Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/avestareaderfirsOOjackrich AVESTA READER FIRST SERIES EASIER TEXTS, NOTES, AND VOCABULARY BY A. V. WILLIAMS JACKSON OF COLUMIHA COLLEGE, NEW YORK CITY STUTTGART \V. K O H L H A M M E R 1893 JU •J : t This little book is inscribed in remembrance of the late Kommerzienrat W^. Kohlhammer as a token of regard. 280323 Preface. This littlti book lays no claim to any special merit beyond furnishing in convenient form some material for those beginning to study the Avesta. As it is intended merely for an mtrodiiction, and being designed as the first of a series of reading books, the number of pages of texts has been limited. The selections here given are such as may easily be mastered by a class in one college term; the beginner, moreover, alwaj's finds a certain de- gree of pleasure and satisfaction in a book that can be read through in a comparatively short time, and he feels he is making a certain amount of progress when another book has to be taken up. With that in view, a second volume is being prepared, this will contain longer te.xts and will be so arranged as to imply a step in advance. The present selections in prose and verse, are fairly representative, as far as excerpts can be, of Yasna, Vis- parad, Yasht. and V^endidad. The chapters Ys. 26 and 57 are given complete. The passage from Vd. 19 has the advantage of presenting a specimen of texts in which grammatical decay is to be observed. The notes in general have been made brief and con- cise, but it is hoped that beside being explanatory they will also prove useful in giving the student an occasional vi Preface. hint regarding books of reference, and will thus interest him in the literature of the subject. A brief list of useful books has already been given in Avesta Grammar Part i, p. xl-xlii. Attention is now also called to the new Avesta translation by Darmesteter, Le Zend-Avesta (3 volumes, Paris 1892-3), the last two volumes of which reached me after the greater part of the present book was already in press; I was pleased, however, to note several co-incidences in interpretation of certain Yasht and Vendidad passages. The vocabulary has been made a Httle more full perhaps than is necessar>'; but this was done from a de- sire to give the beginner a fair start. It seemed advis- able, for example, to add frequent grammatical references, and to designate the verb forms in full. A slightly dif- ferent plan will be followed in the Second Series. With regard to the etymologies in the vocabulary, comparison has been confined to Sanskrit, Old Persian, Pahlavi, and New Persian. It is presupposed, of course, that the student has made some progress in Sanskrit. The comparisons with Old Persian, Pahlavi and New Persian are added, not at all with the idea tliat they will be mastered by a beginner, but in order to show the pupil the importance of the Iranian as well as the Sanskrit side of interpretation, and to familiarize him with the studies next akin to his subject. Old Persian is easily mastered after Avestan, and the earnest student will soon discover that the well-equipped scholar can not of course long dispense with Pahlavi and New Persian. The * tradi- tional' and 'comparative' method must go hand in hand. In preparing the book I have had before me VV. Geiger's Handbuch der Awestasprache, the manual with which 1 first began my Avesta studies. Of course C. de Harlez' Preface. vjj Manuel de VAvesta, and Bartholomae's Altiranische Dia- lekte have been often consulted. Justi's Handbuch der Zend&prache was necessarily used at every step; and Lanman's admirable Sanskrit Reader furnished many a hint or apt English rendering for kindred Avesta-Sanskrit words. The material for comparison with Old Persian was drawn from Spiegel's Altpersische Keilinschriften ; and that for comparison with Palilavi words, mainly from West's Glossary and Index of Arda Vzraf. In the case of New Persian, reference was made to Vullers' Lexicon Persico-Latinum and to Palmer's Persian-English Dictionary. Paul Horn's new Grundriss der Neupersishhen Etymologie (Strassburg 1893) came late but iiappily as I was reading the final revision of the proof-sheets of the vocabulary ; from this source, therefore, a number of good additions were m.ade. To each of the above authors I desire to made cordial acknowledgment. To my friend Professor Karl F. Geldner my sincerest thanks as always are due. With this word^ and with the hope that scholars will give their helpful criticism, corrections and suggestions, which 1 shall gladly and personally acknowledge, this little Avesta Reader is started on its course. A. V. Williams Jackson September 1893. Columbia College New York Cii-y. Contents. Pago PREFACK V-VIl Tf^^TS . r^33 TRANSCKIPTION OF AVKSTAN ALPHABF.T 34 ABBREVIATIONS 36 NOTES ON THL TF.XT5 37—48 VOCABULARY 49 — ri2 Selection of Texts. Yasna (1) Vs. 11.1-8. Duty towards the cow, the horse, and Ilaoma 3-5 (2) Vs. 26.1-1 I. Sacrifice and prai.se to the Fravashis . . 58 (3) Ys. 57.2-34. Praise of the Angel Sraosha S — 17 Visparad (4) Vsp. 1 5. 1 -3. Exhortation to righteousness and worslup iS Yashts (5) Vt. 5.1-9, 132. Praise of the Goddess of Waters .... 19 — 23 (6) Vt. 14.1-17. Six incarnations of the Genius of Victory 23 — 27 Vcndidad (7) '^'d- 3'23-29. The blessings of agriculture . 28—30 (8) Vd. 6.44-51. Origin of the Towers of Silence 30—31 (9) Vd. 19.5-10. The temptation of Zoroaster 32 — 33 ^"-VV n/\/\A-'V--- TEXTS. ■'• YASNA. I. Yasna ii. The cow, horse, Haoma, if misused, utter imprecations. The homage due to Haoma. '>)^-»K-"(y' ^^yyA^^-^y^ -"toy »oa;'ro-»-'-"1^-"^a^ -(^-pa^ -^)c^ |oa^-»w Vasna ii. ^i^-*'H -»-•*' -tr^-"ar -"K^^oj K)(?D) 4 •^ (o->Ai|Y '>r^-AA3 jo-u/o .^)c-(^ 'Vro 5 M*3)-"<; "^^jor-" (^-"^J;;i3 (y+ (^ro" rjK'i^p*' '*■*-*'/ fO!-^-^'! ^'Or^* ip^.^ Yasna ii and 26. 5 '>-(7j/ ^w^ar-a^-" o)^-»^<^ •»o-(??/;-"-(^ II. Yasna 26. Sacrifice and Praise to the Fravashis. •»03^-"-tf^/-*'m v»-(7io^j(S) "»-(^!o^;;j3r Mt^-^k^^d '^^^-^i^ 6 Yasna 26. i^-*"i3 -<;)("i^^^V'^-"(y -(7)ci-*'^|o-"9|^ -^)ri-"-»A^"^-"a; 4 -"ro -"K-(7y^-"))^'^(d -"p-(7M^))V -*^Ki5-"^^^ -''p^K'iiy:^ •»-"-(;-"/*'ro -(7-»»^-"))-*Aq^ ^i^-"^-" ">t(!;A-"-(7 »0(y't0'*^-"e' '^^-"^-" -"^^ to(ir-"-t'-**'^^-'(MD toar-"^)en3)^-"^-"/ •••J03 -"PD-"^j^ -"K-(7)ci|y:^ -"p-(7>5(ir-" -"M-(;)ci-»f^-»'^-" -(7)n '>^^^-"))-"^(^ ">^ji^-"^^ '^^^-^(WDy^ (^""^ •?\-*'i^-"(p Yasna 26. .7 -47)C1^-"^-" -<7)C/^,^-"))<^ -^PDH*'rO -(;)C|-'K>-*-"(M-*'^0(0-" -(7K'|-"^^D•*V-*A-"(M -(7)C|-"^en>3/-*'l;^-"l ■"^^»A^ -(7)cr^-"e^-" "<7)ci-"-'-»^(Jft)-" -^)Cj-"(yi3y(p 1103 -(;)C|-»V-^f •4)C|-"(M13i'i^ v|03^-"-(7-*'/-*'rO '^■»^-*'^-"))^^(S -"(yi5y(p 9 V ]03^-"-(7-"/-"ru '>^->-"^-"))-"'\(d -(;)cp?^-"^-" 9 ^-*'D-*^ (o-"io?\-*^"(7 |o-fcw-»j-x»(vj .-u^aj(j;* p^m •ro3-»-"-('-"/*'ro b* Yasna 26 and 57. '^tJoA) -(7)n^K>i3-^V viK23-»-*^'-^-"/-"m -t^x"!)-^^-" ^^-^ III. Yasna 57. Sposh Yasht. Praise of the Angel Sraosha. -"K-"arJ-*'}?\-"^" -"■»->-*A too/'-*' 3 ^VK>-»-"jf^ -tvo^))-"^ -"r-'^y^^-" Yasna 57. 9 •toorj-"))-" p-^-*-*^-"?;, ^1-*'^-**' •.•'>-'^^-" ">^tp=>-*Ai3 p^^^'^dA^^ -^-">e^^^(p t03J-""(?-"/-*'rt) -"id'^-^-^^ro -*'>enj^-*^))ar -"P -"ro -(?>iK>-"^ foar^^-" -^?»-"»^^-" ^?^(o-"(^ (^■^-^"^Q^ "0° |03-*-"-^-"/-"ro -"p-«a^?-"!?\-"r' -"^j-^) too;'-" v-*^h' J-i«^^'^-u,^(^ -"^HJ-^^/Qf-^/p .^jjJ.AWj^^^ ^}C\-^^^^()JVi lO Yasna 57. Yasna 57. * il v-(;«w-"ro tuai'io^-*^-" toar-*'^ip^-"^i3 •^K'^-'toro H^iif>^ b^i^fo^^d^ ^***t^ -t«^t^-**A(^^V(p 4^^-4)01' -(;v^-*^ M\^^^i} 15 VII 15 12 Yasna 57. .j)^--(7^ .^^^^^ .J^jj.U(^J^ c>^JaJ -*'rD-»'ro -^y*^]*-^ '^foj^m^ -^ri^-'TO^ •H*'0(i>*'e' tuor-"^-" '>W^-» 19 viii Yasna 57. 1 3 y 103 ^^^-"/^ro -^•*'ar)-»'i{Wf*' -"^^^^ toy-" 14 Vasna 57. Yasna 57. 15 .-^jl^^a*A(;^j\^ ^f^-"V(y -^v^-" -^j^o^-^Ai3 27 XI 27 J|yai)OJ*i(p .-M(yij^Jj^j*i .ujMjj^MQ)^aj MQy^MijyyMt 28 28 j(o-"^(o-*^ -"or^-"^^^-^ -*'j^-»(o-*A-^/p -*'ai')-"'»-»iH*' -a-j^ »6 Yasna 57. **o° 103^-" ("-"/-^ro -"p-"(ir?-"i?VK^ ajjjw^ roar-" 30 -t{i-"i;^\(ifV;) 'hj^Arjy ^t*^-^ -^^^^v^^Ad 30 XII ^'^f-^'-U)^ .-ujj^^j^oij -^■»(ij-*'}i3 32 >>M(;aj|^ ':^>oa>>)\^ .-y)^ij|^-(» .|^,j;>J\jaj .j^(jjj\yy 32 33 -h[^l^^^6f)v^ -t'T/J^'^M/' ty^^ -^?tifi^-"V3 33 XIII Yasna 57. 17 — >^oj-xi(y ^oj^(^ ^j-»\(J ^•»j^-" '>^o^-"W -"^-^oi'-tTtoro VISPARAD. IV. Visparad 15 (§§ 1-3). ICxhortation to Righteousness and Worship. '^^jjyo -^)C'I^>enjft-"))QJlV)3 -(^)C|-"^J(yj(i-*A-" -(;)Cf-"^-»K5^-»*'^^ ■tO! .rs. 00 eo .p^(^jai-(; ^oor-Ayor-" -*'m .i.SJJ}fO YASHTS. V. Yasht 5 (§§ 1-9^ 132). ArduT Siir Yasht. Praise of Ardvi Sura Anahita, the Celestial Stream and Goddess of Waters. ■*i)y6-"'S-"f J-**^-^-"/<3-»(MD P^/"-(7 "^Vor-" fo^-^-i^ I ^-"fX) p^)^(i' -^)ci^V 4)ci-"(yDy(p ■**'ro 2 20 Yasht 5. •■>^OJ-wVwJ-w))-u .-o^|y-u(y .-('t'(>J^jO-"'\ .-(;y/OJ-u^ -»K>^-»K-"K>-"^a) •»K>-»-"ai •-**'-(7?/ H^ro .j^j^P^^o^'^q) ./^-u .-•yy(i;' •j^-*'ro Yasht 5. 21 '>m -t?/*" •i^K'ny ^ v-"-('(o-"a) •<7)C!-»'^(^:"^^ -*"ai' •^0) -»-'r-^)f(y^-"/ -"KfOQ/'-'"DT'ip -"PIOQ/' 22 Yasht 5• tOK'-^ai'-**'!-" toVi3 T^?V -"\-">o -»*'K-*^Qf i^-^^y-*' -^oiy-^i^ 'V^)q;'-" p^/"-(? '^orj-^'/p 132 '^■i;;Qy-^i^ -">o(y-w .-xij^jj^ -u;o|y-u 132 Yasht 5 and 14. 23 VI. Yasht 14 (§§ 1-17)- Bahram Yasht. Six of the Incarnations of Verethraghna, Genius of Victory. •^-(7jK^-»-»-"/ -^)ci-")^-"/-*'m -{;)ei-"»-"->-»i^-(7 "»k>i3-" ^9 -**%-"^)(I^-" '^ffc^^UJ^Jcp >*^f"-(^ '^^JOr-" ^^-^'^-t' lo-uow ^1^^/-"^ •g-"D-"ii-**' '^■>-»V'^-*'(y ■^■^^(^■" 2 24 Yasht 14. ':A)Q}o>6A^f -"-(;-*^K>-»(yi3 •• '>^>€KJ)^-*'V/ -^-^yy p-"i-"i3 roJ-')^D A^-^Q)) -(r^ro Yasht 14. 25 '>|4j/-*'^ (^■^13-"(;f*' '>JJ>o-»^^ jj^4;jQy^ 9 9 %° ro^^-'^^'^^hro -"H-"(ir^-"fjV>f*' .-wjj^'\ too/*-" fW VJ03 -»-"-(;-" r-"ro -4'JK>-w'^W-" ■^^i^'^^^fVtlp 10 IV 10 '^f-(?f/"/p .|0-*i^jj^a*i :^jjV>>K> -*-*^-(7Qr-" II il 26 Yasht 14. vpw^-u-t-** '>)j\y -"»|o-"'\ '>Wd m Yasht 14. 27 '>!-(7?/"/p .^oj^^^^ '>))/e>o(i' •^•^"-(^ar-" 17 17 VENDIDAD. VII. Vendidad 3 (§^ 23—29). The Blessings of Ag^riculture. •(^ro vpj^(-*'-t' '^iVdr-*' g^-"H |OJi-»w •/ .>/oj|fj«^)) -^V"/ -*H7-"^^^(Mi3 j/oJKjjjoiW^ -(7{>enj(o-"^(d -'K>^-*^ai -»*^ -"M-(7)C!-"^^))^) ■*'P^)CI-"Wd-**'(P -"K-i'K-l-^W-^m -"^;e^)(i jK>->ij>*' -"'\(i)(ii-" -"ifV^ -^ro Vendidad 3. 29 .^)^| .^-**^( •-(7-1' .JJfO(j*^-tJ .OOiJJU -»(ir»o-»-»/{V^"»au-*-" g^>i -(^)c-(^ '>ro 30 Vendidad 3 and 6. VIII. Vendidad 6 (§§ 44-51). Disposal of the dead bodies. — Origin of the Towers of Silence. — *oa)?^^ -^^ '>-'-»-^^ '^Vf*'-^a)?\j3 -^i^ '>|nji3 DC!-"/-"))-" ^li>'"^'*"<^ -^•»|0-"))-"a)' i?J'»-"/^^-»i -^jK^ivV -^?/o^^ •-*"(p -^M(y-"Q^i-" ■*■'-" -"D?^-"ip -^h'-*^jJo-'-"aj|o-"H" -""^ •^/foro -*^/p -<7ji|o-^^^-^))-"'^(^ -»^y -^{i|o-"))/eH)^-"/ -(;)ci-"V))\) -"p-(;)ca)-" ■»))-" -(7)c><>D-" -(;)ca;'j-"K>(0-" ^^-"^*^ Vendidad 6. 31 '>-»-»-"^ '>Vr •^(J>{^?9 -»*'^ ^i^sj^ •ioK»(o-" ft)(y -"^■^'/^(o-" vpA^j^-(7 '^Var-" p^-"H ^-*'-»*' 48 v-"o-»h' ■»K>i3-" 48 ■»-"l) tO^j;)) -"^^^^)Q)0-" tOar-^OIW-*^ 7^^/-**'(y) -(7)C|-*^f-*'/ ^ op .Mjj^^J^^yTtp^^^JS^ IO><3 • v^>j^^-" -(;)c'i^K>-»-*')»Qi3-" •4)ci-"0|o^e' .f\-"K>-^ 49 49 ^{WipJ(MJJ-"|-" -(7J5lW{(p "»V-^(M) -<7?Qjl)^-"'\ ">V-"(y) -^51 32 Vendidad 19. IX. Vendidad 19 (§§ 5-10). The Temptation of Zoroaster by the Evil Spirit. {Vy '>M)a; »oar-"a;i3-"^ jV)^(M -'(w-" -{^-pk^ 'AfQ}ij)6A'"f -"d-^ro ■i^i^-'^ro '-^J^^i^ •■{/vid^^^;^!-**'^ i'M^f/y^ ^j^^ 4)ct(0:^ "i;yar)^-*'ip ^ol-"^?)-"^:>l3 -''o;-" (yar (^■''>i ">-«*'i-*'y -"p-"p toor-"^ • •^)^-»i-'-"-(7 '^^j-" ">-^-;^ )JL))3 -*'K> •J-^-^o;'-^ JK>-'-«'{y 9 V ■*o)^-'l^-"^ 'V^?-" -"-(?)r3 -"f-"^ ^ori Vendidad 19. 33 jj-ujjjj^ .-"K-"0 -"I-" 'M>Q>0^(V*-'^(^ ■»K>1>-" -^^^-"j JJ|-M-(7 -^r^^i^-D •p^^?-(7-" \{6;^A^ -toi-^A-^s-" toiviV f^-"0""3 00 00 ^MM^))MJ\'^^^ .-(;y\j-»^(p TRANSCRIPTION OF AVESTAN ALPHABET. (Compared with Justi, Ilandhuch der Zendsprache.)^ A. Vowels. * i t u \ ? nj e ^ o Short Long -w a a MM a I i u ^ U u fo e (e) B. Consonants. (do) Guttural ^ k k Palatal v C c Dental »^ ^ (kh) (th) f (n) Labial ■ ^ P P Nasal \^^ (ft) Semivowel and Liquid rt) {**) y (i) y Sibilant u ^ ^S Aspiration . . . . ^ h ^ ^ // Cq) Ligature h" h^ g i d b I n n (s/0 (gh) rdh) ou w w (n) (sk) (i) ^ m tn Ip (w) V (U) V j z Oh z z (zh) ' Forms in parentheses () show nhere justi has been deviated from. - The si^ns i, u need only be employed for purely sclenlilic pur- poses; ihe letters r, v for both initial and internal m ", 4> ». answer fully for practical purposes. • The difterentiation /, /, / need only be made in scientific articles. The single sitjn } is ordinarily quite sufficient for the three -tl, ^, It). NOTES ON THE TEXT. ABBREVIATIONS, adj. = adjective advl. = adverbial cl. = class cpd. = compound dcln. = declension esp. = tiipecially et al. = et alia expl, — example fr. ~ from indecl. = indeclinable infin. = infinilive nom. propr. -- nomen proprium num. = numeral orig. ~ original, originally opp., opp. to = opposed to par. = paragraph pret. = preterite ptcpl. — participle sb., subst. = substantive scdry. = secondary str. = strong vb., vbl. — verb, verbal w. = with wk. = weak Afr. ■— Afringan A.O.S. — American Oriental Society B.B. = Bezzenberger's Beitrage GAv.* = Gatha Avesta Gr.''' = Grammar IF. — Indogermanische Forschungen Ind.lran. — Indo-Iranian K.Z. -- Kuhn's Zeitschrift MS. =n Manuscript MSS. ^=^ Manuscripts Nar. '— Naryosangh Xy. =r_- N)-aish P. = Persian l*hl.Vers. = Pahlavi Version S.B.E. = Sacred Books of East Sir. = Siro:jah Skt. = Sanskrit Vd. = Vendidad Vsp. = Visparad YAv.* ~ Younger Avesta Ys. =-. Yasna Yt. = Yasht Z.A. — Zend-Avesta ZPhl. Gl. ■-- Zand-Pahlavi Glossary ' For explanation of GAv., YAv. see Gr. p. xlvii. ^ All references to dr. §§ ( ) are to Jackson, Avesia Grammar (.Stuttgart 1892). Yasna 1 1 Notes. General Remarks. On the book of the Yasna and its divisions, sec Gr. Introd. p. xvii § 13. The present selection from it is one of three chapters, Ys. 9, 10, 11, which were specially recited in preparing the Haoma as part of the sacrifice. The verses of this short chapter, mingled with the prose lines of the liturgy, formed the conclusion of the Haoma ritual. The sacred wine was then drunk by the priest, and the perfor- mance of the Yasna sacrifice continued. The introductory verses here given narrate how three good creatures, if misused, will utter imprecations ; the closing . stanzas are in praise of Haoma. The Metre may be compared with the Sanskrit iloka hut is sometimes defective; occasionally it reminds one of the Kalwala verse of Longfellow's Hiawatha. See Gr. Part II, chap, on Metre. Ys. I X.I. gauH asp use a haoma sea: the inference is plausible that the three creatures are respectively typical of the three classes, peasant, war- rior, priest. Sustain baJi^ahe: the Phi. Vers, renders 'who dost not give me as a precious thing (to worthy people)'. — See Vocabulary. Ys. XI.2. * asp 6 ha^arDin: apparently the second, or warrior class is here alluded to — see above. mqm zavar>: on the construction, cf. Gr, § 930. poftrumaUi kariayco: either in the race or in battle. Ys. 1 1.3. hd^dvdm: presumably an allusion to the priest who does not fulfd his duty. aiwis-hut 3 m d5 rave hi: the ]*hl. Vers, renders 'who witholdest me from being prepared'. Ys. 1 1.4. pita: Ahura Mazda is of course to be understood (sec next paragraph). Ys. 1 1.6. var\-na: 'serpents, snakes', as shown by the fragment given by Geldner, in K.Z. xxvii. p. 588. 