oc-MSHE, I B 2 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Landscape Architecture GIFT OF Professor Harry W. Shepherd TREES AND SHRUBS HARDY IN THE BRITISH ISLES FIRST EDITION October 1914 SECOND EDITION June 1916 Reprinted . . . . . . Afiril 1919 TREES AND SHRUBS HARDY IN THE BRITISH ISLES t BY W. T. BEAN J /( ASSISTANT CURATOR, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW WITH ILLUSTRATIONS VOL. I. SECOND EDITION LONDON JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET, W. 1919 AKCHJTCCTtfRE All rights reserved. - /, i PREFACE SINCE Loudon published his great work, about seventy-five years ago, no book in English dealing comprehensively with the trees and shrubs hardy and cultivated in Britain has been published. During that period an enormous number of new species have become available for cultivation through the labours of collectors like William Lobb in Chile and California, Hartweg and Jeffrey in Western N. America, J. G. Veitch and Maries in Japan, Fortune and Wilson in China. The present work is an attempt to bring together brief descriptions of all the species and more important varieties of hardy woody plants established in cultivation, with notes on their distinctive characters, garden value, and culture. It is hoped that it may prove of use to the numerous amateurs, country gentlemen, and landowners who are interested in shrubs and trees, also to nurserymen, park superintendents, and to professional gardeners. The great accession of Chinese plants during the last fourteen years has made the task a much more difficult one. Many of the plants introduced by Wilson are as yet unidentified, and the hardiness and garden value also of a great number have not yet been definitely ascertained. Still, most of the earlier introduced ones have been dealt with, also those of later introduction that have flowered and been identified. The question of nomenclature is always a vexed one. The only thing certain is, that it is impossible to please everyone. With regard to generic names, I have endeavoured to be as conservative as possible. When botany was largely under, the influence of the Hookers and Bentham in England, and of Asa Gray in America, the tendency was towards the reduction of genera and species. There is no doubt the process was carried too far. The merging, for instance, of Mespilus with Pyrus, Pterostyrax with Ha/esia, Maackia with Cladrastis was not 727 vi PREFACE justifiable. In these and a few similar cases the older generic names have been revived. But there has lately risen a school of workers, with a strong following on the Continent and in the United States, whose aim is to subdivide species, genera, and Natural Orders to the fullest extent. Whilst much of this is, no doubt, the result of a closer study and a more critical insight than the older men practised, some of it seems to represent a desire of change for change's sake. At any rate, if adopted in its entirety, it would involve such confusion and readjustment of nomenclature as to render its acceptance by cultivators in the last degree unlikely in this country. In the case of nomenclature of species, I have with few exceptions clung to what is known as the Kew rule of giving a plant the specific name first published in conjunction with the proper genus. In the preparation of this work I have had the enormous advantage of being able to make full use, not only of the magnificent collections of living plants at Kew, but also of the herbarium of trees and shrubs which has been in course of formation there for thirty years, at first by the late Mr Geo. Nicholson, and during the last thirteen years by myself. There are very few of the descriptions that have not been made from authentic material living or dried. Some explanation of the term " hardy " as used in the following pages is perhaps needed. There is a great variety of climate in the British Isles, and the word " hardy " has a very different significance, say, in eastern Northumberland to what it has at Falmouth or Cork. Although we are apt, almost instinctively, to regard the softness of the climate as progressing from north to south, it is, in Great Britain, rather from east to west. Thus, plants can be grown on the west coast of Scotland as far to the north as Ross-shire, such as Desfontainea, Tricuspidaria and Himalayan rhododendrons, which are absolutely hopeless in the open air at Kew. To have included a consideration of all the shrubs and trees that can be grown outside in the mildest corners of Great Britain and Ireland would have inconveniently and unduly extended the limits of this work. A considerable proportion of them can only be regarded as greenhouse plants in most parts of Great Britain. The word " hardy " may be taken generally as applicable to Kew. This district is fairly average in regard to temperature, although, being flat and low-lying, plants are particularly liable there to injury by spring frosts. PREFACE vii With comparatively few exceptions, the trees and shrubs dealt with here may be grown at Kew, either fully in the open or against walls. I have to express my thanks to Sir David Prain, the director of Kew, for permission to borrow books belonging to the Kew library ; also to Messrs Elwes and Henry for the privilege of seeing proof-sheets of the Trees of Great Britain a?id Ireland, and to the editors of the Gardeners' Chronicle for permission to adapt some articles of mine which appeared in that journal a few years ago on transplanting, pruning, and one or two other subjects. To my colleague, Mr W. Dallimore of Kew, I owe a debt of gratitude for assistance in reading the proofs. The illustrations in the text have been drawn by Miss E. Goldring from photographs made by Mr E. J. Wallis. For some of the subjects illustrated I am indebted to Sir Frederick W. Moore, of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin. W. J. B. KEW, April 1914. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION THIS edition is little more than a reprint of the first. The opportunity has been taken to correct such errors as have been discovered, but most of these are of a minor character. The time which has elapsed since the publication of the first edition about fifteen months has been too short to have made many changes or additions necessary. The note on Colletia has been largely re-written and the name Cratagus stipulosa has been altered to C. stipulacea. Also, Olearia Gunniana has been substituted for O. stellulata and Stewartia sinensis for S. monadelpha. W. J. B. KEW, Feb. 1916 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TREES AND SHRUBS THE following is a list of the chief botanical and horticultural works of which use has been made in preparing the present work. It has been thought worth while to print it here as a guide to the most important literature dealing, in particular, with hardy trees and shrubs. It might, f course, be indefinitely amplified, but will, nevertheless, serve to direct the attention of those who desire to make up a collection of works on this fascinating branch of natural history to the best and most useful of them. BAKER, H. CLINTON. Illustrations of Conifers. Hertford, 1909-13. 3 vols. 4to, 230 plates, with text. BRITTON, NATHANIEL LORD, and JOHN A. SHAFER. North American Trees. New York, 1908. i vol. 8vo, 904 pp., with 781 text-figures. CARRIERE, ELIE ABEL. Traite general des Coniferes. Paris, 1855. J vo1 8vo, xv + 656 pp. Ed. 2. Paris, 1867. I vol. 8vo, xii + 9io pp. DALLIMORE, W. Holly, Yew, and Box. London and New York, 1908. i vol. 8vo, 284 pp., with 44 plates. DAME, LORIN L., and HENRY BROOKS. Handbook of the Trees of New England. Boston, 1902. i vol. 8vo, xiv+ig6 pp., with 87 plates. DIPPEL, LEOPOLD. Handbuch der Laubholzkunde. Berlin, 1889-93. 3 vols. (parts) 8vo, xv+1792 pp., and 831 figures. DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, HENRI Louis. Traite' des arbres et arbustes. Paris 1755. 2 v l s - 4 to > vol. i., lxii + 368 pp., and 139 plates; vol. ii , 387 pp., and 1 1 1 plates. A second edition of this work, edited by J. L. A. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps and Etienne Michel, with figures by P. J. Redoute and P. Bessa, was published at Paris, 1801-19. 7 vols. folio, with 488 plates. This fine work is often cited as " Nouveau Duhamel." EASTWOOD, ALICE. A Handbook of the Trees of California. San Francisco, 1905. i vol. 8vo, 86 pp., and 57 plates. ELWES, HENRY JOHN, and AUGUSTINE HENRY. The Trees of Great Britain and Ireland. Edinburgh, 1906-13. 7 vols. 410, xxiv + 2O22 pp., and 411 plates. x A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TREES AND SHRUBS EMERSON, GEORGE BURRELL. Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts. Boston, 1846. i vol. 8vo, xv + 547 pp., and 17 plates. Ed. 2. Boston, 1875. 2 vols. 8vo ; vol. i., xxii + 3i8 pp., and 79 plates; vol. ii., ix + 3o6 pp., and 64 plates. FORBES, JAMES. Pinetum Woburnense; or, a Catalogue of the Coniferous Plants in the Collection of the Duke of Bedford at Woburn Abbey London, 1839. Large 8vo, 67 coloured plates, and i uncoloured. FORBES, JAMES. Salictum Woburnense; or, a Catalogue of Willows in the Collection of the Duke of Bedford -at Woburn Abbey. London, 1829. i vol. large 8vo, with 140 coloured plates. HEMSLEY, WM. BOTTING. Handbook of hardy Trees, Shrubs, and Herbaceous Plants. Based on the French work of Messrs Decaisne and Naudin. London, 1873. I v l- 8vo, xliii + 687 pp., with 264 text-figures. JEPSON, WILLIS LINN. The Silv a of California. Berkeley, 1910. i vol. 4to, with 85 plates, 3 maps, and 10 text-figures. JEPSON, W. 'L.The Trees of California. San Francisco, 1909. i vol. Svo, 228 pp., with 117 figures. KENT, ADOLPHUS H. VeitcWs Manual of the Coniferce. Chelsea, 1881. New Edition, Chelsea, 1900. i vol. Svo, 562 pp., with about 160 text- figures. KOCH, KARL. Dendrologie. Erlangen, 1869-73. Svo, Theil i., 735 pp. ; Theil ii., 1089 PP- KOEHNE, EMIL. Deutsche Dendrologie. Stuttgart, 1893. Svo, 60 1 pp., 100 text-figures. LAMBERT, AYLMER BOURKE. A Description of the Genus Pimis. London, 1803-24. 2 vols. large folio ; vol. i., iv+98 pp., 43 plates, and i portrait ; vol. ii., vi + 56 pp., and 12 plates. A second edition of these two volumes was issued in 1828. A third appeared in 1837. LAVALLEE, ALPHONSE. Arboretum Segrezianum. Paris, 1880-5. i vol. 410, iv-M2i pp., and 36 plates. LAVALLEE, A. Les Clematites a grandes fleurs. Paris, 1884. i vol. 4to, xii + 83 pp., and 22 plates. LOUDON, JOHN CLAUDIUS. A r fore turn et Fruticetum Britannicumj or, the Trees and Shrubs of Britain, native and foreign. London, 1838. 8 vols. Svo ; 4 .vols. of text, illustrated by about 2500 figures, and 4 vols. of plates. LOUDON, J. C. An Encyclopedia of Trees and Shrubs. An abridgement of the preceding. London, 1842. Svo, Ixxii + n62 pp., 2109 text-figures. Re-issued in 1875. LOWE, JOHN. The Yew Trees of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1897. i vol. Svo, xiv + 27b pp., and 16 text-figures. MITFORD, ALGERNON BERTRAM FREEMAN- (Lord Redesdale). The Bamboo Garden. London, 1896. i vol. Svo, xi + 224 pp., with 10 figures. MONGREDIEN, AUGUSTUS. Trees and Shrubs for English Plantations. London, 1870. i vol. Svo, x + 388 pp., with 29 text-figures. MOUILLEFERT, PIERRE. Traite ' des Arbres and Arbrisseauxforesticrs. Paris, 1892-8. 2 vols. (parts) of text (xvi + i4c>3 pp.), and 195 plates. MURRAY, ANDREW. The Pines and Firs of Japan. London, 1863. i vol. Svo, 124 pp., with 224 text-figures. A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TREES AND SHRUBS xi * RAVENSCROFT. EDWARD JAMES. The Pitietum Rritannicum. A descriptive account of hardy Coniferous trees cultivated in Britain (sometimes called "Lawson's Pinetum Britannicum")- The botanical descriptions were contributed by J. Lindley, A. Murray, and M. T. Masters. Edinburgh and London, '1863-84. 3 vols. large folio, 331 pp., 53 plates, mostly coloured, and numerous text-figures. REHDER, ALFRED. Synopsis of the Genus Lonicera. St Louis, 1903. i vol. 8vo, 205 pp., and 20 plates. SARGENT, CHARLES SPRAGUE. The Silva of North America, A description of the trees which grow naturally in N. America, exclusive of Mexico. Boston and New York, 1891-1902. 14 vols. 4to, 704 plates, with text. SARGENT, C. S. Manual of the Trees of North America (exclusive of Mexico). Boston and New York, 1905. r vol. 8vo, xxiii + 826 pp., map, and 642 text-figures. SARGENT, C. S. Forest Flora of Japan. Boston and New York, 1894. I vol. 4to, 93 pp., and 26 plates. SARGENT, C. S. Trees and Shrubs. Illustrations and descriptions of new or little known ligneous plants. Boston and New York. 410 ; vol. i., 1902-5, 217 pp., and loo plates ; vol. ii. (completed 1913), ioo plates. SARGENT, C. S. Plantce Wilsoniana. An enumeration of the woody plants collected in W. China for the Arnold Arboretum during 1907, 1908, and 1910, by E. H. Wilson (in course of publication). Cambridge, Mass. 8vo. It is expected that the work will be finished in 8 parts, forming 2 volumes. SCHNEIDER, CAMILLO *K.p&L.Illustriertes Handbuch de Laubholzkunde. Jena, 1904-12. 2 vols. 8vo, 1880 pp., with 1088 text-figures ; index, 136 pp. SHIRASAWA, HOMI. Iconographie des essences forestieres du Japon. Tokio, 1900-8. 2 vols. folio, 120 coloured plates, text in 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1899 (in French). SWEET, ROBERT. Cistinece. London, 1825-30. i vol. 8vo, 112 coloured plates, each with 2 pp. of descriptive text. WATSON, PETER WILLIAM. Dendrologia Britannica; or. Trees that will Live in the Open Air of Britain. London, 1825. 2 vols. 8vo, 172 coloured plates. WILLMOTT, ELLEN. The Genus Rosa. London, 1914. Descriptions of roses, with 131 coloured plates from paintings by Alfred Parsons, R.A., and 70 drawings in black and white. In 25 parts, folio. CONTENTS PART I CHAP - PAOB I. INTRODUCTION HISTORICAL NOTES . 3 II. PROPAGATION ..... .14 III. HYBRIDISING AND SELECTION ... .25 IV. NURSERY WORK AND METHODS . . . .28 V. TRANSPLANTING ....... 30 VI. SOILS AND MULCHING ...... 37 VII. ARRANGEMENT OF SHRUBBERIES . . . .39 VIII. STAKING OR OTHER MEANS OF SUPPORT . . . 43 * IX. PRUNING TREES AND SHRUBS ..... 45 X. CARE OF OLD TREES ...... 53 XL EVERGREEN TREES AND SHRUBS .... 56 XII. CLIMBING SHRUBS ...... 60 XIII. PENDULOUS TREES ...... 63 XIV. FASTI GI ATE OR ERECT-BRANCHED TREES ... 65 XV. DWARF TREES AND SHRUBS ..... 67 XVI. TREES AND SHRUBS WITH HANDSOME FRUITS . . 70 XVII. HANDSOME- BARKED TREES AND SHRUBS . -72 XVIII. VARIEGATED AND COLOURED TREES AND SHRUBS . 74 XIX. FlNE-FOLIAGED TREES AND SHRUBS . ,. -77 XX. AUTUMNAL* COLOUR IN TREES AND SHRUBS. . . 79 XXI. EARLY- AND LATE-FLOWERING TREES AND SHRUBS . 81 XXII. STREET PLANTING ...... 84 XXIII. HEDGES 93 XXIV. TREES AND SHRUBS FOR WET PLACES . . . 97 XXV. SHRUBS FOR DRY POSITIONS AND POOR SOILS . . 99 XXVI. SHRUBS IN SHADY PLACES . . . . . 101 XXVII. SEASIDE PLANTING . t I03 GLOSSARY ... . ... 107 PART II DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF, GENERA AND SPECIES (ABELIA KOLKWITZIA) in LIST OF PLATES [The names of the trees and shrubs illustrated in their place in the text are printed in SMALL CAPITALS in the GENERAL INDEX.] TO FACE PAOK ADAM'S NEEDLE, Yucca gloriosa ...... 4 COULTER'S PINE, Pinus Coulteri ...... 8 AVENUE OF WELLINGTONIA (Sequoia gigantea\ at Strathfieldsaye . 10 SPIRAEA ARGUTA ........ 26 CHUSAN PALM, Tr achy carpus Fortunei . . . . 57 YUCCA RECURVIFOLIA ....... 58 WEEPING WILLOW, Salix babylonica . . 64 ARUNDINARIA (BAMBUSA) RAGAMOWSKI . . . .78 MAGNOLIA STELLATA . . . . 83 JERSEY ELM, Ulmus stricta var. Wheatleyi . , . .86 SALIX SALAMONI . . . . . . . ' . 98 BISHOP'S PINE (Pinus muricata), at Claremont ... .104 DWARF BUCKEYE, ^Esculus paruiflora ... 173 JUNEBERRY, Amelanchier canadensis . . . . .188 ARUNDINARIA FASTUOSA . .^ . . . .215 ARUNDINARIA (BAMBUSA) PALMATA . . . .218 CARYA TOMENTOSA . . . . . . . .301 INDIAN BEAN, Catalpa bignonioides . . . . .312 CEDAR OF LEBANON, Cedrus Libani . . . . .324 CHIONANTHUS RETUSA, at Highland* Park, Rochester, N.Y. . 339 CISTUS LORETI . . . -347 CLEMATIS MONTANA var. RUBENS ..... 364 COTONEASTER MULTIFLORA . . . . . .413 WASHINGTON THORN, Cratagus cordata . . . . . 424 CRVPTOMERIA JAPONICA, at Claremont . . . . .438 CUNNINGHAMIA SINENSIS ........ 441 Group of varieties of L.AWSON CYPRESS, Cupressus Lawsoniana . 444 PURPLE BROOM, Cytisus purpureus . . , 462 WEEPING BEECH, ^Fagus sylvatica var. pendula . . . 550 CUT-LEAVED BEECH, Fagus sylvatica var. heterophylla . , 552 xv i LIST OF PLATES TO FACE PAGE MANNA ASH, Fraxinus Ornus . MAIDEN-HAIR TREE, Ginkgo biloba SNOWDROP TREE, Halesia Carolina 6 2 HYDRANGEA BRETSCHNEIDERI . 62 4 HYDRANGEA PETIOLARIS . . . 628 JUNIPERUS RECURVA, at Claremont ' 6 74 PART I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION. HISTORICAL NOTES. IT has long been the custom to attribute to the Romans the introduction to Britain of certain common trees and shrubs. From the fact that remains of the seeds of Pinus Pinea, the stone pine of Italy, have lately been found in the refuse heaps of Roman encampments in Britain, it is evident that edible seeds and possibly fruits were imported from Italy for the soldiers' use, and in that way the sweet chestnut, the walnut, the mulberry, and other trees with edible fruits or seeds may, as has often been stated, have been first brought to this country. Probably, also, some of the most popular ornamental exotic trees and shrubs, like the common lime, were brought over by them too. As for the common elm and box, often attributed to the Romans, there appears no reason for disputing their genuineness as natives of Southern England. After the withdrawal of the Roman legions in the fourth and fifth centuries, the country relapsed into comparative barbarism, but subsequent to the establishment of Christianity, the introduction of plants from the Continent was, no doubt, carried on by religious houses, especially after the Norman Conquest. Most attention was given to the scented and medicinal plants, like rosemary and thyme, and to fruit-trees. It is also likely that a number of ornamental as well as useful trees, shrubs, and herbs were first introduced during the Dark Ages by mariners and others touching at continental and Mediterranean ports, or by travellers inland. But the fact is, what they, the Romans, or the monks accomplished, must to us remain largely mere guesswork. We only touch certain ground in this matter in the year 1548, when Wm. Turner published his Names of Herbes. Turner, sometimes called the " Father of English Botany," was born at Morpeth early in the six- teenth century and, after becoming Dean of Wells, died in 1568. At one time he lived and had a garden at Kew, and his Names of Herbes was dated from the neighbouring Syon House, then the residence of the Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector, to whom Turner was physician. In 4 HISTORICAL NOTES this and his other works, the number of foreign trees and shrubs- enumerated barely amount to thirty. But it is quite probable, with the lack of intercommunication then prevailing, that others were in cultivation in the country unknown to him. In 1597, nearly fifty years after the appearance of Turner's first work, a famous Herbal was published by John Gerard. Gerard was bom at Nantwich in 1545, and was trained as a surgeon, which profession, as well as that of apothecary, he practised in London. For the purpose probably of supplying his own simples, he established a physic, or botanic garden at Holborn. From his Herbal and other sources of information, it appears that by the end of the sixteenth century about one hundred foreign trees and shrubs were in cultivation in England. Of big trees, there were the Oriental plane, holm oak, common spruce, Pinus Pinaster, Cupressus sempervirens, as well as the walnut, stone pine, and sweet chestnut previously mentioned. It is interesting to note also, as recorded by Gerard, the cultivation in 1596 of two woody plants of American origin, Yucca gloriosa and Thuya occidentals s^ the first apparently of their country. Gerard died about 1607, an( ^ after him the next great herbalist was John Parkinson (1567-1650), a London apothecary in the service of James I., and the author of a herbal and other works. He was one of the most noteworthy cultivators in the early seventeenth century who interested themselves in the introduction of new plants. By Aiton he is credited with introducing, or it is perhaps more correct to say, being the first to cultivate, about forty trees and shrubs, all from N. America or Europe. The influx of new trees and shrubs from N. America proceeded slowly during the seventeenth century, but about fifty species appear to have become established in Britain. Two names which frequently occur in connection with the introduction of new woody plants about the middle of the seventeenth century are those of the two Tradescants, who, between 1640 and 1656, have attri- buted to them about twenty species. The elder John Tradescant appears to have been a Dutchman who came to England about the end of the sixteenth century. He is said to have been a considerable traveller in Europe, N. Africa, and the Orient. About 1629 he was appointed gardener to Charles I. He had a garden and museum at Lambeth, and died about 1652. His son, John Tradescant the younger, was a man of similar tastes and carried on the museum and garden at Lambeth. In 1656 he published a catalogue of the plants grown in the latter. He travelled in N. America, especially Virginia, whence he introduced the locust tree (Robinia Pseudacacid], Juglans cinerea, Acer rubrum, Celtis occidentalis, and the American plane. These and others he propagated for sale. He died in 1662. ADAM'S NEEDLE, Yucca glonosa* [Face p. 4. HISTORICAL NOTES 5 In the latter part of the seventeenth century and the early years of the following one, the most notable name in connection with hardy trees and shrubs is that of Henry Compton, Bishop of London from 1675 to 1713. In his garden at Fulham he got together the most extensive collection that had hitherto been seen in the British Isles. By 1713, when Compton died, probably 400 species of foreign trees and shrubs were in cultivation in England. Of especial interest at that time were the American introductions, such as the spruces, red oaks, hickories, walnuts, magnolias, thorns, maples, and the tulip tree. Many of these had been sent home to Bishop Compton by John Banister, a missionary in Virginia, who was the author of the first catalogue of American plants. He was killed in 1692 by falling from a rock whilst collecting. Another person interested largely in this branch of horticulture, and contemporary with Compton, was the Duchess of Beaufort, who planted extensively in the gardens at Badminton. The foundation of the Oxford Botanic Garden 'in 1621, of Chelsea Physic Garden about 1674, and that of the Edinburgh Botanic Garden in 1680, must have had a stimulating effect on the cultivation of exotic trees and shrubs, as well as of other plants. At this period the site now covered by the Botanic Gardens of Kew was owned by Sir Henry (afterwards Lord) Capel, in whose hands it became one of the finest private gardens in the kingdom. Among trees introduced in the seventeenth century, the one destined to play the most important part in the sylva of Great Britain and Ireland was the common larch (Larix europced), said to have been first brought to Britain, under the auspices of Parkinson, in 1629. It was not, however, until a century later, namely, in 1738, that it first began to be planted as a forest tree. The pioneer in this work was the 2nd Duke of Atholl, and it was his son, the 3rd Duke, whose planting (it is said) of 27 millions of larch trees gained him the soubriquet of "the planter." Next in importance to the larch, and introduced the same year, was the horse chestnut. It reached W. Europe by way of Constantinople through the agency of the botanist Clusius, but its true native home, which is Northern Greece, long remained a mystery. The common silver fir was introduced by Sarjeant Newdigate from Central Europe in 1603. The well-known tulip tree first reached this country in 1663; whilst the cedar of Lebanon, than which no* tree ever introduced has made a finer or more conspicuous feature in our gardens and parks, came a few years later. The eighteenth century witnessed a remarkable increase in the interest taken in hardy trees and shrubs by planters in the British Isles, both amateur and professional, and in the number of exotic species cultivated. One of the most notable amateurs was the Duke of Argyll (1680-1761), 6 HISTORICAL NOTES who planted largely at Whitton, near Hounslow. He has been described indeed as the most assiduous collector and planter of his time in England, and was by Pope nicknamed "the tree-monger." Although the Whitton property has latterly been cut up into lots for building, there were, when I visited it in 1903, many fine trees planted by the Duke still thriving, notably the grove of cedars of Lebanon said to have been raised from seed in 1725, a group of magnificent deciduous cypresses, red maple, etc. After his death, in 1761, many of the smaller trees were removed to the then newly formed arboretum at Kew, where a few of them still stand in the vicinity of the Temple of the Sun. A name which will be found to occur frequently in the body of this work is that of Peter Collinson (1694-1768), an amateur who certainly stands out as one of the chief patrons of arboriculture in the eighteenth century. Collinson was a linen-draper in London, in which business he appears to have amassed a considerable fortune. In his later years he planted largely in his garden at Mill Hill, near Hendon. The site is now occupied by the Mill Hill School and its grounds. Collinson was instrumental in introducing many new plants, more especially N. American ones. Among botanical cultivators of the eighteenth century two names are conspicuous: Phillip Miller (1691-1771) and William Aiton. Miller, so well known by his Dictionary, which passed into eight editions in his lifetime, was curator of the Physic Garden at Chelsea, an institution he is said to have raised to the first position among all botanic gardens of the time. Aiton (1731-93) was his pupil, and by him was recommended to the Dowager Princess of Wales, in 1759, to take charge of the botanic garden at Kew, founded that year, an event destined to have so important an influence on horticulture and botany in the British Empire. Aiton died in 1793, and his memory lives chiefly as the author of the Hortus Kewensis, a work which enumerates and gives a brief description of 5500 species of plants with their date of introduction. This work is, in fact, the chief source of information in regard to the introduction of exotic plants up to the time of its publication. A cultivator of whom Collinson and others wrote in eulogistic terms was Lord Petre (1713-42), who planted extensively at Thorndon Hall, in Essex. Writing in lament of his early death, Collinson calls him the " worthiest of men," and his loss the " greatest that botany or gardening ever felt in this island." The introduction of trees and shrubs from N. America in the latter half of the eighteenth century owes much to the two Bartrams John (1699-1777) and his son William (1729-1823). John Bartram is famous as the first American-born botanist, and the founder of the first American botanic garden. This garden, situated in Philadelphia, is still HISTORICAL NOTES 7 in existence. He and his son collected chiefly on the mountains of the S.E. United States. Contemporary with the Bartrams was Andre Michaux (1746-1803), a- Frenchman who resided in America from 1 785 to 1 796. He travelled much in eastern N. America, and was the first to introduce many of the trees and shrubs of that region to Europe. They were sent to France, and some of the trees raised from his seed may still be seen in the gardens of the Petit Trianon. The foundation of the Botanical Magazine by William Curtis (1746-99) in 1787 is an event that merits a passing notice. It has appeared once a month from that date up to the present time, each number giving five or six coloured plates of plants, accompanied by descriptions in Latin and English. Up to the present over 8500 plates have appeared, a considerable proportion of which depict haldy trees and shrubs, as may be judged from the frequent quotation of plates I have made. Among nurserymen of the eighteenth century, those whose fame persists in connection with our present subject are : James Gordon, who was one time gardener to the Lord Petre aforementioned. About 1750 he established a nursery at Mile End., He introduced Ulmus americana, Sophora japonica (one of his original trees, introduced in 1753, is still healthy at Kew), and the maidenhair tree. James Lee (1715-95), in partnership with one Kennedy, founded a nursery at Hammersmith (Olympia now partly covers the site), which ultimately became the finest in the kingdom. The firm did not finally disappear until about the beginning of the twentieth century. A German named Conrad Loddiges started as a nurseryman at Hackney in 1771 and established a business which, so far as hardy trees and shrubs are concerned, became by far the most important in the British Isles. It was on the collections maintained by this firm more than any other that J. C. London relied for living material in the preparation of his great work in l8 35'37- This firm, equally famous as cultivators and introducers of orchids and greenhouse plants, continued to exist until the middle of the nineteenth century. In 1772 the first of professional plant collectors, Francis Masson, was sent out from Kew to the Cape of Good Hope. From that time until 1862 a succession, sometimes interrupted, of plant collectors went out from Kew to many parts of the world. But it must be admitted that their work, largely guided and fostered in those early years by Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820), went on more in tropical and subtropical countries than in those whence plants hardy in this country come. Altogether about 500 new hardy trees and shrubs were introduced in the eighteenth century, three-fifths of them from N. America. 8 HISTORICAL NOTES In the early years of the nineteenth century the most important collector of woody plants was John Eraser (1752-1811). Born in the county of Inverness, he came to London as a young man and ultimately started in business at Chelsea as a hosier and linen-draper. Living near the famous Chelsea Physic Garden, he appears to have acquired a love for plants that soon set him longing for travel in search of new ones. With the assistance of Sir James Smith, then a leading botanist and authority on willows, and that of Aiton of Kew, he went to N. America about 1780. During the next twenty years he crossed the Atlantic ten or twelve times (latterly in company with his son of the same name), and introduced many of the trees and shrubs now most cherished in our gardens, amongst them such as the magnolias M. Fraseri was named after him, azaleas, Fieri s floribunda^ and Rhododendron catawbiense, the chief parent of the garden race of rhododendrons. His most successful work was done in the S.E. United States. His later years were clouded by ill-health and financial embarrassment, and he died at Sloane Square in 1811, when only sixty years of age. Loudon describes him as one of the most enterprising, indefatigable, and persevering men who ever devoted themselves to botany and plant discovery. No single event up to the time of its occurrence can be said to have exerted so stimulating an influence on the cultivation of hardy trees and shrubs in our islands as the foundation of the Horticultural Society in 1804. In 1824 they initiated one of the most famous of plant-collecting expeditions ; they sent David Douglas to western N. America, a region which hitherto had only been touched at, thirty years before, by Archibald Menzies, when he accompanied Vancouver on his voyage of discovery. Douglas (1798-1834), like nearly all these early collectors, was of Scottish descent. v Born at Scone, near Perth, he went as a youth to the Botanic Garden at Glasgow, where his botanical tastes gained for him the patronage of Sir Wm. Hooker, by whom he was recommended to the Horticultural Society as a plant collector. He reached British Columbia in April 1825, and sent home the seeds of many species during that and the two following years. In 1829 he again left England and reached the mouth of the Columbia River in June 1830. In this region and in California he worked during the succeeding two or three years. Among the most notable additions Douglas made to cultivated trees were the Douglas fir, Pinus insignis^ P. Lambertiana, P. monticola, P. Sabiniana, P.ponderosci) and P. Coulteri ; Abies amabilis^ A. grandis, and A. nobilis ; Picea sitchensiS) Acer macrophyllum and A. circinatum. Arbutus Menziesii. Among shrubs whose first sending we owe to him are Garrya elliptica, Ribes aureum, R. sanguineum and R. speriosum, Rubus nutkanus and R. spectabilis, Gaultheria Shallon. Douglas came to a horribly tragic end on i2th July 1834. He was collecting plants alone in COULTER'S PINE, Pinus Coulteri. [Face p. 8. HISTORICAL NOTES 9 the Sandwich Islands when he fell into one of the pit-traps constructed by the natives to catch wild bulls, in which an animal was already entrapped. He was found terribly gored and mangled and quite dead a few hours later. Hitherto the foreign hardy trees and shrubs introduced had been almost wholly obtained from Europe and N. America. We have now briefly to notice a man who devoted much of his life to the introduction of plants from Japan. Philipp P. von Siebold (1796-1866) was born at Wurzburg in Bavaria and went to Japan in 1823. In 1830 he returned to Europe, and in collaboration with Zuccarini published his fine illus- trated work, the Flora Japonica (1835-42). In 1850 he founded a nursery at Leyden to which he successfully introduced many trees and shrubs from Japan and China. After his death many of his original trees were secured by the firm of Simon-Louis of Metz, in whose arboretum they may still be seen. As regards Chinese plants, not much had yet been done. Some plants had been introduced during the famous embassy of Lord Macartney to the Chinese court in 1792-3, and a young man named William Kerr had been sent out from Kew to China in 1803. He introduced the double-flowered Kerriajaponica and the Chinese juniper, but appears to have done little among hardy trees and shrubs. Soon, however, the vast increase of shipping, and the greatly augmented intercourse between various parts of the world, began to render the introduction of plants easy by means of seeds sent by amateurs resident in foreign ports. Especially was this the case when the disturbing and retrogressive influences of the Napoleonic wars ceased with Waterloo. In N. America the work of the Erasers was carried on by John Lyon, commemorated by the genus Lyonia, who filled in the period between the Erasers and Douglas. Like the former, he worked chiefly on the wonderful flora of the S.E. United States. He introduced many trees and shrubs in large quantities (although not for the first time) between 1806 and 1818, and thus did much to add to the beauty and interest of gardens. Many of the fine old N. American trees still adorning our gardens were brought over by Lyon. He was of Scottish parentage, but the place and date of his birth are not known, nor very certainly that of his death. According to Nuttall, the botanist, he "fell a victim to a dangerous epidemic amidst those savage and romantic mountains which had so often been the scene of his labours." During the second and third decades of the nineteenth century a few Himalayan trees and shrubs had been sent to England, chiefly by Buchanan-Hamilton and Wallich, successive directors of the Botanic Garden at Calcutta ; but the first genuine revelation of the riches of that region was reserved for Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817-1911). This 10 HISTORICAL NOTES famous botanist and traveller was sent from Kew to collect in India between 1847 and 1851, and, among other things, introduced the splendid Sikkim rhododendrons, which are now the glory of many gardens in the milder parts of the kingdom. No name in the annals of horticulture holds a more honoured place than that of Veitch. The enterprise of this well-known firm (which was founded near Exeter in 1808 and removed to Chelsea in 1853) has been the means of introducing more ornamental exotic plants to this country than any other single agency up to the present time. They were the first to exploit systematically the riches of Chile in the interests of English gardens and parks. To that country in 1840 they sent one of the most famous of collectors, William Lobb (1809-63), a Cornishman. During that journey he introduced (for the first time in quantity) Araucaria imbricata. He returned to England in 1844, but left for S. America again the following year, and during the next two or three years introduced many valuable shrubs, such as Berbcris Darwinii^ the Lapageria, Embothrium, Desfontainea, and many of the Chilean conifers. In 1849 he was sent by the Messrs Veitch to California and Oregon, and, as the pages of this work will show, introduced a wealth of fine trees and shrubs from that region, the most wonderful for its sylva of all the regions of the globe. One of Lobb's greatest achievements was the introduction of the Wellingtonia (Sequoia gigantea), then but newly discovered, in quantity to Britain in 1853. He also introduced in quantity many of the trees discovered by Douglas. After his engagement with Messrs Veitch terminated, he returned to California, where he died of paralysis in 1863. The collections in the noted tree and shrub nursery of Messrs Veitch at Coombe Wood, near Kingston, owing to the expiration of the lease, are being dispersed as these pages go through the press. In 1836 the Horticultural Society sent K. T. Hartweg (1812-71), a native of Carlsruhe in Germany, to Mexico. He remained there seven years and introduced many plant's, but mostly tender ones. The trees are only suitable for the warmer parts of Britain. Among them were several curious oaks, still to be found in old gardens, several of the remarkable Mexican pines and Abies religiosa. He went to California in 1846-7 and worked at Monterey and in the Upper Valley of the Sacramento River. One of the greatest of all plant collectors was Robert Fortune (1812-80), a native of Berwickshire. After spending some time in the Botanic Garden at Edinburgh, he went, in 1841, to the Horticultural Society's gardens at Chiswick. Two years later the Society selected him to collect for them in China. In 1844 he visited the tea-growing district of Ningpo, and after introducing many beautiful plants, both hardy and HISTORICAL NOTES 11 tender a goodly proportion of which were subjects that had long been cultivated by the Chinese he returned to England in 1846. He was appointed curator of the Chelsea Physic Garden, but in 1848 resigned this post and went again to China for the purpose of transmitting the tea plant to the hill countries of India. By means of seeds and plants he succeeded in doing this, and thus laid the foundation of the great tea industry of India. In 1852, and again in 1858, he went to China, collecting and studying Chinese horticulture on the latter occasion in the interests of the United States Government. In 1860 he worked in Japan. Fortune's name will be found frequently to occur in the following pages in connection with the introduction of N. Asiatic plants. An association of mostly Scottish gentlemen was formed about the middle of the nineteenth century in Edinburgh to exploit the natural products of western N. America. It was called the Oregon Association. In 1850 the Association engaged John Jeffrey to collect for them in western N. America. Jeffrey was a native of Fifeshire, and as a young man entered the Edinburgh Botanic Garden. He adopted what was then the most convenient method of crossing the N. American continent, which was by way of the Hudson Bay Company's posts, and reached his collecting ground in 1851. In 1852 he worked in California. Jeffrey explored and collected with great zeal during these two years, but the third year his engagement appears to have become irksome to him, the roving passion seized him, and he joined an expedition to explore the Colorado and Gila Rivers in Arizona, and was never heard of again. He introduced, among other things, Abies magnified, Tsuga Albertiana and Pi nits Jeffreyi. After W. Lobb, the next Chilean collector was Richard Pearse, who worked for Messrs Veitch from 1859 to 1866. He reintroduced many of the plants sent home by his predecessor, and British gardens owed to his labours new stocks of Eucryphia pinnatifolia, the Embothrium and Desfontainea. Among conifers, Araucaria imbricata was again intro- duced, Podocarpus nubigena^ and for the first time, Prumnopitys elegans. Pearse died in Panama in July 1867. Since the labours of Siebold in Japan, earlier in the century, the beautiful flora of that country had yielded little for the gardens of Europe. The opening of the ports to foreigners afforded an opportunity for renewed discovery, and, in 1860, John Gould Veitch (1839-70) reached Japan, and initiated in the interests of his firm one of the most successful of all plant-collecting enterprises. He was especially fortunate in the number of new conifers he introduced, amongst which were Abies Veitchii^ A. firma, Picea hojidoensis, P. polita, several pines, and, for the first time in quantity, the umbrella pine (Sciadopitys vertidllatd). The foundation, in 1872, of the Arnold Arboretum at Jamaica Plain, 12 HISTORICAL NOTES in the environs of Boston, Mass., under the auspices of Harvard University and Charles Sprague Sargent, must be accounted one of the most pregnant events in regard to the discovery, introduction, and cultivation of hardy trees and shrubs during the last forty years. This institution, conducted with admirable skill and energy, has, through the generous and unselfish policy of its director, exerted an influence on the gardens of Europe scarcely less beneficent than on those of its own country. The exploitation of the N. American sylva, more especially on the eastern side, had been comparatively neglected since the departure of the earlier collectors like Fraser and Lyon. Some of the interesting plants they found had disappeared from cultivation. The work has been revived by Professor Sargent and a renewed interest has sprung up, especially in the United States, in that most beautiful flora of the Alleghenies and other parts of the south-east. Sargent has travelled not only all over N. America but also in Japan, whence he introduced to cultivation a large number of beautiful trees and shrubs. His magnificent printed works are noticed on a previous page. Charles Maries, a native of Stratford-on-Avon, collected in Japan and China for the Messrs Veitch between 1877 and 1879. His name will be found frequently mentioned in the body of this work as the introducer of plants from those countries, but more especially Japan. He first brought Hamamelis mollis, Styrax Obassia, and Abies Mariesii under cultivation, also numerous forms of Japanese maples. In 1882 Maries entered the service of one of the native princes of India, and died at Gwalior in 1902. A great impetus to the interest taken in hardy trees and shrubs during the last decade has been given by the discovery and introduction of new species from Central and Western China. The work was initiated in the first place by the Jesuit missionaries of France, among whom David, Delavay, and Farges were most prominent. These men, stationed in districts new to Europeans, spent their leisure time in botanising and collecting seeds, which were first sent to the Jardin des Plantes at Paris and to Maurice L. de Vilmorin, in whose grounds at Les Barres a vast collection has been got together. So far as Great Britain is concerned, the introduction of the plants of Central and Western China had its beginning in the work of Augustine Henry. This famous traveller and collector was born in Co. Deny, Ireland, in 1857, and was educated at Queen's Colleges, Galway and Belfast. After studying medicine, he, in June 1881, entered the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs Service at Shanghai. The following year he was transferred to Ichang, a port on the Yangtze Kiang, 1000 miles from the sea. A few miles above the town the great river finds its exit from the mountains into the great plain by way of wonderful HISTORICAL NOTES 13 gorges. It was in these mountains that Henry commenced to collect plants in 1885. The flora proved to be of extraordinary richness, and during the next four years he sent an enormous number of dried plants to Ke\v. Henry remained in various posts in China until 1900, spending most of his leave in exploration and botanical collecting, travelling much over the provinces of Hupeh, Szechuen, and Yunnan. After his return home he studied forestry in France, and soon after, in association with Henry John Elwes, commenced the great work, the Trees of Great Britain and Ireland, recently completed. At present he is Professor of Forestry in the Royal College of Science, Dublin. The amazing richness of the vegetation of the far provinces of China, as revealed by Henry's dried plants, and the wonderful beauty many of the trees and shrubs were seen to possess, induced Messrs Veitch to send out a collector to obtain in a living state such as were likely to be of horticultural value. On the recommendation of Sir Wm. Thiselton- Dyer, then director of Kew, Ernest Henry Wilson was dispatched to China in 1899. Wilson is a native of Chipping Campden, Gloucester- shire, where he was born in 1876; after working as a young man in the Botanic Gardens, Birmingham, he went, in 1897, to Kew. He possesses a combination of mental and physical qualities which have made him one of the greatest of plant collectors. Of athletic build, and endowed with an indomitable courage and perseverance attributes of the highest necessity to the plant collector in untrodden wilds he has also that deep love of science, especially of botany, without which the man who adopts this work is but poorly equipped. To these qualities Wilson joins a business aptitude and an adaptability to new circumstances -which has led to his dealings with the Chinaman being invariably successful. In all, he has visited China four times, twice in the interests of Messrs Veitch (1899-1902 and 1903-5), and twice under the auspices of Harvard University and a number of subscribers (1907-9 and 1910-11). It is too early yet to compute the full value of his services to botany and to horticulture, but, to the two combined, they are such as have not probably been equalled by those of any one collector. To give some idea of the magnitude of his labours, it may be mentioned that he has introduced some 1200 species of trees and shrubs, amongst which have been found about 400 new species and 4 new genera; and he has collected about 65,000 sheets of herbarium specimens. At the present time, the botanical exploration of China is being carried on by George Forrest, a native of Falkirk, born in 1873. He is now engaged in his third plant-collecting expedition to China, whence he is expected to return in 1915. The previous journeys were made in 1904-7, and in 1910-11. CHAPTER II PROPAGATION. THE raising of new stocks of trees and shrubs in private gardens is a much neglected branch of horticulture. In many places it is never attempted unless it be in the case of shrubs that can be increased by division, or the pulling to pieces of old stock. Yet there is no more interesting work. There are really three methods by which trees and shrubs may be increased : i, by seeds, which is Nature's way ; 2, by taking away part of a plant and enabling it to exist separately, i.e., by division, layers, and cuttings of either stem or root ; 3, by taking part of one plant and joining it to another already possessing a root system of its own, i.e., by grafting or budding. The raising of new healthy trees is undoubtedly best accomplished with but few exceptions by means of seeds, and especially is this the case for conifers? timber trees, and long-lived trees generally. For shrubs that have a low-branching system and renew themselves continually by new basal growth, cuttings and layers in most instances are quite as good. Seeds cannot be relied on to perpetuate varieties that have originated from branch sports, such as those with coloured or abnormally shaped leaves ; and only partially can they be relied on to reproduce aberrant forms of seedling origin like fastigiate or weeping trees, dwarfs, and such like. Seeds from such trees usually reproduce few or perhaps none of the abnormal form that bore them, the majority reverting wholly or in part to the normal type. Thus very few weeping or fastigiate varieties of trees are found in Nature. Excepting those like Lombardy poplars and willows, which may increase by pieces of branch broken off by wind, etc., and take root on the ground, they exist only as individuals. Civilised man propagates them artificially for his use and pleasure, otherwise they would disappear. On the whole, if fine, clean-grown, healthy, long-lived trees are desired they should be raised from seed. Still, there are other factors to be considered. Many foreign trees do not bear seed in this country until they are old, often not then, so other means must be 14 PROPAGATION 15 employed. Plants raised from seed do not as a rule flower so soon as those which originate from cuttings or grafts. Occasionally, too, as with desert shrubs like Calophaca wolgarica, the root system is ill-adapted for our climate, and they are much longer-lived when grafted on plants with more adaptable roots ; in the case of Calophaca^ use is made of Caragana or Laburnum as a stock. SEEDS. Except where large quantities of plants are required, as is usual with forest trees, quick, holly and such-like, it is not advisable to sow seeds of trees and shrubs in the open ground. They are much more under control, germination is quicker and more certain, if they are sown in boxes or pots in a cold frame or slightly heated house. If the quantity justify it, they may be sown on prepared soi-1 on the floor of a frame. Where no con- venience of this sort exists the protection afforded by a cloche, or handlight, in the open ground is a considerable advantage. Soil and Drainage. The soil in which seeds are sown should be fine where it is in contact with the seed, and it should be thoroughly well drained. If a pot is used, at least one-third of its depth should be filled with potsherds. For fine seeds like rhododendron, the pot may be at least half filled. Above the potsherds leaves or loam fibre is placed to prevent the fine particles of earth running amongst them. Finally, the pot is nearly filled with a light compost of loam, finely sifted leaf-soil, and sand. In the case of peat-loving plants like the heath family, finely broken-up peat is to be employed in place of loam. For shallow pans or boxes less drainage is of course required, but except for large seeds a depth of 2 to 3 ins. of soil will suffice. A common mistake is that of sowing seed too thickly. It is a matter about which no fixed rule can be laid down, and it must be left to individual judgment. But young seedlings standing too closely together are apt to become drawn up and weakly, and, if the weather be dull, to decay through damp. Another frequent mistake is that of sawing seeds too deeply. A good old gardeners' rule is that a seed should not be buried more than its own depth. Thus a walnut should be buried an inch deep, whilst the seeds of some Ericaceae, like rhododendrons, which are minute, must not be covered at all, but simply sprinkled on the top. Moisture. A most important requisite for the perfect germination of seeds is the provision of a uniform and proper degree of moisture in the soil and in the atmosphere. There is nothing more harmful to minute seedlings than rapid fluctuations between dryness and saturation. Large robust seeds like acorns or most of the pea family are not so susceptible as the more minute and delicate ones. The ingenuity of the cultivator may be exercised to secure as uniform a condition of moisture as possible. 16 SEEDS Thus newly sown seeds may be heavily shaded to prevent rapid drying under the influence of hot sun. Fresh supplies of water must be given, but for minute seeds it should be applied almost in the form of spray. The slight disturbance of the minute plant by careless watering, repeatedly done, before the radicle (or primary root) has had time to fix itself firmly, causes many to perish. In the case of minute seeds it is best to water the soil thoroughly before sowing. If they are placed in a close atmosphere and shaded, germination may take place before watering becomes again necessary. It need scarcely be said that as soon as germination takes place light becomes essential. Whilst the majority of seeds do not, perhaps, require the amount of care indicated above, I have thought it worth while to mention the conditions most favourable to germination. For new and valuable plants any amount of attentibn will be repaid, and it will not be thrown away on commoner subjects. It should be mentioned that a gentle moist heat will often stimulate seeds of even very hardy plants into germination that might otherwise fail. This has repeatedly been seen in the case of seeds that have been sent long distances, and become enfeebled by exposure to various influences en route. Old seeds, too, are benefited in the same way. The length of time it takes a seed to germinate is dependent on many circumstances. Newly gathered seed germinates more quickly than old, and, as has just been intimated, heat accelerates that process. Seeds with a hard, bony covering, like those of holly, many of the Rosaceae, such as thorns, plums, apples, etc., lie dormant twelve to eighteen months. To save space and trouble such seeds are frequently mixed with earth or sand and left thus for a year. Bony seeds of foreign hardy trees and shrubs sown in pots or boxes, if they do not germinate the first season after they are sown, should be stood out-of-doors the succeeding winter and subjected to all the frost and snow that may occur. This often softens the outer covering of the seeds, and they germinate when warm weather returns. Minute seeds almost invariably germinate soon or not at all. All soft, fleshy seeds, like acorns and chestnuts, need to be sown as soon as they fall, or at any rate kept moist until they are sown. If stored in a dry atmosphere their vitality rapidly decreases. But as a general rule it is best to sow seeds of trees and shrubs about mid-February. By the time they have germinated the sun has acquired considerable power, and they are not likely to suffer from damp and darkness like autumn-sown ones. This applies particularly to seeds obtained from abroad in autumn ; still, where doubts exist as to their vitality, a proportion may be sown as soon as received and the remainder in February. Ordinary dry seeds are best kept in a cool dry place. PROPAGATION 17 DIVISION. This is the simplest mode of propagation, for it consists merely in separating an old plant into a number of pieces, each with more or less root attached. It is best done just as growth is recommencing in spring, and if the pieces can be separated with plenty of root attached they may be planted straight away in permanent quarters. Such shrubs as the dwarf spiraeas, Kerria, Berberis Aquifolium, Euonymus radicans, and all with a similar method of renewing themselves by fresh growths from the ground may be treated in this way. Bamboos are increased by division, but in their case it is best deferred until mid-May; even then they are liable to suffer and become unsightly, especially those of a close -growing habit that form hard, matted masses of root which can only be divided by chopping. In the case of valuable plants, or pieces with poor roots, a gentle bottom heat is a very useful aid. The pieces should be potted and the pots plunged in a mildly heated medium, or they may be planted under glass in a shallow layer of soil. Where a large quantity of young plants is desired an old-fashioned hot-bed of manure and leaves covered with a frame is useful. LAYERING. Shrubs and trees with branches near the ground can almost always be increased by this method. Nature herself frequently adopts it, It consists in burying a portion of a shoot or branchlet without severing it wholly from the tree. The process is as follows : a shoot is brought to the ground and is pegged down to it at a point 6 to 18 ins. from the end. The pegged part should be notched or slit lengthwise so as to partially sever it, and then be covered with sufficient earth to keep it moist. The free end of the shoot can be staked partially upright to keep it fixed. Brittle wood sometimes cannot be cut at the buried part without breaking, but some method of interrupting the flow of sap should be adopted, such as twisting wire tightly round the stem, as it stimulates the production of roots at the point of interruption. The two other most essential things to secure in layering are, a state of permanent moistness at the buried part, and its perfect fixity. Whilst the time at which layering is best done is spring, it may be performed at almost any time, but the incision of the buried part needs more care, or perhaps omitting altogether, if the plants are in full leafage. One summer is usually required for the new root-system to have become sufficiently developed for the layer to be removed. It may require two for some plants, as, for instance, rhododendrons. In establishments where little convenience for striking cuttings in heat is available, layering is a very useful and very certain means of increase. B 18 PROPAGATION Provided the earth and the branchlet can be brought together, very few plants indeed refuse to take root. But, of course, this is often difficult or impossible. A plan is sometimes adopted of splitting a flower-pot in two, tying the two parts together again round a branchlet that has been previously notched or ringed, and filling the pot with earth, or earth and moss mixed. On the Continent, specially designed vessels made of two pieces of tin attached by a hinge are used for this purpose. The trouble of keeping the soil moist is against its general use, but where it is adopted the shady side of the tree or shrub should be operated on, and ingenious people may devise various ways of keeping the soil moist, such as placing a slightly leaking vessel of water above it. In nurseries, where large stocks are required for sale, plants known as stools are devoted entirely to the production of shoots for layering. Dwarf shrubs, like heaths and daphnes, are often layered by merely weighting a branch to the ground by placing a stone on it. CUTTINGS. Next to seeds, cuttings afford the best and most important means of propagation. Although trees are, no doubt, on the whole best raised from seeds, shrubs raised from cuttings are in most cases apparently quite as healthy and long-lived as seedlings. As compared with grafting, the method has the advantage of putting them on their own roots, which obviates the sucker nuisance. Many more trees and shrubs can be increased by cuttings than is generally supposed, for instance, elms, birches, hornbeams, apples, and cherries are amongst those that can be so raised. The process is with them not always a certain one, but it is still a possible one. It would, indeed, be rash to say of any exogenous tree that its increase by means of cuttings is absolutely impossible. The best, or perhaps the only possible way, must be found by experience, although old and professional pro- pagators seem to know by intuition when is the best time, and what are the best methods of rooting cuttings of plants they have not even seen before. A cutting differs from a layer chiefly in the fact that it is completely severed from the mother plant from the first. Theoretically the pro- pagator's work is to keep the piece of shoot alive and fresh until it is able, by the production of its own roots, to live independently. His chief aim is to prevent undue transpiration, i.e., the loss of more moisture from its tissues than it can reabsorb. It follows, therefore, that cuttings of succulent leafy young growth, which transpire freely and are subject to early decay, must take root soon, if at all. A close atmosphere for all, and a brisk bottom heat for many, is needed. But for cuttings in a leaf- CUTTINGS 19 less state, made of late autumn wood, where transpiration has practically ceased, no heat at all is needed ; cuttings of such trees as willows, tamarisk, poplars, and currants, as well as very many more, take root in the open ground. As a general principle it may be stated that the younger and softer cuttings of hardy trees and shrubs are, the more essential a close atmosphere and bottom heat become. As the growths from which cuttings are made harden and become more woody witf) the advancing season, the emission of roots becomes, in general, slower. Things must not be hurried, and less bottom heat is needed. Whether it is best to take cuttings young, medium, or old, in the case of any given plant, depends on its nature. It is a matter on which experience is the only sure guide, and is dealt with in the descriptive part of this work, usually under the notice of the genus. For the vast majority of the plants dealt with in the present work that are habitually increased by cuttings, it will be found that the most suitable time to make them is from mid-July to the end of August. That is the busy time of the hardy tree and shrub propagator who relies on cuttings. The growths of the year have by then become moderately firm and woody ; they are old enough and solid enough to retain their vitality sufficiently, and yet not so old as to have become hard and hide-bound. The character of the wood at a given date varies of course with the season : in hot summers it is ready sooner. For the majority of new shrubs I should first try their propagation by cuttings at this intermediate state of the current season's growth in gentle bottom heat. If they fail then, harder wood should be tried, and if that fails too, more succulent growth the following early summer. Making the cutting. The expert propagator is very careful in selecting the growths from which he proposes to make his cuttings, especially leaf-bearing ones. He avoids very strong, vigorous, leading or " sappy " shoots, but usually prefers the short side twigs, a few inches long, which he can break off with a slight " heel " of the previous year's wood attached at the base. This " heel " of older wood is often a valu- able factor, and cuttings possessing it will root when those without it fail. I suppose its firmer tissues prevent decay at the base. In its absence the base of a cutting should be just below a joint. The average leafy cutting is from 2 to 4 ins. long, about one-third of which is inserted in the soil* Cuttings of heaths and such like shrubs with very fine branchlets are made i to ij ins. long. If the cutting be too long, the succulent top rather than the heel should be cut away. With cuttings that have .inconveniently large leaves, it is a good plan to clip off half each leaf, and of course the whole of the leaves at the base of the cutting must be cut cleanly away. A sharp knife is an absolute necessity for making 20 CUTTINGS cuttings, it should be of almost razor-like keenness, so that all the material can be cut cleanly away and not bruised. Soil. In preparing a compost for cuttings it is as necessary as it is with seeds to secure good drainage ; therefore, if pots, pans or boxes are used, they should be drained as advised for seeds. All the soil as far as the cuttings descend (and if pots are used it need not go very much deeper) should be finely sifted. For most shrubs two parts clean silver sand to one of sifted loam will be suitable. If the plants are peat-lovers, the sand may be increased to a proportion of three parts to one of peat. When placing the cutting in the soil the base of the cutting should settle firmly on the bottom of the hole made for it. It should not be suspended so that a hollow exists beneath its base. When the cuttings are firmly inserted they should be well watered and then, if in pots, put in the propagating case. Bell-glasses, cloches, and handlights are extremely useful for placing over cuttings, either under glass or in the open air. The first can be obtained to fit any but the smallest sizes of circular pots. By their aid much valuable propagating may be done in the open air. For this work a sheltered shady spot should be selected; the soil should be prepared in the proportions advised, rather deeper than the cuttings descend, and when inserted the cuttings should be covered by the glass, the chief use of which is to keep a permanently moist, still air and prevent undue loss of moisture. Where no other convenience exists this method may be tried for any hardy shrub. For many, no doubt, it may fail, but for the brooms, double-flowered gorse, rosemary, lavender, and numerous others, it is the best method available. Cuttings made in September and October usually form a callus during the winter, and take root the following spring. Most of the species of Vitis, including the common grape-vine, can be propagated in spring by single buds, or " eyes," as they are usually termed. Healthy buds from the most vigorous part of the previous year's shoot are selected, and are cut with about half an inch of wood each side the bud. The pieces are usually made boat-shaped, i.e., with a sloping cut at each side, the cuts approaching each other on the under side. They are pressed into soil and left with only the tip of the bud exposed. Bottom heat is needed. Root-cuttings. A considerable number of hardy trees and shrubs can be increased by cutting up the root into pieces and planting them in soil. They usually produce leafy shoots more quickly and surely when given bottom heat. The sumachs (Rhus\ Xanthoceras sorbifolia, mulberry, and all those that naturally produce root-suckers like elms, Robinid) etc., may be propagated in this way. When other means fail, it is ,worth trying for any plant that produces fairly thick fleshy roots. The pieces are usually made about 3 ins. long and should be inserted with that PROPAGATION 21 part of the root uppermost which was nearest the stem. They ought not to be less than Jin. thick. The Paris Frame. A system of propagation without heat has latterly come into use which has proved very useful in gardens too small to justify the erection of the ordinary outfit of the propagator (bottom heat, etc.). This is known as the " Paris frame," the method having come to us from France. An ordinary one- or two-light frame is placed in an open spot and filled to within 9 or 12 ins. of the glass with drainage and a mixture of very sandy soil. In this the cuttings are inserted on the ordinary plan after being made in the usual way. But their after-treatment is radically different. The frame is never shaded, no matter how hot the sun may be, and it is never ventilated except when watered, which it must be once every hour during hot sunshine or even oftener during the fiercest heat. These are the three essentials : no shade, no ventilation, continual watering during bright sunshine. The last, of course, implies the need of drainage. Some striking successes have been achieved by this system, especially among those plants ordinarily needing fire-heat to increase by cuttings. Although the watering demands constant attention ,in hot sunny weather, the plan on the whole is very cheap, convenient and useful. Some practitioners use pure sand for a rooting medium. GRAFTING. The practice of grafting is acquiring an evil reputation. In mediaeval times it was the most venerated of all the operations common to horticulture and the most cherished of the mysteries of the craft. The late Mr F. W. Burbidge made the famous observation that it is "always a makeshift, very often a fraud." A certain latitude must be accorded to coiners of epigrams, but there is no doubt grafting has been much too commonly practised by nurserymen. The latter part of Mr Burbidge's statement no one can dispute. The grafting of cotoneasters on common hawthorn, of phillyreas on privet, and of choice willows on common sallow, can only fittingly be described as a "fraud." It is unnecessary, because in each case the plants are easily obtained from cuttings ; it weakens rather than improves their vigour, and suckers from the stock are an endless bother and worry. Numerous other instances might be given. Not always, however, is grafting a "makeshift." I have already instanced Calophaca wolgarica as a shrub difficult to keep alive on its own roots; to it may be added Caragana jubata and Halimodendron argenteum. These shrubs inhabit dry regions with great winter cold, and their roots appear unable to thrive under the wet, comparatively warm conditions of our winters, at least in ordinary positions. Conse- quently they are grafted on laburnum or Caragana arborescens^ which 22 GRAFTING labour under no such disability. Cytisus scoparius var. Andreanus again, and other varieties of common broom that do not come true from seed, are often short-lived when raised from cuttings, due to the formation of an imperfect callus at the base, which leaves the centre of the stem not entirely sealed over and subject to decay. In their case, grafting low down on young seedling laburnums has no disadvantages that I anv aware of. In the case of trees and shrubs which do not produce seed in this country and cannot readily be increased by cuttings or layers, grafting has to be resorted to. In very many instances grafted trees thrive well and are long-lived, although not so much so as seedlings. I know grafted oaks, for instance, that must be 100 years old, in perfect health and vigour. There is nothing to be said against the grafting of such trees as weeping beech, weeping ash, fastigiate oaks, or, indeed, any garden form that does not reproduce itself by seed, if it be done on their respective types. The identical nature of stock and scion makes a perfect union possible. On the whole, it may be said that grafting, with the allied processes of inarching and budding, is often a valuable, sometimes an indispensable, resource, but that nurserymen resort to it much too readily, thereby bringing it into disrepute. Attempts should always be made to get a tree or shrub on its own roots first ; it is when those fail that grafting should be resorted to. There are various modes of grafting, but they all have one principle in common. This is that the inner bark (or cambium) of stock and that of scion should be placed in contact. Roughly speaking, the stem of an exogenous plant consists of four parts : in the centre is the pith, then comes the wood, then the cambium, lastly the true bark. So far as grafting (also the formation of roots in cuttings) is concerned, the whole matter centres in the cambium, which is composed of active growing or formative cells. The most perfect grafting is where the cut surfaces of stock and scion are so arranged that the greatest amount of each set of cambium is brought in contact with the other, and kept there until a union is formed. The other parts do not matter. It is not appropriate here to discuss the various methods of grafting. When once the underlying principle is understood the success of the operation is dependent as much on practice and deftness of hand as anything. Professional propagators in nurseries have a very small percentage of failures compared with the fumbling beginner. The opera- tion is really delicate joinery. What is termed "whip-grafting" is the simplest and commonest method; in