niversity of Call Southern Regi Library c. Ex tibris K. OGDEN r ' "V/V / THE .F. YTP.nN . SCRIPTURE LEXICON OR A DICTIONARY or A BO v t FOUR THOUSAND PROPER NAMES O T PERSONS AND PLACES, MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE: DIVIDED INTO SYLLABLES WITH THEIR PROPER ACCENTS; WITH TMX DZJcmrijoN or THE GREATER PART OF THEM. ALSO THt EXPLAXATION OF MANY WORDS AND THINGS IN THE BIBLE, WHICH ARE NOT GENERALLY UNDERSTOOD. BY PETER OLIVER, LL. D. LATE HIS MAJETY'S CHIEF JUSTICE or MASSA- CHUSETT'S BAY, NE\V-ENCLA>U). THE FOURTH EDITION. L O N D O Nr PRINTED FOR F. AND C. R I V I N C T O X, NO. 62, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD. 1797- O I T J 1 Cl . . PREFACE. : AN uniformity of" accentuation hath beeii much wifhed for, as it gives a grace* and attracts the attention of an audience, to a public or to a private fpeaker for this purpofe the following Lexicon was compiled. -It includes, chiefly, the proper names of per/bus, 'places-, and of Jeveral objefts of importance in facred writ- it was felected from a large work under compi- lation) on a more extenfive fcale $ arid it was judged that it might be of life, not only to young fcholars, efpecially to thofe who may be defigned for the facred delk, but alfo to many who are more advanced in life, of all denominations. The mofl diftinct works oil this plan, and which highly merit the applaufe of the publick, are the -pronouncing Difiionaries of Mr. J, WALKER, and of Mr. SHERIDAN had they made their plan more extenfive, and included in it the proper names of perfons and places, thd great trouble of this compilation had been favcdj and the publick had been more benefited. The/r/? defign of the compiler, was, to have prefented a mere vocabulary onlyj but on a fur- ther confideration, it was judged that an expla* of the names would bt more fatisfactory* A 2 as ty PREFACE. as it would more enlarge the mind, and give fubftance to what, by ibme, might be thought to be madow only and on further thought, it was determined to give the meaning of the names, which would, at leaft, give play to curiofity $ and, poflibly, be of real ufe for this purpofe, the meaning of moil of the words is inferted, according to the hebrew, cbaldee, Jyriac, greek, latin, and other antient languages ; which often make a difference in the meaning of the fame word the names arc divided into fyllables and marked by this ftroke ( ' ) for the accent, fo that they may be eafity read with a proper accen- tuation. ' This Lexicon, as it is now offered, criticifm will either juftify or cenfure ; but as it is offered with a good intention, the compiler claims the tandwr of criticifm. Had anv thing of this kind 4 C_- and on tliis plan been exhibited, or not have been wanted, the compiler would have been gladly excufed from fo laborious a tafk if the errors are fuch as may miflead, he will wiih that he had favecl his own time and trouble but if ft mail tend to public advantage, he will then c.fteem the approbation of the publick an ample compenfation for the pains, he hath taken for its benefit. ADVER- TO THIS FOURTH EDITION. THE candour of the publick having encou- raged the fale of a pretty large impreffion of the SCRIPTURE LEXICON, a fourth edition is now offered ; in which there arc many additions which enlarge the work the greek of mod of the proper names are affixed to them, by which the Literati may judge of the propriety or improprU cty of the accentuation. Several alterations are made, in the divifion of the fyllables of the proper names, and of, the accents alib, which the compiler, upon the Ye- vifal of them, thought