UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY S'i'JS WBLISBERS' LAW AFFECTING BUILDING OPERATIONS AND Printed by LORIMKR AND CHALMERS, Edinburgh FOR WILLIAM GREEN AND SONS February, 190S LAW AFFECTING BUILDING OPERATIONS AND ARCHITECTS' AND BUILDERS' CONTRACTS BY ISAAC CONNELL, S.S.C., EDINBURGH in AUTHOR OF " THE AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS (SCOTLAND) ACTS, 1883 TO 1900 " EDINBURGH WILLIAM GREEN & SONS 3Lafo 1903 r T PREFACE. IN the course of preparing a paper some years ago for the Edinburgh Architectural Society, I was struck with the circumstance that no work on the law affecting building operations had been written by a Scottish lawyer : hence the idea/ to produce this book which, written as it has been entirely during evening hours and at broken intervals, does not profess to be exhaustive of its subject, or more than the suggestion of a more complete work on what is obviously an important branch of law. Notwithstanding its defects, it may prove of some use to members of my own profession, and also to architects and builders. The works which have been freely consulted are chiefly Rankine's " Landownership," Irons' " Dean of Guild Court Practice," Glegg " On Repara- tion," Guthrie Smith " On Damages," Hudson " On Building Contracts," Emden " On Law regarding Building," and Roscoe's " Digest of Building Cases." To the authors of these works I acknowledge my indebtedness. I am also obliged to the Royal Institute of British Architects and the Institute of Builders for certain of the forms printed in the Appendix. I. C. January, 1903. CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE ......... v TABLE OP CASES CITED xi CHAPTEK I. THE ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR THEIR APPOINTMENT, DUTIES, &c. The Appointment of Architects ..... 1 Architect's Contracts Personal ...... 3 Authority and Powers of Architects . . . . .5 Qualifications and Duties of Architects . . . .9 Remuneration of Architects . . . . . .11 Appointment, Duties, and Remuneration of Surveyor . .18 CHAPTER II. THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK. The Site, Foundations, Conditions affecting the Site, &c. . . 22 Examination of the Site . . . . . .23 Preparation of Plans . . . . . . .23 Ownership of Plans . . . . . . .25 Retention of Plans . . . . . . .27 Preparation of Schedules and Estimates . . . .27 Tenders ......... 28 Architect's Superintendence of Works, &c. . . . .31 Building Materials . . . . . . .36 CHAPTER III. EXTRAS . 39 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. PAYMENT OF PRICK, ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATES, AND DESTRUCTION OF WORK BEFORE PAYMENT. PAGE Payment of Contract Price . . . . . .49 Architect's Certificates ..... 55 Destruction of Work before Payment . . . . .61 CHAPTER V. DAMAGES TO PROPERTY. Liability of Contractor for Damage to Property . . .64 Liability of Owner for Damage to Property . . . .68 CHAPTER VI. ARBITRATION RELATING TO BUILDING CONTRACTS. The Subject of Reference . . . . . .81 Arbiters ........ 83 Remuneration of Arbiters . . . . . .86 Oversman ...... .87 Duties of Arbiters . . . . . . .88 Procedure ........ 89 Endurance of Submission . . . . . .90 Notes of Findings . . . . . . .91 The Award ...... 91 Reduction of Award ..... 92 CHAPTER VII. DEAN OP GUILD COURT. Nuisance Q7 . al Edinburgh Dean of Guild Court .... 98 Jurisdiction of Dean of Guild in questions of Heritable Title 100 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. THE LAW OF THE TENEMENT. PACK Right of Common Property ...... 105 Solum and Front and Back Ground ..... 107 Foundations and Front and Back Walls . 109 Floor and Ceiling and Space between Walls . . . .112 Mutual Gables . . . . . . . .113 The Roof ........ 119 Common Passages and Stairs . . . . . .120 Mutual Walls other than Gables . . . . .122 CHAPTER IX. BUILDING CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. Particular Plan or Elevation . . . . . .130 Villas ......... 134 Building in Front Plot or Areas . . . . .135 Erections in Back Ground and Back Areas . . . .139 Height of Buildings . . . . . . .140 Restrictions on Use . . . . . . .141 Maintaining Sewer . . . . . . .143 Streets and Ish and Entry . . . . . .143 Rights of Superior to enforce Restrictions . . . .145 CHAPTER X. SERVITUDES. Some well known Servitudes and Natural Rights . . .150 Support of Land to Land . . . . . .157 Support of Land encumbered with Buildings . . . .157 Support of Buildings to Buildings . . . . .158 Light, air and prospect ....... 