this a long slanting cut is made on the stock, a similar one is then made of the scion; the two cut surfaces are then placed together, taking care that the inner barks, on both sides if possible, but certainly on one, are coincident. In this position the two are firmly tied together with bast and the whole is GRAFTING 23 covered with grafting clay or grafting wax to keep the uniting parts air-tight. Scions are normally 2 to 6 ins. long, and the chances of success are naturally greatest when they and the stock are of the same diameter. The propagating case, mildly heated, is of great assistance in grafting. The most convenient method and the surest with rare or delicate trees and shrubs is to have the stocks brought into a moist house and grafted there. Such shrubs as Hama?nelis, rhododendrons and brooms are always treated that way. The stocks may be potted, or their roots laid in earth. Robust common trees like oaks, maples, and the ordinary fruit-trees can be done out-of-doors. For deciduous trees and shrubs, and, indeed, for most things, spring is the best time, usually April out-of-doors, earlier under glass. But many evergreens and some deciduous things are successfully grafted under glass in late summer and early autumn. As a general rule, for spring grafting, propagators like to have the stock slightly more forward in growth than the scions ; the latter are often cut some time before- hand and laid in the ground to keep them back, and for indoor grafting the stocks are usually taken under glass some time before the operation. On the whole, in private establishments, propagation by grafting is of much less importance and general practicability than that by cuttings or layers. There is, however, one mode of grafting that might be more generally practised and has no objections to be urged against it. This is grafting the twigs of a plant on pieces of its own root. When all other attempts at propagation have failed this has been known to succeed. Pieces of root about the thickness of the proposed scion should be selected. After the two are fitted and tied together in the ordinary way the root should be potted, leaving only that part of the scion which is above the cut exposed, then placed in gentle bottom heat. Wistarias are very readily propagated in this way. INARCHING, OR GRAFTING BY APPROACH. This process bears the same relation to grafting that layering does to propagation by cuttings. The scion is not separated from the mother- plant until a new union has taken place with the stock or foster-mother. The essential principle is exactly the same as in grafting. The two plants are brought together one at least has usually to be in a pot the branches selected for union are then fitted together by taking a slice off one and a corresponding slice off the other. The inner barks have to be placed in contact, and the two tied together and finally covered with wax or clay just as for grafting. Inarching often occurs in Nature, especially in trees with crowded branches like limes. The method is too inconvenient to be generally adopted, but a quaint use is sometimes made of it to unite the tops of two young trees of the same sort at the entrance to a garden or summer-house so that they ultimately form a gothic arch. 24 PROPAGATION BUDDING. Largely practised for the propagation of roses, flowering cherries, .peaches, red chestnuts, etc., this process possesses the same merits and demerits as grafting. . It only differs from grafting in that the scion is a single bud with a little bark attached, instead of a piece of branchlet. Budding can only be done in summer when the bark parts freely from the wood, usually in July and August. The buds selected are generally those near the base of the current year's shoot. They are cut out with a sharp knife, leaving about half an inch of bark above and below the bud and a narrow strip at each side of it. A little wood is always cut out with the bud, and this must be carefully removed. The process consists in making a T-shaped incision in the year-old (or may be older) bark of the stock, lifting up the pieces at the angles of the cut with the handle of the budding knife and then pushing the newly made bud-scion under the lifted pieces. The latter are then to be laid back over the scion and the whole bound up in worsted or bast, leaving only the bud exposed. The scion-buds should lie dormant until the following spring. The principle of budding is exactly the same as in grafting, the cambium of the bud and its attendant bark is laid flat on that of the stock. On this account the chances of union taking place are increased; but budding is the more delicate operation because of the softness and tenderness of the material dealt with. Dull days should, if possible, be selected for the work, and the quicker it is accomplished the greater success is gained. CHAPTER III HYBRIDISING AND SELECTION. PERHAPS the most fascinating of all branches of plant cultivation is the production of new forms in the garden itself. New plants of garden origin, as distinct from those newly introduced from other countries, are obtained in three ways: by branch "sports," by selection among seed- raised plants, and by hybridisation. So far as trees and shrubs are concerned, the first process is purely accidental, the second frequently so. (1) Branch sports are abnormal shoots that occasionally appear on adult trees or shrubs and are taken off and propagated by cuttings, buds, or grafts. Many of them preserve their abnormality indefinitely, but others have a strong tendency to revert to the normal type. Nearly all variegated shrubs and trees, those with deeply cut leaves, and those with double flowers originated as branch sports. (2) The production of new forms under cultivation by selection from seed has given to gardens some of their most beautiful plants ; but in regard to trees and shrubs (trees especially), the intervals between the generations are too long for the work to attract the ordinary man as a set purpose. Most new forms of seedling origin in gardens have originated as chance breaks, noticed by nurserymen or others among batches of plants raised to furnish ordinary stock. Most weeping, fastigiate and dwarf trees have originated in this way; also purple-leaved, large- or small-leaved varieties, and forms with richer-coloured or larger flowers. Like branch sports, they must be increased by vegetative parts cuttings, grafts, etc. and propagated in this way they show little or no tendency to revert back to the normal type. Raised from seed they show a strong but not a uniform tendency to revert to the parent type; thus often a small proportion come true or even show the peculiarity of the form to an increased extent ; a larger proportion are more or less inter- mediate; the remainder will be indistinguishable from the type. The purple beech is an illustration ; comparatively few of its seedlings come quite true, they are mostly of an ineffective purplish green or coppery hue, but a number of purple beeches have been raised from seed, such as 25 26 HYBRIDISING AND SELECTION var. atropurpurea, "Swat Magret," etc., whose purple is of a deeper shade than that of the original tree. Andre's broom, with its maroon wing petals, is a similar instance ; most of its seedling progeny are more or less reversions towards the common Cytisus scoparius. (3) The hybridisation of two plants of varying character is the quickest and surest means of producing new forms under cultivation. One is certain of getting something new, even if it be something in no way superior to either parent, and often the breeder can form some idea of what he is likely to obtain. We undoubtedly owe our most valuable garden shrubs to hybridisation, sometimes by human, sometimes by insect agency. The garden races of rhododendron and azalea, roses and clematis, and such beautiful plants as Berberis stenophylla. Magnolia Soulangiana, Salix Salamoni, Cytisus kewensis and C. Dallimorei^ Spir&a arguta and Hypericum Moserianum, are a few examples of those which have had their origin in the intentional or sometimes accidental crossing of species. Hybrid trees and shrubs have usually a vigour superior to that of either of their parents. As this is work which any amateur may do, it will be worth while to devote a few words to the operation of hybridising itself. The first equipment of the operator is a true understanding of the structure of the flowers to be operated on. Ordinarily, a flower consists of sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil, which may be regarded as of two sections: first, the protective or ornamental; second, the essential or sexual parts. The first or outer section consists of calyx (or sepals) and corolla (or petals), sometimes calyx alone. They play no part in the production of seed; their purpose is to protect the sexual parts when young, and later, by displaying bright colour, to help to advertise the flower and attract the notice of insects to fertilise it. That function performed, their work is done, and they usually fall away. The real reproduction of the plant by seed is accomplished by the stamens (male) and the pistil (female). The process of fertilisation or impregnation is brought about by the transference of pollen (usually a minute yellow powder borne in sacs called anthers at the top of the stamen) to the summit of the pistil. The pistil has three parts ; -at the base is the ovary, a swollen body which contains the incipient seeds, or ovules ; above that is a stalk of varying length called the style, bearing at the top a knob (ultimately viscid), called the stigma. It is upon the stigma that the pollen must lodge so that the ovules may be changed into fertile seeds. Whilst Nature adopts various methods to prevent the fertilisation of a flower by its own pollen (often by the non-synchronous ripening of the pollen and receptivity of the stigma ; often by separating the sexes on different plants), her intention is that the impregnation should be done by pollen from a flower of the same species. Thus whilst, in the higher groups, she abhors in-breeding, she also objects to mules. The hybridiser, HYBRIDISING AND SELECTION 27 / on the other hand, has to bring about the fertilisation of the flower of one species or variety by the pollen of another of his own choosing. His aim is usually to unite in the progeny qualities in the parents severally possessed, such as hardiness or better habit with greater flower beauty. There are limits, of course, to the choice of parents, just as there are in the animal world. Species of the same genus are capable as a rule of being hybridised, although sometimes physical divergences prevent it. Occasionally, too, species of different but closely allied genera will cross- breed. Progeny of the more distantly related parents are generally barren. To secure hybridisation two essential points must be borne in mind : viz., the stigma should be in a receptive condition, and the impregnation of the flower by pollen from any other flower than the one selected by the operator must be prevented. The stigma usually indicates its readiness to receive the pollen by becoming sticky, but it is often desirable to dust it over afresh with pollen every day for a few days after the viscidity appears. The first thing to do in regard to the other point is to protect it from its own pollen. With plants left to themselves, Nature usually secures this herself, but not always. The hybridiser leaves as little as possible to chance, and so the careful operator commences by removing the stamens from the flower he wishes to cross-fertilise, and to do this effectually he breaks open the flower before it expands naturally, and cuts away the anthers before the pollen has become ripe (i.e. dust-like). If it be a small shrub, it is often advisable to take it up and keep it in a cool airy glass-house until the impregnating process is over. The only danger then is that a stray bee or other insect may enter and deposit foreign pollen on the stigma ; but if the petals be removed as well as the stamens the danger is a very remote one. All flowers other than those impreg- nated must be removed. Out-of-doors, owing to wind, insects, and other disturbing agencies, the process is not so much under control. The removal of the stamens from the flower to be impregnated is again necessary before the petals expand ; and to prevent a fertilisation other than the desired one, it is usual to enclose that part of the branchlet bearing the flower with white gauze or transparent paper, unless the shrub or tree is in a well-isolated position. The removal of the stamens is best accomplished by the aid of a pair of finely pointed scissors, and it is scarcely needful to say that all bruising and scratching of the pistil is to be avoided. The fertilised flower should be ticketed with a number corresponding to one in a note-book, under which particulars as to parentage, dates, etc., are entered. As soon as the flowering season is past, and consequently all danger of chance impreg- nation over, the gauze or paper guards must be removed. CHAPTER IV NURSERY WORK AND METHODS. ASSUMING that the young plant has been raised by one or other of the methods just described, a few words may be devoted to its treatment afterwards. Whether raised from seed or from cuttings, the newly rooted plants stand much too closely together to remain long without mutually damaging each other. Cuttings put in at the most usual time, i.e., July and August, do not grow much that year after the roots have formed. They are, as a rule, most conveniently rooted in pots, and in these they may usually remain undisturbed until the following spring, when they are separated and planted in rows in prepared nursery ground. Plants raised earlier in the season from seeds or soft cuttings, having a growing season in front of them, cannot be wintered in the seed- or cutting-pots. If of vigorous constitution and quick growth, they may be planted out in the nursery ground as soon as well rooted. But as by that time the season is wejl advanced and hot dry days occur, it is usually necessary to give them shading and special attention in watering for a week or two. With delicate, very small or particularly important plants it is better, especially in the case of seedlings, to transplant them ("prick them off" is the common term) into shallow wooden boxes of fine soil, although not so fine as for the seeds themselves. These boxes, 2 or 3 ins. deep, may be purchased cheaply at most horticultural providers. Treated in this way, the baby plants may be kept in frames or even given a mild heat to ensure their quick attachment to the new soil, and loss is reduced to a minimum. Choice rhododendrons and others of the heath family can only be treated satisfactorily in this way. In taking the plants from the seed- or cutting-pots reasonable care should be taken to preserve the roots as much as possible, and, if practicable, to take a little ball of soil as well. As the plants are transferred from the seed-pot to the shallow box, they should be set regularly in rows, so that when again removed from the boxes into the open ground a square block of soil may be cut out and taken with each plant. The ground or nursery into which young trees and shrubs are planted 28 NURSERY WORK 29 should be sheltered naturally or artificially. Clipped evergreen hedges are frequently planted to secure this end, such as of holly, privet, or Thuya ocddentalis. But in most gardens some nook large enough and sheltered enough can be found. The soil should be of a light rather than a heavy nature, for it induces a more fibrous root system, and the necessary space allotted for peat-loving things should have peat mixed with the ordinary soil. The chief use of a nursery ground is to enable one to watch over and encourage the growth of trees and shrubs from their babyhood until they are big enough to fight their own battles along with the other occupants of the garden, park, or street to which they may be consigned. A nursery is also very useful, even if only of small size, as it affords material for making good losses by death, or for extending existing plantations at the least expense. There is always as well the peculiar satisfaction of raising' one's own plants. When once the plants are safely established in the nursery their after- care consists chiefly in transplanting, pruning, and training, all of which questions it will be convenient to deal with as affecting hardy trees and shrubs in general, whether in nursery quarters or not. CHAPTER V TRANSPLANTING. THERE is no operation connected with the cultivation of trees and shrubs upon whose proper performance more depends than transplanting. To its successful accomplishment not only the health, the proper placing, but the very presence of a plant in a garden are due. It may be said, indeed, that it is only the art of transplanting that makes a garden possible. In itself, however, it is an evil, although so necessary a one. With few exceptions, a tree that is rightly placed and in proper soil is better left undisturbed at the root. To understand the importance of transplanting it is well to consider the typical root-system of a plant. If a tree old enough to have formed a woody stem be carefully taken out of the ground and examined, it will be found to have a root-system somewhat as follows : Proceeding directly from the stem there will be three, four, or more radiating main roots similar to the stem in character; these are, of course, developed from the first roots emitted by the seedling and have become woody with age. Issuing from them are other ramifications, becoming smaller at each subdivision, till at last they cease to be woody and are invested merely by hair-like organs. It is important to remember that the nutrition of the plant is entirely dependent on these hair-like roots. All the other portions serve merely as conduits from them to the stem, and as supports and holdfasts for the plant. In transplanting it will thus be seen how important it is that as many as possible of the finest rootlets should be preserved. A plant bears transplanting well or badly according to its power of renewing these rootlets quickly, or to its capability of existing with little loss of vitality until they are renewed. The finer and less woody portions of the root-system send out these fine fibres more freely and quickly than the older parts do, which is why young plants, even tiny seedlings, are transplanted with less risk than old ones. Plants like rhododendrons and others of the heath family are easily transplanted because they produce an enormous quantity of fibrous roots close to the stem, enabling a much larger proportion of working roots to TRANSPLANTING 31 be removed with it than is possible with the majority of trees and shrubs. The occasional transplanting that young trees undergo in well- managed nurseries is practised for the same reason. The shortening of the roots involved by removal induces the production of a large quantity of fibrous roots close to the stem, which are thus easily removed with the plant. The tendency of the active fibrous roots is to spread out farther and farther away from the stem, and thus enlarge the feeding-ground of the tree. Consequently the longer the tree remains undisturbed, the greater the proportion of them that have perforce to be sacrificed in transplanting, and the greater is the risk involved in its ultimate removal. In selecting trees and shrubs, but more especially trees, the experienced purchaser looks askance at the plants with long clean leads and an aspect of lush vigour. These things are too suggestive of undisturbed roots. He prefers the short-jointed, comparatively stunted growth indicative of judicious transplanting. Methods of Transplanting. The commonest and most simple method of transplanting is to take a plant out of the earth, with as many of its roots as can conveniently be saved, 'and to transfer it to its new quarters nearly or quite free from soil. Trees and shrubs to be sent long distances have necessarily to be dispatched in this state. For the great majority of young trees and shrubs with deciduous foliage the plan is perfectly safe. For evergreen shrubs that do not form close masses of roots, as rhododendrons do, it is risky. And with both deciduous and evergreen plants, the risk is increased the older they become and the longer they remain undisturbed. Seedlings and cuttings removed from seed-beds, boxes, etc., to more roomy quarters rarely fail if care bfe taken ; but it has to be remembered that the younger and more succulent they are, the less able are they to withstand dryness, exposure, and delay. Seedlings of important kinds have sometimes to be transplanted whilst they are growing, and in that case it is a good plan to lay them on damp moss or canvas as they are taken up. After ttiey are replanted they should be watered thoroughly, and occasionally sprinkled afterwards if they show signs of drooping. But with the seedlings of most deciduous hardy trees and shrubs it is best,- and usually most convenient, to transplant them in open weather sometime between the fall of the leaf and the renewal of growth. (See notes on time for transplanting.) When the removal of a plant has been decided on, it will be incumbent to decide also whether a proportion of the soil in which it is growing shall be carried with it, or whether it shall be taken with naked roots only. Several circumstances will have to be considered, such as the nature of the plant, the distance it has to be taken, the labour and 32 TRANSPLANTING cost involved, etc. But, generally, it may be said that old plants, plants that have long been undisturbed, and most evergreens should be trans- planted with balls of earth. On the other hand, young plants and most deciduous ones may be moved with naked roots. Transplanting -without Soil attached to the Roots. In transplanting a tree or shrub without soil, it has always to be borne in mind that the greater the proportion of fibrous roots that are retained the greater will be the degree of success. With small plants up to two or three years old it is, as a rule, sufficient to push the spade or fork beneath them and raise them bodily from the ground, and then shake the roots free from soil. But with older specimens more care is needed, such as those whose roots have spread 3 ft. or more from the stem. With such specimens it is necessary to commence operations at a sufficient distance from the stem proportionate, of course, to the size of the tree, but always far enough away to preserve a considerable proportion of the fibrous roots by digging a trench; then, by working inwards, chiefly with a fork, the roots should be carefully shaken free from the soil. In the case of large and important specimens this work must not be hurried. In replanting a tree that has been taken up in the way described, the first consideration should be to provide a hole wide enough to allow the roots to be spread out to fullest extent. This applies to plants of any size, but it is more important the larger they are. Roots should never be doubled back or made to fit the circumference of a hole. They should be placed in the earth as nearly as possible in the same relative positions as they were when taken out. With regard to the depth at which trees should be planted, it may be said that the thickened base of the stem, where it begins to divide into the several main roots, should always be above ground. The mistake of too deep planting is nearly always made, especially where the holes have been deeply dug, because insufficient allowance is made for settling. A convincing lesson may be learnt in connection with this question of depth from naturally sown trees. It will be noticed that there is always some tendency and often it is a very marked one for the base of the stem to be elevated above the surrounding ground. When this part is buried the stem is much predisposed to decay at the "collar." The bark of the stem or trunk, which Nature intended to be exposed to the atmosphere only, is kept permanently dark and moist. This renders it, no doubt, peculiarly susceptible to cell-rupture by alternate freezing and thawing, and to the attacks of fungi. Plants that die from this cause usually die quite suddenly, causing much wonder. Still, some trees, such as poplars and elms, do not seem to mind deep-planting. When rearranging the roots in their new quarters, the aim should be to spread them out evenly in all directions. The soil in immediate TRANSPLANTING 33 contact with them should be fine and worked well in amongst the fibres. When once the roots are well covered the soil may be trodden or rammed firmly about them, but the planter should bear in mind that the moister and heavier the soil the less of this consolidating process will be needed. Where the soil is light and free, or even moderately so, a thorough watering has the mechanical effect of settling the soil about the roots thoroughly. Transplanting with Soil attached to the Roots. Whilst the removal of trees and shrubs with a mass of earth about the roots is the most troublesome and costly method, it is the safest, and should always be adopted for large or particularly valuable examples. So far as the physiology of the plant is concerned, the operation presents no problems, for the aim is to transfer the plant with its root-environment practically undisturbed. Such difficulties as arise are chiefly mechanical. With the necessary appliances and mechanical skill, trees hundreds of years old can be transferred to new quarters. But in the ordinary routine of garden work one has rarely to deal with masses of soil weighing more than one ton. Below that there is every gradation down to seedlings with an ounce or two of soil attached. Whatever the size may be the chief object is the same, viz., to transfer intact the "ball" of earth with the roots that permeate it. With small plants the task is easy. The " ball " may be kept together with the hands ; often it may be carried from one place to another on a spade or fork, or on a wheelbarrow or truck. But the larger the ball and the less matted the roots, the more careful has the planter to be. Still, the main object is always the same, and that is, to keep the "ball" from breaking. With rhododendrons and such-like plants with dense masses of fibrous roots, it is often self-supporting, but usually artificial support is necessary. This is best afforded by shaping the ball to a cylindrical form and binding it together with two cords, one near the top, the other near the bottom. The "ball" should first be wrapped round in stout canvas or matting, and a few thin boards should be inserted between it and the cords, so as to prevent the latter cutting into the soil. It is very important that the cords should be made as tight as possible. This is done by making a noose at one end, and, after threading the other end through the noose, pulling each cord as tight as it can be made. An instrument called the tourniquet is some- times used for tightening the cords. After the soil has been supported by some such means as these, the ball has to be partially undermined, first on one side and then on the other, and a pair of stout lifting-boards inserted. The plant is then ready to be lifted out of the hole and carried away to its new position, When the weight is greater than can be managed by a few nen, mechanical appliances have to be used. Transplanting machines of C 34 TRANSPLANTING various sizes, made to lift from J to 8 or TO tons, can be obtained, which reduce the trouble to a minimum, as they have apparatus for hoisting the mass of earth and lowering it again. But it is only on large estates and in public parks and gardens that there is sufficient transplanting to justify the considerable cost of these machines. Much, however, can be done with a lifting jack, rollers, and planks, the plant being rolled up an inclined plane out of its hole on to a low trolly to be taken to its destination. Preparation of Large Trees for Removal. Where it is desired to transplant particularly valuable or important trees, especially trees that have long been undisturbed, and are known to have their feeding roots so far spread out from the stem as to make it impossible to take a necessary proportion of them with the tree, it is often desirable to prepare the " ball " six months, a year, or even two years beforehand. It is done in this way. The dimensions of the " ball " to be removed are .fixed on and marked out. A trench is dug out rather nearer the stem than the marked lines, and as deep as the roots go. All the roots, of course, are roughly severed in the process, and these should be cut cleanly back. It is important that tap roots, if they exist, should be severed also, and to do this half the "ball" or less should be undermined, and then filled in again before another section is dealt with. After all this is done, the trench should be filled in again, the soil rammed firmly and watered. The object of this process is to provide the tree with a stock of fibrous roots so near to the stem that they, or most of them, can be taken away with it at the time of transplanting, and thereby enable it to take hold ^of the soil at once in its new quarters. One growing season at least must elapse between the preparation of the' tree and its ultimate removal. Some trees may be prepared in the early spring and removed in the autumn of the same year. With most a full year should be allowed. In some cases it may be well to prepare half the " ball " one year and the other half the next. This is to avoid the check caused by severing all the roots at one time. Time for Transplanting. The most convenient time for the removal of trees and shrubs is during the winter months, say from the middle of October to the middle of March. With very few exceptions, all deciduous trees and shrubs may be transplanted with safety during that period. Still, the earlier part of the time is better than the latter part. As far as possible all deciduous plants should be planted after the leaves have changed colour, but just before they fall. The roots are not yet inactive, and they get a grip of the new soil before winter sets in. The period, however, is so short that this must be regarded rather as counsel of perfection than as being always practicable. The worst time for the work is during the period of dry east winds in March and early April. But after that again there frequently comes a time when, if the work has TRANSPLANTING 35 not been done before, it may still be safely accomplished. This is during soft or showery weather, when the buds are bursting. The roots have by now become active again, and if the plants can be kept moist for a few days (natural rain showers, of course, are best, but watering and spraying are a great help), they start growing again immediately. The deciduous magnolias can be shifted best at this time, usually mid-May with them. In trade nurseries much transplanting has perforce to be deferred until the end of the selling season. Evergreens. These are much more difficult to transplant safely than deciduous plants are. The reason of this is that the leaf-bearing part of the plant is never so independent of the root-system. Even in midwinter the leaves both breathe and transpire, so that a cessation in the supply of moisture from the root, however partial, is felt much more than it is by a leafless plant. In the case of rhododendrons and many other evergreen members of the heath family, the fine roots are so numerous, and get so complete a grip of the soil, that the whole root-system can be removed practically intact. But in their case the problems of transplanting scarcely arise; with ordinary care it can be done at almost any season of the year. It is with such evergreens as hollies, evergreen oaks, cherry laurels and Portugal laurels, arbutuses, and all those with a more or less rambling root-system that difficulties appear. They can, of course, be moved with safety if the " balls " of earth in which they grow are taken with them, but that cannot always be done, as in the case of plants that have to be sent long distances, or those growing close together, as in a holly hedge. Consequently, they have to be removed with little or no soil attached to the roots. It is in such cases that it becomes very important that the right time be chosen. It is essential with such evergreens as those just named that the plants, although not in the full vigour of their growth, should nevertheless not be in their most inactive state. The best times, therefore, are autumn before growth ceases, or in late spring after growth commences. With regard to autumn planting, warm moist days in late September and early October are particularly advantageous in the south of England. In the cooler, moister north a few weeks earlier are better. Spring planting should be deferred till the drying east winds are over. Showery, warm days in May are best. Many discussions have been held as to whether the autumn or the spring planting of evergreens is preferable. With suitable weather and smart workmanship at the time, and with due attention to watering the following summer, success, I think, is about equally probable at either season. Just as a hard winter setting in very early might prejudice one against autumn planting, so might a long dry time in May and June 36 TRANSPLANTING prejudice another against spring planting. This much, however, is certain, from midwinter onward to early April is the most dangerous time. In the case of the most susceptible of these evergreens it is better to be earlier in autumn or later in spring than the reverse. Evergreen oaks transplant better in early June than in April. Bamboos, if planted in autumn, should be moved early ; but in their case experience proves that mid-May is equally good. I am strongly of opinion that it helps considerably towards the recovery of evergreens whose roots have been damaged by transplanting, to remove a proportion of the leaf growth, or even leaves alone, from the branches. By reducing the leaf surface the amount of transpiration is correspondingly reduced, and the demand for moisture is brought nearer to the amount the damaged and reduced root-system is able to supply. In the case of evergreen oaks and vigorous hollies, quite half the leafy part of the plant may often be removed with advantage. In N. America, where the summer is more trying than ours for newly planted hollies, they make a practice of almost denuding them of leaves in these circumstances, CHAPTER VI SOILS AND MULCHING. IF one could choose one's own soil for the cultivation of trees and shrubs generally, it \vould be a deep loam of a light rather than a heavy nature, and free from all calcareous substances. Such a soil is easily worked and would support the most varied collection of species, including the great family of Ericacece, whose members give so much beauty to gardens. The species found on limestone are numerous, but to very few of them is lime absolutely essential. For some, such as certain species of clematis and juniper, and such conifers as Abies Pinsapo, it is advisable to add lime to soil deficient in it ; but generally one is led to fhe belief that trees and shrubs inhabit limestone regions not so much from choice as from necessity. The beech, for instance, or the whitebeam, commonly found wild on the limestone, thrive' just as well apparently where it is absent. Peat-lovers, again, are by no means incapable of thriving on a loamy soil. The heath family, including such genera as Calluna, Erica, Rhododendron, Azalea, Daboeda, and Pieris, are usually found wild on peaty soil, but everyone of them will succeed in loam of a sandy nature and free from lime, especially if decayed leaves be added to it. The great value of decayed leaves the " leaf-soil " of the gardener as an ingredient in soil of any type is not yet generally appreciated, although one hopes the old wasteful practice of burning fallen leaves, after raking them together in early winter, has in a great measure ceased. Every garden of any pretensions should have its " leaf-heap," where the gathered leaves may be carted and turned over two or three times annually as occasion offers. In two years a black humus is formed which no tree or shrub, so far as I know, will object to, but which, on the other hand, the roots of almost everyone will avidly seize on. For delicate rooting shrubs like the Ericacece, eucryphias, stewartias, the more delicate magnolias, Chilean and New Zealand shrubs generally, it is particularly useful, and makes an admirable substitute for peat in many cases. As a mulching for evergreens, a layer of leaves has much to recommend it, and in the case of those with low branches like rhododendrons, which prevent the leaves being blown away, it is a good plan in autumn to 37 38 SOILS AND MULCHING cover the ground, say from 6 to 12 ins. deep, with a layer of newly fallen leaves. In the event of a hard winter they keep the soil comparatively warm, gradually decaying and settling down to a shallow covering, which keeps the soil cool and moist during the following summer. The surface roots of rhododendrons and most shrubs thrust themselves greedily into this humus ; being light and easily permeated by air, it has not the evil results that sometimes follow heavy top-dressings of loam or manure, which, too frequently given, are apt to bury the plant unduly and set up decay at the collar, just as deep planting does. Mulching. This term is applied to the practice of placing material, usually of a feeding nature, on the surface of the soil permeated by roots of trees and shrubs, as distinct from burying it in the ground. It has two allied purposes : that of nourishing the plant, in which case the mulch is usually some form of farm manure ; and that of keeping the soil warm in winter, and cool and moist in summer. In the case of old and failing trees, or starved and weakly ones, especially those of a surface-rooting nature like beech, elm, lime, maples, and numerous others, no treatment aiming at their renovation is 'more efficacious than a top-dressing of manure, loam and manure, or manure and leaves, from 3 to 6 ins. in thickness. The ground should be lightly pricked over before it is applied. If the tree is standing on a lawn the grass should be taken off in turves and replaced after the mulching is done. In this case leaves are unsuitable as part of the compost, because they decay into such small compass that the ground settles much and unevenly ; loam and manure should be used, or even loam by itself. If possible, it is best to mulch lawn trees in early October, and leave the ground open through the ensuing winter and early spring, re-turfing or sowing with grass seed the following April. The commonest form of mulching, especially of shrubs, is the summer mulch, designed to keep the soil and roots moist and cool in the broiling heats of July and August, especially after transplanting. The material should be of a loose, open nature, and perhaps, for general use, the best of all is a mixture of short rotted manure and leaf-soil. For rhododen- drons and the heath family generally, a four-inch layer of decayed leaves is as good as anything. Such a top-dressing is remarkably effective in keeping the ground moist better, indeed, than many waterings. Newly planted shrubs and trees, and all those liable to suffer more than ordinarily from drought, should always have this mulching. Surface hoeing, persistently done, is an admirable means of keeping ground moist during drought, maintaining, as it does, the top layer of earth in a loose, open state. Mulching with a loose, open material is a still more effective means to the same end and of less trouble, as one dressing is sufficient for a season, sometimes for two or three. CHAPTER VII ARRANGEMENT OF SHRUBBERIES. IT is upon the size, number, and arrangement of the trees and shrubs in a garden that its broad effects depend. Diversities in the surface of the land, its eminences and declivities, provide the most effective variations of scenery ; but where these are non-existent, and the lie of the land is flat, the trees then become the most important elements in providing variety of outlook and diversity of background. If the trees and shrubs are not themselves the chief objects of interest in a garden, they must, in all but the smallest areas, form at the least the setting of whatever else the garden may contain. Whatever the picture may be, it is the arboreal vegetation that makes the framing. This being so, it is strange that in so many gardens one should see such striking evidence of no special thought or care for the trees and shrubs they contain. How often one sees, more especially in the case of shrubs, that there has been no endeavour to secure the most suitable and beautiful kinds, or any attempt to draw upon that wealth of material which the enterprise, exploration, and gardening skill of the last fifty years have made available. Who is not familiar with that depressing thing known as the " mixed shrubbery" a crowded mass of shrubs, with here and there perhaps a tree, whence all the weaker sorts have disappeared, and in which the stronger ones are left to fight each other for light and space ? The result is that what remains is a survival perhaps of the fittest, but certainly not the most beautiful, and is often merely a jumble of laurels, privets, Pontic rhododendrons, weedy lilacs, coarse spiraeas, and the like. If it were not that such shrubberies may be seen any day of one's life in process of development, we might hope that so many object-lessons would, before now, have brought about their end. It is easy to trace their origin and development. A student of human nature would probably say that this sort of " mixed shrubbery " is only one more evidence of the evils of procrastination. At the commencement, the plants are naturally small, and in the hope of producing an immediate effect they are put in rather closely together. 40 ARRANGEMENT OF SHRUBBERIES This, of course, is perfectly right, but too often the work stops at that. Plants do not cry aloud, and, as we have so often been reminded since Old Dumbiedykes uttered the profound truth, they grow whilst we are sleeping. When the time comes that they are closing up and ought to be given more space, the work is passed by in favour of something seemingly more needful but probably less important. For when once the proper time has passed by, it becomes increasingly difficult to treat the shrubbery satisfactorily. The plants become drawn and their sides thin, and any interference with them means, at the least, a temporary unsightliness. The remedy for all this is the adoption of a definite plan at the commencement and its rigorous carrying out afterwards. Value of Grouping. When either a tree or a shrub is to be grown as an isolated specimen, with plenty of space for its development, as on lawns or in parks, it has simply to be considered in its present and ultimate relationship to the general features of the landscape. Its natural increase in size and height does not involve transplanting and rearrangement. It is, however, quite otherwise with the cultivated shrubbery, which, either large or small, forms so important a part of every garden. Such shrubberies are designed to mask boundaries of gardens and to make secondary boundaries within the garden itself; they are useful in forming dividing lines between diverse types of gardening, as backgrounds for borders of herbaceous plants, as shelter-belts, and so on. The point is, that wherever it is, or whatever its special object may be, a shrubbery should be something more than a mere mass of greenery serving to block out a view. It should, and can be, as much a feature of beauty and interest as any other part of the garden. The initial mistake that is so often made in the planting of shrubberies is in the indiscriminate mixing up of the material employed. The value of grouping that is, the bringing together of several individuals of one kind is not generally appreciated. It is even more apparent in beds cut out on lawns than it is in continuous shrubberies. Here an indiscriminate mixture looks its worst, and here, more than anywhere else, should an arrangement of shrubs, be it of one or of more species, strike a clear note. For large gardens and spacious areas, I prefer the grouping together of individuals of the same kind; in smaller areas an association of two or more may be desirable or necessary. In the case of shrubs of medium and small size, and indeed of almost all the smaller species we cultivate, it is essential, if their beauty and garden value, or even their individuality, are to be revealed to the full, that this system of grouping should be adopted. In fixing on the size of these groups one has to consider the extent of the shrubbery or garden of which it forms a part. ' In large gardens and in large shrubberies, broad massive effects can be obtained that would be out of place where ARRANGEMENT OF SHRUBBERIES 41 the general scheme is on smaller lines. In grouping it is necessary to observe a strict sense of proportion. One great advantage in the massing of shrubs must be adverted to; it simplifies the management and reduces the labour of keeping the shrubbery in order. Presuming that' the plants were first set closely enough together to pretty nearly cover the ground and produce an immediate effect, when the time comes as it soon will that more space is needed for each plant, it can easily be afforded by a judicious thinning out. The trouble and expense of an entire planting are avoided. If, however, either through neglect or deliberate choice, the shrubs are allowed to remain as originally planted the crowding does little harm. Each group becomes, as it were, one plant, and the general effect is not spoilt, as it assuredly is where the shrubbery degenerates into a featureless jumble. In the initial planning of a shrubbery border an attempt should be made to give it a broken or diversified surface. The ideal of many planters appears to be the achievement of a perfectly symmetrical bank of foliage sloping from back to front. But the general effect is infinitely more pleasing where the groups of taller shrubs are pushed out into a sort of promontory reaching almost or quite to the front, and bays of smaller ones recede towards the back. All that one has to avoid is the overgrowing or hiding of the smaller by the larger. A True Mixed Shrubbery. There is another type of shrubbery which has also its own distinct attractiveness. This is where each individual has to stand on its own merits, and where no attempt is made to produce broad or imposing effects by associating together a number of similar plants. This plan has, perforce, to be adopted where the space available is restricted, and where the taste of the planter leads him to prefer variety rather than beauty merely. Such an arrangement appeals with especial strength to the connoisseur, and is the one which makes the small garden most interesting. Small choice shrubs, particularly evergreen ones, make extremely attractive narrow borders, assembled together as individuals in this way, only the choice should be confined to slow-growing sorts, not likely to rob or overcrowd their neighbours. Many of the Ericacea, such as the dwarf rhododendrons, kalmias, etc., are very suitable. But when one gets away from these neat dwarf shrubs to free-growing, more robust ones, it is unquestionable that a shrubbery built up on the same lines is less easily managed than the one where the grouping system is adopted. It gets out of hand more quickly and demands more persistent attention. Each plant, in order that it may show its true character and beauty, must attain to a certain minimum size and needs a certain space for its development to that size. Once that is filled it 42 ARRANGEMENT OF SHRUBBERIES becomes necessary to keep them within their limits by pruning, or else to provide room for their continued growth by an occasional thinning and rearrangement. Such a shrubbery ought never to be allowed to get crowded, otherwise the individuality of each plant is lost. A "loose" arrangement should be maintained. It is because shrubberies made on this plan are so often neglected, and the coarse growing plants so often allowed to crush out the weaker species, that the grouping system is so preferable. For public paiks the latter is decidedly the best, as it is also for large private gardens or, indeed, wherever sufficient space is available for planting on broad lines. It would be absurd to suggest that anyone with a small garden should make what little shrubbery they may have consist of masses of a few things merely. But even in a small garden, if the planter is using for his shrubbery three, six, or a dozen of a kind, he will do better to make a group of each sort than to sprinkle them over the whole length of his border. It is for new shrubberies that the grouping system is so desirable. In old, well-managed ones, planted in the mixed style, each plant is attaining or has attained its full size, and produces somewhat the same effect as a group of younger ones. Here, at any rate, dignity is not lacking. But nothing can look more feeble than the common mixed shrubbery in the early years of its being. CHAPTER VIII STAKING OR OTHER MEANS OF SUPPORT. THE artificial support of trees is mainly a concomitant of transplanting. Trees grown on without removal from the spot where the seed was sown, or even those given permanent places when quite young, rarely need support. It is the tree that has attained a considerable size and then been torn from its anchorage that requires artificial assistance to withstand storms. The sooner a tree, and to a less extent, a shrub, is given its permanent place the better, consistent with its safety and capability of holding its own among other plants. A tree, say 6 ft. or more high, planted in an exposed position must often be given support, unless it has been shifted with a heavy mass of soil Attached to its roots. If the plant has been removed without soil, the usual support is afforded by a stake proportionate in length and thickness to the main stem of the tree, and driven firmly into the ground. Some regard must be paid to the avoidance of injury to the roots in driving in the stake. It must be well sharpened, so that it forces its way between the roots a little distance from the stem, rather than crushes through them. It is an excellent plan to drive in the stake before the tree is planted and arrange the roots around it. It is only necessary, especially if the soil has been trenched deeply, to see that in the inevitable settling of the soil the ties do not cause the tree to be suspended rather than settle naturally with the soil. A stake should not go any higher than necessary. It is by no means an object of beauty, and should be as unobtrusive as possible. The chief aim is to keep the stem perfectly steady at the base until the roots themselves are capable of doing it. If a newly planted tree is allowed to sway about so that the base of its stem forms a socket in the soil, its progress will be slow and its appearance ungainly. A short, stout stake standing 3 ft. out of the ground will prevent this better than a longer thin one. (The use of a stake for straightening the crooked stem of a young tree by bracing the two together is a quite different object.) Some soft or elastic substance should be inserted between the tying material 44 STAKING OR OTHER MEANS OF SUPPORT and the stem, and between the stem and the stake, to prevent the ties cutting in and chafing. A useful temporary support for newly planted trees of goodly size is afforded by affixing three pieces of cord, or, still better, three wires, to the stem well up the tree, and then fastening the lower end of each to a stout stake driven in the ground at equal distances round the tree. Trans- planted trees with low branches can also be well supported without any risk of injury by securing three or four of the branches to stout stakes at intervals round the tree near its circumference. Any form of artificial support should be removed as soon as possible; it is unsightly, often through neglect causes damage by chafing or the cutting in of the ties, and, once firmly established, the tree is better without it. Under TRANSPLANTING, I have advised the reduction of the top- growth with the object of partially restoring the balance between branch and root that must nearly always be more or less disturbed by that operation. It has the further advantage of reducing the power of wind on newly planted trees, and thus rendering staking or other means of support for them less needed. CHAPTER IX PRUNING TREES AND SHRUBS. THE art of pruning as applied to ornamental trees and shrubs may be said to serve one or more of the following purposes : To improve or alter the shape and appearance of the plant ; to increase the quantity and improve the quality of the blossom ; to bring about an improvement in health. Of all the arts that go to make up horticulture, pruning is the one most frequently misapplied. Its proper practice necessitates an intimate acquaintance with the habit and nature of the subject operated on. For instance, a collection of flowering shrubs, in so far as they need pruning at all, cannot be pruned properly unless the workman knows the time of flowering of each one. Again, the aim in pruning a large- growing tree is to make it as perfect a specimen of its kind as possible: contrary to the ideas of many, it is not intended to bring it to some arbitrary, more or less formal, outline. Therefore a knowledge of its size and habit is essential. Unless the operator possesses such knowledge the plants are best left alone, for bad pruning or pruning without a definite aim is worse than none. Pruning for Shape. Pruning for the purpose of regulating the shape and size of a tree or shrub is usually practised in order to maintain it in some conventional form, such as is seen in topiary work, clipped hedges, rounded or pyramidal bushes, etc. This kind of pruning is of the simplest, being, as a rule, a mere process of clipping. Such matters as time of flowering and habit are of no moment. The chief question is, when is the best time to prune ? Fully grown hedges or bushes of yew, holly, and box are usually clipped in July or August. During these months work in the garden is often less pressing than at other times, and they are as suitable as any other. The plants, moreover, retain their neat appearance throughout the autumn, winter, and spring months. With young hedges more careful procedure is necessary. The clipping should be done earlier, say in June, and a second shortening back of the stronger growths take place in September. This more frequent pruning is necessary to give a thick base 45 46 PRUNING to the hedge or bush. When old hedges need cutting back to the bare wood, as they occasionally do, the work should certainly be undertaken in spring so as to allow the longest possible period for the naked places to become furnished with growth again. The inside branches of a hedge or clipped bush are necessarily stunted and gnarled, and do not break readily into new growth. The same rules as to time of pruning apply also to those level banks of cherry laurel and rhododendron, .so often employed to furnish shady places in gardens. The ordinary annual pruning may be done between July and September, but the occasional hard cutting back must be done, say, in March* or April. Pruning large-growing Trees. This branch of pruning is not generally understood nor often practised. The great majority of trees are planted and left to assume such forms as conditions and circumstances permit. It is the pruning of ornamental trees only that is in question. Forestry, or the growing of trees for profit, is a thing quite apart from ornamental arboriculture in park and garden. The forester aims solely at building up a trunk which will yield the maximum amount of useful timber, whilst the tree occupies the least possible space. The main object of the arboriculturist is to so control the growth of his trees as to produce individually beautiful specimens. He may desire a noble contour of branch and foliage, or a lofty tree showing a fine trunk, or one with its leafy canopy reaching to the ground; but the production of cubic feet of timber is, in itself, a secondary matter. In pruning such trees as I am now considering the oaks, elms, ashes, maples, chestnuts, and others of a similar type it is rarely necessary to give any consideration to the production of flowers and fruit. The flowers are frequently of little beauty, and even in the case of beautiful flowering trees, like the horse-chestnut, such pruning as is required should be done before the trees reach their adult stage. It may be said of all trees that the earlier their training is commenced the less of it will be needed. Formation of the Tree Trunk. In the great forest areas of the globe trees are generally found growing in masses and as close together as their minimum requirements of light and space permit. The trunks which the forester loves to obtain are straight, erect, and naked, the branches being killed off by want of light as the tree increases'in height, leaving only the canopy of leafy growth at the top. Only occasionally are there found wild specimens well filled out on every side, evenly balanced, and furnished almost to the ground with foliage, such as it is generally the planter's aim to obtain in pleasure-grounds and gardens. In these latter places, however, where often trees from many different parts of the world are congregated on a few acres of ground, and planted singly or in small groups, many species, especially those of exotic origin, PRUNING 47 have a tendency to become unduly bushy-headed and dumpy in appear- ance, and to lose that stateliness which properly proportioned height and breadth give. The first aim in pruning is to prevent this deformity and to obtain a straight strong trunk or central axis of sufficient height. There is also another consideration. No danger to big trees is so common as that which arises from the forking of the trunk. This divides the tree into two, three, or more parts, which do not always sway in unison during high winds, in consequence of which a crack starts sooner or later at the fork. Damp enters, fungoid parasites follow, and finally a storm comes which rends the tree in twain. In sheltered places and in plantations the danger from winds is not great ; but the majority of our specimen trees are given space for their fullest development and need a strong single bole. Most people admire loftiness in trees, but height in isolated specimens adds to the risk of damage by wind. It will nearly always be found that trees of great age and size are comparatively low and spreading, or, if they are lofty, their trunks are undivided for the greater part of their length. All the lofty trees of the earth the gum trees of Australia, the pines, firs and sequoias of North America, and the palms of the tropics are of this type. The Leading Shoot. To secure the development of a trunk of this character, it is necessary to keep a watch on it when it is young The first and most important point is that it should always be kept to a single leading shoot. As long as the top of the tree remains accessible to the pruner, rival leaders should be shortened back or removed ; and if the original leader by accident gets broken, it should be replaced by another shoot. In most of our deciduous trees a suitable side shoot near the top can usually be selected to replace the broken leader. It should, if necessary, be brought into position by tying to a stake, and may be encouraged to make headway by pruning back other shoots near that might otherwise assume the lead. But many CONIFERS, especially those of the spruce and fir tribes, pro- duce their branches in regular tiers or whorls, and such branches are of no use for replacing a lost leading shoot. They are not capable of transforming themselves into erect-growing shoots, and if one be tied up it always tries to regain its original horizontal or drooping position. Propagators of these conifers experience the same difficulty when they attempt to increase their stock by grafting, or rooting, side branches. To obtain a new leader for these trees, the broken one should be cut off close to the uppermost tier of branches, and this tier, and, in cases, the one below, must also be very much shortened back. This will cause the cut-back leader to push out one or more shoots of the erect-growing kind, the most vigorous of which must be selected as the new leading shoot and the others removed. 48 PRUNING When a tree has reached, say, half its natural height, oftener much less, it may be left to itself, for it will nearly always be found that once a strong leading shoot has developed it will retain its predominance, pro- vided no accident occurs, for as long as the natural form and habit of the tree allow. Side-pruning. The greater proportion of the trees used for furnishing our gardens are of exotic origin. Species from all the cool temperate regions of the globe, inhabiting, in their native state, every variety of position and climate those latitudes afford, are brought under practically uniform conditions in the few acres of a British garden. It happens, therefore, in even the most favoured places, that some of the trees are not given the conditions most suitable for them. The effect (especially on species from somewhat warmer countries) is often shown in a tree assuming a stunted, bushy habit under cultivation, whereas in its own home it is lofty and graceful. In such cases it is the work of the pruner to aid the tree in assuming its natural form. This can be done by two methods. The horizontal development of such trees, as opposed to their vertical development, should (i) be checked by pruning back the side branches. The cut should, as often as possible, be made at a fork, so as to leave a smaller branch with its twigs, rather than a stump. The operator's judgment should also be exercised as to whether (2) a proportion of the branches should not be entirely removed. A comparison of the number of branches on a young tree with those of a fully grown example of the same species shows how drastically Nature thins the branches. The pruner should be guided by this fact in such cases as those under discussion and remove too crowded branches. As a matter of fact, experience has proved conclusively, over and over again, that a tree may be brought out oT its stunted state and made to grow again in height by this process alone. The importance of shaping a tree into its proper form whilst it is still young cannot be too strongly insisted on. Much trouble may be saved by removing superfluous and wrongly placed growths whilst they are still young and succulent. Without developing a rigid formality of outline, a young tree should, nevertheless, be kept in the main to a pyramidal shape. This is, in fact, involved in the maintenance of a due balance and symmetry of the branches and the predominance of the leader. Moreover, it is the natural shape of nearly all young trees of the type now under discussion the larger growing trees of our gardens and parks as may be noticed from any healthy, uninjured, self-sown young tree. But provided the main fact is recognised, this question as to where symmetry and balance merge into mere formality may very well be left to individual taste and judgment. The pruning of specimen trees may be summarised thus : keep them PRUNING 49 to a single leading shoot ; thin out and shorten back the branches of stunted or unduly spreading specimens ; preserve, in the main, a conical or pyramidal shape whilst they are young. When once the basis of a trunk has been developed sufficiently, the tree may be left to assume that natural shape and outline characteristic of the species to which it belongs. Removing Large Limbs of Trees. The question is frequently asked, what is the best season of the year at which to remove limbs of trees ? For such dry woods as oaks, beeches, hornbeams, etc., I find by experience that the season does not matter at all, providing the wound is immediately coated with coal tar. But it is different with the more sappy woods like birch, horse-chestnut, many maples and conifers. The "bleeding" of such trees is often long-continued, and causes much debility if branches are removed in spring; whilst in the case of some conifers it has been known to cause death. The best time for removing branches from such trees, and indeed the safest generally, is November. The flow of sap then is much reduced, and the maximum period is allowed for the surface of the wound to harden, and the coating of tar to set before active growth recommences. The removal of big limbs should be resorted to only when absolutely necessary. It is always dangerous in the case of soft woods like birch, lime, and horse-chestnut, and except in the case of neglected trees, it constitutes no part in the routine of any proper system of pruning. But where limbs have been partially wrenched off by storms, or where questions of safety or other considera- tions necessitate their removal, it should be done preferably at the time of year recommended above, and in the manner now to be described. Large branches should always be removed in at least two pieces. Usually they should be cut off in several ; but this is a matter to be decided on the spot. One thing, however, is necessary for the proper finishing of the work, and that is, the last piece to be sawn off should be light in weight, and only from 6 to 12 ins. long. If the attempt be made to remove a big, heavy branch close to the trunk in one cut, it nearly always results in an unsightly wound, owing to the branch breaking away when the saw is about half-way through the cut, and tearing away part of the bark of the trunk. A limb or branch must always be cut off so dose to the trunk or larger branch from which it springs that no stump at all remains. The old, but very pernicious, practice of leaving a stump a few inches long is still too often adopted. It is curious how such a practice lingers in spite of endless examples of its evil results. The stump is sometimes left, I believe, with a view to its ultimate removal, the idea being that this is not such a shock to the tree as close amputation at once. Another advocate of the practice will tell you the stump "draws the sap" a phrase of obscure meaning, but intended, I believe, to convey the idea that the D 50 PRUNING sap flows more freely to the wound, and heals it more quickly than when the branch has been sawn close off. The fact is, many " tree-doctors " of the present time have no more real understanding of their work than the fifteenth-century practitioner on the human frame had of his. Dressing a Wound. The virtues of ordinary coal tar (as it comes from the gas works) as a dressing for cut surfaces are not generally known. All the raw places left by removing branches or stumps of branches should be covered with this antiseptic substance, and the coating should be renewed as often as is necessary till the wound is covered with new bark. The best armour that a tree can have to protect it against fungoid enemies is that with which Nature has provided it, viz., its bark. But when accident has caused a flaw in the armour, the most efficient substitute, in my experience, is coal tar. Stockholm tar, creosote, and preparations of pitch are also used. The practice of nailing lead or zinc over wounds is a mistaken one unless the surface is tarred over first. It affords no genuine protection against fungoid parasites, and hides whatever mischief may be going on underneath. ' Pruning of Flowering Shrubs. As a general rule, evergreen shrubs do not need pruning at all in a systematic way. Such plants as rhododendrons, arbutuses, kalmias, and others of the heath family, Berberis Darwinii and B. stenophylla. etc., if they need pruning at all, require it only to improve or alter their shape, or to prevent their becoming too large for their quarters. In such cases pruning should be performed as soon as the flowering season is over. Sometimes ever- green shrubs become thin and lanky in growth, and can only be brought back to a sturdy vigour by pretty hard pruning. This should be done in spring just before the recommencement of growth, so as to allow as long a season as possible for them to become leafy again. This is all the more necessary because one may have to cut back to oldish wood, which does not break so freely. A season's flower must be sacrificed unless the. plant is a very early flowering one. Autumn-flowering heaths, such as Calluna vulgaris, Erica Tetralix^ E. vagans, E. a'/iaris, E. cinerea^ etc., are much improved by being cut back in spring before new growth starts. This removes the old flowering twigs of the previous season, and helps to keep the plants dwarf. It is the more necessary because of the long, lank growth these heaths make in garden soils, as compared with the hard, dense growth of the wild moor- land plants. They should not be clipped back farther than the wood of the previous season. Deciduous Shrubs. The pruning of this class of plants, where it is necessary at all, has to be regulated in accordance with the flowering season of each species. For the present purpose they may be roughly divided into two groups, viz. : (i) Those that flower on the current PRUNING 51 season's growth ; and (2) those that flower from the wood of the previous year. The first group is much the smaller. It comprises Ceanothus azureus, its varieties and hybrids; Spircea japonica and its allies, S. Lindleyana, Hydrangea paniculata. Genista tinctoria, etc. All these shrubs blossom in the latter part of the season ; their flowering is, indeed, the culmination of the season's growth. In the second group the flower- buds are formed during the summer and autumn, and remain dormant throughout the winter. To it belong the cherries, spring-flowering spiraeas, wild roses, barberries, and, in fact, all the earlier flowering trees and shrubs, which, of course, constitute the great majority. Briefly stated, the rule which indicates the time to prune all flowering trees and shrubs is this : Prune at such a season as will allow of the fullest possible period of growth before the next flowering season comes round. The first group those whose flowers are borne on the growths of the current year should be pruned during winter or early spring; at any rate before growth recommences. The previous year's wood may, if necessary, be cut back "hard," that is, to within a few buds of its base. Such hard pruning, however, is only desirable where the shrub is already as large as is required. Small specimens need only the ends of the shoots removed. It must here be mentioned that a small proportion of our second group have to be pruned in the same manner as that just described. These are the very earliest flowering trees and shrubs, such as Forsythias, peaches, almonds, Prunus triloba^ Erica carnea. Although they blossom on the wood of the previous year, they do so before new growth has started, and if they are cut back as soon as the flowers are past, it is only the old flower-bearing wood that is removed. The entire growing season still remains for the development of the new wood. Thinning. I now turn to the remainder those that flower on the previous season's growth but concurrently with, or later than, the develop- ment of the new. These cannot be cut back in the way prescribed for the previous group. To do so early would be to remove all the flowers ; to do so later would be to rob the shoots of their best season of growth. Therefore such pruning as is done must be deferred until after flowering, and it must be a form of thinning rather than a process of shortening back. The term " thinning," as used in the present connection, implies the weeding out of all weakly, crowded, and superfluous