Wessel Is. Cumberland Valley, vtl. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Bedford co. Cumbernauld, par. and vil,, Dumbartonshire. Cumberworth, tnshp. and vil,, W. Riding, Yorkshire. Cumbrae,, Buteshire (Great Cumbrae L). Cumbrae, Great, isl., Buteshire, between Bute 1. and Ayr. Cumbr-ie, Little, isl,, Buteshire, i m. S. of Great Cumbrae. Cumbrian Mtns., in Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire. Cumbum, tn,, ftladras, Madura dist. Lat. g' 44' 50" N. Cumbum, tn.. Madias, Karnul dist. Lat. 15" 34' 15" N., 79° g' \" E. Cumbum Valley, fertile tract, Madras, in Madura dist. Cumiana, tn., Italy, in Piedmont, 7 m. N. Pinerolo. Cuminestone, vil., Aberdeenshire, 6 m. E. Turriff. Cummer, par., co. Galway, 4 m. S. Tuam. 9314 acres. Cummertrees, (lar. and vil., Dumfriesshire, 3^ m. W. Annan. Cnrnming's Bridge, vil., Ontario, co. Carleton. Cumminflville, vil., Ontario, co. Halton, 14 m. from Hamilton. Cumnock, tn., co. and 7 m. E. Ayr, on R. Lugar. Cumnock, New, par. and vil,, Ayrshire, 5^ m, from Cun-nock. Cumnock, Old, par,, E. Ayrshire, 14,140 acres. Cumnor, par. and vil., N, Berks, 3^ m. SW. Oxford. Cumru, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Berks co. Cun:Unamarca, state. Cent. America, Colombia. Pop, 637,658, Cundletown, tnshp.. New South Wales, 199 m, NW. Sydney. Cunene or Nourse r '"' " Cuneo. See Coni. Cunene or Nourse R,, Africa, Bengne les, 199 ; la, falls into the Atlantic. Cunha, tn., Brazil, state and 125 m. ENE. Sao Paulo. Cunnah's Quay. eccl. dist,, Northoppar., Flintshire. Cunnamullah, tn., Queensland, co. Wellington. Cunningham, \\\. and tnshp., Missouri, Chariton co. Conningbam's Island, Ohio, in Lake Erie. Cuorgne. tn., Italy, in Piedmont, 12^ m. WSW. Ivrea. Cupar, bor. and co, tn. of File, 335 m. NE. Edinburgh. Cupids, set., Newfoundland, dist. and 2 m. from Brigus. Cora. Villa de, tn , Venezuela, 60 m. SW. Caracas. Pop. 11,614. Cnra^oa, isl., Dutch W. Indies, 75 ra. from Venezuela. Pop. 26,686 Curahuasi, vil., Peru, dep. Apurimac, 15 m. from Alzancay. Curaray, riv., Ecuador, flows 370 m. to the Amazon R. Curdles River, Victoria, co. Heytesbur>', falls into Bay of MartjTS. Cure, River, Central France, flows 70 m. to the Yonne. Curico, prov.. Chili. Area 2913 sq. m. Pop. 102,647. Curico, eity, cap. of above, 116 m, S. Santiago. Pop. 11,000. Curische Haff, lagoon of the Baltic in E. Prussia. Curitiba, tn., Brazil, loS m. W. Paranagua. Curragh, jdain and camp, co. and 2 m. from Kildare. 80 CUR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER DAM CurramiUka, tn., S. Australia, co. Fergusson, 129 m. W. Adelaiilo. Cnrran. vil., OnUirio, co. I'rescott. 9 ni. from Papineau\'ille. Curran, vil. and tnshp., IlUuois, Sangamon co. Current River, Missouri and Arkansas, trib. of Big Black R. Currle, i>.ir. and vil., co. and 6 m. SW. Edinburgh. ClaTin. par., cos. Monaghau and Fennauagh. Corritmck Inlet. N. Carolina, opens into Currituck Sound. Cnrritack Island, N. Carnlliia, encloses Currituck Sound. Currituck Sound, N. Carolina, between Currituck co. and Island. Curry, North, par. and vil., Somerset, 6 m. NE. Taunton. Curry Rivell, par. and vil., Somerset, 2 m. SW. Langport. Cxuryville, vil., New Brunswick, co. Albert, 30 m. from Moncton. Curtatone, tn., Italy, 3 ni. from Mantua. Curtis Channel, Queensland, near Bustard Bay. Curtis Island, Queensland, ott coast of Port Curtis CortiB Island, Victoria, in Bass Strait. Curwinaville, b^r., Pennsylvania, Clearfield co. Curzola, isl., Dalmatia, in the Adriatic, 25 m. long. Pop. 21,813, Cusano. tn., Italy, prov. and 19 m. NW. Benevento. Cushendall, vil., co. Antrim, 17 m. NE. Balljnnena. CuBhing, vil., Quebec, Argenteuil co., 55 m. NW. Montreal. Cushing's Island, Maine, in Portland harbour. Area 250 acres, CuMct, tn., France, dep. AUier, 36 ra. S. Moulina. Cuaaeta, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Chambers co. Cusseta, vil. and tnshp., Georgia, U.S., cap. Chattahoochie co. CuBt, tn.. New Zealand, co. Ashley, 33 ni. NW. Cbristchurch. CuBter, vil., Nebraska, cap. of Custer co. Custer City, \nl., Pennsylvania. Mclvean co. Custon, tn., S. Austmlia, co. Buckingham, ^73 m. SSE. Adelaide. CuUna Creek, S. Australia. 45 m. E. co. Lytton. Cutch, ii.itive state, Gujarat, India. Area 6500 sq. m. Pop. 655,810. Cutch Gundava, prov., Baluchistan, in NE. Pop. 100,000. Cutchoque, vil. New York, Suffolk co., on Peconic Bay. Cnthbert, vil,, Georgia, United States, cap. of Randolph co. Cutler Sand, olT Suffolk, 2 ui. E. mouth of Deben R. Cuttaburra Creek, New South Wales, co. Irrara. Cuttack, dist., Orissa, Bengal. Area 3633 sq. m. Cuttack, city, Bengal, cap. of Orissa, Lat. 20° 29' 4" N. P. 48,780. Cuttyhunk Island, Massachusetts, in Buzzard Bay. Cuvier Bay, Tasmania, on W. coast of Hunter Island. Cttvler River, Tasmania, co. Lincoln, trib. of the Dorwent. Cnvo River, W. Africa, Benguela, 120 m. S. of the Coanza. • Cuxhaven, spt.. Germany, 5S m. WNW. Hamburg. Cuyaba. eity. Brazil, cap, of state of Matto Grosso. Pop. 16,000. Cuyahoga Falls, vil., Ohio, Summit Co.. on Cuyahoga R. Cuyahoga River, Ohio, falls into Lake Erie at Cleveland. Cuyler, vil. and tnshp., New York, Cortlan'd Si-a, opposite Massowah. Dahien, tn., Rlicuish Prussia, 4 m. SW. Munchen Gladbach. F Dahlgreen, tnshp., Minnesota, Carver co. Dahlonega, vil., Georgia, U.S., Lumpkin co. Dahme, tn., Prussia, Brandenburg, on R. Dahme. Dahomey, kingdom, W. Africa, Guinea coast. Pop. 180,000. Daillebout, vil., Quebec, co. Joliette, 46 m. NE. Montreal. Dailly, par. and vil., Ayrshire, 5^ m. N E. Girvan. Daimiel, tn., Spain, prov. and 25 m. ENE. Ciudad Real. Dain-hat, tn., Bengal, Bardwan dist Lat. 23° 36' 24" N Dai-nippon, native name for Japan. Dairsie, X)ar., Fifeshire, 3 m. from Cupar. 2555 acres. Daisy Lake, British Columbia. Lat 50" N. Dajal, tn., Punjab, Dera Ghazi Khan dist. Dakahlieh, prov. Lower Egypt Area 9305 sq. ni. Pop. 586,033. Dakar, tn., in French Senegal, on Cape Verd. Dakatia River, Bengal, trib. of the Meghna R. Dakkeh, vil., Nubia, on R. Nile, 40 m. NE. Oerr. Dabor, tu., Bombay, Kaira dist. Lat. 22° 45' N. Dakota, North, ter., U.S., on Canadian frontier. Pop. 182,719. Dakota River, Dakota, trib. of the Missonri. Dakota, South, ter., U.S., lies S. of North Dakota. Pop. 328,808. Dakshin Shahhazpur, isl., Bengal, in Meghna estuary. Dala, suburb of Rangoon, Burma, Dala Creek, Burma, Hanthawadi dist, trib. of the Rangoon. Dala-nurin River, Biu-ma, Shwe-gyin dist, trib. of the Sittaung. Dolat River, Burma, falls into Combertiijere Bay. Dalbeattie, tn., Kirkcudbrightshire, si m. E. Castle-Douglas. Dalby, tnshp., Queensland, 140 ni. W. Brisbane. Dale, par. and vil., Pembrokeshire, on Milfurd Haven. Dalecarlia, former prov. Sweden, now in Knpparberg Lsen. Dal-Elf, river, Sweden, falls into Gulf of Bothnia. Dalen, vil., Netherlands, aJ- m. NE. Coervorden. Dalesville, vil., Quebec, co."Argenteuil. DaleviUe, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Dale co. DalevUle, vil., Mississippi, Lauderdale co. Dalfsen, vil., Netherlands, Overyssel, 7 m. E. ZwoUe. Dalgetty, par., Fifeshire, 5 m. SE. Dunfermline. Dalhousie, place and castle, 9 m. SE. Edinburgh, on South Esk R. Dalhousie, port of entry, New Brunswick, cap. Restigouche co. Dalhousie, set.. Nova Scotia, co. Pictou, 10 m. from West River. Dalhousie, tn. and hill stn., Punjab, Gurdaspur dist. Dalhousie, East, vil.. Nova Scotia, co. Kings. Dallas, tn , Spain, prov. and «o m. WSW. Almeria. Dalibaire, vil., Quebec, Co. Rimouski, 127 m. from Ri\iire du Loup. Dalingkot, hill country, Beng.1l, Darjiling dist. Dalkeith, tn. and par., co. and 6^ ni. SE. Edinburgh. Dalkey, par. and vil., co. and 8 m.SE. Dublin. Dalkey, post stn., S. Australia, co. Gawler. Dall, Cape, Alaska. Lat. 61' 22' N., long. 166" 25' W. Dallas, vil., Elginshire, on R. Lossie, 8^ m. SE. Forres. Dallas, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Marion co. Dallas, vil. and tushp., N. Carolina, cap. of Gaston co. Dallas, vil. and tnshp., Oregon, cap. of Polk co. Dallas, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co. Dallas, city, Texas, cap. of Dallas co., on Trinity R. Pop. 38,140. Dallas Centre, vil., Iowa, Dallas co., 21 m. NW. Des Moines. Dallas City, vil., Illinois, Hancock co. Dallastown, bur., Pennsylvania, York co. Dalles, city, Oregon, cap. of Wasco co., on C jlumbia R. Dallington, p:ir,, Northamptonshire, on Grand Union Canal. Dallisburg, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Oweu co. Dallya, tn., Austria-Hungary, in Slavonia. Dalmally, vil., Argyllshire, near head of Loch Awe. Dalma Mtns., Bengal, Manbhum dist. Alt. 3407 ft. Dalmatia, pmv., Austria, on Adriatic. 4954 sq. m. Pop. 624,107. Dalmau, tabsil, Rai Bareli dist, Oudh, 479 sq. m, Dalmau, jtargftyta of the above. Area 253 sq. m. Dalmau, tn.,"Oudh, Rai Bareli dist. Lat. 26" 3' 45" N. Dalmellington, vil. and par., co. and 15J m. SE. Ayr. Dalmeny, ^■il., Linlitligowshire, 8^ m. NW. Edinburgh. Dalmorton, tu., New South Wales, co. Gresham. Dalmuir, vil., Dumbartonshire, 9^ m. NW. Glasgow, Dalreoch, par.. Dumbartonshire, near Cardross. Dalriada, aneient kingdom, now Argyllshire. Dairy, vil., Kirkcudbrightshire, 8 m. NW. New Galloway. Dairy, tn. and par., co. and 17^ m. NW. Ayr. Dalrymple, vil., CO. and 4 m. SH. Ayr. Dalrymple, pastoral dist., Queensland. Dalserf, par. and vil., Lanarkshire, 7 m. SE. Hamilton. Dalston, par., Cumberland, 4^ m. from Carlisle. Dalston, dist., in NE. part of London. DaltoD, tn., New South Wales, co. King, 163 m. SW. Sydney. Dalton, city, Georgia, U.S., of Whitlleld co. Dalton, vil. and tnshp,, Massachusetts, Berkshire co. Dalton, vil., Oliin, Wayne co., 51 m. S. Cleveland. DaltonganJ, headquarters, Palamau snb-div., Bengal. Dalton-in-FurnesB, tu. and par., co. and 16 m. NW. Lancaster. Dolton-le-Dale, jiar. and tnshp., N. Durham. Daly, nitn., Colorado, peak of Elk Range. Alt. 13,193 ft Daly, municipality. Manitoba, Brandon co. Daly Head, cape, South Australia, W. coast of co. Fergusson. Daly River, N. Territory, Australia, falls into Anson Bay. Dalziel. liar., N. Lanark.shire. Pop. 13,863. Mineral dist. Damaghan, tii., Persia, in Khorassan, 50 m. SSE. Astrabad. Daman, tn. and .set, Gujarat, India. Pop. 49,084. Damanhoor, tu. , Egypt, 38 ni. SSE. Alexandria. Pop. 23,353. Damanl-Koh, hill tract. Bengal. 1366 sq. m. Pop. 363,413. Damar. tn., Arabia, in Yemen, 120 m. NNW. Arien. Pop. 25,000. Damara Land, country of SW. Afiica, on the coast. Damarlscotta, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Lincoln co. Damarlacotta River, Maine, falls into tho Atlantic Ocean. Damascus, city, Asiatic Turkey, cap. of Syria. Pop. 100,000. Damascus, vil., Ontario, co. Wellington, 7 m. from Arthur. Damascus, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Wayne co. n DAM THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER DAV Dambach, tn., Alsace, 4 m. N. Schlettstadt. Dambelong, salt lake, Western Australia, 175 in. SE. Perth. Dambool, vil., Ceylon, 45 m. NW. Kandy, and 70 m. KE. Colombo Dambu, tn.. Central Africa, Bornu, in the Soudan. Darner, dist. and tn., Kgypt, Nubia, on R. Nile. Damgarten, tn., Prussia, 25 in. from Stralsund. Damietta, tn-.E-ivpt, 113 m. KE. Cairo, on branch of Nile. P. 34,044. Damodor River, lieugal, trib. of the Hu;,'li, 350 m. long. Damoh, dist., Jabalpur div.. Central Provs., India. Lamoh, tahsii of above. Area 1792 sq. ni. Damoh, cliief tn., Danioh disl.. Cent. Provs., India. Dampier Archipelago. otTNW. Australia. Lat. zi' S., long. 116 E. Dampier Mt. , S. Australia, on E. border of co. Robinson. Dampremy, tn., Belb'imu, Hainaut, E. of Charleroi. Damaay Island, one of the Orkney Is., 4 m. NW. Kirkwall Damuggoo, tn., Africa, on R. Ni^er. Lai. 7° N. Dana Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia Danakil, country, E. Africa, between 12° and 15° N. Dana River. E. Africa, falls into Formosa Bay. Danbury, i)ar. and vil., Essex, ^^m. SE. Chelmsford. Danbury, bur., Connecticut, Fairfield co., on Still R. Danby, par. and vil., N. Riding, Yorks, 7^ m. NW. Egton. Danby, vil., Quebec, co. Drummond, 14 ni. W. Richmond. Danby, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Ionia co., on Grand R. Danby, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Rutland co., on Ottawa Creek. Dandaloo, tn., New South Wales, co. Narromine, 350 m. W. Sydney. Dandenong, vil., Victoria, iSJm. SE. Melbourne. Dandridge, vil., Tennessee, cap. of Jefferson co, Dandry Creek, New South Wales, co. Baradiue, branch of Baradine R. Dane, vil. and tnslip., Wisconsin, Dane co. Dane Bridge, eci-1. dist., mid Cheshire. Danehill, tccl. dist. and vil., Sussex, 6 m. NE. Cuckfield. Danemora. vil., Sweden, 24 m. NNE. Upsala. Dane's Quarter, vil. and tti-shp., Maryland, Somerset co. Danevlrke, Danish set., New Zealand, 83 m. from Napier. Danforth, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Iroquois co. Dangerous Archipelago, Pacific Ocean, in Low Archipelago. Dangerous Point, New South Wales, co. Rous, N. of Brunswick R. Dangerous Reef, S. Australia, in Spencer's Gulf. Danger Point, Queensland, extreme SE. point of colony. Danger Point, Victoria, between Nelson and Portland Bays. Dangs, The. group of 15 petty states, Bombay. Ai'ea 1000 sq. m Danielsonville, vil., Connecticut, Windham co. Danilov, tn., Russia, gov. and 40 m. NNE. Taroslav. Dankar, vil., Punjab, Kangra dist. Lat. 32° 5' N., long. 78" 15' E. Dankara, tn., Africa, 47 m. W. Coomassie. Dankaur, In., NW. Pruvs., India. Lat. 28° 21' N., 77" 36' E. Dankia Mt., Bengal, Chola Range. Alt. 23,176 ft. Lat. 27" 57' N. Dannebrog, vil. and tnshp., Nebraska, Howard co. Dannemora. vil. and tnshp., New York, Clinton co. Dan River, N. Carolina and Virginia, head-stream of the Roanoke. Dansville, vil., Michigan, Ingham co., 67 m. NW. Detroit. DanBville. vil.. New York, Livingstone co., on Canasaraga Creek. Danta, state, Gujarat, India. Includes 78 vils. , Pop. 17,456. Dantzig, city and spt., W. Prussia, on R. Vistula. Pop. 120,489. Dantzig. gov., W. Prussia. Area 306S sq. m. Danube River, rises in Black Forest and falls into Black Sea. Danubian Principalities. .Sfe Roumania, Servia, Bulgaria. Danvers, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, McLean co. Danvera, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Essex co. Danvera Port, vil., JLassachusetts, Essex co. Danville, vil., Quebec, co. Richmond, 88 ni. NE. Montreal. Danville, city, Illinois, cap. of Vennillion co. Danville, vil., Indiana, cap. of Hendricks co. Danville, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Des Moines co. Danville, vil., Kentucky, cap. of Boyle co. Danville, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, cap. of Montgomery co. Danville, l>nr., Pennsylvania, cap. of Montour co. Danville, vil. and tnshp., Vennont, Caledonia Co. Danville, vil., Virginia, Pittsylvania co. Pop. 10,285. Da-nwun, tidal creek, Burma. Lat. 16" 25' N., long. 95' 12' E. Daolatabad, vil., Afghanistan. 6'fe Daulatabad. Daphla Hills, Assam, occupied by independent tribes. Daphne, vil., Alabama, cap. of Baldwin co., on Mobile Bay. Dapoli, sub-div., Ratiuigiri dist., Bombay. Dapsang, mtn., Karakorum Range, Tibet. Alt. 28,278 ft. Dapto, \iL, New South Wales, 74 m. S. Sydney, in co. Camden. Darab, tn., Persia, in Fars, 130 m. SE. Shiraz. Pop. 10,000. Dar-al-Beida, spt., Morncro, 46 m. NE. Azamor. Pop. 10,000. Darayanj, suburb of Allababad, India. Darbelo. tn., Bombay, Haidarabad dist. Darbhangah, dist., Behar, Imiia. Area 3665 sq. m. Darbhangah, sub-di\'., Darbliangnh dist. Darbhangah, tn., Darbliangah dist. Lat. 26' 10' N. Pop. 73,320. D"Arbonne Bayou, Ijnuisiana, trib. of the Ouachita R. Darby, bur., Pennsylvania. Delaware co. Darcy Lever, tnslipl, Lancashire, i m. E. Bolton. Dardanelle, vil. and tnshp., Arkansas, Yell co. Dardanelles, strait, between Europe and Asia. Dardanup. dist., W. Australia, 124 m. S. Perth. Darenth, par., W. Kent, 2 m. SE. Dartford. Darent River, W. Kent, trib. of the Thames below Erith. Dare 8- Salaam, spt., German East Africa, 25 m. S. Zanzibar. Darfield, par., vil., W. Riding, Yorks, 5 m. SE. Bamsley. Darfur, country, E. Soudan, Lat. 10° 16' N. Area 160,000 sq. m. Dargalong, tn., Victoria, co. Moira, 87 m. NE. Melbourne. Dargaville, tnslip,, New Zealand, co. Hobson. Dargle, '^V-w and waterfall, N. co. WicUlow. Fine scenery. Dargo River, Victoria, co. Dargo, trib, of the Mitchell R. Darien, vil., Georgia, U.S.. cap. of Mcintosh co. Darien, vil. and tnslip., New York, Genesee co. Darien, vil. and tnsli]»., Wisconsin, Walworth CO, Darien, lathmns of. £('£ Panama, Isthmus of. Darjeeling. 5t'e Darjiling. Darjiilng, dist., BengiU. Area 1164 sq. m. Pop. 223,020. Lat. ■zi N. Darjiling, tn., Bengal, in above, Lat. 27° 2 N., long. 88° 18' E. Dark Comers, vil., Penn.sylvania, Columbia co. Darkehmen, tn., Prussia, 15 m. SSW. Gumbinnen. Darkley, tn., co. and 11 m. from Armagh. Darlaaton, tn., par , E. Sta fiord shire, 122 m. NW. London. Darley, par., Derbyshire, on R. Derwent. 7149 acres. Darling, dist., New S. Wales, in SW. of colony. Area 50,000 sq. m. Darling Downs, dist., Queensland, on border of New South Wales. Darlingford, tn., Victoria, co. Wonnongatta. Darling Range, mtns., W. Australia, 50 m. from coast. Darling River, New South Wales, trib. of the Murray R. Darling's Lake, vil., Nova Scotia, 10 m. from Yarmouth. Darlington, bor., Durham, 36 m. S. Newcastle. Pop. 38,060. Darlington, ward, S. Durham. 295,571 acres. Darlington, suburb of Sydney, New South Wales. Darlington, tn., Victoria, co. Hampden, 123 m. SW. Melbourne. Darlington, vil., Prince Edward Island, Queen's co. Darlington, vil., Indiana, Montgomery co., on Sugar Creek. Darlington, vil., Maryland, Harford co., on Deer Creek. Darlington, bor. and tnslip., Pennsylvania, Beaver co. Darlington, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, cap. of Lafayette co. Darlington Court House, vil., S. Carolina, cap. of Darlington co. Dannan, tn., Punjab, Gurdaspur dist. Darmstadt, tn., Germany, cap. Hessen and Starkenburg. P. 56,931. Damall, eccl. dist., S. div., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Darnetall, tn., France, Seine-Inferieme, 2 m. E. Rouen. Darngaber, vil,, Lanarkshire, 3 m. S. Hamilton. Damick, vil., Roxburghshire, i m. W. Melrose. Damley, isl., Queensland, in Torres Straits. Daro, vd., Bombay, Karachi dist. Darragh, par., co. Limerick, 9 m. SE. Kilmallock. Darrang, dist., Assam, India. Area 3418 sq. m. Darrel, set., Ontario, CO. Kent, 4 ni. from Cliatham. Darsi, tn., Madras, Nellore dist. Lat. 15° 48' N. Darsi, sub-div., Nellore dist., Madras. Area 616 sq. m. Dartford, tn., West Kent, 17 ni. E. London. Dartford, vil., Ontario, co. Northumberland, Dartmoor, upland tract, Devonshire, Alt. 2050 ft. Dartmouth, bor. and spt, S. Devon, on B. Liart. Dartmouth, spt., Prince Edward Island, on Richmond Bay, Dartmouth, tn.. Nova Scotia, Halifax co. Dartmouth River, Quebec, Ga.spe co., falls into Gas]>e Bay. Darton, par. and vil., W. Riding, Yorks, 3 m. NW. Barnsley. Dartree, barony, co. Monaghan. 59,611 acres. Dart River, S. Devon, falls into the English Channel. Daruvar, tn., Hungary, 32 m. NW. Posega, Darvel, tn., Ayrshire, 9 m. E. Kilmarnock. Darville's, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, Dinwiddle co. Darwa, taluk, Berar, Wuu dist., India. 1062 sq. m. Darwa, tn. and hdqrs. of above, Lat. 20° 18' N., long. 77° 49' E. Darwen, pari, div., NE. Lancashire. Darwen, Lower, tnshp., NE. Lancashire, in Blackburn. Darwen, Over, bor., NE. Lancash,, 3^ m. from Blackburn. Darwin, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Clarke co., on Wabash R. Darwin, Mt., Tierra derland Peninsula. Davlsville, vil. and tnslip., Alabama, Calhoun co. DaviaviUe, vil., California, Yolo co., 77 m. NE. San Francisco. Davos, par. and vil , Switzerland, canton Orisons. Dawa, estate, Central Provinces, India, Bhandara dist. Dawdon, tiisl>p., N. Durham, 6i m. SE. Sunderland. DawfUflkie Island, S. Carolina, included in Beaufort co. Dawley, tn., Shropshire, 4 m. fruni Welliugton. DawUah, tn., Divnnshire, at mouth of R. l5awlish. Dawna Mtns., Burma, Amherst dist. Lat. 16' 5' N., long. 98" 42' E. Dawson, vil., Georgia, U.S., cap. of Terrell co. Dawaon, bor., Pennsylvania, Fayette co. Dawson Island, Tierra del Fuego, in Strait of Magellan. Dawson River, Queensland, at foot of Denliam Range. Dawson Settlement, set., New Brunswick, co. Albert. Dai, tn., Frame, dep. Landes, on R. Adour. Pop. 10,218. Daxabon, tn., St. Domingo, 39 m. ESE. Cape Haiti. Daxlanden, vil., Baden, 4 m. \V. Carlsruhe, on R. Rhine. Dayang River, Assam, trib. of Dhameswari R. Lat. 26° 26' N. Daya River, Urissa, between Koyakhai R. and L. Chilka. Dayleaford, tnshp., Victoria, co. Talbot, 76 m. NW. Melbourne. Dayton, vil., Alabama, Marengo co., 8 m. NE. Linden. Dayton, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Webster co. Dayton, vil., Kentucky, Campbell co., on the Ohio R. Dajrton, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Hennepin co. Dayton, vil. and tnslip., Missouri, is'ewtou co. Dajrton, \i\. and tnshp., New York, Cattaraugus co. Dayton, city, Oliio, cap. of Montgomery co., on Mad. R. P. 61,220. Dayton, vil., Pennsylvania, Armstrong co. Dayton, vil., Washington, cap. of Columbia co. Dazard Point, on W. toast of Cornwall. Deadman Bay, Newfoundland, i3 m. from Green's Pond. Dead River, New Hampshire, trib. of the Maragallaway R. Dead 3ea, salt lake, Palestine, 25 m. E. Jerusalem, 1312 ft. below sea. Dead Stream, Maine, trib. of the Penobscot R. Deadwood, vil., Dakota, cap. of Lawrence co. Deal, bnr., Kent, 82 m. from London. Deals Island*, 5I;iryIaud, in Chesapeake Bay, Somerset co. Dean, In., Victoria, co. Talbot, 117 m. NW. Melbourne. Dean, dist. and vil,, in W. of Edinburgh, on Water of Leith. Dean, Forest of, W. Gloucestershire. Area 200 sq. m. Dean, West, par., W. Gloucestershire. 10,035 acres. Deane, par. and vil., SE. Lancashire. Deane Mt, Queensland, dist. Cook, peak of Gilbert Range. Deans Channel, Briti-sh Columbia. Lat, 53° 10' N., long, 127° W. Dean's Marah, vil., Victoria, 81 m. SW. Melbourne. Deanston, vil., Perthshire, on II. Teith, i m. W. Doune. Dearborn, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Wayne co. Dearborn River, Montana, from Rocky Mtns. to Missouri R. Dearham, par. and tnshp., W. Cumberland. Dease Lake, British Columbia. I-it. 59° N. Dease Strait, channel, Cana., long. 75" 4' E. Derapur, tahsil, N W. Provs., India, Cawnpur dist. Derapur, headquarters of above. Derayeh, tn., Arabia, in Nedjed. Derband, vil., Punjab. Lat. 34' 18' N., long. 72' 55' E. Derbend, tn., Rusaia, cap. of Daghestan, on Caspian Sea. P. 14,7B0. Derby, bor., cap, of Derbyshire, on R. Derwent. Pop. 94,146. Derby, W. Australia, cap. of Kimberley district. Derby, vil., New Brunswick, co. Northumberland. Derby, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, New Haven co. Derby, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Orleans co., on the Clyde R. Derby Line, vil., Vtrniont, Orleans co. Derbyshire, CO., England, S. of Yorks. Area 1029 sq. m. Dereham, East, tn. and par., Norfnlk, 16 m. NW. Norwich. Dereham, West, par. and vil., Norfolk, 3 ni. SE. Duwnham. Derg, Lough, expansion of R. Shannon, co. Tipperary. Derg, Lough, S. CO. Donegal, 4 m. NW. Pettigoe. Deritend, dist., E. Birmingham, Warwickslire. Dema, spt,, Africa, in Barca, 140m. NE. Bengazi. Dernconner, vil., Ayrshire, 2^ m. NE. Auchinleck. Dero Mohbat, taluk, Haidarabad dist., Bombay. Deronte, The, English Channel, between Jersey and Guernsey. Derr, tn., Nubia, on R. Nile. Lat. 22' 44' N. Derrick City, vil., Pennsylvania, McKean co. Derry, Ireland. See Londonderry. Derry, vil. and tnshp., New Hampshire, Rockingham co. Derry, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvauia, Dauphin co. Derryaghy, par., S. co. Antrim, 2 m. N. Lisbum. 12,466 acres, Derrybousk, par., mid CO. Fermanagh. 7172 acres. Derrybeighan. par., N. CO. Antrim, on R. Busk. 7676 acres. Derryloran, par. and vil., cos. Londonderry and Tyrone. Derrylossary, par., CO. Wicklow. 45,964 acres. Derrynoose. par., W. Co. Armagh, 4 m. NW. Keady. DerrjTrnllan, par., co. Fermanagh, 3 m. NW. Bel lanama liar d, Dersingham, par. and vil., Norfolk, 8^ m. NE. Lynn. Derwent, River, W. Cumberland, falls into Sohvay Firth. Derwent, River, Derbyshire, trib. of R. Trent, 60 ili. long. Derwent, River, Northumberland and Durham, trib. of R. Tyne. Derwent, River, Yorkshire, tributary of R. Ouse. Derwent, River, Tasmania, falls into Long and Ralph Bays. Derwent Water, lake, Cumberland, near Keswick. Desaguadero River, Argentine Rep., from Andes to Urre Languen. Desagnadero River, Buli\ia, falls into Lake Aullagas. Desaignea, tn., France, Ardfeche, on R, Doux. Des Arc, vil., Arkansas, cap. of Prairie Co., on White R. Des Arc Bayou, Arkansas, tributary of the White R. Desborough, par. and vil., N. Northampton. Deschambault, vil., Quebec, co. Portneuf, on St. LawTence R. Dea Chutes River, Oregon, tributary of the Columbia R. Descooae, vil., Nova Scotia, on Isle Madame, co. Richmond. Deaemboque, tn., Brazil, on Rio Das Velhas. Deaenzano, tn., Italy, on Lago di Garda. Deaertaa, isls., in Atlantic, 30 m. o(f Madeira. Deshler, vil., Oregon, Henry co., 38 m. W. Tiffin. Desio, tn., Italy, 11 m. N. Milan. Desirade, is!., French W. Indies, 4 m. E. Guadeloupe. Deskford, par. and vil., Banflshire, 4 m. S. CuUen. Deslodge Lead Mines, vil., Missouri, St. Frangnis co. Des Moines, city, Iowa, cap. of State and of Polk co. Pop, 60,067. Des Moines River, Minnesota and Iowa, trib. of the Mississippi. Desmond, set., Ontario, co. Addington, 13 m. from Napanee. Desna River, Russia, trib. of the Dnieper, opposite Kiev. Desolation Sonnd, British Columbia. Lat. 50° N. De Soto, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Jackson co. De Soto, vil., Jlissouri, Jeflerson co., on Joachim Creek. De Soto, vil., Wisconsin, Vernon co., on the Mississippi. Despair Bay, Newfoundland, Fortune Bay dist. Des Plalnes, vil., Illinois, Conk CO., on Des Plaines R. Dea Plaines River, Illinois, headwater of the Illinois It. Deapoblado, uninhabited plateau in the Cordillera of Peru. Despoto Dagh, mtns., Turkey, branch of the Balkans. Dessau, tn., Germany, cap. of Anhalt, on R. Mulde. Pop. 34,626. D"Estaing, Cape, South Australia, North coast of Kangaroo I. Desterro, city, Brazil, cap. of state Santa Catharina. Pop. 14,000. D'Eatree Bay, South Australia, S. coast of Kangaroo I. Deavres, tn., France, Pas-de-Calais, 11 m. ESE. Boulogne. Detention River, Tasmania, co. Wellington, falls into Sayer's Bay. Dethick and Lea, tnslip., Derbyshire, on Cromford Canal. Detmold, tn., Germany, cap. of Lippe, on Werra R. Detroit, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Pike co., on'Illinois R. Detroit, city, cap. of Michigan, Wayne co., on Detroit R. Pop. 205,669. Detroit Junction, vil.,, Wayne co. Detroit River, U.S., from L. Superior to L. Erie. Dettoa, tn., Ilungary, 20 m. E. Altsohl. Pop. 10,320. Deua River, New S. Wales, l>etween cos. St. Vincent and Dampier. Denlgaon Raja, tn., Berar, India. Lat. 20° N,, long. 76° E. Deulghat, tii., Berar, India. Lat. 20° 31' N., long. 76' 10' E. Deutach-Kxone, tn., Prussia, on Lake Radnn, 61 m. NW. Posen. Dentz, tn., Rhenish Prussia, on Rhine, opposite Cologne. P. 17,737. Deux-Ponta, tn., Bavaria, 50 m. W. Speyer. Pop. 10,657. Deux-Sfevres, dep., France, E. Vendee. Area 2315 sq. m. P. 853,766. Devala, tn., Madras, Nilgiri dist. Lat. 11° 28' N., long. 76° 26' E. DevanhalU, tahsil. Bangalore dist., Mysore. DevanhaUi, tn., Banpalore dist., Slysore. Lat. 13° 15' N. Devarayapalll, vil., Madras, Nellore dist. Devavanya, tn., Hungary, comitat Heves. Pop. 10,184. Devenish, tn., Victoria, 137J m. NE. Melbourne. 84 DEV THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER DIR Devenifih, par., N. co, Fermanagh. 30,601 acres. Devenport, suburb of Auckland, New Zealand. Deventer, city, Netheilauds, Overyssel. Pop. 23,220. Deveron River, Aberdeen and Bautf, falls into sea at Banff. Devg-idh, sub-div., Katnagiri dist., Bombay. Devgadli, sjjt., RatnaL,'iri dist., Bombay. Lat. 16° 22' N. De View, vil. and lushp., Arkansas, 'Woodrull" co. Devikota, tn., Madms, Madura dist. Devil's Laka, Assiuiboia. Lat. 51" 5' N., long. 107° "W. Devil's Peak, nitn., S. Australia, ens. Newcastle and Froiiio. Devil's Tower, isL, Victoria, in Bass Strait. Devizes, Itnr., Wilts, 21 m. NW. Salisbury. Devizes, pari, div., Wilts. Devizes, vil., Ontario, co. Middlesex, 17 m. from Toronto. Devoaport, spt., 8. Devon, near Plymouth. Pop. 70,238. Devon River, trih. of tlte Forth, 2^ m, from Alloa. Devonshire, eo. England, E. of Cornwall. Devoniide, vil., Clickniannanshire, Tillicoultry par. Devoran. spt., Curnwall, 5 ni. SW. Truro. Devra-Tabour, tn., Abyssinia, 35 m. E. Lake Dembea. Devynnock, par. and vil., co. and 7 m. W. Brecknock. Dewa, }Kii'gani, Oudh, Bara Banki dist. 141 sq. ni. Dewa, tn., Outlh, dist. and 8 m. from Bara Bauki. Dewala, vil., Cent. Frovs., India, Chanda dist. Lat. 20° 6' N. Dewalgaon, vil., Cent. I'rovs., India, Chanda dist. Lat. 20° 23' N. Dewalla, jietty state, Bombay, in Katliiawar. Dewaa, nali\o state, Cent. India. Area 289 sq. ni. Pop. 70,647. Dewas, chief tn. of above. Lat. 22° 58' N., long. 76° 6' E. De Witt, vil. and tuslip., Illinois, De Witt co. De Witt, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Clinton co. De Witt, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Clinton co. De Witt, vil., Missouri, Carroll co., on the Missouri R. Dewittvllle, vil., Quebec, co. Hnutingdon, 45 m. S. Montreal. De Wolf Corner, set., New Brunswick, 12 in. from St. Stephen. Dewsbnry, bur., W. Riding, Yorks, on R. Calder. Pop. 72,983. Dewsbory Moor, eccl. dist,, H. div. W. Riding, Yorks. Dexter, tii., luwa, Dallas co., 104 m. NE. Council Bluffs. Dexter, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Penobscot co. Dexter, vil , Michigan, Washtenaw co., on Huron R. Dexter, vil., Missouri, Stoddard co., 48 m. SW. Cairo. Dexter, vil.. New York, JelTersou co., on L. Ontario. Dezful, tn., Persia, 32 m. WNW. Shuster. Pop. 16,000. Dezima, isl., Japan, opposite Nagasaki. Dhadliar River, India, falls into Oiilf of Cambay. Dhalak, isl.. Red Sea, 9 m. off Abyssinia. Dhamda, tn.. Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 21° 27' N., long. 81° 23' E. Dhaml, hill state, Punjab. Area 26 sq. m. Dhampor, tahsU, Cijnaur dist., NW. Frovs., India. Dhampur, chief tn. of above. Lat. 29° 18' N., long. 78° 32' E. Dhamra River, India, f.ills into Bay of Bengal, in lat. 20° 47' N. Dhamtari, taksil, Raipnrdist., Cent. Provs., India. Dhamtari, tn., liaipur dist., Cent. Frovs., India. Lat. 20° 42' N. Dhana, vil., Sagardist., Cent. Provs., India. Dhanaura, tn., NW. Frovs., India. Lat. 28' 58' N. Dhandhuka, sub-(liv., Ahmadabad dist., Bombay. Dhandhuka, chief tn. of above. Lat. 22° 21' N. Dhanori, vil., Wardadist., Cent. Provs., India. Dhanu River, Bi^iigiil, Mainiansingh dist., trib. of Meghna. Dtioola Dhar Mtna. , Punjab, Kangradist. Alt. 15,956 ft. Dliapewara, tn., Nagpur dist., Cent, Provs., India. Dbar, native state, Cent. India. Area 1740 sq. ra. Pop. 149,244. Db&r, chief tn. of above. Lat. 23° 36' N., long. 75° 4' E. Pop. 15,224. Dharakot, estate, Madras, Ganjani dist. Area 125 sq. ni. Dharampur, native state, Gujarat. Area 794 sq. ni. Pop. 101,289. Dhaj-ampor, chi(;f tn. of above. Lat. 20" 34' N., long. 73" 14' E. Dharampuri, ;i((rf7(^(Hrt, Dhar state. Cent. India. Dharamparl, tn., DharBtate, Cent. India. Lat. 22° 10' X. Dharangaon, tn., Bombay, Khandesh dist. ^ Db&raporam, talnk, Madras, Coinibatore dist. Dharapnram, chief tn. of above. Lat. 10° 44' N. Dbarla River, Bengal, trib. of the Brahmaputra R. Lat. 25° 40' N. Dharmanpur, ;K(rf/tt;t,«, Oudh, Bahraich dist. Dharmipatam, tn., Madras, Malabar dist. Lat. n" 46' N. Dharmapatam River, Madras, falls into sea 3 m. N. Tellicherri. Dharmapari, t-ilul:, Mailras, Salem dist. Dharmapurl, tu., Madras, Salem dist. Lat. 12° 9' N. Dharmavaram, t. of above. Lat, 26° 42' N., long. 77" 56' E. P. 16,833. Dhonegaon, tn., Berar, India, Buldano dist. Dhorajl, tn., Bombay, Gujarat. Lat. 21* 45' N., long. 70° 37' E. Dhrafa, petty state, Bombay, Gujarat. Comprises 24 vila^ Dhrangadra, native state, Bombay, Gujarat. Pop. 99,686. Dhrangadra, chief tn. of above. Lat. 22° 59' N. Pop. 12,304. Dhrol, native state, Bombay, Gujarat. 400 sq. m. Pop. 21,777. Dhrol, chief tn. of above. Dhubrl, sub-div., Goalpara, Assam. Dhubrl, chief tn., Goalpara dist., Assam. Lat. 26° 2' N. Dhulia, sub-div,, Khandesh dist,, Bunibay. 759 sq. m. Dhulia, chief tn. of above. Lat. 20° 54' N., long. 74° 46' E. Dhuma, vil., Cent. Provs., India, Seoni dist. Diablereta, mtn., Switzerland, Bernese Alps. Alt. io,igo ft. Diablo, mtn., California, Coast Range. Alt. 3856 ft. Diakover, tn., Hungary, Slavonia, 22 ni. SW. Eszek. Diamentina, city, Brazil, Mnias Geraes. Pop. 12,000. Diamentina River, Queensland and South Australia. Diamentino, tn. , Brazil, Matto Grosso, 70 m. NNW. Cuyabo. Diamond, vi!,, Ontario, co. Carleton, 9 m. from Fakenham. Diamond, vil., Illinois, Grundy co. Diamond, Cape, on St. Lawrence R., with citadel of Quebec. Diamond Creek, vil., Victoria, co. Evelyn, i6i m. NE. Melbourne. Diamond Creek, Kansas, trib, of the Cottonwood Creek. Diamond Harbour, sub-div., 24 Parganas dist,, Bengal, Diamond Harbour, port and headquarters of above. Lat. 22° 11' N. Diamond Hill, tn., Victoria, CO. Bendigo, 96 m. N. Melbourne, Diamond Island, Pegu, Lower Burma, off mouth of Bassein R. Diamond Island, Tasmania, off E. coast co. Glamorgan. Diamou, fort and ry. stn., Africa, French Soudan, on R. Senegal. Dlorbekir, vilayet, Turkey in Asia, traversed by R, Tigris. Diarbekir, tn., cap. of above. Lat. 37° 55' N. Pop. 10,000. Dibai, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 28° 12' N. Dibrugarh, suVi-div. Lakhimpur dist,, Assam, Dibrugarh, chief tn., Lakhimpur dist., Assam. Dibru River, Assam, trib. of the Brahmaputra. Dickson City, bor,, Pennsylvania, Xackawanna co. Dick's River, Kentucky, trib. of the Kentucky R. Diddaur, tn., India, in Oudli, Rai Bareli dist. DIdsburg, tnshp, and vil., SE. Lancashire. Die, tn., France, in Drome, on R. Drome, 37 m. ESE. Valance. Dieburg, tn., Germany, Hessen, 9 m. ENE. Darmstadt. Diedenhofen, tn,, Lorraine, on R. Moselle. French name, Tliionville, Diego Garcia, isl., Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean. Dieppe, spt., France, Seine-Inferieure, on English Chan, Pop. 22,003. Diest, tn., Belgium, S. Brabant, on R. Demer. Dieu-le-Fit, tn,, France, Drome, 17 m. E. Montelimar. Diez, tn., Prussia, 10 m. N, Nassau. Dig, tn. and fort, Bhartpur state, India. Lat. 27° 28' N. Digbijaiganj, tahsil, Rai Bareli dist., Oudh. Digby, port of entry. Nova Scotia, cap. of Digby co. Digby, tn., Victoria, co. Nonnanby, 254 m. W. Melbourne. Digger's Rest, tn., Victoria, co, W. Bourke, 20^^ m. NW. Melbourne. Diggs, Cape, Canada. Lat. 62" 45' N., long. 79* W. Dighorl, vil.. Central Provinces, India, Bliandara dist. Dighton, vil. anil tnshp., Massachusetts, Bristol co. Dignano, tn., Austria, in Istria, 48 m. SSE. Trieste. Digne, tn., France, rap. of Basses- Alpes, 55 m. NE. Alx. Digoin, tn., France, Saune-et-Loire, 14 m. W. Charolles. Digras, tn., Berar, India, Wun dist. Lat. 20° 6' N. Digru River, Assam, trib. of the Kalang R. Digsar, i^argana, Oudh, Gonda dist. Dih, tn., India, in Oudh, Rai Bareli dist. Dijon, city, France, cap, of Cute-d'Or, 197 m. SE. Paris. Pop. 60,856. Dildo Cove, set., Newfoundland, 35 m, from Heart's Content, Dilhorne, par. and vil., Staffordshire, 3 m. W. Cheadle. Diligent River, set., Nova Scotia, co, Cumberland. Dillenburg, tn., Prussia, 40m. NE. Nassau, on R. Dille. Dilll, tn., Timor isl., on NW. coast, cap. of Portuguese set. Dillingen, tn., Bavaria, on R. Danube, 30 ni. NW. Augsburg. Dillonton, vil,, Quebec, co, Brome, 12 m. from Waterloo. Dilman, tn., Persia, Azerbaijan prov. DUolo Lake, S. Central Africa, source of the Zambesi. Dimboola, tnsh]\, Victoria, co. Borung, 216 ni. NW. Melbourne. Dimock, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Susquehanna co. Dinajpur, dist., Bengal. Area 4118 sq. m. Dinajpur, chief tn. of above. Lat. 25" 38' N., long. 88" 40' E. Dinan, tn., France, Cutes-du-Nord, 14 m. S. St. Malo. Dinanagar, tn., Punjab, Gurdaspur dist. Dlnant, tn., Belgium, prov. and 15 m. S. Namur. Dinapur, sub-div., P;itnadist,, Bengal. Dinapur, cantonment, Patnadist., Bengal. Dlaarlc Alps, mtns., S. Croatia, Dalmalia and Herzegovina, Dinas Head, cape, N. coast of Pembrokeshire. Dlnas Mowddwy, tn., Merioneth, 10 m. SE. Dolgelly. Dindlgal, taluk, Madura dist., Madras. 1132 sq. m. Dindlgal, In., Madras, Madura dist Lat. 10° 21' N. Dlndlngs, The, isls,, Straits Settlement. Lat. 4'" N. Dindivaram, taluk, S. Arcot dist., Madras. Dlndori, sub-div., Nasik dist., Bombay. Dindort, chief town, Dindori sub-div., Nasik dist, Bombay. Dingle, spt., W. CO, Kerry, on Dingle Bay. Dingle, vil., Ontario, co. Huron, 27^ m. from Palmerston. Dingo Hill, S. Australia, between Lakes Everard and Gairdncr. Dingwall, burgh, Ross and Cromarty, on Cromarty Firth. DinkolBbiihl, tn., Bavaria, 40 m. NW. Donauworth. Dinneh, (j.s. par., Aberdeenshire, 44 m, W. Aboyne. Dlnnlngton, par. Rud tnshp,, S. Northumberland. Dinting Vale, ercl. dist. and vil,, N, Derbyshire, Diomede Isles, in Behring Strait. Uninhabited. Dlpalpor, tahsil, Montgomery dist, Punjab. 956 sq, m. Dipaipur, hdqrs. tn. of above. Ancient city, now small village. Dlpla, taluk, Thar and Parkar dists., Bombay. Dipper Harbour, set., New Brunswick, on Bay of Fuudy. Dlppoldiswalde, Tn., Saxony, 11 m. S. Dresden. Direction, Capo, Queensland, dist Cook, iiom. NW. Cape Melville. Direction, Mount, Tasmania, in Montgomery co. Direction, Mount, Tasmania, co. Dorset, near Port Dalrymple. Dirk Hartog Island, Australia, off Shark Bay. Lat. 25" 28' 8. Dlrleton, j>ar. and vil., N. Haddingtonshire. Dlrouilles, reef, 4 m. offNE. coast of Jersey, Channel Islands. 85 DIR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER DOO Slrschan, tn., Prussia, on R. Vistula, 20 m. SSE. Dantzic. P. 11,146. Dirt Lake. Alberta, Canada. Lat. 53° 40' N., long. 115° 10' W. Dlaa, tn., l^aLinpur tUst., Gujarat, India. Lat. 24° 13' 30" N. Disappointment, Mount, Victoria, Great Dividing Range. Disaster Bay, New South "Wales, co. Auckland. Disaster Inlet, Queensland, S. portion of Gulf of Carpentaria. Disco Island, ott W. coast of Greenland. Lat. 69° 11' N. Discovery Bay, Victoria, in co. Normanby. Discovery Harbour, P'iji, Numia Island. Good anchorage. Disley- Stanley, tnshp., E. Cheshire. Dismal Swamp, Virginia and N. Carolina. Area 300 sq. m. Dlsna, tn., Russia, gov. and 143 m. NE.Vilna. Dison, \il., Belgium, 2 m. NNW. Verviers. Pop. 12,216. Dispersion Mount, New South Wales, co, Taila. Diss, tn. and par., S. Norfolk, on R. Waveney. Distant Hill, Queensland, dist. Cook. Alt. 3573 ft. Distington, par. and vil., W. Cumberland. District of Columbia, territory, U.S., containing cap. Pop. 230,392. Ditchingham, par., S. Norfolk, on R. Waveney. Ditchling, par. and vil., E. Sussex, 6 m. N. Brighton. Ditton. tnshp., yw. Lancashire, on R. Mersey. Ditton, Long, par. and vil., Surrey, 2 ra. SW. Kingston-on-Tliames. Diu,, India, Portuguese possession. Lat. 20° 43' N., long. 71° 2' E. Dividing Creek, vil., New York, Cumberland co., on Dividing Creek. Dividing Range, The Great, nitns., Victoria and New South Wales. Divi Point, Madras, Kistna dist. Lat. 15° 57' N., long. 81" 14' E. Dixcove, Tn. (British), Africa, on Gold Coast. Lat. 4° 48' N. Dix Island, Slaiue, oil Rockland co. Area 50 acres. Diimont, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Penobscot co. Diimude, tn., Belgium, W. Flanders, on R. Tser. Diion, vil., California, Solano co., 69 m. NE. San Francisco. Dixon, city, Illinois, cap. of Lee co., on Rock R. Dixon, ^il., Kentucky, cap. of Webster co. Dixon, vil., Missouri, Pulaski co., 93 m. NE. Springfield. Dixon Entrance, between Alaska and Queen Charlotte Islands. Dixon's Mills, vil., Alabama, Marengo co. Diying Kiver, Assam, N. Cachar, trib. of the Kopili R. Flows N. DizftU. .See Dezful. Djokjokarta, Java, Dutch Residency. Area 1191 sq. m. P. 601,043. Djokjokarta, tn., cap. of above, in S. of Java. Pop. 60,000. Dmitrov, tn., Russia, gov. and 45 m. N. Moscow. Dmitrovak, tn., Russia, gov. and 57 m. SW. Orel. Dnieper, River, Russia, falls into Black Sea near Kherson. Dnieprovsk, tn., Russia, gov. Tauris, on R. Dnieper'. Dniester, River, Austria and Russia, falls into Black Sea. Doab. tract, NW. Provs., India, between the Ganges and Jumna. Doaba Dandzai, tuh^il, Punjab, Peshawur district. Doagh, Grange of, par., co. Antrim, 10 ni. NW. Belfast. Doaktown, set.. New Brunswick, 48 ni. from Newcastle. Dobay'a Island, Georgia, U.S., included iu Mcintosh co. Dobbo, tn., Aru Is., Dutch New Guinea. Lat. 5° 45' S. Dobcross, tn., S. div., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Dobeln. tn., Saxony, 35 m. ESE. Leipsic. Pop. 11,972. Doberan, tn., Germany, Mecklenburg, 40 m. NNE. Schwerin. Dobhi, vil., Central Provs., India, Narsinghpur district. Dobling, suburb and 3 ni. N. of Vienna, Austria. Dobmdja, dist., Roumania, between Danube and Black Sea. Dobschau, tn., Hungary, 21 ni. NNE. Gomor Sajo. Dobson, vd. and tnshp., N. Carolina, cap. of Surrj' co. Doce River, Brazil, Minas Geraes, 60 m. N. Victoria. Dochart, Loch, Perthshire, at head of Glen Dochart. Dochart, River, Perthshire, between Lochs Dochart and Tay. Dochfour, Loch, CO. and 5 in. from Inverness, on R. Ness. Docking, [lar. and vil., Norfolk, 5 m. SW. Burnhara Westgate. Doctors Cove, vil.. Nova Scotia, co. Shelburne. Dodabetta Mtn., Madras, Nilgiri Mtns. Alt. 8760 ft. Lat. 11° 25' N. Dod-ballapur, talnk. Bangalore dist., Mysore. Dod-ballapur, tn., in above. Lat. 13° 13' 40" N. Dodbrooke, par. and vil., Devon, near Knightsbridge. Dodder Hill, par. and tnshp., E. Worcestershire. Dodderi, tnlnk, Chitaldrug dist, Mysore. 851 sq. m.' Dodderi, vil., in above. Lat. 14° 17' N., long. 76' 45' E. Dodder River, S. co. Dublin, falls into Dublin Bay. Doddington, par. and vil., N. Cambridgeshire. Dodge Centre, vil., Minnesota, Dodge co., on Zumbro R. Dodge City, viL, Kansas, cap. of Ford co., on Arkansas R. Dodgeville, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, cap. of Iowa co. Dodworth, tnshp. and vil., S. div., W. Riding, Yorks. Doe Lake, set., Ontario, Parry Sound dist., 32 m. N. Rosseau. Doesborg, tn., Netherlands, Gelderland, on R. Yssel. Dofrines. See Dovrefield. Dogger Bank, bank, North Sea, 36 m. E. Flamborough Head. Dog Island, Florida, in St. George's Sound. Lat. 29" 43' N. DogLake.Manituba, E. of Lake Manitoba. Dog Lake, Ontario, Algoma dist., 24 m. N. Lake Superior. DogUani, tn., Italy, prov. Coni, n ra. NE. Mondo\i. Dog River, Ontario, falls into Michipicoten Bay. Dogs, Isle of, bend of the R. Thames, SE. Middlesex. Dohab, sub-div., Panch Slahals dist., Bombay. Dohab, chief tn. of above. Lat. 22° 53' N., long. 74' 19' E. Pop. 12,394. Doharlghat. tn., NW. Provs., India, Azamgarh dist. Doherty's Mills, set., New Brunswick, co. Kent. Dokkum, tn., Netherlands, in Friesland. Dol, tn., France, Ille-et-Vilaine, 15 m. SE. St. Malo. Dole, tn., France, dep. Jura, on R. Doubs. Pop. 13,190. Ddle, mtn., Switzerland, Jura Mtns., 16 m. N. Geneva. Alt. 5509 ft. DolgeUy, tn., Wales, cap. of Merionethshire. Dolina, tn., Austria, Galicia, 22 m. SSE. Stry. DoUa, tn., Hungary, 40 m. AVNW, Pesth. Dollar, tn. and par., Clackmannanshire, under Ochil Hills. DoUar Law, mtn., co. and 9J ni. SW. Peebles. Alt. 2680 ft. Dollart, gulf of North Sea at estuary of the Ems. Dollova, vil., Hungary, 21 m. ENE. Belgrade. Dolmatov, tn., Russia, gov. Penn, on R. Iset. Dolo, tn,, Italy, 13 m. W. Venice, on the Brenta. Dolomieu Bay, Tasmania, E, coast of Tasman Peninsida. Dolonnor. .ice Cbao-Naiman-Some. Dolores, tn., Argentine Rep., prov. and 120 m. SSE. Buenos Ayres. Dolores River, Colorado and Utah, tributary of the Grand R. Dolphin Bank, shoal, off W. coast of Isle of Wight. Dolphin's Nose. ca]>e, Madi-as. Lat. 17° 41' N., long. 83" 17' E. Dolton's Station, vil., Illinois, Cook co., 25 m. S. Chicago. Dolwyddelan, par. and vil., Carnarvon shii-e. Doma MuDji, dist., Victoria, co. Bogong, 172 m. E. Melbourne. Domariaganj, tahsil, Basti dist., NW. Provs., India. Dombey, Cape, South Australia, co. Robe, S. of Guichon Bay. Dombey, Cape, N. Territory, South Australia, on W. coast, Dombovitza River, Roumania, tributary of R. Danube. Dombu, tn., Africa, Bornu, on route to Murzuk, Domeli, tn., Punjab, Jhelum dist. Lat. 33° i' N., long. 73° 24' E. Domel Island, Mergui Archipelago. Lat, 11° 25' N., long. 98' 5' E. Domett, Mount, New Zealand, co. Collingwood. Domfront, tn., Fi\ance, dep. Orne, near tlie Varenne. Dominica, negro republic, Haiti, West Indies. Pop. 417,000. Dominica, isl. (British), Leeward Is., West Indies. Pop. 28,840. Dominion City, tn., Manitoba, 56 ra. S. of Winnipeg. Dominion ville, vil., Ontario, co. Glengarry. Domitz, tn., Germany, Mecklenburg, 33 ni. SSW. Schwerin. Dommasundra, tn,, Mysore, Bangalore dist,, India. Dommel Kiver, Netherlands, N. Brabant, tributary. of the Maas. Domo d'Ossola, tn., Italy, prov. Novara, SE. of the SimploD. Don, tnshp., Tasmania, co. Devon. Don, River, Russia, falls into the Sea of Azov. Don, River, Yorkshire, trib. of the Ouse at Goule. Don, River, Aberdeenshire, falls into the North Sea, N. of R. Dee. Don, River, France, Maine-et-Loire, trib. of the Vilaine. Donabyn, tnshp., Burma, Thungwa dist. Donabyn, tn., in above. Lat. 17° 15' N., long. 95° 40' E. Donacavey, par., S. co. TjTone. 23,050 acres. Dona Franciaca, German set., S. Brazil, prov. Santa Catharina. Donagb, par., N. co. Donegal. 25,259 acres. Donagh, par., co. and 6 ni. N. Monaghan. 16,205 acres. Donaghadee, spt. and par., NE. co. Down. Donaghcloney, par, and vil., W. co. Down. Donaghedy, par., co. and 5 m. NE. Tyrone. Donaghenry, par., E. CO, TjTone. 7154 acres. Donaghmore, par., co. and 13 ni. NW. Cork. Donaghmore, par., SE. co. Donegal. 46,366 acres. Donaghmore, par., W. co. Down, 4 m. N. Newry. Donaghmore, par., N. co. Kilkenny. 5270 acres. Donaghmore, par., raid co. Meath. 3955 acres. Donaghmore, par. and vil., S. co. Tyrone, 2 m. NW. Dungann^u. Donaghmore, par., E. co. Wexford, 6 m. SE. Gorey. Donaghmore, par., W. co. Wicklow, on R. Slaney. Donaghmoyne, par., S. co. Monaghan. 25,504 acres. Donaghpatrick, par., N. co. Galway, 2 to. NE. Headford. Donald, tnshp., Victoria, co. Kara Kara, 175 ni. NW. Melbourne. Donaldson, vil., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co. Donaldson Estate, set., Prince Edward Island, Queen's co. Donaldsonville, vil,, Louisiana, cap. of Ascension par. Donaneschingen, tn., Germany, in Baden. Donaustanf, tn., Bavaria, in Upper Palatinate. Donaaworth, tn., Bavaria, Swabia, on R. Danube. Don Benito, tn., Spain, 60 m. W. Badajoz. Pop. 15,000. Donbour Islands, Quebec, in R. St. Laivrence. Doncaster, bur. and par., W. Riding, Yorks. P. 25,936. Doncaster, pari, div., S. div. W, Riding, Y'orks, Doncaster, tn., Victoria, co. S. Bourke, 10 m. NE. Melbourne. Doncaster, vil., Ontario, co. York, 2 m. from Toronto. Donchery, tn., France, Ardennes, on R. Meuse. Dondi Lohara, estate, Central Provs., India. 364 sq. m. Donegal, co., Ulster, Ireland, on Atlantic Ocean, Pop. 18S,2ll. Donegal, sjit., CO. Donegal, on DonegalBay. Donegal, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Westmoreland co. DonegalBay, Ireland, between cos. Donegal and Sligo. Donegore, par., co. and 3 m. NE. Antrim. Doneraile, tn,, N, co, Cork, on R. Awbeg. Donetz, River, Russia, trib. of R. Don, from gov. Kursk. Dongargarb, tn., Central Provs., India. Lat. 21° 11' N. Dongarra, tn., W. Australia, 254 m. N. Perth. Lat. 29' 17' S. Donges. tn., France, Loire-Inferienre, 8 m. ENE. Saiiit-Nazaire. Dongola, prov.. Upper Nubia. Lat. 17° 50' N. Pop, 20,000. Dongola, vil. and tnshp,, Illinois, L'^nion co. Donibristle, vil., Fifeshire, Aberdour par. Donington, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 7^ m. NW. Spalding, Doniphan, vil., Kansas, Doniphan co., on Missouri R. Donnalds ville, vil, and tnshp., S. Carolina, Abbeville co, Donnelly's Creek, vil., Victoria, co. Tanjil, 135 m. E. Jlelboume. Donner Lake, California, in the Sierra Nevada ; summer resort. Donnington, tn., Shropshire, 3^^ m. SW. Newport. Donnington, Cape, S. Australia, co. Flinders, on Port Lincoln. Donnington Wood, eccl. dist., N. Shropshire. Donnybrook, par., co. Dublin, on R. Dodder. Donnybrook, tn., Victoria, co, Bourke, 2o| m. N. Melbourne. Donnybrook, tnshp., Queensland, dist. Maranoa. Donohill, par., co. and 7 m. N, Tipperary, Donyland, East, par. and vil,, E. Essex, on R. Colne. Donzy, tn., France, in Nie^Te, 10 m. ESE. Cosne. Doobaunt Lake and River, Canada, drain to Chesterfield Inlet. Doobosary, tn., Russia, gov. Kherson. Doobovka, tn., Russia, gov. and 180 m. SSW. Saratov. Pop. 12,737. Dooen, tn., Victoria, 220^ m. NW. Melbourne. Dooish Mt., N, CO. Donegal, l>arony Kilmacrenan. Alt. 2143 ft. Doon, par. and vil., W, en. Tipperary and E. co. Limerick. Doon, \il,, Ontario, co. Waterloo, 6 m. W. Berlin. 86 DOO THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER DRU Doonfeeny, par., X. CO. Jfayo. 31,251 acres. Doon River, Ayrshire, fruiu L. Dunn to Firth of Clyde. Doorak, tii., Persia, 200 in. SW. Ispalmti. Dooateo River, Balucliistan, falls iuto Arabian Sea. Dora Baltea River., Italy, Piedmont, trib. of the Po. Dorama, tn., Arabia, Nedjiil, 30 m. NE. Deravt-h. Dora Rlparia River, Italy, trib. of the Po, near Tiirin. Dorat, Le, tn., France, dop. ilaute-V'ienne. Dorchester, bor., cap. of Co. Di'i-set, on K. Frome. Dorchester, pir , tnshp., and vil., co. and 9 \\\. SE. Oxford, Dorchester, port of entry. New Brunswick, 116 m. NK. St. John. Dorchester, vii. and tnslip., Illinois, J^Iacoupiu co. Dorchester, ward of Boston, Massachusetts. Dorchester Station, vil., Ontario, co. Middlesex. Dordogne, dep., SW. France. Area 3545 sq^. ni. Pop. 492,205. Dordrecht. .SiC Dort. Dores, i>;ir. and vil., co. and 7 m. SW. Inverness, on Loch Ness. Dorkliig, tn., Surrey, 25 ni. SW. London. Dorland, set., Ontario, co. Lennox, i3 ni. from i.,apanee. Domach, vil., G'^rmany, Alsace, 2J m. NW. Mulhausen. Domal Ghat, jxass, Madras, Nellore dist. Lat. 14" 41' N. Dombim, tn., Austria, Vorarlberg, 8 m. S. Lake Consta.nce. Domo, tn., Italy, prov. Pavia, 3 m. BE. Alortara. Dornoch, tn., cap. of Sutherlandshire, on Dornoch Firth. Dornoch Firth, inlet of North Sea, between Ross and Sutherland. Domock, par. and vil., Dumfries, ouSohvay. Dorogfa, tn., Hungary, 20 m. NNW. Debrei^zin. DorogobnJ, tn , Russia, gov. and 55 ni. ENE. Smolensk. Dorogoi, tn., Roumania, 75 m. NW. Yassy. Pop. 10,000. Dorosma, vil., Hungary, 6 ni. WNW. Szegediu. Dorp, tn., Prussia, on the Wipper, 17 m. NE. Cologne. Pop. 13,285. Dorpat, tn., Russia, gov. Livonia, 157 m. NE. Riga. Pop. 30,843. Dorset, CO., S. coast England, E. of Devon. Dorset, set., Ontario, 30 m. from Gravenhurst. Dorset, vil. and tn.slip., Vermont, Bennington co. Dorsten, in., Prussia, Westplialia, 35 m. SW. JIUnster. Dort, tn., Netherlands, on R. Maas, 12 m, SE. Rotterdam. P. 32,428. Dortmund, tn., Prussia, Westphalia, on R. Emster. Pop. 89,618. Dorval, \\\., Queltec, co. Jacques Cartier, on Lake St. Louis. DorvaX Island, Quebec, co. Nicolet, in mouth of Becaueour K. Dosa, tn., R.'ijputana, Jaipur state. Lat. 26' 51' N. Dob Barrios, lii., Spain, Ocana dist., Toledo. Dob Hermanaa, tn., Si)ain, prov. and 6 m. SSE. Seville. Dotis, tn., Hungary, 12 ni. SE. Coniorn. Douai, tn., France, in Nord, on R. Scarpe, 20 m. S. Lille. P. 29,172. Douamenez, tn.. Franco, Finistfere, 13m. NW. Quimper. Double Bay, vil., New South Wales, sub. and 3 m. S. Sydney. Double Island, Burma, olT Auiherst Point. Lat. 15' 52' N. Double Mt., S. Australia, spur of the Gawler Range. Double Shoal, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, Cleveland co. Doubooka, tn., Russia, gov. Saratov, on R. Volgo. Pop. 13,443. Douba, dep., E. France, on border of Switzerland. Pop. 310,827. Doubtful Sound, New Zealand, co. Fiord. Doubtless Bay, New Zealand, E. coast co. Mongonui. Dou6, tn., France, Maiue-et-Loire, 10 ni. WSW. Saumur. Douera, tn., Algeria, 10 m. SW. Algiers. Douglas, spt., Ciip. of Isle of Man, So m. NW. Liverpool. Douglas, jtar. and vil., Lanarkshire. Douglas, vil., CO. and 2 m. SE. Cork, Douglas, tn., New South W:tles, co. Camden, 45 m. S. Sydney. Douglas, vil. and tnslii>., Kansas, Butler co. Douglas, vil. and tnslip. Mas.^achusetts, Worcester co. Douglas, vil., Micliiu'an, Allcgan co., on L. Michigan. Douglas, vil. and tuslip,, Texas, Nacogdoches co. Douglas City, vil. and tnshp., California, Trinity co. Douglaafleld, set., New Brunswicdv, Northumberland Co. Douglaa Harbour, set.. New Brunswick, Queen's co Douglaatown, spt.. New Brunswick, 3 m. N. Cliathani. Douglas Water, riv., Lanarksliire, trib. of R. Clyde. Doullens, tn., France, on St.tinuie, 20 m. N. Amii-ns. Doune, vil., S. Perthshire, on K. Teilh, 8} m. NW. Stirling. Dour, tn., Belgium, Hainaut, g ni. WsW. Mona. Pop. 10,213. Doura, mining vil., Ayrstiiro, 3 m. SSE. Kilwinning. Douro River, Spain and Portugal, falls into Atlantic at Oporto. Douze River, France, trib. of the Midou at Mont de Marsan. Dovadola, tn., Italy, 10 m. SW. Terra del Sole. Dove River, Derlty and Stafford shires, trib. of R. Trent. Dover, spt. and bor., K. Kt-nt, 76 m. SE. Londim. Pop. 33,418. Dover, vil. and tnslip., Arkansas, cap. of Pnpe co. Dover, vil., Delaware, cap. of state and of Kent co. Dover, vil, and tnshp , DHnois, Bureau co. Dover, vil,, Kentueky, Mason co., on the Ohio R. Dover, vil. and tnshp., Maine, cap. of Piscataquis CO. Dover, vil. and tnstip., Missouri, Lafayette co. Dover, city, New H;inipsliire, cap. of Stalford co. Pop. 12,790. Dover, tn., New Jersey, Mar., mid King's co., 6 m. NW. Parsonstown. Drumelzier, par. and vil., cu. aud gi m. S\V. Peebles. Dnungath, par., W. Co. Down. 5329 acres. Dnunglaas, par., S. CO. Tyrone. Dmmgooland, jiar., mid co. Down, 5 m. NE. Rathfryland. Dramgoon, par., NE. CO. Cavan, 15,510 acres. Dnimhome, par. S. CO. Donegal, on Donegal Bay. Drumkeeran, par., N. co. Fermanagh. Drumlane, par., N. CO. Cavan, near Belturbet. Drumlargan, par, S. CO. Mcath, 4 m. N. Kilcock. Dnunlease, i)ai-., mid co. Leitrim. 14, 772 acres. Drumlitliie, vil, Kincardinesiiire, ^\ m. SW. Stonehaven. DnmUamman, par., S. CO. Cavan, 3 m. E. Granard. Dnunmaul, jiar., W. co. Antrim, on L. Neagh. Drmmnond, tn., Victoria, co. Talbot, 63 m. NW. Melbourne. Lrmnmond Island, Canada, one of the Manitoulin Is. Drummond Lake, Virginia, in the middle of the Dismal Swamp. Drmnmond Mt., S. Australia, in NW. corner of co. Flinders. Drummond Point, S. Australia, Musgrove co. Drmmnond Range, mtns.. New South Wales, co. Courallie. Dnmunond's Range, nitns., Queensland, dist. S. Kennedy. Drummond ville, Eaat, tn., Quebec, cap. Drummond co. Drummond ville, West, vil., Ontario, co. Welland. Drnmmossie Moor, Inverness-shire, includes CuUoden. Drummoyne. Nfw Suuth Wales, sub. of Sydney. DnunmiUly, par., cos. Fermanagh and Monaghan. Dnunore, vil., Wigtownshire, 5 ni. NW. Mull of Galloway. Lrumragh, par., mid co. Tyrone. Drumraney, par., W. co. Westmeath, 9 m. NE. Athlone. Drumreilly, par., cos. Cavan and Leitrim. Drumshanbo, vil., co. Leitrim, 9 m. N. Carrick-on-Shannon. Dmmsna, vil., co. Leitrim, 5 m. SE. Carrick-on-Shannon. Drumsnat, par., co. and 3 m. SW. Monaghan. Drung, par., co. and 5 m. NE. Cavan. 12,047 acres. "Dmry, post stn., New Zealand, co. Manukau. Drutea, vil., Netherlands, GeUlerlaud, on R. Waal. Dryander Mt., Queensland, dist. N. Kennedy. Alt. 2395 ft. Diyburgh Abbey, ruin, on R. Tweed, 4^ m. SE. Melrose. Dry Creek, g.jid-field, Victoria, 140 m."NE. Melbourne. Dry Creek, tn., S. Australia, co. Yatala. Dryden, vil. and f nslip., Michigan, Lapeer co. Dryden. vil. and tnslip., New York, Tompkins co. Dryfesdale, par., Dumfriesshire. Dryfe Water, Dumfriesshire, trib. of the Annan. Drymen, p:ir. and vil., co. and 23^ m. SW. Stirling. Drynock, ry. stii., Brit. Columbia' C. P. RaiIway,2S6 m. W. Donald. Drypool, par. and tnshp., E. Riding, Torks. Drysdale, tn., Victoria, co. Grant, 58 m. SW. Melbourne. Dry Tortagas, Florida, 10 low barren isls., off Monroe co. Dry Town, vil. and tnshp., California, Amador co. Duanesburg, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Schenectady co. Dnart, vil., Ontario, co. aud 14 m. SE. Bothwell. Dubari, vil., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 26' 11' N., long. 83" 49' E. Dnbbo, tnshp., New South Wales, co. Lincoln, 226 ra. NW. Sydney. Dab-chi, pass and valley, Kashmir. Lat. 33" 45' N., long. 75° E. Diiben, tn., Prussian Saxony, on R, Mulde. Dubenka, tn., Russia, gov. Lublin, on R. Bug, 16 m. SE. Chelm. Dubicza, tn., Croatia, on R. Unna. Dublin, CO., Ireland, prov. Leinster, on Irish Sea. Pop. 429,111. DubUn, city, cap. Ireland, on R. Liffey and Dublin Bay. P. 254,709. Dublin, vil., Ontario, co. Perth, on R. Carron. Dublin, vil., Indiana, Wayne Co., 51 m. E. Indianapolis. DnbUn, vil. and tnshp., Maryland, Harford co. Dublin, vil,, Pi-nnsylvania, cap. of Laurence co. Dublin, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, Washington co. Dublin Bay, inlet of Irit^h Sea, co. Dublin, S. of Howth Head. DubUn Shore, set., Nova Scotia, co. Lunenburg. Dubnicza, tn., Bulgaria, 22 m. S. Sophia. Dubno, tn., Russia, gov. Volhynia, 70 m. NE. Lemberg. Dubois, vil. auil tnstip., Illinois, Washington co. Dubois, lior., IVnn.sylvania, Gle;irfield co. Duboistown, bur., IVnusylvania, Lycoming co. Dubossary, tn., Russia, gov. Kherson, on R. Dniester. Dubrovna, tn., Russia, on R. Dnieper, 47 m. NNE. Mohilev. Dubuque, city, luwa, cap. of Dubuque co,, on Mississippi. P. 30,147. Duchray Water, Scotland, headwater of R. Forth. Dachy of Lancaster, hundred, W. Gloucestershire. Dock Creek, hundred, Delaware, Kent co. Duck Islands, M.-tine, lie Snith of Mount Desert Island. Duck River, T;t.smania, falls into sea opposite Perkin's Island. Duck River, Tennessee, falls into the Tennessee R,, Humphrey's co. Ducktown, vil., Tennessee, Polk co. Duddeston St. Anne, eccl. dist., N. Warwickshire. Duddeston St. Matthew, eccl. dist., N. Warwickshire. Dnddlngston, par. and vil., co. and 2 J m. SE. Edinburgh. Dnddon River, Cumberland and Lancashire, falls into Irish Sea. Duderatadt, tn., Prussia, Hanover, 15 m. SE. Gottingen. Dudgeon Shoal, in North Sea, 21 m. NE. of Wells, Norfolk. Diidingen, vil., Switzerland, canton and 3 m. NNE. Fribourg. Dudley, bor., E, Worcestershire, 8 m. NW. Birmingham. P. 90,223. Dudley, vil. and tn.shp., Massachusetts, Worcester co. Dudweller, vil., Prussia, circle Saarbnicken. Duenaa, ta., Spain, prov. and 5 m. S. Palencia. Duera or Kakibbi River. Equatorial Africa, not fully explored. Due West. vil. and tnshp , S. Carolina, Abbeville co. Duffel, vil., Belgium, 10 m. SE. Ajitwerp. Dafterin, barony, mid co. Down. 17,214 acres. Dufferin, vil., Manitoba, in extreme S. of province. Duffleld, tn., en. and 4 m. N. Derby, on R, Derwent. Duff Reef, Fiji, lies W. of Weilagitala. Dufftown, tn., Banffshire, 4 m. SE. Craigellachie. DufiuB, par. and vil., co. aud sJ m. NW. Elgin. Dnflle, stn., on R. Nile, in Erain Pasha's former prov. Dugdemona, River, Louisiana, headwater of the Little R. Duhallow, barony, N. co. Cork. 232,328 acres. Duida Mtn., Venezuela, 20 m. NE. R. Cassiquiare. Alt. 8500 ft. Duirinish, par. W. Skye I. 80,041 acres. Duirinish Island, in Loch Etive, Argyllshire. Duiaburg. tn., Rlienish Prussia, 15 m. N. Diisseldorf. Pop. 59,300. Duiveland, isl., Holland, between Rivers Maas aud Scheldt. Duivela Kantoor, gnkl field, S. Africa. Lat. 26" 20' S., long. 30° 50' E. Dnjana, native st;ite, Punjab. Area 114 sq. m. Duke Centre, bor., Peun.sylvania, McKean co. Duketown, Brit, factory, W. Africa, 40 m. mouth of Old Calabar R. Dukinfield, tnshp., Cheshire, within Staleybridge. Dukla, tn., Austria, Galicia, 17 m. SE. Jaslo. Dulce, lake, NE. Guatemala, communicating with Atlantic. Dulcigno, spt., Turkey, Albania, on the Adriatic. Duleek, vil., E. co. ]\Ieath, 5 m. SW. Drogheda. Duleek, Lower, and Upper, 2 bars., E. co. Meath. Dulhi, tn., India, in Oudh, Kheri dist. Dulken, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 20 m. E. Diisseldorf. Dull, par. uud vil., Perthshire, 3^^ m. W. Aberfeldy. Dulmen, tn., Prussia, Westphalia, 17 m. SW. Minister. Dulnain River, NE. Inverness-shire, trib. of tlie Spej'. DiUuth, city, Minnesota, cap. St. Louis co., on L. Superior. Pop. 33,115. Dulverton, tn., W. Somersetshire, 21 ra. W. Taunton. Dulwich, Stmth suburb of Loudon. Dumagudiem, tn., Madras, Godavari dist. Dumangas. tn., Panay I., Philippine Is. Pop. 25.000. Dumaresque River, New South Wales, trib. of the Mclntyre R. Dumbarton, spt. and bor., co. tn. of Dumbarton, on Clyde. P. 16,908. Dumbartonshire, co., Scotland, on R. Clyde. 242 sq. m. Dumbowitza River, Roumania, unites With the Arjis R. Dum-Dum, sub-div., 24 Parganas dist., Bengal. Dum-Dum, tn., Bengal, 24 Parganas dist. Dumfries, co. in. of Dimifriesshire, on R. Nith. Pop. 17,861. Dumfriesshire, co., Scotland, on Solway Firth. Pop. 74,307. Dumraon, tn., Bengal, Shahafjad dist. Duna or South Dwina River, Russia, rises in gov. Tver. Dunaburg, tn., Russia, gov. Vitebsk, on R. Diina. Pop. 69,033. Dunbar, spt., Haddingtonshire, 29^ ni. E. Edinburgh. Dunbar, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Fayette co. Dunbar, Vil., Ontario, co. Dundas, 12 m. from Morrisburg. Dunbarton. See. Dumbarton. Dunbeath, vil., Caithness-shire, 20 m. SW. Wick. Dunblane, tn., South Perthshire, on Allan Water. Dunboe. par., N. co. Londonderry, 4 m. W. Coleraine. Dunboro, set., Quebec, co. Jlissisquoi, 4^ m. from Sweetsbarg. Dunboyne, bar., SE. co. Meath. 16,781 acres. Dunboyne, par. and vil., CO. Meath, 11 m, N. Dublin. Dunbrody and St. James, par., S. CO. Wexford. Duubulloge, par., co. and 7 m. N. Cork. 16,782 acres. Duncannon, vil,, S. Co. Wexford, ou Waterford Harbom*. Duncannon, linr., Pennsylvania, Perry co. Duncansbay Head, Caithness-shire. Lat. 58° 39' N., long. 3' i' W. Duncansburgh, q.s. par., N. Inverness-shire. Dunchurch, par. and vil., N. Warwickshire. Dundalk, spt. and co. tn. of Louth, ou H. Castletown. P. 13,207. Dundalk, Lower and Upper, 2 baronies, N. co. Louth. Dundalk Bay, E. co. Louth, 9 m. by 10 m. Dundas, tn., Ontario, CO. Wentworth, on Lake Ontario. Dundas Island, British Columbia, 40 m. NE. Queen Charlotte Is. Dundas Mt., Tasmania, CO. Montagu. Alt. 3022 ft. Dundas Mt., Victoria, co. Dundas, 20 m. NNW. Hamilton. Dundas Strait, N. Ter., Australia, entrance to Van Dieuien Gulf. Dundee, city, Forfarshire, on R. Tay, 21^ m. E. Perth. Pop. 165,434. Dundee, port of entry, Quebec, Huntingdon co. Dundee, set., New Brunswick, 11 m. from Dalhousie. Dundee, ^'il. and tnshp., Illinois, Kane co. Dundee, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Monroe CO. Dundee, vil., New York, Yates co., 26 m. S. Geneva. Dunderrow, par., S. co. Cork, on R. Bandon. 6433 acres. Dundonald, par. and vil., Ayrshire, 5 m. SW. Kilmarnock. Dundonald, par. and vil., N. co. Down, 4 m. NW. Comber Dandrennan, vil., CO. and 5 m. from Kirkcudbright. Dundrum, spt., co. Di'wn, on Dandrum Bay. Dundrum, vil., co. aud 5 m. S. Dublin. Dundrum Bay, CO. Do^vn, inlet of Irish Sea. DundwaraganJ, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27° 43' N. Duneane, par., W. co. Antrim, on Lough Neagh. Dunedin, city. New Zealand, Otago, co. Taieri. Pop. 42,794. Dunellen, vil.. New Jersey, JJiddlesex co. Dunfanaghy, spt., Co. Donegal, 40 m. NW. Strabane. Dunfermline, bor., Fifeshire, 16 m. NW, Edinburgh. Pop. 22,365. Dungagali, sanitarium, Punjab, Hazara district. Dangannon, tn., co. Tyrone, 40 m. W. Belfast. Dungannon, Lower, bar., E, co. Tyrone. 82,795 acres. Dungannou, Middle, bar., E. co. Tyrone, 87,770 acres. Dangannon, Upper, bar., E. co. Tyrone. 85,996 acres. Dunganatown, i»ar., co. aud 3 m. SW. Wicklow. Dungarpur, native state, Rajputana. 1000 sq. m. Pop 1S3,381. Dungarpur, chief town of above. Lat. 23° 52' N., long. 73" 49' E. Dungarvan, i^ir. and spt., S. co. Waterford. Dnngarvan River, New Bnmswick, trib. of the Renous R. Dungen, vil., Netherlands, N. Brabant. Dunge Ness, headland, S. Kent, 10^ m. from Rye. Dungeness, port, Queensland, 935 m. NW. Brisbane. Dungiven, tn., co. Londonderry, g m. from Limavady. Dunglaas, promontory, on R. Clyde, q.\ m. from Dumbarton. Dunglow, vil., W. CO. Donegal, 34 ra. NW. Stranorlar. Dungog, tn.shp., New South Wales, 130 m. N. Sydney. Dunham Massey, tnshp., Cheshire, 2 m. W. Altrincham. Danhill, par., E. co. Waterford, 5 m. from Kilmacthomas. 88 DUN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER EAS Doui, tn., Rajputina, Jnipur state. Lat. 25° 52' N. Dunipace, In. and par., E. Stirlingshire. Dunkard, vil. aiul tijslip., I'eimsyivaiiia, Green co. Dimkeld, tii., CO. and 15I in. KW. I't-rtli, on R. Tay. Dimkeld, tnslip., Victoria, co. Villiurs, 170 111. W. Melbourne. Donkeld, liislip., New Zealand, co. TuapeUa, on Clutha U. Dimkeld, Little, par., E. rerthsliire, on R. Tay. Dunkellin, b.n., co. Galway. 83,;?7i acres. Dunkerrin, par. and vil., King's CO., 6 ni. SW. Roscrea. Dunkerron, North, bar., K. co. Kerry. 72,414 acres. Dunkerron, South, bar., S. Co. Kerry. 96,189 acres. Dunierton, antl vil., Suiner.sct, 5 ni. tsW. Bath. Dunkirk, spt., France, dep. Nurd, 45 ni. K. Dover. Pop. 38,020. Dunkirk, vil., Iitdiaiia, Jay co., 69 in. SE. Logansport. Dunkirk, jiort of entry, New York, Chautauqua co., on L. Erie. Dunkirk, vil., Dliin, Uardin co., 61 m. W. Manslield. Dnnkitt, par. and vil., co. Kilkenny, on R. Suir. Dunlap, vil., luwa, Harrison co., on the Boyer R. Dunlavin, tn. and par., W. co. Wicklow. Dnnleary, former name for Kiugstuwn, co. Dublin. Danleckny, par., W. co. Carlow, on R. Barrow. Dunleer, par. and vil., S. co. Louth, on Wliite R. Dmileith, city, Illinois, Jo IXivicss co., on the Mississippi. Dun-le-Roy, tn., I'Yance, Cher, n m. N. St. Amand. Dunloe, Gap of, pass, CO. Kerry, rear Lakes of Killarney. Dunlop, par. and vil., Renfrew and Ayrshires. Dunlop Place, vil., Lanarksliire Dalserfpar. Dunlop Range, mtns., New Suulh Wales co. Yanda. Dunluce, p;ir., N. co. Antrim, on coast. 9370 acres. Dunluce, Lower, b.irony, NW. co. Antrim. 30,575 acres. Dunluce, Upper, b;uony, NW. co. Antrim. 52,789 acres. Dunmanufl Bay, SW. eo. Cork, 16 m. by 4 m. Dunmanway, tn., CO. and 30 nr. W. Cork, on R. Bandon. Dunmore, vil., CO. and 8 ni. SE. Stirling, on R. Forth. Potteries. Domnore, tn. and par., N. co. Galway. Dunmore, barony, N. co. Galway. 71,011 acres. Dunmore, bur., I'ennsylvania, Lackawanna co. Dunmore, set.. Nova Scotia, 13 m. from Bayfield. Dunmore, East, vil, co. and 8 m. SE. Waterford. Dunmore Town, Harbour I., Bahamas, N. point of Eleuthera. Dunmow, Great, tu. aiihire, 6 lu. N. Thomhill. Dnrrow, tn. and par., Queen's co. and co. Kilkenny. Durrow, par.. King's co. atid co. Westmeath. 9771 acres. DurruB, par. and vil., co. Cork, 5 111. SW. Bantry. Duraey Island, co. Cork. 1402 aeres. Dursley, tn. aud par., co. and 15 m. SW. Gloucester. Durtal, tu., Fiance, 10 lu. NNW. IJauge, on R. Loire. D'Urville Island, New Zealand, off co. Sounds, Cook Strait. Dusky Sound, New Zealand, co. Fiord. 22 in. long. Diiaseldorf, gov., Rheuisli Prussia. 2[iosq. m. Dusaeldorf, tn., cap. of above, on R. Rhiue. Pop. 145,738. Duston, par., in co. and partly in bor. of Nortliamptuu. Dutch Creek, vil. and tnshp., I"wa, Washington co. Dutch Flat, vil., California, Placer co., 67 ni. NE. Sacramento. Dutch Guiana (Surinam), Dutch Colony, N E. S. America. Pop. 66,037- Dutch Island, Rhode Island, in Narragansett Bay. Duthill, par., Inverness-shire, 7 ni. SW. Grantown. Duttalur, vil., Madras Nellore dist. Dutton, vil.. Ontario, co. Elgin, ig m. from St. Thomas. DuttonBay, S. Australia, between Driver H. and Dutto R. Dutton Cape, S. Australia, on N. coast of Kangaroo I. Dutton Lake, S. Australia, between Lakes Torrens and McFarlane. Dutton River, Queensland, dist. Burke, trib. of tlie Flinders R. Dutton River, S. Australia, falls into Spencer Gulf. Dux(Duch8), tu., Bohenua, 18 m. V/NW. Leitmeritz. Duibury, vil. and tnshp,, Massachusetts, Plymouth co. Duya Lakes, Burma, Henzada dist. Duyfen Point, Queensland, dist. Cook, 22 m. S. Coen R. Dwarka, spt., Bombay, Baroda. Lat. 22° 14' 20" N. Dwars, Eastern, dist., Assnm. 1570 sq. m. Dwars, Western, dist., Bengal, Jalpaiguri dist. Dwarwick Head, N. Caithness-shire, eyleix. Dysert, jiar., CO. Clare, 5 in. NW. Ennis. Dzlaloszlce, tn., Russia, gov. Kielce, on R. Warta. Dzungarla. .s'tT Soungaria. Eagle, vil., Ontario, co. Elgin, on L. Eric. Eagle, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, Boone co. Eagle, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Clinton co. Eagle, vil. and tushp., Wisconsin, Waukesha co. Eaglehawk, bor., Victoria, co. Bendigo, 106 m. from Jlelbounio. Eagle Island, NW. CO. Mayo, 3 m. SW. Erris Head. Eagle Isle, Maine, in Penobscot Bay, Hancock eo. Eagle Lake, Assiuiboia, Canada, in the Great Plains. Eagle Lake, Canada, N W. Territory. I«it. 53" 30' N., long. 94° 45' W Eagle Lake, Ontario. Lat. 49° 50' N., long. 94" W. Eagle Lake, vil., Texas, Colorado co., 67 ni. SW. Houston. Eagle Mills, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, Iredell co. Eagle Pass, vil., Texas, cap. of Maverick co. Eagle River, Kentucky, trib. of tho Keutnckj' R. Eagle River, vil., Michigan, caji. of Kewceua co. Eagle River, Wisconsin, trib. of the Mississippi. Eagle River, Wisconsin, trib. of the Wisconsin U. Eagleofleld, vil., DnmlViesshire, Middlebie par. Eagleaham, ]mr. aud vil., SE. Renfrewshire. Eagleville, vil., Missouri, Harrison co., 20 tu. S. Botany. Ealing, tn. au(l par,, Midrks, 3 ni. NE. Bradford. Eccles, Mt., Victoria, co. Normanby, 27 ni. NE. Portland. Eccleston, par. and tnshp., N. Lancashire, on R. Yarrow. Echamamish River, Canada, Kewatin, trib. of the Nelson R. Echinos, tn., Greece, nom. of Acarnania and JEtolia. Echmiedzin, tn., Russia, gov, Erivan. Echo, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Dale co. Echo Lake, Tasmania, co. Cumberland. Area 8500 acres. Echoua Island, Fiji, between Oneata and Laguemba. Echt, par. and vil., co. and 12 m. W. Aberdeen. Echternach, tn., Netherlands, prov. and 19 m. NE. Luxemburg. Echuca. bor., Victoria, co. Rodney, 156 m. N. Melbourne. Echunga, tnshp., S. Australia, cos. Adelaide and Hmdmarsh. Ecija, tn., Spain, on R. Xenil, prov. and 45 m. NE. Seville. Pop. 24,955. Eck, Loch. jVrgyllshire, 4 m. N. Holy Loch. Eckartaberga, tn., Prussian Saxony, 25 m. SW. Merseburg. Eckemforde, tn., Prussia, 10 m. ESE. Schleswig. Eckford, par. and vil., Roxburghshin", 6 m. S. Kelso. Eckhart Mines, vil., Maryland, Alleghany co.. 10 m. W. Cumberland. Eckington, par. and vil. , E. Derbyshire, on R. Bother. Eckley, vil., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co., 4ni. W. Drifton. Eclose, L', fort, France, dep. Ain, 14 m. SW. Geneva. Economy, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, on Ohio R. Ecorce, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Wayne co., on Detroit R. Ecuador, rep., S. America, on Equator, 118,625 sq. m. P. 1,004,651. Ecureuila, Les, port, Quebec, on St. Lawrence K. Eda, tn., Sweden, 60 m. NW. Carlstadt. Edam, tn., Netherlands, 12 m. NE. Amsterdam. Edar, state, Giyarat, India. 4699 sq. ni. Pop. 258,429. Edar, chief tn. of above. Lat. 23' 50' N., long. 73 4' E. Edawauna, vil., Madras, Malabar dist. Eday Island, one of the Orkney Is. Ed Darner, tn., Nubia, on the Nile and Atbara. Eddington, tn., Victoria, co. Talbot, 99 m. NW. Melbourne Eddisbury, pari, div., Cheshire. Eddleatone, par. and vil., co. and4i ™- ^' Peebles. Eddrachlllls, par., Sutherlandshire, on W, coast. 90 EDD THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ELB Eddystone Lighthoaae, on Eddystone Hocks, 14 ra. SW. Plymouth. EddyBtone Point, iiisinaiiia, CO. Dorset, on Bay of Fires. EddyvUle, vil., Iowa, Wapello co., 67 m. S. SlarshaU. EddyvUle, vil, and tushp. , Kentucky, cap. of Lyon co. Eddyville, vil., New York, L'Uterco., on Ruiui out Creek. Ede, tu., Xrlherlauds, Gelderland, 11 m. WXW. Arnheni. Pop. 11,955. Eden, tn., Ntjw South Wales, co. Auckland, 202 111. SW. Sydney. Eden, vil. and tuslip., Iowa, Fayetto cu., ou Craue Creek. Eden, vil. and tushp.. New York, Erie co. Eden, vil. and tnshp,, Wisconsin, Fnnd du Lac co, Eden, River, Westniarland and Cumberland, to the Solway. Eden, River, Fifeshire, falls into St. Andrews Bay. Eden, River, Berwick and Roxburglishires, trib. of the Tweed* Edenbridge, par. and vil., Kent, 30 m. SE. London. Edenborg, vil., Virginia, Shenandoah co. Edenderry, tn., King's co., 37^ ni. W. Dublin. Edenfleld, eccl. dist. and vil., SE. Lancashire. Edenhope, tn., Victoria, co. Lowan, 260 ni. W. Slelboume. Edeokoben, tn., Rhenish Bavaria, 7 m. N. Landau. Edenaor, i)ar. and vil., X. Derbyshire. Edensor, eccl. dist., N. Stallordslure. Edenton, port of entry, N^. Carolina, on Albemarle Sound. Eden Valley, tn., South Australia, 44^^ ni. NE. Adelaide. Edeaville, vil. and tnslip., Maryland, Kent co. Edfa(Edfoo), tn., Upi)er Egypt, on R. Xile. Edgar, vil. and tnslip., Ilhnnis, Edgar co. Edgar, vil. and tnshp., Xebraska. Clay co. Edgard, vil,, Louisiana, cap. of St. Juhn Baptist par. Edgar Lake, Tasmania, co. Buckingham, S. of Mt. Anne. Edgartown, port of entry, Massacliusetts, Duke's co. Edgbaston, par. and dist., in W. of Birmingliam. Pop. 22,760. Edgecumbe Bay, Queensland, dist. N. Kennedy. Edgecumbe, Mt., Xew Zealand, co. Whakatane. Alt. 2575 ft. Edgefield Court House, vil., S, Carolina, cap, of Edgefield co. Edgehlll, ridge, South Warwickshire. Scene of battle. 1642. Edgeley, dist., E. Cliesliire, within Stockport. Edgerton, vil., Oliio, Williams co., on St. Joseph's R. Edgerton, vil., Wisconsin, Rock co., 25 m. SE. Madison. Edgett'fl Landing, vil., Xew Brunswick, co, Albert. Edgeware, par. and vil., Middlesex, iij m. N'W. London. Edgewater, vil., Xew Y'ork, Richmond co., on Staten I. Edgeworth, tnshp., SE, Lancashire, 7J m. X'W, Bolton. Edgeworthstown, tn., co. Longford, 67I m. X'W. Dublin. Edgington, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Rock Island co. Eigmond, par. and vil., Shropshire, 2 ni. W. Xewport. Edina, vil., Missouri, cap. of Knox co., on S. Fabius R. Edinborough, bor., Pennsylvania, Erieco. Edinburg, vil. and tnshp.,' Mississippi, Leake co. Edinburgh, city, cap. of Scotland, S. of Firth of Forth. Pop. 261,261. Edinburgh, vil., Illinois, Christian co., 18 m. SE. Springfield. Edinburgh, vil., Indiana, Johnson co., on furk »if White R. Hdinborghshire (Midlothian) CO. , Scotland, on Firth of Forth. Pop. 444,050. Edinklllle, par., Elgin.shire, %\ m. S. Forres. Ediato Island, South Carolina, in mouth of the Edisto R. Ediflto River, Suuth Carolina, falls into tlio Atlantic. Edithborg, tn., S. Australia, co. Fergusson, 217 m. W. Adelaide. Edith River, Xew Guinea, falls into Redscar Bay. Edleaborough, par. and vil., Bucks, 5J m. SE. Leighton Buzzard. Edmoaton, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Otsego co., 30 m. S. Utica. Edmonton, tn. and par., Middlesex, 7J m. N. London. Pop. 36,350. Edmonton, vil. autl tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Metcalfe co. Edmore, \\\,, Micliif;an, Montcalm co., 10 m. N. Stanton. Edmunaton, vil., Xew Brunswick, on St, John R. Ednam, par. and vil., Kuxburghshire, i\ m. XE. Keiso. Edneyville, tnshp., N. Carolina, Henderson co. Edon, vil., Ohio, Williams co., 7 ni, N. Egerton. Edrom, pu-, and vil., Berwickshire, 3 ni. XE. Duns. Edwardesabad, hdqrs. tn., Bannu dist., Punjab. Edward River, Xew South Wales, co. Wakool, trib. of the Wakool R, Edwards, vJl. and tnshp.. Now York, St. Lawrence co. Edwardfl, Mt., Xew South Wales, co. Gipps, 16 in. SE. Cowal Lake. Edwordaburg, vil., Michigan, Cass co., 87 m. SE. Charlotte. Edwardflburg, vil., Ontario, GrenviUc CO., 8 m. X'E. Prescott Edward's Depot, vil., Mississippi, Hinds co. Edwardaport, vil., Indiana, Knox CO., on fork of White R. Edward's River, Illiunis, trib. of the Mississippi. Edwardatown, sulj. of Ad'daide, S. Australia. Edwardsville, vil. and tnslip., Illinois, cap. of Madison Co. Edwardsville, set., Ontario, co. Perth, ou Maitland R. Edwinstowe, par. and vil., N. Notts. 7 ni. NE. Mansfield. Edzell, vil., Forfarshire, on the N. Esk, 5J m. N. Brechin. Eockeren, tn., Belgium, 4 m. X. Antw.rp. Eecloo (Eccloo), tn., Belgium, 10 m. NW. Ghent. Pop. 11,164, Eel Lake, vil.. Nova Scotia, co. and 12 m. from Y'arniouth. Eel Plo Island, Middlesex, in R. Thames, at Twickenham, Eel River, California, falls into the Pacific in Humboldt co. Eel River, ln. of the Macquarie R. Elizabetbton. vU. and tnshp., Tennessee, czip. of Carter co. Elizabethtown, vil., Illinois, cap. of Hardin co. Elizabeth town, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Hardin co. Elizabethtown, vil. and tnshp., New York, cap. of Essex co. Elizabeth ville, vil., Pennsylvania, Dauphin co. ElizavetopoL See Yelisavetpol. Elizaville, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Fleming co. Eljaa River, Portugal, trib. of the Tagus near Alcantara. El Kab, tn., Egypt., on R. Nile, 40 m. SSE. Thebe.-^. Elkader, vil., Iowa, cap. of Clayton co., on Turkey R. El Kaar, tn., Egypt, cap. of El Dakhel oasis. Lat. 21° 45' N. El Katif, spt., Arabia, Larsa, on Persian Gulf. Elk Creek, vil. and tnslip., Kentucky, Spencer co. Elk Creek, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Erie co. Elk Falls, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Elk co., on Elk R. Elk Garden, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, Russell co. Elk Grove, viI., California, Sacramento co. ElKhalil(anc. Hebron), tn., Palestine, Asiatic Turkey. Pop. 18,000. El Khargeh (Great Oa>is), Libyan Desert, Egypt. Lat. 25° 30' N. Elkhart, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Logan co. Elkhart, tn., Indiana, Elkhart co., on Elkhart R. Pop. 11,370. Elkhart River, Indiana, trib. of the St. Joseph R., Elkhart co. Elk Head River, Wyoming and Colorado, falls into the Yampa U. Elkhom, vil., Wisconsin, cap. of Walworth co. Elkhom River, Nebraska, trib, of the Nebraska or Platte R. Elkland, bor., Pennsylvania, Tioga co., on Gowanesque Creek. Elk Lick, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Somerset co. Elk Mt., Pennsylvania, Elk co. Alt. 2000 It* Elk Mts., Pennsylvania, near the Grand B. Elko, vil., Nevada, cap. of Elko co., on Humboldt R. Elk Point, viL, Dakota, cap. of Union co., 40 ra. SE. Yankton. Elk Ridge Landing, vil., Maryland, Howard co. Elk River, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Clinton co., on Mississippi. Elk River, Minnesota, trib. of the Mississippi. Elk River, vil, and tnshp., Minnesota, cap. of Sherbum co. Elk River, Missouri, trib. of the Neosha, in Indian Territory. Elk River, Pennsylvania and Slaryland, falls into Chesapeake Bay. Elk River, Tennessee, trib. of the Tennessee R. in Alabama. Elk River, W. Virginia, trib. of the Great Kanawha R. Elkton, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Washington co. Elkton, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Todd co. Elkton, vil., Maryland, cap. of Cecil Co., on the Elk R. Ellacombe, eccl. dist., E. Devon. EllaJong, tn., New South Wales, co. Nnrthumberland, EUand, tn., W. Riding, Yorkshire, on R. Calder. Elland, pari, div., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Elland with Greetland, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks. EUangowan Island, New Guinea, in the Fly R. Ellastone, par. and vil., Staffordshire, 5 ra. SW. Ashborne. Ellel, tnshp., CO. and 4 m. SE. Lancaster. 5814 acres. Ellenabad, tn., Punjab, Sirsa dist. Lat. 29° 26' N., long. 75° 54' E. Ellenborough and Ewanrigg, tnshp., W. Cumberland. 996 acres. Ellenburg, \i\., New York, Clinton CO., 87 ni. NE. (tgdensburg. Ellen River, W. Cumberland, falls into Solway at Maryport. Ellen's Isle, in Loch Katrine, near foot of loeh. Ellenville, vil., New York, Ulster co., 30 m. W. Hudson R. EUershonse, vil., Nova Scotia, co. Hants, 36 in. from Halifax. Ellerslie, tnshp., Victoria, co. Hampden, 142^ ra. SW. Melbourne. EUerabe, vil., Prince Edward Island, co. Prince, near Albertou. Ellery, vil. and tnshp., New York, Chautauqua co. Ellery, Mt., Victoria, co. Croajingoloug, 25 m. E. Snowy R, Elleamere, tn., Shropshire, 11 m. SW. Whitchurch. Ellesmere Lake, New Zealand, prov. Canterbury, near sea. EUesmere Land, Arctic N. America, W. Smith's Sound. Lat. 78' N, Ellesmere Port, eccL dist. and vil., W. Cheshire. Elleazelleg, tn., Belgium, Hainaut, 16 ra. NE. Toumay. Ellettsviile, vil., Indiana, Monroe co., 7 m. N. Bloomington. Ellice, Fort, Manitoba. Lat. 50° 32' N., long. 101" 30' W. EUice Isles, Polynesia, Mulgrave Archipelago, S. Pacific. Ellichpur, dist., Berar, India. Area 2623 sq, ra. Ellichpur, taJuk of above. Area 469 sq. m. Ellichpur, chief tn., EUiehpur dist., Berar, Lat. 21" 15' N. P. 35,150. Ellicott City, viL, Maryland, cap. of Howard co. Ellicott ville, vil. and tnshp., New York, Cattaraugus co. EUijay River, Georgia, U.S., trib. of the Coosawattee, Giliuer co. Ellington, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Tolland co. Ellington, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Chautauqua co. Ellinwood, vil., Kansas, Barton co., on the Arkansas R. Elliot, vil. and tnshp., Maine, York co., on Piscataqua R. Elliot, Mt., Queensland, dist. N. Kennedy. Alt. 4122 ft. Elliot Cove, inlet, Tasmania, co. Arthur, 20 ra. NW. Port Davey. Elliott, tn., Queensland, co. Lennox, 20 m. N. Brisbaue. Elliott, vil. and tnshp., California, San Joaquin co. Ellis, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Ellis co., on Big Creek. EUisburg, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Jefferson co., on L. Ontario. Ellis Island, New York, in New York Harbour. Govt. Magazine. Ellison, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Warren co., 6 ra. SW. Lennox Stn, Elliston, tn., S. Australia, co. Musgrave, 317 m. W. Adelaide. EUoe, wapentake, S. Lincolnshire. 183,840 acres. Ellon, par. and vil., E. Aberdeenshire, on R. Ythan. Ellora, vil., India, Haidarabad, Deccan. Lat. 20" 2' N. Ellore, talul-, Goilavari dist., Madras. 729 sq. ra. Ellore, tn., Madras, Godavari dist. Lat. 16° 42' N. Fop. 29,3eO. Ellrich, tn,, Prussian Saxony, 7 m. NW, Nordhausen. Ellsworth, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, cap. of Ellsworth co. Ellsworth, city, Maine, cap. of Hancock co., on Union R. Ellsworth, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, cap. of Pierce co. Elm, par., Cambridgeshire, 2 m. SE. Wisbech. Elma, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Erie co., 12 ra. SE. BuDaio. El Mebarrez, tn., Arabia, 33 m. S. Lahsa. Pop. 10,000. Elm Hall, vil., Michigan, Gratiot co., 13 m. NW. Itaca. Elmham North, par. and vil.. Norfolk, on R. Wensum. Elmham South, group of 6 parishes, E. Sussex. Elmhurst vil., Illinois. Du Page co., 16 m. W. Chicago. Elmina, British spt., W. Africa, on Gold Coast. Pop. 16,030. Elmira, vil., Ontario, co. Waterloo, 12 ra. from Berlin. Elmlra, city. New York, cap. Chemung co. P. 29,708. El Monte, \\\. and tnshp., California, Los Angeles co. Elmore, tn., Victoria, co. Bendigo, 128 J m. N. Melbourne. Elmore, vi!., Ohio, Ottawa co., on Pottage R. Elmshom, tn., Prussia, 18 ni. NW. Hajnburg. Elm Jprings, vil. and tnshp., Arkansas, Washington CO. Elmsville, set.. New Brunswick, co. Charlotte. Elmwood, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Peoria co, Elmwood, vil., Michigan, Leelenawco. Elmwood, vil. and tnshp., Slissouri, Saline co. Elne, tn., France, 8 ni. SSE. Perpignan. Elora, vil., Ontario, Wellington co., 14 m. NW. Guelph. El Paso, city, Illinois, Woodford co. , 18 m. N. Peoria. El Paso, vil., Texas, cap. of El Paso co., on Rio Granda. Pop. 10.836. El Paso del Norte, set., Mexico, Chihuahua, on Rio Grande. Elphln, tn., CO. Roscommon, 9 m. SW. Carrick-on-Shannon, Elphinstone, vil., Haddingtonshire, 2 m. SW. Tranent. Elphinstone, tnshp., Victoria, co. Talbot, 7oi m. NNW. Melbourne. 92 ELQ THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER EPH El Quad (El Wad), vil., Algerian Sahara, 119 m. BE. Biskara. El Rosaxlo, tn., Mexico, Cinaloa, 55 in. ENE. Mazatlan. Elroy, vil., Wisconsin, Juneau co., 74 m. N\V. Mmlison. El m^h, vil. and tnslip., Illinois, Jersey CO., ou Mississippi R Elsaas, Gennan name for Alsace, q.v. Eladon, I'lr. and vil., NorthuMibi-rland, o^ ni. SW. Rothbiiry. Elsecar, eccl. dist. and vil., W. Riding, Yurks. ElBfleth, tn., Germany, Oldenburg, on R. Wescr. Elalnore. tn., Denmark, Island of Zealand, on the Sound. ElBon, ced. dist. and vil., S. Hants, i ni. NW. Gosport. Elflter. Block, riv., Gennany, trib. of the Elbe, in Prnssia. ElBter, White, riv., Germany, trib. of the Wiiale, near H^lle. Elaterberg, tn., Saxony, 6 ni. SSW. Greitz, on White Elster. Elstemwick, vil., Victoria, sub. and 6 m. S. of Melbourne. Elstow, vil., CO. and \\ in. S. Bedford. EUtree, par. and vil., S. Ilert.^, 7 ni. S. St. Albans. Elawick, tnshp., NurthumliL-rlanil. AV. of Newcastle. Eltham, tuslip., Ki-iit, 7 ni. VAM. London. Eltham, tn., Victiiria, Co, Evelyn, 14 ni. EXE. Melbourne. Elton, tnshp., Lancashire, within Bury. Elton Lake (s.ilt), Russia, Samara, 90 ni. EXE. Volga R. Eltz River, liadt-n, trib. of the Rhine, 20 m. S. Strasburg. Elvan Water, Lanarkshire, trib. of tlie Clyde. Elvaa, tu., Portugal, 12 m. W. Badajoz. Pop. 11,206. Elvend, nitns., W. l^ersia. Lat. 34° 50' N, Elverom, tn., Norway, amt Hedeniarken, on R. Glommen. Elvet, tnshp., N. Durham, partly in Durham city. El Vlso, vil., Spain, An:irl. div., Suffolk. Eye (Knock or Tile), q.s. par., Lewis Island, Hebrides. Eyemouth, tn. and par., Berwickshire, on Eye Water. Eye Water, Haddington and Berwickshires, falls into North Sea. Eygin^res, tn,, France, Bouches-du-Rhone, 22 m. E. Aries. Eyhorne, liundrear., Irel.ind, co. Cork, contains Dunmanway. Fannich, Loch, Scotland, Ross and Cromarty, 6^ m. long. Fanning Island, N. Paciflc Ocean. Lat. 3° 53' N., long. 158° 23' W. Fano, spt., Italy, 30 m. NW. Ancona. Pop. 21,737. Fanoe, isl., Denmark, offW. coast of Jutland. Fanti, dist. and negro tribe. Gold Coast, W. Africa. Faonet, vil., France, Morbihan, 31 m. W. Pontivy. Faraday, set., Ontario, Hastings Co., 41 m. from Madoc. Faraday, Mount, New Zealand, in Buller CO. Faraday, Mount, Queensland, in Leichhardt dist. Faradnagar, vil., Noakhali dist., Bengal, India. Farafrah, oasis, Egyptian Saliara. Lat. 27° 8' N., long. 28' E. Farab, tn . Muttra dist., NW. Provs., India, 22 m. NW. Agra. Farahy, par., Ireland, co. Cork, 7 m. SW. Mitchelstown. Farbana, tn., Senegambia, on an affluent of the Falemeh. Farcett, tnshp., Huntingdonshire, 2^ m. SE. Peterborough. Farciennes, vil., Ee],it of .Sicily. Fawley, par. and vil., Hants, 5J m. SE. Southampton. Fawnedale, vil., Atabaiiia, JIarengo co., 35 m. W. Selma. Faxe, vil, Detiniark, Zealand, Prostb Amt. Fayal, isl.. Azores group, Atlantic. Pop. 26,264. Fayette, vil., Missouri, cap. Howard co,, on Bonne Fenime Creek. Fayetteville, vil., Arkansas, caji. of Wasliingtou co, Fayetteville, city, North Carolina, on C;ipe Fear 11. Fayetteville, vil., New York, co. Onondaga, on Erie Canal. Fayetteville, \ il., Tennessee, c;ip. oi Lincoln en., on Elk R. Fay-le-Froid, \il.. France, Haute-Loire, 22 ni. PiSE. Pny-en-Velay. Fayoum, pruv., Mid Eg\ pt, 40 ni. SW. Cairo. Pop. 234,691. Fayt-lez Seneffe, vil., Belgium, Hainaut, 3 m. S. Senetle. Fazakerly, inslip., Lanca^,liirc, Walton-on-the-llill par. Fazeley, tnshp., England. St;ll^u^.i^lli^e, S. Tamworth. Fazilka. tn., Punjab, Sirsa dist., on R. Sutlej. Fazokleh, country, Africa, on Blue Nde. Cap. Adasse. Feakle, par. and vil., Ireland, co. Clare, 15 ni. NW. Killaloe, Feale or Cashen, riv., Ireland, atfluent of Shannon, 37 ni, long. Fear, Cape, N. Carolina, oa Smith I. Lat. 33" 50' N. Feam, par. and vil., Ross and Cromarty, 4^ ni. SE. Tain. Feather River, California, flows 250 m. to Sacramento R. Featherston, tn., New Zealand, 44 ni. NE. Wellington. Feathers tone, par. and tnslip., Yorkshire, 2J in. SW. Pontefract. Feathertop, Mount, Victoria, in Co. Ilogoiig. Fecamp, spt., France, Seine-Inferieure, on English Chan. P. 12,299. Fechenhelm, vil., Prussia, Hessen- Nassau, 7 ni, W. Hanau. Feckenham, par., Worcestershire, 7 in. SE. Droitwich. Fedala, spt., Morocco, .^cc Fidala. Fedamore, p:tr. and vil., Ireland, co. Limerick, 5 in. NW. Croom. Federaclon, tn., Argentine Republic, 34 ni N Concordia. Feeder, ry. stn., Ontario, 45 m. SE. Brautfurd. Peering, jiar. and vil., Essex, 2 lu. SE. Coggesliall. F^griac, vil., France, Loii-L'-lnf., 4 ni. SSI'3. St. Nicolas-de-Redon. Fegyvemek, vil., Hungary, 16 ui, ENE. Szolnok. Fehertemplom, Ilungary. .S.' WeiBskirchen. Fehervar (Oynia, Karlsburg), free tn., Hungary, Also-Feher CO. Fehmaro, i*l., Holst*-iu, in Baltic. Area 71 sq. m. Fellding, tn.. New Zealand, 100 m. from Wellington. Feira, tu., Portugal, 2 m. NNE. Aveiro. Feltorla, vil., Brazil, state Kio Negro, on Amazon R. Felaniche, tn., Spain, M.ijorca, 28 m. ESE. Palma. Pop. 11,018. Felbach, vil., Wurtemberg, 6 m. ENE. Stuttgart. Feldberg, mtn., Baden, liighest peak Black Forest, 4900 ft. Feldheilen, steamer stn. , Switzerland, on L. Zurich, near KUssnacht. Feldkirch, tn., Tyrol, 20 in. SSW. Bregenz. Feldsberg, tn., Lower Austria, 40 m. NNE. Vienna- Felegyhaza, vil., Hungary, 82 m. SE. Pcsth. Pop. 23,912. Felicity, vil., Ohio, Clermont Co. Fellcudl, isl., Lipari Islands, S. Italy. Fellnfoel, mining vil., Walew, \\\x\. NE. Llanclly. Fellno, vil , Italy, 9 m. SSW. Parma. FeliJttowe, par. antf vil., Suffolk, 12^ m. SE. Ipswich. FelizzaEo, vil., Italy, 8 ni. WSW. Alessandria. Felklrk, liar., Yorkshire, 5 m. NE. Barnsley. Felletin, tn., France, dep, Creuse, 6 m. S. Aubusson. FelUn, tn., Ru.ssia, Livonia, 110 m. NNE. Riga. Felling, In., Durham, ijni. SE. Gateshead. Felllngabro, vil., Sweden, Orebro Liin. Felmeraham, par. and vil., England, 6 in. NW. Bedford. Pelmlngham, par. and Vil., Norfolk, z m. SW. North Walsham. Felpham, par. and vil., Sussex, t in. NE. Bognor. Felao-Apsa, vil , Hungary, 6 in. NNE. Szegcdin. FelBoBanya, in., Hungary, 7 in. NE. Nagy-Banya. Felatead, p:ii-. and vil., Essex, 3J lu. SE. Dunmow. Feltham, p:ir. and vil., Mublk'sex, 15 ni. SW. Lniidon. Felton, par. and vil., Northumberland, 9 m. S. Alnwick. Felton, vil., Ontario, co. Russell, 30 m. from M(UTisburpli. Felton, West, par, and vil., Sliropsliire, 4-1 ni. SE. Oswestrv. Feltre, tn., Italy, 17 in. SW. Belluuo. Pop. 12,666. Peluy, vil., Belgium, Hainaut, 3 m. NNW. Senetle. Pemso, lake, Norway, united by a canal with L. Wener. Fenagh, par., Ireland, Leitrim, 3 in. SW. Ballinaniore, Fenaghvalo, set., Ontario, co. Prescott, 20 m. from Calumet stn. Fenain, tu., France, dep. Nord, 3 ni. S. Marcliiennes. Fencehousofl, ry. stn., England, co. and 5J m. NE. Durham. Fen chow, tn., China, prov. Slian-si, 60 m. S. Tai-yuaii. Fene, vil., Spain, prov. Corunna, 3 m. N. Puentcdcumc. Fenella, \il , Ontario, Northumberland co., 15 m. from Cobourg. Fenelon Falla, vil., Ontario, 14 m. N. Lindsay. Fenerlfe, spt. tn., Maibigascar, 25 m. N. Foidepointe. FerestrellcB, ft. vil , H-'tly, prov. Turin, 20 m. NW. Pinerolo, FenlBcowIea, vil., Englaml, I*ancashire, 3 in. 8W. Blackburn. Fennagh, jiar. Inland, co. Carlow, on U. Slaney. Fenny Compton, jiar., England, 12 m. SE. Warwick. Fenny Stratford, tn., Burks, 47J m. NW. London. Fena, The, England. .S'-c Bedford Level. Ponatanton, vii, HuntingdoTishire, 2 m. S. of St. Ives. Fenton, local gov. dist., Htoke-upon-Trent par., Statrordshirc. Fenton, Port, Tasmania, at mnutli of Forth B. Feuwick, par., Scotland, Ayrshire, 3J ni. NE. Kilmarnock. Fenyazuni, vil., Hungary, 10 m. WNW. Jasz-Bereny. FeodoBla. .See Kaffa. Ferbane, vil.. Inland, King's CO., 9 m. NE. Banagher. Fire, La, tu., Fiance, dep. Ain, on B. Oise. F^e-Champenoise, tn., France, 22 m. S. Epemay. F6re-en-Tardenoi8, tn., France, 12 ni. NNW. Lhateau-Thierry. Ferejlk, tu , Uonmelia, 66 m. SSW. of Adrianople, Ferentino, tn , Italy, 6 m. NW. Frosinoiie. Pop. 10,474, Ferghana, gov., Asiatic Russia. Area 28,229 ^'1- '"• ^^V- 720,000. Fergus, vil., Ontirio, co. Wfllington, on Grande R. Fergufl, Lake, Tasmania, in E. en. Lincoln. Ferguahill, mining vil., Scotland, Ayr, ij ni, E. Kilwinning. Ferguson Island, New Guinea, 32 m. long by i\ ni. broad. Fergus River, Ireland Claie, flows 25 m. to Shannon. Peria, tn., Spain, prov. Bailajoz, 10 m. NW. Zafra. Feriana, vil., Tunis, 30 m. NNW. of Gafsa. Ferintoah, barony, Scotland, Nairnshire, at head of Cromarty Firth. Ferla, vil., Sicily, prov. Syracuse, 22 m. NNW. Noto. Fermanagh, co. L'lst-r, Ireland. Area 714 sq. m. Pop. 74,037. Permease, vil., Newfoundland, 51 ni. S. of St. Jnlin's. Fermo, city, Italy. 34 m. SE. of Aricona. Pop. 18,726. Permoselle, tn., S^xiiu, 26 ni. SW. Zamora. Fermoy, lukt. tn., Ireland, co. Cork, 161 m. SW. Dublin. Fermoy, vil., Ontario, co. Addington, 40 ni. from Kingston. Fernandez, tn., Mexico, Ptitosi state. Fernandina, t'»., Florida, cap. of Nassau CO., on Amelia I. Fernando de Noronha, isl., S. Atlantic, 125 m. fi'oni Brazil. Fernando Po, isl., Africa, Bight of BiaTia. Area 1185 sq. m. P. 35,000. Feman Nunez, tu., Spain, 11 m. SSK. Cordova. Femau Vaz, estuary and district, W. Africa, in Gabun district. Femdale, \ il. and rv. stn., Wale^, 6 m. NW. Pontyi)rldd Junction. Fernebo, tn., Sweden, 28 m. SSW. of Gefle. Ferney, vil., France, dep. Ain, 4 m. NW. Geneva. FernhlU, tn.slip. and ry. stn., New Zealand, co. Southland. Fernhill Heath, vil. and ry. stn., EngUmd, 3 in. NE. Worcester. Fernhurst, p:ir. and vil. Sii-sex, 4^ lu. NE. ]\Iidhnrst. Femiegair, uiiuing ^■il., Scotlind, i m. SE. Hamilton. Fern Islands or Staples, 17 islets ofTc-iast of Northumberland. Fernmount, vil., New South Wale* co. Raleigh, 337 111. N. Sydney. Fema, par, and vil., Ireland, co. Wrxford, on R. Bann. Ferns, tiishji., S. Australia, n m. NW. Franklin Harbour. Femahawe, tn., Victoria, 45111. NR. Melbourne. Fern-Tree Gully, ph asure resort, Victoria, 21 m. SE. Melbourne. Ferozabad, tn , Persia, ))rov. Pars, 63 m. S. Shiraz. Ferrandina, tn., Italy, 36 m ESF,. Potenza. Ferrara, ft. city, Italy, 26 m. NNE. Bolngna. Pop. 76,421. Ferrazzxno, vil., Italy, ijm. S Campubasso. Ferreira, tn., Portugal, 16 in. W. Beja. Ferreira-de-Aves, tu.. Portugal, 15 ni. NE. Viseu. \ Ferreriaa, vil., Minorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. Ferrifere- la -Grande, tn., France, Nonl, li m. S. Maubeuge. Feni^res, tn., France, Loiret, 8 m. NNE. Montargis. Ferri^rea, vil., France, dep. Allier, on R. Allior. Ferrihafe, tn., Peru, 10 in. N. of Lambayeque. Ferro Island, SW.-most of Canary Is. Area 46 sq. ni. The con- ventional meridian of Ferro is x-j" 40' W. Greenwich. Ferrol, si»t. and arsenal, Spain, 12 m. NE. Corunna. Pop. 23,811, Ferrybank, vil., Ireland, co. Kilkenny, i ni. N. Waterford. Ferrybridge June, ry. stn., Yorkshire, li m. NW. Knottingley stn. Perryden, lishiiig Vil., Scotland, Forfarshire, opposite Montrose. Ferry Hill, tnsh]>., England, 6 m. S. of Durham. Ferryhlll, dist., in SW. of city of Aberdeen, Scotland. Ferryland, tn., Ni-wfoundland, 40 ni. S. of St. John's. Ferryside, vil., Wales, 6 ni. SW. Carmarthen. Fert^-Bernard, La, tn., France, Sarthe, on R. Huisne. Ferte Mac6. La, tn,, Fmnce, Orne, 13 m. E. Don:front. Fert6-8ou3-Jouarre, La, tn., France, dep. Seine-et-Marne. Fertit, Dar, country, Snudan, S. of Darfurand Kordofan. Ferto, Lake. .sVc Neualedl. Ferwerderadeel, vil., Xrtln-rlands, 9 ni. NNE. Leeuwardeu. Ferzah, tn., Afghaiiistiiu, 30)11. NW. Kabul. Peaa, tu., Persia, prov. Ears, 78 m. SE. Shiraz. Pop. 18,000. Feahle, riv., Scotland, Inverness, flows -2% in. to R. S])ey. Featenberg, tn., Prussian Silesia, 12 m. WNW. AVartenberg. Featlnlog, tu., Wales, 16 m. SW. Llanrwst. Feteira, vil., Fayal Island, Azores Islands. Fethard, jtar. and vil., Ireland, co. Wexford, on P. Bay. Fethard, tn., Ireland, CO. Tipperary, 8 in. N. Clonmel. Fetlar, i.'il., Sh.M;ind, 35 in. NE. Lerwick. Fettan, vii., Switzerlami, 34 in. ESE. Chur. Alt. 5000 ft. Fetterangus, vil., Scotland, Old Deer par., Banfisbiro. Fettercalrn, vil, Kincardineshire, 4^ ni. NW. Laurencekirk. Fettereaao, coast par., Kincardineshire, includes part of Stonehaven. Feuchtwangen, tu., Bavaria, 17 m. SW. Ansbach. Feudenheim, ^il., Germany, Ba^leii, 4 m, WNW. Ladcnburg. Feuerbach, \il., Wiirteuibcig, zj m. NW. Stuttgart. Feuerto Ventura laland, Canaiy Islands. Area 663 S(p in. Pop. 11, GOO. Feugh, Water of, Scotland, tlows 19 lu. to R. Dee. Feura, tu., France, on Loire, 14 m. NE. Montbrison. Fewston, p;tr., I'^iiiilaud, Yorkshire, 6 m. N. Otlcy. Fez, cap. city of Morocco, 100 m. E. of the Atlantic. Pop. 100,000. Fezzan. kingdom, N. Africa, bounded N. by Tripoli. Pop. 100,000. Fezzarah, lake, Algeria, 30 in. SSW. Bona. Fforeat Fawr, mtns , Wales, containing Brecknock Van, 2631 ft. Ptambala. tn., Argentine Republic, 50111. NW. Tucumaii. Flanirantaoa, tn., Madagascar, 180 ni. S. of Antananarivo. Flcarolo, vil., Italy, 19 in. WSW. Rovigo, on Po. Ftchtel Qebirgo, iiitn. range in NE. Bavaria. IL i>t. 3460 ft. Fickaburg. tn , Orange Free State, 56 m. NE. BtoL-mloalein. Fida or Hlda, prov. Japan, Hondo I. Pop. 98,378. Fidala, spt in., Morocco, 64 m. SW. Rabat, on Atlantic. Fiddlch, liv., Scotland, flows iSj^ m. to Spcy at CraigcUachio. FID THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER FLA Fiddlchow, tn., Pomeraiiia, 21 in. SW, Stettin. Fiddleford, ^■il., Dursct, i in. E. Sturininster Kewton. Fiddler's Ferry, ham., Lancashire, ou Mersey, 2^ m. SW. Warrington, Fiddown, par. and vil., IrL-lainl, co. Kilkenny, on R. Suir. Fldemin, vil., Egypt, 4 ni. NW. Medinet-el-Fayoum. Fidra, isl., Scotland, Firth of ^'orth, 2J ra. NW. North Berwick. Fiego, s]it., Japan, Hondo I., 24 ni. SSW. Osaka. Field, ry. stn., Canada, on C. P. Ky., 972 m. W. Winnipeg Field Island, X. Territory, S. Australia, in Van Dienien Gulf. Field of Mars, tn., New South Wales, co. Cumberland, \-^ m. W. Sydney. Fieldatown, vil , Ireland, co. Dublin, 4 ni. NW. Swords. Fiery Creek, Victoria, co. Ripon, branch of Hopkins R. Fiesole, tn., lUily, Tuscany, 4 m. N. Florence. Pop. 14,106. Fife, maritime co., E. Scotland. Area 492 .sq. m. Fife-Keith, tn., Scotland, part of Keith, Bandshire. Fife Nes;, the E. extremity of Fife, Scotland. Flgeac, til., France, dcp. Lot, 40 m. NE. Cahors. Fighig, tn., Morocco, S. oint of Spain, on coast of Galicia. Finke Bay, N. Australia, E. division of Van Diemeu Gulf. Finkenwarder, island and free tn., Germany, in Elbe R. Finland. Grand Duchy of. country, Russia. Area 144,250 sq. ni. Pop. 2.305.916. Cap. Helsiitgfurs. Finland, Gulf of, E. anu of Baltic, S. of Finland. Finlay'a River, British Columbia, flows 300 m. to Peace River. Flmnark, ry. stn., Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 37 m. W. Port Arthur. Finmarken, a N. amt of Norway. Area 18,643 sq. ni. Finn, riv., Ireland, Donegal, flows 25 m. to R. Foyle. Finnea, vil., Ireland, co. Westmeath, 2 m. E. Ballywillan. Plnnerodja, vil., Sweden, in Skaraborgs Lan. Finnlngham, par. and vil., England, Sufl'olk, 8 m. SW. Eye. Finningley. tnshp. and vil., Yorkshire, 7^ m. SE. Doncaster. Flnnis, Cape, S. Australia, the farthest W. point of co. Musgrave. Fumis Vale, S. Australia, included in Second Valley, q.v. Flnnoe, par., Ireland, Tipperary co., 2 m. SW. Borrisokane. Flnsbury, pari, bor., England, in N. London. Pop. 182,109. Flnachhafen, harbour and .stn.. Kaiser Wilhelm Land, New Guinea. Finstall, cctd. dist. and vil., Worcestershire, 2 m. SE. Brom.sgrove. Finster-Aarhom, mtn., Switzerland, Bernese Alps. Alt. 14,026 ft. Finaterwalde, tn., Prussia, 40 m. N. Dresden. Flnatown, spt. vil., Scotland, Orkney, 6-^ m. NW. Kirkwall. Fintoaa, tn. an'oltena. Flttri, and lake, Soudan, 140 m. E. of Lake Chad. Fitzhugh Sound, British Columbia, in lat. 51° 3' N. Fitzroy, tnshp. and ry. stn., New South Wales, 60 m. SW. Sydney. Fitzroy, tn. and suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. Fitzroy, riv., Queensland, Port Curtis, falls into Keppel Bay. Fitzroy, ri\'., Victoria, co. Normanby, falls into Portland Bay. Fitzroy Downs, Queensland, dist. Maranoa. Fitzroy Harbour, vil., Ontario, on R. Ottawa, 12 m. E. Arnprior. Fitzroy Island, (Queensland, between Gt. Barrier Reef aud Cook dist. Fitzwilliam Islands, Ontario, in Lake Huron. Finme, Spt. tn., Austria-Hungary, on G. of Quarnero. Po:^. 20,981. Fiume, tn., Italv, prov, Udine, 4 m. ESE. Purdenonc. Fiume di Nisi, viK, Sicily, 18 ni. SSW. Messina. Fiume-Freddo, \i\. , Sicily, 14 in. N. Acireale. Flume Freddo Bruzio, vil., Italy, 10 m. S. Paola. Fiumicello, vil., Austria, Gradisca, 6 m. SE. Cervignano. Fiumicino, spt. vil., Italy, 17 m. SW. Rome. Fiumlnata Castello, coin., Italy, 12 lu. WXW. Camerino. Five Dock, tn. , New South Wales, 8 m. W. Sydney. Five Forks, battlelield, Virginia, in Dinwiddle co. Battle April 1S65. Five Islands, Nova Scotia, m Minas Basin. Five Lanes, vil., Cornwall, 7J m. SW. I-iunceslon. Five MUe River, vil., Connecticut, Fairfield co. P.O. called Rowayton. Five Mile River, vil., Nova Scotia, in co. Hants. Five Mile Town, vil., Ireland, Tyrone, g m. E. Fintona. Five Oaks, vil., Jersey, Channel Is., i^ m. NE. St. Helier. Fives, vil., France, dep. Nord, now jtart of Lille. Fivizzano, tn., Italy, 34 m. NW. Lucea. Pop. 15,819. Fiiby, tn-flip., Yorkshire, 3J m. KW. Iludilerslielit. Fizen or Htzen, prov., Japan, KiuSiu I. Pop. 1,074.461. Fjaretoft. isl., Norway, RoTiisdal anit. Has ti^shcries. Fjellbacka, tn., Sweden, on Christiania Fjord. Flaach, vil., Switzerland, 15 m. NNE. Zurich. Fladbury, vil. and ry. stn., Worcestershire, on R. Avon. nadda, isl., Treshinish Is., Mull I., Argyllshire. Fladda, isl.. Outer HeljrideS, adjacent to Rona, Fladda, is].. Outer Hebrides, 2 ni. S. of Vatersay. Fladda Lighthouse, on isl. at N. end of Searba Sound, Argyllshire. Flagstaff Rock, Ireland, co. Kerry, in the Skelligs. Lighthouse. Flakstado, isl., Norway, in the Lofoden Islands. Flamborough, par. and vil., Yorkshire, 4 ni. NE. Bridlington. 98 FLA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER FOL Flamborough Hea4, prom., Yorkshire, 2 m. E. of Flamborough. namatead, par, aud vil., Herts, 7 m. NW. St. Albans. Flanders, fumier country, Eiirupi;, now included in Netlierlards, IJL-lgiuin, and France. Flanders, \il., New Jersey, in Morris co. Flanders, Eist, j-r-iv., iJi-lgiiini. Area 1158 sq. ni. Pop. 952,636. Flanders, French, old prov., France, now dcps. Nord and Ardmnes. Flanders, West, prov., liL-l^^iuni. Area 1249 sq. ni. Pop. 741,837. Flannan Inlands or Seven Hunters, Scotland, oil' NW. coast Of Lewis. Flat Bay, set., Newfuundlainl, at iK-ad of St. George's Bay. Flatbosh, vil. and tnshp., New York, on Long Island. Flat Head, New Zealand, CO. Mongonui, on Doubtless Bay. Flathead Lake, Montana, Missoula fc, 30 m. long by 13 ni. wide. Flathead Pass, Montana, Gallatin raii^e, liocky Mtns. 6769 ft, FlathoUn, isl., England, in Bristol Channel, 8 ni. NW. Uphill. Flat Islands, group, Newfoundland, on W. side Placentia Bay. Flat Islands, group, Newfoundlanp Orne, 13 ni. NNE. Doinfront. Pop. 12,304. Flesherton, or Artemeaia, vil., Ontario, 36 ni. SE. Owen Sound. Fleshwlck, vil., I-,leofMan, ijui. N. of Port Erin. Flesk, riv., c". Iveiry, flows 20 ni. to lower Killarney Lake. Fletcher Range, mtns,, Queensland, in S. part of N. Kennedy. Fletchlng, j>ar. and vil., Sussex, 8 ni. N. Lewes, on the Onse. Fletton, par., Huntingdonshire, mostly in SE. Petorltorougli. Flearance, tn., France, dej). Gers, 7 ni. SSE. Lectoure. Fleurant, set., Quebec, on Bay des Chaleurs, 3J in. from Dalhousic. Fleorbaix, vil., France, l*as-de -Calais, 4 m. NE. Laventie. Fletirie, vil., France, dep. Rhone, 6 ni. NE. Beaujeu. Fleurier, vil.. Switzerland, canton and 18 m. SW. Neufchiitel. Fleurua, tn., Belgium, lu'ov. Hainaut, 7 m. NE. Cliarleroi. Fleury, vil., France, dep. Aude, 4 m. E. C'onrsan. Fllgely, Cape, Franz-Josef Land, Arctic Ocean. I-at. 82° 5' X. Fllmby, coast \y\v. and vil, Cumberland, 2 m. SE. Maryport. Fllndera, waleriiig-place, Victoria, 61 ni. SE. Melbourne. Flinders Isles, (Queensland, dist. Cook, \\ in, N. Bathtirst Heail. Flinders Passage, thmugh Great Barrier lieef, Queensland. Flinders Point, 'i'.tsiiijiuia, co. Devon, W. side Port Dalrymple. Flinders Kange, nitna , S. Australia, G. of St. Vincent to Taunton co. Flinders River, Queensland, flows N. to Gulf Of Carpentaria. Fllnes 1*B-Rachea, tn., France, Nord, 6 m, NE. Douai. Flint, spt. and iiikt. tn., Wales, on SW. shore of U. Dec. Flint, city, Michigan, cap. of Genesee co., 34 in. SSR. Saginaw. Flintham. par. and vil., England, Notts, 6i in. SW. Newark. Flint River, Georgia, flows 400 in. to the Chattahoochee R., with winch it unites to fonn tho Appalachicola. Flintshire, maritime co., N. Wales. Area 253 stp ni. Flint Stone, vil. and tnshp., Maryland., Alleghany co. FUsby, place with ry. stn , Sweilen, Jonkopings Liin. Flitsch, vil., Austria, circle of Gorz, 15^ m. NW. Tulmcin. Fhtbon, par. and vil., England, Bedfnrd.shire, 2J m. SE. Ampthill. Flitwlck, jiar. and viL, England, Bedfordshire, 2^ m. SW. Ampthill. FUx, tn., Spain, prov. Tarragona. 15 m. NE. Gandesa. FUxicourt, vil., France, Sonime, 6 ni. NW. Ficqnigny. Fltxton, jtar. and vil., ljinca.shire, 7 m. SW. Manchester. Flobecq, vil., Belgium, prov. Hainaut, 8^ m. N. Atli. Flockton, tnshp., Yorksliire, 7 in. SW. Wakefield. Flodda, isl., S'otland, Invi-rness-shire, in Sound of Raasay. Plodden, battlelield, Nortliumberland. 6 m. NW. Wooler. Floha, vil., Saxony, 6 m. E. of Clienihit;:. Floing, vil , France, dep. Ardenne'i, i m. NNW. Sedan. Flood's Creek, New South Wales, co. Farnell, N W. of Stanley Range. Flookburgh. tishing vil., England, Lnncashiro, 5^ m. SE. Ulverston. Floorc, par. ami vil., Northamptonshire, 5J ni. SE. Davcntry. Flora, \\\ , Illinois, Clay co., 95 m. E. St, l^onis. Flora. Mount. Queensland, on border of S. Australia. Florae, tn., France, Lozt-re, 25 m. SSE. Mende. Floreana. isl., G.ilapagos Is , Pacillc Ocean. Uat. 1° 16' S. Floreffe, vil., Belgium, Naniur, 4 m. NE. Fo.sscs, Florence, city, Italy, 208 m. by rail NNW. Rome. P. com. 186,000. Florence, place, Statfordshire, 2 m. SW. Newcastle-nnder-Lynie. Florence, vil., Alabama, cap. of Lauderdale co., on Tennessee R, Florence, vil., Arizona, cap. of Penal co., on Gila R. Florence, vil., Kansas, Marion co., on Cottonwood Creek, Florence, vil., Massachusetts, Hampshire co., on Mill B. Florence, vil., S, Carolina, Darlington co., 102 m. N. Charleston. Florence, Victoria, or Zone Hills, vil., Ontario, co. Lambton. Florenceville, vil., New Brunswick, 85 m. NW. Fredericton. Florennea, vil., Belgium, Naniur, 5 in. NE. Philippevillc. Florensac, tn , France, llerault, 15 m. ENE. Beziers. riorentin, vil., France, Aveyion, 6 in. S9W. St. Amans. Florentin, ft. tn., Bulgaria, dist. Widdin, near the Danube. Florentine, riv., Tasmania, tributary of the Derwent R. Flores, tho westernmost of the Azi.irea Islands. Area 62 sq. m. Florea, isl., Malay Archipelago, NW, of Timor. Pop. 300,000. Florea, isl., British Columbia, off W. coast of Vancouver Island. Flores, group of 2isls., Uruguay, 17 m. E. Montevideo. Flores, tn., Brazil, state of Goyaz, 276 m. NE. Goyaz. Florea, tn., Brazil, state Pernambuco, 251 m. W. Recife. Flores, vil., Bolivar, 115 m. SW. Pamplona. Florea or Itza, tn., Guatemala, on an island in Lake Peten. Flores, Las, vil., Argentine Republic, 100 m. SSW. Buenos Ayres. Florea Sea, part of Pacilic, N. of Flores and S. of Celebes. Floreata, vil., Brazil, state Pernambuco, 68 m. WSW. Taracatn. Floresta, vil., Colombia, state Boyaca, 31 m. NE. Tunja. Florey, vil., S. African Republic, dist. Middelburg, on Stellpoort R. Florian or Floriana, tn., Malta, near Valetta. Florida, a SE. state of U.S. Area 58,680 sq. m. Pop. 391,422. Florida, tn., Uruguay, cap. of F. dep., 56 m. N. Montevideo. Florida Keys, Florida, isls., extending 200 m. S. of Cape Florida. Florida Strait, between Florida and Bahama Islnnds. Floridia, tn., Sicily, 9 m. W. Syracuse. Pop. 10,807. Floridsdorf, tn.. Lower Austria, 4 m. N. Vienna. Florinaa, vil., Sardinia, 12 m. S. Sassari. Floro, isl., Norway, in Nordre Bergenhus Amt. Floraheim, vil., Prussia, Hessen-Nassau, 4 m. E. Hochheim. Floaa, vil., Bavaria, 5 m. E. Neustadt-an-cler-Waldnab. Flotta, isl., Scotland, Orkney, between Hoy and S. Ronaldshay, Flotte, La. In., Ftauce, Cliarente-Inferieure, in He de Re. Flower Cove, tishing set., Newfoundlantl, on SW. coast. Flower's Island, Newfoundland, on N. side of Bonavista Bay. Fluelen, \ il., Switzerland, canton Uri, 1 m. N. Altdorf. Fluhli, v:l., Switzi'rlaiin, 25 tn. I^W. Timbo. Folden, \ il., Norway, Nordland amt, on Folden Fjord. Foldga, ^■il., Hungary, 18 m. SE. Debreczin. Folds, vil., England, Lancashire, 5J in. K. of Chorley. Foldvar or Marienburg, vil,, Traiisyl'vauia, 12 m. from Kronstadt. Foldvar (Duna Foldvar), tn., Hungary, on Danube, 32 in. NNE. S/egzani. Pop. 12,720. Foldvar, Tlsza, \\\., Hungary, on Thoisa, 4 m. S. 0-Bocse. Foldvar, Tlszi, vil., Hungary, on Thciss, 13 m. SSE. Szolnok. Folembray, vil., France, dep. Aisne, 2^ m. NW. Couoydu-Chatcau. Foleshill, par. and vil., Warwickshire, 2 in. NE. Coventry. Folgarla, \\\., Austria, in Tyrol, 6 in. ENE. Roveredo. Folgefonden FJeld, jilaleau and mtns.. Norway, near W. est., 5790 ft. Follgnano, vil., Italy, 4 m. SE. Ascoli Piceuo. FoUgno, tn., Italy, prov. and 25 m. SE. Peru'^ia. Pop. 23,202. Folkestone, spt. tn.. 10n,dani!, Ki'iif, 71 m. SE. LiuidtHL Pop. 23,703. Folkingham, Linrohishiri'. See Falkingham. Folkstone, tnshp.. Tasmania, in co. Kent. 99 FOL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER FOR FoUina, vil., Italy, prov. Treviso, g m, W. Vittorio. FoUo, vlL, Italy, prov. Genoa, 6 m. NNE. Spezia. Polly Hall, vil., England, Yorkshire, 3 m. SE. Bradford. Folly Island, S. Carolina, in Atlantic, lying off co. Charleston. Folly Village, vil., Nova iScotia, co. Colchester, on Folly R. Folflom City, vil., California, Sncramento Co., on the American R. Fomana, tn., W, Africa, Asliaiiti, 28 m. SSE. Coomassie. Fombio, vil., Italy, prov. Milan, 16 in. SE. Lodi. Fonda, vil., New York., cap. of Montgomery co., on Moliawk R. Fonddes Nigres, vil., Haiti, 54 m. WSW. Port Haitien. Fondettes, vil., France, Indri;-et-Loire, 5 ni. WNW. Tours. Fondl, tn., Italy, prov. Caserta, 13 m. NW. Gaeta. Fondo, vil., Austria, in Tyrol, 6 ni. NNE. Cles. Fondo, tn., Japan, on N. cojist of Aniaknro I. Fondon, vil., Spain, 8 ni. WSW. Canjayar. Fondouk, Le, vil., Algeria, prov. and 20 m. SE. Algiers. Fond-du-Lac, city, Wisc-nsiu, on L. Winnebago, 60 ni. NW, Jlilwaukoo. Pop. 12,024. Fond-du Lac. liain., iMuniesota, on L. St. Louis, 14 m. SW. Duluth. Fond-du-Lac, riv., N W. Ter., Canada, falls into L. Athabasca. Fongyan or Fonhoan, tn., Mant-huria, on bordt-r of Curea. Fomnon, vil., Wales, GUuuor{,'an, 5 in. S. Cowbridge. Fonni, vil., Sardinia, 34 in. NNE. Cagliari. Fonsagrada, vil., Spain, prov. and 25 ni. ENE. Lugo Pop. 15,916. Fonseca, vil., Colonil'ia, 46 ni. SSW. Rio Hacha. Fonseca, Gulf of, Cent. America, between Honduras and Nicaragua. Font, riv.. Northumberland, flows 17 m. SE. to the Wansbeck. Fontainebleau, tn., France, Seiue-et-Marne, 37 m. SSE. Paris. Fontaine-Francaifie, vil., France, COte-d'Or, 24 ni. NE. Dijon. Fontainel'Eve'que, tn., Belgium, Hainaut, 6 ni. W. Charleroi. Fontanafredda, vil., Itidy, prov. Udine, 8 \\\. WNW. Pordi;noue. Fontanarosa, vil., Italy, 14 m. SW. of Ariano. Fontanella, vil., Italy, 12 m. E-^E. Treviglio. Fontanellato, vil., Italy, 7 ni. WNW. Parma. Fontanelle, cuiii., Italy, circle and 4 m. NW. Oderzo. Fontanetto d'Agogna, vil., Italy, 16 m. NNW. Novara. Fontanetto da Po, viL, Italy, 15 ni. SW. Vercelli. Fontaniva, vil., Italy, prov. Padua, 2^ in. SW. Cittadella. Fontarabia, tn., Spain, Biscay, 10 m. E. San Sebastian. Fonte, C"ni., lUly, prov. Treviso, i in. W. Asolo. Tonteboa, lu., Brazil, state Amazonas, on R. Amazon. Fontenais, \\\., Switzerland, cant. Bern, 2 m. S. Porrentruy. Fontenay aux-Roses, tn., France, dep. Seine, i ni. N. Sceaux. Fontenay-le Comte, tn., France, Vendee, 33 m. SE. La Roclie-sur-Yon. Fontenay-Boua-Boia, tn., France, Seine, i m. E. Yincennes. Fontenoy, vil., Belgium, Hainaut, 18 m. N. Valenciennes. French victory over British, Dutcli and Austrian Allies, nth May 1745. Fontenoy, vil., Quebec, on Black It., 6 m. from Richmond. Pontes, tn., Portugal, in dist. of Villa Real. Fonteatorbe, intermittent spring, France, dep. Ariege, near Belesta. Fontevivo, vil., Italy, 6 m. SSE. Borgo San Donniuo. FontevraiUt, tn., France, Maine-ct-Loire, 10 in. SE. Saumur. Fonthill, tiislip., Tasmania, co. Cornwall, at source of S. Esk R. Fonthill, \il., Ontario, co. Monck, 5 m. from Port Robinson. FontmeU Magna, par. and vil., Dorset, 4 m. S. Shaftesbury. Fontstown, I'ar., Ireland, co. Kildare, 5 m. NE. Athy. Fontvieille, vil., France, Bouches-du-Rlione, 5 m. NE. Aries. Fonzaao, vil., Italy, ])rov. and 22 ni. SW. Belluno. Foo. For names in China, Japan, etc., beginning thus, 5ce under Fu. Foots Cray, par. and vil,, England, Kent, 5^ m. NE. Bromley. Footscray, tn., Victoria, co. Bourke, 4 ni. W. Melbourne. P. 19,116. Fopachy, landing-place, Inverness shire, on S. of Beauly Firth. Forbach, tn., Alsace-Lorraine, 38 in. ENE. Sletz. Forbes, vil., Nova Scotia, 25 m. from Pictou. Forbes, tn , New South Wales, co. Ashlmrnham, 250 m. W. Sydney. Forbes, Lough, Irel., R.Shannon, cos. Antrim, Longford. Roscommon. Forbes, Mount, (jui'iMislaiid, Burke and N. Gregory dists. Forbes Island, Qut-uii^lantl, Cook dist., off coast of Temple Bay. ForcaboboUna, vil., Iialy, circle and 4 m. N. Chieti. Forcadoa, Rio de, arm of th« Niger delta, W. Africa. Forcall, tn,, Spain, dist. and 6 in. NW. Morella. Forcalquier, tn., France, Basses-Alpes, 33^ m. SW. Digne. Forcarey, vil., Spain, dist. and 8 m. SE. Tabeiros. Force, tn., Italy, 13 m. NNW. of AscoH-Piceno. Forcetl,, tiishp., Tasmania, co. PeinUnike, 22 in. NE. Hubart. Forchheim, tn., Bavaiia, 16 in. SSE. Bamberg. Forchies-la-Marche.vil., Belgium, Hainaut, 21a. N. Fontaine-l'Evequp. Ford, tiishp., England, Durham, 3 m. W. Sunderland. Ford, par. and vil., Northumberland, on R. Till, 6^m. NW. Wooler. Ford, j>iir. and ry. stn., Sussex, on R. Arun, i\ m. SW. Arundel. Ford, vil. and pit*r, Scotland, at liead of Loch Awe, Argyllshire. Ford, vil., Scotland, co. and loj m. SE. Edinburgh. Fordel, mining vil., Sc'>tland, Fifeshire, % m. SE. Crossgates. Porden, par. ami vil., Wa.cs, co. and 2 m. N. Montgomery. Fordham, p;ir. and vil., Cambridgeshire, 5 m. N. Newniaiktt. Fordham, jiar. and Vil., E>^si.-x, 5 iii. NW. Colchester. Fordingbridge, iiikt. tn., Hants, on R. Avon, 12J m. S. Salisbuiy. Fordon, tn., E. Prussia, on Vistula, 7 ni. NE. Bromberg. Fordoun, par., ry. stn., Kincardineshire, 3^111. NE. Laurencekirk. Fords, tn^lip. and ry. stn., S. Austraba. 39 m. NNE. Adelaide. Fords Bridge, NewSoutli Wales, co. Gund'erbouka, on the Warrego R. Fordsville, vil. and ttishj)., Kentucky, in Ohio co. Fordwich, j'ar. and vil., Kent, on U. Stour, 2 in. NE. Canterbury. Fordwich, vil., Ontario, co. Huron, 56 m. SE. Orangeville. Fordyce, par. and vil , Scotland, Banffshire, i\ m. SW. Portsoy. Fordyce, vil., Ontario, co. Huron, i3 ni. from Goderich. Foreland, North. Inadland, NE. coast Kent, 2J m. SE. Margate. Foreland, South, licaMland, SE. Coasit Kent, 3 in. NE. Dover. Foreland, The, headland, Devon, in Bristol Channel. Forenza, vil., Italy, prov, l*otenza, 20 m. SE. Melfi. Forest, p:»r. ancl vil., Guernsey, Channel Islands. Forest, vil., Ontario, co. Lambton, 146 m. W. Toronto. Forest, tnshp., Michigan, iu Genesee co. Forest, vil., Ohio, co. Hardin, 29 m. W. Bucyrus. Forcstan, vil., Illinois, co. Ogle, 120m. W. by N. Chicago. Forest Cantons, Switz., are Lucerne, Schwytz, I'ri, Untt-rwalden. Forest Grove, tnshp. and vil., Oregon, Washington co. Seat of Pacilic University. Forest Grove, tn., Queensland, co. Portland, 850 m. from Brisbane. Forest Hill, vil.. California, Placer en., 50 m. NE. Sacramento, Forest Hill, eccl. dist., ry. stn., W. Kent, in SP', snbui'bs of London. Foreatier, Cape, Tasmania, S. extremity Shnuin Bay, Foreatier's Peuinaula, Tasmania, N. partof Tasman Peninsula. Forest Port, vil. and tnslip., New York, Oneida Co., on Black R. Forest Reefs, tushp.. New South Wales, 184 m. W. of Sydney. Forest Row, vil. and ry. sin., Sussex, 3^ ni. SE. East Grinstead. Forestville, vil., Connecticut, co. and 15^ m. WSW. Hartford. Forestville, vil., Ontario, Norfolk co.. 14 ni. from Simcoe. Foret, vil,, BLlgiuni, prov. aud 7 m. SE. Liege. Forfar, co. tii., Forlarshiie, Scotland, 14 m. NE. Dundee. P. 12,844. Forfar, vil., Ontario, co. Leeds, 32 ni. from Brockville. Forfarshire, an E. inaniiiiie co., Scotlan^s, vil., Georgia, cap. of Clay co., on Cliattahoocliee R. Fort Garland, vil., Colurado, Costilla co., 108 m. SW. Plieblo. Port Garry, Manitoba. .Ste Winnipeg. Port George, fortress, on E. coa.-.t of Guernsey, Channel Islands. Port George, furt and ry. stn., Scothmd, Inverness, on Moray Firth. Port George, British possession, on R. Gambia, W. Africa Port Gratiot, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, St. Clair co., on L. Huron. Forth, vil., Scotland, Lanarkshire, li m. SW. Wilsontown station. Forth, riv., Scotland, flows from Ben Lomond 56 m. to Alloa, thence gradually expands into Firth of Forth. Forth, Caree of, dist., Scotland, on R. Fnrth, Gartmore to Bo'ness. Forthampton, i>ar. and vil., Gloucestershire, 2J m W Tewkesbury. Forth Bridge, ry. viaduct, spanning Firth of Forth at Queensferry. Fort Himilton, vd. an^l furt, New York, King's co., ou Long Island. Fort Haatings, Kuuiaun dist., NW. Provs., Imlia. Fort Howard, rity, Wisconsin, Brown co.. on Fox R. Forth River, Trt-iiuania, enters eea on W. side of Point Fenton. Fort Independence, Massachusetts, Castle I., defends Boston harb. Fortingall, pur. and vd., Scotland, Peithshire, 8 m. W. Aberfeldy. Fort Isle aux Noli or Fort Lennox, Quebec, in K. Richelieu, Fort Jackson, ry. stn.. Cape Colony, on the Eastern line. Fort Jackson, Louisiana, on Mississippi, 78 m. beluw New Orleans. Fort James, British possession on Gambia B., W. Africa. Port Jefferson, fort, Florida, on Garden Key, one of tlie Dry Tortugas. Port Johnston, fortress. North Carolina, on Cape Fear R. Fort Kent, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Aroostook co,, on St. John R. Port Lafayette, Xew York, on Narrows, defends New York harb. Port Laramie, vil, and resi-rvation, Wyoming, on Laramie R. Port Leavenworth, vil. and nnlitary post, Kansas, on Missouri R. Port Lee, vil , New Jersey, Bergen Co., on Hudson R. PortMacartie, Upper Burma, dist. and 10 m. S. Bhamo. Fort Mackeaon, Punjab, in dist. and S. of Peshawar. Fort M'Leod, tn.. Alberta, on Belly R. Ranching centre. Fort Madison, ' ity, Iowa, cap. of Lee co., on Mississippi R. Fort Monroe, furfitieations, Virginia, on ("Ul Point Comfort. Fort Munro, in E. of Brit. Baluchistan. l*at. 29' 53' N Fort Niagara, Ontario, at mouth of Niagara R. FortOkonagon, British Columbia, on E, bank ofOkonagon R. Fort Felly, Assiniboia. Lat. 51° 36' N., long. loi" 57' W. Fort Pitt, Assiniboia, on Saskatehewan R, Lat. 51" 30' N. Port Plain, vil,, New York, on Mohawk R. and Erie Canal, FortPnlaskl, Cockspur L, Georgia, occupied by Confederates 1S61. Fortrosa, tnshp., New Zealand, co. Southland, on Toetoes Bay. Portrose, tn., Ross and Cromarty, on W. side Inner Moray Firth. Port St. David, ruined fort, S. Arcotdist., Madras. Lat. 11° 44' 2o"N. Port St. George. .Se^ St. George, Fort. Fort Scott, city, Kansas, cap. Bourbon co., Mannaton R. Fort Simpson, NW. Territory, Canada. Lat. 62° N., long. 121" 30' W. Port Smith, vil., Arkansas, rap. Sebastian co., It. P. 11,291, Port Snelling, bam., Minnes(jta, co. Hennepin, on Mississippi II. Port Stedman, Upper Burma, Nyaungywe dist. Port Sumter, S. Carolina, brick fort defending Charleston liarbour Fortona, tn., Spain, prov. Murcia, 15 ni. SE. Cieza. Fortune Bay, 8pt., Newfoundland, 57 m. from Burin. Fortune Harbonr, fishing set., Newfoundland, on Bay of Exploits. Port tJnion, mibtary post. New Mexico, Mora co. State arsenal here. Port Usage, tnshp., Missouri, in Jackson co. Port Valley, \\\. and tnshp., Georgia, Houston co. Fort Victoria, vil., India, at mouth of Savitri R., 73 ra, SE. Bombay. Fort Wayne, city, Indiana, cap. of Allen Co., on St. Mary and St. J.i'rph Rs. Pop. 35,349. Fort White, Lushai Hdls, Upper Burma. Lat. 23° 15' N. Fort Wllham, tn., Scotlancc Aleutian Islands. Fox Islands, Michigan, co. Manitou, in L. Michigan. Fox Lake, tnshp. and \'il., Wisconsin, in Dodge co. Fox Land, S. part of Baliln Land, on Fox Channel. Fox River, vil., Quebec, Gaspe co., on Gulf of St. Lawrence. Foxton, tn.. New Zealand, co. Mr.nawatu, 75 m. from Wellington. Foyers, Falls of, Scotland, on R. Foyers, near Loch Ness. Foyle, riv.. Inland, flows 16 m. NE. to Lough Foyle. Foyle, Lough, N. Ireland, between Donegal and Londonderry. Foynes, vil., Ireland, co. Limerick, on R. Shannon. Foyran, par., Ireland, co. Westmeath, 2 m. E. Ballywillan. Foz, spt., Spain, prov. Lugo, n m. NNE. Mondonedo. Frabosa, vil., Italy, prov. Cuneo, 10 m. S. Mondovi. Frackville, borough, Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co. Has coal mines. Frades, vil., Spain, prov. Corunna, 6 m. ESE. Ordencs. Frades, isl., Brazil, in the Bahia de Todos os Santos. Fraga. tn., Spain, prov. Huesra, 18 m. SW. Lerida. Fragagnano, vil., Italy, circle and 12 m. E. Taranto. Fra^eto, vil., Italy, rircle and g m. N. Benevcnto. Fralles, vil., Spain, 6 m. E. of Alcala la Real. Fraisana, vil., France, dep. Jura, on R. Doubs. Fralze, vil., France, dep. Vosges, 10 m. SSE. Saint-Di6. Frameries, tn., Belgium, Hainaut. 2 m. E. Paturagcs. Pop. 10,139. Framfleld, par and vil., Sussex, \\ m, SE. Ucklicld. Framingham, vil. anil tnshp., Massachusetts, Middlesex co. Framllngham, mkt. tn., Snlfolk, 21 m. NE. Ipswieh. Framlingham, In., Victoria, ro. Villiers, 155 m. W. by S. Melbourne, Framllngton, Long, tnshp., Northumberland, on R. Coquet. Frampton, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 3 ni. S. Boston. Frampton, vil., Ontario, co. Middlesex, on R. Thames. Frampton nr St. Edouard, vil.. Quebec, 13 m. S. Quebec. Frampton CotteroU. i»:ir. and vil., Gloucestershire, on R. Frome. Frxmpton upon-Sevem, vil., Gloucestershire, 7 m. NW. Stroud. Framsden, and vil., Suffolk, 3 m. SK. Uebenham. Framwellgate, tnshp., England, partly in city of Durham. Francalso, La, vil., France, Tarn-et-Garonne, 10 m. NW. Montauban. Francavilla. tn., Italy, prov. and laiu. NE. Chieti. Francavllla, tn., Sicily, 22 m. SSW. Castroreale. Francavilla, tn., Itdy, prov. Poteuj-a, 34 m. E. Lagonegro. Francavllla, tn , Italy, circle and 19 m. W. Brindisi. Pop. 18,836. France, republic, W. Eiimp.*. Area 207.107 .sq, m. Pop. 38,218,903 France, Isle of. Net- Mauritius and He de Franco. Frances, tn., S. Australia, 260 in. E. of Adelaide. Francesvllle, vil., Inliana, Pulaski co. Franceville, sin., French Congo, on Upper Ogowe R. Franche Comt6. ntd prnv. of Franre of which Bcsangou was cap. Francis Joseph Land. Sf Fronz-Josef Land. Franco, El, com., Spain, jimv. Oviedo, on the Atlantic. Francofoate, tn., Sicily, 38J m. NW. 101 FRA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER FEE Pranconia, 3 circles, Bavaria, Unter, Ober, and Mittel Franken. Pranconia, tnshp. and vil., Minnesota, in Chisago co. Franconia, tnshp. and vil., New Hampshire, in Grafton co. Prandefors, vil. with ry. stn., Sweden, in Elfsborgs Lan. Franeker, tu., Netherlands, 10 in. W. Leeuwarden, Franekeradeel, com., Netherlands, dist. Leeuwarden. Frankenau. tn., Prussia, Hessen-Nassau, 7 m. EXE. Frankenberg. Frankenberg, tn., Hessen-Nassau, 37 ni. SW. Cassel. Frankenberg, tn., Saxony, 7 \\\. NNE. Chemnitz. Pop. 10,898. Frankenburg, vil., Upper Austria, 7 m. N. Fraukenmaikt. Frankenhaosen, tn., Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, on R. Wipper. Frankenmarkt, tn., Upper Austria, 10 ni. W. Vocklabruck. Frankenmatb, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Saginaw co., on Cass K. Frankenstein, tn., Prussian Silesia, 36 ni. SSW. Breslau. Frankentbal, tn, , Rhenish Bavaria, 17 m. SW. Speyer. Pop. 10,907. Frankford, tn., Ireland, King's co,. 11 ni. SW. Tullamore. Frankford or Cole's Creek, vil., Ontario, 14 in. from Belleville. Frankford, vil., Delaware, Sussex co., 60 m. S. Dover. Frankford, former bor.,now a suburb of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Frankfort, tnshp. and vil., Illinois, in Franklin co. Frankfort, tnshp. and^il., Illinois, in Will co. Frankfort, vil., Indiana, cap. of Centre co. Frankfort, tn., Kentucky, cap. of state, 70 ni. SW. Cincinnati. Frankfort, tnshp. and vil , Maine, Waldo co., on Marsh Stream. Frankfort, vil., Michigan, Benzie co., on L. Michigan. Frankfort, tnshp. and vil., New York, Herkimer en., on Mohawk R. Frankfort-on-Main, tn., Germany, 20 m. p]. Wiesbaden. Pop. 179,850. Frankfort-on-Oder, tn., Prussia, 50 ra. ESE. Berlin. Pop. 55,489. Frankland Is., Queensland, between Gt Barrier Reef and Cook dist. Franklin, municipality, Manitoba, in Manchester co. Franklin, tn., Indiana, cap. Johnson Co., 20 m. S. Indianapolis. Franklin, isl., in Antarctic Ocean. Lat. 76° 8' S., long. 168" 12' E. Franklin, tnshp., vil., Kentucky, cap. Simpson co., on Drakes Creek. Franklin, vil., Louisiana, cap. St. Mary's parish, on Bayou Teche. Franklin, tnshp. and vil., Massachusetts, in Norfolk co. Franklin, vd., New Hampshire, in co. and on Merrimack R. Franklin, tnshp. and vil. , New Jersey, in Essex co. Franklin, vil., New Jersey, co. Sussex. P.O. called F. Furnace. Franklin, tnshp. and vil., New York, in Delaware co. Franklin, vil., New York, Oneida co., ou Oriskany Creek. Franklin, vih, Ontario, Warren co., 16 m. SW. Dayton. Franklin, vil., Ontario, co. Durham, 28 m. N. Port Hope. Franklin, city, Pennsylvania, cap. Venango co., on Alleghany R. Franklin, tnshp., Tasmania, co. Kent, 30 m. SW. Hobart. Franklin, vil., Tennessee, cap. of Williamson co., on Harpeth R. Franklin, Mount, New Zealand, co. Amuri. Alt. 10,000 ft. Franklin, Port, Victoria, on E. coast of co. Polwarth. Franklin Bay, NW. Territory, Canada, inlet of Arctic Ocean. Franklin City, vil.. Virginia, Accomack co., on Chincoteague Sound. Frankhnford, tu., Victoria, 85 m. NW. Melbourne. Franklin Harbour, sheet of water, S. Australia, co. Jervois. Franklin Mtna., New Zealand, at head of Lake Te Anau. Franklin River, Tasmania, trib. of Gordon R. Frankatadt, tn., Moravia, 10 m. SSW. Mistt^k. Frankaton, tn., Victoria, 27 m. SSE. Melbourne. Frankstown, tnshp. and vil., Pennsylvania, in Blair co. Frankton, tnshp., New Zealand, co. Lake, on Kawarau R. Frankton, par., England, Warwickshire, 6 m. SW. Rugby. Frankton, eccl. dist. and vil., Shropshire, 3 m. SW. Ellesmere Frant, vil., England, Sussex, 3 m. S. Tunbridge Wells. Franyova, vil., Hungary, 22 m. SW. Nagy-Kikinda. Franzdorf, vil., Carniola, Upper Austria, 10 m. SW. Ober-Laibach. Franzensbad, vil., Bohemia, 5 m. N. of Eger. Franzensfeste, fort, Tyrol, in district of Brixen. Franzfeld, vil., Hungary, co. Torontal, 5 m. SW. Neudorf. Franz- Josef Land, isl. grp., Arctic Ocean. Lat. 82° 5' N., long. 50^70' E. Frascarolo, vil., Italy, prov. Pavia, 13 m. S. Mortara. Frascati, tn., Italy, 12 m. SE. of Rome. Frascineto, vil., Italy, 4 m. NE. Castrovillari. Fraaerbnrg, div. and tn., Cape Colony, Middle prov. Fraserburgh, spt., Aberdeensliire, 17^ m. NW. Peterhead. Fraserpet, tn., Cnnig, India, 20 m. E. Merkara. Fraaer River, Britisli Columbia, flows 1000 m. to Gulf of Georgia. Frasertown, tnshp.. New Zealand, iu co. and on Wairoa R. Fraaerville, vil.. Ontario, CO. Durham, 23 m. N. Port Hope. FraaerviUe or Riviere-du-Lonp. vil., Quebec, Temiscouata co. Frasnes-lez-Buifisenal, tn., B<'lginra, 12 m. NE. Tournai. Fraanes-lez-Goaselies, vil., Belgium, Hainaut, dist. Charleroi. Fraaaineto, com., Italy, prov. Turin, 17 m. WSW. Ivrea. Frasaineto Po, vil. , Italy, prov. Alessandria, 4 m. E. Casale-Monferrato. Frassinoro, vil., Italy, prov. Modena. 21 m. W. PavuUo nel Frignano. Fraaso. tn., Italy, prov. and 12 m. ENE. Caserta. Fratesti. vil., Roumania, Wallachia, 5 m. N. Giurgevo. Fratta Magglore, tn., Italy, prov. Naples, 4 m. N. Casoria. P. 11,313. Fratte Roaa, vil., Italy. 35 m. S. of Pesaro. Frauenau, vil.. Lower IBavaria, g m. ENE. Regen. Frauenburg, tn., E. Prussia, 6 m. WSW. Braunsberg. Frauenfeld, tn,, Switzerland, Thurgau, on R. Murg. Fraureuth, vil., Germany, Reuss, 7 m. NE. Greiz. Fraufltadt, tn., Prussia, 56 m. SSW. Posen. Fray Bentog, tn., Uruguay, 68 m. SSW. Paysandu. Frazer'fl Creek, New South Wales, joins Severn R. near Ashford. Freagh, lislungstn., co. Clare, between Liscanor and Dunbeg Bay.s. Frechen, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 6 m. WSW. Cologne. Freckleton, tnshp., Lancashire, ^\ m. W. Preston. Fredericla, spt. tn., Denmark, Jutland, 13 m. SE. Veile. Frederick, tnshp. and vil., Illinois, Schuyler co., on Illinois R. Frederick, city, Maryland, 60m. W. by N. Baltimore. Frederick -Hendrik, island, off SW. coast New Guinea. Frederick Henry, Cape, Tasmania, N. Bruni Island. Frederick Henry Bay, Tasmania, bet. Taxman Pen. and co. Monmouth. Frederick laland, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Fredericksburg, vil., Ontario, co. Norfolk, 23 ra. from Brantford. Frederickaburg. city, Virginia, Spottsylvania co, Frederickaburgh, tn., Cape Colony, Bathurst div., on Golana R. Fredericktown, vil., Missouri, cap. of Madison co. Frederlcton, tn., New South Wales, co. Dudley, 301 m. N. Sydney. Fredericton, cap. city, New Brunswick, 60 m. NNW. St. Jolm. Fredericton, ry. stn., Prince Edward I., 14 m. from Chariot tetown. Frederikaberg, tn., Denmark, forming a W. suburb of Copenhagen. Frederikaberg, vil., Denmark, 21 m. NNW. Copenhagen. Frederikadal, vil., Greenland, NW. of Cape Farewell. Frederikshaab, vil , Greenland, on W. co.t t. Lat. 62" N. Frederikahald, s]it. tn., Norway, 59 m. SSii. Christiania. Frederikahanm, fortified tn., Finland, 62 m. WSW. Viborg. Frederikahavn, tn., Denmark, 21. m. E. HJtJrring. Frederikaholm, jdace with lightliouse, Denmark, on Bornholm I. FrederikBstad, spt. tn. , Norway, 13 m. WNW. Frederikshald. Frederikasted, tn., Santa Cruz Island, Danish West Indies. Frederikasund, vil., Denmark, Zealand, on tlie Roeskilde Fjord. Frederiksvaerk, vil., Denmark, Zealand, on Roeskilde Fjord, Frederiksvaern, fortified tn., Norway, Christiania, 5 m. S. Laurvig. Fredonia, vil., Colombia, dep. Canca, 12 ra. SSW. Sledellin. Fredonia, vil., New York, Chautauqua co., 3 ra. S. Dunkirk. Fredrikaburg, vil. and ry. stn., Sweden, in Kopparbergs Lan. Freeburg, vih, Illinois, St. Clair co. Freeburg, borough, Pennsylvania, in Snyder co. Freeburgh, tn., Victoria, co. Delatite, 205 ra. NE. Melbourne. Freebum, handet, Scotland, co, and 15 m, SE. Inverness. Freedom, tnshp. and vil., Maine, in Waldo co. Freedom, borough, Pennsylvania, Beaver co., on Ohio R. Freehold, tnshp. and vil., New Jersey, cap. of Monmouth co. Freeling, tn., S. Australia, co. Light, 36J m. N. Adelaide. Freeling Range, nitns., S. Australia, 10 ra, S. Gawler Range. Freela, Cape, Newfoundland, Avalon Peninsula. Freels, Cape, Newfoundland, Bona\ista district. Freelton, vil., Ontario, 15 m, from Hamilton. Freeman, vil., Ontario, co. Halton, 7 m. from Hamilton, Freeman's Peak, mtn., Colorado. Lat. 39° 16' N. Alt. io,6ooft. Freeport, City, Illinois, cap. Stephenson co. Pop. 10,169. Freeport, vil., Maine, co. Cumberland, on Casco Bay. Freeport, vil., New York, Queen's co., 24 m. ESE. Brooklyn. Freeport, borough, Pennsyhania, Armstrong co., on Alleghany R, Freestone Creek, S, Australia, in Kangaroo Island, Freetown, tn., W. Africa, cap. of Sierra Leone. Pop. 20,000. Freetown, vil.. Prince Edward Island, 10 m. from Suramerside. Freetown, tnshp. and vil., Massacliusetts, 8 m. NXE. Fall River. Fregenal de la Sierra, tn., Spain, 39 m. SE. Badajoz. Fregona, vil., Italy, 3 ni. NE. of Vittorio. Freiberg, tn., Moravia, g m. ENE. Neutitschein. Freiberg, tn., Saxony, 21 ra. WSW. of Dresden. Freiburg, city, Germany, 75 m. SSW. Carlsrnhe. Freiburg, tn,, Prussian Silesia, 36 ra. WSW. Breslan. Freiburg, vil., Prussia, in Hanover, 16 m. NNW. Stade. Freiburg an-der-Unatrut, tn., Prus.sian Saxony, 13™. SW. Merseburg. Freienbach, vil., Switzerland, dist. Hofe, near Lake of Ziirich. Freienhagen, tn., Germany, in Waldeck, 8 ra. S. Arolsen. Frelenwalde, tn., Prussia, 32 m. NE. Berlin. Freienwalde, Neu, tn., Prussia, 15 m. NE. Stargard. Freign^. vd., France, Maine-et-Loire, 4 ra. WsW. Cande. Freuiaham, vil., Bavaria, 11 ra. N. of Neustadt. Freirina, tn.. Chili, prov, Atacama, 93 m. SSW. Copiapo, Freising, tn.. Upper Bavaria, on R. Isar, 20 Ui. NE. Munich. Freistadl, Hungary. 6'cc Galgocz. Freiatadt, tn.. Upper Austria, dist. and 20 ra. NNE. Linz. Freiatadt, tn., Silesia, 45 m. NW. of Liegnitz. Frelstadt, tn., Austrian Silesia, 11 m. N. Teschen. Freistett, vih, Germany, Baden, 8 ra. N. of Kork. Freiston, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 3 m. E. of Boston. Freixo de Espada aCinta, vil., Portugal, Bi'aganra dist. Freiwaldau, tn., Austrian Silesia, 40 m. NW. Troppau. Frejoa, tu., France, dop. Var, 18 ra. SE. Diaguignan. Frelighaburg, vil., Quebec, Missisquoi co., on Pike R. Frelinghien, vil., France, Nord, 2J m. NE. Armentieres. Fremansborougb, bor., Pennsylvania, Nortliampton co., Lehigh R. Fremantle, tn., W. Australia, 12 m. from Pertli. Fremington. spt. vil., England, Devonshire, 3 m. W. Barnstaple. Fremont, city, Nebraska, cap. of Dodge co., on Platte R. Fremont, city, Ohio, cap. of CO. and on Sandusky R. Fremont, tnshp. and vil.. New Hampshire, in Rockingham co. Fremont, tn.shp. and vil., Wisconsin, in M'anpaca co., on Wolf R. Fremont Centre, vil., Michigan, in Newaygo co. Fremont Peak, Wyoming, in Wind River Mtns. Alt. 13,576 ft. Frenchay. eccl. di^t. and ham., Gloucestershire, 4 ra. NE. Bristol. French Broad River, N. Carolina, flows 250 m. to Holston R. French Corral, ham., California, Nevada co., on Yuba R. Gold niinos. French Creek, riv., Pennsylvania, afil. of Alleghany R. at Franklin. French Guiana, colony, S. America. Area 46,877 sq. m. Pop. 25,796. French Island. Victoria. CO. MorningUm, 11 by 7 J ra. French Lick, tnshp. and \il., Indiana, iu Orange co. Frenchman's Bay, vil., Ontario, on L. Ontarian, prov. Chiknzcn. Pop. 22,347. Fukura, tn., Japan, prov, Awa.ii. Fukushima, tn., Japan, prov. Chikngo. Fukushima, tn., Japan, prov. Shinauo, Yesso I. Fukushima, tn., Japan, prov. Iwashiro. Fukuyama, tn., Japan, prov. Bingo. Fukuyama, tn., Japan, prov, Oztuni. Fukuyama Matsumaye, tu., Japan, prov, Oshima, Yesso I. P 16,092. Fuladugu, dist., Siutganibia, between Basing and Kokoro, FulahB (Fulbe, Fellanl, Fellata), large tribe in Niger dist., W. Africa. Fulanga Island, in the Fiji Islands, Well timbered. Fulboum. i>ar, and vil., England, co. and 5 m. SE. Cambridge. Fulda, riv., Prussia, unites with the Werra to form the Weser. Fulda, tn., Hcssen-Nassau, 57^ m. SE, Cassel. Pop. 12,284. FiUek, vil. and ry. stn., Hungary. Lat. 48" 17' N., long. 19' 51' E. Fulford, \il., Quebec, co, Broine, 4 m. from Waterloo. Fulham, pari, bor., England, in W. of London. Pop. 91,640. Fulham, tu., S. Australia, suburb of Adelaide. Fullarton, vil., Ontario, CO. Perth, 6 m. from Mitchell. Fullarton, suburb of Irvine, Ayrshire, on R. Irvine. Fullerton Cove, New South Wales, co. Gloucester. Fulneck, viL, England, Yorkshire, 5^^ m. E. Bradford. Fulnek, tn., Moravia, 10 m. N, of Neutilschein. Fulstone, tnshp., Yorkshire, si ni. SE. Iluddersfield. Fulton, vil,, Arkansas, Hempstead co., on Red R. Fulton, tnshp. and vil., Illinois, in Whitesides co., on Mississippi R. Fulton, tnshp. and vil., Kentucky, in Fulton co. Fulton, vil., Mississippi, c^ip. of Itawamba co., on Tombigbeo R. Fulton, tnshp. and vil., Missouri, cap. of Callaway co. Fulton, vil.. New York, Oswego co., on Oswego R, Fulton, vil., Ontario, co. Lincidn, 17 m. from Haunlton. Fulton, vil., Texas, co. Aransas, on Aransas Bay. Fulton, tnslip. and vil., Wi.sconsin, Rock co., on Catfi-sh R. FultonvlUe, vil., New York, Montgomery co., on Mohawk R. Fnlwood, eccl. dist. ami vil., Yorkshire, 4 m. SW. Shefllehl. Fumane, vil., Italy, prov. Verona, 2i in. N. San Pietro Incai'iano. Fomay, tn., France, Ardennes, 10 m. NE. Rocroi. Fumel. In., France, Lot-et-Garonne, 17 m. NE Villencuvc. Funagata, tu., Japan, Hondo Is., gov. Uzen. Funchal, spt. tn., Madeira, on S. coast. Pop. 19,702. Fundao, tn., Portugal, 25 m. N. Castello Brauro. Fundy, Bay of, iidet between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Fiinen, isl., Denmark, in Baltic. Area 1320 sq. 111. Pop. 246i464. Fiinfklrchen, city, Hungary, 105 in. SSW. Buda. Fung-huang-chlng, tn., China, prov. Liao-tong. Pop. 20.000. Fung-thlang, Manchuria. Set Mukden, Fung wah, til., Clnua, In province of Che-kiang. Fungyal, spt., Siam, on the Gulf of Fungyai. 103 FUN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER GAL Fung-yang, tn., China, prov. Ngan-lioi, 167 m. N. Ngan-king. Fu-ning, ^pt. tn , China, 84 ni, NNE. Fu-chow. Fu-niu-shan, iiitus.. Central (Jliiiia. Lat. 33° 40' N., 112" E. Funkatown, tnshp. and vil., Maryland, Washingtun co. Funnel Creek, Queensland, in N. part of Leiclihardt district. Funtlngton, par. and vil., Sussex, 4^^ m. SW. chichestfr. Fnnza it Bogota, riv., C"lonibia,in Cundinaniarca, attl. of Magdalena. Fure, riv., Fraucf, dep. Istre, flows 25 ni. to R. Isere. Fiired, Balaton, vil., Hungary, 21 in. E. Tapolcza. Fared, Tisza, tn., Hungary, on R. Theiss. Fure Lake, Denmark, Zealand, NW. of Copenhagen. Furka, pass, Switzerland, in Bernese Ali>s. Lat. 46° 35' N., 8° 25' E. Furnace, vil., Scotland, on Loch Fyne, 8 ni. SW. Inveraray. Fumarl, viL, Sicily, prov. Messina, 8 ni. W. Castroreale. Furnas, ^ il., Sao Miguel I., Azores Islands. Furneaux Islanda, group, Tasmania, in Bass Strait. Furneaux Pelham. par. and vil., Herts, 5^ ni. NW". Bishop Stortford. Furnell Lake, Victoria CO-, Croajingolong. Furnes or Veume, tn., Belgium, 27 m. SW. Bruges. Furness, dist., NW. Lancashire, part of I^ake district. Pumesa Abbey, ruins and ry. stn., Lancashire, i m. S. Dalton. Fiirstenberg, tn., Meckleuburg-Strelitz, 12 ni. SE. Strelitz. Furstenberg, tn., Prussia, Brandenburg, 16 m. N. Guben. Furstenfeld, tn., Austria, Styria, 12 in, NE. Feldbach. FiiTBtenfelde, tn., Prussia, Brandenburg, 26 \\\. N. Frankfort. Furstenwalde, tn., Prussia, Brandenburg, 20 m. WyW. Lebus. Fiirth, tn., Bavaria, 23 m. NE. of Anspach. Furth, tn., Bavaria, oa B. Cham, 10 ni, NE. Cham. Furtwangen, tn., Baden, 1 m. ENE. of Frciberi^. Furukawa, tn., Japan, in prov. of Rikuzen. Fury and Hecia Strait, N. America, S. of Cockburn I. Fusagasuga, tn., Colombia, 25 m. SW. Bogota. Fusan, spt,, Corca, open to foreign trade, on Strait of Corea, Fusaro, lake, Italy, W. of Naples. Tlie Acheron of the ancients. Fuscaldo, tn., Italy, circle and 4 m. N. Paola. Puseno Bay, on W. of Hondo I., Japan. Lat. 37° N. Pnshtebridge, vil., Scotland, co. and 12^ ni. SE. Edinburgh. Fuaignino, vil., Italy, prov. Ravenna, 4 m. NE. Lugo. Fuai-yama, mtn., Japan, Nippon Island. Alt. 12,303 ft.. Fussen, tu., Bavaria, 57 m. S. of Augsburg. Futa-Jalon, nitnous. country in interior of Senegambia. Futa-toro, Fulah state in Senegambia. Cap. Medinalla. Futtak, 0-, tn., Hungary, co. Bacs, 6 ni. WSW. Neusatz. Fuur, isl., Denmark, in Liim Fjord, Viborg amt. Fuveau, tn., France, Bouches-du-Rh6ne, 7 ni. SE. Aix. Fiizes-Gyamiath, tn., Hungary, co. Bekes, 6 m. N. Szegalom, Fyansford, tn., Victoria, co. Grant, 48 ni. SW. Melbourne. Fyne, Loch, sea-loch, Scotland, Argyllshire, 40^^ m. long. Fyvie, p;ir. and ry. stn., on R. Ythan, 31J m. NW. Aberdeen. Gaarden, vil., Schleswig-Holstein, suburb of Kiel. Gaasterland, par., Netherlands, 10 m. W. Sneek. Gabarufl, vil., Nova Scotia, 28 ni. S. of Sydney. Gabber, vil., England, Devonshire, 6 ni. SE. Plymouth. Gaba Shambi, E. Africa, on Bahr-el-Jebel. Lat. 7° 6' N Gabel, tn., Bohemia, 25 in. NNW. Jung-Bunzlau. Gabes, Tunis. 6'cc Cabea. Gablala Grande, tn , Spain, prov, Granada, 6 m. SE. Santa F6. Gabiano, vil., Italy, 13 m. W. Casale-Monferrato. Gable, Great, mtn,, England, W. Cumberland. Alt. 2949 ft. Gable End Foreland, New Zealand, E. coast co. Cook. Gablenz, par., Saxony, circle of Zwickau, i ni. E. Chemnitz. Gablonz, vil., Bohemia, 26 tn. NNE. Jung-Bunzlau. Gabo, isl., Victoria, Croajingolong CO., ij^ni. long. Gaboon. See Gabun. Gabriel'a Mount, Ireland, SW. CO. Cork. Alt. 1339 ft. Gabrova, tn., Bulgaria, 22 ni. SW. of Tirnova. Gabun i.r Gabon, French possession, W. Africa, on Gabun R. Gabun River, W. Africa, enters the Atlantic near the Equator. Gadadhar, riv., NE. Bengal, tributary to the Brahmaputra. Gadames, tn. and oasis, in the Sahara, 307 ni. SW. Tripoli. Gadawara, tn., India, Narsinghpur dist., Central Provs. Gadderbaum, Ail., Westphalia, circle of Bielefeld. Gaddeaden, Gt., par. and vil., Herts, 3 ni. NW. Hemel Hempstead. Gaddesden, Little, par. and vil., Herts, 5 ni. N. Gt. Berkhampstead. Gade, riv., Knglami, Herts, flows 16 in. to R. Colne. GadebuBch, tn., Meckle[iburg Scliwerin, 12 m. NW. Schwerin. Gadhali, petty state, K.xthiawar, Bombay. Gadhla, petty state, Kathiawar, Bombay. GadM Dubhar, vil., MiizafTarna^'ar dist., NW. Provs., India. Gadhka, petty state, Kathiawar, Bombay. Gadhula, petty st.ito, Kathiawar, Bombay. Gadiatch, tn., Russia, gov. and 74 in. N. Poltava, Gadkhali, tn. and i>olice stn., Jessor dist., Bengal. Lat. 23° 5' N. Gador, vil., Spain, dist. and 7 in. NNW. Almeria. Gadra, tn., Thar and Parkar dist., Sind, Bombay. Gadra, tn., Kathiawar, Bombay, In'iia. Gadsden, tnshp. and vil., Alabama, cap. of Etowah co., on Coosa R. Gadsden, tnslip. and vil., Tennessee, co. Crockett. Gad's Hill, eminence, England, co. Kent, 3 m. SE. Gravesend. Gaeta, ft. tn., Italy, prov, and 38 m. NW. Caserta. Pop. 17,377 Gaffney'a Creek, tn., Victoria, 122 m. ENE. Melbourne. Oafaa, tn., in S. of Tunis, 76 ni. N W. Cabes. Gagar, mtn. range, Knmaun, NW. Provs., India. Alt. 7-8000 ft. Gagetown, tn., New Brunswick, 28 ni. SE. Fredericton. Oaggiano, \ il., Italy, Milan, 6 in. E. Aldiiategrasso. Gagpio-Montano, vil., It-dy, Bologna, 13 m. SW. Vergato. Gagia, vil , Uam:pur dist., Bengal. Lat. 26° N., long. 89° 40' E. GagUano, vil., Sicily, prov. Catania, 8 m. SE. Nicosia. Gagliano del Capo, vil., Italy, 30 ni. SE. Gallipoli, Oagny, vil., France, Seine-et-Oise, 10 ni. SE. Gonesse. Gagraun, ft. tn., Jlialawar stale, R.rr)v, Pavia, 8 m, SE. Mortara. GarletonHlUs, Scotland, co, and iK m. N, Haddington. Alt. 600 ft, Garlieston, spt,, Scotland, on G, Bay, c)\ m, SE, Wigtown, Garlogie, vil., Scotland, co. and 10 m. W, Aberdeen, Garmlach, vil., Upper Bavaria, 50 m. SSW, Munich. Garmonth, spt,, Scotland, co. and SJ m. E. of Elgin, Garmsel, " burning land," dist., in SW. Afghanistan, Pop. 45,000. Garnant, mining place, Wales, with ry. stu., 17 m. NE, Llanelly, Gamett, vil.,, cap, of Anderson co. Garnklrk, vil., Scotland, Lanarkshire, 5^ m, NE. Glasgow. Garnock, riv,, Ayr.shire, flows 21 m. to Firth of Clyde at Irvine. Garnqueen, vil,, Scotland, Lanarkshire, aj ni. NW. Coatbridge. Garo Hills, dist., Assam, India. Area 3146 sq. m. Pop. 121,220. Garol, p'tty state, Rewa Kantha, Bombay, India. Garola, estate, Sagar dist., Central Provinces, India. Garonne, riv., S. France, enters Bay of Biscjiy as Gironde, 400 m. Garotha, tahsU, Jhansi dist., NW. Provinces, India. Girpenberg, ]ilacc with copper mines, Sweden, Kopparbergliin. Oarpurl, one of the Maldive Is., N. of Mali At(dl. Garrabost, vil., Scotland, Lewis Island, 7 m, E. Stornoway, Garrallan, mining vil., Scotland, Ayrshire, 2 m. SW. Cumnock, Garret, vil., Indiana, in Be Kalb co. Oarrlgill, mining dist,, England, Cumberland, 3 m. SE. Alston. Garrison, vil., Ireland, co. Fermanagh, 5 m, S. Belleek. Garrison's, vil,. New York, Putman co., on Hudson R. Garrlstown, ]iar. and vil., Ireland, co. Dublin, 9 m. SW. Balbriggan. Garroch Head, S. point Bute Island, Scotland, in Firth of Clyde, Garros, vil,, Scotland, Skye I., 14 m. N. of Portree. OarrovUlas, tn., Spain, prov. and 12 m. NNW. Caceres. Oirry, riv., Scotland, Inverne^s-sliire, flows loj m. to Loch Oich. Girry, riv., Scotl,, Perth, flows through Glen Garry to R. TurameL Garry, Lake, NW. Territory, Canada, on Great Fish R, Garrycloyne, par., Irelaiicl, co, and 4 m, NW. Cork. Girryvoe, par,, Irchuid, co. Cork, on Ballyeottin Bay, Garscadden, vd., Dnnibartonsliire, ij m. SW. Bearsden. Oarscube, vil., Scotland, Dumbartonshire, i ni. W. Maryhill. Oarsdale, tnshp., Yorkshire, on R. Clough, 8 m. SR. Sedbcrgh, OarstngtoD, par, and vil,, England, co, and 5 ni. SE, Oxford. Qarstang, mkL tn., England, on R. Wye, 10 m. S. Lancaster. 105 GAR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER GEM Garsten, vil., Upper Austria, on R. Eiins, x m. S. Steyer. Garston.coasttii., Lancash., on Mersey, 4m. SE. Liverpool. Gartan, par., Ireland, Donegal. 6 m. NW. Letterkeniiy. Gartcosh, vil., Scotland, Laiiarlisliire, 2J m. NW. Coatbridge Garthorpe, tushp., Lincolnshire, 6^ m. NE, Crowle. Gartly, par., Scotland, Aberdeenshire, 5 ni. S. Huntly. Gartmore, vil. and ry. stn., Scotlaiu), Fertlishire, zj ni. S. Aberfoyle. Gartnesa, viL, Scotland, Lanarkshire, 2 lu. SE. Airdrie. Gartneas Station, ry. stn., Scotlanil, eo. and 22 ni. SW. Stirling. Gartok, tn. , W. Tibet, 15,000 ft. above sea. Summer trading mart. Garton- on the -Wolds, par. and vil., Yorksliire, 3^ m. NW, Driffield. Gartz, tu , Prussia, on R. Oder, 17 ni. SSW. Stettin. Gam, tn., W. Soud;in, on an island in the Niger, NW. of Say. ] Garvagh, tn., IrelanJ, Londonderry, 12^ m. S. Coleraine. Garvaghy, par., Ireland, eo. Down, on H. Lagan, 4 in. S. Dromore. Garvald, par. and vil., Scotland, co. and 5I m. SE. Haddington. Garve, ham. and ry. stn., Scotland, Ross-sliire, njm. W. Dingwall. Garve Island, Scotland, N. Sutherlandsliire, 4^ m. SE. Cape Wrath. Garvelloch Isles, Scotland, Argyllshire, in Firth of Lome. Garvoc, tu., Victoria, co. Hampden, 115 ni. W. Jlelbourne. Garvolin, tn., Russia, gov. and 32 m. SW. Siedlec. Garwa, tn., India, Lohardaga dist., Beui^al. Garz, tn., Prussia, on Rugen I., 8 m. SriW. Bergen. Garzon, tn., Colombia, state Tolima, 46 ni. SSW. Neiva. Garzweller, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 18 m. SW. DUsseldorf. Gascoigne, riv., W. Australia, flows 300 ni. to Indian Ocean. Gasconade River, Missouri, flows 80 m. to the Missouri. Gaacony, old prov., in SW. France, of which Auch was the cap. Gaspar, isl., E. Indies, on 6. Strait, between Banca and Billiton. Gaspg, penin., Quebec, between G. of St. Lawrence andChaleurBay. Gasp6, port of entry, Quebec, 450 m. by sea from Quebec. Gaap6, Cape, Quebec, forms E. extremity of Gaspe Peninsula. Gaap^ Bay, inlet of Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec, 16 m. long by 5 m. Gaspereau Lakes, chain of 4 lakes, Nova Scotia, King's co. Gaspereaux, vil., New Brimswick, Queen's co., 81 ni. from St. John. Gasperina, vil., Italy, circle and 20 ni. S. Catanzaro. Gaspoldshofen, vil,, Upper Austria, circle and 12 ni. SE. Rie'l. Gasport, vil., New York, Niagara co., on Erie Canal. Gassen, tn., Prussia, Brandenburg, 3 m. NW. Soraii. Gassi-guma, tn., W. Suudan, in Ma>iii;i, 24 m. WNW. YoA\"ara. Gaasino, vil., Italy, prov. and 8 m. NE. Turin. Gastein. val., Austria, prov. Salzburg. Contains Wildbad-Gastein. Gaatel, New and Old, 2 vils., Netlierlands, 13 m. W. Breda. Gaater, region, canton St. Gall, on Linth canal. Gasteren, val., Switzerland, canton Bern, W. of Bluinlisalp. Gaston, tnshp. and vil., North Carolina, Northampton co. Gastonvllle, vil., Algeria, prov, Constantine, 14 m. 8. Philippeville. Gastmii. riv., Greece, flows to Gulf of G., Ionian Sea. Gastoni, tn., Greece, near mouth of above, 13 m. NW. Pyrgos. Gata, vil., Spain, prov. Alicante, 6 m. S. Denia. Gata, vil., Spain, prov. Caceres, 9 m. NE. Hoyos. Gata, Cape, on S. coast of Spain, 25 m. SE. Almeria. Gata, Sierra de,mtns., Spain and Portugal, between Tagusand Douro. Gateacre, vil. and ry. stn., Lancasliire, 5 m. SE. Liverpool. Gatehead, mining vil., Scotland, Ayrshire, 2J m. SW. Kilmarnock. Gatehouse of Fleet, riv. -port, Scotland, gm. N W. Kirkcudbright. Gateshead, bor., spt.,and par., Northumberland, on R. Tyne, opposite Newcastle, 26S m. NW. London. Pop. 85,712. Gatesville, vil., North Carolina, cap. Gates co. Gatesville, vil., Texas, cap. of Coyell co., on Leon R. Gathar, tn., Shikarpur dist., Sim), Bombay. Gatico, spt., Bolivia, prov. Atacama, 3 m. N. Cobija. Oatineau, riv., Quebec, flows 400 m. to Ottawa R., near Hull. Gatrun, oasis, Fezzan, Tripoli, 80 m. SSE. Murzuk. Oatshina, tn., Russia, 30 ni. SSW. St. Petersburg. Pop. 10,063. Gattatico, com., Italy, prov. and 12 m. NW. Reggio. Gattinara, vil., Italy, prov. Novara, 20 m. N. Vercelli. Gatton, tn., Queensland, co. Stanley, 60 m. W. Brisbane. Gattonaide, vil., Scutl., Roxburghsh., on Tweed, i m, NW". Melrose. Gaualgesheim, tn., Germany, in Hessen, circle of Bingen. Gauhretiere, La, vil., France, Vendee, 6 m. SW. Mor.tagne-sur-Sevre. Gaucin, tn., Spain, prov. and 53 ni. WSW. Malaga. Gaudenzdorf, vil,, Austria, suburb of Vienna. Pop. 12,377. Gauhall, state, Khandesh dist., Bombay, India. Gauhati, Cap. of Kamrup dist., Assam, India. Gauldry, vil., Fifeslnre, Scotland, 4 m. SW. Newport. Gauley Bridge, vil., W. Virginia, at head of navigation on Kanawha R. Gauley Mtns., W. Virginia, part of the Cumberland Range. Gauley River, W. Virginia, falls into Great Kanawha R. Gaultoia, port of entry, Newfoundlaml, 13 m. SW. Harbour Britain. Gaur, ruins of anc. cap., Bengal. Lat. 24° 52' N., long. S3" 10' E. Ganrain-Ramecroix, coin., Belgium, 6 m. W. Leuze. Gaura Jamun, pargana, Sultanpur dist., Oiidh, India. Ar. 93 sq. m. Gauriac, vil., France, dep. Gironde, 3 m. NW. Bourg. Gaurihar, j'etty state, Bundelkhand, Central India. Area 73 sq. ra. Gauripur, viL, G-alpara dist, Assam, India. Gaurisankar, Mount, Himalayas. See Everest. Gauritz, River, Cape Colony, flows S. zio m. to Indian Ocean. Gausdal, East and West, 2 places, Norway, Kristians amt. Gautlan, si't. tn., Mexico, state of Jalisco. Gavardo, mI., Italy, prov. Brescia, 6 m. SW. Salo. Gavarnie, vil., France, Hautes-Pyn^n^e-s, 12 m. S. Luz. Gave, gt-neric name for streams in the Pyrenees. Gave de Pau, riv , S. France, flows iiom. to the Adour. GaveUo, vil., Italy, prov. Rovign, 8 m. EXE. Polesella. Gavenny, riv., Monmouthshire, flows to the Usk at Abergavenny. Gavl. tn., Italy, prov. Alessandria, 6 m. SSE. Novi Liguria. Gaviao, vil.. Portugal, prov. Alemtejo. 18 m. NW. Portalegre. Gavieira Mtns., Portugal, in extreme N. Highest pt. 4726 ft. Gavilanes, mining place, Mexico, in Dumngo state. Gavin Duffy, tnshp. and ry. stn., Victoria, 36 m. N. Jlelbourne. Gavinton, vil., Berwickshire, Scotland, 2 in. SW. Duns. Garipor, vil., Bangalore district, Mysore, Madras. Gavirate, vil., Italy, prov. Como, 6 m. W. Varese. Gavno, isl., Denmark, Praesto aint, in Gulf of Xestved. Gavoi, vil., Italy, prov. Sassari, 13 m. SSW. Nuori. Gavorrano, vil., Italy, prov. and 13 m. NW. Grosseto. GavTidar, petty state, Halar div., Kathiawar, Bombay. Gavrilovka, Ail., Rus.->ia, gov. YeUaterinoslav, 80 m. NE. Alexandrovsk. Gavrilovka, vil., Russia, gov. Tambov, 17 in. N. Kirsanov. Gavrilovsk, vil., Russia, gov. Riazan, 2J m. N. Spask. Gavrilovsk, vil., Russia, gov. Vladimir, 16 m. NW. Susdal. Gavrilovsk, vil., Siberia, gov. Tomsk, nom. NE. Barnaul. Gawber, ecrl. dist. and hamlet, Yorkshire, 2 in. NW. Barnsley. Gawilgarh, hill range, Berar, India. Highest pt. 3987 ft. Gawler, tnshp. and ry. stn., S. Australia, 24jin. NE. Adelaide. Gawler, River, Tasmania, co. Devon, fl'iws N. to the sea. Gawler Range, mtns., S. Australia, head of Eyre's Peninsula. Gaya, tn., Austria, in Moravia, 16 m, W. Hradisch. Gaya, dist., Bengal, in lat. 25° N. Area 4712 sq. m. Gaya, chief tu., in above. Lat. 2+° 49' N., long 85'' 3' E. Pop. 79,920. Gaylesville, vil., Alabama, Cherokee co., on Chattanooga R. Gayndah, tn., Qncensland, 200 m. NW. Brisbane, Gayoso, tuslij). and vil., Missouri, cap. of Pemiscot co. Gaysport, burough, Pennsylvania, in Blair co. Gay's River, vil., Nova Scotia, 6 ni. fiom Shubenacadie. Gayton, par. and vil., Norfolk, 7^ m. E. King's Lynn. Gayu, tn., Soudan, in Gandu, on left bank of R. Niger. Gaywood, par. and vil., Norfolk, on G. R., i ni. E. King's Lynn. Gaz, Le, ry. stn., France, Basses-Pyrenees, 3 m. from Bayonne. Gaza, city, Palestine, 48 m. SW. Jerusalem. Pop. 16,000. Gazaland, country, Mozambique, SE. Africa. Lat. 22 30' S., 34' 20' E. Gazawa, tn., Soudan, in Hansa, 46 m. NE. Katsena. Gazeley, par. and vil., SulFoIk, 4^ m. E. of Newmarket. Gazzalhatti, pass, Cuimbatore dist., ULidras. Lat. 11° 33' N. Gazzaniga, vil., Italy, prov. Bergamo, 10 m. SSW. CUisone. Gazzo, vil., Italy, prov. Padua, 4 m. SW. Cittadella. Gazzo -Veronese, vil., Italy, 5 ni. iiW. Sanguinetto. Gazzuolo, vil., Italy, prov. Mantna, 5 ni. ESE. Bozzolo. Gdov, tn., Russia, gov. and 143 m. SW. St. I'etersburg. Gdow, vil,, Austria, Galicia, 7 m. SE, Wieliczka. Geashill, par. and vil., Ireland, King's co., 8i m. NW. Portarlington. Geha(Jeba),riv.,Senegambia, falls into Atlantic, opposite Bissagos Is. Geba, vd., W. Africa, on leftibank of R. Niger. Gebensdorf, vil., Switzeilaud, Aargau, 4 m. W. Baden. Gebeaee, tn., Prussian Saxony, 9 ni. SW. Weisseusee. Gebhardt's Lagoon, S. Australia, in co. Kimberley. Gebweiler, tn., Germany, Alsace, 15 m. SSW. Kolraar. P. 12,388. Geddea, tnshp. and vil., New York, Onondaga co. Geddington, par. and vil., Northamptonshire, 3 m. NE. Kettering. Gedeli, active volcano, Java, E. Indies. Alt. 9768 ft. Gedl, petty state, Jhalawar div., Kathiawar, Bombay. Gedling, par. and vil., England, co. .and 3 m. NE. Nottingham. Gedney, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 3J m. SE. Holbeach. Geelong, tn., Victoria, co. Grant, 45 m. SW. Melbourne. Geelvink Bay, large inlet on N W. coast of New Guinea. GeelvinkChau., W. Australia, between mainland and Abrolhos Is. Geera, tnslip., New South Wales, co. Clyde, on Darling R. Geertmidenberg, tu., Netherlands, 8 m. NXE. Breda. Geestemiinde, spt. tu., Hanover, on Weser, suburb of Bremerhafen. Geeatendorf, tn., Hanover, on R. Geeste, 3 m. S. of Lehe. Geeves Town, tn., Tasmania, CO. Kent, 40 m. SW. Hobart, Gef, tn., E. Africa, Nubia, opposite Snakin. Gefell, tn., Prussian Saxony, 15 m. SE. Ziegenriick. Gefle, spt. tu., Sweden, 100 ni. NNW. Stockholm. Pop. 22,643. Gefleborg, maritime Ian, Sweden. Area 7419 sq. m. Pop. 204.68C. GefreeB, vil., Bavaria, 5 m. NE. Bemeck, on White Mam. Gehren, tu., Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, 15 ni. S. Arnstadt. Geibadorf, vil., Prussian Sile-sia, 4 ni. W. Lauban. Geieraherg, tn., Bohemia. 4 m. SE. Senftenberg. GeigersviUe, ham. and coal mine, Kentucky, Carter co, G«ilenkirchen, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 15 m. N, Aixda-Chapelle. Geisa, tn., Gennany, Saxe- Weimar, 26 m. SW. Eisenach. Geisenfeld, vil., Up)ter Bavaria, 12 m. NE. Pfafienhofen. Geisenheim, tn., Prnssia, Hessen-Nassan, 2 m. E. RudesUeim. Geiaing, tn., Saxony, 24 m. SE. Freiberg. Geisingen, tn,, Baden, 10 m. E. Donaueschingen. Geialingen, tn., Wiirtemberg, 16 m. NNW. Ulm. Geispolzhcim, tn., Alsace-Lorraine, 8 ni. SW. Strasburg. Geistingen, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 4 m, SE, Siegburg. Geisweid, vil., Prussia, circle of Siegen, Clafeld par. Geithain. tu., Saxony, circle Leipzig, 4 m. W. Rochlitz. Gelderland, prov., Netherlands, Area 1962 sq. m. Pop. Cl&,026. Geldermalsen, vil., Netherlands, 6 m. W. Tiel. Geldern, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 32 m. NW, Diisseldorf. Geldeston, par. and vil., Norfolk, 2J ni. NW. Beccles. Geldrop, vil., Netherlands, 4 m. SE. Eindhoven. Geleen, ^il., Netherlamls, 10 ni. NE. Maestricht. Gelenau, vil., Saxony, ciicle Zwickau, 9 m. N. Annaberg. Gelert, vil., Ontario, Halibnrton co., 84 m. NE, Toronto. Gelidl, tn., E. Africa. W. of Magadoxo. Lat. 2' 15' N. Gelles, vil., France, Pny-de-Donie, 10 m. NNW. Rochefort. Gellibrand Kiver, Victoria, in Polwarth co. Gelligaer, par. and vil., Glamorgan, 14 m. N. Cardiff. Gellivare, vil., Sweden, Norrbotten, 100m. NNW. Pitea. Iron work. Geluhausen, tn., Prussia, Hessen-Nassau, 87 m. SSW. Cassel. Gelaa. com., Dalmatia, circle Spalato, 11 m. E. Lesina. Gelaenkirchen, vil., Westphalia. 4 m. NW. Bochum. Gembloux, vd., Belgium, prov. and 10 m. NW. Namur. Gemert, vil., Netherland-^, 12 m. NE. Eindhoven. Gemmano, vd., Italy, prov. Forli. 12 m. S. Rimin?. GemmiPasa, Switzerland, over Alps, between Bern and Valais. Gemona, tn., Italy, prov. and 16 m. NNW. Udine. Gemozac, vil., France, Charente-Inferieure, 13 m. S. Saintes. Gemiind, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 4 m. NNE. Scbleiden. 106 GEM THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER GHE Oemunden, tn., Bavaria, 25 m. N'XW. Wiirzburf;. GemuBli-liany, tn., Asiatic Turkey, vilayet of Trebizoiid. Genadental, vil , Cape Colony, co. and 2J ni. NW. Caledoii. G«iu.pp«, tn., Belgimn, Brabant, 4 m. EXE. Nivelles. Geoaro, Monte, intn., Italy, 21 ni. NE. Rome. Alt. 4162 ft. Oen&zzano, vil., Italy, prov. and 35 ni. E. Home. 0«nck. vil., Bi-Igiuni, Linibur^', 6 in. N. Bilseii. Gendbrtgge, vil., Bilt;iiun, E. Flanders, 2 m. E. Ghent. Gendrlngen, vil., N'tlierlands, 22 m. ESE. Aruheiin. Genemuiden, tii., Netherlands, Overyssel, dist. ZwoUe. G^n^rac, tn.. Fiance, dep. Gard, 6 ni. NW. St. Gilles. General's Island, Georgia, one of the Sea Is., Mcintosh co. Generalakistol, vil , Hungary, in Croatia, dist. Ogulln. Genesee, tnshp. and vil., Michigan, in Genesee co. Genesee, tnslip. and vil.. Wisconsin, in Waukeslia co. Genesee River, New York, falls into Lake Ontario. Geneseo, tnshp. and vil., Illinois, Henry co. , on Mississippi B. Geneseo, tnsh]t. and vil.. New York, cap. of Livingston co. Geneva, vil., Alabama, cap. of Geneva en. Geneva, tnshp. and vil., Illinois, cap. of Kane co., on Fox R. Geneva, canton, Switzerland. Area 108 sq. in. Pop. 107,000. Geneva, largest city, Switz-, cap. above, gg m. SW. Burn. P. 71,807. Geneva, vil , New York, Ontario Co., on Seneca Lake. Geneva, tnshp. and vil., Nebraska, cap. of Fillmore co. Geneva, bur., Pennsylvania, in Crawford co. Geneva, tnshp. and vil., Wisconsin, Walworth co. Geneva, vil., Quebec, co. Argenteuil, 3 in. from Lachute. Geneva, Lake of(LacLeman), between Switz. and France. Ar. 82 sq. in. Genevoifl, Le, former prov., Savoy, now part dep. Savoie, France. Genivre, Mont, ]iass in Cottian Alps, France. Alt. 6114 ft. Genga, vil., Italy, prov. and 48 m. WSW. Ancona. Gengenliach, tn., Germany, Baden, 5 ni. SE. Offenburg. Genii or Jenil, riv., Spain, flows 136 ni. to the Guadalquivir. Genius, tn., Frani'e, Indre-et-Loire, 6 ni. NW. Montresor. Gennargentu, Monte, hii^Oiest peak of Sardinia. Alt. 6114 ft. Gennep, tn., Ni tti'-rlands, Limbur^;, 17 m. N. Horst. Oenneaareth, Lake of. &i;e Tabariyah. Genoa, ft. spt. city, N. Italy, 75 m. SE. Turin. Pop 210,000. Genoa, prov. Liguria, N. Italy. Area 15S3 sq. ni. Pop. 777,411. Genoa, tn.shp. and vil., Illinois, Dc Kalb co. Genoa, tnshp. and vii., New York, Cayuga co. Genoa, vil., Ohio, in Ottawa co. Genoa, Gulf of, inlet of Mediterranean Sea, N. Italy. Genoa Peak, iiitn., Victoria, in Croajingolong co. Genoa River, Victoria, flows SE. t 49,422.928. Germein Bay, S. Australia, Spencer Gulf, cos. Frome and Victoria. Germersheim, ft. tn., Bavaria, on Rhine, 8 m. S. Speyer. Germoe, par, and vil., Cornwall, 5^ in. NW. Helston. Gemrode, tn., Germany, in Anhalt, 4 m. W. BallenstJidt. Gemsbach, tn., Germany, ducliy and 5 m. E. Baden. Gemaheim, tn. , Germany, in Hessen, 8 in. NW, Benslieiui. Gerogery, tn. and ry. sLu., New South Wales, co. Goulbum. Gerolzbofen, tn., Bavaria, 20 in. ENE, Wilrzburg. Gerona, prov., Spain, in Catalonia. Area 22G4 sq. in. Pop. 305,539. Gerona, tn., Spain, on R. Ter, 52 m. NE. Barcelona. Pop. 15,016. Gerpinnea, vil., Belgium, Hainaut, 6 in. SE. Cliarleroi. Gerrans, par. and vil., Cornwall, 7^ m. SE. Truro. Gerrard's Cross, eccl. dist. and vil., Bucks, 3 m. SE. Beaconsfield. Gerreaheim, In., Rlienish Prussia, 4 in. E. Diisseldorf. Gerringong, vil, and dist., New South Wales, gg m. S. Sydney. Gerryvard, vil., Scotland, Lewis I., on S, side of Loch Erisort. Gera, a SW. dep., France. Area 2425 sq. in. Pop. 274,391. Gers, riv., SW. France, flows 105 in. to the Garonne. Geraau, vi!., Switzerland, canton and 6 in, WSW. Sclnvytz. Gersfeld, tn., Prussia, Hessen-Nassau, 64 m. S. Cassel. Gerstungcn, vil., Germany, Saxe-Weiiuar, n m. W. Eisenach, Gersweiler, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 3 m. W. Saarbriick, Gerzat, tn,, France, Puy-de-Donie, 5 m. NNE. Clennont-Ferraud. Ge8eke,tn., Westphalia, 7 in. ESE. Lippstadt, Geaenke Mtna., Austria, tlie SE. part of the Sudetic Mtns. Geahader, vil., Scotland, Lewis I., 29 m, from Stornoway. Geapunaart, tn., France, Ardennes, 8 ni. NE. Charleville. Geasate, vil., Italy, prov. and 14 in. NE. Milan. Gessopalena, vil., Italy, 14 m. S. Lanciano. Gest6, vil., Mainc-ct-Loire, 6 m. WSW. Beaupr(5au. Gestlngthorpa, par. and vil., Essex, 4 m. SW. Sudbury. Geaualdo, vil., Italy, 14 m. NNW. Sant'Angelo dci Lumbardi. Getafe, tn., Spain, prov. and 7 in. S. Madrid. Gethaemane, vil., Kentucky, Nelson co. Trappist religious house. Gettyaburg, bor,, Pennsylvania, cap. of Adams co, Gevolsberg, vil., Westphalia, circle and 6 m. WSW. Hagen. Gewitach, tn,, Moravia, circle and 31 m. N. Briinn. Gei, tn., Franre, dep. Aix, 67 in. EXE. Bourg-en-Bresse. Oeyer, tn., S;ixony, circle Zwickau, 5 m. NW. Annaberg. Geyser Springs, summer resort, California, go in. NW. San Francisco. Ghadamea, tn. and oasis, Tripolitan Sahara. .SVc Oadames. Ghagar. river, Faridpur dist., Bengal, aflluent of Maar. and vil., Yorkshire, 12 in. NW. New Malton. Gilling, par. and vil., Yorkshire, 3 ni. NE. Richmond. GilUngham, mkt. tn., England, Dorset, 4 m. NW. Shaftesbury. Gillingham, par. and tnshp., Kent, mostly in pari. bor. of ChathaiP Gillisland, isl , Antarctic Ocean, lying NE. of Spitzbergen Gill Lough, Ireland, co. and 2 m. E. Sligo ; 8 m. long. Oilman, vil., Illinois, in Iroquois co. Gilman, vil., Iowa, in Marshall co. Gilmanton, tnshp. and vil., New Hampshire, Belknap co. Gilmer, vil., Texas, cap. of Upshur co. Giimerton, vil. and ry. stn., Scotland, 4 m. by roadSE. Edinburgh. Gilmerton, vil., Scotland, Perthshire, 2 m. NE. Crielf. Gilnockle, ry. stn., Dumfiiesshire, 4^^ in. SE. Langham. Gilolo or Halmahera, isl., Malay Arch., on Equator. Area 6500 sq. m. Gilp, Loch, Scotland, left arm of Loch Fyne, Argyllshire. Gilpin, vil , Pennsylvania, iu Indiana co. Gilroy, city, California, in Santa Clara co. Gilsland, spt. vil., Cumberland, 7 ni. NE. Brampton. Gilsum, \mm. and tnshp., New Hampshire, (;heshire co. Gilze-en-Rijen, vil., Holland, 8 ni. SE. Breda. Gimiglano, tn., Italy, 9 m. E. of Nicastro. Gimino, tn., Austria-Hungary, 6 m. S. Pisino. Gimli, tn., Manitoba, on W. shore of Lake Winnipeg. Gimont, tn., France, dep. Gers, 16 m. E, Audi. Gingham Gap, New South Wales, co. Gordon. Gin Gin, tn. and ry. stn., Queensland, 28 in. from Bundaberg. Gin Gin, tn., W. Australia, 54 m. N. Perth. Ginn?ken, vil., Netherlands, N. Brabant, 2 m. S. Breda. Ginosa, tn., Italy, prov. Lecce, 25 m. NW. Taranto. Ginzo-di-Llmia, tn., Spain, 24 ni. SSE. Orense. Gioja, tn , Italy, circle and 20 in. E. Altamura. Pop. 18,078. Gioja del Marsi, tn., Italy, circle and 20 ni. SE. Avezzano. GioJa Sannitica, tii., Italy, prov. Caserta, 7 ni. SE. Piedimonte. Gioja-Tauro, vil., Italy, circle and 7 m. NE. Palina. Glojosa lonica, tn.. Italy, circle and 9 in. NE. Gerace. Pop. 10,145. Giojosa Marea, vil., Sicily, circle and 5 m. NW. Patti. Giovlnazzo, tn., Italy, n m. WNW. Bari. Pop. 10,371. Giovo, com., Tyrol, dist. and 6 m. fnjm Trent. Glpping, riv., England, Suffolk, flows n^ m. SE. to form the Orwell. Gipping, tnshp,, England, Suftolk, 4 in. NE. Stowmarket. Gippsland, coast dist., SE. Victoria, 250 m. E. to W. Gipsy Hill, eccl. dist., England, Surrey, 8h in. S. London Bridge. Girao Falls, Brazil, on Madeira R. Lat. 9° 30' S. Glrard, tuslip. and vil., Illinois, in Macoupin co. Glrard, vil., Kansas, cap. of Crawford Co., on Mississippi R. Girard, tush]', and vil., Miehigan, in Branch co. Glrard, vil., Ohio, Trumbull co., on Mahoning R. Girard, tnshp. and vil., Pennsylvania, on Lake Erie. Girardeau, Cape, Missouri. Lat. 37° 19' N., Inng. 89° 31' W. Girard Manor, vil., Pennsylvania, in Schuylkill co. Girardville, borough, Pennsylvania, in Schuylkill co. Girdle Nesa, Scotland, NE. extremity Kincardineshire, on X. sid: Nigg B. Glrgeh, tn., Egypt, on Nile, 60 m. NW. Thebes. Glrgenti, City, Sicily, 83 in. by rail SSE. Palermo. Pop. 22,244. Gir Hills, range, 40 in. long, in Kathiawar, Bombay. Girifalco, vil., Italy, circle and 12 m. SW. Catanzaro. Qirilambone, tn. and ry. stn.. New S. Wales, 407 m. W. Sydney. 108 GIB THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER GLE Giromagny. tn., France, Haut-Rhin, lo m. NNW. Belfdrt. Glronde, a faW. dep., France. Art'a 3761 sq. m. Pop. 776,845. Giro River, Ntrw South Wales, allliiedt of tin? Manning' R. Girrangoorong, tiislip., N. K, Wales, co. Bourkc, uii Miirruml)itlgee R. Oirthon, p:ir. »Scotlan»l, Kirkcihibrightshire, 2 in. SE. Gatehouse. Glrton, par. and vil., Kn;;lanJ, co. and 3^ in. NW. Cambridge. Glrton, [Kir. and liam., Notts, on R. Trent, 6 in. SE. Tuxford. Girvan, spr. tn., Scotliind, co. and 21J ni. SW. Ayr. Girvan, Water of, Ayrshire, tlnws 35 ni. to the sea at Girvan. Giabome, tn. and port. New Zealand, 250 ni. SE Auckland. Glsbome, tn , Victoria, co. Bi»nrke, 40 ni. NW. Melbuurne. Glsbnm. par. and vil., Yorkshire, on R. Ribble, 7 ni. NE. Clitheroe. Gialingham, par. and vil., England, Sulfolk, 4^ ni. SW. Lowestoft. GlBors, tu., France, dep. Eure, i3 ni. ENE. Audelys. Gissi, tn., Italy, circle and 10 m. SW. Vasto. Giflsing. pir. ami vil., Nnifnlk, 4^ ni. NE. Dis'». Gltfl, vil., Uelgiuni, W. Flanders, 15 ni. NE. Ypres. Gitachin. tn., IJohetnia, 15 ni NE. Prague. Gittflubah, tnshp., New S. Wales, co. Mitchell, on Hfurranibidgce R. Glttiflham, jiar. ;ind vil., Devonshire, 2 ni. SW. Honiton. GiQdecca, isl., Italy, in the lagoons, i ni. from Venice. Glngliano, tn., Italy, prov. Naples, 6ni. W. Casoria. Pop. 12,821. GiusUano, \il , It-;ily, circle and g m. SE. Chieti. Glulia or GioUanova, In., Italy, 16 m. ENE. Teramo. Gialiaaa, vil., Si'-ily, prov. Palermo, 12 m. SSW. Corleone. Giurgevo, tn., Uoumania, W.illachia, 40 m. S. Bucharest. P. 20,866. Giuasano, tn., Italy, prov. Milan, g ni. NNW. Monza. Given, vil., Iowa, in Mahaska co. Has coal mines. Givet, ft. tn., France, Ardennes, on il. Meuse. Givors, tn., France, dep, Rhone, 13 m. SSW. Lyons. Pop. 11,470. Givrai, ^ il., Haidarahad, India, dist. and NW. Bhir. Glvry, tn., France, Saone-et Loire. 6 ni. W. Clialons-sur-Saune. Glacier House, ry. stn., British C"lnmbia, 35 ni. W. Donald. Gladbach, Bergiach, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 6 ni. ENE. Miillieini. GUdbach, Mdachen, tn., Prussia, 16 m. W. Diisseldorf. Pop. 44,230. GlaJbeck, vil., Westphalia, 9 ni. WSW. Reckliughausen. Glade City, vil., Pennsylvania, in Somerset co. Glade City, vil., Pennsylvania, in Warren co. Glads Mills, vil., Pennsylvania, in Butler co. Gladesmore Heath, England, Middlesex, 2 in. NE. Barnct. Glade Sprin-;, tnshp. andvil., Virginia, in Washington co. GladesvUle cr Tarban, vil., New South Wales, 7 ni. W. Sydney. Gladewater, vil.,, in Gregg co. Gladova, tn., Servia, on R. Danube, 25 ni. N. Negotin. Gladflmuir, par. and vil., Scotland, co. and 4 m. W. Uaddington. Gladstone, mining tnshp., Tasmania, co. Dorset. Gladstone, spt., Queensland, 354 ni. NE. Brisbane. Gladstone, tn.. New South Wales, 277 m. NNE. Sydney. Gladstone, tnshp., New Zealand, in co. Vincent. Gladstone, tn., S. Australia, co. Victoria, 134 ni. N. Adelaide. Gladstone, vil,, Manitoba, 35 Ml. W. Portage la Prairie Gladstone, \\\., Ontario, CO. iliddlese.x, 6 ni. from Dorchester. Gladstone, ry. stu., Ontario, co. Grenville, 3 ni. from I'rcscott, Giaisdale, tnshp. and vil., Yorkshire, gi m. SW. Whitby. Glalshammer, tn., Bavaria, suburb of Nuremberg. Glajebo, tn., W. Africa, on Nig'-r, between Rabaand Busan. P. 20,000. Glamis, par. and vil., Scotland, co. and 5J m. SW. Forfar Glammia, vil., Ontario, co Brm-e, on Lake Huron. Glamorgan, maritime co., S. Wales, Area 808 scj. m. Pop. 687,147. Glamorgan, set., Ontario, co. Durham, 65 w\. from Toronto, GUnbehy, par. and hafu., Ireland, co. Kerry. 8 m. SW. KiUorglin. Glandore, vil., Iri'land, co. Cork, 8 m. E. Skibbereen, Glindwr, vil , Wab-s, Carmartlienshire, 4 m. SW. Lampeter, Olanford, vil., Ontario, Weutworth co., n in. from Ilaniillon. Glanford Brlgg, tnshp., N. Lincolnshire, contiuns part of Brigg, q^.v. Glang. harbour, Mindanao, Phili|>pinc Islands. Olanmlre, tnshp., New South Wales, 117 in. W. Sydney. Glanmire, vil., Ontario, co. Hasting.s, 23 in. from Madoc. Glanmlre, vil., Ireland, CO. Cork, 4 m. E. Cork. Glanmire, New, vil., Irelatul, co. and 6 in. E. Cork. Glanmire, The, riv., Irel iiid, CO. Cork, flows 12 m. to R. Lee. Glanogwen, ecc!. dist. and vil., Carmarthenshire, 6 m. SE. Bangor. Glanrfayd, ry. stn.,Carmarth-nshire, 4 m. NE. Llaiidilo Glantane, vil.,co. Cork, 5 m. SW. Mallow. Glanton, tnslip. and vil., Northumberland, 8 m. W. Alnwick. Glanworth, par. anar., W. Dumfriesshire, contains Moniaive. Glencairn, vil., Ontario, Siiucoe Co., 22 Ul. SE. Collingwood. Glen Cannich, valley of R. Caiinich, Inverness-shire. Glencapte, vil., Ijootland, co. and 5 m. S. Dumfries. Glen Carbon, vil., Pennsylvania, .Schuylkill co. Glencarron, ry. stn., Ross and Cromarty, 36 m. SW. Dingwall. Glencarse, hamlet and ry. stn., Scotland, 6 in. E. of Perth. Glen City, \\\., Penu'^ylvania, Columbia co. Glen Coe, val., Aigyllshirc, on II. Coe. Scene of massacre, 1692. Glencoe, place with post-otllce, Argyllshire, \\ m. E. Ballachulish. Glencoe, vil., Illinois, Cook Co., on L. Michigan. Glencoe, Luslip. and vil., Kentucky, in Gallatin co. Glencoe, vil , Maryland, in Baltimore co. Glencoe, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, cap. of M'Leod co. Glencoe, vil., Ohio, in Belmont co. Glencoe, vil., Ontario, 30I in. SW. London. Glencoe, vil.. Nova Soolia, CO Inverness, 6 m. from Port Hood. Glencoe, rattle stn., N. Anstrulia, 7 m. from Port Darwin Camp. Glencoe, tnslip., New South Wales, 303 m, N. Sydney. GlencolumbklUe, par. and ham., ro. Donegal, 17 ni. NW. Killybegs. Glencorae, par. and ry. stn., Scotland, 14^ lu. S. ICdinbnrgh. Glen Cove, mauufacturing vil., New York, Queen's co. Glencree, river and valley, co. Wicklow, 6 m. SW. Bray. Glen Croe, valley, Argyllshire, descending SE. to Loch Long. Gleadale, vd., Kentucky, in llardin co. Glendale, vil., Massachusetts, Berkshire co. Glendale, vil., Montana, Beaver Head co. Glendale, vil., Ohio, in naiuilton co. Glendale, vil., Rhode Island, in Kent co. Glendale, vil.. South Carolina, Spartanburg co. Glendale, vil. and tushp., Wisconsin, Monroe co. Glendale Station, vil.. New York, Queen's co. Glendalough and " Seven Churches," valley, Ireland, co. Wicklow. 8 m. N W. Ralhdrniu. Contains ecclesiasticiil ruins. Glondarual, valley, Arpyllshire, 8 m, N. Tighnabruaich. Glondovon, i)ar., S. Perthshire, in Ochil Hills. Glen Dochart, valley, Perthshire, falls NE. to Loch Tay. Glen Docherty, valley, Ross-shire, falls NW. to Loch Maroe. 109 GLE THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER GOB Glendower, vil., Ontario, 30 m. from Kingston. Glenduckie, vil., FifesUire, 3 m. E. Xewburgli. Glenealy, par. and vil., Ireland, co. and 4^ ni. SW. Wicklow. Glenelg, par. and vil., Inverness-shire, 7 ui. SW. Lochalsh. Glenelg, vil., Ontario, in Grey co. Glenelg, spt., S. Australia, 6| m. SW. Adelaide. Glenelg, tnslip., Queensland, 115 m. SW. Brisbane. Glenelg, River, NW. Australia, flows 70 m. to Doubtful Biy. Glenelg Kiver, Victoria, flows 200 m. SW. to Discovery Bay. Glen Esk, valley of R. South Esk, Forfarshire, Scotland. Glenfalloch, vil., Nova Scotia, 5^^ m. from New Glasgow. OlenfjLTQe, ry. stn.,co. Leitrini, 7111. E. Manor Hamilton. Glenfield, burough, Pennsylvania, Alleghany co., on Ohio R. Glenfleld, par. and tushp., England, 3^ ni. NW. Leicester. Glenfield, place, Renfrewshire, lA- m. S. Paisley. Glenfinnan, hamlet, Inverness-sli'ire, at head of Loch Shiel. Glen Gardner, vil., New Jersey, Hunterdon co. Glengariff, vd., Ireland, co. Cork, 8 m. NW. Bantry. Glengamock, \"il. with ironworks, Ayrshire, 2^ m. NE. Dairy. Glen Garry, valley of R. Garry, N. Perthshire. Glen Garry, valkry, Inverness-shirc, descends to Loch Oich. Glengarry, vil., Nova Scotia, 14 nu from New Glasgow. Glengary, vil. and tnshp., Nebraska, Fillmore Co. Glengower or Campbelltown, vil., ViL-toria, 93^ m. NNW. Melbourne. Glenham, ^il.. New York, in Dutchess co. GlenMnnisdal, vil., I. of Skye, Scotland, 12 m. NW. Portree. Glenhowan, vil., Scotland, co. and 5 ni, SE. Dumfries. Glen Huron, vil., Ontario, co. Sinicoe, 10 ni. from Collingwood. Gleniffer, Braes of, liills, Scotland, 3 ni. SW. Paisley. Glenila, vil., Ontario, in Parry Sound district. Glen Innes, tn., New South Wales, 373 m. NNW. Sydney. Glen Isla, valley of R. Isla, Forfarsliire, Scotland. Glenkeen, par., Ireland, co. Tipperary, 5 m. SW. Teniplemore. Glenhvet, y.s. par., Banffshire, 5J ni. SR. Ballindalloch. Glenlogan, vil. with ironworks, Scotland, Ayrshire, 3 in. E. Catrine. Glenlogie, tnshp., Victoria, co. Gladstone, 10 m. S. Avoca. Glenluce, vil., Wigtownshire, Sj in. SE. Stranraer. Glen Lyon, vallt-y, Perthsliire, 30 m. long, falls to R. Tay. Glen Lyon or Balaklava, vil., Ontario, in co. Bruce. Glenlyon, tn., Victoria, 75 m. NXW. Melbourne. Glenmaggie, tn., Victoria, 128 ni. E. Melbourrn.-. Glen Major, vil., Ontiirio, co. Ontaiio, 6^ m. from Myrtle.- Glen Meyer, vil., Ont;irio, 21 m. from Simcoe. Glen Mills, iiaui., Pennsylvania, in Delaware co. Glen Moore, vil., Pennsylvania, iu Chester co. Glen More nan Albln or Great Glen of Scotland, extends 60^ ni. NE. and SW. from Loch Liunlie to Moray Firth. Glen Moriston, val., Ross and Inverness, falls E. to Loch Ness. Glen Morris, vil., Ontario, co. Braut, 6 ni. ftoni Gait. Glen Muick, valley, Aberdeenshire, trends NE. to R. Dee. Glen Mnrray, vil., Quebec, 50 m. from Quebec. Glennamaddy, vil., Ireland, co. Gal way. 9 m. SE. Dunmore. Glen Nevis, valley. Inverness, trends to Loch Eil. Glen Nevia, vil., Ontario, 26 ni. from Cornwall. Glenaie Island, Great, Victoria, off SW. coast of co. Buln-Buln. Glenn Magna, par. and vil., CO. and 7 in. SE. Leicester. Glenn Magna, tnslip. and ry. stn., 4 m. SW Leicester. Glenn Springs, vil. and tushp., S. Carolina, Spartanburg co. Glen Oak, S'z't., Ontario., co. Middlesex, 3 m. from Longwood. Glen Ogle, rocky pass., Pi-rthshire, at head of Loch Earn. Glenogra, par , Ireland, co. Limerick, 3 \\\. NW. Bruff. Glenora, vil., Britisli Columbia, at head of Stickeen R. Glen Orchard, set., Ontario, co. Sinicoe, 21 in. from Gravenhurst. Glen Orchy, S(*otlanl, Argyllsliire, trends SW. to lower Loch Awe. Glenorchy, tnshp., New Zealand, co. Lake. Glenorohy, In., Tosiiiauia, 5 ni. from Hobart. Glenorchy, tnshp., Victoria, 1S9 ni. NW. Melbourne. Glenore, tii., Tasmania, 28^ m. SW. Lannceston. Glen Osmond, vil., S. Australia, 4 in. SE. Adelaide. Glenpirk, tnshp., Victoria, 116 in. NW. Melbourne. Glen Proaen, valley, Forf irshire, falls to R. South Est. Glen Quaich, valley, Pertlisliire, on R. Quaich, falls to L. Freuchie. 