38 Notes to Yasna 11 and 26. Ys. 1 1.7. fravrasyansm ... pa^ r iJha Iitd tn: according to the legend, the mur- derer Franrasyan (I. e. later Afrasyab), look refuge in an underground palace or iron chamber; in spite of which, however, Horn captured him. See Uarmesteter, Etudes Iraniennes, vol. ii. pp. 225-229; S.B.E., vol. Kxiii. pp. 64 note. 144; Le Zend-Avesta, vol. i. p. ill note. Yasna 26 Notes. General Remark. In the performance of the Yasna sacrifice this short chapter i.s recited by the priest (Zot) and his assistant (RSspi) aa part of the invocation of the Fravashis* Ys. 26.1. i Lao mi zOayemi ufy e ni i : compare the formulaic yasHdica vahmaica etc. Ys. 57.6 et al. Ys. 26.4. akHiu ... fravaiYm: the usual five-fold classification of the spiritual faculties of man. The same division is found also in later Parsism — (i) ahu (Phi. aha) 'spirit, breath of life'; (2) daSna (Hhl. din) 'religion, conscience'; (3) baodah (Phi. bod) 'consciousness, perception'; {4) urvan (Phi. rubSfi) 'soul'; (5) fravafi (Phi. frohar) 'Fravashi, guardian angel'. gSuS hudAvho: an allusion to the Primeval Bull slain by Ahriman, but from which all animals are sprung. Similarly, mankind are descended from his coimterpart Gayo-maretou^ the primitive man, a sort of Ira- nian Adam, who was also slain by Ahriman. See Ys. 26.5 below. Ya. 26.9. uzdakytinqmca: Zoroastrianism distinctly recognized the righteous in other lands besides Iran, cf. Yt. 13.143,144 — a glimpse of the idea of the universal brotherhood of mankind. Ys. 26.10. haca ... & saoSya^td^: an allusion to the coming of the Saviour (Sao- shyanij. The phrase haca — a etc. is here about equivalent to 'from the beginning of the world to the resurrection', cf. i Corinthians xv.45. Ys. 26.11, ^rvuno ... yet J rava^ayo- here the souls of the dead are Fravashis, cf. Yt. 13.17. The relative >d» (f.) is attracted to fravaiayo. Notes to Yasna 57. 29 Yasna 57 Notes. General Remark. Two Yashts (Ys. 57, Vl ii) are dedicated 10 Sraosha the divinity of Religious Obedience and Devotion. The latter Yasht (Yt, 11) is commonly termed Srosh Voj/it Hddhdkht and is rather the more liturgical of ihe two. The former, our pre.-ent selection (Ys. 57), is the Srosh Yasht si shaba or 'Srosh Ya.sht of the Three Nights', since it is used at funeral ceremonies during the three nights after the decease, as well as being in common use at the sacrifice. See Darmesietcr. Le Zend- Avesta, vol. i. p. 358. The MSS. generally divide this Yasna into thirteen Kardes 'sections', each of which closes with the repetition of a formula. Ys. 57- 1. a$>m vwhu: the opening verse beginning with these words, consists merely of formulas; it is therefore here omitted. Ys. 57-2. fr as l:>r»tdf pai^ii bar^sm^ti: on the construction, cf. 6^r. § 966 N. i. piyH pwor'itara: a Dvandva compound {Gr. § 879 expl.), and it re- fers apparently to Mithra and Rashnu, the keeper and the judge at the Cinvat l>ridge after death. It seems at least reasonable to regard Mithra (cf. Yt. 10) as the watchful guardian Cpayu); it is fair to pre- sume that Rashnu the Just (cf. Yt. 12), the divinity wlio weighs in the balance the deeds of men, may be the pwor'star who has the decision. I'he Phi. Vers., moreover, supports the view as it actually glosses the phrase as p&tiak barmkar Mitro 'the keeper and former Mithra'; it fails to recognize the dual of the Dvandva, treats the words as sin- gular, and hence makes no mention of Rashnu. Ys. 57.3 ray a ... yasna: on the construction, cf. Cr. § 941 expl. Ys. 57.6. pry all's li^ etc.: nouns in explanatory apposition to bar^sma. Ys. 57.8. gSP^ f r a srUvayal afsmanivqn: 'who chanted the Gathas, the me- trical selections', etc. Ys. 57-IO. yap a 9ja na^dy(S» him: a reminiscence of the Gathas (Ys. 34.$ b)» hence mid" (d) rather than ndid° (d). Ys. 57.11. h^r'zaidtm: the Phi. Vers, has bu/an// ^talV which would rather favor the MSS. reading b?r*zaitlm, this woidd imply a stem bpr*za*tya-. I AO Notes to Yasna 57. Ys. 57-14. dura t . ■ . voi^n^ yei uti: compare the WDrds of the Psalmist (Ps. xci.io) 'there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling'. Ys. 57-I5- vtspaym fravois gaepay^: i. e. 'the prosperity of all mankind'. The Phi. Vers, has faru\ilih 'prosperity, comfort, growth'. Ys, 57.18. fr&niltn&ite bwae^al: on the syntax, see Gr, § 962 expl. Ys. 57.20. pa p o.v a cJ) pu h'i.gu.va ccif: the Phi. Vers, glosses 'he speake^ protec- tion' etc. ... acj zak pdndkih yeinnUlilncd ... For the form /a«V/\^(rf&o (Geldner's text) instead of "ga^ (as here), sec Cr. §§ 354, 193 N. 2. Ys. 57.24. diiend.dis o dacnayai: for the api)arent redundancy compare the phrase, Av. vtsO vlspaUiin \t. 10.18, etc., Skt. vispdUin visam R.V. 3.13.5. On dnenayai see Gr. § 957, fraor^nla .. frd .. j'rd: for the repetition of fra, cf. Gr. § 752 N. 2 expl. Ys. 57.25. aheca avhJus: on the syntax, cf. Gr. § 977. drvalbyd hacnJhyo: on the collocation (m. n, — f.) see Gr. § 906. Ys. 57-27. as ay a: the Phi. Vers, has sdyako -- P. sSyah, as Dr E. W. W^est kindly wrote me (Dec. 5 1888); hence the suggestion 'not casting a shadow', with which Geldner compares the Skt. epithet chdyadviiiya 'accom- panied by a shadow', the characteristic mark distinguishing man from the divinities MBh. 3.57.25. Y's. 57.28. dsyavha as pa ciby a : on the dual number here, cf. Gr. § 908 N. 2 expl. Ys. 57.29. av c xiyeh^ti ... avc df?>ilc: i. e. 'they pursue and overtake others, but they themselves never can be overtaken'; ave refers both times lo the horses of Sraosha. Ys. 57-30. u^a^ t ah- e hindvo: the river of the Orient is the Indus, as the Phi. Vers, has itj the river in the west is perhaps the Tigris. Notes to Yasna 57, Visparad 15 and Yasht 5. 4.1 Ys. 57.31. karivar» Ivanir ap? in: the middle one of the seven Karshvars and the one on which we live. The names of the seven are given at vd. 19-39. Ys. 57.33. vtspC6: on the form of. Gr. §§ 232, 906. Visparad 15 (1-3) Notes. General Remark. On the Visparad and its character, compare Gr. Introd. p. xviii § 14. The Karde here given serves as an introduction to the Yasna llaptanhaiti (cf. par. 2), in connection with which it was re- cited at the ritual; hence the significance of the allusions fravakaeca etc. Vsp. 15.1. vir'zyatqm: so reading with MS. authority. The verb here is passive (cf. Gr, § 485 expl.), the subject is vohu vastrya. uyamna anu y amn5iS: *in order to pay off the deficits (i. e. in tlie Life Boole) with a surplus'. See 6>. Introd. p. xxviii § 44. On yda- 'give' = 'pay', see Skt. PWb. Ymiin da-, daniidin dd-, cf. Lat. poenas dare. Here anuyamimil is a regular instrumental of means, price. Vsp. 15.2. id a a s t il ... yJ ni& Hid: the CiAv. endings give an archaic tone. On na ilto, cf. Gr. § loio Note. /ravdkaeca ... anapyu^te: on the locatives see Gr. § 992. Yasht 5 (1-9; 132) Notes. General Remarks. The Aban Yasht 'Yasht of Waters' from which the selection is taken, is one of the longest of the Yashts, cf. Gr. Introd. p. xviii § 15. It celebrates the praises of Ardvi Sura AnShita, the Celestial Stream and Goddess of Waters, describes her descent from the heaveijs, and her worship, and closes witli a, description of her appearance. The worship of Ardvi Sura Anahita was widely spread in the East. vShe appears as Anahata in th€ cuneiform inscription of the Persian king Artaxerxes (4th century B.C.); her name (AvaiTtg) is found in Strabo, Plutarch, etc., and she became familiar in Greece as Venus Anahita ('A^po- StXTjg, Avatxtg). Only the opening sections and closing verse of the Yasht are here given. 42 Notes to Yasht 5. Yt. 5.4. ye^he: for the njasc. (instead of fern.) form, see Gr. § 903 N. i, and cf. ahe Yt. 5.9 below. Yt. 5.5 vi.j as'dU l: the subjunctive mode here, as also at Vs. 57.31 avaza'te, Ys. 57. 25 gH'wnqn, seems to denote the repetition or continuity of the act; the idea seems to be developed from the future force of the subjunctive. vis pan aoi karivqn: cf. Gr. §§ 228, 402. Yt. 50. hizvar* na: the reading of this word, as well as its meaning, is not clear. By some, huzvar'na has been read and explained as 'with mighty power'. Perhaps the word is to be connected with hizii- 'tongue' (q. V.) and |/"ar- 'move', and to be referred to Ormazd's act of creat- ing by a mere word, a movement of the tongue. Yt. 5.7. aspo.staoyehi?: better here to omit the punctuation (v) and insert it after lazu.staoyehi: all that intervenes is parenthetic. sytra ... a**rva^ii: these two epithets, like the participle maUiinma, refer to Ardvi Sura the subject of sispata. Yt. 5.9. ahe ray a:, see note* on par. 4 yefhe. haoiuayo: thus good MS. authority; the form is perhaps to be explained as borrowed from such a passage as Yt. 14.5 (see below), Ny. 4.9 etc. In Yt. 14.5, Ny. 4.9, haomayo is properly nom. plur. ; it agrees with the subject of yazama*de and alludes to the worshippers or officiating priests. From such formulaic passages with yazamaide (pi.), the form hacmayo (pi.) seems to have been transferred to those like Ny. i.i6 yazSi (sg.) and the present Yt. 5.9, where the plural form haomayo is not appropriate. If, however, haoma yd gava be read with certain MSS., it probably must be explained as haoma yO (asti) gava, which is open to objection. yt^he h&tqm: this formula is commonly found at the end of the Yasna chapters, cf. Ys. 4.26, Ys. 5.6. It is a later imitation of GAv. Ys. 51.22. See Gr. Introd. p. xviii § 13 end. Yt. 5.132. a^^rvatit a zasv^vka: a concluding prayer that the warriors may come back as successful as did those of King Vishtaspa. Notes to Yasht 14. 43 Yasht 14 (1-17) Notes. General Remark. Verethraghna, or JBahram, the Genius of Victory, to whom this Yasht is dedicated, ccrrespontls in certain respects to Indra Vftrahan of the Hindu mythology. He may in fact be regarded as the Iranian reflex of the latter. The Yasht, of which only the opening is here given, contains some 64 paragraphs. The ten incarnations in which Verethraghna appeared be- fore Zoroaster are described ; the powers which the divinity bestows upon his worshippers are enumerated; his glorification is enjoined. Yt. 14.1. ahura ... ai&ttm: the regular formulaic manner of addressing Ormaid ; for a briefer form of the same see Vd. 3.23 below. Yt. 14.3. pao'tyd ajasa^: on the adjective here cf. Gr. § 997. The successive appearances of Verethraglma are probably to be understood as seen by Zoroaster in a vision. Similar visions elsewhere may be cited. Yt. 14.3. dal ahmSi: in construction sc, mrao^. Observe that ahmtii is Zoroaster, and amavast^md Verethraghna. ' " vivpra vir'Pravast^md: on the instrumental, see Gr. § 941 end. Yt. 14.5. ahe raya .. . yasna: cf. Gr, § 941 expl. ySi<( dataii: 'according to (what are) the first laws'. ha o mayo: see Yt. 5.9 note. Yt. 14.7. yiot upahi sruye: for the two accusatives, sec Gr, ^ 930 N. 2. Yt. 14.11. uitrahe: the whole picture of the camel (parr. 11-13; is graphically and accurately drawn. magyo.vaithahe: the use of camel's hair for raiment has been familiar in all times; we need only recall St. Matt, tii.4; hence the appropriatf- ness of the preceding gatpHui shaggy'. Yt. 14.12. yo ^iaprijva: here yd ~ ya( hd 'when he". Yt. 14.13. yqm he d&r aisuksm: 'which (i. e. ^iaprlm) his far-glance descries way ahead of him'. The metre of the line is defective; but there is no need of supplying daima. >|^ Notes to Yasht 14 and Vendidad 3. Yt. 14.15. A a: this word is metrically dissyllabic and stands as a gen. sg. form. With the combination ^H varSzahe lit. 'swine-boar' (cf. Eng. stud- horse) compare par. 1 1 ultrahe vatfaryao^. In each case the first term (hti, uSfra) is generic; the second (varSza, vadaryu) is specific, Yt. 14.17. narS pat^ca.dasavhO: this denotes the ideal age in the Avesta, the btoQm of youth, a sort of Iranian 'sweet- sixteen', cf. Ys. 9.5; Vd. 14.15. Vendidad 3 (23-29) Notes. General Remarks. The 3rd Fargard of the Vendidad comprises 42 sections; it describes various places and persons that delight or grieve the earth (conceived of as a divinity); it pictures the blessings of agri- culture and of grain-raising; and closes with various prescriptions relaung to the Holy Law and its observance. The present selection is in praise of agriculture. Vd. 3.23. da t ar* gacpa nq m , . a ^a u m : see note on Yt. 1 4. 1 . tu^ri/n: for the accusative see c7;-. § 934. Vtf/ bd pa^ti: these words are to be construed together, cf. Vtl. 3.2. an&l>9m ... k;> r> n natory gloss. a'bi^ till: 'desiring this (ia0 from a good laboring man'. — /a. vavhSiis ahv i.iOipne: compare the following vavhsus ar^dtto; the earth desires a husbandman, the maid desires a husband. On the colloca- tion gen. dat. (-- abl.) cf. Gr. §§ 957, 958, 963, 980. Vd. 3.25. hHvOya ba:vv dai'inaca: 'with the left arm and the right'. On the use of bnzvd as instr. (cf. ^rvi.urvd Ys. 10.8), see Gr. §§ 265, 983 N., 992 N. Notes to Vendidad 3 and 6. ^r gaon9m baraUi .. pup r 9m ava.barahi: the subject in the one ca&e is the husbandman, in the other case the husband — he gives her (he) a good color, or blooming appearance. Vd. 3-27- aeni bir'pe: 'I shall go laden* — 'become pregnant', opp. to apupra aeUi in par. 24 above. vispa kar'nn S ... yavahc: observe the distinction between h^aVfiti and yava \. e. 'all sorts of fruits shall they rtap, beside the harvest of giain'. Vd. 3-29. hi Stake: the pres. here, like baWyehiic below. Is used with a future signi- fication. The line metrically lacks a sylhxhle. p?r' smanae iuc a : observe ca. bada pw am: the form CbvhnnO is gen. abl, and upon it j'«^/r/»/ indirectly depends. [ti abyo bairye*nte]:\\A's, seems to be an interpolation from Ys. 33.15 toi abya ba'rydDtite 'they shall be carried by these two'. dim: see Gr. § 1023 N. Vendidad 6 (44-51) Notes. General Remarks. In the development of the Zoroastrian religion the worship of the elements played an important part. The purity of the earth, fire, and water, must not be defiled, especially not by contact with a corpse. Hence arose that peculiar mode of disposing of the dead, which has ever been a characteristic mark of the Parsi religion. The body (tanu), according to the present prescription, is to be carried to some high place, fastened (nidar»zay?n), and left to the dogs and birds to devour. The bones (azdbis) were afterwards taken to a vault or receiver (uzddna) and preserved in some sort of a receptacle that recalls the antiquarian remains of the astodan or 'bone-receptacles' that have been found in Persia. The present selection does not directly mention the Dakhma (da^ma), but the word appears elsewhere in the Vendidad. The two-fold treatment of the body (tani)) and the bones (azdhiS) may practically be paralleled in the modern Dakhmas, or Towers of .*^ilence. For descriptions of the Towers of Silence in Bombay, see Dosabhai Pramji Karaka's History of the Par sis, vol. i. p. 199 seq. ; Ragozin's Mediae p. 125; Peshotan- and Geiger's Eastern Iranians, vol. i. p. 90 seq. ^ Notes to Vendidad 6, Vd. 6.44. tnnUm: i.e. the entire body before denuded of flesh, in contrast with the skeleton [azddii par. 49}. Vd. 6.45. bar*ziUae$vara paUl t^atuivalca]: 'even upon the highest places' i.e. 'upon the mountains'; js the Phi. Vers, itself explain^'. I'he first -co stands at the opening of the sentence (cf. Vsp. 15.2 yasnahecd)^ as sometimes also in Skt. ; the best MSS. omit the second -ca and read simply gair/fva. dim: here refers to tanunt, cf. Gr. § 1023a. avaianqn sand: on the form silnd, see Gr. § 936 expl. Vd. 6.46. ayaahadn? m etc.: these accusatives, like some others, are commonly explained as accusatives of mateiial'; they ultimately fail under Gr. §§ 933. 938. bar Silt 9 in frnjasqn: 'tliey will go bearing' = 'will go and carry'. On the construction see Gr. § 938. Vd. 6.47. fr ajasa^: on the change to singular from plural, see Gr. § 915 (4) expl. ka he asti cipa: compare Gr. § 1020 N., expl. Vd. 6.48. ait a he pa'ti: 'on this account', i.e. the person has ip.so facto be- come fdii'tanu. duyc sa^tc updza'nqni. the subject ol upaioit is evidently 'self. The use of self-castigation to drive out the demon that h«s temporarily taken possession of the body is familiar in religious austerities. The upHzana, however, have been interpreted as referring to the killing of so and so many noxious animals (cf. Hdt. 1.140, Vd. 26.12). .The term Ifttcr canie to have a monetary sense; sins could be compensated for by A payment of money to tlie priests. azdbti: the skeleton, opposed to lamim (cf. par. 44), .fS.}»aro (par. 46) in the case of tanu. ana*wi.vSr'.