shoots and the removal also, if necessary, of a proportion of the stronger ones. Many shrubs, such as the earlier flowering spiraeas, the shrubby loniceras, philadelphuses, and deutzias, have a natural tendency to thicken into a dense mass of twiggy growth. A judicious thinning-out, such as that 52 PRUNING just mentioned, not only promotes the development of a cleaner, stronger growth, and consequently finer flowers, but it often gives also a more graceful aspect to the plant. It need not necessarily be an annual operation, but the questions, how often? and how much? must be left to the pruner's judgment. The "thinning-out" style of pruning may be applied more or less to nearly all flowering shrubs ; but the shortening back style of pruning must only be adopted for those that have a full season of growth between the pruning and the next flowering season. There are some shrubs, of which Philadelphus Lemoinei may be taken as an example, whose growths have the power of renewing them- selves from the base every year. This philadelphus flowers about midsummer, by which time the new shoots are 6 to 12 ins. long. By cutting away the entire flowering shoots as soon as the blossoms are over, the plant is reduced to a cluster of new growths springing from near to its base. These now obtain the maximum of light and air, and during the season get to be ij to 2 ft. long. Nearly the whole of this will produce flowers the following year, and is in turn cut away as soon as they are faded. By this treatment P. Lemoinei^ which is naturally about 6 ft. high, may be kept less than half as high, and be made to produce a very much larger crop of flowers for the whole plant is made up of flowering wood. Cytisus purpureus, Crimson Rambler rose, and others of the polyantha group, can be treated in the same way. CHAPTER X CARE OF OLD TREES. ONE frequently sees, in old gardens especially, trees which, although aged and decrepit, are still precious because of their history and associations, or valued perhaps for their size and rarity. There can be no question that the term of years of many such trees is shortened by neglect and wrong treatment. The commonest sources of decay are starvation at the root, droughty summers, and fungoid parasites. For remedying the first the notes on MULCHING (p. 38) should be consulted; the second, of course, is a question of water supply; but these two together do not hasten the end of trees so much as disease, due to the entry of parasitic fungi. The most important of all matters concerning the longevity of trees is the maintenance of a whole skin. But there are many ways in which it may be broken. Insects may bore through the bark, frost sometimes ruptures it, and winds break off the branches and twigs. The last is the commonest source of decay, augmented often enough in gardens by the practice of leaving stumps so long that the bark cannot grow over them (adverted to above), and by leaving raw surfaces un- protected by tar. The raw or jagged surfaces afford a resting-place for moisture and fungus-spores, decay commences and gradually finds its way inwards, until the trunk is reached. But if branches or snags are sawn off as advised above, and the wounds kept covered with tar, the new bark commences to creep over the cut surface from both sides until, if it be not too large, it fills up to the middle, and forms a perfect covering for the wound, of which, in time, all evidences disappear. Treatment of Hollows in Trees. From what has just been written it will be seen that the formation of hollows by decay in the branches and trunks of trees is to a great extent preventable. With regard to hollows that already exist, the following treatment is recommended. First remove all, or as much as possible, of the decayed wood, especially the soft, brown, crumbling wood, and the soppy mass found at the bottom. Sound dead wood that has become dry and hard does not matter. Then wash the surface of the wood with a solution of carbolic acid or with 53 54 CARE OF OLD TREES creosote. The carbolic acid solution is made by mixing one part of "commercial" carbolic acid (liquid) with twenty parts of methylated spirit. After this has become dry, a good thick coating of coal tar should be laid on. The object of this antiseptic treatment is to destroy the parasitic fungi and arrest, as far as possible, the decaying process. Hollows that have taken the form of pockets and hold water must be thoroughly drained ; the bottom of the hole may be located by poking down with a piece of stiff wire, and its situation marked on the outside of the trunk ; a hole must now be bored with an augur from the outside upwards in a slanting direction to the bottom of the hollow, by means of which the moisture can escape and wet decayed matter can be extracted. The hollow or pocket must now be filled up and made water- tight, but when once the holes have been cleaned out and drained there is no need to hurry ; it is best to let the surfaces get dry before the rest of the work is done. The best " stopping " for small holes is Portland cement, or for small round ones a plug of oak will do (as for the augur hole mentioned above). For very large holes the aid of the bricklayer may be obtained. After the bricks are laid they should be surfaced with cement. In the case of black trunks the outer layer of cement should be heavily dusted over with soot, or lampblack may be mixed with the cement. Asphalt has been recommended in place of cement for "stopping," but I have not tried it. The chief points are : the keeping out of moisture, and the provision of a surface over which the new bark may grow. If the tree is in a state of vigorous health, as many hollow trees are, the bark will in time close over the " stopping," just as it will over the flat sawn surface where a branch has been newly removed. But unless some such surface is pro- vided on which the Uew bark can set itself, it forms thickened rolls all round the rims of the hollow, and these in hollows of large size will never meet and close up. Supporting heavy and dangerous Branches. The dismember- ment of large old trees whose limbs, having become unduly heavy, are at the mercy of an unusually fierce wind, or a heavy fall of snow, may often be prevented or long deferred by supporting the branches to the main trunk, or to one another. The usual method of doing this is to place an iron band, or collar, round each of the two branches that have to be connected and joining them together by means of a chain or iron rod. The iron band should be made with a hinge on the outer side, so that it can be easily removed when the branch has grown too large for it. The great defect of this system is, that the iron band presses on the bark and tends to check the flow of sap, so that the branch soon begins to thicken above and below it. If the band is not moved in time it will Become entirely embedded. The remedy is, of course, to move the iron CARE OF OLD TREES 55 collar slightly up or down the branch and readjust it to the increased girth of the branch, which isx why a hinge is useful. The unfortunate thing is, that this duty is so often neglected that the iron collars in time become hopelessly embedded in the limbs. It is one of the commonest sights in gardens. The collar and chain system is quite efficacious, but it is more or less troublesome. I strongly advocate an entirely different plan, which has been adopted at Kew for the last twelve or fifteen years with entirely satisfactory results for dry-wooded trees. Instead of supporting the limbs by connecting them together in the old-fashioned way described above, a hole is bored right through the centre of each limb with an augur; they are then joined together by a steel rod proportionate in thickness and strength to the weight of the limbs. The outer side of the limb is supported by an iron plate held on to the end of the steel rod by a screw nut. This iron plate should be bent so as to fit the circumference of the limb, and it should be let into it slightly by cutting out the bark with hammer and chisel. If each end of the steel rod is threaded, the branches can be braced together by screwing up the nut that holds the plate in place. The advantage of this system is that no further trouble is involved the job lasts as long as the rod and plate do. The bark may in time grow over the plate on the outside, but that is an advantage rather than otherwise. That part of the rod which passes through the limb should be smeared with coal tar before being pushed in, and the openings should be made water-tight. The augur-hole should, however, be only large enough for the rod to be thrust through. The supports are very frequently placed too low down on the branches. The strain on them there is naturally much greater when the branches are swaying than it would be if they were placed towards the summit, where a thinner rod, or chain and band, would suffice. In most instances the tree really requires but little artificial help, for Nature has endowed it with an enormous self-sustaining power. The forking trunk alluded to on p. 47 is the commonest instance of the need of artificial support. As an alternative to the use of these artificial supports for heavy branches, there is often that of reducing their weight by pruning. It should, of course, only be resorted to when it will leave the contours of the tree unspoilt (See notes on PRUNING.) CHAPTER XI EVERGREEN TREES AND SHRUBS. IN no class of outdoor plants is our indebtedness to the floras of other countries so evident as in the case of hardy evergreens. The broad- leaved evergreens, as distinct from conifers, represent a type of vegetation which is essentially a tropical and subtropical one. As one gets farther from the equator their gradual displacement by deciduous vegetation and conifers becomes more and more marked. In Great Britain we have the box, the holly, the yew, the Scotch pine, common juniper, gorse, various heaths and other low shrubs, and the ivy. In S.W. Ireland these have a remarkable addition in Arbutus Unedo, the strawberry tree. Conifers and dwarf, small-leaved evergreens of the heather, crowberry, and Vaccinium type are some of the hardiest plants of the globe. But most of the choice evergreens of the garden type broad-leaved trees, or shrubs too tall to be covered by snow in winter are dependent for their welfare on two conditions, viz., an equable climate and an abundance of moisture at the root and in the atmosphere. They will always be found most abundant, both in nature and under cultivation, where the rainfall is greatest and the climate free from great extremes of heat and cold. Our islands, especially on the western side, afford conditions better adapted to their cultivation than perhaps any other part of northern Europe of similar extent. Japan with its insular -climate, and westerns. America, bathed with moisture from the Pacific, are both singularly rich in evergreens. Four of our native evergreens still hold a position of supremacy in spite of the number of their foreign rivals. These are the holly, yew, box, and ivy, each of which fills a place in gardens no exotic evergreen could occupy. With regard to the ivy, it is a singular fact that it is still not only the best, but practically the only genuinely hardy climbing evergreen. The scarcity of evergreen climbers in gardens has been but little relieved by recent exploration in China and elsewhere. Their meagre number in cool temperate regions is even more marked than that of bushy evergreens. 56 CHUSAN PALM, Trachycarpus Fortumi. i.] [Face p. 57. EVERGREENS 57 The leading conditions suitable for evergreens, more especially foreign ones, have already been indicated, viz., moisture and an equable climate. On the cultivator it becomes incumbent to provide these conditions to the best of his ability. Broad-leaved evergreen shrubs of any rarity or value should be given sheltered spots where the soil is not liable to become parched. The last places for them are high and dry exposed ones. It is unnecessary here to pass the cultivation of evergreens (so far as it differs from that of deciduous shrubs) in review. It is dealt with in the body of the work and may be found by reference to the pages on which the genus and species are described. (See also chapter on TRANSPLANTING.) The following is a selection of the best evergreens, omitting conifers ; those marked * have beauty of flower; those marked t require some protection at Kew : TREES. *Arbutus Menziesii. Castanopsis chrysophylla. Eucalyptus Gunnii. Ilex Aquifolium and vars. Laurus nobilis. *Magnolia grandiflora. Quercus densiflora. Ilex and vars. ,, Lucombeana crispa. Suber. Trachycarpus Fortunei. Umbellularia californica. SHRUBS, Medium and Large. *Arbutus Andrachne. * hybrida. ,, Unedo and vars. *Arctostaphylos Manzanita. Arundinaria anceps. ,, fastuosa. ,, japonica. ,, nitida. Aucuba japonica and vars. (handsome in fruit). Azara microphylla. *Berberis Aquifolium. buxifolia. Darwimi. Hookeri. japonica and vars. pinnata. ,, stenophylla. Buxus balearica. ,, sempervirens and vars. Cassinia fulvida. t*Ceanothus papillosus. t* 11 rigidus. ,, thyrsiflorus. *Choisya ternata. *Cistus cyprius. * laurifolius. * Loreti. Cotoneaster buxifolia (handsome in fruit). Franchetii ( do. pannosa ( do. ,, salicifolia and vars. turbinata. Daphne Laureola. Daphniph} r llum macropodum. Elaeagnus glabra. macrophylla. pungens. 'Erica arbor ea. ' ,, var. alpina. * australis. * lusitanica. * mediterranea. * stricta. f Escallonia exoniensis. floribunda. ., langleyensis. macrantha. ,, pterocladon. * rubra. 58 EVERGREENS Euonymus japonicus. *Fatsia japonica. *Garrya elliptica. Gaultheria Shallon. Hedera Helix arborescens. colchica arborescens. Ilex cornuta. ,, crenata. , , Integra. ,, Pernyi. *Kalmia latifolia. *Ledum latifoliurn. *Leucothoe CatesbaeL Ligustrum lucidum. Prattii. *Olearia H,aastii. Osmanthus Aquifolium and vars. Fortune!. Pernettya mucronata (handsome in fruit). Phillyrea angustifolia. decora. latifolia. Phyllostachys aurea. Castillonis. Henonis. Quilioi. ,, viridi-glaucescens. Pieris flonbunda. ,, japonica. Prunus Laurocerasus and vars. lusitanica and vars. Pyracantha coccinea (handsome in fruit). Quercus acuta. Quercus coccifera. cuspidata. glabra. phillyreoides. *Raphiolepis japonica. Rhamnus Alaternus. * Rhododendron amcenum. ,, Augustinii. ,, campylocarpura. . , catawbiense. cinnabarinum. ,, ferrugineum. Fortunei. ledifolium. racemosum. Smirnowi. Thomsonii. yunnanense. many garden vars. and hybrids. *Rosmarinus officinalis. Skimmia japonica (handsome in fruit). Vaccinium ovatum. *Veronica anomala. ,, Darwiniana. Traversii. Viburnum Henryi (handsome in fruit). ,, rhytidophyllum ( do. ). * Tinus and vars. * ,. utile. *Yucca glauca. : ,, gloriosa. * recurvifolia. SHRUBS, Low. *Andromeda polifolia. *Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi. Berberis buxifolia nana. candidula. repens. verruculosa. *Calluna vulgaris and vars. Corema album. Cotoneaster congesta. ,, microphylla. thymifolia. *Dabo2cia polifolia. Danae Laurus. *Daphne Cneorum. * ,, neapolitana. *Daphne retusa. Daphniphyllum humile. Empetrum nigrum and vars. Ephedra Gerardiana. *Erica carriea. * ,, ciliaris and vars. '" ,, cinerea. * darleyensis 15 ,, Tetraiix. f ,, vagans. Euonymus radicans and vars. Eurya japonica. Gaultheria procumbens. Gaylussacia brachycera. Hedera colchica. EVERGREENS 59 Hedera Helix and vars. 'Helianthemum formosum. Ilex crenata Mariesii. 'Leiophyllum buxifolium. Lonicera nitida. e Rhododendron flavidum. intricatum. lepidotum. Ruscus aculeatus (handsome in fruit). Hypoglossum. Skimmia Fortunei (handsome in fruit). Vaccinium Vitis-Idsea. *Veronica carnosula. * Hectori. Viburnum Davidii. *Vinca major. r minor and vars. * Yucca filamentosa. * flaccida, CHAPTER XII CLIMBING SHRUBS. THE value of climbing shrubs in gardens needs no insisting upon. It is by their means that the most effective of all garden pictures, and the nearest approach to tropical luxuriance can be obtained. The one difficulty in cultivating climbers in gardens is the provision of proper supports for them to grow upon. The most convenient of all is the pergola, a pleasing feature in a garden, but one which it is sometimes difficult to place properly. A pergola should lead up to something, and it ought not to be set down anywhere, irrespective of its surroundings. As a rule it is most happily placed over a path. In our climate I do not favour the pergola with continuous sides and top. On all but the hottest days it is too apt to be suggestive of a tunnel; on wet ones it is absolutely gloomy. This type of pergola has also the disadvantage of putting its best side outwards, especially on the top, so that little of its greenery and few of its flowers can be seen from inside. A pergola consisting of a series of square or rounded arches, 12 to 20 ft. apart, linked together by a chain or lathe on each side is, to my mind, to be preferred. The flowers on each arch and chain can in this way be seen quite well,* and at the sides long hanging shoots may be encouraged to grow. The most natural support for climbers is other trees and shrubs, but the effect on the latter when allowed to be overrun by a vigorous climber is nearly always deleterious, and may in time be fatal. No one would think of giving up a tree they prized for such a purpose, but common, and especially decaying, trees are very suitable for it. The establishment of a climber in close enough proximity to a tree to enable it to overrun it requires some consideration. It is often of little use planting it at the base of the trunk. Although frequently selected, that spot is too dry and too shady, except in decrepit trees or trees with tall, bare trunks. If any branches come near enough the ground to enable the newly planted climber to be attached to them, that is usually the best place to select. It may be necessary, however, to secure the branch against being blown 60 CLIMBING SHRUBS 61 about too roughly by storm, and so pulling out the climber with it. A stout post set in the ground may serve at once for the climber to grow up and to secure the branch to. The establishment of a climber on living trees and shrubs is also hampered and delayed by its having their active roots to contend with. A good plan in this case is to sink a tub or barrel, with the bottom knocked out, level with the surface of the soil, and fill it with rich soil, in which the climber is to be planted. This allows it to grow free from interference by other roots for at least a year or two, and thus get firmly established. If the tub be of soft wood it may be allowed to remain and decay. The best sorts for clambering over trees are the stronger-growing vines, especially Vitis Coignetice, the wistarias (often very beautiful grown in this way in Italian gardens in April), the more vigorous clematises, Rosa moschata^ Celastrus articulatus, Lonicera japonica. For covering tall, naked tree trunks Veitch's Ampelopsis, the true clinging Virginian creeper, and Hydrangea petiolaris are useful. The two former colour highly in autumn, and are self-supporting, climbing to great heights ; the Hydrangea flowers prettily and needs but little artificial support. Many of the rambler roses make charming coverings for the bases of tall trunks if they are allowed to grow loosely. In most gardens climbers are confined to walls, which they often beautify extremely. But, on the whole, I consider walls should be reserved for tender shrubs, or for those that need them to show their greatest beauty in this country. Such lovely plants as Ceanothus rigidus C. dentatus, Escallonia macrantha, E. pterocladon, Adenocarpus decorticans and such interesting ones as the myrtle, pomegranate, and loquat, are not climbers in the strict sense of the word, but ordinary bushy shrubs made to do duty as such. For low walls, or the lower part of lofty ones, they make the most beautiful coverings, and they cannot be satisfactorily grown in the open ground. Such plants as the common pyracantha, Chimonanthus fragans and Jasminum nudiflorum are perfectly hardy, but in our climate are seen to best advantage as wall shrubs. For climbers grown in the open ground, the best support is that afforded by branches of oak, ash, or elm set firmly in the ground, and with long snags left on them. A single stout branch with a few long forks makes an admirable support for clematises of medium vigour, jessamines, honeysuckles, Periploca graca, Akebia quinata, and such like. A collection of about forty species of clematis at Kew is accommodated in this way, or, in the case of the stronger ones, by setting up three or more branches with the tops secured together, so that they form a sort of wigwam or tent. These the clematises soon cover, and although some- what gaunt in winter, they give a pleasing effect throughout the summer and autumn. The clematises of purely garden origin of the Jackmani 62 CLIMBING SHRUBS and lanuginosa groups, etc., are often, unfortunately, very short-lived; the greatest success with them has been obtained by growing them on their own roots (not grafted on C. Vitalbd), and giving them a position where the lower part of the stem is shielded from the direct rays of the sun. The principles that govern the pruning of climbers on walls or pergolas are the same as those that apply to ordinary shrubs, dealt with in the chapter on PRUNING ($.v.\ The operation is regulated by two considerations : viz., the space to be covered, and the time at which the plants flower. As with shrubs in the open, climbers that flower on the growths of the year (or those that flower so early in the season that the ordinary period of growth is not thereby curtailed) should be pruned in spring. Those that flower on the growths made the previous summer should be renewed by laying in young wood and cutting out a proportion of the old as soon as the flowers are past. Climbers on trees or wherever space is unlimited need no pruning. In connection with climbers the following genera and species should be consulted in the body of this, work the list does not include ordinary shrubs made to do duty as climbers on walls. Actinidia. Akebia. Aristolochia. Berberidopsis corallina. Bignonia capreolata. Billardiera longiflora. Brunnichia cirrhosa. Celastrus. Clematis. Cocculus. Decumaria. Eccremocarpus scaber. Ercilla volubilis. Euonymus radicans and vars. Forsythia suspensa. Hedera. Holboellia latifolia. Hydrangea. Jasminmn. Kadsura japonica. Lardizabala biternata. Lonicera. Menispermum. Metaplexis Stauntoni. Muehlenbeckia. Passiflora coerulea. Periploca graeca. Polygonum baldschuanicum. Rhus Toxicodendron. Rosa. Rubus. Schizandra. Schizophragma. Sinofranchetia chinensis. Sinomenium diversifolium. Smilax. Solanum. Stauntonia hexaphylla. Tecoma. Trachelospermum Vitis. Wistaria. CHAPTER XIII PENDULOUS TREES. IN the garden proper, pendulous-branched, or " weeping," trees are often undoubtedly very effective ornaments. But it is easy to plant them too abundantly and thus produce an effect of monotony. To my mind a weeping tree is seen to best advantage in a position isolated from other trees. If that position be on a lawn so much the better, for nowhere else do the best of weeping trees, such as the pendulous forms of holly, hawthorn, ash, beech, wych elm, and birch, look so well. A weeping tree is essentially a product of the garden ; it has no place in the sylva of the British Isles. Therefore it is better fitted for the trim neatness of the garden than anywhere else. Even in the park, where the grass is grazed or only mown once annually, weeping trees do not meet one's sense of fitness. On lawns near the house, weeping trees of more spreading form, like the beech and wych elm, make delightful shady arbours in summer. Weeping trees, again, have a peculiar value in association with buildings whose contours are severe and angular, just as rigid-branched trees like cedar of Lebanon enhance the effect of domed buildings and rounded architectural lines generally with which they may be associated. In the training of weeping trees it is important to attend to the training up of one or more leading shoots until the tree has attained the desired height. Unless this is done the tree increases extremely slowly in height, and loses much in elegance by keeping low and dumpy. Many weeping trees are really prostrate in habit, and unless grafted on high standards or artificially trained to form an upright stem, would merely remain low sprawling shrubs. On the other hand, a number of trees naturally pendulous, like Salix babylonica and Tilia petiolaris, although they form no distinct leader, increase sufficiently in height without assistance, as does also a third type of weeping tree which forms a clean erect leading shoot and stem whilst its branches are pendulous; this latter type is illustrated among others by an ash, Fraxinus excelsior var. Wentworthii, and a beech, Fagus sylvatica var. miltoniensis. Other 64 PENDULOUS TREES trees, again, have an erect trunk and leader, more or less horizontal branches and weeping branchlets ; they are chiefly found among conifers, and are well illustrated in Picea Morinda, Cupressus nootkatensis var. pendula, and Taxus baccata var. Dovastoni. The following is a list of the more important weeping trees and shrubs. Those marked * are naturally pendulous, as distinct from those that have originated as " sports " in gardens : Acer dasycarpum pendulum. Alnus incana pendula. Betula verrucosa pendula. purpurea pendula. Youngii. Buxus sempervirens pendula. Caragana arborescens pendula. Carpinus Betulus pendula. Cornus florida pendula. Corylus Avellana pendula. *Cotoneaster multiflora. Crataegus monogyna pendula. Cytisus scoparius pendula. Fagus sylvatica bornyensis. ,, miltoniensis. pendula. ,, remillyensis. *Forsythia suspensa. Fraxinus angustifolia pendula. excelsior pendula. Wentworthii. *Genista aetnensis. Gleditschia triacanthos pendula. Ilex Aquifolium pendula. ,, ,, argentea pendula. ,, aurea pendula. Juglans regia pendula. Laburnum vulgare pendulum. Morus alba pendula. Populus tremula pendula. ,, tremuloides pendula. Prunus Amygdalus pendula. ,, Avium pendula. ,, Chamaecerasus pendula. Mahaleb pendula. Mume pendula. ,, pendula. serotina pendula. Pyrus Aucuparia pendula. ,, prunifolia pendula. salicifolia pendula. Quercus palustris pendula. ,, pedunculata pendula. Rhus Cotinus pendula. *Salix babylonica. annularis. ,, Caprea pendula. * elegantissima. ,, purpurea pendula. ,, Salamoni. ,, vitellina pendula. Sambucus nigra pendula. Sophora japonica pendula. Syringa pekinensis pendula. *Tamarix juniperina. *Tilia petiolaris. Ulmus montana pendula. nitens pendula. CONIFERS. Abies pectinata pendula. .Cedrus atlantica pendula. Cupressus Lawsoniana glauca pendula. gracilis. pendula. ,, nootkatensis penduia. Ginkgo biloba pendula. * Juniper us formosana. * rigida. ,, virginiana pendula. Larix europaea pendula. Picea excelsa Cranstoni. ,, ,, inverta. ,, ,, pendula. Pinus Strobus pendula. Sequoia gigantea pendula. Taxus baccata Dovastoni. ,, gracilis pendula. ,, ,, pendula. Thuya orientalis pendula. Tsuga canadensis pendula. Sargentii. - CHAPTER XIV FASTIGIATE OR ERECT-BRANCHED TREES. AMONG the aberrant forms of garden trees those with a pendulous or " weeping " habit are, on the whole, much more planted than those with an opposite tendency of branching. Probably the reason for this is that pendulous-branched trees are prettier and more graceful than the others. A certain kind of sentimentality is attached to weeping trees which is pleasing to many minds. There is more of an aspect of austerity or even rigid sternness about a fastigiate tree. Still, if we value trees for the emotions they inspire and after all that is probably their chief value there is something to be said for these erect-growing kinds. To me, at any rate, few trees are more admirable than a well-grown, well-placed Lombardy poplar, conveying as it does, in much the same way as a fine church spire, a sense of lofty aspiration. The value of such trees in the garden landscape is well known, relieving low, monotonous lines of vegetation as they do more effectually than anything else, and enhancing by contrast (as weeping trees do in an opposite way) the beauty and characteristics of other and different types of growth, or even of architecture, with which they may be associated. In the chapter on street planting I have drawn attention to the value of fastigiate trees in that connection. This type of tree has, in fact, a very special value for town planting, owing to the small amount of lateral space each individual needs. Some of these fastigiate varieties may be raised from seeds, such as the cypress oak and the Irish yew. Only a small proportion, however, come true ; most of them revert to the type, and some show the fastigiate shape in a less pronounced degree. To avoid a waste of time waiting to see how the seedlings develop, it is more convenient to propagate them by means of cuttings and grafts. If the typical form of tree from which these fastigiate ones have respectively sprung is used as a stock, the latter process is almost free from objection. Cuttings may be employed for all the conifers mentioned below (except the silver fir and the spruce), for the poplars, box, and, with less success, the elms, Ptelea and pyruses. 65 E 66 FASTIGIATE OR ERECT-BRANCHED TREES There are probably fastigiate forms of more trees than are mentioned below; it is only quite recently that erect-growing forms of beech and Spanish chestnut have come to light. But of common trees I do not know at present that there are any of the following : ash, Turkey oak, lime, durmast oak, sycamore, laburnum, apple, pear, walnut, and field maple. The fact that fastigiate, as well as weeping, trees originate only as seedling variations will explain the absence of any fastigiate common elm. Prunus Simoni appears to be naturally fastigiate in its typical form. Descriptions of each of the following will be found in its place in the body of this work : Abies pectinata pyramidalis. Acer Lobelii. saccharum monumentale. yEsculus Hippocastanum pyramidalis. Aralia chinensis pyramidalis. Betula pumila fastigiata. ,, verrucosa fastigiata. Buxus sempervirens pyramidalis. Carpinus Betulus columnaris. ,, pyramidalis. Castanea sativa pyramidalis. Cephalotaxus pedunculata fastigiata. Crataegus monogyna stricta. Cupressus Lawsoniana Allumi. ,, erecta viridis. ,, ,, Wisselii. macrocarpa fastigiata. ,, sempervirens fastigiata, Fagus sylvatica fastigiata. Juniperus communis compressa. ,, ,, fastigiata. Liriodendron Tulipifera fastigiata. Morus alba fastigiata. Picea excelsa stricta. Populus alba pyramidalis. ,, nigra italica. Thevestina. ,, plantierensis. Prunus Padus stricta. Simoni. Ptelea trifoliata fastigiata. Pyrus Aucuparia fastigiata. ,, pinnatifida fastigiata. Quercus pedunculata fastigiata. Robinia Pseudacacia fastigiata. ' monophylla fastigiata. Sambucus nigra pyramidalis. Taxus baccata adpressa stricta. fastigiata. ,, ,, ,, aurea. Thuya plicata pyramidalis. Ulex europaeus strictus. Ulmus montana fastigiata. Wredei. stricta. Wheatleyi. CHAPTER XV DWARF TREES AND SHRUBS. THERE are many places in the garden where dwarf shrubs shrubs, that is, which never get more than 3 ft. high, or take many years to do so are almost indispensable. In the Rock Garden, for instance, they are of great value as giving diversity, shelter, and winter-furnishing without encroaching upon or interfering with the regular occupants. In places, too, where plants are wanted not so tall as to obstruct the view, such as in front of windows or alongside low terrace walls, naturally dwarf shrubs are infinitely to be preferred to taller, stronger-growing ones, continually kept low by cropping over with knife or shears. They are also useful in small formal arrangements. Besides those shrubs whose dwarfness is a natural and specific characteristic, there are numerous others well known in gardens, in which it is an abnormal one. Trees long in cultivation very frequently produce dwarf sports and varieties as well as fastigiate and pendulous ones. They mostly retain their dwarfness after being propagated by cuttings or by grafting, and are usually distinguished by such names as nana, pumila, dumosa, and pygmaea. The common spruce, one of the giants of European forests, is very prolific of dwarf varieties; they occur also among other conifers in the Scotch pine, Weymouth pine, Douglas fir, yew, silver fir, Corsican pine, black spruce, common juniper and savin, Lawson cypress and Cryptomeria japonica. Some of these forms, although sprung from trees naturally 100 to 200 ft. high, will take twenty years to grow i yard high. The dwarf varieties of deciduous trees are, as a rule, more vigorous in growth than the evergreens, and not so well adapted for the special places mentioned above. They occur in the field and Norway maples, Mahaleb, and gean cherries, Catalpa bignonioides. Viburnum Opulus, wych elm, common ash, white poplar, Robinia Pseudacaria, hawthorn, etc. The dwarf hawthorn (Cratczgus monogyna var. semperflorens] flowers 67 68 DWARF TREES AND SHRUBS freely, but some of these dwarf forms are rarely or never seen in bloom as, for instance, Catalpa bignonioides nana and Viburnum Opulus nana. In gardens with a soil free from lime or other calcareous matter, the members of the heath family fill a conspicuous place among naturally dwarf evergreens. It is not necessary here to mention them all. They are dealt with in the body of the work, and many of them may be found by consulting the following genera: Erica, Calluna, Kalmia, Gaultheria, Rhododendron, Phyllodoce, Dabazcia, Pernettya, Cassandra, Ledum, Bruckenthalia, Leucothoe, Andromeda, Vaccinium, etc. For other species of naturally dwarf stature the reader is referred to the following genera : Astragalus, Berberis, Corema, Cotoneaster, Cytisus, Daphne, Empetrum, Ephedra, Erinacea, Euonymtis, Helianthemum, Hypericum, Pachysandra, Pachystima, Polygala, Potentilla, Ruscus, Salix, Sarcococca, Veronica, Vinca, Yucca. The following is a list of the more important dwarfs, whose dwarf- ness is an abnormal character. Such varieties as a rule do not come true from seed : Abies balsamea hudsonica. Acer campestre compactum. platanoides globosum. . ,, nanum. Arbutus Unedo compacta. Berberis buxifolia nana. Darwinii nana. Betula pubescens crenata nana. ,, verrucosa dentata viscosa. Broussonetia papyrifera laciniata. Buxus sempervirens rosmarinifolia. ,, suffruticosa. Calluna vulgaris Foxi. hypnoides. ,, minima. pygmsea. Caragana arborescens nana. Cassandra calyculata nana. Catalpa bignonioides nana. Cornus Hessei. ,, Mas nana. Cratsegus monogyna inermis compacta. semperflorens. Cryptomeria japonica nana. spiralis. Erica scoparia pumila. Fagus sylvatica conglomerata. Fraxinus dimorpha dumosa. excelsior atrovirens nana. Fraxinus excelsior globosa. oxycarpa nana. Hypericum hircinum minor. Juniperus communis alpina. ,, compressa. virginiaha compacta. dumosa. ,, ,, humilis. Kalmia angustifolia nana. latifolia myrtifolia. Lavandula Spica nana. Ledum latifolium compactum. Ligustrum japonicum coriaceum. Lonicera tatarica nana. Olearia macrodonta minor. Philadelphus coronarius nanus. Picea alba echiniformis. ,, excelsa Clanbrasiliana. ,, ,, dumosa. ,, ,, globosa. ,, ,, Gregoryana. ,, pygmaea. ,, nigra Doumettii. Pinus Laricio pumila. pygmaea. Strobus nana. sylvestris beuvronensis. globosa. nana. DWARF TREES AND SHRUBS Primus acida humilis. ,, Avium nana. ,. Laurocerasus compacta. n parvifolia. ,, lusitanica myrtifolia. ,, Mahaleb globosa. Pseudotsuga Douglasii nana. Ribes alpinum pumilum. Robinia Pseudacacia Bessoniana. M inermis. Robinia Pseudacacia Rehderi. Taxus baccata nana. cuspidata compacta. Thuya dolabrata nana. ,, occidentalis globosa. M M Spaethii. ,, orientalis globosa. Ulmus montana nana. Viburnum Opulus nana. 69 CHAPTER XVI TREES AND SHRUBS WITH HANDSOME FRUITS. IN gardens attached to houses visited usually, or perhaps only, in the autumn, this group of trees and shrubs possesses a special value. After July very few shrubs are to be had in flower, and the fine-fruited kinds provide a useful element of colour in the dull time that comes between the season of late flower and that of autumn colour. It is also a point in the planting of the parks and gardens of pleasure resorts whose "season" is from July to September that might be given more consideration than at present it receives. The following list may be useful as indicating the most striking of this class ; they are all fully described in the body of the work, but the asterisk may be taken as a guide for the, best : Acanthopanax Henryi and others, black- purple. Acer Pseudoplatanus erythrocarpum, red. Actinidia chinensis, reddish, edible. Ailanthus glandulosa, red and yellow. Arbutus Unedo, orange-red. *Aucuba japomca, red. *Berberis, many species, plum-coloured and red. *Billardiera longiflora, blue. *Callicarpa japonica, violet. *Celastrus articulatus, red and orange. scandens, red and orange. Clematis Vitalba, grey. Clerodendron Fargesii, blue. trichotomum, blue. Cocculus trilobus, purple-black. Colutea arborescens and others, brown bladders. Coprosma acerosa, transparent blue-green. *Coriaria, red, yellow. Cornus, blue and red. *Cotoneaster, red and black. 70 *Cratsegus, red, sometimes yellow. Daphne Mezereum, red or yellow. Elaeagnus multiflora, orange-red. *Euonymus, red and orange. Fraxinus Mariesii, bronzy red. Gleditschia, brown, large pods. Hedera, purple-black, sometimes red or yellow. *Hippophae rhamnoides, orange. *Hymenanthera crassifolia, white. Hypericum Androsaemum, black-purple. ,, elatum, black-purple. Idesia polycarpa, black-purple. *Ilex, red, sometimes yellow. Jasminum fruticans, black. Ligustrum sinense, black. Lonicera, red, blue. *Lycium, red. Magnolia tripetala, red. Nuttallia cerasiformis, purple. Paliurus, brown, flattish disks. *Pernettya mucronata, crimson, purple white. HANDSOME FRUITS 71 Ptelea trifoliata, brown, hop-like. *Pyracantha, scarlet. *Pyrus (crabs), red and yellow. ,, Aria group, coral red. ,, Aucuparia group, red and yellow. Rhamnus, black-purple. *Rhaphithamnus cyanocarpus, blue. Rhus glabra, red. ,, trichocarpa, red. *Rosa, red and scarlet. Rubus phoenicolasius, red. Ruscus aculeatus, red. Sambucus glauca, blue-white. Sambucus nigra, black. * ,, racemosa, red. *Skimmia, red. Solanum Dulcamara, red (poisonous). Staphylea, brown bladders. *Symphoricarpus racemosus, snow white. orbiculatus, red. Symplocos, blue. Vaccinium, black. *Viburnum, red and blue. *Viscum, white. *Vitis heterophylla, porcelain blue. Zanthoxylum planispinum, red. CHAPTER XVII HANDSOME-BARKED TREES AND SHRUBS. THE value of certain trees and shrubs for making a bright or pleasing effect in winter by reason of their coloured barks has never been fully appreciated. Planted in groups, such plants give masses of soft colour which, in the wilder parts of the grounds at any rate, are more appropriate to our climate and landscape than are variegated evergreens. Near the waterside several willows, such as the red- and yellow-barked forms of Salix vitellina, and the blue-white bark of S. daphnoides and S. acuttfolia, are very attractive. But to get the colour finely developed, it is necessary to cut them back every spring, so as to induce the growth of a crowd of wands of goodly length. These are trees, and the colour is, of course, confined to the young shoots and disappears the second year ; therefore, a mode of cultivation like this is to be preferred, which causes the plant to renew itself every year from near the base, keeps it continuously of about the same size, and provides the greatest proportion of highly coloured young wood. The best willows are Salix vitellina (yellow) and its var. britzensis (red). Next to the willows are various species of Cornus or cornels, amongst which, with red stems, we have C. alba, C. alba var. sibirica and other varieties, C. Bailey i and C. stolonifera. Cornus stolonifera var. flaviramea has yellow shoots. Being naturally shrubs, these cornels do not need to be kept artificially dwarf like the willows ; but they are all the better if the older branches are occasionally cut out so as to encourage new basal growths. Two good variegated forms of C. alba, viz., Sp&thii and sibirica variegata, will recommend themselves to many by their winter as well as summer beauty. The young shoots of Berberis virescens are red the first winter A group of shrubs which has received several additions in recent years from China are the white-stemmed species of Rubus. The whiteness (usually bluish) is caused by an external layer of waxy particles on the bark. For many years the Himalayan R. biflorus has been known in gardens, and it is still one of the most striking of the group. R. Giraldianus and R. biflorus var. quinqueflorus, both new and from China, 72 HANDSOME BARKS 73 are perhaps the best. The character is displayed in a less marked degree in R. lasiostyhiS) R. coreanus, -R. occidentalis^ R. thibetanus, and in our native dewberry, R. casius. Of a different type of whiteness is the silvery hue of the birches, amongst which the common B. verrucosa occupies a foremost place. Perhaps even more silvery are the trunks of B. papyri/era and B. Ermani. Others of a similar character are B. utilis and B. Jacquemontii. All these give charming winter effects, especially in association with evergreens. Several birches, especially when- young, have rich reddish or yellowish brown bark, like B. lutea and B. ocddentalis ; so also has Prunus Maackii. A beautiful and striking bark is that seen in Acer pennsylvanicum (Moose-wood). On branches two or more years old the bark becomes striped with conspicuous, jagged, blue -white lines. Quite similar is the bark of the new Chinese species A. Davidii and the Japanese A. cratagifolium. The young shoots of a form of Moose-wood (var. erythrodaduni) turn a rich red after the leaves have fallen. On fine winter days the red twigs of Alnus incana var. ramulis coccineis give a pretty glow, enhanced later by the red of the catkin scales. The yellow- barked variety of the common ash stands out quite distinctly among its fellows in winter. It retains its colour on branches several inches in circumference. A lime with golden yellow twigs is Tilia platyphyllos var. aurantia. There are several shrubs whose young shoots retain a vivid green or brown during their first winter. Amongst them are the kerrias and stephanandras ; but although very pleasing as an addition to their other beauties, the colour of their stems scarcely justifies special plantings of the species. CHAPTER XVIII VARIEGATED AND COLOURED TREES AND SHRUBS. PERHAPS more rubbish is foisted on purchasers of trees and shrubs in the shape of variegated sorts than of anything else. A variegated plant should have its leaf-colouring bright, well-defined, and abundant to be of value. Yet by some dealers every spotty or muddy coloured form is thought worthy of a name and a flattering description. There can be no question but that purple or variegated plants have a disturbing effect on the general landscape. Their place is in the garden proper, where the eye is accustomed to, and seeks for, unusual effects; but even there they should never be sprinkled about indiscriminately. Coloured shrubs are best in groups or masses, composed either of one sort or of two or more that enhance each other's beauty. Trees like the purple beech or variegated English elm are very effective as solitary specimens on a lawn ; so is a group of Spath's cornel, perhaps the best deciduous varie- gated shrub in cultivation. The value of such plants is most apparent after midsummer, when the great flowering season of trees and shrubs is over. They then furnish bright patches of colour which would other- wise be lacking. In large gardens, I favour the plan of associating in a few broad masses collections of good variegated shrubs and small trees, and if such masses can be placed in somewhat secluded spots, or at any rate in places where they are not for ever obtruding themselves on .the vision, their charm and effectiveness are, I think, enhanced. Variegated evergreens have an especial value in giving colour and warmth to a garden during the dullest months of the year. In the following select list of variegated trees and shrubs they are marked with an asterisk (*) : Acanthopanax spinosum variegatum, white. Acer campestre postelense, all yellow. ,, Schwerinii, purple. crataegifolium Veitchi, rose-coloured and white, japonicum aureum, all yellow. Negundo aureo-variegatum, yellow. aureum, all yellow. ,, variegatum, white. VARIEGATED TREES AND SHRUBS 75 Acer palmatum (various). pictum aureum, yellow. platanoides (various). Pseudoplatanus (various). Alnus incana aurea, all yellow. Aralia chinensis, white and yellow variegated forms. *Arundinaria auricoma, yellow. * Fortunei, white. Atriplex Halimus, all silvery. *Aucuba japonica, yellow and creamy white. Berberis vulgaris purpurea, all purple. Betula verrucosa purpurea, all purple. *Buxus sempervirens argentea, white. *Calluna vulgaris aurea, all yellow. * cuprea, coppery. Castanea sativa aureo-marginata, yellow. Catalpa bignonioides aurea, all yellow. Cornus alba sibirica variegata, white. Spaethii, yellow. controversa variegata, white. Mas elegantissima, yellow and pink. ,, ,, variegata, white. Corylus maxima atropurpurea, all dark purple, Diervilla florida Looymansi aurea, all yellow. variegata, white. Elaeagnus argentea, all silvery. * pungens (various). *Eucalyptus Gunnii, all grey. *Euonymus japonicus (various}. * ,, radicans (various). Fagus sylvatica purpurea, purple. tricolor, white and pink. .,, variegata, white. *Hedera (various). Hibiscus syriacus variegatus, white. *Ilex (various). Jasminum officinale aureum, yellow. Kerria japonica variegata, white. *Ligustrum ovalifolium aureum, yellow. Liriodendron Tulipifera aureo-variegata, yellow. Lonicera japonica aureo-reticulata, yellow veins. Magnolia acuminata aureo-variegata, yellow. Neillia opulifolia lutea, all yellow. *Osmanthus Aquifolium purpureus, purplish. ,, ,, variegatus, white. Philadelphus coronarius foliis aureis, all yellow. *Pieris japonica variegata, white. Populus alba Richardii, all yellow. serotina aurea, all yellow. Prunus cerasifera atropurpurea (and forms), all purple. Pyrus Niedzwetzkyana, all reddish purple. salicifolia*, all silvery. 76 VARIEGATED TREES AND SHRUBS Quercus Cerris variegata, white. ,, cuspidata variegata, white. pedunculata Concordia, all yellow. purpurea, all dark purple. rubra aurea, all yelloAV. *Rhamnus Alaternus variegata, white. Rhus Cotinus purpurea, all purplish. Ribes alpinum foliis aureis, all yellow. Robinia Pseudacacia aurea, all yellow. Rosa rubrifolia, all reddish purple. Salix alba argentea, all silvery. repens argentea, all silvery. Sambucus nigra foliis aureis, all yellow. ,, variegata, white. racemosa plumosa aurea, all yellow. *Santolina Chamaecyparissus, all silvery. Symphoricarpus orbiculatus variegatus, yellow. Syringa Emodi variegata, yellow. Ulmus campestris Louis van Houtte, all yellow. ,, ' ,, variegata, white. ,, viminalis variegata, white. *Vinca minor, white and yellow variegated. Vitis Henryi, white. ,, Thomsoni, all purplish. ,, vinifera purpurea, all dark purple. *Yucca gloriosa variegata, white. CONIFERS. Abies concolor violacea. ,, nobilis glauca. Pinsapo glauca. Cedrus atlantica glauca. Cryptomeria japonica elegans. Cupressus Lawsoniana glauca. gracilis aurea. ,, lutea. ,, Silver Queen. ,, macrocarpa lutea. ,, nootkatensis lutea. obtusa aurea. ,, tetragona aurea. pisifera plumosa aurea. Cupressus pisifera squarrosa. sulphuiea, Juniperus chinensis aurea. Picea excelsa argenteo-spica. ,, pungens glauca (argentea). Pinus sylvestris aurea. Taxus baccata adpressa aurea. ,, ,, aurea. Dovastoni aureo-variegata. fastigiata aurea. ,, ,, semper aurea. Thuya cccidentalis aurea. orientalis aurea. Tsuga Pattoniana. CHAPTER XIX FlNE-FOLIAGED TREES AND SHRUBS. NONE of the native trees and shrubs of Britain have leaves at all striking for their large size, but among N. American, N. Asiatic, and S. European species there are many which are well worth growing for the beauty, striking dimensions and shape of their foliage alone. There are the long- leaved walnuts of N. Asia, for instance, such "as Juglans mandshurica, cordiformiS) Sieboldiana and cathayensis^ whose beautiful pinnate leaves are 2 to 3 ft. long on young trees. Of a similar but scarcely as remarkable a type are the N. American species, J. nigra and J. cinerea ; also several of the hickories, like Gary a tomentosa and C. alba. Such trees, essenti- ally of an exotic type, give to the garden landscape a peculiar interest and variety. The following is a representative but not exhaustive list of some of the best of such trees and shrubs. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are especially to be recommended for cutting down annually, with a view to the production of strong shoots bearing leaves of unusual size. For this mode of cultivation a rich loam i J ft. deep is required, annually enriched by a top-dressing of manure. The plants, kept to from one to three leads, are cut back in spring nearly to the old wood. Of the several young shoots that start, the strongest is selected and the remainder rubbed off. The leaves produced on such shoots are remarkably large and striking. One may, for instance, measure leaves of Paulownia 3 ft. in diameter grown in this way. Both for effect and convenience of cultivation, it is best to grow such shrubs in beds or groups. The bareness of the ground in spring may be relieved by planting early flowering bulbs there. In order that the stump at the base may be kept low and unobtrusive, the spring pruning, should be as "hard" as possible. Trees like Paulownia cultivated on this system are not long-lived. They maintain an astonishing vigour for six or eight years and then begin to decline, or decay may attack the stumps. When this begins to be evident a new plantation should be made. Acanthopanax ricinifolium. Acer macrophyllum. *Ailanthus glandulosa. 77 yEsculus indica. ,, turbinata. Alangium platanifolium. 78 FINE-FOLIAGED TREES AND SHRUBS Aralia chinensis. Aristolochia Sipho. Arundinaria palmata. Ragamowski. ^erberis japonica Bealei. ,, nepalensis. Broussonetia papyrifera. Carya alba. ,, tomentosa. Catalpas (all). Cedrela sinensis. Decaisnea FargesiL Fatsia japonica. Fraxinus americana. Gymnocladus canadensis. Hedera colchica. Hydrangea quercifolia. Idesia polycarpa. Juglans cathayensis. cordiformis. mandschurica. ,, regia laciniata. ,, Sieboldiana. Koelreuteria paniculata. Liriodendron Tulipifera. Magnolia Delavayi. ,, Fraseri. hypoleuca. macrophylla. tripetala. *Paulownia imperialis. Phellodendron (all). Populus heterophylla. lasiocarpa. Prunus Laurocerasus magnolisefolia. Pterocarya caucasica. Pyrus Sorbus. Quercus dentata. pontica. rubra. ,, velutina rubrifolia. Rhamnus imeritina. *Rhus glabra. * Osbecki. ,, typhina. ,, vernicifera. Rubus cratoegifolius. ,, irenaeus. odoratus. ,, trifidus. Salix magnifica. Tilia Michauxi. .Tr achy carpus Fortunei. Vitis armata. ,, Coign eti;e. Labrusca. ,, megalophylla and others. Yucca gloriosa. ,. recurvifolia. CHAPTER XX AUTUMNAL COLOUR IN TREES AND SHRUBS. IN our always uncertain and frequently dull summers and autumns, the colouring of leaves of deciduous trees before they fall can never be counted on, or foretold, to the same extent as in countries where the seasons are more defined in their duration and less changeable whilst they last. The change in the colour of leaves from green to various tints of red, yellow, purple and brown in autumn is due to certain changes in their composition, partly brought about by sunlight, and influenced by other factors, such as moisture and temperature. There is no doubt that a hot summer and a fine autumn induce a richer and more certain colouring in the majority of trees and shrubs than dull or wet ones. Yet after even the wettest of seasons a good deal of autumn colour is always produced. It is possible also to have too much heat and sunshine. In 1 91 1, on deep, rich soils, some of the most gorgeous colour effects ever seen among the trees and shrubs in this country were developed ; but on dry shallow soils, the leaves either fell early or were too desiccated by heat and drought for the necessary chemical changes to take place. On the whole, trees and shrubs that have passed their vigorous young stage colour better than those producing thick succulent shoots, whether these are induced by youthful vigour or by a specially rich soil in which they grow. Acer circinatum, red and orange. ,, cissifolium, yellow and red. ,, japonicum, crimson. ,, nikoense, rich red. ,, palmatum, rich red. ,, rubrum sanguineum, red. ,, Tschonoskii, canary yellow. Amelanchier canadensis, red, sometimes yellow. ,, florida, yellow. Berberis concinna, red. Thunbergii, rich red. Berberis vulgaris, rich red. ,, Wilsonae, rich red. ,, yunnanense, crimson. Carya alba, rich yellow. ,, tomentosa, rich yellow. Cladrastis tinctoria, rich yellow. Cornus florida, red and crimson. ,, sanguinea, red. Crataegus Crus-galli, red and orange. pinnatifida, bronzy red. ,, prunifolia, red and orange. Disanthus cercidifolia, claret colour. 80 AUTUMNAL COLOUR IN TREES AND SHRUBS Enkianthus (all), red and yellow. Euonymus alatus, rosy scarlet. europaeus, purplish red. latifolius, purplish red. yedoensis, purplish red. Euptelea polyandra, red and yellow. Fothergilla alnifolia, red. major, yellow. Ginkgo biloba, pale gold. Gleditschia' triacanthos, yellow. Liquidambar styraciflua, purple-red. Liriodendron Tulipifera, yellow. Lonicera japonica flexuosa, red-purple. Oxydendron arboreum, red. Nyssa sylvatica, red and yellow. Parrotia persica, gold and crimson. Pieris mariana, rich crimson. Pistacia chinensis, crimson. Prunus Avium, red. Pseudolarix Fortunei, golden. Pyrus arbutifolia, red. ,, crataegifolia, crimson or scarlet. Torminalis, bronzy red. Quercus coccinea, crimson. heterophylla, red. palustris, red. Rhododendrons (Azalea group), red. Rhus cotinoides, orange, claret, crimson. ,, glabra, red. ,, Toxicodendron, red. trichocarpa, blood red. ,, typhina, red. ,, Vernix, red. Ribes americanum, crimson and yellow. Spiraea Thunbergi, red. Taxodium distichum, rich brown. Vaccinium corymbosum, red. parvifolium, red. Viburnum acerifolium, red. ,, alnifolium, red. ,, Opulus, red. Vitis amurensis, crimson and purple. ,, armata Veitchii, crimson. ,, calif ornica, deep crimson. ,, Coignetiae, scarlet to blood red. ,, inconstans, red. ,, Pagnucci, blood red. ,, quinquefolia, rich crimson. ,, semicordata, rich crimson. ,, vitacea, rich crimson. Zelkova acuminata, yellow. ff crenata, yellow. CHAPTER XXI EARLY- AND LATE-FLOWERING TREES AND SHRUBS. THE great flowering season of hardy trees and shrubs extends over April, May and June, reaching its zenith in the middle month of the three. At least nine out of every ten flower during that quarter of the year, and consequently a peculiar value attaches to any that bloom outside it. Shrubs and trees blossoming between November and March especially have a great attraction. Besides enlivening the dullest months of the year, they have another recommendation in being the heralds of Nature's most glorious time. So that even if their beauties are of only a modest kind, they are welcome for the promise they bring. After midsummer, shrubs in flower become scarce as compared with those' of the three preceding months ; but when a list is made of those that flower, say, from mid-July to October, it is found to be richer in numbers than one would expect. Gardens are not lacking in blossom at that time, because a wealth of herbaceous plants reach their full beauty then. The following selection of trees and shrubs that flower during late summer and autumn may be useful. Many country houses are only visited at that season, and it is a decided waste for spring-flowering trees and shrubs to monopolise the ground as they usually do in such places. The same applies to the parks and gardens of pleasure resorts, which during the holiday season often wear a dull, uninteresting aspect so far as their woody vegetation is concerned. In this connection the chapters on autumn colour, on variegated trees and shrubs, and on those with ornamental fruits should also be consulted. It must be remembered that the date of flowering, especially from December to March, is almost entirely dependent on the weather. SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER. Abelia grandiflora. Alnus maritima. nitida. Amorpha canescens. fruticosa. Aplopappus ericoides. Artemisia tridentata. Ascyrum hypericoides. Berberis Fortunei. Buddleia japonica. ,, paniculata. variabilis (varieties). 81 F 82 EARLY- AND LATE-FLOWERING TREES AND SHRUBS Bupleurum fruticosum. Caesalpinia-Gilliesii. Calycanthus occidentalis. Caryopteris Mastacanthus. Cassia marylandica. Ceanothus americanus. azureus. many garden hybrids. Cephalanthus occidentalis. Clematis apiifolia. connata. ,, Durandii. ;, Flammula. ,, Hendersonii. ,., heracleaefolia and vars. ,, Jackmani (group). ,, Jouiniana. ,,, lanuginosa (group). ,, orientalis. , , paniculata. ,, Rehderiana. , , tangutica. ,, Vitalba. Clerodendron Fargesii. ,, trichotomum. Clethra alnifolia and C. tomentosa. Colutea arborescens. ,, media. Coronilla emeroides. Cyrilla racemiflora. Daboecia polifolia and vars. Dendromecon rigidum. Elsholtzia Stauntoni. Erica ciliaris. ,, ,, Maweana. ,, MaCkayi. ,, Tetralix and vars. ,, vagans and vars. ,, Watsoni. Escallonia exoniensis. ,, floribunda. ,, montevidensis. organensis. Fatsia japonica. Fuchsia (various). Hamamelis virginica. Hedera Helix. Hibiscus syriacus. Hydrangea arborescens grandiflora. paniculata. ,, grandiflora. Hypericums (various). Indigofera Gerardiana, Laburnum caramamcum. Lespedeza bicolor. ,, Sieboldii. Ligustrum lucidum. ,, Quihoui. Lonicera alseuosmoides. etrusca. ,, Periclymenum. Magnolia glauca. ,, grandiflora. Osmanthus Aquifoliurn. ,, Fortunei. Paliurus australis. Perowskia atriplicifolia. Potentilla fruticosa. Rhus Osbecki. Romneya Coulteri. ,, trichocalyx. Rosa bracteata. Rubus thyrsoideus flore pleno. ,, ulmifolius bellidiflorus. Salix Bockii. Sophora japonica. Spartium junceum. Tecoma grandiflora. ,, radicans. Ulex Gallii. ,, nanus. Veronica angustifolia. ,. garden varieties. Vitex Agnus-castus. Yucca gloriosa. NOVEMBER. Arbutus hybrida. Unedo and vars. Daphne Mezereum grandiflora. Elseagnus glabra. ,, macrophylla. ,, pungens. Jasminum nudiflorum. Lonicera fragrantissima. Standishii. Prunus microlepis Smithii. DECEMBER AND JANUARY. Chimonanthus fragrans. Clematis calycina. ,, cirrhosa. Crataegus monogyna praecox. Erica carnea. alba. darleyensis. EARLY- AND LATE-FLOWERING TREES AND SHRUBS 83 Eucalyptus Gunnii. Hamamelis mollis. Viburnum Tinus. FEBRUARY AND MARCH. Acer Opalus and vars. Arctostaphylos Manzanita. Azara microphylla. Berberis japonica. nepalensis. Cornus Mas. officinalis. Corylopsis pauciflora. ,, spicata. Corylus Avellana. Cydonia japonica (on walls). Daphne Blagayana. ,, Laureola. Mezereum. ii alba. Dirca palustris. Ercilla spicata (on walls) Erica arborea. ,, lusitanica. ,, mediterranea. Veitchii. Forsythia intermedia. suspensa. Garrya elliptica. Hamamelis japonica. arborea. ,, Zuccariniana. Magnolia stellata. Nuttalh'a cerasiformis. Parrotia persica. Populus tremula pendula. Prunus Amygdalus. ,, cerasifera and vars. Davidiana. ,, divaricata. Mume. spinosa. tomentosa. Rhododendron dauricum. fulgens. moupinense. mucronulatum. Nobleanum. parvifolium. prsecox. Thomsoni. Ribes laurifolium. Sahx Caprea. Stachyurus chinensis. ,, praecox. Ulex europaeus. CHAPTER XXII STREET PLANTING. WHILST the cultivation of trees in the streets of large towns and cities undoubtedly presents many difficulties not encountered under the ordinary conditions of parks and gardens, it cannot be said generally that the authorities who have control over these matters have risen to the level of their opportunities. An enormous number of new varieties and species of hardy trees have been added to our collections during the last fifty years, yet it is very rarely indeed that one sees any attempt made to go outside a certain restricted group of common trees for the adornment of streets. The only consideration appears to be "Will it grow?" That, of course, must always remain the most important consideration, but it need not be the only one. The three commonest trees planted in towns in the S. of England are plane, horse-chestnut, and common lime, not one of which can be regarded as a perfect tree for ordinary streets. For many parts of London the plane has proved to be the greatest boon to the street planter. It thrives in Central London and in city yards as no other tree has yet been found to do, and for such places it would be absurd to decry its use. But in the outer suburbs, where the atmosphere is better, and the streets often narrow, the plane is riot a suitable tree. Naturally one of the noblest in its proportions of all deciduous trees, and one of the largest, it is -very much out of place occupying two sides of a street, the whole width of which would not half accommodate a fully grown tree. Yet even in the outer suburbs of London, in districts as yet only half built over, and where many streets still have orchards and gardens at their sides, the imagination of local authorities often fails to rise beyond the plane. With respect to the horse-chestnut the same objections as to size obtain. The tree does not bear pruning so Well as the plane, owing to the soft nature of its wood, which enables fungoid parasites to find an easy entry at the wounds, unless great care is taken. On the other hand, the foliage is perhaps the handsomest of all trees commonly grown 84 STREET PLANTING 85 in streets, and, if not pruned too recklessly, the tree gives more or less blossom. I offer a few substitutes for the common horse-chestnut farther on. Of the third popular subject the lime it is difficult to say anything in favour except its good nature under adverse circumstances. But it is very apt to decay in the trunk where branches have been removed, and its leaves are about the earliest to fall of those of all hardy trees. Often towards the end of July, if the summer be dry, they commence to turn rusty on the tree and soon after to litter the pavement. The English summer is not long enough for it to be good that suggestions of autumn should be thrust on one so soon. A still worse defect of the lime is its liability to be infested with aphides. In my own district I have seen the pavements black with their excrement, not to speak of the covering of filth on garden walls and shrubberies near. There is perhaps no more unthankful task than the pruning of such trees as these in town streets. The pruner is the butt of every retired citizen who, taking his walks abroad, sees what he considers the wanton mutilation of ratepayers' property going on. He usually relieves his feelings by writing to the local paper. Yet, with a considerable experi- ence of tree pruning, I am not able to see how the present system is to be improved upon, so long as two rows of naturally big trees are crowded in one narrow street. It is all very well to cry out about " mutilation " and "barbarous treatment," and so on and certainly the winter aspect of many street trees as left by the pruner is suggestive of nightmare but the real problem involved is the restriction of a tree year after year to dimensions a mere fraction of what it should naturally attain, and yet preserve its natural beauty. And of that problem I have never yet seen offered a satisfactory solution. Some people put off the evil day until the trees overgrow and overshade their area, then the inevitable lopping has results more hideous than ever. Therefore, the first great principle in street planting is the selection of suitable trees. If one takes the average provincial city or town, the conditions are not generally bad. I am not referring to the centre of such cities as London, Glasgow, Manchester, or Liverpool, or to the swarm of large towns in Lancashire, Yorkshire, etc., whose belching chimneys blacken the earth and everything upon it. In such places street planting presents special problems, and the choice of tree is very much narrowed. But after all the air of most towns in the British Isles is pure enough to involve little disadvantage to deciduous vegetation, and in limiting themselves to their present restricted choice, I believe that local authorities have denied themselves a very important method of beautifying their towns and brightening the lives of those who live in them. 86 STREET PLANTING The planting of streets has become stereotyped not only in the material but in the system. The chief difficulties are due to the narrow- ness of our streets. If Parliament should ever concern itself effectually with town-planning, the streets of the future will no doubt be wider, and some provision either at .the side or in the middle should be made for tree-planting. That would make the task of the street planter easier in many ways. The planting of streets down the centre can, of course, only be carried out in the broad arterial thoroughfares of 'great cities. A famous example of this style is the Unter den Linden in Berlin. Here the limes are planted in an avenue up the centre of the roadway, and beneath them pedestrians may stroll, the wheeled traffic passing along the sides. I recently saw a very interesting piece of street planting in Rochester in the State of New York. The centre of the street is planted with magnolias of the Yulan and Soulangeana types. These are now fine trees, and their flowering in spring is one of the notable annual events of the city. But for such effects as these the first essential, of course, is sufficient width a greater width probably than will ever be accorded to all but the arteries of great cities. Most streets will always have to be planted at the sides. My contention is that the trees now generally planted in streets are naturally too big, and that their restriction to the needful limits involves and inevitably involves a system of pruning which makes them eyesores rather than objects of beauty through the long months they are without foliage. Yet, as every forest lover knows, the leafless tree has a charm, more subtle perhaps, but in its season as satisfying as that of the lush growth of June. The plane and horse-chestnut are admirable where they have room, as in town squares, to assume something like their normal dimensions, and the former will probably always be the chief stand-by for the planter in the central depths of large cities. The following notes are intended to apply to the average streets of the outer London suburbs and provincial towns. Jersey Elm. In the first place I would call attention to trees of a naturally pyramidal habit. It is essential in nine-tenths of the street planting, as we have to deal with it to-day, that the trees should maintain a tapering form. The middle of the street must be open to the sky, and the house windows must not be obscured. Therefore one great gain would be secured by planting trees whose shape conformed to these requirements with little or na pruning. In Kew are grown several examples of what is commonly known as Wheatley's or the Jersey elm Ulmus stricta var. Wheatleyi. Some of them I have known for thirty years, and although during that time they have never been subjected to the least pruning, they are still within the dimensions suitable to streets of average size in the suburbs of London. How JERSEY ELM, Ulmus stricta var. Wheatleyi t 1.1 (Face p. 86. STREET PLANTING 87 well might such a tree fill the place of thousands of tortured planes and limes! It was not until I visited Eastbourne some years ago that I found its value had already been appreciated by, at any rate, one township. It is the chief tree of that popular resort, lining the streets, I imagine, to a total of several thousands. Whilst it is there, to my mind, planted too much to the exclusion of other trees, it offers a splendid example of the ideal street tree. Some of the older specimens, like those in Devonshire Place, have trunks 18 ins. in thickness, but if they have ever been pruned the evidences of it are not visible. The Cornish elm, Ulmus stricta, is very similar to the Wheatley elm, but rather less erect in its branching. There is a pyramidal form of hornbeam, Carpinus Betulus var. pyramidalis, somewhat slower of growth than the two elms just mentioned, but of similar habit. It is sometimes planted in the towns of Northern France. Poplars. Of this genus two sorts stand out for recommendation : the one, Bolle's poplar (Populus alba var. pyramidalis), quick-growing, of slender growth, broader based and not so slender as the Lombardy poplar, is attractive for the pure white undersurface of the leaves. It would be effective alternated with a broader tree. The other is P. berolinensis^ a suitable tree for sunny, not too moist, localities. It is a hybrid probably from the Lombardy poplar and P. laurifolia. I saw a street avenue of it in the environs of Berlin a few years ago, which had a very handsome effect. (For other trees of pyramidal shape, the reader is referred to the chapter on "FASTIGIATE TREES.") Horse-chestnuts. Whilst the common horse-chestnut is not, in my opinion, a very suitable tree for any but wide streets, it possesses such a marked beauty of leaf and flower that it ought, if possible, to be repre- sented. There are two of its varieties which for the present purpose are preferable to the type. The first is var. pyramidalis, whose naturally pyramidal form well adapts it for street planting, as it does not grow in diameter to the same extent as the common form. The second is var. fiore pleno. This, the double-flowered horse-chestnut, is not much known, but it has at least three advantages over the type. Its flowers last longer in beauty; the tree is of slower, closer, and more compact growth; and, finally, as no fruits are developed, it escapes the annual battery of sticks and stones which the youth of the neighbourhood with a passion for "conkers" inflict on fruit-bearing trees. Of all horse-chestnuts the one I would most strongly recommend is jEscitlus plantierensis, a description and history of which occW in the body of the book. It will suffice to say here that it is a hybrid between the red and the common horse-chestnuts, and is less vigorous than the latter. Its flowers are pink, and as it is sterile it escapes, like the double- flowered one just referred to, the attentions of boys. Then there is 88 STREET PLANTING the red horse-chestnut itself (AZ. earned}. There seems no reason why this tree should not be planted more. Left to itself it is apt to branch low, but that tendency, of course, is easily overcome by early training and the removal of lower branches as I know from experience. The tree itself is rarely more than 30 ft. high in this country, and is of great beauty in blossom. Tilia euchlora. Although this lime is beginning to find its way into gardens, its value as a street tree does not appear to have anywhere been appreciated in this country. It is otherwise on the Continent. In several German nurseries it is grown by the tens of thousands to sell for street planting. It is a very handsome lime, as may be seen in the Arboretum at Kew, and it does not appear likely ever to become anything like so tall as the common lime. The leaves are larger than those of the common lime, and of a dark glossy green. Still, its greatest recommendation is its cleanliness. The summer of 1909 will be remembered for the extraordinary abundance of insect life that infested the leaves of nearly all trees, and especially limes. Yet although I searched several times, I never saw a single insect on the leaves of Tilia euchlora which could be called parasitic. Robinia Pseudacacia. The common acacia, or locust, has a great beauty of leaf and flower, but has a bad reputation, owing to the brittle nature of its branches and the tendency of the trunk to split. The latter defect is obviated by keeping the