,1 i r I ■'^.^>^^SM^ a m :#='« m f^m' f^^r k ^Irv n" \ ^ ^ 'm}f:' -!4/. v n Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofgenerOObostrich CATALOGUE OF THE General Theological Library Boston, Massachusetts A DICTIONARY CATALOGUE OF RELIGION, THEOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND ALLIED LITERATURE m > !».»•» • *• . . • • " . * • •• Ui^t 9ott fill Prras BOSTON. MASS. Copyright 1913 BY THE Ge'neral Theological Library Boston, Mass. i, • • _• ».•«' -•«••• ■• ' • ■• ». •-" •-•• wo Preface \9 This catalogue is published in response to many urgent requests from clergy- men throughout New England. The dictionary form of listing authors, titles, and subject headings in alpha- betical order has been adopted. The catalogue lists books in the English language only. Reference books and Scripture texts are not listed, but are held for consulta- tion at the Library. The grateful acknowledgments of the Library are made to Miss Caroline Smith, through whose valuable service and advice the compilation of the catalogue has been made possible; to Miss E. Louise Jones, formerly of the Massachusetts State Library, and to Mr. Charles K. Bolton, Librarian of the Boston Athenaeum, for helpful assistance; to Prof. Ernest Cushing Richardson, Ph.D., Librarian of Princeton University, for permission to use the headings of the Periodical Articles on Religion; and also to the printers and head proof-reader. GENERAL THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY. 53 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston, Massachusetts. '^75972 Historical Sketch of the Library Founded in i860 as a Theological Library in the city of Boston, incorporated in 1864 under its present title, " for the purpose of promoting religion and theolog- ical learning," the General Theological Library has had for more than half a century a steady growth in importance and usefulness. The Library's original constitution states that " its object shall be to benefit all religious denominations and to promote the interests of religion and the increase and diffusion of theological learning." In living up to the spirit of its constitution and the purpose of its founders, there has been, during its fifty years of activity, a natural broadening of the service rendered. Until as recently as 1900 the privilege of drawing books was limited to those who had secured by payment some form of membership privilege. In 1900 an invitation was given to New England clergy- men of every denomination to make use of the Library without payment of mem- bership fees. It soon appeared, however, that, except in the case of those within the confines of Greater Boston who could take books out upon direct application, the barrier created by the high cost of postage on books was preventing large num- bers of men from taking advantage of the opportunities offered. In 1909 an abso- lutely free delivery system was inaugurated, in accordance with which every clergy- man in New England was given the privilege of direct application to the Library for books, transportation charges both for sending and return being paid by the Library. Also in 1909 the Library began to publish Quarterly Bulletins, containing not only lists of the books recently acquired, but Reading Lists upon different phases of the work of the ministry, prepared by authorities specially qualified for this work. This catalogue is the natural outgrowth of the Free Delivery System. Explanatory Notes Books are entered under the name of author or under the first word of the title where author's name is not known, under titles, and under subjects. Type Different classes of entry are distinguished as follows: a. Main entries, — author's name or first word of title, where author is not known: in full face. b. Subject headings: in Roman small capitals. c. Title references, series titles, etc. : in Roman lower case. d. Explanatory words, notes of reference, etc. : in italics. Abbreviations GENERAL abp. — archbishop. adv. — advanced. Adv. — Advent. Am., Amer. — American. A. B. C. F. M. — American Board of Commis- sioners for Foreign Missions. A. B. H. M. S. — American Baptist Home Mis- sion Society. A. B. P. S. — American Baptist Publication Society. A. U. A. — American Unitarian Association. anc. — ancient. anniv. — anniversary. antiq. — antiquities, antiquarian. arr. — arranged. assoc. — association. A. I. C. — Association for International Con- ciliation. bibl. — biblical. bp. — bishop. card. — cardinal. cent. — centenary, century. chap. — chapter. Christ. — Christian. Christ'y- — Christianity. ch. — church. coll . — collect ion . Coll. — college. Col. — Columbia. Com. — commentary. comp. — compiler. conf . — conference. cont. — contemporary. Cont. sci. ser. — Contemporary science series. Conv. — convention. crit. — critical, criticism. C. t. 1. — Crown theological library. eccles. — ecclesiastical. ed. — editor, edited, edition. educ. — education. Eng. — England. Engl. — English. epis. — episcopal, episcopacy. ep.i epist. — epistle. ev., evang. — evangelical. For. theol. libr. — Foreign theological library. Fr. — French. Germ. — German. Grad. — Graduates. Gr. — Greek. hdbks. — handbooks. Hex. — Hexateuch. hist. — history, historical. illus. — illustrated. irapr. — impression. inst. — institute. int. — international. Int. crit. com. — International critical com- mentary. Int. sci. ser. — International science series. Int. theol. libr. — International theological library. introd. — introduction. It. — Italian. jour. — journal. Lat. — Latin. lect. — lecture, lectures. libr. — library. lit. — literature. miss. — mod. — n. d.- - missions. - modern. • no date. n. p. — n. t. p. N. T.- O. T.- • no place. — no title page. — New Testament. — Old Testament. p., pp. Pent. - philos. Presb. ■ P. V.- Prot. - page, pages. - Pentateuch. - ihilosophy, philosopher. - ^resbyterian. - private version. - Protestant. s^- • . . • /.Abbreviations — (Continued) GENERAL Prud. ins. co. — Prudential insurance company. pseud. — pseudonym. pub., publ. — publisher. rel., relig. — religion. rev. — revised. R. V. — Revised version. St. — saint. sem. — seminary. sen — series. see. — society. Sp. — Spanish. ster. — stereotype. S. S., S.-S. — Sunday school. suppl. — supplement. theol. — theological. Theol. transl. libr. — Theological translation library, thous. — thousand, tr. — translated, transl. — translation, univ. — university. unp. — unpaged, vers. — version, v., vol., vols. — volume, volumes. PUBLISHERS Amer. bk. co. — American book company. Amer. tract, soc. — American tract society. A. I. C. — Association for international con- ciliation. Cent. CO. — Century company. Christ, lit. co. — Christian literature com- pany. E. & M. — Eaton and Mains. G. & R. press. — Griffith and Rowland press. Int. pub. CO. — International publishing com- pany. Longm. — Longmans. Macm. — Macmillan. Meth. bk. — Methodist book. M. E. M. — Missionary education movement. Presb. bd. of pub. — Presbyterian board of publication. Rel. tract soc. — Religious tract society. S. P. C. K. — Society for promoting Christian knowledge. S. V. M., Stud. Vol. Move't. — Student Volun- teer movement. Young ch., Young churchm. — Young church- man. RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS Adv. Christ. — Advent Christian. Bapt. — Baptist. Christ. — Christian. Congr. — Congregationalist. Ev. Aossc. — Evangelical Association. Luth. — Lutheran. Meth. — Methodist. Presb. — Presbyterian. Prot. Epis. — Protestant Episcopal. R. P. D. ch. — Reformed Protestant Dutch church. Rom. Cath. ch. — Roman Catholic church. Unit. — Unitarian. Univ. — Universalist. Catalogue General Theological Library Aaron, brother of Moses. Cox, S. Aaron's apology. {In his Genesis of evil and other sermons.) Lewis, H. E. (In Milligan, G., and others. Men of the O. T.: Cain to David.) Matheson, G. (In his Representative men of the Bible.) Whyte, A. (In his Bible characters: Adam to Achan.) Abbas, son of Baha 'U'llah. Mysterious forces of civilization. Written in Persian by an eminent Bahai philosopher and now first put into English by Johanna Dawud. Lond. Cope. 1910. Abbey, Charles J. Divine love. Lond. Macm. 1900. Religious thought in old English verse. Lond. Low. 1892. and Overton, John H. English church in the eighteenth century. Lond. Longm. 1878. 2V. Abbeys. Cram, R. A. Ruined abbeys of Great Britain. C1895. Abbot, Ezra. Authorship of the fourth gospel. Bost. Ellis. 1880. Authorship of the fourth gospel and other essays. Bost. Ellis. 1888. and others. Fourth gospel. N. Y. Scribner. 1891. Harvard univ., Div. school alumni. Ezra Abbot. 1884. Abbot, Fanny Larcom. Faith built on reason. Bost. J. H. West CO. 1902. Abbot, Francis EUingwood. Scientific theism. Bost. Little. 1886. Abbott, Edith. Women in industry. N. Y. Appleton. 1910. Abbott, Edwin Abbott. Anglican career of Cardinal Newman. Lond. Macm. 1892. 2V. Message of the Son of man. Lond. Black. 1909. Philomythus. Lond. Macm. 1891. Through nature to Christ. Lond. Macm. 1877. Abbott, Ernest Hamlin. Religious life in America. N. Y. Outlook co. 1903. Abbott, Evelyn, and Campbell, Lewis. Life and letters of Benjamin Jowett. Lond. Murray. 1897. 2 v. Abbott, Lyman. Acts of the apostles with notes. N. Y. Barnes. 1876. America in the making. New Haven. Yale univ. press. 191 1. (Yale lect.) Christian ministry. Bost. Houghton. 1905. Christianity and social problems. Bost. Houghton. 1896. Epistle to the Romans with notes. N. Y. Barnes. ci888. Evolution of Christianity. 2d ed. Bost. Houghton. 1893. Abbott, L3^an — Continued. Henry Ward Beecher. Bost. Houghton. 1903. Illustrated commentary on St. John. N. Y. Barnes. C1879. Illustrated commentary on Matthew, Mark and Luke. N. Y. Barnes. 1878. 2 v. In aid of faith. N. Y. Dutton. 1886. Jesus of Nazareth. N. Y. Harper. 1869. Life and letters of Paul the apostle. Bost. Houghton. 1898. Life and literature of the ancient Hebrews. Boston. Houghton. 1901. Old Testament shadows of New Testament truths. N. Y. Harper. 1870. Other room. N. Y. Outlook co. 1903. Prophets of the Christian faith. N. Y. Macm. 1896. Rights of man. Bost. Houghton. 1904. Seeking after God. N. Y. Crowell. C1910. Spirit of democracy. Bost. Houghton. 1910. Temple. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Theology of an evolutionist. Bost. Hough- ton. 1897. and others. New Puritanism. N. Y. Fords. 1898. Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill. Commentary on Ephesians and Colossians. N. Y. Scribner. 1897. (Int.crit.com.) Abdul Baha. See Abbas, son of Baha 'U'Uah. Abel, second son of Adam. Edersheim, A. (In his World before the flood.) Matheson, G. (In his Representative men of the Bible.) Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Adam to Achan.) Abelard. Compayre, G. Abelard and the origin and early history of universities. 1893. Abigail, wife of Nabal and of David. Aguilar, G. {In her Women of Israel.) Horton, R. F. {In his Women of the O. T.) Abraham, Hebrew patriarch. Brooke, S. A. (In his O. T. and modern life.) Campbell, R. J. {In his Song of ages.) Davidson, A. B. {In his Called of God.) Deane, W. J. Abraham; his life and times. Edersheim, A. {In his World before the flood.) Guthrie, T. {In his Studies of character from the O. T.) Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Matheson, G. {In his Representative men of the Bible.) Meyer, F. B. Abraham; or, The obedience of faith. (O. T. heroes.) Mozley, J. B. {In his Ruling ideas in early ages.) Newman, J. H. {In his Parochial and plain sermons, vol. 3.) (5) Catalogue General Theological Library Abraham — Continued. Stanley, A. P. Abraham in Egypt. {In his sermons preached before the Prince of Wales, 1862.) Thompson, W. H. Life and times of the patriarchs; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 1912. Tomkins, H. G. Abraham and his age. 1897. Townsend, W. J. Abraham. (In Men of the O. T. : Cain to David.) "Whyte, A. (In his Bible characters: Adam to Achan.) Abrahams, Israel. Jewish life in the middle ages. N. Y. Macm. 1897. Judaism. Chi. Open court. (Religions anc and mod.) Absalom, son of David, king of Israel. Green, R. S. Both sides; or, Jonathan and Absa- lom. C1887. Greenhough, J. G. (In Milligan, G., and others. Men of the O. T. : Solomon to Jonah.) Whyte, A. (In his Bible characters, vol. i.) Absente reo. By the author of Pro Christo et ecclesia. Lond. Macm. 19 10. Ackermann, Conrad. Christian element in Plato and the Platonic philosophy. Edin. Clark. 1861. Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg-, ist baron. Cambridge modern history. Planned by the late Lord Acton, ed. by A. W. Ward [and others.] N. Y. Macm. I9O6-II. I2V. Historical essays and studies. Lond. Macm. 1907. History of freedom and other essays. Lond. Macm. 1907. Lectures on the French revolution. Lond. Macm. 19 10. Bryce, J. Lord Acton. {In his Studies in contemp>orary biogfraphy.) Adam, the first man. Matheson, G. {In his Representative men of the Bible.) Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters, vol. i.) Adam, Mrs. Adela Marion, joint author. See Kennett, R. H., and others. Adam, James. Religious teachers of Greece. Edin. Clark. 1908. (Gifford lect.) Vitality of Platonism and other essays. Camb. Univ. press. 191 1. Adam, John Douglas. Religion and the growing mind. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI912. Adams, George Burton. Civilization during the middle ages. N. Y. Scribner. 1897. Adams, John, 2d president of the U. S. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Parker, T. {In his Historic Americans.) Adams, John. Evolution of educational theory. Lond. Macm. 1912. (Schools of philoso- phy.) Primer on teaching. Scribner. 1904. (Bible class primers.) Adams, John, of Inverkeilor, Scotland. The Lenten Psalms. N. Y. Scribner. 1912. (Short course ser.) Man among the myrtles; a study in Zecha- riah's visions. N. Y. Scribner. 19 13. Adams, John Coleman. Christian types of heroism. Bost. Universalist pub. house. 1891. Fatherhood of God. Bost. Universalist pub. house. 1890. Adams, John Coleman— Continued. Hosea Ballou and the gospel renaissance of the 19th century. Bost. Universalist pub. house. 1903. Adams, John Quincv, 6th president of the U. S. Seward, W. H. Life of John Quincy Adams. 1856. Adams, Samuel. Wells, W. V. Life of Sam- uel Adams. 1865. 3V. Adams, Thomas Bewail, and Sumner, Helen L. Labor problems; a text book. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Adams, Walter Marsham. Book of the master; or. The Egyptian doctrine of the light born of the Virgin Mother. N. Y. Putnam. 1898. Adams, William H. Seven words from the cross. Bost. Lothrop. C1877. Adamson, Robert. Fichte. Edin. Black- wood. 1908. Adamson, Robert M. Christian doctrine of the Lord's supper. Edin. Clark. 1905. Adamson, Thomas. Spirit of power as set forth in the book of Acts. Edin. Clark. 1897. Studies of the mind in Christ. Edin. Clark. 1897. Addams, Jane. Democracy and social ethics. N. Y. Macm. 1902. (Citizen's library.) A new conscience and an ancient evil. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Newer ideals of peace. N. Y. Macm. 1907. (Citizen's library.) Social application of religion. Cine. Jen- nings. C1908. (Merrick lect.) Spirit of youth and the city streets. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Twenty years at Hull-House. N. Y. Macm. 1910. and others. Philanthropy and social prog- ress. N. Y. Crowell. C1893. (School of applied ethics.) Adderley, James. Monsieur Vincent; sketch of a Christian social reformer. N. Y. Longm. 1 90 1. Addis, William Edward. Christianity and the Roman empire. Lond. Hare. 1893. (Manuals of early Christ, hist.) Hebrew religion to the establishment of Judaism under Ezra. N. Y. Putnam. 1906. (C. t. I.) Addison, Daniel Diilaney. Episcopalians. N. Y. Baker. ci904. (Story of the churches.) Life and times of Edward Bass. Bost. Houghton. 1897. Addresses. Brooks, P. Essays and addresses. Bryce, J. University and historical addresses delivered during a residence in the U. S. as ambassador of Great Britain. 19 13. Chapman, J. W. Another mile, and other addresses. [C1908.] Farrar, F. W. Sermons and addresses in America. 1886. Fowler, C. H. Addresses on notable occa- sions. [C1908.] Maclaren, A. Week-day evening addresses, Manchester. 1877. Robinson, F. College and ordination ad- dresses. 1910. Smith, R. (Gipsy Smith.) As Jesus passed by, and other addresses. C1905. Catalogue General Theological Library Addresses — Continued. Snyder, A. W. Through the forty days; addresses for Lenten and lay reading. [C1908.] Speer, R. E. Master of the heart. [C1908.] Stanley, A. P. Addresses and sermons at St. Andrew's. 1877. — Addresses and sermons, U. S. and Canada, 1878. 1879. Torrey, R. A. Revival addresses. CI903. Waggett, P. N. Scientific temper in religion, and other addresses. 1895. Webb-Peploe, H. W. Victorious life; post- conference addresses. East Northfield, 1895. Adeney, Walter Frederick. Century's progress in religious life and thought. Lond. Clark. 1901. Christian conception of God. N. Y. Revell. C1912. Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. N. Y. Arm- strong. 1893. (Expositor's Bible.) J Greek and Eastern churches, N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1908. (Int. theol. libr.) How to read the Bible. N. Y. Whittaker. 1897. Song of Solomon and Lamentations. N. Y. Armstrong. 1895. (Expositor's Bible.) Women of the N. T. N. Y. Whittaker. joint author. See Bennett, W. H., and Adeney, W. F. ed. See New century Bible. Adler, Felix. Essentials of spirituality. N. Y. Pott. 1905- Marriage and divorce. N. Y. McClure. 1905- Moral instruction of children. N. Y. Apple- ton. 1909. (Int. educ. ser.) Religion of duty. N. Y. McClure. 1905. Adler, Nathan Marcus, chief rabbi. Authorised daily prayer book of the united Hebrew congregations of the British Empire, with a new translation by S. Singer. 8th ed. Lond. Eyre. 5668-1908. Adolescence. Hall, G. S. Adolescence: its psychology and its relations to physiology, anthropology, sociology, sex, crime, reli- gion and education. 1904. 2 v. — Youth ; its education, regimen and hygiene. 1907. An epitome of his larger work on Adolescence. Adonijah, son of David, king of Israel. Row- land, A. {In Milligan, G., and others. Men of the Bible.) Advent Christian hymnal. Bost. Adv. Christ, pub. soc. 1902, Advent Christians. Doctrine. Cargile.J.A. True theology. 7th ed. [1904.] Stockman, E. A. Footprints of angels in fields of revelation. 1890. Adventists. See Advent Christians. Aeschylus. Tragedies; tr. by T. A. Buckley. N. Y. Harper. 1856. Adam, J. {In his Relig. teachers of Greece.) Tyler, W. S. {In his Theology of the Greek poets.) Affirmative intellect. Ferguson, C. Africa. Milligan, R. H. Fetish folk of West Africa. CI912. See also, Congo Free State; Missions. Agassiz, Elizabeth Cary, ed. Louis Agassiz; his life and correspondence. Bost. Houghton. 1885. 2V. Agassiz, Louis. Geological sketches. Bost. Osgood. 1876. Agassiz, E. C, ed. Louis Agassiz. 1885. 2v. James, W. Louis Agassiz. {In his Memories and studies.) Age of faith. Bradford, A. H. Agnosticism. Armstrong, R. A. Agnosticism and theism. 1907. Dole, C. F. From agnosticism to theism. Flint, R. Agnosticism. 1903. Glasgow univ. soc. of St. Ninian. Religion and the modern mind. 1908. Huxley, T. H. Essays upon some contro- verted questions. 1893. Maitland, B. Theism or agnosticism. Momerie, A. W. Agnosticism: sermons. 1887. Schurman, J. G. Agnosticism and religion. 1896. Agricultural Colonies. Booth, W. In dark- est Engbnd. 1890. Agriculture. Bailey, L. H. The state and the farmer. 2d ed. 191 1. Carver, T. N. Principles of rural economics. CI911. Fairchild, G. T. Rural wealth and welfare. 2d ed. 1900. (Rural sci. ser.) See also Farm life. Agrippa, king of Judea. Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Stephen to Timothy.) Aguilar, Grace. Women of Israel. N. Y. Appleton. 1870. 2v. Ahab, king of Judah. Greenhough, J. G. {In Milligan, G., and others. Men of the O. T.: Solomon to Jonah.) Ahaz,- king of Judah, Lewis, H. E. {In Milligan, G., and others. Men of the O. T.: Solomon to Jonah.) Ahaziah, king of Israel. Greenhough, J. G. {In Milligan, G., and others. Men of the Bible: some lesser known characters.) Ahithophel, counselor of David. Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Ahithophel to Nehemiah.) Ahmad, Mirza Ghulam. Teachings of Islam. Lond. Luzac. 1910. Aids to reflection. Coleridge, S. T. Aids to Scripture study. Gardiner, F. Aiken, Charles Augustus. Christian apologetics. Princeton. Princeton pr. estab. 1879. Aiken, Charles Francis. The Dhamma of Gotama the Buddha and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Bost. Marlier, 1900. Aiken, Lucy, joint author. See Channing, W. E., and Aiken, L. Aikman, William. Life at home. N. Y. Wells. 1871. Ainsworth, Percy Clough. Pilgrim church, and other sermons. N. Y. Revell. [19 10.] Silences of Jesus, and St. Paul's hymn to love. N. Y. Revell. [1913.] Aked, Charles Frederic. Courage of the coward, and other sermons. N. Y, Revell. 1907. The Lord's prayer. N. Y. Revell. C1910. Old events and modern meanings, and other sermons. N. Y. Revell. 1908. Wells and palm trees. N. Y. Dodge. C1908. 8 Catalogue General Theological Library Albee, Ernest. Histor>' of English utilitari- anism. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1902. Albertus Magnus. Taylor, H. O. {In his Mediaeval mind, vol. 2.) Albree, John. Charles Brooks. Medford. Miller. 1907. Alcohol. See Temperance. Alcott, Louisa May. Beach, S. C. {In his Daughters of the Puritans.) Alcuin. West, A. F. Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools. 1892. (Great edu- cators.) Alden, Henry Mills. God in his world. N. Y. Harper. 1890. Study of death. N. Y. Harper. 1895. J Alexander the Great. Mahaffy, J. P. Story of Alexander's empire. 1894. Alexander, Archibald B. D. Ethics of St. Paul. Glasgow. Maclehose. 19 10. Alexander, Gross. Colossians and Ephesians. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Son of man. Nashville. Barbee. 1901. and others. History of the Methodist church South, etc. N. Y. Christ, lit. co. 1894. (Amer. church hist., vol. XI.) Alexander, John L. Boy training. N. Y. Assoc, pr. 191 1. Alexander, Samuel. Locke. N. Y. Dodge, (Philosophies anc. and mod.) Alexander, William Lindsay. System of bibli- cal theology. Edin. Clark. 1888. 2v. Alexandra, mother of Mariamne. Aguilar, G. {In her Women of Israel, vol. II.) Alford, Mrs. Fanny (Alford), ed. Life and let- ters of Henry Alford, Lond. Rivington. 1873. Alford, Henry. How to study the New Testa- ment. Lond. Strahan. 1865. Alford, Mrs. F, (A,), ed. Life of Henry Alford, 1873, Alfred the Great. Hunt, W, {In Stephens and Hunt. Hist, of the Eng. church, vol. I.) Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Alger, George William. Moral overstrain. Bost. Houghton. 1906. Alger, William Rounseville. Critical history of the doctrine of a future life. 6th thous. N. Y. Widdleton. 1869. Allard, Paul. Ten lectures on the martyrs. N. Y. Benziger. 1907, Allegories. Bunyan, J. Pilgrim's progress. Matheson, G. Lady Ecclesia. Allen, Alexander V. G. Christian institutions. N. Y. Scribner, 1897. (Int. theol. libr.) Continuity of Christian thought. Bost. Houghton, 1884. Freedom in the church. N. Y. Macm. 1907. Jonathan Edwards. Bost. Houghton. 1889. (Amer. relig, leaders,) Life of Phillips Brooks. N. Y. Dutton. 1900. 2V, Religious progress. Bost. Houghton, 1894, and others. Message of Christ to manhood. Bost. Houghton, 1899, (W, B, Noble lect,) Slattery, C. L. Alexander Viets Griswold Allen. 191 1. Allen, Grant. Evolution of the idea of God. N. Y. Holt. 1897. Allen, Joseph Henry. Hebrew men and times. Bost. A. U. A, 1907, Sequel to " Our liberal movement," Bost. Roberts. 1897, and Eddy, Richard. History of the Unita- rians and Universalists. N. Y. Christ, lit. CO. 1894. (Amer. church hist., vol. X.) Allen, Roland. Missionary methods, St, Paul's or ours; a study of the church in the four provinces, Lond, Scott, 1912, (Libr. of historic theology.) Allen, William Harvey. Civics and health. Bost. Ginn, CI909, Efficient democracy, N, Y, Dodd. 1908. Allen, Willoughby Charles. Commentary on St. Matthew. N, Y, Scribner. 1907. (Int. crit, com,) Along the road. Benson, A. C. Alphonsus, St. See Liguori, A. M, di. Altruism. McConnell, R, M. Duty of altru- ism. 1910. Alviella, Goblet d', count. Contemporary evolu- tion of religious thought in England, America and India. N. Y. Putnam. 1886. Lectures on the origin and growth of the con- ception of God, Lond, Williams, 1897. (Hibbert lect,) Amaziah, eighth king of Judah. Greenhough, J. G. {In Men of the Bible; some lesser known characters. Milligan, G., and others.) Ambrose, St., bp. of Milan. Treatises, ethical works and sermons; Letters, {In Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d sen, X.) Hodges, G. {In his Saints and heroes.) Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 4.) Merivale, C. St. Ambrose and the union of the Christian church with the state, {In his Four lect, on early church histor>',) Thornton, R, St, Ambrose. (Fathers for Engl, readers,) Ameer Ali, Syed. Islim. Chi. Open court. 1906, (Religions anc. and mod.) American Academy of Political and Social Science, Country life. Phila. 1912. American anthology. 1787-1900. Stedman, E. C, ed. Amer. Assoc, for the Adv. of Science. Fifty years of Darwinism; cent, addresses in honor of Charles Darwin. N. Y. Holt. 1909. A. B, H. M. S. Baptist home missions in North America. N. Y. B. H. M. rooms. 1883. A. B, C, F, M, Memorial volume of the first fifty years. 5th ed. Bost. 1862. One hundredth anniversary of the Haystack prayer meeting. Bost. A. B. C. F. M. 1907. Strong, W. E. Story of the American Board. C1910. American church history series, 1893-96. SchaflF, P,, and others, eds. 12 v. See United States. Religious history, American Friends' Peace Conference, The American Friends' peace conference held at Philadelphia, twelfth month, I2th-I4th, 1901. Phila. The Conference. 1902. Catalogue General Theological Library American Institute of Christian Philosophy. Christ and the church; with introd. by A. H. Bradford, N. Y., etc. Revell. 1895. Contents: I. The kingdom and the church; A. H. Bradford. — II-IV. The Incarnation; G. T. Purves [and others). — V. Doctrine of the church; G. D. Boardman. — VI. Church and the problems of science and philosophy; H. M. McCracken. — VII. Church and the city problem ; J. B. Devins. — VIII- XII. Reunion of Christendom; G. Hodges [and others). American lectures on the history of religions. Bloomfield, M. Religion of the Veda. Brinton, D. G. Religions of primitive peoples. Budde, K. F. R. Religion of Israel to the exile. Cheyne, T. K. Jewish religious life after the exile. Cumont, F. V. M. Astrology and religion among the Greeks and Romans. Davids, T. W. R. Buddhism. Groot, J. J. M. de. Religion in China. Jastrow, M. Aspects of religious belief in Babylonia and Assyria. Knox, G. W. Development of religion in Japan. Steindorff, G. Religion of the ancient Egyptians. American Literature. Stedman, E. C, ed. An American anthology. 1 787-1900. C1900. Tyler, M. C. History of American literature. 1607-1765. Agawam ed. 1895. 2v. in i. American men of letters. John Greenleaf Whittier. Carpenter, G, R. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Higginson, T. W. American mind. The. Perry, B. American Missionary Association. Beard, A. F. A crusade of brotherhood; a history of the American missionary association. C1909. American of the future and other essays. Mat- thews, B. American philosophy. See Philosophy. American poets. Stedman, E. C. Poets of America. 1897. American religious leaders. Jonathan Edwards. Allen, A. V. G. Henry Boynton Smith. Stearns, L. F. Charles Grandison Finney. Wright, G. F. American Revision Committee. Anglo-Ameri- can Bible revision. [Ed. by Philip Schaff.] N. Y. Bible House, 1879. American science series. Dewey, J. Ethics. James, W. Principles of psychology. 2v. — Psychology. 1893. American social progress series. Patten, S. N. New basis of civilization. American statesmen: ed. by J. T. Morse. George Washington. Lodge, H. C, Abraham Lincoln. Morse, J. T. Daniel Webster. Lodge, H. C. American traits. Miinsterberg, H. A. U. A. Book of prayer and praise. Bost. A. U.A. 1893. Five services for public worship. Bost. A. U. A. 1895. Hymn and tune book for the church and the home. A. U. A. 1904. A. U. A. — Continued. Hymns for church and home. Bost. A. U. A. 1896. Services for congregational worship. Bost. A. U. A. 1903. Unitarian service book. Bost. A. U. A. 1904. Americans, The. Miinsterberg, H. Ames, A. H. Revelation of St. John. N. Y. Eaton. C1897. Ames, Charles Gordon. Book of prayers. Bost. A. U. A. 1908. Five points of faith. Bost. Ellis. 1903. Sermons of sunrise. Bost. Ellis. 1901. Ames, Edward Scribner. Divinity of Christ. Chi. Bethany press. C1911. Psychology of religious experience. Bost. Houghton. 1910. Amiel, Henri Frederic. Journal intime; tr. by Mrs. Humphry Ward. Lond. Macm. 1887. Amos, Hebrew prophet. Adeney, W. F. (In Milligan, G.,and others. Men of the O. T.: Solomon to Jonah.) Farrar, F. W. (In his Minor prophets.) Amusements. Beecher, H, W. {In his Lec- tures to young men). Darby, J. L. The craze for amusement. (In Church and life of to-day.) Gladden, W. {In his Applied Christianity.) Moxom, P. {In his Aim of life.) Munger, T. T. {In his On the threshold.) Phelps, A. {In his My portfolio.) Strong, J., ed. {In Gospel of the kingdom, 1911.) Thomas, W. H. G. {In his Work of the ministry.) Anabaptists. See Baptists. Analogy of religion. Butler, J. Analyzed Bible. Morgan, G. C, ed. See Bible. Ananias. Milligan, G. (/» Men of the Bible: some lesser known characters. Milligan, G., and others.) Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Joseph and Mary to James, the Lord's brother.) Ancestor-worship. Jevons, F. B. {In his Introduction to the history of religion.) Ancren Riwle. Inge, W. R. {In hts Studies of English mystics.) Anderson, Charles Archibald. Jesus and Paul. Lond. Macm. 1909. Anderson, Christopher. Annals of the English Bible. Lond. Pickering. 1845. 2v. Anderson, Edward E. Gospel according to St. Matthew with notes. Edin. Clark. 1909. Anderson, Edward H. Brief history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City. Deseret news. 1905. Anderson, Galusha. Hitherto untold. N. Y. Cochrane. 1910. Anderson, K. C. The larger faith. Lond. Black. 1903. Anderson, Mrs. M. F. Baptists in Sweden. Phila. A. B. P. S. n.d. Anderson, Sir Robert. Bible and modern criti- cism. N. Y. Revell. 1903. Anderson, Robert Phillips. Successful boys' clubs. Bost. Christ. Endeav. C1911. Anderson, Wilbert Lee. The country town; with introduction by Josiah Strong. N. Y. Baker. 1906. lO Catalogue General Theological Library Andover. The Andover case. Summary of the arguments of the respondent professors, full text of the arguments of the complain- ants, with decision of the Board of visitors. 1887. Robbins, Mrs. Sarah Stuart. Old Andover days. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1908. Wellman and Lanphear. Question at issue in the Andover case. 1893. Christ church. Brooks, P. Consecration sermon, Christ church, Jan. 14, 1887. Andover Theological Seminary. Exercises, 200th anniversary of the birth of Jonathan Edwards. 1903. Andrew, 5/. Greenhough, J. G. Andrew. {In Men of the N. T.: Matthew to Timothy. Milligan, G., and others.) Greenhough, J. G. {In his Apostles of our Lord.) Andrew, John Albion, governor of Mass. Browne, A. G. Official life of John A. Andrew. 1868. Andrewes, Lancelot. Devotions; tr. from the Greek. Oxford. Parker. 1865. Sermons. {In Macleane, D., ed. Famous sermons.) 191 1. Macleane, D. Lancelot Andrewes and the reaction. 19 10. Andrews, Edward Gayer, bp. of the M. E. church. McConnell, F. J. Edward Gayer Andrews. CI909. Andrews, Elisha Benjamin, ed. Gospel from two Testaments; sermons on the Inter- national S. S. lessons for 1893. Providence. E. A. Johnson. 1892. Andrews, George Arthur. What is essential? N. Y. Crowell. 1910. Andrews, Herbert T. * Acts, with introduction and notes. N. Y. Revell. n. d. (Westm. N. T.) Andrews, John Nevins. History of the Sabbath. Battle Creek [Mich.]. Steam press. 1873. Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman. Perfect tribute. N. Y. Scribner. 1908. Andrews, Samuel James. Life of our Lord upon the earth. N. Y. Scribner. 1870. Man and the incarnation. N. Y. Putnam. 1905. Angela Merici, St. Parenty, A., abbe. Life of St. Angela Merici of Brescia. C1857. Angell, James Rowland. Chapters from modern psychology. N. Y. Longm. 1912. Angell, Norman. Great illusion. N. Y. Put- nam. 1911. Angels. Stockman, E. A. Footprints of angels in fields of revelation. 1890. Whately, R. View of the Scripture revela- tions respecting angels. 1856. Anglican church. See Church of England. Anglican orders. Halifax, C. L. W., 2d vis- count. Leo XIII and Anglican orders. 1912. Anglican pulpit of to-day. Anglicanism. Kinsman, F. J. Principles of Anglicanism. 1910. See also Church of England. Animal psychology. Evans, E. P. Evolu- tional ethics and animal psychology. 1898. Animals' rights. Marvin, F. R. Christ among the cattle: sermon. 5th ed. 1908. Salt, H. S. Animals' rights considered in relation to social progress. 1894. Animism. Clodd, E. Animism the seed of religion. (Religions anc. and mod.) Speer, R. E. {In his Light of the world.) Tiele, C. P. {In his Outlines of the hist, of religion.) Warneck, J. L. The living Christ and the dying heathenism; the experiences of a missionary in animistic heathendom; tr. by Neil Buchanan. [1909.] Anna, N. T. prophetess. Adeney, W. F. Anna — aged and hopeful. {In his Women of the N. T.) Annals of the American pulpit. 9v. Sprague. W. B. Anniversaries. Hillis, N. D. All the year round; an outlook upon its great days. CI912. Thoughts for the occasion, ed. by Franklin Noble and others. 1905-1907. 5v. See Thoughts for the occasion. See also Forefathers' day; Independence day; Memorial day; Patriots' day. Anselm, St. Cur Deus homo? Lond. Relig. tract soc. Church, R. W. St. Anselm. 1870. Hodges, G. {In his Saints and heroes.) Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Stephens, W. R. W. {In Stephens and Hunt. Hist, of the English church, vol. II.) Welch, A. C. Anselm and his work. 1901. Anstice, Henry. History of St. George's Church in the city of New York. 1752-1911. N. Y. Harper. 191 1. Ante-Nlcene Christian library. Roberts and Donaldson, eds. Ante-Nicene fathers. Roberts and Donaldson, eds. Anthems. Novello's collection of words of anthems. New and enl. ed. 1898, Anthony, St., the hermit. Newman, J. H. Antony in conflict; Antony in calm. {In his Historical sketches, vol. II.) Anthropology. Boas, F. Mind of primitive man, 1911. Huxley, T. H. Man's place in nature. 1909. See also Man. Antin, Mary. Promised land. Bost. Hough- ton. 1912. Antioch. Ramsay, W. M. {In his Cities of St. Paul.) Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. See Aurelius Antoninus. Antrim, Eugene Marion. Greatest things in religion; studies in some of the Christian fundamentals. Cine. Jennings. C1910. Anwyl, Edward. Celtic religion. Chi. Open court. (Religions anc. and mod.) Apjohn, Lewis. William Ewart Gladstone. Lond. Scott. 1890. Af>ocalyptic literature. See Bible. O. T. Pseudepigrapha. Apocrypha. See Bible. Apollonius of Tyana. Newman, J. H. Apol- lonius of Tyana. {In his Historical sketches, vol. I.) Catalogue General Theological Library II Apollos, companion of St. Paul. Howson, J. S. (In his Companions of St. Paul.) Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Stephen to Timothy.) Apologetics. Abbott, E. A. Through nature to Christ. 1877. Abbott, L. In aid of faith. 1886. Adam, J. D. Religion and the growing mind. CI912. Aiken, C. A. Christian apologetics. 1879. Antrim, E. M. Greatest things in religion. C1910. Barry, A. Manifold witness for Christ. 1880. (Boyle lect.) Beard, J. R. Manual of Christian evidence. 1868. Birks, T. R. Supernatural revelation. 1879. Bruce, A. B. Apologetics. 1892. — Chief end of revelation. Burr, E. F. Ad fidem; or, Parish evidences of the Bible. 1871. Bussell, F. W. Christian theology and social progress. 1907. (Bampt. lect.) Butler, H. M. The Christian ideal and the Christian hope. (In Cambridge theological essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Butler, J. Analogy of religion. 1896. Carpenter, W. B. Witness of the heart to Christ. 1878. (Hulsean lect.) Clarke, W. N. What shall we think of Chris- tianity? 1899. Craufurd, A. H. Christian instincts and modern doubt. 1897. Cunningham, W. The Christian standpoint. {In Cambridge theological essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Ebrard, J. H. A. Apologetics. 1886. ^v. Faith and free thought. 1876. (Chnstian evidence soc. lect.) Farrar, F. W. Witness of history to Christ. 1872. (Hulsean lect.) Figgis, J. N. Civilisation at the cross roads. 1912. (W. B. Noble lect.) Fisher, G. P. Essays on the supernatural origin of Christianity. 1886. — Faith and rationalism. 1879. — Grounds of theistic and Christian belief. 1883. Same. 1907. — Manual of Christian evidences. 1894. Fitchett, W. H. Unrealized logic of religion. (Fernley lect.) Footman, H. Reasonable apprehensions and reassuring hints. 1885. Foster, G. B. Finality of the Christian re- ligion. 1906. Foster, R. S. The supernatural book. 1889. (Studies in theology. III.) Gardner, P. Exploratio evangelica: a brief examination of the basis and origin of Chris- tian belief. 1899. Garvie, A. E. Christian certainty amid the modern perplexity. 191 1. — Christian life and belief; a description and defence of the gospel. 191 1. — Handbook of Christian apologetics. 1913. Godet, F. L. Lectures in defence of the Chris- tian faith. 1881. Hawley, J. S. Fearless Bible reading. 2d ed. 1901. Apologetic s — Co nt inued . Illingworth, J. R. Reason and revelation. 1906. Jefferson, C. E. Things fundamental; a course of thirteen discourses in modern apologetics. 1903. Kaftan, J. Truth of the Christian religion; tr. by G. Ferris. 1894. 2v. Knox, G. W. Direct and fundamental proofs of the Christian religion. 1903. (Yale lect.) Lidgett, J. S. Christian religion. 1907. Luthardt, C. E. Apologetic lectures. 1878. Lyttelton, Lord G. Ob^rvations on the con- version and apostleship of St. Paul in a letter to Gilbert West. 1799. McCosh, J. Christianity and positivism. 1871. Mcfadyen, D. Truth in religion: studies in the nature of Christian certainty. 191 1. Mair, A. Studies in the Christian evidences. 1889. Mallock, W. H. Reconstruction of religious belief. 1905. Manning, J. M. Half truths and the truth. 1872. Mathews, S. Gospel and the modern man. 1910. Momerie, A. W. Basis of religion. 1886. Pascal, B. Thoughts, letters and opuscules; tr. by O. W. Wight. 1880. Pierson, A. T. Many infallible proofs. C1886. Piatt, W. H. God out and man in. 1883. Quarry, J. Religious belief. 1889, (Don- nellan lect.) Rainsford, W. S. Reasonableness of the re- ligion of Jesus. 1913. Rainy, R., and others. Supernatural in Christianity. 1894. Randolph, A. M. Reason, faith and author- ity in Christianity. C1902. (Paddock lect.) Rice, W. N. Christian faith in an age of science. 1903. Rishell, C. W. Foundations of the Christian faith. 1899. (Libr. of bibl. and theol. lit. 9) Roberts, R. The high road to Christ: a popular essay in re-statement. 19 12. Row, C. A. Christian evidences. 1877. (Bamp. lect.) — Manual of Christian evidences. 1888. — Reasons for believing in Christianity. 1861. Rowland, E. H. The right to believe. 1909. Schultz, H. Outlines of Christian apologetics. 1905. Scott, E. F. Apologetic of the N. T. 1907. (C. t. 1.) Seeberg, R. Fundamental truths of the Christian religion. 1908. Smyth, N. Old faiths in new light. 2d ed. C1879, Snowden, J. H. Basal beliefs of Christianity. 1911. Stearns, L. F. Evidence of Christian experi- ence. 1890. (Ely lect.) Sterrett, J. M. The freedom of authority; essays in apologetics. 1905. Storrs, R. S. Divine origin of Christianity. C1884. 12 Catalogue General Theological Library Apologetics — Continued. Temple, W. The faith and modern thought. 1910. Terry, M. S. New apologetic. 1897. Tobey, A. Christianity from God. C1889. Townsend, L. T. Bible theology. 1883. — Credo. 1869. Turton, W. H., comp. Truth of Christian- ity. 1908. Tyler, C. M. Bases of religious belief. 1897. Van Dyke, H. J. Gospel for an age of doubt. 1896. (Yale lect.) Wright, G. F. Logic of Christian evidences. 1883. — Scientific aspects of Christian evidences. 1898. Young, J. R. Modern scepticism. 1865. See also Authority; Belief; Christianity and scepticism; Faith; Philosophy of religion; Religion and science ; Scepticism; Unbelief. Apologists. Cruttwell, C. T. {In his Literary history of early Christianity.) Donaldson, J. (In his History of Christian literature and doctrine, vols. II-IIL) Jackson, G. A. Apostolic fathers and the apologists of the second century. (Early Christian literature primers.) Kriiger, G. {In his History of early Christian literature.) See also Aristides; Athenagoras; Justin Martyr. Apostles. Jones, J. D. The glorious company of the apostles; studies in the characters of the twelve. [1912.] Luckock, H. M. Footprints of the apostles as traced by St. Luke in the Acts. 1897. 2V. Parker, J. Apostolic life as revealed in the Acts of the apostles. 1883. Renan, E. The apostles. 1875. See also Bible. N. T. Biography; also Indi- vidual biographies. Teaching. Drummond, R. J. Relation of the apostolic teaching to the teaching of Christ. 1900. (Kerr lect.) See also Teaching of the twelve apostles. Apostles' creed. Briggs, C. A. Fundamental Christian faith. 1913. Chambre, A. S. Sermons on the apostles' creed. C1898. Goodwin, H. Foundations of the creed. 1899. Harnack, A. Apostles' creed. 1901. Hopkins, A. Apostles' creed. 1902. McGiffert, A. C. Apostles' creed. 1902. Pearson, J. Exposition of the creed. 1821. 2 v. Stimson, H. A. Apostles' creed in the light of modern discussion. C1898. Swete, H. B. Apostles' creed. 1894. Westcott, B. F. The historic faith. 1883. Wheeler, H. Apostles' creed; an examina- tion of its history and an exposition of its contents. 19 12. Apostolic age. Bartlet, J. V. The apostolic age. 1899. (Ten epochs of church history.) Bunsen, C. C. J. von. Hippolytus and his age. 2d ed. 1854. 2 v. Burton, E. D. Records and letters of the apostolic age. nth ed. 1909. Apostolic age — Continued. Dobschutz, E. von. The apostolic age; tr? by F. L. Pogson. 19 10. Gilbert, G. H. A short history of Christian- ity in the apostolic age. 1906. (Con- structive Bible studies.) Lechler, G. V. Apostolic and post-apostolic times. 3d ed. Tr. by A. J. K. Davidson. 1886. 2V. Lightfoot, J. B. Dissertations on the apos- tolic age. 1892. Contents: I. The brethren of the Lord. — II. St. Paul and the three. — III. The Christian ministry. — IV. St. Paul and Seneca. — V. The Essenes. McGiffert, A. C. History of Christianity in the apostolic age. 1897. (Int. theol. libr.) Same. Revised ed. 1906. Pressense, E. D. de. Early years of Christian- ity; tr. by Annie Harwood. The apostolic era. 1870. Purves, G. T. Christianity in the af>ostoHc age. 1903. (Hist, series for Bible students.) Renan, E. Antichrist, including the period from the arrival of Paul in Rome to the end of the Jewish revolution; tr. and ed. by J. H. Allen. 1897. Ropes, J. H. Apostolic age in the light of modern criticism. 1906. Contents: I. Criticism and the apostolic age. — II. Earliest Christian missions. — III. Jewish Chris- tianity and its fate. — IV. The apostle Paul. — V. Paul's theology. — VI. Life in an apostolic church. — VII. The apostles and the gospels. — VIII. Prep- aration for Catholic Christianity. — IX. Ancient and modem study of the apostolic age. Vedder, H. C. Dawn of Christianity. 1894. (Christian culture courses.) Weizsacker, C. H. von. Apostolic age of the Christian church; tr. from the 2d rev. ed. by James Millar. 1894-95. 2 v. (Theol. transl. libr.) See also Church history. Apostolic canons. Harnack, A. Sources of the apostolic canons, with a treatise on the origin of the readership and other lower orders; tr. by L. A. Wheatley. 1895. Apostolic constitutions. Chase, I., ed. Work claiming to be the constitutions of the holy apostles, including the canons. 1868. Donaldson, J., ed. Constitutions of the holy apostles, with notes. {In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. VII.) Apostolic fathers. Cruttwell, C. T. {In his Literary history of early Christianity, vol. Donaldson, J. The apostolical fathers: a critical account of their genuine writings and of their doctrines. 1874. — The apostolical fathers. {In his Critical history of Christian literature and doctrine, vol. I.) Jackson, G. A. Apostolic fathers and the af>ologists of the second century. (Early Christian literature primers.) Kriiger, G. {In his History of early Christian literature.) Lightfoot, J. B. The apostolic fathers. Part II. S. Ignativs; S. Polycarp. Re- vised texts, with introductions, notes, dis- sertations, and translations. 1885. 3V. Catalogue General Theological Library 13 Apostolic fathers — Continued. Roberts, A., and Donaldson, J., eds. Writ- ings of the apostolic fathers; tr. by A. Roberts [and others]. {In Ante-Nicene Christian library, vol. I.) Contents: Epistles of Clement to the Corinthians. — Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians. — Martyr- dom of Polycarp. — Epistle of Barnabas. — Epistle of Ignatius. — Martyrdom of Ignatius. — Epistle to Diognetus. — Pastor of Hernias. — Fragments of Papias. Same. With brief notes and prefaces by A. C. Coxe. {In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. I.) Wake, W., ed. Genuine epistles of the apos- tolical fathers. 1850. Contents: Pt. I. Epistle of S. Clement to the Corinthians. — Epistle of S. Polycarp to the Philip- pians. — Epistles of S. Ignatius. — Martyrdom of S. Ignatius. — Martyrdom of S. Polycarp. Pt. II. Epistle of S. Barnabas. — Shepherd of Hermas. — Part of the Second epistle of S. Clement to the Corinthians. Yonge, C. M. The pupils of St. John the Divine, n. d. Apostolic succession. Gore, C. Church and the ministry. 1907. Haddan, A. W. Apostolical succession in the Church of England. 1870. Apparitions. Podmore, F. Apparitions and thought-transference. 1902. (Cont. sci- ence ser.) Appenzeller, Henry Gerhart. Griffis, W. E. A modern pioneer in Korea: Henry G. Appenzeller. C1912. Aquila. Howson, J. S. {In his Companions of St. Paul.) Arabia. Ponafidine, P. Life in the Moslem East. 191 1. Smith, W. R. Kinship and marriage in early Arabia. 1903. Zwemer, S. M. Arabia: the cradle of Islam; studies in the geography, people and pwli- tics of the peninsula, with an account of Islam and mission work. [1900.I Aniiquities. Hommel, F. Explorations in Arabia. {In Explorations in Bible lands during the nineteenth century. Hilprecht, H. v., ed.) Missions. See Missions. Arabic language. Bliss, F. J. Some charac- teristics of the common Arabic speech of Syria and Palestine. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Arber, Edward, ed. Story of the Pilgrim fathers, 1 606-1623; as told by themselves, their friends, and their enemies. Ed. from the original texts. Lond. Ward and Dow- ney. 1897. Arbiter in council, The. [Hirst, F. W.] Arbitration, Industri.\l. Gilman, N. P. Methods of industrial peace. 1904. Pigou, A. C. Principles and methods of in- dustrial peace. 1905. Arbitration, International. Bridgman, R. L., comp. First book of world law. 1911. Butler, N. M. The international mind; an argument for the judicial settlement of in- ternational disputes. 19 1 2. Arbitration, International — Continued. Foster, J. W. Arbitration and the Hague Court. CI904. [Hirst, F. W.] Arbiter in council. 1906. See also Hague International Peace Con- ference. ARCHiEOLOGY. ARCH«0L0GICAL RESEARCH. Astley, H. J. D. Prehistoric archaeology and the Old Testament. 1908. (Donnellan lect.) Hilprecht, H. V., and others. Explorations in Bible lands during the nineteenth century. 1903. — ed. Recent research in Bible lands. 1896. Hogarth, D. G. Authority and archaeology, sacred and profane. 1899. Mitchell, A. The past in the present. 1881. (Rhind lect. on archaeology.) Sayce, A. H. Archaeology of the cuneiform inscriptions. 1907. — Fresh light from the ancient monuments. 1890. See also Bible; Inscriptions; Names of coun- tries. Archer, T., and Kingsford, C. L. The crusades. N. Y. Putnam. C1894. (Story of the nations.) Archibald, Andrew Webster. Easter hope. Bost. Towne. CI909. Architecture. Parker, J. H. Concise glossary of terms used in architecture. 1866. Ruskin, J. Seven lamps of architecture. — Stones of Venice. 3v. See also Church architecture. Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, 8th duke of. Philosophy of belief. Lond. Murray. 1896. Primeval man. N. Y. Routledge. 1869. Reign of law. Lond. Strahan. 1867. Unity of nature. N. Y. Putnam. 1884. Arianism. Athanasius, St. Select treatises in controversy with the Arians; tr. with notes. iSd2. (Libr. of fathers of the Holy Catholic Church anterior to the division of the East and West.) Same. 1877. (Libr. of fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, etc.) Same. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d series, vol. IV.) Du Bose, W. P. {In his Ecumenical councils.) (Ten epochs of church history.) Gwatkin, H. M. Arian controversy. 1889. (Epochs of church history.) Newman, J. H. Arians of the fourth cen- tury. 1895. Aristides. Apology; tr. from the Greek and from the Syriac versions in parallel columns by D. M. Kay. (Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. IX.) Aristotle. Metaphysics. Lond. Bell. 1910. Nicomachaean ethics; tr. by J. E. C. Welldon. Lond. Macm. 1908. 2v. Organon, or logical treatises of Aristotle; tr. byO. F.Owen. Lond. Bell. 1908-10. 2v. Outlines of the philosophy of Aristotle, com- piled by E. Wallace. Ster. ed. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1898. (Pitt press ser.) Boutroux, E. E. M. {In his Hist, studies in philosophy.) Cushman, H. E. {In his Beginner's history of philosophy, vol. I.) 14 Catalogue General Theological Library Aristotle — Continued. Eucken, R. {In his Problem of human life.) Hegel, G. W. F. {In his Lectures on the hist, of philosophy, vol. II.) Hyde, W. D. Five great philosophies of life. 191 1. Hyslop, J. H. Ethics of the Greek philoso- phers, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. 1903. Rogers, R. A. P. {In his Short history of ethics, Greek and modern.) Taylor, H. O. {In his Mediaeval mind^ vol. I.) Wallace, E., ed. Outlines of the philosophy of Aristotle. 1898. Zeller, E. Aristotle and the earlier Peripa- tetics. 1897. 2V. Armenia. Arpee, L. Armenian awakening. 1909. Curtis, W. E. Around the Black sea. C1911. Greene, F. D. The rule of the Turk: a revised and enlarged edition of The Arme- nian crisis. 18th thous. 1896. Armenian Church. Arpee, L. Armenian awak- ening; a history of the Armenian church, 1820-1860. 1909. Ormanian, M. Church of Armenia; her history, doctrine, rule, discipline, liturgy, literature, and existing condition; tr. by G. M. Gregory. C1912. Armenian question. VVilson, S. G. Mariam, a romance of Persia. C1906. Anninius, Jacobus {Dutch, Jakob Hermanss), Dutch theologian. Works. Auburn, N. Y. 1853- 3v. Armitage, Thomas. History of the Baptists. N. Y. Bryan. 1887. Armstrong, George. Names and places in the Old Testament and the Apocrypha. Lond. P. E. F. 1887. Armstrong, George Dodd. Doctrine of bap- tisms. 2d ed. N. Y. Scribner. 1858. Armstrong, Richard Acland. Agnosticism and theism. Bost. A. U. A. 1907. Back to Jesus. Lond. Green. 1899. The Trinity and the Incarnation. Bost. A. U. A. 1904. Armstrong, Robert Cornell. Just before the dawn; the life and work of Ninomiya Sontoku. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Armstrong, Samuel Chapman. Talbot, E. A. Samuel Chapman Armstrong. 1904. Arnold's Sabbath school commentary. See Warner, D. S., ed. Arnold, Sir Edwin. Death — and afterwards. N. Y. A. B. C. 1897. Light of Asia. Bost. Roberts. 1880. Light of the world. N. Y. Fujik. 189 1. Arnold, Frederick. Turning points in life. N. Y. Harper. 1873. Arnold, Matthew. Culture and anarchy; Friendship's garland. N. Y. Macm. 1911. Essays in criticism. 3d series. Bost. Ball. 1910. God and the Bible. Bost. Osgood. 1876. Last essays on church and religion. {In his St. Paul and Protestantism.) As follows: I. A psychological parallel. — II. Bishop Butler and the Zeit-Geist. — III. The Church of England. — IV. A last word on the burials bill. Literature and dogma. N. Y. Macm. 1895. New poems. Bost. Ticknor. 1867. Arnold, Matthew — Continued. St. Paul and Protestantism. N. Y. Macm, 1883. Benson, A. C. Matthew Arnold. {In his Leaves of the tree.) Brooke, S. A. Matthew Arnold. {In his Four Victorian poets.) Cadman, S. P. {In his Charles Darwin and other English thinkers.) Gunsaulus, F. W. {In his Higher ministries of recent English pxjetry.) Hutton, R. H. Matthew Arnold. {In his Essays, etc.) Arnold, Thomas. Manual of English literature. Bost. Ginn. 1876. Arnold, Thomas, lieadmaster of Rugby. Sermons. Lond. Fellowes. 1844. 3 v. Martineau, J. {In his Miscellanies.) Mozley, J. B. {In his Essays, vol. II.) Stanley, A. P. Life of Thomas Arnold. 1862. 2V. Arnold, Thomas Walker. Preaching of Islam. Westm. [Engl.] Constable. 1896. Amold-Forster, H. O. See Forster. Arpee, Leon. Armenian awakening; hist, of the Armenian church. 1 820-1 860. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. Arrhenlus, Svante August. Life of the universe as conceived by man. Lond. Harper. 1909. 2V. Worlds in the making. N. Y. Harper. 1908. Arrighi, Antonio Andrea. Story of Antonio, the galley-slave. N. Y. Revell. CI911. Art. Jameson, Mrs. A. B. (M.) Sacred and legendary art. 1895. 2 v. Ruskin, J. [Works.] 26v. See Author entry. See also Christian art and symbolism; Religious art. Art of life series. Barnes, E. Where knowledge fails. 1907. Higginson, T. W. Things worth while. 1908. Hyde, W. D. Self-measurement. 1908. Ross, E. A. Latter-day sinners and saints. 1910. Brent, C. H. Sixth sense. 191 1. Dole, C. F. Burden of poverty. 1912. Art of right living. Richards, E. H. (S.) Arthur, legendary king of Britain. Malory, Sir T. La mort d'Arthure; ed. by T. Wright. 1865. 3v. Arthur, William. Etymological dictionary of family and Christian names. N. Y. Shel- don. 1857. Tongue of fire. N. Y. Harper. 1893. Articles, Thirty-nine. See Church of England. Aryans. See Sacred books of the East. Miiller, F. M., ed. and transl. Pressense, E. D., de. {In his Ancient world and Christianity, books II-III.) Asa, king of Judah. Rowland, A. {In Milli- gan, G., and others. Men of the Bible.) Asbury, Francis. Heart of Asbury's journal; ed. by E. S. Tipple. N. Y. Eaton. C1904. Strickland, W. P. The pioneer bishop; life and times of Francis Asbury. 1858. Asceticism. Black, H. Culture and restraint. 1901. Ascetics. Petrie, W. M. F. Personal religion in Egypt before Christianity. 1909. Catalogue General Theological Library 15 Ash Wednesday. Brooks, P. Ash Wednesday. {In his Sermons for festivals and fasts of the church year.) Ashenhurst, James Oliver. Day of the coun- try church. N. Y. Funk. 1910. Ashwell, Arthur Rawson, and Wilberforce, Reginald Garten. Life of Samuel Wilber- force. N. Y. Dutton. 1883. Askwith, Edward Harrison. Christian concep- tion of holiness. Lond. Macm. 1900. Sin and the need of atonement. Lond. Macm. 1905- Assoc. Charities of Boston. Directory. 1907. Host. Old Corner Bookstore. 1907. Association for International Conciliation. American Branch. Publications. 1907-. N. Y. Amer. Branch, A. I. C. 1907-. Assyria. Hilprecht, H. V. Resurrection of Assyria and Babylonia. {In Explorations in Bible lands during the nineteenth cen- tury. Hilprecht, H. V., ed.) Pinches, T. G. Old Testament in the light of the historical records and legends of Assyria and Babylonia. 1902. Smith, G. Assyrian discoveries. 1875. History. Goodspeed, G. S. History of the Babylonians and Assyrians. 1902. Johns, C. H. W. Ancient Assyria. 1912. Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Assyria to the fall of Nineveh. 1887. (Story of the nations.) Rogers, R. W. History of Babylonia and Assyria. 1 901. 2 v. Sayce, A. H. Early Israel and the surround- mg nations. 1899. Winckler, H. History of Babylonia and Assyria. 1907. Religion. Jastrow, M. Religious belief and practice in Babylonia and Assyria. 1911. (Amer. lectures on the hist, of religions.) — Religion of Babylonia and Assyria. 1898. (Hdbks. on history of religions.) Pinches, T. G. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria. (Religions anc. and mod.) Rogers, R. W. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria. 1908. Astley, Hugh John Dukinfield. Prehistoric archaeology and the Old Testament. Edin. Clark. 1908. Aston, William George. Shinto, the ancient religion of Japan. Chi. Open court. (Religions anc. and mod.) Shinto, the way of the gods. Lond. Longm. 1905- Astrology. Cumont, F. V. M. Astrology and religion among the Greeks and Romans. 1912. (Amer. lect. on the hist, of re- ligions.) Proctor, R. A. {In his Our place among in- finities.) Astronomy. Hamilton, J. Our own and other worlds. Jennings, A. G. The earth and the world. CI909. Lord, J. Ancient scientific knowledge. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 3.) Lowell, P. Mars as the abode of life. 1908. Astronomy — Continued. Macpherson, H. Romance of modern as- tronomy. 191 1. Maunder, E. W. Astronomy of the Bible. Proctor, R. A. Our place among infinities. 1876. Schiaparelli, G. Astronomy in the Old Tes- tament. Wallace, A. R. Is Mars habitable? 1907. Warren, H. W. Recreations in astronomy. [1879.] See also Plurality of worlds. Athanasian creed. Brewer, J. S. Athanasian origin of the Athanasian creed. 1872. Ffoulkes, E. S. Athanasian creed: by whom written and by whom published. 1872. Headlam, A. C. The Athanasian creed. {In his History, authority and theology.) Maccoll, M. " Damnatory clauses " of the Athanasian creed explained. 1872. Athanasius, St. Historical tracts; tr. with notes. 1843. (Libr. of fathers of the Holy Catholic Church anterior to the division of the East and West.) Historical tracts; Festal epistles; Select treatises. 2 v. 1873-77. (L>br. of fathers of the Holy Catholic Church anterior to the division of the East and West.) Select treatises in controversy with the Arians ; tr., with notes. i8a2. (Libr. of fathers of the Holy Catholic Church anterior to the division of the E^st and West.) Select works and letters. 1892. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d series, vol. IV.) Hodges, G. Athanasius. {In his Saints and heroes.) Hough, L. H. Athanasius the hero. CI906. Walker, W. Athanasius. {In his Great men of the Christian church.) Atheism. Flint, R. {In his Anti-theistic theo- ries.) (Baird lect.) Mtiller, F. M. {In his Lectures on the origin and growth of religion.) Parker, T. Sermons of theism, atheism and the popular theology. 1853. Quin, M. {In his Catholicism and the modern mind.) Rishell, C. W. {In his Foundations of the Christian faith.) Athenagoras. Plea for the Christians; Resur- rection of the dead; tr. by B. P. Pratten. (Ante-Nicene Christian library, vol. II.) Same. (Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. II.) Atonement. Adams, W. H. Seven words from the cross. Ballou, H. Treatise on the atonement. 1852. Beeching, H. C, and Nairne, A. Bible doc- trine of atonement. 1907. Beibitz, J. H. Gloria crucis. 1908. Bowne, B. P. Atonement. CI900. Brown, C. Lessons from the cross. 1909. Burton, E. D., and others. Biblical ideas of atonement. 1909. Bushnell, H. Forgiveness and law. 1874. — God in Christ. 1849. — Vicarious sacrifice. 1866. Caird, J. Fundamental ideas of Christianity. 1899. 2v. (Gifford lect.) Campbell, J. M. Nature of the atonement. 1873. i6 Catalogue General Theological Library Atonement — Con t i nued. Campbell, R. J. The atonement, (/n his New theology.) — and others. Atonement in modern religious symposium. 1901. R. Living atonement. CI910, Cross in Christian experience. The atonement. 1875. doctrine. 189 1. Atonement and the modern thought; a Champion, J. Clow, W. M. Dale, R. W. — Christian Denney, J. Ways of the spirit. 1877. D. Eternal atonement. 1888. The atonement. C1867. W. Men who crucify Christ. mind. 1903. Dinsmore, C. A. Atonement in literature and life. 1905. Forsyth, P. T. Cruciality of the cross. 1909. Work of Christ. Gore, C. New theology and the old religion. 1907. Grotius, H. Defence of the Catholic faith concerning the satisfaction of Christ. 1889. Hall, C. C. Gospel of the divine sacrifice. 1896. Hedge, F. H. Hitchcock, R. Hodge, A. A. Ingram, A. F. CI 896. Johnson, F., and others. The atonement. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Lidgett, J. S. Spiritual principle of the atone- ment. 1898. Lyttelton, A. The atonement. (/» Lux mundi. Gore, C, ed.) Mabie, H. C. Divine reason of the cross. 1911. — How does the death of Christ save us? 1908. — Meaning and message of the cross. C1896. McKinstry, L. C. Redemption by the blood of Christ. 1887. Moberly, R. C. Atonement and f>ersonality. 1901. Moberly, W. H. The atonement. {In Foundations; by seven Oxford men.) Moody, D. L. Fulness of the gosp>el. CI908. Morgan, G. C. Bible and the cross. CI909. Nash, H. S. The atoning life. 1908. New, C. Sermons preached in Robertson St. chapel, Hastings. 1881. Orr, J. Sidelights on Christian doctrine. 1909. Oxenham, H. N. Catholic doctrine of the atonement. 3d ed. 1881. Park, E. A. Prominence of the atonement. (7n Aw Discourses.) 1885. Sabatier, A. Doctrine of the atonement. 1904. Smith, G. B. Biblical ideas of atonement. 1909. Smith, J. M. P. Biblical ideas of atonement. 1909. Stalker, J. The atonement. 1909. Temple, W. Faith and modern thought. 1910. Terry, M. S. Mediation of Jesus Christ. 1903. Van Dyke, H. J. Gospel for a world of sin. CI 899. Walker, W. L. The cross and the kingdom as viewed by Christ himself and in the light of evolution. 1902. — Gospel of reconciliation. 1909. Atonement — Continued. Warschauer, J. New evangel. 1907. Wilson, J. M. Gospel of the atonement. 1899. Workman, G. C. At onement. C1911. See also Bible; Theology; Jesus Christ. Atwood, Isaac Morgan. Revelation. Bost. Universalist pub. house. 1889. (Manuals of faith and duty. HI.) and others. Latest word of Universalism: thirteen essays. Bost. Universalist pub. house. 1878. Augsburg confession. Krauth, C. P. The confession of Augsburg. {In his The conservative reformation and its theology.) See also Lutheran church. Augsburg songs for Sunday schools, and other services. Phila. Luth. publ. soc. C1855. Same. 2v. in i. 2v. Augustine, St. Anti-Pelagian works; tr. by P. Holmes. Edin. Clark. 1872. (Works, ed. by J. Dods, vol. IV.) City of God. Edin. Clark. 1872. 2v. (Works, ed. by J. Dods, vols. I-II.) [Complete works.] Buffalo. Christ, lit. co. 1886-88. 8v. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, first series, vols. I-VIII. SchaflF, P., ed.) Contents: Vol. I. Prolegomena; Confessions; Let- ters. — Vol. II. City of God; Christian doctrine. — Vol. III. On the Trinity; Doctrinal treatises; Moral treatises. — Vol. IV. Writings against the Manichaeans and against the Donatists. — Vol. V. Anti-Pelagian writings. — Vol. VI. Sermon on the Mount; Harmony of the gospels; Homilies on the gosf)el. — Vol. VII. Gosjjel of John; First epistle of John; Soliloquies. — Vol. VIII. Expositions on the Psalms. Confessions. Bost. Peabody. 1843. Confessions. Oxford. Parker. 1843. (Li- brary of fathers, etc.) Donatist controversy. Edin. Clark. 1872. (Works, ed. by J. Dods, vol. III.) Enchiridion. Lond. Rel. tract soc. (Chris- tian classics ser.) Carter, J. B. Augustine and the city of God: the struggle of pagan and Christian thought. {In his Religious life of ancient Rome.) Cunningham, W. St. Austin and his place in the history of Christian thought. 1886. Harnack, A. Confessions of St. Augustine. ( In his Monasticism, etc.) (C. t. 1.) Hodges, G. St. Augustine. {In his Saints and heroes.) McCabe, J. St. Augustine and his age. 1903. McGiffert, A. C. St. Augustine as a prophet. {In Abbott, L., and others. Prophets of the Christian faith.) Merivale, C. St. Augustine: some lessons from his life and teaching. {In his Four lect. on early church history.) Newman, J. H. Augustine and the Vandals; Conversion of Augustine. {In his Hist. sketches, vol, II.) Osmun, G. W. Augustine the thinker. CI906. Schaff, P. St. Chrysostom and St. Augustin. 1891. Walker, W. Augustine. {In his Great men of the Christian church.) Watson, J. Augustine's phases of faith; Augustine's theology. {In his Philosophical basis of religion.) Catalogue General Theological Library 17 Augustine, St. — Continued. Workman, H. B. (In his Christian thought to the reformation.) Augustine of Canterbury, St. Maclear, G. F. St. Augustine of Canterbury. {In his Apostles of mediaeval Europe.) Vedder, H. C. Augustine: Christianity in Angle-land. {In his Christian epoch- makers.) Walsh, W. P. St. Augustine in England. {In his Heroes of the mission fields.) Augustinus Aurelius, St., bp. of Hippo. See Augustine, St. Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus, Roman emperor. Meditations; tr. by G. Long. N. Y. Burt. Farrar, F. W. Marcus Aurelius. {In his Seekers after God.) Lord, J. Marcus Aurelius. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 4.) Watson, P. B. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. 1884. Auricular confession. See Confession. Austin, George Lowell. History of Massa- chusetts. Bost. Estes. 1876. Austria. Politics and government. Colquhoun, A. R., and Colquhoun, E. {Mrs. A. R. Colquhoun). The whirlpool of Europe, Austria-Hungary and the Hapsburgs. 1907. Authenticity of the gospels. By a layman. Chi. Chandler. 1867. Authority. Forrest, D. W. Authority of Christ. 1906. Forsyth, P. T. Principle of authority in re- lation to certainty, sanctity and society. U9I3-1 Garvie, A. E. Christian certainty amid the modern perplexity. 1910. Grubb, E. Authority and the light within. 1908. Hall, F. J. Authority, ecclesiastical and bibli- cal. 1908. Hogarth, D. G. Authority and archaeology, sacred and profane. 1899. Illingworth, J. R. Divine transcendence, and its reflection in religious authority. 1911. Kidner, R. Authority in religion. Leckie, J. H. Authority in religion. 1909. Martineau, J. Seat of authority in religion. 2d ed. 1890. Mullins, E. Y. Freedom and authority in religion. 1913. Rawlinson, A. E. J. The principle of author- ity. {In Foundations; by seven Oxford men.) Sabatier, L. A. Religions of authority and the religion of the spirit. 1904. St. John, C. E. Authority in religion. {In his Religion of the dawn.) Slattery, C. L. Authority of religious ex- perience. 1912. (Paddock lect.) Autobiography of an individualist. Fagan, J.O. Autocrat of the breakfast table. Holmes, O. W. AvESTA, sacred books of the Parsis. Muller, F. M., tr. {In his Sacred books of the East, vols. IV, xxin.) Axioms of religion. Mullins, E. Y. Ayer, Joseph Cullen. Rise and development of Christian architecture. Mil. Young churchm. 1902. Aylmer, John, bp. of London. Strype, J. Hist. coll. of the life and acts of John Aylmer. 1821. Ayres, Samuel Gardiner. Jesus Christ our Lord; English bibliography of Christology. N. Y. Armstrong. 1906. Bab. See Bahaism. Babbs, Arthur Vergil, law of the tithe as set . forth in the Old Testament. N. Y. Revell. CI912. Babcock, Maltbie Davenport. Hymns and car- ols. N. Y. Novello. C1903. Thoughts for every-day living. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1904. Robinson, C. E. Maltbie Davenport Babcock. CI 904. Stone, j. T. Footsteps in a parish. 1908. Babel and Bible. Delitzsch, F. Babism. See Bahaism. Babylonia. Farnell, L. R. Greece and Baby- Ion. 191 1. Hilprecht, H. V. Resurrection of Assyria and Babylonia. {In Explorations in Bible lands during the nineteenth century. Hil- precht. H. v., ed.) See also Assyria; Bible. Description and travel, Newman, J. P. Thrones and palaces of Baby- lon and Nineveh from sea to sea; a thousand miles on horseback. 1876. History. Goodspeed, G. S. History of the Babylonians and Assyrians. 1902, (Hist. ser. for Bible students, VI.) Myres, J. L. Dawn of history in Babylonia. {In his Dawn of history.) Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Media, Babylon and Persia. 1888. Rawlinson, G. Egypt and Babylon from sacred and profane sources. 1885. Rogers, R. W. History of Babylonia and Assyria. 1901. 2v. Sayce, A. H. Elarly Israel and the surround- ing nations. 1899. Winckler, H. History of Babylonia and Assyria. 1907. See also Bible. O. T. Archaeology. See Hammurabi. Laws. Religion. Jastrow, M. Aspects of religious belief and practice in Babylonia and Assyria. 191 1. (Amer. lectures on the history of religions.) — Religion of Babylonia and Assyria. 1908. (Hdbks. on hist, of religions.) Langdon, S. H. Babylonian eschatology. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Griggs.) .... Pfleiderer, O. {In his Religion and historic faiths.) Pinches, T. G. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria. (Religions anc. and mod.) i8 Catalogue General Theological Library Ba bylonia. Religion — Continued. Rogers, R. W. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, especially in its relations to Israel. 1908. Sayce, A. H. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Babylonians. 1887. (Hibbert lect.) — Religions of ancient Egypt and Babylonia. 1902. (Gifford lect.) Baccalaureate sermons. Buckham, M. H. The very elect; baccalaureate sermons and occasional addresses. C1912. Capen, E. H. College and the higher life. 1905. Peabody, A. P. Baccalaureate sermons. C1885. Thwing, C. F. A liberal education and a liberal faith. C1903. Bachmann, P. The new message in the teaching of Jesus. CI907. " Back to Jesus." Armstrong, R. A. Background of the gospels. Fairweather, W. Backus, Isaac. History of New England with particular reference to the denomination of Christians called Baptists. Newton. Backus Hist. Soc. 1871. 2v. Backwoods preacher. Cartwright, P. Bacon, Alice Mabel. Japanese girls and women. Bost. Houghton. C1902. Bacon, Benjamin Wisner. Beginnings of the gospel story; inquiry into the sources and structure of the gospel according to St. Mark; with notes. 1909. Commentary on Galatians. N. Y. Macm. 1909. (Bible for home and school.) Founding of the Church. Bost. Houghton. 1909. Fourth gospel in research and debate. N. Y. Moffat. 1910. Genesis of Genesis. Hartford. Stud. pub. CO. CI 893. Introduction to the New Testament. N. Y. Macm. 1900. The Jesus of history and the Christ of religion. {In Jesus or Christ? Hibb. jour, suppl.) Jesus the Son of God; or, Primitive Christol- ogy. N. H. Yale Univ. 1911. Sermon on the Mount; its literary structure and didactic purpose. N. Y. Macm. 1902. Story of St. Paul. Bost. Houghton. 1904. Triple tradition of the Exodus. Hartford. Student pub. co. 1894. Bacon, D. Francis. Lives of the apostles of Jesus Christ. N. Y. Baker. 1846. Bacon, Dolores. Old New England churches and their children. N. Y. Doubleday. 1906. Bacon Francis, baron Verulam, viscount St. Albans, English jurist and philosopher. Moral and historical works, including his Essays and Life of Henry the Seventh. Lond. Bohn. 1852. Works, ed. by J. Spedding [and others]. Bost. Taggard. 1864. 15V. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history. Vol. 3.) Macaulay, T. B. {In his Essays, vol. II.) Bacon is Shake-speare. Lawrence, E. D. Bacon, George B. Sabbath question: sermons. N. Y. Scribner. 1868. Bacon, Leonard. Genesis of the New England churches. N. Y. Harper. 1874. Walker, W. {In his Ten New England leaders.) Bacon, Leonard Woolsey. Congregationalists. N. Y. Baker. 1904. History of American Christianity. N. Y. Christ, lit. co. 1897. (Amer. church hist., vol. XIII.) Sabbath question. N. Y. Putnam. 1882. Bacon, Roger, English Franciscan and philos- opher. Taylor, H. O. {In his Medieval mind* vol. 2.) Bacteria in relation to country life. Lipman, J. G. Baden-Powell, Sir Robert Stephenson Sm3rth. Boy scouts of America. See Seton, E. T. Bagehot, Walter. Works; ed. by F. Morgan. Hartford. 1891. 5 v. Bahaism. Abbas, son of Baha 'U'llah. Mys- terious forces of civilization. Put into English by Johanna Dawud. 1910. Chase, T. Bahai revelation. 1909. Dreyfus, H. Universal religion: Bahaism. 1909. Husain 'Ali Nur, Mirza, called Baha 'U'llah. Book of Ighan. Tr. by Ali Kuli Khan assisted by Howard MacNutt. 1907. Phelps, M. T. Life and teachings of Abbas Effendi; a study of the religion of the Babis or Beha'is. With an introduction by E. G. Browne. 1903. Ross, E. D. Babism. {In Giles, H. A., and others. Great religions of the world.) Speer, R. E. {In his Missions and modern history.) Skrine, F. H. B. Bahaism and its place in the evolution of the creeds. Lond. Longm. 1912. Bailey, Cyril. Religion of ancient Rome. Chi. Open court. (Religions anc. and mod.) Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Country-life movement in the U.S. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. The state and the farmer. 2d ed. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. ed. Report of the commission on country life; with an introduction by Theodore Roose- velt. N. Y. Sturgis. 1911. Bain, Alexander. Mind and body; the theories of their relation. N. Y. Appleton. 1874. (Int. sci. ser.) Bainbridge, William F. Along the lines at the front: general survey of missions. Phila. A. B. P. S. C1882. Baird, Annie L. A. Daybreak in Korea. N. Y. Y. P. M. M. C1909. Baird, Charles Washington. History of the Huguenot emigration to America. N. Y. Dodd. C1885. 2v. Baird, Henry Martyn. History of the rise of the Huguenots of France. N. Y. Scribner. 1896. 2V. Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. N. Y. ^ribner. 1896. 2 v. Huguenots and the revocation of the edict of Nantes. N. Y. Scribner. 1895. 2 v. Theodore Beza, the counsellor of the French reformation, 1519-1605. N. Y. Putnam. 1899. Baird, Robert. Sketches of Protestantism in Italy. Bost. Perkins. 1845. Catalogue General Theological Library 19 Baird, Samuel John. Bible history of baptism. Phila. Baird. 1882. Baird, Samuel John, ed. Collection of the acts, deliverances and testimonies of the supreme judicatory of the Presbyterian church from its origin in America to the present time. Phila. Presb. bd. of pub. C1855. Baird lectures. 1878. Flint, R. Theism. 1889. Flint, R. Anti-theistic theories. Baker, James Franklin Bethune. Nestorius and his teaching. Camb. Univ. press. 1908. Baker, Ray Stannard. Conservation of na- tional ideals. See Walls, Mrs. D. B., and others. Following the color line; an account of negro citizenship in the American democracy. N. Y. Doubleday. 1908. Spiritual unrest. N. Y. Stokes. CI910. Bakewell, Charles Montague. Source book in ancient philosophy. N. Y. Scribner. 1909. Balaam, 0. T. character. Gibbon, J. M. {In Milligan, G., and others. Men of the O. T.: Cain to David.) Matheson, G. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Ishmael to Daniel.) Walpole, G. H. S. {In his Personality and power.) Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Adam to Achan.) Balch, Emily Greene. Our Slavic fellow citizens. N. Y. Charities. 1910. Baldwin, George Colfax. Model prayer. Bost. Lee. 1 87 1. Baldwin, James Mark. Mental development in the child and the race. 2d ed. N. Y. Macm. 1900. Thought and things; a study of the develop- ment and meaning of thought or genetic logic. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1908. 3V. Baldwin, Stephen Livingstone. Foreign missions of the Protestant churches. N. Y. Eaton. CI 900. Baldwin, William Henry, Jr. Brooks, J. G. An American citizen. 1910. Nutter, G. R. {In Sons of the Puritans.) Baldwin lectures. 1890. Thompson, H. M. World and the man. 1900. Prall, W. The state and the church. 1909. Wenley, R. M. Modern thought and the crisis in belief. Balfour, Arthur James. Foundations of belief. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1895. Balfour lectures. 1893. Seth, A. Hegelianism and personality. Ball, Charles James. Prophecies of Jeremiah. N. Y. Armstrong. 1890. 2 v. (Exposi- tor's Bible.) ed. Variorum Apocrypha. See Bible. O. T. Apocrypha. Ball, Sidney Moral aspects of socialism. {In Socialism and individualism. Webb, S., and others.) Ball, William Edmimd Bimting. St. Paul and the Roman law, and other studies on the origin of the form of doctrine. Edin. Clark. 1 90 1. Ballard, Frank. Miracles of unbelief. Edin. Clark. 1900. Ballard, Frank — Continued. Non-church going. See Gray, W. F., ed. The true God; modern summary of the rela- tions of theism to naturalism, monism, pluralism and pantheism. N. Y. E^ton. n. d. Why does not God intervene? N. Y. Hod- den [1912.] Ballard, Gavton. Gayton Ballard. 1821-1904. Balleine, George Reginald. History of the Evangelical party in the Church of England. Lond. Longm. 1908. Ballou, Adin. Autobiography. Lowell. Thompson. 1896. History of the Hopedale community. Lowell. Thompson. 1897. Primitive Christianity and its corruptions. Bost. Universalist pub. house. 1870. 3V. Adin Ballou. {In Eliot, S. A., ed. Heralds of a liberal faith, vol. II.) Ballou, Hosea. Treatise on atonement. Bost. Tompkins. 1852. Adams, J. C. Hosea Ballou and the gospel renaissance of the nineteenth century. 1903. — Hosea Ballou and the larger hope. {In Pioneers of religious liberty in America.) (Great and Thursday lect.) Ballou, H. S. Hosea Ballou, first president of Tufts College: his life and letters. 1896. Safford, O. F. Hosea Ballou. 1889. Ballou, Hosea Starr. Hosea Ballou, first president of Tufts College; his life and letters. Bost. Guild. 1896. Ballou, Maturin Murray. Genius in sunshine and shadow. Bost. Ticknor. 1887. Notable thoughts about women. Bost. Houghton. 1882. Balmforth, Ramsden. Ethical and religious value of the novel. Lond. Allen. 19 12. Balzani, Ugo. Popes and the Hohenstaufen. Lond. Longm. 1889. (Epochs of church history.) Bampton lectures. 1784. White, J. Mahometanism and Chris- tianity contrasted. 1786. Croft, G. Use and abuse of reason. 1787. Hawkins, W. On Scripture mysteries. 1804. Laurence, R. Attempt to illustrate, etc. 1805. Nares, E. View of the evidences of Christianity, etc. 1809. Carwithen, I. B. S. View of the Brahm. religion. 1812. Mant, R. Appeal to the gospel. 1814. Van Mildert, W. Principles of Script. interpr. 1815. Heber, R. Personality of the Chris- tian Comforter. 1822. Whately, R. Use and abuse of party feeling. 1824. Conyb^re, J. J. Attempt to trace the limits, etc. 1829. Burton, E. Heresies of the apostolic age. 1832. Hampden, R. D. Scholastic philoso- phy considered. 1840. Hawkins, E. Means of attaining I Christian truth. 1842. Garbett, J. Christ as prophet, priest and king. 20 Catalogue General Theological Library Bampton 1845. 1851. 1852. 1855. 1858. 1859- i860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870, 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878, 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893- 1894. 1897. 1901. 1903. lectures — Continued. Heurtley, C. Justification. Wilson, H. B. Communion of saints. Riddle, J, E. Natural hist, of infi- delity. Bode, J. E. Absence of precision, etc. Mansel, H. L. Limits of religious thought. Rawlinson, G. Truth of the Scripture records. Hessey, J. A. Sunday. Sandford, J. Mission and extension of the church. Farrar, A. S. History of free thought. Hannah, J. Divine and human ele- ments in Script. Bernard, T. D. Progress of doctrine. Mozley, J. B. Miracles. Liddon, H. P. Divinity of our Lord. Garbett, E. The dogmatic faith. Moberly, G. Administration of the Holy Spirit. Smith, R. P. for Christ. Irons, W. J. by S. Paul. Curteis, G. H. Prophecy a preparation Christianity as taught Dissent in its relation to the Church of England. Eaton, J. R. T. Permanence of Chris- tianity. Smith, L G. Characteristics of Chris- tian morality. Leathes, S. Religion of Christ. Jackson, W. Doctrine of retribution. Alexander, W. Witness of the Psalms to Christ. Row, C. A. Christian evidences. Wright, C. H. H. Zechariah and his prophecies. Wace, H. Foundations of faith. Hatch, E. Organization of the early Christian churches. Wordsworth, J. The one religion. Medd, P. G. The one Mediator. Fremantle, W. H. World as the sub- ject of redemption. Temple, F. Relations between religion and science. Farrar, F. W. History of interpreta- tion. Bigg, C. Christian Platonists of Alex- andria. Carpenter, W. B. Permanent ele- ments of religion. Bartlett, R. E. The letter and the Spirit. Cheyne, T, K. Origin and religious contents of the Psalter. Watkins, H. W. Modern criticism in relation to the fourth gospel. Gore, C. Incarnation of the Son of God. Barry, A. Some lights of science on the faith. Sanday, W. Inspiration. Illingworth, J. R. Personality, human and divine. Ottley, R. L. Aspects of the O. T. Robertson, A. Regnum Dei; lect. on the Kingdom of God. Hutton, W. H. Lives and legends of the English saints. 1907. 1909. 1911. N. Y. Y. Funk. 191 1. Doctrine of bap- Bampton lectures — Continued. 1905. Bussell, F. W. Christian theology and social progress. Peile, J. H. F. Reproach of the gospel. Hobhouse, W. The church and the world. Skrine, J. H. Creed and the creeds. Bancroft, George. History of the United States from the discovery of the American conti- nent. 5th-2isted. Bost. Little. 1864- 74. Vols. I-X. Memorial address on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln. Wash. 1866. Bancroft, Jane M. Deaconesses in Europe. N. Y. Hunt. 1890. Banfield, Frank. John Wesley. Lond. K. Paul. 1900. (Westm. biographies.) Banks and banking. WolflF, H. W. People's banks; a record of social and economic success. 3d ed. 1910. Banks, Louis Albert. Honeycombs of life. Bost. Lee. 1894. Paul and his friends. N. Y. Funk. 1898. People's Christ. Bost. Lee. 1892. Problems of youth. N. Y. Funk. 1909. Sermon stories for boys and girls. Funk. 1897. Sunday-night evangel. N. Baptism. Armstrong, G. D. tisms. 2d ed. 1858. Baird, S. J. Bible history of baptism. 1882. Barrows, W. The church and her children. C1875. Beecher, E. Baptism with reference to its import and modes. 1849. Burrage, H. S, Act of baptism, n. d. Cheetham, S. (In his Mysteries, Pagan and Christian.) (Hulsean lect.) Coleridge, S. T. (/« his Aids to reflection.) Dale, J. W. Classic baptism. 1868. — Inquiry into the usage of baptizo and the nature of Christie and patristic baptism. 1874- — Inquiry into the usage of baptizo and the nature of Johannic baptism. C1871. — Inquiry into the usage of baptizo and the nature of Judaic baptism. 1870. Ford, D. B. Studies on the baptismal ques- tion. 1879. Gallaher, T. A short method with the dip- ping Anti-pedobaptists, in three parts: I. What is baptism? II. Who are the proper subjects of baptism? III. Per- versions of fact and history; with ap- pendices. 1878. Goode, W. Doctrine of the Church of Eng- land as to the effects of baptism in the case of infants. 1850. Compend of baptism. 1882. Mode of Christian baptism. Hamilton, W. Hutchings, S. C1874. King, H. M. 1897. Mayes, R. B. Moon, J. H. Baptism of Roger Williams. The Tecnobaptist. 1857. Why Friends (Quakers) do not baptize with water. 1909. Newman, A. H. History of anti-pedobaptism from the rise of pedobaptism to a.d. 1609. 1897- Noel, B. W. Essay on Christian baptism. 1850. Catalogue General Theological Library 21 Baptism — Continued. Robertson, F. W. Baptism. {In his Sermons, vol. I.) Stearns, J. G. D. Meaning and power of bap- tism. 1877. Wall, W. History of infant baptism. 4th ed. 1819. 3v. Wilkinson, W. C. Baptist principle in ap- plication to baptism and the Lord's supper. C1897. Woods, L. Lectures on infant baptism. 2d ed. 1829. Worcester, S. Two discourses on the per- petuity and provision of God's gracious covenant with Abraham and his seed. 2d ed. 1807. — Serious and candid letters to the Rev. T. Baldwin on his book entitled " The baptism of believers only." 1807. Baptist beliefs. MuUins, E. Y. Baptist biography. See Sprague, W. B. An- nals of the American pulpit, vol. 6. See also single biographies. Baptist church polity. Dargan, E. C. Ec- clesiology. 1905. Baptist creeds and confessions. McGloth- lin, W. J. Baptist confessions of faith. CI910. Baptist doctrine. Curtis, T. F. Progress of Baptist principles in the last hundred years. i860. Haynes, D. C. The Baptist denomination: its history, doctrines and ordinances. 1856. McArthur, R. S. Current questions for think- ing men. 1898. Mullins, E. Y. Axioms of religion. CI908. — Baptist beliefs. 1912. Wayland, F. Notes on the principles and practices of Baptist churches. 1857. See also Baptism; Baptist church polity; Baptist creeds and confessions; Com- munion; Lord's Supper. Baptist doctrine and controversy. Graves, J. R. The great iron wheel: or, Republican- ism backwards and Christianity reversed; in a series of letters to J. Soule, senior bishop of the M. E. Church, South. 9th ed. 1855. awd Ditzler, J. The Graves- Ditzler: or, Great CarroUton debate on baptism. 3d thous. 1876. Baptist hymnal. Doane and Johnson, Baptist missions. Eaton, W. H. Historical sketch of the Mass. Baptist missionary society and convention, 1892-1902. CI903. Baptists. History. Anderson, Mrs. M. F. Baptists in Sweden. n. d. Armitage, T. History of the Baptists. 1887. Backus, L History of New England with particular reference to the denomination of Christians called Baptists. 1871. 2 v. Benedict, D. General history of the Baptist denomination. 18 13. 2 v. Same. 1848. Burrage, H. S. History of the Anabaptists in Switzerland. C1882. Eaton, W. H. Historical sketch of the Mass. Bapt. missionary society and convention, 1802-1902. CI903. Baptists. History — Continued. Haskell, S. Heroes and hierarchs. C1895. Jackson, H. Account of the churches in Rhode Island. 1854. Knight, R. History of the General or Six- principle Baptists in Europe and America. 1827. Millet, J. History of the Baptists in Maine. 1845. Newman, A. H. History of the Baptist churches in the U. S. 1894. (Amer. church history, vol. H.) Stewart, L D. History of the Freewill Bap- tists for half a century. 1862. Vol. L Vol. I. 1780 to 1830. Vedder, H. C. Short history of the Baptists. C1907. — The Baptists. CI902. (Story of the churches.) Williams, W. R. Lectures on Baptist history. C1877. Barbour, Clarence A. Bible in the world of to-day. N. Y. Assoc, press. 1911. Barbour, G. F. Ethical approach to theism. Edin. Blackwood. 1913. Barclay, Robert. Apology for the true Christian divinity: bein^ an explanation and vindica- tion of the pnnciples and doctrines of the people called Quakers, From 8th Lond. ed. Providence. Knowles. 1856. Bards of the Bible. Gilfillan, G. Barker, Henry. English Bible versions. N. Y. Gorham. 1907. Barker, John Marshall. The saloon problem and social reform. Bost. Everett press, 1905. Barmby, James. Gregory the Great. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1879. (Fathers for English readers.) Barnabas, St. Catholic epistle of St. Barnabas, companion of St. Paul. (In Wake, W. Genuine- epistles of the apostolical fathers.) Same. {In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. L) Adeney, W. F. Barnabas. {In Milligan, G., and others. Men of the N. T.) Cruttwell, C. T. {In his Literary hist, of early Christianity, vol. L) Donaldson, J. {In his Critical hist, of Chris- tian lit., vol. L) Matheson, G. Barnabas the chastened. {In his Representative men of the N. T.) Whyte, A. Barnabas. {In his Bible charac- ters, vol. 4.) Barnardo, Thomas John. Gilliat, E. Heroes of modern crusades. 1909. Bamby, Joseph. Hymn tunes composed by Joseph Barnby, Lond. Novello. 1897. Barnes, Albert, The apostolic church: an inquiry into its organization and government particularly with reference to the claims of Episcopacy. Phila. Presb. bd. of pub. C1855. Barnes, EarL Where knowledge fails. N. Y. Huebsch. 1907. (Art of life series.) Barnes, Lemuel Call. Two thousand years of missions before Carey. Chi, Christ, cul- ture press. 1900. Barnes, William Emery, Kings in the rev, version, with introduction and notes. Camb, [Eng.] Univ. press. 1908. (Camb. Bible.) Books of Chronicles with notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1899, (Camb. Bible,) 22 Catalogue General Theological Library Bamett, Lionel David. Hinduism. Chi. Open court. (Religions anc. and mod.) Barodia, U. D. History and literature of Jain- ism. Bombay. Jain grad. assoc. 1909. Barrowe Henry. Walmsley, L, S, Henry Barrowe. {In his Fighters and martyrs for the freedom of faith.) Barrows, Charles Henry. Personality of Jesus. Bost. Houghton. 1906. Barrows, John Henry. Christian conquest of Asia. N. Y. Scribner. 1899. (Morse lect.) Christianity the world religion; lectures. Chi. McClurg. 1897. ed. World's parliament of religions held in Chicago, 1893. Chi, Parliament pub. co. 1893. 2V. Barrows, Samuel June. Doom of the majority of mankind. Bost. A. U. A. 1891. Kellogg, P. U. Samuel June Barrows. (In Henderson, C. R., ed. Correction and prevention, vol. I.) Barrows, William. The church and her children. Bost. Congr. pub. soc. C1875. Purgatory. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. 1882. Barrows lectures. 1902-3. Hall, C. C. Christian belief inter- preted by Christian experience. 1906-7. Hall, C. C. Christ and the eastern soul. Barry, Alfred. Manifold witness for Christ. N. Y. Dutton. 1880. (Boyle lect. 1887-8.) Parables of the Old Testament. Lond. S. P. C. K. n.d. Some lights of science on the faith. Lond. Longm. 1892. (Bamp, lect.) ed. Masters in English theology. N. Y. Dutton. 1877. (King's Coll. lect.) Barry, Henry Aloysius. Am I of the chosen? Bost. Angel guardian press. 1897. Barry, J. C. Ideals and principles of church reform. Edin. Clark. 1910. Barry, Joseph Gayle Hurd. Meditations on the office and work of the Holy Spirit. Mil. Young churchm. 1908. Barry, William. Cardinal Newman. N. Y. Scribner. 1905. (Literary lives.) Tradition of Scripture. Lond. Longm. 1906. Barth, A. Religions of India. Lond. Paul. 1890. Barth, Fritz. Gospel of St. John and the synoptic gospels. N. Y. Eaton. CI907. Bartholomew, J. G. The comforter; or, The pastor's friend. Bost. Tompkins. 1863. Bartimaeus. Carpenter, W. B. Bartimaeus. (In his Son of man among the sons of men.) McKim, R. H. Blind Bartimaeus: sermon for Quinquagesima Sunday, {In his Gospel in the Christian year.) Rowlands, D. Bartimaeus. {In Milligan, G., and others. Men of the N. T.) Bartlet, James Vernon. Acts: introduction, notes, index and map. N. Y. Frowde, 1901. (New century Bible.) The apostolic age. N. Y. Scribner. 1899. (Ten epochs of church history.) Christian ideal as realized by the primitive church. {In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) Sources of St. Luke's gospel. (In Sanday, W., ed. Studies in the synoptic gospels.) Bartlett, Samuel Colcord. Sources of history in the Pentateuch. N. Y. Randolph. C1888. Veracity of the Hexateuch. Chi. Revell. C1897. [Bartol, Cyrus Augustus.] Word of the Spirit to the church. Bost. Walker. 1859. Ames, C. G. {In Heralds of a liberal faith: the preachers. Eliot, S. A., ed.) Bartoli, D. and Maffei, I. P. Life of St. Francis Xavier. Bait. Murphy. 1862. Bartoli, Giorgio. Primitive church and the primacy of Rome. N. Y. Hodder. Barton, George Aaron. Commentary on the book of Job. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. (Bible for home and school.) Commentary on Ecclesiastes. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1908. (Int. crit. com.) Heart of the Christian message. New ed. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Roots of Christian teaching as found in the Old Testament. Phila. Winston. 1902. Sketch of Semitic origins. N. Y. Macm. 1902. Barton, James Levi. Daybreak in Turkey. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1908. Human progress through missions. N. Y. Revell. C1912. The missionary and his critics. N. Y., etc. * Revell. CI906. Unfinished task of the Christian church. N. Y. S. V. M. 1908. Barton, William Eleazar. Congregational man- ual. Oak Park [111.] Puritan press. 1910. The Psalms and their story. Bost. Pilgrim press, CI 898. Barzillai. Milligan, G. {In Men of the Bible: some lesser-known characters.) Whyte, A, {In his Bible characters: Ahitho- phel to Nehemiah.) Bascom, John. Principles of psychology. N. Y. Putnam. 1875. Science of mind, N, Y. Putnam. ci88i. Sociology. N. Y. Putnam. C1887. Bases of the mystic knowledge. Recejac, E. Bashford, James Whitford. God's missionary plan for the world. N. Y. Eaton. CI907. Basil the Great, St. Creation of the world. {In World's great sermons, vol. I. Kleiser, G., ed.) Treatise de spiritu sancto; Homilies and letters. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d series, vol. VIII.) Newman, J. H. Trials of Basil; Labours of Basil; Basil and Gregory. {In his Histori- cal sketches, vol, II.) Ramsay, W. M. Life in the days of St. Basil the Great. {In his Pauline and other studies, etc.) Smith, R. T. St. Basil the Great. 1879. (Fathers for English readers.) Bass, Edward, first bp. of Mass. Addison, D, D. Life and times of Edward Bass, 1897. Batiffol, Pierre Henry. Credibility of the gos- pel. N. Y, Longm. 1912. History of the Roman breviary. Lond. Longm. 1898. Primitive Catholicism; tr. by H. L. Brianceau from 5th Fr. ed. of " L'eglise naissante." N. Y. Longm. 191 1. Batten, Loring Woart. The Hebrew prophet. N. Y. Macm. 1905. Catalogue General Theological Library 23 Batten, Samuel Zane. The Christian state. Phila. Griffith. CI909. Social task of Christianity. N. Y. Revell, CI911. Battle with the slum. Riis, J. A. Batun, Henry Mason. Rights and duties of rectors, churchwardens and vestr>'men in the American church. Phila. Claxton. 1879. Bavinck, Herman. Philosophy of revelation. Lond. Longm. 1909. (Stone lect.) Baz, Ernest Belfort. Ethics of socialism. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1902. Religion of socialism. Lond. Sonnen- schein. 1908. Baxter, Richard. Saints' everlasting rest. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. Tulioch, J. {In his English Puritanism and its leaders.) Bay Psalm Book: a facsimile reprint of the first edition printed by Stephen Daye at Cam- bridge, in New England, in 1640. N. Y. Dodd. 1903. Bayne, Peter. Christian life, social and indi- vidual. Host. Gould. 1855. Life and times of Hugh Miller. Host. Gould. 1871. 2V. Bazar book of decorum. N. Y. Harper. 01 870. Beach, Harlan Page. Geography and atlas of Protestant missions. N. Y. S. V. M. 1901-1903. 2V. History of Christian missions in China. (In China and the far east. Blakeslee, G. H., ed.) (Clark Univ. lect.) Beach, Seth Cvirtis. Daughters of the Puritans; a group of brief biographies. Host. A. U. A. 1907. Beacon lights of history. Lord, J. 15V. Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, ist earl of. Vindication of the English constitution. Lond. Saunders. 1835. Bryce, J. {In his Studies in contemporary biography.) Hyndman, H. M. {In his Record of an adventurous life.) 191 1. Beal, Samuel, transl. Romantic legend of S&kya Buddha; from the Chinese-Sanscrit. Lond. Triibner. 1875. Beard, Augustus Field. Crusade of brotherhood ; a history of the Amer. Missionary Assoc. Bost. Pilgrim press. CI909. Story of John Frederic Oberlin. Bost. Pil- grim press. CI909. Beard, Charles. Port Royal. Lond. Longm. 1861. 2V. Reformation of the sixteenth century. Lond. Williams. 1883. (Hibbert lect.) Beard, John Reilly. Manual of Christian evi- dence. Lond. Simpkin. 1868. Beardsley, Eben Edwards. History of the Episcopal church in Connecticut. N. Y. Hurd. 1868-69. 2v. Beardsley, Frank Grenville. History of Ameri- can revivals. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. 1904. Beast, The. Lindsey, B. B., and O'Higgins, H.J. Beatitudes. Carpenter, W. B. Every several gate was of one pearl. {In his Great charter of Christ.) Dykes, J. O. Beatitudes of the Kingdom. {In his Manifesto of the King.) Beatitudes — Continued. Fisher, R. H. The Beatitudes. 1912. (Short course series.) Gore, C. The Beatitudes. {In his Sermon on the Mount : a practical exposition.) Lathbury, C. The code of joy. 1902. Lyttelton, E. The Beatitudes. {In his Studies in the Sermon on the Mount.) Maclaren, A. The Beatitudes, and other sermons. 1896. Park, J. E. The Beatitudes. {In his Wonder of His gracious words.) Savage, H. E. {In his Gospel of the kingdom.) Beaufort, Margaret, mother of Henry VII, king of England. Creighton, L. Mar- garet Beaufort. {In her Some famous women.) Beauties of sacred literature. N. Y. Kelley. 1864. Bebel, Ferdinand August. My life. Chi. Univ. press. 1913. Beck, Johann Tobias. Outline of biblical psychology. From 3d Germ. ed. Edin. Clark. 1877. Pastoral theology of the New Testament. Tr. by J. A. M'Clymont and T. Nicol. Edin. Clark. 1885. Becker, Carl Heinrich. Christianity and Islam. Lond. Harper. 1909. Beckwith, Clarence Augustine. Realities of Christian theology. Bost. Houghton. 1906. Bede, The Venerable. (Venerabilis Bedae opera historical. Recognovit, commentario instruxit, Carolus Plummer. Oxonii. E typc^r. Clarend. 1896. 2tom. Latin text, with English translation and notes. An All-Hallowtide sermon. {In Macleane, D., ed. Famous sermons of English preach- ers.) Ecclesiastical history of England; also, Anglo-Saxon chronicle. Ed. by J. A. Giles. Lond. Bohn. 1849. (Bohn's antiq. libr.) Bright, W. {In his Chapters of early English church history.) Bedell, Edwin A., cotnp. Church hymnary. N. Y. Merrill. 1900. Bedouins. Blunt, Lady A. Bedouin tribes of the Euphrates. 1879. Beecher, Charles. Spiritual manifestations. Bost. Lee. 1879. Beecher, Edward. Baptism with reference to its import and modes. N. Y. Wiley. 1849. History of opinions on the scriptural doctrine of retribution. N. Y. Appleton. 1878. Beecher, Henry Ward. Evolution and religion: sermons. N. Y. Fords. 1885. Lectures to young men. N. Y. Derby. i860. Life of Christ without — within. N. Y. Har- per. 1906. Life of Jesus the Christ. N. Y. Ford. 1872. 2V. Morning and evening exercises. N. Y. Har- per. 1871. Norwood. N.Y. Scribner. 1868. Notes from Plymouth pulpit. N. Y. Derby. 1859- Prayers from Plymouth pulpit. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1867. 24 Catalogue General Theological Library Beecher, Henry Ward — Continued. Sermon briefs; transcribed and ed. by J. R. Howard and T. J. Ellinwood. Bost., etc. Pilgrim press, C1905. Sermons in Plymouth church, from verbatim reports by T. J. Ellinwood, Ser. 1-5. N. Y. Ford. 1870. Sermons selected from publ. and unpubl. dis- courses. N. Y. Harper. 