158 Eavesdrop or stillicide ....... 165 APPENDIX 167 INDEX . 205 TABLE OF CASES CITED. ABBOT (1854), 3 S. 4 . . . . . .91 Adams (1890), 18 R. 1 . . . . . . . 92, 93 Adams v. Great North of Scotland Railway Co., 21st June, 1899, 16 R. 843 85 Addie & Sons v. Henderson & Dimmack, 24th October, 1879, 7 R. 79 . 85 Alexander (1869), 7 M. 492 . . -. . . . .93 Alexander v. Butchart, 24th November, 1875, 3 Rettie, 156 . 105, 111 Allinson v. Davies, Peake's " Add. Gas.," 82 .... 37 Anderson v. Dalrymple, 20th June, 1799, M. 12,831 . . . 120 Andrew v. Buchanan, 11 Macph. H.L. 16 . . . . . 157 Andrew v. Henderson & Another, 10th March, 1873, 11 Macph. H.L. 13 . 68 Appleby v. Myres (1867), L.R. 2 C.P. 651 51, 56 Argyleshire Commissioners of Supply v. Campbell, 10th July, 1885, 12 R. 1255 ........ 160, 161 Armitstead (1888), 15 R. 814 . . . . . . 68, 85 Armour v. Somerville, 13th June, 1902, 10 S.L.Times 138 . . . 98 Arrol v. Inches, &c., 27th January, 1887, 14 R. 395 ... 108 Ayr Road Trustees v. Adams, 14th December, 1883, 11 R. 326 . . 60 BAIKIE v. CHANDLESS, 3 Camp. 17, 1811 ..... 10 Baird v. Addie (1854), 16 D. 400 . . . . . .75 Bald (1854), 16 D. 870 . . . . . . 79, 157 Balfour v. Ernest (1859), 5 C.B., N.S. 601 . . . . .3 Banks & Company v. Walker, 5th June, 1874, 1 R. 986 . 124, 151, 161, 164 Barclay v. M'Ewen, 21st May, 1880, 7 R. 792 . . . 104, 108 Barr v. Robertson, 12th July, 1854, 16 D. 1049 . 124, 125, 127, 144, 163 Baston v. Butter, 7 East, 479 ...... 62 Batterbury v. Vyse, 2 Hurl, and C. 42, 1863 . . . .59 Baxter (1836), 14 S. 549 91 Beattie and Another v. Edinburgh Tramways Co. (1891), 28 S.L.R. 763 . 4 Beattie v. Gilroy (1882), 10 Rettie, 226 . . . . 18, 20, 28 Beattie v. Macgregor, 5th July, 1883, 10 R. 1094 . . . . 21, 82 Bennett v. Playfair, 24th January, 1877, 4 R. 321 . . . . 160 Berkeley v. Baird, 16th February, 1895, 32 S.L.R. 281 . . 118 Birmingham v. Allen, 6 Ch. Div. 284, per Selborne, L.Ch. . . . 157 Black v. Cornelius, 24th January, 1879, 6 R. 581 . . . 18, 20, 28 Blackwood & Others v. Bell, 30th May, 1825, 4 S. 26 . . . 149 Borrowman v. Free (1878), 4 Q.B.D. 500 . . . .28 xi TABLE OF CASES CITED. PAGE Boswell v. Inglis, 9th March, 1848, 10 D. 888 ... 152, 160 Boswell v. Magistrates of Edinburgh (1881), 8 R. 986 . . 152, 162 Boucher & Cousland v. Rev. A. Russell and Others (Guthrie's Sheriff Court Cases, 2nd Series, p. 114) ...... 13 Bower v. Peate, L.R. 1 Q.B.D. 321 .. ... 74 Bradfeer. Chinto Hospital (1842), 4 M. &G. R. 1714 ... 70 Brisbane v. Lang (1846), 7 D. 1221 ... 17 Broom r. Davis, 7 East 480 n. (a) . . . . .62 Brown v. Boyd, 13th July, 1841, 3 D. 1205 ..... 78 Brown v. Burns, 14th May, 1823, 2 S. 298 N.E. 261 ... 142 Brown v. Windsor, 1 Cr. and J. 20 . . . . . 71, 110 Brown v. Young, 21st February, 1900, S.L. Times Reports, p. 458 . . 100 Buchanan (1873), 1 1 Macph. (H.L.) 13 . . 79 Buchanan v. Carmichael (1823), 2 S. 460 . . . .111 Buchanan v. Marr, 7th June, 1883, 10 R. 936 . . . .135 Buchan v. Melville, 28th February, 1902, 39 S.L.R. 398 . . . 81, 84 Burr v. Ridout (reported in Times of 22nd February, 1893) ... 16 Burrell & Son v. Russell & Company, 26th March, 1900, 37 S.L.R. 641 . 124 Burton v. Griffiths, 11 M. & W. 817 . . . . . . 24 Bush v. Trustees of the Port and Town of Whitehaven, Q.B.D., 26th June, 1888 40 Buyers v. Gray (1845), 1 C.B. 578 . . . . . .73 ('A I.DEI', v. MERCHANT Co. OP EDINBURGH, 20th February, 1886, 13 R. 623 ' 108, 148 Caledonian Railway Company, 1869, 3 Macqueen, 808 . 89 Callander v. Eddington, 4 Mur. 108, 111 . . . . .72 Cameron, 25th July, 1868, 6 Macph. 279 ..... 94 Cameron v. Fraser (1881), 9 R. 26 . . . . . . 69 Campbell r. Allan, 18th December, 1855, 18 D. 267 . . . 140 Campbell v. Clydesdale Banking Co., 19th June, 1868, 6 Macph. 943 146, 149 Campbell v. Kennedy (1864), 3 Macph. 121 .... 68 Campbell's Trustees v. Corporation of Glasgow, 20th March, 1902, 39 S.L.R. 461 . 124, 151 Canon v. Miller (1863), 1 Macph. 604 .... 125, 145 Chalmers (1876), 3 R. 464 . . . . . . .78 Chapman v. Edinburgh Prison Board, 16th July, 1844, 6 D. 1288 . . 