^tfm: to be construed with uzdan?m. afo yaj va*-ryoyib: compare Gr. § 980 expl. upa*ri.naSmaf: the better reading is upura.naimaf., see now Geldner's edition. ^ Vd. 6.51. yezi tavqn mazday as na: as an apodosis to the condition supply ni- da*Pyqn from nida*/nta below. The idea is that 'according to cir- cumstances' (yezi tavqn . . yezi iwiQ the bones may be placed either (yezi) in a stone receptacle, or (yizi) in mortar, or may be simply laid upon the dead man's mat (ha.stairi$) upon the ground under the beating sun. asdnaiiva: the Phi. Vers, has sagino 'made of stone* i. e. in stone urns, cf. Casartelli loc. cit. hfS.siah'iL' on the ace. of goal after nidaipita, see Gr. § 987. raoc&,a*w i.var»na : this loose compound adjective refers to hg (= azdbli) as £ general neut. pi. case. nidaipita: on the singular, cf. Gr. § 91$ (4) expl. Vendidad ig (5-10) Notes. General Remark. The present little extract from the 19th Vendidad presents something of a parallel to the struggle of Buddha with Msira, or to the temptation of our Saviour by Satan. Angra Mainyu through the agency of one of his fiends had tried to slay Zoroaster, but the latter combats him. Whereupon the Spiritual Enemy himself tempts the master to renounce the good religion and follow him; he is repulsed, however, by Zoroaster. The material of the whole chapter is doubtless old, but signs of grammatical decay are so evident that its composition at least must be later. See Gr. § 903. Vd. 19.5. nasv^ daivo.da Urn : on the case and on the adjective agreement, see Gr. §§ 926, 903 N. 2. 912. janani p ai rikqm . . \nqpai t e: the passage is not clear; but the sense of the Phi. Vers. 'I destroy the love of sorceresses [the worship of idols]' ^8 Notes to Vendidad 19. may perhaps best be followed. The &a.\.. yahmai is probably used in a final sense with the subjunctive, though in Vd. 1.18 var^ndtn yim capru.gaoiim yahinal .zayata praetaono it is apparently local. Vd. 19.6. po^ru fas pake pupro: Pourushaspa, the father of Zoroaster, is often mentioned in the Avesta. The name of Zoroaster's mother, according to the tradition (Bund. 32.10, et al.), was Dugheda, though it happens not to occur in the extant texts of the Avesta itself; but it is found in an Av. fragment from the Iladhokht Nask, see West in S.B.E. vol. xxxvii. p. 483. V a da J and: see note l)y West, Phi. Texts Translated, S.B.E. vols, xviii* p. 217; xxiv. p. 103; xxxvii. p. 212 N. 5. Vd. I9.7- he .. V avuhim dainqfn: here he (dat. gen. sg. = ace. sg.) anticipates daenqm, cf. Gr. § 10 19 N. noii ... vt.'*rvtsya^:^noi though etc' The subjunctive vt.^rvtsyaf here denotes concession. On the singular number of the verb, cf. ^^' § 9'5 (4)1 ^^^ ^for idldnun (ace. noni.), cf. Gr. § 937. Vd. 19.8. kana zaya huk?r* tCbithd : the grammar here, as in par. 9, is corrupt; it is not worth while to try to defend it by any forced explanation. The epithet huksr't&vho (pi,), and probably also asti vahi^tam (par. 9), may well be regarded as gloss. man a dqma anro: the ace. dqma depends upon vattai. For the col- location mana .. avro see preceding note, and cf. Gr. §§ 911, 903. Vd. 19.9- mana zaya asti va his tarn: see note on par, 8 above. dapaf .. fradapon: i.e. Ormazd made the weapons; his ministers, the Amshaspands, delivered them to Zoroaster. zrune akarane: on the agreement see Gr. § 992 N. 2. VOCABULARY. ORDER OF LETTERS FOR VOCABULARY. 1 a i u 9 e o ^ 1^ k g 3 » V AC j $ t /> d d t n n 6 p f 6 w m 1 y r V 8 J i $ ^ % i 9 A h h In the alphabetic arrangement no distinction is made between /, /, nor between hv, h\ VOCABULARY. (For Explanations and Abbreviations see p. 36.) Av. ** a. 1 a-, an- (before vowels): neg, prefix *un-*. — Cf. afraza*nti', anSpa-. [Skt. a-, an-; Old P. a-; Phi. a-, an-] 2 a (vbl. prefix and postpos.), see under S. a^y kimana- , see under '\f2 ah-, a^yhe, a^vh(6 etc., see under aem, Gr. § 422. a^Pyejah' (from 1 a ■\- *J>yejah-) : adj. 'incorruptible'. — uibyejavhd nom. pi. m. Ys. 26.3 (epithet of Amesha Spentas). [Phl.Vers. has asij-homand ; Nar. has antftyumant-] ainika-: sb. m. 'face'. — Yt. 14.9. — Cf. 2\%o par^anika-. [Skt. dmka-; Phi. enik (Horn)] ainidai (from i a -\- tdaf): adv. * elsewhere'. — Ys. 57.33 'both here and elsewhere '. a*pi: (i) adv. *also, too*; (2) vbl. prefix; (3) prep. w. ace. 'unto, upon*.— Ys. 57.33 ; Yt. 1 4. 13. — See also under ^spa-. — [Skt. apt ; Old P. apiy] a^H, see under a^wi [Gr. § 83,4). a* it's (? perhaps from a'id/ -|- j/"//-, cf. Skt. gav-if, pasu-i/j: vbl. adj. •de- siring '. — Vd. 3.24, see note ad loc. Otherwise a^^il must here be taken prepositionally, i. e. a*'fii^ ta( . . . a^di^ taf *in this case ... in that case'. Uncertain. a^wi, a*bi: (i) adv. and vbl. prefix 'to unto, over'; (2) prep. same. [Skt. abhi; Old P. abiy; Phi. a/-; New P. a/-, aw-] aiwi.tacina- (from ai-wi + y/. m. 'peasant, dweller'. — aHm.^Oipne dat. sg. Yd. 3.24. a^ivishnta- (from niwi -\- hula- from j//'^^-, cf. C"r. § 752, 2): pass, ptcpl. as adj. 'extracted, prepared'. — Ys. 11.3 note. aiwyali^iur- {from a^'wf ■{• a/^s/ar-, Cr. § 52 c, from \faj}- q. v.); sb. nv. * overseer, guardian '. - - Y>;. 57.15. a^ioydlistra ~ (from a^wi -\- aJ/Jtra-, Cr. § 52 c, from '\f aJis- q. v.): sb. n. 'overseeing, guardianship'. ~ Yt. 5.6. aiwydma- (fiom a>ioi -\- atna-, Cr. § 52c)'. adj. 'exceeding strong'. — Y.S. 26.3. a»ruia-: adj. 'white'. — Ys. 57.27; Vt. 5.7; Yt. 14.9. [Cf. Skt. arufd- 'reddish'; Phi. arfis\ at'rva/>a~ (Uom i a \'**rva/>a-): sb. m. 'enemy*. — Ys. 57.26. a'^rvatit- (from y ar-): adj. 'swift, valiant, gallant'. — ^sb. m. * gallant warriors, gallant chargers' (sleeds). — Ys. 11.2; Ys. 57.27; Yi. 5.132; Yt. 5.7.'^ [Skt. drvant-; PM. arvand; New ?, arvand\ aeta-: demonstr. pron. \Gr. § 417 ddu.) 'this'. ~ Yt. 5.132; Yt. 14.13;. Yd. 6.46 seq. — [Skt. eld- Old P. aUa-; Pbl. e, elar\ aeta da (from ha; the Asniod**us of the Apocrypha -(Tobit iii.8,17). — Ys. 57.10,25,32. [Phi. \ihn, ae^m; New P. ^uim\ aoi, see under uvi. a o Jit a, see under V^flo/- '\faaj-: vb. cl. 2 'speak, say '. - aff/^/a pret. indie, mid, 3 sg. {Cr. §90) Vs. 11,8; Yd. 3.26,28 (gnomic). — anapa- c^ aojavhvant' (from aojah-^: adj. * strong'. — Ys. 57.11.— .[Skt (?/Vwv««/-] a ojaA-: sb n. ' strength '.—adj. * strong '.—rt^/o ace. sg. n, (subsl.) Yt. 14. 12 ; aoj<» nora. sg. m, (adj. Gr. § 341) Ys. 57.10. [Skt. ojas-; Phi. 4/] aojiUa- (superl. to aojah-, or 2/jra-, 6>. § 365): adj. 'strongest'. [Skt. ojift^ia-] akaratta- (from i a-\k'>)'. adj. 'boundless'. — Yd. 19.9 (see under. ^n'/j'/;-). akarlta- (from i rt + '''■«'' j'-'''?- q- v.)t adj. ♦unplowed'. — Yd. 3.24. '\fa,I^S': vb. 'see*. \'aiwi 'oversee, regard' (form causat.). — 0i.a*wy6» ^//rt;'-. — [Cf. Skt. fX'T-/ aksi- 'eye') rt^tf-; adj. 'evil, harnnfur.— sb. n. 'evil, calamity'. — Ys. 57.14 (nom. pi. subst.). — }Skt. ag/id-; of. New \\ tl/i\ \''a vk-, see under |/^2 <7>4-. aphu', ahU' (from ]Ar o^O: sb. ra. (1) *being, life, spfrit'; (2) 'world' (i.e. all that is). — ahum aco. sg. 'spirit* Ys. 26.4 (see note); tnspmi ahum 'all life' i. e. the world Ys. 57.16; a»uhe dat. sg. Yt. 5.1; avhSuS gen. sg. {Gr. § 981) Ys. 57.25; ahifbya dat. du. Ys. 57.25. — Cf. also aJiuni.m9r^ti<:-.'-^\^V\.. dsu-; Phi. ahu\ aura- (prob. from |/'2 aA-).: adj. 'evil, bad'.— Esp. aura mainyu Vthe Evil Spirit, Ahriman'. — Ys. 57.17,32; Yd. 19.5,6,8,9. rzt/d (from a, Gr, § 436): adv. then, so*. — Ys. 5/;25,26. [Skt. adha; Old P. ada\ ad&itya- (from \ a -^ da^tya^. adj. 'unlawful'. — Vsp. 15.1. ad at (from ada r\- af)\ adv. 'thereupon, afterwards'.— Yd. 6.50. <7/ (from a, Gr. § 431): adv. 'then but and',— a/rfls Ys. 57.10. —Cf. also addl, ail -, see under i n. 1 ana, see under aSm, Gr. § 422. 2 ana; (i) prep; w. ace. 'along, upon'; (2) vbl. prefix, Gr. § 733,5. — Cf. ana.niana". ana^ wi.vdr'uii- (from 1 a -f ff'w/ r vdr'/fti- q. v.): adj. 'out of the rain' (lit. 'not having rain'). — Yd. 6.50. ana pij^uta- (from I a-^-apiiuta-)'. adj. 'without interruption . -V.sp. 15.2 (the Phl.V. at Vs. 19.5 explains as not inierrupted by failing asleep). anapy Hilda- (from \a -^ apyu\dn-y. adj. 'without addition'.— Vsp. 15.2 (the Phl.V. at Ys. 19.5 explains the addition to be the insertion of some other Av. text in the midst of the recital). ana.ma ff.U' (from 2 ana -\ \' man-\, adj. 'devoted'- Yt. 5.8. anavawhabdd m na- (fiom i rf -f '\fhabda' q. v.)- plcpl. adj. ' never sleep- ing'. —Ys. 5 7- 16 fbis). anapa- (from la-^-iap'). adj. 'without water'.— sb m. 'a desert*. — Yd. 3.33. — [Phi ansp; New P. nab 'pure, unmixed' (Horn)] CA andhiia amavant' andkita' (from l a-\-dhita- q. v.): adj. 'undefiled'. — Esp. nonien propv. f. Ardvi Stini Auahita ('the high, powerful, undefiled goddess'), 'Avatxij. — Yt. 5.1 seq., see note. — [Old P. anakata-] auu: (i) adv., vbl. prefix {Gr. § 733). — (2) prep. w. ace. 'along, after', ^f"- § 735- — [Skt. dnu; Old P. anui^ anu.pdipwa- (from anu--\-ypi~ q. v.): adj. 'pursuing'. — Yt. 14.15. a n uya mna- (from i a + uyamna- q. v.) : ptcpl. adj. * not wanting '. — sb. n. •a surplus'. — Vsp. 15.1 note. anus ah' (from \ a ■\-usa%-)\ adj. 'unwilling'. — anusd ace. sg. n. advl. {Gr. § 934) Ys. 57.18. any a-: pron. adj. {Gr. § 443) 'another, else'. — Vd. 3.29. [Skt. anyd-; Old P. aniya-; Phi. (h)an^ a^tar': adv., prep, 'within, between'. [Skt. antdr; Old P. a(n)lar; Phi. andarg; New P. aniiar\ ant ar'.n aetna- (from a" -|- w*') : sb. n. 'the inside'. — atitar'.naenidl {Gr. § 731,4) Ys. 57-21. ap-, Sp-: sb. f. (dcln. Gr. § 286) 'water'.— Yt. 5.3 etc.; Vd. 3.23; Vd. 6.46 seq.; Vd. 19.5. — [Skt. ap-; Old P. ap-; Phi. Sp; New P. Sb] yap-, sp-: vb. cl. i, 8, 10 'reach, overtake'. — apaye'titi pres. indie, act. Ys. 57.29; apnte pass. {Gr. § 578) Ys. 57.29. — [Skt. Sp-] apa: adv., vbl. prefix 'away, forth', Gr. §§ 733, 735. — [Skt. dpa; Old P. apa^] ap ajiara- (from apa-{-yjiar-): sb. m. 'outlet'.— Yt. 5.4,5. apanotitna-: superl. adj. 'highest, supreme'. — Ys. 26.2; Ys. 57.4. Ap- parently apa»dt9tna- 'm formed from apana- pf. ptcpl. mid. ^ap-, sp- — Skt. apUnd-; hence^ 'having reached the most, highest, supreme'; construed also with abl. Ys. 57.4. So Geldner. apiiUta- (from a^pi -^-^ $u-Y ptcpl. adj. 'interrupted'. — Cf. anapiiatn-. apupra- {ixom. la+Z"): adj. 'childless'. — Vd. 3.24. — [Skt. apiUra-] ap9r*nllyiika- (from ia-\- p^r^na -\-ayu-)'. sb. m. 'youth'. — Ys. 26.9. [Phi. aparttaik; New P. /mrna] apya^da- f'ft'^tu uipi-\-u\da- q. v.): .adj. 'intercalated*. — Cf. anapytVida-. nfraza*nti' (from i «+//-<>): adj. 'without offspring'. — Vs. 11.1,3. a/s m an-: sb. n. 'measvu-e, metre'. — Cf. asmanivatit-. [Phi. Vers, has paimSn * measure ' ; Nar. has pramdva-] a/smanivaiti- (from a/sman-): adj. 'metrical'. — afsmanivqit 'the me- trical parts' ace. pi. n. {Gr. § 292) Ys. 57.8 note. am a-: sb. m. 'strength'. — Ys. 57.3,23; Yt. 14.2,3; Yt. 14.7,9 ('Strength', personified). — [Skt. dma-\ amavaiit' [(rum ama-, Gr. § 292 b. dcln.): adj. 'strong'. — Ys. 57.10; Vsp. 15.3; Yt. 14.12. — Fern. amqvaUi nom. sg. Yt. 5.3. — Superl. amavostimd Yt. 14.3. — [Skt. Amavant-; V\\\. ainllvnnd\ amjr'tat' (from i a-y^mar-^ Gr. § 842): sb. f. 'immortality, Ameretat'. One of Ihe Amesha Spentas, and always mentioned in connection with Haurvat&l q. v. See Gr, Introd. p. xxvi § 38. --Ys. 57.24- [Phi. amurdat] amffa- (form *amarta' from y/w^r-, Gr. § 163): adj. 'immortal'. Esp. Am9ia Spinta, the Amshaspands, Gr. Introd. p. xxv § 32. — Ys. 26.3; Ys. 57.2 (ace. pl.),6,8,i2,23; Vd. 19.9. [Skt. amfta-; cf. Phi. amUspami; New P. amUspami] ay a, see under aim, Gr, § 422. ayavha- (from oytiA- q. v., Gr. § 344): sb. n. 'iron'. — ayavhahe gen. sg. ((7r. § 980) Ys. 1 1.7. — [Skt. &yasd-\ ay a vAaina- (from ayah- q. v., cf. Gr. § 829): adj. 'made of iron'. — subst. n. 'iron'. — Vd. 6.46. — [Phi. asinhi; New P. aJ/afitn] ayar-, ayan- (dcln. Gr. §§ 311, 337): *^- »• *day'.— Ys. 57-i7,3»- ayar>,bara- (from ayar- ■\- l'ar-\. sb. m. 'day's journey '. — Yt. 5.4. ayah-: sb. n. 'metal, iron'. — Cf. ayavhaena-, ayauha-. [Skt. dyas-: Phi. asm; New P. J//tf»] ayqn-, see under ayar-. Yfr-: vb. cl. 5 *go, move, come (as fortune)'. [-iis.;./ra 'bestow, allot'. \- paUi 'advance, attack'. — us.fr^r'nao^ {Gr. § 569) Ys. 11.4.— Cf. also /V/'V/.^r-'/*-. — [Skt. ar-, r-] arapwya- (from iff + r«>): adj. 'ill-ordered, improper'. — Vsp. 15. i. ar'du-: adj. 'high, exalted'. — Fem. ardvJ, epithet of Anahita q. v. — Yt. 5.I. — [Cf. Skt. ardhvd; Gr. § 48.] ar'dra-: adj. 'generous, giving gifts'. — Yt. 5.132. ar'za-: sb. m. 'battle*. — Ys. 57.12. — [Cf. New P. razm (Horn)] arS", fr^s": adv. 'right, truly'. — Cf. arsu^da-, arlti-. arjfan-: adj. 'male, virile'. — ar^apw, ar^Snahe (tf-dcln., Gr. § 310), arfno gen. sg. m. Vd. 3.24; Yt. 14.7,15; arinqm gen. pi. ni. Yt. 5.2,5; Yt. 14.12. — [Cf. Skt. rfa-bhd-\ ariul^da- (from fl/'/4-«<>): adj. 'rightly spoken*. — "dyasca abl. pi. m. Yt. 5.9; Yt. 14.5. ariii' (fr. arl", cf. Gr. § 788): sb. f. ' rectitude, Arshti' (Loyalty).- Ys. 57.33. lava-: dcmonstr. pron. stem {Gr. § 432) 'that'. — Ys. 26.2; Ys. 57.29; Yt. 5.7; Yt 14.12. [Old P. ava-; Phi. o, avo{}); New P. «2 (ary)] 2ava: adv., vbl. prefix 'to, down to, upon, in'. [Skt. dva; Old P. ava (in ava-sid-); Phi. J-j avapa (from \ ava-\. adv. 'thus, so'. — Yt. 14.7 seq. ava Hi- (from lava-): demonstr. deriv. {Gr. § 441) 'that, such'. — /iaca avafyo st9r*byd dat. abl. pi. Yt. 5.132. — [Phi. havaiui\ C5 avavotit ajavan- evavtittt (from i ava-y. pron. adj. "Such, so great'. — afav^'Vi liom. sg. f. Yt 5.3. — [Phi, avdvand] ava fa to , see under y'vas-. avaza^ie, see under \/vaz-. avah-: sb. n. 'help*. — Ys. 57.3; VI. 5.132. — [Skt. dvas-\ avUiti, avaifft see under |/0-. ««/*, aoi (cf. a^wi\x (i) adv., vbl. prefix. - (2) prep, and postpos. w. ace, gen. 'to, unto'.— As adv. Vd. 3.25.- As prtp. w. ace. Ys. 57.23,24; Yt. 5-3i4>i32; w. gen. Vd. 6.40,47. |/'/i'-.' vb. cl. 5 iiJr. § 566) * reach, attain'. -Cf. asah-. — jSkt. ^7i-] as an-: sb. rn. 'stone'. — asdiiaefva (stem asdrra-, 6V. § 309) loc. pi. Vd. 6.51, sec note. [Skt. lisuH'; Old P. a/fnn-; I 'hi. sang; New P. .faw^"] asaya: adj. 'shadowless' (epithet of Sraosha's divine horses).-- Ys. 57.27, see not^.— [Skf. achSyd-, Gr. § 17] asah- (from ]/'«j-): .*;b. m. 'place, space'. -Cf. ma^nivasah-. [Cf. Skt. ^ja-] asiira-: sb. m. 'bristle ' (?), cf. I.at. aadeus CGeldner).— Cf. tiii.a.mra'. asi'C sb. in. 'bone'. — us/a nom. pJ. Vd. 19,7; aidbis, azd^bis in.str. general pi {Gr. §§ 229, 944) Vd. 6.49; astqm gcii. pi. Vd. 6.46,47. [Cf. Skt. asthdn', dsl/u-; Phi. asi ; New P. asta/i] astvaiif- (from tw/-, 6^r. § 857):' adj, (dcJn. Gr. § 291 b) -corporeal, mate- rial* (epithet of avhj/-, 4faeJx5-).—Fent. astvaUi-.—Y^. 57.16,24,25 ; Yt. 5.1; Yl. 14.1; Vd.3.23; Vd. 6.44,47,49- [Cf. Ski. asthavdnt-, ast)umcnt'\ aspa^: sb. m. 'horse*. — Fern, aspa-'m^xtt*. — V5L 11.1,2; \'s. 57.28; Yt. 14.9. — On aspahe a'Strava see under rt//rJ-. rSkl. Asita-; Old P. aspa-; Phi. aspi New P. Asb\ aspd.stuoyah' (from a* -1- st") : adj. * stouter than a horse '. ~ba..ava aspo.staoyfhts nom. pi. C Yt. 5.7. al: intensive prefix w. odjs.-— Cf. ai.aojah-, a§.b6%u-. a^a- (for arta- from |/"tf/-, Cr. i? 163): sb. n. 'right, righteousness, Asha, Righteousness ' (personified). See Gr. inirod. p. xxv § 34. — t%lal haca 'in accordance with Righteousness'; \ 9$avapi-, a^aott', a ^dun - (from o^n~]: adj. (dclu. Gr. ^ ;^i^) 'right- eous' (of persons), 'sacred, holy' (of things). — Fem. a^aoni'. — This word corresponds to tlie liiblical use of 'righteous, godly* in the Psalms, lis opposite is drf^fvant-- drua^f- q. v. See Gr. tf/ff ahuna- fi 7 Introd. p. XXV § 34. — a$avano nom. pi. m. 'pure creatures' Ys. n.i ; a^dnnqni gen. pi. Vs. a6. 1; clc. — [Slit. ftdwin'\ ata- vahiUa (from rt'-f?'*): sb. u. 'Asha Vahishta' ' (Best Righleoui- ness), one of the Amesha Spentas. See under asa-.— aj^nn vahiUiin noni. sg. n. Ys. 57.24. (Phi. artavahiSt, aiavahW; New P. ardibeJiist] a^.aojah- (from o/-f- ^''' § '^3)' ^1*- ^' (0 'P^^ty, virtue'; (z) 'grace> favor, blessing ; (3) 'Ashi Vanuhi' (incarnation of Piety and its resulting blessings). -Ys. 26.5; Ys. 57.3. [Cf. Phi. ardisvang] aUr&- (from \ai-, cf. Gr, § 166): sb. f. 'goad, whip'.— Esp. aspalu astra a horse-goad, or whip used in connection with the sraoio.- carana (q.-v.) in religious casligation. — Yd. 6.48, see note. [Skt. dHra-; Phi. ailr] ai.bizu' (from tff-f-^"): adj. 'having strong fore-legs' (of camel). — • ahbazaus nom. sg. m. (Cr. 5? 