tree to a single lead, and the former is not sufficient to deter its use in streets. I know of .several in a fairly wide but very busy road which flower profusely almost every year, and are still shapely, although they have been over thirty years in their present position. Fraximis Ornus. The manna ash is a tree worth trying for streets. Its foliage is luxuriant and handsome, and it flowers abundantly about the end of May. It has one quality of especial value in this connection : it bears pruning well and recovers quickly from even severe lopping. Its size, too, is quite suitable for all but the smallest streets, as it does not increase very rapidly and is easily kept within bounds. Small Flowering Trees. Except the horse-chestnut, there is no tree commonly planted in streets which has any striking beauty of flower or fruit. It is difficult to see why this should be so, except in crowded streets and large or smoky cities. Many handsome flowering trees are of a size suitable for the average street of clean suburbs and country towns. There is the mountain ash, for instance, a tree of the middle size, of erect growth, and beautiful in leaf, flower, and fruit. I have recom- mended it to superintendents of town planting, and the only objection to it that has been made is that its fruits would be an irresistible attraction for town boys. The same recommendations and the same objections may STREET PLANTING 89 be made with regard to the white-beam tree, of which the handsomest and most vigorous form is Pyrus Aria var. majestica. There are also the nearly allied P. pinnatifida and P. decurrens. Pyrus spectabilis is another beautiful flowering tree that rarely reaches 30 ft. in height, and would be very suitable to experiment with in quiet streets of residential suburbs. The same may be said of Prunus Avium flore plena, a quick-growing tree in a young state, easily kept to the desired pyramidal shape. The double-flowered bird cherry is a very handsome small tree worth trying. The double-flowered varieties of these and other trees are preferable, because the blossom lasts longer and gives a finer display, and the tree is relieved of the strain of fruit-bearing. Handsome Foliaged Trees. Ailanthus glandulosa is now being extensively planted as a street tree, and few more ornamental foliage trees are available. It grows quite well in the south-western suburbs of London, but needs careful attention when young to get it to develop a good leading shoot. Left to itself, it is very apt to branch low and form a bushy head. Owing to the objectionable odour of the male flowers, female trees only should be planted. As the tree is easily raised from root suckers, or cuttings made of the roots, there need be no difficulty in getting up a stock of the desired sex, once that is known. The black walnut is one of the handsomest of trees, with large pinnate leaves, and in the young state has a slender pyramidal form. Where there is abundant room it may be recommended, as it thrives very well in the western suburbs, but the tree has two defects. It does not transplant so well as most of the trees here mentioned, nor is it adapted for severe pruning. The glorious hues of autumn foliage ought more often to be seen in streets. The plane simply turns a grey-brown, the lime naturally turns yellow, but this is often obscured by a layer of filth. The horse- chestnut and its varieties turn a fine yellow. Two varieties of Norway maple should be tried, vars. Reitenbachii and Schwedleri ; the leaves of the former turn a rich red in autumn, and the tree itself is easily grown and kept within bounds ; the leaves of Schwedler's maple are rich red when young, and give very pleasing effects. The common Norway maple turns yellow in autumn. The beautiful oak called Quercus cocdnea splendens would probably only thrive in favoured places, where the soil and air a^e good, and a grassy border runs between the footpath and the carriage road ; but an avenue of this tree, with its leaves scarlet and crimson from October to December, would add much to the fame of any town lucky enough to possess it. In Washington, U.S.A. (where some of the most interesting street planting in the world has been done), there is an avenue of the maidenhair-tree one of the most striking objects of that city. This tree, 90 STREET PLANTING Ginkgo biloba, is too slow-growing as a rule in this country to be generally recommended for streets. But its habit is perfect, it thrives in towns (for very many years a tree has lived at the side of Brentford High Street, not far from the gasworks), and in the autumn its foliage invariably turns a lovely pale gold. Some of the southern towns with a good soil, climate, and other conditions should give this tree a trial. Of the tulip tree, Liriodendron Tulipifera, much the same may be said, but neither of them should be planted where severe pruning would be necessary. The use of trees with variegated or coloured foliage in street avenues might easily be overdone, and in any case is not appropriate to the dignity of large thoroughfares. But in the short, quiet, side streets common to the outskirts of all large towns, one can imagine bright effects being produced by them. A good tree of this type is Acer Negundo var. aureum, the leaves of which are wholly pale gold and the tree itself of very moderate growth. Another good yellow-leaved tree is the variety of Ulmus campestris known in nurseries as " Louis Van Houtte." Either of these might be alternated with the purple sycamore or with the purple plum, Prunus cerasifera var. atropurpurea, which gets to be 20 or 30 ft. high. One of the best variegated trees is the Corstorphine plane, a variety of sycamore with green and yellow leaves. There is also a very finely variegated variety of common elm. Although the elm and sycamore are both trees of the largest size, they stand pruning very well. (See chapter on VARIEGATED TREES AND SHRUBS.) The ideal young street tree when it is planted should have a straight sturdy trunk based by a compact, fibrous root-system, and crowned by a symmetrical, pyramidal head of branches. The average street tree must ultimately be clear of branches up to at least 10 ft. from the ground, and at the time of planting should have a clean stem 6 to 8 ft. high. In the arrangement of trees along narrow streets a certain amount of space may be gained by planting them not directly opposite each other, but midway between the opposite pair. In preparing the site for the street trees of towns, it should always be remembered that their future progress is hampered by many dis- advantages that their fellows in garden and park are free from, and that the provision of suitable conditions at the root is never so convenient and economical as at planting time. A piece of ground at least 8 ft. in diameter and 2\ ft. deep should be prepared for each tree. The soil should be finely broken up to that depth and, if not naturally of desirable quality, a sufficient proportion of it should be changed for some of better quality. Soil broken up to that depth will ultimately settle 3 ins. at least, for which allowance should be made. The very important matters of guarding and supporting the tree are chiefly questions of expense. Nothing, perhaps, is better than a circular cage of iron, 18 ins. in STREET PLANTING 91 diameter at the base, tapering to about i 'ft. at the top, where the rods are spiked. This can be thrust into the ground far enough to render the whole sufficiently firm to make it not only a guard but, by tying the young tree to the top band, a support as well. Various patterns of tree- guard, both in wood and iron, are employed, but the matter need not be further discussed here. It is a mistake to close up all the ground close to the trunks of trees planted on the pavement. When once trees have become well established and of considerable age, they are capable to a surprising extent of rising superior to adverse root conditions. One may see, in and near streets, large trees apparently quite sealed up by stone or other pavement from surface moisture and air, yet thriving and vigorous. The roots of many such trees have, no doubt, reached unsuspected distances. It is other- wise with young trees. During the first few years of their existence in streets they should be artificially watered during dry hot spells, and means should be adopted to allow water and air to reach the roots naturally. The best way, where the sidewalks are paved, is to have iron gratings laid down round the tree, which provide a dry footing and enable both artificial and natural moisture to reach the roots. By taking the gratings up occasionally, the surface soil may be broken up. Visitors to Paris will have noticed the large circular gratings, 8 ft. or perhaps more in diameter, at the base of many of the trees in the boulevards, and men early in summer mornings watering the trees through them from the street hydrants. Pruning. The vexed question of pruning street trees is one of the most difficult to discuss on paper. Nothing in connection with their treatment is so much a matter of individual judgment and taste exercised on the spot. As will have been gathered from what has already been said, I am of opinion that much of the barbarous lopping so commonly practised at present is inevitable, in view of the average width of streets and the natural dimensions of the trees now mostly planted in them, but that with the use of more suitably habited and smaller trees much of it might be avoided. One of the commonest defects noticeable in street trees is that the branches are too numerous and too small. If one compares the branch system of a big tree of almost any sort with a young one of the same species, it will be seen that the number of main limbs of the former is scarcely one-tenth that of the latter. The fact is, of course, that a fight for existence and a selection of the fittest is going on amongst the com- ponent parts of a tree just as it is with the tree itself in a state of Nature. The most vigorous and best placed branches crowd out and eventually smother the others. That is how Nature prunes. But in our streets, where each tree is overhauled and its branches pruned and regulated at 92 STREET PLANNING fixed intervals, the natural la'w ceases to operate, and branches which ordinarily would have dwindled away maintain their existence indefinitely. The result is that the trunk is seen after the annual lopping to support a swarm of branches mostly of the calibre and general aspect of bean-poles. A gradual reduction of these to one-half, or even one-third, by removing them right back to the trunk, and thus encouraging a lateral branching in those that remain, would considerably improve the winter aspect of many trees. Every wound made by the saw should be coated over with ordinary coal-tar before it is left, and this should be renewed as often as necessary until the wound is covered with new bark. With soft wooded trees like lime and horse-chestnut, this treatment is especially important. (For this and similar questions, see chapter on PRUNING.) CHAPTER XXIII HEDGES. HEDGES have several uses. They may serve merely as barriers to prevent horses and cattle, or even human trespassers, from reaching places where their presence is not desired ; or, in gardens, they may be employed to screen undesirable objects from view, to define and separate areas where particular or diverse types of gardening are carried on, such as purely formal arrangements, rose gardens, etc., and lastly, they may provide shelter by acting as wind-breaks. If it be desirable to keep the hedge to a strictly formal outline by an annual clipping, the number of plants is not large whose capacity for making good hedges has been proved. Among hedge plants in this country whose use is merely to provide an unclimbable barrier, the quick or hawthorn (CratcEgus monogynd) is easily first. The marvellous net- work of hedges that gives to cultivated England so characteristic an aspect, as compared with other countries, is composed almost entirely of quick. No other plant at once so cheaply and easily raised, so formid- ably armed, so amenable to persistent clipping and so hardy, has been found. But in gardens something more is usually wanted, a hedge of 3 more ornamental character and one that will give shelter. For these reasons an evergreen is desirable. Holly. For forming a dense, ordinarily impassable hedge of handsome appearance no evergreen has yet been found to equal the holly. It can be made to grow into a wall-like mass 12 ft. or more high, and makes one of the best of wind-breaks. A holly hedge should be clipped annually between July and September, and will grow healthier and thicker if it is made to narrow upwards. When the hedge is first made, plants should be used that have been grown for the purpose and trained into columnar form in the nursery. Such plants, well furnished to the base, may be obtained from 2 to 5 ft. high in first-class nurseries, which will form a good hedge in three or four years from planting, especially if watered and taken care of the first season. The considerations that govern the trans planting of hollies generally apply to hedge plants also. The work must 94 HEDGES be done either in the late spring (May) or towards the end of September, the latter as a rule being the better, and the ground should be thoroughly prepared by trenching. Yew. Next in value to the holly as an evergreen hedge comes the yew, but it is not so bright, and near towns, or in smoky districts, is decidedly inferior. In country places, however, where the air is pure it makes an admirable hedge up to 10 or 12 ft. high, and one of the best possible wind-screens. It needs clipping annually, like the holly. How remarkably well the yew withstands persistent clipping is shown by the existence of hedges 100 to 150 years old. It is a grosser feeder than the holly, but both, when they show signs of starvation at the root, will derive benefit from having the loose top soil scraped away, and replaced with a top-dressing of 4 to 6 ins. of one-third loam and two-thirds rotted manure. Box. For moderately high hedges, say up to 6 ft., the box is useful, but it has one defect, in that a hedge which has got into bad health is not so easily restored to vigour as holly or yew. It is a strong-feeding shrub, and like, the yew is benefited by an occasional mulching with rotted manure. When any indication of failing vigour is apparent this mulching should be given, because, owing to its reluctance to break into new growth from the old wood, the box cannot be made to renew its youth by hard pruning so easily as holly and yew can. For making neat dwarf hedges up to 3 ft. high, the common edging box (Buxus sempervirens suffruticosd) is very useful. It is much used for this purpose in formal gardens about Vienna. Buonymus. In the south coast towns, Euonymus japonicus is largely used for garden hedges. It is a cheerful evergreen, but its beauty in recent years has been in a great measure destroyed by the attacks of a white mildew. E. radicans, in both its green and variegated states, will make a neat low hedge i| to 2 ft. high. Holm Oak. Owing to difficulty in transplanting, the holm oak (Quercus Ilex) is not much used in this country as a hedge, but in all except the more inclement parts of these islands, it would make a useful shelter hedge up to 20 or 30 ft. high. It bears clipping well and keeps well furnished at the bottom. Hedges of holm oak are not uncommon in the old gardens of Italy, such as the Bcboli Gardens at Florence. Conifers. After the holly, yew, and holm oak, not many evergreens of large size remain that will make really handsome clipped hedges in most parts of the British Isles. A few conifers are sometimes used, especially Thuya occidentalis, T. plicata (gigantea), the Lawson and Nootka cypresses, and, in warmer parts of the country, the Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa). All these have the advantage of making an effective shelter hedge in much quicker time than holly or yew, for HEDGES 95 which reason they are frequently used to screen propagating plots in nursery gardens. They are also cheap. But not one of them, either in permanence or beauty, compares with the holly or yew for the present purpose, and they are all more liable to become bare at the base and patchy at the sides. In Perthshire, I have seen a very good tall hedge made of Douglas fir. Laurels. Both the laurels, "common" and "Portugal," are some- times recommended, but should be religiously avoided. Hedges made of them are coarse and rough, and terribly ugly after pruning with shears. Secateurs or the knife should be used. The small-leaved variety of the Portugal laurel (Prunus lusitanica var. myrtifolia) possibly might make a neat hedge if not kept too narrow, but one would have to propagate one's own plants, as it is not stocked in quantity by nurserymen. All the laurels are greedy plants. Privets. The oval-leaved privet is one of the most useful plants we possess for making an effective hedge quickly, especially in towns and smoky districts. In the villa gardens of London suburbs the golden- leaved variety is very popular, and helps to produce the gaudy effects so much beloved by proprietors of these places. Both these privets have the disadvantage of being greedy-rooting plants, and are, therefore, not suitable for making hedges behind borders or plots where other plants are grown. If they already exist in such places, the spade should be thrust down as far as it can be once or twice during the summer, about i ft. from the hedge and all along it, so that all top roots are cut off. It is the fashion to condemn the oval-leaved privet as a hedge, and really there is little necessity for it in high-class gardening, as better and more effective hedges can be made. At the same time, where other plants are not near enough to be robbed by its roots, it is permissible to use it, and, as stated above, in dark, smoky places it is decidedly the best shrub available. It requires pruning twice a year at least in summer and autumn. It is not strictly evergreen, and in hard winters loses its leaves. The common privet is deciduous and makes an inferior hedge, but some of the new species of Ligustrum from China, like L. Prattii, will be worth trying for this purpose. For ornamental hedges that need not be kept close trimmed, nor are intended as barriers, and from which flowers may be obtained, large numbers of evergreens are, of course, available. In Mrs Chambers' garden at Haslemere, and at Kew, very ornamental hedges are made of Berberis stenophylla^ cut back annually after flowering. B. Darwinii may also be used in the same way. In Lord Annesley's garden at Castlewellan, Cydonia japonica makes a good flowering hedge. In Cornwall a frequent and beautiful broad hedge is formed of Escallonia 96 HEDGES macrantha too tender, of course, for all but such districts. In the south coast towns the common gorse makes a dense and very effective hedge, 4 or 5 ft. high, especially useful for poor soils, but it cannot be relied on as a permanency, especially if very hard clipped. For large rough hedges, of use for cattle shelter, the common beech and hornbeam are sometimes used. They afford shelter in winter, when young and when kept pruned, through their curious habit of retaining their dead leaves through the dark months. For this reason they should be clipped in spring just before growth recommences. There are a number of shrubs which may be planted to form dwarf ornamental hedges, such as lavender and rosemary ; but they are shrubs planted in a row and kept to a more formal shape than usual, rather than hedges in the proper sense of the word. It is not necessary to enumerate shrubs that may be used in this way as their suitability in habit and general character is apparent enough. Anyone wishing to have something out of the common in hedges may plant that interesting ally of the orange, sEgle sepiaria (or Citrus trifoliata, as it is sometimes called). It is quite hardy, and there is nothing among hardy shrubs quite so formidably armed. A hedge composed of it may be seen in the Public Garden at Milan, clipped to about 4 ft. high. The spines are not so big and stout as in unpruned plants. The Osage orange (Madura aurantiaca\ a hardy deciduous small tree from the United States, presents a formidable array of spines; it is used in its native country for hedges, and is worth trying in this by lovers of the curious. CHAPTER XXIV TREES AND SHRUBS FOR WET PLACES. IN this connection I do not propose to discuss trees and shrubs which will thrive near the sides of ponds or lakes, with their roots near but not actually in the water. Such plants are, as a matter of fact, very numerous, and include a large proportion of those described in this work. Planted on the sloping banks of a piece of water, trees and shrubs are really placed in a very favourable position. They can extend their root system towards or away from the water as suits their individual requirements, and can scarcely suffer from drought. It is very different when we come to discuss trees whose roots are wholly or mostly in water, or those that will grow in permanently wet or swampy ground. The number of such trees and shrubs is not very great, especially after those belonging to two or three genera, such as Salix Populus and Alnus^ have been allowed for. Swampy areas, from their very nature, are not frequently planted for ornament. Where they are small, the coloured-stemmed willows, such as the red and yellow barked varieties of Salix vitellina, Salix daphnoides, and S. acutifolia, should be used. The economic value of larger sites is not so frequently taken advantage of as it might be. At the present time, for instance, no English timber is so valuable, or gives such quick returns, as the cricket-bat willow Salix ccerulea. The timber of Salix fragilis^ and the strong, quick-growing poplars like Populus serotina and P. Eugenei^ is much in demand for those ephemeral uses of which, in modern civilisa- tion, there are so many. Individual trees of the cricket-bat willow sell readily* enough, but of the others plantations must be fairly extensive to be remunerative. The expenses connected with felling, cutting up and hauling are proportionately so much more in the case of odd trees that timber dealers will not give paying prices for them. The following may be recommended for boggy ground : 97 G 98 TREES AND SHRUBS FOR WET PLACES Alnus glutinosa and vars. incana. ,, nitida. ,, serrulata and others. Andromeda polifolia. Betula nana. Hippophae rhamnoides, Leitneria floridana. Myrica Gale. Oxycoccus macrocarpus. palustris. Picea sitchensis. Populus alba. ,, canescens. Eugenei. Populus serotina. ,, tremula and others. Salix alba and var. ,, babylonica. ,, Caprea. ,, daphnoides. fragilis. ,, incana. ,, purpurea. ., Salamoni. ,, triandra. viminalis. viridis and others. Taxodium distichum. CHAPTER XXV SHRUBS FOR DRY POSITIONS AND POOR SOILS. A FREQUENT problem in gardens is the furnishing of arid slopes and poor soils with an ornamental shrubby growth. Such places are, of course, ill- adapted to the cultivation of the majority of those trees and shrubs on which the ornamentation of our gardens chiefly depends. There is, nevertheless, a considerable number of shrubs which not only thrive in these dry places, but even succeed better there than in ordinary soils and positions. Many of them are of great beauty in flower, and it is always more economical and often much more satisfactory to rely on them than it is to attempt the cultivation of more exacting plants, by supplying good soil and giving extra attention in watering, mulching, etc. In preparing pieces of ground of this character, it is essential to remember that although the plants mentioned below withstand and even enjoy heat and drought when fully established, they need some help and consideration until the roots have taken hold of the ground. The soil, therefore, should be deeply dug over, and freed from weeds both before and after planting. It is also a help to mulch the ground the first summer. The greatest success is obtained by planting small specimens. Most of those mentioned below transplant badly and should, if possible, be grown in pots until they are 6 to 1 2 ins. high. Some, like the brooms and gorse, might be sown on the spot No better shrub for a dry slope can be found than the double-flowered form of gorse. It gives a dense, evergreen effect in winter, and its habit in such a spot is dwarf and close. It is much to be preferred to the common gorse, which in a few years becomes gaunt in habit, and whose flowers do not last in beauty anything like so long. Ulex nanus may also be planted and, in the south and west, U. Gallii, both useful in flowering late in the season. Dotted about among the gorse may be planted Spartium junceum, valuable in flowering from midsummer onwards for many weeks. Its base, which is always naked, will be hidden by the gorse. Several species of Cistus are excellent for these places, the hardiest 100 SHRUBS FOR DRY POSITIONS AND POOR SOILS of them being C. laurifolius, C. cyprius, C. corbariensis^ C. Loreti^ C. populifolius and C. monspeliensis. Their near allies, the sun roses, are also exactly adapted for the same purposes : H.formosum^ H. halimifolium^ H. ocymoides, and H. alyssoides should be planted. H. vulgare does well, but is dwarf and only suitable for front places. Adenocarpus decorticans. Aplopappus ericoides. Astragalus Tragacantha. Atriplex Halimus. Caragana arborescens and var. ,, jubata. Caryopteris Mastacanthus. Cistus (all). Colutea arborescens. cruenta. media. Coriaria myrtifolia, Cytisus scoparius. Erinacea pungens. Genista anglica. dalmatica. ,, germanica. hispanica. horrida. Genista nyssana. pilosa. ,, radiata. Helianthemum (all). Lavandula (all). Linum arboreum. Lycium chinense. Moltkia petraea. Ononis arragonensis. Purshia tridentata. Rosmarinus officinalis. Santolina Chamaecyparissus. Spartiura junceum. Teucrium fruticans. Ulex (all). Vella Pseudocytisus, ,, spinosa. Yucca (all). CHAPTER XXVI SHRUBS IN SHADY PLACES. ONE of the most frequent inquiries is for shrubs which will grow in dense shade, such as under the branches of other trees, and in places which buildings never allow the sun to reach. It must be admitted that the number is small, andthat the shrubs themselves are not of the gayest. No spot worse fitted for the welfare of most shrubs could, indeed, be found than under the branches of large trees, such as beech, horse-chestnut, lime, and elm. They are not only robbed of light one of the prime necessaries of plant life they have to fight for moisture and sustenance against the roots of the giants under which they are condemned to live. Yet in such places a screen is frequently needed to hide undesirable objects or mean buildings from view, and it is often an improvement in a well-kept garden to have an evergreen ground-covering beneath trees on lawns under which it is too dark for grass to grow. Of the taller evergreens, Aucuba japonica stands an easy first. It is remarkable how healthy this shrub will keep even under such greedy trees as lime and horse-chestnut. The green varieties should be planted more frequently, and thus reduce the present superabundance of the spotted- leaved one in gardens. For the very worst places, where an evergreen is desired up to 6 ft. high, reliance must almost entirely be placed on the aucuba; but in places not quite so densely shaded the common holly is useful. Both, but especially the holly, should be helped the first two summers by giving good soakings of water in hot weather and by mulch- ings. Rhododendro^ ponticum will thrive very well under such trees as oak or sweet chestnut, also in woods where the trunks are lofty. Although it is apt to grow lanky and thin in such places, this tendency can be corrected by cutting back the long sprawling shoots every few years. In the south and west, Euonymus japonicus is useful. Ligustrum ovalifolium does very well in shade, but does not retain its foliage through the winter so well there as in full light. The common privet may also be used, but is almost or quite without foliage in winter. Ribes alpinum, a deciduous shrub but very dense in growth, thrives well in shade. Of dwarfer plants, Berberis Aquifolium is excellent, and grows well in 101 102 SHRUBS IN SHADY PLACES shady places. Equalling the aucuba in its capability of withstanding shade and the roots of trees under which they may be planted, are Ruscus Hypoglossum (12 to 18 ins. high) and R. aculeatus^ somewhat taller. Gaultheria Shallon loves shade, but needs moisture as well. The new sarcococcas S. humilis and S. ruscifolia are said to thrive in shade. For forming an evergreen carpet beneath either evergreen or deciduous trees, the various forms of green ivy are, on the whole, the best, especially where the shade is very dense. Next to them in value are the green and variegated forms of Euonymus radtcans, but they will not survive in so dense a shade as ivy. The greater and lesser periwinkles ( Vinca major and V. minor) are charming under deciduous trees, but need more -light than the ivies do, especially if the blue flowers are to develop at all freely. Hypericum calydnum is also admirable in similar spots, and may be soon made to form a dense carpet of large extent ; provided it gets a certain amount of light, it will hold its own and flower prettily under lime, elm, and suchlike trees. If the previous year's growths are cut away every spring the effect is neater. In wilder parts of the grounds the various forms of British bramble are perfectly at home under deciduous trees, and the double-flowered forms of R. ulmifolins and R. thyrsiflorus are worthy of special note for such positions. The common elder will grow in deepish shade, but is too rank and weedy to recommend as a screen plant. There are, of course, numerous shrubs that will thrive in semi-shade ; some, like most of the bamboos, prefer it. The choice, in fact, is so extensive that planting in such places presents no problems. In planting shrubs of the taller size mentioned above under big trees, it is necessary to dig out good-sized holes for them, irrespective of the destruction it may cause to the roots of the tree. This may sound barbarous, but if the thing is to be done at all, it is imperative to keep the roots at bay for a year or two to enable the aucuba or whatever it may be to get a foothold. The whole proceeding is more or less unnatural. In Nature there is very little shrubby growth beneath the dense shade of trees, and such shrubs as do establish themselves there start as seedlings. Still, the chopping out of a few roots of such vigorous trees as lime, elm, and horse-chestnut is scarcely felt. Before planting the low carpet shrubs like ivy, periwinkle, or Hypericum^ all that is necessary is to dig the ground over, preferably with a fork, and to give a thorough watering after. It is, however, a convenient time to top- dress trees that need it with four to six inches of loam. In this the ivy f etc., may be planted and thus avoid any injury to the roots of the tree itself. CHAPTER XXVII SEASIDE PLANTING. THE moderating influence that the sea has upon temperature and the greater degree of humidity it imparts to the atmosphere are, on the whole, favourable to vegetation. This is very evident all round the coasts of the British Isles, even on the east coast, where, in sheltered valleys, trees and shrubs can be grown that are too tender for similar positions inland. On the western and southern coasts, where the influence of the Gulf Stream is more directly felt, this phenomenon becomes much more evident, and a vegetation of an almost subtropical character is supported. There is no point, therefore, in the long lists usually given in books and articles on this subject, made up of trees and shrubs that are known to thrive in the vicinity of the sea, provided they are not actually exposed to the full force of sea gales. Such lists might be extended so as to include almost all the subjects dealt with in this work. The one problem in seaside planting is to find trees and shrubs that will withstand the full blast from the sea, carrying, as it does, more or less salt-laden moisture with it. Once a rampart of such vegetation has been made of sufficient width and height to stand between the garden and the sea, the rest becomes comparatively easy. The clothing of exposed headlands must, of course, always be difficult, just as is that of windswept elevations inland, the only difference being that, near the sea, the additional drawback of salt in the atmosphere has to be encountered. In planting absolutely naked ground in such places it saves much time and trouble if some, perhaps only temporary, windguard be set up to start with ; it may be a low wall, a bank of earth, or even wattled hurdles. Behind this the first plantings are made, and it need hardly be said that small plants only must be set out, and they must stand thickly together for mutual protection. By this means they are enabled to get a firm hold of the soil before they reach above their shelter. When that happens their growth may be very slow indeed, but each successive row grows higher than the one in front of it, so that ultimately there is formed a bank of vegetation sloping upwards from the sea, which makes an admirable first line of defence. 103 104 SEASIDE PLANTING Among the best things to use for such a purpose are Pinus Pinaster and the Scotch pine. These two species, but especially the former (the Scotch pine is often discoloured by sea spray), bear the brunt of the south-west gales in the famous pine plantations on the Bournemouth cliffs. P. Thunbergii is also to be recommended, but is scarcer. In the milder counties Cupressus macrocarpa, Pinus radiata (insignis\ P. muricafa, and P. halepensis are excellent. But in the colder parts of the coast no pine is so valuable as the Austrian pine. Among other evergreen trees, Quercus Ilex may be recommended ; although very slow- growing, it makes a dense growth and a perfect screen. Although only a small tree, Euonymus japonicus must be mentioned. On the south coast it thrives admirably on high cliffs with nothing between it and the sea. Abies Pinsapo has been recommended for chalk cliffs, but it needs shelter at first. / Of all the above, most reliance may be placed on Pinus Pinaster in the south and on the Austrian pine in the north. Turning to deciduous trees, the choice is greater. I know nothing more useful in forming the outer " rampart " than the common sycamore. Often sadly battered, it still holds its own. The "wych elm' : is very useful, as are also two willows : (Salix alba and S. Capred) Populus deltoidea and the white poplar (P. alba}. Among the numerous species of Pyrus, the wild pear (P. communis), the mountain ash (P. Aucuparid), and, in chalk especially, the whitebeam (P. Arid) are the best for the present purpose. For mixing with other things in the plantation there are the hornbeam, the hawthorn, and the ash. Where the ground is damp the common alder may be used. It is not to be expected that any of these will make shapely specimens. On the contrary, they wi)l be usually stunted and gnarled and lop-sided ; but if they provide a living and permanent shield, inside which other and choicer trees will thrive, they fulfil their purpose. Shrubs. Close to the sea, as in cliff or shore gardens, the space is too narrow to admit of any attempt being made to establish a shelter belt of vegetation. In such places reliance must be entirely placed on such shrubs or small trees as will thrive fully exposed. That there are a considerable number is evident to any one who studies the vegetation on the slopes between the " front " and the shore of many seaside towns. Among evergreens mention has already been made of Euonymus japonicuS) sometimes a small tree, usually a shrub. The grey-leaved Atriplex Halimus and other species are quite maritime shrubs. Olearia Haastii is not so much used as it might be, nor are the numerous forms cf Aucuba japonica, Berberis stenophylla, B. Darwinii, Pinus montana, common juniper, Baccharis patagonica, and Bupleurum fruticosum. Of hollies, the broad, thick-leaved varieties are the best, and amongst the BISHOP'S PINE (Pinus muricatd), at Claremont. [Face p. 104. SEASIDE PLANTING 105 most useful of evergreens for exposed places. In the milder counties all the New Zealand Veronicas should be tried, or as many as are available ; some of them thrive in places drenched by spray. The common gorse and its double-flowered variety are valuable. The less known Ulex Gallii may be seen at Bournemouth hanging on shelves on the cliffs fully exposed, but it will not stand so much frost as the common U. europceus. A companion plant with it there is Erica cinerea, the two making, when in flower in the early autumn, a lovely contrast in gold and purple. Ulex nanus will no doubt succeed as well as the other two gorses. Turning to deciduous shrubs, none is better than Tamarix tetrandra, T. gallica^ and probably T. pentandra. On the south coast the first two thrive on the most exposed cliffs. T. anglica^ closely allied to T. gallica, is common in places on the Suffolk coast. I have not seen T. pentandra grown near the sea (it is comparatively new to gardens) but mention it as a likely shrub valuable in flowering later than the others and during the " season " of most seaside towns. Succeeding equally well in similar places is the box-thorn, Lycium chinense (the shrub nearly always alluded to as " L. barbarum " or " Z. europtzum "). Myricaria germanica, also useful, is a close ally of the tamarisks. The common elder (Sambucus nigra) and its varieties are apt to look battered, but, like the sycamore, they are irrepressible, and therefore valuable in the first line of defence. Hippophae rhamnoides is essentially a maritime shrub, and as a fruit- bearing one is the handsomest of those here mentioned. The goat willow (Salix Capred] will grow on fully exposed cliffs, as, no doubt, will many other willows. The common hawthorn is one of the hardiest of all trees, and although not reaching beyond the dimensions of a shrub in places like those under discussion, is worth planting. A more beautiful one is the Scotch Laburnum (L. alpinuni), hardier than, and to be preferred before, the common one. The oval-leaved privet is partially deciduous, but valuable as thriving in the most exposed places. Among wild roses, R. canina (the dog rose), R. rubiginosa (sweet-briar), R. spinosissima (Scotch rose), R. multtflora and R. hibernica may be recommended, as may also the Wichuraiana roses, common dogwood (Cornus sanguined), the blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), Cotoneaster bacillaris, Celastrns articulatus, and Baccharis halimifolia. To all these, others, no doubt of equal value, might be added; certainly there might for the south-western counties, as, for example, Escallonia macrantha, E. rubra, etc ; but sufficient have been named to enable effective plantings to be made. As has already been emphasised, it is trees and shrubs that will themselves bear the full brunt of the storm and, if need be, afford protection for others, that are wanted. Given those, the chief problem has been solved. GLOSSARY TECHNICAL terms have been avoided as much as possible, but to avert inconvenient length of phrase, especially in regard to shape of leaf and form of inflorescence, a few botanical terms have been employed. They are also necessary to define the parts of the flower and the particular kind of fruit. Acuminate. Having a gradually tapered point. Acute. Pointed, but less gradually tapered* than acuminate. Anther. That part of the stamen carrying the pollen. Apex. The end (applied to the termination of leaf, petal, etc.) Auricle. An appendage or lobe shaped like 'an ear. Axil. The angle formed on the upper side by the union of leafstalk and stem, or by the chief veins and midrib. Axillary. Springing from an axil. Usually applied to an inflorescence arising at that part of a stem, as distinct from the end. Berry. A fruit whose seeds are immersed in a pulpy or juicy substance enclosed by a skin. Bract. A leaf-like organ* or a degenerate leaf from whose axil the flower or inflorescence is borne. Calyx. The outer envelope of the flower (outside the petals). Capsule. A dry fruit of two or more cells. Carpel. One part of a several-celled ovary or fruit. Catkin. A slender, often tail-like, inflorescence, with scale-like bracts and stalkless flowers. Ciliate. Fringed with hairs ; usually applied to the margins of leaves or petals. Compound (composite]. Made up of several parts or units, like a rose leaf or the flower head of a daisy. Cone. The fruit of pines, firs, spruces, etc., made up of overlapping scales. Connate. United organically (seen sometimes in the bases of opposite leaves). Cordate. Shaped like a heart, with the point uppermost Corolla. The inner envelope of the flower (inside the calyx). Corymb. An inflorescence of flat or flattish shape, in which the stalks of the outer flowers are long enough to bring them to approximately the same level as the inner ones. 107 108 GLOSSARY Crenate. Applied to leaf margins with rounded teeth. Cyme. A broad, flattish, flower cluster, the inner or terminal flowers opening first, as in Euonymus. Decussate. Applied to leaves arranged oppositely, but with one pair standing at right angles to the next pair (as in Veronica). Digitate. Applied to compound leaves, in which the leaflets are borne at the end of the common stalk (as in horse-chestnut). Dimorphic. Occurring in two forms on the same plant, e.g., leaves of many junipers, or applied to a species existing in two distinct forms, as Colletia spinosa. Dioecious. Applied to plants which have male and female flowers borne on separate individuals. Distichous. Applied to leaves arranged oppositely, and superposed in two ranks. Drupe. A fruit in which a hard stone is enclosed in a fleshy layer (plum). Emarginate. Notched at the tip. Entire. Not toothed or lobed (applied to leaf-margins, etc.). Fasciated. Applied to branchlets which have become united, several into one, to form a broad, flat shoot. Fasciculate. Applied to a cluster of flowers each with its own stalk but all arising from the same point, say a leaf-axil Fastigiate. Of close erect growth, e.g., the Lombardy poplar. Glabrous. Smooth, without hairs or down. Gland. A protuberance on leaves, young shoots and parts of flowers, sometimes on hairs or bristles, often secreting and viscid. Glaucous. Covered with a white or blue-white bloom. Habit. Manner of growth. Internodes. The spaces on a branchlet between the joints or nodes. Involucre. Two or more bracts united below an inflorescence. Lanceolate. Shaped like a lance-head ; applied to leaves several times longer than wide and broadest below the middle. Lenticel. A corky or wart-like protuberance on young bark. Linear. Applied to narrow leaves, petals, etc., several times longer than wide, with parallel margins. Limb. The expanded portion of a petal, as distinct from its stalk or claw. Lip, Applied to the upper and lower divisions of 'a corolla, as in the Labiate Order (lavender, etc.). Lobes. The primary divisions of a simple leaf or other organ (leaf of sycamore). Midrib. The primary or central rib of a leaf; the prolongation of its stalk. Monoecious. Applied to plants which have male and female flowers borne on the same individual. Mucro. A small abrupt point or tip. Node. The joint of a branchlet ; the place bearing bud or leaf. GLOSSARY 109 Oblanceolate. Inversely lanceolate, the broadest part being above the middle. Oblate. Flattened ; applied to leaves much wider than long. Obovate. Inversely egg-shaped in outline, the broadest part being above the middle (see ovate}. Obovoid. Having the shape of an egg, the thickest end uppermost. Ovary. The part of the flower which ultimately develops the seeds ; the lowest part of the pistil. Ovate. Having the outline of an egg, the widest part being below the middle. A common shape of leaf and petal. Ovoid. Having the shape of an egg. Common in fruits. Palmate. Applied to leaves with radiating lobes, as in Fatsiajaponica. Panicle. A branched inflorescence, as distinct from raceme or spike. Pappus. The limb of the calyx in the Natural Order of Composite, much divided or downy, to assist in the dispersion of the seed by wind. Pedicel. A term used to distinguish the stalk of individual flowers in a compound inflorescence (see peduncle). Peduncle. The mainstalk of a cluster of flowers, or the stalk of a solitary flower. Peltate. Applied to leaves which are attached to their stalks by the lower surface, not at the margin. Perfect. Applied to flowers which have effective male and female organs, as opposed to unisexual or sterile. Perianth. The envelope of the flower. Usually applied in practice to flowers which have only calyx or corolla, or in which the two are not distinguishable. Petal. A division of the corolla ; strictly, only applicable when it is quite separate and distinct. Pinnce. The leaflets of a pinnate leaf, or the primary divisions of a doubly pinnate one. Pinnate. Applied to leaves composed of leaflets arranged along each side of a common stalk ; feather-like. Pistil. The female part of the flower. Pollen. A usually yellow powder borne in the anthers ; the male or fecundating material. Polygamous. Applied to flowers sometimes perfect, sometimes unisexual. Pome. A fruit made up of several carpels enclosed in a thick layer of flesh, e.g. apple. Raceme. An inflorescence in which the flowers are about equally stalked and borne on an elongated common stalk. Rachis. The common stalk of a compound leaf or raceme, spike, etc. Rhomboidal. Diamond- or lozenge-shaped. Scale. Applied to scarious bodies borne on various parts of plants ; such as the enclosing parts of flower-buds, leaf-buds, acorn-cups, etc, Sepals. Divisions of the calyx. 110 GLOSSARY Simple. In one piece ; as opposed to compound. Sinus. The variously shaped space or opening between the lobes of a leaf. Spathulate. Applied to leaves, petals, etc., broad at the apex, narrowed towards the base. Spike. Like a raceme, but with the individual flowers stalkless. Stamens. The male parts of the flower bearing the anthers. Stellate. Star-like ; usually applied to several hairs united at the base or radiating from one point. Stigma. The summit of the pistil, usually viscid, for the reception of pollen, by means of which fertilisation is effected. Stipules. Appendages, sometimes scale-like, sometimes leaf-like, at the base of leafstalks. Stolon. A sucker-like branch springing from the base of the plant and rooting at the joints. Stomata. Breathing pores in the surfaces of leaves ; apertures communicating with internal air cavities. Style. That part of the pistil connecting ovary and stigma Terete. Circular in transverse section ; like a lead pencil. Ternate. Arranged in threes ; applied to leaves. Trifoliolate. Composed of three leaflets, e.g. leaf of Laburnum. Truncate. Ending abruptly, as if cut off. Umbel. An inflorescence in which a number of stalked flowers are clustered at the end of a common stalk. Unisexual. Of one sex only, as opposed to hermaphrodite, bisexual and perfect. Veins. Ramifications of fibro-vascular bundles proceeding from the midrib and traversing the blade of a leaf. Whorl. Applied to flowers or leaves borne in a circle round a stalk or branchlet PART II DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF GENERA AND SPECIES ABELIA. CAPRIFOLIACE^. A GENUS of shrubs named in honour of Mr Clarke Abel, who first discovered A. chinensis whilst attached to Lord Amherst's embassy to China in 1816-17. About half a dozen species are at present in cultivation, which come from China, Japan, the Himalaya, and Mexico. Leaves opposite, or in threes; corolla tubular to bell-shaped; calyx composed of two to five sepals, which remain long on the plants after the corolla has fallen ; stamens four. With two or three exceptions, the Abelias are scarcely hardy enough to succeed in the average climate of the British Isles unless wall protection be given ; but provided the situation is warm enough, they are not in any way difficult to cultivate. They like an open, loamy soil, and can very easily be increased by means of cuttings made of half- ripened wood in July; these should be placed in pots of sandy soil, and plunged in a frame where there is a little bottom heat. The species are very much confused in gardens, but the following key to the cultivated species will assist in their identification. i. SEPALS UNIFORMLY FIVE. Chinensis. Corolla in. long ; flowers in pairs ; stamens much protruded. Floribunda. Corolla i^ to 2 ins. long ; stamens of about the same length. Spathulata. Corolla f in. long ; stamens shorter than corolla ; floweis in pairs. Triflora. Sepals very narrow, linear, feathered. 2. SEPALS USUALLY TWO. Uniflora and Engleriana. 3. SEPALS TWO TO FIVE. Grandiflora. A hybrid (chinensis x uniflora). A. CHINENSIS, R. Brown. (A. rupestris, Lindley, Bot. Reg., vol. 32, t. 8.) A deciduous shrub 3 or 4 ft. high, of spreading habit, the young branches covered with minute reddish down. Leaves ovate, pointed, tapered or rounded at the base, f to i| ins. long, \ to i in. wide, toothed (sometimes obscurely so), downy at the base of the midrib beneath, and with few or many hairs scattered over the upper surface. Flowers white, fragrant, produced during summer and autumn in forking clusters from the terminal leaf-axils, the whole forming a short terminal panicle ; the flowers are mostly in pairs on each stalk. Corolla ^ in. long, scarcely as wide, funnel-shaped, hairy inside. Calyx composed of five rosy-tinted, slightly downy sepals, each \ in. long and obovate. Stamens protruded. 113 H 114 ABELIA Native of China, where it is widely spread; discovered in 1816-17 by Mr C. Abel. It is usually regarded as a greenhouse plant, but is hardy in the south and west of England. The true plant is rare in cultivation, the shrub usually grown under the name being A. grandiflora a hybrid between it and A. uniflora. A. ENGLERIANA, Rehder. (Linnsea Engleriana, Graebner.") A deciduous shrub of bushy habit, 2 to 4 ft. high, with brown, minutely downy young bark, afterwards smooth and shining, ultimately peeling. Leaves oval-lanceolate, tapered at both ends, but more slenderly at the apex ; f to i^ ins. long, ^ to in. wide ; bright green and smooth above, paler and glossy beneath, with scattered hairs on the midrib and veins ; margins bristly-hairy ; stalk ^ in. or less long. Flowers borne usually in pairs from the end of short lateral twigs ; sepals two, narrowly oval, ^ in. long, minutely ciliated ; corolla in. long, funnel-shaped, curved, minutely downy outside, rose-coloured. Stamens shorter than the corolla. Native of Szechuen, China; originally discovered by Henry about 1888; introduced to cultivation twenty years later by Wilson when collecting for Harvard University. Flowered at Kew in 1911. A. FLORIBUNDA, Decaisne. (Bot. Mag., t. 4316 ; Garden, May 18, 1873.) An evergreen shrub 6 to 10 ft. high in a wild state, but rarely seen half as high in this country ; young shoots reddish, downy. Leaves ovate to roundish ovate, f to if ins. long, ?r to I in. broad, shallowly toothed, pointed, firm in ABELIA FLORIBUNDA. texture ; glossy green and smooth on both surfaces, but paler beneath ; hairy only on the margin ; stalk in. or less long. Flowers pendulous, rosy-red, produced in June at or near the end of short twigs which spring from the year- old wood. Corolla slenderly funnel-shaped, narrowing towards the base, I J to 2 ins. long, nearly i in. wide at the mouth, where are five rounded, spreading lobes. Sepals five, green, linear-oval, \ in. long. Stamens hairy. Native of Mexico on the Cordilleras ofOaxaca at 10,000 ft.; introduced to Europe in 1841. This is the handsomest of the Abelias that can be grown out- of-doors with us, but it needs the protection of a wall. At Kew, a plant growing against the wall of a greenhouse has flourished for many years and flowers well ABELIA 115 most seasons, but it is quite unable to live in the open unprotected. For a low south wall in the S. of EnglanoVthis shrub, with its shining, rich green foliage and gay flowers, is an attractive ornament. A. GRANDIFLORA, Rehder. (A. chinensis x uniflora ; A. chinensis, Hort?) An evergreen shrub 3 to 6 ft. high, with slender, arching branches clothed with minute down. Leaves of a brilliant dark green, ovate, pointed, i to 2^ ins. long, half as wide, mostly more or less shallowly toothed ; quite smooth above, pale shining green beneath, downy only on the lower part of the midrib. Flowers slightly fragrant, produced from July to October at the end of the shoots of the year and in the leaf-axils ; solitary to as many as four on a stalk. Corolla white tinged with pink, funnel-shaped, | in. long, nearly as wide at the five-lobed mouth ; throat hairy. Sepals two to five, \ in. long, but varying in width according to the number, the lower number being proportionately wider ; they persist for several months, and are often of a purplish tinge. A hybrid between A. chinensis and A. uniflora whose origin is apparently unrecorded. Like many hybrids it appears to have acquired a vigour and constitution superior to that of either of its parents. It is hardy at Kew in all but the severest winters, when it is cut to the ground ; it is also the most ornamental of really hardy kinds. The habit is graceful, the foliage a singularly brilliant green, and it is useful in blossoming so late in the season. A. SPATHULATA, Siebold. (Bot. Mag., t. 6601.) A deciduous shrub 3 or 4 ft. high, much branched ; twigs downy when young. Leaves oval-lanceolate, rhomboidal, or ovate ; I to 2 ins. long, \ to i in. wide ; unequally toothed ; with scattered hairs above, and down on the nerves below ; margins red when young. Flowers in pairs at the ends of short side twigs ; corolla white with yellow in the throat, f to i inch long, widely funnel-shaped. Sepals usually five, J inch long, rosy, oblong-spathulate, slightly downy. Stamens shorter than corolla. Native of Japan ; introduced by Maries for Messrs Veitch in 1880. It is hardy in the milder parts of the southern counties, and, among other places, thrives with Sir E. G. Loder at Leonardslee, near Horsham, and with Mrs Chambers at Haslemere. A. TRIFLORA, R. Brown. (Lindley and Paxton's Flower Garden, vol. 3, t. 91.) A deciduous shrub or small tree of vigorous, erect habit, 8 to 12 ft. high, sometimes more ; young shoots furnished with reflexed bristles ; bark of main stem pale, greyish, and conspicuously corrugated. Leaves ovate lance-shaped or lance-shaped, tapering more abruptly to the base than to the apex, \\ to 3 ins. long, \ to i in. wide ; dull dark green, paler beneath ; more or less hairy on both surfaces and at the margins until late in the year, when they become nearly or quite smooth.' Most of the leaves are neither toothed nor lobed, but the lowest leaves on the twigs are frequently deeply and sharply cut. Flowers fragrant, produced in June in erect clusters 2 ins across, terminating short twigs ; often three flowers on a stalk. Corolla delicate rosy white, with a slender downy tube f in. long, expanding at the mouth into five rounded lobes, and these \ in. across. Sepals five, persistent, reddish, very narrow and linear, \ to f in. long, feathered with silky hairs. 116 ABELIA ABIES Native of the N.W. Himalaya, introduced in 1847 to the Glasnevin Botanic Garden, and first flowered there in 1852. This is the hardiest of the Abelias, and has grown vigorously at Kew in the open for many years. When it flowers freely (which does not happen every year) it ^makes a pretty display, and remains interesting because of the curious persistent calyces surmounting the fruits. A. UNIFLORA, R. Brown. (Bot. Mag., t. 4694.) An evergreen shrub of spreading habit, 5 or 6 ft. high, ultimately with arching branches ; shoots slender, minutely downy when young. Leaves ovate, often with long, tapered points, rounded or tapered at the base, sparsely and shallowly toothed ; i to 2 ins. long, ^ to I in. wide ; dark glossy green and smooth above, paler beneath and downy on the midrib. Flowers solitary, in pairs, or in threes in the terminal leaf-axils, produced from June onwards. Corolla white, blush-tinted, with orange markings in the throat ; I in. long and the same in width across the mouth, where are five ovate lobes ; it has much the shape of a miniature foxglove. Calyx of usually two sepals, but occasionally three or four, persistent. Native of China, originally introduced to cultivation by Fortune in 1845, now very rare. It is one of the parents of A. grandiflora, which owes to this species its hardiness and the brilliant green of its leaves, and which appears to have displaced it in gardens. A. uniflora is hardy in the south of England in all but the severest winters. Its flowers are the largest of the cultivated Chinese species, and being abundantly produced make a very pietty display. ABIES. SILVER FIRS. CONIFERS. A group of about thirty evergreen trees found in Europe. N. Africa, N. Asia, and N. America. They are mostly pyramidal and very symmetrical in form, especially when young, and the finest are from 200 to 300 ft. high. They produce their branches in whorls or tiers, one tier yearly. Leaves always linear or nearly so, from -^ to \ in. wide, with invariably two bands of stomata beneath, occasionally lines of stomata above also ; they are always attached to the shoot in a spiral arrangement, but by a twisting at the base are usually made to appear in two opposite sets, the green faces of all uppermost. Female cones always erect, in which respect they differ from those of Picea (the spruces), and from Tsuga (the hemlocks), both of which genera have been, and still are, often called "Abies." There is a simple way of distinguishing a fir (Abies) from a spruce by pulling off a living leaf from the shoots : In the firs the leaf breaks off sharply at the base where it joins the twig, but in the spruces (Picea) it tears away a little of the bark with it. The cones are built up of a close spiral arrangement of overlapping, usually more or less fan-shaped scales, to the outer surface of which a bract is always attached. The length of this bract and whether or not it protrudes beyond the scale, affords a good distinguishing character between the species. Seeds are borne in pairs on the inner side of the scales, and are winged. The male flowers occur on branches separate from the females, and are borne on the under side of the branch; anthers ABIES 117 highly coloured. On flowering and cone-bearing branches the leaves frequently alter much in character, becoming shorter, stiffer, sharper pointed, and more erect. The silver firs are undoubtedly best suited in a moist climate where late spring frosts are rare. Nowhere in the British Isles, perhaps, do they, as a whole, succeed quite so well as in the Perthshire valleys. Where the rainfall is deficient, lack of moisture can to some extent be compensated for by a good deep soil. Whenever possible they should be raised from seeds, but of some sorts cuttings may be made to take root. The cuttings should always be taken from leading shoots, as distinct from lateral ones, which rarely develop a good leader. The best plan is to head back a plant, thus inducing it to make several shoots ; these are then taken off with a slight heel of old wood attached, and placed singly in small pots of sandy soil in a gentle bottom heat. But both cuttings and grafts should only be resorted to when seeds are un- obtainable. Several species, amongst them amabilis, magnifica, nobilis, and Nord- manniana, are liable in many places to the attacks of aphis and chermes. In either case the best remedy is spraying with an emulsion of paraffin and soft soap in spring, about the time the young are being produced. A detailed description is given in the following pages of about a score of species ; the four following are sometimes seen in gardens, but having little general interest, brief mention will suffice : A. LASIOCARPA, Nuttall (A. subalpina, Engelmann}. ROCKY MOUNTAIN FIR. Apparently of little value in this country, but a fine tree in Western N. America, where it is 100, occasionally 175, ft. high. The leaves are ^ to \\ ins. long, jV in. broad, arranged like those of A. nobilis, and with stomata on both surfaces. Cones dark purple, "2\ to 4 ins. long. Shoots downy ; buds resinous. Var. ARIZONICA was introduced in 1903, and is remarkable for its thick, corky, yellowish white bark, and its more glaucous leaves, but there is no reason to suppose that it will thrive better than the type. [The name lasiocarpa is often erroneously applied to A. Lowiana and A. concolor, q.v.~] A. RELIGIOSA, Schlechtendal. MEXICAN FIR (Bot. Mag., t. 6753). It is only in the very mildest parts of the British Isles that this tree will thrive. I have seen trees at Fota, near Cork, and at Castle Kennedy, in Wigtown- shire. It has the same arrangement of leaves on the shoot as A. Nordmanniana, and they are f to \\ ins. long, pointed, and usually undivided at the apex. Shoots downy ; buds resinous. Cones about 4 ins. long, bluish, ultimately brown. Introduced by Hartweg, in 1838, from Mexico, where the branches are used for church decoration hence the specific name. A. SACHALINENSIS, Masters. SAGHALIEN FIR. A tree 130 ft. high, native of N. Japan, Saghalien, etc., but so liable to injury by late spring frost in this country as to be of no value. It has the Nordmanniana arrangement of leaf, but in the forward-pointing leaves, which are f to i^ ins. long and verv white beneath, it resembles A. Veitchii ; buds white, resinous. Cones 2^ to 3! ins. long. Introduced in 1878, by Maries for Messrs Veitch. I saw a tree about 1 6 ft. high at Murthly Castle, near Perth, in 1906, but even there, not in the best of health. A. SIBIRICA, Ledebour. SIBERIAN FIR. Allied to A. sachalinensis, this is equally unsatisfactory. It has similar leaves, but they have only four or five lines of stomata in each band beneath, whilst A. sachalinensis has seven or eight. The shoots also are not roughened with the raised leaf bases as in that species. Introduced in 1820, and a native of Siberia, etc. 118 ABIES A. AMABILIS, Forbes. WHITE FIR. A tree up to 250 ft. high in nature ; bark on young or middle-aged trees whitish ; young shoots downy ; winter buds small, globose, very resinous. Leaves crowded at the sides and on the upper surface of the shoot, which they completely hide from above ; f to \\ ins. long, ^ to ^ in. wide, broadest towards the apex ; the uppermost leaves are considerably the shorter, and point forwards, the lower ones spread horizontally ; all are rich glossy green and deeply grooved above, vividly blue-white and with broad bands of stomata beneath ; apex notched. Cones rich purple, 4 to 6 ins. long, 2 to 2^ ins. wide, tapering slightly towards the rounded top ; bracts enclosed. Native of British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington ; discovered by Douglas in 1825, introduced five years later. This beautiful fir, which in open situations clothes itself to the ground with gracefully drooping branches, has not been a success in British gardens, and very few specimens of any notable size exist there. Some years ago I saw several healthy trees in Scotland. It is sometimes confused with A. Nordmanniana, which it resembles in several respects, notably in the arrangement of the leaves on the shoot ; but the winter buds, looking like globes of resin, easily distinguish it, and the leaves have an odour like orange peel. A. BALSAMEA, Miller. BALSAM FIR. A tree 50 to 70 ft. high ; young shoots downy ; winter buds red, very resinous, roundish. Leaves on young trees in two opposite sets spreading horizontally, | to i ins. long, - to -^ in. wide, the uppermost leaves much the shorter ; rounded or notched at the apex, glossy green above, with two whitish bands beneath each composed of four to eight lines of stomata. On cone- bearing shoots the leaves are often pointed (sometimes sharply) as well as rounded or slightly notched, and they are stiffer, broader (jV in. wide), and curved upwards rather than arranged in two sets. Cones 2\ to 3^ ins. long, i to i ins. wide, dark purple or olive-green, the bracts either quite enclosed within the scales or slightly exposed. Native of Eastern N. America from Labrador to Virginia ; introduced by Bishop Compton in 1697. Although trees in Scotland have attained considerable dimensions, notably at Keillour in Perthshire, it is usually short- lived, and one of the biggest failures among firs in this country. The only tree I know of any size near London is on'the lawn in front of Miss Willmott's house at Great Warley, Essex, 30 to 40 ft. high. The species is closely allied to A. Fraseri, under which the distinctions are referred to. It yields a transparent balsamic resin, known as Balm of Gilead, or Canadian Balsam. The leaves are curiously brittle and snap when bent. Var. HUDSONIA, Sargent. DWARF BALSAM FIR. A curious, very dwarf mountain form rarely more than 2 ft. high, which never bears cones. Leaves about \ in. long. Found originally on the White mountains of New Hampshire, U.S.A. A. BRACHYPHYLLA, Maximowicz. NlKKO FIR. (Bot. Mag., t. 7114.) A tree 100, occasionally 130, ft. high in Japan ; young shoots without down, but corrugated with the wrinkled protuberances on which the leaves are seated, the groove between the leaf-bases being deep ; buds resinous. Leaves \ to i^ ins. long, about y"g- in. wide ; slightly notched at the flatfish apex, dark bright green above, with two broad, blue-white stomatic bands beneath. The under- ABIES 119 most leaves are the longest, and they spread horizontally ; above them each succeeding rank becomes smaller ,and more erect, leaving at last a very narrow or scarcely perceptible V-shaped opening along the top. Cones 3 to 4 ins. long, i^ to ii ins. wide, tapered at top and bottom, purple, finally brown; bracts quite enclosed. Native of Japan ; introduced about 1870. This is one of the most thriving' and handsome of firs, and very hardy. It occasionally bears good crops of its rich purple cones, and is then very beautiful. It is, perhaps, best distinguished by the deeply corrugated branchlets, the grooves in which become deeper the two following years, by the scaly bark of the trunk and the short, notched ABIES BRACHYPHYLLA. leaves. In gardens a Japanese silver fir is sometimes seen under the name of A. HOMOLEPIS, Siebold(k: umbellata, Hort.}.\\. is quite closely allied to, and may be merely a form of, A. brachyphylla, but the leaves are more dis- tinctly separated into two opposed sets, and the. V-shaped opening left by the uppermost leaves is much wider ; they are also longer (up to li ins.), the stomatic bands beneath are narrower and duller white, the apex is much more tapered, and the double points made by the notch are sharp, almost spiny. An interest- ing distinction is pointed out by Henry in the corrugation of the branchlets : in A. homolepis this is less apparent in the second and third years ; in A. brachy- phylla it is more pronounced. A cut branchlet bears a considerable resemblance to that of A. firma, but the downy unroughened surface of the shoot of the latter at once distinguishes it. A. homolepis appears to have all the beauty and hardiness of A. brachyphylla. 120 ABIES A. BRACTEATA, NuttalL SANTA LUCIA FlR. (Bot. Mag., t. 4740 ; A. venusta, Koch?) A tree 100 to 150 ft. high, of pyramidal form, but abruptly narrowed near the top into a slender, steeple-like apex ; young shoots pale green, perfectly glabrous; winter-buds \ to f in. long, slenderly conical, the scales being loose, pale brown, non-resinous. Leaves flat, stiff, and spine-tipped ; i to 2% ins. long, ^ in. wide ; dark shining green, with two blue-white bands of stomata beneath ; the leaves are aggregated into two sets, one each side the shoot, leaving a broad. V-shaped opening between. Cones 3 to 4 ins. long, 2 to 2^ ins. wide, egg- shaped, purplish brown, each bract terminated by a slender, stiff, spine-tipped point, i to 2 ins. long. Native of, and confined to, the Santa Lucia mountains, California ; discovered in 1832 ; introduced by W. Lobb in 1853. I* ' s m several respects the most remarkable of all firs : its pyramidal spire-topped shape and its buds are quite unlike those of any other species ; its spine-tipped, never notched, leaves are comparable only with those of A. cephalonica ; and, chief of all, the bayonet- like terminations of the bracts projecting all round the cone are only seen in this species. There are a number of trees 50 to 80 ft. high in England ; but the tree generally is not a success, owing to its susceptibility to late spring frosts. For this reason an elevated situation is best for it. A. CEPHALQNICA, London. GREEK FIR. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1884, i., fig. 105.) A tree up to 100 ft. high ; young shoots smooth, shining brown ; buds reddish, resinous. Leaves standing out nearly at right angles to, and all round the stem, but more densely above than below ; the lower ones are the longer and all have the green surface uppermost ; they are stiff, sharply pointed ; to \\ ins. long, ^ to T ^ in. wide; rich glossy green above, and with two well- defined stomatic bands beneath. Cones 4 to 6 ins. long, ij to if ins. wide, cylindric, velvety brown, with the bracts protruded beyond the scale and bent downward. Native of the mountains of Greece; introduced in 1824. It thrives remark- ably well in Britain, the largest tree according to Elwes being at Barton, Bury St Edmund's, now nearly 100 ft. high and over 13 ft. in girth. It is one of the most distinct of all silver firs in its sharp almost spine-tipped leaves standing out all round the shoot. These two characters, with its smooth shoots and resinous buds, render it easily recognisable. Var. APOLLINIS, Beissner (A. Apollinis, Link}. In this form the leaves are more crowded on the upper side of the shoot, leaving comparatively few beneath ; they are thicker, more abruptly pointed, sometimes rounded at the apex, and more inclined to point forwards. There is a gpod example of this form in the Botanic Garden at Padua, and one in Shrublands Park near Ipswich. Inter- mediate ones between it and the type exist. ^There are often two or three short lines of stomata on the upper surface of the leaf near the tip. A. VILMORINII, Masters. VILMORIN'S FIR. A hybrid between A. cephalonica and A. Pinsapo, the latter the seed-bearer. Only one fertile seed was produced, but from it has developed the fine tree at Verrieres, near Paris, now about 50 ft. high. Its leaves are intermediate, but more like those of A. Pinsapo ; they resemble those of A. cephalonica in having stomata on the lower surface only. The cross was made by the late Henri de Vilmorin, in 1867. Many seedlings, mostly intermediate between it and one or other of the parents, have been raised at Verrieres. ABIES 121 A. CILICICA, Carriere. ClLICIAN FlR. A tree up to 100 feet high in a wild state, and already more than half as high in cultivation ; buds non-resinous, the bud-scales ridged at the back and with free points ; young shoots greyish brown, furnished with scattered, stiff, small bristles. Leaves | to i ins. long, ^ to T ^ in. wide ; notched, rounded, or pointed at the apex ; rather pale bright green above, with two bands of stomata beneath. On strong shoots the leaves are spread equally all over the upper side of the branchlet, those in the middle being snorter, erect, and pointing forwards ; on weak shoots they are in two opposite sets, with a narrow or wide V-shaped opening between. Cones cylindrical, about 7 or 8 ins. long and 2 to 2^ ins. wide, reddish brown ; the scales are of remarkable size, being if to 2 ins. wide, I in. deep, not including the claw at the base ; bracts completely hidden. Native of Asia Minor and Syria, and often associated in a wild state with the cedar of Lebanon ; discovered in 1853, introduced one or two years subsequently. It is still rare in gardens and although very handsome where it thrives is frequently injured by spring frosts. Allied to A. Nordmanniana, it differs in its paler, less dense foliage, and in the larger scales and enclosed bracts of the cones. A. CONCOLOR, Lindley. COLORADO FlR. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1890, ii., figs. 147, 148.) A tree 80 to 100 feet high in nature ; young shoots yellowish, patched with minute down, or smooth ; buds very resinous, egg-shaped, rounded at the top. Leaves glaucous green, i to 3 ins. long, ^ to ^ in. wide ; tapered at the base, rounded (with sometimes a slight notch) at the apex ; otherwise of even width, not grooved above. There are not very conspicuous lines of stomata on both surfaces ; they cover the whole centre of the leaf above, but beneath they are in two bands. The leaves are mostly aggregated into two opposite sets, but on the upper side of the branchlet there are a number of leaves pointing upwards, and beneath some pointing downwards ; the arrangement therefore is irregular, and the upper leaves are considerably the shorter. On cone-bearing shoots the leaves generally are shorter and stouter and curve upwards. Cones about 4 ins. long, ii to if ins. wide, of a rich plum colour, as I have seen them in Mr Waterer's nursery at Knap Hill, turning brown with age ; bracts enclosed by the scales. Native of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, etc. ; discovered in 1847 ; intro- duced in, or perhaps previous to, 1872. It is one of the most beautiful of all conifers, and the more glaucous forms, of which var. VIOLACEA, Masters, is the best, are amongst the most effective of their type. Var. WALLEZI has foliage of a rather striking silvery yellow when young. The relationship of this species with A. Lowiana, a much debated point, and the differences between them, are referred to under that species. A. FIRMA, Siebold. JAPANESE FlR. (Flora Japonica, ii., t. 107 ; A. bifida, Siebold, Flora Japonica, ii., t. 109.) A tree 120 to 150 ft. high in nature ; young shoots downy in the grooves between the prominences on which the leaves are seated ; buds small, resinous. Leaves aggregated into two opposite sets, spreading at about right angles to the shoot and leaving a broad, V-shaped opening along the upper side ; they are deep glossy green above, with two not very conspicuous bands of stomata beneath ; f to \\ ins. long, jV to \ in. wide, very stiff, tapered somewhat towards both ends, the apex distinctly notched, leaving two sharp, slender points. 122 ABIES Cones 3^ to 5 ins. long, i to 2 ins. wide, brown ; bracts exposed and not reflexed. Native of Japan ; introduced to England by John Gould Veitch in 1861. Sargent describes wild trees as the most beautiful of Japanese firs. The leaves are not invariably notched at the apex, and the notch is deepest in young plants. It is comparatively rare in gardens, but according to Elwes a tree at Pencarrow was 59 ft. high in 1908. It is a handsome tree with a very sturdy aspect. A. FRASERI, Poiret. ERASER'S BALSAM FIR. (Garden and Forest, 1889, fig. 132.) A tree 30 to 40, occasionally 70, ft. high ; young shoots covered with short reddish hairs ; buds small, resinous. Leaves amongst the shortest in firs, \ to i in. long, ^ to ^ in. wide ; rounded and usually notched at the apex"; dark glossy green above, with two broad, very white bands beneath, each composed of six to twelve rows of stomata. Cones i| to i\ ins. long, i to i^ ins. wide, purple ; bracts golden brown, much protruded, and bent downwards so as to hide the scales. Native of the mountains of the S.E. United States, often forming forests at elevations of 4000 to 6000 ft. It was introduced by John Fraser, after whom it was named, about 1807. No silver fir ever introduced has proved of less value in English gardens than this, or shorter-lived ; there is perhaps scarcely a good tree in the country. Most of the trees called " Fraseri " in gardens are really A. balsamea, a nearly allied fir distinct enough in the bracts of the cones being very little or not at all protruded, but very similar in the leaves. In A. balsamea, however, they are not so white beneath, and have only four to eight lines of stomata in each band. A. GRANDIS, Lindley. GlANT FIR. A tree 230 to 300 ft. high in nature, with a trunk 4 to 5 ft. thick ; young shoots glossy, olive green, not corrugated, minutely downy ; winter-buds small, conical, resinous, bluish. Leaves in two opposite sets, spreading flatly and horizontally, each set composed of two ranks, the upper ones much shorter than the lower ; the leaves are f to 25- ins. long, ^ to ^ in. wide ; the apex notched and rounded ; dark shining green, with two broad white stomatic bands beneath. Cones cylindrical, 3 to 4 ins. long, \\ to if ins. wide, bright green ; the bracts enclosed. Native of Western N. America, from Vancouver Island to California ; discovered by Douglas in 1825, and introduced six or seven years later. This, probably the tallest silver fir in the world, thrives exceedingly well in the moister parts of the British Isles, where it is already over 100 ft. high. In deep moist soil it grows vry quickly, often at a rate of 2 to 3 ft. annually. Very distinct in the flat, comb-like arrangement of the leaves, it is in this respect most nearly approached by A. Lowiana, but that species has stomatic lines on the upper surface, absent in A. grandis. A. LOWIANA, A. Murray. Low's SILVER FIR. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1890, ii., figs. 149, 150 ; A. lasiocarpa, Hart.") Neither Sargent nor Jepson distinguishes this fir specifically from A. con- color, but as seen in gardens it is easily recognisable. It has also a separate natural habitat, being found in Oregon, and on the Sierra Nevada in California (where, Jepson observes, it is one of the four most important forest trees in ABIES 123 the main timber belt) ; A. concolor is from Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. A. Lowiana is a tree up to 200 ft, high, the young shoots pale green, with a slight down which often falls away by winter. Buds resinous, smaller than in A. concolor. Leaves mostly in two opposite sets spreading out flatly and horizontally, as in A. grandis ; in this respect they differ from those of A. concolor, as they do also in the frequently notched apex and the grooved upper surface. Both species have broken stomatic lines on the upper side (as well as on the lower one), but they are more conspicuous in A. concolor. The leaves of A. Lowiana are from i^ to 2^ ins. long, and pretty uniform in length ; in the latter respect they differ froirTthose of A. grandis (with which species also A. Lowiana has been associated), whose leaves moreover are devoid of stomata on the upper surface. Cones of the same size as those of A. concolor, brown. The name "lasiocarpa" is generally adopted in France. This is a handsome tree, introduced in 1851, and is now represented by specimens 80 to 100 ft. high in various parts of the country. Cultivated trees of A. concolor are not so large, but they are more striking in their richer foliage and glaucous tint. The branching of A. Lowiana is mostly on one plane, but in A. concolor the production of axillary buds renders the branching less regular, and in this way shoots frequently appear midway along the shoot on the upper side. A. MAGNIFICA, A. Murray. RED FlR. As represented by the finest specimens in this country, now 60 to 80 ft. high, this tree has a slender pyramidal shape and is strikingly elegant ; young shoots furnished with a minute down ; buds resinous at the top, more or less concealed by leaves. Leaves I to if ins. long, ^i n - wide; glaucous green, with stomata on all surfaces ; blunt, but not notched at the apex, nor grooved along the upper surface. On old cone-bearing branches they are pointed, stiffer, shorter, and diamond-shaped in cross-section. The leaves are crowded on the top as much as on the sides of the shoot ; those on the top have their bases flattened to, and nearly hiding the stem, then curve upwards. Cones 6 to 8 ins. long, about half as wide, purple when young, afterwards brown ; bracts enclosed (except in the variety mentioned below). Native of Oregon and California ; introduced by Jeffrey in 1851. This remarkable fir is seen at its best, perhaps, so far as the British Isles are concerned, in Perthshire, where I have seen fine trees at Blair Atholl and Abercairney, 60 to 70 ft. high. It thrives badly and is rare in the Thames Valley. It has been much confused with A. nobilis (even associated with it as "var. robusta"), but can be distinguished by its longer, never-grooved leaves. Var. XANTHOCARPA, Lemmon (var. shastensis, Lemmori). SHASTA RED FlR. Is distinguished only by the shorter, thicker cones, having the bracts conspicuously protruded. A. MARIESII, Masters. MARIES' FIR. A tree 40 to 50, occasionally 80, ft. high, of compact, pyramidal form ; young shoots very densely covered with red-brown down, which persists several years ; buds small, globose, completely encased in resin. Leaves \ to i in. long, jV in. wide ; dark shining green and deeply grooved above ; glaucous beneath, with two broad bands of stomata ; apex rounded and notched. The lower ranks spread horizontally, whilst the upper and shorter ones point forward and completely hide the shoot. Cones 3 to 4 ins. long, about 2 ins. wide, rounded at the top, egg-shaped, purple when young ; bracts hidden Discovered on Mt. Hakkoda, in Japan, by Chas. Maries in 1878, and intro- duced by him at the same time. It is one of the rarest of silver firs, and 124 ABIES scarcely a good tree exists in the country. I saw a small healthy specimen at Scone Palace in 1906. Two years later, in Mr Hesse's nursery at Weener, in Hanover, I saw a healthy batch he had raised from seeds. I do not know that it has borne cones in this country (the fir figured in the Botanical Magazine, t. 8098, is A. Webbiana). Maries' fir is best distinguished by the thick red- brown covering of down on the twigs. A. NOBILIS, Lindley. NOBLE FIR. A tree up to 200 ft. high in nature, and already more than half that height in cultivation in Britain ; young shoots clothed with a reddish brown minute down ; buds roundish, resinous, surrounded at the base by a collar of long- pointed scales free at the tips. Leaves to \\ ins. long, ^ in. wide, distinctly grooved on the top, round at the apex, glaucous green, with stomata both above and below ; the leaves are very densely arranged on the upper side and at the sides of the shoot, leaving it exposed only underneath ; the upper leaves have their bases flattened to the shoot (completely hiding it), then curve abruptly upwards. Cones 6 to 10 ins. long, 3 to 3^ ins. wide, cylindrical, rounded at the top, of a rich brown-purple, with the green bracts conspicuously protruded and reflexed. Native of Oregon, Washington, and California ; introduced by Douglas in 1825. No fir introduced from Western N. America has succeeded better than this in certain parts of the British Isles, in Scotland especially. It varies in the intensity of its glaucous hue, the form most striking in this respect being distinguished as var. GLAUCA. The larger trees in this country produce cones in great profusion. These cones are the largest among firs, and, standing stiffly erect, their size and rich colour render them very striking. The finest trees I have seen are at Murthly, near Perth, and the species evidently enjoys a moist climate and a deep soil. It is liable to the attacks of an insect which induces gouty swellings ; the best remedy for this is spraying with an emulsion of paraffin and soft soap in April. This fir is most closely allied to A. magnifica (g.v.\ but is of more spreading habit, and the leaves are different. Both are distinct from other firs, in the crowded leaves on the upper side of the branchlet having their bases flattened against it. A. NORDMANNTANA, Spach. CAUCASIAN FlR. (Bot. Mag., t. 6992.) A tree described as reaching 200 ft. in height in a wild state, with a trunk 4 to 5 ft. in diameter ; young shoots shining grey-brown, furnished with short stiff hairs ; buds not resinous, ovate. Leaves very densely arranged, mostly on the upper side of the shoot, the lower ones being the longer, and spreading horizontally ; the upper ones shorter, and pointing forward ; it is only on weak shoots that any indication of a two-ranked or V-shaped arrangement is seen. The leaves -measure f to i^ ins. in length, ^ to ^ in. wide, apex rounded and notched ; very dark glossy green above, midrib sunken, two whitish stomatic bands beneath. Cones 5 or 6 ins. long, if to 2 ins. wide, cylindrical or tapered towards the top, reddish brown ; scales ij to i| ins. wide, to | in. deep ; bracts conspicuously protruded and bent downwards. Native of the Caucasus, Greece, and Asia Minor ; discovered in 1836, and introduced about ten years later. It is undoubtedly one of the handsomest and, in most places, best-growing of the firs, although in some places it is very subject to the attacks of aphis. Trees approaching 90 ft. in height exist in the British Isles. In foliage it is not unlike the W. American A. amabilis, which has, however, more rounded and resinous buds, and cones with enclosed bracts. ABIES 125 Botanically it is more nearly related to A. pectinata. At Powerscourt, in Ireland, there are large numbers in splendid vigour and size. ABIES NOKDMANNIANA. A. NUMIDICA, De Lannoy. ALGERIAN FIR. A tree said to become 70 ft. high, but at present rarely more than half as high in this country ; buds not, or very slightly, resinous ; young shoots shining brown, glabrous. Leaves arranged all round the shoot, but with those underneath mostly brought upwards into a horizontal position ; on strong shoots the leaves on the upper side are erect or pointed backwards, but on weaker shoots there is a V-shaped opening formed by the separation of the leaves into two sets. Leaves \ to f in. long, ^ in. wide ; rounded, or notched, or somewhat pointed at the apex ; dark glossy"green above, often with a grey patch near the apex made up of a few broken lines of stomata ; lower surface with a conspicuous grey band of stomata each side the midrib. Cones 5 to 7 ins. long, i^ to if ins. wide, cylindrical, brown. Native of Mt. Babor, in Algeria, where it grows in association with Cedrus atlantica ; discovered in 1861, and soon afterwards introduced. It is a hand- some fir although still uncommon. Vigorous plants are very distinct in the grey patch of stomata on the upper side of the leaf and in the dense array of 126 ABIES thick, round-ended, or notched leaves all over the upper side of the shoot, the middle ones of which often point backwards. On weak shoots these characters are not so marked. A. PECTINATA, De Candolle. COMMON SILVER FIR. A tree up to 120 ft. high in Britain, with a trunk 5 to 6^ ft. in thickness ; young shoots brownish grey, covered with a short down ; winter buds not resinous. Leaves usually in two opposite sets spreading horizontally, but occasionally with others on the upper side pointing forwards ; to i ins. long, the upper ranks of each set the smaller and scarcely half as long as the lower ones ; 1*6 to ^- in. wide, notched at the blunt apex, dark glossy green above, with two white stomatic bands beneath. Cones 4^- to 6 ins. long, i^ to 2 ins. wide ; at first green, then reddish brown; the bracts protruded and reflexed. On cone- bearing branches the leaves become pointed, shorter, stifTer, and curved upwards. Native of the mountains of Central and S. Europe ; cultivated in England for more than three centuries. Although the common silver fir refuses to grow in the hot, dry, lower Thames Valley, and does not thrive well in many low- lying parts of the south of England, it is, on the whole, much the finest of all silver firs in the British Isles. In the moist valleys of Scotland it reaches magnificent proportions. A tree at Drummond Castle, in Perthshire, blown down in November 1893, measured 6j ft. in diameter of trunk, and there are numerous trees in the same county reaching no to 120 ft. in height. In the splendid state forests near Ischl, in Austria, I measured in 1908 a felled tree 150 ft. long, but Mr Elwes mentions trees nearly or quite 200 ft. high in the virgin forests of Bosnia. A generous rainfall and a situation reasonably free from late spring frosts appear to be necessary for its success. For under- planting the silver fir is invaluable, but it is the only species of Abies really patient of shade. Var. PENDULA has very weeping branches ; found wild in the Vosges. Van PYRAMIDALIS. A striking fastigiate tree of spire-like form, tapering to a fine point. The finest tree I have seen is in the Segrez Arboretum, in France, which was 30 to 35 ft. high in 1904. A. FIND ROW, Spach. HIMALAYAN FIR. (A. Webbiana var. Pindrow, Brandish) A lofty tree with a trunk 6 to 8 ft. in diameter ; trees in this country of slender pyramidal form ; young shoots smooth, shining, yellowish grey ; winter buds globose, very resinous, bluish at the base. Leaves narrowly linear, \\ to 2| ins. long, ^ in. to ^ in. wide ; divided at the apex into two sharp unequal points ; bright green above, and with two faintly defined stomatic bands beneath. The leaves are arranged on all sides of the shoot except underneath, the side ones spreading horizontally, the uppermost ones pointing forwards On young plants the leaves are sharply pointed and not divided at the apex Cones 4^ to 6 ins. long, 2^ to 3 ins. wide, deep purple, then brown ; bracts short and completely hidden. Native of the Himalaya, where it has been found over 200 ft. high ; intro- duced in 1837. There are numerous trees between 50 and 70 ft. high in this country, and some have produced cones. Although coming from a lower elevation than A. Webbiana and considered to be more tender, it has the advantage of starting into growth later, and thus more often escapes spring frosts. It is seen at its best in the milder, moister parts of the country, and is then extremely handsome. It has been associated as a variety with A. Webbiana, although two firs could scarcely be more distinct. The rough, downy shoots of A. Webbiana, its round-ended leaves vividly white beneath. and the more spreading habit, amply distinguish it. ABIES 127 A. PlNSAPO, Boissier. SPANISH FIR. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1885, ii., fig. 99.) A tree up to 100 ft. high ; young shoots glabrous, brown ; buds reddish, resinous. Leaves densely arranged all round the branchlet (more equally than in any other fir, but still somewhat more densely above), and standing out stiffly from it at right angles ; they are \ to f in. long, about ^ in. broad ; thick, abruptly pointed or blunt at the apex, dark green with numerous faintly defined lines of stomata on both surfaces. Cones cylindric, with a tapered apex, 4 to 5 ins. long, about I j ins. wide, purplish brown ; bract small and completely enclosed. Native of S. Spain, on the mountains of Granada ; always on limestone. It was discovered in 1837, and introduced to England two years later. It succeeds admirably in this country, especially where the soil is of a limy nature. It is, perhaps, the most distinct and unmistakable of all the firs, especially in the short, blunt leaves being set about equally all round the branchlet. A very handsome and striking tree. Var. GLAUCA has leaves of a glaucous tint. ABIES VEITCHII. A. VEITCHII, Lindley. VEITCH'S SILVER FIR. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1880, i., fig. 50 ; A. Eichleri, Louche^ A tree 50 to 70 ft. high ; young shoots brown, furnished with a more or less scattered, minute down ; buds globose, very resinous, purplish. Leaves \ to i-y- ins. long, ^ in. wide, the base tapered, the apex cut off straight and notched; 128 ABIES ABUTILON dark glossy green and grooved above, vividly white with stomatic lines beneath. All the leaves point forwards, and most of them curve more or less upwards ; a few occur underneath the shoot, but most of them are above it or at the sides. On lateral shoots growing erect or nearly erect, the leaves are arranged about equally round the twig. Cones cylindrical, 2 to 2| ins. long, about i in. wide ; blue-purple at first. Discovered on Fuji-yama, Japan, by John Gould Veitch in 1860. Introduced by Maries in 1879. Among silver firs this species is very distinct, on account of the narrow truncate leaves, pointed forwards and curving upwards, and intensely blue-white beneath. The best tree I have seen is at Murthly, which in 1906 was just over 30 ft. high ; it is a particularly handsome conifer in a small state, but appears inclined- to develop a rather lanky habit with age. A. WEBBIANA, Lindley. HIMALAYAN FIR. (Bot. Mag., t. 8098 as "A. Mariesii.") A tree up to 1 50 ft. high in nature, with a trunk 6 or 7 ft. in diameter ; young shoots very stout, rough, downy in the grooves between the leaf-bases ; buds resinous. Leaves aggregated in two opposite sets so as to leave a V-shaped opening along the top, the lower ones on each side spreading horizontally ; they are, individually, i to 2 ins. long, ^ to in. wide, linear, distinctly notched at the apex ; dark green, glossy, and deeply grooved above, and with two broad, vividly blue-white bands of stomata beneath. Cones 5 or 6 ins. long, 3 ins. in diameter, violet-purple at first, ultimately brown. Native of the Himalaya; introduced about 1822. This striking fir is very distinct in its large leaves, so vividly white beneath, and in its large, globose, very resinous buds, but it is not a success in this country generally. The finest trees I have seen are in Cornwall, Scotland, and at Fota, near Cork. In the south of England it is too frequently injured by late spring frosts to be of much use ; but seen at its best and comparatively young, it is a handsome tree. ABUTILON VITIFOLIUM, De Candolle. MALVACEAE. (Bot. Reg., vol. 30, t. 57.) A soft-wooded shrub, or almost a tree, sometimes 15 to 30 ft. high, more usually about half as high ; young wood covered with a white down, Leaves alternate, long-stalked, three- or five-lobed, maple-like, heart- shaped at the base ; varying much in size according to the vigour and age of the plant, but usually between 4 and 6 ins. long, three-fourths as wide ; each lobe ends in a drawn-out point, and is coarsely and unevenly toothed; both surfaces (but especially the lower one) covered with greyish tufted hairs. Flowers borne, three or four together, towards the end of a woolly stalk, 3 to 5 ins. long, springing from the leaf-axils ; each flower measures z\ to 3 ins. across, has five rounded petals of a beautiful pale, purplish blue, and is in form rather like the flower of a "single" hollyhock. The flowers vary in colour, and in one form, to which the name ALBA has been given, they are snow-white. This usually comes true from seed, but occasionally the purplish flowered form appears amongst the seedlings, just as seeds of the purplish one will sometimes produce the white one. ABUTILON ACANTHOPANAX 129 Native of Chile; first raised in Dublin in 1836 by Capt. Cottingham, an amateur gardener of the time, who had obtained seeds from that country. It is not hardy in the open at Kew, and is even uncertain against a wall there, but in the milder parts of the country few shrubs are more lovely during summer when it is in bloom. It is not a long-lived plant, and, as is not uncommon with soft-wooded shrubs that flower and bear seed so profusely, it is apt to die suddenly without apparent cause. Happily, its abundant seeds give a quick and easy means of renewing the stock. It is most fortunately placed in some sheltered corner, such as in the angle of two walls, where it will develop into a loose, graceful shrub. It may also be grown on a wall, but in the milder parts of the country will stand on the open lawn. A fine effect is made by this shrub at Chaddlewood, in Devon, where a walk 200 yards long is bordered with it. A. MEGAPOTAMICUM, St Hilaire (A. vexillarium, Bot. Mag., t. 5717), a well- known pretty-foliaged greenhouse plant, is hardy in our warmest counties. The leaves are ovate with a cordate base r 2 to 4 ins. long, charmingly blotched and tessellated with bright yellow. Flowers cup-shaped, yellow, with a red calyx. Native of Brazil. ACANTHOPANAX. ARALIACEJE. A genus of trees and shrubs, now including ELEUTHEROCOCCUS, allied to Aralia and Fatsia. They have pithy, sometimes prickly or bristly stems ; alternate leaves, consisting of three or five leaflets digitately arranged, or sometimes not completely divided, and only deeply lobed. Flowers in umbels, dull-coloured, followed by clusters of fruit very like those of the common ivy, being crowded in spherical clusters and inky black. In gardens, the members of this genus will be chiefly notable for their distinct and striking foliage of a type very rare in hardy shrubs and for their black fruits. The hardiness of some of the new Chinese species has not yet been put to the supreme test, but they promise to be well adapted for our climate. A light, warm, loamy soil suits them all, and they can be propagated by root-cuttings, sometimes by division or offsets. Some give seed freely. The character which was relied on to distinguish Maximowicz's genus of Eleutherococcus from Acanthopanax, viz., the articulated (jointed) flower-stalk, is not really differentiative, and the two are now combined. A. HENRYI, Harms. (Bot. Mag., t. 8316 ; Eleutherococcus Henryi, Oliver.') A sturdy bush, said to become 10 ft. high in a wild state, with rigid, pale brown branchlets, rough with minute bristles, and armed with broad sturdy spines, \ in. long, straight or slightly decurved. Leaves composed of five leaflets on a stalk \\ to 3 ins. long, rough to the touch. Leaflets obovate or oval, \\ to 3^ ins. long, f to \\ ins. wide; tapering nearly equally towards both ends, scarcely stalked ; the margins finely and simply toothed ; upper surface harsh, lower one more or less hairy. Flowers in a terminal cluster of umbels borne I 130 ACANTHOPANAX on a sturdy, slightly hairy stalk, i to 2 ins. long ; the terminal umbel the largest and earliest. Fruits inky black, oblong, in. long, in globose umbels 2 ins. across. Native of Central China ; introduced by Wilson for Messrs Veitch in 1901, and first flowered at Coombe Wood four years later. It is an interesting but not showy shrub, although its foliage and spherical clusters of inky black fruit are striking ; the latter remain long on the plants. It is a close ally of A. Simoni, but the very different toothing of the leaflets of that species, the more decurved and slender spines,, and its smoother branches distinguish it readily from the present one. A. LEUCORRHIZUM, Harms. (Eleutherococcus leucorrhizus, Oliver?) A deciduous shrub, probably 6 or 8 ft. high, entirely devoid of down, some- times unarmed, sometimes with small, slender, downward-pointing prickles at the joints. Leaves composed of three or five leaflets borne on a stalk I to 3 ins. ACANTHOPANAX LEUCORRHIZUM. long ; leaflets 2 to 4 ins. long, to i ins. wide, lanceolate, slender-pointed, doubly toothed, tapering at the base to a stalk \ to in. long. Flowers pro- duced in July in a terminal cluster of umbels, each umbel i^ to 2 ins. across, spherical, borne on a stalk 2 to 4 ins. long. Each flower is small, and on a slender stalk ^ to | in. long. Fruits black, roundish oval, in. long, crowded in umbels over 2~ins. across. Native of Central China ; discovered by A. Henry ; introduced by Wilson in 1901. This is one of the handsomest species in this genus ; its habit is not so ACANTHOPANAX 131 stiff as that of its near allies, and the large umbels of black fruit are striking. It has been confused with A. Simoni (q.v.\ but differs in being glabrous and in the arrangement and shape of the prickles ; from A. Henryi it differs in the same respects as well as in the toothing of the leaflets. The Chinese obtain a drug from the root. A. PENTAPHYLLUM, MarchaL (A. spinosum, Hort., not Miguel.') A deciduous shrub of loose habit, 8 to 10 ft. high, with erect stems and arching, slender branches, often armed with a spine at the base of each leaf- stalk or leaf-cluster ; the whole plant without down. Leaves composed of three to (normally) five leaflets, borne on a slender common stalk i^ to 3^ ins. long ; leaflets stalkless, obovate, I to 2| ins. long, ^ to I in. wide, toothed except towards the tapering base. Flowers very small, greenish white, produced during June, and later on a spherical umbel f to I in. diameter, terminating a slender stalk 2 to 4 ins. long. On the year-old wood the leaves are produced in clusters from the previous year ; s buds ; it is from the centre of this cluster that the inflorescence is borne. Native of China and Japan ; introduced in 1874, but for long confined to cool greenhouses. It is quite hardy if given shelter from north and east, and a most elegant, handsome-foliaged shrub, although destitute of flower beauty. Still more pleasing is the Var. VARIEGATUM (Panax quinquefolium variegatum, Hort\ whose leaflets are edged with a broad border of creamy white. This is one of the daintiest of variegated shrubs, hardy, but needing a sheltered position. Propagated by cuttings made of short, moderately firm shoots in heat ; or of harder wood under a handlight. A. RICINIFOLIUM, Seeman. (Aralia Maximowiczii, Van Houtt .) A large, deciduous tree, 80 to 90 ft. high in a wild state, with a trunk as much as 4 ft. in diameter. In cultivation it is as yet but a srrall and very elegant tree, the branches armed with stout, broad-based, yellowish prickles. Leaves palmate, measuring in young plants as much as 14 ins. in width, scarcely so much in length, deeply five- or seven-lobed, becoming smaller as the trees increase in age, and then from 7 to 10 ins. wide; the shallow lobes ovate-triangular, long-pointed, toothed, reaching about one-third or less towards the centre ; upper surface dark shining green ; lower one paler and covered with grey down when young, which falls away afterwards except from the vein- axils. Flowers not seen in this country, but described as white, and produced in numerous umbels forming a large, flattish inflorescence up to 2 ft. across. Native of Japan ; introduced to Europe by Maximowicz about 1865. It is one of the most remarkable of all cool temperate trees, and a full-grown specimen such as Sargent and others describe as existing in the woods of Japan would make a wonderful addition to the garden flora of Britain, for its foliage is of a type very sparsely represented in the open air, although'plentiful enough in greenhouses and stoves. But I doubt if such trees will ever be seen here, for although it has been in cultivation in Europe for nearly fifty years, I know of no tree that suggests that term of years. It appears to be hardy, inasmuch as it will survive severe winters ; but its shoots often decay back, and frequently the whole plant dies without any ostensible cause. It is most probable that our climate is not sunny enough to sufficiently ripen its wood. Of the two forms, or states, in cultivation, the one with deeply, the other with compara- tively shallow-lobed leaves, the former has been distinguished as var. MAXIMOWICZII. (Flore des Series, t. 2067.) 132 ACANTHOPANAX A. SENTICOSUM, Harms. (Eleutherococcus senticosus, Maximowicz.") A deciduous shrub, usually 4 to 6 ft. high, but said to occasionally become twice or thrice that height. Stems erect, scarcely branched, covered with stiff bristles. Leaves composed of three to five leaflets borne on a slender, some- times bristly stalk 3 to 5 ins. long. Leaflets oval, ovate, or slightly obovate, the side ones often oblique at the base ; 2| to 5 ins. long, usually more than half as wide ; finely toothed ; upper surface dark glossy green, and furnished with stiff short hairs on the ribs and veins ; paler underneath ; stalk |- in. or less . long. Flowers numerous, in one or more globular umbels terminating the shoot ; each umbel i^ ins. diameter, on a smooth slender stalk 2 to 3 ins. long ; flowers purplish yellow, very small, each on a stalk to f in. long ; pro- duced in July. Native of China ; introduced to Kew in 1893. It * s an interesting shrub with handsome foliage, remarkable for its bristly (scarcely prickly) stems, which dis- tinguish it from all other hardy Araliads. A. SESSILIFLORUM, Seeman. (Panax sessiliflorum, Ruprecht^) A deciduous shrub of vigorous habit, forming a large spreading bush 5 to 10 ft. or more high, and twice as much wide ; stems stout, very pithy, grey, scarcely or not armed. Leaves composed of three, sometimes five, leaflets on a common stalk \\ to 2| ins. long ; leaflets narrowly oval or obovate, 2 to 5 ins. long, about half as wide, the central one the largest ; tapering at both ends, very short-stalked, irregularly toothed, almost quite smooth on both surfaces but somewhat hard to the touch. Flowers produced in July and August, at the end of the shoot, packed closely in a globose, almost stalkless cluster I in. across, brown-purple with yellowish protruding stamens. Fruits in a spherical head, i to i| ins. across, inky black. Native of Manchuria, China, and Japan ; introduced to St Petersburg about 1860. It is one of the hardiest shrubs introduced from N. Asia, and one, fortunately, that is not enticed into premature growth by unseasonable winter warmth. Whilst its flowers have no beauty, the black fruits are rather striking, and the shrub itself is handsome. The finest specimen I have seen is in the Botanic Garden at Herrenhausen, Hanover ; in 1908 this was 12 ft. high and 21 ft. in diameter a broad-based pyramid of foliage. Propagated by seeds. Closely allied to A. sessiliflorum is A. DIVARICATUM, Seeman, easily distinguished, however, by its more downy character. The young shoots are downy ; the short stalk of the flower-head has a mossy appearance, ancl the leaves are quite downy beneath. A. SETCHUENENSE, Harms. A deciduous shrub or small tree, up to 10 ft. high, free from down in every part ; stems with few or no prickles. Leaves composed of three leaflets borne on a stalk i^ to 4 ins. long. Leaflets dark green above, paler or slightly glaucous beneath ; oblong to ovate, 2 to 5^ ins. long, I to 2 ins. wide, the margins finely toothed or almost entire ; stalks to ^ in. long. Flowers in a panicle of about six spherical umbels borne at the end of the season's shoots during July ; each umbel is i to i J ins. across, the central terminal one the largest ; they are borne on stalks of varying length (f to 3 ins.), the whole panicle from 5 to 7 ins. high. Fruits black. . I ACANTHOPANAX ACER 133 Native of W. China ; introduced by Wilson for Messrs Veitch about 1904. It appears to be quite hardy at Coombe Wood, where I have seen it in flower and fruit. The absence ot down from all parts of the plant, and the trifoliolate leaves, render it distinct. A. S I M O N I, C. K. Schneider. (Eleutherococcus Simoni, Simon-Louis^ A deciduous shrub, 3 to 5 ft. high, bushy ; branches not downy, armed with stout, pale spines, pointing downwards. Leaves composed of five leaflets radiating from the end of a slender stalk 2 or 3 ins. long, and often armed with a few slender prickles. Leaflets of different sizes ; the terminal one the largest, sometimes 5 or 6 ins. long and i to 2 ins. wide ; the lower pair much smaller ; all lanceolate, long-pointed, tapering at the base to a short stalk ; sharply, somewhat coarsely toothed, the teeth set with one or two bristles; dark green, and furnished with scattered bristly hairs above, paler and similarly bristly beneath. Flowers in a terminal cluster of umbels, each umbel on a stalk i to 2 ins. long. Fruit in. long, black, each on a slender smooth stalk ^ in. long. Native of China ; first appeared in Europe in the nursery of Messrs Simon- Louis, near Metz. It was also introduced by Wilson for Messrs Veitch in 1901. It is figured in the Gardeners' Chronicle, Dec. 9, 1905, p. 404, under the erroneous name of Eleutherococcus leucorrhizus (see A. leucorrhizum), which differs in having perfectly smooth leaves. ACER. MAPLES. ACERACE^E. A large and important genus composed chiefly of deciduous trees, some being of the largest size, may middle-sized or small, a few shrubby. The hardy species are widely spread over the three northern continents, the finest trees being natives of N. America. A large number come from N.E. Asia, many of which, however, are small trees. The most constant and distinctive characters of the genus are the opposite leaves and the form of the fruits. Each fruit consists normally of two sections, known as samar?e (commonly as "keys"), attached to each other by their bases, and each "key" consists of a nutlet> containing one, sometimes two, seeds, and a large, thin, membranous wing. These wings no doubt assist in the dispersion of the seed. Flowers sometimes unisexual. The typical maple leaf is broad and flat, with five palmate lobes. But there is a great diversity of shape in the genus : some species have as many as eleven or thirteen lobes to each leaf, many have but three lobes, and there is a distinct group with leaves not lobed at all. Finally comes the section of maples with compound leaves consisting of three or five distinct leaflets, sometimes kept generically separate as Negundo. Most of the maples have tamely coloured flowers, varying from yellow to greenish white ; a few have purple flowers (like A. circinatum), and are very ornamental when in blossom ; whilst others, like A. Opalus, flower in early spring before the leaves expand, and although not highly coloured make, at that season especially, a pleasing display. Still, on the whole, the attractions of the maples generally are in the large or 134 ACER handsomely cut foliage, and in the red or yellow tints many of them assume in autumn. Few trees are more easily cultivated than these, their chief require- ments being a rich moist soil and a moderately sunny, or at any rate not unduly shaded, position. Some of the smaller species, however, like A. rufinerve, A. capillipes, and A. argutum, like their stems shaded. All the maples should, if possible, be raised from seeds; if grafting has to be resorted to, as for the numerous coloured-leaved and variously habited varieties, the scions should be worked on stocks of their own species. The number of species of maple has so largely increased in recent years by the accession of newly discovered species in China, that no ordinary garden can accommodate them all. The following is a rough classification of the species (the most desirable for gardens marked *), which will enable the student at least to narrow down the problem of identifying his maples. But no perfect key can be based on the lobing of the leaves, owing to their variability in this respect. I. LEAVES NOT LOBED. *carpinifolium, leaves hornbeam-like. *Davidii, branches white-lined. distylum, leaves largest of this group. oblongum, leaves normally entire. tataricum, occasionally slightly lobed. tetrameruni) whitish hairs in leaf-axils. II. LEAVES THREE-LOBED. Bttergeriatnttn, leaves quite smooth. capillipes, branches white-lined ; ractmes drooping. conaceum, leaves quite smooth. cratczgifolium, branches white-lined ; racemes erect. *creticum, shrubby, leaves often unlobed. Franchetii, stalk of leaf about as long as blade. *Ginnala, often shrubby. glabrum, leaves thin and quite smooth, sometimes five lobe d. grandidentatum, branchlets and leaf- stalks reddish. latum var. tricaudatum, leaf-stalks milky. leucoderme, velvety down beneath the leaf ; sometimes five-lobed. Miyabei, leaf-stalk milky ; leaves sometimes five-lobed. (See Group III.J ' *monspessulanum, leaf-stalk not milky. *pennsyhanicum, branches white-lined. rufinerve, branches white-lined ; young shoot glaucous. spicalum, racemes erect, densely flowered. tetramerum var. lobulatum, whitish hairs in vein-axils. III. LEAVES FIVE-LOBED, WITH MILKY STALKS- campestre, green beneath. Dieckii, three-, four-, or five-lobed. *lcelum, five- or seven-lobed. . *Lobelii, habit columnar. *macrof>hylhim, leaves up to I ft. across. Miyabei, sometimes three-lobed. neglectum, hybrid of campestre. pictum, five- or seven-lobed. *platanoides, shining green beneath. (runcatum, base of leaf truncate. ACER 135 IV. LEAVES FIVE-LOBED ; STALKS NOT MILKY. argutum, downy beneath, doubly toothed. "dasycarpum, glaucous beneath. diabolicum, margins ciliate ; flowers yellow. *Hcldreichii, veins downy beneath, lobes very deep. hyrcanum. veins downy beneath, rather glaucous beneath. insigne, flowers in erect panicles. leucoderme, sometimes three-lobed, velvety beneath. micranthum, downy only at base of blade. Olwerianum, downy only along veins and in their axils. *0palus, lobes shallow ; flowers in March. . palmatum (type). Pseudoplatanus, downy on veins, pale or glaucous beneath. Pseudoplatanus var. villosum, downy all over beneath. purpurascens, margins ciliate ; flowers purple. *rubrum, glaucous beneath. saccAarum, down in vein-axils, sometimes all over, beneath. sincnse, downy only at base of blade. Trautvetteri, downy in vein-axils, rather glaucous beneath. Tschonoskii, downy on veins or in vein-axils, margins doubly toothed. * Volxemi, downy on veins and in vein-axils. V. LEAVES SEVEN- OR MORE THAN SEVEN-LOBED. *circinatum, lobes up to nine ; flowers crimson and white, *japonicum, lobes up to eleven ; flowers purple. *palmatum (septemlobum), lobes seven ; flowers purple. Sieboldianum^ lobes seven or nine ; flowers yellow. VI. LEAVES COMPOUND. *cissifolium, leaflets three ; branchlets downy. *griseum, leaflets three ; teeth large, blunt. Henryi, leaflets three, without teeth. mandshuricum, leaflets three ; racemes few-flowered. *Negundo, leaflets three or five. *nikoense, leaflets three, hairy beneath. sutchnenense, leaflets three ; racemes many-flowered. i A. ARGUTUM, Maximowicz. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1881, i., f. 132.) A small, deciduous tree as seen under cultivation, with erect branches ; young branchlets covered with fine down. Leaves 2 to 4 ins. long, as much wide, five-lobed, produced on long slender stalks, the lobes ovate, long-pointed, with margins prettily double-toothed ; lower surface downy, especially on the whitish veins. Flowers greenish yellow, produced in April before the leaves, in a cluster of slightly downy corymbs, each flower on a slender stalk. Fruits in pendulous racemes ; keys smooth, ins. long, in. wide, spreading horizontally. Native of the mountain woods of Japan; introduced to England in 1881, for Messrs. Veitch, by Maries. It is a maple of elegant appearance, with pale green leaves as prettily lobed and toothed as those of A. palmatum. The stalk of the inflorescence and that of the individual flower lengthen considerably as the fruits develop. The branches acquire a purplish brown shade in winter. It is at present 14 ft. high at Kew ; but a better tree is in the fine collection of maples at Westonbirt (Sir George Holford's). 136 ACER A. BUERGERIANUM, Miquel. BUERGER'S MAPLE. (A. trifidum, Hooker ; A. trinerve, DippeL} A deciduous, small tree, with distinctly three-lobed leaves i^ to 3^ ins. long, and about the same from tip to tip of the side lobes, which point forward, and are triangular and pointed ; the leaf is distinctly three-nerved, and tapers to the rounded base ; margins irregularly, sometimes obscurely, toothed ; upper surface bright dark green, lower one dull and slightly glaucous. Except for a loose floss on the lower surface when quite young, which soon falls away, the leaf is smooth ; leaf-stalk slender, as long or longer than the blade. Flowers in a downy, umbel-like corymb, numerous, small. Fruit with keys | to i in. long ; the wings J in. wide, parallel or connivent. Native of China and Japan ; introduced to Kew in 1896, where it thrives very well and grows quickly. It came as A. trinerve, and is also known as A. trifidum. A. CAMPESTRE, Linnceus. COMMON MAPLE. A deciduous, round-headed tree, usually between 20 and 35 ft. in height, but occasionally over 70 ft. Leaves five-lobed, palmate, up to 4 ins. across (usually 2 to 3 ins.), somewhat less in length, downy beneath and at the edges ; the stalk about as long as the blade, exuding a milky sap when broken. Flowers few, green, produced in small, and at first erect, corymbs. Fruits with horizontally spreading wings I in. or more long, \ in. wide, usually downy. Native of Europe, including Britain, and a common hedgerow tree in the south of England, where two forms are distinguished by botanists : HEBECARPUM, De Candolle^ the commoner one with downy fruits ; LEIOCARPUM, De Candolle (syn. collinum), with smooth ones. When well-grown the common maple is a rather handsome, neatly shaped, small tree, although often enough only a mere bush in English hedgerows. It makes a close, neat hedge, and although not much used in England is popular on the Continent for the purpose. The famous hedges in the Imperial Gardens at Schoenbrunn, near Vienna, are largely formed of this maple perpendicular walls of verdure 50 ft. high. Mr Elwes decribes the wood as one of the best of its class, having a fine grain, and hard. Besides the two varieties mentioned above as wild in Britain, there are also in cultivation the following : Var. COMPACTUM. A dwarf bush of very close, compact growth, only a few feet high, and usually broader than it is high. Var. POSTELENSE. Leaves golden yellow ; very effective in spring-time. Var. PULVERULENTUM (syn. maculatum). Leaves thickly specked and blotched with white. Var. SCHWERINII. Leaves purple on first expanding, afterwards turning green. Var. VARIEGATUM. Leaves margined with white. A. CAPILLIPES, Maximowicz. A deciduous tree, sometimes 30 to 35 ft. high, the branchlets erect when young and marked with whitish stripes running lengthwise ; branchlets smooth. Leaves reddish when young, three-lobed; 3 to 5 ins. long, about three- fourths wide ; smooth, doubly toothed, the terminal lobe triangular and larger than the side ones ; veins and stalk usually red. Flowers greenish white, in drooping slender racemes 2^ to 4 ins. long. Fruits smooth, numerous, in drooping racemes ; keys \ to f in. long ; wings rounded at the end, \ in. wide, spreading at an angle of 120 to almost horizontal. ACER 137 Native of Japan, introduced to cultivation by Prof. Sargent, who found fruiting trees in Japan in October 1892, and sent young trees to Kew a year or two later. It has proved hardy. It is one of the handsome group with striated branches including A. pennsylvanicum and A. rufinerve, to both of which it*is closely allied and bears much resemblance in shape of leaf, but is readily distinguished by the absence of down on leaf, young wood, and flower-stem. A. CARPINIFOLIUM, Siebold. HORNBEAM MAPLE. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1881, i., f. 105.) A deciduous tree, said to become 50 ft. high in Japan, but as yet represented only in this country by trees less than half that height ; branchlets dark, smooth. Leaves oblong, usually from 3 to 4 ins. long, i to 2 ins. wide, not lobed, doubly toothed, densely covered when young, especially on the veins, with grey silky hairs, but becoming almost smooth by autumn ; veins parallel as in the hornbeam, in about twenty pairs ; stalks from J to f in. long. Flowers green, borne on long slender stalks in a short umbel or raceme. Fruit with wings about \ in. long, in. widef the wings decurved in the shape of a bow. Native of Japan ; introduced in 1879 by Messrs Veitch. The extraordinary resemblance the leaves bear to those of the hornbeam make this perhaps the most easily distinguished of maples. From the hornbeam their opposite arrangement, of course, at once distinguishes it even in the absence of fruit. This maple is quite hardy, and there is a fine specimen about 20 ft. high in the Coombe Wood nursery the largest in Britain. A. CIRCI-NATUM, Pursh. VINE MAPLE. A low, deciduous tree, often scarcely more than a shrub, b,ut sometimes over 30 ft. high ; branchlets smooth. Leaves seven- or nine-lobed, almost circular in general outline, but heart-shaped at the base, 3 to 5 ins. wide, the lobes unequally or doubly toothed ; lower surface hairy when young, but ultimately almost smooth ; stalks stout, I to i ins. long. - Flowers in small corymbose clusters, each flower ^ in. across, the sepals reddish purple ; petals smaller, dull white. Fruit with wings about ij ins. long, f in. wide, spreading almost horizontally, red when young (Fig., p. 138). Native of Western N. America from British Columbia south to California ; introduced by Douglas in 1826. This maple is very distinct, and one of the most ornamental in its flowers. In April, when well in bloom, the wine- coloured sepals contrasting with the whitish petals make a very pretty display, especially as they are associated with conspicuous crimson leaf-scales. Its leaves frequently die off in beautiful red and orange-coloured shades. If it is desirable that .it should form a trunk, the lower branches should be pruned off as the tree grows in height until sufficient clean stem has been formed. But, allowed to grow in its natural way, it makes a low, wide-spreading bush of pleasing form, often with the lower branches laid on the ground and taking root there. Owing to this peculiarity it forms impenetrable thickets in a wild state. It is an admirable subject for a lawn in a small garden. A. CISSIFOLIUM, Koch. A deciduous tree of compact, rounded form, 30 ft. or more high ; branchlets downy. Leaf consisting of three leaflets borne on a slender common stalk 2 to 3 ins. long, smooth except for a few hairs at the junction of the stalks of the leaflets. Leaflets 2 to 3^ ins. long, obovate, oval or ovate, the terminal part ol 138 ACER each one coarsely and irregularly toothed ; they are smooth except for small tufts of down in the axils of the veins. Flowers minute, each on a stalk to J in. long, produced in May with the leaves, on very slender racemes 2 to 4 ins. long, and downy. Fruit in long racemes ; keys I in. long, smooth ; the wings obliquely ovate, -j|- in. wide, diverging from each other at an angle of 60 or less. Native of Japan. This interesting maple belongs to the same group as A. nikoense, but is easily distinguished by the smooth, slender leaf-stalks, the stalked basal leaflets, and the bright green under-surface and coarse toothing of the leaflets generally. There is a tree in Sir George Holford's grounds at Weston- birt 30 ft. high. In wild specimens the fruit racemes are 8 to 10 ins. long. The foliage turns red and yellow in autumn. ACER CIRCTNATUM. A. CORIACEUM, Tausch. A small deciduous tree with a rounded head of branches ; branchlets smooth. Leaves three-lobed, sometimes indistinctly five-lobed ; 2 to 3 ins. wide, somewhat less long, the stalk about as long as the blade ; smooth, deep glossy green, and rather leathery in texture, the base heart-shaped ; lobes shallow and rounded, the side ones with occasionally one to three large teeth on the outer margin. Flowers in small corymbs, yellowish green, produced in April. Fruits smooth; keys I in long; wings \ in. wide, diverging at about 60. A hybrid between A. Pseudoplatanus and A. monspessulanum. The tree in general aspect and leaf more resembles the Montpelier Maple, but the influence ACER 139 of A. Pseudoplatanus is evident in the larger leaf, and in the larger fruit with more divergent wings. It is neat and pleasing in habit, and retains its foliage until December. A. CRATyEGIFOLIUM, Sielold. HAWTHORN MAPLE. (Flora Japonica, t. 147.) A slender, erect-habited, deciduous tree, 25 ft. high ; branchlets smooth Leaves of variable shape, ovate with a truncate or heart-shaped base ; 2 to 4^ ins. long, about half as wide ; irregularly toothed, often three- or even five-lobed, the lobes shallow. When quite young there are tufts of hairs in the axils of the veins ; otherwise they are quite smooth. Flowers yellowish white, in erect, inconspicuous racemes i^ to 2 ins. long, produced in April along with the young leaves. Fruit smooth ; keys f to I in. long ; wings f in. wide, spreading nearly horizontally. Native of Japan ; introduced in 1879 by Maries for Messrs Veitch. A small tree at Kew has beautiful bark striped with white lines, after the fashion of A. pennsylvanicum. The resemblance of the leaves to those of a hawthorn is a fanciful one. This maple is allied to A. Davidii and A. distylum, but differs in the shape of the leaves. Var. VEITCHII, Nicholson. Leaves handsomely marbled with rose colour and white. A. CRETICUM. Linnceus. CRETAN MAPLE. (A. heterophyllum, Willdenow.*) A deciduous shrub or small tree, rarely 30 to 35 ft. high ; most often a bush 8 to 15 ft. high ; branches usually smooth, although in some wild Cretan specimens the young twigs are covered with a close down. Leaves of various shapes, sometimes ovate, sometimes three-lobed ; f to 2 ins. long, the lobes rounded and blunt, but often scarcely apparent ; bright green and quite smooth on both surfaces ; margins entire, or with shallow undulations, or occasionally with a few small teeth. Flowers in few-flowered corymbs less than I in. long, greenish yellow, Fruit with smooth wings i? in. or rather more long, ulti- mately parallel or at an angle of about 60. This maple frequently retains its leaves up to Christmas. . Native of the E. Mediterranean region ; introduced in 1752. Probably the largest specimen in the British Isles is in the garden of Syon House, near Brentford. This is now somewhat decrepit, but in its prime was 32 ft. high, and nearly 50 ft. in spread of branches. Some years ago I saw a still finer example in the Jardin des Plantes at Paris, which was 35 ft. high. Usually it is a mere bush a few feet in height, and very slow in growth. It is allied to A. monspessulanum, but has no tuft of down in the axils of the leaf-veins. The late Mr G. Nicholson regarded A. heterophyllum as distinct from this species, but I have not been able to detect any reliable difference. A. creticum is a variable species in. the shape of its leaves, and Pax differentiates half a dozen forms, founded probably on dried specimens. But as leaves of several shapes are to be found on the same tree, this is probably an over refinement. I am informed by Mr Lynch of Cambridge that the plant in the Botanic Gardens there (regarded as A. heterophyllum) is now 16 ft. high and 15 ft. through. A. DASYCARPUM, Ehrhart. SILVER MAPLE. (A. eriocarpum, Michaux ; A. saccharinum, Linnccjts.') A deciduous tree, 90 to 120 ,t. high, with a trunk 9 to 12 ft. in girth in America, and reaching the lesser of these dimensions under cultivation in 140 ACER Central Europe. The habit is extremely graceful, the tree forming a huge spreading, rounded head with the smaller branches and branchlets pendulous ; bark light grey ; branchlets smooth. Leaves five-lobed (the lobes sharp- pointed and irregularly toothed), heart-shaped at the base, 4 to 6 (occasionally 8) ins. long, about the same in width, smooth and light green on the upper surface, white and minutely downy beneath. Flowers greenish yellow, without petals, opening long in advance of the leaves and produced in short dense clusters from the joints of the previous year's wood. Fruit on slender, pendulous stalks i^ to 2 ins. long, the wings round-ended, ^ to f in. wide, spreading at a broaci angle. Native of Eastern N. America; introduced in 1725. This maple is the fastest-growing of the American species, and a tree of great beauty in habit and foliage. A little wind will set the long pendulous branches swaying, and by revealing the silvery under-surface of the leaves makes it one of the brightest of tree pictures. In mild seasons it will flower as early as the elm, and, perhaps in consequence, rarely develops seeds freely with us. In N. America the seeds are ripe by May, and falling to the ground, germinate at once and produce several pairs of leaves before autumn. In middle Europe it is more freely planted than in England, and is perhaps the most striking of all deciduous trees in N. Central Germany. Few trees there are better for planting in town squares and roomy streets. The leaves fade into yellow before falling. Raised from seeds, this maple produces many slightly different forms, several of which have received distinctive names. The following are the most important : Var. CRISPUM. A close- growing variety with the leaves deeply lobed and the margins crinkled. Var. LACINIATUM, Pax. Leaves divided into deeper, narrower lobes than the type. Vars. HETEROPHYLLUM and WIERI are forms of the same character. Var. PENDULUM. In this the pendulous character of the branches is more marked than in the type. Var. TRIPARTITUM. Leaves lobed to the midrib. Var. VARIEGATUM. Leaves marked with white ; poor, and apt to grow out of character. A. DAVIDII, Franchet. DAVID'S MAPLE. A deciduous tree, 30 to 50 ft. high, with the younger bark beautifully striped with white, as in A. pennsylvanicum. Leaves glossy green, ovate, slightly heart-shaped at the base, unevenly toothed, 3 to 7 ins. long, iijr to 4 ins. wide ; veins prominent and parallel ; covered with reddish down when young, each vein enlarging at the base where it joins the midrib and forming a minute pocket. Flowers yellowish, on slender, pendulous racemes \\ to 2^ ins. long, the female flowers on longer stalks and larger racemes than the males. Fruit smooth ; keys i^ ins. long ; wings in. wide, spreading almost horizontally. Native of Central China; introduced by Maries for Messrs Veitch in 1879, and again by Wilson in 1902. This distinct maple has proved to be quite hardy, and its large undivided leaves and handsomely striated branches make it very distinct. The leaves are sometimes 8 ins. long, and of a reddish tinge on first unfolding ; they are rather variable in the amount of reddish down beneath. A. DIABOLICUM, Blume. HORNED MAPLE. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1881, i., fig. 100.) A round-topped, deciduous tre<-, about 30 ft. high ; branchlets covered with whitish hairs when young, becoming smooth later. Leaves 4 to 7 ins. wide ACER 141 and long, five-lobed, heart-shaped or almost truncate at the base, the lobes broadly ovate and with a few large teeth. When young, both surfaces, the margins, and the leaf-stalk are thickly covered with whitish hairs; with age these mostly fall away, but remain on the stalk, ribs, and veins, and are scattered more or less over the lower surface. Flowers yellow, produced in April before the leaves' in short pendulous corymbs from the joints of the previous years wood ; flower-stalk downy, I to ji ins. long. Fruit with numerous whitish, stinging bristles on the nutlets and a few on the wings ; keys I ins. long ; wings oval, * in. wide. Native of Japan ; introduced by Maries for Messrs Veitch in 1880. It is quite hardy, and is one of the biggest-leaved of hardy maples ; but Prof. Sargent observes that it has no bright autumn colour, and is one of the least ornamental maples in Japan. The curious specific name is said to refer to the two horn-like, persistent styles attached to the inner side of the nutlets between the wings. A. DIECKII, Pax. DIECK'S MAPLE. t (A. platanoides var. integrilobum, Zabel.*) A deciduous tree, probably 60 ft. high ultimately. Leaves three-, four-, or five-lobed, 3 to 7 ins. (sometimes as much as 10 ins.) wide ; two-thirds as long, dark glossy green above, with tufts of brown hairs in the axils of the veins beneath ; lobes broadly triangular, blunt-pointed, margins nearly always entire. Flowers yellow, in corymbs. Fruit smooth ; the keys i^ to if ins. long, spreading at a broad angle. A hybrid, believed to have originated from A. platanoides and A. lastum ; introduced from the Zoeschen nursery to Kew in 1887. It was first sent out under the synonym given above. The leaf-stalk exudes a milky sap when broken. A. DISTYLUM, Siebold. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1881, i., fig. 93.) A deciduous tree, probably 50 ft. high eventually. Leaves ovate, deeply heart-shaped at the base, 4 to 6^ ins. long, about three-fourths as wide, slender- pointed, quite smooth except when young, the margin set with small teeth ; leaf-stalk quite short, I to i^ ins. long. Flowers borne in a branching raceme ; yellowish. Fruits smooth, in erect racemes or corymbs ; keys I ins. long ; wings \ in. wide, ultimately spreading at an angle of about 100. Native of Japan ; introduced by Messrs Veitch in 1879. O ne of tne original trees at Coombe Wood, now nearly 30 ft. high, produces fruit annually. The leaves in shape are similar to those of a lime. It has some resemblance to A. Davidii, but the leaves are broader in proportion to their length, more deeply notched at the base, and the erect racemes of fruit distinguish it. A. DURETTI, Pax. A deciduous tree, 40 ft., perhaps more, high, with smooth bran.chlets. Leaves 2 to 4 ins. across, 2 to 3 ins. long ; bright green, and smooth above except for a tuft of hairs at the base, hairy along the veins beneath ; there are always three large triangular lobes, and these are usually supplemented by two small ones at the base ; the margins irregularly toothed. Flowers greenish yellow, produced in May on hairy-stalked corymbs," i^r to 3 ins. long. A maple of unknown origin, but undoubtedly closely allied to A. Pseudo- platanus. It is believed to be a hybrid between that species and one of the campestre group, probably A. monspessulanum, as indicated by the frequently three-lobed leaves and the intermediate inflorescence. 142 ACER A. FRANCHETII, Pax. FRANCHET'S MAPLE. A deciduous tree, 20 ft. high, with smooth branchlets. Leaves three-lobed or occasionally with two additional basal lobes ; 3 to 6 ins. long, and as much wide, the base slightly heart-shaped ; lobes pointing forward, triangular, coarsely toothed ; leaf-stalk often about as long as the blade. There are tufts of down in the vein-axils. Flowers yellowish green, in racemes I to 2 ins. long from the joints of the previous season's wood ; stalks downy. Fruit with slightly hairy nutlets ; keys 2 ins. long ; wings f to S in. wide, spreading at nearly right angles. Native of Central China ; introduced in 1901 for Messrs Veitch by Wilson. A. G INN ALA, Maximowicz. (A. tataricum var. Ginnala, Maximowicz.") A small tree, or large shrub of bushy habit ; branchlets smooth. Leaves up to 3^ ins. long, 2^ ins. wide, three-lobed, slightly heart-shaped or truncate at the base, margins angularly toothed ; nearly, or quite smooth on both surfaces, bright dark green above ; the lobes are ovate, with the middle one much the longest ; leaf-stalk and midrib reddish. Flowers yellowish white, in small panicles, very fragrant, appearing in May. Fruit smooth ; keys I in. long ; wings ^ in. wide, nearly parallel. Native of China, Manchuria, and Japan ; first introduced by way of St Petersburg. This maple is nearly allied to A. tataricum, but differs markedly in the shape of the leaf. The foliage turns a beautiful red before falling, the species being one of the best for autumnal colour. Var. SEMENOWI, Pax> is a geographical form found farther to the west, in Turkestan. Its leaves are smaller, sometimes five-lobed, and the wings of the fruit are more divergent. A. GLABRUM, Torrey. ROCK MAPLE. A deciduous shrub or small tree, occasionally 30 to 40 ft. high in a wild state ; branches erect ; branchlets quite smooth. Leaves of very variable shapes, usually three- but sometimes five-lobed ; the lobes so deep sometimes that the leaf becomes trifoliolate, at other times quite shallow ; 3 to 5 ins. long and broad, coarsely toothed, quite smooth on both surface^ ; dark shining green above, pale beneath ; stalk reddish, i^ to 3 ins. long. Flowers few, produced towards the end of April in clusters I to 2 ins. long, greenish yellow, \ in. across. Fruit with incurved wings, each f in. long, f to \ in. wide, reddish when young. Native of Western N. America ; long known to botanists but intro- duced about thirty years ago. It is very distinct because of its thin lustrous leaves, quite devoid of any down. At Kew it is thriving well, young trees 20 ft. high flowering and bearing seed ; they are well marked by their upright, almost fastigiate branches. A. GRANDIDENTATUM, NuttalL A deciduous tree, occasionally 30 to 40 ft. high, usually much less ; branchlets reddish and smooth. Leaves three-lobed (or five-lobed with the basal pair of lobes much reduced), 2 to 4 ins. across, heart-shaped at the base ; lobes triangular or oblong, entire or with three secondary lobes ; downy beneath, especially along the ribs ; stalks reddish, smooth. Flowers yellow, borne in drooping short-stalked clusters, appearing with the leaves. Fruit smooth ; keys i to i|- ins. long ; wings \ in. wide, diverging at about 60. ACER 143 Native of Western N. America ; originally discovered by Thos. Nuttall on the head-waters of the Columbia River in N. Montana, whence it extends south- wards to Arizona and New Mexico. It is represented in the Kew collection by plants received from Prof. Sargent in 1885, which was probably its first intro- duction to England. It is allied to the Sugar Maple (A, saccharum), and repre- sents that species on the western side of N. America. A. GRISEUM, Pax. A deciduous tree, up to 40 ft. high, with peeling bark ; branchlets woolly. Leaves composed of three leaflets borne on a downy stalk ; terminal leaflet 2 to 2^ ins. long, half as wide, oval-lanceolate, with three to five pairs of coarse teeth ; short-stalked ; side leaflets smaller, oblique at the base, stalkless. Flowers few or solitary, on pendulous downy stalks I in. long. Fruit with very downy nutlets and wings ; each key i j ins. long ; wings ^ in. wide, the pairs forming an angle of 60 to 90. Native of Central China ; introduced by Wilson for Messrs Veitch in 1901. Among the trifoliolate group of maples this is very distinct, because of the large blunt teeth on the leaflets. Its nearest ally is A. nikoense, but in this the leaflets are twice as large and scarcely toothed. Mr Wilson informs me that it is the most striking of the trifoliolate maples, especially on account of its peeling bark, which hangs on the stem in large loose flakes, revealing the orange-coloured newer bark within ; also for the fine autumnal red or orange of its leaves. A. HELDREICHII, Orphanides. HELDREICH'S MAPLE. A deciduous tree, of medium height ; branchlets smooth, dark, marked with pale oblong lenticels. Leaves 4 to 7 ins. wide, not quite so long, five-lobed, the three terminal lobes reaching nearly to the base, the basal pair not so deep or sometimes absent ; lobes oblong-lanceolate, coarsely toothed ; there is a tuft of hairs at the base on the upper side, and brown wool along the principal veins beneath ; otherwise the leaves are smooth ; rather glaucous beneath. Flowers yellow, produced at the end of May in short, broad corymbs. Fruits smooth ; the keys i^ to 2 ins. long ; wings f in. wide, spreading at about 60. Native of the Balkan States and Greece ; introduced about 1879. It is very distinct and striking in foliage, on account of the deep, comparatively narrow lobes. The leaves suggest a Virginian creeper, and are unlike any other of the large-leaved European maples. In depth of lobing they resemble A. platanoides var. palmatum (A. Lorbergii), but the lobes themselves are quite differently shaped. A handsome maple. A. HENRYI, Pax. HENRY'S MAPLE. A deciduous tree, 30 ft. high ; branchlets downy at first, soon becoming smooth. Leaves composed of three leaflets borne on a slender common stalk 2 to 4 ins. long ; leaflets -2\ to 4 ins. long, i to i| ins. wide, oval, with a long drawn-out point, wedge-shaped at the base, not toothed ; green on both surfaces and downy on the veins, especially beneath. Flowers in slender downy spikes, produced in May before the leaves from the naked joints of the previous year's wood. Fruits red when young, in racemes 6 to 9 ins. long, each fruit very short-stalked, smooth ; keys f to I in. long ; wings divergent at a small angle. Native of Central China ; discovered by Henry, and introduced by Wilson in 1903 for Messrs Veitch. It belongs to the same group as nikoense and cissifolium, but differs from them and all other trifoliolate maples in the entire margins of the leaflets and in the stalkless flowers. Young trees in the Coombe Wood nursery are 12 to 14 ft. high. 144 ACER A. HYBRIDUM, Spach. A tree ultimately 60 to 70 ft. high ; young shoots not downy, but with many pale warts. Leaves three-lobed, the lobes pointing forward, with rarely two additional, obscurely developed lobes at the base ; 2 to 4^ ins. wide, scarcely so long ; dark dullish green and smooth above, pale dull green beneath, with down only along the chief veins ; irregularly and sparsely toothed ; stalk not milky, smooth, mostly shorter than the blade. Flowers yellowish, produced in May along with, or after, the leaves, in panicles or racemes 3 to 5 ins. long. Fruit with keys f to I in. long ; the wings nearly parallel. A hybrid of doubtful origin, but usually ascribed to A. Pseudoplatanus crossed with A. Opalus. A. HYRCANUM, Fischer. A deciduous tree, 20 to 30 ft. high, of compact habit. Leaves five-lobed, 2 to 4 ms. across, bright green above, paler, rather glaucous and smooth beneath, except for a patch of down at the base and along the chief veins ; stalk about as long as the blade. The terminal lobes are rectangularly cut, and each has several large, angular, blunt teeth ; basal pair of lobes ovate. Flowers greenish yellow, produced during April in short-stalked corymbs. Fruit smooth ; keys I to I in. long ; wings nearly parallel, in. wide. Native of the Balkan States and other parts of S.E. Europe. It is allied to A. Opalus, but differs in the deeper and more angular lobing of the leaf. A slow-growing tree of neat shape. A. INSIGNE, Boissier. A large deciduous tree with smooth branchlets. Leaves three- or five- lobed, 3 to 6 ins. wide, and the same or rather more long ; truncate or slightly heart-shaped at the base, downy beneath, especially in the axils and along the veins ; margins coarsely and irregularly toothed, the teeth often rounded or blunt. Flowers in erect corymbose panicles, 3 to 4 ins. long, appearing towards the end of May. Fruit ultimately smooth ; keys i^ to if ins. long ; wings \ to f in. wide, the pair forming an angle at 90 to 120." Var. VELUTINUM, Boissier, which is the commonest form of A. insigne in cultivation, is distinguished from the type by the dense covering of pale brown, velvety down all over the leaf beneath, and by the down on the nutlets and wings. It comes from the same regions as A. insigne itself, and is, no doubt, connected with it by intermediate forms. Native of the Caucasus and the mountains of N. Persia ; introduced to cultivation by Mr Jean Van Volxem, along with A. Trautvetteri and A. Volxemi. All three have been much confused with each other. A. Volxemi differs in its larger leaves, usually as long or longer than they are wide, and in the down being restricted to the sides and axils of the veins. A. Trautvetteri resembles A. Volxemi in the distribution of down on the under-surface of the leaves, but the wings of the fruits are parallel or even touching. At Kew, A. insigne var. velutinum is about the latest of all trees to break into growth. A. JAPONICUM, Thunberg. (Flora Japonica, t. 144.) A small, bushy, deciduous tree, 20 to 30 ft. (rarely 40 to 50 ft.) in height ; branchlets smooth. Leaves 2 to 5 ins. long and wide, roundish in the main, but seven- to eleven-lobed, the lobes ovate or lanceolate, long-pointed, sharply ACER 145 and irregularly toothed ; there is a tuft of whitish hairs at the end of the downy leaf-stalk on the upper side, and the under-surface is furnished with whitish hairs on the ribs and in their axils. Flowers purplish red, produced in early April before the leaves in long-stalked clusters. Fruits at first hairy, then smooth ; keys | to I in. long ; wings in. wide, spreading nearly or quite horizontally. Native of Japan. The Japanese have long cultivated this maple, and have produced several handsome varieties. The most popular of these is Var. AUREUM, whose leaf is wholly of a pale golden yellow, and very effective during the whole of the summer. Var. FILICIFOLIUM, has the lobes reaching to within or J in. of the end of the leaf-stalk, each lobe being again divided and sharply toothed. The typical A. japonicum often turns rich crimson in autumn. The combination of characters which distinguishes it from other maples are, the numerous leaf-lobes, the downy leaf-stalk, and the glabrous young shoots. A. L^ETUM, C. A. Meyer. (A. cappadocicum, Gleditsch ; A. pictum var. colchicum, ffor/.") A deciduous tree, the bark of the branchlets smooth, green. Leaves green on opening, five- or seven-lobed, heart-shaped at the base, 3 to 6 ins. across, smooth except for tufts of hairs in the axils of the veins ; the lobes broadly triangular, but "drawn out to a long tail-like point ; leaf-stalk milky when broken. Flowers in corymbs about 2 ins. long, yellow. Fruits with wings i j to if ins. long (twice to four times as long as the nutlets), spreading at a wide angle. Native of the Caucasus and Asia Minor. There is much confusion between this maple and A. pictum, and it is doubtful if they are really specifically distinct most of the so-called pictum in cultivation are really this tree. (In A. pictum the wings of the fruit are only one and a half times as long as the nutlet, arid the branchlets are striped with grey-white lines and fissured the second year.) The form of A. laetum most common in gardens is Var. RUBRUM, commonly called " colchicum rubrum," the expanding young leaves of which are red. This form was introduced to England in 1846, and there are now examples 50 ft. high in gardens. It grows wild, along with the green-leaved type, in Daghestan, near Kuba, on the western shores of the Caspian Sea, where, according to the late Mr Jean Van Volxem, the type and this form grow "promiscuously, with all shades of difference between the two extremes." A much more distinct tree is Var. TRICAUDATUM, Rehder, whose leaves are trilobed, rounded at the base, \\ to 4 ins. long, smooth on both sides except for tufts of hairs in the axils of all the chief veins beneath ; the lobes are ovate, narrower than in the type, but with the same long drawn-out points. Wings of the keys four times as long as the nutlet, and horizontally spreading. This very distinct variety was introduced by Wilson from Western Hupeh, China, in 1901, and there are vigorous young trees in the Coombe Wood nursery. Var. CULTRATUM (A. cultratum, Wallich}. Native of the Himalaya, where it has long been known, but also native of China, where it was found by Henry in Yunan and introduced for Messrs Veitch by Wilson in 1901. Leaves five-lobed, rounded, scarcely heart-shaped at the base, stouter in texture j fruits with reddish wings spreading out in an almost straight line. 146 ACER A. LEUCODERME, Small. A deciduous tree, usually 20 to 25 feet (sometimes nearly twice as) high, forming a compact, rounded head. Branchlets slender, smooth. Leaves three- or five-lobed, 2 to 3^ ins. long andUvide, the lobes triangular, with usually two large teeth ; the base truncate or slightly heart-shaped ; lower surface covered with whitish velvety down, especially where the five main ribs meet the leaf- stalk, which is smooth. Flowers yellow, produced a few together in a short corymb, each flower on a slender stalk i in. or more long. Fruit hairy, except when ripe ; keys f in. long, diverging at 120. Native of the S.E. United States, and sent by Prof. Sargent to Kew in 1902, where a young tree 12 ft. high is thriving. It has neither flowered nor fruited in this country. It is an ally of the Sugar Maple, but is found wild farther to the south. A. LOBELII, Tenore. LOBEL'S MAPLE. A deciduous tree, ultimately 50 to 60 ft. high, whose erect branches give it a narrow columnar form ; young shoots smooth, bluish grey. Leaves palmate, five-lobed, 4 to 7 ins. wide, rather less in length (smaller leaves are often three- lobed) ; heart-shaped or truncate at the base, smooth and dark green above, paler beneath, with tufts of hair in the axils of the veins ; lobes ovate, ending in a long drawn-out point. Flowers in corymbs, yellow. Fruit smooth, with keys i to i j ins. long ; wings \ in. wide, wide-spreading but not quite horizontal. Native of S. Italy ; said to have been introduced in 1683. This maple is closely allied to the Norway Maple, and by some authorities is made a variety of it. It has the same inflorescence, fruits, and milky sap in the leaf-stalks. The erect narrow habit, however, at once distinguishes it, the cleft at the base of the leaves is not so deep, and the terminal lobes have not the few large teeth so frequent in the Norway Maple ; the young bark also is markedly striped. It is a handsome, well-marked, and vigorous tree. A. MACROPHYLLUM, Pursh. OREGON MAPLE. A tree occasionally over 100 ft. high, with a trunk 3 or 4 ft. in diameter. In young trees the branches are erect, but become more spreading in older ones, forming eventually a compact, rounded head. Branchlets smooth. Leaves probably the largest among maples, usually from 6 to 12 ins. across, and cut more than half-way to the base into three or usually five lobes, each one being again cut into large, triangular minor lobes ; upper surface dark lustrous green, lower one paler, with tufts of white hairs in the axils of the veins ; leaf-stalk containing milky sap. Flowers yellow, scented, produced in April on dense pendulous racemes 4 to 6 ins. long, each flower \ in. across. Fruits covered with long, pale brown bristles ; the wings nearly smooth, i| ins. long, \ in. wide, diverging at about 90. Native of the coast regions of Western N. America from S. Alaska to California. It was introduced by Douglas for the Horticultural Society in 1826 or 1827, but had been discovered by Archibald Menzies more than thirty years before. In many respects it is the noblest of maples, and it thrives well in many parts of the British Isles. Owing to the late growth of young trees during mild autumns, they are apt to be cut back in hard winters ; but other- wise it is absolutely hardy at Kew, where there are several good specimens On young trees the leaves are larger, but not so deeply lobed. It flowers and bears seed in great quantities some seasons, and the keys are very frequently in threes instead of the usual pairs. Owing to their hairiness and the great size of the wings, the fruits are particularly striking. The timber is highly ACER 147 valued in N.W. America for furniture and indoor work more so than that of any other tree of those regions except conifers. It would seem to be worth trying in the milder parts of the British Isles under forest conditions. ACER MACROPHYLLDM. A. MANDSHURICUM, Maximowicz. MAKCHURIAN MAPLE. A small, deciduous tree, sometimes a shrub. Leaves composed of three leaflets, on a stalk up to 4 ins. long. Terminal leaflet 2 to 3^ ins. long, i to ij ins. wide, lanceolate, pointed, saw-toothed, smooth when mature except for hairs along the midrib ; the side leaflets are rather smaller and shorter-stalked than the terminal one ; main leaf-stalk often longer than the largest leaflet. Flowers greenish yellow, often produced in threes ; stamens not protruding. Fruit smooth, purplish when young ; keys ij to i^ ins. long ; wings ^ in. wide, the pair forming an angle of about 90. Native of E. Siberia and Manchuria ; small trees in cultivation at Kew were received from St Petersburg in 1904. This maple is closely allied to A. nikoense and A. sutchuenense ; the former differs in its hairy young leaves and flower-stalks, the latter in its many-flowered inflorescence and protruding stamens. It is very liable to injury by late spring frost. 