proper to alter, and which he fubniits to the judgment 'of others -, but he flatters himfelf, that this edition is not quite fo incomplete as the former on one ac- count it is left fo ; as the Lexicon and its A$$en~ dix are now united in one alphabetical feries. The method taken, in order, more accurately, to afcertain the accentuation, was this the com- piler adverted to an obfervation of that learned Hebraift as well as ornament to human nature, Dr. LOWTH (the late Bifhop of LONDON) in the preface to his Ifaiab, id edition A. D. 1775 j 6 wherein ti ADVERTISEMENT TO THIS wherein he faith, " but the true pronunciation! " of Hebrew is loil the hebrew language, like * f moft of the other oriental languages, expref- < fmg only the confonants, and being deftitute ec of its vowels, has lain now for two thoufand * f years in a manner mute and incapable of ut- " terance- the number of fyilables is in a great " many words uncertain, the quantity and ac- c< cent wholly unknown." The compiler, there- fore, chofe tor his guides, the Septuagint verfion of the Old Teftamerit and of the A-pocrypbct y and *hc verfion of the New Tejiament by B. Arius Montanus but as the former fometimes failed him, he had recourfe to other authorities : but even, in fome inftances, he was obliged to grope out his way in the belt manner he could, hav- ing no clue at all. It may be obferved, that over the three vowels E, O, U, there are frequently, hyphens the defign of which, is to exprefs the length of the found of thofe vowels in ftich cafes they are to be pronounced* The as in the wordyhv/. The o as in the word tor.e. The U as in the word tune, as alfo where they are accented ; when there is no hyphen over them otherwife they are to be pronounced, generally, The E as in the word men*. The O as in the word not. The U as in the word run. It may be further obferved, that after feveral of the greek letters, is added an L. as in the word FOURTH EDITION. vu 'word Sab'-a-oth, L. Sab'aoth, which are references to that moft valuable work the Catholic! Indices of the learned Father Labbe, printed in London, A. D. 1771 : and they are inlerted whether they conform or not to the compiler's accentuation. Some of the proper names which are uled in common converfation, as they are accented in this Lexicon may appear aukward in the pronuncia- tion; but had they been ufually pronounced in this manner, they would have been as familiar as the prefent mode of accenting them. NQ doubt every fpeaker will adopt that mode of ac- centuation which may be moft agreeable to him. The compiler was in fome hopes to have pre- fented this edition with fewer errors than it is now foiled with : but the Scripture Lexicon is of fo complicated a texture, that it was morally irn- pofllble to preferve every thread, either un- broken, or even fbme of the errors are correc- ted j but he hath not the vanity to think that he hath corrected all of them : an accurate eye will, doubtlefs, perceive more but he flatters himfelf^ that the candour which was exercifed in the recep- tion of the former impreffions will be continued to this fortunate he would have been, had he ftood in no need of the exercife of any candour; although there is fome degree of fatisfaclion, to an author or to a compiler, in being indebted to the publick for the favourable fentiments which it indulges him with. JfOTES NOTES OF ABBREVIATION. A;D."