1868. 2v. Star papers. N. Y. Ford. 1873. Treasury of illustration. N. Y. Revell. CI 894. Yale lectures on preaching, N. Y. Fords. 1887, Abbott, L, Henry Ward Beecher, 1903, Brastow, L. O. Henry Ward Beecher. {In his Representative modern preachers.) Hillis, N. D. {In his Battle of principles.) Howard, J. Life of Henry Ward Beecher. 1887. Parker, T. Henry Ward Beecher. {In his [Works]. Cent, ed.) Wilkinson, W, C. Henry Ward Beecher, {In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse,) Beecher, Lyman. Autobiography, correspond- ence, etc. Ed. by Charles Beecher. N. Y. Harper. 1864. 2 v. Beecher, Thomas Kinnicut. Our seven churches. N. Y. Ford. 1870. Beecher, Willis Judson. The prophets and the promise. N. Y. Crowell. 1905. (Stone lect.) Reasonable biblical criticism. Phila. S. S. Times. C1911. Beeching, Henry Charles, and Naime, Alexan- der. Bible doctrine of atonement. N. Y. Dutton. 1907. Beet, Joseph Agar. Commentary on Galatians. Lond. Hodder. 1885, Commentary on Romans. Lond. Hodder. 1887. Commentary on Corinthians. Lond. Hod- der. 1885. Commentary on St. Paul's epistles to the Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and to Philemon. N. Y. Whittaker, 1891, Immortality of the soul. 2d ed. Lond. Hodder. 1901. Last things. N. Y. Methodist bk. cone. 1897. Manual of theology. N. Y. Armstrong. 1906. The New Testament: its authorship, date and worth. Lond. Culley. n. d. Through Christ to God. Lond. Hodder. 1901. Before an audience. Sheppard, N. Begbie, Harold. The ordinary man and the extraordinary thing. N. Y. Hodder. [1912.] "Other sheep"; a companion to " Twice- born men." N. Y. Hodder. C1912. Souls in action: expanding the narrative of Twice-born men. N, Y, Hodder. CI911. Twice-born men; a clinic in regeneration. N. Y. Revell, CI909. Behrends, Adolphus J. F. Old Testament under fire, N, Y, Funk. 1897. Philosophy of preaching. N. Y. Scribner. 1890. Beibitz, J. H. Gloria crucis. Lond. Longm. 1908. Belaney, R. Bible and the papacy. Lond. Paul. 1889. Belcher, Joseph. George Whitefield: a biogra- phy. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. n. d. William Carey. Phila. A. B. P. S. C1853. Belden, Franklin Edson, comp. Christ in song. Battle Creek [Mich.], CI900, Belief, Argyll, G, D. C, Uh duke of. Philoso- phy of belief, 1896, Balfour, A, J, Foundations of belief. 1895. Hall, C. C. Christian belief interpreted by Christian experience. 1905. (Barrows lect.) Horton, R. F, My belief. 1908. Lodge, 5i> O, J, Reason and belief, 1910, Mallock, W, H, Religion as a credible doc- trine, 1903, — Reconstruction of religious belief. 1 905. Pratt, J. B. Psychology of religious belief. 1907, Quarry, J. Religious belief. 1880. (Donnel- lan lect.) Tyler, C. M. Bases of religious belief. 1897. Wenley, R. M. Modern thought and the cri.sis in belief. 1909. (Baldwin lect.) Wilson, W. D. Foundations of religious belief. 1883. (Paddock lect.) See also ApoXogetics; Creeds; Faith; Religions. Belief in God. Momerie, A. W. Belief in God. Savage, M. J. Belief in God. Schurman, J. G. Bell, Ernest Albert. Fighting the traffic in young girls; or, War on the white slave trade. Chi. Thompson. CI910. Bell, Samuel Linton. In memoriam: Samuel Linton Bell. 1903. Bellamy, Francis, joint editor. See MacArthur, R. S,, and Bellamy, F, Belloc, Hilaire. French revolution, N. Y. Holt. C1911. Bellows, Henry Whitney. Twenty-four sermons preached in All Souls' Church, N. Y. N. Y. 1886. Chad wick, J. W. Henry Whitney Bellows. {In Heralds of a liberal faith: the preachers. Eliot, S. A,, ed.) Bemies, Charles O. The church in the country town, Phila, A, B, P, S, CI912, Bemont, Charles, and Monod, G. Medieval Europe from 395 to 1270; tr. by Mary Sloan, N.Y. Holt. 1906. Ben-Hur. Wallace, L. Benedict of Nursia, St. Hodges, G. Benedict. {In his Saints and heroes.) Walker, W. Benedict. {In his Great men of the Christian church.) Benedict, David. General history of the Baptist denomination in America and other parts of the world. Bost. Manning. 18 13. 2 v. Same. N. Y. Colby. 1848. Benham, William, ed. Catharine and Craufurd Tait. N.Y. Macm. 1880. Benjamin, Samuel Green Wheeler. Story of Persia. N.Y, Putnam, 1888, (Story of the nations,) Benn, Alfred William. Early Greek philosophy. N, Y. Dodge pub. co. n. d. (Philoso- phies anc. and mod.) History of English rationalism in the nine- teenth century. Lond. Longm. 1906. 2V. Catalogue General Theological Library 25 Bennett, Arnold. Mental efficiency. N. Y. Doran. C1911. Bennett, Edmund Hatch. Four gospels from a lawyer's standpoint. Bost. Houghton. 1899. Bennett, William Henry. Book of Jeremiah, chapters XXI-LII. N. Y. Armstrong. 1895. (Expositor's Bible.) Books of Chronicles. N. Y. Armstrong. 1894. (Expositor's Bible.) Genesis. Edin. Jack. 1908. (New cen- tury Bible.) James, Peter, John and Jude. Edin. Jack. 1901. (New century Bible.) Life of Christ according to St. Mark. N. Y. Armstrong. 1907. Moabite stone. Edin. Clark. 191 1. Religion of the post-exilic prophets. Edin. Clark. 1907. Social ideals in the Old Testament (In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others.) Theology of the Old Testament. Lond. Hodder. 1896. and Adeney, Walter Frederick. Biblical introduction. N. Y. Whittaker. 1899. Bennett lectures. 1898. Bible: is it the word of God? Benson, Arthur Christopher. Along the road. N. Y. Longm. 1913. Altar fire. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. At large. N. Y. Putnam. 1911. From a college window. N. Y. Putnam. 1908. Leaves of the tree: studies in biography. N. Y. Putnam. 191 1. Ruskin: a study in personality. N. Y. Putnam. 191 1. Thread of gold. N. Y. Dutton. 1907. Upton letters. N. Y. Putnam. 1906. Benson, Edward White, abp. of Canterbury. Boy-life; its trial, its strength, its fulness. Lond. Macm. 1883. Christ and his times; addressed to the diocese of Canterbury in his second visitation. Lond. Macm. 188^. Cyprian; his life, his times, his work. N. Y. Appleton. 1897. Living theology. N. Y. Dutton. 1891. Potter, H. C. (In his Reminiscences of bishops and archbishops.) Benson, Richard Meux. Final passover. Lond. Longm. 1893. 4v. in 6. Benson, Robert Hugh. Confessions of a convert. N. Y. Longm. 1913. Friendship of Christ. Lond. Long^. 19 12. Benton, Josiah Henry. Book of common prayer; its origin and growth. Bost. 19 10. Berdoe, Edward. Browning and the Christian faith. N. Y. Macm. 1896. Berenice, wife of Aristobulus. Aguilar, G. (In her Women of Israel.) Berg, Emil P. Conversion of India: being studies in India missions. Lond. Stock- well. 191 1. Berger, DanieL History of the church of the United brethren in Christ. (In Amer. church history, vol. XI I.) Bergson, Henri Louis. Creative evolution; authorized transl. by Arthur Mitchell. N. Y. Holt. 1911. Introduction to metaphysics; tr. by E. T. Hulme. N. Y. Putnam. 1912. Bergson, Henri Louis — Continued. Introduction to a new philosophy. [Tr. by S. Littman]. Bost. Luce. CI912. Matter and memory. Lond. Sonnen- schein. 191 1. Time and free will. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1910. Carr, W. H. Philosophy of Henri Bergson. (In Hibbert journal, Jul., 1910.) James, W. Philosophy of Henri Bergson. (In Hibbert journal, Apr., 1909.) Leroy, E. New philosophy: Henri Bergson; tr. by V. Benson. 1913. Lindsay, A. D. Philosophy of Bergson. Muirhead, J. H. Philosophy of Bergson. (In Hibbert journal, Jul., 191 1.) Slosson, E. E. Henri Bergson. (In Inde- pendent, June 8, 191 1.) Stewart. J. M. Critical exposition of Berg- son's philosophy. 191 1. Berkeley, George, Irish bp. and philos. Works, led. by] G. N. Wright. Lond. T. Tegg. 1843. 2V. Cushman, H. E. Berkeley and Hume. (In his Beginner's history of philosophy. II.) Eraser, A. Berkeley. 1909. (Philos. classics for Engl, readers.) Eraser, A. C. Berkeley and spiritual realism. n. d. (Philosophies anc. and mod.) Mill, J. S. Berkeley's life and writings. (In his Three essays on religion.) Norton, J. N. Life of Bishop Berkeley. 1861. Berle, Adolf Augustus. Modern interpretations of the gospel life. Bost. Pilgrim press. CI899. School in the home; talks with parents and teachers on intensive child training. N. Y. Moffat. 1912. Truth seeker; sermons. Bost. Mudge. 1897. Bernard 0/ C/oirpoMJc, 5/. On consideration; tr. by G. Lewis. Oxford. 1908. (Oxford libr. of translations.) Hodges, G. (In his Saints and heroes.) Lord, J. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Morison, J. C. Life and times of St. Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux. 1863. Parker, T. Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. (In his (Works]. Cent, ed.) Pressey, E. P. Vision of New Clairvaux. 1909. Storrs, R. S. Bernard of Clairvaux. 1892. Bernard, John Henry. Pastoral epistles. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1906. (Camb. Gr. Test.) Bernard, Thonoas Dehany. Progress of doctrine in the New Testament. Lond. Macm. 1864. (Ramp, lect.) Bemheim, Hippolyte. Suggestive therapeutics; treatise on the nature and uses of hypno- tism. N. Y. Putnam. 1906. Bemheimer, Charles Seligman, ed. Russian Jew in the U. S.; studies of social conditions in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago, with a description of rural settlements. Phila. Winston. 1905. Berrian, William. Historical sketch of Trinity Church, New York. N. Y. Stanford and Swords. 1847. 26 Catalogue General Theological Library Berry, Joseph F. Four wonderful years; sketch of the Epworth league. N, Y. E^ton. C1893. Berry, W. Grinton. Bishop Hannington and the story of the Uganda mission. N. Y. Revell. n. d. Bersier, Eugene Arthur Francois, Fr. Prot. clergym. Wilkinson, W. C. Eugene Ber- sier. {In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse.) Bertholet, Alfred. Transmigration of souls; tr. by H. J. Chaytor. Lond. Harper. 1909. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) Beside the bonnie brier bush. Watson, J. Best mode of working a parish. Spalding, J. F. Best, Nolan Rice. Beyond the natural order; essays on prayer, miracles and the incarna- tion. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1908. Bethlehem. Copping, A. E. Journalist in the Holy Land. 1912. Bethune, George Washington. Expository lec- tures on the Heidelberg catechism, N. Y. Sheldon. 1864, 2 v. Bethune-Baker, James Franklin. See Baker. Better way. The. Wagner, C. Between the Testaments. Gregg, D. Bevan, J. O. Scientific basis of religion. Lond. Allen. 1912. Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah. Bible as good read- ing. Phila. Altemus. CI907. Beveridge, William. Ecclesia Anglicana eccle- sia Catholica; or, Doctrine of the Church of England consonant to Sk:ripture, reason and fathers. 2d ed. Oxford. Univ. press. 1846. Bewer, Julius August. Commentary on Jonah. {In Mitchell, H. G. Haggai and Zechariah.) (Int. crit. com.) Commentary on Obadiah and Joel. {In Smith, J. M. P. Com. on Micah, Zepha- niah and Nahum.) (Int. crit. com.) Exegetical notes on Jeremiah. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Beyond good and evil. Nietzsche, F. Beyond the grave. Cremer, H. Beyond the natural order. Best, N. R. Beyschlag, Willibald. New Testament the- ology. Edin. Clark. 1895. 2 v. Beza, Theodore de. Baird, Henry Martyn. Theodore Beza, the counsellor of the French reformation, 1 5 19-1605, N. Y. Putnam. 1899. Bhagavad-Gita, the Book of devotion. 6th ed. N. Y. Theosoph. pub. co. 1896. Ellinwood, F. F. The Bhagavad-Gita and the New Testament. {In his Oriental religions and Christianity.) Jones, J. P. Bhagavad Gita. {In his India; its life and thought.) Biber, George Edward. Life of St. Paul. Lond. Cleaver. 1849. Bible, Whole. Holy Bible; exact reprint of the authorized version publ. in the year 1611, Ed. by A. W. Pollard. Oxford. Univ. press. 191 1. Holy Bible tr. from the Latin Vulgate; the O. T. first publ. at Douay, A. D. 1609, the N. T. first publ. at Rheims, A.D. 1682; with annotations, etc.; the whole revised and diligently compared with the Latin Vulgate. Bait. Murphy. [1899.] Bible, Whole — Continued. Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments; an improved edition based in part on the Bible Union version. Phila. A. B. P. S, 1912. Modern reader's Bible: the books of the Bible with three books of the Apocrypha presented in modern literary form; ed., with introductions and notes, by Richard Green Moulton. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Cross-reference Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. Text is that of the Amer. standard ed. of the revised Bible, with variorum readings, topical analysis and cross references; Harold E, Monser, editor-in-chief. N. Y. Cross-reference Bible CO. c 19 10. Selections. Soul of the Bible: selections from the Old and New Testaments and Apocrypha; ed. by U. G. B. Pierce. Bost. A. U. A. 1908. Bible. Whole. Works about the Bible. Adeney, W. F. How to read the Bible. 1897. Belaney, R. Bible and the papacy. 1889. Beveridge, A. J. Bible as good reading. CI907. Bowen, F. A. A layman's study of the Eng- lish Bible. 1885. Brailsford, E. J. Spiritual sense in sacred legend. 191 1. (Fernley lect.) Briggs, C. A. Biblical study. 1883. Brook, R. The Bible. {In Foundations; by seven Oxford men.) Carpenter, J. E. The Bible in the nineteenth century: eight lectures. 1903. Carter, T. Shakespeare and Holy Scripture. 1905. Chadwick, J. W. Bible of to-day: lectures. 1878. Clark, D. W. From a cloud of witnesses. Three hundred and nine tributes to the Bible. 1892. Clarke, W. N. Use of the Scriptures in the- ology. 1905. (N. W. Taylor lect.) — Sixty years with the Bible. 1909. Cook, A. S. The Bible and English prose style. 1908. Cooper, C. S. College men and the Bible. 191 1. Curry, S. S. Vocal and literary interpreta- tion of the Bible. 1903. Dods, M. The Bible, its origin and nature. 1905. (Brosslect.) Dunning, A. E. Making of the Bible. CI911. Farrar, F. W. The Bible; its meaning and supremacy. 1897. Fowler, C. H. Bible and the public schools. {In his Addresses on notable occasions.) Gardiner, F. Aids to Scripture study. 1890. Gardiner, J. H. The Bible as English litera- ture. 1906. Geikie, J. C. The Holy Land and the Bible; a book of Scripture illustrations gathered in Palestine. 1887. 2 v. — Hours with the Bible. 1885. 6v. Grenfell, W. T. Man's helpers. C1910. Harnack, A. Bible reading in the early church; tr. by J. R. Wilkinson. 1912. (C. 1. 1.) Catalogue General Theological Library 27 Bible. Whole. Works about the Bible — Cont'd. Hawley, J. S. Fearless Bible reading, a voice from the pews; being the plainly expressed views of a plain business man on Bible inspiration and theology. 2d ed. 1901. Henson, H. H. The Bible. {In his Godly union and concord ; sermons.) Horton, R. F. Bible a missionary book. 1904. — Revelation and the Bible. 1896. McCabe, J. Bible in Europe. 1907. McKinney, A. H. Bible school pedagogy; outlines for normal classes, with an intro- duction by J. L. Hurlbut. 1900. MacPhail, M. L. Magnetism of the Bible. 1909. Manning, J. M. Not of man but of God. ci888. Meade, W. Bible and the classics. 1 861. Moffat, J. Literary illustrations of the Bible. 1905. 2v. Moore, W. W. Indispensable book. CI910. Morgan, G. C. Study and teaching of the English Bible. C1910. Moulton, R. G. The five literary Bibles: The Holy Bible. (In his World literature.) — Literary study of the Bible. 1895. — and others. The Bible as literature. CI896. Newton, R. H. Right and wrong uses of the Bible, CI883. Picton, J. A. Man and the Bible. 1909. Pierson, A. T. Bible and spiritual life. Pollard, A. W. Holy Bible. 191 1. Prudden, T. P. Catechism of general informa- tion about the Bible, for use in Sunday schools and elsewhere. 1903. Ragg, L. The Book of books. 19 10, Richey, T. The q^uestion of the day: What is the Bible? tor whom was it written? How is it to be read ? 1 883. Rogers, H. Superhuman origin of the Bible inferred from Itself. 1875. See, E. F. Teaching of Bible classes. C1905. Simon, D. W. Bible an outgrowth of theo- cratic life. 1886. Smith, J. B. A supplemental Bible question course of fifty-two lessons. 1900. Smyth, J. P. Divine library: suggestions how to read the Bible. 1896. Thayer, J. H. Change of attitude towards the Bible. 1 89 1. Vaughan, J. S. Concerning the Holy Bible: its use and abuse. 1904. Wallis, L. Sociological study of the Bible. CI912. Warren, H. W. Bible in the world's educa- tion. C1892. (Wycliffe lect.) Warschauer, J. What is the Bible? 191 1. Watson, J. (Ian Maclaren). God's message to the human soul; the use of the Bible m the light of the new knowledge. C1907. Wood, J. The Bible: what it is and is not. 1907. Work, E. W. Fascination of the book. CI906. A ntiguities. See Tabernacle; Temple at Jerusalem. Astronomy. Jennings, A. G. The earth and the world: How formed? A layman's contribution to the religious thought of the times. CI900. Maunder, E. W. Astronomy of the Bible, n. d. Schiaparelli, G. V. Astronomy in the Old Testament. Bible. Whole. Authority. Barry, W. Tradition of Scripture; its origin, authority and interpretation. 1906. (Westminster libr.) Briggs, C. A. Authority of Holy Scripture. 1891. Gladstone, W. E. Impregnable rock of Holy Scripture. Hall, F. J. Authority, ecclesiastical and biblical. 1908. M'Intosh, H. Is Christ infallible and the Bible true? 1901. Wright, G. F. Divine authority of the Bible. CI884. Bibliography. Wright, J. Elarly Bibles of America. 1892. Historic Bibles in America. C1905. Biography. Aguilar, G. Women of Israel. 1 870. 2v. Chadwick, J. W., and others. Women of the Bible. 1900. Contents: Eve; by J. W. Chadwick. — Sarah; by G. Gottheil. — Rebekah; by L. Abbott. — Miriam; by H. Van Dyke. — Deborah; by W. H. P. Faunce. — Ruth; by R. G. Moulton. — Hannah; by J. F. Hurst. — Jezebel; by E. B. Coe. — Esther; by W. C. Doane. — Mary Magdalen; by N. D. Hillis. — Mary and Martha; by H. C. Potter. — The Blessed Virgin Mary; by James, Card. Gibbons. Matheson, G. Representative men of the Bible. 1902-3. 2v. Contents: I. Adam to Job. — II. Ishmael to Daniel. — Representative women of the Bible. 1907. Contents: I. Introduction. — II. Eve the un- folded.— III. Sarah the steadfast. — IV. Rebekah the far-seeing. — V. Rachel the placid. — VI. Miriam the gifted. — VII. Deborah the drastic. — VIII. Ruth the decided. — IX. Hannah the pious. — X. Mary the guiding. — XI. Mary the thought-reading . Milligan, G., and others. Men of the Bible: some lesser known characters. 1904. Contents: Enoch; by W. J. Townsend. — Etdad and Medad; by A. Rowland. — Barztllai; by G. Milli- gan. — Adonijah; by A. Rowland. — Hiram; by W. J. Townsend. — Jeroboam; by A. Rowland. — Asa; by A. Rowland. — Ahaziah; by J. G. Green- hough. — Gehazi; by J. M. Gibbons. — Hazael. Manasseh, Amaziah, Jabez; by J. G. Greenhough. — Simeon; by H. E. Lewis. — Pontius Pilate; by W. F. Adeney. — Barabbas; by J. G. Greenhough. — Joseph of Arimathea; by .\. Rowland. — Philip the Evan- gelist; by G. Milligan. — Ananias and Sappbira; by G. Milligan. — Demas; by D. Rowlands. Wells, A. R. Bible miniatures: character sketches of one hundred and fifty heroes and heroines of Holy Writ. CI909. Whyte, A. Bible characters. 1897. 6v. Contents: I. Adam to Achan. — II. Gideon to Absalom. — III. Ahithophel to Nehemiah. — IV. Joseph and Mary to James. — V. Stephen to Timothy. — VI. Our Lord's characters. See also Individual biographies. Canon. Davidson, S. Canon of the Bible. 1878. Gaussen, L. Canon of the Holy Scriptures examined in the light of history; tr. and abr. by E. N. Kirk. 1862. Rice, E. W. Our sixty-six sacred books; how they came to us and what they are. CI891. 28 Catalogue General Theological Library Bible. Whole. Commentaries. Bible for home and school. Shailer Mathews, general editor. 1908-11. lov. O. T. Genesis; by H. G. Mitchell. Deuteronomy; by W. G. Jordan. Judges; by E. L. Curtis. Job; by G. A. Barton. Isaiah; by J. E. McFadyen. N. T. Matthew; by A. T. Robertson. Acts; by G. H. Gilbert. Galatians; by B. W. Bacon. Hebrews; by E, J. Goodspeed. Colossians and Ephesians; by G. Alex- ander. Other volumes not yet published. Cambridge Bible for schools and colleges; ed. by J. J. S. Perowne and A. F. Kirk- patrick. 1 879-191 1. 53 V. 0. T. Introd. to the Pentateuch. Chapman, A. T. Exodus; ed. by S. R. Driver. Numbers; ed. by A. H. McNeile. Joshua; ed. by G. F. Maclear. Judges; ed. by J. J. Lias. Samuel I & II; ed. by A. F. Kirkpatrick. 2V. Kings I & II ; ed. by J. R. Lumby. 2v. Kings I & II ; ed. by W. E. Barnes. Chronicles; ed. by W. E. Barnes. Ezra and Nehemiah ; ed. by H. E. Ryle. Job; ed. by A. B. Davidson. Psalms; ed. by A. F. Kirkpatrick. 2 v. Proverbs; ed. by T. T. Perowne. Ecclesiastes; ed. by E. H. Plumptre. Song of Solomon; ed. by A. Harper. Isaiah; ed. by J. Skinner. 2V. Jerem. and Lament. ; ed. by A. W. Streane. Ezekiel; ed. by A. B. Davidson. Daniel; ed. by S. R. Driver. Hosea; ed. by T. K. Cheyne. Joel and Amos; ed. by S. R. Driver. Obadiah and Jonah ; ed. by T. T. Perowne. Jonah; ed. by T. T. Perowne. Micah; ed. by T. K. Cheyne. Nahum, HabakkukandZephaniah; ed. by A. B. Davidson. Haggai and Zechariah; ed. by T. T. Perowne. Malachi; ed. by T. T. Perowne. Maccabees I ; ed. by W. Fairweather and J. S. Black. Ecclesiasticus; ed. by W. O. E. Oesterley. N. T. Matthew; ed. by A. Carr. Mark; ed. by G. F. Maclear. Luke; ed. by F. W. Farrar. John; ed. by A. Plummer. Acts; ed. by J. R. Lumby. 2 v. Romans; ed. by H. G. C. Moule. Corinthians I & II; ed. by J. J. Lias. 2 v. Galatians; ed. by E. H. Perowne. Ephesians; ed. by H. G. C. Moule. Philippians; ed. by H. G. C. Moule. Colossians and Philemon; ed. by H. G. C. Moule. Thessalonians I & II; ed. by G. G. Findlay. Bible. Whole. Commentaries — Continued. Timothy and Titus; ed. by A. E. Humphreys. Hebrews; ed. by F. W. Farrar. James; ed. by E. H. Plumptre. Peter and Jude, ed. by E. H. Plumptre. Epistles of John; ed. by A. Plummer. Revelation; ed. by W. H. Simcox. Expositor's Bible; ed. by W. R. NicoU. 1887-96. 49V. O.T. Genesis; by M. Dods. Exodus; by G. A. Chadwick. Leviticus; by S. H. Kellogg. Numbers; by R. A. Watson. Deuteronomy; by A. Harper. Joshua; by W. G. Blaikie. Judges and Ruth; by R. A. Watson. Samuel; by W. G. Blaikie. 2v. Kings; by F. W. Farrar. 2v. Chronicles; by W. H. Bennett. Nehemiah and Esther; by W. F. Adeney. Job; by R.A.Watson, Psalms; by A. Maclaren. 3v. Proverbs; by R. F. Horton. Ecclesiastes; by S. Cox. Song of Solomon and Lamentations; by W. F. Adeney. Isaiah; by G. A. Smith. 2v. Jeremiah I-XX.; by C.J. Ball. Jeremiah XXI-LII; by W. H. Ben- nett. Ezekiel; by J. Skinner. Daniel; by F. W. Farrar. Twelve minor prophets; by G. A. Smith. 2V. N. T. Matthew; by J. M. Gibson. Mark; by G. A. Chadwick. Luke; by H. Burton. John; by M. Dods. 2 v. Acts; by G. T. Stokes. 2 v. Romans; by H. G. C. Moule. First Corinthians; by M. Dods. Second Corinthians; by J. Denney. Galatians; by G. G. Findlay. Ephesians; by G. G. Findlay. Philippians; by R. Rainy. Colossians and Philemon; by A. Mac- laren. Thessalonians; by J. Denney. Pastoral epistles; by A. Plummer. Hebrews; by T. C. Edwards. James and Jude; by A. Plummer. Epistles of Peter; by J. R. Lumby. Epistles of John; by W. Alexander. Revelation; by W. Milligan. Hastings, J., ed. Great texts of the Bible. I IV. 1910-1913. Genesis-N umbers. Deuteronomy-Esther. Job-Psalms I-XXI 1 1. Isaiah. Mark. John I-XII. JohnXIII-XXI. Acts; Romans I-VIII. Romans VIII-XVI. I Corinthians. Ephesians-Colossians, Volumes are not numbered. Catalogue General Theological Library 29 Bible. Whole. Commentaries — Continued. Holy Bible with an explanatory and critical commentary by bishops and other clergy of the Anglican church; ed. by F. C. Cook. 1871-1884. lov. Same. Apocrypha.ed.'by Henry Wace, 1884. 2v. Known as the Speaker's or Bible commentary. Holy Bible with introductions and notes by Christopher Wordsworth. The O. T. in the authorized version, the N. T. in the original Greek. 1871-77. 7v. Vol. I. is new ed. New Testament is new ed. Vols. Ill, IV are 3d ed. International critical commentary, Old and New Testaments. Under the editorship of S. R. Driver, A. Plummer and C. A. Briggs. 1895-1912. 23V. O. T. Genesis; Skinner, J. Deuteronomy; Driver, S. R. Numbers; Gray, G. B. Judges; Moore, G. F. Samuel; Smith, H. P. Chronicles; Curtis, E. L., and Madsen, A. A. Esther; Paton, L. B. Psalms; Briggs, C. A. 2v. Proverbs; Toy, C. H. Ecclesiastes; Barton, G. A. Isaiah I-XXXIX; Gray, G. B. Hosea and Amos; Harjjer, W. R. Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Jonah; Mitchell, H. G., and others. N. T. Matthew; Allen, W. C. Mark; Gould, E. P. Romans, Sanday, W. Corinthians; Robertson, A., and Plum- mer, A. Ephesiansand Colossians; Abbott, T. K. Philippians and Philemon; Vincent, M. R. Peter and Jude; Bigg, C. Thessa Ionia ns; Frame, J. E. Johannine epistles; Brooke, A. E. Other volumes not yet published. Kent, C. F. The historical Bible. 1908-13. I. Heroes and crises of early Hebrew history. II. Founders and rulers of united Israel. III. Kings and prophets of Israel and Judah. IV. Makers and teachers of Judaism from the fall of Jerusalem to the death of Herod the Great. V. Life and teachings of Jesus according to the earliest records. Maclaren, A. Expositions of Holy Scripture. 1908-10. i8v. Messages of the Bible. Edited by F. K. Sanders and C. F. Kent. An original and popular commentary on the Bible. 1 899-. I2V. I. Messages of the earlier prophets; by F. K. Sanders and C. F. Kent. 4th ed. II. Messages of the later prophets; by F. K. Sanders and C. F. Kent. III. Messages of Israel's lawgivers; by C. F. Kent. Bible. Whole. Commentaries — Continued. IV. Messages of the historians; by J. E. McFadyen. V. Messages of the Psalmists; by J. E. MacFadyen. VI. VII. Messages of the poets; by N. Schmidt. VIII. Messages of the apocalyptic writers; by F. C. Porter. IX. Messages of Jesus according to the synoptists; by T. C. Hall. X. Messages of Jesus according to John; by J. S. Riggs. XI. Messages of Paul; by G. B. Stevens. XII. Messages of the apostles; by G. B. Stevens. Vol. VI not yet in the library. Modern reader's Bible; a series of works from the Sacred Scriptures presented in modern literary form; edited, with introductions and notes by R. G. Moulton. 1896-99. 23V. Contents: Bible stories, O. T. — Genesis. — Exodus. — Deuteronomy. — Judges. — Kings. — Chronicles. — Job . — Psalms . — Proverbs . — Biblical idyls. — Ex:clesiastes. — Isaiah. — Jeremiah. — Ezekiel. — Daniel and the minor prophets. — Ecclesiasticus. — Bible stories, N. T. — Matthew, Mark. General epistles. — St. Luke and St. Paul. — St. John (Gospel, Epistles and Revelation). Morgan, G. C. Analyzed Bible. 8v. Contents: O. T. Introduction: Genesis to Esther. — Job to Malachi. — Job. — Isaiah. — N. T. Intro- duction: Matthew to Revelation. — St. John. — Romans. New century Bible.* General editor: W. F. Adeney. Introductions; revised version with notes; indexes and maps. 27V. O. T. Genesi-s; ed. by W. H. Bennett. Deuteronomy and Joshua; ed. by H. W. Robinson. Judges and Ruth ; ed. by G. W. Thatcher. I & II Samuel; ed. by A. R. S. Kennedy. I & II Kings; ed. by J. Skinner. Chronicles; ed. by W. R. Harvey- Jellie. Job; ed. by A. S. Peake. Psalms I-LXXII; ed. by W. T. Davison. Psalms LXXIII-CL; ed. by T. W. Da vies. Isaiah ; ed. by O. C. Whitehouse. Jeremiah and Lamentations, I; ed. by W. T. Davison. Ezekiel; ed. by W. F. Lofthouse. Minor prophets, I ; ed. by R. F. Horton. Minor prophets, II; ed. by S. R. Driver. N. T. Matthew; ed. by W. F. Slater. Mark; ed. by S. D. F. Salmond. Luke; ed. by W. F. Adeney. John;- ed. by J. A. McClymont. Acts; ed. by J. V. Bartlet. Romans; ed. by A. E. Garvie. I & II Corinthians; ed. by J. Massie. Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon and Philippians; ed. by G. C. Martin. Thessalonians and Galatians; ed. by W. F. Adeney. Hebrews; ed. by A. S. Peake. Pastoral epistles; ed. by R. F. Horton. * New century Bible now complete. 30 Catalogue General Theological Library Bible. Whole. Commentaries — Continued. General epistles; ed. by W. H. Bennett. Revelation; ed. by C. A. Scott. Parker, J. People's Bible. 27V. A commentary in the form of sermons. Pulpit commentary, ed. by H. D. M. Spence and J. S. Exell; with introductions, exposi- tion and homiletics, and homilies by various authors. 51V. Sermon Bible. 1900. iiv. Westminster commentaries, ed. by W. Lock. [1899-1911.] 9v. 0. T. Genesis; Driver, S. R. Exodus; McNeile, A. H. Job; Gibson, E. C. S. Isaiah; Wade, G. W. Ezekiel; Redpath, H. A. N. T. Acts; Rackham, R. B. Corinthians I ; Goudge, H. L. James; Knowling, R. J. Hebrews; Wickham, E. C. Other volumes not yet published. Series bears the name " Oxford commentaries " in the volume first published (Job). Criticism. Interpretation. Anderson, Sir R. Bible and modern criticism. 1903. Arnold, M. God and the Bible; a review of objections to " Literature and dogma." 1876. — Literature and dogma; an essay towards a better apprehension of the Bible. 1895. Balmforth, R. Bible from the standpoint of the higher criticism. 1904. Barry, W. Tradition of Scripture : its origin, authority and interpretation. 1906. (Westminster libr.) Beecher, W. J. Reasonable biblical criticism. 1911. Cheyne, T. K. Bible problems and the new material for their solution. 1904. Farrar, F. W. History of interpretation. 1886. (Bamp. lect.) Faunce, D. W. A young man's difficulties with his Bible. CI898. Gilbert, G. H. Interpretation of the Bible. 1908. Gladden, W. Who wrote the Bible? A book for the people. 1892. Haley, J. W. Examination of the alleged discrepancies of the Bible. 4th ed. 1897. Handley, H., ed. Declaration on biblical criticism by 1725 clergy of the Anglican communion. 1906. Ladd, G. T. Doctrine of sacred Scripture. 1883. 2V. Margoliouth, D. S. Lines of defence of the biblical revelation, n. d. Mead, C. M. Christ and criticism; thoughts concerning the relation of Christian faith to biblical criticism. Orelli, H. C. von. Peculiarity of the religion of the Bible. CI908. (For. relig. ser.) Orr, J. Bible under trial. 1907. Pierson, A. T. The Bible and spiritual criticism. 1905. (Exeter Hall lect.) Bible. Whole. Criticism. Interpretation. — Cent. Rainy, R. Bible and criticism. 1888. Reed, J., and others. Bible; is it the word pf God? 1899. (Bennett lect.) Selleck, W. C. New appreciation of the Bible. 1907. Smith, J. Integrity of Scripture; reasons for rejecting the critical hypothesis. 1902. Terry, M. S. Biblical hermeneutics. C1890. — Moses and the prophets; an essay toward a fair and useful statement of some of the positions of modern biblical criticism. 1901. See also Higher criticism. The English Bible. Anderson. Annals of the English Bible. 1845. 2V. Barker, H. English Bible versions. 1907. Conant, Mrs. H. C. The English Bible. 1856. Condit, B. History of the English Bible. C1881. Cook, A. S. Authorized version of the English Bible and its influence. 1910. Dore, J. R. Old Bibles: an account of the early versions of the English Bible. 2d ed. 1888. Eadie, J. The English Bible. 1876. 2 v. Paris, J. T. Romance of the English Bible. C1911. Gairdner, J. (In his Lollardy and the refor- mation in England, vol. II.) Hardy, E. N. Story of the English Bible. Pamphlet. Harper, W. R., and others. The English Bible; how we got it. Pamphlet. Hoare, W. H. Evolution of the English Bible. 1902. Jacobus, M. W., ed. Roman Catholic and Protestant Bibles compared. 2d ed. 1908. (Gould prize essays.) Lovett, R. Printed English Bible. 1909. McAfee, C. B. Greatest English classic. 1912. McComb, S. Making of the English Bible. 1909. Moulton, W. F. History of the English Bible. 1878. Pollard, A. W., ed. Records of the English Bible; the documents relating to the transla- tion and publication of the Bible in English, 1525-1611. 1911. Price, I. M. Ancestry of our English Bible. 1907. Smyth, J. P. How we got our Bible. loth ed. 1893. Storrs, R. S. John Wycliffe and the first English Bible. 1880. Stoughton, J. Our English Bible. 1878. Talbot, R. T. Our Bible: how it has come to us. 1894. Walden, T. Our English Bible. C1871. Westcott, B. F. General view of the history of the English Bible. 1905. Wright, J. Historic Bibles in America. 1905. Catalogue General Theological Library 31 Bible. Whole. Essays. Essays on some biblical questions of the day by members of the University of Cambridge ; ed. by H. B. Swete. 1909. (Cambridge biblical essays.) Contents: i. Historical methods in the O. T.; A. A. Bevan. — 2. Influence of Babylonian mythol- ogy upon the O. T.; C. H. W. Johns. — 3. Present stage of O. T. research; S. A. Cook. — 4. History of the Jewish church from Nebuchadnezzar to Alexander the Great; R. H. Kennett. — 5. Inter- pretation of the Psalms; W. E. Barnes. — 6. Rab- binic aids to exegesis; I. Abrahams. — 7. Eschato- logical idea in the gosi)el; F. C. Burkitt. — 8. Our Lord's use of theO. T.; A. H. McNeile. — 9. The- ology of the fourth gospel; W. R. Inge. — 10. His- torical value of the fourth gospel; A. E. Brooke. — • II. Jesus and Paul; C. A. A. Scott. — 12. Speeches of Paul in Acts; P. Gardner. — 13. Pres- ent state of the Synoptic problem; H. L. Jackson. — 14. N. T. Greek in the light of modem discovery; J. H. Moulton. — 15. History and present state of N. T. textual criticism; A. V. Valentine-Richards. — 16. Religious value of the Bible; H. B. Swete. Geography. Kent, C. F. Biblical geography and history. 1911. Merrill, S. Galilee in the time of Christ. 1891. Smith, G. A. Historical geography of the Holy Land especially in relation to the his- tory of Israel and of the early church. 3d ed. 1893. Summerbell, J. J. The mountains of the Bible. 1912. Thomson, W. M. The land and the book. 1880-86. 3v. See also Names of countries; Bible lands. History. Hazard, M. C. Books of the Bible with relation to their place in history. 1903. (Pilgrim ser.) Petrie, W. M. F. Egypt and Israel. 1911. Sanders, F. K., and Fowler, H. T. Outlines for the study of biblical history and litera- ture. 1906. (Hist, series for Bible students, vol. IX.) Wilkinson, W. F. Personal names in the Bible. 1865. Inspiration. Beecher, H. W. The inspiration of the Bible. {In his Evolution and religion: sermons.) Dixon, A. C. Scripture inspiration and authority. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Elliott, C. Treatise on the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. 1877. Farrar, F. W., and otJiers, Inspiration: a clerical symposium on " In what sense, and within what limits is the Bible the word of God?" 1884. Gaussen, F. S. R. L. " It is written "; every word and expression contained in the Scriptures proved to be from God. 1857. Horton, R. F. Inspiration and the Bible. 1896. McConnell, S. D. Scripture inspiration and authority. {In Theology at the dawn of % the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Manly, B. Bible doctrine of inspiration explained and vindicated. 1888. Bible. Whole. Inspiration — Continued. Manning, J. M. Not of man, but of God. C1883. Parker, J. None like it; a plea for the old sword. CI 893. Percival, H. R., ed. Inspiration of Holy Scripture and six other essays. 1896. Sanday, W. Inspiration. 1893. (Bamp. lect.) — Oracles of God; nine lectures on the nature and extent of biblical inspiration. 3d ed. 1891. Smyth, J. P. How God inspired the Bible. n. d. See also Inspiration. Introductions. Bennett, W. H., and Adeney, W. F. Biblical introduction. 1899. Book by book: popular studies on the canon of Scripture. By James Robertson [and others]. 1896. 2 v. in i. Briggs, C. A. General introduction to the study of Holy Scripture. Rev. ed. 1900. Mann, N. Evolution of a great literature; natural history of the Jewish and Christian scriptures. [Rev. ed. with notes.] C1906. Moulton, R. G. Short introduction to the literature of the Bible. 1901. Sanders, F. K., and Fowler, H. T. Outlines for the study of biblical history and litera- ture. 1906. (Hist, series for Bible students.) Sunderland, J. T. Origin and character of the Bible. 1909. Manuscripts. Kenyon, F. G. Our Bible and the ancient manuscripts; being a history of the text and its translations. 4th ed. 1896. Merrill, G. E. Story of the manuscripts, 3d ed. 1881. Names. See Names. Prayers. McFadyen, J. E. Prayers of the Bible. 1906 . Psychology. Beck, J. T. Outlines of biblical psychology. 1877. Revised version. Amer. Revision Committee. Anglo-American Bible revision. [Ed. by Philip Schaff.] 1879. Westcott, B. F. Lesson of biblical revision. {In his Lessons from work.) Science. >■ Clark, E. L. Fundamental questions chiefly relating to the book of Genesis and the Hebrew Scriptures. 1882. Dawson, Sir J. W. Meeting-place of geology and history. CI894. — Origin of the world according to revela- tion and science. 1877. Guyot, A. Creation; or, The biblical cos- mogony in the light of modern science. 1884. Hughes, N. C. Genesis and geology. 1887. 32 Catalogue General Theological Library Bible. Whole. Science — Continued. Mackenzie, H. Evolution illuminating the Bible. 1891. Mathewson, G. The psalmist and the scien- tist. New ed. 1891. Maurice, F. D. Claims of the Bible and of science. 1863. Reusch, F. H. Nature and the Bible; lec- tures on the Mosaic history of creation in its relation to natural science; tr. by K. Lyttel- ton. 1886. 2v. Thomson, J. A. The Bible of nature. 1908. (Bross lect. 1907.) Wright, G. F. Scientific confirmations of Old Testament history. 1906. Stories. Worcester, W. L. On holy ground: Bible stories with pictures of Bible lands. 1904. Theology. Beeching, H. C, and Nairne, A. Bible doctrine of atonement. 1907. Ewald, G. H. A. Old and New Testament theology. 1888. Fairbairn, P. Revelation of law in Scripture. 1869. (Cunningham lect.) Smith, G. B. Biblical ideas of atonement. 1909. Smith, J. M. P. Biblical ideas of atonement. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. Townsend, L. T. Bible theology and modern thought. 1883. Versions. Luzzi, G. Dramatic history of the Bible in Italy. {In his Struggle for Christian truth in Italy.) Bible, O. T. Works about the 0. T. Abbott, L. Old Testament shadows of New Testament truths. 1870. Barnes, W. E. Permanent value of the Old Testament. {In Cambridge theological essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Barton, G. A. Roots of Christian teaching as found in the Old Testament. 1902. Bennett, W. H. Social ideals in the Old Testament. {In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) Bonar, H. Light and truth: Old Testament. 1868. Brooke, S. A. Old Testament and modern life. 1896. Burney, C. F. Permanent religious value of the Old Testament. {In Contentio veri- tatis.) Driver, S. R. Sermons on subjects connected with the Old Testament. 1892. Edersheim, A. The world before the flood. Eiselen, F. C. Christian view of the Old Testament. CI912. Foster, R. V. Old Testament studies. C1890. Gibbs, E. O. Origin of sin and dotted words in the Hebrew Bible. 1893. Godet, F. L. Studies on the Old Testament. Green, W. H. Old Testament literature. 1888. Hedge, F. H. Primeval world of Hebrew tradition. 1870. Bible. O. T. Works about the 0. T.— Continued Houghton, Mrs. L. S. Hebrew life and thought; being interpretative studies in the literature of Israel. 1906. Marti, K. Religion of the Old Testament; tr. by G. A. Bienemann. 1907. (C. t. 1.) Maurice, F. D. Patriarchs and law-givers of the Old Testament: sermons. 1890. — Prophets and kings of the Old Testa- ment: sermons. 1853. Phelps, A. Studies of the Old Testament. 1879. Smith, G. A. Preaching of the Old Testament to the age. 1893. Archcsology. ArchcBological research. Works giving results of archaeological research and their bearing on the Old Testament. Astley, H. J. D. Prehistoric archaeology and the Old Testament. 1908. (Donnellan lect.) Boscawen, W. S. The Bible and the monu- ments; the primitive Hebrew records in the light of modern research. 1895. Clay, A. T. Amurru, the home of the north- ern Semites; a study showing that the religion and culture of Israel are not of Babylonian origin. 1909. Delitzsch, F. Babel and Bible: two lectures, ed. by C. H. W. Johns. 1903. (C. t. 1.) Driver, S. R. Modern research as illustrating the Bible. 1909. (Schweich lect. 1908.) Duncan, J. G. The exploration of Egypt and the Old Testament. 1909. Evetts, B. T. A. New light on the Bible and the Holy Land; an account of some recent discoveries in the East. 1892. Harper, H. A. Bible and modern discoveries. 1890. Hilprecht, H. V., ed. Recent research in Bible lands; its progress and results. 1896. — Explorations in Bible lands during the nineteenth century. 1903. Hommel, F. The ancient Hebrew tradition as illustrated by the monuments: a protest against the modern school of O. T. criticism ; tr. by E. McClure and L. Crossle. 1897. Jeremias, A. The Old Testament in the light of the ancient East : manual of biblical archaeology. 191 1. 2v. (Theol. transl. libr.) Kellner, M. The Assyrian monuments illus- trating the sermons of Isaiah. 1900. • Konig, F. E. Bible and Babylon. 9th ed., tr. by C. E. Hay. 1903. Macalister, R. A. S. Bible side-lights from the mound of Gezer; a record of excava- tion and discovery in Palestine. 1906. McCurdy, J. F. History, prophecy and the monuments. 1896-1901. 3v. Pinches, T. G. The Old Testament in the light of the historical records and legends of Assyria and Babylonia. 1902. Price, I. M. Monuments and the Old Testa- ment. 1902. Rogers, R. W., ed. and transl. Cuneiform parallels to the Old Testament. 1912. Sayce, A. H. Fresh light from the ancient monuments. 5th ed. 1890. (By-paths of Bible knowledge. II.) Catalogue General Theological Library 33 Bible. O. T. Archceology. Archaological research — Con t inued . Schrader, E. The cuneiform inscriptions and the Old Testament; tr. from 2d Germ. ed. by O. C. Whitehouse. 1885. 2v. Smith, G. Chaldean account of Genesis from the cuneiform inscriptions. [1875.] See also Archaeology; Inscriptions. Biography. Allen, J. H. Hebrew men and times from the patriarchs to the Messiah. 1907. Contents: I. The patriarchs. — II. Moses. — III. The Judges. — IV. David. — V. Solomon. — VI. The Kings. — VII. The law. — VIII. The prophets. — IX. Thecaptivity. — X. The Maccabees. — XI. The Alexandrians. — XII. The Messiah. Farrar, F. W. Minor prophets. (Men of the Bible.) Green, R. S. Both sides; or, Jonathan and Absalom. C1887. Guthrie, T. Studies of character from the Old Testament. 1869. Contents; Abraham the friend of God. — Eliezer the pattern servant. — Joseph the successful man. — Moses the patriot. — Joshua the colonist. — Caleb the soldier. — Boaz the farmer. — Ruth the virtuous. — Gideon the deliverer. Horton, R. F. Women of the Old Testament. 1897. Contents: Eve. — Sarah. — Rebekah. — Rachel. — Potiphar's wife. — The daughter of Pharaoh. — Rahab. — Ruth. — Deborah and Jael. — The spir- itualist medium of Endor. — Rizpah. — Michal. — Abigail. — The Queen of Sheba. — The Shulammite. The Shunammite. — The little captive maid. — Huldah. — The wives of the prophets. — Esther. Lang, J. M. Gideon and the Judges. 1891. (Men of the Bible.) Milligan, G., and others. Men of the Old Testament: Cain to David. Contents: i. Cain; by A. Rowland. — 2. Noah; by H. E. Lewis. — 3. Abraham; by W. J. Town- send. — 4. Isaac; by A. Rowland. — 5. Esau; by G. Milligan. — 6. Jacob; by J. M. Gibbon. — 7. Reuben; by A. Rowland. — 8. Joseph; by D. Rowlands. — 9. Pharaoh; by T. R. Williams. — 10. Moses; by W. J. Townsend. — 11. Aaron; by H. E. Lewis. — 12. Joshua; by H. E. Lewis. — 13. Balaam; by J. M. Gibbon. — 14. Achan; by J. G. Greenhough. — 15. Gideon; by H. E. L«wis. — 16. Samson; by W. J. Townsend. — 17. Eli; by D. Rowlands. — 18. Samuel; by P. C. Simpson. — 19. Saul; by G. Milligan. — 20. Jonathan; by J. G. Greenhough. — 21. David: by H. E. Lewis. Milligan, G., and others. Men of the Old Testament: Solomon to Jonah. Contents: i. Solomon; by J. G. Greenhough. — 2. Absalom; by J. G. Greenhough. — 3. Reho- boam; by D. Rowlands. — 4. Ahab and Naboth; byJ.G. Greenhough. — 5. Elijah; by D. Rowlands. — 6. Elisha; by H. E. Lewis. — 7. Ahaz; by H. E. Lewis. — 8. Hezekiah; by A. Rowland. — 9- Josiah; by J. G. Greenhough. — 10. Haman and Mordecai; by J. G. Greenhough. — 11. Ezra; by W. J. Townsend. — 12. Nehemiah; by G. Milligan. — 13. Job; by T. R. Williams. — 14. Isaiah; by W. J. Townsend. — 15. Jeremiah; by W. F. Adeney. — 16. Ezekiel; by H. E. Lewis. — 17. Hosea; by W. F. Adeney. — 18. Joel; by A. Rowland. — 19. Amos; by W. F. Adeney. — 20. Jonah; by W. F. Adeney. Rawlinson, G. Kings of Israel and Judah. 1889. (Men of the Bible.) Spaulding, H. G. Hebrew prophets and kings. 1891. — Later heroes of Israel. 1888. Thomson, W. H. Life and times of the patriarchs. 1912. Bible. O. T. Canon. Buhl, F. Canon and text of the Old Testa- ment. 1892. Green, W. H. General introduction to the Old Testament: the canon. 1899. Moore, G. F. Definition of the Jewish canon. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Ryle, H, E. Canon of the Old Testament. 1895. Commentaries. Kent, C. F. The student's Old Testament logically and chronologically arranged and translated. I-IV. 1907-10. I. Narratives of the beginnings of Hebrew history. II. Israel's historical and biographical narratives. III. Prophetic sermons, epistles and apocalypses. IV. Israel's laws and legal precedents. Other volumes not yet published. See also Bible. Whole. Commentaries. Criticism. Interpretation. Abbott, L. Life and literature of the ancient Hebrews. 1901. Behrends, A. J. F. Old Testament under fire. 1897. Cheyne, T. K. Founders of Old Testament criticism. 1893. Duff, A. History of Old Testament criticism. 1910. (Hist, of the sciences.) Gladden, W. Seven puzzling Bible books: a supplement to " Who wrote the Bible? " 1897. Contents: Introductory. — Judges. — Esther. — Job. — Exclesiastes. — The Song of song^. — Daniel. — Jonah. Green, W. H. Hebrew feasts in their relation to recent critical hypotheses concerning the Pentateuch. 1885. (Newton lectures.) Harper, W. R. Constructive studies in the priestly element in the Old Testament. 1902. (Constructive Bible studies.) Kent, C. F. Origin and permanent value of the Old Testament. 1906. Kirkpatrick, A. F. Divine library of the Old Testament. 19 10. McFadyen, J. E. Old Testament criticism and the Christian church. 1903. Margoliouth, D. S. Lines of defence of the biblical revelation. [1900.] Orr, J. Problem of the Old Testament considered with reference to recent criticism. 1906. Ottley, R. L. Aspects of the Old Testament. 1897. (Bamp. lect.) Smith, G. A. Modern criticism and the preach- ing of the Old Testament. 2d ed. 1901. (Yale lect.) Smith, W. R. Old Testament in the Jewish church. 1 88 1. Same. New ed. 1912. Stebbins, R. P. Common sense view of the Old Testament. 1885. Thomas, J. M. The Christian faith and the Old Testament. 1908. 34 Catalogue General Theological Library Bible. O. T. Criticism. Interpretation. — Cont. Vernon, A. W. Religious value of the Old Testament in the light of modern scholar- ship. 1907. See also Archaeology; Bible; Higher criticism. Ethics. Bruce, W. S. Ethics of the Old Testament. 1895. Mitchell, H. G. Ethics of the Old Testament. 1912. Mozley, J. B. Ruling ideas in early ages and their relation to Old Testament faith. 1877. Ethnology. Sayce, A. H. Races of the Old Testament. 1 89 1. (By-paths of Bible knowledge. XVI.) Evidences. McCurdy, J. F. History, prophecy and the monuments. 1 894-1901. 3v. Price, I. M. The monuments and the Old Testament; oriental light on Holy writ. 3d ed. 1902. History. Armstrong, G. Names and places in the Old Testament and the Apocrypha. 1887. Dawson, W. J. Egypt and Syria; their physical features in relation to Bible history. 1885. (By-paths of Bible knowledge. VI.) Horr, G. E. Training of the Chosen people. C1908. Kent, C. F. Historical Bible. I-IV. [O. T.] 1908-1911. .See Bible. Old Testament. Commentaries. K6nig, F. E. Religious history of Israel: a discussion of the chief problems in Old Testament history as opposed to the develop- ment theorists; tr. by A. J. Campbell. 1885. Sheffield, A. D. The Old Testament narra- tive separated out, set in connected order and edited by A. D. Sheffield. 19 10. A manual for the school and the general reader. Smith, H. P. Old Testament history. 1903. (Int. theol. libr.) Todd, J. C. Politics and religion in ancient Israel, 1904. Toy, C. H. History of the religion of Israel. 1883. Inspiration. Cave, A. Inspiration of the Old Testament. 1888. Introductions. Cornill, C. H. Introduction to the canonical books of the Old Testament. 1907. Driver, S. R. Introduction to the literature of the Old Testament. 1891. Same. 13th ed. 1906. Fowler, H. T. History of the literature of ancient Israel. 1912. Geden, A. S. Outlines of introduction to the Hebrew Bible. 1909. Gigot, F. E. C. Special introduction to the study of the Old Testament. Historical books. 1 90 1. Bible. O. T. Introdttctions — Continued. Gray, G. B. Critical introduction to the Old Testament. 1913. Kautzsch, E. F. Outline of the history of the literature of the Old Testament; tr. by J. Taylor. 1899. McFadyen, J. E. Introduction to the Old Testament. 1905. Moore, G. F. Literature of the Old Testa- ment. C1913. (Home Univ. libr.) Raven, J. H. Old Testament introduction, general and special. C1906. Stearns, O. S. Introduction to the books of the Old Testament. 1888. Todd, J. C. Politics and religion in ancient Israel; an introduction to the study of the Old Testament. 1904. Wright, C. H. H. Introduction to the Old Testament. See Miracles. Miracles. Religion. Marti, K. Religion of the Old Testament: its place among the religions of the nearer East; tr. by G, A. Bienemann, ed. by W. D. Morrison. 1907. (C, t. 1.) Stories. Brown, C. Birth of a nation; studies in Old Testament stories. C1909. Hodges, G. Castle of Zion: stories from the Old Testament. 19 12. — ^ The Garden of Eden ; stories from the first nine books of the Old Testament 1909. Houghton, L. S. Telling Bible stories. 1907. Moulton, R. G. Bible stories. Old Testa- ment. 1899. (Modern reader's Bible, vol. I.) Study and teaching. Brown, F. Assyriology: its use and abuse in Old Testament study. 1885. Kittel, R. Scientific study of the Old Testa- ment. [Six lectures for elementary school teachers.] Tr. by J. S. Hughes. 1910. (C. t. 1.) Theology. Bennett, W. H. Theology of the Old Testa- ment. 1896. Davidson, A. B. Theology of the Old Testa- ment. 1904. Delitzsch, F. Old Testament history of redemption. 1881. Duff, A. Old Testament theology. 1891. Foster, R. V. Old Testament studies; an outline of Old Testament theology. C1890. Oehler, G. F. Theology of the Old Testament ; with introduction and notes by G, E. Day. 2d ed. 1884. Ottley, R. L. Aspects of the Old Testament. 1897. (Bamp. lect.) Schultz, H. Old Testament theology; tr. from 4th Germ. ed. by J. A. Paterson. 1892. 2V. Toy, C. H. Judaism and Christianity; a sketch of the progress of thought from Old Testament to New Testament. 1891. Weidner, R. F. Biblical theology of the Old Testament. C1896. Catalogue General Theological Library 35 Bible. O. T. Hexateuch. Carpenter, J. E., and Battersby, G. H-. The Hexateuch according to the Revised version, arranged in its constituent docu- ments by members of the Soc. of hist, theology, Oxford; edited with introduction, notes, etc. 1900. 2v. Bartlett, S. C. Veracity of the Hexateuch. CI 897. Briggs, C. A. Higher criticism of the Hexa- teuch. 1893. Kuenen, A. Historico-critical inquiry into the origin and composition of the Hexa- teuch. 1886. Pentateuch. Bissell, E. C. The Pentateuch, its origin and structure. 1888. Bartlett, S. C. Sources of history in the Pentateuch. ci888. Briggs, C. A., and Hiigel, F. von. Papal commission and the Pentateuch. 1906. Chambers, T. W., ed. Moses and his recent critics. 1892. Essays by various writers. Chapman, A. T. Introduction to the Penta- teuch. 191 1. Cook, S. A. Laws of Moses and the code of Hammurabi. 1903. Curtiss, S. I. Levitical priests, a contribution to the criticism of the Pentateuch. 1877. Green, W. H. The Hebrew feasts in their relation to recent critical hypotheses con- cerning the Pentateuch. 1885. (Newton lect.) — Higher criticism of the Pentateuch. 1895. Holborn, A. Pentateuch in the light of to-day. 1902. Warren, H. W. Exegesis of the Pentateuch of Moses. CI 893. Wiener, H. M. Essays in pentateuchal criticism, 1909. Genesis. Bacon, B. W. Genesis of Genesis. CI893. Bissell, E. C. Genesis printed in colors showing the original sources from which it is supposed to have been compiled, with an introduction. 1892. Davis, J. D. Genesis and Semitic tradition. 1894. Delitzsch, F. New commentary on Genesis, tr. by Sophia Taylor. 1889. 2 v. Dillmann, A. Genesis critically and exegeti- cally expounded. 1897. 2v. Dods, M. Genesis with introduction and notes. (Hdbks. for Bible classes.) Fiske, A. K. Myths of Israel, the ancient book of Genesis with analysis and explana- tion of its composition. 1897. Gordon, A. R. The early traditions of Genesis. 1907. Green, W. H. Unity of the book of Genesis. 1895. Gunkel, H. The legends of Genesis, tr. by W. H. Carruth. 1901. Hedge, F. H. Primeval world of Hebrew tradition. 1870. Hershon, P. I. Rabbinical commentary on Genesis. 1885. Bible. O. T. Genesis — Continued. Jukes, A. Types of Genesis briefly considered . 1892. Mitchell, H. G. The world before Abraham according to Genesis I-XI, with an intro- duction to the Pentateuch. 1901. Newton, R. H. Book of the beginnings; study of Genesis. 1884. Robertson, F. W. Notes on Genesis. 1877. Ryle, H. E. Early narratives of Genesis. 1892. Toy, C. H. Polytheism in Genesis as a mark of date. (In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Wenyon, C. Creation story. Worcester, E. Book of Genesis in the light of modern knowledge. 1901. Exodus. Bacon, B. W. Triple tradition of the Exodus. 1894. Hoskins, F. E. From the Nile to Nebo; a discussion of the problem and the route of the Exodus. 19 12. Pentecost, G. F. "Out of Egypt": Bible readings on the book of Exodus. 1884. Toffteen, O. A. Historic Exodus. 1909. (Researches in bibl. archaeology, vol. 2.) Leviticus. Genung, G. F. Book of Leviticus. CI905. (Amer. commentary on the O. T.) Rainsford, M. Tabernacle in the wilderness and the gospel according to Leviticus. Numbers. Cienung, G. F. Book of Numbers. CI906. (Amer. commentary on the O. T.) Deuteronomy. McNeile, A. H. Deuteronomy: its place in revelation. 1912. Welch, A. C. Deuteronomy. (In his Religion of Israel under the kingdom.) (Kerr lect.) Judges. Curtis, E. L. Book of Judges. 1913. (Bible for home and school.) Lang, J. M. Gideon and the Judges. (Men of the Bible.) Ruth. Cox, S. Book of Ruth; a popular exposition. Samuel. Arnold, W. R. Meaning of Hebrew Bithrdn, 2 Sam. 11. 29. {In Essays publ. as a testi- monial to C. A. Briggs.) Ezra. Torrey, C. C. Ezra studies. 1910. Esther. Cassel, P. Explanatory commentary on Esther; tr. by A. Bernstein. 1888. (Clark. For. theol. libr.) 36 Catalogue General Theological Library Bible. O. T. Esther — Continued. Haley, J. W. Esther; new translation, with notes. 1885. Lowell Hebrew Club. Esther; new transla- tion, with critical notes. Ed. by J. W. Haley. 1885. Poetical hooks. Gilfillan, G. Bards of the Bible. 1874. Lowth, R. Lectures on the sacred poetry of the Hebrews. Smith, G. A. E^rly poetry of Israel in its physical and social origins. 19 12. (Schweich lect.) Joh. Blake, B. The problem of human sufTering: a study of the book of Job. 191 1. Bradley, G. G. Lectures on the book of Job. 1887. Brown, C. R. The strange ways of God: a study in the book of Job. 1908, Cheyne, T. K. Job and Solomon. 1889. Cox, S. Commentary on the book of Job. 1880. Driver, S. R. Job in the revised version, with introductions and brief annotations. 1906. Froude, J. A. Book of Job. {In his Short studies on great subjects. First series.) Genung, J. F. Book of Job. {In Moulton, R. G., and others. Bible as literature.) — Epic of the inner life. 1891. Peloubet, F. N. Studies in the book of Job. 1906. Royce, J. Problem of Job. {In his Studies of good and evil.) Strahan, J. The book of Job interpreted. 1913- Wisdom literature. Cheyne, T. K. Job and Solomon; or. The wisdom of the Old Testament. 1889. Genung, J. F. The Hebrew literature of wisdom in the light of to-day. 1906. Psalms. Bay Psalm book; being a facsimile reprint of the first edition, printed by Stephen Daye at Cambridge, in New England, in 1640. 1903. Cathedral paragraph Psalter containing the canticles, proper Psalms, and the twenty selections of Psalms arranged in paragraphs and pointed for chanting; with brief notes on the Psalfer; ed. by J. Troutbeck. n. d. Psalter; or, Selections from the book of Psalms. C1883. Psalter; or. Selections from the book of Psalms, n. d. Adams, J. The Lenten Psalms. 1912. (Short course ser.) A. U. A. Psalter; or, Book of Psalms arranged for congregational use. 1901. Augustine, St. Expositions on the Psalms. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, first ser., vol. VHL) Barton, W. E. Psalms and their story. CI898. Binnie, ^ W. The Psalms; their history, teachings and use. 1886. Bible. O. T. Psalms — Continued. Brooks, P. Exposition of the nineteenth, twenty-third and fifty-ninth Psalms. {In his Spiritual man, and other sermons.) Chambers, T. W. The Psalter. 1876. (Vedder lect.) Cheyne, T. K, Origin and religious contents of the Psalter. 1891. — Psalms; new translation, with commen- tary. 1888. Same. 1904. 2 v. Fullerton, K. The anti-sacriiicial Psalms. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Huckel, O. The melody of God's love; a new unfolding of the twenty-third Psalm. 1905. Peile, J. H. F. Sacrament of repentance: a commentary on the fifty-first Psalm. 1912. Perowne, J. J. S. Psalms; new translation with notes. 1879. 2 v. Peters, J. P. The sons of Korah. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Prothero, R, E. Psalms in human life. 1903. Robertson, J. Poetry and religion of the Psalms. 1898. (Croall lect.) Smith, G. A. Four Psalms: XXHI, XXXVI, LI I, CXXI; interpreted for practical use. 1896. Spurgeon, C. H. Treasury of David. 1882- 1886. 7v. Stalker, J. The Psalm of Psalms; being an exposition of the twenty-third Psalm. 19 13. Thirtle, J. W. Titles of the Psalms. 1904. Van Dyke, H. Story of the Psalms. 6th ed. 1903. Wesley, J. Select Psalms, arranged for the use of the M. E. Church. Ed. by C. S. narrower. 1891. Proverbs. Banks, L. A. Problems of youth; discourses on themes from the book of Proverbs. 1909. Ecdesiastes. Cheyne, T. K. Job and Solomon. 1889. Genung, J. F. Words of Koheleth, son of David, king in Jerusalem; translated anew, and accompanied with a study of their literary and spiritual values. 1904. Moffatt, J. Ecdesiastes. 1905. (Lit. illus. of the Bible.) Song of Solomon. Griffis, W. E. Lily among thorns: study of the biblical drama entitled the Song of songs. 1890. Prophets. Batten, L. W. Hebrew prophet. 1905. Beecher, W. J. The prophets and the promise. 1905. (Stone lect.) Bennett, W. H. Religion of the post-exilic prophets. 1907. Blake, B. How to read the prophets. 1892. 5v. Catalogue General Theological Library 37 Bible. O. T. Prophets — Continued. Chamberlin, G. L. The Hebrew prophets; or, Patriots and leaders of Israel; a text- book for students of the high school age and above. C1911. Cheyne, T. K. The two religions of Israel, with a re-examination of the prophetic narratives and utterances. 191 1. Cornill, C. H. Prophets of Israel. 1897. Eiselen, F. C. Commentary on the minor prophets, 1907. (Whedon, D. D. Com- mentary on the O. T., vol. IX.) Farrar, F. W. Minor prophets. (Men of the Bible.) Green, W. H. Prophets and prophecy. 1878. Kirkpatrick, A. F. Doctrine of the prophets. 1892. (Warburton lect.) Kuenen, A. Prophets and prophecy in Israel. 1877. Martin, A. W. Prophets of Israel. (In his Great religious teachers of the East.) Smith, W. R. Prophets of Israel and their place in history. 1882. See also Prophecy; Messianic prophecy. Isaiah. Box, G. H. Isaiah; tr. from a text revised in accordance with the results of recent criticism, with introductions, notes, etc. 1909. Cheyne, T. K. Introduction to the book of Isaiah. 1895. — Book of Isabh chronologically arranged. 1870. — Prophecies of Isaiah; new translation with commentary. 1880. 2 v. Ewald, G. H. A. Isaiah, chapters I-XXXIII. 1869. Glazebrook, M. G. Studies in the book of Isaiah. 1910. Hastings, J. Great texts of the Bible. Isaiah. 1910. Kellner, M. Assyrian monuments illustrating the sermons of Isaiah. 1900. Kennedy, J. Popular argument for the unity of Isaiah. 1891. Kennett, R. H. Composition of the book of Isaiah in the light of history and archaeology. 1910. (Schweich lect.) K6nig, E. Exiles' book of consolation con- tained in Isaiah XL-LXVI. 1899. Mitchell, H. G. Isaiah; study of chapters I-XII. C1897. Rogers, A. Prophecy and f>oetry; studies in Isaiah and Browning. 1909. Warren, H. W. Studies in the addresses of Isaiah. {In hts Exegesis of the Pentateuch of Moses.) Welch, A. C. Isaiah. {In his Religion of Israel under the kingdom.) (Kerr lect.) Jeremiah. Bewer, J. A. Exegetical notes on Jeremiah. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Brown, C. R. Book of the prophet Jeremiah. CI907. (Amer. Com.,0. T.) Driver, S. R. Jeremiah; revised translation, with introductions and short explanations. 1906. Gillies, J. R. Jeremiah, the man and his message. 1907. Bible. O. T. Ezekiel. Guthrie, T. Gospel in Ezekiel. 1877. Daniel. Wright, C. H. H. Daniel and his prophecies. 1906. Hosea. Welch, A. C. Hosea. {In his Religion of Israel under the kingdom.) (Kerr lect.) Amos. McFadyen, J. E. Cry for justice; a study in Amos. 1912. (Short course ser.) Mitchell, H. G. Amos; an essay in exegesis. 1900. Welch, A. C. Amos. {In his Religion of Israel under the kingdom.) (Kerr lect.) Jonah. Townsend, L. T. Story of Jonah in the light of higher criticism. 1897. Habakkuk. Stonehouse, G. G. V. Habakkuk; introduc- tion, translation and notes on the Hebrew text. 191 1. Zechariah. Adams, J. Man among the myrtles; a study in Zechariah's visions. 1913. Dods, M. Visions of a prophet. 1895. Wright, C. H. H. Zechariah and his prophe- cies, with a commentary. 1879. (Bamp. lect.) Bible. O. T. Apocrypha. The Apocrypha according to the authorized version. N. Y. Nelson. Ecclesiastical or deutero-canonical books of the Old Testament commonly called the Apocrypha; ed. by C. J. Ball. Lond. Eyre. (Variorum Apocrypha.) Gregg, D. Old Testament Apocrypha as the book of the period between the Testaments. {In his Between the Testaments.) 1907. Jackson, A. V. W. Notes on two passages in the Old Testament, Apocrypha, (in Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Wace, H., ed. Apocrypha. [Commentary.] 1888. 2v. (Bible commentary.) Ecclesiasticus. Oesterley, W. O. E. Ecclesiasticus, with introduction and notes. 1912. (Camb. Bible.) Maccabees. Fairweather, W., and Black, J. S. First book of Maccabees with introduction and notes. 1897. (Camb. Bible.) Bible. O. T. Pseudepigrapha. Apocalypse of Baruch; tr. from the Syriac; ed., with introduction, notes and indices, by R. H. Charles. Lond. Black. 1896. Ascension of Isaiah, tr. from the Ethiopic version . . . ed. with introduction, notes and indices by R. H. Charles. Lond. Black. 1900. 38 Catalogue General Theological Library Bible. O. T. Pseudepigrapha — Continued. Assumption of Moses, tr. from the Latin . . . ed. with introduction, notes and indices by R. H. Charles. Lond. Black. 1897. Book of Enoch, tr. from Prof. Dillmann's Ethiopic text; ed. with introduction, notes, appendices and indices by R. H. Charles. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1893. Book of Jubilees, or, The Little Genesis; tr. from the editor's Ethiopic text and edited, with introduction, notes and indices, by R. H. Charles. Lond. Black. 1902. Book of the secrets of Enoch; tr. from the Slavonic by W. R. Morfill, and ed., with introduction, notes and indices, by R. H. Charles. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1896. Book of Wisdom; the Greek text, the Vulgate, and the authorised Engl, version, with an introduction, critical apparatus and com- mentary. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1881. Odes and Psalms of Solomon now first publ. from the Syriac version by J. Rendel Harris. Camb. [Eng.]. Univ. press. 1909. Psalms of the Pharisees commonly called the Psalms of Solomon; ed., with introduction, Engl, translation, notes, appenaix and indices by H. E. Ryle and M. R. James. Camb. [Eng.]. Univ. press. 1891. Sibylline oracles. The; tr. from the Greek into English blank verse by M. S. Terry. N. Y. Hunt. 1890. Testaments of the twelve patriarchs, tr. from the editor's Greek text, and ed., with intro- duction, notes and indices, by R. H. Charles. Lond. Black. 1908. Bible, N. T. Modern speech New Testament : an idiomatic translation into everyday English from the text of " The resultant Greek Testament"; by R. F. Weymouth. Ed. by E. Hampden-Cook. N. Y. Baker. 1902. Twentieth century New Testament: a transla- tion into modern English from the original Greek (Westcott & Hort's text) by a com- pany of about twenty scholars representing the various sections of the Christian church. Rev. ed. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1904. Letters of St. Paul to seven churches and three friends; with the letter to the Hebrews; translated by Arthur S. Way. 2d ed. Lond. Macm. 1906. Epistles of Paul in modern English; a para- phrase by George Barker Stevens. N. Y. Scribner. 1898. Bible, N. T. Works about the New Testament. Alford, H. How to study the New Testament. 1865. Beet, J. A. The New Testament; its author- ship, date and worth. Cone, O. Rich and poor in the New Testa- ment. 1902. Farrar, F. W. Messages of the books. 1885. Fletcher, M. S. Psychology of the New Testament. 2d ed. [1912.] Godet, F. L. Studies on the New Testament. 1888. Horswell, C. Suggestions for the study of the English New Testament. 1897. Bible. N.T. Works about New Testament — Cont. Maurice, F. D. Unity of the New Testament. 1884. 2V. Robinson, C. S. Studies in the New Testa- ment. 1880. Simcox, W. H. Writers of the New Testa- ment. Biography. Bacon, D. F. Lives of the apostles of Jesus Christ. 1846. Greenhough, J. G. Apostles of our Lord. 1904. Greenwood, F. W. J. Lives of the twelve apostles. 1868. Matheson, G. Representative men of the New Testament. 1905. Contents: I. Introduction. — II. John the ex- panded. — III. John the self -surrendered . — IV. Nathanael the invigorated. — V. Peter the em- boldened. — VI. Nicodemus the instructed. — VII. Thomas the convinced. — VIII. Philip the dis- illusioned. — IX. Matthew the exalted. — X. Zaccheus the conscious-struck. — XI. James the softened . — XII. Barnabas the chastened . — XIII. Mark the steadied. — XIV. Cornelius the trans- planted.— XV. Timothy the disciplined. — XVI. Paul the illuminated. Milligan, G., and others. Men of the New Testament. Contents: 1-4. The four evangelists; by G. Mil- ligan. — s. Herod the Great; by T. R. Williams. — 6. John the Baptist; by J. G. Greenhough. — 7. Andrew; by J. G. Greenhough. — 8. Nathanael; by A. Rowland. — 9. St. Peter; by W. F. Adeney. — 10. Nicodemus; by J. G. Greenhough. — 11. St. James the son of Zebedee; by W. F. Adeney. — 12. Bartimseus; by D. Rowlands. — 13. Zaccheus; by J. G. Greenhough. — 14. Lazarus; by T. R. Williams. — 15. Judas Iscariot; by P. C. Simpson. — 16. St. Thomas; by W. F. Adeney. — 17. James the brother of the Lord; by W. F. Adeney. — 18. Stephen; by A. Rowland. — 19. Cornelius; by G. Milligan. — 20. St. Paul; by G. Milligan. — 21. Barnabas; by W. F. Adeney. — 22. Onesimus; by J. M. Gibbon. — 23. Timothy; by G. Milligan. Upham, F. W. The wise men; who they were and how they came to Jerusalem. 1873. See also Individual biographies. Canon. Charteris, A. H. Canonicity; a collection of early testimonies to the canonical books of the New Testament. Cone, O. Sketch of the history of the New Testament canon. {In International hand- books to the New Testament, vol. III.) Ferris, G. H. Formation of the New Testa- ment. 1907. Gregory, C. R. Canon and text of the New Testament. 1907. (Int. theol. libr.) Moore, E. C. The New Testament in the Christian church. 1909. Souter, A. Text and canon of the New Testament. 19 13. Vedder, H. C. Our New Testament: how did we get it? 1908. Commentaries. Abbott, L. Illustrated commentaries. [N.T.J 1876-88. 5v. Contents; I. Matthew. — II. Mark and Luke. — III. John. — IV. Acts. — V. Romans. American commentary on the New Testament. Ed. by Alvah Hovey. C1881-90. 11 v. in 7. Catalogue General Theological Library 39 Bible. N. T, Commentaries — Continued. Matthew; Broadus, J. A. Mark; Clarke, W. N. Luke; Bliss, G. R. John; Hovey, A. Acts; Hackett, H. B. Romans; Arnold, A. N., and Ford, D. B. Corinthians I & II; Gould, E. P. Pastoral epistles, Timothy and Titus, Philemon; Harvey, H. Hebrews; Kendrick, A. C. James; Winkler, E. T. Revelation; Smith, J. A. Cambridge Greek Testament for schools and colleges. General editors, J. J. S. Perowne [and others]. 1893-1910. 17V. Greek text, English notes and introductions. Matthew; Carr, A. Mark; Maclear, G. F. Luke; Farrar, F. W. John; Plummer, A. Acts; Lumby, J. R. Romans; Parry, R. S. First Corinthians; Lias, J. J. Second Corinthians; Plummer, A. Galatians; Williams, A. L. Philippians; Moule, H. G. C. Colossians and Philemon; Williams, A. L. Thessalonians; Findlay, G. G. Pastoral epistles; Bernard, J. H. Hebrews; Farrar, F. W. James; Carr, A. Epistles of John; Plummer, A. Revelation; Simcox, W. H, Handy commentary, ed. by C. J. Ellicott. 13V. L Introduction to the N. T.; Plumptre, E. H. II-IV. Matthew-Luke; Plumptre, E. H. V. John; Watkins, H. W. VI. Acts; Plumptre, E. H. VII. Romans; Sanday, W. VIII. I. First Corinthians; Shore, T. T. 2. Second Corinthians; Plump- tre, E. H. IX. I. Galatians; Sanday, W. 2. Ephesians and Philippians; Barry, A. X. I. Colossians; Barry, A. 2. Thessalonians; Mason, A. J. 3. Timothy; Spence, H. D. M. XI. I. Titus; Spence, H. D. M. 2. Philemon; Barry, A. 3. Hebrews; Moulton, W. F. 4. James; Punchard, E. G. XII. I. Epistles of Peter; Mason, A. J., and Plummer, A. 2. Epistles of John; Sinclair, W. M. 3. Jude; Plummer, A. XIII. Revelation; Carpenter, W. B. International handbooks to the New Testa- ment; by Orello Cone [and others]. 1899- 1907. 4v. I. Synoptic gospels; by G. L. Cary. II. Epistles of Paul to the Thessaloni- ans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ro- mans and Philippians; by J. Drummond. Bible. N. T. Commentaries — Continued. III. Hebrews, Colossians, Ephesians, and Philemon; the pastoral epis- tles, the epistles of Peter and Jude; by O. Cone. IV, Johannine literature and Acts; by H. P. Forbes. Meyer, H. A. W. Critical and exegetical com- mentary on the New Testament. From the German with the sanction of the author. 1877-82. 20V. Matthew to Colossians by Meyer; Thessalonians and Hebrews by Lunemann; Timothy and Titus, James and John, Peter and Jude, by Huther; Revelation by DUsterdieck. Translation from the first, third, fourth, fifth and sixth editions of the German, by Peter Christie and others. Vincent, M. R. Word studies in the New Testament. 1 890-1900. 4V. Westminster New Testament, ed. by A. E. Garvie; a series of commentaries by modern scholars, designed for teachers, ministers and private students. [1908-1911.] gv. Matthew; by David Smith. Mark; by S. W. Green. Luke; by A. E. Garvie. John; by H. W. Clark. Acts; by H. T, Andrews. Thessalonians and Corinthians; by R. Mackintosh. Captivity and pastoral epistles; by J. Strachan. Hebrews and the general epistles; by A. F. Mitchell. Revelation and the Johannine epistles; by A. Ramsay. See also Bible. Whole. Commentaries. Criticism. Allen, W. C. Modern criticism and the New Testament. {In Contentio veritatis.) Conybeare, F. C. History of New Testament criticism. 19 10. Emmet, C. W. Eschatological question in the gosjjels, and other studies in recent New Testament criticism. 191 1. Nichols, H. P. The temporary and the permanent in New Testament revelation. CI905. (Bohlen lect.) Potwin, L. S. Here and there in the Greek New Testament. 1898. Wrede, W. Origin of the New Testament; tr. by J. S. Hill. 1909. Criticism (historical). Batiffol, P. H. Credibility of the gospel; tr. by G. C. H. Pollen. 1912. Conybeare, F. C. Myth, magic and morals; a study of Christian origins. 191 1. Deissmann, A. Light from the ancient East; the New Testament illustrated by recently discovered texts of the Graeco- Roman world. 19 lO. — New light on the New Testament from records of the Graeco- Roman period; tr. by L. R. M. Strachan. 1908. Delitzsch, F. Whose son is Christ? Two lectures on progress in religion; tr. by F. L. Pogson. [1909.] Gardner, P. Historic view of the New Testament. 1901. (Jowett lect.) 40 Catalogue General Theological Library Bible. N. T. Criticism (historical) — Cont'd. Mitchell, E. C. Critical handbook to the Greek New Testament. New ed. 1896. Nash, H. S. History of the higher criticism of the New Testament; being the process whereby the word of God has won the right to be understood. 1900. (N. T. hdbks.) Soden, H. von. History of early Christian literature: writings of the New Testament; tr. by J. R. Wilkinson, ed. by W. D. Morri- son. 1906. (C. t. I.) Criticism (textual). Cary, G. L. Elements of text-criticism. (In Internat. hdbks. to the N. T., vol. I.) Kenyon, F. G. Handbook to the textual criticism of the New Testament. 1901. Richards, A. V. V-. History and present state of New Testament textual criticism. (In Cambridge biblical essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Scrivener, F. H. A. Six lectures on the text of the New Testament and the ancient manuscripts which contain it. 1875. Souter, A. Text and canon of the New Testament. 1913. Vincent, M. R. History of the textual criticism of the New Testament. 1899. (N. T. hdbks.) Walden, T. Great meaning of Met4noia. New ed. 1896. Essays. Lightfoot, J. B. Biblical essays. 1893. Each one catalogued separately. For contents see author entry. Walker, D. Gift of tongues, and other essays. 1906. For contents see author entry. Ethics. See Christian ethics. Geography. Ramsay, W. M. Cities of St. Paul. 1907. See also Bible. Geography. Grammars. Moulton, J. H. Grammar of New Testament Greek. Vol. I. 1906. History. Gigot, F. E. Outlines of New Testament history. 1898. Reuss, E. W. E. History of the sacred Scriptures of the New Testament. 1884. 2V. See also Jews. History. N. T. times. Introductions. Bacon, B. W. Introduction to the New Testament. 1900. (N. T. hdbks.) Dods, M. Introduction to the New Testa- ment, loth ed. 1904. Jiilicher, A. Introduction to the New Testa- ment. 1904. Milligan, G. New Testament documents: their origin and early history. 1913. Bible. N. T. Introductions — Continued. Moffatt, J. Historical New Testament; being the literature of the New Testament ar- ranged in the order of its literary growth and according to the dates of the documents. 1901. — Introduction to the literature of the New Testament. 1911. Peake, A. S. Critical introduction to the New Testament. 191 1. Schaff, P. A companion to the Greek Testa- ment and the English version. 1883. Scrivener, F. H. A. Plain introduction to the criticism of the New Testament. 4th ed. 1894. 2v. Soden, H. von. History of early Christian literature: writings of the New Testament. 1906. (C. t. 1.) Weiss, B. Manual of introduction to the New Testament. 1887. 2 v. Zahn, T. Introduction to the New Testa- ment; tr. from the third German ed. by J. M. Trout [and others]. 1909. 3v. Langtmge. Simcox, W. H. Language of the New Testa- ment. 1889. Miracles. See Miracles. Quotations. Ball, W. E. B. (In his St. Paul and Roman law; chapters IX-XII.) Johnson, F, Quotations of the New Testa- ment from the Old considered in the light of general literature. 1896. Oxford Soc. of Hist. Theology. The New Testament in the apostolic fathers. 1905. Toy, C. H. Quotations in the New Testa- ment. 1884. Revised version. Lightfoot, J. B., and others. Revision of the English version of the New Testament, with an introduction by Philip Schaff; 1873. Riddle, M. B. Story of the revised New Testament, American standard edition. C1908. Roberts, A. Companion to the revised ver- sion of the New Testament. Authorized ed. 1881. Westcott, B. F. Revised version of the New Testament. (In his Lessons from work.) — Some lessons of the revised version of the New Testament. 1897. Stories. Gillie, R. C. Kinsfolk and friends of Jesus. 1908. Hodges, G. When the King came; stories from the four gospels. 1904. Moulton, R. G. Bible stories. (N. T.) 1899. (Modern reader's Bible.) Theology. Bernard, T. D. Progress of doctrine in the New Testament. 1864. (Bamp. lect.) Beyschlag, W. New Testament theology. 1895. 2V. Catalogue General Theological Library 41 Bible. N. T. Theology — Continued. Du Bose, W. P. Soteriology of the New Testament. 1892. Estes, D. F. Outline of New Testament theology. 1900. Gilbert, G. H. First interpreters of Jesus. 1901. Gould, E. P. Biblical theology of the New Testament. 1900. Moffat, J. Theology of the gospels. 1913. Schmid, C. F. Biblical theology of the New Testament; tr. by G. Venables. 1870. (For. theol, libr.) Scott, E. F. Apologetic of the New Testa- ment. 1907. (C. t. 1.) Sheldon, H. C. New Testament theology. 1911. Stevens, G. B. Theology of the New Testa- ment. 1899. (Int. theol. libr.) Walden, T. Great meaning of Met4noia; an undeveloped chapter in the life and teaching of Christ. New ed. 1896. Weidner, R. F. Biblical theology of the New Testament. 1891. 2 v. Weiss, B. Biblical theology of the New Testament; tr. by N. Buchanan. 1885. 2V. — Religion of the New Testament; tr, by G. H. Schodde. 1905. 5ee o/jo Gosf>els; Johannine writings. Gospels. Augustine, St. Homilies on the gospels. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, ist ser., vol. VI.) Bennett, E. H. Four gospels from a lawyer's standpoint. 1899. Berle, A. A. Modern interpretations of the gospel life. 1899. Bonar, H. Light and truth: the gospels. 1869. Burkitt, F. C. The eschatological idea in the gospel. {In Cambridge biblical essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) — The gospel history and its transmission. 1906. Carpenter, J. E. First three gospels: their origin and relations. 1890. Chase, F. H. Gospels in the light of historical criticism. {In Cambridge theological es- says. Swete, H. B., ed.) Cone, O. Gospel criticism and historical Christianity. 189 1. Dale, R. W. Living Christ and the four gospels. 1890. Dobschiitz, E. von. Eschatology of the gospels. 1910. Du Bose, W. P. The gospel in the gospels. 1906. Emmet, C. W. Eschatological question in the gospels and other studies in recent New Testament criticism. 191 1. — Harnack on the second source of the first and third gospels. {In his The eschatological question, etc.) Firth, F. J. Holy gospel; a comparison of the gospel text as it is given in the Protestant and Roman Catholic Bible versions in the English language in use in America. C1911. Hall, T. C. Historical setting of the early gospel. C1912. Bible. N. T. Gospels — Continued. Harnack, A. Date of the Acts and the synoptic gospels; tr. by J. R. Wilkinson. 1911. (N. T. studies. IV.) (C. t. 1.) — The sayings of Jesus; the second source of St. Matthew and St. Luke; tr. by J. R. Wilkinson. (N. T. studies. II.) (C. t. I.) Huck, A. Huck's synopsis of the first three gospels arranged for English readers by R. L. Finney. Text from the American standard ed. of the revised Bible. C1907. Montefiore, C. J. G. The synoptic gospels with an introduction and commentary. 1909. 2V. Observations on the authenticity of the gospels; by a layman. 1867. Petrie, W. M. F. Growth of the gospels. 1910. Salmon, G. Human element in the gospels. 1907. Sanday, W. Gospels in the second century. 1876. Stanton, V. H. Gospels as historical docu- ments. 1903-1909. 2V. Tischendorf, L. F. C. von. When were our gospels written? 1867. Tolstoy, L. N. The four gospels har- monized and translated. C1904. Trench, R. C. Studies in the gospels. 1867. Ward, C. T. Gospel development; a study of the origin and growth of the four gospels by mutual comparison. 1907. Westcott, B. F. Introduction to the study of the gospels. 1862. Gospels. Harmonies. Robinson, E. A harmony of the gospels in English according to the common version; rev., ^ith notes, by M. B. Riddle. 1887. Stevens, W. A., and Burton, E. D. Harmony of the gospels for historical study. 4th ed. 1905. Matthew. Anderson, E. E. Gospel according to St. Matthew. 1909. Chrysostom, J., St. Homilies on the gospel of St. Matthew. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 1st ser., vol. X.) Horton, R. F. Devotional commentary on the gospel of St. Matthew. cr909. Morison, J. Practical commentary on the gospel according to St. Matthew. 1884. Parker, J. " These sayings of mine ": pulpit notes on seven chapters of the first gospel. 1881. Plummer, A. Exegetical commentary on the gospel according to St. Matthew. 1909. Strong, J., ed. Studies in the gospel of the kingdom. 191 1. Weston, H. G. Matthew, the genesis of the New Testament; its purpose, character and method. 1900. Mark. Bacon, B. W. The beginnings of gospel story; a historico-critical inquiry into the sources and structure of the gospel according to Mark, with expository notes upon the text for English readers. 1909. Menzies, A. Earliest gospel; historical study of the gospel according to Mark. 1901. 42 Catalogue General Theological Library Bible. N. T. Mark — Continued. Moffatt, J. Gospel of St. Mark. 1905. (Lit. illus. of the Bible.) Panin, I. The last twelve verses of Mark; their genuineness established. 1910. Riddle, M. B. Gospel according to St. Mark. 1881. (Internat. revis. com.) • Swete, H. B. Gospel according to St. Mark; Greek text, introduction, notes, etc. 1898. Luke. Godet, F. L. Commentary on the gospel of St. Luke. 1878. 2v. Maurice, F. D. Gospel of the kingdom of heaven; lectures on the gospel of St. Luke. 1888. Spaulding, H. G. Young learner's lesson- book on the gospel of Luke. Part L 1899. — and Fenn, W. W. Lessons on the gospel of Luke. 1890. Walker, D. Date of Luke and Acts. {In his Gift of tongues and other essays.) Johannine writings. Gebhardt, H. Doctrine of the Apocalypse and its relation to the doctrine of the gospel and epistles of John; tr. by J. Jefferson. 1878. (For. theol. libr.) Schmiedel, P. W. Johannine writings. 1908. Stevens, G. B. Johannine theology. 1894. John. Abbot, E. Authorship of the fourth gospel. 1880. — and others. The fourth gosjjel. 1891. Contents: I. Authorship of the fourth gospel: external evidences; by E. Abbot. — II. Internal tokens of authorship in the fourth gospel; by A. P. Peabody. — III. Internal evidence for the authen- ticity and genuineness of St. John's gospel ; by J. B . Lightfoot. Augustine, St. Homilies on the gospel of John. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 1st ser., vol. VIL) Bacon, B. W. Fourth gospel in research and debate. 19 10. Barth, F. Gospel of St. John and the synoptic gospels. C1907. Brooke, A. E. Historical value of the fourth gospel. (In Cambridge bibl. essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Chrysostom, J., St. Homilies on the gospel of John. 1889. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, ist ser., vol. XIV.) Clark, H. W. Christ from without and within; study of the gospel of St. John. 1907. Clarke, J. F. Fourth gosp)el; question of its origin stated and discussed. 1886. Conversations of Jesus for the most part as recorded by John. Arranged in dialogue form. CI 875. Drummond, J. Inquiry into the character and authorship of the fourth gospel. 1904. — Johannine thoughts. 1909. Eckman, G. P. Studies in the gospel of John, prepared for readers of the English New Testament. C1908. (2d series, chap- ters XIII-XXI.) Bible. N. T. John. — Continued. Godet, F. L. Commentary on the gospel of John; tr. from the 2d French ed. by F. Crombie [and others]. 1876-77. 3V. (For. theol. libr.) Inge, W. R. Theology of the fourth gospel. (In Cambridge biblical essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Jackson, H. L. Fourth gospel and some recent German criticism. 1906. Lightfoot, J. B. Evidence for the authen- ticity and genuineness of St. John's gospel. (In his Biblical essays, I-III.) Maurice, F. D. Gospel of St. John: dis- courses. 1885. Peyton, W. W. Memorabilia of Jesus com- monly called the Gospel of St. John. 1892. St. John Conference. Addresses on the gospel of John delivered in Providence, R. I., at eight conferences held between Oct. 21, 1903, and May 11, 1904. 1905. Sanday, W. Criticism of the fourth gospel. 1905. (Morse lect.) Schmiedel, P. W. Johannine writings. 1908. Scott, E. F. Fourth gospel: its purpose and theology. 1906. — Historical and religious value of the fourth gospel. 1909. Sears, E. H. Fourth gospel, the heart of Christ. 1872. Stevens, G. B. Johannine theology; study of the doctrinal contents of the gospel and epistles of the apostle John. 1894. Warschauer, J. Problem of the fourth gospel. 1903. Watkins, H. W. Modern criticism considered in its relation to the fourth gospel, 1890. (Bamp. lect.) Wendt, H. H. Gospel according to John. 1902. Westcott, B. F. Gospel according to St. John. Greek text, with introduction and notes. 1908. 2v. ' — Gospel according to St. John: authorized version, with introduction and notes. Six- teenth thousand. 1903. A reprint of his vol. on John in the Bible commentary. Worsley, F. W. The fourth gospel and the synoptics. 1909. Acts. Andrews, H. T. Acts of the apostles. Chase, F. H. CredibiHty of Acts. 1902. Chrysostom, J., St. Homilies on the Acts of the apostles. 1889. (Nicene and post- Nicene fathers, ist ser., vol. X.) Clark, G. W. Harmony of the Acts of the apostles. 1897. Gardner, P. Speeches of St. Paul in Acts. (In Cambridge biblical essays, Swete, H. B,, ed.) Harnack, A. Acts of the apostles; tr. by J. R. Wilkinson, 1909, (N. T. studies, III.) (C. t. 1.) — Date of the Acts and the synoptic gos- pels; tr, by J. R, Wilkinson. (N. T. studies, IV.) (C. t. 1.) Howson, J, S, Evidential value of the Acts of the apostles. 1880, (Bohlen lect.) — and Spence, H. D. M. Acts of the apostles. 1882. Catalogue General Theological Library 43 Bible. N. T. Ach — Continued. Luckock, H. M. Footprints of the apostles as traced by St. Luke in the Acts. 1897. 2V. Lumby, J. R. Acts of the apostles. 1904. Ramsay, W. M. New light on the book of Acts. {In Recent research in Bible lands. Hilprecht, H. V., ed.) Stifler, J. M. Introduction to the study of Acts. C1892. Vaughan, C. J. Church of the first days; lectures on the Acts of the apostles. 1873. 3v. Walker, D. Date of St. Luke and Acts. {In his Gift of tongues and other essays.) — Gift of tongues. {In his Gift of tongues and other essays.) Epistles. Bonar, H. Light and truth; or Bible thoughts and themes; the lesser epistles. 1870. Pauline epistles. Beet, J. A. Commentary on St. Paul's epistles to the Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and to Philemon. 1891. Boise, J. R. Epistles of St. Paul, with explanatory notes. 1887. Chrysostom, J., St. Homilies on the minor Pauline epistles. 1889. (Nicene and post- Nicene fathers, ist series, vol. XIIL) Conybeare, W. J., and Howson, J. S. Letters and speeches of St. Paul as tr. for Cony- beare and Howson's Life and epistles of St. Paul, with explanatory notes. 1881. Godet, F. L. Introduction to the New Testament; the epistles of St. Paul. 1894. Jowett, B. Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, Galatians and Romans. 1894. 2V. Scott, R. Pauline epistles: critical study. 1909. Romans. Beet, J. A. Commentary on St. Paul's epistle to the Romans. 1887. Benson, R. M. Exposition of the epistle of St. Paul to the Romans. 1892. Boise, J. R. Notes on Tischendorf's text of Paul's epistle to the Romans, with a constant comparison of the text of Westcott and Hort. 1885. Bound with his Galatians. Chrysostom, J., St. Homilies on the epistle of St. Paul to the Romans. 1851. (Libr. of fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, etc.) Same. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 1st series, vol. XL) Godet, F. L. Commentary on St. Paul's epistle to the Romans. ci888. Liddon, H. P. Explanatory analysis of St. Paul's epistle to the Romans. 1893. Lightfoot, J. B. Structure and destination of the epistle to the Romans. {In his Biblical essays.) Shedd, W. G. T. Critical and doctrinal commentary upon the epistle of Paul to the Romans. C1879. Stuart, M. Commentary on the epistle to the Romans; ed. by R. D. C. Robbins. 4th ed. 1862. Bible. N. T. Romans — Continued. Thomas, W. H. G. Romans I-V. 1911, (Devotional commentary. Buckland, A. R., ed.) Turner, S. H. Epistle to the Romans in Greek and English, with analysis and com- mentary. Revised. 1859. Corinthians. Beet, J. A. Commentary on St. Paul's epistles to the Corinthians. 1885. Chrysostom, J., St. Homilies on the epistles of Paul to the Corinthians. 1889. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, ist series, vol. XII.) Edwards, T. C. Commentary on the first epistle to the Corinthians. 2d ed. 1885. Ellicott, C. J. Critical and grammatical commentary on St. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians. 1889. Godet, F. L. Commentary on St. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians. 1886. 2v. Robertson, F. W. Sermons on St. Paul's epistles to the Corinthians, i860. Stanley, A. P. Epistles of Paul to the Corin- thians. 3d ed. 1865. Vincent, M. R. Integrity of second Corin- thians. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Galatians. Beet, J. A. Commentary on St. Paul's epistle to the Galatians. 1885. Boise, J. R. Notes on Paul's epistle to the Galatians for the use of students and pastors. Greek text of Tischendorf. 1885. Chrysostom, J., St. Commentary on Gala- tians; transl. with notes. 1840. (Libr. of fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, etc.) Emmet, C. W. Galatians the earliest of the Pauline epistles. {In his The eschatological question, etc.) Lightfoot, J. B. St. Paul's epistle to the Galatians. 1870. Same. 9th ed. 1887. Ramsay, W. M. Historical commentary on St. Paul's epistle to the Galatians. 1900. Walker, D. Legal terminology in the epistle to the Galatians. {In his Gift of tongues and other essays.) Ephesians. Dale, R. W. Epistle to the Ephesians; its doctrine and ethics. 1890. Gove, C. St. Paul's epistle to the Ephesians; a practical exposition. 1900. Lightfoot, J. B. Destination of the epistle to the Ephesians. {In his Biblical essays.) Maclaren, A. St. Paul's epistle to the Ephesians. 1910. Robinson, J. A. St. Paul's epistle to the Ephesians. 1904. Westcott, B. F. St. Paul's epistle to the Ephesians: Greek text with notes. 1906. Philippians. GiflFord, E. H. Incarnation; a study of Philippians II. 5-u. 1897. 44 Catalogue General Theological Library Bible. N. T. Philippians — Continued. Jowett, J. H. High calling: meditations on St. Paul's letter to the Philippians. C1909. Lightfoot, J. B. St. Paul's epistle to the Philippians. 1869. Colossians. Lightfoot, J. B. St. Paul's epistles to the Colossians and Philemon^ revised text with notes. 1875. Macphail, S. R. Epistle of Paul to the Colossians. 1911. (Hdbks. for Bible classes.) Thessalonians. Eadie, J. Commentary on the Greek text of the epistles to the Thessalonians. 1877. Frame, J. E. OI "ATAKTOI, i Thess. V. 14. (/» Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Milligan, G. St. Paul's epistles to the Thessa- lonians; Greek text with introduction and notes. 1908. Pastoral epistles. Chrysostom, J., St. Homilies on the epistles of Paul to Timothy, Titus and Philemon. 1889. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 1st series, vol. XHI.) Harvey, H. Commentary on the pastoral epistles, first and second Timothy, Titus, and the epistle to Philemon. C1890. James, J. D. Genuineness and authorship of the pastoral epistles. 1906. Lightfoot, J. B. Date of the pastoral epistles. {In his Biblical essays.) Timothy. Liddon, H. P. Explanatory analysis of St. Paul's first epistle to Timothy. 1897. Philemon. Lightfoot, J. B. St. Paul's epistles to the Colossians and Philemon. 1875. Hebrews. Bruce, A. B. Epistle to the Hebrews: first apology for Christianity. 1899. Chrysostom, J., St. Homilies on the epistle to the Hebrews. 1889. (Nicene and post- Nicene fathers, ist series, vol. XIV.) Dale, R. W. Jewish temple and the Christian church; discourses on the epistle to the Hebrews. 1 87 1. Davidson, A. B. Epistle to the Hebrews. (Hdbks. for Bible classes.) DuBose, W. P. High priesthood and sacri- fice; an exposition of the epistle to the Hebrews. 1908. Lowrie, S. T. Explanation of the epistle to the Hebrews. C1884. Milligan, G. Theology of the epistle to the Hebrews. 1889. Peake, A. S. Heroes and martyrs of faith; studies in the eleventh chapter of the epistle to the Hebrews. 1910. Bible. N. T. Hebrews — Continued. Ramsay, W. M. Date and authorship of the epistle to the Hebrews. (In his Luke the physician, and other studies.) Westcott, B. F. Epistle to the Hebrews; Greek text with notes and essays. 1889. James. Dale, R. W. Epistle of James, and other discourses. 1895. Mayor, J. B. Epistle of St. James; Greek text, with introduction, notes and com- ments. 1897. Parry, R. S. Discussion of the general epistle of St. James. 1903. Peter. Jowett, J. H. Epistles of St. Peter. 1906. Mayor, J. B. Epistle of St. Jude and the second epistle of St. Peter; Greek text, with introduction, notes and comments. 1907. Thomas, W. H. G. Apostle Peter; outline studies in his life, character and writings. Epistles of John. Augustine, St. Homilies on the first epistle of John. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 1st sen, vol. VH.) Findlay, G. G. Fellowship in the life eternal; exposition of the epistles of St. John. 1909. Haupt, E. First epistle of John; tr. by W. B. Pope. 1893. (Clark. For. theol. libr.) Law, R. Tests of life; study of the first epistle of St. John. 1909. (Kerr lect.) Maurice, F. D. Epistles of St. John: lectures on Christian ethics. 1890. Westcott, B. F. Epistles of St. John; Greek text with notes and essays. 1883. See also Johannine writings. Jude. Mayor, J. B. Epistle of St. Jude and the second epistle of St. Peter; Greek text, with introduction, notes and comments. 1907. Revelation. Ames, A. H. Revelation of St. John the Divine; an interpretation. CI897. Brown, C. Heavenly visions. 1910. Campbell, J. L. Patmos letters applied to modern Christendom, n. d. Gumming, J. Lectures on the Apocalypse. 2d ser. 1854. Dean, J. T. Visions and revelations: dis- courses on the Apocalypse. 191 1. Emmett, C. W. The problem of the Apoca- lypse and its bearing on the conception of inspiration. {In his Eschatological question, etc.) Maurice, F, D. Lectures on the Apocalypse. 1861. Morgan, G. C. First century message to twentieth century Christians. C1902. Palmer, F. Drama of the Apocalypse in rela- tion to the literary and political circum- stances of its time. 1903. Catalogue General Theological Library 45 Bible. N. T. Revelation — Continued. Ramsay, W. M. Letters to the seven churches of Asia and their place in the plan of the Apocalypse. 1905. Reid, W. J. Lectures on the Revelation. 1878. Scott, C. A. Book of Revelation. 1906, (Devotional and practical commentary.) Stuart, M. Commentary on the Apocalypse. 1845. 2V. Swete, H. B. Apocalypse of St. John; Greek text, with introduction, notes, etc. 1907. Tait, A. Messages to the seven churches of Asia Minor; exposition of the first three chapters of the book of Revelation. 1884. Vaughan, C. J. Lectures on the Revelation of St. John. 4th ed. 1875. 2 v. See also Johannine writings. Bible. N. T. Apocryphal books. Apocryphal books of the New Testament; being all the gospels, epistles, and other pieces now extant attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ, his apostles and their companions, not included in the authorized New Testament; and the re- cently discovered Syriac mss. of Pilate's letters to Tiberius, etc. CI890. Acts. Apocryphal acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas, [ed.] by Bernhard Pick. 1909. Gospels. Gospel according to the Hebrews; translated and annotated, with a critical analysis of the evidence relating to it ; by E. B. Nichol- son. 1879. Gospel of Barnabas; ed. and transl. from the Italian ms. in the Imperial Library at Vienna by Lonsdale and Laura Ragg. 1907. Harris, J. R. Popular account of the newly- recovered Gospel of Peter. 1893. Paralipomena; remains of gospels and sayings of Christ; by Bernhard Pick. 1908. Robinson, J. A., and James, M. R. Gospel according to Peter and the Revelation of Peter; two lectures on the newly recovered fragments, together with the Greek texts. 1892. Sayings of Jesus. Sayings of our Lord. Discovered and edited by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. 1897. (E. E. F.) New sayings of Jesus and fragment of a lost gospel from Oxyrhyncus; ed., with transla- tion and commentary, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. 1904. (E. E. F.) Bible and Babylon. Konig, F. E. Bible and Islam. Smith, H. P. Bible and spiritual life. Pierson, A. T. Bible and the monuments. Boscawen, W. S. C. Bible illustrations, with an introduction by Rich- ard Newton. N. Y. Sheldon. 1863. Bible teachines in nature. Macmillan, H. Bickersteth, E. H. Spirit of life. N. Y. Carter. 1870. Bidder, Henry J., and Roberts, J. V. Parish church chant book. Lond. Novello. Bigelow, John. Molinos the Quietist. N. Y. Scribner. 1882. Bigelow, William Sturgis. Buddhism and im- mortality. Bost. Houghton. 1908. (In- gersoll lect.) Bigg, Charles. Christian Platonists of Alexan- dria. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1886. (Bamp. lect.) Church's task under the Roman empire. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1905. Origins of Christianity. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1909. Spirit of Christ in common life ; addresses and sermons. Lond. Longm. 1909. Biggs, Huyshe Yeatman-. Lay work and the office of reader. Lond.,e/c. Longm. 1904. Bikelas, Demetrios. Seven essays on Christian Greece; tr. by John, Marquess of Bute. Lond. Gardner. 1890. Billings, John Shaw, ed. Physiological aspects of the liquor problem, Bost. Houghton. 1903. 2V. Binnie, William. The Psalms; their history, teachings and use. Lond. Hodder. 