2^5) \ l. 14.12. a .fy a - [from a^a-^ asi-) : adj. 'righteous, pious, blessed ' (epitheJ of Srao- sha). —Ys. 57.2 (ai'im acc.),3,4, 13, 14,25, 26.3334. — j Phi. aA/i\ Yaz'.- vb. cl. I 'drive'. [-f/fia 'strike, inflict blow.s' (in religious castigation, .see upHtana-^. — upSzoil pres. opt. act. 3 ig. Yd. 6.48. jSfct. aj-\ azuia- (from la-i^zSiq- q. v.): adj. 'unborn'. — Y.s. 26.6. — [Skt. ajdta-] az9m: pron. i.si. per.-,, (dcln. Gr. § 386) '1'. — az^m yd haomo '1 who fam] Haoma' Ys. 11.3; cf. Yt. 5.6 etc. [Skt. akiim: Old P. adam ; Phi. am, -in (end); New P. man, -m (encl.)] (isddfi, see under as/'. "|/^i ah-: vb. cl. 2 (conjn. Gr. § 530 seq.) 'be'. --«/<*/»/ Ys. xr.3; Yt. i4-3; tf^/ Yd. 19.6; asti Ys. 57.14. 25; \''t 5.3 ; Yt. 14.I; Yd. 6.47 ; "Yd. 19.9; auh^n pret. 3 pi. Yt. 5.7; astii imperaL Vsp. 15.2. — Cf. also hatqm. [Ski. las-: Old P. ah-; cf. Phi. hast; New P. am, /. asi\ j/''2tf (* - vb. cl. I, 4 (pass) 'throw, dATt' . —a^phimanaycB pres. pass, ptcpl, (see hvaslaA Ys. 57.28. — f Skt, 2 as-\ \ahu-, see under avhu-, lahit-: sb. rti. 'lord'. — Cf. ahura. ahuna- ifrom nhu-, Gr. § 848): sb. m. 'the Ahuna Vairya'. One of the .sacred formulas or prayers, and so named from its initial words yaps. aha. va'ryd. See Gr, Introd. p. xviii § 13. — - Ys. 57.22; Vd. J 9. 10. 5^ akura afrivacah- afiura- (from ahu-, Gr. § 853): sb. m. (i) 'lord'; (2) nC' (from i rt//v- 4- j/'w^r/r-, Gr. § 877a): adj. 'world- destroying'. — Ys. 57.15. ah HI Hi, "tnS^, "my a, see under aenty Gr. § 422. Av. -^ S. a, a: (i) adv., vbl. prefix 'hither, unto, in'; (2) prep, and end. postpos. w. ace, abl., gen., loc. 'up to, in'. — Ys. 11.7; Ys. 26.10; Ys. 57.33 (yeighad-a). See also adakyu- etc. [Skt. a; Old P. a: Phi. 5/ New P. a\ Jrt/ (from a-, Gr. § 431): adv. 'then' (lit. 'from that'), — Ys. 11.8; Yt. 14.I etc.— Ys. 11.1,6 'but*. — [Skt. di\ Si: inlerj. w. voc. 'O'. — Ys. 57.25 ; Yd. 19.9. — As particle (?) 'indeed* Yd. 3.23- — [Skt. Si; Phi. 6i; New P. Si] Star-: sb. m. (dcln. Gr. § 331) '^fac\—aprasca gen. sg. Vsp. 15.3. [I 'hi. Star; New P. Sdar, ata^] Sliinu- (from a^zSmi-, Gr. §§77 N. i, 889): adj. ' knee-high'.— Ys. 57.6 (Phi. Vers, has cand jSnuk).-^[Ci. Skt. «bhi-jfru-] spr avail- (from Star-): sb. m. (dcln. Gr. § 313N. ib) 'priest'. De- signation of the highest caste in the Avesta. Sec also under rapaistar-, vastrya f^uyant-. — Yt. 11,6. [Cf. Skt. dtharvan-; Phi. Ssarvan; New P. StoriSn-] spri/tm (from S-^pritya-, Gr. §§ 375, 731): adv. 'thrice'.— Ys. 57.3 1. ddaJJiyu- (from S -\- da/fyu-) : adj. 'in this country'. — Ys. 26.9. Sdu-: sb. m. 'spring, stream'. So rendered if Phi. Vers, be read an Jtiy •spring', cf. Av. iiddvo {Gr. § 19) Yt. 8.29; otherwise Phi. Vers. is read as j'lln 'life'. — Cf. SdU.fradana-. Sdti./rSdana- (from Sdu- -^ fr") : adj. 'increasing the springs'. — Yt. 5.1. Sp-, see under ap-. S/mte, see under !/'«'/>-. Sfr ivacah- (from /i/Vv- -r «"*) • atl }• * speaking words of benediction (malediction) '. According to the Phi. Vers, this word Sfr", like afrt ij>yejah' ^q zavahifi, may be used of cursing as well as of blessing. — S/ri' vacaoho nom. pi. m. Ys. xi.i. S/ri- (from Y/ri~ q. v.): sb. f. 'benediction (malediction)'. — Cf. S/ri- vacah' (a/riti-).'^[Ci. Skt. &prt-; cf. New P. a/rm] al>ya, see under aem, Gr, § 422. dmanawha- (from d ■\- mattah-) : sb. n. •eagerness, ardor'. — Yt. X4.12. ayapta- (from d'\-\''ap-)\ sb. n. *reward, boon'.— Yt. 5.132. [Phi. dySft; cf. New P. y&ftan^ dyu-: sb. n. ♦age'.— Cf. ap:tr»n&yiika-. — ]^VX, \ \'irip-: vb. cl. 4 'die'. ^para. ' peris h*.—^/'/*/*/-, parairista- 'dead' ^ pass, ptcpl. Vs. 26.7,11, Yd. 6.44,46,49; iriripulqm pf. act* ptcpl. gen. pi. Ys, 26.0. Crista-, see under \firip~. irlripuiqm^ see under \'irip~. isal.vastra-: nomen propr. m. 'Isatvastra' — oldest son of Zoroaster, and according to tradition the founder of the priestly caste.— Ys. 26 S.-^[Phl. isaivsstar-] l/"!/'/- (see also ]/''aA-, i7-): vh. cl. 6 'seek, desire petere'. \-paiti 'busy one's self with' (worship). — paifiiata pres. imperat., act. 2 pi. Ys, 57- 13; iHo pass, ptcpl. nom. sg. m. V\sp. 15.2. [Skt. i>] Y^ii-: vb. cl. 4 -send, drive'.— Cf. aSima-. — [Skt. 2is-; Old P. //-] Av. -f 7 Im, see under a'em, Gr. § 422. Av. ) u, uJ^da- (from Y^^^-> P^^s. ptcpl. w. ///«, Gr. § 77 N. 3): adj. 'spoken*. — subst. n. 'word',— Cf. anapyQ\da-. — [Skt. ukthd-] ujra-: adj. ' mighty '.—Cf. aojilta- (superl.). — [Skt. t4grd-] uta-: conj. 'and'.— z///7 ... uta ' both— and ' Y.s. 11.1,3; Vt. I4.». [Skt. uta; Old P. utd; Phi. u; New P. u\ ti pa: (r) axlv., vbl. prefix.- -(2) prep, and postpos. w. ace, dat. 'to, upon, on'. — With ace. Vt. 14.13; w. dat. Vd. 3.25. [Skt. upa; Old P. upa; New P. ba, boh] upa'ri (cf. upa"): prep, 'above*. — With ace. Vd. 6.50; Yt. 14.7,9 note. [Skt. updri; Old P. upariy ; Phi. upar ; New P. bar] upa^ rt.ita cma- (from «»-f,»<»); sb. n. 'upper side, lop". — Vd. 6.50 note. upavhacayeni, see under y'hac-. tipara- (from upa)\ adj. 'superior . — Cf. uparaiit-. — [Cf. Skt. lipara-] uparatat- - - utddtta- 6 1 u par a tat' (from upara-, Gr. §842): sb. i*. 'superiority', esp. Victo- rious Superiority (vana'^nti uparatdt), Genius of Victory. — Ys. 57.33. — fCf. Skt. uparatal'\ upazana- (from »/>a+ |/"rf;3-): sb. n. 'blow, stripe'.- Technical expression for stroke or stripe inflicted upon the body, as a religious cas- tigation to remove sin. — Vd. 6.48 note. ufyeml, see under \l'vap-. nyam na-, see under '\^ii'. ^rvapa- (from ]/"2 z/or-, Gr. § 793 N. 2): sb. m. 'friend*.— Cf. a*irvapa-. »rvan- (dissy ., prob. «ruvan. from yzvar-, Gr. §§ 191, 314)*. sb. m. ^soul', or that faculty in man which gives freedom of will to choose good or evil. — Vs. 26.4,7,11 note. [Phi. riidSn; New P. ruvUn] nrvatit- (prob. from |Ai «/'//-) : adj. 'outside the countr '. - Vs. 46.9. [Phi. uzdShik\ uzdana- (from «« 4- j/'c/c-) : .sb. ra. 'elevation, structure*. — Vd. 6.50 note. ^2 « karana- Av. 6/jt;jr] I kavi-: sb. m. 'King', — title of the Persian monarchs of the KaySnian dynasty, Kai Kobad, Kai Khosraw, etc. — kavoU vUtaspahe *of King Vishtaspa (q. v.), Kai Gushtisp' Ys. 26.5 ; Yt. 5.132. [Cf. Skt. kavi-: Phi. kai; New P. kal\ 2. kavi-: sb. m. 'Kavi', — name of a class of wicked infidels or demons. According to the tradition 'blind' (i. e. to the faith), cf. kar^- pan. — kaoyqm gen. pi. {Gr. § 62 b) Yt. 14.4. kasu-r adj. 'small, little'. [Cf. Skt. kasti' (? nomen propr.); Phi. kas ; New P. kih] kSstt.psina- (from h-^-po): adj. 'small-heeled'. — Yt. 14.17. kasci^ca, see under ka-. kaidya- (from kayada- c^.\\)\ adj. 'belonging to the Kayadha'.— sb. m. 'adherent of K.'.— k&'dyehe gen. sg. masc. Ys. 57.15 (cf. Ys. 61.3). kir'ta- (from '\fikar-): pass, ptcpl., adj. 'made'. — Cf. dahmo.k^r'ta-, hukir'ta-. — [Skt. kfta-; Old P. karta-; Phi. kart; New P. kardah\ kir'fS.har- (from kphrp--\-Yh'ar-): adj. 'corpse-eating*. — Vd. 6.45,46,47. kfhrp-: sb. f. 'form, body'. — hhrpa instr. sg. Yt. 14.2 seq. [Skt. kfp-; Phi. k€rp\ kqs a oya-: sb. n. nomen propr. 'Kansavya', — name of a lake, from the waters of which the Saviour, Saoshyant, is to arise. — Vd. 19.5. [PhL kydnsSi] 54 ^« - ¥°P' kvn (from * firm, most severe in matters of decision '. ^raoid- (from \f^ifuS- q. v., cf. Gr. § 692); vb. deriv. 'make hard*, — CT. Jiraoidaiit-. lira ill' (from \f i kar-)\ .sb. m. 'wisdom'. — Cf. ^ra/)7viilo-. [Ski. krdlu : Phi. fiirot: New H. tiirnd^ ^rapioiSta- (superl. attached to ^ratu^, ^ratumunt-)'. adj. 'wisest'.— Ys. 26.2 X/'^ru-: vb. 'hurt, be raw . — Cf. ^rura-, viJfrilmant' — [Skt. kru-\ Y^rujf- (.v-formation from {^^^ru-): vb. 'be terrible'. J^rura- Itroiif YJ^ru-) ; adj. 'terrible, wounding*.— Vs. 57-25. [i>kt. kri/rd-] ^rvt- (from |/',^/'z/-) : adj. 'terrible, wounding'. -Cf. Jirura-, \rvl.dru-. ^rvi.drU' (from \' ^ru- -\- dfu-)-. adj. 'of wounding m-Ace. ^rv/.draos gen. sg. m. Ys. 57.3a, Nar. has hi^susdstra-. ^{aeta- (from Y^id-, J^it-): adj. (i) 'ruling^, princely ; (2) 'shinm^^'.— Vs. 26.3 (Phi, here ^oidi, Nar. svdmin-); Yt. 14. 17 [Phi. ^it; New P. Sid] \iapra- (from Yk^^^' ki^-)'- ^^' ^- 'rule, power, Kingdom *. —Cf. next word, and liiapri-, ham&.^^apra-, huhjapra-. [Skt. kfittrd-; Old P. kiafa-; Ph). satdr ; New P. Uhar\ ^fapra - va* rya- (from J^^-\-v): sb. n. nomen propr. 'Khshathra Vairya* (lit. *wished-for Kingdom'), one of the Amesha Spent.is. .See Gr. Introd, p. xxvi § i^.—hlaprsm vah'tm Y.s. 57.24. [Phi. satvuiro; Ne\Y P. larivar] ^japrt' (from hjapra-)'. sb. rt>. 'mistress, Wife, female'.- Yt. 5.5; Yt. 14.12 (bis). kioprya- (from ifapra-): adj. 'kingly *.—A«k>/w J ff^apryo (cf. Skt. s^nto rSja) Ys. 57.19. — [Skt. hfairiya'\ ki^P'* M<^P^^'' sb. f. 'night'.- fAJ^o gen. sg. Ys. 57.31; ^inpamnt ace. sg. Yt. 14.13; iia/nasra ace. pi. Ys. 57- '7- [Skt. kfafi-; Old P. ^Upan- ; Phi. Up; New P. }ab\ ^/j gaoma- 65 ^"^/<^-., \ii-: rb. cI. It 2 'rule, be majestic, be splendid'. -Cf. ^{^apro' etc. — [Skt. ihi-; Phi. sdyastau ; New P. layislan\ Y^lud-: vb. ci. I «flow'.— Cf. Jiiudra-. [Skt. k?ttd'; V\\\, Mstan; New P. sustan\ Jlludra^ (from Yi^'^^')' ^^■^- "• * semen, seed'. — hjudno ace. pi. f. n. (C*/-. § 232) Yt. 5.2,5. — [Skt. ksudrd-: Phi. ///^Y/r] Jlitva^ (from ^ftwj; C?^. § 366): num. adj. 'sixth*.— Yl 14.17. [Phi. ^aSum ; New P. sasu/u] \ ^l^naopr a- (from Iiinu- q. v.): sb. n. 'propitiation*. Frequent in the formula yasnaica vahmdica ^^naoprdica frasasiayaeca * for the worship, praise,' etc. Ys. 57.6,8, — [Cf. .Skt. k$notra-\ z^inaopra- (prob. best from zanu-^ inu-\ cf. Gr. §§ 164, 77 N. 3, 1 88): sb. n. 'knee*. — .See hu^^naopm-. Ili'naoma- (from y^inU", cf. Gr. § 808): sb. n. 'joy .--^^^naonta instr. sg. Vd. 3.23. — [Phi. smim] Y'^inu-: vb. cl. 2 'rejoice, be pleased'. — Cans. * propitiate'. — ^inSL- vayeHe. caus. prcs. indie, act. 3 sg. {Gr. ^ 685 e) Vd. 3.23. [Cf. Skt» ksnu-; Plil. SrtayTtan, ^naylnilan (caus.)] Ilivas: num. {Gr. § 366) 'six'. — Cf. Iistvar-. [Skt. ?df: Phi. sas; New P. /tfi] Av. c ^war».sata- (from £•» -f f ') : sb. n. num. {Gr. § 366) 'forty'. — Yt. 5.4. [New P. cihil] Year-: vb. cl. i 'move, go*. \-/ra 'go forth, com t'.^^frararS'ii pres. subj. act. 3 sg. Ys. 57.24. — [Skt. car-; New P. carldan] car an a- (from yi/t^r-): sb. n. * instrument '. — Cf. srao^o.carana-. [Skt. kdraiia-: cf. New P. carak-^ earSUi-: sb. f. ♦ maiden ',—Vd. 3-24. — [Phi. caraittk] car* tar- (from yikar-, Gr. § 76 N.): sb. m. ' maker '.—Cf, /ra/<>.- rar'/ar-. — [Skt ietfr/d-r-] Yzci-: vb. cl. 3 (^z'. § 55 1) * atone '.—Cf. a {Gr. § 1020 N., expl.) Yd. 6.47. -f//.- end. particle (i) emphatic, 'even, indeed'; (2) generalizing, ya^ci^ Ys. 57.29; kasdica Yt. 5.4* — [Skt. -cid ; Old P. -ciy\ l/*://-, (kU-):- vb. cl. 7 {Gr. § 555) 'announce'. — Cf ^kae^a^. Av. c; y. jaUi- (from yytfw-) : sb. f. * smiting '.^-Cf. pa*/i.Jaf/i-.-^[Skt. haii-] jajnvc^, see under j/yaw-. j ajmus t9m a- (ixoin jajmvah-, see I/yaw-) : s 11 perl, adj. 'most prompt*. — Ys. 57.4. — [Cf. Skt. gamistha-] Yjati-: vb. cl. 4 'ask, pray, dtttxtLXX^'.—ja^'dyehi pres. indie, act. 2 sg. (w, two ace, Gr. § 930) Ys. 11.2; ja^dyantai pres. ptcpl. act. dat. sg. m. (a-dcln. Gr. § 297) Yt. 5.132. [Cf. Skt. gad-: -^ Old P. jad; New P. znyitan (Horn)] Yjan ', gan-: vb. cl, 2 ' strike, smite, slay '. \- ni 'strike down'. —-ja^iiti pres. indie, act. 3 sg. Ys. 57.10; iiijne pres. indie, mid. 3 sg. {Gr. § 525) Ys. 57.29; janani pres. subj. aci. I sg. {Gr. § 521) Vd. 19.5; jajtivA pf ptcpl. act. Ys. 57.10. — CL kamsr'- dd.jan-, kaktr'fjati-. [Skt. kan-; Old P. jan- ; Phi. zatan ; New P. zadan\ jatifar- (from \fjan-): sb. m. 'smiter' nom. sg. Ys. 57.15. [Skt. hant&r-: Old P. jatar-; Phi. ;ra/«r] YJdfn-, gam-, jas-: vb. cl. 2, i (inchoat.) 'go, come '.-—-+- rt^^a 'come down'. +^ ' come hither '. -\- paUi 'come back, come to'. ■\- fra 'go forth'. -\-vi 'go apart, distribute'.— 3jamya( aor. opt. 3 sg. Ys. 57.3; paUi.jasaUi pres. indie, act. 3 sg. (inchoat. Gr. §§ 697-8) Ys. 57.12; ajasa( pres. indie, act. Yt. 14.4 seq. ; ava.jasa pres. imperat. act. 2sg. Yt. 5.132; vJ.jasaHi pres. subj. act. 3 sg. Yt. 5.4 ; frajasqn (frajasai) bar^ntim pres. 68 j^i' — ta^V' subj. iict. {Gr. § 915.4 e.\mpl.) Vd. 6. .{7; pa*ti.jasqn pres. subj. 3 pt. Yt. ^.\}^7.-^ jajmvah- pf. picpi. act. ab adj. in jujmuslima-. fSkt. ^ i , 33 ; Yt, 14.15. — [Old P. ota^ma; (Phi. iafint.) New P. ia/iaru] Ytac-, lak-, tatic-: vb. cl. i 'run, rush'. r/"'* 'run along, i\oM''.'-^/r5iuca'tiy "itiU pre^. "iitdic. act. Yt. 3-3)4-— Cf. also a'wi,tai'i/ia-, (o^ma-, tarici^/a-. [.Skt. iak., tac-, lank-; Phi. tcV^ian ; New P. ta^ian\ tamtm iP ra- (from tann- -\- m-^): adj. 'the word incarnate' (i. e. per- soniticati«.»n of the Manthra). Ys. 57.33. ianu-: sb f. (dcln. Gr. § 271) ' body '.—Ys. 57.26; Yd. 6.44. [Skt. ianti-i land-; Phi. ianii; New P. /fl/ij ytaiic-, see under |/ya. § 3(?5 N. 2) 'most sturdy . — \ a. 11.7, Vsi 57.13, Nar. has diikataina-. tarasca (instr. advi. Gr. § 287): prep. y/. ace. *acrosa, past'. -Yd. 3.29. (Skt. liraUu-\ ytarp-: vb, cl. 4 ^steal'. — lar'JySi pres. (scdryj subj. aci. 3 sg. Ys. 11.5. [Skt. irji- (in trpu-)\ Pill, iar/linitan ; cf. New P. larjancf, tarb ' lie, deceit ' ] ■^/^/^ri'-: vb. cl. 10 'overcome'. — tfV*rvayeni prci. subj. act. 1 .sg. Yt. 14.4. [Skt. lurv^t iurv-; Phi. taruimtan\ tars- -^ PwaJila- i^ Ytars' (from prah-, Gr. § 698 N.)t vb. inchoat. ^Si^c\—iarHa pass, ptcpl. Vs. 57.18 (bis). [Cf. Skt. iras-,- Old P. ///rf-; Pb!. tarsUan; New P. tiirstdan\ Ylas-: vb, d. a 'hew, shape'. — -\- hqni 'construct', — /iq.'uMlUi pres. indie, act. 3 sg. Ys^ 57.10. — Cf. also hutal/a-. ' [Skt. /^/■y-; Old P. ta^s-; Vh\. taman] iaiia- (from Yfai-)-. sb. n. ' cup V— the sacred chalice into which the haoma was \toi\xe.(.L-^taI(a instr, Kg. Vd. X9.9. [Phi. ta^t: New P. /«//] /^y/;^-.- sb» ra. 'thief — Ys, 1.1.3. — [Skt ^«V7^-^ c/, siaytU, 'yfsia- Vste.!!']. tijra-, tilt (la compds.), cf. Skt, ]/"///'-. adj. 'sharp'.— Cf. llii.asura-. (Of. Skt. tlf^-ma; Phi. ^7s/ New P. /f*] iizio, see under ti^ra-. tiii.asura- (see //«/ -f a") : adj. * having sharp bristles; ( ? ) '. - - Yt. 14. 15. tiii.d qs ira (see ifzi -^d^): adj. 'sharp-tusked'. — Yt. 14. 1 5. I/'/ a-; vb. ci. I *^be able '.—/<«'. § 934) Vd. 3.23. [Skt. turya-: cf. Phi. caharum ; New P. cakSrum] ttairya-: adj. 'Turanian', — belo.nging to rhe land hostile to Iran.— . iuirim (6>. § 63) Yt. 11,7. — (Phi. UV\ ffirdn; Nrw P. tilran] tiituc-: :ib. f. 'carj^et, cloth (.*) '.--//?/«^,ft;0 loc. pi. Yd. 6.51, see note. [Cf. New P. tittnk 'curtain, veil'J tarn: pron. 2 pers. (del. Gr. § 390) 'thou'.- Ys. ii.i,7; Ys. 57.26; Vd.3.29; Vd, 19.6. —-[Skt. tmm: Old P. tuvam ; PhLV/^/ New P. t-u\ iimah^ (cf. Skt, '\flam.']: sb. n. 'darkness, Hell'. — tsinavko i^en. sg. (tf/-. § 982) Ya. S7-U^- — [Skt. tiim-as; Phh /"aw/ cf. New P. tam\ ie, see under /t/- above. fqprya- (cf. Skt Yuim-): adj. •dark'.--Yt. 14.13. [Cf. Skt Idmrns-cic; Phi. tSr, tank; New P. /J;j Av. 6 A ^ \fpanj-: vb. cl. 10 'drav*^, drive, rein '.--Cf. nipaS^faf^- Pwaela-: sb. m. 'fright '.-Ys. 57.18. YPwa^_s~: vb. cl. r 'work, be active, be stirring, make haste'. [Skt. ivak^-; Phi. ii^man] • Pwahja- (from ]/^/wwars-, firvS^a-. — [Skt. ivar-] Y/fwarS' (from Ypwar-, Gr. § 698): vb. inchoat. (i) 'cut, create'; (2) 'decide, judge'. \-fra 'cut off. \- paUi 'to shoe' (of horses),— /z£;^;-^.yfl/J pres. indie, act. 3du. Ys. 57.2; fra/>w9r>so pret. (injunct.) act. 2 sg. Ys. 11.7; faUi.fxvarhOivhd pass, ptcpl. nom. pi. Ys. 57.27. — Cf. oXm />iodr»Star-. PwS, pwqtn^ see under turn, Gr. § 390. Pwaia- (from "[/"/wa/--, Gr, § 163): ' quick '.-—/tcrtp/;/ ace. sg. n. advl. (<"'>• § 934) Ys. 1 1.7. — [Skt. /wz-Ziw] Pwor'^tar- (from pwars-, Gr. § 39 expl.): sb. m, 'judge' (i.e. who decides). — Yh. 57.2 note. Prah-: vb. 'fear, be terrified'.— See ytars-. — [Skt. tras-\ Pri-: num. (dcln. Gr. § 371) * three '.—//a}' J nom. pi. m. Vs. ii.i. [Skt. tri-; Vh\. j;/ New P. si/i] ■ Pritya- (from /;v-): num. odj. 'third'. — prityd [Gr. § 997) Yt. 14.9: Spritim {Gr. % 375) Ys. 57.31. — [Skt. irtiya- ; Old V. p'^iliya-\ prigva- (from pri-, Gr. § 376 N., 827):.sb. m. 'a third'. — Ys. 11.7. [Phi. srihilak'] prqf-: vb. 