8061 '12 W Itfd A 'X ' THE Mineralogy of Pennsylvania. THE MINERALOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. TIKIS Mineralogy of Pennsylvania, BY JOHN EYERMAN. PART I. To he luted n* ralo, 12. MINERALOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 13 Reniform wad, coating Pottsville conglomerate at W ray's Hill tunnel, Huntington Co. and at Dry Hollow mine. It is also quite abundant at many localities in Venango, Co. The following are the localities in Berks Co. : Globular, near Birclsboro ; massive, in the old Oley tunnel mine; at Lyons, Althouse farm, Maiden Creek ; in mammillary concretions near the Morgantown road, J mile below Lancaster bridge. I have obtained a specimen of dendritic wad from Cornwall, Lebanon Co. It is also found at Hitner's marble quarries, in Plymouth twp., Montgomery Co., and contains a small percentage of cobalt. The variety Asbolite occurs at Flouriown, Montgomery Co., where it forms an incrustation upon psilomelane. 28. QUARTZ. (55) Sec. I. Crystalline. Five or six years ago I obtained a very clear hexagonal crystal, with good faces and termination, at the Court House grounds, Easton, Pa. The length is about 6i cm - Many smaller crystals were also found, some of them perfectly clear. Another good locality in Easton is at the vacant lot at Northampton and Twelfth streets. I have also observed fine crystals, in groups, at Flint Hill, near Lcithsville, Northampton Co. Transparent crystals occur on Lee's farm, S. E. of Friedens- burg, and in Windsor, Greenwich townships, Berks Co. Doubly terminated crystals occur at Noll's mine, Fleetwood, Berks Co. In the same county small crystals are found at Fritz Island, and at the Crystal Cave. Virginsville. Also near Buffalo Run, Patton twp., Centre Co. Drusy quartz, in clusters, occurs at the Barren ridge, near West Chester, at Birmingham quarries, and at Strode's mill, S. of West Chester. Sec. II. Amethystine. Crystals of a deep purple color occur scattered through the soil from one to one and a half miles S. of West Chester. In Pennsbury occur brilliant crystals ; on 14 MINERALOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. the farm of W. Painter the crystals are penetrated by needles of rutile. Crystals of a good color have been found near Em- breeville, Chester Co. Sec. III. Smoky. A short time ago I received a remarkably clear and well developed crystal 10 cm . in length, said to have been found in the vicinity of Hellertown, Northampton County. Crystals also occur in Bethel and Upper Darby townships and near Glen Riddle, Delaware Co., in Sadsbury, Chester Co., on Updegrove's farm in Union, on Berg's farm in Albany, in Wind- sor twp., and on Flint Hill, Berks Co. Sec. IV. Blue. Blue quartz is found in large masses of a deep color, two miles N. of Lionville, Chester Co. ; also at Radnor, Delaware Co. Sec. V. Milky. This variety is found in Bethel township, Del- ware Co., and at Cornwall. Lebanon Co. Sec. VI. Ohalcedony. Good specimens are found at Texas, Lan- caster Co., at Fleetwood, Friedensburg, Mertztown and Fritz Is- land in Berks Co., and near Edgmont, Delaware Co.; at Cornwall, Lebanon Co., in mammillary and botryoidal forms, of a pale- brown or greenish color. Sec. VII. Agate. -In Berks Co. agate occurs at Wernersville, Bornegratz's, Gottschall's, Flint Hill and Mertztown. Sec. VIII. Agate-jasper. At all the localities given under Sec. VII. Sec. IX. Hornstone. This variety is found at Fridensburg, Berks Co. Sec. X. Jasper. Occurs at all the localities given under Sec. VII, at Cornwall, Lebanon Co., on the " Barren Ridge," N. from West Chester, and at "Rock Springs," near Texas, Lancaster Co. 2!