} rAnno Domini, or the year of Chrift. j&t. -I In the year of a perfon's age. A. M. I I Anno Mundi, or the year of the world, ftandj or from the creation. JB. C. f for i Before the chriftian aera, which ge- Jj nerally begins in the year of the world 4004. [That is. THE THE SCRIPTURE LEXICON, A A before A. '-A-LAR, ['AaXag.] One who returned from the babylonilh captivity. A'-A-RON, ['Aaf*v, i.e. a teacher-, an hill', a mountain ; a Jlrong hilL'\ It is moil commonly pronounced 'A-ron, but fometimes A-a-ron. The ion of Am-ram and Jcchebed, the elder brother of Mcjesy and the brother of Miricrn. He was the firit high prieft of the Jews; was three years older than Mcfes; and was bwn, 1574 years B. C. and died, /Et. 123. A before B. AE. The eleventh month of the jewifli civil year, and the fifth of the facred year, anfwering to part of our July and Auguft. AB-AD'-DON 7 , ['A&oSuv t i. e. de/lroyhg.'] One of the n^mes for the devil, in the hebrew tongue. AB-AD-I'-AS, ['A/Sa^'af.j One vvhofe family re- turned from ths babyloziiih captivity. B AB-AGr 2 A B AB-AG'-THA, ['A/S7<*& f i- c. father of tie unite* prefs.~\ One of the feven chamberlains of king ii r Ahajuerus. A'-BAL. A fon of After the patriarch. AB'-A-NA, ['ACava, i. z.flony\ a building \ father ! I bejeech nott).~\ A river of Damascus in Syria. Its fource fuppofed to be at the foot of mount Libanus towards the eaft. AB'-A-RIM, PACapjM., i. e. ge'mgs over\ conceiving ; all kinds of corn^] Mountains to the eaft of the river ^Jordan, running into the tribe of Reuben, and land of the Moabiies, on both fides of the river Arnon\ the mountains Nebo, Pifgah, and Peor were parts of the Abarim\ here was the forty- firft encampment of the Ifraelites in the wildernefs ; and here Mofes died. AB'-A-RON, ['Ai/ofav, \. e. Jlrength.~\ The fon of MattatbiaSj and granclfon of John, in the book of the Maccabees. He is alib called Eleazar. See Avar an. A'B-BA, ['Aj8/2S.] It fignifies, in the Syriac lan- guage, father. AB'-DA, ['AQa, i.e. a fervant; this cloud.'} The father of Adoniram, who was over king Solomon?, tribute which he exadled from other nations aifo one of the Levitcs. AB'-Dt, f'ACSi, i. e. my fervant. ~\ The father of Kifb and the grandfather of king Saul. AB'-DI-AS or OB-'A-DI'- AH, [OCJiAe, I e.fervant of the LorJ^\ The fteward of king ^^'shoufhold. AB'-DI-EL, ['ACSiriX, i. e. a fervant of God; a clouJ of God's Jlore.~] The father of Ahi, of the pofte- rity of the patriarch Gad. AB'-DON, PAcJwv, i. e. a fervant ; a ckudofjuflice.~\ The fourteenth judge of Ifrael, who died A. M. 2849, a ^ ter eight years' rule alfo a city of Pa- leftine, in the tribe of Ajher. AB-ED'-NE-GO, ['A/S^vayo/, i. e< fervant offlnningJ] The name given by the king of Babylon & officer to Azariah the companion of Daniel: He was faved from death in the fiery furnace. A'-BEL, A B 3 A'-BEL, ["A/vEX, i. e. mourning \ vanity ; vapour. ,] The fecond Ton of Adam, who was ilain by his brother Cain ; fuppofed to be flain, A. M. 130 alfo a city of Syria, to the north of Damafcus, between Libanus and Anti- Libanus, called alfo Alel-Betb-Maacah and Abel-Maim, in the half tribe of Mansffch. A'BEL, (great Jhne] ["ACeX, i. e. m// msurning.~] A great ftone in Bcthjbemejh, whereon the ark of GOD was placed. It is fuppofed to have been a boundary between the tribe of "Judab and the Pbllijlines ; and it was here that there was a great flaughter of the Bethjhemites. A'-BEL BETH MA'-AC-AH, p'A&x cr cf a free mind; prince^ The fon of jeffe and. brother of king David, in whofe houfe the ark of GOD was placed, and from thence carried to the houfe of Qbed-Edum ; alfo a fon of king Saul. AB-IN'-O-AM, ['AdvEE/*, i. e. father of beauty; glad- tiefs.] The father of Barak > alfo one of king David's wives. AB-I'-RAM, ['AfE/fwv, i. e. an high father ; a father cf elefiion ; deceit. ~] The eldeit fon of