61?n Quoich, valley, Aberdeenshire, on Quoich Water. Glen Quoich, valley, luverness-shire, falls to Loch Quoich. Glen Riddle, vil., Pennsylvania, Delaware Co., on Chester Creek. Glen Road, set., Nova Scotia, 7 m. from Antigonish. Glen Robertson, vil., Ontario, 20 ni. by rail from Lancaster. Glen Rock, vil. and tnshp., Nebraska, Nemaha co. Glen Rock, borough, Pennsylvania, in York co. Glen Roaa, valley, Arran Island, Scotland, descends to Brodick Bay. Glen R039, vil., Texas, cap. of Soinerville co. Glenrowan, tnshp., Victoria, 136 ni. N!5. Mi Ibonrne. Glen Roy, valley, Inverness-shire, E. of Loch Lochy. Glenroy, tnshp., S. Australia, so ni. due E. of Lake Hawdon. Gl3n Sandfleld, set., Ontario, 16 m. from Lancaster. Glen Sannox, valley, Scotland, Arran Island, below Goat Fell. Glensax Bum, trouting stream, Peeblessliire, flows 7 m. to R. Tweed. Glen's Falls, tn., New York, 60 m. N. Albany. Glen Shee, vil , Ontario, co. Norfolk, 2 m. from Erie. Glen Shee, valley, NE. Perthshire, fills to Ericht Water. Glen Shiel, narrow valley, Ross-shire, on R. Shiel. Glen Small, set., Ontario, co. Grenville, 3 in. from Spencerville. Glen Stewart, set., Ontario, CO. Dnudas, 9 m. from Iroquois. Glen Sutton, vil., Quebec, co. Brome, 8 in. NE. Richford. Glen Tarken, valley, Perthshire, on N. siile of Loch Earn. Glen Tay or AdamsvUle, vil., Ontario, 3 m. from Perth. Glentham, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 7^ m. NW. Market Rasen. Glenthompson, tuslip., Victoria, 198^111. W. Melbourne. Glentiea, vil., Ireland, Co. Donegal, on R. Owenea. Glen Tilt, valley, Perthshire, falls to R. Garry at Blair Athol. Glen Union, vil., Pennsylvania, in Clinton co. Glennrquhart, plac«», Inverness-shire, 7 m. W. Drumnadrochit. Glenvale, tnshp., Victoria, 28 m. NE. Melbourne, GlenvUle, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, in Russell co. Glenville, vil., Connecticut, in Fairfield co. Glenville, vil., Ireland, co. Cork, 7 in. SW. Rathcormac. Glenville, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, in Adair co. Glenville, vil., Maryland, in Harford co. Glenville, ham. and tnshp., Nebraska, in Clay co. Glenville, vil. and tnshp., New York, Schenectady co. Glenville, vil.. New York, in Westchester co. Glenville, vil., Ohio, in Cuyahoga co. Glenwhirry, par., Ireland, co. Antrim, 6 lii. E. Ballymena. Glenwood, tn., Iowa, cap. of Mills co. Glenwood, vil., Illinois, in Cook co. Glenwooi, vil., Indiana, in Rush co. Glenwood, vil., Kansas, in Johnson co., on Missouri R. Glenwood, vil., Maryland, Howard co. Glenwood, vil., Massachusetts, in Middlesex co. Glenwood, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, cap. of Pope co. Glenwood, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Schuyler Co. Glenwood, \ il.. New Jersey, iu Sussex cj. Glenwood, vil., New York, in Erie co. Glenwood, vil., New York, in Queen's co. Glenwood, vil., Pennsylvania, in Alleghany co. Glenwood, vil., Pennsylvania, in Susquehanna co- GlenwDod, vil. and tushp., Utah, inSe\ierco. Gletness, North and South, 2 isls., Shetland, 6 m. N. of Lerwick. Glimakra, vil., Sweden, in Christianstads Ian. Glin, spt. vil., Ireland, co. Limerick, 8 m. SW. Foynes. Glina, vil., Croatia-Slavonia, 30 in. ESE. Kailstadt. Gliniany, vil., Austria, Galicia, 15 ni. W. ZIoczow. GUniany, small tn., Russia, in gov. of Radom. Glinsk, vil., Russia, gov. Pndolia, 35 m. N. Vinnitza. Glinsk, tn., Russia, gov, Poltava, 10 in. SW. Roniny, Clinton, par. and vil., Northamptonshire, 3 m. SE. Market Deeping. Globe, vil., Arizona, in Pinal co. Silver and copper mines. Globe Village, vil., Massacliusetts, co. Worcester. Glogau, Gross, ft. tn., Prussian Silesia, 31 in. N. Liegnitz. P. 20,027. Glogau, Ober, tn., Prussian Silesia, 13 m. ENE. Neustadt. Glogovatz, tn., Hungary, 4 m. E. of Arad. Glome], vil., France, C6tes-du-Nord, 4 m. WSW. Rostrennen. Glommen, riv., Norway, flows 280 m, to the Skager Rack. Glons, vil., Belgium, prov. Liege, on R. Geer. Gloppen, vil., Norway, 100 m. NNE. Bergen. Glossop. num. bor., Derbyshire, 13 m. SE. Manchester. Gloucester, city and port, Engl., on R. Severn, 114 in. NW. London. Pop. 39,444. Gloucester, tn.. New S'^uth Wales, 154 m. N. Sj-dney. Gloucester, spt. city, Massachusetts, 28 in. NNE. Boston. P. 24,651. Gloucester City, vil., New Jersey, Camden co., on Delaware R. Gloucester or Cunningham's Station, vd,, Ontario, 10 in, from Ottawa. Gloucester, Cape, Queensland, N, Kennedy district. Gloucester House, Ontario, on R. Albany. Gloucester Island, Queensland, off coast of N. Kennedy. Gloucester River, New South Wales, falls into the Manning R. Gloucestershire, a W. CO. of England. Area 1225 sq. m. Pop. 599,971. Glover, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, in Orleans co. Gloversville, tu., New York, 53 in. NW. Albany. Pop. 13,796. Glozsan, vil., Hungary, co. Bacs, 14 m. W. Neusatz, Gluchov, tu., Russia, 130 in. ENE. Chernigov. Fop. 16,440. Gltickstadt. tn,, Prussia, on R, Elbe, 29 ni, NW. Hamburg. Gluiras, vil , France, Anieche, 6 m. NE. St. Pierreville. Gluahurn, tnsbp. and vil., Yorkshire. 4 m. S. Skipton. Gluss Isle, peitiii., on Mainland, Shetland, E. side of GIuss Vos. Glycorrwg, par. and tnslip., Glamur;^an, 8 lu. NE. Nealli. Clyde, River, Ireland, co. Louth, flows F. to Dundalk Bay. Glyder-fach and Glyder-fawr, 2 pt-aks, Wales, 3250 and 3275 ft. Glydyfrdwy, ecrl. and ry, fetu., Slerionetli, 3 in. E. Corweu. Glyme, River, Oxfordshire, flows 8 m. to tlie Evenlode. Glyn, place with slate quarries, Carmarthensh., 3 m. NW. Llanberis. Glynde, jiar. and vil , Sussex, 3 in. SE. Lewes. Glyndon, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Clay co. Glynn, par. and vil,, Ireland, co. and 2 m. S. Lame. Glyn Neath, vil. and ry. stn., Glamoigan, 12 in. NE. Neath. Glyntaf, eecl. dist. and ham., Glamorgan, 5 m. W. Caerphilly. Glyn-Traian, tnshp., Denbighshire, 3^ m. SE. Llangollen. Gmiind. tn., Wiirteinbei-g, 20 m. S\V. EllwangLMi. Pop. 15,321. Gmunden, tn., Upper Austria, on Lake of Traun. Gnadenhutten, vil,, Ohio, CO. and on R. Tuscarawas. Gnarpurt, Lake, Victoiia, N. of I-ake Coranganiite. Gnesen, tn., Prussia, 44 in. SSW. Bromberg. Pop. ie,7B7. Gnezda, free tn., Hungary, dist. an\ m. NNE. Reigate. GodBtow, vil., England, co. and 3J m. NW. Oxford. Godthaab, vil., Greiiiland. on Davis Strait. Lat. 63° 50' N. Goeree, i->l., S. Holland, in the delta of the Meuse. Goes ur Ter Goes, tn., Netherlands, on S. Beveland I. GocB, tn., Portugal, dist. and 18 m. E. Coinibra. Goffatown, vil. and tnshp.. New Hanipsliire, Hillsborough co. Oogar \ it. and ry. .sfn., Scotland, 5* lu. \V. Edinburgh. Ooggingen, vil., Bavaria, sj m. SW. Augsburg. Ooghat, vil., Hugli di.strict, Bengal. Lat. 22° 53' N. Goginlan, lead mines, Cardiganshire, 7^ m. NE. Aberystwith. Gog Magog Hi Ua, England, 4 m. SE. Cambridge. Gogo or Gogha, s|'t., Bninbay, on Gulfof Canibay. Gogolcv, vil., Kussia, g'-v. Chernigov, 35 m. SE. Oster. Goiolin, vil., Prussian Silesia, 13 m. W. Gross-Strelitz. Gogra, riv., India, th'ws 600 m. to the Ganges at Chapra. Gognnda, tn., Udaipur sta*e, Rajputana, 2750 ft. above sea. Gohad, In., Gwalior state, Central India, 60 m. SE. Agra. Gohana, tn., Rotitak dist., Punjab, India. Gohelwar, dir., Kathiawar, Bombay, on Gulf of Canibay. Gohfeld, vil., Westphalia, circle and 9 m. EN'E. Herford. GohliB, a N. suburb of Leijjzig, Saxony. Pop. 12,996, Goll, Loch, Argyllshire, left arm of Loch Long. Goisem, vil.. Upper Austria, 23 m. SW. Gnuinden. Golto, tn., Italy, prov. Mantua, 4 ni. S. Volta. Gojam, dist. of S. Abyssinia, in Andiara. "^-at. 10-11° N, Gojana, tn , Brazil, state ofParahiba. Gokak, til,, Bombay, dist. and 42 m, NE, Bclgaum. Gokam, tn., Bombay, N. Kanara dist., mm, N. Kumta. Goktchal- Sevan, lake, Transcaucasia, NE, Erivan, 47 ni. by 12 m, Ookul, tn., Muttra dist., NW. Prov«., India, on Junnia R, Gola, tn., Gonikhpur dist,, NW. Provs., India. Oolaghat, vil., Sibsagar dist., Assam, India. Gola laland, NW. co. Donegal, near Gwecdore Bay. Golbome, juir. and vil., Lanc;ishire, 5J ni. SE. Wigan. Oolcar. turthp, and vil,, Yorkshire, 3 ra. S\V. IIu'e. Bender Abbas. Gomel, tn., Russia, gov. and 130 m. S. Mobilev, on R. Soj. Gomera,, Canary Islands. Lat. 28' 5' 40" N., long. 17" 7' 37" W. Gomersal, tnshp., Yorksliire, 5 m. SE. Bradford. Gomesende, com., Spain, prov. Orense, on R. Deva. Gometra, vil, and fishing stn., Argyllsliire, on W. side of Ulva I. Gommegnies, tn., France, dep. Nord, 4 m. NE. Quesnoy. Gommern, In., Prussian Saxony, 9 m. E. Magdeburg. Gomshall, vil., lilngland, Surrey, 5 m. SW. Dorking. Gomul Pass and River. ^^:c Gumal. Gonaivea, Les, spt, tn., Haiti, W. Indies. Lat. 19" 27' N,, 72" 43' W. Gonars, vil,, Italy, prov. Udine, 4 ra. W. Palnianova. Gonave, La, isl., W. Indies, depend, of Haiti, Lat. 19° N., long. 73° W. Gonda, dist., Faizabad div., Oudh, India. Gonda, chief tn,, hdqrs. of above. Lat. 27° 7' N., long. 82'E. Gonda, tn., Partab^'arli dist., Oudh, India, 2 m. from Bela. Gondal, native state, Kathiawar, Bombay. Ar. 687 sq. m. P. 135,604. Gondal, cap. of above state. Lat. 21° 57' 30" N., long. 70° 53' E. Gondar, tn. and cap. of Abyssinia. Lat. 12" 36' 10" N., long. 32" 49' E. Gondelsheim, vil., Germany, in Baden, 4 m. NW. Bretten. Gondiswyl, vil., Switzerland, canton Bern, 6 m. SE. Aarwangen. Gondokoro, ruined vil., Soudan, on U. Nile, ly ni. S. Lado. Gondomar, Com., Sj>ain, prov. Pontevedra, 9 \\\. S. Vigo. Gond-iunri, esLite, liliandara dist.. Central Pi'ovs., ludia. Gondwana. tract of couuti-y. Central Provs., India. Gonerby, Great, par. and vil., Engl., Lincolnsh., 2 ra. NW. Grantham. Gonesse, tn., France, Seinc-et-Oise, n m. NE, Paris. Gonfaron, tn., France, deji. Var, 8 ni. SE. Besse. Gonflrth, vil., Scotland, Mainland, Shetland, 3 in. SW. Voe. Gongolgon, liishp.. New South Wales, 464 m. W. Sydney. Gonikoppal, tnshji., Coorg, India, 10 m. from Vera.ieudrapett. Goniondz, tn., Russia, gov. Grodno, 32 m. NW. Bialystok. Gonn, tnshp.. New South Wales, on borders of Victoria. Gonnoflfanadiga, vil., Sardinia, 21 m. NE. Iglesias. Gonobltz, vil., Anstiia, in Styria, 11 m. NE, Cilty. Gonor, ry. stn., Maiiiinlja, Can.ada, 15 in. E. Winnipeg, Gontenschwyl, vil., Switzerland, Aarg.'iu, 2^ ni. S. Kulni. Gonzaga. vil,, Italy, prov. and 18 m.S. Mantua. Gonzales, vil., California, in Monterey co. Gonzales, vil., Texas, cap. of Gonzales co., on Guadalupe R. Goobong, tnshp., N. 8, Wales, co. Ashburnhain, on Gooboug Creek. Oooburrum, set., Queenslaml, 4^ m. N. Bundaberg. Good Corner, vil.. New Brunswii-k, 16 m. from Woodstock. Goodell, vil., Pennsylvania, McKean co. Also called State Line. GoodenoughBay, New Guinea, between Capo Vogel aiul E;ist Cape, Goodenough Island, New Guinea, in D'Eutrecasteaux Archipelago. Oooderham, vil., Ontfl-iio, co, and 14 m. from Halilmiton, Good Ground, vil.. New York, Sulfolk co,, on Shiuuecock Bay. Good Hope, vil. and tnshp., Georgia, in Walton co. Good Hope, vil., Illinoi.s, in McDonongh co. Good Hope, vjl. and tnshp., Mississippi, in Walton co. Good Hope, Cape of, S. Africa. I^at. 34" 22' S., long. 18° 29' E. Gooding's Grove, vil., Illinois, Will co., 22 m. SW. Chicago. Goodland, vil., Indiana, Newton co., 40 m. W. Logansport. Goodlettsville, vil., Tennessee, Davidson co., 12 m. N. Nashville, Goodman, vil., M ississijipi, Holnn-s Co., 51 m. NNE. Jackson. Goodmanbam, par. and \ il., Yorkshire, 1 J m. NE, Market Weighton. Goodna, ry. sin., Qiieenslant par , E. Sulf. Ik, a S. suburb of Gt. Tarniouth. Gorlice, tn., Austria, in Galicia, 2Din. ENE. Neu-Saudec. Gorlitz, tn., Prussian Silesia, 52 ni. W. Liegnitz. Popt 61,963. Gormanstown, ry. stn., Ireland, co. Meatli, 2^ m. NW. Baloriggan. Gormley, vil , Ontario, CO. York, 23 m. from Toronto. Gorochovez, tn., Russia, gov. Vladimir, on Petersburg and Warsaw Ry. Gorodetskoi, Cape, 011 W. coast of White Sea. Lat. 67' 41' \" N. Gorodnia, tn., Russia, gov. and 35 m. NE. Chernigov. Gorodok, tn., Russia, gov. and 20 m. NNW. Vitebsk. Goro Island, Fiji I.slands, between Viti Levn and Tuviuni. Goroke, tn., Victoria, 275 m. NW. Melbourne. Gorontalo, residency and vil., in N. of Celebes Island, E. Indie.s. Goro Sea, Fiji, between Viti Lfvu and the Eastern Group. Gorran, par. and vil., Cornwall, 5 m. SE. Tregony. Gorran Haven, coast vil. with pier, Cornwall, \\ m. NE. Dodman Pt, Oorrie or Howick, vil., Ontario, co. Huron, on Maitland R. Gorriti, isl., Uruguay, at entrnnce to Maldonado Bay. Gorslas, eccl. dist., Wales, in Carmarthenshire. Gorsael, vil., Netherlands, 5 m. N. Zutphen. Gort, tn., Ireland, co. Galway, 17A m. S. Athenry. Gortin, vil., Irtdand, co. Tyrone, on R. Nagle. Gorton, tnshp., Lancashire, a SE. suburb of JIanchester. Gortroe, par., Ireland, co. Car. and ry. stn., co. and 6 ni. SW. Huntingdon. Graffltfnana, vil., Italy, i)rov. Milan, g m, S. Lodi. Orafrath, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 4 m. NE. Solingen. Grafton, vil. and tnshp., Caliroriiia, Yolo co., ou Sacramento R. Grafton, ^il., Dakota, cap. of Walsh co. Grafton, vil., Illinois, Jersey co., on Mississippi R. GraitoD, vil. and, tnshp., Massachusetts, Worcester co. Grafton, vil., Michigan, in Monroe co. Grafton, vil. and tnshp., Nebraska, in Fillmore co. Grafton, tiishp., vil,, witli mica quarries, New Hampshire, Grafton co. Grafton, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Lorain co., on Black R. Grafton, set., Nova Scotia, Queen's co., 40 m. from Liverpool. Grafton, vil., Nova Scotia, King's CO., 36 m. from Windsor. Grafton, vil., New Brunswick, on St. John R., i m. from Woodstock. Grafton or Haldimand, vil., Ontario, 77 m. E. Toronto. Grafton, vil., Pennsylvania, in Huntingdon co. Grafton, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, in Windham co. Grafton, vil, and tnshp., West Virginia, cap. Taylor CO., on Valley R. Grafton, vil. and tnshp,, Wisconsin, in Ozaukee co. Grafton, city, New South Wales, 350 m, NE. Sydney. Grafton, Cap'e, Queen.slaud, dist. Cuok, on S. side of Trinity Bay. Grafton, East, eccl. dist. and ham.. Great Bedwin par., S. Wilts. Grafton Regis, jiar. and vil., Northamptonshire, 4^ ni. SE. Towcester. Grafverefors, vil., Sweden, in Oesterg. Doubs, 2.} m. S. Mortcau. Grand Combe, La, com., France, dep. Gard, 8 in. NNW. Alais. Grand Coteau, vil., Louisiana, St. Landry parish. H 113 GRA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER GRA Orand Coulee, ry. sto., Assiniboia, 366 m. W. Winnipeg:. Grand- Couronne, tn., France, Seine-lnferieure, 7 m. SW. Rouen. Grand-Croix, La, tn., France, dep. Loire, on R. Gier. Grand Crossing, vil., Illinois, Cook CO., forms part of Hyde Park. Grand Detour, vil. and tushp., Illinois, Ogle Co., on Rock R. Grande-Anse, tn., on S. coast Desirade I., French W. Indies. Grande Anse, vil., on N. coast. Martinique I., West Indies. Grande-Bergeronne, set., Quebec, CO. Saguenay, on St. La«Tence. Grande -Capuc in. vil., Qiielwc, co. Gaspe, 39 in. from Matane. Grande-Etang, vil., Quebec, CO. Gaspe, 86 m. from Ste. Anne des Grande-Greve, vil., Quebec, on X. side of Gasp6 Bay. Grande-Joggiu, set., Nuva 8cotia, co. and 2 ni. from Digby. Grande-Ligne or Colebrook, vil , Quebec, 33 m. from Montreal GrandePabo3, vil., Quebec, Gaspe CO., 30 ni. from Perce. Grande Ronde River, Orot^on, falls into the Snake or Lewis R. Grande Ronde, The, valley, Oregon, Union co. Fine scenery-. Grande-Terre, p:irt of Guadeloupe I., French W. Indies. Grande Terre Island, Louisiana, in Barataria Bay. Grande Valine. viL, Qiifbec, Gaspe CO., on Gulf of St. Lawrence. Grand Falls, New Brunswick, on St. John R., 225 m. from sea. Grand Falls rtr Colebrooke, tn.. New Brunswick, on St. John R. Grand Falls Portage, set., New Brunswick, 7 m. from above. Grandfather Mountain, N. Carolina, Watauga co., 5900 ft. Grand Forks, vil., Dakot.T, cap. of Grand Forks co., on Red R. Grand Freniere, set., Quebec, in Two Mountains co. Grand Glade, \\\., IIliii.>is, in Crawford co. Grand Gorge, vil., New York, Delaware co. Grand Golf, vil., Mississippi, on Jlississippi R. Lat. 32° N., 91" W. Grand Harbour, vil.. Grand Manan L, New Brunswick. Grand Haven, city, Michigan, Ottawa co., on L. Michigan. Grand Havre, bay, on NW. coast of Guernsey, Channel Islands. Grandholm, vil., Aberdeenshire, on R. Don, near Woodside. Grandigue, set.. New Brunswick, co. Kent, 7 m. from Shediac. Grandigne Ferry, set.. Nova Scotia, in co. Richmond. Grandiscole. vil., Shetland, on W. coast of Bressay Island. Grand Island, vil. and tnshp., California, on Sacramento R. Grand Island, vil., Nebraska, cap. of Hall co., on Platte R. Grand Island, New York, in R. Niagara, above the Falls. Grand Island, Quebec, Soulanges co., in R. St. Lawrence. Grand Isle, vil., Louisiana, on Grande Terre Island. Grand Isle. Michigan, in Lake Michigan, 15 m. by 7 m. Grand Junction, vil., Iowa, in Greene co. Grand Junction, hamlet, Michigan, in Van Buren co. Grand Junction, tn.shp. and ry. stn., S. Australia, 6 m. N. Adelaide. Grand Junction, vil., Tennessee, in Hardeman co. Grand Junction Canal, unites Oxford Canal with Thames, 90 m. long. Grand Lac Jacques Cartier, Quebec, Montmorency co. Grand Lake, QuL'bec, wlience issues the Bastonnais R. Grand Lake, Newfoundland. Length 60 m. by 5 m. Grand Lake, Nova Scotia, 23 m. N. of Halifax, 8 m. long. Grand Lake, New Brunswick, co. Sunbury, 25 m. by 6 m. Grand Lake, vil,, Arkansas, in Cliicot co. Grand Lake, viL, Colorado, in Grand co. . Grand "r Schoodie Lake, Slaine, bordering on New Brunswick. Grand Lake Ha I Ha I, Quebec, in Chicoutimi co. Grand Lake Stream, vil., Maine, in Washington co. Grand Ledge, vil., Michigan, Eaton co., on Grand R. Grand-Lieu, lake, France, Loire-Inferieure, 9 m. SW. Nantes. Grand Manan, isl.. New Brunswick, lying otf NE. coast of Maine. Lit. 44' 42' N., long. 66° 50' W. Length 20 m. by 5 m. Grand ManitouUn, isl., Ontiirio, in N. of Georgian Bay. Grand Meadow, \\\. and tnshp., Minnesota, in Mower co. Grand Mira North, vil.. Nova Scotia, Cape Breton co. Grand Mound, vil., Iowa, in Clinton co. Grand Narrows, set.. Nova Scotia, in Victoria co. Grandola. tn., Portugal, dist. Lisbon, on R. Corona. Grand Piles, ry. stn., Quebec, 30 m. N. Three Rivers. Grand Portage, vil., Minnesota, in Cook co. Grand Prairie, vil., Kansas, in Brown co. Grand Prairie, ^il., I.iitiisiana, in Plaquemines parish. Grand Pre or Lower Horton, vil., Nova Scotia, King's co. Grand Rapids, city,, cap. Kentco., on Grand R. P. 60,278. Grand Rapids, vil., Ohio, in Wood co. Grand Rapids, city, Wisconsin, cap. of Wood CO., on Wisconsin R. Grand Ridge, vil., Illinois, in La Salle co. Grandrieu, vil., France, dep. Lozere, 30 m. NNE. Meude. Grandris, vil., France, dep. Rhone, ai m. SSW. La Mure, Grand River, Colorado and Utah, affluent of Green R. Grand River, Dakota, falls into the Missouri R. Grand River, Michigan, falls into L. Michigan, at Grand Haven. Grand Biver, Mississippi, falls into Missouri R,, at Brunswick. Grand River, vil., Mississippi, Gentry co., on Grand R. Grand River, Ohio, falls into Lake Erie at Fairport. Grand River, Ontario, flows 130 m. SE. to Lake Erie. Grand River, Quebec, Gaspe CO., falls into Chaleur Bay. Grand River, set., New Brunswick, co. Victoria, Grand River, set.. Nova Scotia, in co. Richmond. Grand River City, vil., Michigan, in Eaton co. Grandson r.r Grandsee, vil., Switz., on L. of Neuchfitel. Lat. 46" 48' N. Grand Surrey Canal, from the Thames at Rotherhithe to Camberwell. Grand Tower, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Jackson co., on Mississippi. Grand Traverse Bay, Michigan, opening off Lake Michigan. Grand Trunk Canal, Ciifshire, .Stafford, and Derby, 93 m. long. Grandtully, ry. stn., Perthshire, on R. Tay, 4? m. NE. Aberfeldy. Grand Union Canal, Leicestershire and Northamptonshire, 45 m. long. Grand Valley, vil., Pennsylvania, in Warren co. Grand View, vil. ami tnshp., Illinois, Edgar co. Grand View, vil., Indiana, Spencer CO., on Ohio R. Grand View, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, in Louisa co. Grand View, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Washington co, on Ohio R. Grand View, vil., Te.^as, in Johnson co. Grandvillars, vil., France, Haut-Rhin, 3 m. NW. Delle. Grandville, vil., Michigan, Kent CO., on Grand R. Grand Western Canal, Devon and Somerset, 23 m. long. Grane, spt., Arabia, near N. extremity of Persian Gulf. Graney, par., Ireland, co. Kild;ire, 1 m. SE. Castledermot. Grangarde, iron-mining place, Sweden, Kopparberg Ian. Grange, vil., Dorset, in Purbeck Isle, 3A m. SW. Wareham. Grange or Grench, tnshp., Kent. 2^ m. NE. Chatham. Grange, local gov. dist., Lancashire, on Morecambe Bay. Grange, p;ir. and ry. stn.. Scotland, co. and i6i ni. SW. Banff. Grange, par., Ireland, co. and 2 m. N. Armagh. Grange, vil., S. co. Cork, in Carrigaline parish. Grange, vil. and ry. stn., co. Kilkenny, 7^ m. NW. Waterford. Grange, par., mid Galway, 5 ro. S. Woodlawn ry. stn. Grange, vil., Ireland, co. ando m. N. Sligo, on R. Banduff. Grange or Lisgenan, par., CO. Waterford, 7 m. NE. Y'oughal. Grange Court Junction, ry. stn., CO. and 7^ m. SW. Gloucester. Grangeford, par., N. CO. Carlow, 4 m. N\V. TuUow. Grange Lane, ry. stu., Yorkshire, 5^ m. N. Shetlitrld. Grangemouth, spt, Scotland, on Firth of Forth, 3 m. NE. Falkirk. Granger, vil., Minnesota, in Fillmore co. Granger, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, in Medina co. Granger, vil., Wisconsin, in Dunn co. Grange Road, ry. stn., E. Sussex, 3 m. SW. East Grinstead. Granges, \il., France, dep. Vosges, 6 m. SW. Corcieux. GrangesUvia, par., E. co. Kilkenny, on R. Burrow. Grange Town, ry. stn. and SW. suburb of Carditf, Glamorgan. Grangeville, vil., California, in Tulare co. Granite, vil., Colorado, cap. of Chaffee co. Granite, vil., Virginia, Chesterfield co., on James R. Granite Creek, tin-mining dist., Queensland. Lat. 19° 32' S., 146° 16' E. Granite Falls, vil., Minnesota, cap. of Yellow Medicine co. Granitevllle, vil., California, in Nevada co. Graniteville, vil., Massachusetts, Middlesex co. Granitevllle, vil , Rhode Island, Providence co. GranitevfUe, vil.. South Carolina, Aiken co. Graniti, vil., Sicily, prov. Messina, 15 m. S. Castroreale. Granja, tn.. Brazil, state Ceara, 200 m. WNW. Fortaleza. Granja de Torrehermosa, tn., Spain, 35 m. S. Badajoz. Granollers, tn.. Spain, 18 in. NE. Barcelona. Granozzo con Monticelli, vil.. Italy. 8 m. S. Novara. Gran Sasso d'ltalia, mtn., Italy, in Apennines. Alt. 9581 ft. Gransden, Great, par. and vil., Huntingdonshire, 7 m. SE. St. Neots. Gransee, tn., Prussia, 43 m. NNE. Potsdam. Gransmoor, tnshp., Y'orkshire, 7 m. NE. Driffield. Grant, vil., Ontario, co. and 13m. from Rvissell. Grant, tn., Victoria, co. Dargo, 220 m. NE. Melbourne. Grant, vil., Colorado, Park co. Has silver mines. Grant, vil.. New York, in Herkimer co. Grant or Cherry Tree, borough, Pennsylvania, Indiana co. Grant, Point, Victoria, Philip I., at entry to Western Port. Grantcbeater, par. and vil., England, co. and 2^ m. SW. Cambridge. Grant City, vil., Iowa, Sac Co., on Raccoon R. Grant City, vil., Missouri, cap. of Worth co. Grant Fork, vil., Illinois, Madison co. Grantham, pari, and niun. bor.,co. and 25 m. SW. Lincoln. Grantham and Nottingham Canal, England, 30 m. long. Grant Island, N. Ter., S. Australia, off De Courcy Head. Grant Isle, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Aroostook co., on St. John R, Grantley, tnshp., Yorkshire, sim. SW. Ripon. Grantley. vil., Alabama, in Cleburne co. Grantley, vil., Ontario, co. Dundas, 11 in. from Aultsville. Granton, spt, on Firth of Forth, 2I m. NW. Edinburgh. Granton. vil., Ontario, co. Middlesex, 108 m. W. Toronto. Granton, tnshp.. Victoria, co. Anglesey, on Acheron R. Grantown, nikt. tn., Elginshire, 23^ m. S. Forres. Grant Park, vil., Illinois, in Kankakee co. Grant River, Wisconsin, falls into the Mississippi. Grantsburg, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, cap. of Burnett co. Grantshouse, ham., Berwickshire, 16 m. NW. Berwick-on-Tweed. Grant's Milla, vil., Ontario, co. Grenville, 7 m. from Spenc^rville. GrantsTlUe. vil. and tnshp., Maryland, Garrett co. Grantaville, vil. and tnshp.. Missouri, Linn co. Grantsville, vil., W. Virginia, cap. of Calhoun co. Grantville, vil., Alabama, Cherokee co. GrantvlUe, vil., Connecticut, Litchfield co. Grantville, vil., Georgia, Coweta co. Gold mining. Grantville, \il., Pennsylvania, Dauphin co. Grantville. tnshp., Victoria. Lat. 38° 2^' S., long. 145' 25' E. Granville, tn., France, dep. Manche. Lat. 48^ 50' N., long. 1° 36' W. Granville, vil., Ireland, co. Tymne, 2 m. S. Dungannon. Granville, vil., Pr. Edward I., Queen's co , 18 ni. from Summerside. Granville, vil., British Columbia, on Burrard Inlet. Granville, vil. and tnshp., New York, Washington co. Granville, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Licking co., on Raccoon Creek. Granville, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, iu Putnam co. Granville, vil., Indiana, in Delaware co. Granville, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Mifllin co. Granville, tnshp. and ry. stn., New South Wales, 13 m. W. Sydney. Granville Centre, vil., Pennsylvania, Bradford co. Granville Comers, vil,, Massachusetts, Hampden co. Granville Ferry, vil.. Nova Scotia, opposite Annapolis. Granya, tn., Victoria. Lat. 36° 15' S., long. 147° 20' E. Grao de Valencia, spt., Spain, at mouth of the Guadalaviar. Grapeland. ^il,, Texas, in Houston co. Grapevine, vil., Texas, in Tarrant co. Graphite City, set., Quebec, co. Ottawa, q m. from Buckingham. Grappenhall, par. and tnshp. , mid Cheshire, on Bridgwater Canal. Grasby, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 3 m. NW. Caistor. I^t. 53° 32' N. Graslitz, vil., Bohemia, circle and 21 m. NE. Eger. Lat. 50^ 21' N. Grasmere, lake and vil., Westmorland. 3^ m. NW. Ambleside. Grass, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, in Spencer co. Grassano, vil,, Italy, 26 m. W. Matera. I^t. 40° 38' N., 16" 16' E. Grasscroft, vil., Yorkshire, in Rochdale parish. 114 GRA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER GEE Orasfie, til., Frniicc, Alpes-Maritimes. Lat. 43" 3?' 2S" N., 6" 54' E. Grassendale, tx'cl- dist., Lancashire, 4J ni. SE. Liverpool. GraBset, ry. stii,, Ontario, 590m. W. UtUwa. Groaa Holm, isl., Orkney, otl W. coast of .Sliapinshay I. Graasington, tnshp., Yorkshire, on II. Wliarfe, %\ m. N. Skipton. Grass Lake, vil. and tnslip., JJiclii^an, Jackson co. Orassmoor, hill, Cumberland, on E. side of Cruiniaock Water. Grass Valley, vil. and Inshp., California, Nevada co. Gold mines. Grateful Creek, Queensland, in Burke district. Grately, jar. and vil., N. Hants, 6i in. S\V. Andover Junction. Grate's Cove, set., Newfoundland, at entrance to Trinity Uay. Gratiot, \\\., Ohio, Licking and Muskini,'uni cos. Gratiot, Vil. and tnshp., Wiscunsin, Lafayette CO. Gratahanitza, tn., Bosnia, circle of Svornik. Grattan, vil, and tnshp., Michigan, in Kent CO. Gratteri, vil., Sicily, circle and 9 m. SW. of Cefalu. Gratz, Styria. See Graz. Gratz, tn., Prussia, in Posen, iz m. SW. Buk. Cratz, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Owen co., on Kentucky R. Gratz, Iiorough, Pennsylvania, in Dauphin co. Graubunden, canton, Switzerland. Ate Grisoas. Graudenz, tn., W. Prussia, 18 ni. SSW. Marienwerder. Graa-d'-Orgon, isl., France, In dep. Bouches-du-Rhone. Graulhet, tn., France, dep. Tarn, 12 m. NE. Lavaur. Graun, vil., Tyrol, 30 m. SSW. Iinst. Alt. 4500 ft. above sea. Graupen, tn., Bohemia, 4 ni. W. Teplitz, in Erzgebirge. Grans, \il., Spain, i>rov. Huesca, 17 ni. NE. Barbastro. Grave, ft. tn., Netherlands, 22 ni. ENE. Boisde-Duc. Gravelines, tn., France, dep. Nord, 12 m. WSW. Dunkirk. Gravellona, vil., Italy, jtov. Pavia, 6 m. NE. Mortara. Gravelly Hill, ry. stn., Warwickshire, 2^ m. NB. Birniinghani. Gravelotte, vil., Alsace-Lorraine, 8ni. W. Metz. Battle iSth Aug. 1S70. Gravel River, Ontario, falls into Lake Superior. Gravendeel, vil., S. Holland, 4 m. SSW. Dordrecht. Graveney, par., E. Kent, 2 ni. NE. of Faversham. 'fl Gravenhage, Dutch name of the Hague, q.v. Gravenhanger, vil., Shropshire, 6i m. NE. Market Drayton. Gravenharst, vil., Ontario, on L. Muskoka, 51 in. from Barrie. 's Graveaande, vil., S. Holland, 8 m. W. Delft. Lat. 52° o' 17" N. Gravesend, bor. and spt., Kent, 24 m. E. Loudon. Graville, vil., France, Seine-Inferienre, 2 m. E. Havre. Gravina, city, Italy, prov. Bari, 8 m. W, Altaniura. Gravina, spt., Alaska, in lat. 60' 44' N., long. 145" 46' W. OravolB, Point 4, cape, Haiti. Lat. 18^ i' 3" N., long. 73" 55' ig" W. Gravone or Gravona, riv., Corsica, falls into Gulf of Ajaccio. Gravosa, vil., Dalmatia, on Adriatic. Lat. 42" 38' N., long. 18° 7' E. Gray, tn., France. Ilautc-Saune. Lat. 47' 27' N., long. 5° 36' E. Gray, vil. and tcsliji., Maine, Cumberland co. Gray, vil., New York, in Herkimer co. Oraycrolt Eiver, Tasmania, tributary of Huon R. Grayevo, tn., Kn>:sia, in gov. of Loinza. Gray's Harbour, bay, Wasliington. Lat. 46' 53' N., long. 124° W. Grayson, vil., Calirurnia, Stanislaus co., on San Joaquin R. Grayaon, vil., Kentucky, cap. of Carter co., on Little Sandy R. Grayson Spring Station, vil., Kentucky, Grayson co. Gray's Peak, Culura-ln, in the Rocky Mountains. 14,340 ft. high. Grays Pier, R. Thames, at Fiddlers Reach and Northtleet Hope. Gray's Ridge, vil., Missouri, Stoddart co. Grays ThoiTock, mkt. tn., Essex, 19^ m. SE, London; ry. stn. Grays. Graystock, set., Ontario, co. and 6 m. from Peterbo'"ough. Grayatone, vil., Forfarshire, 7^ m. NW. Arbroath. Graystown, par., Ireland co. Tii'iiciary, 2 m. SW Killenaule. GrayaviUe, vil., Georgia, in Catuusa co. Grayavllle, vil., Penn.sylvania, in Huntingdon co. Grayavllle, vil., Virginia, in Floyd co. Graytown, tn., Victoria. Lat. 36'' 45' S., long. 144° 59' E. Graytown, vil., Ohio, in Ottawa co. Graytown, vil., Texas, Wilson co., cm San Antonio R. GrayviUo, vil., Illin<.is, White Co, on Wabash It. Graz or Gratz, tn., Austria, cap. of Styria, on R. Mnr, 90 ni. SSW. Vienna. Lat. 47" 4' N., long. 15° 26' E. Pop, 106,946. Grazalema, tn., Sjtain, prov. and 55 ni. ENE. Cadiz. Grazzanlse, vil., lUily, prov. and 12 m. W. Casei*ta. Orean, par., Irelanil, in E. of co. Limerick. Greasbrough, tn. ancl tnshp., Yorkshire, 2 in. NW. Rothcrhani. Oreasley, par. and vil., co. and 7 ni. NW. Nottingham. Groat. For many places with this adjective, &et principal names. Great Barltbog River, New Brunswick, falls into Miramichl Bay. Great Barrier Island, New Zealand, l^at 36" 10' 8 , long. 175° 30' E. Great Barrier Reef, Quenisland, fiom Port Bf)wen to Torres Strait. Great Barrlngton, vil. ant;tween Atlantic and Capo May co. Great Exhibition Bxy, New Zealand, E. Coast of Co. Mongonui. Great Falls, vil.. New Hampshire, Stafford Co., on Salmon R. Great Fish River, Canada, flows to Arctic Ocean iu 67" 7' 31" N. Greatford, par. and vil., Lincolnsh., on R. Glen, 6 m. NE. Stamford. Great Foreater River, Tasmania, falls into Anderson Bay. Great Grimsby. .See Grimaby. Greatham, p;ir. ami tn.shp., Durham, 4^ m. SW. West Hartlepool. Great Harbour Deep, fish, stn., Newfoundland, on French shore. Great Harwood, tu, and tnshp., Ijaucashire, 4 m. NE. Blackburn. Great Haywood, vil., England, co, and 5 m. E. Stafford. Great Island, Ireland, in Cork Harbour. Contains Queenstown. Great Island, New Hanipshne, in Portsmouth Harbour. Great Kanawha River, W. Viiginia, falls into the Ohio R. Great Lake, Tasmania, co. Westmoreland, 3822 ft. above sea. Greitlaw, vil., Northumberland, 12 ni. NE. Hexham. Great Malvern. .SVr Malvern. Greatman'a Bay, Galway, between Gornnina I. and mainland. Great Marton, vil., Lancashire, li m. SE. Blackpool. Great Neck, \il., New York, Queen's co. Great North-Eaat Channel, New Guinea, Gulf of Papua. Great Ormea Head, Carnarvonshire, on E. side of Beaumaris Bay. Great Paradise, set. Newfoundland, on W. of Placentia Bay. Great Point, cape, Massachusetts. 41° 23' 22" N., 70° 2' 5" W. Great St, Lawrence, port of entry, Newfoundland, on Placentia Bay. Great Salt Lake, Utah, in NE. part of Great Basin, 70 m. long. Great Salt Lake District, S. Au.stralia, Eyre's Peninsula. Great Sandy y\x Fraaerl., Queensland. Lat. 25° 20' S., 153° 10' E. Great Sea Reef, Fiji, from Viti Levu to Vanua Levu. Great Shemogue nr Bristol, vil., New Brunswick, 20 m. from Shediac. Great Slave Lake, C niada. Lat. 60° 40' N., long. 110° W. Great Slave River, Can;tda, fluws 300 m. to Great Slave Lake. Great South Bay, New York, extending 50 m. along coast of Long I. Great Swan Port, inlet, Tasmania, co. Glamorgan. Great Village, spt., Nova Scotia, on Cobequid Bay. Great Western, vil , Victoria, 16S m. WNW. Melbourne. Lat. 37"io'S. Great Western, QuifUslanii. Bte Wataonville. Great Western Mountains, Tasmania, in centre of island. Great Whale River, Labrador Peninsula, falls into Hudson Bay. Great Wherneide, nitn., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Alt. 2310 ft. Grebenstein, tn., I'russia, Hessen-Nassau, on R. Esse. Greber Head, prom., E. Cornwall, 2 ni. W. of Fowey. Greble, ^■il., Pennsylvania, iu Lebanon co. Grebow, \'il., Austria, in Galicia. Lat. 50° 37' N., long. 21° 57' E. Greci, vil., Italy, prov. Avellino, 9 m. NE. Ariauo. Grecian Archipelago, name given to the islands in the iEgean Sea, Greco Milanese, vil., Italy, circle and 2J m. N. Milan. Greeba, mtn., Isle of Man, 6 m. NW. Douglas. Alt. 1382 ft. Greece, kingdom, SE. Europe. Area 24,976 sq. m. Pop. 2,187,208. Greece, vil. and tnshp.. New York, in Monroe co. Greeley, vil., Colorado, cap. of Weld co., on Cache la Pondre R. Greeley, vil., Iowa, in Delaware co. Greeley, vil., Kansas, in Anderson co. Green, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Mahoning co. P.O. called Greenford. Green, vil., Yorkshire, 6A m. NW. SheHield. Greenalgh with Thistleton, tushp., N. Lancashire, 3 m. KW. Kirkhani, Greenbackville, \\\., Virginia, Accomack co. Greenbank, vil., Westmorland, in par. and 3 m. W. Kendal. Green Bay, Wisconsin, off Lake Michigan, 100 m. long by 15 to 2c in. Green Bay, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, iu Clarke co Green Bay, city Wisconsin, cap. of Brown co. Green Bay, Newfoundland, arm of Notre Dame Bay. Green Bay, sid., Oui;u in, Algoma dist., 7^^ m. from Shcgnindah. Greenburg, ^'il. and tnshp,, New York, Westchester CO. Greenbush, \ il. and (nslip., Illinois, in Warren co. Greenbuflh, ^ il. and tuslip., Michigan, Alcona co. Greenbuah, vil. and tushp., New York, Rensselaer CO. Greenbush, \ il. and tuslip., Wisconsin, Sheboygan co. Greenbuah, vil., Ontario, CO. Leeds, 12 m. from Brockville. Greenbushea, lin-Iicld;^, W. Australia, CO Nelson, N. of Bridgetown. Greencamp, \\\. and tnshp., Ohio, in Marion co. Green Cape, New South Wales, jirotects Disaster Bay on the N, Greencastle, tn., Imliana, cap. of Putnam co, Greencastle, \il., Iowa, Ularshall co. Greencaatle, vil. and tushp., Kentucky, Warren co., on Big Barren R. Greeneiatle, bor,, Pennsylvania, cap. ., Bi'iks, jiartly in borough of Newbury. Green Hammerton, tnshp, and vil., Yorks, 8 m. K. Knaresborough. Green Harbour, fishing set., Newfoundland, on Trinity Bay. 115 GEE THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER GBE Green Hajrbour, set,, Nova Scotia, 17 111. from Shelbnrne. Greenhead, vil. and ry. stn., Northumberland, 3 in. NW. Haltwhistle. Greenhead, vil., Scotland, CO. and 8i m. SE. Dumfries. Greenhead, vil., Fifeshire, 4J m. NW. Kirkcaldy. Greenhill, vil., Derbysbire, 4 m. S. of Sheffield. Greenhill, vil., Dumfriesshire, 3J m. SW. Lockerbie. Greenhill, ry. stn., in W. Falkirk par., 15 in. NE. Glasgow. Greenhills, vil., Ireland, CO. and 4 m. SW. Dublin. Greenhithe, vil., W. Kent, on R. Thames, 2^ m. NE. Dartford. Green Eolm, isl., Shetland, 4^ m. NE. Lerwick. Greenhow Hill, eccl. dist. and vil., Yorks, 3^ m. NE. Pateley Bridge. Greenish, isl., Limerick, in Shannon estuary, at mouth of R. Deel. Green Island, vil., New York, Albany co., on island in Hudson R. Green Island, tn. and ry. stn., New Zealand, co. Taieri. Green Island, New Zealand, off S. coast of co. Fiord. Green Island, Queensland, 10 ni. N. Cape Grafton. Green Island Cove, Newfoundland, near Catalina. Green Lake, British Columbia. Lat. 51° 30' N., long. 121° 10' TV. Greenland, large isl., N. America, belonging to Denmark. Estimated area 850,000 sq. m. Area free of ice 34,015 sq. m. Pop. 10,220. Greenland, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Ontonagon co. Greenland, vil. and tnshp.. New Hampshire, Rockingham co. Green Lane, bor., Pennsylvania, Montgomery co. Greenlaw, tn., Berwickshire, on Blackadder Water, 7J m. SW. Duns. Greenlaw, Edinburghshire, old name for Glencorse, ^.v. Greenleaf, vil., Kansas, in Wasliington co. Greenleaf, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Meeker co. Greenleaf, vil. and tushji., Wisconsin, Brown co. Greenloaning, vil. with ry. stn., Perthshire, 5^ m. NE. Dunblane. Greenly, Lake, S. Australia, in W. of co. Flinders. Greenly Islands, S. Australia, 20 m. SW. Cape Whidbey. Greenmill, vil., Scotland, co. and 5J m. SE. Dumfries. Greenmount, ry. stn., Lancashire, s^vni. NW. Bury. Green Mts., range from Canada through Vermont to Massachusetts. Green Oak, set., Nova Scotia, on Shubenacadie R. Greenock, spt tn.,Scotl., on R. Clyde, 22^ m. NW. Glasgow. P. 63,498. Greenock, tnshp., S. Australia, 45 m. N. Adelaide. Lat. 34° 30' 8. Greenock, vil., Ontario, co. Bruce, 8 m. from Walkerton. Greenodd, vil. and ry. stn., Lancashire, 3^ ni. NE. Ulverston. Greenore, fishing vil. and ry. stn., co. Louth, on S. of Carlingford L. Greenore, headland, Ireland, on S. side of Wexford Bay. Greenough, tn., W. Australia,25i ra. N. Perth. Lat. 28° 26' S., 114" 42' E. Greenough Gronp, mtiis., New South Wales, co. Rankin. Greenough Point, Ontario, in Lake Huron. Lat. 44° 59' N., 81' 34' W. Green Pond, vil., Alabama, in Bibb co., 28 ni. SW. Birmingham. Greenport, port of (.ntry, New Y''ork, on Shelter Island Sound. Green Ridge, vih and tnsli])., Missouri, in Pettis co. Green Ridge, vil.. New Yurk, Richmond co., on Statcn I. Sound, Green River, Colorado and Utah, affl. of Colorado River of the W. Green River, Illinois, flows 120 m, to the Rock R. Green River, Kentucky, jiasses Mammoth Cave and falls into Ohio R. Green River, Massachusttts, rises in Vermontand joins Deerfield R. Green River, Massachusetts and New York, falls into Honsatonic R. Green River, N. Brunswick, falls into R. St. John, below Edmunston. Green River, vil., New Brunswick, Victoria co., on St. John R. Green River, vil., Ontario, co. Ontario, 16 ni. from Whitby. Green River City, vil., Wyondng, cap. of Sweetwater co. Greensborough, vil., Alabama, cap. of Hall co. Greensboro ugh, vil,, Georgia, cap. of Green co. Greensborough, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, Henry co. Greensborough, vil., Marj'land, Caroline co., on Choptank R. Greensborough, vil. and tnshp., Mississippi, Sumner co. Greensborough, bor., Pennsylvania, on Monongahela R. Greensborough, tn., N. Carolina, cap. of Guilford co. Greensborough, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Orleans co. Greensbnrg, vil,, Indiana, in Decatur co. Greensburg, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Green co. Greensbnrg, vil , Louisiana, cap. of St. Helena parish. Greensburg, vil and tnslip., Missouri, in Knox co. Greensbnrg, vil. and tnshp., New Jersey, Mercer co., on Delaware R. Greensburg, vil., Ohio, Trumbull co., on Mosquito Creek. Greensburg. bor., Pennsylvania, cap. of Westmoreland co. Greens Farms, vil., Connecticut, in Fairfield co. Greenside, lead mines, W. Cumberland, 2 m. W. Ullswater. Greeuside. vil., Durham, 3 m. SW. Ryton. Greens -Norton, par. and vil., Northamptonshire, 2m. NW. Towcester. Green's Pond, port of entry, Newfoundland, on Bonavista Bay. Greenaport, vil., Alabama, St. Clair co., on Coosa R. Green Spring, vil., Ohio, in Seneca and Sandusky cos. Greenatead, par., W. Essex, i m. NW. Ongar. Greenstreet Green, \il., W. Kent, 3^ m. SW. Nortlifleet. Greentown, vil., Ohio, Stark co. Coal mines. Greenup, vd. and tnshp., Illinois, in Cumberland co- Greenup, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Greenup co. Greenvale, vil.. Prince Edward I., 13 m. from Charlottetown. Greenview, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Menard co. Greenville, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, cap. of Butler co. Greenville, vil., California, Plumas co. Gold mines. Greenville, vil, and tnshp., Florida, in Madison co. Greenville, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Bond co. Greenville, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, in Floyd co. Greenville, vil., Kentucky, cap. of Mushlenburg co. Greenville, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Piscataquis co., on Mooseliead L. Greenville, city, Michigan, Montcalm co., on Flat R. Greenville, vil , Mississippi, cap. of Washington co. Greenville, vil., Missouri, cap. of WajTie co., on St. Francis R. Greenville, vil. and tnshp.. New Hampshire, Hillsborough co. Greenville, vil. and tnshp.. New Y'ork, in Green co. GreenviUe, vil. and tnslip., North Carolina, c,ip. of Pitt co. Greenville, ry. stn., New Brunswick, 4 m. from Debec Junction. Greenville, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Darke co., on Greenville Creek, Greenville, bor., Pennsylvania, Mercer co , on Shenango R. Greenville, vil., Rhode Island, in Providence co. Greenville, vil. and tnshp., S. Carolina, cap. G. CO., on Reedy R. Greenville, vil., Texas, cap. of Hunt co. Greenway, vil., Ontario, co. Huron, 5^ m. from Parkhill. Greenwich, bor., Kent, on Thames, 4'm. SE. London Bridge. Pop. 78.131. Observatory from which meridians are calculated. Greenwich, vil. and tush])., Connecticut, Fairheld co. Pop. 10,120. Greenwich, ^'il. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Hampshire co.,oa Swift R. Greenwich, vil. and tnshp.. New Jersey, in Cumberland co. Greenwich, vil. and tnslip.. New Y^ork, Washington co. Greenwich Hill, vil.. New Brunswick, King's co., on R. St. John. Greenwich Station, vil., Ohio, in Huron co. Lumber trade. Greenwood, vil., tnshp., Illinois, McHenry Co., Nippersink Creek. Greenwood, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Franklin co. Greenwood, vil., Kentucky, in Pulaski co. Coal mines. Greenwood, vil., Mississippi, cap. of Le Flore co., on Yazoo R. Greenwood, vil. and tnshp., Nebraska, Cass co., on Salt Creek R. Greenwood, vil. and tnshp., New York, Steuben co. Greenwood, vil. and tnshp., S. Carolina, Abbeville co. Greenwood, vil., Ontario, co. Ontario, 9 m. from WhitBy. Greenwood Furnace, vil., Pennsylvania, Huntingdon co. Greenwood Iron Works, handet, New York, in Orange co. Greenwood Lake, vil. and summer resort, New York, Orange co. Greenyards, vil., Scotland, Stirlingshire, i m. E. of Bannockburn. Greese River, Ireland, alHuent of R. Barrow, S. co. Kildare. Greetland, tn. and eccl. disL, Yorkshire, 3 m. SW. Halifax. Grefrath, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 4 m. W. Kempen. Greg Greg, tnshp.. New South Wales, in co. Selwj-n. Gregoriano, deji., Venezuela, in state of Barcelona. Fop. 20,000. Gregory, postal centre, Queensland. Lat. 15° 59' S., long. 144° 16' E. Gregory, Cape, Nt.'wfuundland, St. George's Bay district. Gregory, Lake, S. Australia. Lat. 29° 20' S., long. 139° 40' E. Gregory, North and South, inland and pastoral dist,, in W. Queensland. Greifenberg, tn., Prussia, in Pomerania, 43 m. NE. Stettin. Greifenberg, tn., Prussian Silesia, n ni. SW. Lowenberg. Greifendorf, vil., Austria, in Moravia, 4 m. S. Zwittau. Greifenhagen, tn., Prussia, in Pomerania, 11 m. S. Stettin. Greifswald, tn., Prussia. Lat. 54° 15' N., long. 13" 25' E. Greig, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Lewis co., on Black R. Grein, tn,, Arabia, in Hadramaut, near Makallah. Grein, tn., Upper Austria, on R. Danube, ir m. E. Perg. Greiz, tn., Germany, in Reuss-Greiz, 4S m. S. Leipzig, Grembergen, vil,, Belgium, E. Flanders, 4 m. ESE. Zele. Gremsa, isl., Orkney. See Graemsay. Grenaa, tn., E. coast, Jutland, Denmark, 31 m. NE. Aarhuus. Grenada, isl., British W. Indies. Lat. 12" 8' N., long. 61° 42' W. Area 133 sq. m. Pop. inchnling Grenadines 50,393. Grenada, tn., Mississippi, cap, of G. co., on Yellaliusha R. Grenade, tn., France, dep. Landes, gm. SSE. Mont-de-&Iarsan. Grenade, tn., France, Haute-Garonne, 15 m. NNW. Toulouse. Grenadines, grp. isls., W. Indies, lying NE. Grenada. Ar. 33 sq. m. Grenagh, par., mid co. Cork, 5 m. NW. Blarney. Grenchen or Grange- viL, Switzerland, canton and 6 m. WSW. Sulotlnirn. Grendon Underwood, par. and vil., Engl,, co. and 8 m. 3. Buckingham. Grenelle, tn,, France, Within fortifications, Paris. Ai"tesian well. Grenfell, ry. stn,, Assiniboia, 279 m. W\ Winnipeg. Grenfell, tn.. New South Wales, 233 m. W. Sydney. Lat. 33° 53' S. Grenfell, vil,, Ontario, co. Simcoe, 7 m, from Barrie. Grenna. tn., Sweden, liin and 22 m, NNE. Jonkoping. Grenoble, tu., France, cap. of I.sere, and formerly cap. of Dauphine prov. Lat. 45° 11' 12" N., long. 5" 44' E. Pop. 62,484. Grenoside, vil., Y"orkshire, a,\ ni. NW. Slieflield. Grenouilles, uninhabited isl. group, W. Indies, near Jamaica. Grenville, vil., Quebec, on R. Ottawa, 56 m. NW. Montreal. Grenville, tnshp., Victoria, 70 m. W. Melbourne. Lat. 37" 46' S. Grenville, Cape, Queensland, dist. Cook, on N. of Teniple Bay. Grenville Channel, British Columbia, between Pitt I. and mainland. Grenville Harbour, Prince Edward I., Queen's co., on N. coast. Gresford, tn.. New South Wales, lei m. N. Sydney. Lat. 32° 28' S. Gresham, vil., Ontario, 00. Bruce, 8 ni. from Paisley. Greshornish, Loch, Skye I. Scotland, at head of Loch Snizort. Greasenhall, par. and vil., Norfolk, 2i m. N W. Deieham. Greasenich, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 8 m. ENE, Aixda-Cliapelle. Greta, vil., New South Wales, 107 m. N. Sydney. Lat, 32° 40' S. Gretna, ry. stn., Manitoba, 70 m. S. of Winnipeg. Gretna and Gretna GreeH, par. and vil., Dumfries, on Sol way Firth. Gretton, par. and vil., Northamptonsliirc, 10 ni. S. Onkliam. Greussen, tn., Germany, dist. and 10 m. S. Sondershausen. Greve, vil,, Italy, Circle and 16 m. SSE. Florence. Grevelingen, nioutli of R. Maas, between Schouwen and Goeree Is. Greven, vil,, Westphalia, circle and 10 m. NW. MUnster. Greveninacher, tn,, in grand duchy and 12. m. NE. Luxemburg, Greveamiihlen, vil., Gennany, dist, and 18 m. NNW. St-hwerin. Grewelthorpe, tnshp. and vil., Yorkshire, 7 m, SW. Wath ry. stn. Grewaley, vil., Middlesex, i m. SB. Uxbridge. Grey or Cranbrook, vil., Ontario, CO. Huron. Lat. 43" 42' N. Grey, Mount, pi^ak, Tasmania, in co. Buckingham. Grey Abbey, par. and vil., Ireland, co. Down, on Lough Strangford. Greybeard, mtn., N. Carolina, Buncombe co., 5448 ft. above sea. Grey Bull River, Wyoming, flows 100 m. to Big Horn R. Greylock, nitu., Massachusetts, peak of the Saddle Mtus., 3505 ft. Grey Mare's Tail, waterfall, Dumfries, on Tail Burn, NE. Motiiit par. Greymoath, s]it,. New Zealand, 190 ni. from Nelson. Lat. 42° 45' S. Grey Point, No:'a Scotia, n Cape Breton Island. Grey Point, Victoria, on E. coast of co, Polwarth. Grey Range, mtns,. New South Wales, in Poole co. Grey's Mills, vil,. New Brunswick, King's co , 21 m. from St. John. Greysonthen, tnshp., Cumberland, 3^ m. SW. Cockermouth. Greystead, set., Ontario, co, Middlesex, 6 m. from Ailsa Craig. Greystoke, par. and vil., Cumberland, 5 m. W. Penrith. Greystone, vil., Cape Colony, in Janspnville div. Greystones, fishing vil., Ireland, co. Wicklow, 4 m. SE. Bray. Grey Town, vil., S. Australia, on Bivoli Bay. 116 GRB THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER GRU Greytown, tnshp. and ry. stn., New Zealand, co. Taieri. Greytown, North, tiishp. and ry. stn., New Zealand, co. Waii-arapa. L;U. 46' i' S., Inug. 170° 18' E. Greytown, In., Natal, Univoti valley, 36 ni. N. Pietcnuaritzburg. Greytown or San Juan, spt., on E. cuast of Nicarajiua. Grez Doicean, vil., lielgiuin, prov. Brabant, 4 m. NE. Wavre. Grezzana, \\\., Italy, prov. and 8 in. N. Vurona. Gribbtn, vil., Ontario, CO. Peel, 4^ in. from Kleinburg. Grldley, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, McLean co. 6rie«, vil., Alsace-Lorraine, 6 ni, ENE. Brumath. Gries, vil., Austria, 'ii Tyrol, 1 ni. W. Bozen. Grier's Comers, set., Quebec, Co. Pontiac, 17 m. from Sand Point. Griesbach, vil., Germany, in Baden, 8 m. SE. Oberkirch. Grleabach, vil., Lower Bavaria, 50 m. E. Landslmt. Grieahelm, vil., Germany, in Ilessen, 4 m. W. Darmstadt. Grieaheim, viL, Prussia, Hessen-Xassau, 3 m. E. Hiichst. Grieflkirchen, tn., Upper Austria, dist. and 11 m. N\V. Wells. Grlilen, vil., Austria, iu Carinthia, 5 m. NE. Volkermarkt. Griffleatown, vil., Moorea Island, Taliiti Archipelago. Griffin, city, Georgia, cap. of Sj'alding co. Lat. 33" 11' N., 84° 17' W. Griffin Lake, ry. stn., British Columbia, 96 m. W. Donald. Griffin's Corners, vil., New York, Delaware co. , in Cat^kill Mtns. Griffin's Comers, vil., Ontario, co. Elgin, zi m. from Vienna. Griffin's Corners, vil., Ontario, co. Grey, 19 m. from Owen Sound. Griffin's Cove or Ansa aa Griffon, vil., Quebec, co. Gaspe. Griffith, set., Ontario, co. and 37 m. from Renfrew. Griffith's Point, tn., Victoria, 65 m. SE. Melbourne. Lat. 39° 8' S. Grif Skerry, isl. , Shetland, 3^ in. E. Whalsay. GrlggBviUe, vil. aud tnshp., Illinois, in Pike co. Grignan, vil., France, dep. Drunie, 16 m. SE. Montclimar. Grignano, vil., Italy, Venetia, 4 m. SW. Rovigo. Grigno, vil., Austria, in Tyrol, 8 m. SE. Strigno. Grignou, vil., France, Seine-ct-Oise, 20 m. W. Paris. Grigny, vil., France, dep. Rhone, 2J ni. NNE. Givors. Grigoriopol, vil., Russia, gov. Kherson, 27 m. NW. Tiraspol. Grignet, lishing stn., Newfoundland, on French shore. Grijalva, riv., S. Mexico, ^i^e Tabasco. Grijo, tu., Portugal, 10 m. SSE. Gaia, and4 m. from sea. Lat. 40° 57' N. Grijpskerk, vil., Netherlands, prov. and 10 m. WNW. Groningen. Grim, Cape, NW. extremity of Tasmania. I>at. 41° 40' S., 144" 45' E. Grimaldl, vil., Italy, 12 m. SW. Cosenza. Lat. 39° 10' N., 16° 15' E. Grlmberghen, vil., Belgium, prov. Brabant. Lat, 50° 56' N., 4° 22' E. Grimbister, Holm of. isl., Orkney, in Bay of Firth. Grimesthorpe, vil., Yorkshire, in jiar. and 2 m. N. Sheffield. Griminiah Point, NW. extremity of N. Uist, Outer Hebrides. Grimlsay Island, Outer Hebrides, between N. Uist and Benbecula. Grimma, tn., Saxony, circle and 16 ni. SE. Leipzig. Lat. 51° 13' N. Grinunen. tn., Prussia, 15 m. S. Stralsund. Lat. 54° S' N., x^ 3' E. Grimoldby, par. and vil., Lincolnsliire, 4 m. NE. Louth. Grlmsargh with Brockholes, tnslip., Lancashire, 3J m. NE. Preston. Grimsby, vil., Ont-ario, co. Lincoln, on Lake Ontario. Grimsby, Great, spt. tn., N. Lincoln, on It. Huinber. Pop. 68,$03. Grimsby, New and Old, 2 of the Hcilly Islands, Cornwall. Grimsel, pass, Switz., 7103 ft. high, between Aar and Rhone Valleys. Grlmshadar, Loch, ou E. side of Lewis I., 4J m. S. Stornoway. Grimstad, spt., Norway, on Skager Rack. Lat. 58° 20' N., 8" 41' E. Grtmrton, par., Leicestershire, 5 m. NW. Melton-Mowbray. GrUnston, cuast hamlet, Yorkshire, 7^ ni. NE. Hedon. Grimstone, par. and vil., Norfolk, 7 in. NE. Kings Lynn. Grlnager, vil., Norway, 33 m. NNW. Christiania. Grtndal Island, South Australia, at entrance to Spencer Gulf. Orlndelwald, val. and vil., Switzerland, 8 m. SE. Interlaken. Grindleton, tnshp. and vil., Yorkshire, 3 m. NIC. Clitheroe. Oiindon, par. and tnshp., Durham, 4 m. NW. Stockton-on-Tees. Grindstone City, vil., Michigan, in co. and on Lake Uurcm. Grindstone Island, New Brunswick. Lat. 45° 43' N., long. 64° 37' W. Grindstone Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence, in Magdalen Islands. Grindstone Island, New York, in Thousand Is., St, Lawrence R. Oringley on the Hill, par. and vil., Notts, 6 m. HE. Bawtry. Grinnell, vil, and tnshp., Iowa, Poweshiek co. Grinnell Land, region, Arctic America. Lat. 82° o' N., long. 63' o' W Grlnnell'a Island, New York. Thousand Is., iu 11. St. Lawrence. Grlnstead, West, par. aud vil., Sussex, n\ m. S. Horsham. Grlnton, par. and tn.shp., York-s, on R. Swale, 9 m. SW. Riehmoud. Oripsholm, royal castle, Sweden, on S. coast iif Lake Malar. Grlqnaland East, dist. of Cape Colony, S. of Natal. Oriqnaland West, dist., Cape Colony, W. of Orange Free State. GriquaTown, cap. of above dist, 175 m. W. Bloemfontein. GriquetBiy, Newfoundland, in White Bay district. Grlsedale Pike, mtn., W. Cumberland. Alt. 2593 ft. Grldgnana, tn , Auiitria-IIungary, Istria, 12 m. S. Capadistria. Grislehamn, spt. tn., Sweden, 55 m. N. Stockholm. Lat. 60° 5' N. Grls-Nez, Cape, France, Pas-de-Calais, nearest point to England, Grisolera, com., Itily, prov. Venice, on R. Piave. 6ri«olla, vil., Italy, prov. Cosenza, 28 m. N. Paola. GrlaoUes, vil., France, Tarn-et-Garonne, 13 m. SSW, Monlauban. Grlson Island, one of the Grenadines, W. hulios. Orisons, a SK. canton, Switzerland. Area 2754 sq. m. Pop. 96,291. Grtsseh, .spt, tn., Java, dist. and 9 m. NNW. Soerabaya, Grirthorpo, coast tnshp., Yorkshire, 6i in. SE. Scarborough. Grlswold, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, in New London co, OriflwoIdvUle, vil., Pennsylvania, Jones co. Battle, Nov. 22, 1864, Grita, La, tn., Venezuela, 34 m. NE. S.iu Cristobal. I^t. f 51' N. Grlvegnie, In., Belgium, on U. Ourthe, 2 m. SE. Lit^ge. Grlyasovetz, tn., Russia, gov. Vologda, on the Ryavctz. Groala Island, Newfonn-llaiid, White Bay district. Groat B Island, Ncwfouiitlland, on N. of Bonavista Bay. Groay, isl., Outer Hebrides, iu Sound of Harris. Grobin, tn., Russia, gov. Courland, 117 m. W. Mitau. Groby, vil., England, 4^ m. NW. Leicester. Orobzlg, tn., Gennany, in Anlialt, 6 m. HW. Cothen. Grodek, tn., Austria, in Gajcia, 10 m. WSW. Lemberg. Grodlsk, vil,, Russian Poland, in gov. of Warsaw. " Grodno, gov. of W. Russia. Area 14,930 sq. m. Pop. 1,373,384. Grodno, tn. and CAp. of above. Lat. 5}° 4o'3i"N., 23° 50' E. P. 39,826. Groede, vil., Netherlands, prov. Zealand, 9 m. SSW. Middelburg. Groene-Kloof; tn., Cajie Colony, 50 m. N. of Capetown. Groenlo, tn., Netherlands, Gelderland, 19 ni. SE. Zutphen, Groesbeck, Vil., Texas, cap. of Limestone co. Groesbeek, vil., Netherlands, 6 ni. SSE. Nimeguen. Grogport, vil., on E. coast of Kintyre, Argyllshire. Groitzsch, tn.. Saxony, circle of Leipzig, on R. Elstflr. Groix, isl., off W. coast of France. Lat. 47' 38' 53'' N., 3* 30' 36" W, Grole, set., Newfoundland, on E. of Hermitage Bay. Gronau, tn., Prussia, Hanover, 8 m. SW. Hildesheira. Grondines, vil., Quebec, co. Portneuf, on R. St. Lawrence. Groningen, NE. prov., Netherlands. Area 887 sq. m. Pop. 277,224. Groningen, tn, cap. of above. Lat. 53° 13' N., long. 6° 34' E. P 65,215. Groningen, vil., Dutch Guiana, at mouth of Saramaica R. Gronsund, strait, Denmark, between Sloen and Falster Islands. Grontardo, vil., Italy, circle and 8 m. NE. Cremona. Groombridge, viL, Kent and Sussex, 3^ m. SW. Tunbridge Wells. Groomsport, fishing vil., Ireland, co. Down, 2^ m, E. Bangor. Qroote Eylandt, isl., N. Australia, in G. of Carpentaria. Lat. 13° 45' S. Grootegast, vil., Netherlands, prov. and 12 m. W. Groningen. Grootfontsm, vil., S. Africa, in Great Namaqualand. Grootznndert, vil,, Netlierlands, N. Brabant, 9 m. SW. Breda. Gropello Lomellino, vil., Italy, prov. Pavia, 14 m, ESfJ. Mortara. Gropparello, vil., Italy, prov. Piacenza, 14 m. SW. Fiorenzuola. Grose Island, N. Australia, Port Patterson, S. of Quail I. Grosio, vil., Italy, Lombardy, 25 m. ENE. Sondrio. Groamont, par. and viL, England, co. and 10 m. NW. Monmouth. Gros-Mome, mtn., Reunion Island, Indian Ocean. Alt. 78 t ft. Groa-Mome, vil., Martinique Island, French West Indies. Gross or Grossen. For names not given here, see principal names. Groaaa, uninhabited Isl., Dalmatia. Lat. 44* N., long. 15° 4' E. Groasalmerode, tu., Hessen-Nassau, 12 m. ESE. Cassel. Gross- Auheim, tn., Prussia, circle of Hanau, on R. Main. Groas-Bitesch, ft. tn., Moravia, 31 m. N. Znayn. Lat. 49° 18' N. Groaabottwar, tn., Wiirtflinberg, 5 m. from Marbach. Lat. 49° N, Groaadobern, vil., Prussia, on R. Oiler, circle of Oppeln. Gross- Dombrovka, vil., Prussia, circle of Beuthen. Grosaelsle, Quebec, Kamouraska group, in R. St. Lawrence, GroBsendorf, vil., Westphalia, 9 m. N. Liibbeeke. Grossengottern, vil., Germany, in Prussia, circle of Langensnlza. Grossenhain, tn.. Saxony, 19 m. NNW. Dresden. Pop. 11,544. GroBse Point, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, on Lake St. Clair. Grosses Coqnes, set.. Nova Scolia, on St. Mary's Bay. Grosses Haff, bay in Pomerania, at the moutli of the Oder. Grosses Roches, vil., Quebec, co. Rimouski, :8 m. from Matnne. Grosseto, tn., Italy, 80 m. S. Florence. Lat. 42° 46' N., n" 7' E. Grossgartach, vil,, Wiirtemberg, on R. Lein. Lat. 49° 9' N., 9* 8' E. Grossgerau, tn. , Gerniany, in Hessen, 9 m. NW. Dannstadt. Gross Glockner, mtn., Hohen Tauern, Tyrol. Alt. 12,458 ft. Gross Meseritsch, tn., Austria, in Moravia. Lat. 49° 23' N., 16° 1' E. Grossoatheim, tn., Bavaria, circle Aschaffenburg. 49° 55' N., 9° 3' E. Grossottersleben, vil., Prussia, circle Wanzleben, dist. Magdeburg. GrosBotto, vil., Italy, circle and 23 m, ENE. Sondrio. Gross Petcrwltz. vil,, Prussia, Upper Silesia, circle Ratibor, on Zinna. Gross Reken, vil., Prussia, circle of Borken, iu Westphalia. Groaarohrsdorf, vil., Saxony, 4 m. S. Pulsnitz. Lat. 51*9' N., 14° i' E. GrosB-Salze, tn., Prussia, 10m. SE. Magdeburg. Lat.52''N., ii''44'E. Grossvenediger, mtn., Austria, in llohen Tauern. Alt. 12,048 ft. Grosswangen, vlI., Switzerland, cant. Lucerne, dist. Sursee. Grosawardein or Nagy Varad, ft. city, Hungary, on R. Kbros, .37 m. ESE. Buda. Lat. 47° 3' N., long. 21° 53' E. Pop. 31,324. Grosvenor Dale, vil., Connecticut, Windham co., on French R. Grosvenor Range, mtns., Queensland, dist. S. Kennedy. Grotenburg, hill, Germany, in principality and SW. of Detmoli'. Alt. 1280 ft. Crowned by Hermann's statue. Groton, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, New London co., ou Tliames R. Groton, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Middlesex co. Groton, vil. and tnshp., New York, Tompkins co. Groton, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Caledonia co., on Wells R. Grotska, vil., Hervi.i, dist. and 21 m. SSE. Belgrade. Lat. 44° 39' N Grotta del Cane, ' Dog's Cave,' mephitic cave, 2 ni. W. Naples. GrottagUe, In., Italy, circle and 13 m. NE, Taranto. Lnt. 40* 32' N. Grottamare, vil., Italy, 18 m. SSE. Fermo, at mouth of R. Tesino. GrotUminarda, vil., Italy, 6 ni. S. Ariano, on R. Ulita. Orottau, tn., Bohemia, 8 m. NW. Kratzau, on Sehwarze Neisse. Grotte, tn., Sicily, 12 m. NE. Girgenti. Lat. 37° 24' N., 13° 42' E. Grotte di Castro, tn., Italy, prov. Rome, 21 m. NNW. Viterbo. Grottcrla, vil., Italy, 8 ni. NNE. Gerace, on R. Lucano. Grottkau, tn., Prussian Silesia, 26 m. W. Oppeln. Lat. 50' 42' N. Grottole, vil., lUily, prov, Potenza, 24 m. WSW. Mat^'ra. Grotton, vil. and ry. stn., Yorkshire, 3 m. E. Oldham. Orotzlngen, vil., Gennany, in Ba'len, on R. Plinz, i^ in. E. Durlach. Grouville, par. and vil., Jersey, Channel Islands, 3 m. E. St. Helier. Grove, vil., Spain, prov. Pontevedra, 4 m, SW. Gambados. Grove City, vil., Illinois, in Christian co. Grove City, vil., Minnesota, in Meeker CO, Grove City, vil., Ohio, in Franklin co. Grove Ferry, liam., E. Kent, ou R. Stonr, 6i m. NE. Canterbury, Grove HlU, vil., Alabama, cap. of Clark co. Grove Hill, tnsliji., N. Australia, 2 m. from Port Darwin Camp. Groveland, vil, and tn.shp., Illiuois, in Tazewell co, Groveland, vil. and tnshp., Kansan, McPherson co. Groveland, vil., ttishp., Massachusetts, Essex co., on Merrimack R, Groveport. vil., Ohio, Franklin co., on Ohio Canal, Grover, vd. and tnshp. , Missouri, in Johnson co. Grovosend, vil., Ontario, co. Elgin, 10 m. from Aylnier. Groveton, vil.. New Hampshire, Coos co., on Amunoosnck R. Growar, smalt isl., Cornwall, opposite Boscastle. Groyec, tn., Russia, gov, Warsaw. Lat. 51° 52' N., long. 20° 59' E. Ombieszow, tn., Russian Poland, gov. and 65 ni. SK. I,ublin. Grublanopolje, viL, Croatia, dist. and 21 m. SE. Belovar. 117 GRU THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER GUD GruetH, vil. and Swiss colon/, Tennessee, Grundy co. GmlnaxdBay, Ross-shire, between L. Ewe and Lit. L. Broom. Grulnart or Grulnnard, sea-loch, NW. Islay I., Arjiyllshire. Gruissan, spt., France, dep, Aude. Lat. 43° 17' N., long. 3° 6' E. GrxUich, tii., Uuhemia, 46 ni. ESE. Koniggnitz, Lat. 50' 5' N. GnuneUo, vil., Italy, circle and 10 m. N VV. Cremona. Gmmello del Monte, vil., Italy, circle and 12 m. ESE. Bergamo. Gmmfori, vil., England, B. tiutlolk, 3 m. S. Saxmundham. Grumo, tn., It-aly, prov. Bari, 16 m. NNE. Altamiu-a. Grnmo, tn., Italy, prov. Naples, s^ ni. W. Casoria. Griina, vil., Saxony, circle of Zwickau, 6 m. W. Chemnitz. Gnma Skerries, isl.•^., Shetland, in Out Skerries group. Griin'oerg, vil., Austria-Hungary, Bohemia, 2 m. NXW. GrasUtz. Griinberg, tii., Germany, in llessen, 12 m. E. Giessen. Griinberg, tn., Prussian Silesia, 59 m. NNW. Liegnitz. Pop. 14,395. Grundisburgh, inir. and vil., E. Suffolk, 3 m. NW. Woodbridge. Grundy, vil. and tnslip., Virginia, cap. of Buchanan co. Grundy Centre, vil., Iowa, cap. of Grundy CO., on Black Hawk Cn:-ok. Griinfltadt, tn., Bavaria. 25 in. NNE. Landau. Lat. 49" 33' N. Gnmthal, ry. stn , South Australia, 16J ni. E. Adelaide. Griinwald, vil., Bohemia, circle of Bunzlau. Lat. 48° 3' N. Grusabach, ^'il., Austria, iu Moravia, 15 m. E. Znaym. GnitU, nit-at-luw, Switzerland, Uri, on W. of Lake of Lucerne. Grutnesa Voe, seadoeh, Mainland, Slietland, near Sumburgh Head. Gruver, vil., Scotland, Lewis Island, 16 m. S. of Stornoway, Gruyferea, tn., Switzerland, canton and 16 ni. S. Fribonrg. Gryfe Water, Renfrewshire, flows 16 m. SE. to Black Cart. Grzymalow, tn., Austria, in Galicia, 24 m. SE. Tarnopol. Gshatak, tn., Russia, gov. Smolensk. Lat. 55° 33' N., long. 35" o' E. Gsteig, vil., Switzerland, canton Bern, dist. and 7 m. S. Saanen. Guabata, vil., Colombia, state Santander, 118 m. SW. Pamplona. Guaca, tn., Cobunbia, state Santander, 3S m. SW. Pamplona. Guacamayas, viL, Colombia, state Buyaca, 63 ra. NE. Tunja. Guacara, vii., Venezuela, state Carabobo, n m. E. Valencia. Guacarl, tn., Colombia, state Cauca, 96 m. N. Popayan. Guacharos, cave, Venezuela, state and 34 m. NNW. Jlaturin. Guachavea, vil., Columbia, state Cauca, 115 m. SW. Popayan. Guacbeta, tn., Columbia, state Cundinamarca, 50 m. N. Bogota. Guadalajara, a central province, Spain. Area 4676 sq. m. P. 201,496. Guadalajara, city, Mexico, cap. of Jalisco state. Pop. 95,000. Guadalajara, tn., Spain, 34 m. NE. Madrid, on R. Hc-nares, Guadalaviar, riv., Spain, flows 130 m. to the sea near Valencia. Guadalcanal, tn., Spain, prov. and 48 m. NNW. Seville. Guadalcanar, isl., Solomon Islands. Lat. 9° 45' S., long. 160° E. Guadalcazar, tn., Mexico, prov. and 40 m. NE. San Luis Potosi. Guadalete, riv., Spain. Andalusia, flows 75 m. to Bay of Cadiz. GuadaUmar, riv., Spain, flows go m. to the Guadalquivir. Guadaloupe, vil., California, in Santa Barbara co, Guadalquivir, riv., S. Spain, flows 260 m. to Atlantic Ocan. Guadalupe, vil., Graciosa Island, Azores Islands. Guadalupe, vil., Colombia, state Santander, i3 m. SW. Socorro. Guadalupe, vil., Colombia, state Tolinia, 55 m. SSW. Neiva. Guadalupe, vil., NE. Mexico, in E. of Nuevo Leon prov. Guadalupe, \il., Mexico, prov. and 20m. NNW. Tlaxcala. Guadalupe, vil., Peru, dep. Libertad, 7 m. N. Pascamayo. Guadalupe, colony, Argentine Republic, prov. Santa Fe. Guadalupe Hidalgo, vil., Mexico, prov. and 3 ni. NNE. Mexico. Guadalupe Island, in Pacific. Lat. 28" 54' N., long. nS" 20' W. Guadalupe Mine, vil., California, Santa Clara co. Quicksilver mine. Guadalupe River, Texas, a branch of the San Antonio R. Guadalupe Sun Juanele, vil,, Mexico, state Durango. Guadalupe y Calvo, vil., Mexico, 173 m. SSW. Chihuahua. Guadarrama, vil., Spain, prov. and 32 m. NW. Madrid. Guadeloupe, isl., Frimch West Indies. Lat. 16' 12' N., long. 61" 40' W. Area, with dependencies, 721 sq. m. Pop. 165,164. Guadiana, riv., Spain and Portugal, flows 380 m. to Atlantic Ocean. Guadiaro, riv., Spain, falls into Mediterranean, N. of Gibraltar. Guadiato, riv., Spain, flows 80 m. to the Guadalquivir. Guadix, tu., Spain, prov. and 38 m. ENE. Granada. Guadnas, tn., Colombia, state C'undinamarea, 52 m. NW. Bogota. Guafo, isl., Cliili, SW. of Chiloe L Lat. 43° 41' S., long. 74° 42' W. Guagnano, vil., Italy, prov. and 19 in. S. Brindisi. Lat. 40° 25' N. Guagno, vil., France, in Corsica, on R. Grosso. GuahaU, one of the Scilly Islands, W. Cornwall, 2 m. "W. Bryher. Gnajiro, penin., Colombia, mtnous. and inhabited by the Guajiro. Gualan, tn., Guatemala, 83 ni. ENE. Guatemala. Gualaquiza. vil., Ecuador, 93 m. SE. Cuenca. Gualchoa, tn., Spain, prov. Granada, 12 ni. E. Motril. Gnaldo, vil., Italy, prov. Perugia, 15 m. NW. Spoleto. Gualdo Tadino, tn., Italy, circle and 22 m. N. Foligno. GuaJeguay. tn., Argentine Republic, 125 m. SE. Parana. Gualegnaychu, tn., Argentine Republic, 140 m. SE. Parana. Gualilan, vil., Argentine Republic, 53 m. NNW. San Juan. Gualillos, pass, bet. Bolivia and Peru, overthe Andes. Alt. 13,850ft. Gualtieri, vil, Italy, circle and 2^ m. SW. Guastalla. Gualtierl, vil., Sicily, circle and 11 m. WSW. Messina. Guam, isl., Ladrones, PacKic Ocean. Lat. 13" 20' N., long. 144° 35' E. Guama, vil., Venezuela, prov. Yaracuy, 7 m. SW. San Felipe. Guamal, vil., Colombia, state Magdalena, 150 m. S. Santa Marta. Guamanga, tn., Peru. Sfc Ayacucho. GuamblinorSocoro, isI.,Cliimos Archipelago. Lat. 44° 56' S., 75'12'W. Guaminl, vil., Art;ciitine Republic, 298 ni. SW. Buenos Ayres. Guamo, tn., Columbia, state Tolima, 65 ni. N. Neiva. Guana, island, West Indies, in the Virgin Islands. Guanabacoa, tu., Cuba, 4 m. ESE. Havana. Pop. 30,000. Guanabo, vil , Cuba, 31 m. E. of Havana, on R. Guanabo. Guanacache, Laguna de, Argentine Rep. Lat. 32° 32' S., long. 68° 30' W. Guanacevl, vil., Mexico, 130 m. NNW. Durango. Guanaja tir Bonaca, isl., Honduras. Lat. 16° 30' N., 85° 30' W. Guanaja. La, si»t. vil., Cuba, 34 in. N. Puerto Principe. Guanajay, tn,, Cuba, 20 ni. "WSW. Havana, Guanajuato, state, Mexico. Area 10,990 sq. ni. Pop. 1,007,116. Guanajuato, tn. and cap. of state of G., 160111. NW. Mexico. P. 52,112. Guanape, vd., Venezuela, prov. and 62 m. WSW. Barcelona. Guanape, group of isls., Peru. Lat. 8° 32' S., long. 79" 56' W. Guanare, tn., Venezuela, 205 m. SW. Caracas. Lat. 8" 34' N. Guanarito, vil , Venezuela, 46 m. SE. Guanare. Lat. 8° 15' N. Guandacol, vil., Argentine Republic, 93 m. WSW. Rioja. Guane, vil., Colombia, 71 m. SW. Pamplona. Guanenta, dep., Colombia, in Santander state. Guangamarca, vil., Peru, in dep. Libertad. Guanica, spt., Porto Rico, 62 m. WSW. San Juiin. Guaniguanico, island group, off NW. coast of Cuba. Guauillos, spt. vil., Peru, 70 m. S. of Iquique. Guano, til., Ecuador, prov. Chimborazo, 7 ni. N. Riobamba. Guantanamo, spt., on SE. coast of Cuba. Pop. 17,200. Guanzate, tn., N. Italy, circle and 8 m. SW. Como. Guapal, riv., Bulivia, flows 550 ni. to the Maniure. Guapi, tn., Colombia, state Cauca, 105 m. SW. Buenaventura. Guapore, riv., between Brazil and Bolivia, attluent of the Mamore. Guapota, vil., Colombia, state Santander, 11 m. SSW. Socorro. Guapulo, vil., Ecuador, prov. Pichincha, 3 m. NE. Quito. Guarachita, tn., Mexico, prov. Michoacan, dist. Jiquilpan. Guaranda, vil., Ecuador, prov. Chimborazo, 31 ni. W. Riobamba. Guarapary, vil., Brazil, state Espiritu-Santo, 31 m. S. Victoria. Guarapuava, tn., Brazil, state Parana, 174 m. W. Curitiba. Guarare, vil., Colombia, state and 93 m. SW. Panama. Guaratingueta, tn., Brazil, state and 100 m. NE. Sao Paulo. Guiratuba, bay, Brazil, Parana state. Lat. 25° 50' S. Guarcino, vil., Italy, prov. Rome, 11 m. N. Frosinonu. Guarda, ft. tn., Portugal, 209 ni. NE, Lisbon. Guardafui, Cape, most easterly pt. ofAfrica. Lat. ii''47' N., 51' 20' E. Guardamar, tn., Spain, prov. and 20 m. SSW. Alicante. GuardamisUo, tn., Italy, prov. Milan, 17 m. SSE. Lodi. Guardavalle, tu., Italy, prov. and 31 ni. S. Catanzaro. Guarda Veneta, vil., Italy, prov. Rovigo, ^\ m. NE. Polesella. Guardia, La, tn., Spain, prov. Alava. 18 in.'SSE. Vitoria. Guardia, La, vil., Spain, prov. and 6 m. SE. Jaen. Guardia, La, Spt., Spain, prov. Pontevedra, 14 m. SW. Tuy. Guardia, La, tn., Spain, prov. and 28 m. ESE. Toledo. Gu.T.rdiagrele, tn., Italy, prov. and u ni. S. Chieti. Guardialflera, vil., Italy, 12 m. WSW. of Lariuo. Guardia-Lombardi, tn., Italy, 3 m. NE. Sant' Angelo dei Lombardi. Guardiana, isl. , Ionian Isls., Greece. Lat. 38° 8' N., long. 20° 26' E. Guardiaregia, tn., Italy, 25 in. SE. Isernia. Guardiella, tn. and suburb of Trieste, Austria. Guarena, tn., Spain, prov. Badajnz, 11 ni. SW. Don Benito. Guarenaa, vil., Venezuela, prov. Bolivar, 19 m. E. Caracas. Guarene, vil., Italy, prov. Cuneo, 4 ni. N. Alba. Guari, tn., Haussa, Soudan, W. Africa. Guarico, dep., Venezuela, in Guzman Blanco state. Guaricm-a, island, Brazil, in R. Marafion. Guarlaamey, vil., Mexico, in NW. of Durango state. Guame, tn., Colombia, state of Antioquia. Guaro, tn , Spain, prov. Blalaga, 6 m. WSW. Coin. Guarroman, vil., Spain, prov, Jaen, 20 m. NE. Andiijar. Guasavas, vil,, Mexico, prov. Sonora, 72 m. NE. Ures. Guaaayan, vil., Argentine Republic, 38 m. W. Santiago. Guasca, vil., Colombia, state Cundinamarca, 19 ni. NE. Bogota. Guasdualito, vil., Venezufla, prov. and on R. Apure. Guaatalla, tn., Italy, prov. and 16 m. N. Reggio. Gaastatoya, tn., Guatemala. Lat. 14° 53' N., long. 90" 12' W. Guaauba, riv., Bengal, falls into S'_a in"iat. zi" 38' N., long. 83° 54' B. Guataque, tn., Ctdombia, in Buyaca state. Guataro, navigable riv., Trinidad, West Indies. Guatavita, tn., Colombia, 25 m. NE. Bogota. Guatemala, rep., Central America. Area 48,300 sq. m. P. 1,460,017. Guatemala, cap. of above. Lat. 14° 41' N., go" 35' W. Pop. 70,000. Guatemala, Old, tn., Guatemala, 18 ni. WSW. Guatemala. Guatire, tn., Venezuela, prov. Bolivar, 26 ni. EsE. Caracas. Guatoque, tn., Colombia, Boyaca state, 17 m. NW. Tunja. Guatulame, vil.. Chili, prov. Coquimbo, 18 m. SB. Ovalle. Guatulco, place with pearl fishery, Mexico, in Oajaca state. Guaviare, riv., Colombia, flows 450 m. to the Orinoco. Guay, riv., Equatorial Africa, trib. of the Zambesi. Guay, ry. stn., Perthshire, 5^ m. NW. Dunkeld. Guayabal, vil., Colombia, in Boyaca state. Guayabal, vil., Colombia, state Cundinamarca. Guayabal, vil., Colombia, stat« Tolima, 18 m. N. Ambalema. Guayacan, spt., Chili, i^ m. S. Coquimbo. Gaayama, tn., Porlo Rico, 4 ni. from S. coast. Guayana, E. state of Venezuela. Area 149,035 sq. m. Pop. 35,000. Guayaueco Islands, Chili, N. of Wellington Is. Lat. 47° 38' S. Guayanilla, spt., Porto Rico, 56 m. SW. San Juan. Guayaquil, sjd. tn., Ecuador, cap. of Guayas prov. Pop. 40,000. Guayaquil, Gulf of, on W. ci.>ast of Ecuador. Lat. 3° S. Guayas, maritime prov., Ecuador. Area 11,504 sq. m. pop, 95,640. Guayata, tn., Colombia, Boyaca state, 38 ni. S. Tunja. Guaybamba, vil., Ecuador, 25 m. N. of Quito. Guaymas. spt. tn., Mexico, prov. Sonora, 102 m, SSW. Ures. Guayra, La, spt., Venezuela, 10 m. N. Caraca.s. Pop. 14,000. Guayra. Gran Salto de, falls on R. Parana, NE. Paraguay Cuba Caahel Point, co. Mayo, on W. of entrance to Broad Haveu. Gubat, vil., Soudan, on R. Nile, 98 m. below Kliartum. Gubbl, tn.. Mysore state, India, 13 m. W. Tumkur. 13" 18' 40" N. Gubbio, tn., Italy, prov. and 24 m. NNE. Perugia. Guben, tn., Prussia, 31 m. S. Frankfort-on-the-Oder. Gubuluwayo, tn. and miss, stn., Matabeleland. 20° 10' S., 28" o' E. Gudalur, ]iass, Travancore state, Madras. Lat. 11° 9' N. Gudalur, tn., Wainad dist., Madras. Lat. 11° 30' N., long. 76* 34' E. Guden Aa, riv., Denmark, flows 80 m. to the Cattegat. Gudera, tn., AV. Abyssinia. Lat. 10° 52' N., 36' 57' E. Gudiatham, tn., N. Arcot dist., Madras. Lat. 12° 57' 20" N. Gndibanda, vil., Kolnr dist, Mysore, India. Lat. 13' 41' N. Gudina. La, vil., Spain, prov. Orense, 9 m. S. Viana del BoUo. 118 GUD THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER GUR Gudlwara, tal«fcand vil., Kistna dist., Madras. Oudur, fa/ufcand tn., Neliore dist., Madras. Lat. 14' 8' 43" N. Oodur, tn., Karnul dist., Sladras. Lat. 15' 43' N., loug. 78' 35' E. Oa^de, settlement, Sene^ambia, West Afrira. Oaegen, vil., Kew Brunswick, 14 111. from Shediac. Guelaat-Bu-Sba, vil., Ali^eria, 7 in. NXE. Guelnia. Gaelas, The, group of rocks, W. Cornwall, near Laud's End. Guelma, tn., Algeria, pruv. and 62 m. ENE. Constantiue. Guelph, port of entry, Ontario, 48J vw. \V. Toronto. Ouemar, tn., Algerian Saliiua, 12 in. N. of El Wad. Gu^mAnA-Penfao, vil., France, Loire-Infer., 34 in. KW. Nantes. Gnenroaet, vil., France, Loire-Infer., 4 lu. E. St. Gildas-des-Bois. Gnepsa, vil., Colombia, state Santander, 6 m. E. Vclez. Gner, vil., France, dep. Morbilian, 12 in. ESE. Ploerinel. Gaerande, tn., France, Loire-Infer., 12 in. NW. St. Nazaire. Ga^rara, tn., Algeria, 120 in. SE. of Lagliuat. Gaerche, La, tn., France, lUe-et-Vilaine, 12 ni. S. Vitre. Guerche-Bur-rAuboia, tn.,dep. Cher, 32 tn. NE.St. Amand-Mont-Roiid. Gadret, tn., France, dtp. Creuse. Lat. 46° 16' N., long. 1' 52' E. Gndrignjr, tn., France, dep. Nievre. Lat. 47° 5' N., long. 3^ 15' E. Gaem. vil., France, dep. Morbilian, 6 m. isW. Pontivy. Guernica, tn., .Spain, prov. Biscaya, 12 m. ENE. Bilbao. Guernsey, isl., Channel Islands. Lat. 49' 27' N., long. 2' 35' W. Guerrero, state, Mexico. Area 25,666 sq. m. Pop. 331,827. Gueaalaz, vil., Spain, prov. Navarre. 13 m. EXE. Aoiz. Gueatwick, par. and ry. stn., Norfolk, 4 m. S. Melton Constable. Guetarla, spt. vil., N. Spain, 11 in. WSW. San Sebastian. Guithary, vil., France, Basses-Pyrenees, 4 m. NE. St. Jean-de-Luz. Guet-N'Dar, vil., Senegal, a W. suburb of St. Louis. Guengnon, tn., France, Saone-et-Loire. Lat. 46° 36' N., long. 4° 4' E. Gugera, tafisil, M<»ntgou)ery dist., Punjab. Ar. 1498 sq. m. Gngera, tn., in above. Lat. 30" 58' N., long. 73'' 21' E. OuggiBberg, com., Switz., cant. Bern. Lat. 46' 46' N., long. 7" 19' E. OuglioneBi, vil,, Italy, prov. Campobasso. Lat. 41' 56' N., 14° 57' E. Gahrau, In., Prussian Silesia, 49 m. NNflT. Breslau. Guia, tn., Gran Canaria. Canary LslanJs. Quia, tn., on S. coast, TenenfTe, Canary Islands. Quia, tn., Brazil, state Paraliiba, on Atlantic Ocean. Gulan, tn., Philippine Islands, on SE. of Samar Island. Guiana, region, S. America, comprises Brit., Dutch, French Q., q.v. Guichen Ba?, S. Australia, co. Robe, 8 m. broad by 2J m. Oulclan, vil., France, dei>. Finistere, 6 m. SW. Taiile. Guide Bridge, ham. and ry. stn., Lancashire, 5 in. NE. Stockport. Guide], vil., France, dep. Morbilian, 6 m. SW. PontscortT. Guide Rock, vil. and tuslip., Nebraska, Webster co. Guidizzolo, vil., Italy, prov. Mantua. Lat. 45° 18' N., long. 10° 34' E. Guieone, old prov., France, on Lower Garonne R. Gttiglia, tn., Italy, prov. Modena, 11 m. NE. Pavullo nel Frignano. Guignen, vil., France, Ille-et-Vilaine, 5 m. SW. Guichen. GuIJa, lake. Central America, between San Salvador and Guatemala. GuUden Morden, par., Cambridgeshire, 6 in. XW. Royston. Guilderland, vil. and tnshp., New York, Albany co. Guildford, bor. and co. tn., Surrey, on R. Wey. Guildford, tnshp., W, Australiii, 9 m. NE. Perth. Lat. 31' 53' S. Guildford, tn., Victoria, 84A in. NW. by N. Melbourne. Guildhall, vil. and tnshp., Vennont, cap. of Essex co. Guilds, vil., Ontario, co. Kent, 5 m. from Harwich. Guildtown, vil., Scotland, co. and 54 ni. N. Perth. Guilford, bnr., Connecticut, New Haven co., on Long Island Sound. Guilford, vil. and tnshp., Maine, in co. and on Pisquataquis R. Guilford, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Chenango co. Guilford, set., Ontario, co. Peterborough, 7 m. from Minden. Guilford, tn.shp. and vil., Vermont, Windham co. Guilaborough, par., tnahp., and vil., co. and 10 m. NW. Northampton. Ouilsfleld, par. and vil., Jlontgomeryshire, partly in Welshpool. Gulmar, tn , Teneritfe, Canary Islands, near the coast. Ouimaraes, spt. tn., Brazil, Maranhao. Lat. 1° 59' S., long. 44° 51' W. GulmarieB, tn., Portn;ial, 34 m. NE. Oporto. Lat. 41° a8' N. Guimaraa, isl., Philippini! Ishuids, lying S. of Panay. Gulnach, Loch, Inverne-^s-shire, lim. N W. Kingussie. Oulndy, vil., India, a SW. suburb of Mailras city. Gotuea, great maritime region, W. Africa, from Sierra Leone Bay to the Bight of Biafra, divided into Upper and Lower Guinea. Guinea, Gulf of, inlet of Atlantic Ocean, on W. coast of Africa. Guinea, New. Sfn New Guinea. Guinecar Creek, New South Wales, co. Argyle. OulneB, tn., FraiiCr, Pas-de-Calais. Lat. 50' 54' N., long, i'' 50' E. Guinea, Lob, tn. , (.'uba. West Indies. Lat. 22" 47' N., long. 82° i' W. Ouingamp, tn., France, Cutes-du-Nord. Lat. 48' 34' N., loug. 3" 9' W. Oulona, mtn., in X. div. of Greece. Alt. 8240 ft. OulouBvlUe, vil,, Indiana, in Dearborn co, Gulpavaa, tn., France, Finistere, 6 m. EXE. Brest. Gulpuzcoa. prov., Sj'ain, Bay of Biscay. Area 728 sq. m. P. 181,856. Guirla. sjit. In,, Venezuela, 117 ni. W. Cuniana. Lat. 10" 34' N. Guiabrough, inkt. tn., Vorksbiro, g in. SE. Middlesbrough. Gulacrlff, vil., France, dep. Morbihan, 8 m. WNW. Faouet. Guiie, tn., France, dep. Aisne, on R. OTse. Guiaeioy, par. and vil., Yitrksliire, 2 m. H. of Otley. Gulting Powernr Lower Gultlng, par. and vil., E. Gloucestershire. Gujalnll, vil.. Bash;dir st^it--, Punjab. Uii. 31' 8' N., long. 77" 42' E. Gtyan, In., France, dep. Gironde, 4 in. K, Teste-de-lluch, Gi^arat, N. maritime prov., Bombay, Lat. 20' to 24' 45' N., long. 69' to 74° 20' E. Total area 70,038 sq. m. GoJarKhan, Uiksil, Rawal Pindi, Punjab. Ar. 565 sq. m. OivJranwala, dist., Punjab. Area 2587 sq. m. Gajranwala, chief tn. of above. Lat. 32° 9' 30" N., 74''i4'E. Gujrat, dist., Punjab. Lat. 32' 10' to 33° N. Ar. i973 8q.m. Gujrat, chi'-f tn. of above. Lat. 32* 35' N., long. 74° 7' K. Gulanare, South, tnslip.,8. Australia, iiom. N. Adelaide. Gulariha, tn., Unao dist.. Oudh. Lat. 26° 24' N., long. 81' i' E. Gulberwlck, ancient and vil., Shetland, 3 m. SW. Lerwick. Gulbln, riv., Inverness-shire, Hows 6 m. to R. Spean. Gttlbrandsdal, val., Norway, prov. Haniar, 155 m. long. Guledgarh, tn., Kaladgi dist., Bombay. Lat. 16' 3' N., long. 75° 5c' E. Guleri, pass across Sulaiman Hdls, Afghanistan. Gulf The, set.. New South Wales, co. Wallace. Gulf Shore, set., Nova Scotia, on Northumberland Strait. Gulf Stream, an Atlantic Ocean current, issues from Gulf of Mexico. Gulgong, mining tnshp., New South Wales, 198m. W. Sydney. Gulikalmala, nitn., Madras. Lat. 1 1* 14' 20" N., long. 76" ag'so" E. Gollane, vil., Haddingtonshire, 4 m. SW. North Berwick. Gulleghem, vil., Betgiuin, W. Flanders, 2 ni. W. Courtrai. Gulligal, tnslip., Ntw South Wales, co. Naudewar. Gull Island, fisliing set,, Newfoundland, on Concepcion Bay. Gull Islandfl, 2 isls., New York, in Long Island Sound. Gulliver Cove, vil., Nova Scotia, 15 m. from Digby. Gull Lake, Alberta, Lat. 52" 30' N., long. 114" W. Gull Lake. NW. Territory, Canada. Lat. 51" N., long. 93" 35' W. Gull Lake, ry stn., Assimboia, 546 m. W. \Vinnipeg. Gull Kiver, Ontario, falls into Lake Nipigon. Gullsping, vil., Sweden, iu Skaraborgs Ian, Gull Stream, Kent, between Goodwin Sands and the Brake. Gulpen, Vil, Netherlaufls, 9 m. ESE. Maestricht. Gulval, par. and vil., W. Cornwall, i m. NE. Penzance. Giuna, an E. dwar of Goalpara dist., Assam, India. Guma, vil., Mandi state, Punjab. Lat. 31" 57' N., long. 76' 24' E. Gumanl, riv., Santal Parganas, Bengal, attl. of Ganges. Gamber, The, dist,, W. Sussex, 2 m, NW. Arundel. Gumbinnen, tn., E. Prussia, 69 m. E. Konigsberg. Lat. 54° 34' 37" X. Gum City, vil., Missouri, in Cass co. Gam Creek, set., South Australia, 50 m. NE. Gulf St. V'incent. Gumeracha, tnshp., S. Australia, 23 m. NE. Adelaide. Lat. 34" 50' S. Gumgaon, tn., Nagpur dist., Central Provs., India. Lat. 21° i' N. Gumiel, vil,, Spain, prov. Burgos, 6 m. N. Aranda de Duero. Gumishkhana, tn., Turkey, 30 m. 8. of Trebizond Gum Log, vil. and tnshp , Arkansas, Pope co. Gummersbach, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 26 m. ENE. Cologne. Gumnayakan-palya, vil., Kolar dist., Mysore, India. Lat. 13° 48' N. Gumpoldskirchen, \'il., Li>\Vfr Austria, 3 m, N. Baden. Gumri. tn., Russia. .bVi^ Alexaudropol. Gumshaw Inlet, Queen Charlotte Island, British Columbia. Gumsur, taluk and tn., Ganjam dist., Madras. Lat. ig" 50' N., long. 84' 42' E. Gumti, riv., India, NW. Pro\^. and Oudh, flows 590 m. to Ganges. Gumti, riv., Bengal, joins Meghna R. in lat. 23" 32' X., 00° 44 E. Gumuch-Tepe, sjtt., on E. shore of Caspian Sea, at mouth of Gurgau. Gumuljina, tn., Turkey, 80 m. SW. Adrianople. Lat. 41° 7' N. Guna Agency, tract of country, Gwalior, Central India. Ganaa, jjass, Bashahr state, Punjab. Elev. 16,026 ft. Gunbar Lake, New South Wales, co. Nicholson. Gunbower. tnshp., Victoria, in co. of same name. Gund, jicttyhill state, Punjab, India. Gundabloui, tnshp., New South Wales, co. Finch, on Moonie R. Gundagai, tn. and ry. stn., New South Wales, 251 m. SW. Sydney. Gundamoria Bar, sea-opening, Neliore dist , JIadras. Lat. 15° 31°' N. Gundamack, vil., Afghanistan, 28 m. W. Jalalabad. Gundardihi, estate. Raipurdist., Cent. Provs., India. Gundaroo. tn., New South Wales, 171 m, SW. Sydney. Lat. 35' i' S. Gundar River, Madras, falls into sea in lat. g' S' N., long. 78' 33' E. Gundava, tn., Baluchistan, cap. of Cutch Gundava. Gundelflngen, tn., Bavaria, 6 in. W. Dillingen. Gundiali, I'ctty state, Jhalawar dist., Kathiawar, Bombay. Gundlakamma, riv., Madras, falls into Bay uf Bengal iu lat. 15" 40' N. Gundlamau, /-nrriana, Sitapur dist., Oudh. Area 64 sq. m. Gundlupet, t'lluk and vil., Afysore, India, Lat. 11" 50' X., 76" 44' E. Gundrum, vil., Indiana, in Pulaski co. Gundurimba, tnshp.. New South Wales, co. Rous. Gundwa, piT'iana, Hardoi dist., Oudh. Area 140 sq. m. Guneral, tnshp., New South Wales, co. Burnett, on G\V5'dir R. Gunfleet Light, otf coast of Essex, 12 m. S. Harwich. Guni, taluk, ilaidarabad dist., Siud, Bombay. Area 989 sq. m. Gunieh, vil., Turkey, prov. Trebizond, on Black Sea. Gunna Island, Argyllshire, between Coll and Tyree. Gunnaor, taksil and tn., Budaun dist., N W. Provs., India. Gunnedah. tnshp., New S. Wales, 265 m. NW. Sydney. Lat. 31° S. GunneBBWithBurringham, eccl.di3t.,Lincolnsh.,4^ m. W. Frodingham, Gunning, tnslip.. New S. Wales, 165 ill. SW. Sydney, Lat. 34^ 35' S. Gunningba Creek. X^ew South Wales, co. Gregory. Gunning Cove, vil.. Nova Scotia, 10 m. from Shelburne. Gunnialake, vil. and mining dist., W. Cornwall, 4 m. SW. Tavistock. Gunniflon, vil,, Colorado, cap. of CO. and on Gunnison R. Gunaiaon River. Colorado, falls into Grand R. GunniBter Island, Mainland, Shetland, at mouth of Gunnister Voe. Gunpowder River, Marylaml, falls into Chesapeake Bay. Giins, tn., Ilinigary, 57 in. S8E. Vienna, on it. Guns. Guns iBland, Ireland, co. Down, SW. entrance to Lough Strangford. Ounson, Mount, South Australia, ou Pernatty Lagoon. Guntawang. tn., New S. Wales, 184 m. W. Sydney. Lat. 32' 21' S. Gunterablum, In., Ilesscn, circle and 4 m. S. Op[)''nheim. Gunterfldorf, Ml., Au->l 1 la, iu Bohemia, 2^ ni. N. K'iniginhof. Guntersvllle, vil., Alabama, cap. of Marsfi.-ill co., on Tennessee R. Guntin, coiu., Spain, prov. and 10 m. HSW. Lugo. Gunton, coast par., E. Suffolk, 2J m. N. I^>westoft. Guntramsdorf, til., Lower Austria, 4111. XE. Baden. Guntur, tn., Kistna dist., Madras. Lat. 16' 17' 42" X,,long. 80° 29' E. GunwftUoe, coast par. and llshing hum., Cornw;dl, 5 in. S. Helston. Gunyawaraldl, tnshp., New South Wales, co. Burnett. Gunyulka Lake, New South Wales, co. Weninda. Gilnzburg, tn., Bavaria, circloand 30111. W. Augsburg. Gunzenhausen, tn., Bavaria, 15 ni, SE. of Anslmcli. Gunzwyl, vil., Switzerlanci, canton Lucerne, 3 in. XE. Sursee. Guptasar, sacred cave, Shahabad dist, , Bengal, 18 in. from Sasserani, Oupworthy, iron works, Somerset, 8 m. NW. Wiveliscombe. Gurahumora, vil., Austria-Hungary, Bukowina, 16 m. SW. Suczawa. Gur.iro, vil., Trausylvania, 8 ni. SW. Hermannstadt. Gurdaapur, dist., Amritsardiv., Punjab. Area 1B23 sq. m. 119 GUB THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER HAL Onrdaipur, cliief tn. of dist. of Gurdaspur. Lat. 32° 2' 40" N Gurgaon, dist., Punjab, Delhi div. Area 1938 sq. m. Gurgaon, hdqrs. tii. uf above dist. Lat. 28° 27' 30" N., long. 77° 4' E. Gurguchha, tn., RIalwa, India. Lat. 23° 46' 30" N., long. 75" 35' E. Gurgueia, riv., Brazil, stale Piauhy, altiuent of the Parauabyba. Guriezo, coin., Spain, pruv. Santander, dist. Laredo. Garjipara, trading vil., Rangpur dist, Bengal. Gurkfeld, tn., Austria-Hungary, In Carniola. 52 m. E. Laibach, Gurkha, vil., Nepal, N. India. Lat. 27° 52' N., long. 84° 28' E. Gut Loagh, Ireland, co. Limerick, 2 ni. N. Bruff. Gomard, m1. and bay, Isle of Wi;^'ht, \\ ni. W. Cowes. Gurnet Point, Massachusetts, pruni. at entrance to Plymouth harb. Gmramkonda, tn., Cuddapah, Madras. Lat. 13° 46' N., long. 78" 38' E. Gursaral, tn., Jhansi dist., N\V. Piovs., India. Lat. 25° 37' N. Gurupa, tn., Biuzil, state Para, 217 m. W. Belera. Gurnvayur, vil., Malabar, Madras. Lat. 10° 36' N., long. 76" 4' E. Guflmango, vil., Peru, dep. Cajaniarca, 7 m, from Coutumaza. Gusow, vii., Prussia, circle and 12 m. NW. Lebus. Guspini, tn., Sardinia, 19 m. NNE. Iglesias. Lat. 39° 32' N. GuBsago, com., Italy, 6 m. NW. Brescia. Gnssola. vil., Italy, prov. Cremona, 4 \\\. WNW. Casalmaggiore. Gustavsvarn, fortress, Finland, on small, 25 m. SW, Eeknas. Gustavus, vil. and tnslip , Ohio, in Trumbull co. GUstebiese, vil., Prussia, Brandenburg, on R. Oder. GiiBten, tn., Germany, in Aniialt, 6 m. W. Bernburg. GuatoD, jiar. and vil., E. Kent, 25 m. N. Dover. Gtifltrow, tn., Germany, 34 m. ENE. Schwerin. Giitersloh, tn., Westphalia, 6 m. NE. Wiedenbriick. Outhnl, tn., Saran dist., Bengal. Lat. 26° 9' 45" N., long. 54° 5' E. Guthrie, par. and ry. stn., Forfarshire, 7jin. NW. Arbroath. Guthrie, vil., Oklahoma, Indian Ter., U.S. Guthrie Centre, vil., Iowa, cap. of Guthrie CO. Gut of Canso, separates Nova Scotia from Cape Breton I. Gutstadt, tn., E. Prussia, 13 ni. SW. Heilsberg. Gutta, vil , Hungary, dist. and 12 ni. NW. Komorn. Guttaring, vii., Austria-Hungary, Carinthia, 12 in. NE. Sanct-Veit. Guttenburg, vii., Iowa, Clayton co., on Mississippi R. Gnttenburg, vil.. New Jersey, in co. and on Hudson R. Guttentag. tn., Prussian Silesia, 12 m. NW. Lublinitz. Giitzkow, tn., Prussia, Pomerania, 11 m. S. Greifswald. Guwarich, ]KirQana, Gonda dist., Oudh. Area 267 sq. m. Gayandotte, vil. and tnshp., W. Virginia, Cabell co., on Ohio R. Guyandotte River, W. Virginia, aftUleut of Ohio R. Guy Fawkea River, New South Wales, cos. Clarke and Gresham. Guyhirne. vil. and ry. stn., Cambridgeshire, 5 m, NW. March June. Guyotville, vil., Algeria, canton and 9 m. WNW. Algiers. Guysborough, spt.. Nova Scotia, 24 m. S. Port Mulgrave. Gaysborough, vil., Ontario, co. Norfolk, 23 m. from Ingersoll. Guyton Pgint, Tasmania, on E. coast Robbin's Island. Guzman Blanco, state, Venezuela. Area 33,908 sq. m. Pop. 517,503. GwaenyBgor, par. and vil., Wales, Flintshire, 3^ m. NE. Rhyl. Gwalchmal, vil., Wales, Anglesey, 5 m. W. Llangefni. Gwalior, native state. Cent. India. Ar. 29.046 sq. m. P. 3,116,857. Gwalior, cap. of above state. I^at. 26° 13' N., long. 78° 12' E. Gweal Island, one of the Scilly Islands. Gwe-chyo, river, Lower Burma, Pegu div.. flows to Nawin R. Gweebarra River, co. Donegal, flows 18 m. SW. to Gweebarra Bay. Gweedore Bay, Ireland, co. Donegal, at Bunbeg. Gweek, spt. vil., co. Cornwall, 3 m. SE. Helston. Gwenddwr, par. and tnshp., Brecknockshire, 5^ m. SE. Builth. Gwennap, par. and vil., Cornwall, 3 ra. SE. Redruth. Gwemafield, eecl. dist. and vil., Flintshire, 2 m. N. Mold. Gwersylt, tnshp. and vil., Denbighshire, 3 m. NW. Wrexham. Gwinear, par. and vil., W. Cornwall, 6 m, SW. Redruth. Gwithian, and vil., W. Cornwall, 7 m. W. Redruth. Gwddelwem, par. and vil., Mt'rionethshire, 2J m. N. Corwen. Gwnnwa, 2 tnslips., Cardiganshire, iz m. SE. Aberystwith. Gwydir River, New South Wales, flows N. to St. George's Creek. Gwydlr, dist., along N. boundary of New South Wales. Gwynhm antl Gwynhillveor, 2 of the Scilly Islands. Gwytherln, jiar. and Vil., Denbighshire, 5J m. SB. Llanrwst. Gy, tn., France, Haut^-Saoue, 12 m. ESE. Gray. Gyaing Attaran, tnslip.. Lower Burma, Tenasserim. Lat. 16° N. Gyaing River, Lower Burma, Tenasserim, tlovvs 45 m. to R. Sahvin. Gyaing- than -1 win, div., Amherst dist., Lr. Burma. Lat. 16^ s^' N. Gyala. vil., Hungary, co. Toront:il, 7 m. N. Kanisza. Gyalla, 0, vil., Hungary, co. Komorn, 7 m. SW. Perbete. Gyaln, vil., Transylvania, 10 m. W. Klausenburg. Gyarmat, Feher, vil., Hungary, 25 m. NW. Szatmar-Nemeti. Gyannat, Fiizea, vil., Hungary, co. Bekes, 6 m. NNE. Szegaloin. Gyarmata, vil., Hungary, co. Temes, 6 in. N. Temesvar. Gyaura, ry. stn., Asiatic Russia, on Transcaspian Railway. Gyffln, par. and vil , Carnarvonshire, partly iu borough of Conway. Gyleen, vil., Ireland, on E. side of entrance to Cork Harbour. Gympie, tnshp., Queensland, 116 m. N. Brisbane. Lat. 26' 15' S. Oyoma, vil., Hungary, co. Bekes, on Kords R. Oyongyofl, tn., Hungary, co. Hfrves, 44 m. NE. Pesth. Pop. 16.061. Gyonk, vil., Hungary, co. Tolna, i5 m. S. Szekszard. Gyor, Hungarian name of Raab, q.iK Gyorkony, vil , Hungary, co. Tolna, 7 m. W. Paks. Gyoraziget, vil., Hungary, in fiuburbs of Raab. Gypaum Creek, Kansas, falls into the Smoky R., in Saline co. Gyra River, New South Wales, affluent of Maclean R. Gyula, tn., Hungary, 35 m. NNW. Arad. Pop. 18,046. Haaksbergen, vil., Netherlands, Overyssel. Haan, vil., Prussia, 9 m. E. Dusseldorf. Haarlem (Haerlem), city, N. Holland, 14 m. W. Amsterdam. P. 62,155. Haarlem Meer, former inlet of Zuider Zee, now drained. Haase River, Germany, Hanover, trib. of the Ems at Meppen. Haast, Mount, New Zealand, co. Inangahua. Hoaat Range, nitns., New Zealand, co. Westland. Haast River, New Zealand, co. Westland, flows SW. and NW. Habab, region, Africa, NE. of Abyssinia, on Red Sea. Habelflchwert, tn., Prussian Silesia, on R. Neisse. Habergham Eves, tnshp., Lancashire, mostly in Burnley. Habesh. ^ee Abyssinia. HablganJ, sub-dist., Sylhetdist., Assam. 971 sq. ni. HabiganJ, vil., Sylhet dist., Assam. Habsburg (Hapsburg), vil., Switzerland, dist. and 4 m. SW. Bragg. Hacha, spt., Culmabia, Magdalena state. Hacha River, Colombia, flows through Magdalena state. Hackensack, vil.. New Jersey, cap. of Bergen co. Hackensack River, New Jersey, from Rockland L. to Newark Bay. Hacketstown, vil., co. Carlow, on R. Derreen. Hackett's Cove, vil.. Nova Scotia, on St. Margaret's Bay. Hackettstown, tn., New Jersey, Warren co. Hackney, bur., Middlesex, in NE. London. Pop. 229,531. Hadarnaru, vil., India, Mysore dist. and stat«. Haddam, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, cap. of Middlesex co. Haddenham, par. and vil., Bucks, 3 ni. NE. Thame. Haddenham, par. and vil , Cambridgeshire, 6^ ni. SW. Ely. Haddington, bur., par. and CO. tn., Haddingtonshire, on R. Tync. Haddingtonshire (E. Lothian), co. Scotland, ou North S^a. Haddon, tn,, Victoria, co. Grenville, iioi m. W. Jlelbdurne. Haddonfleld, bor., New Jersey, Camden CO., 6 m. SE. Camden. Haderaleben, tu., Prussia, N. Schleswig. Hadfleld, eccl. dist. and vil., N. Derbyshire. Hadham, Great (Much H.), par. and vil., Herts, on R. Ash. Hadham, Little, par. and vil., Herts, on R. Ash. Hadhaz, tn., Hungary, ro ni. N. Debreczin. Hadleigh, tn., Sutlulk, on R. Bret, gk m. SW. Ipswich. Hadiey, vil., Middlesex, i m, NE. Baruet. Hadley, eccl. dist., N. Shropshire. Hadley, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Hampshire co. Hadley, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Lapeer co. Hadley, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Saratoga co., on Hudson R. Hadlow, par. and vil., Kent, 4 m. NE. Tun bridge. Hadol, vil., France, in Vosges, 6 ni. S. Epinal. Hadow's Island, Fiji, one of the Exploring Islands. Hadramant, region, Arabia, formed part of Arabia Felix. Hadspen, tnshp., Tasmania, co. Cornwall, 136 m. from Hobart. Haeght, vil., Belgium, N. Brabant, 16 ni. NE. Brussels. Haeltert, vil., Beli:;inm, E. Flanders, 19 m. E. Audeuarde. Haerlebeke, tn., Belgium, W. Flanders, on R. Lys. Haerlem. ,SVe Haarlem. Hafizabad, tahsil, Punjab, Gujranwala dist. Hafsloe, vil., Norway, 88 ni. NK. Bergen. Hagboume, par., Berks, 5 m. SW. Wallingfnrd. Hagbourne, tnshp. and vil., Berks, in above par. Hagen, tn., Prussia, Westphalia, on R. Volme. Hagenow, tu., Germany, between Berlin and Hamburg. Hageratown, vil., Indiana, Wayne co., 88 ni. from Cincinnati. Hagerstown, city, Maryland, cap. of Washington co. Hagetmau, tn., France, Laudes, 7 ni. S. St. Sever. Haggs, vil., Stirlingshire, 3 m. SW. Denny. Hagley, par. and vil., Worcestershire, 2j m. SE. Stourbridge. Hagley, tnshp., Tasmania, co. Monmouth, 155 ni. NW. Hobart. Hag's Head, cape, co. Clare, on Liscanor Bay. Hague, tu., Col'jmbia, Tolimastate, dep. Del Norte. Pop. 10,346. Hague, The, city, Netherlands, cap. of S. Holland. Pop. 156,497. Haguenau, til., Germany, Alsacew on R. Moder. Pop. 13,469. Hahndorf, tu.. South Australia, co. and 17 m. E. of Adelaide. HahnvlUe, vil., Louisiana, cap. St. Charles par. Haidarabad. native state, S. India. 98,000 sq. m. Pop. 11,489,210. Haidarabad, city, cap. of above. Lat. 17° 21' 45" N. Pop. 312,390. Haidarabad, dist., Bombay. 90:10 sq. m. Haidarabad, sub-div., Haidarabad dist., Bombay. 404 sq. m. Haidarabad, chief tn., Haidarabad dist., Bombay. Pop. 67,790, Haidarabad, pargaiia.y Oudh, Kheri dist. 98 sq. ra. Haidarabad, tn., Oudh, Unaodist. Lat. 26" 55' N., long. 80° 17' E. Haidarabad, assigned districts (Berar), India. Area 17,711 sq. m. Haldargarh, tahsit, Oudh, Bara Ban ki dist. Haldargarh, jxirgaiia, Oudh, Bara Banki dist. Haidargarh, tu., Oudh, Bara Bank! dist. Haidhauaen, vil., Bavaria, on R. Isar, near Munich. Hai-Dzuong, tn., Aniiam, Tonquin. Pop. 30.000. Haifa (Kaiffa), tn., Palestine, oil Bay of Acre. Hai-Fong, tn., Tonquin, on arm of the Tonquin R. Haigh, tnshp. and vil., Lancashire, 2^ m. NW. Wigan. Hai-Khiou-So, tn., Hainan I., 3 m. N.'Kiong-Chu. Hailey, tnshp. and vil., Oxfordshire, 2 m. NW. Witney. Hailey, vil., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co. Hallsham, tn. and par., Sussex, 64A ni. SE. London. Hainan, isl., China, prov, Quang-Tung. 11,974 ^'1- 'n. Pop. 2,500,000. Hainaut (Haiaault), prov. Belgium, on French border. P. 1,068.752. Hainburg, tn., Austria, on R. Danube, 27 m. ESE. Vienna. Halne River, Belgium, joins the Scheldt in France. Halnewalde, Vil., Saxony, near Zittau. Haing-gyi, isl , Burma, in Bassein R. Lat. 15° 54' N. Halnlchen, tu., Saxony, 40m. SE. Leipzig. Hainspach, tn., Bohemia, 37 m. N. Leitmeritz. Haiti, isl.. West Indies. Lat. 18° N., long. 70° W. 28,523 sq. in. Pop. 1,377,000. Haiti, rep., in above isl. Area 11,072 sq. m. P. 960,000. Hajamro, River, Bombay, Sind. Lat. 24° 6' N., long. 67' 22' E. Hajlpur, suh-div., Muzaffarpur dist., Bengal. Area 771 sq. m. Hajipur, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 25° 40' 50" N. Hakata, tn., Japan, prov. Chikuzen. Hakateramia River, New Zealand, co. Waimate, flows S. Hakodadl, open port, Japan, Yesso, on Strait of Tzagar. P. 52,693. Hal (Halle), tn., Belgium, S. Brabant, on R, Senne. Hala, sub-div., Haiilarabad dist., Bombay. Hala, tdlnk, Hala sub-div., Haidarabad dist., Bombay. Hala, New, tn., India, Haidarabad dist. Lat. 25° 48' 30" N. Hala, Old, tn., Haidarabad dist., Bombay, 2 m. from New Hala. Halanl, tu., Haidarabad dist., Bombay. 120 HAL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER HAN HaUfl, tn., Hungary, 75 m. SSE. Testh. Pop. 16,039. HaliBto Lake, Hungary, 78 m. SSE. Pesth. Halbeath, vil., Fifesliire, 24 m. from Uuiiferinline. Halberry Head, prom., Caitlniess, Latlierou par. HalbersUdt, tn., Prussian Saxony, 29 in. SW. Jragdeburg. HaJberton, i>ar. and vil., N. Devon, 3 ni. E. Tiverton. Halcombe, tn., New Zualand, co. Orona, 108 in. NE. Wellington. Halcro Head, hea'Uaiul, SE. coast of S. lloualdsliay, Orkney. Hilda River, Biiigal, Chittagnng dist., trib. of tlie Kamaphuli U. Haldenaleben, New, tn., Haxony, 15 m. from Magdeburg. HaJdcnflleben, Old, tn., &ixony, adjoining tlie above. Haldi, RivpF, Uciigal, trib. of the Hugli. Halo, tnslip. anil vil., Lancashire, 10 ni. SE. Liverpool. Hale, tnshp., mid Chesliire, 2 m. SE. Altrincliain. Bale, eecl. dist., W. Surrey, Farnliam par. Bale, Great, par. and tnshp., S. Lincolnsliire. Hale, Little, tnshp., Lincolnshire, 6i m. SE. Sleaford. Haledon. viL, Kew York, Passaic co., near Pat^rson. Halesowen, tn., Worcestershire, ■}\ iix. from Birmingham. Haleaworth, tn., Sullolk on U. IJIyth. Halewood, tnshp., Lancashire, 5 m. E, Garston. Haley Hill, eocl. dist. and vil., W Riding, Yorkshire. Halfal, tn., Nubia, on R. Nile, 15 m. N. Khartum. Half Mooa Bay, Tasmania, en. Wellington. Halltaoon Bay, vil. Caliluriiia, San ilateo co. Hallburton, vil,, Ontario, Haliburton co. Hallcz, tn., Austna, Galicia, on U. Dniester. Halldon Hill, near Berwick, on English border. Scene of battle. Halifax, bnr , Yorks, on R. Hel-ble, 7 m. SW. Bradford. P. 82,900. Halifax, city, Nova Scotia. Lat. 45^ N., long. 63° 45' W. Pop. 36,160. Halifax, vil. and tnslip., N. Car^^lina, c ip. of Halifax co. Halifax, bor., Pennsylvania, Dauphin co. Halifax Bay Prince Edward Island, on S. coast. Halifax Bay, Queensland, dist. N. Kennedy, N. of Cape Cleveland. Halifax Court House, vil., Virginia, cap. of Halifax co. Halifax Island (British), Africa, Namaqualand. Hj^U n in Watemish, f/.s. par,, tikye I., Inverness-shire. Hallyal, sub-dir., N. Kaiiara dist., Bombay. 980 sq. m. Hallyal, tu., in above sub-div. Lat. 15° 19' 50" N., long. 74" 48' E. Halkett, Fort, British Columbia, on Liard R. Halliin, par. and vil., co. and zj m. SW. Flint. Halkirk, par. and vil., Caithness, %\ m. S. Tliurso. Hall, til., Tyrol, on K. Inn, 6 m. E. Innsbnick. Hall (Schwablsch Hall), tn., Wurtein)M;rg, on R. Kocher. Halladale River, Sutlierlandshire, falls into sea at Porlskerry. Hallaro, Nether, tnslip., W. Riding, Yorks, W. of Shellield. Hallamshire, pari, div,, W. Ridiug, Yorks. Hallam, Upper, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, in Sheffield. Hallam, West, par. and viL, co. and 7 m. NE. Derby. Halland. Ute. Halmstad. Hallar, '.. E. Staffordshire. Hammond, vil., Indiana, Lakeco., 20 ni, NW. Crown Point. Hammond, vil. and tiislip.. New York, St. Lawrence co. Hammond, vil, and tnshp., Wisconsin, St, Croix co. Hammond, tn.. South Australia, co. Frome, 214 m. N. Adelaide. Hammond River, set,, New Brunswick, King's co. Hammonds Knoll, bank. North Sea, 20 m. NE. Yannouth. Hammondsport, vil.. New York, Steuben co., on Keuka Lake. Hammond Vale, vil.. New Brunswick, King's co. Hammonton, tn., New York, Atlantic co., 30 m. SE. Camden. Hammonvlllo, vil. and tnshp,, Kentucky, Hart co. Hammun Lake (salt), on borders of Persia, Afghanistan, Balucliistan. Hamoaze, estuary of R. Tamar, between Devon and Cornwall, Hampden, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Penobscot co. Hampl, vil. and ruined city, Madras, Bellary dist. Hampreston, par, , Dorset, on R. Stour. 4948 acres. Hampshire (Hants), CO., Engl., S. of Berks. 1622 sq. m. Hampshire, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Kane co. Hampstead, bor., Middlesex, in NW. London. Pop. 68,425. Hampstead, vil.. New Brunswick, Queen's co, Hampstead. vil. and tnshp., Maryland, Carroll co. Hampstead Norrla, par. and vil., Berks, 7 m. from Newbury, Hampsthwaite, jiar, and tnshp., W, Riding, Yorkshire. Hampton, vil., Middlesex, on R. Thames, SW. of Loudon. Hampton, tn., New Brunswick, cap, of King's co. Hampton, vil., Georgia, U.S., Heni-y co., 32 m. S, Atlanta. Hampton, vil. and tiishp., IlliTiois, Hock Island co. Hampton, vil., Iowa, cap. of Franklin co, Hampton, vil. and tnshp., New Hampshire, Rockingham CO. Hampton, vil., Virginia, cap. of Elizabeth City co. Hampton Roads, Virginia, [lassage off Chesapeake Bay. Hamptonwick, hamlet, on R. Thames, 15 m. SW London. Hamsteels, eccl. dist., N, Durham. Hamsterley, par., Durham, 6 m. NW. Bishop Auckland. Hanau, tn., Prus.'iia, in Hessen-Nassau, on R. Kinzig. Hanbury, ])ar. and vil., E. Stallordshire. Hanbury, par. and vil., E. Worcestershire. Hancock, vil. and tnshp,, Maryland, Washington co. Hancock, vil. and tnshp,, Michitjan, Houghton co. Hancock, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Delaware co. Handa Island, Sutherlandshiro. 3 m, NW, Seourie. Handford, eccl. dist. and vil., W. Slalfordshire. Handla, tnhsil, Allahabad dist., NW, Provs., India. Handia, vil., Allahabad dist., NW. Prova., India. Handsborgh. vil,, Alississippi, Harrison co,, on Bayou Bernard. Handschuhshelm, vit., H.ideii, on R. Main. HandBworth, j)ar. and In., E. Staffordshire. HandBworth, I'ar. anrl vil,, W. Riding, Yorkshire. Handzaeme, vil,, Belgium, 15 m. SW. Bruges. Hangal, sub-div., Dharwar dist., Bombay. 299 sq. ni. Hangal. tn., Hangal sub-div., Dharwar (list., Bombay. Hang-Chow-Fu, city, China, cap. of Chi-Kiang. Pop. 1,000,000. Hanging Heaton, eccl. dist,, W. Uiding, Yorkshire. Hanging Rock, iiitn.. New South Wales, co, Mitchell. Hanging Rock, vil., Ohio, Lawrence CO., on the Ohio R. Hangman's Isle, rock, Scilly Islands, NE. Bryher. Hango Udd (Hangond), freo port, SW. Finland. Hangu, t>ik.-., Kentucky, Hopkins co. Hanson, vil. and tushji., Massachusetts, Plymouth co. Hanson Lake, S. Australia, 15 m. NE. of Lake Gairdner. Han-Tchong, city, Cliina, prov. Shen-Se, on the Han-kiang. Hanthawadi, dist., Burma, Pegu div. 4376 sq. ra. Hants. See Hampshire. Hants Harbour, port of entry, Newfoundland, dist. Trinity. Hantsport, vil., Nova Scotia, co. Hants, 7 m. from Windsor. Hannman-betta, nitn. pi-ak, l\Iysore, India. Alt. 5276 ft. Hanways Kocka. Sa: Hanois Rocks. Hanwell, par. and vil., Mi.idlisix, on R. Brent. Hanwell, set., New Biunswiuk, co. York, 9 m. from Fredericton. Hanworth, par. and vil., Middlesex, 2 ni. SW. Twickenham. Han Yang, city, China, prov. Hu-Pe, opposite Han-Kow. P. 100,000. Haparanda, tn., Sweden, on Gulf of Buthnia. Happisburgh, vil., Norfolk, 6 m. E. of N. Walsham. Happy Valley, tn., Victoria, co. Grenville, 114 m. W. Melbourne. Hapsal, spt., Russia, Esthonia, 5S ni. SW. Revel. Hapsburg, See Habsburg. Hapton, tnshp., Lancashire, 3 m. NE. Accrington. Hapnr, tahsil, Meerut dist., NW. Provs., India. 4o8sq. m. Hapur, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 28° 43' N. Harar. See Hurrur. Harberton, par. and vil., Devon, 2 m. SW. Totnes. Harbledown. par. and vil., Kent, 1 m. W. Canterbury. Harbome, par. and local gov. dist., Staffordshire. Harborough, pari, div., Leicestershire. Harbour-an-Bouche, vil.. Nova Scotia, on St. George's Bay. Harbour Briton, port of entry, Newfoundland, Fortune Bay dist. Harbour Buffet, viL, Newfoundland, on Long Island. Harbour Creek, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Erie co. Harbour Grace, port of entry, Newfoundland, on Concepcion Bay. Harbour Main, vil. and dist., Newfoundland. Harbour Road, set., Nova Scotia, co. and 5 m. from A ntigonJsh. Harburg, tn., Hanover, 23 m. NW. Liineburg. Harbnry, i^ar. and vil., Warwickshire, on R. Ichene. Harcourt, tnshp.. New Brunswick, co. Kent, Harcourt, tn., Victoria, co. Talbot, 82 J ni. NW. Melbourne. Harda, tahsil, Cent. Provs., India. Area 1942 sq. m. Harda, tn.. Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 22" 21' N., 77°8'E. Hardanger-Field, mtn. range, Norway. Lat. 60° 10' N. Hardanger-Fiord, Norway, on W. coast, 33 m. SE. Bergen. Harden, In., New South Wales, 228 m. from Sydney, Lat. 34° 19' S. Hardenberg, tn., Netherlands, 30 m. NE. Deventer. Harderwick (Harderwijk), spt., Netherlands, on Zuider Zee. Hardheim, tn., Baden, 44 m. ENE. Manuheini. Harding, vil,, Pennsylvania, Luzerne co. Coal mines. HardingBburg, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Breckenridge CO. Hardingstone, ]>ar. and hti;il gov. dist., Nortlianiptonshire. Hardinsville, vil. and tnslip., Kentucky, Shelby co. Hardinxveld, vil., Netherlands, S. Holland, on R. Maas. Hardoi, dist., Ondh, India, Area 2311 sq. m. Hardoi, tahsil, Hardoi dist., Oudh. Area 638 sq. m. Hardoi, cliieftn., Hardoi dist., Oudh. Lat. 27' 23'4o"N. Hardoi, parpfuut, Rai Bareli dist., Oudh. Hardt, vil., Rhenish Prussia, gov. Dusseldorf. Harduaganj, tn., NW. Provs., India, Aligarh dist. Hardwar, tn., NW. Provs., India. Place of pilgrimage. Hardwlck, ^11. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Worcester co. Hardwick, y\\. and tnshp., Vermont, Caledonia co. Hardwicke Bay, S. Australia, co. Fergusson. off Spencer Gulf. Hardwood R., Tasmania, co. Arthur, trib. of the Davey R. Hardy, Cape, S. Australia, co. Jervois, on Spencer Gulf. Hardy Islands, Queensland, otfCape Grenville. Hardy Mount, New Zealand, co. Whakatane. Alt. 3700 ft. Hardyville, vil, and tnshp., Kentucky, Hart co. Hare Bay, Newfoundland, White Bay dist. Harefleld, par. and vil., Middlesex, 3$ m. N. Uxbridge. Hare Island, S. Co. Cork, in Koaringwater Bay. Hare Island, in co. and on Galway Bay, Ireland. Hare Island, W. CO. Westmeath, in Lough Ree. Hare Island, Quebec, Teiniscouata co., in R. St. Lawrence. Harewood, par. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, 8 m. N. Leeds. Harflenr, spt, France, Seine-Inferieure, 3 m. ENE. Havre. Harford, vil. and tnshp., New York, Cortland co. Harford, viL and tnslip., Pennsylvania, Susquehanna co. Hargam, par^nria, Sitapnr dist., Oudh. 66 sq. m. Hargam, tn., Sitapur dist., Oudh. Lat. 27" 45' N., long. 80" 47' E. Hargraves. tn.. New South Wales, co, Wellington, 190 m. NW. Sydney. Harha, pnrgana, Unao dist., Oudh, India, Area 228 sq. m. Harha, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 26° 25' 20" N., long. 80° 34' E. Harhar, vil., NW. Provs., India, Muzallarnagardist. Haria, t'lh^il, NW. Provs., India, Basti dist. 477 sq. m. Haria, tn., NW. Provs., India, Basti dist. Has trade in grain, etc. Hariana, tract, Punjab, in the Hissar dist. Hariana, tn., Punjab, Hoshiarpurdist. Lat. 31" 38' N., long. 75° 54' E. Harihar, tn., Mysore, Chitaldrug dist. Lat. 14° 30' N., long. 76° 50' E. Haribarpur, \'il., Mysore, Kadur dist. Lat. 13° 30' N., long, 75° 20' E. Haringi River, Coorg, India, trib. of the Ka\ari R. Haringvliet, month of the Rhine in S. Holland. Haripani River, Assam, Goalpara dist., trib. of Brahmaputra. Haripur, tahsil, Punjab, Hazaia dist., 666 sq. m. Haripur, tn., Punjab, Hazara dist. Lat. 33" 59' N., long. 72° 58* E, Haripur, tn., Punjab, Kangradist. Lat. 32° N., long. 76' 12' E. Hari Rud, rlv., Afghanistan and Persia. Rises in Koh-i-Baba Mtns. Barker, Mount, Queensland, between the Thomas and Scott Ranges. Harlan, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, cap. of Shelby co. Harlaw, battlefield (1411), Aberdeenshire, near R. Ury. Harlech, anc. tn., Merionetlishire, 10 m. N. Barmouth. Harlem, Netherlands. S>e Haarlem. Harlem, vil., Illinois, Cook co., g m. W. Chicago. Harlem, New York, part of city of New York. Harlem River, New York, arm of Long Island Sound. Harlesden, eccl. dist., Middlesex, part of Chelsea. Harleston, tn., Norlolk, 6i ni. from Bungay. Harley, vil., Ontario, co. Brant, 14 m. from Brantford, Harley Wood, ecol. dist., York and Lancashires. Harling, East (Market H.), par., S. Norfolk. 2572 acres, Harlingen, spt., Netherlands, on Zuider Zee. Fop, 10,223. Harlington, par. and vil., Middlesex, loj m. SW. London. Harlow, tn., W. Essex, 24 m. NE. London. Harlowe, set., Ontario, Frontenac co., NW. Napanee. Harmar, vil., Ohio, Washington Co., on the Ohio R. Harmon, vil. and tnshp , Illinois, Lee co. Harmondflworth, par. aud vil., Middlesex, 4 m. NE. Staines, Harmony, vil., Indiana, Clay co., 20 m. NE. Terre Haute. Harmony, vil. and tnshp., New Jersey, Warren co. Harmony, bor., Pennsylvania, Butler co., oil Conequessing Creek. Harmony Grove, vil., Georgia, U.S., Jackson co. Harnai, spt., Bombay, Ratnajiri dist. Lat. 17° 48' 50" N, Hames, vil, France, Pas-de-Calais, 15 m. ESE. Bethune. Hamhalll, taluk, Hassan dist., Mysore. 202 sq. ni. Harnballi, vil., Mysore, Hassan dist, Lat. 13" 14' 30" N. Haro, tn., Spain, 25 m. WNW. Logrono. Haroh River, Punjab, tributary of the Indus. Harold's Cross, co. and. suburb of Dublin. Harpanahalli, taluk, Bellary dist., Madras, Area 592 sq, m. Fop. 70.620. Harpanahalli, tn., Madras, Bellary dist. Lat. i4''47'N., long. 76° 2 E. Harpenden, jiar. and vil., Herts, 5 ni. SE. Luton. Harper, tn., Liberia, co. Maryland, near Cape Palmas. Harper'8 Ferry, ^il. and tnshp., W. Virginia, Jcflerson co. Harperafleld, vil. and tnshp., New York, Delaware co. Harperafield, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Asht^ibula co. HirpersviUe, vil. and tnshjt., Alabama, Shelby co. Harpersville, vil.. New York, Broome CO., on Susquehanna R. Harpeth River, Tennessee, trib. of the Cumberland R, Harray and Birsay, par.. Mainland, Orkney. Harrellsville, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, Hertford co, Harrietville, tn., Victoria, co, Delatite, 216 in, NE. Melbourne. Harrigan Cove, set.. Nova Scotia, co. and gt ni. NE. Halifax. Harrington, tn,, Cumberland, 4^ m. from Whitehaven. Harrington, vil., Delaware, Kent CO., 64 m. S. Wilmington. Harrington, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Washington co. Harrington, West, vil., Ontario, co. Oxford, 7 m. from Stratford. Harrington Inlet. New South Wales, estuary of the Manning R. Harrifl, [leninsular par., Lewis Island, Outer Hebrides. Harris, Mount, New South Wales, co. Gregory, on Macquarie R, Harriaburg, vil, and tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Saline co. Harrisburg, vil. and tnshp., Oregon, Linne co. Harrisburg, city, Pennsylvania, cap. of State, Dawson co. Harrifl Lake, S. Australia, lies W. of Lake Gairdner. Harris Lot, vil. and tnshp., Maryland, Charles co. Harrismith, tn.. Orange Free State, in E. div., near Natal. Harrison, vil. and tnshp., Arkansas, cap. of Boone co. Harrison, city, New Jersey, Hudson co., on the Passaic R. Harrison, hamlet and tnshp.. New York, Westchester co. Harrison, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Hamilton co., on Whitewater R, Harrisonburg, vil., Virginia, cap. of Rockingham co. Harrison Square, Massachusetts, ward of city of Boston, Harriaonvllle, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Shelliy co. Harrisonville. vil., Missouri, Cass CO., 22 m. SW. Holden. Haniss's Bluff, mtn., S. Australia, on Lake Giles. Harriston, tn., Ontario, CO. Wellington, 48 m. NW. Guelph. Harrisvllle, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, cap. of Alcona co. Harrodsburg, vil, and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Mercer co. Harrod's Creek, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Jefferson co. Harrogate, bor., W. Riding, Yorks, 16 m. N. Leeds. Watering pi, Harrogate, tn., S. Australia, 32 m. E. Adelaide. Harrold, par. and vil.. co. and 9 m. NW. Bedford, Harrow (H. on the Hill), tn. and par., Middlesex, Harrow, pail, div., Middlesex. Harrow, tn., Victoria, 250 m. NW, Melbourne. Harrow Bay, Ontario, Bruce co., off Georgian Bay. Harrow Green, eccl. dist., Low Leyton par., S. Essex. Harrowamith, vil., Ontario, co. Frontenac, 16 m. from Kingston. Harrow Weald, eccl. dist. and vil., Middlesex, 2 m. N. Harrow. Hart, par., tnshp., vil., Durham, partly in Hartlepool. Hart, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, cap. of Oceana co. Hart, Cape, S. Australia, SE. extremity of Kangaroo I. Harta CKU-Harta), vil.. Hungary, on the Danube, S. of Pesth. 122 HAR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER HAW Harta (Hirtha), In., Saxony, 31 m. SE. Leipzig. Hwi;burn, par. and tnshp., Northumberlaud, on R. Wansbeck. Harteofltein, tn , Saxony, n&ir R. Mulde. Hart Fell, nitn., on Injiders of Dumfries and Peeblesshirea. Hartfleld, par. and vil., Sussex, 6 m. SE. of E. Grinstead. Eutford, tnsbp. and vil., W. Cheshire on R. Weaver. Hartford, vil. and Inslip., Arkansas, Sebastian co. Hartford, city, Connecticut, cap. state ami Hartford co. P. 63,182. Hartford, vil., Kansas, Lyon co., 15 in. SE. Emporia. Hartford, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. Ohio co., on Rough Creek. Hartford, vil. and tnshp., Micliipan, Van Bureu co. Hartford, vil. and tnshp., New York, Washington co. Hartford, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Licking co. Hartford, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Trumbull co. Hartford, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Windsor en,, on White R. Hartford, vil. and tuslip Wisconsin, Washington co., on Rubicon R. Hartford City, vil., W. Virginia, Mason Co., on the Ohio R. HarthiU and Benhar, q.s. par., Shotts par., Lanarkshire. HartliiU witti WoodaU, par., W. Riding, Yorkshire. 3565 acres. Harting, par. and vil., Sussex, 4 ni. from Peterslield. Hartinpton par. and viL, N. Derbyshire, 8 ra. SW. Bakewell. Hart Lake, S. Australia, between Island Lagoon and Lake Uanson. Hartland, par. and vil., N. Devon, on Barnstaple Bay, Hartland, vil, and tnshp., Maine, Somerset co. Hartland, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Livingston co. Hartland, vil. and tnslip,. New York, Niagara co. Hartland, \il. and tnshp , Vermont, Windsor co. Hartland Point, N. Devon, S. extremity of Barnstaple Cay. Hartlebury, par., tnshp., and vil., W. Worcestershire. Hartlepool, bor. and spt., CO. and 18 m, SE. Durham. Pop. 64,914. Hartley, vil., S. Northumberland, 3 m, SE. Blyth. Hartley, tnshp., New South Wales, 83 m. NW. Sydney. Hartley, vil., Ontario, co. Victoria, 14 m. fron\ Lindsay. Hartley, Little, tnshp., New S. Wales, co. Cook, 80 m. W. Sydney, Hartley Hill, uitn., Africa, Mashonaland. Alt. 3800 ft. Hartley Vale, tnshp., New S. Wales, Blue Mtns., 81 m. from Sydney. Hartley Wintney, par. and viL , Hants, 9 m. NE. Basingstoke. Hartminnsdorf, vil.. Saxony, 65 ni. SE. Leipzig. Harfa Falla, \il., New York, Rensselaer co., on Hoosac River. Hartaliill, eccl. (list., N. Staffordshire. Hartahill, tnshp. and viL, N. Warwickshire, on R. Anker. Hartahom, par. and vil.. Derbyshire, 3^ m. NW. Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Hart's Island, New York, Long I. Sound, belongs to New York city. Hartsville, vil., Indiana, Bartholomew co., on Clifty Creek. Hartaville, vil, and tnshp., Tennessee, cap. of Trousdale co. Hartwell, vil, and tnslip., Georgia, U.S., cap. of Hart co. Hartwell, vil., Ohio, Hamilton co., 10 m. N. Cincinnati. Hartwich, vil, and tnshp., New York, Otsego co., on Otsego Creek. Hartwith with Winsley, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire, on R. Nidd. Hartz Mtna. See Harz. Hirvard, vil,, Illinois, McHeniy CO., 63 m. NW. Chicago. Harvard, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Worcester CO. Harvard, vil. and tnshp., Nebraska, Clay co. Harvard. Mount, Colorado, peak of the R«:)cky Mountains. Harveyaborg. vil,, Ohio, Warren co,, 38 m. NE. Cincinnati. Harvey's Island, Queensland, olf coast of Port Curtis. Harwich, bor., spt., and watering-place, Essex, on R. Stour. Harwich, pari, div., Essex. Hirwich, vil, and tnshp,, Massachusetts, Barnstable co. Harwood, tnslip., NE, Lancashire, 2 m. NE. Bolton. Harwood, Great, tn., Lancashire, 4 m. NE, Blackburn. Hara, mtns., Germany, Hanover and Brunswick. Brockeu, ;^74o ft. Harzburg, vil., Germany, 27 m. S. Brunswick. Harzgerode, tn., Germany, Anhalt, 18 m. 3. Halberstadt. HaaanganJ, vd., Oudli, Unao dist. Haaanpor, t'fhsi.!, Muradabad dist., NW. Provs,, India. Styjsq. m. Haaanpar, In., NW. Provs., India. Lat 28° 45' N., long. 78^ ig' E. Haaanpur, tn., Oudh, Sultanpur dist. Lat. 26' 16' N,, long. 32° 3' E. Hasara, tn., Bengal, Dacca dist. Lat. 23° 35' N., long. 90° 20' E. Haabory, tnshp., Worcestershire, i in, SW. Halesowen. Haselton, vil., Ohio, Mahoning co., 3 m. SE. Youngstown. Hasenpoth, tn., Russia, Courlanier, Haatlnga, tn., Tasmania, co. Kent, 56 m. SW. Hobart. Hastings, tn., Victoria, co. Mornington, 41 ni. SE, Melbourne. Hastings, vil., Iowa, Mills Co., on tlie Nishnabotana R, Hastings, city, Michigan, cap. of Barry co,, on Thornapplc R. Hastings, city, Minnesota, cap. of Dakota co. Haatlnga, vil., Nebraska, Adams co., 91 ni. E. Lincoln. Haatinga, vil, and tnshp., Now York, Oswego co. Hastinga, vil.. New York, We-itchesterco., on tlie Hudson R. Hastlnga, Fort, NW. Provs., India. Lat. 29" 25' N., long. 80^ 5' E. Hastings River, New South Wales, co. Slacquarie, flows E. Hasua, tn., Bengal, Gaya dist. Lat. 24° 49' N., long. 85" 27' E. Haswell, tnshp., Durham, ic4 m. S. Sunderland. Hata, tahsil, Gorakhpur dist., NW, Provs., India. 575 sq. ni. Hatampnr, tn., Bengal, Shahabad dist. Hatboroagh, bor., Pennsylvania, Montgomery co. Hatcham. part of Deptford St. Paul par., Surrey. Hatchechnbbee, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Russell co, Hatchie River, Mississippi and Tennessee, trib. of the Mississippi. Hatfield (Bishopa H.\ tn. and par., Hertfordshire. Hatfield, div., Bassetlaw wapentake, N. Notts. Hatfield, par. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, Hatfield, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Hampshire co. Hatfield, vil. and tnshp., Pennyslvania, Montgomery co. Hatfield Broad Oak, par. and vil., W. Essex. Hatfield Peverel, par. and vil., Essex, 3 m. SW. Witham. Hatfield Regis. .See Hatfield Broad Oak. Hatherleigh, par. and vil., Devon, 26 m. NW. Exeter. Hathem, par., Leicestershire, 3 m. NW. Loughborough. Hatherwood Point, on W. coast of Isle of Wight. Hathibari, state forest. Cent. Provs., India. Area 15 sq. m. Hathras, tuhsU, Aligarh dist., NW. Provs., India. 291 sq. m Hathraa, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 27° 35' 31" N. Hatla Island, Bengal, in the Meghna estuary. 185 sq. m. P. 40,295. Hat Island, Fiji, also called Vatu-Rera. Hatley (E. Hatley or Charleaton), vil., Quebec, co. Stanstead. Hata and Barrels, rocks, off coast of Pembrokeshire. Hatta, estate, Balaghat dist,. Cent, Provs,, India. Hatta, vil. and hdqrs., Hatta estate, Cent. Provs,, India. Hatta, t'lhsil, Damoh dist., Cent. Provs., India. 1007 sq, m. Hatta, hdqrs. tn. of above, Lat. 24" 8' N., long, 79' 39' E. Hattem, tn., Netherlands, Gelderland, 3 m. SSW. ZwoUe. Hatteras, Cape, N. Carolina. Lat. 35° 15' N., long. 75" 31' W, Hatterell Hill, Monmouth and Herefordshires, Alt. 2000 ft. Hattingen, tn., Westphalia, 38 m. W. Amsberg. Hatton, par., tnshp., and vil., co. and 3 m. NW, Warwick, Hatvan, tn., Hungary, 30m. EXE. Pesth. Hatzfeld, tn., Hungary, 22 m. WNW. Temesvar. Haabourdin, tn., France, dep. Nord, 4 m. SW. Lille. Haugesund, tn., Norway, amt Stavanger. Haagha Bay, Kincardineshire, 2 ni. NE. Johnshaven. HanghB of Cromdale, battlefield, Elginshire, near R. Spey. Haughton, tnshp., Lancashire, 6 m. SE. Manchester. Hanghton-le-Skeme, par., S. Durham, on R. Skerne. Uangsdorf, tn., Austria, on the Polkau. Hanlbowline Island, CO. Cork, in Cork harbour. Has forts, etc. Haulbowline Rock, co. Down, in Carlingford Lough. Haundsdorf, Ober and Nieder, vils., Prussian Silesia, 50 m. S. Breslau. Haung-thara.w, tnshp., Amherst dist., Burma. Haxing-tharaw River, Burma, trib. of the Hlaing-bwe, Haoraki Golf, New Ze iland, E, coast of North Island. Hauran, dist., Syria, S. of Damasmis. Haussa territory, former empire, W. Soudan, Africa, Haussy, vil., France, dep. Nord, 10 m, EXE. Caml>rai. Hiutapu, dist.. New Zealand, co. Waikata, 39 m. from Auckland. Haute-Garonne, dep., S. France, Area 2429 sq. m. Pop. 481.169. Haute-Loire, dep., SE. France, drained by Loire and .Vllior. p. 320,063. Hante-Mame, dep., NE. France, Area 2402 sq. m. Pop. 247,781. Hantea-Alpea, dep., SE. France, S. of Savoie. 2158 sq. m. P, 122,923, Hante-Saone, dep., E. France, SW, of Alsace. 2062 sq. m. P. 290,954. Haute-Savoie.dep., France, S. of L. ot Geneva. 1667 sq.m. Pop, 275,018. Haute a- Pyrenees. Sec Pyrenees, Hantes. Hante-Vienne, dep., France. Lat. 46" N, 2130 sq, m. Pop. 3&3,182. Haut He (Hare Island), Canada, in Bay of Fundy. Hantmont, vil., France, dep, Nord, 3 m. SW. Maubeuge. Ha,nt-Rhln, dep., E. France, Upper Alsace. Pop. 74,244. Havana (The Havannah), spt,, cap. of Cuba, W. Indies, Pop, 193,721. Havana, vil, and tnshp., Alabama, Hale co. Havana, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Mason co. Havana, vil., New York, Schuyler co., 18 m. N. Elmira. Havant, tn. and par., S. Hants, 6 m. NE. Portsmouth. Havel, riv., N. Germany, trib. of the Elbe at Havelberg. Havelberg. tn , Germany, Prussia, on R. Havel. Havell, sub-div.. Puna dist., Bombay. Area 813 s.-j. m. Havelock, tn., Victoria, co. Talbot, 118 m. NW. Maryborough. Hivelock, pt. of entry, New Zealand, CO. Sounds, 33 m. NW. NeUon. Havelock (New Tuaket), vil.. Nova Scotia, on Tnsket River. Havelock, North, New Zealand, co. Hawkea Bay. Haverfordwest, bor., CO. tn. of Pembrokesliire, on R. West Cleddaw. Haverhill, tn., Sussex and, 15 m. W. Long M-'lford. Haverhill, city. Massachusetts, Essex co. Pop. 27,402. Haverhill, vil. and tnshp.. New Hampshire, cap. of Grafton CO. Haverl, tn., Dharwar di^t., Bombay. Lat. 14° 47' N,,long 75'29'E, Haverlng-atte Bower, liberty, jiar,, and vil., S. Essex. P. lib, 12,311. Haverstock Hill, Middles.;x, suburb of London. Pop. 21,9U. Haveretraw, vil. and tnslip., New York, on the Hudson R, Haverton HIU, eccL dist., 8. Durham. Havili, )i".r!j'tiyi, Chanda dist.. Cent. Provs., India. Area 448 sq. m. Havili Oudh, p-irgaiia, Faiz ibad dist., Oudli. 127 sq. in. Havre (Le Havre), spt., France, Seine-Infer., on R. Seine. P. 112,074. Havre do Grace, tn.. Maryland, Hartford co. Hawaii, kingdom, N. Pacillo, consisting of Sandwji'h Isls. P. 86.647. Hawaii (Owhyhee), isl., largest of the Sandwich Islands, Pop. 24,991. Hawardon, tn., par., and tnshp., Flintshire, 8 m. S\V. Chester. Hawoah River, Abyssinia, Uuws along Shui frontier. HawdonLake, S. Australia, CO. Ro, 15 m. S. Kingston. Hawea, Like, N''W Zealand, co. Vincent, source of Clutha R. Hawera, bor., Ni'W Zealand, co. Hawera. Hawea, tn., N. Riding, Yorkshire, j6 m, SW. Lr-yburn. HawoBviUo, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Hancock co. Hawes Water, lake, Westmorland. Alt. 441 ft. Hawick, bur. and par., Ruxlturi^hshirc, on 11. Teviot, P. 19,156. Hawlzi, tn., Persia, Khuzistan, 60 ni, N. Bassorah, Pop. 12,000. 123 HAW THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER EEL Hawkdiin Mtns., New Zealand, co. Maniototo. Hawke Bay, New Zealand, on S. coast of co. Wairoa. Hawke Cape, New Soutli Wales, on cixistofco. Gloucester. Hawke Hirbour, Newfoundland, White Bay dist. Hawke a Bay, dist., New Zealand. 3,050,000 acres. Pop. 24,668. Hawkesbury, par., S. Gloucestershire. 9770 acres. Hawkesbary, vil., Ontario, Prescott co., on Ottawa R. Hawkesbury lal , British Columbia. Lat. 53° 30' N.. long. 129° W. Hawkesbury Point, N. Ternt^try, Australia, on Junction Bay. Hawkesbury River, New S. Wales, on border of co. Northumberland. Hawkeadale, vil., Victoria, co. VilUers. 176 ni. W. Melbourne. HawkhuTHt, par. and vil., Sussex and Kent. 6529 acres. Hawkinaville, vil. and tnshp., Georgia, U.S., cap. of Pulaski co. Hawkahead. tn. and par., Lancasliire, 5 in. SW. Ambleside. Hawkahead with Monk-Coniston and Skelwlth, tnshp., Lancasliiie. Hawley, vil., Nebraska, Wayneco., on the Lack:iwanna K. Hawley and Minley, tiislip., N. Hants, Yateley par. Haworth, tn., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 3^ m. SW". Keighley. Hawthorn, tn., Victoria, suburb and 3J m. E. Melbourne. Hawthomden, glen, ou R. Esk, n in. SE. Edinburgh. Haiey, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, in Axhidme Isle. Hay, tn. and par., Brecknockshire, on R. Wye, Hay, tn., New South Wales, co. Waradgery, 454 m. SW. Sydney. Hay, tn., Griqualand West, South Africa. Hay, Cape, N. Territory, Austnilifl, on W. coast. Hayango (Hayingen), vil., Germany, 5 ni. WSW. Diedenhofeu. Hayden, Mount, Wyoming, peak of the Rocky Mtns. Haydenvilie, vil., Massachusetts, Hampshire co. Haydock, tnshp. and vil., SW. Lancashire. Haydon, tnslip., Northumberland, 6 m. W. Hexham. Haydon Bridge, tn., Northumberland, ou R. South Tyne. Hay-duong, In., FreiiL-h Tonquin. Hayel, tn., Arabia, cap. of Jebel Shomer. Pop. 12,000. Hayes, p:ir. and vil., Midiilesex, 10.J m. W. Loudon. Hayes Peninsula, N\V. Greenland. Lat. 76' N. Hiyesville, vil. and tnslip., N. Carolina, cap. of Clay co. Hayesville, vil,, Ohio, Ashland Co., 9 in. SE. Ashland Station. Hayfield, tnshp. and vil., Derbyslure, 9 m. SE. Stockport. Hayfield, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Crawford co. Hayle (Heyl), spt. and eccl. dist., Cornwall, 4 m. SE. St. Ives. Hayle Bay, W. coast of Cornwall, E. of Padstow Bay. Hayling, North and South, 2 pars , Hayling I. Hayling Island, oil" coast of Hants. Haynau, tn., Prussia, 9 m. WNW. Liegnitz. Haynevllle, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, cap. of Lowndes co. Hay River, Athabasca, falls into the Great Slave Lake. Hay River, Wisconsin, trib. of Red Cedar R., Chippewa co. Hays City, vil., Kansas, cap. ol Ellis co. Hay's River, Canada, Keewatiu, falls into Hudson Bay. Hay's River, set.. Nova S'-otia, Cape Breton I. Haystack, Mount, New York, peak of the Adirondacks. Hayti, isl., W. Indies, ^ee HaltL Hayti, republic. .See Haiti. Hayton, par. and vil., E. Cumberland, on R. Gelt. Hayward's, vd., California, Alameda co. Hayward's Heath, tn., Sussex, \2\ m. N. Brighton. Haywood, vil., Lanarkshire, ijni. E. Wilsontown. . Hazara, dist., Punjab. Area 3039 sq. m. Hazard, vil. and tushp., K'-ntucky, cap. of Perry co. Hazaribagh, dist., Chutia Nagpur, India. 7021 sq. m. Hazaribagh, sub-di\'., Hazaribagh dist., India. Hazarlbagh, cliieftn., Hazaribagh dist, India. Hazebrouck, tn., France, dep. Nord, 32 m. NW. Lille, Pop. 10,595. Hazel Green, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Grant co. Hazelton, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Buchanan co. Hazelton, vil., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co. Pop. 11,818. Hazerswoude, vil., Netherlands, 13 m. E. of Tlie Hague. Hazlehurst, vU., Mississippi, cap. of Copiah co. Hazleton, Pennsylvania. .sVe Hazelton. Hazro, tn., Punjab, Rawal I'iudi dist. Lat. 33° 54' 45" N. Headcom, par. and vil., Kent, on R. Beult. Headword, vil., co. and 20 m. N. Galway. Headford, vil., Ontario, co. York, 18 m. from Toronto. He adlngly-cum -Burly, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks. Headington, par. and vil., co. and 2 J iiL NE. Oxford. Headingtoa Quarry, eccl. dist. and vil., Oxfordshire. Headless Cross, eccl. dist. and vil., Worcester and Warwickshires. Headley, and vil., Hants, 8 m. S. Farnham. Head of Amherst, set., Nova Scotia, co. Cumberland. Head of Ayr, prom., co. and 4 m. SW, Ayr, on Bay of Ayr. Head of Jordan R , set., Nova Scotia, co. and 8 m. from Shelburue. Head of Millstream, set.. New Brunswick, King's co. Head of St. Mary's Bay, vil., Nova Scotia, co. Digby. Heage (High Edge), tnshp. and vil., S. Derbyshire. Haaldsburg, city, California, Sonoma Co., on Russian R. Healdtown, miss, stn., Cape Cdony, 8 m. E. Fort Beaufort. Heales, Mount, Queensland, dist. Burke, near Albert R. HealeaviUe, tn., Victoria, co. Evelyn, 38 m. ENE. Melbourne. Healey, eccl. dist. and vil., SE. Lancashire. Hean, tn., Tonquin, on Sang-koi R. Heanor, tn., Derbyshire, sj ni. SE. Belper. Heap, tnshp., SE. Lancashire. 2938 acres. Heaphy River, New Zealand, co. Cullingwood, flows W. Heard's Island, S. Indian Ocean, 280 m. SE. Kerguelen Land. Heame, vd. and tnshp., Texas, Robertson co. Heart's Content, spt., Newfoundland, SE. Trinity Bay. Heart's Delight, settlement, Newfoundland, dist. Trinity. Heath and Reach, ecel. dist, Bedfordshire. Heathcote, bnr., Victoria, co. Dalhousie, 70 m. N. Melbourne. Heathery Clongh, eccl. dist. and vil., S. Durham. Heathfield, par. and vil., Susses, 8 in. N. Hailsham. Heath River, New Guinea, falls into Freshwater Bay. HeathsviUe, vil. and tn^hp., Virginia, cap. of Northumberland co. Heath Town, dist., W. Staffordshire. Heaton, tnshp., Lancashire, 2 m. NW. Bolton. Heaton, tnshp., Northumberland, in Newcastle. Heaton, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire. 1323 acres. Heaton Mersey, eccl. dist. and vil., SE. Lancashire. Heaton Moor, eccl. dist., SE. Lancashire. Heaton Norrls, tn. and tnshp., Lancashire, on R. Mersey. Heaton Reddish, eccl. dist., SE. Lancashire. Heavitree, par. and vil., i in. E. Exeter, Devon. Hebbali, vil., Coorg, India. Hebbardaville, \\\. and tnshp., Kentucky, Henderson co. Hebbum, tn., N. Durham, on B. Tyne. Hebden Bridge, tn., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 8 m. from Halifax. Hebden River, W. Riding, Yorks, trib. of Calder at Hebdeu Bridge. Heber, vil. and tnshp., Utah, cap. of Wasatch co. Hebli, tn , Bombay, Dharwar dist. Lat. 15° 28' 50" N. Hebrides (Western Isles), olf W. of Scotland. 1,800,000 ac. Hebron, tn., Pakstme, 16 m. SSW. Jerusalem. Pop. 13,000. Hebron, vil., Nova Scotia, co. and 4 m. from Yarmouth. Hebron, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Talland co. Hebron, vil., Indiana, Porter CO., 51 m. SSE. Chicago. Hebron, vil. and tushp., Nebraska, cap. of Thayer co. Hebron, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Licking co., on Ohio Canal. Hebron, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Jefferson co. Hecate Island, British Columbia, below Hunter Island. Hecate Strait, British Columbia, E. of Queen Charlotte Islands. Hechingen, tn., Prussia, Hohenzollem, 31 m SW. Stuttgart. Hecho, tn,, Spain, Huesca, in the Pyrenees. Heckfield, par., tnshp., and vil., N. Hants. Heckington, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 5 m SE. Sleaford. Heckmondwike, tn., W. Riding, Yotks, 8 m. NB Uudderstield. Heckscherville, vil., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co. Hecla (Hekla), volcano, SW. Iceland. Alt. 5110 ft. Hedderuheim, tn., Prussia, Hessen-Nassau. Heddesdorf, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 8 m. NW. Coblentz. Heddon-on-the-Wall, par and vil., S. Northumberland. Hedemarken, dist., Norway, stift Hamar. Area 10,160 sq. m. Hedgeville, vil. and tnshp., W. Virginia, Berksley cu. Hedingham Castle, par. and vil , E. Essex. Hedingham Sible, par. and vil., E. Essex. Hedjaz. Sec EI Htyaz. Hednesford, dist. and \il., W. Staffordshire. Hedon, bor., E. Riding, Yorkshire, 5^ m. E. Hull. Hedworth, Monkton, and Jarrow, tnslip. , Jarrow par., Durham. Heeblea, channel, in the Humber, Yorkshire, 2 m. K. Hull. Heeley, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire, S. of Sheffield. Heemskirk, dist., Tasmania, co. Montagu. Heemskirk, Mount, Tasmania, en. Montagu. Alt. 4739 ft. Heemstede, vil., Holland, 3 m. S. Haarlem. Heepen, vil., Westphalia, 23 ni. SW. Minden. Heer Arendskerke, vil., Netherlands, Zealand. Heerde, vil., Netherlauds, Gelderland, 30 m. NE. Ariihem. Heerenveen, tn., Hollaad, prov. Friesland. Heerhugowaard, vil., N. Holland, near Alkmaar. Heerleu, tn., Netherlands, 13 m. ENE. Maestricht. Heestert, tn., Belgium, W. Planders, 5 m. E. Courtrai. Heggadadevankot, taluk, Mysore dist. and state, India. 652 sq. m. Heggadadevankot, headquarters vil. of above. 12° 5' 50" N. Begins, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co. HegyaUya, mountain spur, Carpathians, Hungary, Zemplin co. Hegyes, vil., Hungary, 30 m. NE. Bacs. Heibuck, vil., Afghan Tuikistan, Khulm dist. Heide (Heyde). tn., Prussia, Holstein. Heidelberg, city, Germany, Baden, on R. Xeekar. Heidelberg, tn., in S. of South African Republic. Heidelberg (Green's Creek\ tn., Tasmania, 193 ni. from Hobart. Heidelberg, vil., Victoria, co. Bourke, 8 m. ENE. Melbourne. Heldelburg, vil., Ontario, co. Waterloo, 9 in. from Berlin. Heidelaheim, tn., Baden, 13 m. ENE. Carlsruhe. Heidenheim, tn., Wiiitemberg, on R. Breuz. Heidingsfeld, tn., Bavaria, on R. Maine. Heigham (Higham), par., Norfolk, in Norwich city. Heighington, par., tnshp., and vil., S. Durham. Hellbron, vil.. Orange Free State, towards the N. Heilbronn, tn., Wurtemberg, 26 in. N. Stuttgart. Heillgenbeil, to., Prussia, 29 m. SW. Konigsberg. Heiligenhafen, spt., Holstein, on tlie Baltic. Heiligenstadt, tn., Prussian ?axony, on R. Leine. Heiligenstadt, tn., Austria, suburb of Vienna. Heilaberg, tn., E. Prussia, 41 in. from Konigsberg. HeUsbronn, tn.. Bavaria, 10 m. EXE. Ansbach. Heinsberg, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 20 m. W. Aachen. Heisker Island, Outer Hebrides, 7J m. W. of N. Uist. Helder, tn., N. Holland, 41 in. NW. Amsterdam. Pop. 22,986. Helder, vil., Netherlands, Limburg, 9 ni. N. Roermond. Helderaberg Hills, New Y'ork, Albany and Schuliarie cos. Heldrungen, tn., Prussian Saxony, 34 m. WSW. Merseburg. Hele Bay, N. coast of Devon, near Ilfraf-ombe. Helena, vil. and tnshp. , Abbama, Shelby co. Helena, tn., Arkansas, cap. of Phillips CO., on the Mississippi. Helena, city, Montana, cap. of Lewis and Clarke cos. Pop. 13,834. Helensburgh, tn., Dumbartonshire, on Firth of Clyde. HelensviUe, tn., New Zealand, co. Waitemata. Helgoland, isl. (German), North Sea, off mouth of R. Elbe, Pop. 2086. Helicon, Mt., Greece, between Gulf of Corinth and L. Copaia. Heligoland. Sue Helgoland. HeUam, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Y'ork co. HeUaa. Nee Greece. HeUendftorn, vil. and par., Netherlands, 17 m SE. Zwolle. Hellertown, bor., Pennsylvania, Nortlianipton co. Helleadon, par. and vil., Norfolk, on R. Wensum. HeUespoDt. Sec Dardanelles. 124 HEL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER HES H«U Oate, New York. Ste Eut B. Hell Gate River, Montana, trib. of the Bitt»^r Root R. Helliar Holme, jsl., Orkney, in mouth of Ellwick U:iy. Hellln, til., Si'ain, 35 in. SSE. Albacete. Pop. 13,666. HeUlngley, par. and vil., Sussex, on R. Cuckmere. HeU'a Mouth, bay, oil S. coast of Carnarvonshire. Hellweathers, reef, St. Mary's, Scilly Islands. Helmbrechts, vil., Bavaria, Upper Franconia. Helme River, Prus8i;in Sa.\ony, trib. of the Unstrut. Helmington Row, tnshp. and vil., N. Durham, on R. Wear. Helmond, tn., Netlieiiar.ds, N. lirabant, SSE. Uois-le-Duc. Helmfldale, s[)t., Siuherlandsliire, 17 m. NE. Golspie. Helmsdale R. (Urrey), Siitherlandslure, falls into sea at Helmsdale. Helmsley, tn., par., and tnshp., N. Hidiii<,', Yorkshire. Helmfltedt, tn., Germany, 21 m. E. Brunswick. Helmond River, Afghanistan, falls into L. Ilamun. Helslngborg, spt., S. Sweden, on the Sound. HeUingfors, city, cap. Finland, 190 m. W. St. Petersburg. P. 68,417. Heleingor. i^tce Elsinore. HelatoQ, bnr., Cornwall, on R. Hel, 10 m. SW. Falmouth. HelUu (Nagy Diznod), vil.. Transyivaiii.i, 6 m. S. Hermannstadt. Helvellyn, nitii., Cumberland, 9 ni. SE. Keswick. Alt. 3118 ft. HeWetia. >S(r Switzerland. Helvetiufl, Cape, Bathurst Island, Australia, on Gordon Bay. Helvoetsluia, sj)!., Holland, on the Haringvliet. HelwicVt Head, co., WatL'rford, on S. side of Dungarvan Bay. Helwick Shoals, in Bristol Channel, oft'Glamoreaiishire. Hemavati River, Mysore, Hassan dist., trib. of tlie Kaveri. Hemel Hampstead, tn. and jiar., Herts, near R. Gade. Heming, Mount, Queensland, dist. N. Gregory. Hemingbrough, par., tnshp., and vil., E. Riding, Yorks. Hemlxhelm, vil., Belgium, 5 m. S. Antwerp. Hemlock Like, New York, cos. Livingston and Ontario. Hemmingfard, vil., Quebec, Huntingdon co., 36 m. S. Montreal. Hemming'a Bay. Kent, 3^^ m. W. Margate. Hempfleld, in., Pennsylvania, Mercer co. Hempstead, vil. and tnshp., New York, Queen's co. Hempstead, vil., Texas, cap. of Waller CO. Hempstead Bay, New York, separated from Atlantic by Long Beach. Hemaworth, ]i;ir. and vil., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Hen and Chickens, rocks, Hebrides, off E. coast of Lewis. Hen and Chickens, Itt';lk>^, M-jurne Mtns,, S. CO. Down. Hen and CUlckene, reef, N. point Of Lundy Island, Devonshire. Hen and Chlckeos, i.^ls., Canada, in Lake Erie, Hen and Chickens, isls., New Zealand, due E. of Wangarei Bay. Benares River, Spain, trib. of the Tagus, 10 m. ESE. Madrid. Henbury, jiar., tnshp., and vil., W. Gloucestershire. Henderson, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Knox co. Henderson, city, Kentucky, c;ip. of Henderson co. Henderson, \\\. and tnshp., Blaryland, Caroline co. Henderson, bnr. and tTisljp., Minnesota, cap. of Sibley co. Henderson, \\\. and tnshp., New York, Jetferson co. Henderson, vil. and tnslip., N. Carolina, cap. of Vance co. Henderson, vil., Tennessee, 3IadisoQ co,, 17 m. SK. Jackson. Henderson, vil., Texas, cap. of Rusk co., 38 m. SW. Longview. Henderson Lake, New York, Essex co., a source of the Hudson R. Hendersonville, vil., Ont-ario, co. Kent, 20 ni. from Chatham. Hendersonville, vil. and tnslip,, N. Carolina, cap. of Henderson co. Hendford, eccl. di>t,, mid Somerset. Hendon, par. and vd., Middlesex, 7 m. NW. London. Hendon, eecl. dist., N. Durham, in Sunderland. Hendrick, set,, Ontario, co. Middlesex, 4 ni. frcnu Strathroy. Henfleld, par. and vil., Sussex, 4 m. NE. Steyning. Henfynyw, par., Cardiganshiie, on coast. Heng-Chn-Fu, lity, Clmia, prov. Hu-Nan, on the Heng-Kiang. Hengelo, vil., Nt'therlands, Overyssel, 34 in. from ZwoUe. Hengelo, vil., N'-tlM-rlands, Gelderland, 19 m. ENE. Arnhem. Hongoed, vil.. lilamorganshire, si m. N. Caerphilly. Henham on-the-Hill, par. and vil., W. Essex. Henin-Lletard, tii., Prance, 16 ni. ESE. Bethune. Henley, div., Barlicliway hundred, N. Warwickshire. Henley, p irl, div., Oxfurdslnra Henley-inArden, co. and 10 m. W. Warwick. Henley on-Thames, bor. and par., SE. Oxfordshire. Henllan, par. and vil., Denbighshire. Henlopen, Cape, Dulaware, on Delaware Bay. Benly River, Tasmania, co. Montague, flows SW. Hennebont, tn., France, Morhihan, on R. Blavet. Hennepin, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Putnam co. Hennersdorf-ln-Seifen, tu.. Saxony, 1 m. NW. Gross Ilonnersdorf. Hennlker, vil, and tnshp.. New Hampshire, Merrimack co. Henrlchemont, tn., Knince, dep. Cher, 17 m. NE. Bourgcs. Henrietta, vil. and tnsti|i,, N«-w York, Monroe co. ■ Henrietta Marie, Cape, Canada, NW. Territory, on Hudson Bay. Henry, vil.. Uidano, co. ]'n-srott, 4^ m. from L'Orignal. Henry, city, Illinois, Marshall co., on Illinois R. Henry, Cape, Vir^'inia, on Chesapeake Bay. Henry Clay Factory, vil., Delaware, New Castle Co. Henry Island, Kj.ii, one of the HikIsou group. Henry River, Qm-'Misland, dist. N. Gregory. Henry River, Queb.-c, trib. of Riviere du Chihie. Henryville, vil., Quebec, co. Iberville. Honalngton, vil., Prince Edward Island, co. Prince. HenBtridgo, par. and vil., Somersetshire. Henzada, ilist., Irawadi div., Burma, 1948 sq. m. Henzada, tnshp., in above dist. Henzada, lulqrs. tn., Henzada dist., Burma. Lat. 17" 38' N. Hcong Shan, tn.. China, on branch of the Canton R. Hepburn, tn., Victoria, co. Talbot, 84 ni. NW. Melbourne. Hoppenheim, tn., Heasen, 16 m, S. Darmsladt. Hopste River, Brecknockshire, trib. of the Melltc. HeptonstaU, tnshp. and vih, W. Riding, Yorkshire. Hepworth, tnshp. and vil., W. Biding, Yorkshire. Herald Cays, isls.. Coral Sea, 160 m. NE. Flinders Passage. Herald Passage, Lihou Reef, Coral Sea. Herald Surprise Island, Coral Sea, 20 ni. N. Flinders Reefs. Herat, prov., W. Af'-hanistan. Forms a governorship. Herat, tn., cap. of above, on R. Hari Rud. Pop. fluctuating, H^raolt, dep., S. France. Area 2393 sq. m. Pop. 439,044. Herbert, tn., Griqualand West, Suuth Africa. Herbert, Mount, Queensland, dist. Mitchell, on Thomson R. Herberton, tnshp., Queensland, co. Cardweil. Herbert River, Queensland, in NW. of N. Gregory dist. Herbert River, Queensland, falls into sea S. of Hmchinhrook T. Herbignac, tn., France, Loire-Inferieure. Herbom, tn., Prussia, Wiesbaden, on R. Dille. HerbBleben, tn., Germany, on R. Unstrut, 12 m. NE. Gotha. Herculanenm, buried city, Italy, 7 m, ESE. Naples. Herdeke, tn., Prussia, Westphalia, on R. Ruhr. Hereford, city, co. tn. of Herefordshire, on R. Wye. Hereford, vil. and tnshp,, Pennsylvania, Berks co. Herefordshire, co, England, on border of Wales. Pop. H5.986. Herektne Roads, inlet. New Zealand, co. Mongonui. Herencia, tn., Spain, prov. and 42 m. NE. Ciudad Real. Herent, vil., Belgium, S. Brabant, 2 m. NW. Lonvain. Herenthals, til., Belgium, Antwerp, 12 m. SW. Turnhout. Herenthout, tn., Belgium, 15 m. SW. Turnhout. Here'slsland, Georgia, U.S., off coast of Mcintosh co. Herford, tn., Prussia, Westphalia, on R. Werra. Pop. 15,902. Hergott Springs, dist., S. Australia, 440 m. N. Adelaide. Herlc, vil., France, Loire-Inferieure, 14 m. NNW. Nantes. Hericourt, tn., France, Haute-Saone, 15 m, SE. Lure. Herlnnes, vil., Belgium, 17 m. SW. Brussels. Herl Rud. 6Vc Hari Rod. Herlsau, tn., Switzerland, cant, and 7 m. NW. Apponzell. P. 13,000. Heristal. ^ee. Heratal. Herkimer, vil. and tnshp., New York, cap. of Herkimer co. Herm, island, one of the Channel Islands, 4 m. NW. Sark. Hermanmiestec, tn., Bohemia, 5 m. W. Cbrudini. Hermann, vil., Missouri, cap. of Gasconade co. Hermannstadt, tn., Hungary, Transylvania. Hermitage Bay, Newfoundland, Fortune Bay dist. Hermon, mtn., Palestine, in chain of Anti-Libanus. Alt. 9384 ft. Hermon, vil. and tnslip., New York, St. Lawrence co. Hermosillo, tn., Mexico, on Sonora R., no m. N. Guaymas. p. 12,000. HermupoUs, spt. and cap. of Syra Island, Greece. Pop. 21,998. Hemad River, Hungary, flows E. and S. to tlie Hernals, tn., Austria, near Vienna. Pop. 60,307. Hernando, vil., Missouri, cap. of De Soto co., 22 m. S. Memphis. Hemanl, tn., Spain, Guipuzcoa, 8 m. SE. San Sebastian. Hemdon, vil., Virginia, Fairfax co., 28 m. NW. Alexandria. Heme, par. and vil., Kent, 5 m, NR. Canterbury. Heme Bay, tn., Kent, n in. SW. Margate. Watering-place. Heme Hill, suburb of London, in Surrey. Hernosand (Westernorrland), Ian, N. Sweilen. Pop. 203.823. Hemosand. til., Sweden, cap. of above, on Gulf of Bothnia. Heron Island, co. Kerry, in Lower Lake of Killarney. Heron Lake, Manitoba, NW. of Pelican Lake. Heron Lake, New Zealand, in co Ashhurton. Heron Lake, Minnesota, Jackson 00., 1400 ft. above sea. Herrenberg, tn., Wurtemberg, 18 m. SW. Stuttgart. Herrera, vil., Spain, 54 m, E. Seville. Herrera del Duque, tn., Spain, 70 m. NE. Badajoz, Herring Neck, settlement, Newfoundland, New World Island. Herrin^on, West, tnshp., N. Durham, on R. Wear. Hermhut, tn.. Saxony, 18 m. SE. Bautzen. Herrnstadt, tn., Prussian Silesia, 34 m. NNW. Breslau. Herebmck, tn., Bawiria, 7 m. ENE. Nuremberg. Hersey River, Michigan, trib. of the Muskegon R. Hersfeld (Hirachfeld), tn., Prussia, on R. Fulda. Heraham, eeel. dist. and vil., Surrey, on R. Mole. Hersln-Coupigny, vil., France, Pas-de-Calais. Hersselt, vil., Belgiiiiu, 24 m. ESE, Antwerp. Herstal (Heristal), vil., Belgium, 3J m. NE. Liege. Pop. 11,726. Heratmonceaux, par. and vil., Sussex, 4 m. E. Hailsham. Hertford, bnr. and cap, of Herts, on R. Lea, 24^ m. N. London. Hertford, vil. and tnslip., N. Carolina, cap. of Perquimas co. Hertfordshire, c>i. England, W. of Essex. 465,141 ac. Pop. 220,125. Herts. ,SVc Hertford-shire. Hertzoff, vil., Cape Colony, 32 m. N. Fort Beaufort. Hervas, tn., Spain, prov. and 63 ni. NNE. Caceres. Horve, tn., Belgium, prov. and 10 m. E. Lit^ge. Hervey Archipelago, ^it Cook iBlands. Hervey Bay, Quo'iisland, W. of Great Sandy Island. Hervey Inlet, Onlario, olf Georgian Bay. Herwen, vil., Netherlands, Gelderland, 12 m. SE. Amhem. Herxheim, vil., Rhenish Bavaria, 5 m. SE. Landau. Herzberg, tn., Hanover, 39 m. SSE. Hildesheim. Herzberg, tn., Prussian Saxony, on the Black Elstor. Herzegovina, prov., Bosnia. 3529 sq. m. Pop. 187,074. Herzogenaurach, tn., Bavaria, 12 m. NW, Nuremberg. Herzogenbosch. .Srjc: Bols-Ie-Duc. Heaarab, tn., Central Asia, 50 m. ESE. Khiva, near the Oxus. Hesdin, tn , France, Pas-de-Calais, 14 m. SE. Montreuil. Hoshqueoaht Harbour, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Heshto River, India, Chutia Nagpiir, Korea Trib. St,ate. Heskot, til., Vi('ti>ria, co. BourUe, 57 m. NW. Melbourne. Hesket- in -the -Forest, i>ar. and tnshp., E. Cumberland. Hesn-Kelsa, tn., Asiatic Turkey, on II. Tigris. Hespeler, vil., Ontario, Waterloo co., 19 ni. N. Ilarrisburg. Hespor, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Winneshiek co. HesBo, English and French form of Hessen. Hesaen, state and grand duchy, Germany. 2966 sq, m. Pop. 994,614. Hossen-Cassel, foi'itier iirincipiility, now in Prussia. Ar. 5943 sq. m. HeBflon-Homburg, fnrinrr (ieriiian st-;itc, now in Prussia. HeBBfln-Nassaa, pruv., Prussia. Area 4036 sq. m. Pop. 1,664,000. 125 HES THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ms Hesale, par., tnshp., and vil., E. Riding, Yorkshire. Hestan, Isle of, Kirkcudbrightshire, in Auchencairn Bay. Heston, par. and vil., Middlesex, ii iii. SW. London. HestonviUe, Pennsylvania, suburb of Philadelphia. Heswall, par. and vil., Cheshire, on R. Dee. Heteren, vil., Netherlands, Gelderland, 7 in. from Arnhem. Hetheraett, par. and vil., Norfolk, 6^ m. SW. Norwich. Hetton, South, eccl. dist. and vil., N. Durham. Hetton-le-Hole, tnshp. and vil., N. Durham. Hettstadt, tn., Prussian Saxony, on R. Wipper. Heule, vil., Belgium, 2 m. NW. Courtrai, on R. Heule. Heiisden, tn., Netlterlands, on the Old Maas. Heuvelton, vil., New York, St. Lawrence co. Hevera Iflland. Shetland, 8 111. from Scalloway. Heveraham, jiar. and vil., SW. Westmorland. Heveraham-with-Milnthorpe, tnshp., in above par. Heves, tn., Hunj,'ary, 55 m. EXE. Pesth. Hewett Channel, Norfolk, N. of Yarmouth Road.s. Heworth, tusbp. and vil., N. Durham. Hexham, tn., par., and tnshp., S. Northumberland. Hexham, pari, div., Northumberland. Hexham. Victoria, 130 m. SW. Melbourne. Hexham, tn., New Soutli Wales, 85 m. N. Sydney. Hey, eccl. dist., W. Riding, Yorks, and SE. Lancashire, Heybridge, par., Essex, on R. Blackwater. Heyfield, tn., Vict-uia, co. Tanjil, 120m. SE. Melbourne. Heyhouses, eccl. dist., N. Lancasliire. Heyl River, Cornwall, falls into St. Ives Bay. Heysham, par. and vil., Lancashire, on Morecambe Bay. Heyside, eccl. dist. and vil., SE. Lancashire. Heyst-op-den-Berg, tn., Belgium, 17 m. SE. Antwerp. Heyteabury, vil., Wilts, on R. Wiley, 4 m. SE. Warminster. Heywood, bor., Lancashire, 3 ni. E. Bury. Heywood, pari, div., SE. Lancashire. Heywood, tn., Victoria, 258 m. SW. Melbourne. Heyworth, set., Ontario, co. and 18 m. from Ottawa. Heyworth, vil., Illinois, M'Leanco., 12 m. S. Bloomingtou. Hiawasaee River, Tennessee, trib. of the Tennessee R. Hiawatha, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, cap. of Brown co. Hibemia, set., New Brunswick, Queen's co. Hibernia, vd., New Jersey, Morris co., 12 m. N. Morristown. Hickman, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Fulton co. Hickory, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, Catawba co. Hickory Flat, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Chambers co. Hickory Plains, vil. and tnslip. , Arkansas, Prairie co. Hicks Bay, New Zealand, on E. coast of co. Cook. Hlckflford, \\\. and tnshp., Virginia, cap. of Greenville co. Hickaon Cay, Australia, at S. end of the Great Barrier Reef. Hicksville, vil,, New York, Queen's co., 24 ra. E. Brooklyn. Hicksville, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Defiance co. Hico, vil. and tnshp., Arkansas, Bentoa co., 20 m. W. FayetteviUe. Hidalgo, state, Mexico. Area 7737 sq. m. Pop. 494,212. Hidda, vil., Afghanistan, 5 ra. S. Jelalabad. Hielmar Lake. Htn Hlelmar Lake. Hierapolis. ruined city, iiii m. SE. Smyrna. Hiires. tVt' Hyferea. Hietzing, vil., Austria, 3 ni. SW. Vienna. Higginsport, vit., Ohio, Brown co., on the Ohio R. Higham, par. and vil., Kent, 5 m. E. Gravesend. Higham Ferrars, tn., co. and 15 m. NE. Northampton. High Bluff, vil., Manitoba, 48J m. W. Winnipeg. Highbridge, eccl. dist, mid Somerset. High Bridge, ^il. and tnshp., New Jersey, Hunterdon CO. High Bridge, vil. and tnshp., New York, on Harlem R. Highbury, N. suburb of Loudon. High Coats and Bumbank, part of Coatbridge, Lanark. High Elawick, 2 eccl. dists., Northumberland. High Falla, vil.. New York, Ulster co., 4 m. SW. Rosendale. High Foreat, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Olmsted co. Hlghgate, Middlesex, N. suburb of London. Highgate, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Franklin co. Hlghgate, tn., Jamaica, 10 m. W. Annotto Bay. High Island, co. Gal way, 3 m. off Achris Point. Highland, vil., Illinois, Madison co., 30 ni. E. St. Louis. Highland, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Lincoln co. Highland, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Oakland co. Highland, vil., New York, Orange co., on Hudson R. Highland, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Iowa co. Highland Creek, vil., Ontario, 14 ra. from Toronto. Highland Falla, vil.. New York, Orange co., on Hudson R. Highland Mills, vil.. New York, Orange co., 14 m. SW. Newbui-y. Highlands, tlie raountaiuous part of Scotland, N. of Grampians. Highlands, set,. New Brunswick, co. Carleton. High Peak Island, Queensland, 18 m. off Cape Townsend. High Point, vil. and tnshp., N, Carolina, Guilford co. High Prairie, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Leavenworth co. Highspire, vil., Pennsylvania, Dauphin co. High Table Land, plateau, Queensland, dists. Cook and N. Kennedy. Highton, vil., Victoria, co. Grant, 48^ m. SW. Melbourne. Hlghtstown, bor., New Jersey, Mercer co., 14 m. NE. Trenton, Hlghweek, par., E. Devon, on R. Teign. 2422 acres. Highworth, tu. and par., Wilts, 6 m. NE. Swindon. Hlgnera, \\\., Chili, 33 lu. NE. Coquimbo. Higuera-la-Real, tn., Spain, 41 ra. SSE. Badajoz. Hijar, tn., Spain, prov. and 62 m. NNE. Teruel. Hljm, div., Midnapur dist., Bengal. Area 1104 sq. m. Hildburghausen, tn., Germany, 17 m. SE. Meiningen. Hilden, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 9 ni. ESE. Diisseldorf. Hildenborough, eccl. dist., Kent. HUderthorpe, tnshp. and vil., E. Riding, Yorks. Hildesheim, tn., Prussia, prov. and 18 m. SE. Hanover, Hllgay, p:^r. .ind vd., Norfolk, on R. Wiv., Jaj'au, in tlieSE. Pop. 1.391,930. Hippa Island, British Columbia, one of Queen Cliarlotte Is. Hipperholme, tn., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 2 ra. NE. Halifax. Hipperholme with Brighouse, tnshp., W. Riding, Yor. s. HippoUte Rocks, Tasmania, offTasman Peninsula. Hiram, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Oxford co., on Saco l. Hiram, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Portage co. Hlrehal, tn., Madras, Bellarydist. Lat. 15° o' 30" N Hiremigahur, vil., Mysore, Kandurdist. Hiriynr, taluk, Chitaldrug dist., Mysore. 806 sq. m. Hiriyur, vil , Mysore, Chitaldrug dist, Lat. 15" 57' N. Hirode (French Rocks'), vil., Mysore state and dist., Indi i. Hiroshima (Firoshima), city, Japan, in Hondo. Pop. 84,i73. 126 HIB THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER HOL HirBCbb«rs, tn., Bohemia, 36 in. NNE. Prague. Htrschberg, tn., Prussian Silesia, on U. Bober. Pop. 16,622. Eirson, in., France, Aisne, ou H. Oise. Hirsova, lu., Roumania, 60 m. KE. Silistria. Hlrta, isl., Scotland, oUl name for St. Kikla. Eisampar, 'pirgaiw.y Bahraich dist., Oudh. HlaevlUe, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Barren co. Hiapaniola. See Haiti. Hiaaar, region, Cent. A.'iia, Bokhara. Chief tn. Hissar. Hlaaar, div., Punjab. Area 8355 sq. m. Hisaar, dist., Punjab. Area 3540 sq. m. Hissar, t-ilisil, Hissar dist., Punjab. Area 841 sq. m. Hiwar.hdqrs. tn., Hissar dist., Punjab. Lat. 29' 9' 59" N. Hit, tn., Asiatic Turkey, on 11. Euphrates. Hltchin, tn. and par., Herts, on I{, Hiz. Hltchln, ]>arl. div., Herts. Hitteren, isl., Norway, 47 m. W. Trondhjcm. Biwarker, tn., Berar, Akola dist. HlwarUied, tn., Berar, Aniraoti dist. Lat. 21° 23' 30" N. Hixton, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Jackson co. Hjelmar, Lake, 8wv. Che-Kiaiig. Pop. 120,000. Hoan Island, Kutherlandshire, in Loch ErriboH. Hoathly, West, par. and vil., Sussex, 4^ m. SW. of E. Gnnstead. Hobart, cap. Tasmania, 12 ni. from mouth of R. Derwent. P. 34,417. Hobart, Ail. and tnshp., Indiana, Lake co., on George Creek. Hobb'a LagooD, lake, Tasmania, co. Pembroke. Hobb's Point, Pembrokeshire, on Milford Haven. Hobhouae, Mount, Tasmania, co. Franklin. Alt. 4031 ft. Hoboken, vil., Belgium, 3 m. S. Antwerp. Hobokeo, city, New Jersey, Hudson ci., on Hudson B. Pop. 43,560. Hobroe, tn., Denmark, Jutl.iud, 8 m. W. Jlariager. HobBon, Mount, Australia, bi;;lH-st peak of Great Barrier Island. HobaoQ River, New Zealand, trib. of the Waitangi R. Hobaon'a Bay, Victoi'ta, Co. Bourke, port of Melbourne. Hochelaga, vil., Quebec, 2 ni. from Montreal. Hochfelden, tu., Germany, Alsace, 13 ni, NNW. Strasburg. Hochhelm, vil., Prussia. 7 ni.SE. Wiesbaden. Hochkirch, vil., Victoria, co. Normanby, 225 ra. W. Melbourne. Hocho River, Kashmir, trib. of the Sutlej. Hochat, tn., Prussia, Hessi-n-Nassau, on R. Main. Hochatadt, tn., Bavaria, 8wabia, on R. Danube. Hochatetter Mount, New Zealand, co. Grey. Alt. 11,200 ft. Hockenbelm, vil., IJadt-n, 10 m. SW. Heidelberg. Hockerill, cccl. dist. and vil., Herts. Hocking River, Ohio, trib. of tlie Ohio R., in Athens CO. Hockley, sub. of Birmingham, Warwick and StaffordsMres. Hodal, tn., Punjab, Gurj,'aon dist. Hoddam, par., H. Dumfriesshire. 7514 acres. Hodder River, W. Riding, Yorks, trib. of the RibbleatGt. Milton. Hoddeadon, eccl. dist. and vil., co. and 4 m. SE. Hertford. Hoddle Range, mtns., Victoria, co. Buln-Buln. Alt. 968 ft. Hoddle'a Creek, tu., Victoria, co. Evelyn, 42J m. NE, Melbourne. Hoddleaden, eccl. dist., NE. Lancashire. Hoedoida, spt., Arabia, on Red Sea, 100 m. NNW Mocha. P. 20,000. Hodgdon, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Aroostook co. HodgenaviUe, vil. and tnslip., Kentucky, cap. of La Rue co. Hodlmont, vil., Ilelgiuiu, 13 m. E. Liege. Hodnet, par , tnshp., and vil., N. Shropshire. Hodaay, tn., Hungary, co. BacH, 14 m. from Zombor. Hoecksche-Waard, isl., Netherlands, 8. Holland. Pop. 22,000. Hoei-Ho, riv., China, trib. of the Hoang-Ho, in lat. 34° 45' N. Hoei-Ngan, City, China, Kiang-Su, on Imperial Canal. Hoei-Tcha, tn., China, Quang-Tung, 85 m. E. Canton. Hoel-Tung, city, China, on Hainan Island. Fop. 50,000. Hoen Ho, riv., China, joins the I'ei-ho at Tien Tsiu. Hoeylaert, vil., Belgiutn, 7 m. SE, Brussels. Hof. In., Bavaria, oti R. Saale, 30 ni. NE. Bayreuth. Hof (Dworec), tn., Moravia, 30 m. NE. Olmiltz. Hoffman, Mount, California, peak of the Sierra Nevada. Hoffman, Mount, New York, peak of the Adirondacks. Hofgoiamar, tn., Prussia, Hcsscn- Nassau. Hofheim, tn., I'russia, Heasen-Nassau, 9 m. E. Wiesbaden. Hofhuf. tn., Arabia, cap. of Lahsa. Lat. 25° 30' N. Pop. 24,000. Hofteren, isl., Norway, 20 ni. SSW. Bergen. Hofva, vil., Sweden, Ian Skaraborg. Hoganaa, vil., Sweden, at entrance to the Sound. Hogan lalanda, Australia, Bass Strait. Hog Bay. vil., S. Australia, on Kangaroo I. Lat. 35' 45' S. Hogganflcld, vil. a!id loch, 2^ m. from Glasgow. Hog Island, CO. Clnre, In B. Shannon, near KJIrnsli. Hog laUnd, Virginia, off coast of Northampton co. Hog laland, Maine, olTthe coast of Hancock co. Hog lalands, Co. Kerry, between Lamb Head and Hog's Head. Hogland, isl., Russia, in Gulf of Finland. H«ga Bay, ( tutario, inlet of Mat4;hedash Bay. Bohenbruck, tn., Boln-mia, 7 iri, E. Kuniggratz. Hohenelbe, tn., Rolieinia, on R. Elbe, 16 m. NE. GltSCbin. Hohen Kms, tn., Tyrol, 10 m. Nl'i. Fehlkireh. Hohenl'juben, tn., Germany, 7 in. NW. Greiz. Hohenllnden, vil., Bavaria, 20 ni. E. Munich. Hohenlohe. old priiieipality of Franconia, Germ.any. Hohenniauth. tn., B>>hi'niia, 16 m. E. Chrudiui. Hohenataufen, vil., Wuitemberg, 24 m. NNW. Ulm. Hohenatein, tn., Prussia, 78 ra. SSW. Konigaberg. Hohenateia, tn., Saxony, 12 ni. NE. Zwickau. HohenzoUem, prov., Prussia, in Black Forest. Pop. 66,148. Ho-Heu, tn., China, prov. Hu-pe, 260 m. froiu Hankow. Hohokua, vil. and tnshp , New York, Ber^'en co. Hdhscheid, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 17 m. from Dusseldorf. Pop. 11,631. Hokah, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Houston co. Hokanui HlUa, New Zealand, in co. Southland. Hokendankua, vil., Pennsylvania, Lehigh co. Hokianga, port. New Zealand, co. Hokianga. Hoklanga Bay, New Zealand, in coast of co. Hokianga. Hokianga River, New Zealand, salt to its source. Hokitika, tn., New Zealand, cap. of co. Westland. Holalkere, iaJuk, Chitaldrug dist., Mysore. Holalkere, vil,, Mysore, Chitaldrug dist. Lat. 14° 3' N. HolavanhoUi, vil., Mysore, Tumkur dist. Lat. 13° 32' N. Holbeach, tn., Lincolnshire, 7^ ni. NE. Spalding. Holbeck, suburb of Leeds, England. Holbeck, set., Nova Scotia, co. Cumberland. Holbek, spt,, Denmark, on Island of Zealand. Holbome laland, Australia, on Great Barrier Reef. Holbrook, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Norfolk co. Holcombe, eccl. dist. and vil,, SE. Lancashire. Holden, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Worcester co. Holden, hamlet and tnshp., Minnesota, Goodhue co. Holden, vil,, Missouri, Jtdinson co., 43 m. W. Sedalia. Holdenhurat, par., S. Hants, on R. Stour. 5935 acres. Holden'sBed, sandbank, otf Wexford Harbour, Ireland. HoldemeBB, dist., E. Riding, Yorksliire, on R. Huniber. Holderneaa, pari, div., E. Riding, Yorkshire. Pop. 41,481. Hole-honnnr, vil., Mysore, India, Shimoga dist. Holea Bay, S. Dorset, otf Poole Harbour. Holgate, vil., Ohio, Henry co., 14 m. E. Defiance. Holguin, tn., Cuba, 63 m. NNW. Santiago de Cuba. Pop. 34,767. Holies, tn., Hungary, 46 m. N. Presburg, on R. March. Holitz, tu., Bohemia, 11 m. NE. Chrudim. Holkar'a Dominions. See Indore. Holker, Lower, tnshp. and vil., Lancashire. 23S7 acres. Holker, Upper, tnshp., N. Lancashire. 7140 acres. HoUam'a Bird laland, Africa, Namaqualand. Holland, name given to Netherlands, q.v. Holland, pari, div., Lincolnshire. Holland, tu., Prussia, 58 m. SW. Konigsberg. Holland, city, Micliigan, Ottawa co., on Black R. Holland, vil. and tnshp.. New Jersey, Hunterdon co. Holland, vil. and tnshp., New York, Erie co. Holland, \ il. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Brown co. Holland, Bay of, Orkney, S. coast of Stronsay Island. Holland, New, spt., Lincolnshire, on R. Humber, opposite HulL Holland, New, li>rmer name for Australia. Holland, Parts of, fen country, Lincolnshire, on the Wash. Hollandbush and Haggs, vil., Stirling, 3 m. from Denny. Holland Fen, eccl. djr*t. and vil., S. Lincolnshire. Holland Ifiland, Maryland, in Chesapeake Bay, Holland Landing, vil., Ontario, York co., on Holland R. Holland River, Ontario, York Co., falls into Lake Simcoe. HoUanda Diep, principal arm of Waal R., Netherlands. Holleachau, tu., Moravia, 18 ni. N. Hradisch. Holley, vil., New York, Orleans co., 22 m. WNW. Rochester. HoUidayaburg, bor., Pennsylvania, cap. of Blair co. Hollin, vil., Ontario, Wellington co., on Conestogo R. Hollingboom, par. and vil., mid Kent. Holiington, par. and vil., Sussex, 2^ m, NW. Hastings. Hollingworth, tnshp., Cheshire, 3J m. E. Stalybridge, Hollinwood, eccl. dist. and vil., SE. Lanc;ishire. Hollla, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Peoria co. Hollia, vil. and tnshp,, New Ham]isliire, Hillsborough co. HolUa Croft, eccl. dist., W. Hiding. Yorks, iu SliefJield. HoUlster, \'il. and tushj*., f'alitornia, San Benito co. Holliston, :ii. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Middlesex co. Holloway, dist., N. Loudon, in lslingt,on. Hollow Rock, vil., Tennessee, Carroll co. Hollow Square, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Hale co. Holly, vil. and tnshp., Micliigan, Oakland co. Holly Bush, vil., N. Carolina, Cleveland co., 12 ni. NW. Shelby. HoUyford River, New Zealand, co. I,ake, falls into Martin's Bay. Hollymount, vil., co. Mayo, on R. Robe. Holly Springs, vil., Mississippi, Marshall co. Hollywood, par., co. Wicklow, on R. Lifley, Holm, ]iar., Orkney, lu SE. of Mainland. 8451 acres. HoUndel, vil. and tnshp., New Jersey, Monnu)uth co Holme. Low, tnshp., Cumberland, on Solway Firth. Holmebrldge, eccl. dist and vil., \V. Riding, Yorkshire. Holme Cultram, j'ar,, Cumberland, on R. Waver. Holmer, jrir. and vil., Herefonlsliire. 3069 acres. Holmer and Bhelwlck, tnshp., co. and partly in Hereford tn. Holmes Reofa, ('oral Sea, between Queensland and Wallis Islands. Holmeatrand, s|it., Norway, on Drammen Fiord. HolmeaviUe, set., New Brunswick, co. Carleton. Holmflrth, tn., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 6 m. 8. Huddcrsfleld. Holmflrth, pari, div., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Holm Inland, Orkney, in Stromness par. Holmpatrick, par,, NE. co. Dublin. Holmaide, eeol. dist. ancl vil , N. Durham. Holm upon Spalding Moor, par. and vil., E. Riding, Yorkshire. Holmwood, reel. dist. ;ind vil., W. Surrey. Holnlcote Bay, New Guinea, S. of Huron Gulf. Holatobro, tu., Denmark, Jutland, 24 ni. NE. Ringkibbing, Holsteln, fornn-r duchy of Denmark, now prov. of Prussia. Holatenborg, vil., ou W. mast of Greenland. Holaton, \\]. and tnshp., Virginia, Washitigf(Ui eo. Holaton River, Tennessee, headwater of the Tennessee R. Holaworthy, tn., S. Devon, 15 m. W. Hatherleigh. 127 EOL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER HOR Holt, borough, Denbighshire, on R. Dee. Holt, tn., Norfolk, lo ni. N\V. Aylshaiii. Holten, vil., Netherlands, Overyssel, 21 m. SSE. ZwoUe. Holton, vil., Kansas, cup. ol' Jackson co. Holycrosa, par., mid co. Tipperaiy, on R. Suir. Holy Cross, mtii., Culurado. Lat. 39° 28' N. Alt. 14,176 ft. Holyhead, spt., on Holyhead Islancl, Wales. Holyhead Island, Walt-s, W. coast of Anglesey. 9658 ac. Holy Island, off coast of Northumberland, 9^ m. hE. Berwick. Holy Island, Firth of Clyde, in Lamlash Bay, Arran. Holy Island, CO. Gal way, in Lougli Dearg. Holy Island, CO. Kerry, between the Lakes of KiUarney. Holy Lake, Canada. Keewatin. Lat. 55^ N. Holy Loch, arm of the Firth of Clyde, Argyllshire. Holyoke, city, Ma.'^sa eh u setts, Uampden co. Pop. 3C,637. Holyoke, Mount, Massachusetts, Hampshire co. Alt. 1120 ft. Holyrood, myal residence, Scotland, in E. Edinburgh. Holyrood, vil., Ontario, co. Bruce, 4 m. from Lucknow. Holyrood, tn., Newfoundland, on Concepcion Bay. Holytown, tu., Lanarksliire, 11 ni. SE. Glasgow, HolyweU, bor., Flintshire, 16 m. NW. Cliesier. Holywell, tnshp. and vil., Northumberland. Holywell Bay, on W. coa^t of Cornwall, near Crantock. Holywood, par. and vil., W. Dumfriesshire. Holywood, spt., co. Down, on Belfast Lnugh. Eolzminden, tU- , prov. and 56 m. SW. Brunswick. Homathcoh River, British Columbia, falls into Bute Inlet. Homberg, tn., Prussia, 20 m. SW. Cassel, on R. Efze. Homberg, tu., Rhenish Prussia, on R. Rhine. Hombrechtikon, vil., Switzerland, canton Zurich. Homburg, tn., Rhenish Bavaria, 6 ra. N. Zweibriicken. Homburg-vor-der-Hohe, tn., Prussia, Hessen-Nassau. Homebosh, New South Wales, sub. of and 8 m. from Sydney. Homebush, tn., Victoria, co. Gladstone. Homel (Gomel), tn., Russia, gov. and 120 m. SSE. Mohilev. Pop. 22,000. Homer, vil., Illinois, Champaign co,, ig ni. "W. Danville. Homer, vil., Louisiana, cap. of Claiborne co. Homer, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Calhoun co. Homer, vil. and tnslip., New York, Cortland co. Homerton, dist., Middlesex, in E. suburbs of London, Home Rule, tnshp., New Soutli Wales, co, Phillip, 195 m. W. Sydney. Homestead, vd., Maryland, co, and 10 m. from Baltimore. Homestead, borough, Pennsylvania, Alleghany co. Homochitto River, Missouri, trib. of the Slississippi R, Homolicz, \"il., Hungary, on R, Danube. HomoDna. tn., Hungary, 30 m. E. Eperies. Homa (Hums), tn,, Syria. 86 m. NNE. Damascus. Pop. 35,000. Honalll, vil., Mysore, India, Shimoga dist. Lat. 14° 14' 30" N. Honalli, taluk, Shimoga dist., Mysore. Area 500 sq. m. Ho-nan, prov., China, traversed by the Hoang-Ho. Pop. 22,117,036. Ho-nan, city, of above prov., on a trib. of the Hoang-Ho, Honavalll, taluk, Tumkur dist., Mysore. Ar. 344 sq. m. Honavalli, vil., Mysore, Tumkur dist. Lat. 13° 20' N., long. 76° 24' E. Honawar, sub-div., N. Kanara dist., Bombay. 446 sq. m. Honawar, port and cap., N. Kanara dist., Bombay. Hooda, tn., Colombia, Tolima state, on Magdalena R. Hondo (Niphon), largest isl. of Japan. 87,482 sq. m. Pop. 30,420,162. Hondo Creek, Texas, trib. of the Rio Frio, in Rio Frio co. Hondschoote, tn., France, dep. Nord, 10 m. ESE. Dunkirk. Honduras, rep., Central America. Area 46,262 sq. m. Pop. 381,938. Honduras, British. .See Belize. Honea Path, vil. and tnslip., S. Carolina, Anderson co. Honeoye Falls, vil.. New York, Monroe co., on Honeoye Creek. Honesdale, borough, Pennsylvania, Wayne co. Honey Brook, borough and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Chester co. Honey Grove, vil, Texas, Fannin co., 43 m. E. Sherman. Honey Lake, California, Lassen co. Has no outlet. Honfleor, spt., France, Calvados, on R. Seine. Hongal, tn., Bombay, B'dgaum dist. Hongen, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 5 m. NW. Eschweiler. Hong-Kiang, river, S. China, falls into China Sea, Hong-Kong, isl, (British), off coast of China. 32 sq. m. P. 21S,800. Honiton, borough, E. Devon, i6j m. NE. Exeter. Honiton, pari, div., Devon, Honley, tnshp. and vil., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Honnef, vil., Rhenish Prussia, on R. Rhine. Honolulu, spt., cap. of Hawaii, on Oahu Island. Pop. 20,487. Honora Bay, Ontario, Grand Manitoulin Island. Honor Oak, eccl. dist., W. Kent. Honre Creek, Queensland, falls into Gulf of Carpentaria. Hoo-chou, tn., China, prov. Che-Kiang, 70 m. NW. Ning-po. P. 100,000. Hood, Mount, highest peak of Cascade liange, Oregon, 11,225 ft. Hood Bay, New Guinea, UK. of Port Moresby. Hood's Canal or Inlet, Washington, arm of Admiralty Inlet. Hooe, eccl. dist. and vil., S. Devon. Hoogeven, tn., Netlierhmds, Drenthe, 19 m. S. Assen. Pop. 11,544. Hoogezand, vil., Holland, 8 m. ESE. Groningen. Hooglede, tn., Belgium, W. Flanders, 17 m. SSW. Bruges. Eoogly River. t>et HugU. Hoogstraeten, tn., B-lt^ium, ro m. SE. Antwerp. Horfker, Mount, British Cohnnbia, Rocky Mtns, Alt. 15,700 ft. Hookerton, vih and tnshp., N. Carolina, Green co. Hook Island, Queensland, otf coast of N. Kennedy dist. Hooksetj viL and tnshp., New Hanipshire, Merrimack co. Hoo-Nan. Se£ Hu Nan. Hoo-Pe. See Hu-Pe. Hooper, vil. and tnshp., Utah, Davis and Weber cos. Hoopeston, vil.. Illinois, Vermillion co., 09 ni. S. Chicago. Hoopstad, tn.. Orange Free Stale, on R. Vet. Hoonnara, spt., Baluchistan, prov. Mekran. Hoom, spt., Holland, on Zuider Zee, 20 m. NNE. Amstersdam. Hoosac Mountaina, Massachusetts, \ia.rt of the Green Mtns. Hooaac River, Massachusetts and New York, trib. of the Hudson R. Hoosick, vil. and tnshp.. New York, on the Hoosick R. Hooslck Falls, vil., New York, Ren.sselaer co., on Hoosick R. Hoosick Eiver, name for Ihe Hoosac R, after entering Now York. Hooaier Prairie, vil, and tnshp., Illinois, Clay co. Hope, par. and vil., Flintshire, on Allan H., 9 m. SW. Chester. Hope, par., tnshp., and vil., N. Derbyshire, on R. Noe. Hope, eccl. dist. and vil., S. Shropshire. Hope, eccl. dist., N. Staffordshire. Hope, eccl. dist., SE. Lancashire. Hope, Mount, New South Wales, co. Blaxland, N. of Lachlan R. Hope, Mount, S. Australia, in SW. corner of co. Musgrave. Hope, Mount, Victoria, co. Gunbower, near Bullock Creek. Hopedale, Moravian mission stn., Labrador, Lat. 55° 30' N, Hopedale, vil, and tnshp., Illinois, Tazewell co. Hopedale, vil., Massachusetts, Worcester co., 35 ra, SW. Boston. Hopedale, vil., Oliio, Harrison co., 8 m. NE. Cadiz. Hopefield, vil., Ontario, co, and 47 m. from Renfrew. Hope Island, Ontiirio, Simcoe CO,, in Georgian Bay. Hopeless Mount, New S, Wales, co, Canbelego, 8 m. W. Bogan R. Hopeman, vil., co. and 6i ni. from Elgin. Hope Reach, on R. Tliames, Kent. Begins at Gravesend. Hope River, Sutherland.->hire, falls into Loch Erritwll. Hopetown, set., Quebec, co. Bonaventure. Hopetown, tn.. Cape Colony, on the Oi-ange R. Hopetown, tn., British Guiana, S. America, Hope Valley, tn., S. Australia, co. Yatala, 9J ni. from Adelaide. Hope Valley, vil., Rhode Island, Washington co., on Wood R. Hopewell, vil.. Nova Scotia, co. and 17 ni. W, Pictou. Hopewell, tn., New Brunswick, cap. of Albert co. Hopewell, vil, and tnshp., New York, Mercer co. Hopewell, vil. and tnshp., New York, Ontario co. Hopewell Corner, \'il.. New Brunswick, co. Albert. Hopewell Hill, vil., New Brunswick, co. Albert. Hopkins, vil, and tnshp,, Missouri, Nodaway co. Hopkins River, New Zealand, co. Waitaki, trib. of Waitangi R. Hopkins River, Victoria, falls into sea at Warrnambool. Hopkinsville, city, Kiiitucky, cap. of Christian co. Hopkinton, vil., Iowa, Dtdaware co., 77 m. NW. Davenport. Hopkinton, vil. and tiisliji., Mas-at-husotts, Middlesex co. Hopkinton, vil. and tnshp., New Hampshire, Merrimack co. Hopkinton, vil. and tnshp.. New York, St. Lawrence co. Hopkinton, vil. and tnshp., Rhode Island, Washington co, Hopland, vil., California, Mendocina co., 15 m. NW. Cloverdale. Hor, Mount, Arabia, between Dead Sea and Akaba. Horazdiowitz, tn,, Bohemia, 63 m. SSW. Prague. Horb, tn., Wiirtemberg, on the R. Neckar. Horbory, tnshp. and vil. W. Riding, Yorks, 4 m. SW. Wakefield. Horcajo de Santiago, tn., Spain, 43 m. SW. Cuenca. Horde, tn., Prussia, Westphalia, 33 m. S. Miinster. Pop. 14,698. Hordle, par. and vil., Hants, 4 m. SW. Lymington. Horeb. See Sinai. Horfleld, par. and local gov. dist., Gloucestershire. Horgen, vil., Switzerland, on W. shore of Lake of Zurich. Horicon, vil. and tnshp., New York, Warren co. Horicon, vil., Wisconsin, Dodge co., on Rock R. and Horicon L. Horicon Lake, New York. See George Lake. Horicon Lake, Wisconsin, Dodge co., 15 m. long by 5 m. wide. Horitz (Horice), tn., Bohemia, 10 m. NE. Bidschow. Horley, par. and vil., Surrey, on R. Mole. Horn, tn., Austria, 46 m. from Vienna. Horn, Cape, S. point of S. America. Lat. 55° 58' S., long. 67° 16' W. Hornachos, tn., Spain, 46 m. SE. Badajoz. Hom-Afvan, lake, Swedish Lapland. 50 m. long. Lat. 66° N. Homberg, tn., Baden, Black Forest, 23 ni. NK. Freiburg. Homburg, tn., Prussian Saxony, 45 m. WSW. Magdeburg. Hornby, tnshp. ami vil., Lancashire, on H. Lune. Hornby, vil, and tnshp., New Yoik, Steuben ro, Hornby Range, nitns., New Guinea, S. of Cumberland Bay. Horncastle, tu., Co. and 21 m. E. Lincoln. Homchurch, par. and vil., Essex, 2 m. SE. Romford. Homellsville, vil. and tnshp., New York, Steuben co. Homhausen, vil., Prussian Saxony, 21 m. WSW. Magdeburg. Horning'a Mills, vil., Ontario, co. Grey, 6 ra. from Shelburne. Horn Island, Queensland, otT coast of dist. Cook. Homsea, tn. and par., E. Riding, Yorkshire, on North Sea. Hornsea Mere, lake, E. liiding, York^hire, W. of Hornsea. Hornsey, par., local gov. dist., Middlesex, N. London. Pop. 61.404. Hornsey, pari, div., MiJdlese.K. Hornsey, set.. Nova Scotia, co. Cumberland, 5 m. from Wallace. Hornu. vil., Belgium, 6 m. W. Mons. Horodenka, tn., Austria, Galicia, 24 m. NE. Koloma. Fop. 10,014. Horovics, tn. , Bohemia, 12 m. SW. Beraun. Horrington, eccl. dist., mid Somerset. Horrocks Creek, dist., S. Australia, co. Frome, 200 m. N. .\delaide. Horror, Mount, Tasmania, near centre of co. Dorset. Horrues, vil., Bt^lgiuni, Hainaut, 11 ni.NXE. Mons. Horse Cave, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Hart co Horsefly Lake, British Columbia, S. of Quesnelle Lake. Horsefly River, British Columbia, falls into Quesnelle Lake. Horseheada, vil. and tnshp., New Ynrk, Chemung co. Horse Island, New York, in Lake Ontario, Jeflersou co. Horsemonden, par. and vil., cos. Kent and Surrey. Horaens, tn., Denmark, Jutland, 25 ni. SW. Aarhuus. Horse Pasture, vil, and tnshp., Virginia, Henry co. Horse Shoe Moontain, Colorado, part of the Pai k Range. Horse Shoe Point, Canada, Athabasca, on the Peace R. Horse Shoe Reef, atoll, Fiji, near Goro and Nairai Islands. Horse Shoe Shoal, Coral Sea, 20 m. NE. Great Barrier Reef. Horsforth, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire, on R. Aire. Horsham, tn. and par., Sussex, on branch of R. Arun. Horsham, pari, div,, Sussex. Horsham, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Montgomerj' co. 128 HOR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER HUK Horaham, bor., Victoria, co. Boron^, s^o ni. WNW. Melbourne. Horsham and Newton St. Faltb, pitr., ti. Korfolk. 2340 acres. Horet, vil., Netlicrlauiis, Liuibiirs, i8 iii. N. lioennond. Hort», spt., Azores, cap. of Fayal Island, on SE. cuast. Hort«n, cliief naval port, Norway, on the Fiord, near Moss. HortoQ, pat., tnslip., ond vil., 8 Northumberland. Horton, par. and vil., Ktaflbnisliire 3} ni. NW. Leek. Horton, tnslip., W }ti>Iing, Yorks, m Bradfurd bor. Horton, spt.. Nova Kcoiia, Knigs co., on Minas Basin. Horton Klrby, i>ar. and vil., W. Kent, on R. Darent. Horton Landing, vil., Nova Scotia, King's co.. 59 m. from Ilalifax. Horton River, New Boutti Wale3, co. Wurchison, jcjins Gwyder R. Horwlch, til., SE Lancashire, 17J m. from Mancliester. Hosdmg, tti., Madras, Kanaradist Lat. 12° 18' N., long. 75° 9' E. Bosdorga, t'lhik, ChitaUtrug dist., My.sore. 510 sq. m. Hoadnrsa, vil., hdqrs. of above. Lat. 13° 48' N., long. 76* 20' E. Hoibaugabad, dist, Narbudadiv., Cent. Provs., India. Eoihaoffabad, tahsil. Cent. Provs., India. 800 sq. m. HoBhangabad, nhicf tn., Hosliangabad dist., India. Hoahlarpur, dist., Punjab, India. Area 2180 sq. m. EfHhlarpur, taluk, Hosliiar]mr dist, Punjab. 478 sq. m. H^shlarpur, cap. Hoshiarpur dist , Punjab. Lat. 3i°32'N. HoBkot, ta.!uk, Bangalore dist., Mysore. 401 sq. m. Hoflkot, hdqrs. tu. of above. Lat. 13° 4' N., long. 77° 49' E. HoBpet, tn., Madras. Lat. 15° 15' N., long. 76" 26' E. Hospital, par. antl \il., E. co. Limerick. 3999 acres. Hospital Island, Qticb. c, in llichelieu R., below Island. Hoste Island, Ti' ira del Fuego, 90 m. long, by 50 m. broad. HoBur, tnluk, Sjlem dist., Madras. 1216 sq. ni. HoBur, tn. Madras, Salem dist. Hosur, vil., Mysore, Kolardist. HotchklsBville, vil., Connecticut, Litchfield co. Hotenaleben. vil., Prussian Saxony, 26 m. W. Magdeburg. Hotham. iS'> '' Nortb Melbourne. Hotham, Cape, N. 'I'crr., Australia, "W. point of Van Dieraen Gulf. Hotham, Mount, Victoiia. iie:tk of the iireat Dividing Range. Hoti-Mardan, cantotinieiit, Punjab, Pesliawar dist. Hot Spring Lake, Utah, near Salt Lake City. Fed by hot springs. Hot Spriuga, vd. and tnshp., Arkansas, cap. of Garland co. Eotspar, dist., Victoria, co. Bcndigo, 213 ni. W. Melbourne. Hotting, vd., Austria, Tyrol, on the Inn. Hotzenplotz, tn , Austrian Silesia, 36 m. NNW. Troppau. Houat Island, olTMorhihan, W. Coast of France. Houdeng-Aimeries, vil., Belgium, lo m. W. Mons. Houdeng-Goegnles, vil., Belgium, near the above. Hongaerde. Vil., Belgium, S. Brabant, 2J ni. SW. Tirlemont. Hougham, and vil. , Kent, parily in Dover. Hoaghsund, tu., Norway, 30 m. WSW. Christiania. Houghton, tn., S. Australia, co. and 14 m. NE. Adelaide. Houghton, West, jiarl. div.. SE. Lancashire. Houghton, West, tnslip., SE. Ijincashire. Houghton Glass, tiislij). and vil., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Houghton Lake, JLichij^an, source of the Muskegon R. Houghtonle Spring, tn., co. and 6^ m. NE. Dmhani. HoughtonleSpring. pari, div., co. Durham. Houghton Regis, p;tr. and vil., Bedfordshire. Houlton, vil. and Inshp., Maine, Aroostook co. Houma, vil., Louisiana, cap. of Terre Bonne parish. Houmet Rocks. Channel Is., on N. side of Vazon Bay. Hound. ]i;ir., Hants, partly in Southampton Houndwood, par., Berwickshire, 3 m. SE. Grant's House. Hounslow, tn., Middlesex, 2J m. SW. Brentford. Hounslow Heath, Middlesex, runs 5 m. W. of Hounslow. Houm, Loch, arm of the sea, Inverness-shire, on W. coast. Housatonlc, ^il., Masfsachusetts, Berkshire co. Houaatonlc River, Connecticut and Massachusetts, to Long I. Sound. Houaay Inland, one of tlte Out Skerries, Shetland. House Island, one of the Fern Is., ofl' Northumberland. HouBol Bay, Cornwall, on S. coast, near Lizard Head. HouBle Skerries, .rU., Out Skerries, Shetland. Hoassa >r^ Hanssa. HouBton, vil., Renfrewshire, 6 m. NR. Paisley. Houston, vil. and tnshp., MinncsoTa, Ilouston co. Houston, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, cap. of Cliickasaw co. Houston, ciry, Texas, cip. of Harris co., on Buffalo Bayou. P. 27,411. HouBton and Klllellan, par., Uenfrew.sbire. 