57 Clark & Sons, 1898, 25 R. 919 . . . . .151 Clarke r. Watson, 34 L.J., C.P. 148 . . . . .59 Cleghorn v. Taylor and Others, 27th February, 1856, 18 D. 664 . 75, 78 Clemence v. Clarke, RoRCoe'a "Building Cases," 4th ed., p. 137 . 35, 61 Cochran r. Paterson, 7th February, 1882, 9 R. 634 .... 140 Cochrane v. Ewart (1860), 22 D. 358 ... 153, 154 Coles v. Trecothick, 9 Ves. 236, 251, 252 . . . . . 3 Collen v. Wright, 7 E. and B. 301 . . . . . . 9 Colvillev. Carrick, 19th July, 1883, 10 R. 1241 . . . .98 Connor v. Belfast Water Commissioners, 5 Ir. Rep., C.L. 55, 1863 . 68 Cowan r. Magistrates of Edinburgh, 14 R. 682 . . . 134, 139 Cowan v. Stewart, 24th May, 1872, 10 Macph. 735 ... 151 Crabbe r. Brimsley (1888), 5 Timet L.R. 14 . . . . 8 Craig v. Gould, 9th November, 1861, 24 D. 20 . . 164 TABLE OF CASES CITED. PAGE Crawford v. Field, 15th October, 1874, 2 R. 20 . . . 125, 144, 163 Crawford v. Magistrates of Paisley, 10th March, 1870, 8 M. 693 . . 95 Croall v. Magistrates of Edinburgh (1870), 9 Macph. 323 . 125, 127, 131, 153 Croshaw v. Pritchard & Renwick, Q.B. Div. (Bigham J.), 20th November, 1899 . . . . . . . .30 Crouch v. Glasgow & South-Western Railway Co. (Guthrie's " Sheriff Court Cases," 2nd Series, p. 109) . . . . . .14 Cuddie v. M'Kechnie (1804), Hume, 516 ; Professor Rankine, p. 586 . 120 Cumming v. Brown, 2nd February, 1859, 21 D. 752 . . .145 Currie and Another v. Notman, 25th January, 1900, S.L. Times, 345 . 164 DALRYMPLE v. HERDMAN, 5th June, 1878, 5 R. 847 . . . 149 Dalton v. Angus (1881), L.R. 6 App. Cas. 740, 791 ... 74 Daniel v. Met. Railway, L.R. 5 H.L. 45 . . . . .73 Deas v. Magistrates of Edinburgh, 10th April, 1772, 2 Paton's App. Cas., p. 259 . .162 Denew v. Daverell, 3 Camp. 451 . . . . .62 Dennistoun v. Bell, 10th March, 1824, 2 S. 784 . . . 78,152 Dennistoun v. Thomson, 22nd November, 1872, 11 M. 121 . . . 136 Dickson, 8 Macph. 566, 17th February, 1870 . . .84, 85, 86 Dickson v. Morton, 23rd November, 1824, 3 S. 310 (N.E.) 220 . 105, 111 Dobson v. Hudson, 1 C.B., N.S. 659 ..... 43 Dodd v. Churton, L.R. 1897, 1 Q.B. 562 . . . . .54 Dodd v. Holme, 1 A. and E. 493 . . . . . . 70, 73 Dolan v. Anderson (1855), S.L.R. 774 . . . .17 Donaldson v. Pattison, 14th November, 1834, 13 S. 27 . . . 96 Dougall v. Hutcheson, 19th January, 1827, 5 S. 224 (N.E. 208) . . 96 Douglas v. Monteith, 4 Mur. 130 . . . . . .72 Dow & Gordon v. Harvey, 9th November, 1869, 8 Macph. 118 . . 122 Drummond, llth March, 1835, 13 S. 684 . . . . .87 Ducksworth v. Alison, 1 M. and W. 412, 1836 . . . .53 Duke v. Somerville, June, 1902, 10 S.L. Times, 5th July, 1902, p. 116 . 100 Duncan v. Blundell, 3 Stark, 6, cited M. and P. 548 . . . 9, 11 Duncan's Trustees v. A. & P. Steven, 1st June, 1897, S.L.R. 657 . 66 Duncanson v. Bayles, 3rd December, 1869, 7 S.L. R. 139 . . . 25 Dundasr. Blair (1886), 13 R. 759 .... .155,159,162 Dunlop v. Dean, 12th November, 1824 ..... 96 Dtinlop v. Robertson, 1st December, 1803, Hume 515 . . .159 Dunlop's Trustees v. Corbet, 20th June, 1809, F.C. ... 79 Dunmore, Earl of (1829), 7 S. 595 . . . . . .90 E. & G. RAILWAY Co. v. DTMOCK, 27th November, 1847, 10 D. 158 . 97 Ebdy v. M'Gowan (Times, 7th July, 1870, p. 11) . . . .. 25 Edinburgh Oil Gas Company, 6th February, 1835, 13 S. 413 . . 87 Eglinton v. M'Jannet, 30th October, 1890 ..... 96 Elder v. Croall, 20th June, 1849, 11 D. 1187 . . . .17 Elkington v. Hurter (1892), 2 Ch. 452 . . . 38 Ellis v. Sheffield Gas Company, 185, 2 E. and B. 767 . . . 74 Erskine v. Glendinning (1871), 9 Macph. 656 . . . .28 Ewing v. Campbell, 23rd November, 1877, 5 R. 230 . . .141 Ewing v. Hastie, 12th January, 1878, 5 R. 439 .... 142 xiv TABLE OF CASES CITED. PAGE FALL'S TRUSTEES v. SCOTTISH PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION, 9th January, 1867, 3S.L.R. 155 101 Fannett 4 Co. r. Hannay, 31st January, 1894, 1 R. 440 . . . 17 Farnsworth v. Garrard, 1 Camp. 38 . . . . . . 62, 63 Farthing v. Tompkins (1893). 9 Times L.U. 566 . . . .16,17 Ferguson, 12th November, 1816, F.C. . . . . .152 Ferric, 1824, 3 S. US . . . . . . .80 Ferrier (1843), 15 D. 456, 1845 ...... 88 Fimisterr. Milne, 24th May, 1860, 22 D. 1100 . . . .145 Fleming, 7th July, 1827, 5 S. 906 . . . . . .90,91 Fletcher v. Dyke, 2 Term Rep. 32, 1787 ..... 53 Fletcher r. Gillespie, 3 Bing. 637 ...... 