Hiel the rebuilder of Jericho alfo the fon of Eli ah, who B 3 with 6 A B with Corah and Dathan were fwallowed by the earth, for ufurping the priefthood. AB-I-SE'-I, ['ACMwi.] An anceftor of Efdras. AB'-I-SHAG, ['Aiffy, i. e. the fathers ignorance, or error ; the multiplying father.] A beautiful Shu- namite virgin, who was fent to comfort king David in his old age. AB-I-SHA'-I, ['A&aai, i. e. the father s reward; the father of a reward. ,] The fon of Zeruiab king David's fitter, and one of his generals. AB-I-SHA'-HAR, ['Ax****?.] A defcendant from the patriarch Benjamin. AB-ISH'-A-LOM, ['ACeffffaXoJju,, i. e. father of 'peace ; the father s peace \ reward or end. .J The father of Maachahj who was the mother of Abijam king of Jiulab, AB-I-SHU'-A, ['AteiffH, i.e. the father of falvation.'] The fon of Phinehas, and fourth high priert of the ^ra/j alfo a fon of 5^/5, and grandfon of the patriarch Benjamin. AB'-I-SHUR, [*ACir.] The grandfather of Eupolemus. AC'-COZ, ['Ax^o/s-.j One whofe fons returned from the babylonifh captivity. A-CEL'-DA-MA or A-KEL'-DA-MA, ['Axe^a, i.e. the field of blood.'] The field purchafed with the money that betrayed our Sawtttfj and af- figned to be a burial place for Grangers. A'CHAB, PAx/S.] See AHAB. A'CHAD, fAwpAj See ACCAD. A-CHA-I'-A, ['Ax*"*, i- e. ^r/^/"; fadnefsJ] A pro- vince of Greece, Corinth being its capital : here St. Paul preached, and St. Andrew fuffered mar- tyrdom by crucifixion. A-CHA-I'-CLJS, ['Axai'xvr, i. e. forroiving or fad.~\ A difciple of St. Paul, whom he mentions in his firft epiftle to the Corinthians. A'CHAN, ['Ax^v, i. e. troubling ; gnajhing."] The fon of Car-mi, of the tribe of Judah, who had taken of the fpoils of Jericho contrary to com- mand, and was ftoned for the fame ; he is alfo called A char : alfo a fon of Ezer or Ezar, a de- fcendant of the patriarch Efau. B 4 A'-CHAR, AC A'-CHAR, [A>c*?.l See ACHAN. AZ, [ A'-CHAZ, [Axag.J See AHAZ. ACH'-BOR, ['.Ax,o;i i.e. amoufe; bruifing; inclofing a HV/A] The father of Baal-hanan> king of Vc; alfo an officer of king Jofiah, the fon of Micaiuhy who was by him lent to f-Juldah the pro- pherefs, to inquire ab^ut the book of the law which was found by Hilkiab the high prieft. A-CHI-ACH'-A-RUS, t&W'XW*''] Cupbearer to Sarchedonus king of Affyrla. ACH'-IM, "Ax,Iifx., i.e. rifing again ; confirming ; revenging ; AvWr brother.^ A perfon mentioned in Sr. Ma>'t!.t'J$ genealogical lift. A-CHIM'-EL-ECH, [AC^^x. i- e. a king s brother; of bis counfel.j A prieft of Nob, to whom king David went, and for which he was put to death by ki_ng Saul: he is called Ahiah. See Abimelcch. A'-CHI-OR, ['Axfc'? i-e. the brother's light \ brother f fi re '\ -^ g enera ^ f ^e Ammonites, who, at the fiege of Bethulia, about 750 years B. C. /pake freely to Hclcfernes the general of Nebu- cbadnezzar, in favour of the yews; for which he was delivered bound to the Jews, but they received him kindly, and he became a profelyte to their religion. ACH-I'-RAM, I'lawfav. 'Axetpsifj,, i. e. a brother of craft ; protection, ,] Called alfo Ahiram. He v/as the fon of the patriarch Benjamin. ACH'-ISH, ['AfxSf, i. e. ?V M /? ; furt it is.'] A king of Gatb in Pbilijlla^ to whom David repaired for Ihelter ; and who gave Z/'*!^ to him. ACH'-I-TOB or A'-HI-TUB, [V\XtA i. e. JraAfcr ^/" goodnefsJ] The father of the high prieft Zadok. A-CHIT'-OPH-EL, ['A^^X, i.e. brother of ruin ; a brother which is forjaken.~\ An eminent coun- fellor In the reign of king David; but joining Abjaloms party, and giving him advice which was not followed, he hanged himfcll about 1055 years B. C. ACif-ME-THA, L'A/Aa^*.] See ECBATANA. A'-CHOR, AD 9 A'-CHOR, ['Ajc^i i- e. trouble."] A valley of P^. Jline in the tribe of Judab, near to Gllgal t and north of Jericho. ACH'-SA, ['Ayaa, i. e. adorned; ivantonnefs\ dif- hone/ty.