1886. Biography. Benson, A. C. Leaves of the tree. 1911. Bryce, J. Studies in contemporary biography. 1911. Eliot, C. W. Four American leaders. 1907. Hutton, R. H. Essays on some of the modern guides of English thought in matters of faith. 1887. Lamed, J. N. A study of greatness in men. 1911. Lord, J. Beacon lights of history. [1902.] 15V. Marden, O. S. Architects of fate; or. Steps to success and power. 1896. Plutarch. Lives; Dryden's translation, ed. by Clough. 1859. 5v. Sparks, J., ed. American biography. 1902. I2V. Walton, I. Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr, Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sanderson. New ed. 1824. Wedgwood, J. Nineteenth century teachers, and other essays. 1909. White, A. D. Seven great statesmen in the warfare of humanity with unreason. 1910. See also American poets; Bible; Church of England; English poets; Martyr- ology; Missionary biography; Mystics; New England; Preachers; Religious biog- raphy; Saints, Unitarian biography; also Single biographies. Biology. Spencer, H. Principles of biology. 1873. 2V. Thomson, J. A. The Bible of nature. 1908. (Bross lect.) Bird, Isabella. See Bishop, Isabella L. Bird. Bird, Robert. Joseph the dreamer. N. Y. Scribner. 1895. Paul of Tarsus. 19 10. Birds. Samuels, E. A. Birds of New England. 1870. Birkbeck lectures. 1907-8. Origin and development of the Christian church in Gaul. Holmes, T. S. 46 Catalogue General Theological Library Birkbeck, W. J., ed. Russia and the English Church during the last fifty years. Vol. I. Lond. Rivington. 1895. Vol. I. Correspondence between Mr. W. Palmer and M. Khomiakoff, in the years 1844-54. Birks, Thomas Rawson. Supernatural revela- tion; or, First principles of moral theology. Lond. Macm. 1879. Bishop, Arthur Stanley. World's altar-stairs; introductory studies in the religions of the world. Lond. Culley. 1910. Bishop, Isabella L. Bird. {Mrs. Bishop, J. F.). The Yangtze valley and beyond. N. Y. Putnam. 1900. 2v. Creighton, L. {In her Some famous women.) Bishop Paddock lectures. 1866. Philosophy of the supernatural; Piatt, W. H. 1 88 1. Studies on the English reformation; Williams, J. 1883. Foundations of religious belief ; Wilson, W. D. 1889. Diabolology; Jewett, E. H. 1896. Conditions of our Lord's life upon earth; Mason, A. J. 1897. Theological literature of the i6th, 17th, and i8th centuries; Dowden, J. 1901-02. Reason, faith and authority in Christianity; Randolph, A. M. 1904. Adventure for God; Brent, C. H. 1905-06. Personal idealism and mysticism; Inge, W. R. 1907-08. High priesthood and sacrifice; Du Bose, W. P. 19 1 2. Authority of religious experience; Slattery, C. L. BiSMARCK-SCHONHAUSEN, KaRL OtTO EdUARD Leopold von, chancellor of the German Empire. Lord, J. Prince Bismarck. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 10.) White, A. D. Bismarck. {In his Seven great statesmen.) Bissell, Edwin Cone. Genesis printed in colors, showing the original sources from which it is supposed to have been compiled. With an introduction. Hartford. Belknap and Warfield. 1892. The Pentateuch: its origin and structure. N. Y. Scribner. 1885. Bizby, James Thompson. Similarities of physi- cal and religious knowledge. N. Y. Apple- ton. 1876. Black death. Jessopp, A. Black death in East Anglia. {In his Coming of the friars.) Black, Hugh. Christ's service of love; com- munion sermons. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI907. Comfort. N. Y. Revell. CI910. Culture and restraint. N. Y. Revell. 1901. Friendship. N. Y. Revell. 1908. Gift of influence. N. Y. Revell. CI908. Happiness. Chi. Revell. CI911. Listening to God; sermons. N. Y. Revell. CI 906. Work. Chi. Revell. CI903. Black, Israel P. Practical primary plans, for primary teachers of the Sunday-school. N. Y. Revell. CI897. Black, John Sutherland, and Chrystal, George. Life of William Robertson Smith. Lond. Black. 1912. Black, Samuel Charles. Building a working church. N. Y. Revell. CI911. Blackie, John Stuart. Four phases of morals. N. Y. Scribner. 1878. Natural history of atheism. N. Y. Scribner. 1878. Blaikie, William Garden. Book of Joshua. N, Y. Armstrong. (Expositor's Bible.) First and second books of Samuel. N. Y. Armstrong. 2v. (Expositor's Bible.) For the work of the ministry; manual of homiletical and pastoral theology. 3d ed. Lond. Nisbet. 1883. Personal life of David Livingstone. N. Y. Revell. Preachers of Scotland from the sixth to the nineteenth century. Edin. Clark. 1888. Blake, Buchanan. How to read the prophets. Edin. Clark. 1892. 5v. Problem of human suffering; a study of the book of Job. N. Y. Hodder. 1911. Blakeslee, George Hubbard, ed. China and the far East. N. Y. Crowell. 01910. (Clark Univ. lect.) Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna. Isis unveiled; a master-key to the mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology. Point Loma, Cal. 19 10. 2v. Key to theosophy. Point Loma, Cal. Aryan theos. press. 1907. Voice of the silence; and other fragments from the " Book of the golden precepts." Point Loma, Cal. Aryan theos. press. 1909. Blewett, George John. Christian view of the world. N. H. Univ. press. 1912. (N. W. Taylor lect.) Study of nature and the vision of God; with other essays in philosophy. Toronto, Can. Briggs. 1907. Bliss, Edwin Munsell. Encyclopaedia of mis- sions. N. Y. Funk. 1891. Missionary enterprise; concise history of its objects, methods and extension. N. Y. Revell. C1908. Bliss, Frederick Jones. Development of Pales- tine exploration. N. Y. Scribner. 1906. (Ely lect.) Mound of many cities; or, Tell el Hesy ex- cavated. Lond. P. E. F. 1894. Religions of modern Syria and Palestine. N. Y. Scribner. 1912. (Bross lect.) Some characteristics of the common Arabic speech of Syria and Palestine. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Bliss, George Ripley. Commentary on the gospel of Luke. Phila. A. B. P. S. C1884. (Amer. com. on the N. T.) Bound with Clarke, W. N. Comment, on Mark. Bloch (Blioch), Ivan Stanislavovich. The future of war, in its technical, economic, and poHtical relations; by Jean de Bloch; tr. by R. C. Long. Bost. Ginn. 1903. Bloomfield, Maurice. Religion of the Veda. N. Y. Putnam. 1908. (Amer. lect. on the hist, of religions. 1906-7.) Vocational guidance of youth. Bost. Hough- ton. CI911. (Riverside educ. monographs.) Blue book of missions; ed. by H. O. Dwight. N. Y. Funk. 1905-07. 2v. Blue flower. Van Dyke, H. J. Catalogue General Theological Library 47 Blunt, Lady Anne. Bedouin tribes of the Eu- phrates. N. Y. Harper. 1879. Blunt, John Henry. Annotated book of common prayer. N. Y. Young. 1888. Reformation of the Church of England: its history, principles and results. A. D. 1514-1547. Phila. Lippincott. 1869. Blunt, John James. History of the Christian church during the first three centuries. 2d ed. Lond. Murray. 1857. Boardman, George Dana. Studies in the model prayer. N. Y. Appleton. 1879. Boardman, George Nye. A history of New England theology. N. Y, Randolph. 1899. Boas, Franz. Mind of primitive man. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. BoAZ, 0. T. character. Guthrie, T. Boaz the farmer. {In his Studies of character from the O. T.) Matheson, G. Boaz the kind. (In his Repre- sentative men of the Bible, vol. II.) Bodington, Charles. Books of devotion. Lond. Longm. 1903. BoEHME, Jakob. Boutroux, E. E. M. (In his Hist, studies in philosophy.) Steiner, R. Weigel and Boehme. (In his Mystics of the Renaissance.) Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus. Consolation of philosophy; tr. by W. V. Cooper. Lond. Dent. 1902. (Temple classics.) Bogart, Ernest Ludlow. Economic history of the U. S. N. Y. Longm. 1908. Bohlen lectures. 1879. Influence of Jesus; Brooks, P. 1883. Continuity of Christian thought; Allen, A. V. G. 1889. Evidential value of the Acts; Howson, T.S. 1895. World and the wrestlers; Thompson, H. M. 1905. Temporary and permanent in New Testament revelation; Nichols, H. P. 1906. The Samaritans; Montgomery, J. A. 1907. The Kingdom of God; Schwab, L. H. 1909. Prophecy and poetry; Rogers, A. Boise, James Robinson. Epistles of St. Paul, with explanatory notes. N. Y. Appleton. 1887. Notes, critical and explanatory, on Paul's epistle to the Galatians. Chi. Amer. pub. soc. of Hebrew. 1885. Bolen, George Lewis. Getting a living; the problem of wealth and poverty — of profits, wages and trade unionism. N. Y. Macm. 1903. Bolton, Frederick Elmer. Principles of educa- tion. N. Y. Scribner. 1910. Bompiani, Sophia V. Short history of the Italian VValdenses. 2d. ed. N. Y. O'Connor. 1910. Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I. Bonar, Andrew Alexander. Life and remains, letters, lectures and poems of Robert Mur- ray McCheyne. N. Y. Carter. 1847. Bonar, Horatius. Hymns of faith and hope. Lond. Nisbet. 3v. Light and truth; or, Bible thoughts and themes. [Sermons.] 1868-70. 3V. Contents: I. Old Testament. — II. Gospels. — III. Lesser epistles. Boniface, St. apostle of the Germans. Mac- lear, G. F. St. Boniface. (In his Apostles of mediaeval Europe.) Vedder, H. C. Boniface: Germany evangel- ized. {In his Christian epoch-makers.) Bonney, Thomas George. Christian doctrines and modern thought. Lond. Longm. 1892. (Boyle lect.) Boodin, John Elof. Truth and reality; an in- troduction to the theory of knowledge. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. Book of common prayer. Benton, J. H. Book of common prayer; its origin and growth. 19 10. Book of common prayer; the American prayer book, and the three revisions since 1874, in England, Ireland and the U. S.; by a synodsman. 1881. Doane, W. C. Mosaics; or. The harmony of collect, epistle and gospel for the Sundays of the Christian year. 1882. Hart, S. Book of common prayer. 1910. (Sewanee theol. libr.) Humphry, W. G. Historical and explanatory treatise on the Book of common prayer. {In Church of England. Student's Book of common prayer.) Same. 3d ed. 1864. Huntington, W. R. Short history of the Book of common prayer. 189;^. Keeling, W. Liturgiae Bntannicae; or, The several editions of the Book of common prayer arranged to shew their respective variations. 2d ed. 1851. Maurice, F. D. Prayer-book considered especially in reference to the Romish system and the Lord's prayer; sermons. 1880. Procter, F., and Frere, W. H. New history of the Book of common prayer, with a rationale of its offices. 1910. Pullan, L. History of the Book of common prayer. New impr. 1909. (Oxford libr. of practical theology.) Sanders, H. M. Message of the church in collect, epistle and gospel. 1909. 2v. Sparrow, A. Rationale upon the Book of common prayer of the Church of England. 1840. Tiffany, C. C. The prayer book and the Christian life. 1898. See also Church of England. Book of Ighan, revealed by Baha 'U'llah. Book of Mormon; tr. by Joseph Smith. Salt Lake City. Cannon. 1871. Books and reading. Hillis, N. D. Great books as life teachers. 1899. Legouve, E. Reading as a fine art. 1879. Maurice, F. D. Friendship of books. 1889. Porter, N. Books and reading. 1881. Books OF devotion. Andrewes, L. Devotions, tr. from the Greek and arranged anew. New ed. 1865. Brooks, P. The more abundant life: Lenten readings. 1906. Buckham, J. W. Whence cometh help; an aid to home and individual devotions. C1902. Clarke, J. F. Messages of faith, hope and love: selections for every day in the year from [his] sermons and writings. 1905. 48 Catalogue General Theological Library Books of Devotion — Continued. Connell, J. M., ed. A book of devotional readings from the literature of Christendom. 1913. De Normandie, J., comp. Beauty of wis- dom: daily readings from some ancient writers, for family, school and private medi- tation. 1903. Earle, A. B. The morning hour. 1880. Goulburn, E. M. Thoughts upon the liturgi- cal gospels. 1886. 2v. Hogan, J. B. Daily thoughts for priests. Bost. 1899. Huntington, F. D. Days of Lent: selected readings from [his] writings. 1906. Johnston, H. A. Studies in God's methods of training workers. 1900. Jowett, J. H. The folly of unbelief, and other meditations for quiet moments, n. d. Matheson, G. Leaves for quiet hours. 1904. — Moments on the Mount: a series of devo- tional meditations. 4th ed. 1907. — Rests by the river: devotional medita- tions. 1906. — Voices of the spirit. 1903- Oosterzee, J. J. van. Year of salvation: a book of household devotion; tr. by C. Spence. n. d. 2v. (For. devotional libr.) Phelps, A. Sabbath hours. 1875. Raleigh, A. Little sanctuary, and other medi- tations, n. d. Simpson, A. B. Days of heaven upon earth, n. d. Spurgeon, C. H. Cheque book of the bank of faith. 1889. — Morning by morning; or. Daily readings for the family or the closet. 1865. Tholuck, F. A. G. Hours of Christian devotion; tr. by R. Menzies. 2d ed. IR7K Wesley, J. Devotions for every day of the week and the great festivals, n. d. Booth, Charles. Life and labor of the people in London. Lond. Macm. 1903- Booth, William, founder of the Salvation army. In darkest England and the way out. N. Y. Funk. 1890. Coates, T. F. G. Prophet of the poor: the life-story of General Booth. Railton, G. S. Authoritative life of William Booth, with a preface by Bramwell Booth. Bosanquet, Bernard. Principle of individuality and value. N. Y. Macm. 1912. (Gifford lect.) Value and destiny of the individual. N. Y. Macm. 1913. (Gifford lect.) Bosanquet, Helen. The family. Lond. Macm. 1906. Boscawen, William St. Chad. Bible and the monuments; primitive Hebrew records in the light of modern research. Lond. Eyre. 1895. Bossuet, Jacques Benigne, bp. of Meaux. History of the variations of the Protestant churches; tr. from the last French ed. N. Y. Sadlier. n. d. 2v. [Lear, H. L. (F.)] Bossuet and his contem- poraries. By the author of " A Dominican artist." 1885. Boston. Churches. Lothrop, S. K. History of the church in Brattle St., Boston. 1851. Church of Christ in Leyden chapel. Manual for the use of the members of the Church of Christ in Leyden chapel, Boston; prepared under the direction of the church by J. H. Towne. Bost. The Church. 1846. Church of the Disciples. Memorial of the commemoration by the Church of the Dis- ciples of the fiftieth birth-day of their pastor, James Freeman Clarke. Bost. Prentiss. i860. First Church. Commemoration of the com- pletion of two hundred and fifty years since its foundation, Nov. 18, 1880; also, four historical sermons. 188 1. — Order of services in the First Church, Boston. 1862. Bost. Walker, Wise. 1862. Emerson, W. Historical sketch of the First Church in Boston from its formation to the present period. 18 12. Wood, N. E. History of the First Baptist Church of Boston. 1899. King's Chapel. Book of common prayer according to the use of King's Chapel. 1865. Foote, H. W. Annals of King's Chapel from the Puritan age of New England to the present day. 1882-96. 2 v. Greenwood, F. W. P. History of Kings Chapel in Boston; the first Episcopal church in New England. 1823. Old South Church. Record of the celebration by the Old South Church and Society of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the installation as minister of George A. Gordon, April, 1909. Hill, H. A. History of the Old South Church (Third Church), Boston. 1669-1884. 1890. 2V. ^ Second or Old North Church. Commemora- tive services held on the completion of two hundred and fifty years since its foundation. 1649-1899. Bost. 1900. Eager, G. H. Historical sketch of the Second Church in Boston. 1894. Robbins, C. History of the Second Church, or Old North in Boston. 1852. Trinity Church. Consecration services of Trinity Church, Boston, Feb. 9, 1877, with the consecration sermon by A. H. Vinton, historical sermon by Phillips Brooks, and a description of the church edifice by H. H. Richardson. 1877. West Church. Commemorative services on the fiftieth anniversary of its present minis- try and the one hundred and fiftieth of its foundation; with three sermons by its pastor [C. A. Bartol]. 1887. — West Church and its ministers; fiftieth anniversary of the ordination of Charles Lowell. 1856. Contents: Services of the occasion. — Address of Dr Lowell. — Anniversary discourse. — Discourse on William Hooper. — Discourse on Dr. Mayhew. — Discourse on Dr. Howard . — Theol . and ecclea. position of the West Church. — Appendix. Catalogue General Theological Library 49 Boston. Public library. Wadlin, H. G. Public library of the city of Boston: a history. 191 1. Boston lectures. 1870. Christianity and scepticism. 1871. Christianity and scepticism; comprising a treatment of questions in biblical criticism. Boswell, James. Life of Samuel Johnson. Host. Carter. 1832. 2v. Bosworth, Lomse Marion. Living wage of women workers; a study of incomes and expenditures of 450 women in the city of Boston. Lond. Longm. 1911. Bourne, Edward Gaylord. Essays in historical criticism. N. Y. Scribner. 1901. Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de. Mem- oirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; by M. de Bourrienne, his private secretary. Lond. Bentley. 1836. 2 v. Bousset, Wilhelm. Faith of a modern Protes- tant; tr. by F. B. Low.- N. Y. Scribner. 1909. Jesus. N. Y. Putnam. 1906. What is religion? Tr. by F. B. Low. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. (C. t. 1.) Boutelle, Luther. Sketch of life and religious experience. Bost. Advent Christian pub. sec. 1891. Boutroux, Emile Etienne Marie. Historical studies in philosophy. Lond. Macm. 1912, Science and religion in contemporary philoso- phy. Lond. Duckworth. 1909. William James. N. Y. Longm. 1912. Bowden, John Edward. Life and letters of Frederick William Faber. Bait. Murphy. 1869. Bowen, Clayton Raymond. Resurrection in the New Testament; an examination of the earliest references to the rising of Jesus and of Christians from the dead. N. Y. Putnam. 1911. Bowen, Francis. Baron Steuben. (Amer. biog- raphy, vol. VII L Sparks, J., ed.) A layman's study of the English Bible. N. Y. Scribner. 1885. Modern philosophy from Descartes to Scho- penhauer and Hartmann. N. Y. Scribner. 1878. Sir William Phips. (Amer. biography, vol. X. Sparks, J., ed.) Bowman, H. W. Money question under the X-rays of prophecy. Bost. Advent Chris- tian pub. soc. 1897. Bowne, Borden Parker. Atonement. Cine. Curts. 1900. Christian life. Cine. Curts. 1899. Christian revelation. Cine. Curts. CI898. Essence of religion. Bost. Houghton. 1910. The immanence of God. Bost. Houghton. 1905. Introduction to psychological theory. N. Y. Harper. ci888. Kant and Spencer: a critical exposition. Bost. Houghton. 1912. Metaphysics. N. Y. Harper. C1882. Same. Rev. ed. C1898. Personalism. Bost. Houghton. 1908. Philosophy of Herbert Spencer. N. Y. Hunt. CI874. Bowne, Borden Parker— Continued. Philosophy of theism. N. Y. Harper. 1887. Principles of ethics. N. Y. Harper. 1892. Studies in Christianity. Bost. Houghton. 1909. Theism. N. Y. A. B. C. C1887. (Deems lect.) Theory of thought and knowledge. N. Y. Harper. 1897. Pyle, C. B. Philosophy of Borden Parker Bowne. 1910. Box, George Herbert. Isaiah; tr. from a text rev. in accordance with the results of recent criticism; with notes, etc. N. Y. Macm. 1909. joini author. See Oesterley, W. O. E.. and Box, G. H. Boxer Uprising. Speer, R. E. The Boxer Uprising. {In his Missions and modern history, vol. 11.) Boyd, Andrew K. H. Towards the sunset. N. Y. Carter. 1883. Recreations of a country parson. Bost. Ticknor. 1861. Boyle lectures. 1869. Witness of St. Paul to Christ; Leathes, S. 1880. Manifold witness for Christ; Barry, A. 1892. Christian doctrines and modern thought; Bonney, T. G. 1903-5- Testimony of St. Paul to Christ; Knowling, R. J. Boyle, Isaac. Historical view of the Council of Nice, with a translation of documents. Bost. Dow. 1836. Boynton, George Mills. Congregational way; handbook of Congregational principles and practices. N. Y. Pilgrim press. CI903. Model Sunday-school. Bost. Cong. S. S. and pub. soc. C1892. Boys. Alexander, J. L. Boy training. 191 1. Benson, E. W. Boy-life: its trial; its strength; its fulness. New ed. 1883, Boy scouts of America. The official hand- book for boys. 191 1. Earp, E. L. Social engineer. CI911. Fiske, G. W. Boy life and self-government. 1910. Forbush, W. B. Boy problem. C1901. — The boys' life of Christ. 1906. — Church work with boys. C1910. Foster, E. C. Boy and the church. CI909. George, W. R. Junior republic. 1910. Hoben, A. The minister and the boy. C1912. McKeever, W. A. Farm boys and girls. 1912. — Training the boy. 1913. Merrill, L. Winning the boy. C1908. Men and Religion Forward Movement. Boys' work in the church. (Messages, vol. V.) Puffer, J. A. Boy and his gang. CI912. Seton, E. T. Boy scouts of America. 1910. Stelzle, C Boys of the street and how to win them. C1904. Boys' clubs. Anderson, R. P. Successful boys' clubs. CI911. Forbush, W. B., and Masseck, F. L. Boys* round table. Russell, C. E. B., and Rigby, L. M. Working lads' clubs. 1908. 50 Catalogue General Theological Library « Brace, Charles Loring. Gesta Christi; or, A history of human progress under Chris- tianity. 4th ed. 1882. Unknown God; or, Inspiration among pre- Christian races. N. Y. Armstrong. 1890. Bradford, Alden. New England chronology from the discovery of the country. Bost. Simpkins. 1844. Bradford, Amory Howe. Age of faith. Bost. Houghton. 1900. Ascent of the soul. N. Y. Outlook Co. 1903. Christ and the church. See Amer. Inst, of Christian Philosophy. Heredity and Christian problems. N. Y. Macm. 1895. The inward light. N. Y. Crowell. 1905. Messages of the masters: spiritual interpreta- tions of great paintings. N. Y. Crowell. C1902. My brother. Bost. Pilgrim press. CI910. Personality. {In Culture of Christian man- hood. Sallmon, W. H., ed.) Return to Christ. N. Y. Dodd. 1900. Bradford, John, martyr. Writings. Lond. Rel. tract see. n. d. Bradford, William. Bradford's historj' " Of Plimoth plantation." From the original ms. With a report of the proceedings in- cident to the return of the ms. to Mass. Bost. W. & P. printing CO. 1898. Walker, W. William Bradford. {In his Ten New England leaders.) Bradlee, Caleb Davis. Sermons for all sects. Bost. Clarke. 1888. Sermons for the church. Bost. Ellis. 1893. Manchester, A. Caleb Davis Bradlee. 1897. Bradley, Andrew CeciL Commentary on Tenny- son's In memoriam. Lond. Macm. 1901. Bradley, Francis Herbert. Appearance and reality; a metaphysical essay. Lond. Son- nenschein. 1899. Bradley, George Granville. Lectures on the book of Job. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1887. Recollections of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, late Dean of Westminster. N.Y. Scribner. 1883. Bradley, Joseph Henry. Love of God revealed to the entire universe by man's redemption. N. Y. Revell. C1899. Bradshaw, Henry. Benson, A. C. Henry Bradshaw. {In his Leaves of the tree.) Brahmanism, Barth, A. Religions of India. 1890. Caird, J. Brahmanism. {In Faiths of the world, by John Caird and others.) Chantepie de la Saussaye, P. D. The Hindus. {In his Manual of the science of religion.) Clarke, J. F. Brahmanism. {In his Ten great religions.) Hardwick, C. Religions of India. {In his Christ and other masters.) Hopkins, E. W. Religions of India. 1895. Lyall, A. C. Brahminism. {In Giles, H. A., and others. Great religions of the world.) Menzies, A. History of religion. 1895. Pfleiderer, O. Brahmanism and Gautama Buddha. {In his Religion and historic faiths.) Stebbins, G. B. Hindostan.-Brahminism. {In his Chapters from the Bible of the ages.) Brahmanism — Continued. Tiele, C. P. Religion among the Hindus. {In his Outlines, etc.) See also Buddhism; Hinduism. Brahmo Somaj, an Indian monotheistic religion. Mozoomdar, P. C. Faith and progress of the Brahmo Somaj. 1882. Mozoomdar, P. C. The Brahmo Somaj. {In World's parliament of religions, vol. I. Barrows, J. A., ed.) Brailsford, Edward J. Spiritual sense in sacred legend. N. Y. Eaton. 191 1. (Fernley lect.) Brain. Thomson, W. H. Brain and per- sonality; or, The physical relations of the brain to the mind. 1906. Brain, Belle Marvel. Transformation of Ha- waii. N. Y. Revell. 1898. Brainerd, David. Creegan, C. C. David Brainerd, apostle to the North American Indians. {In his Pioneer missionaries of the church.) Edwards, J. Life of David Brainerd. {In his Works, vol. X.) Field, C. David Brainerd among the red- skins. {In his Heroes of missionary enter- prise.) Shelton, D. O. David Brainerd. {In his Heroes of the cross in America.) Brainerd, John. Brainerd, T. Life of John Brainerd, missionary to the Indians of New Jersey. C1865. Brainerd, Thomas. Life of John Brainerd. Phila. Presb. pub. com. C1865. Braithwaite, William C. Beginnings of Quaker- ism. Lond. Macm. 1912. Bramley, Henry Ramsden. Christmas carols, new and old. Music by Sir John Stainer. Bramwell, John Milne. Hypnotism; its history, practice and theory'. Lond. Moring. 1906. Brandenburg, Broughton. Imported Ameri- cans: story of the experiences of a dis- guised American and his wife studying the immigration question. N. Y. F. A. Stokes. 1904. Brastow, Lewis Orsmond. The modern pulpit; a story of hOmiletic sources and characteris- tics. N. Y. Macm. 1906. Representative modern preachers. N. Y. Macm. 1904. Brattle Street Church, Boston. See Boston. Breasted, James Heniy. Development of reli- gion and thought in ancient Egypt. N. Y. Scribner. 1912. (Morse lect.) History of the ancient Egyptians. N. Y. Scribner. 1908. Histor>' of Egypt from the earliest times to the Persian conquest. N. Y. Scribner. 1905. Breathing. Hulbert, H. H. Breathing for voice production. 1903. Breed, David Riddle. History and use of hymns and hymn-tunes. Chi. Revell. CI903. Breen, Andrew Edward. Diary of my life in the Holy Land. Rochester, N. Y. J. P. Smith print. CO. 1906. Bremer, Charlotte, ed. Life, letters and post- humous works of Fredrika Bremer. N. Y. Hurd. 1868. Bremer, Fredrika, Swedish novelist. Bremer, C, ed. Life, letters and posthumous works of Fredrika Bremer. 1868. Catalogue General Theological Library 51 Brent, Charles Henry. Adventure for God. N. Y. Longmans. 1907. (Paddock lect.) Consolations of the cross. N. Y. Longmans. 1904. Leadership. N. Y. Longmans. 1908. (W. B. Noble lect.) Liberty, and other sermons. N. Y. Long- mans. 1906. The mind of Jesus Christ in the church of the living God. N. Y. Longmans. 1908. Sixth sense; its cultivation and use. N. Y. Huebsch. 191 1. (Art ot life ser.) Splendor of the human body; a reparation and an appeal. N. Y. Longmans. 1904. With God in prayer. Phila. Jacobs. 1907. With God in the world; a series of papers. N. Y. Longmans. 1900. Brethren of the common life, semi-monastic religious association of the fourteenth century. Jones, R. M. Brethren of the common life. (In his Studies in mystical religion.) Brett, Jesse. Divine friendship. Lond. Longm. 1909. Love's ascent; considerations of some degrees of spiritual attainment. Lond. Longm. 1912. Brewer, A. T. How to make the Sunday-school go. N. Y. Eaton. C1897. Brewer, David Josiah. Pew to the pulpit; suggestions to the ministry from the view- point of a layman. N. Y. Revell. 1897. American citizenship. N. Y. Scribner. 1902. (Yale lect.) United States a Christian nation. Phila. Winston. 1905. (Haverford libr. lect.) Brewer, John Sherren. Athanasian origin of the Athanasian creed. Lond. Rivington. 1872. Brewster, Chauncey Bunce. Kingdom of God and American life. N. Y. Whittaker. C1912. Brewster, H. Pomeroy. Saints and festivals of the Christian church. N. Y. Stokes. CI 904. Brewster, William. Herrick, S. E, William Brewster. (/« his Some heretics of yester- day.) Mead, E. D. William Brewster and the Independents. {In Pioneers of religious liberty in America.) (Great and Thursday lect.) Steele, A. Chief of the Pilgrims; life and times of William Brewster. 1857. Brewster, "William N. Evolution of new China. Cine. Jennings. C1907. Bridgman, Howard Allen. Steps Christward; counsels for young Christians. Bost. Pil- grim press. 1903. Bridgman, Ra3^ond Landon. World organiza- tion. Bost. Ginn. 1905. comp. First book of world law: a compila- tion of the international conventions to which the principal nations are signatory, with a survey of their significance. Bost. Ginn. 1911. Bndgman, Thomas. Epitaphs from Copp's Hill burial ground. Bost. Munroe. 1851. Memorials of the dead in Boston. Bost. Munroe. 1852. Brierley, Jonathan. Common life. N. Y. Whittaker. 1 904. Eternal religion. N. Y. Whittaker. Brierley, Jonathan — Continued. Life and the ideal. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1910. Life of the soul. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1912, Our city of God. Lond. Clarke. 1907. Ourselves and the universe. Lond. Clarke. 1902. Problems of living. N. Y. Whittaker. Religion & experience. N. Y. Whittaker. 1906. Secret of living. Bost. Pilgrim press. 191 1 . Sidelights on religion. N. Y. Whittaker. Studies of the soul. Lond. Clarke. 1901. Briggs, Charles Augustus. American Presby- terianism; its origin and early history. N. Y. Scribner. 1885. Authority of Holy Scripture. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1 89 1. Biblical study. N. Y. Scribner. 1883. Church unity; studies of its most important problems. N. Y. Scribner. 1909. Ethical teaching of Jesus. N. Y. Scribner. 1904. Fundamental Christian faith. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1913. General introduction to the study of Holy Scripture. Rev. ed. N. Y. Scribner. 1900. Higher criticism of the Hexateuch. N. Y. Scribner. 1893. Incarnation of the Lord. N. Y. Scribner. 1902. Messiah of the apostles. N. Y. Scribner. 1895. Messiah of the gospels. N. Y. Scribner. 1894. Messianic prophecy. 2d ed. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1895. New light on the life of Jesus. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1904. and Briggs, Emilie Grace. Commentary on Psalms. N. Y. Scribner. 1906. 2v. (Int. crit. com.) and Hiigel, F. von. Papal Commission and the Pentateuch. Lond. Longm. 1906. See Essays published as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs. Briggs, Emilie Grace, joint author. See Briggs, C. A., and Briggs, E. G. Briggs, H. B., and Frere, Walter Howard. Man- ual of plainsong for divine service. New ed. prepared under the superintendence of John Stainer. Lond. Novello. 1902. Bright, William. Chapters of early English church history. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1907. Roman See in the early church, and other . studies in church history. Lond. Long- mans. 1 896. Brimmer, Martin. Address at Wellesley College upon the opening of the Farnsworth Art School. Bost. Houghton. 1899. Egypt; three essays on the history, religion and art of ancient Egypt. Camb. Hough- ton. 1892. Brinton, Daniel Garrison. Myths of the new world. 3d ed. Phila. McKay. 1896. Religions of primitive peoples. N. Y. Put- nam. 1897. (Amer. lect. on the hist, of religions.) Bristol (R. I.) First Congr. Church. Manual- compiled by J. P. Lane. Prov. Prov. press CO. 1873. 52 Catalogue General Theological Library Bristol, Frank Milton. Life of Chaplain McCabe, bp. of the M. E. Church. Cine. Jennings. CI908. Broadhurst, Cyrus Napoleon. Personal work; or, Bringing men to Christ. Cine. Jen- nings. [CI912.] Wireless messages; possibilities through prayer. N. Y. Revell. C1910. Broadus, John Albert. Commentary on Matthew. Phila. A. B. P. S. ci886. (Amer. comment, on the N. T.) Lectures on the history of preaching. N. Y. Armstrong. 1 902. Treatise on the preparation and delivery of sermons. N. Y. Armstrong. 1895. Robertson, A. T. Life and letters of John Albert Broadus. 1901. Wilkinson, W. C. John Albert Broadus. {In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse.) Brockington, Alfred Allen. Old Testament miracles in the light of the gospel. Edin. Clark. 1907. Brockway, Zebulon Reed. Fifty years of prison service; an autobiography. N. Y. Charities. 1912. Brodrick, George Charles. History of the University of Oxford. Lond. Longmans. 1886. (Epochs of church hist.) Bronte, Charlotte. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. (S.) Life of Charlotte Bronte. 1857. Brook Farm. Hecker, I. T. Brook Farm; {In his Questions of the soul.) Hinds, W. A. Brook Farm. {In his Ameri- can communities, etc.) Brooke, Alan England. Critical and exegetical commentary on the Johannine epistles. N. Y. Scribner. 1912. (Int. crit. com.) Historical value of the fourth gospel. Lond. Macm. 1909. Brooke, Stopford Augustus. Four Victorian poets. N. Y. Putnam. 1908. History of early English literature. N. Y. Macm. 1893. Life and letters of Frederick W. Robertson. Bost. Fields. 1870. Milton. N. Y. Appleton. 1903, (Classi- cal writers, ed. by J. R. Green.) Old Testament and modern life. N. Y. Dodd. 1896. Poetry of Robert Browning. N. Y. Crowell. 1902, Theology in the English poets: Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth and Burns. Lond. Paul. 1896. Brookline. Baptist Church. Addresses deliv- ered at the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Baptist Church in Brookline, June 5-7, 1903. Brookline. Spencer. 1903. Brooks, Charles. Albree, J. Charles Brooks and his work for normal schools. 1907. Brooks, Frederick. Sermons. Bost. Osgood. 1876. Brooks, John Cotton. Sharp, J. C. John Cotton Brooks. 1909. Brooks, John Graham. An American citizen; life of William Henry Baldwin, Jr. Bost. Houghton. 1910. American syndicalism: the I. W. W. N. Y. Macm. 1913. As others see us. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Social unrest. N. Y. Macm. 1903. Brooks, Phillips, bp. of Mass. Candle of the Lord, and other sermons. N. Y. Dutton. 1881. Consecration sermon, Christ Church, And over, Mass., January 14, 1887. Essays and addresses, religious, literary and social; ed. by J. C. Brooks. N. Y. Dutton. 1894. Influence of Jesus. N. Y. Dutton. 1879. (Bohlen lect.) Lectures on preaching. N. Y. Dutton. 1877. (Yale lect.) Letters of travel. N. Y. Dutton. 1893. Light of the world, and other sermons. N. Y. Dutton. 1890. More abundant life: Lenten readings. N. Y. Dutton. 1906. New starts in life, and other sermons. N. Y. Dutton. 1896. Sermons. N. Y. Dutton. 1878. Sermons for the principal festivals and fasts of the church year. N. Y. Dutton. 1895. Sermons preached in English churches. N. Y. Dutton. 1883. Spiritual man, and other sermons. Lond. Dickinson. 1895. Tolerance. [Sermon.] {In Anglican pulpit of to-day. Benson, E. W., and others.) Tolerance; two lectures. N. Y. Dutton. 1887. Twenty sermons. N. Y. Dutton. 1887. Allen, A. V. G. Life and letters of Phillips Brooks. 1900. 2v. Brastow, L. O. Phillips Brooks. {In his Representative modern preachers.) Dunbar, N. Phillips Brooks, bishop of Massachusetts. CI891. Eliot, S. A. Phillips Brooks and the unity of the spirit. {In Pioneers of religious liberty in America.) (Great and Thursday lect.) Everett, C. C. Phillips Brooks. {In Sons of the Puritans. Lowell, F. C, and others.) Parks, L. Phillips Brooks. [Two sermons.] {In his Winning of the soul, and other sermons.) Potter, H. C. Phillips Brooks. {In his Reminiscences of bishops and archbishops.) Rainsford, W. S. Phillips Brooks. {In his Reasonableness of faith, and other ad- dresses.) Wilkinson, W. C. Phillips Brooks. {In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse.) Bross lectures. 1904. The Bible, its origin and nature; Dods, M. 1907. The Bible of nature; Thomson, J. A. 1912. Religions of modern Syria and Palestine; Bliss, F. J. Brotherhood. Vols. 3-5. 1907-1910. Brotherhoods. Carleton, H. The Broth- hoods. {In Men and religion. Carleton, H., and others.) Cope, H. F. The Brotherhoods. {In his Efficient layman.) Leete, F. D. Christian brotherhoods. C1912. " The aim of this book is to give in outline an account of men's societies produced by Christian influence, whatever their denominational relations." Patterson, W. B. Modern church brother- hoods. 191 1. Smith, W. H. The Brotherhood. {In his The church and men.) Catalogue General Theological Library 53 Broughton, Leonard Gaston. Prayers of Jesus. N. Y. Hodden 191 1. Brown, Arthur Judson. Chinese revolution. N. Y. S. V. M. C1912. The foreign missionary; an incarnation of a world movement. N. Y. Revell. CI907. New forces in old China; an inevitable awakening. N. Y. Revell. CI904. The whv and how of foreign missions. 3d ed. N. Y.' Y. P. M. M. 1908. (Forward miss, study courses.) Brown, Charles. Birth of a nation. N. Y. Revell. C1909. Heavenly visions; an exposition of the book of Revelation. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1910. Lessons from the cross. N. Y. Revell. CI909. Brown, Charles Brockden. Prescott, W. H. Charles Brockden Brown. (Amer. biog- raphy, vol. Vn. Sparks, J., ed.) Brown, C. Campbell. China in legend and story. N. Y. Revell. 1907. Brown, Charles Reynolds. Cap and gown. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1910. Faith and health. N. Y. Crowell. C1910. The main points; a study in Christian belief. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1906. Modern man's religion. N. Y. Columbia Univ. 191 1. Social message of the modern pulpit. N. Y. Scribner. 1906. (Yale lect.) The strange ways of God; a study in the book of Job. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1908. Brown, Charles Rufus. Book of the prophet Jeremiah. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1907. (Amer. comment, on the O. T.) Brown, Francis. Assyriology; its use and abuse in Old Testament study. N. Y. Scribner. 1885. Decline of prophecy. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) and others. Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testament. See Gesenius. Brown, Frederic Kenyon (Al Priddy, pseud.). Through the mill. Bost. Pilgrim press. CI9H. Through the school; the experiences of a mill boy in securing an education. Bost., etc. Pilgrim press. CI912. Brown, George W., ed. Gems of thought on tithing; by ministers and laymen of all denominations. Cine. Jennings. CI911. Brown, Hubert W. Latin America ; the pagans, the Papists, the patriots, the Protestants and the present problem. N. Y. Revell. 1909. (Student's lect. on missions, Prince- ton Theol. Sem.) Brown, James. Life of a Scottish probationer; being a memoir of Thomas Davidson. Glasgow. Maclehose. 1878. Brown, James Baldwin. Risen Christ the king of men. Lond. Unwin. 1887. Brown, John, M.D. Rab and his friends. Edin. Edmonston. 1864. Brown, John, of Bedford. The English Puritans. Camb. Univ. press. 1910. (Cambr. man- uals of sci. and lit.) John Bunyan. Bost. Houghton. 1888. Pilgrim fathers of New England. N. Y. Revell. 1896. Puritan preaching in England; a study of past and present. N. Y. Scribner. 1900. (Yale lect.) Brown, John, of Osawatomie. Higginson, T. W. Kansas and John Brown. {In his Cheerful yesterdays.) Redpath, J. Public life of Captain John Brown, i860. Villard, O. G. John Brown. 19 10. Brown, John Newton. Life and times of Menno. Phila. A. B. P. S. C1853. Brown, Theron, and Butterworth, Hezekiah. Story of the hymns and tunes. 1907. Brown, William Adams. Christian hope; a study in the doctrine of immortality. N. Y. Scribner. 19 12. Christian theology in outline. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1906. Essence of Christianity; a study in the history of definition. N. Y. Scribner. 1902. Brown, William Bryant. Problem of final destiny. N. Y. Whittaker. 1900. Brown, William Montgomery. Level plan for church union. N. Y. Whittaker. 1910. Browne, Albert Gallatin. Sketch of the official life of John A. Andrew. N. Y. Hurd. 1868. Browne, Edward Harold. Exposition of the thirty- nine articles. Lond. Parker, i860. Browne, Robert. Burrage, C. True story of Robert Browne, father of Congregational- ism. 1906. Browne, Sir Thomas. Religio medici; Letter to a friend; Christian morals; Urn-burial; and other papers. Bost. Ticknor. 1863. Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth (Barrett). Aurora Leigh. N. Y. Francis. 1857. Complete poetical words. Cambr. ed. Bost. Houghton. C1900. Browning, Robert. Complete poetic and dra- matic works. Cambr. ed. Bost. Hough- ton. CI 895. Berdoe, E. Browning and the Christian faith. 1896. Brooke, S. A. Poetry of Browning. C1902. Chesterton, G. K. Robert Browning. 1908. (Engl, men of letters.) Dewhirst, F. E. {In his Losing and finding of life.) Everett, C. C. Philosophy of Browning. {In his Essays, theological and literary.) Greene, J. N. Saul: the awakening of a soul. {In his Gospel in literature.) Griffin, W. H. Life of Robert Browning. 1910. Gunsaulus, F. W. Robert Browning. {In his Higher ministries of recent English poetry.) Inge, W. R. Mysticism of Robert Browning. {In his Studies of English mystics.) Jones, H. Browning as a philosophical and religious teacher. 1899. — Wordsworth and Browning. {In his Idealism as a practical creed.) Mudge, J. Best of Browning. 1898. Rogers, A. Prophecy and poetry; studies in Isaiah and Browning. 1909. (Bohlen lect.) Strong, A. H. Browning: his poetry and his theology. {In his Great poets and their theology.) Stubbs, C. W. Robert Browning. {In his Christ of English poetry.) Wilson, S. L. Theology of Robert Browning. {In his Theology of modern literature.) 54 Catalogue General Theological Library Bruce, Alexander Balmain. Apologetics. N. Y. Scribner. 1892. Chief end of revelation. N. Y. Randolph, n. d. Epistle to the Hebrews; first apology for Christianity. N. Y. Scribner. 1899. Humiliation of Christ. Edin. Clark. 1876. Kingdom of God. 2d ed. N. Y. Scribner. 1890. Miraculous element in the gospels, N. Y. Armstrong. ci886. Moral order of the world in ancient and modern thought. Lond. Hodder. 1899. (Gifford lect.) Parabolic teaching of Christ. N. Y. Arm- strong. 1884. Providential order of the world. N. Y. Scribner. 1897. (Gifford lect.) St. Paul's conception of Christianity. N. Y. Scribner. 1894. Training of the twelve. Edin. Clark. 1877. With open face ; or, Jesus mirrored in Matthew, Mark and Luke. N. Y. Scribner. 1896. Bruce, Henry Addington Bayley. Riddle of personality. N. Y, Moffat. 1908. Scientific mental healing. Bost. Little. 1911. Bruce, Herbert. Age of schism: being an out- line of the history of the church from A.D. 1304 to A.D. 1503. N. Y. Macm. 1907. (Church universal.) Bruce, William Straton. Ethics of the Old Testament. Edin. Clark, 1895. Formation of Christian character. Edin. Clark. 1908. Social aspects of Christian morality. N. Y. Button. 1905. Bruno, Giordano. Mclntyre, J. L. Giordano Bruno, 1903. Steiner, R. (In his Mystics of the renais- sance.) Bryant, Sara Cone. How to tell stories to chil- dren. Bost. Houghton. C1905. Bryant, Sophie. Teaching of morality in the family and the school. Lond. Sonnen- schein. 1897. Bryant, William Cullen, transl. See Homer. Bryce, James. The American commonwealth. Lond. Macm, 1888. 2v. Same. New and rev. ed. Hindrances to good citizenship. New Haven. Univ. press. 1909. Holy Roman empire. N. Y. Macm. 1887. Relations of the advanced and the backward races of mankind. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1902. (Romanes lect.) South America : observations and impressions. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Studies in contemporary biography. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. University and historical addresses delivered during a residence in the U. S. as ambassa- dor of Great Britain. N. Y. Macm, 1913- Bryson, Mrs. Mary Isabella. John Kenneth Mackenzie, medical missionary to China. N. Y.,e/c. Revell. [1891.] Buchanan, Joseph Ray. Story of a labor agita- tor, N, Y, Outlook CO, 1903. Bucher, Carl. Industrial evolution. N. Y. Holt. 1907. Buck, Daniel Dana. Closing scenes in the life of Christ. Phila, Lippincott. 1869. Buck, Edward, comp. Massachusetts ecclesiasti- callaw. Bost, Gould. 1866. Buckham, John Wright. Christ and the eternal order. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1906. Personality and the Christian ideal. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1909. Whence cometh help; an aid to home and individual devotions. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1902. Buckham, Matthew Henry. The very elect: baccalaureate sermons and occasional ad- dresses, Bost,, eic. Pilgrim press. C1912, Buckle, Henry Thomas. History of civiliza- tion in England, N, Y, Appleton, i860. 2V. Parker, T. Buckle's History of civilization. {In his [Works]. Cent, ed.) Wedgwood, J, Henry Thomas Buckle, {In her Nineteenth century teachers and other essays,) Buckley, James Monroe. Christian science and other superstitions. N. Y. Century. 1902. Extemporaneous oratory. N. Y. Eaton. 1898. History of Methodism in the U. S. N. Y. Harper. 1898. 2 v. History of Methodists in the U. S. N. Y. Christ, lit. co. 1896, (Amer. church hist., vol. V.) Oats or wild oats? Common-sense for young men. N. Y. Harper. 1885. Theory and practice of foreign missions, N. Y. Eaton. CI911. (Nathan Graves lect.) Budde, Karl Ferdinand Reinhard. Religion of Israel to the exile. N. Y. Putnam. 1899, (Amer. lect, on the hist, of re- ligions,) Buddha, Davids, T, W, R, Buddhism; being a sketch of the life and teachings of Gautama, the Buddha, 1880. Martin, A. W. Gotama, the Buddha. {In his Great religious teachers of the East.) Buddhism. Aiken, C. F. The Dhamma of Gotama the Buddha and the gospel of Jesus Christ; a critical inquiry into the alleged relations of Buddhism with primi- tive Christianity. 1900. Arnold, ^iV E. Light of Asia. 1880. Barrows, J. H. Christian conquest of Asia. 1899. (Morse lect.) — ed. World's parliament of religions. 1893. 2V. Barth, A. Religions of India. 1890. Beal, S., transl. Romantic legend of SS.kya Buddha; from the Chinese-Sanscrit. 1875. Bigelow, W. S. Buddhism and immortality. 1908. (Ingersoll lect.) Brace, C. L. Buddhism. {In his The unknown God.) Caird, J. Buddhism. {In Faiths of the world. Caird, J., and others.) Carpenter, W. B. Buddhism. {In his Per- manent elements of religion.) (Bamp. lect.) Cams, P. Buddhism and its Christian critics. 1897. — ed. Gospel of Buddha. 1904. Catalogue General Theological Library 55 Buddhism — Continued. Chantepie de la Saussaye, P. D. Buddhism. {In his Manual of the science of religion.) 1891. Clarke, J. F. Buddhism, the Protestantism of the East. {In his Ten great religions, vol. I.) — The Buddhist monks of central Asia. {In his Events and epochs in religious history.) Creed of Buddha; by the author of "The creed of Christ." 1908. Gushing, J. N. Buddhism in southern Asia. {In Religions of mission fields. Richards, E. H., and others.) 1905. Davids, T. W. R. Buddhism. {In Giles, H. A., and others. Great religions of the world.) — Buddhism; its history and literature. 1896. (Amer. lect. on the hist, of religions.) — Lectures on the origin and growth of relig- ion as illustrated by some points in the history of Indian Buddhism. 1882. (Hib- bert lect.) Dods, M. Mohammed, Buddha and Christ. Ellinwood, F. F. Onental religions and Christianity. 1899. (Ely lect.) Grant, G. M. Religions of the world in relation to Christianity. (Guild text books.) Gring, A. D. Buddhism in Japan. {In Religions of mission fields. Richards, E. H., and others.) 1905. Hackmann, R. Buddhism as a religion. 1910. Hanson, J. W., ed. World's congress of re- ligions. 1 894. Kellogg, S. H. Light of Asia and the light of the world. Lloyd, A. Creed of half Japan. 1912. Miiller, F. M. Lectures on the science of religion; with a paf)er on Buddhist nihilism and a translation of the Dhammapada, or " Path of virtue." 1872. Reed, E. A. {Mrs. H. V.) Primitive Buddhism. 1896. Richard, T. New Testament of higher Buddhism. 1910. Sinnett, A. P. Esoteric Buddhism. 1885. Underwood, H. G. Religions of eastern Asia. 1910. Waddell, L. A. Buddhism of Tibet. 1895. Warren, H. C. Buddhism in translations. 1896. Williams, Sir M. M-. Buddhism in its connexion with Brahmanism and Hinduism and its contrast with Christianity. 1889. See also Brahmanism; Christianity and other religions; Hinduism; Religions; also Names of countries. Budge, E. A. Wallis. Egyptian ideas of the future life. Lond. Paul. 1899. (Books on Egypt and Chaldaea.) Budington, William Ives. Responsive worship. N. Y. Barnes. 1873. Buell, Marcus Darius. The autographs of St. Paul. N. Y. Eaton. C1912. Buhl, Frants. Canon and text of the Old Testament. Edin. Clark. 1892. Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of fable. Phila. Altemus. C1897. Bull, Ole. Bull, S. C. Ole Bull: a memoir. 1883. Bull, Sara C. Ole Bull: a memoir. Bost. Houghton. 1883. BuUard, Asa. Fifty years with the Sabbath schools. Bost. Lockwood. 1876. Bunsen, Christian Carl Josias, Baron von. God in history. Lond. Longm. 1868. 3V. Hippolytus and his age. 2d ed. Lond. Longm. 1854. 2v. Bunsen, F. von. Memoirs of Baron Bunsen. 2d ed. 1869. 2v. Bunsen, Frances, Baroness von. Memoirs of Baron Bunsen. 2d ed. Phila. Lippin- cott. 1869. 2V. Bunyan, John. Complete works, with an introduction by J. P. Gulliver. Phila. Bradley. 1872. Pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come. Lond. Routledge. n. d. Brown, J. John Bunyan. 1888. Cheever, G. B. Lectures on the Pilgrim's prog- ress and on the life and times of John Bunyan. 1856. Hodges, G. {In his Saints and heroes, vol. 2.) Kelman, J. The road of life. n. d. Life of John Bunyan. n. d. Macaulay, T. B. John Bunyan. {In his Essays, vol. I.) Royce, J. The case of John Bunyan. (In his Studies of good and evil.) Tulloch, J. {In his English Puritanism and, its leaders.) Walmsley, L. S. {In his Fighters and mar- tyrs for the freedom of faith.) Whyte, A. Bunyan characters. Willey, J. H. Midsummer nights with the great dreamer. [CI908.] Burder, William. History of all religions of the world. N. Y. Gay. Burgess, Ebenezer. What is truth? An in- quiry concerning the antiquity and unity of the human race. Bost. I. P. Warren. 1871. Biu'gon, John William. England and Rome; three letters to a pervert. N. Y. Dutton. 1869. Burke, Edmund. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 9.) Stephen, L. {In his History of English thought.) Burkitt, Francis Crawford. Earliest sources for the life of Jesus. Bost. Houghton. 1910. The gospel history and its transmission. Edin. Clark. 1906. (Jowett lect.) Burleson, Hugh Latimer. Conquest of the con- tinent. N. Y. For. Miss. Soc. C1911. Burma. Cochrane, H. P. Among the Burmans. CI 904. Smith, J. Ten years in Burma. C1902. Zwemer, S. M., and Brown, A. J. Burma. {In The nearer and the farther East. Zwemer and Brown.) 1908. Burnet, Gilbert. Exposition of the thirty-nine articles of the Church of England. N. Y. Appleton. 1854. History of the reformation of the Church of England. Newed. Lond. Priestley. 1820. 3v. in 6. Bums, James. Revivals: their laws and leaders. N. Y. Hodder. n. d. 56 Catalogue General Theological Library Bums, Robert. Complete poetical works. Bost. Houghton. CI 897. Brooke, S. A. Robert Burns. {In his Theology in the English poets.) 1896. Burr, Aaron, vice-president of the U. S. Parton, J. Life and times of Aaron Burr. 1858. Burr, Enoch Fitch. Ad fidem; or. Parish evidences of the Bible. Bost. Noyes. 1871. Toward the strait gate; or. Parish Christianity for the unconverted. Bost. Lockwood. 1875. Burrage, Champlin. Early English Dissenters in the light of recent research. (1550- 1641.) Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1912. 2V. True story of Robert Browne, father of Con- gregationalism. Oxford. Univ. press. 1906. Burrage, Henry Sweetser. Act of baptism in the history of the Christian church. Phila. A. B, P. S. n. d. Bturell, David James. The sermon: its con- struction and delivery. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1913. (James Sprunt lect.) BuRRiTT, Elihu. Northend, C. Elihu Burritt. C1879. Burroughs, Charles. Peabody, A. P. %'^ Memoir of Charles Burroughs. 1871. Btxrton, Ernest De Witt. Records and letters of the apostolic age. N. Y. Scribner. 1909. and Mathews, Shailer. Constructive studies in the life of Christ. Chi. Univ. press. 1904. Principles and ideals for the Sunday school; an essay in religious pedagogy. Chi. Univ. press. 1907, and others. Biblical ideas of atonement. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. Contents: i. Idea of atonement in the O. T.; by J. M. P. Smith. — 2. Idea of atonement in non-canonical Jewish literature; by E.,D. Burton, — 3. Idea of atonement in the N. T.; by E. D. Burton. — 4. Summary of the biblical teachings concerning atonement; by J. M. P. Smith and E. D. Burton. — 5. Significance of the biblical teachings concerning atonement; by G. B. Smith. joint editor. Harmony of the gospels. See Stevens, W, A., and Burton, E. D. B\u^on, Henry. Gospel according to St. Luke. N. Y. Armstrong. 1891. (Expositor's Bible.) Burton, Margaret Ernestine. Education of women in China. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1911. Burton, Marion Le Roy. Problem of evil; a criticism of the Augustinian point of view. Chi. Open court. 1909. Burton, Nathaniel Judson. Yale lectures on preaching, and other writings. N. Y. Webster. 1888. Bury, John Bagnell. The ancient Greek his- torians. N. Y. Macm. 1909. (Harvard lect.) BusHiDO, the Japanese feudal equivalent of chivalry. Nitobci I. Bushido: the soul of Japan, with an introduction by W. E. Griffis. loth ed. 1907. Bushnell, Horace. Building eras in religion, N, Y. Scribner. 1881. Character of Jesus. N, Y. Chautauqua press. 1 888, Bushnell, Horace — Continued. Christ and his salvation: sermons. N. Y. Scribner. 1864. Fathers of New England: an oration. N. Y. Putnam, 1850. Forgiveness and law. N. Y. Scribner, 1874. God in Christ: three discourses. Hartford. Brown. 1849, Moral uses of dark things. N. Y. Scribner. 1881. Nature and the supernatural. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1859. Sermons for the new life. N. Y. Scribner. 1858. Sermons on living subjects. N. Y. Scribner. Vicarious sacrifice. N, Y. Scribner. 1866. Views of Christian nurture. Hartford, Hunt. 1847. Women's suffrage, N. Y, Scribner, 1869, Work and play. N. Y. Scribner. 1864. and Clark, Thomas March. Religious music: two discourses. Hartford, Brown, 1852. Brastow, L. O. Horace Bushnell. {In his Representative modern preachers,) Cheney, M. B., ed. Life and letters of Horace Bushnell. 1880, Munger, T. T. Horace Bushnell, preacher and theologian. 1899. — Horace Bushnell. {In Prophets of the Christian faith. Abbott, L., and others.) Walker, W. Horace Bushnell. {In his Great men of the Christian church.) 1908. Business ethics. Dole, C. F. The golden rule in business, 6th thous, 1896, Hadley, A, T. Standards of public morality. 1907. (Kennedy lect.) Jenks, J. W. Great fortunes: the winning; the using. 1906. Page, E. D., and others. Morals in modern business. 1909. (Page lect., Yale Univ.) Ross, E. A. Sin and society; an analysis of latter-day iniquity. 1907. Wood, H. Natural law in the business world. 1887. See also Ethics. Bussell, Frederick William. Christian theology and social progress. Lond. Methuen. 1907. (Bamp. lect.) Butler, Alban. Lives of the fathers, martyrs and other principal saints. Dublin (Irel.). DuflFy. 1866. 12V. in 6. Butler, Alford Augustus. How shall we worship God? A non-technical introduction to the study of Christian worship. N. Y. Whit- taker. 1904. Butler, Clement Moore. Flock fed; or, Cate- chetical instruction preparatory to con- firmation. N Y. Randolph. 1862. Butler, Joseph, bp. of Durham. Analogy of religion; ed, by W, E, Gladstone. Oxford. Clarendon press, 1896. Sermons; ed. by W. E. Gladstone, Oxford, Clarendon press. 1896. Arnold, M. Bishop Butler and the Zeit- Geist. {In his St. Paul and Protestantism.) Gladstone, W. E. Studies subsidiary to the works of Bishop Butler. 1896. Stephen, L. Butler's Analogy. {In his History of English thought, vol. I.) Catalogue General Theological Library 57 Butler, Nicholas Murray. The American as he is. N. Y. Macm. 1908. The international mind; an argument for the judicial settlement of international disputes. N. Y. Scribner. 19 12. Butler, William. Land of the Veda. 5th ed. N. Y. Nelson. 1875. Butterfield, Kenyon Leech. Chapters in rural progress. Chi. Univ. press. 1908. Country church and the rural problem. Chi. Univ. press. C1911. (Carew lect.) Butterworth, Hezekiah. Story of the hymns. N. Y. Amer. tract, soc. C1875. joint author. See Brown, T., and Butterworth, H. Buxton, Charles Roden. Turkey in revolution. Lond. Unwin. 1909. Buxton, Harry John Wilmot-. Day by day duty; thirty plain sermons. Lond. Hef- fington. 1905. Short sermons for children. Lond. Skeffing- ton. I 89 I. Buxton, Thomas Fowell. Collier, M. A. Memoir of Thomas Fowell Buxton. ci86i. By the fireside. Wagner, C. Byington, Edwin Hallock. Children's pulpit. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1910. Byington, Ezra Hoyt. Puritan in England and New England. Bost. Roberts. 1896. Byington, Margaret Frances. Homestead; the households of a mill town. N. Y. Chari- ties. 1910. (Russell Sage foundation.) Byrne, William. Catholic doctrine of faith and morals. Bost. Cashman. 1892. Byron, George Gordon Noel, 6lh baron Byron. Lord, J. Lord Byron. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 13.) Macaulay, T. B. Moore's Life of Byron. {In his Essays, vol. I.) Morley, J. Byron. {In his Critical mis- cellanies, vol. L) Parry, W. Last days of Lord Byron. 1825. Byrum, Enoch Edwin. Secret of prayer; how and why we pray. N. Y. Revell. C1912. Byzantine empire. Bikelas, D. Seven essays on Christian Greece; tr. by John, Marquess of Bute. 1890. Oman, C. W. C. Story of the Byzantine empire. 1896. (Story of the nations.) Cabot, Ella Ljrman. Ethics for children; a guide for teachers and parents. Bost. Houghton. CI910. Everyday ethics. N. Y. Holt. 1910. Cabot, James Elliot. Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Bost. Houghton. 1887. 2 v. Cabot, Richard Clarke. Social service and the art of healing. N. Y. Moffat. 1909. Cabot, Sebastian. Hayward, C, Jr. Sebas- tian Cabot. (American biography, vol. VIL Sparks, J., ed.) Cadman, Samuel Parkes. Charles Darwin and other English thinkers; with reference to their religious and ethical value; lectures. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1911. Contents: Charles Darwin. — Thomas Henry Hux- ley. — John Stuart Mill. — - James Martineau. — Matthew Arnold. — Bibliography. Religious uses of memory; a sermon. Pilgrim press. CI912. Bost. CiEDMON, Anglo-Saxon monk and poet. Gur- teen, S, H. Epic of the fall of man: a comparative study of Caedmon, Dante and Milton. 1896. Caesar, Caius Julius. Commentaries on the Gallic and civil wars. N. Y. Harper. 1855. Lord, J. Julius Caesar. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 4.) Caiaphas, Jewish high priest. Clow, W. M. Caiaphas: sermon. {In his Day of the cross.) Ingram, A. F. W. Caiaphas. {In his Men who crucify Christ.) Wright, W. B. Caiaphas before Christ. {In his Heart of the Master.) Cain, eldest son of Adam and Eve. Edersheim, A. Cain and Abel — the two ways and the two races. {In his World before the flood.) Rowland, A. Cain. {In Men of the O. T.; Cain to David. Milligan, G., and others.) Whyte, A. Cain. {In his Bible characters: Adam to Achan.) Caird, Edward. Critical philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Glasgow. Maclehose. 1909. 2v. Essays on literature. Glasgow. Maclehose. 1909. Evolution of religion. Glasgow. Maclehose. 1893. (Gifford lect.) Evolution of theology in the Greek philoso- phers. Glasgow. Maclehose. 1904. 2 v. (Gifford lect.) Hegel. Phila. Lippincott. n. d. (Philos. classics for Engl, readers.) Lay sermons and addresses, Balliol college, Oxford. Glasgow. Maclehose. 1907. Social philosophy and religion of Comte. Glasgow. Maclehose. 1893. Caird, John. Corporate immortality; Union with God. [Two sermons.] {In Scotch sermons.) Fundamental ideas of Christianity. Glasgow. Maclehose. 1899. 2 v. (Gifford lect.) Introduction to the philosophy of religion. N. Y. Macm. 1880. Sermons. N. Y. Carter. 1874. Spinoza. Edin. Blackwood. 1910. (Philos. classics for Engl, readers.) University sermons. 1 873-1898. Glasgow. Maclehose. 1898. Cairns, David S. Christianity in the modern world. N. Y. Armstrong. 1907. Cairns, John. Unbelief in the eighteenth century, N. Y. Harper. 1881. Caldecott, Alfred. Philosophy of religion in England and America. N. Y. Macm. 1901. Caldecott, W. Shaw. The Tabernacle: its history and structure. Phila. Union press. 1906. Calderwood, Henry. Evolution and man's place in nature. Lond. Macm. 1893. Philosophy of the infinite. 3d ed. Lond. Macm. 1872. Caleb, Hebrew prince. Guthrie, T. Caleb the soldier. {In his Studies of character from the O. T.) Matheson, G. Caleb the explorer. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Ishmael to Daniel.) Calhoun, John Caldwell. Lord, J. John C. Calhoun. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 12.) 58 Catalogue General Theological Library Calkins, Mary Whiton. Persistent problems of philosophy; an introduction to metaphysics through the study of modern systems. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Calkins, Raymond. Substitutes for the saloon; an investigation made for the Committee of fifty under the direction of F. G. Peabody [and others]. Bost. Houghton. 1901. Callender, Guy Stevens. Selections from the economic history of the U. S. 1 765-1 860. Bost. Ginn. C1909. Calvary. Wilson, Sir C. W. Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre. 1906. Calvin, Jean, Swiss reformer. See Calvin, John. Calvin, John. Institutes of the Christian reli- gion; a new transl. by Henry Beveridge. Edin. Calvin transl. soc. 1845-46. 3V. Letters; ed., with notes, by J. Bonnet. Tr. from the original Latin and French by M. R. Gilchrist [and others]. Phila. Presb. bd. of publ. 1858. 4V. Tracts relating to the reformation, with his life by Theodore Beza. Tr. by Henry Beveridge. Edin. Calvin transl. soc. 1849- 1860. 3v. Vol. I publ. by T. & T. Clark. Beza, T. de. Life of Calvin. (In Calvin, J. Tracts. Vol. L, pp. xvii-lxxxi.) Burns, J. Calvin and the Swiss revival. (In his Revivals: their laws and leaders.) Craig, A. H. John Calvin and Ulric Zwingli. (In his Christian persecutions.) Doumergue, £., and others. Calvin and the reformation: four studies. C1909. Contents: Calvin: epigone or creator? by ]£. Dou- mergue. [Tr. by J. H. Dulles.] — The reformation and natural law; by A. Lang. [Tr. by J. M. Machin.] — Calvin and common grace; by H. Bavinck. [Tr. by G. Vos.] — Calvin's doctrine of the knowledge of God; by B. B. Warfield. Guizot, F. P. G. John Calvin. (In his St. Louis and Calvin.) (Great Christians of France.) Herrick, S. E. Calvin. (In his Some heretics of yesterday.) Hodges, G. (In his Saints and heroes, vol. 2.) Kidd, B. J., ed. Documents illustrative of the continental reformation. 191 1. Lord, J. John Calvin. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 6.) Renan, E. John Calvin, (In his Studies of religious history and criticism.) Stevenson," R. T. John Calvin the statesman. 1907. (Men of the kingdom.) Tulloch, J. Calvin. (In his Leaders of the reformation.) Walker, W. John Calvin. (In his Great men of the Christian church.) — John Calvin, the organiser of reformed Protestantism. 1 509-1 564. 1906, (Heroes of the reformation.) Warfield, B. B. Calvin as a theologian, and Calvinism to-day. 1909. Calvinism. Adeney, W. F. Decline of Cal- vinism. (In his Century's progress in relig. life and thought.) Froude, J. A. Calvinism: address at St. Andrews, March 17, 1871. McGiffert, A. C. John Calvin. (In his Protestant thought before Kant.) Strong, J. S. Essential Calvinism. CI909. Cambridge. First church. McKenzie, A. Lec- tures on the history of the First church in Cambridge. 1873. Cambridge Bible for schools and colleges; ed. by J. J. S. Perowne and A. F. Kirkpatrick. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1879-1911. Cambridge biblical essays. By members of the University of Cambridge. Ed. by H. B. Swete. Lond. Macm. 1909. Cambridge Greek Testament for schools and colleges. General editors, J. J. S. Perowne [and others]. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1893-1910. i6v. Cambridge manuals of science and literature: Ancient Assyria; Johns, C. H. W. Hist, of civilization in Palestine; Macalister, R.A.S. Cambridge mediaeval history. Planned by J. B. Bury, ed. by H. M. Gwatkin and J. P. Whit- ney. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. Vol. I. Cambridge modern history. Planned by the late Lord Acton, edited by A. W. Ward, G. W. Prothero and S. Leathes. N. Y. Macm. 1906-1911. I2V. Cambridge theological essays. (Swete, H. B., ed.) See Essays on some theological ques- tions of the day, by members of the Uni- versity of Cambridge; ed. by H. B. Swete. Cambridge University. Mullinger, J. B. History of the University of Cambridge. 1888. (Epochs of church history.) Camm, Dom Bede, and others. The city of peace; by those who have entered it. N. Y. Benziger. 1903. Campbell, Alexander, founder of the Dis- ciples of Christ. Richardson, R. Memoirs of Alexander Campbell. 1890. Campbell, Douglas. The Puritan in Holland, England and America. N. Y. Harper. 1893. 2V. Campbell, F. W. Groves. Little Orthodox manual of prayers of the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church. Lond. Century. 191 1. Campbell, J. L. The Patmos letters applied to modern Christendom. Lond. Morgan, n. d. Campbell, James Mann. Grow old along with me, N. Y. Revell. C1911. Paul the mystic. N. Y. Putnam. 1908. (C. t. 1.) The presence. N. Y. Eaton. C1911. Campbell, John Gordon Dnmmiond. Siam in the twentieth century. Lond. Arnold. 1904. Campbell, John Lome. Heavenly recognition, and other sermons. N. Y. Amer. church press. 1895. Campbell, John McLeod. Nature of the atone- ment. Lond. Macm. 1873. Campbell, Lewis. Religion in Greek literature. Lond. Longm. 1898. joint author. See Abbott, E., and Campbell, L, Campbell, Reginald John. Choice of the highest; City Temple talks to young men. N. Y, Revell, 1904. Christianity and the social order. N. Y. Macm. 1907, City Temple sermons. N. Y. Revell, 1903. Jesus or Christ? (Hibbert journal supplement.) Catalogue General Theological Library 59 Campbell, Reginald John — Continued. Keys of the kingdom, and other sermons. N. Y. Revell. 1903. Ladder of Christ, and other sermons. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1912. New theology. N. Y. Macm. 1907. Newtheology: sermons. N. Y. Macm. 1907. Sermons addressed to individuals. N. Y. Armstrong. 1905. Songof ages; sermons. N.Y. Armstrong. 1905. Thursday mornings at the City Temple. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Campbell, Thomas Joseph. Pioneer priests of North America, 1642-1710. N. Y. Ford- ham Univ. press. 1908. 2v. Campello, Enrico di, count. Robertson, A. Count Campello and Catholic reform in Italy. I 89 I. Canaan. Sayce, A. H. {In his Early Israel and the surrounding nations.) 1899. Canada. Missions. See Missions. Candlish, James S. The Christian sacraments. 7th thousand. Edin. Clark. n. d. (Hdbks. for Bible classes.) Cannon, Frank Jenne, and O'Higgins, Harvey Jerrold. Under the prophet in Utah. Bost. Clark. 191 1. Cantlie, James. Sun Yat Sen and the awaken- ing of China; with contributions by C. S. Jones. N. Y. Revell. CI912. Capen, Elmer Hewitt. The college and the higher life; baccalaureate sermons preached in Goddard Chapel, Tufts College. Bost. Univ. pub. house. 1905. Capes, William Wolfe. The English church in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Lond. Macm. 1903. (History of the Engl, church, vol. III.) Capital. Hobson, J. A. Evolution of modern capitalism. 1907. Marx, K. Capital; critical analysis of capitalist production. 1908. — Wage-labor and capital; tr. by H. E. Lothrop. 1902. (Arm and hammer ser.) Strong, J. Wealth and capital, {In Studies in the gospel of the kingdom. 1910.) Capital punishment. See Death penalty. Cardwell, Edward. Documentary annals of the reformed Church of England from 1546 to 1 7 16. New ed. Oxford. Univ. press. 1844. 2 v. Synodalia; a collection of articles of religion, canons, and proceedings of convocations, in the province of Canterbury, from 1547 to 1 7 17; with notes historical and explana- tory. Oxford. Univ. press. 1862. 2v. ed. The two Books of common prayer set forth by authority of Parliament in the reign of Edward the Sixth. See Church of England. Liturgy. Ritual. Carew lectures. 1894. Qualifications for ministerial power. Hall, C. C. 1908-1909. Congregational administration. Nash, C. S. 1909. Countrv church and the rural problem. Butterfield, K. L. Carey, William, Baptist missionary. Belcher, J. William Carey. C1853. Marshman, J. C. Life and labours of Carey. Marshman and Ward. 1867. Carey, W^illiam — Continued. Smith, G. Life of William Carey. 1885. Speer, R. E. William Carey, the Christian pioneer, and his problems. {In his Some great leaders in the world movement.) Vedder, H. C. William Carey. {In his Christian epoch-makers.) Walmsley, L. S. {In his Fighters and martyrs for the freedom of faith.) Cargile, John A. True theology; or, A con- densed library containing a plain, simple and impartial examination of the Bible on several subjects. 7th ed. Bost. Advent Christian publ. soc. n. d. Cargill, David, missionary to the Fijians. Field, C. David Cargill in the Fiji Islands. {In his Heroes of missionary enterprise.) Carleton, William. One way out; a middle- class New Englander emigrates to America. Bost. Small. C1911. Carlyle, Jane Welsh. Letters and memorials; ed. by J. A. Froude. N. Y. Scribner. 1883. Carlyle, Thomas. Chartism. Bost. Little. 1840. French revolution; a history. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 3v. (Works. Cent. ed. II-IV.) Heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history. N. Y. Scribner. (Works. Cent. ed. V.) Latter-dav pamphlets. N. Y. Scribner. (Works! Cent. ed. XX.) Life of John Sterling. Bost. Phillips. 1851. Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches, with elucidations, N. Y. Wiley. 1845. 2v. Same. Shilling ed. 1890. 5 v. Past and present. N. Y. Scribner. (Works. Cent. ed. X.) Sartor Resartus. N. Y. Scribner. (Works. Cent. ed. I.) Higginson, T. W. Carlyle's laugh, and other surprises. 1909. Hutton, R. H. Thomas Carlyle. {In his Essays on some of the modern guides of English thought.) 1887. Lord, J. Carlyle. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 13.) Morley, J. Carlyle. (/n Aw Critical miscella- nies, vol. I.) Mozley, J. B. Carlyle's Cromwell. {In his Essays, hist, and theol., vol. I.) Nichol, J. Thomas Carlyle. C1892. (Eng- lish men of letters.) Stanley, A. P. In memoriam — ^Thomas Car- lyle. {In World's great sermons, vol. VL Kleiser, G., ed.) Wedgwood, J. A study of Carlyle. {In her Nineteenth century teachers.) Wilson, S. L. Theology of Thomas Carlyle. {In his Theology of modern literature.) Carols. Babcock, M. D. Hymns and carols. C1903. Bramley, H. R., and Stainer, Sir J. Christ- mas carols new and old. n. d. Carpenter, Chapin Howard. Self-support illus- trated in the history of the Bassein Karen mission from 1840 to 1880. Bost. Rand. Studies in mission economics. Bost. 1886. Carpenter, Edmund Janes. Roger Williams: a study of the life, times and character of a political pioneer. N. Y. Grafton. CI909. 60 Catalogue General Theological Library Carpenter, George Rice. John Greenleaf Whit- tier. Bost. Houghton. CI903. (Amer. men of letters.) Carpenter, Joseph Estlin. Bible in the nine- teenth century: eight lectures. Lond. Longm. 1903. Comparative religion. N. Y. Holt. [1913.] (Home univ. libr.) First three gospels: their origin and relations. Lond. S. S. Assoc. 1890. Historical Jesus and the theological Christ. Bost. A. U. A. 1912. Jesus or Christ? (Hibbert journal supplement.) Place of Christianity among the religions of the world. 2d ed. Lond. P.Green. 1911. and Battersby, G. Harford-. The Hexateuch according to the revised version, with notes, etc. Lond. Longm. 1900. 2v. Carpenter, Lant. Carpenter, R. L., ed. Memoirs of the life of Lant Carpenter. 1842. Carpenter, Russell Lant, ed. Memoirs of the life of Lant Carpenter. Bristol [Eng.]. Philp. 1842. Carpenter, S. C. A parson's defence. Lond., etc. Longm. 1912. Carpenter, William Boyd. Age of progress: sermon. {In Anglican pulpit of to-day. Benson, E. W., and others.) Great charter of Christ; studies in the Sermon on the Mount. N. Y. Whittaker. 1896. Permanent elements of religion. Lond. Macm. 1889. (Bamp. lect.) Popular history of the Church of England from the earliest times to the present day. N. Y. Dutton. 1909. Revelation; with commentary. Lond. Cas- sell. (Handy commentary.) Some pages of my life. N. Y, Scribner. 191 1 . Son of man among the sons of men. N. Y. Whittaker. 1895. Witness of the heart to Christ. N. Y. Ran- dolph. 1878. (Hulsean lect.) Witness to the influence of Christ. Bost. Houghton. 1905. (W. B. Noble lect.) Carr, Artiiur. Church and the Roman empire, Lond. Longm. 1887. (Epochs of church hist.) St. Matthew with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1906. (Cambr. Greek Test.) St. Matthew with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1879. (Cambr. Bible.) General epistle of James. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1905. (Cambr. Greek Test.) Carroll, Henry King. Religious forces of the U. S. N. Y. Christ, lit. co. 1893. (American church history, vol. L) Same. Revised and brought down to 19 10. N. Y. Scribner. 1912. and Chapman, James, eds. Proceedings of the fourth Ecumenical Methodist Con- ference. See Ecumenical Methodist Con- ference. Carroll, John, isl abp. of Baltimore. Shea, J. G. Life and times of John Carroll. 1888. Cartaphilus, the wandering Jew. Hoffman, D. The Wandering Jew; or. The Chronicles of Cartaphilus, selected from his Poly- chronicon. 1853. 2 v. Carter, Henry. Church and the new age. N. Y. Hodder. 1912. Carter, Jesse Benedict. Religion of Numa; and other essays on the religion of ancient Rome. Lond. Macm. 1906. Religious life of ancient Rome; a study of the development of religious consciousness from the foundation of the city until the death of Gregory the Great. Bost. Houghton. 1911. Carter, Thomas. Shakespeare and Holy Scrip- ture; with the version he used. N. Y. Dutton. 1905. Cartwright, Peter. The backwoods preacher; being the autobiography of Peter Cartwright. 1 6th thousand. Lond. Wesleyan- Metho- dist book-room. n. d. Watters, P. M. Peter Cartwright. 1910. Cams, PatU. Buddhism and its Christian critics. Chi. Open court. 1897. History of the devil and the idea of evil. Chi. 1900. Monism and meliorism. N. Y. Christern. 1885. ed. Gospel of Buddha according to old records, told by Paul Carus. 9th ed. Chi. Open court. 1904. Carus, William, ed. Memorials of Charles Pettit Mcllvaine. N. Y. Whittaker. 1882. Carver, Thomas Nixon. Principles of rural economics. Bost. Ginn. C1911. Religion worth having. Bost. Houghton. 1912. Sociology and social progress. Bost. Ginn. C1905. Carver, William Owen. Missions in the plan of the ages; Bible studies in missions. N. Y. Revell. C1909. Cary, George Lovell. The synoptic gospels, together with a chapter on the text-criticism of the New Testament. N. Y. Putnam. 1900. (Int. hdbks. to the N. T.) Elements of text-criticism. {In Int. hdbks. to the N. T. I.) Cary, Otis. History of Christianity in Japan. N. Y. Revell. 1909. 2 v. I. Protestant missions. II. Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox missions. Case against socialism: a handbook for speakers and candidates. [Prepared by the Lond. Municipal Soc] With pre- fatory letter by A. J. Balfour. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Case, Shirley Jackson. Historicity of Jesus. Chi. Univ. press. C1912. Casey, Patrick H. Notes on a history of auricu- lar confession. H. C. Lea's account of the power of the keys in the early church. Phila. J. J. McVey. 1899. Pamphlet. Cassel, Paulus. Explanatory commentary on Esther. Edin. Clark. 1888. (For. theol. libr.) Castle, William Ernest. Heredity in relation to evolution and animal breeding. N. Y. Appleton. 191 1. and others. Heredity and eugenics: a course of lectures. Chi. Univ. press. C1912. Castle of Zion: stories from the Old Testa- ment. Hodges, G. Catalogue General Theological Library 6i Catacombs. Clarke, J. F. The catacombs. {In his Events and epochs in religious history.) Kip, W. I. Catacombs of Rome. 1854. Lowrie, W. Christian cemeteries. (In his Monuments of the early church.) Spence, D. M. The catacombs. (In his Early Christianity and Paganism.) Stanley, A. P. The Roman catacombs. (In his Christian institutions.) Withrow, W. H. The catacombs of Rome. 1875. Catechetics. Butler, C. M. The flock fed; or, Catechetical instruction preparatory to confirmation. 1862. Dupanloup, F. A. P. Ministry of catechising; tr. into English. 1890. Jones, S. Clergy and the catechism. 1895. Neale, J. M. Catechetical notes and class questions. 1869. Catechisms. Dole, C. F. Catechism of liberal faith. 5th ed, 1905. Gilbert, G. H. Primer of the Christian religion based on the teaching of Jesus, its founder and living Lord. 1902. Green, A. Lectures on the shorter catechism of the Presbyterian Church. C1841. 2v. Hodge, A. A., and Hodge, J. A. System of theology contained in the Westminster shorter catechism opened and explained. 1888. Jackson, G. A. Christian faith; catechism for pastors and parents. 1904. Lodge, Sir. O. J. Substance of faith allied with science; a catechism for parents and teachers. 1907. Prudden, T, P. A catechism of general in- formation about the Bible. 1903. See Heidelberg catechism; Westminster cate- chism; also Names of churches. Cathedrals. Prior, E. S. Cathedral builders in England. 1905. Rose, E. W. Cathedrals and cloisters of midland France. 1907. 2 v. Woolworth, J. M. Cathedral in the American church. 1883. See also Church architecture. Catherine of Genoa, St. Hiigel, F. von. Mystical element of religion as studied in St. Catherine of Genoa and her friends. 1908. 2V. Catherine of Siena, St. Vaughan, R. A. Catherine of Siena. (In his Hours with the mystics, vol. L) Catholic Church. See Roman Catholic Church. Catholicism. Ewer, F. C. Catholicity in its relationship to Protestanism and Romanism. 1878. Fairbairn, A. M. Catholicism: Roman and Anglican. 1899. Grafton, C. C. Christian and Catholic. 1905. Catholicism and the modern mind. Quin, M. Cave, Alfred. Inspiration of the Old Testament inductively considered. Lond. Congr. Union of Engl, and Wales. 1888. Scriptural doctrine of sacrifice. Edin. Clark. 1877. Cavour, Camillo Benso, conte di. Lord, J. Cavour. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. ID.) Cavour, Camillo Benso — Continued. Thayer, W. R. Life and times of Cavour. 2v. 1911. White, A. D. Cavour. (In his Seven great statesmen.) Celibacy. Lea, H. C. Historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Christian church. 3d. ed. 1907. 2v. Cellini, Benvenuto. Symonds, J. A. Life of Benvenuto Cellini. 1908. Celtic religion. Anwyl, E. Celtic religion in pre-Christian times. (Religions anc. and mod.) MacCulloch, J. A. Religion of the ancient Celts. 191 1. Rhys, J. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic heathen- dom. 1888. (Hibbert lect.) Wentz, W. Y. E, Fairy-faith in Celtic coun- tries. 191 1. Centenary Conference on Foreign Missions. Report of the Centenary Conference on the Protestant missions of the world held in Exeter Hall (June 9th-i9th), London, 1888. Ed. by James Johnston. N. Y. Revell. 1888. 2V. Centenary Conference on the Protestant Missions of the World. See John- ston, J., ed. Central Conference of American Rabbis. Union prayer-book for Jewish worship. N. Y. Bloch. 1908. 2v. Chadboume, Paul Ansel. Lectures on natural theology. N. Y. Putnam. 1867. Chadwick, George Alexander. Exodus. N. Y. Armstrong, n. d. (Expositor's Bible.) Mark. N. Y. Armstrong, n. d. (Exposi- tor's Bible.) Chadwick, John White. Bible of to-day; a course of lectures. N. Y. Putnam. 1878. Faith of reason. Bost. Roberts. 1879. The Man Jesus. Bost. Roberts. 188 1. Theodore Parker, preacher and reformer. Bost. Houghton. 1900. William EUery Channing, minister of religjion. Bost. Houghton. 1903. Chadwick, William Edward. Pastoral teaching of St. Paul; his ministerial ideals. Edin. Clark, 1907. Social teaching of St. Paul. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1906. Chaldea. Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Chaldea from the earliest times to the rise of Assyria. 2d ed. 1888. (Story of the nations.) Chalmers, James, missionary to the South Pacific. Lovett, R. Tamate: the life story of James Chalmers, n. d. Lovett, R., erf. James Chalmers; his autobio- graphy and letters. 2d ed. n. d. Chalmers, Thomas. Christian and civic econ- omy of large towns. Glasgow. Chalmers. 1823. 3v. Eraser, D. Thomas Chalmers. 1882. (Heroes of Christian history.) Hanna, W. Memoirs of the life and writings of Thomas Chalmers. 1849. MacLeod, D. Thomas Chalmers. (In Scot- tish divines. Taylor, M. C, and others.) (St. Giles lect.) Wayland, F. Memoir of Thomas Chalmers. 1864. 62 Catalogue General Theological Library Chamberlain, Alexander Francis. Child; a study in the evolution of the man. Lond. Scott. 1911. (Cont. sci. ser.) Chamberlain, Houston Stewart. Foundations of the nineteenth century; tr. from the German by John Lees. Lond. John Lane. 1911. 2V. Chamberlain, Jacob. In the tiger jungle, and other stories of missionary work among the Telugus of India. N. Y. Revell. C1896. Chamberlain, Leander Trowbridge. True doc- trine of prayer. N. Y. Baker. 1906. Chamberlin, Georgia Louise. The Hebrew prophets; a textbook for students of the high school age and above. Chi. Univ. press. CI911. and Kern, Mary Root. Child religion in song and story. Chi. Univ. press. 1908- 09. 2v. (Constructive Bible studies. Elem. ser.) Chambers, Arthur. "Our life after death." Phila. Jacobs. 1895. Chambers, Talbot Wilson, ed. Moses and his recent critics. Toronto, etc. Funk. 1892. The Psalter. N. Y. Randolph. 1876. (Vedder lect.) Chambre, Albert St. John, Sermons on the apostles' creed. N. Y. Whittaker. CI898. Champion, John Benjamin. Living atonement. Phila. G. & R. C1910. Chandler, Edward Herrick. History of the Wellesley Congregational Church. Bost. Sanborn. C1898. Chandler, Walter Marion. Trial of Jesus from a lawyer's standpoint. N. Y. Empire. 1908. 2V. Chaiming, Edward Tyrrel. William Ellery. (Amer. biography, vol. IX. Sparks, J., ed.) Channing, William Ellery. Discourses on war, with an introduction by E. D. Mead. Bost. Ginn. 1903. Remarks on the slavery question in a letter to Jonathan Phillips. Bost. Munroe. 1839. Works, 7th ed. Bost. Munroe. 1847. 6v. and Aikin, Lucy. Correspondence from 1826 to 1842; ed. by A. L. Le Breton. Bost. Roberts. 1874. Chadwick, J. W. William Ellery Channing, minister of religion. 1903. Channing, William Henry. Life of William Ellery Channing. Cent. ed. 1904. Eliot, C. W. Channing. {In his Four American leaders.) Peabody, E. P. Reminiscences of William Ellery Channing. 1880. Chantepie de la Saussaye, Pierre Daniel. Man- ual of the science of religion; tr. by B. S. Colyer-Ferguson. Lond. Longm. 1891. Religion of the Teutons; tr. from the Dutch by B. J. Vos. Bost. Ginn. 1902, (Hdbks. on the hist, of religions. III.) Chants. St. Paul's cathedral chant book. Bidder, H. J., and Roberts, J. V. Parish church chant book. n. d. Foote, A., ed. Book of chants. 1893. Fox, A., and others. Cathedral psalter. 1890. Troutbeck, J., ed. Cathedral paragraph psalter, n. d. — and Bridge, J. F., eds. Westminster Abbey chant book. n. d. Chapman, A. T. Introduction to the Penta- teuch. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 191 1. (Cambr. Bible.) Chapman, Edward Mortimer. Dynamic of Christianity; a study of the vital and permanent element in the Christian religion. Bost. Houghton. 1904. English literature in account with religion. 1800-1900. Bost. Houghton. 1910. Chapman, J. Wilbur. Another mile, and other addresses. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI 908. Revival sermons. N. Y. Revell. CI911. S. H. Hadley of Water Street; a miracle of grace. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI906. Chapman, John Jay. Practical agitation. N. Y. Scribner. 1900. Character. Brierley, J. Secret of living. 1911. Bruce, W. S. Formation of Christian char- acter. 1908. Clark, H. W. Studies in the making of character. 19 10. Hillis, N. D. Contagion of character. ci9il. — Great books as life-teachers: studies of character, real and ideal. CI899. Illingworth, J. R. Christian character; lec- tures on the elements of Christian ethics. 1905- Jackson, E. P. Character building. (In Conduct as a fine art, by N. P. Gilman and E. P. Jackson.) Janes, G. M. Character through struggle. (In his Pilgrim spirit, and other essays.) Lecky, W. E. H. The map of life: conduct and character. 1901. Lorimer, G. C. Messages of to-day to men of to-morrow. 1 896. Mabie, H. W. Essays on work and culture. 1907. MacCunn, J. Making of character. 1910. Moxom, P. S. Character. (In his Aim of life.) Paget, F. Studies in the Christian character. 1895. Payne, C. H. Guides and guards in character- building. 1883. Scudder, V. D. Socialism and character. 1912. Sisson, E. O. Essentials of character. 191 1. Speer, R. E. Marks of a man; or. The essentials of Christian character. C1907. (Merrick lect.) Watkinson, W. L. Education of the heart. C1904. — Life's unexpected issues, and other papers on character and conduct. C1912. — Studies in Christian character, work and experience. ist-2d series. 1903. Watson, J. (" Ian Maclaren.") Character the spring of life; Character judged by its trend. [Two sermons.] (In his Inspira- tion of our faith.) See also Christian ethics; Conduct; Conduct of life; Ethics. Character of Jesus. Bushnell, H. Character of Jesus. Jefferson, C. E. Charities. Assoc. Charities of Boston. Di- rectory of the charitable and beneficent organizations of Boston. 1907. ^ Warner, A. G. American charities. C1894. Catalogue General Theological Library 63 i Charity. Bosanquet, B. Principles and chief dangers of the administration of charity. {In Philanthropy and social progress.) Conyngton, M. How to help. 1906. Devine, E. T. Principles of relief. 1907. Tippy, W. M., ed. Socialized church. CI909. Uhlhorn, G. Christian charity in the ancient church. 1883. See also Charities. Charlemagne, Roman emperor. De Quincey, T. Charlemagne. {In his Theological essays, vol. II.) Hodges, G. Charlemagne. {In his Saints and heroes.) Lord, J. Charlemagne. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Wells, C. L. Age of Charlemagne. 1901. (Ten epochs of church history.) Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth (Rundle). Mary, the handmaid of the Lord. N.Y. Dodd. 1865. Charles, Robert Henry. Critical history of the doctrine of a future life. Lond. Black. 1899. (Jowett lect.) ed. Book of the secrets of Enoch. See Bible. O. T. Pseudepigrapha. ed. and transl. Ascension of Isaiah. See Bible. O. T. Pseudepigrapha. Apocalypse of Baruch. See Bible. O. T. Pseudepigrapha. Assumption of Moses. See Bible. O. T. Pseudepigrapha. Book of Enoch. See Bible. O. T. Pseude- pigrapha. Book of Jubilees. SeeB'ihXe. O. T. Pseude- pigrapha. Testaments of the twelve patriarchs. See Bible. O. T. Pseudepigrapha. Charlestown. Wyman, T. B. Genealogies and estates of Charlestown. 1879. 2 v. Charlton, Emanuel C. Puritan captain. Day- ton (O.). Christian pub. assoc. 1908. Chartism. Carlyle, T. Chartism. 1840. Chase, Frederic Henry. Credibility of the book of the Acts of the apostles. Lond. Macm. 1902. Chase, Irah, ed. and transl. Work claiming to be the constitutions of the Holy Apostles, including the canons. N.Y. Appleton. 1868. Chase, Philander. Reminiscences. Bost. Dow. 1848. 2V. Chase, Thornton. Bahai revelation. Chi. Bahai pub. soc. 1909. Chateaubriand, Francois Auguste Rene, vicomte de. The martyrs; rev. transl. ed. by O. Wight. N. Y. Derby. 1861. Lord, J. Chateaubriand. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 9.) Chatterton-Hill, Georges. Sociological value of Christianity. Lond. Black. 1912. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Lord, J. Chaucer. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 3.) Chauncy, Charles. Seasonable thoughts on the state of religion in New England. Bost. Eliot. 1743. Charles Chauncy. {In Heralds of a liberal faith. The prophets. Eliot, S. A., ed.) Chautauqua hymnal and liturgy. N.Y. Novello. CI903. Chavasse, Pye Henry. Advice to a mother on the management of her children. Phila. Lippincott. 1873. Checkley, John. Slafter, E. F. John Checkley. 1897. 2V. Cheetham, Samuel. History of the Christian church. Lond. Macm. 1907. The mysteries, pagan and Christian. Lond. Macm. 1897. (Hulsean lect.) Cheever, George Barreil. Lectures on the Pilgrim's progress and on the life and times of John Bunyan. 8th ed. N. Y. Carter. 1856. Cheever, Henry Theodore. Correspondencies of faith. N. Y. Randolph. C1885. Cheke, Sir John. Strype, J. Life of the learned Sir John Cheke. 1821. Cheney, Mary Bushnell, ed. Life and letters of Horace Bushnell. N. Y. Harper. 1880. Cheney, William Atwell. Can we be sure of mortality? a lawyer's brief. N. Y. Roger. 1910. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. Ball and the cross. N. Y. Lane. 1909. Charles Dickens; a critical study. N. Y. Dodd. 1910. Heretics. N. Y. Lane. 1906. Orthodoxy. N. Y. Lane. 1900. Robert Browning. N. Y. Macm. 1908. What's wrong with the world? N. Y. Dodd. 1910. Chejme, Thomas Kelly. Bible problems and the new material for their solution. N. Y. Putnam. 1904. (C. t. 1.) Founders of Old Testament criticism. N. Y. Scribner. 1893. Hallowing of criticism; sermons on Elijah. Lond. Hodder. 1888. Hosea, with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1887. (Cambr. Bible.) Introduction to the book of Isaiah. Lond. Black. 1895. Isaiah chronologically arranged. Lond. Macm. 1879. Jeremiah, his life and times. N. Y. Ran- dolph, n. d. (Men of the Bible.) Jewish religious life after the exile. N. Y. Putnam. 1898. (Amer. lect. on the hist. of religions.) Job and Solomon. N. Y. Whittaker. 1889. Micah, with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1882. (Cambr. Bible.) Origin and religious contents of the Psalter. N. Y. Whittaker. 1891. (Bamp. lect.) Prophecies of Isaiah; new translation, with commentary. Lond. Paul. 1880. 2 v. Psalms; new translation, with commentary. Lond. Paul. 1888. Same. Tr. from a rev. text, with notes and introduction. N. Y. Whittaker. 1904. 2V. The two religions of Israel; with a re-examina- tion of the prophetic narratives and utter- ances. Lond. Black. 19 11. Chicago. Vice commission. See Vice commis- sion of Chicago. Child, Lydia Maria. Beach, S. C. Lydia Maria Child. {In his Daughters of the Puritans.) Child and religion. Clark, F. E. The children and the church. 1882. Dawson, G. E. Child and his religion. 1909. 64 Catalogue General Theological Library Child and religion — Continued. Hall, G. S, Religious training of children. (/n his Educational problems, vol. I.) Hodges, G. Training of children in religion. 1911, Jenness, K. The pilot flame. 1912. Koons, W. G. The child's religious nature. C1903. Rishell, C. W. The child as God's child. 1904. " A plea for the religious rights of the child." Stephens, T., ed.. The child and religion; eleven essays by H. Jones [and others]. 1905. (C. t. 1.) Contents: I. The child and heredity; by H. Jones. — II. The child and its environment; by C. F. G. Masterman. — III. The child's capacity for religion; by G. T. Ladd. —IV. The child and sin; by F. R. Tennant. — V. Conversion of children; by J. C. Jones. — VI. Religious training of the child in the Church of England; by H. H. Henson. — VII. Religious training of children in the free churches; by R. F. Horton. — VIII. Baptists and the children; by G. Hill. — IX. New church train- ing; by J. J. Thornton. — X. Religious training of children among the Jews; by A. A. Green. — XI. The chUd and the Bible; by J. A. Beet. Child Conference for Research and Welfare. Proceedings, Clark University, Worcester, July 6-10, 1909. N. Y. Stechert. 1910. Child employing industries. National Child Labor Committee. 1910. Child helping societies. Hart, H. H. Pre- ventive treatment of neglected children. 1910. Child labor. Brown, F. K. (Al Priddy, pseud.) Through the mill. CI911. Clark, D. W. American child and the Moloch of to-day, CI907. Clopper, E. N. Child labor in city streets. 1912. Murphy, E. G. Problems of the present south. 1909. National child labor committee. Proceedings of annual conferences. 2-7. 1906-1911. 6v. Contents: 1906. Child labor a menace to industry, education and good citizenship. — 1907. Child labor and the republic. — 1908. Child labor and social progress. — 1909. Child workers of the nation. — 1910. Child employing industries. — 191 1. Uniform chUd labor laws. Nearing, S. Child labor. {In his Social adjustment.) — Solution of the child labor problem. 1911. Strong, J. {In his Studies in the gospel of the kingdom, 1910.) Van Vorst, B. {Mrs. John Van Vorst.) Cry of the children: a study of child labor. 1908. Child nature and child nurture. St. John, E. P. C1911. Child religion in song and story. Chamberlin, G. L., and Kern, M. R. Child study. Baldwin, J. M. Mental de- velopment in the child and the race. 1900. Chamberlain, A. F. Child; a study in the evolution of the man. 191 1. (Cont. sci. sen) Compayre, G. Intellectual and moral de- velopment of the child. 1896. Hall, G. S. Educational problems. 191 1. 2V. Child Study — Continued. Harrison, E. Study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint. 1905. King, I. Psychology of child development. 1907. Kirkpatrick, E. A. Fundamentals of child study. 191 1. — Individual in the making; a subjective view of child development, with sugges- tions for parents and teachers, CI911. Macdonald, G. Child's inheritance; its scientific and imaginative meaning, 1910. Oppenheim, N. Development of the child. 1910. [C1898.] St. John, E. P, Child nature and child nur- ture, C1911, Slattery, M, Talks with the training class. 1906. Smith, T. L., ed. Aspects of child life and education; by G. S. Hall and some of his pupils, 1907. Taylor, A. R, Study of the child. 1910. (Int. educ. ser.) Tracy, F, Psychology of childhood. 1897, Wright, W. A. Moral condition and develop- ment of the child. C1911, See also Psychology, Childhood, boyhood, youth; what is to be done? Tolstoi, L, N, CI 899. Children. Adler, F. Moral instruction of children. 1909. Cabot, E, L. Ethics for children, C1910, Chavasse, P. H. Advice to a mother on the management of her children. 1873. Coulter, E. K. The children in the shadow. 1913- Forbush, W. B. The coming generation. 1912. Hart, H. H. Preventive treatment of neg- lected children. 19 10. Reeder, R. R. How two hundred children live and learn. 19 10. Riis, J. A. Children of the poor. 1892. — Children of the tenements. 1903. Schenck, W. E. Children in heaven. C1865. Spargo, J. Bitter cry of the children. 1906. Webb, S., and Webb, B. How to prevent the destitution arising from child neglect. {In their Prevention of destitution.) Wiggin, K. p, (S.) {Mrs. G. C, Riggs.) Children's rights; a book of nursery logic. C1892. Winterburn, F. H. Nursery ethics. C1895. See also Boys; Child and religion; Child labor; Child study; Girls; Juvenile courts; Kindergarten; Labor and laboring classes; Sunday schools. Children's courts. See Juvenile courts. China. Blakeslee, G. H., ed. China and the far East. CI910. (Clark Univ. lect.) Brewster, W, N. Evolution of new China. C1907, Brown, A. J. The Chinese revolution, 1912. — New forces in old China, CI904. Brown, C. C. China in legend and story. 1907, Cantlie, J. Sun Yat Sen and the awakenmg of China. ci9i2. Osgood, E. I. Breaking down Chinese walls. CI908. Catalogue General Theological Library 65 China — Continued. Reinsch, P. S. Intellectual and political currents in the far East. 191 1. Ross, E. A. Changing Chinese. 191 1. Sergeant, P. W. Great empress dowager of China. 191 1. Smith, A. H. China and America to-day; a study of conditions and relations. C1907. — Chinese characteristics. C1894, Yung Wing. My life in China and America. 1909. China and Christianity. See Missions. Description. Bishop, I. L. B. (Mrs. J. F. Bishop.) The Yangtze valley and beyond. 1900. 2v. Colquhoun, A. R. Overland to China. 1900. Smith, A. H. Village life in China. C1899. Williams, I. R. By the great wall. CI909. Williams, S. W. The middle kingdom, a survey of the Chinese empire and its inhabitants. Rev. ed. 1883. 2 v. Literature. Giles, H. A. History of Chinese literature. 1901. Opium question. Martin, W. A. P. The opium war. {In his The awakening of China, pp. 151-162.) Ross, E. A. The grapple with the opium evil. (In his The changing Chinese.) Wright, H. The opium problem. {In China and the far East. Blakeslee, G. H., ed.) (Clark Univ. lect.) Religion. Giles, H, A. Religions of ancient China. n. d. (Religions anc. and mod.) Groot, J. J. M. de. Religion in China; uni- versism; a key to the study of Taoism and Confucianism. 191 2. (Amer. lect. on the hist, of religions.) — Religion of the Chinese. 1910. (Hartford- Lamson lect.) Hardwick, C. Religions of China. {In his Christ and other masters.) Johnson, S. Oriental religions and their re- lation to universal religion: China. 1878. Legge, J. Religions of China. 1880. Ross, J. The original religion of China, n. d. See also Buddhism; Christianity and other religions; Confucianism; Religions; Taoism. China mission year book, 19 12. Ed. by G. H. Bondfield. Shanghai. Christ, lit. soc. for China. 1912. Chittenden, Hiram Martin. War or peace; a present duty and a future hope. Chi. McClurg. 191 1. Choate, Rufus. Parker, E. G. Reminiscences of Rufus Choate. i860. Chocame, B. Inner life of Pere Lacordaire of the order of preachers, tr. by a religious of the same order. Dublin [Irel.]. Kelly. 1867. Choirs. Randall, M. Choirmaster's guide to the selection of hymns and anthems for the services of the church. C1900. Stubbs, G. E. Choir service book. — Practical hints for the training of choir boys. CI888. Christ and civilization; survey of the influence of the Christian religion upon the course of civilization; ed. by J. B. Paton [and others]. Lond. Nat'l council, E. F. C. 1910. Each essay catalogued sei)arately under its subject. Christ and criticism. Mead, C. M. Christ and his salvation. Bushnell, H. Christ and the eastern soul. Hall, C. C. (Barrows lect.) Christ and the human race. Hall, C. C. (W. B. Noble lect.) Christ and the Jewish law. Mackintosh, R. Christ in the Christian year and in the life of man. Huntington, F. D. Christ on Parnassus. Forsyth, P. T. Christ's idea of the supernatural. Denison, J. H. Christ's musts, and other sermons. Maclaren, A. Christian antiquities. See Church antiquities. Christian art and symbolism. Durandus, W. Symbolism of churches and church orna- ments; a translation of the first book of the Rationale divinorum officiorum, with intro- ductory essay by J. M. Neale and B. Webb. 3d ed. 1906. Hackwood, F. W. Christ lore: being the legends, traditions, myths, symbols, cus- toms and superstitions of the Christian church. 