7585 acres. Hove, i>ar,, Sussex, within Brighton. Hovlngham, par., tnshp., and vil., N. Ridinp. Yorkshire. Howard, tn., Qiiecn.siund. co. Cook, 18 m. NW. Maryborough. Howard, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, cap. of Elk co. Howard, vil., Minnesola, Wright co., 53 ni. W. St Paul. Howard, vil. and tiiHliji., New York, Steuben co. Howard, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Centre co. Howard CUy, vil., Mictngaii, Montcalm co., 34 111. NE. Grand Rapids, Howard's Mills, vil. and tiishp., Kentucky, Montgomery co. Howden, par., tn., and tn^hp., E. Ridin;;, Yorkshire. Howdenablre, pail. (Mv., E. Riding, Yorkshire. Howdon-onTyne. See Howdon Pani. Howdon Pan«, eccl and local gov. dist, Northumberland. Howe, Cape, New South Wales, on border of Victoria. Howe Bridge, ccc!. ilist., SK. Lancashire. Howell, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, cap. of Livingston co. Howlck, par. and vil., Nortliuniberlaiid, 5 ni. N !•;. Alnwick. Howlck, vil., Quebec, Co. Chateauguay. on English R. Howlck Islands, Queensland, bet. dist. Cook and Great Barrier llci-J. Howl-Howo, tn., China, on 8 ciast of Uainan I. Howltt, Mount, peak of the Barry Mins., Victoria. Howland Island, Paeillc O' ran. Lat. 0° 49' N., lung. 176' 40' W. Howloko Lake, New Zealand, co. Fiord. Howlong, tn., N«'W South Wales, 389 ni. SW. Sydney. Howrah, fliih. dist, Hiigli dist, Bi-ngat 476 s' Hudson's Bay. Hudson Bay, inland sea, N. America, Canada. Area 540,000 sq. m. Hudson Bay Territory. SfC North-West Territories. Hudson Islands, Fiji, off W, coast of Viti I.cvu. Hudaon River, New York, falls into New York Bay. Hudson Strait, Canada, between Hudson Bay and Davis Strait. Hu^ (Thua Thien), city, caj). of Annam. Lat 16" 30' N. Pop. 30,000. HueJuqulIIa, tn., Mexico, state Jalisco. Huelma, tn., Spain, prov. and 27 in. SE. Jaen. Huelva, pi'ov., Spain, on Atlantic coast. Pop. 284,831. Huolva, sj't., Spain, cap. of above, 49 ni. WSW. Seville. P. 13,617. Huoaeme, \\\. and tnshp., Colorado, Ventura co. Huercal Overa, tn., Spain, pr'iv. and 40 in, NIC. Almeria. Pop. 15,219. Huerfano River, Colorado, trib. of the Arkansas R. Huet River, Annam, falls into the Chin* Sea 10 in. below Hue. Huesca, jnov,, Spain, traversed by R. Isuela. Pop. 284,968. HuoBca, tn., Spain, in Aragon, cap. of above prov. Pop. 13,617. Huoscar, tu., Spain, prov. and 63 ni. NK. Granada. Huete, tn., Spain, prov. and 34 m. NW. Cuenca. Hueypoxtla, in., Mexico, Guerrero state. Huffgleacoto and Donnlngton, tnshp., N. Leicestershire. Hugh, Mount, New Zealand, on Capo Palliser. Hughenden, par. mid vil., Bucks, 1 ni. N. Wycombe. Hughenden, Vn., Queensland, 90 in. SW. Charters Towers. Hushesvllle, lioj-., Pennsylvania, Lycoming co. Hui;h MfWiiIiam. Mount, Queensland, dist S. Gregory. Hur;h Range, mt ris., Queciislauil, dist Burke. Hui{hBonvllle, vil.. New York, Dutchess co., on Wappinger Creek. Hugh Town, tn., cap. of tho Scilly Isles. Hui?ll, dist., Bard wan div , Bpugal. 1223 sq. m. HuflU, snh-div., Hugli dist, Bengal. 442 sq. m. Hugll, chief tn., IlugUdist, Bengal. Lat. 22° 54' 44" N. Hui?H Rivor, branch of the Ganges, falls into Bay of Bengal. Huizon, ^ il., Netlieilands, 16 ni. ESI5. Amsterdam. Hukerl, tn., Bombay, Belgaum dist Lat. 16' 13' N., long. 74' 38' E, HUL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ICA Huliyar, vil., Mysore, Chitaldrug (list. Lat. 13' 35' N.,long. 76'34'E. Huliyur-durga, vil., Mysore, Tuuikur dist. Lat. 12° 49' N. Hull, spt, E. Riding, Yorkshire, on R. Hull. Pop. 199,660. Hull, tu., Quebec, on Ottawa R., 2 m. from Ottawa. Bull and Appleton, tnshp., mid Cheshire. 3422 acres. Eullet, tiishp., Ontario, Huron co. Hull River, t^. Riding, Yorks, falls into the Humber at HuU. Hullsvllle, vil., Ontario, co. Haldiiiiand, 28 m. from Hamilton. Hulme, tnshp., SE. Lancashire, in Manchester. Hulmeville, vil., Pennsylvania, Bucks co., 1 m. S. Langhorne. Huls, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 17 m. NW, Diisseldorf. Hoist, tn., Vetherlands, 15 m. WNW. Antwerp. Holtschin, tn., Prussian Silesia, on the Oppo R. Hmnansdorp, tn., Cape Colony, 50 ni. W. Port Elizabeth. Humber, estuary of Ouse and Trent, Lincoln and Yorkshires. Humber, vil., Ontario, co. York, on R. Humber. Humber Kiver, Ontario, co. Y'ork, falls into Lake Ontario. Humber River, Newfoundland, falls into Gulf of St. Lawrence Humberstone, par and vil., co. and 2^ m. NE. Leicester. Humberstone, vil , Ontario, i m. from Port Colborne. Humbleton, tnshp and battlefield, N. Northumberland. Humboldt, vil Iowa, Humooldt co.. on the Des Moines R. Humboldt, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Allen co , on the Neosho R. Humboldt, vil and tnshp., Nebraska, Richardson co. Humboldt, vil. and tushp., Tennessee, Gibson co. Humboldt Bay, California, 270 m. N. San Francisco. Humboldt Lake, marsh, Nevada, receives the Humboldt R. Humboldt River, Nevada, tails into Humboldt Lake. Humboldt Sink. Stt Humboldt Lake. Humbolt, ^■il. and tnshp., Illinois, Coles co. Humbug Bay, Manitoba, part of Lake Winnipeg. Humbug Scrub, vil., S. Australia, 25 m. NE. Adelaide. Humcha, vil., Mysore, India, Shimoga dist. Lat. 13° 51' N. Hume. vil. and tnshp.. New Y'ork, Alleghany co. Hume Range, nitns., Victoria, cos. Anglesey and Evelyn. Hummelstown, bor., Pennsylvania, Dauphin co. Humpoletz, tn., Bohemia, 25 m. S. Czaslau. Humpybong, tn., Queensland, on Moreton Bay. First set. in Colony. Huna, ham., Caithness, on Pentland Firth, old ferry to Orkney. Hu-Nan, inland prov., China. Area 83,226 sq. m. Pop. 21,005,171. Hun-Chun, tn., Manchuria, 9 m. N. Corean border. Pop. 10,000. Hundred and Two River, Missouri, trib. nf the Platte R. Hundsriick, mtns., Germany, in S. of Rhenish Prussia. Hungary, kinjjdom. Cent. Europe, part of Austria-Hungary. Area 125, to3. Pop. 17,449,705. Hungerford, tn. and par., Wilts and Berks, on R. Kennet. Hungund, sub-div., Kaladgi dist., Bombay. 518 sq. m. Top. 80,037. Hungund, chief tn. of above. Lat. 16° 3' N., long. 76' 6' E. Hiiningen. tn., Germany,. Upper Alsace, on R. Rhine. Hunmanby, par., tushp., and vil., E. Riding, Yorkshire. Hunnewell, vil. and m^hp., Kentucky, Greenup co. Hunnewell, vil, Missouri, Shelby co., 37 m. W. Hannibal. Hunshelf, tnshp., W, Riding, Yorkshire, 2 m. S. Penistone. Hunslet, sub. of Leeds, W. Riding, Y'orkshire. Hunstanton, vil. and watering-place, Norfolk, opposite Boston. Hunstanton with Barrett Ringstead, par., W. Norfolk. Hunsur, tn., Mysore. Lat. 12' 17' N., long. 76° 19' E. Hunter, vil. and tnshp.. New Y'ork, Greene Co., in CatskiU Mtns. Hunter, Port. So:. Newcastle Harbour. Hunterfleld and Amiston, vil., Mid-Lothian, near Goi'ebridge Hunter Island, Tasmania, NW. Bobbin's Island. Hunter Range, mtns.. New South Wales, co. Hunter Hunter River New South Wales, flows SE. into sea near Newcastle. Hunter River, New Zealand, co. Vincent, falls into Lake Hawea. Hunter's Hill, sub. of and 4 ni. from Sydney, New South Wales. Hunter's Hills, range. New Zealand, co. Waimate. Hunter's Mountain, New Zealand, co. Fiord. Hunter's Point, New Y'ork, part of Long Island City. Hunter's Quay, part Of Dunoon, on the Clyde. Huntinburg, vil., Indiana, Dubois Co., 48 m. E. Evansville. Huntingdon, bitr. and co. tn., Huntingdonshire, on R. Ouse. Huntingdon, pari, div., Huntingdonshire. Huntingdon, tn., Quebec, 38 m. SW. Caughnawaga. Huntingdon, bor., Pennsylvania, cap. of Huntingdon co. Huntingdon, vil., Tennessee, cap. of Carroll co. Huntingdonshire, co , England, W. of Cambridgeshire. Pop. 57,772. Huntington, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Fairlield co. Huntington, city, Indiana, cap. of Huntington co. Huntington, vil., Maryland, Baltimore co. Huntington, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Hampshire co. Huntington, vil. and tnshp.. New Y'ork, Suffolk co. Huntington, city, W. Virginia, Cabell co. Huntingtower and Ruthvenfield, vil., eo. and 2^ m. NW. Perth. Huntingville, vil., Quebec, CO. Compton, 2 m. from Lenno.Kville. Huntley, tn.. New Zealand, co. Waikato, 65 ni. S. Auckland. Huntly, tn., NW. Aberdeenshire, on R. Deveron. Huntly, tnshp., Victoria, co. Bendigo, 109 m. NW. Melbourne. Hontly Grove, vil., Illinois, McHenry co., 7 m. NW. Elgin R. Hunts. £ee Huntingdonshire. Huntsplll, par. and vil., S<:>:uerset, si m. N. Bridgwater Hunt'f Point, set., Nova Scotia, Queen's co. , 8 m. from Liverpool. Huntsville, vil., Ontario, on Muskoka R. Huntsviile, city, Alabama, cap. of Madison co. Huntsville, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Schuyler co. Hunwick, eccl. dist. and vil., S. Durham. Hunwick and Helmington, tnshp., S. Durham. Huon River, Tasmania, falls into sea opposite S. Bruin Island. Hu-Pe, central prov., China. Area 69,477 sq. m. Pop. 33,600,492. Hurd, Cape, Ontario, Bruce CO., on Lake Huron. Hurd, Lake, S. Australia, 40 m. W. of Lake Frome. Hurd, Port, Bathurst L. N. Terr., Australia, part of Gordon Bay. Hurdsfield, tnshp. and vil., E. Cheshire. 900 acres. Hurdwar. £ee Hardwar. Hoiin, tn., Persia, Irak Ajemi, 30 m. NW. Zohab. Hurlet, vil., Renfrewshire, 3 m. SE. Paisley. Hurley, par. and vil., E. Birks, 4m. NW. Maidenhead. Hurley, vil. and tnshp., New York, Ulster co. HurUord, tu. and par., Ayrshire, 2 m. SE. Kilmarnock. Huron, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Erie co., on the Huron R. Huron, Lake, between Canada and the United States. 23,610 sq. m. Huron River, Michigan, falls into Lake Erie. Huron River, Ohio, falls into Lake Erie. HurruT (Harax), dist., E. Africa. Pop. 1,900,000. Hurrur, tn., Hurrur dist., E. Africa. Lat. 9' 37' N. Pop. 35,000. Hursley, par. and vil., Hants, 5 m. SW. Winchester. Hurst, par. and vil., E. Berks, 3 m. NW. Wokingham. Hurst, tn., SE. Lancashire, in Ashton-under-Lyne. Hurst Brook, eccl. dist., SE. Lancashire. Hurst Green, eccl. dist. and vil., NE. Lancashire. Hurstmonceaui. Sec Herstmonceaux. Hurstpierpoint, tu. and par., Sussex, 8 m. NW. Brighton. Hurunui, tn.. New Zealand, co. Ashley, 52 m. N. Christchurch. Huniuui River, New Zealand, on S. border of co. Cheviot. Hurworth, par. and tnshp., Durham, 8^ m, N. Stockton. Hoaain, tn., NW. Provs., India, Aligarh dist. Husavick, Icelandic set., Manitoba, on Lake Winnipeg. Hush, tn., Roumania, 47 m. SE. Yassy. Pop. 10,000. Huah-Eon, tn., China, Quang Tung, S. of Hainan. Pop. 200,000. Husiatyn, tn., Austria, Galicia, 20 m. E. Czortkow. HuBkisson River, Tasmania, co. Russell, trib. of the Pieman R. Hustisford, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Dodge co. Hustouville, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Lincoln co. Huaum, spt., Prussia, 22 m. SW. Schleswig. Huszth, (Khuszt), tn., Hungary, on R. Theiss. Hutchinson, vil., Kansas, cap of Reno co., on Arkansas R. Hutchinson, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota. McLeod co. Hutchison, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Boiu'bon co. Hu-Tchu, tn., CMna, piov. Che-KJaug, 70 m. NW. Ning-po Pop. 60,000. Hut Island, Inverness-shire, Outer Hebrides. HutsonviUe, vil. and inshp., Illinois, Crawford co. Hutt, Lower, post stn., New Zealand, co. Hiittenberg, vil., Austria, Cariuthia, 18 ni. NNE. Sanct Veit. Hutton, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Coles co. Hutton, Mount, Queensland, peak of the Denham Range. Hutton Cranswick, par., tn., and vil. E- Riding, Y'orkshire. Hutton Henry, tnshp., Durham, 2 m. SW. castle Eden. Huttonsville, vil., Ontario, co. Peel, 4 ni. from Brampton. Huttweil, In., Switzerland, cant, and 22 m. ^s^. Bern. Huxley, Mount, Tasmania, co. Montagu. Hny, tn., Belgium, prov. and 17 m. SW. Liege. Pop. 12,829. Huysse, vil., Belgium, E. Flandeis, 11 m. SW Ghent. Huyton, par. and vil., Lancashire, 55 m. E. Liverpool. Huyton witb Roby, tnshp., SW. Lancashire. Huzareh (with Eimak Country), region, Afghanistan. Pop. 350,000 Hvaloe (Kvaloe'), isl., Norway. Lat. 69° 35' N. Hven, isl., Denmark, in the Sound, 8 m. Irom Elsinore. Hwangguyen, tu., China, prov. Che-Kiang. Pop. 120,000. Hyannio, spt., Massachusetts, on Cape Cod. Hyde, bor., Cheshire, on R. Tame, 7I m. E. Manchester. Hyde, pari, div., Cheshire. Hyde, tn.. New Zealand, co. Maniototo, 75 m. NW. Dunedin, Hyde Park, Westminster, London. Contains Serpentine, etc. Hyde Park, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Cook co. Hyde Park, vil. and tnslip., Massachusetts, Norfolk co. Pop. 10,193. Hyde Park, vil. and tnshp.. New Y'ork, Dutchess co. Hyde Park, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, cap. of Lamoille co. Hyde Park Corner, vil., Ontario Co. Middlesex, Hyderabad. See. Haidarabad. Hydra (idra), isl., Greece, oh the Morea, Ar. 26 sq. m. Pop. 17,137. Hydra, city, Greece, on Hydra Island. Hy^rea (HiSres), tn., France, dep. Var, 12 m. E. Toulon. Pop. 13,849. Hyires Islands, France, in the JEediterranean, offHyeres. Hykulzie, tn., Afghanistan, 5 m. N. Shawl. Hylipol, p;ir., Argyllshire, in Tyree. Hylton, tnslip. and vil., Durham, on R. Wear. Hylton, South, eccl. dist , Weannouth par., Dm-ham. Hymettus, mtn. range, Greece, S. of Athens. Hyndmau, vil., Pennsylvania, Bedford co. Hyrum, city, Utah, Cache co., 8 m. from Logan. Hyson Green, eccl. (iist., in bor. and co. of Nottingham. Hythe, bor.. Kent, 63 m. SE. London. A Cinque Port. Hythe St. Leonard, par., E. Kent, in Hythe bor. I, name for loua, q,v. Iba (Yba), tn., Pliilippine Islands, Luzon, 80 m. NW. Manilla. Ibadan, City, Africa, Y'arriba, 70 m. NXE. Lagos. Pop. 150,000. Ibague i,lbaqae), tn., Colombia, Cundinamarca state. Ibaue and Barryroe, barony, S. co. Cork. Ibarra, tn., Ecuador, 50 m. NXE. Quito. Pop. 12,000. Ibbenbiiren, tn,, Prussia, Westphalia, 14m. W. Osnabnrg. Ibera (Ybera) Lases, marslies, Argentine Rep., Corrientes. Iberia, ancient name for Spain. Iberville. Sn^. St. Athanase. Ibicul River, Brazil and Uruguay, trib. of R. Uruguay. Ibi Gamin, mtns., Himalayas. Alt. 25,373 ft. Long. 79° 38' E. Ibo, tn., W. Africa, Guinea, at head of Niger delta. Ibrahimabad, tn., Oudh, Bara Banki dist. Ibraila. ^'ee Brahilov. Ibrickan, baruny, W. CO. Clare. 56,696 acres. Ibros, tn., Spain, 19 m. NNE. Jaen. Ibroi, SW. suburb of Glasgow. Ibstock, par., tnshp., and vil., S. Leicestershire, lea, maritime dep., Peru. Area 12,630 sq. m. Pop, 60,C4S. lea, tn., Peru, lea dep. Icart Bay. Guernsey, Channel Islands, 3 m. SW. St. Peter Port Icart Point, on Icart Bay, 3. v. 130 ICE THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER IND Iceland, isl., Atlantic. Belongs to Denmark. Lat. 65° X., long. 18° W. 10,458 sq. m. Pop. 69,224. Ich&boe Island, Africa, Naiuaiiualaiul. Ichak, til., Bengal, Hazaribagh dist. Lat. 24' 5' N. Ichamati River, Bengal, Pabua dist. , branch from Ganges. Ichamati River, Ueugal, navij,Mble branch of the Matabhanga. I-chan«. free port, China, on Yang-tse-Kiang. Ichapur, tu., Madras, Ganjam dist. Lat. 19" 6' N., long. 84° 44' E. Ichauli, tn., Oudh, Bara Banki dist. Lat. 26° 58' N., lung. 78''23'E. Ichenhaosen, tn., Bavaria, 6 m. from Gunzburg. Icod, tn. TenerilFe, on W. cnast. IcolmkiU or I-Colomb-KlU. &tt lona. Icy Cape, Alaska, on N. coast. Long. 161° 46' W. Ida, famous nitn., A.sia Minor. Lat. 36" 12' N., long. 26° 54' E. Ida, barony, SE. co. Kilkenny. 60,132 acres. Ida, tn., t2'i^'^"*''''"^> 2 ni. NE. Maytown, Ida, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Monroe co. Ida, stn. of Niger Company's Territory, Africa. Ida, Mount, New Zealand, co. Waitaki, p-^ak ofHawkduu Mtus. Ida, Mount, Tasmania, co. Lincoln, E. of Lake St. Clair. Ida, Mount, Victoria, co. Rodney, SW. of Iledcastle. IdaOrove, vil., Iowa, cap. of Ida co., on. the Maple R. Idaho, state, U S. Lat. 45' N., long. 115" W. 84,800 sq. m. Pop. 84,38&. Idaho City, vil., Idaho, cap. of Boise co. Idaho SpringB, vil., Colorado, Clear Creek co. Idar, vil., Germany, Birkenfeld, 3 m. NW. Oberstein. Idle, tn. and tnshp., W Riding, Yorkshire, 5J m. NE. Bradford. Idle River, Notts, trib. of the Trent at W. Stock with. Idria, tn., Carniola, 23 rn. WSW. Laybacli. Idrldgehay, eccl. dist and hamlet, N. Derbyshire. Idro Lake, N. Italy, between Lakes Garda and Isco. Idrone, East, barony, W. co. Carlow. 48,153 acres. Idrone, West, baruny, W. co. Carlow. 23,067 acres. Idsteln, tn., Prussia, Hessen-Nassau, to m. N. Wiesbaden. Ida, stn. of the Niger Company, W. Africa. lelsl, tn., It'dy, prov, and 9 m. ESE. Campobasso. leal (Jeai), In., Italy, 17 ra. SW. Ancona. Pop. 19,984. IffaandOffa, East, barony, S. co. Tipperary. Iffa and 0£fa, West, barony, S. co. Tipperary. Ifleld, par. and \ il., E. SiLssex, on R. Mole. Iga, tn., Japan, Hondo Isl., 100 m. ESE. Kioto. Iga, prov. mid Jajian. Pop. 98,536. Igatpurl, su])-div. Nasik dist,, Bombay. Igatport, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 19^ 40' N., long. 73' 45' E. Ightermurragh, par , E. co. Cork. 5555 acres. Ightham. par and vil., Kent, 4^ m. NE. Seveuoaks. Iglas, tiihsil, Aligarh dist., NW. Provs., India. Xglas, hdijrs. tn. of above tahsily NW. Provs., India. Iglan, tn., Jloravia, on tlie Iglawa R. Pop. 22.378. Iglawa River, Moravia, trib. of the Schwarza U. Igleaiaa, tn., Sardinia, near W. coast. Iglo, tn., Iliingary, on It. Hernad, 11 m. S. Leutschau. Iguana, tn , Brazil, 21 m. NW. Rio de Janeiro. Ignalada, tn., Spain, 33 m. NW. Barcelona. Pop. 11,882. Igualapa, tn., Mexico, state and 180 m. SSW. La Puebla. Iguape, spt, Brazil, state Sao Paulo, 85 m. SW. Santos. Iguaracu. tn., Brazil, state and 20 m. NNW. Pernambaco. Sina River, Prussia, enters Stettiner Hatf, 9 m. from Stettin. niringen, \il., Baden, circle Upper Rhine, near Breisach. Ikanna, ji-injan", Bahraicli di.->t., Oudh. 259 sq. m. Ikanna, In., Oudh, Bahraich dist. Lat. 27° 33' N., long. 81° 59' E. Ike-Aral-Nor, lakrt, Mongnlia. Lat. 47° 30' N., long. 90° E. Ikeathy and Oughtcrany, liarony, N. Co. Kildare. Ikelembo(Uriki) River, Africa, trib. of the Congo, near Equator. Ik River, Bussia, gov. Oietibnrg, trib. of tlie Kama. ItalA, place, Africa, on S. shore of I>ako Bangweolo. Zlchester, jiar and vil., mid Somerset, on R. Yuo. Hchl. See Khotan. node France, f' inner prov., France, with Paris as capital. Qek Rivor, Hussia, flows through gov. Orenburg. Sekskoi Oorodek (Detskl), tn , Russia, Orenburg. lUord, Great, tn , S. Essex, ee Koldja. XUamna, active volcano, Alaska. Alt. 12,066 ft. Xllon, vil., New York, Herkimer co., on the Mohawk R. lU River, Turkr^stan, falls into Lakn Balkash. Ulsch, tn., Asiitic Turkey, 53 m. NE. Diarljekir. Skal, tn., Bombay, Kaladgi dist Lat. 15" 57' N. Ilkeston, bor., co. and 8 m. NE. Derby. Ilkley, tn.and par., W Ridirig, Yorks, 9 m SK. Skipton. ni, riv., Alsace, trib, of the Rhine, N. of Strasburg. lUabarook, tn., Victoria, co. Grenville, 95 J^ m. W. Melbourne. niapel, tn., Chili, Coquimbo state, iiom from Valparaiso. niawarra, dist., Now Sontli Wales, 33 m. S. Sydney Dlawarra Lake, Now South Wales, co. Camden, olf Pacilic Ocean. Hie, tn., I'rancp, Pyn^nces-Orientah-s, on tho Tet. nie et Vilaine, dep., N Prance, Normandy. 259? 8q. m. P. 621,382, nio River, I'ranre, IllR-et- Vilaine, trib. of the Vilaino. nier River, (Jcrmany, from the Tyrol to the Danube. niewoQg, Mount, Ni-w South Wales, co, Blaxlaud. Uliers, tiK, Ki-anee, Eure-et-Loir, on R. Loire. Ullmanl, mtn., Bolivian Andes, 25 m. E.SE. La Paz Alt. 21,181 ft. XUingworth, eccl. dist and vi!., W Riding; Yorkshire. minola, a N. central state of U.S. 56.650 sq. m. Pop. 3,826,361. niinoia River, Illinois, trib, of the Mississippi. Jersey co. miopoUs, vil. a!id tnshp , Illinois, Sangamon co Hlkirch-Orafenataden, tn., Alsace, 3 m. S. Strasburg. niogan, i»ar. and vil., Cornwall, af m. NW. Redruth. niok, tn., Slavonia, 26 m. W, Peterwardeiu. niora, tn,, Spain. 22 ni. WNW Granada. niorln, city. Africa, Y'arriba, 50 m. SSW Rabba. Pop. 100,000. niyria, div and titular kingdom, Austria. Area 10,937 sq m. Ilm (Ilmstadt), tn., Germany, on R. Urn. Hmenau, tn., Germany, on R. Ilm, 27 m. SW Weimar. Hmenau River, Hanover, trib. of the Elbe, near Hamburg. nmen Lake, Russia, gov Novgorod, 100 m. N. Lake Ladoga. Ilminater, tn, and par., Somerset, on R. Isle. nm River, Saxony, trib. of the Stale, 13 ui. N. Jena, IlmBtadt. .SVe Urn. Ilo(Ylo), spt., Peru, 63 m. SW. Moquegua. UoUo (YloUo), 8[it., Philippine Islands, on SE. coast of Panay. Ilol, petty state, India, Gujarat. Dol, chief tn. of above state. Lat. 23' 59' N., long. 73° 18' E. Usenberg, tu., Prussian Saxony, 16 m. W. Halberstadt. Eflham, eccl. dist, E Devon, sub. of Torquay. Ilaington, par. and vil., E. Devon, 7 m. NW Newton Abbot. Imbroa Island, Turkey, off entrance to Dardanelles. Imeritla, former country, Transcaucasia, now in Kutais Imlay, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Lapeer co. Imley, Mount, New South Wales, co. Auckland. Immenstadt, tn., Bavaria, 13 m. SW. Kemjjten. Imokilly, barony, SE. co. Cork. 95,878 acres. Imola, tn., Italy, prov and 22 m. ESE. Bologna. Pop. 13,997. Imat (Umbieta), tn., Tyrol, on R. Inn, Inaba, prov., Japan, in W. of Hondo Island. Pop. 162,812. Inagh, i^ar., W. co. Clare, on R. Inagh, g m. NW. Enuis. luagua, largest and most S. of the Bahama Islands. Inca, tn., Majorca, NE, of Palmas. Ince-in-Makerfield, tnshp., SW. Lancashire. Inch, island, co. Donegal, in Lough Swilly. Inch, i>ar., NW. Wigtownshire. 30,844 acres. Inch, [tar., E. co. Cork, 5 m. SW, Cloyue. 3822 acres. Inch, par., NE. co. Donegal, 8 m. NW Londonderry. Inch, par., CO. Down, on R. Qnoile, 2 m, N Downpatrick. Inch, par., COS. Wexford and Wicklow. 6802 acres. Inchalcaranjl, native state, Bombay. 201 sq. m Pop. 56,848, Inchalcaranji, chief tn of above Lat. 16* 41' N., long. 74° 31' E. Inchard, Loch, arm of the sea, NW. Sutherlaudshire. Inchcape. .St-e Bell Rock. Inchcolm. island. Firth of Forth, ij m. S. Aberdour Inchgarvie, island. Firth of Forth, a foundation of Fortli Bridge. Inchicronan, par., N. CO. Clare, 6 m. NE Ennis. Inchtquin, barony, mid co. Clare. 88,387 acres. Inchiquin laland, N. co. Gal way, in Lougli Corrib. Inchketth, island, Firth of Forth. Strongly fortiQed. Inchkenneth, isl., in Loch-na-Keal, Mull. Inchmahone, island, SW Perthsliire, in Lake of Menteith. Incbmamock. island. Firth of Clyde, W of Bute Inchture, par. and vd., Perthshire, in Carse of Gowrie. Indala-Elf, river, Sweden, falls into Gulf of Bothnia. Indapur, sub-div., Poonadist., Bombay. 567 sq m. Indapur, tn,, Bombay, Poona dist. Lat. i8"6 N , long. 75° 4' E. Independence, vil., California, cap. of Inyo co. Independence, city, Iowa, cap. of Buchanan co. Independence, city and tnshp,, Kansas, cap. of Montgomery co. Independence, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Keutun co. Independence, vil., Missouri, cap, of Jackson co. Independence, vii. and tnshp,, Ohio, Cuyalioga co. Independence, vil., Oregon, Polk CO., on Willamette R. Independence, vil, and tnslip., Pennsylvania, Washington co. Independence, vil., Texas, Washington co. Independence River, New York, trib. of Black R,, in Lewis co. Indi, sub div., Kaladgi dist., Bombay. Area 870 sq. m. Indi, chief tn. of above. Lat. 17' 11' N.. long. 76' E. India, Britisli Empire, Asia. Ar. i, 58^7, 104 sq. m. Pop. 286,696,960. Indiana, central state, U.S. 36,350 sq. m. Pop. 2,192,404. IndL^na, bor. Pennsylvania, cap. of Indiana co. Indianapolis, City, Indiana, cap, of state and Marion co. P. 100,436. Indian Archipelago. S-e Malay Archipelago. Indian Caucasus. Sec Hindu Kush. Indian Head, New South Wales, co. Afacquarie, NE. Crowdy Head. Indian Head, {-ajH', Queensland, Great Sandy Island, Wide Bay dist. Indian Islands, Newfoundland, 14 m. from Fogo. Indian Lake, New York, conimunicates with Hudson R. Indian Mound, li;mdet and tnshp., Tennessee, Stewart co. Indian Mountain, sett lenient, New Brunswick, co. Westmoreland. Indian Ocean, between Atriea. Asia, and tho Pacific. Indlanola, vil., Illinois, Verniilli(»n co., on Little Vermillion R. Indianola, vil., Iowa, cap. of Warren co., 20 m. S. I)es M-iincs. Indlanola, vil. and tnshp , Nebraska, cap, of Red Willow co. Indlanola, port of enlry, Texas, cap. of Callioun co. Indian Orchard, vil,, Massachusetts, Hampden co. Indian River, tidal channel, Florida, cos. Bravard and Volusia, Indian River, New York, falla into Black Lake, St. Lawrence co. Indian River, Ontario, Renfrew co., trib. of Ottawa U. Indian Territory, tract, U.S., reserved for Indians. Pop. 116,997. Indiantown, tu., New Bi unswick, suburb of St, Jolm Indle, vil., Hungary, Slaxonia, 18 m. SSI-'. Pcterwardein. Indloa. ,SV(' East InJlea, West Indlea, and Indta. Indlghirka River, E Siberia, falls into tho Arctic 0<;eHn. Indigo, tu., Victoria, co Bogong, 187 m ,NK. Molbouruo. Indo China, l-^astern Peninsula, Fartlier Iiuiia. Indooroopllly, vil., Queensland, suburb of Brisbane. Indore, native state. Central India. 18,400 sq. m. Pop. 1,084,237. Indore, chictf city, Indore state. Lat. aa" 42 N , 75° 54' K. P.92,170. Indore Agency, Indore, Dew-i, and Bagli. Centml India Indori River, Punjab, Oui'gaon dist.,. joins tho Sahihi. Indragiri, kingdom, Suniatm, under tho Dutch. 77(X) sq. m. Indre, dep., (Jfutral France. Area 2624 sq. m. Pop 296,147. Indre, vil., Franco, Loire-Inforiouro, ^i m. from Nantes. Indre-et Loire, dep., France, NW. Indre. 2361sq.m. P 340,921. Indre River, France, trib. of the R. Loire. 131 IND THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ISA Indna Kiver, India, rises in Tibet and falls into Indian Ocean. Industry, C inada. See Joliette. Indufitry, vil and tnshp., Illinois, McDonough co. Ineboll(Ainaboli, tn., Asia Minor, on Black tsea. Ingbert, tn., Kliemsla Bavaria, lo m. W Zweibi-iicken. Pop. 10,321. Ingelhelm, Nleder, tn., Germany, Hessen, on R. Selz. Ingelheim, Ober, tn , Germany, Hessen, on R. Selz. Ingelmunster, tn., Belgium, W. Flandt-rs. Ingershelm, tn , Germany, Alsace, 3 in. NW. Colmar. IngersoU, til., Ontario, Oxford co , on R. Thames. Ingham, tnslip., Queensland, co. and 42 m. S. Cardwell. Ingleton, tnshp. and vil., W. Riding, Yorks, 4 m. NW. Clapham. Inglewood, tn., S. Australia, 15 m. NE. Adelaide. Inglewood, tn., Vict-jria, co Gladstone, 130 m. NW. Melbourne. Inglewood, tn., New Zealand, co. Taranaki. Inglewood, tn,, Queensland, co. Clive, 180 m. SW. Brisbane. Inglifl River, Tasmania, co Wellington, flows N. and E. Ingolfitadt, city, Bavaiia, on R. Danube. Pop. 16,388. Ingrow and Hainworth, eccl dist, W. Riding, Yorkshire. Ingweiler, tn., Alsace, on R. Modar. Inhambane, Portuguese tn., Africa, zoo tn. NE. Delagoa Bay. Inhanna. ;xfr^a?ifi, Rii Bareli dist., Oudh. Inbanna, tn., Oudh, Rai Bareli dist. Lat. 26° 32' N. Inishannon, par and vil , co. Cork, i\ m. NB. Bandon. Inlsbargy, par., co Down, on Lougl\ Strangford. Inishbofin, insular par , NW co. Ualway. 3151 acres. Inishbofin, isl., part of above par. Inlshbofln, isl., co. Donegal, in Gweedore Bay. Inishcarra, p;tr. and 8 m. W Cork. Iniflheer, isl. and par., Aran Is., co. Gal way. Inisbfree. Upper,, co. Donegal, in Inislifree Bay. Inishkea, North, is!., otfNW co. Mayo. Inishtea, South, isl., oft NW. co. Mayo. Inishkeen, par , Cos. Louth and Moiiaghan. Inishlackau, isl., co Gahvay, in Roundstown Bay. Inishlounaght, par., cos. Tipperary and Waterford. Inishmaan, isl. and par , Aran Is,, co. Galway. Inifihmac3aiut, par , cos Donegal and Fermanagh. Inishmasrath, par., mid co. Leitrim. 23,412 acres. Iniahmore, isl. and par., Aran Is., co Gahvay. Iniabmurray, isl., Co. Sligo, in Donegal Bay Inishnee,, co. Gahvay, in Roundstown Bay, Inishodriscol, isl,, co Cork, in Roaringwater Bay. Inishowen, East, barony, N E. co. Donegal. Inishowen, Wast, barmiy, NE. CO. Donegal. Iniahshark, isl., off NW co. Gahvay. Iniahtrevm, isl-, off W co. Galway. Inishturk, isl., off SW co. Wayo- Inisidgen Point, Scilly Is., N W extremity of St. Mar>-'s. Inifitiage, par. and vil , co. Kilkenny, on R. Nore. Injaram, in., Madras, Godavari dist. Lat. 16" 43' N. Inkberrow, par and vil , W, Worcestersliire. Inkerman, vil. and battlefield, Crimea, 5 in. E Sebastopol. Inkerman, vil., Ontario, oq Dundas, 15 m from CornwaU. Inkermann, vil., Renfrewshire, ijm. from Paisley Intpeu, par andvii.,SW Berks, 4 m. SE Hungerford. Inman Valley, tn., 8 Australia, co Hindmarsli. Inn. riv , trib. of the Danul>e: Switzerland, Tyrol, Bavaria, Austria. Innellan, imr and vil , Argyllshire, on Firr.h of Clyde. Inner Islanda, Newfoundland, Bona\'ista dist. Innerkip, vil., Ontario, co. Oxford, 6 m. from Woodstock Innerleithen, tn. and par., Peebles and Selkirk shires. Innerwick, par. and vil., E. Haddingtonshire. Innes, Lake, New S mth Wales, co. Mai-.quarie, near coast. InnisvUle, vil., Ontario, co Lanark, on Mississippi R. Innapru^k, city, cap. of Tyrol, on the Inn and Sill. Inny River, E. Cornwall, trib. of the Tainar. Inny River, COS. Westineath and Longford, falls into Lough Ree. Inowrazlaw, tn., Prussia, Posen, 26 m. E:SE. Bromberg. Pop. 13,548. Insalah. tn., SE. Morocco. Saharan Oasis. Inaara, tn., Russia, gov and 57 m. NNW. Penza. Insch, vil., Aberdeensidre, 3^ m. from Hunlly. Inater, riv , Prussia, lieadwater of the Pregel R. Inaterburg, tn., E. Prussia, on R. luster. Instow, p tr. and vil., N. Devon, 3J m. NE. Bideford. Intahlah Lake, British Columbia, Lat. 53° 30' N. Interlachen, vil., Switzerland, cant, and 26 m. SE. Bern. Intervale, set.. New Brunswick, co Westmoreland. Intra, tn., Italy, prov Novara, on Lago M iggiore. Introdacque, tn., Italy, prov. Aquila, 4 m. S.3W Sulmona. Inver, vil . Ross and Cromarty, on Dornoch Firth, 6 m. E. Tain. iDver, Loch, arm of sea, Sutherlandsliiie, A.-^synt par. luverallochy, par and vil., NE. Aberdeenshire. Inveraray, burgh, par , and CO tn., Argyllshire, on R. Aray. Inverary. vil.. Ontario. CO. Front^nac, 12 m. from Kingston. Inveravon, par , Banff and Elginsliires, on R. Spey. Inverbervie, burgh. Kincardineshire, Bervie par. Inver brothock, q s. par , Fnrfarshire. Invercargill, tn., New Zealand, cap. of co. Southland. Inverell, tiislii) . New S. Wal-.s, co. Gough, 383 m. N. Sydney, Inveresk, par and vil., co and 6^ m. E. Edinburgh. Invergorden, spt., Russ and Cromarty, on Cromarty Firth. Inverburon, vil., On'.irio, co Iirnc>^, on Lake Huron. InverkeUlor, p:ir and vil., E. Forfarshire. Inverkeithlns, burgh, par., and q.<. par , Fifeshire. Inverkeithney, par. and vil., Banffshire, 7 m. SW. Turriff. Inverkip. i'ar. and vil., W. Renfrewshire, on R. Kip. Inverlelgh, tnshp., Victoria, co. Grenville, 61 in. from Melbourne. Inverleith, a N suburb of Edinburgh. Invermay, vil , Ontario, co. Bruce, 18 m. from Owen Sound. Inverness, burgh and par , cap of Inverness -shire and of Highlands. Pop. 19.214. Invemeaa vil. Quebec, co. ^Icgantic, 10 m. from Ste. Julie stn. Inverness Bhire, CO. Scotland, S. of Ross-shire. 2,767,078 ac, P. 88,362. Inversnaid, hamlet, Stirlingshire, on L. Lomond, 3 in. NE. Tarbet. Invertlel. par., Fifeshire, on Tiel Burn. Inverurie, burgh and par., co. and 16 m. NW. Aberdeen. Investigator S&ait, S. Australia, N. of Kangaroo Island. Inyate, tn., Matabeleland, S. Africa. Mission station, lolo, tn. and tnshp., Kansas, cap. of Allen co., on Neosho K. Zona, isl., Argyllsliire, off coast of Mull. lona, vil., Ontario, co. Elgin, 13 in. from St. Tliomas. lona Island, pleasure resort, New York, in Hudson R. Ionia, hamlet and tnshp., Kansas, Jewell co. Ionia, city and tn.-^hp., Michigan, cap. of Ionia co. Ionian Islands, in Mediterranean, off Greece. 905 sq. m. P. 250,000. Ionian Sea, part of Mediterranean, between Gre ce and Italy. Iowa, state, U.S. Lat. 42° N., 93' W 56,025 sq. m. P. 1,911,896. Iowa City, vil., California, Placer co. Iowa City, city, Iowa, cap of Johnson Co., on Iowa R. Iowa Falls, city, Iowa, Hardin co., on Iowa R. Iowa River, Iowa, trib. of the Mississippi R. Ipava, vil., Illinois, Fulton co., 206 m. bW. Chicago. Ipiales, tn., Colombia, state Cauca. Pop. 10,600. IppoUitts, par and vil., Hert^, 2 m. S. Hitohin. Ipa (Ybbs), tn., Austria, on tlie Ips and Danube. Ipsambul, vil., Nubia, on R. Nile, 48 in. SW. Derr. Ipaley, par. and vil., Warwicksliire, 6 m. NW. Alcester. Ipstones. par and vd., Staffordshire, 4^ m. N. Cheadle. Ipswich, I'or., spt., and CO. tn. Suflolk, 68 m. NE. London. Pop. B7,260. Ipswich tn., Queensland, co. Stanley, 23J m. W. Brisbane. Ipswich, vil, and tnshp , Massachusetts, Essex co. Ipswich River, Massachusetts, falls into the Atlantic. Iquique, spt.. Chili, dep. Arequipa. Pop. 16,000. Iquitos, tn., Pern, on R. Amazonas, 60 m. abo\'e the Napo. Ira, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Cayuga Co., 21 m. N. Auburn. Iraghticonnor, barony, N. co. Kerry. 83,105 acres. Irak Ajemi, prov.. Cent. Persia. 138,224 sq. m. Pop. 1,000,000. Irak River, Bombay, Sind, falls into Lake Kanjar. Iran, ]>lateau, Asia, Persia, Afghanistan, and Baluchistan. Irasburg, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, cap. o Orleans co. Irawadi River, Burma, falls into Bay of Bengal. 900 m. long. Irbit, tn , Siberia, gov. Perm, on R. Neiva. Irchester, par and vil., co. and 13^ m. NE Northampton. Iregh (Umgh), tn., Hungaiy, in Slavonia. Irek, tn., Asia Minor, 47 m. SE. Saiusun. Ireland. mo-.t W. of British Isls. 32, 39^ sq. m. Pop. 4,706,162. Ireland a Eye, isl , Irish Sea, i^ni. N. Howth, offco. Dublin. Ireland's Eye, isl., Newfoundland, 17 m. from Heart's Content. Ireleth cum Askham, eccl dist., N. Lancashire. Irghiz River, Turkestan, falls into Lake Aksakal. Irich. tn.. NW. Provs., India, Jhansi dist. Lat. 25" 47' N. Irish Creek (Jasper), vil., OuTario, Grenville co. Irish Sea. betwt-eo Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales. Irishtown, set.. New Bninswick, co. Westmoreland. Irk River, Lancashire, trib of the Irwell at Manchester. Irkut River, Siberia, trib. of the Angara at Irkutsk. Irkutsk, tn., Siberia, cap. of Irkutsk gov. Pop. 39.22S. Irkutsk, g 'V., Siberia. 300,177 sq.m. Pop 408,028. Irlam, ehirc, part of Madeley. Irond^quoit Bay, arm nf Lake Ontario, New York. Iron Gates. Sa Demirkapu. Iron Knob, min., S. Australia, peak of the Baxter Range. Iron Mountain, vil., Missouri, St. Fruncoi.s co. Iron Mountain, Vii^inia, beiween cos. Grayson and Smith. Ironside, vil., Quebec, co. and sJ-m. frmn Ottawa. Ironstone Mountain, Tasmania, co. Westmoreland. Alt. 4736 ft. Ironton, city, Oliio, cap. of Lawrence CO., on Oliio R. Pop. 10,922. Ironton, vil., Missouri, Iron en.. 5 m. S. Pilot Knob. Ironton, vil and tnshp., Wisconsin, Siuk co. Ironville, eccl. dist. and vil., Derbyshire and Notts. Iroquois, vil., Ont-irio, Dundas co., 99 m. W. Montreal. Iroquois River, Illinois, tii*!. of the Kankakee H. Iroquois River, Cinaspx co., 3 in, 8W Newark. Irvington, vil.. New York, Westchesier co., on Hudson R. Irwell River, Lancashire, trib. of the Mersey, passes Manchester. Irwin's Station, bor , Pennsylvania, Westmoreland co Isaac River, Queensland, Leichhardtdist , trib. of the Dawson R. Isaac's Harbour, vil.. Nova Scotia, Guysborough co. Isabella spt.. Haiti. 96 m, WNW. Santiago. 132 ISA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER JAC Isabella, Moont, S. Australia, cos. Jervois and Musgrave. laakapoUl, vil., JIaJras, Nellore dist. Lat. 14° 44' N. Zsaikhel, (uTisif, Bannu dist., Punjab. Area 675 sq. 111. Isakhel, chief tn. of above. Lat. 32° 40' N., loug. 71° 19' E. iMinagar, vil., Oudh, Klierl dist. Isandola, battlefield, Ziiluland. Lat. 28° 24' S., long. 30° 38' E. iHkT River, Bavaria, trib. of Danube, from Tyrol. lunll, porjaftfi, Sultanpur dist., Oudh. 148 sq. in. ladila, vil., Italy, 21 ni. WNW. Viterbo. Ischia, tu., Italy, on Iscliia Island. Iscbi&, isl., in Meditcrrautan, 8 ni. SW. Cape Jriseno. Pop, 22,493. iBcUtella, tn., It^ily, prov. Foggia, near the Adriatic. IicU, tn., Austria, 50 in. SSW. Linz. I«e Fiord, iuk-t, Di-niiiark, in N. coast of Zealand. Iseghem, tn., i5eli;iuni, W. Flanders, 24 in. SW. Bruges. laeo. In., llitly, prov. Brescia, on Lake Iseo. liAre. dop., France, between the Rhone and Savoie. Pop. 681,680. laAre River, France, trib. of the Rhone, 4 m. NNW. Valence. iBerlohn, tn., Prussia, Westphalia, 18 in. W. Arnsberg. Pop. 22,104. Isemla, tn., Italy, prov. ami 23 ni. AV. Cauipobasso. laer River, Bohemia, trib. of the Elbe .-ibove IJrandeis, Isflt River, Siberia, gov. Perm, trib. of the Tobol. lahevBki, tn., Russia, gov. V'iatka. Pop. 21,600. lahlm, tn., Siberia, on B. Ishini, 160 in. ESE. Tobolsk. Iflhlm River, Siberi:i, trib. of R. Irtish, 120 111. SE. Tobolsk, Ishpemlng, city, Micliijian, Marquette co. Pop. 11,184. laigny, tn., France, Calvados, 20 in. WNW. liayeux. lain, tQ., Sardinia, 37 in. N. Cagliari. iBiB, name fur R. Tliaines from sunrce to R. Thame. Isisford, tnshp., formerly Witton, Queensland. lakanderun, spt., Syria, 23 m. N. Antioch. lakaxdo, div. and tn., Kashmir, India. lakellb, tn., Asia Minor, iie;tr Kizil-lrniak. Isia, nv., Banff and Ab<'rdeenshires, trib. of the Deveron. lala, riv., Ft.rfar and Perthshires, trib. of the Tay. Wade Leon, isl , Spain, Cadiz prov. Area 20 sq. m. iBla de Leoa, tn., on above isl., 7 m. SE. Cadiz. Pop. 26,836. lalimabad, tu., Kashmir. Lat. 13° 43' N. , long. 75" 17' E. lalamabad Eijhanll, vil., Outlh, Unao dist. litlamkot, tn., Bombay, Sind. Lat. 24° 41' N. lalamuagar, tu., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 28° 19' N. lalampur, tn., Bombay, Sataradist. Island Brook, vil., Quebec, Co. Compton. I&l&nd Cove, vil., Newfoundland, Bay de Verds dist. Island Cove, vil., Newfoundland, dist. and 9 m. from Ilaibour Grace. Island Creek, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Jeffer.soii co. lalandeady, par., CO. Mayo, 5 m. W. Castlebar. I&Iand Lagoon, salt lake, S. Au.stralia, near Lake Gairdner. Island Lake, NW. T(--rntory, Canada. Lat. 60" 25' N., long. 100° W. bland Lake, one of the cliain of lakes, Saskatchewan. Island-Magee, par., Co. Antrim, 9 m. SE. Carrickfergus. I&lands, barony, mid co. Clare. 63.592 acres. Islay, isl., Argyllshire, 13 m. W. Kiutyre. lalay, spt., Peru, 10 m. N W. MoUcndo. Lat. 17° S. lilay, prov., Peru, dep. Arequipa, on sea coast. lalay, Sound of, strait, bt-t\veeu Islay and Jura Isles. Isle, L*, tu., France, Vaucluse, 14 in. E. Avignon. Isle aa Carrot, Quebec, in R. St. Lawrence. Isle aux Coudres, vil. and isl., Quebec, in R. St. Lawrence. Isle aux Grues, vil., Quebec, lre, on R. Th(!ols. Pop. 14,928. Isay, vil., France, 5 m. from Purls, near 11. Seine. Pop. 11,111. Issyk-Eul, lake, Asiatic Russia. Lat. 42*30' N., long. 77° 30' E. Istalif, tn., Afghanistan, 22 m. NW. Kabul. Pop. 15,000. latambouL .Stv Constanticople. Istapa, tu., Mexico, 85 m. t:SE. Zacatula, near the Pacific. Isthmus Bay, Ontario, on coast of Bruce co. Lat. 45° 2' N. Isthmus of Corinth, Greece, uuites tlie Moiea and Attica. Istip, tu., Turkey, Roumelia, on tlie Bagranitza. Pop. 20,000. Istrea, tn., France, Bouches-dn-Rhone. latria, peninsula and isls. of Adriatic. 1913 sq. m. Pop, 299,911 Itabira, tn., Brazil, state iliuas Geraes. Itacolumi, mtn., Brazil, state Minas Geraes. Alt. 5800 ft. Itaguahi, tn,, Brazil, state and .^o lu. W. Rio de Janeiro. Itagui, tu., Colombia, Antioquia state. Italy, ])en. kingdom, S. Europe, on Mediterr.anean. Pop. 30,947,306. Itamaraca, i:>l., Brazil, 20 in. N. Pernambuco. Itapetaninga, tn., Brazil, state and 120 m. W. Sao Paulo. Itapicuru Grande River, Brazil, State Maranhao. 410 ni. long. Itapicuru River, Brazil, falls into the Atlantic. NE. of Bahia. Itapua, tn., Paragtiay, on R. Parana. Lut. 27° 20' S. Pop. 10,000. Itarsi, tn , Central Provinces, India, HosbaugMbad dist. Itaska Lake, Minnesota, one of tlie sources of the Mississippi. Itching River, Hants, falls into Southampton Water. Itchlngton, Long, par. and vil., Warwickshire. 4510 acres. Iteri-Cannedu, tn., Sardinia, 10 m. S. Sassari. Ithaca, one of the Ionian Islands. Area 37 sq. in. Pop. 12,222. Ithaca, vil., Miclii^'an, cap. of Gratiot CO. Ithaca, tn. and tnshp., New York, cap. of Tomkins Co. Pop, 11,555. Ithenatosquan Lake, Canada, Saskatchewan. Lat. 54° 50' N. Xthoa River, Radnorshire, trib. of the Wye. 30 in. long. Itrl, tn., Italy, prov. Caserta, near Gaeta. Ittamukkala, spt., Madras, Nellore dist. Lat. 15° 22' N. Itu, tu., Brazil, 70 ni. WNW. Sao Paulo, on R. Tiete. Pop. 10,600. Itzehoe, tu., Prussia, Holstein, on the Stus. Pop. 10,772. luka, vil. and tushp., Illinois, Marion co. luka, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, cap. of Pratt co. luka, vil., Jlississij'pi, cap. of Tishomingo co. Ivaca Bluff , mtn., Fiji, Yandua Island. Alt. 1563 ft. Ivanhoa, tn., New South Wales, 597 ni. S. Sydney. Ivanhoe, tn., Victoria, co. E. Bourke, 6 m. EXE. Melbourne. Ivanhoe, vil., Ontario, co. Hastings, i^ in. from Madoc. Iveagh. Lower and Upper, 2 baronies, co. Down. Ivel River, Herts and Bedfordshire, trib. of the Ouse. Iver, par. and vil,, Bucks, on R. Colue. 6467 acies. Iveragh, barony, co. Kilkenny. 159,980 acres. Iverk, barony, SW. co. Kilkenny. 40,528 acres. Iveston, tnshp. and vil., co. and 9 m. NW. Durham. Ivi9a, one of the Balearic Isls., in Mediterranean. Pop. 22,800. Ivi^a, tn., cap. of above, on SE. coast. Ivinghoe, tn. and par., Bucks. 5618 acres. Ivory Coast, region of Upper Guinea, W. of Gold Coast. Ivrea, tn., Italy, 38 m. NNE. Turin. Ivry-sur-Seine, vil., France, 4A m. SSE. Paris. Pop. 18,422. Ivybridge, tn,, Devon, on R. Erme, 10 m. NE. Plymouth. Iwuy, tn., Fi-ance, dep. Nord, 6 in. NE. Cambrai. Ixcaquiztia, tn., Slexico, state and 50 in. SE. Puebla. Ixelles, tn., Belgium, S. Brabant, i m. S. Brussels. Iimiquilpan. tn., Mexico, state Hidalgo. Pop. dist. 12,000. Ixtapalapa, tn., Mexico, 10 in. SK. Mexico city. Ixtlahuaca, tn., Mexico, 60 m. NW. Mexico city. Pop. 13,135. Ixtlan, tu., Mexico, state and 40 in. NE. Oajaca. Pop. 26,000. Ixworth, par. and vil., Suffolk, on R. Thet. Izalco, tn., rep. and 40 m. SW. San Salvador. Izieux, vii., France, dep. Loire, i in. ENE. St. Eticnuc. Izium. tn,, Russia, gov. Karkhov, on R. Donets. Pop. 18,650. Izsak, vil., Hungary, 40 m. SSE. Buda-Pesth. Izukar, tn., Mexico, Puebla, near Mt. Popocatepetl. Pop. 12^000. Jahalpur, div.. Cent. Provs., India. 18, 638 sq. m. JabaJpur, dist.. Cent. Provs., India. 3918 sq. m. Jabalpur, tuhsil of above dist. 1545 sq. m. Jabalpur, chief tn., Jabalpnr dist. Lat. 23° 11' N. Pop. 84,560. Jabary River, Brazil and Peru, trib. of the Mar.anon. Jabea, tn., Spain, 45 m. from Alicante. Jablonol Mtna. Sre Yablonol. Jablunkau, tu., Austrian Silesia, on R. Olsa. Jabok River, Syria, trib. of tlie Jordan, 30 m. N. Dead Sea. Jabugo, tu., Spain, prov. and 47 in. NIC. Hnelva. Jaca, tn., Spain, prov. and 30 m. NNW. Huelva. JacarcM, tu., Brazil, 50 in. ENE. Siio Paulo. Jackfleld, eccl. dist., Shropshire, near Broselcy. Jack Fish Lake, Canada, Saskatchewan. Lat. 53° lo' N. Jack Lake, Canada, Keewatin. I.j.t. 53° 55' N., long. 97' 40' W. Jacksborough, vil. and tnshp., Tennessee, cap. of Campbell co. Jackson, vd. and tnshp., Alabama, Clarke co. Jackson, vil. and tnshp., California, cap. of Amador co. Jackson, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Breathitt co. Jackson, city, Michigan, cap. Jackson co., on Grand R. Pop. 20,779. Jackson, vil., Minnesota, cap. of Jackson co. Jackson, city, Mississijipi, cap. of State and of Hinds co. Jackson, vil., Missouri, cap. of Cape Girardeau co. Jackaon, vil., Ohio, cap, of Jackson co., 12 m. 8. Hamden. Jackson, vil. and tnslip., Pennsylvania, Susquehanna co. Jackson, city, Tennessee, cap. of Madison co. Pop. 10,022. Jackson, vil. and tnslip., Wisconsin, Washington co. Jackson, Port. See Port Jackson. Jackson Court-House, vil., W. Virginia, cap. of Jackson co. Jacksonport, vil. and tnshp., Arkansas, cap. of Jackson co. Jackson's River, Virginia, headwater of tho James R. Jacksonville, vil.. New Binnswick, co. Carleton. Jacksonville, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, cap. of Calhoun co. Jacksonville, city, Florida, cap. of Duval co. Jacksonville, city, Illinois, cap. of Morgan co, J.xcksonvllle, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Chickasaw co. Jacksonville, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Shelby co. JocksonviUo, vil. and tnslip., N. Carolina, cap. of Onslow co. 133 JAC THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER JAR Jacksonville, ^nl. and tnshp., Oregon, cap. of Jackson co. Jacmel, spt., Haiti, on S. coast. Jacobabad, taluk. Upper Sind, Bombay. 455 sq. m. Jacobabad, chief tn., Upper Sind, Bombay. Founded 1847. Jacobina, tn., Brazil, 210 m. WNW. Baliia, Pop. 10,000. Jacobsdaal, tn., Orange Free State, on Riet R. Jacobstadt, tn., Russia, Courlaiid, on R. Duna. Jacques Cartier Eiver, Quebec, trib. of the St. Lawrence. Jaen (Xaen), prov., Spain. 5204 sq. m. Pop. 437,842. Jaen, city, Spain, cap. of above, 37 m. N. Granada. Pop. 25,706, Jafexabad, native state, Gujarat. Area 42 sq. m. Jafarabad, chief tn. and port of above. 20° 52' N., long. 71° 25' E. Jaffa (aTic. Joppa), tn,, Palestine, 31 m. NW, Jerusalem. Pop. 10,000. Jaffa, Cape, S. Australia, co. Robe, on Lacepede Bay. Jaffnapatam, isl. and tn., N. Ceylon. Pop. 34,713. Jaffrays Swamp, S. Aiistralia, in centre of co. MacDonnell. Jaffrey, vil. and tnshp., New Hampshire, Cheshire co. Jagadbi, tn., Punjab. Lat. 30° 11' N., long. 77° 20' E. Jagadbri, tah^il, Ambala dist., Punjab. 387 sq. m. Jagalur, vil., Chitaldrug dist., Mysore. Lat. 14° 31' N. Jagan, tn., Bombay, Shikarpur dist. Jagannath. See Purl. Jagatainghpur, vil., Bengal, Cuttack dist. Lat. 20° 15' N. Jagdalpur, chief tn., Bastar state, India. Lat. 19° 6' N. Jagdispur, tn., Bengal, Shahabad dist. Lat. 25° 28' N. Jagdispnr, p^irgana, Sultanpur dist., Ondh. 155 sq. m. Jagdispur- NLhalgarh, hdqrs. tn., Jagdispur parj^ana. Jagemdorf, tn., Austrian Silesia, 14 m. NW. Trappau. Pop. 11,792. Jaggasryapet, tn., Madras, Kistna dist. Lat. 16° 52' N. Jagraon, to.hsil, Ludhiana dist., Punjab. 409 sq. m. Jagraon, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 30° 47' N. Jagsdin, tn., Servia, 63 m. SSE. Semendria, on R. Morava. Jagst. See Jaxt. Jaguaribe River, Brazil, state Ceara, falls into the Atlantic. Jabanabad, sub-div. Gaya dist., Bengal. 607 sq. m. Jabanabad, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 25° 13' N., long. 82° 5' 10" E. Jabanabad, sub-div., Hugli dist,, Bengal. 438 sq. m. Jabanabad, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 22° 53' N. Jahangirabad, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 28° 24' N. Jahangirabad, tn., Sitapur dist., Oudh. Jabde, small detached territory, Germany, on North Sea. Jabde Basin, estuary, Germany, Oldenburg, on North Sea. Jabnavi Kiver, NW. Provs., India, trib. of the Bhagjrathi R. Jaicza, tn., Bosnia, on R. Verbas. Jaigarb, spt., Bombay, Ratnagiri dist. Lat. 17° 17' N. Jainagar, tn., Bengal, 24 Parganas dist. Lat. 22° 10' N. Jainagar, tn., Bengal, Darbhanga dist. Lat. 26" 34' N. Jaintia, tract, Assam. Area 463 sq. m. Jaintia Hills, sub-div., Khasi and Jaintia Hills dist., Assam. Jaintia Hills, dist., Jaintia, Assam. Jaintia Plains, dist., Jaintia, Assam. Jaipur, native state, Rajputana, India. 14,465 sq. m. Jaipur, cap. of Jaipur. Lat. 26' 55' N., long. 75" 52' E. Pop. 158,890. Jaipur, tn., Assam, Lakhimpur dist. Lat. 27° 15' N., long. 95" 26' K. Jaipur, trib. state, Madras, Vizagapatam dist. Pop. 611,695. Jaipur, tn. in above. Lat. 18" 55' N., long. 82° 38' E. Jais, hdqrs. tn., Jais Rokha, Oudh. Lat. 26° 15' N. Jaisalmer, native state, Rajputana. 16,447 sq. ni. Jaisalmer, cap. of above. Lat. 26' 55' N., long. 70° 5/ E. Jalsingbnagar, vil., Sagar dist., Cent. Provs., India. Jais Kokba, pargana, Rai Bareli dist., Oudh. 154^ sq. m. Jaitapur, spt., Bombay, Ratnagiri dist. Lat. 16° 37' N. Jaitpur, tn., Hamirpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Jajamau, tn., Oudh, Unao dist. Lat. s6" 56' N., long. 80° 14' E. Jajmau, tahsily Cawnpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Jajmau, tu., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 26° 26' N., long. 80° 28' E. Jajpur, sub-div. Cuttack dist, Bengal. 1104 sq. ra. Jajpur, hdqrs. tn. ofabove. Lat. 20" 50'N., long. 86° 22'E. Jajpur, tn., Udaipnr dist., Rajputana. Lat. 25" 38' N., long. 75" 19' E. Jakbau, spt., Bombay, Cutch. Lat. 23° 13' N., long. 68° 45' E. Jako, mtn. peak, Punjab, Simla dist. Lat. 31° 5' N. Alt. 8000 ft. Jalalabad, tn., Oudh, India, Hardoi dist. Jalalabad, tn., Munaffarnagar dist., NW. Provs., India. Jalalabad, tahsil, ShahjahanpuT dist., NW. Provs., India. Jalalabad, hdqrs. tn. ofabove. Lat. 27° 43' N., long. 79° 41' 53" E. Jalali, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27° 51' N., long. 78° 17' 35" E. Jalalkbera, tn.. Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 21° 23' N. Jalalpur, sub-div., Surat, Bombay. 189 sq. m. Jalalpur, tn., Punjab, Gujrat dist. Lat. 32° 21' N. Jalalpur -Dehi, tn., Oudli, India, Rai Bareli dist. Jalalpur -Nahvi, tn., Oudh, Faizabad dist. Lat. 26° 37' N. Jalandbar, div., Punjab. 12,571 sq. m. Jalandbar, dist., Punjab. Area 1322 sq. m. Jalandbar, tahsil, Jalandbar dist. 392 sq, m. Jalandbar, hdqrs. tn., Jalandhar dist. Lat. 31° 19' N. Pop. 66,450. Jalapa, city, Mexico, state and 44 ni. WNW. Vera Cruz. P. 16,000. Jalaun, dist., NW. Provs., India. Area 1469 sq. m. Jalaun, tahsil, Jalaun dist. 323 sq. m. Jalann, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 26' 8' N. Jalesar, tahsil, Etah dist., NW. Provs., India. 227 sq. m. Jaleaar, hdqrs. tn., Jalesar tahsil. Lat. 27° 28' N. Jalgaon, tn., Bombay, Khandesh dist. Lat. 20° 25' N. Jalgaon, vil., Cent. Provs., India, Wardha dist. Jalgaon, taluk, Akola dist., Berar. 392 sq. m. Jalgaon, pargana, Barwani state, Cent. India. Jalgaon -Jambod, tn., Akola dist., Berar. Jalisco, state, Mexico, on Pacinc. 38,876 sq. m. Pop. 1,161,709. Jalk, tn., N. Baluchistan. Lat. 28" 20' N., long. 66° E. Jallleu, vil., France, Isere, near La Tour du Pin. Jalna, tn., Haidarabad, Aurangabad dist. Jalomnitza River, Wallachia, trib. of the Danube. Jalon, vil., Spain, 45 m. NE. Alicante. Jalon River, Spain, trib. of the Ebro above Saragossa. Jalpaiguri, dist., Bengal. Area 28S4 sq. m. Jalpaigurl, sub-div., Jalpaiguri dist. 1493 sq. m. Jalpaiguri, hdqrs. tn., Jalpaiguri dist. Lat. 26" 32' 20" N. Jamaica, isl. (British), W. Indies. 4193 sq. ni. Pop. 639,491. Jamaica, vil. and tnshp., New York, Queen's co. Jamaica, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Svindham co. Jamaica Bay, opening oft" Atlantic Ocean, New York. Jamalabad, tn., Madras, S. Kanara dist. Lat. 13° 2' N. Jamalpur, sub-div., Maimansingh dist., Bengal, Jamalpur, hdqrs. tn., Jamalpur sub-div. Lat. 24° 56' N. Jamalpur, tn., Bengal. Lat. 25° 18' N., long. 86^ 32' E. Jamberoo, tnshp., New South Wales, 86 ni. S. Sydney. Jambulgbata, tn., Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 20" 33' N. Jambusar, sub-div.. Broach dist., Bombay. 373 sq. m. Jambusar, chief tn. of above. Lat. 22" 3' N., long. 72° 51' E Pop. 11,479. James and Mary Sands, shifting banks in Hugli R., India. James' Bay, Ontario, in coast of Grand Mauitoulin Isl. James' Bay, Canada, NW. Territory, S. arm of Hudson Bay. Jameaburgb, vil., New Jersey, Middlesex co. James Island, S. Carolina, off coast of Charleston co. Jameson, vil., Missouri, Daviess co., near Grand R. Jamesport, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Daviess co. Jamesport, vil., New York, Suffolk co., on Grand Peconic Bay. James River, Missouri, trib. of the "White R., in Taney co. James River, Virginia, falls into Chesapeake Bay. Jamestown, tn. and par., Dumbartonshire. Jamestown, tn., cap. of St. Helena, on NW. coast. Jamestown, tn., S. Australia, 141 m. N. Adelaide. Jamestown, vil., Indiana, Boone co., NW. Indianapolis. Jamestown, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Russell co. Jamestown, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Ottawa co. Jamestown, tn.. New York, Chautauqua co. Pop. 15,991. Jamestown, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, Guilford co, Jamestown, vil., Ohio, Greene co., 13 m. SE. Xenia. Jamestown, bor., Pennsylvania, Mercer co. Jamestown, lianilet and tnshp., Virginia, James City co. Jamestown, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Grant co, Jamesville, vil, and tnshp., N. Carolina, Martin co. Jami, tn., Madras, Vizagapatam dist. Lat. 18° 3' N. Jamieson, tnshp., Victoria, co. Wonnangatta, NE. Melbourne. Jamieson River, Victoria, trib. of the Goulbourn R. Jam-jo-Tando, tn., Boiubay, Haidarabad dist. Jamkhandi, native state, Bombay. 492 sq, ni. Pop. 83,917. Jamkbandi, chief tn. ofabove. Lat. 60' 13' N. Jamkliher, sub-div., Ahmadnagar dist., Bombay. Jamki, iahsil, Sialkot dist., Punjab. Lat. 32" 23' N. Jammalamadugu, taluk, Cuddapah dist., Madras. Jammalamadugu, chief tn. ofabove. Lat. 14° 51' N, Jammu, prov. and tn., Kashmir. Lat. 32° 43' N. Jamner, sub-div., Khandeshdist., Bomliay. Jamner, chief tn. of above. Lat. 20° 48' N,, long. 75° 45' E, Jamnia, chiefship, Central India. Jamni River, Central India, trib. of the Betwa, Jamod, tn., Berar, Akola dist. Lat. 21' o' N., long. 76" 39' E. Jampur, tahsil, Dera Ghazi Khan dist., Punjab. Jampur, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 29° 38' N., long. 70° 38' E. Jamtara, sub-div., Santal Parganas, Bengal. 696 sq. m. Jamui, sub-div., Monghyr dist., Bengal. 1593 sq, m. Jamoi, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 24° 55' K., long. 86° 15' E. Jamuna River, name for lower part of the Brahmaputra. Jamuna River, branch of the Ganges, falls into the Raimangal. Jamuna River, Assam, trib. of the Kapili. Jamuna River, N, Bengal, trib. of the Atrai. Jamwari River, Oudh, India, trib. of the Sarayan R. Janaura, tn., Oudh, India, Faizabad dist. Jandiala, tn., Punjab, Amritsar dist. Lat. 31° 50' K. Jandiala, tn., Punjab, Jalandhar dist, Lat. 39° 9' N. Jane River, Tasmania, trib. of the Franklin R. Janesville, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Waseca co. Janeaville, city, Wisconsin, cnp. of Rock co., onRockR. Jangipur, sub-div., Murshidabad dist., Bengal. Jangipur, chief tn. ofabove. Lat. 24° 48' N., long. 88° 6' E. Janina, tn., Albania, on Lake Janina. Pop. 16,230. Janjira, native state, Bombay. Area 325 sq. ni. Janjira, tn., Janjira state, India. Lat. 18° 18' N., long. 73° E. Jan Juc, tn., Victoria, co. Grant, 61 m. SW. Melbourne. Jankovacz, tn,, Hungary, 40 m. NNE. Zombor. Jan Mayen, isl., Arctic Ocean, between Iceland and Spitzbergen. Jansath, tahsil, Muzaffarnagar dist., NW. Provs., India. Jansatb, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 29° ig' N., long, 77° 53' E. Jansenville, vil., Cape Colony, 100 m. N. Fort Elizabeth. Jaora, native state, Central India. 872 sq. m. Pop. 108,434. Jaora, chief tn., Jaora state. Lat. 23° 37' N. Japan, insular empire, E. Asia. 147,661 sq. m. Pop. 40,071.020. Japan, Sea of, between Japan, Corea, and Russian Manchuria. Japara, prov. and tn., Java, on N. coast. Japura River, S. America, joins the Amazon R. in Brazil. Jaquemel. See Jacmel. Jaragua, spt , Brazil, state Alagoas, near Magayo. Jarcha, tn., India, Bulandshar dist. Jarlsberg and Laurvik, amt, Norway. 911 sq. ni. Jamac, tn., France, de]>. Charente, 7 m. E. Cognac. Jaroczyn, tn., Prussia, Posen, 40 m. SE, Posen. Jarod, sub-div., Baroda, India. 350 sq. m. Jaromeritz, vil., Austria, Sloravia, 17 m. NW. Znaim. Jaromira, tn., Bohemia, on the Elbe, 68 m, from Prague. Jaroslavl. See Yaroslav. Jaroslaw, tn., Austria, Galicia, 17 m. NNW. Przemysl. Pop. 12,422. Jarrold Point, S. Australia, W. extremity of co. Victoria. Jarrow, bor. and par., Durham, on R. Tyne. Jarrow, pari, div., Durham. Jarrow Grange, eccl. dist., Durham. 134 JAR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER JOB Jamn, tn., Persia, prov. Pars, loo m. S3E. Shiraz. JanriB, vil., Ontario, co. Haldimand, 31 m. from Hamilton. Jarwal, tn., Oudh, India. Baliraich dist. Lat. 27' 10' N. JaBd&n, native state, India, Gujarat. Area 283 sq. m. Pop. 29,087 JaBdan, chief tn, Jasdan state. Lat. 22° 5' N., long. 71° 20' E, Jashpar, petty state, Bengal. Area 1963 sq. \\\. Pop. 90,210. Jaso, petty state, Central India. Area 75 sq ni. Jaiper, vil., Alabama, cap. of Walker co. Jasper, vil., Indiana, cap. of Dubois Co., on Patoka Creek. Jaaper, vil. and tnshp., New York, Steuben co. Jasper, vil., Tennessee, cap. of Marion co. Jaspur, tn., Tarai dist., N\V. Provs.. India. Lat. 29° 16' N. Jaspura, vil., NW. Provs., India, Bandadist. Jauy, tn., Uoumania, Moldavia, on Baihlui R. Pop. 90,000. Jastrow, tn., W. Prussia, 90 ni. WSW. Marienwerder. Jaswantnagar, tn., NW. Provs., India, Etawah dist. Jaaz-Apathl, tn,, Iluiigiiry, 11 m. E. Jasz-Bereny. Jaaz-Ber^ny, tn., Hungary, on R. Jazygia, 3S m. E. Pesth. P. 21,607. Jaizco, tn., Hungary, on R. Bodva. Jaazenovacz, tn., Croatia, at junction of the Unna and Save. Jaaz-Ladany, vil., Hungar}*, 9 nj. from Jasz-Bereny. Jath, native state, Bombay Area 884 sq. m. Pop, 49,486. Jath, chief tn., Jatli state. Lat. 17° 3' N., long. 75* 16' E, Jatl, ialxik^ Karachi dist,, Bombay. Area 2145 sq. ra. Jatlva, tn., Spain. StQ San Felipe de Jatlva. Jatol, tn., Punjab. Lat. sg" 30' N., long. 70' 53' E, Jatol, vil,, Bombay, Haidarabad dist. Lat. 26* 30' N". Jaaer, In,, Prussian Silesia, on U. Neisse. Pop. 11,178. Jaaja, tn., Peru, dep. Junin, on Jauja R. Jauja River, Peru, trib. of tlie Apurimac. 400 m. long, Jaunpur, dist., NW, Prnv.^., India. Ar. 1554 sq. m. Jaanpur, tahsil, Jaunpur Area 334 sq. m. Jaunpur, Iniqrs. tn., Jaunpur dist. Lat 25" 41' N. Jaunaar Bawar, tahsil, DL-lua Dim dist., NW. Provs., I^dia. Jauveney Island, Australasia. 80 m. NE, D'Entrecasteaux Islands. Java, i si., Malay Archipelago, one of Sunda Isls. (Dutch). Pop.. including Madura, 22,526,015. Java, vil. and tnsbp., New York, Wyoming CO., on Buffalo Creek. Javana, tn., Java, 28 ni. ESE. Japara, on N. coast. Pop. 10,000. Java Sea, lietween Java, Sumatra, and Borneo. JavU, sub-div., Satara dist,, Bombay. Area 419 sq, m. Jawad, tn,, India, Gwalior. Lat. 24° 36' N., long. 74" 54* E. Jawadi, mountain rmge, Salem dist,, Madras. Jawalamukhl, tn.. Kangra dist., Punjab. Lat. 31° 52' N. Jawalapor, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 29' 55' N. Jawhar, narive state, Bombay. Area 534 sq. in. Pop. 62,800. Jawhar, chief tn., Jawhar state. Lat. 19" 56' N,, long. 73° 16' E. Jaworow, tn.. Austria, Galicia, 30 ni. ENE. Przemysl. Jaiart«a (S3rr Darya) River, Asiatic Russia, falls into Sea of Aral. JaxtKiver, Wurteniberg, trib of the Nt-ckar. Also name of circle. Jay, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Franklin co., on Androscoggin R. Jay, vil. and tn.shp.. New York, Esse.K Co.. on Au Sable R. Jayanca, In., Peru, prov. and 37 m. N. Lambayeque. Jaysulmeer. See Jaisalmer. Jazygia, dist., Hungary, traversed by the Kraszna R. Jeanerette, vil., Louisiana, Iberia i)ar., on Bayou Teche. JeansviUe, vil,, PeTinsylvania, Luzerne co, Jeantown (Lochcarron), vil,, SW. Ross-sliire, on Loch Carron. Jebel-Akhdar, mtn,, Arabia, SW. of Muscat. Alt. 6000 ft, Jebel Serbal, mtn., Sinai Peninsula, near Horeb, Alt, 6760 ft. Jebel Shomer, pi ov. Aiabia, Nedjed. Pop, 162,000. Jedburgh, i>ar. and co. tn., Roxlmrghsliire, on R. Jed, Jeddo. .S- ■ Tokio. Jeddoro, vil., N()va Scotia, 42 m. ENE, Halifax. Jeddore Bay, long sea arm, Nova Scotia, Halifax co. Jed Elver, Roxburghshiie, trili. of Teviot, rises among the Cheviots. Jeezak, tn., Asiatic Ru.ssia, gov. Syr Darya. Jeffcott Mount, Victoria, Co. Kara Kara, near Avoca R. Jefferson, vil. and tn^hp. , Alabama, Marengo co. Jefferson, vil., G"orgia, U.S., cap. of Jackson co. Jefferson, vil, anii tn^lip., Illinois, Cook Co. Jefferson, \\]. imd ln>ljp,, Iowa, cap, of Greene Co., on Raccoon R. Jefferson, vil. and tn>hp., Maine, Lincoln co. Jefferson, vjl. and tnshp,, Maryland, Frederick co. Jefferson, hamlet and tnshp., Michigan, Hillsdale co. Jefferson, vil. and tnshp., New York, Schoharie co. Jefferson, vil. and tnslip., N, Carolina, Ashe co. Jefferson, vil. aiol tnshp., Ohio, Ashtabula co, Jefferson, vil. atid tnshp., 8. Candina, Chesterfield co. Jefferson, city, Texas, cap. of Marion co., on Big Cypress Bayou. Jefferson, city, Wisconsin, cap. of Jefferson co. Jefferson, Mount, New Hampshire, peak of the White Mountains. Jefferson, Mount, Oregon, peak of the Cascade Range. Jefferson City, city. Missouri, cap, of st^itc and of Cole co. Jefferson River, Montana, joins the Matlison R. Jeffersonton, vil. and tnslip., Georgia, U.S., Camden co. Jeffersonton, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, Culpeper co. Jeflersonton, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Jefferson co. Jcffersonville, city, Indiana, Clark co ,on Ohio R. Jcfferscnville. vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Montgomery co. Jeffreys Bank, Fiji, N, of East group. Least water, 9 fms. Jehanabad. Sc-". Jahanabad. Jehlam. dist., I'unJaV). Area 3910 sq. m. Jehlam, t /i.siV, Jehlam dist. Area 885 aq. m. Jehlam. lidqrs. tn.. Jehlam dist. Lat. 32* 35' N. Jehlam River, Punjab and Kashmir, trib. of the Chcnab, Jehoahaphat, Valley of, i'alestino, bet. Jerusalem and Mt. of Olives. Jejurl, tn., Bombay, Poona dist. Lat. i8' 16' N., long. 74° 12' E. Jelalabad, tn., Afghanistan, at head *>( Khybcr Pass. Jelalabad, city, ATghanistan, cap. of Seistan. Pop. 10,000. Jeletz, Sec Yelets. Jemappes, tn., Belgium, Hainaut, on R. Haine. Pop. 11,170. Jemtland, prov., Sweden, on Norse border. 20,123 sq. ni. P. 99,410. Jena, tn., Germany, Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, on R. Saale. P. 11,630. Jenlkan, tn., Bohemia, 8 ni. SSE. Czaslau. Jenkins, Mount, Victoria, co. Weeab, on Outlet Creek. Jenkintown, bor. , Pennsylvania, Montgomery co. Jenneh, tn., Africa, Soudan, on R. Niger. Pop. 10,000. Jenny, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, cap. of Lincoln co. Jerba, isl., Tunis, in Gulf of Cabes, 22 m. long. Jeremie, spt., Haiti, on SW. of peninsula. Pop. 10,000. Jerez de la Frontera, tn., Spain, 16 m. NNE. Cadiz. Pop. 64,633. Jerez de los Caballeros, city, Spain, 40 m. S. Badajoz. Jericho, anc. city(now Richa, vil.), Palestine, on R. Jordan. Jericho, post stn., Queensl.iud, 305 m. W. Rockhampton. Jericho, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Henry co. Jericho, vil., New York, Queen's CO., 27 m. NE. Brooklyn. Jericho, vil. and tnshp,, Vermont, Chittenden co, Jerigurkhadi, one of the Dang states, India. See Dangs. Jerilderle, tu,. New South Wales, co. Urano, 412 ni. SW. Sydney. Jermyn, bor., Pennsylvania, Lackawanna co. Jerruk, sub-div,, Karachi dist , Bombay. 2997 sq. ni. Jerruk, vil., Karachi dist., Bombay. Lat. 25° 3' N. Jerry's Plains, tn,, New Soutli Wales, 144 m. N, Sydney. Jersey, largest Of Channel Is., 15 m. N. France. 28,717 ac. P. 64,618. Jersey, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Licking co., :6 m. NE. Columbus. Jersey City, city. New Jersey, Hudson co., on Hudson R. P. 163,003. Jersey Shore, bor., Pennsylvania, Lycoming co. Jerseyville, vil,, Illinois, cap. of Jersey co. Jerusalem, city, Palestine, 33 m. SE. Jaffa. Pop, 33,851. Jerusalem, tnshp,, Tasmania, Ct>. Monmouth, 32 m. N. Hobart. Jerusalem, vil. and tnshp., N. Carr)lina, Davie co. Jerusalem, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, cap. of Southampton co Jervia, Cape, S. Australia, CO. lliudmarsh, SW. Rapid Bay. Jenrta Bay, New South Wales, co. St. Vincent, Large safe harbowr. Jervis Inlet, British CoItiml)ia, off Strait of Georgia, Jervia Island, Queensland, 60 m. NW. Cape York, Jest, tn., Italy, Anconadist , on R. Esino. Jesmond. suburb of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland. Jessamine Creek, Queensland, branch of Western R. Jeasen, tn., Prussian Saxony, on the Black Elster. Jeaanitz, tn., Germany, Anhalt, on R. Mulde. Jeasor, dist., Bengal. Area 2276 sq. m. Jessor, sub-div., Jessor dist. Area 889 sq. m. Jessor, chief tn., Jessor dist. Lat. 23* 10' N. Jessup, vil., Georgia, U.S., Wayne co. JessupLake, Florida, Orange co., communicates with St. John's R. Jeasup's River, New York, trib. of the Hudson R., in Essex co, Jesup, vil., Iowa, Buchanan co , 15 ni. E, Waterloo. Jeaua Island, Quebec, at junction of tlie Ottawa and St. Lawrence, Jetpur, tn., Bombay, Kathiawar. Lat. 21° 45' N. Jetpur Bilkha, native state, Bombay. Area 734 sq. m. Pop. 92,563. Jever, tn., Germany, 33 ni. NNW. Oldenbutg. Jewar, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 28' 7' N., long. 77^ 36' E. Jewett, vil. and tnshp., New York, Greene co. Jeypore. See Jaipur. Jeziema, tn., Austria, Galicia, NW. Tarnopol. Jhabua, native state, Central India. Area 1336 sq. m. Pop, 92,938. Jhabua, chief tn, Jhabua state. Lat, 22° 45' N., long, 74° 38' E. Jhajhar, tn., NW, Provs., India, Lat. 28° 16' N., long. 77° 42' E. Jhajjar, tahsil, Bohtak dist., Punjab. Area 469 sq. ni. Jhajjar, tn., Punjab. Lat. 28" 36' N., long. 76° 14' E. Jhalakati, vil., Bengal, Bakarganj dist. Jhalawan, prov,, Baluchistan. Lat. -zf-ig' N., long. 65°-67° E, Jhalawar, native state, Rajputana, Area 2694 sq. m. Jhalawar, div., Gujarat, India. Area 4400 sq. m. Jhalod, petty div., Dahod sub-div., Panch Mahals dist., Bombay. Jhalod, tn., Biunbay. Lat. 23° 7' N., long. 74° 10' E. Jhalotar-AJgaln, pitrgaim, Unao dist., Oudh. 98 sq. m. Jhalra Patau, chief tn., Jhalawar state. Lat. 24° 32' N. Jhalu, tn., NW. Provs,, India. Lat. 29° 20' N., long. 78^ 15' E. Jhang, dist., Punjab. Area 5702 sq. ni. Jhang, tn., in abf»ve. Lat. si" 16' N., long. 72" 41' E. Jhang, tahsil, Jhang dist., Piuijab. Area 2347 sq. m. Jhangar, vil., Bombay, Karachi dist. Lat. 26° 19' N. Jhanldah, sub-div , Jessor dist., Bengal. 475 sq. m. Jhanjhana, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 29° 30' N. Jhanjurpar, vil., Bengal, Darbhanga dist. Lat. 26' 15' N. Jhansi, liiv., NW. ProvS-, India. Area 4984 sq. m. Jhansl, dist., NW. Provs., Intiia. Area 1567 sq. m. Jhansl, ^r^ -iiV, Jhansi dist., NW. Provs., India. 379 sq. m. Jhansi Naoabad, bdqrs. vil., Jhansi dist., India. Jharla Garkharl, one of the Dang States, India. Sre Danga. Jhinjhuwarra, petty stato, Gujarat. 165 sq. m. Pop. 16,766. JhiQjhuwarra, in., Jhinjhuwarra state. Lat. 21° 21' N. Jhow, tn,, Baluchistan, prov. Mekran, 40 m. NW. Bela. Jhunjhnul, pargnim, Jaipur state, Rajputana. JhunjhnnI, tn,, J.iipur state, R;ijputana. Lat. 28" 6' N. Jhusi, vil., NW. Provs,, India. I>at. 25' 26' N,, long. 81' 58' F. Jiddah, spt., Arabia, EI llejaz, 37 m. W. Mecca. Pop. 18,000. Jiga-Oounggar, tn., Tibet, 45 in. IVom I.,asRa. Jlgni, ])itty state, Central India. jyeginak, tn., Siberia, on Sea of Okhotsk. Jljell, sjit., Algeria, 54 m. NW. Constanttnc. Jijona. tn.. Spain. 18 m. NW. Alicante. Jllo (Jllo-Patanl, In., Jaipur, Tourwati dist. Jlmena de la Frontera, tn., Spain, 46 m. E. Cadiz. Jimna, dist., Queensland, co. Lennox, roo m. NW. Brisbane. Jind, native state, Punjab. Area 1232 sq. m. Jlnd, chief tn. of above. Lat. 29° 19 N., long. 76' 23' K. Jlndera, tnshp.. New S. Wales, co. GouUuun, 390 m. SW. Sydney. Jlnjiram River, Aa.-^am, Goalpara dist., trib. of the Brahmaputra, Joachlmsthal, tn., Bithemia, 14 m. NNE, Klbogen. Joachimsthal, tn,, Prussia, 35 m. NE. Berlin. Joadja Creek, tnshp.. New South Wales, 93 m. S. Sydney. Jobat, petty state, Central India. Area 132 sq. in. 135 JOB THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER KAG Jobat, tn., Jobat state, Central India. Lat. 22° 26' N., long. 74° 35' E. Jochmufl Lake, Queensland, between Mitcliell and S. Kennedy. Jock'a Lodge, vil., CO. and if in. E. Edinburgh. Jodhia, poit and m-thal, Bombay. Lat. 22° 40' N., long. 70° 26' E. Jodhpur, i]ati\e Stat-*, Rajputana. 37,000 sq. m. Pop. 2,824,030. Jodhpur, tn., cap. of Judlipur state. Lat. ^6' 17' N., long. 73* 4' E. Jodoigne, tn., Belgium, S. Brabant, 6 ni. SSW. Tirlemont. JoeBattsArm, set, Newfoundland, 5 in. from Fogo. Johanna, one of the Cuinoro Is., Mozambique Chan. Pop. 12,000. Johannesburg, tn., houth Africa, 30 ni. from Pretoria. P. 15,000. Johann- George DBtadt, tn., Sujcony, 29 m. SW. Chemnitz. Johannisburg, \n., Prussia, 70 ni. SSW. Gumbinnen. John, Cape, Nova Scotia, Pictou co., in Northumberland Strait. John, Mount, S. Au-tralia, 60 ni, SE. Lake Frome. John Day's River, Oregou, trib. of the Columbia R. John Grays River, Wyoming and Idulio, trib. of the Snake R. John o"Groat's House, site of ruins, Caithness, on Pentland Firth. Johnsburg, ^'il. and tnshp., New York, Warren co. Johnshaven, vil., Kincardineshire, 8^m. NE. Montrose. John's Island, S. Carolina, one of the Sea Islands. Johnson, vil. and tnslip., Vermont, Lamoille co. Johnson City, vil., Tennessee, Washington co. Johnsonville, tn., New Zealand, co. Hutt, 6 m. W. Wellington. johnsonville, vil., New York, Rensselaer co,, on Hoosic R. Johnstone, tn., Renfrewshire, 3 m. W. Paisley. Johnstone, jiar., Dumfriesshire, on R. Annan. Johnstone Range, nitns., Queensland, dist. Mitchell. Johnstone River, port of entry, Queensland, Kennedy dist. Johnstown, vil., co. Kilkeuuy, 10 m. SW. Ballyragget. Johnstown, vil. and tnshp , New York, cap. of Fulton co. Johnstown, bor., Pennsylvania, Cambria co. Johnstown, vil. and tnsiip. , Wisconsin, Rork co. Johnsville, vil. and tnshp., Maryland, Frederick co. Johnville, vil., Quebec, co. Compton, on Trout R. Johore, state, S. part of Malay Peninsula. Area 10,000 sq. m. Johore, chief tn., Johore. Lat. 1" 32' N., long. io3''48' E. P. 200,000. Joigny, tn., France, Yonne, on R. Yonne. Joinville, tn., France, Haute-Marne, on R. Marne. JolnviUe-le-Pont, vil., France, 6 ra. E. Paris. JoUbak. Se- Niger. Joliet, city, Illinois, cap. of Will co., on Des Plaines R. Joliette, tn., Quebec, co. Joliette, on R. L'Assoraption. Jolsva, tn., Hungary, 46 m. W. Kaschau. Jonesborough, par., co. Armagh, 5 m. S. Newry. Jonesboroush, vil. and tnshp., Arkansas, cap. of Craighead co. Jonesborough, vil., Georgia, U.S.. cap. of Clayton co. Jonesborough, vil. anrt, Ntw Zealand. Lat. 42° 24' S., long. 173° 30' E. Kaikouras, Inland ana Seaward, dists., New Zealand, ou Clareoce R. Kailaa, sacred nitn., India, near source ofthe Indus. Alt. 20,226 ft Kallashihr, sub-div., Hill Tipperah state, Bengal. Kaimanawa Range, nitns.. New Zealand, co, E. Taupo. KatmganJ, U'h.^il, Farukhabad dist., NW". Provs., India. Kaimganj, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27' 33' 10" N., 79° 23' 45" E. Eain, vd., Belgium, Hainaut, on R. Scheldt Kaingoroa PUina, dist., New Zealand, co. E. Tanpo. Kalns City, bor., Pennsylvania, Butler co. Kainsk, tn , Asiatic Russia, gov. Tomsk, on R. Om. Kalpara, dist,, New Zealand, CO. Waitemata.. Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand. 1-at. 36° 20' S., long. 174° 20' E, Kaira, dist.. Gujarat, India. 1609 sq. m. Kaira, tn., Gujarat. Lat. 22" 44 30 N., long, 72° 44' 30" E. Kairana, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat, 29° 23' N., 77° 15' E. Kalrwan, city, N. Africa. Lat. 35° 37' N., hmg. 10" 15' E. P. 10,000 Kalaariyah. city, Asia 5Iinor. Lat. 38° 45' N., 35° 10' E. P. 50,000. Kalaar jo-Tando, vil., Bombay. Lat. 25° 2 V 30" N.,long. 63" 34' 45" E. Kaiaerberg, tn., Germany, Alsace, 8 m. WNW. Calniar. KalBerIn Augusta River, large riv., Geinian New Guinea. Kalaeralautern, tn., Rlieiush Bavaria, on R. Lauter. Pop. 37,159. KaUerstuhl, mtn., G'-rniiiny, in Black Forest. Alt. 1S39 ft. Kaiserawerth, tn , Piussia, on R. Rhine, 6 m. from Diisseldorf. Kaiser WUhelma Land, colony, N.Guinea. Area 69,208 sq. m. P. 109,000. Kaitingata, tn., New Zealand, co. Bruce. Lat. 46° 16' S., 169° sg' E Kalthal, tn., Punjab. Lat. 29° 48' N., long. 76° 26' E. P. 14,754. Kaithan, tn.. Rtjputana. India, in Kotnh dist. Kaitl, vil , Madras. Lat. 11° 22' 30" N., long. 76° 46' 30" E. Kakair, tn., Cent. Provs,, India. Lat, 20° 15' N., long. 81° 33' E Kakaml Mountains, New Zealand, co. Waitaki. Kakanui, port, New Zealand. Lat. 45° 10' H., loner. 170° 50' E. Kakar, tn., Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 20° 15' N., long. 81° 33' E. Eakar, taluk, Shikarpur dist., Bombay. 59S sq. m. Eakarbal, vil,, NW. Provs., India, Jhansi dist. Kakebonga Lake, Canada, near source of the Ottawa R. Kakora, vil., NW. Provs., India, Budaun dist. Kakorl, jianjana, Lucknow dist., Oudh. Ar. 60 sq. m. Kakori, tn., Otidh. Lat. 26* 51' 55" N., long. 80° 49' 45" E. Eakrala, tn., NW. Provs., India, Budaun dist. Kakraul, vil., Bengal, Darbhangah dist. Kalabagh, tn., Punjab. Lat. 32° 57' 57" N., long. 71° 35' 57" E, Kalach, vil. and ry. stn., Russia, Uon Cossacks district. Kaladgi(now Bijapur), dist., Bombay. Ar. 5757 sq. m. Kaladgl, tn., Bumbay. Lat. 16° 12' 30" N,, long. 75° 32' E, Kalafat, tn., Roumariia, on R, Danube. Lat. 44° N., long. 22° 55' E. Kalahari Desert, S. Cent. Africa. Lat. 15" S., long. 22° E. P. 200,000. KalahaatI, tn,, Madras. Lat. 13° 45' 2" N., long, 79" 44' 29" E. Kalahaatl, tuluk, N. Arcot dist,, Madras. Ar. 205 sq. m. KalahaatI, estate, Madms. Area 736 sq. m. Kalah-Jik, tn., Asia Minor, 35 m. from Angora. Kalah Sefld, tn., Persia, prov. Fars, 55 m. WNW. Shira;;. Eala Kufll River, Bengal, Purniah dist., trib. ofthe Ganges. KalaJe, vil., Mysore. Lat. 12° 5' N., long, 76" 43' E. Kalamata, spt., Greece, cap. of Mes^cnia, on Gulf of Koron. Kalamazoo, vil,, Michigan, cap, of Kalamazoo co. Pop. 17,857 Kalamazoo River, Michigan, falls into Lake Michigan. Kalamb. tn,, Berar, Lat, 20" 26' N., long, 78° 22' 30" E, Kalamlta Bay, Black Sea, on W. coast of Crimea. Kalamo, vil, and tnshp., Michigan, Eaton co, KalanattT, tn., Punjab. Lat. 28'' 49' 45" N., long. 76° 25' 15" E. Kalantan, tn, and state, Malay Peninsula. Pop. state 50,000. Kalaroa, tn.. Bengal. Lat. 22° 42' 35" N., long. 89' 7' 55" E. Kalau, tn., Prussia, Brandenburg, 55 m. SSW. Frankfort. Kalavltra, tn., Morca, 28 m, SE. Patras. Kalawar, tn,, Bombay, in Kathiawar. Kalbe, tn., Prussian Saxony, on B. Saale. Kaldenkirchen, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 12 ui, WSW. Kcmpen. B^le Water, Uoxburglishire, trib. ofthe Teviot, rises at Leap Ilill. Kalgan, tn., China, prov. Pe-chidi, 125 ni. NW. Fekiu. Pop. 200,000. Kalghatgl, sub-div,, Dharwar dist., Bombay. 27gsq.m. Kalghatgl, tn., Bombay. Lat. 15° 10' N., long. 75° 2' E. Kalguev Island, Russia, in Arctic Ocean. Lat. 69° N,, long. 49° E. Kalianpur, tiihsU, Fatehimr dist., NW. Provs., India. Ar, 279 sq. m. Kallda, vil., Ohio, Putnam co., on the Ottawa R. KaliganJ, vil., Bengal. Lat. 22° 27' 15" N., long. 8g° 4' E. Kallmno, island, otV SW. coa.stof Asia Minor. Kalindl River, India, between the Jamuna and Raimangal. Kallnga, ancient kingdom of S. Imlia. Kalingapatam, port, Madras. Lat. 18° 20' 29" N., long. 84° 9' 50" E. Kallnjar, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 25" 1' N., long. 8o' 31' 35" K. Kalinjera, tn , Rajput'ina. Lat. 23° 5' N., long. 74° 7' E. Kallaz, city, Poland, on R. Prosna. I^t. 51° 50' N, Pop. 16,404. Kaliez, gov., Russian Poland. Area43gt nq. in. Pop. 842,712. Kaljani River, N. Bengal, trib. ofthe Raidliak. Kalkandere, tn., Turkey, Albania, 17 in. ESK. Prisrend. Pop. 20,000. KalkBay, w.ttering-placc, Cape Colony, 18 in. from Cape Town. Kallacurchl, t'lluk. Madias, 8. Arcot dist. 622 sq. m. Kallacurchl, hdqrs. tu. of above. Lat. n" 44' N., long. 71/ 1' 20" E, Kallatakurlchi, tn., Madras. Lat. So" 40' N., long. 77' 30' E. Kallo, tn., Hungary, 23 m. NNE. Debreczin. Kalloch, mtu., NW. Ross and Cromarty. Alt. 3483 ft. Kallundborg, tn., Denmark, 58 m. W. Copenhagen, Kalmar, Ian. Sweden, on Baltic. Area 4438 sq. m. Pop. 234,902. Kalmar, city, cap. of above, opposite Gland. Pop. 11,972. Kalmeahwar. tn.. Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 21° 14' N., lung. 78" 58' E. Kalna, sub-div., Bardwau dist., Bengal. 432 sq. m. Kalna, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 23" 13' N., long. 83° 24' E. Kalocsa, tn., Hungary, on R. Danube Pop. 16,789. Kalol, sub-div., Panch Mahals dist., Bombay, 415 sq. m. Kalol, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 22" 37' N., long. 73" 31' E. Kalol, sub-div., Baroda, Bombay. 288 sq. ni, Kalol, tn., Baroda, Bombay. Lat. 23° 15' 35" N., long. 72" 33' E. Kalpl, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 26" 7' N., long. 79" 47' E. Kalrayan Mtna., Madras, Satj;m dist. Alt. 4000 It. Kalsi, tahsil, Dehra Dun dist., NW. Provs., India. 478 sq. ro. Kalai, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 30° 32' 20" N., long. 77° 53' 25" E. Kalaia, state, Punjab. Area 178 sq. m. Kaluga, gov., Russia, S. of Moscow. 11,940 sq. m. Pop. 1,209,225. Kaluga, tn., cap. of above. Lat. 54° 30' N., long. 36' 15' E. P. 40,102. Kala River, Garo Hills dist., Assam, trib. ofthe Brahmaputra. Kalnsz, in., Austria, Galicia, 28 ni. SE. Stry. Kaluszyn, tn., Poland, 33 m. E. Warsaw. Kalwan, sub-div., Nasik dist., Bombay. 554 sq. m. Kalwan, hdqrs. tn., Kalwan sub-div. Lat. 20" 30' 40" N., long. 74° 3' E. Kalwarya, tn., Poland, 24 m. NE. Suwalki. Pop. 10,606. Kalyan, sub-div., Thana dist., Bombay. 278 sq. m. Kalyan, spt., Bombay. Lat. 19° 14' N., long. 73" 10' E. Kalyanmal, pargona, Hardoi dist., Oudh. 63 sq. m. Kama, riv., Prussia, trib. ofthe Volga. Lat. 56° 40' N., long. 54' E. Kama, tnslip,, Burma. Thayet-myo dist. 575 sq. m. Kama, hdqrs. vil., Kama tushp. Lat. 19° 1' N., long. 95" 10' E. Kamalapuram, tn., Madras. Lat. 15° 17' N., long. 76" 30' 30" E. Kamalapuri, vil., Madras, Karnul dist. KamalganJ, vil., Farukhabad dist., NW. Provs., Intlia. Kamalondo River, Central Africa, trib. of the Lualaba. Kaman, pTr<7a?m, Bhartpur state, Rajputana, India. Kaman, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 27° 40' N. Kamaran laland (Britisli), Arabia, in Red Sea, 20 m. S. Lolieia. Kamar-ud-din nagar, vil., Meerut dist., NW. Provs., India. Kamasin, tnhsil, Banda dist., NW. Provs., India. Kamaaln, hdqrs. vil., Kamasin tahsil, NW. Provs., India. Kamatapur, ruined city, Bengal. Lat. 26° 9' 30" N., 89° 22' 15" E. Kambar, taluk, Sind, Bombay. 977 sq. m. Kambar, chief tn. of above. Lat. 27° 35' N., long. 68' 2' 45" E. Kambara laland. Fiji, NW. of Moramba Island Area 7 sq. m. Kamberg, tn., Prussia, 22 m. E. Nassau. Kamburg, tn., Germany, 23 m. ENE. Weimar. Kamea laland. See Quamia. Kamenetz, Podolak. Sec Kamieniec. Kamenitz, tn,, Bohemia, ?3 m. ESE. Tabor. Kamenakol, vil., Asiatic Russia, gov. Perm. Kamenz, tn,, Saxony, 18 m. NK. Dresden. Kameaburgh. See Port Bannatyne. Kamieniec, tn., Russia, cap. of Podolia. Lat. 48" 50' N. Pop. 35,987. Kaminlstiquia River, Ontario, falls into Lake Superior. Kamlonka-Strzumilowa, tn., Austria, Galicia, on R. Bug. Kamir, tn., Persia, on Persian Gulf, opposite Kishin Island. Kamishln, tn., Russia, Saratov, on R. Volga. Pop. 14,462. Kamla River, sacred stream, N. Behar, India. Kamloops, poit, Brit. Columbia, 233 ni. from New Westminster. Kamnitz, tn , Bohemia, 27 m. NNE. Leitmeritz. Kamo, tn., Now Zealand, ico in. from Auckland. Lat. 33° 44' S. Kimona, vil., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 28° 8' N., long. 78° 10' E. Kamouraaka, vil., Quebec, on R. St. Lawrence. Kamouraaka Islands, Quebec, in R. St. Lawrence. Kamouraaka River, Quebec, Kamouraska co., trib. of St. Lawrence, Kampen, tn., Netherlands, on R. Yssel. Ijat. '^7' 36' N. Pop. 18,276. Kampil, vil., NW. Provs., India, Farukhabad dist. Kampli, tn., Madras. Lat. 15" 24' 40" N., long. 76° 38' 40" E Kampot, spt., Cambodia, on SW. coast. Kamrup, dist. , A.ssain. Area 3857 sq. ni. Kamtchatka, penin., Asia. 465,637 sq. m. Lat. 58' N., long. 159' E Kamtha, estate. Cent. Provs., India, Bliandara dist. Kamtha, vil., Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 21° 31' N., long. 80' 21' E. Kamthi, tn., Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 21' 13' 30" N. Kanacia Island, Fiji. Area 9 sq m. Kana-Damodar River, between the Damodar and Hugli, India. K.inagawa, spt., Japan, on Toldo Bay. Treaty port. Kanara, North, dist., Bombay. 391 1 sq. m. Kanara, South, dist,, Madras. 3902 sq. m. Kanarak, ruined temple, Orissa. Lat. 19° 53' 25" N., 86" 8' 16" E. Kanathia Island. S'-e Kanacia. Kanauj, tuhsil, Farukhabad dist., NW. Provs. 209 sq. m. KanauJ, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27" 2 30" N. Kan-aung, tnshp., Henzada dist., Burma. Kanawha River, Great, W. Virginia, trib, ofthe Ohio. Kanawha Saline, vil,, W. Virgiida, Kanawha co. Kanazava, tit,, Japan, Nipon I., prov. Kaga. Pop. 104,320. Kanazea Island. Sec Kanacia. Kanchanjanga, peak, E. Himalayas. Lat. 27° 42' N. Alt. 28,176 ft. Kan-Chou, ciiy, C^hina, jumv. Kan-Su, near Great Wall. Kan-Chou, city, China, prov. Kiang-Si, on the Kaa-Kiang. Kandahar, ]irov., S. Afghanistan. Pop. 1,600,000. Kandahar, city, cap. of above. Lat, 31° 37' N., long. 55' 30' E. Kandalaksha, vil.. N. Russia, on Gulf of K. Lat. 67° 8' N. Kandapur, taluk, S. Kanara (list. , Madras. 525 sq. m. Kandapur, tn., Madras. Lat. 13° 38' N., long. 74° 42' E. KandavTi Island, Fiji. Area i$o sq. in. Pop, over 10,000, Kandavn Passage, Fiji, between Kandavu niid \'il.i Lovu, Kandel, tn., Khcnisli Bavaria, 10 m. SF. Landau. Kandhla, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 29* 18' 20" N. 137 KAN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER KAS Kandh-mala, dist., Bod state, Oriasa. E&ndi, sub-div., Murshiilab.iil dist., Bengal. 389 sq. m. Kandi, tn., Bengal, Lat. 21" 58' N., long. 88° 5' \" E. Kandiaro, taluk-, Haidarabad dist., Bombay. Kandiaro, tn., Bombay. Lat. 27" 4' N., long. 68° 15' R. Kandiyohi Lake, Minnesota, in Kandiyohi CO. Kandrawan, tn., Oudh, India, Rai Barell dist.1 Kandukur, taluk, Nellore dist., Madras. 718 sq. m. Kandukur, tn., Madras. Lat. 15° 12' 20" N., lung. 70° 57' E. Kandy, city, former cap. of Ceylon. Lat. 7" 18' N., long. 80' 41' E. Kane, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Greene co. Kane, vil., Pennsylvania, McKean co. 95 ni. SE. Erie. Kanem, country, Soudan, bordering on Lake Chad. Kanev, tn., Russia, 64 m. SE. Kiev, on R. Dnieper. Kangaroo Flat, tn., Victoria, co. Bendigo. Lat. 36" 49' S., 144° 16' E. Kangaroo Gronnd, tnshp., Victoria, co. EveljTi. Lat. 37° 43' S. Kangaroo Hill, S. Australia, in the Salt Lakes region. Kangaroo Island, S. Australia, off York Peninsula. Kangaroo Lake, New South Wales, co. Menindee. Kangaroo River, New S. Wales, co. Camden, trib. of Shoalhaven R. Kangaroo Valley, tn.. New S. Wales. Lat. 34° 30' S., long. 150° 30' E. Kangayam, tn., Bladras. Lat. 11° 1' N., long. 77° 36' E. Kangra, dist., Punjab. Lat. 31° 20' N., long. 75' 39' E. Kangra, tahsil, Kangra dist, Punjab. 1065 sq. m. Kangra, tn., Punjab. Lat. 32" 5' 14" N., long. 76" 17' 46" E. Kangra Proper, tract, Kangra dist., Punjab. 2725 sq. m. Kangundi, estate, N. Arcot dist., Bladras. 213 sq. m. Kangundi, tn,, Kangundi estate, Madras. Kanigiri, taink, Nellore dist., Madras. Ar. 726 sq. m. Kanigiri, tn., Bladras. Lat. 15° 23' N., long. 79° 32' E. Kanin Peninaula, N. Russia, in White Sea. Lat. 68° N. Kanisa, tn., Hungary, on R. Theiss, 14 m. S. Szegedin. Kanisa, tn., Hungary, co. dacs, on R. Theiss. Pop. 13,069. Kanisa, tn., Hungary, 130 m. SE. Vienna. Pop. 18,398. Kaniva, tn., Victoria, co. Lowan. Lat. 36° 40' S., long. 141° 30' E. Kanjarapalll, tn., Travancore. Lat. 9° 4' 30'' N., long. 76° 35' 20" E. Kanjikovil, tn., Bladras. Lat. n" 22' N., long. 77° 38' 20" E. Kankakee, city, Illinois, cap. of Kankakee co. Kankakee River, Indiana and Illinois, trib. of Illinois R. Kankan, tn., Senegainbia, in Sangara country. Kankanhalli, taluk. Bangalore dist., BIysore. Area 401 sq. m. Kankanhalli, tn., Mysore. Lat. 12° 32' 50" N., long. 77° 27' 30" E, Kankaree, tn., Asiatic Turkey. Lat. 40° 56' N, Pop. 18,000. Kanker, chiefship. Cent. Provs., India. 639 sq. ni. Kanklial, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 29° 55' 45" N., long. 78' 11' E. Kan-Kiang River, China, trib. of the Yang-tse-Kiang. 350 ni. long. KankreJ, group of petty states, Gujarat. 520 sq. ni. Pop. 45,164. Kanknppa, taluk, Chitaldrug dist., Mysore. 370 sq. m. Kano, tn., Soudan, Sokoto. Lat. 12° N., long. 8' 30' E. Pop. 30,000. Kansas, one of the U.S. Lat. 39° N. 82,080 sq. m. Pop. 1,427,096. Kansas, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Edgar co., 13 m. E. Charleston. Kansas City, city, Kansas. Pop. 38,170. Kansas City, city, fliissouri, Jackson co. Lat. 39° N. Pop. 132,416. Kansas River, Kansas, trib. of the Blissouri. Lat. 38° 30' N. Kansk, tn., Siberia, gov. Yeniseisk, on R. Kana. Kan-Sa, prov., China. Ar. 260,388 sq. m. Lat. 37° N. Pop. 4,368,872. Kant, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27° 29' N., long. 79° 49' E. Kanth, tn., Prussian Silesia, 13 m. SW. Breslau. Kantha, tn., Oudh, India, Unaodist. KantUo, tn., Ori^sa, India. Lat. 20° 21' 46" N., long. 85' 14' 20" E. Kantur, tn., Oudh, India, Bara Banki dist. Kantnrk, tn., co. and 24 m. NW. Cork, on Rs. AUna and Dallua. Kanum, city, Little Tibet, on R. Sutlej. Kanyaka, tnshp., S. Australia. Lat. 32° 2' S., long. 138" 20' E. Kaolin, vil., Blissouri, Iron co., 18 m. W. Iron Blountain. Kao-ning, tn., China, 40 m. from Canton. Kao-Tchon, city, China, i63 m. SW. Canton. Kao-Yeon, city, China, prov. Kiang-Su, on Imperial Canal. Kapadwanj, sub-div., Kaira dist., Bombay. Area aSosq. m. Kapadwanj, tn., Bombay. Lat. 23° i' N., long. 73° 7' 30" E. Kapfenberg, tn., Austria, Styria, 3 ni. NNE. Bruck. KapUeswarapuram, tn., Bladras. Lat. 16" 44' N., long. Si° 57' 20" E. Kapiti Island, New Zealand, off W. coast of co. Hutt. Kaplitz, tn., Bohemia, 17 m. from Budweis. Kapnik-Eanya, tn., Hungary, 8 m. E. Nagy-Banya. Kaposwar, tn., Hungary, on the Kapos, 97 m. SW. Buda-Pesth. Kaponda, tushp., S. Australia. Lat. 34° 21' S., long. 138° 57' E. Kapnrthala, native state, Punjab. Area 620 sq. m. Kaporthala, chief tn. of above. Lat. 31° 23' N. KapQvar, tn., Hungary, 40 m. S. Pressburg. Kara-Bagh, tn. , Afghanistan, 20 m. SW. Ghuzni. Kara-Boghaz, gulf of Caspian Sea, Russia. Karachi, dist., Bombay. Area 14,115 sq. m. Karachi, taluk, Karachi dist. Area 1291 sq. m. Karachi, spt., cap. of Karachi. Lat. 24° 51' N., long. 67V E. P. 104,250. Karad, sub div., Satara dist., Bombay. Area 395 sq. m. Karad, chief tn. of above. Lat. 17" 17' N., long. 74''i3' E. Karagola, vil., Bengal. Lat. 25' 23' 30" N., long. 87° 30' 51" E. Karaichntn, tn., Madras. Lat. 8' 24' 45" N., long. 78° 7' 20" E. Karakal, tn., Roumania, 30 m. SE. Krajova, Kara Kara, Cape, New Zealand, on E. coast of co. Blongonui. Karakaah, city, E. Turkestan, 240 m. ESE. Yarkand. Karakash River, E. Turkestan, trib. of R. Yarkand. Karak Island, in Persian Gulf. Lat. 29" 20' N., long. 50" 20' E. Karakorum Mountains, Kashmir and E. Turkestan. Lat. 30% long. 86°. Karakul, tn., Bokhara, 38 ni. S3W. Bokhara. Pop. 30,000. Kara-Kmn, desert. Central Asia, N. of the Syr Darya. Karaman, tn., Asia Blinor, 63 m. SSE. Konieh. Karamania, region. Asia Minor, traversed by the Sihun, etc. Karambas, tn., Bulandshahr dist., NW. Provs., India. Karamea, tnshp.. New Zealand, on Karamea R., co. Buller. Karamca Bight, New Zealand, on coast of co. Buller. Karamea River, New Zealand, waters co. Buller. Karamnasa River, Bengal, trib. of Ganges. Lat. 24° 34' 30" N. Karanguli, tn., Bladras. Lat. 12' 32' N., long. 79° 56' 40" E. Karanja, tn., Wardha dist.. Central Provs., India. Karanja, isl. and vil., Bombay. See Uran. Karanja Island, Bombay, in Bombay Harbour. Karausebee, tn., Hungary, on R. Temes, 50 m. SE. Temesvar. Kara River, Kara Sea, between European and Asiatic Russia. Kara Sea, E. of Nova Zembla. Lat. 72" N., long. 65' E. Kara Strait, between Nova Zembla and Vaigatch. Kara-Su-Bazar, tn. , Russia, in Crimea. Pop. 11,877. Kara-Su Kiver, one of the headwaters of the R. Euphrates. Kara-Sa River, Turkey, falls into ./Lgean Sea. Lat. 40' 50' N. Karatcheo, tn., Russia, gov. and 47 m. WNW. Orel. Pop. 15,681. Karategin, country, Asia, on the Pamir. 8500 sq. m. Pop. 100,000. Karategin River, Cent. Asia, trib. uf Upper Aran Daria. Karatova. tn., Turkey, Roumelia, on K. Braunista. Karauli, native state, Rajputana. 1208 sq. ni. Karauli, tn., cap. of above. Lat. 26^ 30' X., long. 77' 4' E. Pop. 25,607. Karbitz, tn., Bohemia, 12 m. from Leitmeritz. Kardzag, tn., Hungary, 25 m. SW. Debreczjn. Pop. 15,825. Karema, stn., Africa, on shores of Lake Tanganyika. Karghalik, tn., E. Turkestan, 36 ni. SSE. Y'arkand. Karhal, taluk, Mainpuri dist., NW. Provs., India. Area 221 sq. m. Karhal, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27° o' 5" N., long. 78" 58' 45" E. Kariana, petty state, Bombay. Area 10 sq. m. Kariana, vil., Kariana state, Bombay. Karikal, tn. (French), India. L^at. 10" 55' N.,long. 79''52'E. P. 93,056. Karimganj, sub-div., Sylhet dist., Assam. 1068 sq. m. Karimganj, vil., in above. Lat. 24° 22' N., long. 92° 24' E. Karimganj, vil., Bengal, Blaimansingh dist. Karitane, port. New Zealand. Lat. 45° 37' N., long. 170° 43' E. Karjat, sub-div., Thana dist., Bombay. 353 sq. ui. Karjat, hdqrs. vil., Thana dist., Bombay. Karjat, sub-div., Ahmadnagar dist., Bombay. 580 sq. m. Karjat, chief tn. of above. Lat. 18" 33' N., long. 75° 3' E. Karkamb, tn., Bombay. Lat. 17' 52' N., long. 75° 20' E. Karlova, tn., Hungary, 11 m. fiom Nagy Kikinda. Karlowitz, Hungary. Sec Carlowitz. Karlowitz, tn., Moravia, 37 ra. ESE. Perrau. Karlsbad. See Carlsbad. Karlsburg, tu., Transylvania, on R. Maros. Karlshafen, tn., Prussia, Cassel, on R. Weser. Karlstadt, tn., Croatia, on K. Kulpa, 33 m. SW. Agram. Karlstadt, tu., Bavaria, on R. Main. Karma, tu., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 25° 18' N., long. 81° 53' E. Karmala, sub-div., Sholapur dist., Bombay. 766 sq. m. Karmala, chief tn. of above. Lat. 18'' 24' N., long. 75° 14' 30" E. Kamah River, New South Wales, falls into Port Stephens. Karnak, vil., Egypt, on R. Nile, near Luxor, with old temples. Karnak, tn., W. Africa, cap. of Logone dist., Bornu. Pop. 16,000. Karnal, dist., Punjab. Area 2396 sq. m. Karnal, tahsii, Karnal dist. Area 832 sq. ra. Kama], hdqrs. tn., Karnal dist. Lat. 29° 42' 17" N. Karnaphuli River, Bengal, falls into Bay of Bengal in lat. 22' 55' N. Kamatib, geographical div., Bladras, on the coast. Karns City, bor., Pennsylvania, Butler co. Qil works. Kamul, dist., Bladras. Area 77S8 sq. m. Pop, 817,630. Kamnl, tn., Madias. Lat. 15° 49 58'' N., long. 78' 5' 29" E. Karol, petty state, Bombay. Area n sq. m. Karond, chiefship, Sambalpur dist.. Cent. Provs., India. Karonga, stn., Africa, on N W. shore of Lake Nyassa. Karoni Island, Fiji, lies within the reef of Moce. Karoos, plains, Cape Colony, between the mtn. ranges. Karor, tahsil, Bareilly dist., NW. Provs., India. 330 sq. m. Karor, tn., Punjab. Lat. 31 13' 30" N., long. 70° 59' 15" E. Karpfen, tn., Hungary, 6 ni. from Buda-Pesth. Karputh, tn., Turkish Armenia, 60 ni. WNW. Diarbekir. Karra, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 25° 41' N., long. 81° 24' E. Kars, pruv., Asiatic Russia. Area 7199 sq. m. Pop. 162,665. Kara, city, cap. of Kai^s prov. Lat. 40° 40' N., bug. 43' 10' E. Karshi, tn., Cent. Asia, 90 m. SE. Bokhara. Pop. 25,000. Karsiang, suli-div. , Darjiling di>t , Bengal. 442 sq. m. Karsiang, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 26" 52' 40" N., long. 88° 19' 30" E. Karaun, tn., Russia, gov. Sinlbir.^k. Lat. 54° 10' N., long. 57° E. Kartak, one of the Dang states, Intlia. $• e Bangs. Kartarpur, tn., Punjab. Lat. 31° 26' 39" N., long. 75" 32' 28" E. Karumattampati, tn., Bladras. Lat. 11" 7' N., long. 77° 4' E. Karumattur, tn., Bladras. Lat. 9° 57' N., long. 79° 59' E. Karumbhar Island, Gulf of Cutch. Lat. 22" 26' N., long. 69° 4' E. Karungalaikudi, vil., Bladras. Lat. 9' 54' 45" N., long. 78° 33' 30" E. Karun River, Persia, falls into the Shat-el-Artb estuary. Karun River, Cent. Provs., India, tributary of the Seo. Ka-rup-pi, vil., Burma, Amherst dist. Kamr, taluk, Coimbatore dist., Bladras. 713 sq. m. KaruT, tn., Bladras. Lat. 10' 57' 42'' N., long. 78° 7' 16" E. Karwaitnagar, estate, Bladras, N. Arrot dist. 63o sq. m. Karwaitnagar, tn., Bladras, cap. of the above estate. Karwar, sub-div., N. Kanara dist., Bombay. 281 sq. m. Karwar, hdqrs. tn., Karwar sub-div., on coast. Karwl, sub-div., Banda dist., NW. Provs., India. Area 1292 sq. m. Karwl, tahsil, Banda dist., NW. Provs., India. 573 sq. m. Karwl, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 25° 12' 10" N., long. 80' 56' 50" E. Karyato, spt., Greece, in S, of Eubcea. Kasal River, Bengal, trib. of the Haldi. Kasai River, Congo Free State, Cent. Africa, trib. of the Congo. Kasalang River, Bengal, trib. of the Karnaphuli. Kasanj, tn., Angola, Portuguese W. Africa, m-arE. border. Kasanlik, tn., Roumelia, 88 m. NW. Adrianople. Pop. 20,000. Kaaaull, cantonment, Punjab. Lat. 30° 53' 13" N., long. 78° E. Kasba, tn., Bengal. Lat. 25° 51' N., long. 87° 34' 41" E. Kasbek, mtn., Caucasus Range. Alt. 16,546 ft. Kaabin, tn., Persia, Irak-Ajemi, 90 m. N. Teheran. Pop. 40,000. 138 EES THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER KEN KuduQ, city, Hungarj', on U. Hernad, 133 m. NE. Pesth. Kaig&iiJ, til., NSV. Frovs., India. Lat. 27° 48* 5" N. KaagyaJ, XahsU^ Etahdist., NW. Provs., India. 500sq.m. Eaih&n, tn., Persia, 90 m. N. Ispahan. Pop. 30,000. Eaihgar, city, E. Turkestan. Lat. 39° 20' N., long. 74° 4' E. P. 80.000. Kashgar River, E. Turkestan, trib. of the Yarkand. KasUn, tn., Russia, gov. and 73 m. NE. Tver. Kashira, tii., Russia, gov. and 46 m. NXE. Tula. Kaahmir andJamtt, native state, India, N. of Punjab. Pop. 2,511,090. Kaahmor, taluk. Upper Sind Frontier dist., Bombay. Area 862 sq. ni. Kaaia, vil., Gorakhpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Buddha died here. Kaalmbazar, ruined tn., Bengal. Lat. 24" 7' 40" N. Kaalmkota, to., Madras. Lat. 17" 39' 50" N., long. 83° o' 10" E. Kaalmov, tn,, Russia. Lat. 54° 50' N., long. 41° E. Pop. 15,350. Kailpur, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 29° 13' N. Kasipur, tahstl, Tarai dist., K W. Provs., India. EukasUa, vil. and tnslip., Illinois, Randolph co- Easkaakia River, Illinois, trib. of the Mississippi. Easmandi Ealan, tn., Oudh, India, in Lucknow dist. Kasota, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Le Sueur co., on Minnesota R. Eassai, prov., Congo state, Africa, traversed by Kassal River. Kasiala, tn., Soudan, Africa, E. of R. Atbara. KaasallLake, Congo Territory. Lat. 8° 30' S., long. 26' E. Eauon, vil., Minnesota, Dodge co,, 25 m. E. Owatonna. Kasta, jtargaJM, Kheri dist., Oudli. Area 95 sq. m. Kastamonl, tn., Asia Minor, 114 ni. NNE, Angnra. Pop. 40,000. Kaatoria, tn., Turkey, Macedonia, on Lake Kastoria. Kaaur, tahsil, Lahore dist., Punjab, 794 sq. m, Kasur, hdqrs. tn., K:xsur tahsil. Lat. 31° 6' 46" N. Katafanga Island, Fiji, Is'E. of Tabutha Island. Alt. 150 ft. Katagum, tn., Africa, Soudan, 135 in. ENE. Kano. Katahdin, mtu., Maine, 139 ni. NNE, Augusta. Alt. 5385 ft. Katahra, tn., Jliansi dist., NW. Provs., India. Katak. See Cattack. Katanga, mineral dist., Africa, near the Luapula R. Katangl, estate, Cent. Provs., India. 57 sq. m. Katangi, state forest, Betul dist,, Cent. Provs., India. 170 sq. in, Katangl, vil,. Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 23° 26' 30" N., long. 79° 50' E. Katau, mission stn., New Guinea, between Fly and Baxter Rivers. Kate Hills, eccl. dist., Worcestersliire, Dudley parish. Katha, dist. and tn.. Upper Burma, Lat. 24° 10' N. Kathi, potty state, Bombay. 300 sq. m. Kathiawar, jieninsula, Bombay. 23,300 sq. m. Pop. 2,000.000. Kathiawar, agency, Bombay. 20,559 sq. m. Pop. 2,750,260. Kathlmr, tn., Madras. Lat. 10° 58' 40" N., long. 75" 31' 54" E. Eathlamba Mountains, Cape Colony and Natal. Kathna River, India, trib. of the Uumti. Lat. 27° 2c' N. Katiari, pargann, Hanlcji dist,, Oudh. Area 90 sq. ni. Katima, rataracts on the Zambesi R., Africa. Katjura Rtver, Orissa, Cuttack dist., mouth of the Mahanadi. Katna River, Bengal, Bhagalpur dist., trib. of the Tiljuga. Katoghan, vil., NW. Pruvs., India. Lat. 25° 45' N., long. 81° 11' E. Katol, tn., Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 21" 16' 30" N., long. 78° 38' E. Katoomba, tn.. New South Wales. Lat. 33" 27' S., long. 150" 24' E. Katoaan, petty state, Gujarat, India. Katragam, holy place, Ceylon, iiS m. ESE. Colombo. Katra MedniganJ, tn., Partabgarh dist., Oudh. Katrine, Loch, Perthshire. Lat. 56" 16' N., long. 4" 30' W. Katscher, tn., Prussian Silesia, 42 m. SSE. Oppeln. Katsena, tn., Suudan, Sokoto, 80 m. NW. Kuno. Kataena Allah, stn. of Niger Company, West Africa. Kattowitz, tn., Prussian Silesia, 10 m. SE. Beuthen. Pop. 12,623, Katombar, taksily Ahvar state, Rajputana. Katumbar. tn., Alwar State. Lat. 27° 20' N., long. 77° 3' E. Katanga, tn., Africa, cap. of Yarriba, 81 m. S. of Bousa. Katwa, snb-div. , Bardwan dist., Bengal. 352 sq. m. Katwa, tn., Bengal. Lat. 23' 38' 55" N., long. 88° 10' 40" E. Eatvyk-aan-Zee, vil., Netherlands, at mouth of Rhine. Katyar, vil., Ilaidarabad dist., Bombay. Katzenbuckel, mtn., Baden, highest in Odenwald, 1805 ft* Kauai, one of the Sandwich Islands. Area 543 sq. m. Kaufbeuren, tn., Bavaria, Swabia, on the Wertach. Kaufinan, vil., Texas, cap. of Kaufman co. Kaukapiikapa, tn.. New Zealand. Lat. 36° 37' S. , long. 174" 29' I'. Kaukauna, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin. Outagamie CO., on Fox R. Kaundha, tn., Ouar,, S. Kirkcudlirigtitshire. 12,222 acres. Kelty, vil., Kinross anu., Bavaria, Swabia, on R. Iller. Pop. 14,400. Kempt Head, set., Nova Scotia, co. Victoria, 30 m. from Sydney. Kempt Lake, Nova Scotia, in King's co. Kempton, tnslip., Tasmania. Lat. 42° 32' S,, long. 147" 14' E. Komptvlllo, vil., Ont;ino, Grcnvillc co., 06 m. NE. Kingston. Kon, riv., Kirkcudbrightsliire, trib. of the Dee, Ken, riv., NW. Provs., India, trib. of the Jumna, 230 m, long. 139 KEN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER KHA Kenansvilla, vJI. and tiishp., N. Carolina, cap. of Duplin co. Kenarth, par., XW. Carinartliensliiie. 6429 acres. Kenbane, iK-adland, co. Antrim, 3 ni. from Ballycastle. Kenchensuid*, tu., Jt;nira3 Lat. 15° 36' N., lung. 76° 54' E. Kenda, estate, Bilaspur dist., Central Provs., India. Kendal, Imr. and par,, Westmorland. Lat. 51" iS' N. Kendal, pari, div., Westmorland. Keadall, vil. and tnsbp., New York, Orleans co., 54 ni. E. Lewiston. Kendall Creek, bor., Pennsylvania, McKean co. Kendalville, « ity, Indiana, Noble co., 27 m. NW. Fort Wayne. Kenderea, vil., Hungary, 10 m. from St. Miklos Tdrok. Kendrapora, snb-div., Cuttack dist., Orissa. Area 1424 sq. in. Kendrapara, lidqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 20° 30' N. Kenduskeag River, M liue, trih. of the Penobscot R. Keneh, ciLy, Uj>p''r E^'ypt, on R. Nile. Pop. 15,402. Kenesaw, vil., Nebratika, Adams co., 25 m. E. Kearney Junction. Kengeri, vil., Slysore, Lat. 12" 54' N., long. 77° 2' E. Kenia, mtii., Afiica. Lat. 1° 20' S., long. 37° 35' E. Alt. 18,000 ft. Kenilworth, tu. ami par., Warwickshire. Lat. 52° 20' N., 1" 35' AV. Kenmare, tn. and par., c^. Kerry. Lat, 51° 54' N., long. 9' 35' W. Kenmare Bay. Set Kenmare Elver. Kenmare River, arm of tlie sea, co. Kerry, 28 m. long Kenmore, pir. and vil., Perthsliire, on Loch Tay. Kennavarah Point, SW. extremity of Tyree I., Argyllshire. Kennebec River, Maine, enters Atlantic in Sheep^cott Bay. Keunebunk, \ Jl. and tn^^hp., Maine, York co., on Kennebunk R. Kennebunk Port, vil and tnslip , Maine, York co., on Atlantic. Kennebunk River, Maine, enters Atlantic at Kennebunk Port. Kennedy, vil,, New York, Chautauqua co., 9 m, NE. Jamestown, Kennedy Bj.y, New Zealand, in E. coast of co. Coromandel. Kennedy Lake, Fox Land, Arctic America. Kennedy River, Queensland, falls into Princess Charlotte Bay. KennedyvUle, vil. and tnshp., Maryland, Kent co. Kenner, vil,, Louisiana, Jefferson par., on Mississippi R. Kennet River, Wilts and Berks, trib. of the Thames. Lat. 51° 25' N. Kennett Square, bor., Pennsylvania, Cliester co. Kenninghall, par. and vil., Norfolk, 6 m. SW. Attleborough. Kennin&ton, eccl. dist. and suburb of London. KennjTigton, pari, div., Lambeth bor. Kennington, South, eccl. dist., Lambeth par., Surrey. Kennington Park, eccl. dist., Newingtou par., Surrey. Kennington Road, eccl. dist., Lambeth par., Surrey. Kennoway, par. and vil., Fifesliire, 3^ ni. E. Markinch. Kenogaml Lake, Canada, N. of Lake Superior, 54^ w\. long. Kenoaha, city, Wisconsin, cap. of Kenosha CO., on L. Michigan. Kenry, barouy, N. co. Limerick. 26,222 acres. Kensal Green, eccl, dist., Chelsea, Middlesex. Kenaal Town, eccl. dist., Middlesex, W. London. Kensington, bor. and par., Middlesex, W. London. Pop, 166,321, Kensington, div,, Ossulton hundred, Middlesex, Kenaington, eecl. dist., SW. Lancashire, near Liverpool, Kensington Gore, part of Kensington par., Middlesex. Kent, CO. England- 995,392 acres, Lat, 51" 12' N. Pop. 1,142,281. Kent, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Litchfield co. Kent, vil., Ohio, Portage Co., on the Cuyahoga R, Kentish Knock, sandbank. North Sea, off R, Thames. Kentish Tovsn, dist,, Middlesex, in N. London, Pop. 95,776. Kent Islan-l, .Maryland, in Cliesapt-ake Bay, Queen Anne co. Kent Islands, Australia, in Bass Strait. Kentland, vd., Indiana, cap, of Newton co. Kent Mount, Victoria, co. Wounangatta, SW. Talbotville. Kenton, p;ir. and vil., Devon, in Kenn Valley. Kenton, city, Ohio, cap, of Hardin co., on the Scioto R. Kent River, Westmorland, falls into Moreeanibe Bay. Kent's Cavern, bcine cave, Devon, near Torquay. Kentucky, one of the U.S. Lat. 37°. 40,400 sq. m. Pop. 1,858,635, Kentucky River, Kentucky, trib. of the Olao, in Carroll co. Kentville, tn,. Nova Scotia, cap, of King's eo., on Comwallis R Kenty, tu., Austria, on the Sola, 35 m. W3W. Cracow. Kenwyn, par., SW. Cornwall, partly in Truro. Kenzingen, tn.. Baden, on tlie Eitz, 15 m. NNW. Freiburg. Keobrang, pass, Punjab, Bashahr state. Alt, 18,313 ft. Keokuk, city, Iowa, Lee co., on the Mississippi. Keonthal, hill state, Punjab. 116 sq. m. Keoaauqna, vil., Iowa, Van Buren co,, on Des Moines R. Keota, vil., Iowa, Keokuk co., 15 m, W. Washington. Kepler Mountains, Nf w Zeal ind, in co. Fiord, KeppelBay, Queensland, Port Curtis, estuary of the Fitzroy R. Kcppel Island, Queensland, 25 m. N. Curtis I. Kerah River, Persia, falls into the Shat-el-Arab. Kerang, tn , \icturia, co. Gunbower. Lat. 35° 40' S., long. 143' 55' E. Kerang Mountain, Victoria, in co. Gladst-<3ne. Kerawarra Island, Bismarck Archipt-laL^o, S. of York I. Kerbela, tn., Asia, 38 m. NW. of site of B.iliylon. Pop. 25,000, Kerensk, tn., Russia, gov. and 91 m. WNW. Penza. Pop. 13,350. Keresun, sjtt. , on Black S'^a, 70 m. W. Trcliizund, Kerguelen Land, Indian Ocean. Lat. 50° S., long. 70" E. 1478 sq. m Kerhonkson, vil.. New York, Ulst*;rco., on tlie Hudson Canal. Kerikerl River, New Zeabnd, flows E. into the Bay of Islands. Kerinia, spt., Cypius, on N. coast, 12 m, from Lefkosia. Kerkrade, tn., Netherlands, Liinhnrg, 16 ni. E. Maestricht, Kerkuk, tn., Turkish Kurdistan, N. of Bagdad. Pop. 16,000. Kermadec Islands, Pacilic Ocean. Lat. 36° 16' S., long, 178^ 32' W. Kermau, iirov,, Persia. Area 9652 sq. m. Pop. 600,000. Kerman Ghirdjan, city, cap. of above. Pop. 45,000. Kermanshah, tu., Persia, Irak-Ajemi, on Kerah R. Pop. 32,000. Kemeraville, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, Forsyth co. Kem Lake, California, in Kern co. Hunting resort. Kern River, California, falls into Tulare Lake. Kerns, vil., Switzerland, canton Uuterwalden. Kemuk, tn., Cent. Africa, on S. side of I^ake Chad. Pop. 15,000. Serpen, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 13 m. SW. Cologne. Kerrera, isl., Argyllshire, off Oban. Lat. 56' 20' N. Kerry, co., SW. Munstcr, Ireland. Lat. 52" N. Pop. 178,919. Kerry, par. an: Kecskemet. Kettering, tn. aiil par , Northamptoushlre. Kettle, par. and vil., Fifeshire, on R. Eden, i m. S. Ladybank. Kettlebridge, vil., Fifesline, i ni. S. of Kettle. Kettle Hills, spur of the Clieviots, Northumberland. Kettle Island, Ontario, in Ottawa R., below Rideau R. Kettle River, Minnesota, trib. of the St. Croix R. Kettletoft Bay, on S. C'last of Sanday I., Orkney. Ketton, par, and vil., Rutlandshire, on R. Chater. Kettwig, tn,, Rhenish Prussia, 13 m. NE, Diisseldorf. Keuka Lake, New York, Steuben and Yates cos. Keukuchi, camping ground, Punjab, Bashahr state. Keunjhar, native state, Orissa. Ar. 3096 sq. m. Pop, 216,612. Kevelar, tn., Khenish Prussia, 31 m. NW, Diisseldorf. Kew, par. and vil., Surrey, on K. Thames, opposite Brentford. Hew, sub. of and ^\ ni. E. of Melbourne, Victoria. Kewanee, Vil. and tnshp,, Illinois, Henry co. Kewani River, Oudh, Kheri dist., trib. of the Chauka. Kewaskum, vil. and tnslip., Wisconsin, cap. of Washington co. Kewaunee, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, cap. of Kewaunee co. Kewaunee Bay, Miclugan, inlet of Lake Superior. Key, Lough, co, Roscommon, 3 m, from Boyle. Key Islands, Malay Archipelago, 50 ni. W. Aru Is. Pop. 18,000. Keymer, par. and vil., Sussex, 10 in. NE. Brighton. Kejmeton, tnshp,, S. Australia, co. Eyre, 60 m, N. Adelaide. Keynsham, tu. and par., Somersetshire, on R. Avon. Keyport, tn., New Jersey, Monmouth co., 23 m, SW. New York. Keysburg, vil. and tnstip , Kentucky, Logan co. Keyser, vil., W. Virginia, cap. of Mineral co , on New Creek. Keytesville, vil. and tnshp,, filissouri, cap. of Chariton co. Key West, spt. and isl., Florida, cap. of JInnroe co. Pop, 18,058. Kezdi-Vasarhely, tn., Transylvania, 35 ni. NE. Kronstadt. Khabur River, Turkey, trib. of the Euphrates. 190 m. long. Khaga, iiihdl, Fatehpur dist., NW. Provs.. India. Khaga, tu,, NW. Prova., India. Lat. 25° 46' N , long. 81" 9' E. Khagaul, tn., Bengal. Lat. 25" 35' N., long, 85° 5' E. Khaibar, nitns. and pass between Punjab and Afghanistan. Khaibar, Jewish tn., Ai-abia, 100 m. NXE, Medina. Kbai-Hoa, city, China, near the Tonquiu frontier. Khair, Vxhsil, Aligarli dist., NW. Provs , India. Khair, hdqrs. tn,, Khair(a^5'7, NW, Provs,, India. Khairabad, pirgana^ Sitapur dist,, Oudh. 128 sq, m. Kbairabad, chieftn., Sitapur disc, Oudh. Khairabad River, Bengal, branch of Barisal, falls into B. of Bengal, Khoiragarh, inhsil^ Agra dist., NW. Provs,, India. Khairagirh, native state, Cent. Provs., ImJia. 904 sq, m. P. 131,130, Khairagarb, Vil., NW, Provs,, India. Lat. 27° i' 28" N.. 77° 53' 50" E. Khalragarh, chief tu., Khairagarh state. Lat, 21^ 26' N. Khairigarh, yj'X'^rtiia, Kheri dist,, Oudh. 425 sq. in. KhaLiigarh, vil., Oudh. Lat. 28' 20' N., long. 80° 52' E. Khaiii-Murat, mtns , Rawal Pmdi, Punjab. Khiirpor, native state, Ui'per Sind, B -»mbay. Khairpur, chief tn, of above. Lat. 27° 31' N., long. 68* 48' E. Khalrpur, tn., Punjab, Lat. 29' 20' N., long. 70' 51' E, Khairpur Dharkl, tn.. Shikarpur dist., Bombay. Khairpur Jus o, vil., Bombay. Lat. 27° 31' N., long. 68° 5' E. Khairpur N^itheahah, vil., Bombay. Lat. 25" 5' N., b-ng. 67° 46' 30" E. Khajauli, vil,, Bengal. Lat. 26' 26' 30" N-, long. 85° 56' 51" E, Khajuha, tn.. NW. Provs., India. Lat. 26° 3' N., long, 80" 34' E. Khajnra, tu., H irdoi dist., Oudh, Khajurahu, taksil^ Fat+'hpur dist.. NW. Provs., India. Lat. 25° 36' N. Khalilabad. tn'>sU, Basti dist., NW. Provs., Indi;u Khalkas Country, U. Mongolia. Lat, 47° N., long. 90° E. Khama'B Country, S. Africa, British Protectorate. Kiiambhaiia, tn., Bombay. Lat. 22° 12' N., long. 69" 50' E. Khamgaoa, taluk, Ascola dist , Bt-rar. 441 sq. ni. Khamgaon. tu., Berar. Lat. 20° 42' N., long. 76° 37' E. Khamil, citv, E. Turkestan. Lat. 42° N., long. 93° E. Khamptl Hills, tract, in extreme E. of Assam. Khauapnr, hdqrs. tn., Belgaum dist, Bombay. Lat. 15° 37' N. 140 KHA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER KIL Khanapur, sub-div . Satara dist., Bombay. Khandila, sanatariuin, Poonadist., Bombay. Khindansa, fetty State, Kathiawar, Bombay. Kliandpira, native stat<', Orissa. 244 sq. m. Pop. 66,296. Khandtarn, tn., Chaiii(»aran dist., Ben-al. Lat 26° 40' N. Khandwa, tahsif, Cent. Piovs., India. Khandwa, hdqrs. tn., Nunardist., Cent. Provs., India. Khangarh, tn., Punjab. Lat 29° 55' N. long. 71'' 12' E. Khania-dhana, petty state. C-^nt. India, 84 sq. m. Pop. 13,494. Khanla-dhana, cliieftn. of abitve. L^t. 25° i' 30" N., 78° 11' 30" E. B3ianpur, vil., Bombay. Lat. 28° o' 15" N., long 68° 47' E. Khanpor, tu., Punjab. Lat, 30° 9' N., long. 71" 16' E. Khapa, In., Na^'pur dist., Cent, k'rova., India. Lat. 21° 25' N, Eharaila. tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 25° 32' N., long. 79" 51' E. saiaral, jtetty stat^i, Gujarat, India. Ebarar, tolusit, Anibala dist., Punjab. 366 sq. m, Kliarar, tu., Punj tb. Lat. lo" 44' 45" N., long. 76" 41' 15" E. Kliarda, tu., Bombay, Lat. 18° 38' X., lung. 75° 31" E. Kliaxtan, tah.tii, Gujrat dist., Punjab, 647 sq. m. Eh&rlar, estate, liaipur dist.. Cent. Provs., India. Ehariar, chief ^^l. <•/ above. Lat. 20" 18' N., long. 82° 49' E. Kharkiaada, tn., Kolitak dist., l^injab. Lat. 28° 52' N. Kliarkov, gov., S Ilussia. 21,040 sq.m. Lat. 50° N. P. 2,343,808. Kharkov, city, cap of Kharkov gov., on R. Danube. Pop. 171,416. Kharod, tn. Bilaspur dist., Cent. Provs , India. Kharsal, estate, iSaiubalpurdist., Cent. Provs., India. Kharaawan, petty state, Singbhum dist., Bengal. Pop. 31.127. Khartum, tu., Alriea. Lat. 16° N., long. 32° 30' E. P. 80,000. Kharturi, tn., Bengal. Lat. 26° 40' N., long. 85° 6' E. Khaaaura, tn. Hiirdoi dist., Oudh, India. Khash, til.. Afglianistan. Lit. 31° 36' N., long. 62" 45' E. Khash Rud River, Afghanistan, falls into the Hamun Lake. Khasl and Jaintia HiUs, dist., AJisam. 6517 sq. m. Khatak HUla, Punjab. Alt. 5110 ft. Saltmines. Khatanga Gulf, Bilieria, Arctic Ocean. Khatanga River, Siberia, falls into Khatanga Gulf. Khatao, hub-Uiv., Satara dist., Bombay. 497 sq. m. Khatauli, In., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 29'' 17' N., long. 77" 46' E. Khatmandu, tn., cap. of Nepal. Lat. 27" 42' N., 85° 12' E. P. 60,000. Khod, sui.)-div., Ratnagiri dist., Bombay. 400 sq. m. Ehed, hdqrs. tn. of above. Has rock temples. Khed, sub-div., Poonadist., Bombay. 888 sq. m. » Khed, tn., Bombay. Lat. 18° 51' N., long. 73" 55' 30" E. Khekera, tn., Met-rut dist., NW. Provs,, India, Khelat, ^'i->iup of chiefsliips, India, subject to Baluchistan, Khelat, cli et tn, of above. Lat. 28" 53' N., 66° 28' E, Khelat-i-Ghilzii, fort, Afghanistan, between Kabul and Kandahar. Khem Kam, tn., Lahore dist., Punjab. Lat. 31° 9' N. Kherali, jietty state, Bombay. Area 11 sq. m. Kherala, tn., Gujaiat, Lat. 23° 54' N., long. 72° 40' E. Kheri, dist., Sitapur div., Oudh. 2992 sq, m, Kherl, pargaJta, Kheri dist., Oudh. 193 sq. m. Ktaerl, tn., Oudh, Lat, 27° 24* N., long, 80° 51' E. Kherson, gov., Russia, on Black Sea. 27,522 sq. m. Pop. 2,137,836. KherBon, tn., cap. of above. Lat. 46' 40' N., 32° 30' E. Pop. 67,349. Khetrl, cliief-^liip and tn., Jaipur state, Rajputana. KhUchipur, stale, Central India. 273 sq. m. Pop. 36,125. Ehllok River, Siberia, trib. of the Selcnga. Khinlasa, in.. Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 24* 12' N., long. 78" 24' E. Khln-6an, mtns , between Mongolia and Manchuria. Khlpra, talulCy Thar and, Parkar dist., Bombay. Khlpra, cap. of ah.»ve. Lat. 25' 49' 30" N., long. 69° 25' E. Khlrau-a, petty stAte, Bombay. Area 13 sq m. Khlron, pirgttna and tn., Rai Bareli dist., Uudh, Khlrpal, ^il., Midnapur dist., Bengal, Khiior Hills, Dera Ismail Khan dist., Punjab. Alt. 3500 ft. Khtva, khanate, W. Turkestan. 23,216 sq. m. Pop. 750,000. Khiva, cap. of above. I>at 42° N., long. 60° E. Pop. 20,000. KbodavsDdeghlar, vilayet, Asia Minor. Pop. 600,000. Khol. tn , Persia. Lat. 38" 35' N., long. 45° E, Pop. 30,000. Khojend, In., Russian Turkestan, on the Syr Darya. Pop. 28,000. Kbokan. See Ferghana. Khokan, tn., cap. of Ferghana, on the Syr Darya. Pop. 30,000. KhoUpar, tn., Berar. Lat. 20" 55' N., long. 77" 33' E, Kholm, tn., liiissia, gov. Pskov, on R. Lovat. Kholpetua River, Bengal, branch of the Kabadak, Khong, tn., Siam, on island in Mekong R. Pop. 10,000. Khoiuar, tn., Persia, Irak Ai'''ii'i 83 m. from Ispalian. Pop. 10,000, Khoper River, Russia, gov. Penza, trib. of the Don. Khoraiaan, prov., Persia, Lat. 36° N, 105,236 sq. m, P. 1,000,000. Khorramabad, tn., Persia, Irak Ajemi, 98 in, SW. Hamadan. Khotan, pri)V., Chinese Turkestan. Pop. 260,000. Ehotan, cap. of abnvo. Lat. 37* 8' N., 1 'Tig. 80" 30' K. Khadlan, tn., Punjab. Lat. 30" 59' N., long, 74° 19' E. Kht^jji, estate, Itaipur dist.. Cent. Provs., India. Ehalm,, Afglian Turkestan, tiaverscd by Khulm U. Kholm, tn., cap. of Kliiilm dist , on Khnlni R. Khnlna, dist., Bengal, N. of Sund-irbans. 2077 sq. m. Khnlna, sub-div., Kiiulnadist. 696 sq. m. Khulna, hd')rs. tn., Khulna dist, Lat. 22' 29' N., long. 89' 37' E. Khandoz, dist. and tn., Afghan Turkestan. Ehnng-cha, tn., China, on the Ilai-nan U. Khurdlia, sulj-div., Purl dist., Orissa. 943 sq. m. Khurdha, tn., Orissa. Lat. 20' 11' N., long. 85" 40' E. Khar)a, tahsil, Bulandshahr dist., NW. Provs., India. 460 sq. m. Khar)a, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. aS" 15' N. KhoBhab, tahsil, Shahpur dist., Punjab, 1032 sq. m. Khoshab, tn., Punjab. Lat. 32° 17' N., long. 72° 23' E. Khutahan, tahsil, Jaunpur dist,, NW. Pruvs-, India. Khutahan, vil., NW Provs., India. Lat. 25" 58' N , long. 82° 37' E. Khutgaon, estate, Cli.'inda di.-^t.. Central Provs., India. Khgziatan, prov , Per,-.ia. Lat, 31' 15' N., long, 49° E, 39,000 sq. m. Khyber Pasa. Sc': Khaibar Khyrim, i^etty slate, Kliasi Hills, Assam. Pop. 24,425. Kla Island. Fiji, otf Vauua Lovu. Klakhta, tn., Siberia. Lat. 50° 30' N., long. 106^ E. Klama, tn., W Africa, Bornu Kingdom. Pop. 30,000. Kiama, spt., New South Wales, 70 m. S. Sydney. Klama.ri Island, Karachi harbour, Bombay. Lat. 24' 49' N. Kiandra, tnslip., New S. Wales, co. Wallace, 313 m. SW. Sydney. Kiang-Si, prov., China, Lat. 28" N., long. 115° K. Pop. 24,541, 40G. Klang-Sa, prov., China, Lat. 33" N,, long. 120° E, Pop. 21,259,989. Kiata, tn,, Victoria, 269 m NW. Melbourne. Klbansa, mission stn., Congo state, on Burton Gulf, L. Tanganyika. Kiburi, plice, Rua, Congo Free State, on Lualaba R. Kib worth- Be auchamp, par. and vil., Leicestershire. Kicking Horae Pasa, British Columbia, over the Rocky Mtns. Kldbrooke, par., Kent, included in Greenwich. Kiddermiiiater. b"r. and par., Worcestershire. Kiddermlnater Foreign, tnshp., Worcestershire. Kiddenoinater Old Borough, tnshp., Worcestershire. Kidderpnr, vil., Bengal, on Hugli, S. Calcutta. KldUngton, par. and vil., co, and 5 m. N. Oxford. Kidnapper's Cape, New Z'-aland, co. Hawke's Bay. Kidagrove, tn., StafTonisliire, 151 m. NW, London. Kidsty Pike, peak, Westmorland, 7 m. from Ambleside. 2560 ft. Kidwelly, spt. and par., Carmarthenshire, Kiel, spt , Prussia, Nchleswig-Holstein, on Baltic Sea. Pop. 68,827. Kielce, gov,, Russian Poland. Area 3S96 sq. m. Pop. 688,310. Kielce, city, cap. of above. Lat. 51° N., long, 20° 30' E. Pop. 10,656. Kiev, gov., Russia, on R. Dnieper. 19,600 sq. m. Pop. 3,026,036. Kiev, tn., cap. of Kiev. Lat. 50° 30' N., long. 30° 30' E. P. 165,561. Kiewa River, Victoria, co. Bogong, trib. of tlie Murray R, Klggat-nad, ta'uk, Cnorg, S. India. 410 sq. m. Kihikihl, tnshp., New Zealand, co, Waipa, 106 m. from Auckland. Kiken, tn. , Tonquin, 80 m. E. Ketcho, Kikhida, tn., Hungary, 35 m. from Temesvar. Pop. 19,845. Kilakaral spt., M:idra-S. Lat. 9° 14' N., long. 78° 50' E. Kilambo River, Africa, at SE. end of Lake Tanganyika. Kila Sobha Sing, tn , Punjab. Lat, 32° 14' N., long. 74'' 48' E. Kilauea, volcano, Hawaii, 30 m. SW. Hilo. Kilballyowen, par., co. Clare, on R Shannon. 10,835 acres. Kilbarchan, tn. and par., Renfrewshire, 12 m. W. Glasgow. Kilbarron. par., S. co. Donegal. 23,931 acres. Kilbarrymeaden, par., mid CO. Waterford. 6263 acres. Kilbeacanty, par., CO. Galway, i m. NE. Gort. 12,226 acres. Kilbeagh, par., NE. CO. Mayo, 6 m. E. Swineford. Kilbeggan, tn. and par., S. co, Westmeath, 4 m. SE. Horseleap. Kilbegnet, par. N. CO. Galway, 10,865 acres. Kiibeheny, ])ar., SE. co. Limerick, on R. Funshion. 15,376 acres. Kllbelfad, par., co. Mayo, on R. Moy. 7260 acres, Kllbennan, par., co. Galway, 3 m, NW, Tuani. 7656 acres Kilbimie, tn. and par., N. Ayrshire, 20 m. SW. Glasgow. Kilblzy, par., co. Westmeath, 6 m, NW, MuUingar. 6331 acres, Kilbolane, par., cos. Cork and Limerick. 10 014 acres. Kilbonane, par, co. Kerry, on R. Laune. 8668 acres. Kilboume, vil, and tnshp , co. and 7 m. NE, Derby. Kilboume City, vil., Wisconsin, Columbia co., on Wisconsin R, Kilbrandon and Kilchattan, par,, Lorne dist., Argyllshire, Kllbrannan Sound, Firtli of Clyde, oft" Kintyre. Kilbride, par., Arran Island, Buteshire. 38,985 acres Kilbride, par., co. Antrim, 2 m, NW. Ballyclare, Kilbride, par., cos, Cavan and Meath. 8839 acres. Kilbride, par., King's co., on the Grand Canal. 10,152 acres. Kilbride, par.. King's co., on R, Brosna. 7617 acres. Kilbride, par., CO. and 3 m. N. Uoscommon. 19,287 acres. Kilbride, par., co. Wicklow, on R. Ovoca. 6694 acres. Kilbride, Eaat, tn. and par., Lanarkshire, 12 m. S. Glasgow. Kilbride, Weat, tn. and, Ayrsliiro, 4i m. NW, Ardrossan KUbrln, par., N. co. Cork, on U. Allua, 3 ni. NE, Kanturk. Kilbrogan, jar., co. Cork, on R, Band'm. 7577 acres, Kllbroney, par., co, Down, on Carlingford Lough, 13,214 acres. Kilbum, (list., Middlesex, 3 m, NW. Euston, Kllcalmonell and KUberry, par,, Argyllshire, on Loch Fyno, Kilcar, and \il., co. Donegal, 8 m, W, Killybegs. Kilcaakan, par., cos. Cork and Kerry, on Bantry Bay, Kilcatherine, par,, co* Cork, in Kenmare River. Kllcavan, par., co. Wexford, 2 m. N. Gorey, Kilchattan Bay, vil, and bay, Bute Island, Firth of Clyde. Kllchoman, par,, Islay Island, Argyllshire. 37,274 acres. Kilchreest, par., S. co. Ciaro, on R. Fergus. 7060 acres. Kilcleagh, par,, SW. co. Mayo. 5243 acres. Kilclooney, par., mid t-o. Armagh, 12,833 acres. Klkloonoy, p,ir., E. co. Galway, on R. Suck. 7289 acres. Kilcock, tn. and par., co. Kildare, on R. Rye. 4058 acres, Kllcoe, par., co, Cork, on Roaring Water Hay. 5272 acres. Klkolagh, par,, co, Roscommon, 6 ni, S. Boyle. Kilcolman, par,, co. Kerry, on R. Maine, 7751 acres. Kilcolman, par., King's Co., on Little Brosna R. 8202 acres Kilcolman, par., 3. co. M:iyo, 23,739 acres. Kilcolman, par., COS., Mayo, Rosi-omnion, and SHgo. KUcoIumb, par., co. Kilkenny, on R. Barrow. Kilcomonty, par., W. co. Tipperary, 2 ni, N. Newport. Kilcommock, ]tar., mid co, Lonyford, on Royal Canal, Kilcommon, par,, NW. 00. Mayo. 200,059 acres, KilconduCf, par., NE, co. Mayo, on R. Aloy, 16,522 acroa, Kllconickny, par., CO. Galway, 3 m. NW. Longhrea, Kllconin, p:ir., CO. Galway, 6 m. NW. Tuani. 9677 acres Kllconly, par., CO, Kerry, 7 m. W. Ballylongford. Kilconnell, barony, mid co. Galway. 64,819 acres. HI KIL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER KIL Eileonqnhax, par. and vil., Fifeshire, 4 m. E. Largo. Kllconway, barony, co. Aatnin. 68,649 acres. Kilcoo, \'ar , S. CO. Down. 18,206 acres. Kllcoole, par and vil., co. "WiL-klow. 4476 acres. Kilcooly, par , Cos. Kilkenny and Tipperary. 11,507 acres. Kilcorkey, par., co. Rosconnnon, 6 ni. from Castlereagh. Kilcoorsey, barony, N. King's co. 19,287 acres. Kllcreggan, watering-place, Dumbartonshire, on Firth of Clyde. Kilcroan, par., CO. Galway, on K. Suck. 7701 acres. Kilcrohane, par., co. Cork, near Bantry Bay. Kllcrohane, par , co. Kerry, on Kenuiare R. Kilcronaghan, par., co. Londonderry, on R. Moyola. Kllcnllen, in. and par., co. Kildare, on R. Liifey. Kilculiiheen, par., in CO. and city of Waterford. Kilcommin. par , co. Galway, on Lough Corrib. Kilcummin, par., co. Mayo, on Killala Bay. Kllcamreragh, par,, King's co. and co. Westraeath. Kildacommoge, par., co. Alayo, 5 ni. from Castlebar. Kildalkey, par,, co. Mtath, 3J m. S. Athboy. 10,415 acres. KildalloD, par., W. co. Cavan. 11,980 acres. KUdaJton, par., Islay Island, Argyllshire. 47,152 acres. Klldare, CO., Leinsier prov., Ireland. 418,496 sq. m. Pop. 69. 9S? Kildare, chief tn. and par., co. Kddare. Lat. 53° 10' N., long. ©''ss'W. Kildare, vil.. Quebec, co. and 4 m. NW, Joliette. Kildarton, par., co. and 3 m. E. Armagh. Kildimo, p;ir. and vil., N. co. Limerick, 4 m. N. Adare. Kildonan, par., Sutherland shire, on R. Helmsdale. Kildonan, set., Manitoba, on Red R. KildresB, par., NE. co. Tyrone, 3 m. N. Pomeroy. KUdrought, par., co, Kildare, on R. Liftey, Kildrumsherdan, par , N. co. Cavan, 2 m. W. Cootehill. Kildwick, par., tnshp., and vil., W. Riding, Yorks. Kllfarboy, par., W. CO, Clare, on coast. KUfaaghnabeg, par., S. CO. Cork, 3 m. from Rosscarbery. Kilfearagh, par., co. Clare, 7 m. from Kilrush. Kilfeighny, par., co. Kerry, 5 m. SW. Listowel. Kilfenora, par. and vil., ro. Clare, 15 m. NW. Ennis. Kilfergua. par., NW. co. Limerick. 14,207 acres. Kilflan, par., N. co. Mayo, 6 m. W. Killala. 28,735 acres. Kilflddane, par,, CO. Clare, on R, Shannon. 6098 acres. Kilfinaghta, par., S. co. Clare. 8109 acres. Kilflnan, par, and vil., Argyllshire, Cowall, on Loch Fyne. Kilfinnane, tn. and par., co. Limerick, 5 ni, SE. Kilmallock. Kilflnichen and Kilvickeon, insular par., Mull, Argyllshire. Kilflntinan, par., en. Clare, on R. Shannon. Kilflyn, par., co. Limerick, 7 ni. from Kilmallock. Kilfree, par , CO. Sligo, 7 m. S. Ballymote. 14,018 acres. Kllgariff, par., S. CO. Cork, on sea coast. 4326 acres. Kilgarrylander, par., CO. Kerry, 4 m. S. Tralee. 14,630 acres. Kllgarvan, jiar. and vil , CO. Kerry, oh R. Roughty. 43,631 acres. Kilgeever, par., co. Mayo, on Clew Bay. 58,098 acres. Kilgefin, par., co, and 5 m. NE. Roscommon. 6060 acres Kilgerran, par. and viL, Pembrokeshire, on R. Teifi. Kilglass, par., co. Longford, 4 m. from Edgeworthstown. Kilglass, par., co. Roscommon. 14,218 acres. Kilglaaa, par., AV. co, Sligo, on Killala Bay. 12,884 acres. KUgobban, par., co. Kerry, 6 m. SW. Tralee. 10,415 acres. Kilgobbin. par., co. and 6 m. S. Dublin. 3249 acres. Kilgobnet, par., co. Waterford, 3 in. from Dungarvan. Kilharo, ]Kir. and vil., E. Riding, Yorks, 5J m. NE. Drifl&eld . Kilhope Law, nitn., Durham, at source of R, Wear. Kilia, N. arm of the Danube delta. Kilia, tn., Russia, Bessarabia, on Kilia R. KUima-Njaro, nitn , E, Africa. 3" 40' S., 37" E. Alt. 18,718 ft Kiling River, Assam, Irib. of the Kapili, Kiliyar Kiver, Madras, tiaversJngTravancore. KUkea and Moone, barony, S. co. Kildare. 46,281 acres Kilkee, wat<-ring-pl;ice, co. Clare, on Moore Bay. Kilkeedy, par., co. Clare, 5 m. NE. Corrofin. Kilkeedy par,, CO. Limerick. 8727 acres. Kilkeel, spt. and par., co. Down, Kilkeevin, par., W. co. Roscommon. 26,903 acres, Kilkenny, co., Lelnster pruv., Ireland. 509,732 acres. Pop. 87,154, Kilkenny, bnr., cap. of CO- Kilkenny, on R. Nore. Kilkenny, Weat, barony, co. Westmeath. 31,173 acres. Kilkenny, West, par., co. Westmeath, on Lough Ree. Kllkerranmore, par., co. Cork, 2 m. SW. Clonakilty. 6127 acres. Kilkerrin, i)ar., co, Galway, 8 m. N. Mount Bellew Bridge. KilkieranBxy, en, Galway, between Ballynahinch and MoycuUen. Kilkivan, tn., Qui-eusland, co. Lennox, 135 m. from Brisbane. Kill, par., co. Dublin, on Dublin Bay. 2703 acres. Killabban, par., Queen's co., on R. Barrow. 25,995 acres. KiUaconenagh, par., CO. Cork, on Bantry Bay. 19,294 acres. Killaconnigan, par., co, Meath, 7 m. W. Trim. 11,561 acres. Killadeny, i>ar,, King's CO., on Grand Canal. 5554 acres. Killadysert, par and vil,, co. Clare, on R. Shannon. 12,859 acres. Killagan,,, co. Antrim, 9 m. SE. Ballyn oney. 3837 acres. Killag hole bane, par,, co. Limerick, 8 m. SE. Newcastle. Killaghtee, par., en. Donegal, on coast. 13,367 acres. Killaha. jar., co, Kerry, on R, Flesk. 34,843 acres. Killahan, par,, co. Kerry, 3 m, SW. Lixnaw. 4544 acres Killala, par. and spt., co. Mayo, on Killala Bay. Killala Bay, between cos. Mayo and Sligo. Killalaghtan, par., co. Galway, 8 m. SW. Ballinasloe. Killaloe, tn. and par., co. Clare, on R. Sliannon, 17 m. NE. LiiniTick. Killamarsh, par, and vil., Derbyshire, 8^ m. NE, Chesterfield. Killann, ptr , co, Wexford, 7 ni, W. Enniscorthy. 11,424 acres^ Killannin,, co. and 10 ni. NW. Galway. 67,155 acres. Killanny, par., cos. Louth and Monaghan, on R. Glyde. 7120 acres. Killanammery, par., co. Leilrim, 2 m. SE, Druinashaire. Klllaraght, par., S. co. Sligo, 5 ni. W. Boyle. 6902 acres. Klllard, par., co. Clare, 4 m. from Kilkee. 17,022 acres. Killard Point, co. Down, at entrance to Lough Strangford. Killare, par., co, Westmeath. 11,288 acres. Killarga, par., co. Leitrim, on Lough Belhavel. 14,893 acres. Killamey, tn., par., and tushp., co. Kerry, 185 ni, SW. Dublin. Killarney, tnslip., Queensland, 195 m. NE. Brisbane. Killarney, Lakes of, CO, Kerry, near Killarney. Killarrow, par., Islay Island, Argyllshire. Killarrow and Kilmeny, par., Islay Island, Argyllshire. KiUary Harbour, sea inlet, between cos. Galway and Mayo. Killashandra, tn. and par., CO. Cavan, on R. Croghan. Killashee, par. and vil., co. Longford, on Royal Canal. Killasnet, par.,co. Leitrim. 26,9i8acres. Killaspugbrone, par., co. and 2 m. W. Sligo, on Sligo Bay. Killasaer, par,, CO. 5Iayo, 5 m. from Foxford. Killavinoge, par., co. Tipperary, 4 m. N, Templeraore. Killea, ['ar,, co. Waterford, on Waterford Harbour, Killead, par., co. and 4 m. S, Antrim, on Lough Neagh. Killeagh, par, and vil., co. Cork, 6 m, W. Youghal, Killeagh, par., co Meath, on Lough Sheelin. Killean and Kllohenzie, par., Kintyre, Argyllshire. Killeedy, par., co. Limerick, 7 m. S, Newcastle. 25,486 acres. KiUeely, j'ar. , COS. Clare and Limerick, on R. Shannon. Killeenadeema, par,, co. Galway, 2 m. SW. Loughrea. Killeentiema, par., co. Kerry, on R. Fiesk. 10,231 acres. Killeeshill, par., co. Tyrone, 7 m. SW. Dungannon. Killeevan, par. and vil,, co. Monaghan, on R. Finn. Killehenny, par , co. Kerry, on R. Cashen, 8 m. NW. Listowel, Killelagh, par., co. Londonderry, 2 in. from Maghera. Killemlagh, par., co. Kerry, 5 m. from Cahersiveen. Killenagh, par. and vil., co. Wexford, 7 m. S. Gorey. Killenaule, tn. and par., co. Tipperary, 11 m. SE. Thurles. Killererin, par., CO. Galway, 4 m, from Tuam. 14,533 acres. Kllleroran, par., co. Galway, 7 m. from Ahasragh. Killerry, par., co, Sligo, 6 m. NE, Collooney. KiUerton, Cape, New Gumea, on E, coast, Killesher, par., co. Fermanagh, 6 m. SW. Enniskillen. Killealiin, par , Queen's co., on R. Barrow, Killevy, par., co. Armagh, 5 m. SW Newry KiUian, barony, co. Galway. 52,388 acres, Killian, par., CO. Galway, 5 m. from Mount Bellew Bridge. Killiecrankie, Pass of, Perthshire, ij m. SE Garry Bridge. Killilagh, par,, co. Clare, on South Sound. 12,357 acres. Killimer, par , co. Clare, 3 m. from Kilrush. 6302 acres. Killimorbologne, par,, E. co. Galway. 9220 acres. Killimordaly, par., CO, Galway, 7 m, E. Athenry. KlUin, itar, and vil., Perthshire, near head of Loch Tay. Killln, Loch, Inverness-shire, Boleskine and Abertarff par. Killinaboy, par., N. co. Clare. 17,967 acres. KUlinagh, par., co. Cavan, on Lough JIatnean. Killinane, jjar., co. Kerry, on Diugle Bay. Killincby, par. and vil,, eo. Down, on Lough Strangford. Killiness Point, Wigtownshire, 3 ni. N, Mull of Galloway. Killiney, j>ar., co. Dublin, on Killiuey Bay. Killiney, par., CO. Kerry, on Tralee Bay, Killiney and Ballybrack, tnshp,, SE. co. Dublin. KiUingly, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Wyndham co. Killington Peak, Vermont, Green Mtns. Alt. 4221 ft. KilUngworth. eccl. dist. and vil., Northumberland. Killinkere, par,, co. Civan, 5 m. N. Virgmia. Kiiliakey, par., co, and 4 ni. NW. Wick low, on R, Vartrey. Killoe, par., co. and 6 m, N. Longford, on R. Crumlin. Killofln, par , co. Clare, on R. Shannon, 6 ni. SW. Killadysert. Killokennedy, par , co. Clare, 2 m, E. Broadford. Killoran, par., mid CO. Sligo. 13,999 acres. Killorglin, tn, and par., co. Kerry, on R, Laune. Kiiloscobe, par,, co, Galway, 4 ni. W. Castleblakeney. Killoscnlly, par., co, Tipperary, 8 in. SW. Neagh. Killoaolan. par., mid co. Galway. 11,482 acres. Kiilongh, spt., CO. Down, on Killongh Bay, 6 m. SE. Downpatriclc Killonghy, par , King's CO., 3 m. Nfc], Frankford, iS. 132 acres. Killowen, par., co, Londonderry, on R, Bann. 1806 acres, Killucan. par. and vil., co. Westmeath, on Royal Canal, Killokin, par., N. CO. Roscommon. 4752 acres. KiUommod, par., co. Roscommon, on R. Shannon. Killoran, p ir , co. Clare, 2 m. NW. Broadford. Killorsa, par,, CO. Galway, on Lough Corrib. 6370 acres. Killury, par., Co. Kerry, on R. Shannon. Kiliybebill, par., Glamorgan, on R. Tawe, 5 m. N. Neath. Killybegs, tn., co and 17 m. W. Donegal. Safe harbour. Kiilybegfl, Lower, par., SW. co. Donegal. 15,394 acres. Killybega, Upper, par., SW CO. Donegal. 15,586 acres. Klllygarvan, par., mid co. Donegal. 9134 acres. Killyleagh, si>t. and par , co. Down, on Lough Strangford. Killyman, par., COS. T>T0ne and Armagh. 10,559 acres. Killymard, par., S. CO. Donegal, on R. Esk. 27,758 acres. Kilmacabea, par,, co. Cork, on Glendore Harbour. Kilmicallan, par., co. Sliijo, near Lough Allen. Kilmacanoge, par,, co. Wk-klow, 3 m, SW, Bray. Kilmacdonogh, par., co. Cork, 5 m. SW. Youghal. Kilmacduagh, par., S. co, Galway. 8804 acres. Kilmacduane, par., co. Clare, 5 m. N. Kilrush. Kilmaclaaser, par,, W. CO. Mayo, 3 ni. from Westport. Kilmacow, par. and vil., co. Kilkenny, on R. Blackwater. Kilmacowen, par , co. and 2 ni. SW. Sligo. 3543 acres. Kilmacrehy, par,, co, Clare, NW. of Ennistimon. Kilmacrenan, barony, N. co , Donegal Kilmacrenan, par. and vil., CO. Donegal. 35,580 acres. Kilmacahalgan, par., S. co. Sligo, 5 m. SE. Easky. Kilmactiege, par , co. Sligo, on R. Moy. 32,362 acres. Kllmactranny, par., SE CO, SUgo, 3 m. NE. BalUnafad. Kilmacnmaey, par., CO. Roscommon, 3 m. NW Elphin. Kllmadock, par., Perthshire, on R. Teith. 24,521 acres. Kilmaganny, par. and viL, co. and 13 m. 8. Kilkenny. 142 KIL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER KIN Kilmaine, barouy, S. Co. Mayo. Kilmainemore, par., S. CO. Mayo. 13,792 acres. Trnm^inham , New, tnshp., CO. and \%. uf Dublin. Kilmalcolm, par. and vil., Renfrewshire, 16 m. W. Glasgow. KUmalie, par., Lochaber, Argyll and Inverness-shires. KUmalkedar, par., co. Kerry, 3 in. NW. Dingle. KUmailock, tn., CO. and 17 ni. S. Limerick. Kllmallock, barony, y. co. Limerick. 4074 acres. Kllmaloda, i>ar., CO. Cork, 6 m. SW. Banscommon, on Lough Ree. Ktlmeedy, par. and vil., co. Limerick, 7 m. SE. Newcastle. Kilmeen, par., co. Cork, 4 ra. NW. Clonakilty. Kilmeen, par., co. Cork, on R. Blackwatcr. KUmeona, par.^ co. Mayo, on Clew Bay. 10,762 acres. Kilmegan, par., co. Down, oa Dundrum Bay. 13,986 acres. Kilmersdon, par. and vil., Somersetshire, 6 m. NW. Frome- Kilmlchael, ]'ar., co. Cork, on R. Lee. 20,867 acres. Kilmlchael Glasaary, pir. and vil., Argyllshire, 4 m. N. Lochgilphead. Kilmlchael Head. co. Wtxford, S. of Arklow. KllmihU, p;ir., co. Clare, 8 m. NE. Kilrush. 18,772 acres. Kllmocomoge, par., SW. Cork ; partly insular. 64,565 acres. KUmoe, I'ar,, CO. Cork, near Dunmanus Buy. 13,964 acres. Kllmoleran, par., N. CO. Waterford. 1937 acres. KUmonivalg, par., SW. Inverness-shire, near Spean Bridge. Kilmood, par., co. Down, 2 m. S. Comber. 4614 acres. Kilmorack, p:ir., Inverness-shire, z\ m. SW. Beauly. Kllmore, par., E. CO. Armagh. 17,495 acres. Kllmore, par., CO. and 4 m. SW. Cavan. Seat of a diocese. KUmore, par., mid co. Down. 16,853 acres. Kllmore, par., co. Mayo, near Belmullet. 29,492 acres. Kllmore, p»r., co. and 3 m. SW. Monaghan. 6636 acres. KUmore, par., co. Roscommon, on R. Shannon. 8553 acres. Kllmore, par., N. co. Tipperary. 6 ni. S. Neua<^h. 13,535 acres. Kllmore, tn., Victoria, co. Dalhonsie, 42^ m. N. Melbourne. KUmore and KUbride, par., Argyllshire, in Lome. KUmoremoy, par., cos. Mayo and SUgo, on R. Moy. KUmorgan, par., co. Sligo, 2 m. S. Ballymote. KUmory, par., Arran Island, Buteshire, 10 m. SW. Lamlash. KUmovee, par., co. Mayo, 7 m. SW. Ballaghadereeu. Kllmoylan, par., co. Gahvay, 6 m. S. Tuam. KlUnoylan, par., co. Limerick, on R. Sliannon. KUmoyley, par., co. Kerry, on Ballyheige Bay. KUmulr, par., Skye Island, Inveriiess-shire, 5 m. N. Uig. KUmair-Eister, par., Ross and Cromarty, on Nigg Bay. KUmun, watering-place, Argyll.shire, on Holy Loch. KUmurry, par., CO. Clare, ou R. Shannon. 10,457 acres. KUmurry, par., CO. Clare, 5 m. from Milltown Malby. Kllmmry, par., co. Cork, 5 m. SE. Macroora. KUmurry, jmr., co. Tipperary, 3 m. NW. Carrick-on-Suir. Kllnahue, par., co. Wexford, 3 m. NW. Gorey.' KUnaminagh, pir., CO. Cork, on Bautry Bay. KUnaminagh, jur., co. Roscommon, 3 ui. from Frenchpark. KUnamaaagh, Lower, barony, W. co. Tipperary. 42,041 acres. KUnamanagh, Upper, harony, W. co. Tipiii-rury. 59,990 acres. KUnimartery, par., co. Cork, 3 m. SW. Macroom. Kilnanare, ]'ar., co. Kerry, 2 m. W. Farranfore. KUnarath, par., CO. Tipperary, 3 m. from Newport. KUnaughtUi, par., CO. Kerry, on R. Shannon. 9164 acres. KUnhurat, eccl. dist. and vil., W. Riding, Yorkshire. KUnlmlan and Kllmore, par.. Mull Island, Argyllshire. Kllnoe, par., CO. Clam, 3 in. SW. Scarritf. 10,512 acres. KUpatrick HUli, Diniibart*in and Stirlingshires. Alt. 1313 ft. KUpatrIck New nr East, par., Dumbarton and Stirlingshirus. KUpitrick, Old or West, par. and vil., Dumbartonshire, oa R. Clyde. Kilpipe, par., cis. Wt-xfi.rd and Wickluw. i5,63oacrea. KUpoole, i»ar,, E. eo. Wicklovv, on the coast. KUpurl, tah'iil, Tarai dist., NW. Provs., India. KUquane, par.,co. Kerry, 6 m. from Dingle. 9708 acres. Kilraghtfl, par., CO. Antrim, 5 m. SE. Ballymoney. KUrea. tn. aiul par., co. Londonderry, on R. Bann. Kllrenny, burgh and par., Fifeshiro, on Firth of Forth. Kllronan, vil., co. Galway, on Inishmore Island. Kllronan, jtar,, co. Roscommon, on Lough Allen. Kllronan, par., co. Watt-rford, on R. Suir. 16,594 acres. KUroisanty. par., co. Waterford, 7 m. W. Kilmacthomas KUroah, spt., co. Clare, on R. Shannon, 27 m. SW. Eunis. Kihruah, i>ar.. co. Waterford, near Dungarvan. Kilroah, par., N. co. Wexford, on R. Slaney. 11,385 acres. KlUelly, par., E. CO. Clare. 11,003 ficres. Kllahalvy, par., CO. Sligo. 5 m. S. Ballymote. KllBhannlg. par., co. Cork, on R. Blackwater. Kllahenane, par., co. Kerry, 2 in. SE. Listar., S. CO Galway. 5725 acres. KUtearn, ]i;tr, Ross and Cromartv, on Cromarty Firth, Kllteely, jiar. and vil, co. and 5 ni. SW. Limerick. Kllteevin, par., co. and 3 m. from Roscommon. 7451 acres. Kllteevoge, par., co. Donegal, on R. Finn. 41,127 acres. KUtfigan, par. and vil., cos. Wicklow and Carlow. KUtenanlea, par., SE. co. Clare, on R. Shannon. KUtonnel, par., co. Carlow, 3 m. NE. Borris. KUthomae, par., co. Galway, 4 m. NE. Gort. KUtoghert, par., CO. Leitrim, on R. Sliannon and Lough Allen. KUtomy, par., co. Kerry, 8 ra. SW. Listowel. KUtoom, par., CO. Roscommon, ou Lough Ree. KUtru?tan, par., co. Roscommon. 6207 acres. KUtnbbrld, par., co. Leitrim, 2 in. SE. Drumshamho. KUtuUagh, par., Co, Galway, 6 ra. SB. Atlienry. KUtuUagh, par., co. Roscommon, 5 m. SW. Castlereagh. Kilturra, par, cos. Mayo and Sli^'o, 5 m. SE. Tobercurry. KUtyclogher, vil., co. Leitrim, 7 m. NE. Manor Hamilton. KUvamet, Jtar., co. Sligo, on R. Oweniriore. KUveUane, par., co. Tipperary, on R. Clare. KUvemnon, par., co. Tipperary, on R, Anner. KUvey, eccl. dist., Glamorganshire, 4 m. W. Neath. KUvine, ]iar. aud vil., co. Mayo, on R. Dalgan, 8 m. SE. Clare. KUwa orQuUoa, harbour, German E. Africa. Kilwanghter, par., co. Antrim, 2 m. W. Larue. Kilwinning, tn. and par., Ayrshire, 25^ m. SW. Glasgow. KUworth, tn. and par., co. Cork, on R. Funshion, 3 m. N. Fermoy. Kimberley, tn. and eccl. dist, co. and 5 m. N. Nottingham. Kimberley, tn., S. Africa, cap. Griqualand W. Lat. 29° S. Kimberley, gold-field, W. Australia, 350 m. from Derby. Pop. 30,000. Kimberworth, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, in Rotherham. Kimbolton, tn. and par., Huntingdonshire, on R. Kym. Kimiria River, Cuttack dist., Orissa, India. Klmlia,, Punjab. Lat. 31" 14' N., long. 28' E. Alt. 17,000 ft. Kimmeridge, par. and vil., Dorset, on Kimmeridge Bay. Kimmswlck, vil,, Missouri, Jefferson co., on Mississippi R. Kimpolung, tn., Roumania, 80 m. NW. Bucharest. Kinale, Lough, cos. Cavan, Longford, and Westmeath. Kinalmeaky, barony, S. co. Cork. 36,381 acres. Klnawley, par., cos. Fermanagh and Cavan. Kinburn, fortress, Russia, Taurida, at mouth of the Dnieper. Klncaid, Mount. Victoria, co. Normauby, 4 m. from coast. Kincardine, par., S. Perthshire, between the Forth and Teith. Kincardine, par., Ross and Cromarty, 13J m. NW. Tain, Kincardine, vil., Ontario, co. Bruce, on Lake Huron. Kincardine O'NeU. par. and vil., Aberdeenshire, on R. Dee. Kincardine -on -Forth, spt., in detached portion of Perthshire. Kincardineshire, co. Scotland, S. of Aberdeenshire. Kincraig Point, on Largo Bay, Fifeshire. Kindaroon, Mount, New South Wales, Hunter co., Hunter Range. Kindat, vil., Upper Burma. Lat. 23" 45' N., long. 94" 29' E. Kinder, Loch, E. Kirkcudbrightshire, 8 m. S. Dumfries. Klnderhook, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Pike co. Kinderhook, vil. and tnshp., New York, Columbia co. Kinderhook Creek, New York, trib. of the Hunter R. Kinder Scout (The Peak), Derbyshire, Peak dist. Alt. 2080 ft. Klnelarty, barony, mid co. Down. 40,325 acres. Kinellan, Loch, Ross and Cromarty, i m. SW. Strathpeffer. Kineshma, tn., Russia, gov. and 55 m. E3E. Kostroma. Kineton, tn., par., and tnshp., Warwickshire, 11 ni. SE. Stratford. Kins, Mt., Qu'-ensland, on border of Leichhardt dist. Alt. 2783 ft. King Charles Soath Land, largest isl. of Tierra del Fuego. Kingcombe Inlet, British Columbia, off Queen Charlotte Sound. King Cross, eccl. dist., Yorkshire, NE. of Halifax. King Edward, par., NW. Aberdeenshire. 18,570 acres. King George IV, Pond, lake, Newfoundland. Area 100 sq. m. King George Sound. W. Australia. Lat. 26° 6' S.. long. 118° E. King Harry's Reach, channel in R. Fal, Cornwall. Kinghom, burgh, Fifeshire, on Firth of Forth. King Island, British Columbia, in mouth of Dean ChanueL Klng-Ki-Tao, Corea. See Seoul. King Lake, Victoria, co. Dargo, communicates with sea. KinglasBle, par. and vil., Fifeshire, oti Lochty Burn. Kingower, tnshp., Victoria, co. Gladstone. 138 m. NXW. Melbourne. King Kiver, Queensland, dist. Cook, trib. of Kennedy R. King River, Tiismania, falls into Macquarie Harbour. King River, Victoria, co. Delatite, trib. of the Ovens R. King Road, roadstead, Bristol Channel, off R. Avon. King's Bluff, mtn. , S. Australia, on Olary Creek. Kingaborough, mining centre, Queensland, 66i m. W. Cairns. Kingsborough, vil., New York, Fulton co., i m. from Gloversville. Kingsbridge, spt, Devonshire, on Salcouibe Haven. Kingsbury, jiar. and vil, Warwickshire, on R. Tamo. Kingsbury Eplscopi, par. and vil., Somerset, on R. Parrett. Kingaclere, tn. and par., Hants, 9 m. NW. Basiutrstoke. King's Cllffe, par. and vil., Northampton, 10 m. W. Peterborough. Klngscote, tnshp., S. Australia, Kangaroo I. KIngscote Point, S. Australia, Kangaroo I., on E. coast. King's County, co. Ireland. Lat. 53° 10' N., 7° 30' W. Pop. 68,408. Kingscourt, tii., Cavau, 2o m. from Navan. King's Cove, spt., Newfoundland, Bonavista dist. Klngscross Point, Arran I., Kiii.,''sco , Ireland. Kingadown, eccl. (list., Gloucestershiie, in liiistol. Kinggey, vil., Quebec, co, Drummond, on St. Francis R. KIngaey FaUa, vil., Quebec, Co. Drumtnond, on Nicolet R. Kings Heath, eccl. dist. and vil., Worcestershire, near Birmingham. Kln^akerawell, par. and vil,. Devon, 5 m. froui Torquay. KIngaland, par, and vil., Herefordshire, 5 m. NW. Leominster. Kings Langley, par. and vil., Herts., 21 m. NE. London. King's Lynn, spt., Norfolk, on R. Ouse. King's Mountain, liilN, N. and S. Carolina. Alt. 1650 ft. King's Mountain, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, Cleveland co. King's Norton, tn. and par., NE. Worce>itnrshire. King's Quay. iuU-t, Isle uf Wight, 4 m. NW. Ryde. King's River, Arkansas and Missouri, trib. of the Wliite R. King's River. California, from Sierra Nevada to Tulare Lako. King's River, Nevada, disappears in Humboldt co. Kings Seat, hill, Clackmannanshire, Ochils. Alt. 2111 ft. King's, hill, IVrihsliire. peak of the Sidlaws. Alt. 1235 ft. Kln^s Somborne, par, and vil., Hants, 3 m. S. Stockhrirlgc. Kings Sutton, par. and vil., Northamptoushire, near Banbury. H3 KIN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER KIU Klngstinley, par. and vil., Gloucestershire, ^i m. SW. Stroud. Elngsteignston, par., Devonshire, on R. Teign. Klngsthorpe, par. and vil., Northau]ptonsliire'. iSoo acres. Kingston, spt., Elginshire, on R. Spey, | in. N. Garmouth. Kingston, dist. of Glasg.iw, on H. Clyde. KingBton, pari, div., Surrey. Kingston, mining centre, Queensland. Lat. i6' i8' S., long. 114' i8' E Kingston, spt., Tasniauia, CO. Buckingham, 10 m. S. Hobart Kingston, tn., Victoria, co. Talliot, 94 m. NW. Melbourne. Kingston, vil., Nova Scotia, King's co., 95 ni. from Halifax. Kingston, vil.. New Brunswick, co. Kent, 36 ni. from Shediac Kingston, vil.. New Brunswick, King's Co., jg m. W. St. John. Kingston, city, Ontario, on Lake Ontario. Pop. 25,000. Kingston, spt., cap. of Jamaica. Lat. 18" N., long. 76' 50' W P 38 600 Kingston, In., St. Vincent, British West Indies. Kingston, vil. and tnshp., Georgia, U.S., Barton co. Kingston, vil. and tushji., Illinois, Do Kalb co. Kingston, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Plymouth co. Kingston, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, cap. of Caldwell CO Kingston, vil. and tn.slip.. New Hampshire, Rockingham co Kingston, city, New York, cap. of Ulster co, , on Hudson R. p 21,131 Kingston, vil., Ohio, Ross Co., 10 m. NE. Chillicothe. Kingston, borough, Penn.sylvania, Luzerne co. Kingston Hill, cccl. dist., Kingston-upon-Tliames par., q v. Kingston-npon-Hull, bur. and par., E. Hiding, Yorks. Pop. 199 991. Kingston-apon-Thames, bor. and par , Surrey. ' Kingstown, spt., co. Dublin. Lat. 53" 16' N.j long. 6° 8' W. Kingstree, vil., S. C.rolina, cap. of Williamsburg co. Kingsville, put, Ontario, CO. Essex, on Lake Erie. Kingsviile, vil. aii.l tuslip., Missouri, Johnson co. KingsviUe, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Ashtabula co. Kinga, par., Herts, 4 m. SW. Hitcliin. 4392 acres Kingswinford, par. and vil., Staffordshire, near Stourbridf e Kingawinford. pari, div., Stalfordsliire. ° Kingswood, ecol. dist. and vil., Gloucestershire, near Bristol King-TchouFon, city, China, prov. Hu-Pe, on the Yang-tse-kiang King Te Going, city, China, prov. Kiang-Si. Pop. 600,000. Kington, tn. and par., Herefordshire, on R. Arrow. Kingussie, par. and vil., Inveruess-shire, jij m. N. Perth. Kingnssie and Insh, par., Iiiverness-shire, towar is E. King wuiiam Mountains, Tasmania, in co. Franklin. King Wdliam's Town, tn.. Cape Colony, 28 m. from E. London Kingwood, Ml. and tiislip., W. Virginia, cap. of Preston co. Kimbala, mtn. and lake, N. Borneo. Kinlnmoath, jiar., Aberdeen and Banffshires. Kinloclirannoch, par. and vil., Perthshire, on Loch Rannoch Kinloss. i,ar. and vil., Elginshire, on Findhorn Bay. Kinmundy, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Marion CO. KinnairJs Head, Aberdeenshire. Lat. 57° 43' N., long. 2° W. Kinna ra. Mount, New South Wales, CO. Dudley. Kinnears Mills, vil., Quebec, CO. Megantic, iS m. from Ste. Julie Stn Kinnegad, vil., co. Westiueath, On Kiiinegad R. Kinneigh, par., en. Cork, on R. Bandon. 15,095 acres. Kinnerly, par. and vil., Shropshire, 13^ m. NH. Shrewsbury Kinning Park, biroiigh, Kenfrewsliire, in S. of Glasgow. Kinnoui, par., Perilishire, near Perth. 3646 acres. Kinnoui HJl, in above par. Alt. 729 ft. Kinogami, Lake, Quebec. Lat. 48° 10' N., long. 71° 20' W. Kinonge River, Quebec, falls into the Ottawa in Ottawa co. Klnparney Hill, Forfarshire, ij m. from Newtyle. Alt. 1134 ft Kinrive HiU, Rnss-shire, 5 m. NW. Iiivergordon. Alt. iolip. and vi!., Dorset, 5 m. from Poole. Kintbury, par. and vil., Beiks, on R. Kennet. Kintore, burgh and par., Aberdeenshire. Lat. 57° 16' N Kintyre, p-ninsilla, Argyllshire. Lat. 55' 35' N., long. 5" 40' W. Kinvarra, vil., CO. Gahvay, on Kinvarra Bay. Klnvarraioonia, par., co. Gnlwav, on Kinvarra Bay Kinver. tn. and par., Staffordshire, on R. Stour. Klnzig River, Wurtemberg and Baden, trib. of the Rhine. Kiolen Mountains, Scandinavia. Lat. 67° N., long. 15° 30' B Kiong-Tchou, city, Cnina, cap. Hainan I. Pop. 40,000. Kioto, tn., Japan, Hondo I. Lat. 35° N., long. 136° E. Pop. 276 780 Kip, East and West, peaks of Peutland Hills, Edinburghshire Kipini, stn. of British East Africa Company, on R. Tana. Klpopatwe, stn. of British East African Company. Kipp, Fort, Alberta, on Old Man's R. Kippai, par. and vil., W. Riding, Yorkshire, on R. Aire. Kippen. vil. and par., Stirling and Perthshires, on R. Forth Kippure Mountains, cos. Dublin and Wicklow. Lat. 53' 10' N Kirakat, f./Asi/, Jauiipur dist., NW. Provs., India. Kirakat, lidcp-s. tn. of above. Lat. 25° 38' N., long. 82' 57' E. Kh-atpor, tn., NW. Piovs., India. Lat. 29° 30' N., long. 78' 15' E Klrby, West, par. and vil., Cheshire, on Dee estuary Kirchberg, tn., Saxony, 23 m. SW. Chemnitz. Kirohdorf, tn., Hiingiry, 23 m. W. Eperies. KlroUiain, tn., Prussia, 66 m. SW. Frankfurt-on-Oder. Kirchhelm, tn., Wurteinlierg, 16 in. from Stuttgart. Kircbhelm-Bolanden, tn., Bavaria, 18 111. NE. Kaiserslautem. Kirch aer Range, nitus., Queensland, dist. Cook. KircUwarder, vil. and, 9 m. SE. Hamburg. Kirdford, par. and vil., Sussex, mar Petworth. Kirghiz Steppes, plains, N. of C.ispian and Aral Seas. Kiria. tn., cliiuese Turkestan, 130 m. ESB. Khotan. Kirllov. tn., Russia, gov. and 265 in. EN'E. Novgorod. Kirin, prov., Manchuria, on the Sungari R. Pop. 2,000,000. Klrin Onla, cap. of prov. of Kirin, Tat .^i''46'N. Pop. 160,000. Kirk Andreas, par. and vil., Isle of JIan, 5J m. NW. Ramsey. Kirk Andrews upon Esk, par. Cumberland, on R. Esk. Kh-kburton, tn. and par., W. Riding, Yorks. Kirkby, tnslip., Lancashire, 7 in. NE. Liverpool. Kirkby In Ashfield, par. and vil., Co. and 12 ni. NW. Nottingham. Kirkby Ireleth, par. and vil., Lancashire, on Dutton estualT. Kirkby Lonsdale, tn. and par., Weotmorl.ind, on R. Lune. Kirkby Mallory, par. and tnshp., uearMaiket bosworth. Kirkby Moorside, tn. and par., N. Riding. Yorks, on R. Dove Kirkby Overblow, par. and vil., E. Riding, Yoiks. 11,54, acres. Kirkby Ravensworth, par., N. Rilling, Yorks, on GiUing Beck. Kirkby Stephen, tn. and, W'estiiiurland, on R. Eden. Kirkby Thore, par. and vil., N. Westmorland. 11,700 acres. Kh-kcaldy, spt. and par., Fifeshire, on Firlh i.f Fiuth. Pop. 27 153. Kirkcohn, par. and vil., Wigtoivnshire, on Loch Kyan. ' Kirkconnel, par. and vil., NW. Duinlriesshire, on 11. Nith. Kirkcowan, par. and \il., Wigtownshire, on Tan Water. Kirkcudbright, tn. and par., cap. of Kirkcudbrightshire". Kirkcudbrightshire, Co., Scotland. Lat. 54° 51' N. Kirkdale, tu^lip., Lanca.shire, in Liverpool. Kirkdale, pari, div., Liverpool, Lancashire. Kirkden, par, Forf.irshire, near Letham. KirkSeldbank, vil., co. and 1 m. W. Lanark, on R. Clyde. Kirkgunzeon, par. and vil., Kirkcudbright, NE. Dalbeattie. Klrkham, tn. and par., Lancashire, g ni. NW. Preston. Kirkheaton, tn. and par., W Riuing, Y'orks, on R. Colne. KirkhiU, vil., Edinburghshire, on the North Esk. KirkMll, par, Inveruess-shire on the Beauly Firth. Kh-kinner, par. and vil., Wigtownshire, on Wigtown Bay. Kirkuiriola, par., CO. Antriin, on R. Braid. 6390 acres. Kirkintilloch, tn. and par., Luiubartoushire. Kirk-Kilissia. lu., Turkey, 32 m. ENE Adrianople. Pop. 16,000. Kh-kland, tirshp., Westmorland, within Kendal. Kirkland, vil. and tnshp., New Y'ork, Oneida co. Kirkleatham, par. and dist, Yorkshire, 2 ni. SW. Redcar, Kh-kley, par. and vil., Suit' Ik, adjoining Lowestoft. Kirklin, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, Clinton co. Kirkhston, vil. and par., Linlithgow and Edinburghshires. Kirkmabreck, par., Kirkcudbriglitshiie, on Wigtown Bay. Kirkmahoe, par. and vil., Dumfriesshire, on R. Nith. Klrkmaiden. par., Wigtownshire, includes Mull of Galloway. Kirkmansviile, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Todd co. Kirkmichael, par. auunn co., 29 m.'W. Eau Claire. Knap'a River, NW. Terr., Canada, falls into Hudson Bay. Knareaboroagh, tn. and par., W. Riding, Yorks. Kneass Reef, Fiji, S\V. of Chicliia. Knee Lake, Kcewatin, Canada, N. of God's Lake. Knight Inlet. British Columbia, olf Queen Charlotte Sound. Knighton, tn., Radnorshire, on R. Teme, 160 m, NW. London. Knighton, tiislip., CO. and 2 m. from Leicester. Knlghtabridge, dist., Middlesex, W. London. Knight's laland, Quebec, in Lake St. Louis, near Lachine. Knights Island, Alaska, in Prince of Wales Sound. B^nlghtstown, vil., Indiana, Henry co., on the Blue R. KnightsviUe, vil., Indiana, Clay co., 17 ni. NE. Terre Haute. Knln, tn., Dalmatia, 48 m. E. Zara. Knobnoater, vil., Missouri, Jolmson co. Knock, jiar., Lewis I., Ross-shire, on E. coast. Knock, pLir. and vil.,co. Mayo, 6 m. NE. Clare. Knock Head, co. and 2^ m. from Banll". Knockmeledown Mountains, cos. Tlpperary and Waterford. Knocktopher, barony, S. co. Kilkenny. 46,765 acres. Knottlngley, tnshp., W, Riding, Yorkshire, oa R. Aire. Knott Lanes, div., tSK. Lancashire. 2409 acres. Knottaville, vil. and tnshp,, Kentucky, Daviess co. Knowbury, eccl. dist. and vil., Shropshire, near Ludlow. Knowle, vil. and tnshp., Warwickshire, 9^ ni. SE. Birmingham. Knowlton, tn., Quebec, cap. of Brome co. Knox, vil. atnl tnshp.. New York, Albany co. Knox, bnr., Pennsylvania, Clarion co. Knoxvllle, city, Illinois, cap. of Knox co. KnoivlUe, vil. and tnslip., Iowa, cap. of Marion co. Knoxville, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Ray co. KnoxvUle, vil., New York, Steuben CO., on the Chemung R. Knoxville, bor., Pennsylvania, Tioga CO., on Cowanesque Creek. Knoxville, city, Tennessee, cap. of Knox co. Lat. 36° N. Knoydart, dist. and par., Inverness-shire, on Loch Nevis. Knutaford, tn. and par., Cheshire, 8m. NW. Northwich. 4391 acres. Knntsford, pari, div., Cheshire. Knatton, eccl. dist. and vil., Staffordshire. Ironworks, etc. Knnzden, eccl. dist. and vil., NE. Lancashire. Knysna, vil.. Cipe Cidony, W. of Plettenberg Bay. Kobdo, tn., W. Mongcdi.a. Lat. 48° N., long, gi" 55' E. Kobi, tn., Japan, near Hiogo. Kobrln, tn., Russia, 100 in. SG. Grodno. Kobylanka, vil., Austria, Galicia, on R. Rappa. Kobyllakl, tn. , Russia, gov. and 37 m. SW. INdtava. Kocher River, Wiirtemberg, trib. of the Ni-ckar, Kochstedt, til., Prussian S ixony, at in. SW. M.agdeburg. Kod, sub-div,, Dlmr\var»list., Bombay. 400 sq. m. Kodachadri, mtn,, W. Ghats, India. Lat. 13° 51' N., long. 74° 55' E. Kodiak laland, Alaska. Lit. 57" 30' N., long. 153° W. Eodlnar, tn., Bnmbiy, Baroda. Lat. 20° 46' N., long. 70° 46' E. Kodlipet, tn., Cnorg, Inetty state, Punjab. Lat. 31' 7' N., long. 77° 15' E. Kothi, ]ielty state, Ceutral India. Lat. 24° 45' N. Pop. 18,386. Kotipalu, vd., Madras. Lat. 16° 40' N., long. 82° 6' E. Kot Kamalia, tn., Punjab. Lat. 30° 43' N., long. 72° 42' E. Kot Putli, tn., Jaipur state, Rajputana. Kotrang, tn., Bengal. Lat. 22° 41' N., long. 88° 24' E. Kotra Pitha, petty state, Bombay. Area 25 sq. m. Kotra Sanganl, petty state, Bombay. Area 37 sq. m. Kotrt, Utluk, Karachi dist., Bombay, Area 3491 sq. ni. Eotri, spt. and lulqrs. of above. Lat. 25" 21 N., long. 68* 21' E. Kottapatam, poit, Madras, Nellore dist. Eotte-betta, mountain, Coorg. Alt. 5375 ft. Kottur. tn., Madras. Lat. 10° 32' N., long. 77° 2' E. Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, inlet of Behring Sea. Kouchibougnac, vil.. New Brunswick, on Kouchibouguac R. Kovdo, lake, Russia, in W. of Archangel gov. Eovel, tn., Russia, Volhynia, 97 m. NW, Ostrog. Eovno, gov., Russia. Lat. 54" 50' N., long. 24" E. Pop. 1,551,635. Eovno, tn., Russia, cap. of Kovno gov. Pop. 00,493. Kovrov, t:i., Russia, gov. and 75 m. NE. Vladimir. Eovur, tn, , Madras. Lat. 14" 30' N., long. 80° 2' E. Eowmung River, New S. Wales, trib. of Cox R., co. Westmoreland. Eow Swamp, Victoria, in centre of Gunbower co, Eoyakhai Kiver, Oiissa, falls into the Bay of Bengal. Eozelsk, tn., Russia, 35 ra. SSW. Kaluga. Kozmin, In., Prussia, 47 m. SSE. Posen. Erageroe, tn., Norway, on the Skager Rack. Kraguyevatz, tn., Servia. Lat 44" N., long, 20° 50' E. Krah, Isthmus of, between Siam and Malay Peninsula. £rail8heim, tn., Wurteniberg, 13 m. N. EUwangen. Erain. See Camiala. Erajova, tn., Roumania, on R. Schyl. Pop. 22,764. Erakatoa, island and volcano, Strait of Sunda. Krallngen, vil., Netherlands, 3 m. NE. Rotterdam. Krammer, estuary of the Rhine delta, Netherlands. Kranidi, tn., Greece, 23 ni. SE. Nauplia. Krappitz, tn., Prussian Sdesia, on R. Oder, 15 m. S. Oppeln, Krasnik, tn., Poland, gov. and 28 m. SW. Lublin. Krasnistaw, tn., Russian Poland, 34 ni. SE. Lublin. Kraanoiyar, tn., Russia, 35 m. ENE. Astrakhan. Eraanokutz, tn., Russia, 41 m. W. Kharkov. Krasno-Szelo, vil., Russia, 18 m. SSE, St. Petersburg. Krasno-Ufimsk, tn., Russia, no m. from Perm, on R. Ufa. Krasnovodsk, Cape, on E. coast of the Caspian Sea. Krasnoyarsk, tn., Siberia, on R. Yenesei. Pop. 17,154, Kraaao, tn., Hungary, 33 m. S. Lugos. Kratzan, tn., Bohemia, 29 m. N. Buutzlau. Krauchthal, vil., Switzerland, 9 m. NE. Bern. Kremenetz, tn., Russia, Volh>Tiia, 36 ni. WSW. Ostrog. Krementchug, tn., Russia, gov. and 64 m. SW. Poltava. Pop. 41,625, Kreml, Mount, Kuen-lun Mountains. Alt. 19,600 ft. Kremlin, palace, cathedral, etc., in Moscow, q.v. Kremmen, tn., Prussia, Brandenburg, 25 m. N. Potsdam. Kremnitz, tu., Hungary, 8 m. W. Neusolil. Krema, tn., Austria, on R. Danube, 88 m. NW. Vienna. Kremsir, tn., Moravia, on the March. Kremsmiinster, vil,, Austria, on the Ivjems. Krems River, name of two tribs. of the Danube, Austria. Kreutzburg. Sc-: Crewzburg. Kreuznach, tu., Rhenish Prussia, on the Nahe. Pop. 16,414. Krienz, vil , Switzerland, 2 m. from Lucerne. Kriahnaganj, tn., Bengal. Lat. 23" 25' N., long. 84° 45' E. Krishnagaaj, sub-div., Purniah dist., Bengal. Krishnagar, sub-div., Nadiya dist., Bengal. Krishnagar, hdqrs. tn., Nadiya dist., Bengal. Kriahnagirl, taluk, Salem dist., Madras. Krlflhnagiri, tn., JIadras. Lat. 12° 32' N., long. 78' 15' E. Krishnai River, Assam, trib. of the Brahmaputra. Krishna River. See Kistna River. Kritshev, tn., Russia, gov. and 57 m. ESE. Mohilev. Krivitz, tn., Germany, 10 ni. ESE. Schwerin. Krojunke, tn., Prussia, 86 ni, WtiW. Marienwcrder. Krolevets, tu., Russia, gov. and 100 ni. ESE. Chernigov. Kronacb, tn., Bavaria, 22 m. NW. Baireuth. Krone, tn., Prussia, 13 m. NNW. Broniberg. Kroneuberg, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 15 ni. E. Diisseldorf. Kronstad, tn., Orange Free State, on the Valsche R. Kronatadt, tn., Hungary. Lat. 45° 40' N., long. 25' 35' E. Pop. 29,585. Kronstadt, Russia. See Croustadt. Kroombit Creek, Queensland, dist. Port Curtis. Kroasno, tu., Austria, Galicia, 13 m. ESE. Jaslo. Krotoazyn, tn., Prussia, 54 m. SSE. Posen. Kroya, tu., Albania, 45 ni. SSE. Scutari. Krui River, New South Wales, trib. of the Hunter R. Krumau, tn., Bohemia, on the Moldau, 14 m. SSW. Budweis. Krushevatz, tn., Servia, 95 m. SSE. Belgrade, Ktima, In., Cyprus, near Bafla. Kuba, tu,, Caucasus, Baku gov., 35 m. SSE. Derbend. Kuban, prov., Russia, Ciscaucasia, on Black Sea. Pop. 1,241.363. Kuban River, Russia, falls into the Black Sea, 20 ni. N. Anapa, Kubbea, tu., Persia, Khorassan, 135 m. ESE. Yczd. Kubin, vil., Hungary, Banat, 65 ni. SSW. Temesvar. Kubina River, Russia, gov. Vologda, falls into Lake Kubinskoe. Kuchan, set., Persia, Khorassan, on R. Alrek. KuchBehar, native state, Bengal. 1307 sq. m. Kuch Behar, tn., cap. of above. Lat. 26° 19' N,, long. 89" 28' E. Kuchla Bijna, tn., Hardoi dist., Oudh. Kuchmala, hill, Madras. Lat. 10° 33' N., long. 76° 55' E. Alt. 4000 ft Kuczura, vil., Hungary, co. Bacs. Kudarkot, vil., Etawah dist., NW. Provs., India. Kuddana. state, Bombay. Area 130 sq. m. Kuditini, tn., Bellary dist., Madras. Kadliji, tahik, Bellarj' dist., Madras. 838 sq. m.>. Kuen-Lun Mountains. Asia, N. boundary of Tibet. Alt. 22,000 fL Kufa, ruined city, 88 m. S. Bagdad, on a trib. of the Euplu-ates. Kufo, tn., Soudan, 52 m. SW. Kano. Pop. 20,000. Kofatein, ft. tn., Tyrol, 47 m. NE. Innsbruck. Kullenburg, tn., Netherlands, Gtlderland, 10 m. NW. Thiel. Kuka, tn., Africa, Borau, near Lake Chad. Pop. 60,000. Kukdel, tn., Bombay, forming part of Shahada. Kukra Mailanl, pai-gana, Kheridist., Oudh. Knku-Eota, tn., Mongolia, 50 m. NW. of the Great Wall. Kula, vil., Hungary, 29 m. NW. Neusatz. Kulachl, tahsil, Dera Ismail Khan dist., Punjab. "* Kulachl, chief tn., Kulachi tahsil. Lat. 31° 55' N., long. 70" 30' E, Ku-la-dan, tnshp., Burma, Akyab dist. Ku-la-dan River, Burma, falls into the Bay of Bengal. Kulasekbarapatnam, spt., Madras. Lat. 9* 4' N., long. 78' 21' E. Kulbarga, dist., Haidarabad, India. Kulbarga, chief tn., Kulbarga dist. Kuldja, dist., Russian Turkestan. Lat. 43° 30' N., long. 82° E. Kuldja, tn., cap. of Kuldja dist., Russian Turkestan. Kulfa, tn. , Africa, 220 m. SW. Kano. Pop. 16,000. Kulik River, Dinajpur dist., Bengal, trib. of the Nagar. Kulltalai, taluk, Tricldnopoli dist., Madras. Kulitalai, hdi^rs. tn. of above. Lat. 10* 56' N., long. 78° 27' B. Kulm, tn., W. Prussia. Lat. 53° 20' N., long. 18' 30' E. Kulmbach, tn., Bavaria, 48 m. fi-om Nuremberg. Kolm See, tn., Prussia, 15 m. SE. Kulm. Kulpahar, tahsil, Hamirpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Kulpahar, tn., NW, Provs., India. Lat. 25° 19' N., long. 79' 39' K Kulpa River, Croatia, trib. of the Save. 120 m. long. 146 KUL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER LAC Knlo, UihAly Kan;;ra (list., Punjab. 63^4 sq. ui. Xnltt, ta/u-t, Kuiigra dist., Punjab. 1934 s.|. in. Enm, city, Persia, 80 ni. SW, Teheran. Pop 16,000, Kamamotn, city, Japan, Kiul^iiu. 50111. £. Nagiusaki. Pop. 41,317. Xaiii&T&, til., New Zealami, co. Westland, 19 m. from liokitika. Kumaradharl River, S. Kanara (list., Slailras, trib. of Netravati. Kuma River, Russia, falls into Caspian Sea. I>at. 44° 45' X. KmnarlOiall, tn., Bengal. Lat. 23"^ 51' N.. long. 89° 17' E. Kttmaj- River, Bengal, between the Chantlna and Arial Khan. Komar Elver, India, in the Ganges delta. Xomasi, Ashanti. >Sc£ Coomaaale. Kmnattn, div., NW. I'rovs., India. 12,438 sq. ni. Kumann, (list., MW. Provs., India, 6000 sq. m. Kumbalaa Point, Fiji, Vanua Levu, on Nateva Bay. EambhalLamdnig, nitn., Satliawad Hills, Madras. Kumbher, tn., Ha.jputana, Bhartpur. Lat. 27° 19' X., long. 77° 25' E. Kumharaaln, liill state, Simla, Punjab. Area 90 sq. in. Eunhrawan, iKinjann, Kai Bareli dist., Oudh. Komi, tu., Greece, Euba'a, near E. coast. Kumpta, tn., Bombay. Lat. 14" 26' N., long. 74° 27' E. Earopta, sub-div., N. Kanara dist., Bombay. Kmiaahlp, one of the Kurile Islands, Japan, next Yesso. Ennawar, sub-div., Bashahr state, Punjab, W, of Tibet. Eunch, t'l.hsil, Jalaun dist., NW. Provs., India. Eimch, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 25" 39' N., long. 79" 11' E. Eundah MoantaliLs, Nll^'iri dist., Madras. Alt. 5S02 ft. Eondery HUU, 8. Australia, between Gawler Range and L. Gairdner. EundJa, tn., Bunibay. Lat. 21° 21' N., long. 71* 25' E. Eondri, North, p'.rfjana, Sitapur dist., Oudh. 164 sq. m. Kondri, South, pargana, Sitapur dist., Oudh. 63 sq. m. Kungnr, tn., Russia, gov. and 50 in. SSE. Perm. Eon-Hegyea, tn., Hungary, on R. Theiss, 72 ni. E, Buda-Pesth. Eunhlar, hill state, Simla, Punjab. Area 8 sq. m. Eanlgal, t-iluk, Tuiiikur dist., Mysore. Ai'ca 328 sq. m. EunlgaJ, tn , Mysore. Lat. 13" 2' N., long. 77' 4' E. Eunl River, Bcrar, India, Wiin dist., trib. of the Penganga R. EuAJah, tn., Punjab. X.^t. 32° 31' N., long. 74'' i' E. Eanjpura, tn., Punjab. Lat. 29" 43' N., long. 77° 7' E. EanEa, tn.. Oudh. Lat, 26' 20' N., long. 81° 3' E. Eua-Szent Blartony, tn., Hungary, on R. Koros. Eun-Szent-MikloB, tii., Hungary, on arm of the Danube. Kunazelsau, tii., Wurtemburg, 24 in. NE. Hellbronn. Euopio, pi(»v,, E. Finland. Area 16,498 sq. m. Pop. 281,351. Kuper Island, Queeu Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Kapiansk, tn., Russia, gov. and 61 m. ESE. Kharkov. Enpill, tn., Vizagapatam dist., Madras. Lat. 18" 10' N. Eur, riv., Transcaucasia, falls into the Caspian Sea. Eoral, tnhsil, Sagardist, Cent. Provs., India. Eural, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 22° 4' N., long. 78" 22' E. Eora Kara River, Fiji, Vanua Levu Island, flows N, Euram, dist., Afghanistan, on R. Kurarn. Pop. 77,680. Euramhranad, taluk, Malabar ilist., Madras. Euram River. Af;;hanistan and Iiulia, trib. of the Indus. Eurantadlh, t'ih:>il, Ghazipur dist., NW. Provs., India. Eorara, In., Ilamirpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Eoraull, tn., Mainpuri dist., NW. Provs., India. Eurauna, ])ar(jnnay Sitapur dist., Oudh. 46 sq. m. Eurdlstan, region between Turkey and Persia. Pop. 3,000,000. Eurgan, tn., JSiberia, 200 m. above Tobolsk, on R. Tobol. Eurha-Keahupur, tn., Faizabad dist., Oudh. Euiia Murta lelandB, ojf Arabia. Lat. 17° 33' N., long. 56° 6' E. Eurlgram, sub-div., ItiiUgpur (list., Bengal. Kurile iBlandfl, N. Pacific, part of Japan. Lat. 47° N., long. 150' K. Kttrlvlkulam, tn., TinnevelH dist., Sladras. Lat. 9° 10' N. Kurla. tn., Salsetle Island, Bombay, in Thanadist. Kurrochee. Sfi: Karachi. Eurrajong, North and South, 2 dists., New South Wales, CO. Cook. Kurrajong Helghta, vil.. New South Wale.s, 50 m. NW. Sydney. Kuraanda. tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27' 23' N., long. 78° 3' E. Kur«at, tu., (Jndh. I.^it, 26" 52' 10" N., long. 80' 27' 10" E. Korsat Kalan, tn., Ilardoi dist., Oudh. KorBell. tn., Ilardoi dist., Oudh. Korsi, partjaiiii, Bara Banka dist., Oudh. Area 89 sq. m. Eural, tn., Bara Bank! dist., Oudh. KnTBk, guv., Russia. 17,936 sq. m. Pop. 2,354,804. Kunk, city, cap. of above. Lat. 52° N,, long. 37' E. Pop. 49,657. Eurtkoti, tn., Bombay Lat. 15" 45' N., long. 75° 4' E. Kumda male, hill, Slysore. Lat. 13° 12' N., long. 78° 25' E. Kurugodu, In., Madras. Lat. 15° 20' N., long. 76° 53' E. Kurukahetra, holy place, Ambala and Karnal dists., Punjab. Karuman, til., Beciiuanaland. Lat. 27' 10' S., long. 23° 50' E. Eurundwad, native state, Bombay. Area 296 sq. in. Pop. 60,998. Eurwal, native state, Central Intiia. Area 139 sq. m. Pop. 24.631. Kurwai, tu., cai». of Kurwai state. Lat. 24° 7' N., long. 78" 5' K. Kuiel, tn., Rhenish Bavaria, 17 m. NW. Kaiserjilauteni. KuBh-Ada«i, tn., Turkey, on the .Kgean Sea. EuBhbhadra River, India, branch of the Mahanadl. Euahk, fort, Afgh-anist^n, on R. Kushk. Euahtia, sub-div., Nadiya dist., Bengal. 558 sq. m. KuBhtla hdqrs. tn. of abovL*. Lat. 23'* 54' N., long. 89* 10' E. Kofllara River, India, branch of the Surma R. Knal Rlv-r, Bengal, trib. of the Ganges. Kuflkoqulm River, Alaska, fulls into Knskoquim Bay. Kusnetak, tn,, Russia, gov. Saratov. Pop. 17,933. Kainotak, tn., Siberia, gov. Tomsk, 150 m. ENK. Barnaul. Etlssnacht, vil., Switzerland, on Lake of Zurich. Eustendjl, spt., Roumania, in the Dobrudja. Euatenland, former Crown land, Austria, on the Adriatic. KiiHtrln, In., Prussia, Brandenburg. I>at. 52° 35' N. Pop. 15,103. Kutabdla Island, BiMigal. I-at. 21' 52' N., long. 91° 53' E. Kutabnagar, tn., Sitapur dist., Oudh. Eutaleh, tn., Asia Minor. I^t. 39' 30' N., long. 30" 10' E. P. 30,000. EatalB, gov., Transcaucasia, ou Black Sea. Pop. 922,564. Kutais. tn., cap. of gov. of Kutais. Lat. 42^ 20' N., long. 42° 30' E. Kuta River, Siln-iia, trib. of the Lena. Kutch. N>>: Cutch. Kathar, hill state, Simki, Punjab. Area 7 sq. m. Kutiyana, tn., Bombay. Lat. 21° 38' N., long. 70° lo' E. Kutno, tn., Russia, in gov. of Warsaw. Kutahan, tn., Persia, prov. Khorassan, on the Atrek. Kuttenberg, tn,, Bohemia, 6 m. N. Czislaii. Kuty, tn., Austria, Galicia, 20 m. SE, Kolomea. Kutztown, bor., Pennsylvania, Berks co. Evaloe. i^ve HvalSe. Kvalynak, tn., Russia, gov. Saratov, on R. Vi.^. par., Arbroath and St. Vigeans pars., Forfarshire. Lady St. Mary, par., Dorset. 823 acres. Jlostly in Wareham. Ladysmith, ■\il.. Natal, 90 m. by rail NW. Pietermaritzburg. Ladywood, tccl. dist., Warwickshire, Birmingham. Laeme, vil., Belgium, E. Flanders, 6 m. E. Ghent. Lafayette, city, Indiana, cap. of Tippecanoe co. Pop. 16,407. Lafayette, \ il. and tuslip., Alabama, cap. of Chambers co. Lafayette, vil. and tnshp., Georgia, cap. of Walker co. Lafayette, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Cliristian co. Lafayette, vil. and tnshp., New York, Onondaga co. Lafayette, vil. and tnshp., Oregon, cap. of Tauhill co. Laga, riv,, Sweden, falls into the Cattegat. Lagan, riv., Ulster, enters Belfast Lough at Belfast. 35 in. long. Lagan or Glyde, riv., Ulster, flows 25 m. to Dundalk Bay. Lage or Laage, tn., Germany, on the Reckuitz, 12 m. NE. Giistrow. Lage, tn., Germany, Lippe, on R. Werra. Lagea, ta., Brazil, state Santa Catharina. Laggan, par., Badenoch dist., Inverness-shire. Par. 150,106 ac Laggan, place, Kilmonivaig par., Inverness-shire. Laghoaat or El Aghouat, tn. and oasis, 285 m. SW. Algiers. P. 17,174, Lagnieu, tn., France, in Ain, near the Rhone. Lagny, tn., France, in Seine-et-Marne, on R. Mame. Lago, \ il., Italy, prov. aud 10 m. SW. Cosenza. Lagoa, tn., Brazil, on E. coast of Santa Catharina I. Lagoa, tn.. Azures Is,, dist. Ponta Delgada, San Miguel I. Lagoa dos Patoa, lake, Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul. Length 140 m. Lagonegro, tu., Italy, in Basilicata, 76 ni. SSE, Salerno. Lagos, spt., Portugal, in Algarve, 110 m. S. Lisbon. Lagoa, tn., Mexico, Jalisco, 100 m. ENE. Guadalajara. Pop. 20,000. Lagos, British colony, W. Africa, on Bight of Benin. io5g sq. m. Pop. 87,165. Lagoata Island, Dalmatia. Lat. 42" 45' N,, long. 16° 55' E. La Grange, vil,, Georgia, cap. of Troup co. La Grange, vil., Indiana, cap. of LaG, CO., 46 m. NW. Fort Wayne. Laguna Bay, Queensland, Wide Bay dist. Lajuna del Madre, lagoon, in S. Texas, E. of Rio Grande. Laguna de Terminoa, spt. tn., Mexico, Campeachy state. Lahadi, tn., Arabia, 18 m. NW. Aden. Lahalna, spt. vil., Hawaii, on Mani I. Lahajan, tn., Persia, prov. Ghilan, near the Caspian. Laharpur, yanjawy, Sitapur dist., Oudh. 192 sq. m. Laharpnr, tn., Oudh. Lat. 27° 42' N., long. 80° 56' E. Lahn Eiver, Germany, flows W. 100 m. to the Rhine above Coblentz. Lahnstein, Ober, tn., Prussia, on the Rhine, 8 m. W, Nassau, Lahnstein, Unter, tn., on the Lahn, next the above. Lahore, div., Punjab. S9S7 sq. m. Lat. 31" 27' N. Lahore, dist., Punjab. 3648 S(i. m. Lat. 31° 27' N. Lahore, tahsil, Lahore dist., Punjab. Area 740 sq, m. Lahore, cap. of Punjab. Lat. 31° 34' N., long. 74° 21' E. P. 176,720. Lahr, tn., Baden, 53 m. hy rail SSW. Carlsruhe. Lahsa, El-Ahsa or Hasa, fertile dist., E. Arabia. Pop. 160,000. Lahul, sub-div , Kangra dist., Punjab. Area 2255 sq. m. Lalbach. Au.stria. See Laybach. Lai-chow, tn., China, prov. Shan-Tung. Lat. 37' 12' N. Laidley, posttn., Queensland, co. Churchill, 51 m. W. Brisbane. Lalgle, tn., France, Orne, i3 m. NE. Mortagne. Lainate, tn., Italy, 11 m. NW. Milan, with magnificent palace. Laira, estate, Sambalpur dist.. Cent. Provs. Lat. 21° 44' N. Lairg, par. and vil., Sutherlandshire, on R. Shin. 121,358 acres. Laiahev, tn., Russia, gov. and 30 m. SE. Kazan. LaiaterDyke, eccl. dist., E. div., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Laithkirk, eccl. dist., Ronald Kirk par., N. Riding, Yorkshire. Latt-mao-doh Mountains, Assam. Highest point 5377 ft. Lai Yang, tn., Cliina, prov. Shan-Tung. Pop. 60,000. Lakeba Island, Fiji. Area 12 sq. in. Highest point 714 ft. Lake Bolac or Parupa, ft. tnslip.. Victoria, 162 m. W. Melbourne. Lake Charles, vil. and lake, Louisiana, cap. of Calcasieu co. Lake Charm, dist., Victoria, CO. Tatchera, 183 m. NNW. Melbourne. Lake City, vil., Colorado, cap. of Hindsdale co. Has silver mines. Lake City, vil., Florida, cap. of Columbia co. Has timber trade. Lake City, vil., Minnesota, Waba.sha co. Has fine scenery. Lake Cudgellico, tn.. New South Wales, 365 in. W. Sydney. Lake Diatrict, portions Cumberland, Westmorland, anrd, on R. Sambre. Landsberg, tn., Bavaria, on R. Lech, 22 ni. S. Augsburg. Landaberg, tn., Prussia, in Brandenburg, on R. Warta. Pop. 27,715. Landsberg, tn., E. Prussia, 28 m. S. Kunigsberg. Landsberg, tn., Prussia, gov. Potsdam, 12 m. ENE. Berlin. Landsborough, tn., Victoria, 150 m. NW. Melbourne. Land's End, Cornwall, extreme SW. point of Britain. Lat. 50° 6' N. Landshut, tn.. Lower Bavaria. Lat. 48° 30' N. Pop. 17,873. Landshut, ft. tn., Prussian Silesia, 29 m. SSW. Liegnitz. Landshut, tn., Moravia, 37 m. SSE. Brunn. Landskron, tn., Bohemia, 37 m. ESE. Chrudlm. Landakrona, spt., Sweden, on the Sound. Lat. 55" 50' N. Pop. 11,941. Landstuhl, tn., Rhenish Bavaria, 16 ni. NE. Zweibriicken. Londulph, par, and vil., Cornwall, on R. Tamar, 2 m. N. Saltasli, Lane Bridge, eccl. dist., NE. Lancashire, in Burnley. Lane Cove, tn.. New S. Wales, co. Cumberland, g m. N. Sydney. Lane End, vil. and eccl. dist., Bucks, 5 m. SW, Wycombe. Lane End, eccl. dist., Stoke-upon-Trent par., Staflord shire. Lanercost or Abbey Lanercost, par., Cumberland, 2im. NE. Brompton. Laneaborough, \ d. and tiisbp., Massachusetts, Berkshire co. Lanesborougb, vil,, Slinnosota, Fillmore eo. Langal, River, Sylhct dist., Assam, falls into the Kusiara. Langaajaur, large lake, Sweden, Norbotten Ian. Laugbank, nuond scucro. par. and vil., Erskine par., Renfrewshire. Langbar (Borston), vil., Beith and Dairy pars., N. Ayrshire. Langcllffe, tnslip. and vil., Giggleswick par., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Langdale, eccl. dist. anar., Berwickshire. 7139 acres. Langton Green, eccl. dist. and vil., Kent, Speldhurst par. Langton Matravers, par. and vil., Dorset, 8 m. SE. Wareham. Langton St. Andrew, eccl. dist., Lincolnshire, 7 m. SW, Horncastle. Langtree, par., Devon, 3J m. SW. Torrington. Languedoc, old prov., France. Lat. 44° o' N., long. 4' o' E. Langnidic, tn., France, in Morbihan, 10 m. NE, Lorient. Languliya River, Cent. Provs. and Madras, falls into sea nr. Chie^cole. Lanivet, par. and vil., Cornwall, -zl ra. SW Bodmin. 5426 acres. Laqjaron, tn., Spain, 26 m. SE. Gmnada. Lanjl, tn., Balagliat dist.. Cent. Provs., India, Lat, 21° 30' N. Lankeran, In., Transcaucasia, on Caspian Sea. Lanlivery, jmr. and vil., Cornwall, 6 m. SE. Bodmin. Lannarth, eccl. dist. and vil., Cornwall, Gwennap par. Lannes, Cape, S. Australia, co. Robe. Lannion, tn. and port, France, Cotes-du-Nord. Lanorale, vil., Quebec, Berthierco., on River St. Lawrence. Lanreath, par. and vil., Cornwall, 7A m. SW. Liskeard. LansalloB, coast par, and vil., Cornwall, 3 m. E. Fowey. Lansdale, bor., Pennsylvania, Montgomery co. Lanadown, eccl. dist., Walcol par., Somerset, in city of Bath. Lansdowne, vil., Ontario, co. Leeds, 26 m. E. Kingston. L'Anse, vil. antl tnshp., Michigan, cap. Baraga co., on L. Superior. L'Anae k Giles, vil., Quebec, CO. L'Islet, on St. Lawrence R. L'Anae a L'Eau, harbour, Quebec, entrance to Saguenay R. Lanaford, bor., Pennsylvania, Carbon co. Uas coal mines. Lansing, city and tnshp., Iowa, Allamakee co., on Mississippi R. Lansing, vil,, Kansas, Leavenworth co, Lanatng, city, Michigan, Ingham co., cap. of state. Pop. 13,102. Lansing, vil. and tnslip.. Minnesota, Mower co,, on Red Cedar R. Lansingburg, tn. and tnshp., New York, Rensselaer co. Pop. 10,650, Lanteglos, par., Cornwall. Contains the town of Camelford, Lantegloa by Fowey, coast par., Cornwall, \\ m, E. Fowey. Lantern Hill, on N. side of Ilfracombe harbour, Devon, Lanthwaite HIU, N. end of Crummock Water, Cumberland. 674 ft. Lantwit Juita Neath, par., Glamorgan, on R. Neath. Lany, aniient par., Perthshire, now chiefly in Port Monteith par. Lanzarote, isl., mostNE, of the Canaries. Area 311 sq, m, P. 15,000 Laoag, tn., Luzon I., in the Philippines. Pop. 36,639. Ldo-bah Monntaina, Assam. Highest point 4464 ft. Laober-Bot Mountains, Assam. Highest point 5400 ft. Laon, city, France, cap. of Aisne, 86 m. NE. Paris. Pop. 12,623. LaorbenMtn., Inverness-shire, Glenelg par. Alt. 3343ft. Laos, country, Indo-China. Lat. 20° o' N., long. 103° o' E. Pop. 1,000,000. Lao-ayn-nia Mountalna, Assam, Highest point 5775 ft. La Paz, tn., Bolivia, cap. of La P. dep., in Andes. Pop. 40,000. La Paz, dep., Bolivia, E. of L. Titicaca, 42,471 sq. m. Pop. 361,600. La Paz, In., Mexico, cap. of Lower California. Lat. 24° 10' N. Lapeer, city and tnshp., Michigan, cap. of Lapeer co,, on Flint R. Lapford, par. and vil., Devon, on R. Yeo, 6 m. NW, Yeoford Juuct. LAphi, estate, Cent. Provs., Bilaspur dist. 272 sq, m. Laphun Xal, In., Siam, Laos, on R. Meiiam. LaPlgeonniireorSt. Michael Archange, viL, Quebec, 25 m. S. Montreal. Lapio, In., Italy, prov. Avellino, 13 m. WNW. St. Angelo. Lapland, extensive ter. of N. Europe. 130,000 sq. m. Lat. 64°-7i'' N, La Plata. Spc Argentine Republic. La Plata, tn., Argentine Republic, below Buenos Ayres. Pop. 60,803 La Plata, vil. and liislip,, Missouri, Macon co. La Plata Mountain, Colorado, peak of Saguaclie Range. 14,302 ft. Lapley, jiar. and vil., StalVordshire, 3J m. SW. of Ponkridge. La Porte, city, Indiana, cap. of La Porte co. Manufrs, of iron, etc. Laporte City, vil., Iowa, Black Hawk co., on Wolf Creek. Lapralrie, tn., Quebec, cap. of Laprairie co., on St. Lawrence R. La Presentation, vil., Quebec, co, and 6 m. N. St. Hyacinthe. Lapworth, par. and vil., Warwickshire, 3J m, N. Henley in Arden. Lar or Laar, tn., Persia, cap. Laristan, 180 m, SK. Shiraz. P. 12,000 Lara, tnshp., Victoria, co. drant, 35^ m, SW. Melbourne. Larache, Morocco. SVe El Araish. Laracor, par., S. Co. Mcath, oii R. Boyne, 3 m. SE. Trim, Laraghbryan, par., NE. Co. Kildare, contains Maynooth, Larah, par., in eo. and 5 m. E. of Cavan, contains Stradone, Laramie City. Wyoming, cap. of Albany co., 57 ni. WNW. Cheyenne. Laramie Peak, mtn., Wynniiiig, in Black Hills, 10,000 ft. high. Laramie Plains, ferl ile iil;tte.iu, Wyoming. Over 7000 ft, above sea. Larawar, \yiri\ana, Dhar and Dewas states, Cent, India. 30 sq. ra. Larbert, par. and vil., E. Stirlingsliire, 2J m, NW. Falkirk. Larbert and Dunlpace, qiino'l scrrn pnv., Stirlingshire. L'ArbresIe, vil., i'Yance, iS m. by rail WNW. I^yons. L'Ardolae, vil., Nnva Scotia, eo. Richmond, 8 m. from St. Peters. Laredo, vil., Ti-xas, c:i\t. of Webb co., on Rio Grande. Laredo, spt. tn,. Spain, in Santa,nder, 34 m, WNW. Bilbao. Largentiire, tn., France, in Ardeche, 21 m. SW. Privas. Largo, par., Fife, on Largo Bay, 3 m. NE. Lcven. Largoward, vil,, Fife, 4^ m. NE, jjargo Station. Largs, par. and tn., Ayrshire, on Largs Bay, Firth of Clyde. Lari. fl-, tn., Italy, prov. and 14 m. SE. Pisa. Larimer's Station, vil., Pennsylvania, Westmoreland co. Coal mines. 149 LAB THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER LEB Larino, tn., Italy, prov. and 22 111. NE. Campobasso. Lariasa, iiuinarcliy, Greece, on ^Kgean Sea. Lat. 39° 40' N. Pop, 168,034. Larissa, tn., Greece, on R. Salenibria, 20 m. from G. of 8aWtuica. XariBtan, prov., Persia, on Persian Gulf. Lat. 28" o' N. Lark. River, Suffolk and Canibridgeshires, 26 111. long. Larkfleld, vil., Blantyre par., Lanarkshire. LarkhaU, tn. and 5.S. par., Lanarksliire, cliiefly in Dalserf par. Larkhana. sul>div., Slukarpur dist., Bombay. 1894 Larkhana, tahtl; Shikarpur dist., Bombay. 