~] The daughter of Caleb, and the wife of Othntel ACH'-SHAPH, ['AA*ai, i.e. red; earthy; human.'] A city of Paleftine, which was the boundary of the lot of Napthali. AD'-A-MI NEK'-EB, ['A^ N*xd/3,i. e. human dc- ceptim ; a cloud of malediction.^ The fame with ADAMI. A'-DAR, f'ASlg. *AJa, i. e. power ; greatnefs.'] The twelfth month of the ecclefiaftical jewim year, and thejixtb of their civil, anfwering to part of our February and March alfo a city of Palejiine, a boundary of the tribe of Judah, called Hazel- Addar. AD'-A-SA, [*A5ff*.] A city of Pale/line. AD'-A-THA. A city of Pale/line in the tribe of Judah. See ADITflAIM. AD'-BE-EL, [NaQayjX, i. e.avapourorchudofGOD; a vexer cf GOD.] One of the fons of Ijhmael. AD'- DAN, |]'H5av, i. e. Lord; foundation, or ground; an ear of the head.'] A city of the babylonifh empire. AD'-DAR, [*ASg.] A fon of BeJa^ a defendant from the patriarch Benjamin. AD'-DI, ['A5, i. e. wifnefs.'] The father of Mekbi, in St. Luke's genealogical lift. AD'-DIN, ['ASSIy, i. e. delicious; voluptuous.'] See ADIN. AD'-IX), AD II AP'-DO, ["Aooor.] A governor of Syria, In Afia alfo_the name of Iddo. AD'-DUS, ['AoSfcf.] One whofe fons returned from the babylonifh captivity alfo a fervant of Solomon. AD'-ER, ['E&eg.] A place near Bethlehem in Judea. AD'-I-DA, rjA&Sa.] A' city of Pale/line in the tribe of "jfudah. AD'-I-EL, ['AoirX i. e. the ivitnefs of God.'] One of the pofterity of the patriarch Simeon. AD'-IN, ['ASSiv, i. e. delicious ; voluptuous.'] One who returned from the babylonifh captivity. A-DI'-NA, pAJ*v*, i. e. the fame as A-DIN.] The Ton of Shiza, of the tribe of Reuben, and one of king David's worthies. A-DI'-NO, pASivw.J One of king David's worthies, fuppofed to be the fame with Jajhobeam. A-DI'-NUS, pla&vo*.] A Levite who returned from the babylonifh captivity. AD'-I-THA. See ADATHA. AD-I-THA'-IM, pA5i 7 s6&J, i. e. affembly, con- gregafion ; wifnej~s.~\ A boundary city of Paleftine^ in the tribe of Judab, in the valley. AD'-LA-I, [*A5?j. ASXai', i. e. witnefs to me.'] A principal herdfman of king David ; the father of Shaphat. AD'-MAH, pAJ/*a.] See ADAMA. AD'-MA-THA, [*?/**&, i. e. a cloud-, vapour of death.'] One of the feven counfellors of king AhafuentSi and a prince of Perfia and Media. AD'-NA, ['EJva, i. e. everlajting reft or pkafure.] A fon of Pa-hath- Mo-ab, who returned from the babylonifh captivity. AD'-NAH, ['ESv, i.e. the fame as Adna.~] One of the tribe of Alanajjeh who reforted to king David at 7.iklag. AD-O'-NI-AS, [*AJwva, i.e. a ruling God '; the Lord is the ruler ; the foundation of the Lord.] The fourth fon of king David, by Haggith ; he was flain about 1400 years B. C. AD-0- 12 A D AD-O-NI-BEZ'-EK, [A&wvi&gx, i. e. the Lord of Bezek, or thunder ; the Lord's thunder. ] A king of the city of- Bezek in Pale/tine, in the tribe of yudah, he was very cruel, was taken in battle by , the Ifraelites, and died 1424 years B. C. AD-O-NI'-JAH, ['ASflw'iM, i.e. the famtas Adonias.~] See Adonias. AD-O'-NI-KAM, ['ASftrnxapt, i. e. the Lord is rifen.