1902. Hulme, F. E. History, principles and prac- tice of symbolism in Christian art. 1910. Image of the cross and lights on the altar. 1879. Jameson, Mrs. A. B. (M.) Sacred and legendary art. Bost. Houghton. 1895. 2v. Jenner, Mri. H. Christian symbolism. 1910. (Little books on art.) Lundy, J. P. Monumental Christianity; or, The art and symbolism of the primitive church. 1876. Waters, Mrs. C. E. (C.) Handbook of Christian symbols and stories of the saints as illustrated in art; ed. by K. E. Conway, CI 886. See also Catacombs; Cathedrals; Church architecture; Cross; Jesus Christ in art; Religion and art; Rites and ceremonies; Saints. Christian biography. See Church of England; Religious biography; Saints. Christian brotherhoods. See Brotherhoods. Christian doctrine. See Theology. Christian education. See Education. Christian Endeavor Society. Clark, F. E. The children and the church, and the Young people's society of Christian endeavor as a means of bringing them together. 1 882. — Training the church of the future; lec- tures on Christian nurture with special reference to the Young people's society of Christian endeavor as a training school of the church. 1902. Christian ethics. Baker, J. F. Bethune-. Christian doctrines and their ethical signi- ficance. {In Cambridge theological essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Birks, T. R. Supernatural revelation; or, First principles of moral theology. 1879. Bruce, W. S. Social aspects of Christian morality. 1905. 66 Catalogue General Theological Library Christian ethics — Continued. Clark, H. L. Christian method of ethics. C1908. Dorner, I. A. System of Christian ethics. 1887. Garrod, H. W. Religion of all good men, and other studies in Christian ethics. 1906. Haring, T. von. Ethics of the Christian life; tr. by J. S. Hill. 1909. (Theol. transl. libr.) Hall, T. C. History of ethics within organized Christianity. 19 10. — Social solutions in the light of Christian ethics. CI910. Hopkins, M. Strength and beauty: discus- sions for young men. C1874. Hovey, A. Christian teaching and life. 1895. — Studies in ethics and religion. 1892. Illingworth, J. R. Christian character: lec- the elements of Christian ethics. tures on 1905. Luthardt, C. E. History of Christian ethics. 1889. Martensen, H. L. Christian ethics; tr. by W. Affleck (and others]. 1881-1885. 3v. (Clark. For. theol. libr.) Matheson, G. Landmarks of New Testament morality. 1890. Maurice, F. D. Epistles of St. John; lectures on Christian ethics. 1890. Murray, J. C. Handbook of Christian ethics. 1908. Ottley, R. L. Christian ethics. {In Lux mundi. Gore, C, ed.) — Christian ideas and ideals; an outline of Christian ethical theory. 1909. Paulus, C. F. Christian life; a popular treat- ise on Christian ethics. C1892. Peabody, F. G. Jesus Christ and the Chris- tian character. 1905. Robins, H. E. Ethics of the Christian life; or, The science of right living. 1904. Smith, G. B. Social idealism and the chang- ing theology; a study of the ethical aspects of Christian doctrine. 1913. (N. W. Taylor lect.) Smyth, N. Christian ethics. 1892. (Int. theol. libr.) Strong, T. B. Christian ethics. 1896. See also Ethics; Golden rule; Jesus Christ; Paul, St.; Ten commandments. Christian evidences. See Apologetics. Christian life. Abbott, L. Seeking after God. C1910. — The temple. 1909, Barnes, E. Where knowledge fails. 1907. (Art of life series.) Beecher, H. W. Scope and function of a Christian life. 1870. (/n Aw Sermons, 2d ser.) Bowne, B. P. Christian life. 1899. Brent, C. H. Sixth sense. 191 1. Brett, J. Love's ascent. 1912. Bridgman, H. A. Steps Christward: counsel for young Christians. 1903. Brierley, J. Our City of God. 1907. — Ourselves and the universe. 1902. — Problems of living. [1903]. Clarke, J. F. Go up higher; or. Religion in common life. C1877. Dale, R. W. Laws of Christ for common life. 1896. Christian life — Continued. Dewhurst, F. E. Losing and finding of life. .^999- Dickinson, C. A. The indwelling God; for power, for character, for service. 1898. Dods, M. How to become like Christ, and other papers. 1897. — Why be a Christian? 1896. Gladden, W. Being a Christian. CI910. Gordon, A. J. In Christ; or, The believer's union with his Lord. 1872. — Twofold life. 1884. Gordon, S. D. Quiet talks on power. New and rev. ed. 1903. Grenfell, W. T. What life means to me. C1910. Harper, W. H. Religion and the higher life. 1904. Hermann, N. Brother Lawrence. C1895. Herrmann, W. Communion of the Christian with God. 2d Engl. ed. Tr. by J. S. Stanyon; rev. by R. W. Stewart. (C. t. 1.) Hopkins, E. H. Holy life. Jefferson, C. E. Doctrine and deed: seven- teen sermons. [1901.] Johnson, E. H. Highest life; a story of shortcomings and a goal, including a friendly analysis of the Keswick movement. 1901. Kelman, J. Ephemera eternitatis; short studies in life here and hereafter, arranged for the Sundays of the Christian year. [1911.] Kimball, J. W. How to see Jesus with ful- ness of joy and peace. 1880. King, H. C. Religion as life. 1913. Law, W. Serious call to a devout and holy life. 1818. Lawson, J. G. Deeper experiences of famous Christians. CI911. Macfarland, C. S. The spirit Christlike. 1904. Mahan, A. T. Harvest withm. 1909. Mallalieu, W. F. Fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. 1903. Martineau, J. Endeavors after the Christian life. 1 88 1. Meyer, F. B. Light on life's duties. C1895. Miller, J. R. Finding the way. 1904. Murray, A. Be perfect! — Holy in Christ. — Like Christ. Newton, J. F. Eternal Christ. C1912. Peabody, A. P. Christian belief and life. 1875. Pearse, M. G. Some aspects of the blessed life. Peck, G. B. Throne-life. 1888. Peploe, H. W. Webb-. Victorious life; addresses at East Northfield. C1896. Philip, J. Lights and shadows of human life. Potter, R. H. Common faith of common men. C1912. Schofield, A. T. Christian sanity. 1908. Scudder, D. Passion for reality. C1910. Smith, H. W. {Mrs. Pearsall Smith.) Liv- ing in the sunshine. C1906. Speer, R. E. Master of the heart. C1908. Stalker, J. Imago Christi; example of Christ. C1889. Steele, D. Love enthroned. C1875. Catalogue General Theological Library 67 Christian life — Continued. Stock, E., ed. Master's guide for his disciples. 1894. Strong, J. My religion in everyday life. 1910. Tauler, J. The following of Christ; done into English by J. R. Morell. 1886. Taylor, J. Holy living and dying. New ed. 1850. (Bohn's standard libr.) Same. {In his Whole works, vol. I [pt. i].) — Rule and exercises of holy living. New ed. n. d. Same. {In his Whole works, vol. I [pt. 2].) Thomas k Kempis. Imitation of Christ; tr. by John Payne, with introductory essay by Thomas Chalmers. 1846. Upham, T. C. The life of faith. 1852. — Principles of the interior or hidden life; for the consideration of those who are seeking assurance of faith and perfect love. 3d ed. 1845. Vance, J. I. Tendency. CI910. Wagner, C. The better way; tr. by M. L. Hendee. 1903. — By the fireside. 1904. — The simple life; tr. by M. L. Hendee; with introduction and biographical sketch by Grace King. [13th ed.] 1903. Walpole, G. H. S. Vital religion. 1910. Warner, H. E. Psychology of the Christian life. C1910. See also Books of devotion; Conduct of life; Conversion; Prayer; Religious education; Revivals. Christian life and belief. Garvie, A. E. Christian life in Germany. Williams, E. F. Christian life in the primitive church. Dob- schiitz, E. von. Christian life, social and individual. Bayne, P. Christian literature. See Early Christian litera- ture. Christian ministry. See Ministry, Office and work of. Christiaii movement in Japan. Yokohama, etc. 1 903-1 9 1 2. 9v. A series of missionary year books edited by D. C. Greene and others. 4th annual issue (1906) lacking. Christian mysticism. Fleming, W. K. Mysti- cism in Christianity. 1913. (Libr. of historic theology.) Hiigel, F., Baron von. Mystical element of religion as studied in St. Catherine of Genoa and her friends. 1908. 2v. Inge, W. R. Christian mysticism. 1899. (Bamp. lect.) Law, W. Liberal and mystical writings. 1908, Newton, J. F. The eternal Christ: studies in the life of vision and service. 1912. Scott, W. M. Aspects of Christian mysticism. 1907. Tauler, J. Following of Christ; done into English by J. R. Morell. 1886. — Twenty-five sermons, (/n Winkworth, S., tr. History and life of Doctor John Tauler.) Theologia Germanica; tr. bv S. Winkworth. 1857. Tulloch, J. Henry More — Christian theosophy and mysticism. {In his Rational theology and Christian philosophy in England in the 17th century, vol. II, chap. V.) Christian mysticism — Continued. Underhill, E. The mystic way: a psycho- logical study in Christian origins. 1913. See also Mysticism. Christian perfection. Law, W. Practical treatise on Christian perfection. 1901. Mudge, J. The perfect life in experience and doctrine. 191 1. Steele, D. Love enthroned: essays on evan- gelical perfection, nth thousand. 1875. Wesley, J. Christian perfection. 1845. Same. n. d. Christian persecutions. See Persecution. Christian science. Brown, C. R. The pros and cons of Christian science. {In his Faith and health.) Buckley, J. M. Christian science and other superstitions. 1899. Eddy, Mrs. M. B. (G.) Miscellaneous writings. 1897. — Science and health, with key to the Scrip- tures. 1900. — Unity of good and unreality of evil. 1888. Gestefeld, U. N. Builder and the plan. 1901. GifTord, O. P., and others. Christian science. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Haldeman, I. M. Christian science in the light of Holy Scripture. C1909. Hart, H. M, Way that seemeth right. 1897. Lambert, L. A. Christian science before the bar of reason. Ed. by A. S. Quinlan. 1908. Milmine, G. Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy. [Paget, S.] The faith and works of Christian science. By the writer of ' Confessio medici.' 1909. Peabody, F. W. Religio-medical masquerade. CI910. Powell, L. P. Christian science; the faith and its founder. 1907. Sturge, M. C. Truth and error of Christian science. 1903. Whitehead, J. Illusions of Christian science. 1907. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Integrity of Chris- tian science. 1900. Wilbur, S. Life of Mary Baker Eddy. CI908. Woodbury, J. C. Christian science voices. 1897. Christian science hymnal. Bost. Christ, sci. pub. soc. 1904. Christian socialism. See Socialism. Christian sociology. See Sociology. Christian symbolism. See Christian art and symbolism. Christian, Theodore. Other sheep I have. N. Y. Putnam. 1911. Christian unity. See Church unity. Christian worship. See Worship. Christianity. Abbott, L. Evolution of Chris- tianity. 2d ed. 1893. Addis, W. E. Christianity and the Roman empire. 1893. Allen, A. V. G. Christian institutions. 1897. (Int. theol. libr.) Ballou, A. Primitive Christianity and its corruptions; discourses, 1869-72. 3V. Bartlet, J. V. The Christian ideal as realized in the primitive church. {In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) 68 Catalogue General Theological Library Christianity — Continued. Barton, G. A. Heart of the Christian mes- sage. New ed. 1912. Batten, L. W. Is Christianity founded upon a book or upon a person? {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Bigg, C. Origins of Christianity; ed. by T. B. Strong. 1909 Bowne, B. P. Studies in Christianity. 1909. Brace, C. L. Gesta Christi; or, A history of human progress under Christianity. 4th ed. 1882. Brown, W. A. Essence of Christianity; a study in the history of definition. 1902. Caird, J. Fundamental ideas of Christianity. 1899. 2v. (Giflford lect.) Chapman, E. M. The dynamic of Christian- ity; a study of the vital and permanent element in the Christian religion. 1904. Clarke, W. N. What shall we think of Christianity? 1899. (Levering lect., Johns Hopkins Univ.) Clemen, C. C. Primitive Christianity and its non- Jewish sources; tr. by R. G. Nisbet. 1912. Conybeare, F. C. Myth, magic and morals; a study of Christian origins. 191 1. Coquerel, A. J. First historical transforma- tions of Christianity, From the French, by E. P. Evans. 1867. Cremer, H. Reply to Harnack on the essence of Christianity. 1903, Cushman, H. E. What is Christianity? 1904. (Russell lect.) Cutten, G. B, The psychological phenomena of Christianity. 1908. Deissman, G. A. Bible studies; contribu- tions from papyri and inscriptions to the history of the language, the literature and the religion of Hellenistic Judaism and primitive Christianity. 1903. Dennis, J. S. Social influence of Christianity as illustrated by modern missions. {In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) Dorchester, D. Problem of religious progress. Rev. ed. C1900. Drummond, J. Via, Veritas, vita; lectures on " Christianity in its most simple and intelligible form," 1894. (Hibbert lect.) Edghill, E. E. Revelation of the Son of God; some questions and considerations arising out of a study of second century Christian- ity. 191 1. (Hulsean lect.) Fairbairn, A. M. Philosophy of the Christian religion. 1902. — Religion in history and in modern life, 1893. . . . Farrar, F. W. Early days of Chnstxanity. 1882, 2V, Faunce, W, H, P, What does Christianity mean? CI912. (Cole lect.) • Figgis, J. N. Civilisation at the cross roads. Fisher, G. P. Beginnings of Christianity. 1894. Fremantle, W. H. Natural Christianity. 1911. Frothingham, O. B. Cradle of the Christ; a study in primitive Christianity. 1877. Christianity — Continued. Gardner, P. Growth of Christianity. 1907. Gardner, W. E. History of Christianity from St. Paul to Bishop Brooks. 1902. Gibbons, J,, card. ' Our Christian heritage. 1889. Gilbert, G, H. Revelation of Jesus; a study of the primary sources of Christianity. 1^99. . ... Gilbert, L. Dynamic Christianity. C1912. Gordon, G. A. New epoch for faith. 1901. Grant, P. S. Socialism and Christianity. 1910. Guizot, F. P. G. Meditations on the actual state of Christianity. Hall, C. C, Universal elements of the Christian religion. CI905, (Cole lect.) Harnack, A. Christianity and history; tr. by T. B. Saunders. 2d ed. 1900. — Mission and expansion of Christianity in the first three centuries; tr. and ed. by James Moffatt. 1904-5. 2 v. (Theol. transl. libr.) Same. 2d ed. 1908. — What is Christianity? Tr. by T, B. Saunders, 2d ed. 1901. Authorized Amer. ed., repr. from the Theol. transl, libr. Harrison, A. J. Problems of Christianity and scepticism. 1891. Harrison, F. Christianity at the end of the nineteenth century. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. v., ed.) Haw, G., ed. Christianity and the working classes. 1906. Haweis, H. R, Character of Christianity; Ethics of Christianity. {In his Sermons, pp. 66-117.) Hickman, P. H. The sacerdotal conception of Christianity. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Hill, D. J. Social influence of Christianity. 1888. Hodges, G. Christianity between Sundays. C1892. Hort, F. J, A. Judaistic Christianity. 1894. Jones, H. Christianity and its competitors. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) King, H, C. Letters on the greatness and simplicity of the Christian faith. 1909. Lewis, A, H, Paganism surviving in Chris- tianity, 1892, Loisy, A. The gospel and the church; tr. by C. Home. 1904. Lorimer, G, C, Christianity in the nineteenth century. 1900. (Lowell Inst, lect.) McCabe, J. Bible in Europe. 1907. McComb, S. Christianity and the modern mind. 1910. McConnell, S. D, Christianity: an inter- pretation. 1912, McKenzie, A, Divine force in the life of the world. 1898. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Mackenzie, W. D. The final faith. 19 10. Mackintosh, W. Natural history of the Christian religion. 1894, Matheson, G. Growth of the spirit of Chris- tianity from the first century to the dawn of the Lutheran era. 1877. 2v. Catalogue General Theological Library 69 Christianity — Continued. Mathews, S. Gospel and the modern man. 1910. Momerie, A. W. Defects of modern Chris- tianity; sermons. 1888. Muir, P. M. Modern substitutes for Christianity. 1909. (Baird lect.) Newman, J. H. Primitive Christianity. {In his Historical sketches, vol. I.) Orr, J. Faith of a modern Christian. — Neglected factors in the study of the early progress of Christianity. 1899. Peake, A. S. Christianity: its nature and its truth. [1909.] Peile, J. H. F. Reproach of the gospel: an inquiry into the apparent failure of Christianity as a general rule of life and conduct. 1907. (Bamp. lect.) Peters, J. P. Modern Christianity. 1909. Pfleiderer, O. Christian origins. 1906. — Development of Christianity. 1910. — Primitive Christianity; its writings and teachings in their historical connections. 1906-1911. Vols. I-IV. (Theol. transl. libr.) Pressense, E. D. de. Ancient world and Christianity; tr. by A. H. Holmden. n. d. Priestley, J. History of the corruptions of Christianity. 1797. 2 v. in I. Recent Christian progress; studies in Chris- tian thought and work during the last seventy-five years. By professors and alumni of Hartford Theological Seminary, in celebration of its seventy-fifth anniver- sary. Ed. by L. B. Paton. 1909. Contents: I. Preliminary studies. — II. Old Tes- tament. — III. New Testament. — IV. Church his- tory. — V. Systematic theology. — VI. The modem churches. — VII. Church work. — VIII. Allied agencies. — IX. Home missions. — X. Foreign mis- sions. Religion of Christ in the twentieth century. 1906. (C. t. 1.) Renan, E. Hibbert conferences. {In his Engl, conferences; tr. by C. E. Clement.) As follows: I. Sense in which Christianity is a Roman work. II. Legend of the Roman church. — Peter and Paul. III. Rome, centre of the formation of ecclesiastical authority. IV. Rome, capital of Catholicism. Row, C. A. Apostolical Christianity: its history and development, n. d. — Revelation and modern theology con- trasted; or. The simplicity of the apostolic gospel demonstrated. 1883. Royce, J. Problem of Christianity. 2v. 1913. — What is vital in Christianity? {In his William James, and other essays.) Salmon, G. Non-miraculous Christianity. [Sermon.] 1881. Schmidt, C. G. A. Social results of early Christianity; tr. by M. Thorpe. 1885. Shakspeare, C. Paganism and Christianity. [Sermon.] {In his St. Paul at Athens; sermons.) Smith, S.G. Democracy and the church. 1912. Smith, W. B. Ecce Deus: studies of primi- tive Christianity. [1912.] Stanley, A. P. Christian institutions. 1881. Stimson, H. A., and Crane, F. The funda- mental conception in Christianity. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Christianity — Continued. Strong, J. The new era; or, The coming kingdom. 1893. Tait, A. J. Christ and the nations; an examination of Old and New Testament teaching. 1910. Talbot, N. S. The modern situation. {In Foundations: by seven Oxford men.) Uhlhorn, G. Conflict of Christianity with heathenism; tr. from 3d Germ. ed. by E. C. Smyth and J. H. Ropes. 1879. Vedder, H. C. Dawn of Christianity. C1894. Wernle, P. Beginnings of Christianity. 1903. 2V. Whately, R. General view of the rise, prog- ress and corruptions of Christianity, i860. Williams, C. D. A valid Christianity for to-day. 1909. Williams, E. F. Christian life in Germany as seen in the state and the church. C1896. See also Bible; Church history; God; Jesus Christ; Miracles; Missions; Philosophy of religion; Protestantism; Religion; Sects; Teaching of the twelve ap)ostles; Theologfy: also all names of churches, and all headings beginning with Christian, Christianity and church, and all headings under them; also Preparation for Christianity. Christianity and evolution. Beecher, H. W. Evolution and religion; sermons. 1885. 2v. in I. I. Bearings of the evolutionary philosophy on the fundamental doctrines of evangelical Chris- tianity. II. Application of the evolutionary principles and theories to the practical aspects of religious life. Christianity and heathenism. Warneck, J. L. The living Christ and the dying heathenism; the experiences of a missionary in animistic heathendom; tr. by Neil Buchanan. [1909.] Christianity and other religions. Aiken, C. F. The Dhamma of Gotama the Buddha and the gospel of Jesus Christ; a critical inquiry into the alleged relations of Buddhism with primitive Christianity. 1900. Barrows, J. H. Christian conquest of Asia. 1899. (Morse lect. 1898.) Contents: I. Christianity and Judaism. — II. Cross and crescent in Asia. — III. Observations on popular Hinduism. — IV. Philosophic Hinduism. — V. Some difficulties in the Hindu mind in regard to Christian- ity. — VI. Christianity and Buddhism. — VII. Con- fucianism and the awakening of China. — VIII. Success of Asiatic missions. — Christianity the world-religion; lectures delivered in India and Japan. 1897. Becker, C. H. Christianity and Islam. 1909. Carpenter, J. E. Place of Christianity among the religions of the world. 2d ed. 191 1. Dods, M. Mohammed, Buddha, Christ. 1893. EUinwood, F. F. Oriental religions and Chris- tianity. 3d ed. 1899. (Ely lect.) Contents: I. Need of understanding the false religions. — II. Methods of the early Christian church in dealing with heathenism. — III. Succes- sive developments of Hinduism. — IV. The Bhagavad Gita and the N. T. — V. Buddhism and Christianity. — VI. Mohammedanism past and present. — VII. Traces of a primitive monotheism. — VIII. Trib- utes of heathen systems to the doctrines of the Bible. — IX. Ethical tendencies of the eastern and western philosophies. — X. Divine supremacy of the Christian faith. 70 Catalogue General Theological Library Christianity and other religions — Cont'd. Grant, G. M. Religions of the world in rela- tion to Christianity, n. d. (Guild text books.) Hall, C, C. Christ and the Eastern soul; the witness of the oriental consciousness to Jesus Christ. 1909. (Barrows lect.) Hard wick, C. Christ and other masters. 1874. Kellogg, S. H. Light of Asia and the Light of the world; a comparison of the legend, doctrine, and ethics of the Buddha with the story, doctrine, and ethics of Christ. 1885. Lloyd, A. S. Christianity and the religions. CI909. Maurice, F. D. Religions of the world and their relations to Christianity. 1886. Mylne, L. G. " The hidden riches of secret places: " the possible service of Hinduism to the collective thought of the church. {In Mankind and the church. Montgomery, H. H., ed.) Ramandthan, P. Culture of the soul among western nations. 1906. Richards, E. H., and others. Religions of mission fields as viewed by Protestant missionaries. 1905. Contents: I. Religion of the African, by E. H. Richards. — II. Shinto, the way of the Gods, by J. H. De Forest.— III. Hinduism, by C. A. R. Janvier. — IV. Buddhism in southern Asia, by J. N. Gushing. — V. Buddhism in Japan, by A. D. Gring. — VI. Taoism, by H. C. Du Bose. — VII. Con- fucianism, by D. Z. Sheffield. — VIII. Judaism, by L. Meyer. — IX. Mohammedanism, by S. M. Zwemer. — X. Roman Catholicism, by G. B. Win ton. Speer, R. E. Light of the world; a brief comparative study of Christianity and non-Christian religions. 1911. Underwood, H. G. Religions of eastern Asia. 1900. Contents: I. Taoism. — II. Shintoism. — III. Sha- manism of Korea. — IV. Confucianism. — V. Bud- dhism. — VI. A comparison of the foregoing theisms with the Old and New Testaments. Wherry, E. W. Islam and Christianity in India and the far East. C1907. (Student lectures on missions, Princeton Theol. Sem.) Christianity and scepticism. Christianity and scepticism. C1871. 2v. (Bost. lect.) Harrison, A. J. Problems of Christianity and scepticism. 1 891. Lambert, L. A. Notes on Ingersoll. 1884. Christianity and science. Dinsmore, C. A. New light on the old truth. C1912. Leighton, G. Scientific Christianity. 19 10. Lodge, Sir O. J. Man and the universe; a study of the influence of the advance in scientific knowledge upon our understand- ing of Christianity. 5th ed. 1909. Mather, C. The Christian philosopher; a collection of the best discoveries in nature with religious improvements. 1815. Matheson, G. Can the old faith live with the new? problem of evolution and revelation. 1885. Peabody, A. P. Christianity and science. 1875- Rice, W. N. Christian faith in an age of science. 1903. Christianity and social questions. Abbott, L. Christianity and social problems. 1896. Brewster, C. B. Kingdom of God and American life. C1912. Christianity and social questions — Cont'd. Cairns, D. S. Christianity in the modern world, n. d. Campion, W. J. H. Christianity and politics. {In Lux mundi. Gore, C, ed.) Crapsey, A. S. Religion and politics. [CI905.] Cunningham, W. Christianity and social questions. 1910. Donald, E. W. Expansion of religion. 1896. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Contents: I. Religion and salvation. — II. The new anthropology. — III. Religion and righteous- ness. — IV. Religion and industrialism. — V. Reli- gion and socialism. — VI. Organized religion Gladden, W. Applied Christianity: moral aspects of social questions. 1893. — Tools and the man; property and industry under the Christian law. 1893. — and others. Organized labor and capital. 1904. (W. L. Bull lect.) Holland, H. S., and others. Abreast of the times: a course of sermons on social sub- jects. 1894. Looniis, H. L. Modern cities and their religious problems. C1887. Lorimer, G. C. Christianity and the social state. 1898. Stelzle, C. American social and religious conditions. CI912. Strong, J. The new era. C1893. Vedder, H. C. Socialism and the ethics of Jesus. 1912. Wendte, C. W., ed. Unity of the spirit; proceedings and papers of the first congress of the National federation of religious liber- als, Phila., 1909. See also Cities; Missions; Socialism; Socio- logy. Christianity and humanity. King, T. S. Christianity and Islam. Becker, C. H. Christianity and patriotism. Tolstoy, L. N. Christianity in the apostolic age. Purves, G. T. Christianity is Christ. Thomas, W. H. G. Christianity's storm centre. Stelzle, C. Christie, H. R., ed. Gospel light; hymns and tunes for all occasions. Cine. Standard pub. CO. C1895. Christlieb, Theodor. Homiletic: lectures on preaching; tr. by C. H. Irwin. Edin. Clark. 1897. Protestant foreign missions: a universal survey; tr. by D. A. Reed. Bost. Congr. Publ. Soc. 1890. Christmas. Book of Christmas; with an in- troduction by H. W. Mabie. 1910. Contents: Introduction; by H. W. Mabie. — I. Signs of the season. — II. Holiday saints and lords. — III. Christmas customs and beliefs. — IV. Christ- mas carols. — V. Christmas day. — VI. Christmas hymns. — VII. Christmas revels. — VIII. When all the world is kin. — IX. Christmas stories. — X. New Year. — XI. Twelfth night. — Epiphany. — XII. The Christmas spirit. Brent, C. H. Christmas haste. {In his Liberty, and other sermons.) Brooks, P. Christmas Eve; Christmas Day; Sunday after Christmas. [Three sermons.] {In his Sermons for the Church year.) Christmas-day service. (In Thoughts for the occasion, anniversary and religious. Noble, F., ed.) Catalogue General Theological Library 71 Christmas — Continued. Church, R. W. Mystery of the Incarnation; The three Christmas-tide festivals. [Two Christmas sermons.] {In his Village ser- mons.) Clarke, J. F. Joys of Christmas. [Sermons.] {In his Transfiguration of life.) McArthur, R. S. Gloria in excelsis; Incarna- tion of the Word. [Two Christmas sermons.] {In his Advent and other sermons.) McConnell, F. J. Christmas sermons. 1909, Maurice, F. D. Christmas Day. {In his Christmas Day, and other sermons.) Momerie, A. W. Christmas-day. [Sermon.] {In his Defects of Christianity, and other sermons.) — Christmas Day. [Sermon.] {In his In- spiration, and other sermons.) Morrison, G. H. A. Christmas message. [Sermon.] {In his The unlighted lustre.) Paget, F. Message of Christ's birth. [S»er- mon.] {In his Studies in the Christian character.) Schauffler, R. H., ed. Christmas; its origin, celebration and significance as related in prose and verse. 1907. Christmas carols. See Carols. Christoffel, R. Zwingli; or, The rise of the reformation in Switzerland. Edin. Clark. 1858. Christology. Bacon, B. W. Jesus the Son of God; or, Primitive Christology. 1911. Bradford, A. H. The return to Christ. C1900. Gardner, P. Basis of Christology. {In his Modernity and the churches.) Gilbert, G. H. The first interpreters of Jesus. 1901. Loofs, F. A. What is the truth about Jesus Christ? 1913. Rawlinson, A. E. J., and Parsons, R. G. Interpretation of the Christ in the New Testament. {In Foundations: by seven Oxford men.) Sanday, W. Christologies, ancient and mod- ern. 1910. Stalker, J. The Christology of Jesus; being his teaching concerning himself according to the synoptic gospels. 1 899. Swete, H. B. The ascended Christ: a study in the earliest Christian teaching. 1910. Warschauer, J. Jesus: seven questions. 1908. Weiss, J. Christ: the beginnings of dogma; tr. by V. D. Davis. 191 1. Young, J. The Life and Light of men. 1866. See also Jesus Christ; Theology. Christophers, Samuel Woolcock. Hymn-writers and their hymns. Lond. Partridge. n. d. Chronology. Bradford, A. New England chronology. 1 497-1 800. 1844. Toff teen, O. A. Ancient chronology, pt. i. 1907. (Researches in Biblical archaeology, vol. I.) Chrysostom, Johannes, St. Homilies. Oxford. Parker. 1840-43. 6v. (Library of fathers, of the Holy Catholic Church, etc.) On the priesthood; tr. by B. H. Cowper. Lond. Williams. 1866. Chrysostom, Johannes, St. — Continued. [Works.] N. Y. Christ, lit. co. 1889-90. 6v. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, ist sen, vols. IX-XIV.) Contents: IX. On the priesthood; Ascetic trea- tises; Select homilies and letters; Homilies on the statues. — X. Homilies on Matthew. — XI. Homi- lies on Acts and Romans. — XII. Homilies on Corinthians. — XIII. Homilies on the Pauline epistles. — XIV. Homilies on St. John and Hebrews. Hodges, G. {In his Saints and heroes.) Lord, J. Chrysostom. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 4.) Perthes, F. M. Life of John Chrysostom; tr. by A. Hovey and D. B. Ford. 1854. Schaff, P. Saint Chrysostom and Saint Augustin. 1 89 1. (Studies in Christian biography.) Storrs, R. S. John of Antioch (Chrysostom), the great preacher of the fourth century. {In his Orations and addresses.) Willey, J. H. Chrysostom: the orator. 1906. (Men of the kingdom.) Chrystal, George, joint author. See Black, J. S., and Chrystal, G. Church, The. American Institute of Christian Philosophy. Christ and the church; essays concerning the church and the unification of Christendom. 1895. Bacon, B. W. Founding of the church. 1909. (Mod. relig. problems.) [Bartol, C. A.] Word of the Spirit to the t church. 1859. Barton, W. E. The church and ethical leader- ship. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Carlyle, A. J. The church. {In Contentio veritatis: essays in constructive theology.) Coyle, R. F. Church and the times. 1905. Crocker, J. H. The church of to-day: a plea. 1908. — The church of to-morrow. CI911. Doney, C. G. The efficient church. CI907, Ecce eccle^ia; essay showing the essential identity of the church in all ages. i868. Emerton, E. The church. {In his Unitarian thought, pp. 203-228.) Fairbairn, A. M. Studies in religion and theology; the church: in idea and in history. 1910. Fremantle, W. H. Christian ordinances and social progress. 1901. (W. B. Noble lect. 1900.) — The world as the subject of redemption. 1885. (Bamp. lect.) Gladden, W. The church and modern life. 1908. Gore, C. Mission of the church. 1892. Hall, A. C. A. Doctrine of the church. 1909, (Sewanee theol. libr.) Hardy, E. N. The churches and educated men ; a study of the relation of the church to makers and leaders of public opinion. 1904. Heermance, E. L. Democracy in the church. 1906. Henderson, C. R. Place of the church in modern civilization. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. v., ed.) Hobhouse, W. The church and the world. 1910. (Bamp. lect.) Holmes, J. H. Revolutionary function of the modern church. 1912. 72 Catalogue General Theological Library I Church, The — Continued. Hort, F. J. A. The Christian ecclesia; lectures on the early history and early conceptions of the ecclesia. 1897. Hunter, J. The coming church; a plea for a church simply Christian. 1905. Inge, W. R. The church and the age. 1912. Lindsay, T. M. The church and the ministry in the early centuries. 1902. Lock, W. The church. {In Lux mundi. Gore, C, ed.) McElhinney, J. J. Doctrine of the church. 1871. McGiffert, A. C. Calvin's theory of the church. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Marsh, W. H. H. New Testament church. 1898. Mathews, S. Church and the changing order. 1907. Mott, J. R. Future leadership of the church. 1908. Oman, J. Vision and authority. 1902. Palmer, W. Treatise on the church of Christ for the use of students in theology. From 2d Lond. ed. 1841. 2v. Paradise, F. L The church and the individual. 1910. Sadler, M. F. Church doctrine, Bible truth. 4th ed. 1869. Salmon, G. Infallibility of the church. 2d ed. 1890. Smith, S. G. Democracy and the church. 1912. Stelzle, C. Principles of successful church advertising. C1903. Stow, B. First things: or, Development of church life. 1859. Stuckenberg, J. H. W. The age and the church. CI893. Sturt, H. Idea of a free church. 1909. Temple, W. The church. {In Foundations: by seven Oxford men.) Thwing, C. F. Adjustment of the church of the future to the life of the future. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Tucker, W. J. Function of the church in modern society. 191 1. (Modern relig. problems.) Ward, J. H. The church in modern society. 1889. See also Country church; Institutional church; Men and the church; Town church; also all headings beginning with the word church. _ Church antiquities. Bingham, J. Antiqui- ties of the Christian church. 1878. 2V. Hackwood, F. W. Christ lore: being the legends, traditions, myths, symbols, customs and superstitions of the Christian church. 1902. Lowrie, W. Monuments of the early church. 1906. (Hdbks. of archaeology and anti- quities.) See also Catacombs. Church architecture. Ayer, J. C. Rise and development of Christian architecture. 1902. Cram, R. A. Church building; a study of the principles of architecture in their relation to the church. 1906. Church architecture — Continued. Hill, A. G. The architectural history of the Christian church. 1908. (Arts of the church.) Kidder, F. E. Churches and chapels; their arrangements, construction and equipment. 1910. Kramer, G. W. The what, how and why of church building. 1897. Martin, W. W. Manual of ecclesiastical architecture. C1897. Talmage, J. E. House of the Lord; a study of Holy Sanctuaries, ancient and modern. 1912. Church attendance. Carter, H. Non-church going. {In Church and the new age.) Gray, W. F., ed. Non-church going: its reasons and remedies; a symposium, by Sir Oliver Lodge [and others]. 191 1. Myers, C. Why men do not go to church. 1 899. Church calendar. Seabury, S. Theory and use of the church calendar. 1872. Church councils. Boyle, I. Historical view of the Council of Nice, with a translation of the documents. 1836. Du Bose, W. P. The ecumenical councils. 3d ed. 1901. (Ten epochs of church history.) Dudley, D. History of the first council of Nice. 1879. Fisher, G. P. The council of Constance and the council of the Vatican. {In his Discus- sions in history and theology.) Froude, J. A. Lectures on the Council of Trent. 1896. Hefele, K. J. History of the Christian councils. Tr. from the German. 1872-76. 2V. I. To the close of the Council of Nicaea . II. A.D. 326 to A.D. 429. Percival, H. R., ed. The seven ecumenical councils of the undivided church; with notes. 1900. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d sen, vol. XIV.) See also Council of Trent. Church government. See Church polity. Church harmonies, new and old. Bost. Univ. pub. house. 1903. Church history. Adeney, W. F. The Greek and Eastern churches. 1908. (Int. theol. libr.) Allen, J. H. Outline of Christian history. A.D. 50-1880. 1889. Blunt, J. H. Key to the knowledge of church history, 1869. Church universal. Ed. by W. H. Hutton. 6v. I. Church of the apostles; Ragg, L. II. Church of the fathers; Pullan, L. III. Church and the barbarians; Hutton, . R. H. IV. Church and the empire; Medley, D. J. V. Age of schism; Bruce, H. VI. The reformation; Whitney, J. P. Collins, W. E. Study of ecclesiastical history. 1903. (Hdbks. for the clergy.) Duchesne, L. Churches separated from Rome; tr. by A. H. Mathew. 1907. Epochs of church history. 1886-1889. 15V. Arian controversy; Gwatkin, H. M. Church and the Eastern empire; Tozer, H. F. Catalogue General Theological Library 73 Church history — Continued. Church and the Puritans; Wakeman', H. O. Church and the Roman empire; Carr, A. Church of the early fathers; Plummer, A. Counter-reformation; Ward, A. W. English church in other lands; Tucker, H. W. English church in the middle ages; Hunt, W. Evangelical revival, i8th century; Over- ton, J. H. Hildebrand and his times; Stephens, W. R. W. History of the reformation in England; Perry, G. G. History of the Univ. of Cambridge; Mullinger, J, B. History of the Univ. of Oxford; Brod- rick, G. C. Popes and the Hohenstaufen; Balzani, U. WyclifFe and movements for reform; Poole, R. L. Fisher, G. P. History of the Christian church. 1887. Gieseler, J. K. L. Text-book of ecclesiastical history; tr. from 3d Germ. ed. by Francis Cunningham. 1836. 3v. Same. Compendium of ecclesiastical history. 4th ed.; tr. by Samuel Davidson. 1846-48. (Clark. For, theol. libr.) Hase, K. A. von. History of the Christian church; tr. from 7th Ger. ed. by C. E. Blumenthal and C. P. Wing. 1855. Headlam, A. C. Methods of early church history. {In his History, authority and theology.) Hurst, J. F. History of the Christian church. 1 897-1900. 2v. (Biblical and theol. libr.) — Short history of the Christian church. 1894. Johnston, R. M. Holy Christian church from its remote origins to the present day. 19 12. Kurtz, J. H. Church history; tr. from [9th] ed. by John Macpherson. 1889-90. 3V. Milman, H. H. History of Latin Christianity; including that of the popes to the pontificate of Nicolas V. 1862. 8v. Milner, J. History of the church of Christ. 1835. 2V. Moeller, E. W. History of the Christian church; tr. by A. Rutherfurd and J. H. Freese. 1 892-1900, 3V. I. A.D. 1-600, n. Middle ages. HI. Reformation to 1648. Moncrief, J, W, Short history of the Christian church for students and general readers. 3d ed. 1908. Mosheim, J. L. von. Ecclesiastical history, ancient and modern; tr., with notes, by A. Maclaine. 1810-11. 6v. Neander, J. A. W, General history of the Christian religion and church; tr. by Joseph Torrey. 2d-8th Amer. ed. 1856- 59- 5v. Orr, J. Factors in the expansion of the Chris- tian church. (In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B,, and others, eds.) — Neglected factors in the study of the early progress of Christianity, 1899. Church history — Continued. Robertson, J. C. History of the Christian- church from the apostolic age to the reforma- tion. New ed. 1874-5. 8v. SchafT, P. History of the Christian church. 1882-1910. 7v. in 8. I. Apostolic Christianity. n. Ante-Nicene Christianity. HI. Nicene and post-Nicene Christian ity. IV. Mediaeval Christianity. V. Middle ages. VI. Modern Christianity: German refor- mation. VII. Modern Christianity: Swiss refor- mation. Begun by Philip Schafif and completed by his son, David S. Schaff, who wrote vol. V, parts i-a. Vols. I-III are new ed.; vol. VII is 2d ed, Schubert, H, von. Outlines of church his- tory; tr, from 3d German ed, by M, A. Canney. 1907. Scullard, H. H. Influence of the Christian church upon the Roman empire. {In Christ and civilization; Paton, J. B., and others, eds. Sheldon, H. C. History of the Christian church. 1895. 5v. Sohm, R. Outlines of church history. 1904. Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the history of the Eastern church. New ed. 1900. Stubbs, W. Address on church history. {In his Lectures on mediaeval and modern history, pp. 444-460.) White, J. The eighteen Christian centuries. 1863. Workman, H. B. Influence of the Christian church on the social and ethical develop- ment of the middle ages. {In Christ and civilization; Paton, J. B., and others, eds. See also Apostles; Arianism; Bible; Catholi- cism; Christian biography; Christianity; Creeds; Crusades; Episcopacy; Heresy; Jews; Martyrs; Middle ages; Missions; Monasticism; Persecution; Protestantism; Reformation; Religious biography; Reli- gious liberty; Roman Catholic church ; Sects; Waldenses. ; also all names of churches, and all references under them, all headings be- ginning with the word apostolic, and all be- ginning with the word church ; also Names of countries. Apostolic age. Headlam, A. C. Church of the apostolic fathers. {In his History, authority and theology.) Kip, W, I, Church of the apostles. 1877. Ragg, L. Church of the apostles; being an outline of the history of the church of the apostolic age, 1909, (Church universal,) Ramsay, Sir W, M. Church in the Roman empire before A,D. 1 70, 1893. — Pictures of the apostolic age, its life and thought. 19 10. Schaff, P. History of the apostolic church, with a general introduction to church history; tr. by E. D. Yeomans. 1868. Thatcher, O. J. Sketch of the history of the apostolic church. 1893. See also Apostolic age. 74 Catalogue General Theological Library Church history. Early period. Batiffol, P. H. Primitive Catholicism; tr. by H. L. Brianceau from 5th Fr. ed. of " L'eglise naissante." 191 1. Bigg, C. Church's task under the Roman empire. 1905. Blunt, J. J. History of the Christian church during the first three centuries. 2ded. 1857. Bright, W. Age of the fathers; being chapters in the history of the church during the fourth and fifth centuries. 1903. 2v. — The Roman See in the early church, and other studies in church history. 1896. Contents: I. Roman See in the early church. — II. St. Ambrose and the empire. — III. Alexandria and Chalcedon. — IV. The church and " barbarian " invaders. — V. Celtic churches in the British Isles. — VI. English church in the reign of Elizabeth. Carr, A. The church and the Roman empire. 1887. (Epochs of church history.) Dobschiitz, E. von. Christian life in the prim- itive church; tr. by George Bremner. 1904. Duchesne, L. Early history of the Christian church from its foundation to the end of the third century; rendered into English from the fourth ed. 1909-12. 2v. Duff, D. The early church; a history of Christianity in the first six centuries. 1891. Eusebius Pamphilus. Ecclesiastical history; tr. from the Greek by C. F. Cruse. 1874. (Bohn's eccles. libr.) Evagrius Scholasticus. Ecclesiastical history. [From A.D. 431 to a.d. 594.] {In Church history, by Theodoret and Evagrius.) (Bohn's eccles. libr.) Glover, T. R. Conflict of religions in the early Roman empire. 3d ed. 1909. Guericke, H. E. F. Manual of church history; tr, by W. G. T. Shedd. First six centuries. 1890. Gwatkin, H. M. Early church history to A.D. 313. 1909. 2V. Harnack, A. Bible reading in the early church; tr. by J. R. Wilkinson. 191 2. (C. t. 1.) Hatch, E. Influence of Greek ideas and usages upon the Christian church. 2d ed. (Hibbert lect. 1888.) — Organization of the early Christian churches. 6th impression. 1901. (Bamp. lect.) Holmes, T. S. Origin and development of the Christian church in Gaul during the first six centuries of the Christian era. 1911. (Birkbeck lect.) Hurst, J. F. Short history of the early church. 1887. Means, S. St. Paul and the ante-Nicene church. 1903. Merivale, C. Four lectures on epochs of early church history, n. d. Contents: I. St. Ambrose. — II. St. Augustine. — III. St. Leo the Great. — IV. St. Gregory. Milman, H. H. History of Christianity from the birth of Christ to the abolition of Pagan- ism in the Roman empire. New ed. 1867. 3V. Mosheim, J. L. von. Historical commentaries on the state of Christianity during the first three hundred and twenty-five years from the Christian era; tr. by R. S. Vidal and J. Murdock. 1852, 2 v. Church history. Early period — Continued. Neander, J. A. W. History of the planting and training of the Christian church by the apostles; tr. from the German by J. E. Ryland. 1865. Pfleiderer, O. Primitive Christianity: its writings and teachings in their historical connections; tr. by W. Montgomery. 1906-1911. Vols. I-IV. (Theol. transl. libr.) Plummer, A. Church of the early fathers. 3d ed. 1888. (Epochs of church history.) Pryce, J. Notes on the history of the early church. 1892. Pullan, L. Church of the fathers: outline of the history of the church from a.d. 98 to A.D. 461. 3d ed. 1909. (Church uni- versal.) Rainy, R. The ancient catholic 'church from the accession of Trajan to the fourth general council, [a.d. 98-451.] 1902. (Int. theol. libr.) Ramsay, W. M. The church of Lycaonia in the fourth century. (/« his Luke the phy- sician, etc.) Renan, E. Lectures on the influence of the institutions, thought and culture of Rome on Christianity and the development of the Catholic church. 3d ed., tr. by Charles Beard. 1885. (Hibbert lect.) Smith, R. T. The church in Roman Gaul, n. d. (Home library.) Socrates Scholasticus. Ecclesiastical history; tr. from the Greek. 1853. (Bohn's eccles. libr.) Sozomenus. Ecclesiastical history, a.d. 323 to a.d. 425. {In Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d sen, vol. II.) Spence, H. D. M. Early Christianity and Paganism; A.D. 64 to the peace of the church in the fourth century; a narration based upon contemporary records and remains. [1902.] Stoughton, J. Lights and shadows of church life. 1895. Theodoret, bp. of Cyrrhus. Ecclesiastical history. [From A.D. 322 to the death of Theodore of Mopsuestia, a.d. 427.] 1854. (Bohn's eccles. libr.) Same. {In Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d ser., vol. III.) Tozer, H. F. The church and the Eastern empire. 1888. (Epochs of church history.) Westcott, B. F. The two empires, the church and the world. 1909. Wordsworth, C. Church history to the council of Nicaea. 1881. Middle ages. Bruce, H. Age of schism: an outline of the history of the church from a.d. 1304 to A.D. 1503. 1907. (Church universal.) Flick, A. C. Rise of the mediaeval church. 1909. Guericke, H. E. F. Manual of church history; tr. by W. G. T. Shedd. a.d. 590-A.D. 1073. 1870. Hutton, W. H. Church and the barbarians: an outline of the history of the church from A.D. 461 to A.D. 1003. 1906. (Church universal.) Catalogue General Theological Library 75 Church history. Middle ages — Continued, Hutton, W. H. Church of the sixth century: six chapters in ecclesiastical history. 1897. Lea, H. C. Studies in church history. 1869. Contents: Rise of the tempwral power. — Benefit of clergy. — Excommunication. Maitland, S. R. The dark ages; essays to illustrate the state of religion and literature in the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth centuries. 6th ed. 1890. Medley, D. J. Church and the empire; being the history of the church from A.D. 1003 to 1304. 1910. (Church universal.) Poole, R. L. Wycliffe and movements for reform. 1889. (Epochs of church history.) Trench, R. C. Lectures on mediaeval church history. 1878. Walsh, J. J. Thirteenth, greatest of centuries. 4th ed. 1912. Wells, C. L. Age of Charlemagne. 1901. (Ten epochs of church history.) Workman, H. B. Church of the West in the middle ages. 1898. 2v. (Books for Bible students.) — Dawn of the reformation. 1902. 2v. L Age of Wyclif. IL Age of Hus. Reformation period. See Reformation. Modern period. Cheetham, S. History of the Christian church since the reformation. 1907. Hagenbach, K. R. History of the church in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; tr. by J. F. Hurst. 1869. 2v. Church law. Buck, E. Massachusetts eccle- siastical law, 1866. Fulton, J. Index canonum, in Greek and English. With a complete digest of the whole code of canon law in the undivided primitive church. 1872. Harnack, A. Constitution and law of the church in the first two centuries; tr. by F. L. Pogson. 1910. (C. t. 1.) Stubbs, W. History of the canon law in England. {In his Lectures on mediaeval and modern history, pp. 337-383.) See also Apostolic constitutions; Church councils; Church polity; Divorce; Mar- riage; Tithes. Church music. Barnby, J. Hymn tunes com- posed by Joseph Barnby. 1897. Brown, T., and Butterworth, H. Story of the hymns and tunes. 1906. Bushnell, H., and Clark, T. M. Religious music: two discourses. 1852. Curwen, J. S. Studies in worship music. 2v. Dickinson, E. Music in the history of the Western church. 1902. Dykes, J. B. Hymn tunes, n. d. With the words. Humphreys, F. Landon. Evolution of church music. CI 896. Knauff, C. W. Doctor Tucker, priest- musician; including a brief converse about the rise and progress of church music in America. 1897. Church music — Continued. Lorenz, E. S. Practical church music; a discussion of purposes, methods and plans. CI909. Lutkin, P. C. Music in the church. 1910. (Hale lect.) Pattison, T. H. Music in the public service. {In his Public worship.) Pratt, W. S. Musical ministries in the church. 1902. Stainer, Sir J. Hymn tunes composed by J. Stainer. 1900. — and Russell, W., eds. Cathedral prayer book; being the Book of common prayer with the music necessary for the use of choirs; together with the Canticles and Psalter pointed for chanting and set to ap- propriate chants. 1891. Stubbs, G. E. How to sing the choral serv- ice; a manual of intoning for clergymen. CI 899. Sullivan, Sir A. Hymn tunes. See also Anthems; Carols; Chants; Choirs; Hymns; Oratorio; Plain-song. Church needlework. Lambert, Miss. {Pseud.?) Church needlework, with prac- tical remarks on its arrangement and prepa- ration. 1844. Church polity. Barnes, A. The apostolic church: an inquiry into its organization and government, C1855. Coleman, L. The apostolical and primitive church popular in its government, and simple in its worship. 1844. Dargan, E. C. Ecclesiology: a study of the churches. 2d ed. 1905. Dexter, H. M. Church polity of the Pilgrims the polity of the New Testament. 1870. Fleming, A. Church polity: its spiritual grounds and Congregational superstructure. 1869. Hatch, E. Organization of the early Christian churches. 1881. (Bamp. lect.) Hooker, R. Works: containing eight books of the laws of ecclesiastical ix)l>ty, and other treatises. New ed. 1820. 3V. Same. Arr. by John Keble. 1863. 3v. Jacob, G. A. Ecclesiastical polity of the New Testament. 1871. Ladd, G. T. Principles of church polity. 1882. Owen, J. Introductory essay on the organisa- tion of the early church and the evolution of the reader. {In Harnack, A. Sources of the Apostolic canons, pp. viii-cxl.) Wellman, J. W. Church polity of the Pil- grims: sermon. [1857.] Woods, L. Lectures on church government containing objections to the episcopal scheme. 1844. See also Church law; Church unity. Church reform. Barry, J. C. Ideals and principles of church reform. 19 10. Foster, J. M. Reformation principles stated and applied. 1890. Chtirch service; order for morning and evening worship. Bost. Wright and Potter. 1866. Church unity. Barry, J. C. Ideals and principles of church reform; with introduc- tory note by James Denney. 1910. Briggs, C. A. Church unity. 1909. 76 Catalogue General Theological Library Church unity — Continued. Brown, W. A. The Christian demand for unity: its nature and implications. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Brown, W. M. Level plan for church union. 1910. Christian, T. Other sheep I have; pro- ceedings of the Celestial commission on church unity. 191 1. Clarke, D. Oneness of the Christian church. 1869. Dearmer, P. Reunion and Rome. 1910. Dollinger, J. J. I. von. Lectures on the reunion of the churches; tr. by H. N. Oxen- ham. 1872. Ffoulkes, E. S. Christendom's divisions. 1865. Firth, F. J. Christian unity in effort. 1910. Fisher, D. W. Unification of the churches. 1911. Forrester, H. Christian unity and the historic episcopate. 1889. Francis, P. J., and Jones, S. Prince of the apostles. 1907. Fremantle, W. H. World as the subject of redemption: being an attempt to set forth the functions of the church as designed to embrace the whole race of manfind. 1885. (Bamp. lect.) Henson, H. H. Godly union and concord; sermons preached in the interest of Christian fraternity. 1902. — Road to unity. 1911. Hodges, G., and others. Reunion of Christen- dom. {In Christ and the church; essays. Amer. Inst, of Christian Philosophy, VIII- XII.) Inter-church conference on federation. Inter- church conference on federation. New York, Nov. 15-21, 1905; ed. by E. B. Sanford. CI 906. Kelly, H. The church and religious unity. 1913- McBee, S. An eirenic itinerary; impressions of our tour, with addresses and papers on the unity of Christian churches. 191 1. Macfarland, C. S., ed. Christian unity at work; the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America in quadrennial session, 1912. C1913. Maturin, B. W. Price of unity. 1912. Robinson, J. A. Vision of unity. 1908. Schaff, P. The discord and concord of Christendom. {In his Christ and Chris- tianity, pp. 292-310.) Spence, F. Christian reunion; a plea for the restoration of "The ecclesia of God," 1908. Stow, B. Christian brotherhood: a letter to Heman Lincoln. 1859. Thompson, R. E. The historic episcopate. 1910. Wilson, H. A. Episcopacy and unity; a historical inquiry into the relations between the Church of England and the non-epis- copal churches at home and abroad; from the reformation to the repeal of the Occa- sional conformity act. 1912. Church universal. Ed. by W. H. Hutton. 6v. See Church history. Church work. Biggs, H. Yeatman-. Lay work and the office of reader. 1904. Black, S. C. Building a working church. C1911. Gladden, W., ed. Parish problems; hints and helps for the people of the churches. C1887. Mead, G. W. Modern methods in church work. 1897. Miller, G. A. Problems of the town church. 1902. Moorhouse, J. Church work. 1894. Ostrom, H. The crisis in church work. 1908. See also Brotherhoods; Institutional church. Church and social questions. Abbott, E. H. The church and the workingman. {In his Religious life in America.) Baker, R. S. The spiritual unrest. 19 10. Benson, E. W. Christ and his times; ad- dressed to the diocese of Canterbury in his second visitation. 1889. [Browne, G. F.,] and others. The church and life of to-day. By the Bishop of Bristol [and others]. 19 10. Carter, H. Church and the new age. [1912.] Commons, J. R. Social reform and the church. CI 894. Crawford, W. H. The church and the slum: a study of English Wesleyan mission halls. 1908. Cutting, R. F. Church and society. 1912. (Kennedy lect.) Fairbairn, A. M. The church and the work- ing classes. {In his Religion in history and in modern life.) Gladden, W. The church and modern life. 1908. Hillis, N. D. Influence of Christ in modern life; study of the new problems of the church in American society. 1900. Holmes, J. H. Revolutionary function of the modern church. 1912. Ireland, J. The church and modern society. , 2d ed. 1897. Mathews, S. The church and the changing order. 1907. Methodist Federation for Social Service. The socialized church; addresses before the first national conference. Ed. by W. M. Tippy. 1909. Plantz, S. The church and the social problem; a study in applied Christianity. 1906. Stelzle, C. The church and labor. 1910. (Modern religious problems.) Stuckenberg, J. H. W. The age and the church. C1893. Thompson, C. B. The churches and the wage earners. 1909. Ward, H. F., ed. Social creed of the churches. C1912. See also Sociology. Church and state. Crapsey, A. S. Religion and politics. C1905. Maurice, F. D. Has the church or the state the power to educate the nation? 1839. Noel, B. W. Essay on the union of church and state. 1849. Prall, W. The state and the church. CI900. Catalogue General Theological Library 77 Church and State. England. Gladstone, W. E. Correspondence on church and religion; selected and arranged by D. C. Lathbury. 1910. 2v. Macleane, D. Our island church; sketches from the history of English church and state. 1909. Stanley, A. P. Essays chiefly on questions of church and state from 1850 to 1870. 1870. France. Galton, A. Church and state in France, I 300- I 907. Sabatier, P. Disestablishment in France; with a preface by the translator, R. Dell, and the French-English text of the Separa- tion law, with notes. 1906. — An open letter to His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons apropos of his interview on the separation of church and state in France; tr. by J. R. Slattery. 1908. United States. Satolli, F., card. Loyalty to church and state. [Addresses del'd in the U. S.] 2d ed. 1895. Church and the press. See Men and Religion Forward Movement. Messages, vol. VII. Church, Doctrine of the. See Church, The. Church of Christ; by a layman. [Phillips, T. W.] Church of England. Annotated Book of com- mon prayer forming a concise commentary on the devotional system of the Church of England; ed. by J. H. Blunt. Compen- dious ed., with monograph on the American prayer book, by S. Hart. N. Y. Young, 1888. Book of common prayer together with the Psalter or Psalms of David. Lond. Baskett. 1712. Same. 1726. Book of common prayer . . . together with the lives of the apostles and an account of the original of the fasts and feasts of the church, etc.; by William Nicholls. 6th ed. Lond. Rivington. 1675. Book of common prayer together with the Psalter or Psalms of David. Oxford. Univ. press, n. d. Book of common prayer as amended by His Majesty King George V in council; to which are prefixed the forms of prayer and ser\n[ces relating to His Majesty King Edward VII of blessed and glorious memory. Oxford. Univ. press. 1910. (Com- memoration prayer book.) Student's Book of common prayer, with an historical and explanatory treatise by W. G. Humphry. Lond. Bell. 1869. Church of England. Arnold, M. The Church of England. {In his St. Paul and Protest- antism.) — Puritanism and the Church of England. {In his St. Paul and Protestantism.) Headlam, A. C. The Church of England and the Eastern churches. {In his History, authority and theology.) Church of England — Continued. Henson, H. H. The national church; essays on its history and constitution, and criti- cisms of its present administration. 1908. Lorimer, P. John Knox and the Church of England. 1875. Mallock, W. H. Doctrine and doctrinal dis- ruption; being an examination of the intellectual position of the Church of England. 1900. Newman, J. H. The convocation of the province of Canterbury. {In his Historical sketches, vol. III.) Westcott, B. F. Position and call of the English church. {In his Lessons from work.) See also Anglican orders; Anglicanism; Apostles' creed; Apostolic succession; Athanasian creed; Book of common prayer; Church and state. England; Church law; Creeds; Episcopacy; Nicene creed; Roman Catholic church and the Church of England. Articles. Beveridge, W. Ecclesia Anglicana, ecclesia Catholica; discourse on the thirty-nine articles of the Church of England. 1867. Browne, E. H. Exposition of the thirty-nine articles, i860. Burnet, G. Exposition of the thirty-nine articles of the Church of England. 1854. Cardwell, E. Synodalia. A collection of articles of religion, canons, and proceedings of convocations in the province of Canter- bury, 1547-1717. 1842. 2V. Donaldson, J. The Westminster confession of faith and the thirty-nine articles of the Church of England. 1905. Gibson, E. C. S. Thirty-nine articles of the Church of England. 1896. 2v. Hardwick, C. History of the articles of reli- gion. 1859. Kidd, B. J. Thirty-nine articles; their history and explanation. 1899. 2v. Biography. Barry, A., ed. Masters in English theology. 1877. (King's Coll. lect.) Contents: Historical preface. — Richard Hooker; by A. Barry. — Lancelot Andrewes; by R. W. Church. — William Chillingworth; by E. H. Plumptre. — Benjamin Whichcote; by B. F. Westcott. — Jeremy Taylor; by F. W. Farrar. — John Pearson; by S. Cheetham. Lightfoot, J. B. Leaders in the northern church. 1890. Sinclair, W. M. Leaders of thought in the English church. 1896. Doctrine. Dowden, J. Outlines of the history of the theological literature of the Church of England from the reformation to the close of the eighteenth century. 1897. (Pad- dock lect.) Ewer, F. C. Catholicity in its relationship to Protestantism and Romanism. 1878. Gardner, P. Liberal Anglicanism. {In his Modernity and the churches.) Grafton, C.C. Catholic atlas; or, A digest of Catholic theology. 1908. 78 Catalogue General Theological Library Church of England. Doctrine — Continued. Kinsman, F. J. Principles of Anglicanism. 1910. Lloyd, C, ed. Formularies of faith put forth by authority during the reign of Henry VIII. 1825. Namely: Articles about religion, 1536. Institution of a Christian man, 1537. Necessary doctrine and erudition for any Christian man, 1543. Mortimer, A. G. Catholic faith and practice. 4th ed. 1900-1901. 2v. Sadler, M. F. Church doctrine, Bible truth. 4th ed. 1869. History. Abbey, C. J., and Overton, J. H. The English church in the eighteenth century. 1878. 2V. Balleine, G. R. History of the evangelical party in the Church of England. 1908. Cardwell, E. Documentary annals of the reformed Church of England from 1546 to 1716. New ed. 1844. 2v. Carpenter, W. B. Popular history of the Church of England, from the earliest times to the present day. 1909. Dearmer, P. Every man's history of the Church of England. 1909. Gladstone, W. E. Ecclesiastical and religious correspondence; selected and arranged by D. C. Lathbury. 1910. 2v. Maccoll, M. The reformation settlement examined in the light of history and law. 6th impr. 1899. Makower, F. Constitutional history and constitution of the Church of England. 1895. Overton, J. H. Evangelical revival in the eighteenth century. 1886. (Epochs of church history.) Patterson, M. W. History of the Church of England. 1909. Perry, G. G. History of the Church of England from the accession of Henry VIII to the silencing of convocation in the eighteenth century. 1879. Short, T. V. History of the Church of Eng- land to the revolution, 1688. 4th Amer. from 3d Engl. ed. 1855. Southey, B. Book of the church. 1825. 2v. Stephens, W. R. W., and Hunt, W., eds. History of the English church. 1899-1910. 9v. I. Foundation to the Norman Conquest; by W. Hunt. II. Norman Conquest to accession of Edward I; by W. R. W. Stephens. III. Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries; by W. W. Capes. IV. From accession of Henry VIII to death of Mary; by J. Gairdner. V. Reigns of Elizabeth and James I; by W. H. Frere. VI. From accession of Charles I to death of Anne; by W. H. Hutton. VII. From accession of George I to the end of the XVIII century; by J. H. Overton and F. Relton. VIII. 1-2. The nineteenth century; by F. W. Cornish. Church of England. History — Continued. Tucker, H. W. The English church in other lands. 1886. (Epochs of church history.) Usher, R. G. Reconstruction of the English church. 1910. 2v. Wakeman, H. O. The church and the Puritans. 1570-1660. 1887. (Epochs of church history.) — Introduction to the history of the Church of England, from the earliest times to the present day. 7th ed. 1908. See also Dissent, and all references under it; England. Church history; Great Britain. Religious history; Oxford movement; Protestant Episcopal church; Reformation; Ritualists. Liturgy, Ritual. Cardwell, E., ed. The two Books of common prayer set forth by authority of Parliament in the reign of Edward the Sixth compared with each other and ed. by E. Cardwell. 2d ed. 1841. Forbes, A. P. Commentary on the litany. 1855. Hall, P. Fragmenta liturgica; documents illustrative of the liturgy of the church of England. 1848. 7v. Maskell, W., ed. Ancient liturgy of the Church of England according to the uses of Sarum, Bangor, York, and Hereford, and the modern Roman liturgy, arranged in parallel columns. 2d ed. 1846. Staley, V. Liturgical studies. 1907. See aJso Book of Common prayer. Church of England and the Greek church. See Greek church. Church of Scotland. (Presbyterian.) Confession of faith, the larger and shorter catechisms, of public authority in the Church of Scot- land, Edin. A. Kincaid. 1788. Church of Scotland. (Presbyterian.) Smellie, A. Men of the covenant. 2d ed. 1904- Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the history of the Church of Scotland. 1872. See also Free church of Scotland ; Reformation ; Scotland. Church of Sweden. (Evangelical Lutheran.) Wordsworth, J. The national church of Sweden. 191 1. (Hale lect.) Church, Alfred John. Story of early Britain. N. Y. Putnam. 1893. (Story of the nations.) Church, Mary C, ed. Life and letters of Dean Church. Lond. Macm. 1894. Church, Richard William. Advent sermons. Lond. Macm. 1886. Oxford movement. 1833-1845. Lond. Macm. 1897. Saint Anselm. N. Y. Macm. 1870. Village sermons. Lond. Macm. 1895. Church, M. C, ed. Life and letters of Dean Church. 1894. Lathbury, D. C. Dean Church. 1905. (Leaders of the church. 1800-1900.) Church, Samuel Harden. Religious progress in America; progress and achievements of one hundred years. Pittsburgh. Morris. n. d. Church Club of New York. Lauda Sion; or. The liturgical hymns of the church. N. Y. Young. 1896. Catalogue General Theological Library 79 Churches. Bacon, D. Old New England churches and their children. 1906. Good, J. I. Famous places of the reformed churches; a religious guide book to Europe. 1910. Tipple, E. S. Some famous country parishes. C1911. Contents: Hursley. — Bemerton. — Madeley. — Kidderminster. — Somersby. — Eversley. Wallington, N. U. Historic churches of America. 1907. Wight, C. A. Some old-time meeting houses of the Connecticut Valley, cign. For single churches see names of places. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De amicitia; tr. by A. P. Peabody. Bost. Little. 1884. De officiis; tr. by A. P. Peabody. Bost. Little. 1883. De senectute; tr. by A. P. Peabody. Bost. Little. 1884. Select orations; tr. by C. D. Yonge. N. Y. Harper. 1856. Three books of offices. N. Y. Harper. 1855. Jeans, J. E. Life and letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 1880. Lord, J. Cicero. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 3.) CiD. {Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar, called the Cid.) Southey, R. Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish. First Amer. ed. 1846. Cities. Howe, F. C. The city, the hope of democracy. 1906. Loomis, S. L. Modern cities and their religious problems, c 1 887 . Robinson, C. M. Improvement of towns and cities. 3d ed. [191 1.] Sears, C. H. Redemption of the city. C1911. StefTens, J. L. Shame of the cities. 1904. Stelzle, C. Christianity's storm centre; a study of the modern city. [C1907.] Strong, J. Challenge of the city. 28th thous. [C1907.] — Twentieth century city. C1898. Wilcox, D. F. American city; problem in democracy. 1906. Zueblin, C. A decade of civic development. ^905- See also Christianity and social questions; Missions; Municijjal government. Cities, Ancient. Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. The ancient city; tr. by W. Small. 1889. Citizen in his relation to the industrial situation. Potter, H. C. Citizen's library of economics, politics and sociology. American city; Wilcox, D. F. Democracy and social ethics; Addams, J. Newer ideals of peace; Addams, J. Principles of anthropology and sociology in their relations to criminal procedure; Parmelee, M. Citizenship. Abbott, L. America in the making. 191 1. (Yale lect. on citizenship.) Brewer, D. J. American citizenship. 1902. (Yale lect. on citizenship.) Bryce, J. Hindrances to good citizenship. 1909. Holland, H. S. Our citizenship. [Sermon.] (In his On behalf of belief.) Hughes, E. H. Teaching of citizenship. 1909. Citizenship — Continued. Jenks, J. W, Citizenship and the schools. 1909. Lindsey, B. B., and O'Higgins, H. J. The Beast. 19 10. Potter, H. C. The citizen in his relation to the industrial situation. 1902. (Yale lect. on citizenship.) Roads, C. The man with a conscience. 1912. Steffens, L. Upbuilders. 1909. Swift, A. First principles of Christian citizen- ship. 1908. Tucker, W. J. Public mindedness; an aspect of citizenship considered in various ad- dresses. 1 9 10. Civilisation at the cross roads. Figgis, J. N. Civilization. Adams, G. B. Civilization dur- ing the middle ages. 1897. Buckle, H. T. History of civilization in England, i860. 2 v. Conder, C. R. The rise of man. 1908. Draper, J. W. History of the intellectual development of Europe. 1864. Figgis, J. N. Civilisation at the cross roads. 1912. Guizot, F. P. G. General history of civiliza- tion in Europe. 1856. 4V. Kidd, B. Principles of western civilization. 1902. Lubbock, Sir J. Origin of civilization and the primitive condition of man. 1870. Mauro, P. Number of man; the climax of civilization. C1909. Mitchell, A. What is civilization? {In his The past in the present.) (Rhind lect. on archaeology.) Mosso, A. Dawn of Mediterranean civiliza- tion; tr. by M. C. Harrison. 191 1. Taylor, H. O. Ancient ideals; a study of intellectual and spiritual growth from early times to the establishment of Christianity. 2v. 1913. Tylor, E. B. Primitive culture. 1871. 2v. Wallace, A. R. The wonderful century; its successes and its failures. 1904. See also Archaeology; Degeneration; Ethics; Man; Philosophy of history; Sociology. Civilization and progress. Crozier, J. B. Civilization's inferno. Flower, B. O. Claflin, Mary Bucklin. Brampton sketches. N. Y. Crowell. C1890. Clark, Alexander. Gospel in the trees. Phila. Daughaday. 1868. Clark, Davis Wasgatt. American child and Moloch of to-day. Cine. Jennings. ci907. From a cloud of witnesses. Cine. Curts. 1892. Clark, Edson Lyman. Fundamental questions, chiefly relating to the book of Genesis and the Hebrew Scriptures. N.Y. Putnam. 1882. Clark, Francis Edward. The children and the church and the Young people's society of Christian endeavor. Bost. Cong. pub. soc. CI882. Continent of opportunity: the South American republics. N. Y. Revell. CI907. Training the church of the future. N. Y. Funk. 1902. (Auburn Sem. lect.) Young people's prayer-meetings in theory and practice. Chi. Funk. 1887. and Clark, Harriet Elizabeth. Gospel in Latin lands. N. Y. Macm. 1909. 80 Catalogue General Theological Library Clark, George Whitfield. Harmony of the Acts of the apostles. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1897. Clark, Henry W. Christ from without and within: a study of the gospel of St. John. N. Y. Revell. 1907. Christian method of ethics. N. Y. Revell. C1908. Gospel according to St. John. N. Y. Revell. n. d. (Westminster N. T.) History of English non-conformity from Wiclif to the close of the" nineteenth century. Lond. Chapman. 191 1-. Vol. I. Laws of the inner kingdom. N. Y. Revell. 1909. Philosophy of Christian experience. N. Y. Revell. n. d. Studies in the making of character. N. Y. Revell. 19 10. Clark, John Bates, and Clark, John Maurice. Control of trusts. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Clark, Joseph Bourne. Leavening the nation ; the story of Amer. home missions. N. Y. Baker. 1903. Clark, Joseph S. Historical sketch of the Con- gregational churches in Massachusetts, 1620 to 1858. Host. Congr. bd. of pub. 1858. Clark, Lucius Charles. Worshiping congrega- tion. Cine. Jennings. C1912. Clark, Sereno Dickenson. The New England ministry sixty years ago: memoir of John Woodbridge. Bost. Lee. 1877. Clark, Sue Ainslie, and Wyatt, Edith. Making both ends meet; the income and outlay of New York working girls. N.Y. Macm. 191 1. Clark, Thomas March. Reminiscences. N. Y. Whittaker. 1895. Potter, H. C. Bishop Clark. {In his Reminiscences of bishops and archbishops.) Clark, William. Pascal and the Port Royalists. N. Y. Scribner. 1902. Clarke, Dorus. Centennial discourse, West- hampton, Mass., one hundredth anniversary of the formation of the church in that town. Bost. Lee. 1879. Oneness of the Christian church. Bost. Lee. 1869. Orthodox Congregationalism and the sects. Bost. Lee. 1871. Clarke, James E., comp. Scripture selections for public worship. Clarke, James Freeman. Autobiography; ed. by E. E. Hale. Bost. Houghton. 1891. Christian doctrine of forgiveness of sin. 3d ed. Bost. A. U. A. 1870. Essentials and non-essentials in religion. Bost. A. U. A. 1880. Events and epochs in religious history. Bost. Osgood. 1881. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Every-day religion. Bost. Ticknor. 1886. Fourth gospel; the question of its origin stated and discussed. Bost. Ellis. 1886. Go up higher; or. Religion in common life. Bost. Lee. C1877. Ideas of the apostle Paul translated into their modern equivalents. 8th ed. Bost. Houghton. 1897. The Lord's prayer: last discourses. Bost. A. U. A. 1891. Manual of Unitarian belief. Bost. U. S. S. Soc. 1884. Messages of faith, hope and love. Bost. EUis. 1905. Clarke, James Freeman — Continued. Sermons preached in Indiana Place Chaf>el. Bost. Spencer. 1868. Ten great religions. Bost. Osgood. 1 87 1. Same. Bost. Houghton. C1899. 2 v. I. Essay in comparative theology. II. Comparison of all religions. Transfiguration of life. [Sermons.] Bost. A. U. A. 1909. Boston. Church of the Disciples. Memorial of the commemoration of the fiftieth birthday of their pastor, i860. Clarke, James Langton. Eternal Saviour-judge. N. Y. Dutton. 1904. Clarke, William Newton. Can I believe in God the Father? N. Y. Scribner. 1899. (Howard Univ. lect.) Christian doctrine of God. N. Y. Scribner. 1909. (Int. theol. libr.) Commentary on the gospel of Mark. Phila. A. B. P. S. CI 88 1. (Amer. comment, on the N. T.) Ideal of Jesus. N.Y. Scribner. 191 1. Outline of Christian theology. Camb. Wil- son. 1 894. Sixty years with the Bible. N. Y. Scribner. 1909. Study of Christian missions. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1900. Use of the Scriptures in theology. N. Y. Scribner. 1905. (N. W. Taylor lect.) What shall we think of Christianity? N. Y. Scribner. 1899. (Levering lect.) Classic preachers of the English church. Lond. Murray. 1878. Clay, Albert Tobias. Amurru, the home of the northern Semites; a study showing that the religion and culture of Israel are not of Babylonian origin. Phila. S. S. Times. 1909. Clay, Sir Arthur. Syndicalism and labour; notes upon some aspects of social and industrial questions of the day. N. Y. Dutton. 191 1. Clay, Henry. Lord, J. Henry Clay. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 12.) Clayton, Joseph. Bishop Westcott. Lond. Mowbray. 1906. (Leaders of the church. 1800-1900.) Clemen, Carl Christian. Primitive Christianity and its non- Jewish sources; tr. by R. G. Nisbet. Edin. Clark. 1912. Clemens Alexandrinus. See Clement of Alex- andria, St. Clemens Romanus. See Clement of Rome, St. Clement of Alexandria, St. Dods, M. Clement of Alexandria. {In Prophets of the Chris- tian faith. Abbott, L., and others.) Hodgson, G. S. Clement of Alexandria. {In her Primitive Christian education.) Clement of Rome, St. Epistle to the Corin- thians. (Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. I.) First epistle to the Corinthians. {In Wake, W. Genuine epistles of the apostolical fathers.) The two epistles to the Corinthians; a revised text, with introduction and notes, by J. B. Lightfoot. 1869. Same. Appendix containing the newly re- recovered portions; with introductions, notes and translations; by J. B. Lightfoot. 1877. Catalogue General Theological Library 8l Clement, Clara Erskine. See Waters, Mrs. V^a Xl*» \^» Cleopatra, qiieen of Egypt. Lord, J. Cleopatra. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 5.) Clergy and social service. Ede, W. M. Cleveland, Henry R. Henry Hudson. (Amer. biography, vol. VI. Sparks, J., ed.) Clifford, John. Gospel of gladness and its meaning for us. [Sermons.] Edin. Clark, 1912. Cline, C. C. Popular hymns. No. 2. St. Louis. Christian pub. co. 1901. Standard church hymnal. Chi. Clarke. C1888. Clodd, Edward. Animism, the seed of religion. Chi. Open court, n. d. (Religions anc. and mod.) Pioneers of evolution from Thales to Huxley, with an intermediate chapter on the causes of arrest of the movement. N. Y. Apple- ton. 1897. Clopper, Edward N. Child labor in city streets. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Clough, Arthur Hugh. Brooke, S. A. Arthur Hugh Clough. (In his Four Victorian poets.) Clow, W. M. Cross in Christian experience. Lond. Hodder. 1909. Day of the cross. N. Y. Hodder. 1909. Secret of the Lord. N. Y. Hodder. n. d, Coan, Titus. Life in Hawaii; an autobio- graphic sketch of mission life and labors. (1835-1881.). N. Y. Randolph. C1882. Coates, Thomas F. G. Prophet of the poor: the life-story of General Booth. N. Y. Dutton. 1906. Coats, R. H. Types of English piety. Edin. Clark. 19x2. Cobb, Sanford Hoadley. Rise of religious liberty in America. N. Y. Macm. 1902. Cobbe, Frances Power. Hopes of the human race, hereafter and here. N. Y. Miller. 1876. Religious duty. Bost. Lee. 1888. Cochran, Joseph Plumb. Speer, R. E. The foreign doctor; a biography of Joseph Plumb Cochran. N. Y. Revell. 1911. Cochrane, Henry Park. Among the Burmans; a record of fifteen years of work and its fruitage. N. Y. Revell. CI904. Coe, George Albert. Education in religion and morals. Chi. Revell. 1904. Religion of a mature mind. Chi. Revell. 1902. The spiritual life. N. Y. Eaton. 1900. Coe, Isaac H., comp. Lessons of comfort for the afflicted. New Bedford. Mercury pub. CO. 1892. Coffin, Henry Sloane. Creed of Jesus, and other sermons. N. Y. Scribner. 1907. Social aspects of the Cross. [Sermons.] N. Y. Hodder. cigii. Cohu, John Rougier. Oremus: or, The place of prayer in modern religious life. Oxford. Parker. 1908. Through evolution to the living God. Oxford. Parker. 19 12. CoiLLARD, Francois, missionary to Africa. Mackintosh, A. W. Coillard of the Zam- besi; the lives of Frangois and Christina Coillard. 1907. Coit, Stanton. National idealism and a state church. Lond. Williams. 1907. Coker, Henry Joseph. Conservation of the moral resources of the nation; a compre- hensive study of home missions and church extension. C1912. Cole, William Morse. The American hope. N. Y. Appleton. 1910. Cole lectures. 1905. Univ. elements of the Christ, relig.; Hall, C. C. 1907. God's message to the human soul; Watson, J. 1908. Fact of conversion; Jackson, G. 1910. In the school for Christ; McDowell, W. F. Coleman, Lyman. The apostolical and primitive church popular in its government, and simple in its worship. Bost. Gould. 1844. Coleridge, Sir John Taylor. Memoir of John Keble. N. Y. Pott. 1869. 2v. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Aids to reflection, and the confessions of an inquiring spirit. Lond. Bell. 1884. Brooke, S. A. Coleridge. (In his Theology in the English poets.) Greene, J. N. The ancient mariner; or, The nearness of the spirit world. {In his Gospel in literature.) Traill, H. D. Coleridge, n. d. (Engl, men of letters.) Wedgwood, J. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. {In her Nineteenth century teachers.) Coles, Vincent Stuckey Stratton. Pastoral work in country districts; lectures. Lond. Longm. 1906. CoLET, John. Seebohm, F. The Oxford re- formers, Colet, Erasmus, More. 191 1. Collectivism. Kelly, E. Individualism and collectivism. {In his Government or human evolution, vol. II.) Leroy-Beaulieo, P. P. Collectivism; a study of some of the leading social questions of the day; tr. and abr. by Sir A. Clay. 1908. See also Socialism. College men and the Bible. Cooper, C. S. College and ordination addresses. Robinson, F. Colleges and universities. Brown, C. R. Cap and gown. 1910. Capen, E. H. The college and the higher life; baccalaureate sermons preached in Goddard chapel. Tufts college. 1905. Eliot, C. W. University administration. 1908. Mott, J. R. Strategic points in the world's conquest; the universities and colleges as related to the progress of Christianitv. 1897. Sumner, W. G. Our colleges before the coun- try. {In his War, and other essays. XVII.) Tyler, W. S. Prayer for colleges; a premium essay. C1854. Wayland, F. Thoughts on the present collegiate system in the United States. 1842. See also Universities. Collier, Mary A. Memoir of Thomas Fowell Buxton. Bost. Amer. Tract Soc. ci86i. Collier, Robert Laird. Every-day subjects in Sunday sermons. Bost. A. U. A. 1870. 82 Catalogue General Theological Library Collins, William Edward. Study of ecclesiastical history. Longm. Lond. 1903. Collyer, Robert. Father Taylor. Bost. A. U. A. 1907. Life that now is : sermons. Bost. Lee. 1872. Nature and life: sermons. Bost. Fuller. 1869. Some memories. Bost. A. U. A. n. d. Colombo, Cristoforo. See Columbus, Christo- pher. Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. Overland to China. N. Y. Harper. 1900. and Colqxihoun, Ethel. The whirlpool of Europe, Austria-Hungary and the Habs- burgs. N. Y. Dodd. 1907. Colton, A. M. The old meeting house, and vacation papers, humorous and other. N. Y. Worthington. 1890. Columbus, Christopher. Gregg, D. Colum- bus: the results of his life. (In his Makers of the American republic.) Lord, J. Christopher Columbus. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 6.) Lorgues, R. de. Life of Christopher Colum- bus, compiled from the French of Roselly de Lorgues by J. J. Barry. 1869. Winsor, J. Christopher Columbus, and how he received and imparted the spirit of dis- covery. 1892. ColvUle, William J. Spiritual science of health and healing. Bost. Colville. 1886. Coman, Katharine. Industrial history of the United States. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Comba, Emilio. History of the Waldenses of Italy, from their origin to the reformation; tr. byT. E.Comba. Lond. Truslove 1889. Comfort. See Consolation. Common faith of common men. Potter, R. H. Common prayer. Book of. See Book of common prayer. Common prayer for Christian worship. Marti- neau, J. , . . Commons, John Rogers. Races and immi- grants in America. N. Y. Macm. 1907. Social reform and the church. N. Y. Crowell. 1894. Trade unionism and labor problems. Bost. Ginn. 1905. Communion. Curtis, T. F. Communion: the distinction between Christian and church fellowship and between communion and its symbols. 1850. Goulburn, E. M. Office of the Holy Com- munion in the Book of common prayer. N. Y. Appleton. 1870. Patterson, R. M. A communion sermon. (In Thoughts for the occasion, anniversary and religious. Noble, F., ed.) Walpole, G. H. S. Eucharistic offering: spiritual instructions upon the Office of Holy Communion, together with helps for the carrying out of the same. 3d thousand. 1900. See also Lord's Supper. Communion of saints. Rede, W. Communion with God. Stone, D., and Simpson, D. C. Communities. Ballou, A. History of the Hopedale community. 1897. Hinds, W. A. American communities. 1878. — American communities and co-op)erative colonies. 1908. Comparative religion. Bishop, A. World's altar-stairs. 1910. Carpenter, J. E. Comparative religion. [1913-] Cheetham, S. The mysteries, pagan and Christian. 1897. (Hulsean lect.) Clark, P. A. G. Comparative religion and the religion of Jesus. {In Religion and the modern mind.) Farnell, L. R. Greece and Babylon; a com- parative sketch of Mesopotamian, Anato- lian and Hellenic religions. 1911. Frazer, J. G. The golden bough. 3d ed. 1911-1912. Pts. I-V. 7v. Jevons, F. B. Comparative religion. 1913. — Introduction to the study of comparative religion. 1908. (Hartford-Lamson lect.) Jordan, L. H. Comparative religion: its genesis and growth. 1905. Kellogg, S. H. Handbook of comparative religion. 1908. Macculloch, J. A. Comparative religion and the Christian faith. {In Religion and the modern mind.) Marett, R. R. The threshold of religion. 1909. Martin, A. W. Great religious teachers of the East. 1911. Oesterley, W. O. E. Evolution of the Mes- sianic idea; a study in comparative religion. 1908. Paine, L. L. The ethnic trinities and their relation to the Christian trinity; a chapter in the comparative history of religions. 1901. Pfleiderer, O. Religion and historic faiths; tr. by D. A. Huebsch. 1907. Randall, J. H., and Smith, J. G., eds. Unity of religions; a popular discussion of ancient and modern beliefs. 1910. Robertson, J. M. Pagan Christs; studies in comparative hierology. 2d ed. 191 1. Tisdall, W. S. Comparative religion. 1909. See also Christianity and other religions; Religion ; Religions. Compayre, Gabriel. Abelard and the origin and early history of universities. N. Y. Scribner. 1893. (Great educators.) Intellectual and moral development of the child; tr. by M. E. Wilson. N. Y. Appleton. 1896. (Int. educ. ser.) Comte, Auguste. Boutroux, £. E. M. Auguste Comte and the religion of hu- manity. {In his Science and religion in contemporary philosophy.) Caird, E. Social philosophy and religion of Comte. 1893. Hoffding, H. Comte and French philosophy. {In his History of modern philosophy, vol. H.) Martineau, J. Comte's life and philosophy. {In his Essays, philosophical and theological, vol. I.) Morley, J. Auguste Comte. {In his Critical miscellanies, vol. III.) Whittaker, T. Comte and Mill. (Philoso- phies, ancient and modern.) Conant, Mrs. Hannah O'Brien (Chaplin). The English Bible; history of the translation of the Holy Scriptures into the English tongue. N. Y. Sheldon. 1856. Catalogue General Theological Library 83 Concentration. Hillis, N. D. The grace of holding on. (In his Contagion of character.) Jefferson, C. E. Concentration. [Sermon.] (In his Doctrine and deed.) Mabie, H. W. Concentration. (In his Es- says on work and culture.) Conciliation. See Arbitration. Conciliation, International. Assoc, for Internat. Concil. Amer. Branch. Publica- tions. 1907-. Concord. Reynolds, G. Collection of histori- cal and other papers. 1895. Conder, Claude Reignier. Altaic hieroglyphs and Hittite inscriptions. N. Y. Scribner. 1887. City of Jerusalem. N. Y. Dutton. 1909. Heth and Moab; explorations in Syria, 1881-2. 1892. Judas Maccabaeus and the Jewish war of independence. Lond. Watt. 1894. Latin kingdom of Jerusalem. 1099-129 1. Lond. P. E. F. 1897. Rise of man. Lond. Murray. 1908. Tent work in Palestine. Lond. P. E. F. 1878. 2V. ed. The Tell Amarna tablets. Lond. P. E. F. 1894. Condit, Blackford. History of the English Bible from the earliest Saxon translations to the present Anglo-American revision. N. Y. Barnes. ci88i. Conditionalism. Piper, F. L. Conditionalism; its place in eschatology, history and current thought. 1904. Conduct. Beecher, H. W. Conduct, the index of feeling. (In his Sermons, 2d series. 1870.) Dole, C. F. Problem of duty; a study of the philosophy of conduct. 1900. Oilman, N. P. Laws of daily conduct. (In Conduct as a fine art, by Oilman, N. P., and Jackson, E. P.) Lecky, W. E. H. The map of life; conduct and character. 1901. Mercier, C. A. Conduct and its disorders biologically considered. 191 1. Smart, O. T. Studies in conduct. 1905. Wilberforce, A. B. O. The trinity of evil: L Infidelity; II. Impurity; III. Intem- perance. 2d ed. 1886. See also Conduct of life; Ethics. Conduct as a fine art. Oilman, N. P., and Jackson, E. P. Conduct of life. Arnold, F. Turning points in life. 1873. Beecher, H. W. Lectures to young men. New ed. i860. Clarke, J. F. Every-day religion. 1886. Conklin, A. What are you doing here? 2d ed. 1898. (" Life " series.) Dresser, H. W. The perfect whole: an essay on the conduct and meaning of life. 1896. Drummond, H. Ill-temper. [Sermon.] (In his Ideal life.) Emerson, R. W. The conduct of life. Works. Cent, ed., vol. VI.) Cordon, S. D. Quiet talks on personal problems. 1907. Higginson, T. W. Things worth while. 1908. (Art of life ser.) Conduct of life — Continued. Hyde, W. D. Self-measurement: a scale of human values with directions for personal application. 1908. (Art of life ser.) Lathbury, C. Being with the upturned face. 1903. — The balanced life. 1905. Lorimer, O. C. Messages of to-day to the men of to-morrow. 1896. Ludlow, J. M. Incentives for life. 1902. Moxom, P. S. Aim of life. 1894. Peabody, A. P. Conversation. (In his Christian belief and life.) Schopenhauer, A. Counsels and maxims. (Schopenhauer series, 2.) — Wisdom of life. (Schopenhauer series, i.) Spurgeon, C, H. Selections from John Ploughman's talk. n. d. Strong, J. The times and young men. Ninth thousand. 1901. Swing, D. Motives of life. New ed. 1895. Tucker, W. J. Personal power; counsels to young men. 1910. Tulloch, J. Beginning life; chapters for young men on religion and business. 1864. See also Boys; Character; Christian life; Citizenship; Courage; Duty; Ethics; Oirls; Habit; Happiness; Home; Moral educa- tion; New thought; Sermons; Spiritual life; Young men. Cone, Orello. Hebrews, Colossians, Ephesians, and Philemon; the pastoral epistles; the epistles of Peter and J ude. N. Y. Putnam. 1901. (Int. hdbks. to the N. T., HI.) Oospel criticism and historical Christianity. N. Y. Putnam. 1891, Paul the man, the missionary and the teacher. N. Y. Macm. 1898. Rich and poor in the New Testament. N. Y. Macm. 1902. Salvation. Bost. Univ. pub. house. 1889. Sketch of the history of the New Testament canon. (In Int. hdbks. to the N, T., III.) Confession. Beecher, H. W. Nobility of confession. [Sermon.] (In his Sermons, 1st series. ) Casey, P. H. Notes on a history of auricular confession; H. C. Lea's account of the power of the keys in the early church. 1899. Holland, C. Sermon on confession. (In his Twenty-five plain Catholic sermons on useful subjects.) (Practical preaching for priests and people.) Hopkins, J. H. History of the confessional. 1850. Lea, H. C. History of auricular confession and indulgences in the Latin church. 1896. 3v. Confessions of faith. Schaff, P. (In his Christ and Christianity, pp. 135-183.) See also Augsburg confession; Creeds; West- minster confession; also Names of churches. Confirmation. Butler, C. M. Flock fed; or, Catechetical instruction preparatory to confirmation. 1862. Thomas, W. H. O. Confirmation. (In his Work of the ministry.) Confucianism. Douglas, R. K. Confucianism and Taouism. 5th ed. 1900. (Non- Christian religious systems.) 84 Catalogue General Theological Library Confucianism — Continued. Grant, G. M. Confucianism. {In hts Reli- gions of the world in relation to Chris- tianity.) (Guild text books.) Griffis, W. E. Chinese ethical system in Japan. {In his Religions of Japan.) — Confucianism in its philosophical form. {In his Religions of Japan.) Knox, G. W. Confucianism: the religion of educated men. {In his Japanese life in town and country.) Legge, J. Confucianism. {In his Religions of China.) — transl. Sacred books of China: the texts of Confucianism, part I. 1879. (Sacred books of the East, vol. III. MuUer, F. M., ed.) Matheson, G. Religion of China: Confu- cianism. {In Faiths of the world. Caird, J., and others.) See also China. Religion; Religions. Confucius. Martin, A. W. Confucius and Lao-tze. {In his Great religious teachers of the East.) Lord, J. Confucius. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. i.) Congo Free State. Morel, E. D. King Leopold's rule in Africa. 1905. Congregational church in the United States. Bacon, L. W. The Congrega- tionalists. C1904. (Story of the churches.) Clark, J. S. Historical sketch of the Congre- gational churches in Massachusetts, 1620 to 1858. 1858. Dunning, A. E. Congregationalists in America. C1894. Uhden, H. F. The New England theocracy; a history of the Congregationalists in New England to the revivals of 1740; tr. by H. C. Conant. 1858. Walker, G. L. Some aspects of the religious life of New England, with special reference to Congregationalists. 1897. (Carew lect.) Walker, W. History of the Congregational churches in the United States. 1894. (Amer. church history, vol. HL) Government. Barton, W. E. Congregational manual. 1910. Boynton, G. M. Congregational way: hand- book of Congregational principles and practices. CI903. Cambridge platform of church discipline adopted in 1648, and the confession of faith adopted in 1680. {In Report on Congre- gationalism [by L. Woods].) Same. Prefixed, Platform of ecclesiastical government, by Nathanael Emmons. 1855. Nash, C. S. Congregational administration. 1909. (Carew lect.) Upham, T. C. Ratio disciplinae, or, The constitution of the congregational churches examined and deduced from early congre- gational writers, and other ecclesiastical authorities, and from usage. 2d ed. 1844. Wise, J. A vindication of the govern- ment of New England churches. 4th ed. i860. Congregationalism. Burrage, C. True story of Robert Browne, father of Congregational- ism. 1906. Clarke, D. Orthodox Congregationalism and the sects. Bost. Lee. 1871. Cummings, P. Dictionary of Congregational usages and principles. Ster. ed. 1853. Dale, R. W. History of English Congrega- tionalism; completed and edited by A. W. W. Dale. 1907. Dexter, H. M. Congregationalism: what it is; whence it is; how it works. C1865, Same. 4th ed. — Congregationalism of the last three hun- dred years as seen in its literature. 1880. (Southworth lect.) Goodwin, J. A. The Pilgrim republic; an historical review of the colony of New Plymouth, with sketches of the rise of other New England settlements, the history of Congregationalism, and the creeds of the jaeriod. 1895. Heermance, E. L. Democracy in the church. 1906. Ladd, G. T. Principles of church polity illustrated by an analysis of modern Congre- gationalism and applied to certain important practical questions in the government of Christian churches. 1882. Parker, J. Orthodoxy of heart: address to the Congr. Union of England and Wales. 1884. Punchard, G. History of Congregationalism from about a.d. 250 to the present time. 2d ed. 1865-67. 3v. — View of Congregationalism, its principles and doctrines. 3d ed. 1856. Walker, W. Creeds and platforms of Congre- gationalism. 1893. [Woods, L.] Report on Congregationalism, including a manual of church discipline, together with the Cambridge platform adopted in 1648, and the confession of faith adopted in 1680. 1846. See also Baptists; Church polity; Dissenters; Friends (Quakers); Presbyterianism ; Puri- tans; Unitarianism ; Universalism; also New England. Controversy. Hawley, Z. K. Congregationalism and Methodism. 1846. Congreve, John. High hopes: sermons. Lond. Macm. 1875. Conklin, Abram. What are you doing here? 2d ed. Bost. West. C1898. ("Life" series.) Connecticut. Greene, M. L. Development of religious liberty in Connecticut. 1905. Connell, J. M., ed. A book of devotional read- ings from the literature of Christendom. Lond. etc. Longm. 1913. Conscience. Black, H. Social conscience. [Sermon.] {In his Listening to God.) Cabot, E. L. Light of conscience; Con- science, custom and law. {In her Everyday ethics.) Coquerel, A. J. Conscience and faith; tr. by J. E. Odgers. 1878. Dubois, P. Conscience. {In his Education of self.) Catalogue General Theological Library 85 Conscience — Continued. Farrar, F. W. Voice of conscience. [Sermon.] (Jn his Silence and the voices of God.) Greer, D. H. Conscience. [Sermon.] {In his From things to God.) Knight, G. T. Praise of hypocrisy; an essay in casuistry. 1906. Repr. with additions from the Open court of Sept., 1903. Maurice, F. D. The conscience. 3d ed. 1883. Nash, H. S, Genesis of the social conscience. 1897. Park, E. A. Conscience. [Sermon.] (/» his Discourses.) Roads, C. Man with a conscience. 1912. Taylor, J. Ductor dubitantium; or, The rule of conscience. {In his Whole works, vol. V [pt. i].) See also Liberty of conscience; Social con- science. Consciousness. Bergson, H. Time and free will; an essay on the immediate data of consciousness. Authorized transl. by F. L. Pogson. 19 10. James, W. Does ' consciousness ' exist? {In his Essays in radical empiricism.) Montague, W. P. Consciousness a form of energy. {In Essays in honor of William James.) See also Subconsciousness. Consecration. Black, H. Courage of conse- cration. [Sermon.] {In his Listening to God.) Consolation. Brent, C. H. Consolations of the Cross. 1904. Brooks, P. Consolations of God. {In his Sermons. 1878.) — Purpose and use of comfort. {In his Ser- mons. 1878.) Coe, L H. Lessons of comfort for the afflicted. 1892. Hall, C. C. Does God send trouble? 1896. Jowett, J. H. The silver lining. CI907. Martin, S. Comfort in trouble: sermons. 1878. Rothe, R. Tribulation and comfort. {In his Sermons for the Christian year.) [Smith, H. W.j Living in the sunshine, by H. W. S. C1906. Constable, Henry. Duration and nature of future punishment. Bost. Advent Chris- tian pub. soc. n. d. Constantine the Great, emperor of Rome. Carter, J. B. Constantine and Christian- ity. {In his Religious life of ancient Rome.) Cutts, E. L. Life of Constantine the Great. 1881. Lord, J. Constantine the Great. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 4.) Constantinople. Dwight, H. O. Constanti- nople and its problems; its peoples, customs, religions and progress. 1901. Washburn, G. Fifty years in Constantinople. 1909. Contemporary science series. Apparitions and thought-transference; Podmore, F. Child; Chamberlain, A. F. Hypnotism; Moll, A. New psychology; Scripture, E. W. Study of religion; Jastrow, M. Contentio veritatis; essays in constructive theology, by six Oxford tutors. N. Y. Dutton. 1902. Contents: I. Ultimate basis of theism; by H. Rashdall. — II. Person of Christ; by W. R. Inge. — III. Teaching of Christ; by H. L. Wild. — IV. Permanent religious value of the Old Testament; by C. F. Bumey. — V. Modem criticism and the New Testament; by W. C. Allen. — VI. The church; by A. J. Carlyle. — VII. The sacraments; by W. R. Inge. Conversion. Ames, E. S. Conversion. {In Aw Psychology of religious experience.) Begbie, H. The ordinary man and the ex- traordinary thing. [1912.] Burr, E. F. Toward the strait gate; or, Parish Christianity for the unconverted. 1875. Clark, H. W. Conversion. {In his Philoso- phy of Christian experience.) Cornelison, L A. Conversion. {In his Natural history of religious feeling.) Goodell, C. L. {In his Followers of the gleam.) Jackson, G. Fact of conversion. CI908. (Cole lect. 1908.) Sears, E. H. Conversion. [Sermon.] {In his Christ in the life.) Starbuck, E. D. Psychology of religion; an empirical study of the growth of religious consciousness. 