>. OPAL. (61) The variet} T hyalite occurs on gneiss near t lie West Chester turn pike, YN^illistown township, Chester Co., and of a beautiful light green color, perfectly transparent, on gneiss, at a quarry on Mill street, German town. MINERALOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 15 30. ENSTATITE. (62) There is a specimen of enstatite in the museum of Lafayette College, from Newportville, Bucks Co. Also one from Spring Mill, Montgomer}^ Co. Enstatite from Rose's quarry, opposite Lafayette, Montgomery Co. has been analyzed by Mr. H. Trimble 1 who found : i. n. Silicic acid 53.41 53.32 Alumina 2.12 2.13 Ferric oxide 4.66 4.72 Ferrous oxide 5.71 5.71 Manganous oxide 0.87 0.38 Magnesia 32.47 33.72 99.24 99.98 Also found in West Nottingham twp., Chester Co. 31. PYROXENE. (64) According to Dr. Brunner, the largest crystals found in Berks Co. occur at G-ottschall's farm, in Alsace twp. It is abundant in the vicinity of Antietam Lake and at Ranch's mine, in Hereford twp.; also at Ohlinger's Dam ; at Eschbach- ville, Sparr's mine; Boyertown ; Raudenbush mine, Berks Co., and two miles from Hosensack station, Lower Milford twp., Lehigh Co. Variety a. Sahlite. An analysis of this variety from Seisholtz- ville. Berks Co., 1 resulted : Silica 49.30 Ferric oxide 0.53 Alumina 14.98 Ferrous oxide 6.02 Magnesia 8.27 Lime.. ..21.45 IGcol. ofPcnn., C6129. 1 Sydney Castle Geol. of Perm., D p. 6. 100.55 _ <> MINERALOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. It is slso found massive and crystallized at the French Creek Mines, St. Peter's, Chester Co. Some of these crystals attain a, length of 42 mm - b. Mussite. This occurs in East Bradford twp , Chester Co. c. Augite. In Berks Co. at Babb's tavern and at Ohlingcr mill, six miles E. of Reading. d. Pyrallolite. At the French Creek mines, St. Peter's, Chester Co., massive and occasionally radiating of a light pink color. 32. ANTHOPHYLLITE. Dr. Genth describes this under amphibole (actinolite,) but! pre- fer, however, to treat it as a distinct species. It occurs in beau- tiful radiations of a yellowish brown color, two miles N. of Media r Delaware Co., and at Texas, Lancaster Co. 33. AMPHIBOLE. (66) a. Actinolite.' Ij&st fall, (Oct. 1888) I discovered some fine crystals of actinolite associated with tremolite, a few rods N\ W. of the Electric R. R. car house, College Hill, Easton. Massive; and crystallized it is found at the following localities in the vicinity of Easton : Herster's dam H miles W. of the city ; at several talc. openings along theBushkill creek ; along the Delaware River and at several places along the Chestnut Ridge N. from the city. Near the Black Horse tavern, Delaware Co., it occurs glassy, of a deep green color, in round crystalline masses and also in broad blades of a light green color, and at the Birmingham quarries S. of West Chester. b. Byssolite. According to Mr. Matters, the superintendent, I have now in my possession the finest specimen of hyssnlito taken from the French Creek mines, St. Peter's, Chester Co This specimen contains hundreds of perfect needle-like crystals. many of which are 4'2 mm in length. It also occurs here, disseminated throughout the calcite. and for which I have proposed the name " />'//x.W///V i-nlrite" In MINERALOGY OP PENNSYLVANIA. 