'to satisfy'. — prapdo pass, ptcpl. nom. sg. m. {Gr. § 77 N. 3) Ys. 57.14. — [Cf. '^kt. irp- Ormp-dti). prya\^ti- (from pri- -\- ya.Jti-, Gr. § 68 a): sb. f. 'three stalks' (of haoma) Gr. § 891. — Ys. 57.6 note. Av. _3 d. da^ighu-, dahyu' (from |/"-\-2 /») : sb. m, ♦ lord of the nation, governor '. — Yd. 19.6. — [Phi. dahyupat] daiighu.frSdan a- (from d" -{■ fr") : adj. 'increasing the country*. — Yt. 5.1. da end- (from Y^^')' ^^- ^- 'conscience, Religion'. The ^<7^«-, Gr. §866): sb. m. 'teacher of the religion'. — Ys. 57.24. daiman dasti- 71 daiman- (from j/^^/f-): sb. n. 'eye*. — Cf. smarjfnd.daeman-.'^[i>iewV. dim] daSva-: sb. m. 'devil, Demon'. Esp. plur. 'the Daevas', Gr. Introd. p. xxvii § 41. Fein, daevt-. — adj. 'devilish'. — Ys. 57:17,18 (bis), 31,32,33; Yl. 14.4; daev^yCb gen. sg. f. adj. [Gr. §§ 68 N. 3, • 257) Ys. 57-I5- [0pp. Skt. dcvd- ('god, divine'); ~ Phi. dev ('demon'); New P. deVt div ('demon')] daevo.dSta- (from daeva- •\- i ddta-)-. adj. 'created by the Demons'. — Ys. 57.25 ; Yd. 19.5 (bis). dao^atar a-: adj. 'western, occidental'. — Ys. 57.29 (loc, sg.y, [Cf. SkK ddsa- 'evening'; VyA. do'Sastar ; cf. NVw W do'S\ '\fdaiah-, dak-: vb. 'be mighty, be wise' (Piscliel). — Cf. davhah-, //sya-. [Skt. dars-\ ydarl-: vb. cl. 5 '!) gen. sg. m. {Gr. § 254) Yt. 14.2. — [Cf. Skt. dddhj-fi-] dar lit a- (from ydar^-, pass, ptcpl. Gr. §§712, 786 N. i): adj. 'daring'. — Ys. 57.11. — [Skt. dhrnld-: cf. New V. duruSi (Horn)] ydarz- (cf. ydraj- below): vb. cl. 10 'hold, fasten'. \- 7ti 'fasten down, secure'. — mdar'zaysn pret. (injunct.) act. 3 pi. Yd. 6.46; nidar»zaycDriti pres. subj. act. 3 pi. Yd. 6.47. — [Skt. darh-\ das a-: num. adj. (6V. § 366) 'ten'. — Cf. patica.dasah-. [Skt. ddsa-; Phk dak, r/tf//«w,- New P. iiah\ dasti- (from yda-)'. sb. n. ' paying '. —rtV?.?/^ dat. sg. as infin. {Gr. § 254 Dat.) Vsp. 15. 1 note. 7 2 (hi^ina- — dSkyuma- daiina-: adj. 'right'. — dafim buivd hSiiOyeua 'with tlie right arm and the left" Vd. 3.25 note— [Skt. dakfiva- ; Phi. daUn\ dah&ka-: sb. n>. .^ome kind of a serpent. Esp. aii dahdka 'Azhi Dahaka, the dragon'. — In Vs. ii.'b duMkSca {Gr, § 19) denotes fiendish creatures. daJkjna- (from \rdauh-, dah-): (i) sb. m. 'master (a Dastur);- (2) adj. 'pious'. — fCf. Skt. dastfui-; I'hl. dahni\ dahma.k^r* t a- (from d'^ -\-k?r»la-^: adj. 'begotten of pious parents' (see dahvia-) Ys. 26.9. — [Phi. dakmanrkart] da/iyu', see under daffhu-. yfdii*, dap-: vb. cl. 3 (6>. § 541 seq.) 'give, put, create, make'. - -fa'W 'place around'. — -^ tdz 'elevate, preserve'.— ■\-fra 'profer, give*. — 4* "* 'deposit'. — +Z'' 'erect' (a, house). -^^dadd*'// pres. indie, act. 3 sg. Yt. 5.2; diddtt^m pret. indie, act. 3 dii. (6>. § 543) Y.s. 57.17; dapa$ pret. indie, act. 3 sg. [Gr, § 553) Ys. 11.5; Vd. iq.9 ; /radaj>9n {Gr, § 553) Vd. 19.9; tiidap&ma pres. subj. act. i ph Yd. 6.44,49; niddpila pres. subj. mid. 3 .sg. (6V. § 546) V^d. 6.51; daydH aor. opt. act. 2..sg. (C/-. g 634) Ys. 57.26; viddUm pass, ptcpl. Ys. 57.21. — Cf. ahviddna-, uzddna-. [Skt. <4S . g 825 d) : adj. ' bcl6nglng to the country, national '.- Vs. 26.1. di draonah' 73 d't-: cncl. pron. 3rd. pers. {Or. § 396) 'he, it'. — Vd. 3.29 ((7r. § 1023 N.); Vd. 6.45. — [Old V. dt-\ yd is-: vb. cl. 4, 10 'point, show, teach'. —Cf. daen^.disa-, -^[fikt. dis-] yfdi-, did-: vb. cl. a, 3 'sec, look'. "^vi 'look around'. — vididvOt [Gr. § 68 N. 2 expl) pf. act. ptcpl. nom. sg. Yt. 14.13.--Cf. also due man-, doipra-, [Cf. Skt dhi-, dJd/n-; Old. P. di- ; Phi. difan; New P. didan] dt- (fr. |/*rt^/-): sb, f. 'thought, devotion'. — vSee under /vr''stf», see under duJ^. du I. da man (Jrom du/-\- d°): adj. 'evil-creating, m^lcficefiV.— duz.dSmO nom. sg. m. («-dcbi., (7r. § 234 b) Vd. 19.6,8. du i da h - (from dul -f- \ § 926) Vd 19.5. [f*hl. nasal ; New P. nisii;^X. (ik. vsx-')c] nazdyah-, nazdilio-: adj. compar., superl. 'nearer, nearest'. — Cf. ttabanazdUia-. [Skt. nidfyas-, nedislha- ; Phi. nazdik, nazdisl ; Xtw P. nazd] 76 w — ^uUi nii, SCO unJer nar". n&i dyujh - (from ynad-y. ailj. compar. ' vfcaAicx' . ~ -naidyC^vJi?m [Gr. § 346) Ys. 57,10 note. mlh-T- (from tmr-, Gr. § '^SJ): sb. f, 'woman, wife', — Ys. 26.7, 8, 10; na*rya geo. sg. Ys. xi.i. [Skt. n/in-; I'hl. n&Jnh ; New P. ;/ ^''- § 754) 3)- ^^' ^- 'guardian- ship '.--Yt. 5.6 (dat. sg.). u isavhasti- , see under ]/^/r<7(/-. HtJitara^ (from «/.f ) : adj. 'outer'. — Cf. mifara.naema-. nii(ara,v aima- (from w -j- "") ^ sb. n. 'the outside'. — Ys. 57.21 {Gr. § 731.4). ■niSha» rvaUi, see under \har-. ni (nlo): vbl. prefix (<7r. § 750) 'down, in, unto'. [Ski. ni; Old P. ;//k. Phi. n/»; New P. w/'j « ^'wi (/ ^ - . (from \fnam-^\ sb. ru 'homage'.— Ys. xi.8. fSkt. ndmasi- ; Phi. tiamiiz, juiinac; New P. W(7w^i] wJ, w^, see under nz^w, 6'r. § 386. »o// (cf. wdf"): adv. *not'. — Vs. 11.1^ Y-i. 57.17 et passim. [Skt. nid; Old P. //tf/v; New P. n^] nmina^ (GAv. d*ni&na-. \fdam- 'build', cf. Skt. damas-, Gr. § 185): sb. n. 'house, abode'. — The unit (family) in the four-fold arrange- ment of the Iranian state, viz. (1) niadnu'-, ii) v/s-, (3) zotitu-, {\)dahyu-.—\s. 11.6; Ys. 26.7,- Ys. 57.10, 14 (bis), 21,34, Yi. 5.6. [Old P. mdniya"; l*hl. mcin; New P. fnun\ nmditya* (from nmdiia-): adj. 'belonging to the house* (having the rank of a householder). — Ys. 26.1 (cf. Ys. 23.1 ). Av. (M p. ipitUi' (from Ypd-)'. sb. m. 'lord'.— Cf. afprapa'ii, hmfpa^pya-, fSkt. pdti-; Phi. pal, "pat ; New P. ^bad\ ^pahi: (1) vbl. prefix {Gr. §§ 735, 750) 'towards, against, back'.— (2) prep, 'to, upon, for, with". — With ace. yal, bd pa'ti • wher- pa^ti.jaHi paoirya- 77 ever indeed' Vd. 3 23;--with instr. z'md paHi Yt. 5.3, --with dat. z»me paHi Vd. 6.51 ; cf. Vd. 19.6, 7, S, 9, ---with abl. //«- yt^t'ta} paUi bar'smm {Gr. § 966 N. 2) Ys. 57»2; — with gen. haru^pyo pa'ti *upon Alborz' Vs.. 57.19. 21 ; aetahe paHi 'on this account* Vd. 6.48 ;— with. ] o c. Ys. 57.19. 21, 31 r Yt: 5-9 (P*>^lJ)j Vd. 6.45. — Cf. also paK'iJasaHi, pnHiUana- etc. rSkt. pmti; Old P. fiaUy ; Phi. paV/ r ]/" pa'pya- (from ipaUi-): (l) sb, n. 'lordship, possession'. — (2) suffix of posaejision. — Cf. haepa'Pya-. pa^ri {Gr. ^ 73S, 75o): (j) adv. and vl>l. prefix * around '.— (2) prep. Nv. ace. dal. abl. 'from, against' .— With abl. Ys. 57.25(615); — with dat. pa'^ri .... iar^2&i 'against doing' Vsp. 15.1.- - Cf. pa^rivaza-. — [.Skt. pari; Old ^. party; Phi. par; ^ew P. par\ pai r tap ha r Ha- , see under '\fhur-, pd-irika-: sb. f. 'Pairika, Peri', — a class of female fairies bewitching ami seductive. — Vt. 14.4; Vd, 1^.5 note. [Phi. parJk; New P. peri, par A pairi.i^S- (from Y'^a-, cf, Slct. purvga-)'. sb. m. 'cycle, period' (cf. ctept-o5o£:). — Cf. following, pa^ r i.ga. vac ah- (from pa'ri.gU- -rj-'acah-) : adj. ' speaking timely words ' (so rightly Phi. Vers,)v--Vs. 57.20 note [(Jr. § 864 end, -J)-). pah'iikaJiia - , see under y'hfcj-. pai*rva-: adj. 'before, prior'.— [Ski. purva-', Gr. % 4S; Old V. paruta-] pa»rvata i- (from pa^^vc): .sb. 1. 'priority, mastery '.- Ys. 57.20. P aim an-: sb. 11. 'milk'. — Y^t, 5.2,5. [Cf. Skt. payjas-; Phi. pmt; New P. />f>/z] pais ah-, paesa- (ftom ]/7'/.f-, q, v.): ^' ^^ 'form, figure, beauty'. — Cf. I'ispo.paSsa-, jYMr°. — »[Skt. peias-, pcsa-\ pixoirya- (from pa^rva-, Gr. §§ 62, l. bis), 25; Yd. 3.27 (with ace. ^^r'/wiblical 'after that' Jer. xxxi.19). YpS-: vb. cl. 2 'keep, protect'. — ^ ni 'keep saf e '.— /JV/ pres. indie, act. 3 pg. Yt. 14.12; nipd'ti Ys. 57. 16 (bis); nipayc^ pres. opt. act. 2 sg. Ys. 57.25; opdia pass, ptcpl. Ys. 57-34; Vt. 14.12. [Skt. pa-; Old P. pa-; New P. pdyTdan] p&irivdza- {^xovsx pa*ri ■\-'\fvaz; Gr. § 60.1): adj. 'rushing about'. — Yt. 14.15. papra- (from YP^')' ^^* "• 'keeping, protection'. — Yt. 5.6 dat. sg. infin. [Skt. putra-; cf. Phi. pds (Bund.); Now P. pds, pahrah (Horn)] p&da p9$d.sSra- rn p&da- {{torn pad-): sb. m. 'foot'.— Vd. 6.46. [Skt. pdda-; Phi. pcil; New P. p&i, pS] papa- (from j//a-): adj. 'protecting*. — Cf. next word. pep o.vacah- (from papa + v^) : adj. ' whose words protect '. — Ys. 57.20 note. psyu' (from j//J-): sb. m. 'keeper, protector'. — pdyii pwOr'Itara ace. du. (dvandva, Gr. § 879) Ys. 57.2 note. [Skt. payii-; cf. Phi. panak\ pain a-: sb. m. 'heel'. — Cf, kasu.paina-. [Cf. Skt. pdrm-; Phi. pahiak: New P. paUah] \'pi-, pinv-: vb. cl. 5 'advance*.— Cf, anu.poipxva-. — [Skt. //-, pinv-] pilar-, patar-, ptar-: sb. m. (dcln. Gr. §§ 322, 235) 'father'. — Ys. 1 1.4. [Skt. pitdr-; Old P. pilar-; Phi. pit; New P. pidar, pid\ Ypis-: vb. 'form, adorn'. — Cf. paisah-. [Skt. pis-; Phi. pisitan; New P. abestan 'adorn'] ypu^da- (from pa^ca): num. adj. (C/-. § 374) 'fifth'. — Yt. 14.15. [Cf. Skt. panc^lAa^] pupra-: sb. m. 'son',— Ys. 11. i; Vd. 3.25; Vd. 19.6. — Cf. apupra-. \^\i. pulrd- ; Q\AV . pup^' a- ; Vh\. pusar, pus ; lStyfV.pusar,par] ppr'Pu-: adj. 'broad, wide'. — See next word. — [Skt. prlhtt-\ p9r>pil.fraka- (from P" -\- /r'>) : adj. 'wide-expanding'. — Yt. 5.1. P9r*na- (from ypar-): adj. 'full'. — sb. f. *a full vessel'. — aoi psr'nqm 'down to the full (vessel of milk at the sacrifice)' Yt. 5.1^32. — Cf. also ap3r»nayuka-. — [Skt. purred-; Phi. pHr ; New P. pur'] p9r's-, see under y/raj-. p9ia- {ior pfr'la-, Gr. § 163, probably from yipar-): pass, ptcpl. adj. 'filled (i. e. with sin), condemned, forfeit'. A difficult and uncertain word, though its general idea is clear. In the ex- pressions p^id.lanu-, p)io.sSra-, the inference seems to be to a superfluity of sins which would render the body (or head) for- feit when weighed in the balance and would prevent the soul from safely crossing the Chinvat Bridge. When a person be- comes p^io.tanu; ppju.sara-, he is practically condemned as one possessed; atonement by castigation etc. (see upSzaua-) is ne- cessary in order drive out e\\\ and to increase the weight on the right side of the scale. — See next word. ppia.tanu- (from b^Sa- -\- laitH-) : (i) sb. f. 'a body filled with sin';— (2) »dj. 'having etc' i.e. 'damned'. vSee under p^ia-.—pfio.- lanuye dat. sg. Vd. 6.48. — [Cf. New P. balotan ' vile wretch ' j pdid.sdra- (firom psia- -\- sara-) : (i) adj. 'whose head is forfeit' (cf. /^^-).— (2) sb. m. 'criminal'.— Ys. 1 1.3 (cf. Yt. 14.46). So po»ru fravako' po*^rn- (from \f\par-\: adj. 'full, many, rich', — Comparison pc^ru-, frayah'y froi^ia- ' TCoXug, itXeiwv, TiXetaxos ' [Gr. § 365) Vd. 3.23,29. —See next word. ISkt. Puru-; Old P. fiaru-,- Phi. piif; New P. fur] Pd» rii.aza^mi- (from p" -\- asa'/iti- q. v.): adj. 'rich in understanding'. - Vs. 57.20. po»ru.nar a - (from P" -{-ftar-): adj. 'throns:ed with men'. — Ys. 11.2. poiirumatit' (from pot^rtt-, Gr, § 851): adj. 'crowded'. — pof*rumaUl loc. sg. n. Ys. 1 1.2. po»r u.sar*da~ (from p^ -^ sar^da-): adj. 'manifold'. — Ys. 11.6. [Phi. pursartak\ pc* ru.spa ^sfi- (from /» -f j«) : sb. f. 'full watch over '.— Ys. 57.26, Phi. Vers, has pul pQspumh (cf. New P. fasban 'keeper'). po"ruiaspa- (cf. aspa-): sb. m. nomen propr. ' Pourushaspa', father of Zoroaster. — Vd. 19.6 uote. — [Phi. puriasp; New P. purimsp\ Av. q) /. frc, fra: adv. and vbl. prefix (6>. § 750) 'forwards, forth'. [Skt. pi a: Old P. fra; Phi. far, /ra, d. frdz,- New P. far] fraeUa- (see /•<>«/'//-): superl. adj. 'most'. — Vd. 3.23. fr aohUi' (from fra- 4-- |,'''i'tf c-) : pass, ptcpl. adj. ' pronouncod '. — Cf. ntazdo.fraoJita-, [Skt. prdkta-] fraofiti- (from y7<7(-, 6V. § 7SS) : sb. f. ' pronunciation '. —Vsp. 15.2. fraorstita, see uiuk-r jA'tf r-. fratfrasyan-: sb. m. uom. propr. *Franrasyan' (later Afrisyab). — See Ys. 11.7 note. fratfhar'zifiiqi/t, sec uuder y/iurz-. fradapa- (from |^^J-) : sb. n. 'increase, furtherance'.— Yi. 5.6 (infin.). framsr^ti- (from ■jA2«»tf/--): sb. f. 'recitation'. — Vsp. 15.2. fr avail- (for ^fravarth, Gr, % 163 from \var-)\ 'Fravashi' -one of the elements in the spiritual constitution of man, and serving as a sort of guardian angel. See Ys. 26. 1 uote; and for the worship of the Fravashis, see tlie l''ravardin Yasht (Yi. 13). — Ys. 26.1,2 seq. [Old r. fravarli- nomen propr. ; Phi. frai'vaJar (frokar); New P. farvar, frovard'tn] fravdi'ii, sec under Yi-, and Gr. ^ 51 N. i. fravaka- (from fra- + \[va<-) : sb. n. 'pronouncing, recital'. -V.>;p. 15.3. [Cf. Skt. pravt1cuno-\ fravS^iu fradana- gj f r availed - t^fiom '\fva}i1-^'. sb. m. (^i) 'a sprout, shoot'; (2) 'stick of wood'; (3) 'penis'. —Cf. p ava^salna-. fr and If^d ena- (from fravaf/Ja-, Or. § 829): adj. 'made of a log'. — sb. m. *log*. — Vci 6.46 note. Jravi- (from \' frtt- move' = Skt. \fpru-): sb. f. 'progress, prosper- X". ity". — Ys. 57,15 note. y/ras', p^r'S'. vb. inchoat (6>. § 698) 'ask, question - -Y a 're- •spond to, reqaite, repay*.— pir'sa^ prei. indie, act. 3 sg. Vt. 14.1 ; afrasani subj. act. i sg. Vd. 3,27; par-'smanaeiii pres. plcpl. mid. loG. pi. m. among those that beg' Vd. 3.29. [Skt. pros-,' Old F fras*; Phi. pQrstldn ; iNew 1 . punidaii] f rasas ft- (from Ysaifh-, sah-): sb. I. * glorification '.— V&. 57.6,8, [Skt. prasasii-] frastpr'ta- (from ]/'"j'/tf/'- q. v.) : pass, ptcpl. adj. 'stretched, extended' (used of Itarsom before being tied up). The Pbl.Vers. renders Ity 'bound in. bundles', in accordance with the later custom. — frastsr^td^ pahi barisnun abl. sg. n. (6>. § 966 N. i) Y^. 57.2. froi Parana- (from ^spar-, Gr. ^ 507): adj. 'stamping forwards'. — Yt. 14.11. frasrula- (from //t?- 4- y"jr;-//-) : pas.--, iitcpl. adj, 'famed*. — Yt. 5.3. fraia-: adj. 'forward, renovated, prepared' (in the I^iblical sense). — See next word. fr a i 0. c a r ' t a r - (from frasa- -f car^lar- q. v.) .• adj, ' making ready, pre- paring' (the world, cf. Ys. 30.9; ^ t, 19.11), i e. ready for the resurrection and final restoration,- Frashokereti. — fraio.car^Prnin gen. pi. m. Ys. 26.6, epithet of the Saoshyants. q. v. fragna- (from \ffras-, Gr. § i6o)- sb. m. ' question' —i7//«0'/j /W^///^ 'the Revelation of Ahura' (personified) Ys. 57.24. [Skt. prasnd-; Phi, frabh piirsiin : New P. pt4.rsil\ frazaifiti- (from //-a- -r V I 2'^''-) • ^^' ^- * progeny '. -Cf. afrazainti-. [PM. farxand; New P. furzaud] frS, see under fra^. frdka- (i'rom /rqfic- q. v.): adj 'forward, expanding'.- -Cf. ppr\iu./rc7/:a-. f radat.^aepit' (from Y frM- -\- };acpdA : adj. 'making the world in- crease' (i.e. helping mankind). — Ys. 57.2. frad3rrsra-\i.xcimffa--\-YdarS']\ adj. 'seen afar'. — Vs. 57.27, Phi. Vers. \\^^ frdz peldk fiir-conspicuous '. "Yfyad-: vb. cl I 'increase, promote'. — Cf. "-fr&dana-, /radats^aepu-. fradana- (from Yfrdd-t Gr. § 763): adj. 'increasing'. -Cf. ddih/rd- daita-, rqpmd^, et al. [Cf. Phi. fraddf, /royal ' help ' j New P. farydiq 6 8 2 frSyah f^u^a- fr&yah' {%Qt po^*ru-)\ compar. adj. 'more\—/rSyJ vohunqm 'a super- fluity of good things* Vd. 3.29. — See next word. /r ay o. hum at a- (from frdyah- + //») : adj. ♦ rich in good thoughts '. — na frayd.humato nom. sg. m. Ys. 57' 14,34, i- e. the man who has more good, (than bad) thoughts, words, deeds (recorded to his account). The righteous man has a surplus (frayd) to his credit when the account at death is balanced. See Gr. Introd. p. xxviii § 44, and Vsp. 15.1 note. [Phi. frShiimat] f rdy6.hu ^t a- (from frdyah- -^-kii^ta^: adj. 'rich in good words'. — Ys. 57.14,34. See xva^zx frayo.humata-, — [Phi. frShu^i] frSyo.hvarSta- (from frdyah—^-hv*): adj. 'rich in good deeds'.— Ys. 57.14, 34. See wxxd^r frSyd.humaia- above. [Phi. frahUvarSl ] fraravha- (perhaps from /ra- + yrJ-, rah-): adj. 'bestowing gifts'. — Yt. 5.8. fraimi-: adj. 'restoring, regenerating' (?). — haomd frSimil \?i. st.i^, uncertain, but probably alludes to the part played by Haoma at the resurrection and regeneration of the world (FraiOkir'ti). — Cf. hil fralmd.daHi-. frS^mo.dsUi ' (cf. fraimi-, and |/^r/rt-): sb. f. 'sunset' — first quarter of the night, evening twilight. — fasca hii fraimd.dilUitn 'after sun- down* Ys. 57.10, 16. [Phl.Vers. merely transcribes hH-frSiS/no-dSlO] /rip a- (from Y/rt-): adj. * beloved'.— Ys. 57-34. Y/ri-: vb. cl. 9 {Gr. § 585) 'gladden, love*. 1- a 'bless, curse'. — See under Sfrivacah- above. [Skt. prt-: Phi. afrttan, afrtmtan; New P. afridati] frir^naol, see under j/^tfr- above. frqnc- (from //a, Gr, § 287): adj. 