1899. Thom, J. H. Conversion. [Sermon.] {In his Laws of life after the mind of Christ, 2d series.) Watson, J. (Ian Maclaren.) Conversion. [Sermon.] {In his Inspiration of our faith.) See also Christian life; Regeneration; Re- pentence; Revivals; Theology. Conway, Katharine Eleanor. Christian gentle- woman and the social apostolate. Bost. Flynn. 1904. Conybeare, Frederick Comwallis. History of New Testament criticism. N. Y. Putnam. 1910, Myth, magic and morals; a study of Christian origins. Bost. A. U. A. 1911. Conybeare, William John, and Howson, John Saul. Letters and speeches of St. Paul as translated for [their] Life of St. Paul. Hartford. Bliss. 188 1. Life and epistles of St. Paul. N. Y. Scribner. 1867. 2V. Conjmgton, Mary. How to help: manual of practical charity. N. Y. Ronald press. 1906. Cook, Albert Stanburrough. Authorized ver- sion of the Bible and its influence. N. Y. Putnam. 1910. Bible and English prose style. Bost. Heath. 1908. Cook, Edward Tyas. Life of John Ruskin. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. 2v. Cook, Frederick Charles, ed. Holy Bible with an explanatory and critical commentary. N. Y. Scribner. 1871. lov. Same. Apocrypha, ed. by Henry Wace. Lond. Murray. 1888. 2v. Known as the Speaker's or Bible commentary. Cook, Stanley Arthur. Laws of Moses and the code of Hammurabi. Lond. Black. 1903. Religion of ancient Palestine in the second millennium B. C. in the light of archaeology and inscription. Chi. Open court, n. d. (Religions anc. and mod.) 86 Catalogue General Theological Library Cooke, George Willis. Unitarianism in America. Bost. A. U. A. 1902. Cooke, John Esten. Life of Robert E. Lee. N. Y. Appleton. 1871. Cooke, Josieth Parsons. Credentials of science. N. Y. Carter. 1888. (Ely lect.) Cooke, Richard Joseph. Historic episcopate; a study of Anglican claims and Methodist orders. N. Y. Eaton. C1896. History of the ritual of the Methodist Episco- pal church. Cine. Jennings. CI900. Incarnation and recent criticism. N. Y. Eaton. CI 907. Cooley, Charles Horton. Social organization. N. Y. Scribner. 1909. Cooper, Clayton Sedgwick. College men and the Bible. N. Y. Assoc, press. 191 1. Cooper, Thomas. Answer in defence of the truth against the apology of private mass, Ed. for the Parker Soc. by W. Goode. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1850. Co-operation. Ford, J. Co-operation in New England, urban and rural. 1913. (Russell Sage foundation.) Co-operative banks. See Banks and banking. Cope, Henry Frederick. Efficiency in the Sun- day school. N. Y. Hodder. [01912.] Efficient layman; or. The religious training of men. Phila. Griffith. C1911. Evolution of the Sunday school. Bost. Pil- grim press. CI911. The modern Sunday school in principle and practice. N. Y. Revell. CI907. Coppens, Charles. Systematic study of the Catholic religion. 2d ed. St. Louis. Herder. 1904. Copping, Arthur E. Journalist in the Holy Land; glimpses of Egypt and Palestine. N. Y. Revell. 1912. Coquerel, Athanase Josue. Conscience and faith; tr. by J. E. Odgers. Lond. Brit, and for. Unit, assoc. 1878. First historical transformations of Christian- ity. From the French, by E. P. Evans. Bost. Spencer. 1867. Coriat, Isador Harry. Abnormal psychology. N. Y. Moflfat. 1910. joint author. Religion and medicine. See Worcester, E., c«3 others. Comelison, Isaac Amada. Natural history of religious feeling; a question of miracles in the soul. N. Y. Putnam. 191 1. Cornelius, Roman centurion. Black, S. C. {In his Building a working church.) Matheson, G. Cornelius the transplanted. {In his Representative men of the N. T.) Milligan, G. Cornelius. {In Men of the N. T. : Matthew to Timothy. Milligan, G., and others.) Payne, C. H. Cornelius the truth-seeker. {In his Guides and guards in character- building.) Whjrte, A. Cornelius. {In his Bible charac- ters: Stephen to Timothy.) Cornell, WiUiam Mason. Life of Horace Greeley. Bost. Lee. 1872. Comford, Francis Macdonald. From religion to philosophy; a study in the origins of western speculation. Lond. Arnold. 1912. Comill, Carl Heinrich. History of the people of Israel, from the earliest times to the destruction of Jerusalem; tr. by W. H, Carruth. Chi. Open court. 1898. Introduction to the canonical books of the Old Testament; tr. by G. H. Box. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. (Theol. transl. libr.) Prophets of Israel; tr. by S. F. Corkran. Chi. Open court. 1897. Cornish, Francis Warre. English church in the nineteenth century. Lond. Macm. 1910. IV. in 2. (History of the English church, vol. VIII.) Cornwall, Barry. Charles Lamb: a memoir. Bost. Roberts. 1866. Coronation hymnal. Gordon, A. J., and Pierson, A. T. Corporations. Ripley, W. Z., ed. Trusts, pools and corporations. C1905. Williams, T. The corporation. {In Organ- ized labor and capital. Gladden, W., and others.) (W. L. Bull lect.) See also Trusts. Corwin, Edward Tanjore. History of the Re- formed church, Dutch, in the United States. N. Y. 1895. Christ, lit. co. (Amer. church hist., vol. VIII.) Cosmogony. Arrhenius, S. A. Life of the universe as conceived by man from the earliest ages to the present time; tr. by H. Borns. 1909. 2v. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) Cosmology. Warren, W. F. The earliest cosmologies. 1909. Cost OF LIVING. Byington, M. F. Homestead: the households of a mill town. 1910. (Russell Sage foundation.) Gantt, H. L. Work, wages, and profits; their influence on the cost of living. 1910. Le Rossignol, J. E., and Stewart, W. D. Wages and cost of living. {In their State socialism in New Zealand.) Mass, commission on the cost of living. Report. 1910. More, L. B. Wage-earners' budgets; a study of standards and cost of living in N. Y, City, 1907. StreightofT, F. H. Cost of living among the industrial people of America. 191 1. Costume, Earle, Mrs. A, M. Costume of colonial times. 1894, Cotton, John, Walker, W. John Cotton. {In his Ten New England leaders.) Coulter, Ernest Kent. The children in the shadow. N. Y. McBride. 1913. Cotmcil of Trent. Catechism of the Council of Trent, tr, into English; with notes by T. A. Buckley. Lond. Routledge. 1852. Same. Tr. by J. Donovan. [1829.] See also Church councils. Councils. See Church councils. Counter-reformation. Pennington, A. R. Counter-reformation in Europe. Popular ed. 1901. Ward, A, W, Counter-reformation. (Epochs of church history.) Same. New impr, 1906, See also Council of Trent; Jesuits; Popes; Port Royal; Protestantism; Thirty years' war. Catalogue General Theological Library 87 Country church. Ashenhurst, J. O. Day of the country church. 1910. Bemies, C. O. Church in the country town. C1912. Butterfield, K. L. The country church and progress. {In his Chapters in rural prog- ress.) — Country church and the rural problem. CI911. Gill, C. O., and Pinchot, G. The country church: the decline of its influence and the remedy. 1913. Hayward, C. E. Institutional work for the country church. 1900. Men and Religion Forward Movement. The rural church. (Messages, vol. VI.) Roads, C. Rural Christendom; or, The problems of Christianizing country com- munities. 1909. Rural church. C1912. Wilson, W. H. Church of the open country. 1911. Y. M. C. A. Rural church and community betterment; ed. by County work depart- ment. 191 1. Y. M. C. Associations, Int. Com. of, ed. Country church and rural welfare. 19 12. Country life. Amer. Acad, of Pol. and See. Sci. Country life. 1912. Bailey, L. H, Country-life movement in the United States. 191 1. Fiske, G. W. Challenge of the country. 1912. Gillette, J. M. Constructive rural sociology. .1913- Lipman, J. G. Bacteria in relation to coun- try life. 3d ed. 191 1. (Rural sci. ser.) Ogden, H. N. Rural hygiene. 191 1. (Rural science ser.) Plunkett, Sir H. C. Rural life problem of the United States. 19 10. Pressey, E. P. Vision of New Clairvaux. 1909. Robertson, J. W. Conservation of life in rural districts. CI911. Stern, R. B. Neighborhood entertainments. 191 1. (Young farmer's practical libr.) United States Country Life Com. Report on country life. 191 1. See also Agriculture; Country church; Coun- try schools; Country town; Farm life. Country schools. Foght, H. W. The Ameri- can rural school. 1912. Kern, O. J. Among country schools. [CI906.] Country town. Anderson, W. L. The coun- try town; a study of rural evolution. 1906. Williams, J. M. An American town; a sociological study. 1906. Wilson, W. H. Evolution of the country community; a study in religous sociology. [C1912.] Courage. Cabot, E. L. Courage.- {In her Everyday ethics.) Caird, E. Courage. {In his lay sermons and addresses.) Dawson, W. J. Book of courage. C1911. Dubois, P. Courage. {In his Education of self.) Frothingham, P. R. The pillar of courage. {In his Temple of virtue.) Courage — Continued. Iverach, J. Ground of fearlessness. {In his The other side of greatness, and other sermons.) See also Heroes. Courage of the coward. Aked, C. F. Courtney, Joseph William. Conquest of nerves. N. Y. Macm. 1911. Cousin, Victor. Lectures on the true, the beautiful and the good. N. Y. Appleton. i860. Covenanters, Scotch adherents of the covC' nants of 1638 and 1643. Smellie, A. Men of the covenant. 2d ed. 1904. Cowan, John Franklin. New life in the old prayer- meeting. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI 906. Cowan, Minna G. Education of the women of India. N. Y., etc. Revell. [1912.] Cox, John Charles. Sanctuaries and sanctuary seekers of mediaeval England. Lond. Allen. 191 1. Cox, Robert. Literature of the Sabbath ques- tion. Edin. Maclachlan. 1865. 2 v. Cox, Samuel. Book of Ruth; a popular exposi- tion. Lond. Relig. tract soc. n. d. Commentary on the book of Job. Lond. Paul. 1880. Ecclesiastes. N. Y. Armstrong. n. d. (Expositor's Bible.) Genesis of evil and other sermons. 2d ed. Lond. Paul. 1880. Salvator mundi; or, Is Christ the Saviour of all men? Lond. Paul. 1880. Coyle, John Patterson. Imperial Christ. Bost. Houghton. 1897. Spirit in literature and life. Bost. Hough- ton. 1896. Coyle, Robert Francis. Church and the times: sermons. N. Y. Armstrong. 1905. Crafts, Wilbur Fisk. Practical Christian sociol- ogy. 4th ed. N. Y. Funk. 1907. Sabbath for man. N. Y. Funk. 1885. ed. Talks to boys and girls about Jesus. N. Y. Funk. ci88i. Craig, Asa H. Christian persecutions. Mil. Wiltzius. 1904. Craig, J., transl. History of the Protestant church in Hungary from the beginning of the reformation to 1850. Bost. Phillips. 1854- Craigie, William Alexander. Religion of ancient Scandinavia. Chi. Open court, n. d. (Religions anc. and mod.) Craik, George Lillie, and others. Pictorial history of England. N. Y. Harper. I 846-1 848. 4v. Cram, Ralph Adams. Church building; a study of the principles of architecture in their relation to the church. Bost. Small. 1906. Ruined abbeys of Great Britain. N. Y. Pott. C1905. Crane, Aaron Martin. Right and wrong think- ing and their results; the undreamed-of pos- sibilities which man may achieve through his own mental control. Bost. Lothrop. ^905. Search after ultimate truth; the divine per- fection inherent in man and all creation. Bost. Lothrop. CI910. 88 Catalogue General Theological Library Crane, Louis Burton. Teaching of Jesus con- cerning the Holy Spirit. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. C1905. Crane, Stephen. Jesus the Christ. Boat. Univ. pub. house. 1890. Crane, Stephen, Amer. novelist. Red badge of courage; an episode of the Civil war. N. Y. Appleton. 191 1. Cranmer, Thomas, ahp. of Canterbury. Her- rick, S. E. Cranmer. (In his Some heretics of yesterday.) Lord, J. Thomas Cranmer. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 3.) Crapsey, Algernon Sidney. Religion and poli- tics. N. Y. Whittaker. C1905. Craufurd, Alexander Henry. Christian instincts and modern doubt. N. Y. Whittaker. 1897. Unknown God and other sermons. N. Y. Whittaker. 1895. Crawford, William Henry. Church and the slum; a study of English Wesleyan mission halls. N. Y. Eaton. CI908. Girolamo Savonarola, a prophet of righteous- ness. Cine. Jennings. C1907. (Men of the kingdom.) ed. Thoburn and India; semicentennial sermon and addresses, fiftieth anniversary of Bishop Thoburn's sailing for India. N. Y. Eaton. C1909. Crawley, Alfred Ernest. Idea of the soul. Lond. Black. 1909. Creation. Basil the Great, St. Creation of the world. (In World's great sermons, vol. I. Kleiser, G., ed.) Curtis, G. T. Creation or evolution? 1887. Denney, J. Creation. [Sermon.] (In his Way everlasting.) Dykes, J. O. The Divine Worker in creation and providence. 1909. (Cunningham lect.) Guyot, A. Creation; or. The biblical cos- mogony in the light of modern science. 1884. Haeckel, E. H. History of creation. 1883. 2v, Hughes, N. C. Genesis and geology. 1887. Jennings, A. G. The earth and the world. How formed? N. Y., etc. Revell. 1900. Layman, A., pseud. Conversations on the creation. [1881.] Simmons, H. M. Unending Genesis. 1883. Walsh, C. M. Doctrine of creation. 1910. Winchell, A. Sketches of creation. 1871. Young, J. Creator and creation. 1870. See also Bible; Earth; Evolution; Geology; God; Man; Religion and science. Creation story. Wenyon, C. Credo. Townsend, L, T. Creed and the creeds. Skrine, J. H. Creed of a Christian. Gore, C. Creed of a layman. Harrison, F. Creed of Buddha. By the author of " The creed of Christ." Creed of Christ. Creed of Christendom. Greg, W. R. Creed of half Japan. Lloyd, A. Creed of Jesus. Coffin, H . S. Creeds. Bradford, A. H. The creeds. (In his The inward light.) Curtis, W. A. History of creeds and con- fessions of faith in Christendom and beyond. 1911. Creeds — Continued. Eaton, A. W. Heart of the creeds. 1888. Hort, F. J. A. Two dissertations. 1876. Namely: I. On MONorENH2 eE02 in Scripture and tradition. II. On the ' Constantinopolitan ' creed and other Eastern creeds of the fourth cen- tury. Hovey, A. Formation and use of creeds. (In his Christian teaching and life.) Magee, W. C. Sermons on the creeds. 1888. Moehler, J. A. Symbolism: or. Exposition of the doctrinal differences between Catho- lics and Protestants; tr. by J. B. Robert- son. 1844. Momerie, A. W. Church and creed. 1890. Morris, E. D. Theology of the Westminster symbols. 1900. Palmer, F. Studies in theologic definition underlying the apostles' and Nicene creeds. 1895. Schaff, P. Creeds of Christendom. 1877. 3V. Skrine, J. H. Creed and the creeds; their function in religion. 191 1. (Bamp. lect.) Winer, G. B. Comparative view of the doctrines and confessions of the various communities of Christendom. 1873. (Clark. For. theol. libr.) See also Apostles' creed; Athanasian creed; Nicene creed; also Names of sects. Creegan, Charles C. Pioneer missionaries of the church. N. Y. Amer. tract, soc. C1903. Creighton, Louise. Life and letters of Mandell Creighton. New ed. Lond. Longm. 1906. 2V. Some famous women. Lond. Longm. 1909. Contents: St. Hilda. — Joan, the fair maid of Kent. — Jeanne d'Arc. — Margaret Beaufort. — Rachel Lady Russell. — Elizabeth Fry. — Mary Somerville. — Julia Selina Inglis. — Florence Night- ingale. — Isabella Bird Bishop. — Sister Dora. — Queen Victoria. Creighton, Mandell. Cardinal Wolsey. Lond. Macm. 1895. (Twelve English states- men.) History of the papacy from the great schism to the sack of Rome. N. Y. Longm. 1904. 6v. History of the papacy during the period of the reformation. Bost. Houghton. 1882. 2 v. Creighton, L. Life and letters of Mandell Creighton, sometime bishop of London. New ed. 1906. 2v. Cremer, Hermann. Beyond the grave; tr. by S. T. Lowrie. N. Y. Harper. 1886. Reply to Harnack on the essence of Christian- ity; tr. by B. Pick. N. Y. Funk. 1903. Cremer, Sir Randai.. Evans, H. Sir Randal Cremer. 19 10. Crete. Hawes, C. H., and Hawes, H. B. Crete the forerunner of Greece. 1909. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) Crime and criminals. Devine, E. T. Atti- tude of society towards the criminal. (In his Spirit of social work.) — Correction and prevention of crime. (In his Spirit of social work.) Dugdale, R. L. The Jukes; a study in crime, pauperism, disease and heredity. 4th ed. 1910. Catalogue General Theological Library 89 Crime and criminals — Continued. Ellis, H. The criminal. 1897. Henderson, C. R. Preventive agencies and methods. 1910. (Correction and preven- tion, vol. III.) McConnell, R. M. Criminal responsibility and social constraint. 1912. Montgomery, H. E. Crime and the criminal. {In his Christ's social remedies.) Parker, T. Crime and its punishment. (In his [Works]. Cent, ed.) Parmelee, M. Principles of anthropology and sociology in their relations to criminal procedure. 1908. (Citizen's library.) Parsons, P. A. Responsibility for crime. 1909. (Columb. Univ. studies in history, economics and law.) Peirce, B. K. Half century with juvenile delinquents. 1869. Smith, E. Criminal law in the U. S. {In Correction and prevention, vol IV. Hen- derson, C. R., ed.) Travis, T. The young malefactor; a study in juvenile delinquency, its causes and treat- ment. C1908. Wines, F. H. Punishment and reformation. CI 895. See also Prisons; Punishment. Crimea. Curtis, W. E. Around the Black Sea. C1911. Crippen, T. G. Popular introduction to the fiji^ history of Christian doctrine. Edin. Clark. 1883. Crocker, Zebulon. Catastrophe of the Presby- terian church in 1837, including a full view of the recent theological controversies in New England. New Haven. Noyes. 1838. Croly, Herbert David. Promise of American life. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. Cromer, Evelyn Baring, ist earl of. Modern Egypt. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Cromwell, Oliver. Letters and speeches, edited by Thomas Carlyle. N. Y. Wiley. 1845. 2V. Same. Lond. Chapman, n. d. 5v. Cromwell, T. Oliver Cromwell and his times. 1822. Firth, C. Oliver Cromwell and the rule of the Puritans in England. 1900. (Heroes of the nations.) Gardiner, S. R. Cromwell's place in history. 1897. Horton, R. F. Oliver Cromwell. 1897. Larned, J. N. Cromwell: imperfect in greatness. {In his Study of greatness in men.) Lord, J. Cromwell. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 4.) Morley, J. Oliver Cromwell. 1902. Roosevelt, T. Oliver Cromwell. 1910. Tulloch, J. {In his English Puritanism and its leaders.) Cromwell, Thomas. Oliver Cromwell and his times. Lond. Sherwood. 1822. Crooker, Joseph Henry. The church of to-day. Host. Pilgrim press. 1908. Church of to-morrow. Bost. Pilgrim press. CI911. Jesus brought back; a brief study. Bost. Sherman. 1909. Crooker, Joseph Henry — Continued. Religious freedom in American education. Bost. A. U. A. 1903. Supremacy of Jesus. Bost. A. U. A. 191 1. Crooks, George Richard. Life of Bishop Matthew Simpson. N. Y. Harper. 1891. Crosby, Ernest Howard. Tolstoy and his message. N. Y. Funk. 191 1. Crosby, Frances Jane {Mrs. Alexander Van Al- styne). Memories of eighty years. Bost. Earle. C1906. Cross, emblem of redemption. Image of the cross and lights on the altar in the Christian church and in heathen temples before the Christian era. 1879. Prime, W. C. Holy cross: a history of the invention, preservation, and disappearance of the wood known as the true cross. 1877. Seymour, W. W. The cross in tradition, history and art. 1898. Cross, George. Theology of Schleiermacher. Chi. Univ. press. Tci9ii.] Cross, Mary Ann (Evans) Lewes. (George Eliot, pseud.) Hutton, R. H. {In his Essays on some of the modern guides of English thought.) Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 5.) Morley, J. Life of George Eliot. (In his Critical miscellanies, vol. III.) Wilson, S. L. Theology of George Eliot. (In his Theology of modern literature.) Wedgwood, J. Moral influence of George Eliot. {In her Nineteenth century teachers and other essays.) Crothers, Samuel McChord. Among friends. Bost. Houghton. 1910. Endless life. Bost. Houghton. 1905. (IngersoU lect.) Understanding heart. Bost. A. U. A. 1903. Crowds. Le Bon, G. The crowd: a study of the popular mind. 1897. Crown theological library. Apologetic of the N. T.; Scott, E. F. Babel and Bible; Delitzsch, F. Bible problems; Cheyne, T. K. Child and religion; Stephens, T., ed. Date of Acts; Harnack, A. Early Christian conception of Christ; Pfieiderer, O. Early Christian literature; Soden, H. von. Early Hebrew story; Peters, J. P. Evolution of religion; Farnell, L. R. Hebrew religion; Addis, W. E. Historical evidence for the resurrection; Lake, K. Life of the spirit; Eucken, R. Modern Christianity; Peters, J. P. Modernity and the churches; Gardner, P. Naturalism and religion; Otto, K. L. R. Old Egyptian faith; Naville, E. Paul the mystic; Campbell, J. M. Programme of modernism; Tyrrell, G. Protestant modernism; Torrey, D. C. Religion of Christ in the 20th century. Religion of the O. T. ; Marti, K. Sayings of Jesus; Harnack, A. Virgin birth of Christ; Lobstein, P. What is religion? Bousset, W. Crozier, John Beattie. Civilization and prog- ress. Lond. Longm. 1885. 90 Catalogue General Theological Library Crusades. Archer, T. A., and Kingsford, C. L. The crusades. C1894. (Story of the nations.) Conder, C. R. The Latin kingdom of Jerusa- lem. 1099 to 1291 A.D. 1897. Gray, G. Z. The children's crusade: an episode of the thirteenth century. C1870. Lord, J. The crusades. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 5.) Michaud, J. F. History of the crusades; tr. by W. Robson. New ed. 1895. 3v, See also Godfrey of Bouillon; Peter the Hermit; also Middles ages. Cruttwell, Charles Thomas. Literary history of early Christianity. N. Y. Scribner. 1883. 2V. Cuba. Hill, B. T. Cuba and Porto Rico, with other islands of the West Indies. 1898. Pepper, C. M. To-morrow in Cuba. 1899. Cuckson, John. Faith and fellowship. Bost. Houghton. 1897. Cult of incompetence. Faguet, E. Culture. Arnold, M. Culture and anarchy. 1911. Black, H. Culture and restraint. 1901. Mabie, H. W. Essays on work and culture. 1907. Ramanathan, P. Culture of the soul among western nations. 1906. Shairp, J. C. Culture and religion. 1872. Culture and religion in some of their relations. Shairp, J. C. Cumberland Presbyterian church. Foster, R. V. Sketch of the history of the Cum- berland Presbyterian church. 1894. (Amer. church history, vol. XL) Cununings, Asa. Memoir of Edward Payson. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. n. d. Cununings, Preston. Dictionary of Congrega- tional usages and principles. Bost. Whipple. 1853. Cummins, Mrs. Alexandrine Macourt. Memoir of George David Cummins, first bishop of the Reformed Episcopal church. N. Y. Dodd. C1878. Cummins, George David, first bishop of the Re- formed Episcopal church. Cummins, Mrs. A, M. Memoir of George David Cummins. C1878. Cumont, Franz Valery Marie. Astrology and religion among the Greeks and Romans. N. Y. Putnam. 1912. (Amer. lect. on the history of religions.) Mysteries of Mithra. Chi. Open court. 1903. Oriental religions in Roman paganism. Chi. Open court. 191 1. Cuneiform inscriptions. See Inscriptions. Cunningham lectures. 1909. Divine Worker in creation and provi- dence; Dykes, J. O. 1911. Psychology of the Christian soul; Steven, G. Cunningham, William. Christianity and social questions. N. Y. Scribner. 1910. Cure of souls; lectures on pastoral theology. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1908. S. Austin and his place in the history of Chris- tian thought. Lond. Clay. 1886. Cur Deus homo? Anselm, St. Cumock, Nehemiah, ed. See Wesley, John. Journal. Currier, A. H. Life of Constans L. Goodell. N. Y. Randolph. C1887. Currier, Albert Henry. Nine great preachers. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1912. Curry, Samuel Silas. Vocal and literary inter- pretation of the Bible. N. Y. Macm. 1903- . . Curteis, George Herbert. Dissent m its rela- tion to the Church of England. 3d ed. Lond. Macm. 1874. Curtis, Edward Lewis. Book of Judges. N. Y. Macm. 1913. (Bible for home and school.) Return of the Jews under Cyrus. (In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) and Madsen, Albert Alonzo. Commentary on the books of Chronicles. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 19 10. (Int. crit. com.) Curtis, George Ticknor. Creation or evolution? N. Y. Appleton. 1887. Curtis, Clin Alfred. The Christian faith person- ally given in a system of doctrine. N. Y. Eaton. CI905. Curtis, Thomas F. Communion: the dis- tinction between Christian and church fellowship and between communion and its symbols. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1850. Progress of Baptist principles in the last hun- dred years. Bost. Gould, i860. Curtis, William Alexander. History of creeds and confessions of faith in Christendom and beyond; with historical tables. Edin. Clark. 191 1. Curtis, William Eleroy. Around the Black Sea. N. Y. Hodder. C1911. Modern India. Chi. Revell. 1909. Ctutiss, Samuel Ives. Levitical priests; a contribution to the criticism of the Penta- teuch. Edin. Clark. 1877. Primitive Semitic religion to-day; a record of researches, discoveries and studies in Syria, Palestine and the Sinaitic peninsula. Chi. Revell. 1902. Curwen, John Spencer. Studies in worship music. Lond. Curwen. 2v. Cusack, Mary Frances. Life inside the Church of Rome. By " The nun of Kenmare." N. Y. Dillingham. 1890, Cushman, Herbert Ernest. Beginner's history of philosophy. Bost. Houghton. C1910. 2v. What is Christianity? Tufts College. 1904. (Russell lect. 1904.) Cutler, Manasseh. Cutler, W. P., and Cutler, J. P. Life, journals and corre- spondence of Rev. Manasseh Cutler. 1888. 2V. Cutler, William Parker, and Cutler, Julia Perkins. Life, journals and correspondence of Manasseh Cutler. Cine. Clarke. 1888. 2V. Cutten, George Barton. Psychological phenom- ena of Christianity. N. Y. Scribner. 1908. Three thousand years of mental healing. N. Y. Scribner. 191 1. Cutting, Robert Fulton. The church and society N. Y. Macm. 1912. (Kennedy lect.) Cutts, Edward Lewes. Constantine the Great. Lond. 1 88 1. Saint Jerome. Lond. S. P. C. K. n. d. (Fathers for English readers.) Catalogue General Theological Library 91 Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard. God's light on dark clouds. N. Y. Carter. C1882. How to be a pastor. N. Y. Baker. 1890. Recollections of a long life. N. Y. Baker. C1902. Cynewulf, West Saxon poet. Stubbs, C. W. Cynewulf. (In his Christ of English poetry.) Cyprian, St. Treatises; tr. with notes. Oxford. Parker. 1840. (Libr. of fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, etc.) Writings; tr. by R. E. Wallis. (Ante-Nicene Christian library, vol. VHI.) Contents: Life and passion of Cyprian, by Pontius the Deacon. — Epistles. — Treatises. Same. {In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. V.) Benson, E. W. Cyprian: his life, his times, his work. 1897. Faulkner, J. A. Cyprian the churchman, CI 906. Hodges, G. St. Cyprian. (In his Saints and heroes.) Poole, G. A. Life and times of St. Cyprian. 1849. Cyprianus, Thascius Caecilius, bp. of Carthage. See Cyprian, St. Cyril, of Jerusalem, St. Catechetical lectures; tr., with notes. 4th ed. Oxford. Parker. 1872. (Libr. of fathers of the Holy Catho- lic Church, etc.) Same. Tr. by E. H. Gifford. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d ser., vol. VIL) Hodgson, G. S. Cyril of Jerusalem. (In her Primitive Christian education.) Cyrus the Great, king of Persia. Lord, J. Cyrus the Great. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 4.) D., S. M. Life and times of Sir Philip Sidney. Bost. Ticknor. 1859. Dadson, A. J. Evolution and its bearing on religions. N. Y. Dutton. 1901. Dahle, Lars Nielsen. Life after death. Edin. Clark. 1896. Daily praise and prayer. Bost. A. U. A. 1884. Daily prayer book. Singer, S., ed. Dalcho, Frederick. Historical account of the Protestant Episcopal church in South Carolina. Charleston [S. C.]. Thayer. 1820. Dale, Alfred WiUiam Winterslow. Life of R. W. Dale. N. Y. Dodd. 1899. Dale, James Wilkinson. Classic baptism; in- quiry into the meaning of the word BAHTizn. Phila. Rutter. 1868. Nature of Christie and patristic baptism. Phila. Rutter. 1874. Nature of Johannic baptism. Phila. Rutter. CI871. Nature of Judaic baptism. Phila. Rutter. 1870. Dale, Robert William. The atonement. Lond. Hodder. 1875. Christian doctrine. Lond. Hodder. 189 1. Epistle of James and other discourses. N. Y. Armstrong. 1895. Epistle to the Ephesians; its doctrine and ethics. 5th ed. Lond. Hodder. 1890. History of English Congregationalism. N. Y. Armstrong. 1907. Jewish temple and Christian church: dis- courses on the epistle to the Hebrews. Bost. Gould. 1 87 1. Dale, Robert William — Continued. Laws of Christ for common life. Lond. Hodder. 1896. Life and letters of John Angell James. N. Y. Carter. 1861. Living Christ and the four gospels. N. Y. Armstrong. 1890. Nine lectures on preaching. N. Y. Barnes. 1878. (Yale lect.) Ten commandments. Lond. Hodder. 1895. Dale, A. W. W. Life of R. W. Dale of Birm- ingham. 1899. Dalman, Gustaf H. Words of Jesus considered in the light of post-biblical Jewish writings and the Aramaic language. Authorised English version by D. M. Kay. Edin. Clark. 1902. Dampier, Margaret G. History of the orthodox church in Austria-Hungarj'. Lond. Riv- ington. 1905. Daniel, Hebrew prophet. Deane, H. Daniel: his life and times. 1888. (Men of the Bible.) Matheson, G. Daniel the daring. (In his Representative men of the Bible: Ishmael to Daniel.) Payne, C. H. Daniel the uncompromising young man. (In his Guides and guards m character-building.) Taylor, W. M. Daniel the beloved. CI878. Whyte, A. Daniel. (In his Bible characters: Ahithophel to Nehemiah.) Daniels, William Haven. D. L. Moody and his work. Hartford. Amer. pub. co. 1875. ed. Memorials of Gilbert Haven. Bost. Rus- sell. 1880. Dante Alighleri. Divine comedy; tr. by H. F. Gary. N. Y. Crowell. CI897. Divine comedy of Dante Alighieri; tr. by H. W. Longfellow. Bost. Houghton. C1895. Divine comedy; tr. by Charles Eliot Norton. Rev. ed. Bost. Houghton. 1902. 3v. The new life; tr. by D. G. Rossetti. (In his Divine comedy; tr. by H. F. Cary.) Dinsmore, C. A., ed. Aids to the study of Dante. 1903. — Teachings of Dante. 1901. Farrar, F. W. Dante. (In his Sermons and addresses in America.) Gardner, E. G. Dante and the mystics; a study of the mystical aspect of the Divina commedia and its relations with some of its mediaeval sources. 1913. Gladden, W. Dante, the poet. (In his Wit- nesses of the light.) Gurteen, S. H. Epic of the fall of man; a comparative study of Caedmon, Milton and Dante. 1896. Harris, W. T. Spiritual sense of Dante's Divina commedia. C1896. Lord, J. Dante. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 6.) Macaulay, T. B. Dante. (In his Essays, vol. I.) Morison, J. H. Dante. (In his Great poets as religious teachers.) Santayana, G. Dante. (In his Three philo- sophical poets.) (Harvard studies in com- parative literature.) Strong, A. H. Dante and the Divine comedy. (In his Great poets and their theology.) 92 Catalogue General Theological Library Dante Alighieri — Continued, Taylor, H. O. The mediaeval synthesis: Dante. {In his Mediaeval mind, vol. II.) Wicksteed, P. H. Dante and Aquinas. 1913- Dargan, Edwin Charles. Ecclesiology: a study of the churches. Louisville. Dearing. 1905. History of preaching from the apostolic fathers to the great reformers, a. d. 70-1572. N. Y. Armstrong. 1905. Darras, Joseph-Epiphane, abbe. General history of the Catholic church from the commence- ment of the Christian era to the twentieth century. 13th ed., with introduction and notes by M. J. Spalding. N. Y. Kenedy. C1898. 4v. Darwin, Charles Robert. Darwinism stated by Darwin himself: characteristic passages from the writings of Charles Darwin selected and arranged by Nathan Sheppard. N. Y. Appleton. 1884. Descent of man and selection in relation to sex. N. Y. Appleton. 1871. 2 v. Origin of species by means of natural selection. N. Y. Merrill. Amer. Assoc, for the Advancement of Science. Fifty years of Darwinism: modern aspects of evolution; centennial addresses in honor of Charles Darwin, Baltimore, Jan. i, 1909. Cadman, S. P. {In his Charles Darwin and other English thinkers.) Darwin, F., ed. Life and letters of Charles Darwin. Authorized ed. 1887. 2 v. Dewey, J. Influence of Darwin on philosophy. 1910. Hazeltine, M. W. Charles Darwin: his place in modern science. {In Lord, J. Beacon lights of history, vol. 14.) St. John, C. E. Evolution and religion: Religion's debt to Charles Darwin. {In National Federation of Religious Liberals. Proceedings and papers of the first con- gress.) Seward, A. C, ed. Darwin and modern science; essays in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of Charles Darwin and of the fiftieth anniversary of the publi- cation of the Origin of species. 1909. Darwin, Francis, ed. Life and letters of Charles Darwin. N. Y. Appleton. 1887. 2 v. Darwinism. Fiske, J. Darwinism, and other essays. New ed. C1907. Gray, A. Darwiniana: essays and reviews pertaining to Darwinism. 1884. Kellogg, V. L. Darwinism to-day. 1907. Paulin, G. No struggle for existence; a critical examination of the Darwinian theory. 1908. Romanes, G. J. Darwin, and after Darwin; an exposition of the Darwinian theory and a discussion of post-Darwinian questions. 1892. 2V. Schmid, R. Theories of Darwin and their relation to philosophy, religion and morality. 1883. Sheppard, N. Darwinism stated by Darwin himself. 1884. See also Evolution. Daugherty, Leonard. Beautiful songs of Zion. Cine. Standard pub. co. CI900. Davenport, Charles Benedict. Eugenics; the science of human improvement by better breeding. N. Y. Holt. 1910. Heredity in relation to eugenics. N. Y. Holt. 191 1. Davenport, Frederick Morgan. Primitive traits in religious revivals; a study in mental and social evolution. N. Y. Macm. 1905. David, king 0} Israel. Allen, J. H. David. {In his Hebrew men and times.) Brooke, S. A. David. [Three sermons.] {In his The O. T. and modern life.) Davidson, A. B. David repentant. [Ser- mon.] {In his Waiting upon God.) Dawson, W. J. Nathan and David. [Ser- mon.] {In his Threshold of manhood.) Deane, W. J. David: his life and times. 1890. (Men of the Bible.) Heaton, A. G. Heart of David, the psalmist- king. 1900. Krummacher, F. W. David, king of Israel. 1868. Lewis, H. E. David. {In Men of the O. T.: Cain to David. Milligan, G., and others.) Matheson, G. David. {In his Representa- tive men of the Bible: Adam to Job.) Meyer, F. B. David; shepherd, psalmist, king. (O. T. heroes.) Newman, J. H. Call of David. {In his Parochial and plain sermons, vol. VIII.) Payne, C. H. David: from the sheep-fold to the throne. {In his Guides and guards in character-building.) Sears, E. H. David. [Sermon.] {In his Christ in the life.) Spaulding, H. G. Youth of David; David the king. {In his Hebrew prophets and kings.) Taylor, W. M. David, king of Israel; his life and its lessons. CI874. Walpole, G. H. S. {In his Personality and power.) Whyte, A. David. {In his Bible characters: Gideon to Absalom.) Davids, Thomas William Rhys. Buddhism: being a sketch of the life and teachings of Gautama, the Buddha. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1880. Buddhism: its history and literature. N. Y. Putnam. 1896. (Amer. lect. on the hist. of religions.) Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by some points in the history of Indian Buddhism. N. Y. Putnam. 1882. (Hibbert lect.) Davidson, Andrew Bruce. Called of God. [Sermons.] Edin. Clark. 1902. Epistle to the Hebrews. Edin. Clark, n. d. Ezekiel, with notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1896. (Cambr. Bible.) Job, with notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1886. (Cambr. Bible.) Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah, with notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1896. (Cambr. Bible.) Old Testament prophecy. Edin. Clark. 1903. Theology of the Old Testament. Edin. Clark. 1904. Waiting upon God. [Sermons.] Edin. Clark. 1904. Catalogue General Theological Library 93 Davidson, John Thain. Talks with young men. N. Y. Armstrong. 1893. Davidson, Joshua. Loud, J. H. Joshua Davidson, Christian. C1907. Davidson, Lucretia Maria. Sedgwick, C. M. Memoir of Lucretia Maria Davidson. (/» Amer. biography, vol. VIL Sparks, J., ed.) Davidson, Randall Thomas. Life of Archibald Campbell Tait, abp. of Canterbury. Lond. Macm. 1 89 1. 2v. Davidson, Samuel. Canon of the Bible. Lond. Paul. 1878. Davidson, Thomas. Brown, J. Life of a Scottish probationer; being a memoir of Thomas Davidson. 1878. Davidson, William Leslie. Stoic creed. Edin. Clark. 1907. Davies, Edward. Law of holiness: an exposi- tion of the ten commandments. Reading. Holiness book concern. ci88o. Davies, Thomas Witton, joint author. See Davison, W. T., and Davies, T. W. Davis, Franklin Ware. Old St. John's parish, Portsmouth. 1894. Repr. from the New England magazine. Davis, John D. Genesis and Semitic tradition. N. Y. Scribner. 1894. Joseph Hardy Neesima. N. Y. Revell. CI 894. Davis, Noah Knowles. Elements of deductive logic. N. Y. Harper. 1893. Elements of inductive logic. N. Y. Harper. 1896. Elements of psychology. N. Y. Silver. 1895. Davis, Ozora Steams. John Robinson, the Pilgrim pastor. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1903. Davison, William Theophilus. Indwelling Spirit. N. Y. Hodder. 1911. and Davies, Thomas Witton. Psalms: introduction, rev. version with notes, and index. N. Y. Frowde. 1906. 2v. (New century Bible.) Dawson, Albert. Joseph Parker; his life and ministry. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1901. Dawson, Edwin Collas. James Hannington, first bishop of eastern Africa; his life and work. N. Y. Randolph. 1888. Dawson, George E. The child and his religion, Chi. Univ. press. 1909. Dawson, Sir John William. Egypt and Syria. Lond. Rel. tract soc. 1885. Meeting-place of geology and history. N. Y. Revell. C1894. Modern ideas of evolution as related to revela- tion and science. Lond. Rel. tract soc. 1890. Modern science in Bible lands. N. Y. Harper. 1889. Origin of the world according to revelation and science. N. Y. Harper. 1877. Story of the earth and man. N. Y. Harper. 1887. Dawson, William James. Book of courage. N. Y. Revell. C1911. Empire of love. [Sermons.] N. Y., etc. Revell. C1907. The evangelistic note. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1905- The forgotten secret. N. Y. Revell. CI906. Dawson, William James — Continued. Life of Christ. Phila. Jacobs. CI901. Reproach of Christ, and other sermons. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1903. Threshold of manhood. [Sermons.] Lond. Hodder. 1889. Day, Edward. Social life of the Hebrews. N. Y. Scribner. 1901. (Semitic series.) Day, Ernest Hermitage. Ober-Ammergau and the passion play; a handbook for visitors. Lond. Mowbray. 19 10. Day, Thomas Franklin. Man and the Messianic hope. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Day of the country church. Ashenhurst, J. O. Day school hymn book. Mundella, E., ed. Deacons. Murray, W. H. H. Deacons. CI874. Deaconesses. Bancroft, Jane M. Deaconesses in Europe and their lessons for America. 1890. Fowler, B. The deaconess as the pastor's social assistant. {In The socialized church. Tippy, W. M., ed.) Colder, C. History of the deaconess move- ment in the Christian church. C1903. Horton, L The deaconess in social settlement work. {In The socialized church. Tippy, W. M., ed.) Wheeler, H. Deaconesses, ancient and mod- ern. 1889. Dealey, James Quayle. The family in its sociological aspects. Bost. Houghton. C1912. Dean, J. T. Visions and revelations. Edin. Clark. 191 1. Dean Stanley with the children. Humphrey, F. A. Deane, Henry. Daniel: his life and times. N. Y. Randolph, n. d. (Men of the Bible.) Deane, William John. Abraham: his life and times. N. Y. Randolph, n. d. (Men of the Bible.) David: his life and times. N. Y. Randolph. 1890. (Men of the Bible.) Joshua: his life and times. N. Y. Randolph. n. d. (Men of the Bible.) Samuel and Saul : their lives and times. N. Y. Randolph, n. d. (Men of the Bible.) ed. Book of Wisdom. See Bible. O. T. Pseudepigrapha. Dearmer, Percy. Body and soul; enquiry into the effect of religion upon health, with a description of Christian works of healing from the New Testament to the present day. N. Y. Dutton. C1909. Everyman's history of the English church. Lond. Mowbray. CI909. Reunion and Rome. Lond. Mowbray. C1910. Death. Alden, H. M. Study of death. 1895. Arnold, 5t>E. Death — and afterwards. 1897. Horton, R. F. Death. {In his Great issues.) Reed, J., and Hay, H. C. Death and the life beyond. 1906. Shaler, N. S. The individual: a study of life and death. 1900. Smyth, N. Place of death in evolution. 1897. Death penalty. Phillips, W. Capital punish- ment. {In his Speeches, etc., 2d series.) 94 Catalogue General Theological Library Debar, Joseph, comp. Prohibition; its relation to temperance, good morals and sound gov- ernment. Cine. n. d. Deborah, Hebrew prophetess. Aguilar, G. Deborah. {In her Women of Israel, vol. II.) Brooke, S. A. Song of Deborah. [Sermon.] {In his O. T. and modern life.) Faunce, W. H. P. Deborah. {In Women of the Bible. Chadwick, J. W., and others.) Horton, R. F. Deborah. {In his Women of the O. T.) Matheson, G. Deborah the drastic. {In his Representative women of the Bible.) Deborah. Ludlow, J. M. Decalogue. See Ten commandments. Decoration day. See Memorial day. Decretals, edicts of the popes. Salmond, S. D. F., transl. The Decretals. With introduc- tory notice. {In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. VIII.) De Forest, John H. Sunrise in the sunrise kingdom. N. Y. Eaton. C1904. De Forest, Robert Weeks, and Veiller, Lawrence. Tenement house problem; including the report of the New York State house com- mission of 1900. N. Y. Macm. 1903. 2V. Degeneration. Nordau, M. S. Degenera- tion. 8th ed. 1896. Patten, S. N. Degeneration. {In his Social basis of religion.) De Groot, Johann Jakob Maria. See Groot. Deism. Stephen, L. Deism. {In his History of English thought in the eighteenth century, vol. I.) Deissmann, Gustav Adolf. Bible studies; con- tributions chiefly from papyri and inscrip- tions to the history of the language, the literature and the religion of hellenistic Judaism and primitive Christianity. 2d ed. Edin. Clark. 1903. Light from the ancient East; the New Testa- ment illustrated by recently discovered texts of the Graeco- Roman world. N.Y. Hodder. 1910. New light on the New Testament from records of the Graeco-Roman period. Edin. Clark. 1908. St. Paul: a study in social and religious history; tr. by L. M. R. Strachan. N. Y. Hodder. [1912.] Delehaye, H. Legends of the saints; tr. by Mrs. V. M. Crawford. Lond., etc. Longm. 1907- Delitzsch, Franz. Messianic prophecies. Edin. Clark. 1880. New commentary on Genesis; tr. by Sophia Taylor. N. Y. Scribner. 1889. 2 v. Old Testament history of redemption. Edin. Clark. 1 88 1. Delitzsch, Friedrich. Babel and Bible. N. Y. Putnam. 1903. (C. t. 1.) Whose son is Christ? two lectures on progress in religion. Bost. A. U. A. 1909. Demarest, David D. History and characteris- tics of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church. N. Y. Bd. of pub. of the R. P. D. church. 1856. Dembitz, Lewis Naphtali. Jewish services in synagogue and home. Phila. Jewish pub. soc. of America. 1898. Demetrias, a Roman virgin. Newman, J. H. Demetrias. {In his Historical sketches, vol. II.) Democracy. Abbott, L. Spirit of democracy. 1910. Addams, J. Democracy and social ethics. 1902. (Citizen's library.) Batten, S. Z. The Christian state. C1909. Bryce, J. The American commonwealth. 1910. 2V. Dole, C. F. Spirit of democracy. C1906. Faguet, E. Cult of incompetence. 191 1. Ferguson, C. Religion of democracy; a memorandum of modern principles. 1900. Gladden, W. Religion and democracy. {In his The new idolatry.) Heermance, E. L. Democracy in the church. 1906. Howe, F. C. Privilege and democracy in America. 19 10. Orth, S. P. Socialism and democracy in Europe. 1913. Smith, S. G. Democracy and the church. 1912. Wendell, B. Liberty, union and democracy, the national ideals of America. 1906. Weyl, W. E. New democracy. 1912. White, W. A. The old order changeth. 1910. See also Political science. Demonology. Hanson, E. F. Demonology or spiritualism, ancient and modern. 1884. Nevius, J. L. Demon possession and allied themes. 1896. Thompson, R. C. Demons and ghosts. {In his Semitic magic.) — Demoniac possession and Tabu. {In his Semitic magic.) 5ee a/50 Apparitions; Devil; Witchcraft. Demosthenes. Orations; tr. by C. R. Kennedy. N. Y. Harper. 1857. Vol. II. Denio, Francis Brigham. The supreme leader; a study of the nature and work of the Holy Spirit. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1900. Denison, John Henry. Christ's idea of the supernatural. Bost. Houghton. 1895. Denney, James. Atonement and the modern mind. N. Y. Armstrong. 1903. Death of Christ. N. Y. Armstrong. Epistles to the Thessalonians. N. Y. strong. 1892. (Expositor's Bible.) Gospel questions and answers. N. Y. 1896. Jesus and the gospel. N. Y. Armstrong. 1900. Second epistle to the Corinthians. N. Y. Armstrong. 1894. (Expositor's Bible.) Studies in theology. N. Y. Armstrong. 1895. Way everlasting. N. Y. Hodder. 191 1. joint author. See Dods, M., and others. Dennis, James Shepard. Christian missions and social progress. N. Y. Revell. 1899. Foreign missions after a century. N. Y. Revell. CI 893. Modern call of missions. N. Y. Revell. 1913- New horoscope of missions. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1908. 1902. Arm- Dodd. Catalogue General Theological Library 95 Dennis, James Shepard — Continued. Social influence of Christianity as illustrated by modern missions. {In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others.) and others, eds. World atlas of Christian missions; containing a directory of mission- ary societies, a classified summary of statistics, an index of mission stations and maps showing the location of mission sta- tions throughout the world. N. Y. S. V. M. 1911. Denominational reason why; giving the origin, history and tenets of the Christian sects with the reasons assigned by themselves for their specialities of faith and forms of worship. 8th thousand. Lond. Houlston. 1866. De Normandie, James, comp. The beauty of wisdom; a volume of daily readings for family, school and private use. Bost. Houghton. 1903. Depravity. Merrill, S. M. Depravity. (In his Doctrinal aspects of Christian experi- ence.) See also Sin ; Theology. De Quincey, Thomas. Confessions of an English opium eater. Bost. Ticknor. 1856. Theological essays, and other papers. Bost. Ticknor. 1854. 2 v. Descartes, Rene. Method, meditations, and selections from the principles of Descartes; tr., with a new introductory essay, by John Veitch. 14th ed. Edin. Blackwood. 1907- . , Boutroux, E. E. M. (/n his Historical studies in philosophy.) Iverach, J. Descartes, Spinoza, and the new philosophy. 1904. (World's epoch- makers.) Mahaflfy, J. P. Descartes. 19 10. (Philo- sophical classics for English readers.) De Smet, Pierre- Jean. Oregon missions and travels over the Rocky mountains. N. Y. Dunigan. 1847. Determinism. James, W. The dilemma of determinism. {In his Will to believe.) McConnell, R. M. Determinism not essen- tially materialistic or fatalistic. {In his Criminal responsibility.) — Determinism assumed in daily life and in scientific procedure. {In his Criminal responsibility.) Mallock, W. H. The determinism of matter. {In his Religion as a credible doctrine.) — The determinism of psychology. {In his Religion as a credible doctrine.) Martineau, J. Determinism and free will. {In his Study of religion, vol. II.) Warschauer, J. {In his Problems of imma- nence.) See also Free will; Freedom; Predestination; Will. Devil. Carus, P. History of the devil and the idea of evil. 1900. Jewett, E. H. Diabolology. The person and kingdom of Satan. 1890. (Paddock lect.) See also Demonology; Witchcraft. Devine, Edward 'Diomas. The family and social work. N. Y. Survey associates. 1912. Devine, Edward Thomas — Continued. Misery and its causes. N. Y. Macm. 1909. (Amer. social progress ser.) Principles of relief. N. Y. Macm. 1907. Social forces. N. Y. Charities. 1910. Spirit of social work. N. Y. Charities. 1911. Devotion. Bodington, C. Books of devotion. 1903. (Oxford libr. of practical theology.) See also Books of devotion; Prayer books. Dewe, Juhl Adalbert. History of economics; or. Economics as a factor in the making of history. N. Y., etc. Benziger. 1908. Dewey, John. Influence of Darwin on philoso- phy, and other essays in contemporary thought. N. Y. Holt. 1910. Moral principles in education. Bost. Hough- ton. CI 909. (Riverside educ. monographs.) Psychology. N. Y. Amer. book co. ci886. School and society. 3d ed. Chi. Univ. press. CI 900. Studies in logical theory. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. and Tufts, James Hayden. Ethics. N. Y. Holt. 1908. (Amer. science series.) Dewey, OrvUle. Autobiography and letters; ed. by M. E. Dewey. Bost. Roberts. 1884. Two great commandments: sermons. N. Y. Miller. 1876. Dewhurst, Frederic Eli. Losing and finding of life in " Peer Gynt," *' Paracelsus," " Brand," " Parsifal."^ Chi. 1909. De Witt, John. What is inspiration? N. Y. Randolph. C1893. Dexter, Edwin Grant. History of education in the U. S. N. Y. Macm. 1906. Dexter, Henry Martyn. Church polity of the Pilgrims the polity of the New Testament. Bost. Cong. pub. soc. 1870. Congre^tionalism : what it is; whence it is; how It works. 4th ed. Bost. Cong. pub. soc. C1865. Congregationalism of the last three hundred years as seen in its literature. N. Y. Harper. 1880. and Dexter, Morton. The England and Holland of the Pilgrims. Bost. Houghton. 1905. Dexter, Morton, joint author. See Dexter, H. M., and Dexter, M. Diatessaron. See Tatian. Dickens, Charles. Barnaby Rudge. Phila. Peterson, n. d. Great expectations. Phila. Peterson, n. d. New stories. Phila. Peterson, n. d. Chesterton, G. K. Charles Dickens: a criti- cal study. 1910. Stanley, A, P. Charles Dickens. [Funeral sermon.] {In his Westminster sermons.) Dickinson, Charles Albert. The indwelling God; for power, for character, for service. Bost. United soc. of Christ, endeavor. 1898. Dickinson, Edward. Music in the history of the western church. N. Y. Scribner. 1902. Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes. Greek view of life. Lond. Methuen. CI907. Is immortality desirable? Bost. Houghton. 1909. (Ingersoll lect.) 96 Catalogue General Theological Library Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes — Continued. Justice and liberty, a political dialogue. N. Y. McClure co. 1908. Religion and immortality. Bost. Houghton. 1911. Dickson, William Purdie. St. Paul's use of the terms flesh and spirit. Glasgow. Macle- hose. 1883. Didache. See Teaching of the Twelve Apostles. Digby, Kenelm Henry. Mores Catholici; or, Ages of faith. Cine. C. S. D. R. K. 1841. 2V. Dill, Samuel. Roman society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius. Lond. Macm. 1905. Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Genesis critically and exegetically expounded. Edin. Clark. 1897. 2v. Diman, Jeremiah Lewis. Orations and essays. Bost. Houghton. 1882. Theistic argument. Bost. Houghton. 1881. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Hazard, C, comp. Memoirs of Jeremiah Lewis Diman. 1887, Dingwell, James Davidson. Christus cen- turiarum. Bost. Badger. 1909. Dinsmore, Charles Allen. Atonement in litera- ture and life. Bost. Houghton. 1906. New light on the old truth. Bost. Houghton. C1912. Teachings of Dante. Bost. Houghton. 1901. ed. Aids to the study of Dante. Bost. Houghton. 1903. Dionysius of Alexandria. Extant fragments; Exegetical fragments; tr. with introductory notice by S. D. F. Salmond. {In Ante- Nicene fathers, vol. VL) Dionysius the Areopagite. Jones, R. M. Dionysius " the Areopagite." {In his Studies in mystical religion.) Disciples of Christ. {Christians, or Camp- bellites.) Church, S. H. Religious prog- ress in America. 1909. Richardson, R. Memoirs of Alexander Camp- bell. 1890. Tyler, B. B. History of the Disciples of Christ. 1894. (Amer. church history, vol. xn.) Disestablishment in France. Sabatier, P. Dishonesty. Beecher, H. W. Twelve causes of dishonesty. {In his Lectures to young men.) Disraeli, Benjamin, first earl of Beaconsfield. See Beaconsfield. Dissent, Curteis, G. H. Dissent in its rela- tion to the Church of England. 3d ed. 1874. (Bamp. lect.) See also Baptists; Church of England; Congregationalism; Dissenters; Friends; Nonconformity; Pilgrim fathers; Presby- terianism; Puritans; Religious liberty. Dissenters. Burrage, C. Early English Dis- senters in the light of recent research. (1550-1641.) 1912. 2V. Divine immanence. Abelson, J. Immanence of God in rabbinical literature. 1912. Bradford, A. H. The immanent God. {In his The inward light.) Bowne, B. P. Immanence of God. 1905. Campbell, J. M. The Presence. 1911, E^lls, J. Doctrine of the immanence of God. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Divine Immanence — Continued. Fremantle, W. H. God immanent in man and nature. {In his Gospel of the secular life.) — The immanence of God. {In his Nat- ural Christianity.) (Harper's libr. of living thought.) Garvie, A. E. The divine immanence as the basis of theological re-statement. {In his Christian certainty amid the modern perplexity.) Gould, G. M. Infinite immanence. 1910. lUingworth, J. R. Divine immanence. 1898. McConnell, F. J. Diviner immanence. CI 906. Momerie, A. W. Forces of the universe; or. The immanence of God. {In his Modern scepticism and modern faith.) Warschauer, J. Divine immanence. {In his New evangel.) — Problems of immanence. 1909. Watson, J. Immanence of God. (In his Inspiration of our faith: sermons.) Divorce. Adler, F. Marriage and divorce. 1905. Doane, W. C, and Burns, D. V. Divorce and remarriage. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Grant, P. S. Divorce and the family. {In his Socialism and Christianity.) Lefroy, W. Divorce. {In Church and life of to-day.) Montomery, H. E. Marriage and divorce. {In his Christ's social remedies.) Strong, J. Marriage and divorce. {In Gospel of the kingdom. 19 10.) Woolsey, T. D. Essay on divorce. 1869. See also Marriage. Dix, Dorothea Lynde. Beach, S. C. Dorothea Lynde Dix. {In his Daughters of the Puritans.) Dix, Morgan. Lectures on the p>antheistic idea of an impersonal-substance-deity. N. Y. Hurd. 1864. Dixon, Amzi Clarence. The bright side of life. [Sermons.] Lond. Partridge. [1912.] Doan, Frank Carleton. Religion and the modern mind, and other essays in modern- ism. Bost. Sherman. 1909. Doane, William Croswell. Mosaics; or, Har- mony of collect, epistle and gospel. N. Y. Dutton. 1882. Doane, William Howard, and Johnson, Elias Henry. Baptist hymnal. Phila. A. B. P. S. C1883. Dobbs, John Francis. Modern man and the church. N. Y. Revell. CI911. Dobschiitz, Ernst von. Apostolic age; tr. by F, L. Pogson. Bost. A. U. A. 1910. Christian life in the primitive church; tr. by G. Bremner. N. Y. Putnam. 1904. (Theol. transl. libr.) Eschatology of the gospels. Lond. Hodder. 1910. Dock, Lavinia [Lloyd]. Hygiene and morality; a manual for nurses and others, giving an outline of the medical, social and legal as- pects of the venereal diseases. N. Y. Put- nam. 191 1. Doddridge, Philip. Practical discourses on regeneration. Phila. A. B. P. S. C1855. Harsha, D. A. Life of Philip Doddridge. 1865. Catalogue General Theological Library 97 I Dodge, David Low. War inconsistent with the religion of Jesus Christ. Bost. Ginn. 1905. Dods, Marcus. The Bible : its origin and nature. N. Y. Scribner. 1905. (Bross lect.) Book of Genesis. N. Y. Armstrong, n. d. (Expositor's Bible.) Genesis with introduction, notes, etc. Edin. Clark, n. d. (Hdbks. for Bible classes.) Christ and man: sermons. N. Y. Hodder. n. d. Early letters; ed. by his son. N. Y. Hodder. 1910. First epistle to the Corinthians. N. Y. Armstrong. 1889. (Expositor's Bible.) Gospel of St. John. N. Y. Armstrong. 1 89 1. 2v. (Expositor's Bible.) How to become like Christ, and other papers. N. Y. Whittaker. 1897. Introduction to the New Testament. N. Y. Whittaker. 1904. Later letters; ed. by his son. N. Y. Hodder. 1911. Mohammed, Buddha and Christ. Lond. Hodder. 1893. Parables of our Lord. Lond. Hodder. 1900. 2V. Prayer that teaches to pray. Lond. Hodder. 1900. Visions of a prophet: studies in 2^chariah. Lond. Hodder. 1895. Why be a Christian? addresses to young men. N. Y. Dodd. 1896. and others. Literal interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount. Lond. Hodder. 1910. Dollinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz von. Fables respecting the popes in the middle ages, tr. by A. Plummer; Essay on the prophetic spirit, tr. by H. B. Smith. N. Y. Dodd. 1872. Lectures on the reunion of the churches. N. Y. Dodd. 1872. Dole, Charles Fletcher. Burden of poverty. N. Y. Huebsch. 1912. (Art of life ser.) Catechism of liberal faith. 5th ed. Bost. Unit. S.-S. soc. 1905. Coming people. N. Y. Crowell. C1877. Coming religion. Bost. Small. C1910. Ethics of progress. N. Y. Crowell. C1909. From agnosticism to theism. Bost. West. n. d. The golden rule in business. 6th thous. N. Y. Crowell. 1896. Hopje of immortality. N. Y. Crowell. C1906. (IngersoU lecc.) Jesus and the men about him. Bost. Ellis. 1888. Problem of duty; a study of the philosophy of conduct. N. Y. Crowell. 1900. Religion of a gentleman. N. Y. Crowell. 1900. The smoke and the flame; a study in the de- velopment of religion. Bost. A. U. A, 1902. Spirit of democracy. N. Y. Crowell. C1906. Theology of civilization. N. Y. Crowell. 1899. What we know about Jesus. Chi. Open court. 1908. Dole, Walter. Heaven on earth, through life study. Northfield [Vt.]. News press. 191 1. Dominic, St., founder of the Order of Preachers. Herkless, J. Francis and Dominic and the Mendicant orders. 1901. (World's epoch- makers.) Hodges, G. (In his Saints and heroes.) Dominicans. Jessopp, A. Coming of the friars. Donald, Elijah Winchester. Expansion of reli- gion. Bost. Houghton. 1896. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Donaldson, James. Apostolic fathers; critical account of their genuine writings and of their doctrines. Lond. Macm. 1874. Critical history of Christian literature and doctrine from the death of the apostles to the Nicene Council. Lond. Macm. 1864- 66. 3v. Westminster confession of faith and the thirty-nine articles of the Church of Eng- land. Lond. Longm. 1905. DoNATisTS. Augustine, St. Writings in con- nection with the Donatist controversy. 1872. (Works, ed. by M. Dods.) Same. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, ist ser., vol. IV.) Doncaster, L. Heredity in the light of recent research. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1910. (Cambr. manuals of science and literature.) Donehoo, James De Quincey. Apocryphal and legendary life of Christ. N. Y. Macm. 1903. Doney, Carl Gregg. Efficient church. N. Y. Revell. CI907. Donne, John, English clergyman and poet. Macleane, D. (In his Famous sermons.) Walton, I. Lives of John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker, George Herbert and Robert Sanderson. 1824. Donnell, Albert. Historical address, centennial celebration of the Congregational Sunday- school at Slatersville, R. I., Sept. 13, 1908. Donnellan lectures. Efficacy of prayer; Jellett, J. H. Person of Christ; La Touche, E. D. Prehistoric archaeology and the Old Testament; Astley, H. J. D. Religious belief; Quarry, J. Dorchester, Daniel. Christianity in the United States. N. Y. Phillips. 1888. Liquor problem in all ages. N. Y. PhiUips. 1884. Problem of religious progress. Rev. ed. N. Y. C1895. Romanism versus the public school system. N. Y. Phillips. 1888. Domer, Isaak Aiigust. Dorner on the future state; translation, with introduction and notes, by Newman Smyth. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1883. History of the development of the doctrine of the person of Christ; tr. by W. L. Alexander and D. W. Simon. Edin. Clark. 1861-4. 5v. (For. theol. libr.) Vol. V. wanting. History of Protestant theology. Edin. Clark. 1871. 2V. System of Christian doctrine. Edin. Clark. 1880. 4v. System of Christian ethics. N. Y. Scribner. 1887. 98 Catalogue General Theological Library Douay Bible. See Bible. Douglas, James. Errors regarding religion, and thoughts on prayer. N. Y. Leavitt. 1831. Douglas, Robert Kennaway. Confucianism and Taouism. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1900. Douglass, Frederick. Life and times, written by himself. Bost. De Wolfe. 1893. Douglass, Harlan Paul. Christian reconstruc- tion in the South. Bost. Pilgrim press. CI909. Douglass, Truman Orville. Pilgrims of Iowa. Bost. Pilgrim press. CI911. DouKHOBORS, religious sect in Russia and Canada. Latimer, R. S. Under three tsars: liberty of conscience in Russia. 1856-1909. 1910. Leroy-Beaulieu, A. {In Ms Empire of the Tsars and the Russians, vol. Ill, chap. IX.) Doumergue, Emile, and others. Calvin and the reformation: four studies. N. Y. Revell. CI909. Dover. First parish church. Smith, F. Found- ers of the first parish, Dover, Mass. 1908. Dowden, John. Mediaeval church in Scotland; its constitution, organization and law. Glasgow. Maclehose. 1910. Outlines of the history of the theological literature of the Church of England from the reformation to the close of the eighteenth century. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1897. (Paddock lect.) DowiE, John Alexander, founder of the Chris- tian Catholic Apostolic church of Zion. Cutten, G. B. {In his Three thousand years of mental healing.) Down in Water Street. Hadley, S. H, Downie, David. History of the Telugu mission of the Baptist Missionary Union. Phila. A. B. P. S. C1893. Drake, Francis Samuel. Life and correspond- ence of Henry Knox. Bost. Drake. 1873. Drake, Samuel Adams. Making of the great west. 1512-1883. N. Y. Scribner. 1908. Drama. Matthews, B. Development of the drama. 1904. Draper, John William. History of the intellec- tual development of Europe. N. Y. Harper. 1864. Drawing. Ruskin, J. Elements of drawing. {In his Ethics of the dust, etc.) Dresser, Horatio Willis. Human efficiency; a psychological study of modern problems. N. Y. Putnam. 1912. Perfect whole. Bost. Ellis. 1896. Philosophy of the spirit ; a study of the spirit- ual nature of man and the presence of God. N. Y. Putnam. 1908. Power of silence. Bost. Ellis. 1897. Drews, Arthur. Christ myth. Lond. Unwin. n. d. Dreyfus, Hippolyte. Universal religion: Baha- ism; its rise and social import. Chi. Bahai pub. co. 1909. Driver, Samuel Rolles. Genesis with introduc- tion and notes. N. Y. Gorham. 1904. (Westminster commentaries.) Exodus with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 191 1. (Cambr. Bible.) Critical and exegetical commentary on Deuteronomy. N. Y. Scribner. 1895. (Int. crit. com.) Driver, Samuel Rolles — Continued. Job in the revised version with introductions and brief annotations. Oxf. Clarendon press. 1906. Isaiah : his life and times. N. Y. Randolph. n. d. (Men of the Bible.) Jeremiah: revised translation with introduc- tions and short explanations. N. Y. Scribner. 1906. Daniel with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1900. (Cambr. Bible.) Joel and Amos with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1898. (Cambr. Bible.) Introduction to the literature of the Old Testament. 12th ed. N. Y. Scribner. 1906. (Int. theol. libr.) Modern research as illustrating the Bible. Lond. Frowde. 1909. (Schweich lect.) Sermons on subjects connected with the Old Testament. N. Y. Scribner. 1892. and Kirkpatrick, Alexander Francis. Higher criticism. Lond. H odder. 1905. joint author. See Horton, R. F., and Driver, S. R. Druids. MacCuIloch, J. A. Religion of the ancient Celts. 19 11. Drummond, Henry. Ascent of man. N. Y. Pott. 1894. (Lowell lect.) Greatest thing in the world. N.Y. Pott. 1897. Ideal life. N. Y. Dodd. 1898. Natural law in the spiritual world. N. Y. Pott. n. d. New evangelism, and other addresses. N. Y. Dodd. 1899. Contents: The new evangelism. — Method of the new theology. — Survival of the fittest. — The third kingdom. — Problem of foreign missions. — Contribution of science to Christianity. — Spiritual diagnosis. Smith, G. A. Life of Henry Drummond. 1898. Drummond, James. Inquiry into the char- acter and authorship of the fourth gospel. N. Y. Scribner. 1904. Jesus Christ and his teaching. (Hibbert journal supplement.) Jewish Messiah; a critical history of the Messianic idea among the Jews from the rise of the Maccabees to the closing of the Talmud. Lond. Longm. 1877. Johannine thoughts; meditations in verse and prose suggested by passages in the fourth gospel. Lond. Green. 1909. Life and letters of James Martineau. N. Y. Dodd. 1902. 2v. Philo Judaeus; or. The Jewish- Alexandrian philosophy and its development and com- pletion. Lond. Williams. 1888. Studies in Christian doctrine. Lond. Green. 1908. Thessalonians, Corinthians, Galatians, Ro- mans and Philippians. N. Y. Putnam. 1899. (Int. hdbks. to the N. T., II.) Via, Veritas, vita: lectures on " Christianity in its most simple and intelligible form. Lond. Williams. 1894. (Hibbert lect.) Dnmimond, Robert J. Relation of the apostolic teaching to the teaching of Christ. Edin. Clark. 1900. (Kerr lect.) Catalogue General Theological Library 99 Drury, L. Elmer. Spiritual message of litera- ture. Medford. Prophet pub. co. 1905. Dryden, John. Macaulay, T. B. John Dryden. {In his Essays, vol. I.) Dryden, John Fairfield. Addresses and papers on life insurance and other subjects. Newark [N. J.]. Prud. ins. co. 1909. Dualism. Bergson, H. L. Matter and memory. 1911. Boutroux, £. £. M. RitschI and radical dual- ism. {In his Science and religion in contem- porary philosophy.) Dubbs, Joseph Henry. History of the Reformed church, German, in the United States. {In Amer. church history, vol. VIII.) DuBois, Patterson. Natural way in moral training. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1903. Point of contact in teaching. N. Y. Dodd. 1908. Dubois, Paul. Education of self; tr. by H. H. Boyd. N. Y. Funk. 191 1. Influence of the mind on the body; tr. by L. B. Gallatin. N. Y. Funk. 1906. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt. Souls of black folk; essays and sketches. Chi. McClurg. 1903. Du Bose, William Porcher. Ecumenical coun- cils. 3d ed. N. Y. Scribner. 1901. (Ten epochs of church history.) Gospel according to St. Paul. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1907, Gospel in the gospels. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1906. High priesthood and sacrifice; an exf>osition of the epistle to the Hebrews. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1908. (Paddock lect.) Reason of life. N. Y. Longm. 191 1. Soteriology of the New Testament. N. Y. Macm. 1892. Turning points in my life. Lond. Longm. 1912. Duchesne, Lotus. Beginnings of the temporal sovereignty of the popes. A. D. 754-1073. N. Y. Benziger. 1908. Christian worship: its origin and evolution; study of the Latin liturgy up to the time of Charlemagne. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1904. Churches separated from Rome. N. Y. Benziger. 1907. Early history of the Christian church from its foundation to the end of the third century. N. Y. Longm. 1909-1912. 2v. Duckworth, H. T. F. Greek manuals of church doctrine. Lond. Rivington. 1901. Dudley, Dean. History of the first council of Nice: a world's Christian convention; with a life of Constantine. Bost. Dean Dudley & CO. 1879. Diirer, Albrecht. Artist's married life; tr. by Mrs. J. R. Stodart. N. Y. Miller. 1867. Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ pourtrayed by Diirer. Lond. Cundall. 1844. Duff, Archibald. History of Old Testament criticism. N. Y. Putnam. 1910. (His- tory of the sciences.) Old Testament theology. Lond. Black. 1891. Theology and ethics of the Hebrews. N. Y. Scribner. 1902. (Semitic ser.) Diiff, David. The early church: a history of Christianity in the first six centuries. Edin. Clark. 1 89 1. Duff missionary lectures. Christianity and the nations; Speer, R. E. Dawn in the dark continent; Stewart, J. Duffield, Samuel Willoughby. English hymns; their authors and history. N. Y. Funk. 1888. Latin hymn-writers and their hymns. N. Y. Funk. 1889. Dugdale, Robert L. The Jukes; a study in crime, pauperism, disease and heredity. 4th ed. N. Y. Putnam. 1910. (Ques- tions of the day.) Dtilles, John Welsh, and Seward, Theodore F^elmghuysen, eds. Westminster Sabbath school hymnal. Phila. Presb. bd. of pub. 1902. Dumm, B. Alfred, and others. The old Puritan- ism and the new age; addresses, Woburn conf. of Congr. churches, 1903. Bost. Pilgrim press. I903- Dunant, Jean Henri. Origin of the Red cross; tr. by Mrs. D. H. Wright. Phila. Winston. 1911. Dtmbar, Newell. Phillips Brooks, bishop of Massachusetts. Bost. Cupples. C1891. Dimcan, John Garrow. Exploration of Eygpt and the Old Testament; a summary of the results obtained by exploration in Egypt up to the present time, with a fuller account of those bearing on the Old Testament. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1909. Duncan, John Wesley. Our Christian steward- ship. Cine. Jennings. C1909. Duncan, Joseph. Popular hymns; their authors and teaching. Lond, Skeffington. 1910. Dxmcan, Norman. Higgins, a man's Christian. N. Y. Harper. 1909. Dunning, Albert Elijah. Congregationalists in America. N. Y. Hill. C1894. Making of the Bible. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1911. Dupanloup, F61ix-Antoine Philibert. Ministry of catechising. Lond. Farran. n. d. Dupin, Andre Marie Jean Jacques, French advocate. Trial of Jesus before Caiaphas and Pilate; tr. by a member of the American Bar. Bost. Little. 1839. Durandus, William. Symbolism of churches and church ornaments; translation of the first book of the Rationale divinorum officiorum, with introductory essay and notes by J. M. Neale and B. Webb. 3d ed. Lond. 1906. Durell, John Carlyon Vavasor. Self-revelation of our Lord. Edin. Clark. 1910. Dtxming-Lawrence, Str Edwin. Bacon is Shake- speare. N. Y. McBride. 1910. Dutch Reformed church. United States. Corwin, E. T. The Reformed church, Dutch. 1895. (Amer. church history, vol. VIII.) Demarest, D. D. History and characteristics of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church. 1856. See also, Liturgies. Duty. Adler, F. Religion of duty. 1905. Beecher, H. W. Ideal standards of duty. (In his Sermons, 3d ser.) — Relative duties. {In his Lectures to young men.) Bushnell, H. Duty not measured by our own ability. {In his Sermons for the new life.) lOO Catalogue General Theological Library Duty — Continued . Buxton, H. F. Wilmot-. Day by day duty; sermons. 1905. Cobbe, F. P. Religious duty. 1888. Coffin, H. S. Duty. [Sermon.] (In his Social aspects of the cross.) Everett, C. C. Poetry, comedy and duty. 1910. Stalker, J. Duty. (In his Ethic of Jesus.) See also Conduct of life; Ethics. Duyckinck, George Long. Life of Thomas Ken. N. Y. 1859. Dwight, Henry Otis. Constantinople and its problems; its peoples, customs, religions and progress. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1901. Encyclopedia of missions. 2d ed. N. Y. Funk. 1904. ed. Blue book of missions. 1905. Same. 1907. Dyer, John L., itinerant preacher. Shelton, D. O. John L. Dyer. {In his Heroes of the cross in America.) Dykes, James Oswald. Christian minister and his duties. Edin. Clark. 1908. Divine worker in creation and Providence. Edin. Clark. 1909. (Cunningham lect.) Law of the ten words. Lond. Hodder. 1884. Laws of the kingdom. N. Y. Carter. 1873. Manifesto of the king: exposition of the Ser- mon on the Mount. Lond. Nisbet. 1883. Dykes, John Bacchus. Hymn tunes. Lond. Novello. n. d. Dymond, Jonathan. Inquiry into the accord- ancy of war with the principles of Christian- ity. N. Y. Wood. 1870. £., M. C. Lay sermons from the Spectator, by M. C. E. N. Y. Gorham. n. d. Eadie, John. Commentary on the Greek text of the epistles to the Thessalonians; ed. by William Young. Lond. Macm. 1877. English Bible; external and critical history of the various English translations of Scripture. Lond. Macm. 1876. 2 v. Earle, A. B. Bringing in sheaves. Bost. Earle. 1868. The morning hour: for family worship and private meditation. Bost. Earle. 1889. Earle, Mrs. Alice Morse. Costume of colonial times. N. Y. Scribner. 1894. Customs and fashions in old New England. N. Y. Scribner. 1896. Margaret Winthrop. N. Y. Scribner. 1896. (Women of colonial and revolutionary times.) Sabbath in Puritan New England. N. Y. Scribner. 1896. Early Christian literature, Cruttwell, C. T. Literary history of early Christianity. 1883. 2V. Donaldson, J. Critical history of Christian literature and doctrine from the death of the apostles to the Nicene Council. 1864- 1866. 3v. Kriiger, G. History of early Christian litera- ture in the first three centuries; tr. by C. R. Gillett. 1897. See also Apologists; Apostolic constitutions; Apostolic fathers; Bible. N. T. Apocry- phal books; Fathers of the church; Teach- ing of the twelve apostles; also Ante- Nicene fathers; Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 1st and 2d ser. Early Christian literature primers. Fisher, G. P., ed. Apostolic fathers; Jackson, G. A. Fathers of the third century; Jackson, G. A. Post-Nicene Greek fathers; Jackson, G. A. Post-Nicene Latin fathers; Jackson, G. A. Earp, Edwin Lee. Social aspects of religious institutions. N. Y. Eaton. C1908. Social engineer. N. Y. Eaton. C1911. Earthly problems in heavenly light. Reed, J., and Hay, H. C. East, The. See Orient. Eastburn, Manton, bp. of Mass. Potter, H. C. {In his Reminiscences of bishops and archbishops.) Easter. Brooks, P. {In his Sermons for the principal festivals and fasts of the church year.) — An Easter sermon. {In his Sermons. 1878.) Buxton, H. J. Wilmot-. Eastertide. [Two sermons.] {In his Day by day duty.) Coffin, H. S. {In his Creed of Jesus, and other sermons.) Hunter, J. {In his God and life.) Huntington, W. R. {In his Good shepherd, and other sermons.) King, E. Easter Day. [Two sermons.] {In his Love and wisdom of God.) Liddon, H. P. Easter in St. Paul's: sermons. 1885. 2V. McArthur, R. S. Advent, Christmas, New Year, Easter and other sermons. C1908. Mortimer, A. G. Jesus and the resurrection: thirty addresses for Good Friday and Easter. 1907. Noble, F., ed. Easter thoughts. {In his Thoughts for the occasion, anniversary and religious.) Peabody, F. G. {In his Sunday evenings in the college chapel.) Eastern church. See Greek church. The full official title of the Eastern church is " the Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Eastern church," of which there are many branches. For convenience the common designation " Greek church " is used in this catalogue. Eastern question. Balkan, Woods, H. C. Danger zone of Europe; changes and problems in the near East. 191 1. Far East. Foster, J. W. American diplomacy in the Orient. 1903. See also Orient. Eastman, Charles Alexander. Soul of the Indian: an interpretation. Bost. Hough- ton. 191 1. Eastman, Crystal. Work-accidents and the law. N. Y. Charities. 1910. (Russell Sage foundation.) Eaton, Arthur Wentworth. Heart of the creeds. N. Y. Putnam. 1888. Eaton, William. Felton, C. C. William E^ton. {In Amer. biography, vol. II. Sparks, J., ed.) Eaton, William Harrison. Historical sketch of the Mass. Bapt. missionary society and convention, 1802-1902. Bost. Mass. Bapt. conv. C1903. Catalogue General Theological Librar.y, lOI Ebionism. Cruttwell, C. T. {In his Literary history of early Christianity.) Ebrard, Johann Heinrich August. Apologetics; tr. by W. Stuart and J. Macpherson. Edin. Clark. 1886-7. 3v. (For. theol. libr.) _ Ecce ecclesia: an essay showing the essential identity of the church in all ages. N. Y. Blelock. 1868. Ecclesiastical polity. See Church polity. Eckenstein, Lina. Woman under monasticism. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1896. Eckennann, Johann Peter. Conversations with Goethe in the last years of his life. Bost. Hilliard. 1839. EcKHART, Johannes. Jones, R, M. Meister Eckhart. {In his Studies in mystical religion.) Royce, J. Meister Eckhart. {In his Studies of good and evil.) Steiner, R. {In his Mystics of the renais- sance.) Vaughan, R. A. {In his Hours with the mystics, vol. I.) Eckman, George Peck. Passion week sermons. Cine. Jennings. CI909. Studies in the gospel of John, for use in Bible classes, prayer meetings, and private study. Cine. Jennings. C1908. 2v. Economics. Bogart, E. L. Economic history of the United States. 1908. Bucher, C. Industrial evolution. 1907. Callender, G. S. Economic history of the United States. 1 765-1 860. C1909. Dewe, J. A. History of economics; or, Economics as a factor in the making of history. N. Y., etc. Benziger. 1908. Ely, R. T. Introduction to political economy. C1889. — Outlines of economics. 1908. — Problems of to-day: a discussion of pro- tective tariffs, taxation and monojjolies. New ed. 1890. Fawcett, H. Manual of political economy. 1907. George, H. Progress and poverty; an inquiry into the cause of industrial depres- sions and of increase of want with increase of wealth; the remedy. New ed. 1908. The remedy: " We must make land common prop*- erty." — Science of political economy. 1898. Gladden, W. Tools and the man; property and industry under the Christian law. 1893. (Ballou lect.) Gronlund, L. The new economy; a peaceable solution of the social problem. 1898. Jevons, W. S. Political economy. 1878. (Science primers.) Laughlin, J. E. Latter-day problems. 1909. Le Rossignol, J. E. Orthodox socialism: a criticism. 1907. (Libr. of economics and politics.) Marshall, A. Elements of economics of industry. 4th ed. 1907. — Principles of economics. 6th ed. 19 10. Mill, J. S. Principles of political economy. 1848. 2V. Seager, H. R. Introduction to economics. 3d ed. 1908. Seligman, E. R. A. Economic interpretation of history. 1907. Economics — Continued. Seligman, E. R. A. Principles of economics. 1909. Smith, A. Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Lond. Frowde. 1908. 2V. (World's classics.) Taussig, F. W. Principles of economics. 1911. 2V. Toynbee, A. Lectures on the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century in England. 1908. Wood, H. Natural law in the business world. 1887. See also Banks and banking; Free trade; In- dividualism; Labor and laboring classes; Money; Monopolies; Single tax; Standard of living; Taxation; Trade-unions; Trusts; Value; Wages; Wealth. Ecumenical councils. See Church councils. Ecumenical Methodist Conference. Proceed- ings of the fourth conference, Toronto, Canada, Oct. 4-17, 191 1. With introduc- tion by H. K. Carroll and James Chapman. N. Y. E^ton. 1911. Ecumenical Missionary Conference. Report of the Ecumenical conference on foreign missions held in Carnegie hall and neighbor- ing churches April 21 to May i, 1900 First ed. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. 1900. 2v. Eddy, Mrs. Mary Baker (Glover). Miscel- laneous writings. Bost. Armstrong. 1897. Science and health with a key to the Scriptures. Bost. .Armstrong. 1900. Unity of good and unreality of evil. Bost. Author. 1888. Cutten, G. B. {In his Three thousand years of mental healing.) For lives of Mrs. Eddy see Christian science. Eddy, Richard. Universalism in America. Bost. Universalist pub. house. 1886. 2v. History of Universalism. 1894. (Amer. church history, vol. X.) Eddy, Sherwood. India awakening. Bost. Bd. of for. miss. C1911. (Forward mission study courses.) Ede, William Moore. Clergy and social service. Mil. Young ch. 1913. Eden, Garden of. Warren, W. F. Paradise found. 1885. Edersheim, Alfred. Life and times of Jesus the Messiah. N. Y. Randolph. 2v. Prophecy and history in relation to the Messiah. N. Y. Randolph. 1885. (War- burton lect.) Sketches of Jewish social life. Lond. Rel. tract soc. n. d. The temple; its ministry and services as they were at the time of Jesus Christ. Lond. Rel. tract soc. n. d. World before the flood and the history of the patriarchs. Lond. Rel. tract soc. n. d. Edgerton, Mrs. W. Rowena. Favorite hymns and their authors; a book of biography, history and poetry. Pittsfield. Eagle co. C1907. Edgeworth, Maria. Oliver, G. A. Study of Maria Edgeworth. 1882. Edghill, Ernest Arthur. Enquiry into the evi- dential value of prophecy. Lond. Macm. 1906. 102 Catalogue General Edghill, Ernest Arthur — Continued. Revelation of the Son of God ; some questions and considerations arising out of a study of second century Christianity. Lond. Macm. 191 1. (Hulsean lect.) Education. Adams, J. Evolution of educa- tional theory, 1912. (Schools of philosophy.) Berle, A. A. School in the hom^. 19 12. Bolton, F. E. Principles of education. 1910. Dexter, E. G. History of education in the United States. 1906. Eliot, C. W. Education for efficiency; New definition of the cultivated man. CI909. Froebel, F. W. A, Education of man. 1908. (Int. educ. ser.) Hall, G. S. Educational problems. 191 1. 2v. Henderson, C. H. Education and the larger life. [Essays.] 1902. Hodgson, G. Primitive Christian education. 1906. Home, H. H. Idealism in education. 1910. Hughes, T. Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits. 1892. Huntington, F. D. Unconscious tuition. C1878. Huxley, T. H. A liberal education, and where to find it; Scientific education; Educational value of the natural history sciences. {In his Lay sermons, etc.) King, H. C. Personal and ideal elements in education. 1904. Mann, H. Lectures and annual reports on education. 1867. Martineau, H. Household education. 1880. Maurice, F. D. Has the church or the state the power to educate the nation? 1839. Monroe, P. Text-book in the history of education. 1909. Murphy, E. G. Problems of the present South ; a discussion of certain of the educa- tional, industrial and political issues in the southern states. 1909. O'Shea, M. V. Education as adjustment. 1910. — Social development and education. C1909. Palmer, G. H., and Palmer, A. F. The teacher; essays and addresses on education. 1908. Parker, T. Education. {In his [Works]. Cent, ed.) — Education of the people {In his [Works]. Cent, ed.) — Education of the laboring classes. {In his [Works]. Cent, ed.) Quick, R. H. Essays on educational re- formers. Only authorized ed. 1890. (Int. educ. ser.) Religious Education Association. Education and national character, by H. C. King [and others]. 1908, Rosenkranz, J. K. F. Philosophy of educa- tion. 1907. (Int. educ. ser.) Rousseau, J. J. Emile; or, A treatise on education; tr. by W. H. Payne. 191 1. Rowe, S. H. Habit-formation and the science of teaching. New impr. 1913. Ruediger, W. C. Principles of education. C1910. Rugh, C. E., and others. Moral training in the public schools: California prize essays. CI907. Theological Library Education — Continued. Scott, C. A. Social education. C1908. Sidis, B. Philistine and genius. 191 1. Smith, C. S. Working with the people. 1908. A history of the People's Institute. Spencer, H. Education; intellectual, moral, and physical. 1870. Swift, E. J. Mind in the making. 1908. " A plea for the personal element in education, and for the extension of the experimental method." Thwing, C. F. History of education in the United States. 19 10. — A liberal education and a liberal faith: baccalaureate addresses. 1903. Tucker, W. J. {In his Public mindedness.) 1910. Tyler, J. M, Growth and education. 1907. Walker, F. A. Discussions in education. 1889. Wendell, B. Of education. {In his Privileged classes.) West, A. F. Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools. 1892. (Great educa- tors.) Winship, A. E. Great American educators. CI900. — Jukes- Ed wards; a study in education and heredity. 1900. See also Child study; Colleges and universi- ties; Country schools; Ethics; Growth; Industrial education; Knowledge; Moral education; Normal schools; Psychology, Educational; Religious education; Self- culture; Vocational education; Youth. Education of the negro. From servitude to service; being the Old South lectures on the history and work of southern institu- tions for the education of the negro. 1905. See also Negro in the United States. Education of women. See Women. Education of Christ. Ramsay, W. M. Education of self. Dubois, P. Education of the central nervous system. Halleck, R. P. Education of the heart. Watkinson, W. L. Education of the will. Payot, J. Educational evangelism. McKinley, C. E. Educational ideal in the ministry. Faunce, W. H. P. Educational psychology. See Psychology, Edu- cational. Edwards, Jonathan. Inquiry into the modern prevailing notions of that freedom of the will which is supposed to be essential to moral agency. N. Y. Leavitt. n. d. Unpublished essay on the Trinity. N. Y. Scribner, 1903. Works. N. Y. Carvill. 1829-1830. lOv. Same. N. Y., etc. Leavitt. 1843. 4V. Allen, A. V. G. Jonathan Edwards. 1889. (Amer. religious leaders.) Andover Theological Seminary. Exercises commemorating the two hundredth anni- versary of the birth of Jonathan Edwards, Oct. 4-5, 1903. Fairbairn, A. M. {In his Prophets of the Christian faith.) Fisher, G. P. Philosophy of Jonathan Edwards. {In his Discussions in history and theology.) Catalogue General Theological Library 103 Edwards, Jonathan. — Continued. Fisher, G. P. Unpublished essay of Edwards on the Trinity, with remarks on Edwards and his theology. 1903. Miller, S. Jonathan Edwards. 1902. (Amer. biography, vol. I. Sparks, J., ed.) Walker, W. {In his Great men of the Chris- tian church.) 1908. — (In his Ten New England leaders.) 1901. Edwards, Justin. Sabbath manual. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. n. d. Edwards, Thomas Charles. Epistle to the Hebrews. N. Y. Armstrong, n. d. (Ex- positor's Bible.) Eells, Myron. Marcus Whitman; pathfinder and patriot. Seattle. Harriman. 1909. Efficiency. Dresser, H. W. Human efficiency. 1912. Egede, Hans, apostle of Greenland. Field, C. Hans Egede in Greenland. {In his Heroes of missionary enterprise.) Walsh, W. P. Hans Egede, the apostle of Greenland. 1 721-1758. {In his Heroes of the mission field.) Egypt. Brimmer, M. Egypt; three essays on the history, religion and art of ancient Egypt. 1892. Myres, J. L. Dawn of history in Egypt. {In his Dawn of history.) Petrie, W. M. F. Egypt and Israel. 191 1. Rawlinson, G. Egypt and Babylon from sacred and profane sources. 1885. Smith, G. E. Ancient E^ptians and their influence upon the civilization of Europe. 191 1. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) Wedgwood, J. Egypt the earliest nation. {In her Moral ideal. New ed.) 1907. Antiquiiies. Duncan, J. G. Exploration of Egypt and the Old Testament, 1909. Erman, A. Life in ancient Egypt; tr. by H. M. Tirard. 1894. Maspero, Sir G. C. C. Egypt: ancient sites and modern scenes; tr. by E, Lee. 191 1. Petrie, W. M. F. Ten years' digging in Egypt. 1881-1891. Smyth, P. Our inheritance in the Great Pyramid. 1877. Steindorff, G. Excavations in Egypt. {In Explorations in Bible lands during the nineteenth century. Hilprecht, H. V., ed.) Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. New ed. by S. Birch. 1879. 3v. Description and travel. Copping, A. E. Jounalist in the Holy Land. 1912. Dawson, Sir J. W. Egypt and Syria. 1885. Macmillan co., publ. Guide to Palestine and Egypt. 1901. History. Breasted, J. H. History of E^ypt from the earliest times to the Persian conquest. 1905. — History of the ancient Egyptians. 1908. (Hist, series for Bible students, vol. V.) Egypt. History — Continued. Maspero, Sir G. C. C. Dawn of civilization: Egypt and Chaldaea; ed. by A. H. Sayce; tr. by M. L. McClure. 2d ed. 1896. — Struggle of the nations: Egypt, Syria and Assyria; ed. by A. H. Sayce; tr. by M. L. McClure. 1897. Rawlinson, G. History of ancient Egypt. I881. 2V. — and Gilman, A. Story of ancient Egypt. 1893. (Story of the nations.) Religion. Adams, W. M. Book of the master; or. The Egyptian doctrine of the Light born of the Virgin Mother. 1898. Breasted, J. H. Development of religion and thought in ancient Egypt. 1912. (Morse lect.) Budge, E. A. W. Egyptian ideas of the future life. 1899. (Books on Egypt and Chaldaea.) Clarke, J. F. Gods of Egypt. {In his Ten great religions.) Erman, A. Handbook of Egyptian religion. 1907. Hardwick, C. Religions of Egypt and Medo- Persia. {In his Christ and other masters.) Naville, E. Old Egyptian faith. 1909. (C. 1. 1.) Petrie, W. M. F. Personal religion in Egypt before Christianity. 1909. — Religion and conscience in ancient Egypt. 1898. — Religion of ancient Egypt. (Religions anc. and mod.) Pfieiderer, O. The Egyptian religion. {In his Religion and historic faiths.) Pressense, E. D. de. Religion of Egypt. {In his Ancient world and Christianity.) Reisner, G. A. Egyptian conception of immortality. 1912. (Ingersoll lect. 1911.) Renouf, P. L. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of ancient Egypt. 1880. (Hibbert lect.) Sayce, A. H. Religions of ancient Egypt and Babylonia. 1902. (GifTord lect.) Steindorff, G. Religion of the ancient Egyptians. 1905, (Amer. lect. on the history of religions.) Wiedemann, A. Religion of the ancient Egyptians. 1897. See also Missions. Modern Egypt. Cromer, E. B., ist earl of. Modern Egypt. 1908. 2V. Field, H. M. On the desert: with a brief review of recent events in Egypt. 1883. Sandwith, F. M. Egypt and the Egyptian Sudan. {In Cambridge modern history, vol. xn.) Eiselen, Frederick Carl. Christian view of the Old Testament. N. Y. Elaton. CI912. Commentary on the minor prophets. N. Y. Eaton. CI907. (Whedon, D. D. Comment. on the O. T. IX.) Prophecy and the prophets. N. Y. Eaton. C1909. Blb6, Louis. Future life in the light of ancient wisdom and modern science. 2d ed. Chi. McClurg. 1906. 104 Catalogue General Theological Library I Election. Erskine, T, Doctrine of election and its connection with the general tenor of Christianity. 2d ed. 1878. See also Predestination. Elijah, Hebrew prophet. Brooke, S. A. Elijah. [Two sermons.] {In his O. T. and modern life.) Cheyne, T. K. Hallowing of criticism: nine sermons on Elijah. 1888. Church, R. W. Elijah. (/» his Village sermons, 3d ser.) Davidson, A. B. Elijah's flight. [Sermon.] {In his Called of God.) Lord, J. Elijah. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Matheson, G. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Adam to Job.) Meyer, F. B. Elijah and the secret of his power. (O. T. heroes.) Milligan, W. Elijah; his life and times. 1890. (Men of the Bible.) Robertson, F. W. Elijah. {In his Sermons.) Rowlands, D. Elijah. {In Men of the O. T.: Solomon to Jonah. Milligan, G., and others.) Sears, E. H. Elijah. [Sermon.] {In his Christ in the life.) Spaulding, H. G. Elijah and Elisha. {In his Hebrew prophets and kings.) Taylor, W. M. Elijah the prophet. 1876. Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Ahithophel to Nehemiah.) Eliot, Charles William. Durable satisfactions of life. N. Y. Crowell. C1910. Contents: Durable satisfactions of life. — The happy life. — John Gilley. — Great riches. — The religion of the future. Education for efficiency; New defini- tion of the cultivated man. Bost. Hough- ton. CI909. (Riverside educ. monographs.) Four American leaders. Bost. A. U. A. 1907. Religion of the future; lecture. Harvard Summer School of Theology, 1909. N. Y. Stokes. 1909. University administration. Bost. Houghton. 1908. (N. W. Harris lect.) Kuehnemann, E. Charles W. Eliot, presi- dent of Harvard University (May 19, 1869 -May 19, 1909.) 1909. Eliot, Christopher Rhodes, and Staples, Charles Jason, compilers. Manual for use at funerals. 1886. Eliot, George. See Cross, M. A. (E.) L. Eliot, John, missionary to the Indians. Field, C. {In his Heroes of missionary enterprise.) Walker, W. {In his Ten New England leaders.) Walsh, W. P. {In his Heroes of the mission field.) Eliot, Samuel Atkins, ed. Heralds of a liberal faith: the prophets; the pioneers; the preachers. Bost. A. U. A. 19 10. 3V. Elisha, Hebrew prophet. Matheson, G. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Adam to Job.) Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Ahithophel to Nehemiah.) Elizabeth, queen of England. Lord, J. Queen Elizabeth. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 8.) Ellery, William. Channing, E. T. Life of William Ellery. {In Amer. biography, vol. iX. Sparks, J., ed.) Ellicott, Charles John. Commentary on St. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians. Andover. Draper. 1889. Homiletical and pastoral lectures. N. Y. Armstrong. 1880. erf. Handy commentary. Lond., etc. Cassell. 13V. See Bible. N. T. Commentaries. EUinwood, Frank Field. Oriental religions and Christianity. N. Y. Scribner. 1899. (Ely lect.) EUiott, Charles. The Sabbath. Phila. Presb. bd. of educ. 1867. Treatise on the inspiration of the Holy Scrip- tures. Edin. Clark. 1877. EUiott, Walter. Life of Father Hecker. N. Y. Columbus press. 1898. Ellis, George Edward. Puritan age and rule in the colony of the Massachusetts Bay, 1 629-1 685. Bost. Houghton. 1888. Ellis, Havelock. The criminal. Lond. Scott. 1897. Man and woman; a study of human secondary sexual characters. Lond. Scott. 191 1. Problem of race regeneration. N. Y. Moffat. 1911. Task of social hygiene. Bost. Houghton. 1912. Ellis, John. Reply to "The academy's" review of The wine question in the light of the new dispensation. N. Y. 1883. Wine question in the light of the new dis- pensation. N. Y. 1882. Ellis, Rufus. Sermons preached in the First church, Boston. Bost. Cupples. 1885. Ellis, William. The martyr church; narrative of the introduction, progress and triumph of Christianity in Madagascar. Bost. Congr. S. S. pub. soc. 1869. Ellis, William Thomas. Men and missions. Phila. S. S. times co. 1909. Elmendorf, Dwight Lathrop. A camera crusade through the Holy Land. N. Y. Scribner. 1912. Elmendorf, John James. Elements of moral theology. N. Y. Gorham. 1902. Outlines of lectures on the history of philoso- phy. N. Y. Putnam. 1876. Elocution. Monroe, L. B. Manual of physical and vocal training. 1869. See also Oratory; Voice culture. Ely, Richard Theodore. French and German socialism in modern times. N. Y. Harper. 1883. Introduction to political economy. N. Y. Eaton. CI 889. Labor movement in America. N. Y. Crowell. CI 886. Outlines of economics. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Problems of to-day. , N. Y. Crowell. ci888. Social aspects of Christianity and other essays. N. Y. Crowell. 1889. Socialism. 6th ed. N. Y. Crowell. C1894. (Libr. of economics and politics.) Ely lectures. (Union Theol. Seminary.) 1888. Credentials of science; Cooke, J. P. 1890. Evidence of Christian experience; Stearns, L. F. 1897. Bible and Islam; Smith, H. P. Catalogue General Theological Library 105 Ely lectures. — Continued. 1899. Oriental religions and Christianity; Ellinwood, F. F. 1903. Development of Palestine explora- tion; Bliss, F. J. Emerson, Edward Waldo. Emerson in Con- cord. Bost. Houghton. 1889. joint author. See Storey, M., and Emerson, E. W. Emerson, George H. Life of Alonzo Ames Miner. Bost. Universalist pub. house. 1896. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Journals, 1820-1844; ed. by E. W. Emerson and W. E. Forbes. Bost. Houghton. 1909-1911. 6v. Poems. Bost. Houghton. CI867. Prose works. Bost. Osgood. 1873. 2v. Works. Centenary ed. Bost. Houghton. 1903. I2V. Cabot, J. E. Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emer- son. 1887. 2V. Cooke, G. W. Ralph Waldo Emerson: his life, writings, and philosophy. ci88i. Eliot, C. W. {In his Four American leaders.) Emerson, E. W. Emerson in Concord. 1889. Everett, C. C. Poems of Emerson. (In his Essays; theological and literary.) James, W. {In his Memories and studies.) Maeterlinck, M. On Emerson, and other essays; tr. by M. J. Moses. 1912. Morley, J. Emerson. {In his Critical mis- cellanies, vol. I.) Parker, T. Ralph Waldo Emerson. {In his [Works]. Cent, ed.) Wilson, S. L. Theology of Emerson. {In his Theology of modern literature.) Emerson, William. Historical sketch of the First church in Boston from its formation to the present period. Bost. Munroe. 1812. Emerton, Ephraim. Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam. N. Y. Putnam. 1899. (Heroes of the reformation.) Introduction to the study of the middle ages. Bost. Ginn. 1899. Mediaeval Europe. (814-1300.) Bost. Ginn. 1894. Unitarian thought. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. Emmanuel movement. Brown, C. R. The Emmanuel movement. {In his Faith and health.) Fallows, S. Health and happiness; or, Religious therapeutics and right living. 1908. MacDonald, R. Mind, religion and health, with an appreciation of the Emmanual movement. 1908. Powell, L. P. The Emmanuel movement in a New England town; a systematic account of experiments and reflections designed to determine the proper relationship between the minister and the doctor in the light of modern needs. 1909. Worcester, E., and McComb, S. Christian religion as a healing power: a defense and exposition of the ' Emmanuel movement. 1909. — and others. Religion and medicine; the moral control of nervous disorders. 1908. See also Psychotherapy. Emmet, Cyril W. Eschatological question in the gospels, and other studies in recent • New Testament criticism. Edin. Clark. 1911. Emmons, Nathanael. Platform of ecclesiastical government. Bost. Congr. bd. of publ. 1855. Prefixed to the Cambridge platform of church dis- cipline. Park, E. A. Memoir of Nathanael Emmons. 1861. Emmott, Elizabeth Braithwaite. Story of Quakerism. Lond. Headley. 1912. Emotions. Ribot, T. A. Psychology of the emotions. 191 1. Watson, J. (Ian Maclaren.) Jesus' criti- cism of emotion. {In his Inspiration of our faith; sermons.) See also Ethics; Pain; Pleasure; Psychology. Empiricism. James, W. Essays in radical empiricism. 19 12. Enchiridion. Augustine, St. England. Church history. Bede, The Venerable. Ecclesiastical history of the English nation, ed. by J. A. Giles. 2d ed. 1849. (Bohn's antiq. libr.) — [Venerabilis Bedae opera historica.] Recognovit, commentario instruxit, Carolus Plummer. 1896. 2tom. Latin text with English translation and notes. Bright, W. Chapters of early English church history. 3d ed. 1897. Cox, J. C. Sanctuaries and sanctuary seekers of mediaeval England. 1911. Fuller, T. Church history of Britain from the birth of Jesus Christ until the year MDCXLVIII. Newed. 1837. 3v. Gee, H., and Hardy, W. J., eds. Documents illustrative of English church history. 1910. Hart, R. Ecclesiastical records of England, Ireland and Scotland from the fifth century to the reformation. 