17 Berks Co. it is found at Jones' mine (C. M. Wheatley), at Ohling- er dam, Antietam Lake, Boyertown and in Longswamp twp. c. Tremolite. Associated with actinolite it is found at all the Easton localities given above. d. Asbestus. In short fibre, it occurs at Harman's blacksmith shop, Warrington twp., York Co. ; in feldspar on M'Elwee's farm four miles S. E. of Dillsburg, and on M. Elicker's farm five miles E. of Dillsburg, York Co. At Cornwall, Lebanon Co., it is found between the Middle and Grassy Hills. d. I. Mountain Leather. There is a specimen of this sub-variety in the Lafayette College museum from Bowertown, Berks Co. d. II. Mountain Cork. Occurs of a mile N. W. of .Radnor station, Delaware Co. (Rand.) 34. BERYL. (70) This mineral is found in Ridley and Springfield townships, Delaware Co. Dr. Genth mentions a crystal from Chester Co. weighing 51 Ibs. Mr. Jefferis informs me that it was found at " Beryl Hill," seven miles W. of West Chester. 35. CHRYSOLITE. (71) Associated with picrolite it is found two miles E. of Wakefield, Lancaster Co. In Delaware Co. in the townships of Edgemont and Middleton. I have noticed this mineral also at Cornwall, Lebanon Co., where it occurs in small crystals of a brownish color, associated witja magnetite. In Berks Co. it is found at the Wheatfield mine, near Fritztown, and at the Fritz Island mine. 36. PAYALITE. This mineral is found 1J miles N. E. of Boyertown, Berks Co. and as a furnace product, at the Reading sheet mill. 18 MINERALOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 37. GARNET. (72) The following localities have been reported to me as "Locali- ties for garnets." In no case has the variety been given, and 1 am therefore, obliged to place them under this general heading. Near Oakford, Bucks Co., at Mathuly mill, near Jenkintown ; in Berks Co., on V. Hartman's farm, Alsace twp.; at Bishop's mill, Exeter twp.; in Ruscombmanor twp,, near Pricetown ; at Gott- schall's mines and at Antietam Lake. Var. a. G-rossularite. This variety occurs at Leiperville, Del- aware Co. b. Almandite. Imperfect crystals are found at Mohr's mine, near Shimersville, Upper Milford twp., Lehigh Co. An analysis by.J)r. Smith 1 gave : SiO 2 ..35.92 A1 2 O 3 19.18 . Fe 2 O 3 4.92 FeO 29.47 MnO 4.80 CaO 2.38 MgO 1170 100.37 Sp. gr. 4.03. An analysis 2 of the variety from Chelsea, Bethel twp., Dohi- Co., resulted : SiO, 41.11 A1 2 O' 3 21.00 FejzOs 2.11 1 Baryta 0.08 Ignition 0.71 0.22. 100.68 100.26 i. of I'ciiim.. i). p. <;. 2<;<'"|. of iVmui.. C f>, 1 is. MINERALOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 25 I have observed a very interesting crystalline variety at the French Creek mines, St. Peter's, Chester Co. Here it occurs in radiating columnar crystals of light green to light pink color. Many of the columnar crystals measure 6 cm in length. The following is an analysis by Dr. F. A. Genth, Jr. 1 : Ignition 0.67 SiO 2 ..' 62.68 Fe 2 O 3 0.23 A1 2 3 20.90 CaO 0.15 Na 2 O None K 2 O.. ,.15.99 Sp. gr. 2.528. 100.62 53. ALBITB. (91.) Albite from Lenni, Delaware Co., has been analyzed by Mr. G. M. Lawrence, 2 who found : Silicic acid 65.43 Alumina 20.70 Magnesia 0.68 Lime 1.11 Soda 9.85 Potash 0.70 Ignition 1.71 100.18 Beautiful colorless crystals are found in red orthoclase at Up- per Avondale, Delaware Co., and an analysis by Dr. Genth 3 re- sulted . Silicic acid ; 68.52 Alumina 19.44 Soda 11.42 Potash . . 0.65 Sp. gr. 2.604. 100.03 1 Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., XXIV, 4:-}. 2 Geol. of Penim., C ">, IKi. :\ Ibid, C 5, 117. 26 MINERALOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. These crystals are associated with minute but beautifully modified, colorless and slightly greenish crystals of beryl, crys- tals of muscovite, black tourmaline and calcite. In Berks Co., albite occurs at Siesholtzville, Little Dam, Hill church, and in Exeter and Washington twps. A variety from S. Dana's place, near Morrisville, Bucks Co., anatyzed by Dr. Genth, 1 gave : Ignition 0.53 Silicic acid 67.01 Alumina 19.44 Ferric oxide 0.52 Magnesia 0.24 Lime 1.71 Soda 10.48 Potash . . 