290 sq. ni. Larkhana, chief tn. of aboA'e sub-div. Lat. 27° 33' N. Lamaka, spt. tn., Cyprus, on S. coast. Lat. 34" 55' K. Larne, siit. tn., jtar., and tnshp., E. co. Antrim, 24 m. N. Belfast. Larned, vil. and tnslip., Kansas, cap. of Pawnel co., on Arkansas R. La Roche -sur- Yon. .See Koche-sur-Yon, La Rue, ■vil., <^liio, Marii^n co., on the Scioto R. Trade in lumber. Larwill, vil., Indiana, Whitley co. Trade in farm produce. La Salle, City, Indiana, La Salle co., on the Illinois R. La Salle, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Monroe co. Las Cracea, vil., New Mexico, Donna Ana co. Lask or Lasko, tn., Poland, prov. and 48 ni. ESE. Kalisz. Lassa cap. city of Tibet, on affl. of Bralmiapulra. Pop. 25,000. Lassan. tn., Prussia, in Pomerania, 40 ni. SE. Stralsund. Lasseube, tn., France, Basses-Pyrenees, 6 m. E. Oleron. Lassodie, mining vil., Beath par., Fife, 4 ni. NE. Dunfermline. Laasoe, isl., Denmark, in the Cattegat, 13 ni. long. L'Assomption, tn., Quebec, cap. of L. Co., 39 m. N. Montreal. Lasswade, tn. and par., on N. Esk, co. and 6 m. SE. Edinburgh. Lastingham, par., tnshp., vil., N. Riding, Yorks, 7ni. NW. Pickering. Lastra a Signa, vil., Itjily, 5 m. W. Florence. Las Vegas, vd.. New Mexico, 48 m. ESE. Santa F6. I^itakia, sjd., 8\Tia, on Mediterranean. Lat. 35° 30' N., 35" 45' E. Latchford, tiishii.. Grappenhall par., Cheshire, SE. Warrington. Latchingdon with Snoreham, par., Essex, in NE. of co. Lateniere or Grand Brule, vil., Quebec, co. and 9 m. from Chicoulinii. Laterza, vil., N. Italy, prov. Lecce, 25 m. NW. Taranto. Latheron, j'ar. and lisliing vil., S. Caithness, iS ni. SW. Wick. Lathi, native state, Gujarat. Area 48 sq. ni. Lathi, cliief tn.. Lathi state. Lat. 21° 43' N., long. 71° 28' E. Lathom, tnshp., N. Lancashire, 4 ni. NE. Ormskirk. Lathrop, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Clinton co. LatisaDa, tn,, Italy, 23 ni. SSW. Udine. Latrobe, tn., Tasmania, co. Devon, 203 m. NNW. Hobart. Latrobe, bnrongh, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland co. La Trobe, Mount. Victoria, Wilson Promontory. 2434 ft. above sen. La Trobe Range, mountains, Victoria, co. Polwarth. La Trobe River, Victoria, between cos. Tanjil and Buln-Buln. Latronico, tn., Italy, prov. and 40 m. SE. Potenza. Lattakoo, tn., Africa, Bechuanalnnd. Lat. 7° 10' S., long. 24' 30' E, Lauder, burgli and par., Berwickshire, 6 ni. E. Stow. Lauenburg, dist., Prussia, in Schlcswig. Ar. 457 sq. m. Lauenburg, chief tn. of above, on the Elbe. Lauenburg, tn., Prussia, in Pomerania, 68 m. ENE. Coslin. Lauf, tn., Ba^'aria, on the Pegnitz, EXE. Nureraburg. Laufen. tn., SE, Bavaria, on the Salzach. Lauffen or Laufen. tn.. Wurtemberg, on R. Neckar, SW. Ilcilbronn. Lauffen. walk-d tn., Swit/.-Tland, 33 m. NNW. Bern. Laufienbiu-g or Klein Laufenburg. vil., Baden, on R. Rhine. Laughame. tn. and par., co. and 12 m. SW. Carmarthen. Laughton, par. and vil., Sussex, 6 m. NE. Lewes. Laughtou-en-le-Morthen, par., tnshp., and vil., W, Riding, Yorkshire. Lauingen, tn., Bavaria, on the Danube, 26 m. NW. Augsburg. Laojar, tn , Spain, 18 m. NW. Almeria, on the Sierra Nevada. Laun, tn., Bohemia, on R. Eger, 10 m. NE. Saatz. Launcella, par. and vil., Cornwall, i m. E. Stratton. Launceaton, bor. and par., Cornwall, i8im. NW' Tavistock. Launceaton, pari. div. of Cornwall. Launceaton, tn., Tasmania, co. Cornwall, 120m. N. Hobart. P. 20,145. Laune, riv., co. Kerry, flows 12 ni. NW. to Dingle Bay. La Union, spt. tn., San Salvador, on Fonseca Bay. Launton, par. and vil., co. and 13^ m. NE. Oxford. Laupersweil, vil., Switzerland, 14 m. from Bern, near the Erninen. Laupheim, tn., Wurtemberg, 12 m. NNW. Biberacb. Laura, tn., S. Australia, co. Victoria, 141 m. N. Adelaide. Laurahutte, vil., Prussia, dist. Oppeln, near Konigshlitte. Laureana, tn., Italy, prov. Reggie di Calabria. Laurel, vil., Delaware, Sussex co., on Broad Creek. Laurel, ^il. and tnshp., Indiana, Franklin co., on Whitewater R. Laurel, vil. and tnslip., Maryland, Prince George's co. Laurel Hill, mtn. range, Pennsylvania, in Cambria, Somerset, etc. cos. Laurencekirk, tn. and par., S. Kincardineshire, 10 m. NK. Breclun. Laurens, vil. an., Missouri, Cooper co. Lebanon, vil. and ttislip., Missouri, cap. of Laclede co. Lebanon, vil. and tnshp., New Hampshire, Grafton co. Lebanon, vil. Ohio, cap. of Warren co. Lebanon, bor., Pennsylvania, cap. Lebanon Co., on Quitpatilla Creek. Lebanon, vil., Tennessee, cap. of Wilson co. Has a university. Lebanon, vil. and tiislip., Virginia, cap. of Russell co. Lebbeke, vil., Hel^rium, in E. Flanders, 18 in. E. Ghent. Lebedlan, tn., Russia, gov. and i ro m. WNW. Tanil>ov. Lebedln, tn., Russia, gov. and 77 ni. WNW. Kharkov. Lebeng, vil., Hunf^iry, near Lake Neusiedl. Le Blanc, vil., France, dep. Indrf, on R. Creuse. Lebong Mtna.. Kumann dist., N'W. Provs., India. Alt. 18,942 ft. Lebr^a, tn.. Spain, 29 in. SSW. Seville. Lebn, tn., Chili, stito Arauco, at mouth of Arauco R. Le Baet, mtn., France, Savoie, N. of Mont Blanc. Elev. 10,128 ft. Lebm, tn., Prussia, piov. Brandenburg, 5 m. N. Frankfort. Lecale, Lower, Ijarony, S. co, Down. 30,976 acres. Lecale, Upper, barony, S. co. Down. 30/199 acres. Lecce, prov., S. Italy, in Apulia. Area 3293 sq. m. Pop. 574,612. Lecce, city, cap. of above. 40° 25' N. Pop. of com. 25,934. Lecco, tn., Italy, Ijombardy, 16 m. EXE. Como. Lech, riv., Tyrul and Bavaria, flows 140 m. N. to the Danube. Lechfeld, great plain, Germany, between Lech and Wertach. Leehbausen, vil., Bavaria, on the Lech, NE. Augsburg. Lechlade, tn. and par., Gloucester, on R.Thames, 23 ni. SW. Oxfonl. Leek, par., mid co. Donegal, on Lough Swilly, near Letterkenny. Leek, riv., Netlierlands, an arm of the old Rhine at the delta. Leckhampton, par. and vil., Gloucestershire, 2 m. S. Cheltenham. Leckpatrick, par,, N. co. Tyrone, contains part of Strabane. Leclaire, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Scntt ro., on the Mississippi U. LflclercvUle, vil., Canada, 51 m. above Quebec. Lecompton, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Douglas CO., on the Kansas R. Lecropt, par., chiefly in Perthshire, contains part of Bridge of Allan. Lectoure, tn., France, dep. Gcrs, 20 m. N". Auch. Ledbury, tn. and par., co. and 13 in. SE. Hereford. Ledcourt, dist., Victoria, co. Borung, 144 m. NW. Melbourne. Leddon, River, IIerefordsh.,trib. of .Severn near Gloucester, 21 m.long. Lode, vil., Belgium, E. Flanders, 6J m, SW. Dendermonde. Ledeberff, vil., Belgium, E. Flandei-s, 6 m. SE. Ghent. Ledesma, tn.. Spam, 30 m. NW. Salamanca. Ledeama, tn., Argentine Republic, prov. Jujuy. LedeUch, tn., Bdiemia, 17 tn. SSW. Czaslau, on the Sasawa. Lednock, riv. with watt^rlalls, Perthshire, trib of Earn, at Comrie. Ledxham. par., tnshp., and vil.,W. Riding, Yorks, 6 m. N. Pontefract. Ledwyche, Elver, Shropsh., flows 10 m. toTeme, 3 m. above Tenbury. Ledyard, vil. and tn.shp., Connecticut, New London co., on Thames It. Lee, par., Kent, on R. Lee, in Lewisham, \\ m. SE. Greenwich. Lee, vil. aud tnshp., Maine, Penobscot co. Lee, vil. aud tnshp., Massachusetts, Berkshire CO., on Housatonic R. Lee, vil and tnshp., New York, Oneida co. Lee, Loch, N. Forlarsliire, liead-stream of N. Esk. Lee, River, CO. Cork, flows 50 m. E. through Lough AlluatoCorkharb. Lee. River, Kent, flows 10 in. NW. to the Thames at Greenwich. Lee Centre, vil. and tnshp,, Illinois, Lee co. Leechborg, bor., Pennsylvania, Armstrong Co., on the Kiskiminetas R. Leeds, bor., p;ir., and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks. Pop. 367,500. Leeds, par. and vil,, Kent, 5 m. SE. of Maidstone. LeedB, vil., Quebec, co. Mcgantic, 22 m. frnmSte Julie. Copper mines. Leeds, vil.. New York, Greene co., on CatskiU Creek. LeedB and Liverpool Canal, Yorkshire and Lancashire, 127 m. lung. Leek, tn. and i>ar., St,aflbrdshire, i-^im. SK. Maccleslield. Leek, vil., Netherlands, prov. ami 9 m. WSW. Grouingeii. Leek and Lowe, tnshp., Stafloidshin*, Leek par. Leek DlvlBlon, i)arl. div. of St^atlordshire. Leek Firth, tnshp., StafltJrdshire, contains part of Leek. Leomlng, occl. dist. and vil., N. Riding, Yorkshire, Burncston par. Leen, River, Notts, flows 12 m. S. to tlie Trent near Nottingham. Lee Point, N. Territory, between Port Darwin and Shoal Bay. Leer, tn., Uanover, 17 m. S. Aurlch, on R. Leda. Loerdam, tn., Netherlands, in S. Holland, ig m. ENE, Dort. Lees, tn., SR. Lancashire, A.shton-under-Lyne par., i^ in. SE. Oldham. Leesbnrg, vil. and tnshp., Florida, cap. of Sumter co. Leesborg, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Ilarrison co. Leesborg, vil., Oliio, Highland co. Leeaburg, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, cap. of London co. Lee Scar Rocks, skerry, oirCuinherland, mouth of Solway Firth. Leeafleld, eccl. dist., SE. Lancashire. Lee's Summit, vil., Missouri, Jiickson co. Lee St. John, i>ar., Northumberland, \\ m. N. Hexham. Leeston, tn.. New Zealand, co. Selwyn, 27 m. S. Christchurch. LeeavlUe, vil. ancl tnshp., Missouri, Henry co. Leetonta, vil., Ohio, Culumbiana co. Manufi-s. of pottery, etc. Leenwardon, tn., Netherlands, cap. of Fricsland. Pop. 30,149. Leeawln, Cape, SE. extremity of Australia. Leeward Islands, W. Indies. Area 706 aq. m. Pop. 124, S91. Lofkosla, city, cap. of CypriH, near tlie centre of islaniL Pop. 20,000. Lefroy, tnshj)., Tasmania, co. Dorset, 159 m. N. IIol)art. Lefroy, vil., Ontario, co. Himcoe, 52 m. by rail N. Toronto. Lefroy. mountain peak, Alberta, in the Rocky Mtns. Leftwlch, tnshp. and vll , Clu'shire, x\ m. S. Northwich. Leganes, tn., Spain, prov. and 7 m. SVV. Madrid. Logavannon, mtn., NW. co, Londonderry. 1289 ft. Legavejrra, mtn., on border of cos. Cavan and I-ermanagh. 1279 ft. Legorwood, par., Berwickshire, 3^^ m. NIC. Earlston. Leghorn, spt., Italy, cap. of L. prov., 50 m. WSW. Florence. P. 78,933. Leghorn, prov., Italy. Area 126 sq. in. Pop. 123,575. Legnago, tn., Itily, 22 m. SE. Verona, on the Ailige, Lognaja, Borgo dl, a W. suburb of Florence. Legnano, tn., Italy, 16 in. NW. Milan, Oil the Olona. Le-gnya, tnshp., Burma, Mergui dist. Legoneil, vil., S. co. Antrim, Shankill par., 2 m. NW. Belfast. Le Grand, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Marshall co., on the Ohio R. Leh, chief tn., Ladakli, Kashmir State. Lat. 34° 10' N., 77° 44' E. LehB, tn., Hanover, on the Wcser, near Bremerhaven, Leheflten, tu., in Saxe-Meiiiingen, 7 ni. SE. Grafenthal. LehlCity, vil. and tn.shp., Uiah, Utah co, , on Lake Utah. Lehigh River, Pennsylvania, falls into the Delaware R. at Kriston. Lehlghton, bor., Pennsylvania, Carbon co., on LeJtigh R. Lehman, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co. Lehra, vil., Bengal, Darbhangah dist. Leiah, tahsil, Dera Ismail Khan dist., Punjab. Leiah, tn., Leiah tahsil. Lit. 30° 57' N., long. 70' 58' E. Lelbitz, tn., Hungary, co. Zips, near Kesmark. Leibnitz, tn., Styria, 20 m. S. by E. Gratz. Leicester, bor, Leieestersh., 29 m NW. of Northampton. P. 142.100. Leicester, vil. and tnshp., Ma.. 17° 34' N,, 95* 13' E. Len, River, Kent, flows 9 m. NW. to the Modway at Maidstone. Lena, vil., Illinois, Stopheiison co. Lona River, Sibi'ria, 2400 m. long. T^at. 72' N., long. 125" E. Lenczy, tn., Poland, 80 m. WSW. Warsaw. Pop. 10,04S. Lendlnara, fortilied tn., Italy, 9 m. W. Rovigo. Lengefeld, tn.. Saxony, 14 m. SE. Chenuiitz. Lengenfold, tn.. Saxony. 26 m. SW. Cheiniiitz. Lenham, par. anrl vil., Kent, 8) in. SE. Maidstone. Leak, vil., Switzerland, canton Hern, in Simmenthal. Lenkoran, tn., Russia, gov., and 130 m. SSW. Baku. 151 LEN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER LET Lennep, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 22 m. E, by S. Diisseldorf. Lenney Hea4, promontory, on SW. coast of Pembrokeshire. Lennlk St, Qaeotln, tn., Belgium, g m. SW. Brussels. Lennox HilU, fruni near Dumbarton NE. to near Stirling. Lennox Pasaage, Cape Breton Island, Richmond co. Lennoitown, in., Stirlinysliire, nj m. N. Glasgow. Lennoxvilie, vil., Quebec, co. Sherbrooke, 104 in. SS. Moncreal. Leno, In,, Italy, in Lombardy, 12 m. S. Bres(;ia. Lenoir, vil. and tnshp., North Carolina, cap. of Caldwell co. Lenoira, vil and tushp., Tennessee, Loudon co., on Holston R. Lenox, vil., Iowa, Taylor co. Lenox, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Berkshire co. Lenox, vil. and tnslip., Pennsylvania, Susquehanna co. Lena, tn , France, Ui^p. I'as-de-Calais, 9 m. NE. Arras. Lena, vil., Switzerland, canton Valais, 5 m. NE. Sion. Lentlni, tn., Sicily, 18 m. SSW. Catania. Lenton, par., Notts, on R. Leen, in bor. of Nottingham. Leny, p^r , N. co. Westmeath, i m. S. Multyfamham. Lenzburg, tn., Switzerland, canton Aargau, 7 m. E. Aarau. Lenzen, tn., Prussia, in Brandenburg, 83 ni. NW. Potsdam. Lenzie, 5.S. par and suburb of Kirkintilloch, Dumbartonshire. Leoben, vil., Austria, in Styria, 26 m. NNW. Gratz. LeobachUtz, tn., Prussian Silesia, 33 ra. SW. Oppeln. Leochel and Coahnie, par. and g.s. par., Aberdeen, 5 m. SW. Alford. Leominster, bor. and par., co. and 12 m. N. Hereford. Leominater, par., tnshp., and viL, Sussex, 2 m. SE. Arundel. Leominater, pari. div. of Herefordshire. Leominater, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Worcester co. Leominater Cajial, Sussex, from Leomiuster NE. to Mamblc. Leon, prov., NW. Spain. 5976 sq. m. Lat. 42" 40' N. Pop. 380,229. Leon, city, cap. of above. Lit. 42° 40 N., long. 5° 35' W. Leon, tn., Nicaragua, between L. Leon and the Pacific. Pop. 30,000. Leon, tn., Iowa, c;ip. of Decatur co. Leon, city, Mexico, state and 40 m. WNW. Guanajuato. P. 121,720. Leon, vil. and tnslip.. New York, Cattaraugus co. Leon, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Monroe co. Leon, prov., Ecuador. Area 7379 sq. ra. Pop. 80,028. Leona, riv., rises in Uvalde co., Texas, and falls into the Rio Frio. Leonard's Hill, tn., Victoria, co. Talbot, 84 m. NW. Jlelhourne. Leonard Stanley, par. and vil., Gloucestershire, ji m. SW. Stroud. Leonardtown, vil. and tnshp., Maryland, cap. of St. Mary's co. Leonberg, tn., Wurteniberg, 8 m. WNW. Stuttgart. Leonessa, tn., Italy, prov. Aquila, on the Corno. Leonforte, tn , Sicily, 49 m. WNW. Catania. Pop. 16,819. Leoni, vd. and tnshp,, Michigan, Jackson co. Leonidaa, vil, and tnshp., Michigan, St. Joseph co. Leon Lake, Nicaragua, discharges t<:) Lake Nicaragua. 35 m. long. Leon River, Texas, rises in Eastland co, and joins Lauipassas Creek. Leopold, tn., Victoria, 52 ui, SW. Melbourne. Leopold IL I^ke, Cent. Africa. Area about 800 sq. m, Lat. 2° S. Leopoldina, tu., Brazil, Minas Geraes, 115 ra. SE. Ouro Preto. Leopoldstadt, suburb of Vienna, on isl. in Danube. Pop. 120,000. Leopoldville, tn., Africa, on the Congo, above cataracts. Lat. 4*io'S. Lepanto, spt., Greece, .,Etolia. Lat. 38° 10' N. Lepe, tn., S[>ain, jn-ov. and 11 ra. W. Huelva. Lepel, tn., Russia, gov. and 62 m. W3W. Vitebsk. L'Epiphanio, vil., Quebec, co. L'Assomption, 35 m. from Montreal. Lepreau Point, New Brunswick, on coast of St. John co. Lepreaux, vil., New Brunswick, co. Charlotte, 25 m. SW. St. John. Lequeltio, coast tn., Spain, prov. Biscay, 17 m. ENE. Bilbao. Lercara di Freddi, tn., Sicily, 48 m. SE. Palermo. Lerchenfeld, suburb of Vienua. Pop. 25,657. Lericl, tn., Italy, prov. Genoa, on Bay of Spezia. Lerida, city, Spain, cap. of L. prov., on R. Segre. Pop. 21.885. Lerida, prov., Spain. 4691 sq. m. Lat, 41° 35' N. Pop. 235 417. Lerina, isl. group, France, dep. Var, in Mediterraueau, Lerma, tn., Spain, prov. and 23 m, S. Burgos, Le Roy, vil , Illinois, McLean co. Lo Roy, vil. and tnshp,, Kansas, Coffey co,, on the Neosho R. Le Roy, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Osceola co. Le Roy, vil. and tnsiip., Minnesota, on the Upper Iowa R. Le Roy, vil. and.tnshp.. New York, Genesee co. Le Roy, vil. and tnshp,, Pennsylvania, Bradford co. Lenin, River, Cornwall, flows 6 m. to the Fowey. Lerwick. si)t. tn., ]»ar. , and cap., Shetland Is. Lat. 60° 10' N., 1° o' W. Lery, River, Cardiganshire, flows W. and N. to estuary of Dyfi. Lea Abimes, tn., Guadeloupe I., 3 m. from La Pointe-a-Pitre, Lea Andelya, tn., France, dep. Eure, 20 ra. NE, Evreux. Lea Area, tn., France, dep. Var, 8 ui, S, Draguignan. Leabos, in -Egean Sea, See Mltylene. Lea Brenete, vil., Switzerland, 12 m, WNW. Neuchatel. Leabury, par., tnshp., and vil., Northumberland, 3J m. SE. Alnwick. Lea Eboolemens. vil., Quebec, co. Charlevoix, 69 ra. below Quebec. Lea Ecureuila, vil., Quebec, co. Portneuf, on St. Lawrence R. Les Escomnains, vil., Quebec, co. Saguenay, on St. Lawrence R. Leaina, isl., Dalmatia, 23 m. SE. Spalato. Pop. 22,911. Leakovatz, tn., in S, of Servia, dist, of Nish. Leslie, tn. and par., Fifeshire, 4 m. W Markinch. Lealie, par., Aberdeenshire, 4 111. SW. of Insch. Leslie, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Ingham co. Leabe, vil.. Ontario, co. York, 1 ra. E. Toronto. Leamabagow, par. and vil., co. and 6 m. SW. Lanark. Lemeven, tn., France, dep. Finistere, 16 m. NNE. Brest. Lesparre, tn.. Franco, dep. Gironde, 37 m, NW. Bordeaux. Lease, riv., Belgium, atll. of the Meuse above Dinant. Leaaen, tn., W. Prussia, 17 m. SSE. Marienwerder. Leaser Slave Lake, Athabasca. Lat. 55° 40' N , long. 117" W. Lesalnea, tn., Belgium, Hainaut, on R. Dender. Leaandden, vil., Roxburghshire, in par. and i^ ra, SE. St. Boswells. LeaterviUe, vil, and tnshp., Missouri, Reynolds co. Le Sueur, vil, and tnshp., Minnesota, Le Sueur co., on Mianeaota R. Le Snenr, riv., Minnesota, falls into the Blue Earth R. Leawait, par. and vil,, Wigtownshire, 3 ra. NW. Stranraer. Letcombe Eegia, par., tnshp., and vil., Berks, \\ m. SW. Wantage. L'Etete, set., New Brunswick, co. Cliarlotte, 9 m. from StGeorge. Letham, vil,, Kirkden and Dunnichen pars., 20. and 5 m. E. Forfar. Lethbridge, tn., Victoria, co. Grant, 65J m. W byN. fromMelbourue. Lethbridge, tn.. Alberta, on bran'^h of the Canadian Pacific Ry. Letitchev, tn., Russia, in Podolia, 6 m. NNE. Kamieniee. Letmathe, tn., Prussia, in Westphalia, 22 m. W. Arn^berg. Letobatchee, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Lowndes co. Letter©, tn., Italy, prov. Napoli, 3J in. E. Castellamare. Letterkenny, tu., Co. Donegal, 16 m. SW. Londonderry. Lettermore Island, at entrance of Kilkieran Bay, co. Galway. Lettennullan Island, Kikummin par., W. co. Galway. Leuca, Cape, or Santa Maria di Leuca, SE. extremity of Italy. Lencadia. &tz Santa Maura. Leucbars, par. aiid vil., Fifeshire, s^m. NW. St. Andrews. Leuk, vil., Switzerland, canton Valais, on R. Rhone. Alt. 5000 ft. Leurboat, vil., Lewis Island, 8 ui. S\V. Stornoway. Leatensdorf, tn., Bohemia, 24 m. WNW, Leitmeritz. Leuthen, vil., Prussian Silesia, 9 m. ESE. Neumarkt. Leutklrch, tn., Wurtemberg, 40 m. S. Ulm. Leutschau, tn., Hungary, 123 m. NE. Buda-Pesth. Leuze, tn., Belgium, in Hainaut, on R. Dender. Leva, tu., Hungary, 54 m. NNW. Buda-Pesth. Levan, vil. and tnshp., Utah, Juabco. Levanger, tn., onTrondlijem Fiord, Norway. Levant, French name for E. shores of the Mediterranean. Levant, vil. and tnshp,, Maine, Penobscot co. Levantine, val., Switzerland, S. from St. Gotthard. Levanto, est. tn., Italy, prov. Genoa, 18 m. NNW. La Spezia. Levanzo, one of the .^gades Is., oft" W. coast of Sicily, Levard, tn., Hungaiy, 26 ni. NNW. Pressburg. Levee, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Montgomery co. Leven, par., tnshp., and vil., E. Ridmg, Yorks, 6 m. NE. Beverley. Leven, tn., Fife, on Fin h of Forth, lojm. NE. Kirkcaldy. Leven, Loch, sea loch, borders of Argyll and luverness-shires. Leven, Loch, in co. and par. of Kinross. Lat. 56° 41' N. Leven, River, borders of Argyll and Inverness-sbires lo Loch Leven. Leven, River, from Loch Luiuond to R. Clyde. Leven, River, Kinross and Fife, issues from Loch Leven and flows to Largo Bay. 16 m. long. Leven, River, N. Lancashire, issues from Lake Windermere. Leven, River, Tasmania, co. W. Devon, 70 m. from Launceston. Levenahulme, tnshp., St). I-aucasliire, 3 m. SE. Manchester. Lever, Great, tnshp., SE. Lancasliire, i^ m. SE. Bolton. Lever, Little, tnshp. and Vil,, Bolti>n le Moors par,, SE, Lancashire. Leverano, tn., prov. and 10 m. WSW. Lecce, Italy. Leverbridge, eccl, dist,, Bolton le Moors par., SE. Lancashire. Lever Daxcy, tn. and vil., Bolton le Moors par., SE. Lancashire. Leverett, vil. and tnshp., Blassachusetts, Franklin co, Leverington, par., tnshp., vil., Cambridgeshire, 2 m. NW. Wisbech. Levem, quoad sacra par., Eastwood and Abbey pars. Renfrewshire. Leverstock Green, eccl. dist, and vil., Abbots Langley par., Herts. Leverton, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 5J m. NE. Boston. Leverton, South, par., tnshp.. and vil., "Notts, 6^ni. SE. East Retford. Levico, tn., Italy, prov, and 10 ra. WSW. Lecce. Levis, tn., Quebec, cap. of Lewis CO., on R. St. Lawrence. Levroux, In., France, dep. Indre, 13 ra. N. Cliateauruux. Levuka, tn.. Fiji, on E. coast of Ovalau Island, Lewannick, par. and vil., Cornwall, 5 m. SW, Launceston. Lewes, bor. and co. tn. of Sussex, on R. Ouse. Lat. 50° 52' N. Lewes, pari, div, of Sussex. Lewes, vil., Delaware, Sussex co., on Delaware Bay. Lewis, largest and most northerly of Outer Hebrides. Lewis, vil., Iowa, Cass CO., on the E. Nishnabatoua R. Lewiaburg, vil. and tushp., Kentucky, Mason co. Lewisburg, West, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, cap. of Greenbrier co. Lewisburg, bor., Pennsylvania, cap. of Union co., on Susquehanna R. Lewiaham, pari, bor., par., and SE. suburb of Loudon. Pop. 88,643. Lewis Ponda, New South Wales. Silver-field. Lewiaport, viL and tnshp., Kentucky, Hancock co., on the Ohio R. Lewiston, vil. and tnshp., California. Trinity co., on the Trinity R. Lewlston, vil. and tnslip., Illinois, cap. of Fulton co. Lewiston, vil., Idaho, Nez Percys co., on Clearwater and Snake Rs. Lewiston, city, Maine, in co, and on Androscoggin R. Pop. 21,701. Lewiston, vil. and tnshp., Maryland, Frederick co. Lewiston, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Niagara co., on Niagara R, Lewiston. bor., Pennsylvania, cap. of Mufflin co., on Juniata R. Lewiston, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, Lunenburg co. Lewisville, vil. and tnshp., North Carolina, Forsyth co. Lewknor, tnshp. and vil., Oxfordshire and Bucks, 6 m. S. Thame. Lew Water, riv. Devou^ rises near Bridestow, flows 13 m. SW, to Tamar. Lexden, par., NE. co. Essex, In bor. of Colchester. Lexington, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, McLean co. Lexington, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, Scott co. Lexington, city, Kentucky, c^^p. of Fayette co., on Elkborn R. Lat. 38' o' N., long. 84" 15' W. Pop. 21,567. Lexington, vil. and tushp., Massachusetts, Middlesex co, Lexington, portof entry, Michigan, cap. ofSanilac co , on L. Huron. Lexington, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Le Sueur co. Lexington, vil., Missouri, cap. of Holmes co. Lexington, tn. and tnshp., Missouri, cap. of La Fayett« co. Lexington, vil., tnshp., New York, Greene co., among Catskill Mtns. Lexington, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, cap, of Davidson co, Lexington, vil., Ohio, Richlands co. Lexington, vil.. tnshp., Virginia, cap. of Rockbridge co., on James R, Leybum, tn. and tnshp., N. Riding, Yorks, 18 m, W. Northallerton. Leybum, tn., Queensland, co. Merivale, 150 m. SW. Brisi-aiie. Leyden, city, S. Holland, 22 ra. SW. Arasterdam. Pop. 46,329, Leyden, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Franklin co. Leyden, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Lewis co., on the Black R. Leydenberg, vil., S. African Republic, 180 m. NE. Pretoria. Leyderdorf, vil., S. Holland, on the Rhine, ij ni. E. Leyden. 152 LEY THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER LIN Leyl&nd, tn., par., and tnshp., N. Lancashire, 4} m. S. Preston. ]>ylaitd8, eccl. dist., in par. and bor. of Leeds, W. Riding, Yorks. Leyny, barony, S. co. Sli^o. Leyte, isl. , one of the Philippines, SSW. of Samai-. Pop. 220,615. Lflytha River. -See Leltha. X«ytoD, tn. and par., Essex. 1 m. N. Stratford. Pop. 63,106. Lejrtoustone, cccl. dist., Essex, Low Leyton par., j ni. NE. Leyton. Lezama, vil., Spain, prov. Alava, 3 m. SB. Amurio. Lez&nt, par. and vJl., Cornwall, 4 m. S. Launceston. Lezay, vil., France, Deux-S^vrcs, 6 ni. EXE. Molle. Lezayre, par. and vil., I•^le of Man, 3 ni. S\V. Rinisey. Lezayak, tn., Austria, Galicia, 25 ni. NE. Uzeszow. Lezlgnan, tn , France Audo. 13 m. W. Narlmnne. I^zotix, tn., France Puy-de•Dl^nle, 15 m. EXE. Clermont. Xeznza, vil.. Spain 32 m. WSW. Albacete. XUkhov, isl.. New Siberia Is. Arctic Ocean. Lat. 75' o' N. Xi&nconrt, tn., France Oise s ni. SSE. Clermont. Llang-Tcheo, city. China. Kan-sii, 140 m. NNW. Lian-Tcheu. Llan-Tcheu, city. China, Quang-Tonj;, 240 m. SW. Canton. Xl&rd, Eiver, British Columbia, flows to the Mackenzie. Libaniu, nitns., Syria, ^m Lebanon. Ziban, ppt. tn., Russia Courland, on the Baltic. Pop. 27,418. Llbberton, pnr. and vil , Lanarkshire, 5 m. NW. Biggar. Liberia, rep., Africa, Upper Guinea, 14,300 sq. m. Pop. 1.050,000. Llbertad, maritime dep., NW. Peru. Area 15,649 sq. ni. P. 147,641. Llbertad, La, tn.. San Salvador, Central Amerii-a, on the Pacific. Llberton, par. aod vil., co. and i\ ni. SE. Edinburgh. liberty, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Adams co. Liberty, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, St. Joseph co. Liberty, vil.. Indiana, cap. of Union co. Liberty, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Montgomery co. Liberty, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Walds co., on the St. George R Liberty, vil. and tnslip., Michigan, Jackson co. Liberty, tn. and tnslip., Missouri, cap. of Clay co. Liberty, vil. and tnshp., New York, Sullivan co. Liberty, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Tioga co. Liberty, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, cap. of Bedford co. Liberty Centre, vil.. Ohio, Henry co. Liberty of the RoU^, par., Middlesex, in Finsbury. Libertytown, vil .ind tnshp.. Maryland, P'rederick co. Llbertyville, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Lake co. Llbonme, tn., France, dep. Gironde, 15 m. ENE. Bordeaux. Libreville, tn., Gabun, French Congo. Lat. 0° 30' N., long. 9° 20' E. Libyan Desert, part of the Sahara, E. of Fezzan and Waday. Licata, spt., Sicily, at mouth of R. Salso. Pop. 18,610. Llch, tn., H(.'ssen. on R. Wttter, 8 m. SE. Giessen. Lichfield, city, co and 17 m. SE. Statford. Lat. 52" 42' N. LlclifleW, pari. div. of Stitfordshire. Llchtanburg, tn., South African Republic, in the W. LIchtenfelfl, tn., Bavaria, on R. Main, 20 m. NNE. Bamberg. Llcbtensteig, tn., Switzerland, cant, and 16 ni. WSW. St. Gall. Llchtenatein, tn.. Saxony. 14 m. WdW. Chemnitz. Lichtenvoorde, vil., Netherlands, 5 ni. SW. Groeido. Llchtervelde, tn., Belgium, 1^ m. WSW. Bruges. Lick, tn., E. Prussia, 55 m. S. Gumbinnen. Lickbla, par., N. co. Westineath, 3^ m. NW. Castle pollard. Llckey, eccl. dist., Worcester, Brooinsgrove and King's Norton pars. Licking Elrer, Kentucky, rises in Fhiyd co,, and falls into the Ohio R. Licking River, Ohio, fills into the Muskingum B. at Zanesville. Lickmolaasy, par , S. co. Gal way, on R. Sliannon and Lough Der;,' Llcodla, tn., Sicily, prov. Catania, 7 m. SE. Caltagirone. Lldar River, Kashmir statn, i'unjab, liead-water of the Jehlam. Llddel Water. Uoxbnrgh and Dumfriesshires, flows 26J m. to the Esk. Liddes, vil., Switzerland, between Marigny and Great St. Bernard. Uddlard MiUlcent, jiar. and \nl., Wilts, 4 m. NW. Swindon. LIddiard Tregaooze, par. and vil., Wilts, i ni. SE. LiddiardMillicent. Llddington, par. and vil , Rutland, 2 m. SE. Uppingham. Udford, par. and vil., Devon, on R. Lid, 6 ni. NE. Tavistock. Lldkoplng, tn., Sweden, 30 ni. SW. Mariestadt, on Lake Wener. Lldlington, pur. anrl vil., in co. and 9I ni. SW. Bedford. Lleban, tn., Moravia, i8 ni. NE. Prcran. Lieban, tn., Prussian Sih'sia, 34 m. SSW. Liegnitz. LlebemtUil, tn.. East Prussia, 72 ni. SSW. Kbnigsberg. Liebenan, tn., Bohemia, rgm. NR. Buntzlau, Liebenateln, Germany, 18 m. WSW. Gotha. Llebenwalde, tn., Pitissia, Brandenburg, 37 m. NNE. Potsdam. Uebenwerda, tn., Pr:issian Saxony, 60 m. ENK. Mcrseburg. Liebervolkwltz, tn.. Saxony, 5 in, SR. Leipzig, Llebatadt, tn., E. Prussi;i, on the Muhl, 54 m. SSW. Kcinigsberg. Liechtenstein, small principality, Tyrol, bet. Rhine and Vorarlbcrg. Lledekerke, vil., Belgium, 12 \\\. W. Brussels. Llige, prov., Belgium. L it. 50' 38' N., long. 5* 34' E. Pop. 761,006. L16ge, city, I3elgium, cap. of above, 54 ni. SE. Brussels. Pop. 146.162, Liegnitz, tn., Prussian Sile.sia, 40m. W.VW. Bnslau. Pop. 46,861. Llemba, lake. Cent. Africa, at S. end of Lake Tanganyika. Llempden, vil., Netherlands, g m, S. Boisde-Dnc. Llenden, vil., Netherlands, Gelderland, 12 m. NW. Nymwegen. Llentz, tn., Tyrol, on River l>mve. Llepore, vil., Alsac", 14 m. NW. Colmar. Llemeox, vil., Btlgiuin, jirov. and 25 m. SSE. Liige. Llerre, tn., Belgium, 10 m, SE. Antwerp. Pop. 17,943. Lle8thal, tn,, Switzerland, 8 in. SIC. Basle. Lletor, tn., Spain, 63 m. NW. Mureia. Llevln, tn., France, in Pas-de C;ilais, 14 m. SE. Bethune. UAvro. Rlvlire da, Quebec, enters the Ottawa R. LIB, Benvie, and Invergowrle, jiar. and vil., Forfarshire. Pop. 43,190. Llfl. vil., Forfarsliire, t\ m. NW. Dundee. Lliley, River, Leinster prov., falls into Dublin Bay at Dublin. Lifford, tn.,CIonleighpar., NR. co. Donegal, 15 m. SW. Londonderry. Llffordrom, mtn., 5 m. E. of Strabane, N. co. Tyrone. Alt. 1343 ft. Lifton, par. and vil., Devon, on H. Lid, 4 m. NE. Launceston. Lifn, the largest of the Loyalty Is. in the Pacillc, belongs to France. LlghtcUfle, eccl. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 3 m. SE. Halifax. Light River, S. Australia, flows SW. throngh cos. Light and Gawler. Llgnlerea. tn., France, dep. Cher, 25 m. SW. Buurges, Ligny, vil., Belgium, 14 m. WNW, Namur. Ligny, tn., France, dep. Meuse, 10 ni. SE. Bar-le-Dnc. Ligonler, vil,, Indiana, Noble co., on the Elkhart R. Llgonier, bor. and tnshp.. Pennsylvania, Westmoreland co. Llgor, tn., Lower Siam, on E. side of Malay Peninsula. Llffuria, compart., N. Italy, surrounding Gulf of Genoa. P. 947,300. Llgurian Sea, part of Mediterranean, N. of Corsica. Lihou Reef and Cays, Coral Sea, 120 m SW. of Willis Group. Lika, riv., Croatia, military Irontier, siuks underground. Likhl, petty state, Bombay, India, Ll-Klang. city, China, Yun-Nan. Lat, 26" 45' N., long. 100° 20' E. Likoma, isl. and university mission stn., Lake Nyassa, Equat. Africa. Llknba, riv , Congo Ter., enters the Congo at Bossi station. Lilajan River, Bengal, Hazaribagh dist. LilesviUe, vil and tnshp., North Carolina, Anson co. Lille, ft. tn., cap. of Nord, 155 ni. N. by E. X'aris. Pop. 188,272. Lillebonne. tn., France, dep. Seine-Inferieure, 22 m. E. Havre. LlUehammer, tn. , Norway, 80 m. NNW. Cliristiania. LlUera, tn., France, Pas-de-Calais, 7 m. NW. Bethune. LiUeaand, spt. tn., Norway, 15 m. ENE. Christiansand, LlUeahall, par. and vil., Shropshire, 3 m. SW. Newport. LUley, par. and vil., in N. of co. Herts, 4 ni. NE. Luton. Lllliesleaf, par. and vil., Roxburghshire, 3 m. W Belses. Liilimur, tn., co. Lowan, Victoria, 305 m. NW M'.dbourne. LlUington, par. and local gov. dist., Warwickshire. NE. Leamington. Lillington, vil. and tnshp.. North Carolina, cap. of Harnett co. Lillo, tn., Spain, prov. and 37 ni. ESK. Toledo. Lillooet, vil., Brit. Columbia, 283 m. NW. New Westminster. Lilly Lake, set. New Brunswick. King's co., ig ni. from St. John. Lilydale, vil., Victoria, co. E\'elyu, 24 m. NE, Melbourne. Lima, city, cap. of Peru and of dep. and prov. of Lima. Pop. 101,488. Lima, dep., Peru. Lat. 12" 3' S., long. 77° o' W. Fop. 260,816. Lima, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Adams co., on the Mississippi R. Lima, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, La Grange co., on the Pigeon R. Lima, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Livingston co. Lima, city, Ohio, cap. of Allen co., on tlie Ottawa R. Pop. 15,970. Llmari, riv,. Chili, prov. Coquimbo. 100 m. long. LImaaol, spt. tn., Cyprus, on S. coast, 38 m. SW. Larnica. Limavady, tn. and tnshp.. co. and 16 m. NE. Londonderry. Limbach, tn,, Saxony. 7 m. NW. Chemnitz. Llmbourg, prov., Belgium. Lat, 50° 38' N., long. 5" 56' E. P. 224,474. Llmburg, prov,, Netherlands, Lat 51* 10' N., long, t" d E. P. 262.199. Llmburg, tn., Prussia, in Hessen-Nassau, on R. Laha. Limburg, tn., Westphalia, ou R. Leine. Limehouae, par., on R. Thames, Middlesex, in E. London, Llmehoofle, j'ail. div. of Tower Hamlets, Middlesex. Llmehoose, vil., Ontario, co. Halton, 32 m. W. Toronto. Llmekilnfl, vil., Fife, on Firth of Forth, 3 m. S. Dunfermline. Limerick, CO., Munster, Irel. 680,842 ac. Lat. 52" 40' N. Pop. 108,663. Limerick, city, CO. Limerick. Lat. 52° 40'N., long. 8° 35' W. Limerick, vil. and tnshp., Maine, York co., on the Little Ossipce R. Limerick, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Montgomery co. Limcrlgg, vil., Stirlingshire, in i>ar. and i m. S. Slamannan. Limestone, vil.. New York, Cattaraugus co. Limestone, vil, and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Clarion co. Limestone Bay, Saskatchewan, olf Lake Winnipeg. Limestone Islands, Ontario, in Georgian Bay. Limestone Springs, vil. and tnshp., S. Carolina, Spartanburg co. Limeville, vil. and tnslip., Alabama, Clay co, Limeville, vil., Iowa, Wayne co, Limeville Station, burongh, Pennsylvania, Crawford co. Limington, vil. and tnshp., Maine, York co. Llmmat, River, Switzerland, joins the Aar 2 m. E. Brugg. Llmoeiro, tn., Brazil, state, and 70 ni. NW. Pernamhuco. Limoges, city, France, cap, of llaute-Vienne, on U. Vienne. P. 68,477. Limon, spt. tn., Costa Rica, on E. coast, Llmone, vil., Italy, prov. and 16 m. S. Coni. Llmosanl, tn., Italy, 7 ni, NNW. Campobasso, LimoQsln, old prov., France, now Corr^ze, and part of Haute-Vienne. Llmoux, tn., France, Aude, on R. Aude. Limpopo River, Africa, falls into Indian Ocean. Lat. 24' o' S. Llmpsfleld, par. and vil., Surrey, 12 m. NE. Reigate. Llmra, [n'tty state, Bombay Presidency. Area 7 sq. m. Limrt. native state, Gujarat. Area 344 sq. m. Pop. 43,063. Limrl, chief tn., LiiLiri state. Lat. 22° 34' N., long. 71" 53' E, Llm River, Herzegovina, altluent of the Drina. Linarei, tn., Spain, prov. and 2^ m. NE. Jaeii. Pop. 63,627. Llnarea, prov.. Chili. Area 3488 sq. ni. Pop. 114,658. Llnarefl, tn.. Chili, cap. of above, 10 m. SK. Talca. Llnarea, tn., Mexico, in Nuevo Leon, ss m. SK. Monterey. Llnay, Altars of, 2 reefs, Orkney, off NW. of N. Ronaldshay I. Lincoln, bor. ami par., Lincolnshire. Lat. 53° 12' N. Lincoln, tn., Illinois, cap. of Logan co. Lincoln, vil. and tnslip., Maine, Penobscot co. Lincoln, vil., tnshp., Massachusetts, Middlesex co., on Sudbury R. Lincoln, city, cap. of Nebraska and of Lancaster co. Pop. 66,164. Lincoln, vil., New Mexico, cap. of Lincoln co., on the U. Bouito. Lincoln, vil. ancl tnshp., Vermont, Addisnn co. Lincoln, settlement. New Brunswick, Sunbury co. Llncohuhlre, CO., in E, England. Aren 1,767,879 acres. Pop. 472,778. Lincolnton. vil.. North Carolina, cap. of Lincoln co. Lindal, eccl. dist., N. Lanaisliire, Cartmel par., 2 m. NE. Grange. Lindan, ft. tn., Bavaria, on island in Lake Constance. Llnde, tn., Sweden, 20 in, N. Orebro. Linden, tn., Prussia, a suburb of Hnnover. Pop. 28.016 Linden, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, cap. of Marengo co. Linden, vil., Massachusetts, Middlesex co. Linden, vil., Michigan, Genesee co., on the Shiawassee R. Linden, vil. and tnshp., New York, Union co. Linden, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Iowa co. Lindenau, vil., Saxony, 3 ui. W. Leipzig. 153 LIN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER LIT landeanka, cape, S. coast Norway. Lat. 58° N., long. 7° 2' E. Lindfield, par. and vil., Sussex, 3^ m. NE. Cuckfield. Lindl, h.irbour, German E. Africa. Undisfarne Island, Northumberland. Set H0I7 Island. Lindley cum Quarmby, tnslip., Hndderstield par., W. Ridinj;, Torks. Lindley, v;l. and tnshp., New York, Steuben co., on the Tioga R. lindow, tccl. dist., Clieshire, Wilmslow par.. 3 m. SW. Wilmslow. lindridge, par., tnslip., and vil., Worcestershire, on R. Teme. Lindsay, tn., Ontario, cap. of Victoria co., 55 ni. NW. Port Hope. Lindsay Mount, New South Wales, co. Rouse. Height 5500 ft. Lindsay Mount, dist., Queensland, on border of New South "Wales. Lindsay River, Victoria, co. Millewa. Lindsey, Parts of, div. of Lancashire. 314,159 acres. Line, Kiver, Cumberland, flows 18 ni. SW. to tlie Esk. Lingan, cuast vil.. Nova Scotia, in Cape Breton co. Liugayen, spt, Philippine Is., on W. coast of Luzon. Pop. 20,996. Lingards, tnshp., Ahnondbury par., S. div. W. Riding, Yorkshire. Ling Chul, tu , on Hainan Island, prov. Qnang-Tong. Pop. 60,000. Lingen, tn., Hanover, 36 m. WNW. Osnabruck. Lingen, isl., off E. coast Sumatra, 100 m. SE. Singapore. Lingfleld, par. and vil., Surrey, 4 m. NE. Grinstead. Lingmell, mountain, Cumberland. Alt. 2104 ft. Lingmoor Fell, niountaia range, Westmorland. Alt. 1500 ft. Linguaglossa, tn., Sicily, 23 m. N. Catania. Llnguetta, Cape, Turkey. Lat. 40° 25' N., long. 19' 13' E. Lin-Baang, eity, China, prov. Kiang-si. Lat. 28° o' N., iis" 30' E. Linkinhome, par. and vil., Cornwall, 8 m. S. Launceston. Linkoplng, cap. of ustergtitland, nt-ar L. Roxen. Pop. 12,441. Linkville, vil. and tnshp., Oregon, Lake co. Linkwood. vil. and tn.shp., Maryland, Dorchester co. Linlithgow, burgh, par., and co. tn. of Linlithgow, 17} m. W. Edinburgh. Lat. 55° 59' N., long. 3' 35' W. LinlithgowBhire, CO., SE. Scotland. 76.806 ac. Pop. 5:,7£9. Linn, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, cap. of Osage co. Ijnnens, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Aroostook co. Linnens, vil., Missouri, cap. of Linn co. Linngan, tn., China, prov. Yun-nan. Lat. 23° 38' N. Linnhe, Loch, Argyll and Inverness. Lat 56° 36' N., long. 5° 30' W. LinnviUe, vi!. and tnshp., Virginia, Rockingham co. Linosa Island, Mediterranean. Lat. 35° 51' N., long. 12° 52' E. Linslade, par. and vil., Bucks, 2 ni. NW. Leighton Buzzard. Llnsted, par. and vil., Kent, 3 ni. SE. Sittingbourne. Linthhal, \il., Switzerland, 9 ni. SSW. Glarus, on R. Linth. Linthieum Island, Fiji, one of tlie Hudson group. Linthorpe, tn,, Middlesborongh par., N. Riding, Yorks. Linth River, Switzerland, adtuent of the Aar. Linthwaite, tn., Almondbury par., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Linton, par. and vil., co. and \q\ m. SE. Cambridge. Linton, tnshp. and vil., Derbyshire, 4^^ m. SE. Burton-upon-Trent. Linton, par. and vil., SR. Herefordshire, 4^ m. NE. Ross. Linton, tnshp., Herefordshire, in par. and 3 m. SE. Bromyard. Linton, par. anar. , co. and 2 m. NE. Carnarvon. Llanfair- Mathaf am -Elthaf, Anglesey, 7 ra. NW. Beaumaris. Llanfair -Pwllgwyngyll, tn. and par., Anglesey, 4 m. W. Bangor Llanfairtalhaiarn, par, and vil., co. and 8i m. NW. Denbigh. Llanfechan, par. and vil., Montgomeryshire, 3A in. E. Llanfyllin. Llanfechell, par. and vil., Anglesey, 5 m. SW. Amlwch. Llanferras, par. and vil., Denbighshire, si m. NK. Kuthin. Llanflhangel, par. and vil., Montgomerysh., 5 m. SW. Llanfyllin. Llanflhangel-Aberbythych, Carmarthenshire, 3 m. SW. Llandilo. Llanflhaogel-Abercowin, par., vil., Curmarthensh., 3m. SE. St. Clears. Llanflhangel -ar-Arth, par, and vil., Carmarthensh,, 2 in. NE. Pencader. Llanflhangel -Beguildy, pir., Radnorshire, 8 m. NW. of Knighton. Llanflhangel Cumdu, pLW,, SE. Brecknockshire. Llanflhangel-Exclflog, p ir , Anglesey, 2 m. SE. Llangefni. LlanflhangGl-Geneur-Glynn, par. and vil., Cardiganshire, 6 m. NE. Aberystwith. Llaaflhangel-Lledrod, par., Cardiganshire, 7 m. NW. Tregaron. Llanfihan gel -Rh6sy corn, par., Carmarthenshire, 10 m. NW. Llandilo. Llanflhangel y -Croyddin, par. and vil., Cardiganshire, 9 in. SE. Aberystwith. Llanflhangel-y-Pennant, par., vil., Carnarvonsh., 4 m. NW. Tremadoc. Llanflhangel-y -Pennant, par., Merionethshire, 8 m. SW. Dolgelly. Llanflhansel-Yatrad, par. and vil., Cardigansh., 61 m. SE. Aberayron. Llanflhangel y-Traethan. par., Meri<^iicthshiie, 3 m. N. Harlech Llanfor, par., Merionethshire, \\ m. NE. Biila, Uanfrothen, par. and vil., Merionethshire, 6i in. NE. Harlech. Llanfwrog, par., Denbighshire, ou R. Clwyd. Llanfyllin, bor. and par., Montgomeryshire, 14 m. SW. Oswestry. Llanfyndd, par. and vil., Carmarthenshire, 6 m. NW. Llandilo. Llanfyndd, eccl. dist. and vil., Flintshire, 5 m. N. Wrexham. Uanfyrnach, par. and vil., NE. Pembrokesliirc. Llangadfan, par. and tnshp., Montgomerysh., 6i m. NW. Llanfair. Llangadock, par. and vil., Carmarthenshire, ■^\ m. NE. Llandilo. 155 LLA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER LOG Llangafelach, par. and vil.,GlaniorE;, jj m. N. Swansea, laangammarch, par. and vil., Brecknockshire, 15m. JsE. Llandovery. Llangan, par., Pembroke and CarinarLlien shires, 5^ m. NE. Narberth. Uangaxren, par. and vil-, Herefordshire, 5J m. SW. Ross. Uangathen, par. and vil., Carniartlieushire, 3 m. W. Llandilo. Uangattock, par., Brecknockshire, 4 ni. NW. Clydach. Uangattock, par., tnshp., and vil., Mouniouthsh., 2 in, NE. Newport. Uangefnl, tu. and par., Anglesey, 5 ni. NW. Gaerwen. Uangeinor, par., Glamorganshire, 5 m. NE. Bridgend. Llangeinwen, coast par., Anglesey, 3 m. NW. Carnarvon. Llangeitho, par, and vil., Cardigansliire, 8J m. NE. Lampeter. Uangeler, par. and vil., Cannarthenshire, 5 m. SK. Newcastle. Llangelynin, coast par., Merionethshire, 4 m. NW. Towyn, Uangendeirne, par. and vil., CO. and 5 m. SE. Cannarthen. Uangeunech, par., Carmartlienshire, 5 ni. NE. Llanelly. Uangenny, par., Brecknockshire, \\ m. SE. Crickhowell. Llaugerniew, par. and vil., Denbighshire, 7 m. NE. Llanrwst. Llangian, par., Carnarvonshire, 6 m. SW. Pwllheli. Uangoed, par. and vih, Anglesey, 2 m. NE. Beaumaris. Llangoedmore, p^r., co. and i m SE. Cardigan. Llangollen, tn., par., and tn^hp., Denbighshire, on R. Dee LlangoUen-Traian, tnshp.. Denbighshire, Llangollen par. Uangranog, par. and vil., Cardigansh., 9 ra. N. Newcastle in Emlyu. Uangristiolos, par., Anglesey, lAm. S. Llangefni. Uangnick, par., Glamorganshire, 5^ ni. NW. Neath. Llangum, par. and vil., Denbiglishire, 7J m, NW. Corwen. Llangunider, par. and vil., Brecknockshire, 4 m. NW. Crickhowell. Llangunllo, par., Cardiganshire, 3 m. NE. of Newcastle in Emlyn. Uangnnnock, par., co. and 6 m. sW. Carmarthen. Uangunnor, par., co. and i m. E. Carmarthen. Llangnrig, par. and vil., Montgomeryshire, 5 m. NW. Newtown. Uangwm, par., Pembrokeshire, 5 m. SE. Haverfordwest, Llangwryfon, par., Cardiganshire, 5 m. S. Aberystwith. Llangwstennin, par., Carnarvonshire, 3 m. NE. Conway. Uangybi, par. and vil., Carnarvonshire, sj m. NW. Afon Wen. Llangynwyd, par., Glamorganshire, 3 m. SE. Tondu, Uangynwyd, Higher, tnshp., Glamorganshire, Llangynwyd par. Llangynwyd, Middle, tnshp., Glamorganshire, Llangynwyd par, Llanharan, par., Glamorganshire, 7 m. NE. Bridgend. Llanhilletb, par. and vil., Monmouthshire, i,\ m. NW. Pontypoul. Llanidan, par., Anglesey, 4 m. NE. Carnarvon Llanidloes, bor. and par., co. and 19 ra. SW. Montgomery. Llanlestyn, par. and vil., Carnarvonshire, 7^ m. SW. Pwllheli. Llanllar, par., Cardiganshire, ^\\w. SE. Aberystwith. Llanllawddog, par., Cannarthenshire, 64 m, NE. Conwil. Llanllechid, par. and vil., Carnarvonshire, 3^ m. SE. Bangor. Llanllwch, eccl. dist., Carmarthenshire, Carmarthen St. Peter par. Llanllwchaiam, coast. i)ar., Cardiganshire, 5J m. SW. Aberayrou- Llanllwchaiam, par., Montgomeryshire, on R. Severn. Llanllwny, par. and vil., Carmarthenshire, 9 m. SW. Lampeter. Llanllyfni, par. and vil., Carnarvonshire, 7 m. S. Carnarvon. Llannefydd, par. and vil., co. and 5 m. NW. Denbigh. Llannon, par., Carmarthenshire, 6 in. NE. Llanelly. Llannor, par. and vil., Carnarvonshire, 3 m. NW. Pwllheli. Llano, vil., Texas, cap. of L. co., 7 m. NW. Austin. Llano Eatacado, plateau, Texas and N. Mexico. 44,000 sq. m. Uano River, Texas, rises in Kimble <-o. and falls into Colorado R Llanos, name given to the plains of the Orinoco. Llanover, par. and vil., Monmouthshire, 3 m. S. Abergavenny, Llanpumpsaint, par., Carmarthenshire, 6 m. N. Carmarthen. Llanqaihue, prov.. Chili, on Gulf of Ancud. 7822 sq. m. P. 70,C03. Llanrhaiadr-in-Kimmerch, par. and vil., co. and 3^ m, N. Denbigh. Llanrhaiadr-yn-Mochnant, vil., Denbighshire, 4 m. NW. Llanfvllin. Llanrhidian, par.,Glaniorgansh., Gowt-r Peninsula, 10 m. W. Swansea. Llanrhychwyn, par. and vil., Carnarvonshire, \\ m. NW. Llanrwst. Llanrhydd. par., Denbighshire, mostly in borough of Ruthin. Llanrhyddlad, par. and vil,, Anglesey, 8 m. SW. Amlwch. Llanrhystyd, par. and vil., Cardiganshire, on R. Gwyre. Llanrian, coast par., Pembrokeshire, t\ m. NE. St. Davids. Llanrug, par., Carnarvonshire, 3 m. E. Carnarvon. Llanrwflt, tn., tnshp., DenbighandCarnarvonshs., II m. S. Llandudno. Llanaadwrn, par. and vil.. Carmarthenshire, i\ m. NW. Llangadock. Llanaaintffrald, par. and vil., Cardiganshire, 11 m. SW. Aberystwith. Llanaaintffraid, par. and vil., Montgomeryshire, 6^ m. E. Llanfyllin. Llanaaintffraid-Glan- Conway, par., vil., Denbighsh., 2 m. SE. Conway. Llanaaintffraid Glyn-Ceiriog, par., vil., Denbighsh., 2 m. SW. Llangollen. Llansaintffraid-Pool, tnshp., Montgomeryshire, Llausaintffraid par. Llansaintffraid-yn-Mechan, eccl. dist., Montgomeryshire. Llanaamlet, par., Glamorganshire, 3 m NE. Swansea. Llanflannan, par. and vil., Denbighshire, 8 m. SW. Denbigh. Llansawel, par. and vil., Carniartlu-nshire, 9 m. N. Llandilo. Uansilin. tnshp. and vil,, Denbiglishire, 6 in. SW. Oswestry. Llanstadwell, par., Pembrokeshire, on Milford Haven. Llanstephan, par. and vil., Carmarthenshire, 8 in. SW. Carmarthen. Llanthetty, par., Brecknockshire, 7 m. SE. Brecknock. Llantillio-Crosaenny, par. and vil., co. and 7 in. NW. Monmouth. Llanttllio Pertholey, par., Monmouthshire, 2 m. NE. Abergavenny. Llantriflaint, bor. and par., Glamorganshire, jij m. NW. Cardiff. Hantwit Major, par. and vil., Glamorgansh., 4^ m. SW. Cowbridge. UantwitVairdre, par. and vil., Glamorgansh., 4^ m. NE. Llantrisaiut. LlantysUio, par. and vil., Denbighshire, 2 m. NW, Llangollen. Llannwchyllyn, par. and vil,, Merionethshire, 3I m, SW, Bala. Uanvair Waterdine, par., Shropshire, 4 m. NW, Knighton. Llanvigan, par., Brecknockshire, 4 in. SE. Brecknock. Llanvihangel-Llantamam, par., Monmouthshire, 2J in. N. Newport, Llanvrechva, par,, Monmouthshire, 2J in. NW. Caerleon. Uanwenarth, par. and vil,, Monmouthsliire, 2 in. NW, Abergavenny. Llanwenog, par. and vil,, Cardiganshire, 6 m, SW, Lampeter. Llanwinlo, par, and vil., co. and 11 m, NW. Carmarthen. Llanwnda,, Carnarvonshire, 3I m, S. Carnarvon. Llanwnda, liar., Pembrokeshire, ai m, NW. Fishguard. Llanwnog, par,, Montgomeryshire, 6 m. NW. Newtown, Uanwnwa, par., Cardiganshire, 6J m. N. Tregaron. Llanwonno, par., NE. Glamorganshire. Llanwrda, par. and vil., Carmarthenshire, 4 m. SW. Llandovery. Llanwrin, par., Montgomeryshire, 3J m. NE. Machynlleth. Llanwrthwl, par., Brecknockshire, 3 m. S. Rhayader. Llanwrtyd, par., Brecknockshire, 10 m. SW. Builth Road. Uanyblodwell, par., Shropshire, 5^ m. SW. Oswestry. Llanybyther, par. and vil., Carmarthenshire, 5 m. SW. Lampeter. Llanychaiam, par. and vil., Cardiganshire, 2 m. S. Aberystwith. Llanycil, par., Merionethshire, on Bala Lake. Llanymynech, tnslip. and vil., Shropshire, 62 m. SW. Oswestry, Llanynys, par., Denbighshire, on R. Clwyd. Llanyre, par, and vil., Radnorshire, 6J m, SE. Rhayader, Llanystymdwy. j>ar. and vil., Carnarvonshire, 2 m. SW, Criccieth. Llawhaden. par. and vil., Pembrokeshire, 3 m. NW, Narberth, Llechylched, par, and vil., Anglesey, 4 m. NW, Aberflfraw. Uedr, riv., Carnarvonshire, flows 8 m, E. to the Conway, Lledrod, Lower and Upper, 2tnshps., Cardigan, 6A \\\. NW. Tregaron. Llerena, tn,, Spain, 62 m. SE. Badajoz. LUco, spt, vil,, Chili, prov. Curico, Lat, 34° 36' S. Llivia, tn., Spain, prov. Gerona, on R. Segre. Llobregat, riv., Spain, flows 95 m. to the Mediterranean, Llodlo, vil,, Spain, prov. Alava, 9 in. SSW. Bilbao. Lloret, tn,, Spain, 26 m. S. Gerona. Lloyd Bay, Queensland, in coast of dist. Cook. Lluch, place of pilgrimage, Spain, Majorca L, NNW. Inca. Llugwy, riv., Carnarvonshire, flows 10 in. SE, to the Conway. Ungwy Bay, Anglesey, 5 m, SE, of Amlwch. Llullaillaco, vol, mtn., between Bolivia and Chili, 20,250 ft Llomayor, tn., Spain, in Majorca, 17 m, ESE. Palina. Llwchwr, riv., Cariuartheushire, flows 15 m. SW. to Burry Inlet. Llwyd-mawr, mtn., Carnarvonshire, 3 m. SE. Aber. Alt. 2600ft, Llwynpia, mining dist,, Glamorganshire, sj m. NW. Pontypridd. Llyfnant, riv., Montgomeryshire, issues from Llyn Pen Rhayadr. Llyfni, riv., Brecknockshire, flows 10 m. N. to tlie Wye at Glasbury. Llyfnii, riv., Glamorganshire, flows 10 m. SE. to the Ogwr. Llysfaen, par. and vil., Carnarvonshire, 3 m. W. Abergele, Llywell, par. and vil.. Brecknockshire, 12 m. W. Brecknock. Loa, Rio, Chili, falls into Pacific in lat, 21° 28' S. Loachapoka, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Lee co. Loami, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Sangamon co, Loanan, riv., Sutherlandshire, flows 4 m. to Loch Assynt. Loanda, prov. of Portuguese colony of Angola, W. Africa. Loango, country, W. Africa. Lat. 4' 30' S., long. 12° o' E. Loango, chief tn., Loango. Lat. 4° 30' S. Pop. 16,000. Loangwa River, Africa, flows SW. to the Zambesi at Zumbo. Loanhead, tn., Edinburghshire. Lasswade par., 5 m. SE. Edinbargb. Loauo, vil., Italy, on Gulf of Genoa. Loban, large isl.", Austria, in Danube, 7 m. below Vienna. Loban, tn., Saxouy, 12 m. ESE. Bautzen. Lobau, tn., W. Prussia, 38 ni. ESE. Marienwerder. Lobbes, vil., Belgium, Hainaut. 2 m. NW. Thuin. Lobejiin, tn., Prussian Saxony, 20 m. NW. Merseburg. Lobenstein, tn,, Germany, in Reuss-Schleitz. Lobethal, tnshp., S. Australia, co. and 27^ m. from capital, Adelaide. Lob Nor, lake, E. Turkestan. Lat. 4o°,3o' N., long. 88' o' E. Lobo, vil., Ontario, co, Middlesex, n m, from London. Lobositz, tn., Bohemia, on the Elbe. Lobsena, tn., Prussia, 34 m. WNW. Bromberg. Lobtaa, vil., Saxony, in circle and W. of Dresden. Loburg, tu., Prussian Saxony, 18 m. E. Magdeburg. Locana, tn., Italy, prov. Turin, 25 m. W. Ivrea. Locarno, tn., Switzerland, canton Ticino. Lochaber, dist., Inverness-shire. Lat. 56' 56' N., long. 4* 40' W Lochalsh, par., SW. Ross and Cromarty, 8 m. SW. Strome Ferry. Louhbroom, par., Ross and Cromarty, 6i m. SE. Ullapool. Lochcarron, par., vil., Rnss and Cromarty, 4 m. SW. Strathcarron. Lochcraig Head, mtn., Peeblesshire, 4^ m. NE. of Hart Fell. 2625 ft. Lochee, dist., in NW. suburbs and within the burgh of Dundee. Lochem, tn., Netherlands, g in. E. Zutphen. Loches, tn., France, in Indre-et- Loire. Loch Fell, mtn., Dumfriesshire, 5^ m. E. Moffat. Alt. 2256 ft. Lochgelly, tn. and 7.S. par., Fifeshire, ■j\ m. NE. Dunfermline. Lochgilphead, burgh and q.s. par., ArgyUshire, 2 m. N. Ardrishaig. Lochgoilhead and Kilmorich, par., Argyllshire, 16 in. NW. Greenock. Loch-in-Daal, sea arm, Argyllshire, S. of Islay, 12 m. long. Lochindorb, loch, Elginshire, Cromdale aud Edinkillie pars. Locbinvar, vil.. New South Wales, co. Northumberland, 102 m. N. Sydney. Lochmaben, bur. and par., co. and 10 m. NE. Dumfries. Lochmaddy, vil,, N. Uist I., Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Lochnagar, mtn., Aberdeenshire, Braemardist. Alt. 3786 ft. Lochrutton, jiar.. Kirkcudbrightshire, 5J ni. SW. Dumfries. LochB, par., Ross-shire, Lewis L, iijm. SW. Stornoway. Lochwlnnoch, jiar. and vil., Ri^nfrewshire, 9^ m. SW. Paisley. Lochy, river, Argyllshire, flows 8 m. to the Orcliy. Lochy, river, Invemess-sliire, fltiws 8 m. to Loch Linnhe. Lochy, river, Perthshire, flows 15 m. to the Dochart, near Killin. Lochy, Loch, Inverness-.shire. 56° 58' N., long. 4' 55' W. Locke, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, Elkhart co. Locke Port, port of entry. Nova Scotia, 37 m. from Shelburne. Lockerbie, tn , co. and 14^ m. NE. Dumfries. Lat. 55°8' N. Lockerley, par. and vil., Ilants, 5^ in. NW. of Romsey. Lockevllle, tn., \V. Australia, 139 m. from Perth. Lockhart, vil., Texas, cap. of Caldwell co. Lockhartville, vil.. Nova Scotia, co. King's, 2^ m. from Hantsport. Lock Haven, city, West Virginia, cap. of Clinton co. Lock-Hol, spt. tn., Cliina, on E. coast of Hainan. Pop. 90,000. Lockington, par., and vil., Leicestershire, 7J m. NW. Lougl)borough, Lockland, vil., Ohio, Hamilton co. Lockport, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Will co. Lockport, vil. and tnshp., Kentnckv, Henry co. Lockport, citv. New York, cap. of Niagara co. Pop. 16,038. Lockridge, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Jefferson co. 156 LOG THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER LON Lockwood, tnshp., 8. div. W. Riding, Yorkshire, Alinondbury par. Lockwood, tn., Victoria, co. Bcndigo, 104 m. NW. Melbourne. Locle, tn., Switzerlancl, canton and 10 m. \VN\V. Neuchatel. Locorotoodo, tn., Italy, prov. and 38 ni. ESE. Bari. tocoflt Creek, Missouri, rises in Iowa and falls into the Grand R. Itocnst Dale, vil., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co. Locust Gap, vil., Pennsylvania, Northumberland co. Locust Valley. \il., New York, Queen's co. Loda, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Iroquois co. Loddlinell, p;ir. and vil., Devon, 3 ni. NW. Kingsbridge. Loddon, tn. and par., Norfolk, \o\ ni. SE. Norwich. Loddon, dist., Victorin, in N. Central division. Loddon, River, flnws NE. across Berks to the Thames, 30 m. long. Loddon, River, Victoria, trib. of Muiray U. at Swan Hill. Lode. eccl. dist. and vil., Cambridgeshire, 6i m. NE. Cambridge. Lodellnsart, vil., Belgium, in Hainaut, 22 ni. E. Mous. Lodera. par. and vil., Dorset, 2 m. NE. Bridport. Lodfeve. tn., France, dep. Herault, 33 ni. WNW. Moutpellier. Lodge, The, eccl. dist., iSliropshire, 6i m. S. Ruabon. Lodldka, petty state, Bombay. Area 15 sq. m. Lodhikhera, tn., Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 21° 35' N., long. 98' 54' E. Lodhran, tahsil, Punjab, India. Area 781 sq. m. Lodi, city, Italy, Lombardy, 21 m. SE. Milan. Pop. 25,804. Lodl, vil., California, San Joaquin co. Lodi, vil. and tii.shp., Missouri, Montgomery co. Lodi, vil. and tnshp., New Jersey, Seueca co. Lodl, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Columbia co. Lodi, Cape, Tasmania, on coast of co. Glamorgan. Lodlngen, vil., Norway, Trouiso anit, on Hindo I. Lodi Vecchio, vil., Itidy, 4 m. W. Lodi. Lodosa, tn., Spain, in Navarre, on R. Ebro. Lodose, vil., Sweden, Goteborg Ian, on Gota Elf. Lodsworth, par., liberty, and vil., Sussex, ^K ni. NE. Midhurst. Lodz, tn., Russia, gov. and 75 m. WSW. Warsaw. Pop. 113,413. Lofan^er, vil., Sweden, 30 m. SE. Skelleftea. Loffoden, group of islands off NW. coast Norway. Lat. 69° o' N. Lofthonse, eccl. dist and vil., Yorkshire, 3 m. N. Wakefield. Lofthooae with Carlton, tnshii,, Yorkshire, 3 m. N. Wakefield- Loftns, tn. and par., Yorkshire, g m, SE. Saltburn. Logan, vil.. Iowa, cap. of Harrison co. Logan, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Phillips co. Logan, vil. and tnshp., Nebraska, Dodge co. Logan, vil., Ohio, cap. of Hocking co. Logan, city. Utah, caji. of Cache co. Logan Mount, Quebec, Rimouski co. Elevation 3767 ft. Logan River, New Smith Wales, co. Diake. Logansport, city, Indiana, cap. of Cass co. Lat. 40" 45' N., 86° 30' W. Logan Village, tnshp., Queensland, 27 ni. from Brisbaue, Loghlll, par. and vil, Limerick, 4m. S\V. Foynes. Logle, q.s. par., Forfarshire, suburban to Dundee. Logle, par., Clackmannan, Perth, Stirling, li ni. E. Bridge of Allan. Logiealmond, q.s. par., Perthshire, 6 m. NW. Methven. Logle-Buchan, par., Aberdeenshire, 2 m. E. Ellon. Logie-Coldstone, par., Aberdeenshire, 4 m. W. Tarland. Logle-Eaater, par., NE. Ross and Cromarty. Logie-Pert, par, and vil., Forfarshire, 5.^ m. NW. Montrose. Logierait, jxir. and vil., Perthshire, BJ m. NW. Duukeld. Logo, dist., W. Africa, NE. of Sierra Leone. Logrono, prov., Spain. Lat. 42° 30' N., long. 2" 30' W. Pop. 181,465. Logrono, tn., Spain, cap. of above. Lat. 42" 30' N., long. 2' 30' W. Logrosan, tn., Spain, prov. and 48 m. ESE. Caceres. LogBtor, spt., Denmark, on S. coast of Limliord. Lohagara, tn., Bengal, Jessor dist. Lat. 23° 11' N., long. 89" 41' E. Lohara, estate. Central Provs., India, Raipur dist. Lohara Sahaspor, estate. Cent. Provs., India, Raipur dist. Lohardaga, dist., Bengal. Area 15,045 sq. m. Lohardaga, subdiv., Lohariiaga dist., Bengal. Lohardaga, tn., Lohardaga ., Minnesota, Slower co, Lyme, vil. and tushp., New Hampshire, Grafton co. Lyme Regis, spt. and par., Dorset, 5^ m. SE. Axmiuster. Lyminge, par. and vil., Kent, 3^ m. N. Hythe. Lymington, spt. and par., Hants, 20 m. SW. Southampton. Lymingtou River, Hants, flows 12 m. SE. to the Soleutat Lymington. Lymm, tu. and i)ar.. Cheshire, 5 m. SE. Warrington. Ljnnpne, par. and vil., Kent, 2 m. W. Hythe. Lympaham, par. and vil., Somerset, 6 m, W. Axbridge. Lympston, par. and vil., Devon, BJ m. SE. Exeter. Lyn, East, riv., rises in Exmoor, falls into Bristol Channel. Lyn, Weat, riv., rises ic Exmoor, falls into Bristol Channel. Lynally, ]>ar., N. King's en., 2 m. SW. Tullamore. Lynchburg, vil., Ohio, Highland co. Lynchburg, vil inc tnshp., South Carolina, Sumpter co. Ljmchburg, city. Virginia, Campbell co. Pop. 19,709. Ljmch'B Creek, South Carolina, joins the Great Pedee R. Lyncombe and Widcombe, par., Somerset, wholly within Bath. Lynd, River, Queensland, affl. of the Mitchell R. Lynden, vil., Ontario, co. Wentworth, 15 m. from Hamilton. Lyndhurst. par. and vil., Hauts, 9 m. SW. Southampton. Lyndoch, tnshp., S. Australia, co. and 36 m. N. Adelaide. Lyndon, vil. and tn.shp., Illinois, Whiteside co. Lyndon, ^il. and tnshp., Vermont, Caledonia co. Lyndonville, vil., Vermont, Caledonia co. Lyneham. par. and vil.. Wills, 4 m. SW. Wootton Bassett. Lyne River, Northumberland, falls into Irish Sea. Lyne River, Staffordshire, trib. of the Trent. Lyneaack, tn. and eccl. dist., Durham, 7 m. NE. Barnard Castle. Lyne Water, Peeblesshire, flows 18 m. to the Tweed. Lyng-ker-dem Mountains, Assam. Highest point 5000 ft. above sea, Lynher, River, Cornwall, falls into tlie Hamoaze, 26 m. long. Lynn, par., S. co. Westnieath, 3 m. S. Mulliugar. Ljmn, vU. and tnshp., Illinois, Henry co. Lynn, city and spt., Massachusetts, Essex co. Pop. BB.727. Lynn, vil. aud tnshp., Michigan, St. Clair co. Lynn, South, par., Norfolk, forming part of King's Lynn borough. Lynn, Wert. par. aud vil., Norfolk, on R. Ouse. Lynnfield, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Essex co. Lynnville, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Morgan co. LjTinville, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Graves co. Lynton, par., Devon, 12 m. NE. Ilfracoiabe. Lynua Point, headland, NE. coast of Anglesey, i\ ni. NE. Amlwch. Lyonnaia, old prov., France, now deps. Rhone, Loire, etc. Lyon River Perthshire, trib. of the Tay, 4 m. W. of Al>erfeldy. Lyons, city, France, cap. of dep. Rhone. Pop. 401.930. Lyons, eccl. dist., Durham, Houghton-le-Sprmg an J PittiDgton pars. Lyons, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Cook co. Lyons, City, lowa, Clinton co. Lyons, vil., Kansas, cap. of Rice co. Lyons, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Ionia co. Lyons, vil. auil tnshp.. New York, cap. of Wayne co. Lyons, vil. and tnshp.. New York, I.«wis co. Lyons River, W Australia, affl. of the Gascoyne. Lyonshall, par. and vil., NW. Herefordshire, 2 m. E. Kington. Lys, River, Fi-anceand Belgium, tlows 100 m. to tlie Scheldt. Lysander, vil, and tnshp., New York, Onondaga co. Lyster, vil., Quebec, co. Megantic, 36 m, W. Quebec. Lytchett Matravera, par. and vil., Dorset, 6^ m. NW. Poole. Lytchett Minster, par. and vil., Dorset, 4 m, NW. Poole. Lytham, tn. and par,, N. Lancashire, 7 m. SE. Blackpool. Lythe, par., tushp., and vil., N. Riding, Yorkshire. Lyttleton, spt., New Zealand, co. Selwyn, 105 m. N. Dnnedin. Lytton, port and tnshp., Queensland, CO. Stinley, j3m.NE. Brisbane, Lytton, tn., British Columbia, 54 m. from Yale. Lyubim, tn., Russia, gov. and 54 m. NE. Yaroslav. Lyutain, tu., Russia, gov. and 130 m- NW. Vitebsk. IGO MAA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MAO Maabdeh, El, vil., Upper Eg>pt, piov. ami 15 m. NNW. Siut. Maad, In.. Hungary, 5 m. N\V. Tokay. Celebrated vineyards. MaatUeh or Abouiir, lake, Luwer Ej^ypt, in the Nile delta. Maamtrasna, dist., CO. Galway, on \V. side of Lough Mask. Maam Turk, mtn. range, N. co. Galway, extends 10 in. W. Ma"an, lu , NW. Arahia, 217 ni. S. Uaniascus. 30° 17' N., 35' 57' E. Maan Elv, riv., Norway, discharges L. Miosen into L. Tinusjo. Maas(Kr. Meuae), liv., France, Belgium, and Netherlands, flows 5S0 ni. to tue ilhiiie. Maasbree, vil., Netherlands, ii m. NE. Iloennnnd. Maaseyck, tn.. Belgium, 17 m. NNE. Maestricht, on R. Maas. MaaaiD, tii., Philippine Islands, on S. coast of Leyte I. Maaslaod, vil., S. Ilolliind, 10 ni. WNW. Rotterdam. MaasluiB, vil., S. Holland, 11 ni. W. Rotterdam. Maaaniel. vil., Netherlands, 2 ni. E. Roermond. Maaao, isl,, Norw ly, 32 ni. N. Hauuuerfest and 12 111. SW. Magero. Maastricht. See. Maestriuht. Maatauyker Island, Tasmania. Lat. 43° 48' S., long. 146" 20' E. Mabanl, tn., Soudan, in Bornu, 56 m. S."S\V. Kuka. Mabe, ]iar.,, CMrnwall, 3^ ni. W. Falniuuth. Maberley. \ il., Ontario, co. Lanark, 21 ni. from Perth. Maberry, Loch, ou btjrders of Ayi'siiire and Wigtownshire. Mablethorpe, par. and vil., Linculnshire, 13 m. SB. Louth. Mabou, vii,. Nova Scotia, on Gulf of St. Lawrence. Mabou Harbour, set.. Nova Scotia, 42 ni. from Port Hawkesbury. Mabruk, «ias s, W. Sah^ira, 210 m. NNE. Timbuctu. Lat. 21° 18' N. Macadxm Junction, vil., New Brunswick, 84 m. NW. St. John. Macadam Range, mtiis., New South Wales, CO. Yantara. Macadam Range, mtiis., N. Ter., S. Australia, NE. Queen's Channel. Macahe. spl , Brazil, state Rio Janeiro, 40 m. NNE. Cabo Frio. McAlevy's Fort, vil., Pennsylvania, Huntingdon co. MacaUister. tnshp., Qiu^-nsland, Darling Downs dist. MacalliBter River, \'icturia, ttrnvs through CO. Tanjil. Mc Alii ate rville, vil., Pennsylvania, Juniata co. Macalonga, C.ipe, E. Central Africa. Lat. 17° S., long. 39° E. Ma9ao, tn., P.nXngal, 85 ni. NE. Lisbon. Lat. 39" 35' N., 8' o' W. Macao, tn., Brazil, state Rio Grande do Norte, 105 m. NW. Natal. Macao, Portuguese tn. and col., China, prov. Quang-tung. 22° 20' N. Macapa, tn., Brazil, on R. Amazon, 200 ni. NW. Para. Macara, vil., Ecuador, prov. and 57 m. SW. Lo.ja. Macara's Brook, S't., Nova Scotia, on Northumberland Strait. Macaroni Channel, England, in the Wash, connects B. Withain and BmsIuu Deeps. Macarsca, tn.. Dalmatia, 70 m. NW. Ragusa. 43" 18' N., 17° i' E. McArthur, vil., Oliio, tap. of Vinton co. MacArthur, tn., Victoria, 200 m. SW. Melbourne. Lat. 38° S., 142° E. Macarthur Head, h'-adland, Islay 1., Argyllshire, 7 m. 8E. Portaskaig. Macarthy Island. Africa, in Gambia R., i63 m. above BaLhurst. Macarthy's Island, co, Kerry, in Upper Lake of Killarney. Macas, vil., Ecuador, 75 in. SE. Riobamba. Lat. 2° 31' S., 77° 53' W. Macassar, cap. tn. and liee port, Celebes \. Lat. 5° 8' S., 119° 21' E. Macassar, Strait of, separates Borneo from Celebes. Lat. 1° S Macaulay Island, Kermadec Is., Oceania. Lat. 30° 18' S. Macaulay's, set., Nova Scotia, 7J m. from Baddeck. Marayo orMaceio, tn., Bi-azil, cap. of AUigoas. 9° 40' S., 35" 51' W Macazanl, ^pt. vil., Portuguese E. Africa, 25 m. N. Sofala. McBean's Pound, tnsp., S. Australia, co. Albert, on Murray R. Macbeth'a Calm, Lumphanan J>ar., Aberdeenshire. McBrlde's, vd.. .AIiclii;4an, in Montcalm co. Maccin, vil., Nova Si;otia, 8 m. by rail from Amherst. McCauIeyville, vil. and tnshp., Minnesotii, in Wilkin co. Macclesfield,, Clieshire, 17 m. S. Manchester. Macclesfield, pari, div., Cheshire. MaccleafielJ, tn., S. Australia, 27 ni. SE. Adelaide. Lat. 35° 12' S. McCleur Island, N. Australia, between GraTit and Oxley Is. McClintock Channel, N. America. 0(1" Melville Sound. MacCIuer Inlet, New Guinea. Lat. 2° 26' S., lar., co. Cork, ou R. Lee, 2 m. SK. Macrooin. Macmerry, vil., Haddingtonshire, 2 m. E. Tranent. McMillen, vil., Arizona, Gila co. Has silver mines. Macmlne Junction, ry. stn., CO. and 14 m. NW. Wexford. McMinnville. vil. and tnshp., Oregon, Yam Hill CO. McMlnnvUle, vil., Tennessee, cap, of Warren co. McMurray, Fort, Athabasca, on Athabasca R. McNab, tnshp., Ontario, co. Renfrew, on Ottawa R.' Macnean, Lower and Upper, 2 loughs, Ireland, Co. Fermanagh. McNutt's Island. Nova Seotia, 12 in. S. Shelburno. Macomb, city, Illinois, cap. of McDonongh co. Macomb, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Macomb co. Macomer, vil., Sardinia, prov. Cagliari, 28m. NNE. Oristano. Macon, tn., France, Saone-ctLoire. Lat. 46' 18' N. Pop. 19,667. Macon, city, Georgia, cap. of Bibb co. Lat. 33° 46' N. Pop. 22,746. Macon, vil., Illinois, co. Macon, 10 ni. SW. Decatur. Macon, vil,, Mississippi, cap. of Noxubee co. Macon, city, Missouri, cap. of Macou co. Macon Bayou, Louisiana, falls into the Tensas R. Mocosquln, par., NE. Londonderry, 4 m. SW. Coleraino, 161 MAC THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MAG Macotera, vil., Spain, prov. Salanmnea, near the Almar. ^ _ Macouba, til-, Martinique, West Indies. Lat. 14° 52' 37" N., 61" 20 W. Macoupin Creek, Illinois, fulls into the Illinois Creek. Macourta. vil., French Guiana, 14 m. NW. Cayenne. McPhee'a Corner, vil.. Prince Edward Island, Queen's CO. McPherson, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, cap. of McPherson co. McPheraon, vil., Georgia, cap. of Telfair CO. McPherson, Moont, New 8ouih Wales, co. Killara. McPherson Range. New South Wahs, on Queensland border. Macquarie Port. See Port Macquarie. ^ ^ o » n Macquarie Harbour, T:isniania, 17 m. by2m. Lat. 42° 15' S., 145 20 E. Macquarie Harbour, tn., Tasmania, in CO. Franklin. Macqnirie Island, S. Pacilic Ocean. Lat. 54' 5°' S., long. 159° o' E. Macquarie Marshes, New South Wales, CO. Gregory. Macquarie Plains or Brewongle, tn., New S. Wales, 133 m. W. Sydney. Macquarie Plains, tn., Tasmania, 23ni. NW. Hobart. Macquarie River, New S. Wales, flows 750 m. to the Darling R. Macquarie River, Tu>niania, flows NW. through co. Somerset. Macqueen, tn>hp., New South Wales, CO. Brisbane. MacRae's Flat, dist.. New Zealand, 63 m. NW. Dunedin. Macroney, par.. NE. co. Cork, 3 m. NE. Kilworth. Macroom, tn., on U. Sullaue, co. and 25 ra. W. Cork. Lat. 51 54 N. McSherrystown, vil., Pennsylvania, in Adams co. Mac's Lookout, nitn., S. Australia, on N. border of co. Cardwell. Macswine'3 Bay, S. co. Donegal, 5 ni. long, by 2 m. broad. Mactaquack, vil.. New Brunswick, 15 m. from Fredericton. Macton, vil., Ontario, co. Wellington, 18 m. from Berlin. Macuilquila, vil., Mexico, state Puebla, dist. Tezintlan. Macumba River, S. Australia, falls into Lake Eyre. Macungle, borongli, Pennsylvania, Lehigh co. McVeytown, borouyh, Pennsylvania, Mifflin co., on Juniata R. Macvicar Bay, inlet on S. of Great Bear Lake, Canada. Madagascar, isl. and French protectorate, Africa, in Indian Ocean. Area 228,558 sq. m. Pop 5,000,000. Madalin, vil.. New York, in Dutrliess co. Madame, Isle, Nova Scutia, Cape Bieton I. Lat. 45° 33' N., 61° W. Madame, Isle, Quebec, in H. St. Lawrence. Madampe, vil., Ceylon, NW. Province, near W. coast. Madanapalli, tn., Cuddapah dist., Madras. Lat. 13° 33' 37" N. Madanganj, tn., Dacca dist., Bengal, Lakhmia R. Madaraa, Bacs, vil., Hungary, 6 m. SW. Almas. Madaras, Nagy-Kun, tn., Hungary, 9 m. NW. Karczag. Madari, riv., Bengal, dist. of 24 Parganas. Madaria or Gola, tu., Gorakhpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Madaripur, sub-div. , Faridpurdist., Bengal. Ar. g/gsq. m. Madaripur, tn, and hdqrs. of above dist. Madavarvilasam, tn., Sladras, Tinnevelli dist. Lat. 9° 30' N., 77° 38' E. Madawaska River, Ontario, tlows 2io m. to R. Ottawa. Maddalena, La, isl., Italy, at entrance to Strait of Bonifacio. Maddaloni, tn., Italv, cinle and 2^ ni. SE. Caserta. Madderty, par. and ry. stn., Perthshire, t\ m. E. Crieff. Maddikera, tn., Madras, Karnul dist. Lat. 15° 15' N., 77° 2S' E. Maddingly, tnshp., Victor a, co. Grant, 30 m. NW. Melbourne. Maddiston, vil., Stirlingshire, \\ m. SE. Polniont Junction. Maddur, vil,, Mysore, India. Lat. 12° 35' 30" N., long. 77° 5' 20" E. Maddy, Loch, Outer Hebrides, See Lochmaddy. Made, viL, Cmru', India, at the Sanipaji Ghat. Made-en-Drimmelen, vil., Nftiieilands, 6 ni. N. Breda. Madeira, isl., in Atlantic Ocean, belonging to Portugal. Lat. 32° 43' N., long. 17" o' W. An-a 315 sq. \\\. Pop. 133,955. Madeira, riv., Brazil, flows 7S0 m. to the Amazon. Madelaine River, Quebec, falls into Gulf of St. La^Trence. Madeleine, La, viL, France, d''p. Nord, i m. N. Lille. Madeley, mkt. tn., Shropshire, 6 m. NE. Much Wenlock. Madeley, j'ar. and vil., SialTordshire, 8 m. SE. Crewe. Madelia, vil., Minnesota, cap. of Watonwan co. Maden, tn., Turkey, on R. Tigris, 20 m. SE. Bagdad. Madgiri. taXuk^ Tuinknr dist., Mysore. Area 437 sq. m. Madgiri, tu., in above. Lat. 13° 39' N., long. 77" 16' E. Midgiri-drug, lull, Tumkurdist., Mysore. Lat. 13" 39' 30" N. Madgula, tn., Vizagapatani d St., Madras. Lat. 17" 55' N. Madha, sub-div., Sholapur dist., Bombay. Area 619 sq. ni. Madha, chief tn. of above. L it. 18" 4' N , long. 75° 35' E. Madhan, petty state, Punjab, India. Area 13 sq. m. Madhapur, tn., P.-rbm lar .state, Kathiawar, Bombay. Madhepur. tn., Bengal, Darbhiingah dist. Lat. 26" 10' N. Madheswaranmalal, tii., Madras, Coimbatore dist. Lat. 12° 2' N. Madhopur, In., Jaipur state, Rajputana. Madhubani, sub-div., Darbhangaii dist.. BengaL Area 1349 sq. m. Madhubani, tu and hdqrs. of above. Lat. 26' 21' 20" N., 86° 7' E. Madhugarh, ("/usiV, Jalauti dist, NW. Provs.. India. Ar. 282 sq. ni. Madhugarh, tn. in above tah^U, 27 ni. from Urai town. Madhupur, vil., Gnrdaspur, Punjab. Lat. 32° 22' N. Madhupur, jungle, Bengil, stretches into Maimansingh dist. Madhwapur, vil., Darbhangah aist., Bengal, on R. Dhaus. Madhyarjunam, in., Tanjore dist., Madras. Lat. 10" 5/ N., 79° 30' E. Madison, tnshp. and vil., Arkansas, cap. of St. Francis co. Malison, vil., California, in Yolo co. Madison, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, on Long Island Sound. Madison, vil. and tnshp., Fh)rida, cap. of Madison co. Madison, vil , GeorL,'i:H, cap. of Morgan co. Madison, city, Indiana, cap. JeflTerson co. Lat. 38° 46' N.,85* 20' W. Madison, tiiNhp. and vil., Kansas, Greenwood co., on Verdigris R. Madison, tnshp. and vil., Maine, in Somerset co. Madison, vil., Maryland, in Dnrehester co. Madison, vil, , Missouri, in Monroe co. Madison, vil. Nebraska, c;ip. of Madison co. Madison, vil, and tiislip.. New Hampshire, Carroll co. Madison, vil., New Jer-;ey. in Morris co. Madison, tnslip. ancl vil., New York, in Madison co. Madison, vil. and tn.shp., Noi'th Carolina, Rockingham CO. Madison, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, in Butler co. Madison, \il. and tnshp., Ohio, in Lake co. Madison, vil., Pennsylvania, Westmoreland co. Madison, vil. , Tennessee, in Davidson co. Madison, cap. city of Wisconsin. Lat. 43" 3' N., 89* 18' W. P. 13,426. Madison Court House, vil., Virginia, cap. of JIadison co. Madison River, Montana, ahead-stream of tlie M.ssouri, 230 m. long. Madisonville, vil., Kentucky, cap. of Hopkins co. Madisonville, vil., Missouri, Ralls co., on Spencer Creek. Madiaoni-iUe, vil., Ohio, in Hamilton co. Madisonville, vil., Tennessee, cap of Monroe co. Madisonville, vil,, Texas, cap, of Madison co. Madjicosima Islands, a group of the Lu-chn Islands, Japan. Madley, p'lr. and vil., England, co. and 5^ m. W. Hereford. Madoc or Hastings, vil., Ontario, co. Hastings, on Deer R. Madore, ry. stn., co. Cork, 6 m. N. Skibbereen. MadoxCove, fishing settlement, Newfoundland, g m. from St. John's. Madras Presidency, div., India. Area 149,002 sq. m. Pop. 39,286,060. Madras, cirv atid rap. o above. Lat. 13° 4 6" N., long. 86° 17' 22" E. Pop. 449,950. Madre de Dios Archipelago, Chili. Lat. 50* 30' S., long. 75" 20' W. Madresfield, par. and vil., Worcestershire, 2 m. NE. Gre»t Malvern. Madrid, c;ip. city, Spain. Lat. 40° 24' N., long. 3" 41' W. Pop. 472,228. Madrid, vil. and tnshp., New York, in tot. Liiwrcnce co. Madridijos, tn., Spain, prov. and 36 m. SE. Toledo. Madrigal, tn., Spain, prov. Avila, 14 m. WNW. Arevalo. Madrigalejo, vil., Spain, piov. Caceres, on R. Ruecas, Madrigueras, vil., S|'ain, prov. and 18 m, NNE. Albacete. Mad River, vil. and tnshp., California, HumboMtco., on Mad R. Madron, par , tn., and tnshp., Cornwall ; par. contains Penzance. Madronera, vil.. Spain, prov. Caceres, 11 m. ESE. Trujillo. Madruga de los Guinea, vil., Cuba, 37 m. ESE. Havana. Madura, island and residency, Malay Archipelago, KE. of Java. Madura, dist., Madras Presidency. Area 8401 sq. m, Madura, ch. tn. of above dist. Lat. g" 55' 16" N., long. 78° 9' 44" E. Madurankuli, vil., Ceylon, NW, Provs., on W. coast. Madurantakam, tiluk, Chengalpat dist., Madras, Area 696 sq. m. Madura Kiver, Cachar dist., Assam, trib. to the Barak. Msander River, Asia Minor. 6ee lender. Maelar, Lake, SE. Sweden. 79 m long. Area 477 sq. m. Maella, tn., Spain, 68 m. SE. Saragossa. Maelstrom, whirlpool, NW. coast of Norvcay. Lat. 67° 46' N. Maen, vil., Cornwall, g m. SW. Penzance. Maenan, tn^hp., Carnarvonshire, 3 m. N. Llanrwst. Maenclochog, par., tnshp., vil., Pembrokesh., 9^ m. NW. Narberth. Maentwrog, par. and vil., Merioneth, 3 m. SW. Festiniog. Maer, and vil., Staffordsh., 6i m. SW. Newcastle-uuder-Lyrae. Maesbrook, vil., Shropshire, sini. SS. Oswestry. Maeabury, vil., Shropshire, par. and 3 m. SE. Oswestrj'. Maeseyck, Belgium. Sa Maaseyck. Maeshowe or Maidens Mound, broch, Orkney. 9 m. W. Kirkwall. Maesteg, tn., Glamorganshire, 8 m. NW. Bridgend. Maestricht. ft. tn., Netherlands, 50 m. E. BrusM-ls. Pop.32,601. Maesycrugiau, ry. stn., Carmarthenshire, 9 m. SW. Ljimp'ter. Maesycwmmer, ry. stn., Monmouthsitire, 15 ni. NW. Ni wporU Maes-y-Garmon, ancient battlefield, Flintshire, i ni. W, Mold. Maeter, vil., Belgium, E. Flanders. 4 m. E. Audeiiarde. Maeztrazgo, nitnous. dist., Spain, C;istellon-de-la-Plaiia prov. Mafamude, vil., Portugal, on right bank of Doui'O, opposite Oporto. Mafeking, tn., BecTi nan aland. Lat. 25° 50' S., long. 25' 36' E., Victoria, 131m- ESE, Melbourne. Lat. 37° 59' S.,i46'59'E. Mafia, island, off coast of German E Africa. Lat. 7" 50' S., 39° 50' E. Mafra. tn., Portugal, 18 m. NW. Lisbon. Lat. 38 54' N. Magadl, taluk. Bangalore dist., Mysore, India. Area 320 sq. ni. Magadi, vil., iu above dist. Lat. 12" 57' 20" N., long. 77" 16' 10" E. Magadimo, vil , Switzerland, canton Ticino, 4 m. ESE. Locarno. Magadoxo or Mukdisha, coast tn., E. Africa. Lat. 2" 2' N., 45° 13' E. Magagun-davic. River, New Brunswick, flows 100 m. to Passaina- quoddy Bay. Magalan, vil., Luzon Island, Philippine Islands, prov. Tarlac. Magalessi, tn., Bulgaria, SW. of Osman Bazar. Magalhaen, Strait of. .Ste Magellan, Magallanes, vil., Luzon, Philippine Islands, prov. Albay. Magallon, vil., Spain, prov. Saragossa, 4 m. E. Bonja. Magam, vil. and riv., Ceylon, in SW. Province. Maganand, mtn. pass, Sirninr state, Punjab. Lat. 30" 32' N. Maganetawan River, Ontario, flows 100 m. W. to Georgian Bay. Magangue, vil., Colombia, 100 m. SE. Cartagena. Lit. 9° 18' N. Magarao. vil , Luzi>n, Philippine Islands, Camarinea Sur prov. Magar Talao (Crocodile Tank), hot springs and temple, Bombay, 7 m. N. Karachi, Magazine, vil.. Arkansas, in Logan co. Magdala, hill fort, Abyssinia. Lat. 11° 20' N., 39° 10' E. Alt. 9110ft. Magdalena, isl., Tres Marias grp,, off W. coast of Mexico. Magdalena, state, Colombia. Area 26,950 sq. m. Pop. 127,000. Magdalena, tn., Azoies Islands, on N W, coast i>f Pico I. Magdalena, vil., Argentine Rep.. 50 ni. tSE. Buenos Ayres. Magdalena, vil., Mexico, state Jalisco, 13 ni. W. Tequila. Magdalena, vil., Mexico, state Sonora, 104 ni. NN'W. Ures. Magdalena, com., Luzon I., Philippine Islands, Laguna prov. Magdalena. Branco, or San Miguel, riv., Bolivia, alfl, of Guapore. Magdalena, La, \i\., Peru, prov, and 2J m. SW. Lima Magdalena River, Colombia, flows 900 m. to tlie Cai-ibbean Sea. Magdalen Islands, Quebec, in Gulf of St. Lawrence. Magdalen Road, ly. stn., Norfolk, 6 in. S. King's Lynn. Magdapur, pat. 12" 37' N., 80° 14' E, Mahaban, t"hsit, M ultra dist., NW. Provs., India. Area 239 sq. in. Mahaban, lulqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 27' 25' 3, on Ziuder Zee, 10 m. WNW. Sneek. Maklar, vd., Hungary, on R. Eger, 9 ni. SSE. Erhin. Miknovka, vil., Russia, gov. Kiev, 12 m. SSE. Berdichev. Mako, in., Hungary, 125 ni. SE. Buda-Pe'th. Lat. 46° 13' N. Makololo, tribe, SK. Africa, in Zambesi valley. Lat. 16° S., 35' E. Makonda Plateau, German E. Africa, extends S- to Rovuma R. Makov, tn., Russia, gov. Lomza, 63 m. ENE. Plock. Makrai, nati\e state. Cent. Provs.. India. Lat. 22" 4' N., 77° 7' E. Makri, tn., Turkey, on vEgean Sea, 18 m. NW. Enos. Mabri, spt. tn.. Asiatic Turkey, on a bay, 55 m. SE. Mughla. Makronisi, isl., Greece, in lat. 37° 44' 14" N., long. 24° 8' E. Makrynii, vil., Greece, 13 m. ENE. Missolonghi. MakiToitza, vil., NE. Greece, 4 m. NE. Volo, on W. of Mt. Pelion. Maksndansarh, native state, Bliopal Agency, Cent. India. Si sq. m. Makaa River, Congo Free State. Se- Welle-Makua. Makum, vd., Lakhimpur dist.,, 20 m, E. Jaipur. Makung. ft. tn., China, in Pheng Hu Islands. Mikurti. peak of Kuiiila Range, Madras. Lat. 11° 22' N., 76° 33' E. Malabar, dist., Madras Proidenry. Ar. 5765 sq. m. Malaboyoc, vil. and com., Cebu Island, Pliilippine Islands. Malacatan, vil., Guatenula, 7 m. SSW Huehuetenango. Mal.catcpec, vd., Cent. Mexico, dist. Villa del Valle de Bravo. Malacca, tn. and cap. of MaLarca and Nanning, Lat. 2° 11' 24" N. Malacca, Strait of, between Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. Malacca and Nanning, one of tiie Straits Settlements, on W. coast of .Malay Peidnsnla. Area 1000 sq. m. Malacurl, ft. tn., W. Africa, 65 m. NE. Freetown, Sierra Leone. Malaczka, vil., Hungary, co. and 19 m. NNW. Pressburg. Malade City, vd., Idaho, cap. of Oneida co., on Malade R. Malade River, Idaho, rises in Oneida co. and falls into Bear R. Maladetta or Pic de Nethou, highest mtn. in Pyrenees. Alt. 11,168 ft. Malaga, maritime jirov., Spain. Area 2837 sq. m. Pop. 519,377. Malaga, spt. city antl cap. of above. Lat. 36' 43' N., long. 4' 27' W. Malagarh, vil., India, Bulandshahr dist., NW. Provs. Malagash Point, set.. Nova Scotia, co. Cumberland. Mala^on, tn., Spain, prov. and 13 m. NNE. Ciudad-Real. Malahide, vil., Ireland, co. and 9 ni. N. Dublin. Malai-soh-mat, petty state, Kliasi Hills, Assam. Mala-Kapell, par., N. Sweden, Westerbotten Ian, 80 m. W. Pitea. Malaki Island, Fiji, off extreme N. point of Viti Levu. Malakoff, vd., Algiers, jirov. Alger, 9 ni. SW. OrlcansvUle, Malikoff, vil., France, dep. Seine, 3 m. N. Sceau.\'. Malalbergo, V)]., Italy, 17 m. NNE, Bulogna. Malancha, estuary, 24 Parganas dist., Bengal. Lat. 21° 42' N. Malangarh, hill fortress, Thana dist., Bombay, 10 m. S. Kalyan. Malangen Fjord, inlet, NW. Norway. Lat. 69° 30' N., long. 18' 20' E. Malansac, vil., France, dep. Mofbilian, 2i m, bE. Rochefort-en-Terre. Malaparam. tn,, Malabar dist., Madras. Lat. 11° 3' i" N., 76° 8' E. Malatia, tn., Asiatic Turkey, prov. and 87 m. NW. Diarbekir. Malatta Island, Fiji, close to Sisui, one of the Exploring Is. Malaucene, tn., France, dep. Vaucluse, 16 in. ENE. Orange. MalauD, lull fort, Hindur state, Punjab. Lat. 31' 12' N., 76' 52' E. Malay Archipelago, East Indies, extends through 70" of long., from Nicobar Is. 10 Soloninn Is., and from 11° S. lat to 19" N. lat. Malaygiri, poak, Orissa, Bengal. Lat. 21' 22' N., 85' 19' E. 3895 ft. Malay Peninsula, tlie most S. portion of Asia and of Farther India. Malaysia, name of that part of E. Arcdi. lying W. of the Moluccas, Malayto Island, Solomon Is. Lat. 9° S., long. 161° E. Mai Baie, tishing set., Newfoundland, 3 m. from St. Mary's. Mai Bale, hay, on E. coast of Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec. Mai Baie River, Quebec, falls into R. St. Lawrence at Murray Bay, Malborough, par. and vil., Devonshire, 4 m. SW. Kingsbridge. Malbray, Old, coast vil., Cumberland, 3 m. N. Ailonby. Malcesine, vil., Italy, prov. VeroTia, 15 m. N. Bardo'ino. Malchin, tn,, Mecklenhurg-Schwerin, 24 m. ESK. Giistrow, Malchow, tn., Mecklenburg-Scliwerin, n m. WSW. Waren. Malcolm. \il. and tnslip., Iowa, Poweshiek co. Malcolm, vil., Ontaiio, co. Bruce, 10 m. from Walkerton. Malcolm Island, British Culunibia, in Queen Cliarlotte Sound. Maldah, dist, Bhagalpur div., Bengal. Ar. iSgi sq. m. Maldah or Old Maldah, tn., in above. Lat. 25° 2' 30" N., 88° 10' 51" E. Maldegem, vil., Belgium, E. Flanders, 6 m. WNW. Eecloo. Maiden, vil. and tnslip., M.issachusetts, Middlesex co. Pop. 23,031. Maiden, vil.. New York, Ulster co., on Hudson R. Maiden, \\\. and tnshp., West Virginia, on Gieat Kanawha R. Maiden, New, mkt. tn., Surrey, s m. E. Kingston-upon-Tliames. Maiden, Oil, par. and vU., Snriey, 3 ni. SE. Kingston-upon- Tlianies. Maiden Bridge, vil.. New York, Columbia co. Maiden Island, Puiilic Ocean. Lat. 4° 3' S., long. 154' 55' W. Maldive Islands, Indian Ocean. Lat. 4° N., h>ug. 72' E. Pop. 200,000. Maldon, mun. Imr. and purt, Essex, on Rs. Chelmer and Blackv^ater. Maldon, bcir., Victoria, 89 m. NNW. Jlel bourne. Lat. 37" S., 144° 5' E. Maldon or Eastern Division, pari, div., Essex, Pop. 61,136. Maldonado, maritime dep,, Uruguay, Area 1585 sq. in. Maldonado, ft. spt , Uruguay, 60 m. E. Jb-ntevideo, Lat. 34' 52' S. Maldorky Hill, S. Australia, between Olaiy and Davenborou{.h Cks. Malea, Cape, Grpeie,SlC. point of the lyiorea. Lat. 36° 24' N., 23° 26' E. Malegaon, sub-div., Nas;k dist., Bnmbay. Area 775 sq. m. Malegaon, cliief tn. of above. L:it. 20° 32' N., Hng. 74° 36' E. Malemba, spt., Portuguese W. Afiiea. Lat. 5° 19' S., long 12' 9' E. Maleo. vil., Italy, prov. Milan, 16 m. SE. Lodi. Maler Kotla, native state, Punjab, India. Ar. 164 sq, m. Maler Kotla, cliie tn. of above. Lat. 30' 31' N., 75° 59' E. Maiesherbes, tn., France, dei>. Loiret, n m. NE. Pitliiviers. Maletto. viL, ?;i ily, at foot uf Wt. Etna, 24 m. NNW. Catania. Malevuvu or Malevu Reef, Fi.ji, 7 in. NE. Katafanga. Malew, i)ar., in S. of Isle of Alan. Contains Castletown. Malfi or Zaton, spt. tn., Dalmatia, 6 m. NW. Ragusa. Malsin, salt mine, Kulmt dist., Punjab. Lat. 33° 19' 30" N., 71' 34' E. Malgrat, spt. tn., S{-aiti, 37 in. NE. Barcehma. Maihada, \i\., Brazil, state and 372 m. WSW. Bahia. Malham, tnshp. and vil., Yorkshire, 5^ m. E. Settle. Malhargarh, tu., Jaora state. Central India. I-it. 24° 16' N., 75^ 4' E. Malia, native state, Kathi iwar, Bombay. Area 103 sq. m. P. 11,224. Malia, tn. and cap. of above state. Lat. 23° 4' N., lung. 70' 46' E. Maligne River, Alberts, affluent of R. Athabasca. Malihabad, tnhsil, Lncknow dist, Oudh, India. Area 334 .sq. m. Malihabad, p'viiunn, Lucknow dist., Oudh, India. Area 187 sq. ni. Malihabad. tn. in above. I-at. 26' 55' N., long. 80° 45' E. Malikolo Island, New Hebrides, SE. of Espiritu Santo. Lat. 16" 15' S. Malinagar. tn., Daihliangah dist., Bengal. Lat. 25° 59' 30" N. Malina Island, Fiji, lies 7 m. N. uf Kanacia. Malindi, coast stn., British E. Africa. Lat. 3' 19' S., long. 40' 40' E. Malines. .'>": Mechlin. Malin Head, co. Donegal, most N. point of Ireland. Lat. 55° 23' N. Malina Lee, eccl. dist. and ry. stn., Shropshire, 4^ m. SE. Wellington. Mali-won. sub-div., Mergni dist., Tenasserim, Lower Burma. Maliyas, hill tracts, Madras, Ganjam and Vizagapatam dists. Malkangiri, t"lnk, Jaipur, Vizagapatam, Madras. Malkapur, taluk, BiUdana di^t., Berar, India. Area 790 sq. ni. Malkapnr. tn. and ry. stn., in above. Lat, 20" 5^' N., long. 76' 23' E. Mallai, mkt. tn,., Muzaffarpnr dist. Lat. 26' 45' N., 85° 28' E. Mallala, tn., S. Australia, 37 m. N. Adelaide. Lat. 34° 27' S., i3S''3i' E. Mallangnr. ft. hill, Haidarabad, S. India. Lat. 18° 18' N., 79" 22' E. Mallani, div., Joilipur State, Rajputana, India. Ar. 18,000 sq. m. Mallanpnr, tn., Oudh, India, dist. and 41 m. NE. Sitapur. Mallanwan, pargana, Hardoidist., Oudh. Area 136 sq. m. Mallanwan, tn., in above. Lat. 27° 2' \o" N., long. 80" 11' 30" E. MaUemort, vih, France, Bouches-du-Rhoue, 7 m. ENE. Eyguiferes. 164 MAL ■ THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MAN MaUicoUo Island, New Ilebrides. S-cc Malikolo. Malligaon, tii., Nizam's Doins., S. Iinlia. Lat. 18° 39' X., 77° 4' IC. Mailing, East, par. and vil., Kent, 4 \\\ NW. Maidstone. Mailing, West, inkt. tn., Kent, 54 ni. NW. Maidstone. Mallorytown, vd., Ontario, 138 ni. S\V, Jlontreal. Mallow, nikt. tn., Ireland, 011 U. Blackwater, 20 m, NW. Cork, Mallwyd, vd., Jlerioneth.sliire, 2 ni. SE. Dinas Mowddwy. Malmanl, gold-lie. d, S. African Rt-puUic, near Zcerust. Malmback, vil., Sweden, pruv. and 21 ni. E. Jonkopping. Malmedy, tn., UhenisU Trussia, 25 m. SSW. Aix-la-Chapelle. Malmesbury, nikt. tn., Wilts, on K. Avon, 94 ni. W. London. Malmesbury, tn., Cape Colony, 45 ni. NXE. Cape Town. Lat. 33° 19' S. Malmo, spt. tu., Sweden, on tlie Sound. Lat. 55' 36' N., 13^ i' E. Pop. 47,639. Malmohua, a S. Ian of Sweden. Area 1851 sq. in. Pop. 366,874. Malmsbury, tnslip., Victoria, 63V ni. NW. Melbourne. Malmyah, \\\., Russia, gov. Viatka. Lat. 56° 22' N., long. 50' 42' E. Malnapatak, vil., Hungary, dist. and 22 in. NW. Fiilek SHCalnate, \il., lUily, pruv. Conio, 4 in. 8B. Varese. Malaipahar, liot spiing, Mongliyr dist., Bengal, source of Anjaua R. Male, tn., Italy, prov. Vicenza, 5 ni. SE. Scliio. Malo-Archangeisk, tn., Russia, guv. and 42 ni. SSE. Orel. Maloja, nitn. pass, Switzerland, S. of Mt. Septinier. Alt. 5942 ft. Malolo laUnd, Fiji, off W. coast of Viti Levu. Malolo-Lailai Island. Fiji, S. ofMalolo. Malondl, tn., Lijsst.-in snh-div., Thanadist., Bombay. Malone, vil. and tti>lip., New York, cap of Franklin co., on Salmon R. Malone ur Powell s Mills, vil., Ontario, 36 in. from Belleville. Malonne. tn., Belgium, prov. and 5 m. SW. Nanmr. Malonno, In., Italy, prov. Brescia, 12 m. N. Breno. Malot, \ d., Willi ruins, Jhelum dist., Punjab. 32' 57' N., 73° 39' E. Malouines, French name for Falkland Islauds, q^.v. Malo-Yaroslavetz, tn., Russia, gov. and 36 m. NE. Kaluga. Malpartida, vil., Spain, prov. and 7 m. WSW. Caceres. Malpartiia, vil., Spain, prov. and 4 ni. SE. Plasencia. Malpas, til., England, Cliesliire, 13^ m. SE. Chester. Malpelo Island, Pacitic Ocean, 233 m. ofl' coast of Colombia. Malpica, com., Sjain, prov. and' 25 ni. WSW. Corunna. Malplaquet, vil.. Fiance, dep. Nmd, 4 m. NE. Bavai. Battle 1709. MaJpur, native state, Mahi Kantlia, Bombay. Pop. 14,009. Malpur, chief tn. of above. Lat. 23° 21' 20" N., long. 73^ 28' 30" E. Maipora, chief tn., Malpuraj)(fj/((H«, Jaipur, Ra.jputaua. Malsch, tn., Germany, in Baden, 6 m. SSW. Ettlingen. Malsian, tn., Jalaudhar dist., Punjab. Lat. 31° 8' N.,long. 75° 23' E. Malshras, sub-div., Sholapur dist., Bombay. Area 574 sq. in. MalBlras, lidqrs. tn. of above, 70 ni. NW. Sholapur. MaUtatt-Burbach, tn., Rhenish Prussia, on R. Saar. Pop. 14,950. Malta, i-.laiid, in Mediterranean, belonging to Britain. Lat. 35^ 53' 50" N., long. 14" 31' 10" E. Area 124 sq. m. Pop. 163,850. Malta, vil. and tnsh]*., Illinois, De Kalb co. Malta, vil. and tiislip., Ohio, Morgan co., on Muskiugum R. Malta Bend, vil., Mi-suurl, Saline co. Maitby, vd., Yorkshire, 6 in. E. Rotherham. Maltera, vd., Switzerland, canton and 11 m. W. Lucerne. Malthon, ch. tn.,Sagar dist., Cent. Provs., India. 24° 19' N., 78" 34' E. Malton, ndct. tn., Yorkshire, 22111. NE. York. Lat. 54*8' N., o''48' W. Malton, vil., Ontario, Peel co., 15 ni. W. Toronto. Malul, one of the islands in New Siberia group, Arctic Ocean, Malung, vil., Sweden, Kopparberg Ian, on Wester Dal Elf. Malunger Fjord, on NW. coast of Norway. Lat. 62° 25' N. Malur, ta!nl--, Kular dist,, Mysore, India. Area 154 sq. ni. Malar, vil. in aliove. Lat. 13" 43' 20" N., long. 75" 22' 36" E. Malur, \ il., Shiinogadist.. Mysore. Lat. 13° 5' N., 77° 58' 20" E. Malutt Mtna. , Ba^^lIt,oland, S. Africa. Lat. 29° 30* S.,lnng. 27° 55' E. MaWaglia, vil., Switzerland, cant. Ticino, 6 m. SSE. Torre. MalvaUl, talul:, in Mysore state and dist., India. Area 383 sq. m. Malvalli, tn. in above. Lat. 12° 23' 10" N., long. 77° 5' 50" E. Malvern, vil., Iowa, Mills Co. Centre of agricultural dist. Malvern, vil., Ohio, Carroll co , on Sandy Cretdi. Malvern, vil., Ontario, 14 m. fmm Toronto. Malvern, ly. stn. and SE. suburb of Jlelljourne, Victoria. Malvern, Great, co. and watering-place, 9 111. SW. Worcester. Malvern Hill, \'ii'ginia, near Riclimond. Scene of Conf. defeat 1862. Malvern Hills, b >idetty state, Sorath div., Kathiawar, Bombay. 5 sq. m. Manayunk, Pennsylvania, suburb of Philadelphia, Schuylkill co. Manbhum, dist., Bengal. Area 4147 sq. m. Mancazana, tn.. Cape Colony, 28 m. W. Fort Beaufort. Mancetter, par., tnshp., and vil., Warwicksh., i m. SE. Atherstone. Mancha Real, tn., Andalusia, prov. and 7 m. ENE. Jaen. Manche, maritime dep., NW. France. Area 2289 sq. m. P. 520,865. Manche, La, name given by the French to the English Channel, q.v. Manchenhalll, vil., Kolar dist., Mysore, India, on N. Pinakiui R. Manchester, pari, and num. bor., city, SE. Lancashire, 31 m. E. Liverpool, on R. Irwell. Pop. with Salford 703,400. Manchester, vil., tnshp., Connecticut, on Hockanuni R.,co. Hartford. Manchester, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Scott co. Manchester, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, Dearborn co. Manchester, vil., Iowa, cap. of Delaware co., on Maquokcta R. Manchester, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Clay co. Manchester, vil. and tnshp., Maryland, Carroll co, Manchester, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Essex co. Manchester, vil. and tnshp., Miihigan, Washtenaw co., on Raisin U. Manchester, city. New Hampshire, cap. of Hillsborough co. P. 44,126. Manchester, vil. and tnshp., New Jersey, Ocean co. Manchester, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Adams co., on Ohio R. Manchester, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, York co. Manchester, vil., Tennessee, cap. of Coffee co., on Duck River. Manchester, vil. and tnshp., Vi-rmont, on Battenkill R. Manchester, tn, and tnshp., Virginia, Cliesterfteld co., on James R. Manchester, Spt., Nova Scotia, 5 in. from Guysborough. Manchester, ^'il., Ontario, co. Ontario, 15 m. N. Whitby. Manchhar, Lake, Karachi dist,, Boml)ay. Lat. 26° 24' N., 67° 40' E. Manchuria, country, E. Asia, forms a div. of the Cliinese Empire. Area 379,332 sq. m. Pop. 12,000,000. Manciano, vd., Italy, in Tu.scany, 25 m. SE. Grosseto. Manda, vil., Ua'shahi dist., Bengal. Lat. 24''46' io"N., 88''4i'3o"E. Mandi, vil., Equatrnial Africa, on W. shove of LaUe Tanganyika. Mandal, tn., Ahmadabad dist., Bombay. Lat. 23" 17' N., 71° 58' E. Mandalay, tn. and cap, of Upper Biuana. Lat. 21" 59' N., 96° 3' E. Mandalgarh, foit, Ra.jputana, in state and 96 m. NE. Udaipur. Mandamah, tnshp.. New SnuMi Wahs, co. Bourkc, on Mivool Cre k. Mandapeta, tn.. (ioilavaii tlist., Madras. Lat. 16" 50' N., 81° 58' E. Mandar, lull, Blia-alpiu- dist., Bengal. Lat. 24' 50' N., 87" 5' E. Mandarin, vil., l''|(iinia, Duval co., on St. J(din"s R, Mandasa, tn., (Janjam dist,, Madras, 2 m. W. Haripnram. Mandaumin, vil., Ontario, 51 m. W. London by rail. Mandavee, tn., tlutcli, India. See Mandvl. Mandawar, tn., Bijnaur, N W. Provs., India. Lat. 29° 29' N Mandevllle, vil., Louisiana, St. Tammany parish. Mandgaon, tn., Waidlia dist.. Central Provs., India, on R. Wana. Mandhar, native stale, on W. coast of Celebes, E. Indies. Mandhati Island, Central Provinces, India, in Narbada R. Mandl, native .state, Jal.andhar, Punjab, India. Area 1000 sq. ni. Mandi, eld* f tn. of above. Lat. 31' 43' N., long. 76° 58' E. Mandiaon, tn., Luckimw dist., Oudh, India, N. of Lucknow city. Manding. dist., W. Soudan, between the Up. Senegal and the Niger. Mandla, dist., Jabalpur div,. Cent. Provs., India. Area 4719 -sq. m. Mandla, hdqrs. tn. of above dist. Lat. 22° 35' N., long. 80" 24' E. Mandladal, hill, Seoni dist., Central Provs., India. Alt. 2500 ft. Mandlesar, tn,, Indore state. Cent. India. Lat. 22° 11' N., 75' 42' E. Mandogarh, deserted tn., Dhar state, Central India. Lat. 22° 21' N. Mandor, mined tn., Jodhpnr, Rajputana, India. 26° 21' N., 73' 5'E. Mandot, ft. tn., Punjab. .Sti' Mamdot. Mandra, tn., Totawati dist., Jaipur, Rajputana, India. Mandrak, vd., Aligarh dist, NW. Prov.s., India, 7 m. S. Koil. Mandsaur, tn.. (!walii>r state. Central India. 31 m. S. Nimach. Mandu Mahal Birglra, estate, Cent. Provs., India, 42 m. S W. Samb.dpnr, 1G5 MAN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MAN Mandurah, post tn., West Australia, 45 m. S. Pertli. Mandurama, tn., New Kouth Wales, 177 in. W. Sydney. Mandurang, tiislip., Victoiia, CO. Bciuligo, 6 m. fc>. Sandhurst. Mandurda, tn., Kathiawar, Bombay, 15 ni. S. Junagarh. Manduria, tn., Italy, zi m. E8E. Taranto. Lat. 40° 25' N., 17' 37' E. Mandvi, sub-div., iSurat dist., Bombay, Area aSosq. m. Mandvi, chief tn. in above. Lat. 21° 18' 20" N., long. 73° 22' 30" E. Mandwa, petty state, Rewa Kantha, Bombay. Area i6| sq. m. Mandwa, spt., Alil)at;h sub-div., Kulabadist., Bombay. Mandya, iohik^ Mysore dist., Mysore, India. Area 357 sq. m. Mandya, vil. in above. Lat. 12° 32' 10" N., long. 79" 56' E. Manea, tnslip. and vil., Cambridgeshire, 9J m. NW. Ely. Maner, tn., Patna dist., Bengal. Lat. 25" 38' 40" N., long. 84° 55' E. Manerang, nitn. pass, Kashmir, India. Lat. 31° 56' N., long. 76° 24' E. Manerbio, vil., Italy, prov. Brescia. Lat. 45° 21' N., long. 10° 8' E. Manerdivy, par., Pembrokeshire, on R. Teih, 4 m. SE. Cardigan. Manfalut, tn., UiiptT Egypt, on R. Nile. Lat. 27" 23' N., 30° 59' E. Manfield, par., tnslip., and vil., Yorksliire, 5 m. W. Darlington. Manfred, tnslip., Nl-w South Wales. 250 m. W. Sydney. Manfredonia, spt. tn., It;ily, prov. Foggia. Lat. 41" 37' N., 15° 54' E. Manfredonia, Gulf of, inlet of Adriatic, Italy. Lat. 41° 35' N. Manga, tn., Brazil, state Piauhy, 95 m. SW. Theresina. Manga, prov., Bornu, W. Soudan, Africa. Mangahpett, tn., Nizam's Donis., India. Lat. 18' 13' N., 80" 35' E. Mangakahia River, New Zealand, trib. of the Wairoa. Mangal, p-tty hill state, Punjab. 31° 20' N., 77° E. Area 12 sq. \\\. Mangalagiri, tn., Kistnadist., Madras. Lat. 16° 26' N., 80° 36' E. Mangaldai, sub-div., Darrang dist., Assam. Area 1320 sq. ni. Mangaldai, vil. in above div. Lat. 26° 27' N., long. 92" 5' E. Mangaldan, tn., Luzon, Philippine Islands. Pop. 20,646. Mangalia, tn., Uouniania, in the Dobrudja, on Black Sea. Mangalore, -spt., Madras, S. Kanara dist. Pop. 40,610. Mangalore, tnslij*., Queensland, dist. Warrego. Mangalsi, ^largaiim, Kaizabad dist., Oudh, India. Area 116 sq. m. Mangalvedha, tn., Sangli state, Bombay. 17° 30' 42" N., 75" 29' E. Mangana, tn., Tasmania, 120 m. NE. ofHobart. Manganhere River, New Zealand, co, Wanganui, flows S. Mangaon, sub-div., Kolaba dist., Bombay. Area 353 sq. ni. Mangaon, vil., in aljove, on R. Kal, 15 ra. from Raigarh hill. Mangapai, tii., New Zealand, i2r ni. N. Auckland. L^t. 33" 44' 8. Mangaratiba, vil. and port, Brazil, state Rio Janeiro. Mangatarem, tn., Luzon, Philippine Is., 95 m. NNW. Slanilla. Mangawai, tnshp., New Zealand, co. Otamatea. Mangawhare, tn., New Zealand, iiS ni. NE. Auckland. Mangerton, mtn., co. Kerry, 6 ni. SE. Killarney. Alt. 2754 ft. Mangia, small isl., Cook Is., Oceania. Lat. 21" 54' S., long. 157° 56' W. Manglanr, tn., Saharanpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Mangoptah, tTishp., New South Wales, co. Mitchell. Mangor, (t vil., Gwalior, Central India. Lat. 26^ 6' N., 78" 6' E. Mangotsfield, par. and vil., Gloucestershire, 5^ m. NE. Bristol. Mangrol, tn., Kotah state, Rajputana. Lat. 25° 17' N., 76" 35' E. Mangrota, tn., Sangarh tahsil, Dera Ghazi Khan dist., Punjab. Mangrove Point, S. Australia, cos. Fergusson and Daly. Mangml, taluk, Basiiu dist., Berar, India. Area 634 sq. m. Mangrul, tn., Aniraoti dist., Berar, India. Mangrul Pir, tn., Basim dist., Berar. Lat. 20" 19' N., long. 77' 24' E. Mangualde, tn., Portugal, ]U'ov. Beira, 8 m. SE. Vizeu. Mangueira, Laguna de, Brazil, in lat. 33° 25' S., long. 53° o' W. Manhasset, vil., New York, Queen's co., on Manhasset Bay. Manhattan, vil. and tnslip., Kansas, cap. of Riley co. Manhattan Beach, wateriiig-p'ace, New York, on Coney Island. Manhattan Island, U.S., on which the city of New York is built. Manheim, vil., Pennsylvania, Lancaster co. Mani, vil., Mexico, state Yucatan, dist. Ficul. Maniago, vil., Italy, prov. and 25 m. WNW. Udine. Maniar, tn., Balliadist., NW. Provs., India. 25° 59' N., 84" 14' E. Maniari River, Ct-ntral Provs., India, flows 70 m. to the Seonatli. Manica, dist., in Brit. S. Africa Coy's. Territory. Lat. 18° S.. 30° E. Manicouagan, riv., lake, and bay, Canada, estuary of St. Lawrence. Manicouagan Peninsula, Quebec, Saguenay Co., in R. St. Lawrence. Manifold, Cape, Quei nsland, dist. Port Curtis. 22° 43' S.. 150° 52' E. Manihi Island, Luw Archipelago. L^t. 14° 27' 46" S., long. 146° W. Manihiki Islands. Sre Manahiki. Manikapur, in'riKni-i, Ctuda dist., Oudh, India. Area 127 sq. ni. Manikar Char, vd., Goalpara dist., Assam, 40 ni. W. Tura, Manikganj, sub-div., Dacca dist., Bengal. Area 489 sq. ni. Manikganj, Iidqrs. tn. in above. Lat. 23° 53' N., long. 90° 4' E. Manikiala, vil., Rawnl Pindi dist., Punjab. Lat. 33" 27' 30" N. Manikpur, parffana, Partabgarh dist., Oudh, India. Area 84 sq. ni. Manikpur, in. in above. Lat. 25° 46' N., long. 81' 26' E. Manikpur, vil., Banda dist., NW. Provs., India. 25° 4' N., 81° 8' E. Manikwara, lidqrs. vil., Sorath div., Kathiawar, Bombay. Manilla, sjtt and cap. of Philippine Islands, on Luzon Island. Lat. 14° 35' 26" N., long. 121° 8' E. Pop. 182,242. Manilla, tn., New South Wales, 281 m. N. Sydney. Manilla, vil., Ontai io, Victoria Co., 32 m. N. Whitby. Manilva, vil., Spain, prov. and 52 m. SW. Malaga. ManiMajra, in., Anib;iladist., Punjab. Lat. 30" 43' N., long. 76' 54' E. Manipori Lake, New Zealand, co. i-'iord. Manlpur, native state, NE. India. Lat. 24" 35' to 24 48' N., long, 93°-94'' 40' E. Area about 8oco sq. ni. Pop. 221,070. Manique do Intendente, vil., Portugal, dist. Lisbon. Manisaa, tn., An;itolia, 22 ni. NE. Smyrna. Lat. 38° 36' N., 27" 23' E. Manistee, city. Michigan, on M. R. and Lake Michigan. Lat. 44° 13' N. P. 12,812. Manistique, \ il., Michigan, on Mani itiqne R. and Lake Michigan. Manito, vil. aird tn*;Iip., Illinois, Mason co. Manitoba, a NW. prov., Canadx Lat. 49''-53'' N., long, go'-ioi" W. Area 73,720 sq. m. Pop. 154,442. Manitoba, Lake, Manitoba, 120 ni. by 25 m. greatest breadth. Manitou, vil., Colorado, El Paso co., 6205 ft. above sea. Manitonlin, isl. chain, Ontario, in Lake Huron, Ar. 1600 sq. ni. Manitowaning, bay and vil., Ontario, on Grand Manitoulin 1. Manitowoc, city, Wisconsin, cap. of M. Co., in Lake Michigan. Maniyas, tn., Anatolia, 28 m. NNE. Balikesri. Lat. 39° 58' N. Manizales, tn., Colombia, state Autioquia, 70 m. S. Medellin. Manjadlkara, trading In., Travancore, Madras. 9° 26' N., 76' 35' E. Manjaratiad, ialvk, Hassan dist., Mysore, Madras. Ar. 457 sq. ni. Manjerl, tn., Malabar dist., Madras. Lat. 11° 6' 30" N., 76" 10' E. Manjhand, taluk, Sehwan sub-div., Karachi, Bombay. 581 sq. m. Manjhand, tn., in above. Lat. 25" 55' N., long. 68' 17' E Manjhanpur, tahsil, Allahabad dist., NW. Prnvs., India. 274 sq. n\. Manjhan pur -Fata, tn., in above. Lat. 25° 31' N., long. 81° 25' E. Manjhi, tn., Saran dist., Bengal. Lat. 25" 50' N., long. 84° 37' E. Manjhia, tn., Hardoi dist., Oudh, 4 ni. SE. Pihani. Mankapur, tn., Unao dist., Oudh, 2 ni. N. Bhawantnagar. Mankato, city, Minnesota, Blue Earth co. I.«it. 44° 12' N., 93' 5S' W. Mankera, vil., Dera Ismail Khan dist., Punjab. 31' 23' N., 71" 29' E. MankuT, tn., Bardwan dist., Bengal. Lat. 23° 26' N., 87° 36' E. Manlius, tn.shp. and ry. stn., Michigan, Allegan co., 17 m. N. Grand Junction. Manlius, vil. and tnshp., New York, Onondaga co. Manly, est. tn., NewS. Wales, 6 m. NE. Sydney. 33° 50' S., 151° 17' E. Manmad, tn., Nasik dist., Bombay. Lat. 20" 15' N., long. 74° 29' E. Manna, tn., SW. coast of Sumatra, 62 m. SE. Benkoelen. Manna, dist., W. Africa, Sierra- Leone, bet. Rs. Manna and Sulima. Manna Hill, set., S Australia, 5 ni. E. co. Lytton. Mannanarrie, vil., S. Australia, i6g in. N. Adelaide. Mannargudi, tulnk, Tanjore dist., Madras. Ar. 2S4 sq. m. Mannargudi, tn, in above. Lat. 10° 40' N., long. 79° 30' E. Mannedorf, vil , Switzerland, on Lake of Zurich, 3 m. SE. Meilen. Mannersdorf, tn., Lower Austria, 20 m. SSE. Vienna. Manners Sutton, par., New Brunswick, 65 m. NW. St. .Tohn. Mannheim, tn., Baden, at connuence of Neckar and Rhine, 34 m. X. Cavlsruhe. Lat. 49° 29' 13" N., 8" 27' 56" E. Pop. 79,044. Mannheim, vil., Ontario, co. Waterloo, 7 m. from Berlin. Manntn Bay, Ireland, co. Galway, 4 in. SW. Cbfden. Manning Plain, Queensland, between Herliertand Gregory Rivers. Manning River, New South Wales. Lat. 31° 54' E., long. 152° o' E. Mannington, vil. and tnshp., W. Virginia, Marion co. Manningtree, tn., P.ssex, on R. Stour. Lat. 51° 5/ N., long, i' 3' E. Mannum, spt., S Australia, 52 ni. NE. Adelaide. 34° 57' S., 139° 16' E. Manny, vil. and tnshp., Louisiana, cap. of Sabine p;irish. Mano, isl., Denmark, off W. coast Jutland. Lat. 55° 16' N., 8° 32' E. Manod, ry. stn., Merioneth, 2 m. N. Festiniog. Manohar, fort, Sawantwari, Khandesh, Bombay. Lat. 16' 2' 45" N. Manoli, tn., Belgaum dist., Bombay. Lat. 16° 16' N., long. 74''4o' E. Mahon. coni., Spain, prov. Corunna, 7 m. ESE. Ortigxieira. Manono Island, Samoa Is., Pacific Ocean. Lat. 13° 50' S., 172° 10' W. Manoora, tn., S. Austmlia, 75 m. NE. Adelaide. 33° 2' S., 138" 51' E. Manopello, vil., Italy, circle and 8 m. SW. Cliieti. Manora. Cape, Karachi dist., Bombay. Lat. 24° 47' N., 67' i' E. Manorbier, est. par. and vil., Wales, co. and 5 m. SE. Pembrokf. Manordilo, vil., Carmarthenshire, 3 m. SW. Llangadock. Mano rhamil ton, mkt. tn., NW. co. Leltrim, 23* m. E. Sligo. Manori, port, Thana dist., Bombay. Lat. 19" 12' 30" N., 72' 50' E. Manorville, vil.. New York, in Suffolk co. Manorville, bor., Pennsylvania, Armstrong co., on Alleghany R. Manor Water, Poeblessliire, flows 10 ni. N. to the Tweed. Manosque, tn., France, Basses-AIpes, 8 m. S. Forcalquier. Manotick. vil., Ontario, on Ride.iu R., 14 ni. S. Ottawa. Manpertuis Bay, S. Australia, SW. Coast of Kangaroo I. Man Point, lishing set., Newfoundland, 44 ni. from Twillingate. Manpur, pargona, under Blinpawar Agency, Cent. India, Manresa, tn., Spain, 31 m. NW. Barcelona. Lat. 41'' 45' N., 1° 47' E. Mans, Le, tn., France, cap. of dep. Sarthe. 48° N., 0° 11' E, Pop. 57.594 Mansa, nati\e state, Mahi Kantha, Gujarat, Bombay. Pop. 13,300 Mansa, chief tn. in above. Lat. 23° 26' N., long. 72° 43' E. Mansahra, N. tahsil, Hazaradist., Punjab. Ar. 1435 sq. m. Mansahra, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 34" 20' N., lotig, 73° 15' E. Mansfeld, tn., Prussian Saxony, 29 ni. NW. Merseburg, Mansfield, mkt. tn., Engl., co. and 16 ni. N. Nottingham. Mansfield, pari, div., Notts. Mansfield, vil. and tnshp., New Jersey, Burlington co. Mansfield, city, Ohio, cap. of Richmond co. Pop. 13,473. Mansfield, borough, Pennsylvania, Tioga co., on Tioga R. Mansfield, tn., Victoria, 137 m. NE. MLdl>ourne. 37° 5' S., 146° 10' E. Mansfield, vil., Massachusetts, Bristol co. I.,at. 42° 2' N., 71" 17' W. Mansfield, vil., Louisiana, cai>. of De Soto par. 32° 2' N., 93* 44' W. Mansfield Centre, vil. , Connecticut, Tolland co. Mansfield Island, Can.ida, in Hud.son Bay. Lat. 64° N., long. Si' W. Mansfield Valley, Ixiroiigh, Pennsylvania, Alleghany co. Mansfield Woodhouse, tn. and par., Notts, li m. N. Mansfield. Manson, vil., Iowa, Calhoun co. Mansonville Potton, ^'11., Quebec, 98 ni SE. Montreal. Manaoria, ft. spt., Morocco, on Atlantic. Lat. 33° 46' N., 7° 12' W. Manaorah, tn., Lr. Egypt, 73 m. N. Cairo. 31° 4' 30" N. P. 26,942. Mansurkota, vil., Ganjani dist., Madias, Lat. 19° 17' N., 84° 58' E Mansurnagar, pnrgana, Hardoi dist., Oudh. Area 26 sq. m. Manta, vil., Colombia, state Cundinaniarca, 28 lu. SE. Ubate. Manta, spt. to., Ecuador, Lat. 0° 54' S , long. 80" 34' W. Mantaro, Rio, Peru, afllaent of the tl cayali. Manteno, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Kankakee co. Manteo, vil., Nitrth Candina, cap. of Dare co., on Roanoke R. Mantes, tn., France, Seine-et-Oise, 22 m. NW. Versailles.. Manti, vil. and tnshp., Utah, cap. of San Pete co. Mantoddate, spt., Ceylon, Northern prov., facing Manar. Manton, par. and vil., England, Rutland, 3 ni. SE. Oakliam, Mantorville, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, cap. ol Dnilge co, Mantrala Kanama, pass, Karnul dist., Madras. Lat. 15° 54' N. Mantreawar, vil., Bardwan dist., Bengal. Lat. 23° 25' N., 88* 9' E, Mantua, prov., Lnmbardy, Italy. Area oto sq. nt. Pop. 309,311. Mantua, ft. city, Italy, in above prov. Lat. 45° 9' N., 10" 48' E. Mantua, vil. and tnslip., Oluo, Portage co. Manua, isl. group, in Pacific Ocean, E. of Samoa. 166 MAN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MAR Manuden, par. and vil., Essex, 4 in. N. Bishop-Stortford. Manuel, ry. stn., Stirlingshire, 2 m, W. Linlithgow. MauaeLs, li.sliiug stn., Newfoundland, 14 m. from St. John's. Manukaa Harbour, New Zealand. Lat. 37° 3' S., long. 174* 35' E. Manulla, par. and ry. stn., Mayo, 4 ni. E. Castlebar. ManviUe, vil., Rhode Island, co. and 12 m. NW. Providence. Manwan, firqana and vil.,Sitapur dist., Oudh, India. Ar. 6gsq. m. Manyara, Lake, German E. Africa. 1-at. 4° S., long. 33' 40' E. Manyema, rnuiitry, Congo state, W. of N. end of L. Tanganyika. Manytch, River, Kussia, Hows 300 ni. to the Don. Manjaaares, tn., Spain, 27 \\\. E. Ciiidad Ileal. 39' 3' N., 3* 25' W Manzanarea, River, Spain, joins the Henares, passing Madrid. Manzanera, viL, Spain, prov. Teruel, 15 ni. S. Mora de Rubielos. Manzauilla, coral isl,, Colombia, off N. coast of Panama. Manzanilla, vil., Spain, prov. Huelva, 6 m. E. Palma. ManzaniUo. spt. tn., Cuba, on SE. coast. Lat. 20' 21' N., 77° 3' W. ManzaniUo, El, spt. tn., Mexico, 34 m. WSW. Colima. Manzano, vil., Italy, prov. Udine, 7 m. SSW. Cividale del Friuli. Mao. cap. cf Kanem, Central Soudan. Lat. 14° 22' N., 15° 20' E. Mao beh-larkar, vil., Khasi Hills, Assam, 18 ni. from Shillong. Mao don, petty state, Khasi Hills, Assam, India. Mao-iong, petty State, Khasi Hills, Assam. India. Mao-phlang, nitn. plateau and vil., Khasi Hills, Assam. Mao-Ean ram, j'Otty state and mtn. range, Kbasi Hills, Assam. Mao- thad-ral -Shan, mtn. range, Khasi Hills, Assam. Alt. 6297 ft. Mapia Island, .Micronesia, belonging to Dutch New Guinea. Mapiml, vil., Mexico, state and 130 m, NNE. Durango. Mapirl, vd.. Bolivia, dep. and 95 m. NNW. Paz. Maple, vil., Ontario, York co. , 18 m. from Toronto. Maple Bay, vil., Vancouver I., 45 m. from Victoria. Maple Creek, Nebniska, rises in Stanton co. and falls into Elkhorn R. Maple Creek, ry. stn., Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 596J m. W. Winnipeg. Mapledurham, par. and vil., Oxfordshire, 3J m. NW. Reading. Maple Grove, vil., Quebec, at head of Lake William. Maple Grove, vil., Ontario, co. Stormont, 4 m. from Cornwall. Maple Grove, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, in Barry co. Maple Leaf, vil., Ontario, co. Oxford, 11 m. from Woodstock. Maple Raplda, vil., Michigan, Clinton co., on Maple R. Mapleton, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Blue Earth co. Mapleton, vil., New Brunswick, 12 m. from Petitcodiac. Mapleton, vil., Ontario, co. Elgin, 9 m. from St. Thomas Mapleton, vil., Manitoba, 22} m. N. Fort Garry. Mapleton Depot, vil., Pennsylvania, Huntingdon co., on Juniata R. Maplevllle, vil., Rhode Island, Providence co. MaplLQ Sands, sh'tal, off est. Essex, extends NE. from Shoebnry Ness. Mappleton, p:ir., tn-hp., and vil., Yorkshire, vil. 3 m. SE. Hornsea. Mapusa, chief tn., Bardezdist., Goa, India. Lat. 15" 36' N., 73° 52' E. Maputa River, SE. Africa, rises in Transvaal, flows to Delagoa Bay.' Maqaoketa, vil. and tnshp,, Iowa, cap. of Jaekson co. Maquon, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Knox co., on Spoon R. Mar, ancient dist,, Aberdeenshire, between the Dee and Don. Maraba Creek, Nl'W South Wales, branch of the Castlereagh R Marabaatad, tn., S, African Republic, 145 m. NE. Pretoria. Maraca Island, olf N', coast of Brazil, Lat, 2' N,, long. 50" 20' W Maracas, vil., Brazil, state Bahia, 104 m. WNW. Sao Salvador. Maracay, tn., \'enezuela, state Guzman Blanco, 54 m. WSW. Caracas, Maracaybo, spt. tn., Venezuela. Lat. 10" 38' N., long. 71° 42' W Maracaybo, Gulf of, between Venezuela and Colombia. Maracaybo, Lago de, Venezuela. Lat. 10° N., long. 71° 30' W. Maracayu, nitn. chain, between Brazil and Paraguay Maraceaa, vil., Spain, prov. and 2A ra. NW, Granada. Maradi, tn. and prov., Gober, Central Sondan. 13° 45' N., 7° 47' E. Maragha, tn., Persia, 50 m. S. Tabriz. Lat. 37" 21' N., 46' 17' E. Maragosipe, tn., Brazil, state Bahia, 31 m. WNW. Sao Salvador. Marahra, tu., Etah dist., NW. Provs., India, 27° 44' N., 78' 37' E. Marahu, tn., Brazil, state Bahia, 95 m. SSW. Sao Salvador. Maratsburg. vil.. Cape Colony, 37 m. NE. Cradock. Marajo or Joannes, large isl., Brazil, at months of Amazon and Para. Marakel, fim' of the Gilbert Is. Lat. 1° 56' N., long. 173" 10' E. Maralbashl, tu , E. Turkestan, \-\^ m. ENE. Kashpar. Marambaya, isl., Bmzil, state Rio de Janeiro. 23° 3' S., 43° 45' W. Maranello, tn,, Italy, prov. and 8 m. S. Modena. Maranganl, viL, Ptiru, dep, Cuzco, 15 m. SE. Sicuani. Maranguape, In., Brazil, state Ceara, 18 m. SW. Eorlalezza. Maranhao, maritime state, N. Brazil. 177,560 sq. ra. Top. 448,443. Maranhao, Sao Lulz de, spt. and cap. of above. Lat 2° 31' S., long, 4.V' 18' W. Pop. 38,000, Marano, vil,, Italy, pruv, and 5 m. NW. Naples. Maranoa, i>astoral dist , Queensland, W. of Darling Downs. Maranon, Rio, Peru, one of the two upper branches of the Amazon. Marans, tn., France, Clinrente-Infirieurc, 12 m. NE. La Rochelle. Maras, vil., Peru, dep. Cuzco, prov. and opposite Urubamba. Marash, tn., Asiatic Turkey, prov. and 95 m. NNW. Aleppo Maratea, tn., Italy, prov. Basilicata, on Gulf of Policastro. Marathon, vil. and plain, Greece, 18 ni. NE. Atlicn3. Athenian victory under Miltiadeg over the Persians 490 b.c. Marathon, vil. and tnslip.. New York. Cortland co., onTioghnioga R. MarathonlBl, spt. tn., Grcce, 26 m. SSK. Sparta. Lat, 36' 45' N. Maravatio, vil., Central Mexico, state Guanajuato, Maravi, spt. vil., Cuba, W. Indies, 6 m. NW. IJaracoa. Marazion or Market Jew, sjit., Cornwall, 3 m. E. Penzance. Marbach, tn., Wurtemberg, 4 m. NK, Ludwigsburg. Marbach. vil., Switzerland, cant, and 15 m. ESE. St. Gall. Marbals-Marblaoux, vil., Belgium, 6 in. SE. Genappe. MarbeUa, spt., Spain, 31 m. SW. Malaga. Lat. 36° 33' N., 4° 56' W. Marblehead, jtort of entry, Massachusetts, Essex co. Lat. 42° 28' N., long. 70' s6' W. Marble Hill, vil., Missouri, cap. of BoUintrer co., on Crooked Creek. Marble Mountain, ])bire with fiuarries, Nova Scotia, co. Inverncs.s, Marbloton, vil., Quebec, CO. Wolfe, 27 m. from Shorbrooke. Marboz, \il., Eranfc, dep. Ain, 5 m, SW. Coligny, Marburg, tn., Austria, in Styria. Lat. 46° 35' N., 15° 43' E. P. 17,628. Marburg, tn., Hessen-Nassau, on R. Lahu. Pop. 12,688. Marca, vil., Peru, dep. Aneachs, 46 m. S. Huaras. Marcabal, vil., Peru, dep. Libertad, 13 m. NE. Huamanchuco. Marcaria, tn., Italy, prov, Mantua, 3 ni. NE, Bozzoln. Marceau, vil., Algeria, prov, Algiers, 13 m. SSE. Cherchell. March, vil,, Ontario, CO, Carieton, 21 m, from Ottawa. March, tn., Cambridgeshire, on R. Nen, 14^ m. E. Peterborough. March or Morava, riv., Moravia, flows S. to the Danube. Marcellus, vil. and tnshp,, Michigan, Cass co. Marcellufl, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Onondaga co. Marcham, par., tnshp., and vil., Berks, i\ m. W. Abingdon. Marche, an old prov. of France, of which the capital was Gueret. Marche, tn., Belgium, prov. Luxembourg, 43 m. NW. Arlon. Marchena, tn., Spain, 29 ni. ESE. Seville. Pop. 13,768. Marches, compartimento, Italy. Area 3746 sq. ni. Pop. 1,021,697. Marchfeld, large plain, Lower Austria, traversed by R. March. Marchiennes, tn., France, dep. Nord, 8 m. ENE. Douai. Marchin, vil., Belgium, prov. Liege, 4 m. S. Huz. Marchmont, ry. stn., Berwickshire, 3I m. SW. Duns. Marchmont, vil,, Ontario, co. Simcoe, 34 m. from Barrie. Marchwood, eccl. dist. and vil., Hants, on Southampton Water. Marciac, tn,, France, dep. Gers, 12 m. W. Mirande. Marclana, tn., Brazil, Minas Geraes state. Marciana Marina, vil,, Italy, Tusrany, on NW. coast of Elba I. Marcianiae, tn., Italy, prov. and 3 m. SW. Caserta. Pop. 11,364. Marcigny, tn., France, dep. Saone-ct-Loire, on R. Loire, Marcillat, vil., France, dep. AUier, 12 m. S. MontluQon. Marcinelle, vil., Belgium, jirov. Hainaut, i m. S. Cliarleroi. Marck, vil., France, dep. Pas-de-Calais, 4 ni. E. Calais. Marco Polo, mtn. range, N. Thibet. Lat. 36° N., long. 92° E. Marcq-en-Baroeul, tn., France, dep. Nord, 4 m. SW. Tourcoing. Marcy, Mt., New York, highest peak of the Adirondacks. 5467 ft. Marczali, vil., Hungary, dist. and 18 m. NW. Kaposvar. Mardan, tahsil, Peshawar dist., Punjab. Area 632 sq. m. Mar del Plata, tn., Argentine Repul'lic, state Buenos Ayi'cs. Marden, vil., on R. Lugg, co. and 5 m. N. Hereford. Marden, par. and vil., Kent, g\ m. E. Tunbridge. Mardin, ft. tn., Asiatic Turkey, 56 m. SE. Diarbekir. Mardore, vil., France, dep. Rhone, 3 m. NNE. Thizy. Mare, vil., S, African Republic, dist. and 40 m. E. Middelburg. Mareb River, Abyssinia, flows 250 m. to the Atbara. Maree, Loch, Ross and Cromarty, 12^ m. long, NW. and SE. Mareham le Fen, par. and Wl., Lincolnshire, 5J m. S. Horncastle. Mare Island, California, in San Pablo Ba.v, Solano co. Maremma. marshy dist., Italy, S. part of Tuscany. Marene, vil., Italy, prov. Coni. French victory over Anstrians 1799. Marenga, tn., Equatorial Africa, on W. coast of Lake Nyassa. Marengo, vil., Italy, prov. and 3 m. SE. Alessandria. Lat. 44° 53' N Marengo, tn.. New S. Wales, 241 m. SR. Sydney. Lat. 34° 22' S. Marengo, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, McHenry co. Marengo, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, cap. of Iowa co, Marengo, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Calhoun co., on Kalamazoo R. Marennes, spt. tn,, France, Charente-Inferieure, Mareno di Piave, tn. , Italy, prov. Treviso, 4 m. SE. Conegliano. ■ Mareotia, Lake, Egypt. See Birket-Mariut. Maresfield, par. and vil., Sussex, 2 m. N. Uekfield. Maretz, vil., Franne, rlep. Nord, 2J m. SSE. Clary. Mareville, nat, 44° 31' N., 0° 10' E. Marmara or Marmora, Sea of, between Europe and Asia, com- muniC.ites with iEgean and. Black Seas. Marmara Island, in above sea. I^t. 40 36' N., long. 27° 35' E. Marmaras, tn., Anatolia, 2S m. NNE. Rhodes. Lat. 36° 43' N., 26° E. Mar Menor, bav, Spain, prov. Mnreia. Lat. 37° 45' N,, long. o''45' W. Marmion, post vil.j Ontario, in Grey co. Marmirolo, vil., Italy, prov. and 4 ni. N. Mantua, Marmiton, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Bourbon co,, on M. River. Marmolejo, tn., Sj-ain, prov. and 31 ni. NW. Jaen. Marmora, vil., Ontario, co, Hastings. Lat. 44" 33' N., 79" 36' W. Marmora, Sea of. Sec Marmara, Sea of. Marmoutier or Maursmunster, tn., Alsace. Lat. 48' 42' N., 7° 22' E. Marmullane, par,, Leland, 5 ni. NK. Cork. Contains Passage West. Marne, dt-p., NE. Fiance. Area 3159 sq. ni. Pop, 429,494. Marne, vil., Prussia, in Schleswig-Hnlstein. Lat. 53" 58' N., 9° 1' E. Marne, River, France, fl.Avs 210 ni. to the Seine above Paris. Marnhull, par. and vil,, Dorset, 3 m. N. Sturminster-Newton. Marnoch, par., BftntTshire, on R. Deveron. Contains Bridge of M. Maroa, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Macon co. Marocco, Italian spelling of Morocco, q,v. M.Lroill33, vil., France, dep. Nord, 4 m. ENE. Landrecies. Maroim, tn., Brazil, state Sergipe, 18 m. N. Aracaju. Marokane, vil., Bechuanaland, Stella dist., 34 m. ESE. Vryburg. Maroli, port, Thana dist., Bombay. Lat. 28'' 18' N., long. 72° 46' K MaroUes, vil., Fran-^e, dep. Sarthe, 10 ni. SSW. ]\Iamers. Maromme, tn., France, Seine-Iuferieure, 4 m. NW. Rouen. Marone, \\\., Italy, prov. and 15 m, NNW, Brescia. Marong, dist. Victoria, Bendigo co. Lat. 36° 40' S., long. 144° 10' E. Maronl River, between Dutch and French Guiana. Maroona, tn., Victoria, 170 ni. NW. Melbourne. 37' 26' S., 142° 50' E, Maroota, tnshp., New South Wales, co. Cumberland. Maros, River, Transylvania, flows ;oo ni. to the Theiss. Marosiky, spt. vil., on E. coast of Madagascar. Lat. ig" 40' S. Marostica, vil,, Italy, prov. Venetia, 15 ni. NNE. Vicenza. Maros Vasarhely, tu., Transylvania. 46° 28' N,, 24° 31' E. P. 12.673. Maroue, vil., France, Cot^^s-du-Nord, 2k in. SW. Laniballe. Marown or Kirk M., par.. Isle of Man, 5 jn, NW. Douglas. Marple, In., Cliesliiie, on R, Govt, 9 m. SE. Manchester. Marple, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Media co. Marquesas or Mendana Islands, grp,. Pacific Ocean. Lat. 8''N., 140° W. Marquette, vil., France, dep. Nord, 3 m. from Lille. Marquette, vil., Kansas, McPherson co. Marquette, city, Michigan, on L. Superior. 46" 30' N., 87' 20' W. Marquette, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Green Lake co. Marquette River, Michigan, falls into L. Michigan in Mason co. Marquise, tn., France, Pas-de Calais, 7 m. NNE. Boulogne, Marr, vil., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co. Marrabel, tnshp., S. Australia, co. Light, 63 m. N. Adelaide. Marradi, vil., 'taly, prov. and 31 ni. NE. Florc-nce. Marratxi, vil., Majorca I., Spain, 5 ni. NE. Paliua. Marrickville, suburb, 3^- ni. from Sydney, New South Wales. Marron Junction, ry. stn,, Cninberland, 4^ m. W. Cockermouth. Marrowie Creek, New South Wales, co. Franklin. Marsaghai, tn., Cuttack dist., Bengal. Lat. 20° 24' N., 86" 37' E. Marsala, ft. spt., Sicily, on W coast. Lat. ^7° 49' N., 12' 25' E. Marsa Susa, spt. tn., Tripoli, in Barca. Lat. 32' 55' N., 21° 56' E. Marsboro, settlement, Quebec, co. Compton, on Victoria Bay. Marsciano, roni.. Itjily, prov. and 13 ni. S. Perugia. Pop. 12,156. Marsden, vil., N. S. Wales, 327 m. W. Sydney. 33° 39' S.. 147" 40' E. Maraden, tnshp.. New Zealand, co. Grey, on Teremakau R. Marsden, tnshp.. New Zealand, co. and on Wangarei B.iy. Marsden, tn. and ry. ctn., Yorkshire, 7 m. SW. Hudderslield. Marsden, Mount, New South Wales, co, Roxburgh. Marsden, Point, S. Australia, N. extremity of Kangaroo I. Mar's Diep, strait, Netherlands, between Tex'-I 1. ami N. Holland. Maraeillan, tn., France, dep. Herault, 4 m NNE. Agde. Marseilles, city andchief spt., France, on Mediterranean. Lat. 43* 17' 52" N., long. 5" 23' E. Pop. 376,143. Marseilles, vil., Illinois, La Salle co. MiraeiUes vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Wyandot co. Marshall, vil,, Arkansas, cap. of Searcy co. Marshall, vil. and tnslip., Illinois, cap. of Clai-k co. Marshall, vil., Iowa, Henry co. Marshall, city and tnshp., Michigan, cap. of Calhoun co. Marshall, vil., Minnesota, cap. of Lyon co., on Redwood, R. Marshall, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Saline co. Marshall, vil. and tnshp.. North Carolina, Madison co. Marshall, city, Texas, cap. of Harrison co. Marshall, vil., Wisconsin, Dane Co., on Waterloo Creek. Marshall Archipelago, Micronesia. E. of Caroline Is. n' N., 166' E. 1C8 MAB THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MAS MarahaOl Isle, Maine, in the Atlantic, included in Ilancoelc co. MarBhiU'fl Cove ar. and vil., Bedfordshire, 3^ m. NW. Aniptliill. Maraton upon-Dove, par. and tnsbp., Derbyshire, 8^ ni. SW. Derby. Marstrand, s|it., Sweden, 20m. NW. Gothenburg. Lat. 57° 52' N. MaravUlo, vil., Ontario, co. Diifferin, 12 m. from Fergus. Martaban, tn., Amherst dist., Tenasserim, Burma. Lat 16° 32' N. Martano, vil., Daly, prov. and 12 m. SSE. Lecce. Mart^pura, tn., in SE. extremity of Borneo, Dutch E. Indies. Martel. tn., France, dep. Lot, 17 in. NE. Gounb>n. Martellago, vil,, Italy, prov. Venice, 6 m. NW. Mestre. Marten, vil., Prussii, Westphalia, 4 ni. W. Dortmund. Martham, par. and vil., Norfolk, 9 m. NW. Yarmouth. Marthasville, vil., Missouri, Warren CO., on Missouri It. Martha's Vineyard, isl., Massachusetts. Lat. 41° 23' N., 70° 3S' W. Marticvllle, vil., Pennsylvania, in Lancaster co, Martlgnacco, vil., Italy, prov. and 6 m. W.VW. Udine. Martlcnie Ferchaud, vil,, Fiance, Ille-et-Vilaine, 6 in. SSE, UhHiers. MartiBnyla-VUle, tn., Switzerland, cant. Valais, 16 m. SW. Sion. Martlgnes. tn., France, Bouches-du-Uhone, 21 m. SW. Aix, Martin, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Allegan co. Martin, vil,, Tennessee, Weakley co. Martin, ry. stn., Ontario, 124 in. W. Port Arthur. Martin, tnshp., New South Wales, 200 m. NW. Sydnpy. Martin, Cape, S. of Australia, CO. Gray, N. point of Uivoli Bay. Martina Franca, tn., Italy, 17 m. NNE. Taranto. Pop. 19,355. Martlnengo, vil., Italy, prov. Brrg;tmo, 10 m, NE, 'J'reviglio. Martinet, Le, mining vil,, France, dep. Gard, 6 m. W. St. Ambroix. Martinez, \il., California, cap. of Contra Costa co. Martin Garcia Island, Argentine Republic. Lat. 34° 30' S. , 58" 20' W. Martiniqae Island, French W, Indies. Lat. 14" 40' N., 61° 10' W. Area 381 sc]. in. Pop. 175,863. Cap. Fort de France. Martin's Bay, New Zcalantl, iqo m. NE. Dunediu. Martinsburg, vil. and tn^tlp., Illinois, Pike CO. Martinsburg, vil. and tushp,. Now Y'ork, Lewis co. Martinsburg, borough, Pennsylvania, Blair co. Martinsburg, tn., W. Virginia, cap. of Berkley co. Martin's Ferry, vil., Ohio, Belmont CO., on Ohio R. Martlnakaves, vil., Croatia-Slavonia, 6 m. N. Szlszek, on R. I^ve. Martlnetown, vil., Dorset, 3 in. SW. Dondiester. Martinsville, vil. and ttislij)., Illinois, Clark CO. Martinsville, vil., Iinliana, cap. of Morgan co. Martinsville, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, eaji, of Henry co. Martintowo, vil,, Ontai'io, 12 rn. NW. Lancaster. Martin Vaz, 3 rocky isls., in Atlantic Ocean, E. of Trinidad. 2o''37'N. Martlnville, vil., Quebec, co. and 6 m. from Conipton. Martlrano. \ il , Italy, circle and 12 m. NW. Nicastro. Martleaham, par. and vil., Sullblk, ■i\ m. SW. Woodbridge. Martletwy, par. and vil., Pembrokeshire, on E. of Milford Haven. Martloy, par. and vil., co. and 6i in. NW. Worcester. Martock, jiar. and vil., Somerset, 7 in. KW. Yeovil. Martola Mariam, tn., Abyssinia, 136 m. SSE. Gondar. Martoli, vil , Kumarin dist., NW. Pmvs., India. 30" 21' N., 80" 13' E. Marten, tn,, New Zealand, i;i3 in. NXE. Wellington. Lat. 40° 7 S. Martin, tnshp,, N. Laneashire, partly in borougli (»f Blaekjiool. Marton, par. ann. WSW. Jacn. 37° 44' N., 4" i' W. P. 14,654, Maruchak. ft. tn,, NW. Afghanistan. Lat. 3=;" 48' N., long. 63" 12' E. Marulan, tnshp., N. S. Wale<*, 114 m. SW. Sydney. 34^43' S.,i5o° i' E. Marum, vil., Netherlands, prov. Oroningen. Lat, 53" 8' N., 6" 15' E. Marungu, eotiiitry. Congo Free State, on W. of L ikc Tanganyika. MarutBe-Mambunda, country, Central Africji, on R. Zambesi. Marvao, tu , Brazil, stute Piauhy, 80 in. ENE. Tlierezina. Marvejole, tn., France, dep. Lozere, 10 m. WNW. Mende. Marvyn, vil. and tnshii., Alatiama, Russell co. Marwar, former name of .Iodhpur('i i'.), Raiputana. Marwood, y'Aw and vil., Devonshire, 3 m. NW. IJarnstflp\e. Maryborough, mkt tn , Irel ind, Queen's ro. Lat. 53° 2' N., f 18' W. Maryborough, tn,, Queensland, 180 m. N. Brisbane, on Mary R. Maryborough, tn., Victoria, 112m. NW. Melbourne. 37''3'S., 143° 44' E. Maryburgh, Inverness-shire, former name of Fort William, q.v. Maryburgh, vil., Ross and Cromarty, on R. Conon. Maryculter, jtar. and ham,, Kincardineshire, 7 in. SW. Aberdeen. Maryhill, police burgh and NW. suburb of Glasgow. Marykirk, par. and \il., Kincardineshire, 6 ni. NW. Montrose. Mary Lake, Ontario. Muskoka CO. Lat. 45° 14' N., long. 79° W. Maryland, a state, United States. Ar. 12,210 sq. m. Pop. 1,042,390. Maryland, formerly an independent colony, now a co. of Liberia. Maryland, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Otsego co. Maryland^, tn., New S. Wales. 468 m, N. Sydney. 28" 35' S., 152° E. Marylebone, pari, bor., Middlesex, in NW. of L«tndon, Pop. 142,3S1. r-'aryport, spt. tn , Cumberland, 28 in SW. Carlisle. Mary River, Q leensland, dist. Wide Bay. Miryston, West, vil., Lanarksliire, 3 m. W. Coatbridge. Marysvillt*, city, CaliCornia, cap. of Yuba co. 3'^'' g' N., 121° 14' W. Marysville, vil, and tnslip,, Kansas, cap, of Marshall co. Marysville, vil,, Ohio, cap. of Uiiioii co. MirysvIUe, vil,. New Brunswick, 4 in. from Fredericton. Marysville, borough, Pennsylvania, Perry co. Maryvale, ry. stn., N. S. Wales, 257ni. W. Sydney 32° 20' S., 148° 50' E. Maryville, vil., Missouri, cap, of Nodaway Co. Miryville, Vil,, Tennessee, cip, of Blount co. Marzameni, isl., Italy, E. of Sicily. Lat, 3'^° 45' N., long, 15" 6' E. Marzano, vil., Italy, prov. Caserta, 25 m. EXE. Oaeta. Mas-a-fuera Island, Chili, in lat. 33° 52' S., long. 80' 49' W. Masai, (-(jiuitiy. Equatorial Africa. Lat. 2° S,, hiUg. 36° E. Mxsar, vil,, Siiahabad dist., Bengal, 6 ni. W. Arrah. Masaya, tn,, Nie.aragna, 10 m. NW. Granada. Lat. 12° 2' N., 86° W. Masbite Island, Pliilippine Islands. Lat. 12° 10' N., long. 123° 30' E. Masborou^h, suburb of Rotherham, W. Riding, Y'orksbire. Miacall-Nuovo, vil., Sicily, prov. Catani:i, 9 m. NNE Acireale. Mascalncia, \'il., Sieily, prov. and 4 m. NXW. Catania. Mascara, tn., .\lgeria, 45 m. SE. Oran. Pop. 15.453. Mascarene, set., New Brunswick, at mouth of Magatruadavic R. Mascarene Islands, consist of Reunion, Rodrigues, and ftbiuritius. Mascota, tn., W. Mexico, state Jalisco, 113 m. WSW. Guadalajara. Mascouche, vil., Qnetiee, 25 in, by rail from Montreal. Miscoutah, tn., Illinois, St. Clair co. Has coal mines. Maseru, tn,, S. Africa, in Basutobind, near right bank of Caledon R. Mas^orden, par., Norway, prov. Bergen, dist. Sondre-Bergenhus. Masham, mkt. tn,, Yorkshire, 10^ m. NW. Ripnn. Masham Mills, vil., Ontario, co. and 28 in. from Ottawa. Masheke River, SE, Africa, in Manica. Mashena, tn., Soudan, Bornu, 130 m. NE. Kano. Mashie Water, Inverness-shire, flow.s g m. to R. Spey. M ishobra, vil. and hill, Kothi state, Punjab. Lat. 31° 8' N., 77° 7' E. Maahona, country, Brit. South Africa. Lat. 18° 20' S., long. 31° E. Maside, cum., Spain, prov. and 11 in. NW. Oreiise. Masikora, spt. tn., on SW. coast of Madagascar. Masina, country, W. Soudan, SW. of Timbnctu, on R, Niger. Maslnda, vil,. Equatorial Africa, on N. boundary Congo Free State. Maslndl, vil,, Equatorial Africa, in Unyoro, 25 m. E. Albert Nyanza. Masingal, spt. vi]., Luzon, Philippine Islands, on China Sea. Maslo, vil., Italy, prov. and 10 m. WSW. Alessanrlria. Mask, Lough, cos. Mayo and Galway, 12 m. by 2 to 4 m. Maskhal, isl,, Chittagong dist., Bengal. Lat. 21° 36' N., 91° 57' E. Maskinong^, riv.-pt., Quebec, 14 m. from Berthier dunction. Maskinong^ River, Quebec, falls into R, St. Lawrence. Masmiinster or Masaevaux, tn,, Alsace, 11 ni. NNE. Belfort. Masnedo, isl., Denmark, offS. coast of Seelaud. Masnoa, sjit. tn., S[)ain, prov. and n in. NE. Barcelona. Mason, tnshp., Northumberland, 6J m. NW. Newcastle. Mason, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, co. Etiingham. Mason, vil., Michigan, cap. of Ingliam Co., on Sycamore Creek. Mason, vil., Texas, cap. of Mason co. Mason, vil.. West Virginia, Mason co., on Ohio R. Mason City, tn. and tnshp., Illinois, Mason co. Mason City, tn., Iowa, cap. of Cerro Gm'do co., on Lime Creek. Masone, vil., Italy, pr'iv. and 16 in. WNW. Genoa, Masrata, til., Tripoli. .See Mesurata. Massa, spt., Morocco, on Alantic coast. Lat. 33° 58' N., 6" 51' W. Massa. tn., Italy, Tiiseany, 58 m. WNW. Florence. Pop. 20,'468. MasBachuB9tt8, a New England state, U.S. 8115 sq. m. P. 2.238,943. Massacre Bay, inlet. New Zealand, E. coast of co, CollinL,'w \. Maasa e Carrara, a N. prov., Tuscany, Italy. Pop. 174,411. Massafra, tn., Italy, circle and 11 m. NW. Taranto. Mi.ssa-Lombarda, vil., Italy, prov. Ravenna, 4 m, NW. Lugo, Massa-Lubrense, tn., Itily, prov. Najdes, at S. entrance G. of Naples. Massa-Marltlmx, tn., Italy, circle and 25 in. NNW. Grosseto. Massa -Mar tana, vil., Italy, circle and 25 m. S. Perugia, Massangano, tn., SE, Africa, on R. Zambesi, 18 m. SE. Tete. Massangano, tn., Portuguese W. Afriea, in Angola, on Coanza R. MassauBl, country. Equatorial Africa, on Lake Tanganyika. Massarosa. vil., Italy, circle and g m. WNW. Lucca. Massaat, vil., German K. Africa, 25 in. N. Rovuma R. Massa-Superiore, vil., Italy, prov. and 25 m. WSW. Rovigo. Massat, tn., France, dep. Ariege, 12 m. SK. St. Girons, Massawippi Lake, Quebec, Stanstead co., g m. long by 3 in. wide. Masse di Biena, com., Italy, circle and ^ in. SE. Siena. Massena, vil and tnshp., New York, St. Lawrence co., on Grass R. Massena, tu.. Central Soudan, cap. of Baghirmi, 105 m. SE. L. Chad. Massena Bprings, vil.. New York, St. Lawrence co., on Racket R. Masserano, vil., Italy, prov. Novara, p III. ENE. Biella. Massereene, Lower and Upper, 2 baronies, In S. of co, Antrim. MoBsevaux. N'C MaBmiinster. Massi Kesae. tn., SE. Africa, in Manica, 125 ni. NW. Sofala. Massillon, eity, Ohio, Stark co., on Tuscarawas R. Massingham, Great, jiar. and vil., Norfolk, 7 m. NW. I^iltdiain. Masslraor Mosera Island, olfSE, coast Arabia. 20" 20' N., 58° 40' E. Maason, hill, Derbyshire, near Matlock. Alt. 1076 ft. Maaaow, tn., Prussia, in Pomerania. 22 m. ENE. Stettin. 169 MAS THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MAY Masaowah, isl. and tn., in Italian colony of Erythrea, on "W. shore of Ked Sea. Lat. 15° 37' N., long. 39^ 27' E. Pop. 63,000. Maaatown, set., Nova Scotia, co. Culchester, on Cobequid Bay. Mastang, tn., Baluchistan, prov. Siirawan. Lat. 29' 16' N., 83° 42' E. Masterton, vil., Scotland, Fifeshire, 2 m. NW. Inverkeithing. Masterton, tn., New Zealand, 71 m. NE. Wellington. Lat. 40* 58' S. Maatgarh, fortress, Basliahr state, Punjab. Lat. 31° 20' N., 77° 39' E. Masti, vil., Kolardist., Mysoro, India. Lat. 11° 52' N., 72° 3' E. Mastre, La, vil., France, dei>. Ardeche, 12 m. WSW. Tournon. Masuda, tn., Ajiuere-Merwara dist., Rajputana. 26° 5' N., 74" 32' E. Masullpatam, spt., India, 215 m. N. Madras. Lat. 16° 9' N. Maaura, tn., Ratnagiri dist., Bombay. Lat. 16° 10' N., long. 73° 32' E. Mat, tdhsil, Miittra dist., NW. Provs., India. Area 221 sq. ni. Mat, tn, in above. Lat. 27" 35' 42" N., long. 77° 44' 56" E. Matabeleland, country, Brit. S. Africa. Lat. ig° S., long. 29' E. IHatabhanga, oflslioot of Ganges, flows 121 ni. to the Bhagirathi. Matagalpa, tn., Nicaragua, 74 m. NNE. Jlanagua. Lat. 13° 8' N. Matagorda, vd., Texas, on M. Bay. Lat. 28° 48' N., long. 05° 55' W. Matagorda Island, Texas. Lat. 28° 20' 49" N., long. 96° 23 30" \V. Mataikona River, New Zealand, co. Wairarapa North. Matak, tract of country, Lakhiinpur dist., Assam, on Brahmaputia. Matakana, tnslip., New Zealand, Rodney co. Matakana Island, New Zealand, off coast of co. Tauranga. Matala, spt. tn., Crete Island. Lat. 35° 2' N., long. 24° 47' E. Matale, tn., Ceylon, 16 m. N. Kandy, in Central Province. Matam, ft. vil., Seneganibia. Lat. 15" 40' 10" N., long. 13° 16' 19" W. Matamata, tnshp. and ry. stn., New Zealand, co. Piako. Matamma, tn., E. Soudan, cap. of Galabat, near Atbara R. Matamoras, \il., Ohio, Washington co., on Ohio R. Matamoras, vil., Pennsylvania, Pike co., on Delaware R. Matamoros, tn., Mexico, state Taraaulipas. Lat. 18° 23' N., 97° 28' W. Matamoroa or Izacar, tn., Mexico, 34 m. SSW. Puebla. Matamuri River, India, Chittagong Hill Tracts, to Bay of Bengal. Matan, ruined temple, Kashmir, India. Lat. 53° 42' N., 75' 21' E. Matane. vil., Quebec, co. Rimouski, ou R. St. Lawrence. Matanza, small i>ort, Chili, prov. Colchagua. Lat. 33° 59' S. Matanza, vil., Colombia, state Santander, dep. Soto. Matanzos, ft. spt , Cuba, 43 m. E. Havana, Pop, 88,000. Matapan. Cape, Morea, Greece. Lat. 36° 22' 58" N., long. 22' 29' E. Matapediac, vil., Quebec, co, Bonaventure, Lat. 48" N., long. 67° W, Matapediac Lake, Quebec, drains by M. River to Restigouche R. Matapihi, tnshp., New Zealand, in co, and on Tauranga Bay. Matar, sab-div., Kaira dist., Bombay. Area 217 sq, m. Matar, chief tn. of above. Lat, 22° 42' N., long. 72° 59' E. Matara, spt, tn,, Ceylon, on extreme S. coast. Matarah, tn., Arabia. See Muttra. Matari, tn., Haidarabad dist., Bombay. Lat. 25° 35' N., 6S° 28' E. Matarlyeh (a?)c. Heliopolia), vil., Egypt, 6 m. NNE. Cairo. Matariyeh, vil., Egypt, on E. shore of Lake Meuzaleh. Mataro, spt., Spain, 18 m. NE. Barcelona. Lat. 41° 33' N., 2" 24' E. Matata River, New Zt.aUiud, flows into Bay of Plenty. Matatiele, vil,, Cape Colony, Griqualand East, 50 m. WNW. Kokstad. Mataundh, tn., NW. Prov.s,, India, dist. and 12 m. W. Banda, Mataura, tn.. New Zealand, co. Southland. Lat. 46° 5' S., iGS" 48' E. Matawan, vil. and tnslip., New Jersey, co. Monmouth. Matawatchan, vil., Ontario, co. and 47 m. from Renfrew. Matchedaah Bay, Ontario, inlet of Georgian Bay. Matching, par. and vil., Essex, 8 m. NE. Epping. Matehy, par., co. and 7 m. E. Cork, on Dripping R. Matellca, tn., Italy, dist, and 23 m. W. Macerata. Matemo Island, off E, coast of Africa, Lat. 12° 13' S., long. 40° 31' K, Mitera, tn., Italy, 43 m. NNE. Poteuza. Lat. 40° 40' N., 16' 36' E. Mather, vil., Ontario, co. and 9 m. from Peterborough. Matheran, sanat^irium. Thanadist., Bombay. Lat. i8°59' N., 73° iS'E. Mather's Creek, Victoria, co. Dundas, branch of R. Glenelg. Mathon, par. and vil., Worcestershire, 3 m. W. Great Malvern. Mathoura, tn., New S. Wales, 512 m. S, Sydney. Lat. 35° 50' S. Mathry, par, and vil., Pembrokeshire, 12 m. NW. Haverfordwest, Mathura, dist, and tn,, NW. Provs., India, See Muttra. Mathura, tu,, Gonila dist., Oudh, India, 15 m. from Balrampnr. Mathwar, petty stito, Central Lulia, under Bhopawar Agency. Matiana, vil,, Keunthal st^te, Punjab. Lat. 31° 11' N., 77° 27' E. Matin, estate, Bilaspur dist,, Cent, Provs., India. Area 569 sq. m. Matla, vil., 24 Parganas dist,, Bengal. See Port Canning. Matia nr Ralmatla, River, 24 Parganas dist., Bengal. Matlock, tn. and par., on R. Derwent, co. and 17 m. NW. Derby. Matlock, tn., Victoria, 113 m. NE. Midbourne. Lat. 37° 33' S. Matlock Bath, tn. and ry, .stn., Derbyshire, 1 m. S. Matlock. Matoaca, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, Chestei'lield co. Matonong, tnslip.. New South Wales, Waljeers co., on Lachlan R. Matra Timha, petty state, Jhalawar div., Kathiawar, Bombay. Matsima, isl. , off E. Coast of Nippon Island, Japan. Matsamaye, city, Japan, cap. of Yesso I., on S. coast. Pop. 50,000. Matsumoto, tn., Jajian, Yesso Island, prov. Shinano. Pop. 16,206. Matsuahiro, tn., Japan, Yesso Island, i)rov. Shinano. Pop. 10,106. Matauyamo, tn,, Japan, Nippon L, prov. lyo. Pop. 34,410. Matsuye, tu., Japan, in prov. of Izoumo. Pop. 33,324, Mattapoisett, spt. and tushp., Massachusetts, Plymouth co. Mattawa, vil., Ontario, in Nipissing district, Mattawa Lake, Ontario. Lat, 49° 45' N., long. 90° 40' W. Mattawarrangala, tnshp,, S. Australia, in S. of co. Hanson. Mattawln River, NW. Territory, Canada, falls into Euglish River. Mattawin River, Quebec, allluent of H. St. Maurice. Matteawan, vil,. New York, Dutchess co., on Fishkill Creek. Matterdale, tnslip., Cumberland, Greystoke parish. Matterhom, German name for Mount Cervin, g.v. Mattersdorf, tu., Hungary. 10 m. WNW. Oedenburg. Mattiflhall, par, and vil, Norfolk, 4^ m, SE. East Dereham. Mattod, vil., Cliitaldrug dist., Mysore, India. MattoOrosflo or MatoGroaao, state, Brazil. Area 532,683 sq. m. P. 79,750. Matto Groaso or Villa Bella, city, in above state. Lat. 15° 6' S, Mattoon, tu. and tnsh)i., Illinois, Coles ro, Matncana, vil., Peru, dep. and 63 m, ENE. Lima. Matnka Island, Fiji, the farthest S. of the group. Ma-tnn, River, Burma, falls into the Irawadi in Lower Burma. Matura, tn., Ceylon. Siec, co, Sliefford. 6 m. from Grauby. Mawddach, River, Merionethshire. Length 19 in. Mawdealey. vil., Lancashire, 6 m. SW. Ciiork-y. Mawgan in Meneage, par. and vil., Cornwall, 3^^ m. SB, Helston. Mawgan in Pyder, i)ar. and vU., Cornwall, 12 m. NW, St, Austell. Maxatawny, \\]. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Berks co. Maxinkuckee Lake, Indiana, Marshall co. Maxton, par. and vil., Roxburghshire, S^ m. SW. Kelso. Maxwell, \il., Ontario, co. Grey, 22 m. from Collingwood. Maxwelltown, tu., Kirkcuilbiight, within pari, burgh of Dumfries. Maxwelltown, tnshp., New Zealand, co. Waitotara. May, Cape, New Jersey. Lat, 38° 55' 50" N-, hmg, 74° 57' W. May, Isle of, in Firth of Forth. Lat, 56° 11' 8" N., long. 2° 33' W. May, Water of, Perthshire, flt)ws 11 ni, to R. Earn near Forteviot. Mayagnez, spt, tn., Porto Rico. Lat. 18" 13' N., 67" 4' W, P, 26,446. Mayakonda, vd.. Clntaldrug dist., Mysore. Lat. 14° 17' N., 76' 7' E. Miyapur, vil., 24 Parganas dist., Bi^ngaL Lat. 22' 26' N,, 88° 11' E. Mayari, spt., Cuba, on N, coast. Lat. 20° 38' N., long, 75° 53' W. Mavavaram, ^I/Ht, Tanjore dist , Wndras, Area 332 sq. in. Mayavaram, tn,, in above. Lat. 11° 6' N,, long. 79' 42' E. Maybole, iiikt. tn., Scotland, co. and 9 m, SW. Ayr, Maybury, Royal Dramatic College, Surrey. N. of Woking. Mayen, tn., lilienish Prussia, 15 m. W. Coblcutz. Mayencs, tn., Germniy. 5fc Mainz. Mayenda's, University miss, stn,, Eqnat. Africa. E, coast L, Nyassa. Mayenne. dep,, NW. France. Area 1966 sq. in. Pop. 340,063. Mayenne River, France, flows 125 m. to R. Sartlie. Mayenne. tn,, France, dep. M., 17 m. NNE. Laval. Pop. 11,200 MayersvUle, vil., Mississippi, cap. of Isaquena. Mayfleld, par. and vil,, Sussl'x, 7^ m, S. Tunbridpre Wells. Mayfleld, tnshp. and vil., Stafl"ordshire, 2 m. SW. Ashbome. Mayfleld. tnslip. and vil., Kentucky, cap. Graves co., on M, R. Miyfleld, tnslip. and vil,. New Y'ork, Fulton co. Mayfleld, vil., Ontario, co. Peel, 28 m. from Toronto. Mayford, tnshp., Victoria, co. Dargo, at head nf Dargo R, Mayford, vil,, Surrey, par, and i J^ >n. SW. Woking. Maynard, vil,, Massacluisetts, Middlesex co,, ou Assabet U. Mayne, Mount, Queensland, Burke district. 170 MAY THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MEI Mayne River, Queensland, N. Gregory district. Maynooth, tn. and R. C. Collp^e, co. Kildare, 15 ni. 'W. Dublin. Maynooth, vil., Ontario, co. Hastings, 30 in. N. Madoc. Mayo, a W. maritime co., Ireland. Area 2126 sq. m. Pop. 218,406. Mayo, vil., Quebec, co. Ottawa, 7 m. from Thurso. Mayo, pir., Inland, co. Mayo, 3 \\\. S. Balla. Mayo, River, Colombia, state Cauca, affluent of the Patia. Mayomba, spt., W. Africa, 120 m. NW. Loango. Mayo Mines, salt mines. Jheluni dist., Punjab, 32° 39' N., 73° 3' E. Mayor Island, New Zealand, 14 m. E- co. Ohinirauri. Mayotte Island, Comoro group, in Jlozambique Channel. Mayoa Island, New Guinea, iiom. E. of Fergiisson I. Maypu, River, Chili, enters the Pacific S. of Valparaiso. Maya Landing, vil , New Jersey, cap. of Atlantic co. Maysville, city, Kentucky, cap. of Mason co. 38° 35' N., 83° 38' W. Maysville, vil., W. Virginia, cap. of Grant co. Maytown, bor., Pennsylvania, Laneasterco. Maytown, tn., Queensland, 70 m. W. Cooktown. i6° S., 144° zo' E, Maya River, Arakan, Lower Burma, flows to Bay of Bengal Mayville, vil.. New York, cap. of Chautauqua co. Mayvllle, vil., Wisconsin, Dodge CO., on Rock R. Mazagan, spt., Jlorocco, on W. coast. Lat. 33° 17' N., 8" 16' W. Mazagao, vil., Brazil, state Grao Para, 248 m. KXW. Belem. Mazagon, a N. suburb of Bombay, India. Lat. iS" 56' N., 72° 53' E. Mazamet, tn., Fr.ince, dep. Tarn, 10 ni. SE. Castres, Uizamltla, vil, , Mexico, sUite Jalisco, 34 m. E. Ciiidad Guzman. Mazanderan, prov., N. Persia, on Caspian Sea. Cap, Sari. Mazapll. viL, Mexico, state and 127 in. NNE. Zacatecas. Mazar, vil., E. Turkestan. Lat. 43" 4' N., long. 89° 58' E. Mazaricos, com., Spain, prov, Cnrunna, 12 m. NNE, Muros, Mazar- i-Sharif, tn. and cap, of Afghan Turkestan, r8 m. E, Balkh. Mazaro, tn., SE. Africa, on the Zambesi. Lat. 18" 4' N., 35° 36' E. Mazarron, Al, tn., Spain, jirov. and 28 m, SSW. Mureia, Mazamni, River, British Guiana, aftl. of the Essequibo, Mazatenango, tn., Guatemala, 90 m. WNW. Guatemala, Mazatlan, spt. tn., Mexico, state Sinaloa, x-z% m, SE, Culiacan. MazS, tn,, France, Maine-et-Loire, 3 m. WNW, Beaufort Maze, The, place with racecourse, co. Down. 4 m. SW. Lisburn. Maze Hill and Greenwich Park, ry, stn,, 4^ m, SE. London Bridge. Mazeppa, ■v il. and tnslip., MiuTiesota, Wabash co., on Zumbro R, MazeppaBay, Cape Colony, Galekaland div.. S. of the Quora U . Mazires, tn., France, dep. Ariege, 6 m. EN"E. Saverdun, Mazo, tn,, Canary Islands, on I?alma Island. Mazoa River, Africa, rises in Manica and flows to the Zambesi, Mazo Manie, vil, and tnshp., Wisconsin, Dane co,, on Black Creek. Mazon, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Grundy co. Mazouna, tn., Algeria, prov. Oran, n m. N. Inkermann. Mazzara, spt., Sicily, 26 m. S. Trapani. Lat. 37° 42' N., 12° 34' E. Mazzarino, tn., Sicily, prov. Caltanisetta. Lat. 37" 17' N., 14" 15' E. Mazze, vil., Italy, prm*. Turin, 14 m. SSE. Ivrea. Mbakovla, vil , Africa, on E. coast of Albert Nyanza. Lat \ i-^ N. Mbau Island, Fiji. .V(M Ban. Mbenga Island, Fiji, S, nf Viti Levii, 5 ni. long, by 3 m. wide MhoamaJI, coast vil., German E. Africa, SE. uf Dar-es-Salaam Mbosai, French Congo, native name of Alima River, 5.V. Mbuapay, vil., Paraguay, 93 m. SE, Asuncion. Mbora, River, Congo Free State, alll. of the Congo on the right, MbwenI, mission stn., on W. coast of Zanzibar Island. Mdukal, vil., Algeria, prov. Constantine, 34 m. NW. Bi.skara. Meadow Lee, set.. New South Wales, 90 m. NW, Sydney. Meadows, tn., S, Australia, 28^ 111. SE. Adelaide. Lat. 33" 12' S. Meadowside, ry. stn., Ontario, 258 m. W. Ottawa. Meads, occl. dist. and vil., Sussex, \\ m. S. Eastbourne. Meadvllle, vil., Mississipj*!, cap. Franklin co. 31' 27' N,, 90' 49' W. Meadville, city, Pennsylvania, cap. Crawford co. 41° 38' N., So" 14'W. Meaford. tn., Ontario, CO, Grey, on Georgian Bay. 44° 38' N., 8o''43'W. Meagher's Grant, vJl., Nova Scotia, in Halifax co. Mealfourvoonia, mtn., Inverness, W. side of Locli Ness. Alt. 2284 ft. Mealhada. tn., Portugal, pmv. and i\ ni. SE. Aveiro. Meall Garavalg, hill, Itr)S3 and Cromarty, with view of LoehMarec. Meall Horn, nitn., Sutherlandshirc, Kddrachillis par, 2548 ft. MealBgate, vil. and ry. stn., Cumberland, 5? ni. SW. Wigton. Meanee, tn,, Nt^w Zealand, 5 m. from Xapicr. 39° 30' S., 176* 45' E. Meare, par. and vil., Snmcrst't, on R. Brue, 3 m. NW. Glastonbury. Meam3, par. and vil., SIS. Renfrewshire, vil. 3 m. SE. Busby. Mearna, The, ancient name of Kincardineshire, r],v. Mease, River, Liiicesterahire, flows 14 m. to R. Trent in Derbyshire. Measham, par., tnshp., and vil., Derbyshire, 8 ra. NW. Market Busworth. Meath, maritime co., Leinstor, Irelanrl. Area 906 sq, ni. P. 76,616. Meaux, tn., France, Seinc-et-Marne. Lat. 48° 58' N., long. 2° 52' E. Mebarrez. El, tn., Arabia, in El Ham div. Mecca or Mekka, city, Arabia. Lat. 21° 21' N., 40" 11' E. P. 45,000. Mecca, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Trumbull co., on Mosquito IJ. Mecejanna, vil,, Brazil, fitate Ceara, on Atlantic Ocean. Mecha, tn., in S. Abyssinia, tributary to Gojam, Mechanic Falls, vil., Maine, Androscoggin co. Mechanicsburg, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Sangamon co. Mechanicaburg, vil., Ohio, Cliami>aign co. Mechanicsburg, V>orough, Pennsylvania, Cumberland co. MechanlcBtown, vil. and tnslip., Maryland. Frederick co. Mechanlcavllle, vil., Connecticut, Windham co. MechanlcBvillo, vil., Iowa, Ceclar 00. Mechanics vtlle, tnshp. and vil., Maryland, St. Mary's co. Mechanicsville, vil,, New York, Siratoga co., on Hudson R. Mechlin, ritv, Brlyium, 14 m. SSE. Antwerp. Lat. 51" 2' N., long. 4° 28' F. Pop. 00,238. Mecklenbnrg-Schworin, grand duchy, German Empire. Lat. 53*40' N., Iniig. 1 r 55' E, Area ';o3i sq. m. Pop. 078,565. Mecklenburg-Strelltz, grand duehy, German Empire. Lat. 53" 28' N., long. 13° 30' E Area 1131 sq. m. Pop. 97,978. Mecosta, vil. and tnshi>., Michigan, in Mecosla co. Medak, tn., Nizam's Dominions, India. Lat. 18" 3' N., long. 78° 18' E. Medboume, par. and vil., Leicester, 6 m. NE. Mkt. Harborough. Mede, tn., Italy, circle and 12 m. S. Mortara. Medeah, tn., Algeria, prov. and 40 m. SSW. Algiers. Medebach, tn., Westphalia, 32 m. SE. Arnsberg. Medellln, city, Colombia, cap. of state Antioquia. Pop. 37,237. Medellin. tn., Spain, 56 m. E. Badajoz. Lat. ^3° 54' N., 5° 57' W. MedembUk, tu., N. Holland. 8 m, N, Hoorn. Lat. 52' 17' N., 5'/ E. Meden, River, Notts, unites with Maun and Poulter toformthe Idle. Medfleld, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Norfolk co. Medford, vil. and tnshp.. New Jersey, Buriingtun co. Medford, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, cap. of Taylor co. Medgyes, tn., Transylvania, on the Great Kokel. Madia, bor., Pennsylvania, cap. of Delaware co, Medicina. tu , Italy, prov. Bologna. Lat. 44° 28' N., long. 11° 30' E. Medicine Bow Mountains, range, in Wyoming and Colorado, U.S. Medicine Hat, tn. and ry. stn., Assiniboia, 660 m. W. Winnipeg. Medicine Lodge, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, cap. of Barbour co. Medina, tn., Arabia, 248 m. NW. Mecca. Lat. 24° 58' N., long. 40° E. Medini. tn., Senegambia, W. Africa. Lat. 13" 48' N., long. 14'' 58' W. Medina, vil. and tusbp., Michigan, Lenawee co. Medina, vil., New York, Orleans eo. Lat. 43' 11' N., long. 78° 14' W. Medina, vil., Ohio, cap. of Medina co. Lat. 41' 10' N., long. 81° 55' W. Medinaceli. tn., Spain, prov. and 40 m. SSE. Soria. Medina del Campo, tn., Spain, 26 m. SSW. Valladtdid. Medina de Rio Seco, tn., Spain, 21 m. NW. Valladolid. Medina River, Isle of Wight, flows N. to the Solent. Medina River, Texns, joins tbe Salada Creek to form San Antonio R. Medina Sidonia, tn., Spain, 21 m. ESE. Cadiz. 36° 27' N., 5° 53' W. Medine, tn,, in French colony of Senegal. Lat. 14° 20' N,, 11" 24' W. Medinet-el-Fayum, tn., Egypt, 52 m, SSW. Cairo. Pop. 25,799. Medinet-en-Nebi, tn., Arabia. hire, Reay par., 17 m. W. Thurso. Melville, Vil., Cape Colony, Knvsnadiv. MelviUe, vil., Ontario, 12 m. from Belleville. Melville, Cape, Queensland. Lat. 14° 9' S., long. 144" 32' E. Melville Bay, N. Austialia, beiv.een Cajjes Melville and Arnliem. Melvilla Island, otf roast of N. Australia. Lat. 11° 30' S., 130° 50' E. Melville Island, British N. Americi. Lat. 76' N., lung. ii2"' W. Melville Lake. Labrador, part nf Hamilton Inlet. Melville Mount, New South Wales, co. Cunningliain. Melville Peninsola, N. Canada, S. of Baftinland. Lat. 68° N., 84' W. Melville Sound, inlet of Arctic Ocean. Lat. 73' 40' N., 107' 30' W. Melvin, Lough, cos. Fermanagh and Leitrim, 8 ni. by 2 m. wide. Melykut. Vil., Hungary, co. Bacs-Bodrog. no m. SE. Buda-Pesth. Memadpur, native state, Mahi Kantlia, Gujaiat, Bombay. Memari, tu. and ry. stn.. Bard wan dist., Bengal. Memba Bay, Purtugue>e E. Afric-i, 55 m. N. Mozambique. MembriUa, til., Spain, prov. Ciudad-Keal, on R. Aziiel. Membury, par. and vil., Devonshire, 3^ ni. NW. Axniinster. Memel, in., E. Prussia, 73 in. NNE. Kouigsberg 55^44' N. P. 18,750. Memel, River, Pru--sia. i>ce. Niemen. Memmingen, tn., Bavaria, 68 ni. SW. Augsburg. 47" 5S' N., 10° 11' E. Memphis, vil., Michigan, St. Clair Co., on Belle R. Memphis, vil., ilissouri, cap. of Scotland co. Memphis, city, Tennessee, cnp. of Shelby co.. on R. MississipDi. Lat. 35° 9' N., long. 90° W. Pop. 64,495. Memphis, aiic. city, Egypt, stood on left bank Nile, 10 m. S. Cairo. Memphremagog. Lake, (Quebec. Lat. 45' N., long 72" 15' W, Memramcook, \'il.. New Brunswick, co. Westmoreland. Menabe, pruv., Madagascar. Lat. 20° 36' S., long. 44° 57' E. Menado, residency and tn., NE. coast of Celebes L, Dutch E Indies. Menagglo, vil., Italy, on Lago di Como, 15 ni. NNE. Como. Menal Strait, separates Angle -ey from Carnar\'on, 14 m long, ('rus-ehp., Connectieut, New Haven co. Meridian, vil., California, Sutter co., ou Sacramento R. Meridian, \il. and tnshp., Michigan, Ingliamco. Meridian, vd. ami tnshp., Mississippi, cap. of Lauderdale co. Meridian, vil. and tnshp., Nebraska, Jefferson Co., on Little Blue R. Meridian, vil., Texas, cap. of Bosque co., on U. Bosque. Meridian, vil., Wisconsin, Dunn co., on Chippewa R. Merignac, vil., France, dep. Cironde, ai 111. N. Pes.sac. Merigoraiah, spt., Nova Scotia, on Northumberland Strait. Merlmbula, tnslip., N. H. Wale^i, 200 m. SSW. Sydney. Lat. 36' 52' S. Merl Merl Creek, New South Wales, branch of the Macquarie R. Merino, tn., Victoria, 257^ lu. W. Melbourne. 37° 43' S., 141° 40' E. Merioneth, maritime co,, N. Wales. Area 602 sq. in. Pop. 02,098. Merlon station, Jiamlet, Pennsylvania, Montgomery co. Mcrkah, spt. tn., E. Africa, 45 in. SW. Magadoxo. Merkara, tn. and cap. of Coorg, S. India. Lat. 12° 27' N., 75° 47' E. Morlara, vil., Italy, prov. Padua, 5 in. S. Montagnaiia. Mermaid Reef, Tasmania, offend of Three lluniinocks Island. Mem Mema, tnshp. and ry. stn., S. Australia, co. Blackford. Meroe, site nf ruins. Upper Nubia, 56 in. SSW. Bi-rber. Merom, Waters of, Palestine, lake in Upper part of Jordan Valley. Merrljk, mtn., Kirkcudbrightshire. Alt. 2764 ft. Merrill, vil., Wisconsin, cap. of Lincoln co., on Wisconsin R. Merrlllon, vil., Wisconsin, Jackson co. Merrtmac, \ il. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Essex co. Merrimack Klver, New Hampshiie and Massachusetts. Length 113 m. Merriman's Creek, Victoria, CO. Bulu-Buln. Merrington, I'ur. and vil., Durham, 3J ni. NE. Bishop Auckland. Merrion, vil. ami ry. stii. Donnybrook par., co, and 3 m. SE. Dublin. Merriott, par. ami vil., Somerset, 2 in. N. Crewkerne. Merritton. vil.. Ontario, 5 ni. by rail from Port Dalhousic. Merriwa, tnshp., New S. WahM, 198 in. N. Sydney. Lat. 32° 8' S. Merrlwa River, Now Soutli Wales, co. Brisbane. Merrow, par. and vil,, Surrey, 2 in. NE. Guildford. Merry merry gal, tnshp., New 8. Wales, co. Dowling, on Lachlan R. Mere, spt. vil,, Fraiicn, di-p. Souinie, ojipMsitfi Trcport. Mersch, tii , in grai.d duchy and 9 in. N. Luxcmljourg. Merscheld, tn., Khcnish Prussia, aim. W. S'liugcn. MersH, dist. Smtland forming the Icvi-l jiart of Berwian. »Sfe Kioto. Miama, tnslip., Victoria, co. Dalhonsie, 60 m. NNW. Melbourne Miami, tn. and tnslip., Missouri, Saline co., on Missouri R. Miami, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, in Hamiltou co. Miami, set., Manitoba, co. Marquette, 70 m. SW Winnipeg. 3Miami River, Ohio, flows 200 m. to the Ohio R. Miamisburg, vil., Oluo, Montgomery co., on Miami R. Miana, yp'/:/n»a, Gwalior state, Central India. MianganJ, vil., Unao dist, Oudh. Lat. 26° 4S' N., long. Bo" 33' E. Miani, tn., Hushiarpur dist, Punjab. Lat. 31° 42' N., 75° 36' E. Miani, tn., Slialipnr dist., Punjab. Lat. 32° 32' N., long. 73" 7' E. Bliani, vil. and battlefield, B(nubar, dist. and 6 m. N. Haidai^abad. Miani, spt., Kathiawar, Bombay, on estuary of Vartu R. Mianwali, tahsil, Bannu dist., Punjab. Area 415 sq. m. Mianwall, tn. and hdqrs. of above. Lat. 32° 34' 30" N., 71° 33' E Miao-tao, isl. group, China, at entrance to Gulf of Pe-chidi. Miarim or Maranhao, River, Biazil, falls into Bay of Sao Marcos. Miava, tn., Hungary, 48 m. NNE. Pressburg. Micai, vil., Colombia, state Cauca, 63 m. SW. Buenaventura. Michael, Kirk, par. and vil.. Isle of Man, 6i m. NE. Peel. Michaelfitone-Buper-Avon, i)ar., Glamorganshire, 4^ m. SE. Neath. Michailovsk. .Sec Mikhailovsk. Michelago, vi!., N. 8. W.des, 216 m. S. Sydnej'. 35" 39' S., 149" 13' E. Micheldever. par. and vil., Hants, 6 m. NE. Winchester. Michelmersh, ])ar. and vil., Hants, 3I m. N. Romsey. Michelstadt, In., Germany, in Hessen, 2^ m. NNE. Erbach. Michlels Geatel, vil., Netherlands, on R. Dommel. Michigamme, \\\. and tiishp., Miidiigan, Marquette co. Micliigan, a N. state, United States. Area 58,915 sq. m. P. 2,093,889. Michlsan, Lake, U.S., in basin of St. Lawrence. Area 25,600 sq. m. Michigan City, tn., Indiana, on Lake Michigan. Pop. 10,776. Michigantowu, vil., Indiana, Clinton co. Michiplcoten Bay and Island, Ontario, in Lake Superior. Michipicoten, River, vil., Ontario, Algonia district. Michni, fort, Pt-slciwar dist., Punjab, Lat. 34° 11' N., long. 71° 30' E. Michoacan, a maritime state, Mexico. Area 24,572 sq. m. P. 830,923. Mickie Fell, mtn., NW. border, Yorkshire, Alt. 2596 ft. Micklefleld, tnslip. aTul vil., Yorkshire, 9 m. E. Leeds. Mickleham, ]>ar. and vil., Surrey, 2i m. N. Dorking. Micklehurat, \il., Cheshire, 3 in. NE. Stalybridge. Mlckleover, par., tnshp., and vil., co. and 3^ m. SW. Derby. Mickleton, par. and vil., Gloucester, 2^ in. NE. Chipping Camden. Mickleton, par. and vil., Yorkshire, 7 in. NW. Barnard Castle. Mickley, vil., Northumberland, 9 m. E. Hexham. Micronesia, one of the three great divisions of Oceania. Midagesi, vil., India. Tnmkur dist., Mysore. Lat. 13° 50' N. Mid Calder. ice Calder, Mid. Middelburg, tn., Notlierlands, cap. of Zealand prov. Pop. 16,043. Middelburff, a ccntrid dist. in S. African Republic. Middelburg, tn., British Guiana, at mouth of R. Essequibo. Middelburg, In., Cape Colony, 425 m. ENE. Cape Town. Middelfart, spt. tn., Denmark, on NW. coast of FUneu. Mlddelharnis, tn.. South Holland, 10 m. SSE. Brielle, Middelatum, vil., Netherlands, prov. Groningen, 9 m. WNW. Appingadam. Middle, par. tnshp,, and vil., Shropshire, 7 m. NW. Shrewsbury. Middle Arm fishing set., Newfoundland, at head of Coircepcion Bay. Middlebie, par. SE, Dumfriesshire. Contains Kirtlebridge. Middleborough, vil, and tnshp., Massachusetts, Plymouth co. Middleburg, vil. and tnshp,, New York; Schoharie co. Midilebarg, \i\. and tnshp., Indiana, Elkhart co. Middlebury, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, cap. of Addison co. Middle Falls, vil., New York, Washington co. MIddleport, vil., New York, Niagara co. Middleport, vil , Ohio, Meigs co., on Ohio R, Middle River, Nova Scotia, falls into Atlantic Ocean, Middlesbrough, par. and luun. bor., Yorkshire, 3 m. NE. Stockton. Pop. 98,899. Middlesex, metropolitan co., England. Area 282 sq. ni. P. 3,261,703. Middlesex, vil. and tnslip., New York, Yat«s co. Middlesex, vil. and tnsnp., Vermont, Washington co. Middle Stewiacke, set., Nova Scotia, 15 m. from Truro. Middlestone, tn.^hp. and vil,, Durham, 3 m. NE. Bishop Auckland, Mlddlestown. eccl. dist. and vil., Yorkshire, 3 m. SE. Dewsbury. Middle Temple, par., Middlesex, in city of London. Middlethird, bar., Ireland, S. co. Tipperary. Middlethird, bar., Ireland, E. co. Waterford. Mlddleton, nikt. tn., Lancashire, 6 m. N. Manchester. Middleton, eccl. dist. and vil., Derbyshire, ij ni. NW. Wnksworth. Middleton, par. and vil., Norfolk, 3 m. SE. Kings Lynn. Middleton, par. and vil., Suffolk, 4 m. NE. Saxmundham. Middleton, tnshp. and vil., Westmorlantl, 6 m. N. Kirkby Lonsdale. Middleton, eccl. dist., tnshp., and vil., Yoi-kshire, 4 m. S. Leeds. Middleton, mkt. tn. and par., co. and 16 m. E. Cork. Middleton, ry. stn., Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 710 m. W. Ottawa. Middleton, vil., Prince Edward Island, 12 m. from Summerside. Middleton, vil., Nn\a Scotia, 100 m. NW. Halifax, Middleton, vil., New Bnmswick. i m, from Dorchester. Middleton, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Essex co. Middleton, vil. and tushp., Wisconsin, in Dane co. Middleton, tnshp., Tasmania, 28 m. S. Hobart, Middleton, tn.. S. Australia, 56 m. S. Adelaide. Middleton by Pickering, par., Yorkshire, i m. NW. Pickering. Middleton Cheney, par. and vil., Northamptonshire, 2^ m. NE. Banbury. Middleton Creek, Queensland, North Gregory dist. Mi idleton Dale, vallty, Derbyshire, on W. side of Stoney Middleton. Middleton in Teesdale, mkt. tn., Durham, g m. NW. Barnard Castle. Middleton One Row, vil., Durham, 5 m. SE. Darlington. Middletown, vil., Ireland, co. and 9 m. SW. Armagh. Middletown, vil. and tnshp., California, in Lake co. Middletown, city, port of entry, and tnshp., Connecticut, cap. of Middliisex co. Middletown, vil., Delaware, New Castle co. Middletown, vil. and tushp,, Kentucky, Jefferson co. Middletown, vil. and tnshp., New Jersey, Munninulh co, Middletown, tn., New York, Orange co. Pop. 11,918. Middletown, vil., Ohio, cap. of Butler co., on Sliami R. Middletown, bor., Pennsylvania, Dauphin co., Susquehanna R. Middletown. vil., Ontario, co. Simcoe, 40 m. from Toi'onto. Middletown Springs, vil., Vermont, iu Rutland co. Middleville, \i\., Michigan, Barry co., on Thoruapple R. Middleville, vil,. New York, Herkimer co. Middleway, vil. and tnshp., W. Virginia, Jefferson co. Middlewich, tn., par., and tnshp., Cheshire, 5A m. SE, Northwich. Middlezoy, par. and vil., Somerset, 6 m. SE. Bridgwater. Middridge, tnshp. and vil., Durham, 4 m. SE. Bishop Auckland, Midford, vil. and ry. stn., Somerset, 3^ m. S, Bath. Midgley, tn. and tnshp., Yorkshire, ^fm. NW. Halifax. Midhurst, mkt. tn., Sussex, 11 ni. N. Chichester, Midhnrst, vd., Ontario, co. Simcoe, 5 m. from Barrie. Midland, vil, and tnshp., Michigan, cap. of Midland co. Midland, tn., Ontario, co. Simcoe, on Georgian Bay. Midland Junction, Ontario, Victoria co., 45 m. from Picton. Midlothian. .Stf Edinburghshire. Midlothian, vil. and tnslip., Virginia, Chesterfield co. Midmar, par., S. Aberdeenshire, 5 m. S. Monymusk. Midnapur, dist., Bengal, Bardwau div. Ar. 5082 sq. ni. Midnapur, lul(|rs. tn. of above. 22° 25' N., 87' 21' E. Midou, River, France, dep. Gers, flows 72 m. to the Douze. Mldouze, River, France, dep. Landes, formed by Midou and Douze. Midsomer Norton, tn., Somerset, 10 m. SW. Bath. Midway, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Woodford co. Midway, vil. and tnshp., Utah, Wasatch co. Miechow, tn., Russia, gov. and 43 m. SW. Kielce. Mielec, tn., Austria, in Galicia, 35 m. NE. Tarnow. MiepoU, tushp., Victoria, co. Moira, 90 111. NNE. Melbourne. Mieres del Camino, tn., Spain, 10 m. S. Oviedo. Mierlo, vil., Netherlands, prov. N. Brabant, 6 m. E. Eindhoven. Mies, tn., Bohemia, 15 m. W. Pilseu. Miesbach, tn., Bavaria, 16 m. SSW. Munich. Miflinburg, bor, Pennsylvania, Union co., on Buffalo Creek. Miffiintown. bor., Pennsylvania, cap. of Juniata co. Mighil'B Island, off Derby Haven, SE. of Isle of Man. Miglianico, vd., Italy, circle and 6 m. NE. Chieti. Migllonlco, tn., Italy, circle and 12 m. SW. Matcra. Migomera, miss. Stn., German E. Africa, NE. Tabora. MIguelturra, tn., Spain, juov. and 2J m. SE. CiudadReal. Mihara, spt., Japan, Hondo I., 18 m. WSW. Fukuyama. Miham, tn., Japan, Hondo I. Lat. 37° 22' N., 140° 42' E. MihintaJe, sacred rock and pagoila, Ceylon, NW. Prov. 8° 24' N. Mihranni, tahsil, Lalitpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Area 888 sq. m. Mihrauni, hdqrs vil. of aoove. Lat. 24° 23' N., long. 78° 50' E. Mihrpur, sub-div. , Nadiya dist., Bengal. Area 632 s j. ni. Mihrpur, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 23° 46' 35" N., long. 88' 40' B. Mijaa, tn., Spain, prov, and 15 ni, SW. Malaga. Mikava, spt., Japan, prov. Kaga, 12 m. SW. Kanazava. Mikawa, maritime prov., Japan, .n SE. of Hondo Island. Mikhailov, tn., Russia, gov. and 32 m. SW. Riazan. Mikhailoval:. vd.. Asiatic Russia, on E. shoreof Caspian Sea; starting point of Transcaspian Railway. Mitlndani, spt. tn., German E, Africa, N. of mouth of Rovuma. Miklr Hilla and Tribe, Assam, India, Nowgong dist. Mikomoto or Kock Island, Japan, off SE. est. Hondo I. Lat. 34' 34' N. Mlknni, mtn. pass, Japan, in centre of Hondo I. Alt^434o ft, Mlknra Island, Japan, l^at. 33° 52' N., long. 139" 20' E. 174 MIL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER Jam Mila, tn., Algeria, prov. and 27 m, NW. C'liistantine. Miligres, vil., Brazil, state Ceara, 230 m. SSW. Fortaleza. MUftin, vil., Kuiiiaun dist, NW. Pruvs., India. Milan, prov., Italy, Lombardy. Area 1155 sq. ni. Pop. 1,125,633. Milan, city and cap. of above. Lat. 45° 27' N., 9° 11' E. P. 420,000. Milan, vil., Illinois, Uock Island co., on Iluck, R. Milan, vil., Missouri, cap. of Sullivan co. Milan, vil. and tnshp.. New Hampshire, Coos co. Milan, vil, and tnshp., Ohio, Erie Co., 011 Huron R. Milan, vil. and tnshp.. Tennessee, Gibson co. Mllang, In., S. Australia, 48 m. SB. Adelaide. 35° 26' S., 139' o' E. Milato, spt., Crete Island, Turkey. Lat. 35° 16' N., long. 25° 34' E. Milazzo, ft. spt., Sicily, 17 ni. WXW. Messina. Pop. 14,207. Mllbome Port, tu. and par., SE. Souiei-set, Lat. 50° 58' N., 2° 2S' W. Milbrex, vil. and q.s. par., N. Aberdeenshire, 6J ni NE. Eyvie. Milbom, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Ballard co. Milburu Creek, tn.. New S. Wales, 209 ni. W. Sydney. Lat. 33' 5' S. Mildenau, vil., Saxony, circle Zwickau, 3 ni. E. Annaberj;. MUdenhall, inkt. tn., Suffolk, 12 m. NW. Bury St. Edmunds. Mlldmay, vil., Ontario, Bruce co., 6 m, from Walkerton. Mildmay Park, cccl. dist. and ry. stn., in N. of London. Mildura, tu.. Victoria, 340 ni. NW. Melbourne, Lat. 34° 13' S Mile-End nr Cote St. Louia, vil,, Quebec, 2 ni. from Montreal. Mile End New Town, tuslip., Middlesex, in Tower Hamlets. Mile End Old Town, tnslip., Middlesex, in Tower Hamlets. Mileaburg, bor., Pennsylvania, Centre co. Mile3 City, vil., Montana, cap. of co. Custer. Mileto, tn., Italy, prov. Catanzaro. Lat. 38" 39' N., long. 16* 6' E Miletus, ruined city, Asia Minor, near mouth of the Minder. Milford. vil. and jiort, Connecticut, on Long Island Sound. Milford, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Pike co., on Delaware R. Milford, bor., Delaware, Kent co., on Mispillion Creek. Milford. vil. and tnstip., Illinois. Iroquois co., on Sugar Creek. Milford, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Bracken co. Milford, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Worcesterco. Milford, vil. and tnslii*., Michigan, Oakland co., on Huron R Milford, vi], and tuslip,, New Hampshire, Hillsborough co Milford, vil., Nova Scotia, co. Hants, 36 m. NE. Halifax. Milford, eccl. dist. and vil., Derbyshire, ij m. S. Belper. Milford, roast par. and vil., Hants, opposite the Needles. Milford, eccl. hing vil., Cornwall, 2 m. S. Devon port, Millbrook, par. and ry. stn., Hants, NW. Suntliampton. Mill Brook, srt., Nova Scotia, Pictou co., 27 m. from Truro. Millbrook, vil., Ontario, co. Durham, 18 m. N. Port Hope. Millbrook, tnshp., S. Australia, 18 m. NE. Adelaide. Lat. 34° 50' S. Mlllbury, vil. and tushp., Massachusetts, Worcesterco. ■ Mlllcheater, tn., QuL-euslaiid, 3 in. from Charters Towers. Mill Cove, .'ict., Nova Scotia, 35 in. W. Halifax. Mllle. tiislip,. New South Wales, 320 m. NNW. Sydney. Milled Seville, city, Georgia, cap. of Baldwin co., on Oconee R. Milledgeville, vil.. New Brunswick, 4 m. from St. John. Mill End, eccl. dist, and vil., Herts, 1 m. SW. Rickmansworth. Miller, vil.. North Dakota, caj*. of Han-rial castle, Isirin, on Adriatic, 5 m. N. Trieste. Mirambcau, viL, France, Cliannte-Inferieure, lo m. SW. Jonzac. Miramichi River, New Brunswick, flows 220 ni. to M. Bay. Miranda, vd . Quebec, co. Missisquoi. Miranda de Ebro, tn., Spain, 40 m. NE. Burgos, Miranda do Corvo, tn., Portugal, 10 in. SE. Coimbra. Miranda do Douro, tn., Portugal, 35 m. SE. Braganga. Mirande, tn., l-iiince, dep. Gfi^s. Lat. 43° 31' N., long. 0° 26' E. Mirandella. tn., Portugal, 30 m. SW. Braganga. Lar. 41' 31' N. Miranilola, tn., Italy, 18 m. NNE. Modena. Pop. 13,986. Mii-ano, tn., Italy, 10 in. WNW. Venice. Lat. 45° 29' N., 12' 6' E. Miranpur, tn., India, N W. Provs., Muzaffd.rnagar dist. Miranpur Katra, tu., India, NW. Provs., iShahjahaupur diSt. Mira River, Nova Scotia, flows 32 m. to Mira Bay. Mirath. Se-' Meerut. Mirbat, spt., Arabia, in extreme S. of Oman. Lat. 16° 58' N. Mirboo, North, tn., Victoria, 109 m, E. Melbourne. Mirebalaifl, tn., Haiti, W. Indies, 29 m. NNE. Port-au-Prince. Mirebeau, tu., France, dep. Vieune, 16 m. NNW. PoitiiTS. Mirecourt, tn., France, dtp. Vosges. Lat. 48" 18' N., long. 6' 8' E. Mirepoix, tn., France, dep. Ariege. Lat. 43° 5' N., long, i' 53' E. Mirfleld, tn. and par., Yorks., 4^ m. NE. Ilud.Ierslield. MirganJ, tah.^'d, Bareilly dist, NW. Provs., India. Area 154 sq. m, Mirganj, heatlqrs. vil. of above, 21 m. NW. Bareilly. MirganJ, trading vil.,;-pur dist., Bengal. Mirgorod, tn., Russia, Poltava. Lat. 50° 7' N., long. 33" 42' E. Miri, tribe, India, in mtns. between Assam and Tibet. Miribel, tn., France, dep. Ain, 12 ni. SE. Trevoux. Mirik, Cape. Senegambia, W. Africa. Lat. 19" 22' N., long. 16° 32' W. Mirim, Lagoa, between Brazil and Uruguay, 100 ra. by 20 in, Miriti, vd., Brazil, in state of Rio de Janeiro. Mirkasarai. tn., Bengal, Noakhali dist. Lat. 22° 46' N., 91° 37' E. Mirool Creeks, New South Wales, cos. Cooper, Sturt, and Bourke. Miropolie, tn., Russia, 50 m. SW. Kursk. Lat. 51" z' N., 35° 27' E. Mirow, vil., Mecklenburg, 12111. WSW. Neu-Strelitz. Mirpur, taluk, Shikarpur dist., Sind, Bombay. Area 1720 sq. m. Mirpur, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 28° i' N. , long. 69' 35' E. Mirpur, tn.. Upper Sind, Bombay. Lat. 28° 11' N., long. 68* 46' E. Mirpur Batoro, ta'ulc, Karachi dist., Bombay. Area 268 sq. m. Mirpur Batoro, chief tn. of above. Lat. 24° 44' N., long, oS" 17' E. Mirpur Khas, tahtk, Haidarabad dist., Bombay, Area 561 sq. m. Mirpur Khas, chief tn. of above. Lat. 25° 32' N., long. 69° 3' E. Mirpur Sakro, taluk, Karachi dist., Bombay. Area 1108 sq. m. Mirzapur, dist., NW. Provs., India. Area 5223 sq. m. Mirzapur, tnhstl, in above dist. Area 1167 sq. ni. Mirzapur, city and hdqrs. of above. Lat. 25" 10' N., long. 82' 38' E. Pop. 82,710. Misantla, ruined city, Mexico, 35 m. NE. Jalapa. Misbourn River, Bucks, flows 14 m. SB. to R. Coin. Miscou Island, in Gulf of St. Lawrence. Lat. 47° 57' N. Misda, tn., Tripoli. Lat. 31° 29' N,, long. 12° 23' E. Misdroy, vil., Prussia, in Pumerania, Lat. 53*' 56' X., long. 14° 27' E. Miaerden, ^'il., Gloucestershire, 6^ m, NE. Stroud. Mishawaka, vil., Indiana, St. Josi.-ph co., on St. Joseph R. Mishicott, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Manitowoc co. Mishmi Hills, India, on E. frontier of Assam. Mistlmeri, tu., Sicily, prov. and 6 ni. SE. Palermo. Misinto, \ il , Italy, prov. Milan, 12 m. NW. Monza, Misiones, t'uritory, NE. Argentine Republic, S. of Paraguay. Mision. La. \'il., Mexico, stale Ilidnlgo, NW. Jjicala. Miakish Mtns., CO. Cork, between Bantry Bay and Kenmare R. Miskolcz, tn., Hungary, co. Bursod, 93 m. ENE. Buda-Pesth. Misol Island, New Guinea. Lat. 2' S., long. 129° E. Ar. 785 sq. m. Misozwe, miss stn., German E. Africa, Usambara. Miarikh, ]yargana, Sitapur dist., Oudh. Area 126 sq. m. Miarikh, tahsil, Sitapur dist., Oudh. Area 613 sq. m. Misrikh, tn, in above. Lut. 27" 26' N., long. 80° 34' E. Misaanabie, ry. stn., Ontario, 555 m. W. Ottawa. Missango, \i\., Portuguese W. Africa, at mouth of R. Lelundo. Misselemleh, tn., Nubia, on the Balir-el-.\zrek. Mlssenden, Gt. and Lt., 2 vils., Bucks, 4^ and 2J in. NW. Amershain. Miaserghin, vil., Algeria, prov. and S m. SW. Oran. Misaillac, vil., France, Loire-Infer., 6 m. WSW. St. Gildas-des-Bois. Missinibbi River, Ontario, a head-stream of the Moose R. Missinippi River. Sec Churchill River. Mission, ry. stn,, British Columbia, 416 ni. W. Donald. Missiones. .Sro Misiones. Missisaga River, Ontario, falls into Lake Huron. Missisquoi Bay, Quebec, an arm of Lake Champlain. Missisquoi River, Quebec, flows 75 m. to Missisquoi Bay. Missisainewa River, Ohio, falls into Wabash R. in Miami co. 176 MIS THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MOH Bflsdssippl, state, U.S. Area 46,810 sq. m. Fop. 1,289,600. MlssisBippi, vil., Ontario, Frouteiiac co., 6i in. from Kingston. IVUasiaslppi City, vil., Mississippi, cap. of Harrison co. Mlflslssippi River, N. America, falls into Gulf of Mexico. MisalBsippi River, Ontario, rises in M. Lake, Hows 100 m. to Ottawa R. MlBsivri, sjit. tn., E. Rouiiielia, 18 nt. NE. Bur^'as. Miflsolonghl, tn., Greece, 22 m. W. Lepanto. Lat. 38° 21' N". MiBson, vil., Notts, on U. Idle, 3 in. NE. liawtry. MiEsoula, vil., Montana, cap. of M. co., on Missoula R. Miasourl, a central slate, U.S. Area 69,415 sq. m. Pop. 2,679,161 Miasouri City, vil., Missouri, Clay CO., on Missouri R. MlMouri River, U.S., priticii«Hl tributary of the Mississippi. Miasouri Valley, vil., Iowa, Harrison co., on Boyer U. MlBtaaaibl River, Quebec, affluent of Jlistassini R. Mistaasini Lake, Labrador. Lat. 50° 35' N., long. 72° 25' W. Mistasainl r.iver, Quebec, falls into Lake St. Jolin. Miatek, tn., Austria, iu Moravia, 15 m. ENE. Neu-Titschein Miatelbatih, tu., Lower Austria, 18 in. NE. Korneuburg. Misterblanco, vil., Sicily, circle and 4 m. W. Catania. fllisterton, vil., Notts, 5 m. NW. Gainsborough. MiatertoD, jiar. and vil., Somerset, ij m. SE. Crewkerne. Miathra, vil., Greece, Laconia, 2^ m. ESE. Sparta. Mirtigouche Lake, Quebec, Rimouski co. Jttiatley, viL, Essex, on R. Stour, i in. E. Manningtree. MiflTor, Gt. and Lit., Dartmoor, Devon, 5 m. NE. Tavistock. Mlatretta, tn., Sicily, prov. and 67 m. WSW. Messina. Mlauninsk, tn., Siberia, in gov. of Tomsk. Mitaa. tu., Russia, cap. of Courland. Lat. 56' 39' N. Pop. 30,039. Mitaull, tn., Kheridist., Oudh, India. Mltaziri, spt, Japan, in S\V. of Hondo I., prov. Suvo. MJtcham, par. and vil., Surrey, on R. Wandle. Mitcham, ry. stn. and suburb of Adelaide, S. Australia. Mltcham, tn. and ry. stn., Victoria, i3jm. from Melbourne. Mltcheldoan, par. and vil.,co. and 12 m. W. Gloucester. Mitchell, tn., Ontario, co. Perth. Lat. 43° 27' N., long. 8i° 19' W. Mitchell, tusiip.. New South Wales. 124 m. W. Sydney. Mitchell, tn., Queensland, co. Dublin. Lat. 26° 30' S.. long. 143° E. Mitchell, vil., Indiana, Lawrence co. Mitchell, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Mitchell CO., on Red Cedar It. MitcheU or St. Michael, vil., Cornwall, 6i m. NE. Truro. MitchellgTove, vil , Sussex, 4 m. NE. Arundel. Mitchell Island, New South Wales, ofT coast of co. Macquario. Mitchell River. New South Wales, falls into the Nymboi R. MitcheU River, Queensland, falls into Gulf of Carpentaria. Mitchell River, \ietnria. COS. Wonnangalta and Dargo. Mitchella Peak ()r Black Dome, mtn., N. Carolina. Alt. 6707 ft. Mitchellville, ^il., Iowa, Polk co. Seat of a university. Mitchelatown, nikt. tn., CO. Cork, 10 m. N. Fermoy. Mitchelatown, tnshp., Victoria, co. Dalliousie, on Goulburn R. Mitforii, par. and vil., NorthuLubcrlautl, 2J ni. SW. Morpeth. Mlt Gamar, tn., Lower Egypt, 28 m. SSW. Mansurah. Lat. 3o''43'X. Mithankot, tu., Punjab, Dera Ghazi Klian dist. Lat. 28" 55' N. Mltha Tiwana, tu., Shahpur dist., Punjab. Lat. 32° 15' N., 72° 9' E. Mither Tap, highest stuumit, Bennachie group, Aberdeenshire. Mithian, cccl. dist. and vil., Cornwall, 6i m. NW. Truro. Mitho, tn., French Cochin China, 37 m. SW. Saigon. Mlthrl, vil., Brit. Baluchistan, on Nari R. Lat. 29° 20' N. Mlthrl, vil., Punjab, in Sirsa dist. Lat. 29' 50' N. Mitia Kaua laland, New Guinea, olf mouth of Baxter R. Mltiamo, In,, Victoria, 142J ni. N. Melbourne. 36° 3' S., 144° 10' E. Mitla, vil., Mexico, state Oajaca. Has ancient ruins. Mito, tn., Jupan, in E. of Hondo I., jirov. Hitachi. Pop. 19,010. Mitranwall, tn., Sialkot dist., Punjab, India. Mitre Lake, Victoria, co. Lowan, S. of the Sandy Desert. Mitre Peak, mtn., Fiji, in N. of Vanua Levu. Mitrowicz, tn., Croatia-Stavonia, 23 m. SW. Peterwardein. Mittagong, tn.. New South Wales, 77 m. S. Sydney. Lat. 34' 17' S. Mitta-Mitta, tn., Victoria, co. Bogong. Lat. 36° 5' S., 146' 58' E. Mitta-Mitta River, Victoria, between cos. Benambra and Bogong. Mittelbexbach, vil., Bavaria, dist. Homburg, on It. Blies. Mittelwalde, tn., Prussian Silesia, on R. Neissc. Mittenwalde, tn., Prussia, 23 m. ESE. Potsdam, Mitterburg, Istiia, German name for Pisino, 5.V. Kitterteich, vil., Bavaria, 6 m. NW. Tirschcnreuth. Mltti, taluk, Tliar and Parkar dist., Sind, Bombay. MittI, tn. in above, J-at. 24' 44' N., long. 69" 51' E. Mittineagne, vil., MassachusettH, Hampden co. Mitton, I'.ir., LaiuMsliircand Yorks, 2 m. SW, Clithcroo. Mittun-Eote. ,See Mithankot. Mlttweida. tn., Saxony, cinde of Leipzig. Lat. 50' 58' N., 12° 58' K. MItyleno, isl., belonging to Turkey, in ^gean Sea. Lat. 39° 10' N. Mljcco, tn., Gualemala. I^at. 14" 42' N., long. 91' 38' W. Mlxqulahuala, vil., Mexico, state Ilidalgo, 24 ni, W. Actopan. Miya, Kpt., Japan, Hondo I., oil Bay of Ovari. Miyake-alraa, isl., Japan, offSR. coast of Hondo 1. Lat. 34° 2' N. Miyako, si>t. vil., Jnpun, NE. Hondo Is., prov. Rikuchiu. Mlyako Island, Japan, in Lin-Kiu Islands. Lat. 24" 50' N. Miyakonojo, tn., .Iii|'aii, Hondo I., prov. Iliuga. Mlyanojo, tn , Japan, Hondo I., prov. Satsuma. Miyatflu, tn., Japan, Hondo I,, prov. Tango. Pop. 11.133. Miyazakl, spt tn., Japan, Ilonilo I., prov. Hiuga. Pop. 12,000. Ml-yun, tn., Cliina, prov. Pe-chi-li. Lat. 40" 24' N., 116' 53' K. Mizen Head, eaiie, SW. co. Cork. Lat, 51° 27' N., long. 9' 50' W. Mizhirltch, tn., Russia, 79 in. NW. Kharkov. Mkual River, South East Africa, falls into St. Lucia Bay. Mkuzl, miss, stn., German E. Africa, WNW. Pangani. Lat. 5" 14' S. Mlava, tn, , Russia, gov. and 50 m, NNE. Plock. Mlava River, Servia, Mows 75 m. to the Danube. Mlela River, Portuguese SE. Africa, flows SB. to Indian Ocean. Mleta, plain, Algeria, prov. Oran. Lat. 35° 30' N. Mlila, vil., Algei'ia, prov. and 23 m. S. Constantine. Mlull River, Portuguese SE. Africa, falls into Indian Ocean. Mo, vil., Norway, prov, Christiansand, dist. Bratsberg. Mo, viL, Norway, prov. Tromso, 68 m. S. Bodo. Moa Island, Dutch E. Indies. Lat. 8° 12' S., long. 128" E. Moala Island, Fiji Islands. Lat. 18° 45' S., long. 179" 58' E. Moama, tn., N. S. Wales, 516 in. SW. Sydney. 36' 3' S., 144° 56' E Moan, Loch, Ayrshire, source of R. Cree. Moate, mkt. tn., W. co. Meath, 68 m. W. Dublin. Mobangl, affl. of R. Congo and lower course of Welle-Makua. Mobberley, par. and vil., Cheshire, 4J m. S. Altrincham, Mobeetie, vil., Texa.^!, cap. of Wheeler co. Moberlng House, ry. stn., British Columbia, 1012 m. W. Winnipeg. Moberley House, set., Atliabasca, on Peace R. Moberly, vil., Missouri, Randolph co. Mobile, city, Alabama, on M. R., andabay olTG. of Mexico. P. 31,076. Mobile River, Alabama, formed by Alabama and Tombigbee Rs. Moce Island, Fiji, 2 m. in diameter. Mocha or Mokha, ft. spt., Arabia, on Red Sea. 13° 10' N., 43° 20' E. Mochraa Island, Mi'rioneth, in Cardigan Bay. Mochrum, p:tr. and vil., Wigtownshire, oa E. side of Luce Bay. Mockbeggar Wharf, coast sand, Cheshire, on Wirral coast. Mocker, vil., W. Prussia, 2^ m, N. of Thorn. Mockern, tn., Prussian Saxony, 10 m. SSE. Burg, on R, Ehle. Mockem, tu., Saxony, di-^t. and 2J ni. NW. Leipzig. Mockmiihl, tn., Wurteniberg, 11 m. NE. Neekarsulin. Mockavilie, vil. and tnshp., N, Carolina, cap. of Davie co. Moclin, In., Spain, prov. and 18 m. WNW. Granada. Mocomoco, ft. tn., Sumatra, E. Indies. Lat. 2' 34' S., 101° 12' E. Mocsa, vil., HuuLjary, co. and 7 m. SSE. Komorn. Moctezuma, luuuieipality, NW. Mexico, state San Luis Potosi. Modane, vil., France, dep. Savoie, on R. Arc. Modbury, tn., Devonshire, 12 m. E. Plymouth. Modder River, S. Africa, Griquuland West, atll. of Vaal R. Modelligo, par., Ireland, co. Waterford, 4 ni. E. Cappoquin. Modena, prov., Italy, in Emilia. Area 1000 sq. in. Pop. 286,643. Modena, city, Italy, 23 m. NW. Bologna. 44° 3S' N. Pop. 58,058. Moderagam Oya, riv., Ceylon, falls into Gulf of Mauar. Modem, tn., Hungary, 16 m. NE. Pressburg. Modesto, vil., California, cap. of Stanislaus co. Modica, tn., Sicily, prov. Syracuse. 36' 52' N., 14' 46' E. P. 42,885. Modigliana, tn., Italy, prov. Florence. Lat. 44° 10' N., 11° 46' E. Modlin, fortress, Russia, gov. Plonk, 16 m. NW. Warsaw. ModUng, vil.. Lr. Austria, 6 m. NNW. Baden. Lat. 48° 6' N., 16' 17' E. Modoni, spt. tn., Greece. Lat. 36' 48' 32" N., long. 21' 40' E. Modor. See Modem. Modreeny, par., co. Tipperary. Contains Cloughjordan. Modugno, tn., Italy, prov. Bari. Lat. 41" 6' N., long. 16' 47' E. Modnm, vil., Norway, dist. Buskerud. Lat. 60° 57' N., long. 10" 2' R. Moe, tnshp., Victoria, 80 m. E. Melbourne. Lat. 38" 10' S., 146^ 11' E. Moel Cynwch, hill, Merionethshire, on N. side of Dongelly. Moel Pammau, hill, on border of Denbigh and Flintshires. Moelfre, par. and isl., Anglesey, 7 m. SE. Amlwch. Moel Siabod, mtn., Carnarvonshire. Alt. 2S65 ft. Moel Sych, intn., Merioneth, Montgomery, and Denbigh. 2718 ft. Moelwyn, mtn., Merioneth, 3^ m. NW. Festiniog. 2529 ft. Moel-y-Don, ferry, on Menai Strait, near Britannia Bridge. Moen, isl., Denmark, in Baltic. Lat. 54° 57' N., long. 12' 18' E. Moen, isl., Russia, gov. Esthonia, 40 m. long. Moeraki, set., New Zealand, co. Waitaki. Moerangi Bay, New Zealaiid, co. Waitaki. 