'forward'. — Cf. frSka- above. [Skt. prdftc-; Phi. frac, fraz; New P. farSz\ fry a - (from Yf^^") '• ^^J- ' ^^^ '• — ^^* '^- * ^ic^d '. — Ys. 57.34 ; Vd. 3.25 (bis). [Skt. priya-; New P. fart (Horn)) fiaonaya- ({rom ffaoni-): vb. denom. {Gr. § 695) 'fatten' (txTt. Xsy.). — f^aonayehe pres. indie, mid. 2 sg. Ys. xi.i. fiaoni- (from Yf^"')' ^^- (0'^**"*®^' (2)* food, fodder'. — Ci. fiaonaya'. Yfi'*'- ^'b. cl. 4 'make thrive, increase, raise cattle'.— yy//j'^2 ^^- §78^)- sb. f, 'mind, thought'.— Cf. tfrwff'//-. [Skt. mail''; Plil. "wa/] maidya-: adj. 'middle' (medius).-- Yi. 5.4. — Cf. mcuidydi'^, vtadinia-. [Skt. 'fiddhya',' cf. Phi. /niySn.; New P. 7«fvfl//j ma*dyoi.paitiUana- (from ma^dya-. Gr. § 877 -\- paHUtdna-)'. ad} ' half a foot (or leg) high '. — pryaJistls . . . mafdyoi.paHi^tdnqsca ace. pi. m. Ys. 57.(). Phi Vers. ha.s raw^ niJyano patistdno. ma' ninin a- , see under |,^wt/«- . mainivasah- (for tnaUiyv-asah-, from mahiyu- A- asah-, Gr, § 68): adj. 'darting^ through the heavenly space' (epithet of horses, arrow). The Phi. Vers, has pavan maJnog divakik ' through the domain of the spirit' (Iv. W. West).— Y.s. 57.27. mahtyava- {[torn, fua^iiyu-): adj. 'spiritual, heavenly \—maOiyavanqm yazaianam gen. pi. YI. 14. i- mainyu- (from ^/"///aw-, (7r. § 814): sb. m. 'spirit*. — mahiyu .. spstitd .. <7i;r(y nom. du. Ormazd and Ahriman ' Ys. 57.17. See also Ys. 57.32 ; Yi. 14.1; Yd. ig.s seq. [Cf. Skt. juanyu- ; Phi. mainOg; New P. wJ«J] ma*rya- (from y^i war^): adj. 'deadly, murderous . — sb. m. 'murderer, criminal*. — mairtm ace. sg. m. [Gr>. § 23.9) Ys. 11.7. [Phi, mar\ ma eg a- (from "jAw/2-) : sb. m. 'cloud'. — Ys. 57.28 (abl. du.), see note. [Skt. meghd-; cf. Phi. miznak, w^c-, see under ymark-, marc-, mgp see under az9m, Gr. § 386. mqpra- (from jA^/aw-): sb. m. 'word, spell'. Esp. mqpra spgt^ta 'the Holy W^ord'. — Ys. 57.20,22; Yl. 5.9; Yt. 14.5. [Skt. mdntra-; Phi. mSmar] mqm, see under azpm, Gr. § 386. 88 ff^f" yava- Ymri/-: vb. cl. 2 (pdgm. 6>. § 517) 'speak, say, call'.- /wrao/ prel. indic. act. 3 sg. Yl. 5 i; V't. 14.1; Vd. 3.23; Vd. 6.45. [Skt. i>rw-j Av. ro J. j'tf-; rel. pron. [Gr. § 399) 'who, which'.— (i) pron. of reference, /-J 17/ pwor^Hara ya J>jo?r»/atd ' ihe keeper and judge who de- cide' Ys. 57.2. — (2) equivalent to conjunct, -f demoiistr.. yo Cjs. yai turn, y(4{ ho) Y«. n.r,2; Yt. 14 12-^3) as c on ne c ti ve , or resembling Gk. article, az^m yo ahuro hmzUw ' I who [am] Onna/d' Yf. 5.6; vazdinna yiin Vohurn srao^nn 'carrying the (tov) good Sraobha' Ys^ 57.29; av/uai' y^ asfvaio the material world' Ys. 57.25; frava^ibyo yo) 'rlripu^m the Frava-^his of ihe dead' Y5. 26.6. -See Gr, Fart ii. Syntax ot Pronouns. [Skr. ya-. Old P. hya- : Phi. t; New P. i\ yaai, yooi'^: a'ivl. gen. sg. as prefix (Gr. § 750 N.) 'right, proper*. Cf. ne\t word. — [Skt. yos\ Yy aQzda- (from yaos-^-da-, Gr. §§ 750 N., 692) ; vb. cl. 3 ' purify, cleanse '. - yaoi'Ioiia^fi pres. indic. act. 3 sg, Yt 5^i>5; yaoiJotahyi pass, ptcpl. dat. abl. f. Vt. 5.8. ya^lili-: sh. m. 'twig, stalk'. — Cf. prya^sli-, fiatim.yalisfi-, haptu". [Skt. Vtfx//-] \^yat-- vb. cl. to (i) 'stretch, strive'; (2) 'reach, come '. - -r //-ubj. act 2 .sg. Vd. 19.S; apu.yasaiit subj. mid. i sg. Vd. iq.g. [Skt. yavi-, yach-] yava-: sb. m. 'grain, corn' (field products, opp. *'<7;-'^/i-).--Yd. 3.23,27 note. — [Skt. ydva-; Phi. jav, yav : New P. jav] '\/yaS'- \h. inchoaU, see under '\f yam- above. yasna- (from YyaZ'): bl> m. (i) 'worship' (consisling of sacrifice, praise, thanksgiving, oiTerings); (2) 'Yasna' [Gr. Introd. p. xvii § 13). See also haptavh&iti-. — Ys. 57.3 (bis), 6, 8, 13,20; Vsp. X5.2 (bis); Yt. 5.9,13?: Yt. 14.5.— Cf. mazdayasna-f. jSkt. yajrid-; I'bl. yasn> yajnn: New P, izQht\ y asno.ksr-' ti- (from _j'rtj;w- -|- prob. yi kar' 'cut'); gb. f. *Yasno- kereti', — L e. .section of the Yasna. ef. Visparad Kardes. , The rUl.Vers. would rather imply |,^i >fetfr- *make' i.e. performance of the sacrlftee, and refers it to the, concluding formula Yenhe Hatam. -Y.S. 57.22. ^yaz- vb. cl. i 'worship' (wUh sacrifice, praise, thanksgiving, oblation). —yazamaide pres. indie, mid. i pi. Ys. 26.1 et passim; yazata pret. indie, mid. 3 sg. Vs. 57.2 (bis), 19; yazSi subj. mid. I sg. Ys. 57.3; Yt. 5.9; Yt. 14.5; yazdite subj. mid. 3 sg. Yt. 5.8; yazacia pres. opt. mid. 2 sg. {Gr. § 487) Yt. 5.1 ; yazimnsm, "cli pres. ptcpl. mid. ace. (dat.) sg. Yt. 5.132. f.'>kt. ynj ; Phi. yastan] yazata- (from \f ya^i-, cf. Gr. § 786 N. 2); adj. sb. m. 'divinity. Angel'. —Ys. 57^3,33; Yt. 14. i. [Skt. yajata- ; Phi, yaid ; New P. wi/rf, yQZiian\ y&lit-: sb. m. * sorcerer, Yatu *, a clas$ of evil male magicians. — yapwqm gen. pi. Yt. 14.4. — [Skt. yntu-; Phi. yaluki New P. y^^/?] yana- {^o\\\\fyain~ q. V.) : sb. m. favor, reward '.--Yt. X4.3 ; Yd. 19.6. [Cf. Ski. ;^^//^, Old P. yana-: Phi. /a«] yanavant- (from yd/ta-): adj. 'abounding in favors'- — Superl. jtfwa- z/aj/,//^^ Yl. 14.3. ifydS' (prob. J^formation from I'yafK^, Gr. § 698): vb. cl. i '.seek*. — -\' a pa 'seek towilhhold '. — apa . . . ydsa'ti subj. act. 3 .sg. Ys 11.5— [Cf. New V. ydsTdatt] ydsta-t see under ^ydh-. yySh-, y&vha-i vb. cl. 2, 10 'gird'. — ydsi/t- pass, ptcpl. cf, bir^ydsfa-. Yvuj'i vb. cl I 'yoke, bind, gird'. — Cf. yfi^tar-, yii^da-. [Skt. w//-, Pill. ayijjitan\ yyud-: vb. cl. 4 ' fight '.—/i!i'<^^'V/ pres. indie, act. 3 sg. Ys. 57.17. [Skt. /W/^ I yy UZ-: vb. cl. i ' shake^ stir '.- — \- a 'boil up, bubble'. -^-yaosf^ti prcs. indie, act. 3 pU Yt. 5.4 ; a ... yaazaHi- pres. indie, act. 3 sg. Yt. 5.4. yii^tar- (from \fyuj-?)\ sb. m. 'one who harnesses'. — yiiJiia nom. sg. Ys. XI, 2. — [Phi. dyo^tar] ya^da- (from V>'^'a-, Gr. § 399. yvan-, yiin-: sb, m. (dcln. Gr. § 314 N. i) 'youth, young man'.— Ys. 57.13. [Skt. yuvan- {Gr. § 68 b); Phi. yuvan, javSn; New P. javfln] Av. "^ r. raivant- (from rdi-)-. adj. ' radiant, splendid '. — raeva nova., sg.m. {Gr. § 295) Yt. 14.12. — [Cf. vSkt. rivdnt-; P^l. rayomand] raoJ^jfua- (from lAr/zf-) : adj. 'shining'. — Ys. 57.27 (of white steeds). — Cf. also Ava.raoJ^Ina-.'—[Vh\. rolan; New P. rd}an] raocah- (from '^ruc-^'. sb. n. * light, day'. — raocib ace. pi, in loose cpJ. raora.aiwi.var»na Vd. 6.51. See ai-wi.var'na-. [Cf. Skt. rods-; Old P. raucah- ; Phi. roj ; New P. r6z\ raoda- (from '\f\rud-^\ sb. ra. 'form, face'. — Cf. huraoda-. [Skt. roha-: cf. Phi. rdd ; New P, riii\ raoia-: sb, m. 'fox'. — Vd. 6.50, ratu-: sb. m. (l) 'master, Ratu', — a spiritual chief or head presiding over a class of things or beings, or over a division of time; — (2) 'division of a day' (named from its presiding genius).— Ys. 57.2 (bis). — [Phi. rat, rata ; New P, roii.—Qi. Skt. //«-] rapa-: sb. m. 'wagon, chariot'. — Cf. rd'/ai\ Av. ^ V. va^ri' (from yir^zr-): sb. m. Make'. — Cf. ivaWya-* [Cf. Skt. vari-; Phi. ?/«r-] iva^rya- (from vain-)', sb. m. * channel'. — Yt. 5.4. zvairya- (from y"2Z'flr-): adj. *wished-for, desirable'. Esp. a^z^/^a va*rya (see aAuna-), J^^apra vairya {Gr. Introd. p. xxvi § 35). — Ys. 57.22, 24; Vd. 19.10. — [Skt. varya-'] vai^hya i. e. ua^bya, see under uva^ vagja- (from Yvij- 'dart, strike* = Skt. Yvij-)\ sb. m. 'stroke' (of weapon). — Cf. ^z/J.z/ci/^ac-. yvac-, vak-: vb. cl. 2 *say, speak*. Vf^'a 'pronounce '.—/ra- vaoce pf. indie, mid. (pass.) 3 sg. (cf. Gr. § 606) Vsp. 15.3; fravalilyeHe fut. mid. (pass.) 3 sg. {Gr, § 672) Vsp. X5.3; '^/rao^ta- pass, ptcpl. (cf. mazd&.fr<>). — [Skt. vac-^ vaC', vSc- (from |/"z'/ir-): sb. masc. {Gr. § 220 N. i, dcln. § 285) 'speech, word, prayer'. — vacqm gen.pl. Vsp. 15.3; vaca instr. sg. Yt. 5.9 (bis); Vd. 19.8,9. — [Skt. vdc-; Phi. vSj ; New P. l>aj, bdz, avSi\ 92 vacah I var- 1 vacah' (from \fvat-^\ sb. n. 'word .- Cf. vucastaJH!-, Jivacah'. (Skt. vacas-] VitcastaUi- (from vacah- -^^ ytas-^: sb. f. 'strophe'. i^>^ desij^nates both the single strophe and tlie characteristic strophe-type of a G&thit Sec remark on introduction to Ys. 35 (GeJdner's edi- tion). — Cf. next word. [Phi. van/as/] vacastaltizi am- (from «/») : adj. 'containing a special strophe'. — Ys. 57.8 ace. sg. n. '\f\vad- (a side-form of ^vaz-, cf. .Skt. vinfh-ii 'bride', '\fvah-\. vb, (i) 'to lead', (2) 'marry', (3) 'cover, copulate' (of aniinals). ~ A verb inferable from tadaynita, h/aetvadapu- (? ), vadreyaima-, vada'tyu' {} 2 vadar-, cf. o^stct), ct. Geldner, Drei Yasht p. 69. vada^rii, see next word Vitda'ryi4' (from assumed 2 vadar- from Y i vad- q. v.): adj. 'male, rutting' (epithet of oamel eager for the female).- ///(^/-Jz/aJIa'V/i (written for vada*ryuS) nom sg. m. Vt, 14.X2; vada*ryaoi gen. &g. m. Yi. 14 II (cf. also uiird^ho vadcJryavO Yt- I7.t3)- ^^^r- mesteter renders ' burden-bearing ' V a da J ana-: sb. m. nom. propr. 'Vadaghana', a wicked ruler favored by Ahriman ; cf. West, Pahlavi Texts, 5.Z>'./c'. xviii.217, xxiv.103. "-Yd. igo. — ll'hl. votJghan] Yvan-: vb. cl. X ' win, strive for, conquer*.- vaitiini subj. act, 2 sg. Yd. ig.<^ ; vaaai (i. e. vana[hji, Gr. § 450) subj. act. 2 sg. YU- 19.8, vtionaf {Gr. § 614) pf. indie, act. 3 pi. Vs. 26.4^5.6; — vaiiato (-lanattt ) pres. ptcpl. act. gen. sg. m. V.s. 57.33; vanahtthn pres. ptcpl. act. ace. sg. f. Vs. 57.33; vanamt pres. ptcpl. mid. nom. sg. m. {Gr, ^ 507) Ys. 57.15; vavanviD pf. ptcpl. act. nom. sg. m. [Gr, § 611) Ys. 57.12. — [Skt. van-; PIjI. vufti/an} vanaiti- {homy van-, cf. Whitney, Ski.Gr. § U57g): ^^ f- 'victory'. — vanaUii ace. pi. Ys. 57.33. vana*livanf - (from vattaiii-): adj. 'endowed with victory*. — Ys. 57.33. ^afftu- (from yvaii-): sb. m. ' spouse ' —/''>^' vantave (u.sed of a wife, cf. Eng. 'spouse' m. f.) dat. sg Yd. 3-25. Yva/-: vb. cl. 4 'pray, invoke'. — ufyemt pres. indie, act. i sg. Ys. a6.i. — Cf. also vahma-. vaya- (perhaps from \l'vi- q. v.): sb. m. (ddn. Gr. § 256 N.) 'bird*. — vavaeiOya abl. du. Ys. 57.28, see note. — |Cf. Skt. vi-\ vayot see under 2vi-» \i var-: vb. cl. 5 {Gr. § 567) 'cover, enclose, protect'.— 4- a'W 'be- deck'.- — \- hqm 'defend'. — [Ski. vur-; Old P. var-\ vahiita- 93 1/2 »ar-; vb. cl. 9 (pdgiii. Gr. § 584) 'choose, wish, believe*. HA'* •profess a religion' (w. \Vi%ix.\'^fraor'^(a pret. indie, mid. 3 pi. {Gr. § 586 expl.) Ys. 57.24. — fSkt. imr-; Old P. z/fl/--] vardza-: sb. m. *boar'. — hii varazahe (i. e. genu^ and species) Yt. 14.15. [Skt. varahtx-; Phi, varSz; New P. ,s^rSz\ var^na-, see a^wi.i>ar'na-. var's-, var'sa-: sb. m. 'hair'. — haepaipyaca var^sa Instr. !>g. Vd. 6.46. [Phi. errtrri-, gars ; New P, (^rxj] viir'^yamna-t see under l/^r/^rr? var'za- (front ■J/'''«'/7rc-) : Vbl. sb. n. 'the doing'. — var'zai dat. infin. {Gr. § 720,5) Vsp. 15. 1. Viirsta- (from j/'t'rtr^-): pass, ptcpl. (t) adj. 'done'. — (2) sb. n. 'deed*. — Ys. 57.4- — Cf. also duivurlta-, kvarha-. v^rina-: sb. m. *snake'(?) — Vs. 11. 6, see note. yv arz'Z vb. cl. 4 ' do, work '. f- ahvi 'cultivate, till', -^uhi'i.v^r'z- ytthi, "eUl pres. indie, act. 2, 3 sg. VH. 3.25, 26, 28; v^myatqm pres. imperat. mid. (pass-.) 3 sg; {Gr. § 485 expl.) Vsp. 15. i note; varSta pass, ptcpl. ace, pi. n. Ys. 57.4; var^lvamna fut. mid. (pass.) ptcpl. ace. pi. n. {Gr. §§ 165, 185-6, 673) Y.s. 57.4. — Cf. also //z/f/rjVtf-.— [Phi. varzffan; New P. varzuian] vavanva, see under yt'--aor. to Yvac-, crystallized as new root, Gr. §§ 156,482): vb. cl. I 'speak, ^2,y' .—ava^ala pret indie, mid. 3 sg. Vd. 19.7. ^vaz-: vb. cl. i 'carry, draw (trans.), drive' (intrans.). 1-« '^/j pres. indie, act. 3 pi. Ys. 57.27; avazu*tt subj. mid. 3 ^^. Ys. 57.31 ; vazpmnv, ^mna pres. ptcpl. mid. nom. sg., pi. Yt. 14.2 .seq. ; Ys. 57.29.— Cf. pa'rivaza. [Skt. vah-, Phi. vaztfan; New P. vazidan] YivaA : vb. cl. i -dwell'. — [Skt. vas-] 1^2 V a A-: vb. cl. 2 ' clothe '. —Cf. ma^yo.vavha-, z/ffv/rtf-. — -fSkt. vas-\ 1/3 t/a//-, us-, us- {Gr. § 698): vb. cl. i, 6 'gleam, burn'.— Cf. /^sa/i', etc. —[Skt. VUS-, us-, uc/i-] va/tilta- (superl. to vavhu-, Gr. § 365): adj. 'most excellent, best*. —fravasiin vahislqm ace sg. f. Ys. 26.2 ; aijui vahisl9vi (see tf/a-) Ys. 57-24; mana zaya asti vahiVrm Vd. 19.9 note. [Skt. vasifpta-; Phi. vahiit,- New P. bahiSt\ QA vahma ni (vh) vahma- (fiora \fva/-, Gr. page 273): sb. m. 'prayer, invocation'. Chiefly in the formula, yasnaica vahtndica ^^naopraica /rasas tO" yaica • for worship, prayer, propitiation, and glorification '. — Ys. 57.6,8 adta vahma instr. sg. Yt. 5.132. vahmya- (from vahma-)-. adj. 'worthy to receive prayer'. — Yt. 5.1. vd: conj. *or'. — Emph. particle 'indeed'. — Ys. 57.31 vS . . . va 'either .., or'. Yj. 11.1,5,- V^' 3*23 et passim; snra vd 'fair indeed' Yt. 5.7. [Skt. vd; Old P. vd^ vd^rya- (from vdra->^\ adj. 'relating to rain\ — apo yal vdhyay^ 'rain water* gen. sg. f. {Gr. § 980 expl.) Vd. 6.50. vdgiiby 5 , see under vac-, Gr. § 285. vdta- (from '\''vq' 'blow'): sb. m. 'wind'. — Ys. 57.28, see note; Yt. 14.2. [Skt. vita-: Phi. vdt; New P. bcui\ Yvdr- (denom. fr. vara-): vb. cl. i 'to rain'. ^a^'wl 'rain upon'. — Cf. rtwa*wi.r5/»jj//-. «— [Phi. vdritan; New P. bdridan] vara-: sb. m. 'rain'. — vdrai^hya abl. du. Ys. 57.28 note. — Cf. also vd'rya'. [Cf. Skt. vdr-; Phi. vdrdn; New P. ddrdn] vdr'nti', or vdr*nti- (from ^'vdr-, cf. kar'nli- from Yhar-)\ sb. f. ' rain '. — Cf. ana^wi.vdr'nti'. vdr'Praj ni- (from vir»prajna- q, v., and cf. Gr. § 825 d): adj. 'vic- torious'. — Ys. 57.21,22; Vsp. X5.3. vdstra- (from '\fzvah-)\ sb. n. 'grass, pasture'.— Vd. 3.23.— Cf. also vdstrya-. — [Phi. vdstar\ vdstrya- i^xoxxwastra-, Cr. § 852 expl.): adj. 'relating to husbandry*. — sb. m. 'husbandman, farmer' (man of the peasant class; see dpravan-, rapaestar-).—vdsiryd/iuyqs 'ihe thrifty husband- man' Ys. 11.6; vohu vdstrya 'the good deeds of husbandry' Vsp. 1 5. 1. — [Phi. 7JdstrydI] I vi'> , see under vi below. 2vi- (perh. from |^z/f-): sb. m. (dcln. Gr. § 256 N.) 'bvtd'.—vayo nom. pi. Vd. 6.45 seq.— Cf. also vaya-. — [Skt. vi-; Phi. vat] Yivi d' : vb. cl. 2 ' know '.— Caus. -\- us 'address \—vaipd (GA v.) pf. act. 3sg. {Gr. § 621) Yt. 5.9; vidvAv/to 'knowing' pf. ptcpl. act. nom. pi. {Gr. § 349) Vs. 57.27; uzvazdayal caus. pret. indie. act. 3sg. Vd. X9.5. — [Skt. vid-] |/"2 vid-, viffd-: vb. cl. 7 {Gr. § 565) 'find, obtain'. — vindai pret. indio. act. 3 sg. {Gr. § 565) Vd. 19.6; vinddi (i.e. vi-n-d-d[h]'i, Gr. '§§ 565. 450) sub], act. 2 sg. Vd. 19.6. [Skt, vid; viftd-; Phi. vanditan] vi (vi"): adv., vbl. prefix 'apart, against'. [Skt. vi; Old P. vi i,Ytar-), Phi. vc, ^w ; New P. ^w] Yvi-: vb. cl. 6 *go after, drive, pursue'.— r'>'^*V/ pres. indie, act. 3 pi. Ys. 57.29. — [Skt. vi-] vHrHmant' (from j/^^ra-) : adj. * bruising '.— Ys. 57- » o- vicica: sb. ra. 'mortar, pottery'. — vtcicae$va k)C. pi. Yd. 6.51 (i. e. the bones are to be placed in stone ossuaries, or in terra-cotta vases, or in bags). — [Phi. gac; New P. gac\ vidaeva- (from vi ■\- daiva-) : adj. 'against the Demons ', —epithet of Zoroastrian divinities or sacred things. — Ys. 5.1 (an&hitqm). vididvA, see under "[/"taXh.—vidatao( abl. sg. Ys. 57-25. — [Phi. vJhaf\ vidvOvho , see under y"z'/V/-. y?//j-; vb. cl. 6 'come to, become'. — visata pret. indie, mid. 3 sg. Ys. 57.22. — [Skt. WJ-.] vts- (from j/'t'Jj-): sb. f. (dcln. Gr. § 279) 'village, clan'. Designation - of the second division in the constitution of the Iranian state ; see nmana, (vts), zatitu-, da^yu. — vtsa( abl. sg. Ys. 57.14; vJsake gen. sg. (tf-dcln., Gr. § 283 N.) Yt. 5.6. [Skt. vis-,' Old P. vip-; Phi. vts] vis fa' (cf. vJS', yz//,y-): pron. adj. {Gr. § 443) 'all, every'. — Masc. vispd maidyo nom. sg. Yt. 5.4; vtspam ahum ace. sg. Ys. 57.16; vispe daeva (karano, a**rva^ta) nom. pi. Ys. 57.18, Yt. 5.4,132; visp^f ace. pi. Ys. 57.29; vispai^ instr. general pi. Ys. 57.17, Yt. 5.5 ; vispae^byo dat. abl. pi. Ys. 57.12; vtspanqm narqm (daevanqm, ar^nqm) gen. pi. Ys. 26.8 etc., Ys, 57-32, Yt. 5.2. — Neut. vtspa dqmqn (nmdna) ace. pi. Ys. 57. 2,4, 34. — Fem, vtspqm zqm ace. sg. Ys. 57.15 ; vispa ace. pi. Ys. 26.10, Ys. 57.33, Yt, 5.2, Yd. 3.27; vispdbyd dat. pi. Ys. 26.6; vtspanqm gen. pi. Yt. 5.2. — [Skt. visva-; Old P. visa-; Phi. visp\ vispo.paesa- (from «'» + /a^^<7>^-) : adj. 'all-adorning, manifold'.— wj/J.- paisim mastim 'universal knowledge' ace. sg. f. Ys. 57.20. [Cf. Skt. visvdpeias-: cf. Phi. harvisp-pisit] vtsya- (from vts-^\ adj. 