148 ACER A. MICRANTHUM, Siebold. (Flora Japonica, t. 80.) A small, deciduous, tree, sometimes a shrub. Leaves five-lobed, 2 to 3^ ins. long and wide, smooth except for a tuft of hairs at the base, where the ribs join the stalk ; lobes ovate with a long drawn-out point, deeply and handsomely toothed ; base heart-shaped ; leaf-stalk downy. Flowers greenish white, numerous, on slender racemes \\ to 3 ins. long, small (about \ in. across). Fruits smooth ; keys to I in. long ; wings in. wide, rounded at the end, spreading at a wide angle. Native of Japan ; introduced about 1879. The foliage turns a bright red in autumn, and, on young trees at any rate, is very prettily cut. It belongs to the same group of maples as A. rufinerve and A. capillipes, with doubly toothed leaves and flowers in racemes, but differs in the more numerously lobed leaves. A. MiYABEl, Maximowicz, MlYABE's MAPLE. (Garden and Forest, 1893, p. 143.) A deciduous tree, 30 to 40 ft. high, with a trunk 12 to 18 ins. in diameter, of rounded habit ; branchlets at first minutely downy. Leaves 4 to 6 ins. wide, not quite so long, deeply three-lobed, the lower pair of lobes usually again divided into two, but not deeply so ; lobes ovate, with a long blunt apex, the margins cut into several large rounded teeth ; stalks downy, as are also both surfaces, especially on the ribs and chief veins. On young trees the leaves are deeply notched at the base, but on older ones they are frequently truncate. Flowers yellow, downy, produced a few together each on a slender stalk in corymbs 2 to 3 ins. long. Fruit with downy nutlets ; keys f to I in. long; wings \ in. wide, slightly reflexed beyond the horizontal position. Native of Japan ; sent to Kew in 1895 by Prof. Sargent, who had discovered this rare tree in September 1892, in a new locality in Yezo. He records the incident in the Forest Flora of Japan, p. 29 : "We stopped quite by accident at Iwanigawa, a railroad junction in Yezo some 40 or 50 miles from Sapporo, and, having a few minutes on our hands, strolled out of the town to a small grove of trees. In this grove, occupying a piece of low ground on the borders of a small stream, and chiefly composed of Acer pictum, was A. Miyabei covered with fruit. The find was a lucky one, for Iwanigawa is a long way from the station where this maple had been discovered, and mature fruit had not been seen before. From these trees I obtained later a supply of seeds, enough to make this maple common in the gardens of America and Europe." It is thriving well at Kew, and is evidently well adapted for the English climate. Of European maples A. platanoides is most closely related to it, and it has, like that species, milky juice in the leaf-stalks. A. MONSPESSULANUM, Linnceus. MONTPELIER MAPLE. A deciduous tree of dense, rounded habit, occasionally more than 50 ft. (usually 20 to 30 ft.) high, sometimes scarcely more than a shrub ; branchlets smooth. Leaves three-lobed, with a heart-shaped base ; i to 2^ ins. wide, less in length dark green and glossy above, paler below, soon quite smooth on both surfaces, except for a tuft of down^where the three prominent veins join the stalk, which is I to 2 ins. long and has no milky sap. Flowers greenish yellow, borne on drooping slender stalks f to over i in. long, in few-flowered corymbs or loose racemes. Fruit reddish, often very abundant, with wings | to i in. long, to in. wide, and pointing- downwards, so that the inner edges nearly meet or even overlap. ACER 149 Native of S. Europe and N. Africa ; introduced, according to Aiton, in 1739. In general appearance this maple bears much resemblance to our native A. campestre, but is easily distinguished by its smooth three-lobed leaves, without milky juice in the stalks. It is a small tree of neat and pleasing appearance, very suitable as an isolated specimen in a small garden. There are several fine examples at Kew, the largest 46 ft. high and nearly 6 ft. in girth of trunk. The largest specimen I have seen is in the Jardin des Plantes at Paris, which in 1904 was about 60 ft. high and 8 ft. in girth of trunk. This maple is used as a hedge plant in the south of Europe. A. NEGLECTUM, Lange. (A. setnense, Hort. ; A. zoeschense, Pax.') A deciduous tree, which will probably ultimately attain a height of 50 ft. and upwards; young branchlets minutely downy. Leaves 3 to 5^ ins. wide, about three-fourths as long, five-lobed, heart-shaped at the base, dark green and shining above, paler and downy beneath, becoming^smooth later except for tufts in the axils of the veins ; lobes ovate, with a long apex. Flowers in erect, corymbose panicles, 2 to 4 ins. long. Fruits downy ; keys ij in. long ; wings ^ in. wide, almost horizontal. A maple of garden origin with an obvious affinity to A. campestre, especi- ally in the five-lobed leaf having milky sap in the stalk and in the downy horizontally-spreading keys. The leaves, however, are larger, and the lobes more angular. It is probably a hybrid between that species and A. laetum. A. NEGUNDO, Linnaus. Box ELDER. (Negundo aceroides, Moench; N. fraxini folium, Nultall?) A deciduous tree, 40 to 70 ft. high, with a trunk 2 to 3 ft. in diameter, forming a wide-spreading head of branches; branchlets smooth. Leaves long-stalked, pinnate, 6 to 10 ins. long, consisting of three or five leaflets. Leaflets ovate, 2 to 4 ins. long, pointed, coarsely toothed towards the end ; iipper side bright green, smooth ; lower one slightly downy or eventually smooth ; the terminal leaflet often three-lobed or even trifoliolate. Flowers (male and female on separate trees) yellow-green, without petals, the male ones crowded in dense clusters on the previous year's shoots, each flower on a slender hairy stalk, I to i^ ins. long ; the females in slender, drooping racemes. Fruit in pendent racemes, 4 to 8 ins. long ; each key i" to i^ ins. long, with a wing j to ^ in. wide, the pair forming an angle of 60 or less. Native of N. America, where it is widely spread. According to Sargent it is most common in the Mississippi Valley, but reaches as far north as New York State, and as far west as thl inland slopes of the Rocky Mountains. It was cultivated by Bishop Compton at Fulham in 1688. Although the typical form is by no means common, it is a handsome tree, especially when isolated on a lawn. It is one of the maples that yield sugar in America. There is a tree over 40 ft. high at Kew, but the largest specimen I have seen is in Mr Spath's nursery, near Berlin, which is over 60 ft. high, and 6 ft. 6 ins. in girth of trunk. The most popular of variegated trees is the Var. VARIEGATUM, now so largely used in town gardens, and grown in pots for the decoration of halls and large rooms. The leaflets have an irregular border of white, or are sometimes wholly white. In consequence, the tree makes a conspicuous object in the garden, and is frequently over-planted. It first appeared as a " sport " on the green-leaved type in a nursery at Toulouse in 1845, DUt trees of large size appear to be very uncommon. It is female, and the fruits are variegated like the leaves. Other varieties are : 150 ACER Var. AUREO-MARGINATUM. Leaflets marked as in the common variegated box-elder, but with yellow instead of white. Var. AUREUM (syn. odessanum). Leaflets wholly yellow ; this variety is one of the best of golden-coloured trees, and retains its colour until autumn. Var. CALIFORNICUM, WesmaeL Judging by young trees at Kew, this variety appears to be a much faster grower, with larger leaflets, than the type. The chief botanical difference is furnished by the dense covering of grey down beneath the leaves, and by the downy branchlets and fruits, although this is not so apparent in cultivated as in native specimens. Native of California. Forms intermediate between this variety and the type are said to occur in Arizona, Texas, Missouri, etc. Var. CRISPUM, Don. Leaflets curled, often deformed ; shrubby. Var. LACINIATUM (syn. heterophyllum). Leaflets reduced to a linear or lanceolate shape, and with more or less deeply cut margins. Var. VIOLACEUM, Kirchner. Young shoots covered with a purplish bloom. A. NiKOENSE, Maximowicz. NlKKO- MAPLE. (Garden and Forest, 1893, fig. 26.) A deciduous tree, up to 40 or 50 ft. high in a wild state, with a trunk 12 to 1 8 ins. in diameter and a round-topped habit ; branchlets hairy. Leaves com- posed of three leaflets on a stout, very hairy main stalk ; terminal leaflet short- stalked, oval ; 3 to 5 ins. long, i to 2\ ins. wide ; the side ones obliquely ovate, stalkless, and somewhat smaller ; all are either entire at the margins or shallowly and sparsely toothed," and more or less hairy beneath. Flowers yellow, J in. diameter, produced usually three together on drooping hairy stalks | in. long. Fruit with thick, brown-felted nutlets ; keys i-^ to 2 ins. long ; wings | in. broad, rounded, nearly parallel to each other, or diverging to 60 (in cultivation often not so large). Native of Japan, where, according to Sargent, it is widely distributed, but not common ; also of Central China. Introduced by Messrs Veitch in 1881, in whose nursery at Coombe Wood is one of the first trees raised from Maries' seeds, now 25 to 30 ft. high. Compared with many maples this is not a quick grower, which in small gardens may be counted an advantage, especially as th tree has a most interesting and distinct appearance at all times, and is very beautiful in autumn when the foliage turns rich red. The winter buds are long and pyramid-shaped, with overlapping scales. In wild specimens collected by Henry in Central China the leaflets are 7 ins. long and 3 ins. wide. A. OBLONGUM, Wallich. A sub-evergreen or deciduous tree, found both in the Himalaya and China. In the Himalaya it grows 50 ft. in height, but plants from that region are too tender for our climate. In China it is quite common in various parts, especially in Hupeh, whence the plants now in cultivation were introduced by Wilson ; there it appears to be most frequently 20 to 25 ft. high. The plants raised from Wilson's seeds in 1901 seem likely to prove hardy, both at Coombe Wood and Kew. It is a tree without down ; the leaves hard and leathery in texture, normally oblong or oblong-ovate, 2 to 4 ins. long, f to i| ins. wide ; pointed, tapered or rounded at the base, neither lobed nor toothed ; distinctly glaucous beneath. (They are considerably larger in the Himalayan form.) But although the entire-margined, unlobed leaves distinguish this maple in its normal state from all other cultivated species, the young tree at Kew has very distinctly three- lobed, sharply toothed leaves as well as the normal ones ; in these the lobes are near the base, the apex is much drawn out, and they are sometimes over 2 ins. across. Henry has noted the occurrence of these trilobed leaves on ACER 151 wild trees. The fruits are smooth ; keys about i in. long ; the wings J in. wide. , Var. CONCOLOR, Pax. Leaves green on both sides. Var. LATIALATUM, Pax. Wings of fruit broad, i in. wide, and almost semi- circular. A. OLIVERIANUM, Pax. OLIVER'S MAPLE. A deciduous tree, from 12 to 25 ft. high ; branchlets smooth and often purplish. Leaves five-lobed, i\ to 4 ins. wide, scarcely so long, truncate or slightly heart-shaped at the Base ; the lobes ovate, long-pointed, minutely, regularly and sharply toothed ; smooth except for down along the veins and in their axils. Flowers borne at the end of a slender-stalked corymb, 2 ins. long. Fruit smooth ; keys I in. long ; wings f in. wide, spreading nearly horizontally. Native of Central China ; discovered by Henry, and introduced by Wilson for Messrs Veitch in 1901, and now succeeding well in their Copmbe Wood nursery. It is allied to the A. sinense described below, but differs in the smaller more finely and evenly toothed leaves, and in the short corymbose inflorescence. The flowers develop at the same time as the leaves. A. OPALUS, Miller. ITALIAN MAPLE. (Garden, 1872, p. 443 ; A. opulifolium, Villars.*) A tree 30 to 50 ft. high, of rounded habit, sometimes much smaller or even bushy ; branchlets smooth. Leaves 2| to 4^ ins. wide, somewhat less in length, shallowly five-lobed, heart-shaped at Ihe base, irregularly toothed ; ACER .OPALUS. dark green, glossy and smooth above, paler and more or less downy beneath, especially along the chief veins and in their axils, occasionally quite smooth ; lobes angular. Flowers yellow, appearing in March, numerously crowded in short-stalked corymbs ; each flower on a slender, smooth, pendent stalk, i to i^ ins. long. Fruit smooth ; keys I to i^ ins. long ; wings in. wide, varying considerably in divergence. Native of S. and Central Europe ; introduced in 1752. It is one of the 152 ACER most ornamental of early-flowering trees, producing its blossoms regularly and in great abundance in March and April ; they are of a clearer and more pronounced yellow that in most maples. There are several good specimens at Kew, the largest nearly 50 ft. high and 5 ft. in girth of trunk. There is much confusion in the nomenclature of this maple. It is very variable, and some authorities separate the two following varieties from it as distinct species : Var. NEAPOLITANUM (A. neapolitanum, Tenore ; A. obtusatum var. neapolitanum, Pax). Leaves up to 6 or 7 ins. wide, covered with a pale felt beneath, the lobes quite shallow, especially the basal ones. Flower-stalks hairy, remaining so until the fruits ripen. Native of the country about Naples, where, like the type farther north in Italy, it is largely employed in vineyards as a support on which to train the vines. Var. OBTUSATUM (A. obtusatum, JtitaibcF). Leaves on the whole larger than in the type, and up to 5^ ins. wide, the lobes more rounded and the whole under-surface covered with a close down; flower-stalks hairy; fruit-wings not so large as in var. neapolitanum. Native of Central and E. Europe. A. PALMATUM, Thunberg. JAPANESE MAPLE. (A. polymorphum, Siebold^ ' A deciduous tree of rounded form, rarely seen more than 20 ft. high in culti- vation, but more than twice as high in a wild state ; habit rounded, often wider than high ; branchlets smooth. Leaves usually seven- sometimes five-lobed in the typical form, 2 to 3^ ins. long and wide ; the lobes ovate-lanceolate, cleft two-thirds of the way to the base of the blade, sharply double-toothed, smooth on both surfaces except in the axils of the ribs beneath ; green at first, becoming bronzed or purplish in autumn. Flowers in somewhat erect, smooth, stalked umbels ; smalj and purple. Fruit smooth ; keys about \ in. long ; wings \ in. wide, much incurved, the pair forming a broad arch. Native of Japan ; whence it was introduced to England in 1820, but since found by Wilson in Central China. Having long been cultivated by the Japanese, it has produced an extraordinary number and variety of forms differ- ing in colour and form of leaf. Many of these continue to be imported from Japan, and to many of them unwieldy Latin names have been given. No attempt can be made here to do more than describe the most distinct and representative of them. The four following groups are arbitrarily made, and some forms perhaps may as reasonably be put in one as the other : 1. PALMATUM. Leaves five-lobed, as described above. AUREUM. Leaves yellow when 3'oung, becoming golden later. LINEARILOBUM. Lobes of leaf narrow, reaching almost to the base, green. There is also a purple-leaved form of this. RIBESIFOLIUM. Green ; lobes of leaf cleft to the base and deeply and irregularly jagged at the edges. ROSEO-MARGINATUM. Leaves rosy at the edges. 2. SEPTEMLOBUM. In the typical form of this variety the leaves are seven-lobed, larger than in palmatum, suffused with red when young, afterwards green, finally turning brilliant red before falling. ATROPURPUREUM. Leaves rich purple. BlCOLOR. Leaves of two colours ; carmine, and red as in sanguineum. Some- times the carmine is laid on in blotches ; sometimes one-half the lobe or one-half the leaf is of that colour. ELEGANS. Leaves up to 5 ins. long, green, the lobes deeply and prettily toothed. There is a purple-leaved form of this. RETICULATUM. Veins of leaf green ; the interspaces yellow, white, and pale green. SANGUINEUM. Leaves as in the type, but purplish red. ACER 153 3. DlSSECTUM. In the typical form of this group the lobes are seven, nine, or eleven in number, reaching to the leaf-stalk, again deeply and finely cut to the midrib of each lobe, then sharply toothed ; green. ROSEO-MARGINATUM. Leaves marked as in palmatum roseo-marginatum, but with the cutting of dissectum. ORNATUM. Leaf-cutting as in ordinary dissectum, but deep red. 4. SESSILIFOLIUM. Once thought to be a distinct species. Leaf shortly stalked, green, often with three or more distinctly stalked leaflets. This is the Acer sessilifolium of some authors, its true origin not being suspected until it was found as a sport growing on ordinary A. palmatum. The typical A. palmatum and most of the green and purple varieties are quite hardy in the south of England. Yet they are not very frequently seen in good condition. They undoubtedly like a sunny position sheltered on the north and east sides, and a good loamy or peaty soil. Perhaps the greatest drawback is their susceptibility to late spring frosts ; it is not unusual to see the young growths cut back once or twice in spring, and whilst the vigorous green, purple, and red varieties recover, that is fatal to the permanent success of the more delicate forms with the most exquisite colouring and cutting. Another source of failure is due to their being grafted on strong, ill-fitting stocks by the Japanese. Several forms, hitherto failures, have been found to succeed on their own roots. Seedlings, of course, are best ; but the varieties do not come true from seed, although forms superior to the parent may often be obtained. There seems to be a promising field for raisers of good forms from seed in the milder parts of this country. Japanese maples were very successfully grown in the Tunbridge Wells nursery of Messrs Cripps before its dispersion. A. PENNSYLVANICUM, Linnceus. SNAKE-BARK MAPLE. (A. striatum, Du Rot.} A deciduous tree, sometimes 30 or more ft. high, usually 15 to 20 ft., with rather erect branches. Young wood at first green, becoming, when two or more years old, beautifully striped with white jagged lines. Leaves up to 7 ins. long, a little less wide, with three conspicuous, tapering, forward-pointing lobes at the terminal part ; margins finely and sharply double-toothed ; lower surface covered with minute reddish down when young, which mostly wears off towards the end of the season ; stalks i^ to 2 ins. long, the enlarged bases of each pair clasping the shoot. Flowers yellow, produced in May on slender, pendulous racemes 4 to 6 ins. long, not densely ; each flower is ^ in. diameter, and borne on a stalk J to | in. long. Fruit in pendent racemes, smooth ; wings f in. long, each pair forming a crescent i^ to 2 ins. across. Native of Eastern N. America; introduced in 1755. This maple is remarkable chiefly for the exceedingly handsome striping of its younger branches and stem. For a long time it was the only species known in cultiva- tion with this character, but in late years several species have been brought from N.E. Asia showing the same colouring [see A. Davidii, capillipes, cratasgifolium, rufinerve]. The leaves, large and handsome at maturity, have a pinkish tinge on opening, and usually turn yellow in autumn. It is one of the most distinct and desirable of maples ; sometimes called "Moose-wood." Var. ERYTHROCLADUM, Spath. In this variety the young shoot turns a bright crimson after the fall of the leaf. This, added to the other attractions of the species, make this variety one of the most attractive of all small hardy trees. Put into commerce by Mr Spath of Berlin in 1904. A. PICTUM, Thunberg. A deciduous tree, up to 60 ft. in height, young shoots not downy, becoming grey and slightly fissured the second year. Leaves five- or seven-lobed, 3 to 6 154 ACER ins. across, and rather more in length, the lobes ovate-triangular, ending in a long, narrow apex, the lowest pair spreading outwards ; the base of the leaf is heart-shaped, the margins not toothed ; the stalk has a milky sap, and both surfaces are green and smooth except for tufts of hairs in the vein-axils beneath. Flowers appearing in April or early May with the first leaves, greenish yellow, in corymbose racemes 2 to 3 ins. long. Fruit with smooth wings, about i times as long as the nutlets, the pairs parallel, and almost connivent ; each key f to I j ins. long. Native of Japan ; introduced in 1881. There is much similarity between this maple and A. laetum, the chief distinguishing feature of the latter being the larger wings of the fruit as compared with the nutlet, and the smooth, unfissured two-year-old stems. Even eliminating A. laetum as a probable variety, the present species is a variable one, the most distinct form in cultiva- tion being Var. MONO (A. Mono, Maximoivicz\ in which the fruits stand out hprizontally, and at right angles to the stalk. Native of Japan, Manchuria, N. and Central China ; introduced by Wilson for Messrs Veitch in 1901. A year or two previously, however, it had reached cultivation in Europe by way of St Petersburg. Var. TOMENTULOSUM, Rehder. Leaves covered beneath with a dense whitish down. All the forms of A. pictum are handsome, but no very large trees appear to exist in this country. It is probable that the three following colour varieties, when they bear fruit, may prove to belong to A. laetum : Var. AUREUM. Leaves entirely yellow. Var. MARMORATUM. Leaves powdered over with white dots and stains, some being more white than green. Var. VARIEGATUM (tricolor). Leaves marked with large irregular blotches of creamy white ; occasionally all one side the midrib is of this colour. A. PLATANOIDES, Linnczus. NORWAY MAPLE. A deciduou^ tree from 60 to 70, occasionally over 90, ft. high, with smooth branchlets. Leaves 5-lobed, heart-shaped at the base, 4 to 7 ins. wide and about three-fourths as long in adult trees (in young vigorous specimens they are considerably larger) ; bright green on both surfaces, smooth except for a tuft of hairs in the axils of the veins; stalks exuding a milky sap when broken. Flowers greenish yellow, | in. diameter, produced in April before the leaves in erect, branching corymbs. Fruit pendulous, on stalks 2 to 3 ins. long ; keys i^ to 2 ins. long, smooth ; the wings ^wide-spreading but not quite horizontal, ^ to ^ in. wide. Timber white, and fairly close and hard in grain. Native of continental Europe, where it is widely spread in a wild state from Norway southwards ; cultivated in England for centuries, but not a native. The Norway maple is one of the handsomest, hardiest, and most vigorous of intro- duced trees. Its leaves are thinner and brighter than those of common sycamore or of the plane, which they somewhat resemble. It is also more ornamental when in flower than most maples, and its leaves fade in autumn into various shades of red, brown, and yellow. It thrives in almost any soil, and even in the poor sandy soil at Kew grows rapidly. For forming a screen quickly it is preferable in many places to black Italian poplar, for although it does not grow so fast nor so big, it is a tree of better form and more interesting char- acter. Easily increased by seeds, which are produced abundantly. Few large trees have produced more varieties under cultivation. More than twenty have been named, and of them the following are the more distinct : Var. AUREO-MARGINATUM. Leaves often three-lobed; lobes deep and long- pointed, margined with yellow. Var. COLUMNARE, Carriere. Leaves smaller and shallower-lobed than in ACER 155 the type ; branches erect ; habit columnar. Raised in the nursery of Messrs Simon-Louis at Plantieres, near Metz, in 1855. Var. CUCULLATUM. Leaves long-stalked, fan-shaped, with seven or nine prominent veins instead of the usual five ; base of leaf wedge-shaped or truncate, not heart-shaped. Of the same type as var. laciniatum, but with the lobes not so long-pointed. Var. GLOBOSUM. A dwarf form ; head of foliage wide-spreading, dense, and mop-headed. Var. LACINIATUM. EAGLE'S CLAW MAPLE. A smaller and more twiggy tree than the tvpe, of more erect, narrow habit. Leaves tapering and wedge- shaped at the base, the lobes ending in long, ''often curved, claw-like points. The oldest of named varieties, and figured in an Austrian work in 1792. Var. MACULATUM. Leaves blotched with white, more thickly towards the edges. Of no great merit. Var. NANUM. Of dwarf, pyramidal shape. Var. PALMATUM. (A. Lorbergii, Hort.\ Leaves slit back to the stalk into three lobes, the basal pair^often cut again almost as deeply, and all the lobes divided into secondary lobes with long drawn-out handsome points. Introduced from Belgium in 1845. Var. REITENBACHII. Leaves green during the summer, changing to rich red as autumn approaches, and very beautiful then. Raised at Reitenbach's nursery at Plicken, in Prussia. Var. SCHWEDLERII. Leaves of a bright red when young, becoming green as they mature. A popular variety, beautiful in late April and May. Var. STOLLII, Simon-Louis. Leaves very large, up to 9 ins. in diameter ; lobes not deep and often entire. Var. WALDERSEEI. Leaves densely speckled with white dots, so as to give them a delicate grey appearance. I saw trees of this variety in Messrs Spath's nursery near Berlin, in June 1908, which were very pretty at that season. A. PSEUDOPLATANUS, Linnczus. SYCAMORE ("PLANE" in Scotland). A deciduous tree of the largest size, reaching at its best a height of over 100 ft. and a girth of trunk of 20 ft. Bark of the trunk pale, greyish, and peeling off in large flakes; branchlets smooth. Leaves usually five-lobed (small ones on fruiting twigs often three-lobed), 4 to 7 ins. across in adult trees (larger in young ones), heart-shaped at the base ; the lobes ovate, coarsely toothed, dark green and smooth above, paler and dull glaucous beneath, with pale brown hairs in the axils of the veins or, sometimes, along the whole length of the chief ones. Flowers in large drooping racemes, often branching at the base, yellowish green. Fruit on long, pendulous racemes ; keys ij to 2 ins. long ; wings smooth, the two forming an angle of about 60. Native of Europe, but not considered to be a true native of Britain, where, however, it has existed many centuries and has thoroughly established itself. Judging by the way seedlings spring up in the wilder parts of Kew Gardens, it would seem that in course of time the place, if left to run wild, would become a forest of common sycamore. It is a peculiarly hardy tree, and one of the few that will stand the full force of salt-laden winds in exposed places near the sea. One may see it in many of the gardens on the sea-fronts of English /watering-places, battered and stunted in growth, yet helping largely to form that first line of defence again the winds, the establishment of which is really the most important item in the seaside planting. When fully grown it is a magnificent tree of stately proportions, thriving better perhaps in the north of England and in Scotland than in the warmer south. In the grounds of Scone Palace, near Perth, I was shown a few years ago an ancient tree, reputed to have been planted by Mary Queen of Scots. Although still alive, most of its 156 ACER upper growth had gone, but its trunk was more than 6 ft. through. Among English trees, Mr Elwes gives the palm to one at Studley Park, in Yorkshire, the seat of the Marquis of Ripon. This tree is 104 ft. high and 17^ ft. in girth. The foliage of the sycamore has no autumn beauty, decaying a dingy brown ; it is, moreover, frequently attacked by a fungus, Rhytisma acerinum, which causes yellow or pale green spots to appear on the leaf-blade in June that turn black towards the fall of the leaf. The timber is white, and easily worked. The sycamore has produced very many varieties and forms under cultiva- tion, some as seedling variations, others as branch sports. It is not necessary to enumerate more than the most distinct of them. Var. ALBO-VARIEGATUM. Leaves blotched and striped with white. Var. AUCUB^EFOLIUM. Leaves blotched with yellow like the common aucuba. It appeared amongst some seedlings in the nursery of Messrs Little Ballantyne at Carlisle, about 1876. Var. BRILLIANTISSIMUM. A very handsome variety with leaves of a beautiful pinkish hue on unfolding. Var. CORSTORPHINENSE, Schwerin (flavo-variegatum, Loudori) ; CORSTOR- PHINE PLANE. Leaves pale yellow when young, golden in summer. The original tree grows in a garden at Corstorphine, near Edinburgh. James Baillie, second Lord Forrester, is said to have been murdered by his sister-in-law at the foot of this tree, 26th August 1679 ( see - Gar -den and Forest, 1893, P- 2O2 ) Var. ERYTHROCARPUM. Fruits red ; said to be wild in the Alps of Bavaria ; very handsome from June onwards. The Pilrig " plane " has similarly coloured fruits, but they are smaller and on larger racemes than in erythro- carpum. Var. EUCHLORUM. A vigorous form with large leaves and fruit ; I have measured keys 2^ ins. long, with wings nearly i in. wide. Var. LEOPOLDII. Leaves stained with yellowish pink and purple. Originated in Belgium about 1860. There are several forms of the same character, such as vars. " Simon-Louis Freres," TRICOLOR, and WEBBIANUM. Var. PRINZ HANDJERY. Leaves suffused wi.th yellow above, purple beneath. Very pretty when the leaves are quite young. This variety, var. NIZETII, and var. PURPUREO-VARIEGATUM are all variants from the following one : Var. PURPUREUM. Leaves rich purple beneath ; originated in a nursery in Jersey, in 1828. Var. ATROPURPUREUM is the same, with the purple of a deeper shade. Var. VILLOSUM, Parlatore. A natural variety found in Sicily, S. Italy, and Dalmatia. Leaves covered with down beneath ; the margins more coarsely toothed. Cultivated in the grounds of Arley Castle, near Bewdley. Var. WORLEI. Leaves rich yellow. A superior form of the Corstorphine sycamore ; leaf-stalks reddish. A. PURPURASCENS, Franchet. A deciduous tree, with five-lobed leaves similar to those of A. diabolicum ; very downy beneath when young, and fringed with hairs on the margin. Flowers purplish ; males in short-stalked corymbs ; stalks hairy when young, becoming smooth at the fruiting stage ; females ^n few-flowered racemes. Keys \\ ins. long, the nutlet covered with whitish bristles ; wings f in. wide, parallel. Native of middle Japan ; very nearly allied to A. diabolicum, but at once distinguishable when in bloom by the purple flowers; the wings of the fruit also appear to be more closely brought together. It is a very rare plant in cultivation, and is, apparently, not common in a wild state. The nutlets have the same persistent, horn-like styles as are seen in A. diabolicum. ACER 157 A. ROTUNDILOBUM, Schwerin. A hybrid of uncertain origin, although cultivated in Europe for more than half a century. It is probably a cross between A. monspessulanum and A. Opalus var. obtusatum, being intermediate in its various characters between those two maples. Leaves three-lobed, sometimes with two additional, indistinct lobes at the base ; 2^ to 4 ins. long and broad, reddish when young, smooth except for a little dow"n at the base beneath ; pale beneath, dark green above ; lobes shallow, rounded ; leaf-stalk not milky. A. RUBRUM, Linnczus. RED MAPLE. A deciduous tree, occasionally over 100 ft. high in America, with a trunk up to 13 ft. in girth ; and over 80 ft. high in England, forming a rounded head, of branches ; bark greyish ; branchlets smooth, except when quite young. Leaves three- or five-lobed (the lobes pointed and somewhat triangular, the middle one usually the longest), from 2 to 5 ins. wide, and often longer than broad, coarsely and unevenly toothed ; upper surface dark green, smooth, lower one blue-white and more or less downy, especially along the veins. Flowers appearing in March and early April in dense clusters before the leaves, at the joints of the previous year's wood, or on short spurs of still older wood, rich red, each flower on a reddish stalk at first quite short, but lengthening as the flower and fruit develop. Fruits on slender drooping stalks 2 to 3 ins. long ; wings about f in. long, in. wide, dark dull red spreading at about 60. Native of Eastern N. America, and already in cultivation in England by the middle of the seventeenth century. It is a handsome and fairly common tree, the largest in the country, according to Elwes, being in Bagshot Park and over 80 ft. high, with a trunk oJr ft. in girth. There is a considerable resem- blance between this tree and A. dasycarpum, and they are frequently confused. A. rubrum, however, is more compact and of slower growth ; the leaves are not so much or so deeply cut, and the fruits are less than half as large. In the United States this maple produces most beautiful colour effects in autumn, the leaves turning scarlet and yellow. In this country it is not so good, but some- times the leaves change to bright yellow, or dark brownish red, or occasionally red. It should be planted in a moist position. Var. DRUMMONDII. Differs in the downy character of the young shoots, leaf-stalks, and under-surface of the leaves. Fruit and flowers bright scarlet, the former larger than in ordinary rubrum. Native of Arkansas, Texas, and Louisiana. Var. SANGUINEUM (A. sanguineum, Spach}. The original tree of this variety grew in the Jardin des Plantes at Paris. Its leaves are more downy than in the type, the flowers brilliant red, and the leaves richer red in autumn. A pyramidal variety is figured in Garden and Forest, 1894, p. 65, growing in private grounds at Flushing, New York, which was then 80 ft. high. (The figure is erroneously described as of a form of sugar maple.) A. RUFINERVE, Siebold. A small, deciduous tree, with smooth blue-white young shoots. Leaves to 5 ins. long, three-lobed or obscurely five-lobed, truncate or heart- aped at the base ; terminal lobe triangular, larger than jhe side ones, margins finely and irregularly toothed ; upper surface dark green, smooth ; lower one paler, with reddish down along the veins, conspicuous when the leaf is young, but largely falling away by autumn. Flowers in erect racemes about 3 ins. long, each one on a stalk to \ in. long ; the common stalk covered with 158 ACER reddish down. Keys ^ to f in. long, the nutlets at first covered with reddish down, after-wards smooth ; wings diverging at from 90 to 120. Native of Japan ; introduced for Messrs Veitch by Maries, about 1879, and very nearly allied to A. pennsylvanicum, resembling it in shape of leaf, and in the handsome markings of the branches ; but differing in the glaucous young shoots, and in the more conspicuous reddish down beneath the leaves. The foliage sometimes dies off a rich crimson. The young foliage, the leaf-stalk, and midrib are often red. Altogether an attractive maple. Var. ALBO-LIMBATUM, Hooker (Bot. Mag., t. 5793)- A singularly beautiful variety, whose leaves have a broad margin (or sometimes the whole surface) entirely covered with spots of white. It was introduced by Mr Standish of Ascot, some years before the type, and was first exhibited by him in 1869. A. SACCHARUM, Marshall. SUGAR MAPLE. (A. saccharinum, Wangenheim, not Linnceus.') A deciduous tree, over 100 ft. high in a wild state, with a trunk 9 to 12 ft. in girth, forming a shapely rounded head of branches ; branchlets smooth Leaves palmate, usually five-lobed, heart-shaped at the base, 4 to 6 ins. wide ; always do\vny in the axils of the chief veins beneath, but varying in different trees from smooth to downy in other parts. Flowers without petals, greenish yellow, produced in clusters, each flower on a thread-like, hairy stalk more than 2 ins. long. Fruit smooth ; wings I in. long, in. wide. Native of Eastern N. America; introduced, according to Aiton, in 1735, but not many fine specimens are to be found in this country. In the arboietum of Arley Castle, near Bewdley, there are two of the best in the country ; their measurements, according to Hortus Arleyensis^ are : 65 ft. by 3 ft. in girth, and 64 ft. by 4 ft. 8 ins. in girth. In leaf, the sugar maple, especially in its more glabrous form, bears some resembla'nce to the Norway maple ; but the sap of the sugar maple is watery, not milky as in the other. The famous maple sugar of N. America is obtained almost solely from the sap of this tree. The State of Massachusetts alone used to supply more than half a millon pounds annually. It is obtained by tapping the trees and collecting the juice, which is afterwards evaporated. As an ornamental tree in England this maple never seems to have been a great success, and although it appears to be quite hardy, does not grow quickly. In the streets, and as an isolated tree in the meadows of New England it is magnificent, and forms one of the chief elements in the glorious colour effects of autumn there, its leaves dying off into various shades of orange, gold, scarlet, and crimson, each tree, according to Emerson, retaining year after year its particular shades. Var. NlGRUM, Britton. BLACK MAPLE (A. nigrum, Michaux). In this variety the leaves are downy all over the under-surface, and usually remain so till they fall ; they are three-lobed oftener than five-lobed, with the auricles of the heart-shaped base overlapping. According to Sargent, the black maple is easily distinguished in summer by its heavy, drooping leaves, and at all seasons by the orange-coloured branchlets. It has a more western distribution in N. America than the type, and was introduced in 1812. Var. MONUMENTALE, Temple, is a form of black maple with a narrow columnar habit. Very striking. Var. RUGELII, Rehder.k large tree with thin, three-lobed leaves ; the lobes usually entire, triangular, pointed ; lower surface rather glaucous and downy. Found wild from N. Carolina and Georgia to Missouri, being the common form of sugar maple in that region. The lower branches often bear leaves identical with those of the type. Introduced to Kew in 1908. ACER 159 A. SlEBOLDIANUM, Miquel. SlEBOLD'S MAPLE. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1881, i., fig. 113.) A small tree or shrub, native of Japan, and very similar to A. japonicum, from which, however, it is easily distinguished by the yellow (not purple-red) flowers, and by the branchlets being densely covered with short down. Leaves 2 to 3 ins. wide ; seven- or nine-lobed ; leaf-stalks downy. Flowers in a long-stalked, umbel-like corymb. Fruit somewhat downy ; keys in. long. A. SINENSE, Pax. A deciduous tree, from 12 to 30 ft. high ; young shoots smooth. Leaves 3 to 6 ins. long and wide, five-lobed, slightly heart-shaped or truncate at the base ; lobes ovate, with long drawn-out points, irregularly and sparsely toothed. Occasionally the leaves are quite smooth at maturity, but often they have tufts of yellowish hairs in the axils of the veins. Flowers numerous, in panicles 2 to 4 ins. long, greenish white. Fruits smooth, in pendulous panicles ; keys I J ins. long ; wings f in. wide, the pair forming an angle of about 120. Var. CONCOLOR, Pax. This differs in the wings of the fruit spreading horizontally, and, perhaps, in the leaf being somewhat larger. Native of Central China, and represented in the Coombe Wood nursery by plants of the variety concolor, raised from seed introduced in 1901, by Wilson. The leaves are handsome, being of a reddish shade when young, afterwards turning a dark lustrous green. A. SPICATUM, Lamarck. MOUNTAIN MAPLE. A deciduous, tall shrub, or small tree of bushy appearance, occasionally 25 ft. high, with a short trunk ; young shoots covered with grey down when young. Leaves three-lobed or sometimes five-lobed, 3 to 5 ins. long, about the same wide, more or less heart-shaped at the base, coarsely toothed, covered with grey down beneath ; lobes long-pointed. Flowers very small, produced in June on slender, erect racemes 3 to 6 ins. long, greenish yellow, each flower on a slender stalk about ^ in. long. Fruit with wings about ^ in. long, f in. wide, each pair somewhat horse-shoe shaped, smooth, red. Native of the E. United States and Canada ; introduced by Archibald, Duke of Argyll, in 1750. This maple, handsome in its slender racemes of bright red fruits, and red and yellow autumn tints, is not now common. Its most distinctive characters are its densely flowered, erect, slender racemes, and coarsely toothed, three-lobed leaves. An interesting maple, found wild in Japan, Manchuria, and China, is sometimes regarded as a geographical variety of the mountain maple, and called A. SPICATUM var. UKURUNDUENSE, Maximowicz. Its leaves are more deeply heart-shaped than in the American type, and are five- or seven-lobed. A. SUTCHUENENSE, Franchet. A deciduous tree, 20 ft. high, with smooth young shoots. Leaves composed of three leaflets borne on a slender stalk \\ to 2^ ins. long, with a conspicuous tuft of yellowish hairs at the base of the blades ; leaflets shortly stalked, elliptic oblong, with a long tapering point ; 2 to 3^ ins. long, f to i^ ins. wide ; dull green, and smooth above, rather glaucous, and with scattered hairs beneath ; the margins irregularly and bluntly toothed. Flowers numerous, yellowish, pro- duced in a corymb-like raceme, i^ ins. long and wide. Fruits in erect racemes; keys i in. long; wings \ in. wide, "curved, but about parallel with each other. 160 ACER Native of Central China. Among cultivated species it is most closely allied to A. mandshuricum, differing in its more numerously flowered inflor- escence and protruding stamens. A. Henryi, with which it has been confused, differs in having untoothed leaflets and downy young shoots. A. TATARICUM, Linnceus. TARTARIAN MAPLE. A deciduous shrub of bushy habit, or a small, wide-spreading tree up to 30 ft. high ; branchlets smooth. Leaves in adult trees not lobed, or occasion- ally slightly so ; broadly ovate, rounded or slightly heart-shaped at the base, from 2 to 3^ ins. long, i| to 2^ ins. wide ; smooth above, more or less downy on the veins beneath, the margin doubly and irregularly toothed. Flowers in erect panicles 2 to 3 ins. long, greenish white, produced in May and June. Fruit with keys f to more than i in. long ; the wings J in. wide, almost parallel, red in autumn. Native of S.E.. Europe, Asia Minor, etc. ; introduced, according to Aiton, in 1759. This interesting maple is very distinct in foliage, the shape of the leaves suggesting Spiraea discolor rather than the typical maple. This, however, only applies to the plant in its adult state ; young, vigorous trees show a. distinct tendency to the palmate three- or five-lobed shape. It bears its fruits quite abundantly, and, being red in autumn, they often give a pleasing effect. The leaves expand early, and die off in yellow, or reddish brown tints. The finest example I have seen is at Arley Castle, near Bewdley. According to Mr Woodward, this tree was planted about 1820, and is now 30 ft. high. A. TETRAMERUM, Pax. A deciduous tree, 20 to 30 ft. high, with quite smooth young shoots. Leaves ovate, coarsely toothed, 2 to 3^ ins. long, two-thirds as wide, the apex long- pointed, the base tapering, covered with fine down beneath, and with tufts of whitish hairs in the vein-axils. Flowers yellow, the males three or five together in short corymbs, the females in short slender racemes, appearing with the leaves. Fruit smooth ; keys I to i J ins. long ; wings J to \ in. wide, diverging at an angle of about 60. Var. LOBULATUM, Rehder. This variety is distinguished by its leaves being three-lobed, broader in proportion to their length, heart-shaped at the base, and deeply triangular toothed ; they are dark green and almost smooth above, paler beneath and downy, especially on and about the veins. Native of Hupeh, China ; discovered by Henry. The var. lobulatum was introduced by Wilson for Messrs Veitch in 1901, and is growing luxuriantly at Coombe Wood, being now a graceful tree over 20 ft. high, and making shoots \\ to 2 ft. long in a season. The young wood is covered with a purplish bloom. Typical A. tetramerum does not appear to be in cultivation at present. A. TRAUTVETTERI, Medwedjeff. TRAUTVETTER'S MAPLE. (Bot. Mag., t. 6697 as A. insigne.) A tree up to 50 ft. in height, and 6 ft. in girth of trunk ; branchlets smooth, dark red at the fall of the leaf. Leaves deeply five-lobed, 4 to 8 ins. wide, about three-fourths as long, base heart-shaped ; dark lustrous green and smooth above, pale beneath and slightly glaucous, with tufts of down in the axils of the chief veins, especially at the base where they meet the leaf-stalk ; margins coarsely and angularly toothed. Flowers following the leaves, and produced in smooth, erect corymbs. Fruits downy on the nutlets when young, becoming smooth ; wings if to 2 ins. long, to f- in. wide, parallel, or almost connivent, sometimes overlapping. ACER 161 Native of the Caucasus and Persia ; introduced to Van Volxem's nursery in 1866. It is a handsome-foliaged tree, and is distinguished in spring by its brilliant crimson bud-scales. It has been much confused with A. insigne, but is distinguished fyy the wings of the fruit not spreading, by the restricted pubescence beneath the leaves, and by the marginal teeth not pointing forwards. A. TRUNCATUM, Bunge. A small, deciduous tree, up to 25 ft. in height ; branchlets smooth, often tinged with purple when young. Leaves five- occasionally seven-lobed, 2^ to 4^- ins. wide, less in length, dark green above, paler below ; smooth on both surfaces ; truncate or somewhat heart-shaped at the base ; the lobes triangular ; the two basal ones out-spreading, the three terminal ones often furnished with two large teeth ; leaf-stalk containing milky juice. Flowers A to \ in. across, greenish yellow, each on a slender stalk \ in. long, borne in erect, branching corymbs 3 ins. wide. Fruits smooth ; wings i^ to i^ ins. long, I to i in. wide, about half as long again as the nutlet, the pair fprming an angle of about 90. Native of N. China, whence seeds collected in the autumn of 1881 were sent by the late Dr Bretschneider to Kew, and germinated in the spring of the following year. It is allied to A. pictum, but differs in the truncate base of the leaf, and the larger flowers. It grows well and is quite hardy at Kew. Another close ally of this maple is A. AMBIGUUM, Dippel^ with leaves similarly lobed, but hairy beneath. A. TSCHONOSKII, Maximowicz. A small, deciduous tree, 15 to 20 ft. high, or a shrub ; young shoots smooth ; winter buds stalked. Leaves 2 to 4 ins. long and wide, deeply five-lobed, heart-shaped at the base, margins sharply double-toothed ; lobes triangular, long-pointed ; leaf-stalk half as long as the blade ; bright green and smooth above, paler beneath, with reddish hairs along the main veins when young, reduced to their axils when mature. Flowers on smooth, short stalks, produced along with the leaves, six to ten together, in short racemes. Fruits pale brown ; keys I to i ins. long ; wings f in. wide, incurved, and spreading at a wide angle. Native of Japan, where, according to Prof. Sargent, it is very abundant in the woods of Hondo at from 2000 to 3000 ft. elevation, the dying leaves turning a beautiful canary yellow. It is allied to A. micranthum, from which it differs in its usually longer keys. Introduced in 1902. A. VOLXEMI, Masters. VAN VOLXEM'S MAPLE. A tall, deciduous tree ; branchlets smooth except at the joints and leaf- scars. Leaves palmate, five-lobed, 4 to 8 ins. or even more wide, and nearly as much long, with a heart-shaped base ; pale green above, whitish beneath, and smooth except in the axils and along the sides of the chief veins ; the lobes coarsely saw-toothed. Flowers in erect corymbs, 3 to 4 ins. long Fruit smooth ; keys i^ to if ins. long ; wings at an angle of about 120. Native of the Caucasus, where it was discovered and introduced to cultiva- tion by the late Mr Jean Van Volxem, who sent it to Kew about 1873. Another tree sent to Dr Masters in 1877 was planted by him in his garden at Ealing, where it grew luxuriantly, and flowered in 1894. Some doubt had previously existed as to its affinity with A. Pseudoplatanus, but its short, erect corymb at once showed its distinctness. By several authorities it is considered a less downy variety of A. insJgHe. Henry suggests that it may be a hybrid between that maple and A. Trautvetteri.' It differs from the latter in the wide-spreading L 162 ACER ACTINIDIA wings of the fruit and in the saw-toothed leaves ; and from insigne in the larger leaves (sometimes I ft. across), not so white beneath, with the down confined to the chief veins. ACTINIDIA. TERNSTRCEMIACE^:. A genus of vigorous climbers inhabiting N. India, China, and Japan. They have simple, alternate leaves, and often unisexual flowers. The fruit is a fleshy berry. Given a good soil they are easily cultivated, and can be grown in the various situations suitable for vigorous climbers, such as on walls, pergolas, on rough poles, or, better than all for the more vigorous ones, on a worn-out tree, if such can be given up to them, which they can cover with tangled growth. All the species can be propagated by cuttings of moderately ripened wood placed in gentle heat. A. ARGUTA, Planchon. (Bot. Mag., t. 7497 as A. polygama.) An exceptionally vigorous climber, reaching in its native haunts the tops of large trees. Leaves dark lustrous green, 3 to 5 ins. long, sometimes nearly as wide ; broadly ovate or ovate-oblong, edged with unequal bristle- like teeth, the base rounded or sometimes heart-shaped ; almost smooth except for down on the veins and in their axils ; stalk rose-coloured, sometimes bristly, i^ to 3 ins. long. Flower hermaphrodite, fragrant, produced in the leaf- axils, usually in clusters of three ; each flower f in. across, its stalk slender, and \ to | in. long ; sepals green, ovate-oblong, blunt ; petals orbicular, white tinged with green, very concave and incurved, giving the flower a rather globular shape ; stamens numerous, with dark purple anthers ; stigmas (of female flower) radiating. Fruit an oblong, many-seeded, fleshy, greenish yellow berry, nearly i in. long, with an insipid flavour, but eaten by the Japanese. Native of China, Japan, and the Amur region. One of the strongest growing of the Actinidias, this is also one of the hardiest. It flowers very well out-of-doors in numerous gardens in the south and west, and is hardy at Kew, flowering there in June and July. Var. CORDIFOLIA, Dunn. Leaves ovate with a conspicuously heart-shaped base, more hairy than in the type ; leaf-stalk purple. This, as well as the type, is s: metimes grown in gardens as A. volubilis. A. CHINENSIS, Planchon. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1909, ii., p. 7^ ; Bot. Mag., t. 8538.) A unisexual or hermaphrodite climber of vigorous growth, the sterile branch- lets densely covered with shaggy reddish hairs ; flowering shoots more downy. Leaves of the sterile shoots heart-shaped, pointed, from 5 to 8 ins. long, and from 4 to 7 ins. wide ; margins set with stiff hairs ; upper surface dark green, slightly hairy ; lower surface densely clothed with greyish tufted hairs, the midrib, veins, and stalk having larger reddish hairs like those of the young shoots. On the flowering shoots the leaves are shorter and proportionately broader, 2 to 4 ins. long, 3 to 5 ins. wide, somewhat orbicular, but deeply notched at the top and bottom. Flowers i ins. across, at first white, then buff-yellow ; produced on short branches from the year-old wood ; calyx with five roundish woolly lobes ; petals obovate ; stamens very numerous. Fruit ACTINIDIA 163 of the size and shape of a walnut, covered more or less with reddish brown hairs, and of a very agreeable flavour. This remarkably handsome climber was first brought to the notice of Europeans by Robert Fortune in 1847, when he was travelling in China on behalf of the Royal Horticultural Society. It was later seen by Maries in Japan, but did not reach cultivation until 1900, when seeds were sent from China by Wilson, who had collected it in Hupeh. It is evidently hardy, and flowered for the first time in England in June 1909. A. HENRYI, Dunn. A tall climber with slightly ribbed young shoots, covered with stout, curly, reddish bristles. Leaves ovate or ovate-oblong, heart-shaped or rounded at the base, taper-pointed, minutely toothed, 3 to 5 ins. long, i^ to 2^ ins. wide ; glaucous beneath, with a little down on the midrib and veins. The year-old wood smooth. Leaf-stalk f to \\ ins. long, bristly when young. Flowers white, nearly \ in. diameter, produced in the leaf-axils in short, rounded racemes, the stout main-stalk reddish bristly, the slender individual flower- stalks downy, \ to in. long. Fruits cylindrical, f to I in. long, \ to ^ in. wide. Native of Yunnan, in mountain forests at 5000 to 6000 ft. ; discovered by Henry ; introduced by Wilson for the Arnold Arboretum, and sent thence to Kew in 1910. Of perhaps doubtful hardiness. A. KOLOMIKTA, Maximowicz. A slender climber, growing a few feet high. Leaves ovate-oblong, heart- shaped or sometimes rounded at the base, 3 to 6 ins. long, the largest 3 to 4 ins. wide ; only slightly bristly above and beneath when quite young, the margins set with teeth . of unequal size. The foliage is purplish when young, and later in the season is usually more or less variegated, sometimes the apex, sometimes half the leaf, and occasionally the whole leaf being white or pink. Flowers fragrant, produced one to three together, each ^ in. across ; petals white, anthers yellow, stigmas sessile. Fruit not beaked. The chief merit of this climber is in its curious and often very striking leaf-colouring. It is, perhaps, the weakest grower of all the Actinidias, and supports about 6 ft. high are sufficient. The pith is brown and chambered (lamellate). Native of Man- churia, China, and Japan, flowering in June. Its veins beneath and the leaf-stalk are slightly downy, but not so conspicuously bristly as in A. polygama (q.v.). A. POLYGAMA, Miguel. A slender climber, forming in a wild state a large tangle of entwined stems 15 to 20 ft. high. Leaves elliptical or ovate-oblong, pointed, 3 to 5 ins. long, bristly toothed on the margin, and bristly on the veins, usually wedge-shaped, sometimes somewhat heart-shaped at the base ; stalks bristly. Flowers fragrant, usually in threes (sometimes single or in pairs), | in. diameter, white. Fruit beaked, i^ ins. long, in. broad in the middle, narrowing at either end, canary yellow, translucent, soft and juicy, with a disagreeable flavour. Native of Central Japan, and plentiful in the mountains there. As in A. Kolomikta, sometimes the entire leaf, sometimes its terminal half, is white or yellowish, but it is a stronger grower. It is not, however, a tall climber like A. arguta and A. chinensis, but may be grown as a sort of thicket, if support be given at first. It is confused often with A. Kolomikta, but differs in the usually tapered or rounded (instead of cordate) base of the leaf, in its white, solid (not chambered) pith, and in having the stigma on a short thick style. The plant, like several other species, has an extraordinary attraction for cats. 164 ADELIA ADENOCARFUS ADELIA. OLEACE^. A group of New World shrubs, of which two species are occasionally cultivated in botanical collections. They have some affinity with the olive. Leaves deciduous, opposite ; flowers small, greenish, without petals, unisexual; the sexes often on separate plants. The fruit, which is oblong or egg-shaped and pulpy, I have never seen produced in this country, and the flowers but rarely. Even in their absence the two species described below are easily distinguished from each other by the short-stalked, downy leaves of ligustrina; and the long, narrow, much tapered, smooth leaves of acuminata. They grow in any ordinary soil, and are easily propagated by late summer 'cuttings. The genus is, perhaps, better known by Poiret's name, FORESTIERA. A. ACUMINATA, Michaux. SWAMP PRIVET. (Forestiera acuminata, Poiret ; Borya acuminata, Willdenow^) A deciduous shrub, usually 4 to 8 ft. high, or a small tree, sometimes 20 to 30 ft. high in a wild state, of spreading habit ; branches slender, the short ones occasionally spine-tipped. Leaves lanceolate or oval-lanceolate, \\ to 2^ ins. long, ^ to | in. wide at the middle, tapering gradually to both ends"; shallowly toothed from the middle to the apex ; stalk J to \ in. long. Male flowers clustered in Small stalkless tufts ; female ones oln branched stalks ; both minute, greenish, and of no beauty. Fruit cylindrical, pointed, \ in. long, purple. Native of the S.E. United States ; introduced in 1812. A shrub of botanical interest only, and privet-like appearance. A. LIGUSTRINA, Michaux. (Forestiera ligustrina, Poiret ; Borya ligustrina, Willdenow.") A deciduous shrub, up to 10 ft. in height, forming a wide bush with slender branches, downy when young, often becoming spine-tipped. Leaves oval or slightly obovate, f to if ins. long, to f in. wide ; tapered at both ends, shallowly toothed all round except near the base ; dull green and smooth above, paler and downy beneath ; stalks j- in. or less long. Flowers green, inconspicuous, produced from the twigs of the preceding year ; the males in dense stalkless clusters ; females fewer, on short spurs. Fruit \ in. long, egg- shaped, blue-black. Native of the S.E. United States ; introduced in 1812. ADENOCARPUS DECORTICANS, Boissier. LEGUMINOS/E. (Garden, Nov. 27, 1886.) A deciduous shrub of rather gaunt habit, sending out long horizontal branches, and reaching 8 to 10 ft. in height in this country. Leaves trifoliolate, very crowded, i in. or less long ; stalk very slender and downy, ^.to i- in, long. Leaflets J to J in. in length, y 1 ^ in. wide, the margins usually rolled inwards. Flowers golden yellow, about the size and shape ADENOC ARPUS .EGLE 165 of common gorse, produced on the upper side of the branches in short, erect racemes, ij to 2\ ins. long. Seed-pods \\ to 2 ins. long, \ in. wide, pale, covered with conspicuous viscid glands. Native of Spain, and only hardy in the milder parts of Great Britain. At Kew it needs wall protection, but in the garden at Grayswood Hill, near Haslemere (perhaps 300 ft. above sea-level), it thrives splendidly. I have seen shrubs there in May and early June 6 to 8 ft. high, laden with golden blossom from end to end of their branches, and making most gorgeous pictures. Like so many of its race, this shrub is not long-lived, and care should be taken to sow a few seeds occasionally (it produces them in great abundance), to renew the stock if needed. It should have the sunniest position available, and is suitable for a hot bank in gardens where it can thrive in the open. For colder localities a place on a south wall is necessary. /EGLE SEPIARIA, De Candolle. RUTACE^. (Citrus trifoliata, Linnceus, Bot. Mag., t. 6513 ; Limonia trifoliata, Hort.} A deciduous, very spiny shrub, 8 to 12 ft. high, often as much wide, with smooth, green, crooked, angular branchlets. The spines are from i to 2 ins. long, very stiff, straight, and sharply pointed. Leaves of three^ sometimes five leaflets, which are obovate, the middle one ij to 2 ins. long, the side ones half as large; leaf-stalk winged. Flowers sweetly scented, produced from the axils of the spines before the leaves, pure white, ij to 2 ins. across, with four or five concave, obovate petals. Stamens pink, disunited. Fruit like a small orange in colour and shape, about ij ins. across, covered with down. Native of Japan and China. The genus yEgle is very nearly allied to Citrus (orange, lemon, etc.), differing chiefly in the stamens not being united. This species is one of the most striking Japanese plants ever introduced. It is perfectly hardy at Kew, having survived 30 of frost without injury ; and although it does not ripen fruit there, it flowers freely and regularly during May every year. Its foliage is often scanty, but that enables its formidable armature to be the better seen. Were it common enough, it would make a good hedge plant : there is a hedge in the Public Garden of Milan 100 yds. long, which, being only 3 ft. high, is too small for so vigorous a shrub as this, but which shows that it stands clipping well. In the western counties it fruits freely, and in Canon Ellacombe's garden at Bitton, near Bristol, there is a tree that has borne fruit for twenty years past. It is a plant every garden should contain for its beauty and distinction, its perfect hardiness, and its interest as a very close ally of the lemon and orange. The fruits are too bitter and acrid to be eaten raw, but they have been made into a conserve by boiling in sugar. It should be given a sunny position and a deep> moderately rich, loamy soil. English ripened fruits produce good seed, from which I have raised young plants. It is also said that cuttings of half-ripened wood put in a close frame will take root. There is a hybrid between this and the orange, raised in France, probably hardy in many parts. It has been named the " Citrange." 166 ^SCULUS ^ESCULUS. HORSE-CHESTNUT, BUCKEYE. SAPINDACE^. Deciduous trees and large shrubs found in all the three northern continents. Leaves opposite, composed normally of five or seven leaflets (occasionally three or nine) radiating from the end of a long, slender stalk. Flowers borne in often large panicles at the end of the current season's growth; petals four or five. Fruits sometimes prickly, sometimes smooth, containing one or two large seeds. Several of the following species are commonly known under the generic name of PAVIA, the distinguishing characters being smooth fruits and four petals, as contrasted with the prickly fruits and five petals of true .'EscuLUS. As in neither case are the characters invariably coexistent, the name Pavia has been dropped. Few groups of woody plants are at once so well-marked and so hand- some as this. They all thrive well in the southern half of England, and most are hardy enough to succeed in any part of the country. All of them like a good deep soil, well-drained but moist, and are easy to cultivate and transplant. For the multiplication of the species seeds are decidedly the best, but the hybrids and varieties of garden origin have to be propagated by budding. The common horse-chestnut is commonly used as a stock for all the species, even such a small one as JE. Pavia, the result of which is an ungainly union of stock and scion and frequent ill- health. It may be used for JE. carnea (although that comes largely true from seed), and for its own numerous varieties, but for the other and smaller hybrids JE. flava or JE. glabra should be used as a stock. It should be mentioned that the buds selected are not those in the axils of the leaves, but the small, crowded buds at the base of the shoot nearest the old wood, which in ordinary circumstances remain dormant. Seeds of all the species should be planted as soon as they fall, and it is necessary to cover them only with about their own depth of soil. Kept dry in the ordinary seed-room during the winter, they lose much or sometimes all of their vitality. JE. AUSTRINA, Small. SOUTHERN BUCKEYE. A shrub 10 to 12 ft. high, the young shoots clothed with a fine down. Leaves three-, five-, or seven-foliolate ; leaflets 2 to 3^ ins. long, I to i| ins. wide ; oval or obovate, toothed, tapered at the base, narrowed rather abruptly at the apex to a short, slender point (lateral leaflets oblique at the base) ; rich lustrous green above, covered beneath with a thick pale down ; stalk downy, about 3 ins. long. Flowers about I in. long, red, produced in a panicle 6 to 8 ins. long, 2 to 3 ins. wide ; calyx tubular, ^ in. long, with rounded teeth ; petals slightly glandular. Native of the S.E. United States ; probably long in cultivation as AL. Pavia (^.T/.), which it resembles and to which it is allied, but from which, nevertheless, it is very distinct in the white down covering the leaf beneath, and in the usually shorter calyx. The seeds also, Prof. Sargent informs me, are distinct from those of any other species, but I have not seen them. (One of the Pavia group.) 