5 m. long by 2 m. wide. Moerbeke, vil., Belj^ium, E. Flanders. Lat. 51° 11' N., 3* 55' E. Moerdyk, vil., Netlicrlands, N. Brabant, 10 m. NNW. Breda. Moeris. Lake. .Sc' Birket-el-Kam. Moe River and Swamp, Victoria, CO. Buln-Buln, Moero, Lake, Central Africa. Lat. 9° S., long. 28° 40' E. Moffat, tn. and spa, Dumfriesshire, on R. Annan. Moffat, vil., Ontario, co. HaltoD, 18 m. from Guelph, Moffat Water, Dumfries, flows 12 m. SW. to the Annan. Moga, tdhsil, Firozpur dist., Punjab. Area 811 sq. in. Moga, tn. and hdqrs. of above, 35 m. from Firozpur. Mogador, ft. spt. city, Morocco. 31° 30' N,, 9° 42' W. Pop, 20,000. Mogadonro, tn., Portugal, 32 m. SSE. Bragan^a. Lat 41° 39' N. Mogeely, par., E. co. Cork, on It. Bride, 4 111. S. BallydulTstn. Mogeely, par. and ry. stn., E. Cork, 10 m. W. Youulial. Mogeesha, par., E. co. Cork. Contains part of Middleton. Mogelaberg, vil., Switzerland, 12 m. WSW. St. Gall. Mogente, tn., Spain, 46 m. SSW. Valencia. Lat. 38" 46' N., 0° 46' \{. Moggio di Sotto, tn., Italy, prov. and 25 m. NXW. Udine. Moggy laland. New Zealand, oft" W. coast of Stewart Island. Moghal Fort, British Baluchistan. Lat. 29° 36' N., long. 66' E. Moghilev. See Mohllev. Mogll Mogil, tn., New S. Wales. Lat. 29° 15' S., long. 149' 47' E. Mogilno, tn., Prussia, ]U'ov. Poseii. Lat. 52° 41' N., 17" 59' E. Mogi-Mlrim, tn., Brazil, state Sao Paulo. Lat. 22° 22' S., 47" 8' W., Moglnand, vil., Sirmur state, Punjab. Lat. 30° 32' N., 77° 19' E. Moglla, tn., Italy, prov. Mantua, 5 m, ESE. Gonznga. Mogliano, vil., Italy, 7 m. S, Maccrata. Lat. 43° 11' N., 13* 28' E. Mogliano, com., Italy, Venetia. Lat. 45" 33' N., long. 12* 14' E. Mo-gnyo, tnshp. and tn., Lr. Burma, Thafawadi dist. Lat. 58° 20' N. Mogo, tn.. New Soutli Wales, 205 m. S. Sydney. Lat. 35' 32' S. Mogok, vil., Upper Burma, Ruby Mines di-%t. Long. 96° 32' E. Mogu, place with harbour, Persia, on Persian Gulf. Moguer, In., Spain, 6 m. lOME. Iluelva. Lat. 37* 16' N. Mogultur, tn., Godavari dist., Madras. Lat. 16° 24' N., Si* 43' E. Mogy daa Crucea, tn., Brazil, stiito and 31 m. E. Sfu) Paulo. Mohaca, tu,, Hungary, on R. Danube. Lat. 45° 58' N. Pop. 12,385. Mohaka, tnshp., New Zealand, co. Wairoa, on Mohaka R. Mohall, vil., Nepal, India. Lat. 29° N., long. 80° 15' E. Mohammera, tn., Persia, prov. Khnzistan. Lat. 30' 27' N., 48° 15' E. Mohan, ltth.<.il, Unao dist., Oudh, IiuHa. Area 437 sq. m. Mohan, tn. in above. I^at. 26' 47' N., long. So" 43' E. Mohan Auras, pargmui, Unao dist., Oudh. Area 196 sq. m. Mohand, pass, Delira Dun dist., NW. Provs., India. MohanganJ. }iariiatia., Rai Bareli dist., Ondh. Area 79I sq. m. Mohaalalgai{|, tahsil, Lucknow dist., Oudh. Area 272 sq. in. M 177 MOH THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MON Mohanlalganj, 'patf^o.rux, Lucknow dist., Oudh. Area 200 sq. m. MohanlalganJ, lidqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 26° 41' N., long. 81° 1' 30" E. Mohanpur, native state, Bombay, Gujarat, Mahi Kantlia agency. Mohan River, India, Oudh, falls into the Kauriala, in Kheridist. Mohari, tn., India, Cent Provs., Bhandara dist. Lat. 21° 19' N. Mohave Desert, Culifuniia, in S. of state, below sea level. Mohawk, vil., Ontario, Brant co., 5 m. from Brantford. Mohawk, vil., New York, Herkimer co., on Mohawk R. Mohawk River, New York, flows 175 m. to the Hudson. Moher Cliffs, W. co. Clare, rising 580 ft. out of the sea. Mohgaon, tn., Chhindwara dist., Cent. Provs. India. Lat. sr 38' N. Mohi, tn., Unao dist, OudL, India. Lat. 26'' 26' N., long. 81° 2' E. MohUev, gov., W. Russia. Area 18,550 sq. m. Pop. 1,319,326. Mohilev, tn. and cap. of above. Lat. 53° 53' N., 30° 22' E. P. 41,899. Mohilev, tii., Russia, gov. Podolia. Lat. 48'' 27' N., 28" E. P. 18,421. MohiU, nikt, tn., co. Lt'itritn, 5 m. NE. Dromod ry. stn. Mohilla, isl., Comoro Islands, E. Africa. Lat. 12" 15' S., 43° 48' E. Mohnar, In., Bengal, MuzatVurpur dist., 20 m. SE. Hajipur. Mohne, fortress, Bashahr state, Punjab. Lat. 31° 26' N., 78° 19' E. Moho, vil., Peru, dep. Puno. Lat. 15^* 23' S., long. 69° 22' W. Mohol, vil., Hungary, on K. Theiss, jo m. NXE. Becse. Mohon, vil., France., dep. Ardennes, \ m. ESE. Mezieres. Mohpa, vil., Nagpur dist., Cent. Provs., India. 21° ig' N., 78' 52' E. Mohringen, viL, Wurtemberg, dist. and 4 ni. SSW. Stuttgart. Mohrungen, tn., E. Prussia, 62 m. SSW. Kdnigsberg. Lat. 53' 57' N. Moidart, coast dist. and sea loch, SW. Inverness-shire. Moin, The, moorland, N. Sutherland, Durness and Tongue pars. Moingona, vil., Iowa, Boone co. Coal mines. Moira, vil. and ry. stn., Leicestersh., -zlm. SW. Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Moira, i>ar. and vil., co. Down, in SW. of Belfast. Moira, vil. and tnshp., New York, Franklin co. Moira Lake, New South Wales, near Victorian border. Molrang, tn., Manipur, NE. India, W. of Logtak Lake. Lat. 24' 30' N. Moira River, Ontario, flows S. 30 m. to Bay of Quinte. Moisdon, vil., France, Loire-Inferieure, 6 m. S. Chateaubriant. Moisic, River, E. Quebec, flows S. toGulf of St. Lawrence. Moissac, vil., France, Tarn-et-Garonne. Lat. 44° 6' N., long. 1° 7' E. Molta, tn., Portugal, dist, and g m. ESE. Lisbon. Moja, vil., Bolivia, prov. La Paz, on Lake Titicaca. Mojacar, tn., Spain, 37 m. NE. Almeria, Lat. 37° 8' N. Mojarh, tn., Bahawalpur state, Punjab. Lat. zg° i' N. Mojpur, vil., Alwar state, Kajputana, India. Mokanui, tnslip.. New Zealand, on E. coast of co. Kaikoura. Moka PaginuMuwadu, pt-tty state, Rewa Kantha, Gujarat, Bombay. Mokau River, New Zealand, separates cos. Kawliia and Clifton. Mokhad, tn., Riiwal Pindi dist., Punjab, on R. Indus. Mokher, tn., Chhindwara dist.. Cent. Provs., India. Mokihinui, gold-Held, New Zealand, co. BuUer. Lat. 41° 35' S. Moko-Hinon Island, New Zealand, E. of Whangarei Bay. Mokola, tnrihp., New Zealand, on border of cos. Patea and Hawera. Mokrln, vil., Hungary, co. Torontal, g m. NNW. Nagy-Kikinda. Mokshan, tn., Russia, gov. and 24 m. NW. Penza. Pop. 12,791. Mokaha River, Central Russia, flows 230 m. to the Oka. Mola di Bari, spt., S. Italy. Lat. 41' 3' N., long. 17° 6' E. Mola di Gaeta, tn., Italy, prov. Caserta. Lat. 41° 13' N., i^'ss' E. Molagavita, vil., Colombia, slate Santauder, 9 m. SW. Concepcion. Molahiffe, ]>ar. and ry. stn., co. Kerry, 5 m. NE. Milltown. Molakalmum, vil., India, Chitaldrng dist., Mysore. Lat. 14' 44' N. Moland, vil., Norway, prov. Christiansand, dist. Nedenas. Molango, vil., Mexico, state Hidalgo, 47 m. NNE. Pachuca. Mold, pari, bor., Flintshire, 13 m. W. Chester. Moldau, River, Bohemia, flows 267 m. to the Elbe. Moldaothein, tn., Bohemia, on R. Moldau, 18 m. N. Budweis. Moldava River, Bukowina and Moldavia, affluent of the Sereth. Moldavia, part of Rouniania, drained by Rs. Sereth and Pruth. Molde, spt., Norway, prov. Trondhjem, on M. Piord. Lat. 62" 47' N. Moldova, vil., Hungary, 56 m. E. Belgrade. Molenbeek, a NW. suburb of Brussels, Belgium. Pop. 50,204 Mole River, Sussex and Surrey, flows 30 m. to the Thames. Mole River, New S. Wales, flows SE. to the Beardy R. Mole-St. -Nicholas, spt., Haiti L Lat. ig" 50' N., long. 73' iS' W. Molesworth, tnshp., Victoria, Anglesey co., on Goulburn R. Molesworth, vil. , Ontario, Huron co.. 7 m. from Listowel. Molfetta. spt., Italy, 18 m. ESE. Barletta. Lat. 41' 13' N. P. 31,465. Moliagul, tn., Victoria, 115 ni. NW. Melbourne. Lat. 36' 45' S. Moliires, vil., France, Tarn-et-Garonne. Lat. 44° Ji' N., 1° 23' E. MoUn. .See MoUn. Molina, vil,, Cliili, prov. and 31 m. NE. Talca. Molina, tn., Spain, 7 m. NW. Murcia. Lat. 38° 7' N., i" 10' W. Molina, tn., Spain, 65 m. ENK. Guadalajara. Lat. 40° 55' N. Molinara, vil., Italy, prov. Benevento. Lat. 41° 17' N., 14° 56' E. Moline, city, Illinois, Rock Island co., on Mississippi. Pop. 12,000. Molinella, com., Italy, prov. and 18 ni. NE. Bologna. MoUnos del Rey, vil., Si>ain, prov. Teruel, g m. NW. Castellnte. MolinoB, vil., Argentine Republic, prov. and 62 m, WNW. Salta. MollBfl, former prov., Italy. i>tt Abrozzl e Molise. Moliterno. tn., Italy, 11 m. NNE. Lagonegro. Lat. 40° 13' N., 15° 50' E. Molk. See Melk. Moll, tn., Belgium, prov. Antwerp. Lat. 51" 12' N., long. 5° 7' E. Mollendo, spt. tn., Peru. Lat. 17° 1' S., long. 72° 2' W. Mollina, tn., Spain, prov. Malaga, 10 m. NW. Antequera. Mollinbum, vil., Lanarkshire, 8 ni. NE. Glasgow. Mollis, vil., Switzerland, canton and 4 m. N. Glarus. Molln, tn., Prussia, Schleswig-Holstein, 18 m. NNE. Lauenburg. Molocchio, vil., Italy, prov. Calabria, 12 m. SE. Palma. Molodia, vil., Bukowina, Austria-Hungary, 6 m. SE. Czemowitz. Mologa, tn., Russia, gov. Yaroslav. Lat. 58" 14' N., long. 38° 30' E. Mologa River, Russia, flows 337 ni. to the Volga. Molokai, isl., Hawai. Lat. 21^ 8' N., long. 57* W. Area 306 sq. m. Molong, dist., New South Wales. I^at. 33° 6' S., long. 148" 54' E. Molong, set. and ry. stn., New S. Wales. Lat. 35° 25^ S., 149' 25' E. Molonta, harbour, Dalmatia, on Adriatic Sea. Molopolole, tn., Bechuanaland. Lat. 24' 25' S., long. 24° 30' E. Molopo River, Bechuanaland, enters Orange R. as the Hygap, 560 m. Molsheim, tn., Al.sace, n m. WSW. Strasburg. Molteno, tn., Cape Colony, co. Albert, 21 m. S. Burghersdorp, Molton, North, par. and vit., Devon, i\ ni. NE. South Moltun. Molton, South, niun. bcr., Devon, on R. Mole, loi m. SK. Barnstaple. Moluccas or Bpico Islands, Dutch group, E." Indian Arch., on Equator. Area 20,460 sq. m. Molyneux, tn., New Zealand, in co. and at mnuth of Clutha R. Mombach, vil., Hessen, circle and 3 m. NW, Mainz. Momhaaa, isl. and tn., British E. Africa. Lat. 4° 4' S. Mombello, com., Italy, prov. Conio, near Lago Maggiore. Mombello, vil., Italy, prov. Alessandria, jo m. W. Casale. Mombera, Livingstonia miss, stn., Equat. Africa. Lat. 11" 30' S. Mombuttu, dist. and tribe, Congo Free State. lj.t. 4° N., 26' E. Momein, tn., China, prov. Yun-nan, on the Irawadi. Lat. 25° N. Momeit, dist. and vil., Upper Burma. Lat. 23° 8' N., 96° 38' E. Momence, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, in co. and on R. Kankakee. Mominabad, tn., India, Nizam's Dominions, 46 m, ESE. Bhir. Mompos, tn., Colombia, state Bolivar. Lat. g^ 18' N., 74' 33' W. Momundilla, dist., New South Wales, co. Hunter. Mona, isl., Porto Rico, W. Indies. Lat. 18' 6' N., long. 67° 50' W. Mona, vil. and tnshp., Utah. Juab co. Monach Islands, Outer Hebrides, off W. coast of North Uist I. Monaco, principality and tn,, surrounded by dep. of AIpes-Maritimes, and Q\\ Mediterranean. Area 8 sq. m. Pop. 13,304; tn. 3292. Monadliliath Mtns., Inverness, ou W. side of Strathsj'ey. 3087 ft. Monagay, par., S. CO. Limerick. Contains part of Newcastle. Monaghan, CO., Leister, Ireland. Area 500 sq. m. Pop. 86,089. Monaghan, co. tn. of above, 54 m. SW. Belfast. Lat. 54° 15' N Monamolin, par., N. CO. Wexford, 5 m. S. Ballycanew. Monaniny, par., N. CO. Cork, 5 m. NE. Malluw. Monar, Loch, Ross and Inverness, 25 m, SW. Beauly. Monaro, dist,, New South Wales, in SE. extremity of colony. Monart, par,, Wexford, 2 in. NW. Enniscorthy. Monarto, dist, and ry. stn., S. Australia, 46 m, E. Adelaide. Monasteranenagh, par., co. Limerick, 2 m. E. Crooni. Monaaterevin, tn., W. co. Kildare, 37 m. SW. Dublin. Monasterzyska, tn., Austria, Galicia, 10 m. WNW. Bnczacz. Monastier, tn,, France, Haute-Loire, g m. SE. Le Puy. Monastir, spt., N. Africa, in Tunis. Lat. 35" 46' N., 10° 46' E. Pop. 12,000. Monastir or Bitolia, city, Turkey. Lat. 41° i' N., 21" 18' E. P. 45,000. Moncada. tn , Spam, 6 m. NNW. Valencia. Lat. 38° 34' N., 0° 25' W. Moncalleri, tn., Italy, 5 m. S. Turin. Lat. 45° N., long. 7" 41' E. Moncalvo, tn., Italy, prov. Alessandria. Lat. 45" 2' N., 8° 16' E. Monch, The, mtn., Switzerland, in Bernese Alps. Alt. 13,468 ft. Mon^ao, vil., Brazil, state Maranhao, 100 m. SSW. San Luiz. Montfao, ft. tn., Portugal, 32 m. NE. Viannado Castello. Lat. 42° X. Moncarapacho, tn., Portugal, dist. and 8 m. NE. Faro. Moncean, vil., Belgium, prov. Hainaut, on R. Sambre. Monchique, tn., Portugal, 38 ni. WNW. Faro. Lat. 37^ 19' N., %" 32' W. Monchique, Serra de, S. Portugal. La Foya 2962 ft. Monckton Combe, jtar., Someiset, 2^ m. SE. Biith. Monclova, tn., Mexico, state Coahuila. Lat. 26' 54' N. Moncoeur Islands, Victoria, in Bass' Sti-ait. Highest point 331 ft, Moncontour, vil., France, dep. Vienne. Lat. 46" 53' N. Moncton, port of entry. New Bnmswick. Lat. 46° 5' N,, 64° 10' W. Monda, tn., Spain, 25 m. WSW. Malaga. 1 at. 36° 40' N. Monda, tn,, Nagpur dist., Central Provs., India. Mondariz, com., Spain, prov. and 16 m, SSE. Pontevedra. Mondego River, Portugal, tlows 140 m, to the Atlantic Ocean. Mondemkhallu, vil., Madras, Vizagapatam dist. 18° 55' N., 83" 45' E. Mondo, mission stn., German E. Africa. Lat. 6" 10' S., 37° 40' E. Mondolfo, vil., Italy, 15 m. SE. Pesaro. Lat. 43° 46' N., 13° 5' E. Mondonedo, tn., Spain, 30 m. NNE, Lugo. 43° 25' N. Pop. 10,112. Mondovi, tn., Italy, 15 m. ESE. Coni. Lat. 44° 22' N. Pop. 17,902. Mondovi, vil., Algeria, 14 m. S. Bona. Lat. 36° 39' N., 7" 42' E. Mondragon, tn., Spain, Basque provs. Lat. 42" 57' N., 2° 34' W, Mondragone, vil., Italy, 18 m. ESE. Gaeta. Lat. 31' 6' N., 13" 56' E. Mondsee, vil. and lake, Austria. Lat. 47° S3' N., long. 13° 21' E. Mondure, tnshp., Queensland, dist. Burnett, 120 m. NW. Brisbane. Mone, dist. and tn., Upper Burma. Lat. 20° 30' N., long. g7' 54' E, Monee. vil, and tnshp., Illinois, Will co. Moneln, tn., France, Basses-Pyrenees, 10 m, NNE. Oloron. MonegUa, vil., Italy, prov. Genoa, g m. ESE. Chiavari. Monemvasia, spt. tn., Greece, on ^Egean Sea. 36' 41' N., 23" 3' E Moness Falls, on Urlar Burn, Perthshire, near AberfelJy. Monesterio, tn,, Spain, prov, and 65 m. SE. Badajoz. Monetier-de-Briancon, tn., France, dep, Hautes-Alpes. Moneygall, vil., King's CO., 8 m. SW. Roscrea. Moneymore, tn., co. Londonderry, 4 m. NE. Cookstowu. Monfalcone, ft. tn., Austria, 6 m. SSE. Gradisca. Monfero. com., Spain, prov. and 17 m. ESE. Corunna. Monfestino, com., Italy, prov. Modena, 6 in. N PavuUo. Monfia Island. Srt MaJB.a. Monforte, tn., Spain, 12 m. WNW. Alicante. 38' 2a' N., 0° 41' W. Monforte de Lemos, tn., Sjiain, 34 m. SSE. Lugo. Lat. 42° 35' N. Mong, vil., Gujiat dist., Punjab. Lat. 32" 39' N., long. 73° 33' E. Monga, tnshp., New South Wales, co. St. Vmcent. Mongala, Lake, South Australia, 40 m. SE. Lake Frome. Mongalla River, Congo Free State, afH. of Congo on the right. Monghyr, dist., Bengal. Area ^921 sq. m. Pop. 2,025.220. Monghyr, chief tn. of above. Lat. 25° 23' N., 86° 30' E. Pop. 6S,9T0. Mongolia, region, in N. Chinese Empire. Ar. 1,304,000. Pop. 2,000,000. Mongonue, American mission stn., SE. Africa, on Inhambane Bay. Mongonui, tn. and harbour, New Zealand. Lat. 35° S., 173" 34' E. Mongrando, com., Italy, prov. Novara, 4 m. SW. Biella. Monhegan Island, Maine, off coast of Hancock co. Moniaive, vil., Dunifriesslure, 7 m. SW. Thnrnhill. Monierkhal, vil., Cachar dist., Assam, near Manijnir fl'ontier. Monlfleth, vil., Forfarshire, on R. Tay, 6 m. NE. Dundee. Monikie, par. and ry. stn.. Forfarshire, 11} m. NE. Dundee. MonlmaU, par. and vil., Fifeshire, 5^ m. W. Cupar. 178 MON THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MON Moniqulra, tn., Colombia, state'Boyaca, 25 ni. NW. Tiinja. Monlatrol, vil., Spain, 22 in. NW. Barcelona. Lat. 41' 41' N. Monistrol, tn., France, Haut<:-Loire. Lat. 45° 17' N., 4° n' E. Monivea, par. and vil., co. Gahvay, 6 m. N. Athenry. Mon-Kal, spt. tn., Tonquin. on island of Van-Ninh. Monk Bretton, tn. and tnslip., Yorkshire, 3^ m. NE. Barusley. Monkey Island, Berks, in H. Thames, i in. WE. Bray. Monk Fryatone, par. and Ail., Yorkshire, 6 m. NE. Pontefract. Monk Hesledon, par. and vil., Durham, 5 m. NW. Hartlepool. Monkland, New, vil., Lanarksliire, \\ m. NE. Airdrie. Monkfl Bay, SE. coast Isle of Wij^ht, i m. NE. Ventnor. Monks Elelgh, par. and vil., Suflolk, 5^ m. NW. Hadleigh. Monk Sherborne, par. and vil., Hants, 3 ni. NW. Basingstoke. Monks Kirby, par. and vil., Warwickshire, 6 m. NW. Rugby. Monkstown, par. and vil., co. and 7 m. SE. Cork. Monkton, jkir. and vil., Kent, 6^ m. W. Ramsgate. Monkton, vil and tnshp., Vermont, Addison co. Monkton, West, par. and vil., Somersetshire, 3^ m. NE. Taunton. Monk Wearmouth, par. and ry. stn., Durham, within Sunderland bor. Monmouth, jiarl. bor., Monmouthshire, ig ra. S. Hereford. Monmouth, city, Illinois, cap. of Warren co. 40° 52' N., 90" 42' W. Monmouth, ry. stn., on Canadian Pacific Hy., 385 m. W. Port Arthur. Monmouth Beach, vil., New Jersey, M. co., on Atlantic Ocean. Monmouthshire, a W. co. of England. Area 57S sq. m. Pop. 252,260. Monnikendam, tn., N. Hollaiul, on Zuider Zee. Lat. 52° 27' N. Monnow River, Hereford aiid Monmouth, flows 28 m. to R Wye. Mono, Ail., Ontario, co. Dutlerin, 10 m. N. Orangeville. Mono Lake, California, Mono co. Water salt and alkaline. Mono Mills, vil., Ontario, Peel co., 4 ni. from Paisley. Monona, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Clayton co. Monongahela City, bor., Pennsylvania, Washington co. Monongahela River, W. Virginia and Pennsylvania, joins the Alle- ghany to form the Ohio R. Monopoli, spt, tn., Italy, 27 m. ESE. Bari. Pop. 21,268. Monor, tn., Hungary, 20 m. ESE. Buda-Pesth. Lat. 47° 18' N. Monostorszeg, vil., Hungary, on Danube, 10 m. NNW. Apatin. Monovar, tn., Spain, 19 m. WNW. Alicante. Lat. 38° 28' N. Monqnhltter, par., N. Aberdeenshire, 6 m. E. Turriff. Monreale, In., Sicily, 4^ m. WSW. Palermo. 38° 5' N. Pop. 14,195. Monroe, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Fairfield co. Monroe, vil., Georgia, cap. of Walton co. Monroe, vil., Louisiana, cap. of Ouachita par. Monroe, city, Michigan, cap. of Monroe co., on Raisin R. Monroe, vil. and tnshp., New York, Orange co. Monroe, vil. and tn.slip., N. Carolina, ca,p. of Union co. Monroe, vil. and tush p., Wisconsin, cap. of Greene co. Monroe City, vil., Indiana, Knox co Monroe City, vil., Ohin, Monroe CO. Monroeton, \\\., Pennsylvania, Bradford co. Monroeville, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, cap. of Monroe co. MonroeviUe, vil., Indiana, Allen co. Monroeville, vil., Ohio, Huron co., on Huron R. Monrovia, cap. tn. of Liberia, Africa. Lat. 6° 18' N., long. 10° 48' W. Monrovia, vil., Indiana, Morgan co. MonB, tTi., Belgium, cap. of Hainaut. Lat. 50° 27' N. Pop. 26.158, Monsal Dale, val. and ry. stn., Derbyshire, 3J m, NW. Bakewell. Monsellce, tn., Italy, 13 m. SW. Padua. Lat. 45* 13' N., ri^ 50' E. Monserrat, mtn., Spain, 23 m. NW. Barcelona. Alt. 305 S ft. Monaon, vil. and tnslip., Massachusetts, Hampden co. Monster, vil.. South Holland, 6 ni. SW. of the Hague. MonsteraB, spt. tn., Sweden, on Kahnar Sound. Lat. 57° 4' N, Monster Mount, South Australia, co. Buckingliain. MoDBommano, tn., Italy, 15 m. E. Lucca. Lat. 43° 52' N., 10° 40' E. Monta, A il., Italy, prov. Coni, NW. of Casale. Montabaur, tn., W. Prussia, 30m. NW. Wiesbaden. 50" 26' N.,?" 29' E. Montacute, ])av. and vil., Somerset, 4 m. W. Yeovil. Montafunerthal, valley, SE. Vorarlberg, traversed by R 111. Montagono, vil., Italy, 5 m. NNE. Carapobasso. Montagnac, tn., France, dep. Herault. Lat. 43" 30 N., 3° 30' E. Montagnana, tn., Italy, 24 ni. WSW. Padua. Lat. 45° 13 N. Montagnareale, vil., Sicily, circle and 2 m. W Katti. Montagu, Vil., Cap-' Cnlony, dist. Robertson. Montague, \\\. and tiislip,, Massachusetts, Franklin co. Montague, vil. .^nd tnshp,, Mi(;higan, Muskegon co. Montague, vil., Texas, cap. of Montague co. Montague, vil.. Prince Edward I., 26 m. E. Charlotte town. Montague Gold Mines, vil., Xova Scotia, 5 m. from Halifax. Montagu Island, New South Wales. Lat. 36° 17' S., long. 150* 32' E. Montagu River, Tasmania, co. Wellington. Montaigu, vil., Belgium, prov. Brabant, 4 m. W. Diest. Montalgu, tn., France, dep. Vendee. Lat. 46" 58' N., 1" ig' W. Montajone, vil., Italy, prov. Florence. Lat. 43° 33' N., 10° 54' E. Montalban, tn., Venezuela, 30 tn. SW. Valencia. Montalbano, vil., Sicily, 11 m. SW. Castroreale. Montalbano, tn., Italy, prov. Pi'tenza. Lat. 40" 15' N., 16" 32' E. Montalboddo, tn., Italy, 21 nt. W. Ancona. Lat. 43° 37' N. Mont Albon, tnshp., Queensland, 10 m. from Herbert^on. Montalclno, tn., Italy, 22 m. SSE. Siena. Lat. 43° 3' N. Montale, cum., Italy, prov. Florence Lat. 43° 58' N., long, n" 2' E. Montalegre. til., Brazil, state Para, on the R. Amazon. Montalto, In., Italy, 9 m. NNE. Ascoli. \j^t. 42" 50' N., 13° 36' E. Montalto. tn., Italy, 10 m. NNW. Cosenza. Lat. 39 25' N., 16' 12' E. Montalvao, tn., Portugal, 21 m. NNW. Portatogre. Montana, a N. state, U.S. Area 146,080 sq. m. Pop. 132,159. Montanaro, vil., Italy, 13 m. NE. Turiu. Lat. 45" 13' N., 7" 52' K. Montanchez, tn., Spain, 19 m. SSE. Cacercs. Lat. 30° iV N., 6" 12' W. Mont.%rgi8, tn., France, dep. Loiret. Lat. 48' N., 2^44 E. P. 11,164. Montataire, tn., France, dep. Gise, 2 m. W. Creil. Montauban. tn., France, Tarn-ct-Garonne. Pop. 28,330. Mont-aux Sources, ])''.ak, Drakenberge, 8. Africa. Alt. 10,990 fl. MontazzoU, vil., Italy, 18 m.SW. Vaato. Lat. 41° 57' N., hnig. 14*27' E. Montbard, tn., France, Cute-d'Or. Lat. 47° 37' N., long. 4" 21' K. MontbiUord, tn., France, dep. Doubs. Lat. 47° 31' N., long. 6" 47' E. Montblanch, tn., Spain, 18 m. NNW. Tarragona. Lat. 41" 24' N. Montbrison, tn., France, dep. Loire. Lat. 45^ 35' N., long. 4° 5' E. Montbron, tn., France, dep. Charente. Lat. 45° 40' N., long, o" 30' E. Montcalm, vil., Quebec, Montcalm co., 12 m. from Joliette. Monte eau- lea -Mines, tn., France, Saime-et-Loire. Pop. 13,108. Montchanin-lea-Minea, tu., France, Saone-et-Loire. Montclalr, vil. and tnslip.. New Jersey, Essex co. Montcnq, tn., France, dep. Lot, 13 m. SW. Cahors. Mont-de-Maraan, tn., France, cap. of dep. Landes. Pop. 10,878. Montdldler, tn., France, dep. Somme. Lat. 49° 39' N., long. 2° 33' E. Mont-d'Or, mtn. grp., France, in S. of Puy-de-Dome, 6188 ft. Monte Alegre, tn., Spain, 30 m SE. Albacete. Lat. 38° 48' N. Montebello, vil., Italy, 5 m. ENE. Voghera. Lat. 44" 39' N., 9° 5' E. Montebello, vil., Italy, prov. Vicenza. Lat. 45° 27' N., long 11" 22' E. Montebello, vil., Quebec, on Ottawa R., 74 m, NW. Montrnal. Montebelluna, tn., Italy, 12 m. NW. Treviso. Lat. 45° 46' N., 12° 3' E. Montebourg, tn., France, dep. Manche. Lat. 49" 27' N., i'' 23' W. Montecalvo, vil., Italy, prov. Avellino, 6 ni. NW. Ariauu. Montecarlo, vil., Italy, prov. and 9 m. E. of Lucca. Montecarotto, vil., Italy, 25 m. WSW. Ancona. Lat. 43" 32' N. Monte Caseros, vil., Argentine Republic, 210 m. SSE. Corrientes. Monte cassiano, vil., Italy, prov. and 6 ni. N. Macerata. Monte Casaino, mtn. and abbey, Italy, near San Germano, g.u. Montecastrilli, vil., Italy, prov. Perugia, 12 m. NW. Terni. Montecatini, vil., Italy, prov. Pisa, 6 m. WSW. Volterra. Montecatinl, vil., Italy, prov. and 18 m. E. Lucca. Montecchio, vil., Italy, circle and 9 m. W. Reggio. Montecchio, vil., Italy, prnv. and 8 m. N. Vicenza. Montecchio Magglore, vil., Italy, 6 ni. SW. Vicenza. Montech, tn., France, Tarn-et-Garonne. Lat, 43" 57' N., i' 14' E. Montechiaro, ^■il., Italy, prov. and 11 m. SE. Brescia. Monte chianigolo, vil., Italy, prov. and 9 m. SSE. Parma. Monte Christl, spt. tn., Haiti. Lat. ig" 53' N., long. 71° 39' W. Monte Christl, Ecuador. Se£ Manta. Montecompatri, vil.. Italy, prov. and 12 m. ESE. Rome. Monte Corno. .Sec Gran Sasso. Montecorvino PugUano, tn., Italy, prov. and 17 m. E. Salerno. Montecorvino Rovella, com., Italy, prov. and 14 m. E. Salerno. Montecosaro, vil., Italy, prov. and 9 m. E. Macerata. Monte Criato, isl., Italy. Lat. 42° 20' N., long. 10° 17' E. Monte della Sibilla, mtn., Apennines, NE. Spoleto, 7212 ft. Montederramo, com., Spain, prov. and 17 m. ESE. Orense. Montedoro, vil., Sicily, prov. and 15 m. Sv. Caltanisetta. Montefalcione, vil., Italy, prov. and 10 in. NE. Avellino. Montefalco, tn., Italy, prov. Perugia Lat. 42° 53' N., 12" 39' E. Montefalcone, vil., Italy, 6 m, S. San Bartolomeo in Galdo. Montefalcone, vil., Italy, 13 m. NW. Larino. Lat. 41° 52' N. Montefano, com., Italy, 9 m. N. Macerata. Lat. 43^ 25' N., 13° 25' E. Monteflascono, tn., Italy, prov. Rome. Lat. 42° 33' N., 12° 2' E. Montefiorea, tTishp., New South Wales, 198 m. W. Sydney. Monteflorino, vil., Italy, prov. Modeua. Lat. 44° 22' N., 10' 37' E. Monteforte, vil., Italy, prov. Verona. Lat. 45^ 25' N., long. 11" 15' E. Monteforte, vil., Italy, prov. Avellino. Lat. 40° 53' N., 14'* 43' E. Montefrio, tn., Spain, 25 m. WNW. Granada. 37° 20' N., 4" 6' W. Montefuaco, tn., Italy, prov. Avellino. Lat. 41° i' N., 14° 53' E. Monte Giorgio, vil., Italy, 10 m. W. Fermo. Montegnee, vil., 13elgiuin, prov. Li^ge, 2 m. E. HoUogne-aux- I'lLTres. Montego, spt. tn., Jamaica. Lat. 18° 27' N., long. 77° 54' W. Montegranaro, vil., Italy, 8 m. NW. Fermo. 43" 14' N., :3° 37' E. Montehermoso, tn., Spain, 9 m. W. Plasencia. 40° 5' N., 6° 13' W. Montejlcar, vil., Spain, 28 m. NE. Granada. 37^ 27' N., 3° 24' W. Monteleone, til., Italy, 27 m. SW. Catanzaro. Pop. 12,694. Montelepre, tu., Sicily, 11 m. W. Palermo. Mont EUe, vil., Quebec, St. Maurice co. Montellmar, tn., France, dep. Drome Lat. 44° 34' N., long. 4° 45 B. Montella, tn., Italy, prov. Avellino. Lat. 40° 50' N., long. 15° 2' B. Montellano, tn., Spain, prov. and 35 m. SB. Seville. Montello, \ il. and tnslip., Wisconsin, cap. of Marquette co. Montelupo, vil., Italy, prov. Florence, Lat. 43° 43' N., long. 11° 2' E, Montelupone, vil., Italy, g m. NE. Macerata. 43" 21' N., 13° 33' E. Montemaggiore, tu., Sicily, prov. Palermo. Lat. 37" 49' N., 13° 44' E. Montemagno, vil,, Italy, prov. Alessandria. Lat. 44° 58' N., 8° 20' E. Montemarano, vil., Italy, prov. Avellino. Lat. 40° 53' N., 15° 1' E. Montemarclano, vil., Italy, 12 in. W. Ancona. 43° 39 N., 13° 18' E. Montemayor, tu., Spjiin, 16 in. SSE. Cordova. 40° 16' N., 5° 57' W. Montemiletto, vil., Italy, prov. Avellino. Lat. 41° i' N., 14° 56' E. Montemllone, vil., Italy, prov. Potenza, 18 m. ENE. Melfi. Montemolin, tn., Spain, prov. Badjvioz. I^at. 38° 7' N., 6" 13' W. Montemorelos, tn., Mexico, Nuevo Leon. 52 m. SE. Monterey. Montemor o Novo, tn., Portugal, 18 m. WNW. Evora. Montemor o Velho, tn,, Portugal. 14 m. WSW. Coimbra. Montemurro, vil., Italy, prov. Potenza, Lat. 40° 17' N., 15" 58' E. Montenegro, principality, Balkan Pen. Ar. 3486 sq. m. Pop. 236,000. Montenero, vil., Italy, la m. NNW. Larino. 41" 58' N., 14" 51' E. Montepa, vil., Colombia, state Cauca, 40 m. SSE. Mo(!oa. Montepagano, vil., Italy, 15 m, E. Teramo. Lat. 42" 41' N., 14° 2' E. Montepeloso, tn., Italy, 2t m. WNW. Matora. 40" 45' N., 16° 13' B. Monteprandone, vil., Italy, 13 m. ENE. Ascoli-Piceno. Montepulclano, tn., Italy, prov. Siena. Lat. 43° 5' N., long. 11° 47 E. Montereale, tn,, Italy, prov. Aquila, Lat 42° 32' N., long. 13° 15' E. Montereau, tu., Fraiiee, Seine-et-Marne Lat. 48" 23' N. Monterey, vil., Calilornia, in M. co Lat. 36° 50' N., long. 122* W. Monterey, vil. and tiisltp., Kentucky, Owen co. Monterey, vil. aii'l tnshp., Michigan, Allegan co. Monterey, city, Mexico, cap. of Nuevo Leon. Pop. 41,700. Monterey, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, cap. of Highland co. Monterey, In., Spain, prov. and 34 m. SB. Orense. Monteronl, vil., Italy, jirov. and 8 m. SSE. Siena. Montoronl, vil., Italy, circle and 5 m. WSW. Lecce. Monte Roaa, mtn., Pennine Alps, Switzerland and Italy. 15,217 ft. Monterosao, vil., Italy, prov. Genoa, 7 m. WXW. Spezia. MonteroBso, vil., Sicily, prov., 18 m. NW. Modica. 179 MON THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MOO Monte Rotondo, liigliest inountaia of Corsica. Alt. 9071 ft. Monterotondo, tn., Italy, prov. and 12 m. NNE. Rome. Monterubbiano, vil., Italy, 6 in. S. Fermo, on R. Aso. Monte San Giovanni, tn., Italy, prov. Rume, 7 ni. E. Frosinone. Monte San Gioliano, tn., Sicily, prov. and 10 m. E. Trapani. Monteaano, \\\., Italy, jirov. iSalerno, 9 ni. SSE. Sala Consilina. Monte San Savino, vil., Italy, prov. and 12 m. SW. Arezzo. Monte Sant'Angelo, tn., Italy, prov. and 28 in. NE. Foggia, Monte Santo. .St'*' Potenzi Picena. Monte Santo, tn., Brazil, state Bahia, 226 ni. NNW. Sao Salvador. Monte San Vito, vil., Italy, prov. and 14 m. W. Ancona. Montesarchio, tn., Italy, ]irov. and 7 m. SW. Beoevento. Montescaglioso, tn., Italy, L-iiole and 9 in. S. Matera. Monteae, vil., Italy, prov. Mndena, 6 in. SE. Pavidloiiel Frignano. Monteailvano. vil. .Italy, circle and 11 m. EXE. Penne. Monteapertoll, vil., It^ily, prov. and 12 m. SW. Florence. Montesquieu-Volveatre, tn., France, 29 m. S. Toulouse. Monteux, tn., France, dep. Vaucluse, 3 in. SW. Carpentras. MontevaUo, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Shelby co. Montevallo. vil. anil tnslip., filissouri, Vernon co. Montevarchi. vil., Italy, 17 m. NW. Arezzo, on R. Arno. Monte Velino, nitu., Italy, in Apennines. Alt. 8174 ft. Monteverde, vil., Italj', 18 in. EXE. Sant' Angelo dei Lorabardi. Montevideo, vil., minne,suta, cap. of Chippewa co. Montevideo, spt. eitv, and cap. of Urusiiay. Lat. 34" 54' 33" S., long. 56' 12' 15" W. Pop. 176,000. Monte Viso, intn., in Alps, 40 ni. SW. Turin. Alt. 12,585 ft. Montezuma, vil., Georgia, Macon co., on Flint R. Montezuma, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Pike co., on Illinois R. Montezuma, vil., Indiana, Parke co., on Waljash K. Montezuma, vil., Iowa, cap. of Poweshiek co. Montezuma, vil. and tnshp., New York, Cayuga co. Montezuma, vil., Tennessee, McX'airyco. Montferrand, tn., France, Puy-de-Donie, 2 in. NE. Clermont. Montfoort, vil., Netherlands, prov. and 8 m. SW, Utrecht. Montfort, tn., France, Seine-et-Oise, g m. N. Rambouillet. Montfort-sur-Meu, tn., France, lUe-et-Vilaine, 13 m. WNW. Rennes. Montfrin, tn., France, dt-p. Gard, 11 m. ENE. Mimes. Mont Gen^vre, nitn., Cottian Alps. Alt. 11,614 ft. Montgomery, pari, bor., Montgomeryshire, 7 m. S. Welshpool. Montgomery, city and cap. of Alabama. Lat. 32° 25' N. Pop. 21,790. Montgomery, vil., Illinois, Woodford CO. Montgomery, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Le Sueur co. Montgomery, \\\. uiid tnshp., New York, Orange Co. Montgomery,, Punjab, in NE. l\Iultan div. Montgomery, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 30" 58' N., long. 71° 21' E. Montgomery, set., Assiniboia, in a SSE. direction from Broadview. Montgomery, vil., Texas, cap. of Montgomery co. Montgomery, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Franklin co. Montgomery City, vil., Missouri, Montgomery co. Montgomeryshire, CO.. N. Wales. Area 774 sq. m. Pop. 65,718. Montgomery Station, viL, Pennsylvania, Lycoming co. Montherm^, tn., France, dep. Ardennes, 9 m. N. Mt-zieres. Monthey, vil., Switzerland, canton Valais, lo m. WNW. Sion. Montiaghs. p;ir., N. co. Armagh, on Lough Neagh and R. Bann. Montlcelli d'Ongina, vil., Italy, prov. Piacenza. Monticello, vil., Arkansas, cap. of Drew co. Monticello, vil., Florida, cap. of JefTerson co. Monticello, vil. and tnshp., Georgia, cap. of Jasper co. Monticello, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Piatt co. Monticello, vil., Iniliana, cap, of White co. Monticello, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Jones co. Monticello, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Johnson co, Monticello, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Wayne co. Monticello, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota. Wright co. Monticello, vil., Missouri, cap. of Lewis co., on the Mississippi. Monticello, vil., New York, Sullivan co., 1387 ft. above sea level. Monticello, vil.. Prince Edward Island, 42 ni. from Charlottetown. Monticlano, vil., Italy, prov. and 15 m. SSW. Siena. Montiferea. vil., France, dep. Somine, 2 m. NW. Amiens. Montieri, vil., Italy, prov. and 28 ni. N. Grosseto. MontigUo, vil., Italy, prov. Alessandria, on the Versa. Montlgnac, tn., France, dep. Dordogne, 12 m. NNW. Sarlat. Montigny, vil., Belgium, prov. Hainant, dist. Cliarleroi. Monti gny-l^B-Metz, vil., Alsace-LoiTaine, li m. SW. Metz. Montigny-aur-Sambre, tn., Belgium, Hainaut, 2.^ m. E. Charleroi. Montijo, tu., Si)ain, prov. Badajoz, 14 m. W. Merida. Montijo Bay, Colombia, on S. coast of Panama. Moutilla, tn., Spain, prov. and 21 m. SSE. Co^do^■a. Montirat, tn., France, dep. Tarn, 6 m. N. Monesties. MontivUlierB, tn., France, Seine-Inferieuie, 6 m. NE. Le Havre. Montjean, vil., France. Maine-et-Loire, 7 m. ENE, St. Florent. Montjoie, vil., France, dep. Ariege, i m. E, Saint-Lizier. Monijoie, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 16 m. SSE. Aix-la-Chapelle. Montjouy, fort, Spain, prov. Barcflona, on Mediterranean, Montlh^ry, tn,, Fmnce, Seine-et-Oise, 4 m. NNE. Arpajon. Montlouia, vil.. France, Indre-et-Loire, 6 m. ESE. Tours. Montlonia, ft. tn,, France, Pyrenees-Orientales, 16 m. WSW. Prades. Montlu^on, tn., France, dep. Allier, 37 m, WSW, Moulins. P. 26,079. Montluel. tn., France, dep. Ain, 14 in. ESE. Trevoux. Montmagny or St. Thomas, vil., Quebec, on R. St Lawrence. Montmartre, a N, suburb of Paris, g,v. Montmedy, tn., France, dep, Meuse, 53 m. NNE. Bar-le-Duc. Montmelian, tn., France, Savoie, 8 m. SE. Chambery, Montmeyrans, vil., France, Drome, 5 m. SW. Chabeuil. Montmirail, tii., France, dep. Marne, 21 m. SW. Epernay. Montmorency, vil., France, Seine-et-Oise, 12 m. ESE. Pontoise, Montmorency River, Quebec, falls into St. I^awrence. Montmorillon, tn., France, Vienne, 28 m. ESE, Poitiers. Montodine, vil., Italy, prov. Cremona, 6 m. S. Crema. Montogglo, vil., Italy, prov. and 7 m. NNE. Genoa. Montoir de Bretagne, vil., France, dep, Loire-Inferieure. Montoire, tn , France, Loir-et-Cher, 10 m, WSW. Veadome, Kontona, vil., Austria-Hungaiy, Istria, 13 m. ENE. Parenzo. Montone, vil., Italy, prov. and 18 m. N. Ptrugia, Montorio, ta., Italy, prov, and 6 m, S. Teraiuo. Montorio. vil., Italy, prov. Campobasso, 4 in. SE. Larino. Montoro, tn., Spain, 22 m. EXE. Cordova, Pop. 13,293. Montoro-Inferiore, tn., Italy, 9 m. S. AVcllino. Montoro-Superiore, com., Italy, 2 ni. N. of the foregoing. Montottone, vil., Italy, 11 m, SW, Fermo. Montour&ville, bor., Pennsylvania, Lycoming co. Montpelier, tn., Vermont, cap. of state and of Washington co. MontpelUer, tn., Frame, dep, Herault. Pop. 56,765. Mont Perdu, intn., Si>ain, in Pyrenees. Alt. 10,997 ft. Montpezat, tn,, France, Tarn-et-Garoune, 16 m. NNE. Montauban. Montrado, tn., Borneo, on R. Raja, 15 m. from the sea. Montreal, cily and port of entry, Quebec, at junction of Ottawa with St. Lawrence. Lat. 45" 31' N,, Inn.^r, 73" 34' W. Pop. 216,660. Montreal, tn . France, dep. Ain, 3 in, NNW. Nantua. Montreal, tn., France, dep. Aude 10 m. WSW. Carcassonne. Montreal, tn., Fiance, dep. Gers, 8 m. WSW. Condom. Montreal Island, Ontario, in Lake Superior. Montreal River, Ontario, flows 120 ni. to Lake Temiscamingue, Montreal River, Quebec, St. John's co., falls into Richelieu R. Montrejeao, tu., France, Haute-Garonne, 8 m. W. St. Gandens. MontreuU-Bellay. tn,, France, Maine-et-Loiie, 9 m, SSW. Saumur. Montreuil-soufl Bois, tn., France, 3^ ni, E. Paris. Montreuil-sur-Mer, tn,, France, Pas-de -Calais. Lat, 50" 28' N. Montreux. tn,, Switzerland, canton Vaud, 4 m, ESE. Vevey, Montrichard. tn., France, Loir-et-Cher, 18 m. SW. Blois. Montrone, vil., Italy, prov. and 8 m. .S. Bari. Montrose, spt. tn., Forfarshire, at mouth of South Esk R. Montrose, vU,, Ontario, co, and 8 in. from Welland. Montrose, vil,, Iowa, Lee co., on Mississippi R. Montrose, vil., Missouri, Henry co. Montrose, l)or,, Pennsylvania, cap. of Susquehanna co. Montrose, vil, and tnshp., Virginia, cap. of Westmoreland co. Montrouge, tn., France, dep Seine, 3 m. N. Sceaux. Mont- Saint -Aignan, tn,, France, Seine-Infeneure, i m. N, Roueu. Mont-Saint-Jean, vil, and farmhouse, Belgium, near Waterloo. Mont-Saint-Michel, ft. rock, France, dep. Manche, in the sea. Montserrat, isl., Brit. W. Indies. Lat. 16° 42' N., long. 62^ 13' W. Mont-fious Vaudrey, vil.. France, dep. Jura, on R. Cui.sauce. Mont-aur-Marchienne, vil., Belgium, 2^ m. S. Charleroi. Mont Tendre, mtii., Jnia iltns., Switzerland. Alt. 5538 ft. Montu-Beccaria, vil., Italy, 15 m. ENE. Vt>ghera. Mont-Valerien, celebrated fortress, on Seine, suburbs of Paris. Montvicq, tn., France, dep. Allier, 6 m. W. Montmarault. Montville, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, New Loudon co. Montville, vil., Ma:ne, Waldo co. Montville, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Geauga co. Monument, vil,, Massachusetts, Barnstable co. Monwel, petty state, Sorath div., Kathiawar, Bombay. Monyash, vil., Derbyshire, 5 m. W. Bakewcll. Monymusk, par. and vil., Aberdeenshire, ou R. Don. Monywa. vil., Lr. Burma, on R. Chindwin. Lat. 22' 6' N. Monza, tn.. Italy, prov. and 10 rn, NX'E. Milan. Monze, Cape. Siiid, Bombay, on Arabian Sea. Lat. 24' 50' N. Monzie, par. and vil., Perthshire, 3 in. NE. Criefl', Monzievaird and Strowan, par., Feithshire, on R. Earn. Monzon, tn., Spain, prov. Huesca, 52 m. E. Saragossa. Monzuno, vil., Italv, 15 m. SSW. Bologna. Moodie's Rush, gold-field, S. African Republic, S. of Jamestown. Mooers, viLand tnshp., New York, Clinton co. Mookden. ?^fc, Mukden. Moola or Mughla, tn., Asia Minor, 130 m. SE. Smyrna. Mooltan. i^cc Multan. Moomin Creek, New South Wales, CO. Benarba. Moon, Mountains of the, anc. name referring to ranges in Africa, in- cluiliiig Kenia, Kilinja-njaro, Rnwenzori, etc. Moonah Creek, Queensland, N. Gregory dist. Moonambel, tushji,, Victoria, 137 ni. NW. Melbourne. Moonbi, tnshp., New South Wales, 200 m. N. Sydney. Moonbung, tnshp., New South Wales, co, Gregory. Mooncoin, vil., S. co, Kilkenny, near R, Suir. Moondalca, tnshp,, New South Wales, co. Wentworth, on Darling R. Moone, p:ir. and vil., co, Kildare, 7 m, E. Athy. Moonee Ponds, vil. and rj*. stn,, Victoria, 4 m, N. Melbourne. Moonl River, Queensland, dist, Maranoa. Moonlight Creek. Queensland, flows to Gulf of Carpentaria. MoonUght Creek. Victoria, co. Gunbower, branch of R. Loddon. Moonta. tnshp.. S, Australia, 102 m. NW. Adelaide. Moor, vil., Hungary, 16 m, NW. Stuhlweissenburg. Moora, tnshp., Victoria, Rodney co. Moorabool, tn., Victoria. 48 in. SW. Melbourne. Mooraxa, tnshp.. New South Wales, co. Perry, on Darling R. Moore, tnshp. and vil., Cheshire, 3 m. SW. Warrington. Moore, par,, S. co, Roscommon, on Rs. Sliannou and Suck. Moorea, isl., in Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. Moorefield, vil., Ontario, co. Wellington, on R. Conestogo. Moorefield, vil. and tnshp,, W. Virginia, cap. of Hardy Co. Moorestown, vil.. New Jersey, Burlington co. Mooresville. vil., Indiana, Morgan co. Mooresville, vil., Ontario. 22 in. from London. Mooretown, vil., Ontario, co. Liuibton, 9 m. from Sarnia. Moorfoot HiUs, Midlothian and Peeblesshire. Highest pt. 2136 ft. Moorhead. \'il., Minnesota, cap. of Clay co. Moorina, tn., Tasmania, 203 m. N. Hobart. Moorlake, ry. stn., Ontario, 142 m. W. Ottawa. Moorna, tnshp.. New Snuth Wales, co. Tara. on Murray R. Moomanyah Lake, New South Wal'-s, co. Manara, Mooroopna, tnshp., Victoria, co. Rodney, iiom. NNE. Melbourne. Moorquong, tn.shp.. New South Wales, co. Wentworth. Moorseele, tn,, Belgium, W. Flanders, 6 m. WNW. Cnurtrai. Moorside, eccl. dist. and vil., Lancashire, 5 m. NW, Manchester. 180 MOO THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MOR Uoorslede, vil., Belgium, W. Flanders, g ra. NE. Ypres. Moorsley, tnslip., co. aiiU 4^ ra. NE. Durban). Moorswater, vil. and ry. stn,, Cornwall, i ui. W. Liskcard. Moorundle, set., S. Australia, co. Albert, on Murray K. Moorwatha, (list., New South Wales, co. Hume, 413 ni. SW. Sydney. Moorwinatow, cojist par, and vil., Cornwall, 22 m. N\V. Launceston. Moosburg. tn., Upper Bavaria, 11 m. ENE. Freising. Mooee Factory, Ontario, at mouth of Moose R. Moosehead Lake Maine, cos. Somerset auil Piscataquis. Moose Jaw, tn , Assiuiboia. 398 m. by rail W. Winni'^eg. Moose Lake, vil. and tnshp. Minnesota, Caiiton co. Mooae Lake, Baskatcli»^\v;tn. Lat. 54° 40' N., long. 104° W. Moose Mountala Assiuiboia. Lat. 49° 50' N., long. 102° W. Moose River, Ontario, flows 250 m. to James' I3ay Mooflic, vil., Pennsylviinia, Lackawanna co. Moosomin, ry. stn., Assiniboia, 219 ni. W. Winnipeg. Moquegua, tn., Peru, 77 m. SB. Arequipa. Mora, spt., Bombay, Thana dist. Port of Uran. Mora, tn., Spain, prov. and 18 m. ESE. Toledo. Mora, vil.. Sweden, Kopparberg liin, 46 m. NW. Falun. Moradabad, dist., NW. Provs. , India. Ar. 2281 sq. m. Moradabad, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 28" 50' N. Pop. 72,870. Mora de Ebro, tn.. Spain, 31 m. W. Tarragona. Mora de Rubieloa, tn., Spain, 20 m. ESE. Teruel. Moral de Calatrava, tn., Spain, 11 m. N W. Valdepcnas. Morales, vil., Bolivar, 74 m. SSE. Monipos. Moral -ka-kanda, mtn. range, Bashahr state, N. I'-dia. Moramba Island, Fiji, SW. of Fulanga Pas.sage. Morana, com., Spain, prov. and n ni. NE. Pontevedia. Morang, tn., Victoria, co. Bourke, 18 m. NE. Melbourne. Morangorell, tnshp., New South Wales, 200 m. W. Sydney. Morano Calabro, tn., Italy, 6 m. NW. Castrovillari Morant, .spt. tn.. Jamaica, 25 m. ESE. Kingston. Morar, di.-,t., W. coast Inverness. Loch Morar is 12 m. long. Morar, tn., Gwalior, Cent. India. Lat. 26° 14' N. Morat or Marten, tn., Switzerland, S m. NNW. Fribnurg. Morata de Tajuna, vil., Spain, prov. and 18 ni. SE. MaJrid. Moratalla, tn., Spain, prov. and 40 m. WNW. Murcia. Morava or March, riv., Moravia, Hows S. 212 m. to the Danube. Moravia, niargravate, Austria. Area 8580 sq. ra. Pop. 2,236,320. Moravia, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Cayuga co. Moray, anc. prov., Seotlami, included cos. Elgin, Nairn, part of Invcnies.s, and part of Banff. Ste Elginshire. Moray, vil., Ontario, Middlesex, 35 m. from London. Moray Firth, arm of the sea, NE. Scotland. Morayshire. .St't' Elginshire. Morbecqne, vil., France, dep. Nord, i\ m. S8W. Hazcbrouck, Morbegno, tn., Italy, prov. and 15 ra. WSW. Sondrio. MorbhanJ, native state, Ori.ssa, Bengal. Area 4243 sq. m. Morblhan, a NW. dep., France. Area 2625 sq. m. Pop. 630,2S6. Morchard, tnshp., S. Australia, 156 m. N. Adelaide. Morchard Bishop, par. and vil., Devon, 6A^ ra. NW. Crediton. Morchenstem, In., Bohemia, dist. and 4 ni. ENE. Gablonz. Morchopna, petty state, Kathiawar, Gujarat, Bombay. Ar. 88 sq. m. Morcin, com., Spain, prov. and 7 m. S. Oviedo. Morcone, tn., Italy, 21 m. SW. Carapobasso. Mordano, vil., Italy, prov. Bologna, 7 m. NE. Iraola. Morden, vil., Nova Scotia, on Bay of Fundy. Morden, par. and vil., Dorset, 5 ra. N. Wareliara. Morden, par. and vil., Surrey, 4^ m. NW. Croydon. MordioUoc, tnshp., Victona, co. Bourke, 16J m. SE. Melbourne. Mordiford, par. and vil., co. and 4i m. SE. Hereford. Mordlngton, coast par. and ham,, E. Berwickshire, on R. Whiteaddcr. Morea, poninsnla, forming S. portion of Greece. Morea, tnshj). and ry. stn., New Zealand, co. llotorna. Morea, Lake, Victoria, co. Lowan, 11 ra. from S. Australian border. Mor^ac, vil., France, dep. Moi-bihan, aj ra. NNE. Locrainc. Morebattle, vil., Roxhiughshire, on Kale Water Morecombo, tn. on M. Bay, Lancashire, 3^ ra. NW. Lancaster. Moree, tn., New South Wales, 391 m. N. Sydney. Morehead City, vil., N. Carolina, Carteret co. Morelelgh or Morley, par. and vil.. Devon, 5J m. SW. Totnes. Morella, tn., Mexico, 125 m. WNW. Mexico. Pop. 30,000. Morella, tn., Spain, 43 m. N. Castellon de la Plana. Moreloa, inland state, Mexico. Area 2028 sq. ra. Pop. 151,540. MoreloB, tn., Mexico, state Nuevo Leon. Pop. 14.227. Moreml, tn., S. Africa, Baniangwato, at end of Lake Ngami. Morencl, vil., Michigan, Lenawee co. , on TilRn R. Moreno, vil., Colombia, on R. Mnese, 6 ra. E'^E. Labranza Grande. Morea, vil., Sardinia, 10 m. WSW. Ozieri. Moresby, cnast par. and vil., Cumberland, A ni. NE. Wliitehaven Moresby, Port- .sVe Port Moresby. Moresby Islands, Queen Cliaiiutte Is., British Columbia. Moresby Islands, group at SE. extremity of New Guinea. Moreton, par. and vil., Essex, 5^ m. NE. Epping. Moreton, reel. dist. and vil., Shropshire, 3^ m. S. Oswestry. Moreton, dist., Queensland, in extreme SIC. of Colony. Moreton Bay, Queensland. Lat. 27° 19' S., long. 153' xd E. Moreton Hampstead, tn., Devonshire, 12 ra. SW. Kxcter. Moreton In the Marsh, tn., Gloucester, 6 m. SE. Chipping Camden. Moreton Island, Queensland, on E. side of Moreton IJay. Moreton Say, par. and vil., Shropshire, 3 m. W. Market Draytpanoose co. Monltonborough, vil. and tnshp., New Hamp.shire, Carroll co. Moulton Station, vil., Ontario, 5 m. from Dunnville. Moultrie, vil. and tnshp., Georgia, cap. of Colquitt co. Mound, The, ry. stn., Sutherlandshire, 3^ ra. SW. Golspie. Mound City, vil, and tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Pulaski co. Mound City, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, cap. of Linn co. Mound City, vil., Missouri, Holt co. Moundsville, vil., W. Virginia, cap. of Marshall co. Mound Valley, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Labette co. Mouudville, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Veinun co. Mountain Aah, tn., Glamorganshire, 3J m. SE. Aberdare. Mountain Home, vil. and tn.shp., Arkansas, cap. of Baxter co. Mountain Home, vil., Pennsylvania, Munroe co. Mountain Island, vil., N. Carolina, Gaston co. Mountain Lake, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Cottonwood co. Mountain Top, vil., Pennsylvania, Lucerne co. Mount Airy, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, Surry co. Mount Albert, vil. and ry. stn., New Zealand, 7 m. from Auckland. Mount Albert, vil., Ontario, co. York, 42 m, from Toronto. Mount Albion, vil., Ontario, 7 ra. froni Hamilton. Mount Auburn, vil. and tnshp., lilinnis. Christian co. Mount Ayr, vil., Iowa, cap. of Ringgold co. Mount Barker, tn., S. Australia, 22 m. E. Adelaide. Mount Barker, post stn., W. Australia, 224 m. SE. Perth, Mountbellew, mkt, tn., co. Galway, 14 m. NW. Ballinasloe. Mount Bischoff (Waratah), tn., Tasmania, co. Russell. Mount Blackwood (Red Hill), tnshp., Victoria, co. Bourke. Mount Britton, gold-tiehl, Queensland, co. Wodehouse. Mount Browne, mining dist., New South Wales, co. Evelyn. Mount Brown Station, set., S. Australia, co. Frome. Mount Bryan, ry. stn., S. Australia, co. Burra. Mount Calvery, vil., M'isconsin, Fnnd-du-Lac CO. Mount Carmel, vil., Connecticut, New Haven co. Mount Carmel, city and tn.shp., Illinois, cap. of Wabash co. Mount Carmel, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Fleming co. Mount Carmel, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Northumberland Co. Mount Carroll, vil., Illinois, cap. of Carroll CO. Mount Chamber's Creek, S. Australia, branch of Lake Frome. Mount Chambers Mine, S. Australia, 5 ni. S. of above. Mountcharles, vil., CO. and 4 m. SW. Donegal. Mount Clemens, city, Michigan, Mawcomb co. Mount Cotterel, jiosttn., Victoria, 20 m. W. Melbourne. Mount Crawford, vil., Virginia, Rockingham co. Mount Desert Island, Maine, in Frenchman's Bay. Mount Edgcumbe, seat, Cornwall, opposite Plymouth. Mount Egerton, vil., Victoria, Grant co. Mount Emu Creek, Victoria, branch of the Hopkins R. Mountfleld, par. and vil., Sussex, 4 m. N. Battle. Mount Forest, tu., Ontario, 87 m. by rail NW. Toronto. Mount Gambler, tn., S. Australia, 2B7 m. SE. Adelaide. Mount Hawke, eccl. dist. and vil., Cornwall, 4 m. N. Redruth. Mount HoUy, tn., New Jersey, cap. of Burlington co. Mount Holly Springs, bor., Pennsylvania, Cumberland co. Mount Hope, vil.. New York, Westchester co., in New York city. Mount Hope, tn.. New South Wales, 440 m. W. Sydney. Mount Kembla, mtn., New S. Wales, lUawarra Alt. 1560 ft. Mount Lofty, station, S. Australia, n ra. from Adelaide. Mountmellick, tn. and tnshp., N. Queen's co., 6 m. W. Portarlington. Mount Mercer, tn., Victoria, co. Grenville, 96 m. WNW. Melbourne. Mount Morgan, tnshp., Queensland, 28 m. SSW Rockhampton, Mount Morris, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Ogle co Mount Morris, vil. and tnslip., Michigan, Genesee co. Moont Morris, ^ il. and tnshp.. New York, Livingston co. Mountnessing, par. and vil., Essex, 4 m. NE. Brentwood. Mountnorrla Bay, N.Ter., Australia, bet. Croker I. and DeCourcyHd. Mount Olive, vil., Illinois, Macoupin co. Mount Olive, vil., N. Carolina, Wayne co. Mount Oliver, Pennsylvania, suburb of Pittsburg, Alleghany co. Mount Pellon, eccl. dist., W. Riding, Yorks, on N. side of Halifax. Mount Perry, station, Queensland, co. Bowen, 200 m. NW. Brisbane. Mount Pleasant, stn., S. Australia, co. Adelaide, 35 m. NE. of capital. Mount Pleasant, set.. Prince Edward Island, co. Prince. Mount Pleasant, vil., Iowa, cap. of Henry co. Mount Pleasant, Ml., Mirhigan, cap. of Isabella co. Mount Pleasant, vd. and tnshp., Ohio, Jefferson ro. Mount Pleasant, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Westmoreland co. Mount Pleasant, vil., Utah, San Pete CO. Mount Pulaski, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Logan co. 182 MOU THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MUL Mountrath, tn., W. Queen's co., S m. SW. Maryborough. MooQtB Bay, on S. coast of Cornwall, 20 ni. from Li^iard Head to Guethensbras Point. Monntaorrel, tn., Leicestershire, 4 m. SE. Loughborough. Mount Sterling, vil. and tiihlip., Illinois, cap. of Brown co. Mount Sterling, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Montgomery co. Mount Stewart, vil., Prince Edward I., 22 m. from Charlottetown. Mount St. Patrick, vil., Ontario, Co. and 17 m. from Renfrew. Mount Torrena, dist., S. Australia, co, Adelaide, 30 m. from capital. Mount Union, bor., Pennsylvania. Huntingdon co. Mount Upton, vil., New York, Clienango co., on the UnadiUa R. Mount Vernon, vil. and tnshp., lUinuis, cap. of Jefferson co. Mount Vernon, City, Indiana, cap. of Posey CO., on the Ohio R. Mount Vernon, vil., Iowa, Linn co. Mount Vernon, vil. and tnslip., Slissouri, cap. of Lawrence co. Mount Vernon, vil., New York, Westchester co., on the Bronx R. Mount Vernon, city, Ohio, cap. of Knox co., on the Vernon R. Mount Victoria, til., New South Wales, 77 m. NW. Sydney. Mount Victory, vd., Ohio, Hardin co. Mount Washington, vil., Maryland, Baltimore co. Mount William Creek, Victoria, co. Borung. Mount WinanjB, vil., Indiana, Baltimore co. Moura. tn., Portuj,'al, in Algarve. Moume, barony, S. co. Down. 47,877 acres. Moume, Lough, N. co. Antrim, 3 m. N. Carrickfergus. Monme, Lough, SE. co. Donegal, 5 m. SW. Stranorlar. Moume, River, en. Tyrone, llows 10 m. NW. to R. Foyle at Liflbrd. Moomeabbey, ]>ar., mid co. Cork, 3 m. S. Mallow. Mourne Mountains, S. CO. Down. Lat. 54° 8' N., long. 6' W. Moumpall, Lake, Victoria, co. Karkarooc. Mourzouk, tn., N. Africa, Tripoli, in the Fezzan Oasis. Mouaa, isl., Shetland, 11 m. S. Lerwick, ij m. long and | m. broad. Mouacron, vil., Belgium, E. Flandei-s. Mouse Island, S. co. Kerry, in Lower Lake of Killarney. Mouse Island, Newfoundland, 3 m. from Channel. Mouse Islands, off N. coast of Anglesey. Mouse River, Canada and U.S., alll. of the Assiniboine, 500 m. long. Mouse River, Athabasca, fulls into Little Slave R. Mouse Sand, sandbank at mouth of R. Thames. Mouaewald, par. and vil., S. Dumfriesshire, 7 m. SE. Dumfries. Mouse Water, NE. Lanarkshire, flows 14 m. SW. to R. Clyde. Moutajup, tn., Victoria, co. Dundas, 193 m. W. Melbourne. Moutere Bay, New Zt-aland, CO. Waimea, inlet from Tasman Bay. Moutiers en-Tarantaise, tn., France, dep. Savoie, ou R. Is6re. Mouton Point, Nova Scotia, Queen's co. Mouy, tn., France, dep. Oise, 13 m. SE. Beauvais. Moviddy, par., mid co. Cork, on R. Bride, 7 m. NW. Eandon. Moville, tn., NE. co. Donegal, 19 ni. N. by E. Londonderry. MovUle, Lower, par., NE. CO. Donegal. 15,951 acres. Moville, Upper, jiar., NE. CO. Donegal. 19,072 acres. Mowa, tn., Jaipur state, Rajputana. Lat. ^^'' 3' N., long. 76° 59' E. Mowar, tn. and municipality, Nagpurdist., Cent. Provs., India. Mowcop, eccl. dist., Stalfortishire, 3 m. SW. Congleton. Moweaqua, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Shelby co. Moiley, eccl. dist., Stafibidshire, i m. SE. Bilstou, Moy, tn., SE. co. Tyrone, 5^ m. SE. Dungannon. Moyacomb. par., cos. Carlow^^Wicklow, Wexford. Contains Clonegall. Moyaliff, par., W, co. Tipperary, 6 \\\. SW. Thurles. Moyanna. par., E. Queen's co., 3 m. NE. Stradbally. Moyar River, rises on the Nilgiri plateau and flows into the Bhavani. Moyarta, barony, SW. co. Clare. 68,679 acres. Moyarta. par., SW. co. Clare, 4 m. from Kilrush. 15,613 acres. Moybolgue, par., cos. Meath and Cavan. MoycuUen, barony, W. co. Galway. 202,386 acres. Moycullen, par. and hamlet, W. co. Galway, 8 m. NW. Galway. Moydart. dist., Inverness-slnre. ^Ve Moidart. Moye Point, headland, on SW. coast of Jersey, Channel Is. Moye Point, headland, on S. coast of Guernsey, Cliannel Is. Moyeuvre la Grande, tn., Alsace-LotTaine, on R. Orne. Moylagh, par., NW. Co. Meath, on R. Iiuiy, 3 m. SW. Oldcastle. Moylough, ]>ar., NE. co. Galway. 23,386 ac. Contains Mountbellew. Moynalty, jirir. and handet, co. Meath, on R. Moynalty, 5 m. N. Kells. Moynalty River, 8E. co. Cavan, flow.s 8E. through co. Meath. Moyne. ]>ar. and vil., NE. co. Tipperary, 7 m. NE. Thurles. Moynishmore Island, W. co. Mayo. Moyntaghfl. .S.f Montlaghs. Moyobamba, tn., I'ern, 120 m. E. Chachapoyas. Moyola River, co. Londonderry, flows 20 m. E. to Lough Neagh. Moy River, S. Co. Sligo, falls into Killala Bay. Lat. 54° 10' N. Moyrua, coast par., W. co. Galway, 2 m. SE. Clifden. Moyaton, tnshp., Victoria, co. Borung, 167 m. from Me-lbourne. Moyteoge Head, W. side of Achill, W. CO. Mayo. Mozambique, tlie Portuguese E. African possessions. 382,680 sq. ni. Pop. 2,000,000. Mozambique, city, c^p. of above. Lat. 15" 2' S., long. 40° 48' K Mozambique Channel, between Madagascar and Mozambique. Mozhalak, tn., Russia, 63 in. WSW. jloscow. Mozum, stii., Niger Cny's Territory, W. Africa. Mozyr, tn., Rnssia, 146 m. SE. Minsk, on R. PHpet. Mpala, miss, stn., Coin;'> slate, on L. Tanganyika. Mponda, miss, stn., Africa, at S. end of Lake Nyassa. Mpwapwa, fort, German E. Africa, in Usagara. Mro haung, tnshp., Akyab dist., Britisli Burma. Mro haung, hdqrs. Mro-haung tnshp., Brit. Burma. IJit. 22' 44' N. Msalala, miss, stn., German E. Africa, S. of Victoria Nyanza. ■ Msaraka, miss, stn., German E. Africa, near coast. Mfliri's Country, Central Afi-ica, on Upper Ij\]atal)a. Mata, River, liussia, govs. Tver and Novgorod, falls into L. Ilmen. Matlslavl, tn., Russia, 54 m. ENE. Molulcv. Msumba, university miss, stn., Africa, on E. coast of Lake Nyassa. Mtzenak, tn,, Russia, gov. and 35 m. NNE. Orel. Muattapalal, taluk, Travancore state, Madras Pros. Muborakpur, tn., Azamgarli dist., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 26° 5' N. Muchachinock, vil., Iowa, Mahaska co. Muchalat Lake, British Colunibia, Vancouver I. Much Birch, pur. and vil., co. and 6^ m. S. Hereford. Much Dewchurch, par. and vil., co. and 6 m. SW. Hereford. Much Morcle, par., tnshp., vil., Herefordshire, 5J m. SW. Ledbury. Much Wenlock, tn. and par., Shropshire, in bor. of Wenlock. Much Woolton, tn. and tnshp., SW. Lancashire, 5 m. SE. Liverpool. Muckamore, Grange of, par., in co. and i^ m. S. Antrim. Muckeraie, ancient par., now in Forteviot par., SE. Perthshire. Muckinlsh Island, in Lnngh Erne, co. Fermanagh. Muckish, mtn., 5 m. SW. Duufanaghy, co. Donegal. Alt. 2190 ft. Muck Island, Argyllshire, 4 m. N. Ardnamnrchan Point. Muck Island, off E. coast of co. Antrim, 3 m. E. Larne. Muckle Burn, Nairn and Elgin, flows 19 ni. NE. to Findhorn Bay. Muckle riagga, isl., Shetland, in N. of Unst par. Muckle Roe, isl., Shetland, 27 m. NW. Lerwick. Mucklestone, tnshp., Staffordshire, and par. partly also in Shrop- shire, 4^ ni. NE. Market Drayton. Muck Loch, Ayrshire, on SE. border of Dalmellington par. Muckno, par., E. co. Monaghan. Contains Castleblayney MuckroBB, peninsula, mid co. Kerry, 3 m. S. Killarney. Mod Creek, Ontario, Simcoe co. Muddebihal, sub-div., Bijapur (list., Bombay. Muddebihal, tn,, Bijalpur dist., Bombay. 16" 20' N., 76° 10' E. Muddy Creek, Tennessee, flows through Loudoun co. Muddy Creek, Athabasca, Canada. Muddy Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. Mndgal, tn. and fort, Haidarabad. Lat. 16" N., long. 76' 29' E. Mudgee, tn.. New S. Wales, co. Wellington, 153 m. NW. Sydney. Madgirl, taluk, Kadur dist., Mysore state. Mudhol, native state, Bombay Presidency. Pop. 62,163. Mudhol, chief tn., Mudhol state. Lat. 16° 19' N., long. 75' 19' E. Mud Island, Victoria, in Port Philip Bay. Mud Islands, Nova Scotia, Shelburne co. Mudivedu, tn., Cuddapali dist., Madras. Lat. 14" i' N., 78° 44' E. Mudun, vil., Amherst dist., British Burma. Muff, par. and vil., E. co. Donegal, 7 m. N. Londonderry. Mugardos, spt., Spain, Galicia, NE. Corunna. Mugdrum Island, Perthshire, on Firth of Tay. Mtigelu, tn., Saxony, 29 m. ESE. Leipzig. Muggleswlck, par. and vil., Durham, 8^ m. NW. Wolsingham. Mughalbhin, tn., Karachi dist., Bombay Pres. 24° 22' N., 68° 18' E. Mughalpur, tn., Moradabad dist., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 28' 55' N. Mughal Sarai, tn., Benares dist., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 25° 16' N. Miiglitz, tn., Moravia, 19 m. NW. Olmutz, on R. March. Mugnano, tn., Italy, 5 m. NNW. Naples. Muhalitch, tn., Asia Minor, 37 m. W. Brusa. Muhamdi, tahsil, Kheri dist., Outih, India. Muhamdi, yxirgnna, Kheri dist., Oudli, India. Muhamdi, tn., Kheri dist., Oudh, India. Lat. 27° 57' N., 80° 15' E. Muhammadabad, tahsil, Ghazipur dist. See Eurantadih. Muhammadabad, tahsil, Azamgarh dist., N W. Pruvs., India. Muhammadabad, hdqrs. tn., Muhammadabad tahsil. Muhammadgarh. native state. Central India. Muhammad Khans Tando. See Tando Muhammad Ehan. Muhammadpur, \\i., Saran dist., Bengal. Muhammadpur, tn., Patna dist., Bengal. Lat. 25" 30' N., 85' 46' E. Muhammadpur, pargana, Bara Banki dist., Oudb, India. Miihlbach, tn., Transylvania. 29 m. WNW. Hermannstadt. Miihlberg, tn., Prussian Saxony, on the Elbe. Miihlburg, tn., Baden, i m. W. Carlsruhe Muhldorf, tn.. Upper Bavaria, 45 m. ENE. Munich. Muhlhausen. tn., Prussian Saxony, 29 m, NW. Erfurt. Pop. 27,231. Muick. rivulet, SW. Aberdeenshire, flows 13 m. to the Dee. Muiden, ft. tn., N. Holland, 8 m. ESE. Amsterdam. Muilrea, mtn., SW. co. Mayo. Alt. 2688 ft. Muir, vil,, Michigan, Ionia co., on the Grand R. Mulrhead, vil., Lanarkshire, 3J m. W. by S. Whitburn. Muirkirk, tn. and par., E. Ayrshire, 26 m. E. by N. Ayr. Mulrklrk, vil., Ontario, co. Bothwell, 6 m. from Lake Erie. Mujnai River, Jalpaiguri dist., Bengal, trib. of tlie Jaldhaka. Mujpur, [tetty state, Bombay. Mukama, tn., Patna dist., Bengal. Lat. 25° 24' N., long. 85" 55' E. Mukandwara, vil., Kntah state, Rajputana. Lat. 24° 48' N., 76° 4' E. Kukdeesha. See Magadoro. Mukden, city, Manchuria, 380 m. NE. Pekin. Pop. 260.000. Muker, tn. and tnshp., N. Riding, Yorkshire, 5 m. NW. Askrigg. Mukerian, tn., Hoshiarpur dist., Punjab, India. 31' 56' N,, 77''38' E. Muktsar, tahsil, Firozpur dist., Punjab, India. Muktsar, hdqrs. tn., Muktsar tahsil. Lat. 30° 2S' N. , long, 74" 33' E. Mul, ^l/(.s(7,chandadi3t,, Cent. Provs., India. Area 5098 sq. m. Mul, tn., Clianda,. Cent. Provs., Imlia, Lat, 20" 4' N., 79° 43' E. Mulamur, tn., Coimltatore dist., Madras. Lat. 10" 45' N., 77' 46' E. Mulbagal, taluk, Kolar dist., Mysore state. Mulbagal, In., Kolar dist., Mysore state. Mulbarton, jtar. and vil., Norfolk, sj m. SW. Norwich, Mulberry Creek, Alabama, branch of the Alabama R. Mulberry Grove, vil. and tnshp., Illinois. Bond co. Muldoanlch, inh't, Inverness-sliiro, Hebrides, 2 in. S. Barra. Mule, stream, Montgonieiyshire, flows 10 m. E. to the Severn. Mulgrave, Cape, Alaska, lies in lat. 59° 33' N., long. 139* 43' W. Mulgrave Island, Torres Strait, Australia. Mulgund. tn., Dharwar dist., Bombay Pres. 15' 17' N., 75" 36' E. Mull, nalive state, Gujarat, India. 133 sq. m. Pop. 19,832. Muli, cliief tn., Muli state, India. Lat. 22° 38 N., long, 71° 30' E. Mulila Deri, petty state, Bombay. Mulkear River. N. CO. Tipperary, trib. of the R. Shannon. Mull. isl.. NW. Argyllshire, 7 m. W. Oban. Ijit 56' 30' N., 6* W. Mull. Bound of, Argyllshire, bet. Mull I. and Morvcrn. Mullagh, par. and vil., S. co. Cavan, 7 m. NW. Kells. Mullaghanoe. aflluent of R. Moy, cos. Sligo and Mayo. Mullaghbrack, par., micl co, Armagh. Contains part of Markethlll. Mullaghcam. mtn.. mid Co. Tyrone, 6 m. NE. Omagh. Alt. 1778 ft. 183 MUL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER MUZ MuUaghliash, nitn., S. CO. Londonderry, 5111. SW. Dangiveu. 1518 ft. Mullaghmore Loagh, mid co. Armagh, 2 m. SE. Markethill. Mullanatire, mtu., N. co. Leitrim. Alt. 1275 ft. Mullengoree Lake, Victoria, co. Lowan. Mullen Harboor, New Guinea, on SW. coast. Mallet, The, peninsula, NW. co. Mayo, 12 ni. long. Mullett River, Wisconsin, rises in Fund du Lac co. Mull Head, Orkney, N. extremity of Papa Westray L Mulligan River, Queensland, dist. N. Gregory. Mollisrach, most N. of Summer Is., W. est. of Ross and Cromarty. Mollinacuff, jjar., SW. co. Wicklou-, 4 m. SW. Tinahely. MollinaJione, tn., E. co. Tipperary, 6 m. SW. Callan. Mullingar, tn., par., and tushp., co. Westmeath, 50 m. NW. Dublin. MulUon, par. and vil., Cornwall, ^i m. N. Lizard Head Molloch Cleevaon, mtn., N. co. Wicklow. 2783 ft. Mullrose, tu., Prussia, Brandenburg, 10 m. SW. Frankfort. Mullyaah Hills, co. Monagban. Greatest alt. 1034 ft. Molroy Bay, N. CO. Donegal, bet. Sheep Haven and Lough SwiUy. MiilBen Sanct Jacob, vil.. Saxony, 4 m. E. Zwickau. Miilaen Sanct Niclas, vil., Saxony, near the above. Multat, tahsil, Betiil dist., Cent. Provs., India. Area 961 sq. m. Multai, tn. and municipality, Betul dist., Cent. Provs., India. Multan, div., Punjab, India. Area 21,316 sq. m. Pop. 2,046,970. Multan, dist, Punjab, India. Area 6079 sq. m. Pop. 630,890 Multan, tahsil, Multan dist., Punjab. Area 949 sq. m. Multan, city and Iidqrs., Multan dist. Lat. 30° 12' N. Pop. 74,510. Muluruerindie River, New South Wales, co. Inglis. Mulwalla, tn., New Soutli Wales, co. Denison, 427 m. S. Sydney. Mulyungari, Lake, S. Australia, 60 m. S. Lake Fronie. Mumbles Head, Wales, co. Glamorgan, on W. of Swansea liay. Mnmbolithe Reef, Fiji, due S. of Goa. Mumby, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 4ni. Sci. Alford. Mummel See, lake, Baden. 17 ni. NE. Ottenburg. Muncaster, par, and vil., Cumberland, i^ m. E. Ravenglass. Miincbberg, In., Bavaria, 19 ni. NNE. Baireutb. Miinchberg, tn., Prussia, 21 m. NW. Frankfort-on-the-Oder. Miinchea Gladbach, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 16 m. W. Diisseldorf. Pop. 49,620. — Muncie, in., Indiana, cap. of Delaware co. Mundargi, tn., Dharwar dist., Bombay. Miinden, tn., lIano\-er, 15 m. WSW. GiJttingen. Miinder, tn., Hanover, on R. Haniel. Mundhri, tn., Bhandara dist., Cent. Provs., India. Mondlana, tn., Rohtak dist., Punjab, India. Mundooran, tn., New South Wales, co. Gowen, 212 ni. NW. Sydney. Mundra, port, Cutch, Bombay. Lat. 22° 48' N., long. 69° 52' E. Mundy, Lake, Victoria, co. Folett. Mungallala Creek, Queensland, dist Maranoa. Mungapakam, vil., Vizagapatam dist., Madras. Lat, 17° 38' N. MungeH, fiihi^i!, Bilaspur dist., Cent. Provs., India. ' Mungeli, liJqrs. tn., Mungeli tahsil. Lat. 22° 4' N., long. 81° 44' E. Mungersdorf, vil., Prussia, 5 m. from Cologne. Mungo, River, Cameroons, W, Equatorial Africa. Mungret. par., in co. and 3^ m. SW. Limerick. Muni, River, W. Equatorial Africa, flows to Corisco Bay. Munia Island, Fiji, one of the Ex)doring group. Highest pt. 1054 ft. Munich, cap. city of Bavaria. Lat. 43° 10' N., 11° 31' E. Pop. 345,142. Muniong, mtn. range, N. S.Wales, part of the Great Dividing Cliain. Munj, vil., Etawah dist., NW. Provs., India. 26° 53' N., 79" 12' E. Munkacs, tn., Hungary, 80 ni. NE. Debreczin. Munahiganj, sub-div., Dacca dist., Bengal. Munslow, par. and vil., Shropshire, 9J m. SW. Much Wenlock. Munster, prov., in SW. of Ireland. 6,064,579 acres. Pop. 998,571. Miinster, tn., Prussia, cap. of Westphalia. Pop. 49,013. Monster, tn., Alsace, 10 m. WSW. Colinar. Miinsterberg, tn., Prussian Silesia, 35 m. S. Breslau. Munstereifel, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 21 ni. SSW. Cologne. Mnnterconnaught, par., S. co. Cavan, 2 m. SW. Virginia, Munterlony, lull, N. co. Tyrone, 5 m. NE. Gortin. Alt. 1432 ft. Munyeru River, Nellore dist., Madras, Munyeru River, Ki.stna dist., Madras, trib. oftheKistna. Moradabad, tn., Un;i0 dist., Oudh, India. Murad-Chai River, Turkey, the E. bead-stream of R. Euphrates. Muradnagar, vil., Meerut dist, NW, Provs., India. Murano, In., Italy, on island, N. Venice. Mnrashkino, tn., Russia, 40 m. SSE. Nijni-Novgorod. Murassapur, tn., Partabgarh dist, Oudh, India. Murat, tn., France, Cantal, 30 m. NW. Aurillac. Murbad, sub-div., Thana dist., Bombay. Murchison, tn., Victoria, co. Rodney, 92 m, N. Melbourne, Murchison Falls, on Shire R., Cent. Afiica. Lat. 15° 40' S. Murchison Mountain, in Rockv Mtns., Alberta, Canada, Lat. 51" 45' N., long. 117' 15' W. Alt. i5,7cx)ft. Mnrchiflon River, Tasmania, co. Lincoln, trib. of the Macintosh R. Mnrcia, old kingdom, SE. Spain, now provs. of Murcia and Albacete. Murcia, citv, cap. of above, on R. Segura, 30 m. NNW. Cartagena. Lat. 3S' N., lung, i" 10' W. Pop. 94,327. Mnrdara, tn., Bhandara dist,, Cent. Provs., India, Murdeduke, Lake, Victoria, co. Greuville, 25 m, W. Geelong. Murdeawar, port, N. Ivanara dist,, Bombay. Lat. 14° 6' N., 74' 36' E. Murdoch Point, Queensland, dist Cook, near Cape Flattery. Mure, La, vi!., Fmnce, dep. Isere, 23 m. S. Grenoble. Muret, tn., France, Haute-Garonne, 10 m. SW. Toulouse. Murfreeaborough, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, Hertford CO. Murfreesborough, city, Tennessee, cap. of Rutherford co. Mnrg, River, Wiirtemberg and Baden, flows 40 m. to the Rhine. Murgain, Cape, Cape Breton Island, Cape Breton co. Murghab, River, Afghanistan, tlows 250 m. NW. into Khiva. Murgod, tn., Belgaum dist, Bombay. Lat. 15° 53' N., 74° 58' E. Morher, par., N. CO. Kerry, 6 m. NE. Listowel. 10,698 acres. Muritzaee, lake, Germany, Meeklenburg-ScliwerJn, 19 m. long. Murloch Bay, N. co. Antrim, between Fair Head and Torr Head. Murlo dl Vescovado, vil., Italy, 13 in. from Siena. Mumad, vil., Coorg, India. Mure, tn., Italy, 19 ni. NW. Potenza. Muro, tn., Spain, in Alicante. Muro, tu., Spain, Majorca. 25 m. NE. Palma. Murom, tn., Russia, 70 ni. ESF. Vladimir, on R. Oka. 55''4o'N., 42° E, MuroB, tn., Spain, prov. Corunna, 30 ni. WSW. Santiago. Murphysborough, city and tushp., Illinois, Jackson co. Murragh, par., mid co. Cork, 6 m. NW. Bandon. Murray, vil. and tnslip., Kentucky, cap. of Calloway co. Morray, dist., Victoria, in NE. of colony. Murxaybridge, tn., S. Australia, co. Sturt, 60 m. E. Adelaide. Murray Firth. See Moray Firth. Murray Island, Queensland, otfS. coast of New Guinea. Murray Islandfl, Australia, S, of Flinders Passage, Gulf of Papua. Murray River, New South Wales. Lat. 35' 25' S., long. 139° 30' E. Murray River, New Zealand, Stewart Island. Murrayaburg, vil., Cape Colony, 100 m. E. Beaufort West. Lat. 32° S. Murree, ttOisil, Rawal Pindi dist., Punjab, India. Murree, hdqrs. and sanitarium, Murree tahsil. 33' 54' N., 73° 76' E. Murree Hiila, Rawal Pindi dist., Punjab. Highest point 10,000 ft. Murrhardt, tn., Wurtemberg, 24 m. NE. Stuttgart. Murrisk, barony, SW. co. Mayo. 133,910 acres. Murr Island, Quebec, in Gulf of St Lawrence, near Saguenay coast. Mur River, Austria, affluent of the Drave in Hungary, 230 m. long. Murrumbidgee, dist.. New South Wales. Area 26,897 sq. m. Mumimbidgee River, New South Wales, falls into Murray R. Mumimburrah, tnshp., N. S. Wales, co. Harden, 230 m, SW. Sydney. Murruna Point, New South Wales, co. Dampier. Murrumndi, tn.. New S. Wales, co, Brisliane, 192 m. NW. Sydney. Muraan, tn., Aligarh dist., NW. Provs., India. 27° 34' N.. 77° 59' E. Murahidabad, dist., Bengal. Area 2144 sq. m. Pop. 1,244,410, Murshidabad, sub-div., Murshidabad dist. Pop. 651,745. Murahidabad, chief city, Murshidabad dist. Lat. 24° 11' N, P. 31,780. Muraton, par. and vil., Kent, in NE. vicinity of Sittingbourne. Murtas, vil,, Spain, Andalusia, 48 m. SE. Granada. Murtazapur, taluk, Amraoti dist., Berar, India. Murtazapur, tn., Amraoti dist., Berar. Lat, 20° 44' N., 77° 25' E, Murten, Switzerland. .Sfe Morat. Murtoa, tnslip., Victoria, co, Borung, 212 m. NW. Melbourne. Murton, East, tnshp., Durham, 6 m. S. Sutherland. Mar-uBsn or Di-chu, name for Upper Yang-tse-kiang, q.v. Murvledro, ft. tn,, Spain, 14 m. NNE. Valencia. Mnrwara, tahsil, Jabalpur dist.. Central Provs., India. Murwara, hdqrs. tn, and municipality, Mnrwara tahsil, MurwiUumbah, port and tn.. New South Wales, co, Rous, 407 m. N. ^^ydney. Morzznachlag, vil,, Styria, on R. Miirz, 24 m. NE. Briick. Muaardu, tn., W. Africa, cap. uf Mamlingo coimtry. Muabury, par. and vil., Devon, 3 m. SW. Axminster. Musbury, tnshp. and vil,, SE. Lancashire, 3 m, SW, Haslingden. Muscat, spt. city, Arabia, cap. of Oman. Lat. 23° N, Pop. 20,000, Muscat, Sultanate of, state, occupies the E. portion of Arabia. Muscatine, city, Iowa, cap. of Muscatine co. Muscle River, Missouri, rises in Sullivan co. , falls into Charyton R. Muscle Shoals, Alabama, shoals in the Tennessee R., at Floratice. Musconetcong River, New Jersey, between Morris and Sussex cos. Muscongns Island, Maine, lies oil" Lincoln co. Muacovy, name sometimes given to Russia. Muadale, isl., NW. Argyllshire, 6 m. NW. Oban. Musha, isl., Red Sea, in Bay of Tajura. Lat. 11" 40' N., 43' 12' E. Musiri, taluk, Trichinopoli dist., Madras, Musiri, tn., Trichinoi>oli dist,, Madras. Lat. to° 57' N., 78° 28' E. Muskara, tahsil, Hamirpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Muskau. tn., Prussian Silesia, 67 m, WN W. Liegnitz. Muskego Lake, Wisconsin, Waukesha co. Muskegon, City, Michigan, cap. of Muskegon co. Pop. 22,702. Muskegon Lake, Michigan, an expansion of tlie Muskegon R. Muakegoiv River, Michigan, falls into Lake Michigan. Muskerry, East, barony, mid co. Cork. 122,873 acres. Muskerry, West, barony, W. co. Cork. 788,487 acres. Muskham, North, par., tnshp., and vil., Notts, 3 m. N. Newark. Mufikingnm River, Ohio, falls into the Ohio River. Muskoka Lake, Ontario, co, Muskoka, receives Muskoka R. Muskoka River, Ontario, falls into Georgian Bay. Muskrat Lake, Ontario, Renfrew co., drains to Ottawa R. Musquodoboit River, Nova Scotia, flows SE. to Atlantic Ocean. Mussbach, vil., Bavaria, 10 m. S. Neustadt. Musselburgh, Imr., co. and 6 ni. E. Edinburgh, 55° 57' N., 3" 3' W. Mussel Inlet, British Columbia. Mussel Roe River, Tasmania, co, Dorset. Mussel Shell River, Montana, flows 300 m. to the Missouri, Mussomelll, tn., Sicily, ig m. WNW. Caltanisetta. MuBsooree, tn., Dehra Dun dist., NW. Provs., India. 30*27* N., 78' 6' E. Mustafabad, tn., Faizabail dist., Oudh, India, Mustafabad. tn., Rai Bareli dist., Oiidli. India, MuBtaasa, tn., Manica, S. Africa, NW. Massi-Kesse, Mufltinka River, Jlinnesota, Grant co., falls into Lake Traverse, Muswellbrook, tnshp.. New South Wales, 150 in. NW. Sydney. Muthill, I'ar., quoad sacra par. and vil., Perthshire, 3 m. S. Criefl". Mutooro Creek, S, Australia, E. from co. Lytton. MutshkoTo, tn., Russia, Tver, 22 m, N. Staritsa. Muttaburra, tn., Queensland, co., 810 m. NW, Brisbane. Mutterstadt, tii-, Rhenish Bavaria, 6 ni. SW. Idanuheim. Muttonhole. .S-e Cavidson's Mains. Mutton Island. W. CO. Clare, in Mai Bay. Mutton Island, co. Galway, at entrance of Galway harbour. Muttra, tn., Arabia, 3 m. SW. Muscat. Pop. 20,000. Muttra, dist, NW. Provs., India. Area 1452 sq. m. Pop. 713,100. Muttra, tahsil, Mutti-a dist. 396 sq, in. Muttra, hdqrs. city, Muttra dist. 27° 30' N., 77° 43' E, Pop, 60,020. Mntzig, tn,, Alsace, 14 m. SW. Strasburg, on tlie Breusch R. Muy, Le, tn., France, dep. Var, 5 m. SK. Draguignan. Muzaffargarh, dist, Punjab. Area 3634 sq. m. Pop. 380,990. 184 MUZ THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER NAL Muiaflargarh, tahsil, MuzafTarirarh dist. Area 925 sq. 111. Muzaflargarh, lidqrs, tti , Muzallargarli dist. Lat. 30' 4' N., 71' 14' E. Mozaffarkhana, tansU, Sultaiipur dist., Oudh, India. Mozaffamagar, dist, N\V. I'rovs., India. 1656 sq. m. Pop. 773,200. Muzaffamagar, iahsii^ Muzaffama^ar dist. Mazaffarnagar, hdqra. tn., M uz;ilVaruagar dist. Pop. 16,080. MaziffarpQT, dist-. Bt' Area 3003 sq. m. Pop. 2,689,490. Muzaflarpur, suh-div., Miizaffarpiir dist. 1218 sq. m. Pop. 1,019,635. Mozaflarpnr, cliief tn., Muzairarpur dist. Lat. 26° 7' N. Pop. 49,150. Mozang, suburb, Laiiorecity, India. Muzar. tn., Bokhara, 12 m. ESE. Balkh. Pop. 25,000. MozTagh, pnsa, Kai-akoruiu Mtns., E Turkestan. Alt. 18,983 ft. Mweenlsh Island, W. CO. Galway. Mwemwanda, Livingstoniauiiss. stn., Equal. Africa, on Stevenson Rd. Mwera, Liviugstonia miss, stn., Africa, W. of Lake N'yassa. Mwem Lake. S<:e Moero. Mworongo, spt., Afrua, in Usambara country, 65 m. NXW. Zanzibar. Myadaung, vil., Upp'T Burma, on R. Irawadi. Lat, 23° 52' N. Myall Creek, New South Wales, co. Murchison. Myall Lake, New South Wales, co. Gloucester. Myall River, New Suuth Wales, co. Gloucester. Myan-aung, tnshp., Henzada dist., Lower Burma. Myan-aung. tn. iu above. Lat. 18° 16' N., long. 95° 22' E. Myauk bhetmyo, tnshp., Sandoway dist., Lower Burma. Pop. 23,757. Myaung-mya, tnshp. , liassein dist., Lower Burma. Pop. 46,242. Myaung-mya, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 16° 35' N., long. 94" 51' E. Myaung*mya Creek, Bassein dist., Lower Burma. Myaung-mya-haung Creek, Bassein dist.. Lower Burma. Myceme, ruined city, Greece, Morea, 5 m. NNE. Argos. MyconuB, isl., Greece, among the N. Cyclades. Myddfal, par. and vil., Car m art he u shire, 3 m. S. Llandovery. Mydrecht, vil., Netherlands, 14 m. NNW, Utrecht. Mydrim, par. and vil., Carmarthenshire, 8^ m. W. Carmarthen. Mye-bon, tnshp., Kyauk-pyu dist, Lower Burma. Pop. 19,640. Mye-de, tnshp., Thayet-myo dist., Lower Bui-ma. Pop, 66,192. Myer's Flat, tn., Victoria, 106 m. NW. Melbourne. Myerstown, vil., Pennsylvania, Lebanon co. Mylngyan, dist and tn., Ui>per Burma, on U. Irawadi. Hyln Mu, vil., Upper Burma, Sagaing dist, on Irawadi. Mylt-ma-ka River, Lower Burma, upper portion of the HlaJng R. Myit-ta ya River, Bassein dist. Lower Burma, tnb. of the Bassein R. Mylaa, tn., Saxony, 10 ni. NNE. Plauen. Myllim, petty state, Assam, India. Mylor, par. and vil., Curnwall, 2 m. NE. Falmouth. Mynydd Maen, hill, Monmouth, 3 m. SW. Pontypool, 1561 ft. Mynydd-mawr, mtn., in co. and 6 m. SE. Carnarvon. Alt. 2293 ft. Mynydd- y-alwyn, par. and vil., Monmouth, 2^ m. SE. Tredegar. Myrofls, par., 8. co. Cork, 5 m. SW. Rosscarbery. MyrtleV^reek, Oregon, joins the Umpqua R. in Douglas co. Myrtleford, tn., Victoria, co. Bogong, 135 m. NE. Melbourne. Myshall, par. and Iiamlet, S. co. Cariow, 9 m. SE. Bageualstown. Myalowitz, tn., Prussian Silesia, 116 m. SE, Breslau. Myaol, isl., Malay Archipelago, 60 m, N. Ceram, 50 m. long. Mysore, iiativestate, S. India. 27,406sq.m. Lat.ia'N. P.4,914,110. Mysore, dist, Mysore state, India. Area 4636 sq. ni. Pop. 1,255,250. Mysore, Vxluk, Mysore dist. Area 394 sq. m. Mysore, cap. ^fysore state. Lat. 12° 18' N., 76° 41' E. Pop. 73,680. Mjratic, vil., Connecticut, New London co. Mystic Bridge, vil., Connecticut, New London co. Mystic River, Connecticut, falls into Long Island Sound. Mystic Eiver, vil., Connecticut, New London co. Mystic River, Massachusetts, rises in Midillcsex co. Mytho, ft. tu., Erench Cochin China, on W. arm. of the Mekong. Msrtholmroyd, cccl, dist and vil., W. Riding, Yorks, 5 m. "W. Halifax. Mywoolla Island. 5ee Moala. Haab River, Bavaria, trib. of the Danube near Ratisbon. Naaf. arm of the Bay of Bengal, between Btngal and Burma. Naaf, tnshp., Akyab dist., Burma. Naaldwyk, vil., Holland, 13 m. WNW. Rotterdam. Kaarden, tn., Holland, 12 ni. ESK. Amsterdam. Naas, tn.,, and tnslip., co. Kildare. Lat. 53° 12' N., 6' 40' W. Naas, North, barony, E. en. Kildare. Naas, South, barony, E. co. Kildare. Nabagaoga River, Bi-ngal, branch of the Matabhanga R. Nabal, tn., Tunis, NB. of Haunnamet. Nabburg, tn., B:ivaria, on U. N'a-ib, 31 m. N. Ratisbon. Nabha, state, Puuj ib. Area 936 sq, m. Pop. 282,760. Nabha, tn., cap. of Nabba state, Punjab, Pop. 17,116. NablganJ, vil., Maiiipuri dist, NW. Provs., India. Nablnagar, tn., Sitapur dist., Oudh. Nabisar, tn., Bombay. Lat 25° 4' N., long. 69* 41' E. Nabloa, city, Palestine. Lat. 32' 11' N., long. 33° 17' E. Pop. 15.000. Nabog Nal, pass, Kasltmir. Lat 33° 43' N.. long. 75° 34' E. Naby Samuel, %il., Palestine, a few miles NW. of Jerusalem. Nachangaon, tn., Cent I'rovs., India. 20° 42' N., long, 78" 22' E. Nachore, biil, co. Antrim. 5 m. NW. Glenarm. Alt. 1179 ft. Nachusa, vd. and tnshp., Illinois, Lee co. Nackars Hill, S. Australia, co, Herbert. Nackel, tn., Prussia, i3 in. W. Bromberg. Nackerton, vil., Lanarkshire, i m. from Uddingston. Nadaun. tn., Punjab. Lat. 31* 46' N., long. 79° 19' E. Kaden Harbour, Graham Island, British Columbia. Nadlgaon, tn., Datia State, Central India. Nadlya, dist., Bengal. Area 2761 sq. m. Pop. 1,639,610. Nadiya, sub-div.. Nadiyadist., Bengal. Area 701 sq. m. Nadiya, tn., Bengal. Lat. 23" 24' N., long. 83" 25' E. Nadol, tn., Jodbpnr state, Rajpiitana. Nadudvar, tn., Hungary, 21 m. W.SW. Debroczin. Kadwoma, tn., Austria, Galicia, 22 m. 8. Stanislawow. Naes, vil., Norway, 24 m. EXE. Christiania, on the Glommen. Naf. See. Naaf. Nafels, vil., Switzerland, 4 ni. N. Glarus, on R. Linth. Nafla(Nafa, Napa), apt., Japan, Liu-kiu Islands. Fop. 25,000. Nafferton, par., tnshp., and vil., E. Riding, Yorkshire. NagaHills, dist., Assam. Area64oosq. m. Pop. 100,000. Nagalapur Ellis, Chengalpat dist., Madras. Alt, 2500 ft. Na Gall Island, Fiji, one of the Ringgold group. Nagamangala, Uiluk^ Hassam dist., Mysore. Nxgamangala, hd(irs. vil, of above. Lat. 12' 49' N., long. 76° 47' E. Nagamble, tn., Victoria, co. Moira, 78 ni. NE. Melbourne. Nagapatnam. St& Negapatnam. Nagar, ruined tn., Beugal. Lat. 23' 56' N., long. 87' 21' E. Nagar, port, Madras. Lat. 10° 49' N., long. 79° 53' E. Nagar, div., Mysore. Area 11,652 sq. in. Nagar, la'wfc, Shimoga dist., Mysore. Area 494 sq. m. Nagarbaatl, tn., Darbhangah dist., Bengal. Lat. 2^' 52' N Nagar Hills, Central Provs., India. Nagari, vil., N. Arcotdist., Madras. Nagari Hills, N. Arcot dist, Madras. Nagari Nose, peak, Nagari Hills. Alt 2824 ft Nagar Klias, vil., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 26' 42' N., long. 82° 43' E. Nagar Parkar, taluk, Thar and Parkar dists., Bombay. Nagar Parkar, tn., Bombay. Lat. 24' 21' N., long. 70' 48' E. Nagar River, Bengal, trib. of the Mahananda R. Nagar River, Bengal, trib. of the Gur R. Nagasaki, spt, Japan. Lat 32° 44' N., long. 129' 51' E. P. 44,175. Nagavaram, estate, Godavari dist, Madras. Naggin Head, SW. coast, Isle of Man, 1 ni. SW. Port St. Mary. Nagina, tahsil, Bijnaur dist., NW. Provs., India. Naglna, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat, 29° 27' N., 78' 28' E. Pop. 22,020. Nagkanda, pass, Punjab. Lat. 31' 15' N., 77° 31' E. Alt 9016 ft. Nagles Mountains, co. Cork, near Fermoy. Alt. 1386 ft Nagode, petty state. Cent. India. Area 450 sq. m. Pop. 79,629. Nagode, chief tn., Nagode state. Lat. 24° 33' N., long. 80' 37' E. Nagold, tn., Wurtemberg, 26 ni. SW. Stuttgart Nagold River, Wurtemberg, flows to the Enz near Stuttgart. Nagoya, city, Japan, Hondo, 170 m. from Tokio. Pop. 154.981. Nagpur, div., Cent. Provs., India. 22127, sq. m. Pop. 2.982,480. Nagpur, dist. Cent. Provs., India. Ai-ea 3843 sq. ni. Pop. 756,910. Nagpur, tahsil, Nagpur dist Area 852 sq. m. Nagpur, chief tn., Nagpur dist Lat 21° 9' N. Pop. 117,910. Nagraglnskol, tn., Asiatic Russia, 176 m. N. Tobolsk. Nagram, tn., Lucknow dist., Oudh. Nag's Head, prontoutory, above Warma Bay, Scilly Island.s. Nag's Head, promontory, co. Dublin, on coast. Nagy Abonl, In., Hungary, 49 m, from Buda-Pesth. NagyBanya, tn., Hungary, 32 m. ESE. Szathiuar. Nagy Becskerek, tn,, Hungary, on K. Bega. Pop. 19,629. Nagy Enyed, tn., Transylvania, on R. Maros. Nagy Kanlsza, tu., Hungary. Lat. 46° 28' N., long. 23' 41' E. Nagy Karoly, tn., Hungary, 37 ra. ENE. Debreczin. Nagy Kata, tn., Hungary, 32 ni. ESE. Buila-Peslh. Nagy Kiklnda, tn., Hungary. Lat. 45* 50' N., long. 20* 30' E. Nagy Koroa, tn., Hungary. 49 m. SE. Buda-Pestli. Pop. 22,769. Nagy Szalonta, See Szalonta. Nagy Szombat. See Tymau. Nagy Varad, Hungarian name for Grosswardein, q.v. Nahan, tn., cap. of Sirmur state, Punjab. Alt. 3207 ft. Nahanagan, Lough, mid co, Wicklow, 4 m. NW. Laragh. Nahanee River, NW. Territory, Canada, trib. of the Riviere au Liard. Nahant, summer resort, Massachusetts, Essex co. Nahe River, Germany, trib. of the Rhine atBingen. Nabivl-Levoo. See Vitl Levu. Nahuel Huapl Lake, Argentine Republic. Lat 41° S., long. 71' W. Naiau Island, Fiji, NW. ofLakemba. Lat 18° S. Alt. 275 ft Nalgaon Ribahi, petty state, Central India. Area 16 sq. in. Nalhatl, tn., Bengal. Lat. 22° 53' N., long. 88* 27' E. Pop. 21,633. Nallsea, par. and vil., Somersetshire, 8 m. from Bristol. NaUsworth, tn., Gloucestershire, 6 m. SIS. Stonehouse. Naln, vil., Rai Bareli dist, Oudh. Nain, set of Moravians, Labrador, on E. coast. Nalna Kot, vil., Gurdaspur dist, Punjab. Nalnl Tal, hill stn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 29*22' N., long. 79*29' E/ Nainwah. tn., Bundi state, Rajputuna. NaU-al Island, Fiji, 50 m. E. Viti Levu. 12 sq. m. Alt 1078 ft. Nairn, bor., co. tn., and par., Nairnshire, on Moray Firth. Naime, vil., S. Australia, co. Hiudmarsh, 25 m. E. Adelaide. Nairn River, falls into the Moray Firth at Nairn, Nairnshire. Nairnshire, co,, Scotland, on the Moray Firth. 127,905 acres. Naitamba Island, Fiji, 17 m. NE. Yeata. Naivasha Lake, British E. Africa. Long. 36° lo' E. Najafgarh, vil., NW. Provs., India. Lat 26" 18' N., long. 80° 36' E. Najafgarh JUI, lake, Gurgaon and Delhi dists., Punjab. Najera, tn., Spain, prov. and 16 m. WSW. Logrono. Najlbabad, tahsil, Bijnaur dist, NW. Provs,, India. Najibabid. hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat 6q" 39' N. Pop. 17.750. Nakhichlvan, tn., Transcaucasia, 83 m. SR. Erivan. Nakhtchivan. tn,, Russia, on R. Don. pop. 19,463. Nakodar, tnh^il, Jalandhar dist., Punjab. Nakodar, tn.. Punjab. Lat 31° 7' N., long. 75' 31' E. Nakomal River, New Zealand, co. Southland. Nakpur, tn., Faizabad, Oudh, Nakskov, spt, Denmark, on Laaland I. Nakur, tahsil, Saliaranpur dist, NW. Provs., India. Nakura, Lake, British E. Africa. Nal, til., Baluchistan. Lat. 27° 35' N., long. 65*59' E. Nalatwar, tn., Bijajmr dist., Bombay. I-at. i6' 14' 40" N. Nalbana Island, in Ciiilka L., Bengal. Lat. 26° 25' N., long. 85*20' E. Nalchltl, vU., Itengal, Lat. 22° 37' N., long. 90' 19' E. Naldrug, tn., Haidarabad state, India. Strongly fortified. Nalganga River, Buldauadist, Bcrar, India. Nalgun, pass, Punjab. Lat 31° 19' N., 78" 17' E. Alt 14,891 ft. Nallya, tn.. BoniMv. Lat 23° 18 N., long, 63' 54' E. Nal Lake, Ahmadaliad dist, Bombay. Area 49 sq. m. NaUamalaia, hills, Karnul dist. Madras. Alt 3133 ft. Nolon River, Spain, falls into the Bay of Biscay near Mures. 185 NAL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER NAS Kaltlgiri, hills, Cuttack dist., Bengal. NajnaJLaJ, toXu,k, Salem dist., Madras. Area 715 sq. m. Namal. tii., Punjab. I^t. 32° 40' N., long. 71° 51' E. Namaland, Great, region, S. Africa. Lat. 26° S., long. iS" E. NamaJind, Little, div., Cape Colony, S. of Orange R. Namangan, in., Ferghana, Asiatic Russia. Fop. 16,000. Namaqaaland. 6'f e Namaland. Nambar River, Naga Hills, Assam, trib. of the Dhaneswari. Nambiynr, tn., Madras. Lat. n" 21' N., long. 77° 22' E. Nambucca, post stn.. New South Wales, 341 in. N. Sydney. Nambucca River, New South Wales, co. Raleigh. Nam-dinh. tn., French Tonquin. Pop. 60,000. Namecagon River, Wisconsin, trib. of the St. Croix R. Namoi River, New South Wales, trib. of the Darling R. Namsen Elf, riv., Norway. Lat. 64° 34' N., long. 12" 40' E. Namalau, tn., Prussian Silesia, 30 in. E. Breslau. Namvika laland, Fiji, otFSuvu Suvu, Viti Levu. Namor, prov., Belgium, N. of France. 1414 sq. m. Pop. 339.800. Namnr, city, cap. of above. Lat. 50° 28' N., 4° 52' E. Pop. 29,584. Nanaimo, tn., Vancouver I. Lat. 49° N., long. 125' W. Nanango, tn., Queensland, co. Fitzroy, 130 m, NW. Brisbane. Nanas, tn., Hungaiy, 24 m. NNW. Debreczin. Nan Chang, city, China, cap. of Kiaug Si. Lat. 28° 30' N. P. 300,000. Nanche, tii., China, prov, Chi-Kiang, 40 m. W. Yenchow. P. 200,000. Nancowry laland, one of the Nicobar Is. Lat. 7° 58' N., long. 93° 40' E. Nancy, tn., France, cap. of Meurthe-et-Moselle. Pop. 79,000. Nancy, bor., Pennsylvania, Lycoming co. Nancy Creek, Pennsylvania, rises in Sullivan co. Nancy Sound, New iiealand, co. Fiord. 130 fathoms deep. Nanda Devi, peak, Himalaya Mtns. Lat. 30° 22' N., long. 80' i' E. Nandair, tn., Haidaraliad, India. Lat. 19° 9' N., long. 77° 26' E. Nandaknja River, Bengal, ofl'shootand trib. of the Baral R. Nandan Sar, lake, Kashmir. Lat. 33" 37' N., long. 74° 40' E. Nandarthan, tn., Cent Prov.s., India. Lat. 21° 21' N., long. 79° 21' E. Nandewar Mountains, New South Wales, cos. Nandewar, Darling, etc. Nandgaon, sub-div., Nasik dist., Bombay. Nandgaon, tn., Na.sik dist., Bombay. Nandgaon, chiefship, Raipurdist., Cent. Frovs., India. Nandi, viL, Kolar dist., Mysore, India. Nandial, taluJc, Karnul dist., Madras. Area 894 sq. m. Nandial, tn., Karnul dist., Madras. Nandialampett, tn., Madras. Lat. 14" 43' N., long. 78" 52' E. Nandi Bay, Fiji, Viti Levu, on W. coast. Nandldrug, div., Mysore, India. Area 8212 sq. m. Pop. 1,643,451. Nandidmg, fortified hill, Mysore. Lat. 13° 22' N., long. 77° 43' E. Nandigama, taluk, Kistna dist., Madras. Area 649 sq. m. Nandigarh, tn., Bombay. Lat. 15° 24' N., long. 74° 37' E. Nandikotkur, tahtk, Karnul dist, Madras. Nandikotkor, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 15* 52' N., long. 78" 18 E. Nandod, tn., cap, of Rajpipla state, Bombay. Lat 21" 54' N, Nandora, tn., Partabgarli dist., Oudh. Nandurbar, sub-div., Khaudesh dist., Bombay. Nandurbar, tn., Khandesh dist, Bombay. Nangasaki Sec Nagasaki. Nangifl, tn., Finance, Seine-et-5Iarne, 13 m. W. Provins. Nanguneri, taluk, TlnnevelU dist., Madras. Nanguneri, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 8' 29' N. , long. 77° 44' E. Nan-Heung-Tchen, tn., China, 165 m. NNE. Canton. Nai\jangad, fabik, Mysore dist. and state. Area 176 sq. m. Nanjangad, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 12° 7' N., long. 76" 44' E. Nanjarajpatna. t(tttik, Coorg, India. Area 264 sq. m. Nanjizal Bay, Cornwall, at Land's End and on W. coast Nan-Kang-Fu, tn., China, Kiang-Si, on Lake Pho-Yang. Nankin, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Wayne co. Nanking, city, China, cap. of Kiang-Su, 560 m. SE. Pekin. P. 500,000. Nan Ling, mtns., China, between the Yang-tsi-kiang and Si-Kiang. NanNgaug, city, China, Kiang-Si, on Lake Pho-Yang. Nannilam, l-'luk, Tanjore dist., Madras. Area 279 sq, ni. NanNing, city, China, prov. Quang-Si. Nanny River, co. Meath, falls into the Irish Sea. Nanpara, tahsil, Baliraich (list., Oudh. Area 1037 sq. vn. Nanpara, jKirgnna, Bahraich dist., Oudh. Area 523 sq. m. Nanpara, bdi[r.-;. tn., Naiiitara tahsU. Lat. 27° 52' N., long. 81° 32' E. Nan Shau Moantalns, Thibet. Lat. 38° 30' N., long. g8' E. Nanta, vil., R.ijputana. Lat. 25" 12' N., long. 75° 51' E. Nantasket Road, Massachusetts, entry to Boston Harbour. Nantawarra, tn., S. Australia, co. Stanley, 95 m. N. Adelaide. Nanterre, tn., France, dep. Seine, 7 m, WNW. Paris. Nantes, city, France, cap. Loire-Inferieure,on R. Loire. Pop. 127,482. Nanticoke, bor., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co., 7 m. W. Wilkesbarre. Nanticoke River, Delaware and Maryland, enters Chesapeake Bay. Nantinan, ytar., co. Limerick, z m. N. Rathkeale. Nantlle, vil., co. and 5J m. SW. Carnarvon. Nantmel, par., Radnorshire, on R. Dulas. 16,387 acres. Nantua, tn., France, Ain, 24 m. E. Bourg. Nantucket, port of entry, Massachusetts, Nantucket co. Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. Lat 41° 10' N., long. 70" 10' W. Nantwlch, tn. and par., Cheshire, on R. Weaver. Lat. 53° 6' N. Nantyglo, fccl. dist., Monmouthshire, 4J m. NW. Abertillery. Nanaku lalanda, Fiji, 24 m. off Taviuni Island. Nanuku Passage, Fiji, between Eastern Group and North Islands. Nao. Cape, Italy. Lat 39° N., long. 17' 14' E. Nao, Cape, S['ain. Lat. 38° 43' N., long, o" 13' E. Naogaon, sub-div., Rajshahi dist, Bengal. Area 603 sq. m. Naogaon, vil., Bengal. Lat. 24° 45' N., long. 88° 58' E. Naorangpur, tn., Vizagapatam dist, Madras. Napa, ,spt., Lu-kiu Islands. Lat. 20° 12' 20" N. Napa, vil., California, Napa co,, on the Napa R. Napanee, port of entry and cap. ofco. Lennox, Ontario. Napanee River, Ontario, falls into Bay of Quinte. Napanock, vil., New York, Ulster co., on Roundout Creek. Napa River, California, falls into San Pueblo Bay. Napervllle, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Du Page co. Napier, tn., cap. of Hawke's Bay dist.. New Zealand. Napierville, vil., Quebec, cap. of Napierville cr>., on Montreal R. Naples, prov., Italy, on Bay of Naples. Pop. 992,398. Naples, city, cap of Naples prov. Lat. 40^ 50' N. Pop. 517,000. Naples, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Cumberland co., on Long Lake. Naples, vil. and tnshp., New York, Ontario co. Napoklu, hdqrs. tn., Padinalknad taluk, Coorg. Lat, 12° 19' N. Napoleon, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Gallatin co. Napoleon, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Jackson co. Napoleon, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, cap. of Henry co. Napoleons, tnshp., Victoria, co. Grenville, 98 m. from Melbourne. Napoleon-Vendee. See Roche -sur-yon, Ia. Napoleonville, vil., Louisiana, cap. of Assumption parish. NapoU, vil. and tnshp., New York, Cattaraugus co. Napo River, Ecuador, trib. of the Amazon. Nappagh laland, co. Galway, near Lettermulleu Island. Nappanee, vil., Indiana, Elkhart co., 18 m. SW, Goshen. Nar, tn., Baroda, India. Lat. 22° 28' N., long. 72" 45' E. Nara, tn , Japan, Nippon Island. Pop. 24,900. Naraburra Creek, New South Wales, co. Bland. Naracoorte, tn., S. Australia, co. Robe, 222 m. SE. Adelaide. NarainganJ, sub-div., Dacca dist, Bengal. NarainganJ. tn., Bengal. Lat. 23" 37' N., long. 90" 32' E. Narajol, Vil., Bengal. Lat 22" 34' N., long. 87" 39' E. NarakaJ, spt, Madras. Lat. 10'' 2' N., long. 76° 12' E. Naral, sub-div., Jessor dist., Bengal. Area 487 sq. m. Narandera, tn., New South Wales, co. Cooper, on Murrumbidgee R. NaraoU, tn., NW. Provs.. India. Lat 28° 29' N., long. 78' 45' E. Narasaraopat, taluk, Kistna dist., Aladras. Narasinganallur, vil,, Madras, Lat. 8^ 42' N., long. 77' 42' E. Narayanadevarakera, tn., Bellary dist., Madras. Narayanavauam, tn., Madras. Lat. 13^ 27' N., long. 79' 38' E. Narbada, div., Cent. Provs., India. 18,321 sq. m. Pop. 1,878,560. Narbada River, Bombay, falls into sea in lat. 21° 38' N. Narberth, bor., Pembrokeshire, 11^ m. N. Tenby. Narbonne, City, France, 35 m. from Carcasonne. Pop, 28,134. Narborough, par., vil., and tnshp., Leicestershire, on R. Soar. Nardo, tn., Italy, prov. Lecce, 8 m. NNE. Gallipoli. Naregal, tn., Bombay. Lat. 15" 43' N., long. 75° 54' E. Narellau, vil., New S. Wales, co. Cumberland, 38 m. S. Sydney. Narenta River, Herzegovina, falls int^a the Adriatic. Nare Pohit, promontory, Cornwall, 5 m. S. Falmouth. Narev River, Russia, trib. of the Bug, N. of Warsaw. Nargund, tu., Bombay. Lat. 15° 43' N., long. 75" 25' E. Narhi, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 25' 42' N., long. 84' 4' E. Nariad, sub-div., Kara dist., Bombay. Area 224 sq. ra. Nariad, tn., Bombay. Lat. 22° 40' N., long. 72" 55' E. Narinda Bay, Madagascar. Lat 14° 30' S., long. 47' 40' E. Narisha, tn., Bengal. Lat. 23° 33' N., long. 90° 10' E. Narkher, tn., Nagpur dist, Central Provs., India. Nami, tn., Italy, prov. Perugia, 45 m. NE. Rome. Naro, tn., Sicily, 12 m. SE. Girgenti. Narot, tn., Gurdaspur dist, Punjab. Narova River, Russia, falls into the Gulf of Finland. Narowal, in,, Punjab. Lat 32" 6' N., long. 74° 55' E. Narrabri, tn., Ne\v South Wales, 321 m. E. Sydney. Narracan, tn., Victoria, co. Buln-Buln, 87 m. E. Melbourne. Narracoorte. See Naracoorte. Narragansett, summer resort, Rhode Island, U.S. Narragh and Reban, East, barony, S. co. Kildare. Narragh and Reban, West, barony, S. CO. Kildare. Narraghmore, ]>ar., Co. Kildare, 8 m. NE. Athy, Narran River, New South Wales, E. boundary ofco. Naran. Narrows, Lake of the, Ontario, expansion of Albany R. Narrows, The, strait, between Skye and mainland. Narrows, The, principal entrance to New York harbour. Narrow Water, Ireland, name for lower part of R. Newry. Narsaunapat, tn., Ganjam dist., Madras. Narsapur, taluk, Godavari dist, Madras. Area 437 sq. m. Narsapur, tn,, Madras. Lat. j6° 26' N., long. 81° 44' E. Narsinghgarh, native state. Central India. Area 623 sq. m. Narsinghgarh, chief tn. of above. Lat. 23° 42' N., long. 77" 5' E. Narsinghgarh, tn., Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 23° 59' N., 79° 26' E. Narsinghpur, dist.. Central Provs., India. 1916 sq. m. Pop. 366,390. Narsinghpur, tahsil, Narsinghpur dist. Area 1042 sq. m. Narsinghpur, chief tn., Narsinghpur dist. Lat. 25° 56' N. Narsipur, taluk, Hassan dist., Mysore. Area 476 sq. m. Narsipur, taluk, Mysore dist. and state. Narsipur, tn., Mysore. Lat. 12° 47' N., long. 76° 16' E. Narsipur, vil., Mysore. Lat. 12° 12' N., long. 76" 57' E. Narukot, native state, Gujarat, India. Area 143 sq. m. Narva, tn., Russia, So m. WSW. St. Petersburg, on Narova R. Narym, tn,, Siberia, on R, Obi, 225 m. NW. Tomsk. Narzole, vil., Italy, prov. Coni, 15 m. N. Mondo\i. Nasa, miss, stn., German E. Africa, S. of Lake Victoria Nyanza. Nasarpur, tn,, Haidarabad dist., Bombay. Naseby, par. and vil., Northamptonshire. Scene of battle 1645. Naseby, tnshp., New Zealand, co. Maniototo, 8g m. NW. Dunedin. Nash Island, Maine, in Pleasant River Bay. Nash Point, headland, Glamorganshire, on Bristol Channel. Nash Sound, sandbank, off Nash Point, Glamorganshire. Nashua, vil., Iowa, Chickasaw co., on the Cedar R. Nashua, city, New Hampshire, cap. of Hillsborough co. P. 19,311, Nashua River, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Nashville, vil. and tnshp., Arkansas, Howard co. Nashville, vil., lUincis, cap. of Washington co. Nashville, vil,, Mieliigan, Barry co., on Thornapple R. Nashville, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, cap. of Nash co. Nashville, city, Tennessee, cap. of state. Pop. 76,168. Nashwaak River, New Brunswick, trib. of St. John R. Nasielak, tn., Poland, 26 m. N. Warsaw. Nasik, dist., Bombay. Area 5940 sq. m. Pop. 843,060. 186 NAS THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER NEP Naaik, sub-div., Xasik dist. Arpa 465 sq. m. Kasik, chief tn., Nasik dist. Lat. 19' 59' N., 73° 50' E. Pop. 24,400. Kasirabad, hdqrs. tu., Maiinansiiigh dist, Bengal. Lat. 24' 25' N. Naslrabad, sub-div., Kliaudesh dist., Bombay. Naairabad, tu. , Bombay. I^t. 28' 58' N., long. 75° 41' E. Kasirabad, cantumncnt, Rajputiiua. Lat. 26° 18' N. Naairabad, UiUik, Shikarpur dist., Bombay. Area 343 sq. m Naslrabad, tn., Bombay. Lat. 27° 23' N., long. 67° 57' E. Kasirabad, tn., Oudli. Lat. 26" 15' N., long. 81° 34' E. Kaso, tn., Sicily, 44 ni. S\V. Messina. NaariganJ, tn., iShaliabad dist., Bengal. Nassau, tn., Prussia, 25 m. NW. Wiesbaden, on R. Lalin. Kassau, City, cap. of Baliama Islands, on New Providence Island. Nassau, vil. and tnshp., New York, Rensselaer co. Nafisau, Duchy of, former state, Germany, now in Hessen-Kassau. Nassau River, Queensland, falls into Gulf of Carpentaria. Kasse River, Culuinbia. Lat. 55" 25' N., long. 129' W. Kaswadi, petty state. Bombay. Area igj sq. ni. Katal, BntL-;h colony, SE. Afi'ica. 30^ ti. 18,050 sq. ni. P. 636,629. Katal, tn., Brazd, cap. of Rio Grande do Norte state. Katal (Natar), tn., Sumatra, on S\V. coast. Long. 0° 33' N. Natashquau Harbour, Quebec. Lat. 50° 16' N., long. 61° 44' W. Natchez, city, Mississippi, cap. of Adams co., on the Mississippi. Natchitoches, vil.. Louisiana, cap. of Natchitoches co. Nat6 pnta, tn., Bombay. Lat. 17° 53' N., long. 74° 47' E. Nateva Bay. Fiji, on E. coast of Vanua Levu. Kathalla, tn., Victoria, co. Moira, 139 m. NE. Melbourne. Nathdwara, tn., Udaipur state, Rajpntana, India. Natick, vil. and tnshp., Massaclmsetts, Middlesex co. Natimack, tn., Victoria, co. Lowan, 228 m. NW. Melbonnie. Natimuck Lake, Victoria, co. Lowan. National Soldiers' Home, vil., Virginia, Elizabeth City co. Nat-maw, vil.. Lower Burma. Lat. 17° 34' N., long. 95° 30' E. Natrona, vil., Pennsylvania, Alleghany co., on Alleghany R. Nattor, sub-div., Rajshahi dust., Bengal. Area 814 sq. m. Nattor, hdqrs. tn., Nattor sub-div., former cap. of Rajshahi. Natuna Islands, East Indies. Lat. \ N., long. 108° E. Natural Bridge, vil., New York, Jellerson co., on Indian R. Natural Bridge, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, Rockbridge co. Naturaiiflte, Cipe, W. Australia. Lat. 33" 30' S., long. 115° E. Naubatpur, vil., Benares dist., NW. Pi'ovs., India. Nauan. tn., Prussia, 17 m. WNW. Potsdam. Naugard, tu., Prussia, 29 m. NE. Stettin. Naugatuck. vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, New Haven co. Kaugatuck River, Connecticut, trib. of the HousatonicU R. Nauheim, vil., Hessen, 13m. NNW. Hanau. Naumborg, tn., Prussian Saxony, on R. Saale. Pop. 19,807. Naumburg, tn., Prussian Silesia. Lat. 51° 10' N., long. 11" 50' E. Naupada, tn., Madras. Lat. 18" 33' N., long. 84° 21' E. Nauplia, spt., Greece, Morea, cap. of Argolis. Nauflhahra, Uihsil, Peshawar dist., Punjab. Nanshahra, lidr|rs. in., Naushahra tahsil. KauBhahro, suli-div., Haidarabad dist., Bombay. Kauahahro, taluk, Haidarabad dist., Bombay. Nanahahro, tn,, Nauslialiro (((/»/:, Bombay. Nauahahro Abro, tahtk, Shikarpur dist., Bombay. Kaossa, spt., Greece, Pains Island, on N. coast. Kauta, tn., Pi-ru, on R. Amazon, above the Ucayale. Nauvoo, vil. and tnshp., Illinois. Hancock co., on the Mississippi. Nava del Rey, tn., Sp;iin, 30 m. SW. Valladolid. Kavalcamero, tn., Spain, 19 m. WSW. Madrid. Kivalmoraide la Mata, tn., Spain, 52 m. NE. Caceres. Navalmoral de Pusa, tn., Spain, 38 ni. SW. Toledo. Navau, tn. and par., co. Meath, on the Black water and Boyne. Kavan, tn., S. Austialia, CO. Light, 66\ m. N. Adelaide. Navan, Lower, barony, mid co. Meath. 25,835 acres. Navan, Upper, banmy, mid co. Meath. 17,651 acres. Navarin Island, Ar^'-'iitine Republic. Lat. 55° S., long. 67° 30' W. Navarlno, spt., Grt-rce, Morea. Lat. 36° 35 N., long. 21° 40' E. Navarra, prov.. N. Spain. Area 4050 sq. m. Pop. 318,000. Navarre, In., Vict.ori;i, co. Kara Kara, 152 m. NW. Melbourne. Kavarre, vil., Ohio, Stark ro., on the Tuscarawas R. Kavarro River, Citlifornia, flows through Mendocino co. Navas de San Juan, tn., Spain, 35 ni. from Jaen. Kavaslnk (Neveralnk), vil., New Jersey, Monmouth co. Navasota, \'il.. Tfxa.s, Grimes co., on the Navasota R. Navasota River, Texas, trib. of the Brazos R. Navenby, par. and vil., co. and 9 ni. fntm Lincoln. Naver Loch. Sutherlanrlsliire, discharges the R. Naver. Naver River, Sulherlandshire, falls into Torrisdale Bay. Naves, vil.. France Correze, 3 ni. N. Tulle. Navla de Suarna, tn., Spain, 40 m. NW. Oviedo. Navia River. Sjiaiu. Lat 43° 20' N., long. 6" 20' W. Navigator Islands. Sec Samoa. NawabganJ, t(tlisil, Barel dist., NW. Provs., India. NawabganJ, tn., Bareli dist., N W, IVnvs., India. NawabgarO, jK'rfiov(\ Lat. 15' 33' N., long. 75' 23' E. Nawanagar, native statf, Bimibay. Pop. 316,147. Nawanagar, cliit-f tn. of abuvfi. Lat. 22^ 26' N. Pop. 48,510. NawoBhahr, UthsU, Jalatidliar dist., Punjab. Nawashahr, In., Jalandhar dist., Punjab. Nawoahahr, tu., Hazara dist., Punjab. Nawibandar, spt, Bombay. Lat, 21° 26' N., long. 96" 50' E. Nawln River, Pnime dist., Lower Burma, trib. of the Irawadi. Naioa, tn., Greece, on Naxos Island. Naxos Island, Greece, largest of the Cyclades. Nay, tn., France, Basses-Pyrenees, 10 ra. SSE. Pan. Naya-Dumka, snb-div., Santal Parganas, Bengal. Nayagaon, tn., Bandadist., NW. I'rovs., India. Nayagarh, petty state, Orissa. Area 588 sq. m Pop. 114,622. Nayland, par. and vil., Suttblk, on R. Stour. Naylor, vil. and tnshp., Georgia, Lowndes co, Na-3ni, tn.,Corea. Lat. 35° N., long. 127" E. Nazareth, tn., Palestine. Lat. 42' 43' N., long. 35' 20' E. Nazareth, tn., Belgium, 8 m. SW. Ghent. Nazareth, bor., Pennsylvania, Northampton co. Nazareth Bay, W. Africa, on Gaboon coast, above Cape Lopez. Naze, The, headland, Essex. Lat. 51° 52' N., long, i" 5' E. Naze. The, headland, Norway, on the Skager Rack. Ndreketi River, Fiji, Vanua Levu Island. Ne, vil., Italy, prov. Genoa, 8 m. from Chiavari. Neagh, Lough, Ulster, Ireland. Area 153 sq. m. Lat. 54° 36' N. Neale River, S. Australia. Lat. 27' 18' S., long. 135° 25' E. Neath, bor., Glamorganshire. Lat. 51° 40' N. Pop. 16,409. Nebo, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Hopkins co. Nebra. tn,, Prussian-Saxony, on R. Unstrut. Nebraska, one of the U.S, Lat. 41° N. 77,510 sq. m. Pop. 1,058.910 Nebraska City, city, Nebraska, cap. of Otoe co. Nebraska River. .See Platte River. Nechahoo River, British Columbia, trib, of the Eraser R. Nechea River, Texas, falls into Sabine Lake. Neckarau, vil., Baden, 2^ m. S. Mannheim, on R. Rhine. Neckar Gemiind, tn., Baden, 17 m. E, Mannheim, on Neckar R. Neckar River, Germany, trib. of the Rhine. Lat. 49" 30' N., 8^ 10' E. Neckarsulm, tu., Wui'temberg, on the Neckar and Sulm, Nedenaea, amt, Norway, Lat. 59° N., long. 8° E. Pop. 81.068. Nederbrackel, tn., Belgium, Flanders, 16 m. S, Ghent, Nedjed (NeJd), country, Aiabia, partly desert. Lat. 23° N,, 47' E. Nedgrigallov, tn., Russia, 100 ra. WNW. Kharkov. Needham, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Norfolk co. Needham Market, tn., Sutfolk, 3 m. SE. Stowniarket. Needle Peak, mtn., Fiji. Nerai Islan{l. Alt. lo-S ft. Needle Peak, mtn., New Zealand, co. Fiord. Needle Point, rock. New Zealand, N, of Great Barrier Island. Needle Rock, one of the Maatsuyker Islands, ar. and vil., Pembrokeshire, on R. Nevern. Nevers, city, France, cap. of Nievre. Lat. 46° 55' N Pop. 23,846. Neviano degli Arduinl, vil., Italy, 16 m. SE. Parma. Neviansk, tn., Russia, gov. Perm, E. of Urals. Pop. 16,066. Neville, vil., Ohio, Clermont Co., on the Ohio R. Neville Mount, New South Wales, in co. Drake. Nevin, spt., Carnarvonshire, ou Carnarvon Bay. Nevifl, Ben. AVe Ben Nevis. Nevis, Loch, sea arm, W. Inverness. Lat. 57° N., long. 5' 40' W Nevis Island, British W. Indies. Lat. 17" N,, long. 62' 35' W. New Abbey, jwir. and vil., Kirkcudbrightsliire. 13.199 acres. New Aberdour, vil., Aberdeenshire, 8 in. W, Fi-aserbuigh. Newala, missiun stn., German E. Africa, 6 m. N. of Ruvuma R. New Albany, city, Indiana, cap. of Floyd co. Pop. 21,059. New Albin, vil., Iowa, Allamakee co., ou the Mississipi)i. New Albion, vil. and tnslip., New York, Cattaraugus cu. Newalganjcum-Maharaganj, two tns., Unao dist., Oudli. New Almaden, vil., Caiifurnia, Santa Clara co. New Alsace, vil., Indiana, Dearborn co., 3 m. NE. Weisburg. New Amstel, tu., Ilollaud, 5 in. S. Amsterdam. Pop. 22,685. New Amsterdam, tu., British Guiana. Lat. t" 8' N., long. 57° 24' W. New Annan, set., Nova Scotia, co. Colchester, 22 m. from Truro. Newark, par., Renfrewshire, near Port Glasgow. Newark, jiarl. div., Nottinghamshire. Newark, vil. and tnshp , Maryland, Worcester co. Newark, city. New Jersey, cap. Essex co., on Passaic R. P. 181,630. Newark, vil.. New York, Wayne co., ou the Erie Canal. Newark, city, Ohio, cap. of Licking co., on Licking R. Newark upon Trent, bor. and par., co. and 18^ in. NE. Nottingham. Newark Valley, vil, and tnshp.. New York, Tioga co. Newarthlll, vil., Lanarkshire, 3 ni. NE. Motlierwell. Newasa, sub-div., Ahuiaduagar dist., Bomljay. Newasa, lidqrs, tu, of above. Lat. 19" 34' N. , long. 75° E. New Athens, vil., Illinois, St. Clair co., 28 ni. SE. St. Louis. Newaygo, vil., Michigan, cap. of Newaygo co. New Baltimore, vil., Michigan, Macomb co., on L. St. Clair. New Baltimore, vil. and tnslip.. New York, Greene co., on Hudson R, Newbama and Hawcote, eccl. dist., N. Lancashire. New Basford, eccl. tlist., ill co. and tn. of Nottingham. New Bedford, city, Massachusetts, cap. of Bristol co. Pop. 40,733. New BerUn, vil. and tnshp., New York, Chenango co. New Berhn, bor., Pennsylvania, Union co. Newbern, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Hale co. Newbem, vil., Tennessee, Dyerco., 83 m. SW. Paducah. Newbern, vil. and tnshp,, Virginia, cap. of Pulaski co. New Berne, city, N. Carolina, cap. of Craven co. Newberry, vil., Pennsylvania, Lycoming co. Newberry Court House, vil., S. Carolina, cap. of Newberry co. New Bethlehem, bor., Pennsylvania, Clarion co. Newbiggen by the Sea, tu., Northumberland, loj ni. NE. Morpeth. Newbliaa, vil., CO. Mouaghan, 5 m. SE. Clones. New Bloomfleld, b'art of the United States. New England, dist.. New South Wales. i;^,ioo sq. m. Pop. 15,141. New England Village, vil., Massachusetts, Worcester co. Newent, tn. and par., co. and 8 in. NW. Glom-ester. Newfane, vil. and tnslip , Vermont, cap. of Wyndham en. Newfleld, vil. and tnshp,, Dnrham, 3 m. N. Bishop Anekland. Newfleld, vil.. New Jer.scy, Gloucester co., 30 in. SI2. Camden. Newfleld, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Tompkins co. New Florence, bor., Pennsylvania, Westmoreland co. New Forest, dist., SW. Hants. 83,737 acres. NewForent, pari, div., Uant,s. Newfoundland, isl., N. America. Lat. 50° N., long. 55° \V. P. 193,121. New Galrloch, vil., Nova Scotia, 18 in. from Glengarry. New Oalloway. bur., Kirkcudbrightshire, on Keu Water. Newgate Street, par., Middlesex, in London City. 12 acres. New Germany, vil.. Nova Scotia, 80 m. from Halifax. New Glarus, vil. and tnshp.. Wisconsin, Green co. New Glasgow, spt.. Nova Scotia, co. Pictou, on East R. New Glasgow, vil., Quebec, co. Terrebonne, 30 in. from Montreal. New Gloucester, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Cumberland co. New Granada. Hu Colombia, United States. New Gretna, vil.. New Jersey, Burlington co., 6 m. W. Tuckerton. New Guinea, isl., N. of Australia. 303,421 sq. ni. Lat. 5° S., 140' E. New Hackensack, vil., New York, Dntcliess co. Newhall, eccl, dist, and vil,, Derbyshire, 3J m, SE. Burton-on-Trent. Newham, tn., Victoria, cos, Bourke and Dalliousie. New Hamburg, vil., Ontario, co. Waterloo, 75 in, W. Toronto. New Hamburg, vil., New York, Dntcliess co., on Hudson R. New Hampshire, state. New England, U.S. 9305 sq. m. P. 376,530. New Hampton, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, cap, of Chickasaw co. New Hampton, vil. and tnslip,, New Hampshire, Belknap co. New Hanover. ,sVf Neu Hannover. New Harmony, vil., Indiana, Posey co., on the Wabash R. New Hartford, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Litchiii^ld co. New Hartford, vil. and tnshp., New York, Oneida co. Newhaven, spt. and par., Sussex, on R. Ouse, 8 ni. E. Brighton, Newhaven, fishing tn. and i)ar., co. and zi in. N. Edinburgh. New Haven, city, Connecticut, cap, of New Haven co. Pop. 81,298. New Haven, vil., tnshp., Illinois, Gallatin co., on Little Wabash R. New Haven, ^il., Indiana, Allen co., 6 m. E. Fort Wayne. New Haven, vJl., Kentucky, Nelson co., on the Salt 11. New Haven, vil,, Mii-liigan, Macomb CO., 35 m. NE. Detroit. New Haven, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Franklin co. New Haven, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Oswego co. New Haven, vil. and tnshp,, Ohio, Huron co., ou the Huron R. New Hav3n, bor., Pennsylvania, Fayette co. New Haven, vil. and tnslip., Vermont, Addison co New Haven, vil., W. Virginia, Mason co., on the Ohio R. Newhey, eccl. dist. and vil., SB. Lancashire, 4 m. N. Oldham. New Holland, spt., Lincolnshire, on R. Humber, opposite Hull. New Holland, old name for Australia. New Holland, vil., Ohio, Pickaway co. New Holland, bor., Pennsylvania, Lancaster co. New Hebrides, isls., S. Pacific. 16° S., long. 167' 30' E. Pop. 70,000, Newhills, par., Aberdeenshire, on R. Don. New Hope, bor., Pennsylvania, Bucks co., on Delaware R. New Hyde Park, vil., New York, Queen's co. New Iberia, vil., Louisiana, cap. of Iberia par. Newlck, par. and vil., Sussex, 7 m. N. Lewes. Newington, bor., Surrey, in SW. of Southwark. Pop. 107,850 Newington, par. and vil., Kent, 3^ in. NW. Sittiugbourue. Newington, par., E. Riding, Yorkshire, in Hull. Newington, dist. in S. of Edinburgh. New Ipswich, vil., and tnshp.. New Hampshire, Hillsborough co. New Ireland. .Sit Neu Mecklenburg. New Jersey, state, U.S. 40° N., 75" W. 7815 sq,m. Pop. 1,444,933. New Kentish Town, eccl, dist., Midiilesex, St. Pancras par. Newlabe, hill, I.)evonsliire, Dartmoor. Alt. 1525 ft. New Lambton, vil.. New South Wales, co. Northumberland Newland, par., tnshp., and vil., SW. Gloucestershire. Newland, eccl. dist., E. Riding, Yorkshire, 2 m. from Hull. Newland Head, S. Australia, on S. coast of co. Newland Lake, S. Australia, co, Mnsgiave, near the coast. Newlands, vil., Cape Colony, 4 m, from Cape Town, New Lebanon, vil. and tnshp., New York, Columbia co. New Leinster, former name for Stewart's Island, New Zealand, New Lexington, vil., Ohio, cap. of Perry co. New Liberty, vil. and tnslip., Kentucky, Owen co. New Lisbon, vil., Ohio, cap. of Colombiana co. New Lisbon, vil., Wisconsin, Juneau co., on Lemoinveir R. New Liverpool, vil., (Quebec, Levis co., on St. Lawrence R. New London, city, Connecticut, New London co., ou Thames R New London, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Henry co. New London, vil., Missouri, cap. of Kails co., on Salt R. New London, vil. and tnsh])., Ohio, Huron co. New London, vil., Wisconsin, Waupaca co., on Wolf R. New Lowell, vil., Ontiirio, Simcoeco., 79 m. NW. Toronto. Newlyn, spt. and eccl. dist., Cornwall, on Mount Bay. Newlyn, par. and vil., Cornwall, q\ m. SW. St. Columb. New Madison, vil., Ohio, Darke co., 32 m. SW. Fiqua. New Madrid, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, cap. of New Madrid co. Newmalns, tn., Lanarkshire, 2 m. from Wisliaw. New Maiden, til., Surrey, 2 ra. E. Kingston-upon-Thaiues. New Malton, par., N. Riding, York.shire. 49 acres. Newman, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Douglas co. Newmanstown, vil., Pennsylvania, Lebanon co. Newmirket, tn., Cambridgeshire and Sull'olk. 6gi in. NE. London. Newmarket, tn., co. Cork, on the R. Dalua, 8 m. NW. Kanturk. Newmarket, tn., Ontario, York CO., 34 m. NW. Toronto. Newmarket, tn., New Zealand, 2 m. S. Auckland. New Market, vil. and tnshp., Maryland, Frederick co. Now Market, Vil. and tnshp., New Hampshire, Rockingham co. New Market, vil., New Jer.sey, Middlesex co. New Market, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Highland co. New Market, vil., Virginia, Shenandoah co. Newmarket on-Fergus, tn., CO. Clare, 12 m. from Ennis. New Marlborough, vil. and tn.shp., Massachusetts, Berkshire co. New Martinsville, vil., W. Virginia, Wetzel co., on the Ohio R. New Maryland, settlement, Now Brunswick, York co. New Matamoras, vil., Ohio, Wa.shlngton CO., 30 m. from Marietta. New Mexico, ter., U.S. Ar. 122,580 sq. m. Lat. 35° N. P. 1S3,093. New Milford, spt., Pembrokeshire, on Milford Haven. New MU ford. vil. and tnshp,, Connecticut, Utclifield co. New Milford, boi'. and tiislip., Pennsylvania, Susquehanna co. New MiU, ecel. dist. and vil., W. Riding, York.shire. New MlUs, tn., Derbyshire, on R. Goyt, 8J in. SE. Stockport. Newmllna and Oreenholm, tu., Ayrshire, on R. Irvine. 189 NEW THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER NIC New Monster, former name for South Island, New Zealant.1, Newnan, vil., Georgia, cap. of Coweta co. Newnham, tn., Gloucestersliire, on R. Severn. New Norfolk, tn., Tasmania, co. Buckingham, zi m. from Hobart. New Orleans, city, Louisiana, cap. of state. Lat. 30° N. P. 242,039, New Oxford, bor., Pennsylvania, Adams co., 10 m. E. Gettysburg. New Paltz, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Ulster co., on Wallkill II. New Paris, \\\., Ohio, Preble CO., on the Wliitewater B. New Philadelphia, vil., Ohio, cap. of Tuscarawas co. New Plymouth, tn., N. Zealand, co. Taranaki, 120 ni. SW. Auckland. New Point Comfort, peninsula, Virginia, Matthews co. Newport, bur. and par., cap. Isle of Wight. Lat. 50° 40' X., 1° 20' W. Newport, bur., par., and spt., Momnoutlishire. 51° 34' N, P. 35,3X3. Newport, tn. and luir., Shropshire, 11 m. SW. Stafford. Newport, tn. and par., Pembrokeshire, on Newport Bay. Newport, eccl. dist., Devonshire, mostly within Barnstaple. Newport, pari, div., Shropshire. Newport, spt. and par., Fifeshire, 1^ m. from Dundee. 56° 22' N. Newport, spt., W. CO. Mayo, on Ciew Bay and Newport R. Newport, tn., co. Tipperary, on Mulkear XI, Newport, vil.. Nova Scotia, co. Hants. Newport, vil., Quebec, on Chaleur Buy, 37 m. from Perce Newport, vil., Arkansas, Jackson co., on tlie White B, Newport, vil., Delaware, New Castle 00. Newport, vil., Indiana, cap. of Vermillion co. Newport, city, Kentucky, cap. of Campbell co. Pop. 24,918. Newport, vil. and tnslip., Maine, Penobscot co. Newport, vil. and tuslip., New Hampshire, cap. of Sullivan co. Newport, vil. and tnshp., New York, Herkimer co. Newport, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, cap. of Cartaret co. Newport, bor., Pennsylvania, Perry co., on tlie Juniata R. Newport, city, Rhode Island, cap. of Newport co. Pop. 19,457. Newport, vil. and tnshp., Tennessee, cap. of Cocke co Newport, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, Orleans co. Newport, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, Giles co. Newport Landing, spt., Nova Scotia, co. Hants, 8 m. from Windsor. Newport Pagnell, tn. and par., co. and 14 m. NE. Buckingham. New Providence, isl., Bahamas, W. Indies. Lat. 25° N., 77" 15' W. New Providence, vil., Tennessee, Montgomery co. Newqnay, tn., Cornwall, n ni. from Truro. New Quay, tn., Cardiganshire, 11 m. SW. Aberaeron. New Republic, now dist. Vryheid (7. v.), Transvaal. New Richland, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Waseca co. New Richmond, vil., Ohio, Clermont co., on the Ohio K. New Richmond, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, St. Croix co. New Richmond, spt., Quebec, on Chaleur Bay. New River, artilictal cut, Hants and Middlese.x. New Rochelle, vil, and tnshp.. New York, Westchester co. New Roe, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Allen co. New Romney, cinque port and par,, Kent, 3 m. NE. Lydd. New Ross, tn., COS. Wexford and Kilkenny, on R. Barrow. New Rosfl, si.'t., Nova Scotia, co. Lunenburg, 26 m. from Keutville. New Rutland, vil., Illinois, La Salle co. Newry, bor. and par., cos. Armagh and Down. Pop. 15,690. Newry, Lordship of, barony, SW. co. Down. 16,181 acres. New Salem, \\\. and tnshp., Illinois, Pike co. New Salem, bor., Pennsylvania, Westmoreland co. New Scotland, S. part of Lydenbnrg dist, S. African Republic. New Seaham, eccl. dist. and vil., Durham, on the coast. New Sharon, vil., Iowa, Mahaska co., 45 m. S. Marshalltown. New Sharon, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Franklin Co., on Sandy R. New Shildon, eccl. dist. and vil., Durham. New Shoreham, vil, Rhode Island, Newport co., on Black I. Newshot Island, in 11. Clyde, co. and 2 m. from Renfrew. New Siberia Islands, N. Siberia. Lat. 75° N., 140° E. 10,000 sq. in. Newsome, eccl. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire, near Hudderslield. New South Wales, colony, Australia. ^ii.oqS sq. m. Pop. 1,153,123. Newetead, vil., Roxburghshire, i m. E. Melrose. Newstead, tn., Victoria, co. Talbot, 84 m. NXW. Melbourne. Newstead Priory, par., Notts, 6 m. S. Mansfield. New Straitsville, vil., Ohio, Perry co., 12 ni. NE. TjOgan. Newton, tnshp., Cheshire, within Hyde. 870 acres. Newton, tnshp., Chesliire, partly inMiddlewich. Newton, tnslip.. Lancasliire, in Manchester. Pop. 31,240. Newton, par., NE. Edinburghshire. 2032 acres. Newton, vil., Lanarkshire, 5^ m. SE. Glasgow. Newton, suburb of Sydney, New South Wales. Pop. 16,828 Newton, vil., Illinois, cap. of Jasper co., on Embanas R. Newton, tity and tnshp., Iowa, cap. of Jasper co. Newton, city, Kansas, cap. of Harvey co. Newton, city, Massachusetts, Middlesex co. Pop. 24,379. Newton, vil. and tnshp., New Hampshire, Rockingham co. Newton, tn., New Jersey, cap. of Sussex co. Newton, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, cap, of Catawba co. Newton Abbot, tn., Devonshire, on the Teign estuary. Newton Cap, tnshp., Durham, on R. Weir. Newton Falls, vil., Ohio, Trumbull co., on the Mahoning R. Newton Grange, vil., Edinburghshire, 2J m. S. Dalkeith. Newton Heath, tn., Lancashire, NE. jiart of Manchester. P. 29,189. Newtonia, \\\. aMc Newton. Newtown, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Fairfield co. Newtown, vil., Illinois, Vermillion co. Newtown, vil. and tnslip,, New York, Queen's co. Pop. 17,637. Newtown, viI., Ohio, Hamilton co., on the Little Miami R. Newtown, bur. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Bucks co. Newtown, vil. and tnshp., Virginia, King and Queen co. Newtownards, tn. and j-ar., co. Down, 9 in. from Belfast. Newtownbarry, tn., CO. Wexford, 9 m. NW. Ferns. Newtownbreda, vil., CO. Down, 3^ in. SE. Belfast. Newtown Butler, vil., co. Fermanagh, 5 m. W. Clones. Newtown Crommelin, jiar. and vil., co. Antrim. 3440 acres Newtown Forbes, vil., co. and 3 ni. NW. Longford. Newtown Hamilton, tn., co. and 12 ni. SE. Armagh. Newtownlennan, par., co. Tipperary, on R. Lennan. Newtown Limavady. Hut limavady. Newtown Mount Kennedy, vil., co. Wicklow, 22 m. S. Dublin. Newtownpark, vil.. CO. Dublin, Stillorgan par. Newtown St. Boswells, vil., Roxburghshire, 3^ m. SE. Melrose, Newtown Stephenaburg, vil., Virginia, Frederick co. Newtown Stewart, tn., CO. Tyrone, on R. Mourne. Newtyle, par. and vil., Forfarshire, 16 ni. from Dundee. New Ulm, City, Minnesota, cap. of Brown co., on Minnesota R. New Ulster, former name for North Island. New Zealand. New Utrecht, vil. and tnshp.. New York, King's co., ou Long Island. New Vienna, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Dubuque co. New Vienna, vil., Ohio, Clinton co., 41 m. W. Chillicothe Newville, bur., Pennsylvania, Cumberland co. New Washington, vil., Ohio, Crawford co. New Wilmington, bor., Pennsylvania, Lawrence co. New Windsor, vil., Illinois, Mercer CO., 21 m. W. Galva. New Windsor, vil. and tnshp., Maryland, Carroll co. New Windsor, vil. and tnshp., New York, Orange co. New World Island, Newfoundlaml, Fogo dist. New York, one of the U.S. Area 49,170 sq. m. Pop. 6,997,853. New York, city, cap. of New York. 40° 42' N., 74° W. Pop. 1,613,301. New York Mills, vil.. New York, Oneida co., ou Sadaquada Creek. New Zealand, 3 isls. in S. Pacific. Lat. 40' S., long. 175° E. P. 668,353. Nexo, spt., Denmark, on Bornholin Island. Neion, tn., France, dep. Haute-Vienne, 10 m. S. Limoges. Neyatankaral, taluk, Travancore, Madras. Area 213 sq. in. Nezhin, tn., Russia, ou R. Oster. Pop. 21,690, Ngaloa Harboiu", Fiji, on SE. coast of Kadavu, Ngaloa Island, in Ngaloa Harbour, Fiji. Ngaml Lake, S. Cent. Africa. Lat. 20° S., long. 23° E., 50 m. long. Ngam-king, tn., Cbina. Lat. 30" 32' N., long. 117° 5' E. Ngan-Hoei, inland prov., China. 54,000 sq. ni. Pop. 20.596,988. Ngan-King, cap. of Ngan-Hoei. Lat. 30° 30' N., long. 116" 30' E. Ngaurohoe, Mount, New Zealand, co. Wanganui. Alt. 6500 ft. Ngan-whl, prov., Cliina. Lat. 32" N., long. 117'' E. Ngao. stn. of Brit. E. African Coy., on R. Tana. Nga-pu-taw, tnshp., Bassein dist., Burma. Pop. 23,346. Ngaruawahia, tnshp.. New Zealand, co. Waipa. Ngaruroah River, New Zealand, co. Hawke's Bay. Ngau. ^'f (' Goa Island. Nge-an. prov., Aimm, on the Songka. Nlia Trang, spt., Anam. Lat. 12' 19' N. Nlilll, tn., Victoria, co. Lowan, 274 ni. W, Melbourne. Niade-Kuilu, Eiver, Africa, French Congo. Niagara, tn., Ontario, co. Niagara. Lat. 43° N., long. 79° W. Niagara Falls, vil., New York, on the Niagara R. Niagara Falls, waterfall, between U.S. and Canada, on Niagara R. Niagara River, separates Canada from the United States. Niam Niam, tribe, E. Soudan, tSW. Darfur. Niamtso. tu., Roumania, in N. of Moldavia. Niangna River, Missouri, trib. of the Osage R. Niantic, vil., Connecticut, New London co., on Long Island Sound. Niantic, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Macon co. Niarbyl Point, headland, on W. coast of Isle of Man. Nias, isl. (Dutch), W. of Sumatra. Lat. 1" N., long. 97° 30' E. Nibrang, pass, Punjab. Alt. 16,035 ft. Lat. 31° 22' N., long. 78° 13' E. Nicaragua, repulilic. Central America. 51,660 sq. m. Pop. 282,846. Nicaragua, tn., Nicaragua Republic, on Lake Nicaragua. Nicara^a Lake, Nicaragua Republic. Area nearly 3000 sq. m. NIcastro, tn., Italy, prov. Catanzaro, W. of the Ai)ennines. Nice, city, France, cap. of Alpes-Maritiiues. Pop. 66,279. Nicheguen Lake. Canada, on the Labrador peninsula. Nicholasville, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Jessamine co. Nichols, vil. and tnshp., New York, Tioga co., on Susquehanna II. Nicholson, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Wyoming co. Nicholson Mount, Queensland, dist. Leichliardt. Nicholson River, Queensland, falls into Gulf of Carpentaria. Nicholson Eiver, Victoria, waters co. Dargo. Nickerson, vil., Kansas, Reno co., 40 m. E. Great Bend, Nlcksicks, tn., Montenegro. Lat. 42° 48' N., long. 18° 58' E. Nicobar Islands, Indian Ocean, NW. of Sumatra. Lat. 7° N. Nicola River, British Columbia, trib. of the Thompson R. Nicolas d'Aliermont, tn., Prance, 8 m. SE, Dieppe. Nlcolaos. vil. and tnshp., California, Sutter co., on Feather R. Nlcolet, tn., Quebec, Nicoletco., 81 m. NNE. Montreal. Nlcolet Falls, vil., Quebec, co. Riolimond, ou Nicolet R. Nicolet Lake, Quebec, in SVolfe co. Nlcolet River, Quebec, falls into Lake St. Peter. Nicol Island, N. Territory, Australia, in Blue Mud Bay. Nicolson, Mount, Queensland, at head of the Cloncurry R, NicopoU, tu., Bulgaria, on R. I>anube. Nicosia, In., Sicily, 45 ni. WNW. Catania. Lat. 37' 45' N., 14° 20' E. Nicosia, Cyprus. Ste Lefkoaia. NIcotera, tn., Italy, prov. Catanzaro, 13 m. SW. Tropea. Nicoya, tn,, Costa Rica. Lat. 10° 10' N., long. 85" 5' W. NlcoyaBay, Costa Rica, on W. coast. Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Ricn, on Nicoya Bay. Nictanx Falls, vil,, Nova Scotia, Huron co., on Nictanx R. 190 NID THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER NOR Nidadaul, tn., Madras. Lat. i6* 54' N., long. 81° 42' E. Nidda River, Germany, falls into the Main at Hiicbst. Nidd River, W. Riding, Yorkshire, trib. of the Ouse. Nidliaull. vil-, NW. Provs., India, Etah dist. Niederbronn, tn., Alsace, 26 ni. NW. Strasburg. Niedeirad, vil., Prussia, near Frankfort-on-Maine. Nlederwald, lull, Gormany, on the Rhine, opposite Bingen. Nleder Wesel, tn., Rhenish Prussia, on R. Khiac. Pop. 20,736 Nlederzwonitz, vil., Saxony, near Zwoniiz. Nledorp, Nlenwe, vil., Holland, g m. from Alkmaar. Nledorp, Oude, vil , Holland, adjoining tlie above. Niemeck, tn., Prussia, 28 in. SSW. Potsdam. Niemen River. Russia and Prussia. Lat. s'^ 4^' ^-j lonS* zi" 30' E. Nlemea, tn,, Bi.hemia, iSni. NNW. Buutzlau. Ntenburg, tn., Prussia, 30 ni. NW. Hauover, on U. Weser. Nlenbarg Moncb, tn., Germany, on R. Saale. Nler River, CO. Waterford, trib. of R. Suir. Nierstein, tn., Hessen, on R. Rhine, 10 ra. SE. Maintz. Nleshin, tn., Russia, gov. and 35 m. SSE. Cheniikov. Pop. 43,023. Nieuwe Diep, vil., N. Holland. Lat. 52° 58' X., long. 4° 50' E. Nleuwkoop, vil., S. Holland, \i \\\. from Leydeu. Nieawpoort, tn., Belgium, 10 m. SW. Ostend. Nteuwport, tn , Netlierlands, 16 m. E. Rotterdam. Nieuwveld, mtiis.. Cape Colony, W. of Roggeveld. Alt. 7300 ft. Ni6vre, dep., France. Lat. 47° N., 3° 30' E. 2632 sq. m. P. 317,646. Nievre River, France, Ni^vre, trib. of the Loire. Nigdeh. tn., Asia Minor, 47 m. NE. Eiegli. Niger River, Africa, falls into the Gulf of Guinea. Lat. 5* N. Nigg, par., Kincardineshire, on R. Dee, 2 m. S. Aberdeen. Nigg. par. anti vil., Ross-shire, on Nigg Bay, Cromarty Firth. Nighasan, tahsiK Kheri dist., Oudh. Area 936 sq. m. Nighasan, ptr'j'.aut, Kheri dist., Oudh. Area 232 sq, m. Nightingale Island, one of the Tristan d'Aeunha gi'oup, 5, v, Ntght Island, t^ueensland, off E. coast of dist. Cook. Nigohan, p'niIalabar dist., Madras. ; Nilambur, tn., Coimbatore dist. , Madras, NUapalU, tn., Godavari dist, Madras, I>at. 16° 44' N. Nile, River, Africa, flows N. into the Mediterranean. Nile, River, Tasmania, flows tlirougli co. Cornwall. NlleB, vil. and tnshp,, Illinois, Cook co. Nlles, city and tnshp., Michigan, Berrien co,, on St. Joseph R. Niles, vil., Ohio, Trumbull co,, on the Mahoning R. NUgiri, native state, Orissa. Area 278 sq, m. Pop. 00,972. NUgirl HUla, mtns., Madras, Alt. 8760 ft. NUgirl Hills, dist., Madras. Area 957 sq. m. Pop. 91,034. Nllphamarl, sub-div., Rampurdist., Bengal. Nllwood, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Macoupin co. Nlmach, tn., Gwalior, India, 1613 ft. above the sea. Pop. 18,230. Nlmar, dist, Cent. Provs., India. Area 3357 sq. m. Pop. 203,000. Nlmburg, tn., Bohemia, on R. Elbe. Nlmegnen, tn., Netherlands, 9 m. S. Amliem. Pop. 30,372. Nlmes, til., France, cap. of dep. Gard. Lat. 43" 46' N. Pop. 69,898. Nlmfl, tn., Asia Miimr, 23 ni. BNE. Smyrna, Nlmgirl Moantalnfl, \'izagap,itam dist., Madras. Alt. 5000 ft. Nimkhar, tn , ^^itripur ., Massachusetts, Worcester co. North Brookfleld, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Worcester co. North Cape, N. point of Europe, Jlarero I. Lat. 77° 11' 40" N. North Cape, Cape Breton Island, co. Victoria. North Cape, Prince Edward Island, Princes co. North Carolina, state, U.S. Lat. 35' N., long. 80° W. Fop. 1,617,947. North Cave, jtar., tnshp., and vil., E, Riding, Yorkshire. North Channel, Ontario, N. of Grand Maniloulin I. North Chelmsford, vil., Massachusetts, Middlesex co North Chester, bor., Pennsylvania, Delaware co. Northchurch, iiar. and vil., Herts, lim. NW. Berkhampstead North Collins, vil. and tnshp., New York, Erie co. North Danville, vil., Virginia, Pittsylvania co. North Darley, local gov. dist., Derbysliire, 6 m. SE. Bakewell North Dartmouth, hamlet, Massachusetts, Bristol co. North Dighton, vil., Massachusetts, Bristol co. Northeast, vil. and tnsh])., Maryland, Cecil co. North East. bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Erie co. North Eastham, hamlet, Massachusetts, Barnstable co North-East Island, Victoria, Kent group, Bass Strait. North Easton, vil., Massachusetts, Bristol co. North-East Passage, between Atlantic and Pacific, N. Asia. North End, eccl, dist., Fulham par., Middlesex. Northenden, par., tnslip,, and vil., Cheshire, on R. Mersey Northern Bay, set., Newfoundland, on Concepcion Bay, North Esk, q\i(vxd ^.cra par., Edinburghshire, at Fishcrrow. North Esk Boom, set.. New I3runswick, 7 m. from Newcastle. North Esk River, Tasmania, co. Dorset, trib. of the Taniar. North Eak River. See. iiUo Esk Kiver. North Fairfield, vil., Ohio, Huron co. North Perrisburg, vil., Vermont, Addison co. Northfleld, par. aiul vil., Worcestershire, 6 m. SW. Birmingham. Northfield, vil. and tnslip., Minnesota, Rice co., on Cannon R. Northfietd, viL and tnshp., Vermont, Washington co. North Finchley, eccl. dist., Middlesex, Finchley par. Northfleet, par. and vil., Kent, 2 m. W. Gravesend. North Folden, fiord, Nurway, Nordland, on NW. coast. North Foreland, headland, on NE. coast of Kent, , North Fork of Platte River, Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska, North Fox Island, Maine, in Penobscot Bay, Knox co. North Gosforth, eccl. dist., Northumberland. North Harborne, eccl. dist., Stafiordshire. North Haven, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, New Haven co. North Henderson, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Mercer co. North Holland, prov., Netherlands, on Nuith Sea. Pop. 831,395. North Hope, vil., Pennsjlvania, Butler co. North Indianapolis, vil., Indiana, filarion co. North Island, British Columbia, Queen Cliarlotte Islands. North Island, Australia, one of the Sir Edward Pellew Islands. North Islands, Japan. Lat. 28° N., long. 129" E. North Kennedy, dist., Oueenalaud, between Cook and S. Kennedy, North Lawrence, vil.. New Y'oik, St. Lawrence co. North Lawrence, vil., Ohio, Stark co. Northleach, tn., par., and tnshp., Gloucestershire. North Lewisburg, Ml., Ohio, Chainjiaign co. North Liberties, par., N. CO. Limerick. North Liberty, vil., Indiana, St. Joseph co. North Lincoln, dist., Arctic America. Lat. 76' 45' N., long. 82° W, North Lindsey, pari, div., Linculnshire. North Lonsdale, pari, div., Lancashire. Pop. 60,338, North MacGregor, vil., Iowa, Clayton co., on the Mississippi. North Madison, vil., Indiana, Jefferson co. North Manchester, vil., Indiana, Wabash co., on Eel R. North Mavine, par., Shetland, on Mainland. 49,037 acres. North Melbourne, Victoria, suburb of Melbourne. Pop. 20,133. North Middletown, vil., Kentucky, Bourbon co. Northmuir, vil., Forfarshire, i ni. N. Kirriemuir. Northop, jiar. and vil., co. and 3I m. from Flint. North Ormesby, eccl. dist., N. Riding, Yorkshire. Northowran, tu. and tnshp., W. Riding, Y^orks. North Platte, vil. and tnshp., Nebraska, cap. of Lincoln co. North Point, Tasmania, N. extremity of Circular Head. North Port, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Tuscaloosa co. Northport, vil , New Y'ork, Sufi'olk Co., on Long Island Sound. North River, Alabama, trib. of the Black Warrior R, North Kiver, Iowa, trib of the Des Moines R. North River, Missouri, trib. of the Mississippi R. North Sand Head, New Zealand, co. Hobson, on Kaipara Harbour. North San Juan, vil., Califoiuia, Nevatla co. North Scituate, vil., Massachusetts, Plymouth co. North Scituate, vil., Rhode Island, Providence co. North Sea, between Great Britain and Scandinavia. North Shields, spt., Northumberland, on R. Tyue. North Shore, cccl. dist., Lancashire, in Liverpooli North Shore, suburb of Sydney, New South Wales. North Somerset, isl., Arctic Ainerica. Lat. 73* 50' N., long. 94* W. North Stouington, vil, and tnshp., Connecticut, New London co. North Sunderland, eccl. dist., tnslip., and vil., Northumberland. North Sydney, spt., Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island. North Taranaki Bight, inlet, New Zealand, co. Clifton. North Tarrytown, vil., New York, "Westchester co. North Tawton, par. and vil., Devon, 6^ m. NE. Okehampton. Northumberland, co., N. England. Area 2016 sq. m. Pop. 606,096. Northumberland, vil. and tnshp.. New Y'ork, Saratoga co. Northumberland Cape, S. point of S. Australia. Northumberland Islands, off Austitilia. Lat. 21° 30' S. Northumberland Strait, Canada, off Prince Edward Island. North Uiat Island, Hebrides. Lat. 57° 36' N., long. 7° 20' W. North Vernon, vil., Indiana, Jennings co. NorthvUle, \il., Mii'higan, Wayne co., on Rouge R. NorthviUe, vil., New York, Fulton co , on Sacondaga R. Northville, vil., New Y'ork, Suffolk co. North Wales, bor., Pennsylvania, Montgomery co. North Walshim, tn. and par., Norfolk, 7 m. NE. Aylsham. North Warren, ^'il., Pennsylvania, Warren co. North Weald Basaett, jiar. and vil., Essex, 2I m. NE. Epping. North- Western Provinces and Oudh, gov.-sliip, India. Pop. 47,730,170. North-West Cape, W. Australia. Lat. 21° 50' S., long. 114' E. North-West Passage, N. America, between Atlantic and Pacihc. North-West Territory, part of Canada. Area 2,553,337 sq. m. Pop. 93.665. North Weymouth, \i\., Massachusetts, Norfolk co. Northwich, tn., Cheshire, 11 m. SE. Warrington. Northwich, pail, div., Cheshire. Pop. 67,607. North Willoughby, suburb of Sydney, New South Wales. North Woburn, vil., Massachusetts," Middlesex co. Northwold, p:ir. and vil,, Norfulk, on R. Wissey. Northwood, par., Isle of Wiglit, near Cowes. Northwood, ei'cl. dist., Stoke-upon-Trent par., SLifTordshire. Northwood, vil. and tnslip., Iowa, cap. of Worth co. North Woolwich, tn., Essex and Kent, on R, Tliames. Norton, par. and vil., Derbyshire, 4 m. SE. Sheffield. Norton, par. and vil., Durham, near Stockton. Norton, par. and vil., E. Riding, Y'orkshire, on R. Derwent. Norton, vil. and tnshp., Massacliusetts, Bristol co. Norton Canes, par. and vil., StatTordshire, 5J m. N. Walsall. Norton Cuckney, par., Notts, 6 m. N. Mansfield. Norton Polgate, par., Middlesex, in Tower Hamlets. Norton -on -the -Moors, par. and vil., Staffordshire, near Burslem. Norton Sound, inlet, Alaska. Lat. 64° N., long. 162* W. Norton Summit, tn., S. Australia, co. Adelaide. Nortonville, vil., California, Centra Costa co. Norton Woodseats, eccl. dist., Derbyshire. 4 m. S. Sheffield. Norwalk, bor. and tnshp., Connecticut, Fairtield co. Pop. 17,747. Norwalk, tn. and tnshp., Ohio, cap. of Huron co. Norway, country, N. Europe. 125,646 sq. m. Pop. 1,999,176. Norway, vil. and tnshp., Slaine, Oxford co. 192 NOR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER OBE Norway, vil. and tnslip., New York, Herkimer co. Norwich, city, co. tn. of Norfolk. Lat. 53'' 16' N. Pop. 87,842. Norwich, vil., Ontiirio, co. Oxford, on Otter Creek. Norwich, city, Connecticut, New London co. Pop. 16,166. Norwich, vil. and tnsIip., New York, cap. of Clieuunt^o co. Norwich, vil. and tnslip., Vermont, Windsor co. Norwood, sub-dist. in S. of London, Surrey. Pop. 24,797. Norwood, subm-b and 2 m. from Adelaide, S. Australia. Norwood, eecl. dist., tnshp., and vil., Hayes par., Middlesex. Norwood, vil. and tnshp., Alassacliusetts, Norfolk co. Norwood, vil.. New Yoik, St. Lawrence co., on the Racket R. Norwood, vil., Ontario, co. Peterborough, 6 m. from Hastnigs. Noryn-nor, lake, one of the probable sources of the Hoang-ho. Noaari, div., Baroda, India. Area 1940 sq. m. Pop. 319,490. Nosob, Wadl, British Bfchuanaland. Nossen, In., Saxony, W. of Dresden, on R. Mulde. NoBB Head, on coast of Caithness, uear Wick. Nosal-B^, isl., N. of Jladagascar. Lat. 13° S., long. 48' E. Nobs Island, Slietland, off Bressay Island, 1 J la lon{j. Notares, vil.. Italy, 10 in. ESE. Teraino. NotaBulga, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Macon co. Noth, Top of , hill, Rhynie par., Aberdeenshire. Alt. 1851 ft. Nothe, The, headland, Dorset, on Weymouth harbour. Noto, city, Sicily. Lat. 37° N., Innp. 15° E. Pop. 18,240. Nolo, pIO^■., Jajan, Hondo. Pop. 280,858. Noto, Cape, Japan. Lat. 37" 35' N., long. 137" 32' E. Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland. Lat. 49° 40' N., long. 55° 30' W. Notre Dame du Portage, vil., Quebec, on R. St. Lawrence. Notre Dame Moimtalnfl, Quebec, Rimuuski CO. Alt. 4000 ft. Nott, Mount, H. Auslnilia, Gawler Range, S. of Lake Gairduer. Nottawa. huuiUt and tuslip., Michigan, St. Joseph co. Nottawasaga Bay, Ontario, off Georgian Bay. Nottawasaga River, Ontario, falls iuto Georgian Bay. Nottingham, bor., cap. of Nottinghamshire. Pop. 186,576. Nottingham, vil. and tnshp., Maryland, Prince George co. Nottingham, vil. and tnslip., New Hampshire, Rockingham co. Nottinghamahlre, CO., England. Lat. 49° 40' N. 527,752 ae. P. 391,815. Notting Hill, dist., Middlesex, in W. London. Pop. 46,306. Nottoway River, Virginia and N. Carolina, headwater of the Chowan. NoughavaJ, par., cos. Longford and Westmeath, on R. Inny. Noumea. City, cip. of New Caledonia. Noup Head, Orkney, Westray Island, on Noup Bay. Nouzon, tu., France, dep. Ardennes, on R. Mcuso. Novara, tu., Italy, cap. of Novara, 25 ni. W. Milan. Novara, prov., Italy, in Piedmont, on the Alps. Pop. 704,233. Nova Scotia, prov., Canada. 21,713 sq. m. Lat. 45° N. P. 450,623. Nova Zembla, isl., Russia, Arctic Ocean. Lat. 71° 30' N., long. 55^ E. Novelda, tu., Spain, prov. and i-* m. W. Alicante. Noveliara. tn., N. Italy, 16 m. NW. Modena. NovemlaHto, tn.. Russian Poland, 47 ni. SSW. Warsaw, Novendock River, New South Wales, co. Hawes. Noventa, vil.. Italy, prov. and 16 in, SW. Vicenza. Noventa dl Piave. vil., Italy, 17 m. NE. VeniL-e. Novgorod, gtiv., Russia, SE. St. Petersburg. 47,234sq.m. P. 1,231,639. Novgorod, city, r,ip. e. NuevoLeon, state, Mexico. Lat. 25° N. 25,096 sq. ni. Pop, 270,852. Nu Gariep River, Cape Colony, trib. of the Orange. Long. 24' 23' E. Nugget Point. New Zealand, on K. coast of co. Clutha. Nnh, /a/f.siV, Gurgaon dist., Punjab. Area 403 sq. m. Nuh, tn., I'unjrtb, Gurgaon dist. Nults, tn., France, dep. Cote-d'Or, on the Menzin R. Nujlkal River, Madras, falls into the Arabian Sua. Nukha, tn., Transcaucasia, 150 m. NW. Baku. Pop. 21,474. Nolei, tn., Spain, 12 m. SW. Castellou de la Plana. Nullagine, gold-fields, North-West Division W. Australia. Nnllarbor Plain, dist., W. Australia. Lat. 30' 30' S., lung. 129° E. Nomeralla, tn., New South Wales, co. Beresford, 316 m. S. Sydney. Numurkah, tn., Victoria, 133^ m. N. Melbourne. Nun, Capo. Morocco. Lat. 29" N,, long. 10° W. Nu-na-tak River, Alaska, falls iuto Kotzebue Sound. Nunawading, tn , Victoria, 13 m, NE. Melbourne. Nunda, \il. and tnslip., New York, Livingston co. Nunda Station, vil.. New York, Livingston co. Nondle. tnshp., New South Wales, co. Parry, 234 m. NW. Sydney. Nuneaton, tn. and par., Warwickshire, 9 ni. N. Coventry. Nuneaton, pari, div., Warwickshire, Pop. 47,361. Nunez River. Senegambia. Lat. 10" 40' N. Nunbead, cccl. di^t., Surrey, in London, Camberwell par. Nunlvack, isl., Alaska, in Behriug Sea. Lat. 60° N. Nunney, par. and vil., Somersetshire, 3 m. SW. Frome. Nun River, Morocco, on S. frontier, 130 m. long. Nun River, Manchuria, trib. of the Sungari. Nun River, principal outlet of R. Niger, Africa. Nan River, Orissa, Puri dist , trib. of the Daya, Nuoro, tu., Sardinia, 78 m, NNE. Cagliari. Nape, dist., Upper Guinea. Lat. 9° 20' N., long. 5° E. Niiremberg, city, Bavaria. Lat. 40° 30' N., long. 11° E. P. 142,403. Nuriootpa. tu., S. Australia, 47 m. N. Adelaide. Narmurkah. .See Numurkah. Nurokol-betta, peak, Nnrokol Mountains, Coorg. Nurpur, f'lh^il, Kangradist., Punjab. Area 514 sq. m. Nurpur, hdqrs. tn., Nurpur /aA.^iV, Punjab. Niirtlngen, tn., Wurtemberg, on the R. Neckar. Nusco, tn. , Italy, prov. Avellino. Nuaadorf, vil., Austria, close to Vienna. NuBsloch, tn., Baden, 6 m. S. Heidelberg. Nutfleld, par. and vil., Surrey, 3^ m. from Reigate. Nuthall, ]'ar. and vil., co. and 4^ m. NW. Nottiugham. Nayt"a Archipelago. S. Australia. Lat. 32" 40' S., long. 132° 40' E. Nuzvld, tn., Jladras. Lat. 16° 47' N., long. 80° 53' E. Nyack, vil.. New York, Rockland co., on the Hudson R. Nyaungywe, dist.. Upper Burma. Nyaimgywe, vil., Nyaimgywe dist.. Upper Burma. Nyamina, tn., Senegambia, W. Africa, on Upi>er Niger. Nyamti, vil., Mysore. Lat. 14" 9' N., long. 75' 36' E. Nyangwe, tu., Africa, on R. Lualaba. Lat. 4° S. Nyasaa, Lake, Africa. Area 13,000 sq. m. I^t. 13° S., long. 35° E» Nyborg, to., Denmark, on Funen Island. Nyir Bathor, tn., Hungary, 30 m. NE. Debreczin, Nylreghyhaza, tn., Hungary, 29 m. N. Debreczin. Nykerk, In., Netherlands, Gelderland. Nykloping, tn., Denmark, on W. coast of Falster. Nykjobing, spt., Denmark, on Lym Fiord. Nykoping. Ian, Sweden, S. of Lake Jhelar. Pop. 154,299. Nykoplng, spt., cap. of above, 58 m. SW. Stockholm. Nyland, gov., Finland, on Gulf uf Finland. Pop. 231,773. Nymbol River, New South Wales, between cos. Drake and Gresham. Nymph Bank, shoal, Ireland, off Cape Clear. Nymwegen. Sec Nimeguen. Nynee Tal. .SV.; Nainl Tal. Nyngan, tn., New South WaiCS, 377 m. NW. Sydney. Nyon, tn., Switzerland, canton Vaud, on Lake of Geneva. Nyona, tu., France, dep. Drome, 33 ni. NE. Avignon. NyBtad, spt., Finland, on Gulf of Bothnia. Oadby, par. and vil., co. and 3^ m. SE. Leicester. Oahu Island, Hawaii. Area 800 sq. m. Pop. 28,068. Oaicbtagani Lake, (.Quebec. Lat. 50° 5' N., long. 71° W. Oajaca, state, Mexico, on Pacific Ocean. Pop. 806,846. Oajaca, city, cap. of above, 210 m. SSE. Jlexico. Pop. 27,866, Oakbank, vil., Edinburghshire, near Mid-Calder. Oakbank, tu., S. Australia, co. and 20 m. E. Adelaide. Oakdale Station, vil., Pennsylvania, Alleghany co. Oakengatea, tn,, Shropshire, 14 !n. W. Shrewsbury. Oakenshaw, eecl. dist. and vil., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Oakfleld, ei.'cl. dist, Isle of Wiglit, S. of Ryde. Oakham, par. and co. tn., Rutlandshire. Lat. 52" 43' N. Oakham Lordahold. tnshp., Oakliam par., Rutlandshire. Oakbampton. Si.r Okehampton. Oak Harbour, vil., Ohio, Ottawa en., on Portage R. Oakhill, eecl. dist. and vil., Somersetshire. Oak Hill, vil, Oliio, Jackson co. Also called Portland. Oakland, city, California, cap. of Alameda co. Pop. tnshp. 48,663. Oakland, vil., Illinois, Coles Co., 40 m. SW. Terre Haute. Oakland, vil. and tushi*., Marylaml, cap. of Garret co. Oaklands, tn., S. Austialia, co. Fergusson. Oaklelgh, tnslip., Victoria, co. Bourke, 10 m. SE. Melbourne. Oakley, vil., Fifeshire, 4 ni. from Dunfermline. OakB, tnshp , New South Wales, co. Camilcn, 50 m. SW. Sydney. Oakthorpe and Donlathorpe, tuslip., Leicester and Derby sliires. Oakville, tn., Ontario, co. IlaUou, on Lake Ontario. Oakwood, vil., Ontario, en, Victoria, 10 m. from Lindsay. Oakworth, tn., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 3 m. SW. Keighley. Oamaru, spt,, N-nv Zealand. Lat. 45° S., long. 171" E. OatlandB, vca'A, dist., Surrey, 3 m. SE. Chertsey. OatlandB, tnshp., Tasmania, cos. Sonicr.set and Monmouth. Oaze Deep, chaunel in Thames estuary, 6 tn. E. of tlie Nore. Oban, s)it. and par., Argyllshire, Lat. 56' 26' N., long. 5" 28' W. Obbla, tu., Africa, on the Somal Coast. ObdorBk. vil., Siberia, Tobolsk. Lat. 67° N., long. 63° E. Obeld, El, tn., Africa, cap. of Kordofan. Pop. 20,000. Ober Amraergau, vil., Upper Bavaria, 31 m. SSW. Munich. Oberhauaen, vil., Baden, 5 m. SW, Ettenheiiu. on R. Rhine. Oberhauaen, tn., Prussia, 6 m. NW. Erfseu. Pop. 25,125. OberHesaen, prov., Hessen, in NK. 1270 sq. m. Pop. 263,044. Oberkirch, tn., Baclen, 7 m. NE. Orenburg Oberlaa, tn., Austria, E. of Vienna. Ober-Latmsteln, to., Germany, on the Rhino and Lalio. N 193 OBE THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER OLD Oberland, dist., Switzerland, Bern canton. Oberlin, vil., Ohio, Lorain co., 34 ui. WaW. Cleveland. Obemdorf, tn., Wiirteniberg, on R. Neckar. Obemkirchen, tu., Prussia, 9 ni. E. Minden. Oberon, tiislip.. New South Wales, 120 m. W. Sydney. Oberpfalz, circle, Bavaria, next Bohemia. Pop. 628,564. Oberrad, vil., Prussia, near Frankfort -on-the-Main. Obersteln, tn., Germany, Oldenburg, 6 ni. NE. Birkenfeld. Obertyn, tn., Austria, Galicia, 14 ni. NE. Knlomea. OberUrsel. tn., Hessen Nassau, 8 \\\. NW. Frankfort. Oberwesel, tn., Rhenish Prussia, on R. Rhine. Oberwinterthur, vil., Switzerland, 15 ni. NE. Ziirich. O BesBenova, tn., llungary, 9 ni. SW. Nagy Szent Miklos, Obias River, Tennessee, trib. of the Cumberland R. Obidos. tn.. Brazil. Lat. 2" 7'S., long. 56' 15' W. Obion River, Tennessee, trib. of the Mississippi R. Obi River, W. Siberia, falls into the Gidf of Obi. Long. 68° E. Obley, In., New South Wales, co. Gordon, 208 m. W. Sydney. Obney Hills, Perthshire, 2^ m. S. Duukeld. Alt. 1323 ft. Obok, spt., on Tadjura Bay, Red Sea. French possession. Oboyan, tn., Russia, gov. and 32 ni. S. Kursk. Obra River, Germany, trib. of the Warta. Lat. 52' 25' N., 15° 50' E. Obree, Mount, New Guinea, 40 m. N. Keppel Point. Alt. 10,246 It. O'Briansbridge, par. and vil., SE. co. Clare, 8 ni. NE. Limerick. Ocala, vil., Florida, cap. of Marion co. Ocana, tn., Spain, prov. and 30 ni. E. Toledo. Ocana, tn., Colombia, 60 m. NW. Pamplona. Occhlobello, tn., Italy, 13 m. SW. Rovigo, on R. Po. Occoquan River, Virginia, falls into the Potomac R. Ocean Grove, vil.. New Jersey, Monmouth co. Oceania, div. of the globe, comprising islands of the Pacific. Ocean Springs, vil., Missouri, Jackson co. Ochil Hills, mostly in Perthshire. Alt. 2363 ft. Lat. 56"* 14' N. Ochiltree, par. and vil., AjTshire, on Lugar Water. Ochiltree Loch, NE. Wigtownshire, Penningliame par. Ochrida, tn., Turkey, Albania. Lat. 41° 15' N., long. 20" 45' E. Ochrida, Lake, Albania. Lat. 41" 11' N., long. 20° 43' E. Ochflenfort, tn., Bavaria, on R. Main, ji ni. from Wiirzburg. Ochaenhanaen, vil., Wiirteniberg, 8 m. ESE. Biberach. Ochaenwarder, free tn., SE. Hamburg, on Island in R. Elbe. Ochtmp, tn., Westphalia, 25 m. NW. Miinster. Ockbrook, par. and, vil., co. and 4^ m. E. Derby. OckerHill, eccl. dist., Staffordshire, in Wednesbury. Ocker River, Germany, trib. of the AUer, 60 ni. long, Ocklawaha River, Florida, trib. of St. John's R. Ocklockonee River, Florida and Georgia, falls into Appalachce Bay. Ock River, Berkshire, trib. of the Thames at Abingdon. Ocmulgee River. Georgia, headwater of the Altamaha R. Oconee River, Georgia, headwater of the Altamaha R. 0"Connel, tn., New South Wales, co. Bathurst, 139 m. W. Sydney. O'Conner, city and tnslip., Nebraska, Waukesha co. Oconomowoc, vil., Wisconsin, 31 in. W. Milwaukee. Oconto, city, tn., and tnshp., Wisconsin, cap. of Oconto co. Oconto River, Wisconsin, falls into Green Bay. Ocracoke Inlet, N. Carolina, near Pamlico Sound. Ocomare, tn., Venezuela, Bolivar, 49 m. SSE. Caracas. Od, tn., Bombay, Kaira dist. Lat. 22° 37' N., long. 73° 10' E. Odanah, vil., Wisconsin, Ashland co., on the Bad R. Odawara, tn., Japan, 40 m. SW. Tokio. Pop. 13,496. Odde, tn., Norway. Lat. 60° 8' N., long. 6" 35' E. Odd Rode, tnshp., Clieshire, 3^ m. SW. Congleton. Odebolt, vil., Iowa, Sac co. Has extensive trade. Odekwe, st;ition of the Niger Company, Africa. Odell, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Livingston co. Odemira, tn., Portugal, Alemtejo, 58 m. SW. Beja. Odenburg, tn., Hungary. Lat. 47" 41' N., long. 16° 36' E. Odeni, station of the Niger Company, Africa. Odenkirchen, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 17 m. WSW. Diisseldorf. OdenBe, chief tn., Fiinen L, Denmark. Lat. 55° 25' N. Pop. 30,277. Odenwald, nitn. dist., Germany, in Hessen. Oderau, tn., Austrian Silesia, on R. Oder. Oderberg, tn., Brandenburg, on R. Oder. Odem Island, Newfoundland, off Flaceutia Bay. Oder River, Germany, falls into Baltic Sea. Lat. 53° 30' N. Oderwltz, Nieder und Mittel, tn., Saxony, 6 ni. NW. Zittau. Oderwitz, Ober, tn., Saxony, in the vicinity of above. Oderzo, tn., Italy, 15 m. EN'E. Treviso. Odessa, city, Russia. Lat. 46° 30' N., long. 30" 45' E. Pop. 240,000 Odessa, \'i]., Ontario, Addington co., 12 ni. from Kingston, Odessa, vil , Delaware, New Castle co., 3 m. NE. Middletoivu. Odiham, tn., Hants, 23 m. NE. Winchester. Odin, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Marion co. Odin Mtn., New Zealand, co. Marlborough. Odin Ness, headland, Orkney, on E. coast of Stronsay L Odvoiev, tn., Russia, gov. and 40 m. from Tula. Oedenbnrg, tn., Hungary, 37 m. SE. Vienna. Pop. 23,222. Oederan, tn., Saxony, 32 m. NE. Zwickau. Oehringen, tn., Wurtemberg, 14 m. ENE. Heilbronn. Oelras, tn., Portugal, 9 m. from Lisbon, at mouth of the Tagus. Oeiras, city, Brazil, cap. of Piauhy state. Lat. 7° 5' S. Oelras, tn., Brazil, state Para. Lat. 2° 30' S., long. 50° 30' W Oel, tn., Oudh, Kheri dist. Includes Dhakua vil. Oelde, tn., Westphalia, 25 m. ESE. Miinster. OelB, tn., Prussian Silesia, 16 m. ENE. Breslau. Oelsnitz, tn., Saxony, on R. Elster, 6 m. SE. Plauen. Oeael Island, Russia, in Baltic. Lat. 58° 20' N., 22' 30' E. Oestergotland, Ian, Sweden. Fop. 266,800. OestrJch, tn., Prussia, on R. Rliine, 11 m. W. Mainz. Oestringen, vil., Baden, 8 m. NE. Brnchsal. CEta, mtn., Greece, g m. W. Thermopylje. Alt. 7061 ft. Oettlngen, tn., Bavaria, 25 m. S. Anspach. Oetrthaler Alps, nitns., Austria. Lat. 46° 47' N., long. 10" 50' E. Oeynhaiuen, tn,, Germany, in Mindeu circle. O'Pallon Depot, vil., Illinois, St. Clair co., 18 m. E. St. Louis. Ofanto River, enters the Adriatic near Barletta. Ofen, Sec Bnda, Oflaly, East, baiony, mid co. Kildare. Area 47,028 acres. Offaly, West, barony, co. Kildare, Area 40,608 acres. Offenbach, vil., Bavaria, 5 m. E. Landau. Offenbach, tn. , Hessen, on R. Main. Pop. 3&,1M. Offenburg, tn., Baden, 7 m. SW. Carlsruhe. Offerlane, par., Queen's co., on R. Nore, 3 ni. SW. Mouutrath. Offley, jtar. and vil., Herts, 3^ m. SW. Hitchin. Ofoten, vil., Norway, on Ofoten Fiord. Ogden, vil., Iowa, Boone co., 12 m. W. Boone, Ogden City, city, Utah, cap. of Weber co. Ogdensburg, vil.. New Jersey, Sussex co., on Wallkill R, Ogdensburg, city, New York, St. Lawrence co. Ogeechee River, Georgia, falls into Ossawba Sound. Oggersheim, tu., Rlienish Bavaria, 12 m. NNW. Speyer. Oggiono, tn., Italy, 13m, E. Como. Oglethorpe, vil., Georgia, cap. of Macon co., on Flint R. Ogley Hay, par., eccl. dist., and vil., tS. Statlordshire. Oglio River, Italy, trib. of the Po, 10 m. SW. ilantua. Ognon River, France, enters Lac Grand-Lieu. Lat. 47' 20' N, Ogoke River, Ontario, trib, of the Albany R. Ogonnelloe, par., E. co. Clare, on Lough Derg. Ogowai River, Africa, falls into the Atlantic at Cape Lopez. Ogmgn, station of the Niger Company, Africa. Ognlin, tn.. Croatia, 23 m. SSW, Karlstadt. Ognta, station of the Niger Company, Africa. Ogwen River, Carnarvonshire, falls into the Menai Strait. Ogwr River, Glamorganshire, falls into Bristol Channel. Ohaeawai, nati\e vil., New Zealand, co. Bay of Islands. Ohain, vil., Belgium, it m. SSE. Brussels. Ohanez, tn., Spain, 19 m. from Almeria. Ohan Lake, New Zealand, cos. Mackenzie and Waitaki. Ohanpo, \il.. New Zealand, co. Waipa, 94 m. S. Auckland. Ohau River, New Zealand, rises in Lake Oliau. Ohinemuta, tn., New Zealand, co. Kotorua, 120 ni. SE. Auckland. Ohio, state, U.S. Lat. 40° N., 82° W. 40,760 sq. m. Pop. 3,672,316' Ohio, settlement. Nova Scotia, co. and 7 m. from Yarmouth. Ohio Eiver, United States, trib. of the Mississippi R. Ohlau, tn., Prussian Silesia, on the R. Oder. Ohomnra, tn,, Japan, Kiu-Siu I. Lat. 32" 55' N. Pop. 20,000. Ohoopee River, Georgia, trib. of the Alabama R. Ohora Bay, New Zealand, inner part of Rangounou Bay. Obora River, New Zealand, falls into Ohora Bay. Ohrdrufi, tn., Germany, 8 m. S. Gotlia. Ohre River, Germany, trib. of the Elbe below Magdeburg, Ohura River, New Zealand, waters Clifton co. Oich, Loch, Inverness-shire, on Caledonian Canal. Oil City, ^ il., Ontario, co. Lambton, 8 m. from Petrolia. Oil City, city, Pennsylvania, Venango co., on Oil Creek. Oil Creek, bor., Pennsylvania, Crawford co., on Oil Creek. Oil Springs, vil., Ontario, n m. from Pretoria, Lambton co. Oirschot, tn.. Netherlands, 13 m. S. Bois-le-Duc. Oise, dep , France, Lat. 49" 30' N., long. 2° 30' E. Area 2261 sq. ni. Pop. 403,146. Oiae River, France, trib. of the Seine, 1S7 ni. long. OiBsel-aur- Seine, vil,, France, 8 ni. S. Rouen. Oisterwijk, tn., Netherlands, 10 m. SW. Bois-le-Duc. Oisy, vil., France, 17 m. ESE. Arras. Ojinaga, tn., Mexico, on Rios Grande and Conchas. Oka, vil., Quebec, 36 ni. from Montreal. OkanaganLake, British Columbia, source of Okanagan R. Okanagan River, British Columbia, falls into the Columbia R. Okanda, tn., Japan, 50 ni. ENE. Tokio. Oka River, Russia, trib. of the Volga at Nizhni Novgorod. Okasaki, tn., Japan, 132 m. SW. Tokio. Okawville, vil. and tnslip,, Illinois, Washington co. Okayama, tn., Jajtan, Nippon Island, Bizen prov. Pop. 43,886. Okechobee Lake, Florida, Brevard co. Area 1000 sq. m. Okeflnokee Swamp, great marsh, Georgia and Florida. Okehampton, tn. and par., Devon, 26 ni. W. Exeter. Okewood, \'\\. and eccl. dist., Surrey, 5 m. NW. Horsham, Okhansk, tn., Russia, on R. Kama. Lat. 57'' 45' N., long. 55° i E. Okhotsk, tn., Siberia. Lat. 59° 20' N., long. 143" E. Okhotsk, Sea of, gulf, N. Pacitic. Lat. 55° N., long. 150" E. Okl Islands, Japan, NE. of Hondo Island. Ok kan River, Lower Burma, trib. of the Hlaing. Oklahoma, tract, Indian Territory, United States. Ai'ea 2950 sq. m, Okolona, vil., Mississipju, Chickasaw co. Okrika, mission stn., Afric^i, Niger Protectorate. Okukn, New Zealand, co. Ashley, trib. of Ashley R. Oland, isl., ofTSweden, in Baltic Sea. Pop. 38,341. Olathe, tn., Kansas, cap. of Johnson CO., 21 m. SW. Kansas City. Olbemhau, tn., Saxony, 22 m. SE. Chemnitz. Olbersdorf, tn., Austrian Silesia, 22 ni. NW. Troppau. Old Artillery Ground, par., Middlesex, in Tower Hamlets. Old Bow River, Canada, Alberta. Lat. 51° 10' N. Old Brentford, 2 eccl. dists., Middlesex, Ealing par. Oldbridge, vil,, co. Waterford, near Clonmei. Oldbury, tn., Worcestershire, 5 m. W. Birmingham. Old Calabar River. See Calabar, Old. Old Castile, old prov. of Spain. Oldcastle, tn., CO. Meath, 14 m. NW. Kells. Old Castle Point, promontory. Isle of Wight, on N. coast. Old Charlton, eccl. dist., Kent, mainly in Greenwich. Oldconnaught, par., SE. CO. Dublin. Area 1972 acres. Oldebrock, vil., Netherlands, Gelderland, 3 ni. SE. Elburg. Old Ecricoe, tn., Africa, UpptT Guinea, on Old Calabar R. Oldenburg, grand duchy, N. Germany. Ar. 2479 sq. m. Pop. 365,000. Oldenburg, cap. of above. Lat. 53° 5' N., long. 8° 10' E. Pop. 21^438 Oldenburg, tn., Prussia, Holstein, 30 m. NNE. Liibeck. Oldenburg, vil., Indiana, Franklin co., 4 m. N. BatesvUle. 194 OLD THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ORA OldenzaaJ, tn., Netherlands, Overyssel, ig in. XE. Delden. Oldesloe, tn., Prussia, Uolstein, 24 ra. NE. Hamburg. Oldfield Point, heaiUand, New York, on Long Island. Old Ford, 2 eccl, dists., Middlesex, in Tower Hamlets. Oldham, bor., Lancashire. Lat. 53° 34' N. Pop. 131,463. Oldham, vil., Nova Scotia, co, Hants, 3 ni. from Enlield. Oldhamstocha, par. and vil., Haddington and Berwick shii'es. Old Head of Kinaale, headland, on S. coast uf CO. Cork. Old Hill. eiL-1. dist., StalTordshire, Rowley Regis par. Oldland, vil, and tnshp., Gloucestershire, 5 ni. E. Bristol. Old Lizard Head, most \V. point of The Lizard, Cornwall. Old Man of Coniaton, highest point of Coniston Fells. Alt. 2633 ft. Old Man of Hoy, isolated rock, oil' Hoy Island, Orkney. Oldman'fl Bay, Newfoundland, Burgeo and La Poile dists. Old Man's River, Alberta. Canada, trib. of the Belly R. Old Meldrom, par. and vil., co. and 19 7n. NW. Aberdeen. Oldrosfl, par., co. Wexford, 4 m. NE. New Ross. Old Street Road, eccl. dist., Middlesex. Oldswinford, jtar., StalVord and Worcester shires. Old Udaipur, vil., Bengal, Hill Tipperah. Old capital. Old Wife's Lake, Keewatin. Lat. 53" 40' N., long. 95" 55' W. Old Wives Lakes, Assinibuia. Lat. 50*' 10' N., long. 106' W. Olean, vil. and tnshp., New York, Cattaraugus co. Oleggio, tn., Italy, prov. and 10 m. N. Novara. Olekma River, Siberia, trib. of the Lena, 400 m. long. Olekmlnsk, tn., Siberia, on R. Lena and R. Olckma. Olenek River, Siberia, falls into the Arctic Ocean, W. of R. Lena. Citron Island, France, Bay of Biscay. Lat. 46" N., i' 10' W. P. 18,200. Oleta, vil. and gold mines, California, Amador co. Oletzko, tn., Prussia, 41 m. SSE. Gunibinnen. Olevano, tn., Italy, 29 m. E. Rome. Olevano, tn., Italy, prov. and 15 m. E. Salerno. Oley, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Berks co. Olgopol, tn., S. Russia, gov. Podulia, 140 m. NNW. Odessa. Olifant River, Cape Colony, falls into the Atlantic. Lat. 33° 30' N. Olinda, city, Brazil, Pernambuco, 4 ni. N. Recife. Olindft Entrance, through Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Ollnthxifl Mount, S. Australia, co. Jervois. Olintorsk, vil., Kamtchatka, on NE. coast. Ollte, tn., Spain, Navarra, 27 ni. S. Pamplona. Oliva, tn., Spain, prov. and 48 m. NE. Aiicautc. Oliva, tn., W. Prussia, 5 m. NW. Dantzig. Oliva de Jerez, tn., Spain, 30 m. S. Badajoz. Oliveira do Conde, vil., Portugal, 16 ni. S\V. Vizeu. 01iven9a, tn., Brazil. Lat. 4° 7' S., long. 69° 23' W. Ollvenza, tn., Spain, 16 m. SSW. Badiijoz, on the Guadiana. Olives, Mount of, E. of Jerusalem. Lat. 31° 47' N., long. 35' 16' E. Olivet, tn., France, dep. Loiret, 3 ni. S. Orleans. Olivet, vil., Michigan, Eaton co., 14 m. N. Marshall. Oliveto, tn., Itiily, prov. Salerno. Ollerla, tn., Spain, prov. and 45 m. SSW. Valencia. OUerton, tn., Nottinghamshire, on the Mann. OUiouleB, tn., France, dep. Var, 4 m. W. Toulon. OUon, vil., Switzerland, canton Vaud, 2 m. SE. Aigle. Olmedo, tn., Spain, prov. and 25 m. S. Valladolid. OlmBted, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Cuyahoga co., on Rocky R. Olmiitz, to., Moravia. Lat. 49° 35' N., long. 17° 15' E. Pop. 20,176. Olna Firth, bay, Shetland, ofl'St. Magnus Bay. Olne, tn., Bidgium, prov. and 8 m. ESE. Liege. Olney, tn., Buckingliainshire, n m. SE. Northampton. Olney, city, Illinois, cmp. of Richland co. Olneyvill©, vil., Rhode Island, 2 m. W. Providence. Olona River, Italy, enters the Naviglio Grande Canal near 3Iilan. Olonetz, gov., N. Russia and E. Finland. 57,437 srj. m. P. 314,877. Olonetz, tn., Olonetz gov. Lat. 61" N., long. 33° E. Olonne, tn., France, dep. Vendee, near the coast. Olonzac, tn., France, Herault, 15 m. NW. Narbonnc. Oloron, tn., France. Lat. 43° 10' N., long. 0° 30' W. Olot, tn., Sjiain, ]»rov. and 21 m. NW. Gerona. Olpad, sub-div., curat dist., Bombay. Area 323 sq. m. Olpad, lidiirs. tn. of above. Lat. 21° 21' N., long. 72° 48' ^^* Olpe, tn., Westphalia, 28m. SSW. Arnsberg. Olrig, jjar., Caitlmess, 5 m. from Thurso, on Ci-«8t. Clat, vil., Netherlands, Overyssel, 6 m. N. Deventer. Olten, tn., Switzerland, 20 m. ENE. Soleure. Olteaitza, tu.^ Roumania, Wallachia, on R. Danube. Olvenatedt, vil., Prussian Saxony, 4 m. WNW. Magdeburg. Olveri, tn., Spain, i)rov. and 67 in. from Cadiz. Olveston, par. and vil., Glnucostershire, near Thornbury, Olviopol, tn., Russia, Kherson, on R. Bug. Olwy River, Monmouthshire, trib. of the tJsk. Olympia, jilain, Morca, Elis, on the Alpheu.s. Olympia, city, cap. of Washington, U.S. Lat. 47 30' N. Olympua, Mount, Thcs.saly. Alt. 9753 ft. Lat. 40° 5' N., 22' 20' E. Olympus, Mount, New Zealand, in co. Collingwood. Olympu* Mount, Tasmania, co. Lincoln, on Lake St. Clair. Olyphant. bor., Pennsylvania, Lackawanna co. Omagh, CO. tn., Co, Tyrone. Lat. 54° 34' N., long. 7" 20' W. Omagh, East, b.irnny, co. Tyrone. Omagh, West, barony, co. Tyrone. Omaha, city, Nebi-aska, cap. of state and of Douglas en. p. 110,462. Oman, cMintry, Araliia, on Persian Gulf. Lat. 23" 30' N. Oman, Golf of, arm of Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf. Omatwara, tract of country. Central lnain, prov. and 80 m. ENE. Granada. Orchard Bay, Isle of Wight, on S, coast, \\ m. SW. Ventnor. Orchha, native state, Bundelkhand, Cent. India. Pop. 311,514. Orchha, tn., Orchha state. Lat. 25" 21' N., long. 78' 42' E. P. 18,344. Orchies, tn. , France, dep. Nord, 16 m. SE. Lille. Orcbilla Island, Venezuela. Lat. 11° 45' N., long. 66° lo' W. Orcby River, Argyllshire, falls into Loch Awe. Ordbain Hill, E. Inverness-shire, near Rothieraurchus. Orderville, vil., Utah, Kane co., 35 m. E. Toquerville Ordnance Point, Tasmania, coast of co. Russell. Ord of Caithness, headland, between Caithness and Sutherland. OrdflaU, eccl. dist., Lancashire, in W. Manchester. Ordaall, par., Nottinghamshire, in E. Retford. Ordubad, tn., Transcaucasia, gov. Erivan. Orduna, tn., Spain, Alava, 22 m. NW. Vittoria. Ore, par.. Sussex, mostly contained in Hastings. brebro, Ian, Sweden. 3502 sq. ni. Lat. 60° N. Pop. 182,436. brebro, tn., Sweden, cap. of Orebro Ian. Lat. 59° 15' N. P. 14,342. Oregon, state, U.S. Lat. 45^ N. Area 94,560 sq. m. Pop. 313,767. Oregon, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Ogle co., on Rock U. Oregon, vil., Missouri, cap. of Holt co. Oregon, vil, and tnshp., Wisconsin, Dane co. Oregon City, vil. and tnshp., Oregon, cap. of Clackamas co. bregrund, spt., Sweden, 70 ni. NE. Stockholm. Orekhov, tn., Russia, Taurida, 73 m. SSE. Yekaterinoslav. Ore Knob, vil., N. Carolina, Ashe co., 3 m. SW. Mouth of Buffalo. Orel, gov., Russia. Lat. 52° 30' N., 36' E. 18,041 sq. m. P. 2,050,069. Orel, city, cap. of above. Lat. 53° N., long. 36' E. Pop. 78,091. Orel River, Russia, trib. of the Dnieper, gov. Poltava. Orenbiurg, gov., SE. Russia. Area 73,817 sq. m. Pop. 1,317,135. Orenburg, city, Russia, cap. of above, on R. Ui-al. Pop. 56,361. Orense, prov., Spain. Area 2634 sq. m. Pop. 405,074. Orenae, tu., Spain, caii. of above. Lat. 42° 20' N., long, -f 50' W. Orepuke, tn.. New Zealand, co. Southland. Oreston Point, headland, Somerset, 2 m. NE. Porlock. Oreti Point, lieadland. New Zealand, Bay of Islands. Oretl River, New Zealantl, flows S. through co. Southland. Orfa, tn., Asiatic Turkey, 78 m. SW. Diarbekir. Orfania, GuU of, Turkey. Lat. 40° 46' N., long. 24° E. Orford, tn. and par., Suftblk, 20 m. NE. Ipswich. Orford, tn., Victoria, co. Villiers, 195 m. SW. Melbourne. Orford, Cape, Oregon. Lat. 42° 40' N., long. 124° 30' W. Orford NesB, prumontoiy, Sufl'olk, on Hollesley Bay. Orford Ness, headland, Queensland, S. of Newcastle Bay. Organ Mountains, Brazil. Lat. 22° 23' N., long. 42° 46' W. Oria, tn., Italy, Lecce, 22 m. WSW. Brindisi. Oria, tn., Spain, 40 m. N. Almeria. Orier, Lower, barony, E. co. Armagh. 32,151 acres. Orler, Upper, barony, S. co. Armagh. Pop. 29,358. Orlgny-Ste-Benoite, vil., France, dep. Aisue, 8 m. E. St. Quentin. Orihuela. tn., Spain. Lat. 38° 5' N., long. 1° W. Pop. 20,929. Orilia, vil., Ontario, co. Simcoe, on Lake Choucbiching. Orinoco River, Venezuela, falls into Atlantic. Lat. 9° N. Oriolo, tn., Italy, prov. Cosenza, 11 m. NW. Roseto. Orion, vil., Illinois, Henry co., 18 m. SE. Rock Island. Orion, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Oakland co. Oriskany. vil.. New York, Oneida co., on Oriskany Creek. Oriskany Falls, vil., New York, Oneida co. Oriflsa, prov., Bengal. 24,240 sq. m. Lat. 21" N. Pop. 8,199,877. Oristano, tn., Sardinia, 59 in. NNW. Cagliari. Orizaba, tn., Mexico, state and 70 m. WSW. Vera Cruz. Orizaba, volcano, Mexico. Lat. 18° 39' N., 79° 8' W. Alt. 17,380 ft Orjiba, tn., Spain, prov. and 32 ra. SE. Granada. Orkhel, tn., Russia, gov. Bessarabia, 25 m. N. Kishenev. Orkhon River, Mongolia, trib. of the Selenga. Orkney Islands, otf N. coast of Scotland. Lat. 59° N., 3' W. P. 32,044. Orland, vil., Indiana, Steuben co., 12 m. S. Bronson Station. Orleannoise, old prov. of France, now deps. Loiret, Eure-et-Loir, etc. Orleans, eity, France, cap. of Loiret. Lat. 48" N., long. 2" E. P. 60,826. Orleans, vil. and tnshp,, Indiana, Orange co. Orleans, vil., Nebraska, cap. of Harlan co. Orleans, Isle of, Canada, in St. Lawrence R., 4 m. NE. Quebec. Ormea, tn., Italy, Coni, on R. Tanaro. Ormes Bay. Carnarvonshire, on N. coast. Ormesby, par., tnshp., eccl. dist, and vil., N. Riding, Yorkshire. Ormes Head, Carnarvonshire, N. coast, on Beaumaris Bay. Ormlston, par. and vil., Haddingtonshire, on R. Tyne. Ormond, Lower, barony, N. co, Tipperary, Ormond, Upper, barony, N. co. Tipperary. Ormondville, tn.. New Zealand, co, Waipawa. Ormskirk, tn., par., and tnshp., SW. Lancashire. Ormskirk, pari, div., SW. Lancashire, Ormatown, vil., Quebec, Chateauguay co., on Chateauguay R. Ormuz. Strait of, between Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. Ormuz Island, Persian Gulf. Lat. 27" 10' N., long. 56' 30' E. Omans, tn., France, dep. Doubs, 10 ni. SE. Besan^on. Ome, dep., Franee, Normandy. Area 2354 sq. ni. Pop. 367,218. Orne River, France, falls into English Channel. Lat. 49° 20' N. Orofu, stn. of tlie Niger Company, West Africa. Oromocto River, New Brunswick, trib. of St. John R. Oronogo, vil. Virginia, Jasper co., 10 m. NE. Joidin. Oronaay Island, Argyllshire, at S. end of Colonsay. Orontes River, N. Syria, falls into the Mediterranean. Oroshaza, tn., Hungary, 31 m. NE. Szegedin. Pop. 18,032. Orotava, tn., Canaries, in Teneritfe. Oroaa River, New Zealand, co. Oroua, OroviUe, vil., California, cap. of Butte CO., on Feather R. Oroya, tn., Peru, 136 m. NE. Lima. Alt. 12,178 ft. Orphan's Island, Maine, in Penobscot co. and R. 5000 acres. Orphir, par. and vil., Orkney, in S. of Poniuna. 12,762 acres. Orpington, par. and vil., Kent, 3 m. SE. Chislehurst. Orrell, tn., Lancashire, 3 m. from Wigan. Orrery and Kilmore, barony, N. co. Cork. 69,346 acres. Orrisdale Head, on W. coast of the Isle of Man. Orroroo, tn., S. Australia, co. Dalliousie, 178 ni. N. Adelaide. OrrviUe. vil., Ohio, Wayne co., 23 m. SW. Millsburg. Orsara, tn., Italy, prov. AveUino, 5 ra. NW. Bovino. Orsett, par. and vil., Essex, 9 m. S. Brentwood. Orsha, tn., Russia, gov. Mohilev, on R. Dnieper. Orsk, tn., Russia, on R. Ural. Pop. 15,985. Oraova, tn., J^ervia, on an island in R. Danube. Orta, In., Italy, prov. and 13 m. SE. Foggia. Orta, Lago d', Italy, 7 m. W. Lago Maggiore. Orte, tn., Italy, on R. Tiber, 15 m. E. Viterbo. Ortegal, Cape, Spain, Galicia. Lat. 43° 50' N., long. 7' 50' W. Ortelsburg, tn , E. Prussia, 82 m. SSE. Konigsberg. Orthez, tn., France, 25 m. from Pan. Ortiz, tn., Venezuela, Guarico, 50 m. NE. Calabozo. Ortler Spitz, mtn., Tyrol. Alt. 12,811 ft. Lat. 46' 35' N. Orton, tn., Westmorland, 1 m. SW. Appleby. Ortona, tn., Italy, Chieti, on the Adriatic. Oruba Island, Venezuela. Lat. 12° 30' N., long. 70° W. Oniro, In., Bolivia, 100 m. NW. Sucre. Orvieto, tn., Italy, Perugia, 65 m. NNW. Rome. Pop. 16,424. OrviUe, tn., Victoria, co. Gladstone, 138 m. NW. Melbourne. Orwell, I'.ir., Kinro:?s-shire, on Loch Leven. 13.133 acres. OrweU River, Suffolk, part of R. Gipping from Ipswich to Harwich. 0rwig3burg, bor., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co. Orzi-Novi, vil., Italy, 18 m. SW. Brescia. Osage, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, cap. of Mitchell co., ou Red Cedar R. Osage City, tn., Kansas, 0.sage co., on Salt Creek. Osage Mission, vil., Kansas, Neosho co., on Osage R. Osa^e River, Kansas and Missouri, trib. of the Missouri R. Osaka, spt., Japan. Lat. 34° 30' N., long. 135° 30' E. Pop. 442,659. Osawatomie, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Miami co. Osbom, vil., Missouri, De Kalb aud Clinton cos. Osborn, vil., Ohio, Greene Co., on the Mad R. Osborne, royal residence. Isle of Wight. Lat. 50' 44' N. Osborne, vil., Kansas, cap. of Osborne co., 32 m. W. Beloit. Osbomaville, vil.. New Jersey, Ocean co., 2 ni. NE, Silverton. Oscarshanin, spt., Sweden, on Kalmar Sound. Osceola, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, cap. of Clarke co. Oaceola, vil. and tnshp., Nebraska, cap. of Polk co. Oaceola Mills, bor., Pennsylvania, Clearheld co. Oachatz, tn,. Saxony, 31 m. ESE. Leipzig. Oscbersleben, tn., Saxony, 19 m. WSW. Magdeburg. Pop. 10,680. Oscoda, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Iosco co., on Lake Huron. Gael Island, Russia, in Baltic Sea. Lat. 58' 20' N., long. 22' 30' E. Osero, tn., Austria, on Lossini Island, in the Adriatic. Osgood, vil., Indiana, Ripley co., 52 m. W. Cincinnati. O'Shanassy Mtn,, Queensland, in dist. Burke. Oshawa, vil., Ontario, co. Ontario, 34 m. E. Toronto. Oshkoah. oity, Wisconsin, cap. of Winnebago co. Pop. 22,836- Oshmiany, tn., Russia, gov. and 28 m. SE. Vilna. Oshmuneyn, vil., Egypt. W. of R. Nile. Lat. 27° 50' N. OsUo, vil., Sanlinia, 6 m. E. Sassari. Osimo, tn., Italy, 9 m. S. Ancona. Pop. 17,821 Oakaloosa, city, Iowa, cap. of Mahaska co. Oakaloosa, vih and tnshp., Kansas, Jefferson co. Oskol River, Russia, Kursk, trib. of the Donetz. Oslavan, tn., Moravia, 12 m. WSW. Bninn. Oamau Bazar, tn., Bulgaria, 40 m. WSW. Shumla. Osmandjik, tn., Asiatic Turkey, 54 m. WNW. Amasia. Osmotherly, par., tnshp., and vil., N Riding, Yorkshire. Oanabnick, gov., Hanover. Lat. 52° 15' N., long. 8' 5' E. Pop. 291,126. Osnabruck, tn., cap. of above, on R. Haase. Pop. 39.921. Osnabruck Centre, vil., Ontario, co. Stormont, 6 m. from Wales. Oanaburg, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Stark co., 5 m. E. Canton. Osney, New, eecl. dist., in co. and city of Oxford. Osoppo, vil., Italy, prov. Udine, 3 m. WSW. Geinona. Osomo, tn.. Chili. Lat. 40° 35' S., long. 73" 12' W. Ospino, til., Venezuela, state Portuguesa, 55 ni. NNE. Guanare. Oaprey Reef, Coral Sea, 140 m. ofTCape Melville, Queensland. Oapringe, ]tar. and vil , Kent, par. partly in Faversliam. Osaa, Mount, Thessaly, N. of Olyinpus. Alt. 6194 ft. Ossabaw Island, Georgia, in mouth of Ogeechee R. Osset-with-Gawthorpe, tn. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Oasian, vil,, Indiana, Wells co., 10 m. N. Blutfton. Ossian, vil., Iowa, Winneshiek co., 25 m. from Cresco. Oasipea, vil. and tnshp.. New Hampshire, cap. of Carroll co. 19G OSS THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER OXP Osaipee, Lake, New Ilainpsliire, Carroll co. Fine sreneiy. Ouipee River, New ilaiiipshire, trib. of the Saco R. OBBory, diooise, Ireland, SW. Leinster prov. Ossory, pari, div., Queen's co. 240,019 acres. Osaon, tn., Fiance, iiautes- Pyrenees, 10 in. SW. Tarbes. Ostaahkov, tn., Russia, gov. and 104 in. WNW. T\cr. Ostend, spt., liel;;ium. Lat. 51° 14' N., long. 2° 54' E. Pop. 24,318. Oflterburg, tn., Prussian Saxony, 47 in. N. Magdeburg. Oite River, Prussia, Hanover, trib. of tlie Elbe. Osterode, tn., Hanover, 20 ni. NE. Guttingen. Oster Riaaoer, spt., Norway, 60 ni. NE. Cliristiansand. bfiterauiid, tn., 8\veden, cap. of Jeintlaud. Lat. 63" 15' N. Osterwick, tn., Prus.sian Saxony, 42 in. WSW. Magdeburg. Ostheim, vll., Bavaria, 5 ni. SW. Ascliaffenburg. Osthelm vor der Rhon, tn., Germany, S7 ni. SSW. Eisenach. Oathofen, tn., Hesseu, 6 m. NNW. Worms. Oatla, Vll., Italy, 14 ni. WSW. Rome, at mouth of R. Tiber. Oatiano, tu., Italy, 8 m. NW. Canueto. OatigUa, tn., Italy, 17 ni. ESE. Mantua, on R. Po. Oatra, tn., Mmavia, on R. March. Oatrog, tn., Russia, gov. Volhyuia. Pop. 16,622. Oatrogolak, tn., Russia, gov. and 59 m. S. Voronezh. Oatrolenka, tn., Poland, gov. Loniza, S6 m. NE. Plock. Oatrov, tn., Poland, gov. and 25 m. SW. Loniza. Ostrovlek, tn., Puland, gov. Radoin, 15 m. N. Opatow. Ostrovo, tn., Turkey, on Lake Ustrovo, 30 m. SE. Mouastir. Oatrowo, tn., Prussia, 67 m. SE. Poseu Oat See, (Jernian name for the Baltic. Oetmxi, tn., Italy, prov. Lecce, 24 m. WNW. Brindisi. Pop. 18,835. OaubulBland, Fiji, one of the Exploring Islaiuls. Osuna, tu., Spain, prov. and 48 in. ESE. Seville. Pop. 17,211. Oawaldtwiatle, tn. and tnshp., Lancashire, 3 m. SE. Blackburn. Oawegatchie River, New York, trib. of the St. Lawrence R Oawego, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Kendall co., on Fox R. Oswego, city, Kansas, Labette co., on the Neosho R. Oswego, city, New York. Lat. 43° 20' N., 76° 30' W^. Pop. 21,842. Oswego Falla, vil.. New York, Oswego co., on Oswego R. Oawego River, New York, falls into Lake Ontario at Oswego. Oawestry, bor. and par., Shropsliire. Lat. 52" 52' N., long, 3° 3' W. Oawestry, pari, div., Shropshire. Oaweatry Rural Part, tnshp., Shropshire. i4,:?46 acres. Oawestry Town Part, tnshp., Shrop.shire. 1888 acres. Oayka, vil., Mississippi, Pike co., 88 m. N. New Orleans. Otago, prov. dist., New Zealand. 23,497 acres. Pop. 153,005. Otago Harbour, anchorage. New Zealand, co. Peninsula. Otaheite. .Ste Tahiti. Otahuhn, tn.. New Zealand, CO. Manukan, 9 ni. SE. Auckland. Otaio River, New Zealand, co. Waimate, tlows E. Otaki, tn.. New Zealand, co. Uorowhenua, 4- in. N. Wellington. Otapidaram, Uduk, Tinnevelli dist., Madras. Otapidaram, tn., Tinnevelli dist., Madras. Otara River, New Zealand, falls into Bay of Plenty. Otautau, vil.. New Zealand, co. Wallace, 30 in. NW. InvercargilL Otavalo, tn., Ecuador, 30 in. N, Quito. Damaged by earthquake iSOo. Otchakov, tn., Russia, gov. Kherson, on the Dnieper. Otego, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Otsego co., 011 Susquehanna R. Otepopo, dist., New Zealand, co. Waitaki, 56 in. NNE. Dunedin. Otford, jar. and vil., Kent, on R. Derwent, 3m. N. Seveuoaks. Othrya Mtua., Greece. Lat. 39° N., long. 22" 30' E. Otiaco Lake, New York, Onondaga co., 772 ft. above sea. OttaviUe, vil., New York, Orange co., 7 ni. from Middletown. Otley, tu., liar., and tnslip., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Pop. 17,787 Otley, pari, div., W. Riding, Yorksliire. Pop. 56,718. Otoe Agency, vil., Nebra-ska, Gage co. Mostly occuiiied by Indians. Otonabee River. Ontario, falls into Bay of Quinte. Ot-po, tnshp., llenzadadist.. Lower Burma. Pop. 70,230. Ot-po, tn., Burma. Lat. 17' 48' N., long. 95° 20' E. Otranto, tn., Italy. Lat. 40' 10' N., long. 18° 30' E. Otranto, jTov., Italy. .See Lecce. Otranto, Strait of, an entrance to the Adriatic. Otsego, vil. anrl tnslip., Michigan, Allegan co., on Kalamazoo R. Otaego Lake, Micliigan, in Otsego co, Otaego Lake, New York, source of the Susquehanna R. Otaelic River, New York. trib. of the Tioghniugo R. Otau, tn., Japan, Island, Onii prov. Pop. 17,924. Ottaiano, tn., Italy, 12 in. K. Najdcs Pop. 20,509. Ottakrlng, tn., Austria, 3 m. W. Vienna. Pop. 37,417. Ottawa, city, raj), of Canada. Lat. 45" 15' N. Ottawa, city, Illinois, cap. of La Salle co., on Illinois R. Ottawa, city, Kansas, cap. of Franklin co., on Osage U. Ottawa, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Putnam co. Ottawa Lake, Michigan, in Monroe co. Ottawa River, Canada, trib. of t)ie St. Lawrence, above Montreal. Ottensen, tn., Germany, 2 m. W. Altoiia. Pop. 18,635. Otterberg, tn., Rhenish Bavaria, 33 m. NW. S]>eyer. Otterbum, vil. and tnshp., Nuilliumberland. Lat. 55° 15' N. Otter Lake, Ontario, Addington co. Otter River, Devon.shire, falls into the Channel. Ottertail Lake, Ontario, Algonia dist. otterville, vil., Ontario, co. Oxford, 17 in. SE. Woodstock. Otterville, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Cooper co. Ottery St Mary, tn. and par., Devonshire, on R. Otter. Ottmacbau, tn., Prussian Saxony, on R. Neisse. Ottoman Empire. .SVc Turkey. Ottone, tn., Italy, pntv. and 2=; m. NK. Genoa. Ottiunwa, city, Iar., Flintshire, near R. Dee. Overton, par. and vil., Hants, 7I in. from Basingstoke. Overtown, par. and vil., Lanarkshire, li in. SF. Wishaw. OveryHBche-Notre-Dame-au-Boto, vil., Belgium, 9 m. SE. Brussels. Overyaiel, prov., Netherlands. Lat. 52° 24' K., 6° 30' E. P. 297,64iS. Ovid, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Clinton co., on Maple R. Ovid, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Seneca co., 20 m. S. Waterloo. Ovidiopol, spt., Russia, Kherson, on R. Dniester. Oviedo, prov., N. Spain. Area 4206 sq. m. Pop. 696,420. Oviedo, city, cftp. of above. Lat. 43" 25' N., long. 5° 50' W. P. 42,716. Ovlng, liar, and vil., Sussex, 7.\ m. E. Chichester. Ovingham, par., tnshp., and vil., Nortliumberland, on R. Tyne. Ovoca River, co. Wicklow, falls into the sca at Arklow. Ovrutch, tu., Russia, Volhyuia, 82 m. N. Zhitomir. Owaaco Lake, New York, Cayuga co. Fine scenery. Owatonna, In., Minnesota, cap. of Steel Co., on Straight R. Owego, vil. and tnsh]>., New York, cap. of Tioga co. Owel, Lough, CO. Westnieath, 3 in. NW. Mulhngar. Owenduff, imr., co. Wexford, on OwenduffR. Owen Head. Ni-w Zealantl, oil E. fuast of Stewart Island. Owenkillew River, CO. Tyrone, trib. of R. Strule. Owenmore River, co. Sligo, falls into Ballysadare Bay, Owen Mount, ii». Cork, at source of R. Bandon. Owen Mount, Nrw Ze.aland, peak of the Marine Mountains. Owen Mount, Tasmania, co. Montagu. Owenaborough, cily, Kentucky, cap. of Daviess co. Owenaburg, vil., Indiana, Greene co., 20 m. NW. Bedford. Owens Lake, California, 10 m. F. Mt. Whitney. Owen Sound, tu., Ontario, cap. of Grey co., on Georgian Bay. Owena River, Cabfornia, falls into Owens Lake. Owen Stanley Mountain, Ni'W Guinea. Alt. 13.205 ft. Owenavllle, vil., Indiana, Giltsmi co., 12 in. SW. Princeton. Owenton, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Owen co. Owlerton, eccl. dist., W. Riding, York.shire, inShelUeld. Owl's Head, mtn , Quebec, co. Brtnne, 6 m. from Georgeville. Owney and Arra, barony, W. co. Tii>perary. 85,494 acres. Owneybeg, barony, co. Limerick. 