3.30 100.23 54. TOURMALINE. (95) Black tourmaline, in crystals, is found at New Hope, Bucks Co., and at Rossville, York Co. In Lehigh Co., in large perfect crystals imbedded in feldspar at the Corundum locality, near Shimersville ; brown crystals in hornblende, at the Bethlehem Iron Go's mine H miles N. W. of Shimersville, and of a brownish- black color on Lehigh Mt., 2 miles south of Allentown. Dr. Smith 2 has made a partial analysis of the brownish-black variety from Lehigh Mt., and finds : SiO 2 ................. 39.41 A1 2 O 3 ................ 19.46 Fe 2 3 ................ 8.44 FeO ................. 7.00 CaO ................ 3.49 MgO ................ 2.14 9.00 Alkalies ............. Ignition ............. 2.19 1 Geol. of Penna.. C 6, 101. 2 Am. Chern. Jour.. V. 27."i. MINERALOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 27 55. GEHLENITE. According to Mr. J. S. Diller 1 this mineral, in square prisms, occurs in furnace slag near McVille, Armstrong Co. 56. CYANITE. .101) Of a green color, it occurs near the London Grove Meeting House, and at a quarry J mile S. of the Poor House quarries, Chester Co. 57. DATOLITE. The only occurrence of this mineral in Pennsylvania is at the Fritz Island mine S. of Reading. 58. TITANiTE. (102.) Clove-brown crystals are found in magnetite, 1? miles S. of Huff's church, Hereford twp., Berks Co., and liver-brown crys- tals in the hornblende at Tioga station, Philadelphia. Two analyses of the latter by Dr. G-onth 2 gave : By Sodium Garb. By Hydrofluoric acid. Ign 99 87 SiO 2 30.60.. - TiO 2 37.23 37.02 A1 2 O 8 0.67 0.47 FeO 0.90 0.90 MnO trace trace MgO ' 0.24 trace CaO.. ..29.50.. ..29.38 100.13 Sp. gr. 3.596. 1 Am. J. Sci., 37, 220. 2Geol. of Penn., C 6, 130. 28 .MINERALOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A dark-brown titanite in well defined crystals, is found 2 miles from Hosensack station, Lower Milford twp., Lehigh Co., and has been analyzed by Messrs. Smith and Kncrr2 with the follow- in g results : SiO 2 34.S7 TiO2 41141 CaO.. .21:75 100.03 Sp. irr. 3.45. 59. STAUROIJTE. (103,) On the "Barrens" N. of West Chester it is found in small crystals and at Taylor's quarries one mile N. of West Chester. 60. CHRYSOCOLLA. (104) This mineral is found sparingly at the PriU Island'inine, Berks County. 01. NEOLITE. (105) I have been able to identify this mineral as occurring at the I>ig Hill," Cornwall, Lebanon Co. Color grayish -white ; struc- ture radiated. 62. ANTHOSIDERITE. This mineral occurs at the Dry Hollow mine. Huntingdon Co. 63. PECTOUTE. On granite.it is found at the rVankl'ord quarries, Philadelphia, and in gray acicular crystals associated with stillnte. on lime- stone, it occurs at Ilosensafk station, Lehigh Co. 1 Am. Clu'in. .Imir.. VI. 11'^. MINERALOGY OP PENNSYLVANIA. 29 An analysis of this latter mineral has been made by Messrs. Smith and Knerri with the following result : SiO 2 .... ...55.17 Fe 2 O B 0.80 CaO. 30.00 K 2 0.37 JSfa20 9.02 H 2 O... . 4.63 99.99 Sp. gr. 2.6. 