40 Forbes v. Commercial Bank, 9th June, 1831, 9 S. 705 . . . 144 Ford 4 Co. v. Bemrose & Sons, Ltd. , Court of Appeal, Collins, M.R. , Romer and Matthew, L.JJ., 18th March, 1902, 10 S.L.T. 170 . 43 Fowler v. Commercial Bank, 9th June, 1831, 9 S. 705 . . . 129 Frame v. Campbell, 14 S. 914 (1836) ..... 9 Francis v. Cockrell, L.R. 5 Q.B. 501 . . . . .62 Fraser v. Downie, 22nd June, 1877, 4 R. 942 . . . . 135 Frazer, 24th June, 1743, M. 8476 ...... 80, 86 Free St. Mark's r. Taylor's Trustees, 26th January, 1869, 7 Macph. 415 127, 151 GELLATLT v. ARROL, 13th March, 1863, 1 Macph. 592 . . .138 Glasgow City and District Union Railway Company v. M'Brayue, 31st March, 1883, 10 R. 894 . . . . . . . 136 Glasgow Corporation Waterworks Commissioners v. Jardine Henry (O.H.), 3rd February, 1866, 1 S.L.R. 137 ..... 88 Glasgow Jute Company r. Carrick, 5th November, 1869, 8 Macph. 93 . 145 Glaagow Royal Infirmary v. Wyllie (1887), 4 R. 494 . . .118 Gbwsford v. Astley, 12th May, 1808, M. App. Prop. No. 7 . . 159 Glen v. Milne 4 Bruce, 29th May, 1895 . . . . .111 Goodyear v. Mayor. &c., of Weymouth (1865), 35 L.J., C.P. 12 . . 40, 58 Gordon v. Ford 4 Son, 5th June, 1902, 10 S.L. Times, 121 . . 49 Gordon v. Marjoribanks, llth March, 1814, 6, Note to 18 F.C. 25 126, 143 Gould v. M'Corquodale (1869), 8 Macph. 165 .... 152 Gourlay r. Lang, 4th June, 1887 ...... 96 Gow'n Trustees v. M'Alls, 28th May, 1875, 2 R. 729 . . .154 Gowans, 3rd February, 1859, 21 D. 403 . . . . . 90 Graham v. Greig, 6th December, 1838, 1 D. 171 . . 96, 121 Grainger v. Raybould, 9 C. and P. 229 . . . .37 Grant v. Squair, 16th December, 1868, 41 J. 151 . . . 93 Grayr. Greig, 18th June, 1825, 4 S. 105 . . . 72,77,78,113,152 Greenhill v. Forrester, 26th November, 1824, 3 S. 325, N.E. 231 . . 140 Grove r. Johnston (1889), 24 L.R.,Ir. 852 ..... 5 HALKET, 16th December, 1826, 5 S. 154 ..... 91 Hall v. Burke (1886), 3 Titnei L.R. 165 ..... 24 Hall v. Holt, 2 Vern. 322 .... . . 6 Hamilton (1867), 5 Macph. 1086 . . . .79 Harmer r. Cornelius, 5 C.B., N.S. 236 9 TABLE OF CASES CITED. xv PAGE Hazle v. Turner and Others, 22nd May, 1840, 2 D. 886 . . Ill Hemming v. Hale, 7 C.B., N.S. 498 . . . . . .3 Henderson v. Nimmo, 20th May, 1840, 2 D. 869 . . . . 144 Henderson v. Paul, 16th March, 1867, 5 Macph. 628 .. . 86 Herdman (1878), L.R. 3 C.P.D. 168, 174 . . . . .79 Heriot's Hospital v. Gibson (1809), 18 F.C., reversed 1814, 2 Dow 301 ........ 125, 130, 163 Heron v. Gray, 27th November, 1880, 8 R. 155 .... 155 Higgins & Son v. Dunlop (1847), 9 D. 1407 .... 30 Hill v. Heatherstonehaugh, 5 M. & P. 544, 548 . . . .63 Hill v. Millar, 17th March, 1900, S.L. Times Rep. 460 . '. . 142 Hill v. South Staffordshire Railway Co. (1865), 11 Jurist N.S. 192 . 46 Hislop v. M'Ritchie's Trustees, 23rd June, 188], 8 R.H.L. 9f. . . 146 Holme v. Guppy (1838), 3 Messon and Welsby, 387 ... 54 Hopkins v. Southwick Local Board (1890), 59 L.J., Q.B. 250 . . 23 Hughes v. Percival, L.R. 8 App. Gas. 443 ..... 69 Hume, 7th February, 1671, M. 8402 ..... 80 Hunt v. Rutherford (1855), 17 D. 305 . . . . . 9-23 Hunt and Wimbledon Local Board, 3 C.P.D. 208 . . . . '2, 10 Hunter v. Ponton, 22nd December, 1821 ..... 96 INCHBALD v. NEILGHERRY COFFEE Co., 17 C.B., N.S. 733 . 16 Inglis v. Clark (1901), 39 S.L.R. 195 .... 155, 158 Ireland v. Livingston, L.R. 2 Q.B. 99 . . . . 7, 8, 9 JACK v. BEGG, 26th October, 1875, 3 R. 35 . . . . 114, 122 Jack v. Roberts & Gibson (1865), 3 Macph. 554 . . .28 Jackson v. Galloway, 20th December, 1867, 5 S.L.R. 130 . . .88 Jackson v. The Union Marine Insurance Company, 8 Law Reports Common Pleas, p. 581 ....... 41 Jamiesonv. M'Innes, 29th October, 1887, 15 R. 17 ... 42 Jamieson v. Simson, 12th July, 1899 (36 S.L.R, 883) . . .10,31 Johnson v. Kershaw, L.R. 2 Ex. 82 . . . . . 7 Johnston (1817), 5 Drew 1855 . . . . . . 86, 89 Johnston v. Edinburgh Gas Light Co., 27th March, 1885, 12 R. 974 . 97 Johnston v. M'Ritchie, 15th March, 1893, 20 R. 539 . 129, 130, 149, 153 Johnston v. Walker's Trustees, 10th July, 1893, 34 S.L.R. 791 . . 143 Johnston v. White, 18th May, 1877, 4 R. 723 . . 78, 107, 108, 136 Johnstone v. Aitken, 10th June, 1829, 7 S. 732 . . 152 Johnstone v. Clark (1855), 18 D. 70 . . . . .28 Johnstone v. Murray, 5th March, 1862, 24 D. 709 . . . .101 Jones v. Just (1868), L.R. 3 Q.B. 202 ..... 