~] One who returned from the babylonifh cap- tivity. AD-O-NI'-RAM, [_'A8uvif*p, i. e. the high Lord; the Lord of might. ,] The receiver of the tributes of king Solomon. A-DO'-NIS, ['ASowy.] An aflyrian idol ; the fame as fharranuz. AD-O'-NI-ZED'-EK, ['ASam&Sex, i.e. the righteouf- nejs of the Lord ; the Lord's jujlice \ or the Lord of jujlice^\ A king of Salem or Jerufalem before the Ifraelites conquered Canaan. AD-O'-RA, ['Ao*.] See ENOS. aE-THI-OP'-I-A, ['Ai&io-7rz, i.e. burning, or 37^*.] An extenfive country of Africa, to the iouxh of jEgypr ; including Aoyffima t i\ubia, &c. JE-THI-OP'-I-ANS, ['Ai&tWEf.] The inhabitants of Ethiopia. Note, They are called Morians in the Pfalms annexed to the Common Prayer Bock of the Church of England. A before F. AF'-RI-CA, ['A^jxri.] One of the four quarters of this globe ; above 4000 miles in length from north 14 AH horth to fntth ; and above 4000 miles in breadth? from eaji to ivejl: it is a peninfula, made by the iftfnnus of Suez> running from the mediterranean, Jea to the red Jea. A before G. AG'-A-BA, [*Ayaa, \.e.agrafsbopper.~]. One who returned from the babylonifh captivity, and his fons fervants of the temple. AG'-A-BUS, ['AyaC-, i. e. a kcujl; grafsbopper ; kbfter \ the joyfulnefs of the father^] A prophet mentioned in the book of Atfs, about A. C. 44. A'-GAG, ['A/2-/, i.e. a garret or upper room.'] A king of the Amalckites who was hewn in pieces by the order of Samuel. A'-GAG-ITE, [IV/a/w.] One of the houfe of A'-GAR, [ v Aya, i. e. a Jlr anger ; cheiving tie cud; fearing,'] Mount Sinaiis fo called. AG'-ATK, ['A%arr,s-.] A precious flone of the lovveit clafs ; partly tranfparent, partly opake, variegated w r ith veins and fpots ; it was the Jecind ftone in the third row of the high prieft's breaft plate. AG'-EE, ['Ayoa, i. e. valley ; decpnejs^\ The father of Shammab who was one of king David' & warriors. AG-GE'-US, ['AyfaTof.] See HAGGAI. A-GRIP'-PA, ['A^/vcO', i. e. fick; forrowfuJ^ wea- ried.'] A grand-fon of Herod the great, fur- named Herod \ he began to reign in Judea about A. C. 37 under Caligula the roman emperor, and reigned feven years alfo the fon of Agrippa, before whom and his fitter Bernice St. Paul preached. A ; -GUR, [i.e. ajlranger\ gathering.'] One who is mentioned in the book of Proverbs, fuppofed to be an infpired prophet. A before H. A'-HAB, ['A>caa,i.e. the brothers father.] A king of Ijraelj who reigned twenty twa years, ancJ died AH 15 died 897 years B. C. alfo one of the falfe pro- phets who feduced the Ifraelites at Babylon. A.-HAR/-AH, ['Aapa, i. e. a /melting brother ; a fweet ~ favouring meadow.~\ A fon of the patriarch Benjamin. A-HAR'-HAL, ['P*yA i.e. another heft-, the lajl forrow ; the fheep of the brother. ~\ The fon of Harum, of the posterity of the patriarch Judah. A-HAS-A'-I. One who returned from the baby- loniih captivity. A-HAS'-BAI, ['AffCmif, i. e. trujting In me', a brother compofing; a brother of age.^ The father of Eti- phalet, who was one of king David's worthies. A-HAS-U-E'-RUS, ['AW,^, i.e. a prince or head.'] A king of Perfia who married Ejlher: called alfo Artaxerxes ; he began to reign about A. M. 3540 or 464 years B. C. and reigned about 40 years, when he died JE\. 44. A-HA'-VA, ['ABE, i. e. an cJJ'ence\ being ; generation.^ A town of Affyria on the banks of the river Eu- phrates ; and a river alfo. A'-HAZ, ['Ax i- e. taking i apprehending; pffif- fmg ; feeing, .] A king of Judah , the fon of jo- tham \ he is called Eliezer; he died 726 years B. C. alfo the fon of Meribbaalor Mephibojheth the fon, of Jonathan, and great grandfon to king Saul. A-HAZ-A'-I. See AHASAI. A-HAZ-I'-AH, ['Ox^'a*, i- e. an apprehenfion, poffef- Jion, or fight of the Lord^\ A fon and fuccehor of Ahab king of Ifrael\ he reigned but one year, and died 894 years B. C. alfo a king of Judah, fon and fucceffor of Jehoram, by AthaJ'tah ; he reigned one year, and died A. M. 3120 and 814 years B. C. AH'-BAN, [' AC*v.] The fon of Abijhur of the pofte- rity of judah. A'-HER, ['A6.] A defcendant from the patriarch Benjamin. A'-HI, pAxfo- i- ^ m y brother, or my brethren. ~] The fon of Shamer of the tribe of A/her alfo the fori Abdiel, of the tribe of Gad, A'-HI- 16 AH A'-HI-AH, PAx, i. e. the brother of the Lord.'] A fon of Shijha, and one of king Solcmsn's fecre- taries alfo a prieft in king Saul's reign, the fon of Ahitub. A'-HI-AM or -HAN, ['Ax**, i. e. i. e- the fame as Akiah.