27,211 acres. OWO880, eity, Michigan, Shiawassee co. Owaton, jiar. and tnshp., Lincolnshire, in Isle of Axholine. OwBton Ferry, tn., Liiiculnsliire, I.sle of Axholme, nn R. Trent. Owyhee River, Hows tlirough Nevada, Idaho, and Oregon. Oxcar Rocka, in Firth of Forth, 5 m. NW. Leith. Oxenhope. tu. and ecel. dist, W. Riding, Yorks, 5 ui. SW. Keighley. Oxford, eily, Oxford and Berkshires. Lat. 51° 46' N. Oxford, tn.. New Zealand, co. Ashley, 41 in. NW. ('hristchurch. Oxford, vil., Georgia, Newton co., 36 m. E. Atlanta. Oxford, vil., Imliana, Benton co., 22 lu. W. Lafayette. Oxford, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Johnson co. 197 OXF THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER PAL Oxford, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Summer co., on Arkansas R. Oxford, vil. and tnshji., Maine, Oxford co., 14 m. NW. Lewiston. Oxford, vil., Maiyland, Talbot co., on Tliird Haven R. Oxford, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Oakland co. Oxford, vil., Mississippi, cap. of Lafayette co. Oxford, vil., Missouri, cap. of Worth en. Oxford, vil. and tnshp., New Jersey, Warren co. Oxford, vil. and tnshp., New York, Chenango co., on Chenango R. Oxford, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, cap. of Granville co. Oxford, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Butler co., 39 m. N. Cincinnati. Oxford, bor., Pennsylvania, Chester co. Oxford Lake, Canada. Lat. 54° 45' N., long. 96° W. Oxford Mills, vil., Ontario, co. Grenville, 5 m. SW. Kemptville. Oxfordshire, CO., England, S. of Warwickshire. Pop. 186,938, Oxford Station, vil., Ontario, co. Grenville, \t\ m. from Prescot. Oxhey, eccl. dist., Herts, near Watford. Oxley, tn., Victoria, co. Delatite, 153 m. NE. Melbourne. Oxley, tn., Queensland, co. Stanley, 8 ni. S. Brisbane. Oxley Island, N. Territorj', Australia, off Mountnorris Bay. Oxley'a Table Land, New South Wales, co. Cowper, on Bogau R. Ox Mountains, CO. Sligo. Alt. 1778 ft. Oxted, par. and vil., Surrey, 6 m. N. Lingfield. Oxton, tnshp., Cheshire, in Birkenhead. Oxus River. iSVe Amu Darla. Oya, tn., W. Africa, cap. of Yoruba. Pop. 150,000. Oyapoc River, Brazil. Lat. 4° 25' N., long. 51" 35' W. Oyarzun, tn., Spain, Guipuzcoa, 7 ni. SE. St. Sebastian. Oykell River, Ross and Sutherland shires, falls into Dornoch Firth. Oyonnax. tn., France, dep. Aisne, 8 ni. NE. Nantua. Oyster Bay, vil. and tnshp., New York, Queen's co. Oyater Bay, S. Australia, olif Gulf of St. Vincent. Oyster Bay, Tasmania, co. Glamorgan, ^\ m. wide. OjTster Island, CO. and 4 ni. NW. Sligo, in Sligo Bay. Oyatermouth, par., vil., and local gov. dist., Glamorganshire- Oyster Reef, Lower Burma, off Arakan. Ozark, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, cap. of Dale co. Ozark, vil., Arkansas, cap. of Franklin co. Ozark Mountains, in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Indian Territories. Ozieri. tn., Sardinia, 29 m. E. Sassari. Ozo Lake, Congo state, Africa. Rejiorted to Stanley. Ozorkov, tn., Poland, 76 m. WSW. Warsaw. Paarl, tn.. Cape Colony, cap. of Paarl div., 38 m. E. Cape Town. Paar River, Bavaria, flows NNE. 70 ni. to the Danube. Pabar River, Bashahr state, Punjab, trib. of the Tons Pabay Island, Outer Hebrides, Ross and Cromarty Pabbay Island, Outer Hebrides, Inverness-shire. Pabbay Island, Outer Hebrides, in Sound of Harris. Pabbay Island, Skye, Inverness, in Broadford Bay. Pabianize, tu., Poland, gov. Piotrkov. Pabna, dist., Bengal. Area 1839 sq. m. Pop. 1,354,640. Pabua, sub-div., Pabna dist. Area 901 sq. m. Pabna, hdqrs. tn., Pabna dist. Lat. 24° o' N. Pacajes, tn., Bolivia, dep. and 100 m. SSE. I^ Paz. Pacaamayo, spt., Pern, 90 m. W. Caxamarca. Pacawa Lake, Wisconsin, in Green Lake co. Area about 16 sq. m. Paceco, tn., Italy, 4 m. SE. Trapani. Pacentro, tn., Italy, prov. Aquila, 4 m. E. Sahnona. Pachacama, vil., Peru, 18 m. SE Lima. Pachamalai Mountains, Madras, Trichinopoli and Salem dists. Pachamba, former sub-div., Hazaribagh dist., Bengal. See Giridhl. Pachamba. tn., Hazaribagh dist., Bengal. Lat. 24° 12' N., 86° 18' E. Pacheco, vil., California, Contra Costa co. Pachhegam, jtetty state, Bombay. Area 10 sq. m. Pachhimrath, poj-gann^ Faizabad dist., Oudh. Area 350 sq. m. Pachhoha. jiorgano, Hardoi dist., Oiuih. Area 83 sq. m. Pachino, tn., Sicily, i>rov. Syracuse, 12 m. S. Noto. Pachlpeta. .Se. of .McCracken co., on Ohio li. Padula, tn., Italy, 54 m. SE. Siilerno. Paduli, tn., Italy, prov. Benevento, u m. W. Ariano. Paesana, tn., Italy, 13 m. NW. Saluzzo, on the Po. Pagan, tn., Burma, Myiu-gyin dist. Lat. 21^ 10' N. Pagan!, tn., Italy, prov. Salerno, 22 m. SE. Naples. Paganica, tn., Italy, 5 m. E. Aquila. Pagara, estate, Hoshangabad dist., Central Provs., India. Pa-gat. See Hpa-gat. Pages Islands, S. Australia, between Kangaroo I. and co. Hindraarsh, Pagham, coast par., Sussex, 4^ m. SE. Chichester. Pagla River, Maldali dist., Bengal, ofl'shoot of tlie Ganges. Paglesham, par. and vil., Essex, 4 m. NE. Rochford. PagUeta, tn., Italy, prov. and 20 m. S. Chieti. Pago, island of Dalmatia, ott coast of Croatia. Lat. 44° 30' N. Pago, tn., Italy, Naples, 15 m. NW. Ariano. Pagsanjan, tu., Philippine Islands, Luzon, near Manilla. Pahang. state, Malay Peninsula, on E. coast. Pop. 50.000. Pahang, tn., cap. of above. Paharapur, 2'^"''J"'^Ct Gonda dist., Oudh, India. Pahari Banka, estate, Bundelkhand, India. Paharpur, tu., Dera Ismail Klian dist., Punjab. Lat. 32° 7' N. Pahar Sirgira, chiofship, Sambalpur dist., Cent. Provs., India. Pahasu, tn., Bulandsliar dist.. NW. Provs., India. Pahautanui, vil.. New Zealand, 19 m. N. Wellington. Pahiatua, tnshp.. New Zealand, co. Wairarapa. Pahlanpur. See Palanpur. Pahra, pettj' state, Bundelkhand, India. Pai-bin Creek, Bassein dist., Lower Burma. Paignton, coast tu. and par., Devon, 2 m. S. Torquay. Pai-gu. See Pegu. Paila, pargiuux, Kheri dist., Oudh, India. Pailanl, taJisil, Bandadist., NW. Provs., India. Area 361I sq. m. Pailani, hdqrs. vil., Pailaiu tahsif. Pailton, tnshp. and vil., Warwickshire, 5 ni. NW. Rugby. Paimboeuf, tn., France, dep. Loire-Infer., on R. Loire below Nantes. Paimpol, spt. tn., France, dep. C6tes-du-Nord, 23 m. NNW. St. Biifuc. Paiua, tu., Goraklipur dist., NW. Provs., India. Painam. See Sonargaon. Painda River, Sylhet dist., Assam, offshoot of the Surma R. Painestown, par., E. CO. Meatli, 2J in. SW. Slane. Painesville, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, cap. of Lake co. Painganga. Sec Penganga. Paing-kyan Creek, Burma, branch between Pegii and Sittaung Rs. Pains Lane, eccl. dist., Shropshire. Painswick, tn. and par., Gloucestershire, sJm. NE. Stroud. Paint Creek, Iowa, rises in Madison co. Painted Desert, high plain, NW. Arizona, S. of Wahsatch Mtns. Painted Post, vil.. New York, Steuben co. Paintepur. tn., Sitapur dist., Oudh. Lat. 27' 16' N., long. 81" 13' E, Paint Rock River, Alabama, falls into the Tennessee. Paintsville, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Johnson co. Paisley, tu., Renfrewshire, 6 ni. W. Glasgow. Pop. 66,427. Paisley, vil., Ontario, co. Bruce, 17 m. SE. Southampton. Paithan, tn., Aurangabad dist., Haidarabad, India. Pajarea, vil., Spain, prov. and 18 m. SE. Oviedo. Pakaur, sub-div., Santal Parganas, Bengal. Area 683 sq. m. Pak-chan River, Mergui dist., Burma, flows into Bay of Bengal. Pakefleld, est. par. and vil., Suffolk, 2 in. SW. Lowestoft. Pakenham, par. and vil., Suffolk, 5 m. NE. Bury St. Edmunds. Pakenham, vil., Ontario, 15 m. NXW. Carleton Junction. Pakenham, tu., Victoria, co. Moruington, 35 m. SE. Melbourne. PakhalLake, Haidarabad, Inilia. Area 12 sq. m. Pak-hoi, spt. tn., China. Lat. 21" 29' N., lung, xog" 17' E. Paknam, tu., Siam, at month of R. Menain. Pakoghkee Lake, Assiniboia, drains to Milk R. Pakokku, tu., Pakokku dist., Burma. Lat. 21" 20' N., 95° 8' E. Pakpattan, tahsil, Montgomery dist., Punjab. 1305 sq. m. Pakpattan, tu. in above. Lat. 20' 30' N., long. 73" 25' E. Paks, tn., Hungary, on the Danube, 62 lu. S. Buda-Pesth. Pal, petty state, Gujarat. .See Pol. Pal, petty state, Bouibay. Area 21 sq. m. Palacios, tn., Spain, prov. and 12 in. S. Seville, palafrugell, tn., Spain, jirov. and 20 m. ESE. Gerona. Palagonia, tu., Sicily, 20 ni. SW. Catania. Palais, Le, si)t. tn., France, dep. Morbilian on Belle Isle. Palaiseau, tn., France, dep. Seine-et-Oise, 11 m. SW. Paris. Palaja. tn., Italy, 18 m. SE. Pisa. Palakollu, tn., Godavari dist., Madras. Lat. 16' 31' X., long. 81'46'E. Palakonda, tn., Vizagapatam dist., Madras. Lat. 18° 36' N., 83°48' E. Palakonda, estate, Vizagapatam dist., Madras. Palakonda, taluk. Vizagapatam dist., Madnis. Palali, petty state, Kathiawar, Bombay. Palamainer. See Palmaner. Palamau, sub-div., Lohardaga dist., Bengal. Area 4241 sq. m. Palamkotta, tu., Tinnevelli dist., Madras. Lat. 8' 42' N. P. 17,964. Palamos, ft. coast tn., Spain, 19 m. ESE. Gerona. Palampur, tn., Kangra dist., Punjab. Lat. 32° 7' N., long. 76' 35' E. Palani. So- Pahii. Palanka, Neu, Deutsch, and Alt, 3 vils., Hungary, 12 m. SW. Bacs. Palanpur Agency.grp. of native states, Bombay. 8000 sq.m. Palanpur, native state, Palanpur agency. 3150 sq. m. Palanpur, cliief tn. of above. Lat. 24° 9' N., 72° 28' E. Palar River, Slysore, falls into the sea in lat. 12° 27' N. Palasbari, vil., Kainrup dist., Assam. Lat. 26' 8' N., long. 91' 35' E. Palasbihar, one of tlie Dang states, q.v. Palasgaon, estate, Bhandara dist., Central Provs., India. 71 sq. m, Palaagarh. estate, Chanda dist.. Central Provs., India. 262 sq. m. 198 PAL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER PAN Palaanl, petty state, Rowa Kantlia, Bombay. Palatinate, circle of Bavaria, W. of tlie Rhine. Palatinate, Upper, circle of Bavaria, bordering on Bohemia. Palatine, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Cook co. Palatine, vil.. West Virginia, Marion co., on the Monongahela R. Palatine Bridge, vil., New York, Montgomery co., on the Mohawk R. Palatka, vil, Florida, cap. of Putnam co., on St. John's R. Palava, station of Ni;^f r Company's territory, W. Africa. Palaveram. NtT Pallavaram. Pa-law, vil., MerL,'ui dlst., Burma. Lat. 12° 51' N., long. gS' 42' Palawan laland, PUilipjiines. Lat. 10*0' N., long. 119° o' E. Palazzo, tn., Italy, prov. Potenza, 17 m. ESE, Melfl. Palazzo-Adriano, tn., Sicily, prov, Palermo, 12 m. SE Corleone. Palazzolo, tu., Italy, in Brt-scia, 5 m. NW. Cliiari. Falazzolo, tn., Sicily, prov. Syracuse, 13 m. NW. Noto. Paldeo, petty state, Bundelkhand, India. Area 28 sq. m. Pale, The, portion of Ireland first colonised by the English. Palembang, residency, in E. of Sumatra. Pop. 661,900. Palembang, tn., Sumatra, cap. of above. Lat. 3° o' S. Pop. 60,000. PaJena, tn., Italy, prov. Chieti, 21 m. SSW. Lanciano. Palencla, prov., Spain, Old Castile. Lat. 42° o' N. Pop, 188,954. Palencia, tn., Spain, cap. of above, on H. Carrion. Palenvne, vil., Mexico, state Chiapa.s, 100 m. ENE. San Cristoval . PaleoTuno, mtn., Greece. See Helicon. Palermo, prov., Sicily. Lat. 38° 5' N., long, 13° 15' E. Pop. 698,622. Palermo, spt. city, cap. of Sicily. 38" 5' N., 13° 15' E. Pop. 267,000. Palestine, Holy Land, between Mediterranean and Jordan. P. 824,000. Palestine, tn., Texas, cap. of Anderson co., 152 m. N. Houston, Palestine, tn , Manitolia, co. Marquette, 37 m. from Portage la Prairie. Palestine, vjl., Illinois, Crawford co. Palestine, vil., W. Virginia, Wirt Co., on the Little Kanawha R. Palestrina, tn., Italy, 22 m. ESE. Rome. Palestro, tn., Algeria, prov. and 35 m. ESE. Algiers. Palestro, vil., Italy, prov. Pavia. French victory 31st May 1859. Palghat, iixhik, Malabar dist., Madras. Area 613 sq. m. Palghat, hdqrs. tn., Palghat taluk. Lat. 10° 45' N. Palgrave, par. and vil., Suffolk, 4 m. NW. Eye. PalguralapalU, vil., Cuddapah dist., Madras Presidency. Palhalll, vil., S. India, stale and 5 m. N. Mysore. Pali, tn., Jodhpur state, liajpulana. Lat. 25" 46' N., long. 73° 25' E. Pall, pargaiui, Hardoi dist., Oudh. Area 73 sq. m. Pall, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 27° 31' N., long, 79° 53' E. Palia, pargana, Kheri dist., Oudh. Area 130 sq. m. Falls, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 28" 26' N., long. 80° 37' E. Paliano, ft. tn., Central Italy, 7 m. NW. Anagni. Palisades, New Vork, range of rocks along part of Uudson River. Palisse, La, tn., France, dep. Allier, 27 m. SB. Moulins. Pallt&na, native state, IBombay. Area 288 sq. ni. Palltana, chief tn. of above. Lat. 21° 31' N., long. 71° 53' E. Palivela, tn., Godavari dist., Madras. Lat. 16° 41' N., 81' 55' E. Paliyad, petty state, BSVr Policat. Palkhera, estate, Uliandara dist.. Central Provs., India. 37 sq. m. Palk's Bay and Strait, between India and Ceylon. Palladam, taink, Coimbatore dist., Madras. ArRa 742 sq. m- PaUadam, lidqrs. tn., Palladam taluk, 20 m. E. Coimbatore. Pal Lahara, native state, Orissa. Area 452 sq. ni> Pop. 14,887 Pallanza, tn., Italy, in Piedmont, on Lago Maggiore. Fallaakenry, vil., CO. and 11 m. W. Limerick. Pallavaram, tn., Chengalpatdist., Madras. 12' 57' N., 80° 13' E. Palllon, ec(d. , Durham, on NW. side of Sunderland. PalUser, Cape, New Zealand, extremity of North I. PaUlser Bay, N''W Zealand, co. Waiiarapa S., 18 m. broad. Palma, deserted tn., Manbhum dist., Bengal, Palma, ft. spt., Spain, cap. of Majorca, on SW. roast. Pop. 60,514. Palma, tn,, Brazil, state Goyaz, at confluence of Parana with Palma. Palma, tn., S. Spain, prov. and 26 m. NE. Huelva. Palma, tn., Italy, prov. Caserta, 4 m. S. Nota. Palma, tn., Sicily, 13 ni. SE. Oirgenti. Palma, isl,, Canary Islands. Lat. 39' 35' N. 333 sq.m. Pop. ?8,822. Palma del Rio, tn.. Spain, prov. Cordova, on the Guadalquivir. Palmaner, tnink, N. Arcot dist., Madras. Area 447 sq. m. Palmaner, h»' nl.^n Ye-gyl. Pandhana, vil., Nimar dist, , Cent. Provs. , India. 21° 42 N., 76" 16' E. . Pandharpur, sub-div., Slmlapur dist., Bombay. Pandharpur, chief tn. of above. 17' 40' N., 75° 22' E. Pandhurna. tn. and mun., Chhindwara dist,. Cent. Provs., India Pandora Entrance, Queensland, 80 m. E. Orford Ness. Pandri Kalan, tn., Unao dist., Oudh, India. Pandu, pftty state, Bombay. Panduah, vil., Hugli dist., Bengal. Lat. 23" 4 N., long. 88' 19' E. Panduah. deserted tn., Maldah dist., Bengal. Pandu Mehwas, grp. of 26 petty states, Bombay. 147 sq. m. Pandya, one of three great divisions of S. India. Pangal, tn., Nizam's lionumons, 77 ni. WSW. Nagar Kamul. Panganl, spt. tu., German East Africa. Lat. 5° 17' S. Pangbourn, par. and vil., Berks, c;^ m. NW. Reading. Pangola River, trittutary of Mapula It., S. Africa. Pangong, largi- salt lake, Tibet, loo m. E. Leli. Alt. 14,000 ft. Pango Pango, s])t., Samoa Islands, ouTuluila Island Pang River, links, flows 13 in. to the Tliames at Pangbourn. Panhan, jmrgana, Unao dist., Oudh, India. Panhan, hdqrs, tn. of above. Lat. 26* 25' N., long. 80* 54' E. Panhandle, name given to NW. part of Texas and N. of W. Virginia. Panhlalng, creek, Rangoon and Thun-gwa dists.. Lower Burma. Pan Hope, bay, on E. side of Flotta L, Orkney. Panta. Si-r Palna. Paniala, vil., Dera I.smail Khan dist., Punjab. 32* 14' N., 70° 55' E. Panimar, vil,, Nowgong dist., Assam. Panlpat, tuhsil, Karnal dist., Punjab. Area 458 sq. m. Panipat, hdqrs. tu. and municipality in above. 199 PAN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER PAR PanissUre, tn., France, Loire, 22 m. NE. Montbrison. Panjab. $•:': Puiyab. Panjim. .SVe Goa. Panjnad River, runiab, trib. of the Indus. Pankota, tn., Hungary, co. anar., Devon, on R. Yeo, 6 m. SW. Bideford. Parkhead, iiiioad sfu-ra par., in E. vicinity of Glasgow. ParkHUl, tn., Ontario, co. Middlesex, 128J m. SW. Toronto. Park Range, Colorado, portion of tlie Rocky Mountains, q.v. Parkside, suburb of Adelaide, S. Australia, i\ m. SE. city. ParkviUe, vil., New York, King co. Paria Kimedl, estate, Ganjam dist., Sfadras. Area 764 sq. m. Paria Kimedl, chief tn. of above. Lat. iS" 46' N., long. 84° 8' E. ParJakot, estate, Bastar state, Central Provs., India. 500 sii- m. Parma, prov., Italy. 2268 sq. ra. 44° 50' N., 10" 20' E. Pop. 272,942. Parma, city, cap. of above. Lat. 44° 50 N., long. 10° 20' E. Pop. 46,317. Parma, vil. and tnshp., New York, Monroe co. Parmagudl, tn., Sladura dist., Madras. Lat. 9" 31' N., 78' 42' E. Parmellin Bay, on W. side of St. Mary's, Scilly Islands. Pama, vil., Agra dist., NW. Provs. Lat. 26" 53' N., long. 78° 46' K Parnassus, mtn., Greece, 10 m. N. Gulf of Corinth. Alt. 8o63 ft. Parnassus, bor., Pennsylvania, on the Alleghany R. Pamell, sul>urb of Auckland, New Zealand, co. Eden. Pamer, sub-div. , Ahinadnagar dist., BoTubay. Area 779 sq. ni. Parser, hdqrs. tn., Parner sub-div. Lat. 19" N., long. 74° 30' B. Parola, tn., Khandesh dist., Bombay. Parone, chiefship and tn., Central India. Paroo River, Qneeiisland and New South Wales, Paropamesan Mountains, Afghanistan and E. Persia. Paros Island, Grecian Arch., 5 m. W. Naxos. Lat. 37° 5' N., 25° 15' E. Parowan, vil., Utah, cap. of Iron co. Parpori, estate, Raipur dist., Central Provs., India. 32 sq. m. Parr, Cornwall. See Par. Parr, tnshp., SW. Lancashire, within borough of St. Helens. 200 PAR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER PAU ParraJ, tn.. Chili, 30 m. S. Linares. Parral, In., Mexico, state ami 124 m. SSE. Chihuahua. Parramatta, In., N«w South Walts, 14 m. W. tSydney. Parras, tn., Mexico, state Durango, 32 m. K. Mapinii. Parres, com., Spain, prov. aud 34 m. ENE. Oviedo. Farret River, Dorset and Somerset, falls into Bristol Channel. ParrMonnt, eccl. dist., SW. Lancashire, in borough of St. Helens. Parraborough, spt., port of entry, Nova Scotia, -2 m. SW. Springhill Parry Island. Ontario, Parry Sound district. Parry Islands, Arctic Ocean. 52,125 sq. m. 77° o' N., 106° o' W. Parry Sound, dist., in the N. of Ontario. Area 3420 sq. ni. Parry Sound, vil., Ontario, in Muskokadist., 65 in. from CoUingwood. Parry Sound, Ontario, inlet of Georgian Bay. Pariyville, bor., Pennsylvania, Carbon co. Parsa, tn., Bengal, Raj-sliahi dist., 33^ m. NW. Bogi-a. ParaeonI, tn., Nagpur dist.. Cent. Provs., India. 21° 22' N., 79" 11' E. Parshadepnr, piryiuia, Rai Bareli dist., Oudh. 54 sq. m. Parahadepur, hdqis. vil., Parshadepur jiarf/rrno:. Parsnip River, British Columbia, atlluent of Peace R. from the S. Parson's, city, Kansas, Labette co., bet. Big and Little Labette Rs. Parson's, bor., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co. ParsoQStown, tn,, King's en. ^■ceBi^^. Partabganj, ji-irfjana, Bara Banki dist., Ondh. Are^a 56 sq. ni. Partabgarh, dist., Oudh. Area 1436 sq. ni. Pop. 910,870. Partabgarh, tali.^il, Partabgarh dist. Area 434 sq. ra. Partabgarh, purj/cftw, Partabgarh dist. Area 355 sq. ni. Partabgarh, in., Partabgarh dist. Lat. 25° 53' N., long. 81° 59' E. Partabgarh, native state, Rajputana. Area 1460 sq. m. Pop. 87,970. Partabgarh, chief tn., Partabgarh state. Lat. 24° 22' N. Partabgarh, fort, Satara dist., Bombay. Lat. 17° 56' N. Partanna, tn., Sicily, prov. and 19 m. SE. Trapani. Parthenay, tn., France, 24 m. NNE. Niort. Partick, tn., NW. Lanarkshire, W. suburb of Glasgow. ' Pop. 27,410. Partlck, pari. div. of Lanarkshire. Particles, par., SE. CO. Limerick, 2 ni. SW. Kilfinane. Partlnlco, city, Sicily, 14 ni. WSW. Palermo. Pop. 21,524. Parton, spt. andtnshp., Cumberland, li in. N. Whiteliaven. Parton, par., Kirkcudbrightshire, 7 m. NW. Castle Douglas. Partridge Island, New Brunswick, in St. John Harbour. Partridge Point, Newfoundland, White Bay dist. Para, Rio, N. Brazil, flows 350 m. SE. to the Amazon. Parur, In., S. Arcot dist., Madras. Lat. 12° 24' N., long. 79° 33' E. Parur. Stc Baravur. Parvatipur, tn., Madras, in Vizagapataui dist. Parvatipur, agency tract, Vizagapatam dist., Madras. Parwan River, Bliagalpur dist., Bengal. Paacagoula, city, prt. of entry, tnshp., Mississippi, cap.of Jacksonco. Pascagonla River, Mississippi, falls into Pascagoula Bay. Pasuanl, tn., iiuumania, Moldavia, dist. Suciava. Pasco. See Cerro de Pasco. Pascoag, vil., Rho.le Island, Providence co. Pascuaro, tn., Mexico, state Miclioacan, 28 m. SW. Morelia. Pas -de -Calais, French name for Strait of Dover. Paa-de -Calais, dep., NE. France. Area 2551 sq. m. Pop. 863,526. Puewalk, tn., Prussia, Pomerania, 25 m. WNW. Stettin. Pasgawan jvirmnfi, Klieri dist., Oudh. Area 121 sq. m. Pa-shln. See Pa-ta-shlm. Paalano, vil., Italy, circle and 8 m. S. Pordenone. Pasig, tn., Philijipine.s Luzon, E. of Mannla. Pop. 16,959. Pasitano, coast tn., Italy, 15 m. WSW. Salerno. ■ Pasman Island, Datmatia, 6 m. S. Zara. Paspebiac, coast vil., Quebec, Bouaventure co., 6S m. SW. Perce. Pasquia Hills, Saskatchewan. Lat, 53° N., long. 104" W. Pasqula River, Saskatchewan, alllucnt of the Saskatchewan. Pasquotank River, N. Carolina, falls into Albemarle Sound. Pasrur, tohsil, Sialkot dist., Punjab. Area 543 sq, m. Pasrur. lidqrs., Vasvm' tahxil, I'linj.ib. PasaaconawayPeak, New Hami>shire, peak (42ooft.)of SandwichMtns. Paaaage, vil., in co. and 6 ni. SI'j. Waterforar- , Carmarthenshire, 5^ m. W. Llanelly. Fembridge, par. and vil., Herefordshire, 7 m. W. Leominster Pembroke, bor. and co. tn. of Pembrokeshire. 51° 40' N. P. 16.339. Pembroke, tnshp., Donnybrook par., co. Dublin. Pembroke, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Christian co. Pembroke, vil. and tnshp., New York, Genesee co. Pembroke- tn Ontario, cap. of Renfrew co., 35 m. NW Renfrew. 202 PEM THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER PER Pambroke, tii., New Zealand, 176 m. NW. Dunedin. Pembroke Dock, eccl. dist., I'einbrokeslure, in bor. of Pembroke. Pembroke Peak, mountain, New Zealand, co. Lake. Pembrokeshire, maritime co. of South Wales. 391,181 ac. P. 89,125. Pembury, par. and vil., Kent, 3 m. SE. Tunbridge. Pemiscot Lake, swamp of 75 sq. la., Slissouri, Pemiscot co. Pen, sub-div., Kolaba dist., Bombay. Area ago sq. m. Pen, chief tn., Pen sub-div. Lat. 18' 43' N., long. 73° 8' E. Pena. S(e. Paina. Penaflel, tn., Portugal, prov. Minho, 19 m. ENE. Oporto. Penaflel, tn., Spain, prov. and 29 m. ESE. Valladolid. Penaflor, tn., Spain. 42 m. EXE. Seville, on the Guadalquivir. Pena Golosa, nuii., Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Alt. 5940 ft. Penainglas, headland, on N. coast of Pembrokeshire. penalara, mtn., Spain, prov. Segovia. Alt. 7890 ft. Penally, par. and vil., Pembrokeshire, \\ m. SW. Tenby. Penang Island, off W. coast Malay Penin. 107 sq. m. Pop. 190,657. Penaranda de Bracamonte, tn., Spain, 27 m. SE. Salamanca. Penare Point, Iieadland, S. coast of Cornwall, 5 m. SW. Tregony. Penarth, spt. tn. and par., Glamorganshire, 3 m. S. Carditf. Penas, Cabo de, Spain. Lat. 43° 42' N., long. 5° 48' W. Penas de San Pedro, tn., Spain, 12 m, SSW. Albacete. Pen Beacon, mtn., Devon, 4^ m. NW. Ivybridge. Alt. 1570 ft. Penberry, headland, on W. coast of Pembnjkeshire. Penboyr, par. and vil., Carmarthen, 4 m. SE. Newcastle in Enilyn. Penbryn. est. par. and vil., Cardigan, 8 m. N. Newcastle in Enilyn. PencaderFawr, summit. Black Mountains, Brecknockshire. Pencaitland, par. and vil., co. and 5^ m. SW. Haddington. Pencarreg, par. and vil., Carmarthenshire, 4 m. SW, Lampeter. Penchalakonda, peak, Nellore dist., Madras. Highest pt. 3cxk) ft. Pench River, Central Provs., India, trib. of the Kanhan. Peucoed, tnshp. and vil., Glamorganshire, 3! m. E. Bridgend. Pend d'Orellle. .See Pend Oreille Lake. Pendeer, eccl. dist. and vil., Cornwall, 7 m. NW. Penzance. pendennis Point, promontory, on S. coast of Cornwall, near Falmouth. Penderry, tnshp., Glamorganshire, 4 m. N. Swansea. Penderyn, par. and vil., Brecknockshire, 7 m. W. Merthyr Tydfil. Pendhat, vil., Mainpuri dist., NW. Provs., India. Pendlebury, tnshp., SE. Lancashire, partly within Salford. Pendleton, tnshp., SE. Lancashire, in borough of Salford. Pendleton, tnshp. and vil., NE. Lancashire, 7.\ m. SE. Clitheroe. Pendleton, vil., Intiiana, Madison co., on Fall Creek. Pendleton, vil. and tnshp., Oregon, cap. of Umatilla co. Pend Oreille Lake, Idaho, traversed by a fork of the Columbia R. Pendra, chii-l'sliip. Cent. Provs., India. Area 585 sq. m. Penedo, tn., Brazil, state Alagoas, above mth. of R. San Francisco. Penegoea, i>ar. and vil., W, Montgomeryshire, \\ m. E. Machynlleth. Penella, tn., Portugal, Beira, 15 m. SE. Coimbra. Penetangniflhene, vil. and port of entry, Ontario, 40 m. NNW. Barric. Penganga River, Berar, India, trib. of the Wardha. Penge, tnshp., Surrey, 6 m. S. London Bridge. Penge Lane, eccl. dist., Kent, Beckenham par. Penguin, wpt., Tasmania, co. Devon, 210 ni. N. Ilobart. Penguin Island, Tasmania, between Robbins and Hunter Island.*:. Penguin Island, Newfoundland. Lat. 47' 23' N., long. 57' 4' W. Penguin Island (British), Namaqualand, SW. Africa. Peniche, ft. tn., Portugal, on Atlantic coast, 47 m. NW. Lisbon. Penicuik, tn. and par., co. and 10 m. S. Edinburgh. Penig, tn.. Saxony, 33 m. SSE. Leipzig, on R. Mulde. Peninsula, The, name sometimes applieil to Spain and Portugal. Peninsula, The, Ontario, in lat. 49° 10' N., long. 94° 50' W. Peniscola, ft. tn., Sjain, 38 m. NE. Castellon de la Plana. Penlstone, tn., par., tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, 12J m. NW. Sheffield. Pcnj-deh, dist., Russian Ctutral Asia, N. of Afghanistan. Penjinsk, tn., E. Siberia, on Gulf of Penjinsk. Penkennor Point, headland, Cornwall, 7 in. SW. Bude Ilaven. PenkbuU, crcl. dist., Staffordshire, Stoke-upon-Trent ijar. Penkinna Head, prom., Cornwall, %\ m. NE. Camelford. Penkridge, tn., par., and tnshp., Staffordshire, 6 m, S. Stafford. penk River. StatlonUhire, flows N. to the Sow near Stafford. pen Lake, Russia, gov. Tver. penlee Point, piom., S. coast Cornwall, at S. end of Cawsand B;iy. Penllithrig Mtn., Carnarvonshire, 3 m. N. Capel Curig. Ait. 2623 ft. Penmachno, i)ar. and vil,, E. Carnarvonshire, 6J in. S. Llanrwst. Penmaen, e'cl. dist. and vil., Monmouthshire, 12 m. NW. Newport. Penmaenbach, cajic, Carnarvonshire, 12 111. NE. Penmaenmawr. Pemnarch, vil., Franco, dep. Finistcre, on Penmarch Point. Penmorfa, ])ar. and vil., S. Carnarvonshire, i m. W. Tremadoc. penn, par. and vil., SK. co. Bucks, 4 m. SW. Amersham. Penn, par. and vil,, Statfordshire, 2 ni. SW. Wolverliamjiton, Pennagie Island, one of the Suilly Islands, lying NW. of St. Martin's. Pennal, par-, and vil., Merionethshire, 3 m. W. Machynlleth. Pennant, vil,, Montgomeryshire, and jiar. partly also in Denbighsh. Pennant Point, Nova Strotia, on coast of Halifax co. Pennard, East, jiar. and vil., Somerset, 7 m, E, Glastonbury. Pennard, West, par. and vil., Somerset, 6 m. from Glastonbury. Penne, tn., Frince, dep. Tarn, on tlie Aveyrnn. Penner, River, Mysore, falls into aea 19 m. below Nellore. Penner River, My.snre, falls into Bay of Bengal. Pennfleld, si;t., New Brunswick, co. Charlotte, 6 m. from St. George. Penn Fields, eccl. (list., Stalfordshire. Pennine Chain, mtns., England, from the Cheviots to The Peak. Pennington, vil., New Jersey, Mercer co. pennaburg, vil., Peimsylvania, Montgomery co. Penna Creek, Pennsylvania, falls into the Susquehanna R. Penna Grove, vil.. New Jersey, Salem co., on the Del.iwaro R. Pennsylvania, state, U.S. Lat. 40" N., long. 75° W, Area 45,215 Si| \\\. Pop, 0,208,014, PennvlUe, vil., Indiana, Jay co. Penny, Mount, Tasmania, between Great and Sorrel I^akcs. Penn Yann, vd.. New Ymk, cap. of Yatfs CO., on Lake Kenka. Penobscot Bay, Maine, between Owl's Ileail and Coast Island. Penobscot River, Maine, I'cnobscot co., falls into Penobscot Bay. Ponola, tnshp., S. Australia, 254 m. SE. Adelaide. Penolver Head, headland, S, coast of Cornwall, near the Lizard. Penon de Valez, fortress of Spain, in Morocco, 75 m. SE. Ceuta. PenpondB, eccl. dist, and vil., Cornwall, 4 m. SW. Camborne. Penpont, par. and vil., NW. Dumfriesshire, 2 m. SW. Thornliill. Penrhda Bay, on W. coast of Holyhead I., Anglesey. Penrhyn Deudraeth, eccl. dist. and vil., Merioneth, 6 m. NE. Harlech. Penrhyu Islands, Pacific Ocean. Lat. g" 2' S., long. 157' 35' E. Penrith, tn. and par., Cumberland, 17I m. SE. Carlisle. Penrith, tnshp., New South Wales, 34 m. W. Sydney. Penrith, pari, div. of Cumberland. Pop. 46,684. Penryn, bor, and tnshp,, Cornwall, 2 m, NW. Falmouth. PenrjTi and Falmouth, jtarl, bor., Cornwall. Penaacola, port nf entry, Florida, cap. of Escambia co. Pop, 11.751. Pensacola Bay, Florida, running into Santa Rosa co, Pensaukeo River, Wisconsin, falls into Green Bay, Penshaw, tnslip. and eccl. dist., co. and 8 m. NE. Durham PenahuTBt, tnshp., Victoria, 169 m. W. Melbourne. Pensuett, tn. and ecrl, dist., Staffordshire, 2 m. SW. Dudley. Pentakota, vil., Madras, Vizagapatam dist. Lat. 17° 19' N., 82° 35' E. Pentallsland, Victoria, co. Tatcliera, in the Murray R. Pentargain Bay, on W. coast of Cornwall, 7 m, N, Camelford. Pentecost River, Quebec, Saguenay co., falls into R. St. Lawrence. Pentire Head, N, extremity of Padstow Bay, Cornwall. Pentland, tnshp., Queensland, 7 in. SE, Norwood. Pentland Firth, between Caithness and Orkney, Lat, 58° 42' N. Pentland HIIIb, co, and 3 m, SW. Edinburgh, extend 16 m. Pentland Skerries, islands, Orkney, 4^ m. NE. Duncansbay Heatl. Pentonvllle, eccl. dist., Middlesex, in N. of London. Pentrebach, eccl. dist., Merthyr Tydfil par., Glamorgan. Pentrich, par., tnshp., and vil,, Derbyshire, 2^ m, SW. Alfreton. Pentwater River, Michigan, falls into Lake Michigan. Pentyrch, par. and vil., Glamorgan, 7 m. NW. Cardiff. Penukonda, \al\ik, Ananlapur dist., Madras. Area 655 sq. in. Pennkonda, hdqrs. tn., Penukonda ialuli. Lat. 14° 5' N., 77° 38' E. Penwortham, par. and tnshp., N, Lancashire, on SW, side Preston. Penwortham, tnshp., S. Australia, co, Stanley, 83 m, N. Adelaide. Penycaderfawr, mtn., Brecknocksh., 6 m, SE. Talgarth, Alt, 2650 ft. Pen-y-Cae, eccl. dist. and vil., Denbighshire, 2 m. from Raabon. Penydarren, eccd. dist., Glamorgan, on N. side of Merthyr Tydfil.^ Penyghent, mtn., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 7 m. N. Settle. Alt. 2270 ft. Penza, gov., Russia. 53" 30' N., 44° E. 14,996 sq. m. Pop. 1,549,969 Penza, tn., cap. of above. Lat. 53° 30' N., 44° E Pop. 44,735.* Penzance, spt. and tnshp,, Cornwall, 26 m, SW. Truro. Lat. 50° 6' N. Penzance, Lake, Ontario, Algoma dist. Penzing, vil., Lower Austria, 3 m. W. Vienna. Penzlin, tn., Mecklenbur^-Schwerin, 43 m. ESE. Giistrow. Peoria, city and tnslip., Illinois, cap. of Peoria co. Pop, 41,024. Peoria, Lake, Illinois, an enlargement of Illinois R. at Peoria, q.v. Peotone, vil, and tnshp., Illinois, Will co, Peover, Lower, eccl. dist,, Cheshire, on R. Peover. Peover River, Cheshire, trib, of the Weaver R, _ Pepall, tn., Kanml dist.; Madras. Lat. 15° 15' N., long. 77" 48' E. Pepin Island, New Zealand, a small islet in Tasman Bay. Pepin Lake, Wisconsin and Minnesota, enlargement of Mississippi R. Pepperell, vil. and tnsh]>., Massachusetts, Jliddlesex co. Pequannock Creek, New Jersey, falls into Passaic R. Pequea Creek, Pennsylvania, falls into Susquehanna R.' Pequest Creek, New Jersey, falls into Delaware R. Pera, a suburb of Constautinople, N. of the Golden Horn. Peradeniya, place, with botanic gardens, suburbs of Kandy, Ceylon Pera Head, Queensland, dist. Cook, on W. coast, Perak, state, Malay Penin., under Brit, administration. 1. Lat. 4° o' N., long. loi" 10' E. Pop. 36,000. Perambakam, tn., Chengalpat dist., Madras. 12° 54' N., 80° 15' E. Perambalnr, taluk, Trichinupoli dist,, Madras. Area 686sq, m. Perambalur, hdqrs. tn,, Perambalur taluk. Perambur, suburb of Madras. Perc^, vil. and port of entry, Quebec, on Gulf of St. Lawrence, Percydale, tn., Victoria, co. Kara Kara, 132 m. NW. Melbourne. Percy Island, Queensland, dist. Cook, off W. coast. Percy Main, eccl. dist., Northumberland, ij m. NW. N. Shields. Perekop, tn., Russia, gov. Tanrida. Lat. 46 "15' N., long. 33° 45' E. Perekop, Isthmus of, connects Crimea with S. Russia. Perelle Bay, on W. coast of Guernsey, 5 m. W. St. Peter Port. Perello, tn., Spain, Catalonia, 30 m. SW. Tarragona. Pereora River, New Zealand, co Geraldine. Pereslavl-Zalleskl, tn., Russia, 70 m. WNW. Vladimir. Pereyaslavl, tn., Russia, gov. and 150 m. WNW. Poltava. Perforated Island, S. Australia, S, of Avoid Bay, co. Flinders. Pergamino, tn., Argentine Republic, 155 in. NW. Buenos Ayres. Fergamos, ancient name of Bergama. Perge, ruined city, 50 ni. ESE, Smyrna, Asia Minor.'' Pergine, tn., Tyrol, 7 m. E. Trent. Pergola, tn,, Italy, in the Marches, r6 m, SE. Urbino. Perlakulam, taluk, Madura dist , Madras. Area ii6g sq. ra. Perlakulam, hdqrs. tn., Periakulam tuluk. Perlana, vil., Sjiain, 30 m. from Malaga. Perlbonca River, Qu''bec, Chicoutimi co., flows S. to Lake St. John. Perlbonca River, Little, Quebec, Chicoutimi co., falls into L, St. John. Perlers, tn., France, dep. Manche, 9 m. N. Coutances. P^rigueux, tn., France, cap. of Dordogne. Lat. 45° 15' N. Pop. 20,969. Perindurai, grp. of hamlets, Coimbatore dist., Madras. Perln Island, Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb, in lat. 12° 40' N., 43° 23' E. Perin Island, Gulf of Cainbay. Lat. 21" 36' N., long. 72" 23' E. Perlya, i>ass, Malabar dist., Madras. Lat. 11" 51' N., long. 75' 50' E. Perlyakulam, Sec Perlakulam, Perlyapatna, vil., Mysore dist, and .state, Lat. 12' 20' N., 76' 7' E. Periyar River, Travancure, Mailras, falls into sea near Kodungalur, Perkin'a Island, Tasmania, offN. coast of co, Wellington. Perkiomen Creek, Pennsylvania, falls into Schuylkill R. Perleberg, tn., Prussia, 75 m, NW. Berlin. Perm, gov., Russia. Area 128,206 sq. m. Pop. 2,729,162. 203 PER THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER PHI Perm, cap. of gov. ofP., on the Kama. 58*0' N., 56° 15' E. P. 32,909. Pennizen Bridge, promontory, on W. coast of Cornwall. Pernagua, tn., Brazil, state Piauhy, 260 ni. SW. Oeiras. Pemambnco, maritime slate, Brazil. 49,573 sq. m. Pop. 1,110,831. Pemambuco, city in above. ^Ve Recife. Pematty Creek, S. Australia, Great Salt Lake dist. Pernatty Lagoon, S. Australia, Great Salt Lake dtst. Pemau, ft. spt., Russia, Livonia, 99 m. NE. Riga. 58° 20' N.,25°o' K. Pemes, tn., France, 'p. Vaucluse, 4 m. S. Carpentras. Peron Islands, N. Territory, Australia, in Anson Bay. P^ronne, tn., France, dep. Somme, on R. Somuie. Perote, tn., Mexico, 88 ni. WNW. Vera Cruz. Perouse, La, strait, bet. Yessa and Saglialin. Lat. 45° 30' N., 142° o' E. P^rouse Islands, group, in Melanesia. Lat. 10° S., long. i65''-i7o' E. Perovsk, furt. Astatic Russia, on the Sir Daria. Perpendicular Point, New S. Wales, co. St. Vincent, NE. Jervis Bay. Perpignan. tn., France, cap. of Pyrenees-Orientales. Pop. 34,183. Perquimans River, N. Carolina, falls into Albemarle Sound. Perranarworthal, par. and vil., Cornwall, 3 m. NW. Penryu. Perranzabuloe, pur. and vil., Cornwall, 5^ m. NW. Truro. Perrot Isle, Canada, in 11. St. Lawrence, SW of Montreal. Perry, vil,, Georgia, cap. of Houston co. Perry, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Pike co. Perry, vil., Iowa, Dallas co. Perry, vil. and tnshp., New York, Wyoming co., on Silver Lake. Perry Barr, eccl. dist., Statlordshire, 3 m. N. Birmingham. Perry Hill, eccl. dist., Kent, in borougli of Lewisham. Perrysburg, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Wood CO., on the Maumee R. PerrysviUe, vil , Indiana, Vermillion co., on the Wabash R. Perryville, vil., Missouri, Ferry co. Pershore, tn., Worcestershire, 8 m. SE. Worcester. Pershoro St. Andrew, par., Worcestershire. Pershore Holy Cross, par., Worcestershire. Persia, kingdom of S. Cent. Asia. Ar. 636,330 sq. m. Pop. 8,000,000. Persian Gulf, arm of the Indian Ocean, between Persia and Arabia. Perth, city and par., Perthshire, 21 m. W. Dundee. Pop. 29,902. Perth, city, cap. of W. Australia. Lat. 32° o' S. Perth, vil., Tasmania, co. Cornwall, iiom. N. Hobart. Pertb, vil., New Brunswick, co. Victoria, 97 m. from Fi-edericton. Perth, tn., Ontario, cap. of Lanark co., 20 m. W. Smith's Falls. Perth Ambay, city and port of entry, New Jersey, Middlesex co. Pertholey. Urn Llantillio-Pertholey. Perthshire, east-midland co. of Scotland. Area 1,617,808 acres. Lat. 56° 25' N., long. 3° 28' W. Pop. 127,884. Pertuis, tn., France, dep. Vaucluse, 44 m. ESE. Avignon. Peru, republic, S. America. Area 438,996 sq. ni. Pop. 2,664,663. Peru, city, Illinois, La Salle co., on the Illinois R. Pern, city and tnshp., Indiana, cap. of Miami co., on the Wabash R. Peru, vil. and tnshp,, Nebraska, Nemaha co., on tlie Missouri R. Peruah '" Sec Panduah. Perugia, prov., Cent. Itaiy. Area 3719 sq. m. Pop. 68l,4S0. Pemgia, city, Italy, ])rov. and 86 m. N. Rome. Pop. 51,951. Perojar River, Travancore, Madras, falls into sea at Kodungulur. Perumakal, vil., S. Arcot dist., Madras. Lat. 12° 12' N., 79° 46' E. Perungudl, tn., Tinnevelli dist., Madras. La.t. 8° 17' N., 77° 38' E. PtruT, vil., Coimbatore dist., Madras. Lat. 10° 58' N., long. 77° E. Perwlck Bay, on S. coast of Isle of ilan, i m. SW. Port St. Mary. Perzagarh Hills, Chanda dist.. Central Provs., India, Pesaro, It. tn., Italy, cap. of prov,, 19 m. NE. Urbino. P. com. 20,854. Pesaro e Urbino, est. prov., Italy, in the Marches. Pop. 228,461. Pescadores, isls., China, in Strait of Formosa. Lat. 23" 20' N. Pescara, ft. tn., Italy, prov. Chieti, on the Adriatic. Peschiera, ft. tn., N. Italy, 21 m. NNW. Mantua, on Lago di Garda. Pescia, tn., Tuscany, prov. Florence, Italy. Pescina, tn., Italy, prov. Aquila, 11 m. ESE. Avezzano. Peshawar, div., Punjab. Area 8381 sq. m. Pop. 1,421,210. Peshawar, dist., Punjab. Area 2504 sq. m. Pop. 703,170. Peshawar, iaivsil^ Peshawar dist. Area 374 sq. m. Peshawar, eity and hdqrs., Peshawar dist. 34" i' N, Pop. 83,930. Peshtlgo. vil., Wisconsin, Oconto co., on the Peshtigo R. Peshtigo River, Wisconsin, flows tlirough Oconto co. into Green Bay. Pesth, city, Hungary, 171 m. ESE. Vienna. Lat. 47° 33' N., ig° o' E. Pop. 360,551. Now called Buda-Pesth. 5eenisoBuda. Pesto. aiic. spt. of Lucania, S. Italy, 26 m. SSE. Salerno. Petaluma, city and tnshp., California, Sonoma co. , Petaluma Creek. Petaluma Creek, California, falls into San Pablo Bay. Petane, tn., New Zealand, co. Hawke's Bay, 7 m. NNW. Napier. Pet Budhwara, vil., Nagpur dist., Central Provs., India. Petcheneg, tn., Russia, gov. Kharkov, on Sievernoi Donetz. Petchora River, N. Russia, from the Ural Mtns. to Arctic Ocean. Peten. Lake, Cent. America, in Guatemala, near Yucatan frontier Peterborough, city, Huntingdon and Northampton. Pop. 22,394. Peterborough, tn., New S. Wales, co. Camden, S. of lUawarra Bay. Peterborough, tn., Ontario, cap. co, Peterborough, 94 m. NE. Toronto. Peter Botte, mtu., Jlauritius. Lat. 20° 12' S., long. 57° 37' E. Peter Botte, mtu., Queensland, dist. Cook, 30 m. Pt. Douglas. 331 ft. Peterculter, par., SE. Aberi\a Sci.tia, cap. o\' Pictou co., 52 m. E. by N. Truro, Plctou Harboar and Island. Nova Scotia, Northumberland Strait. Piddle River. Wnri^cst'i'sliire, flows 12 ni. SW. to the Avon. Piddle River, Dorset, flows 20 ni. SE. to Poole Harbour. Pledlmonte, tn., Sicily, in Catania, 10 m. SW. Taormina. Piedlmonte d'Alife, tn., S. Italy, 20 ni. N. by E. Caserta. Piedmont, {'cuupartimento, NW. Italy. 11,331 sq. m. Pop. 3,297,157. Piedmont, vil. and tnshp., W. Virginia, Mineral co. Piedra Blanca, tn., Argentine Republic, 170 m. NNE. Rioja. Plehirichl Pass. S. Australia, Flinders Range, co. Newcastle. Piekar, vi!., Prussian Silesia, 3 m. N. Beuthen. Plel Island, N. Lancashire, 5 ni, SE. Barrow in Furness. Pieman River, Tasmania, jiart of lioundary of co. Russell. Pieman River, mining dist., Tasmania, co. Russell. Pierce City, vil., Missouri, Lawrence co Pierce Point, N. Territory, Australia. Pleneton, vil., Indiana, Kosciusko co. Plermont, vil.. New York, Rockland co., on the Hudson R. Pierre, tn,, cap. of S. Dakota. Lat. 44" 25' N., long. 100° 18' W. Pierre, tn.. Fiance, dcp. Saone-et-Loire, 20 m. N. Louhans. Pierrelatte, tn., France, dep. Drome, 13 m. S. Montelimar. Plerrevllle, vil., Quebec, co. Yaniaska, 28A m. NE. Sorel. Piesae Knob. mtn.. New South Wales, co, Vancowinna. Pletermarltzbnrg, in., cap. of Natal. Ijit. 29° 30' S. Pop. 14,231 Pletra di Fuat, In.. Italy, Avellino, near Montefusco. Pietra GaUa, tu., Italy, prov. and 8 m. NXE. Potenza. Pletraperzia, In., Sicily. 6 ni. SE. Caltanisetta. Pietraaanta, In., Italy, 20 m. NW. Lucca. Pieve de Cairo, tn., Italy, prov. Novara, 14 m. SSE. Mortanu Pieve Porto Morone. tn., Italy, prov. Pavia, on the Po. Pigeon Bay, Oiitnrin, Ksscx ro., inlet of Lake Erie. Pigeon Creek, Indiana, rises in Gibson co. and falls into the Ohio R. Pigeon Island, oil' Vizagajiatam dist., Sladras. 17° 33' N., Si' 14' E. Pigeon Island, off coast of N. Kanara dist., Bombay. Lat. 14° 1' N. Pigeon Lake, Alberta. Lat. 53' 12' N., long. 113' 32' W. Pigeon Lake, Ontario, Peterborough co. Alt. 788 ft. above sea level Pigeonnifere, La, vil., Quebec, 25 m. S. Montreal. Pigeon River, Indiana and Michigan, falls into the St. Joseph R. Pigeon River, Manitoba, falls into Lake Winnipeg, Pigeon River, Ontario, falls into Lake Superior. Piggoreet, tn., Victoria, 124 m. NW. Melbourne. Pig River, Virginia, rises in the Blue Ridge and falls into Staunton R. Pihanl, pargrafi/t, Hardoi dist., Oudh. Area 80 sq. m. Plhani, hdqrs. tu. and raun., Pihani jjarfifa7Kt. 27° 37' N., 80° 14' K. pihej, tn., Baroda state, India. Plhewa. .See Pehoa. Pike, vil. and tnshp., New York, Wyoming co., on Wiscoy Creek. Pike Lake, NW. Territory, Canada, W. of Island Lake. Pike Run, bor., Pennsylvania, Washington co., on Monongahela R. PikeB Peak, peak of Rocky Mtns, Colorado, El Paso co 14,336 ft. Piketon, vil., Ohio, Pike co., on the Scioto R. Pikope, vil.. New Guinea, due N. of Bristow Island Pilar, tn., Brazil, state Alagoas, 18 ni. W. Maceio. Pilar, tn., Brazil, state and 113 m. NNE. Goyaz. Pilat, Mont, France, in the Cevennes. Lat. 45" 24 N. Alt. 4704 '"t. Pilatns, Mount, Switzerland, canton Unt^rwalden. Alt. 7288 ft. PUborra, gold-lield, Western Australia, NW. Division. Pilcomayo River, S. America, flows 1000 m. SE. to the Paraguay. Pilgrims, 4 rocky islets, Quebec, in R. St. Lawrence, below L'lshH. Pilibhit, dist. NW. Provs., India. Area 1372 sq. ni. Pop. 485,970. Pilibhit, ^(/iSi'/,' Pilibhit dist. Area 372 sq. m, PUibhit, hdqrs. tu., Pilibhit dist. Pop. 33,760. Pilkallen, tn., E. Prussia, 18 m. NE. Gumbinnen. Pilkhuwa, tn., Meerutdist, NW. Provs., India. Pilkingto^, tushp., SE. Lancashire, Prestwich par. Pill, vil. par.' and eccl. dist., Somerset, 5 m. NW. Bristol. Pillar, Cipe, Tasmania, SE. extremity of Tasman Peninsula. Pillar Mtu., Cumberland, 3J m. SE. Ennerdale Water. Alt 2927 ft. Pillau. ft. spt., E. Prussia, 24 m. WSW. Konigsberg. Pill Creek, in Fabnouth Harbour, Cornwall. Pillgwenlly, eccl. dist., Monmouthshire, in Newport. Pilliga, tn., New South Wales, co. Barradine, 384 m. NW. Sydney. Pilning, eccl. dist. and vil., Gloucestershire, 9 m. N. Bristol. Pilot Knob, vil., Missouri, Iron co. Pilot Knob Mountain, Missouri, Iron co. Pilot Mountain, N. Carolina. See Ararat. Pilot Point, vil., Texas, Denton co. Pilsen, tn., Bohemia, 53 m. WSW. Prague. Pop. 38,883. Pilton, par., Devon, opposite and mostly within Barnstaple. Pimentel, spt., Peru, prov. Chiclayo, 10 m. N. Eten. Pimlico, eccl, dist. (St. Barnabas), Middlesex. Pimlico, eccl. dist. (St. Gabriel), Middlesex. Pin, River, Kangra dist Punjab, trib. of the Spiti. Pinahat . .SV'^ Panahat, Plnakini River. Sec Penner. Pinchard's Island, Newfoundlana, Bonavista dist. Pinchbeck, ]>;ir. and vil., Lincolnshire, 2^ m. N. Spalding. Pinchbeck, West, eccl, dist. and vil., Lincohish., 4 m. NW. Spalding. Pinchi Lake, British Columbia, N. of Stuart Lake. Pinchneyville, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Perry co. Pinczow, tn., Russian Poland, gov. and 24 m. SSW. Kielce. Pind DadanKhan, tahsil, Jehlam dist., Punjab, India. 887 sq. ni. Pind Dadan Khan, hdqrs. tn., Pind Dadan tahsil. » Plndigheb, tahsil, Rawal Pindi dist., Punjab, India. 1517 sq. m. Pindigheb, hdqrs. tn., Pindigheb tahsil. Pindus, mtns., N. Greece, between Albania and Thessaly. 8950 ft. Pine Bluff, vil., Arkansas, cap. of JelTerson co. Pop. 9963. Pine Creek, Indiana, rises in Benton co. and falls into the Wabash U. Pine Creek, Ontario, Simcoe co., falls into Nottawasaga U. Pine Creek, Pennsylvania, falls into branch of Susquehanna R. Plnega, River, Russia, affluent of the Dwina, 50 m. SE. Archangel. Pine Grove, Pennsylvania, Mercer co. Sec Wolf Creek. Pine Grove, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co. Pine Hill, tu., Queensland, 252 m. W. Rockhampton. Pine Island, Quebec, in R. St. Francis, between Wickham and Upton. Pine Island, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Goodhue co. Pine Island Creek, Texas, rises iu Polk co., falls into the Neches R. Pine Lake, Ontario, in lat. 49° 50' N., long. 91° 20' W. Pine Lake, Ontario, on Keiiogami R. Pine Plaina, vil. anil tnshp., New York, Dutchess co. Pine River, British Columbia, falls into I'caee R. Pine River, Saskatchewan, falls into Cross Lake. Pine River, Michigan, falls into Tittabawassee R. Pine River, Michigan, tlic name of sevci-al small streams. Pine River, Wisconsin, flows through Waushara co. Pine Rock. Queensland, half-way between Cape ^almerston and the Great Barrier Reef. Pinerolo, tn., N. lUily, prov. and 23^ ni. SW. Turin. Pop. 17,14S. Pinery Hill, S, Australia, 60 m. E. of co. Lyttou. Pines, Isle of, Ficncli isl. of the Pacillc, SE. of New «^aiedonia. Pines, Isle of, isl., W, Indian Archiiielago, 50 m. S. Cuba. Plnea Station, The, S. Australii'., Great Salt Lake dist. PlneviUe, \\\. and tnshp., Louisiana, Rapids i»ar., on the Red 11. Ping Yang, city, China, prov. Slian-Si, on the Fuen Ho. Ping Yang, tn., China, prov. Quei Chow. Lat. 26' 37' N., 105° 41' E. PiUjar, vil,, Berar, Akola dist. Lat. 20° 33' N., long. 77" 17' E. Pli^arrah, tn., W. Australia. Lat. 32° 37' S., long. 115° 55' E. Pinjaur, tn., Patiala state, Punjab. Lat. 30° 48' N., long. 76" 59' E. Pinkie, battlefleld, Scotland, in E.vicinity Musselburgh. Battle 1547. Pinno. tn., Prussia, 29 m. WNW. Posen. Plnneberg, tn., Prussia, Holstein, 11 m. NW. Hamburg. Pinner, jiar. and vil,, NW. co. Middlesex, 2^ m. NW. Harrow. Pinnette Harbour, Prince Edward Island, Queen's co., on S. shore PinoBo, vil., Spain, in Andalusia, 29 ni. W. Alicante. Pinoa Puente, tn., Spain, 11 m. NW. Granada. Pinsk, tu., W. Russia, gov. Minsk, 210 m. from Warsaw. P. 26.499. 205 PIN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER PLO Pinu. Sec Pin River. Piniton, vil., Uerbysliire, and par. partly in Notts, 3 m. E. Alfretou. Pinzgau, mtn. (list., Austria, prov. Salzburg. Pioche, vil., Nevada, cap. of Lincoln co. Piombino, coast to., Italy, opposite Elba. Lat. 42° 55' N. Pioneer, vil., Ohio, Williams t-o., on St. Joseph R. Pioneer River, Queensland, falls into ocean at Mackay. Piossaaco, vil., Italy, prov. and 13 ni. SW. Turin. Piotrkov, gov., Russian Poland. Area 4729 sq. ni. Pop. 1,106,900. Piotrkov, chief tu, of above, on R. Strada. Pop. 24,840. Piove dl Sacco, tn., Italy, Padua, 17 ni. SW. Venice. Pipalgaon, vil., Chaudadist,, Cent. Provs., India. Piporla, vil., Jabalpur dist.. Cent. Provs., India. Piparia, vil., Kawardha state, Cent. Provs., India. Piparwanl, vil., Seoni dist.. Cent, Provs., India. Pipeclay Plain, Victoria, co. Weeah. Pipe Creek, Indiana, rises in Grant co. and falls into the Wabash K. Piperno, tu., S. Italy, 15 m. SW. Frosinone. Piper River, Tasmania, co. Dorset, flows N., falls into Noland Bay. Piper's River, Lower, tn., Tasmania, CO. Dorset. Piplianagar, guaranteed chiefship. Cent. Provs., India. Pippll, tar. and vil., Warwickshire, 4 m. SE. Tamworth. Poll, tn., Cuddapah dist., Madras. Lat. 14" 12' N., long. 79° 13' E. PoUcastro, tn., Italy, Catanzarn, iS m. WN w. Cotrone. PoUezka, tn., Bohemia, 28 m. SE. Chrudim. PoUgnac, tn., France, dep. Ilaute-Loire, 2 m. NW. Pny. PoUgnano, In., Italy, 26 ni. E.SE. Bari. Poligny, tn., Franco, dep. Jura, 14 m. NE. Lons-le-Saulnicr. PoUUo, one of the Philippine Islands, E. of Luzon. PollBtena, tn., Italy, pruv. Reggio di Calabria. Folltz, tn., Ponierania, on the Oder, g m. N. Stettin. PoUzzl, In.. Sicily, prov. Palermo, 17 ni. SW. CefaUi. PoUa, tn., Italy, prov. Salerno, 10 m. NNW. Sala. FoUacht, (u/h/.-, Coimbatoro dist., Madras. Area 710 sq. m. Follachi, hdi|rs. tn., Pullachi iaUik. Lat. 10° 30' N., long. 77° 3' E Pollard Head, Tasmania, on W. coast of co. Arthur. Follenza, tn., Italy, prov. and 4 m. W. Macerata. Follenza, tn., Majorca, 28 m. NE. Palma. PoUllur, tn., Clieiigalpat dist., Madras. Lat. 12° 58' N., 79° 45' E. Polllno, Monte, mtn. grp., Italy. Lat. 39° 5V N. Alt. 7451 ft. Polliolllaluka, Lake, New South Wales, co. Werunda. FoUnow, tu., Pomerauia, 20 m. £SE. Cusliu. PollokshawB, tn., RenfVewshire, in SW. suburbs of Glasgow. Polio kshl elds, tn. and g.s. par., Renfrewshire, SW. suburbs Glasgow. PoUokshieldfl, East, tn., Renfrewshire, in SW. suburbs of Glasgow. Pollrone, jwr., S. co. Kilkenny, 4 m. SE. PJUtown. Folmadie, S. suburb of Glasgow, Renfrewshire. Polmont, par. and vil., Stirlingshire, 3 m. E. Falkirk. Polna, tn., Bohemia, 33 m. SSB. Czaslau. Polo, vil., Illinois, Ogle co. Polotak, tn., Russia, gov. Vitebsk, on R. Diina. Pop. 19,134. Poltava, gov., S. Russia. Area 19,265 sq. m. Pop. 2,780,303. Poltava, city, cap. of above, 70 m. WSW. Kharkov. Pop. 42,210. Poltonhall and Dalhousle Colliery, vil., Edinburghshire, i^ ni. S. Lass wade. Polar, taluk, N. Arcot dist., Madras. Area 443 sq. m. Polnr, hdqrs. tn,, Polur taluk. Lat. 12° 30' N., long. 79' 9' E. Polynesia, one of three divs. of Oceania, comprises groups of isls. of the Pacilic. Polzln, tn., Pomerania, 31 m. SW. Koslin. Pomahamba, vil., Bolivia, 136 ni. SE. Chuquisaca. Pomabamba, tu., Peru, dep. Ancachs, 43 ni. NNE. Chuquisaca. Pomarance, tn., Italy, prov. Pisa, 7 m. S. Volterra. Pomarico, tn., Italy, Basilicata, 11 m. SE. Matera. Pombal, tn., Brazil, state and 250 ni. W. Parahiba, Pombal, tn., Portugal, Estreraadura, 20 ni. NE. Leiria. Pomerania, prov., N. Prussia. Lat. 54° o' N., 15" o' E. P. 1,521,211. Pomeroy, city, Ohio, cap. of Meigs co., ou the Ohio R. Pomfret. See Pontefract. Pomigllano d'Arco, tn., Italy, 8 m. NE. Naples. Pomme de Terre, River, Minnesota, falls into Mmnesota R. Pomme de Terre, River, Missouri, falls into the Osage R. Pomona Island (British), Namaqualand. Pomona Island, Orkney, 24 m. long by i6j m. Pop. 17,165. Pompeii, ct^letirated ruined city, Italy, 15 m. SE. Naples. Pompey Smash, vil., Maryland, Alleghany co. Pompton, River, New Jersey, falls into the Passaic R. Ponampet, vil,, Coorg, India. Ponani, taluk, Malabar dist., Madras. Area 390 sq. m. Ponani, hdqrs. tn., Ponani taluk. Lat. 10° 47' N., long. 75° 57' E. Ponani, River, Madras, falling into sea at Ponani. Ponca, vil. and tnshp., Nebraska, cap. of Dixon co. Ponca, River, Dakota, rises in Tripp co. and falls into Missouri R. Ponce, tn., Porto Rico, near the S. coast. Pop. 37,545. Ponce de Leon Bay, Florida, opening off the Gulf of Muxico Pondicherrl, French set., Madras, India. Pop. 140,945. Pondlcherri, tn. and cap. of above. 11° 55' N., 79^ 52' E. P. 49,000. Pond Island, Maine, in the mouth of the Kennebec R. Pondoland, Brit, ter., between Cape Colony and Natal. 3578 sq. m. Pond River, Kentucky, rises in Todd co. and falls into the Greeu R. Poneviezh, tn., Russia, gov, Kovno, 84 ni. NNW. Vilna. Poney Hollow, vil.. New York, Tompkins co. Ponferrada, tn., Spain, prov. and 47 m. W. Leon. Pongau, dist., Salzburg, Austria. Lat. 47° 24' N., long. 13° 15' E. Ponnerl, taluk, Chengalpat dist, Madras. ^Vrea 347 sq. ni. Ponueri, hdqrs. tn., Ponneri taluk. Pons, tn., France, dep. Charente-Inferieure, 12 m. SSE. Saintes. Pons, tn., France, dep. Herault, 58 m. WSW. Montpellier. Ponsacce, tn., Italy, 16 m. SE. Pisa. Ponsonby, suburb of Auckland, New Zealand, 2J m. from city. Pont, River, Northumberland, trib. of the Blyth R. Ponta, tn., Italy, 25 ni. N. Turin. Pontac, tn., France, dep. Basses Pyrenees, 15 m. SE. Pan. Ponta Delgada, tn., Azores, ou Sao Miguel I. Pop. 17,940. Pontafel, vil., Austria, in Carnic Alps. Lat. 46° 30' N., 13" 18' E. Ponti-Mousson, tn., France, dep. Meurthe, on the Moselle. Pontarlier, tn., France, dep. Doubs, 36 m. SE. Besancon. Pontassleve, tn., Italy, 12 m. E. Florence. Pont Audemer, tn., France, dep. Eure, 42 m. NW. Evreux. Pont Blelddyn, ecol. dist., Flintsliire, Mold par. Pontchartrain, Lake, Louisiana, 6 ni. N. New Orleans. 960 sq. in. Pont-de-Roide, vil., France, dep. Doubs, on R. Doubs, Pont-de-Vaux, tn., France, dej). Ain, 20 m. NW. Bourg. Pont-du-Chateau, tn., France, dep. I'uy-de-Donie. Pontebba, vil., Italy, jirov. Udine, 8 m. NNE. Moggio. Pontecorvo, tn., S. Italy, prov. Caserta, 28 m. S. Sora. Pontedera, tn., Italy, prov. and 13 m. ESE. Pisa. Pontefract, bor., W. Riding, Yorks, 10 m. E. Wakefield. Ponte Lagoscuro, tn., Italy, 2^ m, N. Ferrara. Pontelaud. jirir.. tnshp., and vil., Northumberland, ou R. Pont. Ponte LandoUo, tn., Italy, 19 m. S. Oanipobassn. Ponteebury, par. and vil., Shropshire, 8 ni. SW. Shrewsbury. Pontevedra, tn., Spain, cap. of above, 13 m. NXE. Vigo. Pop. 20,812. Pontevedra, prov., Spain. Area 1696 sq. m. Pop. 463,664. Pontevico, tn., Italy, 19 ni. SSW. Brescia, on the Oglio. Pontiac, city and tushj)., Illinois, cap. of Livingstone co. Poutlac, city, Jlichigan, cap. of Oakland co., on tho Clinton R. Pontianak, tn., Borneo, on W. coast. Lat. o" 3' S., long. 109' 15' E. Ponticelli, vil., Italy, 4 m. E. Naples. Pontifical States, former div. of Italy. Pontine Marshes, Cami)agna di Roma, Italy, marshy tract, Pontlvy, tn., France, dep. Morbihan, 30 ni. NNW. Vannes. Pont I'Abb^, coast tn., France, dep. Finisttrre, 10 m. SSW. Quimper. Pont I'Abb^, vil., France, Charente-Inferieure, on R. Arnoult. Pont I'Evfequo, tn., France, dep. Calvados, 2^; m. ENE, Caen. Pontlieue, vil., France, dep, Sarthe, on tho Iluisne. Pontlottyn, occl. dist. and vil., Glamorgan, i ni. SE. Rhymney. Pontnewynydd, eccl. dist., Monmouthsiiire, on R. Avon. PontoUe, tn., Franco, dep. Seiiie-et-Oise, 19 ni, NW. Paris. Pontorson, In., France, dep, Manchc, at mouth of Quesnon R. Pontremoii, tn., Italy, prov. Massa c Carrara. Pont St. Esprit, tn., France, dep. Gard, on the Rhone. Pont St. Maience, tu., France, dej). Oise, on R. Oiso. Pont Vlan, vil., 0"el)ec, co. Laval, i m, from Ste. Rose. Pontville, tu., Tasmauia, CO. Monmouth, 17 m, N. Hobart. 207 PON THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER POR Pontypool, tn., Monmouthshire, Z\ \\\. N. Newport. Pontypridd, tii. Glamorgan, 12 m. N\V. Cardin. Ponui Island, New Zealand, between Waikeki I. and CO. Manukau. Ponza, chief of grp. of small islands, S. Italy, off coast of Camoania. Ponzone, tn., Italy, prov. Alessandria, 9 m. SE. Acqui. Poo-Cliing-Hien, tn., China, on a trib. of the Min. Pool, isl., M;ii viand, in Chesapeake Bay, off mouth of Gunpowder R. Pool, Middle, tnshp., Montgomeryshire, Welslipool par. Pool, Lower, tuslip., Montgomeryshire, Welshpool par. Poole, lior,, par., si)t.., CO. in itself, Dorset, 5 m. W. Bournemoutb Poole Mount, New South Wales, co. Poole. Poolewe, quoad sacra par. and vil., Ross, 6 m. S. Aultbea Pool's Island, Newfoundland, 2 m. from Green's Pond. Poolvash Bay, on S. coast of Isle of Man. Poona, dist., Bombay. Area 5369 sq. m. Pop. 1,067,190. Poona, tn. and cant., Poona dist. 18" 30' N., 73° 55' E. P. 160,460. Pooncarie, tn., New South Wales, co. Perry, 780 m. W. Sydney. Poopelloe Lake, New South Wales, co. Werunda. Poor Knightfl, islands and rocks, New Zealand, off co. Whangarei. Popacton River, New York, a branch of the Delaware R. Popayan, tn.. Colombia, state Cauca. Poperinghe, tn., Belgium, W. Flanders, 32 m. SW. Bruges. Popham Bay, N. Territory, Australia, N. of Cape Don. Popliu Lake, New South Wales, co. Windeyer. Poplar, par., Middlesex, London, in Tower Hamlets. Poplar, E. suburb of London, Middlesex, in Tower Hamlets. Poplar Bluff, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, cap. of Butler co. Poplar River, Keewatin, flows from Middle Lake to Lake Winnipeg. Popo, tn., Guinea, 15 m. W. Wliydah. Popocatepetl, active volcano, Mexico, 35 m. SW. Paebla. 17,784 ft. PopoU, tn., Italy, prov. Aquila, 8 m. NNW. Sulmona. Popova Gora, mtn., Russia, 8W. Novgorod. Alt. J152 ft. Poppelfldorf, vil., Rlienish Prussia, i m. SW. Bonn. Poppi, tn., Italy, on the Anio, 26 m. E. Florence. Pora, two isls. off W. coast Suniatra. Lat. i°-2'' 30' S. Porakad, tn. , Travancore state, Madras. Lat. 9° 21' N., 76° 25' E. Porangahau, tnshp., New Zealand, 74 m. from N"apier. Porangahau River, New Zealand, flows E. through co. Patangata. Porbandar, native state, Bombay. Area 636 sq. m. Pop. 71.072. Porbandar, i?liief tn. and port, Porbandar state. 21° 37' N., 69° 48' E. Porcher Island, Britisli Columbia, in lat. 54° o' N. porchester, ]iar. and vil., Hants, 4 m. NW. Portsmouth. Porcia, tn., Italy, prov. Udine, 2 ni. SW. Pordenone. Porco, mtn. peak, Bolivian Andes, Lat. 19° 45' S. Alt. 16,000 ft. Porco, tn., Bolivia, 25 m. SW. Potosi. PorcrasaBay, St. Mary's, Scilly Islands, near Hugh Town. Porcuna, tn., 8p;iin, prov. and 21 in. WNW. Jaen. Porcupine, Cape. Nova Scotia, Guysborough co. porcupine Flat, tn., Victoria, co. Talbot, 92 m. NW. Melbourne- Porcupine Hills, Alberta, in lat. 50° N., long. 114° W. Porcupine Mountains, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Pordenone, tn., N. Italy, prov. Udine, 50 m. NNE. Venice. poretchie, tn., Russia, gov. and 40 m. NNW. Smolensk. Porgus Bank, shoal, off SW. coast of Pembrokeshire. Porlock Bay, off the Bristol Channel, 4^^ m. wide. Porloe Cove, on W. coast of Cornwall, 2k ni. SE. Land's End. Pomanyon Cove, Cornwall, in S. vicinity of Cape Cornwall. Pomdon, Mount, Victoria, co. Heytesbury, 7 m. SW. L. Corangaraite. Pomic, spt., France, dep. Loire-tnferieure, 30 m. WSW. Nantes. Porongahaa. Sfe Porangahau. Porpoise Head, S. Australia, Backstairs Passage, co. Hindmarsh. Porrentruy, tn., Switzerland, cant, and 38 m. NW. Bern. Porreras. In., Majorca, 21 m. ESE. Palma. Porsgrund, coast tn., Norway, gi m. NE. Christian.sand. Port Adams, tn., China, prov. Liao-Tong, on Pe-chi-li Strait. Port Adelaide, spt., S. Australia, co. and 7^ m. NW. Adelaide. Portadown, tn., co. Armagh, on II. Bann. Portaferry, tn. and spt., co. Down, on Lough Strangford. Portage, city, Wisconsin, cap. of Columbia co., on the Wisconsin R. Portage Island, New Brunswick, at entrance to Miramichi Bay Portage Lake, Michigan, Houghton co. Portage Lake, Michigan, Livingston and Washtenau cos. Portage la Prairie, tn., on C.P.R.. Slanitoba, 56 m. W. Winnipeg. Port Ahuriri. Ser Napier. Port Albert, spt., Victoria, 173 m. SE. Slelbourne. Portalegre, tn., Portugal, Alemtejo, 49 ra. NE. Evora. Port Alexander, harbour, in Mossamedes, SW. Africa. Port Alfred, bay, S. Australia, Gulf of St. Vincent, co. Fergusson. Port Alleghany, vil., Pennsylvania, McKean co., on the Alleghany R. Port Ahaa, port, Queensland, at r.iouth of Fitzroy R. Portarlington, tn., Queen's and King's cos., on R. Barrow. Portarlington, tn., Victoria, co. Grant, 65 ni. S. Melbourne. Port Arthur, war port, China, prov. Liao-Tong, on Pe-chi-li Strait. Port Arthur, vil., Ontario, on Lake Superior. 48° 30' N., 89° o' W. Port Augusta, port, S. Australia, co. Frome, 250 m. NW. Adelaide. Port Augusta, spt, W. Australia, 190 m. SW. Perth. Port an Port Bay, Ne\vfoundland, St. George's Bay dist. Port-au-Prince, spt. and cap. of Haiti, W. Indies. Pop. 40,000. Port Austin, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Huron co. Port Bannatyne, vil., Buteshire, N. Bute par., 2J m. NW. Rothesay. Port Blair, principal harbour, Andaman Islands. Port Blanchard, vil., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co. Port Bowen, Queensland, dist. Port Curtis. Port Broughton, tn. and port, S. Australia, co. Stanley, 152 m. NE. Ad.-laide. PortEurweli, vil., port of entry, Ontario, co. Elgin, 137 m.SW. Toronto. Portbury, vil., Somerset, 6 m. WNW. BristoL Port Byron, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Rock Island co., on Mississippi. Port Byron, vil., New York, Cayuga co. Port Campbell, spt., Victoria, CO. Heytesbury, 163 m. SW. Melbourne. Port Canning, In. and port, 24 Parganas dist., Bengal. Port Carbon, bor., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co., on Schuylkill R Port Carlisle, Cumberland, on Solway Firth. Port Chalmers, spt., Dunedin, New Zealand, co. Waikouaiti. Lat. 45' 45' S., long. 170° 40' E. Port Charles, bay, New Zealand, co. Coromandel. Port Charlotte, vil., Ulay Isl., Argyllshire, opposite Bowmore. Port Chester, ^il.. New York, Westchester co., on Long Island Sound. Port Clinton, ■\'il,, Ohio, cap. of Ottawa co., on L. Erie and Poitage R. Port Clinton, bor., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co., on Schuylkill R. Port Colborne, vil. and port of entry, Ontario, co. Wellaud. Port Curtis, dist., Queensland, in dist. Port Curtis. Port Curtis, harbour, Queensland, in dist. Port Curtis. Port Dalhoune, vil., Ontario, co. Lincoln, 5 m. from St. Catharines. Port Dalrymple, forms estuary of Tamar, Tasmania. 41" S., 146" 45' E. Port Daniel, .sub-di>t., Quebec, Bonaveuture co. Port Darlington. I'^'rc Bowmanville. Port Darwin. See Palmerston. Port Darwin Camp, tnshp., N. Ter., Australia, 79 m. from South port. Port Davey, inlet, Tasmania, co. Kent. Port de France, si>t. and cap. of French New Caledonia. PortDenison, Queen.sland, dist. N. Kennedy, 6 m. S. Cape Edgecumbe. Port de Pais, spt., Haiti Island, on N. coast. Port Deposit, \i\. and tnshp., Maryland, Cecil co., on Susquehanna R. Port Desire, harb. and riv., vn E. coast Patiigonia. 48° o' S., 66° o' W. Port Douglas, ]>ort, Queensland, co. Nares. 40 m. from Cairna. Port Dover, portof entry, Ontario, co. Norfolk, 26 ni. from Brantford. Port Dundas, quoad sacra par., Lanarkshire, suburb of Glasgow. PortDumford, harb., oucoastofZululantl, Africa. 29''o'S., 32° o' E PortEgmont, tn., Falkland Islands, S. Atlantic Ocean. Portel, Le, vil., France, dep., on the coast. Portelet Bay, S. est. of Jersey, Channel Is., i^ m, S. St. Aubin's. Port Elgin, vil,, Ontario, co. Bruce, 97 m. NW. Guelph. Port Elizabeth, spt. , Cape Colony, on Algoa Bay. Lat. 34.° S. P. 24,060. Port Ellen, spt. vil., Argyllshire, Islay Island, 12 m. SE. Bowmore. Port Elliot, tn., S. Australia, co. Hindmarsh, 50 m. S. Adelaide. Port Erin, coast vil., Isle of Man, 5J m. W. Castletown. Port Errol, ;>pt. vil., Aberdeenshire, S\ m. SW. Peterhead. Port Esperance, port, Tasmania, co. Kent, 52 m. from Hobart. Portessie. vil., Banffshire, ij m. NE. Buckie. Port Essington, N. Territory, Australia, NE. of Port Darwin. Port Ewen, vil., New York, Ulster co., on the Hudson R. Port Fairy, spt., Victoria, co. Villiers, 180 m. W.SW. Melbourne Port&eld, eecl. dist. and vil., Sussex, 2 ni. E. Cliichester. Port Germein, tn., S. Australia, co. Frome, 172 m. N. Adelaide. Port Gibson, \\\., Slississippi, cap. of Claiborne co., on Bayou Pierre Port Glasgow, bur. and par., Renfrewshire, on R. Clyde. Portglenone, tn. and par., Londonderry, 9 m. W. Ballymena. Port Gordon, vil., Banllshire, 2 m. SW. Buckie. Port Gore, New Ztaland, co. Sounds. Port Griffith. Sec Port Blanchard. Port Hamilton, isls., 38 m. S. Corea, belonging to China. Port Hardy, New Zealand, deep inlet in N. coast of DUrville Island. Port Hastings, spt., Nova Scotia, co. Inverness, on Gut of Canso. Port Hawkesbury, spt., Nova Scotia, co. Inverness, on Gut of Canso. Port Henry, vil.. New Y'ork, Esses co. Porthleven, spt., Cornwall, on Mounts Bay. Porth Nigel, bay, Carnarvonshire, on S. coast of Lleyn Promontorj'. Port Hood, spt.. Nova Scotia, Inverness co,, 23 m. N.I'ort Hastings. Port Hope, tn. and port of entry, Ontario, ci>. Durham, 63 m. E. Toronto. Port Hunter, New South Wales, now Newcastle Harbour, q.v. Port Huron, city and port of entry, Michigan, cap. of St. Clair co. Portlci, tn., Italy, on Bay and 4 m. SE. Naples. Portishead, coast tn., Somerset, 10 m. W. Bristol. Port Jackson, vil., New York, Montgomery co., on Mohawk R. Port Jackson, inlet. New South Wales. Sydney is on its shores. Port Jefferson, vil., New York, Suffolk co., on Long Island Sounil. Port, New York, Orange CO., on Delaware and Navasink Rs. Port Joli, Nova Scotia, Queen's co., ink-t of the Atlantic. Port Kennedy. See Thursday Island. Port Klek, spt. vil., Dulmatia. Lat. 42° 59' N., long. 17° 30' E. Portknockie, vil., Banff, 5 ni. NE. Buckie. Portland, spt., Victoria, cap. of co. Normanby, 225 m. SW. Melbourne. Portland, vil., Indiana, cap. of Jay co., on the Salamonie R. Portland, city and port of entry, Maine, caji. of Cumberland co. Lat. 43° 45' N., long. 70° 15' W. Pop. 36.425. Portland, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Ionia co., f>n the Grand R. Portland, city and portof entry, Oregon, cap. of Multnomah co. Lat. 45° 30' N., long. 23° o' W.* Pop. 46,386. Portland, bor., Pennsylvania. Nortliampton CO., on Delaware R. Portland, tn., New Brunswick, adjoining city of St. John. P. 16,226. Portland, Cape, Tasmania, the fartliest N. point of co. Dorset. Portland, lale of, penin., S. of Dorset, 4 m. S. Weymouth. Portland Channel, British Columhia. Portland Creek, Newfoundland, White Bay dist. Portland Island, New Zealand, off S. point of the Mahia Peninsula Portland Town, eccl. dist., Middlesex. Portlaw, tn., CO. and 11 m. W. Waterford. Portlethen, vil. and q.s. par., Kincardineshire, 8 m. SW. Aberdeen. Port Lincoln, bay, S. Australia, co. Flinders. portlock Reef, Gulf of Papua. S. of Flinders Entrance. Port Louis, spt., France, dep. Morbihan, 2J m. S. Lorient. Port Louis, tn., cap, of Mauritius, on NW. coast. Port Ludlow, vil., Washington, Jefferson co. Port MacDonnell, spt., S. Australia, co. Gray, 304 m. SE. Adelaide. Port Macquarie, spt., New South Wales. Lat. 31° 25' S., 152° 50' E. Port Mahon, tn., Spain, cap. of Minorca. Lat. 39° 55' N. Pop. 16,842. Port Maria, spt, Jamaica. Lat. 18° 25' N., long. 76' 52' W. Port Medina, port of entry, cap. of Bay Islands, Honduras. Port Medway, spt.. Nova Scotia, co. Queens, 96 m. SW. Halifax. Port Melbourne, spt., and suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, co. Bourke, Portmoak, par., E. Kinross-shire, on Loch Leven. Port Moody, spt., Brit. Columbia, terminus of the C. P. Ry. Port Moresby, tn., British New Guinea, on S. coast. Port Morgan. See Morgan. 208 POR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER FBE PortMouton, inlet, Nova Scotia, Qnpen's co. Port Mulgrave, spt., Nova Scotia, co. Guysborousli. Portnahinch, li.irnny, Ireland, Queen's co. Port NataL ^V>- Durban, Port Nelson, vil , Ontario, co. Ilalton, 33 m. SSW. Toronto. Portnenf, vil., Quebec, co. Portneaf, 34 lu. from Quebec. Portneuf, vil , Quebec, en. Saj^uenay, 45 ni. below Tadousac. Portneuf Lake, Quebec, Chicoutinii co. Portneui River, Quebec, Saguenay co., flows SE. to R. St. Lawrence. Port Nicholson, liarbonr, New Zealand, at S. extremity of N. Island. Portnockle. vil., Banfyshire, 2 in. NW. Cullen. Port NoUoth, spt, Cape Colony, 50 ni. SE. Orange River. Port Norris, vil , Now Jersey, Cumberland co., on the Manriee R. Porto Alegre, city, Brazil, cap. of Rio Grande do Sul. Pop. 40,000. Porto Alegre, tu , Brazil, igo ni. W. Natal. Portobello, p;al buro'b and '/.s. par., co. and 3 ni. E. Edinburgli. PortobeUo, Central America. 5fc Pnerto Cabello. Porto Calvo, tn , Brazil, state Alagoas. Porto Empedocle, apt., Sicily, prov. Gir^enti. Porto Peliz, tn , Brazil, state Sao Paulo, on R. Tiete. Porto Perrajo. In., Klba Island, It.ily. Port of Spain, tn., W. Indies, cap. Trinidad. Lat. 10" 40' N., 61° 26' W. Port;^raaro, tn., Italy, prov. Venice, 27 m. SW. Udiufi. Porto Imperial, vil., Brazil, state Goyaz, on B. Tocantins. Portole, tn., Austria, 20 m. SSE. Trieste. Porto Maggiore, vil., Italy, 22 m. \V. of the Adriatic. Porto Maurido, prov., Italy, Liguria. Area 467 sq. m. Porto Manrizio, spt., Italy, in above prov., 2 m. WSW. Oneglia. Porto Novo, spt.. Madias, S. Arent dist. Porto Novo, tn. (French), W. Africa, on Slave Coast. Pop. 20,000. Porto Oram, vil.. New Jersey, Morris co. Porto Praya, tii.. Cape Verd Islands, on Santiago. Porto Rico, isl., W. Imlies, belongs to Spain. Pop. 810,394. Porto San Stefano, spt., in S. of Tuscany. Porto Santo, one of the Jtadeira Is., 26 ni. NE. Madeira. Porto Seguro, tn. (German), W. Africa, in Togoland. Porto ToUe, tu., Italy, prov. Rovigo, on the Po. Porto Torres, spt.. Sardinia, 13 m. NW. Sassari. Porto Vecchio, ft. tn., Coisica, on E. coast. Porto Tenere, spfc., Italy, 44 m. SE. Genoa. Portpatrick,, par. ;md vil., \V. Wi^'townshire, 7^ m. SW. Stranraer. Port Perry, vil., Par. and vil., Inverness-shire, Skye I. Lat. 57* 26' N. Port Republic, vil., New Jersey, Atlantic co.f Port Republican. Set' Port au-Prince. Port Richmond, vil., New York, on N. shore of Staten I. Port Robinson, vil,, Ontario, co. Welland. 10 m. SR. St. Catnarines. Port Roper, sjit., N. Territory, S. Australia. Lat. 15° S. Port Rowan, port of entry, Ontario, co. Norf'ilk, 21 m. from Simcoe. Port Royal, It. tn., Jamaica, 3 m. SW. Kingston. Pop. 15,000. Port Royal, Nova Scotia. Sci Annapolis. Port Royal, bor., Pennsylvania, Juniata co., on the Juniata, R. Port Royal, isl., S. Carolina, included in Beaufort co. Area 90 sq. ni. PortRuflh, spt., N. CO. Antrim, 6 m. N. Coleraine. Port Said, tn, , Egypt, at Mediterranean entrance to Suez Ganal. Port Samilac, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Saniilac co., on L. Huron. Portsea, tn., Victoria, 37 m. S. Melbourne. Portsea Island, ft. is]., on coast of Hants. Pop. 128,022. Portskerra, vil., NK. Sutherland, 17 ni. W. Thurso. Portslade. par. and vil., Sussex, 4 m. W, Briglitnn.. Portamouth, spt., Hants, 18 ni. SE. Southamptun. Pop. 169,255.. Portsmouth, port of entry, New Hampshire, Roc^kingbnm co. Portsmouth, city, Ohio, cap. of Scioto co., on the Scioto and Oblo Rs. Portsmouth, city and spt., Virginia, Norfolk co., on Elizabeth R. Portsmouth, vil., Ontario, co. Frontonac, 2 ni. from Kingston. Portsoy, spt. and //.s. par., Banfl'shire. *. Lat, 57° 42' N., 2" 42' W. Port Stanley, port of entry, Ontario, co. Elgin, 24 m. S. London. Port Stanley, In., cap. of Falkland Islands, in H. Atlantic Ocean. Port Stephens, harbour, New South Wales, co. Gloucester. 32° 42' S. Port Stewart, vil., N. co, Londonderry, 3 m. W. Portrush. Portswood, 2 reel, dists. (Christchnrch and St. Deny's), Hants.' PortTownsend. vil., Washington, ca]>. of JefTerson CO. Portudal, harbiiurand factory (French), Sonegambia, W. Africa. Portugal, kingtlom, W.part of Iberian Peninsula. Pop 4,708,178. Portugal Cove, vil., Newfoundland, 9* m. from St. Jnhu's. Portugalete, port, Spain, prov. Biscay, 7 m. NW. liilbao. Portuffuesa, slate, NW. Venezuela. Area 6815 sq. m. Pop. 79,934. Portugneaa River, Venezuela, flows 200 m, SSE. to the Apure. Portumaa, tn., SE. CO. Galway, on R. Shannon, 12 m. W. Pnrsonstown. Port Underwood, tnshp. and bay, New Zealand, co. Sounds. Port Vendrea, spt,. France, dep. Pyreiiees-Orientalcs. Port Victor, spt., S. Australia, co. Ilindmarsh, 64 m. S. Adelaide. Port Victoria, spt., S. Australia, co. Fergusson, 129 m. W. Adar., and tnshp., SB. Lancashire. 4 m. NW. Man- chester. Prestwich, pari. div. of SE. Lancashire. Prcstwick, ^il., Ayi"shire, 2A m. N. Ayr. Prestwick, New, vil., Ayrshire, li ni. N. Ayr. Prestwood, vil, andeccl. dist., Bucks, 2 m. W. Great Missenden. Pretoria, cap. of S. Africau Republic, 300 ra. W. Delagoa Bay. Prenalla, tnshp.. New South Wales, co. Perry, on Darling R. Prevesa, ft, tn., Turkey, in Epinis, 18 m. SW. Arta. 39° o' N., 20° 40' E. Prevost Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Pribylov Islands, Alaska, in Behring Sea. Prickwillon, ecel. dist., Cambridgeshire ana Suffolk. Pridor, tn., Bosnia, circle of Bihacs, on R. Sara. Priego, vil., Spain, prov. and 27 m. NNW. Cuenca, Priego de Cordoba, tn.. Spain, 47 m. SE. Cordova. Priest Island, Ross and Cromarty, at the entrance of Loch Broom. Priglis Bay, on coast of St. Agnes, Scilly Islands. Priluki, tn., Russia, gov. and 123 ni. NW. Poltava. Primghar, vil., Iowa, cap, of O'Brien co. Primorsk, pr-jv., Asiatic Russia. Area 730,000 sq, m. Pop. 81,000. Prim Point, Piinoe Edward Island, Queen's co. Prince Albert, div.. Cape Colony, N. of Great Zwarte Berge. Prince Albert, tn. , Cape Colony^ N. of Great Zwarte Berge, Prince Albert, vil., Ontario, Ontario co., 17 ni. from Whitby. Prince Albert Land, Arctic Ocean, British N. America. Prince Edward Island, prov. of Canada. Lat. 46° 15' N. Pop. 117,301. Prince Frederick Henry Island, Dutch New Guinea. Prince Inlet, Xrw Guinea, in Fly Estuary. Prince Island Lake, Saskatchewan. Prince of Wales Archipelago, now Alexander Islands, W. coast Alaska. Prince of Wales Island, Queensland, iu Torres Strait. Prince of Wales Range, mtns., Tasmania, co. Montgomery. Prince of Wales Strait, Arctic America, between Bank's Land and Prince Allit-rt Land. Prince Patrick Island, Arctic America, one of Parrj' Is. 77" N., 120° W. Prince Regent Inlet, Arctic America, connects Gulf of Boothia with Barrow Strait. Lat. 73° N., long. 90° W. Prince River, New Guinea, Fly Estuary. Princes Channel, fairway, in Thames estuary, 10 ni. NW. Margate. Prince's Island (Pcrtuguese), Africa, in Bight of Biafra. 2° N., 7" 30'E. Prince's Island, Sea of Marmora, 13 m, S. Constantinople. Princes Rlsborough, tn. and par., Bucks, 7J m. S. Aylesbury. Princess Anne, vil. and tnshp., Maryland, cap. of Somerset co. Princess Charlotte Bay, Queensland, dist. Cook. Lat. 14° 20' 3. Princess Royal Island, British Columbia. Princess Shoal, chalky ledge, off E. coast of Isle of Wight. PrincHon. tn. and tnshp., Illinnis, cap. of Bureau co. Princeton, vil., Indiana, citp. of Gibson co. Princeton, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Scott co., on the Mississippi R. Princeton, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Caldwell co. Princeton, \\\. and tnshp,, Minnesota, cap. of Mille Lacs co. Princeton, vil., Missouri, cap, of Mercer co., on the Weldon R. Princeton, tn. and tnshp., New Jersey, Mercer co. Princeton, vil. and tnshp,, Wisconsin,' Green Lake co., on the Fox R. Princetown, spt., Prince Edward Island, chief tn, of Prince co. PrinceviUe, vil. and tnshp., Illinois. Peoria co. Prince William Sound, Alaska, lies E. of the Kenia Peumsula, Principe Channel, British Columbia. Prinlaws, j^art of Leslie, Fifesliire. Prinzen, isl., iu Gulf of Guinea. Prior, par., SW". co. Kerry, 7 m. S. Cahersiveen. 11,795 acres. Priors Lee, eccl. dist. and vil., Shropshire, ^\ m, NW, Shifual. Priors Portion, eccl. div. of Tiverton par., Devon. Pripets River, Russia, gov. Minsk, 350 m. to the Dnieper. Priscllla Mountain. S. Australia, co. Jervois, 12 m. NW. Cape Driver. Prison Island, Quebec, at mouth of Lake St. Francis. Prlsrend, tn., Turkey, Albania, 80 m. E. Scutari. Pop. 35,000. Pristina, tn., Turkey, Roumelia, 42 m. NW. Usknp. PrittleweU, par. and vil., Essex, i m. S. Southend. Pritzwalli, tn., Prussia, 65 m, NW. Potsdam. Privas, tn., France, cap. of Ardeche, 26 m. SW. Valence. Privitz, ta., Hungary, 40 ni. NE. Neutra. Prlzzl, tn,, Sicily, prov. anil 28 m. SSE. Palermo. Proalg Bay, on E. coast of Islay Island, Argjdlshire. Probus, par., tnshp., and vil., Cornwall, 2 m. SW. Granpound Road. Procida, isl., Ilaly, at NW. extremity of Bay of Naples. Proclda, ft. tn. and spt., on above island. Proddatur, taluL; Cuddapah dist., Madras. Area 487 sq. m. Proddatnr, tn., (!uddapah ilist., Sladras. Proenca Nova, tn,, PortULjal, in Beira Batxa, 25 m. W. Castello Bianco. Progreso, spt., Mexico, state Yucatan, 20 m, W. Merida. Prome, dist., Lower Bmiua. Area 2SS7 sq. m. Pop. 357,560. Prome, chief tn. and hdqrs., Pronie dist. Lat. 18° 43' N. P. 29,330. Promise, Plains of, Queensland. Lat. 17° 57' S., long. 140° E, Prooa Lake, New South Wales, co. Taila. Prophetstown, vil. and tnshp,, Illinois, AVhitesides co., on Rock R. Prosen Water, NW. Forfarshire, flows 18 m. SE. to the S. Esk. Proskurov, tit., Russia, Podolia, 53 m. N, Kamieniec. Proana River, atllnent of the Warta, 38 m, SE. Poseu, Prospect, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Marion co., on the Scioto R. Prospect, tn.. New South Wales, co. Cumberland, 20 m. W. Sydney. Prospect, vil.. South Australia, co. Adelaide, close to capital. Prosser, Mount, Queensland, dist. Mitchell. Prosser Bay, Ta.sniania, in K. coast of co. Pembroke. Prosser River, Ta-^niaiiia, CO, Pembroke, flows NE. into Prosser Bay. Prossnitz, tn., MoiMvia, 13 ni. SW. Olnnitz. Pop. 16,751. Provence, old mar, time prov., SE, France. Providence, jut. of entry, Rhode I., cap. of Providence co. P. 132,146. Providence, Cape, New iSealand, co. Fiord. Providence, Fort, NW. Ter., Canada, on Great Slave Lake, Providence River, Rhode Island, an arm of Narraganset Bay. Providential Channel, entry through the Great Barrier Reef. Province Wellealey, Brit, col., on W, co.ast of Malay Penin. P. 71,433. Provlns, tn,, France, dep. Seine-et-Marne, 29 in. E. Melun. Provo, city, Utah, c:ip. of Utah co., on the Provo R. Provo River, Utah, flows through Utah co. into Lake Utah. Prudhoe, tnshp. and vil., Northumberland, 11 m, W. Newcastle. Prussia, kingdom, German Empire. Area 134,497 sq. m. P. 29,957,302. Prussia, East, prov., Prussia. Pop. 1,958,132. Prussia, West, j'rov., Prussia. Pop. 1,433,480. Pruszmy, tn,, Russia, gov. and 79 m. SSE. Grodno. Pruth, River, between Ronmania and Bessaiubia, flows SSE, 360 m. Przemysl, tn., Austria, Galicia, 51 m. W. Lemberg. Pop. 22,040. Przeworsk, tn., Austria, Galicia, 22 m. E. RzesEOW, Przhedborz, tu., Poland, 55 m. WSW. Radom. Przibram, tu., Bohemia, 21 m. S3W. Beraun. Psiloratl, loftiest mtn. of Crete. Alt, 7674 ft. Psiol River, Russia, flows 300 m, to the Dnieper below Krementchug. Pskov, gov., Russia, S. of St, Petersburg. 17.069 sq. m. P. 987,416. Pskov, cap, of above, 162 m, SW. St. Petersburg. Pop. 21,170. Pubblebrien, barony, CO. Limerick. Area 30,13s acres. Publow, par. and vil., Somerset, 5 m. SE. Brisiol. Area 1335 acres. Pucklechurch, jxir. and vil., Gloucester, 4 m, SW. Chipping Sodbury. Puddletown, par. and vil., S. CO. Dorset, 5 m. NE. Dorchester. Pudsey, tn. aud tnshp. ,W. Riding, Yorks, 3 m. E. Bradford. P. 17,037. Pudsey, pari, div., W. Riding, Yorksliire. Pudukattai, native state, Madras Presidency. Pop. 302,127. Pudukattai, chief tu., Pudukattai state, l^t. 10° 23' N. Pop. 15,384. Puebla, state, Mexico, SE. of Mexico. 12,741 sq. m. Pop. 839,468. Puebla, cap. of above, 76 m. ESE. Mexico. Pop. 78,530. Puebla, La, tn., Spain, Majorca Island, 27 m. NE. Palm.i. Puebla de Alcocer, tn., Spain, 87 m. E. Badajoz. Puebla de Almoradiel, tn., Spain, 50 m. SE. Toledo. Puebla de Calzada. tn., Spain, 35, ni. SIC. Seville. Puebla de Don Fadrique, tn., Spain, 77 m. NE. Granada. Puebla de Guzman, tn., Sj>ain, 30 m. N. Huelva. Puebla de la Calzuda, tn., Spain, 16 m. E. Badajoz. Puebla de les Montalvan, tn., Spain, W. of Toledo. Puebla de Sancho Perez, tn., Spain, 96 m. SE. Badajoz. Pueblo, tn., C'l'rado, cap. ot Pueblo co., on the Arkansas R, Pueblo Nuevo del Mar, tn., Spain, 2 m. E, Valencia. Puente de Genii, tn,, Spain, 27 m. S. Cordova. Puentedenme, tn., Spain, 13 m. E. Corunua. Puentea de Garcia Rodriguez, tn., Spain, 24 m. ENE. Corunna. Puerco River, Mexico, falls into the Uio Grande, Puers, tn., Belgium, 12 m. SSW. Antwerp. Puerto Bello, spt. tn., Colombia, 40 m. NNW, Panama, on N. est. Puerto Cabello, spt. city, Venezuela, 20 m. NW. Valencia. 10" 23' N. Puerto de Luna, vil., N. Jlcxico, San Miguel co., on the Pecos R. Puerto de Ortava, spt., Canarj' Islands, on TenerifFe. Puerto de Santa Maria, spt., Spain, on Bay of Cadiz. Pop. 22,122. Puerto de Santander, vil., Colombia, on R. Magdalena, Puerto Deseado. Sec Port Desire. Puerto Galera, vil. aud harb., on N. of Mindoro Island, Philippines. Puerto Gallegos, bay, on coast of Patagonia. I-at. 51° 34' S. Puerto Ingles, small port, Costa Rica, Central America. Puerto Isabel, spt., Mexico, state Sonora. Puerto Isabela, spt. tn., N. coast Basilan Island, Philippines. Puertollano, tn., Spain, prov. and 22 m. SSW. Ciudad Real. Puerto Madrin, spt., Patagonia, SW. of the Bahia Blauca. Puerto Mantas, small spt., Costa Rica, Central America. Puerto Marin, com., Siiain, prov. and 14 m. SSW. Lugo. Puerto Mayne, port. Chili, in Magallanes Territory. Puerto Montt, tn.. Chili, 60 m. ENE. Ancud. Puerto Plata, spt., Dominica, on N. coast. Lat. 19° 49' N., 71° W. Puerto Principe, city, Cuba, 44 m. SSW. Nuevitas, on N. est. P. 30,000. Puerto Real, spt. vil., Porto Uico, on W. coast. Puerto Real, si>t., Spain, 6 m. E. Cadiz. Puerto Rico. Sec Porto Rico. Puerto San Julian, bay, Patagonia, 125 in. SW. Port Desire. Puerto Valdes, barb ,' Patagonia, on E. coast of San Jose Peninsula. Puerto Varas, vil., Chili, 12 m, N. Puerto Montt. Puerto Viejo. tn., Ecuador, 95 m. NNW. Guayaquil. Puffin Island, off E. point of Anglesey. Puffin Island, 3 ra. SE, Bray Head, co. Kerry. Puget Sound, inland sea, Washington. Area 2000 sq. m. 210 PUG THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER QUE PugUa, La. .See Apulia. Puffwaah, spt., Nuv;i Scotia, on Nortliumberlaml Strait. Puigcerda, It. tn., N. Kiialii, 52 m. NW. Geroiia. Pukekohe, tn,, New Zealand, co. Manukau. Paketapu, tii., New Zealand, 12 ni. fruni Napier. Puketoi Kange, nitns., New Zeaiaml, co. M'airarapa North. Pukhra, In., Bara Banki dist., Uudli, India. Pulaski, vil., New York, Oswey;u co., on the Salmon R. Pulaski, vil., Tennessee, cap. of Giles co., on Richland Creek. Pulawy, tii., Pnlaiid, 30 ni. NW. Lnhlin, un the Vistula. Pulgaon, ^il., Wurdlia dist., Cent. Pruvs., India. 9° 10' N., 77° 26' E. Pulham St. Mary Masdalene, par., vil., Norfolk, 3^ ni. NW. Harleston. Puliangudi, tn., Tinnevelli dist., Madras. Lat. 9° 10' N., 77° 26' E. Policat, tn., Chen-^'alpat dist., Madras. Lat. 13° 25' N., 80° 21' E. Pullkonda. vil , N Aroot di.-.t., Madras. Lat. 12° 54' N., 78° 59' E. Pulivendala. Udxik- Cuddapah dist., JIadras. Area 701 srj. ni. Pulivendala, l.ilurs tn., Pulivendala tidut. Pullampet, ("luk- CtKhlapah dist., Madras. Axea 979 sq. in. Pullampet, In., Cuddapah dist., Madras. Pulsnitz, tn.. Saxony, 16 in. NE. Dresden. Pulteney, part of Wick, Caithness. Pultusk, tc, Poland, un R- Narev. Puna, isl., otr W. c. of above, on \V. shore of Lake iiticaca. Punpun. River, Berar, India, trib. of the Ganges. Punta Arenas, cap. of Magellaiies, on Strait of Magellan, Punta Arenas, spt., Costa Rica, on Pacilie Ocean. Pantataencut Lake, Biitish Columbia. Punxsutawney, bor., Pennsylvania, Jeiferson co. Pur, tn,, Udaipur state, Rajputana, India. I'urace, peak of the Andes of Colombia. 2° 20' N. Alt. 17,034 ft. Puraiyar, suburb of Ti-amjUebar. Purandhar, sub-div., Pu-jua dist., Bombay. Purandhar, military sanitarium, Poona dist., Bombay. Piu-anigudam. vil., Nowgong dist., Assam, India. Purara, estate and vil., Bhandara dist, Cent Provs., India. Purbeck, Isle of, peninsula, in SE. Dorset, 12 m long by 7 m. broad. Purcell Range, mountains, British Cobimbiii. Purgatory River, Colorado, falls into Arkaiisa'^ K. Purl^ Heuj:al Area 2473 sq. m. Pop. 938,410. Piu-1. sub-div., Piiri dist., Bengal. Area 1530 sq. in. Purl, chief tn., Puri dist, Bengal. 19° 48' N., 85° 51' E. P. 28,870. Pui-iton, pat and vil., Somerset, 3 m. NE. Bridgwater. Purleigh, par. and vil , Essex, 4^ in. S. Maldon. Purmerend, to..- N. Ibdland, 10 ni. N. Ainstertlam. Purnabhaba River, Bengal, trib. of the Mahaiu'idi. Puma River, Berar, trib. of the Tapti. Purugarh, port. Ratnagii'i dist., Bombay. Lat. 16° 48 N., 73° 20' E. Purniah, dist.. Ben>,'al. Area 4956 sq. m. Pop. 1,940,650. Purniah, sub-div., Purniah dist. Area 1644 sq m. Purniah, chief tn. and hdqrs., Purniah dist. PuTQim, tc, Victoria, co. Villiers, i63 in. SW. Melbourne. Purple Mountain, 6 ni. SW. Killamey, S. co. Kerry. Alt. 2739 ft. Puraat. proviuce, Cambodia, Farther India. Parston, ecel. dist and vil., W. Riding, Yorks, 2 ni. NW. Pontefract. Purton, ]>ar., tnshp., and vil., Wilts, 4^ ni. NW. Swindon. Purulia, sub-div., Maubhuni dist., Bengal. 3344 sq. m. Puruila, chief tn. and hdqrs., Maubhum dist., Bengal. Purushottapur, tn., Ganjain dist, Madras. Lat. ig' 31' N., 84° 57' E. Purufl River, Peru, flows 1400 m. to the Amazon, in long. 61" W. Purwa, liihsil, Unaodist., Uudb, India. Area 547 sq. in. Purwa. pavjinia, Unao dist., Oudh, India. Area iii sq. m. Purwa, tn., Unao dist, Oudh, India. Lat 26'' 27' N., 80° 48' E. Pus. River, Berar, India, trib. of the Pengana. Pusa, (.iovernment estate, Darbhanga dist., Bengal. 4528 acres. Pu»a, \il., Pusa estate. Pusad, tttluk, Basini dist., Bemr, India. Area 1273 sq. m. Puaad, chief tn., Piisad hUulc. Lat. 19° 54' N., long. 77° 36' E. PuBesavli, tn., Satara dist., Bombay. Lat. 17° 26' N., long. 74° 24' E. Pufllikar, tn. and sacred lake, Rajputana, Iiulia. 26° 30' N., 74" 36' E. Puahpa-giri. Subrahinanga Mtns., Coorg. Lat. 12* 40' N., 75° 44' E. Piispok-Ladany, tn., Hungary, 7 m. SW. Nadudvar. Puaterthal, ^al., Tyrol, between Hohe Tauern and Carnic Alps. Puatoaorak, vil , Russia, gov. Archangel, 250 m. NE. Mezen. Putah Creek, California, rises in Lake co., falls into Sacramento R. Putbus, vil., I'russia, Poinerania, 4 m. SSE. Bergen. Puteaux, vil., France, 7 ni. W. Paris, on R. Seine. Pop. 15,586. Puthanapuram, (aluk, Travancore state, Madras. Putlgnano, In., Italy, prov. and 23 in. SE. Bari. Putivl, tn., Russia, gov. Kursk, on the Scm. Putlam, dist. and tin., Ceylon, on the W. coast. Putney, tn. and I'ar., Sussex, 7 in. from London Bridge. Putrid Sea, an inlet of the Sea of Azov. Putten, vil., Netherlands, Gflderlaiid, 6 m. 8. Ilarderwick. Putumayo, River, Ecuador, Hows 700 m. to the Amazon. Putur, tn., S. Kanara dist, Madras. Lat. 12" 45' N., long. 75' 14' E. Putur, til , Madura dist., >Ia'tras. Lat. 9' 57' N., long. 77* 52' E. Puy, Le, tn., France, cap. of Uaute-Loire, 68 m. SW. Lyons. P. 18,826. Puyaliup River. Washington, waters Fierce co. Puy-de-D6me, mtn., France, in the Auvergne JItns. Alt 4806 ft. Puy-deD6me, dep., France. Lat. 45° 45' N., 2° 45' E. Pop. 670,964. Puylaurena, tn., Fmnce, dep. Tarn, 15 m. SE. Lavaur. Pu-zun-daung River, Hanthawadi dist., Lower Burma. PwUdu Bay, Glamorgan, between Swansea Bay and Oxwich Bay. Pwlllieli, bor. and spt., co. and 21 in. SW. Carnarvon. Pyakon, vil., Pyinmana dist., Upper Burma. Pyalong, tn., Victoria, co. Dalhousie, 52^ m. N. Slelbourne. Pya-ma-law. a mouth of the Irawadi, Burma. 15° 50' N., 94° 48' E. Pya-pun, thief vil. and tnshp., Burma. Lat. 16* 16' N. Pya-pun Creek, Thun-gwa dist., Lower Burma. Pyawbwe, vil., Yamethin dist., Upjier Burma. Pyaw-Chway, vil., Hanthawadi dist., Lower Burma. Lat. 16° 40' N. Pyinmana, dist.. Upper Bunua. Pyinmana, tn., Upper Burma. Pykara River, Nilgiri dist., Madras. Pyle, jiar. and vil., Glamorganshire, 7 in. SE. Aberavon. Pyll Gwaeicd, Creek. Pembrokeslnre, on E. side of Fishguard Bay. Pymatuming Creek. Ohio and Peuiisylvaiiia, falls into Shenango R. Pyonk Belt, i^ait of Shive-daung, Prome dist., Lower Burma. Pyramid Lake, Nevada, Roop co. Area 320 sq, in. 4000 ft. above sea. Pyramid Peak, Colorado, summit of the Elk mtns. 13,850 ft high. Pyramids, The, ancient inonunieuts of Egypt, principal near Ghizeh. Pyrenees, mtn. chain dividing France from Spain, 270 m. long. Pyrenees, mtn. range, Victoria, NW. of Melbourne. Pyr6n6ea, Basses, dep., SW. France. Area 2943 sq. m. Pop 432,999. Pyrenees, Hautes, dep., S. France. Area 1749 sq. nu Pop. 234,826. pyren^es-Orientales, dep., S. France. Lat. 43" 30' N. Pop. 211,187. Pyrgo, vil,, Greece, in the Morea, 17 m. SSE. Gastouni. Pyritz, tn., Pomerania, 25 m. S. by E. Stettin. Pyrmont, tn., Germany, Waldeck, 32 in. SW. Hanover. Pyrmont, suburb of Sydney, New South Wales. Pyrton, par. and vil,, S. Oxfordshire, 7 m. NE. Wallingford. Pytchley, jiar. and vil., Northamptonshire, 3 m. S. Kettering. Pyunwa, tidal creek, entrance to Basseiu R., Lower Burma. Pyworthy, par. and vil., Devon, 2 m. W. Holsworthy Quackenbriick, tn., Hanover, 26 m. NW. Osnabnick. Quaco, spt.. New Brunswick, on Bay of Fundy. Quaker City, vil,, Ohio, Guernsey Co., 17 in SE. Cambridge. Quakerton, bor., Pennsylvania, Bucks co. Quamia Island, Fiji, on E. side of Tasman Strait. Qnang Ping, city, China, 80 m. ENB. Koei-Vaug. Quang-Ping, city, China, 240 m. SSW. Pekin. Quang-Si, prov., S. China, on Tonquin border. Pop, 6,121,337. Quang-Si, city, China, 75 in. SE. Yun-Nan. Quang-Sin-Fu, tn., China, Kiang-Si. Lat. 28" 30' N., long. 118° E. Quang-Tong. piov., S. China, on coast. Pop. 29,740,000, Quano, tn., Japan, Hondo Island, on E. coast Quantampo, tn., Upper Guinea, Gyam. Pop. 15,000. Quantock Hills, Somersetshire, extend 8 ni. Alt. 1262 ft. Quanza. .See Co 11121. Qu'Appelle, tn.. Assinlboia, on Qu'Appelle R. QuAppelle River, Canada, trib. of the Assiniboinc. Quaregnon, vil., Belgium, Hainaut, 4 m. WSW. Mons. Quarndon, par. and vil., co, and 5 ni. NW. Derby. Quamero, Gulf of, inlet of the Adi'iatic Sea. Quamerolo, Gulf of, Austria. Lat. 44° 30' N., long. 14" 45' E. Quarouble, tn., France, Nonl, 5111. ENE. Valenciennes. Quarri, tu., Soudan, 96 m. E. Sokoto. Quarry Bank, local gov. dist., Stallordshire, W. Dudley. Quarryville, vil.. New York, Ulster co., 12 in, N. Kingston. Quarter Bach, par., Carniaithenslnie, near Llangadock. Quarter Ironworks and Darngaber, vil., Lanark, 3 m. S. Hamilton. Quarto, tn., Sardinia, 4 m. EXE. Cagliari. Quarto River. Argentine Republic, prov. Cordova, 280 m. long. Quatawamkedgwick River, New Rninswick, Restigouehe co, Quathlamba Mtns., S. Africa, Natal and Basutoland. Quatre Bras, batblelield, Belgium. Lat. 50° 36' N., long. 4" 26' E. Quatseenough Sound, British Columbia, Vancouver Island. Qaeanbeyan, tnshp.. New S. Wales, co. Murray, 19 ni. SW. Sydney. Quebec, prov., Canada. 193,355 ■'^Q- "i- I-"it. 46" 55' N. P. 1,3D9,027. Quebec, city, cap. of above. Lat. 46° 49' N., 71" 13' W, Pop 62,446. Queda, state, Malay Peninsula. Area 4500 sq. m. Pop. 21,000 Queda, tn., cap. of Queda, on W. coast of Malay Peninsula Quedlinburg, tn., Prussian Saxony, 31 in. SW. Magdeburg. P. 20,765. Queen Adelaide Island, Chili. Lat. 52° 20' S., long. 74° 30' W. Queenborough, tii. and par., Kent, Isle of Sheppey, on R. Swale. Queenborough. tn., Tasmania, su'iurb of Hobart Queen Charlotte Is., otf British Columbia. Lat 53° N., long. 132° W. Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand, co. Sounds. Queen Charlotte Sound, betwerii Canada and Vancouver Island. Queensberry, iiitii.. iJiimfriessIiire, 7 m. SW. Molfat. Alt. 2285 ft. Queensbury, tn., W. Riding, Voiksliire, 4 lu. from UalifaJf. Queen's Channel, at month of Thames estuary. Queen's Channel, co, Waterford, entry to Waterfunl harbour. Queen's Channel, N. Territory, Australia, estuary of Victoria R. Queenscliff, spt., Victoria, co. Grant, 32 in. S. Melbourne. Queen's County, CO., Ireland, Leinster. 424,854 acres, Pop. 64,639. Queensferry, .^pt., Victoria. 65 m. SE. Melbourne Queensferry, North, vil., Fifeshirc, on Firth at 51" 52' N., long. 8° 20' W. Queenstown, div,, Cape Colony, K. prov. Pop. 43,661. Queenstown. tn.. Cape Cidoiiy. Lat. 32° S., long. 27" l-^. Queenstown, tnshji,. New Zealand, co. Lake, jq6 m. NW. Dunedin. Queenstown, tn., Victoria, co. Evelyn, 27 m. NE. Melbourne. Queenton, tn., Queensland, CO. Chelmsford, 3 m. from Maytown. Quel-Chow, prov., China. Lat 27° N., long. 107° E. Pop. 7,669,181. Quelpart Island, Yellow Sea. Lat. 33° 33' N., long. 125* E. 211 QUE THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER BAJ (Jnemdale Bay, Shetland, i^ m. NW. Sumbur^h Head. Queretaro, sLatc, Mexico. Area 3205 sq. m. Pop. 213,525. Qoeretaro, tiu, cap. of above. Lat. 20° 30' N., long. 100° W. P. 36,000. Querfurt, tii., Prussian Saxony, iS m. W, Merseburg. Querimba Islands, Africa, off E. coast. Lat. 11° S. Qaesada, tn., Spain, 40 in. E. Jaen. Queanell Lake, British Columbia, Cariboo dist. Quesaell River, Britisli Columbia, joins the Fraser R. Quesnoy, Le, tn., France, Xord, 9 m. SE. Valenciennes. Quesnoy-sur-Deule, In., France, Nord, 6 m. from Lille. Quetta, dist., British Baluchistan. Quetta, tn., cap. of Qnetta, Baluchistan. Quezaltenango,cit3',Cent. America, state and 115 m.WX W.Guatemala. Quiaporte River, W. Africa, Sierra Leone. Quiberon, vil., France, dep. Morbihan, on Quiberon Baj*. Quibor, tn., Venezuela, state and 40 m. SSW. Barquesiiueto. Quicamao, In., Brazil, state Rio de Janeiro, 21 m. S. Campos. Qttickmere, local gov. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 3 m. E. Oldham. Quievrain, tu., Belgium, Hainaut, 12 m, WSW. Mons. Quievy, vil., France, Nord, 11 m. E. Cambrai. Quilandi, tn., Madras, Malabar. Lat. 11' 26' N., long. 75° 44' E. Quiliano, vil., Italy, pvov. Genoa, near Savona. Quilimane, dist. and spt., Africa, Mozambique, 70 m. N. of the Z.iiiibezi. Quillebceuf, tn., France, dep. Eure, on R. Seine. Quillota, tn.. Chili, prov. Valparaiso, 50 m. NW. Santiaga Quiloa, tn., E. Africa, on island belonging to Zanzibar. Quilon, taluk, Travancore, Madras. Area 154 sq. m, Qailon, spt., Travancore, Madras. Lat. 8' 53' N. Qaimper, In., France, cap. Finistere. Lat. 48' N., 4" 10' W. P. 16,288. Qaimperl6, tn., France, dep. Finistere, 34 m. ESE. Quimper. Quin, par. and vil., no. Clare, 6 m. from Ennis. Qainag, mtn., Sutherlandsliire, on Loch Assynt. Alt. 2653 ft. Quinaiult Lake, Washington, in Jefferson co. Quinaiult River, Washington, from Quinaiult Lake to Pacific. Quincy, vil, , California, cap. of Plumas co. Alt. 3500 ft. above se.i. Quincy, vil., Florida, cap. of Gadsden co. Quincy, city, Illinois, cap. of Adams co. Pop. 31,494. Quincy, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Norfolk co. Pop. 16,723. Quincy, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Branch co. Quincy, vil., Ohio, Logan co., on Miami R. Quinebaug River, flows through Connecticut and Massachusetts. Quinhon, tn., Annani, Indo-Chinese Peninsula. Quinnepiac River, Connecticut, falls into Long Island Sound. Quinnesec, vil., Michigan, Menominee co., 28 m. W. Spaulding. Quinnimount, vil., W. Virginia, Fayette co., on the Kanawha R. Quintana, tn., Spain, 45 m. ESE. Badajoz. Qointanar de la Orden, tn., Spain. Toledo, 17 m. W. Belraonte. Quinte, Bay ol, between Prince Edward Island and Ontario. Quintin, tn., France, C6tes-du-Nord, 12 m. W. St. Brieuc. Quinton, evcl dist., Worcestershire, 4 m. SW. Birmingham. Quinto River, Argentine Republic, flows SE. into a marsh. Quinzano. tn., Italy, 19 m. SSW. Brescia. Quio, vil., Quebec, Pontiac co., on the Ottawa R. Qoiraing, mtn., Skye Island, Inverness-shire. Alt. 1779 ft. Quirindi, tn.. New South Wales, co. Buckland, 217 ni. N. Sydney. Quiringa, tn., E. Africa, N. of Zanzibar, on the coast. Quirpon Island, Newfoundland, Strait of Belle Isle. Lat. 51" 38' N. QuisteUo, vil., Italy, 14 m. SE. Mantua. Quitman, vil. and tnshp., Georgia, cap. of Brooks co. Quitman, vil. and tnshp., Mississippi, Clarke co. Quito, city, cap. of Ecuador. Lat. o' 30' S., long. 79' W. P. 80,000. Quito Lake, Athabasca. Lat. 55° 20' N., long. 113° 20' W. Quitta, tn. (Firitisli), North Guinea. Lat. 5° 55' N., long. 0° 59' 45" E. Quolch Loch, Inverness-shire. Lat. 57' 4' N., long. 5' 18' W. Quoile River, co. Down, forms tidal part of Ballinahinch R, Quoin Island, N. Territory, Australia, in Queen's Channel. Qnorn, tii., S. Australia, co. Newcastle, 234 m. N. Adelaide. Quorn. See also Qnomdon. Quorndon, tn. and tnshp., Leicestershire, 2 J m. SE. Loughborough. Quorra River. See Niger. Raab, tn., Hungary. Lat. 47' 40' N., long. 17'' 40' E Pop. 20.983. Raab River, Styria and Hungary, trib. of the Danube at Uaab. Raalte, tn., Netherlands, Overjssel, SSE. of ZwoUe. Raamsdonk, vil., Netherlands, N. Brabant, 10 m. NE Breda Raasay, isl., Inner Hebrides, Inverness-shire. Raasay, Sound of, between Raasay and Skye. Rabasteua, tn., France, dep. Tarn, on R. Tarn. Rabatt, spt., Morocco, 20 m. SSW. Mehediah. Pop. 40,000. Rabba, tn., Africa, on R. Niger. Lat. 9' 15' N. Pop. 40,000. Rabbit Island, Victoria, offco. Buln-Buln. Rabbit Islands, group, Sutlierlandshire, in Kyle of Tongue. Rabenau, tn.. Saxony, 7 ni. SW. Dresden. Rabinal, tn.. Cent. America, Guatemala, 50 m. E. Solola. Rabkavi, tn., Bombay. Lat. i6' 28' N., long. 83" 15' E. Rabupura, tn., Bulandshahr dist., NW. Provs., India. Racalmuto, tn., Sicily, tn. and 15 m. NE. Girgenti. Racavan,, mid CO. Antrim, on R. Braid. Area 17,565 acres. Racconigi, tn., Italy, 19 m. S. Turin. Raccoon River, Iowa, trib. of the Des Moines R. Race, Cape SE. cUremity of Newfoundland. Lat. 46° 40' N. Raceland, vil., Louisiana, La Fourche co., 40 m. SW. New Orleans. Racine, vil., Ohio, Meigs co., on the Ohio R.. 25 m. S. Athens. Racine, ciry, Wisconsin, cap. Racine Co., on L. Michigan. P. 21,014. Ricket Lake, New York, Hamilton co. Area 43 sq. m. Racket River, New York, trib. of the St. Lawrence R. Racz-Keve, tn., Hungary, on island in Danube below Buda-Pesth. Radack Cliain, Marshall Isls. Lat 10° N., long. 170° E. Radaur, tn., Punjab. Lat. 30° i' N., long. 77" 10' E. Ra-Uutz, tn., Austria, Bukowina, 10 m. SW. Sereth. Rad-;liffe, tn. anar., Radnorshire, 6 m. NW. Kington. Radnor, Old, vil, and par., Radnor and Herefordshires. Radnorshire, CO., S. Wales. Lat. 52° 14' N., long. 3° 10' W. P. 21,751, RadoUazell, tn., Baden, 17 m. NW. Constance. Radom, gov., Russian Poland. Area 4768 sq. m. Pop. 711,257. Radom, tn., cap. of above. Lat. 51" 30' N., long. 21° E, Radomir, tn., Bulgaria, on the Kaia Su. Radomak, tn., Poland, prov, and iS m. SE. Kalisz. Radomysl, tn., Austria, Galicia, 18 m, NE. Tarnow. Radomyal, tn., Russia, gov. and 59 m. WNW. Kiev. Radfitock, tn. and par., Somersetshire, 16 m. SE. Bristol. Radsyn, tn., Russia, gov. Lublin. Radyn, tn., Poland, prov. and 30 m. SSE. Siedlce. Rafaela, tn., Argentine Republic, prov. Santa Fe. Raffadali, tn., Sicily, prov. Girgenti. Raffles Bay, N. Territory, S. Australia, Coburg Peninsula. Rafford, par. and vil., Elginsliire, near Forres. Ragatz. tn , Switzerland, canton and 30 ni. SE. St. Gull. Ragaull, vil., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 25° 1' N., long. 80° 22' E. Ragendorf, tn., Hungary, 11 ni. NNW. Wieselburg. Ragged Range, mtns., New Hampshire, Grafton co. Raghugarh, cliiefship. Central India. Pop. 16,920. Raghugarh, tn., cap. of Raghngarli chiel'ship. Raghunathapuram, tn., Madms. Lat. ig° 43' N., long. 84' 51' E. Raghunathpur, tn., Bengal, Jlanbluun dist. Raglan, par. and vil., co. and 7 m. SW. Monmouth. Raglan, vil., New S. Wales, co. Roxburgh, 120 m. WNW. Sydney. Raglan, tnshp., New Zealand, co. Raglan, 70 m. S. Auckland. Raglan, tnshp., Victoria, co. Ripon, 128 m. WNW. Melbourne. Raglesa, Mt., S. Australia, Flinders Range, co. Newcastle. Ragnit, tn., E. Prussia, on the Nienien. Ragttsa, tn., Austria, Dalmatia. Lat. 42" 40' N., long. iS'' 5' E. Ragusa, tn., Sicily. Lat. 37° N., long. 14" 40' E. Ragusa Vecchia, vil., Dalmatia, on the Atlriatic. Rahad River, Abyssinia and Nubia, tributary of the Blue Nile. Rahan,, co. Cork, on R. Blackwater. Rahan, j>ai-., King's Co., on R. Clodagh, 5 ni. W. TuUamore. Rahatgarh, tn.. Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 23° 47' N., long. 78" 25' E, Raheng. tn., Siam. Lat. 17° N., long. 99° 20' E. Rahininagar Pandiawan, tn., Lucknow dist., Oudh. Rahitnatpur, tn,, Bi'inbay. Lat. 17" 35' N., long. 74' 14' E. Rahmaniah, tn., Egypt, on the Nile, 25 ni. froni^Rnsetta. Rabon, tn., Punjab. Lat. 31° 3' N,, long. 76' ii' E. Rahoon, par., S. co. Galway, on Galway Bay. Area 15,168 acres. Rahova, tn., Bulgaria. Lat. 43" 44* N., long. 23° 5S' E. Rahuri, sub-div., Alimadnagar dist., Boml»ay. Rahuri, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 19° 23' N., long. 74° 42' E. Rahway, city. New Jersey, Union co., on Rahway R. Rahway River, New Jrrsey, falls into Staten Island Sound. Ralatea Island, one of the Society Island.s, 130 ni. NW. Tahiti. Ral Bareli, div., Oudh. Area 4S79 sq. m. Pop. 3,022,220. Rai Bareli, Uist., Oudh. Area 1738 sq. m. Pop. 1,036,730. Ral Bareli, conterminous tahM and po.rgniift, Oudli. Ral Bareli, hdqrs. tn., Rai Bareli dist. Lat. 26° 13' X., 81' j6' E. Raichnr, tn., Haidarabad. Lat. 16° 12'N., long. 77' 24' E. P. 15,387 Raidah, sjit., Arabia. Lat. 15" N., long. 50° 30' E. Raldhak River, Bengal, tiib. of the Kaljani. Raiding, taluk, Bellary dist., Sladras. Area SaS sq. m. Baidrug, tn., Madrns. Lat. 14° 41' N.,long. 76' 52' K. Ralgarh, native state, Central Provs., India. Pep. 123,943. Raigarh, chief tn. of above. Lat. 21° 54' N., long. 83" 23' E. Raigarh, tn., Bombay, Kolaba dist. Lat. 18' 14' N., long. 73° 30' E. Raikot, tn., Punjab, Ludhiana dist. Railton, tu., Tasmania, co. Devon, 206 m. X. Hobart. Raina, \il., Bengal, Bardwan dist. Lat. 23' 4' N.. long. 87° 56' E. Raine Island, Australia, Great Barrier Reef, S. of Pandora Entry. Rainford, tn. ancl tnshp., Lancashire, 4 m. NW. St. Hdens. Raingarh, fort, Punjab. Lat. 31° 7' N., l'>ng. 77" 48' E. Rainham, par. and vil., E^sex, 5 ni. SE. Barking. Rainham, par. and vil., Kent, on R. Med way, 4 m. SE. Chatham. Rainhill, eccl. dist. and tnshp., Lancashire, S} m. E. Liverpool. Rainier, mtn., Washington, Cascade Range. Alt. 14,444 ft. Rainow, vil. and tnshp., Cheshire, 2^ m. NE. Maccleslield. Rainton, East, eccl. dist. and tnshp., co. and 5 m. NE. Durham. Rainton, West, eccl. dist. and tnshp., co. and 4 m. NE. Durham. Rainy Lake, between Canada and United States. Lat. 48" 40' N. Rainy River, Canada, between Rainy Lake and Lake of the Wof.ds. Raipur, dist., Cent. Provs., India. Area 11,724 sq. m. P. 1,583,940. Raipur, tahnl, Raipur dist.. Cent. Provs., India. Raipur, chief tn., Raipur dist. Lat. 21" 15' N., 81° 41' E. P. 23,900. Raipur, tahsil, Sultanpnr dist., Ouilh. Area 366 sq. m. Rairakhol, petty state. Cent. Provs., India. Pop. 17,780. Raisin River, Michigan, falls into Lake Eri«\ Ralsmea, tn.. France, dep. Nord, 3 m. NW. Valenciennes. Rajagriha Hills, Bengal, Patna dist. Here are hot springs. Raja Jang, tn., Punjab, Lahore dist. Rajakularaman, tn., Madras. Lat. 9" 23' N., long. 77° 40' E. Rajamahendrl, taluk. Godavari dist., Madras. 212 EAJ THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER RAS Rajamahendrl, tn., Sfadras, Godavari (list. Pop. 28,^0 Kajano, tn., Italy, Aquila, 6 in. NW. Salniona. RaJaTipur, tahsil, Uera Gliazi Khan dist., Punjab Rajanpur, lidqrs. tn., Itajanpur fa/i5i7, Punjab. Rajapalaiyam, tn., Madms, Thmevelli dist. Rajapur, sub-div., Itatnagiri dist., Bombay. Rajapar, chief tn., Itajapur sub-div., Boinljay. Rajapur, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 25° 24' N., long. 81° 12' E. Raja Sanai, tn., Aiiiiitsar, Punjab. Bajauli, tn., Bengal, Gaya dist. Rajgarh, Tiative state, C-ut. Imlia. Area 655 sq. ni. Pop. 117,6C3. Rajgarh, tn., Kajgarli state. Lat. 24° N., long. 76° 46' E. Rajgarh, jxinjafia, Ohaiula tlist, Cent. Provs., India. Ar. 447 sq. ni. Rajim, tn., Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 20" 58' N., long. Si" 55' E. Rajkotk native state, B-iuibay. Area 2S3 sq. ni. Pop. 46,540. Rajko», cliieftn., Uajkut state, Bombay. Pop. 29,160. Rajmahal, sub-di\-., .Sjintal Parganas, IJenga' Rajmahal. tn., Santal Parganas, Bengal. Rajmahal Hills, S^antal Parganas, Bengal. Area 1366 sq. n». Rajplpla, native state, Bombay. Area 1514 sq. in. Pop. 114,7CS. Rajpur, petty state, Bombay, Jhalawar dist. Rajpor, tn., Bengal, 24 Parganas dist. Rajpur, tn., Dehra Dun dist., NW. Pi'ovs., India, Rajpura, petty state, Bombay. Has 7 vils. Rajpur All, native state, Cent. India. An-a 837 sq. m. Pop. 5S.827. Rajputaaa, grp. of native states and i Brit, dist., India. P. 12.300,150. RaJshaW, iUv,, Bengal. Area 17,372 sq. in. Pop. 8,003,740. Rajahahl, dist., Bengal. Area 2361 sq. m. Pop. 1,312,880. Rajflhahl, sulj-div., llajsliahi dist., Bengal. Rakaia River, New Zealand, falls into Canterbury Bight. Rakka, tn., Asiatic Turkey. Lat. 35° 45' N., lung. 78° 30' E. Rakka, tn., W. Africa, on Lower Niger 11. Rakonitz, tn., Bohemia, 30 m. W. Prague. Raleigh, olty, N. Carolina, cap. of state and of Wake co, Pop.12,678. Rallck Chain, isls., JIarshall Archipelago, Pacific Ocean Raloo, \H\r , co. Antrim, 4 m. tjW. Larne. Ralph Bay, Tasmania, co. Monmouth, Derwent estuary. Rama, tn., Palestine, 26 m. from Jerusalem. Eamachandrapuram, t'tliik, Godavari dist., Madras. Ramallakota, toluk, Karnul ilist., Madras. Ramapo, \ il. and tnslip., New York, Rockland co. Ramapo River, New York and New Jersey, trib. of the Ponipton U Rambervlllera, tn., France, dep, Vosges. 16 m. NE. Epinal. Rambha, vil., Madras, Ganjam dist. Rambla, La, tn., Spain, pvuv. and 14 m. S. Cordova. RambouiUet, tn., France, Seine-et-Gise, 19 m. SW. VersaiPcs. Rambral, pt-tty state, Khasi Hills, India. Ramdas, tn., Punjab. Lat. 31° 58' N., lung. 74° 58' E. Ramdrug, native st.ate, Bombay. Area 140 sq. ni. Pop. 29,570 Ramdrug, ctiief tn. uf above. Lat 15" 56' N., 79" 21' E. P. 17,854 Ramea Islands, NiwlDMndland. Lat. 47° 33' N., long. 57** 30' W. Ramelton. N •: Ratbmelton. Rameawaram. tn., Il.innswaram Island, India. Rameawaram Island, India. Lat. 9° 17' N., long. 79° 21' E, P. 17,854, Ramganga, Eafltem and Western, 2 rivs., NW. Provs., India. Ramgarh, tahsil, Mandia dist., Cent. Provs., India. Ramgarh, tn., Kaipur state, Rajputana, India. Ramghat, tn., Bulandshalirdist., NW. Provs., India. Ram Head, co. Waterford, on NE. side of Youglial harbour. Ram Head, Victoria, co. Croajingolong, on S. coast. Ram la Bihar, vil., Oudh, KherJ dist. RamiUies, vil. and battlelield, Belgium. Lat. 50" 40' N., long. 4''55'E. Ramkot, pitrgana, Sitapitr dist., Oudh Area 20 hntario, Grey co., on Georgian Bay. Richards, Mount, New Zealand, co. Westland. Richardson Range, New Guinea, part of Owen Stanley Mountains. Richardson River, Victoria, co. Kara-Kara, trib. of the Avon. Richard Toll, fort, Africa, Senegambia. Richelieu, tn., France, ludre-et-Loire, 11 ni. SE. Cliinon. Richelieu Islands, Quebec, in Lake St. Peter. Richelieu River, Quebec, trib. of the St. Lawrence. Richfield, vil. and tushp., Ohio, Summit co. Richfield, vil., Utah, cap. of Sevier co. Richfield Springs, vil., New York, Otsego co. Richhill. vil., co. and 5 m. NE. Armagh. Richibucto, port of entry. New Brunswick, cap. of Kent co. Richibucto River, New Brunswick, falls into Gulf of St. Lawrence. Richland Centre, vil., Wisconsin, Richland co., on Pine R. Richmond, In. and par., Surrey, on R. Thames. Pop. 22,684. Richmond, bor. and par., N. Riding, Yorkshire, on R. Swale. Richmond, pari, div., N. Riding, Yorkshire. Richmond, city, Victoria, suburb of Melbourne. Pop. 38,865. Richmond, tn., New South Wales, co. Cumberland, 38 m. NW. Sydney. Richmond, tnshp., Tasmania, co. Monmouth, 14 ni. from Hobart. Richmond, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, McHeury co. Richmond, city, Indiana, Wayne co., on Wliitewater R. Pop. 16,608. Richmond, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Madison co. Richmond, vil. and tushii., Michigan, Macomb CO. Richmond, ^ il. and tnslip., Missouri, cap. of Ray co. Richmond, vil., Ohio, Jellerson co., 10 m. NW. Steubenville. Richmond, vil., Texas, cap. of Furt Bend co. , on Brazos U. Richmond, city, Virginia, cap. of state, on James R. Pop. 81,388. Richmond, Mount, New Zealand, cos. Waiuiea and Marlborougli. Richmond Gulf, Canada, inlet of Hudson Bay. Richmond Hill, vil., Ontario, co. York, j3 ni. N. Toronto. Richmond River, New South Wales, between cos. Rous and Richmond. Richmond ville, vil. and tushp., New York, Schoharie co. Richtersweil, vil., Switzerland, 13 m. from Zurich. Richview, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Washington co. Richwood, vil., Oliio, Union en., 14 jn. W. Marion. Rlckmansworth, tn. and par., Herts, -^l m. SW. Watford. RiddeU's Creek, tn., Victoria, co. Bourke, 35^ m, N. Melbourne. Biddings, tn., Derbyshire, ij ni. X\V. Codnor Park. SideanLake, Ontario, co. Leeds. Area 145 sq. m. Rideau River and Canal, Ontario, from Lake Ontario to R. Ottawa. Ridge River, Saskatchewan, falls into Beaver Lake. Ridgetown, tn., Ontario, co. Bothwell, n m. from Thamesville. RldgeviUe, vil., Indiana, Randolph co. Ridgeway, vil., Devonshire, 4^ ni. from Plymouth. Ridgewood, vil. and tushp., New Jersey, Bergen co. Ridgway, eccl. dist. and vil., Derbysliire, Eekington par. Rldgway, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, cap. of Elk co. Riding, East, div. of Yorkshire. Lat. 54" N., long. 0° 35' W. Riding, North, div., Y'orkshire. Lat. 54" 20' N., long. 1' 30' W. Riding, West, div., Yorkshire. Lat. 54° N., long, i" 30' W. Ridley Park, vil., Pennsylvania, Delaware co. Rlebeck'a Casteel, mtu., Cape Colony, to SW. Alt. 3109 ft. Ried, tn., Upper Austria, 25 m. S. Passau. Riesa, tn.. Saxony, on R. Elbe, 12 m. NW. Meissen, Riesenburg, tn., Prussia, n m. E. Marienwerder. Riesen Gebirge, mtns., between Bohemia and Prussian Silesia. RlesI, tn , Sicily, Caltanisetta, 16 m. NW. Terranova. Rieti, tn., Italy, Perugia, 42 m. NNE. Rome. Rietshiza, tn., Russia, Vitebsk, on Rietshiza R. Rietshiza, tu., Russia, gov. Minsk. Rietshiza River, Russia, flows through Vitebsk. Riez, tn., France, Basses-AIpes, 20 m. SW. Digue. Rifle River, Michigan, trib. of the Saginaw R. Riga, sjit., Russia, cap. of Livonia. Lat. 56' 50' N. Pop. 176,332. Riga, Gulf of, Russia, opening on coast of Livonia. Rigdon Shoal, Channel Islands, 3 ni. W. Jersey. Rlghl, mtn., Switzerland, near Lake Lucerne. Alt. 5905 ft. Rignano, vil., Italy, n m. ESE. Florence, on R. Arno. Rijswijk, tn., Holland. Lat. 52° 3' N., long. 4° 21' E. Rlkwa Lake, Central Africa. Lat. 8° S., long. 32" E. Riley, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, Vigo co., 9 ni. SB. Terre Haute. Riley Point, S. Australia, jutting into Spencer Gulf. Rillage Point, Devonshire, on N. coast, 2 m. NE. Ilfracombe. RiUington,, tnshp., and vil., E. Riding, Yorkshire. RUo Dagh, mtns., Bulgaria. Lat. 42° 6' N., long. 23° 20' E. Rima Smozbath, tn., Hungary, 72 in. NE. Buda-Pesth. Rimini, tn., Italy, Forli. Lat. 44° 5' N., long. 12° 35' E. Rimaik, tu., Roumania, on R. Rimnik. 65 m. from Bucharest Rimnik, tn., Roumania, 100 m. NW. Bucharest. Rimnik River, Roumania, trib. of the Sereth R. Rimouskl, tn., Quebec, co. Rimouski, on St. Lawrence R. Rimouski River, Quebec, trib. of the St. Lawrence R. Rincon, tu , New Mexico. Lat. 33° 7' N., long. 106° 52' W. Ringagonah, par., co. Waterford, on Dungarvau harbour. Ringarogy Island, co. Cork, in Baltimore Bay. Area 950 acres. Ringarooma. tn., Tasmania, co. Dorset, on Ringarooma Bay, Rlngcorran, par., S. CO. Cork, containing part of Kinsale. Ringgold, vil. and tnshp., Georgia, cap. of Caloosa co. Ringgold Islands, Fiji, 50 m. E. of Vanua Levu. Ringkiobing, spt., Denmark. Lat. 56' N., long. 8" 15' E. Ringmer, jiar. and vil., Sussex, il m. NE. Lewis. Ringrone, par., co. Coik, on R. B'andon, 4 ni. SW. Kinsale. Rlngsend, co. and suburb of Dublin, on R. Dodder. Ringwood. tn. and par., Hants, on R. Avon, 8 m. N. Christchurch. Ringwood River, New York and New Jersey, headwater of tho Pi'tiipton. Ringwould, par. and vil., Kent, 3 m. SW. Deal. Rinoran Point, co. Sligo, on N. side of Sligo Bay. Rinrawros Point, Arran Island, co. Donegal. Rinteln, tu., Prussia, on R. Weser, 10 m. SE. Minden Rintoul, mtn., New Zealand, cos. Waimea ami Marlborough. Rio. ^'(■c Rio de Janeiro. Riobamba, tn., Ecuador. Lat. 21° S., long. 79° W. Pop. 20,000. Rio Bonito, tn., Brazil, state, Rio de Janeiro. Rio Branco, Brazil, trib. of the Rio Negro. Rio Bravo del Norte. See Rio Grande. Rio Chico, spt., Venezuela, Bolivar, 65 m. SE. Caracas. Rio Colorado. .Stt' Colorado River. Rio Cuarto, dep., Argentine Republic. Pop. 26,000. Rio Cuarto, tu , Argentine Republic. Pop. 14,000. Rio das Mortes, Brazil, trib. of R. Araguay. Rio de Janeiro, state, Brazil. Area 26,634 sq. m. Pop. 1,164,438. Rio de Janeiro, city, cap. of Brazil. Lat. 29" 55' S. pjp. 500,000. Rio de la Plata, estuary of the Parana and Uruguav, 7. i*. Rio del Rey, W. Africa, falls into the Bight of Biafra. Rio de San Juan, Coloradpniii, Huelva, falls into the Mediterranean. Rio Tinto, Lob Miiui3 de, tn., Spain, 36 m. NE. Iluclva. RioQw, residency, l>titch E. Indies. Pop. 9S,000. Rio Vennejo. ^t-; Vermejo River. Rio Vermelho. tn., IJrazil, in Jlinas Geraes. Rio Virgin, L'tali and Nevada, trib. of the Colorado. Rio Vista, vil. anali co. Ripley, vil., Ohio, lirown co., on the Oliio II. Rlpon, city and par., W. Riding, Yorkshire, on R. Ure. Rlpon, I'arl. div., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Rlpon, city, Wisconsin, Fund du Lac co. Riposto, tn., Sicily, 10 w\. SW. Taorniina. Ripponden, cecl. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 5J m. SW. Halifax. Ripu. iJwar tract, Assam. Area 242 sq. in. Risca, tn. and par., Monmouthshire, on R. Ebbw. ' Rlshton, tnshp., Lancashire, 3 ni, NE. Blackburn. Eisliworth, tnshp. and local gov. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Rising City, vil., Nebraska, Butler co., 12 m. \V. David City. Rising Fawn, vil. and tnshp., Georgia, Dade co. Rifling Sun, tn., Indiana, aip. of Ohio co., on Ohio R. ElBod, tn., Berar, India. Lat. 19° 58' N., long. 76° 51' E. Rito Alto, mtn., Colorado, Saguache co. Alt. 12,875 ^^^ Ritpur, tn., Berar, India. Lat. 21° 14' N., long. 77° 52' E. Rlva, tn., Tyrol, on Lago di Garda. Bivadeo, spt., Spain, Galieia, on E. coast. aivaralo, tn., Italy, Piedmont, 19 m. N. Turin. Blvas del SU, spt., Central America, Nicaragua. Pop 15,000 Eivaulx, tnsbp., N. Riding, Yorkshire, on R. Rye. Rive de Gler, tn., France, Loire, on the Gier. Pop. 16.816. Rivelra, r-\A., Spain, 67 m. SSW. Corunua. Rlvello. tn.. Italy, HaMilicata. RlverdaJe. vil., Illiimis, Cook co., 16 m. 8. Chicago. River David, vil., Quebec, CO. Yamaska, 14 ni. SE. Sorel. River Desert, vil., Quebec, co. and 60 m. N. Ottawa. River Falls, vil., tuslip., Wisconsin, Pierce co., on Kinnickinnick E. River Gilbert, vil., Quebec, CO. Beauce, 12 m. from St. Jo.seph. Rlverhead, vil. and tnshp., New York, cap. of Sutlulk co. Rlverina. dist., N-w South Wales, between Darling and Lachlan Rs, River Park, vil., Illinois, Cook co., on the Des Plaines R. River Point, vil., Rhode Island. Kent co., on the Pawtucket R. Riversdole, div., Cape Colony, Western I'rov. 1712 so. m. P. 11,364. Rlversdale, vil., Cape Colony, Rivcrsdale div. Riverside, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Cook co., on Des I'laines R. Riverside, vil., Iowa, Washington co., on English R. Riverside, vil.. New Jersey, Burlington co., on Delaware R. Riverside, vil., Ohio, Hamilton co,, near Cincinnati. Riverstone, tn., New Soutli Wales, 28 m. NW. Sydney. Riverton, tnshp., S. Australia, co. Light, 62 ra. N. Adelaide. Rlverton, tn., N«w Zeahmd, co. Wallace, 170 m. S\V, Dunedin. Riverton, vil., Illinois, Sangamon co., on Sangamon R. Riverton, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Fremont co., on Nishnabotna R. Riverton, vil., Nebraska, Franklin co., on Republican R. Riverton, vil., New Jersey, Burlington CO., on Delaware R. Riveaaltes, tn., France, dep. Pyrenees-Orientalcs. Riviera, itist., Italy, from Nice to La SpezKia. RivlAro aux Outariea, Quebee, trib. of the St. I^wrencc. Rivlfcre du Llivre, Quebee, Ottawa CO., trib. of the Ottawa R. Elviire du Loup, Qiieltec, Kamonraska Co., trib. of the St. Lawrence. Elvl^re du Loupen-Bas. Nee Fraservllle. Eivi^re du Nord, Quebec, trili. of U. Ottawa. Eivlfere du Rocher, NW. Territory, Canada, falls into Gt. Slave Lake. Elvi^re du Sud, Quebec, trib. of R. St. Lawrence. Elvoli, tn., Italy, 8 m. W. Turin. RIvoli, vil., Italy, prov. and 12 m. N Verona. RlvoU Bay, S. Australia, co. Grey. Rlwa River, Fiji, Viti Levu, falls into Lanthala Bay. Rbtford, vil,, I'eiinsylvania, Mclvean co. Rlxhelm, vil., Alsace, 3^ ni. E. Mulbansen. Rlxhoft, tn., Germany. Lat. 54" 49' N., long. iS" 19' E. Rlzah, tn., Asi;itic Turkey, on Black Sea. Pop. 30,000. Rlzzuto. Cape, ItAly. Lat. 38" 57' N., long. 17" 17' E. Road Knight Point, Victoria, on NE. coast of co. I'ulwarth. Roadtown, spt., Tortola I., Virgin Is., W. Indies. Roag, Loch, sea arm, Ross-sbirc, on \V. side of Lewis I. Rooncarrig Island, oi. Cork, in llanti'y Bay. Roan Island, Sutherlandshiro, in Kyle of Tongue. Roan Mountain, N. Carolina, peak of Bald Mlns. Alt. 6300 ft. Roanne, tn.. France. Loire. Lat. 46° 2' N., long. 4° 4' E." P. 25,425. Roanoke, vil., Indiana, Huntingdon co. Roanoke Island, N. Carolina, includnl in Dade co. Roanoke River, Virginia and N. Carolina to Albemarle Sound. Roapoa Island, Pacillc Ocean, one of the Marquesas Is. Roar Bank, slu^al, otfSE. coast of Kent. Roaring Branch, vil., Pennsylvania, Tiogoand Lycoming cos. Roaring Middle, slioal, olf Norfolk, in Tlie Wash. Roaring Spring, vil., Pennsylvania, Blair co. Roarlntrwater Bay, m. Cork, between Cajie Clear and Mizzen Ilcad. Roaat Beef Island ( Iti it ish), Namaqualand, Africa. Koatan Island, Ilomluras. Lat. 16° 25' N., long. 86' 25° W. Boath, par., Glamorganshire, in Cardilf. Area 2425 acres. Robado, tn., Colombia. Lat. 7° 36' N., long. 76" 50' W. Robblna Island, leper stn., Cape Colony, in Table Bay. Robbin's Island, Tasmania, olf N. coast of co. Wellington. Robbio, tn., Italy, 11 m. SW. Novara. Robe, spt., S. Au.stralia, co. Robe, 195 m. SE. Adelaide. Robe, Mount, New South Wa'es, co. Yaneowinna Robe, River, CO. Mayo, falls into Lough Mask. Robeen, par., CO. Mayo, on R. Robe, 5 m. NE. Ballinrobe. Robel, tn., Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 34 m. SE. Gitstrow. Robe Lake, S. Australia, co. Robe, near Lake Hawdon. Robertsbridge, vH., Sussex, on R. Rother, 6 m. N. Battle, Robertsdale, vil., Pennsylvania, Huntingdon co. RobertsganJ, taJisil, Mirzapur dist., NW. Provs., India. RobertsganJ, tTi., Robertsganj tahsil. Lat. 24" 4' N., long. 83° 6' E. Robertson, tn., New South Wales, co. Camden, no m. S. Sydney. Robertstown, par., co. Limerick, on R. Shannon. Eobertstown, tn., S. Australia, co. Eyre, 85 m. N. Adelaide. Robert Town, eccl. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 6 m. SE. Bradford. Roblac, tn., France, dep. Gard, 12 m. N. Alais. Robin Hood's Bay, tn. and bay, N. Riding, Yorkshire. Robin Rigg Channel, in Solway Firth, 7^ m. SW. Silluth. Robinaon, \il, and tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Crawford co. Robinson, Mount, W. Australia. Lat 29° 30' S., long. 122' E. Robinson Fell, mtn., Cumberland, near Buttermere. Roby, eccl., SW. Lancashire, near Liverpool. Eoca, Cape da, t'urtugal. Lat. 38" 47' N., long. 9" 30' W Rocca Bianca. tn., Italy, 16 m. NNW, Parma. Rocca d'Aapide, tn., Italy, Salerno, 16 m. S. Canipagna. Rocca Montflni, tn., Italy, 23 ni. NW. Caserta. Rocca Secca, tn., Italy, 12 m. S. Sora. Rocca Strada, tn., Italy, 17 ni. NNE. Grosseto. Rocella, La, tn., Italy, 9 m. NE. Gerace, on the coast. Rocester, par. and vil., Staffordshire, 4 ni, N. Uttoxeter. Rochdale, bor. and par., Lancasliire, on R. Roch. Pop. 71,458. Roche, par. and vil., Cornwall, 5 m. NW St Austell. Rocheford. .See Rochford. Rochefort, spt., France, Charente Inferieure. Pop. 27,854. Rochefoucauld, La, tn., France, Charente, on R. Tardoire. Rochelle, vil., Illinois, Ogle Co., 86 ra. W. Chicago. Rochelle, La, spt., France, cap. of Charente-Inferieure, Pop. 22,464. Rochelle Park, vil.. New Jersey, Bergen co., on Saddle R. Roche Point, eo. Cork, at entrance to Cork liarbour. Rocheport, vil., Missouri, Boone co., on the Missouri R. Rochester, city and par., Kent, on R. Medway. Pop. 26,309. Rochester, vil., Ontaiit), co. Essex, on Belle li. Rochester, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, cap. of Fulton eo. Eochester, vil., Michigan, Oakland co., on Clinton It. Eochester, eity, Minnesota, cap. of Olmstead co. Rochester, cily, New York, cap. of Monroe co. Pop. 133,896. Rochester, bor. and tnshp., I'ennsylvania, Beaver co. Rochester, dist., S. Australia, co. Stanley, 103 m. NW. Adelaide. Rochester, tn., Victoria, cos. Rodney and Bendigo. Eochesur-Yon, La, tn., France, cap. of Vendee, on R. Yon. Rochford, tn. and par., Essex, on R. Roche, 16^ m. SE. Chelmsford, Rochford, tn., Victoria, co. Bonrke, 49 m. NW. Melbourne. Rochlltz, tn., Saxony, 16 ni. NW. Chemnitz, on R, Mulde. Rochlltz, tn., Bolieniin, 34 in. N. Bidschow. Rock, [Kir. and vil., Worcestershire, 4J ni. SW. Bewdloy. Rockall, rock, Atlantii- Ocean. Lat. 57° 30' N., long. 13° W. Rockaway, \'il. and tnshp.. New Jersey, Morns co., on Rockaway R, Rockaway River, New Jersey, trib. of the Passaic R. Rock Castle River, Keutvicky, trib. of the Cumberland R.- Rock Channel, fairway, in mouth of R. Mersey, Clieshii'e. Rock Creek, vil., Ohio, co. and 15 ni. S. Ashtabula. Rockdale, New South Wales, sub. of and 6 m. from Sydney. Eockdale, vil., Texas, Milam co., 91 m. NE. Austin. Eock Falls, vil., Illinois, Whitesides co., on Rock R. Eock Ferry, vil., Clieshire, on R. Meisey, in Birkenhead. EocWord, city, Illinois, cap. of Winnelago co. Pop. 23,589. Eockford, vil. and tnshp., [uwa, Floyd co., on Shell Rock 11. Eockford, vil., Michigan, Kentco., on Rouge R. Rock Hall, handet, Maryland, Kentco., on Chesapeake Bay. Rockhampton, tn,, QiicenslaiKl, on Fitzroy R. Lat. 23° 45' S. Rock Hill, vil, , S. Carolina, Yoi'k co., 94 m. NE. Columbia. Rockingham, par. and vil., Northampionshire, on R. Welland. Rockingham, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, cap. of Richmond CO. Rockingham, tn., W. Australia, 25 m. S. Perth. Rockingham Bay, Queensland. Lat 18* 5' S. Rock Island, co. Cork, in entrance to Crook Ilaven. Rock Island, city, Illinois, cap. of Rock Island co. Pop. 13,634. Rock Island, Illinois, in Jlississippi R. Area 960 acres. Rock Island, vil., Quebec, co. and i m. from Stanstead. Rockland, vil., New Brunswick, co. Westmoreland. Rockland, eity, Maine, cap. of Knox co., on Owl's Ilead Bay. Rockland, vil., Rhode I-sland, Providence co. Rockland Lake, vil. and lake, New York, Rockland eo. Rockley, tnshp., New S. Wales, co. Oeorgiana, 147 ni. W. Sydney. Rocklln, vil , c'alifntnia, Placer CO., 22 ni. NE. Sacramento. Rockmart, vil., Genr;^ia, Polk co., 25 m. SW. CartersviUe. Rock Mills, vil. and tnshp., Alabama, Ramlolph co. Rockport, vd,, Iinljana, cap. of Si>encer CO., on Ohio R. Rockport. vil. and Inslip., Massachusetts, Essex co. Rockport, vd., M i,-.soiiij, cap. of Atchison co. Rockport, vil, and tnsliji., oiiio, Cuyahoga co., on Rocky R. Rock Rapids, vd., Iowa, cap. of Lyon co., on Uoc-k R. Rock River, Wisconsin and Illinois, trib. ut the Mississippi. Rocks Point, New iiealand, on W. coast of co. Cidlingwood. Rock Springs, vil., Wyoming, Sweetwater co., on Bitter Creek. Rockton, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Winnebago co., on Rock R, Rockvllle, vil,, Connecticut, Tolland Co., on llockanum U. RockvUle, vil., Indiana, cap. of Parko co. Rockviiie, vil. and tnshp., Maryland, cap. of Montgomery co. Rockvllle Centre, vil.. New York, Queen's co., 18 m. E. Brooklyn. 217 EOO THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER ROS Rockwater Hill, S. Australia, Great Salt Lake dist Rockwood, vil., Ontario, co. ■Wellington, 41 m. W. Toronto. Rockwood, vil., Tennessee, Roane co., 70 m. NE. Chattanooga. Rocky Bay, set.. Nova Scotia, co. Ridunond, 6 ni. from Arichat. Rocky Island, Queensland, in Gulf of Carpentaria. Rocky Island, W. Australia, in Great Australian Bight. Rocky Moxmt. vil. and tnslip., N. Carolina, Edgecombe co. Rocky Mountains, N. Anuirica, from Alaska to Mexico. Alt. 15,590 ft. Rocky Mouth, tn.. Nhp., S. Australia, co. and 29 m. NNE. Adelaide. Rosepenna Sands, co. Donegal, on E. side of Sheep Haven. Roseto, tn., It;dy, prov. Foggia, 11 m. W. Troja. Rosetta, tn., Egypt, on R. Nile. Lat. 31" N., 30° 30' E. Pop. 16,666. Roseville, vil. an'd tnshp., Illinois, Warren co, Rosewater, tnshp., S. Australia, co. and 9 m. SE. Adelaide. Rosewell, par. and vil., Edinburghshire, near Hawthornden. Rosewood, vil., Queensland, co. Stanley, 35 ni. SW. Brisbane. Rosguil, peninsula, co. Donegal, nearMuIroy Bay. Roshelm, tn., Alsace, 14 ni. from Strasburg. Roshnabad, estate, Tipperah dist., Bengal. Area 5S9 sq. m. Rosignajio, vil., Tuscany, 17 ni. from Leghorn. Rosita, vil., California, cap. of Custer co. Alt. 9000 ft. Roskilde. N'V Roeskilde. Roslau, tn., Aiilialt, on R. Elbe, 4 ni. N. Dessau. Roslavl, tn., Russia, gov. and 6g m. SE. Smolensk. Roslin. Si-c Rosslyn. Roslovl. .S''*e Roslavl. Rosmurrevagh Island, co. Mayo, in Clew Bay. RosolinI, til.. Sicily, 8 m. from Noto. Ross, tn. ami par., co. and 12 m. SE, Hereford, on R. Wye. Rosa, par., co. Cork, on Ross Bay, Area 13,350 acres. 218 SOS THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER KUN Sou, barony, co. Gahvay. Area 77,351 acres. Robs, par., co. Gahvay, 11 in. NW. OiighterarJ. Area 53,364 acres. Bou, pari, div., Herefordshire. S088, tnshp., Tasmania, co. Somerset, 73 ni. N. Ilobart. RoBB, tn., New Zealand, 100 m. W. Christchurch. Rosa, Mount, Qtieeiislrmd, dist. Cook, on Gilbert R. E088, New. .SV'' New Ross. Robs. Old. Ni .■ Oldross. Robs and Bummouth, vil., Berwickshire, 6 m. XW. Berwick. Robs and Cromarty, CO., .Scotland, partly insular. Pop. 78,681. RoBsano, city, Italy, Co^enza, on Gulf of Taranto. pop. 14,638. RoBsan Point, co, iJonefjal. Lat. 54° 42' N., long. 8" 48' W. Rossbach, vil, and battletieM (1757), Prussian Saxony, 9 m. SW. MrTx-burR. Roascarbery, vil., CO. Cork, 22 m. SW. Bandoii. Robs Creek, vil., Victoria, CO. Grenville, 100 m. XW. Melbourne. RosBdroit. par., CO. Wexford, on R. Boro. Area S166 acres. Roaseau Lake. Ontario, co. Muskoka. Rdasel, til., Prussia, 52 m. SE. Konigsberg. Rossendale, pari, div., NG. Lancashire. RoBsett, eccl. dist. and vil., Denbigh and Flint shires, on R. Alyn. RoBsiena, tn., Russia, gnv. Kovno, 100 m. WNW. Vilna. Pop. 10,600. RosBjgnol Lake, Nova Scotia, Queen's co. Rossinver, p ir., cos. Leitrini and Sl'go, on Donegal Bay. Rofls Island, Keewatin. Lat. 54" 5' N., long. 98° W. Rosskeen, par., Ross and Cromarty, on Cromarty Firth. RoEslyn, par. and vil., Edinbnrghshire, on North Esk R. Rossorry. par., co. Fermanagh, on Lough Erne. EosBtrevor, spt., co. Down, on Carlinglord Lough, Rossville, vil,, Illinois, Vermillion co., on Vermillion R, Rossville, vil,, Indiana, Clinton co,, 4^ m, W. Sedalia. RoBsville, vil, and tnshp., Kansas, Shawnoe co., on Cross Creek. RoBBville, \ il.. New York, Uichniond co,, on Staten Island Sound. Roaswein, tn., Saxony, on R. JIulde. RoBtak, tn., S. Arabia, 63 m. WSW. Muscat. Rosthema, par., tnshp., and vil., Cheshire, 3J m. N. Knutsford. Rostock, spt., Germany. Lat. 54" 5' N., long. 12° 5' E. Pop. 44,430. Rostov, tn., Russia, on R. Don, gov. Vekaterino.slav. Pop. 61,256. Rostov, tn., Russia, 37m. SW. Yaroslav, on Lake Nero. Ros Vand, lake, Norway. Lat. 65° 58' N,, long. 14° E. Roswell, vil,, Georgia, Cobb o., on Chattahoochee R. Roti, tn., Spain, prov. and 6 in, NNW. Cadiz. Rothay River, Westmorland, trib. of the Brathay. Rothbury, tn,, par,, and tnshp., Northumberland, on R. Coquet. Rothenburg, tn., Prussia, 24 \\\. SE. Cassel, on R. Falda. Rothenburg-an-der-Tauber, tn., Bavaria, 33 ra. SE. Wiirzburg. Rotherfield, par. and vil,, Sussex, near Tun bridge Wells. Rotherfleld Greys, par. and vil., Oxfordshire, 2J m. W. Henley. Rotherham, bnr. and par., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Pop. 42,050. Rotherham, p.irl, div., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Rotherhitho, a SE. suburb of London. Pop, 39,074, Rotherbithe, pari. div. of Sonlhwark, London. Rother River, Derhy and Yorks, trib. of the Don at Rotherham. Rother River, Sn.ssex ami Kput, falls into tlic English Channel. Rother River, Hants and Sussex, trib. to the Arun. Rother Turm, i)ass, Hungary. Lat. 45° 35' N., long, 24" 10 E. Rothes, hiugh and par., Elgin and Banfishircs, on R. Spey. Rothesay, co. tu. and J'ar., Bnteshire, on Bute I. Lat. 55° 50' N. Rothlemay, jtar. and vil., Banllshire, on R. Deveron. Rothley, pir,, tnshp,, and vil., Lc^icestershire, i^ m. S. Motnitsorrel. Rothaay, vil., New Brunswick, King's CO., g m. N. St. John. Rothwell, tn,, par., and tnshp,, W. Riding, Yorks, 4 ni. SE. Leeds. Rothwell, \'\\\'. ami vi!., Lincoln.shire, aj ni. SE. Caistor. Roto Alra Lake, N<;w Zealanil, en, W. Taupo. Rotoitl Lake, Now Zealand, co, Rotorna. Rotomahana Lake, N<'W Zealand, co. Rotorua. Rotondo, Monte. .SVe Monte Rotondo. Rotoroa Lake, New Zealand, co, Mangahua. Rotorua Lake, New Zealand, co. Roiorua. Rottenburg. tn., Wiirtemberg, on R, Neckar. Rotten Island, co. Donegal, in Killybegs Bay. Rottenmann, tn., Austria, Styria, Lat, 47' 32' N,, long. 14° 22' E. Rotterdam, spt., Netherlands. Lat. 51° 56' N., 4° 30' K. P. 203,472. Rotti Island, Malay Arch, I^t. 10' 37' S., 123" 36' B. 655 sq. in, Rottlngdean, par. and vil., Sussex, 4 ni, SE. Brighton. Rottneat Island, W. Australia. Lat, 32° S,, long. 155' 33' E. Rottweil, tn., Wnrtfuiberg, on R. NecUar. Rotuma Island, Pacillc Ocean, 300 ni. NNW. Fiji Islands. Roubabt, tn,, Fiance. Lat. 50" 38' N., long. 3" 12' E, Pop. 100,300. Ronen, tn., France. Lat. 49° 30 N., long. 1° E. Pop. 107,163. Rouge River, Qu'-bec, Gaspe CO., falls into Gulf of St. Lawrence. Rouge River, Quebec, trib. of R, Ottawa. Rouge River, Michigan, trib. of tlio Detroit R. Rouge River, Michigan, trib. of the Grand R. Rough Mountain, S. Austialia, co. Cardwcll. Roughrlgg, vil., Lanarkshire, i\ m. SW. Slamanuan. Rough Shoal, off Essex, 8 ni. SE. Harwich. Roughtown, eccl. dist,, Cheshire and W. Riding. Yorkshire. Roughty River, co. Kerry, trib. of the Kenmaru R, Roulers, tn., Belgium. Lat. 50° 58' N., long. 3' 10' E. Pop. 20,617. Roamanla, kingdom, on R. Danube. Lat. 43° N. Pop. 6,376,000. Roumella, foinuT prov., Turkey, S. of Servia. Roumelia, Eastern, prov., Ottoman Empire. Pop. 975,000. Round Head, Nt-w Guinea, N. of Bciglf? Bay. Round Hill, Cliincse Sft., New Zeahiml, co, Wallace. Round Hill, S. Australia, co. Cardwell, on the Coorong. Round lalaad. .SVc Awakalan. Round Island Paaaage, P'iji, in Great Sea Reef. Round Rock, vil., 'ii'xas, Williamson ro., 18 m. N. Austin. Roundtown. vil , co. and 3 m. S. Dublin, on 11. Dodder. Rouphia River. Greece, Morea, falls into sea on W, coast. Rousay and EgUshay, par., Orkney. Area 13,754 acres, Ronsay Island, Orkney, 10 ni, N. Kirkwall. RouEe Hill, tn.. New South Wales, co. Cumberland, 28 m. W. Sydney. Rouseville, vil., Pennsylvania, Venango co., on Oil Creek. Rousslllon, old prov., France. Lat. 42° 30' N., long, 2" 30' E. Rovato, tn., Lombardy, 11 ni. WNW. Brescia. Roveredo, tn,, Tyrol, on R. Leno, 14 m. S. Trieut. Rovezzano, cum., Italy, 3 m. from Florence, Rovigno, spt., Austria, 42 m. SW. Trieste. Rovigo, prov., Vetetia, on the Po and Adige. Pop. £24,819. Rovigo, tn., ca]t, of above, 27 ni. SSW. Padua. Rovuma River, E. Africa, falls into sea near Cape Delgado. Row, par. and vil,, Dumbartonshire, on Gare Loch. Rowanbum, vil., Dumfriesshire, on Liddel Water. Rowandlz, tn , Turkish Kurdistan, 75 m. NE. Mosul. Rowbarton, eccl. dist., Somersetshire, Taunton St. James par. Rowde, liar, and vil,, Wiltshire, 2} ni, NW. Devizes. Rowe, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Franklin co. Rower, The, par., co. Kilkenny, 4 m, from New Ross. Rowlesburg, vil., W. Virginia, Preston co., on Cheat R. Rowley Regis, tn. and par., Staffordshire. Pop, 30,791. Rowno, tn,, Russia, Volhynia, 115 ni. WNW. Zhitomir. Rowsley, tnslip., Vil,, and eccl. dist , Derbyshiie, on R, Derwent. Roxborough, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, cap. of Person co. Roxburgh, ]>ar. and vil., Roxburghshire, 3 m. SW, Kelso. Roxburghshire, CO., S, Scotland. Area 425,657 acres. Pop. 63,726. Roxeth, eccl. dist., Miar., co, and on W. side of Aberdeen. Rubunga, vil., Congo State, Afiica. Lat, 2" N,, long. 22° E. Ruby Hill, vil., Nevada, co. and 6 m. SW. Eureka. Ruby Mines, dist., Upper Burma. Contains tlie ruby mines, Rudault, fnfQ\t.mi, Bara Banki dist,, Oudli, India. Rudiuli, tn., Oudh. Lat. 26° 45' N., long. 81° 47' E. Pop. 11,349. Ruddervoorde, vil., Belgium, 7 m. from Bruges. Ruddington, par. and vil., co. and 4 m. S. Nottingham. Ruderswyl, vil., Switzerland, on the Emmen. Riideflheim, tn., Prussia, Hessen-Nassau, on R, Rhine. Rudgwick, par. and vil., Sussix, 7 m. N W. Horsham. Rudkiobing, tn., Denmark, nn W. coast of Langeland. Rudoldstadt, tn , Germany, cap. of Schwarzburg-Rniloldstadt. Rudolph Lake, British Africa. Lat. 4° N., Inng. 36' E, Rudra Himala, peak, NW. Provs., Inclia. Lat. 30' 58' N. 22,390 ft. Rudrapur, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 26" 26' N., long, 83" 39' E. Rudrapur, vil., NW. Provs., India. Lat, 28' 58' N., long. 79° 26' E. Rueil (Ruel), vil., France, de]>. Seine-et-Oise, 5 m. W. Paris. Rneval, sound. Outer Hebrides, between N. Uistand Benbecula. Rufach, tn., Alsac<', 9 m, S, Colmar. Ruffle, tn,, Fiani!e, (kqi. Ctiarente, 26 m. N. Angoulenio. Raff Shoal, .See Rough Shoal. Ruflgi River, E. Africa, falls into the Indian Ocean in lat. 8° S. Ruflaque, tn., Africa, Sencgambia, 10 m, E. Ca])e Verd. Rugby, tn. .and I'ar., Warwickshire, on R. Avon, Lat. 52° 32' N. Rugby, pari, div., Warwickshire, Rugeley, tn. and par,, co. and 9J m. SE. Stafford, on R. Trent. RUgen Island, Prussia, in Jialtic Sea. Lat. 54" 30' N. Pop. 46,039. Riigenwalde, tn., Poniei'ania, on R. Wipper. Ruhla, vil., Germany, 7 m. SE. Eisenach. Ruhrort, tri., Prussia, at mouth of U. Ruhr. Ruhr River, Prussia, trib. of the Rhine near Duisburg. Ruisllp, ]>ar, and vil., Middlesex, 3^ m. NE. Uxbridgc. Ruke Ruke Bay, Fiji, on coast of Yandua I. Rulllon Green, batiU'lleld (1666), Pentland Hills, near Edinburgh. Rulo, viL and tnshp., Nebraska, Richardson co,, on Missouri 11. Riilsk. Sec Rylsk. Ruma, tn., Hungary, 35 m, NW, Belgrade Rumbeke, vil., Belgiinn, 16 m. S. Bruges, P.umburg, tn,, Bohemia, 42 ni, NW. Buntzlau. Rumella. iSV*; Roumella. RumlU. ^Cf. Roumella. Rum Island, Argyllshire, Inner Hebrides, 15 m. NW, Ardnamurchan. Rum Jungle, locality, N. Ten-itory, Australia, 24 m. from Southport. Rummelsburg, tn., Prussia, 35 m. ESE. Coslin, Rummerflold Creek, vil,, Pennsylvania, Bradford co. Rumney. .S'l.' Rhymney. Rumney, vil. and tirs.)ip., New Hampdure, Grafton co,, on Baker U. Rumsworth, tnslip., Lancashire, partly in Bolton. Runaway, Cape, New Zealand, CO. Cook, on Bay of Plenty. Runcorn, spt. and par., Cheshire, on R. Mersey. Runney Moad, race-course, Surrey, on R. Thames. 219 RUN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER SAG Kannymede, tn., Victoria, co. Rodney, 128 m. N. Melbourne. Eon River, Minnesota, trib. of the Mississippi R. Rupanyup, tn., Victoria, co. Boning, 211 lu. Is'W. Melbourne. Rapar, U\h?\\^ Aiubala dist., Punjab. Eupar, liibirs. tn.. Rapar (a/isi/, Punjab, Rupelmonde, tn., Belgium, on R. Scheldt. Rupert River, Labrador, falls into James' Bay. Lat. 51" 30' N. Rupert's Land, fnriner name for part of NW. Territory, Canada. Eapnagar, tn., Kisbangaih state, Rajputuna. Rupnarayan River, name fur part of the Dhalkisor, Bengal. Ruppin, Neu. Sex Neu Ruppin. Rurkha Kalan, tn., Punjab, Jalandhar dist. Eurki, hihsil, Saliaranpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Eurki, tn., NW. Provs., India, on the Ganges Canal. Fop. 15,953. Rnaera, tn., Dharbhangah dist.. Bengal. Pop. 11,578. Rush, spt., CO. and 16 m. NE. DubUn. EuBhaJl, par., Staffordshire, partly in Walsall. Eush City, vil., Minnesota, Cliisagn co., on Rush Lake. EushcUite, pari, div., Nottiiij^haiusliirf. Ruflhden, par. and vil., Nni tliaiiiptnusbire, i m. S. Higliam Ferrers. Eoshen, par., SW. Isle of Man, containing Port Erin, etc. Ruflhford, city, Minnesota, Fillmore co., on Rock R. RuEhford, vil., tnshp., New York, Alleghany co., on Caneadea Creek. Euflhikulya River, Madras, Ganjam, trib. of the Mahanadi. Rusholme, tn. and tnshp., Lancashire, within Manchester. Euah River, Wisconsin, falls into Lake Pepin. EuBhsylvania, vil., Ohio, Logan co., 60 m. SW. Galion. RuBhviUe, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Schuyler co. Euahvilie, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, cap. of Rush co. Eushville, vil., New York, Yates and Ontaiio co.s. Rushworth, tnshp., Victoria, co. Rodney, 105 m. N. Melbourne. Eusk, \il., Texas, cap. of Cherokee co., 125 in. N. Houston. Euaka Poyana, {^eak of tlie Carpatliians. Alt. 9909 ft. Ruflkington, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 3^ m. N. Sleaford. Enssa StaroL Sec Staraia-Russa. Russell, I'ort, New Zealand, cap. of co. Bay of Islands. Eussell, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, cap. of Russell co. Eusaell, vil. and tnshp.. New York, St. Lawrence co., on Grass R. Eussell Falls River, Tasmania, trib. of R. Derwent. Russell Gulch, vil., Colorado, Gilpin co., 2 m. S. Central City. Russellkonda, tn., Ganjam dist., Madras. Lat. 19° 56' N., long. 84" 37' E. Russellville, vil., Arkansas, Pope co., 90 m. SE. Fort Smith. Russellville, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, cap. of Logan co. Russellville. vil., Ohio, Brown co., 5 m. E. Georgetown. Russia, empire, Europe and Asia. 8.667,436 sq. ni. Pop. 114,648,674. Russia In Asia, div. of Russia, comprising all the north of Asia. Russia in Europe, portion of Russia, W. of Urals. Pop. 96,009,247. Russian River, California, falls into the Pacilic Ocean. Eussiaville, vil., Indiana, Howard co., 9 m. SW. Kokomo. Russweil, vil., Switzerland, canton and g m. NW. Lucerne. Eustchuk, til., Bulgaria, on R. Danube. Pop. 26,123. Euathall, eccl. dist., Kent, NW. of Tunbridge Wtdls. Ruswarp, tnshp., N. Riding, Yorkshire, on R. Esk. Eute, til., Spain, prov. Cordova, 7 ni. SSE. Lncena. Rutherford, vil., New Jersey, Bergen co., on Passaic R. Rutherglen, burgh and par., Lanarkshire, on R. Clyde. Eutherglen, tn., Victoria, CO. Bugong, 169 m. NE. Melbourne. Euthin. Imr., Deuhighsliire, on R. Clwyd. Euthin with Llaurhydd, eccl. dist., Denbighshire. Eutigliano, tu., Italy, prov. Bari, 7 ni. W. Conversano. Eutland, Co., England. Lat. 52° 40' N., long. 0° 40' W. Pop. 20,659. Eutland, \i\. and tushp., Vermont, «ap. of Rutland co. Rutland Island, CO. Donegal, near Arrau Island. Ruvigado, tn., Colombia, state Cundinamarca. Euvo di Pujlia, tn., Italy, jirov. aud 23 m. W. Bari. Pop. 13,926. Euwenzorl, mtns., British E. Africa. Alt. 19,000 ft. Euysselede, tu., Belgium, 14 ni. SSR. Bruges. Ruyton of the Eleven Towns, par. and vil., Shropshire, on R. Perry. Ryan, Loch, Wigtownshire, ou NW. coast. Eybinsk, tn., Russia, gov, and 52 m. NW. Yaroslav. Eybnik, tn., Prussian Silesin, gnv. and 44 m. SSE. Oppeln. Rydal Water, lake, WestuiorlanVe Zacapa. SacatecolQ^a, tn., San. Salvador, on Pacific coast. Sacatepic, In., Guatemala, W. of Guatemala city. Saccara, ^■il., Egypt, on R. Nile, 19 m. S. Cairo. Saccarappa, vil., Maine, Cumberland co. Saccatu. ^Ve Sokoto. Sac City, vil., Iowa, cap. of Sac co., on the Raccoon R. Sacedon, tii., Spain, 27 m. SE. Guadalajara. Sachin, native state, Gujarat. Area 42 sq. ni. Pop. IS. 721. Sachin, tn., cap. of above, l^at. 21° 3' N., long. 72' 59' E. Sachsen, See Saze and Saxony. Sacile, tu., Italy, 38 m. NXE. Venice. Sacketts Harbour, vil., New York, Jefferson co., on L. Ontario. Sackingen, tn., Baden, ou R. Rhine, 51 m. SE. Freiburg. Sackville, tn., New Brunswick, co. Westmoreland. Saco, city, Maine, York co., on Saco R., 13 m. SW. Portland. Sacomango River, New York, trib. of the Hudson. Sacondaga River, New York, trib. of the Hudson. Saco River, New Hampshire and Maine, enters sea below Saco. Sacramento, City, cap. of California, Sacramento co. Pop. 26,386. Sicramento River, California, Tills intu Saisun Bay. Sacristoa, eccl. dist. and vil., co. aud 3^ m. NW. Durham. Sac River. Missouri, falls into the Osage R. Sada. tn , Spain, prov. and 8 m. E. Curunna. Sadabad, f'fhsl', Muttra dist., NW. Provs., India. Sadabad, hdiirs, tn., Sadabad tahnl. Lat, 27" 26' N., long. 73° 4' E. Sadagoora, tn., Austria, Bukowina. Sadalgl, lu., Bombay. Lat. 16° 33' N., long. 74° 33' E. Sad.^t Masonda, vil., Jaipur dist., NW. Provs., India. Saddell and Skipneas, par , Argyllshire, Kintyre. Saddleback, mtn., Cumberland, 4J m. NE. Keswick. Alt. 2847 fL Saddle Back, mtn., New Zealand, co. Fiord. Saddleback, mtn., Tasmania, in N. of co. Cornwall. Saddleback, mtn., Maine, Franklin co. Alt. 4000 ft. Saddle Head, AchiU Island, co. Mayo, NW. extremiiy. Saddle Mountain, Quebec, Compton co. Saddle Mountain, Massachusetts, Beikshire co. Alt. 3505 ft. Saddle Mountain, New York, peak of the Adirondack Range. Saddle River, New Jei'Suy and New York, joins the Passaic R. Saddleworth, tnshp. and vil., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Pop. 22,4C2. Saddleworth, tn., 8. Australia, co. Light, 67 m. N. Adelaide. Saddle Yoke, mtn., Dumfriessliire, 6 m. NE. Molfat. Sadhaura, tu., Ambala dist., Punjab. Pop. 10,794. Sadiya, p.'lice circle, Assam. Area 178 sq. ni. Sado Island, Japan, W. of Hondo. Pop. 103,098. Sado River, Portugal. Lat. 38° 20' N., long. 8' 48' W. Sadowa, vil. and battlefield (1866), Bulieniia. 8 ni. NW. KoniggralZ: Sadras, tn., Madras, Cheugalpat dist. Old Dutch settlement. Sadrpar, jhtrgana, Silapur dist., Oudh. Sadrpur, luU[rs. tn., Sadrpur j»(U'(7fT»n, Oudh. Sadullanagar, pargana, Gonda dist., Oudli. Sadullanagar, lidqrs. vil., Sadullanagar jjarz/oim, Oudh. Saegeratown, bor., Pennsylvania, Ci'awfurd co. Safed, tu., Palestine. Lat. 32" 59' N., long. 35" 31' E. Safed Koh. mtns., Afghanistan, Kabul, and Gliazni. Safe Harbour, vil., Pennsylvania, Lancaster co. Saffl, sjit., Morocco. Lat. 32° 20' N. Saffrai River, Assam, trib. of the Disang. Saffron Hill, Hatton Garden, Ely Rents, and Ely Place par.| Middlesex. Saffron Walden, bor. and par., Essex, 15 m. S. Cambridge. Safipur, ^f/(^■i7, Unao dist., Oudh. Area 395 sq. m. Saflpur, jiargaiui, Unao dist., Oudh. Area 132 sq. ni. Safipur, lidqrs. tn., Safipur tahsil. Lat. 26° 44' N. Saga, tn., Jaiian, Kiu-Siu Island. Pop. 28,022. Sagaing, dist.. Upper Burma, traversed by R. Irawadi. Sagaing, tn., Upper Burma. Lat, 21° 52' N., long. 96' E. 220 SAG THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER SAI Ea-galla, mission stn., British East Africa. Bagan, tn., Prussian Silesln, 48 m. N\V. Lie^iiitz. Sigar. dist., India, C<'iit. Provs. Area 4005 sq. ni. Pop. 691,490. Eagar, Uihsil, Sagar dist., Cent. Provg., India. 1067 sq. m. Sagar, lidqrs. tn.,!3ayardist., Cent. Provs., India. 23° 50' N. P. 44,660. Sagar, t-'luk, Shiniogii dist., Slysore. Area 663 sq. in. Sagar, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 14° 10' N., lonf?. 75° 4' E. Sagar iBland, in Hngli R., Bengal. Lat. 21° 35' N., long. 83° 4' E. Bagetown, vil., Illinois, llendei-son co,. 83 ni. S\V, Chicago. Baghalien, isl., of! K. coast of Asia, Lat. 50° N., long. 153" E. Baghahn. S<--- SaghaUen. Big Harbour, vil. and jn>rt of entry. New York, Suffolk co. Cagtnaw, < ity, Mirhigan, cap. of Saginaw CO., on Saginaw U, P. 46,322. Baglnaw Bay, Jlinliigan, opening off Lake Huron. Saginaw River. Micltigan, falls into Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Sagoaa Islaad, Newfoundland, near entrance to Fortune Bay. Sagres, si't., Portngal, near Cape St. Vincent. Lat. 37° 1' N. Eagri, ti'k^'l, Azanigaih dist., NW. Prov.s., India. Bagnache Mountalna, Colorado, range of the ilocky Mountains. Baguache River. Colorado, disappears in San Luis Park Swamp. Bagua la Grande, tn., Cuba, on Sagua la Grande R. Eaguenay River, Quebec, trib. of the St. Lawrence, in lat. 48° 6' N. Eagnenay River, Little, Quebec, flows through Saguenay co. • Bah, vil., X\V. Provs., India. Lat. 25° 52' N., long. 80" 45' E. Bahama, uitn., Andrs of Peru. Lat. 18^ 7' S. Alt. 22,350 ft. Baham Toney, vil. and i»ar., Norfolk, near Watton. Sahar, tn., Muttra dist., N\V. Provs., India. Sahara, great desert, Africa. Lat. 23° N. Pop. 1,400,000. Baharanpur, dist., N W. pMivs., India. Area 2221 sq. m. P. 1,001,450. Saharanpur, taht;il, Saharanpur dist. Area 618 sq. m. Saharanpar, lidw Guinea. Area 50 sq. ni. Said, name fur Upper Egj'pt, between Cairo and Nubia. Saida, tn., Syria, on M(?diterranean, 20 ni. S. Bejrout. Saidapet, tnluk, Chengalpat dist., Madras. Saidapet, cliief tn. of above. Lat. 13" 1' N., long. 80" 15' E. SaifganJ, In., Pnrniah dist , Bengal. Saigon, city, cap. of French Cocldn China. Lat. 10' 47' N. P. 90,000. fiallana, native sUate, Central India. Area 114 .sq. m. Pop. 29,723. Sailana, rhirf tn., Sailana state. Lat. 23° 30' N., long. 75° E. Sailors iBland, Newfoundland, on Bonavista Bay. Bail Rock, Fiji, N. of Yandna Island. Satma Lake, Finland, 30 m. NW. Viborg. Area 150 sq. ni. Sainkhera, tn., Narsinghpvir dist.. Central Provs., India. Bain Mountains, Sirniur state, Punjab. Alt. Scxxd ft. St. Abb's Head, Berwickshire. Lat. 55" 55' N., long. 2° 8' W. St. Adriende Hawe, set,, Quebec, co. Wolfe, 12 ni. from Danville. St. Affriqne, tn., Fraui-e, dcp. Aveyron, 50 m. SE. Uodez. St. Agnes, In. and par., Cornwall, g m. NW. Truro. St. Agnes Head, Cornwall, i ni, from St. Agnes. St. Agnes Island, one of tlic Scilly Islands, 3J m. SW. St. Marys. St. Aignan, In., Fmnce, Loir-ct-Chcr, on U. Cher. St. Aignaa Island, Australia, Louisiade Archipelago. St. Albans, city, Herts. Lat. 51° 46' N., long. 0° 21' W. Pop. 17,106. St. Albans, pari, div., Herts. Pop. 63,239. St. Albana, tnshp., New Soutli Wales, 60 ni. NW. Sydney. St. Albana, city, Vermont, cap. of Franklin co. St. Albana, vil., W. Virginia, Kanawha co., on Kanawha R. St. Albans Cape, S. Australia, Kangaroo I. St. Albans Head, Dorset, 4^ m. SE. Corfe Castle. St. Albert, vil., Alberts, NW. of Edmonton. St. Aldgate. p;:r., Bt:rks and Oxfordshire, partly in Oxford. St. Alexia des Monts, snb-dist., Quebec, 34 m. from Louisville. St. Alphonae, vil., Quebec, co. Joliett*, 57 m. N. Montreal. St. Amand, tn., France, on R. Cher. I^t. 46' 43' N., long. 2" 31' E. St. Amand-lea-Eaux, In., France, dep. Norde, on R. Scarpe. St. Amarin, vil., Alsace, i3 m. NE. Belfort, St. Andrew, Cape, Mad.agascar. Lat. 16" 7' 9., long. 44' 28 E. St. Andrew, par. and vil., Guernsey, Channel Islands. St. Andrew, eccl. dist,, Jersey, Channel Islands. St. Andrew, tnshp., Worcestershire, containing part of Pershore. St. Andrews, city and par., Fifeshire, on St. Antlrews Bay, St. Andrews, par., Pomona, Orkney. Area 12,830 acres. St. Andrews, par,, CO, and in city of Dublin, on R. Litfey, St, Andrews, vil., Ontario, co. Stortnont, 7 m. from Cornwall. St. Andrews, tn., Prince Ktlward Island, on Cardigan Bay. St. Andrews, spt., Ncw Brunswick, cap. of Cliarlotte co. St. Andrews Bay, Florida, extends into Washington co. St. Andrews Lhanbryde, par., Elginshire, on R. Lossic. St. Andrew's Sound, Georgia, S. of Camden CO. St. Anicet, vil., Quebec, co. Himtingdon, on St, Francis R. St, Anne, tn., cap. of Aldcrney, Channel Islands. St. Anne, vil. and tnshp., Illinoi.s, Kankakee co. St. Anne, vil., Quebec, on St. Anne Bay. St. Anne Bay, Quebec. Lat. 49' 6' N., long. 66° 30' W. St, Anne's, par., co. and in city of Dnldin. Area 71 acres. St. Anne's Head, at entrance to Milfnrd H.aven, Pembrokeshire. St. Anne Boho, jiar. , Middlesex, within Westminster. Pop. 12,302. St. Anne's-on-the-Sea, watering-place, N. Lancashire. St. Anne's Shandon, par., in co. and bor. of Cork. St. Ana Point, Nova Scotia, on coast of Yarmouth co. St. Ann's Bay, Cape Breton Island, in coast of Victoria co. St, Anselme, vil., QulIhc, Dorchester co. St. Ansgar, vil. and tnslip., Iowa, Mitchell co., on Cedar R. St. Anthony, set., Ncw Brunswick, co. Kent, 24 m. fruin Shediac. St, Amaud, tnslip., Victoria, co. Kara Kara, 158 m, NW. Melbourne. St. Amand Mountains, New Zealand, extension of the Si>encer Mtns. St. Aaaph, bor., par., Flint and Denbigh shires, 211 m. NW. London. St. Athanase, tn., Quebec, cap. of Iberville co. St. Anbin, tn., Jersey, Channel Islands, on St. Aubin's Bay. St. Audeon's, par., in co. and city of Dublin. Area 34 acres. St. Augustine, pari. div. of Kent. Pop. 68,011. St. Augustine, city, Florida, cap. of St. John's co. St. Austell, tu. and par., Cornwall, 14J ni. from Truro. St. Austell Bay, Cornwall. Lat. 50" 18' N., long. 4" 45' W. St. Barbe Island, Newfoundland, White Baydist. St. Barth^lemi, vil., Quebec, co. Berthier, 62 m. NE. Montreal. St. Bartholomew, par., in CO. and city of Dublin. St. Birtholomew Island (French), W. Indies. Lat. 17° 53' N. St. Bathans, tn.. New Zealand, co. Maniatoto. St. Bathan's, Mount, New Zealand, co. Waitaki, St. Bees, tn., par., and tnshp., Cumberland. Pop. par. 11,401. St. Bee's Head, Cumberland. Lat. 54° 31' N., long. 3' 3S' W St. Benoit, tn,. Reunion Island, towards NE. Pop. 20,000. St. Bernard, pass, Alps, between Piedmont and Valais. St. Bernard, Little, nitn., Graian Aljis, S. of Mont Blanc. St Blazey, tu. and par., Cornwall, 4J m. NE. St. Austell. St. Boniface, tn., Manitoba, 3 ni. 8. Winnipeg. St. Boswells, i)ar. and vil., Roxburghshire, on R. Tweed. St. Botolph,, Essex, within Colchester. St. Botolph-without-AIdgate, par., Middlesex, in Tower Uamlcts. St. Bredale, par. and vil., Jersey, Channel Islands. St. Breock, x>^r. and vil., Cornwall, on R. Camel. St. Briavals, par. and vil., Gloucestershire, near Offa's Dyke. St. Brides Bay, Pembrokeshire, on W. coast. St. Bridget's, par., in co. and city of Dublin. St. Erieuc. tn., France, Cotes-du-Nord. Pop. 17,833. St. Brigette des Saults, vil., Quebec, co. and 20 m. from Nicolet. St. Budeaux, par. and vil., Devonshire, 4 m. NW. Plymouth. St. Buryan, par. and vil., Cornwall, 4^ m. from Penzance. St. Camille, vil., Quebec, co. Wolfe, 17 m. SE. Danville. St. Canice, par., in co. and bor. of Kilkenny. Area 6916 acres. St. Canute, vil., Quebec, co. Two Mountains, on Riviere du Nord. St. Catherine Island, Georgia, in mouth of South Newport R. St. Catherines, city, Ontario, cap. of co. Lincoln, 32 m. SE. Hamilton. St. Catherine's, par., co. Dublin, partly in Dublin city. St. Catherine's Bay, Jersey, Channel Islands, 3^ ni. NE. St. Uelier. St. Catherine's Point, S. extremity of Isle of Wight. St. Cesalre, tn., Quebec, co. Rouville, on R. Yamaska. St. Chamond, tn., France, dep. Loire, 7m. NE. St. Etienne. P. 14,149. St. Charles, vil. au'l tnshp., Illinois, Kane co., on Fox R. St. Charles, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Saginaw co., on Bad R. St. Charles, vil. and tn.shp., Minnesota, Winona co. St. Charles, city, Missouri, c;ip. of St. Charles co. St. Charles River, Quebec, co. Quebec, trib. of the St. Lawrence. St. Chrifltophe d'Arthabaska, vil., Quebec, cap. of Arthabaska co. St. Christopher, isl. (British), West Indies. Lat. 17° 17' N. P. 29,137. St. Clair, city, Michigan, St. Clair co., on St. Clair and Pine Rs, St. Clair, bor., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co., on Mill Creek. St. Claire, vil., Quebec, Dorchester co., 12 ni. SE. St. Henri. St. Clair Lake, North America, between Ontario and Michigan. St. Clair Lake, South Australia, between cos. Grey and Robe. St. Clair Lake, Tasmania, co. Lincoln. 3239 ft. above sea. St. Clair River, between Canada and Michigan, enters L. St. Clair. St. Claresville, vil., Ohio, cap, of Belmont co. St. Claude, tn., France, dep. Jura, 25 m. SE. Lons-le-Saulnier. St. Clears, tn., CO. and 8 m. from Carmarthen. St. Cleer, par. and vil., Cornwall, near and partly in Liskeard. St. Clement, tnshp., Cornwall, partly in Truro. St. Clement, par. and vil., Jersey, Channel Islands. St. Clement Danes, par., Middlesex, in Westminster. St. Clements Bay, Jersey, Channel Islands, on SE. coast. St. Cloud, tu., France, Seine-et-Oisc, 6 m. SW. Paris. St. Clond. city, MHinesota, cap. of Stearns co., on Mississippi. St. Columba, quonil sacra par,, Argyllshire, in Oban. St. Columb Major, tn. and par., Cornwall, on R. Trent. St. Columb Minor, par. and vil., Cornwall, near Ncw(iuay. St. Comb, vil., Aberdeenshire, 5 m. SE. Fraserburgh. St. Croix, vil., Qimbec, on R. St, Lawrence, 33 m. above Quebec. St. Croix, vil., Switzerland, canton Vaud, on French frontier. St. Croix River, Maine, falls into Passamaquoddy Bay. St, Croix River, Wisconsin, trib. of the Mississippi. St. Cuthbert, par., Yi)rUsliire, in York city. St. Cuthbert, \il., (Jiicbeo. 5 m. from Berthier-en-IIaut. St. Cothberts, par., co. and mostly In city of Eilinburgh. St. Cyr, vil., France, Seine-ct-Oise, near Versailles. St. Cyrus, par. and vil., Kincardineshire, on North Esk R. St. Damase, vil., Quebec, co. St. Ilyacinthe, on Yanuuska R. St. Damlen de Brandon, vil., Quebec, co. Berthier. St. David, spt., I'riuce Edward Island, Queen's co. St. David's, spt., vil., Fifeshire, ij m. E. Invcrkeithing. St. Davids, tu., IVmbrokeshire, i m. from St. Brides Bay. St. David's Head, Pembrokeshire, 24 m. NW. St. Davids. St. Day, eecl. dist. and vil., Cornwall, 2 m. E. Redruth. St. Decuman's, p,ir., Snini-rsetshire, on Bristol Channel. St. Denis, tn., France, dep. Seine, 5 m. N, Paris. Pop. 48,000. St. Denis, tu., cap. of Reunion Island. Pop, 40,000. St. Denis, vil., Quebec, co. St. Hyacinthe, on Richolicu R. St. Dennis, par. and vil., Cornwall, 5 m. NW. St. Austell. St. Dii, tu., Franco Lat. 48" 17' N., hmg. 6' 57' E. St. Dis, tn., France, Vosgcs, on R. Mcurthc Pop. 15,342. St. Dlzler, tn., France, Ilaute-Marne, on R. Marne. St. Dogmell, par. and vil., Pembrokeshire, partly in Cardigan. 221 SAI THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER SAI St. Domingo. Set Santo Domingo. Bt. Dominique, v.l., Outaiiu, tsoulanges co., 31 ni. from Montreal. St. Dorothee, vil., Quebec, en. Laval, 15 111. from Blontreal. Bt. Dunstan, par., Kent, ou R. Stoiir, near Canterbury. Ete. Anne Mountains, Quebec, on R. St. Lawrence. Alt. 3973 ft. Ste. Anne River, Quebec, Gaspe CO., falls into Gulf of St. Lawrence. Ste. Anne River, Quebec, Montmorency co., trib. of St. Lawrence. Ete. Beatrix, vil., Qucl>ec, CO. and 18 m. from Joliette. Ete. Eulalie, vil., Quebec, co. Nicolet, 21 in. from Tlui-e Rivei-s. Bte. Marguerite River, Quebec, trib. of the Saguenay R. Bt. Edouaj-d, vil., Quebei;, Napierville CO., on R. La Torgue. St. Eleanors, vil., Triuce Edwaril Island, Princes co. St. Eliaa, lutn , Greece, in the Morea. Alt. 7S29 ft. St. Elias. mtn., Alaska. Lat. 60° 20' N., Inng. 140° W. Alt. 15,350 ft. St. Enoder. ]iar. and vil., Cornwall, 6 ni. N\V. Grampound. St. Ephraim d'Upton, vil., Quebec, Bngot co., 48 m. E. Montreal. St. Eman's Island, co. Donejjal, in Donegal Bay. St. Erth, vil., Cornwall, 3 \i\. fioni St. Ives. St. Erth, i>ar. and y'\\., Cornwall, on R. Ilayle, 2 m. SW. Ilayle. Saintes, tn., France, on K. Charente. Pop. 15,763. St. Etienne, tn., Fmnce, Loire. Lat. 45" 26' N., 4° 23' E. P. 117,875. St. Etienne de Beanhamois, vil., Quebec, 5 m. from IJeauhamois. St. Eustache, vi!., Queliec, 21 ni. SW. Montreal. St. EustatiuB, isl. (Dutch), W. Indies, 12 m. NW. St. Christopher. St. Felghlns, par., CO. West Meath, on Lough Lene. St. Feock. par. and vil., Cornwall, near Truro. St. Ferdinand, vil., Quebec, Megantic CO., 17 m. from Somerset. St. Fereol, vil., Quebec, Montmorency co., ;^o m. below Quebec. St. Fergus, par. and vil., Banffshire, 5 m. NW. Peterhead. Saintfield, tn. and par., co. Down, n m. SE. Belfast. St. Fillan"s, vil., Perthshire, on Loch Earn, St. Finan'a Bay, co. Kerry, between Bolus Head and PufBn Island. St. Finbars, par. in co. and borough of Cork. St. Flavie, vil., Quebec, Rimouski co., on R. St. Lawrence. St. Florent. spt., Corsica, 7 m. W. Bastia. St. Flour, tn., France, dep. Cantal. 33 m. ENE. Aurillac. St. Francis, Cape, Newfoundland, St. John's dist. St. Francis Lake, fnrined by the St. Lawrence, SW. of IMontreal. St. Francis River, ilissouri and Arkansas, trib. of the Mississippi. St. Francis River, Quebec, trib. of the St. Lawrence. St. Franciaville, vil., Louisiana, cap. of West Feliciana par. St. Francois de la Beauce, vil., Quebec, cap. of Beauce co. St. Francois de Salles, vil., Quebec, CO. Laval, i m. from Terrebonne. St. Francois d'Orleans, vil., Quebec, co. Montmorency. St. Francois du Lac. vil., Quebec, cap. of Yamaskaco. St. Francois Lake and River. .Stic St. Francis. St. Gabriel, vil,, Louisiana, Iberville par., on the Mississippi. St. Gall, canton, NE. Switzerland. Area 7Sosq. m. Pop. 229,441. St. Gall, tn., Switzerland, cap. of St. Gall canton. Pop. 27,390. St. Gaudens, tn., France, Haute-Garonne, on the Pyrenees. St. Genevieve, vil., Quebec, 20 m. W. M.mtreal. St. Genevieve, vil. and tushp.. Missouri, cap. of Genevieve co. St. George, pari, div., Tower Hamlets, Middlesex. Pop. 47,913. St. George, tn., cap. of Granada, W. Indies. Lat. 12° 7' X., 61° 4S' W. St. George, isl. and spt., Bermuda Islands. St. George, port of entry, New Brunswick, co. Charlotte. St. George, vil., Utah, cap. of Washington co. St. George, tn., Queensland, Belmore co., 380 m. WSW. Brisbane. St. George, Cape, Nova Scotia, Antigonish co. St. George, Cape, Newfoundland, St. George's Bay dlst. St. George, Fort, former name for Madras. St. George, Gulf of, Argentine Republic. Lat. 46" 15' S., long. 66° 30' W. St. George Bay, Newfoundland, on W. coast. St. George Bloomsbury, eccl. dist., Middlesex. Pop. 16,695. St. George Hanover Square, par., Middlesex, m W. London. P. 78,362, St. George-in-the-Eaat, jxir., Middlesex, in Tower Handets. P. 45,546. St. George Island. N- c Sao Jorge. St. George (near Bristol), par. and local gov. dist., Gloucestershire. St. George River, Newfoundland, St. George's Bay dist. St. George River, Itoumania. Lat. 45° N., long. 29' E. St. George's, par., co. Dublin, partly in Dublin city. St. George's, \\\., Delaware, New Castle co., 3 m. E. Kirkwood. St. George's Basin, bay, W. Australia. Lat. 15° 20' S., long. 125° 10' E. St. George's Bay, Nova Scotia, in coast of Antigonish co. St. George's Bay, dist., Newfoundland. St. George's Channel, part of Irish Sea between Ireiand and Wales. St. George's Head, pi'omontory, New South Wales, co. St. Vincent. Bt. George's Island, Florida, in mouth of the Appalachicola R. St. George's Strait. Florida, between mainland and St. George's I. Bt. George the Martyr, par, Surrey, part of Southwark. St. Germain -en-Lay e, tn., France, dep. Seine-et-Oise. Pop. 15,790. St. Germans, tn., Cornwall, qi m. NW. Plymouth. St. Giles, dist., London, in Finsbury. Pop. 39,778. St. Giles, vil., Quebec, Lotbiniere co., 30 m. from Quebec city. Bt. Gilles, tn., Belgium, 21 ni. NE. Ghent. St. GiUes, tn., France, Gard, 11 m. SSE. Nimes. St. Girons, tn., France, Ariege, 26 m. W. Foix. St. Gluvias, par. and tnshp., Cornwall, near Falmouth. St. Gotthard, mtns., Switzerland. Lat. 46° 36' N., long. 8° 30' E. St. Gotthard, tn., Hungary. L-at. 46' 58' N., long. 16' 10' E. St. Gowan'a Head, promontory, Pembrokeshire, on Bristol Channel. St. Gregory, par., Kent, within Canterbury. Area 10 acres. St. Helen, Cape, Tasmania, co. Cornwall, on George Bay. St. Helena, isl,, S. Atlantic. Lat. 15° 57' S., 5° 42' W. Ar. 47 sq. m. St. Helena, isl., Queensland, 27 m. NE. Brisbane. Penal settlement. St. Helena, ish, 8. Carolina, off Beaufort co. St. Helena Bay, S, Africa. Lat. 32° 46' S., long. 18' 5' E. St. Helens, bor., Lancashire, 12 m. N. Liverpool. Pop. 71,288. St. Helens, tn. and par.. Isle of Wight, 4 m. SE. Ryde. St. Helens, isl., one of the Scilly Islands, NE. of Tresco. St. Helens, watering-jdace, Tasmania, co. Cornwall. St. Helen's, isl., Quebec, in R St. Lawrence, opposite Montreal. St. Helena Auckland, i)ar. and tnshp., Durham, Bishop Auckland. St. Helens Mount, Washington, peak of Cascade Range Alt. 12,000 ft. St. Helier, spt. and par., Jersey, Channel Islands. Pop. 28,020. St. Henri, tn., Quebec, CO. Hochelaga, suburb of Montnal. St. Hilaire-du-Harcouet, tn., France, Manche, gin. SW. Mortain. St. Hilary, jiar., tnshp., and vil., Cornwall, 5 m. E. Penzance. St. Hippolyte, tn., France, Gard, 13 m. ESE. Le Vigan. St. Hyacinthe, city, Quebec, on Yamaska R., 35 ni. NE. Montreal. St. Iberiufl, par., in co. and bor. of Wexford. St. Ignace. Cape, Qnebec, Montmagny co. St. Imier, vil., Switzerland, Ciuiton Bern, 12 ni. W. Brienne. St. Ishmaels, ])ar., cu. and 8^ lu. SW. Carmarthen. St. Isidore de Quebec, vil., Quebec, co. Dorchester. St. Issela, par. and vil., Pembrokeshire, on Carmarthen Bay. St, Ive, par. and ^^l,, Cornwall, ou R, Lynber. St. Ives, spt. and par., Cornwall. Lat. 50" 13' X., long. 5° 29' W. St. Ives, bor. and par., Huntingdonshire. Lat. 52" 20' N., 0° 5' W. St. Ives, pari, div., Cornwall, includes SciUy Islands. Pop. 60,160. St. Jacobs, \il., Ontario, co. Waterloo, on R. Conestogn, St. Jacob's, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Madison co., on Silver Creek. St. James, Cape, British Columbia, on Prevost Island. St. James, tn., Victoria, 142 m. NE. Melbourne. St. James, vil., Minnesota, Watonwan co., 122 m. SW. St. Paul. St. James andDunbrody, par., co. Wexford, on Waterford harbour. St. James's, par., co. Dublin, partly in Dublin city. St. James Westminster, par., Middlesex, Westminster. Pop. 24,993. St. Jean Baptiste de Montreal, vil., Quebec, co. Hocliela;,'a. St. Jean Chrysostome de Chateauguay, vil., Quebec, SW. St. Saintes. St. Jean d'Acre. SiX Acre. St. Jean d'Angely, tn., France, Charente infer., 15 m. NE. Saintes. St. Jean de Luz, tn., France, Basses-Pyrenees. St. Jean de Maurienne, tn., Savoie. on R. Arc. St. Jerome, vil., Qnebec, cap. of Terrebonne co. St. Joachim, vil., Quebec, Montmorency co., 27 m. from Quebec. St. John, par.,W. coast of Jersey, Channel Islands. Area 2154 acres, St. John. isl. (Danish), W. Indies, ENE. of St. Thomas. St. John, vil,, Illinois. Perry co., 3 m. N. Du Quoin. St. John, cily, New Brunswick. Lat. 45° 17' N., long. 66' 2' W, Pop. 2G,127. St. John, Bay of, Newfoundland. Lat. '50* 55' N., long. 57° 3' W. St. John, Cape, Newfoundland. Lat. 50° N., long. 55° 22' W. St. John, Mount, Tasmania, in co. Glamorgan. St. John Baptist, par., co. Tipperary. Ai'ea 5616 acres. St. John Lake, Canada, N. of Quebec, on Saguenay R. St. John Lee, par., Northumberland, on R. Tyne. Area 16,129 acres. St. John-near-Swansea, par., Glamorganshire, in Swansea. St. John River, Canada and U.S., falls into sea at St. John. St. John's, par., co. and city of Dublin. Area 14 acres. St. John's, jiar., CO. Kildare and Queen's co. Area 1122 acres. St. John's, par., in co. and bor. of Kilkenny. Area 5530 acres. St. John's, par., in co. and bor. of Limerick. Area 133 acres. St. John's, par., co. Roscommon, on Longh Ree. Area 8018 acres. St. John's, i)ar., N. co. SliffO, near Lough Gill. Area 6505 acres. St. John's, par., SE. co. Wexford. Area 726 acres. St, John's, vil., Michigan, cap. of Clinton co. St. John's, city, cap. of Newfoundland. Lat. 47* 33' N. P. 24,000. St. John's, tn., Quebec, cap. of St. John's co., on R. Richelieu. St. John's, city, cap. of Antigua, on coast. St. Johnsburg,'vil., New York, Niagara co., g ni. SW. Lockport. St. Johnsburg, vil. and tnshp., Vermont, cap. of Caledonia co. St. Johns Loch, Caithness, in par. and near Dunnet. St. John's River, Cape Colony, enters Indian Ocean in Pondoland, St. John's River, Florida, flows N. into Atlantic. 350 m. long. St. Johnstown, vil., CO. Donegal, on R. Foyle. St. JohasviUe. vil. and tnshp., New York, Montgomery co. St. John's Wood, eccl. dist., Mid-Uesex, NW. London. St. John Weardale, eccl. dist. and vil., Durham, ou R. Wear. St. Joseph, vil., Louisiana, cap. of Tensas par., ou Mississippu St. Joseph, vil. and tushp., Michigan, Berrien co., ou St. Joseph R, St. Joseph, city, Missouri, cap. of Buchanan co. Pop. 52,324. St. Joseph, vil., Quebec, Levis co., on St. Lawrence R. St. Joseph Island, Ontario, between Lakes Huron and Superior. St. Joseph Lake, Keewatin. Lat. 51° 10' N., long. 90" 30' W. St. Joseph River, Michi^^Mu, Ohio, and Indiana, head of SL Mary's R. St. Joseph River, Sli'hiuau and Indiana, falls into Lake Michigan. St. Joseph's Bay, Fh'iida, offGult of Mexico. St. Jovite de Salaberry, vil., Quebec, 50 in. froni Lachute. St. Jule's, par., in co. and i>artly in city of Dublin. St. Julien-de-ConceUes, tn., France, Loire-Inferieure. St. Julien-en-Jarret. tn., France, Loire, on R. Gier. St. Julienne, vil., Quebec, cap. of Montcalm co. St. Junien, tn., Fmnce, Ilaute-Vienne, on R. Vienne. St Jnst in Penwith, tn. and par., Cornwall, 7 m. W. Penzance. St. Just in Roseland, par. and vil., Cornwall, on St. Just Creek. St. Keverne, par. and vil., Cornwall, S. of Falmouth. St. Kew, par. and vil., Cornwall, 7 wx. S. Canielford. St. Kilda, isl.. Outer Hebrides. Lat. 57' 49' N., long. 8° 34' W. St. Kilda, watering-place, Victoria, sub. of Melbourne. St. Kitts. .^r-g St. Christopher. St. Laurence, p;ir., Jersey, Channel Islands, sj m. NW. St. Heliet St. Lawrence, ]'ar., Yorkshire, partly in York city. St. Lawrence, tn. and tnshp., Queensland, co. RLurchison. St. Lawrence, Cape, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island. St. Lawrence, Gulf of, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. St. Lawrence Bay, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island. St, Lawrence Island, Alaska, in Behring Sea. Arej, 2000 sq. in. St. Lawrence River, U.S. and Canada, falls into Gulf of St. Lawrencft. St. Lawrence's,, in co. and bor. of Limerick. Area 2S0 acres. St. Lawrence Thanet, par., Kent, containing Ramsgate. St. Leonards, watering-place, Victoria, 24 m. SW. ilelbourne. St. Leonards -on- Sea, tn. and par., Sussex, W. of Hastings. St. Libory, vil., Illinois, St. Clair co., 10 m. N. New Athens. St. Lin, vil., Quebec, 30 m. NW. Montreal. St. L6, tn., France, cap. of Manche. Lat. 49° 6' N., long, i" i W. ooo SAI THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER SAI St. Louis, vil., Michigan, Gratiot Co., on Pine R. St. Louis, city, Missouri, cap. of St. Louis co. Pop. 481,770. St. Louis, til.' Africa, cap. of French Senegarabia. Pop. 19.000. St. Louis de Gonzague, vil,, Quebec, co. Beauharnoi.', nii K, St. Louis. St. Louis de Ha Ha. set., Quebec, li, m. from Riviere du Loup. St. Louis Kiver, Minnesota, falls into L-ake Superior. St. Lucia, isl (British). W. Indies. 13' so' N., 60° 53' W. P. 43,124. St Luke, ecrl. dist., Jersey, Channel Islands. St. Luke Old Str^eS, par., Middlesex, in Finsbury. St. Luke's, jiar.. iti co. aud city nf Dublin. St. Magnus Bay, Mainland, Shetland, in W. coast. St. Malient, tu.. France, I)eux-Se\res, 13 ni. SE. Niort. St. Male, spt., France, Ille-et-Vilaine. Lat. 48" 39' N., long. 2° i' W, St. Mand6, vil., France, 4 111. ESE. Paris. St. MarceUin, tu., France, dcp. Isere, near R. Isere. St. Margaret and St. John Westminster, par., Westminster. P. 55,760. St. Margaret Island, Pembrokeshire, 2 m. olTTeuby. St. Margaret's Bay, Kent, near the Soutli Foreland. St. Margarets Hope, vil., N. Ronaldshay Island, Orkney. St. Marguerite River, Quebec, trib. of the Siiguenay R. St. Mark's, par., in co. and city of Dublin. St. Martin, jiar. and tnshp., Cornwall, on Looe Bay. fit. Martin, jiar. and vil., Shropshire, on the Ellesmere Canal. Et. Martin, par. and vil., Guernsey, Cliannel Islands. St. Martin, par., E. coast of Jersey, Channel Islands. St. Martin, isl., W. ludie.'?. Lat. 18° 4' N., 53° 10' W, 30 sq. m. St. Martin de Re, tii., France, Cliarente-iufeneure, on Re I. St. Martin-in the-Fielda. par., Middlesex, Westminster. Pop. 14,674. St. Martin's Island, Scilly Islands, NE. Tresco. St. Martin's River, JIaryland, falls into the Atlantic Ocean. St. Martinville. vil., Louisiana, cap. of St. Martin's parish. St, Mary, Cape, Ma■'•'; Setubal. St. Vaast, vil., Belgium, 9 m. from Mons. St. 'Valery-en-Caui. tn., France, 17 m. WSW, Dieppe. St. "Valery-sur-Sorome, tn., France, dep. Somme, on coast. St. Vigeans, ]^ar. and vil., Forfarshire, on R. Brothock. St. Vincent, isl. (British), W. Indies, W. of Barbadoes. Pop. 43,039. St. Vincent, isl , one of tlie Cape Verd Islands. St. Vincent, Cape, Portugal. Lat. 37° 4' N., long. 9° W. St. Vincent, Gulf of, S. Australia, N. of Kangaroo Island. St. Vincent de Paul, vil., Quebec, co. Laval, on Isle Jesus. St. Werburghs, par., in co. and city of Dublin. St. Williams, vil., Ont-ario, co. Norfolk, on Lake Erie. St. Winnow, jiar. and vil., Cornwall, on R. Fowey. St. WoolloB, tnshp., Monmouthshire, mostly in Newport. St. Yrieuz, tn., France, Haute-Vienne, 27 m. S. Limoges. Sakai, tn., Japan, Hondo Island, 40 m. SW. Miako. Pop. 45,005. Sakal, vil., Afiica, Sencgambia. Sakaldiha, tn., N W. Pn>v.'=;., India. Lat. 25° id N., long. 83° 19' E. Sakariyah River, Asia Minor, falls into the Black Sea. Sakar Pathar, sanitarium, Bombay, Poona dist. Sakata, tn., Jajtan, Niplmn Island. Pop. 18,833. Sakatal. dist., 'I'ranscaucasia Area 1609 sg. m. Pop. 74,283. Sakhalin. Ula-Khaton, tn., Mancliuria, on R. Amur. Sakhera, tn., India, Baroda state. Sakit, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27" 26' N., long. 78" 49' E. Sakka, tn., Abyssinia, cap. of Enarea. I^at. 8° N., long. 37° E. Sakkampatti, tn., Madras, Tinnevelli dist. Sakkaraikottai, tn., Madras. Lat. 9° 21' N., long. 78° 55' E. Sakmara River, Russia, from Ural Jlountains to the Ural R. Sakoli. /i(/(.-/7, Bliandara dist , Cent. Provs., India. Sakrand, ialuk, Haidarabad dist., Bombay. Sakraypatna, vil., Mysore Lat, 13° 26' N., long. 75' 58' E. Sakri River, Bengal. Largely utilised for irrigation. Sakti, native state, Cent. Provs., India. Pop. 22,819. Sala, tn., Italy, prov. Salerno, 10 m. SW. Fotenza. Sala, tn., Sweden, Westnianland, 21 m. W. Westeras. Salabina, dep., Argentine Republic, prov. Santiago. Salabina, tn., Argentine Republic, dep. Salabina. Salado Bay, Cliili, S. of Copiapo. Balado River, Argentine Republic. Lat. 29° 10' S., long. 61° W. Salado River, Argtntine Republic. Lat. 35' 50' S., long. 66" 40' W. Salaga, tn., Africa, Upper Guinea, on the Gold Coast, Salagha. .Vc Salaga. Salahieh, tn., Lower Egypt, 37 ni, NE. Bolbeys. Salamanca, prov., Spain, Leon, on It. Douri'. Pop 314,424. Salamanca, city, cap, of Salamanca. Lat. 41° N. P. 22,199. Salamanca, tn., .Mexico, state and 20 m. S. Guanajuato. Pop. 15,600. Salamanca, vil. and tnslip., New York, Cattaraugus co. Salamanca Island, Colombia, cill" mouth of R. Magdalena. Salamia Island, Greece. Lat. 37° 55' N., long. 23° 30' E. Salamoria River. ^Vc Salembria River. Salandi Kiver, Bfugal, waters part of Orissa. Salanga Island, .Siam, on coast of Malacca, Salangore, .state, Malay Peninsula, on W, side. Salangore, tn., cap. of above, Lat. 3° 19' N., long. loi" 13' E. Salaya. ]"irt, llomliay, Nawanagar stite. Salayer Islands (Dutch), off S. coast of Celebes. Pop, 60,000. Salbet Island, oil" coast of Bombay. Lat. 20° 54' N., long. 71° 33' E. Salcombe, tn., Devonshire, 4 m. S. Kingsbridu'e. Salcombe Haven, Devonshire, runs inland to Kingsbridge. Saldanha Bay, Cape Coh^ny, 80 m. from Cape Town. Salde, fort, Africa, in Senegambia. Bale, tn. and tnshp., Cheshire, on R. Mersey, 5 m. SW. Manchester. Sale, tn., Victoria, 127^ m. SW. Melbourne. Bale di Tortona, tn., lUity, prov. Alessandria. Saleh, silt., Morocco, Fez, on R. Bnragreb, Salem,, Madras. Area 7471 sq. m. Pop. 1,962,560. Balem, chief tn., Salem dist. Lat. 11° 39' N., 78' 11' E. Pop. 67,760. Satem, vil., S, Arcotdist., Madras. Lar.. i:''3S' N., long. 78" 55' E. Balem, vil., Ontaiin, co. Wellington, on R. Irvine. Salem, vil, and tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Marion co. Salem, vil., Indiana, cap. of Washington co., 35 m, N. New Albany. Balem, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, Henry co,, on Big Cedar R. Balem, city and spt,, Massachusetts, Essex co. Pop, 30,801. Balem, vil., Missouri, cap. of Dent co., 130 m, SW. St, Louis. Balem, vil. and tnshp., Nebraska, Richardson co. Ealem, city, New Jersey, cap. of Salem co., on Salem Creek. Salem, vil. and tnshp.. New York, cap. of Washington co. Salem, vil. and tnshp., North Carolina, Forsyth co. Salem, tn., Ohio, Columbiana co. Quaker settlement. Salem, city, Oregon, cap. of state and of Marion co. Salem, vil. au'l tnshp., Virginia, cap. of Roanoke co. Salembria River, Tliessaly, falls into Gulf of Salonika. Salemi, tn., Sicily, Trapani, 48 m. SW. Palermo. Pop. 16,215. Salerno, prov., Italy. Area 2126 sq. \\\. Pop. 667,073. Salerno, spt., cap. of above. Lat, 40° 40' N., long. 14" 45' E. Salerno, Gulf of, Italy. Lat. 40° 30' N., long, 14° 40' E. Saletekri, estate, Balaghat dist., Central Provinces, India. Salford, bor., L-inci^sliire, on R. Irwell. Pop. 198,136. Salghir River, Crimea, falls into the Putri' San Biaae. San Eiase, tn., Italy, Catanzaro, 3 m. W. Nicastrn. San Bias, spl., Mexico, state Jalisco, on the Pacific. San Bonifacio, In., Itiily, prov. and 14 ni. E. Verona. San Buenaventura, vil. and tnshp., California, cap. of Ventura co Ban Carlos, tn., Cliili, Nuble, 15 in. NE. Chilian. Ban Carlos, tn., Vi-nezuela. Lat. 9° 38' N., 63° 31' W. Pop. 10,741. Ban Cirloa de Ancud, Chili. Svc Ancad, Ban Carlos de Ancud, tn., Philippine Islands, pop, 24,753. BanCasciano, tn., Italy, 8 ni. SW. Florence. San Cataldo, tn., Sieily, 5 m. WSW. Caltanisetta. Pop. 16.353. San Clemente Island, California, off San Diego co., in Pacilic. Ban Colombano. In., Italy. 9 m. S. Italy, on Lanibro R. Bancoty Head, Ma.ssachusetts, Nantucket Island. San Cristobal, tn., Mexico, cap. of Chiapa. Pop. 11,248. Ban Cristobal, tn., Argentine Republic, prov. Santa Ki'. Ban Crlstoval, tn., Venezuela, cap. of Tachira. Pop. 11,903. Ban Cristoval de la Laguna, tn., Teiieriffe, on N. Coast Sanct Georgen, tn., Croatia, 18 m. NE. Bellovar. Pop. 12,631. Sanct Johann, tn., Prussia, on R. Saar. Pop. 13,598. Sanct Polten. .S-.c St. Polten. Sanct Tonys, tn., Ithenisli Prussia, 15 m. NW. DiisselJorf. Sanct Ve it, tu., Carinthia, 11 ni. X*^. Klagenfurth. Sanda Island, Argyllshire, in mouth of Firth of Clyde. Sandakau, tii-, British North Borneo, on E. coast. Sandal Magna, tu., par., and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Sandalwood Bay, Fiji, Vanua Levu Island. Sandalwood Island, Malay Arcliipelago, S, of Flores. Lat. 9' 50' S. San Damiano d'Astl, tn., Italy, 6 m. WSW. Asti. SanDaniele, tn., It;ily, 13m. NW. Udine. Sanday Island, Orkney. L;it. 57' 4' N., long. 6^ 27' W. Sandbach, tn., par., and tnshp., Cheshire, 4^ m. NE. Crewe. Sandbach Heatb, eccl. dist., Sandbach par., Clieshire. Sandbank, par. and vil., Argyllshire, on the Holy Loch. Sandbank, vil, , New York, Oswego co., on Salmon R. Sand Beach, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Huron co. Sand Creek, vil., Wisconsin, Dunn CO., on Red Cedar R. Sandec, Neu, tn., Austria, Galieia, 49 m. SE. Cracow. Sandeid, tn., Xorway. Lat. 59" 20' X., long. 7' 58' E. Sandersville, vil. and tnshp., Georgia, cap. of Washington co Sandford, par. and vil., Devonshire, near Crediton. Sandford, tn., Victoria, co. Nonnanby, 239 m. W. Melbourne. Sandford Lake, New York, Essex 00., source of Hudson R. Sandgate, tn. and eccl. dist., Kent, witljin Hythe. Sandhamn, spt., on Sandhauin Island, Sweden. Sandhamn Island, Sweden, in Bay of Stockholm. Sand Head, North, N. end of Goodwin Sands, olf Kent. Sand Head, South, S. end of Goodwin Sands, off Kent. Sand Hill Point, New Zealand, co. Wallace, on Tewaewae Cay. Sandhurst, par. and vil., Berkshire, on R. Blackwater. Sandhurst, ]'ar. and vil., Kent, 6 m. S, Cranbrook. Sandhurst City, city, Victoria. Lat. 36° 43' S., 144° 21' E. P. 25,735. Sandi, pargana, Hardoi dist., Oudh. Area i6S sq. m. Sandi. lidqrs. tu., Hardoi dist., Oudh. Lat. 27' 17' N., long. 79° 51' E. Sandiacre, par. and vil., Derbyshire, on R. Erwash. San Diego, city, California, cap. of San Diego co. Lat. 32° 47' N. San Diego, city, California, cap. of San Diego co. Pop. 16,159. San Diego, vil., Texas, cap. of Duval co. San Diego, Cape, Chili. Lat. 54" 3S' S., long. 65° 7' W. Sandila, tahsil, Hardoi dist., Oudh. Area 557 sq. m. Sandila, p'trgann, Hardoi rlist., Oudh. Area 329 sq. ni. Sandila, luhirs. tn., Sandila tnhsil, Oudh. Sand Lake, vil. and tnshp., New York, Rensselaer co. San Domingo. Sec Santo Domingo. San Dona, tn., Italy, 18 m. NE. Venice, on R. Piave. San Donata, tn., Italy, prov. Caserta, 11 m. E. Sora. Sandoway, dist.. Lower Burma. Area 3667 sq. m. Pop. 76,740. Sandoway River, Sandoway dist., Burma. Lat. iS' 31' X, Sandown, tu. and eccl. dist., Isle of Wight, 6 m. S. Ryde. Sandown Bay, Isle of Wight, 6 m. S. Ryde. Sandown Point, Tasmania, on coast of co. Russell. Sand Patch Point, Victoria, on coast of co. Croajingolong. Sandringham, par., and seat of Prince of Wales, Norfolk. Sand River. Set: Sandy River. Sandru, pass, Punjab. Lat. 31° 24' X., long. 78° 2' E. .Alt. 16,000 ft. Sandsting, jiar., Mainland, Shetland. Area 39,870 acres. Sandur, native state, Madras. Area 164 sq. m. Pop. 10,532. Sandur Hills, Bellary dist. Madias. Alt. 3150 ft Sandusky, city, Ohio. Lat. 41° 23' N., long. 82' 43' W. Pop. 18,471. Sandusky River, Ohio, falls into Sandusky Bay. Sandwich, cinque port, Kent, on Pegwell Bay. Sandwich, fity, Illinois, Do Kalb co. Sandwich, tn., Ontario, cap. of Essex en., on Detroit R. Sandwich Bay, Labrador. Lat. 53° 40' N., long. 57° 15' W. Sandwich Islands. See Hawaii. Sandwich Islands, South, Antarctic Ocean. Lat. 57' 52' S. Sandwick, jiar., Pomona, Orkney, N. of Stromness. Sandwick, vil., Lewis Island, Ross-shire, i^ m. SE. Stonioway. Sandwick, par., Shetland, on Mainland. Sandwip Island, Bay of Bengal. Lat. 22° 24' X., 91" 2/ E. Sandy, par. and vil., Bedfordshire, on R. Ivel. Sandy Bay. Newfoiuidland. Lat. 50' 3' N., long. 57' 44' W. Sandy Bay, New Zealand, opening oflTTasman Bay. Sandy Bay, New Zealand, in coast of co. Whangartd. Sandy Beach, vil., Quebec, co. G.aspc, 4 m. from Gaspe Basin. Sandy Cape, Queensland, N. point of Great Sandy Island. Sandy Cape, Tasmania, on coast of co. Russell. Sandy Creek, tnshp., Victoria, co. Bogong, 218 m. NE. Melbourne. Sandy Creek, vil. and tnshp. , New York, Oswego co. Sandy Desert, dist., Victoria, co. Lowan. Sandyford, par., Lanarkshire, in W. of Glasgow. Sandy Head, N. Teixitory, Australia, SE. of Sir Edward Pellcw Is. Sandy Hill, vil., Xew York, Washington en., on Hudson R. Sandy Hook, vil., Connecticut, Fairtlcldco. Sandy Hook, N. Jersey, sandbank between Sandy Hook Bay and sea. Sandy Hook Bay, Xew Jersey, inniicdiately S. of New York Bay. Sandy Lake, (hitario. Lat 50° N., long. 94" W. Sandy Lake, bor., Pennsylvania, Mercer co,, on Sanain, Audalusia, 7 m. NW. Gibraltar. San Saba, vil., Texas, cap. of San Saba co., on San Saba R. San Saba River, Texas, trib. of the Colorado R., in San Salia co. San Salvador, republic. Central America. 