64. CALAMINE. (106) Last summer (1888), I obtained some good crystals of a dark brown color on limonite and coating the interior of geodes, from an abandoned mine shaft on the land of S. von Steuben, i mile W. of Dryland station, Northampton Co. At the Keystone Zinc mine, near Birmingham, Blair Co., it is found associated with sphalerite and galenite. Several years ago I analyzed the calami ne from the Ueberroth mine, Frie- densville, Lehigh Co., which I append herewith, as I believe this to be the first published analysis of calamine from this old and well-known locality. Si 2 O 3 '.24.32 Fe 2 O 3 2.12 H 2 7.86 ZnO. . ..65.05 99.35 65. APOPHYLLITE. (106) Fine crystals of apophyllite are found at the French Creek mines, St. Peter's, Chester Co., where th SiO 2 55.31 A1 2 O 3 14.88 Na 2 O 1.66 H 2 O 18.47 99.32 Sp. gr. 2.21. 1 E. F. Smith, Am. Chem. Jour., V, 227. 2 I have added this quantity, having been omitted by the printer <>!' th<- A. ('. .1. MINERALOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 33 Messrs. Brunner and Smithi have analyzed this mineral from the VVbeatfield mines, near Fritztown, where it occurs in ra- diating, fibrous, pearly white masses upon a trap rock. H 2 19.42 SiO 2 57.49 A1 2 O 3 13.03 CaO 8.06 MgO trace Na 2 O.. . 1.36 99.36 Sp. 2.2. Stilbite from Raudenbush and Fegley's mine, Berks Co., has been analyzed with the following results : a b c H 2 18.46 ..18.60. 18.97 Si0 2 58.01 ..58.15. 57.54 AJ 2 O 3 .... 13.75 ..12.47. ...12.67 CaO 7.76 ) 7.85 . . 9.82. J\J_r\_) 1 38 j 1.72 K 9 O 0.42 .. 0.13 1 09 Na 2 O . . . . trace . . . .trace. . . trace 99.78 99.47 99.84 a and b Raudenbush, by Mr. P. P. Davidson. 2 c Fegley's Mine, by Messrs. Hoskinson and Brunner. 3 71. HEULANDITB. (110) This zeolite, rather rare in Pennsylvania, is found associated with quartz, calcite. hornblende, etc., near Adarnstown, Lancas- 1 D. B. Brunner and E F. Smith, Am. Chcm* Jour., V, 2 SO. 2 Am. Chem. Jour., VI, 414. 3 Jldd VI, 4 M. 34 MINERALOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. ter Co. The crystals show the following planes : ooP, (ooPoo), P, P, 2 Poo, (2 Poo), (Poo) An analysis by Messrs. Knerr and Schoenfeld 1 afforded : II 2 O 16.61 SiO 2 57.68 A1 2 O 3 17.05 CaO 6.78 MgO 0.69 Kob 1.13 Nti2C) trace Sp. gr. 2.2. 99.94 72. TALC. (113) Large quantities of talc are mined in the counties* of Delaware. Chester, Lancaster and Northampton. The so-called "light- green variety of serpentine" found near Easton proves, upon examination, to be talc. 73 PYROPHYLLITE. (Ill) This mineral is found in the coal slates at the North Mahanoy colliery, near Mahanoy City, Schuylkill Co. (74.) SRHPENTINE. (113) Mr. II. F. Keller- has analyzed two specimens of serpentine from Berks Co., with the following results : Ruth's Mine. Whcatfield Mine. Silicic oxide 42.14 41.46 Ferrous oxide 2.06 0.99 Magnesium oxide 41.61 44.68 Calcium oxide trace Water 14.20 14.07 100.01 101.20 1 1C. B. KiiemiiHl .}. Schoenfeld, Ibid VI, 412. 2 Froc. Am. I'hil Soc., XXIII, -12. MINERALOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 35 75. CHLOROPAL. Dr. Valentine sent me a greenish, earthy mineral, which he found associated with the magnetite, at Big Hill, Cornwall, Lebanon Co. Upon examination I found it to be chloropal. On Lehigh Mt., S. of Allentown, this mineral is found at many of the " search " pits dug in searching for limonite. In the American Chemical Journal, Vol. V, p. 278, Dr. E. F. Smith gives twelve analyses of this mineral, four of which are here appended. Yellow. Yellowish-green. H 2 O 19.61 20.79 SiO 2 40.20 41.16 Fe 2 O 3 39.52 30.79 FeO 0.40 0.21 P 2 O 5 trace A1 2 O 3 . . 2.05 MgO K 2 O... " 4.54 99.73 99.54 Brownish-yellow. Brown. H 2 O 19.27 .- . 17.71 SiO 2 42.37 43.54 Fe 2 O 3 38.17 39.52 FeO trace P 2 O 5 " 100.77 MgO " 99.81 In Berks Co. it is found in the neighborhood of Longswamp church. 