~\ A pro- phet in the reign of Jeroboam king of Ifrael; he dwelt at Shiloh alfo the fon of Baajha king of IJrael alfo a Pelonite one of king David's wor- thies. A'-HI-KAM, ['Ax.jxa/x,, i. e. a brother arifing or re- venging.'] The fon of Shaphan and father of Ge- dallah_ ; the prote6lor of the prophet Jeremiah. A'-HI-LUD, ['A%X^, i. e. a brother born or begotten.'] The father of Jehofaphat king David's recorder. A-HI-MA'-AZ, ['AxWar, i.e. brother of counfel. ] Father to Abinoam the wife of king?/ alfo the fon of Zadok the high prieft. A'-HI-MAN, ['Ax*M*v, i. e. 0r brother prepared; a brother of the right haud.~] One of the Ions of Anak alfo one of the porters or guards of the tem- ple at Jerufalem. A-HIM'-EL-LCH, ['A&AtsXe'x, i- e. the king s brother, or of his counfel.] A prieft of Nob, to whom David went, and whom king Saul put to death, with Other priefts, for aflifting David alfo a pridt in king David's reign, the fon of Abiathar; he is alfo called Abimclech. A'-HI-MOTH, ['A X W&, i.e. a brother of death or of days ; a dead brother.'] A fon of Elkanah, a de- fcendant from Levi. A-HIN- AH A-HIN'-A-DAB, PA^ivaSa/?, i.e. a willing brother^ a brother of a vow. \ The fon of Iddo, a gover- nor of the canton of Mahanalm beyond Jordan t in the reign of king Solomon. A-HIN'-O-AM, ['AX.IVOOJA, i.e. the brother* shanty."] The daughter of Afnmaaz, and wife of king Saul alfo a wife of king David, a native of Jezrecl and mother of Ammon. A-Hl'-O, ['Al, i.e. his brother-, his brethren.] A fon of Abinadab, and mother of Uzza ; who with Uzza drove off the cart which carried the ark of the covenant alfo two of that name who were of the tribe of Benjamin. A'-HI-RA, ['A X i/je, i. e. brother of Iniquity \ a/hepherd? a rough brother.^ The fon of Enan, a prince of the tribe of Naphtali. A-HI'-RAM, ['Axfa/x, i.e. a brother of craft; pro- teflion.~] A fon of the patriarch Benjamin, father of the Ahiramites. A-HI'-RAM-ITES. The defendants from Akiram. A-HI'-SA-MACH, |"'A X iff*f*x e - Cotter offuf- tentation.~\ The father of Aholiab, who was em- ployed by Mofes in building the tabernacle in the wildernefs. A-HI-SHA'-HUR, ['A x .^' ? , i. e. the brother of the morning or dew ; brother of blacknefs.^ A fon of Bilhan, a defcendant of the patriarch Benjamin. A'-HI-SHAM, ['A X iff%, i.e. brother of 'the prince ; bro- ther of direction of a Jong ; a fpying or ivaiting brother.'^ The high fteward of king Solomons houihold. A'-HJ-SHAR. See AHISHAM. A-HIT'-OPH-EL, ['A X iTo^x.l See ACHITO- PHEL. A'-HI-TUB, ['AxT^, i. e. irsthgrofgoodnefs.'] The Ion of Pmaeas and grandfon to Eli, and an high prieft alfo the fon of Amariak, and father of the high prieft Zadok. A'-HI-UD, ['Axft', i. e. brother ofpraife.'] A prince of the tribe of AJhur, the fon of Shelomi. AH'-LAB, [AaXaeiv, i. e. Scorpions.] A city of the Amorites. A before L. AL-AM'-EL-ECH, f 'EXi/x,eX 'x, i. e. the kingdom of God\ the counfel of God.] A city of Pakfline in the tribe of Ajher. AL'-AM-ETH, ['Exw/xs'^.] The fon of Becker, a defcendant from the patriarch Benjamin. A-LA'-MOTH, ['AXou& 'Ax^w&.j A word in the title of fome of the Pfalms\ but is uncertain whether it means an inftrument of mufick, or a tune ; fome think it a pfaltery. AL'-CI-MUS, [*AXxj/A