2d ed. 1846. Hunt, W. The English church in the middle ages. 1888. (Epochs of church history.) Lane, C. A. Illustrated notes on English church history. 1895-6. 2 v. Lingard, J. History and antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon church. 1858. 2 v. Mills, J. T. Great days of Northumbria. 1911. Pierce, W. Historical introduction to the Marprelate tracts; a chapter in the evolu- tion of religious and civil liberty in Eng- land. 1909, Pierce, W., ed. The Marprelate tracts, 1588, 1589. 1911. Soames, H. The Latin church during Anglo- Saxon times. 1848. See also Church of England, and all references under it; Dissent, and all references under it; Reformation. Constitution. Beaconsfield, B. D., ist earl of. Vindication of the English constitution. 1835. Description and travel. Jewitt, L., and Hall, S. C. Stately homes of England. io6 Catalogue General Theological Library England. Economic history. Toynbee, A. Lectures on the industrial revolution in England in the eighteenth century. 1908. History. Anglo-Saxon chronicle; ed. by J. A. Giles. (/« Bede, The Venerable. Ecclesiastical history.) (Bohn's antiq. libr.) Church, A. J. Story of early Britain. 1893. (Story of the nations.) Craik, G. L., and others. Pictorial history of England. 1846-1848. 4V. Dexter, H. M., and Dexter, M. The England and Holland of the Pilgrims. 1905. Froude, J. A. History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada. 1870. 12 v. Gardiner, S. R., ed. Constitional documents of the Puritan revolution. 1 625-1 660. 3d ed. 1906. Giles, J. A., ed. Six old English chronicles. 1848. (Bohn's antiq. libr.) Contents: Ethelwerd's chronicle. — Asset's life of Alfred. — Geoffrey of Monmouth's British his- tory. — Gildas. Nennius. — Richard of Cirencester. Green, J. R. Historv of the English people. N. Y. Harper. 1882. 4v. — Short history of the English people. 1897. Lecky, W. E. H. History of England in the eighteenth century. 1878. 2 v. Lee, G. C., ed. Source-book of English his- tory; leading documents with illustrative material from contemporary writers. 2d ed. 1909. Contents: Pt. I. Bibliography of sources. — Pt. II. Pre-Norman period. — Pt. III. From the conquest to the charter. — Pt. IV. From the charter to the reformation. — Pt. V. The Tudor period. — Pt. VI. Struggle for constitutional government. — Pt. VII. England a constitutional monarchy. — Pt. VIII. The nineteenth century. Macaulay, T. B. History of England from the accession of James the Second. 1849- 1855- 4v. Trevelyan, G. M. England in the age of Wycliffe. New ed. 1909. William of Malmesbury. Chronicle of the kings of England. With notes by J. A. Giles. 1847. (Bohn's antiq. libr.) Social life. Jessopp, A. Village life in Norfolk six hundred years ago. (In his Coming of the friars.) English Bible. See Bible. English hymns. Duffield, S. W. English language. Smith, L. P. English language. CI912. English literature. Arnold, T. Manual of English literature. 1876. Brooke, S. A. History of early English litera- ture. 1893. Underwood, F. H. Handbook of English literature. 1871. Vol. L Walker, H. English literature. {In Cam- bridge modern history, vol. XL) _ See also American literature; American poetry; English poetry and poets; Literature. English literature in account with religion. Chapman, E. M. English men of letters. Browning; Chesterton, G. K. Carlyle; Nichol, J. Coleridge; Traill, H. D. Milton; Pattison, M. English poetry. Gunsaulus, F. The higher ministries of recent English poetry. CI907. Stubbs, C. W. The Christ of English poe- try. 1906. (Hulsean lect.) English poets. Brooke, S. A. Four Victorian poets. 1908. — Theology in the English poets. 1896. Johnson, S. Lives of the most eminent Eng- lish poets. 1861. 2v. Reed, H. Lectures on the British poets. 1857. 2V. Robertson, E. S. English poetesses. 1883. Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets. [27th ed.l 1897. Environment. Black, H. Law of environ- ment. (In Listening to God: sermons.) Boas, F. Influence of environment upon human types. (In his Mind of primitive mind.) Henderson, L. J. Fitness of the environment; an inquiry into the biological significance of the properties of matter. 1913. Semple, E. C. Influences of geographic environment. 191 1. Wallace, A. R. Social environment and moral progress. 1913. See also Evolution. Ephrem the Syrian, St. Hymns and homilies; ed. by J. Gwynn. {In Nicene and post- Nicene fathers, 2d ser., vol. XIII.) Select works, with notes by J. B. Morris. Oxford. Parker. 1847. (Libr. of fathers, etc.) Epictetus. Discourses; tr. from the Greek by T. W. Higginson. {In Rand, B., ed. Classical moralists.) Works; tr. by T. W. Higginson. Bost. Little. 1866. Farrar, F. W. {In his Seekers after God.) Epicureanism. Cushman, H. E. {In his Beginner's history of philosophy, vol. I.) Hegel, G. W. F. Philosophy of the Epicu- reans. {In his Lectures on the history of philosophy, II.) Hicks, R. D. Stoic and Epicurean. 19 10. (Epochs of philosophy.) Hyde, W. D. The Epicurean pursuit of pleasure. {In his From Epicurus to Christ.) Lucretius Carus, T. On the nature of things; tr. by Cyril Bailey. 19 10. Rand, B., ed. The Epicurean ethics; tr. from the Greek by C. D. Yonge. {In his Classical moralists.) Shakspeare, C. The Epicureans and modern life. {In his St. Paul at Athens: sermons.) Zeller, E. Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics. 1870. Epicurus, Greek philosopher. Rogers, R. A. P. Epicurus. {In his Short history of ethics.) Taylor, A. E. Epicurus. (Philosophies, ancient and modern.) Epidemics. See Black death. Episcopacy. Cooke, R. J. Historic episco- pate; study of Anglican claims and Metho- dist orders. C1896. Forrester, H. Christian unity and the his- toric episcopate. 1889. Catalogue General Theological Library 107 Episcopacy — Continued. Gore, C. Orders and unity. 1909. Harris, W. L. Relation of the Episcopacy to the General conference. ci888. Taylor, J. Sacred order and offices of episco- pacy asserted and maintained. 1844. Same. (In his Whole works, vol. II [pt. i]. Thompson, R. E. The historic episcopate. 1910. Wilson, H. A. Episcopacy and unity; a historical inquiry into the relations between the Church of England and the non- episcopal churches at home and abroad; from the reformation to the repeal of the Occasional conformity act. 1912. See also Apostolic succession; Church polity; Martin Marprelate controversy; also Names of churches. Epitaphs. Bridgman, T. Memorials of the dead in Boston. 1852. — Epitaphs from Copp's Hill burial ground. 1851. Epler, Percy Harold, joint author. See Guthrie, E. G., and others. Epochs of church history. Creighton, M., ed. 1 886-1 889. 15V, See Church history. Epochs of history. Era of the Protestant revolution. Seebohm, F. Epochs of philosophy. Philosophy of the enlightenment. Hibben, J. G. Stoic and Epicurean. Hicks, R. D. Epworth league. Berry, J. M. Four won- derful years: sketch of the origin, growth and working plans of the Epworth league. C1893. Equality. Brierley, J. {In his Secret of living.) Scudder, V. D. (In her Socialism and char- acter.) Erasmus, Desiderius. Emerton, E. De- siderius Erasmus of Rotterdam. 1899. (Heroes of the reformation.) Faulkner, J. A. Erasmus the scholar. CI907. Froude, J. A. Life and letters of Erasmus. 1894. Seebohm, F. The Oxford reformers, Colet, Erasmus, More. 1911. Erdmann, Johann Eduard. History of philoso- phy. Engl, translation ed. by W. S. Hough. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1910. 3v. Erigena, Johannes Scotus. Blewett, G. J. Erigena: the division of nature. (In his Study of nature and the vision of God.) Jones, R. M. A great light in the dark ages: John the Scot, called Erigena. (In his Studies in mystical religion.) Erman, Adolf. Handbook of Egyptian religion. N. Y. Dutton. 1907, Life in ancient Egypt; tr. by H. M. Tirard. Lond. Macm. 1894. Erskine, Thomas. Doctrine of election and its connection with the general tenor of Christianity. 2d ed. Edin. Douglas. 1878. Letters, ed. by W. Hanna. Edin. Douglas. 1884. Spiritual order, and other papers. Edin. Douglas. 1884. Unconditional freeness of the gospel. Edin. Douglas. 1879. Erskine, Thomas — Continued. Wedgwood, J. Thomas Erskine of Linlathen. (In her Nineteenth century teachers and other essays.) Esau, twin brother of Jacob. Dawson, W. J. The sin of Esau. [Sermon.] (In his Threshold of manhood.) Milligan, G. Esau. {In Men of the O. T.: Cain to David. Milligan, G., and others.) Smith, G. A. Esau. {In his Forgiveness of sins, and other sermons.) Walpole, G. H. S. {In his Personality and power.) Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Adam to Achan.) Eschatology. Beet, J. A. Last things. 1897. Dobschiitz, E. von. The eschatology of the gospels. 1910. Dorner, I. A. Dorner on the future state: being a translation of the section of his System of Christian doctrine comprising the doctrine of the last things; with intro- duction and notes by Newman Smyth. 1883. Emmet, C. W. Eschatological question in the gospels. 1911. Farrar, F. W. Eternal hope: five sermons. 1878. — Mercy and judgment. 1881. Hiigel, F. von. Eternal life: a study of its implications and applications. 1912. Kennedy, H. A. A. St. Paul's conceptions of the last things. 1904. (Cunningham lect.) Langdon, S. H. Babylonian eschatology. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C, A. Briggs.) Lee, S. Eschatology. 1859. Luckock, H. M. After death; examination of the testimony of primitive times respect- ing the state of the faithful dead. 1880. Muirhead, L. A. Eschatology of Jesus. 1904. (United free church coll. lect.) Oesterley, W. O. E, Doctrine of the last things. 1909. Oxenham, H. N. Catholic eschatology and universalism. 1878. Smith, S. Divine government. 5th ed. 1877. Snowden, J. H. Last things. {In his Basal beliefs of Christianity.) See also Death; Future life; Future punish- ment; Heaven; Hell; Intermediate state. Essays in modern theology and related subjects gathered and published as a testimonial to Charles Augustus Briggs on the completion of his seventieth year, January 15, 1911. N. Y. Scribner. 1911. Each one catalogued separately. Essays on some theological questions of the day, by members of the University of Cambridge; ed. by H. B. Swete. Lond. Macm. 1905. (Cambridge theological essays.) Contents: i. The Christian standpoint; Cunning- bam, W. — 2. Being of God; Tennant, F. R. — 3. Being of God; Caldecott, A. — 4. Man's origin and his place in nature; Duckworth, W. L. H. — 5. Sin and the need of atonement; Askwith, E. H. — 6. Idea of revelation; Wilson, J. M. — 7. Prayer, in relation to the idea of law; Robinson, A. WJ — 8. The evidence for miracles; Murray, J. O. F. — 9. Permanent value of the O. T.; Barnes, W. E. — io8 Catalogue General Theological Library Essays — Continued. 10. The gospels, in the light of historical criticism; Chase, F. H. — ii. Christ in the N. T.: the primi- tive portrait; Mason, A. J. — 12. Christ in the church: the testimony of history; Jackson, F. J. Foakes-. — 13. Christian doctrines and their ethical significance; Baker, J. F. Bethune-. — 14. The Christian ideal and the Christian hope; Butler, H. M. Essays, philosophical and psychological, in honor of William James, by his colleagues at Columbia University. N. Y,, etc. Longm. 1908. Essays, Brooks, P. Essays and addresses, religious, literary and social. 1894. Bushnell, H. Building eras in religion. 1881. Horton, R. F. Great issues. 1909. Martineau, J. Essays, reviews and addresses. 1890-1891. 4v. See Author entry. Miiller, F. M. Chips from a German work- shop. 1869-1871. 2v. See Author entry. Spencer, H. Essays, moral, political and aesthetic. 1865. See also History; Philosophy; Religion; The- ology. EssENES, Jewish sect. Lightfoot, J. B. The Essenes. {In his Dissertations on the apostolic age.) Estes, David Foster. Outline of New Testament theology. Bost. Silver. 1900. Estes, H. C. Christian doctrine of the soul. Bost. Noyes. 1873. Esther, queen of Persia. Doane, W. C. Esther. (In Women of the Bible. Chad- wick, J. W., and others.) Horton, R. F. {In his Women of the O. T.) Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Ahitho- phel to Nehemiah.) Eternal life. Hiigel, F. von. Eternal punishment. See Future punishment. Ether, medium of transmission of light and heat. Lodge, 5z> O. J. The ether of space. 1909. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) Ethical and religious value of the novel. Balm- forth, R. Ethics. Aikman, W. Life at home. 1871. Alger, G. W. Moral overstrain. 1906. Aristotle. Nicomachaean ethics. 1908. 2v. Beecher, H. W. Beauties of moral qualities. {In his Sermons, 2d ser.) — Self-conceit in morals. {In his Sermons, 1st ser.) Blackie, J. S. Four phases of morals. 1878. Bowne, B. P. Principles of ethics. 1892. Bruce, W. S. Ethics of the Old Testament. 1895- Bryant, S. Teaching of morality in the family and the school. 1897. Buckley, J. M. Oats or wild oats? 1885. Bushnell, H. Moral uses of dark things. 1881. Cabot, E. L. Ethics for children. C1910. Chad wick, J. W. Concerning morals. [Ser- mon.] {In his Faith of reason.) Dewey, J., and Tufts, J. H. Ethics. 1908. (Amer. science series.) Dole, C. F. Ethics of progress; or. The theory and the practice by which civiliza- tion proceeds. C1909. Duff, A. Theology and ethics of the Hebrews. 1902. (Semitic ser.) Elmendorf, J.J. Elements of moral theology. 1902. Ethics — Continued. Evans, E. P. Evolutional ethics and animal psychology. 1898. Everett, C. C. Ethics for young people. 1892. Fichte, J. G. Science of ethics. 1897. Fitch, M. H. Physical basis of mind and morals. 1908. (Int. libr. of social science.) Fowler, T., and Wilson, J. M. Principles of morals. 1886. 2 v. Geikie, J. C. Life: a book for young men. 1870. Green, T. H. Prolegomena to ethics. 1890. Griggs, E. H. Moral education. 1904. — The new humanism: studies in personal and social development. 1900. Hadley, A. T. Standards of public morality. 1907. (Kennedy lect. 1906.) Hargreaves, J. G. Blunders of vice and folly. 1870. Harris, G. Moral evolution. 1896. Hegel, G. W. F. Ethics of Hegel; translated selections from his " Rechtsphilosophie "; with introduction by J. M. Sterrett. 1893. Hobhouse, L. T. Morals in evolution. 1906. 2V. Hyde, W. D. Practical ethics. C1892. Hyslop, J. H. Ethics of the Greek philoso- phers, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle; a lecture; ed. by C. M. Higgins. 1903. (Evolution of ethics, vol. i.) Janet, P. Theory of morals. 1883. Kant, L Critique of practical reason. 1889. — Meta physic ot ethics. 1869. Kennett, R. H., and others. Early ideals of righteousness; Hebrew, Greek and Roman. 1910. Contents: I. Hebrew conceptions of righteousness and sin; by R. H. Kennett. — II. Greek ideals of righteousness; by Mrs. Adam. — III. Roman ideals of righteousness; by H. M. Gwatkin. Ladd, G. T. Philosophy of conduct: a treatise on the facts, principles and ideals of ethics. 1902. Lecky, W. E. H. History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. 1869. 2 v. Ludlow, J. M. Incentives for life, personal and public. 1902. Mackenzie, J. S. Manual of ethics. 1897. Martineau, J. Types of ethical theory. 1886. 2V. Mitchell, H. G. Ethics of the Old Testament. 1912. Muirhead, J. H. Elements of ethics. 1908. Myers, P. V. History as past ethics: an introduction to the history of morals. CI913. Nietzsche, F. Beyond good and evil. 1909. Palmer, G. H. Field of ethics. C1901. (W. B. Noble lect.) — Nature of goodness. 1903. Paulsen, F. System of ethics. 1900. Peabody, A. P. Manual of moral philosophy. 1873- Peabody, F. G. Approach to the social ques- tion; an introduction to the study of social ethics. 1909. Perry, R. B. Moral economy. 1909. Porter, N. Elements of moral science. 1885. Rand, B., ed. Classical moralists; selections illustrating ethics from Socrates to Marti- neau. CI909. " Virtually a history of ethics." Catalogue General Theological Library 109 Ethics — Continued. Rashdall, H. Theory of good and evil. 1907. 2V. Rogers, R. A. P. Short history of ethics, Greek and modern, 1911. Roosevelt, T. Applied ethics. 191 1. Seneca, L. A. On benefits; tr. by A. Stewart, 1905. — Seneca's morals. 4th Amer. ed 1807, Seth, J, Study of ethical principles, 1908. Sheldon, W. L. Ethical movement. 1896. Sidgwick, H. Lectures on the ethics of T, H. Green, Herbert Spencer and James Marti- neau. 1902. — Methods of ethics. 1877. — Practical ethics. 1898, Slater, T, Manual of moral theology for English-speaking countries, with notes on American legislation by Michael Martin. 1908. Spencer, H. Data of ethics. 1879, — Principles of ethics. 1898. 2v, Spinoza, B. Ethics, tr. by Henry Smith, (/n Smith, H. Spinoza and his environment.) Stephen, L, Science of ethics, 1882, Thilly, F. Introduction to ethics. 1900. Wedgwood, J. Moral ideal. 1907. Westermarck, E. A. Origin and development of the moral ideas. 2 v. 1906. Wilson, J. M., and Fowler, T, Principles of morals. 1886. 2 v. Winterburn, F. H. Nursery ethics. C1895. Wundt, W. M. Ethics: an investigation of the facts and laws of the moral life; tr. from 2d Germ. ed. by E, B, Titchener [and others], 1897-1907. 3V, See also Amusements; Business ethics; Character; Christian ethics; Christian life; •Conduct; Conscience; Courage; Duty; Emotions; Evil; Goodness; Habit; Happi- ness; Honesty; Hope; Justice; Love; Loyalty; Patience; Patriotism; Philoso- phy; Responsibility; Reverence; Self- control; Self-denial; Self-reliance; Self- sacrifice; Sincerity; Social ethics; Sociol- ogy; Temperance; Temptation; Utilita- rianism; Worldliness; Worry, Ethics and etiquette of the pulpit, pew, p>arish, press and platform. Henderson, H. Ethics and the family. Lofthouse, W. F. Ethics of force. Warner, H. E, Ethics of the dust. Ruskin, J. Ethnology. Bryce, J. Relations of the ad- vanced and the backward races of mankind. 1902. Warren, W. F, Paradise found: the cradle of the human race at the North pole; a study of the prehistoric world, 3d ed, 1885, See also Archaeology; Aryans; Evolution; Folk-lore; Man; Mythology, Etiquette. Bazar book of decorum. C1870. Perfect gentleman. The, ci86o, Eucharist. See Communion; Lord's supper, Eucken, Rudolph. Back to religion, Bost. Pilgrim press. CI912. Christianity and the new idealism; a study in the religious philosophy of to-day. Lond. Harper. 1909. Life of the spirit; an introduction to philoso- phy; tr. by F, L, Pogson. 2d ed. N. Y. Putnam. 1909. (C. t. 1.) Eucken, Rudolph — Continued, Life's basis and life's ideal; the fundamentals of a new philosophy of life, Lond, Black. 1911, Main currents of modern thought; a study of the spiritual and intellectual movements of the present day; tr, [from 4th Germ, ed.] by M, Booth. N. Y. Scribner. 1912. Meaning and value of life. Lond. Black. 1909. Problem of human life as viewed by the great thinkers from Plato to the present time; tr. by W. S. Hough and W. R. B. Gibson. N. Y. Scribner. 1909. Religion and life. Lond. Brit, and for. Unit, assoc, 191 1, Truth of religion, N, Y. Putnam, 1911. (Theol. transl. libr.) Gibson, W. R, B, Rudolf Eucken's philoso- phy of life. 1906. Hermann, E, Eucken and Bergson. 19 12. Jones, W. T. Interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's philosophy. 1912, (C. t. 1,) Sheldon, H, C, Rudolf Eucken's message to our age, C1913, Eugenics, Castle, W, E,, and others. Heredity and eugenics; lectures summarizing recent advances in knowledge in variation, heredity and evolution, and its relation to plant, animal and human improvement and wel- fare. C1912. Davenport, C. B. Heredity in relation to eugenics. 1911. Ellis, H, H. Race regeneration, 1911. — Task of social hygiene, 1912. Jordan, D, S, Heredity of Richard Roe. 1911, — The human harvest. CI907. Kellicott, W. E, Social direction of human evolution. 191 1. Saleeby, C, W. Parenthood and race culture. 1909. See also Heredity. Euripides. Adam, J, Euripides. {In his Re- ligious teachers of. Greece,) Europe. History, Middle ages. B6mont, C, and Monod, G. Medieval Europe. 1906. Bryce, J. Holy Roman empire. 1887, Emerton, E. Mediaeval Europe, 1894. Hallam, H, View of the state of Europe during the middle ages, 1865. 3 v. Thatcher, O. J., and McNeal, E. H., editors and translators. Source book for mediaeval history. Selected documents illustrating the history of Europe in the middle age. 1907. Contents: I. The Germans and the empire to 1073. — II. The papacy to the accession of Gregory VII. — III. Struggle between the empire and the papacy. — IV. The empire, 1250-1500. — V. The church, 1250-1500. — VI. Feudalism. — VII. Courts, judi- cial processes, and the peace. — VIII. Monasticism. — IX. The crusades. — X. Social classes and cities in Germany, See also History; Middle ages. Eusebius Pamphilus. Church history; Con- stantine. 1890. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d ser., vol, I,) Ecclesiastical history. Lond. Bell. 1874. no Catalogue General Theological Library Evagrius Scholastictis. Ecclesiastical history, A.D. 431 to A.D. 594. {In Theodoret. History of the church, A.D. 322 to A.D. 427.) (Bohn's eccles. libr.) Evangelical Alliance. History, essays, orations and other documents of the sixth general conference, Oct. 2-12, 1873. Ed. by P. Schaff and S. I. Prime. N. Y. Harper. 1874. National needs and remedies; discussions of the conference held in Boston, Dec. 4-6, 1889. N.Y. Baker. 1890. National perils and opportunities; discussions of the conference held in Washington, D. C, Dec. 7-9, 1887. N. Y. Baker. 1887. Evangelical Association. Evangelical hymn and tune book. Cleveland [O.]. Evan. Assoc. 1904. Evangelisches Gesangbuch. Cleveland [O.]. Evang. Assoc. 1903. Spreng, S. P. History of the Evangelical Association. 1894. (Amer. church his- tory, vol. xn.) Evangelical hymnal. Hall, C. C, and Lasar, S. Evangelism. Broadhurst, C. N. Personal work; or. Bringing men to Christ. [C1912.] Dawson, W. J. The evangelistic note. 1905. Drummond, H. The new evangelism and its relation to cardinal doctrines. {In his New evangelism, and other addresses.) Gilbert, P. J. King's greatest business. C1909. Goodell, C. L. Pastoral and personal evangel- ism. C1907. Grenfell, W. T. What will you do with Jesus Christ? CI910. Hamilton, W. W. Sane evangelism. C1909. Johnston, H. A. Studies for personal workers. 1905- — Studies in God's methods of training workers. 1900. Jowett, J. H. The passion for souls. CI905. Leete, F. D. Every-day evangelism, personal, trained, co-operative. CI909. Mabie, H. C. Method in soul-winning on home and foreign fields. CI906. Men and Religion Forward Movement. Evangelism. (Messages, vol. HI.) Pierson, A. T. Evangelistic work in principle and practice. C1887. Stone, J. T. Recruiting for Christ. CI910. Trumbull, H. C. Individual work for indi- viduals. CI901. See also Missions; Revivals. Evans, Charles. Friends in the seventeenth century. New ed. Phila. 1885. Evans, Edward Payson. Evolutional ethics and animal psychology. N. Y. Appleton. 1898. Evans, Howard. Sir Randal Cremer: his life and work. Bost. Ginn. 1910. Evans, Sebastian, transl. Holy Graal. [3d ed.] Lond. Dent. 1902. 2v. (Temple classics.) Everett, Alexander Hill. Joseph Warren. 1902. (American biography, vol. X. Sparks, J., ed.) Everett, Charles Carroll. Essays; theological and literary. Bost. Houghton. 1901. Ethics for young people. Bost. Ginn. 1892. Fichte's science of knowledge; a critical exposi- tion. 2d ed. Chi. Griggs. 1892. Everett, Charles Carroll — Continued. Gospel of Paul. Bost. Houghton. 1893. Immortality, and other essays. Bost. A. U. A. 1902. Poetry, comedy and duty. Bost. A. U. A. 1910. Psychological elements of religious faith; ed. by E. Hale. N. Y. Macm. 1902. Theism and the Christian faith; lectures. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Everett, Edward. John Stark. N. Y. Harper. 1902. (Amer. biography, vol. V. Sparks, J., ed.) Life of George Washington. N. Y. Sheldon. i860. Everett, William. Oration in honor of Col. William Prescott, Bost., Oct. 14, 1895. Bost. 1896. School sermons. Bost. Roberts. 1882. Everts, William Wallace. Pastor's handbook. N. Y. Sheldon. 1861. Life of W. W. Everts, by his son. 1891. Evetts, Basil Thomas Alfred. New light on the Bible and the Holy Land. Lond. Cassell. 1892. Evidences of Christianity. See Apologetics. Evil. Adam, J. Ancient Greek views of suffering and evil. {In his Vitality of Platonism, and other essays.) Burton, M. L. Problem of evil. 1909. Caird, J. Origin and nature of evil. {In his Fundamental ideas of Christianity.) Cox, S. Genesis of evil and other sermons. 1880. Fiske, J. The mystery of evil. {In his Through nature to God.) Momerie, A. W. Origin of evil and other sermons. 1888. Naville, J. E. Problem of evil. 1871. Petavel, E. Extinction of evil. 1889. Rogers, A. K. The problem of evil. {In his Religious conception of the world.) Royce, J. The problem of Job. {In his Studies of good and evil.) — Knowledge of good and evil. {In his Studies of good and evil.) Simpson, J. G. Personality of evil. [Ser- mon.] {In his Christian ideals.) Temple, W. The atonement and the problem of evil. {In his The faith and modern thought.) Ward, J. Problem of evil. {In his Realm of ends.) Warschauer, J. Evil versus divine goodness. {In his Problems of immanence, chapters VI-VII.) See also Sin. Evil and evolution. By the author of " The social horizon." Lond. Macm. 1896. Evolution. Abbott, L. Theology of an evolu- tionist. 1897. Amer. Assoc, for the Advancement of Science. Fifty years of Darwinism : modern aspects of evolution; centennial addresses in honor of Charles Darwin. 1909. Beecher, H. W. Evolution and religion; sermons. 1885. Bergson, H. L. Creative evolution; tr. by A. Mitchell. 191 1. Calderwood, H. Evolution and man's place in nature. 1893. Catalogue General Theological Library III Evolution — Continued. Clodd, E. Pioneers of evolution from Thales to Huxley, with an intermediate chapter on the causes of arrest of the movement. 1897. Curtis, G. T. Creation or evolution? 1887. Dadson, A. J. Evolution and its bearing on religions. 1 901. Darwin, C. R. Descent of man. 1871. 2 v. — Origin of species by means of natural selection, n. d. 2 v. in i. (World's fa- mous books.) Dawson, Sir J. W. Modern ideas of evolu- tion as related to revelation and science. 1890. Drummond, H. Ascent of man. 1894. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Evil and evolution. By the author of " The social horizon." 1896. Fiske, J. Excursions of an evolutionist. 1893. Fitch, M. H. Physical basis of mind and morals. 1908. In this book it is intended to show that " Mind " is a biological evolution and that " Morals " evolve with the body and " Mind." Gerard, J. The old riddle and the newest answer. 1904. Haeckel, E. Evolution of man. 1879. 2 v. ■• — History of creation. 1883. 2 v. — Riddle of the universe at the close of the nineteenth centurj'. 1900. Harris, G. Moral evolution. 1896. Hart, H. M., and Hirsch, E. G. Evolution in its relation to man and religion. (In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Hobhouse, L. T. Development and purpose; an essay towards a philosophy of evolution. 1913. — Mind in evolution. 1901. Howison, G. H. Limits of evolution and other essays. 1901. Johnson, F. The Christian's relation to evolution. CI904. Le Conte, J. Evolution and its relation to religious thought. 1888. Lisle, W. M. Evolution of spiritual man. 1894. McCosh, J. Religious aspect of evolution. 1890. Mackenzie, H. Evolution illuminating the Bible. 1892. Macran, F. W. Theology and evolution; Moral significance of evolution. (In his English apologetic theology.) 1905. Mivart, St. G. On the genesis of species. 1871. Patterson, R. Errors of evolution. Savage, M. J. Religion of evolution. 1876. Schmidt, E. O. Doctrine of descent and Darwinism. 1883. (Int. sci. ser.) Seward, A. C. Darwin and modern science. 1909. Thomson, G. Evolution and involution. 1880. Waggett, P. N. The more general effect of evolutionary doctrine. (In his Scientific temper in religion.) — The Bible and evolution. (In his Scientific temper in religion.) Evolution — Continued. Wallace, A. R. The world of life a manifesta- tion of creative power, directive mind and ultimate purpose. 1911. See also Biology; Darwinism; Creation; Degeneration; Environment; Heredity; Man; Religion and science. Evolution and ethics. Huxley, T. H. Evolution and its bearing on religions. Dadson, Evolution and religion; sermons. Beecher, H. W. Evolution and religion. St. John, C. E. Evolution and the fall. Hall, F. J. Evolution of a great literature. Mann, N. Evolution of Christianity. Abbott, L. Evolution of church music. Humphreys, F. L. Evolution of immortality. McConnell, S. D. Evolution of marriage. Letourneau, C. Evolution of modern capitalism. Hobson, J. A. Evolution of religion. Caird, E. Evolution of religion. Farnell, L. R. Evolution of the English Bible. Hoare, H. W. Evolution of the idea of God. Allen, G. Evolution of the Messianic idea. Oesterley, W. O. E. Evolution of the Sunday school. Cope, H. F. Evolution of theology in the Greek philosophers. Caird, E. Ewa, a tale of Korea. Noble, W. A. Ewald, Georg Heinrich August. History of Israel. Tr. from the German. Ed. by Russell Martineau [and others]. Lond. Longm. 1869-1886. 8v. Isaiah, chapters I-XXXIII. Camb. (Eng.) Deighton. 1869. Old and New Testament theology. Edin. Clark. 1888. Ewer, Ferdinand Cartwright. Catholicity in its relationship to Protestantism and Romanism. N. Y. Putnam. 1878. Examination of Canon Liddon's Bampton lectures on the divinity of our Lord. By a clergyman of the Church of England. Bost. Little. 1872. Exiles in Virginia: with observations on the conduct of the Society of Friends during the revolutionary war. Phila. Publ. for the subscribers. 1848. Expositions of Holy Scripture. Maclaren, A. i8v. Expositor's Bible; ed. by W. R. Nicoll. N. Y. Armstrong. 1 887-1 896. 47 V. Eyton, Robert. The ten commandments; ser- mons. Lond. Paul. 1895. EzEKiEL, Hebrew prophet. Lewis, H. E. (In Men of the Old Testament: Solomon to Jonah. Milligan, G., and others.) Matheson, G. Ezekiel the individualist. (In his Representative men of the Bible: Ishmael to Daniel.) Ezra, Hebrew scribe. Townsend, W. J. (In Men of the Old Testament: Solomon to Jonah. Milligan, G., and others.) Whyte, A. (In hts Bible characters: Ahithophel to Nehemiah.) Faber, Frederick William. Blessed sacrament. Bait. Murphy. 1859. Foot of the cross. Bait. Murphy. 1865. Bowden, J. E. Life and letters of Frederick William Faber. 1869. 112 Catalogue General Theological Library Faber, George Stanley. Treatise on the genius and object of the patriarchal, the Levitical and the Christian dispensations. Lond. Rivington. 1823. 2v. Fabian social series. Webb, S., and others. Fact of Christ. Simpson, P. C. Fact of conversion. Jackson, G. Fagan, James Octavius. Autobiography of an individualist. Bost. Houghton. 1912. Fagan, Mark, mayor of Jersey City. Steffens, L. {In his Upbuilders.) Faguet, Emile. Cult of incompetence. N. Y. Dutton. 191 1. Fairbairn, Andrew Martin. Catholicism, Roman and Anglican. N. Y. Scribner. 1899. City of God. Lond. Hodder. 1856. Philosophy of the Christian religion. N. Y. Macm. 1902. Place of Christ in modern theology. N. Y. Scribner. 1893. Religion in history and in modern life. N. Y. Whit taker, n. d. Studies in religion and theology. The church : in idea and in history. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Studies in the life of Christ. N. Y. Appleton. 1882. Studies in the philosophy of religion and history. N. Y. Lovell. n. d. Fairbairn, Patrick. Revelation of law in Scrip- ture. Edin. Clark. 1869. (Cunningham lect.) Typology of Scripture. Phila. Martien. 1859. 2V. Fairbanks, Arthur. Handbook of Greek religion. N. Y. Amer. book co. CI910. Fairchild, George Thompson. Rural wealth and welfare. 2d ed. N. Y. Macm. 1900. (Rural sci. ser.) Fairchild, Henry Ptatt. Immigration: a world movement and its American significance. N. Y. Macm. 1913. Fairchild, James Harris. Elements of theology, natural and revealed. Oberlin [O.]. Good- rich. CI 892. Fairweather, William. Background of the gos- pels: Judaism in the period between the Old and New Testaments. Edin. Clark. 1908. and Black, John Sutherland. First book of Maccabees, with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1897. (Cambr. Bible.) Fairy-faith in Celtic countries. Wentz, W. Y. E. Faith. Abbott, L. In aid of faith. 1886. Beecher, H. W. Victorious power of faith. (In his Sermons, 3d series.) Bellows, H. W. Common faith. {In his Twenty-four sermons, etc.) Black, H. Faith's illusion. {In his Listen- ing to God: sermons.) — Cleavage of the faith. {In his Listening to God: sermons.) Bousset, W. Faith of a modern Protestant; tr. by F. B. Low. 1909. Brooks, P. Accumulation of faith. {In his Candle of the Lord, and other sermons.) — Greatness of faith. (In his Sermons preached in English churches.) — Perfect faith. {In his Light of the world, and other sermons.) Faith — Continued. Brooks, P. Siafety and helpfulness of faith. {In his Twenty sermons.) Bushnell, H. Reason of faith. {In his Sermons for the new life.) Caird, J. Faith and reason. {In his Funda- mental ideas of Christianity, vol. I.) Chad wick, J. W. Faith of reason; discourses on religion. 1879. Cheever, H. T. Correspondencies of faith. C1885. Church, R. W. Faith amid changes. {In his Advent sermons.) Clow, W. M. Omnipotence of faith. {In his Secret of the Lord.) Coffin, H. S. Faith and character. {In his Creed of Jesus, and other sermons.) — Faith and knowledge. {In his Creed of Jesus, and other sermons.) Coquerel, A. J. Conscience and faith; tr. by J. E. Odgers. 1878. Coyle, R. F. Where we rest our faith. {In his The church and the times: sermons.) Cuckson, J. Faith and fellowship. [Sermons.] Ferries, G. Growth of Christian faith. 1905. Fisher, G. P. Faith and rationalism. 1879. Goodell, C. L. The things of faith. [Ser- mons.] (In his Pathways to the best.) Gordon, G. A. New epoch for faith. 1901. — Ultimate conceptions of faith. 1903. Green, T. H. Witness of God and faith: two lay sermons. 1886. Grenfell, W. T. Adventure of life. 1912. — A man's faith. CI908. Guyau, J. M. Dogmatic faith ; Symbolic and moral faith. {In his Non-religion of the future.) Hare, J. C. Victory of faith. [Sermons.] 3d ed. 1874. Holland, H. S. Faith. (7»Luxmundi. Gore, C, ed.) Hooker, T. Activity of faith: or, Abraham's imitators. {In The world's great sermons. Kleiser, G., comp.) Hutton, J. A. Fear of things. [Sermons.] 1911. — Winds of God; five lectures on the inter- course of thought with faith during the nineteenth century. 191 1. Inge, W. R. Faith. 1909. Iverach, J. Unfolding of faith. {In his The other side of greatness, and other ser- mons.) Johnston, H. A. Scientific faith. 1904. Kingsley, C. Faith. {In his Twenty-five village sermons.) — Justification by faith. 1856. Lawrence, W. Unchangeableness and change- ableness of faith. {In his Visions and serv- ice.) Liddon, H. P. Faith without miracles. [Sermon.] {In his Clerical life and work.) — Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 2d ser. 1880. Lodge, O. Reason and belief. 1910. Lorimer, G. C. The old faith and the new. [Sermon.] {In Gospel invitation.) McConnell, F. J. Increase of faith: some present-day aids to belief. CI912. Mackenzie, W. D. Final faith. 1910. Catalogue General Theological Library 113 Faith — Continued. Maclaren, A. Faith conquering the world. [Sermon.] {In his Year's ministry, 1st ser.) — Faith in Christ. (In his Sermons preached in Manchester, ist ser.) — Power of feeble faith. (In his Sermons preached in Manchester, 2d ser.) — What faith makes of death. [Sermon.] (In his Year's ministry, 1st ser.) McNeill, J. "Trial and triumph of faith." (In his Sermons, vol. III.) Martineau, J. Faith the deliverance from fear. (In his Hours of thought on sacred things, 2d ser.) — Moral quality of faith. (In his Hours of thought on sacred things.) — The prayer of faith. (In his Hours of thought on sacred things, 2d ser.) Merrill, S. M. Doctrinal aspects of Christian experience. C1882. Momerie, A. W. Connection between reason and faith. (In his Defects of modern Christianity, and other sermons.) Moule, H. C. G. Faith, its nature and its work. 1909. Mozley, J. B. Heroism of faith. (In his Sermons, parochial and occasional.) Newman, J. H. Faith and love. (In his Parochial and plain sermons, vol. IV.) — Faith and obedience. (In his Parochial and plain sermons, vol. III.) — Faith without sight. (In his Parochial and plain sermons, vol. II.) Oman, J. Problem of faith and freedom in the last two centuries. 1906. Parker, J. Faith. (In his City Temple pulpit: sermons.) Peake, A. S. Heroes and martyrs of faith. 1910. Picton, J. A. Antithesis of faith and sight. (In his Mystery of matter and other essays.) Potter, R. H. Common faith of common men. 1912. Rice, W. N. Christian faith in an age of science. 1903. Roberts, R. Renascence of faith. CI912. Robertson, F. W. Victory of faith. (In his Sermons. New ed.) Selby, T. G. Buflfetings of faith; Types of unavailing faith. [Two sermons.] (In his Alienated crown.) — Vacillations of faith. (In his The un- heeding God, and other sermons.) Shakspeare, C. Culture and faith. (In his St. Paul at Athens: nine sermons.) Smith, H. B. Relations of faith and philoso- phy. (In his Faith and philosophy.) Smyth, N. Reality of faith. 1884. Spurgeon, C. H. Faith. (In his Sermons, 1st ser.) Thom, J. H. The faith that overcometh the world. (In his Laws of life after the mind of Christ: discourses, 2d ser.) — Spiritual faith. [Sermons.] 1895. Upham, T. C. Life of faith. 1852. Watson, J. Inspiration of our faith. 1905. See also Agnosticism; Apologetics; Belief; Creeds; Justification; Religion; Skepti- cism; Theology; Unbelief; Truth. Faith and action. Maurice, F. D. Faith and free thought. Lond. Hodder. 1876. Faith and health. Brown, C. R. Faith and social service. Hodges, G. Faith built on reason. Abbot, F. L. Faith cure. Gordon, A. J. Ministry of healing; or. Miracles of cure in all ages. 1883. Marsh, R. L. Faith healing. 1889. Mix, Mrs. E. Faith cures and answers to prayers. See also Christian science; Mental healing; Psychotherapy; Therapeutics. Faith, freedom and the future. Forsyth, P. T. Faith of the millions. Tyrrell, G. H. Faiths of the world; a concise history of the great religious systems of the worm. Edin. Blackwood. 1892. (St. Giles lect.) Falckenberg, Richard. History of modern philosophy from Nicolas of Cusa to the present time. N. Y. Holt. 1893. Fall of man. Gurteen, S. H. Epic of the fall of man: a comparative study of Caedmon, Dante, Milton. 1896. Hall, F. J. Evolution and the fall. 1910. Tennant, F. R. Sources of the doctrines of. the fall and original sin. 1903. Wedgwood, J. The fall of man. (In her Moral ideal.) Wenyon, C. The fall. [Sermon.] (In his The creation story.) See also Sin; Theology'. Fallows, Samuel. Health and happiness; or, Religious theraf>eutics and right living. Chi. McClurg. 1908. Family, The. Abbott, L. Pagan ideal of the family; Hebrew ideal of the family. (In his Spirit of democracy.) Bosanquet, H. The family. 1906. Dealey, J. Q. The family in its sociological aspects. CI912. Lofthouse, W. F. Ethics and the family. [1912.] Reed, J. Man and woman. 1870. Robins, J. B. The family a necessity of civilization. 1896. Sumner, W. G. The family and social change. (In his War, and other essays.) Thwing, C. F., and Thwing, C. F. B. The family. 1887. See also Ethics; Home; Marriage; Women. Family and social work. Devine, E. T. Family and the nation, The. Whetham, W. C. D., and Whetham, C. D. Far East. See Eastern question (Far East); Orient. Far-^day, Michael. Houston, E. J. Michael Faraday. (In Beacon lights of history, vol. 14. Lord, J., ed.) Fans, John Thomson. Romance of the English Bible. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1911. Farm life. Butterfield, K. L. Chapters in rural progress. 1908. McKeever, W. A. Farm boys and girls. 1912. (Rural sci. ser.) FameU, Lewis Richard. Evolution of religion. N. Y. Putnam. 1905. (C. t. 1.) Greece and Babylon ; a comparative sketch of Mesopotamian, Anatolian and Hellenic religions. Edin. Clark. 191 1. Higher aspects of Greek religion. N. Y. Scribner. 1912. (Hibbert lect.) 114 Catalogue General Theological Library Farrar, Adam Storey. Critical history of free thought in reference to the Christian reUgion. Lond. Murray. 1862. (Bamp. lect.) Farrar, Frederic William. The Bible: its meaning and supremacy. N. Y. Longm. 1897. Book of Daniel. N. Y. Armstrong. 1895. (Expositor's Bible.) Darkness and dawn. N. Y. Longm. 1892. Early days of Christianity. N. Y. Cassell. n. d. Eternal hope: five sermons. N. Y. Dutton. 1878. First and second Kings. N. Y. Armstrong. 1894. 2v. (Expositor's Bible.) Gospel according to St. Luke. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press, 1910. (Cambr. Greek Test.) Hebrews. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1906. (Cambr. Greek Test.) Hebrews, with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1883. (Cambr. Bible.) Herods. N. Y. Herrick. n. d. History of interpretation. N. Y. Dutton. 1886. (Bamp. lect.) " In the days of thy youth": sermons on practical subjects. Lond. Macm. 1876. Life and work of St. Paul. N. Y. Dutton. 1879. 2V. Life of Christ. N. Y. Dutton. 1875. 2 v. Life of Christ as represented in art. N. Y. Macm. 1895. Life of lives: further studies in the life of Christ. N. Y. Dodd. 1900. Lives of the fathers. N. Y. Macm. 1889. 2V. Lord's prayer; sermons preached in Westminster Abbey. 2d ed. N. Y. Whit- taker. C1893. Mercy and judgment; a few last words on Christian eschatology with reference to Dr. Pusey's " What is of faith?" N. Y. Dutton. 1 88 1. Messages of the books. N. Y. Dutton. 1885. Minor prophets. N. Y. Randolph, n. d. (Men of the Bible.) St. Luke, with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1880. (Cambr. Bible.) Seekers after God. Lond. Macm. 1874. Sermons and addresses delivered in America. N. Y. Dutton. 1886. Silence and the voices of God, and other sermons. N. Y. Dutton. 1875. Social and present day questions. Bost. Bradley. C1891. Solomon: his life and times. Lond. Nisbet. n. d. (Men of the Bible.) Voice from Sinai. N. Y. Whittaker. 1892. Sermons on the commandments. Witness of history to Christ. Lond. Macm. 1872. (Hulsean lect.) and others. Inspiration: a clerical symposium. Lond. Nisbet. 1884. Farrar, R. Life of Frederic William Farrar. CI 904. Farrar, James McNall. A junior congregation. N. Y. Funk. 1908. Farrar, Reginald. Life of Frederic William Farrar. N. Y. Crowell. ci904. Farrar, Timothy. Manual of the constitution of the United States of America. Bost. Little. 1867. Fasts and feasts. Hobart, J. H. Companion for the festivals and fasts of the Protestant Episcopal church. 1862. Love, W. D. Fast and thanksgiving days of New England. 1895. See also Anniversaries; Ash Wednesday; Festivals; Good Friday; Lent. Fathers for English readers. Basil the Great; Smith, R. T. Gregory the Great ; Barmby, J. Leo the Great; Gore, C. St. Ambrose; Thornton, R. St. Jerome; Cutts, E. L. St. John of Damascus; Lupton, J. H. Fathers of the church. Bright, W. Age of the fathers. 1903. 2 v. Butler, A. Lives of the fathers, martyrs and other principal saints. 1866. I2v. in 6. Farrar, F. W. Lives of the fathers. 1889. 2V. Jackson, G. A. Fathers of the third century. 1895. (Early Christian literature primers.) — Post-Nicene Greek fathers. 1883. (Early Christian literature primers.) — Post-Nicene Latin fathers. 1896. (Early Christian literature primers.) Stearns, W. N. Manual of patrology, with select bibliographical references. 1899. See also Apologists; Apostolic fathers. Faulkner, John Alfred. Cyprian the church- man. Cine. Jennings. CI906. (Men of the kingdom.) Erasmus the scholar. Cine. Jennings. C1907. (Men of the kingdom.) The Methodists. N. Y. Baker. C1903. (Story of the churches.) Faunce, Daniel Worcester. Advent and ascen- sion; or. How Jesus came and how he left us. N. Y. Eaton. 1903. A young man's difficulties with his Bible. Phila. A. B. P. S. CI898. Faunce, William Herbert Perry. The educa- tional ideal in the ministry. N. Y. Macm. 1908. (Yale lect.) What does Christianity mean? N. Y., etc. Revell. C1912. (Cole lect.) Faust. Moulton, R. G. Versions of the story of Faust. (In his World literature.) Fawcett, Henry. Manual of political economy. Lond. Macm. 1907. Fechner, Gustav Theodor. Little book of life after death. Bost. Little. 1904. Federalist, The. Bourne, E. G. Authorship of the Federalist. (In his Essays in historical criticism.) Fehlandt, August F. A century of drink reform in the United States. Cine. Jennings. CI 904. Feine, Karl Eduard Paul. St. Paul as a theolo- gian. N. Y. Eaton. CI909. (For. relig. ser.) Felice, G. de. History of the Protestants of France from the commencement of the reformation to the present time; tr. by H. Lobdell. N. Y. Walker. 1851. Felix, Roman governor of Judcea. Howson, J. S. Felix. (In his Companions of St. Paul.) Catalogue General Theological Library 115 Felix — Continued. Whyte, A. Felix. (In his Bible characters: Stephen to Timothy.) Fi;Lix, , French Jesuit priest. Wilkinson, W. C. Pere Felix. (In his Modern mas- ters of pulpit discourse.) Felton, Cornelius Conway. William Eaton. N. Y. Harper. 1902. (Amer. biography, vol. II. Sparks, J,, ed.) Greece ancient and modern. Bost. Ticknor. 1867. 2v. (Lowell Inst, lect.) F^NELON, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe, abp. of Cambray. Mudge, J. Fenelon the mystic. C1906. (Men of the kingdom.) Fenn, William Wallace, joint author. See Spaulding, H. G., and Fenn, W. W. Ferguson, Charles. The affirmative intellect; an account of the origin and mission of the American spirit. N. Y. Funk. 1901. Religion of democracy; a manual of devotion. San Francisco. Elder. 1900. Fernley lectures. Man's partnership with Providence; Telford, J. Spiritual sense in sacred legend; Brailsford, E.J. Unrealized logic of religion; Fitchett, W. H. Ferrar, Nicholas. Skipton, H. P. K. Life and times of Nicholas Ferrar. 1907. Ferrero, Guglielmo. Militarism: a contribu- tion to the peace crusade. Bost. Page. 1903. Ferries, George. Growth of Christian faith. Edin. Clark. 1905. Ferris, Mrs. Benjamin G. Mormons at home. N. Y. Dix. 1856. Ferris, Carrie Sivyer. The Sunday kinder- garten; game, gift and story; a manual for use in the Sunday schools and in the home. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. (Con- structive Bible studies. Elem. ser.) Ferris, George Hooper. Elements of spiritual- ity. Phila. G. & R. press. 1912. Formation of the New Testament. Phila. G. & R. press. 1907. Festivals. Brewster, H. P. Saints and festi- vals of the Christian church. C1904. Green, W. H. Hebrew feasts. 1885. (Newton lect.) See also Anniversaries; Christmas; Easter; Thanksgiving day. Festus, Roman governor of Judaa. Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Stephen to Timothy.) Fetishism. ' Haddon, A. C. Magic and fetish- ism, n. d. (Religions anc. and mod.) Jevons, F. B. Fetishism. {In his Introduc- tion to the history of religion.) — Fetichism. {In his Introduction to the study of comparative religion.) Milligan, R. H. Fetish folk of West Africa. C1912. Miiller, F. M. Is fetishism a primitive form of religion? {In his Lectures on the origin and growth of religion.) Feudalism. Hallam, H. Of the feudal system, especially in France. {In his View of the state of Europe during the middle ages, vol. I.) Lord, J. The feudal system. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 5.) Feudalism — Continued. Taylor, H. O. Feudalism and knighthood. {In his Mediaeval mind, vol. I.) Thatcher, O. J., and McNeal, E. H., eds. Feudalism. {In their Source book for mediaeval history, section VI.) Tourville, H. de. The feudal system, {In his Growth of modern nations, chapters X-XII.) See also Europe; History; Middle ages. Ffoulkes, Edmund Salusbury. The Athanasian creed; by whom written and by whom published. Lond. Hayes. 1872. Christendom's divisions; divisions of the Christian family in east and west. Lond. Longm. 1865. Fichte, Johann Gottlieb. Popular works; tr. by W. Smith. 4th ed. Lond. Triibner. 1889. 2V. Science of ethics as based on the science of knowledge. Lond. Paul. 1897. .Way toward the blessed life. Lond. Chap- man. 1849. Adamson, R. Fichte. 1908. Everett, C. C. Fichte's science of knowledge. 2d ed. 1892. Gladden, W. Fichte the philosopher. {In his Witnesses of the light.) Field, Claud. Heroes of missionary enterprise. Phila. Lippincott. 1908. Mystics and saints of Islam. Lond. Griffiths. 1910. Field, Henry Martyn. Among the holy hills. N. Y. Scribner. 1884. On the desert: with a brief review of recent events in Egypt. N. Y. Scribner. 1883. Fields, Annie Adams {Mrs. James T. Fields). Life and letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe. Bost. Houghton. 1898. Fifteen years among the top- knots. Underwood, L. H. Fifteen years in the chapel of Yale College. Porter, N. Fifth gospel; being the Pauline interpretation of the Christ. By the author of " The faith of a Christian." Lond. Macm. 1907. Fifty years in Constantinople Washburn, G. Fifty years of Darwinism. Amer. Assoc, for Adv. of Science. Fifty years with the Sabbath schools. BuUard, A. Fifty-three years in Syria. Jessup, H. H. Figgis, John Neville. Antichrist, and other sermons. Lond., etc. Longm. 1913. Civilisation at the cross roads. Lond. Longm. 1912. (W. B. Noble lect.) Gospel and human needs. Lond. Longm. 1909. (Hulsean lect.) Fillebrown, Charles Bowdoin. The A B C of taxation, and other essays and addresses. N. Y. Doubleday. 1909. Findlay, George Gillanders. Ephesians. N. Y. Armstrong. 1892. (Expositor's Bible.) Epistle to the Galatians. N. Y. Armstrong, n. d. (Expositor's Bible.) Epistles to the Thessalonians. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1904. (Cambr. Greek Test.) Fellowship in the life eternal; exposition of the epistles of St. John. Lond. Hodder. 1909. Ii6 Catalogue General Theological Library Findlay, George Gillanders — Continued. Thessalonians, with introduction, notes, etc. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1891. (Cambr. Bible.) Finney, Charles Grandison. Character, claims and practical workings of freemasonry. Cine. C1869. Lectures on revivals of religion. Oberlin [O.]. Goodrich, ci868. Memoirs, written by himself. N. Y. Barnes. 1876. Sermons on gospel themes. Oberlin [O.]. 1876. Wilkinson, W. C. {In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse.) Wright, G. F. Charles Grandison Finney. CI 891. (Amer. religious leaders.) Finot, Jean. Problems of the sexes; tr. by M. J. Safford. N. Y. Putnam. 1913. First and last things: a confession of faith and a rule of life. Wells, H. G. First words from God. Upham, F. W. Firth, Charles Harding. Oliver Cromwell and the rule of the Puritans in England. N. Y. Putnam. 1900. (Heroes of the nations.) Firth, Franklin Jones. Christian unity in effort. Phila, Lippincott. 1910. Holy gospel; a comparison of the gospel text as it is given in the Protestant and Roman Catholic Bible versions in the English language in use in America. N. Y. Revell. C1911. Fish, Henry Clay. Handbook of revivals. Bost. Earle. 1874. ed. History and repository of pulpit eloquence. N. Y. Dodd. 1857. 2v. ed. Pulpit eloquence of the nineteenth century: being supplementary to History and repository of pulpit eloquence. N. Y. Dodd. 1857. Fishberg, Maurice. Jews: a study of race and environment. Lond. Scott. 191 1. Fisher, Daniel Webster. Unification of the churches; a present day study. N. Y. Revell. CI911. Fisher, George Park. Beginnings of Christian- ity. N, Y. Scribner. 1894. Discussions in history and theology. N. Y. Scribner. 1880. Essays on the supernatural origin of Christian- ity. N. Y. Scribner. 1866. Faith and rationalism. N. Y. Scribner. 1879. Grounds of theistic and Christian belief. N. Y. Scribner. 1883. Same. Revised ed. 1907. History of Christian doctrine. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1896. (Int. theol. libr.) History of the Christian church. N. Y. Scribner. 1887. Life of Benjamin Silliman. N. Y. Scribner. 1866. 2V. Manual of Christian evidences. N. Y. Scribner. 1894. Manual of natural theology. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1893. Nature and method of revelation. N. Y. Scribner. 1890. Outlines of universal history, N. Y. Amer. book CO. CI 885, Reformation. N. Y. Scribner. 1874. Fisher, George Park — Continued. Unpublished essay of Edwards on the Trinity, with remarks on Edwards and his theology. N. Y. Scribner. 1903. Fisher, Robert H. The Beatitudes. N, Y, Scribner, 1912. Fisk, Fidelia. Recollections of Mary Lyon. Bost. Amer. tract soc. C1866. Fisk, Franklin Woodbmy. Manual of preach- ing, N. Y, Armstrong. 1884. Fiske, Amos Kidder. Myths of Israel; ancient book of Genesis. N, Y. Macm. 1897. Fiske, Charles. Religion of the incarnation; papers on doctrinal subjects. Mil. Young churchm. 1905. Fiske, George Walter. Boy life and self- government. N, Y, Y. M. C. A. 1910. Challenge of the country. N. Y, Y. M, C, A. press, 19 12. Fiske, John. American political ideas, viewed from the standpoint of universal history. Bost. Houghton. 191 1. American revolution. Bost. Houghton. 1898. 2V. Critical period of American history. 1783- 1789. 23d thous. Bost. Houghton. 1898, Darwinism, and other essays, Bost, Hough- ton, C1885, Destiny of man viewed in the light of his origin. Bost, Houghton. 1885. Excursions of an evolutionist. N. Y. Houghton. 1893, Idea of God as affected by modern knowledge. Bost. Houghton. i886. Life everlasting, Bost, Houghton, 1901. (IngersoU lect.) Myths and myth-makers; old tales and super- stitions interpreted by comparative my- thology. Bost. Houghton. 1898. Outlines of cosmic philosophy. Bost. Hough- ton. 1891. 2V. Through nature to God. Bost. Houghton. 1899. Fiske, Martha Theresa. The word and the world; outline Bible studies. N. Y. S. V. M, 1907. Fitch, Michael Hendrick. Physical basis of mind and morals. Chi. Kerr. 1908. (Int. libr. of social science.) Fitchett, William Henry. Beliefs of unbelief: studies in the alternatives to faith. N. Y. Eaton, CI907. Unrealized logic of religion; a study in credi- bilities, N. Y. Eaton, n. d. (Fernley lect.) Wesley and his century; a study in spiritual forces, N, Y, Eaton, 1908. Five years in a Protestant sisterhood and ten years in a Catholic convent; an autobio- graphy, Lond. Longm. 1869. Flashes of thought. Spurgeon, C. H. Fleming, A. Church polity; its spiritual grounds and its Congregational super- structure. Bost. Congr. pub, soc. 1869. Fleming, David Hay. The reformation in Scot- land: causes, characteristics, consequences. Lond. Hodder. 1910. (Stone lect.) Fleming, W. K. Mysticism in Christianity. N. Y. Revell. 1913. (Libr. of historic theology.) Catalogue General Theological Library 117 Fletcher, Charles Robert Leslie. Gustavus Adolphus and the struggle of Protestantism for existence. N. Y. Putnam. 1910. (Heroes of the nations.) Fletcher, M. Scott. Psychology of the New Testament. 2d ed. Lond. Hodder. [1912.] Flick, Alexander Clarence. Rise of the mediae- val church and its influence on the civilisa- tion of western Europe from the first to the thirteenth century. N. Y. Putnam. 1909. Flint, Robert. Agnosticism. N. Y. Scribner. 1903. Anti-theistic theories. Edin. Blackwood. 1889. (Bairdlect.) History of the philosophy of history. N. Y. Scribner. 1894. Socialism. Lond. Isbister. 1895. Theism. Edin. Blackwood. 1878. (Baird lect.) Flint, Timothy. Kirkpatrick, J. E. Timothy Flint, pioneer, missionary, author, editor. 1780-1840. 1911. Floody, Robert John. Scientific basis of Sab- bath and Sunday. Bost. Turner. 1906. Florus, Lucius Annaeus. Epitome of Roman history. {In Watson, J. S., transl. Sallust, Florus and Velleius Paterculus.) Flower, Benjamin Orange. Civilization's in- ferno. Bost. Arena pub. co. C1893. Forster, Friedrich W. Marriage and the sex problem; tr. by Meyrick Booth. N. Y. Stokes. 1913. Foght, Harold Waldstein. The American rural school. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Folk-lore. Fiske, J. Myths and myth-mak- ers. 1898. Foote, Arthur, ed. Book of chants. Bost. A. U. A. 1893. Foote, Henry Wilder. Annals of King's chapel from the Puritan age of New England to the present day. Bost. Little. 1882. 2v. comp. Hymns of the church universal. Bost. Wilson. 1890. Footman, Henry. Reasonable apprehensions and reassuring hints. N. Y. Pott. 1885. Forbes, Alexander Penrose. Commentary on the litany. Lond. Masters. 1855. Forbes, Henry Prentiss. The Johannine litera- ture and the Acts of the apostles. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. (Int. hdbks. to the N. T., IV.) Forbush, T. B., comp. Book of worship for church and social meeting. Bost. A. U. A. 1892. Forbush, William Byron. Boy problem. Bost. Pilgrim press. CI901. Boy's life of Christ. N, Y. Funk. 1906. Church work with boys. Bost. Pilgrim press. CI910. The coming generation. N.Y. Appleton. 1912. and Masseck, Frank Lincoln. Boys' Round Table; manual of the international order of the Knights of King Arthur. 6th ed. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1909. Ford, David Barnes. New England's struggles for religious liberty. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1896. Studies on the baptismal question. Bost. Young. 1879. Ford, James. Co-operation in New England, urban and rural. N. Y. Surv. assoc. 1913. (Russell Sage foundation.) Ford, Paul Leicester. The true George Wash- ington. Phila. Lippincott. 1902. Forder, Archibald. 'Ventures among the Arabs in desert, tent and town; thirteen years of pioneer missionary life with the Ishmaelites of Moab, Edom and Arabia. Bost. Harts- horn. 1905. Forefathers' day. Sanderson, J., ed. Fore- fathers' day. (/n Thoughts for the occa- sion, patriotic and secular.) Storrs, R. S. {In his Orations and addresses.) Forgiveness. Bushnell, H. Christian for- giveness. {In his Christ and His salva- tion.) — Forgiveness and law. 1874. Campbell, R. J. The larger forgiveness. {In his Choice of the highest.) Clarke, J. F. Christian doctrine of forgjive- ness of sin. 1870. Figgis, J. N. Forgiveness. {In his The gospel and human needs.) (Hulsean lect.) Hall, A. C. A. The forgiveness of sins; sermons. 1908. Jones, J. D. Forgiveness of sins. {In his Things most surely believed.) Magee, W. C. Ethics of forgiveness. {In his The gospel and the age.) Pentecost, G. F. Grace abounding in the forgiveness of sins: five sermons. 1896. Smith, G. A. Forgiveness of sins. {In his Forgiveness of sins, and other sermons.) Forrest, David William. Authority of Christ. 3d ed. Edin. Clark. 1906. Christ of history and of experience. Edin. Clark. 1897. (Kerr lect.) Forrester, Henry. Christian unity and the historic episcopate. N. Y. Whittaker. 1889. Forster, Hugh Oakeley Arnold-. English social- ism of to-day. 2d ed. N. Y. Dutton. 1908. Forsytii, Peter Taylor. Christ on Parnassus; lectures on art, ethic and theology. N. Y. Hodder. 191 1. Cruciality of the cross. Lond. Hodder. 1909. Faith, freedom and the future. N. Y. Hodder. [1912.] Holy Father and the living Christ. N. Y. Dodd. 1898, (Little books on religion.) Marriage: its ethic and religion. N. Y. Hodder. 1912. Missions in state and church: sermons and addresses. N. Y. Armstrong. 1908. Person and place of Jesus Christ. Lond. Pilgrim press. 1909. Positive preaching and modern mind. N, Y. Armstrong. 1907. (Yale lect.) Principle of authority in relation to certainty, sanctity and society; an essay in the philosophy of experimental religion. N. Y. Hodder. [1913.] Religion in recent art; expository lectures on Rossetti, Burne-Jones, Watts, Holman Hunt and Wagner. Lond. Hodder. 1905. Rome, reform and reaction; four lectures on the religious situation. Lond. Hodder. 1899. Work of Christ. N. Y. Hodder. 19 10. and Greenwell, Dora. Power of prayer. Lond. Hodder. n. d. Ii8 Catalogue General Theological Library Forward mission study courses. Advance in the Antilles; Grose, H. B. Aliens or Americans? Grose, H. B. Daybreak in the dark continent; Naylor, W. S. Heroes of the cross in America; Shelton, D. O. India awakening; Eddy, S. Sunrise in the sunrise kingdom; De Forest, J. H. Forward mission study courses. [International.] 1908. The frontier. Piatt, W. Forward mission study reference library. Muhammad and his power. Johnstone, J. D. Foster, Eugene Clifford. The boy and the church. Phila. S. S. times. C1909. Foster, Frank Hugh. The fundamental ideas of the Roman Catholic church explained and discussed for Protestants and Cath- olics. Phila. Presb. bd. of publ. 1899. Genetic history of the New England theology. Chi. Univ. press. 1907. Foster, George Biirman. Finality of the Christian religion. Chi. Univ. press. 1906. (Univ. of Chi. Dec. publ.) Function of religion in man's struggle for existence. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. Place of Jesus in the religion of the modern man. (In National Federation of Religious Liberals. Proceedings and papers of the first congress.) Foster, James Mitchell. Christ the king. Bost. Earle. C1894. Reformation principles stated and applied. Chi. Revell. 1890. Foster, John Watson. American diplomacy in the Orient. Bost. Houghton. 1903. Arbitration and the Hague Court. Bost. Houghton. C1904. A century of American diplomacy ; being a brief review of the foreign relations of the United States, 1776-1876. Bost. Houghton. 1902. Foster, Mabel Grace. Heart of the doctor. Bost. Houghton. 1903. Foster, Randolph Sinks. Sin. N. Y. Eaton. 1899. The supernatural book; evidences of Chris- tianity. N. Y. Eaton. 1889, (Studies in theology, III.) Foster, Robert Verrell. Old Testament studies. Chi. Revell. C1890. Sketch of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. {In Amer. church hist., vol. XI.) Foundations. Talbot, N. S., and others. Fourth of July. See Independence Day. Fowler, Charles Henry. Addresses on notable occasions. Cine. Jennings. CI908. Patriotic orations. N. Y. Eaton. C1910. Fowler, Henry Thatcher. History of the litera- ture of ancient Israel, from earliest times to 135 B. c. N. Y. Macm. 1912. joint author. See Sanders, F. K., and Fowler, H. T. Fowler, Thomas, and Wilson, John Matthias. Principles of morals. Oxford. 1886. 2 v. Fowler, William Warde. Religious experience of the Roman people from the earliest times to the age of Augustus. Lond. Macm. 191 1. (Gifford lect.) Social life at Rome in the age of Cicero. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Fox, Alfred, and others. Cathedral psalter. N. Y. Novello. 1890. Fox, George. Autobiography; ed. with an introduction by R. M. Jones. Phila. Ferris. 1909. Journal; ed. by Norman Penney, with intro- duction by T. E. Harvey. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 191 1. 2 v. Braithwaite, W. C. {In his Beginnings of Quakerism.) Clarke, J. F. George Fox and the Quakers. {In his Events and epochs.) Walker, W. George Fox. {In his Great men of the Christian church.) Walmsley, L. S. George Fox. {In his Fighters and martyrs for the freedom of faith.) Wright, W. B. {In his Master and men.) Fox, George Townsend. Memoir of C. Colden Hoffman, missionary to West Africa. N. Y. Randolph. 1868. Fox, Norman. Christ in the daily meal. N. Y. Fords. 1898. Frame, James Everett. Critical and e.xegetical commentary on Thessalonians. N. Y. Scribner. 1912. (Int. crit. com.) Framingham. First Baptist Church. Souvenir of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the ordi- nation and settlement of Franklin Hutchin- son as pastor, June 28th, 1907. 1908. France. History. Masson, G. Story of mediaeval France. 1888. (Story of the nations.) Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of French history. 1902. See also Franco-Prussian war. Revolution. Acton, J. E. E. Dalberg-. Lectures on the French revolution. 1910. Belloc, H. The French revolution. C1911. (Home Univ. libr.) Carlyle, T. The French revolution. 1895. (Works. Cent, ed.) Lowell, E. J. Eve of the French revolution. 1892. Thiers, L. A. History of the French revolu- tion; tr. by F. Shoberl. 1840. 3V. Religious history. Felice, G. de. History of the Protestants of France from the commencement of the reformation to the present time; tr. by H. Lobdell. 1851. Galton, A. Church and state in France, 1300-1907. 1907. Rose, J. H. Christianity and the French revolution. {In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) St. Cyres, S. H. N., viscount. The Galilean church. {In Cambridge modern history, vol. V.) Francis of Assisi, St. Herkless, J. Francis and Dominic and the mendicant orders. 1901. (World's epoch-makers.) Hodges, G. {In his Saints and heroes.) Jorgensen, J. St. Francis of Assisi; a biog- raphy; tr. by T. O'C. Sloane. 1912. Jones, R. M. St. Francis and the " spiritual Franciscans." {In his Studies in mystical religion.) Catalogue General Theological Library 119 Francis of Assisi, St. — Continued. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Francis of Assisi. _ Sabatier, P. Life of St. Francis of Assisi. 1894. Vedder, H. C. (In his Christian epoch- makers.) Walker, W. (In his Great men of the Chris- tian church.) Francis Xavier, St. Bartoli, D., and Maflfei, J. P. Life of St. Francis Xavier. 1862. Vedder, H. C. {In his Christian epoch- makers.) Walsh, W. P. (In his Heroes of the mission field.) Francis, Alexander. Americans: an impression. N. Y. Appleton. 1909. Francis, Paul James, and Jones, Spencer. Prince of the apostles. Garrison [N. Y.]. 1907. Franciscans. Jessopp, A. Coming of the friars. Franco- Prussian War. Zola, £. The down- fall (La debacle); tr. by E. P. Robins. 19 11. Franklin, Benjamin. Eliot, C. W. (In his Four American leaders.) Lord, J. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. II.) Parker, T. (In his Historic Americans.) Philadelphia. Ceremonies attending the un- veiling of the statue of Benjamin Franklin, June 14, 1899. 1899. Sparks, J. Life of Benjamin Franklin. 1844. Franklin, Fabian. Life of Daniel Coit Gilman. N. Y. Dodd. 1910. Fraser, Alexander Campbell. Berkeley. Edin. Blackwood. 1909. (Philos. classics for Engl, readers.) Berkeley and spiritual realism. N. Y. Dodge pub. CO. 1909. (Philosophies anc. and mod.) Philosophy of theism. N. Y. Scribner. 1895-7. 2 v. (Gifford lect.) Fraser, Donald. Thomas Chalmers. N. Y. Armstrong. 1882. (Heroes of Christian history.) Fraser, James, bp. of Manchester. Bryce, J. (In his Studies in contemporary biography.) Frazer, James George. The golden bough; a study in magic and religion. 3d ed. Lond. Macm. 1911-12. Pts. I-V. 7v. L Magic art and the evolution of kings. 2v. IL Taboo and the perils of the soul. HL The dying god. IV. Adonis, Attis, Osiris. V. Spirits of the corn and of the wild. 2v. Frederick the Great, king of Prussia. Lord, J. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 4.) Macaulay, T. B. Frederic the Great. (In his Essays, vol. HI.) Free Church of Scotland. Ryley, G. B. Scotland's Free Church; a historical retro- spect and memorial of the disruption. 1893. Free trade. Marx, K. Free trade and pro- tection. (In his Wage-labor and capital.) Taussig, F. W. Protection and free trade. (In his Principles of economics, vol. L) Free will. Bergson, H. L. Time and free will. 1910. Edwards, J. Inquiry into the modern pre- vailing notions of that freedom of the will which is supposed to be essential to moral agency. Free will — Continued. Everett, C. C. Freedom of the will. (In his Theism and the Christian faith.) Home, H. H. Free will and human responsi- bility. 1912. McTaggart, J. M. E. Free will. (In his Some dogmas of religion.) Mallock, W. H. Five different aspects of the free-will problem. (In his Religion as a credible doctrine.) Rashdall, H. Free-will. (In his Theory of good and evil, vol. II.) See also Determinism; Freedom; Predestina- tion; Will. Freedom. Acton, J. E. E. Dalberg-. History of freedom, and other essays. 1907. Blewett, G. J. Freedom, sin and redemption. (In his Christian view of the world. N. W. Taylor lect.) Caird, E. Freedom and truth. (In his Lay sermons and addresses.) Caird, J. Truth and freedom. (In his University sermons.) Everett, C. C. Doctrine of freedom. (In his Theism and the Christian faith.) Harris, T. W. Evolution of human freedom. (In New church review, April, 1894.) Jones, H. Freedom. (In his Idealism as a practical creed, chapters II-IV.) McConnell, R. M. Freedom in crime, (/n his Criminal responsibility and social constraint.) Oman, J. Problem of faith and freedom in the last two centuries. 1906. Palmer, G. H. Problem of freedom. 1911. A valuable bibliography in chapter XI. Stewart, J. M'K. Need and value of the intuition of time, matter and freedom. (In his Critical exposition of Bergson's philosophy.) Torrey, D. C. Freedom and responsibility. (In his Protestant modernism.) Ward, J. Freedom. (In his Realm of ends.) See also Free will, and references under it; Liberty. Freedom in the church. Allen, A. V. G. Freedom of authority. Sterrett, J. M. Freedom of faith. Munger, T. T. Freeman, Edward Augustus. Story of Sicily. N. Y. Putnam. 1892. (Story of the nations.) Bryce, J. (In his Studies in contemporary biography.) Freemasonry. Finney, C. G. Character, claims and practical workings of free- masonry. CI 869. Noble, F., ed. (In his Thoughts for the occasion, fraternal and benevolent.) Freewill Baptists. See Baptists. Fremantle, William Henry. Christian ordi- nances and social progress. Bost. Houghton. 1901. (W. B. Noble lect.) Gospel of the secular life; sermons. N. Y. Scribner. 1883. Natural Christianity. Lond. Harper. 1911. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) World as the subject of redemption. Lond. Rivington. 1885. (Bamp. lect.) Frere, Walter Howard. The English church in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. (1558-1625.) Lond. Macm. 1904. (His- tory of the English church, vol. V.) 120 Catalogue General Theological Library 1 Frere, Walter Howard — Continued. Principles of religious ceremonial. Lond. Longm. 1907. and others. Manual of plainsong. Lond. Novello. n. d. Frick, Philip L. The resurrection and Paul's argument; a study of first Corinthians, fifteenth chapter. Cine. Jennings. CI912. Friederichs, Hulda. Romance of the Salvation army. Lond. Cassell. n. d. Friedltoder, Ludwig. Roman life and manners under the early empire; tr. by L. A. Magnus and J. H. Freese. Lond. Routledge. 1908-1909. 3v. Friedlander, Gerald. Rabbinic philosophy and ethics. Lond. Vallentine. 1912. Friends. (Quakers.) Braithwaite, W. C. Beginnings of Quakerism. 1912. Clarke, J. F. George Fox and the Quakers. (In his Events and epochs in religious history.) Emmott, E. B. The story of Quakerism. 1912. Evans, C. Friends in the seventeenth century. New ed. 1885. Exiles in Virginia: with observations on the conduct of the Society of Friends during the revolutionary war, comprising the official papers of the government relating to that period. 1 777-1 778. 1848. Gregg, D. The Quakers. {In his Makers of the American republic.) Hancock, T. Principles of peace exemplified in the conduct of the Society of Friends in Ireland in 1798. 1838. Harvey, T. E. Rise of the Quakers. [5th impr.j 1909. (Eras of Nonconformity, V.) Hodgson, W. Select historical memoirs of the religious society of Friends, commonly called Quakers. 3d ed. 1881. Jones, R. M., and others. The Quakers in the American colonies. 191 1. Sewel, W. History of the Christian people called Quakers; written in low Dutch, and tr. by himself into English. 1856. 2 v. in I. Sharpless, I. A Quaker experiment in govern- ment; history of Quaker government in Pennsylvania, 1682-1783. Popular ed. 1902. 2v. in I. Thomas, A. C, and Thomas, R. H. History of the Society of Friends in America. 1894. (Amer. church history, vol. XII.) Same. 4th ed. 1905. Wilson, W. H. Quaker Hill: a sociological study. 1907. Doctrine. Barclay, R. Apology for the true Christian divinity: being an explanation and vindica- tion of the principles and doctrines of the people called Quakers. From 8th Lond. ed. 1856. Grubb, E. Authority and the light within. 1908. — Social aspects of the Quaker faith. 1899. Hodgkin, T. Human progress and the inward light. 191 1. (Swarthmore lect.) Moon, J. H. Why Friends (Quakers) do not baptize with water. 1909. Rowntree, J. S. The Society of Friends: its faith and practice. 4th ed. 1908. Friends. (Quakers.) Doctrine — Continued. Stephen, C. E. Quaker strongholds. 1891. See also American Friends' Peace Conference. Friends of God, mediaval Christian sect. Jones, R. M. Friends of God. {In his Studies in mystical religion.) Friendship. Benson, A. C. Friendship. {In his At large.) Black, H. Friendship. 1908. Brett, J. Divine friendship. 1909. King, H. C. Laws of friendship, human and divine. 1909. (Haverford libr. lect.) Lock, W. Friendship. {In Keble College sermons. Talbot, E. S., and others.) Friendship of books. Maurice, F. D. Friendship of Christ. Benson, R. H. Froebel, Friedrich Wilhelm August. Education of man. N. Y. Appleton. 1908. (Int. educ. sen) Quick, R. H. Essays on educational reformers. 1890. (Int. educ. sen) From servitude to service; being the Old South lectures on the history and work of south- ern institutions for the education of the negro. Bost. A. U. A. 1905. Frothingham, Frederick. The Lord's song, and other sermons. Camb. Riverside press. 1893. Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. Cradle of the Christ. N. Y. Putnam. 1877. Theodore Parker. Bost. Osgood. 1874. Transcendentalism in New England: a history. N. Y. Putnam. 1886. Frothingham, Paul Revere. Temple of virtue. Bost. Houghton. 1907. Frothingham, Richard. History of the siege of Boston, and of the battles of Lexington, Con- cord and Bunker Hill. Bost. Little. 1849. Froude, James Anthony. Calvinism. N. Y. Scribner. 1871. History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada. Lond. Longm. 1870. I2V. Lectures on the Council of Trent. N. Y. Scribner. 1896. Life and letters of Erasmus, N. Y. Scribner. 1894. Short studies on great subjects. N. Y. Scribner. 1883. 4V. Bourne, E. G. James Anthony Froude. {In his Essays in historical criticism.) Fry, Elizabeth. Creighton, L. {In her Some famous women.) Fuller, Mrs. Marcus B. Wrongs of Indian womanhood. N. Y, Revell. C1900. Fuller, Thomas. Church history of Britain from the birth of Jesus Christ until the yearMDCXLVIII. Newed. Lond. Tegg. 1837- 3v. FuUerton, George Stuart. Introduction to philosophy. N. Y. Macm. 1906. Fulness of blessing. Smiley, S. F. Fulton, John. Index canonum, in Greek and English. N. Y. Pott. 1872. Fulton, Justin Dewey. Charles H. Spurgeon, our ally. Chi. Smith. 1892. Fulton, Robert. Renwick, J, Robert Fulton. 1902. (Amer. biography, vol. XII. Sparks, J., ed.) Funerals. Bartholomew, J. G. The com- forter. 1863. Catalogue General Theological Library 121 Funerals — Continued. Eliot, C. R., and Staples, C. J. Manual for use at funerals. 1886. Furness, W. H. Funeral service. (In his Pastoral offices.) Hunter, J. Burial service. (In his Devo- tional services for public worship.) Palmer, F. W. With the sorrowing. C1905. Vincent, M. R. Order of the burial of the dead. (In his Minister's handbook.) Waterbury, W. P. Offices for the burial of the dead. 191 1. Wylie, D. G. Forms for funeral services. (In his Minister's companion.) Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis. The ancient city; a study on the religion, laws and institutions of Greece and Rome; tr. by W. Small. Bost. Lee. 1889. Future life. Alger, W. R. Critical history of the doctrine of a future life. 6th thous. 1869. Budge, E. A. W. Egyptian ideas of the future life. 1899. (Books on Egypt and Chaldaea.) Charles, R. H. Critical history of the doctrine of a future life. 1899. Dahle, L. N. Life after death. 1896. Dewey, O. This life the prophecy of a future. (In his Two great commandments: sermons.) Elbe, L. Future life in the light of ancient wisdom and modern science. 1906. Fechner, G. T. Little book of life after death. Fiske, J. Destiny of man viewed in the light of his origin. 1885. Henry, C. S. Endless future of the human race. 1879. Hudson, T. J. Scientific demonstration of a future life. 1901. Hyslop, J. H. Science and a future life. 1905. Jefferson, C. E. Why we may believe in life after death. 191 1. (West memorial lect. on immortality.) Liddon, H. P. Worth of faith in a life to come. (In his Univ. sermons, 2d ser.) Martineau, J. The life to come, (In his Study of religion, vol. H.) Mercer, J. E. Science of life and the larger hope. 1910. Reynolds, J. W. World to come. 1888, Ward, J. Theories of a future life. (In his Realm of ends.) See Immortality. Future of war. Bloch, L S. Future punishment. Barrows, S. J. Doom of the majority of mankind. 1891. Beecher, H. W. Future punishment. (In his Sermons, 5th ser.) Campbell, R. J. Eternal punishment and eternal life. (In his Sermons addressed to individuals.) Clarke, J. L. The eternal Saviour- judge. 1904. Constable, H. Duration and nature of future punishment, n. d. Goulburn, E. M. Everlasting punishment. 1880. Hovey, A. State of the impenitent dead. 1859. Is " eternal " punishment endless? 1878. Oxenham, H. N. What is the truth as to everlasting punishment? 1881. Future punishment — Continued. Pusey, E. B. What is of faith as to ever- lasting punishment? 1881. Sawyer, T. J. Endless punishment. 1880. Shedd, W. G. T. Doctrine of endless punish- ment. 1886. Shinn, G. W. What has become of hell? (In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Townsend, L. T. Lost forever. 1875. See also Future Viie; Hell; Retribution. Gabriel, Charles H., and Dowling, W. W., eds. Living praise. St. Louis. Christian pub. CO. 1902. Gairdner, James. English church in the si.xteenth century, from the accession of Henry VUI to the death of Mary. Lond. Macm. 1904. (History of the English church, vol. IV.) Lollardy and the reformation in England; an historical survey. Lond. Macm. 1908-11. 3v. Gairdner, W. H. T. Echoes from Edinburgh, 19 10; an account and interpretation of the World missionary conference. N. Y. Revell. 19 ID. Gale, James Scarth. Korean sketches. N. Y. Y. P. M. M. C1898. Vanguard; a tale of Korea. N. Y, Y. P. M. M. C1904. Gale, Nahimi. Prophet of the highest; or, The mission of John the Baptist. Camb. Amer. tract soc. C1873. Galilee. Masterman, E. W. G. Studies in Galilee. 1909. Merrill, S. Galilee in the time of Christ. 1891. Galilei, Galileo. Private life of Galileo compiled from his correspondence and that of his eldest daughter, Sister Maria Celeste. 1870. Lord, J. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 3.) Macpherson, H. The romance of discovery: Galileo and Kepler. (In his Romance of modern astronomy.) Gallaher, Thomas. A short method with the dipping Anti-pedobaptists. St. Louis. 1878. Galloway, George. Principles of religious devel- opment; a psychological and philosophical study. Lond. Macm. 1909. Galton, Arthur. Church and state in France. 1300-1907. Lond. Arnold. 1907. Galton, Frai^ W., ed. Workers and their industries. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1895. Gamaliel I, Jewish rabbi. Brooks, P. Gamaliel. (In his Sermons preached in English churches.) Congreve, J. Gamaliel: an example for our times. (In hts High hopes: sermons.) Whyte, A. Gamaliel. (In his Bible charac- ters. [N. T.]) Gamble, Eliza Burt. God-idea of the ancients. N. Y. Putnam. 1897. Gambling. Beecher, H. W. Gamblers and gambling. (In his Lectures to young men.) Parks, L. Gambling. (In hts Winning of the soul, and other sermons.) Gammell, William. Life of Roger Williams. Bost. Gould. 1846. 122 Catalogue General Theological Library Gammell, William — Continued. Murray, J. O., ed. William Gammell; with selections from his writings. 1890. Gantt, Henry Laurence. Work, wages and prof- its; their influence on the cost of living. N. Y. Engineering mag. 1910. Gardiner, Frederic. Aids to Scripture study. Bost. Houghton. 1890. Gardiner, John Hays. The Bible as English literature. N. Y. Scribner. 1906. Gardiner, Samuel Rawson. Cromwell's place in history. Lond. Longm. 1897. ed. Constitutional documents of the Puritan revolution. 1625-1660. 3d ed. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1906. Gardner, Alice. Julian, philosopher and em- peror, and the last struggle of paganism against Christianity. N. Y. Putnam. 1895. (Heroes of the nations.) Gardner, Edmund Garratt. Dante and the mystics. Lond. Dent. 1913. Gardner, Ernest Arthur. Religion and art in ancient Greece. Lond. Harper. 1910. Gardner, Mary Tracy, and Gardner, William Edward. Winners of the world. Bost. Old corner book store. 1909. Gardner, Percy. Exploratio evangelica; a brief examination of the basis and origin of Christian belief. N. Y. Putnam. 1899. Growth of Christianity. Lond. Black. 1907. Historic view of the New Testament. Lond. Black. 1901. (Jowett lect.) Jesus or Christ? 1909. (Hibbert journal suppl.) Modernitv and the churches. N. Y. Putnam. 1909. '(C. t. 1.) Religious experience of St. Paul. N. Y. Putnam. 191 1. (C. t. 1.) Gardner, William Edward. History of Chris- tianity from St. Paul to Bishop Brooks. N. Y. Whittaker. 1902. joint author. See Gardner, M. T., and Gardner, W. E. Garman, Charles Edward. Letters, lectures and addresses; memorial volume prepared by E. M. Garman. Bost. Houghton. Garmer, John. Sin and redemption. Lond. Stock. 1895. Garrison, Wendell Phillips, and Garrison, Francis Jackson. William Lloyd Garrison, 1 805-1 879; the story of his life told by his children. N. Y. Century. 1885. Vol. I. Garrison, William Lloyd. Garrison, W. P., and Garrison, F. J. William Lloyd Garri- son, 1805-1879. 1885. Vol. I. Hillis, N. D. {In his Battle of principles.) Garrod, Heathcote William. Religion of all good men, and other studies in Christian ethics. N. Y. McClure. 1906. (Sympo- sium series.) Garstang, John. Land of the Hittites; an account of recent explorations and dis- coveries in Asia Minor, with descriptions of the Hittite monuments. N. Y. Dutton. 1910. Garvie, Alfred Ernest. Christian certainty amid the modern perplexity. N. Y. Hodder. 1911. Christian ideal as revealed in Jesus. {In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) Garvie, Alfred Ernest — Continued. Christian life and belief; a description and defence of the gospel. Bost. Pilgrim press. 191 1. Gospel according to St. Luke. N. Y. Revell. 191 1. (Westminster N. T.) Handbook of Christian apologetics. N. Y. Scribner. 1913. Ritschlian theology. Edin. Clark. 1899. Romans, with notes. N. Y. Frowde. n. d. (New century Bible.) Studies in the inner life of Jesus. Lond. Hodder. 1907. Studies of Paul and his gospel. N. Y. Hodder. 1911. Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghom (Stevenson). Life of Charlotte Bronte. N. Y. Ap- pleton. 1857. 2v. Gasquet, Francis Aldan. Eve of the reforma- tion. N. Y. Putnam. 1901. Gaussen, F. S. R. L. " It is written "; every word and expression contained in the Scriptures proved to be from God. Lond. Bagster. 1857. Gebhardt, Hermann. Doctrine of the Apocalypse; tr. by J. Jefferson. Edin. Clark. 1878. (For. theol. libr.) Geddes, Patrick, and Thomson, John Arthur. Evolution. N. Y. Holt. 191 1. Geden, Alfred S. Outlines of introduction to the Hebrew Bible. Edin. Clark. 1909. Gee, Henry, and Hardy, William John, compilers. Documents illustrative of English church history. Lond. Macm. 1910. Geer, George Jarvis. Conversion of St. Paul. N. Y. Wells. 1 87 1. Geikie, John Cunningham. The Holy Land and the Bible; a book of Scripture illustrations gathered in Palestine. Lond. Cassell. 1887. Hours with the Bible. N. Y. Pott. 1885. 6v. Life and words of Christ. N. Y. Appleton. 1877. 2V. Genealogy. Whitmore, W. H. Handbook of American genealogy. 1862. See Charlestown. General conference on foreign missions. Pro- ceedings of the General conference on foreign missions held at the Conference hall in Mildmay Park, London. October, 1878. Lond. 1879. General or Six-principle Baptists. See Baptists. Genesis of species. Mivart, St. G. Genesis of the New England churches. Bacon, L. Genesis of the social conscience. Nash, H. S. Gennadius. See Jerome, St., and Gennadius. Genung, George Frederick. Leviticus. Phila. A. B, P. S. 1906. (Amer. com. on the O. T.) Numbers. (Amer. com. on the O. T.) Bound with his Leviticus. Genung, John Franklin. Epic of the inner life; being the book of Job translated anew, with notes and introductory study. Bost. Houghton. 1891. Hebrew literature of wisdom in the light of to-day. Bost. Houghton. 1906. Words of Koheleth, translated anew and accom- panied with a study of their literary and spiritual values. Bost. Houghton. 1904. Catalogue General Theological Library 123 Geology. Agassiz, L. Geological sketches. 2d ser. 1876. Dawson, Sir J. W. Meeting place of geology and history. C1894. — Story of the earth and man. 1887. Gloag, P. J. The primeval world. 1859. ^ Shaler, N. S. Nature and man in America. 1891. Wright, G. F. Ice age in North America and its bearings upon the antiquity of man. 1889. See also Creation; Earth; Evolution; Physi- cal geography. George, Henry. Progress and poverty. New ed. N. Y. Doubleday. 1908. The science of political economy. [Ed. by Henry George, Jr.] N. Y. Doubleday. 1898. George, William Reuben. Junior republic; its history and ideals. N. Y. Appleton. 1910. Gerard, John. The old riddle and the newest answer. Lond. Longm. 1904. Gerhart, Emanuel Vogel. Institutes of the Christian religion. N. Y. Funk. 1894. 2V. German literature. Bruel, K. German literature. {In Cambridge modern history, vol. XI.) German Reformed church, United St.'Vtes. Dubbs, J. H. History of the Reformed church, German. 1895. (Amer. church history, vol. VIII.) Germany. History. Gould, S. Baring-, Story of Germany. 1896. (Story of the nations.) Zimmern, H. The Hansa towns. 1891. (Story of the nations.) Religious history. Gould, S. Baring-. Church in Germany. 1891. Schaff, P. Germany: its universities, the- ology and religion. 1857. Williams, E. F. Christian life in Germany as seen in the state and the church. CI896. Gesenius, Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm. He- brew and English lexicon of the Old Testa- ment based on the lexicon of Gesenius as translated by Edward Robinson; ed. by Francis Brown [and others]. Bost., etc. Houghton. 1906. Gestefeld, Ursula Newell. Builder and the plan. Pelham [N. Y.]. Gestefeld. 1901. Getting a living. Bolen, G. L. Gibbes, Emily Oliver. Origin of sin and dotted words in the Hebrew Bible. N. Y. Dilling- ham. 1893. Gibbon, Edward. History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire; with notes by H. H. Milman. Paris. Baudry's Europ. libr. 1840. 8v. Gibbons, James, card. Ambassador of Christ. Bait. Murphy. 1896. Faith of our fathers. Bait. Murphy. 189 1. Our Christian heritage. Bait. Murphy. 1889. Will, A. S. Life of James, Cardinal Gibbons. CI911. Gibson, Edgar Charles Sunmer. Job, with introduction and notes. N. Y. Macm. 1899. (Westminster commentaries.) Thirty-nine articles of the Church of England. Lond. Methuen. 1896. 2v, Gibson, John Monro. Gospel of St. Matthew. N. Y. Armstrong. 1890. (Expositor's Bible.) Gibson, William Ralph Boyce. Rudolf Eucken's philosophy of life. Lond. Black. I906. Giddings, Franklin Henry. Philanthropy and social progress. N. Y. Crowell. CI893. Principles of sociology; an analysis of the phenomena of association and of socia. organization. [3ded.] N.Y. Macm. 1896 Gideon, Hebrew soldier. Guthrie, T. Gideon the deliverer, (/n his Studies of character from the O. T.) Lang, J. M. Gideon and the judges. 1 89 1. (Men of the Bible.) Lewis, H. E. Gideon. {In Men of the O. T. : Cain to David. Milligan, G., and others.) Matheson, G. Gideon the humble. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Ishmael to Daniel.) Smith, G. A. {In his Forgiveness of sins and other sermons.) Whyte, A. Gideon, (/n /tw Bible characters: Gideon to Absalom.) Gieseler, Johann Karl Ludwig. Compendium of ecclesiastical history, 4th ed. Transl. by Samuel Davidson. Edin. Clark. 1846- 48. 2v. (For. theol. libr.) Text-book of ecclesiastical history; tr. from 3d Germ. ed. by Francis Cunningham. Phila. Carey. 1836. 3V. Gififord, Edwin Hamilton. Incarnation: a study ofPhilippiansII, 5-11. N.Y. Dodd. 1897. Gifford, O. P. In memoriam, and other sermons. Bost. Smith. 1881. Gifford lectures. Evolution of religion; Caird, E. 2v. Evolution of theology, etc.; Caird, E. 2v. Fundamental ideas of Christianity; Caird, J. 2V. Interpretation of religious experience ; Watson, J. 2V. Moral order of the world; Bruce, A. B. Natural religion; Miiller, F. M. Naturalism and agnosticism; Ward, J. 2v. Pathway to reality; Haldane, R. B. 2 v. Philosophy and development of religion; Pfieiderer, O. 2v. Philosophy of theism; Fraser, A. C. 2 v. Principle of individuality and value; Bosanquet, B. Providential order of the world; Bruce, A. B. Realm of ends; Ward, J. Religions of ancient Egypt and Babylonia; Sayce, A. H. Religious experience of the Roman people; Fowler, W. W. Religious teachers of Greece; Adam, J. Theosophy, or psychological religion; Miiller, F. M. Value and destiny of the individual; Bosanquet, B. World and the individual; Royce, J. 2v. Gigot, Francis Ernest Charles. Outlines of Jewish history from Abraham to our Lord. N. Y. Benziger. 1897. 124 Catalogue General Theological Library Gigot, Francis Ernest Charles — Continued. Outlines of New Testament history, N. Y. Benziger. 1898. Special introduction to the study of the Old Testament. N. Y. Benziger. 1901. Gilbert, F. C. Practical lessons from the experience of Israel for the church of to-day. n. p. South Lancaster print, co. 01902. Gilbert, George Holley. Acts; the second volume of Luke's work on the beginnings of Christianity, with interpretative comment. N. Y. Macm. 1908. (Bible for home and school.) First interpreters of Jesus. N. Y. Macm. 1901. Interpretation of the Bible; a short history. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Jesus. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Person of Jesus in the double tradition of Matthew and Luke. {In Essays pub. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Primer of the Christian religion; based on the teaching of Jesus its founder and living Lord. N. Y. Macm. 1902. Revelation of Jesus. N. Y. Macm. 1899. Short history of Christianity in the apostolic age. Chi. Univ. press. 1906. (Con- structive Bible studies.) Student's life of Jesus. N. Y. Macm. 1900. Student's life of Paul. N. Y. Macm. 1899. Gilbert, Josiah H., comp. Cyclopaedia of quotations from the literature of all ages. See Thoughts for the occasion. Gilbert, Levi. Dynamic Christianity. N. Y. Eaton. C1912. Gilbert, Paul J. King's greatest business. N. Y. Revell. C1909. Gilchrist, Beth Bradford. Life of Mary Lyon. Bost. Houghton. 1910. Giles, Herbert Allen. History of Chinese literature. N. Y. Appleton. 1901. Religion of ancient China. Chi. Open court. n. d. (Religions anc. and mod.) and others. Great religions of the worJd. N. Y. Harper. 1912. Gilfillan, George. Bards of the Bible. Lond. Hamilton. 1874. Sabbath viewed in the light of reason, revela- tion and history. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. n. d. Gill, Charles Otis, and Pinchot, Gifford. Coun- try church: the decline of its influence and the remedy. N. Y. Macm. 1913. Gill, Joshua, and others. Hymns of grace and glory. Cleveland. CI901. Gillett, Ezra Hall. Life and times of John Huss. Phila. Presb. bd. of publ. 1861. 2v. Gillette, John Morris. Constructive rural sociology. N. Y. Sturgis. 1913. Vocational education. N. Y. Amer. book co. C1910. Gilliat, Edward. Heroes of modern crusades. Phila. Lippincott. 1909. Gillie, Robert Calder. Kinsfolk and friends of Jesus. Lond. Black. 1908. Gillies, John. Memoirs of George Whitefield. Hartford. Hunt. 1845. Gillies, J. R. Jeremiah; the man and his message. Lond. Hodder. 1907. Gilly, William Stephen. Narrative of an excur- sion to the mountains of Piemont in the year 1823, and researches among the Vaudois, or Waldenses. 4th ed. Lond. Rivington. 1827. GiLMAN, Daniel Coit. Franklin, F. Life of Daniel Coit Gilman. 1910. Oilman, Nicholas Paine. Methods of industrial peace. Bost. Houghton. 1904. Socialism and the American spirit. Bost. Houghton. CI 893. and Jackson, Edward Payson. Conduct as a fine art. Bost. Houghton. 1896. GiLMOUR, James. Lovett, R., ed. James Gil- mour of Mongolia; his diaries, letters and reports. 1891. Giotto di Bondone, Italian painter. Ruskin, J. Giotto and his works in Padua. {In his Poetry of architecture.) Girls. McKeever, W. A. Farm boys and girls. 1912. Slattery, M. The girl in her teens. C1910. Giving a man another chance. Smith, W. M. Gladden, "Washington. Applied Christianity; moral aspects of social questions. Bost. Houghton. 1893. Being a Christian: what it means, and how to begin. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1910. Christian pastor and the working church. N. Y. Scribner. 1898. (Int. theol. libr.) Church in modern life. Bost. Houghton. 1908. How much is left of the old doctrines? A book for the people. Bost. Houghton. 1899. Labor question. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1911. Lord's prayer: seven homilies. Bost. Hough- ton. C1880. New idolatry, and other discussions. N. Y. McClure. 1905. Practice of immortality. Bost. Pilgrim press. n. d. Recollections. Bost. Houghton. 1909. Ruling ideas of the present age. Bost. Houghton. 1895. Seven puzzling Bible books; a supplement to " Who wrote the Bible?" Bost. Hough- ton. 1897. Social salvation. Bost. Houghton. 1902. (Yale lect.) Tools and the man; property and industry under the Christian law. Bost. Houghton. 1893. (Adin Ballou lect.) Where does the sky begin? [Sermons.] Bost. Houghton. 1904. Who wrote the Bible? A book for the people. Bost. Houghton. 1892. Witnesses of the light. Bost. Houghton. 1903. (W. B. Noble lect.) Young men and the churches. Bost. Cong. S. S. pub. soc. 1885. and others. Organized labor and capital. Phila. Jacobs. 1904. (W. L. Bull lect.) Contents: Gladden, VV. The past. — Williams, T. The corporation. — Hodges, G. The union. — Peabody, F. G. The people. ed. Parish problems; hints and helps for the people of the churches. N. Y. Century CO. CI 887. Gladstone, William Ewart. Correspondence on church and religion; selected and arranged by D. C. Lathbury. N. Y. Macm. 1910. 2V. Catalogue General Theological Library 125 Gladstone, William Ewart — Continued Gleanings of past years. N. Y. Scribner. 7V. Contents: I. 187S-8. The throne and the Prince Consort; The cabinet and constitution. — II. 1844- 78. Personal and literary. — III. 1844-78. Histori- cal and speculative. — IV. 1851-77. Foreign. — V-VI. 1843-75. Ecclesiastical. — VII. 1843-79. Miscellaneous. Impregnable rock of Holy Scripture. Phila. Wattles. 1 89 1. Studies subsidiary to the works of Bishop Butler. N. Y. Macm. C1896. Apjohn, L. William Ewart Gladstone; his life and times. 1890. Bryce, J. (In his Studies in contemporary biography.) Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 10.) Macaulay, T. B. Gladstone on church and state. {In his Essays, vol. II.) Morley, J. Life of William Ewart Gladstone. 1903. 3v. Glasgow, Ellen Anderson Gholson. Battle ground. N. Y. Doubleday. 1910. Glazebrook, Michael George. Studies in the book of Isaiah. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1910. Gloag, Paton James, Primeval world; treatise on the relations of geology to theology. Edin. Clark. 1859. Gloria Patri revised. Bost. Universalist pub. house. 1903. Glover, Terrot Reaveley. Conflict of religions in the early Roman empire. Lond. Me- thuen. CI909. Gnostics and gnosticism. Bigg, C. Gnosti- cism. {In his Origins of Christianity.) Bishop, A. S. Modern gnosticism. {In his World's altar-stairs.) Cruttwell, C. T. {In his Literary history of early Christianity, vol. I.) Gwatkin, H. M. {In his Early church history, vol. II.) Harnack, A. {In his History of dogma.) Irenaeus, St. Against heresies. {In Ante- Nicene fathers, vol. I.) Pfleiderer, O. Syncretism and gnosticism. {In his Primitive Christianity, vol. III.) Watson, J. Gnostic theology. {In his Philosophical basis of religion.) God. Adams, J. C. Fatherhood of God. 1890. Adeney, W. F. Christian conception of God. C1912. Alden, H. M. God in his world. 1890. Alviella, Count G. d'. Lectures on the origin and growth of the conception of God. 1897. (Hibbert lect.) Armstrong, R. A. God and the soul. 1907. Beecher, H. W. The comforting God. {In his Sermons, 3d series.) — The God of pity. {In his Sermons, 3d ser.) — Growth in the knowledge of God. {In his Sermons, 1st ser.) — Human ideas of God. {In his Sermons, 2d ser.) Black, H. Listening to God. 1906. (Edin. sermons.) Bowne, B. P. Immanence of God. 1905. Brooks, P. Knowledge of God. {In his Twenty sermons.) God — Continued. Bunsen, C. C. J. von. God in history. 1868. 3v. Bushnell, H. God in Christ: three discourses. 1849. Caird, J. The invisible God. {In his Ser- mons.) — Union with God. {In Scotch sermons. Caird, J., and others.) Caldecott, A. Being of God in the light of philosophy. {In Cambridge theological essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Campbell, R. J. What is God? {In his City Temple sermons.) Campion, W. J. H. God our father. {In Keble College sermons. Talbot, E. S., and others.) Church, R. W. To know God is life eternal. {In his Village sermons, ist ser.) Clarke, W. N. Can I believe in God the Father? 1899. — The Christian doctrine of God. 1909. (Int. theol. libr.) Coffin, H. S. God. {In his Social aspects of the cross.) Cox, S. [Three sermons.] {In his Genesis of evil.) [i.] God unknown yet known. [2.] Incredible mercy of God. (3.] The living God of living men. Craufurd, A. H. The unknown God, and other sermons. 1895. Dawson, W. J. Fatherhood of God. {In his Threshold of manhood.) Doan, F. C. Religion and the modern mind. 1909. Contents: I. Religion and the modem mind. — II. God and the world-home. — III. Life ever- lasting: its condition. — IV. Prayer and the modem mind. — V. The unknown God. — VI. Invisible humanity of God. — VII. The present God. Drummond, H. [Three sermons.] {In his Ideal life.) [i.] What is God's will? [2.] Relation of the will of God to sancti- fication. [3.] How to know the will of God. Dykes, J. O. Divine worker in creation and providence. 1909. (Cunningham lect.) Ferguson, D. J. Vision of God. {In Scotch sermons. Caird, J., and others.) Fiske, J. Idea of God as affected by modern knowledge. 1886. Forsyth, P. T. The Holy Father and the living Christ. 1898. Gamble, E. B. God-idea of the ancients. 