76. GLAUCONITE. (113) Lining cavities in feldspar, it is found at the French Creek 36 . MINERALOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. mines, St. Peter's, Chester Co. An analysis by Messrs. Knerr and Schoenfeld 1 resulted : H 2 . , .. 8.43 Si0 2 . . . .52.86 Al 2 0s 7.08 Fe 2 O 8 . . . . 7.20 FeO . . . . 19.48 MgO . . . . . 2.90 CaO . . . . trace K 2 , . . 2.23 Na 2 O . . . . trace 100.18 Sp. gr. 2:2. 77. LEIDYITE. This mineral of grass-blue or green color in verruciform incrus- tations of fine scales and resinous lustre is found at Leiperville, Delaware Co. Named after the eminent anatomist Dr. Joseph Tjcidy. It lias heen analyzed by Dr. Koenig 2 who found : SiO 2 51.41 A1 2 O 3 16.82 FeO 8.50 MgO 3.07 CaO 3:15 Hv.O 17.08 100.03 78 DKWEYLITK. (117) This mineral is found at Ruth's mine, in Berks Co., and at Brinton's quarry, S. of West Chester, Chester Co. The former 1 E. B. Knerr and J. Schoenfold, Am. Chem. .Four., VI, 412 2G. A. K Philndelphite 39 PsiJomelane 12 Sahlite 15 Serpentine 34 Siderite 43 Stilbite...: 33 Titaniferous garnet 1!) Tilanite 27, >' Tourmaline 26 Wavellite 40 Andradite 19 Anorthite 22 Anthophyllite 36 Anthosiderite 28 Apatite 40 Apophyllite 29 Aqnacreptite 37 Armstrong Co 27 Aragonite 44 Asbestus 17 Asbolite 13 Augite 16 Aurichalcite 44 Autunite 41 Axinite 21 Azurite ... 45 Barite 41 Bedford Co '. 10,41 Berks Co 3,4,5,6,7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. 17, 18,19,20,21,22,24, 2 Calamine 29 Calcite 42' Cacoxenite 40 Cancrinite 22 Centre Co 13 Chabazite , 31 Chalcedony 14 Chalcocite 4 Chalcopyrite 6 Chester Co..5, 6, 7, 9, 10* 13, 14, 15, 1 6, 17, 20, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32, 34, 36, 40, 42, 45 Chlorpoal 35 Chromite .... 9 Cbrysocolla 28 Chrysolite 17 Clarion Co 44 Columbia Co 4 Columbite 39 Copiatite 42 Copper 3 Corundum 8 Cuprite 7 Cyanite 27 Damourite 38 Datolite 27 Degeroite 38 Delaware Co 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 31, 32, 34, 36, 39. 40, 41, 42 Dog-tooth Spar 42 Dolomite 43 Dopplerite . 46 Dnfrenite 40 Enstatite 15 Epidote 20 Epsomite 42 Erythrite 40 Euxenite 39 Fahlunite 38 Fayalite 17 FayetteCo 4,44 Fluorite 6 Franklin Co 41 Fulton Co 41 Galenite 4 Garnet 18, 19, 20 Gehlenite 27 Genthite 37 Glauconite 35 Gothite 11 Graphite 3 Grossularite 18 Gypsum 41 4 Halotrichite 42 Heulandite ; .., 33 Hisingerite 38 Hornstone 14 Huntingdon Co 4, 10, 12, 13, 28, 38, 40, 41, 42 Hyalite 14 Hydronaagnesite 44 Iceland Spar 42 Jasper 14 Kammererite 3H Labradorite 24 Lackawanna Co 4, 46 Lancaster Co 4, 9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 33, 34, 41. 43, 44 Lebanon Co 5, 13, 14, 17, 19, 22, 28, 31, 35, 38, 41 Lehigh Co 3,5,6, 8, 10,11, 12,15,20,26,28,29,30,32,40,43 Leidyite 36 Lepidolite 22 Magnesite 43 Malachite 44 Marcasite 6 Melaconite 8 Menaccanite < 8 Mesolite 31 Milky quartz 14 Millerite 5 Monroe Co 4 Montgomery Co 4, 5, 6, 8, 15, 37, 44, 45 Mountain cttrk 17 Mountain leather 17 Muscovite 22 Mussite 16 Neolite 28 New Jersey 3 New York... 42 Northampton Co 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 21, 29, 34, 42, 44, 45 Northumberland Co 4 Oligoclase 22 Opal 14 Orthoclase i 24 Pectolite 28 Penninite 38 Philadelphia Co 8, 9, 20. 21, 27, 28,31, 32, 37, 38, 42, 45 Philadelphite 38 Pike Co 12, 45 Pottsville conglomerate 13 Psilomelane 12 Pyrite 5 Pyrallolite 16 Pyrolusite . 10 Pyrophyllite 34 Pyrrhotite 5 Pyroxene 15 Quartz 13 Randite..... 45 Ripidolite 38 Rutile 10 tiahlite 15 Schuylkill Co 42, 46 Serpentine 34 Siderite 43 Silver 3 Smoky quartz 14 Sphalerite 4 Staurolite 28 Stilbite : 32 Sullivan Co 4 Sulphur 3 Susquehanna Co 12 Talc 34 Titanite 27 Tourmaline 26 Tremolite 17 Turgite , 11