722S sq. m. Pop. 663,613. San Salvador, city, cap. of above, 105 m. SE. Guatemala. P. 16,327. San Salvador, tn., Africa, 160 m. SE. Loaugo, Pop. 24,000. San Salvador, Brazil. Sec Bahia. San Salvador, Cul.ia, See Bayamo. San Salvador Island. See Watling Island. San Salvatore, to., Italy, 7 m. NNW. Alessandri.a. Sansanding. tu., Soudan, Banibarra, on R. Joliba. Pop. 30,000. San Sebastian, spt., Spain, prov. Guipuzcoa, Pop. 29,047. San Sebastian, Cape, Africa. Lat. 22° 12' S., long. 35' 20' E. San Sebastian Bay, Tierra del Fuego. Lit. 53' 15' S., long. 68° 13' W. San Sebastian Bay, S^mth Africa. Lai. 35° 50' S., long. 20' 40' E. San Sebastian de los Reyes, tn., VenezueLi, 50 m. SSW. Caracas. San Secundo Parmese, tu., Italy, 10 ni. NW. Parma. San Severe, tn., Italy, 17 in. NW. Foggia, Sanson, tu , New Zealand, co. Manawatu, 97 in. from Wellington. San Stefano, vil., Turkey, on the Bosporus. Santa Ana, tn., Central America, 40 m. WNW. San Salvador. Santa Ana, vil. and tnshp., California, Los Angeles co. Santa Barbara, si>t.. California, cap. of Santa Barbara co Santa Barbara Islands, Pacific Ocean, Off California. Santa Caterina, tn., Sicily, 7 m. NW. Caltauisetta. Santa Catharina, state, Brazil. Lat. 25° S. Pop. 236,346. Santa Catharina Island, Brazil. Lat. 27° 30' S. Area 250 sq. m Santa Clara, \i\., California, Santa Clara co. Santa Clara, tn., in Island of Cuba. Pop. 22,781. Santa Coloma de Fames, tu., Spain, 13 m. S\V. Gerona. Santa Croce, tn.. Sicily, 13 m. SW. Modica, near coast. Santa Croce di Magliano, tu., Italy, prov. Campobasso. Santa Croce di Morcone, tn., Italy, prov. Beneveuto. Santa Croce sull' Arno, tn., Italy, on R. Arno. Santa Cruz, tn., Argentine Republic, Lat. 49° 58' S., long. 69° W. Santa Cruz, tn., California, cap. of Santa Ciuz co. Santa Cruz, tn., Luzon, iiom. NNW. Manilla. Pop. 13.479. Santa Cruz, isl. (Danish), Virgin Islands, W. Indies. Pop. 18,430. Santa Cruz de la Palma, tn., cap. of Palma, Canary Islands Santa Cruz de la Sierra, dep., Boli\ia. Area 144,083 sq. m. P. 97,200' Santa Cruz de la Sierra, tn., Bolivia, cap. of tlie above. Santa Cruz de Teneriffe, spt., Teneriffe, cap. of the Canary Islands. Santa Eufemia, tu.. Italy, 5 m. from Nicastro. Santa Eufemia, Gulf of, Italy, Lat. 38° 50' N., long. 16° E. Santa Eulalia, tu., Ivi^a, Balearic Islands, Spain. Santa Fe, tn., Spain, Andalusia, 7 m. W. Granada. Santa Fe, city, cap. of New Mexico, on Santa Fc Crock. Santa T6, tn., Argentine Republic, on island in R. Salado. Santa Fe, prov., Argentine Republic, on R. Salado. Santa Fe de Bogota. Sec Bogota. Santa Flora, tn., Italy, 15 m. NE. Grosseto. Sant' Agata del Goti, tn., Italy, i)rov. Benevento. Sant' Agata dl Puglia, tn., Italy, Foggia. Sant' Agostino, tn., Italy, Ferrara, 7 m. NE. Cento. Santa Helena, Cape, Ecuador. Lat. 2° 5' S., long. 80" 50' W. Santa Inez Island, Chili. L^t. 54° S., long. 73° W. Santal Parganaa, dist., Bengal. Area 5469 sq. in. Pop. 1,743,760. Santalpur-with-Chadchat, native state, Bombay. Pop. 20,466. Santa Lucia, tn., Sicily, 15 m. WSW. Jlessina. Santa Lucia Bay, iiululand, Africa. Lat. 28° 30' S. Santa Margherita, tu., Sicily, 42 m. NW. Girgenti. Santa Margherita Ligure, tn., Italy, ou coast of Genoa. Santa Maria, tn., Argentine Republic. Lat. 26° 22' S. Santa Maria a Monte, tn., Tuscany, on R. Arno. Santa Maria a Vico, vil., Italy, prov. Caserta. 226 SAN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER SAT Santa Maria di Capua, tn., Italy, 5 m. WNW. Caserta. Pop. 18.721. Santa Maria di Leuca, Cape, Italy. Lat. 39* 47' N., long. iS° 21' E. Santa Maria Island, uiie uf the Azoi'es. Santa Maria River, California, enters sea in Santa Barbara co. Santa Marta, t^pt., Culonibia, cap. of Magdalcna. SantaUaora, one of the Ionian Islands. Area 180 sq. ni. P. 20,892. Santa Monica, vil., Califuruia, Los Angeles co. Sant' Anastasia, tu., Italy, 5 ui. E. Xaples. Santander. piuv., N. Spain. Area 2018 sq. in. Pop. 242.843. Santander, sjit., Spain, cap. of above. Pop. 41,829. Santander, stale, Culonibia. Area 16,409 sq. ni. Pop. 440,436. Sant' Angelo del Lombardi, city, Italy, Niu. of Avelliuo. Sant' Angelo di Brolo, tn., Sicily, prov. Messina. Sant' Angelo Lodigiano, tn., Italy, 8 \\\. from LuUi. Santa Minfa, tn., Sicily, 10 m. SE. Salenii. Sant' Antimo. tn., Italy, 7 m. N. Naples. Sant" Antioco Island, Italy. Lat 39° 5' N., long. 8° 27' E. Santa Pola, tu., Spain, 12 ni. SW. Alicante. Sant' Arcangelo, tn., Italy, Foili, 7 ni. W. Uiniini. Santarem, tn., Purtugal, 50 in. XXE. Lisbon, on R. Tagus. Santarem, tn., Brazil, on 11. Amazon. Santa Rita, tn., Brazil, state Jlinas Geraes. Santa River, Peru, falls into Pacific 75 in. SE. Triyillo. Santa Rosa, tn., Peru. Liit. 14" 40' S., long. 70° 40' W. Santa Rosa, In., California, cap of Sonoma co. Santa Rosa Island, Califoniia, ofl^ Santa Barbara co. Santee River, S. Carolina, falls into sea ou border of Charleston co. Sant" Eramo in CoUe, tn., Italy, Bari, 11 m. E. Altamnra. Sant* Eafemia. vil., Italy. Calabria, 17 ni. NW. Ue,t;^Mi>. Santiago, pr -v., Cliili. Area 5223 sq. in. Pop, 368,615. Santiago AtitUn, tn., Guateinaia, on L:ike Atitlan. Pop. 20.000. Santiago de Chili, city, cap. of Cliili, at Andes. Pop. 139 332. Santiago de Compostela, city, Spain, Corunna. Pop. 24,192. Santiago de Cuba, .spt., Cuba, on S. coast. Pop. 71,307. Santiago de la Espada, tn., Spain, 73 in. NE. Jaen. Santiago de Ua Vegas, tn., Cuba, 15 in. S, Havana. Santiago delEatero, prov,, Argentine Republic. 31,500 sq. m. P.150,0C0. Santiago del Estero, city, cap. of above, on Rio iJulee. Pop. 13,000. Santiago de los Caballeroa, tn., Santo Domingo. Pop. 19,000. Santiago Island, one of the Cai>e Verd Islands. Pop. 37,000. Santiago River, Ecuador, trib. of the Amazon. Santiam River, Oregon, trib. of the Willamette R. Santipur, tn., Bengal. Lftt. 23° 14' X., long. 88° 29' E. Pop. 3J,070. Santisteban del Puerto, vil., Spain, 32 ni. from Jaeii. Santo Antonio, must X. Of Cape Verd Islands. Pop. 29,000. Santo Antonio de Sa, tn., Brazil, 30 m. NE. Rio de Janeiro. Santo Antonio dos Guarulhos, tn., Brazil, on R. Parahiba. Santo Domingo, city, cap. of Dominica. Pop. 16,000. Santo Domingo. .S> c aim Dominica. Sant' Oedenrode, vil., Netlierlands, 11 m. SE. Bols-le-Duc. Santona, tn., Spain, 16 m. E. Santander. Santorini, volcanic, Grecian Archipelago, 13 m. N. Xio. P. 14,783. Santos, hpt., Brazil, state and 34 in, SSE. Sao Paulo. Santo Stefano di Camastra, tn., Sicily, prov. Messiua. Santo Stefano Quisquino, tn., Sicily, prov. Girgenti. San Vicente, tn. in and 25 m. ESE. San Salvador. San Vicente, In., Spain, 33 in. X. Badajoz. San Vito dei Normanni, tn., Italy, 12 ni. from Brindisi. Sao Bernardo, city, Brazil, 70111. SSE. Ceara. Sao Franuisco River, Biuzil, falls into the Atlantic in lat. 10° 24' S. Sao Joao del Rey, city, Brazil, 80 m. S\V. Ouro Preto. Sao Joao do Principe, tn., Brazil, 60 m. WXW. Rio de Janeiro. Sao Jorge Island, one of the Azores. Pop. 18,000. Sao Leopoldo, German colony, Brazil, X. Poito Alegre. Pop. 20,000. Sao Leopoldo, tn., Brazil, 30 111. X. Porto Alegre. Saoli, 111., Cent. Piovs., India. Lat. 20° 5' X., long. 79' 50' E. SaoUgar, state forest, Betul state, Cent. Provs., India, Saone-et Loire, dep., W. France. 46° 30' X. 3302 sq. m. P. 625.885. Saoner, tn.. Cent. Provs,, India, Lat. 21° 23' X., long. 78° 5S' E. Saone River, France, trib. of the Rhone at Lyons. SaoPattlo, state, Brazil, on 11. Parana. Pop. 1,306,272. Sao Paulo, tn.,cap. of above, 220 m. WSW. Uio de Janeiro. P. 35,000. Sao Pedro do Sol. Sc& £lo Grande do Snl. Saorgaou, viL, Na;,'pur dist.. Cent. Piuvs., India. Sao Roque, Cape, Biiizil, coast of Uio Grande do Xorte. Sao Sebastiao, tn., Brazil, Paulo. Lat. 23° 48' S. Sapelo Island, Georgia, one of the Sea Islands. Saporo, tn.. Japan. Lat. 43" X., long. 141° 20' E. Sapucahl River, Itrazil, trib. of the R. Parana. Sara, p'lni'ni'i, ll.udoi dist., Oudh. Area 90 sq. m. Barabat River, .\^la Minor, falls into the Gnlf of Smyrna. Saragossa, prov., Spam, XE. of Madrid. Pop. 414,007. Saragossa, city, Spain, cap. of above, on R. Ehro. Pop. 92,407. Saragur, vil., Mysore dist., Mysore. Lat. 12^ N., long. 76' 25' E. Sarahsville, vil., Ohio, Noble Co., 3 m. from Caldwell Station, Saral Aghat, tn., Etah dist., X\V, Provs., India. Sarai Akhll, tn., N\V. Provs., India. Lat. 25' 22' X,, long, 81° 33' E. Saraikala, estate, Singhbhuin dist., Bengal. Sarai Kheta, vil., X\V, Provs., India, Lat. 25' 58' X.,long. 82''43'E. Sarai Mir, tn., Azamgarh, X\V. Provs., India. Saral Sldha, Uihiil, Alultan dist., Punjab. Sarakhs, tn., Persia. Lat. 36' 22' N., long. 61' 5 E. Saran, dist., Bengal. Area 2622 sq. in. Pop. 2,471,520. Saranac, vil., Michigan, Ionia co., 011 the Grand R. Baranac, vil. auil Inshp., Xew York, Clinton co,, on Saranac R. Saranac Lake, New Vork, Hamilton co. Area 25 sq. m. Saranac Lake, Xew York, Franklin co., source of Saranac R. Saranac River, New York, falls into Lake Cliamplain. Saranda Hills, Singhbhuin dist, Bengal. Alt. 2738 ft. Sarangarh, native state. Cent. Provs., Indi.i, Pop. 71,274. Sarangarh, chief tn., Sarangarh state, India, Sarangpur, tn., Dewas state. Central India, Pop. 13,513. Saransk, tu., Russia, 70 m. X. Peaza. Pop. 13,751. SarapuJ, tn., Russia, 195 in. SE. Viatka, on R. Kama. Sara River, New South Wales, trib. of Guy Fawkes R Sarasota Island, Florida, off coast of Manatee co Saraspor Hills, As^^am. Alt. about 2000 ft Saraswati River, Punjab, trib. of the Ghaggar, in 29° 51' N. Saraawati River, Rajpntana and Baroda to Ranu of Cutch. Saratha River, Orissa, in Balasor dist. Saratoga Springs, vil. and tushp., Xew York, Saratoga co. P. 11,975. Saratov, gov., Russia, on R. Volga. Ar. 32,583 sq. in. P. 2,346,333. Saratov, city, cap, of above. Lat. 51" 30' X. Pop. 122,829. Sarauli, vil., Fatehpur dist., XW. Provs., India. Sarawak, country, W. Borneo. Pop. 250.000. Sarawak, tn., cap. of Sarawak, W. Bt^rneo. Pop. 18.000. Sarawan, prov.. Baluchistan. Area 15,000 sq. ni. Pop. 50,000. Sarawan. tu., Baluchistan, cap. of above, 98 m W. Kelat. Sarayan River, Ondb, trib. of the Guinpti R. Sorda River, Oudli, rises in the Himalayas, trib. of the Clianka. Sardar Shar, tn., Il;ijputana, Bikaner state. Sardhana, tn., Meerutdist., NW. Provs., India. Pop. 13,313. Sardhana, tahsU, Meerutdist., XW. Provs., India. Sardinia, isl., Mediterranean, to Italy. Ar. 9309 sq. m. P. 735,688. Sardia, mined city, Asia Minor, 50 m. XE. Smyrna. Sardis, vil., Mississippi, cap. of Panola co. Sareni, jKLrgana, Rai Bai'eli dist., Oudli. Sarepta, tn., Russia, Saratov, on the Sarpa R. Sirguja, native state, Bengal. Ai'ea 6055 sq. m. Pop. 270,311. Sari, tn., Persia, cap. of Mazanderan, 15 m. S. Caspian Sea. Sarila, petty state. Central India. Area 35 sq. m. Sarisbury, eccl. dist. and vi!., Hants, 5 in. W. Fareliam, Surjapur. vil.. Mysore. I^t. 12" 52' X,, long, 77" 49' E. Sarkad, tn., Hungan', 35 m, SW. Grosswardein. Sarkandi, vil., Fatehpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Sarkar Agrahara Vellalur, tn, , Coimbatore dist., Madras. Sark Island, one of the Chan nel Islands, 8i m. X E. G uernsey. Sark River, Dumfriesshire, falls into the Solway Firth. Sarlat, tn., France, Dordogne, 44 in. SE. Periguenx. Samano, tn., Italy, prov. and 10 m. SSW. Macerata. Sarnen, tn., Switzerland, cap. of Unterwalden. Samen Lake, Switzerland, Unterwalden. Sarnia, tu., Ontario, cap. of Lanibton co,, on St. Clair R. Sirno, tn., Italy, prov. and 13 m. XW. Salerno. Saromannagar, iiargaiux, Hardoi dist., Oudh. Saromannagar, hdqrs. tn., Saromannagar jnrf/ajut. Saronno, tn., LombarUy, 14 m. NW. Milan. Siroa, Gulf of, Turkey. Lat. 40" 35' N., long. 26" 40' E. Sarpa River, Russia, trib. of the Volga, S. of Tsaritsin. Sarpaborg, tn., Norway, Siuaaleuene, on R. Glomnien. Sarran Swamp, New South Wales, cos. Narran and Finch. Sarre River. Sec Eaar River. Sirsa, tn., Kaira dist., Bombay. Lat. 22° 33' X., long. 73° 7' E. SarsaganJ, vil,, XW. Prov.s., India. Lat. 27° 3' N., long. 78° 43' E. Barsawa, tn., Saharanpur dist., NW. Provinces, India. Sarsfield, tn,, Victoria, co. Dargo, 193 m. E. Melbourne. Sarsina, In., Italy, Forli, 4 m. SW, Mercato Sarraceno. Sartar Oe, isl., Norway, 5 in. W. Bergen. Area about 150 sq. m, Sarteano, tu., Italy, Siena, 5 m. WSW. Chiusi. Sartfene, tn., Corsica, 30 ni. SSE. A,iaccio. Sarthe, dep., France. 47° 53' N., o" 20 W. 2396 sq. in. Pop. 436,111. Sarthe River, France, Sartlie dep., trib. of the Mayenne R. Saru Hill. Bengal. Lat. 23' 30' N., long. 84' 30' E. Alt. 3615 ft. Simm, Old,,, M'ilts, 2 in, from Salisbury. Sarvasiddhi, taluk, Vizagapataiu dist., Madras. Sarvepalli, tn., Madi-as, Nellore dist. Sarwan, \il., Oudh. Lat. 26° 36' X., long. 80" 56' E. Sarwar, tn., Rajputana, Kisliangarh dist. Sarzana, tn., Italy, Genoa. 8 ni. E. La Spezia. Saskatchewan, dist., XW. Ten, Canada. 1 14,000 sq. m. Pop. 10,746. Saskatchewan River, Canada, falls into Lake Winnipeg. Sasni, tu., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27" 42' X., long. 78° 8' E. Sassafras, tn., Tasmania, co. Devon, 267 m. X. Hobart. Sassafras River, Maryland, falls into Chesapeake Bay. Saasari, prov., Sardinia. Lat. 40° 40' X. 4141 sq. m. Sasaeram, sub-div., Sliahabad dist., Bengal. Saaseram, ehief tn. of above. Lat. 24" 56' X., long. 84° 3' E. Sisslav. Sec Zaalav. Sassoferrato, tn., Italy, in the Slarches, 7 m. XW. Fabbriano. Sassuolo, tn., Italy, 10 in. SW. Modena. Saawar, tn., Bombay. Lat. 18' 20' X., long. 74° 4' E. Sata, branch of the Indus, Bombay. Satalge, tn,, Thcssaly, 20 m. S. Larissa. Batallah. -Stv Adalia. Batana, sub-div., Xasik dist., Bombay. Ar. 619 sq. m Satana, tn., Satana sub-div., Xasik dist., Hoinbay. Satan's Toe, Lake, New South Wales, co. Manara. Batara, dist., Uomlviy. Area4QS8 sq. m. Pop. 1,226,310. Satara, chief tn., Satara dist. Lat. \f 41' N., 74° ■/ E. Pop. 29.600. Batara Jagirs, The, grouji of native sta^-'s, Bombay. Ar, 38^1 sq. 111. Satersdalen, dist., Norway. Lat. 59' X., long. 70° 30' E. Sathamba, petty state, Bombay. Sathan, In., SultAiipur dist.. Oudh. BatiUa River, Georgia, falls into St. Andrew's Sound. Batkhira, sub-div., Knliia dist., Bengal. Area 702 sq. m. Batkhira, chief tn. of above. Lat. 22' 42' X., long. 89" 7' E, SatlaJ. ^Vo ButleJ. Satlasna, native state, Bombay. Satley, tnshp. and eccl. dist., "Durham, SW. of Lancbcstcr. Satodar Waori, petty state, Bombay. Area 13 sq. in. SatoralJaUjholy, tn., Hungary, 8 m. WSW. Zemplin. Batpura Mountains, Biunbay. Lat. m" 50' X., long. 74° 30' E. Batrikh, ]>a-yjar. and vil., Lincolnshire, partly in Brigg. Sceaux, tn., France, dep. Seine, 6 m. S. Paris. Schaefferstown, vil., Pennsylvania, Lebanon co. Schaerbeek, tn., Belgium, on R. Senne. Pop. 52,692. Schaffhausen, canton, N. Switzerland. Area 114 sq. m. Pop. 37,879, Schank, Cape, Victoria, on coast of co. Mornington. Schank, Mount, S, Australia, co. Grey, 4 m. S. Mount Gambier. Schasaburg, tn., Transylvania, on Great Kokel. Schaumburg-Lippe, principality, Germany. 134 sq. m. Pop 39,183. Schefferstadt, vil., Bavaria, 6 m. NNW. Speyer. Scheibenberg, vil.. Saxony, 6 m. S. Schwarzcnberg. Schel. The, peak of Cheviot Hills, Roxburghshire. Alt. 1979 ft. Scheldt River, France and Belgium, falls into sea in Zealand. Schelestadt. S''e. Schlettstadt. Schelling. See Terschelling. Schemes Islets, co. Cork, in Roaringwater Bay. Schemnitz, tu., Hungary. 45 in. N. Gran. Pop. 15,265. Schenectady, city, New Vork, cap. of Schenectady co. Pop. 19,902. Schenevus, \il., New York, Otsego co., on Schenevus Creek. Scheveningen, tn., Holland, 2 m. NW. The Hague. Schiedam, tn., Holland, Lat. 51' 56' N., long. 4' 26' E- Pop. 25,620. SchlehalUon, mtn., Perllishire, 11 ni. NW. Aberfeldy. Alt. 3547 ft. Schievelbein, tn., Poiiu'rauia, 36 m. SW. Coslin. Schihallion. Sec Schiehallion. Schiltigheim, vil., Germany, i ni. N. Strasburg. Schintznach, vil., Switzerland, canton Aargau, on R. Aar. Schio, tn., Italy, 15 m. N. Vicenza. Schkeuditz, tu., Prussian Saxony, on R. Elster. Schlan, tn., Bohemia, 20 ni. NW. Prague. Schlangenbad, tn., Prussia, 6 m. W. Wiesbaden. Schliwe, tn., Pomerania, 23 m. E. Coslin, on R. Wipper. Schlei Fiord, on E. coast of Schleswig, 21 m. long. Schieitz, tu., Germany, cap. of Reuss-Schleitz, 24 ni. SW. Gera. Schlesien. See Silesia. Schleswig, tn., Schleswiu'-Holstein, on Schlei Fiord. Pop. 15,187. Schleswiger Fiord. See Schlei Fiord. Schleswig-Holstein, prov., Prussia, S. of Denmark. Pop. 1,217,393. Schlettstadt, tn., Lower Alsace, 26 ni. SW. Strasburg. Suhle using en, tn., Prussian Saxony, 35 ra. WSW. Erfurt. Schlusselburg, tn., Russia, 2t ni. E. St. Petersburg. Schmalkalden, tn., Prussia, it m. N. Meiningen. Schmiedeberg, tn., Prussian Sdesia, 31 ni. SW. Liegnitz SchmoUn, tn., Germany, 7 m. SW. Altenburg. Schnapper"a Point. Sre Momington. Schneeberg. tn., Saxnuy, on K. Mulde. Schneekoppe, peak of Uiesen Gebirge, Prussian Silesia. 50" 46' N". Schneidemuhl. tn., Prussia, 54 in. W. Bromberg. Schodack Landing, vil., New York, Rensselaer co., on Hudson R. Schoharie, vil. and tnshp., New York, caji. of Schoharie CO. Scholes, tn., W. Riding, Yorkshire. 5 ni. S. Huddersfield. Schonau, Gross, tn., Saxony, Zittau dist. Schonberg, tn., Moravia, 28 m. NW. Ohnvitz. Schonbrunn, imperial palace, Austria, i\ m. SW. Vienna. Schonebeck, tn., Prussian Saxony, 10 m. SSE. Magdeburg. P. 14,193. Schoneberg, suburb of Berlin, to SW. Pop. 15,905. Schonheide, vil.. Saxony, 12 m. W. Schwarzenberg. Schoningen, tn., Germany, 20 m. from Brunswick. Schonlinde, tn., Bohemia, 33 ni. NE. Leitmeritz. Schoodic Lakes, group of about 12 lakes, Maine, U.S. Schoodic River, Maine, branch of the St. Croix R. Schoolcraft, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Kalamazoo co. Schoonen, to., Sweden. Lat. 55° 50' N., long. 13° E. Schoppinitz, tu., Prussia, Kattowitz. 228 SCH THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER SEE Schorndorf, tn., 'Wurtembcrg, i6 m. E. Stuttgart. Schoaten Island, oil' N. coast of Papua. Long. 136" E. Schouten Island, Tasmania, oil' Freycinet Peninsula. Schouwen Island, N.-iuost of islands of Zealand, Netherlands. fichraalenburg, vil.. Now Jersey, Bergen co. Schreckhorn, one of the Bernese Alps. Alt. 13,386 ft. fichrimm, tii., Prussia, 2j 111. SSIil. Posen. Bchroon Lake, expansion. Of the Schroon U., New Yoik. Schroon River, New York, Essex co., trib. of the Hudson R. Scholenbiirg, ^ it., Texas, Fayette co., 25 ni. W. Columbus. Schumla. i^oi Shumla. fichutt. Great and Little, 2 isls., in the Danube, Hungary. Schuttenhofen, tn., linlieniia, 15 ni. SE. Klattau. Bchnyler, vil. and tnslip., Nebraska, cap. of Colfax co., on Platte It. Schnylersville, vil., New York, Saratoj;a CO., on Hiulson U. SchuyUdd Haven, bor., Pennsylvania, ScliuylkiU co. Schuylkill River, Pennsylvania, trib. of the Delaware R. fichwabach. In., Bavaria, 9 ni. SW, Nuremberg. fichwabing, tn., Bavaria, dist. and neiir Municli. Scbwarzawa River, GiMiiiany. Lat. 49° 15' N., long. 16° 30' E. Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. inincipality, Germany. Pop. 85,838. Schwarzbmg Sondershaaaen, priuciiKility, Germany. Pop. 75,514, Schwarzwald, .Si r' Black Forest. Schwarzwasser River, Prussia, trib. of the Vistula at Scliwctz. Schwarzwasser River, Bohemia, trib. oftlie Mnlde. Schwatz, tn., Tyrol, on R. Inn, 6 m. NE. Innspruck. Schwedt, tn., Prussia, Brandenburg, on R. Otlcr. Schweidnitz, tn., Prussian Silesia. 50" 50' N., 16' 2S' E. Pop. 24,793. Schweinlmt, tn., Bavaria, on R. Main. Echwelm, tn., Westphalia, 35 m. WSW. Arnsberg. Schwerin, tn., Germany, cap. of Meeklenburg-Schwcrin. Pop. 31,041. Schweriu, tn., Prussia, 60 in. WNW. Posen, on R. Warta. Bchwerte, tn., Westphalia, 22 ni. W. Arnsberg. Ecliwetz, tn., Prussia, 31 m. SW. Marienwerder. Bchwetzingen, tn., Baden, 6 m. WSW. Heidelberg. Bchwiebus, tn., Brandenburg, 41 ni. ESE. Frankfort. Bchwytz, canton, Switzerland, on Lake of Lucerne. Pop. 50,396. Bchwytz, tn., cap. of above. Lat. 47° 1' N., long. 8^ 39' E. Schyl River, Transylvania and Rouinania, trib. of the Danube. Bciacca, spt., Sicily, on S. coast. Pop. 20,709. BcicU, tn., Sicily, Syracuse, 6 ni. SW. Modica. ScigUo. Sve. Scilla. Scllla, tn., Italy, on Strait of Messina. BciUa, Cape, lUtly, on Strait of Messina. SciUy, vil., CO. Cork, suburb of Kinsale. Bcilly Islands, English Channel. Lat. 50' N. . long. 6' W. 3560 acres. Scindo. .S" Siad. Sclndia's Dominion. .Sfc Gwalior. Bcio, tn., cap. of Scio Island, on E. coast. Pop. 14,500. Bclo, vil. and tnshp., New York, Alleghany co., on Genesee R. Bcio, vil., Ohio, Harrison co., 33 m. W. Steubenville. Bcio Island, Asia Minor, off W. coast. Area 508 sq. ni. Bcioto River, Ohio, trib. of the Oliio R. Sciotoville, vil., Ohio, Scioto co., on the Ohio R. BclBset, vil., par., and eccl. dist, W. Riding, Yorkshire. Sclavonia. Nic Slavonia. ficobie. Mount, Victoria, co. Rodney, Nii*. Oi Lake Cooper. Bconce Point, headland. Isle of Wiglit, 1 m. W. Yarmouth. Scone, par., vil,, and palace, Pertlishire, on R. Tay. Scone, tn.. New South Wales, 167 lu. N. Sydney. Bcoonie, par., Fifeshire, on S. coast. Area 4091 acres. Scordla, tn., Sicily, 17 ni. SW. Catania. Scoresby Land, Arctic Ocean. Lat, 70' N., long, 30° W. Scotch, tn., Nova Scotia, Hants co., on KeuneLcoolc R. Scotch Plains, vil., New Jersey, Union co. Also called Fanwood. Scotch Village, .sVr Scotch. Scotia, vil., Nebraska, cap. of Greeley co., on North Loui) Creek. Scotland, N. portion of Great Britiiin. 30,463 sq. m. Pop. 4,035,103. Bcotland, pari, div., Liveriiool. Pop. 53,723. Scotland, vd,, Ontario, co. Brant, 11 ni. from Brantford. Bco'.land Neck, vil,, N. Carolina, Halifax co. Bcotstown, ^ 1]., eo. and i m. E. Renfrew. Bcotswood, \il., Nt»rlhunibcrland, ou R. Tyne. Scott, Cape, British Columbia, N W. point of Vancouver Island, Scottdale, bur., Pennsylvania, Westmorelatid co. Scotter, par. and vil., Lini'olnshire, NW. of Kii'ton-in-Lindsey. Bcott Island, Colunibia. Lat. 51° N., long, 129° W. Bcott Rani^e, mtns., t^U'Tuslaml, N. Gregory, N. of Emu Downs. Bcottsborough, \il., Alabama, cap. of Jackson co. Scottsburg, \\\., Mnliana, cap. of Scott co. ficottaburg. vil., Krntucky, cap. of Caldwell co. Bcottsville, vil., New York, Monroe co., ou the Genesee R. Scottsvllle, \ il. and tnshp., Virginia, Albemarle co.. on James R. Scour Ouran, intn., Ross and Cromarty, 2 m, SW. Ben Attow. Bcovils Mills, set.. New Brunswick, co, Westmoreland. Scrabby, par. and vil., co. Cavaii, on Lough (Jowna. Scrabater, spt., Caithness, par. and li m. NW. Tlnirso. ScraggB, mtn., co. Donegal, near Lough Finn. Alt. 1406 ft, Scranton, vil., Mississippi, cap. of Jackson co., on Gulf of Jlexico. Scranton, city, Pennsylvania, cap. of Lackawanna co. Pop, 75,216, Scranton Station, vil,, Iowa, Greene CO., 110 ni. W. Blull's, Scrape, The, mtn., Peeblesshire. Alt. 2347 ft. Scrope Range, nitns., New South Wales, co. Tandoi'o. Ec^u'cg Lake, Ontario, co. Duiliani. Area 125 si]. m. ficugog River, Ontario, co. Victoria, drains Scugog I,ake. Sculr-na-Oillean, sunnnit of the Cuilliu Hills, Skye Island. 3167 ft. ScalrofEIgg, hill, Eigg Lslan:ir., Leicestershire, 4 ni. SW. Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Seal, Nether and Over, tnshp., Leicestershire, Seal par. Sealer's Cove, bay, Victoria, on E. coast of Wilson l*roniontory. Seal Island, Nova Scotia, 18 ni. W, Cape Sable. Seal Island, Cape Breton Island, Inverness co. Seal Islands, Newfoundland, at entry to Garia Bay. Seal Islands, Victoria, otf E. coast of co. Buln-Buln. Seal Lake, Labrador. Lat. 56^ 15' N., long. 71° 5' W. Seal River, Keewatin, falls into Hmlsou Bay. Seal Rock. .?ee Sugar Loaf Point. Seamab HUl, peak of the Ochils, Perthshire. Alt. 1442 ft. Seamer-near-Scarborough, par., tnshp., and vil., N. Riding, Yorks. Seapatrick, jiar. and vil., co. Down, i m. from Banbridgc. Sea Range, nitns., N. Territory, Australia, N. of Victoria 11. Searcy, vil., Arkansas, cap. of White co., on Little Red li. Seasalter, par., Kent, SW, of Whitstable. Seaton, tnshp., Cumberland, on R. Derwent, Vni. NE. Woikingtou. Seaton, In., Devonshire, at mouth of R. Axe. Seaton, North, tnshp. and vil., Northumberlanu, 8 in. E. Morpeth. Seaton and Beer, par., Devonshire, containing Seaton. Seaton Carew, tn. and tnshp., Durham, tnshii. in Hartlepool. Seaton Delaval, tnshp. and vil., Northumberland, 3 m. SW. Blyth. Seat Sandal, mtn., Westmorland, 3 m. N. Grasinere. Alt. 2415 ft. Seattle, tn., Wasliington, cap. of King co. ou Admiraltv Inlet. Pop. 42,837. Sea View, Mount, New South Wales, co. fiawes. Sehago Like, Maine, Cumberland en. Area 140 sq. m. Sebasticook River, Maine, trib. of the Kennebec R. Sebastopol, Crimea. Sen Sevastopol. Sebastopol, dist,, Victoria, co, Greuville, 99 ni. NW. Melbourne. Sebec Lake, Maine, Piscataquis co. Area 10 sq. m. Sebenico, tn., Dalmatia, 42 m. SE. Zara. ou the coast. Sebewaing, vil. and tnshp,, Michigan, Huron co. Sebnitz, tn,, Saxony, 24 m. ESE. Dresden. Sebringville, vil., Outario, co. Perth, 40^ lu. SE. Goderich. Sebustieh, modern name for Samaria. Sebzevar, tn., Persia. Lat. 36" 10' N., long. 57° 45' E. Secaucus, vil.. New Jersey, Hudson eo., 4 m. N. Jersey City. Sechshaus, vil., Austria, near Vienna. Pop. 11,650. Se Chuen, piov,, China, adjoining Tibet, 1^5,045 sq. m. P. 71,073,730. Sechura, tn., Peru. I^t. 5° 35' S., long. So'' 53' W. Secltn, tn., France, Nord, 6 m. SW. Lille. Second Falls, vil.. New BruHSwick, co, Charlotte. Secondlgliano, tn., Italy, 3 m. N. Italy. Second Valley, post centre, S. Australia, 57 m, SW. Adelaide. Secor, vil., Illinois, Woodford co., 6 m. W. El Paso. Secretary Island, New Zealand, off co. Fiord. Area 50 sq. ni. Secunderabad, cantonment, Haidarabad state 17° 26' N. Secunderabad. Sv,6 also Sikandarabad. Sedalia, vil., IiKliana, Clinton co,, 28 m. SW. Logansi>ort. Bedalla, city, Missouri, cap. of Pettis co. Pop. 14,068, Sedan, tn., France, Ardennes. Lat, 49" 45' N., long, 5° E. P. 19,556. Sedan, tn,, S. Australia, co. Eyre, 69 m, KE. Adelaide. Sedan, vil. and tushp., Kansas, cap. of Chautauqua co. Sedbergh, tn., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 14 m. NW. Ingleton. Sedgefleld, tn., par., and tnshp., Durham, 9 in, N W. Stockton. Sed^eley, ])ar., Slallordsliire, within Wolverhampton. Sedgeley, Upper, tii., Stallbrdshii-e, 3 m. S. Widverhanipton. P. 14,961, Sedgemoor, marshy tract, Somerset, 5 m. SE. Bridgwater. Sedgley. Sre Sedgeley. Sedgwick, vil. and tnshp,, Kansas, Harvey co. Sedgwick, Mount, Tasmania, Co. Moulagu. Sedlitz. vil., Bohemia, 14 m. froui Saatz. SeeBn, peak. Castlo OUver Hills, cc. Limerick. Beefingan, mtn., N. co. Wicklow. Alt. 2364 ft. Seein, vil., co. Tyrone, near Strabanc. Seek, vil., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co., 20 m. NE. Pittsville. Seeland. Stc Zealand. Seeley'a Bay, vil., Ontario, co. Leeds, 22 m, from Kingston. Seeley'a Mills, set,, New Brunswick, co. Kings, 9 m. from Sussex. SeelejrvUle, vil., Pennsylvania, Wayne co., on Lackawaxcn Creek. SeeskerHohe, mtu., Germany. Lat. 54° n' N., lung. 22° 20' E. Seez. to,. Fiance, in dcp. and on R. Orne. Sefld Rud River, Persia, falls into the Casidan Sea. Sefton, tn., New Zealand, co, Ashley. Lat. 43' 5' S,, long. 172' 44' E, Sefton, par. and tnshp., SW. Lanc^ishire. Segeberg, tn., Ilnlst'tin, 28 m. NE. Hamburg, Seghill, tn., tnshj>., local gov., and eccl. dist., Northumberland. Segnl, tn., Italy, iifuiia, i% m. E. Vellelri, Bego, tn,, Soudan, can, of Bambarra, on R. Joliba. Pop. 30,000. Sego Lake, Russia, 30 m. NW. Lake Onega. Area 4tx) sq. ni. Segorbe, city, Sjiain, 25 m. WSW. Castellon do la Plana. Segovia, prov.. Old Castile. Spain. Area 2714 sq. m. Pop. 154,467. Segovia, city, Spain, cap. of above. Lat. 41° N., 4° 10' W. P. 11,465. Segre River, Spain, trib. oftlie Ebro. Lat. 41° 25' N., lung, o" 15' K Seguin, vil., Texas, cap. of Guadalupe co., on Guadalujie R. Seguln Inland, Mai[ic, oH' mouth of Kennebec R, Segura River, Spain, falls into the Mediterninean at Guardamar. Segu-Slkoro. tn., Sencgambia, Lat. 13° 30' N., long. 6' 10' W. Sehl, vil.. NW. Provs , India. Lat. 27' 40' N., long. 77° 41' E. Behora, \i\.. Bhaiidara dist.. Central Provinces, Indi;u 229 SEH THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER SEW Behore, tn., Bhopal stato, Cent. India. Lat. 23' 11' N., long. 77" 7' E. Eehwan, sub-tliv., Karachi dist., Uonibay. Area 5759 sq. m. Behwau, tahO:, Karachi dist., Bombay. Area P23 sq. in. Behwan, chief tn., beh\vau iaXxi.k. Lat. 26° 26' N., long. 67° 54' E. Beidlitz. .S('3 Sedlitz. Beifhennersdorf, vil., Saxony, g ni. NW. Zittau. EeillsUad, otf Argyllshire, 4 ni. SE. Mnll. Belm River, Russia, Tcherniijov, trib. of R. Desna. Beine, (Irp., France, containing Paris. Ar. 1S4 sq. m. Pop. 2,961,089. Seine, River, France, falls into the English Channel. Seine-et-Marne, dep., France, E. of Pans. 2215 sq. m. Pop. 365,136. Seine et-Oise, dep., France, around Seine dep. 2164 sq. m. P. 618.089. Seine-lnferieure, dep., N. France. Area 2330 sq. ni. Pop. 833,386. Seiont River, Carnarvonshire, fall.s into the Menai Strait. Eeistan, loiiiier prov. of Afghan istmi, now in Persia. Seistan Swamp, Persia. Lat. 31° X., long. 61° 10' E. Sejakpur, petty state, Bombay. Area 29 sq. in. Selattyn, par. and vil,, Shroi>shire, near Oswestry. Selboiime, par. and vih, Hants, 4 m. SE. Alton. Selby, til. and par., W. Riding, Yorks, on R. Oiise, 14 m. S. York. Selenga River, Mongolia and Transbaikal, enters Lake Baikal. Sele River, Italy, falls into the Gulf of Salerno. Selimno, tn., Roiimelia, 65 m. NW. Adrianople. Pop. 15,000. Selin'a Grove, bor., Pennsylvania, Snyder co., 10 ni. E. Midillebnrg. Selkirk, co. tn. and par., Selkirkshire. Lat. 55° 34' N., 2" 53' W. Selkirk, vil., Manitoba, co. Lisgar, on Red U. Selkirk Range, iiitns., British Columbia, part of Rocky Mountains. Selkirkshire, CO., Scotland, S. of Edinburgh. Pop. 27,349. Sellersville, bor., Pennsylvania, Bucks co., 31 m. N. Philadelpliia. Belly Oak. eccl. dist., "Worcestershire, within Birmingham. Selma, city, Alabama, cap. of Dallas co., on Alabama R. Selasa. Sec Selsey. Belaey, par. and vil., Sussex, 7 m. S. Cliichester. Selsey Bill, headland, Sussex, Selsey par. Selston, par. and vil., Nottinghamshire, 7 m. SW. MansfiLld. Belters. S:t Nieder Selters. Selwyn Range, mtns., Queensland, dist. N. Gregory. Semaphore, wacering-pl., S. Australia, co. and 94 ni. from Adelaide. Semendria, tn., Servia, on R. Danube. Semeru, Mount, Java. Lat. 8° S., long. 113° E. Semipalatinsk, gov., Russian Turkestan. Pop. 574,132. Semipalatinsk, tn., Russian, cap. of abuve. Fop. 17,217. Semiretchinsk, gov., Russian Central Asia. Pop. 666,339. Semliansk, tn,, Russia, gov. and 25 m. NW. Voronezh. Semliki River, Alrica, between Alljert and Albert Edward Nyanzas. Semlin, tn., Slavonia, on the Danube, 3 m. from Belgrade. Semmering Pass, between Vienna and Trieste. Alt. ^066 ft. Sempach, tu., Switzerland, on Lake of Sempach. Sempach, Lake of, Switzerland, 8 m. NW. Lucerne. Sempst. vil., Belgium, on R. Senne, 10 m. NE. Brussels Semur-en-Auxois, tn., France, dep. Cute-d'Or. Sena, tn , Portuguese E. Africa, on R. Zambezi. Se-NanFu, city, China, Quoi Chow, on R. U-Kiang. Send and Ripley, jiar., Surrey, on II. Wcy. Senday, tn., Japan, Hondo, on E. coast. Lat. 38° 14' N. Sendgarsa, plateau, Santal Pargaiias, Bengal. Alt. 2000 ft. Sendurjana, tn., Berar, in Amraoti dist. Seneca, vil., Illinois, La Salle co., 32 m. W. Joliet. Seneca, vil., Kansas, cap. of Nemaha Co., 77 m. W. St. Joseph. Seneca Falls, vil. and tnsh]»., New York, Seneca co., on Seneca Lake. Seneca Lake, New York. Area about 120 sq. m. Seneca River, New York, between Seneca and Cayuga l.akes. SenecaviUe, vil., Ohio, Guernsey co., 10 m. SE. Cambridge. Seneffe, vil., Belgium, iS m. NE. Mons. Senegal, French colony, W. Africa. 112,000 sq. m. Pop. 1,350,000. Senegal River, W. Africa, enters Atlantic Ocean in lat. 16' N. Senegambia, region, W. Africa. 290,000 sq. m. Pop. 12,000,000. Senegambia, French colony, Africa. Stt Senegal. Se Ngan Fu, city, China, Quang-Si, 45 m. N. Nan-Xing. Senger River, Argentine Repuldic. Lat. 45° 50' S., long. 70° W. Senhati, tn., lieiigal, Khuluadist. Senise, tn.. Italy, Basilicatn, 29 m. E. Lagoncgro. Senjen Island, Norway, off NW. coast. Lat. 69" 20' N. Eenkov, In., Russia, 42 m. NNW. Pultava. Pop. 10,589. Senlia, tn., France, dep. Oise, 33 m. NE. Paris. Senna, tn,, Persia, Irak Ajcmi, NW. of Hamadan. Senna. .SVe oXm Sena. Eennaar, dist., Egyptian Soudan, on Blue Nile. Area 60,000 sq. ra. Sennaar, city, Soudan, Sennaar dist. Senne River, Belgium, joins the Ruptd R. Sennheim, tu., Alsace, 8 m. N. Mixhlhausen. Senoia, \ il., Georgia, Coweta co., 79 m. NW. Macon. BjnB, city, France, Yonne, on R. Yunne. Pop. 13,515. Sentis, Mount, Switzerland. Lat. 47" 15' N. Alt. 8232 ft. Seo de Urgel, city, Spain, 67 m. N Fi. Lerida. Seonath River, Central Provinc-es. India, trib. of the ^Mahanaui. Eeondara, vil., Moradabad dist., NW. Provinces, India. Seoni, . of Seward co., on Big Blue R. Sewestan, prov., Afghanistan, W. of Sulaimau Muuntaius. 230 SEW THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER SHE BewicUey, bor., Pennsylvania, AUegliany co., on Oliio R. Sexton, tuslip., Victoria, co. Talbot, 12S m. NW. Melbounie. Beychelles, isla., Indian Ocean. Lat. 4' S., long. 55° E. Pop. 13,344. Sejrmonr, tnshp., Victoria, co. Anglesey, 6ii ni. N. Melbourne. Seymour, city, Indiana, Jackson co., 59 ni. S. Indianapolis. Seymour, vil., Iowa, Wayne co., 124 ni. W. Burlington. Seymour, vil., Texas, cap. of Baylor co., 9 m. S. Oregon City. Seymour, city, Wisconsin, Outagamie co., 17 ni. W. Green Bay. Seymour Inlet, British Columbia. Lat. 51" 5' N., long. 127° W. Eeyne, spt., I" ranee, dep. Var, 3 m. S\V. Toulon. Seyny, tn., Russian Poland, 36 m. NW. Grodno. Suzanne, tn., France, dep. Marne, 25 ni. S\V. Epernay. Sezza, tn., Italy, SE. of Velletri. Sfax, tn., Tunis, 70 m. NXE. Cabes. SguiT naBanachdich, peak, Cuillin Hills, Skye. Alt. 3167 ft. Sgurrna Lapaich. nitn., Inverness-sliire, on Loch Monar. Sgurr nan GiUean. Sft Scuir-naGillean. fihabata, tn., Servia, on R. Save, 56 ni. W. Belgrade. Shabln-KarahlsBar, tn., Turkey, 95 m, EXE. Sivas. Shabkadar, tn., Punjab. Lat. 34° 10' N., long. 71° 3V E. Shade Mountain, hill range, Pennsylvania, Alleghany Mtns. Ehadforth, eccl. dist. and tnshp., co. and 5 ni. tiE. Durham. Shadrinsk, tn., Russia, gov. Perm, on R. Iset. Pop. 14,764. Bhadwell, par., Middlesex, Tower Hamlets, on R. Thames. Shaft, \\\., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co., 13 ni. N. Pottsville. Shaftesbury, bor., Dorset, 28 m. NE. Dorchester, Shahibad, dist., Bengal. Area 4365 sq. ni. Pop. 2,042,120. Ehahabad, ttihsil, Hardoi dist., Oudh. Area 539 sq. m. Ehababad, j'c'V'^na, Hardoi dist., Oudh. Area 131 sq. m. Ehahabad, lidqrs. tn., Slialiabail tahsil. Ehahabad, tn., Ambala dist., Punjab. Lat. 30° 10' N. Ehahabad, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 28° 33' N., long. 79° 4' E. Ehahabad, tn., Kashmir. Lat. 33° 32' N., 75" 16' E, Alt. 5600 ft. Shahabazar, tn., Bombay, Dliarwar dist. Shahada, sub-div., Kliandesh dist., Bombay. Area 479 sq. m Shahada, cliief tn., fSbahada sub-div,, Bombay. Shahapur, sub-div., Thana dist., Bombay. Area 870 sq. m Shahapur, chief tn., Sliahapur sub-div., Bombay. Shah.apur, tn.. Sangli state, Bombay. Lat. 15° 50' X., long. 74" 33' E, Ehahara, tn., Niniardist., Cent. Provs., India. Ehahbandar, sub-div., Karachi dist., Bombay Ehahbandar, tclukj Karachi dist., Bombay. Ehahbandar, cliief In. of above. Lat. 24" 10' N., long. 67" 56' E. Shahbaznagar, vil., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27° 56' N., 79" 55' E. Shahbazpur, \\\., Fatehpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Shahdadpur, Sind. Sic Kambar. ShahdadpQT, ti'Ink, Haidarabad dist., Bombay. Shahdadpur, chief tn. of above. Lat, 25' 56' N., lon^. 68' 40' E. Shahdara, tn., NW. Provs. , India. I>at. 28° 40' N., long. 77° 20' E. Shahganj, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 26° 2' N., long. 82" 43' E. Shahganj, tn., Faizabad dist., Oudh. Shahgarh, tn., Cent. Prov.s., India. Lat. 24° 19' N., long. 79" E. fihahjahanpur, riist., NW. Provs., India. 1745 sq. m. Pop. 918,420. Ehahjahanpur, tohsil, in above dist. Area 401 sq. m. Ehahjahanpur, chief tn., Sliahjahaniiur dist. Pop. 77,690. Ehahjahanpiu-, tn., Gwalior state. Central India. Ehahpur, dist., Punjab. Area 4840 sq. m. Pop. 493,490. Shahpur, tahsil, Sliahpur dist., Punjab. Area 1032 sq. m Shahpur, tn., I'uiijab. Lat. 32' 16' N., long. 72° 31' E. Ehahpur, vil., Muitradist., NW. Provs., India. Ehahpur, tn., Gnrdaspur dist., Punjab. Ehahpur, vil., Kagar dist., Cent. Provs., India. Shahpur, vil., Niniardist., Cent. Provs., India. Shahpur, petty state, Bombay. Area 10 sq. m. Shahpura, native state, Kn.iputana. Area 400 sq. m. Pop. 51,750. Shahpura, tn.. Cap. of above. Lat. 27° 23' N., long. 76° i' E. Shahpura. tn., Mandla dist., Cent. Provs., India. Ehahpur Hills, Mandla dist., Cent. Provs., luilia. Shahpurllsland, Cliittagong, Bengal, in month of Naaf R. Bhahr Sultan, In., Muzalfargarh dist., Punjab. Lat. 29° 35' N. Shah Rud, tn., Persia, 45 m. KK. Astrabad. Shah Rud River, Persia, joins the Kizil-Uzen. fihahzadpur, tn., NW. Prov.s., India. Lat. 25° 39' N,, long. 81" 27' E. Shaikhawati, jirov., Jaipur, Kajpntana. Area 5403 sq. m. Shaikh Budln, sanitarium, Punjab. Lat. 32° 17' N., long. 70" 50' E. Bhaikhpura, tti., Bengal. Lat. 25° 8' N., long. 85" 53' E. Shakargarh, tahsil, Gnrdaspur dist., Punjab. Shakeflpeare, vil., Ontario, Perth co., 82 ni. W. Toronto. Shakopee, vil., Minnesota, cap. of Scott co., 42 in. W. Hastings. Shaldon. vil., Devonshire, at mouth of R. Teign. Shalfleet, par. and vil., Isle of Wight, E. of Yarmouth. Shalford, jiar. and vil., Surrey, jiartly in Guildford, on R. Wey. Shall, hill, I'unjab. Lat. 31" 11' N., long. 77° 20' E. Alt. 9623 ft. Shalvarl, tn., liharwar r., Pennsylvania, NorLhnmborland co. Pop. 14,403. Shamrock Bank, in month of the English Channel. Bhamsabad. tu., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27° 32' N., long. 79° 28' E. BhaniBha River, Mysore, trib. of the Cauvery. Bhamsherganl, vil., Sylhet dist., Assam. Lat. 24' 43' N., 91* 34' E. Shanagolden, \mr. and vil., co. Limerick, 3 ni. 8. Foynes. Bhandon, hamlet, Dumbartonshire, on Garc Loch. Bhandrum, par., co. Cork, 4 m. SW. Charleville. Area 13,451 acres. Shane's Croaslng, vil., Ohio, Mercer co., on St. Mary It. Shang-Hai, lire spt., China. Lat. 31° 30' N., 121° 30' E. P. 375,000. Bhang-l-Yuen, tn., China, 68 m. WSW. Xing Po. Pop. 100,000. Shanid. barony, W. co. Limerick. Shankhill, par., co. Antrim, mostly in Belfast. Shankhill, ]>ar., cos. Armagh and Down, on Lough Neagb. Shankhill, par., co. Kilkenny, near Bagenalstown. Shankhill, par., co. Roscommon, 2 ni. NW. Elphin. Shanklln, tn. and par., Isle of Wight, on Handown Bay Shannock Mills, vil., Rhode Island, Washington co. Shannon, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Carroll co., 136 m. W. Chicago. Shannon, Mount, New South Wales, co. Evelyn. Shannon River, Ireland, falls into Atlantic. Lat. 52° 36' N. Shannonvilie, vil., Ontario, co. Hastings, on Salmon R. Shanor, petty state, Bombay. Area ii^ sq. ni. Shanrahan, par., co. Tippcrary, on R. Tar. Area 24.922 acre.^. Shan-Sl, inland prov., China. Area 65,966 sq. m. Pop. 10,791,341. Shan States, native states, Siani and Burma. Pop. 2,500,000. Shin-Tung, prov., China, on Yellow Sea. 53,777 sq. m. P. 36,545,704. Shan-Tung, pr'imontory, China. Lat. 37" 40' N.. long. 123" E. Shan-yan-alin Mountains, Manchuria. Lat. 42° X\, long. 127° 30' E. Shao-Chow, city, China, Quang-Tung, 115 ni. X. Canton. P. 500,000. Shao-Hing, city, China, CIie-Kiang, 73 ni. W. Xing Po. Pop. 600,000. Shao-King, city, China, Quang-Tung, 50 m. W. Canton. Shao-Nan, spt., China, 90 ni. W. Amoy. Shao-Wu, city, China, Fo-Kien, 145 ni. NW. Fu-Chow. Shap, tn. and par., Westmorland, 12 m. SE. Penrith. Shapimhay Island, Orkney, i m. N. Pomona. Shapur. Sec Shahpur. Sharadanadi River, Madras, falls into sea at Wattada, Sharakpur, tahsil, Lahore dist., Pun.iab. Area 8S7 sq. m. Sharakpur, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 31° 37' N., long. 74° 6' E. Sharavati River, Mysore and Bombay, enters the sea at llonawar. Shari River, Soudan, falls into Lake Chad. Lat. 10° N., long. 17" E. Shark Bay, W. Australia, receives the Gascoyne R. Sharon, bor., Pennsylvania, co. and 14 m. W^ Mercer. Sharon, vil., tnshp., WiscoTisin, Walworth co., 71 m. NW. Chicago. Sharon Hill, vil., Pennsylvania, Delaware co., 6 m. W. Philadelphia. Sharon Springs, vil., New York, Schoharie co.. srj.m. W. Albany. Sharonville, \i\., Ohio, Hamilton co., 17 m. XE. Cincinnati. Sharpies, tnshp., Lancashire, partly in Bolton. Sharpsburg, vil. and tnshp., Maryland, W^ashington co. Sharp's Island, Maryland. Lat. 38° 37' N., long. 76" 22' W. Sharpsville, bor., Pennsylvania, Mercer co., 14 ni. AV. Mercer. Sharretalai, taluk, Travancore, Madras. Sharretalai, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 9° 41' N., long. 76° 23' E. Shasha River, S. Africa, trib. of the Limpopo. Sha-si, river port, China, on the Yang-tse-Kiang. Shasta, mtn. peak, California. Lat. 41° 25' N. Alt. 14,440 ft. Shasta, vil., California, cap. of Shasta co., on Sacramento R. Shat-el-Arab River, Asia, falls into head of Persian Gulf Shatlsta, tn., Roumelia, 65 m. WSW. Salonika. Shatsk, tn., Russia, gov. Tambov, 38 m. N. Morshansk. Sha-tu. Ser Swatow, Shaugh, Mount, S. Australia, co. Buckingham. Shavington-cum-Gresty, tnshp., Cheshire, Wybunbury par. Shavll, tn., Russia, gov. Kovno, 15 m. SW. Mittau. Shaw, eecl. dist. and vil., SE. Lancashire, Prestwich par. Shawangunk Mountains, New York, branch of the Alleghauies Shawano, vil., M'lsconsin, cap. of Shawano co., on Wolf R. Shawashkong River, Ontario, trib. of the Sladawaska R. Shawl, Sf<: Quetta. Shawlands, suburb of Glasgow, Renfrewsliire. Shawnee, \\\. and tusbp., Kansns, Johnson co., 10 m. NE. Olathe. Shawneetown, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Gallatin co. Shaw F.iver, W. Australia, trib. of the De Grey 11. Shebaberg, mtn., Transvaal, with gold mines. Sheboygan, city, Wisconsin, cap. of Sheboygan co. Pop. 1C,359. Sheboygan Palls, vil., Wisconsin, Sheboygan Co., on Sheboygan R. Sheboygan River, Wisconsin, falls into Lake Michigan. Sheddens, vil., Renfrewshire, Cathcart par. Shediac, port of entry. New Brunswiek, en. Westmoreland. Sheello, Lough, cos. Cavan, Meath, and West Meath. Sheep Haven, co. Donegal, on N. coast. Sheep Island, olT coast of Antrim, 6 m. XW. Ballycastle. Sheep Island, Pembrokeshire, in Freshwater Bay. Sheep Isle, Inner Hebrides, in Firth of Lome, Sheep Isle, Inner Hebrides, near Sanda Island. Sheep Ranch, vil., California, Calaveras co., 16 ni. NE. San Andreas. Sheepscar, 2 eccl. dists., W. Riding, Yorkshire, in Leeds par. Sheepacott River, Maine, falls into Sheepscott Bay. Sheepshed, par. and vil., Leicestershire, 4 m. W, Loughborough. Sheerness, spt, Kent. Isle of Sheppey, on R. Medway. Pop. 13,841. Sheffield, bor., par., and tn.shp., co. and 53 ni. SW. York. P. 284,508. Sheffield, tnslip., Tasmania, co. Devon, on It. Don. Sheffield, vil.. New Brunswick, Suubury co., on St. John R. Sheflleld, vil., Illinois, Bureau CO., 38 m. W. La Salic. Sheffield, vil., Pennsylvania, co, and 12 m. from Warren. Shefford, tn. and tnshp., co. and 10 m. UK. Bedford. Shegaon, tn., Berar. Lat. 20* 48' N., long. 76' 46' E. Pop. 11,079. Shehr, tn., Arabia, 32 m. EXE. Makallah. Shehr-1-Sub7,, tn., Asiatic Russia, 40 m. SW. Samarcaud. P. 36,000. Shehy Mountains, co. Cork, 5 m. NW. Dunmanway. Shelagakoi, Cape, Siberia. Lat. 70° N., long. 170° I'-. Shelblna, vil., Missouri, Shelby co., 47 m. W. Il.annibal. Shelbourne, tn., Victoria, co. Bcndigo, 118 ni. NW. Melbourne. Shelburne, barony, co. Wexford. Shelburne, spt., Xova Scotia, cap. of Shelburno co. Shelburne B.xy. Queensland, dist. Cook, N. of Cape Grenville. Shelburne Harbour, Xova Scotia. Lat. 43" 40' N., long. 65° 19' W. Shelby, vil., lowa, .Shelby co., 30 ni. NE. Council Blulls. Shelby, vil. aii'l tnshp., N. Carnlina, cap. of Shelby co. Shelby City, vil., Keutu'd;y. Boyle co., 29 m. E. Lebanon. Shelby Iron Works, vil., Alabama, Shelby co., 5 ni. SE. Columbiana, Shelbyvllle, city, Illinois, cap. of Shelby en,, on Kaskaskia R. Shelbyville, city, Indiana, cap. of Shelby en., on Blue R. Shelbyvllle, vil. and tusbp., Kentucky, cap. of Shelby co. 231 SHE THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER SHO Shelbyville, vil., Urissouri, cap. of Shelby CO., on Black Creek. Shelbyville. vil., Tennessee, cap. of Uedfoid co., on Duck R. Sheldon, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, co. and 44 lu. NW. Lafayette. Sheldon, vil., Iowa, O'Brien co., 5S n*. N. tiioux City. Shelf, til., tuslip., eccl. dist., W. Hiding, Yorks, 3 w. XE. Halifax. Shelford, tii., Victoria, cos. Grenville and Grant. Sheila, petty state, Assam, Khasi Hills. Shellac Point, headland, Isle of Man, on Ramsey Bay. Shellback Island, Victoria, oft' Wilson Promontory. SheUey, tn. and tn.^lip., W. Riding, Yorks, 4 m. SE. Huddcrsfield. Shellharbour, bor., New South Wales, co. Camden. ShelUf River, AlgLM'la, falls into the MediteiTanean. Shell Lagoon, S. Australia, Great Salt Lake dist. Shell River, Saskatcliewau, trib. of the N. Saskatchewan R. Shell Rock, vil. and tnslip., Iowa, Butler co., on Shell Rock R Shell Rock River, Minnesota and Iowa, trib. of the Cedar R. Shellsburg, vil., Iowa, Benton co., 10 m. from VJuton. Shelmaliere, East, baruny, E. co. Wexford. Area 16,363 acres. Shelmaliere, West, barony, S. CO. Wexford. Area 50,299 acres. Shelter Island, New York, in Gardiner's Bay. Shelton, cccl. dist., .StanurdsUire, part of the Potteries. Sbemaka. ^cc Shamaka, Old. Shenandoah, bor., Pennsylvania, Sfhuylkill co. Pop. 15,944 Shenandoah, vil., Iowa, Page co., on Nishnabatona K. Shenandoah River, Virginia, trib. of the Potomac. Shenango River, Pennsylvania, trib. of the Mahoning R. Shendamalgamam, tn., Madras. Lat. 11" 40' N., long. 78° 10' E. Shendumi. tn., Khandesh dist., Buuibay. Lat. 20° 39' X. Shendy, tii., Nubia, on R. Nile, 90 ni. NE. Khartum Shenfield, par. and vil., Essex, i m. NE. Brentwood. Shenicks Island, off CO. Dublin, 3 m. SE. Skerries. Shenkotta, tahd:, Travancore, Madras. Area 65 sq. ni. Shenkotta, chief tn. of above. Lat. 8" 59' N., long, yy" 17' E. Shenkursk, tn., Russia, gov. and 192 ni. SE. Archangel. Shenley, par. and vil., Herts, NW. of Barnet. Shen-Si, prov., China, on Hoang-Ho. Area 81,212 sq. m. P. 8,276,967. Shenstone, par. and vil., Staffordshire, S. of Lichfield. Shepherd's Bush, eccl. dist, Hanimersmitb, Middlesex. Shepherdstown, vil., W. Virginia, Jeflerson co., on Potomac R. Shepley, tii., W^ Riding, York.shire, 7 m. SE. Huddcrsfield. Shepparton, Inshp., Victoria, co. Moira, 113 m. NNE. Melbourne. Shepperton, par. and vil., Middlesex, on R. Thames. Sheppey. Isle of, off N. Kent. Lat. 51° 24' N., long. 0° 50' E. P. 18,607. Shepton Mallet, tn. and par., Somersetshire, 5 ni. SE. Wells. Sheraingil, taluk, Travaucore, Madras. Sherborne, tn. and par., Dorset, 18 m. N. Dorchester. Sherboro Island, W. Africa, 40 m. SE. Sierra Leone. Sherboro River, W. Africa, falls into sea at Sherboro Island. Sherbrooke, tn., Quebec, cap. of Sherbrooke co., E. of Montreal. Sherbrooke, port. Nova Scotia, co. Guysborough, on St. Mary's R. Sherburn, tn., par., and tnshp., "W. Riding, Y'orks, loj m. SW. York. Sherburn, tnslip. and vil., co. and 2^ m. E. Durham. Sherborne, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Fleming co., on Licking R. Sherburne, vil., tnshp.. New York, Chenango co., 11 m. N. Norwich. Shercock, par. and vil., co. Cavan, on Lough Sillan. Shere, par. and vil., Surrey, SE. of Guildford. , Shergarh, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27' 46' N., long. 77* 39' E. Eherghati, tn., Gaya dist., Bengal. Lat. 24" 33' N., long. 84° 50' E. Shergni, Lake, Algeria. Lat. 34° 20' N., long, o" 15' E. Sheridan, vil., Illinois, La Salle co., on Fox R. Sheridan, vil., Michigan, Montcalm co., 5 m. S. Stanton. Sheriff Hales, pir., tnshp., and vil., Stafford and Shropslures. Sheriff Ha tton, jtar., tnslip., and vil., W. Riding, Yorksliire. Sheriffmuir, battletield (1715), Perthshire, 5 m. NE. Stirling. Sheringham, par., Noifulk, on sea Sherkin Island, CO. Cork, in Baltimore Bay. Sherkot, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 29° 19' N., long. 78° 38' E. Shermadevi, tn., Madras. Lat. 8° 40' N., long. 77° 35' E. Sherman, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Chautauqua co., 20 ni. N. Corrj'. Sherman, tn., Texas, cup. of Grayton cc, 89 m. NE. Fort Worth. Sherpur, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lot. 25° 34' N., long. 83° 50' E. Sherpur, tn., Bengal, Bogra dist. Lat. 24° 40' N., long. 89" 28' E. Eherpnr, tn., Bengal, Maimansingh dist. Lat. 25° i' N., 90° 3' E. Sherpur. ."-^-v also Shirpur. Sherwood Forest, ancient royal forest, Notts, Derby, and Yorks. Shetland Islands, 50 m. NE. Orkney. 60° N. 551 sq. m. P. 28,711. Shettleston, tn., Lan.irkshire, 3 ni. E. Glasgow. Shetucket River, Connecticut, joins the Quinnebaug. Sheuchan, par., Wigtownsliiie, containing part of Stranraer Shevaroy Hiila, Madras, Salem dist. Alt. 5410 ft. Shevington, tnshp., Lancashire, 4 m. NW. Wigau, on R. Douglas. Eheyenne River, Dakota, trib. of the Red R. Shiant Islands, Outer Hebrides, in the Minch. Shiar, pas'f, Punjab. Lat, 31° ig' X., long. 77° 58' E. Alt 13,720 ft. Shiawassee River, Michigan, head-stream of the Saginaw R. Shibarghan, set., Afghanistan, on R. Saripul. Shickshinny, bor., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co., on Susquehanna R. Shidfield, ecrl. dist. aud vil., Hants, Droxford par. Shidle, tn., E. Africa. Lat. 5' 45' N., long. 44° 49' E. Shiel, Loch, on borders of Inverness and Argyllshires. Shield, Cape, N. Territory, S. Australia, N. of Bine Mud Bay, Shieldaig, vil. and par., Ross and Cromarty, on Loch Shieldaig. Shieldfield, eccl. dist., Northumberland. Shields, North, sjit., Northumberland, on R. Tyne. Shields, South, pari. bor. and spt., Durham, on R. Tyne. P. 78,431. Bhifnal, tn. and par., Sliropshire, 17 m. E. Shrewsburj'. Bhi-gun, vil., Lower Burma, Ta-pun tnshp. Shikarpur, dist. . Bombay. Area 9629 sq. m. Pop. 914,470. Shikarpor, talnl; Shikarpur dist., Bombay. Area 4S7 sq. m. Shikarpur, chief tn., Sliikarpur dist. Lat. 27° 57' N. Pop. 41,980. Shikarpur, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 28° 17' N., long. 78° 3' E. Shikarpur, taUik, Shimoga dist., Mysore. Area 418 sq. m. Shikarpur, vil., Mysore. Lat. 14° 15' N., long. 75° 23' E. Shikatze. See Teshn-Lumbn. Shikohabad, tahsil, Slainimri dist., NW. Provs., India. Shikohabad, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 27° 6' N., lung. 78° 30' E. Shikoku Island, Japan, S. of Hondo. Area 7031 sq. m. Pop. 2,550,600. Shildon, tn. and tnshp., Durham, 3 in. SE. Bishop Auckland. Shilka River, E. Siberia, trib. of the Amur R. Shillelagh, barony, SW. co. Wicklow. Area 44,348 acres. Shillelogher, barony, mid co. Kilkenny. Area 36,684 acres Shillinglaw, Mount, Queensland, part of Stoke's Ranges. ShiUington, par. aud vil., Bedfordshire, 6 m. NW. Hitubiu Shillong, chief In., Khasi and Jaintia Hills dist., Assam. Shillong Mountains, Khasi aud Jaintia Hills dist., Assam, 6450 ft. Shiloh, vil., Ohio, Richland co., 61 m. SW. Cleveland. Shimbah Mountains, British E. Africa. Mission station. Shlmers, vil.. New Jersey, Warren co., suburb of Phillipsbnrg. Shimiyu River, Africa, head-stream of the Nile. Shimoda, spt., Japan, Hondo Island, 80 in. SW. Tokio, Shimosa, dist., Jlysore. Area 3986 sq. m. Pop. 527,700. Shimoga, taluk, Shimoga dist., Mj'sore. Area 547 sq. m. Shimoga, chief tn., Shimoga dist. Lat. 13° 55' N,, lung. 75° 36' E. Shimonoseki, tn., Japan, on SW. point of Hondo I. Pop. 19,532. Shin, Loch, Sutherlandshire, Lairg par. Lat. 58" 4' N., long. 4° 30' W. Shinano River, Japan. Lat. 37° 50' N., long. 139° E. Shinfield, par. and vil., Berkshire, 3^- m. S. Reading. Shing-King. Sec Leao Tong Shingles, The, shoal. Isle of Wight, between Hurst Castle and Needles. - Shingnapur, tn., Satara dist, Bombay. Lat. 17° 51' N., 74" 42' E. Shinnecock Bay, lake. New Y'ork, Suffolk co. Shin River, Sutherlandshire, from Loch Shin to the sea. Shipden, submerged tn., in Cromer Bay, Norfolk. Shipdham, par. aud vil., Norfolk, 4! m. SW. Dereham. Ship Harbour, Nova Scotia. Lat. 44° 47' N., long. 62' 50' W. Ship Island, Newfoundland, in Bonavista. Bay. Shipka Pass, Balkan Mtns. Lat. 43° 42' N., long. 25' 15' E. Shipledge Reef, olf Isle of Wight, near Brixton. Shipley, par. and vil., Sussex, 6 m. SW. Horsham. Shipley, tn. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, on R. Aire. Pop. 20,116. Shipley, pari, div., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Pop. 62,166. Shipman, vil. and tnslip., Illinois, Macoupin cu., 19 ni. N. Alton. Shippegan, spt., New Brunswick, co. Gloucester. Shippegan Island, New Brunswick, in Chaleur Bay. Shippensbiu-g, bor., Pennsylvania, Cumberland co., on Maine R. Shipsha River, Quebec, Chicoutimi co., trib. of the Saguenay R. Shipston-cn-Stour, tn. and par., Worcestershire, on R. Stour. Shipton-under-Wychwood, par., tnshp., and vil., W. Oxfordshire. Shipwash, shoal, off Essex, 15 m. E. Harwich. Shipwright's Point, tn., Tasmania, co. Kent, 35 m. SW. Hobart. Shiraz, city, Persia, cap. of Fai"S, 115 m. ENE. Bnshire. Pop. 32,000, Shirehampton, eccl. dist. and vil., Gloucestershire. Shirenanston, bor., Pennsylvania, Cumberland co. Shire River, Africa, trib. of the Zambezi. Lat 16° 5' S., long. 36° E. Shirland, par. aud vil., Derbyshire, 2 ni. N. Alfreton. Shirley, tn., Hants, partly in Southampton. Shirley, eccl. dist. and vil., Warwicksliire, SE. Birmingham. Shirley Village, vil., Massachusetts, Middlesex co. Shlrol, tn., Kolhapur state, Bombay. Lat. 16° 44' N., long. 74' 38' E. Shiron, tn., Baroda stale, India. Shirpur, sub-div., Khandesh dist., Bombay.^ Area 651^ sq. ni. Shirpur, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 21° 21' N., long. 74° 57' E. Shirwa Lake, Africa. Lat. 15° S., long. 36° E. Shirwan, tn., Persia, Khorassan, on Atrtk R. Shisdra. See Zhisdra. ShitUngton, tnslip., W. Riding. Yorkshire, 6 m. SW. Wakefield. Shitomir, tn., Russia. X-at. 50' 15' N., long. 28° 43' E. Pop. 55,875. Shl-Tsien, city, China, Quei-Chow, 430 m. NW. Canton. Shiurajpur, tahsU, Cawnpur dist, NW. Provs., India. Shiurajpur, hdqrs. In., Shiurajpur Uihsil, Cawnpur. Shiurajpur, vil., Allahabad dist, NW. Provs., India. Shiurajpur, vih, Fatehpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Shivering Sands, shoal, Thames estuary, g m. N. Heme Cay. Shivgaon, sub-div., Ahmadnagar dist., Bombay. Shivgaon, hdqr.-^. tn., Shivgaon sub-div. Lat. 19° 21' N., 75° 18' E. ShiyaU, taluk, Tanjore dist, Madras. Area 159 sq. m. Shiyali, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat 11° 14' K, long. 79° 48' E. Shizuoka. See Surugu. Shoa, state, S. Aby.ssinia. Lat 10° N.,long. 39° E. Shoal Bay, Ontario, Northumberland co., on Lake Ontario. Shoal Bay, N. Territory, S. Australia, at Lee Point Shoalhaven, dist.. New South Wales, cos. Camden and St. Vincent Shoalhaven River, New South Wales, enters sea at Shoalhaven. Shoal Inlet. Victoria, co. Buln-Buln, N. of Port Albert. Shoal Island, New Zealand, off of Alderman Island. Shoal Lake, Manitoba. Lat. 50° 25' N-. I'^ng- 97* 2^' ^'• Shoal River, Illinois, trib. of the Kaskaskia R. Shoals, vil., Indiana, cap. of Martin co., 23 m. W. Mitchell. Shoals, Bay of, S. Australia, on E. coast of Kangaroo Island. Shoalwatir Bay, Queensland, in coast of dist. Port Curtis. Ehoalwater Bay. Washington, in coast of Pacific co. Shoalwater Point, cape, S. Australia, on Spencer Gulf. Shoebury. South, par., Essex, on coast. Area 1039 acres.^ Shoehuryness, vil., Essex, 45 m. E. London. Lat 51' 30' N. Shoemakersville, vil., Pennsylvania, Berks co., 12 ni. N. Reading. Sholagarh, tn., Bengal, Dacca dist Lat 23° 33' N., long. 90° 20' K Sholapur, dist, Bombay. Area 4531 sq. m. Pop. 750,840. Sholapur, sub-div., Sholapur dist. Area 847 st). m. Sholapur. chief In., Sholapur dist Lat 17° 40' N.^ Pop. 61,310. Sholavandan, tn., Madras. Lat. 10° 2' N., long. 78° 2' E. ShoUng, ercl. dist., Hants, within Southampton. ShoUnghar, tn., Madras. Lat. 13' 7' N., long. 79" 29' E. Shona Island, Invemess-shire, in Loch Moidart. Shooter's Hill, eccl. dist. Kent., overlooking London. Ehorapur, old state, India, now included in Haidarabad. 232 SHO THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER SIL Shoredltch, bor. and jxir., Sliddlesex, in E. London. Pop. 124,009. Shoreham, spt., bu>s(-x, on R. Adiir. Lat. 50° 50' N., lung. 0° 15' W. Shoreham, New. .See Shoreham. Shorkot, t'OisH, Jliaiig dist., Punjab. Area 1220 sq. m. Shorkot, lid(]is. tu. of aliQve. L;it. 30° 50' N., long. 72" 6' E. Shorncliffe Camp, Kent, ijm. SW. Fulkestone. Short Heath, In., Statloidshire, 5 ni. W. Wolverhamiiton. Short Range, nitns., N. Territory, S. Australia. Shortsville, vil., New York, Ontario co., 6 in. NE. CananJagua. Short Tract, vil., New York, Allegliany CO., 7 in. SW. Swain Station. Shoshone Mountains, Nevadn, terminate at the Humboldt U. Shoshong, tii., Bechuanabuid. Lat. 23° S., long. 26° 30' E. Shotley Bridge, vil., Durham, 2 ]n. froiii Elcliester. Shotton, eccl. dist,, ttislip.. and vU., Durham, near Easingtou. Ehotts, ]>ar. and vil., Liuiarkshire, 16^ m. SE. Glasgow. Shotta, Plateau of the, Algeria. Lat. 34° N., long. 0° i' W. Ehotts Ironworks, vil., Lanarkshire, adjoining Torbothie. fihotwick, ]inr. and tushp., co. and 6 ni. from Cliesti-r. Ehravan belgola, vil., Mysore. Lat. 12° 51' N., long. 76' 31' E. Shreve, vil., Ohio, Wayne co., 10 ni. W. Wooster. Shreveport, city, Louisiana, cap. of Caddo par. Shrewsbury, bor., co. tn. of Shropshire, on U. Severn. Pop. 26,967. Shrewsbury, vil. and tnslip., New Jersey, Monmouth co. Shrewsbury, bor., Pennsylvania, co. and 14 ni. N. York. Ehrigley, vil., co. Down, i in. NE. Killyleagh. Shrigley, vil., Ontario, co. Grey, 8 m, from Creemore. Shrivenham, par., tushji., and vil., NW. Berksliire. Shropshire, Co., England. Lat. 52° 40' N., long. 2° ^o' W, P. 233,321. Shrub, barony, co. Longford. Area 21,006 acres. Shrule, par., co. Longford, on R. Inny. Ai-ea 6745 acres. Shrule, par., co. Mayo, on the Black Water, 10 m. W. Tiiam fihabenacadie River, N^ova Scutia, falls into Cobequid Bay. Shubuta, \il. and tuslii)., Mississippi, Clarke co., 39 m. S. Meridian, Shugshut, tu., Asia Minor, 30 m. SE. Ixnik. Shujabad, Uthsll, JIultan dist., Punjab. Area 322 sq. m. Shqjabad, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 29° 53' N., long. 71° 20' E. ShullEburg, vil., tushp., Wisconsin, Lafayette Co., 35 m. W. M<)nroe. Shmnla, tu., Bulgaria. Lat. 43° 20' N., long. 27' E. Pop. 23,161. Shuua Island, Inner Hebrides. Argyllshire, near Luing Island. Shun-King, city, China, Se-Chuen, 115 ra. E. Ching-tu-Fn. Shun-Ning, city, China, 170 ra. W. Yun-nan. ShunnorFell, Great, intn,, Yorkshire, 4 m. W. Muker. Alt. 23.^6 IT. fihun-Te, city, China, Pe-Che-Li, 220 m. SW. Pekin. Shurukha, Turcoman fort, Russian Asia, 90 ni. SW. Merv. Sbosha, tn., Transcaucasia, Baku, 40 in. froiu Persia. Pop. 30,003. Shuster, city, Persia, Khuzistan. Lat. 32' N,, 49° 5' E. P. 20,000. Shuswap Lake, British Columbia. Lat. 51° N., long. 119° W. Shuttleworth, eccl. dist. and vil., Lancashire, 4 ui. N. Bury. Shwebo, dist.. Upper Burma, Area 2680 sq. m. Pop. 133,910. Ehwebo, tu., Shwebo dist., Burma. Lat. 22" 34' N., long. 95° 42' E. Bhwe-daung, tushp., Prome dist., Lower Burma. Area 204 sq. m. Ehwedaung, chief tn. of above. Lat. 18' 42' N., 95° 17' E. Shwe-gyin, dist., Tenasserim div., Lower Burma. Pop. 191,710. Shwe-gyln, tushp., Shwe-gyin dist. Bhwe-gyln, chief tn., Shwe-gyin dist. Lat. 17° sS N., long. 96° 57' E. Shwe-gyin River, Lower Burma, trib. of the Sit-tauug. Ehwe-laung, tnslip., Tliun-gwa dist,. Lower Burma. Shwe-le, tushp., Prome dist., Lower Burma, Bhwe-le River, Lower Burma, trib, of the Myit-ma-ka. Ehwenyaungbin River, Lower Burma, trib. of the Bassein R. Shyl River, Ruumania. Lat. 44° 30' N., long. 23° 30' E. Siah Koh Mountaina, Afghanistan. Lat. 34° N., long. 63° 30' E, Sialkot, dist., Punjab. Area 1991 sq. m. Pop. 1,080,330. Bialkot, tahsU, Sialknt dist. Area 637 sq. ni. Sialkot, hdqrs. tn., Sialkot dist., 72 m, NE. I>ahore. Pop. 64,930. fiiam, country, Lido-Chinese Peninsula. Lat, 14° N,, long. iuj° E. Slam, Guirof, Siam. Lat. n" 30' N,, long. loi^ E, Slan. See Ei-Ngau. Slang-yang, city, China, prov. Hu-Pe, on the Han-Kiang, Siberia, N. i>ortion of Asia. Area 4,822,822 sq. m. Pop, 4,313,633. Eibi, dist., (Ilritisli) Afghanistan, Lat. 29° 20' N,, long. 67" 45' E, Slblllini, Monte, Italy. Lat. 42° 50' X., long. 13° 15' E, Bible Hedingliam, par, and vil., Kssex, NW. of Halstead. Bibonga, tn., Zebu, Philippine Islands. Pop. 10,000. Sibsagar, dist., Assam. Area 2855 sq. m. Pop, 451,333. Slbsagar, sub-div., Sibsagar dist,, Assam. Sibsagar. hdqrs. tn., Sibsagar dist. Lat. 26' 59' N,, long. 94° 38' K. Siccufl River, S. Australia, cos. Derby and Lyttou. Sicily, isl. (Italian), Mediterranean. Area 11,289 sq.m. P- 3,266,633. BIcullana, tn., Sicily, 8 m. WN'W. Girgenti. Sidaro, Cape, Crete. I^at. 35° 20' N., long. 26' 16' E, Sldbury, jtar, and vlI,, Devon, on R, Sid, 3 in. N. Sidmouth. Sldcup, vil. and eccl. dist,, Kent, 13 in. Slil, London, Slddhapur, .sub-div,, N. Kanara dist,, Bombay. Slddhapur, hdqr.s, vil., Siddhapur sub-div, Siddhaor, ji'injiuw, Bara Banki dist, Oudh. Area 141 sq. in. Siddhaur, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 26° 46' N., long. 81° 26' E. Sideling Hill, mtn. ridge, Pennsylvania, on Juniata R, Sidemo, tn., Italy, prov. Regj^iodi Calabria^ Sidhaut, ialulc, Cuddapah dist., Madras. Area 610 sq. in. Sidhaut, hdfjrs. tn., Sidhaut (ah(/.:, Madras. Sldhpur, tn., Baroda. Lat. 23" 55' N., long. 73' 26' E. Sidi-Bel-Abbea, tn., Algeria, 50 m, S. Oran. Sidlaghata, tuluk, Kolar dist., Mysore. Area 163 sq. m. Sldlaghata, lidqrs, tn., Sidlaghata taluk, Mysore. Sidlaw Hills, Perth, Forfar, ami Kincardine shires. Sldli, Dwar state, Assam. Area 361 sq. in. Pop. 23,667. Sidmouth, tu. and p;ir., Devon, at mouth of R, Sid. Sidmouth, Cape, Quicnsland, on coast of dist. Cook. Sidney, vil. ;tTid tushp., Illinois, Champaign co., 25 ni. W. Danville. Sidney, vil. and tush]>., Iowa, cap. ol Fremont co., ao in. S. Hastings. Sidney, vil. and tnslip., N(d>iaska, cap. of Cheyenne co. Sidney vil Ohio, cap. of Shelby co., on Miami R., 12 lu. N. Piqua. Sidney Plains, vil.. New York, Delaware co., 23 m. NW. Wa'tin. Sidra, Gulf of, Tripoli and Barca, Lat, 31° N., long. 19" E. Siebenbtirgen. iice Transylvania. Siebcngebirge, nitns., Itiienisli Prussia, on R. Rhine. Siedlce, gov., Russian Poland, E. of Warsaw. Pop. 679.422. Siedlce, tn., cap. of above, 40 lu. E. Warsaw. Pop. 14,334. Siegburg, tu., Prussia, dist. Bonn, on R. Sieg. Siegen, tn., Westphalia. Lat. 50^ 55' N. , long. 8° E. Pop, 16,776. Sleg River, Prussia, enters the Rhine 2 m. N. Bonn. Siena, prov., Italy. Lat. 43° 24' N., long. 11° 20' E. Pop. 211,000. Siena, city, Italy, Tuscany, cap. of Siena prov. Pop. 23,445. Sienitz, tn,, Turkey. Lat. 43* 11' N., loug. 20° 5' E. Sienna. See Siena. Sieradz, tn., Poland, 32 m. E. Kalisz, on R. Warta. Siero, tn., Spain, prov. and 10 m. E. Oviedo. Pop. 21,494. Sierpec, tn., Poland, 21 in. N. Flock. Sierra Acarai, mtus., Brazil. Lat. 1° 43' N., long. 57" 20' W. Sierra Blanca, nitns., Colorado, Saguache co. Alt. 14,464 ft. Sierra City, vil., California, Butte co., 90 m. NE. Sacraiuento. Sierra de Aconquija, mtns., Argentine Republic. Lat. 26° S. Sierra de Culebra, intns., Spain. Lat. 42' N., long. 6° 10' W. Sierra de Gata, lutns,, Spain. Lat. 40° 30' N., long. 1° 30' W. Sierra de Grades, mtns., Spain. Lat. 40° 10' N,, long. 5° W. 10,552 ft. Sierra de Gudar, mtus., Sjiaiu. Lat. 40° 30' N., long. 0° 35' W, Sierra de la Demanda, mtus., Spain. Lat. 42' 20' N., long. 3" W Sierra de Toledo, mtns., Spain. Lat. 39° 30' N., long, 4° 15' W. Sierra Leone, British set., Senegambia. 8" N, 3000 sq. m. P. 75,000. Sierra Madre, mtns., Mexico. Lat. 25° N., long. 105" W. Sierra Madre ViUa, health resort, California, 13 m. from Los Angeles. Sierra Maeatra, mtns., Cuba. Lat. 19° 55' N., long. 76^ W. Sierra Morena, mtns., Spain. Lat. 38° N,, long. 6" W. Alt. 5500 ft. Sierra Nevada, mtns., Spain. Lat. 37" N., long. 3° W. Alt. 11,658 ft. Sierra Nevada, mtns., California. Lat. 40° N,, 120" W. Alt 14,898 ft Sierra Pacaraima, mtns., Venezuela. Lat. 4" N., long. 63° W. Sierra Range, mtns. .^Victoria, between cos. Duudas aud Ripon. Sierra San Juan. See San Juan Mountains. Sievak, tn., Russia, 73 ni. from Orel, on R. Sievsk. Sigmaringen, tn., Prussia, on R. Danube. Lat. 48° 5' N., long. 9° 10' E. Signa, vil., Italy, 8 m. from Florence, on R. Ariio. Siguak, tn., Transcaucasia, 60 m. ESE. Tillis. Sigoumey, vil. and tushp., Iowa, cap. of Keokuk co., on N. Skunk R. Sigriaweil, vil. aud par., Switzerland, 20 m. from Bern. Siguenza, tn., Spain, New Castile. Lat. 41° 5' N., long. 2° 40' W. Si hi River, Su'itzeiland, trib. of the Linimatat Ziii'ich. Slhonda, tn., Banda dist., NW. Provs., India. Sihon River. See Syhun and Jaxartes. Sihor, tn., Bombay. Lat. 21° 42' N., l)ng. 72° 2' E. Pop. 10,000. Sihora, fa/isiZ, Jabalpur dist.. Cent, Provs., India. Sihora, tn., Cent. Provs,, India. Lat. 23" 29' N., long. 80" 9 E. Sijauli, vil., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 25" 59' N., long. 80' 30' E. Sijawal, taluk, Sikarpur dist., Bombay. Area 192 sq. m. Slkandarabad, talisil, Bulandshar dist., NW. Provs., India. Sikandarabad, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 28° 27' N. Sikandarpur, pargatm, Unao dist., Oudh. Area 60 sq. in. Sikandarpur, tu., NW. Provs,, India, in Balliadist. Sikandra, vil., Agra dist., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27° 12' N. Sikandra, vil., Allahabad dist., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 25° 35' N. Sikandra Rao, tahsil, Aligarh dist., NW. Provs., India. Sikandra Rao, tn., cap. of above. Lat. 27° 4i'N., long. 78° 25 E. Sikar, tn., Jaipur state, Rajputaiia. Sikhar. tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 25° 8' N., long. 82° 53' E. Sikino Island, Grecian Archipelago, 20 m. NW. Sautoriui. Sikkim, native state, India. Lat. 27" 30' N., 88" 30' E. 1550 sq. m. Sikloa, tn., W. Hungary, 16 in. SE. Funfkirclieu, Sikok Island. See Shlkoku. Silal River, Bengal, trib. to the Rnpnarayan R. Sila Mountaina, Italy. Lat. 39° 15' N,, loug. 16* 30' E, Silanath, vil., Darbhangah dist., Bengal. Lat. 26' 34' N. Silchar, tn., Assam, cap. of Cachar dist. SilcheBter, par. and vil., Hants, 7 m. N. Basingstoke, Slleby, pur. aud vil., Leicestershire, 5 m, SE. Loughborough, Silesia, prov., Prussia. Lat. si'N., 17° E. 15,560 sq.iu. P. 4,223.807. Silesia, crowiidand, Austria. Lat. 50" N., 18° E. i9S7sq. ui. P.565,475. Silheti, estate, Raipur dist., Cent. Provs., India. Area 83 sq. ni. Silistria, tn , Bulj^uria. Lat. 44° 10' N., long. 27° 10' E. Pop. 10,642. Slllstria, Lake, New South Wales, co. Taudorah. Silivri, tn , Turkey, on Sea of Marmara, N. coast. Siljan, Lake, Sweden, l:in and 26 m. NW. Falun. Sllkstone, par., tushp., and vil., W. Riding, Yorkshire. silkaworth, eccl. dist., tushp., and vil., Dtirhaui, S. of Sunderland, SiUery Sands, shoal, in Bristol Channel, olf N. Devon coast. Silloth, s|it., Cumberland, on Solway Firth. Lat. 54° 52' N. Siloah, mission stn., W. Basntol,in. of tlic Miuho. Lat, 42° 27' N, Sila, Lake, Switzcrlaml, source of R. Inn. L:it. 46" 25' N. Silfiden, tn., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 4 lu. NW. Keighley. Silt Island, Prussia, olfSchleswig. Area about 120 sq. in, Silvaa, name for forest plains of the Amazon. Silver City, vil., Idaho, cap. of Owyhee co,, on Jordan Creek. Silver City, tn , Nevadn, Lyon co., 5 in. S. Virginia City, silver City, vil., N< \v Mexico, Giuiid eo,, near Bear Peak. Silver Cliff, vil., C'dnrado, Custer co., 25 m. from Canon City. Silver Creek, vil.. New York, Chautauqua co., on Lake Erie. Sllverdale, eccl., Stafl'ordshire, W. of Neweaslle-nnder-Lyme Sllverhill, eccl, dist,, Sussex, jiartof St. Luoiiards-on-Sea. SUverhlll, mtn., co. ami 9 m, NW. Donogsil. Silver Lake, vil., Indiana, Kosciusko co., 13 ui. S. Wars;iw. EllvermlneB Mountaina, CO. Tipperary. Lat. 52" 47' N., long. 8' 15' W Silver Peak Hills, New /ealanci. en. Waikouati. Silver Plume, vil., Cidiiradn, Clear Creek co., 5 m. S. Georgetown. silver Reef, vd., Utah, W.ashington co,, 20 in. N. St. George. Silver River, Ireland, King's co., trib. ofR. Brosna. 233 SIL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER SEE Silveratone, par. and vil., Northamptonshire, SW. of Towcester. Eilverton, par. and vil., Devon, between R. Exe and R. Culm. Silverton, tn., Colorado, cap. of Sa,n Juan co,, on Las Animas R. SUverton, tn.. New South Wales, S22 ni. W. Sydney. SUvertown, eccl. dist., Essex, in West Hani. SUvea, tn., Portugal, Algarve, 19 m. E. Lagos. Simabara, gulf, Japan, on W. of Kiu-Siu. Simbirsk, gov., Russia, on U. Volga, ip.togsq. ni. Pop. 1,481,811. Simbirsk, tu., cap. of above. Lat. 54° 20 N., long. 48° 30' E. P. 36,600. Simcoe. In., Ontario, cap. of co. Norfolk, 8 m. N. Lake Erie. Simcoe Lake, Ontario, N. of Tiake Ontario. Area 5^0 sq. ni. Simferopol, tu., Russia, Crimea, cap. of Taurida, on R. Salghir. Pop. 36,503. Simga, f.(/isi?, Raipurdist., Cent. Provs., India. Area 1401sq.m. Simga, Iidqrs. tn., Simga tahsil, Cent. Provs., India. Simla, (Hst., Punjab. Area 102 sq. m. Pop. 44,590. Simla, tahsil, Simla dist., Punjab. Area 4 sq. m. Simla, hdiirs. tn., Simla dist. Lat. 31" 6' N., long. 77° 11' E. Simla Hill States, 23 native states around Simla. 6569 sq. m. P. B02,853. Simmenthal, val., Switzerland, canton Bern. Simmering, vil,, Austria, 2 in. SE. Vienna. Pop. 19,600. Simmon's Hill, S. Australia, Great Salt Lake dist. Slmnitza, tn., Ronmania, on R. Danube, opposite Sistova. Simoda. See Shimoda. Simon's Bay, Cape Colony, on W. side of Cape of Good Hope. Simon's Town, tn., Cape Culony. Lat 34' 10' S., long. 18° 30' E. Bimplon, uitn., Switzerland. Lat. 46* 13' N., 8° 8' E, Alt. 11,695 ft. Simpson Kiver. Sec Skeena. Simrauta, jiarganny Rai Bareli dist., Oudh. Area 97 sq. m. Sim's Gap, pass in the Cocoparra Range, New South Wales. Sim'a Island. Su Eanacea. Sinai, ])eninsula, mostly desert, at head of Red Sea. 11,055 sq. m. Sinai, Mount, r^n Sinai Peninsula. Lat. 28' 30' N.j 34° 10' E. 7363 ft. Sinaloa. Sec Cinaloa. Sinchal Pahar, iiitn , Darjiling dist., Bengal. Alt. 8607 ft. Sinchula Hills, Jalpaiguri dist., Bengal. Alt. 6222 ft. Sinclair Island, Fiji, one of the Yasawa group. Sinclair's Bay, Caithness, on E. coast, 3 m. from Wick. Sinclairtown, vil., Fife, part of Kirkcaldy, q.v. SinclairviUe, vil., New York, Chautauqua co., 22 m. SE. Diuikirk. Eincora, tn., Brazil, state IJahia. Lat. 13" S., long. 41" W. Sind, prov., Bombay. Lat. 26" N.,69° E. 48,326 sq. m. P. 2i868,870. Binder, tn., W. Africa, Bornu. Pop. 10,000. Sindewahl, tn., Chanda dist., Cent. Provs., India. Lat, 20° 17' N. Sindhora, vil., Benares dist., NW. Provs., India. Sindi, tn., Wardlia dist., Cent. Provs., India. Sindkher, tn., Berar, India. Lat. 19° 57' N., long. 76° 10' E. Sindkhera, tn., Bombay. Lat. 21" 17' N., long. 74' 50' E. Sines, tn., Portugal,, 40 m. SW. Alcacer. Singa, i>ass, Basliahr state, Punjab. Alt. 17,000 ft. above sea. Singalila Hills, Darjiling dist., Bengal. Alt. 12,042 ft. Singampnrari, vil., Madura dist., Jlailras. Si-Ngan, city, Cliina, prov. Slien-Si. Pop. 1,000,000. Singanallur, vil., Coimbatore dist., Madras. Singapore, isl. (British), Malay Peninsula. Lat. 2° N. P. 155,000. Singapxir, tn., Jaiinir slate, Madras. Singa Toki River, Fiji, Viti Levu Island, enters Sovi Harbour. Singhana, tn., Jaipur state, Rajputana. Lat. 28° 5' N., 75" 44' E. Singhbhum, dist., Bengal. Area 3753 sq. m. Pop. 646,380. Singhpnr, tn., Narsiughpur dist., Cent. Provs., India. Siughpur, petty state, Bombay. Singlmari River, -waters part of Kuch Eehar, Bengal. Singla River, Sylhet dist., Assam, trib. of tlie Surma R. Singleton, par. and vil., Sussex, near Midhurst. Singleton, tn., X. S. Wales, co. Northumberland, 123 m. NW. Sydney. Slngpho Hills, Assam, along the E. frontier. Singraur, vil., Allahabad dist., NW. Provs., India. Sing-Sing, vil., New York, Westchester co., on Huilson R. Binigaglia, tn., Italy, prov. and iSj m. WXW. Ancona. SiDjbauli Shahzadpur, in., Oudh. Lat. 26° 24' N., long. 82° 35' E. Sinking Spring, vil., Pennsylvania, Berks co., 5 m. W. Reading. SiOQamarie, vd., French Guiana, at mouth of Sinnamarie River. Sinnamarie River, French Guiana, falls into sea at Sinnamarie. Sinnar, sub-div., Nasik dist, Bombay. Area 519 sq. m. Sinnar, hdqrs. tn., Sinnar sub-div., Bombay. Binnimarl. Sec Sinnamarie. Sinope, tn., Asia Minor. Lat. 42° 2' N., long. 35° 12' E. Pop. 10,000. Sin Taiang, territory, embracing Chinese Turkestan and Thian Shan, Siobara, one of the Dang states, India. Eiohara, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 29° 12' N., long. 78" 38 E. Sion, tn., cap. of Valais, Switzerland. Lat. 46° 14' N., long, f 22' E. Sioot. See Sint. Sioux City, city, Iowa, cap. of Woodbury co. Pop. 37,806. Sioux Falla, vil., S. Dakota, cap. of Minnehaha co. Pop. 10,177. Sioux River. See Bip Sioux R. Siphanto Island, Grecian Arcliipelago, SW. of Syra. Bipra River, Central India, trib. of tlie Cliainbal. Sipsey River, Alabama, tnb. of the Tombigbee R. Sira, taluk, Tumkur dist., Mysore. Area 590 sq. m. Sira, tn., Tumkur dist., Mysore. Siraguppa, tn., Bellary dist., Madras. Slrajganj, sub-div., Pabna dist., Bengal. Area 946 sq. m. SirajganJ, tn., Bengal. Lat. 24" 26' N., long. 89° 47' E. Pop, 23,230. Sirali, vil., Makrai state, Cent. Provs., India. Siralkappa, tn., Mysore. Lat. 14," 20' N., long. 75° 19' 53" E. Siran River, Ha?.ara dist., Punjab, trib. of the Indus. Sir Arthur Gordon Range, mtns., New Guinea, 40 in. N. Maipnda. Sirasgaon, tn.. Elliehpur dist., Berar. Lat. 21° 20' N., long. 77' 45' E. Sir-ithu, tahsU, Allahabad dist., NW. Provs., India. Sir Edward Pellew Islands. N. Ter., S. Australia, Gulf of Carpentaria. Sir George Hope Islands, N. Ter., S. Australia, in Van Diemen Gulf. Sirhind, tract, I'unjab, between the Jumna andSutl^j. Sirhowy, vil, Brecknockshire, % m. N. Tredegar. Sirhowy River, Brecknock and Monmouth shires, trib. of the Ebbw„ Sirikul Lake, Pauiir Plateau, Asia, near source of Amu Daria. Siri Pul, tn., Afghan Turkestan, 45 m. SW. Balkh. Sir Isaac Point, S. Australia, on Great Australian Biglit. Sir Joseph Banks' Islands, S. Australia, in Spencer Gulf. Sirmur, liill state, Punjab. Area 1077 sq. m. Pop. 112,371. Sirohi. native sUite, Rajimtaiia. Art-a 3020 sq. m. Pop. 188,880. Sirohl, tn., cap. of Sirolii state. Lat. 24" 53' N., long. 72° 54' E. Sironcha, tn., Chanda dist., Cent. Provs., India. Lat. 18° 51' N. Sironj, pargaua, Tunk state, Rajputana. Sirpur, tii., Berar, India. Lat. 20' 10' N., long. 77" i' E. Sirsa, diat., Punjab. Area 3004 sq. m. Sirsa, tahsil, Sirsa dist. Area 992 sq. m. Sirsa, hdqrs. tn., Sirsa dist. Lat. 29^ 32' N., long. 75" 7' E. Sirsa, tn., Allahabad dist , NW. Provs., India. Sirsi, sub-div., N. Kanara dist., Bombay. Sirsi, chief tn. of above. Lat. 14° 36' N., long. 74° 54' E. Sirsi, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 28' 36' N., long. 78° 39' E. Sirsi, guaranteed chiefship, Central India. Sirsi, tn., Nagpur dist.. Cent. Provs., India. Sirsundi, estate, Chanda dist., Cent. Provs., India. Sirur, sub-div,, Poonadist., Bombay. Area 577 sq. m. Sinir, tn. and cantonments, Poona dist., Bouibay. Sirutandanallur, tn., Tinnevelli dist., Madras. 8" 3S' N., 78° 35' E. Sirvel, tar., Lincolnshire, ou coast. Skeleton Lake, Ontario, Muskoka co, Skelleftei, vil. and par., Sweden, Westerbotten lan,on R. Skelleftea. Skelleftei River, Sweden, falls into Gidf of Bothnia. Skelligs, The, rocks, 10 tn. SW. Valentia Island, co. Kerry. Skelmanthorpe, tn. and tnshp., W. Riding, Ynrksliire. Skelmersdale, tn. and tnshp. , Lancashire, 4^ m. SE. Ormskirk. Skelmorlie, vil. and par., Ayrshire, par. partly in Renfrewshire. Skelton-in-Cleveland, tn., par., and tnshp., N. Riding, Yorkshire, 234 SKE THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER SNO Bkene, and liaiiilct, co. aiul SJ m. TV. AliCRleen. Skene, Loch, Dunilriesshirc, ii in, NE. Jlotrat. Sk«Qe, Moant, Victoria, peak of the Great Dividinfj Range. Elcerdmore Island, co. Galway, 9 in. ofTGolam Head. Skerky Island, C'>. Kerry, in Kenniare R. Skerne River, Durliani, trib. of tlie Tees at Croft. Skarries, si>t., c". and iS m. N. Dublin, and 4 m. SK. BalbrisS^iL Skerries, Out, islands, Slidlaiid, Nesting par. Skerries, Pentland. -Set' Pentland Skerries. Skerries, The, islau'l.-^, olf coast of CO. Dublin. Skerries. The, islands, off coast of co. Antrim, near Portrush. Skerries, The, name for nuuierons groups of rocks, Scotland. Skerry, par., CO, Antrim, on K. Braid, 7 m. NE. Ballymena. Ekerryvore Lighthouse, Atlantic, off Tyrec Island. Skerton, tnslip., Lancashire, on R. Lune, suburb of Lancaster Skervnile Island, Inner Hebrides, Argyllshire. Sketty, eccl. dist., Glamorgan, SW. of Swansea. Ekewen, eccl. dist., Glamorgan, N. of Neatii, Skiatho, tn., cap. of Skiatho Island, Grecian Archipelago. Ekiatho Island, N. Sporades, Grecian Archipelago. Skibbereen, spt., co. and 54 m. S\V. Cork, on R. Ilcn. Skiddaw, mtn., in centre of Cumberland. Alt. 3054 ft. Skiddaw, mtn., New Zealand, co. Amuri. Skidesgate Channel, British Columbia, Queen Cliarlotte Islands. fikidesgate Inlet, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands. Skien. i^<:i Skeen. Sklemewice, tn., Poland, 42 m. WSW. Warsan-. Skinburness, vil., Cumberland, ij ni. from Sillotli. Ekincuttle Inlet, British Columliia, Queen Charlotte Islands. Skipton, pari, div., N. div. W. Riding, Yorkshire. Pop. 58,213. Sklpton-inCraven, tn., par., and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, on R. Aire. Skirbeck, par., Lincolnshire, within Boston. Area 3799 acres. Bkircoat. tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire, S. of Halifax. Eklrrid Fawr, mtn., Monmouthshire, 4 m. NE. Abergavenny. * Skitter Ness, headland, Lincolnshire, on the Humber, 3 m. SE. Hull. Skive, til., l^eninark, Jutland, 17 m. NW. Viborg. Skivra. Nfc Skvra. Skofde, tn., Sweden, 22 m. SSW. Jlariestad. Bkomer Island, Pembrokeshire, in St. Bride's Bay, Bkoot River, British Columbia, trib. of the Stickeen R. Ekopeio, one of the Sporades, Grecian Archioelago. Pop. 10,147. Skopia. ^tc Uaknp. Skopln, tn., Russia, gov. and 52 m. S. Riaznn. Pop. 10,312. Skowhegan, vil. and tnshp,, JIaine, cap. of Somerset cu. Skreen, barony, mid co. Meath. Area 40,890 acres, Skreen, par,, co. Sligo, on coast. Area 1366 acres. Skull, par. and vil., co. Cork, on Skull Harbour, Roaringwater Bay. Skonk River, Iowa, trib. ^f the Mississippi in Henry co. Skvra, tn., Russia, 60 m. SW. Kiev. Pop. 10,061, Skye, isl., Inner Hebrides, Invemess-shire, Lat. 57°2o'X.' Skyros Island, Grecian Archipelago, 24 m. NE. Euba^.-i. Slad, ec' Am:izon. Sollngen, tn., Prassia, 19 m. from Cologne. Pop. IS.Gil. Solipaca. tn.. Italy, jtov, and 15 m. NE, Caserta. Solitary Islands. New South Wales, ofl" coast of CO, Fitzroy. Soiling, Mount. Germany. Lat. 51° 43' N,, long, g" 38' E. Solloghodmore, par., eo. and 4 m. from Tipperary. Solnhofen, tii., Germany. Lat, 48' 57' N., long. 11° 5' E. Solo. St€ So2rakarta. Solofra, tn,, Italy, prov. and 7 ni. SE. Avellino. Solola, tn.. Central America, 85 ni. NW. Guatemala. Pop. 14,000. Solomon City, vil., Kansas, Dickinson CO., ou Solomon K. Solomon Islands. Sec Salomon Islands. Solomon River, Kansas, trib. of the Smoky Hill R. Solomons Islaad. Maryland, in Patuxent R. Solor Islands, Malay Archipelago, E. of Flores. Pop. 15,000. EolothuTQ, See Soleure. Solt, tn , Hun-ary, 4S m. S. Buda-Pesth. SoltaLsland, lialniatia, W. of Brazza. Solva, spt.. P.-inbr<'k(.'shire, OU St. Brides Bay, 3 m. E. St. Davids, Solway Firth, arm of Irish Sea. Lat. 54° 52' N., long. 3' 30' W. Somain, tii., France, dep. Nord, 3J m. SE, Douai. Eomal Land, E. Africa, between .Vbyssinia and the Equator. Soma-male, sacred peak of the W. Gliats, Coorg, Ind:a. SomiBtipur, vil., Bengal. Darbhangah dist. Somberby-by- Grantham, ])ar. and vil., Lincolnshire. Area 2990 acres. Sombome, Kings. >S( 'j ^ngs Sombome. Sombrerete. tn., M-^xicn, 65 m. NW. Zacatecas. Pop. 18,062, Sombrero Island, one of the Windward Islands, Eomercotes, North, ]tar. and vil., Lincolnslure, 10 in, XE. Louth. Somergem, tn., Belgium, 8 ui. from Ghent. Somerset, vil., Quebec, co. Jlegantic, 49 m. SW, Quebec. Somerset, set., Queensland, co, N. Cuok, 1500 m. from Brisbane. Somerset, vil., Kentucky, caj), of Pulaski co., 79 m. S. Lexington. Somerset, vil., Ohio, Perry co., 7 m. NW. New Lexington. Somerset, Ixir., Pennsylvania, Somerset co., 70 m. SE. Pittsburg. Somerset, East, tn., Cape Cohuiy, 8 m, W. Graham's Town. Somerset, North, See North Somerset. Somersetshire, CO., England. Lat. si^N. 1,049,812 acres. Pop. 484,326, Somersham. tn., Huniiiigdonshire, 5^ m. NE. St. Ives. Somers Islands. .SVe Bermuda Islands. Somerton, tn. and par., Somersetshire, 5 ni, NE. Langport. Somerton, ^ il.. New South Wales, co. Parry, 273 m. N. Sydney. Somerville, furmer city, Massachusetts, now in Boston. Pop. 40,102. SomervUle, vil., New Jersey, cap. of Somerset CO., on Raritan R. Somerville, vil., Tennessee, cap. of Fayette co., 13 ni. X. Moscow. Somerville, tn,, Victoria, co. Morniugton, 35 ni. SE. Melbourne. Somerville Island, British Columbia. Lat. 54" 30' N,, long. 128° 10' W. Somma, tn., Italy, 4 ni. SE. Lago Maggiore. Somma, tn., Italy, q ni, E, Naples. Sommariva del Bosco, tn., Italy, Coni, 8 m. SE. Carmagnola. Somme, d'p., France, on English Channel, 2379 sq. m, P. &48,9S2, Sommen, Lake, Sweden, 15 m, E, Lake Wetter. Area 200 sq, m. Sommerda, tn., Prussian Saxony, on the Unstrut, Sommerfeld, tn., Brandenburg, 44 m, SSE. Frankfort. Pop. 11,362. Somme River, France, falls into the English Chatinel. Sommi^res, tn., France, dep, Gard, 17 m. SW. Ximes. Somna, vil., Aligarh dist., NW. Provs., India. Somnatb. tn., Junagarh, India. ,Lat. 22" 4' N., long. 71" 26' E. Somonauk. vil. and tnshn., Illinois, De Kalb co., 6i m, SW. Cliicago. Somosicrra, tn., Spain. Lat. 41° g' X,, long. 3° 36' W. Some Somo, tn., Fiji, on Tiviuni Island. Somo Somo Strait, Fiji, between Tiviuni and Vanua Levu. Sompet, tttluk, Ganjam dist., Madras. Area 54 sq. m, Sompet, hdqrs. tn,, Sompet taluk, Madras. Somsa Parwat, peak, W. Ghats, Madras. Lat. 13" 8' N., 75° 18' E. Somwarpet, In., Coorg, India. Sonal, tn., Bomliay, Ahmailnagar dist. Lat. 19° 73' X., 74" 54' E. Sonai, tn., Muttra clist., NW. Provs., India. Sonai, branch between the Biahniaputra and Kalang, Assam. Sonai River, Assam, trib. of the Barak R. Sonala, tn., Akola (list., Berar, India. Sonamukhi, vil., Bankura dist., Bengal. Sonapur. vW., Kamrup dist., As.sani. Lat. 26° 16' N,, long. 91° 40' K Sonapur. vil. and anc. port, Ganjam dist., Madras, Sonargaon, vil., Dacca dist., former Mohammedan cap., E. Bengal. Soabarsa, vi],, Ballia dist,, NW. Provs., India, Sonbarsa, tn., Bliagalpur dist., Bengal. Soncino, tn., Italy, 20 m, NNW. Cremona, ou the Oglio, Sonda, tn., X. Kanara dist., Bombay, Sonderburg, tn,, Prussia, on Alsten Island, Sondershausen, tn., Germany, cap. of Schwarzburg-Sondershansen. Sondre Bergenhuus, amt, Norway, includes Bergen. Pop, 123,125, Sondre Trondhjem, amt, Norway. Pop. 123,563. SoQdrio, jiruv., Lumbardy, Italy. Area 1259 sq. ni. Pop. 11,241. Sondrio, tn., Italy, ca]>. of Sondrio prov., 43 m. NE. Bergamo. Songarh, vil., Baroda state, India. Songarh. ]>f'tty state, Bombay, India, Songhay, dist., Soudan, S, of the Sahara. Songir. tn., Kliande-sli dist., Bombay, Lat. 21° 8' N., long. 75° 4' E. Song-k^ River, Tonquin. Lat. 23" N., long. 103' E. Song-Kiang. city, China, prov. Kiang-Su. Songwe River, between German and British E. Africa. Sonkh, tn., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 27° 29' X., long. 77" 52' E. Sonmianl, spt., Baluchistan, 52 ni. NW. Karachi. Sonneberg, tn., Germany, 12 m, NE. Cobnrg. Pop. 10,323. Sonnenburg, tu., Prussia, 79 m. XXE. Frankfort-nn-Oder. Sonning, par,, tnshp., and viL, Berks and Oxfordshire. Soaora, vil., California, 90m, SE. Sacramento. Sonora, state, NW. filexico. Area 77,546 sq. ni. Pop, 150,331, Sonora. tn., Mexico, Sonora state, on It. Sonora. Sonora River, Mexico, Sonora state. Lat. 29° 30' X,, long. 111° W. Sonpat, tnlifil, Delhi dist,, Ptuijab, Area 454 sq, m. Sonpat, hdqrs. tn,, Sonpat Uu-sil, Punjab. Sonpur, native state, Cent. Provs., India. 906 sq. m. Pop. 178,701. Sonpur, estate, Chhindwara dist, Cejit. Provs., India, Sonpur Binka, tn., Sonpur State, Cent. Provs., India. Sonpur Manda, vil., Sonpnr state, Cent. Provs., India. Son River, India, trib. of the Ganges, 10 m, above Diuapnr. Sonsari, estate. Cent. Provs., India, Chauda dist. Sonseca, tu., Spain, 8 ni. S, Tidedo. Sonsonate, tn., in and 50 m. W?jW, Pan Salvador. Son-tay, prov, and tn., Tonquin, XW. of Ilanni. Sonwanl, vil., NW. Piovs., India. Lat. 2^" 46' N,, long, 84° 20' E. SoothUl, tnslii'-, W. Riding, Yorks, j-artly in Dewsbury. P. 11,493. Sophia. Ser Sofia. Sop Island, Newfoundland, in "White Bay. Sops Arm, Newfoundland, bmnch of White Bay. Sora, city, Italy, Caserta, on the Garigliano. Sorab, t'duk, Sliimnga dist., Mysore. Area 438 sq. ni. Soracabo, in., Brazil, strife and 50 m. AV. Sao Paulo. Soragna, tn., Italy, 18 m, XW. Parma, Soraon, tahsil, Allahabad dist., NW. Provs,, Inrlia. Soraon, hdqrs. vil., Soraon UiksH, XW. Provs., India. Sorata, tn., Bolivia, 57 m. XW. La Paz. Sorata, two mtns., Bolivia. 21,043 and 21,286 ft. 16° S„ 6b^ 30' T»', Sorath, div., Kathiawar, Bombay. Aifa 53S7 sq. m. Sorau, tn., Brandenburg, 56 m. SSE. FranUfort. Pop. 13,665, Sorble, par. and vil., Wigtownshire, on Wigtown Bay. Sorel, tn., Quebec, cap. of Richelieu co., on Uichclieu R. Sorell. tn., Tasmania, co. Pembroke, 15 m. from Hobart. Sorell, Cape, Tasmania, X. extremity of co. Montgomery. Sorell, Lake, Tasmania, co. Sumersel, Area 12,300 acres. 23G SOR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER SPA Sorcll. Moont, Tasmania, co. Franklin, E. of Macquarie R. Sorel Point, heatlland, ou N. coast of Jersey, Channel Islands. Soresina. tn., Italy, 14 m. from Cremona. 8orii, I'lov., Spain, Old Castile. Area 5700 sq. m. Pop. 161,471. Boria, rity, cap. of above, on U. Douro. Lat. 41' 50' N.,loug. 2° 35' W, Soriano, tn., Italy, 7 m. K. Viterbo. Som, i>:ir. and vil., Ayrshire, on It. A\t, 4^ m. E. Mauchline. Sorocaba. k<-e Soracabo. Soroka, tn., Uii:>-->ia, lli-ssarabia, on R. Dnie..^iniboia, falls Into Sounding Lake. Sounding Lake, S iskatchewan, at foot of Neutral Hills. Eoungaria, dlv., NW. (Jliina. Area 148.000 sq. m. Pop. 600. 000. Sour, spt., Syria, 28 ni. NE. Acre, on site of Tyre. Eoure, tn., Portugal, Estremadura, 13 m. NW. PomVial. SouriB, spt., Prince Edward Island, 52 m. from Charlottetown. Souria River, Assitilboia and Manitolta, trib. of the Assiniboine R. South Abington. vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Plymouth co. South Acton, ci'cl. dist., Middlesex, near nammersmith. South African Republic, S. Africa. 25° S. 121,254 sq. m. P. 610,000. Southall, tn., Middlesex, 9^ m. W. London. Eoutham, tn. and par., co. and 9 m. SE. Warwick. South Amboy, vil. and tnshp., NfW Jersey, Middlesex co. South America. Ste America, South. Southampton, sitt., Hants, on Soiitliampton Water. Pop. 65,325. Southampton, vil. and tnslip.. New York, Suflulk co., on Atlantic. Sauthampton, Cape, Hudson Bay. Lat. 62° 6' N., long. 84° W. Southampton Islaiid, Canada, in Hudson Bay. Sonthamptonahire. ^'' >: Hampahire. Southampton Water, .sra irik-t, Hants, at month of Test R. South Ann River, Virginia, head -stream of the Pamunkey R. South Australia, colony, Australia. Area 300,000 sq. m. South Banbury, eccl. dist., Oxford and Northampton shires. South Bank, vil., N. Riding, Yorkshire, on R. Tees. South Birwon, dist., Victoria, near Geelong. South Bend, City, Indiana, cap. of St. Juseph co Pop. 21,819. South Berwick, vil. f,nd tnslip,, Maine, York co., ou Salmon Falls R. South BHhlehem, bor., Pennsylvania, Northampton co. Pop. 10,302. South Blyth, lucal gov. dist., Nortliumlwrland, in Morpetli. Soathborough. tn., Kent, 2 m. N. Tunbridge Wells. SiuthBoaton Depot, vil., Virginia, Halifax co., on Dan R. fiouthboume, eccl. dist. and vil., Sussex, 2^ m. E. Uavant. South Brabant, jirov., Belgium, containing Brussels. Pop. 1,119,100. South Branch River, Assiuiboia, falls into Old Wives Lake. South Brent, iiir. and vil., Devonshire, 7 m. W. Totnes. Eouthbridge, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Worcester co. Eouthbridge, tn., Nrw Zrakiiid, CO. Selwyn. Southbrook, tn., New Zealand, ig m. N. Christchurch. Southbroom, tnshp., Wiltshire, partly in Devizes. South Bruiji Island. Hcc Bruin Island. South Cape, China. Lat. 21° 55' N., long. 120" 45' E. South Cape, most southern point of New Guinea. South Cape, Fiji, southern extremity of Tiviuni. South Caps, New Ztaland, southern termination of colony. South Capo, southern point of Tasmania. South Cipo Bay. Tasmania, on coast near South Cape. South Carolina, one of the United .Slates. 30,570 sq. in. P, 1,151,149, South Cirrolton, vil, and tnshp., Kentucky, on the Green R, South Cave, ]i;ir., vil,, tnshp., and local gov. dist,, W. Riding, Yorks. South C.'iirleaton, vil., Ohio, Clark co., n m. SW. London. South Chicago, vil., Illinois, Cook co., on Lake Michigan. Southcoates, tnsliii., E. Riding, Yorkshire, within Hull. South Covington, vil., Kentucky, 5 m. S. Cincinnati. South DserAeld, vil., Massachusetts, Franklin co. South Downs, lulls, S. Sussex. Lat. 50° 54' N., long, o' 12' W. South East Cape, New Guinea, on E. coast. South East iBliind, chief of the Louisiade Archipelago. South Easton, vil., Massaclnisctts, Bristol co., N. of Taunton. South Ea3ton, lV'iiii,sylvania. 6Vj Easton. Eonth3nd, spt., Essex, on Thames estuary, 42 m. E. London. ' Southend, fcrl. dist., Surrey, Croydon par. Southari Alps. -S'ce Alps, Southern. Southsrndown, vil., Olaiin.r^.inshire, 3 m. SW. Bridgend. Soutiiem Ocean, S. parts nf the Imlian, Pa- i lie, and Atlantic Oceans. Southery, par. and vil , Xwilolk, on U. Ouso Area 3695 acres. South Evanston, vi!., llliiiuis, Cuok CO., on Lake Michigan. Southfield and Blackwood, vil., Lanarksliire, near Lcsmahagow. Southfleet, ]iar. and vil., Kent, SW. of Gravesend. Southgati?. New. vil. and eccl. dist., Middlesex, -i, m. SE. New Barnet. South Georgia, id., S. Atlantic. 1570 sq. m. Lat. 54° 30' S., 37° W. South Glaatenbury, vil., C'lnnccticiit. Hartford CO. South Glena Falls, \\\., Ni.'W York, Saratoga Co., on Hudson R. South Goaforth, tn., Ninihumlicrland, 2111. friiiii Newcastle. South Hackney, dist., Middlesrx, H;iokney par Pop. 41.759. South Hadley, \il. and tuslip., Alassachusijtts, Hampshire co. South Hadley Falls, vil. and tn.shp., Massachusetts, Hampshire co. South Hamlet, |iar., co. and partly in city of Gloucester South Hams, dist., Devoushire, kiiuwu as the ' Garden of Devon.* South Haven, vil. and tnslip., Michigan, Van Burcn co. South Hayling. ^c' Hayling. South Head, Now South Wales, co. Cumberland, on Broken Bay. South Head, New iiealand, at Kaipara Harbour. South Heart River, Athabasca, faUs into Little Slave Lake South Hetton,, Durham, 8 m. SW. Sunderland. South Hill, capi', Newfoundland, on St. John's Harbour. South Hingham, vil., Massaeliusetts, Plymouth co South Holland, ]trov., Netherlands, on North Sea. Pop. 957,834. South Hornsey, dist., in N. of London. SouthiU, par. and vil., Bedfordshire, near Biggleswade. Southington, vil., Connecticut, Hartford co., on Quinepiack R, South laland, one of the New Zealand Islands. Lat. 47' S. South Kanara. 6Ve Eanara, South. South Kensinffton, dist., IMiddlesex, Kensington par. Southland, former prov., New Zealand, now in Otago, South Lindsey, pari, div., Lincolnshire. Pop. 46,079. South Lyncombe, eccl. dist., Somerset, within Bath. South Lynn, par., Norfolk, in King's Lynn. South Lyon, vil., Jlichigan, Oakland co., 34 m. W. Detroit. South Maitland, set.. Nova Scotia, co. Hants, 15 m. fm. Shubenacadle. South Manchester, vil., Connecticut, Hartford co. South Maratha Jagirs, group of native states. Bombay. Pop. 523.753. South Melbourne, tn., Victoria, adjoining Melbourne. Pop. 33,000. South Mimms, par. and vil., Middlesex, ^h "i- ^'^- Barnet. Southminster, jiar. and vil., Essex, 8 ni. SE. Maldon. South Molton, l»or. and par., Devon, on R. Mde. Area 6264 acres. Southmuir, part of Kirriemuir tn., Forfarshire. South Natick, vil., Massaeliusetts, Middlesex co., on Charles B. South Norwalk, City, Cnnnecticut, Fairheld C()., 42 m. NE. New York. South Norwood, eccl. dist., Surrey, Croydon par. South Oil City, bor., Pennsylvania, Venango co., on Alleghany R. Southold, vil. and tnshp., New York, Sutt'olk co. South Omaha, tn., Nebraska, Douglas co. South Orange, vil.. New Jersey, Essex co., 15 m. W. New York. South Orkneys, isls., Antarctic Ocean. Lat. 61" S., long. 45° W. South Ossett, eccl. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Southover, par., Sussex, mostly in Lewis. Southowram, tn. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire, Halifax par. South Petherton, tn. and par., Somersetshire, on R. Parret. South Pittsburg, vil., Tennessee, Marion co., on Tennessee R. South Point, cape, Antieosti Island. Lat. 49° 5' N., long. 62° 14' W. Southport, bor., Lancashire, i8i m. N. Liverpool. Pop. 43,026. Southport, pari, div., SW. Lancashire, Pop. 76,581. South Port, inlet, Tasmania, off D'Entrccasteaux Channel. Southport, tn., N. Territory, S. Australia, 24 m. S. Palmerston. Southport, watering-place, Queensland, co. Ward, 46 m. SE. Brisbane. Southport, vil., Connecticut, Fairfield co., 50 m. N. New York. South Pueblo, vil., Colorado, co. and 2 m. S. Pueblo. South Quebec, tn., in and 2 ni. S. Quebec, on R. St. Lawrence. South Queensterry, vil., Linlithgowshire, on Firth of Forth. South Rakaia, tn., New Zealand, co. Ashburton. South Rhine River. .S'*; Rhine River, South. South River, I.jwa. tril.>. uf the Des Moines R., Warren co. South River, vil.. New Jersey, Middlesex co., on South R. South River, Nnrth Carolina, trib. of Cape Fear R. South Rondout, vil., New York, Ulster co., near Rondoiit. South Sand Head. See. Sand Head, South. Southsea, .list., Hants, S. side of Portsmouth. South Seabrook, vil., New Hampshire, Rockingham co. South Shetland, i.sls., S. Atlantic. Lat. 65° S., long. 60" W. South Shields. .SVi; Shields, South. South Shore, <.'ccl. di>t., Lancashire, suburb of Blackpool. South Stillwater, vil,, Minnesota, Washington co., on St. Croix Lake. South Stockton, tn., Durham and W. Riding, Yorkshire. South Taranaki Bight, inlet, New Zealand, cos. Patea and Hawera. South Toledo, vil,, Ohio, Lucas co., on Maumce R. South Vineland, vil.. New Jersey, Cumberland co., 2 m. S. Vineland. Sauthwark, bor., Surrey, on R. Thames, opjmsite London. P. 223,330. South Waverly, bor., Pennsylvania, Bradford co. South Weald, par., tnshp., and vil., Essex, nenr Brentwood. Southwell, tn. and par., co. and 17 m. NE. Nottingham. South West Cape, Tasmania, the SW. extremity of the island. South West Frontier Agency. 6'ce Chutia Nagpur State. South West laland, Australia, one of the Sir Edward Pellcw Islands. South West Point, cape, Antieosti Island. South Whitley, vil., Indiana, Whitley co., on the Eel R. Southwick, tn. and tnshp., Durham, within Sunderland. Sout'awlck, ii:ir. and vil., Sussex, 2 m. from Slioreham. Southwold, btr. and par.. Suffolk, on R. Blythe, 8 m. K. Halesworth. South Woodalee, vil., t)ntariii, co. Essex, 21 m. from Amherstburg. South Yarmouth, vil,, Massaeliusetts, Barnstable co. South Yarra, suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. Souttar Point, licadland, S. Australia, co. Fergusson Sovl Harbour, Fiji, on S. coast of Viti J>ovu. Sowe, par. and vil., Warwickshire, on R. Sow. Sowerby, tnshp. ami vil., N. Riding, Yorkshire, suburb ofThirsk. Sowerby, tn. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 4 m. SW. Halifax. Sowerby Bridge, tn., W. Riding, Yorkshire, ou R. CaMer. Sow Rtver, Si:il]"i)rdshiro, trib. of the Trent near Tixall Sow River, Warwickshire, trib. of Iho Avon at Stnneleigh. Soyli Island, SuLlicrlaudsldrc, off month of Loch Invcr. Soyland, tn. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire, ^V lu. SW. Halifax. Sozh River, Russia, trib. of the Dnieper, 40 m. N W. Chernigov. Spa, watering-place, Belgium. Lat. 50° 50' N., hmg. 5° 50' E. Spaccafomo, tu., Sicily, 11 m. SW. Noto, near cotiat. Spain, kingdom, SW. Europe. ig4,So3sq.m. Lat. .10° N. F. 17,6S0,24S. Spalato or Spalatro, spt., Dalmatia. Lat. 43° 3s' N., long. 16' 25' E. Spalding, tn. and par., Lincolnshire, on R. Widland. SpaldlDg, pari, div., Lincolnsliirc Pop, 49,279. Spandau, In., Urandenburg. 52° 30' N., long. 13' 10' E. P. 44,611. Spaniard Sands, shoals in estuary of the Tiiames. Spaniard's Bay, Xcwfoundland, E. side of Conccpcion Ray. 237 SPA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER STA Spaniard's Bay, set., Newfoundland, on Spniiiard's Bay. Spanish Head, cape, S\V. extremity of tlie Isle of Man. Spanish Islind, CO. Cork, in Baltimore Bay. Spanish Main, old name for part of Atlantic offS. America. Spanish Main, old name for part of coast of S. America. Spanish River, Ontario, falls into N. channel of Lake Huron. Spanish Town, In., Jamaica. Lat. i8' N., long. 77° "W. Spanish Town, viL, California, Sau Matfo co., on the racilic. Sparkbrook, eccl. dist., Warwickshire, on K. Cule. Sparta, ancient city, Morea, 3 ui. NW. Mistra. Sparta, vil., Ontario, El^'in co., 12 ni. from St. Thomas. Sparta, vil., Georgia, cap. of Hancock co., 54 m. NE. Macon. Sparta, tn. and tnshp., Illinois, Randolph co., 97 ni. NW. Cairo. Sparta, ^'il. and tuslip., AVisconsin, cap. of Monroe co. Sparta Centre, vil., Michigan, Kent co,, 14 m. NW. Grand Rapids. Spartanburg, vil. and tnshp., S. Carolina, cap. of Spartanburg co. Spartanburg. Imr., Pennsylvania, Crawford co. Epartel, Cape, XW. extremity of Africa. Lat. 36' N., long. 6' Vi'. Spartivento, Cape, Italy. Lat. 37" 55' N., long. 16° E. Epask, tu., Russia, gov. and io3 ni. NXE. Tambov. Spean River, luverness-shire, trib. of R. Lochy. Spear Head, cape, Caithness-shire, 2^^ m. NW. Thurso. Speckled Mountain, Maine, Oxford co. Alt. 4000 ft. Spectacle Island, New South Wales, in Sydney Bay. Speed River, Ontario, Wellington co., trib. of Grand R. Speen, jiar. and vil., Berkshire, near Newbury. Speenhamland, eccl, dist., Speen par., Berkshire. Speicher, vil., Switzerland, canton and 6 ni. NE. Appeuzell. Speier. Sec Speyer. Speldhurat, par. and vil., Kent, par. partly in Tunbridge Wells. SpeUo, tn., Italy, prov. Perugia, 3 m. NW. Foligno. Spencer, vil., Indiana, cap. of Owen co., on fork of White R. Spencer, vil. and tnshp., Iowa, cap. of Clay co., on Little Sious R. Spencer, vil. and tnslip., Massachusetts, Worcester co. Spencer, Cape, S. Australia, S. extremity of York Peninsula. Spencer, Cape. New Brunswick, on coast of St. John co. Spencer Gulf, S. Australia. Lat. 34° S., long. 137° E. 8700 sq. ni. Spencer Mountains, New Zealand, E. boundary of co. Mangaliua. Spencerport, vil., New York, Monroe co., 10 m. W, Rochester. Spencerville, vil., Oat.irio, GrenviUe co,, g m. from Prescott. SpencerviUe, vil., Ohio, Allen co., on the Miami Canal. Epennymoor, tn., Durham, 4 m. NE. Bishop Auckland. Spen Valley, pari, div., W. Riding, Yorkshire Pop. 57,402. Eperchius River, Greece. Lat. 33" 55' N., long. 22" iS' E. Eperrin Mountains, Cos. Tyrone and Londonderry. Alt. 2236 ft. Spessart, furcst, Germany, in NW. of Bavaria. Speyer, city, cap. of Rhenish Bavaria, on R. Rhine. Pop. 1S,233. Epeymouth, par. and y.s. par, Elginshire, at mouth of Spey Epey River, Inverness, Elgin, and Banff shires to Moray Firth. Spezia, tn., Italy, on coast. Lat. 44° 10' N., long. 9''45' E. P. 23,301. Epezzano-Albanese. tu., Calabria. 10 m. from Castrovillari. Spezzia, tn., on N. side of Spezzia Island. Spezzia Island, Greece. Lat. 37* 15' N., long. 23° 10' E. Sphakia. tu., Crete, on S. coast. Lat. 35" 14' N. Spice Islands. S^-:c Moluccas. • Splceland, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, Henry co., 5 m. NW. Louisville. Spicheren. St,e, Spichern. ^ Spichern, vil., Alsace-Lorraine, i\ m. S. Saarbruck. Spieden Island, Fiji, one of the Hudson group. Spielberg, tn., Austria. Lat. 49° 12' N., long. 16° 35' E. Spike Island, co. Cork, in Coi-k harbour Slilitary station. Spilimbergo. tn., Italy, 15 m. WNW. Udine. Spilling Rock, in R. Sluinnon, 8 m. below Limerick. Spilsby, tu. and par., Lincolnshire, 7 m. SW. Alford. Spilsby Island, S. Australia, one of the Sir Joseph Banks' group. Spinazzola, tn., Italy, prov. Bari. 7 m. S. Miuervino. Pop. 11,039. EpirdingZee, lake, Prussia, Gumbiunen, 11 ni. long. Spires. Sii't Speyer. Spirit Lake, Iowa, at bead of Little Sioux R. Spirit Like, vil., Iowa, c;ip. of Dickenson co., 22 m N. Spencer. Spirits Biy, New Zealand, in N. coast of co. Mongonui, Spitalfields, par., Middlesex, Tower Hamlets. Top. 22,456. Spitall, tn., Austria, Carinthia, on the R. Drave. Spital Square, eccl. dist., Middlesex, Tower Hamlets. Spit Bank, co. Cork, in Cork harbour, oR"Queenstown. Spit Bank, co. Waterford, in Waterford harbour, off Passage Point. Spithead, roadstead, Portsmouth harboui', Hants. Lat. 50° 46' N. Epiti, sub-div., Kaugra dist., Punjab. Area 2155 sq. m. Epiti River, Punjab, trib. of the Sutlo.j. Spittal, tn., Northumberland, at juouth of R. Tweed. Spittlegate, tnshp., Lincolnshire, within Grantham. Spitzbergen, isls., Arctic Ocean. Lat. 78' N., long. 15° E. Epizza, tn., Austria. Lat. 42° 11' N., long. 19° 3' E. Split Cape, Nova Scotia, on coast of King's co. Split Lake, Keewatin, expansion of Nelson R. Splii^en Pass, between Switzerland and Lombardy. Lat. 56° 34' E. Spofforth, par., tnshp., and vil., W. Riding. Yorks, near Wetherby. Spokane Falls, tn., Washington, cap. of Spokane co. Pop. 19,922. Spokane River, Idaho, trib of Columbia R. Spoleto, tn., Italy, 41 m. SE. Perugia. Pop. 11,885. Epondon, jtar., tnshp., and vil,, co. and 3 m. from Derby. Spoon River. Illinois, trib. of the Illinois R., opposite Havana. Eporades, isls., Grecian Archipelago. Lat. 38° N., long. 25° E. Spotland, tnshp., L.incasliire, partly in Rochdale. Spottsville, ham. and tnshp., Kentucky, Henderson co., onGreen R. Spottsylvania Court House, vil., Virginia, cap. of Spottsylvania co. Sprague'sMill, vil., Maine, Aroostook co., 3 m. W. Eas'tou. Spree River, Saxony and Prussia. L it. 52° 25' N., long. 12° 30' E. Epremberg, tn., Brandenburg, on R. Spree. Pop. 11,000. Springbokfonteiu, tu., Cape Colony. Lat. 29° 45' S., long. \f 43' E. Springborough, vil,. Ohio, Warren co., 38 m. N. Cincinnati. Springburn, tn. and NE. suburb of Glasgow. Spring City, bur., Pennsylvania, Chester co., on Scliuylkill R. Spring City, vil., Utah, Sau Pete Co., 10 m. NE. Mauti. Springdale, vil. and tnshp., Peimsylvania, Alleghany co. Springfield, par., Essex, NE. of Chelmsford. Springfield, vil. and par., Fifeshire, on K. Eden. Springfield, city, cap. of Illinois. Lat. 39° 45' N. Pop. 24,963. Springfield, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, c;ip. of Wasli:ngUm co. Springfield, City, Massachusetts, c;ip. of Hampd^-n co. Pop. 44,179. Springfield, city, Missouri, cap. of Greene co. Pop. 21,850. Springfield, city, Ohio, cap. of Clark co., on Mad li. Pop. 31,895. Springfield, set., Nova Scotia, co. Annapolis, 29 m. fm. Lawr(;ucetown. Springfield, vil., Ontario, CO. Elgin, 13 in. lro:u St. Thomas. Springford, \il., Ontario, co. Oxford, 30 ui. Irom Loudon. «, Spring Green, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Sauk co. Spring Grove, cccl, dist., Middlesex, near Brentford. Spring Grove, tn.. New South Wales, co. Bathurst, 179 m. NW. Sydney. Spring Grove, vil., tnshp., Illinois, Warren Co., 5 m. N. Monmouth. Spring Hill, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Johnson en. Spring Hill, vil., Tennessee, Maury co., on Duke R. Spring Lake, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Ottawa co., on L. Michigan. Spring River, Missouri and Indian Territory, tnb. of Neosho U. Spring River, Tasmauia, falls into Port Davey. Springside Colliery, vil., Ayrshire, Dreghoru par. Springaure, vil., Queensland, co. Denison, 485 m. NW. Brisbane. Spring Valley, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Fillmore co. Spring Valley, vil., New York, Rockland co., 15 m. NE. Piermont Springv'ille, \il.. New York, Erie co., 30 in. S. Bufl'alo. Sprint River, Westmorland, trib. of the Kent near Kendal. Sprotta, tu., Prussian Silesia, 38 m. from Liegnitz. Sprouston, par. and vil., Roxburghshire, near R. Tweetl. Sprowston, j'ar. and vil., Norfolk, 3 m. from Norwich. Spry, Cape, Nova Scotia, on coast of Halifax co. Spry Bay, spt.. Nova Scotia, co. and 66 m. NE. Halifax. Spur Ness, headland, Orkney, S. extremity of tS;inday Island. Spurn Head, ln-adland, Y'orkshire. Lat. 53° 36' N., long. 0° 10' E. Spuyten Duyvil Creek, New Y'ork, between Hudson and Harlem lis. Spynie, New, ]'ar. , Elginshire, on R. Lossie. Squam Lake, New Hampshire, Grafton and Carroll cos. SquiUace, tn., Italy, Calabriii, 10 m. SW. Catanzaro. Squirrell Island, Maine, otf coast of co. Lincoln, Erigonda, sub-div., Ahmadnagar dist., Bombay. Srigoada, chief tn. of above. Lat. iS° 41' N., long, 74° 44' E. Srigovindpur, tu., Punjab. Lat. 31° 41' N., long. 75° 32' E. Srikanta, pt;ak, NW. Provs., India. Lat. 30° 57' N. Alt. 20,296 ft. Sri Madhopur, tn., Jaipur state, Rajputana, India. Srinagar, city, cap. of Kashmir. Lat. 34° 5' N., 74° 51' E. P. 120,3x0. Srinagar, tn., Marsinghpur dist., Cent. Provs., India, Srinagar, pargana, Kheri dist., Oudh. Area 229 sq. lu. Srinagar, tahail, Garhwal dist., NW. Provs., India. Srinagar, vil., Garhwal dist., NW. Provs., India. Srinagar, tn., Hamirpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Mostly in ruins. Srinagar, viL, Balliadist., NW. Provs., India. Sringeri, vil., Kadur dist., Mysore, ludix Srinivaspur, taluk, Kolardist., Mysore. Area 331 sq. m. Srinivaspur, lidqrs. tn., Srinivaspur ^i'wfc, Mysore. Sriperambudur, tu., Chengalpat dist., Madras. Srirangam, tu., Madras. Lat. 10' 51' N., loug. 78° 44' E. Pop. 20,660. Srirangavarapukot, taluk, Vizagapatam dist., M.adras. Srirangavarapukot, hdqrs. in. of above. 18° 6' N., long. 83° 11' E, Srivaikuntham, tn., Madras. Lat. 8' 38' N., loug. 77* 57' E. Srivillipatur, taluk, Tinnevelli dist., Madras. Srivillipatur, chief tu. of Srivillipatur taluk, Sriwardhan, tn., Bombay. Lat. 18" 4' N., long. 73° 4' E, Staaten River, Queensland, fulls into Gulf of Carpentaria. Stack Island, Tasmania, between Robbin's and Iliuiter Islands. Stack, Loch, Sutherlandshire, source of K. Laxfurd. Stade, tu., Hanover, 22 m. NW. Hamburg. Etafa, vil., Switzerland, 13 m. SE. Ziirich. StaSa Island, luuer Hebrides. Lat. 56^ 28' N., long. 6' 23' W. Staffin Bay, Skye, Inverness-shire, on NE. coast. Staffia Island, Skye, Inveruess-.shire, off Stathu Bay. Stafford, bor., i>ar., tnshp., and co. tn. of Staffordshire. Pop. 20,270. Stafford, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, Tullaud co. Stafford, vil., Texis, Fort Bend Co., 31 m. SW. Houston. Stafford, Mount, New Zealand, co. Marlborough. Staffordshire, co., England. Lat. 52° 50' N. 748,433 ac. P. 1,083,273. Stafford Springs, bor., Connecticut, Tolland co., on Willimauiic 11, Stagno Grande, tu., Dalmatia, on Sabioncello Peninsula. Staincliffe, eccl. dist., W. Riding, Y'orkshire, ij m. N. Dewsbury. Staindrop, pur,, tnshp., and vd., Durham, SW. of Bishop Auckland. Staines, tn. and par., Middlesex, on R. Thames, 19 m. SW. London. Stainlaud, tn. and tnshp.. N. Riding, Yorkshire, 3^ m. SW. Halifax- Stainton, par., tnshp., and vil., N. Riding, Yorkshire. Staithea, tn., N. Riding, Yorkshire, jo ni. NW. Whitby. Stalbridge, tn. and par., Dorset, 7 m. W. Wiucanton. Staleybridge. See Stalybridge. Stalham, tn. and par., Nurfidk, 16 ni. NW. Yarmouth. Stalinmi Island, Turkey, in the .£sean Sea. Stallupohnen, tn., Prussia, 16 m. ENE. Gumbinneu. Stalmine, eccl. dist., tnshp., anil vil., Lancashire, on R. Wyre. Stalybridge, bor, Lancashire and Cheshire, on R. Tame. Pop. 26,783. Stamber Mill, eccl. dist., Worcesterslihe, Oldwiusford par. Stamboul. Sec Constantinople. Stamford, bor., Northampton and Lincoln shires, on R. Wellaud. Stamford, parL div. of Lincolnshire. Pop. 47,647. Stamford, bor., Connecticut, on Long Island Sound. Pop. 15.700. Stamford, vil., tnshp.. New York, Delaware Co.. 74 in. NW. Rondout Stamford Baron St. Martin, par., Northamptonshire, on R. Wellaud. Stamford Bridge, tn., E. Riding, Y'orkshire, on R. Derwent. Stamfordham, par. and vil., Northumberland, on R. Pout. Stamford Hill, cccl. dist., Middlesex, in N. of London. Stampalia Island, Grecian Archipelago, 50 m. square. Btanberry, vil., Missouri, Geutry co., 10 in. SE. Maryville. 238 STA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER STO Stand, cccl. dist., Lancashire, 5}- m. NW. Manchester Standerton, tn., S. African Uepublic, on Vaal U. Staudground, vil,, par., and tnshp., Cambridtje and Iluntmgdou shires. Standish, par., tnshp., and vil., Lancashire. Standiflh, Mount, Qneeusland, N. Gregory dist. Stand Lane, eCLl. dist., Lancashire, Prestwich par. fitandon, par, and vil., Herts, 8 ni. NE. Ware. Stane, vil., Lanarkshire, near Shotts Ironworks. Stanford, vil. and tush p., Kentucky, cap. of Lincoln co. Stanford-in-the-Vale, par., tnshp., and vil., Berkshire, nearFaringdoii. Stanghow, liislip., N. Hiding, Yorkshire, 4 m. E. Gnisbrough. Stanhope, tn. and I'ar., Durham, on K. Wear. Stanislaa. i<:': Stanislawow. fitanislaoa River, Culifurnia, trib. of the San Joaquin. Stanislawow, tu., Austria. Lat. 49° N., long. 24° 50' E. Pop. 18,62C. Stanley, ecol. dist., tnshp., and vil., Yorkshire. Pop, tnshp. 15,677. Stanley, eccl. dist. and vil., Durham, Brancepeth par. Stanley, eccl. dist., Lancashire, N. of Liveriiool. Stanley, tn., Victoria, co. Bogong, 180 m. NK. Mi'lbourne. Stanley, spt, Tasmania, co. AVellington, 278 ni. W. Ilobart. Stanley, Falkland Islands. Sec Port Stanley. Stanley Fallfl, lapids and stu., on Cungo R., Africa. Long. 25° 20' E. Stanley Pool, Africa, expansion of U. Congo. Lat. 4° 5' S. Stanley Range, mtns.. New Guinea. Alt. 13,200 ft. Stanmore, Great, par. and vil., N. Middlesex, 2 m. NW. Edgware. Stanner Point, Lancashire, at mouth of R. Ribble. Stannifer, tu., New South Wales, 352 ni. N. Sydney. Stanningley, eccl. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire, within Leeds. Stannington, pnr. and vil., Northnniberland, ou R. Blytli. Stanovoi Mountains, E. Siberia. Lat. 60' N. Stansbnry, tn., S Australia, co. Fei^gusson, 217 m. W. Adelaide. Stanafield, Inshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire, mostly in Todmorden. Stanstead, tn. Quebec, 76 m. from Montreal. Stanstead Abbots, par. and vil., Herts, on R. Lea. Stonsted Moimtfitchet, par., Essex, on R. Stort. Stansty, tnshp., DeubiL^lishire, partly in Wrexham. Btanthorpe, tnslip., Queensland, co. Bcutinck. Stanton, vil., Delaware, New Castle co., 7 m. SW. "Wilmington. Stanton, vil., Micliigan, cap. of Montcalm Co., 24 m. X. Ionia. Stanton and Newhall, tnshp., Derbyshire, 2^ ra. SE. Buituu-ou-Trent. Stanton Lacy, par. and vil., Shropshire, on R. Corve. Stanway, par. and vil., Essex, W. of Colchester. Stanwell, par. and vil., Middlesex, 2 m. NE. Staines. Stanwick, par. and tnshp., N. Riding, Yorkshire, 8 m. NE. Richmond. Stanwix, par., Cumberland, on N. side of Carlisle. Ai'ea 6251 acres. Stanz, tn., Switzerland, 7 m. SE. Lucerne. StapcnhiU, i>ar. and vil., Derbyshire, on R. Trent. Stapleford, tn. and par., Nottinghamshire, on R. Erwash. Staplehurst, par. and vil., Kent, 8 m. S. Maidstone. Staples, Tbe. Sec Fern Islands. Stapleton, par. and dist., Gloucestershire, in Bristol. Pop. 18,303. Staraia-Russa, tn., Lussia, 36 m. S. Novgorod. Pop. 13,078. Starbuck Island, Pacilic Ocean. Lat. 5° 37' S., long. 155° 56' W. EtarcrosB, watering-place, Devon, 4 m. NE. Dawlish. Stargard, tu., Ponierania, ou R. Ihna. 54° N., iS" 30' E. P. 23,738. Stargard, tn., W. Prussia, 27 m. from Dantzig. Starkvllle, vil., Mississiju.i, c:ip. of Oktibbeha co., 11 m. W. Artesia. Staro Constantinov. Sec Constantlnov. Starodub, tn., Russia, gov. and 100 m. NE. Chernigov. Pop. 23,889. Starol Bykhof, tu., Russia, 26 m. from Mohilev, on R. Dnieper. Staroi Oskal, tn., Russia, gov. and 70 m. ESE. Kursk. Pop. 10,879. Etarmcca, vil., Pennsylvania, Wayne co., 10 m. SE. Susquehanna. Start Point, headland, Devon. Lat. 50° 12' N.. long. 3° 40' W. Start Point, Orkney, E. extremity of Sanday Island. Staasfurt, tn.. Saxony, 20 m. SSW, JIagdeburg. Pop. 19,116. Staszow, tn., Poland, gov. Radoni, 30 m. WSW. Saudomier. State Centre, vil. and tnshp., lowa, Marshall co. Staten Island, Tierra del Fuego. Lat. 55' S., long. 64° W. Staten Island, New York, Richmond co. Lat. 40" 30' N., 74" 10' W. Statesville, vil. and tnshp.. North Carolina, cap. of Iredell co. Station Island, co. Donegal, in Lough Dearg. Btaubbach, waterfall, Switzerland, i m. from Lauterbrunnen. Btaufler, vil., Pennsylvania, Westmoreland CO., ou Jacob Creek. Staughton, Great, par. and vil., Huntingdon, 3 m. SE. Kimbolton. Staunton, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Macoupin Co., 14 m. SW. LitchlicUl. Staunton, city, Virginia, cap. of Augusta co , on Lewis Creek. Staunton River, Virginia, head-stream of the Roanoke R. Btavanger, anit, Norway. Area 3582 st). ni. Pop. 117,078. Stavanger, sjit., Norway. Lat. 59" N., long. 5° 30' E. Pop. 23,930. Btaveley, ]>ar. and tnshp., Derbyshire, 4 m. NE. Chesterlield. Staveley, eccl. dist. and vil., Westmorland, on R. Kent. Stavropol, gov., Russia, Caucasia. Area 26,523 sq. ni. Pop. 657,604. Stavropol, tn., cap. of above. Lat. 45" N., Imig. 42° E. Pop. 36,061. Btawell, bor., Victoria, CO. Borung, 176 m. NW. Melbonrin.'. Btawell River, Qunenslaud, dist. Burke, trib. of the Flinders It. Btaxlgoe, vil., Caithness, par. and 2 m. NE. Wick. Stayley, tn. and tnshp., Clieshire, partly in Stalybridge. Stayner, vil., Ontario, Sinicne co., 85 m. from Toronto. Steamboat Rock, vil., Iowa, Hardin en., on Iowa R. Stebblng. par. ami vil., Essex, NE. of Dmimow. Steckbom, tn., Switzerland, Thurgau, ou the Unter Zee. Steele, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 21 m. NE. Diisseldorf. ' BteeleviUe, vil., Missouri, cap. of Crawford co. Steelton, bur., Pennsylvania, Dauphin co., 3 ni. from Harrisburg. Steelville, vil., Missouri, cap. of Crawford Co., 31 m. N. Salem. Steenbergen, tn., Holland, N. Brabant, 20 m. W. Breda. Steenwyk, tn., Netherlands, Overyssel, 9 m. NE. Blokzil. Steep Holm Island, in Bristol Channel, 5 m. W. Weston-super-Mare. Steeping River, Lincolnshire, falls into the AVash. Steeple, nitu., Cumberland, between EuTierdale and Wast Waters. Steeple Ashton, par., tnslij> , anil vil., Wiltshire, near Trowbridge. Steeple Bomatead, par. and vil,, Essex, 3 ni. S. Haverhill. Steeton, tnshp. and vil., W. Riding, Yorks, 3 m. NW. Keighley. Stefanie, Lake, British E. Africa, E. of Lake Rudolph. Steierdorf, tn., Hungary. Lat. 45" 6' N., long. 21° 49' E. Steiermark, German for Styria. Steiglitz, tnshp., Victoria, co. Grant, 77 m. NW. Melbourne. Steillitz. Ste. Steiglitz. Stein, tn., Austria, 40 m. WNW. Vienna, on R. Daunhc. Stein-am- Anger, tn., Hungary, ESE. of Guns. Pop. 10,820. Steklne, tn., Belgium, 18 m. NE. Client. Stella, tnishp., vil., and eccl. dist., Durham, on R. Tyue. Stellaland, dist., Africa, Bechuanaland. Area 5000 sq. m. Stellarton, vil.. Nova Scotia, eo. Pictou, 3 ni. from New Glasgow. Stellenbosch, tn., Cape Colony. Lat. 33° 50' S., long. ig° E. Stelvio Pass, A!]is, Tyrol, between Milan and Innsprnck. Stendal, tn., Prussian Saxony, 40 m. NNE. Magdebuig. Pop. 16,184. Stenhousemuir, tn., Stirlingshire, 3 m. NW. Falkirk. Stennes, Loch, with 'standing stones,' Orkney, 10 m. W. Kirkwall. StenscboU, ]>ar. and hamlet, Inverness-shire, Skye Islaml. Stephen, Mount, S. Australia, co. Newcastle, FUuders Range. Stephen Island, New Zealand, in Cook Strait. Stephens, Port. Sue Port Stephens. Stephens Point, New South Wales, on coast of co. Gloucester. StephenvUle, \\\., Texas, cap. of Eratli Co., ou Bosque R. Stepney, par., Jliddlesex, in E. Loudon. Stepper Point, headland, on Padstow Bay, Cornwall. Steppes, name for plains of Russia and Central Asia. Sterling, vil., Arkansas, Chicot co., ou the Ml.ssissippi. Sterling, city, Illinois, Whitesides co., on Rock R. Sterling, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Rice co., ou Arkansas R. Sterling Ran, vil., Pennsylvania, Cameron co., 9 m. S. Emporium. Sterlitamak, tn., Russia, gov. and 72 m. S. Ufa. Sternberg, tu., Moravia, g m. NNE. Olmiitz. Stert Island, Somersetshire, in Bridgwater Bay. Stert Point, Somersetshire, at mouth of tlie 11. Parret. Stettin, spt., Prussia, cap. Pomerania, Lat. 53° 25' N. P. 116,139. Stettiner-Haff, expansion of the Oder, Pomerania. Steubenville, city, Ohio, cap. of Jefl'erson co., on Ohio R. P. 13,394. Stevenage, tn. and par., Herts, 10 m. N. Hatfield. Stevens Point, City, Wisconsin, cap. of Portage eo., ou Wisconsin R. Stevenston, tu. and par., Ayrshire, near Saltcoats. Stevenston, New, ]iart of llolytown, Lanarkshire. Stevensville, vil., Pennsylvania, Bradford co., ou Wyoming Creek. Steventon, par. and vil., Berks, 4 m. SW. Abingdon. Stevington, par. and vil., Bedfordshiie, on R. Ouse. Stewart, Cape, N. Territory, S. Australia, W. of Crocodile Island. Stewartfield, vil., Aberdeenshire, 2^ m. SW. Mintlaw. Stewart Island, New Zealand. Area 500 sq. m. Lat, 47° S., 163° E. Stewarton, tn. and par., Ayrshire, 5 m. N. Kilmarnock. Stewart River, Queensland, enters sea N. of Princess Charlotte Bay. Stewartatown, tn., co. Tyrone, 7 m. from Duugannon. Stewartsville, vil., Missouri, De Kalb co., 41 m. W. Kansas City. Ste warts ville, vil.. New Jersey, Warren co., 5 m. E. PhiUipsburg. Stewiacke River, Nova Scotia, trib. of the Shubenacadie R. Stewkley, par. and vil., Bucks, 5 ni. NW. Leigh ton Buzzard. Steyning, tn. and par., Sussex, 5 m. NW. Shoreham. Steynsdorp, tu., cap. of Kouiatie, S. African Republic. steynton, par. and vil., Pembrokeshire, near Milfoid. Steyr, tn., Austria, at junction of the Steyr and Enns. P. 17,199. Steyr River, Upper Austria, trib. of the Danube. Stickeen River, British Columbia, falls into Pacific Ocean. Sticks Pass, between Cumberland and Westmorland. Stlffkey River, Norfolk, falls into the North Sea. Stigliano, tn., Italy, Basilicat,a, 27 m. SW. Matera. Stigtomta, vil. and ry. stu., Sweden, W. by N. of NykopiDg. Stllfser Joch Sue Stelvio Pass. StUlorgan, par. and vil., co. and 5 m. SE. Dublin. Stillwater, city, Minnesota, cap. of Washington co. Pop. 11,230. Stillwater, vil. and tn.shp.. New York, Saratoga co. Stilton, ]iar. and vil., Huntingdonshire, 6 m. SW. Peterbovougli. Stinchar River, Ayrshire, enters sea at Ballantrae. Stlol Pass, Austria. Lat. 47° 48' N., long. 25° E. Stirling, Imr., CO. tu., anil ))ar., Stirling and Clackmannan. P. 16,802. Stirling, vil., Ontario, co. Hastings, 19 m. N. Belleville. Stirling. North, tn., S. Australia, co. Frome, 234 m. N. Adelaide. Stirlingshire, CO., Scotland. Lat. 56° 9' N., long. 3° 54' W. P. 120,604. Stob Garbh, mtn., Perthshire, Killin paf. Alt. 314S ft. Stobhill, p;tr., Edinburghshire, near Gorcbridge. Stockbridge, til. and par., Hants, ou R. Test, t\ m. S. Andover. Stockbridge, dist. iu N. of Edinburgh, Midlothi'an. Stockenstroem, div., SE. Cape Colony. Area 240 sq. m. stockerau, tn , Austi i.i, on R. Danube, 6 m. NW. Kortieuburg. Stockholm, city, c^ip. ofSweiien. Lat. 59" zo' N., long. iS'E. P. 243,500. Stockholm, l;ui, Swi^dcii. Area 2951 sq. m. Pop. 160,726. stockhorn, mtn., Switzerlaml. Lat, 46" 42' N., long. 7" 32' E. Stocklngford, eccl. dist. and vil., Warwickshire, \\ m. WT Nuneaton. Stockley, tnshp., co. and 4 m. SW. Durham. Stockport, bor., Chesliire, on R. Mersey. Pop. 70.263. Stockport, tnslij)., S. Australia, co. Light, 49 ni. N. Adelaide. Stockport Etcholls, tnshp., Cheshire, 4 m. SW. Stockpmt. Stocksbrldge, tn., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 7^ ni. NW. Sliellield. Stockton, bor., par., ami tnshp., Durham, on R. Tecs. Pop. 68,895. Stockton, ward, Durham. Area ioo,iS6 acres. Stockton, city, California, cap. of San Joaquin co. Pop. 14,424. Stockton, vil., Mis.souri, aip. of Cedar Co., 40 m. NW. Springlichl Stockton, vil.. New Jersey, Hunterdon co., ou Delaware R. Stockton, tn.. New South Wales, co. Gloucester, 76 ni. N. Sydney. Stockton, South, tn., Durham and Yorkshire, on U. Tees. Stockton Heath, vil. and occl. dist., Cheshire, i in. S. Warrington. Stockton-on-Tees. .SV(' Stockton. Stockwell, eccl. dist., Surrey, I*ambeth, S. London. Stockwell, post centre, S. Australia, co. Light, 53 m. N. Adelaide. Stockwell Green, end. dist., Surrey, Lanibeih, S. London. stockwith. West, tnslip. and vil., Nottint^hainshire, on R. Idle. Stoer, par., Suthcrlandshire, 6 in. NW. Lochinver. 230 STO THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER STR Stoemnber, tn. and prxr., Somersetshire, 14 m. NW. Taunton. Btogursey, par. and vil., Somersetshire, 8 m. NW. Bridgwater. fitoke, par., Warwickshire, within Coventry. fitoke Bishop, eccl. dist., Gloucestershire, NW. of Bristol. Btokeclim3land, par. and vil., Cornwall, 3 m. N. Callington. Stoke Courcy. ^'tc Btogursey. Etoke Damerel, par., Devon, conterminous with Devonport. Stokenchurch, par. and vil., on SE. border of Oxfordshire. fitoke Newington. par., Middlesex, within Hackney. Pop. 30,925. Etoke -next-Guildford, par., Surrey, mostly in Guildford. Btokenham, ]iar. and vil., Devonshire, 5 m. SE. Kingsbridge. fitoke Poges, par. and vil., Buckinghamshire, partly in Slough. Etoke Point, promontory, Devon, on Bigbury Bay. Stoke Prior, par. and vil., Worcestershire, 2J ni. SW. Bromsgrove. Stoke Range, nitns., N. Territory, S. Australia, S. of Victoria R. Stokes, Mount, Cliili. Lat. 49° 55' S., long. 73° W. Stokes, Mount, New Zealand, co. Sounds. Alt. 3900 ft. Stoke St. Gregory, par. and vil., Somersetshire, W. of Langport. Stoke St. Mary Ipswich, jiar., Suffolk, within Ipswich. Stokes Bay, W. Australia, opening of King Sound. Stokesley, tn., par., and tnslip., N. Riding, YorUshire, on R. Leven. Stokes Ranges, nitns., Queensland, dists. t>. Gregorj' and Warrcgo. Stokes River, Victoria, co. Normanby, trib. of the Glenelg. Stoke-under-Hamden, par., Somersetshire, 6 m. NW. Yeovil. Stoke -upon Trent, bor. and par., Staffordshire, on R. Trent. P. 62,278. Stolberg, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 7 m. E. Aix-la-Chapelle. Pop. 11,385. Stollberg, tn., Saxony, n ni. SSW. Chemnitz. Stolpe, tn., Ponierania. Lat. 54° 30' N., long. 17° E. Pop. £3,C37, Stolpemiinde, tn., Ponierania, on Baltic Sea and R. Stolpe. Stolpe River, Prussia, falls into Baltic Sea at Stolpemiinde. Stone, tn. and ]>ar., StalTordshire, on R. Trent. Pop. 10,185. Stone, par. and vil., Buckinghamshire, near Aylesbury. Stoneborough, bor., Pennsylvania, co. and 10 m. NE. Mercer. Stonefield, tn., Lanarkshire, ai ni. from Hamilton. Stoneham, North, par. and vil., Hants, N. of Southampton. Stoneham, South, par. and vil., Hants, partly in Southampton. Stonehaven. s]>t., Kincardineshire. Lat. 56° 58' N., long. 2" 15' W. Stonehenge, ' standing stones,' Wilts. Lat. 51° 14' N., long. 1° 50' W. Stonehouse, In., Devonshire, within Devonport. Stonehouse, par. and vil., Gloucestershire, 3 m. W. Stroud. Stonehouse, tn. and par., Lanarkshire, 7 m. SE. Hamilton. Stoneleigh, jiar. and vil., Warwickshire, on R. Avon. Stone Mountain, vil., tnshp., Georgia, De Kalb co., 16 ni. NE. Atlanta. Stone River, Tennessee, trib. of the Cumberland R. Stone's Prairie, vil., Illinois, Adams co. Stoneycroft, eccl. dist., SW. Lancashire. Stoneykirk, par. and vil., Wigtownshire, on Luce Bay. Stonington, bor. and tnshp., Connecticut, New London co. Stonnal, eccl. dist., Staffordshire, near Litchlield. Stony Brook, vil., New York, Suffolk co., on Long Island Sound. Stony Creek, vil., Connecticut, co. and 11 m. SE. New Haven. Stony Head, Tasmania, on N. coast of co. Dorset. Stony Lake, Ontario, Peterborough co. Stony Lake, Saskatchewan. Lat. 54° N., long. 106' W. Stony Stratford, tn., co. and 8 ni. NE. Buckingham. Stor Afvan, lake, Sweden, Winterbotten liin. StorLake, Sweden. Lat. 63" 20' N., long. 14° 10' E. Storm Bay, Tasmania, between Tasmau Penin. and co. Buckingham. Storm Bergen, mtns.. Cape Colony. Lat. 31° 20' S., long. 27" 30' E. Storm Lake, vil., Iowa, rap. of Buena Vista co. Stonnont, anciL-nt div. of Perthshire. Stomoway, s.\it and par., Lewis, Outer Hebrides. Lat. 58° 14' N. Storoe Island, Norway, -50 m. S. Bergen. Area 105 sq. m. Storr, The, mtn., Skye. Inverness-shire. Alt. 2360 ft, Storrington, par. and vil., Sussex, 6i m. NE. Arundel Stor River, Germany Lat. 53° 57' N., long. 9° 42' E. Stor^onLake, Sweden. Lat. 63' 10' N., long. 14" 30' E. Stort River, Essex and Herts, trib. of tlie Lea near Hoddesdon. StorTTman, lake, Sweden, Winterbotten Ian. Stotfold, par. and vil., SB. Bedfordshire, 6 m. SE. Sheffovd. Stottesden, par., tnshp., and vil., Shropshire, N. Cleobnry Mortimer. Stottville, vil., New Y'ork, Columbia co., 5 nu NE. Hudson Junction. Stouffville, vil., Ontario, co. York, 29 m. NE. Toronto. Stoughton, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Norfolk co. Stoughton, vil., Wisconsin, Dane co., on Catfish R. Stourbridge, tn. and tnshp., Worcestershire. 52° 28' N., 2' 10' W. Etoorport, tn , Wnrcestershire, Lat. 52° 20' N., long. 2° 15' W. Stour River, Suffnlk and Essex, enters sea at Harwich. Stour River, Kent, falls into Pegwell Bay. Lat. 51° 16' N. Stour River, Oxford antl Warwick shires, trib. of the Avon. Stour River, Sniiierset, Dorset, and Hants, trib. of the Avon. Stour River, Worcester and Stafford shires, trib, of the Severn. Stow, V.I., Noifnlk, 2^ m. N. Dewnh un Market. Stow, vil. and par., Edinburgh and Selkirk shires, on Gala Water. Stow Bardolph, par., Norfolk, N. of Dowuham Market, Stowe, par., c'l. and 7 m. from Stafford. Area 5120 acres. Stowe by-Gainsborough, par., tnshp., and vil., Lincolnshire. Stowey, Nether, pur. and vil., Somersetshire, near Bridgwater. Stowmarket, tn., par., and tnshp., Suffolk, on R. Gipping. Stowmirket, pail, div., Suffolk. Pop. 65, 655. Stow-on-the-Wold, tn., pur., and tnshp., Gloucestei-shire. Stow tJpland, par., Suffulk, E. of Stowmarket. Strabane, tn., Co. Tyrone, opposite Lifford. Lat. 54° 50' N., 7° 25' W. Strabane, Lower, barony, N. CO. Tyrone. 117,669 acres. Strabane, Upper, barony, N. co. Tyrone. 121,281 acres. Stradbally, jiar., N. co. Limerick. Area 6488 acres. Stradbally, tn. and par., Queen's co., on R. Sti-aid, 7 ni. NW. Athy. Stradbally, barony, E. Queen's co. Area 27,895 acres. Stradbally, par. and vil., co. Waterford, 8 m. NE. Dungarvan. Stradbroke. tn. and par., Suffolk, 5^ m. E. Eye. Etradbroke Island, Queenshmd. Lat. 27° 35' S., long. 153° 20' E. StradeUa, tn., Italy, 15 m. EXE. Voghera. Straiton, par. and vil., Ayrshire, 7 m. SE. Maybole, Straiton, vil., co. and 5 m. S. Edmburgli. Straits Settlements, Brit, colony, on Strait of Malacca. 1472 sq. m. Strakonitz, tn., Bohemia, 27 m. ESE. Klattau. Stralen, vil., i'rnssia, 27 m. NW. Dlisseldorf. Stralsund, gov., Ponierania. Area 154S sq. m. Lat. 54° 20' N. Stralsund, spt., Pomerania, 145 ra. NW. Berlin. Strambino, tn., Italy, Piedmont, 6 m. S. Ivrea. Strand, pari, div., Westminster. Pop. 64,674. Strandtown, vil., CO. Down, within parli-unentary limits of Belfast. Strangford, spt., CO. Down, on Longh Strangford. Strangford, Lough, sea arm, co. Down. Lat. 54° 30' N., long, s'ss' W. Strangway River, N. Territory, S. Australia, trib. of the Roper R. Stranorlar, tn. and par., co. Donegal, on R. Finn. Stranraer, si't. and par., Wigtownshire, on Loch Ryan. 54° 54' N. Stranton, p;ir. and tnslip., Durham, within Hartlepool. Strasbui-g, city, Germany, cap. of Alsace-Lorraine. Pop. 123,566. strasburg, tn., W. Prussia, 41 ni. SE. Marienwerder. Strasburg, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Lancaster co. strasburg, vil., Shenandoah co., on Shenandoah R. Strasnitz, tn., Moravia, on the March, SW. of Hradish. Strassburg, tn., Brandenburg, 28 m. NNE. Teniplin. Strata Florida, eccl. dist. and tnshp., Cardiganshire, Caron par, stratfield Mortimer, par. and tnslip., Berks and Hants. Stratfleldsaye. See Strathfieldsaye. Stratford, tn., Essex, in West Ham, on R. Lea. Pop. 42,982. Stratford, port of entry, Ontario, cap. of Perth co., on R. Avon. Stratford, tnshp., Victoria, co. Tanjil, 139 m. ESE. Melbourne. Stratford, vil., Connecticut, Fairfield co., on Housatonic R. Stratford, Old. tnshp. and par., Warwickshire. Stratford-le-Bow, par., London, 3 m. E. St. Paul's. Stratford Marsh, eccl. dist., Essex, within Stratfonl. stratford-on-Avon, bor. and tnshp., Warwickshire, on R. Avon. Stratford-on-Avon, pari, div., Warwickshire. Pop. 46,440. Strath, par., Skye Island, Inverness-shire. Area 71,411 acres. Strath Affric, valley, in co. and SW. of Inverness. Strathalbyn, tnshp., S. Australia, co. Hindmarsh, 35m. SE. Adelaide. Strath Allan, valley, Perth and Stirlingshires. Strathaven, tn., Lanarkshire, 7 m, S. Hamilton. Strathblane, par. and vil., Stirlingshire, on R. Blanc. strath Bogie, ^■alley, NW. Aberdeenshire, traversed by the Bogie. Strathbogie Range, nitns., Victoria, cos. Delatite and Anglesey. strath Brora, valley, Sutherlandslure, traversed by R. Brora. Strathbungo, par., Lanark and Renfrewslures, S. of Glasgow. Strathconon, valley of R. Conon, Ross and Cromarty. Strath Deam, valley, Inverness and Nairn shires. Strathdon, p:ir. and vil., Aberdeenshire, on R. Don. Strath Earn, valley, Perthshire, traversed by R. Earn. Strathfieldsaye, par., vil., and tnshp., Hants and Berks. Strathfieldsaye, tn., Victoria, co. Bendigo, 108 m. NW. Melbourne. Strath Fillan, valley, Perthshire, traversed by R. Fillan. Strath Glass, valley, Inverness-shire, traversed by R. Glass. Strath Halladale, valley, Sutherland shire. Lat, 58° 27' N. Strathkinness, par. and vil., Fifeshire, W. of St. Andrews. Strathmiglo, par. and vil., Fifeshire, on R. Eden. Strathmore, great valley from Dumbarton to Kincardine. Strathmore, dist., Caiihness-shire, in par. of Halkirk. Strath Naver, valley, Sutherlandshire, traversed by tlie Naver. Strath Oykell, valley, between Ross and Sutherland shires. Strathpeffer, watering-place, Ross-shire, 5 m. W. Dingwall. Strathroy, tn., Ontario, co. Middlesex, 20 m. W. Loudon. Strathspey, valley of R. Spey, q.v. Strath UUie, valley, Sutherlandshire, Kildonan par. Strathy, par. and vil., Sutherlandshire, on N. coast. Strathy Point, Sutherlandshire. Lat. 58° 36' N., long. 4° \' W. Strathyra, vil., Perthshire, 8 m. from Callander. Stratton, tn. and par., Cornwall, li m. E. Bude. Stratton St. Margaret, par. and vil. ^Wiltshire, partly in Swindon. Straubing, tn., Bavaria. Lat. 48° 50' N., long. 12° 35' E. P. 13,210. Strausburg, tn., Brandenburg, on Lake Strauss, 20 m. E. Berlin. Strauss Lake. Brandenburg, 20 m. E. Berlin. Strawberry Plains, vil., Tennessee, Jefferson co., on Holston R. Strawberry Point, vd., Iowa, Clayton co., 16 ni. SW. Elkader. Straw Island, one of the Aran Islands (y. v.), co. Galway. Streaky Bay, tn., S. Australia, co. Flinders, 406 m. NW. Adelaide. Streamstown Bay, CO. Galway, 2 ni. NW. Clifden. Streatham, par., Surrey, within Wandsworth. Pop. 48,742. Streatham, tnslip., Victoria, co. Ripon, 129 ni. W. MelUouriu;. Streator, vil., Illinois, La Salle co., on Vermillion R. Street, tn. and par., Somersetshire, \\ m. SW. Glastonbury. Street, par., cos. Longford and West Meatli, on R. Inny. Streetsville, vil., Ontario, co. Peel, on Credit R. Strehersk, vil., Russia in Asia, on R. Chilka. Strchlen, tn., Prussian Silesia, 28 in. S. Breslau. Strelitz, Gross, Prussian Silesia, 2 ni. SE. Oppeln. Strelitz, Nea. Sec Neu Strelitz. Strelly River, W. Australia, trib. of the Do Grey R. Strensall, par., tnshp., and vil., N. Riding, Yorkslure. 6421 acres. Stretford, In., tnshp., Lancashire, 4 ra. from Manchester. P. 28,579. Stretford, pari, div., SE. Lancashire. Pop. 6t,004. Stretham, par., tnshp., and vil., Cambriilgeshire, 4 ni. SW. Ely. Stretton, eecl. dist., tnshp., and vd., Cheshire, S. of Warrington. Strichen, par. and vil., Aberdeenshire, loi m. SW. Fraserburgh. Striding Edge, spur of Helvellyn, Westmorland. Stricgau, tn., Prussian Silesia, 34m. W. Breslau. Top. 11,784. Strielinskaia. palace, Russia, 12 m. from St. Petej-sburg. Strivali Islands, Greece. Lat. 37° 15' N., long. 21° E. Striven, Loch, arm of Firth of Clyde, Argyllshire. Stroemen Fiorden, sea ann, Norway. Lat. 6S' K Strogonof Bay, Japan. Lat. 43" 20' N., long. 141° E. Strokestown, tn., co. and 12 m. NE. Roscommon. Stroma Island, in Pentland Firth, belonging to Caithness. Stromboli, active volcanic isl., Lipari Islands. 38° 45' N., 15" 10' E. 240 STR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER SUP Strome Ferry, ry. terminus, Ross-shire, 53 m. S\V. Dingwall. Stromneaa, spt. and par., Pomona, Orkney. Lat. 58° 58' N., 3° 20' W. Strone, \\\. and par., Argyllshire, 6 m. NW^. Greenock. Strong River, Mississi]>pi, trJb. of the Pearl R._ Strongstown, vil., Pennsylvania, Indiana CO. Stronsay and Eday, par., Orkney, containing several islands. Stronsay Island, Orkney, 12 m. NE. Kirkwall. Strontlan, vil. ami par., Argyllshire, on Luch Sunart. Strood, par., Kent, on R. M«d\v;ty, mostly in Roclicster. Stroud, tn. and par., Ghmcestershire. Lat. 51° 47' N. Pop. 11,519. Stroud, pari, div,, Gloucestershire. Pop. B6,4S8. Stroud, tii., New South Wales, co. Gloucester, 124 ni. X. Sydney. Stroud Green, ccil. dist., Middlesex, in N. London. Stroudsburg. bor., Pennsylvania, cap. of Monroe co. Strule River, en, Tyrone, headwater of the Mourne R. Struma River, Bulgaria. See Kara So. Stnimble Head, prom., Pembrokeshire. Lat. 52° 3' N., long. 5° 5' W. Strune Point, proni., co. Donegal, on Lough Foyle. Stry, tn., Austria, on R. Stry. Lat. 49° 15' N., 23° 50' E. P. 12,626. Stry River, Austria, Galicia, trib. of the Dniester R. otnart, vi!., Iowa, Guihrie co., 41 m. SW. Des Moines. Stuirt, Mount, Queensland, 40 m. NE. Emerald Downs. Stuart Mill, tn., Victoria, co. Kara-Kara, 159 ni. SE. Melbourne. Stuart Range, nitns,, S. Australia. Lat. 29° 23' S., long. 135' E. Stuart's Island, Kiji, off S. coast of Mhenga Island. Stubbeklobing, tn., Denmark, on Falster Island. Stuc a Chroin, iiitn., Perthshire, 6 m. N. Callander. EtQdley. pu". and vil., Warwickshire, on R. Arrow. Area 4262 acres. Stuhlweissenburg, tn.. Hungary, 34 ni. SW. Buda-Pesth. Btunsail Boom River, S. Australia, Kangaroo Island. Sturgeon, vil., Missouri, Boone co,, 16 m. SE. Moberly. Sturgeon Bay, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, cap. of Door co. Sturgeon Biy, arm of Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba. Sturgeon River, Ontario, falls into Lake Nipissing. Sturgia, vil. and Inshj)., Michigan, St. Joseph co. Sturmlnster Newton, tn. and par., Dorsetsliire, on R. Stour, Starry, par and vil., Kent, on R. Stour, 2^ ni. NE. Canterbury. Sturt, tn., S. Australia, co. and 8 ni. S. Adelaide. Sturt, Mount, S. Australia, S. extremity of Gawler Range. Sturt Bay, S. Australia, opening on Investigator Strait. Sturt Point, prom., Victoria, on coast of co. Polwarth. Stuttgart, city, cap. of Wurtemberg. 48^ 45' N., 9" 10' E. P. 13D,659. Stuyveaant Fails, vil., New York, on Kiuderhook Creek. Styrla, duchy, Austria. Lat. 47° N., 15* E. 8659 sq. m. P. 1,241,651. Styr River, Galicia, Volhynia, and Minsk, trib. of the Pripet. Styx, cascade, Greece, N. of Arcadia, falls to the Crathis. Stjn River, New South Wales, co. Clarke, trib. of the Macleay R. Styx River, Tasmania, co. Buckingham, trib. of the Derweut R. Suabia. -^Vtr Swabia. Suakim. ^dn Suakln. Suakin, spt.. Nubia, on Red Sea. Lat. ig° 7' N., 37° E. Pop. 10,000. Subansiri River, Assam, trib. of the Bralimaputra li. Subara. nnc uf the Dang states, India. Subargum Hills, Bengal. Lat. 27° 9' N., 83° 3' E. Alt. 10,430 ft. Snba.mareklia River, Bengal, falls into the Bay of Bengal. Subathu, sanit^anuiri, Punjab, Simla dist. Alt. 4500 ft. Bubeha. panjuna, Uara Baiiki dist., Oudh. Area 88 sq. m. Sublico, tn., Italy, 31 ni. E. Rome, on the Teverone. Subtiava, tn., Nicaragua, 40 m. SSE. Leon. Subzawar, tn., W. Afghanistan, iioni. S. Herat. Succadana, tn., Borneo, on W. coast. Lat. 1° 20' S. Su-Chow-Fu, tn., China, Kiang-Su, 125 ni. SB. Nankin. P. 1,000,000. Sachteln. vil., Rhenish Prussia, 19 m. WNW. DiisseUlorf. Suckasunny, vil., New Jersey, Morris co,, 10 m. NW. Morristown. BuclOing, Cape, New Guinea, N. of Redscar Bay. Sncklins. Mount, New Guinea, between Cloudyand Collingwood Bays, Suckling Reef, New Guinea, 30 m. S. Basilisk Islaml. Suck River, Connanght, trib. of the Shannon. Lat. 53" 16' N. Sucre. See Chuquiaaca. Suczava, tn.. Austria, Bukowina. Pop. 10,104. Sudamanpur, vil., Rai Barelidist., Oudh. Sudamra Dhandholpur, petty stale, Bombay. Area 135 sq. ui. Sudasua, native state, Bombay. Sudbury, bor., Essex and Suffolk. Lat. 52" 2' N., long, o" 40' E. Sudbury, pari, div., Suffolk. Pop. B6,655. Sudbury River, M issachusetts, liead-stream of the Concord. Sudetic Mountains, Silesia, Bohemia, Moravia. Lat. 50° N., long, 17° E. Sueca, tn., Spain, 20 m. SE, Valencia, on R. Jucar, Pop. 13,386. Suez, spt., Egypt, on Red Sea. Lat. 30° N., 32° 30' E. Pop. 11,327. Suez, Gulf of, Kgypt, arm of the Red Sea. Suez, Isthmus of, Kgypt, connects Asia and Africa. Suez Canal, Egypt, joins the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Sufeld Koh, nitn., Afghanistan, S. of Kabul valley. Alt. 14,200 ft. Suffem, vil.. New York, Rockland co., 31 m. from New York. Sufflenhelm, vil., Al.iace -Lorraine, 6 m. NE. Bischweiler. Suffolk, CO., England. Lat. 23° 12' N., 1° E. 1475 sq. m. P. 369, 3&1. Suffolk, vil., Virginia, cap. ofNansemond co. Sugar Grove, bor., Pennsylvania, co, and 14 m. NW. Warren. Su^ar Island, Micliigan, In Straits of St. Mary. Sugar Loaf, nitn,, New South Wales, near border of co. Sturt. Sugar Loaf. See also Sullven. Sugarloaf Hill, S, Anstrjilia, co, Buckingham. Sugarloaf HUl, S. Australia, between cos, Russell and Card well. Sugar Loaf Island. Australia, in Biss Strait. Sugar Loaf Point, New Soutli Wales, on coast of co. Gloucester. Sugar Notch, bor., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co., 4 m. SW. Wilkesoarre. B«gar River, Wisconsin aniiagara R. Susquehanna, bor., Pennsylvania, Susquehanna co. Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania, enters Chesapeake Bay. Sus River, M- in. ceo, falls into the Atlantic 5 ni. S. Agadir. Sussex, CO., Eughuid. 51° N., 0° 10' W. Ar. 1458 sq. m. P. 550,442. Susses Haven, inlet. New South Wales, in coast of co. St. Vincent. Susui Island, Fiji, one of the Exploring Islands. Susnman, tn., Unao dist., Oudh. Lat. 26' 52' N., long. 80° 19' E. Sutalia, guaranteed chiefsbip, Central India. Sutera, tn., SiciIy, 21 ni. N. Caltanisetta. Butersville, vil., Pennsylvania, Westmoreland co. Sutherland, Mount. S. Australia, co. Taunton, Flinders Range. Sutherland, Mount, New Ztalaud, near Lake Ada. Sutherland Falls, waterfall, New Zealand, co. Lake. Alt. 1904 ft. Sutherland Point, New S'Uitli Wales, on coast of co. Rous. Sutherlandshire, CO., Scotland. Lat. 5S' 15' N. 2027 sq. m. P. 21,940. Sutlej River, Punjab, trib. of the Indus. Lat. 20'" 30' N., 71° 15' E. Sutna, tn. and cantonment, Rewa state. Central India. Sutro, vil., Nevada, Lvon co., 8 m. S. Virginia City. Sutter Creek, vil., California, Amador CO., on Sutter Creek. Sutton, par. and vil., Cambridgeshire, 6 m. W. Ely. Sutton, tnshp. and vil., Clieshire, partly in Macclesfield. Button, tnshp., Lancasliire, within St. Helens. Button, par. and vil., Surrey, near Croydon. Sutton, ecol. dist., E. Hiding, Yorkshire, on NE. side of IIull. Sutton, tnshp. and vil., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 5 m. NW. Keigliley. Sutton, vil., Ontario, York co., 54 m. from Toronto. Sutton, Long, tn. and par., Lincnlnshire, near Holbeach. Sutton and Stoneferry, par., Yorkshire, mostly in llull. Sutton at Hone, par. au'l vil., Kent, on R. Darent. Sutton Bridge, tn., Lincolnshire, on R. Nen, 7 m. N. Wisbech. Sutton Coalfield, tn. and ]>ar., Warwickshire, 7 m. from Birmingham. Sutton Courtney, par,, tnslip., and vil., Berkshire, near Abingdon. Sutton Forest, in.. New S. Wales, co. Camden, 8g m. SSW. Sydney. Button-in- Ashfield, tn., par., and tnshp., co. and 13m. N. Nottingham. Sutton-on Plym. cccl. di>t., Devonshire, within Plymouth. Sutton-on-the-Forest, yiar , tnshp., and vil., N. Riding, Yorkshire. Sutton St. Mary, tnshp., Lincolnshire, Long Sutton par. Sutton-upon Trent, par. and vil., Nottinghamshire, N. of Newark. Sutton Valence, p:ir. and vil., Kent, NE. of Staplehurst. Suttor River, Qut'<-nsland, dist. N. Kennedy, trib. of the Belyando R. Suva, tn., cap. of Fiji, fni Viti Levu Island. Suvalki, gov,, Pulanil, E. of E. Prussia. Area 4846 sq. ni. P. S42,976. Suvalkl, tn., cap. of above, 65 m. SW. Kovno. Pop. 18,640. Suvo Nada, tn., Japan. Lat. 34' N., long. 132° E. Suwanee River, Georgia and Florida, falls into Gulf of Mexico. Suwarrow Islands. Pacihc Ocean. Lat. 1^° 20' S., long. 163° 30' W. Suzdal, tn., Hussia, gov. and 22 m. N. Vladimir. Suzzara, vil., Lombiirdy, 11 m. SSW. Slantua. Svart Elf River, Sweden, fulls into Lake SUagern. Sveaborg, In., Finlarjd. Lat. 60° N., long. 25° E. Strongly fortified. Svealand. S--C. Sweden Proper. Bvendborg, spt., U'lim.Trk', on S. coast of Fiinen. Bveiiigorodka, tn., Russia, gov. Kiev, ig m. S. Boguslav. Bvir River, Russia, betwrpn Lakes Onega and Ladoga. Bwabia, former i-rov. of SW. Germany, now in Baden, Bavaria, etc. Bwabiau Alps, mtus , Gt^ruiany, Wiirtemberg. Swadlincote, tn., Derbyshire, 4 m. fiom Burton-on-Trent. Swaffham, tu. and par., Norfolk, 15 m. SE. King's Lynn. Swaffham Prior, jiar. and vil., co. and 8 m. NE. Cambridge. Ewainbost, gnmp of vils., Lewis Island, Barvas par. Swalne'a Island, Newfoundland, Bonavista Bay. Swain Reefs, Aushxilia, near S. point of Great Barrier Reef. Swalcllffe, par., tnshp., and vil., Oxfordshire, SW. of Banbury. Swale, The, rliannpl, between Kent and Isle of Sheppey. Swaledale, valley. N. Riding, Yorks, traversed by B. Swale. Sw.-ile River, N. Riding, Yorks, trib. of the Ure. Swallowfleld, par. and vil., Berks, on R. Blackwater. Swamp Point, N. Territory, S. Australia, on Queen's Channel. Swampscott, vil. and tnshp.. Massachusetts, Esses co Swanage, tn. and par., Dorset, Isle of Purbeck. Swan Hill, tn., Victoria, co. Tachera, 224 ni. NNW. Meloourne. Swan Island, Tasmania, in Banks Strait. Swan Island, Victoria, co. Grant, in Port Phillip Bay. Swanlinbar, vil., co. Cavan, on R. Cladagh, 8 m. NW. Banyconnell. Swanninstown. vil. and tnshp., Leicester, 4 m. E. AshViy-ile-la-Zoucli. Swan Reach, dist., S. Australia, co. Albert, on R. Murray. Swan River, W. .Vustralia, fulls into sea in lat. 32° 3. Swan River, Minnesota, trib. of the Mississippi, Aiken co. Swan River, Minne.'^ota, trib. of the Mississipju, Morrison co. Swan River Settlement, old name for W. Australia. Swansea, bor, Glamorganshire, on Gower Peninsula. Pop. 57,556. Swansea, pari. div. of Swansea. Pop. 63,140. Swansea, Higher and Lower, tnshp., Glamorganshire, within Swansea. Swansea Bay, Glauiorgansliire, off Bristol Cliannel. Swansea St. Thomas, tnshp., Glamorganshire, within Swansea. Swan's Island, Maine, ofl" coast of Hancock co. Swanwick. eccl. dist. and vil., Derbyshire, near Alfreton. Swa River, Lower Burma, trib. of the Sittaung R. Swarthmore, vil., Pennsylvania, Delaware co. Swarupganj, tn., Nadiya dist., Bengal Lat. 23° 25' N., 88' 26' E. Swatow, treaty port, China, on the Hang-Kiang cstuaiy. P. 32,600. Swat River, Punjab, Peshawar dist. Swavesey. par. and vil., CO. and 9 m. NW. Cambridge. Swaziland, country, Africa, SE. of South African Republic. Sweden, country, Europe, E. of Norway. 173,966 sq. m, P. 4,774,409. Sweden Proper, central div. of Sweden. Swedesborough, vil.. New Jersey, Gloucester co., 19 m. SW. Camden. Swede's Flat, dist., S. Australia, co. McDonnell. Sweer's Island, Queensland, one of the Wellesley Islands. Sweetsburg, vil., Quebec, Missisquoi co., 57 ni. SE. Montreal. Sweet Water, vil., Tennessee, Monroe co., 45 m. SW. Knoxville. Sweetwater River, Wyoming, falls into N. fnrk of Platte R. Swellendam, div., Cape Colony, on coast. 2954 sq. m. Pop. 11,239. Swellendam, tn., cap. of Swellendam div. Lat. 34° S., long. 20° 30' E, Swiftgate River, Gloucestersliire, trib. of the Severn. Swift River, Leicester and Warwickshires, trib. of the Avon. Swift River, Massachusetts, trib. of the Cliicopee R. Swilly, Lough, NE. co. Donegal. Lat. 55° 10' N., long. 7° 30' W. Swilly, River, co. Donegal, falls into Lough Swilly. Swimbridge, par. and vil., Devonshire, SE. of Barnstaple. Swin, Loch, sea-loch, Argyllshire, opposite Jura. Swin Channel, in mouth of the Thames. Swindon, tn. and par., Wilts. Lat. 51' 34' N., i' 45' W. Pop. 33,728. Swine, par., tnshp., and vil., E. Riding, Yorkshire. Swinefleet, tnshp. and vil., W. Riding, Yorkshire, on R. Ouse. Swineford, tn., co. Mayo, 22 m. SW. Ballymote. Swinemiinde, spt., Pomerania, on Usedom Island. Lat. 53° 55' N. Swine River, Germany, outlet of the Stettiner Haff. Swinesbead, tn. and par., Lincolnshire, 6 m. SW. Boston. Swinford, Upper, tnshp., Worcestershire, suburb of Stourbridge. Swinton, tn. and eccl. dist., Lancashire. Bwinton, tn. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, lo^ m. NE. Sheffield. Swinton, vil., Lanarkshire, 5 m. E. Glasgow. Switzerland, republic, Europe. Lat. 46° N. Area 15,964 sq. ni. Pop. 2,934,057. Switzers. tnshp., New Zealand, co. Southland, 132 m. SW, Dunedin. Swona Island, Oikney, in the Pentland Firth. Swordle and Knock, vil., Lewis, 6 ni. E. Stnrnoway. Swords, tn. and par., co. and 8 ni. N. Dublin, 1% m. NW. Slalalude. Swormville, vil., New York, Erie CO., 4 ni. E. Getzville. Syambazar, tn., Bengal. Lat. 23° 33' N., long. 87° 32' E. Sybil Head, co. Kerry, 9 m. NW. Dingle. Sycamore, tn. and tnshp., Illinois, ca]). of De Kalb co. Sydenham, dist., Kent, Lewisham. Contains Crystal Palace. Sydenham, b<)r , New Zealand, an extension of Cluistchurch. Sydenham Inlet, Victnriii, in coast of co. Croajingolong. Sydenham River, Ontario, falls into Lake St. Clair. Sydney, city, c.ip. of New Smith Wales. Lat. 33° 51' S. Pop. 386,000. Sydney, spt., Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Lsland, 2S5 m. NE. Ilalifax. Sydney Mines, spt.. Nova Scotia, N. of Sydney. Syene. Ute Assouan, Syke, vil., Prussia, Hanover, 13 ni. from Bremen. Sylhet, dist., Assam, India. Area 5413 sq. m. Pop. 2,154,070. Sylhet, suh-div., Sylhetdist, Assam, India. Sylhet, chief tn., Sylhetdist., Assam. Sylt or Syltoe. $<■<' Silt Island. Syltoppei-no, tn., Sweden. Lat. 62° 59' N., long. 12° 10' E. Sylvania, ^il. and tnshp., Ohio, I-ncas Co., 22 m, SE. Adrian. Syml Island, Asia Minor, 15 m. NW. Rhodes. Symington, par. and vil., Ayrshire, 6 ni. SW. Kilmarnock. Symondsbury, par., Dorsetshire, partly in Bridport. Syra, isl., Gi'eece, one of the Cycl.ades. Area 55 sq, m. P. 31,412. Syra, tn., cap. of above, on E. ct)ast, about 20 m. from Paros. Syracuse, prov., Sicily, on E. coast. Pop. 340,972. Syracuse, tn,, Sicily, cap. of above. 37° 3' N., 15° 15' E. Pop. 21,739. Syracuse, vil., Indiana, Kosciusko co., on Turkey Lake. Syracuse, vil. and tnshp., Nebraska. Otoe co., on Little Nem.iha R. Sjrracufle, city. New York, cap. of Onondaga co. Pop. 88,143. Syracuse, vil., Ohio, Meigs co., on the Ohio R. Syr-Daria, gov., Russian Turkestan. 165,996 ."iq. m. Pop. 1,101,230. Syr-Darla River. 5t'e Jaxartes. Syria, vilayet, Asiatic Turkey. Lat. 33' 30' N,, 37° E. P. 2,000,000. Syriam, tnshp., Hanthawadi dist.. Lower Burma. Syriam, tn., Hanthawadi dist., Lower Burma. Syston, par. aad vil., co. and 5 m. NE, Leicester. Syzran, tn., Russia, Simbirsk, Lat. 53° 10' N., 48" 30' E. Pop. 24,600. Szabadszallas, vil., Hungary, 23 ni. SW. Kecskemet. Szalonta (Nagy Szalonta), tn., Hungary, Bihar. Pop. 10,403. Szamos River, Hungary, trib. of the Theiss. Lat. 48" N., 22° 25' E. 242 SZA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER TAL Szarvaa, tn., Hungary, on KoriJs. 46° 55' N., 20° 35' E. Pop. 22,604. Szas-Regen. tn., Transylvania, on the Maros. Szathmar-Nemeth, tn., Hungary, 60 m. NE. Debreczin. Pop. 19,704. Szegedin, tn., Hungary, on li. Tlieiss. 46' 15' N., 20° 9' E. P. 87,210. SzeghaJom. vil., Hungary, 80 m. SE. Buda-Pesth. Szegvar, vil., Hungaiy, 80 ni. SE. Buda-Pesth. Szekely-Keresztur, tn., Tr.msylvania, on the Great Ktikel. Szekszxrd, t:i., Hungary, 30 m. NE, Funfkirclifn. Pop. 11,918. Szentes. tn., Hungary, 30 ni. N. SzegeUin. Pop. 28,712. Szent filihaly, vil., Hungary, 12 m. frora Tokay. SzentMikioa, tn., Hungary, on R. Waag. Szent Miklos, Nagy, tn., Hungary, on R. Maros. Bzent MikioaTorok, tn., Hungary, 5S ni. SW. Dfcbreczin. Pop. 16,046. Szigeth, tn., Hungary, 90 ni. N. Klausenburg. Pop. 10,862. Szigetvar, tn., Hungary. Lat. 46° 2' N., long, zf 47' E. Szivacz, vil., Hungary, 14 ni. EfSE. Zoiiibor. Szolnok, tn,, Hung.iry, on R. Tht-iss. Pop. 20,640. Sztanlcsica, tn., Hungary, 11 m. NXE. Zuiubur. Taa!, tn., Pliilippine Islands, on Luzon Island. ?op. 23,211. Taamer Island, lnverness-.sliire, in Loch Cracadale. Taaalnge Island, Detiniavk, S. of Funen. Tabariyeh, tn., Palestine, on W. shore of Luke of Tiberias. Tabasco, state, Mexico, on Gulf of Slexico. 9845 sq. m. P. 114,028. Tabasco, River, Mexico, states Chiajtas and Tiibasco. Tabatinga, tu., Brazil, on Amazon K., near Peruvian frontier. Taberg, vil.. New York, Oneida co., 10 in. NW. Rome. Tabemaa, tn., Spain, prov. and 15 m. NE. Almeria. Table Bay, inlet of Atlantie, Cape Colony. Lat. 34° o' S., \V 30' E. Table Bay, New Guinea, betwiien Cloudy Bay and Port Glasgow. Table Cape, New Zealand, NE. point of Mahia Pen., co. Wairoa. Table Head, on coast of Anticosti Island. Lat. 49° 23' N. Table HiU. N-w Zealand, Stewart Island. Table Island, New Zt'aland, Pegasus Bay, ofT coast of co. Ashley. Table Land, High, Queensland, dists. Cook and N. Kennedy. Table Mountain, Cape Colony, near Cape Town, 34° o' S., 18° 30' E. Table Mountain, S. Carolina, Pickens co., 20 m. NW. Greeneville. Table Mountain, Ireland, mid co. Wicklow, 5 in. E. Donard. 2321 ft. Table Top, uitii., Victoria, co. Delatite. Tabletop. tn., Queensland, 13 ni. SE. Croydon. Taboga, inlet, Colombia, Gulf of Panama, 10 m. S. Panama. Tabor, tn., Bohemia, 49 nj. SriE. Prague. Tabora, mission stn., Unyamwezi, German E. Africa. Tabor Mount, Palestine, 8 m. SE. Nazareth. Lat. 32° 42' N., 35° 24' E. Tabriz, city, Persia, cap. of prov. Azerbaijan. Tabulam, t'nshp-. New South Wales, co. Drake, 4S3 ni. N. Sydney. TabuneSlki Island, Fiji, 13 m. NW. Enkaba Island. Tabusintac, stt., New Brunswick, NorthuniljRrland co. Tabuaintac River, New Brunswick, falls into Gulf of St. Lawrence- Tabut'ia Island, Fiji, 30 ni. N. Lakemba Island. Tacanova. N'-t* Vanua Levu. Tacazze River, Abyssinia, state Tigre, joins the Atbara. Tachlra, state, Venezuela, cap. of San Cristoval. Tacker, Lough, E. CO. Cavan, 3 ra. NW. Shercock. Tacking Point, New South Wales, co. Macquarie. Tackley, par. and vil., Oxfordshire, 3 m. NE. Woodstock. Tacna, In., Chili, dep. Taena, Lat. 18° o' S., 70° o' W. Pop. 14,183. Tacna, tn., Peru, on R. Tanna, 40 ni. N. Arica. Tacoma, vil., Washington, Pierce co., 25 m. NE. Olympia. P. 36,006. Taconlc, mtn. range, Massachusetts, extending along New York. Tacony Creek, Pennsylvania, Montgomery co., falls into Delaware R. TacumsMn, coast par., SE. CO. Wexford, 11 m. S. Wexford. Tacunga, tn., Ecuador, 55 m. S. Quito, x" yi S.,78° 30' W. P. 16,000. Tadcaster, tn. and par., W. Riding. Yorksliire, 14 m. SE. Harrogate. Tadlandamol, pe.ik, W. Ghats, India. Lat. 12° 13' N. Alt. 5729 ft. Tadlorah, Fren h spt., NK. Africa, on Gulf of Aden. Tadley, par., Hants, 5 ni. NW. Basingstolve. Tadmor. .S''^ Palmyra, Tadousac, tn., Quebec, cap. of co, and on Saguenay R. Tadpatrl, /a/i'/,-, Anantapnr dist,, Madras. Tadpatrl, hdqrs. tn., Tadpatri taluk, Madras. Tadrl, pnrt, Kanara dist., Bombay. Lat. 14' 31' N., long. 74' 24' E. Taf, River, Pembroke and Carmarthen shires, falls into Carmarthen Bay. Tafalla, tn,, Spain, Navarra, 22 m. S, Pamplona. Taff River, Brecon ami Glamorgan, falls into Bristol Channel. Tafllet, oasis, Morocco, on S. slope of Atlas Mountains. Taft, tn., Persia, 55 m. WXW, Yezd. Tagal, spt. tn., Java, cap. of prov. of Tagal, i63 in. E. Batavia. Tagal, prov., Java, E, of Batavia. Taganrog, spt., Russia, gov. Yekaterinoslav, on Sea of Azov Pop. 56,047. TagavoBt, si't., Morocco, prov. Susa. Pop. 18,000, Tagbilaran, tn., Pliilippine Islands, on IJohol Islaiid. Taggia, tn., Italy, prov. Porto Slaurizio, 4 m. NE, San Reino. Taghboy, par., cos. Galwayand Kostvnnmon, 12 m. N. Ballinasloe. Tagheen, par., S. co. Mayo, 3 m. W. Claremorris. Taghmaconnell, par., S. co. RosC'immon, 7 ni. NE. Ballinasloe. Tashmon, tn. and par., in co. ami 9 m. W. Wexford, Taghahcenod, par., S. co. Longford, 4 m. NE. Ballyinahon. Taghshinny, jiar., S. co. Longfoni. 4 m. NR. Ballymahon. TagUacozzo, In , Italy, prov. and 20 m. SW. Aquila. Tagil River, Russia, from the Urals 200 ni. E. to the Tura, Tagllamento River, Italy, falls into Adriatic, Tagodaat, tTi., Morocco, 08 m. NE. Morocco. Taguaralzlnho, tn., Brazil. Lat. 9° S , long. 58" 20' W. Taguayabon, tn., Cuba, prov. Santa Clara. Tagus, River, Spain and Portugal, falls into Atlantic. Tahara, tn,, Vietoria, 249 m. W. Melliourne. T&hatee, Lake, Britisli Columbia. Lat. 52' 15' N. Tahiti, principal of the Society Islands. 403 sq. m, iS'S., 149° W. Tahleqnah, tn., Indian Territory, U.S., cap. of Cherokee Nation. Tahoe, Lake, California, at E. base of Sierra Nevada. Alt. 6709 ft, Tahioo Harbour, Moresby Island, British Columbia. Ta-Hu. lake, China, between provs. Kiang-Su and Che-Kiang. Tai Chow-Fu, city, China, prov. Che*Kiang on R. of same name. Taleri, dist., New Zealand, co. Taieri, 6 ni. S. Dunedin. Taieri River, New Zealand, fliiws through co. Taieri. Tai-ming, tn., China. Lat. 36° 30' N., long. 115' 5 E. Taimyr Peninsula, on N, coast of Siberia. Tain, bnr. and par,, Ross and Cromarty, 25^ m. NE. Dingwall. Tain, tn., France, dep. Drome, ou the Rhone, ojiposite Tournon. Taingapatam, tn., Travancore state, Madras, 8° 14' N., 77° 14' E. Tai-phing, tn., Anani, Tonquin, on the Li-ICiang. Tai-Ping, city, China, prov. Ngan-whi, on Yang-tse-Kiaug. Tai-Ping, City, Cltina, prov. Quei-chow. Lat. 22° 30' N., 107° 30' E, Tai Tong, city, China, prov. Shan-si, 175 m. W. Pekin. Tai-wan-fn, ]iort, cap. of Formosa. Lat. 23° N. Pop. 235,000. Tai-wan Island, Oliina. Lat, 23° 30' N., long. 121° E. Tal-yuan, city, China, cap, of Shan-si, on Fuen-Ho. Pop, 250,000. Tajpur, sub-div., Darbhangah dist., Bengal, Area 764 ■&% in. Tajpur, hdqrs. vil,, Tajpur sub-div. Lat. 23° 51' N., long. 85° 43' E. Tajura. iSce Tadjnrah. Takaka, tn.. New Zealand, co. Collingwood, 53 ni. from Nelson. Takamatsn, tn., Japan, prov. Sanuki. Pop. 38,294. Takanabe, tn., Japan, Kin-Siu, Lat. 32° 11' N., long. 131° 40' E. Takao. jtnrt, China, in SW. of Formosa Island. Takaou-Novfi S>ie, Vanua Levu, Takapau, tn. New Zealand, co. Waipawa, 57 ni. from Napier. Takasima Islands, Japan. Lat. 32° 40' N., li)ng. 120" 21' E. Takata, tn., Japan, prov. Echigo. Pop, 26,919. Takhtapul, ft. tn., Afghanistan, cap. of prov, and 8 m, E, Balkb, Takht-i-Sulaiman, peak, Sulaiman Hills. Highest point 11,317 ft. Takht-i-Sulaiman, mtn., Kashmir, India. Lat. 34° 4' N., long, 74''53'E. Takhtpnr, tn., Uilaspur, Cent. Provs., India. 22° 8' N., long. 81° 54' E. Taki, tn. 24 Parganas dist., Bengal. Lat. 22° 35' N., long. 88" 57' E, Takitimo Mountains, New Zealand, co. Wallace. Tako Bay. .S'fi Taku. Takow, treaty port, China, prov. Fo-Kien. Taku Bay, New Zealand, co. Bay of Islamls. Takwara, tn., Dera Ismail Khan dist., Punjab. 32° 9' N., 70° 40' E. Talagang, taksil, Jehlam dist., Punjab, Area 1247 sq. m. Talagang, hdqrs. tn., Talagang UihsiL Lat. 32° 55' N., 72° 28' E. Talaja, tn., Bhaunagar state, Bombay. Lat. 21° 21' N., long. 72^4' E. Talakadu. See Talkad. Talamba, tn., Multan dist,, Punjab, Lat. 30' 31' N,, long. 72' 17' E. Talanda Reef, Fiji, between Ulaiua and Komo Islands. Talaton, par. aTid vil., Devonshire, 3 m, NW. Ottery St. Mary, Talavera de la Reyna, City, Spain, on the Tagus, WNW. of Toledo. Tala Water. S-^s Talla Water, Talbehat, tn., Latipur dist, NW. Provs., India. 25° 2' N., 78° 28' E. Talbenny, coast par,, Pembrokeshire, 7 m. SW. Haverfordwest. Talbot, tnshp.. Victoria, co. T.ilbot, 120m. NW. Melbourne. Talbot, Mount, Victoria, co. Lowan. Talbot Island, New Guinea, opposite mouth of the Baxter R, Talbot Island, Florida, Nassau co., 10 m, long by 2^ wide. Talbotstown, Lower, barony, W, co, Wicklnw. Area 86,857 ^cres. Talbotstown. Upper, barony, W. co, Wieklow. Area 62,510 acres. Talbotton, vil., Georgia, cap, of Talbot co., 8 m. NW. Geneva. Talbotville, tnshp., Victoria, co. Dargo, on the Mitchell R. Talbragar. .S'r Denison Town. Talbragar River, New South Wales, co. Eligh. Talca. tn., Ctiili, cap. of prov. Talea, 40 m. N. Chilian. Pop. 23,432. Talcarna, Mount, Victoria, co. Bi^iambra. Talcher, petty state, Orissa, India, Pop. 35,590, Taldanda Canal, Cuttack dist., Bengal. Talegaon, tn,, Aniraoti dist., Berar. Lat. 21° 5' N., long. 78° 4' E. Talegaon, tn., Poona dist., Bombay. Lat, 18° 43' N., long, 73* 43' E. Talegaon Dhamdhera, tn , Poona dist., Bombay. 18° 40' N., 74° 13' E. Tale Raveri, snurce of the Karvari R., W. Ghats, Coorg, India. Talgaon, tn., Sit:ipur dist., Oiidh, India. Talgarth, tn., par , and tnshp., Brecknockshire, 7 m. SW. Hay. Talia, tn., S. Australia, co. Flinders, 332 m. W. Adelaide. Ta-llfu, city, China, prov, Yun-nan, on Lake Erk-Hai. Talikot, tn., Bijapur dist., Bombay, Lat. 10" 28' N., long. 76° 21' E. Tallparansbas, tn., Malabar dist., Madras. I>at. 12" 2' N., 75° 24' E. Talisay, tn., IMiiIippine Islands, on Zebu Island. Pop, 15,367. Tallsker, tn., S. Aiisti-alia, co. Iliridmarsh, 66 in. S. Adelaide. Tallsker Bay, Inverness-shire, at S. entrance of Loch Bracadale. Talisker Head, Inverness-shire, at S. entrance of Loch Bracadale. Talkad, city, Mysore dist, and state. Lat. 12° ii' N,, long. 77" 5* E. Talke, eoel. dist., StafTfU'dshire, 5 m. NW. Newcastle-nnder-Lyme. Talladega, city and tnshp., Alabama, cap. of Talladega co. Tallaght, par. and vil,, co, and 6 m, SW. Dublin. Tallahala Creek, Mississippi, Jasper co, Tallahassee, city, Florida, cap. of Leon Co., 164 ni. W. Jacksonville. Tallahatchie River, Mississippi Tippah CO., 250 tn. long. Talla Lake, Ni-w South Wales, en. Caira. Talland, par., tnshp., and vil., Cornwall, 8 m. S. Li.skeard. Tallangatta, tn., Victoria, co. Benanibra, 205 m. NE. Melbourne. Tallangatta Creek, Victoria, co Benamhra. Tallapoosa River, Georgia and Alabama, headwater of Alabama R. Tallarook, vil., Victoria, co. Dalhousie, 56 m, N. Melbourne. Tallasaeo, vil. and tnshp,, Alabama, Elnuire co,, 16m. K. Wotunipka. Talla Water, I'eebh-sshire, Hows 6^ m, NW. to the Tweed. Talley, jiar. and vil., Carmarthenshire, 7 m. N. Llandilo, Tat Llacham. See Laaghame. Tallow, tn. and par., W. co. Waterford, 5 m. SW. Lismorc. Tallu, tn., Celebes, 21 m. from Macassar. Tallula, vil, and tnshp,, Illinois, Menard co., 71 m. SW. Bloomingtoii. Tallulah River, Georgia, rises in Rabun co. TaU Water, allluont of R. Callan, N. co. Armagh, 9 m. long. Taloda, sub-div., Khandesli dist., Bombay. Area 1177 sq. m. Taloda, cliief (n., Talo.Ja sub-div. Lat. 21° 34' N,, long. 74" 18' E Talodhi, vil., Chanda dist.. Cent. Provs., India. Talsana, petty state, Bombay. Talaam, mtn,, Brecknockshire, summit of the Black Mtns. 2596 ft 243 TAL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER TAS Taltabooka, set., S. Australia, 35 m. E. border of co. Herbert. Talyavvaika Creek, New South Wales, co. Livingstune. Talyawalka Creek, New South Wales, cos. Landsborough and Killara. Tama City, vil., Iowa, Tama co., on Iowa R. Taman, tii., Russia, ou isl,.iid in Black sea, 13 m. SSE. Yenikale. Tamandua, tn., Brazil, state Rlinas-Geraes, 100 ui. W. Ouro Preto. Tamaqua, borouj^h, Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co. Tamarasseri, pass, Malabar dist., Madras. Tamaroa, vil. and tn^^hp., Illinois, Perry co. Tamar River, Devon and Cornwall, falls into Plymouth Sound. Tamar River, Tasmania, CO. Dorset. Tamatave, spt., Madagascar, on E. coast. Lat. 18° o' S., 49° o' E. Tamaulipas, state, Mexico, S. nf Rio Grande. 29,343 sq.m. P- 189,139. Tambaroora, tiishp., New South Wales, 168 m. N\V. Sydney. Tambaur, pargona, Sitapur dist., Oudh, India. Tambaur, tn., Sitapur dist., Oudh, India. Tamber Springs, tn., New South Wales, 312 m. N. Sydney. Tambo, tn., Queensland, 550 m. NW. Brisbane. Tambolong, tn., Philippine Islands, on Luzon Island. Pop. 21,447. Tamboon Inlet, Victoria, S. coast of CO. Croajingnlong. Tamboon River, Victoria, CO. Croajingolong, flows into Tamboon Inlet. Tambora, Gulf of, Suinliawa Island. Lat. 8° 11' S. Tamboritba, Mount, Victoria, co. Wonnangatta. Tambo River, Victoria, W. boundary of co. Tambo, falls into King L. Tambourine, tn., Queensland, near Logan R. Tambov, gov., Russia. Area 709 sq,. m. E. 2,759,102. Tambov, cap. of above, on the Zn.i. 52° 45' N., 41° 30' E. Pop. 35.688. Tambrapami River, Tinnevelii dist., Madras. Tamega River, Portugal, trib. of the Douro. Tame River, Warwick and Stafford, flows 25 ni. NE. to the Trent. Tame River, Yurks, Lancashire, and Chesliire,to Mersey. Tamerton Foliott, par. and vil., Devon, 4 m. NW. Plymoubh. Tamiscamingue, Lake, Ontario, Nipissing dist. Lat. 47*' N. Tamise, tn., Belgium, on the Scheldt. Tamlaght, par., COS. Londonderry and Tyrone. Tamlaght Finlagan, par., co. Londonderry, 2 m. W. Limavady. Tamlaght O'Crilly, p;ir., E. CO. Londonderry, 4 m. S. Kilrea. Tamluk, suh-div., Midnapur dist., Bengal. Area 620 sq. ni. Tamluk, hdqrs. tn., Tamluk sub-div. Lat. 22' iS' N., long. 87° 58' E. Tammersfors, tn., S. Finland, 92 m. NW. Abo. Pop. 18,097. Tampa, vil., Florida, cap. of Hillsborough co, Tampa Bay, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, 40 m. long. Tampico, spt., Mexico, state Tamaulipas, on R. Panuco. Tampico Lake, Mexico. Lat. 22° 16' N., long. 97" 50' W. Tampico River, Mexico, Vera Cruz, falls into Gulf of Mexico, Tamsui, treaty port, China, in NW, Forin.tsa. Pop. 100,000. Tamworth, mun. bor., par., and tn.shp., Stafford and Warwick shires. Tamworth, pari. div. of Warwickshire. Pop. 54,134. Tamworth, tnshp., New Snuth Wales, 251 m. N. Sydney. Tamworth, vil., Ontario, co. Adriiiigtcn, 28J m. N. Napauce. Tana-Elf, Norway, falls into Tana Fiord. Tanakalln, vil. Cuddapah dist., Madras. Lat. 13° 57' N., 78° 15' E. Tanakl Strait, New Zealand, from Auckland harbour to Firth of Thmies. Tananarive, cap. of Madagascar, 190 m. SW. Tamafcive. Pop. 150,000. Tana River, E. Cent. Africa. Lat. 1° 40' S., Inng. 40° E. Tanaro River, N. Itily, flows 125 m. NE. to the Po. Tanat River, Moiit^i'iuieiy and Denbigh shires, trib. of the Vyrn^vy, Tanauan, tn., Phi ijrpine Islands, Luzon Island. Tanauan, tn., Philippine Islands, Leyte Island. Tancook Islands, Nova Scotia, 45 m. SW. Halifax. Tanda, tahsil, Faiz;iliad di^t., Oudh, India. Tanda, y argana, Ta-aia tahsil. Area 124 sq. m. Tanda, h^lqrs. tn. ofabovp. Lat. 26° 33' N., long. 8:'" 42' E. Tanda, tn., Hoshiarpiir dist., Punjab. Lat. 31° 40' N., 75° 41' E. Tanda Eadridan, tn., Ranipur state, NW. Provs., India. Tanderagee, tn. and tnslip., co. Armagh, 5 m. SE. Portadown. Tandil, tu., Argentine Republic. Lat. 37° 35' S., long. 59° W. Tando Bago, talitk, Ilaidaraliad dlst., Bombiiy. Tando Bajo, cliief tn. in above. Lat. 24° 47' N., long. 69° E, Tandogdo Creek, New South Wales, co. Kennedy, Tando Ghulam Ali, tn,, Hai'larahad dist., Bombay. Tando Lukman, tn., Khair|nir state, Bombay. Tando Masti Khan, tn,, Kli:tirpur state, Bombay. Tando MuHammad Khan, sub-div., Uaidarabad dist., Bombay. Tando Muhammad Khan, chief tn. and hdqrs. of above. Tandon Lake, New S.iuth Wales, CO. Menindee. Tandridge, p;ir. and vil., Surrey, 8 m. E. Reigate. Taney, par., CO. and 4 m. S. Dublin, on R. Dodder. Taneytown, vil. and tnshp., Maryland, Carroll co., 5m. NE. Frederick. Tanfield, tnshp., par, and ei'cl. dist., Durham, 7 m. SW. Gateshead. Tanfield, West, par, and vil., N, Riding, Yorksiiire, 6i lu. N W. Ripon. Tanga, harbour, Usambara, German East Africa. Tangail, tn., Maimnnsinyh di.'it., Bengal, Tangan River, Bengal, trib. of the iMaJiananda. Length 120 m. Tanganyika, Lake, Africa, Alt 2800 ft. Lat. 5° S., Inng. 30° E. Tangasseri, tn,, Mahibar dist., Madras. Lat. 8' 54' N., 76° 38' E. Tangermunde, tn., Prussian Saxony, NR. of Magdeburg. Tangier, spt., Morocco, on Strait of Gibraltar. Pop. 20,000. Tangier, New, spt., Nova Scotia, co. Halifax, 75 m. NE. Halifax. Tangier Sound, Mjiyland, Somerset co. Tangipahoa River, Missouri and Louisiana, Amite co. Length 80 m. Tanglu, peak, Singalila Range, Darjiliug dist., Bengal. Tangutur, tn., Nellnre dist., Madras. Lat. is" 2 >' N., long. 80° 6' E. Tanjil, lushp., Victoria, co. Tanjil, 96 m. SSE. Melbourne. Tanjore, dist., Madras, India. Area 3654 sq. m. Pop. 2.227,510. Tanjore, taluk, Tanjore dist. Area 672 sq. m. Tanjore. hutana. Lat. 26" 26' N., long. 74° 40' E. Taragarh, hill fnrt, Nalagarh state, Punjab. 31° 10' N., 76' 50' E. Tarai, dist., NW. Provs.. India. Area 938 sq. m. Pop. 210,830. Tarai, sub-div., Daijliug dist., Bengal. Area 271 sq. m. Tarakeswar, vil., Hugli dist., Bengal, Lat. 22" 53' N., long. 88° 4' E. Tarakwan, tn., Banda dist , NW. Provs., India. Taralga, tnshp., New South Wales, co. Argyle, 156 m. SW. Sydney. Taraua, tn., New South Wales, co, Roxburgh, 120 m. from Sydney. Taranaki, dist.. New Zealand. Area 2,137,000 acres. Pop. 19,033. Taranakie. See New Plymouth. Tarannon, River, Montgomeryshire, flows 10 m. E. to the Severn. Taransay. i^- e Tarrenaay. Taranto. tn., Iia.y, ou Gulf of Taranto. Lat. 40° 25' N. Pop. 25,246. Taraon, petty state, Bundelkhand, India. Area 12 sq. m. Taraon Kbaa, vil, and cap. of Taraon state, India, Tarapaca, ter., N. Cliili. Area 19,3008'!. m. Pop. 46,876. Tarapoto, tn., Peru, 70 ni. SSt^. Moyobamba. Tarapur, pnT, Thana dist., Bombay. Lat. 19* 50' N., long. 72* 42' E. Tarapur, customs div., Thana dist., Bombay. Tarare, tn., Fiance, dep. Rhone, 27 m. WNW. Lyons. Tara River, Siberia, flows 200 ni. W. to tlie Irtish. Tara River, Turkey. Lat. 43" 16' N., long, 19° 3' E. Tarascon, tu., France, Bouches-du-Rhone, on R. Rh6ne. 43" 50' N. Tarashtcha, tu., Russia, gov. and 60 m, S. Kiev. Tarawera, Lake, New Zealand, co. Rotorua. Tarawera River, New Zealaiid, falls into Bay of Plenty. Tarazona, tu., Spain, 52 n). WNW. Saragossa. Tarazona de la Mancha, tn.. Spam, 25 m. N. Albacete. Tarbagatai, tn., Chinese Turl^estan, 170 m. E. Lake Balkash. Tarbat, par., NE. and Cromarty. Area 6787 acres. Tarbat Ness, prom., between Dornoch and Moray Firths. Tarbela, tn., Hazara dist., Punjab. Lat. 34" 7' N., long. 72° 50' E. Tarbert, spt , Argyllshire, 13^ m, S. Lochgilphead. Lat. 55° 52' N. Tarbert, spt., CO. Kerry, uu estuary of R. Sbanoon, 10 ni. NE. Listowel. Tarbert, Loch, Argyllsliire, on W. side of Jura. Tarbert, Loch, East and West, Argyllshire, N. Kintyre. Tarbert, Loch, East and West, Inverness-slure coast of Harris. Tarbes, tn. . France, cap. of Hautes Pyrenees. Pop. 23,273. Tarbolton, par, and vil., Ayrshire, 7 m. NE. Ayr. Tarborough, vil., N. Carolina, cap. of Edgecombe co. Tarcowio, tn.. S. Australia, co. Dalhousie, 175 ni. N. Adelaide. Tarcutta, tnshp.. New S. Wales, co. Wynyaid, 288 m. SW. Sydney. Tardebigg, pir. and vil,, Worcestershire, 2J m. SE Bromsgrove. Taree. tnshp., NcwSouth Wales, co. Macquarie, 93 ni. from Sydney. Tarenga, vil , Bilaspur dist.. Cent. Provs., India. Tarentum, bor., Pennsylvania, Alleghany co., 21 m. NF. Pittsburg. Tarf, Water of, Forr.irshire, flows 7^ ni. SE. to the North Esk. Tarf. Water of, Perthshire, flows ii'm. SE. to R. Tilt. Tarff Water. Kirkcudbrightshire, flows 9 m. S. to R. Dee. Targaon, tn., Uiiao dist., Oudh, India. Lat. 26' 31' N.. 80' 38' E. Tari, vil., Ghazipur dist,, N W. Provs., India. 25° 34' N., 83° 38' E. Tari Baragaon, vil., Balliadist., NW. Provs., India. Tirifa, spt., Spain, prov. Seville, on Strait of Gibraltar. Tarija, tn,, Bolivia, cap. of T. dep., 80 m. SE. Cinti. Lat. 21° 50' S. Tarikere, t wa and Missouri, rises in Montgomery CO., Iowa. Tarlac, tn., Philippine Inlands, Tarlac prov., Luzon Island. Tarland-Migvle, par , Aberdeenshire, 5J m. NW. Aboyne. Tarlee, tn., S. Australia, co. Light, 54 m. N. Adelaide. Tarleton, pnr. and vil., Lancashire, 8 m, SW. Preston, Tarma, tn., Peru, dep. and 35 m. S. Juuiu. 244 TAR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER TEM Tam, dep., S. Frauco. Lat. 44° o' N. Area 217 sq. 111. P. 358,757. Taraagulla, tiishp., Victoria, co. Gladstone, 125 m. NW. Melbourne. Tamer, .See Taarner. Tam-et- Garonne, dep., France. Lat. 44* 10' X. 1436 sq. m. P. 214,046. Tarnopol, tii., Austria, Galicia, 87 ni. SE. Lcmberg. Pop. 25,819 Tamow, tii., Austria, 48 in. E. Cracow. Tamowltz, tn., Prussian Silesia, 45 ni. SE. Oppeln. Tam River, France, dcps. Aveyron, Tarn, ami Tarn-et-Garonue. Tam Taran, tahsU, Amritsar dist., Punjab. Area 596 sq. m. Tam Taran, hdqrs. tn. of above. Lat. 31° 28' N., long. 74° 58' E. Taroba, Lake, Cliaiida dist., Cent. Provs., India. Taroch, Iiill state, Siniln, Punjab, India. Area 67 sq. ul TaroU, vil., Muttiti dist., NW. Provs., India. Taroodant. See Terodant. Taroon, vil., Queensland, 343 ni. NW. Brisbane. Taro River, Italy, trib. of the Po, 7 ni. W. Casal JIaggiore. Tarpaulin Cove, harbour, Massachusctt.s, on Vineyard Sound. Tarpeena, tn., S. Australia, CO. Grey, 283 ni. SB. Adelaide. Tarporley, In., par., and tnshp., Cliesliire, 10 m. SE. Chester. Tarragona, maritime pruv., Spain, Catalonia. 2506 sq. m. P. 348,579. Tarragona, spt., Spain, cap. of above. 63 ui. SW. Barcelona. P. 27,225. Tarrangower. i'tw Maldon. Tarrasa, tii., Spain, prov. and 15 m. NNW. Barcelona. Tarras Water, Dumfriesshire, Hows 11 m. SW. to K. Esk. Taixatta, Mount, New South Wales, co. Blaxland. Tarraville, tn., Victoria, co. Buln-Buln, i63 ra. from Jlelbourne. Tarrawingee, tn., Victoria, co. Bogoug, 157A ni. NE. Melbourne. Tairega, tn., Spain, prov. and 25 ni. ENE. Lerida, Tarrenaay Island, Inverness-shire, oft" W. Loch Tarliert. Tarrlngton, par. and vil., Herefordshire, 7J ni. E. Hereford. Tar River, N. Carolina, rises in Granville co. Length iSo m. Tarrytown, vil., New York, Westchester co., 26 ni. N. New Yorkcity. Taraus, city, Asia Minor, 18 ni. WSW. Adana. 36° 54' N., 34° 40' E. Tartaraghan, par., co. Armagh, on Lough Neagh. Tartary, r<-giun of Asia, comprising Manchuria, Mongolia, etc. Tartary, Gulf of, a N. extension of Sea of Japan. Lat. 50" N., 141° E. Tarth Water, Peeblessliire, flows 7 ni. SE. to Lyne Watei'. Tarves, par. and vil., Aberdeenshire, 5^ ni. NW. Udny. Tarwin River, Victoria, co. Buln-Buln, falls into Venus Bay Tasa, Cape, Japan. Lat. 32° 5' N., long. 133" E. Taa-gaon, sub-div., Satara dist., Bombay. Area 341 sq. ni. Taa-gaon, chief tn., Tas-gaon sub-div. Lat. 17" 1' N., long. 74' 3S' E. Tashkent, chief tn., Russian Central Asia. 43° N., 69° E. P. 121,410. Taaman Bay, New Zealand. Lat. 40° 30' S., long. 173° 20' E. Taaman Glacier, New Zealand. Lat. 43' 38' N., long. 170" 10' E. Tasmania, isl., S. of Victoria. Area 26,375 sq. ni. Pop. 151,480. Tasman Peninanla, Tasmania. Lat. 43" 8' S., long. 147° 50' E. Taaman'a Gulf, on N. of South Lslaiid, New Zealand. Tasnad, tn., Transylvania, 15 ni. SE. Nagy-Karoly. Taaaisudon, tn., cap. of Bhutan, in Himalayas. 