24 Jones ?.-. Jones, 17 L.J., Q.B. 170 . . . . . .57 Jones v. St. John's College, L.R. 6 Q.B. 115 . . . .55 KEMP v. ROSE, 1858, 1 Giff. 258 . . . . . .44, 61 Kennedy, 20th January, 1819, F.C. ..... 86 Kerr v. Dundee Gas Co. (1861), 23 1). 343 . . . . .50 Kerr v. Earl of Orkney, 20 D. 298 . . . . . .79 Kidd, 19th June, 1810, F.C. ...... 91 TABLE OF CASES CITED. PAGE Kimberleyr. Dick (1871), L.R. 13 Eq. 1, 17 . . . .6,61 King (1896), 24 R. 81 . . . . . . .153 Kingdom v. Cox (1848), 17 L.J., C.P., 155 ..... 24 Kingston-on-Hull v. Fetch (1854), 10 Ex. 611 . . . .29 Kintore, Earl of, v. Lyon, 27th February, 1802, 13 F.C. 53 95 Kirkwood r. Morrison (1877), Rettie, 79, 82 ... 19, 21, 35, 82 Kirkwood's Trs. v. Leith & Bremner, 20th December, 1888, 16 R. 255 . 97 Kittle v. Lovett (1885), L.R. 16 Q.B.D. 605 .... 73 LAINO f. MUIRHEAD, 7th December, 1822, 2 S. 73 . . . 128, 139 Lamont v. Gumming, llth June, 1875, 2 R. 784 . 106, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117 Landless v. Wilson (1880), 8 R. 289 .... 11, 12; 13, 16 Lang (1855), Macqueen, 93 . . . . . . .93 Laurent v. Lord Advocate (1869), 7 Macph. 607 . . 68, 70, 78 Law v. Local Board of Redditch, L.R. 1892, 1 Q.B. 127 ... 53 Law r. Monteith, 30th November, 1855, 18 D. 125 . . 117,119 Lawson v. The Wallasey Local Board, L.R. 11 Q.B. 1>. 229 . . 52 Lawson t;. Wilkie, 4th March, 1897, 34 S.L.R. 455 ... 140 Lee v. Bateman, Q.B.D. (1893), Times, 31st October . . . 3, 31 Legge v. Harlock, 12 Q.B. 1015 (1848) ..... 54 Leslie v. Cumming (1793), M. 14,542 .... 152 Lewis v. Brass (1877), L.R. 3 Q.B.D. 667 ..... 30 Lindley, M. R. , Kigby and Vaughan Williams, L..IJ. , Court of Appeal, 16th February, 1900 ....... 142 Lindsay v. Watson (1843), 5 D. 1194 ..... 1 Livingstone, 23rd February, 1830, 8 Shaw, 504 . . . .80 Lockhart v. Stevenwright (1788), M. 10,488 . 122 Lovelock v. King, I Mood, and Rob. 60 38 Lucas t-. Goodwin, 3 Bing. N.C. 744 . . 52 Ludbrook r. Barrett, 46 L.J., C.P.D. 798 . . . . 57, 58 MAGISTRATES OF EDINBURGH v. BROWN, 17th January, 1833, 11 S. 255 160, 164 Magistrates of Edinburgh r. Macfarlane, 2nd December, 1857, 20 D. 156 . 132 Magistrates of Edinburgh r. Paton, 3rd March, 1858, 20 D. 731 . .164 Magistrates of Dunbar v. Sawers (1829), 7 S. 672 . . . .152 Magistrates v. Sheriff of Stirling, 21st July, 1752, M. 7584 . . 95 Malloch v. Gray, 31st May, 1872, 10 Macph. 774 . . . . 160 Mannon v. Forrwt, 14th June, 1887, 14 R. 802 . . . .97 Marlborough, Duchess of, r. Strong, 5 Vin. Ab. 533 ... 7 Marshall v. Callander and Trossachs Hydropathic Co. and Others, 12th March, 1897, 34 S.L.R. 530 ...... Maule, 9th April, 1816, 4 Dow's App. 363 . Mellor r. Britten (Timit, 27th June, 1900) ..... Merry v. Cunninghame (1860), 22 D. 1148 ..... Metcalf v. Purdom, 31st January, 1902, 39 S.L.R. 378 Micbie's Trustees v. Grant, 8th November, 1872, 11 Macph. 51 Millar v. Cannichael, 19th July, 1888, 15 R. 991 . Miller r. Renton (1885), 13 R. 309 . Mills v. Bayley, 2 H. & C. 36 Milnr. Madie, 12th June, 1820, 6 S. 967 ..... Milne v. Melville, 27th November, 1841 , 4 D. Ill . TABLE OF CASES CITED. xvii PAOE Milnerv. Field, 5 Exch. 829 . . . . . .57,58 Mitchell, 7th June, 1848, 16 D. 1387 . . . . . 89, 94 Mitchell v. Dean of Guild of Edinburgh, 18th March, 1885, 12 R. 844 . 97 Moffat v. Dickson, 13 C.B. 543 . . . . . .11 Moff at v. Laurie, 15 C.B. 583 ...... 12 Moir's Trustees v. M'Ewan, 15th July, 1880, 7 R. 1141 . . . 135 Moneypenny v. Hartland, 2 C. and P. 378 . . . 12, 23, 24, 62 Montgomery, 23rd June, 1848, 10 D. 1387 ..... 91 Moody v. Steggles, 24th June, 1879, L.R. Ch. D. xii., p. 261 . . Ill Moon v. Guardians of Witney Union, 3 Bing. N.C. 814, 1837 . . 6, 20 Moor v. Paterson, &c., 16th December, 1881, 9 R. 337 . . . 37, 66 Morgan v. Birnie, 9 Bing. 672, 1833 . . . . . 57, 58 Morris v. M'Kean, 19th February, 1830, 8 S. 564 . . . 159, 162 Muirhead v. Glasgow and Highland Society, 15th Jan., 1864, 2 Macph. 420 164 Muldoon v. Pringle, et e contra, 9th June, 1882, 9 R. 915 . . . 60, 67 Munro v. Jervey (1821), 1 Shaw, 154 ..... 165 Murdoch (1887), 8 R. 855 . . . . . . .79 Murray, 8th December, 1808, F.C. . . . . . .157 Murray v. Gullan, 10th March, 1825, 3 S. 639 . . . . 77, 78 Murray v. Johnston (1834), 13 S. 119 . . . . .71,72 Murray v. Mackenzie (1812), Hume, 520 ..... 