167 M. CALIFORNICA, Nuttall. CALIFORNIAN BUCKEYE. (Bot. Mag., t. 5077 ; Pavia californica, HartwegC) A tree with a short trunk and a low, spreading, rounded head of branches, considerably more in diameter than it is in height, or a large shrub ; bark smooth ; winter buds resinous. Leaves among the smallest in the genus, JESCULUS CALIFORXICA. consisting usually of five (sometimes seven) narrowly oblong or oval, pointed, shallowly round-toothed, stalked leaflets, 2 to 4 ins. long, downy when quite young, of a pale greyish green. Flowers fragrant, borne in dense, erect, cylindrical, downy panicles up to 6 or 8 ins. long and 2 to 3 ins. wide, white or faintly tinged with rose, the stamens protruding \ in. beyond the petals. Fruit somewhat fig-shaped, swollen on one side, 2 to 3 ins. long, ending in a point, the surface rough but not spiny. Native of California, where it is occasionally found from 30 to 40 ft. high, but more often as a bush 10 to 15 ft. high. It is perfectly hardy as a small tree 168 ^SCULUS at Kew, and thrives admirably there. The tree is very distinct on account of its habit, and its abundant foliage with a rather metallic hue. It flowers from June to August, and often shows the curious habit of developing a single flower at the top of the panicle first, which has formed a small fruit whilst the flowers immediately below it are still in bud. Introduced by W. Lobb about 1850, it first flowered in Messrs Veitch's Exeter nursery in 1858. Mr Elwes mentions a tree 30 ft. high, at Hutley Towers, near Ryde. It also flowers well and bears fruit, in the Victoria Park at Bath. JE. CARNEA, Hayne. RED HORSE-CHESTNUT. (yE. rubicunda, LoiseleurC) A tree of rounded form, 30 to 50 ft. high in this country, but 60 to 80 ft. high on the Continent ; winter buds slightly resinous. Leaves composed of five or seven leaflets, which are very like those of the common horse-chestnut, but smaller, darker green, and usually with a very short stalk. Flowers deep red on a panicle 6 to 8 ins. high, 4 ins. diameter ; stamens slightly protruding. Fruit globose, slightly prickly, i^- ins. diameter. Of the origin of this tree nothing certain is known. There is little doubt, however, that it is a hybrid between the common horse-chestnut and M. Pavia, having the habit and foliage of the former, with the colour of the flowers and glandular-edged petals of the latter. It probably originated as a chance hybrid made by insects quite early in the nineteenth century, and had attained a considerable size before its distinctness was noticed. In regard to its flowers, it is the most ornamental of the genus. Some half a dozen plants were raised from seed at Kew, about 1896, which are now 20 ft. high, and have flowered for several years past. They do not differ in any respect from ordinary AL. carnea, or from each other, except in the depth of colour in the flowers. This is rather unusual in the progeny of a hybrid. The trunk of this tree frequently becomes diseased when over i ft. in diameter, and covered with ugly eruptions which ultimately decay and disintegrate into a sort of powder. According to Mr Massee, there is no parasitic organism, animal or fungoid, present to cause this disease, which appears to be solely due to the abnormal development and ultimate rupture and death of the cells. Var. BRIOTII. Raised from seed at Trianon in 1858 ; is practically identical with the type, except that it has larger and more finely coloured panicles. Several named varieties are in cultivation besides Briotii, but none so good. One with yellow-margined leaves is called AUREO-MARGINATA ; another, FOLIIS MARGINATIS, is a variegated form with a dark green border to the leaf then an irregular band of yellow, the centre being pale green. Var. PENDULA is described as having pendulous branches a character common in some degree to most old trees. JE. CHINENSIS, Btmge. CHINESE HORSE-CHESTNUT. A tree 80 to 90 ft. high; young shoots smooth or minutely downy; winter buds resinous. Leaves composed of sometimes five, usually seven, leaflets, which are narrow-oblong or obovate, 5 to 8 ins. long, about one-third as much wide, tapering to a fine point, shallowly and evenly toothed, the stalk \ to in. long. Panicle 8 to 14 ins. long, and 2 to 4 ins. wide at the base, narrowing gradually to the top, the basal one-fifth naked. Flowers on smooth stalks, white, \ to | in. across ; petals four ; stamens rather longer than the petals. Fruit truncate or slightly indented at the top, sub-globose, 2 ins. in diameter, rough, but not spiny. Native of N. China, and although known to botanists for over seventy years was only introduced in 1912. It was collected near Pekin by Purdom, 169 and from seeds sent by him to the Arnold Arboretum plants were raised and distributed. It has not yet flowered in England. For many years AL. turbinata was grown on the Continent as AL. chinensis, and even figured under that name, but the true plant is absolutely different. There has recently been described (Plantiz Wilsoniance, i., p. 498) as a new species, the horse-chestnut introduced by Wilson in 1908 from Szechuen and Hupeh, China. It is named AL. WILSONII, Rehder. This tree was at first considered to be JE. chinensis, to which indeed it is very closely allied. It may be distinguished from AL. chinensis as follows : Leaflets longer stalked, not generally so tapered at the base, but rounded or even slightly heart-shaped there; more downy at first beneath (but in both species becoming glabrous); veins more numerous (up to twenty-two pairs), forming at their junction with the midrib a more obtuse angle than in /E. chinensis. Flower-stalks more downy. Fruit ovoid to pear-shaped, with a mucro at the apex, and, according to Rehder, with the husk only half as thick as in JE. chinensis. Seed larger, with the scar (hilum) covering about one-third (one-half in AL. chinensis). AL. Wilsonii has a more southern distribution. Racemes up to 16 ins. long. These two chestnuts, with AL. indica, belong to a distinct section of the genus (CALOTHYRSUS, Koch\ but AL. indica has broader panicles with less crowded, more erect branches, larger flowers, and broader petals. JE. GLABRA, Willdenow. OHIO BUCKEYE. A tree up to 70 ft. high in America, with a trunk over 6 ft. in girth, but usually about half as high ; bark of the trunk rough, and much fissured. Leaves usually composed of five leaflets, which are 3 to 6 ins. long, about one-third as wide ; obovate or oval, with a long, tapering point, sharply toothed ; downy when young, but becoming smooth with age, except along the midrib and chief veins. Flowers about i in. long, greenish yellow, in erect panicles 4 to 7 ins. long, 2 to 3 ins. wide ; petals four ; stamens | in. longer than the petals. Fruit i to 2 ins. long, broadly ovate, distinguished from other American buckeyes by prickles resembling those of common horse-chestnut, but much less prominent. Native of the S.E. and Central United States. This tree is of handsome shape and foliage, but is the least attractive of the genus in its flowers. Often confused with AL. octandra,'it is readily distinguished by its rougher bark, the less downy leaves, the longer outstanding stamens, and the prickly surfaced fruit. It flowers at the end of May and the beginning of June. There are several healthy, small trees at Kew, but none of great size. The largest tree recorded in this country grew until recently at Devonhurst, Chiswick; it was 60 ft. high, and 6 ft. in girth of trunk. 'Var. BUCKLEYI, Sargent (JR. ARGUTA, Buckley), is a form with six or seven leaflets, also distinct in their longer, drawn-out points and their double-toothed margins. It does not reach so far east as the typical AL. glabra, and is found in Kansas, Texas, etc. fiL HlPPOCASTANUM, Linnaus. HORSE-CHESTNUT. A tree reaching over 100 ft. in height, with a rounded, spreading head as much in diameter, and a trunk 15 ft. or more in girth; winter buds very resinous. Leayes composed of five to seven leaflets, which are obovate, from 5 to 12 ins. long, 2 to 5 ins. wide, irregularly toothed, the terminal one the largest ; the upper surface is smooth, the lower one has patches of brown hairs in the axils of the veins, and short hairs thinly scattered over it. Panicles up to 12 ins. high, and 4 ins. through. Flowers with four or five petals, white with a patch of colour at the base, which is at first yellow, then red ; stamens rather 170 ^SCULUS longer than the petals. Fruit spiny, i\ ins. across, containing one, sometimes two, of the well-known lustrous brown nuts. The horse-chestnut is at once the best-known and the most beautiful of flowering trees of the largest size. The stately, spreading form of fully grown trees is appropriately accompanied by noble proportions and handsome shape of leaf, and by large, striking flower-clusters. An English park can afford no finer sight than a group of horse-chestnuts towards the end of May, when every branchlet carries its erect cone of white flowers. The history of the horse-chestnut is interesting. It reached Western Europe by way of Constantinople in 1576, when seeds were sent to the botanist Clusius at Vienna, and it had spread westwards to France and England early in the seventeenth century. For more than two hundred and fifty years its real native country was unknown. N. India was long regarded as its most prob- able home, and Loudon, as late as 1837, suggested N. America. Its real wild habitat is now definitely established as being much nearer home ; namely, in the mountainous, uninhabited wilds of Northern Greece and Albania, where several observers have found it to be undoubtedly indigenous. The economic value of the horse-chestnut is not great. The timber is soft and lacking in strength, and is chiefly employed in the manufacture of kitchen utensils, toys, and other articles for which durability is not of great importance. The nuts are abundantly produced, and are eaten by some animals, notably deer. I have noticed the deer in Bushey Park, at the time the nuts are falling, race eagerly for them as they drop to the ground. Loudon and others suggest various uses for them, but so far as I can learn there is no systematic demand for them. They have such an extraordinary fascination for boys in furnishing the material- for the game of "conkers" (conquerors), that the value of the species as a communal tree is in some districts seriously diminished by their efforts with sticks and stones to bring down the nuts before they naturally fall. The species has produced various forms under cultivation, the best of which is Var. FLORE PLENO, with double flowers. This variety, according to Mr A. N. Baumann, was noticed by him as a sport on a tree of the ordinary type growing in the garden of a Mons. Duval, near Geneva, during the years 1819 to 1822. He sent grafts to his father's famous nursery at Bollwiller, in Alsace, whence it spread into cultivation. Its flowers last longer than those of the type, and as no nuts are formed, the tree escapes the danger of injury just alluded to. For public places it is strongly to be recommended. Other varieties are : Var. CRISPUM. A tree of compact, rather pyramidal habit, with short, broad leaflets. Var. FOLIIS AUREIS VARIEGATIS. Leaves blotched with yellow ; a variety to be avoided. Var. LACINIATA (AL. asplenifolia, Hort.\ An extraordinary curiosity of little beauty, whose leaflets are sometimes nine in number, but often reduced to the mere midrib with jagged remains of blade attached. Var. DIGITATA. Leaflets short, narrow, often reduced to three, of linear shape ; the main-stalk frequently very markedly winged. Var. MEMMINGERI. Leaves pale greenish or greyish, yellow when they first expand. Of no merit. Var. PR^ECOX. A form which breaks into leaf and flower ten to fourteen days in advance of the ordinary form. Where late spring frosts frequently cause damage, this form is to be avoided. There are two large trees at Kew. Var. PYRAMIDALIS. Branches growing upwards at an angle of 45 to the main stem. This would probably be useful as a street tree, and avoid to a large extent the drastic pruning so often practised to keep the ordinary form within bounds. Var. UMBRACULIFERA forms a low, dense, rounded head of branches. A fine example is in the nursery of Messrs Simon-Louis at Metz. JESCULUS 171 IE. INDICA, Colebrookc. INDIAN HORSE-CHESTNUT. (Bot. Mag., t. 5117 ; Pavia indica, Wallich.') A tree attaining a height of over 100 ft. in N. India, often with a short, enormously thick trunk, the bark in old specimens peeling off in long strips ; winter buds resinous. Leaves composed of usually seven leaflets, which are smooth on both surfaces, shining dark green above ; obovate to lanceolate, the central ones much the largest, sometimes 12 ins. long, and 4 ins. wide ; toothed. 172 ^SCULUS Panicles erect, cylindrical, up to 12 or even 16 ins. long, and 4 or 5 ins. wide. Flowers i in. long, white ; petals four, the upper and longer pair with a blotch of yellow and red at the base, the shorter pair flushed with pale rose ; stamens standing out f in. beyond the petals. Fruit rough, but not spiny, 2 to 3 ins. long. Native of the N.W. Himalaya. One of the most magnificent of all temperate trees, and equalling the common horse-chestnut in size and beauty, it is remarkable that this species is so little known in English gardens and parks. Judging by the young trees at Kew, which survived the winter of 1894-95 without injury, and the fine example at Barton in Suffolk, now about 70 ft. high, which has lived there since it was introduced by Colonel H. Bunbury in 1851, the species is perfectly hardy. It is, no doubt, a lover of much moisture and good treatment at the root. Lord Ducie informs me that at Tortworth he tried some young trees in sunny positions, which lived but did not thrive. He then shifted them to a shady valley, where they "grew like willows." At Kew they stand in full sunshine, so their vigour is doubtless due to good conditions at the root. Many seeds have been sent to Kew from N. India, but scarcely any have germinated, owing to their rapid loss of vitality if kept dry. They should.be packed in boxes of moderately moist soil. Good seeds, however, have been produced at Kew, and plants raised from them. This chestnut flowers in June and July, and is, therefore, at least one month later than the common one a great point in its favour. JE. OCTANDRA, Marshall. SWEET BUCKEYE. OE. flava, Aiton.") A tree sometimes 90 ft. high in N. America, with dark brown bark and non-resinous winter buds. Leaflets five or seven to each leaf, obovate or oval, 3 to 7 ins. long, I to 3 ins. wide, finely toothed, downy on the veins above and much more so over the whole under-surface ; the down is frequently reddish brown. Flowers in an erect panicle up to 7 ins. long, 2 to 3 ins. wide, yellow ; petals four ; stamens shorter than and hidden by the petals. Fruit roundish oblique, 2 to 2^ ins. long, smooth, carrying usually two seeds. It flowers in May and June. Native of the S.E. United States ; introduced in 1764. It thrives very well in the south of England, making a handsome round-headed tree. There are several examples in the country 50 to 60 ft. high, and the largest, now nearly 70 ft. high, appears to be at Syon, Middlesex; still it is usually seen under 40 ft. Var. PURPURASCENS, A. Gray (var. hybrida, Sargent], has more downy leaves and purple or red flowers, and is found wild in the Allegheny Mountains. To it and its seedlings belong many of the numerous reddish or purplish chestnuts found in gardens. It is perhaps a natural hybrid between AL. octandra and AL. Pavia ; and as so often happens with hybrids, the seedlings raised from it are very variable in colour, vigour, etc. Many of these have been raised and distributed without their origin being put on record. Some are exceed- ingly beautiful small trees, the flowers being of various shades of purple, red, pink, and yellow. I have seen the following under the name and colour given, but whether they all represent the forms as originally named is doubtful : AL. LYONI, yellow, suffused with pink. AL. MACROCARPA, red and yellow. AL. NEGLECTA, yellowish, veined with red, especially inside. AL. PALLIDA BICOLOR, yellow, with faint pink veins. AL. ROSEA, deep rose. AL. SANGUINEA, scarlet. AL. VERSICOLOR, yellowish, shaded with red. AL. WHITLEYI, rosy outside, deeper red within. - jESCULUS 173 AL. PARVIFLORA, Walter. SHRUBBY PAVIA. DWARF BUCKEYE. (y. macrostachya, Michaux, Bot. Mag., t. 2118 ; Pavia macros!., Loiseleur.') A shrub 8 to 12 ft. high, usually broader than it is high, consisting of a crowd of slender stems, and spreading by means of sucker-growths at the base. Rarely it forms a single trunk, and thus becomes a small tree. Leaves usually consisting of five, but sometimes seven, leaflets ; each leaflet from 3 to 9 ins. long, and ij to 4 ins. wide, obovate, tapering towards both ends, shallowly round-toothed, covered densely beneath with greyish down. Panicles cylindrical, erect, 8 to 12 ins. long, 4 ins. wide from the tips of the stamens. Flowers white ; petals normally four, in. long, the stamens thread-like and pinkish white, standing out fully an inch beyond them ; anthers red. Fruit smooth. Native of the S.E. United States; introduced by John Fraser in 1785. There are few shrubs about which more could be said in favour than this. It flowers freely in late July and August, at a time when few shrubs are in flower. It is of neat,'yet graceful habit, and it has a hardy, vigorous constitution. No better plant could be recommended as a lawn shrub, especially for places that are visited in August such as many pleasure resorts. It rarely ripens seed in this country only during such a season as that of 1911 but can be propagated by division. ^E. PAVIA, Linnaus. RED BUCKEYE. (Pavia rubra, Poiret ; y. humilis, Loddiges, Bot. Reg., t. 1018.) A shrub 8 to 12 ft. or more high, with smooth branches and ncn-resinous buds. Leaves composed of five leaflets, which are 2 to 5 ins. long, lanceolate, obovate or narrowly oblong, slightly downy beneath, especially in the vein- axils ; irregularly, sharply, often doubly toothed. Flowers in panicles 3 to 6 ins. long ; each flower i| ins. long, with the four petals glandular at the margins, which scarcely expand at all ; stamens about the length of the petals. Fruit smooth. Blossoms in early June. Native of the southern United States ; introduced, according to Ailon, in 1711. It is one of the rarest of the genus in gardens, the plants met with under the name being usually hybrids between this species and AL. octandra, var. purpurascens. Nor do I remember ever to have seen it on its own roots ; it is usually grafted as a standard on some other species, when it forms a round- headed, small tree, with its lower branches pendulous. In this state it is sometimes called "Pavia pendula." Its flowers are richly coloured, but owing to the petals keeping closed, do not make so striking a display as they other- wise would. It is less ornamental than some of the hybrid forms discussed under AL. octandra. ^E. PLANTIERENSIS, . Andrt. A hybrid raised in the nursery of Messrs Simon-Louis freres, at Plantieres, near Metz, its parents no doubt ^E. Hippocastanum and L. carnea. The seed came from the former, so that it is (if the generally accepted parentage of fiL. carnea be correct) three-fourths common horse-chestnut and one part the red buckeye (^E. Pavia). It shows the characters of both its parents in the leaf ; the leaflets being stalkless, as in J. Hippocastanum, yet showing the more strongly ridged and uneven surface of y. carnea. In shape and size the panicle is like that of ^. Hippocastanum, but the whole flower is suffused with a charming shade of soft pink, which it inherits from the other parent. In habit and general appearance it is intermediate. It has flowered at Kew for several years past, and I consider is a very beautiful and desirable acquisition. 174 ^SCULUSAILANTHUS It has developed no fruit at Kew, and I understand from Mr Jouin, of Plantieres, that it does not bear seed in the nursery. For public places this is an advantage. M. TURBINATA, Blume. JAPANESE HORSE-CHESTNUT. A tree 80 to TOO ft. high in Japan, and said to have a trunk 20 ft. in girth ; winter buds very resinous. Leaves like those of M Hippocastanum, con- sisting of five to seven stalkless leaflets, but more regularly toothed and tapering more gradually at the apex. On the small plants at Kew they are obovate, and as much as 16 ins. long and 6 ins. wide, the whole leaf with its stalk 27 ins. long. Panicles erect, 4 to 8 ins. high, with a stalk half as long. Flowers f in. across, creamy white, produced two or three weeks later than those of common horse-chestnut. Fruit without spines, but rough ; broadly pear-shaped, 2 ins. wide near the top, tapering to a short, warted stalk. Native of Japan up to 5500 ft. altitude on the main island, also in Yezo. The largest tree in this country, now 25 ft. high, is in the Coombe Wood nursery. It flowered in 1901, which is the only recorded blossoming of the species in England. It is very similar in general appearance to L. Hippocastanum, but hitherto has grown much more slowly. It is distinguishable by the different toothing of the leaf, still more so, of course, by the Pavia-like fruits. Mr Elwes says that the timber of this tree, although lacking strength, often shows a wavy figure, and is used in Japan for house fittings and articles of domestic use. Little can be said of the value of the tree for gardens and parks, but it would seem to be inferior to the common horse-chestnut in all respects except in size of leaf. In that respect it is certainly the most striking of all. Young trees are curiously stiff and sturdy in habit. AILANTHUS. SIMARUBACE^E. A group of tall trees with alternate, pinnate leaves, found in temperate and tropical Asia. The flowers have no beauty, but the samaroid fruits are often richly coloured, and add much to the attractiveness of trees already very attractive in their fine, handsomely divided foliage. The two species in cultivation thrive best in a rich, deep soil, and can be propagated by suckers from the root, by root-suckers, and by grafting. A. GLANDULOSA, Desfontaines. TREE OF HEAVEN. A large, deciduous, often unisexual tree, frequently 50 to 70 ft., rarely 100 ft. high, with a trunk 2 to 3 ft. in diameter, and a rounded head of branches. The older bark is marked with numerous grey fissures. Leaves pinnate, from i to i^ ft. long on adult trees (often twice as large on young ones), composed of fifteen to over thirty leaflets, unpleasant smelling. Leaflets usually 3 to 6 ins. long, ovate, pointed, often slightly heart-shaped at the base; the margin entire except for one to three teeth on both sides near the base, each marked with a conspicuous gland ; stalks j to $ in. long. Flowers in terminal panicles, with male and female flowers as a rule on separate trees (but not always) ; greenish, the male ones evil-smelling. The fruit consists of one to three, sometimes five, keys like those of the ash, several hundreds of which are borne on large branching panicles 9 to 12 ins. high and through. Each key (samara) is about ij ins. long, \ in. wide, flat, thin, narrow-oblong, tapering towards both ends, with one seed in the centre. The keys are reddish brown, and a tree in full fruit is handsome. They have a peculiar twist at each end, which causes them to AILANTHUS AKEBIA 175 revolve with great rapidity as they fall. They are thus much longer reaching the ground, and in even a slight movement of the air will be carried a considerable distance. This is no doubt a provision to help in the dissemina- tion of the seeds. Native of N. China ; introduced by Peter Collinson in 1751. It is hardy over most parts of the British Isles, but apparently succeeds best in the south of England. Few trees thrive so well in towns, but for planting there female trees should alone be used, owing to the objectionable odour of the male when in flower. For this purpose, the tree should be increased by root-cuttings taken from a female tree, as the sex of seedling plants cannot be determined until they are too big to transplant. Among pinnate-leaved trees of similar character, the Ailanthus is easily recognised by the glandular teeth near the base of the leaflets. The generic name is derived from "Ailanto," the native name for A. moluccana, signifying a tree tall enough to reach the skies. Hence also the popular name of "Tree of Heaven." It is very effectively used as a fine-foliaged plant in summer by cutting young trees back to the ground in spring, and reducing the young shoots to one. Treated in this way, and given good soil, leaves 4 ft. long are produced. The only variety worth mentioning is Var. PENDULIFOLIA (not " pendula "). This has its branches as erect as the type, but the leaves, which are more than ordinarily long, hang downwards, rather than stand out horizontally as in the type. A. VlLMORINIANA, Dode. A tree probably of the same dimensions and general aspect as A. glanclulosa, but distinguished by the numerous soft spines which clothe the young branchlets. Leaves pinnate, as large, or probably larger, than those of the previous species, and very downy; the main stalk often of a rich red, and occasionally spiny like the branchlet. The inflorescence is sometimes 12 ins. or more across, and the keys 2 ins. long, with the twist resembling the propellers of an aeroplane even more marked. From this description it will be seen that this species, although similar to A. glandulosa in many respects (it has the same glandular teeth at the base of the leaflets), is on the whole quite distinct, especially in the spiny branchlets and very downy leaflets. Native of Szechuen, W. China, whence seeds were sent to Mr Maurice de Vilmorin by Pere Farges, the missionary, in 1897. The parent tree of all chose in Europe is in Mr de VilmorLn's grounds at Les Barres, in France, where, when I saw it ten years ago, it had the spiny character of the branches well marked, but during a recent visit I noticed the young shoots were becoming less spiny. It has been propagated by grafting on A. glandulosa. AKEBIA. BERBERIDACE.E. A small genus of climbing shrubs belonging to the Lardizabaleae section of the Barberry family. They produce male and female flowers on the same raceme ; the former small, numerous ; the latter few, large, and confined to the base. Neither is showy, for petals are absent, and the attractive part is three large sepals. The fruit is large and highly coloured, but not regularly produced in the British Isles. The two hardy species are attractive for their free growth and elegant foliage, and are useful for clothing pergolas, pillars, summer-houses, or for rambling over other shrubs or trees. They need but little training or tying, and the 176 AKEBIA stems will fix themselves by twining round any wire, small branch, etc., with which they may come in contact. Their chief need in cultivation, after the provision of a suitable support, is a good loamy soil. They can be propagated by layers and by cuttings of the stems and roots. Layering is the least troublesome. Cuttings should be made from wood just getting firm, and placed in gentle heat. "Akebia" is an adaptation of the Japanese name for these shrubs. A. LOBATA, Decaisne. (Bot. Mag., t. 7485.) A deciduous, twining shrub of vigorous habit. Leaves smooth, composed of three stalked leaflets, the stalk of the terminal one thrice the length of those of the lateral ones. Leaflets broadly ovate, i| to 4 ins. long, the margins irregularly and shallowly lobed, the apex notched. Male and female flowers are borne on the same raceme, which is more or less pendulous and 3 to 5 ins. long. Male flowers small, very numerous, \ in. diameter, pale purple, and confined to the terminal part of the raceme. Female flowers basal and much larger, usually two in number, each about f in. in diameter, the three concave sepals being dark lurid purple. Fruit at first is a sausage-shaped body, 3 ins. long and i^ ins. wide, pale violet ; but when ripe it splits open from the base, revealing rows of black seeds imbedded in white pulp. This remarkable and interesting climber was introduced to Kew in 1897, being a native of China and Japan. It has proved to be perfectly hardy and a luxuriant grower, but flowering as it does early in April, its blossoms are often destroyed by frost, and its remarkable and highly coloured fruits in consequence not often seen out-of-doors. A. QUINATA, Decaisne. (Bot. Mag., t. 4864.) ' A twining shrub, 30 to 40 ft. in length, evergreen in mild winters and in warm localities, but losing its leaves where the conditions are more severe. Leaves with slender stalks 3 to 5 ins. long, carrying normally five (sometimes three or four) radially arranged leaflets. Leaflets smooth, oblong or obovate, distinctly notched at the apex, i^ to 3 ins. long, with stalks about \ in. long. Flowers produced on slender, pendent racemes, very fragrant ; males in. across, with pale purple, reflexed sepals, and occupying the terminal part of the raceme ; females (usually two) i to i^ ins. across, dark chocolate purple, the sepals broadly elliptical and concave. Fruit 2j to 3 ins. long, in shape like a thick sausage, greyish violet or purplish in colour, containing numerous seeds immersed in white pulp. First introduced in 1845 from the Island of Chusan by Robt. Fortune, this climber has since been found to be native also of Japan, China, and Corea. It is perfectly hardy in a sheltered dell at Kew, but does not develop its handsome fruit out-of-doors. In the south-western counties it succeeds admirably, and is valued for the charming, spicy fragrance of its flowers, at times perceptible yards away from the plant, although even there the fruit is never abundantly borne. It has been produced in the garden of the late Mr Pember, yicars Hill, Lymington, among other places. The plant is extremely luxuriant in gardens at Pallanza, on the shores of Lake Maggiore. ALANGIUM ALBIZZIA 177 ALANGIUM TLATANIFOLIUM, Harms. ALANGIACE^:. (Marlea platanifolia, Siebold.") A deciduous shrub, 6 ft. or more high, with erect, zigzagged, but not much branched stems ; branches very pithy and slightly downy ; winter buds hairy. Leaves alternate, roundish, or broadly ovate in main out- line, 4 to 8 ins. long, nearly as wide, with two to seven (usually three or five) large pointed lobes towards the apex ; upper surface dark green, and smooth except for scattered hairs ; lower surface covered with pale down ; stalk i to 3 ins. long. Flowers white, the petals linear, forming a slender tube i to i^ ins. long; produced during June and July in a one- to four- flowered cyme from the leaf-axils of the current year's shoots; flower- stalks i to 2 ins. long. Fruit thin-shelled, ovate, J in. long, with the calyx persisting at the top. Native of Japan, whence it was introduced by Maries for Messrs Veitch about 1879. It is also a native of China, where it was found in Hupeh by Henry. This shrub must be regarded more as a curiosity than as an ornament in gardens, although the large maple-like leaves are handsome. It is hardy at Kew, although its soft pithy shoots are sometimes cut back by severe winter cold. Although allied to Cornus, it has a very different aspect, and is, indeed, quite distinct from any other hardy shrub we cultivate. Its old generic name of Marlea is an adapta- tion of a native name for an Indian species, but it has recently been removed from that genus and the natural order Cornaceae, and given the name here adopted. ALBIZZIA JULIBRISSIN, Durrazo. PINK SlRlS. LEGUMINOS^:. (Acacia Julibrissin, Willdenow.') A deciduous tree 30 to 40 ft. high, with smooth branchlets. Leaves doubly pinnate, with from six to twelve pairs of main divisions (pinnae), each of which consists of twenty to thirty pairs of leaflets ; the entire leaf being 9 to 18 ins. long, half as wide. Each leaflet is J to \ in. long, i in. wide, oblong, with a curious one-sided appearance, due to" the blade developing only on the lower side of the midrib. Flowers in a terminal cluster of dense heads each terminating a stalk i to 2 ins. long, the chief feature of the flower being the numerous thread-like rosy purple stamens, i in. or more long, which give the flower-head the appearance of a brush. Pod about 5 ins. long, f in. wide, constricted between the seeds. Native of the Orient, whence it was introduced in 1745 ; also common, cultivated or wild, in China and many other countries. It is now very well known in gardens in its juvenile state as an ornamental plant for sub- tropical bedding. For this purpose seeds are sown in heat in spring in pots, and the plants gradually hardened off by the end of May, then planted out in good soil. When the frosts come they are either destroyed, or potted up and housed in a cool greenhouse until the following spring. M 178 ALBIZZIA ALNUS The species is not hardy at Kew in the open, but grows very well on a lofty wall, where its large, beautifully divided leaves give a very pleasing effect in the height of summer. In such a spot it is well to plant some other climber, preferably evergreen, to grow over the lower part of the wall beneath the Albizzia, which grows quickly in its younger stages and leaves its base naked. ALNUS. ALDERS. BETULACE^:. The alders are deciduous trees and shrubs closely allied to, and only likely to be confounded with, the birches (Betula). Leaves with stipules, alternate, more or less toothed in all the cultivated species. Winter buds nearly always stalked. Male and female flowers borne on the same tree but on separate catkins. Male catkins long and slender, usually in clusters of two to six; the flowers small, with a four-lobed calyx, no petals, and usually four (sometimes one to three) stamens. Female catkins shorter, clustered, or rarely solitary, developing into woody, cone- like fruits, known as strobiles, ^ to over i- in. long. The seed is a minute, flattened nutlet, often with thin membranous wings at the sides. With the exception of two species A. maritima and A. nitida which flower in autumn, the cultivated alders form their catkins in the late summer and autumn ; these expand the following spring, either very early before the leaf-buds begin to grow, or along with the leaves; the fruits develop during the summer and persist until the succeeding spring. From the alders the birches are distinguished by the fruits being longer, not woody, and falling to pieces (those of the alders falling whole), and the flowers of birches have never more than two stamens. In gardens and parks the alders are chiefly valuable for growing in wet situations unsuited to the majority of trees. Some, however, such as A. japonica, nitida, and firma, succeed quite well in ordinary good soil. All are best propagated by seed except the garden varieties, which may be grafted on their respective types, or, better still, rooted from cuttings made as soon as the leaves fall, and put in sandy soil, as willow or poplar cuttings are compared with which, however, they do not strike root so readily. The following is a selection of the best worth growing, irrespective of their use in damp places: Cordifolia, firma, nitida, oregona ; glutinosa var. imperialis and var. incisa ; incana var. incisa and var. ramulis coccineis. A. BARBATA, C. A. Meyer. (A. glutinosa var. barbata, Ledebour.*) A tree nearly related to A. glutinosa, and with the same general aspect, but quite distinct in the very downy shoots. Leaves oval or ovate, rounded at the base and either rounded or pointed at the apex, doubly toothed ; 2 to 3^ ins. long, i^ to i\ ins. wide ; dark glossy green above, downy beneath, especially on the veins and midrib ; veins in eight to ten pairs ; stalks \ to f in. long, downy. Native of the Caucasus, uncommon in cultivation, but represented by a tree on the east side of the lake at Kew, now 20 ft. high. It is sometimes ALN 7 US 179 regarded as a variety of A glufrinosa, differing chiefly in the hairy shoots and leaves, and in the often pointed apex of the latter. Flowers and fruit the same. A. CORDIFOLIA, Tenore. ITALIAN ALDER. (A. cordata, Desfontaines.") A tree 80 ft. high, of pyramidal habit ; young shoots smooth, angled ; winter buds stalked. Leaves roundish to broadly ovate, usually deeply notched at the base, shortly and abruptly pointed or rounded at the apex, i^ to 4 ins. long, from three-fourths to as much wide ; finely and simply toothed ; upper surface smooth, dark lustrous green ; lower one paler and also smooth, except for tufts of brownish down in the vein-axils ; leaf-stalk slender, \ to ij ins. long, smooth. Male catkins three to six, in a terminal zigzag raceme," each catkin 2 to 3 ins. long, expanding in March. Fruit erect, egg-shaped, i to i J ins. long and to f in. wide, mostly in threes. ALNCS CORDIFOLIA. Native of Corsica and S. Italy; said to have been introduced in 1820. Undoubtedly one of the handsomest of the alders, this tree is not planted enough. Although it thrives on poor and dryish soil it is more at home near water, as a fine pyramidal tree over 70 ft. high on the banks of the pond at Kew shows. Its deeply heart-shaped, glistening leaves and large fruits (larger than' those of any other species in cultivation) make it very distinct. From A. subcordata it is distinguished by its shorter male catkins, and by several other points mentioned under that species. A. CREMASTOGYNE, Burkill. A tree 40 to 80 ft. high, according to Wilson ; young shoots soon becoming smooth. Leaves usually distinctly obovate, sometimes nearly oval, tapered or somewhat rounded at the base, and shortly and abruptly pointed ; margins set with small teeth ; 2^ to 5^ ins. long, i| to 3 ins. wide ; dark lustrous green, and smooth above, paler beneath, with tufts of brown hairs in the vein-axils; veins 180 ALNUS in nine or ten pairs ; stalk i to f in. long. Male catkins not yet seen. Fruits solitary, on axillary stalks if to 2j ins. long ; oval, about f in. long, in. wide ; seed with a broad thin wing. Native of W. China ; discovered by Henry in Szechuen, in 1899 ; introduced by Wilson in 1907. This species is very distinct from all other cultivated alders except A. lanata in its solitary, long-stalked fruits. The foliage, too, is distinct in its large size and dark, smooth, glossy green appearance. We know little of its garden value or real hardiness as yet, but it grows at 4000 ft. altitude. A. LANATA, Duthie^ is another alder found in W. China by Wilson, also with solitary fruits. It may be no more than a form of A. cremastogyne, but is easily recognised, especially when the foliage is young, by the dense brown woolly covering of the under-surface of the leaves, leaf-stalks, flower-stalks, and young shoots. Male catkins 2 to 3 ins. long. Fruits as in A. cremastogyne. A. ELLIPTICA, Requien. HYBRID ALDER. A natural hybrid, between A. glutinosa and A. cordifolia, found in Corsica, on the banks of the river Salenzana, near its mouth. Leaves oval to roundish, i to 3 ins. long, I to 2-| ins. wide ; rounded at the apex, rounded or broadly wedge-shaped at the base, finely toothed ; glossy dark green above, smooth except for tufts of down in the vein-axils beneath. Male catkins slender, 3 to 4 ins. long. Fruits f to I in. long, ^ in. wide. There is a tree over 70 ft. high on the banks of the lake at Kew, but its origin is unknown. It was grown as "A. cordifolia var." until identified with the above by Prof. Henry. It is quite possible this particular tree may have originated as a hybrid under cultivation. It leans more to A. cordifolia than the other parent, but the leaves are never heart-shaped at the base, and rarely pointed ; the fruits are not so large and broad, and the male catkins are longer. A. FIRM A, Siebold. A small tree, up to 30 ft. high, of graceful habit, with long slender branches downy when young ; winter buds -not stalked. Leaves resembling those of a hornbeam, ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, rounded or wedge-shaped at the base, more or less, slender-pointed, finely toothed (often doubly so), 2 to 4^ ins. long, i to 2 ins. wide, with many parallel veins ; upper surface with flattened hairs between the veins, lower one downy, especially on the midrib and veins ; stalk hairy, \ in. to f in. long. Male catkins often solitary or in pairs, 2 to 3 ins. long, opening in March and April. Stalk of female inflorescence glandular- hairy. Fruits | to i in. long, oval. Native of Japan; probably introduced by John Gould Veitch about 1862. Remarkably distinct from all other alders in the numerous, closely set, con- spicuous nerves, this is a very graceful tree as well. It appears to be common in Japan, where, Sargent observes, it is largely planted on the margins of the rice fields of Tokyo to afford " support for the poles on which the freshly cut rice is hung to dry." Although well marked from other species, it varies in itself, and three forms are distinguished, which by some authorities are regarded as distinct species. They are as follows : Var. MULTINERVIS, Regel (A. multinervis, C. K. Schneider}. Leaves long, with eighteen to twenty-four pairs of veins, conspicuously double-toothed ; stalks short, \ to \ in. long ; fruits small, pendulous, little more than \ in. long. This is the form originally introduced to Britain. Var. YASHA, Winkler (A. Yasha, Matsumura).Lza.vzs shorter, simple- toothed or not conspicuously double-toothed ; veins in ten to sixteen pairs ; stalks to f in. long. Fruits larger, f in. long, and broader in proportion. This was introduced to Kew in 1893. ALNUS 181 Var. SlEBOLDlANA, Winkler (A. Sieboldiana, Matsumura\ This, which is not in cultivation, has smooth young shoots, and large solitary fruits I in. long. A. GLUTINOSA, Gaertner. COMMON ALDR. A tree 50 to 90 ft. in height, with a trunk 5 to 12 ft. in girth, of narrow, pyramidal habit ; young shoots covered with minute glands, glutinous, not downy. Leaves broadly obovate, sometimes almost round, the base always more or less tapered, the apex rounded, and thus giving the leaf a pear-shaped outline ; l to 4 ins. long, two -thirds to about as much wide ; irregularly toothed except near the base ; dark lustrous green, smooth and glutinous above ; pale green and with tufts of down in the vein-axils beneath ; veins in six to eight pairs ; stalk \t to i in. long. Male catkins opening in March, usually three to five together, each 2 to 4 ins. long. Fruit egg-shaped, to in. long, rather numerous in the cluster. Native of Europe (including Britain), W. Asia, and N. Africa. The common alder has not much to recommend its being brought into the garden. It is abundant in a wild state, and the genus can be more effectively represented in gardens by selected varieties and such species as A. cordifolia and A. nitida. It is, at the same time, a very useful tree for planting in boggy places where few trees would thrive. The timber is chiefly employed in the manufacture of the clogs so commonly used in the Lancashire mill towns. An ancient and humble, but honourable form of woodcraft is carried on where alders abound, especially in the north, by men who travel from place to place, purchase the alder trees standing, fell them, then cut up the timber and roughly shape it on the spot for clog-making. But, some years ago, in the south-west of Scotland, I was told by one of these itinerant workers, that the supply of alder scarcely kept pace with the demand, and that birch was now largely being used. Var. AUREA, Dippel. Leaves golden yellow. Raised in Vervaene's nursery, Ledeberg-les-Gand, about 1860. Not so vigorous as the type. Var. IMPERIALIS, Petzold. Leaves deeply and pinnately lobed, the lobes lanceolate, slender, pointed, not toothed, reaching more than half-way to the midrib ; stalks I to i^ ins. long. Often a thin, rather ungainly tree, never of great size. Var. INCISA, Willdenow (var. oxyacanthsefolia, Loddiges). Thorn-leaved Alder. A curious and interesting form, the leaves being small, usually less than i in. long, reflexed, deeply cut into several broad, toothed lobes, or even right to the midrib at the base. As a rule this grows slowly, and long remains a dwarf, compact bush ; but Messrs Elwes and Henry mention one at Barton, near Bury St Edmunds, 44 ft. high and 2 ft. 8 ins. in girth. Var. LACINIATA, Willdenow. Similar to imperialis, but not so deeply and narrdwly lobed ; lobes not topthed. There is a fine specimen at Syon, mentioned by Loudon over seventy years ago, now over 70 ft. high, and 1 1 ft. in girth. Var. PYRAMID ALIS, Dippel. Branches erect. Var. QUERCIFOLIA, Willdenow. Upper part of the leaf with triangular, toothed lobes, the deepest not. reaching more than one-third of the way to the midrib. Var. RUBRINERVIA, Dippel. Leaves with red veins and stalks. Var. SORBIFOLIA, Dippel. Leaves oblong or oval, deeply cut into about six pairs of lobes, which are oblong and coarsely round-toothed, the sinuses often widest at the base. One of the most distinct of the cut-leaved sorts. The tree itself is not a strong grower, and is of rather lax habit. A. PUBESCENS, Tausch, is a hybrid between A. glutinosa and A. incana, with leaves oval, obovate or ovate, rounded or tapering at the base, and pointed or blunt at the apex ; margins doubly toothed ; the upper surface is at first downy, the lower one permanently and more downy. Flower-stalks and 182 ALNUS young shoots downy. This hybrid (also known as A. badensis and A. spuria) is intermediate between the parents. Probably of more than one independent origin, being found wild in several parts of Europe. A. INCANA, Moench. GREY ALDER. A tree 60 to 70 ft. high, with a trunk occasionally 6 ft. in girth ; young shoots covered with a short, grey down. Leaves ovate, oval, or occasionally obovate, rounded or wedge-shaped at the base, and with short, abrupt points ; 2 to 4 ins. long, i \ to 2^ ins. wide ; the margins with six or more coarse teeth about the middle, these again being sharply toothed, the base entire ; upper surface dull green covered with flattened down when young, lower surface grey with a close down ; veins in nine to twelve pairs ; stalk ^ to in. long, covered with minute down. Male catkins 2 to 4 ins. long, usually three or four in a cluster, opening in February. Fruits ovoid, numerous, and rather densely clustered, \ to f in. long. Native of Europe and the Caucasus, not of Britain, but introduced in 1780 ; also found in Eastern N. America. This alder is an exceptionally hardy tree, and useful for planting in cold, wet places. With the exception of A. glutinosa, it is the commonest of alders, but is more frequently represented in gardens by the various cut-leaved and coloured forms than by the type. From A. glutinosa in all its forms it is most obviously distinguished by the grey downy leaves and young shoots. The typical A. glutinosa is, of course, very distinct in the obovate, round-ended leaves, green, and almost smooth beneath. The North American form of A. incana, known there as the "speckled alder," is a shrub or small tree under 20 ft. in height, its leaves glaucous to rusty red beneath. Var. AUREA, Schelle. Young shoots and leaves yellow, the colour lasting through the summer. Var. GLAUCA, RegeL Leaves blue-green beneath, becoming almost smooth there as the season advances. Var. INCISA. The handsomest of cut-leaved alders, the blade being pinnately divided into six to eight pairs of narrow, lanceolate, toothed lobes, reaching two-thirds or more of the way to the midrib. Sold in nurseries as "var. laciniata" and " var. pinnatifida." yar. MONSTROSA is a bushy-headed, small tree, with broad, flattened, fasciated growths. Merely a curiosity. Var. ORBICULARIS, Callier. Leaves round-oval, under 2 ins. in length ; veins in about five pairs. Native of Silesia. Var. PENDULA. Branches weeping. Var. RAMULIS COCCINEIS. A pretty tree in early spring, the twigs being reddish, the bud and catkin scales distinctly red. A. JAPONICA, Siebold. JAPANESE ALDER. A pyramidal tree, from 60 to 80 ft. high ; young shoots smooth, or downy towards the base ; buds stalked. Leaves lanceolate to narrowly ovate or oval, tapered at both ends, usually more slenderly at the apex ; 2 to 5 ins. long, I to 2 ins. wide, finely toothed, smooth, dark glossy green ; stalks downy, \ to I in. long. Male catkins opening in February or March, according to the warmth of the season, and produced in a terminal cluster of four to eight ; each catkin erect, 2 to 3^- ins. long. Fruits oval, f in. long. Native of Japan, the true date of whose introduction is not recorded. Plants obtained from Lee's nursery had already reached the fruiting state at Kew in 1880. It is considered to have some relationship with the North American A. maritima, and has been regarded as a variety of it, but in the field it is quite distinct. It grows more than twice as high, has narrower, ALNUS 183 long-pointed leaves ; and more than all, its habit of flowering in spring distinguishes it. 4 A. SP^ETHII, Callier, is a hybrid between japonica and subcordata, and was sent out by Spath of Berlin in 1908. A. MARITIMA, NuttalL SEASIDE ALDER. A small tree, occasionally up to 30 ft. high, with a trunk i to \\ ft. in girth, but, according to Sargent, more often a shrub ; young shoots at first downy, becoming smooth later. Leaves obovate, sometimes oval or ovate, 2 to 4 ins. long, \\ to 2^ ins. wide ; wedge-shaped at the base, with short, broad points, the margins set with small, gland-tipped teeth ; upper surface dark glossy green, smooth ; lower one dull, smooth, or with tufts of down in the vein-axils ; stalks slightly downy, \ to | in. long. Male flowers expanding in autumn on rough-stalked catkins i to i\ ins. long, formed the same summer in the uppermost leaf-axils. Female catkins about \ in. long at the time of fertilisation, expanding and ripening the following year into egg-shaped fruits to f in. long. Native of Delaware and Maryland ; usually found near water. It was raised from seed sent by Prof. Sargent to Kew in 1878, and a tree by the lake side succeeded well until 1895, when it succumbed apparently to the great frosts of February of that year, the effect of which, no doubt, had been heightened by the low, wet situation in which it grew. Reintroduced in 1899, and already producing fruit freely. Its habit of flowering in autumn distinguishes this species from all other cultivated alders except A. nitida a very different tree in other respects. A. NITIDA, Endlicher. HIMALAYAN ALDER. (Bot. Mag., t. 7654.) A tall tree, said to become 100 ft. high in its native place, with a trunk 10 to 15 ft. in girth ; bark of trunk blackish and ultimately scaling ; young twigs with a little loose down at first, soon quite smooth. Leaves thin-textured, ovate to oval, 3 to 6 ins. long, 2 to 3 ins. wide, rounded or broadly wedge-shaped at the base, slender-pointed, coarsely toothed to almost entire ; shining-green above, le beneath, and smooth except for tufts of down in the vein-axils ; stalks to i in. long, slightly downy. Male catkins opening in September, and produced as many as five together in a raceme, each catkin 4 to 6 ins. long, | in. in diameter, and pendulous. Fruits three to five together, erect, oblong, | to i^ ins. long. Native of the N.W. Himalaya ; introduced thence to Kew in 1882 through seed sent by Mr R. E. Ellis. The trees then raised have succeeded very well, and are now 40 to 50 ft. high, with trunks about 3 ft. in girth. Judging by these, it would appear desirable to introduce this tree in quantity and try it under forest conditions for moist places. It is at once distinguished from all other alders except maritima (q.v.} by flowering in autumn, and from that species by its large, handsome, shining leaves. The quadrangular scales on the bark are not developed on young trees. A. OREGONA, NuttalL OREGON ALDER. (A. rubra, Bongard.*) A tree usually 40 to 50 ft., sometimes 80 ft. high (Sargent), with a trunk ^ ft. 6 ins. in diameter, and a narrow pyramidal head of rather pendulous branches ; young shoots angled, not downy ; winter buds stalked, resinous. Leaves ovate 184 ALNUS or oval, 3 to 6 ins. long, 2 to 4 ins. wide, rounded or broadly wedge-shaped at the base, pointed, the margins decurved and with numerous small lobes or large teeth, each again unequally toothed ; nerves parallel, reddish, ten to fifteen pairs ; upper surface dark green, lower one pale or greyish, covered at first with down which mostly falls away except on the nerves ; stalk ^ to I in. long. Male catkins 4 to 6 ins. long, J in. wide, usually three to five in a cluster. Fruits I to | in. long, barrel-shaped^ three to six together. Native of Western N. America from Alaska, to California ; introduced sometime previous to 1880, since when it has been grown at Kew. It is a hand- some and striking alder, both when in flower in March and when in full foliage later. Jepson observes that in some parts of California it forms " pure groves of great beauty in bottom lands near the sea." A. RHOMBIFOLIA, Nuttall. WHITE ALDER. A tree 30 to 100 ft. high; forming a thin, spreading, round-topped head of branches, pendulous at the ends : young branches at first covered with pale hairs which soon fall away. Leaves ovate, oval, or rounded, ordinarily 2 to 4 ins. long, about two-thirds as wide ; usually pointed (sometimes rounded) at the apex, tapered at the base, unevenly or doubly toothed ; dark shining green (but at first very hairy) above ; paler, yellowish, and permanently downy beneath. Male catkins two to seven in a cluster, opening on the naked shoots early in spring, each catkin 3 to 5 ins. long ; stamens two, rarely three. Fruits \ to | in. long, three to seven together. Native of Western N. America. The leaves occasionally approach the diamond shape indicated by the name, and' on vigorous shoots are up to 5 ins. long. According to Jepson, this alder keeps to streams which do not run dry, forming files of trees in mountain gorges which are "to the traveller a reliable sign of water." It is very rare in cultivation, the plant supplied for it in this country and on the Continent being, as a rule, A. oregona. A. SERRULATA, Willdenow. SMOOTH ALDER. (A. rugosa, C. Koch?) A shrub, sometimes a small tree 30 to 40 ft. high ; young twigs slightly downy and viscid. Leaves obovate (sometimes oval), rounded or pointed at the apex, always tapered at the base ; minutely, often unevenly toothed ; i^ to 4 ins. long, one-half as much or more wide, smooth above, downy to nearly smooth beneath ; stalk to f in. long. Male catkins up to 4 ins. long, appear- ing in spring before the leaves. Fruit oval, f in. long. Native of the eastern United States, from Maine to Florida ; introduced in 1769. From A. lincana this is distinguished by the more tapered (never rounded) base to the leaf, which is green on both sides, and usually broadest above the middle ; and from its fellow American shrubby species, A. viridis, by flowering on the naked wood before the leaf-buds move, and by the very finely toothed leaves. A very hardy shrub, but of no particular merit for gardens. A. SITCHENSIS, Sargent. SITKA ALDER. This tree is a native of Western N. America, from the borders of the Arctic Ocean to Oregon. It was introduced in 1903 to Kew by Professor Sargent, who describes it as a tree sometimes 40 ft. high, with a trunk 2 ft. in girth, forming a narrow head of short and nearly horizontal branches ; but some- times a mere shrub, and forming thickets ; young shoots finely downy at first, and very glandular. Leaves ovate, 3 to 6 ins. long, i-| to 4 ins. wide, rounded or broadly wedge-shaped at the base, pointed, doubly toothed ; light green ALNUS 185 above, pale, very lustrous green beneath ; smooth or with hairs along the midrib, and tufts in the vein-axils ; viscid when young ; stalk stout, grooved, to | in. long. Male catkins 4 to 5 ins. long. Sargent distinguishes this species among American arborescent alders by the flowers opening with or after the leaves, by the female catkins being enclosed during the winter, and by the lustrous under-surface of the leaves. It is the Western American representative of A. viridis. A. SUBCORDATA, C. A. Meyer. CAUCASIAN ALDER. A tree up to 60 ft. high ; young shoots downy, angled toward the end ; buds stalked. Leaves ovate or oval, with a rounded or slightly heart-shaped base, and a short, abrupt point ; 3 to 6 ins. long, 2 to 4 ins. wide ; irregularly and often doubly toothed towards the apex, more finely so towards the base ; dark green and almost smooth above, paler and downy beneath, especially along the midrib and veins ; primary veins in eight to ten pairs ; stalk f to over i in. long, downy. Male catkins in clusters of four or five, very slender, up to 6 ins. long, expanding sometimes as early as December. Fruits f to \\ ins. long, nodding, solitary up to as many as five together. Native of the Caucasus and Persia ; introduced, according to Loudon, in 1838, and raised that year from seed in the Birmingham Botanic Garden. It is a handsome, fine-foliaged alder, retaining its leaves until the end of November. There is a specimen over 50 ft. high on the banks of the lake at Kew. A. cordifolia is the only other species with which it is likely to be confused, but that differs markedly in its smooth shoots, its less downy, simply toothed, deeply cordate leaves, and larger fruits. A. TENUIFOLIA, Nuttall. A shrub or tree, up to 30 ft. high, with a trunk i| to 2 ft. in girth ; young shoots red, and covered at first with a fine down, smooth by autumn ; buds stalked, downy. Leaves oval or ovate, 2 to 4 ins. long, two-thirds as wide, rounded or slightly heart-shaped at the base, pointed ; veins in about ten pairs, each vein ending at the point of a toothed lobe ; dark green above, with down on the midrib and nerves ; paler green and more or less downy beneath; stalk \ to i in. long, downy. ' Male catkins expanding in March in clusters of three or four, each \\ to i\ ins. long. Fruits narrowly egg-shaped, ^ to f in. long, three to five in a cluster. Native of Western N. America, from British Columbia to California. It is, perhaps, most nearly allied to A. oregona, but the leaves are not greyish beneath, the male catkins are shorter, and the fruits smaller. According to Sargent, the wing of the seed in A. tenuifolia is reduced to a narrow border, whilst it is broad in A. oregona. Var. OCCIDENTAL^, Callier (A. occidentalis, Dteck). This distinct variety was introduced to Europe by Mr A. Purpus, and first cultivated at Zoeschen in Germany by Dr Dieck, from whom it came to Kew in 1889. The leaves are larger than in the type, and on young trees very large ; at Kew they have been 7 ins. long by 5 ins. wide, and I have leaves from a tree in Sir Archibald Buchan - Hepburn's garden at Smeaton, N.B., even broader. Veins in ten to twelve pairs, the entire under-surface at first downy. Fruits f to f in. long. Native of British Columbia and Oregon. A. VIRIDIS, De Candolle. GREEN ALDER. (A. alnobetula, Koch ; A. crispa, Pursh.') A shrub 3 to 10 ft. high, forming a cluster of erect stems ; young branchlets viscid and usually smooth. Leaves viscid, ovate, or roundish oval, i to 3^ ins. 186 ALNUS AMELANCHIER long, f to 3 ins. wide, unevenly and sharply toothed, rounded or broadly wedge-shaped at the base, mostly abruptly pointed ; dark green and smooth above, green and downy on the midrib and veins beneath ; stalk about ^ in. long. Male catkins opening in April and May with the leaves, 2 to 3 ins. long. Fruits f in. long, oval, slender-stalked, borne in loose racemes. Native of Europe, N. America, and N. China ; usually wild in mountainous regions. The American plant was introduced in 1782 (as "Betula crispa") ; the European one, according to Loudon, in 1820. It is a vigorous and exceptionally hardy shrub, of no special ornamental value, but useful for furnishing cold, damp spots. Var. MOLLIS, Beck) has both surfaces of the leaves and the young shoots covered with grey down. Var. PARVIFOLIA, Dippel (A. brembana, Rota). A curiously dwarfed mountain state of A. viridis, growing I or 2 ft. high, and forming little close mounds. Adult plants have leaves ^ to I in. long. This dwarfed condition, however, is merely due to the climate under which it exists. A plant intro- duced to Kew twenty years ago gradually lost its dwarf character, and is now no longer distinguishable fiom ordinary A. viridis. Found on the Swiss Alps, etc. AMELANCHIER. ROSACES A genus of shrubs and small trees found wild in Europe, Asia, and most abundantly in N. America. The name is an adaptation of "amelancier," an old name for A. vulgaris in Savoy. The species are all deciduous, and have alternate, simple leaves, white flowers, and small black or purplish fruits, globose, or pear-shaped, and containing five or ten seeds. The attractions of the Amelanchiers are in the pure whiteness and abundance of the flowers, their graceful form, and in the fine shades ofVed, and sometimes yellow, the leaves assume before they fall. Although a compact small genus, there is considerable difficulty in distinguishing the American kinds, owing to the existence of forms intermediate between, or slightly differing from, the recognised types. Their cultivation is easy, as they will thrive in any soil that is not too dry and poor on the one hand, or water-logged on the other. They may be raised from seed, by layers, or by division. The practice of grafting them on the hawthorn, more common in Britain once than it is now, but still usual on the Continent, should be strictly avoided. A. ALNIFOLIA, Nuttall. WESTERN SHAD BUSH. (Garden and Forest, 1888, p. 185.) A small tree, up to 20 or 25 ft. high, of erect-branching habit, sometimes a shrub ; branchlets usually smooth, except when quite y<-ung. Leaves broadly ovate or roundish ; i to i ins. long, nearly as wide, often heart-shaped at the base, covered with loose floss when they first expand, soon becoming quite smooth ; the margin toothed only on the terminal half. Flowers on erect racemes 2 ins. long, the stalks clothed with greyish wool ; petals white, narrowly oblng, about \ in. long ; calyx woolly, with five triangular lobes. Fruit of the size and shape of black currants, dark purple, \ to \ in. diameter, sweet, and of excellent eating when ripe. Native of Western N. America ; seeds of which were first sent to this country by Douglas in 1826-27. One of the most ornamental of the Amelan- AMELANCHIER 187 chiers, this is still one of the rarest. It flowers in May, some weeks later than A. canadensis, from which it is very distinct in the round not pointed leaves, in the toothing of the leaf being coarser and confined to the terminal part, and in the dense, erect racemes. A nearer ally is A. florida, which has similarly shaped leaves, but toothed nearly to the base, a much less woolly calyx, and flowers earlier. A. alnifolia is perfectly hardy, and flowers with the greatest freedom at Kew, where it is over 20 ft. high. The fruits are not likely to be of any service in this country, but in Western N. America they have always been an important item in the food of the native races, who gather the fruits, crush them, and then dry them for winter use. AMELAXCHIER ALXIFOLIA. A. ASIATICA, Walpers. CHINESE SERVICE-BERRY. (A. canadensis var. japonica, Miguel.') A deciduous tree, of very graceful habit, 15 to 30 ft. high, branches slender. Leaves oval or ovate, pointed, i^ to 3 ins. long, half as much wide, sometimes nearly or wholly entire, but mostly toothed except at the base ; covered when quite young with a loose floss which so' n falls away, leaving both surfaces quite smooth. Flowers on stalks | to f in. long, in broad, erect racemes i to 2^ ins. long; 'white, fragrant; petals strap-shaped, f in. long. Fruit black- purple, about the size of a black currant. Native of China, in the province of Hupeh, etc., but originally introduced from Japan, where it is commonly cultivated in the vicinity of temples. It is not easy to distinguish it from some of the forms of A. canadensis, but at Kew it always flowers two or three weeks later (usually in mid- May, when the leaves are about full s'ze), and the petals are uniformly strap-shaped. The leaves, too, never appear to be heart-shaped at the base, as they often are in A. canadensis. A slender, elegant tree. 188 AMELANCHIER A. CANADENSIS, Medicus. SERVICE-BERRY, JUNE-BERRY. A tree 20 to 30 ft. high in Great Britain, but occasionally over 40 ft. high in a wild state ; branches slender, the lower ones pendulous, forming in the open a wide-topped, rounded head. Leaves ovate or oval, rounded or heart- shaped at the base, pointed, saw-toothed, I J to 3 ins. long, I to if ins. wide ; AMELANCHIER CANADENSIS. / clothed with white hairs when they expand, soon becoming quite smooth and of firm texture. Flowers pure white, produced in April (usually when the leaves are less than half their full size), in erect or drooping racemes 2 to 3 ins. long, terminating short lateral twigs ; petals obovate or strap-shaped, \ to f in. long, J in. wide. Fruit ripening in June, orange -shaped, J- to \ in. wide, changing from green to red, finally to black-purple, very sweet and pleasant when ripe, in some forms, in others dry and tasteless. AMELANCHIER 189 Native of Eastern and Central N. America, from Newfoundland and Canada to the southern United States ; introduced to England, according to Aiton, in 1746. From the time of the ripening of the fruit it is often called "June-berry." There are few more delightful small trees than this is when seen at its best, which, at Kew, is usually about the second week in April ; the whole tree then becomes sheeted with white. Unhappily, it is a very fleeting beauty, lasting, as a rule, less than a week. Its autumn beauty is more durable, and it is then one of the most striking of hardy trees, the foliage changing before it falls to a rich soft red ; in some forms, however, to a clear bright yellow. A. FLORIDA, Lindley. (Bot. Reg., t. 1589 ; A. Oxyodon, Koehne.} A deciduous shrub producing a thicket of erect stems, 8 to 10 ft. or more high. Leaves roundish oval, i to 2 ins. long, about two-thirds as wide, blunt or pointed, toothed almost to the base, smooth even when quite young. Flowers white, in erect racemes \\ to 2 ins. long, produced on short leafy twigs in early May ; calyx slightly woolly. Fruit black-purple. Native of N.W. America ; introduced by Douglas in 1826. It has been much confused with A. alnifolia, to which no doubt it is allied, but is, nevertheless, well distinguished by its leaves being toothed nearly to the base, and by having a less woolly calyx. With us, too, its habit is quite shrubby. The foliage turns rich yellow in autumn. A. OBLONGIFOLIA, Roemer. SWAMP SUGAR PEAR. (A. canadensis var. oblongifolia, Bot. Mag., t. 7619.) A shrub at present 6 to 8 ft. high at Kew, with erect stems, spreading by means of sucker growths from the base ; said to be sometimes a small tree 12 ft. or more high. Leaves very woolly when quite young, ultimately becoming smooth ; firm and rather leathery when mature, i to 2^ ins. long, to i ins. wide ; oblong, rounded (rarely cordate) at the base, finely and evenly toothed. Racemes erect, covered at first with a thick loose floss, 2 or 3 ins. long, carrying numerous white flowers, the petals of which are more distinctly and uniformly obovate than in A. canadensis. In a wild state it usually occurs in wettish ground, and its fruit is said to be more juicy and agreeable than that of A. canadensis. Native of Eastern N. America, and no doubt very nearly allied to A. canadensis, and connected with it by intermediate forms. As a shrubby Amelanchier it is useful in gardens, forming in time a dense thicket. Easily increased by division in spring. A. OLIGOCARPA, Roemer. (Bot. Mag., t. 8499 ; Garden and Forest, 1888, fig. 41 ; A. Bartramiana, Roemer.") A low shrub, usually 2 to 3 (rarely more than 6) ft. high. Leaves oval or slightly ovate, i to 2 ins. long, tapering towards both ends, sharply toothed nearly to the base, almost smooth from the commencement, but with some loose floss on the surfaces and edges when expanding. Flowers pure white, | to i in. across ; solitary, in pairs, sometimes in threes or fours, on short lateral twigs, each flower on a slender stalk 5 to i in. long. Petals rounded, obovate, in. wide, broader rn proportion to their length than in any of the Amelanchiers. Fruit pear-shaped or oblong, dark purple, nearly in. long, not so wide. 190 AMELANCHIER AMORPHA Native of Canada, Newfoundland, and the northern United States, and the most northerly of the Amelanchiers, inhabiting cold swamps and mountain bogs. It is extremely rare in cultivation, the plant usually supplied by nurserymen for it being a form of A. canadensis. It is easily distinguished by its few-flowered inflorescence and the rounded petals ; and differs from all other species in cultivation by the prussic acid odour of the bark when bruised like that of many cherries and almonds. A. RUBESCENS, Greene. A shrub with dov\ny branchlets. Leaves orbicular or broadly obovate, \ to i in. long, dark green above, the lower surface glaucous and covered with a fine close down, very distinct from the loose woolly covering of the young leaves of most Amelanchiers ; the upper surface is furnished with scattered, flattened hairs ; margins set with sharp, triangular, comparatively large teeth, more especially towards the apex. Flowers pure white, \ to f in. across, three to six together in a short raceme ; petals oval-lanceolate, half as long again as the sepals, which are narrow and linear; stamens ten; styles united. Native of New Mexico, Utah, etc., at elevations of 3000 to 5coo ft. Introduced to England by way of Germany in 1900, and first flowered at Kew in April 1910. It probably finds the climate of Britain too dull to bring out its best qualities ; and so far, at any rate, is nothing like so free-flowering and ornamental as the other species. It is allied to A. UTAHENSIS, Koehne, another species from the same region with blunter leaves, fifteen to twenty stamens to each flower, and free styles. A. VULGARIS, Moench. SNOWY MESP1LUS. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1890, i., fig. 104.) A low tree, 15 to 20 ft. high, or more often a shrub. Leaves roundish oval, very downy and pure white beneath when young, becoming nearly or quite smooth at maturity, i to \\ ins. long, f to i in. wide ; the margin sometimes quite entire, but usually more or less toothed, especially towards the apex. Racemes erect, carrying few but large white flowers often i^ ins. in diameter. Petals narrowly oblong; calyx covered with loose floss at first, its lobes triangular. Fruit at first red, then black, covered with a purplish bloom; about the size of a black currant, eatable but not very palatable. Native of the mountains of Central and S. Europe ; of unrecorded introduc- tion, but in cultivation more than two hundred years ago. It has the largest individual flowers of all the Amelanchiers as seen in cultivation, ancl is very beautiful in late April or early May. One of its forms, Var. CRETICA, is found as far eastwards as Dalmatia and Crete, and is a shrub covered with a close white down on leaf, young wood, calyx, and flower- stalk. Another form with always entire leaves is called var. INTEGRIFOLIA. AMORPHA. LEGUMINOS^:. A genus of shrubs exclusively native of N. America, with alternate pinnate leaves and elongated racemes of blue, purple, or white flowers. These plants belong to the pea-flowered group of Leguminosse, but the flowers, instead of having the normal five petals (namely, the standard petal, the two wing petals, and the two forming the keel), have but one the standard. The flowers, however, are so crowded that the others are AMORPHA 191 not missed. The two dwarf ^ species canescens and nana are best adapted for gardens, although the foliage of A. fruticosa is very handsome. AKELANCHIER VULGARIS. The two former can be increased by cuttings when seeds are not available, and A. fruticosa produces sucker growths from the base which can be removed with some roots attached. Besides the species more fully 192 AMORPHA described below, there are sometimes seen in cultivation A. CALIFORNICA (California) and A. VIRGATA (S.E. United States). Both resemble A. fruticosa in habit and general aspect, but A. californica has downy stems and leaf-stalks set with prickly glands, whilst A. virgata has broad leathery leaflets and twiggy branches. A. CANESCENS, 'Nuttall. LEAD PLANT. (Bot. Mag., t. 6618.) A sub-shrubby plant, 2 to 4 ft. high, entirely covered with grey down. Stems erect, unbranched, springing from a woody base to which they largely die back every winter. Leaves pinnate, 2 to 3 ins. long", composed of from ten to twenty pairs of leaflets and an odd one ; leaflets | to f in. long, oblong or ovate, stalkless, extending the entire length of the main stalk ; they are downy on both sides, but paler beneath. Flowers thickly crowded on cylindrical spikes, 3 to 6 ins. long, produced from the leaf-axils near the apex of the shoot, and thus forming a large, leafy panicle 6 to 10 (sometimes 15 to 18) ins. high. Each flower is about j in. long, with a dull purplish blue standard petal, and a grey downy calyx ; they are borne close enough together to touch. Pod less than | in. long, hairy, one-seeded. Native of Eastern N.America; introduced in 1812. It flowers trom late July to September, and only ripens seeds during very fine autumns. It may be increased by cuttings made of shoots too weak to flower, which must be rooted in gentle warmth. It makes a large deep root-stock, which enables it not only to withstand, but to thrive best in, hot, droughty seasons. It is an interesting and rather striking plant which is well suited for the front of a shrubbery. In a wild state it extends over a considerable latitude, and shows some variation in the grey tints of its stems and leaves, and especially in the size and openness of its inflorescence. The popular name of " lead plant " is founded on the belief which once prevailed that its presence in a wild state indicated the existence of lead ore beneath the soil. A. FRUTICOSA, Ltnnceus. FALSE INDIGO. (Bot. Reg., t. 127.) A deciduous shrub, 6 to 15 ft. high, of spreading, rather ungainly habit, branches slightly grooved, either slightly downy or smooth. Leaves pinnate, smooth or somewhat downy, with thirteen to thirty-three leaflets, which are oval or oblong, ending in a bristle-like apex, and varying in length from i to 2 ins. ; there is a short, thread-like stipule at the base of each leaflet, and numerous transparent dots are scattered over the blade. Racemes slender, cylindrical, 4 to 6 ins. long, more or less downy, or almost smooth, produced at the end of the shoots of the year, and from the axils of the terminal leaves. Flowers \ in. long, densely packed, purplish blue, with yellow anthers. Pod \ in. long, very warty, one- or two-seeded. Native of the southern United Stales ; introduced to England in 1724 by, it is said, Mark Catesby, the author of the Natural History of Carolina. It exhibits under cultivation a certain amount of variation in the shape and size of the leaflets, in the number to each leaf, and especially in the degree of pubescence on various parts of the plant. Of numerous forms the most distinct are mentioned below. This shrub flowers in July, when its slender racemes give a pretty effect ; the foliage also is ornamental ; yet it belongs to an inferior class of shrubs, and is perhaps best suited for rough shrubberies where it may be left to take care of itself. At Kew, in open ground, the shoots die back nearly their entire length, and they have to be pruned over every spring. AMORPHA ANDRACHNE 193 Var. FRAGRANS. Leaflets large, 2 to 3 ins. long, usually 4^ to 7^ pairs ; shrub glabrous, except on inflorescence. Var. GLABRA. Leaves and stem smooth, inflorescence slightly downy. A. NANA, Nuttall. A low, deciduous shrub, about 2 ft. high ; stems branching, and having little or no down. Leaves pinnate, 2 to 3 ins. long, with eight to thirteen pairs of leaflets and an odd one ; leaflets \ to f in. long, oval or obovate, nearly smooth. Flowers purple, fragrant, very closely set in cylindrical terminal racemes i to 2 ins. long. Pod one-seeded. Native of Eastern and Central N. America ; introduced in 1811. Although somewhat similar to A. canescens in foliage, it is really very distinct. It is a true shrub, and has little or none of the grey down so conspicuous in A. canescens ; its flower-spikes are also much shorter and not clustered. A rather dainty plant, but scarcely known in gardens nowadays. ANAGYRIS FCETIDA, Linnceus. LEGUMINOS^E. A deciduous bush, or small tree, with alternate, trifoliolate leaves. Leaflets i to 2^ ins. long, narrow oval, covered with fine down beneath, greyish green. " Flowers pea-shaped, yellow, produced in short racemes on the growth of the previous year; each flower f to i in. long, and but little expanded; calyx bell-shaped, downy and ciliated, green; petals yellow, the standard one hooded; wings narrow oblong. The racemes are ij to 3 ins. long, and carry six to twenty flowers. Seed-pod 3 to 5 ins. long, J to f in. broad, pointed at both ends, curved like a scimitar, and containing three or four seeds. Native of the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, and requiring at Kew the protection of a south wall even there occasionally killed. The specific name refers to the unpleasant odour of the leaves, which is, however, only perceptible when they are crushed. The tree is known in the south of France as " bois puant " on that account. The flowers are inodorous. In S. Europe they open in early spring, later in Britain. ANDRACHNE. EUPHORBIACE^E. A group of plants belonging to the Spurge family, of which two shrubby species are sometimes seen in cultivation. They have little beauty of flower or fruit, but are rather neat in habit. Leaves alternate. Flowers unisexual, produced in the leaf-axils of the current season's growth, small, green ; the females solitary. Fruit a dry capsule of three divisions, each division two-valved. There are about twelve species known, inhabiting both the New and Old Worlds, but the two following are the only shrubby ones I have seen in cultivation. Neither can be said to deserve a place in gardens except for its botanical interest. They thrive in ordinary loam in full sunshine, and can be increased by cuttings in August. A. COLCHICA, Fischer. A native of the Caucasus, and a deciduous shrub, about 3 ft. high, of dense, erect habit, and with very slender, quite smooth, leafy shoots, the terminal N 194 ANDRACHNE ANDROMEDA portions of which die back in winter. Leaves set about | in. apart on the shoots, ovate, J to f in. long, about half as wide, rounded at the base, blunt at the apex ; quite smooth, and with thickened, entire margins ; dull green. Flowers ^ in. across, on thread-like stalks | to f in. long, produced successively along the young shoots throughout the summer and early autumn. Fruit pale brown, |- in. across. Introduced to Kew, in 1900, from the Botanic Garden of Tiflis, but probably cultivated long previously. A. RCEMERIANA, Mueller. (A. phyllanthoides, Mueller?) An erect, much-branched, deciduous shrub, I to 3 ft. high, its twigs angled, slightly downy, becoming glossy ; slender, but not so slender as in A. colchica. Leaves obovate or oval, \ to f in. long, \ to \ in. wide, tapered or rounded at the base, bluntish or rounded at the apex, entire ; quite smooth or sparingly downy beneath, glossy green above ; stalk ^ in. long. Flowers % in. across, yellowish green, produced in summer and autumn. Fruits nearly globose. Native of the S. Central United States. It is easily distinguished from the Caucasian species by its stouter branchlets, and its partially downy, shorter- stalked leaves, often broadest above the middle. ANDROMEDA POLIFOLIA, Linnceus. BOG ROSEMARY. ERICACE^:. A low evergreen shrub, rarely more than i| ft. high, whose slender, smooth, wiry stems are clothed thickly with stiff, hard-textured leaves; young wood pinkish. Leaves linear-oblong, tapered at both ends, i to ij ins. long, -J- to J in. wide, but made to appear narrower than they really are by the recurving of the margins; dark green above, glaucous or slightly felted beneath. Flowers produced in short, compact clusters at the end of the shoots during May and succeeding months, each flower on a stalk J in. or less in length. The corolla is pink, -J in. long, pitcher- shaped, contracted towards the mouth, where are five small recurved teeth. Calyx five-lobed, the lobes triangular, glaucous. Native of peat bogs in N. Europe, including Britain. It is an interesting and pretty shrub, requiring a damp peaty soil to thrive in. In the Thames Valley it succeeds better if the ground in which it is planted is covered with an inch or two of sphagnum moss, which acts as a sponge in conserving moisture. Some eight or ten names have been given to forms of this little shrub, which differ chiefly in the size and width of the leaf. They may very well be reduced to two, viz. : Var. ANGUSTIFOLIA, with very narrow leaves ; and Var. MAJOR, with leaves broader than those of the type. The N. American Andromeda, which has for long been regarded as a form of the European A. polifolia, appears to be distinct in its more robust growth and larger leaves, which are often over 2 ins. long and in. or more wide, covered beneath with a white close felt. Link's name of A. GLAUCOPHYLLA may be revived for this. The name Andromeda has been extensively used for what are here ANDROMEDA ANTHYLLIS 195 regarded as distinct genera? and the student must look for the other shrubs and trees still frequently known as "Andromeda," under Oxydendron, Pieris, Lyonia, Leucothoe, Cassine, Cassiope, Zenobia, and ANDROMEDA POLIFOLIA Enkianthus. The above, or true Andromeda, is propagated by division, by seed, and by cuttings. The last should be put in peaty, sandy soil under a cloche, but they do not take root readily. ANTHYLLIS, KIDNEY VETCH. LEGUMINOS^E. Two attractive shrubs belonging to this genus are cultivated in gardens one unfortunately too tender to withstand our winters unprotected. The most distinctive botanical feature of the genus is the persistent calyx, which, after the petals fall, becomes more or less inflated and encloses'the seed-pod. The flowers are aggregated in umbellate clusters. Neither of these shrubs needs a rich soil, but rather a warm, well-drained one, and abundant sunshine. A. BARBA-JOVIS, Linnceus. JUPITER'S BEARD, SILVER ^Busn. An evergreen shrub, growing 8 to 12 ft. high on walls in this country; branchlets crooked, covered with appressed, silky hairs= Leaves pinnate, i \ to 2 ins. long, composed of nine to about nineteen leaflets. Leaflets linear-oblong, \ to I in. long ; covered with silvery hairs, especially beneath and at the edges, which towards the base are often incurved. Flowers pea- 196 ANTHYLLIS APHANANTHE shaped, pale yellow, crowded in rounded heads at the end of short twigs ; each head of flowers is to I in. across ; calyx silky hairy, J in. long. Native of S.W. Europe and the Mediterranean region ; cultivated in England since the middle of the seventeenth century. It is too tender to thrive in the open ground, but makes a charming shrub for a wall, where its sheen of silvery grey and (in May and June) clusters of yellow flowers are very effective. At Kew it is occasionally injured even growing against a wall. Seeds are said sometimes to ripen in this country, but the plant has, as a rule, to be increased by cuttings. A. HERMAN NLE, Linnceus. HERMANN'S KIDNEY VETCH. (Bot. Mag., t. 2576.) A deciduous shrub, of low, bushy habit, \\ to 2 ft., perhaps more, high ; branches crooked or zigzag, covered with short greyish down, and ending in a spine. Leaves simple (or occasionally trifoliolate), linear-obovate, to i in. long, \ in. or less wide, clothed more or less with silky hairs ; apex rounded ; base tapering. Flowers yellow, three to five together in axillary, very shortly stalked clusters, each flower about \ in. long ; calyx green, tubular, \ in. long. Native of the Mediterranean region from Corsica eastwards to Turkey. It was in cultivation early in the eighteenth century, and is said to have been not uncommon up to the great frost of 1739-40, when most of the plants were destroyed. I have known it in Kew for over twenty years without protection, and although occasionally injured on the upper growth in severe winters it has never been killed. It is a much-branched, twiggy bush of greyish aspect, flowering freely in June and July, and very pretty then. It is a suitable plant for a sunny place in the rock garden. As it rarely ripens its seeds here, it has to be increased by cuttings. They should be put in sandy soil under cloches in August. APHANANTHE ASPERA, Planchon. URTICACE^:. (Celtis Muku, Siebold.} A deciduous tree, 60 to 70 ft. high, allied, and similar in appearance to the nettle trees (Celtis) ; young shoots at first covered with flattened hairs, which mostly fall away before the leaves do. Leaves alternate, ovate, long- and taper-pointed; the base wedge-shaped, rounded, or (on very vigorous shoots) heart-shaped, often oblique; ij to 4 ins. long, f to 2 ins. wide; prominently parallel-veined, distinctly three-nerved at the base. When young both surfaces are densely covered with minute, flattened hairs which fall away from the upper surface, leaving it bright green and slightly rough, persisting more or less on the midrib and veins beneath ; stalk J to J in. long. Flowers unisexual, very small ; the males numerous, crowded in slender, stalked, cymose clusters at the base of the young side twigs; females solitary at the end. Fruit a roundish oval drupe, J to J in. long, black-purple. Native of Japan and probably China ; introduced from the former country to Kew in 1895. It differs from Celtis in the invariably uni- sexual flowers. As a garden tree it does not promise much, and judging by its behaviour at Kew, where it makes long, succulent growths, frequently cut back during winter, it needs more summer sun than our climate affords. It has little or no flower beauty. APLOPAPPUS ARALIA . 197 APLOPAPPUS ERICOIDES, De Candolle. COMPOSITE. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1896, ii., fig. 57.) An evergreen shrub, 3 to 5 ft. high, with erect branchlets, slightly downy and glutinous when young. Leaves very small, numerous, and heath-like, from \ to \ in. long, of the thickness of stout thread ; dark green, stalkless, produced in clusters at each joint. Flower-heads in corymbs borne on long slender stems, the whole forming a crowded mass of yellow blossom at the end of the shoots of the year ; at their best in August and September. Each flower-head is \ in. in diameter, with five ray-florets. Native of California, and not hardy at Kew except on a wall. On the south coast it thrives well, especially at Worthing; it succeeds also in Canon Ellacombe's garden, near Bristol. Like some other shrubby composites it is apt to wear out under cultivation, and should be occasion- ally renewed by means of cuttings, which root freely if put in a propagating frame with gentle heat in July. It is a pretty and interesting plant, quite distinct from all other introduced shrubby composites, especially in its deep green, heath-like foliage. ARALIA CHINENSIS, Linvaus. CHINESE ANGELICA TREE. ARALIACE^:. A deciduous tree, 30 ft. or more high, with a few stout branches; more often a shrub renewing itself by sucker growths from the base; young growths very thick (over i in. in diameter), pithy, and armed more or less with spines. Leaves doubly pinnate, often 3, scmetimes 4 ft. long, two-thirds as wide ; composed of numerous ovate, taper-pointed, short-stalked leaflets, from 3 to 5 ins. long, 2 to 3 ins. wide, toothed ; dark bright green and slightly hairy on the veins above, paler and always downy beneath, often much so, and especially on the midrib and veins ; stalks somewhat prickly. Flowers small, whitish, produced in August and September in numerous globose umbels to ij ins. across, the whole forming a huge panicle i to 2 ft. long and from half to nearly as much through ; flower-stalks covered densely with down. Several varieties of this Aralia are in cultivation : Var. ALBO-MARGINATA. Leaflets irregularly margined, sometimes more than half covered, with creamy white. Var. AUREO- MARGINATA. Similar in variegation to the preceding, but the colour golden yellow. These two are amongst the most effective and beautiful of all variegated shrubs. VAR. MANDSCHURICUS (Dimorphanthus mandschuricus, M aximowicz). Downy only on the veins and midrib beneath, more sharply toothed; hardier than the type. Var. PYRAMIDALIS. Leaves rather smaller than in the type, and growing erect instead of spreading. Native of China, Japan, and Manchuria; introduced about 1865, and 198 ARALIA perhaps the finest of all hardy shrubs with foliage of its particular type. It is hardy enough in all but the colder parts of the country, but still is seen at its best in the milder places: Near Falmouth, some years ago, I saw a tree about 30 ft. high, and as much in the spread of its branches, ARALIA CHINENSIS. the main trunk 10 ins. thick. In its ordinary shrubby state it makes an admirable ornament for a sheltered lawn, peculiarly effective at flowering time. Easily propagated by taking off small suckers or even pieces of root, potting them, and establishing them in heat. A. SPINOSA, Linnceus. HERCULES' CLUB. A native of the south-eastern United States, and very similar to A. chinensis. These two afford one of many instances of an extraordinary similarity between a plant native of North America and another of North Asia, which are yet not absolutely identical. In this case A. spinosa is distinguished by the leaflets being more glaucous beneath and much less downy, sometimes quite smooth beneath, and by their being more distinctly stalked. The stems, too, are better armed with prickles. This American species is not so hardy and vigorous as the Asiatic one, and the two seen in juxtaposition are quite distinct. It is extremely rare in cultivation, and I only saw the real plant for the first time at the Arnold Arboretum in 1910. Even American nurserymen send over A. chinensis as their native spinosa. It is now in the Kew collection. Although both these species make finer foliage when grown in rich than in comparatively poor soil, the latter is, I think, to be preferred if healthy, long-lived plants are desired. In rich soil the wood, always soft and very pithy, becomes especially so, and renders the plants very liable to injury by winter cold. ARAUCARIA 199 ARAUCARIA IMBRICATA, Pavon. CHILE PINE, MONKEY PUZZLE. CONIFERS. An evergreen tree, 50 to 80 ft. high, of pyramidal or rounded form, with an erect, cylindrical bole, ij to 2\ ft. thick, all but the oldest parts prickly with living leaves or the remains of dead ones. Branches pro- duced in regular tiers of five to seven. Leaves very uniform, ovate, with a slender spine-tipped point, from i to 2 ins. long, J to i in. wide ; hard, rigid, and leathery ; dark glossy green except at the paler-growing tips of the branches, and with numerous stomatic lines on both surfaces. The leaves are arranged spirally on the branch, overlapping at the broad, stalk less base, and are very densely packed (about twenty-four to i in. of stem) ; they remain alive for ten to fifteen years, and then persist for an indefinite time dead. Male and female flowers are usually borne on separate trees, but not invariably ; the former are produced on egg-shaped or cylindrical catkins 3 to 5 ins. long, the scales lanceolate, densely packed, with the slender points reflexed, the pollen being shed in early July. The female cones take two seasons to develop ; appearing in the spring of one year, and shedding their seeds in August or September of the next ; they are globose, and usually 5 to 7 ins. thick. Seeds conical, i J ins. long, f in. wide. Native of Chile; originally discovered about 1780, and introduced to England by Archibald Menzies in 1795. Menzies had, two or three years previously, when attached to Vancouver's voyage of survey, pocketed some nuts put on for dessert whilst he and the ship's officers were dining with the Viceroy of Chile. He sowed these nuts on board ship, and ultimately landed five plants, which proved to be the Araucaria, alive in England. One of the five existed at Kew until 1892. The Chile pine, whilst hardy in most parts of the British Isles, attains its finest development in the softer, moister counties, and in good free soil. It should always be raised from seeds, fertile ones of which are now regularly produced in several gardens. At Castle Kennedy I have seen seedling plants springing up naturally near the trees from which seeds had fallen. Araucaria imbricata is of peculiar interest as the only tree from south of the equator that attains to timber-producing size in the average climate of the British Isles. It becomes over 100 ft. high and 7 ft. in diameter of trunk in Chile, deriving its name from the Arauco province (inhabited by the Araucanos Indians), where it was first found. A species is found in Brazil, and several others in Australia and New Caledonia all tender. In its general aspect, and especially as compared with ordinary types of northern vegetation, the Chile pine is the most remarkable hardy tree ever introduced to Britain. It should always be grown as an isolated tree, or in an isolated group, as it associates very badly with ordinary garden vegetation. It was first introduced in quantity to this country in 1844, by Wm. Lobb. 200 AR AU JI A A RBUTUS ARAUJIA SERICOFERA, Brotero., ASCLEPIADACEvE. (Physianthus albens, Martins, Bot. Mag., t. 3201.) An evergreen climber of very vigorous growth, the stems twining, covered with pale down when young. Leaves opposite, ovate-oblong, pointed, the base cut off squarely or broadly wedge-shaped ; 2 to 4 ins. long, | to 2 ins. broad; pale green, and clothed beneath with a pale minute felt; stalk \ to i| ins. long. Flowers fragrant, borne two to eight together on racemes about 2 ins. long, produced at the joints of the stem, not in either of the leaf-axils, but at the side between the leaf-stalks. Corolla white, swollen at the base, the tube \ in. long, \ in. wide, opening at the top into five spreading lobes, and there i to i J ins. across. Calyx with five ovate lobes \ in. long. Fruit a large grooved pod, 5 ins. long, 2 to 3 ins. wide at the base, tapering slightly towards the end ; each seed with a tuft of silky hairs i in. or more long attached at the end. Native of S. America ; introduced by Tweedie from Buenos Ayres in 1830. It is not hardy at Kew, and even against a wall does not long survive, but at Pendell Court in Surrey it used to grow and flower. Where it is warm enough, as in the Channel Islands, it flowers and produces its curious large fruits freely. It likes a good loamy soil, and can be increased by cuttings as well as by seed. Flowers in late summer. ARBUTUS. ERICACEAE. A group of evergreen trees and shrubs, of which three species are hardy in the average climate of the British Isles. They have alternate, leathery leaves, and bear their flowers in terminal panicles ; corolla pitcher-shaped, white or pink ; calyx five-lobed, persisting through the fruiting stage ; stamens ten. The fruit is an edible but not very palatable drupe, roundish, orange-red, and very ornamental when ripe, enclosing numerous seeds. The arbutuses are exceptionally attractive evergreens in their foliage, which is healthy dark green, and abundant, also ornamental in flower and fruit. A. Unedo thrives on a limestone, as well as other formations, and may thus be included among the few ericaceous plants that can be grown where lime is present. Still it, like the others, succeeds very well in peaty or loamy soil. Wherever possible all the species should be raised from seed, but the named varieties have to be grafted on seedlings of A. Unedo. They transplant rather badly, and are best grown in pots until finally planted out, which should be done as soon as possible. Besides the species more fully noticed below, there is a fourth and more tender one from Chile, viz. : A. FURIENS, Hooker. It is a shrub whose leaves are \\ to 2\ ins. long, \ to | in. wide, ovate, pointed, finely toothed ; bristly, leathery, and hard in texture ; dark glossy green above, pallid green beneath. Flowers in axillary, hairy racemes i^ to 2 ins. long, dull white ; each blossom -^ in. long, densely set on the stalk. It is not hardy at Kew, but is grown out-of-doors ARBUTUS 201 (sometimes as Gaultheria furiens) in the extreme south and south-western counties, and in Ireland, where it flowers in April and May. A. ANDRACHNE, Linnceus. An evergreen tree, 30 to 40 ft. high in a wild state, but usually a shrub 10 to 20 ft. high in Great Britain ; young shoots smooth ; bark on older branches smooth and reddish brown. Leaves oval, usually 2 to 4 ins. long, i to 2 ins. wide, dark glossy green above, paler below, smooth, toothed in young specimens and on very vigorous shoots, but entire in the adult normal state ; stalks ^ to i in. long. Flowers produced during March and April in terminal, downy*panicles, 2 to 4 ins. long and wide ; corolla pitcher-shaped, J in. long, dull white, with five shallow, reflexed Jobes at the contracted mouth ; calyx lobes ovate, pointed ; flower-stalks glandular-hairy. Fruit globose, ^ in. diameter, much smoother than that of A. Unedo, orange red. Native of S.E. Europe, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean region ; introduced from Smyrna in 1724. It is but little known in cultivation, nearly all the plants so-called being A. hybrida. From A. Unedo it is distinguished by its comparatively broader, entire leaves and smooth shoots ; and from A. Menziesii by the leaves being less glaucous beneath, the smaller panicles, and the more, compact, habit. A. HYBRIDA, Ker-Gawhr. (Bot. Reg. t. 619 ; A. andrachnoides, Z *>//-.) A hybrid between A Andrachne and A. Unedo, intermediate in many respects between the two, and very variable within the limits set by the parent species, sometimes leaning more to one species, now more to the other. The leaf-stalks and young branches are glandular-hairy, but not so much so as in A. Unedo ; sometimes they show it only when quite young, and not very much even then. The leaves are toothed, rather glaucous beneath, and intermediate in size. Flowers produced in late autumn or in spring, in terminal, glandular- downy panicles, white, pitcher-shaped, \ in. long. Fruit not so rough nor so large as in A. Unedo. Found wild in Greece, where both the parent species occur, and said also to have been raised by Messrs Osborn of Fulham about 1800. On the whole it is the most useful as it is the commonest of the genus. Several of its finest forms have been given names, such as magnifica, photinaefolia, Rollissoni, all notable for their fine foliage and goodly sized trusses. It is distinct from A. Andrachne in the toothed leaves, and from A. Unedo in having them slightly glaucous beneath and longer-stalked. Var. QUERCIFOLIA. Leaf-margin set with large, irregular teeth, especially towards the apex. A. MENZIESII, Pursh. MADRONA. (Bot. Mag., t. 8249 ; A. procera, Douglas, Bot. Reg., t. 1753.) An evergreen tree, reaching in its native state heights of 20 to 100 ft., with a trunk i to 6 ft. in thickness ; in Britain it has not yet exceeded 50 ft. in height, and is usually 20 to 30 ft. Young shoots quite smooth ; bark peeling, and, on the older branches and trunk, leaving the wood perfectly clean, and of a striking cinnamon colour. Leaves oval, 2 to 6 ins. long, i to 3 ins. wide ; toothed on young plants or very vigorous shoots, but mostly with entire margins ; dark glossy green above, glaucous or almost white beneath ; stalk \ to i ins. long. Flowers produced during May in a terminal pyramidal panicle, from 3 to 9 ins. long and up to 6 ins. wide ; corolla pitcher-shaped, 202 ARBUTUS about J in. long, dull white ; flower-stalks downy ; calyx small, greenish ; fruit about the size of a large pea, orange-coloured. Native of California ; introduced by Douglas in 1827. This is one of the most beautiful of all broad-leaved trees, and as seen at its best in the moist rich valleys of N. California is by far the noblest of all the heath family. It is especially noticeable for the perfectly smooth red branches. In the milder parts of Britain, it succeeds very well, and at Kew is perfectly hardy, except ARBUTUS MENZIESII. that in a young state the vigorous sappy shoots are apt to be cut back in winter. It should be propagated by imported seed, which is obtainable from American nurserymen and germinates well. The young plants should as soon as possible be given a permanent place, as they transplant badly. Mr W. L. Jepson says that in N. California no other tree makes so strong an appeal to man's imagination as this, and that wherever it grows, " the traveller, forester, hunter, artist, and botanist is held by the spell of its crown of flowers and masses of red fruits, its terra-cotta bark and burnished foliage.' 5 It is far too rarely seen in cultivation. When once established it grows ARBUTUS- ARCTOSTAPHYLOS 203 quickly; a tree at Kew raised from seed in 1894 is now 22 ft. high, with a trunk 30 ins. in girth. A. UNEDO, Linnceus. STRAWBERRY TREE. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1878, ii., fig. 115.) An evergreen tree, from 15 to 30 ft. high, occasionally 40 ft. in its native districts in Ireland, but nearly always a wide-topped shrub under cultivation ; young shoots glandular-hairy. Leaves smooth, 2 to 4 ins. long, \ to if ins. wide, narrowly oval or obovate, tapering towards both ends, toothed, dark shining green and leathery; stalk J in. long, glandular. Flowers produced from October to December in drooping panicles 2 ins. long and wide. Corolla white or pinkish, pitcher-shaped, in. long, with small, rounded, reflexed lobes at the mouth ; calyx-lobes small, triangular, edged with minute hairs. Fruit globose, strawberry-like, f in. across, orange red, rough on the surface. It ripens during the autumn following the production of the flowers, at the same time as the succeeding crop of blossom. Native of the Mediterranean regions and S.W. Ireland, especially on the islands and shores of the Lakes of Killarney, where it attains its largest dimensions. I have seen it wild also in Dalmatia (on calcareous ground), where, however, it was always scrub not more than 10 ft. high. It is quite hardy in the warmer parts of England, and has withstood 30 of frost at Kew without injury. Both it and its varieties are of especial value through flowering so late in the season. Var. COMPACTA. A dwarf bush which does not flower freely. Var. INTEGERRIMA, Sims (Bot. Mag., t. 2319). A distinct shrub with quite entire leaves, which, as in the type, vary from narrow-oval to obovate. Var. RUBRA, Alton (Croomei). A very pretty variety with deep pink flowers, usually a low, rather spreading bush. Found wild by the Irish botanist, Mackay, near Glengariff, about 1835, but known fifty years previously to Aiton. The strawberry tree is one of the few ericaceous plants which will thrive on limestone. Distinguished from the other species by its hairy twigs, ARCTOSTAPHYLOS. ERICACEAE. Some four or five species of Arctostaphylos are cultivated in gardens, one of which is deciduous, the others evergreen. They vary from small trees to creeping shrubs, and are widely spread over the northern hemi- sphere, being most abundant in regard to number of types and largest in size in Western N. America. Leaves alternate, of leathery texture, except in A. alpina. Flowers globose to pitcher-shaped, \ in. or less long, narrowed at the mouth, where are five small teeth; produced in short, terminal, drooping racemes. Fruit a berry with one to five bony seeds. Most nearly allied to Arbutus among hardy shrubs. All the following species are worthy of cultivation, especially the W. American ones, of -which several beautiful species have yet to be introduced. They love such a soil as suits rhododendrons. Imported seeds from California are frequently difficult to get to germinate, and Miss Alice Eastwood, a well-known Californian botanist, believes that it is advisable to subject the seeds to heat before they are sown. This may best be done by immersing them in water at boiling-point for ten to 204 ARCTOSTAPHYLOS twenty seconds ; experiment may prove a Conger immersion to be necessary. Some of the Californian species inhabit hot dry regions, and their seeds are said to germinate freely after a fire has swept over where they grow. Our two British species, which inhabit moist mountain regions, can be increased by cuttings, and the seeds do not offer any difficulties in germination. A. ALPINA, Sprengel. BLACK BEARBERRY. A low, deciduous shrub of tufted or creeping habit, about 6 ins. high ; the younger branches slightly bristly, clothed with the bases of fallen leaves, the older ones with loose' bark, Leaves obovate, rounded or abruptly tapering at the apex, much tapered at the base, i to i^ ins, long, J to f in. wide, round- toothed towards the top ; thin, conspicuously veined, and without down ; stalks J to | in. long, and, like the lower part of the leaf- margins, bristly. Flowers white, two or three together on short, reflected racemes; corolla \ in. long, pitcher-shaped. Fruit a black berry, globose, \ in. across, containing five seeds or less. Native of the mountains of Europe (including the north of Scotland), N. Asia, and N. America. It is a lover of damp, cool condi- tions, and near London its roots should be surfaced with Sphagnum moss. Without having any par- ticular beauty of flower or fruit, it makes a pleasing low tuft, distinct because of its wrinkled leaves, and rather suggestive of Rhododendon kamtschaticum on a small scale. The leaves often turn a brilliant red in autumn. Propagation may be effected by division as well as by seeds and cuttings. Var. RUBRA. A variety with red fruits found in Western N. America and in W. China. A. MANZANITA, Parry. MANZANITA. (Bot. Mag., t. 8128.) An evergreen shrub, 4 to 8 ft. high in this country, but becoming a small tree 25 ft. high in its native home ; young shoots, inflorescence, leaf-stalks, and midribs covered ARCTOSTAPHYLOS MANZANITA. with dense down ; bark peeling. Leaves ovate, heart-shaped, or oval, \\ to 2\ ins. long, f to if ins. wide, entire, thick and leathery; at first of a dull grey, afterwards bright grey-green, slightly downy when young ; leaf-stalk stout, J to ^ in. long. Flowers produced in March and April in short terminal ARCTOSTAPHYLOS 205 panicles about i ins. long and wide, lasting long in beauty. Corolla egg- shaped, about in. long, deep pink, with five small, rounded teeth at the nearly closed mouth ; sepals whitish ; flower-stalks slender, J in. or less long. Fruit not seen in Britain, but described as a brownish red, orange-shaped berry to J in. wide. Native of California ; introduced to Kew in 1897. This shrub requires a sunny position and a peaty, well-drained soil. Cuttings will not take root easily, at least a way has not yet been found, so far as I know, to make them do so. It is impatient of root disturbance, and should be given a permanent place early, and till then grown in pots. Its stiff, somewhat gaunt branches, red where not hidden by peeling bark ; the rigid, hard, grey foliage ; and the short, crowded flower-clusters, give this rare shrub a most distinct appearance. " Manzanita," which has been selected for its specific name, is an old Spanish- Californian term for the bushy members of the genus generally. A. TOMENTOSA, Lindley. DOWNY MANZANITA. (Bot. Reg.< t. 1791 ; Arbutus tomentosa, Pursh, Bot. Mag., t. 3320.) An evergreen shrub of somewhat irregular habit, growing from 3 to 5 ft. (perhaps more) high ; young wood clothed with dense, often glandular hairs. Leaves oblong or ovate, rounded or slightly heart-shaped at the base, abruptly pointed, i to 2 ins. long, \ to I in. wide, not toothed, leathery, dull greyish green, downy above, thickly felted beneath ; stalk \ to in. long, hairy. Flowers produced from March to May, densely, in short, drooping racemes i in. or less long, from the end of the previous season's growth, and in the axils of one or two of the uppermost leaves. Corolla white,* pitcher-shaped, \ in. long ; sepals rounded, hairy on the margins ; flower-stalks very hairy, | to j in. long. Fruit a berry, brownish red, orange-shaped, \ in. wide, downy. Native of the coast regions of California and Washington; discovered by Alexander Menzies about 1793. I* i s a rare shrub, but is thriving in peaty soil at Kew. The densely hairy character of its shoots and leaves distinguishes it from the other species in cultivation. A. UVA-URSI, Sprengel. RED BEARBERRY. A trailing evergreen shrub, sending out long, slender, leafy branches, but rising only a few inches above the ground ; young shoots furnished with minute down. Leaves leathery, obovate, \ to i ins. long, to \ in. wide, with a long, tapering base : bright green on "both sides ; the margins hairy, otherwise smooth ; stalk in. or less long. Flowers produced from April onwards in small, drooping, terminal clusters ; corolla pitcher-shaped, \ in. long, pink. Fruit a globular berry, J to \ in. diameter, red, smooth and shining. Native of the cool temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, both in the New and Old Worlds. In gardens it is useful for forming a low evergreen ground-cover, its spreading masses of green foliage and small pink flowers being always pleasing. It may also be planted on the top of upturned tree-roots, which it will eventually completely drape, or on the top of miniature declivities of the rock garden. It is easily propagated by cuttings. As seen on the mountains -of the north lof England and Scotland, or of Central Europe, its growth is much more compact and stunted, but less graceful than in gardens. Plants sold in nurseries as " A. nevadensis " (really a very different species) and "A. californica " are simply the W. American representatives of the species, and do not differ appreciably from our own. 206 ARDISIA ARISTOLOCHIA ARDISIA JAPONICA, Blume. MYRSINACE,E. A low evergreen shrub, i ft. or rather more high, its erect clustered stems covered with dark, minute down when young. Leaves clustered in one or two whorls near the top of the stem ; oval, i J to 3^ ins. long, J to ij ins. wide; tapered at both ends, sharply toothed; bright dark green, and nearly or quite smooth ; stalks J in. long, minutely downy. Flowers white, J in. across, star-shaped, with five narrow, ovate, pointed petals, the flowers occur singly or in twos or threes on short, downy stalks J to f in. long, in the leaf-axils. They appear in August and September, and are followed by red (in one form white), globular berries, \ in. diameter. Native of China and Japan, and the only member of a large genus grown outside in this country. Its beauty is in the glossy foliage and bright fruits. It is suitable for the rock garden, in the south and west of England or Ireland, but is not wholly hardy at Kew. It first flowered in Knight's nursery at Chelsea in 1834. ARISTOLOCHIA. BIRTHWORTS. ARISTOLOCHIACE^:. Although the most remarkable of the plants which constitute this genus are found in tropical countries, some half a dozen woody, climbing species can be grown in the open air in Britain which present so remarkable a flower-structure and are, withal, so vigorous in growth, that one or more of them ought to be seen in every garden. Leaves alternate, mostly heart-shaped. The flower has no corolla ; the calyx (or perianth) is more or less tubular, curiously inflated, and bent so as to resemble a siphon or Dutch pipe. Some of the flowers of tropical Aristolochias are fly-traps ; the insect is attracted by a foetid odour, /and enters the tube, which is clothed with hairs pointing downwards ; these hairs offer no obstacle to the ingress of the fly, but effectually bar its return. The hardy species like a good loamy soil, and can be increased by division or by cuttings. They are suitable for the various positions adapted for climbers. A. ALTISSIMA, Desfontaines. (Bot. Mag., t. 6586.) Chiefly of botanical interest, and not very hardy, this species is not common in gardens, although one sees it occasionally cultivated in the south and west country. It has Smilax-like leaves, with three or five prominent veins, heart" shaped, 2 to 4 ins. long, bright green, and quite smooth, as are also the slender, six-ribbed stems. Flowers solitary on slender stalks I to i| ins. long ; calyx yellow-brown, striped with darker lines, ij ins. long, bladder-like at the base, the upper part somewhat funnel-shaped, but doubled back on itself, expanding at the mouth into one ovate, oblique lobe. Seed-vessel oblong, i \ ins. long, | in. wide, minutely downy. Native of S.E. Europe, and N. Africa. At Kew it has to be grown against a wall, and even there in .severe winters is cut to the ground. During the ARISTOLOCHIA 207 summer it sends up shoots 8 to 10 ft. high, which flower from June to August. It ripens seed with Canon Ellacombe at Bitton, near Bristol. From all the other species here mentioned it is distinguished by the smooth, glossy leaves. A. CALIFORNICA, Torrey. A vigorous, decidudus climber, with twining, downy stems, 10 ft. or more high. Leaves heart-shaped, rounded or blunt-pointed at the apex, 3 to 8 ins. long, nearly as wide ; downy on both sides ; stalk downy, I to 2 ins. long. Flowers solitary on slender, downy stalks i in. long, with a tiny ovate bract at mid-length. Calyx tubular, inflated, about 2 ins. long, bent double, about f in. wide at the bend ; downy, slightly contracted at the mouth, where are three slightly expanding lobes, dull purple. Native of California ; introduced to Kew in 1877 by Sir Joseph Hooker, who had collected it at Chico. In foliage it is similar to A. tomentosa, the leaves remaining downy until they fall, but not so markedly so. The flower, too, is less downy, larger, broader, and more inflated. A. Sipho differs from both in its smooth flowers, with a large bract on the stalk. A. HETEROPHYLLA, Hemsley. A rambling or climbing, half-woody, deciduous shrub, whose young shoots and leaves are covered with fine down ; buds hairy. Leaves narrowly to broadly ovate, with a heart-shaped base, or sometimes with a shallow or prominent rounded lobe at each side near the base ; pointed, i^ to 4 ins. long, f to 2 ins. wide, dull green ; leaf-stalk \ to I in. long. Flowers solitary on almost smooth stalks i^ to 2 ins. long, which spring from the leaf-axils singly or in pairs, and are furnished near the base with a leaf-like, heart-shaped bract. The flower has the typical "Dutchman's pipe" shape characteristic of the genus, the tube being about 2 ins. long, yellow, downy, the terminal part sharply curved upwards ; the orifice is \ in. diameter, bright yellow inside. The spreading part of the flower is lurid purple, almost black, the lower lobe rounded, the two side ones given a pointed shape by the curling back of the margins. Flowers in June. Fruit 2 to 2^ ins. long, i in. wide, six-ribbed. Native of W. China ; introduced by Wilson for Messrs Veitch in 1904. It is quite hardy in the Coombe Wood nursery. The flowers are pretty and striking, and the plant a decided curiosity. A. MOUPINENSIS, Franchet. (Bot. Mag., t. 8325.) A deciduous climber, of vigorous habit, with downy stems. Leaves heart- shaped, usually pointed at the apex, 2^ to 5 ins. long, three-fourths as wide ; covered beneath with down, slightly downy above ; stalk i to 2 ins. long, downy. Flowers solitary, produced in June from the joints of the stem, on slender, pendulous, slightly downy stalks about 2 ins. long. Calyx \\ ins. long ; the tube inflated, i in. wide, somewhat flattened, downy, pale green, much bent back so as to expose the yellow mouth and three spreading lobes, which are yellow, dotted with purplish red, greenish towards the margin. Seed-vessel 3 ins. long, i j ins. wide, with six ridges. Native of W. China ; discovered by the Abbe David in 1886, but first introduced to cultivation by Wilson in 1903, and flowered in the Coombe Wood nursery in 1908. It appears to be quite hardy, and, although not showy, is well worth growing for its prettily coloured, quaintly formed flowers. 208 ARISTOLOCHIA ARISTOTELIA A. SlPHO, LHeritier. DUTCHMAN'S PIPE. (Bot. Mag., t. 534 ; A. macrophylla, Lamarck?) A vigorous, deciduous climber, with twining stems, 20 to 30 ft. high ; stems smooth, buds woolly. Leaves kidney-shaped or heart-shaped, pointed or blunt, 4 to 10 ins. long, often almost as wide, downy beneath when young, afterwards almost or quite smooth, pale green ; leaf-stalk I to 3 ins. long, smooth, or slightly downy near the blade. Flowers produced in June at the joints, often in pairs, each flower solitary on a flower-stalk 2 to 4 ins. long, clasped by a roundish oval bract on the lower third of its length. Calyx I to i^ ins. long, tubular and inflated, bent like a siphon, and resembling a Dutch pipe ; yellow- green outside ; at the mouth the tube contracts to a small orifice, the three lobes spreading there into a flat, brown-purple border \ to f in. across. Native of the eastern United States ; sent to England first in 1783 by John Bartram of Philadelphia. This is the best known of the genus in gardens, and is a handsome-foliaged climber ; its flowers, although not highly coloured, are, like those of the other species, curiously and beautifully constructed. The plant may be used for covering pergolas, arbours, or pillars. Increased by division. The bark and more especially the root have an aromatic odour. A. TOMENTOSA, Sims. (Bot. Mag., t. 1369.) A vigorous, deciduous climber, 20 to 30 ft. high, with very woolly young stems, leaves, and flowers. Leaves broadly ovate to roundish, heart- shaped at the base, mostly rounded at the apex ; 3 to 8 ins. long, often nearly as wide ; dull pale green, only slightly downy above ; leaf-stalk I to 3 ins. long, woolly. Flowers solitary on a woolly stalk, which is 2 ins. long, gradually thickening upwards. Calyx about ij ins. long, tubular, inflated at the base, bent to resemble a Dutch pipe, f in. wide at the orifice, where it expands into three distinct lobes ; the tubular part of the flower is greenish yellow, the throat dark brown, and the lobes yellowish. Flowers about midsummer. Fruits 2 ins. long, cylindric, angled. Native of S.E. United States ; introduced in 1799. Although not so frequently seen in gardens as A. Sipho, this is also a useful climber for similar positions. Its leaves do not run so large, and it is very distinct in its woolly parts, in the more deeply and distinctly three-lobed limb of the calyx, and in the absence of a bract on the flower-stalk. ARISTOTELIA. A small genus of trees and shrubs, two species of which are in cultivation, one native of Chile, the other of New Zealand. Both are somewhat tender in our average climate, and are only seen at their best in the south-west counties. Given warm enough conditions they will thrive in any soil of moderate quality, and both can be easily propagated by cuttings made of half-ripened wood and put in gentle heat. A. MACQUI, LHeritier. (Gardeners' Chronicle, 1875, ii., p. 773.) An evergreen, spreading shrub, 6 to 10 ft. high, considerably higher in the mildest counties. Leaves opposite and alternate on the same plant, ovate, ARISTOTELIA ARTEMISIA 209 usually from 2 to 5 ins. long, shallowly toothed ; dark lustrous green, almost smooth except when young. Flowers in small, few-flowered cymes coming from the leaf-axils, or from the ends of short twigs ; small (not more than J in. across), greenish white. Male and female flowers appear on different plants. The fruit is about the size of a pea, at first purplish then black. Native of Chile, whence it is said to have been introduced in 1773. This shrub is best fitted for the warmer parts of the British Isles, where it forms a luxuriant but somewhat commonplace evergreen, and where the female plant bears fruit freely. At Kew it is cut back to the ground in all but the mildest winters, but sends up during the summer a crowd of thick, succulent, big-leaved shoots 3 or 4 ft. high. In these circumstances it does not flower and has little interest, but on a wall it often flowers. The Chileans make a wine from the fruit, said to have medicinal properties. Var. VARIEGATA. A form whose leaves are variegated with yellow ; it is handsome where it thrives, but is more tender than the type. A. RACEMOSA, Hooker fil A small, deciduous tree of graceful form, up to 25 ft. high. Leaves 2 to 4 ins. long, opposite or nearly so, ovate with a heart-shaped or rounded base, long-pointed, the margin cut up into deep, narrow, irregular teeth ; the blade is thin and the stalk about half as long. All the younger parts of the plant are downy. Flowers in downy panicles from the leaf-axils ; they are numerous but very small (^ in. across), rose-coloured ; male and female flowers are on separate trees. Fruit a dark red or almost black berry, about the size of a pea. Native of New Zealand, and only suitable for the milder parts of the kingdom, being more tender than A. Macqui. There is a good specimen in Mr Herd's garden at Rossdohan, in Co. Kerry, which flowers in May. The wood is used in New Zealand for making charcoal for gunpowder. ARTEMISIA. COMPOSITE A large genus of shrubby and herbaceous plants with- composite flowers, abundant in Europe, and especially in the dry, hot regions of Western N. America, where they cover great plains and form what is known there as "sage brush." Most of them are of a more or less greyish tinge, and are notable for their strong, often agreeable odour. Some half-dozen shrubby species have at times been in cultivation, the two best of which are A. Abrotanum and A. tridentatum. They need a sunny position, and a well-drained, not rich soil. Increased by cuttings. A. ABROTANUM, Linnceus. SOUTHERNWOOD. A soft-wooded, semi-shrubby, fragrant plant about 3 ft. high ; stems erect, densely furnished with foliage, and covered at first with a grey down. Leaves downy, the terminal half doubly or trebly pinnate, the final divisions scarcely thicker than a thread ; the entire leaf is from i to 2 ins. long, f to i^ ins. wide, and dull green. Flower-heads dull yellow, \ in. across, nodding ; produced during September and October in a tall, slender panicle 12 to 18 ins. high, i \ to i\ ins. through, terminating each shoot. Native of S. Europe ; cultivated in England since the sixteenth century. The flowers have little beauty, but the plant has always been a favourite in gardens, especially cottage gardens, for the sweet aromatic odour of its finely divided leaves. Village children are very fond of taking a sprig to O 2 1 ARTE MISI A ARUNDIN A RI A school, and in the north of England the plant is often called "lad's love." It thrives in any soil, but likes a sunny, well-drained spot. Increased by cuttings taken any time during the summer, and placed either in gentle heat, or under a bell-glass in some sheltered corner. It flowers infrequently in most parts of Britain, and is valued solely for its fragrant sprigs. A. PROCERA, Willdenow. A semi-woody plant of thin, erect habit, with pithy stems 6 to 8 ft. high, smooth or furnished with a little grey down. Leaves trebly pinnate, the final divisions thin and thread-like ; the entire leaf is 2 to 3 ins. long, and the same wide ; dark green. Flower-heads nodding, \ in. across, yellowish green ; produced in August in tall, slender panicles 12 to 20 ins. long, the lower portion composed of racemes springing from the axils of the uppermost leaves. Native of S.E. Europe and Asia Minor. Although rather elegant in late summer and autumn, when its tall stems are surmounted by their flower- panicles, the plant is of only third-rate value in gardens. It is quite hardy, and has lived outside for many years at Kew without protection. The leaves when crushed have a slightly pungent aroma. A. TRIDENTATA, Nuttall SAGE BRUSH. An evergreen shrub of rather open habit, 6 to 8 ft. high ; stems lax when young, clothed with shredding bark when old ; young shoots and leaves covered with a dense, grey felt. Leaves of various sizes, crowded on the stems in clusters ; wedge-shaped, tapering gradually from the apex (which is three-toothed and truncate) to the stalk ; ^ to if ins. long, ^ to \ in. wide at the apex. Flower-heads small, yellowish, \ in. long, supported by grey-felted bracts ; produced in October in long, slender panicles, more or less arching or pendulous, and 12 to 18 ins. long. No other hardy shrub in cultivation has a leaf similar to this in colour and shape. Native of the western United States ; introduced to Kew in 1895. When rubbed, the plant emits a strong but pleasant odour, which moisture of itself appears to release, for after a shower, or still more after a wet day, the air for several yarcls round a group of plants is filled with this aromatic scent. The species is usually a great favourite with those who cultivate it on this account. This shrub is one of those found in the dry alkaline districts of Western N. America, which are known collectively as "sage-brush," and cover immense areas with a grey, monotonous vegetation. In our gardens it makes a very pleasing feature, not only for its fragrance, but also for the silvery grey foliage, which provides an agreeable contrast to ordinary green shrubs. It can be increased by cuttings made of half-ripened wood, and placed under a bell-glass in the propagating frame. But it does not take root with the readiness and certainty of most of its allies. ARUNDIN ARIA. BAMBOO. GRAMINE^E. Hardy bamboos are known in gardens under three generic terms, viz. ARUNDINARIA, BAMBUSA, and PHYLLOSTACHYS. Whilst all the species of Phyllostachys so-called are probably correctly placed, so much cannot be said for all the species put under Bambusa and Arundinaria. Many of them have never been critically examined in flower, and their* location is more or less guesswork. In the nomen- clature of the bamboos included in this work I have followed as closely ARUNDINARIA 211 as possible The Bamboo Garden, an admirable monograph by Mr A. B. Freeman-Mitford (now Lord Redesdale), published in 1896. The bamboos are really woody grasses, mostly characteristic of moist, tropical regions. The species we cultivate in the open air, except one from N. America, are northern outliers of the great bamboo regions of Asia, and although they are mere pigmies compared with the giants of equatorial regions, they have a special value in our gardens in introducing to them a form of vegetation not only of surpassing grace and beauty, but one of an absolutely distinct type. Naturally they are evergreen, but in cold winters and in cold districts some of them lose much of, or all, their foliage. They have hollow stems divided into sections by a transverse woody layer at each node (or "joint"), and the branches (from one to many) are produced at these joints. In a young state the stems are more or less encased in membranous sheaths, which in some species fall away, in others persist ; at the end of each sheath there is a small leaf-like expansion which is known as the "limb," and differs from the true leaves in having no midrib. The joints are farthest apart about the middle of the stem. The leaves of bamboos have a midrib supported on either side by from two to nearly twenty more or less prominent veins, between which again are thin, delicate veins of a third dimension, easily visible by holding the leaf between the eye and the light. In all but two of the species mentioned in these notes the thin veins are united by tiny cross-veins easily seen with a lens by holding the leaf up to the light which divide the space between each longitudinal vein into rectangular spaces of irregular size. Lord Redesdale made the interesting discovery that this tessellation of the veins is invariably characteristic of a really hardy bamboo ; those that do not possess it are as invariably tender. This, how- ever, does not mean that every bamboo with a tessellated venation is hardy. The leaves are attached to the branchlet by a clasping sheath, which is easily detached by pulling at the blade. In habit, bamboos are either tufted i.e., they keep their stems in a close cluster and extend but slowly or they spread by means of underground runners, which in some species push through the ground several feet away from the previously made stem. The flowering of bamboos is a phenomenon of peculiar interest, but as the flowers have little bearing on the identification of those we cultivate, it is not necessary to enter into a definition of them here. On many of the sorts we grow they have never been seen in this country, nor, indeed, ever examined by botanists. There is no doubt that the flowering of many bamboos is shortly and inevitably followed by their death : Arundinaria Falconeri is an example. Others flower and, although seriously crippled, in time recover : some of the Phyllostachys behave in this way. In a third group a small proportion of the stems flower, and although those particular stems die, the plant as a whole is unaffected ; Arundinaria auricoma is an example; plants at Kew have flowered partially for the last twenty years. It is not certain, however, that those of the last group will not eventually flower all over simultaneously and then die, as did A. Simoni, after blossoming partially for at least twelve 212 ARUNDINARIA years. I have been informed that the lives of bamboos (or of some of them) may be saved by cutting off all the stems close to the ground as soon as ever there is any indication that they are about to blossom I cannot guarantee the efficacy of this plan, but it is worth trying. A curious circumstance in connection with the flowering of bamboos is the simultaneous flowering of all the plants of one species, although spread over great areas and growing under different conditions. Instances have been known where plants grown in English hothouses for many years have flowered (and died) during the same season as plants of identical species growing wild in the tropics. Hardy species in our gardens have behaved in the same way, flowering simultaneously all over the country ; but the period of flowering appears to be longer and less clearly defined than in the case of wild species, and may extend over four or five years. CULTIVATION. After a quarter of a century's experience with hardy bamboos, I am inclined to believe that the most important item in the cultivation of the group as a whole is the provision of good shelter. Few plants we grow are less adapted to' withstand cutting blasts from north and east than these. They need some position protected from those quarters, but open to the south and west. Nothing in our gardens is more lovely in form than a well-grown bamboo from midsummer to Christmas, but with the January and February frosts and the biting winds of March, many of them become seared and brown, and anything but pleasant objects. Adequate shelter from cold winds does much to prevent or defer this disfigurement. As regards soil, they appear to thrive best in an open loam of fair quality ; neither so sandy as to be poor, nor so clayey as to be heavy and cold. They also succeed well on a peaty formation. Being gross feeders they need abundant moisture, and are benefited by occasional mulchings with manure. TRANSPLANTING AND PROPAGATION. In the absence of seed a very uncertain product in this country propagation is effected by division. All disturbance at the root, whether for propagation or transplanting, is best deferred until May, or until the unfolding of new leaves indicates that root action has begun. Early autumn is also a good time, but from late autumn to early spring is the worst time to transplant. In order to divide some clumps of the tufted sorts it may be necessary to use a pickaxe, so hard and matted does the root system become; but from the running sorts pieces can be easily taken. To get a big stock quickly, a clump should be broken up into comparatively small pieces, which should be potted or planted thickly in a warm, moist greenhouse until re-established. In this case it is advisable to cut down the stems in proportion to the sacrifice of roots. Imported plants are safer if estab- lished in heat in this way before planting in the open ground. For districts where the success of bamboos is problematical, the following sorts are the best to experiment with: Arundinaria anceps, fastuosa, japonica, nitida, palmata, and Ragamowski; Phyllostachys Henonis, nigra, and viridi-glaucescens. ARUNDINARIA. The most obvious distinctive characters of Arundin- ARUNDINARIA 213 aria are in the stems. These are round and straight, and develop the branches almost simultaneously from top to bottom, and, in the taller species, the branches at each joint are indefinite and numerous. The low, slender - stemmed, sparsely - branched, very rhizomatous species included here under this genus, viz., A. Veitchii, palmata, and Ragamowski, have by Japanese authorities been recently separated with others into a genus, SASA, a name founded on the Japanese term for dwarf bamboos generally. A. ANCEPS, Mitford. RlNGAL. Stems 10 to 14 ft. high, cylindrical, erect or arching at the summit, to \ in. diameter; purplish at first, changing to brownish green ; from 3 to 7 ins. between the joints ; branches purple, slender, forming dense clusters on the older stems. Stem-sheaths mottled within, hairy on the margin. Leaf-sheath fringed with bristles and small hairs where it joins the base of the . blade. Leaves i to 4 ins. long, \ to \ in. wide, brilliant green above, slightly glaucous beneath, edged with minute bristles on each margin. There are two or three secondary veins on each side of the midrib, and the tessellation is very minute, but quite distinct under a lens. Native of the N.W. Himalaya ; introduced by Col. Edmund Smyth from Garhwal, about 1865, and first cultivated at Elkington Hall, Lincolnshire. It is a handsome and graceful bamboo, spreading rapidly by means of under- ground suckers. It is very hardy, and although it loses its leaves in severe winters its stems are rarely injured. It grows at elevations of 10,000 to 11,000 ft., and is said to flower and seed in its native home at intervals of twenty to twenty-five years, when vast fields of it die. A. ANGUSTIFOLIA, De Ldhaie. (Eambusa angustifolia, Mitford; B. Vilmorinii, Hort.') Stems erect, 2 to 6 ft. high, round, ^ to \ in. in diameter, with a very small hollow up the centre ; joints rather prominent, from 10 ins. apart at the base to about i in. near the apex ; branches slender, erect. Leaves i^ to 6 ins. long, to f in. wide, rounded at the base, long and slenderly pointed", smooth, and of the same shade of brilliant green on both surfaces ; bristle- toothed on one margin, minutely so on the other ; secondary veins two to four each side the midrib ; leaf-sheath with a tuft of erect hairs at the top, and smaller ones on the margin. Native of Japan ; introduced about 1895 by way of France. This bamboo' spreads rapidly by means of underground suckers, and forms a dense thicket of slender, erect stems of very various heights. Its distinguishing marks are in the narrowness of the leaves, their smoothness, and similarity of shade on both surfaces. A. AURICOMA, Mitford. (Bambusa Fortune! var. aurea, Hart.") Stems tufted, 3 to 4 ft. high, about as thick as a knitting-needle, slightly hollow, dark purplish green. Stem-sheaths persistent, edged with minute hairs. Leaves 3 to 8J ins. long, to i J ins. wide ; rounded, or even slightly heart-shaped at the base, fine-pointed, dark green always more or less striped with rich golden yellow. These yellow stripes vary in width and number, often the major part of the leaf is golden, with only thin lines of green. Secondary veins five to seven each side the midrib. The upper surface is at first minutely downy, and becomes rough to the touch with age ; the lower surface remains velvety. 214 ARUNDINARIA Native of Japan ; cultivated since the " seventies " of last century, probably before, and long known as " Bambusa Fortunei aurea." In its full late summer leafage it is a beautifully variegated plant, and quite distinct from all other dwarf bamboos. A few stems flower every year at Kew, but no plant has yet broken completely into blossom. A. CHRYSANTHA, Mitford. (Bambusa chrysantha, Hart.") Stems 2 to 6 ft. high, J to in. diameter, dark green, round ; joints 2 to 5^ ins. apart. Leaves 5 to 7 ins. long, ^ to I in. broad, rounded at the base, rather abruptly tapered to a short, slender point, smooth on both surfaces, minutely toothed at the margins. There is a tuft of long, silky hairs at the top of the leaf-sheath. Most of the leaves are quite green, but some are more or less striped with golden yellow like A. auricoma. Secondary veins four to six each side the midrib. Native of Japan ; introduced in 1892, but a bamboo of no great attractive- ness. The variegation is not abundant enough to give a colour effect, and the plant cannot be compared with A. auricoma in this respect. It spreads rapidly by its underground stems. A. FALCATA, Nees. (Bambusa falcata, Hort. ; B. gracilis, Hort.} Stems tufted, 10 to 15 ft. high, glaucous when young, slender, round ; the joints clothed with a velvety down ; stem-sheaths with long, tapered points, edged with hairs, especially when young, pale purple. Leaves 2 to 6 ins. long, to in. wide, rather pale green, somewhat glaucous beneath ; secondary veins two to five each side the midrib, not tessellated with cross-veinlets. Native of the Himalaya up to 7000 ft. It is not a very hardy species, and is only suitable for the mildest parts of the kingdom. From all the bamboos here mentioned, except A. Falconeri, it can be distinguished by the absence of cross-veinlets in the leaves. A. Falconeri differs in having green or yellowish (not glaucous) stems with dark brown stains at the joints. A. FALCONERI, Gamble. (A. nobilis, Mitford ; Thamnocalamus Falconeri, Hooker fit., Bot. Mag., t. 7947) Stems up to 25 ft. long in the mildest parts of the kingdom ; tufted, very slender, round, olive-green, becoming yellowish, with a very distinct stain of purplish brown at the joints ; the joints quite devoid of down ; stem-sheaths purple, smooth, except towards the top and at the margins. Leaves normally 2 to 4 ins .long, about ^ in. wide; bright green, rather glaucous beneath, with purplish stalks and margins; secondary veins three or four each side the mid- rib, not tessellated with cross-veins; leaf-sheaths purplish, not hairy at the top. Native of the Himalaya ; first introduced to England in 1847 by Mr Madden, who sent large quantities of seeds to Kew, which were distributed through Europe. These plants grew well where the climatic conditions were favour- able, and flowered in 1875 an d 1876. Every plant ultimately died, but from the seed they produced a new generation was raised, which in its turn flowered between 1903 and 1908. It would thus appear that the next general flowering may be expected from 1931 onwards. A. Falconeri produces its stems in a dense, crowded cluster, and does not spread by underground suckers. It is not very hardy, but in such places as Cornwall and the south-west of Ireland ARUNDINARIA FASTUOSA. [Face p. 215. ARUNDINARIA 215 it is magnificent. At Kevv it is killed to the ground ever}' winter. The species has been much confused with A. falcata an inferior bamboo, more tender, not so tall, and really very distinct in its glaucous stems with velvety joints, and in the long, tapered points of the stem-sheaths. A. FASTUOSA, Makino. (Bambusa fastuosa, Marliac ; Phyllostachys fastuosa, fforf.") Stems up to 22 ft. high, i^ ins. diameter at the base, perfectly erect, very hollow, dark green, round except at the upper internodes, which are flattened on one side ; branches short, very leafy. Stem-sheaths very large, up to 9 ins. long by 4 ins. wide at the base when spread out, purplish and at first downy outside, beautifully glazed within ; they fall off early. Leaves 4 to 8 ins. long, | to i in. wide, wedge-shaped at the base, long and taper-pointed ; dark lustrous green above ; one side the midrib beneath glaucous, the other greenish ; margins toothed ; secondary veins four to six each side the midrib. Native of Japan, where it is known as " Narihira-dake." Narihira, Lord Redesdale tells us, was the beautiful hero of one of the classic romances of Japan, vritten in the eleventh century. Although in some respects this bamboo resembles A. Simoni, it is perfectly distinct and a superior plant. If not the most graceful, it is the loftiest and stateliest of hardy species, differing from A. Simoni in the early fall of the stem-sheaths ; in the short, crowded branches at each joint, which give to each stem-growth a columnar appear- ance ; and in the more tufted habit. Although suckers do push through the ground g)od distances away from the parent clump, it is not so rampant as A. Simon. Introduced in 1892, it has not yet flowered in cultivation. It is very hard/, and the foliage of no bamboo suffers less from winter cold. A. FORTUNEI, A. and C. Riviere. (Bambusa Fortune! variegata, Hort.~) Stems ip to 3! ft. high, very slender, the strongest only in. diameter, the pipe up thi centre very small ; joints i to 6 ins. apart ; stem-sheaths persistent, hairy at tie base. Leaves 2 to 7^ ins. long, 5 to i in. wide ; rounded at the base, darkgreen copiously striped" lengthwise with creamy white sometimes it would h more correct to say "white striped with green"; hairy on both surfaces, epecially beneath; both margins toothed; leaf-sheaths hairy when' young ; se ondary nerves three to five both sides the midrib. Native )f Japan ; cultivated by Van Houtte of Ghent before 1863. This is the prettiet white variegated hardy bamboo we have, giving a very bright effect from late summer up to Christmas. It is of tufted habit, but spreads rapidly, anl is easily increased by division. A. GRAMINEA, Makino. A. Hindsii var. graminea, Bean; Bambusa graminea, Hort?) Stems ID to 10 ft. high, and about \ in. diameter, at first yellowish ; the central hobw very large, leaving only thin walls ; joints 3 to 6 ins. apart ; ultimately ery densely branched and leafy towards the top, and forming besom-like nasses. Leaves the narrowest in proportion to their length of all hardy bambos, being 4 to 9 ins. long, but never, so far as I have observed, more than tin. wide ; secondary nerves two to four either side the midrib. Native c Japan, where it is known as Taimin-chiku ; cultivated by Messrs Veitch in 1*77, and probably introduced by John Gould Veitch during the 216 ARUNDINARIA previous decade. It forms thickets of stems of great density, but spreads rapidly, and can be increased very quickly by division. In the earlier days of its cultivation in Britain I regarded it as a variety of A. Hindsii, but in twenty years these two have assumed very different characters. A. graminea is a much more slender, leafy plant, hardier, and better for gardens ; the leaves are only half as wide, and the secondary veins fewer. A. HINDSII, Munro. KAN-ZAN-CHIKU. (Bambusa erecta, Hort?) Stems tufted, 8 to 10 ft. high, round, quite erect, up to I in. diameter ; dark olive green; at first covered with a waxy bloom; joints often 8 to 10 ins apart; central pipe large. Branches erect; forming dense clusters at eacl joint. Leaves mostly erect, dark green above, rather glaucous beneath, smooth on the surfaces, but with numerous bristle-like teeth on one margin and a few scattered ones on the other ; the longest are 8 to 9 ins. long, the broadest f to i in. wide ; the average width is from j to f in., tapered at tre base, the apex long, tail-like. Secondary veins four to six each side the midrib. Native of Japan; cultivated in England since about 1875. It lowered in 1910 and 1911. It is one of the least elegant of bamboos, sinilar in foliage to A. graminea, but less copiously leafy and with larger leaves. The stems and leaves are also stouter and darker green, the habit is less dense, and the plants do not " run " so rapidly. A. HUMILIS, Mitford. (Bambusa Nagashima, Marliac^ A dwarf, rapidly spreading bamboo, 2 to 5 ft. high as a rule ; stems very slender, and with a minute hollow up the centre. Leaves bright green on both sides, 2 to 7 ins. long, \ to f in. wide, rounded at the base slender- pointed ; secondary veins three to five each side the midrib ; leaf-sh