'belonging to the village'. — sb. m. nom. propr. ' Visya ' (hierarch of the village). — adj. propr. ' of the Visya '. — visyiS frava^ay&. [Cf. Skt. viiya-: Old P. vipiya-] viitaspa- (cf. aspa-)-. sb. m. 'Vishtaspa' (Gushtasp), the Iranian king, patron of Zoroaster. (Not to be confounded with Vishtaspa o6 vdr-pra- — fj/ai'/fyu Tjtio7t7j?, iht! father of \'Jdir\nri.y-ka7wls "ifflltlxpa/:: ' of King Vishtasp' gen. sg. Vt. 5.132. [I'hi. vistasp; New P. ^^tiStaip; cf Old i*. visfw^pa] V9r»pru- (from |/ i z/ar-) .- sb. n. (i) 'defense', (i^ 'fiend'.— Yt. X4.3. [Cf. Ski. vrlrA-\ vtr'prajna (lrf;m r'.v'//(?- -j-- l/yfl-w-) : sb. m. (l) •victory' (Ys. 57.3 etc.'); (2) ' Verethragbna (genius of Victory, later i'arahran, BahrSm) — Ys. 57-3,33; Vt. 14.1,2 seq. — See next word. V9r'Prajan- (from z^pa-*/;v?- + j/ya;/-) : adj. (dcln. t^r. § 317) 'victorious*. -Ys. a6.io(abl. sg.), Ys. 57.2,5,9(acc.), 3,4,22(nom.)r V*p. 15 2 (dat.),3 (nom.); Vd. 19.5(11011).). — Cf. also var^prajni-. [Cf. Skt. zrtrahdn-] vjr*^fai'an- (from vsr^pra-, Gr. § 855): adj. * defensive '. Superl. vjr>pravastdnia nom. sg. m. [fir. § 365 N. 3) Yt. 14.3. v^r'zi- (from |/"i'<7r2;-) : adj. 'working, effective'. Form reguKirly used in compounds. See next word. V9r^ zi. do / pr a- (from ^^^r'zi- + doipra^) : adj ' of beneficent glance '. — Vs. 2C 3, see note. , v?hrka- (probably from \! vmr- 'tear' ■— Skt. vraic-^. sb. m. 'wolf*. — Vd. 6.50 ace. sg., cf. Gr. § 935 [Skt. vfkw; Phi. gftr^; New P. gT4r(t,^\ vo"ru- (from l/'i z/trr-; 6V. §38): adj. 'broad, wide ". See next word. [Cf. Skt. «rM-, vdrtyq^- (compar.)j vof* r n.kosa - (cf. V0**ru-): sb. in, nom. propr. VourUkasha ', a mythical sea.-— Yt. 5.3,4. — Cf. below under zraydli-. vohu-, .see under vavku-. vohu' ninnah- ifrom v^- -\- ni"): sb. n. 'Good Thought'. One of the Amesha Spentas, guardian genius of the cattle; later called Bahman. Gr. lutrod. p. xxv § 33 — Ys. 57.24.' fPhl. vahumau ; New P. ha/iman] voijna- (prob. from "yfrij- — Skt. vij- 'dart, strike'): sb. f. 'plague'. - Ys. 57.14. vqpxvd- (from yvan; Gr. § 792J: sb. f. 'herd'. vqpufd./radonci- [irom vqp-iVS- -\ /r°): adj. * herd-increasing '.-Yt. 5.1. vyaliman- ('prob. from yzy^rc- r^ Skt. y't^yac- 'encompass, as.scnible') • .sb. n. 'council, assembly .-Vs. 57.12 (ace. of poal? Gr. § 933 example). Av. » // (i/)- tfai'tbya, see above under m>a-. saeta — sSsna- Av. w s. 97 saiia, see below under Y^^' -^vcX. indie. saoka- (from Ysh- q. v.): sb. n. *weal, welfare, saving health' (in religious sense), — saoka inslr, sg. Yt. 14. 3. saokaviifit- (from saoka-)'. adj. 'abounding in weal'. — saokarmstdmO superl. nom. sg. m. Yt. 14.3. sao^yant- (fut. ptcpl. act. from '\fsi-i- q. v.): sb, m. 'Saoshyant, Saviour'. (1) Designation of the prophets or apostles of the faith, espe- cially those holy men who will appear in a goodly company at the millenium and will make the world prepared for the final restoration. (2) In particular, their leader, the Saoshyant. --^ sao§ya-^tqm gen. pi. Y,>- a6.6; sao^yanta^ (r;-dcln.) abl. sg, Ys. 26.10; sao§yc^s nom. sg. Vd. 19,5. — [Phi. sao^yds\ ysavh-, sah-: vb. 'speak, say, announce' (of formal speaking). — Cf. frasasti-, tui^'/-yo.sa»Aa~.^^[Sl>.t. Sfiah-\ saw ha' (from ysavh-)'. sb. m. 'word'. — na^rim suvhpni nom. propr. q, v. Ys. 57.3. — [Skt. sqsa-] saia-: num. (6V. § 374) 'hundred'. — duye saUe ace. du, n. Vd. 6.48, — Cf. also capwar'.sata-. — [Skt. said- ; Phi. sat; New P. sad\ ysaii't vb. cl. 9, 10 'appear'.- j ^^cl ^.pad-; cf. New V. pe-smd {\\orci)\ Sana}, see under Ysaa-. sa/a-: sb, m. 'hoof. — safAoho nom. pi, Ys, 57,27, [Skt. safthd-; Phi. sunib ; NTew P. sum, sum.li\ sarah-: sb. m, 'head . — See Jt^ra-, — [Skt. siras- ; Phi, sar; New P, sar\ sar'da-: sb, m. 'kind, sort'. — Ci. pot*ru.sar»da-. [Cf. Skt, sdrdhas-; OKI P. parda- ; Phi, mri(ak; New P, sardah, 'a}'tali\ •^ ysah-, see under ysatfh-. satar-: sb, m. 'tormentor, oppressor'. Designation of a class of evil beings, men or demons. — saprqm gen. pi, Yt. 14.4. [Phi. Vers, has sdstardn ; Nar. has atiyaydnfifn] sSra- {cL sara-): sb. m. ^heAd'.-Ste JJro.sdra-, p;f^d.sara-. [ Phi, sdr-var ' helmet ' ; Mew P, '^sdr] sdsta- (pasv picpl. from ysd^-)'. adj. * commaindtd'.—Ci. zavano.sasta-. [Skt, sdsta-] sdstar- (from \fsdh-): sb. m, '■x\x\t.x\—sasta nom. sg. Yt. 14.13, [Skt. sdsldr-; Phi, sdstdr] sdsnd- (from sdh-): sb, f. 'commandment, doctrine'. — Ci.sds716.gul-. [Cf. Skt. sasana-] 98 sSsno.gu^ — star»ta.galu- sasno.gus (from sasna--\-'\fS'^^)'- aJj- 'hearkening unto the command- ments'. — sSsno.guiqin gen. pi. m. Ys. 26.4. Ysnh- (cf. Ysafi-): vb. cl. a (i) 'direct, teach'; (2) 'command, rule*. — Cf. sSsta-, sasfar-, sasnd-.-— [Ski. s&s-, si^-] si spat a, see under |/"2 i/a-. yjf-.- vb. cl. 2, I *lie down, recline'. — saSta pret. indie, raid. 3 sg. Vd. 3.24; sayannw (cl. i) pies, ptcpl. mid. nom. sg. m. Vd. 3.25. [Skt. jf-] Ysuc-: vb. cl. X 'burn, gleam*. — Cf. siika-. [Skt. i-uc-; Phi. sultan; New P. saltan] s^runvaiit- (from Ysrii-, Gt\ § 821 expl.)t adj. 'heard, following oral tradition'. — s^nmvata instr. sg. m. Ys. 57.3; Yt. 5.9; Yt. 14.5. yj<2-.- vb. cl. 4 'swell, increase, prosper* save' (esp. of good beings or holy things). — Cf. saoka-, syviSta-, etc, [Skt. sil-: Phi. afzutan: New P. a/ztidan] suka- (from 1/"^//^-): adj. 'bright, gleaming'; — sb. m. 'glance, sight'. — Cf. durai.siika-. siino, see under span-. sura- (from y^??- q. v.) : adj. ' mighty, valiant, helpful ' (to save). Epi- thet of good divinities. — Ys. 26.1,10; Ys. 57.11; Yt. 5.1,4,7,9 (Anahita); stlre voc. sg. f. Yt. 5.9,132. [Skt. sura-; Old P. pura-vahara- nomen prdpr.] sivi'Sta- (from y"j«- q. v.): super!, adj. 'most mighty* (to help and save). — S9visiahe Vsp. 15.2 (Mazda). — [Skt. sdvis{/ia-] St air is (from "lA/a;'-): sb. n. 'bedding, carpet'. — Cf. ha.stairil-. [Cf. Skt. stard-; cf. New P. bi-star] staoyah- (from stui-, stvi-): compar. adj. 'stouter, thicker*. — Fem. °siaoyehi-. — Cf. aspo.st'*, bdzu.st". [Skt. sthdviyas-'\ Y^tar-: vb. cl. 9 'stretch, spread, extend'. \-/ra ' ex tend '.— //tf.- stfr'nuta pret. indie, mid. 3 sg. (Gr. § 591 expl.) Ys. 57.6; fra- sljr'ta- pass, ptcpl. (see s. v.) Ys. 57.2. — Cf. star»ta.gdtu-, sta'ril!'. [Skt. star-; Phi. vastartan, vistartan; New P. gustardan] star- (from ^j/ar-) : .sb. m. (dcln. Gr. § 329) 'star'. — haca avafdyo stgr*- byd dat. abl. pi. 'from yonder stars' Yt. 5.132. [Skt. star-; Phi. star, starak; New P. sitarah] star' t a- (from Ystar-): pass, ptcpl. adj. 'spread, stretch'. — Cf. star'ta.- galu-, frastfr'ta-. — [Skt. strta'\ star'ta.gatu- (from star»ta- -f ^-o) : adj. ' having a divan spread '. — va star'ta.gHtui sayamno 'a man lying upon a spread divan' Vd. 3.25. sta spa* gg 'yfsta-: vb. cl. 3 'stand*. — hiStahe pres. indie, mid. 2 sg. Vd, 3.29; hiSiaUe pres. indie, mid. 3 sg. Yt. 14.13. — Cf. paHihana-* [Skt. stha-: Old P. j/a-] "yfitu-: vb. cl. 2, I {Gr. § 529) 'praise, laud'. — -\- apa 'reno.unceL --—staotni pres. indie, act. I sg. Ys. 26. 1; stava^ pres. (scdry.) subj. act. 3 sg. {Gr. § 529.3) Yt. 5.8; apa.stavSne pres, subj. mid. I sg. Vd. ig.7; apa.stavapuha pres. imperat. mid. 2 sg. Vd. 19.6. [Skt. stu-; Phi. stutan, stayttan ; New P. siHidan\ "yfsta- (a side-form of |/"j"/fl-): vb. 'stand, stand firm, be stout*. — Cf. stvi.kaofd; j/ai?ya/i-.— -[Skt. sthu-^ stut-, stvi- (from yj/«-) : adj. 'firm, stout'.— Gf. stvi.kaofa-, staoyah-. [Cf. Skt. sthurd', stdviyas-] stuita- (from ystH" q. v.): sb. f. 'column, pillar'. — Cf. hazavrd.stmia-. [Skt. sfhf7>j4',' Phi. stiin; New P. sutun] stir^pwarit- (from '\fstar-t Gr. § 82 1) : adj. ' leveling, striking down '. ' — stdr'Pwata snaipi^a instr. sg. n. Ys. 57.10. stihrpaSsa- (from star- ■\- p''): adj. 'star-adorned'. — Ys. 57.21. [Phi. star-pesit] s tvi.kaofa-i^rom stui--\- k^): adj. 'stout-humped' (of camel). — Yt. 14.12. snaipi^- (from ysnap-)-. sb. n. (dcln. 6^r. § 359) ' weapon'. — Ys. 57.10, 16, 22,-29, 31. — [E'hl.. ^'^oMy j«a/ (Horn)] '\fsnap-: \\i. cl. i 'smite, pierce '. —Cf. j««/a-, j«a^]^/7-. -r- [Skt. snath-'] snap a- (from "j/'jwfl'/-): sb. ni. 'smiting'. — snapdi dat. sg. 'for smiting down' Ys. 57.32. — [Phi. snaM, snaj (llorn)J spa g tit a- (from yspit-, Gr. § 786): adj. 'white'.— Yt. 14.13. \^V\.. svetita-; Phi. spet ; New P. siped\ spa^Iii- (from '\fspa/is-, an j-formation from j/.f/aj'- q. v., Gr. § 158): sb. f. 'observation, watchfulness'. span- (from |/^x«-): sb. m. (dcln. Gr. § 314 N. lb) 'dog'. — spandnt ace. sg. Vd. 6.50; siino nom. (ace.) pi. Vd. 6.45,46,47. [Skt. svdn-i Phi. sak, sag; New P. sag\ yspar-: vb. cl. 6 'go, tread, stamp, spring'. — Cf. frasparana-. [Skt. sphar-, sphur- ; Phi. spurtan (Bund.); New P. sipardati] ys-f>as-: vb. cl. 4 'watch, observe'.— Cf. po^ru.spaJi^i-. [Skt. spas-, pas-] yispd-: vb. cl. 4 • throw '.— + a«/v/-)t sb. m. 'hearing, obedience'. Esp. personified as divinity, Sraosha (sec Introd. to Ys. 57.1).— Ys. 57.2,3,4, 13,14,25,26,32,33; Vsp. 15. 1 (personified devotion). [Phi. sroS; New P. sero^] sraoiO.carana- (from srao^a' -^^ carana- q. v.) : sb. f. 'whip, rod' (lit. ' causing obedience '). A sort of whip or scoiu-ge used in con- nection with the aspaUe aUra (q. v.) for inflicting stripesi in religious llagellation or seIf-castigalion.~Vd. 6.48 (instr. sg.). sraoio.pata- (iVoiii i/'o -|- "|//«- q. v.j: adj. 'protected by Sraosha, under Sraosha's keeping '.—Y.s. 57.34 (ace. pi.). s rusk a- (from ysrasc- q. v.): sb. m. 'drop, hail'. — .See ne.xt word. [Ph!. sriU; New P. sin^k 'drop'] '\firasc-: vb. 'fall in drops, or as hail '.- rrojr/;//// ^ /ir^/^S pruh. ptcpl. nom. pi. fern, 'victuals trickling from the mouth' Vd. 3.29. sr avail- (from \l srU'): sb. n. 'word'. — sravJ) aec. pi. Vs. 57. 4. — Cf. also d^uI.sravaA-.—^^Skt. srdi>as- , Phi. srav (Horn)i srt- ^ ta'n.gaosa- ^ ,>,''*,;.,; ; '.»',*', loa? .' '' ■J/^jr;-; vb. cl. i (i) 'lean, rest'; (2) 'betake oneself. — srayano pres. ptcpl. mid. nom. sg. m. (^^aV. § 507) Vd. 3,29. -—[SUt. jW-J sri-: sb. f. * beauty, fairness'. — Cf. srtra-, sraclla-. — [Skt. j>/-] srira- (from jr/-): adj. 'fair, heautiful'. — Ys. 57«19; Yt. 5.7 (bis); Yt. 14. 2, 7, 9, 17. — [Skt. j-rfra-j y^jf//-; vb. cl. 5 'hear'. — Caus. 'recite'. ^/>'a (cans.) 'chant'.— frasr&vaya^ pret. indie, act. 3 Sg. Ys. 57.8, Vd. 19.IO; — frastrUta (see s. v'.).— [Skt. ir«-; Phi. srutan ; New P. j/-«m] srva- (cf. sru-): sb. f. 'horn'. — jr«/y^ ace. du. Yt. 14.7. — Cf. also za- rtf/ryi?.j/-v«-. — [Phi. sriilt, sruv; N\ziif P. suFii] Av. ej /. ^acta- (fr. jA/^"-): sb. n 'land, property, possession'. — Cf. ^aito.fradana-, iaito.fradana- (from iadia- -{-fr^): adj. 'increasing property, further- ing the land'. — Yt. 5.1. iff-: adj. 'happy, joyful '.—/r;& nom. sg. f. [Gr. § 250) Vd. 3.24. "Yii-: vb. cl. 2 'dwell, occupy, possess'. — Cf. ahoi.$ditan-, iacta-. (Skt. hi-, Gr. § 158 N. i] y^rt - .• vb. cl. I ' move, stir '. f- a^pi 'interrupt '. — attapi.^uta- pass. ptcpJ. ((I. V.) Vsp. 15.2.— Cf. also fragusaf, ^yaopna-. [Skt. cyu-; Old P. siyu-i New P. ^udan^ |/"/afj- (from Y$u-, inchoat., Gr. § 697): inchoat. vb. cl. 6 (r7r. § 697) start, stir '. 1- fra 'comq forth, proceed', —'fra^itsat pret. indie, act. 3 sg. Yt. 5.7. Av. ro / ^yaopna- (from \ ^u-, Gr. § 162): sb. n. 'deed, action*. — Ys. 57.4 ; Vsp. 15 I, Yt. 5.9; Yt. 14.5. — [Skt. cyautnd-\ Av. r :. i(t*ri': adj. 'yellow, golden*. — Cf. za^rL^aoia-t "ddiprtJ'. [Skt. hdri- : Phi. zar, zartn : New P. zar-\ 6a*rLgaoia^ (from 2:» + j^) : adj. 'golden-eared'. — Yt. 14.9 (of a horse). [Cf. Phi. zaringoS] lQl2' i.a'ri.ddipra zaya- zairLdoipra- (from z^-\'d'>')'. adj. * golden-eyed ' (epithet of Haoma, because of 'its yellow flowers). — Ys. 57-19. z a en ah' (from Yzi-)\ sb. n. 'vigilance, watchfulness'. — Ys. 57.16. [Phi. Vers, has zgnavandih] izaotar- (from yic«-): sb. m. 'invoker, priest'. Title of the Zoroa- strian priest, later ZoL—^aoi zaotar'm ace. sg, 'to the officiating priest' Yt. 5.132. — [Ski. hotar-; Phi. sJ/J 2 zaotar-: uncertain, — zaotar?m ace. sg. Ys. ii.i. Perhaps 'keeper, drover' (?). Nar. has gfhtf 3mm 'keeper, retainer'; Phl.Vers. transcribes as zof (possibly s«?/, cf. West Sc Haug, ytrda Viraf Glossary p. 150). The reference in zaot&rain is at all events to a man of the third class, since bd^anm and hd^rsm refer respectively to the warrior and priestly classes. zaopra- (from yis//-): sb. f. 'offering, oblation, libation' (esp. cojn- secrated water). —Ys. 57.3 ; Yt. 5.8, 9 ; Yt. 14.5. [Skt. hotrd-; Phi. zohr ; New P. zdr\ zaopro.bara- ( from zaopra- + '\fbar- ) : adj. ' offering libations '. — Yt. 5-132. '\fizan': vb. cl. i, 4 (i) 'beget, bear'; (2) 'be born' (intrans. and mid.). \-tis 'be bor n '.— 2awa'Vultra- (cf. uStra-): sb. m. nom. propr. ' Zarathushtra, Zoroaster', Gk. Zwpodaxpvjg. The founder of the Avestan religion and pro- phet of ancient Iran.— Ys. 11.8; Ys. 26.5; Ys. 57.8; Yt. 5-i,7,9; Yt. 14.1; Yd. 3.23; Vd. 6.45; Yd. 19.5 seq. [Phi. zartult, zaratuha^t ; New P. zardust etc.] starapullri- (from z"): adj. ' Zarathushtrian, belonging to or descended from Zoroaster'. — zarapu^troU gen. sg. m. 'son of Z.' Ys. 26.5; zara/>uStri srav& ace. pi. n. 'words of Z.' {Gr. § 252) Ys. 57.4; zarapuStrayo voc. pi. m. 'ye followers of Z.' Vsp. 15. i. [Phi. zartamn] zarapuStr6t3ma- (superl. to «artf/«i/rrt-) : sb. m. ' Zarathushtrotema ', the chief high-priest, Dastur i Dasturan ; — adj. 'belonging to the Zarathushtrotema'. — Y.s. 26.1 (fravo^ayo). [Phi. zaratuituni\ zar any a- (cf. za^'ri-): adj. 'golden';— sb. m. -{- sasta-)\ adj. 'commanded at call, at call when invoked'. — Ys. 5.9. zasta-: sb. m. 'hand'. — zastaya loc. sg. Ys. 57.31 ; zastS ace. pi. Vsp. 15. i. [Skt. hdsta-; Old P. dasta- ; Phi. dast ; New P. dast\ zazv&vha, see under y"2a-. 1 04 ^^ — ->'*■ Yza-: vb. cl. 3 *get, obtain, win'. — zazv^vha pf. ptcpl. act. nom. pi. 'victorious' Yt. 5.132. zala- (from 'Y i zau-, pass, plcpl.) : adj. 'born'. — C^. azdia-. [Skt. jStd-; Phi. zaf] zdnaite, see under \f \. zau-. zanu-: sb. m. 'knee'. — Cf. ^hiu-. [Skt. janu- : Phi. zanuk, janUk ; New P. 2J«;?j za'ni- (from y i s^//-): sb. f. 'birth'. -Cf. hutainil-, and huzami- Vt. 5.87. [Skt. jdun-\ sSvar- (from |^2 s//-) : .sb. n. ' flectness, vigor '. —Ys. 11.2; Ys. 57.26. [I'hl. Zifi', zavSr ; Ntw P. 3i>r] zHvi^i, see under |,^i 2^-. y^i-: vb. 'impel, drive'.— Cf. zacnah-f zuya-. — [SkU -^/-] ztnal, see under |/2;v7-, z/'-. sf.- particle poslpos. 'for. indeed, verily'. — Yt. 14.12; Vd. 3.2.4.. [Skt. hi-\ zu^a: uncertain word.— Yt. 5.7, cf, oXso frazuifm Vt. 5.126, baro.zupm \'t. 19.42, possibly also zuia, ZPhl.Gl. p. 30. 2. Perhaps a special garment or adornraent, possibly 'bracelet' servin}:; also as arm- protector in the case of an archer. See representation of Ardvl Siira in Justi's Geschkhte des alien Fersieiis p. 94 ,• and Dieu- lafoy's Persian archers from Susa in the Louvre. Yizil-: vb. cl. I (i) 'call, invoke'; (2) 'cry out, chide, curse' (euphe- mistic).— ;:«^<7^V/, "d^riti pres. indie, act. 3 sg., pi. Vs. 11.1,2,3; — zdvi^i aor. indie, mid. pass, i sg. (6>. § 664) Vd. 19.6 (Phi. Vers, also has * thy ancestors worshipped me, do thou also wor- ship nie ' ). — See \''zbd- below. [Skt. hff-, hva- ; cf. Phi. dzhdyUn 'invocation, prayer' (Horn)] '\f2zft-- vb. cl. I 'speed, hasten, drive'. — Cf. \avar-. [Skt. y«?-,- cf. Phi. ziit; New P. zud 'quick'] z>ind, Z'' in'e etc., .-^ee under zatn-. zqpa- (from \f \ zan-): sb. m. 'birth'. — Yt. 5.2 'Ardvi Sura purifies the wombs for child-bearing'. zqm , see under zam-. Yzlfd-: vb. cl. 4 '.call, invoke'.— zAayemi pres. indie, act. i sg, Ys. a6.i. — See y^ ^'^* above. [Skt. /tvd-, hit-; Phi. dzhayihi 'invocation, prayer' (Morn)] yzyd-, zi-: vb. cl. 9 {Gr. § 58S) 'take away, deprive forcibly'.— ztMdf pres. (scdry.) subj. act. 3 sg. Ys. n.5 (with two ace). [Skt.y>J-, ji- (jittuHj: Old P. di- ; cf. Phi. iJnitdr (ZPhl.Gl.); New P. zinU(ni\ zrayah haomannvha' |OC zrayah- (from \''zri-): sb. n. 'sea, expanse of ocean'. Ksp. the Sea Vouru kasha. — aoi zruy5 ace. sg. to the sea' Yt. 5.3; zraydi loc. sg. (C;a §§ 3li, 357 N. 2) Yi. 5.4. [Cf. Skt. jrdyas-: Old P. drayah-: Phi. darySk ; New P. daryn (Horn)J yzri-: vb. cl. i 'go, stretch, expand *.