105 Murray v. North British Railway Co., 26th January, 1900, 37 S.L.R. 370 . 87 Murray v. Rennie & Angus, 18th June, 1897, 24 R. 965 . . . 30 Mutrie, 26th June, 1810, F.C. ...... 152 MACBEAN v. NAPIER, 21st December, 1870, 8 S.L.R. 250 . . . 60 Macbride v. Hamilton & Son, llth June, 1875, 2 R. 775 . . . 66 Macdonald, 8th December, 1843, 6 D. 186 . . . . .89 Macgregor v. Magistrates of Leith, 18th June, 1897, 34 S.L.R. 707 . 100 Mackay v. Parochial Board of Barry, 22nd June, 1883, 10 R. 1046 39, 82, 85 Mackay & Son v. Leven Police Commissioners, 20th July, 1893, 20 R. 1093 . . . . . . . . 42, 44, 83, 88 Mackenzie, 19th December, 1828, S. 215 ..... 84 Mackenzie v. Hill, 2nd June, 1868, 5 S.L.R. 578 . . . .89 Mackersey v. Ramsays, 9 C. and F. 818 ..... 10 Mackintosh v. Scott, 1st February, 1859, 21 D. 363 . . 68, 71, 72 McAlpine v. Lanarkshire and Ayrshire Railway Company, 26th November, 1889, 17 R. 113 . . . . . .24, 25, 44 M'Arly v. French, 10 R. 578, 1883 .... 103, 105, 107, 111 M'Arthur, 20th February, 1836, 14 S. 549 . . . . . 91 M'Callum (1826), 2 W. and S. 344 91 M'Dougall v. Laird & Son, 16th November, 1894, 22 R. 71 . . 85 M'Ewan v. Stewart, 10th March, 1880, 7 R. 682 . . . . 140- M'Gibbon v. Rankin (1871), 9 Macph. 423 . . . . . 152 M'Intyre v. Clow, 8th January, 1875, 2 R. 278 . . . 61, 65 M'Intyre v. Gallacher, 6th November, 1883, 11 R. 64 . . . 64 M'Kellar v. Swan & Johnston, 13th July, 1872, 9 S.L.R. 620 . . 98 M'Kerrol, 23rd May, 1826, 2 Wilson & Shaw 244 . . . .91 M'Larenv. Houston, 22nd June, 1884, 31 S.L.R. 764 . . .111 M'Lean v. Russell, M'Nee & Co., 9th March, 1850, 12 D. 887 . . 74, 75 M'Neill v. Mackenzie, 5th February, 1870, 8 Macph. 520 . . . 161 xviii TABLE OF CASES CITED. PAGE NAISMYTH v. CAIRNDUFF, 21st June, 1876, 3 R. 863 . . . 130 Napier (1844), 7 D. 166 91 Neilson & Farqubar v. Donald, 22nd February, 1750, M. 7584 . . 101 Neil, 16 East's Kept*. 51 .... 87 Ness v. Feme*, 13th February, 1825, 4 S. 7 . . . .118 Newman r. Fowler (1874), 37 N.J. Law (8 Vr.) 89 ... 36 Newton v. Forster, 12 M. and W. 772 37 Nisbet v. Dickson & Co., 8th July, 1852, 14 D. 973 ... 74 Nisbet v. Dixon, 22nd February, 1851, 13 D. 776 . . . . 69 North r. Bassett, L.R. (1892), 1 Q.B.D. 333 . . . 6, 20, 27 OB AN HILLS HYDROPATHIC SANATORIUM (LTD.) r. J. FOKD MACKENZIE (Sheriff-Court of Lanarkshire, 21st April, 1883, Guthrie's "Select Sheriff -Court Cases," 2nd Series, p. 498) . . . ; 26 Ogilviev. Donaldson (1678), M. 14,534 . . . . .159 Oliver v. Robertson, 10th November, 1869,8 Macph. 137 . . . 151 Otto(1871),9Macph. 660 ....... 80 I'AKKKS v. PKKSCOTT, L.R. 4 Ex. 182 . . . . .6 Parochial Board of Greenhill v. Coghill & Low, 5th March, 1878, 5 R. 732 36, 82 Pashby v. The Mayor and Corporation of Birmingham, 18 C.B. 2, 1856 . 58 Paterson, 19th February, 1819, F.C. ..... 86 Paterson,7 S. 616 ........ 90 Patrick (1867), 5 Macph. 683 .. ... 156 Pattinson v. Luckley, L.R. 10 Ex. 330 ..... 8 Paul, 5 Macph. 613 . . . . . . . .90 Pawley v. Turnbull, 3 Giff. 70 . . . . . .59,93 Peddie v. Henderson, 1st July, 1869, 6 S.L. R. 608 . . .49, 60 Pendlebury r. Greenhalgh (1875), L.R. 1 Q.B.D. 36 ... 73 Pepper r. Burland, 1792,1 Peake.N. P. 139 .... 42 Pirnier. M 'Ritchie, 5th June, 1819, F.C. .... 78,152 Pitman, &c., r. Burnett's Trustees (1882), 9 R. 444 . . 24,101 Pitt v. Yalden, 4 Bur. 2060(1767) ...... 10 Pocock v. Gelham, 27th June, 1883, 1 C. and E. 104 ... Ill Pollock r. Wilkie (1856), 18 D. 1311 . . . .10, 47, 67, 77 Preston's Trustees v. Preston (1844), 22 D. 366 . . . 153 Priestley v. Stone, 4 Times Law Reports, 730, 1880 . . .21 Purves v. Landell, 17 S.J. 308 . . . . .10 RAMHAT v. BRAND, 20th July, 1898, 35 S.L.R. 927 . . . 50, 52, 56, 60 Randell v. Trimen, 18 C.B. 786 (1856) ..... 9 Rankin v. Dixon & Company, 19th March, 1847, 9 D. 1048 . . 69 Rankine t. Rankine (1825), 4 S. 127 (N.E. 128) .... 1 Rattray (1868), 5S.L.R. 219 . . . . . .151 Rattray r. Yuille (Guthrie's " Sheriff-Court Decisions," 2nd Series, p. 107) 19 Reid v. Duff (1839), 1 D. 400 . . . . . .1 Reid r. Nicol, 16th November, 1799, M., App. Property. No. 1 . . 120 Restell v. Nye, 23rd January, 1900, Q.B. Div. (Matthew, J.), 16 Times L.R. 154. . . . . . . . .20, 57 Rex . Peto, 1 Youuge & Jervise, 37, 1826 ..... 