1897. Gordon, G. A. Through man to God. 1906. Gratry, A. J. A. Guide to the knowledge of God. 1892. I Green, T. H. Witness of God. 1886. Gwatkin, H. M. Knowledge of God and its historical development. 1906. 2 v. Hall, F. J. Being and attributes of God. 1909. Hare, A. W. God's patience and man s perverseness. {In his Alton sermons.) P4 Harris, S. God the Creator and Lord of all. 1896. 2V. — Self-revelation of God. 1887. Haweis, H. R. On the idea of God. {In his Sermons.) 126 Catalogue General Theological Library God — Continued. Haweis, H. R. On the science of God. {In his Sermons.) Hegel, G. W. F. Lectures on the proofs of the existence of God. {In his Philosophy of religion, vol. III.) Hocking, W. E. Meaning of God in human experience. 19 12. Hodges, G. Supreme disclosure of God. {In his Every man's religion.) Hunter, J. God and life: sermons. Hutton, J. A. Fear of things. 191 1. (" Preachers of to-day.") Iverach, J. Is God knowable? 1894. — Tenderness of God. {In his The other side of greatness, and other sermons.) Jevons, F. B. Idea of God in early religions. 1910. Jones, J. D. The existence of God. {In his Things most surely believed.) Knight, G. T. Goodness of God in view of the facts of nature and the supernatural. 1904. Lathbury, C. God winning us. 5th ed. 1903. Lidgett, J. S. Fatherhood of God. 1902. Lightfoot, J. B. Vision of God. {In Anglican pulpit of to-day. Benson, E. W., and others.) Lucas, B. Conception of God. {In his Christ for India.) — The Vedantic conception of God. {In his Christ for India.) M'Cabe, L. D. Foreknowledge of God. 1878. Macfarland, C. S. The nature of God. {In his Infinite affection.) Mackenzie, W. D. The Christian revelation of God. {In his Final faith.) McTaggart, J. M. E. {In his Some dogmas of religion, chapters VI-VII.) Moberly, W. H. God and the Absolute. {In Foundations: by seven Oxford men.) Momerie, A. W. Belief in God. 1886. Moore, A. The Christian doctrine of God. {In Lux mundi. Gore, C, ed.) Mulford, E. The republic of God. 1881. Orr, J. Sidelights on Christian doctrine. 1909. Palmer, B. God's white throne; a rational evangelical theodicy. 5th ed. 1904. Park, E. A. Design of God in his work of creation. {In his Discourses on some theological doctrines.) — Revelation of God in his works. {In his Discourses on some theological doctrines.) — Righteous man's satisfaction with the character of God. {In his Discourses on some theological doctrines.) Peabody, A. P. God. {In Unitarian affirma- tions. Hedge, F. H., and others.) Pike, G. R. Divine drama; manifestation of God in the universe. 1899. Royce, J. Conception of God. 1897. Savage, M. J. Belief in God. 1884. Schofield, A. T. Knowledge of God; its meaning and power. 1905. Schurman, J. G. Belief in God; its origin, nature and basis. 1896. Selby, T. G. The unheeding God, and other sermons. Snowden, J. H. God. {In his Basal beliefs of Christianity, I-VI.) God — Continued. Spinoza, B. Spinoza's short treatise on God, man and human welfare; tr. by L. G. Robinson. 1909. Spurgeon, C. H. Fatherhood of God. {In his Sermons, 5th ser.) — God's Providence. {In his Sermons, 2d ser.) Steenstra, P. H. Being of God as Unity and Trinity. 1 89 1. Temple, F. God the source of all things. {In his Sermons, Rugby School chapel.) Tennant, F. R. Being of God in the light of physical science. {In Cambridge theo- logical essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Walker, A. H. God. {In his Christ's Christianity.) Watson, J. Passion of God. {In his In- spiration of our faith : sermons.) Westcott, B. F. Vision of God. {In Anglican pulpit of to-day. Benson, E. W., and others.) Whitelaw, T. Jehovah-Jesus. 1913. (Short course series.) Young, J. Creator and the creation. 1870. Zwemer, S. M. Moslem doctrine of God. C1905. See also Bible; Deism; Divine immanence; Holy Spirit; Jesus Christ; Monotheism; Philosophy of religion; Religion; Theism; Theology; Trinity. God and life. Hunter, J. God and man. Shumaker, E. E. God and the Bible. Arnold, M. God in evolution. Johnson, F. H. God's choice of men. Richards, W. R. God's choice of men. Rogers, W. R. God's education of man. Hyde, W. D. God's image in man and its defacement. Orr, J. God's light on dark clouds. Cuyler, T. L. God's message to the human soul. Watson, J. God's missionary plan for the world. Bashford, J.W. God's open doors. Williams, T. R. God's word through preaching. Hall, J. Godet, Frederic Louis. Commentary on the gospel of St. Luke. Edin. Clark. 1878. 2v. Commentary on the gospel of St. John. Edin. Clark. 1876. 3v. Commentary on St. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians. Edin. Clark. 1886. 2 v. Introduction to the New Testament: the epistles of St. Paul. Edin. Clark. 1894. Lectures in defence of the Christian faith. Edin. Clark. 1881. Studies on the New Testament. N. Y. Dutton. 1888. Studies on the Old Testament. N. Y. Dutton. n. d. Godfrey of Bouillon, leader of the First Crusade. Walker, W. {In his Great men of the Christian church.) GoDKiN, Edwin Lawrence. Bryce, J. {In his Studies in contemporary biography.) Ogden, R. Life and letters of Edwin Law- rence Godkin. 1907. 2v. Godrycz, John. Doctrine of modernism, and its refutation. Phila. McVey. 1908. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Correspondence with a child. Bost. Ticknor. 1859. Faust; tr. by John Anster. Leipz. Tauch- nitz. n. d. Catalogue General Theological Library 127 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von — Continued. Faust; ed. by F. H Hedge. N. Y. Crowell. C1882. Faust; tr., in the original metres, by Bayard Taylor. Bost. Houghton. 1898. 2 v. in Everett, C. C. The " Faust " of Goethe. (In his Essays, theological and literary.) Lewes, G. H. Life of Goethe. 1864. Lord, J. Goethe. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 13.) Morison, J. H. (In his Great poets as religious teachers.) Moulton, R. G. Goethe's version of Faust. {In his World literature.) Santayana, G. Goethe's Faust. (In his Three philosophical poets.) Strong, A. H. Goethe the poet of pantheism. {In his Great poets and their theology.) Gold and the gospel; Ulster prize essays on the scriptural duty of giving in proportion to means and income. Lond. Nisbet. 1881, Gold, William Jason. Sacrificial worship. N. Y. Longm. 1903. Golden bough. Frazer, J, G. jv. Golden rule. Brooks, F. The Golden rule. {In his Sermons.) Coyle, J. P. The Golden rule. [Sermon.] {In his Imperial Christ.) Golder, Christian. History of the deaconess movement in the Christian church. Cine. Jennings. C1903. Goldsmith, Oliver. Macaulay, T. B. Oliver Goldsmith. {In his Essays, vol. II.) Golgotha. Wilson, Sir C. W. Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre. 1906. See also Calvary. Gooch, George Peabody. History of our time. 1885-1911. N. Y. Holt. C1911. Good Friday. Brooks, F. A Good Friday ser- mon. {In his Sermons.) Brooks, P. Good Friday. {In his Sermons for the church year.) — A Good Friday sermon. {In his Ser- mons. 1878.) Hodges, G. Beside the Cross: Good Friday meditations. 1890. Mortimer, A. G. Jesus and the resurrection; thirty addresses for Good Friday and Easter. 1907. Noble, F., ed. Fast-day, Good Friday and Lenten season. {In his Thoughts for the occasion, anniversary and religious.) Good neighbor in the modern city. Richmond, M. E. Good Samaritan. Parkhurst, C. H. The Good Samaritan. {In his Pattern in the mount, and other sermons.) Smith, G. A. The Good Samaritan. {In his Forgiveness of sins, and other sermons.) Westcott, F. N. The church and the Good Samaritan; mission addresses to men. 1905. Good shepherd. A, and other sermons. Hunting- ton, W. R. Good, James Isaac. Famous places of the Reformed churches; a religious guidebook to Europe. Phila. Heidelberg press. 1910. Goode, William. Doctrine of the Church of England as to the effects of baptism in the case of infants. N. Y. Sanford. 1850. Goodell, Charles LeRoy. Followers of the gleam; or. Modern miracles of grace. N. Y. Funk. 1911. Pastoral and personal evangelism. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1907. Pathways to the best. N. Y. Funk. 1907. Goodell, Constans L. How to build a church. Bost. Cong. S. S. pub. soc. C1883. Currier, A. H. Life of Constans L. Goodell. C1887. Goodness. Black, H. Charm of goodness. {In his Listening to God: sermons.) Watson, J. Contempt of goodness. {In his Inspiration of our faith: sermons.) Goodnow, Frank Johnson. Social reform and the constitution. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. Goodsell, Daniel Ayres. Nature and character at Granite Bay. N. Y. Eaton. CI901. Peter the Hermit; a story of enthusiasm. Cine. Jennings. CI906. (Men of the kingdom.) Things which remain; an address to young ministers. Cine. Jennings. 1904. Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson. Epistle to the Hebrews. N. Y. Macm. 1908. (Bible for home and school.) Goodspeed, George Stephen. History of the Babylonians and Assyrians. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1902. (Story of the nations.) Israel's Messianic hope to the time of Jesus. N. Y. Macm. 1900. Goodwin, Frank J. Harmony of the life of St. Paul. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. CI895. Goodwin, Harvey. Foundations of the creed. N. Y. Dutton. 1899. Goodwin, John Abbott. The Pilgrim republic; an historical review of the colony of New Plymouth, with sketches of the rise of other New England settlements. Bost. Hough- ton. 1895. Gordon, Adoniram Judson. Ecce venit. N. Y. Revell. 1889. Grace and glory; sermons. N. Y. Revell. CI880. Holy Spirit in missions. N.Y. Revell. C1893. In Christ; or, The believer's union with his Lord. Bost. Gould. 1872. Ministry of healing; or, Miracles of cure in all ages. Bost. Gannett. 1883. Ministry of the spirit. Phila. A, B. P. S. 1894. Twofold life. Bost. Gannett. 1884. and Pierson, Arthur Tappan. Coronation hymnal. A. B. P. S. C1894. Gordon, E. B. Adoniram Judson Gordon. C1896. Gordon, Alexander Reid. The early traditions of Genesis. Edin. Clark. 1907. Gordon, Anna Adams. Beautiful life of Frances E. Willard. Chi. W. T. pub. co. CI898. Gordon, Charles George. Gilliat, IE. {In his Heroes of modern crusades.) Hake, A. E. Story of Chinese Gordon. 1888. Speer, R. E. {In his Some great leaders in the world movement.) Gordon, Ernest B. Adoniram Judson Gordon. N. Y. Revell. C1896. Gordon, George Angler. The Christ of to-day. Bost. Houghton. 1895. Evolution of a thinker. {In Culture of Christian manhood. Sallmon, W. H., ed.) 128 Catalogue General Theological Library Gordon, George Angler — Continued. Great assurance. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1910. Immortality and the new theodicy. Bost. Houghton. 1897. (Ingersoll lect.) New epoch for faith. Bost. Houghton. 1901. Religion and miracle. Bost. Houghton. 1909. Through man to God. Bost. Houghton. 1906. Ultimate conceptions of faith. Bost. Hough- ton. 1903. Witness to immortality in literature, philoso- phy and life. Bost. Houghton. 1893. Boston. Old South Church. Twenty-fifth anniversary of the installation as minister of George A. Gordon. 1909. Gordon, M. Lafayette. American missionary in Japan. Bost. Houghton. 1895. Gordon, Samuel Dickey. Quiet talks on per- sonal problems. N. Y. Armstrong. 1907. Quiet talks on power. New ed. Chi., etc. Re veil. 1903. Quiet talks on prayer. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1904. Gore, Charles. Body of Christ; enquiry mto the institution and doctrine of Holy Com- munion. Lond. Murray. 1901. Church and the ministry. Lond. Longm. 1907. Creed of the Christian. Lond. Gardner, n. d. Dissertations on subjects connected with the incarnation. N. Y. Scribner. 1895. Incarnation of the Son of God. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1891. (Bamp. lect.) Leo the Great. Lond. S. P. C. K. n. d. (Fathers tor English readers.) Mission of the church. N. Y. Scribner. 1892. The new theology and the old religion. N. Y. Dutton. 1907. Orders and unity. N. Y. Dutton. 1909. Prayer and the Lord's prayer. Lond. Wells. 1905. Roman Catholic claims. Lond. Longm. 1905. St. Paul's epistle to the Ephesians; a practical exposition. Lond. Murray. 1900. Sermon on the Mount. Lond. Murray. ^905- ed. Lux mundi; a series of studies in the religion of the incarnation. 12th ed. Lond. Murray. 1891. E^ch one catalogued separately under its subject. Gospel according to the Hebrews. Nicholson, E. B. Gospel and human needs. Figgis, J. N. Gospel and the church. Loisy, A. Gospel and the modern man. Mathews, S. Gospel awakening. Moody, D. L., and others. Gosp>el development. Ward, C. T. Gospel for a world of sin. Van Dyke, H. Gospel for an age of doubt. Van Dyke, H. Gospel in Latin lands. Clark, F. E., arid Clark, H. A. Gospel in literature. Greene, J. N. Gospel in the gospels. Du Bose, W. P. Gospel invitation. [Grout, H. M., ed.] Gospel of Barnabas. Ragg, L., and Ragg, L. Gospel of Buddha, Carus, P., ed. Gospel of life. Westcott, B. F. Gospel of pain. Hardy, T. J. Gospel of Peter. See Bible. N. T. Apocrypha. Gospel questions and answers. Denney, J. Goss, Charles Frederic. Redemption of David Corson. Indianapolis. Bowen-Merrill co. CI900. Gott, John. Parish priest of the town. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1887. Goucher, John Franklin. Christianity and the United States. N. Y. Eaton. C1908. Growth of the missionary concept. N. Y. Eaton. CI911. Goudge, Henry Leighton. First epistle to the Corinthians. Lond. Methuen. 1903. (Westminster com.) Gough, John Bartholomew. Autobiography and personal recollections. Springfield. Bill. 1869. Goulbum, Edward Meyrick. Everlasting pun- ishment. N. Y, Pott. 1889. The idle word; short religious essays upon the gift of speech and its employment in con- versation. N. Y. Appleton. 1873. Office of the Holy Communion in the Book of common prayer. N. Y. Appleton. 1870. Thoughts upon the liturgical gospels. Lond. Rivington. 1886. Gould, Ezra Palmer. Biblical theology of the New Testament. N. Y. Macm. 1900. (N. T. handbooks.) Commentary on the epistles to the Corinthians. Phila. A. B. P. S. C1887. (Amer. com. on the N. T.) Commentary on the gospel according to St. Mark. N. Y. Scribner, 1896. (Int. crit. com.) Gould, George Milbry. Infinite presence. N. Y. Moffat. 19 10. Gould, Mark. Poems. Bost. Earle. C1894. Gould, Sabine Baring-. Church in Germany. Lond. Gardner. 1891. Lives of the saints. Lond. Nimmo. 1898. i6v. Origin and development of religious belief. 2v. N. Y. Appleton. 1870-71. Story of Germany. N. Y. Putnam. 1896. (Story of the nations.) Government. Kelly, E. Government or human evolution. 1900-1901. 2v. Tyng, T. S. Draft of a frame of government. 1912. See also Political science. Government ownership. See Public ownership. Gowen, Herbert H. Meditations on the seven words from the cross. Lond. Skeffington. 1911. Graetz, Heiniich. History of the Jews. Phila. Jewish pub. soc. 189 1. 6v. Grafton, Charles Chapman. Catholic atlas; or. Digest of Catholic theology. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1908. Christian and Catholic. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1905. Journey Godward. Mil. Young churchm. 1910. Personal reminiscences. Grail. See Holy Grail. Grane, William Leighton. Passing of war: a study in things that make for peace. 3d ed. Lond. Macm. 19 13. Catalogue General Theological Library 129 Granger, Frank. Soul of a Christian. N. Y. Macm. 1900. Grant, Asahel. The Nestorians; or, The lost tribes. N, Y. Harper. 1841. Grant, Elihu. The peasantry of Palestine; the life, manners and customs of the village. Bost., etc. Pilgrim press. C1907. Grant, George Monro. Religions of the world in relation to Christianity. N. Y. Revell. n. d. (Guild text books.) Grant, Miles. Positive theology. 3d ed. Bost. Advent Christian pub. co. 1895. Thoughts for thinkers. Bost. Advent Chris- tian pub. CO. 1893. Grant, Percy Stickney. Socialism and Chris- tianity. N. Y. Brentano. 19 10. Grant, Ulysses Simpson. Fowler, C. H. {In his Patriotic orations.) Grant, William Daniel, ed. Christendom, a.d. 1901. N. Y. Holt. 1902. 2v. Grasset, Joseph. The semi-insane and the semi-responsible. Authorized ed., tr. by S. E. Jellifife. N. Y. Funk. 1907. Gratry, Auguste Joseph Alphonse. Guide to the knowledge of God. Bost. Roberts. 1892. Graves, Henry Clinton. Handbook of Christian doctrine, based upon the " Manual of Christian theology " by Alvah Hovey, with the permission of its author. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1903. Lectures on homiletics. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1906. Graves, James Robinson. The great iron wheel; or. Republicanism backwards and Christianity reversed. 9th ed. Nashville [Tenn.]. Graves. 1855. and Ditzler, Jacob. The Graves- Ditzler: or, Great Carroll ton debate on the mode of baptism, etc. 3d thous. Memphis. South- ern Bapt. pub. soc. 1876. Gray, Asa. Darwiniana: essays and reviews pertaining to Darwinism. N. Y. Apple- ton. 1884. Gray, Charles. Life of Robert Gray. Lond. Rivington. 1886. 2 v. Gray, George Buchanan. Critical and exegetical commentary on the book of Isaiah. N. Y. Scribner. 1912. (Int. crit. com.) Critical and exegetical commentary on Num- bers. N. Y. Scribner. 1903. (Int. crit. com.) Critical introduction to the Old Testament. N. Y. Scribner. 1913. Gray, George S. Eight studies of the Lord's day. Camb. Houghton. 1884. Gray, George Zabriskie. The children's cru- sade; an episode of the thirteenth century. Bost. Houghton. C1898. Husband and wife; or. The theory of marriage and its consequences. Bost. Houghton. 1885. Gray, Robert, bishop of Capetown and Metro- politan of Africa. Gray, C. Life of Robert Gray. 1886. 2 v. Gray, W. Forbes, ed. Non-church-going; its reasons and remedies; a symposium, by Sir Oliver Lodge [and others]. N. Y., etc. Revell. 191 1. Great American educators. Winship, A. E. Great awakening. Tracy, J. Great Britain Civilization. Robinson, H. P. The twentieth century American; being a comparative study of the peoples of the two great Anglo-Saxon na- tions. 1908. History. See England. Religious history. Coats, R. H. Types of English piety. 1912. Forsyth, P. T. Rome, reform and reaction; four lectures on the religious situation. 1899. Hall, T. C. Social meaning of modern reli- gious movements in England. 1900. (Ely lect.) Tayler, J. J. Retrospect of the religious life of England; or, The church, Puritanism and free inquiry. 2d ed. 1876. S'eea/io Church of England. History; England. Great charter of Christ. Carpenter, W. B. Great days of Northumbria. Mills, J. T. Great design of Henry IV, from the Memoirs of the Duke of Sully; United states of Eurojje, by E. E. Hale; with introduction by E. D. Mead. Bost. Ginn. 1909. Great educators. Abelard and the early history of universities. Compayre, G. Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools. West, A. F. Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits. Hughes, T. Great men of the Christian church. Walker, W. Great morning. Lathbury, C. Great religions of the world. Giles, H. A., and others. Great religious teachers of the East. Martin, A. W. Great texts of the Bible. Hastings, J., ed. lov. Greatest English classic. McAfee, C. B. Greatest thing in the world. Drummond, H. Greatest things in religion. Antrim, E. M. Greece. Dickinson, G. L. Greek view of life. C1907. Livingstone, R. W. The Greek genius and its meaning to us. 1912. MahaflFy, J. P. Greek life and thought. 1896. — What have the Greeks done for modern civilization? 1909. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Symonds, J. A. Sketches and studies in Italy and Greece. ist-3d ser. New ed. 1907. 3v. Wedgwood, J. Greece and the harmony of opposites. {In her Moral ideal.) >^ History. Bury, J. B. The ancient Greek historians. 1909. (Harvard lect.) Felton, C. C. Greece, ancient and modern. 1867. 2V. Harrison, J. A. Story of Greece. 1893. (Story of the nations.) Hawes, C. H., and Hawes, H. B. Crete, the forerunner of Greece. 1909. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) Mahaffy, J. P. Story of Alexander's empire. 1894. (Story of the nations.) 130 Catalogue General Theological Library Greece — Continued. Philosophy. See Philosophy. Politics and government. Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. The ancient city: a study on the religion, laws and institutions of Greece and Rome; tr. by W. Small. 7th ed. 1889. Religion. Adam, J. Religious teachers of Greece. 1908. (GiflFord lect.) Caird, E. Evolution of theology in the Greek philosophers. 1904. 2 v. (Gifford lect.) Campbell, L. Religion in Greek literature. 1898. Fairbanks, A. Handbook of Greek religion. 1910. (Greek ser, for colleges and schools.) Farnell, L. R. Greece and Babylon: a com- parative sketch of Mesopotamian, Anato- lian and Hellenic religions. 1911. — Higher aspects of Greek religion. 1912. (Hibbert lect.) Harrison, J. E. Prolegomena to the study of Greek religion. 1903. — Religion of ancient Greece, n. d. (Re- ligions anc. and mod.). — Themis: a study of the social origins of the Greek religion. 1912. Murray, G. Four stages of Greek religion. 1912. (Columbia Univ. lect.) Pfleiderer, O. The Greek religion. {In his Religion and historic faiths.) Tyler, W. S. Theology of the Greek poets. 1884. Ward, W. H. The Greek and the Hittite gods. jy (In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Religion and art. Forsyth, P. T. Christ on Parnassus. 191 1. Gardner, E. A. Religion and art in ancient Greece. 19 10. Greek church. Adeney, W. F. The Greek and Eastern churches. 1908. (Int. theol. libr.) Barton, G. A, The Christian message in the Eastern church. (In his Heart of the Christian message.) Bliss, F. J. The Orthodox church. (In his Religions of modern Syria and Palestine.) Dampier, M. G. History of the Orthodox Church in Austria-Hungary. 1905. Headlam, A. C. The Church of England and the Eastern churches. (In his History, authority and theology.) Hore, A. H. Student's history of the Greek church. 1902. Lacey, T. J. Study of the Eastern Orthodox church, n. d. Leroy-Beaulieu, A. The empire of the Tsars and the Russians; tr. by Z. A. Ragozin. Pt. HI: The religion. 1902. Palmer, W., and Khomiakoff, A. S, Corre- spondence in the years 1 844-1 854; ed. by W. J. Birkbeck. 1895. (Russia and the English church during the last fifty years, vol. I.) Greek church — Continued. Ramsay, W. M. The Orthodox church in the Byzantine empire. (In his Luke the physician, etc.) Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the history of the Eastern church. 1900. Tozer, H. F. Church and the Eastern em- pire. 1888. (Epochs of church history.) See also Church history; Eastern church; Russian church. Doctrine. Duckworth, H. T. F. Greek manuals of church doctrine. 1901. Headlam, A. C. Teaching of the Russian church. 1897. Pusey, E. B. On the clause " and the Son " in regard to the Eastern church and the Bonn conference: letter to H. P. Liddon. 1876. Hymns. Pick, B., comp. Hymns and poetry of the Eastern church collected and chronologi- cally arranged. C1908. Liturgy. Ritual. Campbell, F. W. G. Little Orthodox manual of prayers of the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church. 191 1. Hapgood, L F. Service book of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Apostolic (Greco-Rus- sian) church. 1906. Romanoff, H. C. Sketches of the rites and customs of the Graeco- Russian church. 1868. Smyth, E. C. The Greek liturgies. (In Christian worship. Hall, C. C, and others.) Greek gospel: an interpretation of the coming faith. Usher, E. P. Greeley, Horace. Recollections of a busy life. N. Y. Ford. 1868. Cornell, W. M. Life of Horace Greeley. 1872. Green, Ashbel. Lectures on the shorter cate- chism of the Presbyterian church. Phila. Presb. bd. of pub. C1841. 2 v. Green, John Richard. History of the English people. N. Y. Harper. 1882. 4V. Short history of the English people. New ed. N. Y. Harper. 1897. Bryce, J. (In his Studies in contemporary biography.) Green, Rufus S. Both sides; or, Jonathan and Absalom. Phila. Presb. bd. of pub. C1887. Green, S. W. Gospel according to St. Mark, with introduction and notes. N. Y. Revell. n. d. (Westminster N. T.) Green, Thomas Hill. Prolegomena to ethics. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1890. Witness of God and faith: two sermons. Lond. Longm. 1886. Works, ed. by R. L. Nettleship, 2d ed. Lond. Longm. 1 889-1 890. 3v. Bryce, J. (In his Studies in contemporary biography.) Green, William Henry. General introduction to the Old Testament: the canon. N. Y. Scribner. 1899. Catalogue General Theological Library I 131 Green, William Henry — Continued. Hebrew feasts in their relation to recent critical hypotheses concerning the Penta- teuch. N.Y. Carter. 1885. (Newton lect.) Higher criticism of the Pentateuch. N. Y. Scribner. 1895. Old Testament literature. Trenton [N. J.]. Murphy. 1888. Prophets and prophecy. Princeton [N.J.]. 1888. Unity of the book of Genesis. N. Y. Scrib- ner, 1895. Greene, Frederick Davis. The rule of the Turk; a rev. ed. of The Armenian crisis. i8th thous. N. Y. Putnam. 1896. Greene, John M. Looking on the bright side, and other subjects. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1901. Greene, Joseph Nelson. The gospel in litera- ture. Cine. Jennings. 1910. Contents: Enoch Arden; or, Love's self -crucifixion. — Cotter's Saturday night; or, God at the fireside. — Goldsmith's village parson; or, The saintly character. — Vision of Sir Launfal; or. The sacra- ment of daily service. — Prisoner of Chillon; or Christianity's debt to the past. — Ancient mariner; or. Nearness of the spirit world. — Snow-Bound; or. Character formed at the fireside. — Saul; or The awakening of a soul. Greene, Maria Lotiise. Development of reli- gious liberty in Connecticut. Bost. Houghton. 1905. Greenhough, J. G. Apostles of our Lord. N. Y. Armstrong. 1904. Greenwell, Dora, and Forsjrth, Peter Taylor. Power of prayer. Lend. Hodder. n. d. Greenwood, Francis William Pitt. History of King's Chapel, Boston, the first Episcopal church in New England. Bost. Carter. .1823. Lives of the twelve apostles. Bost. A. U. A. 1 868. Sermons to children. Bost. A. U. A. 1868. Greenwood, James. Seven curses of London. Bost. Fields. 1869. Greer, David Hummell. From things to God. N. Y. VVhittaker. C1893. Preacher and his place. N. Y. Scribner. 1895. (Yale lect.) Visions: Sunday morning sermons. N. Y. Whittaker. 1898. Greg, William Rathbone. Creed of Christen- dom. Detroit [Mich.]. 1888. Gregg, David. Between the Testaments; or, Interbiblical history. N. Y. Funk. 1907. Makers of the American republic; a series of patriotic lectures. New ed. N. Y. Treat. 1905. and others. Makers of the American repub- lic; a series of patriotic lectures. See Thoughts for the occasion. Gregory the Great, St. Book of pastoral rule and selected epistles; tr., with introduction, notes, etc., by James Barmby. {In Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d sen, vol. XIL) Barmby, J. Gregory the Great. 1879. (Fathers for English readers.) Hodges, G. Gregory the Great. {In his Saints and heroes.) Merivale, C. St. Gregory and the early missions of the church. {In his Four lect. on early church history.) Gregory Nazianzen, St. Select orations; Select letters; tr. [with notes and introduction] by C. G. Browne and J. E. Swallow. {In Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d ser., vol. VII.) Newman, J. H. Basil and Gregory. {In his Historical sketches, vol. II.) — Rise and fall of Gregory. {In his Historical sketches, vol. II.) Gregory of Nyssa, St. Select writings and letters; tr., with notes, etc., by W. Moore and H. A. Wilson. 1893. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers. 2d ser., vol. V.) Gregory Thaumaturgus. Acknowledged writ- ings; Dubious or spurious writings; tr. [with elucidations] by S. D. F. Salmond. {In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. VI.) Gregory VII, pope. See Hildebrand. Gregory, Caspar Rene. Canon and text of the New Testament. N. Y. Scribner. 1907. (Int. theol. libr.) Grellet, Stephen. Guest, W. Stephen Grellet. 1883. Grenfell, Bernard Pyne, and Hunt, Arthur Surridge, eds. Sayings of our Lord. 1897. See Bible. N. T. Apocryphal books. New sayings of Jesus. 1904. 5ee Bible. N. T. Apocryphal books. Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason. Adventure of life. Bost. Houghton. 1912. (W. B. Noble lect.) Harvest of the sea. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1905- A man's faith. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1908. Man's helpers. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1910. On immortality. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1912. What can Jesus Christ do with me? Bost., etc. Pilgrim press. [CI912.] What life means to me. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1910. What will you do with Jesus Christ? Bost. Pilgrim press. CI910. and others. Labrador: the country and the people. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Gilliat, E. {In his Heroes of modern cru- sades.) Johnston, J. Grenfell of Labrador, n. d. Gnffin, William Hall. Life of Robert Browning. N. Y. Macm. 19 10. Griffis, William Elliot. Corea; the hermit nation. N. Y. Scribner. 191 1. Dux Christus, an outline study of Japan. N. Y. Macm. 1904. Japanese nation in evolution; steps in the progress of a great people. N. Y. Crowell. C1907. Lily among thorns; a study of the biblical drama entitled The Song of songs. Bost. Houghton. 1890. Matthew Calbraith Perry. Bost. Cupples. 1887. The Mikado's empire. New ed. N. Y. Harper. 1883. A modern pioneer in Korea: Henry G. Appen- zeller. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1912. Pilgrims in their three homes, England, Hol- land, America. Bost. Houghton. C1898. (Riverside libr. for young people.) Religions of Japan from the dawn of history to the era of Meiji. N. Y. Scribner. 1901. 132 Catalogue General Theological Library Griffis, William Elliot — Continued. Townsend Harris, first American envoy in Japan. Bost. Houghton. 1895. Verbeck of Japan. N. Y. Revell. CI900. Griffith-Jones, E. See Jones. Griggs, Edward Howard. Moral education. N. Y. Huebsch. 1904. New humanism; studies in personal and social development. N. Y. Huebsch. 1900. Grindal, Edmund. Strype, J. History of the life and acts of Edmund Grindal. 1821. Grindrod, Ralph Barnes. Bacchus; essay on the nature, causes, effects and cure of intem- perance. N. Y. Langley. 1840. Grist, William Alexander. Historic Christ in the faith of to-day. N. Y. Revell. C1911. Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. Scenes in the life of the Saviour by the poets and painters. Phila. Lindsay. C1845. Gronlund, Laurence. Co-operative common- wealth; an exposition of socialism. Bost. Lee. 1903. The new economy; a peaceable solution of the social problem. Chi, Stone. 1898. Groot, Hugo de. See Grotius. Groot, Johaim Jakob Maria de. Religion in China: Universism; a key to the study of Taoism and Confucianism. N. Y. Put- nam. 1912. (Amer. lect. on the hist, of religions.) Religion of the Chinese. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Grose, Howard Benjamin. Advance in the Antilles; the new era in Cuba and Porto Rico. N. Y. Y. P. M. M. 1910. (For- ward miss, study courses.) Aliens or Americans? N. Y. Y. P. M. M. CI906. (Forward miss, study courses.) The incoming millions. N. Y. Revell. C1906. (Home mission study course.) Grotius, Hugo. Defence of the Catholic faith concerning the satisfaction of Christ against Faustus Socinus. Andover. Draper. 1889. White, A. D. Grotius. {In his Seven great statesmen.) Grover, Delo Corydon. Volitional element in knowledge and belief, and other essays in philosophy and religion. Bost. Sher- man. 191 1. Growth. Tvler, J. M. Growth and education. 1907. Grubb, Edward. Authority and the light within. Phila. Winston. 1908. Social aspects of the Quaker faith. Lond. Headley. 1899. Guericke, Heinrich Ernst Ferdinand. Manual of church history; tr. by W. G. T. Shedd. First six centuries. Andover. Draper. 1890. Manual of church history; tr. by W. G. T. Shedd. 590-1073. Andover. Draper. 1870. Guerin, Eugenie de. Journal. Lond. Strahan. 1865. Guernsey, Alice Margaret. Citizens of to- morrow; a study of childhood and youth from the standpoint of home mission work. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI907. (Home miss, study course.) Guest, WiUiam. Stephen Grellet. Phila. Longstreth. 1883. Young man setting out in life. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. n. d. Guettee, Rene Franfois, abhe. The papacy; tr, from the French; with introduction by A. C. Coxe. N. Y. Carleton. 1867. Guide to reading in social ethics and allied subjects; lists of books and articles selected and described for the use of general readers by teachers in Harvard University. Camb. Univ. press. 1910. Guild, Reuben Aldridge. Life, times and corre- spondence of James Manning. Bost. Gould. 1864. Guinness, Fanny E. {Mrs. H. Grattan Guin- ness.) New world of Central Africa, with a history of the first Christian mission on the Congo. Lond. Hodder. 1890. Guinness, Lucy E. joint author. See Millard, E. C, and Guinness, L. E. Gmzot, Franfois Pierre Guillaume. General history of civilization in Europe, N. Y. Appleton. 1856. 4v, Meditations on the actual state of Christian- ity, N. Y, Scribner. n. d. Saint Louis and Calvin. Phila. Lippincott. 1870. Gulick, Luther Halsey. The efficient life. N. Y. Doubleday. 1907. Gulick, Sidney Lewis. Evolution of the Jajjan- ese. N. Y. Revell, CI903. Growth of the kingdom of God. N. Y. Revell. n. d. Gulliver, Lucile. Friendship of nations; a story of the Peace movement for young people. Bost., etc. Ginn. C1912. Gummere, Amelia S. Mott {Mrs. F. B. G\ivaxa.QTt), joint author. See ]ones, R, M,, and others. Gimuney, Henry Riley. Consecration of the Eucharist; a study of the prayer of conse- cration in the Communion office from the point of view of the alterations and amend- ments established therein by the revisers of 1789, Phila, H. F. Anners, 1908, Gunkel, Hermann. Legends of Genesis; tr. by W, H, Carruth, Chi, Open court, 1901, Gunsaulus, Frank Wakeley. Higher ministries of recent English poetry. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI907, Minister and spiritual life, N, Y. Revell, C1911, (Yale lect,) Paths to power: Central church sermons. N, Y., etc. Revell, C1905. Paths to the city of God. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI 906. Transfiguration of Christ. Bost. Houghton. 1886. Wilkinson, W. C. {In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse.) Gurteen, Stephen Humphreys Villiers. Epic of the fall of man; a study of Caedmon, Dante and Milton. N. Y. Putnam. 1896. Gustafson, Axel Carl Johan. Foundation of death; a study of the drink question, Bost. Ginn, 1886, GusTAVUS Adolphus, king of Sweden. Fletcher, C, R, L. Gustavus Adolphus and the struggle of Protestantism for existence. 1910. (Heroes of the nations.) Lord, J. Gustavus Adolphus, {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 8,) Catalogue General Theological Library 133 Guthrie, Ernest G., and others. Significance of the personality of Christ for the minister of to-day: three addresses [by] E. G. Guthrie, P. H. Epler [and] W. B. Thorpe. Bost. Pilgrim press. CI907. Guthrie, Kenneth Sylvan. Spiritual message of literature; being an attempt at a manual of the comparative religion of literature. Medford. Prophet pub. co. 1905. Guthrie, Thomas. Autobiography. N. Y. Carter. 1870. 2 v. Gospel in Ezekiel. N. Y. Carter. 1877. "Out of harness." Lond. Strahan. 1867. Studies of character from the Old Testament. N. Y. Carter. 1869. joint author. See Macleod, N., and Guthrie, T. Brastow, L. O. Thomas Guthrie. {In his Representative modern preachers.) Guyau, Jean Marie. Non-religion of the future. N. Y. Holt. 1897. GuYON, Jeanne Marie Bouvi^res de la MoTHE. Upham, T. C. Life and reli- gious opinions and experience of Madame de la Mothe Guyon. 1847. 2v. Vaughan, R. A. {In his Hours with the mystics, vol. II.) Guyot, Arnold. Creation; or, The biblical cosmogony in the light of modern science. N. Y. Scribner. 1884. Gwatkin, Henry Melvill. The Arian con- troversy. Lond. Longm. 1889. (Epochs of church history.) Early church history. To A.D. 313. Lond. Macm. 1909. 2v. Eye for spiritual things, and other sermons. Edin. Clark. 1906. Knowledge of God and its historical develop- ment. Edin. Clark. 1906. 2v. joint author. See Kennett, R. H., and others. Gwynne, Walker, ed. Five hundred stories and illustrations adapted to the Christian year for the use of catechists, teachers and preachers. N. Y. Pott. 1897. H., J. W. A. M. Mackay, pioneer missionary to Uganda. By his sister [Mrs. J. W. Harrison]. N. Y. Armstrong. 1890. Habit. Mackay, D. S. Habit. {In his Reli- gion of the threshold, and other ser- mons.) Moxom, P. S. {In hts Aim of life.) Peabody, A. P. Habit. {In his Baccalau- reate sermons.) Roads, C. How habits hold us fast. {In his Man with a conscience.) Rowe, S. H. Habit-formation and the science of teaching. New impr. 191 1. Hackett, Frank Warren. Sketch of the life and public services of William Adams Richard- son. Wash. Priv. pr. 1898. Hackett, Horatio Balch. Commentarv on Acts. Phila. A. B. p. S. C1882. (Amer. com. on the N. T.) Whittemore, G. H. Memorials of H. B. Hackett. 1876. Hackmann, H. Buddhism as a religion; its historical development and its present conditions. Lond. Probsthain. 1910. (Probsthain's oriental ser.) Hackwood, Frederick William. Christ lore. Mil. Young ch. 1902. Haddan, Arthur West. Apostolical succession in the Church of England. Lond. Riving- ton. 1870. Haddon, Alfred Cort. Magic and fetishism. Chi. Open court, n. d. (Religions anc. and mod.) Hadley, Arthur Twining. Some influences in modern philosophic thought. New Haven. Univ. press. 1913. Standards of public morality, N. Y. Macm. 1907. (Kennedy lect.) Hadley, Samuel Hopkins. Down in Water Street; sequel to the life of Jerry McAuley. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1902. Chapman, J. W. S. H. Hadley of Water Street; a miracle of grace. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1906. Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August. Confession of faith of a man of science. Lond. Black. 1903. Evolution of man. N. Y. Appleton. 1879. 2V. History of creation. N. Y. Appleton. 1883. 2V. Riddle of the universe at the close of the nine- teenth century; tr. by J. McCabe. N. Y. Harper. 1900. Boutroux, £. £. M. Haeckel and monism. {In his Science and religion, etc.) Lodge, 5tr O. J. Life and matter; a criticism of Haeckel's " Riddle of the universe." 1905- Haendel, Georg Friedrich. See Handel. Haering, Theodor von. Ethics of the Christian life. N. Y. Putnam. 1909. Hagar. Brooke, S. A. The story of Hagar. [Sermon.] {In his O. T. and modern life.) Hagenbach, Karl Rudolf. Compendium of the history of doctrine; tr. by C. W. Buch. Edin. Clark. 1850. 2 v. (For. theol. libr.) History of the church in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; tr. by J. F. Hurst. N. Y. Scribner. 1869. 2v. Haggard, Henry Rider. Regeneration: an account of the social work of the Salvation Army in Great Britain. N. Y. Longm. 1910. Hague International Peace Conference. Hull, W. I. Two Hague conferences. 1908. Lawrence, T. J. International problems and Hague conferences. 1908. Scott, J. B. Hague peace conferences for 1899 and 1907. 1909. 2v. Hake, A&red Egmont. Story of Chinese Gordon. N. Y. Worthington. 1888. Haldane, Richard Burdon. Pathway to reality. N. Y. Dutton. 1903-04. 2v. (Giffordlect.) Haldeman, Isaac Massey. Christian science in the light of Holy Scripture. N. Y. Revell. C1909. Hale lectures. Music in the church; Lutkin, P. C. National church of Sweden; Wordsworth, J. Hale, Edward Everett. If Jesus came to Boston. Bost. Lamson. 1895. In His name. Bost. Roberts. 1890. Man without a country. Bost. Little. 1911. Prayers offered in the Senate of the United States in the winter session of 1904. Bost. Little. 1904. 134 Catalogue General Theological Library Hale, Edward Everett — Continued Story of Massachusetts. Bost. Lothrop. CI891. The United states of Europe. {In Great design of Henry IV.) Higginson, T. W. Edward Everett Hale. {In his Carlyle's laugh, and other surprises.) Hale, Harris Grafton. Who then is this? A study of the personality of Jesus. Bost., etc. Pilgrim press. 1905. Hale, Lucretia Peabody. Service of sorrow. Bost. A. U. A. 1867. Hale, Susan. Story of Mexico. N. Y. Putnam. 1894. (Story of the nations.) Haley, John William. Book of Esther; new translation with notes. Andover. Draper. 1885. Examination of the alleged discrepancies of the Bible. 4th ed. Andover. Draper. 1897- Halifax, Charles Lindley Wood, 2d viscount. Leo XIII and Anglican orders. Lond. Longm. 1912. Hall, Arthur Crawshay Alliston. Christian doctrine of prayer. N. Y. Longm. 1904. Doctrine of the church. Sewanee [Tenn.j. Univ. press. 1909. (Sewanee theol. libr.) Forgiveness of sins; sermons. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1908. Meditations on the Lord's prayer. Mil. Young ch. C1884. Preaching and pastoral care. N. Y. Longm. 1913- Hall, Charles Cuthbert. Christ and the eastern soul; the witness of the oriental conscious- ness to Jesus Christ. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. (Barrows lect.) Christ and the human race; or. The attitude of Jesus toward foreign races and religions. Bost. Houghton. 1906. (W. B. Noble lect.) Christian belief interpreted by Christian experience. Chi. Univ. press. 1905. (Barrows lect.) Does God send trouble? Bost. Houghton. 1896. Gospel of the divine sacrifice. N. Y. Dodd. 1896. Qualifications for ministerial power. Hart- ford. 1895. (Carew lect.) The silver cup; simple messages to children from one who loved them. Bost. Houghton. ^909- Universal elements of the Christian religion. N. Y. Revell. C1905. (Cole lect.) and Lasar, Sigismond. Evangelical hymnal. N. Y. Barnes. ci88o. and others. Christian worship: ten lectures. N. Y. Scribner. 1897. Hall, Edwin. The Puritans and their principles. 4th ed. N. Y. Scribner. 1851. Hall, Francis Joseph. Authority, ecclesiastical and biblical. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1908. Being and attributes of God. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1909. Creation and man. Lond., etc. Longm. 1912. Evolution and the fall. N. Y. Longm. 1910. Introduction to dogmatic theology. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1907. Hall, Francis Joseph — Continued. The kenotic theory considered with reference to its Anglican forms and arguments. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1898. The Trinity. N. Y. Longm. 1910. Hall, Frank Oliver. The church and modern life. {In National Federation of Religious Liberals. Proceedings and papers of the first congress.) Soul and body; sermons. Bost. Universa- list pub. house. 1909. Hall, Granville Stanley. Adolescence; its psy- chology and its relations to physiology, anthropology, sociology, sex, crime, religion and education. N. Y. Appleton. 1904. 2v. Educational problems. N. Y. Appleton. 191 1. 2V. Founders of modern psychology. N. Y. Appleton. 1912. Youth; its education, regimen and hygiene. N. Y. Appleton. 1907. joint author. Aspects of child life and educa- tion. See Smith, T. L., ed. Hall, John. God's word through preaching. N. Y. Dodd. C1875. (Yale lect.) Hall, T. C. John Hall, preacher and pastor. C1901. Wilkinson, W. C. John Hall. {In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse.) Hall, Peter, ed. Fragmenta liturgica; docu- ments illustrative of the liturgy of the Church of England. Bath [Eng.]. Binns. 1848. 7v. Hall, Prescott Famsworth. Immigration and its effects upon the United States. N. Y. Holt. 1907. (Amer. public problems.) Hall, Thomas Bartlett. Three articles on modern spiritualism. Bost. Crosby. 1863. Hall, Thomas Ciraiing. A definition of mysti- cism. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Evangelical revival and philanthropy. {In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) Historical setting of the early gospel. N. Y. Eaton. C1912. History of ethics within organized Christianity. N. Y. Scribner. 19 10. John Hall, pastor and preacher. N. Y. Revell. CI901. Messages of Jesus according to the Synoptists: discourses of Jesus in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, arranged as far as feasible in the order of time, and freely rendered in paraphrase. N. Y. Scribner. 1901. (Messages of the Bible.) Religion and life. N. Y. Eaton. C1913. Social meaning of modern religious movements in England. N. Y. Scribner. 1 900. (Ely lect.) Social solutions in the light of Christian ethics. N. Y. Eaton. C1910. Hallam, Henry. View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. Bost. Veazie. 1865. 3v. Halleck, Fitz-Greene. Wilson, J. G. Life and letters of Fitz-Greene Halleck. 1869. Halleck, Reuben Post. Education of the central nervous system. N. Y. Macm. 1897. Haller, John George. Redemption of the prayer-meeting. Cine. Jennings. C1911. Catalogue General Theological Library 135 Hamill, Howard Melancthon. Sunday-school teacher-training. Phila. S. S. times. 1904. Hamilton, Alexander. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 4.) Hamilton, John Taylor. History of the Unitas Fratrum, or Moravian church, in the United States. {In Amer. church history, vol. VIII.) Hamilton, Joseph. Our own and other worlds. N. Y. Eaton, n. d. Hamilton, William. Compend of baptism. N. Y. Funk. 1882. Hamilton, Sir Willi.\m. Mill, J. S. Examina- tion of Sir William Hamilton's philosophy. 1866. 2V. Hamilton, William Wister. Sane evangelism. Phila. Griffith. C1909. Hamlin, Cyrus. My life and times. Bost. Cong. pub. soc. C1893. Hammurabi, king of Babylonia. Code, about 2250 B.C. Autographed text, translitera- tion, translation, glossary, etc,, by R. F. Harper. 2d ed. Chi. Univ. press. 1904. Oldest code of laws in the world, the code of laws promulgated by Hammurabi, king of Babylonia, B.C. 2285-2242; tr. by C. H. W. Johns. 3d impression. Edin. Clark. 1903. Cook, S. A. Laws of Moses and the code of Hammurabi. 1903. Hancock, Thomas. Principles of peace exempli- fied in the conduct of the Society of Friends in Ireland in 1798. Bost. Whipple. 1838. Hand, James Edward, ed. Ideals of science and faith; essays by various authors. N. Y. Longm. 1904. Handel, George Frederick. " Israel in Egypt "; oratorio in vocal score. Lond. Novello. Judas Maccabaeus in vocal score. Lond. Novello. The Messiah in vocal score. Lond. Novello. Handley, Hubert, ed. Declaration on biblical criticism by 1725 clergy of the Anglican communion. Lond. Black. 1906. Handy commentary. Ellicott, C. J,, ed. 13V. Hanks, Stedman W. Crystal river turned upon the Black valley railroad and Black valley country: a temperance allegory. Bost. Lothrop. CI 879. Hanna, William. Forty days after our Lord's resurrection. N. Y. Carter. 1866. Last day of our Lord's Passion. N. Y. Carter. 1864. Memoirs of the life and writings of Thomas Chalmers. Edin. Sutherland. 1849. Hannah, mother of Samuel. Hurst, J. F. Hannah. {In Women of the Bible. Chad- wick, J. W., and others.) Matheson, G. Hannah the pious. {In his Representative women of the Bible.) Whyte, A. Hannah. {In his Bible charac- ters: Gideon to Absalom.) Hannington, James. Berry, W. G. Bishop Hannington and the story of the Uganda mission. 1908. Dawson, E. C. James Hannington, first bishop of eastern Africa. 1886. Hanseatic League. Zimmern, H. The Hansa towns. 1891. (Story of the nations.) Hanson, E. F. Demonology; or. Spiritualism, ancient and modern. Belfast [Me.]. Author. 1884. Hanson, George. Resurrection and the life; a study of the resurrection and ascension narratives in the gospels, and of the three- fold version in the Acts of Christ's appear- ance to Saul on the way to Damascus. N. Y. Revell. CI912. Hanson, John Wesley, ed. World's congress of religions; addresses and papers delivered before the Parliament, Chicago, Aug. 25- Oct. 15, 1893. Chi. Int. pub. co. 1894. Hanus, Paul Henry. Beginnings in industrial education, and other educational discus- sions. Bost. Houghton. 1908. Hapgood, Isabel Florence, comp. Service book of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Apostolic (Greco- Russian) Church. Bost. Houghton. 1896. Happiness. Black, H. Happiness. C1911. Bushnell, H. Happiness and joy. {In his Sermons for the new life.) Eliot, C. W. Durable satisfactions of life. 2d ed. CI910. Hillis, N. D. Quest of happiness: a study of victory over life's troubles. C1902. Hilty, C. Happiness. 1904. Hodges, G. {In his Every man's religion.) Smith, H. W. Christian's secret of a happy life. C1888. Swing, D. {In his Motives of life.) See also Joy; Pleasure. Hardwick, Charles. Christ and other masters. Lond. Macm. 1874. History of the articles of religion. Camb. [Eng.] Deighton. 1859. History of the Christian church during the reformation. Camb. [Eng.] Macm. 1856. Hardy, Arthur Sherbtune. Life and letters of Joseph Hardy Neesinla. Bost. Houghton. 1892. Hardy, Edwin Noah. The churches and edu- cated men; a study of the relation of the church to makers and leaders of public opinion. Bost., etc. Pilgrim press. 1904. Story of the English Bible. Pamphlet. Hardy, Thomas, English novelist. Wilson, S. L. Theology of Thomas Hardy. {In his Theology of modern literature.) Hardy, Thomas John. Gospel of pain. Lond. Bell. 1908. Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. Memorials of a quiet life. N, Y. Routledge. 1872. Hare, Augustus William. Alton sermons. Lond. Dalby. 1875. Hare, Julius Charles. Mission of the Com- forter. Lond. Macm. 1876. Victory of faith. Lond. Macm. 1874. Hare, William Hobart, bp. of South Dakota. Howe, M. A. D. Life and labors of Bishop Hare. 191 1. Hargreaves, John George. Blunders of vice and folly. Lond. Strahan. 1870. Harker, Ray Clarkson. Work of the Sunday- school; a manual for teachers. N. Y. Revell. C1911. Hamack, Adolf. Acts of the apostles; tr. by J. R. Wilkinson. N. Y. Putnam. 1909. (N. T. studies. III.) (C. t. 1.) Apostles' creed. Lond. Black. 1901, Bible reading in the early church; tr. by J. R. Wilkinson. N. Y. Putnam. 1912. (C. 1. 1.) 136 Catalogue General Theological Library I Hamack, Adolf — Continued. Christianity and history; tr. by T. B. Saunders. 2d ed. Lond. Black. 1900. Constitution and law of the church in the first two centuries; tr. by F. L. Pogson. N. Y. Putnam. 1910. (C. t. 1.) Date of the Acts and of the Synoptic gospels. N. Y. Putnam. 191 1. (N. T. studies, IV.) (C. t. 1.) Expansion of Christianity in the first three centuries. N. Y. Putnam. 1904-05. 2v. (Theol. transl. libr.) Same. 2d ed. 1908. History of dogma. Lond. Williams. 1894. 7v. (Theol. transl. libr.) Luke the physician, author of the third gos- pel and the Acts of the apostles, N. Y. Putnam. 1907. (N. T. studies, L) (C. 1. 1.) Monasticism; Confessions of St. Augustine. N. Y. Putnam. 1910. (C. t. 1.) Sayings of Jesus, the second source of Matthew and Luke; tr. by J. R. Wilkinson. N. Y. Putnam. 1908, (N. T. studies, IL) (C. t. 1.) Sources of the apostolic canons. Lond. Black. 1895. Thoughts on the present position of Protes- tantism. Lond. Black. 1899. What is Christianity? Tr. by T. B. Saunders. 2d ed. N. Y. Putnam. 1901. Authorized Amer. ed. repr. from Theol. transl. libr. and Herrmann, Wilhelm. Essays on the social gospel; tr. by G. M. Craik. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. (C. t. 1.) Cremer, H. Reply to Harnack on the essence of Christianity. 1903. Emmet, C. W. Harnack on the second source of the first and third gospels. (In his Eschatological question in the gospels.) Loisy, A. The gospel and the church. New ed. 1909. A reply to Haraack's What is Christianity? Sanday, W. Examination of Harnack's " What is Christianity? " 1901. Sterrett, J. M. Sabatier, Harnack and Loisy. {In his Freedom of authority.) Harper, Andrew. Book of Deuteronomy. N. Y. Armstrong. 1895. (Expositor's Bible.) Song of Solomon, with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1902. (Cambr. Bible.) Harper, Henry A. Bible and modern discover- ies. Bost. Houghton. 1890. Harper, Robert Francis, ed. and transl. See Hammurabi. Harper, William Rainey. Amos and Hosea. N. Y. Scribner. 1905. (Int. crit. com.) Constructive studies in the priestly element in the Old Testament; an aid to historical study, for use in advanced Bible classes. Rev. ed. Chi. Univ. press. 1902. (Con- struct. Bible studies.) Prophetic element in the Old Testament. Chi. Univ. press. 1905. Religion and the higher life. Chi. Univ. press. 1904. Harper's library of living thought. Christianity and the new idealism; Eucken, R. Crete, the forerunner of Greece; Hawes, C. H., and Hawes, H. B. Harper's library, etc. — Continued. Ether of space; Lodge, ^zV O. J. Jesus or Paul; Meyer, A. Life of the universe; Arrhenius, S. Origin of the New Testament; Wrede, W. Paul and Jesus; Weiss, J. Personal religion in Egypt; Petrie, W. M. F. Revelation and inspiration; Seeberg, R. Teaching of Jesus; Tolstoi, L. N. Harris, George. Inequality and progress. Bost. Houghton. 1897. Moral evolution. Bost. Houghton. 1896. and others, eds. Hymns of the faith. Bost. Houghton. C1887. Harris, J. Henry. Robert Raikes. N. Y. Dutton. 1899. Harris, James Rendel. Popular account of the newly-recovered Gospel of Peter. Lond. Hodder. 1893. ed. Odes and Psalms of Solomon. See Bible. O. T. Pseudepigrapha. Harris, Samuel. God the Creator and Lord of all. N. Y. Scribner. 1896. 2v. Philosophical basis of theism. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1883. Self-revelation of God. N. Y. Scribner. 1887. Harris, Townsend. Griffis, W. E. Town- send Harris, first American envoy in Japan. 1895. Harris, William Logan. Relation of the Episco- pacy to the General conference. N. Y. Eaton. C1888. Harris, William Torrey. Spiritual sense of Dante's Divina commedia. Bost. Hough- ton. CI 896. Harrison, Alexander J. Problems of Christian- ity and scepticism. Lond. Longm. 1891. Harrison, Elizabeth. Study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint. Chi. kind. coll. 1905. Harrison, Frederic. Creed of a layman. N. Y. Macm. 1907. Positive evolution of religion; its moral and social reaction. N. Y. Putnam. 1913. William the Silent. Lond. Macm. 1910. Harrison, James Albert. Story of Greece. N. Y. Putnam. 1893. (Story of the nations.) Harrison, Jane Ellen. Prolegomena to the study of Greek religion. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1903. Religion of ancient Greece. Chi. Open court. n. d. (Religions anc. and mod.) Themis; a study of the social origins of the Greek religion. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 19 1 2. Harsha, David Addison. Life of Philip Dodd- ridge. Albany. Munsell. 1865. Hart, Bernard, joint author. Subconscious phenomena. See Miinsterberg, H., and others. Hart, Hastings Hornell. Preventive treatment of neglected children. N. Y. Charities. 1910. (Correction and prevention, vol. IV.) Hart, Henry Martyn. Way that seemeth best; an examination of Christian science. N . Y.) Pott. 1897. Hart, Richard. Ecclesiastical records of Eng- land, Ireland and Scotland from the fifth century to the reformation, 2d ed. Camb. [Eng.] Macm. 1846. Catalogue General Theological Library 137 Hart, Samuel. Book of common prayer. Sewanee [Tenn.]. Univ. press. C1910. (Sewanee theol. libr.) Hartmann, Karl Robert Eduard von. Philoso- phy of the unconscious; tr. by W. C. Coupland. 2ded. Lond. Paul. 1893. 3^. (Eng. and for. philos. libr.) Harvard memorial biographies. [Preface by T. W. Higginson.] Camb. Sever. 1867. 2v. Harvard University. Guide to reading in social ethics and allied subjects; by teachers in Harvard University. Camb. Univ. press. 1910. University hymn book. Camb. 1896. Divinity School alumni. Ezra Abbot. Camb. 1884. Harvey, H. Commentary on the pastoral epistles, Phila. A. B. P. S. CI890. (Amer. com. on the N. T.) Harvey, Thomas Edmund. Rise of the Quakers, [5th impr.] Lond. T, Law, 1909. (Eras of Non-conformity, V.) Harvey-Jellie, William. See Jellie. Hase, Karl August von. History of the Chris- tian church; tr. from 7th Germ. ed. by C. E. Blumenthal and C. P. Wing. N. Y. Appleton. 1855. Haskell, Samuel. Heroes and hierarchs; or, Biblical principles as held by Baptists in the contention for religious liberty. C1895. Haslett, Samuel B. The pedagogical Bible school. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1903. Hastie, William, ed. and transl. Outlines of pastoral theology. [From the German.] Edin. Clark. 1904. Hastings, James, ed. Great texts of the Bible. I2v. N. Y. Scribner. 1910-1913. See Bible. Whole. Commentaries. Hatch, Edwin. Influence of Greek ideas and usages, upon the Christian church. Lond. Williams. 1891. (Hibbert lect.) Organization of the early Christian churches. Lond. Rivington. 1881. (Bamp. lect.) Haug, Martin. Essays on the sacred language, writings and religion of the Parsis. Bost. Houghton. 1878. Haupt, Erich. First epistle of St. John; tr. by W. B. Pope. Edin. Clark. 1893. (For. theol. libr.) Hausrath, Adolf. History of New Testament times: the time of Jesus; tr. by C. T. Poynting and P. Quenzer. Lond. Williams. 1878-80. (Theol. transl. libr.) Haven, Gilbert, and Russell, Thomas. Father Taylor, the sailor preacher. Bost. Russell. 1872. Haven, Gilbert. Daniels, W. H. Memorials of Gilbert Haven. 1880. Haverford library lectures. 1904. Religion of an educated man; Peabody, F. G. 1905. United States a Christian nation; Brewer, D. J. 1909. Laws of friendship, human and divine; King, H. C. Hawaiian Islands. Coan, T. Life in Hawaii. C1882. Haweis, Hugh Reginald. Christ and Christian- ity; a picture of Jesus. N.Y. Crowell. 1886. Thoughts for the times; sermons. N. Y. Holt. 1872. Hawes, Charles Henry, and Hawes, Harriet Boyd. Crete the forerunner of Greece. Lond. Harper. 1909. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) Hawes, Harriet Boyd {Mrs. C. H. Hawes), joint author. See Hawes, C. H., and Hawes, H. B. Hawkins, Chauncey J. Will the home survive? A study of tendencies in modern literature. N. Y. Whittaker. C1907. Hawkins, Sir John Caesar. Horae synopticae; contributions to the study of the Synoptic problem. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1909. Three limitations to St. Luke's use of St. Mark's gospel. (In Studies in the Synoptic problem.) Hawley, John Savage. Fearless Bible reading, a voice from the p)ews; being the views of a plain business man on the Bible inspiration and theology. N. Y., etc. Abbey press. 1901. Hawley, Z. K. Congregationalism and Method- ism. N. Y. Leavitt. 1846. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The scarlet letter. Bost. Houghton. C1883. (Cambridge classics.) Lathrop, G. P. A study of Hawthorne. C1876. Hay, Henry Clinton, jotn/ author. See Reed, J., and Hay, H. C. Hayden, William Benjamin. Phenomena of modern spiritualism. Bost. Clapp. 1855. Haydn, Joseph. Creation; oratorio in vocal score. Lond. Novello. Haynes, David C. The Baptist denomination: its history', doctrines and ordinances. N. Y. Sheldon. 1856. Hayward, Charles. Sebastian Cabot. N. Y. Harper. 1902. (Amer. biography, vol. IV. Sparks, J., ed.) Hayward, Charles E. Institutional work for the country church. Burlington [Vt.J. Free press assoc. 1900. Hazard, Caroline, comp. Memoirs of Jeremiah Lewis Diman. Bost. Houghton. 1887. Hazard, Marshall Custiss. Books of the Bible with relation to their place in history. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1903. (Pilgrim ser.) Headlam, Arthur Cayley. History, authority and theology. Mil. Young ch. 1910. Teaching of the Russian church. Lond. Rivington. 1897. Headland, Isaac Taylor. China's new day. West Medford. United study of miss. C1912. Some by-products of missions. Cine. Jen- nings. CI912. Health. See Hygiene. Health and happiness. Fallows, S. Health through self-control. Spinney, W. A. Heard, John Bickford. Alexandrian and Car- thaginian theology contrasted. Edin. Clark. 1893. (Hulsean lect.) Tripartite nature of man. Edin. Clark. 1868. Heam, Lafcadio. Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan. Bost. Houghton. C1894. 2v. Japan: an attempt at interpretation. N. Y. Dunlap. CI 904. Heart of Asbury's journal. Tipple, E. S., ed. Heart of John Wesley's journal. 138 Catalogue General Theological Library Heaton, Augustus George. Heart of David, the psalmist-king. Wash. Neale co. 1900. Heaven. Baxter, R. Saints' everlasting rest. n. d. Farrar, F. W. What heaven is. [Sermon.] {In his Eternal hope.) Kimball, J. W. Heaven, " my Father's house." C1882. Montague, R. Heaven: six sermons. 1896. Pike, G. H., comp. Heavenly world. 1880. Snowden, J. H. Heaven. {In hts Basal beliefs of Christianity.) Thompson, A. C. Better land; or. The believer's journey and future home. 1854. See also Angels; Future life. Hebert, Charles. The Lord's Supper: unin- spired teaching. (From a.d. 74 to a.d. 1875.) Lond. Seeley. 1879. 2v. Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testa- ment. Brown, F., and others, eds. Hebrew and English prayer book. Singer, S., ed. Hebrew feasts. Green, W, H. Hebrews. See Jews. Hecker, Isaac Thomas. Questions of the soul. 6th ed. N. Y. Cath. pub. house, 1868. Elliott, W. Life of Father Hecker. 1898. Hedge, Frederic Henry. Primeval world of Hebrew tradition. Bost. Roberts. 1879. Ways of the spirit, and other essays. Bost. Roberts. 1877. ed. Recent inquiries in theology by eminent English churchmen; being " Essays and reviews." 4th Amer. from 2d Lond. ed. Bost. Walker. 1862. Allen, J. H. Frederic Henry Hedge. {In his Sequel to " Our liberal movement." Heennance, Edgar Laing. Democracy in the church. N. Y., etc. Pilgrim press. 1906. Hefele, Karl Joseph. History of Christian councils. Edin. Clark. 1882. 2v. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Ethics; translated selections from his " Rechts- philosophie " ; with an introduction by J. M. Sterrett. Bost. Ginn. 1893. Lectures on the history of philosophy; tr. by E. S. Haldane. Lond. Paul. 1892. 3v. Lectures on the philosophy of religion; tr. by E. B. Speirs and J. B. Sanderson. Lond. Paul. 1895. 3v. Lectures on the philosophy of history; tr. by J. Sibree. Lond. Bell. 1905. Caird, E. Hegel, n. d. (Philos. classics for Engl, readers.) James, W. Hegel and his method. {In his Pluralistic universe.) (Hibbert lect.) Sterrett, J. M. Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of religion. 1890. Ward, J. The pluralism of Hegel; The Hegelian unity. {In his Realm of ends, lectures VII-VIII.) (Gifford lect.) Hegelianism and personality. Seth, A. Heidelberg catechism in German, Latin and English: with an historical introduction. Tercentenary ed. N. Y. Scribner. 1863. Bethune, G. W. Expository lectures on the Heidelberg catechism. 1864. 2 v. Heine, Heinrich. Religion and philosophy in Germany; tr. by J. Snodgrass. Bost. Houghton. 1882. Hell. Letters from hell; given in English bv L.W.J.S. 1885. Helm, Mary. From darkness to light; the story of negro progress. N. Y. Revell. CI909. The upward path; evolution of a race. N. Y. Eaton. CI 909. Helmore, Thomas. Manual of plain song, used in the morning and evening prayer, litany and holy communion. Lond. Novello. Hemans, Felicia Dorothea (Browne). Poetical works. Phila. Grigg. 1836. Hemerken, or Hammerlein, Thomas. See Thomas k Kempis, St. Henderson, Charles Hanford. Education and the larger life. Bost. Houghton. 1902. Henderson, Charles Richmond. Preventive agencies and methods. N. Y. Charities. 1910. (Correction and prevention, vol. III.) Social duties from the Christian point of view. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. (Con- structive Bible studies.) Social settlements. N. Y. Lentilhon, C1899. ed. Correction and prevention; four volumes prepared for the eighth International prison congress. N. Y. Charities. 1910. (Russell Sage foundation.) Contents: I. Prison reform; by C. R. Henderson (and others]; Criminal law in the U. S.; by E. Smith. — II. Penal and reformatory institutions; by sixteen authorities. — III. Preventive agencies and methods; by C. R. Henderson. — IV. Preven- tive treatment of neglected children; by H. H. Hart. Henderson, Henry F. Religious controversies of Scotland. Edin. Clark. 1905. (Re- ligion in literature and life.) Henderson, Howard. Ethics and etiquette of the pulpit, pew, parish, press and platform; a manual of manners for ministers and members. Covington [Ky.]. Schroetter. CI 904. Henderson, Lawrence Joseph. Fitness of the environment. N. Y. Macm. 1913. Henley, William Ernest. Lyra heroica. N. Y. Scribner. 1899. Henry VII, king of England. Bacon, F. History of the reign of King Henry the Seventh. {In his Moral and historical works.) (Bohn's standard libr.) Stubbs, W. Reign of Henry VI I. {In his Seventeen lectures, etc.) Henry VIII, king of England. Gairdner, J. Henry VIII. {In Cambridge modern his- tory, vol. II.) Stubbs, W. Henry VIII. {In his Seventeen lectures, etc.) Henry IV, king of France. Baird, H. M. The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 1896. 2V. Willert, P. F. Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots in France. C1893. Henry, Caleb Sprague. Endless future of the human race. N. Y. Appleton. 1879. Henslow, George. The Vulgate, the source of false doctrines. Lond. Williams. 1909. Henson, Herbert Hensley. Godly union and concord; sermons. N. Y. Longm. 1902. Liberty of prophesying. New Haven. Univ. press. 1910. (Yale lect.) Catalogue General Theological Library 139 Henson, Herbert Hensley — Continued. The national church : essays on its history and constitution, and criticisms of its present administration. Lond. Macm. 1908. Puritanism in England, Lond. Hodder. 1912. Road to unity; address to the National council of the Evangelical free churches; with an introduction, and two sermons. Lond. Hodder. 191 1. Henson, Llewellyn Lafayette. Researches in Palestine. Bost. S. D. Towne. 1910. Henson, Poindexter Smith. Four faces, and other sermons. Phila. Griffith. CI911. Hepworth, George Hughes. We shall live again; sermons. N. Y. Dutton. 1903. Ward, S. H. George H. Hepworth, preacher, journalist, friend of the people; the story of his life. 1903. Heralds of a liberal faith. Eliot, S. A., ed. 3v. Herbert, George. Works; with remarks on his writings and a sketch of his life by William Jerdan. Lond. Routledge. 1853. Walton, L {In his Lives.) Herbert, S. First principles of heredity. Lond. Black. 1910. Heredity. Boas, F. Influence of heredity upon human types. {In his Mind of primitive man.) (Lowell Inst, lect.) Bradford, A. H. Heredity and Christian problems. 1895. Castle, W. E. Heredity in relation to evolu- tion and animal breeding. 191 1. — and others. Heredity and eugenics; a course of lectures summarizing recent advances in knowledge in variation, heredity, and evo- lution and its relation to plant, animal and human improvement and welfare. CI912. Davenport, C. B. Heredity in relation to eugenics. 191 1. Doncaster, L. Heredity in the light of recent research. 1910. Dugdale, R. L. The Jukes; a study in crime, pauperism, disease and heredity. 4th ed. 1910. Herbert, S. The first principles of heredity. 1910. Kiricpatrick, E. A. Heredity. {In his Fundamentals of child study.) McKim, R. H. Heredity, environment and free agency. {In his Gospel in the Christian year: sermons.) Parsons, P. A. Heredity and environment. {In his Responsibility for crime.) Patten, S. N. Heredity and social progress. 1903. Reid, G. A. Principles of heredity. 1910. Robins, J. E. Heredity. {In his The family a necessity of civilization.) Thomson, J. A. Heredity. 1910. Thomson, W. H. Reproduction and heredity. {In his What is physical life?) Wallace, A. R. Heredity, variation, increase. {In his The world of life.) Whetham, W. C. D., and Whetham, C. D. The family and the nation: a study in natural inheritance and social responsibility. 1909. Winship, A. E. Jukes-Edwards; a study in education and heredity. 1900. Woods, F. A. Mental and moral heredity in royalty. 1906. Heredity — Continued. Wright, W. A. Heredity and environment. {In his Moral condition and development of the child.) See also Biology; Evolution. Heresies. Hippolytus, St. Refutation of all heresies. {In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. V.) Irenaeus, St. Against heresies. {In Ante- Nicene fathers, vol. I.) Liguori, A. M. di, St. History of heresies and their refutation; tr. by Dr. Mullock. 2d ed. 1857. M'Farland, A. Historical view of heresies and vindication of the primitive faith. 1806. See also Heretics; Inquisition; Liberty of conscience; Martyrs; Persecution. Heresy of Cain. Hodges, G. Heretics. Herrick, S. E. Some heretics of yesterday. 1893. Contents: I. Tauler and the mystics. — II. Wiclif. III. Hus. — IV. Savonarola. — V. Latimer. — VI. Cranmer. — VII. Melancthon. — VIII. Knox.— IX. Calvin. — X. Coligny. — XI. William Brewster. — XII. Wesley. Heretics. Chesterton, G. K. Herford, Brooke. Jesus Christ; discourse. {In Unitarian affirmations. Hedge, F. H., and others.) Sermons of courage and cheer. Bost. A. U. A. 1894. Small end of great problems. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1902. Herford, Robert Travers. Pharisaism: its aim and its method. N. Y. Putnam. 1909. (C. t. 1.) Herkless, John. Francis and Dominic and the Mendicant orders. N. Y. Scribner. 1901. (World's epoch-makers.) Hermann, E. Eucken and Bergson; their significance for Christian thought. Lond. Clarke. 1912. Hermann, Nikolaus, German hymn-writer. Brother Lawrence; tr. from the French. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1895. Hennas. The Pastor of Hermas; tr. by F. F. Crombie. {In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. II.) The shepherd. {In Wake, W., ed. Genuine epistles of the apostolical fathers.) Cruttwell, T. C. The " Shepherd of Hermas." {In his Literary history of early Christian- ity, vol. I.) Donaldson, J. The Pastor of Hermas, {In his Christian literature and doctrine, vol. I.) Hermit orders. Taylor, H. O. The hermit temper. {In his Mediaeval mind, vol. I.) Hermits. Kingsley, C. Herod the Great, king of the Jews. Farrar, F. W. Herod the Great. {In his The Herods.) Williams, T. R. Herod the Great. {In Men of the New Testament: Matthew to Timothy. Milligan, G., and others.) Herod Antipas, tetrarch of Galilee. Farrar, F. W. Herod Antipas. {In his The Herods.) Whyte, A. Herod that fo.x. {In his Bible characters: Joseph and Mary to James, the Lord's brother.) Herodotus. [History.] Text of Canon Rawlin- son's translation, with the notes abridged by A. J. Grant, N. Y. Scribner. 1897. 2v. 140 Catalogue General Theological Library Herodotus — Continued. — [History.] New version from the text of Baehr, by H. Gary. N. Y. Harper. 1855. (Harper's classical libr.) Bury, J. B. {In his Ancient Greek historians.) Heroes of the nations. Abbott, E., ed. Jeanne d'Arc; Oliphant, M. O. W. Julian, philosopher and emperor; Gardner, A. Lee, R. E. ; White, H. A. Heroes of the reformation. Jackson, S. M., ed. Beza; Baird, H. M. Erasmus; Emerton, E. Hiibmaier; Vedder, H. C. Luther; Jacobs, H. E. Melanchthon; Richard, J. W. Zwingli; Jackson, S. M. Herrick, Everett Carlton, comp. Compilation of sayings of great men and writers concern- ing Christ. Charlestown. 1906. Herrick, George Frederick. Christian and Mohammedan; a plea for bridging the chasm. N. Y. Revell. C1912. Herrick, Samuel Edward. Some heretics of yesterday. Bost. Houghton. 1885. Herrmann, Wilhelm, joint author. See Harnack, A., and Herrmann, W. Hemnann, Willibald. Communion of the Christian with God; tr. by J. S. Stanyon. Lond., etc. Williams. 1895. (Theol. transl. libr.) Same. 2d Engl. ed. 1906. (C. t. 1.) Herron, George Davis. Christian society. Chi. Revell. 1894. Christian state. N. Y. Crowell. C1895. Herschel, Caroline Lucretia. Herschel,. Mrs. M. C. Memoir and correspondence of Caroline Herschel. 1876. Herschel, Mrs. Mary Comwallis. Memoir and correspondence of Caroline Herschel. N. Y. Appleton. 1876. Hershey, Scott F. The Roman papacy. Bost. Back Bay book co. 1895. Hershon, Paul Isaac. Rabbinical commentary on Genesis. Lond. Hodder. 1885. Hessey, James Augustus. Sunday; its history, origin and present obligation. Lond. Murray. 1866. (Bamp. lect.) Heth and Moab. Conder, C. R. Hetherington, William Maxwell. History of the Westminster Assembly. N. Y. Carter. 1868. Hexateuch. See Bible. O. T. Hezekiah. Matheson, G. Hezekiah the de- vout. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Ishmael to Daniel.) Rowland, A. Hezekiah. {In Men of the O. T.: Solomon to Jonah. Milligan, G., and others.) Hibbert journal supplement for 1909. See Tyrrell, G., and others. Hibbert lectures. Influence of Greek ideas and usages upon the Christian church; Hatch, E. Influence of Rome on Christianity and the development of the Catholic church; Renan, E. Influence of the apostle Paul on the develop- ment of Christianity; Pfleiderer, O. Native religions of Mexico and Peru ; Reville, A. Origin and growth of religion; MuUer, F. M. Hibbert lectures — Continued. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic heathendom; Rhys, J. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by some points in the history of Indian Buddhism; Davids, T. W. R. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of ancient Egypt; Renouf, P. L. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Babylonians; Sayce, A. H. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Hebrews; Montefiore, C. G. Origin and growth of the conception of God as illustrated by anthropology and history; Alviella, G. d'. Pluralistic universe; James, W. Reformation of the sixteenth century; Beard, C. Via, Veritas, vita; Drummond, J. Hibbert lectures. Second series. Higher aspects of Greek religion. Farnell, L. R. Hickey, William. Constitution of the United States of America, with an alphabetical analysis. 7th ed. Phila. 1854. Hicks, Robert Drew. Stoic and Epicurean. N. Y. Scribner. 1910. (Epochs of philosophy.) Hieronymus, Eusebius Sophronius, St. See Jerome, St. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Carlyle's laugh, and other surprises. Bost. Hough- ton. 1909. Cheerful yesterdays. Bost. Houghton. CI898. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Bost. Houghton. CI902. (Amer. men of letters.) Things worth while. N. Y. Huebsch. 1908. (Art of life ser.) Higher criticism. Balmforth, R. Bible from the standpoint of the higher criticism. 1904. Briggs, C. A. Higher criticism of the Hexa- teuch. 1893. Chambers, T. E., ed. Moses and his recent critics. 1892. Driver, S. R., and Kirkpatrick, A. F. Higher criticism; three papers. 1906. Green, W. H. Higher criticism of the Penta- teuch. 1895. Nash, H. S. History of the higher criticism of the New Testament. 1906. (N. T. hdbks.) Platner, J. W. Repression of scientific inquiry in the ancient church. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Rishell, C. W. Higher criticism. 1896. Sayce, A. H. " Higher criticism " and the verdict of the monuments. 5th ed. 1895. Smith, H. P., and Smith, M. O. The Old Testament in the light of higher criticism. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Townsend, L. T. Story of Jonah in the light of higher criticism. 1897. Zenos, A. C. Elements of the higher criticism. 1895- See also Bible. Criticism; Bible. O. T. Criti- cism. Catalogue General Theological Library 141 Hilary of Poitiers, St. Select works; tr. by E. W. Watson [and others]; ed. by W. Sanday. {In Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d ser., vol. IX.) Hilda, St., foundress of Whitby Abbey. Creighton, L. [In her Some famous women.) HiLDEBRAND (GREGORY VII), Pope. Hodges, G. {In his Saints and heroes.) Lord, J. Hildebrand. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 5.) Smith, E. A. Hildebrand: the builder. 1908. (Men of the kingdom.) Stephens, W. R. W. Hildebrand and his times. 1888. (Epochs of church history.) Vincent, M. R. Age of Hildebrand. 1901. (Ten epochs of church history.) Walker, W. Hildebrand. {In his Great men of the Christian church.) Hill, Arthur George. Architectural history of the Christian church. Lond. Mowbray, n. d. Hill, David Jayne. Social influence of Chris- tianity. Bost. Silver. 1888. World organization as affected by the nature of the modern state. N. Y. Columb. Univ. press. 191 1. (Columb. Univ. lect.) Hill, George Canning. General Israel Putnam. Bost. Libby. 1858. Hill, Hamilton Andrews. History of the Old South Church (Third Church), Boston, 1669-1884. Bost. Houghton. 1890. 2v. Hill, J. Arthur. Religion and modern psychol- ogy. Lond. Rider. 191 1. Hill, James Hamlyn, ed. and transl. Earliest life of Christ, being the Diatessaron of Tatian. See Jesus Christ. Lives. Hill, James Langdon. Seven sorts of successful services; suggestive solutions of the Sunday evening problem. N. Y. Treat. 1904. Hill, Robert Thomas. Cuba and Porto Rico. N. Y. Century co. 1898. Hill, Thomas. Geometry and faith. N. Y. Putnam. 1874. Statement of the natural sources of theology. Andover. Draper. 1877. Hill, William Bancroft. Introduction to the life of Christ. N. Y. Scribner. 191 1. Hillard, George Stillman. Captain John Smith. N. Y. Harper. 1902. (Amer. biog., vol. IV. Sparks, J., ed.) Life^ letters and journals of George Ticknor. Tost. Osgood. 1876. 2v. Hillebrand, Karl Arnold. German thought. N. Y. Holt. 1880. Hillis, Newell Dwight. All the year round; an outlook upon its great days. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1912. Battle of principles; a study of the heroism and eloquence of the anti-slavery conflict. N. Y. Revell. CI912. Contagion of character. N. Y. Revell. CI911. Foretokens of immortality. Chi. Revell. 1899. Great books as life-teachers: studies of char- acter, real and ideal. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI 899. Influence of Christ in modern life. N. Y. Macm. 1900. Investment of influence. N. Y. Revell. 1898. Hillis, Newell Dwight — Continued. A man's value to society. Chi. Revell. 1899. Quest of happiness: a study of victory over life's troubles. N. Y. Grossett. CI902. Hillquit, Morris. History of socialism in the United States. N. Y. Funk. 1903. Socialism in theory and practice. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Hilprecht, Herman Vollrat, ed. Explorations in Bible lands during the nineteenth century. Phila. Holman. 1903. Contents: Resurrection of Assyria and Babylonia; by H. V. Hilprecht. — Researches in Palestine; by J. Benzinger. — Excavations in Egypt; by G. Steindorff. — Explorations in Arabia; by F. Hommel. — The so-called Hittites and their inscrip- tions; by P. Jensen. ed. Recent research in Bible lands; its prog- ress and results. Phila. Wattles. 1896. Contents: Oriental research and the Bible; McCurdy, J. F. — Mounds of Palestine; Bliss, F. J. — Explora- tions in Babylonia; Hilprecht. H. V. — Research in Egypt; Sayce, A. H. — Discoveries and researches in Arabia; Hommel, F. — The Hittites; Ward. W. H. — Early Greek manuscripts from Egypt; MahafTy, J. P. — New light on the book of Acts; Ramsay, W. M. Hilty, Carl. Happiness. N. Y. Macm. 1903- Himes, Joshua V. Brief history of William Miller. Bost. Adv. Christ, publ. soc. l895- Hinds, William Alfred. American communities. Oneida (N. Y.]. Amer. socialist. 1878. Same. 2d rev. Chi. Kerr. 1908. Hinduism. Barnett, L. D. Hinduism, n. d. (Religions anc. and mod.) Barrows, J. H. {In his Christian conquest of Asia.) (Morse lect.) Brace, C. L. Hinduism. {In his Unknown God.) Chantepie de la Saussaye, P. D. Hinduism. {In his Manual of the science of religion.) Ellinwood, F. F. Successive developments of Hinduism. {In his Oriental religions and Christianity.) Grant, G. M. Hinduism. {In his R.eligions of the world in relation to Christianity.) Janvier, C. A. R. Hinduism. {In Religions of mission fields. Richards, E. H., and others.) Jones, J. P. {In his India's problem: Krishna or Christ.) Mitchell, J. M. Hinduism past and present. 1885. [Noble, M. E.] The Master as I saw him; being pages from the life of the Swami Vivekananda ; by his disciple Nivedita. 1910. Speer, R. E. Hinduism. {In his Light of the world.) Williams, Sir M. M-. Hinduism. 1877. (Non-Christian religious systems.) See also Brahmanism; Buddhism; Chris- tianity and other religions; India; Missions; Religions. Hines, H. K. Missionary history of the Pacific Northwest. Portland [Ore.]. Hines. C1899. Hinton, James. The mystery of pain. N. Y. Appleton. 1872. Hippolytus, St. Refutation of all heresies; Extant works and fragments; tr. by J. H. MacMahon [and others]. {In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. V.) Cruttwell, C. T. {In his Literary history of early Christianity, vol. II.) 142 Catalogue General Theological Library I [Hirst, Francis Wrigley.] Arbiter in council. Lond. Macm. 1906. Historic Bibles in America. Wright, J. Historic churches of America. Wallington, N. U. Historic Jesus. Lester, C. S. Historical geography of the Holy Land. Smith, \j. A. History. Chamberlain, H. S. Foundations of the nineteenth century; tr. from the Ger- man by John Lees. 191 1. 2v. Fisher, G. P. Outlines of universal history. C1885. Harnack, A. Christianity and history; tr. by T. B. Saunders. 2d ed. 1900. Lord, J. Beacon lights of history. N. Y. Clarke. 1883-1902. 15V. Myers, P. V. History as past ethics. CI913. Pollard, A. F. Factors in modern history. 1907. Roosevelt, T. Biological analogies in history. 1910. (Romanes lect.) Seligman, E. R. A. Economic interpretation of history. 1907. Waites, A. Historical student's manual. 1878. See also ArchsRology; Biography; Chronology; Civilization; Crusades; Ethnology; His- tory, Ancient; History, Modern; Middle ages; Political science; Reformation; Re- naissance; Statistics; also Names of coun- tries, persons and places; also Philosophy of history. Essays. Acton, J. E. E. D-. Historical essays and studies. 1907. — History of freedom, and other essays. 1907. Bourne, E. G. Essays in historical criticism. 1901. Reynolds, G. Collection of historical and other papers. 1895. Stubbs, W. Seventeen lectures on the study of mediaeval and modern history and kindred subjects. 3d ed. 1900. History, Ancient. Keary, A. The nations around. 1870. (Sunday libr. for house- hold reading.) Lenormant, F. Beginnings of history. 1891. — and Chevallier, E. Manual of the ancient history of the East. New ed. 1871. 2V. McCurdy, J. F. History, prophecy and the monuments. 1 894-1 901. 3 v. Myres, J. L. Dawn of history. CI911. Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Media, Babylon and Persia. 1888. (Story of the nations.) Rawlinson, G. Five great monarchies of the ancient world. 1883. 3v. — Manual of ancient history. 1869. Sayce, A. H. Ancient empires of the E^st. 1886. — Early Israel and the surrounding nations. 1899. History, Medleval. Cambridge mediaeval history. 191 1. Vol. i. L The Christian Roman empire. Lea, H. C. Superstition and force. 2d ed. 1870. Contents: I. Wager of law. — II. Wager of battle. — III. The ordeal. — IV. Torture. See also Middle ages. History, Modern. Cambridge modern his- tory. I906-I9II. I2V. L Renaissance. n. Reformation. HL Wars of religion. IV. Thirty years' war. V. Age of Louis XIV. VI. Eighteenth century. VII. United States. VIII. French revolution. IX, Napoleon. X. The restoration. XL Growth of nationalities. XII. The latest age. Gooch, G. P. History of our time. 1885- 1911. CI911. Tourville, H. de. Growth of modern nations; tr. by M. G. Loch. 1907. History and philosophy of marriage; or, Polygamy and monogamy compared; by a Christian philanthropist. Bost. Camp- bell. 1869. History of the English church. Stephens and Hunt, eds. gv. Hitchcock, Albert Wellman. Psychology of Jesus. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1908. Hitchcock, Roswell Dwight. Eternal atone- ment. N. Y. Scribner. 1888. and Brown, Francis, eds. and trs. See Teach- ing of the twelve apostles. and others, eds. Carmina sanctorum. N. Y. Barnes. cl886. and others, eds. Many voices. N. Y. Barnes. C1891. HiTTiTES. Garstang, J. Land of the Hittites; account of recent explorations and dis- coveries in Asia Minor, with descriptions of the Hittite monuments. 19 10. Jensen, P. The so-called Hittites and their inscriptions. {In Explorations in Bible lands during the nineteenth century. Hil- precht, H. V., ed.) Ward, W. H. The Hittites. {In Recent research in Bible lands. Hilprecht, H. V., ed.) Hlxson, Martha B. Missions in the Sunday school. Bost. A. B. M. U. CI906. Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood. Storey, M., and Emerson, E. W. Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar. 191 1. Hoar, George Frisbie. Lowell, F. C. George Frisbie Hoar. {In Sons of the Puritans.) Hobart, Alvah Sabin. Our silent partner. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1908. Hobart, John Henry. Companion for the festivals and fasts of the Protestant Epis- copal church. 23d ed. N. Y. Durand. 1862. HoBBEs, Thomas. Taylor, A. E. Thomas Hobbes. n. d. (Philosophies anc. and mod.) Hoben, Allan. The minister and the boy. Chi. Univ. press. C1912. Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawney. Development and purpose; an essay towards a philosophy of evolution. Lond. Macm. 1913. Mind in evolution. Lond. Macm. 1901. Morals in evolution. N. Y. Holt. 1906. 2V. Social evolution and political theory. N. Y. Columb. Univ. press. 191 1. (Columb. Univ. lect.) Catalogue General Theological Library 143 Hobhouse, Walter. Church and the world; in idea and in history. Lond. Macm. 1910. (Bamp. lect.) Hobson, John Atkinson. Evolution of modern capitalism: a study of machine production. Lond. Scott. 1907. The social problem. Lond. Nisbet. 1901. Hocking, William Ernest. Meaning of God in human experience; a philosophic study of religion. New Haven. Univ. press. 1912. Hodder, Edwin. Life and work of the seventh Earl of Shaftesbury. Lond. Cassell. 1893. Hodge, Archibald Alexander. The atonement. Phila. Presb. bd. of pub. C1867. Life of Charles Hodge. N. Y. Scribner. C1880. and Hodge, John Aspinwall. System of theology contained in the Westminster shorter catechism opened and explained. N. Y. Armstrong. 1888. Hodge, Charles. Constitutional history' of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America, 1705-1788. Phila. Presb. bd. of pub. 1851. 2v. in i. What is Presbyterianism? Phila. Presb. bd. of pub. C1855. Hodge, A. A. Life of Charles Hodge. cl88o. Hodge, John Aspinwall, jot»< author. See Hodge, A. A., and Hodge, J. A. Hodges, George. Beside the cross. N. Y. Whittaker. 1890. (Good Friday medita- tions.) Castle of Zion: stories from the Old Testa- ment. Bosl. Houghton. 1912. Christianity between Sundays. N. Y. Whit- taker. C1892. The Episcopal church : its doctrine, its minis- try, its discipline, its worship and its sacra- ments. N. Y. Whittaker. C1892. Every man's religion. N. Y. Macm. 1911. Faith and social service. N. Y. Whittaker. 1896. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Garden of Eden: stories from the first nine books of the Old Testament. Bost. Houghton. C1909. Heresy of Cain. N. Y. Whittaker. 1894. Human nature of the saints. N. Y. Whittaker. C1904. In this present world. N. Y. Whittaker. 1897. Saints and heroes to the end of the Middle ages. N. Y. Holt. 191 1. Same. Since the Middle ages. N. Y. Holt. 1912. Three hundred years of the Episcopal church in America. Phila. Jacobs. 1906. Training of children in religion. N. Y. Appleton. 191 1. The union. {In Organized labor and capital. Gladden, W,, and others.) When the king came; stories from the four gospels. Bost. Houghton. 1904, The year of grace. N. Y. Whittaker. C1906. and Reichert, John. Administration of an institutional church; a detailed account of the operation of St. George's parish in the city of New York. N. Y. Harper. 1906. Hodgkin, Thomas. Human progress and the inward light. Lond. Headley. 191 1. (Swarthmore lect.) Hodgkins, Louise Manning. Via Christi; an introduction to the study of missions. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Hodgson, Geraldine. Primitive Christian edu- cation. Edin. Clark. 1906. Hodgson, William. Select historical memoirs of the religious society of Friends, commonly called Quakers. 3d ed. Phila. Lippin- cott. 1881. Hodson, A. L. Letters from a settlement. Lond. Arnold. 1909. Hofifding, Harald. History of modern philoso- phy; tr. by B. E. Meyer. Lond. Macm. 1900. 2V. Philosophy of religion; tr. by B. E. Meyer. Lond. Macm. 1906. Hoehn, William Frederic. No-Hcense in Quincy. Quincy. 1899. Hoensbroech, Paul, Count von. Fourteen years a Jesuit; a record of personal experience and a criticism. Lond. Cassell. 191 1. 2 v. Hoffman, Cadwallader Colden. Fox, G. T. Memoir of the Rev. C. Colden Hoffman, missionary to Cape Palmas, West Africa. 1868. Hoffman, David. Chronicles (selected from the originals of Cartaphilus, the Wandering Jew.) Lond. Bosworth. 1853. Hoffman, Frank Sargent. The sphere of reli- gion; a consideration of its nature and of Its influence upon the progress of civiliza- tion. N. Y. Putnam. 1908. Hoffman, Murray. Ritual law of the church. N. Y. Pott. 1872. Treatise on the law of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States. N. Y. Stanford. 1850. Hogan, John Baptist. Daily thoughts for priests. 3d ed. Bost. Marlier. 1899. Hogarth, David George, ed. Authority and archaeology sacred and profane; essays on the relation of monuments to biblical and classical literature; with an introduc- tory chapter on archaeology by the editor. Lond. Murray. 1899. Holbom, Alfred. The Pentateuch in the light of to-day. N. Y. Scribner. 1902. Holcombe, Arthur Norman. Public ownership of telephones on the continent of Europe. Bost. Houghton. 191 1. Holden, G. F. Holy Ghost the Comforter. Lond. Longm. 1908. Holden, John Stuart. Supposition and certainty. N. Y. Revell. 1908. Holdsworth, W. W. Christ of the gospels. N. Y. Eaton, n. d. Holidays. See Anniversaries; Festivals. Holiness. Askwith, E. H. Christian con- ception of holiness. 1900. Hopkins, E. H. Law of liberty in the spiritual life. 4th ed. [1884.] Pearse, M. G. Thoughts on holiness. C1884, Holland, Clement, father. Practical preaching for priests and people; twenty-five plain Catholic sermons. Lond. Baker. 1901. 2V. Holland, Henry Scott. The Jesus of history and the Christ of religion. (Hibbert journal supplement.) Logic and life, with other sermons. N. Y. Scribner. 1882. 144 Catalogue General Theological Library Holland, Henry Scott — Continued. On behalf of belief; sermons. N. Y. Whit- taker. 1889. and others. Abreast of the times; a course of sermons on social subjects, with a preface by the Bishop of Durham. N. Y. Pott. 1894. — Miracles: papers and sermons contributed to the Guardian. Lond. Longm. 1911. Holland, Josiah GUbert. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Springfield. Bill. 1866. Holland, Saba (Smith), Lady. Memoir of the Rev. Sydney Smith. N. Y. Harper. 1856. 2V, HoUmann, Georg. Jewish religion in the time of Jesus; tr. by E. W. Lummis. Lond. Green. 1909. Holmes, John Haynes. Revolutionary func- tion of the modern church. N. Y. Put- nam. 1912. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Autocrat of the breakfast table. Bost. Houghton. 1887. Complete poetical works. Cambr. ed. Bost. Houghton. C1895. Elsie Venner. Bost. Houghton. 1887. Guardian angel. Bost. Houghton. 1887. Pages from an old volume of life, Bost. Houghton. 1887. Poetical works. Household ed. Bost. Hough- ton. 1887. Professor at the breakfast table. Bost. Houghton. 1887. Morse, John Torrey. Life and letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes. C1896. 2 v. Holmes, Thomas Scott. Origin and develop- ment of the Christian church in Gaul during the first six centuries of the Christian era. Lond. Macm. 191 1. (Birkbeck lect.) Holt, Edwin B., and others. The new realism: cooperative studies in philosophy. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Holtzmann, Oscar. Life of Jesus; tr. by J. T. Bealby and M. A. Canney. Lond. Black. 1904. Holy Grail. Evans, S., transl. High history of the Holy Graal, tr. from the French. 3d ed. 1902. 2v. (Temple classics.) Holy Land. See Palestine. Holy Spirit. Adamson, T. Spirit of power as set forth in the book of the Acts of the apostles. 1897. Arthur, W. Tongue of fire. 1893. Barry J. G. H. Meditations on the office and work of the Holv Spirit. 1 908. . [Bartol, C. A.] Word of the Spirit to the church. 1859. Beecher, H. W. The Holy Spirit. {In his Sermons, 3d ser.) Bellows, H. W. The Holy Spirit: what is it? and whence comes it? {In his Twenty-four sermons.) Bickersteth, E. H. Spirit of life. 1870. Coyle, J. P. Spirit in literature and life. 1896. (Rand lect.) Crane, L. B. Teaching of Jesus concerning the Holy Spirit. C1905. Davison, W. T. Indwelling Spirit. 191 1. Dcnio, F. B. The Supreme leader; a study of the nature and work of the Holy Spirit. 1900. Gordon, A. J. Holy Spirit in missions. CI893. Holy Spirit — Continued. Gordon, A. J. Ministry of the Spirit. 1894. Gore, C. The Holy Spirit and inspiration. {In Lux mundi. Gore, C, ed.) Hare, J. C. Mission of the Comforter. 1876. Hobart, A. S. Our silent partner. C1908. Holden, G. F. Holy Ghost the Comforter. 1908. Ingram, A. F. W. Mission of the Spirit. 1906. Jefferson, C. E. Person and work of the Holy Spirit. {In his Things fundamental.) Johnson, E. H. Holy Spirit, then and now. King, E. The Holy Spirit reproving the world. {In his Love and wisdom of God: sermons.) Kuyper, A. Work of the Holy Spirit. 1900. Macfarland, C. S. The Spirit of God. {In his The infinite afifection.) Maclaren, A. The Holy Spirit, the earnest of the inheritance. {In his Manchester sermons, ist ser.) Maurice, F. D. Personality and teaching of the Holy Spirit. {In his Theological essays.) Moberly, G. Administration of the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ. 1868. (Bamp. lect.) Montgomery, G. R. Communion of the Holy Spirit. {In his The unexplored self.) Moody, D. L. The Holy Spirit. {In his The fulness of the gospel.) Morgan, G. C. The Spirit of God. 1900. Mozley, J. B. Threefold office of the Holy Spirit. {In his Sermons, parochial and occasional.) Mozoomdar, P. C. Spirit of God. 1894. Murray, A. Spirit of Christ, n. d. Myers, C. Real Holy Spirit. 1909. Parker, J. Paraclete. 1875. Peabody, A. P. The Holy Spirit. {In his Christian belief and life.) Selby, T. G. Holy Spirit and Christian privilege. 5th ed. n. d. Snowden, J. H. The Holy Spirit. {In his Basal beliefs of Christianity.) Swete, H. B. Holy Spirit in the New Testa- ment. 1909. — On the history of the doctrine of the Procession of the Holy Spirit from the apostolic age to the death of Charlemagne. 1876. Torrey, R. A. Person and work of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the Scriptures and in personal experience. CI910. Walker, W. L. Spirit and the incarnation in the light of Scripture, science and practical need. 1901. See also Theology. Systematic treatises; Trinity. Home. Aikman, W. Life at home. 187 1. Chase, F. H. Decay of home life. {In Church and life of to-day. [Browne, G. F.] and others.) Coyle, R. F. The imperilled home. {In his Church and the world: sermons.) Hawkins, C. J. Will the home survive? C1907. Hulbert, H. W. The blessing to the home. {In his The church and her children.) Catalogue General Theological Library 145 Home — Continued. Parker, T. Home considered in relation to its moral influence. {In his [Works]. Cent, ed.) Riis, J. A. Peril and preservation of the home. CI903. Robins, J. B. A Christian civilization the end to be gained by home life. {In his The family a necessity of civilization.) Roads, C. Realizing the Christian home. {In his Man with a conscience.) Swing, D. Home. {In his Motives of life.) Ware, J. F. W. Home life; what it is and what it needs. 1867. 5ee 0/50 Children; Family; Women. Home missions. See Missions. Home prayers. Martineau, J. Homer. The Iliad of Homer tr. into English blank verse by W. C. Bryant. Bost. Houghton. C1898. The Iliad of Homer tr. into English blank verse by William Cowper. Phila. Whetham. 1838. 2 v. The Odyssey of Homer, tr. by G. H. Palmer. Bost. Houghton. C1891. Adam, J. {In his Religious teachers of Greece.) Froude, J. A. Homer. {In his Short studies on great subjects [ist ser.].) Strong, A. H. The Homeric question and the Homeric theology. {In his Great poets and their theology.) Tyler, W. S. Theology of the Greek poets. 1884. Homiletical index. Pettingell, J. H. HoMiLETics. Ellicott, C. J. Homiletical and pastoral lectures. 1880. Graves, H. C. Lectures on homiletics. 1906. Hoppin, J. M. Homiletics. ci88i. Phelps, A. Men and books; or, Studies in homiletics. 1882. See also Preachers; Preaching. Hommel, Fritz. Ancient Hebrew tradition as illustrated by the monuments; tr. by E. McClure and L. Crossle. N. Y. Young. 1897. Hood, Edwin Paxton. Throne of eloquence: great preachers, ancient and modern. N. Y. Funk. 1888. Hooker, Edward W. Life of Thomas Hooker. Bost. Sabbath school soc. 1849. (Chief fathers of New England, VI.) Hooker, Richard. Book I of the Laws of ecclesiastical polity, ed. by R. W. Church. Oxford. Clarendon press, 1868. (Clar. press ser. Engl, classics.) Works; containing eight books of the Laws of ecclesiastical polity, and other treatises. Newed. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1820. 3V. Same. Arranged by John Keble. 1863. 3v. Walton, I. Life of Mr. Richard Hooker. {In his Lives, etc.) Hooker, Thomas. Hooker, E. W. Life of Thomas Hooker, 1849. (Chief fathers of New England, VI.) Walker, W. Thomas Hooker and the princi- ple of Congregational Independency. {In Pioneers of religious liberty in America.) (Great and Thursday lect.) Hoopes, Wilford L. Code of the spirit; an in- terpretation of the decalogue. Bost. Sherman. 191 1. Hope. Beecher, H. W. Victory of hope in sor- row. {In his Sermons, ist ser.) Church, R. W. Hope. {In his Advent sermons.) Collyer, R. Hope. {In his Nature and life: sermons.) Congreve, J. High hopes; sermons. 1875. Mahan, A. T. Hope. {In his The harvest within.) Matheson, G. Messages of hope. 1908. Maurice, F. D. Ground and object of hope for mankind. 1868. Smith, G. A. Moral meaning of hope. {In his Forgiveness of sins, and other ser- mons.) Hope and strength. Waggett, P. N. Hope that is in us. Wilberforce, B. HoPEDALE COMMUNITY. Ballou, A. History of the Hopedale community. 1897. Hopkins, Archibald. Apostles' creed; an analysis of its clauses with reference to their credibility. Bost. A. U. A. 1902. Hopkins, Edward Washbxim. Religions of India. Bost. Ginn, 1895. (Hdbks. on the hist, of religions.) Hopkins, Evan Henry. Holy life. 4th ed. Lond. Marshall, n. d. Law of liberty in the spiritual life. Lond. Marshall, n, d. Hopkins, John Henry, first bp. of Vt. History of the confessional. N, Y. Harper. 