27° 45' N., 89° 45' E. Tatar-Bazarjik, tn , Eastern Roumelia. Lat. 42° 10' N., 24^ 15' E. Tateuhill, [lur. and tnslip., StalTordshire, 3 ni. SW. Burton-on-Trent. Tate River, Queensland, dist. Cook, Tathra Head, New South Wales, on coast of co. Auckland. Tati, g'lM-Ufld, Matabeleland, South Africa. Tatla, Lake, British Columbia. Lat. 52° N., long. 124° 10' W. Tatlacoh, Lake, British Columbia, on Homathcoh B. Tatra Mountains, Austria. Lat. 49" 12' N., long, ig" 40' E. Tat-Sln-Lu, tn., Cliina, Se-Chuen, 125 ra. WSW. Ching-tu-Fu. Pop. 500,000. Tatta, talii}:, Karachi dist., Bombay. Area 1323 sq. m. Tatta, chief tn., Tatta taluk. Lat 24' 44' N,, long. 68° E. Tatta man galam, tn., Cochin state, Madras. Lat. 10° 41' N., 76° 46' E. Tattenhall, tn., par., and tnslip., co. and 7J ni. SE. Chester. TattershaU, In., Lincolnshire, 11 m. NW. Boston. Tattlngstone, par. and vil., Suffolk, si ni. SW. Ipswich. Tattymole Hill, Clogher hanniy, S. co. Tyrone. Alt. 1031 ft. Ta-tung, tn., China, prov. Shan-si. Lat. 40" 5' N. Tatura, tn., Victoria, co. Rodnry, noui. N. Melbourne. Taubate, tti., Brazil, state and 80 ni. N. Sao Paulo. Tanber, River, Germany, attluent of R. Main at Wrrthcim. Taung-bek-myo. tnshp., Sandoway dist, Lower Burma, mo sq. m. Taungdwing, vil., Magwe dist., Upper Burma. Taung-gup, vil., Sandoway dist., Lower Burma. Taung-gup River, Sanq m. to the Severn. Temea River, Hungary, falls into the Danube, near Belgrade. Temesvar, city, Hungaiy, 187 m. SE. Buda-Festh. Temir-Khan-siiura, tu., Russia, Dagliestiin. Temiscamingue, Lake, Canada, an extension of R. Ottawa. Temiacouata, Lake, Quebec, CO. Teniiscouala. Length 30 ni. Temiasa, tn., Tripoli, Fezzan. Temnikov, tn., Russia, gov. and 150 ni. NNE. Tambov. Temora, tnshp., New South Wales, co. Bland. Tempe, Vale of, NK. Thessaly, between Ossa and Olympus. Tempelburg, tn., Prussia, Fonierania, 44 m. S. Coslin. Tempio, tn., Sardinia, 27 m. N. Ozieri. Temple, par. and vil., Edinburghshire, 3 m. SW. Gorebridge. Temple achally, par., NW. co. Tipperary, opposite Killaloe. Templebeg, par., W. co. Tipperary, 7 ni. W. Thurles. Templeboden, par., E. co. Cork, 5 ni. SE. Rathcormack. Templeboy, par., N. co. Sligo, 13 m. NB. Ballysadare. Templebredon, I'ar., cos. Tipperary and Limerick, 3 ra. SE. Pallas. Templebreedy, par., SE. CO. Cork, 5 m. S. Queenstown. Templecam, par., cos. Feriuanagh and Donegal. Templecorran, par., E. co. Antrim, 4 m. NE. Carrickfergus. Templecrone, par., W. co. Donegal. Contains Danglow. Templederry, par. and hamlet, N. co. Tipperary, 10 m. SE. Xenagh. Temple-etney, par., S. CO. Tipperary, 6 m. NE. Clonmel. Temple Guiting, par. and vil., Gloucestershire, 4^ m. E. Winchcomb. Templeharry, i»ar., SW. King's CO., 2^ m. S. Cloglijordan. Templeludigan, par., N. co. Wexford,*8 m. NE. New Ross. Templemaley, par., mid co. Clare, 3 \\\. NE. Ennis. Templemartin, jtar., mid co. Cork, 5 ni. N. Bandon. Templemichael, par., mid CO. Longford, on R. Camlin and Royal Canal. Templemichael, par., S. CO. Tipperary, 7 m. N. Carrick-on-Suir. Templemichael, par., SW. co. Waterford, 4 m. NW. Yonghal. Templemolaga, par., NE. co. Cork, 5 m. NW. Mitchelstown. Templemore, par., NW. co. Londonderry, on R. Foyle. Templemore, par., E. co. Mayo, 4 m. SW. Foxford. Templemore, tn., tnshp., and par., NE. co. Tipperary, 9 m. N. Thiirles. Templenacarriga, par., E. co. Cork, 4 ni. N. Middleton. Templeneiry, par., co. and 5 m. SE. Tipperary, on R. Abcrlow. Temple Newsam, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 4 m. E. Leeds. Templenoe, par., S. CO. Kerry, i m. SW. Kenmare. Templepatrick, par. and vil., S. co. Antrim, 9 m. NW. Belfast. Templeport, par., NW. co. Cavan, 5 m. SW. Ballyconnel. Templer Island, N. Territory, S. Australia, in Mountnorris Bay. Templerobin, par., E. co. Cork. Contains part of Queenstown. Templeshanbo, ]>ar., NW. co. Wexford, 6 m. SW. Newtowubarry. Templeahaanon, par., mid co. Wexford, on R. Slaney. Templestowe, ^il., Victoria, co. Bourke, 11 m. E. Melbourne. Templetenny, par., CO. Tijtperaiy, 11 m. SW. Caher. Templetogher, par., N. CO. Gal way, 7 m. SW. Ballymoe. Templeton, vil., Quebec, co. and 2 m. from Ottawa. Templetouhy, par. and vil., NE. co. Tipperary, 5 m. E. Templemore. Templeudigan. .S'fC Templeludigan. Templin, tn., Brandenburg, 24 m. SE. Neu Strelitz. Tempaford, par. and vil., Bedfordshire, 5J m. NW. Biggleswade. Temruk, ft. tn., Russia, on S. side of Sea of Azov. Tenajfly, vil.. New Jersey, Bergen co., 16 m. N. Jersey City. Tenants Harbor, vil., Maine, Knox co., 15 m. SW. Rockland. Tenasaerim, div.. Lower Burma. Area 46,730 sq. m. Pop. 971,660. Tenasaerim, tnslip., Mergui dist,, Lower Burma. Tenasaerim, hdrirs.,Tenasserim tnshp., Low(;r Burma. Lat. 12° 5' N. Tenasaerim River, Lower Burma, falls into Indian Ocean in lat. 12° N. Tenbury, tn. and par., co. and 22 m. NW. Worcester, on R. Teme. Tenby, biir. and spt., co. and g m. E. Pembroke. Tenby St. Mary, par., Pembrokeshire. Ten Degree Channel, between Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Tenderbar, tn., W. Africa, Senegambia. Tendukhera, tn., Narsinghpur dist., Cent. Provs., India. Tenedoa, isl., olf W. coast Asia Minor, 5 m. long. 39° 50' N., 26^0' E. Teneriffe, largest of the Canary Isls. Lat. 28° 30' N. Pop. 105,000. Tenea, spt., Algeria, 100 m. W. Algiers. Tengri-Nor, lakt, Tibet, 120 m. NW. Lassa, So m. by 40 m. Tenimber lalanda, E. Indies. Lat. 8" 20' S., long. 130° 43' E. Tenkaral, taluk, TinnevelH dist., Madras. Tenkaral, hdqrs., Tenkarai taluk. Lat. 8° 35' N., long. 78° 7' E. Tenkast, toin dist.. Lower Burma. ThionviUe, Six Diedenhoven. Thirlmere, lake, CtnulH-rland, 5 m. SK. Keswick. Thirsk, tn., par., and tnshp., N. Riding, Yorks, 22)^ m. NW. York. Thirsk and Malton, pari, div., N. Riding, Yorks. Pop. 07,191. Thlsted. s|it., Denmark, 12 m. NW. Nykjobing. Thistle Island, S. Australia, Spencer Gulf. Thlthia Island. Se.p, Olcia. Tholen Island, Netherlands, prov. Zeelanil. Thorn, Mount, Nova Scotia, Colchester co, Thomar, tu., Brazil. Ijit. o" 42' S., long. 64° 59' W. Thomar, tn., Portugal, prov. Beira-Baixa, 43 m, S. Coimbra. Thomas, Cape, S. Australia, CO Robe, N. of Guichen Bay. Thomis" Plains, tn., Tasmania, co. Dorset. Thomia Range, jutns., QueeTisland, dist, N. Gregory. Thomaataa, vil , Georgia, cap of Upson Co. Thomastown, tn, and par., co. and n m. SK. Kilkenny. Thomasville, vil., Georgia, cap. of Thouias co. Thompson River, Uriti.sli Columbia, trib. of Fraser R. Lat. 50' 15' N. Thompson River, Queensland, dist. Mitchell. Thompson Sound, New Zealand, between Secretary I. and co. Fiord. Thompsonville, vil., Connecticut, Hartford co. Thomson, vil., Georgia, cap. of M'Duffie co. Thomson River, Victoria, co. Tanjil. Thon-gwa, dist.. Lower Burma. Area 5413 sq. in. Pop. 441,030. Thon-gwa, tn.sbp., Thon-gwa dist., Lower Burma. Thonon, tn., France, dep. Haute-Savoie, on Lake of Geneva. Thorda, tn., Transylvania, 17 m. SE. Klausenburg. Thoresby, North, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 7 ni. S. Grimsby. Thorgomindah. Sen Thargominda. Thorn, to., W. Prussia, 115 ni. NW. Warsaw. Pop. 26,712. Thomaby, ercl. dist. and tnshp., N. Riding, Yorkshire, in Stockton. Thornapple River, Michigan, flows W. into the Grand R. Thornborough, par. and vil., co. and 3 m. E. Buckingham. Thomboroua'h, tn., Queensland, dist. Cook. Lat. 16° 58' S. Thombnry, tn., par., and tnshp., Gloucestershire, 12 ni. N. Bristol. Thorncombe, par. and vil., Dorset, 5^ m. NE. Axminster. Thomdon, jiar. and vil., Suflblk, 3 ni. S. Eyre. Thome, tn. and i>ar., W. Riding, Yorkshire, g m. NE. Doncaster. Thomer, par., tnshp., and vil., W. Riding, Yorks, 6 m. NE. Leeds Thorness Bay, Isle of Wight, 3 m. SW. West Cowes. Thorney, par., Cambridgeshire, 7 m. NE. Peterborough. Thornham, par. and vil., Kent, 3J m. E. JIaidstone. Thornh^m, coast par. and vil., Norfolk, 4 m. E. Hunstanton. ThomhUl, tu., par., tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, i^ lu. SW. Dewsbury. Thomhlll, vil., CO. and 14 m. NW. Dumfries. Lat. 55° 16' N. Thomhill, vil., Ontario, co. York, 14 m. N. Toronto. ThornhillLees, eccl. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Thornley, eecl. dist., tnshp., and vil., co. and 6 m, SE. Durham. Thornliebank, to., Renfrewsliire, \\\\\. SW. Pollokshaws. Thomabury, tn., New Zealand, co. Wallace, 20m. NW. Invercargill. Thornton, tnshp,, N. Lancashire. Contains Fleetwood. Thornton, par. and tnshp., Leicester, sim. NE. Market Bosworth. Thornton, tn. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorksliire, 4 m. W. Bradfonl Thornton, vil. and quoad sacra par., Fife, 3 m. S. Markinch. Thornton Heath, eccl. dist., Surrey, within borough of Croydon. Thornton-in-Craven, par. and vil., Yorkshire, $\ m. SW. Skipton. Thornton-in-Lonsdale, tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, and par., Lancashire. Thorntown, vil , Indiana, Boone co. Thorold, tn., Ontario, co. Welland, 4 m. S. St. Catherines. Thorpe, tnshp. and eccl. dist., Norfolk, within borough of Norwich. Thorpe, par. and vil,, Surrey, i-J m. NW. Chertscy. Thorpe Healey, eccl. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire, near Rotherham. Thorpe-le-Soken, tn. and par., Essex, 12 m. SE. Colcliester. Thorpe St. Andrew, par., Norfolk, partly within Norwich. Thorpe St. Matthew, eccl. dist., Norfolk, within Norwich. Thorpe St. Peter, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, i^ m. NW. Wainfleet. Thorshaven, tn., cap. of Farrje Lsles, on SE. coast of Stromoe. Thorverton, par. and vil., Devon, 7 m. N. Exeter. Thenars, tu., France, dep. Deux-Sevres, 22 m. NE. Parthenay. Thourout, in., Belgium, n m. SW. Bruges. Thousand Isles, Canada, in St. Lawrence R., near Lake Ontario. Thovalai, tnliik, Tra\'ancore, Madras. Area 121 sq. ni. Thoydon. SfC Theydon. Thrace, ancient name of SE. portion of Turkey in Europe. Thrapston, tn. and par., Northamptonshire, 8| m. SW. Oundle. Three Brothers. Src Ousbti. Three Hummock Island, Tasmania. Highest point 790 ft. Three Hut Point, vii., Tasmania, co. Buckingham, 30 ni. S. Hobart. Three Kinja Island, New Zealand, 33 m. NW. Cape Van Diemen Three Mile Bay, vil., New York, Jellerson co., on Lake Ontario. Three Points, Cape, Argentine Republic. Lat. 47'' 7' S., 65" 48' W. Three Rivera, vil., Micliigan, St. Joseph co., on St. Joseph R. Three Rivera, city, Canada, cap. of St. Maurice co., 76 ni. W. Quebec. Three Sistere, mtus., Oregon. Lat. 44" 7' N., long. 121° 30' W. Throg's Neck, cape, New York, Long Island Sound. Lat. 40" 48' N. Throston, tn. and tnshp., Durliam, within Hartlepool. Throwley, pir. and vil., Kent, 4 m. SW. Faversham. Thmsslngton, par. and vil., Leicestershire, 8 m. NE. Leicester. Thuln, tn., Belgium, Hainaut, on R. Sambre. Thul, tiUuk, Upper Sind Frontier dist., Bombay. Area 821 sq. ni. Thul, hdqrs. tn., Thul taluk. Lat. 28' 15' N., long. 68° 49' E. Thule, classical name for farthest known land iu N. Atlantic. Thulendl, tn., Rai Bareli dist., Oudh, India. Thum, tu., Saxouv, 20 ni. SE. Zwickau. Thun, tn., Switzerland, cant. Bern, J m. below Lake of Thun. Thun, Lake of, Switz., 10 m. long by 2 m. broad. 46' 46' N., 7° 38' E. Thunder Bay, large inlet, Canada, at head of Lake Superior. Thunder Bay River, Michigan, flows ENE. througli Alpena co. Thurcaaton, jiar. and tnslip., co. and 4 m. N. Leicester. Thurgau, t-ant., Switzerland, on Lake of Constance. Pop. 10S,091. Thurgoland, tnshp. and vil., W. Riding, Yorks, 5 ni. SW. B.irnsley. Thiiringer Wald, mtn. range, Germany, traversing Thuiingia. Thuringla, region of cent. Germany. Lit. 51° o' N., long, n' o' E. Thurlaaton, par. and vil., co. and 6 m. SW. Leicester. Thurlby, par. and vil., Lineolnshirc, 2 m. S. Houin. Thurleigh, par. and vil., co. and si m. N. Bedford. Thurles, tn., tnshp., and jiar., mid co. Tipperary, 29 m. N. Clonmcl. Thurlatone, tnshp., W. Ridin-i, Yorksliire, ij m. NW. Peuistonc. Thurmaaton, tn., co. and 3^ m. NE. Leicester. Thurr or Indian Desert, vast sandy tract, Rajputana, India. Thur River. .Switzerland, falls to the Rhiuo below Schatfhauscn. Thurrock, Grays, Sec Grays Thurrock. Thurrock, West, par., Essex, on U. Thames. Thuraby, [lar. imd vil. Cumberland, .fj m. NE. Wigton. Thursday Island, Qu'-eusland, 1500 m. N. Brisbane. Thursloy, par. and vil., Surrey, sj m. SW. Godaluiing. Thurso, spt. and par., Caithness, 2o| m. NW. Wiek. Lat. 58° 37' N. Thurso, p 'it, Quebec, Ottawa co., 28 m. below Ottawa. Thurso River, Caithness, flows 27 m. NE. and N. to Tliurso Bay. Thurston, p ir. and vil., SuITolk. 4 tn. E. Bury St, Edmunds. Thuratonland, tnshp., W. Riding. Yorkshire, 4^ m. SE. Uiiddersflcld. Thuraton Water. Srr Coniston Water Thurzofalva, vil., Hungary, on frontier of Calicia. 247 TIA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER TLA Tiagar, vil., S. Arcot (list., Madras. Lat. ii" 44' N., long. 79° 7' E. Tiantum Lake, Brit. Columbia. Lat. 51' 58' N., long. 118° 50' TV. Tiaquin, bamiiy, N. Co. Galway. Area 100, 1 35 acres. Tiaro, tii., Quonislainl, CO. Warcli, 100 m. N\V. Brisbane. Tibbenham. >'(■*: Tibenham. Tibbington. See. Tipton. Tibenham, par. and vil., Norfolk, 2 ni. NW. Tivetshall. Tiber, River, It:ily, from Aiieniiines to Mediterranean. Tiberia?, Lake, Tasmania, co. Monmouth. Tiberias, Lake of, Palestine, on R. Jordan. Lat. 32° 46' N., 35° 35' E. Tibet, country of Chinese Empire. Area 651, 700 sq. m. Lat. 33' N., lung. 89""]']. Pop. 6,000.000. Tibohine, par., NW. co. Rosccimmon. Contains Frenchpark. Tibshelf, par. and vil,, Derbyshire, 4 m. NE. Alfreton. Ticehurst, par. and vil., Sussex, 9^ m. SE. Tunbridfje Wells. Tichmarsh, par. and vil., Northamptonshire, 2 m. NE. Tlirapston. Ticino, catitnn, Switzerland. Area 1087 sq. ui. Pop. 127,274. Ticino, River, Switzerland and Piedmont, joins Po, 3J m. SE. Pavia. TlckeoliaU. -S'- c Ticknall. Tickera Bay, S. Australia, Spencer Oulf, co. Daly. Tickhill, tTi., par., and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, 4 m. W. Bawtry. Tickmacrevan, ]>:ir., E. CO. Autrini. Contains Glenarm. Ticknall, p;ir. and vil., Derbysliire, 5J ni. N. Ashby-deda-Zouch. Ticumbia Island, Fiji, one of the Exploring Islands, 5 m. NE, Munia. Tidcombe Portion, eccl. div., Devon, within bor. of Tiverton. Tidenham, par. and vil., Gloucestershire, i| m. NE. Chepstow. Tideswell, tn., par., and tnshp., Derbyshire. 6\ ni. E. Buxton. Tidioute, bor., Pennsylvania, Warren Co., on the Alleghany R. Tidor, one of the Spice Isles, Malay Archipelago, W. of Gilolo, Tiene, tii.. Italy, 12 m. NNW. Viceiiza. Tlen-Tsin, port, China, prov. Pe-chi-li, 80 m. SE, Pekin. Pop. 950,000. Tierra delFuego, arch., S. America. Area 28,185 sq. ni. Pop. 15,000. Tiete, River, Brazil, state Sao Paulo, falls into tlie Parana. Tifan, city, Ohio, cap. of Seneca co., on the Sandusky R. P. 10.801. Tiflis, gov., Russia, Transcaucasia. Area 17,222 sq. m, P. 859,762. TiAis, city, Tran^^cancasia, cap. of above. Pop. 89,551. Tigar, tolxik. Shikarpnr dist., Bombay. Area 301 sq. m. Tigaria, native state, Orissa, India. Area 46 sq. m. Pop. 19,850. Tiger River, S. Carolina, Greenville Co., falls into Broad R. Tighe's Hill, tnslip., New South Wales, near Newcastle. Tighnabruaich, vil. and q.s. par., Argyllshire, 9^ m. NW. Rothesay. Tigr^, state, NW. Abyssiuia, in basin of the Mareb. Tigre River, Ecuador, flows 350 m. to the Amazon. Tigris River, Asiatic Turkey, flows 1150 ni. SE. to the Euphrates. Tijara, tahsU, Alwar state, Rajputana. Area 257 sq. ni. Tijara, tn., Tijara taksil. Lat. 27° 55' N., long. 76° 50' E. Tikarl, tn., Bengal, dist. and 15 m. NW. Gaya. Tikhvin, tn., Russia, gov. and 108 m. NE. Novgorod. Tikota, tn., Kurundwar state, Bombay. Lat. 16° 15' N., 75° 33' E. Tikri, tn., Meerut dist., NW. Provs., India. 29° 14' N.,long. 77° 23' E. Tikri, vil., Allahabad dist, NW. Provs., India. 25^ 34' N.,8i° 59' E. Tilburg, tn., Netherlands, 14 m. E. Breda. Pop. 32,016. Tilbury Docks, Es^iex, on R. Thames, 22 ni. E. London, Tilehurst, par. and vil., Berks, 2J m. W. Reading. Tilford, vil and eccl. dist., Surrey, 3 m. SE. Farnham. Tilhar, tihsil, Shajalianpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Tilhar, lulqrs. tn., Tilhar tahsil. Lat. 27* 37' N., long. 79° 46' E. TUjQga River, N. Behar, India, trib. of the Kusi. Till, River, Northumberlaml, flows 32 m. NW. to the Tweed. Tillicoultry, tn. and i>ar., Claekniannansbire, 3^ m. NE. Alloa. Tillingham, par, and vil., E-isex, 9 ni. SE. Maldon. Tillington, par. and vil., Sussex, i m. W. Petworth. Tillymorgan Hill, Aberdeenshire. Alt. 1249 ft. Tilney All Saints, jiar. and vil., Norfolk, near Kinij's Lynn. Tilney St. Lawrence, par. and vil., Norfolk, 6 ni. SW. King's Lynn. Tilsit, tn., E. Piussia, on the Memel. 55° 5' N , 21" 40' E. P. 24,088. Tilston, eccl Oist. and tnshp., Cheshire, 2 m. SE. Tarporley. Tilt, River, Perthshire, falls into R. Garry. Tilt Cove, vil. and spt., Newfoundland, 230 m. NW. St. John's. Timan Mountains, Russia. Lat. 65° N-, long. 50° E. Timami, vil., Ho-shaiigabad dist., Cent. Provs.. India. Tlmarn, jmit and tnshp., New Zealand, co. Geraldine. Timbalier Bay, Louisiana, at mouth of B^you La Fourche. Tlmbarra, tnslip.. New South Wales, co. Drake, 495 m. N. Sydney. Timbarra River, New Suulli Wales, co. Drake. Timberland, par. anil tnshp., Lincolnshire, 9 ni. NE. Sleaford. Tlmbo, tn., W. Afiica, Seiiegambia, Futa Jalon. Timbnctu, tn , in the S'ludan, N. of the Niger, on border of Sahara. Timeri, til., N. Arcot dist.. Madias. Lat. 12° 49' N., long. 79° 21' E. Timimoun tn., Sahara, in oasis nf Tuat. Pop 20,000. Timmonavllle, vil. and tnshp., S. Carolina, Darlington co. Timok River, allluent of ttie Danube, between Servia and Bulgaria. Timor, isl. of the Malay Arch. 10° S. Area 12,581 sq. m. P. 500,000. Timor, vil,, Victoria, co. Tallmt, 117 m. NW. Melbourne. Timor-Laut, isl. group, in Arafnra Sea, lying 260 m. NE. Timor. Timor Sea, part of Indian Ocean, lying NW. of Australia. Timothy, Mount, S. Austi-alia, 17 m. X. co, Buckingham. Timperley.eccl. liist., tnshp., and vil., Cheshire, i m. NE. Altrincham. Timsbury, par. and vil., Somerset, 3 m. NW. R;idstock. Tinaco, tn., Venezuela, state Cojedes, 20 m. E. San Carlos. Tinchebral, tn., France, dep. Or'ne, 13 m NW. Domfront. Tlncklera Point, li adiaud.on W. coast of St. Martin's, Scilly Islands. Ting-Chow, citv, Cliina, prov. Shan-Tung, on Yedow Sea. Ting-Chow, city, Cidna, pruv. Fo-Kien, 140 m. NW. Amoy. Tlngewick, par. anar.. eo. and 7 m. S. Roscommon. Tiata River, Bengal, joins the Brahmaputra in Raugpur dist. Titagarh, vil., 24 Parganas dist., Bengal. Lat. 22' 44' N., 88° 26' E. Titalya, tn., Jalpaiguri dist., Bengal. Titaa River, Tijqierah dist., Bengal. Titchfield, par. and vil., Hants, 2 m. W. Fareham. Titi:aca, Lake, in the Andes of Peru and Bolivia. Lat. i6' S. Tititira Head, New Z-aland, co. Westland, S. of Bruce Bay. Titlls, mfns., Switzerland, cantons Be^n, Uri, an 1 Unterwalden. Tittabawasaee River Michigan, Midland co,. falls into Siginaw R. Titteratone Cloo Hill Shrop-^hire, 6 m. NE. Ludlow. Alt. 1754 ft. Tltusville, city, P. nnsylvania, Crawford co., 21 ni. E. Meadville. Tinmen, tu., W. Siberia, at confluence of the Tara and Tiumenka. Tiverton, bur. and par.. Devon, 12 m. N. Exeter. 50' 54' N., 3° 30' W. Tiverton, j)ail. div. of Devon. Pop. 52,762. Tividale, eccl. dist., Staflbrdshire. Tivoli, tu., Italy, 17 m. ENE. Rome, on the Teverone. Tivoll, vil., New York, Dutchess co., on Hudson R. Tiitla, tn., Mevico, cap. ofGuerero, 70 ni. NE. Acapulco. Tizzana, tn., Italy, prov. Florence, on N. side of Monte Albano. Tlaicala, tn., Mexico, state and 10 m. N. Puebla. 248 TLA THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER TOR Tlaxcala, state, Mexico, adjoining Puebla. 1507 sq. m. P. 155,151 TIemcen, tn., Algeria, 88 m. SW. Oran. Pop. 28,204. To, a iiiouih of the Irawadi, Lower Uiirma. Toalo Point, New South Wales, co. Auckland, N. of Twofold Bay. Tobacco River, Michigan, joins the Chippewa R. in Midland co. Tobago Island, Brit. W. Indies, 24 m. NE. Trinidad. Pop. 19,075 Toba Inlet, British Columbia, N. of Desolation Sound. Tobar HiU. Cornwall, 2 m. SE. Brown Willy. Alt. 1122 ft. Tobarra, tn., Spain, prov. and 33 m. S3E. Albacete. Tobcrcurry, In., S. co. Sligo, 9 ni. SW. Ballyniote. Lat. 54° 4' X. Tobermory, spt. and gitoctt/ iacra par., Argyllshire, 2S m. NW. Oban. Toblque River, New Brunswick, i-o. Restigouche, falls into St. JohnR, Tobol River, W. Siberia, 500 ni. NE. to the Irtish, near Tobolsk. Tobolsk, city, cap. of W. fciiberia. Lat. 58' N., 63' E. Pop. 20,132. Tobolsk, gov. of Siberia. Lat. 53° N., long. 68° E. Pop. 1,313,392. Toboso, tn.. Spain, La Manclia, 60 m. SE. Toledo. Tobyhanna Mills, vil., Pennsylvania, Monroe co. Tocantina, River, Brazil, state Goyaz and Para, falls into the Para. Tocco, in., Italy, proV. and 17 in. SW. Chieti. Toccoa, vil., Gt-orgia. Habersham co., 67 ni. SW. Greenville. Tockada, Mount, NcW South Wales, co. Dowling. Tockwith, tnshp. and vil., W. Riding, Yorks, 5 ni. NE. Wetherby. Tocuyo, tn., Wnezuela, dep. Baniuesinieto. Pop. 15,000. Todanad, sub-div., Nilgiri Hills dist., Madras. Area 375 sq. ni. TodaTodi, pntty state, Bonitay, India. Todd, vil. and tnslip., Pennsylvania, Huntingdon co. Todd, River, N. Territory, S. Australia. Lat. 24° S., long. 135' E. Todd Creek, Ohio, flows SW. and joins Little Miami R. in Warren co. Toddin^n, tn. and par., Bedfordshire, 5 m. N. Dunstable. Todi, tn., Italy, 24 ni. S. Peru-ia. Todj, nitn., Switzerland, canton Glarus. Alt. 11,878 ft. Todmorden, tn., Lancashire and YorUsliire. Pop. 24,745. Todmorden and Waladen, tnslip., Lancashire, within Todmorden. Todnpolai, ialuk, Travancore state, Madras. Too Head, S. co. Cork, 13 m. NE. Cape Clear. Toem, par., W. co. Tipperary, 5 ni. W. Dundrum. Tofino Bay, New Zealand, on E. coast of co. Waitemata. Toftlngall, Loch, Caithness, 5^ ni. SE. Halkirk. Togo Land, GL-rinau protectorate, W. Africa, on Slave Cst. P. 60.000. ToguzDahan, nitn. range, on NW. bonier of Tibet. Lat. 36''N., 85' K. Tokana, tn., Hissar dist., Punjab. Tokar, tn., E. Soudan, 45 m. SSE. Suakin. Tokat, city, Asia Minor, on the-Yeshil Irmak. Pop. 100,000. Tokay, in., Hungary, on R. Theiss. Lat. 48° 10' N., long. 21° 20' E. Tokio, spt., cap. of .Japan, Hondo I. Lat. 33" 43' N. Pop. 1,313,299. Tokomalriro River, New Zealand, co. Bruce. Tokun Island, lietween D'Entrecastcan.x Archipcl.igo and Woodlark I. Tolago Bay, New Ze;dand, in E. coast of co. Co<^k. Toledo, piov., Spain. Area 5883 sq. ni. Pop. 359,562. Toledo, city, Spiin, cap. of above, on the Tagus. Pop. 20,837. Toledo, vil., Iowa, cap. of Tama co., 2^ ni. N. Tama city. Toledo, city and port of entry, Ohio, cap. of Logan co. Pop. 81,434. Tolima, volcano, in the Andes, Columbia. Lat. 4° 46' N. 18,143 ^*^' Tolhna, state, Columbia, on Upper Magdalena. Pop. 305,185. Tollcrosa, tn,, Lanarkshire, 3 ni. SE. centre of Glasgow. Tollesbury. par. and vil., Essex, 7 in. NE. Maldou, ToUeshunt d Arcy, par. and vil., Essex, 2 ni. NW. Tollesbury. TolUe, Loch, Russand Cromarty, 3 m. NE. Gairloch. Tolljngton Park, eccl. dist., Middlesex, within Islington. Toll-pos ia, nitn., Russia. Lat. 63" 43' N., long. 59" 12' E. ToUy'a Nala, canal, -j^ Parganas dist., Bengal. Tolmeln, tn., Austria-Hnng;iry. Lat. 46° 11' N., long. 13° 45' E. Tolmen Point, on Old Town Bay, St. Mary's, Scilly Islands. Tolmezzo, tn., Italy, 26 m. NNW. Udine, in the Alps. Tolna. tn., Hungary, oTi the Danube, 11 m. SW. Kalocsa. Tolono, vil., Illinois, Champaign co., 9 ni. S. Champaign. Toloaa. tn., Spain, cap. uf Gmpuzcoa. Lat. 43° 10' N., 2° 15' W. Tol-Pedn Penwlth, headland, Cornwall, 3 m. SE. Lands End. Tolsta, vil., LcA-is Island, Ross-shire, 13 ni. NE. Stornoway. Toluca, tn., Mexico. 40 ni. SW. Mexi<;o. Tolve, tn., Italy, prov. and 12 m. EXE. Potenza. Tolz, tn., Bavaria, 26 m. S. Munich. Tomago. vil., New South Wales, co. Gloucester, 87 ni. N. Sydney. Tomah, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Monroe co., 42 ni. E. La Crosse. Tomann Shoal, Tasni.mia, XNE. of Robbin's Island. Tomaszow, tn., Russia, gov. and 66 in. SE. Lublin. Tomaazow, tn., Russia, gov. Piotrkov, on the Pilica. Pop. 15,632. Tombigbee R., .Missouri and Alabama, rises in Prentiss co., 45oni.long. Tom Bowling Bay, New Zealand, in N. coast of co. Mongonui. Tomelloao, In., Spain, 50 in. ENE. Ciuda'l Real. Tomfinlough, pir., S. co. Clare. Contains Newmarket-on-Pergna. Tomgraney, i)ar. and vil., E. co. Clare, 14 m. NW. Killak)e. Tomlea Mountain, co. Kf'rry, 5 m. SW. Killarney. Alt, 2413 ft. Tomlngley Creek, New Sooth Wales, CO. Narroniiue. Tompklnsvllle, vil., Nrw York, Richmond CO., 6 m. 8. New York. Tomregan. par., cos. Cavan ami Fennanagh. Contains Ballyconnel. Tom River, Siberia, falls into the 0!)i, NW. of Tomsk. Tomsk, gov., W. Siberia. Area 331,151 sq. in Pop. 1,196,064. Tomsk, .ity. rap. of above, on tliO Tom. 56° 30' N., 86° E. P. 36,742. Tom'a Lake, New South Wales, co. Waljccrs. Tom's River, vil., New Jerspy, cap. of Ocean co. Tonala, spt., Mexico, state Jalisco. Pop. 10,631. Tonawanda, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Eric co., 11 m. N. Buffalo. Tonawanda Creek, New York, joins Niacara R. TonelaTee, mtn.. eo. Wi<-klow, near Wicklow Gap. Alt. 2684 ft. Tone River, Somorset, falls into the Parret at Boroughbridge. Tong, par. and vil., Shropshire, 3 m. E. Shifnal. Tong, tn. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 4 m. SE. Bradford. Tonga lalandj, Pac lie Ocean. Lat. 20' S., long. 172' W. P. 22,937. Tongarlro, Mount, New Zealand, co. W. Tanpo. Alt. 6500 ft. Tongatabu Island, Pacific O'^can. Lat. 21° 8' S., long. 175* 16' W. Tonge, tnshp., Lancashire, on SE. side of MJddleton. Tonge, eccL dist, and tnshp., SE. Lancashire, partly in Bolton. Tonge -with-Alkrington, cccl. dist., SE. Lancashire. Tongking. See Tonquin. Tongrea, tn., Belgium, Limbourg, 13 m. SE. Hasselt. Tong-Ting-Ha, lake, Cliina, prov. Hu-Pe. Tongue, par. and vil., Sutherlandshire, 385 in. N. Lairg. Tongue, Kyle of, sea loch, Sutherlandshire^ Lat. 58' 30' N., 4° 2/ W. Tongue River, Wyoming and Montana, rises in Big Horn Situs. Tongue Sand, shoal, in mouth of R. Thames, 8 m. NW. Margate. Tonka, vil., Illinois, La Salle co., 9 in. S. La Salle. Tonk, native state, Rajputana, India. Area 2309 sq. m. P. 338,029. Tonk, chief tn., 'fonk state. Lat. 26" 10' N., long. 75° 50' E P. 45,840. Tonneinfl, tn., France, Lot-et-Garonne, on R. Garonne. Tonnerre, tn., France, Yonne, on the Annancon. Tonning, tn., Prussia, 29 m. WSW. Schleswig, on the Eider. Tonnur, vil., India, Mysore dist. and state. Tonquin, prov. (Frencli), Annam. Area 34,748 sq. m. P. 6,000,000, Tonaberg, tu., Norway, 47 m. SW. Christiania. Tons River, NW. Provs., India, trib. of the Jumna. Tons River, NW. Provs., India, trib. of the Ganges. Tooele, vil., Utah, cap. of Tooele co., 32 m. SW. Salt Lake City. Tooloom. tn., New South Wales, co. BuUer, 345 in. NNE. Sydney. Toome, par., N. co. Wexford, 6 m. SW. Gorey. Toome, Lower, barony, W. co. Antrim. Toome, tJpper, barony, W. co. Antrim. Toomore, par., N. co. Jlayo, on R. Moy. Toomour, par., S. co. Sligo, i m. SE. Ballyniote. Tooms, Lake, Tasmania, co. Somei-set. Toongabbie, tn., Victoria, co. Tanjil, io3 m. E. Melbourne. Toonginbooku River, Victoria, co. Tauibo. Toorak, tn., \'ictoria, co. Bourke, 3^^ m. E. Melbourne. Tooting, Lower, par., Surrey, in Wandsworth. Tooting, Upper, eccl. dist, Surrey, in Wandsworth. Toowoomba, tn., Queensland, co. Aubigny, loi ni. W. Brisbane. Topcliffe, par., tnshp., and vil.,N. Riding, Yorks, 4^ in. SW. Thirsk. Topeka, city, Kansas, ca.p. of the state and of Shawnee co. P. 31,007. Toplitz, tn., Bohemia, in a valley of the Erzgebirge. Lat. 46° 5' N, Topo Lake, Russia. Lat. 67° N., long. 34° E. Topolias, Lake, Greece. Lat. 38" 25' N., long. 23° 5' E. Topoyla, v\\., Hungary, 80 m. N. Hegyes. Topozero, Lake, Rus-ian Lapland, W. of White Sea. Toppeafield, par. and vil., Essex, 2 m. SW. Ttldham. Topsham, tn. and par., Devon, on R. Exe, s\ "i- NW. Exmouth. Topton, bor., Pennsylvania, Berks co,, 18 m. NE. Reading. Tor Bay, SE. coast of Devon. Lat. 50° 24' N., long. 3° 30' W. Torbay, vil., Nova Scotia, Guysborough co., 13 m. WSW. CapeCanso. Torbay, ti.sliing set., Newfoundland, 7 m. from St. John's. Torcello, isl. and tn., Italy, 6 in. NE. Venice. Tore Mountain, SE. CO. Kerry, 5 m. S. Killarney. Alt. 1764 ft. Torgau, tn., Prussian Saxony, on the Elbe, 70 m. SW. Berlin. Tor Head, co Antrim, 5 in. N. Cushendun, opposite Mull of Kiutyre. Tori Fatehpur, petty state, Central India. Area 36 sq. m. Torino. Sec Turin. Toritto, tn., Italy, Bari, 15 m. NNE. Altamura. Torlum Hill, Pertli.shire, 3 m. SW. Crieff. Alt. 1291 ft. Tormea River, Spain, trib, of the DouTo, passing Salamanca. Tormoham- with -Torquay, i)ar., De^'on. Tormore Island, W. co. Donegal, in Malin Bay. Tomea, tn., Russia, Finland. Lat. 68° 20' N., long. 29" 20' E. Tomea Elf, riv,, Sweden, Lat. 66" N., loi.g. 24° E. Toro, tn., Spain, prov. Zaniora, on the Douro. Torok Becae, tn., Hanover, on the Theiss, 47 m. S. Szegedin. Toronto, city, cap. of Ontario, York co. Lat. 43° 38' N. P. 181,220. Toropetz, tn., Russia, gov, Pskov, 50 m. SE. Kholui. Torosay, par., Argyllshire, on Sound of Mull and Firth of Lorne. Torpenhow, par. and tnshp., Cumberland, 6 in. NE. Cockermouth. Torphichen, par. and vil., Linlithgowshire, zV in. N. Bathgate. Torpoint, eccl. dist. and vil., Cornwall, opposite Devonport. Torquay, spt., Devon, 23 m, S. Exeter. Lat. 50° z6' N., 3° 30' W. Torquay, pari. div. of Devon. Pop. 50,736. Torquay, tnshp. and port of entry, Tasmania, co. Devon. Torquemada, tn., Spain, 12 ni. NE. Palencia. Torrance, vil., Stirlingshire, on R. Kelvin, 3 m. W. Kirkintilloch. Torre del Campo, tn., Spain, prov. and 4 in. W. Jaen. Torre del Greco, tn., Italy, 7 m. SE. Naples. Pop. 28,847. Torre dell' Annunzlata, til., Italy, 12 m, SE. Naples. Pop. 22,666. Torre Don Jlmeno, tn., Spain, 12 in. SW. Jaen. Torre Maggiore, tn,, Italy, prov. Foggia. Torrena, Cape. 8, Australia, on N. coast of Kangaroo Island. TorreuB, Lake, S. Australia, 33 m. N. Spencer Gulf. Torrena Creek, New South Wales, co. Poole. Torrena Vale, farming dist., S. Australia, co. Hindmarsh. Torrente, tn., Spain, prov. and 6 in. NW. Valencia. Torrea Novas, tn., Portugal. Lat. 39° 30' N., long. 8' 35' W. Torres Strait, Queen.sland. Lat. 10° 30' S., long. 142' E. Torres Vedras, tn., Portugal. Lat. 39' 5' N., long. 9° 20' W. Torrevleja, spt., Spain, i!3 m. SSW. Alicante, on the coast. Torrldge River, Devon, falls into the Taw at Barnstaple Bay. Torrldon, Loch, sua loeli, Rops and Cromarty. 57° 36' N., 5° 45' W. TorrlgUa, tn., Italy, 15 in. NE. Giuioa, in the A]ienninos. Torrlngton, Black, par. and vil., Devon, 5 in. W. Ilatherleigh. Torrlngton, Great, bor. and par. , Devon, on R. Torrldge. Torrox, tn., Spain, 25 m. E. Malaga, near coast. Torry, vil., Kineardincshire, near mouth of R, Dee. Torrybum, par. and vil., Fifeshire, 2j m, E. Culros."!. Toraay Island, one of the Slate Islands, Argyllshire. Torahok. Nee Torzhok. Torthorwald, par. and vil., co. and 4111. NK. Dumfries. Tortola Island, Virgin Islands. Lat. 18' 18' N., long. 64' 33' W. Tortona, tn., N. Italy, 14 ni. ESE. Alessandria. Tortorlcl, tn., Sicily, 12 m. SW. Patti. Tortoaa, tn., Spain. Ijit. 40° 50' N., long, o' 30' E. Pop. 24,057. Tortavar, vil., Transylvania, 20 in. SW. Kronstadt. Tortue, Lake, Quebec, Champlain co. 249 TOR THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER TRl Tortuga Island, Venezuela. Lat. ii" N., long. 65° 30' W. Tortaga Island, oft'NW. coast of Haiti. Lat. 20° N. Tortugas Islands, off NE. coast of Cuba, 26 m. by 6 111. Torwood, eccl. dist., Devon, within Torquaj*. Tory Island, CO. Donegal, 9 m. NW. Duulanaghy. Lat. 55' 16' N. Torzburg, tn., Hungary. Lat. 45° 27' N., long. 25° 11' E. Torzhok, tn., Russia, gov. and 36 m. W. Tver. To3canella, tu., Italy, 23 m. NNE. Civita Yecchia. Tosham, tn., Hissar dist., Punjab, India. Totana, tn., Spain, Murcia, 10 m. NE. Lorca. TotapeUa, Mount, Ceylon. Lat. 6° 40' N., long. 80° 48' E. Totham, Great, par. and vil., Essex, 2§ ni. N. Maldon. Tothill Fields, eccl. dist., Middlesex, ^vitliin Westminster, London. Totnes, bor. ami par., Devonshire, 22 m. SW. Exeter. Totnes, pari. div. of Devonshire Pop, 49,615. Totonicapan, tn., 100 ni. NW. Guatemala. Pop. 21,000. Totoral, tn., Argentine Republic. Lat. 30' 56' S., long. 64° 20' W. Totoya Island, I'iji, 6 m. iu diameter. Highest point 1200 ft. Tottenham, par., local gov. dist., Middlesex, N. London. P. 71,336. Tottenham, pari. div. of Middlesex. Fop. 97,166. Tottenville, ^il., New York, Riclimond co., 13 m. SW. Stapleton. Totteridge, par. and vil., Herts, \\ ni. S. Barnet. Totternhoe, par. and vil., Bedfordshire, 2 m. SW. Dunstable. Tottinston, eccl. dist., SE. Lancashire, z\ m. NW. Bury. Tottington, Higher End, tnshp., SE. Lancashire, 5^ ra. N. Bury. Tottington, Lower End, tnshp., SE. Lancashire. Toul, tn., Franco, dep. Meurthe, on the Moselle. TooUnquet. SiC Twillingate. Toulon, spt., France, dep. Var, 30 m. SE. Marseilles. Pop. 70,122. Toulon, vil., Illinois, Stai'k co., 36 m. W. Peoria^ Toulouse, city, France, cap. of Haute-Garonne.'^Fop. 147,617. Touraine, former prov., France, now in ludre-et-Loire and Vienne. Tourcolng, tn., France, dep. Nord. 50° 43' N., 3° 10' E. Pop. 68,008. Tour-du-Pin, La, vil., France, dep. Isere, 31 m. ESE. Lyons. Tounnent, Cape, Quebec, Montmorency co. Tournay, tn., Belgium, on the Scheldt. Lat. 50' 36' N. Pop. 34,580. Toumon, tn., France, dep. Ardeche, on R. Rhone, 9 m. KW. Valence. Tournus, tn., Fi-ance, dep. Saone-et- Loire, on the Saone. Touros, tn., Brazil, Lat. 5" 16' S., long. 35° 27' W. Tours, city, France, dep. Indre-et-Loire, on Loire and Cher. P. 59,686. Touse, Kasha, tn., S. Kanara dist., Madras. Tova Peak, mtn., Fiji, on E. coast of Viti Lem. Tova Reef, Fiji, between Totoya, Moala, and Vanua Vatu. Tove, River, Nortliamptonshire. trib. of the Ouse. Towaliga Creek, Georgia, joins Ocniulgee R. in Monroe CO. Towamba River, New South Wales, co. Auckland. Towanda, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, cap. of Bradford co Towan Head, lieadland, Cornwall, near Newquay. Toward Point, lieadland, Argyllshire, 3^ m. NE. Rothesay. Towcester, tn. and par., co. and 8i m. SW. Northampton. Tower Hamlets, bor., Middlesex, in E. of London. Fop. 451,827. Tower Hill, set. , New Brunswick, co. Charlotte, 10 m. fm. St. Stephen. Towerhill Creek, Queensland, iu N. part of dist. Mitchell. Tow Law, tn., Durham, 8 \\\. NW. Bishop Auckland. Townhead, quo:"I sacra par., Lanarkshire, in E. of Glasgow. Townhill, vil., Fife, ik ni. NE. Dunfermline. Townsend. Cape, Queensland, dist. Port Curtis. Townsontown, \il., Maryland, cap. of Baltimore co. Townstall, par., Devon, in bor., and on. W. side of Dartmouth. Townsville, chief tn. of N. Queensland, co. Elphinstone. TownviUe, bor., Pennsylvania, Crawford co., 5 ni. from Tiyonville. Tow-ti now-sipi River, Alberta, trib. of the Athabasca R. Towyn, tu. aTid par., Merionethshire, 3 m. NW. Aberdovey. Tow7 River, Wales, 65 m. long. Lat. 51° 36' N., long. 3° 53' W Toxteth, East, pari. div. of Liverpool. Pop. 63,926. Toxteth, West, pari. div. of Liverpool. Pop. 64,461. Toiteth Park, tn. and par., SW. Lancashire. Fop. 128,387. Tracadie, spt., .Vova Scotia, 164 m. XE. Halifax. Tracton, par., S. CO. Cork, 7 ni. NE. Kinsale. Tracy City, vil., Tennessee, cap. Gruudy co., 25 m. NE. Winchester. Tradeston, pari. div. of Glasgow. Trade Town, tn., W. -Africa, Liberia. Traer, vil., Iowa, Tama co., 20 ni. NE. Toledo. Traeth Bach, estuarial sand, Merioneth, at mouth of R. Dwyryd. Traeth Mawr, bay, border of Carnarvon and Merioneth shires. Trafalgar, Cape, prom., Spain, near Strait of Gibraltar. Trafalgar, Mount, New Guinea, Cape Nelson. 3973 ft. above sea. Tragong Creek, New South Wales, co. Monteagle. Trahuaca River, Brazil. Lat. 8' S., long. 71° W. Traiee, spt., tnshp., and par., NW. CO. Kerr>', 22 m. NW. Killarney. Tralee Bay, NW. co. Kerry. Lat. 52' 16' N., long. 9' 43' W. Tramontl, tn., Italy, prov. and 7 m. W. Salerno. Tramore, tn., co. and 7 m. S. Waterford. Lat. 52' 10' N., 7° 10' W. Tramore Bay. co. Waterford, 4 ni. by 3 m. Lat. 52° 10' N., 7° 10' W. Tranent, tn. and par., Haddingtnnshire, ij m. SE. Prestonpans, Trani, spt., Italy, Bari. Lat. 41° 18' N., long. 16' 25' E. Pop. 29,844. Tranmere. tnshp., Cheshire, on R. Blersey, in Birkenhead. Trannish Island, co. Fermanagh, in Upper Lough Erne. Tranquehar, sjit., Tanjore dist., Madras. Transbaikalia, prov., Siberia, E. of Lake Baikal. Area 240,770 sq. m. Pop. 630.896. Transcaspian Province, Russia, E. of Caspian Sea. Fop. 301,476. Transcaucasia, part of Russian lieutenancy of Caucasia, lying S. of the Caucasus. Area 95,796 sq. ni. Pop. 4,693,156. Transkei. ^t'-. Kaffraria. Transleithania, naiiio app..ed to countries of Hungarian cro\vn. Transvaal. :;irc Benu6. Tsan-Pa, River. See San Pu. Taaritsin, tn., Russia, gov. Saratov, on the Volga. Tsarskoe-Selo, tn., Russia, i3 m. S. St. Petersburg. P. 16,000. Tsi-Nan, city, China, cap. of prov. Shan-Tung, on Ta-Shin U. Taong-Gan-Hien, tn., China, prov. Fo-Kien, on an atfl. of the Min. Taong-Ming, isl,, China, prov. Kiang-Su, at mouth of Yang-tse-Kiang. Tangar Strait. Hcc Sangar. Tauruga, tn., Japan, on W. side Hondo, 200 m. W. Tokio. p. 20,000. Tuadh, Loch, sea-IoL-h, Argyllshire, between Mull and Ulva. Tualltin, River, Oregon, Washington co. Tuam, tn., tnshp., and par., co. and 27 m. NE. Galway. Tuamariua, tnshp.. New Zealand, co. Marlborough. Tuapeka. .See Lawrence. Tuapeka River, New Zealand, co. Tuapeka. Tuat, oasis of the Sahara, SE. of Morocco. Pop. 30,000 Tubanalelli laland. .SVc Tabune-Slki. Tubbrid, par., 8. co. Tipfierary, 4 m. S. Caber. Tubbridbritain, par.. NW. CO. Kilkenny, 5 ra. SW. Freshford. Tubingen, tn., Wurtemberg, 18 m. SSW. Stutt^'art. 48' 30' N., 9' B, Tubuai Islands, group in S. Pacific Ocean, S. of the Society Islands. Tucacaa, spt., Venezuela, 25 in. NW. Puerto Cabello. Tuckahoe, vil., New J^Tsey, Cape May co. Tuckahoe River, New Jersey, divides Atlantic and Cape May C05, Tuckerton, vil. and port of entry, New Jersey, Burlington co. Tuckingmlll, eccl. dist., Cornwall, mostly in Camborne. Tucson, tn., Arizona, cap. of Pima co Tucuman, prov., Argentine Republic. Area 12,226 sq. in. P. 210,000. Tucuman, tn., cap. of above, 94 m. NW. Santiago. Pop. 40,000. Tudhoe, tn. and eccl. dist., co. and 4 m. S. Durham. Tuena. tn.. New South Wales, co. Georgiana, 200 m. SW. Sydney. Tufnell Park, eccl. dist., Jliddlesex, in N. London. Togalo River, Georgia, head-stream of the Savannah R., Macon co. Tugela River, Natal. Lat. 29° S., long. 31° 13' E. Tuggerah Beach Lakes, New South Wales, co. Northumberland. Tahua River, New Zealand, separates co. W. Taupo from co. Clifton. Tuki Tuki River, New Zealand, co. Hawke's Bay. Tukum, tn., Russia, Courland, 38 m. W. Riga. Tula, gov., Russia, near centre. 54" 20' N., 37° 30' E. Pop. 1,464.101. Tula, tn., cap. of above, on the Upa. Pop. 63,928. Tula, tn., Mexico, state and 40 m. NNW. Mexico. TularamSenapitia Country, tract, Assam. Area 1800 sq. m. Tulare Lake, California, in Tulare CO., 33 m. by 22 m. Tula River, Moiigolia, Khalkas country, ailluent of the Orkhon. Tolaai Dungari Hilla, Vizagapatani dist., Sladras. Alt. 3928 ft. Tulbagh, div., W. Prov., Cape Colony, in valley of Breede R. Tuldja, tn., Roumania, in the Dobrudja, on the Danube. Tulla, tn. and par., E. co. Clare, 10 m. E. Eunis. Tulla, Loch, Argyllshire, 7 in. NW. Tyndrum. Tulla, Lower, barony, E. co. Clare. Area 73,454 acres. Talla, Upper, barony, E. co. Clare. Area ^4,919 acres. Tullagh, par., SW. co. Cork, 4 m. SW. Skibberecn. Tullaghan Bay, N, CO. Mayo, barony Erris. Tullaghobeghy, coast par., co. Donegal, 10 m, SW. Dunfaiiaghy. TuUah Creek, Victoria, co. Moira, branch of the Murray R Tallahoma, vil., Tennessee. Cofl'ee co., 82 m. NW. Chattanoog.-i. Tullamore, tn. and tnshp., N. King's co., 16 in. NW, Portarlington, Tnllamore, pari. div. of King's co. Pop. 31,662. Tullaroan, par., co. and 8 m. W. Kilkenny. Tulle, tn., France, dep. Correze, 20 m. NE. Drive. Pop. 16,169, TnlUallan, par., in detached part of Perthshire, on R. Forth. Tullibody, vil., Clackmannanshire, 2^ in. NW. Alloa. Tulllg Point, SW. CO. Clare, 4 m. W. Carrigaholt. Tullina, tn., France, dep. Isere, 18 m. NW. Grenoble. Tullow, tn., CO. and m. SE. Carlo w. Tullowphelim, par., N. co. Carlow. Contains part of Tullow. ToUyallen, par., cos. Louth and Meatli, on R. Boyne. Tolly Bay, on S. side of Lough Erne, N. co. Fermanagh. Tullycorhet, par., mid co. Monaglian, 2J m. N. Ballybay. Tullyfem, par., N. co. Donegal, on R. Lennan. TuUygarvey, barony, NR. co. Cavan. Tullyhaw, barony, NW. co. Cavan. Tullyhunco, barony, W. co. Cavan. Tullyleaae, par, N. co. Cork, 7 m. NE. Newmarket. TuUyliah, par., W. co. Down, 4 m. NW. Banbridge. TiUIynlakan, par., W. co. Tyrone, 3 m. NI'-. Dung.-mnon. Tulae Hill, cccl., Surrey, 5 m. S. Ludgate Ildl. Tulalpur, jxirgana, Gondadist., Oudli, India. Tulsipur, tn., Gontoria, 150 ni. NE. Melbourne. Timga River, Jiysnre. India, falls into tlie Bliadra. Tung-Chang, city, China, prov. Shan-Tung, on R. Ta-Tein. Tung-Kiang, riv., China, falls into sea 21 m. E. Canton. Tiingo Creek, New Stuith Wales, co. Fitzgerald. Tungnska, River, Lower, Siberia, affluent of the Tenesei. Tunguska, River, Stony, Siberia, affluent of the Yeuesei. Txmi, div., Gndavari ciist., Madras. Area 320 sq. m. Tunis, one of the Birbary States, N. Africa. 44,800 sq. in. P. 1,500,000. Tunis, spt., cap. of above. Lat. 36° 45' N., 10' 10' E. Pop. 135,000, Tunja, tn., Colombia, cap. of Boyaca state, 79 m. N. Bogota. Tnnkhannock, bor., Pennsylvania, cap. of Wyoming co. Tunstall, til., StafTnrdshire, 2^ m. NE. Newcastle-uuder-Lyme. Tunstall, tnshp., Durham, 2^ m. SW. Sunderland. Tunstall, par. and vil., Suffulk, 2 m. SE. Wickham JIarket. Tunstead, eccl. dist., SE. Lancashire, 4 in. SE. Haslingden. Tuogh, par., E. co. Limerick, 3 m. N. Pallas. Tuolumne River, California,. j^ins the San Joachim R. Tuosist, coast par., S. co. Kerry, n m. SW. Kenniare. Tnpangata, peak of the Anties, 45 m. E. Santiago de Chili. 15,000 ft. Tupelo, vil., Mississippi, cap. of Lee co., 18 ni. S. Okolona. Tura, vil. and hdqrs., Garo Hills dist., Assam. Tura Hills, range, Garo Hills, Assam. Highest point 4652 ft. Turakina, tnshp., N. Zealand, co. Rangitikei, 127 m. from Wellington. Turakina River, New Zealand, rises in co. Wangauui. Turan, name applied vaguely to parts of Turkestan. Turanjur, tn., Trichinopoli dist., Madras. Lat. 11° 9' N., 78° 38' E. Tura River, W. Siberia, Perm and Tobolsk, falls into the Tobol. Turavamur, tn., Chitaldrug dist., Mysore, India. Tnrbot Island, off W. coast of co. Galway. Turek, tn., Russian Poland, gov. and 28 m. NE. Kalisz. Tnrfan, tn. and volcano, Chinese Turkestan, iSom. W. Khamil. Torgai, gov., Russian Central Asia, N. of Aral Sea. Pop. 333,640. Turgai, tn., car), of the above, 2S0 m. W. Akmolinsk. Turin, prov., NM''. Piedmont. Area 4067 sq. m. Pop. 1.064,233. Turin, city of N. Italy, cap. of Piediu'nt and of above. Pop. 312,000. Turinsk, tn., Siberia, gov. and 140 in. W. Tobolsk. Turka, tn., Austria, Galicia, 28 m. SW. Sambor. Turkeatan, region, Cent. Asia, belongs to China and Russia. Turkestan, a gov. general of Russian Asia. 410,219 sq. m. P. 3,124,343. Turkevi, vil., Hungary, 15 m. SW. Kardzag. on the B-rettyo. Turkey, empire, Europe, Asia, etc. P. of Ottoman Empire, 34,322,003. Turkey Cove, vil., Virginia, Lee co., 25 m. NE. Joiiesville. Turkey Creek, Indiana, joins the Elkhart R. Turkey Creek, Nebraska, rises in Saline co. Turkey Creek, Nebraska, rises in Phelps co. Turkey in Africa, consists of Efjypt, Tripoli, and Barca. P. 7.817,265. Turkey in Asia, includes Asia Miuor, etc. 729,910 sq. ni. P. 16,271,252. Turkey in Europe, X. of Greece. Area 126,013 sq. m. Pop 10,233,491. Turkey River, Iowa, rises in Howard co., falls into the Mississippi. Tiirkheim, tn., Alsace, 3 m. W. Colmar. Turk's Islands, grp. of isls., S. of the Bahamas. Turloagh, par., mid CO. JIayo, 4 ni. NE. Castlebar. Turmapuri, estate. Bhanda'ra dist.. Cent. Provs., India. Turmero, tn., Venezuela, Aragua state, 15 m. W. Victoria. Turna, tn , Roumelia, near the Danube, opposite Nikopoli. Tumagain, Cape, Nrw Zealand. Lat. 40° 22' S., long. 176° 44' E. Tumau, tn., Bohemia, on the Iser. Turnberry Point, Ayrshire. Lat. 55° 20' N., long. 4° 51' W. Turneff Islands, Caribbean Sea, near coast of Belize. Turner, vil., Illinois, Du Page Co., 30 in. N. Chicago. Turner Creek, Queensland, dist. Burke. Tumersburg, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, Iredell co. Tumham Green, eccl. dist, Middlesex, 6 m. W. Westminster Bridge. Turnhout, tn., Belgium, 24 m. NE. Antwerp. Pop. 17,010. Tumwood, vil., New York, Ulster co., 14 m. SW. Griffin's Corners. Turon River. New South Wales, falls into the Macquarie R. TuroBs, River, Now S. Wales, co. Danipier, falls into Pacific Ocean. Turrabeile Creek, New South Wales, co. Pottinger. Turret Water, Perthshire, flows 8 m. SE. to R. Earn. Turriff, tn. and par., Aberdeenshire. Lat. 57° 33' N., long. 2° 30' W. Turtipar. tn., Ballia dist., NW. Provs., India. Turtle Island. 5ce Vatoa. Turtle Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. Turtle Point, N. Ter,, between W. Australia and Queen's Channel. Turtle River, S iskatchewan, Canada. Turton, tn. and tnshp., SE. Lancashire, 4 m. N. Bolton. Turuvekere, tn., Tumkurdist., Mysore. Lat. 13" 10' N., 76*42' E. Tuscaloosa, tn., Alabama, cap. of Tuscaloosa co. Tuscany, coiiipartimento, Italy. Lat. 43° 30' N., 11° E. P. 2,391,291. Tuscarawas River, Ohio, rises in Summit co. and joins the Mohican R. TuBcarora, vil., Nevada, co. and 37 m. NW. Elko. Tuacarora Creek, Pennsylvania. Huntingdon co. Tuscola, vil., Illinois, cap. of Douglas co Tuscumbia, vil., Alabama, cap. of Colbert co. Tuakegee, tn., .Alabama, cap. of Macon co., 43 m, E. Montgomery. Tusket Island, Nova Scotia, Yarmouth co. Tuaket River, Nova Scotia, flows 60 m. S. to the Atlantic. Tuspan, coast tn., Mexico, 145 m. NW. Vera Crnz. Tutbury, tn. and par., Staffordshire, 5J m. NW. Burton-on- Trent. Tutlcorin,spt.,Tinnevelli dist., Madras. Lat. 8° 48' N., long. 78° 11' E. Tuttlingen, tii., Wurtemberg, on the Danube. Tavutha Island. Ree Tabutha. Tuiford, tn. and par., Notts, 63 m. S. East Retford. Tuxtla, tn,, Mexico, Chiapa state, 37 m. W. Ciudad Real. Tuy, tn., Spain, 27 m. SE. Fontevedra. Lat. 42° N., long. 8° 35' W. Tuz-Ool, salt lake, Russian Turkestan, go m. by 30 m. Tuz-Goli, salt lake, Asia Minor, 45 111. by 16 m. Tuzla, Dolnia, dist., Bosnia. Tuzla, Dolnia. tn., Bosnia, cap. of Dolnia Tuzla dist. Tver, gov., Russia. 25,223 sq. m. 56° 50' N., 36' o' E. P. 1,738,S61. Tver, city, cap. of above, on the Volga. Lat. 56" 50' N. Pop. 39,101. Twan-ta, tn,. Lower Burma, Hanthawadi dist. Twechar, vil., DumbarUmshire, 2 in. SW. Kilsyth. Tweed, vil., Ontario, co. Hastings, 25 m. N. Belleville. Tweed, River, SE, Scotland, and N. England. Lat. 55° 48' N., 2° o' W. Tweeddale. old name of Peeblesshire. Tweedmouth, spt. and par., Northumberland, opposite Berwick. Tweed River, New South Wales, co. Rous. Twelve MUes Lake. Assiniboia, N. of Wood Mountain. Twenty-four Parganas, The, dist., Bengal. 212S sq. m. P. 1,879,920. Twenty-MUe Creek, Ontario, Wentwortli co. Twer, ^ct Tver. Twerton, par. ami vil., Somersetsliire, 2 ni. "W. Bath. Twickenham, tn. and par., Middlesex, iijm. SW. London. Twillingate, port of entry, Newfoundland, 199 m. NW. St, John's. Twillingate Island, Newloundland. Lat. 49° 39' N., long. 54° 46' E. Twin Creek, Oliio, rises in Darke co. and joins the Miami R. Twining, par. and vil , Gloucestershiie, 2 m. N. Tewkesbury. Twins, The, intn^., Victoria, co. Delatile. Twofold Bay, New S 'Uih Wales, in coast of co. Auckland. Twomileborrla, ( ar. and hamlet, mid co. Tipperary, 5 m. E. Thui'les. Two Mile Hill, eccl. dist., Gloucestershire, within Bristol. Two Mountains Lake, Quebrc, Two Miuintains co. Two Mouth River, NW. Territory, Canada, affl. of English R. Two Rivera, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, Manitowoc co. Two Wells, tnshp., S. Australia, co. Gawler, 24 ni. N. Adelaide. Twyford. par. and vil., Hants, 3 m. S. Winohe.-^ter. Twynholm, par. and vil., co. and 3 m. NW. Kirkcudbright. Tyarngondal, tn., Bangalore dist., Mysore state. Lat. 13° 13' N. Tybee lalanda and Sound, Georgia, at mouth of Savannah R. Tydavnet. S--e. Tedavnet. Tydd St Mary. par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 3 m. SW. Sutton Bridge. Tyere, Lake, inlet, Victoria, in S. coast of co. Tambo. Tygart"s Valley River, W. Virginia, branch of the Slonongahela R. Tygert's Creek, Kentuckv, flows NE. and empties itself into the Ohio. Tylden, tnshp., Victoria, co. Dalhousie, 58 m. NW. Melbourne. Tyldesley, tn. and tnshp., SW. Lancashire, 5 in. S. Bolton. Tyler, vil., Texas, cap. of Smith co., 270 m. N. Galveston. Tymochtee Creek, Ohio, rises in Marion co. Tynagh, jiar. and vil., S. co. Galway, 9 m. NW. Portunina. Tynan, par. and vd., co. and 8 m. W. Armagh Tyndall's Park. eccl. dist., Gloucestershire, in N. Bristol. Tyne, River, N'lrthiiniberland and Durham. 54° 58' N., 1° 35' W. Tyne, River, Edinburghshire, falls into North Sea at Tynninghamc. Tyne, River, North, Nttrtnuinberlami, flows 32 m. SE. to S. Tyne R. Tyne, River. South, Cuiidierland and Northumberland, 33 m. long. Tynemouth. biir., i>ar., and tnshp., Ntjrthumberlaiid. Pop. 46,267. Tyne Ports, The, runsist of Newcastle, N. Shields, and S. Shields. Tyneside, pari. div. of Nnrthuniberlanil. Pop. 69,642. Tyrconnel, anci-'iit territory in NW. of Irel iinl, now co. Donegal. Tyre, ancient city of Plioeniria, site 47 in. SW. Beirut. Tyree Island, par., Argvllshire, 2S in. SW. TobL-rmory. Tyrie, par., Aberdeenshire, 5 m. SW. Fraserburgh. Tyrnau, tn., Hungary, on the Trnawa, 28 m. NE. Pressburg. Tyrol, prov., Austria. 47° N., 11° E. 11,309 sq. ni. Pop. 810.211. Tyrone, co. Ulster. Lat. 54" 40' N. Ar. 806,658 acres. Pop. 171,273. Tyrone. biT. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Blair co. Tyrrell Creek, Victi^ria, cos. Karkarooc, Tatchera, and Kara Kara. Tyrrell Lake, Victoria, co. Karkarooc, 15 m. long. Tyrrhenian Sea, i)art of Jlediterranean. Lat, 40° o' N., long. 12' o' E. Tysmienica, tu., Austria. Galicia, 6 m. E. Stanislawow. Tysoe, par. and vil,, Warwickshire, 6111. NE. Shipston-on-Stour. TythegBton. par., Glamorganshire, 4 ni. W. Bridgend. Tytherton Lucas, Chippenham with, eccl. dist., Wiltshire. Tywardreath, par. and vil., Cornwall, 5 m. NE. St. Austell. Tzaritzin. .?■>• Tsaritsin. Tzemogora, native name of Montenegro. Tzintzoutzan, tn., Mexico, 20 m. SW. Valladolid. TTanapu River, Brazil, flows 400 m. N. to the Para. TJapea River, Brazil. Lat. 0° 50' N., long. 69° W. TTaraca River, Brazil. Lat. 1° N., long. 63° W. TJatuma River, Brazil. Lat. 1° S., long. 58" 40' W. Ubangi River, Congo State. Lat. 1° N., long. 19" E. Ubanro, taluk, Shikarpur dist., Bombay. tJbanro, hdqrs. tn., Ubanro taluk. Lat, 28° ii'N., long. 6g° 30' E. tJbeda, tn., S. Spain, prov. and 26 m, NE. Jaen. Pop. 18,149. Ubrique, tn., Spain, prov. and 46 m. ENE. Cadiz. Ubsa Nor, lake, Mongolia, Khalkas country, 75 ni. by 25 m. TJcayale, River, Peru, trib. of the Amazon. Lat. 7° 30' S. Uccle, vil., Belgium, S. Brabant, 2 m. S. Brussels. Uchad, petty state, Bombay, India. TTchh, rnned tn., Bahawalpur state, Punjab. 29" 13' N., 71* 9' E. Uckenniinde. tn., Prussia. 32 in. NW. Stetiin, TJckfleld, tn. and par., Sussex, 8 in. NK. Lewes. Udaipur, native state, Rijputana, India. 12,670 sq. m. P. 1,833,420. TJdaipnr, tn., cap. of above. Lat. 24° 35' N., 73° 43' E. Pop. 46,720. Udaipur. native state, Bengal. Area 1055 sq. m. Pop. 33,956. tJdamalpet, taluk, Coimbatore dist., Madras. tJJamalpet, hdqrs. tn., Udamalpft taluk, Lat. 10° 35' N., 77° 17' E. TTdayaglrl, taluk, Ganiain dist., Madras. Udayagiri, tal^tk, Nellore dist., Madras. Area 850 sq. m. ITdayagiri. hdqrs. vil. and bill, Udayagiri taJuk. 14° 52' N., 79' 19' E. Uddevalla, tn., S. Sweden, 45 m. N. Gothenburg. Uddlngston, tn. and quoad sacra par., Lanarkshire, 7 m. SE. Glasgow. TTden, vil.. Netherlands, 14 in. SE. Boisde-Dua Udlne, prov., Italy. Ai"ea 2527 sq. m. Long. 13° 10' E. P. 658, S69. Udine, tn., Italy, cap. of Udine prov. Lat. 46° 10' N. Pop. 23,261. Udipi, taluk, S. Kanaradist., Madras. Area 787 sq. m. 252 UDI THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER URA Udjpl, hdqrs. tn., Udipi i'Tliik. I^t. 13° 20' N., long. 74° 47' E. Udny, par. and vil., co. and 16J in. NW. Aberdeen. Udong, city, former cap of Cambodia. Lat. 11° 28' N., 104° 42' E. Udpur Gheiwa, vil., Janipur dist., NW. Provs., India. Udvarhely, tn., Transylvania, on the Great Kokel. Ueberlingen, tn., Baden, on arm of Lake of Constance. Uelzen, tn., Ilaiiovt-r, 20 m. tiSE. Liiuebnrg. Uerdingen, tn , Rlienish Prussia, gov. and 10 m. NW. Diisseldorf. Ueterseo, tn,, HuUtein, 16 m. NW. Hanibnrg. Ufa, gov., Russia, next Ui'al Mtiis. hat. 54° 40' N. Pop. 1,970,093. Ufa, tn,, cap. of abnve, on the Ufa and Jielaia. Pop. 25,667. Ufa, River, Russia, tiib. of the Belaia. Lat. 54° 40' N. UffciUme, par. and vil., Devonshire, ■j\ m. E. Tiverton. Ufford, par. and viL, Sutlolk, 2 ni. NE. Woolbridge. Uganda, kingdom, Africa, on the Victoria Nyanza. Long. 32" E. Ugborough, par. and vil., Devon, \\ m. SW. Kingsbridge Road. Ugle, River, Abt-rdeensliire, ll->ws 21 ni. SE, to the Nurth Sea. UgUtch, tn., Russia. 60 m. WSW. Yaroslav, on the Volga. Ugogo, Country, Africa. Lat. 6" 38' S., long. 34° 30' E. tJgu, tn., Uuao dist., Oudh, India. UhrkkflviUe, vil., Ohio, Tusrarawas co., 35 m. SE. Massillon. Uig. pur., Ross-shire, Lewis I., Outer Hebrides, 34 m. W. Stornoway. Uintah River, Utah, joins Green R. Lat. 40° 10' N., long. 109" 40' W. Uist, North, isl. and par., Inverness-shire. Lat. 57° 36' N., 7° 20' W. Uiflt, South, isl. and par., Inverness-shire. Lat. 57° i3* N., 7° 20' W. Uitenhage, div., Cape Culony. Area 6233 sq. m. Pop. 20,941. Uitenhage, tn., Cape Colony, rap. of above, 18 ni. NW. PortEIiiabcth. Ujhani, tn., Budaundist., NW. Provs., India. UJhari, vil., Mnradabad dist., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 28° 39' X. UJhelySatoralja, tn., N. Il'uigary, 40 m. SE. Kaschau. Ujlji, tc., Afii-a, on E. siiore of Lake Tanganyika. Pop. 36,000. Ujjaio, til,, Gwalior state, Cent. India. Pop. 34,700. Ukerewe Island, Africa, in Victoria Nyanza, 40 ni. long. U-klang, River, China, trib, of the Yang-tse-Kiang, in Se-Chucn. umi, tn., Bijapur dist., Bombay, India. Ukraine, olddiv., Russia, comprises govs. Kiev, Kharkov, Tctiernigov, and Poltava. Area 80,300 sq. m. Pop. 10,332,773. Ularaa Island, Fiji, W. of Konio. Ulcombe, par. and vil., Kent, 6 m. SE. Maidstone. Uleaborg, most N. gov. of Finland. Area 63,954 sq. m. Pop. 237,848. UlBJ-borg, spt., Fiidand, cap. of above, on Gulf of Bothnia. UIgham, tnslip. and vil., Northumberland, 4^ m. NE. Morpeth. Ulladulla, spt. and tnshp., New South Wales, 159 m. S. Sydney. Ullapool, (/.«. par. and vil., Ross and Cromarty, 32 m. NW. Garve Ulldecona, tn., Spain, prov. Tarragona, 15 m. SW. Tortosa. UUawater, hike, Cumberland and Westmorland, 5 m. SW. Penrith. Ulm. til., Witrtemberg, on R. Danube. 4S' 25' N., 10° E, P. 36,210. Ul River, Oudh, India, trib. of the Chankee. Length no m. Ulster, the N. prov. of Ireland. 5,483,201 acres. Pop. 1,617,877 Ulubaria, sub-div., Ilowrah dist., Bengal. Area 303 sq. in. Ulundl, locality, Zululand. Lat. 26' 30' S., long. 31° 30' E. Ulva Island and quoad sacra par., Argyllshire, 11 m. SW. Aros. Ulva Island, Argyllshire, N. Knapdale par. Ulveraton, spt. and par., N. Lancashire. Lat. 54° 11' N., 3" 5' W. Ulveratone, s|'t., Tasmania, co. Devon. Ulzen. .S'.e Uelzen. Uman. tn., Russia, gov. and no m. SSE. Kiev. Pop. 15,393. Umananda Island, in the Brahmaputra R., Assam. Umargarh, tn., Etah dist , NW. Provs., India. Umarla, vil., Jalialpur dist., Cent. Provs., India. Umarkher. tn., B.isim dist,, Berar. Lat. ig° 36' N., long. 77° 45' E. Umarkher, jxirgana, Basim dist., Berar. Umarkot, taluk, Tlmr and Parker dist., Bombay. Umarkot, lubirs. tn., Umarkot taluk. Lat. 25" 21' N., long. 69° 46' E. Umarpur, (n., Bhagalpur dist., Ut-ngal. Umarpur Niwan, vil., AUali.ibad dist., NW. Provs., India. Umatilla, River, Or.'gnn, falls into the Columbia R. at Umatilla. Umattur, ^ il., Mysore dist. and state. Umbagog Lake, Maine and New Ilampshire, Coos and Oxfoi'd cos. Umbailah. ^cc Amballa. Umbargaon, port, Tluina dist., Bombay, Lat. 20' n' N., 72° 47' E Umbrla. coinpartiincnto, Italy. Lat, 43° N., long, 12° 30' E. Umei, spl., Sweden, can. of Westerbotlen lau. 63' 50' N., 20" 30' E. Umea River, S ve.lcn. enti^rs Gulf of IJothnia at Umea. Umerumberka Creek, New South Wales." CO. Tancowinna. Umpherstone Bay, S. Australia, in SW. coast of co. Grey. Umrapur, n itive slale, Bombay, India. Umraundl-Kalianpur, vil., Fati-hpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Umrer, tahsU, Nagjuir dist., Cent. Pruv.s., India. Area 1025 sq. ni, Umrer, tn., Nagpur dist., Cent. Provs,, India. 20° 18' N., 79' 21' E. Umreth, tn., Kaira dist., Bombay. Lat. 24* 41' N., long. 73 11' E. Umri, native state, Gwalinr, India. Umrl, f.'stalf, Hhandara dist., C-uit, Provs., India. Umri, vil., dist., NW. Provs., India. 29' 2' N., 78' 36' E. Umritsar. Sre Amritaar. Umflin-a, tn. an.! gobbfield, NE. Natal, SE. of Ladysmith. Umatadt, tu., Hessen, in the (Jdcnwald. Umta, Ul., Hai'oda state, India. Umvoti, River, Naial, flows SIO. to Indian Ocean. Umzimkulu, River, Natal, enters Indian Ocean in hit. 30' 43' S. Una, tu., .Iiina;.,'arh state, Bnmbay, India. Una. t'lh^il, Hoshiirpnr dist., Punjab. Area 867 sq. m. Una, lidtifs. tn., Vwatahsil. I>at. 31* 32' N., long. 76° 18' E. Unadllla, vil. and tnslip., New York, Otsego co., on Susriuehanna It, Unadilla River, Ni'W Y-uk, trib. of the Sus(iui'lianna R. Unanderra, vil., New South Wales, 70 in. S. Sydm^y. Unao, dist., Oudh, India. Area 1747 sq. ni. Pop. 949,040. Unao, tahsU, Unao dist., Oudh, India. Area 385 sq. m. Vna.0, p'lrfinna, Unao dist., Oudh, India. Unao, irhief tu,, Uuao dist, Lat. 26' 32' N., long. 8o' 32' E, Undo Sam Mountain, California, Lake co,, 2500 ft. above sea level. Underdalo, tu,, H. Australia, co. and ai m. W. Adelaide. UndermUbeck, tnshp., Westmorland, on E. side of Lake Windenneie. Undu, Capo, Fiji, on E. coast of Vanna Levn. Ungava Bay, N. Labrador. Lat. =g° N., long. 6S° W. Unghvar, tn., Hungary, 19510. ENR. Buda-l'eslh. Union, \ il. and tnslip., Iowa, Hardin co,, on luwa R. Union, vil,, Maryland, Baltimore co,, 3 m. SW. l-reeland. Union, vil. and tnslip., Nl-w Jersey, Hudson co., on Hudson R. Union, vil. and tnshp,. New York, Broome co. Union, vil , S. Carolina, cap, of Union co., 28 m. SE. Spartanburg. Union Bridge, vil., Maryland, Carroll co. Union Canal, in cs. Edinburgh, Linlithgow, and Stirling, 31! m.long. Union City, vil,, Indiana, Randolph co., 10 m. E. Winchester. Union City, vil., Michigan, Branch co,, 41 m. SW. Jackson. Union City, vil., Ohio, 45 m. NW. Dayton. Union City, bor., Pennsylvania, Ei ie co., 26 m. S. Erie. Union City, vil. and tnshp., Tennessee, Obion co. Uniondale, dist. and tn,, Cape Colony, SW. Province. Unionhall, spt., S. CO. Cork, 5 m. E. Skibbereen. Union Islands, Pacilic Ocean. Lat. 8" S., long, 170' W. Union Point, vil., Georgia, Green co. Union River, Maine, Hancock co., falls into Blue Hill Bay. Union Springs, vil., Alabama, cap. of Bullock 00. Union Springs, vil., New York, Cajuga co. Uniontown, \\\. and tnshji., Alabama, Perry co. Uniontown, vil. and tnshp., Kentucky, Union co. Uniontown, bor., Pennsylvania, cap of Fayette co, Unionville, vil., Missouri, cap, of I'utnam co. Unionville. vil., Nebraska, Humboldt co. United States of America, S. of Canada. 3,602,990 sq. ni. P. 62,622,250. United States of Brazil. .St'o Brazil. United States of Columbia. SfC Colombia, Unja, tn., Barud;i, India. Lat. 23" 48' N,, long. 72' 27' E. Unley, suburb of Adelaide, S. Australia, co. and 2 m, S. Adelaide. Unna, tn., Westphalia, 14 m. E, Dortnnind. Unst, isl. and par., Shetland. Lat. 60° 45' N., 0° 50' W. 29,856 acres. Unatone, tnshp., D--rbyNhire, 4 m, N, Cliesterlield. Unstrut, River, Prussian Saxony, trib. of the Saale. Unsworth, eccl, dist., Lancasliire, ?i in. SR. Bmy. Unterseen, tn., Switzerland, beiweiMi Lakes Thiin and Brienz. Untcrwalden. one of the original Swiss cantons. 46° 55' N. P. 27,656. Unter Zee, the W. part of Lake of Con-.tance, 10 m. long. Unyamwezi, country, E. Africa, E. of Lake Tanganyika. Unyanyembe, tn. in above country, 400 m. from the coast. Uny Lelant, par. and vil., Cornwall, 3J m. S. St. Ives. Unyoro, kingdom, Africa, between tut Albert Nyanza and the Nile. Upchnrch, par. and vil., Kent, 5 m. E. Chatham, Upernavik, Danish set., W. Greenland Lat.. 72" N., long. 56' W. Uphall, par. and vil., Linlithgowshire, i^ m. W. Bmxburn. Upham, par. and vil,, Hants, 2^ m. NW, Uishops Walthani. Uphill, par, and vil., Somerset, 2 m. S. Weston-super-Mare. UphoUand, tn., tnshp., and ecrl. dist,, Lancasliire, 4 m. W. Wigan. Upland, bor., Pennsylvania, Delaware co. Upleta, port, Gondal state, Bombay. Lat. 21° 44' N., long. 70° 20' E. Uplyme, par. and vil., Devonshire, 4 m. SE. Axminster. Upmaka. vil., Vizagapatam dist., Madras. Lat. 17° 25' N., 82" 46' E. Upminater, par. and vil., Essex, 3 m. SE. Romford, Upoln Island, principal of the Samoan Lslands. Upottery, j>ar. and vil., Devonshire, 5 m. NE, Honiton, Upper Alton, \U., Illinois, Madison co., 24 m. N. St, Louis. Upper Arrow Lake, British Columbia, on Columbia II. Upper Astoria, vil. and tnshp., Oregon, Clatsop co. Upper Black Eddy, vil., Penn>ylvania, tJucks co, Upperby, i_cel. ar. and vil., co, and 3 m. SR. Gloucester. Upway, pur. and vil,, Dorset, 4 in. SW. Dorchester. Upwell, par. ami vil., Cambridgeshire and N:ir. and vil., Elginshire, 5J m. E. Elgin. TIrquhart and Glenmoriston, par., co. and 13 m. SW. Inverness. tJrqubart and Logie Wester, par., Ross-shire, B m. NE. Beauly. Urr, par., Kirkcudbrightshire, on Urr Water. Contains Dalbeattie. Urr Water, Kirkcudbrightshire, flows 27 m. SE. to tlie Solway Firth. Urael, Ober, tn., Prussia, 8 m. NW. Frankfort-on-Main. Urswick, par., N. Lancashire, 3 m. SW. Ulverston. Urua, kingdom, Central Africa, bounded on W. by the Loniamie. Urubamba, tn., Peru, 40 m. NW. Cuzco, on R. Urubamba. Umbu, tn., Brazil. Lat. 12" 59' S., long. 43° 55' W. Uragnay, rep., S. America. Area 72,170 sq. m. Pop. 648,297. Uruguay, River, S. America, headwater of Rio de la Plata. Urmniyah, tn., N. Persia, 64 ni. SW. Tabriz. Urumiyah, Lake of, Persia, 30 m. SW. Tabriz. 37" 40' N., 45" 10' E. Urumtsi, city, Cliina. Lat. 43° 27' N., long. 88° 28' E. Unmdi, conntry, Africa. Lat. 3" 10' S., long. 30° E. Uran-Islampur, tn., Satara dist., Bombay. Lat. 17° 1' N., 74° 25' E. Urup, one of the Kurile Islands. Area 600 sq. m. Long. 149° 34' E. Usa, River, Russia, from the Urals 200 m, to the Petcliora. Usagara, country. Cent. Africa. Lat. 7° S., long. 37" 35' E. Uaambara, country, E. Africa, lies NW. of Zanzibar. Usaramo, country, Cent. Africa. Lat. 7° 30' S., long. 39° E. Usedom Island, Pomerauia, 9 m. SE. Riigeii. Lat. 54° N., 13" 50' E. Use Mountains, N. co. Cork. Alt. 1320 ft. Ushant Island, off French coast, 26 m. W.Brest. Lat. 48' 30' N., s" W. Ushitza. tn., Servia, 87 m. SW. Belgrade. Uaia, tn., Ghazipur dist., NW. Provs., India. 25° 25' N., 83' 44' E. Uak, pari, bnr., par., and tnshp., co. and 12 m. SW. Monmouth. Usk, River, Monmouthshire, falls into Bristol Channel. 51° 50' N. Uska, tn., Basti dist., NW. Provs., India. Uskane, par., co. Tipperary, 2 m. NE. Borrisokane. Uflkub, tn., Turkey. Lat. 41° 55' N., long. 21° 35' E. Pop. 30,000. Uaman, tn., Russia, 85 m. SW. Tambov, on R. Usman. Usogo, country, Africa, on N. shore of Lake Victoria Nyanza. Ussel, tn., France, dep. Correze, on tlie Sarsonne. Ustica Island, Italy. Lat. 38° 44' N., long. 13" 12' E. Usting Veliki, tn., Russia, gov. Vologda. Ustiuzhna, tn., Russia, gov. and 211 m. NE. Novgorod. Ust Kamenogorsk, tn., Asiatic Russia, on the Irtish. Usumasinta River, Gnatemala and Mexico, 400 m. to the Tabasco. Usuri, River, Jlanchuria, 340 m. N. to the Amur. Usworth (Great and Little), tnshp., Durham, 4 m. SE. Gateshead. Utah, N. Territory, U.S. Lat. 40° 15' N. 84,970 sq. m. Pop. 207,905. Utah, Lake, Utah, 4475 ft. above sea. Lat. 40° 15' N., long. 112° W. Utakamand, hdqrs. tn., Nilgiri HiU dist., Madras. Lat. 11° 24' N. Utica, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, La Salle co., 94 m. W. Chicago. Utica, vil. and tnshp., Indiana, Clarke co. Utica, vil., Michigan, Macomb co. Utica, vil., Missouri, Livingston co. Utica, city, New York, cap. of Oneida co. Pop. 44,007. Utica, vil., Ohio, Licking co. Utiel, tn., Spain, prov. Valencia, 9 m. NW. Requena, Utman Bulak, Uihsil, Peshawar dist., Punjab. Utraula, tahsil, Gonda dist., Oudh, India. Area 1448 sq. m. Utraola, pnrgana, Gonda dist., Oudh, India. Area 127,898 acres. Utraula, hdqrs. tn., Utraula tahsll. Lat. 27° 19' N., long. 82° 2/ E, Utrecht, prov., Netherlands. Area 532 sq. m. Pop. 222,250. Utrecht, city, cap. of above. Lat. 52° 6' N., long. 5" 6' E. P. 86,263. Utrecht, tn., S. African Republic Lat. 27" 30' S., long, 30° 26' E. Utrera, tn., Spain, prov. and 16 m. SSE. Seville. Pop. 16,093. Uttamapalaiyam. tn., Madura dist., Madras. 90° 48' N., 77' 22' E. Uttamapuram, tn., Madnra dist., Sladras. Uttankarai, ti>h(k, Salem dist., Madras. Uttankarai, hdqrs. tn., Uttankarai taluk. Uttarpara, tn., Ilugli dist., Bengal. UttiranmeruT, tn., Cliengalpat dist, Madras. 12' 36' N., 79° 48' E. Uttoxeter, tn. and par., Staffordshire, 13 m. NE. Stafl'ord. Uttur, tn., Poonadist., Bombay. Lat. 19° 17' N., long. 74' 3' E. Uvalde, vil., Texas, cap. of Uvalde co., 130 m. SW. Austin. Uxbridge, tn. and tnshp., Middlesex, 16 in. NW. London. Uibridge, park div, of Middlesex. Pop. 68,182. Uxbridge, vil., Ontario, co. and 41 m. NE. Toronto. Uxbridge Moor, eccl. dist., Middlesex. Uxmai, ruined city, Yucatan, 45 m. SSW. Merida. Uyea Island, Shetland, un S. side of Uust Island. Uzen, Rivers, Great and Little, Russia, disappear in salt marshes. Uzes, tn., France, dep. Gatd, 15 ra. NNE. Nimes. Vaal River, S. Africa, trib. of the Orange R. Lat. 56° 30' S., 24° 30' E. VadagenhalU, tn., Bangalore dist., Mysore. Lat. 13° 18' N., 77''52'E. Vadakattalai, tn., Tanjore dist., Madras. Vadaku Valiyur, tn., Tinnevelli dist., Madras. 8° 23' N., 77° 39' E. Vadapathi Melpathl, tn., Tanjore dist., Sladras Vaiden, vil., Missouri, Caroll co., 33 m. S. Grenada. Vaigai River, Madura dist., Madras. Vaigats, Strait of, Russia. Lat. 69° 45' N., long. 61° 6' E. Vaigats Island, Russia, between the mainland and Nova Zembla. Vaikom, taJuk, Travancore state, Madras. Vaikom, hdqrs. tn., Vaikom taluk. Vail, vil., Iowa, Crawford co. Vaila Island, Shetland, in mouth of Vaila Sound. Vainor, par, and vil., Brecknockshire, 4 m. NE. Merthyr Tydfil. Vairag, tn., Sliolapur dist., Bombay. Lat. 18° 3' N., long. 75° 50' E. Vairowal, tn., Amritsar dist., Punjab. Lat. 31° 56' N., long. 74° 40' E. Valais, cant., Switzerland. Area 2026 sq. in. Pop. 100,216. Valangiman, tn., Tanjore dist., Madras. Lat. 10° 53' N., 79° 25' E. Valatle, vil,. New York, Columbia co. Valavanur, vil., Pondicherri, India. Valcour Island, New York, in Lake Champlain, near Plattsburg. Valdai Hills, Russia, gov. Novgorod, source of the Volga. Valdavur, vil., S. Arcot dist., Madras. Valdepenas, til., Spain. Lat. 38° 50' N., long. 3" 25' W. Pop. 13,867. Valdepenas, tn., Spain, prov. and 15 m, SW. Jaen. Valders River, Norway. Lat. 60° 50' N., long. 9° 20' E. Valdez Island, British Columbia, in Gulf of Georgia. Lat. 50° N. Valdivia, prov., S. Chili. Area 10,715 sq. m. Valdivia Port, spt., cap. of above. Lat. 40" S., long. 73" 30' W. Valdosta, vil., Georgia, cap. of Lowndes co. Vale, par., Guernsey, 3^ m. N. St. Peter Port. Vale, East, tn,, Staflordshire, 5 m. SE. Stoke-upon-Trent. Valeggio, vil., Italy, on the Mincio, at Lago di Garda. Valenqay, tn. , France, dep. Indre, 25 m. N. Ch^teaunuix. Valence, tn., France, cap, of Drome, on the Rhone. Pop. 24,600. Valence d'Agen, tn., France, dep. Tarn-et-Garonne. Valencia, old prov., Spain, forming i>rovs. of Valencia, Alicante, etc Valencia, prov., Spain. Lat. 39" 30' N. Area 4151 stj. in. P. 733,978. Valencia, spt., cap. of above, on the Guadalaviar. Pop. 170,763. Valencia, City, Venezuela, cap. of Carabobo. Pop. 38,654. Valencia, Gulf of, Spain. Lat. 39" 30' N., long. 1° E. Valencia dl Alcantara, tn., Spain, prov. Caceres. 42° 17' N., 5° 36' W. Valenciennes, tn., France, dep. Nord, 31 m. SE. Lille, Valentia Island, N. Territory, S. Australia, Mountnorris Bay. Valentia Island, co. Kerry, 6 m, by 2 m. Lat, 51' 55' N., 10" 20' W. Valentine Peak, mtn., Tasmania, co. Wellington. Alt. 3637 ft. Valenza, tn., N. Italy, prov. Alessandria, on R. Po. Valetta, spt., cap. of Malta, on NE. coast. Lat. 35" 54' N., 10° 30' E. Valgrana, vil., Italy, 8 m. W. Coni. Valki, tn., Russia, gov. and 27 ni. W. Kharkov. Valladolid, prov., Spain. Lat. 41° 40' N., long. 4° 45' W, Pop. 257,297. Valladolid, city, Spain, cap. of above. Pop. 62,018. Valladolid, city, Yucatan, 90 m. ESE. Merida. Vallam Vadakusetti, tn., Tanjore dist., Madras. Lat. 10° 43' N. Vallay Island, Inverness-shire, Outer Hebrides, 2^ m. by ^ m. Valle de Ujo, tn., Spain, 15 m. SW. Castellon de la Plana. VaUedolmo, tn., Sicily, 40 m. SE. Palermo. Vallejo, tn., tnshp., California, Solano co., 32 m. NE. San Francisco. Vallelunga, tn., Sicily, 18 in. NW. Caltanisetta. Vallendar, vil., Rhenish Prussia, 3 m. N. Coblentz, on the Rhine. Valleraugue, tn., France, dep. Gard, on the Heraidt. Valley Bend, tn. and tnshp., W. Virginia, Randolph co. Valley Falls, tn., Kansas, Jefferson co., 26 m. SW. Atchison. Valley Falls, vil,, Rhode Island, co. and 6 m. N. Providence. Valleyfield, vil., Quebec, co. Beauharnois, 4 m. SE. Coteau Landing. Valley River, Slauitoba, falls into Dauphin Lake. Valley Stream, vil., New York, 16 in. E. Brooklyn. Vallievo, tn., Servia, 55 m. SW. Belgrade. Vallonia, bor., Pennsylvania, Crawford co. Vails, tn., Spain, 10 m. N. Tarragona. Vallur, tn., Kistnadist., Madras. Valognes, tn., France, dep. Manche, 11 in. SE. Cherbourg. Valona, tn., Turkey. Lat. 40" 29' N., long. 19° 26' E. Valparaiso, prov., Chili. Pop. 215,940. Valparaiso, spt., Chili. Lat. 33° S., long. 71° 30' W. Pop. 104,9C2. Valparaiso, city, Indiana, cap, of Porter co., 45 m. SE, Chicago, Valreas, tn., France, dep. Vaucluse, 22 m. NE. Orange. Valuikl, tn., Russia, gov. and 115 m. S. Voronezh. Valuvanad, talnk, Malabar dist., Madras. Area 963 sq. m. Valverde, tn., cap. of Ferro. Canary Islands. Valverde del Camino, tn., Spain, Hiielva, 38 m. W. Seville. Vamsadhara River, Cent. Provs. and Madras, India. Falls into Bay of Bengah Van, city, Turkish Armenia, on Lake Van. Pop. 30,000. Van, Lake, Turkish Armenia. Lat. 38° 40' N., long. 43*" E. Van Buren, vil., Arkansas, cap. of Crawford CO., 6 m. NE. Fort Smith. Van Boskirk, vil.. New Jersey, Hudson co., 5 m. S. Jersey city. Vancebnrg, vil., Kentucky, cap. of Lewis co., 20m. SW. Portsmouth. Vancouver, tn., Vancouver Island, terminus of Canadian Pacific Ry. Vancouver, vil., Washington, cap. of Clark co., 35 m. SE. Kaluma. Vancouver Island, Pacific Ocean. 50° N., 125° 30' W. 15,937 sq, m. Vandalla, vil , Illinois, cap. of Fayette co., 77 m, NE, St. Louis. Vandalia, vil., Missouri, Audrain co., 27 m. W. Louisiana. Vanderford Island, Fiji, one of the Hudson group. Vanderlln Island, N. Territory, S. Australia, Sir Edward Pellew Isls. Van Diemen, Cape, N. Territory, S. Australia, Melville Island. Van Diemen Gulf, N. Territory, S. .\ustralia, ofFCobnrg Peninsula. Van Diemen River, Queensland, falls into Gulf of Carpentaria. Van Dlemen'e Land, former name of Tasmania. Van Diemen Strait, Japan. Lat. 30' 50' N., long. 130° 30' E. 254 VAN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER yiip>. Van EttenvlUe, vil., New York, 26 m, XE, Elmirn. Vanlkoro Island, Pacitic Ocean, Santa Cruz groui». Vaniyambadi, til., fealeni dist., Madras. VankleekHill. vil., Ontario, Prescott CO. Vannes. spt., France, cap. of Jlorbihan, 61 m. NW. Xautes. P. 19,284. Vanoa Baleva Island. Fiji Islands. Area 25 sq. m. Vanna Levu Island, Fiji. Lat. 16° 30' S., long. 179° E. Area 2432 sq. m. Vanvea, ■vil., France, i m. S. Paris. Van Wert, tn., Ohio, cap. of Van Wert co., 32 m. SE. Fort Wayne. Var, d' p., S. France, on the Mediterranean. 2323 sq. ni. P. 283,689. Var, River. SE. France, dep. Alpes-Maritiuies, 60 m. S. to the sea. Varada. River, Bombay, trib. of the Tungabli;idra. Varahanadi River, VizagajKitam dist., Madras. Varanger Fiord, Norway. Lat. 70° N., long. 30° E. Tarazze, tn., N. Italy, on Gulf of Genoa. Vardar, River, Turkey, tlows 170 m. S. to Gulf of Salonika. Vardoe Island, Norway. Lat, 70° 30' N. Varel, tn., Oldenburg, near mouth of the Jalide. Varese, tn., N. Italy, 374 m. NNW. Milan. V&rinas. Se^ Barlnas. Varley Point, pr'tiimntory, on W. coast of Cornwall. Varna, spt., liulg;tTia. Lat. 43° 15' X., long. 27° 50' E. Pop. 26,256. Vame, The, shoal, in Strait of Dover, 9 m. ^E. Fidkestone. Vasa. gov., Finland, on Gulf of Bothnia. Pop. 405,767. Vasarhely, tn., Hungary, on Lake Hodos. Pop. 50,966. Vasarhely, tn., Ilungary, 25 ni. W. Veszprini, on tlio Torna. VashonHead, X. Terriiory, ."S. .Vustralia, on coast of Coburg Peninsula. Vasilfeov. tn., Russia, gov, and 18 m. SW. Kiev. Pop. 16,697. Vaakut, vil., Hungary, co. Bacs, 4 m. from B:tja. Vassy. tn., France, dep. Haute-JIarne, on the Blaise. Vaatara, vil., Kadurdist, Mysore. Lat. 13' 14' X,, long. 75° 47' E. Vasudevanallor, tn., Tinnevelli dist,, Madms. Vatanu Channel. Fiji, through the E. end of the Great Sea Reef. Vatemiflh, ii-Miinsnlar dist., Inverness-shire, Skye Island. Vatersay. .Ste Watersay. Vathi, tn., cap. of Saiiins, on NE. shore. Vatia Island, Fiji, X. of Viti Levu, 600 ft. high. Vatsa Island. Fiji, the most SE. of the group. VattUa-gundn, vil,, Madura dist., Madras. Vatn Leie Island, Fiji, lies S. of Viti Levu. Vatu Rera Island, Fiji, lies about 15 m. W. of Frost Reef. Vanclin, Le, tn., Martinique, French West Indies. Vaucluse, de]'. SE. France. Lat. 44^0' X. 1370 sq. in. Pop. 241,787. VaucouleuTB, tn., France, dep. Meuse, 11 m. S. Commercy. Vaad, cant., Switzerland. Lat. 46" 30' N., 6* 40' E. Pop. 201,288. Van Reef, Fiji, Eastern Group. Vauvert, tn., FraTicc, dep. Gard, n m. SW". Ninies. Vauxhall, ercl. dist., Surrey, on R. Thann^s, \\ m, SW. Waterloo stn. Vauxhall, eccl. dist.,SW. Lancashire, within Liverpool. Vavlti Island, Fiji, the largest of the Yasawa Islands, 954 ft., high. Vayalpad, hduk, Cudromontory, Cornwall, 3 m, XW. Lizard Head. Vellar River, Madras, falls into the sea at Porto Novo. Velleia, buried city, X. Italy, i)rf)v, Parma, 18 m. S, Piacenza. Velletrl, tn., Italy. Lat. 41' 40' X., long, 12" 45' E, Vellore. trov., It;dy. Lat, 45° 25' X., long. 12" 20' E. Pop. 352,455. Venice, city, Italy, cap, of above. Pop, 152,000. Venice, vil. and tushp,, Illinois, Madison co., 5 m. N. St, Louis. Venkatagiri, taluk, Nellore dist., Madras, Area 426 sq. m. Venkatagirl, hdqrs. tn., Venkatagiri taluk. Lat. 13° 57' N. Venloo, tu., Netherlands, prov. Limburg, on the Maas. Vennachar, Loch, Perthshire, 2J m. SW. Callander, 3^ m. long. Venosa, tn., IlMly, prov. and 23 m. N. Potenza. Ventimlglia, tn., It^ily, 18 m, E. XMce, on the coast, Ventnor, tn. and par,, Isle of Wight. Lat. 50" 34' N., long. 1° 15' W. Ventom, Mount, France. Lat. 44° 15' N., long. 5° 20' E. Ventry, ]^ar, and handet, co. Kerry, 4 m. W, Dingle. Ventnari Elver, Venezuela. Lat. 5" N., long. 66° W. Vonns Bay, Victoria, co. Bnlu-Bulu, E, of Cape Paterson, Veppattor, tn., Tanjore dist., Madras. Ver. River, Herts, falls into the Colno, 4 m, NW. Watford. Vera, tn., Spain, prov, and 35 m, NE. Almeria, near the coast. Vera Cruz, state, Mexico Lat. 19° 12' N., long. 96° 8' W. P. 644,157. Vera Cruz, spt., cap. of above. Lat. 19° 12' S., 96" 8' W. Pop. 16,848. Veragua, tn., Columbia, 125 m. WSW. Panama. Veranilai, tn., Madura dist., Madras, Verapoli, tn., Travaiicore state, Madras. Lat. 10° 4' N., 76' 19' E, Verawal, poi-t, Juna^'arh, Bombay. Lat. 20° 53' N., long. 72° 26' E. Verblcaro. tn., S. Italy, prov, Cosenza, 28 m. N, Paola. Vercelli, city, Piedmont, Italy, prov. Novara, on the Sesia. P. 20,165. Verclut Point, Jersey, Channel Islands, 5^^ m, NE, St, Helier, Verde, Cape, W. Africa. Lat, 14° 45' X., long. 17" 32' W, Verden, tn,, Hanover, on the Aller, 21 m. SE. Bremen. Verdigris River, Kansas and Indiana, falls into Arkansas R. Verdon River, France, flows 100 m, to the Durance. Verdun, tn., France, dep. Meuse, 28 ni. X. Bar-le-Duc. Pop, 16,053. Vereker, Mount. Victoria, co, Bulu-Bulu. Alt, 2092 ft. Veresdale, tn., Queensland, co. Ward, 42 m. from Brisbane. Vercya, tn., Russia, gov. and 62 ni, WSW, Moscow. Vergara, tn., Spain, prov. Guipuzcoa, 20 m. SW. Tolosa. Vergemont Creek, Queensland, dist, Mitchell. Vergennes, city, Vermont, Addison co., 21 ni. S. Burlington. Veria, tn., Turkey, 35 m. W. Salonika, VerkhnlTJralBk, ft. tn., Russia, Orenburg. Verkhoturie, tii., Russia, gov. Perm, on the Tiu-a. Verkhoyansk, tn., Siberia. Lat. 67" 30' X., long. 134° E. Vermejo Elver, Argentine Republic, falls into the Paraguay. Vermillion, tn., Dakota, cap. of Clay co., 27 m. SE. Tankton. Vermillion, vil., Ohio, Erie co., on Lake Erie, 20 m. E. Sandusky. Vermillion, River, Ohio, Richland co., enters Lake Erie. Vermillion, River, Louisiana, Vermillion co. Vermillion, River, Dakota, Park co., falls into Missouri R. Vermillion, River, Illinois, Livingston co., joins the Illinois. Vermillion Lake, Minnesota, St. Louis co. Lat. 47' 50' N. Vermillion Pass, Alberta, Canada, over the Rocky Mountains, Vermillion River, Quebec, Champlain co., fills into R. St. Maurice. Vermillion River, Saskatchewan, affluent of N. Saskatchewan R. Vermillion River and Lake, Ontario. Vermillion ville, vil., Louisiana, 144 tu. WSW. New Orleans. Vermont, state, U.S. Lat. 43° 30' N. Area 956 sq. ni. Pop. 332,422. Vermont, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Fulton co., 17 m. SW. Lewiston, Vermontville, vil, and tnshp. , Michigan, Eaton co. , 46 in. W. Jackson. Vemeuil, tn., France, dep, Eure, on R. Avre. Vemhams Dean, par. and vil., Hants, 7 ni. X. Andover. Vernon, tn., France, dep. Eure, on R. Seine. Vernon, vil,, Indiana, cap. of Jennings co., 5 m. SE. North Vernon. Vernon, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Slnawasee co., 70 m. XW. Detroit. Vernon Islands, X. Territory, S, Australia, in Clarenee Strait. Vernoye, tn., Russian Turkestan, cip. of Semiretchinsk. P. 17,000. Verocz, tu., Hungary, Slavonia, 65 m. WXW. Eszek. Veroll, tn., Italy, prov. Rome, 5 m. XE. Frosinone, Verona, prov., N'. Italy. Pop. 394,868, Verona, city, Italy, cap. of above, 22 m. XNE. Mantua. Pop. 60,765 Verona, vil., Mississijipi, Lee co., 5 m. S. Tupelo. Verona, bor., Pennsylvania, Alleghany co., 10 m. XE. Pittsburg. Verplank, vil., Xew York, Weste.liester co., 24 m, SW. Peekshill. Verret, Lake, Louisiana, X. of Italourde Lake, 10 ni. long, VersailleB, city, France, cap. of Seine-ot-Oise. Pop. 49,862. Versailles, vil. and tnshp., Ulinois. Brown co., 47 ni. E. Quiucy. Versailles, tn., Kentucky, cap. of Woodford co., 15 m. W. Lexington. Versailles, vil., Missouri, cap. of Morgan co,, 44 m, S. Boouville. Versailles, vil., Ohio, Darke co., 18 ni. SW. Sidney. Verte, River. (Quebec, Temjscouata co. Verte Bay, Newfoundland. Lat. 50' N., long. 56" 10' W. Verte Island, Quebec, Temiscouata Co., in St. Lawrence R. Verulam, site v., Central Russia. Area 18,863 ^Q.- '"• ^OP- 1,416,750. Vladimir, tn., cap. of above. Lat. 56° N., long. 40° 30' E. P. 18,424. Vladimir, tn., Russia, Volhynia, 27 ni. S. Kovel. VladivoBtock. spt., Asiatic Russia, on Sea of Japan. Vlakke Bay, Japan. Lat. 44° 30' N., long. 144° B. Vlieland, isl., llnlland, utf entrance to Zuider Zeu. 53' 16' N., s^o' E. VliMingen, tn., Hnlland. I^t. 51° 26' N., long. 3° 34' E. Vlotbo, tn., West plialia, on R. Weser, g m. SW. Minden. Vodlna, tn., Turkey, Roumelia, 46 m. NW. Salonika. Vogel, Cape, New Guinea, on N. side of Goodenough Bay. Voghera, In., Italy, prov. Pavia, 19 ni. E. Alessandria. Voil, Loch, Pertlisliire, 5J ni. W. Lochearnhead, 3^ m. loijg. Voiron, in., France, dep. Isere, 15 ni. NW. Grenoble. Volcan de Agna, nitn., Central America, 30 ni. SW. Guatemala. Volcano, Vil., W. Virginia, Wood Co., 20 ni. W. Parkersbnrg. Volga, Biver, Russia, fjills into the Caspian Sea. Lat. 47° N., 48' E. Volga, River, Iowa, Fayette co., joins Turkey R., in Clayton co. Volhynia, gov., W, Russia. Area 27,741 sq. ni. Pop. 2,321,583. Volthov River, Russia, from Lake Ilinen to Lake Ladoga. Volkmarsen, tu., Prussia, 18 m. NNW. Cas.sel. Volkoviak, tn., Russia, gov. and 42 m. S. Grodno. Volo, tn., NE. Greece, in Thcssaly, at head of Gulf of Volo. Vologda, gov., XE. Russia. Pop. 1,242.798. Vologda, caji. of above-. Lat. 59" 10' N., lung. 40° E. Pop. 17,256. Volo Volo, dist., Fiji, part of Male Island. Volpiano, tn., Italy, prov. and it ni. N. Turin. VoUk, tn., Ru.ssia, gov.Saratov. Lat. 52° i' N., 47° 18' E. P.36,315. Volta River, Guinea, from Kong Mountains and Ashantce. Voitchanak, tn., Russia, gov. and 42 m. NE. Kharko". Volterra, tn., Italy, prov. Pisa, 48 m. SE. Leghorn. Voltri, coast tn., N. Italy, 10 m. W. Genoa. Voltnrno River, Italy, falls into Mediterranean, 20 ni. SE. Gaeta. Volvic, tn., Fraiire, drp. Puy-de-Doine, 4 m. W. Riom. Vomo laland, Fiji, at SIC. point of the Yasawa group. Vonipenta, tii., Cuddapali dist., Madras. Vontlmltta. tn., Cudda{iah dist., Madras. Voorn laland, Netherlands, between the Maas and Haringvliot. Vorarlberg. tn., Austria, Tyrol. Lat. 41° 75' N., 10° E. Pop. 111,435. Vorona River, Russia, trib. of the Don at Voronezh. Voronezh, gov., Russia. Area 25,441 .sq. m. Pop. 2,663,683. Voronezh, city, cap. of above. Lat. 51° 40' N., 39' 30' E. Pop. 56,177. Vosgea, mtn. cliain, E. France, 120 m. long. Lat. 48' 10' N., 6' 20' E. VoBgea, dep., France. Area 2266 sq. m. Pop. 413.707. VoBkresenak, tn., Russia, gov. and 34 m. W. Moscow. Voaneeenak, tTi,, S. Russia, gov. Klicrson, on R. Hug. Vostizza, tn., tlreece, Morea, on the Corinthian Gulf. Votka, tn., Russia, gov. Viatka, on R. Izh. Vonziera, tn., France, deji. Ardennes, on the Aisne. Vracene. vil., Belgium, 25 m. NB. Ghent. Vryburg, tn. and gold-lield, S. Africa, SE. Bechuanaland. Vakovar, tn., Slavonia, 24 m. SE. Eszeh. Volaga Island, Fiji, 8 ni. long. Volcano Island, tliomostS. of the Lipari Islands, 12 m. N. Sicily. Vonda Island, Fiji, one of tholludson group. Vong'Lam, tn., Anani, 28^ m. S. Qui-Nlion. Vuoxen, River, Finland, falls into Lake Ladoga. Vumo, tn., Africa, W. Soudan. Pop. 15,000. Vu Tchang, . Waddlngton, vil, and liishp., New York, St. Lawrence co. Wadebrldge, spi., Cornwall, en II. Camel, 7 m. NW. Bodmin. Watlelai, stn., (,'eut. Afiiea, on Upper Nile. Lat. 2° 40' N., long. 31' E. Wadensweil, vil., Switzerland, lui Like of Ziiriidi. Wadnsborough, \ il. anil tnslip , N. Carolina, cap. of AnsoQ co WadgaoD, tn., Bombay, Poona dist. Wadgaon, tn., Ivolhapur, Bombay. Lat. 16' 50' N., long. 74' 22' E. Wadgaon, tn., Berar, Akola dist. Wadham Isianda, Newfounaiand, Fogo dist. Wadhnrst, par. and vil., Sussex, SE. of Tuubridge Wells. Wadhwan, one of the Dang states, India. Set Dangs. Wadhwan, native state, Bombay. Area 237 S'l. in. Pop. 42,600. Wadhwan, chief til., Wadliwan state, Bombay. Pop. 16,949. Wadhwan, civil stn., Wadhwan state, Bomliay. Wadmalaw Island, S, Carolina, off coast of Charleston co. Wad-Medina, tn.. Nubia, on Blue Nile, 80 ni. SE. Khartum. Wadnagar, sub div.. Kadi dist., Baroda. Area 76 so. m. Wadnagar, chief tn., Wadnagar sub-div., Baroda. Wadner, vil., Wardha dist. Cent. Provs., India. Wadowice, tn., Austria, Galicia, 23 m. W. Cracow. Wadflley. eccl. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire, on II. Don. Wadflworth, tnslqi., W. Riding, Yorkshire, partly in Hebden Bridge. Wadsworth, vil., Nevada, Waslioe co., on Truckee R. Wadflworth, vil. and tnslip., Ohio, Medina co., 53 ni. E. Mansfield. Wady Haifa, place, on R. Nile, 720 m. S. Alexandria. Wady Mousa, depression between the Red and Dead Seas. Waenfawr, eccl. dist. and vil., co. and 4 m. SE. Carnarvon. Waereghem, vil., Belgium, g m. NE. Courtrai. Waerschoot, vil., Belgium, 9 m. NNW. Ghent. Waesmunster, tn., Belgium, 16 m. E. Ghent. Wa-gay-ma, vil., Lower Burma, Thon-gwa dist. Wageningen, tn., Netherlands, Gelderlaiid, on R. Rhino. Wagga Wagga, toshp.. New South Wales, co. Wynyard. Waghari River, Berar, trib. of the Painganga R. Wagonga, tn.. New South Wales, co. Dampier, 260 m. S. Sydney. Wagra, suli-div., Broach dist., Bombay. Area 308 sq. m. Wagram. vil., Austria, 11 m. NE. Vienna. Battle 1809. Wagatadt, tn., Austrian Silesia, on R. Waag. Wahabite Empire. .Stt' Nedjed. Wahgunyan, tnslip., Victoria, co. Bogong, 173 ni. NE. Melbourne. Wahleren, vil., Switzerland, 9 m. from Bern. Wahnapitaeping River, Ontario, Nipissing dist. Wahoo, vil., Nebraska, cap. of Saunders co., 39 m. NE. Lincoln. Wahpeton, vil., Dakota, cap. of Richland co., on Red R. Wahring, vil., Austria, W. of Vienna. Pop. 16,023. Wahaatch Mountains, Utah, on W. of Great Basin. Alt. 11,500 ft. Wahstatt, vil., Prussian Silesia, 4 m. SE. Liegnitz, Wai, su1)-di\-., Satara dist., Bombay. Area 392 sq. m. Wai, chief tn., Wai snb-div., Bombay. Sacred place. Waia Island, Fiji, one of the Yasawa group. Waiapoo River, New Zealand, waters co. Cook. Waiau, tnshp., New Zealand, co. Amuri. 83 m. from Christclmrch. Walau River, New Zealand, flows through co. Wallace. Waiblingen, tn., Wurtemberg, 7 m, NE. Stuttgart. Waidoofen, tn., Austria, 43 m. W. St. Polhen. Waigaon, tn., Wardha dist., Cent. Provs., India. Waigatz Island, Russia. Lat. 70° N., long. 60° E. Waigia Island, Pacific Ocean, N. of New Guinea. Waihakl Island, New Zealand, in Ilauraki Gulf. Waihao River, Xew Zealand, co. Waimati. Waihopai River. New Zealand, co. Marlborough. Walkare River. New Zealand, falls into llawke's Bay. Walkato, River, New Zealand, falls into sea in co. Raglan. Walkonati, tn.. New Zealand, 32 ni. NP]. Dunedin. Waimakariri River, New Zealand, falls into Pegasus Bay. Waimate, tnshp., New Zealand, co. Waimate, 130m. .S. Christchurch, Wainad, t'llnl', Malabar dist., Madras. Areaggg sq. in. Wainad, Sonth-East, sub-div., Nilgiris dist., Madras. Area 41 sq. m. Wainfleet, tn. and par., Lincolnshire, on R. Steeping. Wainganga River, Cent. Provs., India, head-stream of the Pranhita. Walocka River, New Zealand, co. Whakatane. Walpa River, New Zealand, trib. of the Waikato R. Waiping, tn., Cliina, Che-Kiang, SW. of Hang-Chow. Pop. 150,000. Waipn, tn.. New Zealand, co. Marsden, 102 m. N. Auckland. Waipnkurau, tn., New Zealand, co. Waipawa, 44 m. SW. Napier, Wairagarh, pnrgaiia, Chamla dist., Cent. Provs., India. Wairagarh, vil., Chanda dist., Cent. Provs., India. Wairaki, tnshp.. New Zealand, on Lake Taupo, Wairau River, New Zealand, falls into Cloudy Bay. Wairoa, post stn.. New Zealand, co. Wairoa. 40 m. from Napier. Wairoa, Sonth, dist.. New Zealand, 28 m. from Auckland. Wairoa River, New Zealand, falls into Kaipara Harbour. Waitahuna, tnshp.. New Zealand, co. Tuapeka, 53 m. SW. Dunedin. Waitahuna Gully, tnshp., N. Zealand, co. Tuapeka, 52 m. W. Dunedin. Waltaki, tn.. Now Zealand, co, Waimate, 138 m. S. Christcliurch. Waitangi River, New Zealand, on bonier of co. Waitaki. Waltara, tn.. New Zealand, co. Taranaki. Walte Lake. S. Australia, 35 m. SE. Lake Frome, Waltotaro, tn., Now Zealand, 78 m. from New Plymouth. Waltzen, tn., Hungary, on the Danube, 20 m. N. Pesth. Pop. 13,199. Waiuku, tn., New Zealand, prov. and 38 ni. from Auckland. Waiwera, tnshp., New Zealand, co. Waitematn, 25 ni. N. Auckland. Wakala Island, Fiji, E, of (Jvalau. Wakaia River, New Zealand, co. Southland. Wakamaa River, Kansas, trili. of the Kansas R. Wakatlpu Lake, New Zealand, co. Lake. Wa Keeney, vil., Kansas, ca](. of Trego co. Wakefield, brtr., par., and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Pop. 37,269. Wakefield. \ il. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Middlesex co. Wakeflold River, S. Australia, falls into Gulf of St. Vincent. Wake Foreat College, vil. and tnshp.. North Carolina, Wake co. Wakeman, \i\. and tnshp., Ohio, Huron co., on Vermillion R. Wakering. Groat, par. and vil., Essex, near Southend. Wakkerstroom, (list,, S. African Rei)ublic, on the Vaal R. Wakool River. Xew Sonth Wales, cos. Wakool and Caira. Wakori, vil., Nagpurdist., Cent. Provs., India. Waksa Bay, Jai»an. Lat. 36° N., long. 136" E. Waktapur, petty state, Bombay, Indin. Wala, native state, Bombay. Area 140 sq. m. Pop. 17,019. Wala, tn., cap. of Wala state. Lat. 21' 52' N., long. 71° 58' E. Walaja, taluk, N. Arcot dist., Madras. Area 484 stp m R 257 WAL THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER WAR WaJaJabad, tn., Cheiigalpat dist., Madras. Walajapet, tn., N. Arcot dist., Madras. Walam, tn., Baroda state, India. Walasna, i^t'tty state, Bombay, ludia. Walcha, vil., New South Wales, co. Vernon, on Apsley R. Walcheren, isl., Netherlands, between K. and W. ydieldt. P. 40,000. Walcot, par., Somersetshire, mostly in Bath. Wald, tn., Khenish Prussia, 7 m. SW. Elberfeld. Wald, vil., Switzerland, ig m. E. Zurich. Waldeck, principality, Germany. 51" 20' N. 433 sq. m. Pop. 57,283. Waldegrave Islanda, S. Australia, otf W. coast ol'co. Musgmve. Walden, vil.. New Vork, Orange CO., on Wallkill R. Waldenburg, tn., Prussian Silesia, 43 \\\. SW. Breslau. Pop. 13,000. Waldenburg, tn., Saxony, on R. Mulde. Waldenses, di^l., Piedmont, inhabited by the WaUleuses. Walden's Ridge, nitns., Tennessee, part of Cumberland Mountains. Waldheim, tn., Saxony, 33 m. SE. Leipzig. Waldridge, tnshp. ami vil., co. and 5J m. N. Dui-ham. Waldron, par. and vil., Sussex, 6 in. SE. Uckfield. Waldron Island, Fiji, one of tlie Hudson group. Waldsee, tn., Wiirtcmberg, 32 m. S. Ulm. Waldshut, tu., Baden, on R. Rhine. Wales, principality, W. of England. 4,712,281 acres. Pop. 1,518,914. Wales, par. and vil., W. Riding, Yoi-ks, 7 m. NW. Worksop Wales Island, Columbia. Lat. 54° 50' N., long. 130° 40' W. Walfisch Bay, harbour and dist., W. Africa. Lat. 22° 32' S. Walford, par. and vil., S. Herefordshire, on R. Wye. Walgett, tn., Xew South Wales, co. Baradine, 450 m. NW. Sydney. Walhalla, lushp., Victoria, co. Tanjil, 120 m. E. Melbourne. Walhalla. vil., S. Carolina, cap. of Oconee co., 42 m. NW. Beuton. Walham Green, eccl. dist., Middlesex, in Fnlham. Walidpur, tn., Azamgarh dist, NW. Provs., India. Waljeers Lake, New South Wales, co. Waljeers. Walkden, eccl. dist., Lancashire, 4 m. from Eccles. Walker, tu. and local gov. dist., Northumberland, on R. Tyne. Walkerbiurn, vil., Peeblesshire, par. ami \\ m. E. Innerleithen. Walker Island, Tasmania, N. of Bobbins Island. Walker Lake, Nevada, Esmeralda co. Walker Point, Queensland, dist. Cook, on E. coast. Walker Kiver, Nevada, falls into Walker Lake. Walkers Mountain, hill range, Virginia. Walkerston, tn., Queensland, co. Carlisle, 9 ni. WSW. Mackay Walkerton, vil., Ontario, cap. of co. Bruce, on R. Saiigeeu. Walkerton, vil., Indiana, St. Joseph co., 20 ni. SW. South Bend. Walkerville, suburb of and %\ ni. from Adelaide, S. Australia. Walkerville, vil., Montana, Silver Bow co., 25 m. SE. Gwendale. Wallabadah, tn.. New South Wales, co. Bnckland, 226 ni. N. Sydney. Wallabout Bay, New York, bight in East R. Navy yard. Wallace, spt., Nova Scotia, co. Cumberland, 16 m. N. Wentworth. Wallaceburg, vil., Ontario, co. Kent, 14 m. NW. Chatham. Wallace River, Nova Scotia, Cumberland co., 30 m. long. Wallacetown, par., Ayrshire, in bur. and on R. Ayr. Wallacetown, vil., Ontario, co. Elgin, 18 m. SW. St. Thoums. Wallachia, part of Roumauia. Lat. 45° N., 25° E. Pop. 4,000,000. Wallan-Wallan, tn., Victoria, co. Bourke, 30 ni. N. Melbouruf. Wallaroo, spt., S. Australia, co. Daly, 92 m. froni Adelaide. Wallaroo Bay, S. Australia, on W. coast of co. Daly. Wallasey, par., tushii., and vil., Cheshire, on Wirral Peuinsula. Walla Walla, city, Washington, cap. of Walla Walla co. Wallawalla Lake, Victoria, in co. Millewa. Walla Walla River, Washington, trib. of the Columbia R. Walla Wallong Mount, New South Wales, in co. Blaxland. Walldiim, tn., Baden, 30 m, W. Wiirzburg. Wallendbeen, vii.. New South Wales, 241 m. S. Sydney. Wallenstadt, tn., Switzerland, on Lake Wallenstadt. Wallenstadt, Lake, Switzerland, canton St. Gall. Area icxj sq. m. Wallerawang, tn., New South Wales, co. Cook, 105 m. W. Sydney. Walleroy, Mount, New South Wales, co. Gipps. Wallers, vil., France, dep. Nord, i m. from Valenciennes. Wallet, fiiirway, off E. coast of Essex. Wallingford, bur., Berkshire, on R. Thames, 14^ m. NW. Reading. Walllngford, tn., New Zealand, co. Patangata, 65 m. from Napier. Wallingford, vil. and tnshp., Connecticut, New Haven co. Wallington, vd. and tnshp., Surrey, near W. Croydon. Wallisea Island, E^sex, in R. Crouch, 5 m. NE. Rochford. Wallis Islands, S. Pai'ific Ocean. Lat. 13" 24' S., long. 176' 6' W. Wallia Lake, New South Wales, co. Gloucester. Wallkill River, New Jersey and New York, joins Rondout Creek. Walloomsack River, Vermont and New York, joins the Hoosac R. Walloostook River, Maine, branch of the St. John's R. Walls, jiar.. Mainland, Shetland, towards W. Walla and Flotta, par., Orkney, in S. of Hoy and Flotta and Pliaray. Wallsend, tn. and i>ar., Northumberland, on R. Tyne. WalUend, tnshp., New South Wales, co. Northumberland. Walmer, tn. and par., Kent, on E. coast, 2 m. SW. Deal. Walmeraley, t-ed., tnshp., and vil., SE. Lancashire. Walmgate, St. Dennis in, par. and tnshp., in co. and city of York. Walmgate St. Margaret, par. and tnshp., in co. and city of York. Walmsley, (;, dist., Lancashire, Bnlton le Moors pai'. Walna Scar, mtn., Lancashire, 3 m. SW. Coniston. Alt. 2000 ft. Walney, Isle of, isl. and eccl. dist., N. Lancashire. Walnut, vil. anil tnshp., Illinois, Bureau co., on Green R. Walnut, vil., Iowa, Pottawatomie co., 6 m. NW. Avoca. Walpole, vil., Massachusetts, 8 m. NE. Franklin. Walpole, vil. and tnshp., New Hampshire, Cheshire co. Walpole Island, Ontario, Kent CO., in Lake St. Clair. Walpole St. Peter, i>ar. and vil., Norfolk, 4 m. from Long Sutton, Walsall, bor. and par., Stafford, 8 m. NW. Birmingham. P. 71,791. Walsden, eccl. dist., Lancashire, 2 m. S. Todnuirden. Walsham, North, tn. and par., Norfolk, 14 m. N. Norwich. Walsham, South, vil. and 2 pars., Norfolk, vil. 4 m. NE. Norwic Walsham le Willows, par. and vil., Suffolk, 4 m. E. Ixworth. Walsh, Fort, Assiniboia. Lat. 49" 30' N., long. 103*' 55' W. Walsh River, Queensland, trib. of the Mitchell R. WalBingham, Little, tn. and par., Norfolk, on R. Stiffkey. Walsingham, New. See, Walslngham, Little. Walsoken, tu. and par., Norfolk, suburb of Wisbech. Waltair, tn., Madras, Vizagapatam dist. Healthy place. Walterborough, vil., S. Carolma, cap. of Colleton co. Waltershausen, tn., Germany, 7 m. W. Gotha. Waltham, tn., Lincolnshire, 4^ m, SW. Great Grimsby. Waltham, vd. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Middlesex co. P. 18,707. Waltham, Great, par. and vil., Essex, on R. Chelmcr. Waltham, New Town. ,S'.e Waltham Abbey. Waltham Abbey, tu. and par., Essex, on R. Lea, 13 m. N. London. Waltham Cross, ec(d. dist., Herts, in Cheshunt. Waltham Forest, old name lor Epping, q.%\ Waltham Holy Cross. .S f Waltham Abbey. Waltham -on the -Wolds, par. and vil., Leicestershire, 5 m. NE. MtUon Mowl>ray. Walthamstow, par., Essex, 6 m. from London. Walthamstow, pari, div., Essex. Pop. 101,236. Walton, eccl. dist., Buckinghamshire, pai t of Aylesbury. Walton, tnshp. and vil., Derbyshire, 3 m. SW. Chesterlield. Walton, par. and vil., Suff(jlk, 10 m. from Ipswich. Walton, vil., Indiana, Cass Co., 12 m. NW. Kokomo. Walton, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Delaware co., on Delaware R. Walton, Higher, eccl. dist., I^ncashire, i\ m. SE. Preston. Walton-in-le-Dale, tnshp., Lancashire, on R. Ribble, 2 m. SE. Preston. Walton-le-Soken. See Walton-on-the-Naze. Walton-on-Thames, par. and vil., Siu-rey, 17 m. SW. London. Walton-onthe-Hill, tn., jiar., and tushp., Lancashire, mostly in Li^■erpool. Pop. tnshp. 40,304, Walton-on-the-Hill, par,, Sur)ey, 4 m. N. Reigate. Walton on-the-Naze, tn., local gov. dist., par., Essex, 7 m. S. Harwich. Walwa, sub-div., Satava dist., NW. Provs., ludia. Walworth, dist., Surrey, in S. of London. Walworth, pari. div. of Newington, Surrey. Pop. &9,040. Walworth, vil., tnshp.. New York, Wayne co., 6 m. NNW. Palmyra, Wamego, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Pottawatomie co., on Kansas R. Wampum, bor., Pennsylvania, Lawrence co., 10 m. S. New Castle. Wanaka Lake, New Zealand, cos. Lake and Vincent Wanamic, vil., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co., 10 m. S. Wilkesban'e. Wanbhachran, tn., Punjab, Bannu dist. Wanchow, treaty port, China. Lat. 28' N., 120° 30' E. Pop. 80,000. Wandandian, In., New S. Wales, co. St. Vincent, 138 m. S. Sydney. Wandiligonp, tn., Victoria, co. Delatite, 204 m. NE. Melbourne. Wandin Yalloak. tn., Victoria, co. Evelyn, 30 m. SE. Melbourne. Wandiwash, tahiJ^, N. Ariot dist., Madras. Area 466 sq. ra. Wandiwash, hdqrs. tn., Wandiwash taluk. British victory, 1760. Wandle, River, Surrey, trib. of the Thames at Wandsworth. Wandsbeck, tn., Holstein, 3 m. NE. Hamburg. Pop. 17,760. Wandsworth, bor. and par., Surrey, on R. Wandle. Pop. 113,233. Wanetze, ^il., Africa, Matabeleland. Wanga, stn., British E. Africa, at mouth of R. Uniba. Wangaehu River, New Zealand, co. Wauganui. Wanganui, port, New Zealand, co. Wanganui, 100 m. from Wellington. Wanganui Inlet, New Zealand, in W. coast of co. CoUingwood. Wanganui River, New Zealand, falls into sea at Wanganui. Wangaratta, tushp., Victoria, co. Bogong, 145 m. NE. Melbourne. Wangarei Bay, New Zealand, on E. coast of co. Wangarei. Wangarei Heads, New Zealand, on coast of co. Wangarei. Wangaroog Island, Germamy. Lat, 53" 47' N., long. 7° 52' E. Wankaner, native state, Bombay. Area 376 sq. m. Pop. 30,491. Wankaner, tn,, cap. of Wankaner. Lat. 22° 36' N., long. 71° 2 E. Wanlockhead, par. and vil., Dumfriesshire, 8J m. E. Sanquhar. Wanna, p'^tty state, Bombay. Area 24 sq. m. Wannon River, Victoria, between cos, Dnndas and Normauby. Wanod, petty state, Bombay. Area 58 sq. m. Wan River. Berar, trib. of the Puma. Wansbeck. jiarl. div., Northumberland. Pop. 69.701. Wansbeck River, Northumberland, enters sea at Carabois. Wanstead, tn. and par., Essex, 7 m, NE. London. Wantage, tn., par., and tnshi>., Berkshire, 9 m. SW. Abingdon. WanthaU, tn., Bombay, Suralli div. Wanzeleben, tn., Prussian Saxony, 10 m. SW. Magdeburg. Wao, native state, Bombay. Area 380 sq. m. Pop. 27,735. Wao, tn., cap. of above. Lat. 24° 21' 30" N., long. 71° 30' E. Waori Dharwala. petty state, Bombay. Waori Wachhani, petty state, Bombay. Wapakoneta, vil., Ohio, cap. of Auglaize co., 59 m. N. Dayton. Wapello, vil, and tnshp,, Iowa, cap. of Louisa co., on Iowa R. Wapping, par. and eccl. dist., in E. London and Tower Hamlets. Wappinger's Falls, vil.. New York, Dutchess co. Wapsipinicon River, Iowa, trib. of the Mississippi. Waragam, pi:-tty state, Bombay, India. Warahl, natn c state. Bombay. Area 330 sq. m. Pop. 21,376, Warahl, In., cap. of Warahi state. Lat. 23° 47' N., long. 71° 29' E. Warangal, tn., Haidarabad, India. Lat. 17° 5S' N., long. 71° 29' E. Warangaon, tn., Bombay, Khaudesh dist. Lat. 20° 57' N., 75' 55' E, Warasdin, tn,, Austrian Croatia, on R. Drave. Pop, 10,623. Waraseoni, tu., IJalaghat dist.. Cent. Provs., India. Waratah. tn., New Suuth Wales, co. Northumberland. Waratah Bay, Victoria, in S. coast of co. Buln-Buln. Warberg, spt., Sweden, on the Cattegat, 36 m. NW, Halmstad. Warbleton, par. and vil., Sussex, 6 m. N. Hailsham. Warblington, par, and vil., Hants, i ni, from Havant. Warboya, par. and vil,, Huntingdonshire, 3^ m. SE. Ramsey, Warburg, tn., Westphalia. 37 m. SSE. Minden. Warburton, tnshp., Victoria, co. Evelyn, 48 m. E. Melbourne. Warburto Point, S. Australia, co. Daly, on Spencer Gulf. Warden, par., tnshp., and vil., Northumberland, in S. of co. Wardha. dist., Central Provs., India. Ar. 2428 sq. m. Pop. 400,830. W.irdha, tay, India, Warta, tn., Russian Poland, on R. Warta. Warta, River, Russian Poland, Pusen, and Brandenburg. Wartenburg, tn., E. Prussia, 6j m. S. Kouigsberg. Warte River. .S'cc Warta R. Warton, ]>ar., tnshp., anil vil., N. Lancasliire. Wartrace Dep6t, vil., Tennessee, Bedford co., 55 m. SE, Nashville. Warwick, bor. and co. tn. of Warwick.shire, on R. Avon. Pop. 11,905. Warwick, vil., Quebec, co., 101 ni. NK. Montreal. Warwick, tn., Queensland, co. Merivale, 100 m. SW. Brisbane. Warwick, vil., Massachusetts, Franklin co., 7 m. NE. Franklin. Warwick, vil. and tuslip., New York, Orange co., 63 m. SW. N. York Warwick, fn., Kliodi' Island, Kent co. Pop. 17,761. Warwickshire, co., England. Lat. 52° 16' N., lung. 1° 35' W. Area 884 sq. m. Pop. 805.070. Waseca, vil., Minnesota, cap. of Waseca co., 15 m. W. Owatouna. Wash, River, Liucoltishire, trib. of the Welland, near Stamford. Wash, The, estuary of Ouse, Nen, Welland, Witham, Norfolk. Washademoak River, New Brunswick, trib. of St John R. Washaw River, Manitoba, falls into Lake Winnipeg. Washburn, vil., Illinois, Woodburn co., 16 m. NE. Washington. Woshermanpetta, suburb of .Madras, Indi-O, Washingborough, par., tushp., and vil., co. and 3 m. E. Lincoln. Washington, state, U.S. 48° N., 120" W. 60,180 sq. m. P. 349,390. Washington, city, Dist. of Columbia, cap. of U.S. Pop. 230,392. Washington, vil., Arkansas, cap. of Hempstead CO., 15 m. NE. Fulton. Washington, vil., Georgia, cap. of Wilkt-s co., 18 m. N. Baruett. Washington, vil., Idaho, Idaho co., 145 m. SE. Lewistou. Washington, ^il., tnshp., Illinois, Tazewell co., i43Jn. SW. Chicago. Washington, vil., Indiana, cap. of Daviess co., ig m. E. Vincenucs. Washington, city and tnshp., Iowa, cap. of Washington co. Washington, vil. and tushj)., Kansas, cap. of Washington co. Washington, vil., tnshp., Kentucky, Mason co., 3 m. SW. Maysville. Washington, vil., Louisiana, St. Landry par., on Bayou Teche. Washington, tn., Missouri, Franklin co., on Missouri R. Washington, bor. and tnshp., New Jersey, Warren co. Washington, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, cap. of Beaufort co. Washington, vil., Ohio, Guernsey co., 7 m. NE. Cambridge. Washington, bor., Pennsylvania, cap. of Washington co. Washington, vil., tnshp,, Utah, Washington co., 6 m. NE. St. George. Washington, Cape, Fiji, W\ point of Kandavu Island. Washington, Mount, Maine. Lat. 44° 18' N., long. 71° 18' W. Washington Borough, bor., Pennsylvania, Lancaster co. Washington Court House, vil., Ohio, cap. of Fayette 00. Washington Heights, vil., Illinois, Cook co., 15 m. S. Chicago. Washington Land, Arctic America. Lat. 80° N., long. 60' W. Washington vllle, vil.. New York, Orange co., on Otterkill Creek. Washington ville, vil., Ohio, Columbiana and Green cos. Washita River. ,SVe Ouachita R. Washna, petty state, Bombay, India. Waslttl, tn., Roumauia, Moldavia, 40 m. S. Jassy. Wasmes, vil., Belgium, Hainaut. Lat. 50° 25' N., 3" 49' E. P. 12,513. Waso, tn., Baroda, India. Lat. 22° 40' N., long. 72° 48' E. Wasselnheim, tn., Alsace, 14 m. W. Stiasburg. Wasselonne. .Sf£ Wasselnlieiin. Wasserburg, tn., Upper Bavaria, on the Inn, 31 m. E. Munich. Waasulu, state, W. Africa, on the Upper Niger. Wast Water, lake, Cumberland, 14 m. SW. Keswick. Wasurna, one of the Dang states, India. !Sec Danga. Wataga, vil., Illinois, Knox co., 8 m. NE. Galesburg. Watagua River, N. Carolina and Tennessee, falls into Holston R, Watchefc, spt., Somersetshire, on the Bristol Channel. Watcombe Bay, Isle of Wiglit, in SW. coast, 2^ m. S, Yarmouth. Waterbeach, par. and vil., Cambridgeshire, on R. Cam. Waterberg, dist., S. African Republic, on Limpojio R. Waterbury, city, Connecticut, New Haven co. Pop. 28,646. Water Crag, mtn,, N. Riding, Yorkshire, 5 m. N. Muker. Alt. 2192 ft. Water Cure, vil., Pennsylvania, Beaver co., 5 m. SE. Beaver. Waterdown, vil., Ontario, co. Wentworth, 4 m. N. Hamilton. Wateree River, S. Carolina, joins the Congaree to form the Santee. Waterfoot, eccl. dist., Lancashire, 2i m. SW. Bacuj). Waterford, co. Munster, Ireland. 52° 16' N., 7° 5' W. Pop. 98,130. Waterford, city, co. Waterford, on R, Suir. Pop. 27,623. Waterford, vil., New Brunswick, co. Kings, 8 m. from Sussex Stn. Waterford, vil., Ontario, co. Norfolk, 12^ m. N. Hagersville. Waterford, vil., tnshp., Michigan, Oakland co., 7 m. NW. Pontiac. Waterford, vil., tnshp.. New York, Saratoga co., 10 m. NE. Albany. Waterford, bor. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, co. and 18 m. S. Erie. Waterford. vil., Virginia, Loudoun co., 3 m. NE. Hamilton Station. Waterford Harbour, Ireland, junction and estuary of Suir and Barrow. Watergate Bay, Cornwall, on W. coast, 7 m. S. Trevose Head. Waterhead, eccl. dist., Lancashire, adjoining Oldham. Waterhouse Island, Tasmania, off N. coast of co. Dorset. Waterhoiises, eccl. dist. and vil., co. and 6 m. W. Durham. Wateringbury, par, and vil,, Kent, 5 m. SW. Maidstone. Waterloo, vil., Belgium. Lat. 59° 44' N., long. 4° 24' E. Battle 1815. Waterloo, vil., Lanarkshiie, i ni. SE. Wishaw. Waterloo, sub. of and 2^ m. from Sydney, New South Wales. Waterloo, tnshp., S. Australia, co. Light, 74 m. N. Adelaide. Waterloo, In., (.)ntario, Waterloo co,, 2 m. from Berlin. Waterloo, tn., Quebec, cap. of Sheftbrd Co., 70 m. SE. Montreal. Waterloo, \il. and tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Monroe co. Waterloo, vil., Indiana, De Kalb co., 54 m. E. Elkhart. Waterloo, city, Iowa, cap. of Black Hawk co., on Cedar R. Waterloo, vil., Louisiana, Pointe Coupee par., on the Mississippi. Waterloo, vil. and tushp,, New York, cap. of Seneca co. Waterloo, \il , tushji., Wisconsin. Jefferson co.,i4m. from Watcrtown. Waterloo Bay. S. Ausf lalia, co. Fergnsson, oil Investigator Strait. Waterloo Bay, Victoria, Co. Buln-Buln, in E. coast of Wilson Prom. Waterloo Road, dist., Surrey, within Lambeth. Waterloo-with-Seaforth, tu,, Lancashire, on coast. Water Plaets, inlet, ijucensland, estuary of Mitchell R. Watersxy Island, onler Hebrides, Inverness-shire. Waterside, \il., co. and n^ m. SW. Ayr, on R. Docni. Waterside, vil., Dumbartonsliire, 2 m. SE. Kirkintilloch. Watorton River, Alberta, Canada, trib. of the Belly R. Watertown, \il., Dakota, cap. of Codington co., 79 m. NW. Marshall. Watertown, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Middlesex co. Watertown, eity, New York, cap. of Jefferson co. Pop. 14,726. Watertown, city, Wisconsin, Dodge and Jelferson cos. Water Valley, vil., Mississipjii, Yalabusha co., 29 m. NE, Grenada. Watervillo, \il. aiul tnshp., Kansas, Marshall eo., on Little Blue R. Watervillo, vil. and tnshp., Maine, Kennebec co., on Kennebec R. Waterville, vil., tnshp., Minnesota, Lc Sueur Co., 11 m. N. Waseca. Waterville, vil.. New Brunswick, co. Carlttm, 9 m. fiom Woodstock, Waterville, vil., Quebec, co. Compt^n, m m. SE. Montreal. Waterville, vil., Nova Scotia, co. Kings, 9 m. from Kentville. Watervliet, tnslip., New York, Albany co. Watford, tu. and par., Herts, on R. Colne. Pop. 16,819. Watford, jKirl. div., Herts. Pop. 63,878. Watford, vil., Ontario, co. Lainbton, 34 m. W. London. Wathena, vil., Kansas, Doniphan CO., 5 m, W. St. Joseph. Wath-upon Doarne, tn., par,, and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire. Watkins, \\\., New York, cap. of Schuyler co., on Seneca Lake. Watllng Island, one of the Baliama.s, W. India. Watllng Street, Roman road, from Kent into Wales and Scotland. 259 WAT THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER WEN Watlington, tn. and par., co. and 15 ra. SE. Oxford. Watrap, tn., Madras, Tinaevelli dist. Lat. 9" 38' N., long. 77° 41' E. Watseka, vil., Illinois, cap, of Iroquois co., on Iroquois K. Wataeesing, vil., Kew Jersey, Essex co., 3 ni. from Newark. Watson Taylor Lake, inlet, New South Wales, co. Macquarie, Watsontown, bor., Pennsylvania, Nortlmniberland co. Wataonville, tn., Queensland, 8 ni. NW. Herberton. WatsonviUe, vil., California, Santa Cruz co., on Pajaro R. Watten, par., Caitliness, 7^ m. Js'W, Wick. Watten, Loch, Caithness, Watten par., near Achingale. Wattenscheidt, tn., Westphalia, 41 ni. W. Arosbuig. Fop. 11,673. Watton. tn. and par.,, Norfolk, on R. Wissey, i2in. N. Thotford. Wattrelos. vil., France, dep. Nord, 9 ni. XE. I.ille. Fop. 15,726. Wattwyl, vil., Switzerland, canton and 17 m. SW. St. Gall. Watzmann, Mount, Germany. Lat. 47' 34' N., long, i-z" 55' E. Waukaringa, tn., S. Australia, co. Lytton, 225 ni. N. Adelaide, Waukegan, city, tnshp., Illinois, cap. of Lake Co., on L. Michigan. Waukesha, vil. and tnshp., Wisconsin, cap. of Waukesha co. Waukon, vil., Iowa, cap. of Allamakee co., on Paint Creek. Waupaca, \ il, and tnshp., Wisconsin, cap. of Waupaca co. Waupaca River, Wisconsin, trib. of the Wolf R., Waupaca co. Waupon, vit., Wisconsin, Dodge and Fond du Lac cos. Wauraltee Island, S. Australia, in Spencer Gulf, off Port Victoria. Waum Ponds, post stn., Victoria, co. Grant, 51 m. SSV. Melbourne. Wausau, city and tnshp., Wisconsin, Marathon co., on Wisconsin R. Wauseon, viL, Ohio, Fulton co., 21 m. E. Brj'an. Wauwatosa, vil. and tnsh]\, Wisconsin, Milwaukee co. Waveland, vil., Indiana, Montgomery Co., 16 ni. SW. Crawfordsville. Waveney River, Norfolk and Suffolk, trib. of the Yare. Waverley, suburb, 4 m. E. Sydney, New South Wales. Waverley, in.. New Zealand, co. Patea, 33 m. from Wanganui. Waverley, vil., Nova Scotia, co. and 16 ni. X. Halifax. Waverly, vil. and tnshp., Illinois, Morgan Co., 30 ni. SW". Spriogfield. Waverly, vil., Iowa, Bremer co., 19 m. NW. Waterloo. Waverly, vil., Maryland, co. and 2 m. N. Baltimore. Waverly, vil., Missouri, Lafayette co., 20 m. E. Lexington. Waverly, vil , New York, Tioea co., on Cayuga Creek. Waverly, vil., Ohio, cap. of Pike co., 29 m. N. Portsmouth. Waverly, vil., Tennessee, cap. Humphreys co., 40 m. E. Huntingdon. Wavertree, tn. and tushp. , Lancashire, partly in Liverpool. P. 13,764. Wavre, tn., Belgium, Brabant, 15 m. NW. Louvain. Wawanya, sjit., Morvi state, India. Lat. 23" N., long. 70'' 43' E. Waxahachie, vil., Texas, cap. of Ellis co., 28 m. S. Dallas. Waxhaw Creek, Nortli Carolina, trib. of the Catawba R. Waxholm, tn., Sweden, 15 m. from Stockholm. Way Cross, vil. and tnshp., Georgia, cap. of Ware co. Wayland, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Middlesex co. Wayland, vil., tnshp., Michigan, Allegan co., 28 m. N. Kalamazoo. Wayland Depdt, vil., New York, Steuben co., 46 m. NW. Corning. Waymart, bur.. Pennsylvania, Wayne co., 8 ni. W. Honesdale. Wayne, vil., Michigan, Wayne co,, 12 ni. E. Ypsilanti. Waynesborouffh, vil., Georgia, cap. of Burke co. Wayne sborough, bor., Pennsylvania, Franklin co. Waynesburg, ^■il., Ohio, Stark Co., on Sandy Creek. Wayuesville, vil. and tnslip., Illinois, De Witt co., on Kickapoo R. Waynesville, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Warren co., on Little Miami K. Waynetown, vil., Indiana, ISlontgomery co., 54 m. NW. Indianapolis. Wazirabad, tafisil, Gujranwala dist., Punjab. Area 455 sq. m. Waziri Lag, dist., Kangra dist., Punjab. Area 178 sq. m. Waziri Parol, dist., Kangra dist., Punjab. Area 496 sq. ni. Waziri Rupi, dist., Kangra dist., Punjab. Area 677 sq. m. Weald, South, par., tnshp., and vil., Essex, i^ m. W. Brentwood. Weald, The, tract, Kent and Sussex. Remains of Saxon forest. Weald Bassett, North, par. and vil., Essex, 2^ m. NE. Epping. Wealdatone, eccl. dist., Middlesex, near Harrow. Wear, River, Durham, falls into North Sea at Sunderland. Weardale St. John, eccl. dist. and vil., Durham, 7 m. W. Stanhope. Weaste, fccl. dist., Lancashire, Eccles par. Weatherly, bor., Pennsylvania, Carbon co., r6 m. X. Mauch Chunk. Weather Point, New Zealand, on W. coast of Stewart Island. Weaverhanj, par., tnshp., and vil., Cheshire, 3 m. W. Northwich. Weaver Hills, Staffnnlshire, between Ramsorand Blore. Weaver Ricer, Cheshire, trib. of the Mersey, 2^ m. below Runcorn. Webb City, vil., Arkansas, Franklin co., on Arkansas R. Webberville, vil., Michigan, Ingliam co., 19 m, SE. Lansing, Webeck Harbour, Labrador. Lat. 55° N.. long. 58^ W. Weber River, Utah, falls into the Great Salt Lake. Webheath, tnshp., Worcestershire, partly in Redditch. Webi River, Africa, falls iTito Indian Ocean at Magadoxo. Webster, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, co. and 16 m. S. Worcester. Webater, vil., Pt-unsylvania, Westmoreland co.,i8m.SW. Greensburj". Webster City, vil., Iowa, cap. of Hamilton CO., on Boone R. Wedderburn, tnshp., Victoria, co. Gladstone. Wedge, Mount, Tasmania, co. Arthur. Wedge, The, island, S. Australia, one of the Gambler group. Wedge Hill, S. Australia, co. Musgrave, 15 in. E. Lake Newland. Wedmore, par. and vil., Soraersetshire, ^^m. S. Axbridge. Wednesbury, bor. and par., Slatlbrdshire, 8 m. NW. Birmingham. Pop. 69,083. Wednesfield, tu. and tnshp., Staffordshire, z ni. NE. Wolverhampton. WeedonBeck, par. and vil., Northamptonshire, 4 m. SE. Daventry. Weedsport, vil.. New York, Cayuga Co., 10 m. N. Auburn. Weeke, ptact", Hants, partly in Winchester. Weekeroo Hill, S. Australia, CO. Lytton. Weel, The, broad jiart of R. Tees, Durham, near Caldron Snout. Weenen, tn., Natal, on Bushman R., 70 m. NE. Pietermaritzburg. Weener, spt., Hanover, 21 m. S. Aurich. Weerdt, tu., Netherlands, 12 m. W. Rocrmond. Weerselo, tn., Netherlands, Overyssel, 7 m. E. Almelo. Wee Waa, tnshp.. New South Wales, 337 ni. NW. Sydney. Wee Wee Rup. Src Gnnbower. Wegeleben, tn., Prussian Saxony, 27 m. SW. Magdeburg. Wehlau, tu., Pnissia, 27 m. E. Konigsberg. Wehlheiden. tn., Hessen -Nassau, gov. of Cassel. Wei, city, China, prov. Shan Tung. Lat. 36° 40' N. Pop. 100,000. Weichsel. vil., Austrian Silesia, on R. Vistula. Weichselburg, tn., Carniola, 16 m. SE. Laybach. Weichselmunde, tn., W. Prussia, on arm of R. Vistula and Baltic Sea. Welda, tn., Saxe-Weimar, 14 m. E. Neustadt an der Orla. Weiden, tn., Bavaria, 32 ni. SE. Baireuth. Weighton, Market, ^'t•(■ Market Weighton. Wei-hai Harbour, Cliina. Lat. 36° N., long. 121° E. Weilagitala Islands, Fiji, 20 m. E. Nanuku. Weilbach, watering-place, Nassau, E. of Wiesbaden. Weimar, city, cap. of Saxe-Weimar, on R. Urn. Pop. 24,404. Weimar, vil., Texas, Colorado co., 102 m. W. Houston. Weingarten, vil., Baden, 7 m. E. Carlsruhe. Weinheim, tn., Baden, 10 m. NE. Mannheim. Wei-Hsien. See Wei. Weipert, tn., Bohemia, near Saxonj*. Lat. 50° 30' N., long. 13° i' E. Weir, The, eccl. dist., Gloucestershire, within Bristol. Weissenburg. tn., Bavaria, 27 m. SE. Ansbach. Weissenborg, tn., Alsace, 34 m. N. Strasburg. Weisaenfels, tn., Prussian Saxony. Lat. 51° 12' N. Pop. 23,909. Weisskirchen, tn., Hungary, 53 m. SSE. Temesvar. Weisakirchen, tn., Moravia, 22 m. E. Olniiitz. We-Ia-taung, vil., Lower Burma, Akyab Weld, Mount, Tasmania, co. Buckingham. Weldon, vil. and tushp., N. Carolina, Halifax co., on Roanoke R. Weldon River, Iowa and Missouri, joins a fork of Grand R, Welland, tn., Ontario, cap. of Welland co., on W'elland R. Wetland Canal, Canada, between Lakes Ontario and Erie. Welland River, Northamptonshire, to the Wash, 70 m. long. Welland River, Ontario, Lincoln co., trib. of the Niagara. Welle Island, D"Entrecasteaux Archipelago, SE. of Fergusson I. Welle Makua River, Afiica, trib. of the Congo. Wellesley Islands, Queensland, in Gulf of Carpentaria. Wellesley Province. See Province Wellesley. Wellingborough, tn, and par., Northamptonshire. Pop. 15.068. WellingTove, tnshp., New South Wales, co. Gnugh, 3S5 ni. N, Sydney. Wellington, tn, and par., Shropshire. 10 m. E. Shrewsbury. Wellington, tn. and par., Somersetshire, 8 m. SW. Taunton. Wellington, eccl. dist., Staffordshire, Stoke-upon-Trent par. Wellington, pari, div., Shropshire. Wellington, city, cap. of New Zealand. Lat. 41° 16' S. Wellington, prov. dist., New Zealand. Area 7,200,000 ac. P. 97,876. Wellington, dist., New South Wales, in NE. of colony. 16,695 sq. m. Wellington, tn., New S. Wales, co. Wellington, 24S m. NW. Sydney. Wellington, tnshp., S. Australia, co. Sturt, 65 m. SE. Adelaide. Wellington, vil., Ontario, co. Prince Edward, 11 m. SW. Ficton. Wellington, viL and tnshp., Kansas, cap. of Sumner co. Wellington, Til. and tnshp., Ohio, Lorain co., 37 m. from Cleveland, Wellington, vil.. Cape Colony, Paarl div., 45 m. fr<»ni the Cape. Wellington, sanitarium, Nilgiri dist., Madras. Alt. 6100 ft. Wellington, Mount, Victoria, co. Tanjil. Wellington HiUs, N. Ter., S. Australia, E. of Van Diemen Gulf. Wellington Island, Patagonia. Lat. 47" 30' S. Wellington Lake, Victoria, communicates with Lake Tanjil. Wellington Square, Ontario. &e Burlington. Wellow, par. and vil., Somersetshire, 4^^ m. S. Bath. WellB, spt., Norfolk, near Holkhanr Bay. Lat. 52° 58' N., 0° 50' E, Wells, bur., Somersetshire, 6 m. NE. Glastonbury. Lat. 51° 12' N. Wells, pari, div., Somersetshire. Pop. 65,669. Wells, vil. and tnshp., Maine, York co., 14 ni. SW. Biddeford. Wells, vil., Minnesota, Faribault Co., 40 m, SE. Mankato. Wellsborough, bur., Pennsyhania, cap. cf Tioga co. Wellsburg, vil., New York, Chemung co., on Chemung R. Wella-next-the-Sea. S-.e Wells, Norfolk. Wells River, Vermont, trib. of the Connecticut R. Wellston, vd., Ohin, J.ickson co., 35 m. SE. Chillicothe. Wellsville, vil,, Jlissouri, Montgomery co., 56 ni. SE. Moberly. Wellsville, vil. and tushp.. New York, Alleghany Co., on Genesee R, Wellsville, vil., Oiiio, Columbiana co., on the Ohio R. Wellsville, vil., Utah, Cache co., 15 m. NE. Corinne Station. Wellwood Colliery, vil., Fifeshire, Dunferndine par. Welney, par. and vil., Cambridgeshire and Norfolk. Wels, tn.. Upper Austria, 16 ni. SW. Lintz. Welsh Frankton, eccl. dist. and vil., Shropshire, 3 m. SW. Ellesmere. Welshpool, bor., Mont;;omery.shire. J.-. Wembdon, par. and vil., Somersetshire, partly in Bridgwater. Wembley, eccl. dist., Middlesex, 2^ m. SE. Harrow. Wemyss, par., Fifeshire, on the Fu-t)i of Forth. Area 4732 acres. Wemyss, East, vil., Fifeshire, i ni. SW. Buckliaven. Wemyss, West, tn. and par., Fifeshire, on Firth of Forth. Wemyss Bay, watering-i'lace, Renfrewshire, 8 ni. SW. Greenock. Wen-chu, spt., China, prov. Che-Kiang, free for foreign trade. Wendel, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 29 ni. SE. Treves, on the Blies, Wendover, tn. and par., Bucks, 5 m. SE. Aylesbury. Wendron, par., tnshp., and vil., Cornwall, near Helston. Wener, Lake, Sweden. Area 2150 sq. m. Lat. 59" N., long. 13° 30' E. Wenersborg, tn., Sweden, cap. of Elfsborg. Lat. 58° 30' N., 12" 30' E, Wenham, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Essex co. Wenlock, bor., Shropshire, 14 m. SE. Shrewsbury. Pop. 16,703. Wenner, Lake. .See Wener. Wenona, vil., Illinois, Marshall co., 109 m. SW. Chicago. Wensley, par., tnshp., and vil., N. Riding, Yorkshire. Wensleydale, tn., Victoria, co. Polwarth, 78 in. SW. Slelbourne. Wensnm River, Norfolk, trib. of the Yare at Norwich. Wente River, W. Riding, Yorkshire, trib. of the Don. Wentworth, tnshp. and vil., W. Kitling, Yorks, near Rotherhani. Wentworth, tn.. New South Wales, co. Wentworth, 500 m. W. Sydney. Wentworth River, Victoria, co. Dargo. 2G0 WEN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER WET Wentzvllle, vil., Missouri, St. Charles co., 45 m. W. St. Louis. Wenvoe, ti»., Tasmania, co. Devon. Weobly, 111. aiitl par., Uerefurdshire, 3 m. N. Moorhampton. Wer, tu., Ra.jputana, Bhartpur state. Werdau, tu., Saxony, 5 ui. W. Zwickau, on K. Pleisse. Pop. 14,661. Werden, tn., Rlienish Trussia, 16 in. NE. DUsselJoif. Werder, tn., Prussia, 5 ni. W. Potsdam, on K. Uavel. Werl, tn., Wiv^t[)lialia, Arnsberg, 9 m. W. Socst. Wermelaklrchen, vil., Rhenish Prussia, W. of Diisseldorf. Wennland, .Si f Carlatad. Werneth, tnshp., Cheshire, p.artly in Hyde, 4 m. NE. Stockport. Wenii, vil., Muttradist., N\V. Provs., India. Wemlgerode, tn., Prussian Saxony, In the Harz Mountains. Werra River, Germany, joins the Fulda to form the Weser. Werribeck River, Victoria, between cos. Grant and Bourke. Werrlbee, vil., Victoria, cos. Grant and Bourke. Wertach River, Bavaria, trib. of the Lech, near Augsburg. Wertheim, tn., Baden, 20 in. W. Wurzburg. Wesel, tn., Prussia, at junction of Lippe and Rhine. Pop. 20,73fi. Weaer River, Germany, falls into North Sea. Lat. 53° 30' N. Weasel, Cape, N. Territory, S. Australia, N. point of Wessel Island. Wessel Island, N. Territory, S. Australia, off Buckingham Bay. Wesson, vil., Mississippi, Copiah co., 45 ni. SW. Jackson. West Alexandria, vil., Ohio, Preble co., on Twin Creek. West Australia, W. part of Australia. 1,057,250 sq. m. P. 43,698. West Barna, vil., Haddingtonshire, 2 m. W. Dunbar. West Bay, S. Australia, in \V. coast of Kangaroo Island. West Bay City, vil., Jlicldgan, Bay co., on Saginaw R. Pop. 12,981. West BelleviUe, vil., Illinois, St. Clair Co., ou Richland Creek. West Bend, vd. anil tnshp., Wisconsin, cap. of Washington co. West Berkley, vil., California, cap. of Alameda co. Westborough, vil. and tnslip., Massacliusetts, Ontario co. West Botany, tnshp., New South Wales, co. Cumberland. Westbourne, par. and vil., Sussex, 2I m. from HavauL. Westbourne Park, dist., Middlesex, in W. London. West Boylston, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Worcester co. West Branch, set.. New Brunswick, co. Kent, j6 m. from Weldford. West Branch River John, vil., Nova Scotia, co. and 24 m. fx'oni Picton. West Bridgewator, bor., Pennsylvania, Beaver co., on Beaver R. West Brompton, dist., Middlesex, Kensington par. West Bromwich, bor. and i>ar., Staffordshire. Pop. 69,489. Westbrook, handet and tnshp., Maine, Cumberland co. West Brooklyn, \\\., Illinois, Lee CO., 47 ni. W. Chicago. West Brownsville, bor., Pennsylvania, Washington co. Westbory, tTi. and par., Wiltshire, 4^ m. S. Trowbridge. Westbury, jiar., tnshp., and vil., Shropshire, 13 m. from Shrewsbury. Westbnry, jiarl. div., Wiltshire. Pop. 52,669. Westbury, tnshp., Tasmania, cos. Westmorland and Durham. Westbury-on-Sevem, par. and vil., co. and 8 ra. SW. Gloucester. Weatbury-on-Trym, par. and vil., Gloucestershire, mostly in Bristol. West Calder, tu. and par., co. and 155 m. SW. Edinburgh. West Canada Creek, New York, trib. of the Mohawk 11, West Cape, New Zealand, on coast of co. Fiord. West Cape, S. Aiistralia, W. point of Yorke's Peninsula. West Carthage, vil.. New York, Jefferson co., on Black R. West Chazy, vil., New York, Clinton co. , 10 m. N. Plattsburg. West Chester, bor., Pennsylvania, cap. of Chester co. West Columbia, vil., W. Virginia, MassVc Linlithgowshire. Westmanland. lau, Sweden. I^t. 59° 50' N. 2631 sq. m, P. 136,977. Weatmanna Islands, off coast of Iceland. Lat. 63° 20' N. Westmeath, CO. Leinster, Ireland. Area 453,453 acres. Pop. 66,028. West Middlesex, bor., Pennsylvania, co. and 12 m. W. Mercer. Westminster, City, Middlesex, in W. London. Pop. 198,375. Westminster, div., Middlesex. Area 2539 acres. Westminster, tn., Maryland, cap. of Carroll co. Westminster, New, city, and former cap., Brit. Columbia, on Fraser R. Westminster Abbey, Mount. .See Leach, Mount, Westmoreland, vil. and tnshp., New York, Oneida co. Westmorland, co., England. Lat. 54" 44' N. 7S3 sq. m. P. 66,098. West New Brighton, vil,, New York, Richmond co. West Newbury, vil. and tnshp., Massachusett-s, Es-sex co. West Newton, bor., Pennsylvania, Westmoreland co. Weatoe, tnshp., Durham, within South Shields. Pop. 84,690. Weston, tnshp. and vil., Cheshire, Runcorn par. Weston, vil. and tnshp., Somersetshire, 2 m. from Bath. Weston, vil., Ontario, co. York, on R. Humber, 8i m. NW. Toronta Weston, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Platte co., on the Missouri R. Weston, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Wood co., 45 m. N. Lima. Weston, vil. and tnshp., Oregon, Umatilla co., 20 m. SE. Walla Walla, Weston, vil., W. Virginia, cap. of Lewis co., 25 m. S. Clarksburg. Weston Point, vil., Cheshire, 2 ni. SW. Runcorn. Weston's Mills, vil.. New York, Cattaraugus co,, on Alleghany R. Weston-super-Mare, spt. and par., Somerset, on Bristol Cliannel. Westover, vil., .Maryland, Somerset eo., 18 m. SW. Salisbury. West Penn. vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co. Westphalia, ]n-ov., Prussia. 51° 40' N., 8° E. 7800 sq. m. P. 2,428,736. West Point, W. extremity of Tasmania, co. Wellington. West Point, vil., Georgia, Troup co., on Chattahoochee R. West Point, \'\\. and tusltp., Iowa, Lee co., 11 m, NW. Fort Madison. West Point, vil. ami tnslip., Kentucky, Hardin co., ou Oliio R. West Point, vil., Mississippi, cap. of Clay co., 97 m. N. Meridian. West Point, vil. and tnshp., Nebraska, cap. of Cuming co. West Point, vil., N. York, Orange co., on Hudson R. iMilitary school. West Point, vil., Virginia, King William co., 3S m. E. Richmond. Westport, spt. and tnshp., co. Mayo, n ni. SW. Castlebar. Weatport, bor., New Zealand, co. Buller, 145 m, from Nelson. Westport, vil,, Ontario, co. Leeds, 18 m. from Perth. Weatport, city, tnshp., Missouri, Jackson co., 3 m. S. Kansas City. Westport, vil. and tnshp,. New York, Essex co., on L. Champlain. Weatport St. Mary, par., WUts, on W. side of Malmesbury, West Prussia, pr.>v,, Prussia, on Baltic Sea, Pop. 1,433,480. West Quarter, vil., Lanarkshire, 2 m. NE. Stnithavcn. West Randolph, vil., Vermont, Orange co,, 30 m. S. Montpelier. Westray and Papa Westray, par., Orkney. Area 13,585 acres. Westray Island, Orkney, t. and tnshp., Dnrhain, 5 m. N. Bishop Auckland. WUllngton, eccl. dist.. Northumberland, on R. Tyne. WllUngton Quay, tn., Northumberland, on U. Tyne. WlUink, \\\., New York, Erie co,, adjoining E. Aurora, WUUs Islands, Coral Sea, 40 in. N, Chilcott Island. WiUU River, Virginia, trib. of the James R. WilUflton, vil. and tnshp., S. Carolina, Barnwell co. WiUiton, tn,, Somersetshire, 14 ni. NW. Taunton. WiUmar, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, cap. of Kandiyohi co, WiUonghby, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Lake Co., on Chagrin R. WlUougliby Cape, S, Australia, E, point of Kangaroo I. WlUoughby Lake, vil. ami lake, Vermont, Orleans co. WiUoughby-on-the-Wolds, par. and vil,, Nottinghamshire. WiUow HIU, vil. ami tnshp., Illinois, Jasper co. WlUowmore, dist, and tn.. Cape Colony, Prince Albert dist. WiUow River, British Columbia, trib. of tlie Fmser R. WiUseyviUe, vil.. New York, Tioga co., 39 m. NE, Elniira, WlUshire, vil. and, tnshp,, Ohio, Van Wert co,, 25 ni, W. Delphos. WUl'a Point, vil., Texas, Van Zandt co., 31 ni. W. Minenla. WiUunga, tnshp,, S. Australia, co. and 30 m. S, Adelaide. WUmette, vil., Illinois, Cook co., on Lake Michigan. WUmlngton, par. and vil., Kent, ij^ni. S. Dartford. Wilmington, vil. and tnshp., California, Los Angeles co, Wilmington, city, Delaware, New Castle co., on Delaware R. P. 61,431. WUmington, vil, and tnshp,, Illinois, Will co., 16 m. SW. Joliet, Wilmington, city, N. Carolina, cap. of New Hanover co. P. 20,056. Wilmington, vil., Ohio, cap. of Clinton co., 55 in. NE. Cincinnati. Wilmington Island, Georgia, in mouth of the Savannah R. Wllmot, vil., Ohio, Stark co,, 13 ni, SW. Massillon. Wilmot Range, nitns,, Tasmania, cos. Montgomery and Arthur. WUmalow, tn. and par., Cheshire, on R. Bollin. Wilne, par., co. and 7 ni. SE, Derby. Area 5713 acres, Wilnecoto, ecel, dist., tnshp., and vil., Warwickshire, WUsden, eccl. dist. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorks, sni.NW. Bradford. Wilson, vil. and tnshp., Kansas, Ellsworth co., 23 m. SE. Russell, Wilson, vil. and tnshp,, New York, Niagara co., on Lake Ontario. Wilflon, vil., N. Carolina, cap. of Wilson co,, 84 ni. N. Wilmington. Wilson, vil,, Wisconsin, St. Croix Co., 14 m. NW. Menomonce. Wilson Islands, .^'C Exploring Islands, WUson River, New South Wales, falls into Port Macquarie. WUson River, Queensland, dist. S. Gregory. WUson's Beach, vil., New Brunswick, Campobello Island. WUson's Promontory, the S, extremity of Victoria. Lat. 39° S. WUsontown, vil,, Lanarkshire, 8j m. N, Carstairs. WUton, tn. and par., AViltshire, on R. Wiley. 51' 6' N., i" 52' W, WUton, par., Somersetshire, mostly in Taunton. WUton, par., N. Riding, Yorkshire, 4 in. S. Redcar. 4691 acres. WUton, par., Roxburghshire, mostly in Hawick, on R. Tweed. WUton Junction, vil,, Iowa, co. and 13 m. N. Muscatine. WUtahire, Co., England. Lat, 51° 20' X., 2° W, 866,677 ^^- P- 264,969. WUyerpa, mtn,, S. Australia, co. Hanson, on bortler of co. Derby. Wimbledon, tn, and par., Surrey, 7^ m. SW. Loudon, Pop. 25,758. Wimbledon, pari, div,, Surrey. Pop. 69,236. Wimbledon Park, eccl, dist., Surrey, within Wandsworth. Wimblington, par. and vil., N. Cambridgeshire, Wimborne, tn. and par,, Dorset, 7 m, from Poole, on R. Stour. Wimmera, dist., NW. Victoria. Area 25,000 sq, ni. Wimmera River, Victoria, betweeii cos. Lowan and Borung. Wimpfen, tn., Germany, Hessen, 7 m. N. Heilbronn. Wlnamac, vil., Indiana, cap. of Pulaski co., on Tippecanoe R. Win-ba-daw, vil., Shwe-gyin dist.. Lower Burma. Win-ba-daw Creek, Shwe-gyin dist., Lower Burma. Wlnburg, tn.. Orange Free State, on Vet R. Wlacanton, tn, and par., Somersetsliire, on R. Cale. Winceby Island, S. Australia, Sir Joseph Banks' Islamls. Wincham, tnshp., Cheshire, 2 m. NE. Nortliwich. Winchcomb, tn. and par., Gloucestershire, on R. Isborne. Winchelsea, tn. and par,, Sussex, 8 m. from Hastings. Winchelsea, tnshp., Victoria, cos. Grant and Grenville. Winchendon, vil. and tnshp., Massacluisetts, Worcester co. Winchester, city, HaiiLs. Lat. 51" 4' N., long, i" 15' W. Pop. 19,073. Winchester, vil. ami tnshp., lUiiinis, cap. of Scott co. Winchester, vil., Indiana, cap. of Ramlolidi co. Winchester, vil., Kansas, Jell'ersoti co., n m, W, Valley Falls. Winchester, vd. and tnshp,, Kentucky, cap. of Clark co, Winchester, vil. and tnshp., Ohio, Adams co., 32 m. E. Batavia, Winchester, vil., Ohio, Franklin co., 16 m. SE, Columbus. Winchester, vil., Oliio, Preble co., 5 m. N. West Elkton. Winchester, \ il., Tennessee, 85 m. SK. Nashville. Winchester, tn., Virginia, cap. of Frederi(!k co. Wlnchfield, jtar, and vil,, Hants, 4 ni. SW. Farnborongh. Winchmore HiU, eccl, dist., Middlesex, near Enfield. Wlndabout Lake, S. Australia, Great Salt Lake dist. Windau, spt. tn., Itussia, gov. Courlaud. I^at. 57° 23' N Wlndaunka Lake, New South Wales, co. Moutwingee, Windermere, lake, Westmorland and Lancashire, loj m. long. Windermere, tn, and par., Westmorlainl, on Lake Windernu're. Windermere, lake, German E. Africa, W. of the Victoria Nyanza. Windeyer, Mount, t^neensland, Mitchell, WIndfaU, vil., Indiiina, Tipton co., 13 m. SE. Kokoino, Wind Fell, mtn., Dumfriesshire, 7 ra. E, Moffat. Alt. 2180 ft. Windham, vil, and tnshp., Connecticut, Windham co. WlndhiU, gov. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 3 m. NE. Bradford. Windle, tnshp,, Lancashire, mostly in St. Helens. Wlndle Elf, riv., Sweden. Lat. 64' 58' N,, long, 19° E. Wlndlesham, par. and vil,, Surrey, 8 m. SW. Chertsey. Wlndleatraw Liw. mtn., CO, and 8 ni. NE, Peebles. Alt. 2161 ft Windmill Point, Virginia, SE. extremity of Lancaster co. Windom, vil., Miniusota, cap. of Cottonwood co. Wind River. .SVc, Big Horn River. Wind River Mountalna, Wyoming, in NW. part of the stato. Windruah River, (Jloinvster and Oxford shires, trib. of the Thames. Winds, VaUey of the, TibL-t. Lat. 37° 10' N.. long, ^f E, Windsor (New Windsor), bor. and par,, Berks, on R. Thames. P, 18.893. Windsor, eccl. dtst., Lancashire, 4 m. NE. Liverpool. Windsor, vil. and tnshp,, Connecticut, Hartford co. Windsor, vil. and tnshp., Illinoi.-<, Khrlhy co., 11 m. E, Shelby^'ille. Windsor, vil. and tnshp., Missouri, Henry co., 19 m. NR. Clinton. Windsor vil. and tnshp.. Now York, Broome co., 4 m. S. Nineveh. 263 WIN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER WOO Windsor, vil. and tnshp., N. Carolina, cap. of Bertie co. Windsor, suburb of and 4 ui. from Melbourne, Victoria. Windsor, tn., New S. Wales, co. Cumberland, 34 m. NW. Sydney. Windsor, tn., Ontario, Essex co., on Detroit K. Windsor, spt.. Nova Scotia, cap. of Hants co., 46 m. NW. Halifax. Windsor, Old, par. and vil., Berkshire, on U. Thames. Windsor Locks, vil. and tnslip., Connecticut, on Connecticut U. Windsor Mills, vil., Quebec, co. Richmond, on R, St. Francis. Windsor Point, New iiealaud, on SW. coast of co. Fiord. Windward Islands, W. Indies. Lat. 15" N., long. 73° W. Pop. 141,166. Windward Passage, Cul)a. Lat. 10' N., long. 73° 30' W. Windygates, vi!., Fifeshire, near Thornton Junction. Windy Lake, Keewatiu. Lat. 53° N., long. 96° W. Windynook, eccl. dist., Durham, adjoining Gateshead. Winfleld Junction, vil., New York, Queen's co., 3 ni. W. Flushing. Wing, par. and vil., Buckingliamsliire, in E. of co. Wingate, tnshp., Durham, 10 m. NW. Hartlepool. Wingates. eccl. dist., iSE. Lancashire, ailjoiniug Bolton. Wingau Inlet, Victoria, iu S. coast of co. Croajlngolong. Wingau Point, Victoria, on coast of co. Croajingolong. Wingen, tnshp., New Soutli W.iles, co. Brisbane, 182 m. N. Sydney. Wingfield, North, ]>ai',, tnshp., and vil., Derbysliire. Wingfield, Sonth, pur. and vil., Derbyshire, 2 ni. W. Alfreton. Wingfield Point, Ontario, Bruce co., in Georgian Bay. Wingham, p:ir. and vil., Kent, 6 m. E, Canterbury. Wingham, port and tnshp., New South Wales, co. Macquarie. Winike Berick, mtn., S. Australia, 25 ni. N. co. Buckingham. Winkfleld, vil, and par., Berkshire, 5 m. from Windsor. Winlaton, par. and tnshp., Durham, on R. Tyne. Winnebago, vil. and tiislip., Illinois, Winnebago co. Winnebago City, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Faribault Co. Winnebago Lake, Wisconsin, traversed by the Fox R. 21a sq. m. Winnebah, tn.. Upper Guinea, on Gold Coast. Wlnneconne, vil, and tnshp., Wisconsin, Winnebago co. Winnemusca, Lake, Nevada, Humboldt CO., near the Lake Range. Winnepiscogee, Lake, New Hampshire. Area 175 sq. m. Winnetka, vil., Illinois, Co'ik co., on Lake Jlichigau. Winnipeg, city, cap. of Manitoba. Lat. 50° N. Pop. 30,000. Winnipeg. Lake, Manitoba. Lat. 52° N., long. 97" W. 8500 sq. m. Winnipegosis. Lake, Manitoba. Lat. 52° N., long. 100* W. 1936 sq. m. Winnipeg River, Manitoba, falls into Lake Winnipeg. Winnsborough, vil,, Louisiana, cap. of Franklin par. Winnsbo rough, \'il., S. Carolina, cap. of Fairfield co. Winona, city, Minnesota, cap. of Winona co. Pop. 18,208. Winona, vil. and tushp., Mississippi, cap. of Montgomery co. Winooski Falls, ^il,, Vermont, Chittenden co,, on Winooski li. Winooski River, Vermont, falls into Lake Champlain. Winschoten, tn., Netherlands, 20 m. E. Groniugen. Winsen, tn., Hanover, 12 m. from Liiueburg. Winsford, vil. and local gov. dist., Cheshire. Pop. dist. 10,440. Winshill, tnshp., Derbyshire, mostly in Burton-on-Trent. Winsley-with-Limpley-Stoke, eccl. dist., Wilts, Bradford-on-Avon par. Winalow, tn. and par., co. and 6^ m, SE. Buckingham. Winslow, tn., Victoria, co. Villiers, 171 m. SW. Melbourne. Winslow, vil. and tnshp., New Jersey, Camden co. Winsted, bor., Connecticut, Litchfield co., 26 m. W. Hartford. Winster, tn. and tnshp., Derbyshire, 4 m. NW. Matlock. Winster River, Westmorland and Lancashire, to Kent estuary. Winston, i>ar., tnshp., and vil,, Durham, 6 ni. E. Barnard Castle, Winston, \i\, and tnshp., N. Carolina, cap. Forsyth co., near Sak-iu, Winterberg, tn., Bohemia, 27 m. SW. Pisek. Winterbergen, mtn. range, in E. of Cape Colony. Alt. 7806 ft. Winterbourne, par. and vil., Gloucestershire, 6^ m. NE. Bristol. Wlnterbrook, sulmrb of Wallingford, Berkshire. Wioterhoek Mountains, Cape Colony, 3 in. KW. Port Elizabeth. Winteringham, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, on R. Humber. wmtering Hills, Alberta, S. of Red Deer R. Winterport, vil. and t'l'-hp., Maine, Waldo co., on Penobscot R. Winters, vil., California, Yoloco., 22 ni. W. Sacramento. Winterset. tn., Iowa, cap. of Madison co,, on Middle R. Winterawyk, vil., Netherlands, Gelderland, 35 in. E. Ariihem. Winterthur, tn., Switzerland, Zurich, on R. Eulach. Pop. 15,805. Winterton, tn. and par,, Liucolnsh., 7J m, SW. Burton-on-Uumbt-i-, Winton, tn.. New Zealand, co. Southland, 19 m. NW. Invercargill. Winton, tn., Queensland, loiS m. NW. Brisbane. Winton, bur., Pennsylvania, Lackawanna co., 8 m. NE. Scrauton. Wintzenheim, tu,, Alsace, 3 m. W. Colmar. Winyaw Bay, S. Carolina, in coast of Georgetown co. Wiplppippee, nitu,, S. Australia, on Lake Gairdner. Wipperfiirth, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 23 m. from Cologne. Wipper River, Prussian Saxony, trib. of the Unstrut. Wipper River, Prussian Saxony, trib. of the Saale. Wipper River, Westphalia, trib, of the Rhine. Wire Island, Orkney, Rousay and Egilshay par. Wirksworth, tn., par., and tnshp,, co. and 13J m. NW. Derby. Wirral, ywA. div., Cheshire. Pop, 73,726. Wirral Peninsula, Clioshire. between the Mersey and the Dee, Wirtemberg, .Sec Wurtemberg. Wisbech, bor. an.l jvir., Cambridgeshire, Isle of Ely, on R. Nen. Wisbech St, Augustine, eccl. dist., Cambridgeshire. Wisbech St. Mary, par. and vil,, Cambria igeshire. Wisborough Green, par. and vil., Sussex, 6 m. NE. Petworth. Wiflby, tn., Sweden, cap. of Gottland Island. 57" 40' N., 18* 30' E. Wiscasset, \\\. and tnshp., Maine, cap. Lincoln co., on Sheepscot R, Wtschau, tn., Moravia, 19 m. E. Briinn. Wisconsin, state, U.S. 45" N., 90° W, 56,040 sq. ni. Pop. 1,686,883. Wisconsin River, Wisconsin, trio, of the Mississippi. Lat. 43° 5' N. Wishaw, bur. and q.s, par., Lanark, 15 m. SE. Glasgow. P. 14,869. WiBhnitza, tu., Austria, Bukowina, 38 lu. W. Czernowitz. Wiske River, N. Riding, Yorkshire, trib. of the Swale. Wislok River, Austria, Galicia, trib. of the San. Wismar, spt., Mecklenburg-Schweriu, on Baltic Sea. Pop. 15,797. Wissembourg. .Sir Weissenburg. Wiston, bor. and par., Pembrokeshire, ^\\\\, NE. Haverfordwest. Witham, tn. and par., Essex, 8 m. from Chelmsford. Witham River, Rutland and Lincolnshire, falls into the Wash. Wltlieridge, liar, and vil., Devonshire, 8 m. E. Chulmleigh. Withemsea, tnshp. and vil., E. Riding, Yorks, 4 m. NE. Patrington. Withlngton, tn. and tnshp,, Lancashire, beside Manchester. P. 2&,729. Withnell, tnshp., Lancashire, 5 m. SW. Blackburn. Withycombe Raleigh, par. and vil., Devon, 2^ m, NE. Exmouth. Withyham, par. and vil., Sussex, 6i ni. SW. Tnnbridge Wells. Witless Bay, set., Newfoundland, 22 m. S. St. John's. Witley, par. and vil., Surrey, 3^ in. SW. Godalniing. Witney, tn., par., and tnshp., co. and iij ni. W. Oxford. 51° 47' N. Witten, tn., Westphalia, 32 m. W. Arnsberg. Pop. 26,310. Wittenberg, tu., Prussian Saxony, on R. Elbe. Pop. 13,865. Wittenberge, tn., Prussia, prov. Brandenburg, 65 m. NW. Potsdam. Wittgensdorf, vil.. Saxony, near Chemnitz. Wlttingau, tn., Bohemia, 15 m. from Bndwcis. Witton, eccl. dist., Cheshire, mostly in Northwich. Witton, tnshp., Lancashire, mostly in Blackburn. Witton-cum Twambrooks, tnshp., Chesliire, within Northwich. Witton Gilbert, par. and vil., co. and 3 m. from Durham. Witton-le-Wear, par., tushj)., and vil., Durham, on R. Wear. Witton Park, eccl. dist., Durham, 4^ m. NW. Bishop Auckland. Wittstock, tn., Prussia, Brandenburg, 60m. NW. Berlin. Wita, country, German E. Africa. Lat. 2" S. Area 300 sq. m. Witwatersrand, gold region, S. African Republic. Lat. 27" S. Witzenhanaen, tn., Prussia, on R. Weira, 15 m. E. Cassel. Wiveliscombe, tu. and par., Somersetshire, gi m. NW. Taunton. Wivelsfleld, par. and vil., Sussex, 4 m. SE. Cuckliehl. Wivenhoe, tn. and par., Essex, on R. Colne. WiwikJ, Cape, New Zealand, between Taku Bay and Bay of Islands. Wladialawow, tn., Russian Poland, 25 m. NW. Mariampul. Wloclawek, tn., Russian Poland, on R. Vistula. Pop. 20,662. Wlodawa, tn., Russian Pnland, 72 in. SE. Siedlce. Wlozlawsk. .S't' Wloclawek. Wobum, Bucks. Sec Woobum Woburn, tn. and par., Bedfordshire, 6 m. NE. Leighton Buzzard. Woburn, vil. and tnshp., Massachusetts, Middlesex co. Pop. 13,499. Woburn Sands, eccl. dist., Bedfordshire and Bucks. Wodehouse, dist.. Cape Colony. Area 2849 sq. m. Pop. 28,955. Wodnian, tn., Bohemia, 12 m. from Pisek. Wodonga, tn., Victoria, co. Bngnng, 187 m, from Melbourne. Woerden, tu., Netherlands, S. Holland, on the Old Rhine. Woerth. .See Worth. Wohora, petty state, Bombay. Area 3^ sq. m. Woking, tu. and par., Surrey, on R. Wey, 24 m. SW. London. Wokingham, tn. and par., Berkshire, 7 in. from Reading. Wokingham, pari, div., Berkshire. Pop. 59,104. Wokingham River, Queensland, dist. N. Gregory. Wolborongh-with-Newton-Abbot, par. and local gov. dist., Devon. Wolcott, vil. and tnshp.. New York, Wayne co., 26 ni. SW. Oswego. Wolcottsville, vil.. New York, Niagara co., 5 m. S. Middleport. Wolcottville, vil., Connecticut, Litchfield co., 53 m. N. Bridgeport. Wolcottville, vih, Indiana, La Grange and Noble cos. Woldenberg, tn., Brandenburg, 66 m. NE. Frankfort-on-Oder. Wolds, The, chalk liill tract, NE. Lincolnslure. Wolds, The, chalk hill tract, E. Riding, Yorkshire. Lat. 53° N. Wolfboroiigh, vil. and tnshp., New Hampshire, Carroll co. Wolf Creek, vil. and tnshp., Pennsylvania, Mercer co. Wolfe Island, Ontario, iu R. St. Lawrence. Area 140 sq. m. WolfenbUttel, tn., Germany. Lat. 52° 10' N., 10" 30' E. Pop. 13,453. Wolf River, Kansas, trib. of the Missouri II. Wolf River, Mississippi, falls into St. Louis Bay. Wolf River, Wisconsin, trib. of the Fox R. Wolf Rock, off coast of Cornwall, 8 m. SW. Land's End. WolfviUe, spt., Nova Scotia, on Minns Bay. Wolgan River, New South Wales, waters ar. and vil., Worcestershire, partly in Kidderminster. Wolverton, tn. and par., Bucks, 2 m. NE. Stony Stratford. Wombat, vil., New South Wales, co. Ilanlen, 239 in. WSW. Sydney. Womboume, par. and vil., Staftbrdshire, ^J m. SW. Wolverhampton. Wombridge, par. and vil., Shropshire, 2.^ m. E. Wellington. Wombwell, tn., tnshp., AV. Riding, Yorkshire, 4^ m. SE. Barnsley. Womeladorf, bor., PeuusyWania, Berks co,, 74 m. W. Reading. Wonersh, par. and vih, Surrey, 3 in. SR, Guildford, Wonewoe, vil. and tushp., Wisconsin, Juneau co., on Bai'aboo R. Wongrowitz, tn,, Prussia, 32 m. NE, Posen. Wonnangatta River, Victoria, CO. Wonnangatta. Wooburn, tu. and par., Bucks, 4 m. SE. Wycombe. Wooda Bay, in coast of Devon, near Lynmouth. Woodah Island, N. Ter., S. Au.stralia, in Blue Mud Bay. Woodberry, vil., Maryland, co. and 2 in. NW. Baltimore. Woodbine, vil., Iowa, Harrison co.. on Boyer R., 9 m. NE, Logan. Woodborough, par. and vil., co. and 7^ m. from Nottingham. 264 woo THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER WYN Woodbrldge, tn. and par., SufTolk, on R. Deben, 79 lu. NE. London. Woodbridge, 11.11I. div., bullolk. Pop. 66,039. Woodbrldge, vil. and tnshp., New Jersey, Middlesex co. Woodburn, tushp., New South Wales, co. lions, 308 m. from Sj'dney. Woodbury, p^r. and vil., Devonshire, 5 ni. N. Exiiiouth. Woodbury, vil., lush p., Connecticut, Litchlield Co., ou Pomerang U. Woodbury, city. New Jersey, cap. of Gloucester cu. Woodbury, tn., Victoria, 49 ni. N\V. Melbourne. Woodchester, In., S. Australia, co. Ilindniarsli, 43 m. SE. Adelaide Woodchurch, par. and tnshp., Cliesliire, adjoining Birkenhead. Woodchurch, par. and vil., Kent, 7 ni. from Aslilurd. Wood Ditton, par. and vil., Cambridgeshire, 3 m. ri. Newmarket. Woodend, vil., Aberdeenshire, ou II. Dun, 1 m. NW. Auchniull. Woodend, tn., New Zealand, co. Ashley, 16 m. from Chnstchurch. Woodend, tn., Victoria, co. Dalliousie, 40 ni. from Melbourne. Woodford, par., Essex, 4J m. NE. Stratford. Pop. 11,024. Woodford, vil., Galway, 12 m. S\V. Portuiiina, Woodford, tushp., Victoria, co. Villiers, 166 m. from Melbourne. Woodford Bridge, eccl. dist. and vil., Essex, on li. Roding. Wood Green, eccl. dist., Middlesex, Tottenham par. Pop. 26,830. Wood Green, eccl. dist., StafTordsliire, partly in W. Bromwich. Woodhaven, vil., New York, Queen's co., 7 m. SE. New York. Woodhay, East, par. and vil., Hants, 4^^ m. S\V. Newbury. Woodhorn, I'.ir. and tushp., Northumberland, 8 m. NE. Morpetli. Woodhoufle, tushp. and viL, Leicesteraliire, 3^ m. S. Loughborough. Woodhouse, ecel. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire, within Leeds. WoodhouBe Eves, vil., eccl. dist., Leicester, 4 in. S. Luughborough. WoodhouBelee, tu., N. South Wales, co. Argyle, 144 m. SW. Sydney. Woodhouse-with-Bradley, eccl. dist., Y'orkshire, within Huddershekl. WoodlnUl, vil.. Illinois, Henry co., 14 ni. W. Galva. Wood Island, Maiue. Lat. 43° 27' 23" N., long. 70° 19' 25" W. Wood Lake, vit. and tnslip,, Wisconsin, Burnett co. Woodland, cilj-, Ciiiifurjiia, cap. of Yolo CO. Woodland, vil., I^eiiusylvania, co. and 6 m. from Clearfield Woodlands, eccl. dist., Hants, Kingsclere par. Woodlark Island, Pacihc Ocean. Lat. 9° S., long. 152° 40' E. Woodlesford, eccl. dist. and vil., W. Riding, Y'orkshire. Woodafield, vil., Ohio, cap. of Monroe co., 42 ni. SW. Bellaire. Woodalde, eccl. dist., Cheshire, within Birkenhead. Woodflide, eccl. dist., Gloucestershire. Woodaide, ecel. dist., Surrey, near East Croydon. Woodsido, eccl. dist., W. Riding, Y'orkshire, 5 m. NW. Leeds. Woodside, bur., co. and 2 ni. N\V. Aberdeen, on R. Don. Woodside, vil., Perthshire, 2^ in. SW. Coupar-Angus, Woodside, tnshp., S. Australia, co. and 23 m. E. Adelaide. Woodside, vil., New York, Queen's co., 6 ni. SE. Long Island City. Woods, L,ake of the, NW, IVr., Canada. Lat. 55' 30' N., 103° W. Wood's Lake, N. Ter., S. Australia, at the Asliburton Range. Woods Point, tnshp., Victoria, co. Wonnangattn. Woodstock, lior. and jiar,, co. and 8 m. NW. Oxford, on R. Glyme. Woodstock, pari, div., Oxfordshire. Pop. 60,464. Woodstock, jKjrt of entry, Ontario, cap. of Oxford 00., on R. Thames. Woodstock, ]iort of entry. New Brunswick, cap, of Carleton co. Woodstock, tn.. New Zealand, co. Westland. Woodstock, tn., Illinois, cap. of M'Henry co,, 51 m. NW. Chicago. Woodstock, \'\\. anar,, tnshp., and ^'il., Montgunieryshire and Shropshire. Worthing, tn., Sussex, on English Channel. Pop. 16,606. Worthington, vil., Indiana, Greene co., on Wliite R. Worthington, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, cap, of Nobles co. Worthington, vil., Oliio, Franklin co., 8 ni. N. Columbus. Wortley, tii.^hp., W. Riding, Y''orkshire, within Leeds. Wortley, tnslip. and vil., W. Riding, Yurkshire, 6 m. SW. Barnsh-y. Wortley, New. eccl. dist., W. Riding, Y'urksliire, within Leeds. Wotchish Mountains, Labradnr. Lat. 52' N., long. 70^ W. Wotton, vil., Quebec, CO. Wolfe, 11 ni. E. Danville. Wotton St. Mary, tnshp., co. and iiartly in city of Gloucester. Wotton-under-Edge, tn. and par., Gloucester.shire, 12 m. SW. Stroud. Wouldham, p:ir. and vil., Kent, on R, Medway. Woytchugga Lake, New South Wales, co. Young. Wragby, tn. and par., Lincolnsliire, 6 m. S. Market Rasen. Wrangeli Land, isl., Arctic Ocean. Lat. 70° 40' N., long. 178° 51' W. Wrangle, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, on the coast. Wrangthorn, eccl. dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire, within Leeds, Wrath, Cape, on coast of Sutherlandshire. Lat. 58" 38' N. Wrawby,, tnshp., and vil., Lincolnshire, partiy in Brigg. WraihaU, South, eccl. dist. and vil., Wilts, Bradfonl-ou-Avon par. Wreck Bay, Australia, iu Great Barrier Reef, off Queensland. Wrecklesham, eccl. dist. and vil,, Surrey, i\ tn. SW. Farnham. Wrekin, The, hill, Shropshire, 2J m. SW. Wellington. Wrenbury, par,, tnshp., and vil., Cheshire, on ii. Weaver. Wrenthorpe, eccl, dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire, near Wakefield. Wreschen, tn., Prussia, 40 m. E. Posen. Wrexham, bur., Denbigh and Flint shires, on R. Clywedog. P.12,652. Wrexham Abbot, tnshp., Denbighshiie, within Wrexham Wrexham Regis, tnshp., Denbiglishire, within Wrexham. Wribbenhall, eccl. dist., Worcestershire, on W. Severn. Wrietzen, tn., Prussia, on R. Oder, 33 m. E. Berlin. Wrightington, tnshp. and vil., Lancashire, 4 m, NW. Wigan. Wrlghtstowu, vil. and tnslip,, Wisconsin, Brown co., on Fox R. WrlghtsviUe, bor., Pennsylvania, Y'ork co., on Susquehanna R. WringcUS Bay, in N. coast of Devon, near Lynniouth. Wrington, par, and vil., Somersetshire, 6.V in. NE. Axbridge. Writtle, jiar. and vil., Essex, 2 m. W. Chelmsford. Wrockwardine, par. and vil., Shropshire, near Wellington. Wrockwardine Wood, eccl. dist., Sliropshire, partly in Wrockwardine. Wrotham, tu. and par., Kent, 6 m. from Sevenoaks. Wroughton, par. and vil., Wilts, 3 m. SW. Swintlon. Wroreter, vil., Ontario, co. Huron, mm. W. Toronto. Waetln, tn., Moravia, 33 ni. NE. Hradisli. Wu-Cliang, tn., China, llu-Pe. Lat. 30" 30' N., 114° E. P. 1,000,000. Wu-Chu, tu., China, Quang-Si, on Hong-Kiang. Wuer die- with- Wardle, tnshp., SE. Lancashire. Pop. 10.466. Wu-Hu, treaty port, China, on the Yang-tse-Iviaug. Pop. 60,000. WiiJfrath, tn., Rhenish Prussia, 6 m. W. Elbcrfeld. Wulur Lake, Kasliinir. Lat. 34° 20' N., long. 74° 37' E. Wumme River, NW. Gernniny, trib. of tlie Weser. Wun, dist., Berar. Area 391 1 sq. m. Pop. 471,600. Wun, taluk, Wun dist., Berar. Area 857 sq. m. Wun, cliief tn., Wun dist., Berar. Lat. 20° 3' N., long. 79° E. Wundwln, vil.. Upper Burma, Meiktila dist. Wunghnu, tn., Vii'toiia, 129 m. ^E. Melbourne. Wuusledel. ft\., Bavaria, 24 m, E. Bayreuth. Wuntho, vil.. Upper Burma. Lat. 23" 54' N., long. 95° 45' E. Wunzen,'VolTanu, J.-tpan, Kin-Sin. Alt. 4110 ft, Wupper River, Src Wipper River, Wumo, Africa, tn., Suudan, iB m. NE. Sokoto. Pop. 12.000, Wiirtemberg, kin;^duni, SW. Germany. 7530 S(i. m. Pop. 2,035,443. Wurtaborough, vil.. New York, Stdlivan co., 12 m. N. Middletun. Wiirzburg, tn., Bavaria. Lat. 49" 50' N., long. 9° 55' E. Pop. 60.844 Wurzen, tn,, Saxony, on R. JlvUde, 16 m. E, Leipzig. Pop. 12,006. Wu-Sung, tiL, China, Kiang-Su, 10 m. N. Shanghai. Wyandotte, city, Kan.^as, cap. of Wyandotte co, Wyandotte, city, Michigan, Wayne co., on Detroit R, Wyanet, vil, aiul tushp., Illinois, Bureau co., 2S m. SW. Mendota. Wybong, tu.. New South Wales, co. Brisbane, 168 m. NW. Sydney. Wybunbury, par., tnshp., and vil., Cliesliire, 3 m. 8. Crewe. Wycliffe, par., N. Riding, Yorkshire, on R. Tees. Area 2229 acres. Wycombe, bur., par., and tushp,, Bucks, 15 m. NW. Windsor. Wycombe, pari, div., Buckinghamshire, Pop. 66,792. Wycombe, West, par. and vil., Bucks, 2^ m. NW. Wycombe, Wycombe Old Borough, tushp., Buckinghamshire, within Wycombe. Wyo, tn. and par., Kent, 11 m. SW. Canterlmry. Wye River. Biickingliaiiishire, trib. of the Thames at Hedser, Wye River, Dcibysliiic, ti'ib. of the Derwent at Rowsley. Wye River, Wales and England, trib. of Severn, 2^^ m. S. Chepstow. Wye River, Maryland, arm of Chesapeake Bay. Wyg Lake. Russia. Lat. 67° N., long. 34° K. Wyhe, vil., Netherlands, Overyssel, 9 m. N. Dovontcr. Wyk, spt., Schleswig, on SK, coast of F'ihr. Wyke, ecel, dist., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 4 m. SW, Bradford. Wyke Rogls, par. and vil., Dorset, partly in Weymouth. Wylim. tush]». and vil,, Northumberland, Sj m. from Newcastle. Wyld'a Craig, mtn., Tasniatna, co. Franklin, Wymondham, tu. aud par., Noi-folk, loj^ m. SW. Norwich, Wymondham, par. aud vil., Leicestershire, 6 m. E. Melton Mowbray. Wynaad. Sa: Wainad. Wynberg, vil., I'ape Colony, 8 ni. fiom Cape Town. Wyndham, tn., N«'W i^ealaud, co. Sunlhlaud, 120 m. SW. Dunedin. Wyngene, vil., Belgium, 8^ m. S. Bruges. Wvnward nort of entry and tnshp., Tasmania, co. Wellington. 2G5 WYO THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER YEN Wyoming, ter., U.S. Lat. 43' N., ito° W. 97.575 sq. m. P. 60,705. Wyoming, vil., Delaware, Kentco., 3 m. SW. Dover. Wyoming, vil., Illinois, Stark co., 20 \\\. SW. Buda. Wyoming, vil. ami tiislip., Iowa, Jones co., 16 lu. SE. MontJcello. Wyoming, vil., Ohio, Hamilton co., 10 in. N. Cincinnati. Wyoming, vil., Pennsylvania, Luzerne co., 6 ni. N. Wilkesbarre. Wyoming, vil., Ontario, co. Lanibtnn, 46 in. W. London. Wyoming Valley, tract, Pennsylvania, Luzerne co. Wyre River, Lancashire, falls into the Irish >>ea. Wyrley, Great, eccl. dist., tnslip., and vil., Staflordsbire. Wyszgorod, tn., Russian Poland, gov. and 27 ni. E. Plock. Wythall, tccl. dist, Warwick and Worcester shires. Wytheville, vil., Virginia, cap. of Wythe co., 71 ni. E. Bristol. Xalapa. -Set' Jalapa. Xalisco. ^\e Jalisco. Xamiltepec, tn., Mexico, 70 m. S. Oajaca. Xanten, tn., Klienish Prussia, gov. Diisseldorf, 15 m. SE. Cleves. Xanthua, ruined city of Lycia, Asia Minor, near Kounik. Xarayes, periodical lake, Brazil, on R. Paraguay. Xenia, vil. andtnshp., Illinois, Clay co., 87 in. E. St. Louis, Missouri. Xenia, vil., Indiana, Miami co., 20 m. SE. Peru. Xenia, city, Ohio, cap. of Greene co., 65 ni. NE. Cincinnati. Xerea, tn., Spain, prov. and 35 m. E. Granada. Xertigny, tn., France, dep. Vosges, 9 m. S. Epinal. Ximena. Bee Jlmena. Xingu, River, Brazil, trib. of the Amazon. Lat. -z" S. Xochimllco, vil., Me.xico, 8 m. S. Mexico, oil Lake Xochimilco. Xucar River. .StT Jucar R. T, a branch of the Zuid- r Zee. Lat. 52° 24' N., long. 4° 50' E. Yaamba, tn., Queensland, co. Livingstone, 450 m. NW. Brisbane. Yablonoi Mountains, E. Asia, between Siberia and Manchuria. Yacarana River, Brazil. Lat. 4° 20' 8., long. 72" W. Yacata Island, Fiji. Yacka, tn., S. Australia, co. Stanley, 120 in. W. Adelaide. Yackandandah, tn., Victoria, 195 m. NE. Melbourne. Yadkin River, N. Carolina, Caldwell co. Yakima River, Washington, trib. of the Columbia R. Yakoba, city, Soudan, Sokoto, 200 m. E. Egga. Pop. 150,000. Yakova, tn.", Alb:inia, 67 ni. NE. Scutari. Pop. 25,000. Yakutsk, gov. Siberia. Area 1,517,063 sq. ni. Pop. 253,854. Yakutsk, tn., cap. of above, on the Lena. Lat. 62° N., long. 129" E. Yalafa, stn., Congo state. Lat. 0° 20' N., long. 24° 18' E. Yalding, ]iar. and vil., Kent, 5^ ni. SW. Maidstone. YaJkalpo, Lake, S. Australia, between New S. Wales and L. Froine. Yallackar, Lake, Victoria, co. Lowan. Yalla Creek, Victoria, co. Lowan. Yalobusha River, Mississippi, Chickasaw co. Yalta, spt., Crimea, 32 ni. W. Sevastopol. Yalu-Kiang, river, W. Corea, falls into Yellow St^a. Yalutrovsk, tn., Siberia, 120 m. S. Tobolsk, on Tobol R. Yamachiche, vil., Quebec, St. Maurice co., on the Yamachiche R. Yamaska, vil., Quebec, co. and 31 \\\. N. St. Hyaciuthe. Yamaska, River, Quebec, Brome Co., falls into Lake St. Peter. Yamaska River, Qiirliec, Baf^ot CO., trib. of St. Lawrence. Yamba, .spt.. New South Wales, co. Clarence. Yambuk, tnshp., Victoria, co. Villiera, 199 in. SW. Melbourne. Yambunga, tn., Africa, on R. Congo, 1270 in. from its mouth. Yamburg, tn., Russia, gov. and 68 m. SW. St. Petersburg. Yambuya Rapids, Africa, Congo Free State, on Aruwimi R. Yamina, tn., Africa, Bambarra state, on the Niger. Yampah River, Colorado, falls into Green R. Yampol, tn., Russia, gov. Podolia, 75 m. E. Kamieniec. Yamak, tn., £. Siberia, 380 ni. E. Okhotsk. Yanaon, Freneh settlement, Madias. Lat. 16° 44' N. 2258 ac. Yana River, Silieria, falls into Arctic Ocean. Long. 137° E, Yanbo. S'-'c Yembo. Yancowinna Creek, New South Wales, co. Yancowinna. Yandua Island. Fiji, W. of Vanua Levu, 12 m. in circumference. Yanga Lake, New" South Wales, co. Caira, 15 m. S. iiliu-rurabidgee. Yangaaa Islands. Fiji, group of coral islands. Yang-Tchu, city, China, prov. Kiang-Su, 50 ni. NE. Nanking. Yang-tse-Kiang, riv., China, S. of the Hoang-Ho, 3000 m. long. Yanimbo Creek. New South Wales, co. White. Yanina. Stc Janlna. Yanitza, tn., Turkey, 30 ra. W. Salonika. Yankalilla, tu., 8, Australia, co. Hindmarsh, 46 in. S. Adelaide. Yankalilla Bay, S. Austialia, in coast of co. Hindmarsh. Yanko Creek, New ^ji'utlt Wales, joins the Murrumbidgee R. Yankton, rify, rap. of S. Dakota, on Missouri R. Lat. 43° N. Yantara Lake, New S. Wales, co. Yantira, 60 m. S. Queensland border. Yantawena, Lake, S. Australia, 40 m. SE. Lake Frome. Yantlet Island, Kent, in R. Thames, near the London Stone. Yan-Yean, tnshp., Victoria, co. Evelyn, 20 m. from Melbourne. Yao-Nan, ar. and ^■il., co. and 8 m. SE. Northampton. Yardleyville. vil., Pennsylvania, Bucks co., 4 m. NW. Trenton. Yardville, vil., New Jersey, Mercer co., 5 ni. SE. Trenton. Yare, River, Norfolk, falls into the sea at Yarmouth. Yarkand, city, Cliinese Turkestan. Lat. 38° 30' N., 76° E. P. 120,000. Yarkand River. Chinese Turkestan, trib. of Tarim R. Yarm, tn. and i>ar., N. Riding, Yorkshire, 4 m. SW. Stockton. Yarmouth, spt. and par., Isle of Wight, 10 m. W. Newport. Yarmouth, Great, spt. and par., Norfolk and Suffolk. Pop. 49.318. Yarmouth Roada, between Yarmouth and line of sandbanks. Yaroslav, i,'"V., Russia. Area 13,750 sq. m. Pop. 1,071,518. Taroslav, city, cap. of above. Lat. 57° 36' N.. 40° 12' E. P. 34,799, Yarpole, ]'ar." and vil., Herefordshire, 5 in. NW. Leominster. Yarra Glens, tn., Victoria, co. Evelyn. Yarragon, tnshp., Victoria, co. Buln-Buln. Yarram Yarram, tn., Victoria, 181 m. SE. Sydney. Yarrawonga, tn., Victoria, co. Moira, 162 ni. NE. Melbourne. Yarra Yarra River, Victoria, CO. Evelyn. Lat. 37' 45' S., 146" o' E. Yarriambiack Creek, Victoria, co. Borung. Yarriba, state. Upper Guinea, NE. Dahomey. Pop. 3,000,000. Yarrowee River, Victoria, CO. Grenville. Yarrow Water, .Selkirkshire, issues from St. Mary's Loch. 55' 35' N. YartlaLake, New South Wales, co. Windeyer, between Darling R. and .\na Branch. Yasawa Islands, Fiji, NW. of V^iti Levu. Highest point 781 ft. Yass, tn., New S. Wales, cos. King and Murray, 187 m. SW. Sydney, Yate, par. and vij., Gloucestershire, 7^ m. SE. Thorubury. Yateley, par., tnshp., and vil., Hants, 4^ m. NW. Faruborough. Yates City, vil., Illinois, Knox CO., 2 in. W. Elmwood. Yatesville, bor., Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co., 2 m. NE. Shenandoah. Ya-theh-myo, ruins of anc. cap. of Prome Kingdom, Lower Burma. Yatina, tn., S. Australia, co. and 169 m. N. Adelaide. Yatton, i-ar. and vil., Somersetshire, 7 m. N. Axbridge. Yank-thwa River, Lower Burma, trib. of the Sit-taung. Yaurl, tn., Africa, Soudan, 65 m. N. Bussa, on R. Niger. Yawal, tn., Khandesh dist., Bombay. Yailey, par, and vil., Huntingdonshire, 4^ m. S. Peterborough. Yazoo, vil., Missouri, cap. of Yazoo co., 45 m. NE. Wieksburg. Yazoo, River, Missouri, Leflore co., joins the Mississippi R. Yberg, vil, Switzerland, 7 m. NE. Schwytz. Y Drosgl, nitn., Carnarvonshire, aA m. SE. Llanfairfechan. 2300 ft. Y Drosgl, nitn., Carnarvonshire, 4 m. S. Aber. Alt. 2478 ft. Ye, tn., Amherst dist., Lower Burma. Yea, tn., Victoria, co. Anglesey, 80 m. NNE. Melbourne. Yeadon, tn. and tnshp., W. Riding, Yorkshire, 3 m. S. Otley. Yeagertown, vil., Pennsylvania, Alifflin co., 3 m. N. Lewistown. Yealm, River, Devonshire, falls into the English Channel. Yealmpton, ]>ar. and vil., Devon, on B. Yealm, 6J m. SE. Ptyiunnth. Yeata Island, Fiji, about 12 m. N. Vatu-Rem. Yebenea, tu,, Spain, 21 m. S. Toledo. Yecla, tu., Spain, prov. and 44 m. N. Murcia. Pop. 16,276. Yedator, taluk, Mysore dist. and state. Area 168 sq. in. Yedator, vil., Mysore dist. and state, India. Yeddo. See. Toklo. Yedehalli, vil., Kadur dist, Mysore, India. Yedenalkenad, taluk. Coorg, India. Area 201 sq. ni. Yediyur, vib, Tumkur dist., Mysore. Lat. 12' 59' N., long. 76* 55' E. Yefremov, tn., Russia, gov. and 78 m. SE. Tula. YegoryevBk, tn., Russia, gov. Riazan, 57 in. E. Moscow. Ye-gyl Creek, Basseiu dist.. Lower Burma, falls into the Bassein R. - Ye-gyi-pan-daw, tn., Bassein dist.rLowerBurma. 17" 19' N., 95' 10' B. Yeisk, spt., Russia, gov. Kuban, on Sea of Azof. Pop. 23,726. Yekah Creek, Queensland, dist. Leiehhardt. Yekaterinburg, tn., Russia, gov. Perm, E. of Ural Mtns. Pop. 31,y27. Yekaterinodar, tn., Russia, cap. of Kuban. Pop. 27,347. Yekaterinograd, tu., Russia, gov. Stavropol, on the Terek. Yekaterinoalav, gov., S. Russia. Area 26,147 ^1- *«• ^^p. 1,905,538. YekaterinoBlav, tn., cap. of above. Lat. 48° 28' N. Pop. 46,876. Ye-kin, tn., Tharawadi dist., Lower Burma. Yelabuga, tn., Russia, gov. and 210 m. S. Viatka, on the Kama. Yelagiri. hill tract, Salem dist., Madras. Highest point 4437 ft. Yelahacka, vil., Bangalore dist., Mysore. Ye-lamaing, tnshp., Amherst dist., Lower Burma. Yelamanchili, vil., Vizagapatam dist., Madras, Yelandur, ialnk, Mysore dist. and state. Area 73! sq. m. Yelandur, hd-p'^. tn., Yelandur tahik. Lat. 12° 4' N., long. 77° 5' B. Yelatom, tn , Russia, gov. and 158 m. N. Tambov, on the Oka. Yeldham, Great, par. and vil., Essex, 6i m. NW. Halstead. Yeletz, tn., Russia, gov. and 102 m. E. Orel, on the Sosna. P. 39,302. Yelisavetgrad, tn., Russia, gov. and 130 m. N. Kherson. Pop. 58,496. Yelisavetpol. gov., SE. Transcaucasia. Ar. 17,047 sq. ni. P. 729,876. Yelisavetpol, tu., cap. of above, 90 m. SE. TiHis. Pop. 18,977, YeU, Mid and South, par., N. Shetland. Area 35,365 acres. Yetlapur, sub-div.. North Kanara dist., Bombay. Area 589 sq. m. Yellapur, hdqrs. tu., Yellapur sub-div. Lat. 14° 58' N., 74''.45' E. Yell Island, second largest of Shetland Isls., 25 m. N. Lerwick. Yellow Creek, Missouri, Sullivan co., joins Grand R. in Carroll co. Yellow Creek, Ohio, rises in Carroll co., empties into the Ohio B. Yellow Head Pass, Brit. Columbia, over the Rocky JItns. Lat. 54° N. Yellow Medicine River, Minnesota, empties into Minnesota R. Yellow River, Alabama and Florida, falls into Pensacola Bay. Yellow River, Indiana, rises in Marshall co. Yellow River, Wiscon.sin, rises in Clarke co. Yellow River, China. Sec Hoang-Ho. Yellow Sea, part of the Pacilic Ocean. Lat. 35° N., long. 125° E. Yellow Springs, vil., Ohio, Green co., 74 m. NE. Cincinnati. Yellowaton© Lake. Wyoming, 22 m. long. Alt. 7788 ft. Yellowstone Mountains, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. 44° 30' N., 110' W. 3575 sq. m. Yellowstone River, Wyoming, falls into Lake Yellowstone, 600 in. long. Yeltacowie Creek, S. Australia, Great Salt Lake dist, Yelusavira, tahik, Coorg, India. Area 91 sq. m. Yembo, spt., Arabia, Hedjaz, 130 m. SW. Medina. Yemen, dist., in SW. Arabia. Lat. 16° N., long. 45* E. Pop. 266,000. Yemiganur, tn., Bellary dist., Madras. Lat. 15° 46' N.,long. 77" 31' E. Yenangyoung, tn., Upper Burma, on the Irawadi, 60 m. SW. Ava. Yencanya Creek, New South Wales, co. Yantara. Yengarie. tnslip., Queensland, co. March, 120 m. NW. Brisbane. Ye ni Bazar, tn., Bulgaria, 14 m. NE. Shumla. Yenikale, In., S. Russia, Crimea, 65 m. E. KafTa. Yenikale, Strait of, entrance from Black Sea to Sea of Azof. 266 YEN THE GRAPHIC GAZETTBER ZEE Tenlaei River, Siberia ami Mongoxia. La«. 72° N., long. 87° E. Tenlseiak, gov., Silieria. Area 992,829 sq. in. Pop. 447,076. YeniBeisk, In. of above, on the Yenisei. Lat. 58^ 30' N., lonj,'. 92" E. Tenne. tn., France, dep. Savoie, on the Rhone. Yen-Ngan-Fu, tn., China, prov. Shen-Se, on the Yan-IIo. Yen-Ping Fn, tn., China, prov. Fo-Kien, on the Min-Uo, Yentabnngee Like, New Soutli Wales, co. Fitzgerald. Yeo, River, Dorset and Somerset, trib. of the Parret. Yeo, River, Devon, Hows E. to the Torridge, below Littlebam. Yeola, sub-div., Nasik dist., Bombay. Area 412 sq. m. Yeola, chief In., Ycola sub-div. Lat. 20° 4' N., 74° 30' E. Yeotmal, iolnky Wuii dist., Berar. Area 909 sq. m. Yeovil, bor. and par., Somerset, on R. Yeo, 22 m. SE. Bridgwater. Yeo Yeo Creek, New South Wales, co Bland. Yepea. tn., Spain, 22 ni. E. Toledo, Yerlmo, Cape, Japan. Lat. 42" N., long. 142° 40' E. Ye River, Lnuer Burma, falls into tlie sea in lat. 15" 5' N. Yerkad, tn. and sanitarium, Salem dist., Madras. Yemigudem, tuluk, (Jodavari dist., Madms. Area 1107 sq. m. Yernagudem, hilqrs. vil., Yeriiagndem diltik. Yeihil Irmak River, Asia Jlinor, falls into the Black Sea. YeBhil-Kul, laku, Chinese Turkestan, 20 ni. NE. Iveria. Yeaso Island, Japan. Lat. 42° N. Area 37,739 sq. m. Pop. 245,805. Yeste, til., Spain, prov. and 50 m. SW. Albacete. Yes Tor, mm., Devon, Dartmoor, 3ni. SW. Okehanipton. Alt. 2050 ft. Ye-su-daing Creek, Thun-Rwa dist.. Lower Burma. Yeiholm, par. and vil., Roxburghshire, 7J m. SE. Kelso. Yetminster, par., tiishp., and vil., Dorset, 4^ m. SE. Yeovil. Yettumanur, fifhtl;, Travancore, Madras. Yeulba, tn., Queensland, 281 m. W. Brisbane. Yewbarrow, mtn., Cumberland, on Wast Water. Alt. 2058 It. Yewaley, ecul. dist. and vil., Middlesex, 2J m. S. Uxbiidge. Yezd, prov., Persia, S. Khorassan. Lat. 32" N., 54" 50' E. P. 40,000. Y Foel Fras, nitn., Carnarvonshire, 4 m. SE. Aber. Alt. 3091 ft. Y Garn, mtn,, Carnarvonshire, 3 m. E. Llanberis. Alt. 3T07 ft. Y Garnedd Ooch, mtn., Carnarvonsliiie, 5 ni. W. Beddgelert. 3215 ft. Yguazu River, Brazil. Lat. 25° 30' S., long. 53' ^o' W. Yi, tn., Uruguay. Lat. 33° 2S' S., long. 56' 5' W. Yiewsley. See Yewsley. Yiag-Tszu, tn.. Mancluuia, near Gulf of Leao Toug. YnyBcynhalarn, par., Carnarvonshire, on the coast. Ynys Head, promontory, Cornwall, 2 ni. NE. Lizard. Yockanockany Creek, Mississippi, Choctaw co., enters Pearl K. Yoh-na-pata-fa River, Mi.ssissippi, Pontotoc CO. Yoker, vil., Kenfrew and Dumbarton shires, on R. Clyde. Yokoliami, spt., Japan. Lat. 35" 15' N., long. 139° 30' E. P. 119,783. Yola, 'ity, Soudan, cap. of kingdom of Adamawa, near Benue H. Yongala, tn., S. Australia, co. Dalhousie, 159 m. N. Adelaide. YoQkers, city. New York, Westchester co., on Hudson R. P. 32,033. Yonne, dep., France. Lat. 48° 25' N., 3° E. 2868 sq. m. P. 385.364. Yonne, River, France, deps. Nievre and Yonne, trib. of the Seiu-'. York, city, co. tu. of Yorkshire, 188 m. NW. London. Pop. 66,984. York, vil., Nfbraska, cap. of Nebraska co., 26 m. W. Seward. York, city and tnshp., Pennsylvania, cap. of York co. Pop. 20,793. York, tn., W. Australia, 77 m. E. Perth. York, Cape, Qticen.sland, N. extremity of Australia. Yorke Point, S. Australia, co. Fcrgusson, 171 ni. tVnni Adelaide. Yorkea Peoinaula, S. Australia, between Sjiencer Gulf and Gulf of S(. Vincent. Yorke Town, station, S. Australia, 00. Fcrgusson, 171 ni. W. .\delaide. York Islands, New Guinea, 90 m. NK. Cape York. York Peninsula, capi', (Queensland, N. part of dist. Cook. York River, Quebec, o. Gasp/-, Hows 100 m. E. to Gaspe Basin. York River, Virginia, King William co., 120 ni. long, Yorkshire, maritime CO., Eu^'laud. Area 3,882,851 acres. P. 3,208,813. Yorkshire, East Riding of, SE. part of CO.' 750,828 acres. P. 399,412. Yorkshire, North Riding of, N. part of co. 1,361,664 acres. P. 368,237. Yorkshire, West Riding of, W. and SW. part of CO. Area 1,766,380 ac. Pop. 2,441.164. York Sound, W. Australia. Lat. 14" 40' S., long. 125' E. York Town, ectd. dist. and vil., Surrey, 3 m. SW. Bagshot. Yorktown, \il., Viiginia, cap. of York co., on York 11. Yorkville, \ il., Ontario, co. York, ij m. N. Toronto. Yorkville, bor., Pennsylvania, SchuvlkiU co., near Pottsville. YorkviUe, vil.. S. Carolina, cap. of York co., 20 m. N. Chester. Yoruba. See Yarriba. Yocemlte Valley, California. Lat. 37' 30' N., long, iig" 30' W. Youghal, spt., tushp., and i>ar., co. Cork. Lat. 51" 56' N., 7' 50' W. Youghalarra, par., N'W. en. Tipperary, 5 m. NW. Nenagh. Youghiogheny River, Virginia, ftlarylanar. partly in Denbighshire. Ysptty Cynfyn. eccl. dist., Cardiganshire, loj m. E. Abcrystwith. Ysael, River, .Vethcrlands, arm of the Rhine, to Zuidor Zee. Yaael, River, Utrecht and S. Holland, arm of the Leek. Ysselmonde Island. S. Holland, opposite Rotterdam. YBBlngeaux, tn., Fiance, dep. Haute- Loire, 13 m. NE. Le Puy. Yatad, spt., Sweden, 36 m. E. Malmo. Ystradgnnlaia, par., Brecknockshire, 12^ m. NE. Swansea. Ystradguniaia, Lower, tnshp,, Brecknockshire. Yatrad Rhondda. See Ystradyfodwg. Ystradvelltey, par., vil., Brecknockshire, 11 m. NW. Mertbyr Tydfil. Ystradyfodwg, par., tusliji., and local gov. dist., Glamorgan. P. 88,350. Yawith, River, Cardigan and Montgomery shires, falls into the sea. Ythan, River, Aberdeenshire, falls into the North Sea at Newburgb. Ythan Wells, quoad sacra par., Aberdeenshire, 9 m. E. Huntly. Y Try fan, mtn., Carnarvonshire, 5 ra. SE. Bethesda. Alt. 3000 ft. Yuba City, vil., California, cap. of Sutter co,, n m. N. Wheatland. Yuba, River, California, Sierra and Nevada cos., joins Feather R. Yucatan, state, Mexico. 20' N., 89° W. 28,185 sq. m. Pop. 582,602. Yuen-Hwa, tn., China, prov. Che-Kiang. Pop. 100,000. Yuen-Kiang. river, China, prov. Hn-Nan, rises in Lake Tong- Tiiig-Hu. Ynglo Creek, New South Wales, co. Gij^ps. Yugor Strait, Russia. Lat. 6S' 30' N., long. 60' E. Yukon, River, Canada and Alaska. Length 2300 m. Yuk-Shan, tn., China, prov. Kiang-Si, near source of Kan-Kiang. Yulo, Mount, New Guinea, go m. NN W. Mt. Owen Stanley. 13, 206 ft. Yule Island, New Guinea, N. of Cape Suckling. Yule River, W. Australia. Lat. 21° S., long. nS' 25' E. Yuma, vil., Arizona, cap. of Yuma CO., 247 m. WNW. Tucson. Yun-Nan, piov., China, bordering on Burma. Area 122,456 sq. HI* Pop. 11,721,676. Yunquera, tu., Spain, prov. and 33 m. W. Malaga. Yunta Creek. S. Australia, co. Herbert. Yunzu-lia River, Tenasserim div., Lower Burma. Yurie vPolskoi, tn., Russia, gov. and 25 m. NW. Vladimir. YuTuary, ter., Colombia. Area 81,144 sq. ni. Pop. 20,510. Yuaafzai, sub-div., Peshawar dist., Punjab. Area 1097 sq. m. Yuthia. See Ajruthia. Yverdun, tn., Switzerland, cant. Vaud, 18 ni. N. Lausanne. Yvetot, tn., France, dep. Seine-Inferieure, 20 ni. NW. Rouen. Yvre-l'Eveque, vil., France, dep. Sarthe, 3 ni. E. Le Mans. Ywe, one of the mouths of the Irawadi, Burma, 60 ni, long. Y Wyddfa, mtn., Carnarvonshire, summit of Snowdon. Alt. 3571 ft. Yzeure, tn., France, dep. Allier, 2 ni. from Moulins. Zaandam, tn., Holland, 4 m. NW. Amsterdam. Zahakano, tn., W. Africa, 250 m. N. Abomey. Zabem, tn., Alsace, 27 m. NW. .Strasbnrg. Zaborze, tn., Prussian Silesia, gov. and 45 ni. SE. Oppeln. 2ab River, Turkish Kurdistan, 200 m. to the Tigris. Zacapa, tni.. Cent. America, 70 ni. NE. Guatemala. Zacatecas, state, Mexico, ou I'ropic of Cancer. 22,998 sq. m. P. 526,066. Zacatecas, cap. of above. Lat. 23" N., long. 102° \V. Pop. 60,000. Zadonak, tn., Russia, gov. and 53 ni. N. Voronezh, on R. Don. Zafarabad, vil, , Fatehpur dist., NW. Provs., India. Lat. 26° o' N. Zafaran-Boli, tn., Asia Minor, gom.'N. Angora. Pop. IB, 000. Zafarwal, tohik, Sialkot dist., Punjab. Zafarwal, hdqrs. tu., Zafarwal taluk. Lat. 32° 22' N., long. 74* 54' E. Zaffaimno, In., Sicily, 12 ni. N. Catania, on Mount Etna. Zaffarln lalanda, Mediterranean Sea, off Morocco ; belong to Spain. Zafra, tn., Spain, 37 m. SE. Badajoz. Zagarolo, tn., Italy, prov. and 19 ni. E. Ronie. Zagazig, tn., Egypt, on Sweet- Water Canal, 75 ni. NW. Suez. P. 19,815. Zagora, Mount, name of Mts. Peliou and Helicon. Zaidpur. tn., Bara-Banki dist., Oudh, India. Zaire, Portuguese name of the River Congo. Zaiaan, Lake, Soungaria, 80 m. long. Lat. 47° 30' N., long. 83° 84' E. Zalamea, tn., Spain, prov. and 74 m. "K. Badajoz. Zalamea la Real, tn., Spain, 45 m. AV. Seville. Zaiathna, tn., Transylvania, 18 ni. W. Karlsburg, Zaleaezyky, tn,, Austria, Galicia, on the Dniester. Zaleskl, vil., Ohio, Vinton co., 140 m. E. by N. from Cincinnati. ZaloBze, tn., Austria, Galieia, on the Sered. Zalun, tn. and tnshp., Burma, Pegu div. Lat. 17" 27' N-, 95° 37' E. Zamaniah, tnhsil, Ghazipur dist., NW. Provs., India. Zamaniah, hdqrs. tn., Zamaniah tahsil. Lat. 25° 25' N., 83' 35' E. Zambezi, River, Afi-ica, Hows to Mozambique Channel. 18" S., 36' E. Zamboanga. S<'f Samboangan. Za-ml River, Amherst dist., Lower Burma. Zamora, jirov., Spain. Area 4098 sci. m. Pop. 269,621. Zamora, tn., Sjtain cap. of above, on R. Douro. 41" 35' N., 5' 45' W. Zamora, SW. cent, state, Venezuela. Pop. 247,502. Zamosz. tn., Russian Poland, gov. and 50 m. SE. Lnblin. Zana, Lake. Sec Dembea. Zandveld, sandy region. Cape Colony, on coast, W. of Brocde R. ZaneavUle, city, Ohio, cap. of Muskingum co. Pop. 21,009. Zante, one of the Ionian Isls. Lat. 37" 50' N., 20" 50' E. Pop. 44,522. Zante, cap. of the above, on E. coast. Pop. 16,260. Zanzibar, tn., E. Africa, on Zanzibar Islaml. Pop. 100,000. Zanzibar Islands, E. Africa. 5' 43' toe" 28' S. 1020 sq. m. P. 150.000. Zapotla, tn. , Mexico, state Jalisco, 100 m. NE. Colima. P. 20,000. Zara, spt., Austria, cap. of Dalmatia. Lat. 44° 5' N., 15' 10' E. Zarev, tn., Russia, gov. Astrakhan. Zarla, tn., Soudan, cap. of Zeg-Zeg. Lat. 12* N., 8° E. Pop. 50,000. Ziruma, tn., Ecuador, 25 ni. NW. Loja, on R. Tumbez. Zaalav, tu., Russia, Volhynia, 20 m. SE. Ostrog. Zataa River, Portugal. Lat. 38' 55' N., long. 8° 25' W. Za-tha-lyln, vil., Amherst dist., Ijowcr Burma. Zawoja, in , Austria, Oalicia. near Wadowice. Zayaa Island, Btrtish Columbia. Lat. 54" 30' N., long. i:;9' 55' W. Zayl, ruined city, Mexico, Yucatan, 70 m. S. Merida. Zbaraaz, tn., Austria, Galieia, 12 ni. NE. Tainopol. Zea, and tn., Greece, in the Cyclades, 13 m. E. Cape Colonua. Zealand, isl., Denmark, between Baltic, Sea and Cattegat. P. 722,088. Zebayer lalanda. Red Sea. Lat. 15° N., long. 42' E. Zebid, tn., Yemen, Arabia, 110 m. SW. Sana. Zebu, cap. of Zebu Island, Philippines. Zebu Island, oTie of the Philipi»ines, E. nf Ncgros. Pop. 320,000. Zeeland, prov., Netherlands, on tlio North Sea. Pop. 201,067 267 ZEE THE GRAPHIC GAZETTEER Z7M Zeeland, vil., Michigan, Ottawa co., 20 in. SW. Grand Rapids. Zeemst, gold-field, S. African Rep. Lat. 25° 30' S., long. 26° 40' E. Zeg-Zeg, kin^'doin of tlie Soudan, Africa. Lat. 12° N"., long. 10° E. Zeiirl, tn., Baluchistan, cap. of prov. Jhalawan, 35 m. E. Kelat. Zeiia, N(« Zeyla. Zeist, vil., Netherlands, 5 m. E. Utrecht. Zeithan, tn., Asia Minor. Pop. 20,000. Zeitz, tn., Prussian Saxony. Lat. 51° 5' N., 12° 5' E, Pop. 21,680. Zelaya, tn., Jlexico, state and 35 m. SE. Guanajuato. Zele, tn., Belgium, E. Flanders, 4 m. NW. Dendemionde. Zell, Lake of, the lower part of Lake of Constance, ^.t'. Zellerfeld. tn., Hanover, oiiposite Clausthal. Zembra Island, N. Africa, at entrance to Gulf of Tunis. Zempelbtirg, tii., W. Prussia, 61 ni. W. Marienwerder. Zeng, spt., Croatia, 48 m. SW. Karlstadt. Lat. 45" N., 14° 50' E. Zenjan, tn., Persia, prov. Irak-Ajemi, 133 ni. N. Hamadan. P. 15,000. Zenta, tn., Hungary, on the Theiss. Pop. 21,000. Zerafshan, gov., Russian Turkestan. E. of Bokhara. Pop. 394,446. Zerbst, tn., Geruiauy, Anhalt. Lat. 52' N., 12° 5' E. Pop. 15,069. Zemagora, native name of Montenegro. Zetland, a name of Shetland. Zeulenroda. tn., Germany, Reuss-Greiz, g m. SW. Greiz. Zevenbergen, vil., Netherlands, N. Brahant, 9 m. NW. Breda. Zevio, tn., Italy, on the Adige, 7 ni. SE. Verona. Ze-ya-wa-di, tnslip., Saung-ngu dist., Lower Burma. Zeyla, spt., Africa, Somal Land, 60 ni. SW. Aden. Zhitomir, tn., Russia, cap. of Volhynia, 80 m. SW. Kiev. Pop. 55.875. Zhizdra, tn., Russia, gov. and 80 ni. SW. Kaluga. Ziegenhala, tn., Prussian Silesia, 34 ni. SW. Oppeln. Zielenzig, tn., Prussia, Brandenburg, on the Oder. Zierikzee, tn., Netherlands, prov. Zeeland, 21 m, E. Flushing. ZUgia, tn., Chinese Turkestan, 45 ra. W. Khoteu. Zilleh, tn., Asia Minor, 36 m. W. Tokat. Zillerthal, valley of the Tyrol, 50 m. long. Pop. 15,000. Zilwaukee, vil. and tnshp., Michigan, Saginaw CO., 14 m. SW. Bay City. Zimme, tn., Siani. Lat. 20° N., long. 99° E. Zinder, tn., Soudan, Bornu, 300 m. W. Kuka. Zingt Island, Pomerania, in the Baltic, 10 m. NW. Stralsund. ZioDsviiie, vil., Indiana, Boone co., 13 m. SE. Lebanon, Zira, tn'hsil, Firozpur dist, Punjab. Area ^00 sq. m. Zira, hdqrs. tn,, Zira tahsil. Lat. 30" 58' N., long. 75' 2' E. Zittau, tn., Saxony. Lat. 50" 55' N., long. 14' 40' E. Pop. 25,394. Zitzikamma, forest region. Cape Colony, Humansdorp dist. Zjechanow, city, Russian Poland, gov. Plock. Zlatufik, tn., Russia, gov. Ufa, among the Urals. Pop. 18,994. Zloezow, tn., Austria, Galicia, 45 m. E. Lemberg. Znalm, tn., Moravia, 50 m. N. Vienna. Lat. 48^ 55' N., long. 16' E. Zofingen, tn., Switzerland, 9 m. S. Aaraii, on the Wigger. Zola, tn., Italy, near city of Bologna. Zolklew, tn., Austria, Galicia, 16 m. N. Lemberg. Zolotchew, tn., Russia, gov. and 25 m. N. Kharkov. Zolotonoaha, tn., Russia, gov. and 105 m. W. Poltava. Zombor, til., Hungary. Lat. 45" 46' N., long. 19° 3' E. Pop. 24,G93. Zondereinde Mountains, Cape Colony, Caledou div. Zoasen, tn., Prussia, 22 m. S. Berlin. Zouga, River, S. Africa, issues from Lake Kganii. Zschoppau, tn., Saxony, 26 m. E. Zwickau. Zual, Lake, E. Africa, receives Catara and Maki Rs. Alt. 6040 ft. Zuckmantel, tn., Austrian Silesia, 32 ni. NW. Troppau. Zug, cant,, Switzerland. 47° 10' N., 8° 30' E. 92 sq. m. Pop. 23,120. Zag, til., cap. of above, on Lake of Zug. Lat. 47° 10 N.,loug. 8° 30' E. Zuider Zee, gulf. North Sea, in the Netherlands. Area 1365 sq. m. Zujar, tn., .Sj)ain, 5S ni. NE. Granada. Znjar River, Spain. Lat. 38° 54' N., long. 5° 46' W. Zulflcar, tn., Persia. Lat. 35' 22' N., long. 61° 20' E. ZuUa, state, Venezuela, on Caribbean Sea. Fop. with F&lcon, 200,808. Ziillchow, tn., Prussia, near Stettin. Zdllichau, tn., Brandenburg, 50 ra. E. Frankfort. Zulttland, maritime country, S. Africa. Area 8220 sq. m. Zumbo, outpost, E. Africa, on the Zambezi, 500 m. from the sea. Ztunbro, River, Minnesota, Wabasha co., trib. of the Mississippi. Zumbrota, vil. and tnshp., Minnesota, Goodhue co. Zumpango, tn., Mexico, 30 m. N. Mexico. Zuni. iiitns., Mexico. Lat. 35° N., long. loS' 50' W. Zurich, cant., Switzerland. Lat. 47^ 26' N. Ar. 687 sq. ni. P. 339,014. Zurich, cap. of above, on Lake of Zurich. Pop. 90,088. Zurich, vil., Ontario, co. Huron, 18 ni. SE. Seaforth. Zurich. Lake of, Switzerland. Lat. 47^ 26' N., long. 8° 32' E. Zununa, tn., Ecuador, on W. slope of the Andes. Zutphen, tn., Netherlands, Gelderland. Lat. 52" 8' N. Pop. 15.656. Zvomik, tn., Bosnia, on the Dvina R. Zwartland, region. Cape Colony, Malmesbury div. ZwartslolB, tn., Netherlands, Overyssel, 9 m. from ZwoUr. Zweibrucken, tn., Rhenisli Bavaria, 50m. W. Speyer. Zwellendam, div., Cape Colony, S. Africa. Zwellendam, tn., Cape Colony, cap. of above, 104 m. E. Cape Town. Zwellendam Mountains, Cape Colony. Lat. 34° S., long. 20° 20' E. Zwenkan, tn.. Saxony, 9 ra. S. Leipzig, on the Elster. Zwickau, tn., Bohemia, 19 m. W. Reichenberg. Zwickau, tn.. Saxony, 60 m. SW. Dresden. Pop. 43,941. Zwittau, tn , Moravia. 40 m. N. Briinn. ZwoUe, city, Netherlands. Lat. 52° 30' K., long. 6' 6' E. P. 26.220. Zwyndrecht, tn.. Belgium, E. Flanders, on the Scheldt. Zymoetz River, British Columbia, trib. of the Skeeua R. /^ 268 UC SOUTHERN REGIONIVL LIBRARV FACILITY D 000 674 885 9 f