8 Richardi v. May, L.R. 10 Q.B.D. 400 57 Richardson v. Anderson, 1 Camp. 43 n. . . . .7 TABLE OF CASES CITED. xix PAGE Richardson r. Dumfriesshire Road Trustees, 27th May, 1890, 17 R. 805 . 62, 64 Ritchie v. Purdie, 21st June, 1833, 11 S. 771 . . . . 121 Roberts v. Bury Improvement Commissioners, L.R. 5 C.P. 310 . . 52 Roberts i: Watkins, 32 L.J., C.P. 291 . . . . .58 Robertson v. Driver's Trustees, 2nd March, 1881, 8 R. 555. . . 67 Robertson v. Hamilton's Trustees, 1825, 4 S. 6 . . . 71, 109 Robertson v. Scouler (1825), 1 F.C. 126 ..... 152 Robsonv. Godfrey (1816),! Stark N. P. 275 .... 42 Rodger v, Russell, 10th June, 1873, 11 M. 673, &c. . . . 114, 116, 119 Rodgers v. James (1891), 8 Times L.R. 67 . . . . .57 Ross v. Cuthbertson, 3rd March, 1854, 16 D. 732 . . . 151,163 Royal British Bank v. Turquand, 5 E. & B. 248 . . . .1,7 Russell v. Cowpar, 24th February, 1882, 9 R. 660 . . . 97, 152 Russell v. Sa Da Bandeira (1862), 13 C.B., N.S. 149 ... 40, 54 Rylands (1864), 3 H. & C. 774, 186S ..... 78 SALTOUN, LORD, AND OTHERS, Petrs., 19th March, 1897, 34 S.L.R. 560 . 100 Sandys v. Innes, 15th February, 1823, 2 S. 221 . . . 121 Saunders v. Broadstairs Local Board (1890), Hudson, Vol. II., p. 64 . 31 Schulze v. Campbell, 29th November, 1815, F.C. . . . .162 Scott v. Cairns, 18th December, 1830, 9 Shaw, 246 . . . . 141 Scott v. Carluke Local Authority, 1st February, 1879, 6 R. 616 . . 84 Scott v. Liverpool Corporation, 35 L. J., C.L. 230 .... 57, 58 Scrivener v. Pask, L.R. 1 C.P. 715 . . . . . . 8, 30 Sharp, 24th February, 1815, 3 Dow's App. 102 . . .89 Sharp, 17th May, 1813, 6 Dow's App. 223 . . . . .94 Sharp v. Robertson (1800), Morison, App. Property, No. 3 . . . 120 Sharpe v. San Paulo Railway Company (1873), L.R. 8 Ch. 597 7, 8, 57 Shotts Iron Company (1882), 9 R. (H.L.) 78 . . . .79 Skinner v. Dicy, 5th December, 1855, 18 D. 158 . . . 128, 132 Sraellie v. Struthers (1803), M. 7588 ...... 96 Smellie v. Thomson, 9th July, 1868, 6 Macph. 1024 . . .101 Smith v. Barton (1886), 15 L.T. 294 . . . . . .23 Somervil v. Somervil, M. 12,769 . . . . . .156 Somerville v. Macgregor, 7th November, 1889 . . . .96 Speed v. Philip, 16th March, 1883, 10 R. 795 . . . 96 Spencer v. Harding, 39 L.J., C.P. 332 ..... 28 SSpratt v. Dornford (1862), Times, 1st December, p. 11, and App. B. . 6 Stephen v. Thurso Commissioners (1876), 3 R. 535, 540 . .73 Stevens v. Taylor, 2 F. and F. 419 . . . . . . 12, 24 Stevenson (1867), 3 S.L.R. 184 . . . . . .152 Stevenson v. Watson, L.R. 46 P.D. 148 . . . . .57 Stewart v. Burk, 9th December, 1820, F.C. .... 128, 139 Stewart v. Meikle, 27th January, 1874, 1 R. 408 . . . . 143 Stirling v. Finlayson (1752), M. 14,526 . . . . .165 Straiton Oil Co. v. Sanderson, 14th June, 1882, 9 R. 929 . . .36 Stubbs v. Holyhead Railway Co., L.R. 2 Ex. 311 . . . 4, 5 Sutherland v. Barbour, 17th November, 1887, 15 R. 63 . 131, 136 TAILORS OF ABERDEEN v. COUTTS, 20th December, 1834, 13 S. 226 . 123 Taylor v. Dunlop, 1st November, 1872, 11 Macph. 25 . . 78, 119 Taylor v. Greenhalgh, L.R. 9 Q.B. 487 . . . .73 TABLE OF CASES CITED. PACK Taylor r. Hall, 4 Irish L.R. C.L. 467 (1869) . . . . 6, 20 Taylors v. Maclellans, 21st October, 1891, 19 R. 10. . . .37 Tennant, 16th June, 1836, 14 S. 999 ..... 84 Tharsis Sulphur and Copper Company r. M'Elroy (1878), 5 R. 161 7, 45, 47, 52, 54, 56, 66 Thomson r. James (1855), 18 D. 1 . . . . . .30 Thorn r. Mayor of London (1876), 1 App. Cas. 120 . . 7, 30, 40 Thornhill v. Neats, 8 C.B., N.S. 831 (1860) ..... 54 Thornton v. Place, 1 Mood, and Rob. 219 . . . . . 40, 52 Tracey v. M'Cabe (1873), 39 L.R. , Ir. 21 . . . . . 5 Trent v. Humber Co. ex parte Cambrian Steam Packet Co. (1868), L.R. 6 Eq. 396 . . . . . . . . .31 Tullis v. Jaeson, L.R. (1892) 3 Ch. 441, 59 Turner v. Hamilton, 21st February, 1890, 17 R. 501 . . 107, 141, 149 UNION HERITABLE SECURITIES Co. LTD. v. MATHIE, 3rd Mar., 1886, 13 R. 670 156 Urquhart v. Gregor, 19 D. 853, 1857 ..... 10 Urquhart v. Melville, 22nd December, 1853, 16 D. 307 . . . 108 VRICKBTTV. BADGER (1856), 1C.B..N.S. 296 .... 14 WAGHORN . WIMBLEDON LOCAL BOARD, Times, 4th June, 1877 . . 18 Wales v. Wales, 28th November, 1888, 16 R. 164 . . . .102 Walker v. Braidword (1797), Hume, 512 . . . . .113 Walker v. Park, 29th February, 1888, 15 R. 477 . . . . 102 Walker v. Renton, llth March, 1825, 3 S. 650, N.E. 455 . . 126, 128 Walker v. Wishart, 7th July, 1825, 4 S. 148 . . . . 