~Cf. zrayah-. ^-^\i^V\.. jriA zrvaw (from Ylzar- q. v.) : sb. n. 'time'. Esp. with ai-ara/ra- [q. y.) ' Boundless Time, Eternity'. In later Zoroastrianism Ormazd and Ahriman are conceived of :is sprung from Zarvan. — Vd, 19.9 (6>. § 992 N. 2 expl.) — [PhJ. zarvnn; New P. zarv&n\ ^ Av. Ill) I. s:ar- (side-form of Yjiar- q. v.): vb. cl. i 'flow, run, stream'.— ■\-/ra 'flow ioxi\i\^-/raigaraiti pitis. indie, act. 3 sg. Yt. 5.4. Av. or, (^, f** iw) h, Ji, 4^ f/^v; I ha-, ha-, ia-: dem. pron. (dcln. Or. § 409) ' this".-- /4J nom. sg. m. \s. 57.18; M nora. sg. f. Vt, 5.5.— See also '. § 934) 'essentially' Y.s. 11. 1. [Skt. saiyd-; Old P. hasiya-^^ ha**rva- (fr-om l/-*<2r-, Gr. § 819): adj. 'whole, entire'. — Cf. ha^i'vatat-. [Skt. sdrva-; Old P. hatuva-; Phi. /m/-, har-vtsp; New P. //tfr] ha^rvatat- (from ha»rv. Introd. p. xxvi § n.--hai*yvat&s nom, .sg. [(ir. § 28 1) Ys. 57.24. — See atuorHat- above. [Skt. san'dlSt-; Phi. l^drJal ; New P. jo r dad] halnS- (from V^^-): sb. f. 'band, host, horde' (always in bad sense, ravaging ^x'Kiy).--< hainSbyii dat. ab), pi. {Cr. § 247 expi.) Vs. 57.25. [Skt. sin&'y Old P hainS-; Phi. //r;/| hacva-, haoya-: adj. *left, left si6.e\— hoyum ace. sg. u. [Gr. § 63 N. 2 expl,) Ys. 1 1.4. — [Skt. savyd-;''Pb\. hoi] ha am 'I' (from l/^f-^//-): sb. ni. ' haoma-plant, juice, Haoma' (divinity). -Ys. 11.1,3,4,7,8; Y's. 57- 19; Vd. 19.9. [Skt. soma-; Phi. ^iJw/ New P. hum] h do man a V ha- (from hn '\- manah-, ci, Gr. § 60 N. c): adj. ^well- minded'. — Yt. 5,8 (dat. sg m.).— '[Skt. sdumanasd-\ J o5 haomayO — hapta haoniayo, see below, under adjective haomi-. haomovajil- (from haoma-): adj. 'consisting of haoma*. — haomavaUi' byd zaopraf'yo dat. abl. f. pi. ' haoma oblations ' Yt. 5.8. [Skt. somavant- ; cf. Phi. hdrndmajtU^ haomi- (from haoma-, cf. also Ys. 7.3): adj. 'provided with haoma*. — haomayo Yt. 5.9, see note. haoy&, see under kava-. haozqpwa- (from huzatitu- i\.\\)\ sb. n. 'gracious knowledge, reverence*. — haozqP'iva instr. sg. Ys. 57.23.— [Phi. huzandV{\ hakdr'l (from z ha" -Y Ykar-). adv. (6"/-. §§ 375, 730) 'once'. — Cf. hakir'^.jan [Skt. sakft ] hak?r' ^.jan- (from //" + y"/a//-): adj. 'killing at one stroke'. — Yt. 14.15 (epithet of a boar). havuhar^na- (from ^l h'ar-): sb. n. 'jaw-bone' (cf. paHis.har^na^ 'jaw').^ — havu/iar'ne ace. du. Ys. 11.4,5. yh ac -: vb. cl. i ' accompany, attend, follow '. ^- upa 'attend '. — upavhacayeni caus. pres. subj. act. I sg. 'attach myself to' Yt. 5.8; hacimnO pres. ptcpl. pass. nom. sg, m. ' attended by evil reports ' Ys. 11.1,3. — [Skt. sac-\ haca- (from \''hac-^'. (i) prep. w. instr. abl. 'with, together with, from'; — (2) prefix, cf. haca.mana-. — With abl. Ys. 26.10; Ys. 57.12,14; Yt. 5-3.7.9,132; Yt. 14.5; Vd. 19.6. [Skt. sdca; Old P. haca; Phi. aj ; New P. az, z-] haca.mana- (from haca-{- ywa;^-): adj. 'attentive xn thought'. — Yt. 5.8. hapra: adv. 'together, complete'. — See next word.— -[Skt. satrd\ h ap ra,niv aUi- (from hapra + yvan-^ : sb. f. ' complete conquest '. — Ys. 57.26. yhad-: vb. cL i, 3 'sit, seat oneself. \-ni 'descend to'. — «/- iavhasti pres. indie, act. 3 sg. {Gr. § 754.3) Ys. 57.30.— Cf. also a^wiiastar-. [Skt. sad-; Old P. had-; Phi. ni-^astan ; New P. ni-Iastan] hada-: (i) adv. 'always'; (2) prep. w. abl. instr. 'with'. — Ys. 57.17. [Skt. sahd, cf. sdda; Old P. hadd\ hatij a m ana- (from ham -f- "^gam-, jam-) : sb. n. * meeting '. — hatijamane loc. sg. Ys. 1 1.2 (the race-course, or battle). [Cf. Skt sqgamd-; Phi. hanjaman ; New P. anjuman] hant-, hat- (from '\f \ ah-, pres. ptcpl.): adj. 'being, living being, creature '.--//a/^w gen. pi. m. {Gr, § 18 N. 3) Yt. 5.9. — Cf. also ha'Pya-. — [Skt. sdnt-, sat-] hapta: num. {(Jr. § 366) 'seven'. — karivqn yai? hapta 'the seven Karsh- vars' Yt. 5.5. — [Skt. saptd; Phi. haft; New P. ha/t] haptavh&Ui hava- ^Qn haptavhaUi' (from hapta •\- hdHi- c^.v.)-. adj. * comprising seven chap- ters ' ; — sb. m. * Yasna Haptanhaiti ' (see Gr. Introd, p. xviii § 13).— Ys. 57.22; Vsp. 15.2. — [Phi. haft-hat] hapta.ya\Sti- (from h^ ■\-ya1iUi-): sb. m. ' seven stalks ' (of barsom). — Ys. 57.6 (ace. pi.), see note. hapto.kar iva*ritn, see under next word. hap to.karivan- (from h^-^-k")-. adj. 'consisting of seven Karshvars or zones'. — haptO.karfvaWim ace. sg. fem. {Gr. § 855 expl.) Ys. 57.23. — [Phi. haft-kelvaro] I ham, hqm, hat}": adv., vbl. prefix (Gr. §§ 750, 753 N. 2) 'with, together '. — Cf. hama-, hanijr^pa-, hqm.tasti, hatijamana-, [Skt. sdm; Old P. ham; Phi. ham; New P. hatn\ 9 ham-: sb. f. ' summer '. — Cf. hqmin-. — [Cf. Skt. samd- ' year, season ' ] hama- (from ham): adj. 'same, entire'. — hamahe ... hamaya gen. sg. m. f. Ys. 57-3 1- — Cf. alsa hamo.^iapra-. [Skt. samd-; Old P. hama-; Phi. hamak; New P. hamaJ{\ hamapa- (from hama-, Gr. §§ 844, 942): adv. 'continually'. — Yt. 5.5. hamo.Ji^apra- (from hama- ■\- ^i") : adj. 'all-powerful, monarch'. — Yt. X4.13. ham9r»pa- (from ham -^y^fif-^'- sb. m. 'adversary, foe'. — Ys. 57.26. [Cf. Skt. sdmrti- 'conflict'] '\fhar-: vb. cl. 8 'guard'. \-ni 'keep guard over, preserve'. — ptilha^rvaUi pres. indie, act. 3 sg. {Gr. § 754.2) Ys. 57.16. — Cf. also ha»rva-, harHar-, har'Pra-, hilara-. haraHJ- (cf. hara-y. sb. f. nom. propr. 'Haraiti', name of a mountain, Haraiti Bareza, Mount Alborz. — hara^pyd gen. sg. [Gr. § 259) Ys. 57.19,21. hara-: sb. f. nomen propr. 'Hara*, Mount Alborz in Mazanderan, south of Caspian Sea. — Cf. haraHt-. har'tar- (from yhar-)-. sb. m. 'guardian, keeper', — har'ta nom. sg. Ys. 57.15. har'Pra- (from yhar-)'. sb. n. 'guarding'. — har'prai dat. sg. (infin.) Yt. 5.6. Yharz-: vb. cl. 6 'send forth, let go'. [- pa^ri 'strain, filter* ( haoma juice ). \-fra 'emit seed', —^fravhar'ziiitqm pres, ptcpl. act. gen. pi. m. 'of males that are in rut' Yt. 14.12; zao" Prdbyo pa^riavharltibyd pass, ptcpl. dat. abl. pi. f. (Gr. § 754.3) Yt. 5.8. — [Skt. sarj-; Phi. hUtan; New P. hUlan] hava- (side-form of hva-, ha- q. v.) : poss. adj. pron. {Gr, § 440 N. i) *ov/n', Lat. suus. — haoym gen. sg. f. {Gr. §§ 440 N. i, 62.2) Ys. ii.i; havae^bya pddae*bya instr. du, Yd. 6.46. — [Skt sva-] 1 08 hazawra Hnka'rya- liazauri': num. sb. n. (6V. § 374) * thousand '.-Yt. 5.4.-~Seo ;ilso ne,\t word. — [Skt. sahdsra- ; Phi. haxar , New P. hazar\ hazavr o.stztiia- (from h^ ■{- stuna'\\ adj. 'with a thousarid columns'. — Ys. 57*21 'a house of a thousand columns'. [.•^kt. sahdara-sthtiita-; Phi. hazar-stun; cf. New 1*. hazdr sutiin, name for Persepolis] hS, see nnder ha-, in-, ha'ni-: sb f. 'section, chapter, Ha'.— Cf. JiaplaahaHi-, [Cf. pcrh. Skt. salt- {\r san')\ -. Phi. hat; New P. /wj 'haififi- (prob. from !/"//«/-, 6>. § 777): sb. f. 'female*.— Yt. 5.2 (ace. and gen. pi.). hatqm, see under hattf-. kdvana- (from \fi hit'): sh. m. 'mortar, havana' (in which «he haoma was pounded). — Yd. 19.9 (instr. sg.). [Cf. Skt. sdi/ana'; Phi. hdoan; New P. hdvati] JiQi'dya- (from luieva-, kaoya-)-. adj. 'XaW . — hSv^ya hazvo Yd. 3.25,26, see note. — [Cf. Skt. $avyd, Gr. § 60 N. dj Y^'-: vb. 'bind, span'.— Cf. hila-, haend-, />««»///-. — [Skt. si-\ hit a- (from |'V// ) : sb. m. 'team, span of horses'. - Y.s. 57.26 (dat. pi.). himiu-: }>b. m. nomen propr. 'river, Indus '.--/«>f//t/«? loc. gen. {Gr. §§ 265, 933 N.) Ys. 57-29, ste noic. [Skt. simlfiu-; Old P. hi(n)du-; Phi. hindakdn; New 1\ >l«»rf] ki^ara- (from [/ii^//-- redupk): adj. 'keeping guard over*. — Ys. 57.17 (wilh Hcr.). hista'te, see under yj/J~. hizu-, hizva-: sb. m. (6>. § 220 N, i) 'tongue'. — ///«/ hizvo gen. abl. Y^. II. i, 5; hhud davhaake 'with skill of tongue' Yt. 5.9; Vt. 14.5. [Skt. jihvd-; Phi. utvan, huzvcii, zardn; Now P. zaldn] kizvS r » IT u : uncertain word. — Yl. 5.6, see note ad Joe. Similarly also now Darme.-iteter. him, htS, see under I.e. hm^: prefix *well, good'. — Ci. hukpr'ta", hutastu-, htnnaia- etc. [Skt. su; Old P. //, uv; Phi. hu\ I'lhu-: vb. cl, 5 'press out' (esp. extract haouia juice). \- ahoi 'ex- l racl'.— w'r<://oV////.»/w (q» v.) darayehi 'wilholdest me when ex- tracted' Ys. 11.3 (j5ce note on Phi. Vers.).- Cf. also haoma-, //^«//7;7j-. — [Skt. .f//-/ Phi. hilmtan\ \2h11- (probably orig. conn, with \flhu-)\ vh. cl. 9 {Gr. .§§ 583, 591) 'generate, produce'. — [Skt. su-, sii-\ huka'tya-: »b. n. nouien propr. 'Hukairya', name of a mountain. -r- Yt. 5.3. — [Phi. h$4iar, hugnr] /lukfr'ta- — 2 hu' 109 AuAjr^ea- {{roxn Au + ht-^/a- q.v.): adj. ' well-made'.- Vd. 19.8, 9, see note. — [Skt. sukliu- ; Phi. hukarf] hukir'pta- (from '^karp- = Skt. ykalp-)-. adj. 'well-Formed, of per- fect shaip^',-^—/rava^if/t hukjr'ptitnqtn superl. ace. sg. f. Ys. 26.2. rSkt. suklpta-\ hu\iapra- (from hu-\-Ji^)'. adj. 'having goodly power, rightly ruling'. — Vd. 19.9 (nom. pi. m., Amesha Spenlas). — [Skt. suksatra-'] huiinaopra- (from hu-\-2 ^^naopra-)-. sb. n. 'good knee' {Gr. § 882, i). -hu.'ifnaop^-e hripaUiH&ne ace. du. (dvandva cpd., Gr. § 879) 'upon his firm knees and his sure feet' Yt. 14.13. — See hu- pait'iUdna'. kuta^tki' (from /iu -\- taJ/a-) : adj. ' well-shapen'.- -Vt. 14.7,9. [Skt. stita?ia- ; Phi. hutaU^ hudah- {{torn, hu ■\- dSh- 4. v.): adj. * beneficent, benevolent'. — g3u^ hu- dOivho gen. sg. Ys. 26.4, see notej hudavho nom. pi. m. Vd. 19.9 (Amesha Spentas). — [Cf. Skt. sudds-; PKl. hudak'\ kupaUiitana- (from hu + paHtstdna-): sb. n. 'sure foot' {Gr. § 882,1). — Yt. 14.13, sec huli^nuopfa- above. hup at a- (from hu--\-YP^' vise'. — Cf. haosq- Pioa-. — [Cf. Phi. hn%andih\ huzilmit- (from hu -^ zlimi- q. v., cf. Skt. hdri-, f. han't-): adj. 'having easy childbirth '. — Yt. 5.2 (i;cc. ]A.). 1 ha (in hff fr&^mo^dii'fi-). see under hvar-. 2 ha- (from Y2 hu- q. v.) : sb. m. 'swine'. — hii (dissyllabic) hhrpa varazahe gen. sg. 'in the shape of a wild boar' (lit. 'boar-pig') Yt. I4.1'5. — Cf. also vartna-. [Skt. sa- (in sukard- 'swine'}; Phi. Jiiik ; New P. Jiuk (Horn)] no hiil^a kaj- hu^lia (from hu A^ u\ta-, pass, ptcpl. \fvac- q. v.) : adj. 'well-spoken'; — sb. n. 'good word'. — Cf. frSydJiu^ta-. [CX. Skt. suktii-; Thl. hl^i] fie, hint, /it J: pron. end. 3d pers. (6V. §§ 395, ior6 seq.) 'he, it etc' — /uru (ardvJm stirqw) ace. sg. f. Yt. 5.1; — he kanur^itptn dat. gen. sg. 'his skull' Ys. 57.10; he duraesukim 'his glance' Yt. 14.13; upa he /niraUi dat. sg. f. 'he bestows upon her' Vd. 3.25; kS hi asti cipa {Gr. § 1020 N.) Vd. 6.47; aitada hi ... nidar'zayit} (perh. cf. Gr. § 1019 N.) Vd. 6.46; noit he ... opa.sfavdne daenqm (dat. = ace. sg. f. proleptic, Gr. § 10 19 N.) Vd. 19.7; uzddnpm he hr'naot 'let one make a raised place or repository for them' (i. e. azdbis, Gr. § 10 19) Yt. 6.50 ; hi nidaptta 'deposit them' (sc. azdbis, Gr. § 1019) Vd. 6.51 , — //r/ (i.e. vtspc karano) ace. pi. ui. Vt. 5.4. [Skt. (Prakrit) se, siin end.] Jioyt'im, sec under haeiui-, haoya-. hqm, see under ham. hqviin (from 2 ham-, <^/*. §§ 316, 835): a-lj. 'relating to summer'; — sb. m. 'summer'. — hqmiriamca :uiyan?nica ace. sg. 'both summer and winter' {Gr. § 932 expl.) Yt. 5.5. — [Skt. ha/ntn-] hqvi.bir'Pwa- (from 'ybar-, Gr. § 792 j : sb. f. 'collection, burden, harvest'. — Vd. 3.27 (ace. sg.), see notfe. [Cf. Phi. hanibarahtis] hqm.var'ti- (from ham -^ yz/a/--, Gr. § 788): sb. f. 'defense, courage'. Esp. naWe hqni.var'tiS 'Manly Courage'. — Cf. hqm.var^tivatil-. hqm.var^ t iv ajit - (from hqm.var'li-): adj. 'endowed with manly cour- age'. — "vato gen. sg. m. Ys. 57.33 (Sraosha). hva-, ha- (cf. kava-): poss. pron. adj. [Gr. § 440 N. i) 'own, self, Lat. suus. See hava- above. — Cf. hd.staWi^-, haraoliina-, kai- pa'Pya-. — [Skt. svd-; Old P. twd-] hai" (from hva-, ha-)\ prefix in cpds. 'self, own'. — Cf. h^'aepa'Pya-. [Cf. Skt. svay-Am; Old P. tivai'^] haepa^Pya- (from h-aS- ■\- pa^pya-): adj. 'own, personal*. — kaipa^pyaca var'sa 'by his own hair' Vd. 6.46. [Cf. Skt. svapafyd-; cf. Old P. uvSipa^iya-] hvacah* (from hu-\-vacah-, Gr. § 68b): adj. 'whose word is gracious'. — hvacCb nom. sg. m. {Gr. § 339) Ys. 57.20. [Skt. suvdcas; Gr. § 17] y//^ aj- , ha nj - : vb. d. I * encompass, embrace '. \- paWi 'surround'. '-'pairilhaJitsm ayavhahe pass, ptcpl. ace. sg. ' though encompassed round with iron' Ys. 11.7, see note. — [Skt. svaj-, svafij-\ had hvarUa- \\\ y^fl^/-, had-: vb. cl. i (trans.) 'make desirable, sweeten'; (intrans.) •be liked, desired, relished'. — See under hasta-. [Skt. svad; svad- ; Phi. ^dstan 'wish'; New P. fpastan\ kanirapa-: sb. n. nomen propr. * Hvaniratha *, name of the central Karshvare, the zone on which men live. — Ys. 57.31. [Phi. hvaniras\ y^a/-.- vb. ^ sleep, slumber'. — See hushafah- pf. ptcpl., cf. next word. [Skt. svap-; Phi. ^vaftan, ^uftan; New P. ^uftan, ^usptdan] yhfdbda- (from yhap-, Gr. § 692): vb. cl. i, 10 'fall, asleep'. \-ava 'drop asleep*, cf. an-avavhabd9mna- pres. ptcpl. mid. ^ihar-: vb. cl. i 'eat, drink, consume'. — Cf. har'Pa-, ha^ar-, kir'fi.- /4'ar-. — [Phi. Jivarian, ^urlan; New P. J^urdan] Y^har-: vb. 'shine, be bright'. — A root inferable from Avar-, bar'nah-. y^^har-: vb. 'consume, injure, wound'. Prob. originally the same as yi /ft^ar-. — See hara-, (also ? ahar^ta- ' unconsumed ' ). h. ar- (from yjvar-^'. sb. n. (dcln. Gr. § 333) 'sun'. — hu (dissyllabic) as gen. sg. in hu fr&smd.ddHi- q. v. Ys. 57.10,16.^ — Cf. also hvar'.- dar'sya-.——\^\i\. svlir-; Phi. hvar, i^ur ; New P. ^zir] bar a- (from y^har- q. v.): sb. m. 'wound'. — Ys. 57.10. [Phi. ^ar; cf. New P. ^larak] kar'Pa- (from y \ kar-^\ sb. n. f. 'food'.— /^^ar^/d5 nom. pi. n. f. {Gr, § 232) 'food, victuals' Vd. 3.29. — Cf. also har^po.bairya-. [Cf. Phi. fivarisn\ kar'Pd.bair ya- (from h-'^ -\- bairya-^: adj. 'fruit-bearing'. — Vd. 3.23 (gen. pi. f.). hvar'.dar' sya ' (from hvar- ^-ydars-, Gr. § 716): adj. 'beheld by the sun, exposed to the sunlight '.- "sya ace. pi. n. (hi = azdbt^) Vd. 6.51. har'nanfuhaiit- (from h>ar'nah-^\ adj. 'glorious'. — bar'nauuhasttmo superl. nom. sg. m. Yt. 14.3. har> nak- {iTom. y2 har-): sb. n. 'glory'. — Esp, kavaem har'nd 'the Kingly Glory', a divine light or halo supposed to be possessed by kings. — har^no ace. sg. Yt. i4-2 ; har'navha instr. sg. {Gr. § 941) Ys. 57.3; Yt. 5.9; Yt. 14.2,5. [Phi. tp^arth; New P. Jiurrah, farrah'\ har'nti- (from yihar-^: sb. f. 'food' (esp. food other than grain). — — vispa har'ntti ace. pi. ' all kinds of fruits ' (pi.) Vd. 3.27 ; har'fitis Vd. 3.29, hvar It a- (from hu -\- varSta- q. v.) : adj. 'well-done'; — sb. n. 'good deed'. — Ys. 57.4,- Vsp. 15. i. — Cf. also frayo.hvarsta-. [Phi. huvarH\ 112 hvastiu — ha^ar- hvasta- (from hu \-asla-, pass, ptcpl. |'^2 «//-) : sb. in. (sc. iht-) *a good arrow-shot' (cf. Yt. 10.21}, — hvastayCb aivhima7iayiS (probably gen. du.) Ys. 57.28 hvaspii- (from Jiu -^^ aspa-): adj. * well-horsed '. —Yt. 5.4 (dat. sg. m.) ' for a man n>ounted ou a good liorse '. j^Skt. sviisT-a-; Oltl P, uvaspa-; Phi. Jiu-asf^ Y't' nh-: vb. cl. xo ' press together *. YpaHi 'crush'. -^pa^ti havha» ycUi prt's. indie, act. 3 sg. Vs. 57.10. hfdJyar^zll (from hva- \- b"): sl>. n. 'own cushion'. — hH.har'zd tiida^pita ace. sg. 'deposit (the dead) upon his own cushion' {Gr. § 897) Vd. 6.51. hvant (.'liiUa- (from hva- -f rao^pia-)'. adj. 'sclf-shining'. — -Ys. 57.21, Phi. Vers, has min bcnaf^num roluno 'shining of itself [Cf. Skt. svasdcis-\ hva.vaeja- (from kva- -f vaeja- q. v.) : adj. « striking of itself. — Ys. 57.31 (with snaipH), hCi.stahis {ixova hva- -\- slahi}): sb. n. 'own bed, carpet '.— Yd. 6.51, see note. hast a- (from yf/i^aU-, hfaii- q. v.) : pass, ptcpl. adj. 'liked, desired, soli- cited ' (?).—^;>'r> mqm hcLsiqni noil ia^guhe Vs. ix.l. Uncertain. Phi. Vers, explains as 'giving the cow lo good people as a trea- sure' (l^Sstuk) ; Nar. has lakstnya. Prob. iherefor*?. 'who doest not present nie when deaired (i. e. to wortliy men), but iattenest me for thyself. It can hardly mean cooked'. [Cf. Skt. sidUa-\ hd^ar- (for har'tar- from \ har-, Gr. § 164, and compensatory J): sb. m. 'drinker'. — hQfdrsm ace. sg. Ys. 11.3, allusion is to one of the priestly class who keeps the haoma from being drunk. 7 c o 8 j p.. 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