154 Walkers' Trustees v. Haldane, 28th February, 1902, 39 S.L.R. 409, 134, 141 Walker's Trustees v. Learmonth & Co., 17th November, 1824, 3 Shaw, 202 111 Wallace v. Brown (1808), M. Appendix, Personal and Real, No. 4 . . 116 Wallace t;. Fisher & Watt, 9 M. 75 (1870) 10 Walton Brothers v. The Magistrates of Glasgow, 20th July, 1876, 3 R. 1130 154 Warrens v. Marwick, 13th June, 1835, 13 S. 944 . . . . 122 Watoon v. Waddell, 2 App. Cas. ...... 79 Watt v. Burgess' Trustees, 19th March, 1891, 18 R. 767 . . . 119 Welli t?. Bamswell 4 Creswell's Repts., 457 .... 87 Westwood v. Secretary of State for India, 16th January, 1863, 7 Law Times Rep., N.S., 736 . . . . . . . 54 Whipham v. Everett (1900), Times, 22nd March, 1900 ... 17 White ( 1881), 8 R. 375 79 Whitty v. Lord Dillon, 2 F. and F. 67 . . . . .23 Wilkinson v. Clements, L.R. 8 Ch. 96 . . . . . 52 Williams v. Fitzmaurice, 3 H. and N. 844 . . . . . 44, 52 Wilmot v. Smith, 3 0. and P. 453 . . . . . .37 Wilsons v. Waddell, 1st December, 1876, 4 RH.L. 29 . .68 Wolski v. M'Intyre, 10th January, 1866, 1 S.L.R 100 . . . 83 Wylie & Locbhead v. M'Elroy (1873), 1 R 41 .28 YOONO v. DKWAB, 17th November, 1814, F.C. . . . .162 Young v. Hill, 5th March, 1902, 39 S.L.R. 415 . . .98 Young & Co. v. Mayor, &c., of Royal Leamington Spa (8 App. Cas. 517) . 2 Young v. Smith (1880), Hudson, Vol. II., p. 100 . . . . 27 ZETLAND v. HISLOP, 12th June, 1872, 9 R., H.L. 40 . . 141, 146 LAW AFFECTING BUILDING OPERATIONS AND ARCHITECTS' AND BUILDERS' CONTRACTS. CHAPTER I. THE ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR THEIR APPOINTMENT, DUTIES, &G. THE APPOINTMENT OF ARCHITECTS. THE rules of law applicable to the appointment of ordinary- agents or factors apply to architects. Accordingly, an effective appointment cannot be made by persons suffering from legal incapacity, such as idiots, lunatics, and pupils (Reid v. Duff, 1839, 1 D. 400 ; Lindsay v. Watson, 1843, 5 D. 1194 ; Rankine v. Rankine, 1825, 4 S. 127 (N.E. 128)). Where the services of an architect are required on behalf of such persons, it is essential that the appointment be made by their guardians. A minor pubes may alone if he has no curators, or with their consent if he has curators, appoint an architect (Bell's Pr. 2088). A married woman may incur obligations relative to her separate estate, but not to the effect of binding her person or her husband (Bell's Pr. 1612). An appointment, there- 2 LA W AFFECTING BUILDING OPERATIONS. fore, of an architect by a married woman should be with the consent of her husband. Where, however, a married woman is judicially separated from her husband, his consent is not required. The appointment of architects need not be in writing, but it would frequently prevent misunderstanding and dissatis- faction if the extent of the work and terms of employment were embodied at the outset either in correspondence or in a short agreement. It is well to expressly state what the architect is employed to do, whether merely to prepare plans or also to superintend the erection of the building ; the limit of cost ; within what period the work must be completed ; who is to be the owner of the plans, and the architect's remuneration. In the general case it may be chiefly in the interests of the employer to have these points explicitly set forth. In certain cases, however, the architect may find it advan- tageous to have the terms of his employment stated in writing. This should probably always be done where the employment is by a corporation or a limited liability com- pany. It was held that an architect could not recover fees in respect that the contract was not under seal, where an urban Authority verbally directed their surveyor to employ an architect to prepare plans for offices, which was done, and the Authority advertised for tenders for building the offices in accordance therewith, but when these were sent in, it was found that the plans were on a too expensive scale, and the intended offices were not erected. This was the decision although the offices were necessary for the purposes of the defendants, and the plans were necessary for their erection (Hunt and Wimbledon Local Board, 3 C.P.D. 208 ; 47 L.J., C.P.D. 540 ; on appeal L.R. 4 C.P.D. 48 ; 48 L.J., C.P.D. 207. Approved in Young