1850. Law of ritualism. N, Y. Hurd. 1866. Hopkins, J. H. Life of John Henry Hopkins, first bishop of Vermont; by one of his sons. 1873- Hopkins, John Henry, the younger. Life of John Henry Hopkins, first bishop of Vermont. N. Y. Huntington. 1873. Hopkins, Mark. The law of love and love as a law. N. Y. Scribner. 1872. Outline study of man. N. Y. Scribner. C1878. Scriptural idea of man. N. Y, Scribner. 1883. Strength and beauty. N. Y. Dodd. C1874. Teachings and counsels; twenty baccalaureate sermons. N. Y. Scribner. 1884. Hopkins, Samuel. The Puritans: or, The church, court, and parliament of England during the reigns of Edward VI and Queen Elizabeth. Bost, Gould and Lincoln. 1859-61. 3v. Hoppin, James Mason. Homiletics. N. Y. Dodd. C1881. Horace. Works, tr. into English prose by C. Smart. New ed. by T. A. Buckley. N. Y. Harper. 1855. (Harper's classical libr.) Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. See Horace. Horder William Garrett. Hymn lover; account of the rise and growth of English hymnology. Lond. Curwen. n. d. ed. The poets' Bible, O, T. section, 2d ed. Lond. Ward. 1895. ed. Same. N. T. section. 3d ed, Lond. Ward, 1895, ed. Treasury of American sacred song. Lond. Frowde. 1896. Hore, Alexander Hugh. Student's history of the Greek church. Lond. Parker. 1902. Home, C. Silvester. David Livingstone. N. Y, M, E, M. of U. S. & Canada. 1913. 146 Catalogue General Theological Library Home, Herman Harrell. Free will and human responsibility; a philosophical argument. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Idealism in education. N. Y. Macm. 1910. The psychological principles of education; a study in the science of education. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Horr, George Edwin. The great ministry. Bost. Bible study pub. co. C1908. Training of the Chosen people. Bost. Bible study pub. CO. C1908. Horsley, Sir Victor A. H., and Stxirge, Mary D. Alcohol and the human body. 2d ed. Lond. Macm. 1908. Horswell, Charles. Suggestions for the study of the English New Testament. N. Y. Eaton. 1897. Hort, Arthur Fenton. Life and letters of Fenton John Anthony Hort. Lond. Macm. 1896. 2v. Hort, Fenton John Anthony. The Christian ecclesia. Lond. Macm. 1897. Four sermons. {In his Christian ecclesia.) Judaistic Christianity. Camb. [Eng.] Macm. 1894. Two dissertations. Camb. [Eng.] Macm. 1876. Namely: 1. On MONorENH2 eE02 in Scripture and tradition, n. On the ' Constantinopolitan ' creed, and other Eastern creeds of the fourth century. Village sermons. Lond. Macm. 1897. The Way, the Truth, the Life. Camb. [Eng.] Macm. 1893. (Hulsean lect.) Hort, A. F. Life and letters of Fenton John Anthony Hort. 1896. 2v. Horton, Robert Forman. Bible a missionary book. Edin. Oliphant. n. d. Book of Proverbs. N. Y. Armstrong. 1891. (Expositor's Bible.) Devotional commentary on the gospel of St. Matthew. N. Y. Revell. CI909. Great issues. Lond. Unwin. 1909. A volume of essays on various subjects. Inspiration and the Bible. Lond. Unwin. 1896. My belief. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1908. Oliver Cromwell. N. Y. Whittaker. 1897. Pastoral epistles: introduction, authorized version, revised version, notes, etc. N. Y. Frowde. n. d. (New century Bible.) Revelation and the Bible. Lond. Unwin. 1896. Verbum Dei. N. Y. Macm. 1893. (Yale lect.) Women of the Old Testament. N. Y. Whit- taker. n. d. and Driver, Samuel Rolles. Minor prophets: introductions, revised version with notes, etc. N. Y. Frowde. 1906. 2v. (New century Bible.) HosEA, Hebrew prophet. Adeney, W. F. {In Men of the O. T. Solomon to Jonah. Milligan, G., and others.) Farrar, F. W. Hosea. {In his Minor proph- ets.) Hosford, B. F. Paul and the chief cities of his labors. Bost. Mass. S. S. Soc. 1857. Hoskins, Franklin Evans. From the Nile to Nebo; a discussion of the problem and the route of the Exodus. Phila. S. S. times co. 1912. Hough, Lynn Harold. Athanasius the hero. Cine. Jennings. C1906. (Men of the kingdom.) Houghton, Mrs. Louise Seymour. Hebrew life and thought; being interpretative studies in the literature of Israel. Chi. Univ. press. 1906. Telling Bible stories. N. Y. Scribner. 1907. Housing problem. Barnett, S. A. Housing of the poor. {In Church and life of today.) De Forest, R. W., and Veiller, L. Tenement house problem. 1903. 2v. Kenngott, G. F. {In his Record of a city, chap. III.) Strong, J. Housing. {In his Studies in the gospel of the kingdom. 1910.) Veiller, L. Housing reform; a hand-book for practical use in American cities. 19 10. See also Tenement house problem. Hovey, Alvah. Barnas Sears. N. Y. Silver. CI902. Christian teaching and life. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1895. Commentary on the gospel of John. Phila. A. B. P.S. C1885. (Amer.com. on the N.T.) Manual of Christian theology. 2d ed. N. Y. Silver. 1900. State of the impenitent dead. Bost. Gould. Studies in ethics and religion. N. Y, Silver. 1892. Howard, Joseph. Life of Henry Ward Beecher, Phila. Hubbard. 1887. Howe, Frederick Clemson. The city, the hope of democracy. N. Y. Scribner. 1906. Privilege and democracy in America. N. Y. Scribner. 19 10. Howe, Julia Ward. Reminiscences. 1819- 1899. Bost. Houghton. C1899. Higginson, T. W. {In his Carlyle's laugh, and other surprises.) Howe, Mark Antony DeWolfe. Life and labors of Bishop Hare. N. Y. Sturgis. 191 1. Howe, Reginald Heber. Call of the Master. N. Y. Whittaker. 1904. (Lenten lect.) Howells, William Dean. Out of the question. Bost. Osgood. 1877. Traveller from Altruria. N.Y. Harper. 1898. Howison, George Holmes. Limits of evolution, and other essays illustrating the metaphysi- cal theory of personal idealism. N. Y. Macm. 1901. Howitt, William. History of the supernatural. Phila. Lippincott. 1863. 2v. Howson, John Saul. Companions of St. Paul. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. n. d. Evidential value of the Acts of the apostles. N. Y. Dutton. 1880. (Bohlen lect.) Metaphors of St. Paul. Bost. Amer. tract soc. 1873. and Spence, Henry Donald Maurice. Acts of the apostles. N. Y. Scribner. 1882. joint author. See Conybeare, W. J., and Howson, J. S. Hoyt, Arthur Stephen. The preacher: his person, message and method. N, Y. Macm. 1909. Catalogue General Theological Library 147 Hoyt, Arthur Stephen — Continued. Public worship for non-liturgicai churches. N. Y. Hodder. C1911. Work of preaching. N. Y. Macm. 1905. Hubbard, George Henry. The teachings of Jesus in parables. Bost., etc. Pilgrim press. CI 907. Huck, A. Huck's Synopsis of the first three gospels, arranged for English readers by R. L. Finney. See Bible. N. T. Gospels. Huckel, Oliver. The melody of God's love; a new unfolding of the twenty-third Psalm. N. Y. Crowell. 1905. Mental medicine. N. Y. Crowell. C1909. Hudson, Henry, English navigator. Cleveland, H. R. Henry Hudson. N. Y. Harper. 1902. (Amer. biography, vol. VI. Sparks, J., ed.) Hudson, Henry Norman. Lectures on Shake- speare. N. Y. Baker. 1848. 2 v. Hudson, Thomas Jay. Law of psychic phenom- ena. Chi. McClurg. 1902. Scientific demonstration of the future life. Chi. McClurg. 1901. Hudson, William Henry. Herbert Spencer. N. Y. Dodge pub. co. n. d. (Philoso- phies, anc. and mod.) HuBMAiER, Balthasar. Veddcr, H. C. Bal- thasar Hiibmaier. ' 1905. (Heroes of the reformation.) Hiigel, Friedrich, Baron von. Eternal life: a study of its implications and applications. Edin. Clark. 1912. Mystical element of religion as studied in St. Catherine of Genoa and her friends. Lond. Dent. 1908. 2v. Hugenholtz, P. H., ed. Religion and liberty; addresses and papers at the second Int. council of Unitarian and other liberal thinkers and workers, Amsterdam. 1903. Hugh of Lincoln, St. Froude, J. A. A bishop of the twelfth century. {In his Short studies on great subjects, 2d ser.) Marson, C. L. Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln. 1901. Hughes, Edwin Holt. Teaching of citizenship. Bost. Wilde. C1909. Thanksgiving sermons. Cine. Jennings. C1909. Hughes, N. Collin. Genesis and geology. Chocowinity [N. C.]. 1887. Hughes, Thomas. Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits. N. Y. Scribner. 1892. (Great educators.) Manliness of Christ. Bost. Houghton. 1880. Hughes, Thomas Patrick. Dictionary of Islam. Lond. Allen. 1896. Hughson, Shirley Carter. Warfare of the soul. N. Y. Longm. 1910. Hugo, Victor Marie, comte. Gladden, W. Victor Hugo, the man of letters. {In his Witnesses of the light.) Huguenots. Baird, C. M. History of the Huguenot emigration to America. C1885. 2V. Baird, H. M. History of the rise of the Huguenots of France. 1896. 2v. — Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 1896. 2V. — Huguenots and the revocation of the edict of Nantes. 1895. 2 v. Huguenots — Continued. Clarke, J. F. The Huguenots. {In his Events and epochs in religious history.) Felice, G. de. History of the Protestants of France from the commencement of the reformation to the present time; tr. by H. Lobdell. 1 85 1. Gregg, D. The Huguenots. {In his Makers of the American republic.) Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol.8.) Smiles, S. The Huguenots in France after the revocation of the edict of Nantes. 1874, — The Huguenots: their settlements, churches and industries in England and Ire- land. 1868. Thompson, J. W. Wars of religion in France, „ 1559-1576. 1909. Weiss, C. History of the French Protestant refugees from the revocation of the edict of Nantes to our own days. 1854. 2v. Willert, P. F. Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots in France. CI893. Huidekoper, Frederic. Judaism at Rome, B. c. 76 to A.D. 140. 2ded. N, Y. Miller. 1877. Huizinga, Arnold van C. P. American philoso- phy: pragmatism; critically considered in relation to present-day theology. Bost. Sherman. 1911. Hulbert, Eri Baker. The English reformation and Puritanism, with other lectures and addresses. Chi. Univ. press. 1908. Hulbert, Henry Harper. Breathing for voice production. N. Y. Novello. 1903. Hulbert, Henry Woodward. The church and her children. N. Y. Revell. C1912. Hulbert, Homer Beza. Passing of Korea. N. Y. Y. P. M. M. 1906. (Miss, study ref. libr., I3-) Hull, William Isaac. Two Hague conferences and their contributions to international law. Bost. Ginn. 1908. Hull-House. Addams, J. Twenty years at Hull-House. 1910. Hulme, Frederick Edward. History, principles, and practice of symbolism in Christian art. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1910. Hulsean lectures. Alexandrian and Carthaginian theology con- trasted; Heard, J. B. Christ of English poetry; Stubbs, C. W. Gospel and human needs; Figgis, J. N, Gospel of the atonement; Wilson, J. M. Immortality; Perowne, J. J. S. Mysteries, pagan and Christian; Cheetham, S. Place of miracles in religion; Lyttelton, A. T. Revelation of the Son of God; Edghill, E. A. St. Austin and his place; Cunningham, W. Sin as set forth in Holy Scripture; Straff en, G. M, The Way, the Truth, the Life; Hort, F. J. A. Witness of history to Christ; Farrar, F. W. Witness of the heart to Christ; Carpenter, W. B. Human harvest. Jordan, D. S. Human nature in politics. Wallas, G. Human nature of the saints. Hodges, G. Humanism. Griggs, E. H. The new human- ism! 1900. Mackenzie, J. S. Lectures on humanism. 1907. 148 Catalogue General Theological Library % Humanism — Continued. Schiller, F. C. S. Riddles of the sphinx: a study in the philosophy of humanism. New ed. 1910. — Studies in humanism. 1907. Tilley, A. A. French humanism and Mon- taigne. {In Cambr. mod. history, vol. III.) Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. Life, travels and books of Alexander von Humboldt. 1859. Hume, David. Essays, moral, political and literary; ed. by T. H. Green and T. H. Grose. Newimpr. Lond.,e/c. Longm. 1907. 2v. Treatise of human nature; ed. by T. H. Green and T. H. Grose. New impr. Lond., etc. Longm. 1909. 2v. Cushman, H. E. {In his Beginner's history of philosophy, vol. H.) Hibben, J. G. Hume's scepticism. {In his Philosophy of the enlightenment.) Huxley, T. H. Hume. n. d. (Engl, men of letters.) Knight, W. Hume. 1910. (Philosophical classics for Engl, readers.) Stephen, L, David Hume. {In his English thought in the eighteenth century, vol. L) Hume, Robert Allen. Interpretation of India's religious history. N. Y. Revell. C1911. Missions from the modern view. N. Y. Revell. CI 905. Humiliation of Christ. Bruce, A. B. Humphrey, Mrs. Frances A. Dean Stanley with the children. Bost. Lothrop. 1884. Hiunphreys, Alfred Edward. Epistles to Timothy and Titus. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1895. (Cambr. Bible.) Humphreys, Frank Landon. Evolution of church music. N. Y. Little. C1896. Humphry, William Gilson. Historical and ex- planatory treatise on the Book of common prayer. {In Church of England. Student's Book of common prayer.) Same. 3d ed, Camb. Deighton, 1864. Hungary. Church history. Craig, J,, transl. History of the Protestant church in Hungary from the beginning of the reforma- tion to 1850; with introduction by J. H. Merle D'Aubigne. 1854. Himt, Arthur Surridge, joint editor. See Gren- fell, B, P., and Hunt, A. S. Hunt, John. Religious thought in England from the reformation to the end of the last century. Lond. Strahan. 1870. 2v, Religious thought in England in the nineteenth century. Lond. Gibbings. 1896. Hunt, William. English church from its founda- tion to the Norman Conquest. Lond. Macm. 1899. (History of the Engl, church, vol, I,) English church in the middle ages. Lond, Longm, 1888, (Epochs of church history,) Hunter, John. The coming church: plea for a church simply Christian. Lond. Williams, 1905. De profundis clamavi, and other sermons. N, Y. Macm, 1908, God and life, N. Y, Macm, 1910. ed. Devotional services. Lond. Dent. 1903. Htmter, Peter Hay. After the exile : a hundred years of Jewish history and literature. Edin. Oliphant, 1890, 2v. Hunter, Robert. Poverty, N, Y. Grossett, CI 904. Socialists at work. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Hunter, Sir William Wilson. Brief history of the Indian peoples. 24th ed, Oxford. Clarendon press. 1907, Himtington, Arria Sargent. Memoir and letters of Frederic Dan Huntington. Bost. Houghton. 1906. Huntington, Ellsworth. Palestine and its trans- formation. Bost. Houghton. 191 1, Huntington, Frederic Dan. Christ in the Christian year, N, Y, Dutton. 1878, Days of Lent, N. Y. Dutton, 1906, Unconscious tuition, N. Y. Kellogg, n. d. Huntington, A. S. Memoir and letters of Frederic Dan Huntington. 1906. Huntington, James O. S., father. Philanthropy — its success and failure. {In Philan- thropy and social progress: seven essays.) Htmtington, William Reed. A good shepherd, and other sermons. N, Y. Whittaker. CI906, Short history of the Book of common prayer. N, Y. Whittaker, ci893. Hurlbut, Jesse Ljrman. Organizing and build- ing up the Sunday school. Bost, Pilgrim press, C1910, Hurll, Estelle May. Life of our Lord in art; with some account of the artistic treatment of the life of St. John the Baptist. Bost. Houghton. 1898. Hurst, John Fletcher. History of rationalism. N. Y. Eaton. C1865. History of the Christian church. N. Y. Eaton. C1897, 2v. Short history of the Christian church, N. Y. Harper. 1894. Short history of the early church, N. Y. Chautauqua press. 1887. Short history of the reformation. N. Y. Harper. 1884, Hus, or Huss, Johann, or Jan. See Huss, John. Husain 'All Nur, Mirza, called Baha 'U'llah. Book of Ighan revealed by Baha 'U'llah; tr, by Ali Kuli Khan assisted by Howard MacNutt. Chi, Bahai pub. soc. 1907. Huss, John, Gillett, E. H. Life and times of John Huss. C1861. 2v. Herrick, S. E, {In his Some heretics of yesterday.) Hodges, G. {In his Saints and heroes.) Kuhns, L. O. John Huss: the witness. C1907. (Men of the kingdom,) Liitzow, F, H, H. von, Count. Life and times of Master John Hus, 1909. Hutchings, Samuel. Mode of Christian bap- tism. Bost. Cong, pub, soc. CI874. Hutchinson, Franklin. See Framingham. First Baptist Church. Huther, Johann Eduard. Handbook to the general epistles of James and John. Edin. Clark, 1882, (Meyer, H. A. W. Com. on the N. T,) Handbook to the epistles of Peter and Jude. Edin. Clark. 1881. (Meyer, H. A. W. Com, on the N. T,) Handbook to the epistles of Timothy and Titus; tr, by D, Hunter, Edin. Clark. 1 88 1. (Meyer, H. A. W. Com. on the N. T.) Catalogue General Theological Library 149 HuTTEN, Ulrich VON. Jordan, D. S. Ulrich von Hutten. CI910. Hutton, Arthur Wollaston. Cardinal Manning. Bost. Houghton. 1892. Hutton, John Alexander. Fear of things. Lond. Scott. 191 1. (Preachers of to-day.) Winds of God. N. Y. Hodder. 191 1. Hutton, Richard Holt. Aspects of religious and scientific thought. Lond. Macm. 1899. Cardinal Newman. Bost. Houghton. 1890. Criticisms on contemporary thought and thinkers. Lond. Macm. 1894. 2 v. Essays on some of the modern guides of Eng- lish thought in matters of faith. Lond. Macm. 1887. Essays, theological and literary. Lond. Strahan. 187 1. 2 v. Wedgwood, J. {In her Nineteenth century teachers, and other essays.) Hutton, William Holden. The church and the barbarians. Lond. Rivington. 1906. (Church universal, HI.) Church of the sixth century. Lond. Longm. 1897. English church from the accession of Charles I to the death of Anne (1625-1714). Lond. Macm. 1903. (History of the English church, vol. VI.) Influence of Christianity upon national ' character illustrated by the lives and legends of the English saints. N. Y. Dutton. 1903. (Bamp. lect.) Huxley, Leonard. Life and letters of Thomas Henry Huxley. N. Y. Appleton. 1901. 2 v. Huxley, Thomas Henry. Essays upon some controverted questions. N. Y. Appleton. 1893. Evolution and ethics, and other essays. N. Y. Appleton. 1896. Hume. N. Y. Harper, n. d. (Engl, men of letters.) Lay sermons, addresses and reviews. N. Y. Appleton. 1 87 1. Man's place in nature, and other anthropologi- cal essays. N. Y. Appleton. 1909. Cadman, S, P. {In his Charles Darwin and other English thinkers.) Huxley, L. Life and letters of Thomas Henry Huxley. 1901. 2v. Hyde, William De Witt. From Epicurus to Christ ; a study in the principles of personal- ity. N. Y. Macm. 1904. God's education of man. Bost. Houghton. 1899. Jesus' way. Bost. Houghton. 1902. Outlines of social theology. N. Y, Macm. 1895- Practical ethics. N. Y. Holt. CI892. Practical idealism. N. Y. Macm. 1897. Self-measurement; a scale of human values with directions for personal application. N. Y. Huebsch. 1908. (Art of life ser.) Sin and its forgiveness. Bost. Houghton. 1909. Hygiene. Allen, W. H. Civics and health. CI 909. Dock, L. L. Hygiene and morality. 191 1. Gulick, L. H. The efficient life. 1907. Ogden, H. N. Rural hygiene. 191 1. (Rural science ser.) Hymns. Breed, D. R. History and use of hymns and hymn-tunes. 1903. Brown, T., and Butterworth, H, Story of the hymns and tunes. 1906. Duffield, S. W. English hymns: their authors and history. 3d ed. 1888. — Latin hymn-writers and their hymns. Ed. and completed by R. E. Thompson. 1889. Duncan, J. Popular hymns: their authors and teaching. 1910. Horder, W. G., The hymn lover; an account of the rise and growth of English hymnody. 1889. — ed. Treasury of American sacred song, with notes explanatory and biographical. 1896. Julian, J., ed. Dictionary of hymnology. 1892. Matheson, G. Sacred songs. 3d ed. 1904. Nutter, C. S., and Tillett, W. F. Hymns and hymn writers of the church; an annotated ' edition of the Methodist hymnal. 191 1. Palmer, R., ed. Book of praise from the best English hymn writers. 1898. Pick, B., comp. Hymns and poetry of the Elastern church. 1908. Putnam, A. P. Singers and songs of the liberal faith; being selections of hymns with biographical sketches of the writers, and historical notes. 1875. Robinson, C. S. Annotations upon popular hymns. C1893. Roesler, A., ed. Psallite; Catholic English hymns. 1903. Sankey, I. D. Story of the gospel hymns. 3d ed. 1906. Seven great hymns of the mediaeval church. 7th ed. n. d. Stead, W. T., and others, eds. Hymns that have helped. 1904. Whitmarsh, C. S., and Guild, A. E., compilers. Hymns of the ages. Bost. Phillips. 1859- 61. 2V. Hyndman, Henry Mayers. Record of an adventurous life. N. Y. Macm. 1911. Hypnotism. Bernheim, H. Suggestive thera- peutics; treatise on the nature and uses of hypnotism; tr. by C. A. Herter. 13th impr. 1906. Bramwell, J. M. Hypnotism; its history, practice and theory. 1906. Bruce, H. A. B. Hypnotism and the drink habit. {In his Riddle of personality.) Hudson, T. J. Law of psychic phenomena. 27th ed. 1902. Moll, A. Hypnotism. 1897. (Cont. sci. ser.) Quackenbos, J. D. Hypnotism in mental and moral culture. 1901. See also Subconsciousness. Hypocrisy. Knight, G. T. Praise of hypoc- risy; an essay in casuistry. 1906. Hyren, Frederic. New dispensation. Bost. Mudge. 1870. Hyslop, James Hervey. Ethics of the Greek philosophers, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle; ed. by C. M. Higgins. N. Y., etc. Brook- lyn eth. assoc. 1903. Problems of philosophy; or. Principles of epistemology and metaphysics. N. Y. Macm. 1905. 150 Catalogue General Theological Library Hyslop, James Hervey — Continued. Science and a future life. Bost. Turner, 1905. Ice age. Wright, G. F. The ice age in North America and its bearings upon the antiquity of man. 1889. Idealism. Blewett, G. J. The completing of idealism. {In his Study of nature and the vision of God.) Bush, W. T. A factor in the genesis of ideal- ism. (In Essays in honor of William James. ) Erdmann, J. E. Idealistic systems. {In his History of philosophy, vpl. II.) Guyau, J. M. Idealism, materialism, monism. {In his Non-religion of the future.) Hyde, W. D. Practical ideaUsm. 1897. Inge, W. R. Personal idealism and mysticism. ^907- Iverach, J. Idealistic philosophy: its merits and defects. {In his Theism in the light of present science and philosophy.) James, W. Monistic idealism. {In his Plu- ralistic universe.) (Hibbert lect.) Jones, H. Idealism as a practical creed. 1909. Lyman, E. W. Theology and human prob- lems: a comparative study of absolute idealism and pragmatism as interpreters of religion. 1910. (N. W. Taylor lect.) Mallock, W. H. The new apologetics of idealism. {In his Religion as a credible doctrine.) Mivart, St. G. Idealism. {In his On truth.) Perry, R. B. Idealism. {In his Present philosophical tendencies, pt. III.) Rogers, A. K. German idealism. {In his Student's history of philosophy.) Rogers, R. A. P. English rational idealism. {In his Short history of ethics.) — German rational idealism. {In his Short history of ethics.) Sheldon, H. C. Radical idealism. {In his Unbelief in the nineteenth century.) Upward, A. New word; an open letter addressed to the Swedish Academy in Stockholm on the meaning of the word " Idealist." 1910. Watson, J. Idealism as a philosophy of religion. {In his Philosophical basis of religion.) — Schelling's transcendental idealism. 1882. See also Realism. Idealism in education. Home, H. H. Idealism of Jesus. Jones, H. (Hibbert journal supplement.) Ignatius, St. Epistles, with notes and disserta- tions. {In Lightfoot, J. B. Apostolic fathers.) Greek text, English notes. Same. {In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. I.) Same. {In Wake, W., ed. Genuine epistles of the apostolical fathers.) Martyrdom of Ignatius. {In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. I.) Cruttwell, C. T. Ignatius. {In his Literary history of early Christianity, vol. I.) niingworth, John Richardson. Christian char- acter; lectures on the elements of Christian ethics. Lond. Macm. 1905. Divine immanence. N. Y. Macm. 1898. niingworth, John Richardson — Continued. Divine transcendence and its reflection in religious authority. Lond. Macm. 191 1. Doctrine of the Trinity apologetically con- sidered. Lond. Macm. 1907. Personality, human and divine. Lond, Macm. 1894. (Bamp. lect.) Reason and revelation. Lond. Macm. 1906. Illusions. Parish, E. Hallucinations and illu- sions; a study of the fallacies of perception. 1909. (Cont. sci. ser.) Imagination. Johnson, E. H. Religious use of the imagination. CI901. Macdonald, G. The imagination: its func- tions and its culture. {In his The imagina- tion, and other essays.) Imitation of Christ. Thomas k Kempis. Immaculate conception. See Roman Catholic church. Immanence. Warschauer, J. Problems of im- manence. 1909. Immanence of God. See Divine immanence. Immigration. Abbott, L, America in the making, 191 1. (Yale lect. on citizenship.) Antin, M. The promised land. 1912. Balch, E. G. Our Slavic fellow citizens. 1910. Bernheimer, C. S., ed. The Russian Jew in the United States. 1905. Brandenburg, B. Imported Americans; the story of the experiences of a disguised American and his wife studying the immi- gration problem. 1904. Commons, J. R. Races and immigrants in America. 1907. Fairchild, H. P. Immigration: a world movement and its American significance. 1913- Grose, H. B. Aliens or Americans? CI906. (Forward mission study courses.) — Incoming millions. C1906. (Home mis- sion study course.) Hall, P. F. Immigration and its eflfects upon the United States. 1907. (Amer. public problems.) Jenks, J. W., and Lauck, W. J. Immigration problem. 1912. Contains important statistics. Low, A. M. Influence of immigration on American development. {In his American people, vol. II.) Roberts, P. The new immigration. 1912. Royce, G, M. Passing of the American. 191 1. Steiner, E. A. The immigrant tide; its ebb and flow. CI909. — On the trail of the immigrant. CI906. Strong, J. Immigration. {In his Studies in the gospel of the kingdom. 1910.) Woods, R. A., ed. Americans in process; a settlement study by residents and associates of the South End House, North and West Ends, Boston. 1902. See also Missions, Home. Immortality. Abbott, L. The other room. 1903. Archibald, A. W. Easter hope. C1909. Beet, J. A. Immortality of the soul. 1901. Bigelow, W. S. Buddhism and immortality. 1908. (Ingersoll lect.) Catalogue General Theological Library 151 Immortality — Continued. Brooks, P. Immortality. {In his Spiritual man, and other sermons.) Caird, E. Immortality. {In his Lay sermons and addresses.) Caird, J. Corporate immortality. {In Scotch sermons. Caird, J., and others.) Chad wick, J. W. Concerning immortality. {In his Faith of reason.) Chambers, A. " Our life after death." 1895. Cheney, W. A. Can we be sure of mortality? 1910. Cobbe, F. P. Hopes of the human race, hereafter and here. 1876. Cremer, H. Beyond the grave. 1886. Crothers, S. M. Endless life. 1905. (In- gersoll lect.) Denney, J. Immortality. {In his Way ever- lasting: sermons.) Dickinson, G. L. Is immortality desirable? 1909. (Ingersoll lect.) — Religion and immortality. 191 1. Dole, C. F. Hope of immortality. C1906. (Ingersoll lect.) Everett, C. C. Imrnortality, and other essays. 1902. Fairbairn, A. M. Belief in immortality. {In his Studies in the philosophy of religion and history.) Fiske, J. Life everlasting. 1901. (Ingersoll lect.) Gladden, W. Practice of immortality, n. d. Gordon, G. A. Immortality and the new theodicy. 1897. — Witness to immortality in literature, philosophy and life. 1893. Gould, G. M. Immortality. {In his Infinite presence.) Grenfell, W. T. On immortality. CI912. Hillis, N. D. Foretokens of immortality. 1899. Hodges, G. Life everlasting. {In his Every man's religion.) James, W. Human immortality: two sup- posed objections to the doctrine. 1898. (Ingersoll lect.) Jefferson, C. E. Immortality of the soul. {In his Things fundamental.) Jones, J. D. The life everlasting. {In his Things most surely believed.) Knox-Little, W. J., and others. Immortality: a clerical symposium on what are the foundations of the belief in the immortality of man. 1885. Lodge, Sir O. J. Immortality of the soul. 1908. — Immortality of the soul. {In his Man and the universe.) — Science and immortality. 1908. McComb, S. Immortality and science; Im- mortality and human nature. {In his Christianity and the modern mind, chapters VIII-IX.) McConnell, S. D. Basis of immortality. {In his Christianity: an interpretation.) — Evolution of immortality. 1901. — Immortability. {In his Christianity: an interpretation.) McTaggart, J. M. E. Human immortality. {In his Some dogmas of religion.) Mercer, J. E. Science of life and the larger hope. 1910. Immortality — Continued. Mill, J. S. Immortality. {In his Three essays on religion, pp. 197-2 11.) Myers, F. W. H. Human personality and its survival of bodily death; ed. by L. H. Myers. 1903. Osier, W. Science and immortality. 1904. (Ingersoll lect.) Ostwald, W. Individuality and immortality. 1906. Palmer, B. Evidences of immortality. {In hts The Living way.) Palmer, F. Winning of immortality. CI910. Patten, H. P. Intimations of immortality. 1907. Perowne, J. J. S. Immortality: four sermons. 1870. (Hulsean lect.) Reisner, G. A. Egyptian conception of immortality. C1912. (Ingersoll lect.) Rogers, A. K. The problem of immortality. {In his Religious conception of the world.) Royce, J. Conception of immortality. 1900. (Ingersoll lect.) — Immortality. {In his William James, and other essays.) Salmond, S. D. F. Christian doctrine of immortality, 4th ed. 1901. Schiller, F. C. S. Immortality. {In his Riddles of the sphinx.) Sears, E. H. Foregleams and foreshadows of immortality, nth ed. 1873. Slattery, C. L. Life beyond life. 1907. Smyth, N. Modern belief in immortality. 1910. Snowden, J. H. Immortality. {In his Basal beliefs of Christianity.) Straub, J. Consolations of science; or, Contributions of science to the hope of immortality, and kindred themes. 4th ed. 1888. Thomson, W. H. Life, death and immor- tality. 1911. Walker, W. L. Immortality. {In his Chris- tian theism and a spiritual monism.) Ward, Mrs. E. S. P. Struggle for immortality. 1889. Wheeler, B. I. Dionysos and immortality. 1899. (Ingersoll lect.) See also Conditionalism ; Future life. Immortality, and other essays. Everett, C. C. In darkest England, and the way out.'JlBooth, W. In His name. E. E. Hale. In His steps. Sheldon, C. M. In memoriam. Tennyson, A. In tune with the infinite. Trine, R. W. Incarnation. Andrews, S. J. Man and the incarnation. 1905. Armstrong, R. A. Trinity and the incarna- tion. 1904. Best, N. R. Beyond the natural order; es^ys on prayer, miracles and the incarnation. C1908. Briggs, C. A. Incarnation of the Lord: sermons. 1902. Church, R. W. Mystery of the incarnation. {In his Village sermons.) Cooke, R. J. Incarnation and recent criticism. C1907. Fiske, C. Religion of the incarnation. 1905. Gifford, E. H. Incarnation; a study of Philippians II: 5-1 1. 1897. 152 Catalogue General Theological Library Incarnation — ^Continued. Gore, C. Dissertations on subjects connected with the incarnation. N. Y. Scribner. 1895- — Incarnation of the Son of God. 1891. (Bamp. lect.) Hedge, F. H. Incarnation and transub- stantiation. {In his Ways of the Spirit.) Illingworth, J. R. The incarnation and de- velopment. {In Lux mundi. Gore, C., ed.) Lampman, L., and others. The incarnation. {In Christ and the church; essays, Amer. Inst, of Christian Philosophy, II-IV.) Lodge, Sir O. J. A divine incarnation. (Hibbert journal supplement.) — Incarnation. {In his Reason and belief, pt..I.) McKim, R. H. Mystery of the incarnation. {In his Gospel in the Christian year: sermons.) Moberly, R. C. The incarnation as the basis of dogma. {In Lux mundi. Gore, C, ed.) Montgomery, G. R. The incarnation; The divine incarnation. {In his Unexplored self: an introduction to Christian doctrine.) Morris, R. Rationality of the incarnation. (Hibbert journal supplement.) Orr, J. The incarnation. {In his Faith of a modern Christian.) Ottley, R. L. Doctrine of the incarnation. 1896. 2V. Powell, H. C. Principle of the incarnation. 1896. Snowden, J. H. Need of the incarnation. {In his Basal beliefs of Christianity.) Streatfeild, G. S. The incarnation. 1910. Walker, W. L. Spirit and the incarnation in the light of Scripture, science and practical need. 1901. Warschauer, J. The incarnation. {In his New evangel.) See also Jesus Christ. Divinity. Incoming millions. Grose, H. B. Independence Day. Sanderson, J,, ed. Inde- pendence Day. {In Thoughts for the occasion, patriotic and secular.) Independent Workers of the World. See Syn- dicalism. Index canonum. Fulton, J. India. Cowan, M. G. Education of the women of India. [1912.] Fuller, Mrs. M. B. Wrongs of Indian womanhood. C1900. Jones, J. P. India: its life and thought. 1908. Reinsch, P. S. Intellectual leadership in contemporary India. {In his Intellectual and political currents in the far East.) Wedgwood, J. India and the primal unity. {In her Moral ideal.) India and Christianity. See Missions. Description and travel. Butler, W. Land of the Veda. 5th ed. 1875- Curtis, W. E. Modern India. 1909. India — History. Hunter, Sir W. W. Brief history of the Indian peoples. 24th ed. 1907. Manning, Mrs. C. Ancient and mediaeval India. 1869. 2 v. Ragozin, Z. A. Vedic India. 1899. (Story of the nations.) Oman, J. C. Literature. Great Indian epics. Philosophy. 1906. Hegel, G. W. F. Indian philosophy. {In his History of philosophy, vol. I.) Religions. Barth, A. Religions of India. 2d ed. 1890. Bloomfield, M. Religion of the Veda, the ancient religion of India (from Rig-Veda, to Upanishads). 1908. (Amer. lectures on the history of religions.) Hardwick, C. Religions of India. {In his Christ and other masters.) Hopkins, E. W. Religions of India. 1895. (Hdbks. on the hist, of religions.) Hume, R. A. An interpretation of India's religious history. CI911. Johnson, S. Oriental religions: India. 1873. Miiller, F. M. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religions of India. 1879. (Hibbert lect.) Oman, J. C. Brahmans, Theists and Muslims of India, n. d. — The mystics, ascetics and saints of India. 2d impr. 1905. Speer, R. E. {In his Missions and modern history, vol. I.) Thurston, E. Omens and superstitions of southern India. 19 12. See also Bahaism; Brahmanism; Buddhism; Christianity and other religions; Hinduism; Jainism; Parsis, or Parsees; Sadhuism; Sikhs, The; Yogis, The; also Bhagavad- Gita; Book of Ighan. Indians of North America. Eastman, C. A. The North American Indian. {In Papers on inter-racial problems, first Universal races congress, 191 1. Spiller, G., ed.) — Soul of the Indian. 191 1. Higginson, T. W. Massasoit, Indian chief. {In his Carlyle's laugh, and other surprises.) Jackson, Mrs. H. M. (F.) H. A century of dishonor; a sketch of the United States government's dealings with some of the Indian tribes. New ed. 1881. Leupp, F. E. The Indian and his problem. 1910. Love, W. D. Samson Occom and the Chris- tian Indians of New England. C1899. McLaughlin, J. My friend the Indian. 1910. Riggs, S. R. Tah-koo Wah-kan; or. The gospel among the Dakotas. 1869. Young, E. R. On the Indian trail; stories of missionary work among the Cree and Saulteaux Indians. CI897. See also Missions. Individual, The. Bosanquet, B. Value and destiny of the individual. 19 13. (GifFord lect.) Catalogue General Theological Library 153 Individual, The. Shaler, N. S. Individual in the making. Kirkpatrick, E. A. Individual work for individuals. Trumbull, H. C. Individualism. Erdmann, J. E, Individual- ism. {In his History of philosophy, vol. II.) Guyau, J. M. Religious individualism. (In his Non-religion of the future.) Kelly, E. Individualism and collectivism. 1901. (In his Government or human evolution, vol. II.) Webb, S., and others. Socialism and individ- ualism. 191 1. See also Socialism. Individuality. Bosanquet, B. Principle of individuality and value. 1912. (Gifford lect.) Individuality and immortality. Ostwald, W. Indulgences. Lea, H. C. History of auricu- lar confession and indulgences in the Latin church. 1896. 3v. L^picier, A. M. Indulgences; their origin, nature and development. 1895. Industrial democracy. Webb, S., and Webb, B. Industrial education. Hanus, P. H. Be- ginnings in industrial education. 1908. Reeder, R. R, How two hundred children live and learn. 1910. See also Education. Industrial evolution. Bucher, C. Industrial evolution of the United States. Wright, C. D. Industrial history of the United States. Coman, Industrial peace. Methods of. Gilman, N. P. Industrial peace. Principles and methods of. Pigou, A. C. Industrial revolution of the eighteenth century in England. Toynbee, A. Inequality and progress. Harris, G. Infallibility of the church. Salmon, G. Infant baptism. See Baptism. Infants. Shinn, M. W. Biography of a baby. CI 900. Infinite affection, The. Macfarland, C. S. Influence of Christ in modern life. Hillis, N. D. Inge, William Ralph. Christian mysticism. N. Y, Scribner. 1899. (Bamp. lect.) The church and the age. Lond., etc. Longm, 1912. Faith and its psychology. Lond, Duck- worth. 1909. Personal idealism and mysticism. N. Y. etc. Longm. 1907, (Paddock lect.) Studies of English mystics. N. Y. Dutton. 1906. (St. Margaret's lect.) Theology of the fourth gospel. (In Cam- bridge biblical essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Truth and falsehood in religion. N. Y. Dutton. 1907. Ingelow, Jean. Story of doom. Bost. Roberts. 1867. Ingersoll lectures on immortality. 1896. Immortality and the new theodicy. Gordon, G. A. 1897. Human immortality, James, W, 1898. Dionysos and immortality. Wheeler, B. I. 1899. Conception of immortality. Royce, J. 1900. Life everlasting. Fiske, J, 1904, Science and immortality. Osier, W. Ingersoll lectures on immortality — Continued, 1905. The endless life. Crothers, S, M. 1906, Individuality and immortality, Ost- wald, W, 1908, Buddhism and immortality, Bigelow, W. S, 1909, Is immortality desirable? Dickinson, G, L, 1911, Egyptian conception of immortality, Reisner, G. A. 1912. Intimations of immortality in the sonnets of Shakspere. Palmer, G. H. Ingersoll, Robert Green. Lambert, L, A. Notes on Ingersoll. 1884. Piatt, W, H. God out and man in; or, Replies to Robert G. Ingersoll, 1883. Ingram, Arthur Foley Winnington. Attractive- ness of goodness: sermons. Mil. Young ch. [1913] Gospel in action. Lond. Wells. CI906. Love of the Trinity. N. Y. Whittaker, 1908. Men who crucify Christ. Lond. Wells Gardner. C1896. Mission of the Spirit. N. Y. Whittaker. n. d. Mysteries of God. Lond. Gardner. 1910. Work in great cities; lectures on pastoral theology. Lond. Gardner. C1895. Innis, George Swan. Wycliffe, the morning star. Cine, Jennings, C1907. (Men of the kingdom,) Inquisition. Lea, H. C. History of the Inquisition of Spain. 1906, 4v, — History of the Inquisition of the middle ages. CI 887. 3v. — Inquisition in the Spanish dependencies. 1908, Insanity, Grasset, J, The semi-insane and the semi-responsible. Authorized ed., tr. by S. E, Jelliffe. 1907, Maudsley, H, Responsibility in mental disease, 1896. (Int, sci, sen) Inscriptions. Conder, C. R. Altaic hiero- glyphs and Hittite inscriptions. 1887. Rogers, R. W., ed. and transl. Cuneiform parallels to the Old Testament. 1912. Sayce, A. H. Archaeology of the cuneiform inscriptions. 1907. — ed. Records of the past; being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and Western Asia. New series. 6v. Schrader, E. Cuneiform inscriptions and the Old Testament; tr. from 2d Germ. ed. by O. C. Whitehouse. 1885, 2v, Smith, G. Chaldean account of Genesis from the cuneiform inscriptions. 1875. See also Arabia. Antiquities; Hittites; Moab- ite Stone; Rosetta Stone; Siloam Inscrip- tion; Tell Amarna tablets. Inspiration. De Witt, J, What is inspira- tion? C1893, Momerie, A, W, Inspiration, and other sermons, 2d ed, 1890, Orr, J, Revelation and inspiration, 1910. Ragg, L, Prophecy and inspiration, (In his The Book of books: a study of the Bible,) Seeberg, R, Revelation and inspiration. 1909, Wilson, W, D, Miracles and inspiration, (In his Foundations of religious belief,) See also Bible, 154 Catalogue General Theological Library Instinct. Morgan, C, L. Instinct and ex- perience. 19 1 2. Institutional church. Hodges, G., and Reichert, J. Administration of an insti- tutional church. 1906. Judson, E. The institutional church. C1899. Institutional work for the country church. Hayward, C. E. Intemperance. Holland, C, father. Evils of intemperance. (In his Practical preach- ing for priets and people.) Partridge, G. E. Studies in the psychology of intemperance. 1912. Strong, J. Intemperance. {In his Studies in the gospel of the kingdom. 1910.) See also Temperance. Inter-church conference on federation. Inter- church conference on federation. New York, Nov. 15-21, 1905; ed. by E. B. Sanford. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1906. Intermediate state. Luckock, H. M. Inter- mediate state between death and judgment. 1890. Townsend, L. T. Intermediate world. 1878. See also Eschatology. International abitration. See Arbitration. International conciliation. See Conciliation. International critical commentary. Driver, S. R., and others, eds. 1895-1912. 22v. See Bible. Whole. Commentaries. International education series. Education of man. Froebel, F. W. A. Intellectual and moral development of the child. Compayre, G. Moral instruction of children. Adler, F. Philosophy of education. Rosenkranz, J. K. F. International handbooks to the New Testament. Cone, O., ed. 1899-1907. 4V. See Bible. N, T. Commentaries. International problems and Hague conferences. Lawrence, T. J. International scientific series. Doctrine of descent and Darwinism, Schmidt, E. O. The human species. Quatrefages de Breau, J. L. A. de. Mind and body: the theories of their relation. Bain, A. Responsibility in mental disease. Maudsley, H. International Sunday rest congress. Sunday rest in the twentieth century; containing an account of the International Sunday rest congress at St. Louis. Ed. by A. Jackson. Cleveland [O.]. Internat. fed. of Sund. rest assoc'ns. 1905. International Sunday-school convention. Devel- opment of the Sunday-school, 1 780-1905; official report of the eleventh International Sunday - school convention, Toronto, June 23-27, 1905. Bost. Int. S. S. Assoc. 1905. International Sunday-School lessons. See Andrews, E. B., ed. Gospel from two Testaments; Monday Club. Sermons on the Int. S.-S. lessons; Peloubet, F. N., and Wells, A. R. Select notes on the Int. lessons; Tarbell, M. Teacher's guide; Warner, D. S., ed. Arnold's comment, on the Int. lessons. International theological library. Briggs, C. A., and Salmond, S. D. F., eds. 1891-1911. 17V. Ancient Catholic church. Rainy, R. Apologetics. Bruce, A. B. Canon and text of the New Testament. Gregory, C. R. Christian doctrine of God. Clarke, W. N. Christian doctrine of salvation. Stevens, G. B, Christian ethics. Smyth, N. Christian institutions. Allen, A. V. G. Christian pastor and the working church. Gladden, W. Greek and Eastern churches. Adeney, W. F. History of Christian doctrine. Fisher, G. P. History of Christianity in the apostolic age. McGiffert, A. C. History of the reformation. Lindsay, T. M. 2V. Introduction to literature of the New Testa- ment. Moffatt, J. Introduction to the literature of the Old Testament. Driver, S. R. Old Testament history. Smith, H. P. Theology of the Old Testament. Davidson, A. B. International Workingmen's Association. Spargo, J. (In his Life of Karl Marx, chapters XI-XII.) Iowa. Douglass, T. O. Pilgrims of Iowa. C1911. Ireland. Lawless, E. Story of Ireland. 1892. (Story of the nations.) Religious history. Stokes, G. T. Ireland and the Celtic church : a history of Ireland from St. Patrick to the English conquest in 1 1 72. 6th ed. 1907. Ireland, John, abp. of St. Paid. Church and modern society. Chi. McBride. 1897. Irenseus, St. Against heresies. {In Ante- Nicene fathers, vol. I.) Cruttwell, C. T. Irenaeus. {In his Literary history of early Christianity, vol. I.) Irenic theology. Mead, CM. Irrigation, Smythe, W. E. Conquest of arid America. CI907. Irvine, Alexander. From the bottom up; the life story of Alexander Irvine. N. Y. Doubleday. 1910. Irving, Edward. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Life of Edward Irving. 1862. Isaac, Hebrew patriarch. Edersheim, A. Isaac. {In his World before the flood, chapters XIV-XVI.) Matheson, G. Isaac the domesticated. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Adam to Job. Mozley, J. B. Sacrifice of Isaac. {In his Ruling ideas in early ages.) Rawlinson, G. Isaac and Jacob: their lives and times. 1890. (Men of the Bible.) Rowland, A. Isaac. {In Men of the O. T.: Cain to David. Milligan, G., and others.) Thomson, W. H. Life and times of the pa- triarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 1912. Whyte, A. Isaac. {In his Bible characters: Adam to Achan.) Isaacs, Abram Samuel. What is Judaism? A survey of Jewish life, thought and achieve- ment. N. Y. Putnam. 1912. Catalogue General Theological Library 155 Isaiah, Hebrew prophet. Brown, F. Isaiah as a preacher. {In Prophets of the Christian faith. Abbott, L., and others.) Davidson, A. B. Call of Isaiah. (In his Called of God.) Driver, S. R. Isaiah: his life and times. .1893. (Men of the Bible.) — Isaiah's vision. {In his Sermons on the O. T.) Lord, J. Isaiah. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Matheson, G. Isaiah the philanthropist. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Ishmael to Daniel.) Spaulding, H. G. The statesman prophet. {In his Later heroes of Israel.) Townsend, W. J. Isaiah: the Christ-Har- binger. {In Men of the O. T.: Solomon to Jonah. Milligan, G., and others.) Whyte, A. Isaiah. {In his Bible characters: Ahithophel to Nehemiah.) Islam. See Mohammedanism. Islam and missions. Wherry, E. M., and others, eds. Italy. Symonds, J. A. Sketches and studies in Italy and Greece, ist-3d ser. New ed. 1907. 3v. — Renaissance in Italy. New ed. 1898- 1912. 7v. Religious history. Luzzi, G. Struggle for Christian truth in Italy. CI913. See also Modernism; Reformation; Roman Catholic church and all references under it; Waldenses. Iverach, James. Descartes, Spinoza and the new philosophy. N. Y, Scribner. 1904. (World's epoch-makers.) Is God knowable? Lond. Hodder. 1894. The other side of greatness, and other sermons. N. Y. Armstrong. 1906. St. Paul, his life and times. N. Y. Ran- dolph, n. d. (Men of the Bible.) Theism in the light of present science and philosophy. N. Y. Macm. 1899. Ivimey, Joseph. John Milton; his life and times. N. Y. Appleton. 1832. Jack, James W. Daybreak in Livingstonia ; story of the Livingstonia Mission, British Central Africa. N. Y. Revell. 1901, Jacks, Lawrence Pearsall. Alchemy of thought. N. Y. Holt. 191 1. Jackson, Abraham Valentine Williams. Persia, past and present; a book of travel and research. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Zoroaster, the prophet of ancient Iran. N. Y. Macm. 1899. Jackson, Abraham Willard. James Martineau ; a biography and a study. Bost. Little, 1901. Jackson, Alexander, ed. See International Sun- day Rest Congress. Jackson, Andrew. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 12.) Jackson, Cyril, joint author. See Riley, A., and others. Jackson, Edward Payson, joint author. See Gilman, N. P., and Jackson, E. P. Jackson, George. Fact of conversion. N. Y., etc. Revell, C1908. (Cole lect.) Jackson, George — Continued. Preacher and the modern mind. N. Y. E^ton. 1912. Teaching of Jesus. Lond. Hodder. 1903. Jackson, George Anson. Apostolic fathers and the apologists of the second century. N. Y. Appleton. 1895. (Early Christian literature primers.) Christian faith; catechism for pastors and parents. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1904. Fathers of the third century. N. Y. Apple- ton. 1895. (E^rly Christ, lit. primers.) Post-Nicene Greek fathers. N. Y. Apple- ton. 1883. (Early Christ, lit. primers.) Post-Nicene Latin fathers. N. Y. Appleton. 1896. (Early Christ, lit. primers.) Son of a prophet. Bost. Houghton. 1894. Jackson, Mrs. Helen Maria (Fiske) Htmt. A century of dishonor; a sketch of the United States government's dealings with some of the Indian tribes. New ed. Bost. Harper. 1881. Ramona; a story. Bost. Roberts. 1885.^ Jackson, Henry. Account of the churches in Rhode Island. Providence. Whitney. 1854. Jackson, Henry Latimer. The fourth gospel and some recent German criticism. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1906. Jackson, John. In leper-land: being a record of my tour of 7,000 miles among Indian lepers. [2d ed.] Lond. Mission to lepers. 1907. ^^ ,, Mary Reed, missionary to lepers. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1900. Jackson, Samuel Macauley. Huldreich ZwingH, the reformer of German Switzerland, 1484- 1531. 2d ed. N. Y. Putnam. 1903. (Heroes of the reformation.) Jackson, Samuel Trevena. Lincoln's use of the Bible. N. Y. Eaton. CI909. Jackson, Sheldon. Stewart, R. L. Sheldon Jackson, pathfinder and prospector of the missionary vanguard in the Rocky Moun- tains and Alaska. C1908. Jackson, William. Doctrine of retribution, N. Y. Randolph. 1876. Jacob, Hebrew patriarch. Bellows, H. W. Jacob's wrestle with God. {In his Twenty- four sermons.) Davidson, A. B, Jacob at Bethel; Jacob at Peniel. {In his Called of God.) Edersheim, A. Jacob. {In his World before the flood.) Gibbon, J. M. Jacob. {In Men of the O. T.: Cain to David. Milligan, G., and others.) King, E. The promise to Jacob. {In his Love and wisdom of God: sermons.) Matheson, G. Jacob the aspiring. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Adam to Job. Meyer, F. B. Israel: a prince with God. (O. T. heroes.) Rawlinson, G. Isaac and Jacob: their lives and times. 1890. (Men of the Bible.) Thorn, J. H. Character of Jacob. {In his Spiritual faith.) Thomson, W. H. Life and times of the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 1912. Vining, E. P. Israel; or, Jacob's new name. 1908. 156 Catalogue General Theological Library Jacob, Hebrew patriarch — Continued. Whyte, A. Jacob. {In his Bible characters: Adam to Achan.) Jacob, George Andrew. Ecclesiastical polity of the New Testament. N.Y. Randolph. 1871. Jacobs, Henry Eyster. History of the Evangeli- cal Lutheran church in the United States. N. Y. Christ, lit. co. 1893. (Amer. church history, vol. IV,) Martin Luther, the hero of the reformation; 1483-1546. N. Y. Putnam. 1898. (He- roes of the reformation.) Jacobus, Melancthon Williams. The Chris- tian's heritage, and other sermons. N. Y. Carter. 1878. In memoriam; Melanchthon W. Jacobus. Jacobus, Melancthon Williams, the younger, ed. Roman Catholic and Protestant Bibles compared; Gould prize essays. N. Y. Bible teachers' training school. C1905. Jael, wife of Heber the Kenite. Horton, R. F. Deborah and Jael: prophetess and heroine. (In his Women of the O. T.) Mozley, J. B. {In his Ruling ideas in early ages, lectures VI-VII.) Jainism. Barodia, U. D. History and literature of Jainism. 1909. See also India. Religions. James, brother of Jesus Christ. Adeney, W. F. James, the brother of the Lord. {In Men of the N. T. Milligan, G., and others.) Matheson, G. James the softened. {In his Representative men of the N. T.) Whyte, A. James the Lord's brother. {In his Bible characters: Joseph and Mary to James the Lord's brother.) James, Herbert. The country clergyman and his work; six lectures on pastoral theology. Lond. Macm. 1890. James, J. D. Genuineness and authorship of the pastoral epistles. Lond. Longm. 1906. James, J. G. Problems of prayer;- a series of sermons. Lond. Hodder. n. d. James, John Angell. Dale, R. W. Life and letters of John Angell James. 1861. James, Montague Rhodes. The Christian Renaissance. {In Cambridge modern his- tory, vol. I.) joint author. See Robinson, J. A., and James, M. R. joint editor. See Ryle, H. E., and James, M. R. James, William. Essays in radical empiricism. N. Y. Longm. 1912. Human immortality. Bost. Houghton, 1898. (IngersoU lect.) Meaning of truth; a sequel to " Pragmatism." N. Y. Longm. 1909. Memories and studies. N.Y. Longm. 191 1. Pluralistic universe. N. Y. Longm. 1909, (Hibbert lect.) Pragmatism; a new name for some old ways of thinking. N. Y. Longm. 1907. Principles of psychology. N. Y. Holt. 1890. 2v. (Amer. science series.) Psychology. N. Y. Holt. 1893. Some problems of philosophy; a beginning of an introduction to philosophy. N. Y. Longm. 191 1. Talks to teachers on psychology: and to stu- dents on some of life's ideals. N. Y. Holt. 1907, James, William — Continued. Varieties of religious experience; a study in human nature. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1902. (Gilford lect.) The will to believe, and other essays in popular philosophy. N. Y. Longm. 1897. Boutroux, £. fi. M. William James; tr. from 2d ed. by A. and B. Henderson. 1912. — William James and religious experience. {In his Science and religion in contemporary philosophy.) Royce, J. William James, and other essays on the philosophy of life. 19 10. Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell (Murphy). His- tory of our Lord as exemplified in works of art; continued and completed by Lady East- lake. 3d ed. Lond. Longm. 1872. 2v. Sacred and legendary art; ed. by E. M. Hurll, Bost, Houghton. C1895. 2v. Jameson, John Franklin, ed. See Johnson, E. Janes, George Milton. The Pilgrim spirit, and other essays. Pittsfield. Sun print, co. 1904. . . Janet, Paul. Final causes; tr. by William Affleck. Edin. Clark. 1878. Theory of morals. N. Y. Scribner. 1883. Janet, Pierre, joint author. See Miinsterberg, H., and others. Janney, Oliver Edward. White slave traffic in America. N. Y. Nat. vigil, com. C1911. Jansenism, See Pascal, Blaise; Port Royal. Japan. Armstrong, R. C. Just before the dawn; life and work of Ninomiya Sontoku, 1912. ■ Bacon, A. M. Japanese girls and women. C1902, De Forest, J. H, Sunrise in the sunrise king- dom, C1904. Gulick, S, L. Evolution of the Japanese. C1903. Hearn, L. Japan: an attempt at interpreta- tion. 1904. Nitobe, I. Bushido, the soul of Japan; an exposition of Japanese thought. 1907- — The Japanese nation; its land, its people and its life; with special consideration to its relations with the United States. 19 12. Reinsch, P. S. {In his Intellectual and po- litical currents in the far East.) Japan and Christianity. See Missions. Description and travel. Hearn, L. Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan. C1894. 2V. Lowell, P. Soul of the far East. 1888. History. Griffis, W. E. Japanese nation in evolution. C1907. — The Mikado's empire. New ed. 1883. Sakurai, T. Human bullets; a soldier's story of Port Arthur; tr. by Masujiro Honda; by A. M. Bacon. 1908. Religions. Aston, W. G. Shinto, the ancient religion of Japan, n. d. (Religions anc. and mod.) — Shinto, the way of the gods. 1905. Catalogue General Theological Library 157 Japan. Religions — Continued. De Forest, J. H. Shinto, the way of the gods. (In Religions of mission fields. Richards, E. H., and others.) Griffis, W. E. Religions of Japan from the dawn of history to the era of Meiji. 1901. Knox, G. W. Development of religion in Japan. 1907. (Amer. lect. on the hist. of religions.) Lloyd, A. Creed of half Japan. 1912. See also Buddhism; Christianity and other religions. Social life and customs. Knox, G. W. Japanese life in town and coun- try. 1908. (Our Asiatic neighbors.) Jarvis, Lucy Gushing. Planting of the church: a compendium of missionary history. N. Y. Pott. 1900. Part I. Jastrow, Joseph. Fact and fable in psychology. Bost. Houghton. 1900. The subconscious. Bost. Houghton. 1906. joint author. See Miinsterberg, H., and others. Jastrow, Morris. Aspects of religious belief and practice in Babylonia and Assyria. N. Y. Putnam. 191 1. (Amer. lect. on the hist, of religions.) Religion of Babylonia and Assyria. Bost. Ginn. 1898. (Hdbks. on the hist, of religions.) Study of religion. Load. Scott. 1902. (Cont. sci. ser.) Jeanne d'Arc. Clarke, J. F. Jeanne d'Arc. (In his Events and epochs in religious history.) Creighton, L. Jeanne d'Arc, the maid of France. (In her Some famous women.) Lord, J. Jeanne d'Arc. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 7.) Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Jeanne d'Arc: her life and death. C1896. (Heroes of the nations.) Jeans, George Edward. Life and letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Lond. Macm. 1880. Jebb, John, and Knox, Alexander. Thirty years' correspondence; ed. by C. Forster. Phila. Carey. 1835. 2v. Jebb, Richard Claverhouse. Classical Re- naissance. (In Camb. modern hist., vol. L) Jefiferson, Charles Edward. Building of the church. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Character of Jesus. N. Y. Crowell. 1908. Doctrine and deed expounded and illustrated in seventeen sermons. N. Y. Crowell. 1901. Minister as prophet. N. Y. Crowell. 1905. (George Shepard lect.) Minister as shepherd. N. Y. Crowell. C1912. My Father's business: sermons to children. N. Y. Crowell. C1909. New crusade; occasional sermons and ad- dresses. N. Y. Crowell. 1907. Quiet hints to growing preachers in my study. N. Y. Crowell. 1901. Quiet talks with earnest people in my study, N. Y. Crowell. 1898. Talks on high themes for young Christians. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1909. Jefiferson, Charles Edward — Continued. Things fundamental; thirteen discourses in modern apologetics. N. Y. Crowell. 1903. Why we may believe in life after death. Bost. Houghton. 191 1. (West memorial lect. on immortality.) Jefferson, Thomas. Lord, J, Thomas Jeffer- son. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. II.) Parton, J. Life of Thomas Jefferson. 1874. Slicer, T. R. Thomas Jefferson and the influence of democracy upon religion. (In Pioneers of religious liberty in America.) (Great and Thursday lect.) Jeffs, Harry. Art of exposition. Bost. Pil- grim press. 1910. Jellett, John Hewitt. Efficacy of praver. Dublin [Irel.]. Hodges. 1880. (Donnel- lan lect.) Jellie, W. R. Harvey-. Chronicles: introduc- tion; revised version with notes. N. Y. Frowde. 1906. (New century Bible.) Jenks, Jeremiah Whipple. Citizenship and the schools. N. Y. Holt. 1909. Great fortunes; the winning; the using. N. Y. McClure. 1906. Political and social significance of the life and teachings of Jesus. N. Y. Y. M. C. A. Internal, com. 1906. and Lauck, W. Jett. Immigration problem. N. Y. Funk. 1912. Jenks, Tudor. When America was new. N. Y. Crowell. CI 907. Jenner, Mrs. Henry. Christian symbolism. Chi. McClurg. 1910. (Little books on art.) Jenness, Kelley. Pilot flame. Bost. Sherman. 1912. Jennings, Abraham Gould. The earth and the world: How formed? A layman's contri- bution to the religious thought of the times. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI900. Jeremiah, Hebrew prophet. Adeney, W. F. Jeremiah, (/n Men of the O. T. : Solomon to Jonah. Milligan, G., and others.) Cheyne, T. K. Jeremiah; his life and times. (Men of the Bible.) Davidson, A. B. Call of Jeremiah. (In his Called of God.) Gillies, J. R. Jeremiah, the man and his message. 1907. Lord, J. Jeremiah. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Matheson, G. Jeremiah the melancholy. (In his Representative men of the Bible: Ishmael to Daniel.) Meyer, F. B. Jeremiah: priest and prophet. 1894. (O. T. heroes.) Newman, J. H. Jeremiah, a lesson for the disappointed. (In his Parochial and plain sermons, vol. VIII.) Spaulding, H. G. The prophet of woe. (In his Later heroes of Israel.) Whyte, A. Jeremiah. (In his Bible charac- ters: Ahithophel to Nehemiah.) Jeremias, Alfred. The Old Testament in the light of the ancient East: manual of biblical archaeology; tr. from 2d German ed. by C. L. Beaumont. N. Y. Putnam. 1911. 2v. (Theol. transl. libr.) 158 Catalogue General Theological Library Jerome, St. Letters and select works. [Tr. by W. H. Fremantle, and others.] N. Y. Christ. Ht. co. 1893. (Nicene and post- Nicene fathers, 2d ser., vol. VI,) and Gennadius. Lives of illustrious men. {In Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d sen, vol. IIL) Cutts, E. L. St. Jerome, n. d. (Fathers for English readers.) Hodges, G. {In his Saints and heroes.) Hodgson, G. S. Jerome. {In her Primitive Christian education.) Jerrold, Douglas. Fireside saints and other papers. 1873. Jerusalem. Conder, C, R. City of Jerusalem. 1909. Henson, L. L. {In his Researches in Pales- tine.) Merrill, S. Ancient Jerusalem. CI908. Smith, G. A. Jerusalem; topography, econom- ics and history from the earliest times to A.D. 70. 1907. 2V. Wilson, Sir C. W, Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre. 1906. — Recovery of Jerusalem; a narrative of exploration and discovery in the city and the Holy Land; with an introduction by A. P. Stanley. Ed. by Walter Morrison. N. Y. Appleton. 1871. Two parts in one volume. Paging continuous. See also Palestine. Jessop, Henry Harris. Fifty-three years in Syria. N. Y. Revell. CI910. Jessopp, Augustus. Coming of the friars, and other historic essays. N. Y. Putnam, n. d. Jesuit missionaries. Campbell, T. J. Pio- neer priests of North America. 1642-1710. 1908-1911. 3v. Jesuit missions. De Smet, P. J. Oregon missions and travels over the Rocky Mountains in 1845-46. 1847. Kip, W. L, ed. and transl. Early Jesuit missions of North America. Pt. L 1846. Jesuits. Hoensbroech, P., Count von. Fourteen years a Jesuit: a record of personal experi- ence and a criticism; tr. by Alice Zimmern. 1911. 2V. Hughes, T. Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits. 1892. Lord, J. Ignatius Loyola: rise and influence of the Jesuits. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 6.) McCabe, J. Candid history of the Jesuits. 1913- Michelet, J., and Quinet, E. The Jesuits; tr. from the French; ed. by C. E. Lester. .1845- Nicolini, G. B. History of the Jesuits. Repr. 1908. Oman, J. Jesuitism and Pascal's Pensees. {In his Problem of faith and freedom.) Parkman, F. The Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century. 1867. (France and England in North America.) Pascal, B. The provincial letters; new translation with introduction and notes by T. M'Crie. 1875. Same. 1880. Quick, R. H, Schools of the Jesuits. {In his Essays on educ. reformers, chap. IV.) Jesuits — Continued. Seymour, M. H. Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. 1855. Taylor, I. Loyola: and Jesuitism in its rudiments. 1849. See also Loyola, Ignatius de, St. Jesus and Nicodemus. Reid, J. Jesus or Christ? eighteen essays by various writers. Bost. Sherman. 1909. (Hibbert journal supplement. 1909.) Jesus or Paul? Meyer, A. Jesus the Jew. Weinstock, H. Jesus Christ. Adamson, T. Studies of the mind in Christ. 1898. Allen, A. V. G., and others. Message of Christ to manhood. 1899. (W. B. Noble lect.) Armstrong, R. A. ' Back to Jesus'; an appeal to evangelical Christians. 1899. Bousset, W. Jesus; tr. by J. P. Trevelyan; ed. by W. D. Morrison. 1906. (C. 1. 1.) Contents: Pt. I. Outward course of the life of Jesus, and the forms of his activity. — Pt. II. The teaching of Jesus. — Pt. III. The mystery of the person. Bradford, A. H. Return to Christ. 1900. Buckham, J. W. Christ and the eternal order. 1906. Carpenter, J. E. The historical Jesus and the theological Christ. 19 12. Contents: I. The historical Jesus. — II. Jesus and the Kingdom of God. — III. The theological Christ. — IV. The doctrine of the two natures. Christ that is to be. The; by the author of " Pro Christo et ecclesia." 1907. Crafts, W. F. Talks to boys and girls about Jesus. C1881, Crooker, J, H. Jesus brought back. 1909. — Supremacy of Jesus. New ed. 1911. Denney, J. Jesus and the gospel: Christian- ity justified in the mind of Christ, 1909. Dingwell, J. D. Christus centuriarum. 1909. Dole, C. F. Jesus and the men about him. 1888. — ^ What we know about Jesus. 1908. Fairbairn, A. M. Place of Christ in modern theology. N. Y. Scribner. 1893. Faunce, D. W. Advent and ascension; or, How Jesus came and how he left us. 1903. Forrest, D. W. Christ of history and of experience. 1897. (Kerr lect.) Forsyth, P. T. Holy Father and the living Christ. 1898. Foster, G. B. Place of Jesus in the religion of the modern man. {In National Federa- tion of Religious Liberals. Proceedings and papers of the first congress.) Foster, J. M. Christ the King. C1894. Gordon, G. A. The Christ of to-day. 1895. Herford, B. Jesus Christ. {In Unitarian affirmations. Hedge, F. H., and others.) Herrick, E. C, comp. Sayings of great men and writers concerning Christ. 1906. Holdsworth, W. W. The Christ of the gospels, 1911. Hort, F. J. A. The Way, the Truth, the Life. 1893. (Hulsean lect.) Hughes, T. Manliness of Christ. 1880. Jackson, F, J, Foakes-. Christ in the church: testimony of history. {In Cambridge theo- logical essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Catalogue General Theological Library 159 Jesus Christ — Continued. Johnson, S. Worship of Jesus in its past and present aspects. 1868. Knox, G. W. Gospel of Jesus the Son of God. 1909. (Mod. relig. problems.) Leighton, J. A. Jesus Christ and the civiliza- tion of to-day, 1907. Leonard, W. E. Poet of Galilee. 1909. Lorimer, G. C. Jesus the world's Savior. 1883. McConnell, S. D. Christ. 1904. McKenzie, A. Divine force in the life of the world. 1898, (Lowell Inst, lect.) Martin, A. W. Jesus, {In his Great reli- gious teachers of the E^st.) Morgan, G, C, The Christ of to-day. What? Whence? Whither? C1905, — Crises of the Christ. 1903. Mozoomdar, P. C. Oriental Christ. 1883, Newton, J. F. The eternal Christ: studies in the life of vision and service, 1912. NicoU, W, R. The church's one foundation: Christ and recent criticism, 1901. Palmer, B, The Living way, C1908, Parker, T. Jesus of Nazareth, (In his Lessons from the world of matter and the world of man.) Pfieiderer, O. Early Christian conception of Christ. 1905. (C. t. 1.) Ross, G. A. J. The universality of Jesus. CI 906, Selbie, W, B, Aspects of Christ. 1909, Simpson, P, C. Fact of Christ. 1900. Slattery, C. L. The Master of the world; a study of Christ. 1906. Smith, D, The historic Jesus, [19 12,] (Elliott lect,) Smith, G, The Founder of Christendom, 1903, Solomon, G. The Jesus of history and the Jesus of tradition identified, 1880, Speer, R, E. Studies of the man Christ Jesus, 6th ed, CI896, Streeter, B, H, The historic Christ, (In Foundations: by seven Oxford men.) Thompson, H. M. The world and the Man. 1890. (Baldwin lect.) Uhlhorn, G. Modern representations of the life of Jesus. 1868. Watson, J. Mind of the Master, 1896. Young, J, The Christ of history, 1869. Zwemer, S, M, Moslem Christ; an essay on the life, character and teachings of Jesus Christ according to the Koran and orthodox tradition, 19 12, See also Atonement; Beatitudes; Bible; Christianity; Christology; Easter; Good Friday; Incarnation; Kenosis; Lord's prayer; Mary, mother of Jesus Christ; Miracles; Parables; Sermon on the Mount; Virgin birth. Ascension. Milligan, W, Ascension and heavenly priest- hood of our Lord, 1891, (Baird lect,) Forrest, D. W. Authority. Authority of Christ, 1906. Bibliography. Ayres, S, G. Jesus Christ our Lord; an English bibliography of Christology, com- prising over five thousand titles annotated and classified, 1906. Jesus Christ. Birth. Miles, H. A. Birth of Jesus. 1878. Ramsay, W. M. Was Christ born at Bethle- hem? 1898. SpofTord, D. H. Interpretation; or, The birth of Jesus of Nazareth and the birth of the Son of God. 1877. Sweet, L. M. Birth and infancy of Jesus Christ. 1907. Boyhood. Taylor, W. M. The boy Jesus. (In his The boy Jesus, and other sermons.) Character. Bushnell, H, Character of Jesus, 1888, Jefferson, C. E, Character of Jesus. 1908. Death. Denney, J. Death of Christ; its place and interpretation in the New Testament. 1902. Mabie, H. C. How does the death of Christ save us? Or, The ethical energy of the cross. 1908. Stroud, W. Physical cause of the death of Christ, and its relation to the principles and practice of Christianity. 1871, Divinity. Ames, E. S. Divinity of Christ. 1911, Bushnell, H. Divinity of Christ. (In his God in Christ: three discourses.) Delitzsch, F. Whose son is Christ? two lectures on progress in religion; tr, by F, L, Pogson. [1909.] Divinity of Jesus Christ : an exp>osition of the origin and reasonableness of the belief of the Christian church. By the authors of " Progressive Orthodoxy," professors in Andover Theological Seminary, 1903, Du Bose, W, P, Divinity and deity of Jesus Christ. (In his Reason of life,) Examination of Canon Liddon's Bampton lectures on the divinity of our Lord. By a clergyman of the Church of England. 1892. Jesus or Christ? Essays by G, Tyrrel [and others]. Being the Hibbert journal supple- ment for 1909. Contents: Preface. The point at issue; by G. Tyr- rel. — " Who say ye that I am? " by E. S. Talbot. — Jesus, our Saviour; by H. Weinel. — Jesus or Christ? by P. Gardner. — The Christ of theology and the Jesus of history; by P. W. Schmiedel. — Idealism of Jesus; by H. Jones. — Rationality of the incarna- tion; by R. Morris. — A divine incarnation; by Sir O. Lodge. — The Jesus of history and the Clirist of religion; by H. S. Holland. — One Lord Jesus Christ; by J. Rickaby. — Father, Son and Holy Spirit: their relationships in modem thought; by N. Sdderblom. — Faith and fact; by A. E. Garvie. — Jesus or Christ? by R. J. Campbell. — Jesus Christ and his teaching; by J. Drummond. — The Jesua of history and the Christ of religion; by B. W. Bacon. — Jesus or Christ? by J. E. Carpenter. — The Christian cult as Christ-worship; by J. Collier. — Jesus or Christ? an appeal for consistency; by R. Roberts. Jones, J. D. Divinity of Christ. (In his Things most surely believed,) Liddon, H, P, Divinity of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, 4th ed. 1869. (Bamp. lect.) i6o Catalogue General Theological Library Jesus Christ. Divinity — Continued. May, J. Myth of the deity of Jesus. {In his Miracles and myths of the N. T.) Muller, E. F. K. Our Lord: belief in the deity of Christ. 1908. (For. relig. ser.) R6ville, A. History of the doctrine of the deity of Jesus Christ; tr. from the French [by A. Swaine]. 1870, Same. New transl. 1878. Temple, W. Divinity of Christ. (In Foun- dations; by seven Oxford men.) Warschauer, J. Jesus: seven questions. 1908. Whitelaw, T. Jehovah-Jesus. 1913. (Short course series.) See also Christology; Incarnation. Education. Ramsay, W. M. Education of Christ. 1902. Humiliation. Bruce, A. B. Humiliation of Christ. 1876. Influence. Brent, C. H. Leadership. 1908. (W. B. Noble lect.) Brooks, P. Influence of Jesus. 1879. (Boh- len lect.) Carpenter, W. B. Witness to the influence of Christ. 1905. (W. B. Noble lect.) Life, Sources of. Burkitt, F. C. Earliest sources for the life of Jesus. 1910. Gilbert, G. H. Jesus. 1912. Hill, W. B. Introduction to the life of Christ. 1911. Wernle, P. Sources of our knowledge of the life of Jesus; tr. by E. Lummis. 1907. Lives. Abbott, L. Jesus of Nazareth: His life and teachings. 1869. Alexander, G. The Son of man: studies in His life and teachings. 8th thousand. 1908. Andrews, S. J. Life of our Lord upon the earth. 1870. Arnold, Sir E. The Light of the world. 1 89 1 . Beecher, H. W. Life of Jesus the Christ. 1871-2. 2V. — The life of Christ, without — within: two sermons. 1906. Bennett, W. H. Life of Christ according to St. Mark. 1907. Briggs, C. A. New light on the life of Jesus. 1904. Bruce, A. B. With open face; or, Jesus mirrored in Matthew, Mark and Luke. 1896. Buck, D. D. Closing scenes in the life of Christ. 1869. Burton, E. D., and Mathews, S. Construc- tive studies in the life of Christ. 1904. Chadwick, J. W. The man Jesus. 1881. Conybeare, F. C. Myth, magic and morals. 2d ed. [1910.] Davis, H. The public ministry of Jesus. 1911. Dawson, W.J. Life of Christ. C1901. Jesus Christ. Lives — Continued. Donehoo, J. D. Apocryphal and legendary life of Christ; being the whole body of the Apocryphal gospels and other extra canoni- cal literature which pretends to tell of the life and words of Jesus Christ, including much matter which has not before appeared in English. With notes. 1903. Edersheim, A. Life and times of Jesus the Messiah. 5th ed. n. d. 2v. Fairbairn, A. M. Studies in the life of Christ. 1882. Farrar, F. W. Life of Christ. 1875. 2 v. — The life of lives: further studies in the life of Christ. 1900. Forbush, W. B. Boy's life of Christ. 1906. Garvie, A. E. Studies in the inner life of Jesus. 1907. Geikie, J. C. Life and words of Christ. 1877. 2V. Gilbert, G. H. Student's life of Jesus. N. Y. Macm. 1900. Grist, W. A. The historic Christ in the faith of to-day. C1911. Holtzmann, O. Life of Jesus; tr. by J. T. Bealby and M. A. Canney. 1904. Horr, G. E. The great ministry. CI908. Jesus the carpenter of Nazareth. By a lay- man. 2d ed. 1891. Keim, T. History of Jesus of Nazara. 1876. 6v. Kent, C. F. Life and teachings of Jesus according to the earliest records. 19 13. (Historical Bible, V.) Lange, J. P. Life of the Lord Jesus Christ; tr. by R. E. Wallis [and others]; ed. by Marcus Dods. 1872. 4V. Lester, C. S. The historic Jesus. 1912. Mason, A. J. Conditions of our Lord's life on earth.' 1896. (Paddock lect.) Nicoll, W. R. Incarnate Saviour: a life of Jesus Christ. New ed. 1897. Otto, K. L. R. Life and ministry of Jesus according to the historical and critical method; lectures. Tr. from 3d unaltered ed. by H. J. Whitby. 1908. (Christianity of to-day series.) Parker, J. Ecce Deus: essays. on the life and doctrine of Jesus Christ, with controversial notes on " Ecce Homo." 3d ed. 1868. — Inner life of Christ as revealed in the gospel of Matthew. 1881-1883. 3v. Vol. I publ. under the title " These sayings of mine." Pick, B., comp. Extra-canonical life of Christ; being a record of the acts and say- ings of Jesus of Nazareth drawn from unin- spired sources. 1903. Contains bibliographies. Ramsay, W. M. The morning star, and the chronologj' of the life of Christ. {In his Luke the physician, etc.) Renan, E. Life of Jesus, n. d. Rhees, R. Life of Jesus of Nazareth. 1900. Row, C. A. Jesus of the evangelists; His historical character vindicated. 189 1. Robertson, A. T. Epochs in the life of Jesus; a study of development and struggle in the Messiah's work. 1907. Sanday, W. Life of Christ in recent research. 1907. Catalogue General Theological Library i6i Jesus Christ. Lives — Continued. Sanday, W, Outlines of the life of Christ. 2d ed. 1908. Schmidt, N. The Prophet of Nazareth, 1905. Seeley, J. R. Ecce Homo: a survey of the life and work of Jesus Christ. 1894. Smith, D. Days of His flesh: the earthly life of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. 1905. Stalker, J. Life of Jesus Christ. ci88o. (Hdbks. for Bible classes.) Stapfer, E. L. Jesus Christ: His person. His authority. His work; tr. by L. S. Houghton. 1905-07. 3v. Strauss, D. F. Life of Jesus critically ex- amined. Tr. from 4th German ed. by Marian Evans. 1856. 2 v. Translator afterwards known as George Eliot. — New life of JeSus. Authorized transla- tion. 1865. 2V. Tatian. Earliest life of Christ ever compiled from the four gospels; being the Diatessaron of Tatian (circ. a.d. 160) literally trans- lated from the Arabic version; with intro- duction, notes, etc., by J. H. Hill. 1894. ValHngs, J. F. Jesus Christ the Divine Man; His life and times, n. d. Ward, Mrs. E. S. (P.) Story of Jesus Christ. 1897. Weiss, B. Life of Christ; tr. by J. W. Hope and M. G. Hope. 1883-4. 3 v. (Clark. For. theol. libr.) White, B. Call of the Carpenter. 191 1. Lives, Criticism of. Case, S. J. Historicity of Jesus. CI912. Schmiedel, P. W. Jesus in modern criticism; a lecture, tr. by M. A. Canney. 1907. Schweitzer, A. The quest of the historical Jesus; a critical study of its progress and results from Reimarus to Wrede; tr. by W. Montgomery, with a preface by F. C. Burkitt. 19 10. Messiahship. Gilbert, G. H. The first interpreters of Jesus. 1901. Smith, J. P. Scripture testimony to the Messiah. 5th ed. 1859. 2v. See also Messiah; Messianic prophecy. Miracles. Lang, C. G. Miracles of Jesus as marks of the Way of life. 1902. Steinmeyer, F. L. Miracles of our Lord in relation to modern criticism. 1875. Taylor, W. M. Miracles of our Saviour expounded and illustrated. 1903. Trench, R. C. Notes on the miracles of our Lord. 1850. Wright, T. H. The finger of God; studies and suggestions in the miracles of Jesus. n. d. See also Miracles. Parables. See Parables. Jesus Christ. Passion. Adams, W. H. Seven words from the Cross. C1877. Beibitz, J. H. Gloria crucis; addresses, Holy Week and Good Friday, 1907. 1908. Benson, R. M. Final Passover: a series of meditations upon the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1893. 4V. in 6. Brent, C. H. Consolations of the Cross. 1904. Clow, W. M. Day of the Cross, n. d. Gowen, H. H. Meditations on the seven words from the Cross. 191 1. Hanna, W. Last day of our Lord's Passion. 1864. Hodges, G. Beside the Cross: Good Friday meditations. 1890. Jowett, J. H. School of Calvary. 1910. Mann, C. The comments at the Cross. .1893. NicoU, W. R. The seven words from the Cross, n. d. Stalker, J. Trial and death of Jesus Christ; a devotional history of our Lord's Passion. 1894. Steinmeyer, F. K. L. History of the Passion and resurrection of our Lord considered in the light of modern criticism. New ed., tr. by T. Crerar and A. Cusin. 1879. (For. theol. libr.) Tholuck, F. A. G. Light from the cross: sermons on the Passion of our Lord. 1858. Vaughan, C. J. Four courses of Lent lectures. New ed. 1886. Contents: Lessons of the cross and passion. — Words from the cross. — Reign of sin. — The Lord's prayer. Wright, W. B. Heart of the Master. 19x1. Person. Crane, S. Jesus the Christ, 3d ed. 1890. (Manuals of faith and duty, H.) Forsyth, P. T. Person and place of Jesus Christ. 1909. Gilbert, G. H. Person of Jesus in the double tradition of Matthew and Luke. (/» Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Herrmann, W. Communion of the Christian with God. 2d Engl. ed. by J. S. Stanyon, rev. by R. W. Stewart. 1906. (C. t. I.) Inge, W. R. Person of Christ. {In Contentio veritatis: essays in constructive theology.) La Touche, E. D. Person of Christ in modern thought. 1912. (Donnellan lect.) Mackintosh, H. R. Doctrine of the Person of Jesus Christ. 1912. (Int. theol. libr.) Nolloth, C. F. Person of our Lord and recent thought. 1908. Oosterzee, J.J. van. Person and work of the Redeemer; tr. by M.J. Evans. 1886. Reubelt, J. A. Scripture doctrine of the Person of Christ. 2ded. 1876. Schaff, P. Person of Christ. 1866. Westcott, B. F. Christus consummator: some aspects of the work and Person of Christ in relation to modern thought. 1886. See also Christology; Theology. 1 62 Catalogue General Theological Library Jesus Christ. Personality. Barrows, C. H. The personality of Jesus. 1906. Guthrie, E. G., and others. Significance of the personality of Christ for the minister of to-day; three addresses. C1907. Hale, H. G. Who then is this? A study of the personality of Jesus. 1905. Portraits. Haweis, H. R. The picture of Jesus (the Master). 1886. (Christ and Christianity, II.) Mason, A. J. Christ in the New Testament: the primitive portrait. (In Cambridge theological essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Matheson, G. Studies of the portrait of Christ. 1900. 2v. Van Norden, C. Jesus: an unfinished por- trait. 1906. Prayers. Broughton, L. G. Prayers of Jesus. 191 1. Spence, J. The intercessory prayer of our Lord ; exposition of the seventeenth chapter of John. 1876. Tholuck, F. A. G. The prayer of Jesus: Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. {In his Light from the cross: sermons on the Passion of our Lord.) See also Lord's Prayer. Priesthood. Milligan, W. Ascension and heavenly priest- hood of our Lord. 1892. (Baird lect.) Resurrection. Brown, J. B. Risen Christ, the King of men. 1887. Frick, P. L. The resurrection and Paul's argu- ment. C1912. Holland, H. S. Concerning the resurrection. [Four sermons.] {In his On behalf of belief.) — Power of the resurrection. [Sermon.] {In Miracles. Holland, H. S., and others.) Jones, J. D. The resurrection. {In his Things most surely believed.) Lake, K. Historical evidence for the resur- rection of Jesus Christ. 1907. (C. t. 1.) Liddon, H. P. Easter in St. Paul's: sermons on the resurrection. 1885. Milligan, W. Resurrection of our Lord. 2d thous. 1884. (Croall lect.) Morrison, C. R. Proofs of Christ's resurrec- tion. 1885. Mortimer, A. G. Jesus and the resurrection. 1907. Orr, J. The cross and the resurrection. {In his Faith of a modern Christian.) — The resurrection of Jesus. [1908.] Randolph, B. W. The empty tomb: thoughts on the resurrection of our Lord. 1906. Robson, J. Resurrection gospel; study of Christ's great commission. 1908. Schleiermacher, F. E. D. Christ's resurrec- tion an image of our new life. {In The world's great sermons, vol. III. Kleiser, G., comp.) Simpson, W. J. S. The resurrection and modern thought. 191 1. Jesus Christ. Resurrection — Continued. Snowden, J. H. Resurrection of Christ. {In his Basal beliefs of Christianity.) Varley, H. Evangel of the risen Christ: His resurrection triumphs, n. d. Warschauer, J. The resurrection. {In his The new evangel.) Westcott, B. F. Gospel of the resurrection: thoughts on its relation to reason and his- tory. 1866. Resurrection and ascension. Hanna, W. The forty days after our Lord's resurrection. 1866. Hanson, G. Resurrection and the life; a study of the resurrection and ascension narratives in the gospels, and of the three- fold version in the Acts of Christ's appear- ance to Saul on the way to Damascus. C1912. Latham, H. The risen Master. 7th thous. 1907. Swete, H. B. Appearances of our Lord after the Passion. 1907. Sayings. Master's guide for His disciples. The: being a manual of all the recorded sayings of Jesus arranged for easy consultation and systematic reading; with preface by Eugene Stock. 1894. See also Bible. N. T. Apocryphal books. Second coming. Gordon, A. J. Ecce venit. 1889. Morgan, G. C. Sunrise: " Behold He Cometh "; introduction to a study of the Second advent. 19 12. Peters, G. N. H. Theocratic kingdom of our Lord Jesus, the Christ, as covenanted in the Old Testament, and presented in the New Testament. 1884. 3 v. Russell, J. S. Parousia: critical inquiry into the New Testament doctrine of our Lord's second coming. 1878. Simpson, J. G. Christ's resurrection and sec- ond coming. [Sermon.] {In his Christian ideals.) Taylor, D. T. Voice of the church on the coming and kingdom of the Redeemer. 1855. Tyng, S. H., the younger. He will come; or. Meditations upon the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign over the earth. [2d ed.] 1877. Warren, I. P. The Parousia: a study of the Scripture doctrines of Christ's second com- ing. C1879. Wellcome, L C. Treatise on our Lord's last great prophecy. loth ed. Young, G. L. Return of the Redeemer and the objects of his return. 1899. Self -consciousness. Hitchcock, A. W. The psychology of Jesus; a study of the development of His self- consciousness. [1908.] Catalogue General Theological Library 163 Jesus Christ. Self-revelation. Durell, J. V. C. Self-revelation of our Lord, 1910. Sinlessness. Snowden, J. H. Sinlessness of Christ. {In his Basal beliefs of Christianity.) Ullmann, K. Sinlessnesss of Jesus; an evi- dence for Christianity; tr. by R. C. L. Brown. 1858. Teaching. Alexander, G. The Son of man: studies in His life and teachings. 8th thous. 1908. Bachmann, P. The new message in the teaching of Jesus. C1907. (For. relig. ser. ) Briggs, C. A. Ethical teaching of Jesus. 1904. Bruce, A. B. Training of the twelve. 4th ed. 1889. Christ the socialist. By the author of " Philip Meyer's scheme." 1894. Clarke, W. N. Ideal of Jesus. 191 1. Crane, L. B. Teaching of Jesus concerning the Holy Spirit. C1905. Creed of Christ. 1905. Dalman, G. Words of Jesus considered in the light of post-biblical Jewish writings and the Aramaic language. 1902. Drummond, R. J. Relation of the apostolic teaching to the teaching of Christ. 1900. (Kerr lect.) Garvie, A. E. The Christian ideal as revealed in Jesus. (In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) Hall, C. C. Christ and the human race; or, The attitude of Jesus Christ toward foreign races and religions. 1906. (W. B. Noble lect.) Hyde, W. D. Jesus' way. 1902. Jackson, G. Teaching of Jesus. 1903. Jenks, J. W. Political and social significance of the life and teachings of Jesus. 1906. Jones, E. Griffith-. The Master and His method. 1902. King, H. C. Ethics of Jesus. 1910. King, J. M. Theology of Christ's teaching. 1903. Latham, H. Pastor pastorum; or, The schooling of the apostles by our Lord. 1890. Leighton, J. A. Jesus Christ and the civili- zation of to-day; the ethical teaching of Jesus considered in its bearings on the moral foundations of modern culture. 1907. MacDowell, W. F. In the school of Christ. C1910. (Cole lect.) Mackintosh, R. Christ and the Jewish law. 1886. McNeile, A. H. Our Lord's use of the Old Testament. {In Cambridge biblical essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Mathews, S. Social teaching of Jesus. 1897. Montefiore, C. G. Some elements of the religious teaching of Jesus. 1910. (Jowett lect.) Muirhead, L. A. Eschatology of Jesus. 1904. (United free church coll. lect.) Orr, J. The teaching of Jesus. {In his Faith of a modern Christian.) Jesus Christ. Teaching — Continued. Peabody, F. G. Jesus Christ and the social question; an examination of the teaching of Jesus in its relation to some of the problems of modern social life. 1900. Sharman, H. B. Teaching of Jesus about the future according to the synoptic gospels. 1909. Stalker, J. Ethic of Jesus. 1909. Stevens, G. B. The teaching of Jesus. 190 1. (N. T. hdbks.) Tolstoy, L. N. Teaching of Jesus. 1909. Walker, A. H. Christ's Christianity: the precepts recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, as taught by Jesus Christ, analyzed and arranged according to subjects. 1882. Walker, W. L. Teaching of Christ in its present appeal. 1908. Watson, J. (Ian Maclaren.) Jesus' appre- ciation of morality. [Sermon.] {In his Inspiration of our faith.) Wendt, H. H. Teaching of Jesus; tr. by John Wilson. 1892. 2 v. Wild, H. L. The teaching of Christ. {In Contentio veritatis: essays in constructive theology.) See also Beatitudes; Lord's prayer; Parables; Sermon on the Mount. Temptation. Brooks, P. Temptation of Christ. {In his Spiritual man, and other sermons.) Davidson, A. B. The temptation. [Sermon.] {In his Waiting upon God.) Hodges, G. The meaning of the temptation. {In his Year of grace. iSermons.]) Hort, F. J. A. The temptation. [Three sermons.] {In his Village sermons.) Knight, H. J. C. Temptation of our Lord. 1907. McKim, R. H. The temptation of Christ. {In his Gospel in the Christian year: sermons.) Orr, J. The temptation of Jesus. {In his Christ and man: sermons.) Titles. Westcott, B. F. Revelation of the Father; lectures on the titles of the Lord in the gospel of St. John. 1884. Transfiguration. Brooks, P. The transfiguration of Christ. {In his Sermons for the church year.) Davidson, A. P. The transfiguration. {In his Waiting upon God.) Gunsaulus, F. W. Transfiguration of Christ. 1886. Trial. Chandler, W. M. Trial of Jesus. 1908. 2v. Dupin, A. M. J. J. Trial of Jesus before Caiaphas and Pilate; tr. from the French by a member of the American Bar. 1839. Rosadi, G. Trial of Jesus; ed., with a preface by Emil Reich. 1905. Stalker, J. Trial and death of Jesus Christ. 1895- 1 64 Catalogue General Theological Library Jesus Christ and prophecy. Maas, A. J. Christ in type and prophecy. 1893. 2v. Macfarland, C. S. Jesus and the prophets; an historical, exegetical and interpretative discussion of the use of Old Testament prophecy by Jesus and of His attitude towards it. 1905. Jesus Christ and St. Paul. Fifth gospel: being the Pauline interpretation of the Christ. By the author of ' The faith of a Christian.' 1907. Gilbert, G. H. The teaching of Paul. {In his The first interpreters of Jesus.) Meyer, A. Jesus or Paul? Tr. by J. R. Wil- kinson. 1909. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) Orr, J. Jesus and Paul. {In his Faith of a modern Christian.) Scott, C. A. A. Jesus and Paul. {In Cam- bridge biblical essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Somer\'ille, D. St. Paul's conception of Christ. 1897. Weiss, J. Paul and Jesus; tr. by H. J. Chaytor. 1909. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) See also Paul, St. Teaching. Jesus Christ as a prophet. Schwartzkopflf, P. Prophecies of Jesus Christ relating to His death, resurrection and second coming, and their fulfilment. 1897. Walker, A. H. Prophecy. {In his Christ's Christianity, etc.) The prophecies of Christ as found in the gospels arranged in chronological order. Jesus Christ as mediator. Terry, M. S. Mediation of Jesus Christ. 1903. Jesus Christ in art. Diirer, A. Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ pourtrayed by Albert Durer. Ed. by Henry Cole. 1844. Farrar, F. W. Life of Christ as represented in art. 1895. Griswold, R. W., ed. Scenes in the life of the Saviour, by the poets and painters. C1845. Hurll, E. M. Life of our Lord in art; with some account of the artistic treatment of the life of St. John the Baptist. 1898. Jameson, Mrs. A. B. (M.), and Eastlake, E., Lady. History of our Lord as exemplified in works of art. 1872. 2 v. Tissot, J. J. Life of our Saviour Jesus Christ. 1903. 3v. Jesus Christ in poetry. SchafT, P., comp. Christ in song: hymns of Immanuel selected from all ages, with notes. ci868. Stubbs, S. W. Christ of English poetry. 1906. (Hulsean lect.) Jevons, Frank Byron. Comparative religion. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1913. Idea of God in early religions. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 19 10. (Camb. manuals of science and literature.) Introduction to the history of religion. Lond. Methuen. 1896. Introduction to the study of comparative religion. N. Y, Macm. 1908. (Hart- ford-Lamson lect.) Personality. N. Y. Putnam. 1913. Jevons, WiUiam Stanley. Political economy. Lond. Macm. 1878. (Science primers.) Jewett, Charles. Forty years' fight with the drink demon. N, Y. Nat'l temperance soc. 1872. Jewett, Edward Hurtt. Diabolology. The per- son and kingdom of Satan. N. Y. Whit- taker. 1889. (Paddock lect.) Jewish law. Chandler, W. M. Trial of Jesus. 1908. 2V. Mackintosh, R. Christ and Jewish law. 1886. Jewish literature. See Bible. O. T.; Jews. History. Jewish philosophers. See Philo Judseus. Jewish temple and Christian church. Dale, R. W. Jewitt, Llewellynn F. W., and Hall, Samuel Carter. The stately homes of England. N. Y. Worthington. n. d. Jews. Abrahams, I. Jewish life in the middle ages. 1897. Fishberg, M. Jews: a study of race and environment. 1 9 il . Isaacs, A. S. What is Judaism? A survey of Jewish life, thought and achievement. 1912. Peters, M. C. Justice to the Jew; the story of what he has done for the world. New ed. 1910. Schechter, S. Studies in Judaism. 1896. Contents: Introduction. — r. The Chassidim. — 2. Nachman Krochmal and the " perplexities of the time." — 3. Rabbi Elijah Wilna, Gaon. — 4. Nach- manides. — 5. A Jewish Boswell. — 6. Dogmas of Judaism. — 7. History of Jewish tradition. — 8. Doctrine of retribution in rabbinical literature. — 9. The Law and recent criticism. — 10. Hebrew collec- tion of the British Museum. — 11. Titles of Jewish books. — 12. The child in Jewish literature. — 13. Woman in Temple and Synagogue. — 14.' The earliest Jewish community in Europe. Steiner, E. A. Against the current; simple chapters from a complex life. C1910. Weinstock, H. Jesus the Jew, and other addresses. 1902. Contents: Jesus the Jew. — What Jew and Christian owe to each other. — Is the Messiah yet to come? — Are the Jews God's chosen people? — Why remain Jews? — Shall Jew and Christian intermarry? _ — Moses, the greatest man of antiquity. — The ethics of Moses. — " The Jewish idea of God." — The Jew in commerce. See also Essenes; Pharisees; also Missions to the Jews, History. Abbott, L. Life and literature of the ancient Hebrews. 1 90 1. Conder, C. R. Judas Maccabaeus and the Jewish war of independence. 1894. Cornill, C. H. History of the people of Israel from the earliest times to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans; tr. by W. H. Carruth. 1898. Curtis, E. L. Return of the Jews under Cyrus. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Deissman, G. A. Bible studies; contributions from papyri and inscriptions to the history of the language, the literature and the religion of Hellenistic Judaism and primi- tive Christianity. 1903. Ewald, G. H. A. History of Israel; tr. from the German; ed. by Russell Martineau [and others]. 1869-1886. 8v. Catalogue General Theological Library 165 Jews. History — Continued. Fairweather W. Background of the gospels; Judaism in the period between the Old and New Testaments. 1908. Gigot, F. E. C. Outlines of Jewish history from Abraham to our Lord. 1897. Graetz, H. History of the Jews. 1891. 6v. Gregg, D. Between the Testaments; or, Interbiblical history. 1907. Hunter, P. H. After the exile; a hundred years of Jewish history and literature. 1890. 2V. Josephus, F. Works; Whiston's translation, rev. by A. R. Shilleto; with notes by Sir C. W. Wilson. 1 900-191 1. 5v. Keary, A. The nations around. 1870. Kent, C. F. History of the Hebrew people. 1896-7. 2v. (Hist. ser. for Bible students.) I. From the settlement in Canaan to the division of the kingdom. II. From the division of the kingdom to the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. — History of the Jewish people during the Babylonian, Persian and Greek periods. 1899. (Hist. ser. for Bible students.) Kittel, R. History of the Hebrews; tr. by John Taylor [and others]. 1895-6. 2v. (Theol. transl. libr.) Ludlow, J. M. Deborah; a tale of the times of Judas Maccabaeus. C1901. Milman, H. H. History of the Jews. 1864. 3v. Ottley, R. L. Short history of the Hebrews to the Roman period. 1901. Peters, J. P. Early Hebrew story: its historical background. 1904. (C. t. 1.) Renan, E. History of the people of Israel. 1 889- 1 89 1. 3v. Sayce, A. H. Early Israel and the surround- ing nations. 1899. — Patriarchal Palestine. 1895. Todd, J. C. Politics and religion in ancient Israel. 1904. Wellhausen, J. Prolegomena to the history of Israel; tr. by J. S. Black and Allan Menzies. 1885. See also Bible; Jerusalem; Palestine. History. New Testament times. Huidekoper, F. Judaism at Rome. B.C. 76 to A.D. 140. 2d ed. 1877. Latimer, E. W. Judea from Cyrus to Titus. 537 B.C. to 70 A.D. 2d ed. 1900. Mathews, S. History of New Testament times in Palestine. 1906. (N. T. hdbks.) Same. Rev. ed. 1910. Morrison, W. D. Jews under Roman rule. 3d ed. 1893. (Story of the nations.) Riggs, J. S. History of the Jewish people dur- ing the Maccabean and Roman periods. 1900. (N. T. hdbks.) Schurer, E. History of the Jewish people in the time of Christ. 1896. 5v. Stapfer, E. Palestine in the time of Christ. 1886. Liturgy. Ritual. Adler, N. M., chief rabbi. Authorised daily prayer book of the united Hebrew congre- gations of the British Empire, with a new translation by S. Singer. 8th ed. 5668- 1908. Jews. Liturgy — Continued. Central Conference of American Rabbis. Union prayer-book for Jewish worship. 1908-10. 2V. Dembitz, L. N. Jewish services in synagogue and home. 1898. Philosophy. Drummond, J. Philo Judaeus; or. The Jewish-Alexandrian philosophy in its devel- opment and completion. 1888. 2V. Friedlander, G. Rabbinic philosophy and ethics illustrated by haggadic parables and legends. 1912. Philo Judaeus. Works; tr. by C. D. Yonge. 1 855- 1 894. 4v. Religion. Abrahams, I. Judaism, n. d. (Religions anc. and mod.) Addis, W. E. Hebrew religion to the estab- lishment of Judaism under Ezra. 1906. (C. t. 1.) Budde, K. F. R. Religion of Israel to the exile. 1899. (Amer. lect. on the hist, of religions.) Cheyne, T. K. Jewish religious life after the e.xile. 1898. (Amer. lect. on the hist, of religions.) Clarke, J. F. The Jewish religion. (In his Ten great religions.) Curtiss, S. I. Primitive Semitic religion to-day. 1902. Gaster, M. Jews and Judaism in the nine- teenth century. (In Great religions of the world. Newed. Giles, H. A., and others.) Hollmann, G. Jewish religion in the time of Jesus; tr. by E. W. Lummis. 1909. Joseph, M. The ideal in Judaism, and other sermons. 1893. — Judaism as creed and life. 1903. Kuenen, A. Religion of Israel to the fall of the Jewish state; tr. by A. H. May. 1874- 5. 3v. (Theol. transl. libr.) Lewin, R. D'C. What is Judaism? or, A few words to the Jews. 1870. Loisy, A. The religion of Israel; tr. by Arthur Galton. 1910. (C. t. 1.) Meyer, L. Judaism. {In Religions of mis- sion fields, as viewed by Protestant mis- sionaries. Richards, E. H., and others.) Montefiore, C. G. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Hebrews. 1892. (Hibbert lect.) Oesterley, W. O. E., and Box, G- H. Religion and worship of the synagogue; an introduc- tion to the study of Judaism from the New Testament period. 1907. Ottley, R. L. Religion of Israel. 1 905. Paton, L. B. Early religion of Israel. 1910. (Modern religious problems.) Pfleiderer, O. Religion of Israel; Post- exilic Judaism, (/n his Religion and historic faiths.) Philipson, D. Reform movement in Judaism. 1907. Robertson, J. E^rly religion of Israel as set forth by biblical writers and by modern critical historians. 1892. 2 v. 1 66 Catalogue General Theological Library Jews. Religion — Continued. Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the history of the Jewish church. 1863-76. 3v. Taylor, M. C. Judaism. {In Faiths of the world.) Tov, C. H. History of the religion of Israel. 1883. Welch, A. C. Religion of Israel under the kingdom. 1912. (Kerr lect.) See also Priesthood, Jewish. Social life. Day, E. Social life of the Hebrews. 1901. (Semitic series, III.) Edersheim, A. Sketches of Jewish social life in the days of Christ. 1876. Theology. Abelson, J. Immanence of God in rabbinical literature. 1912. Duff, A. Theology and ethics of the Hebrews. 1902. (Semitic sen, II.) Schechter, S. Some aspects of rabbinic theology. 1909. Jews in the United States. Antin, M. The promised land. 191 2. Baker, R. S. Disintegration of the Jews. — A study of the synagogues of New York City. (In his Spiritual unrest.) Bernheimer, C. S., ed. Russian Jew in the United States. 1905. Peters, M. C. The Jews in America; a short story of their part in the building of the republic. 1905. Two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of the Jews in the United States. Addresses at Carnegie Hall, New York, on Thanksgiving Day, 1905, together with other selected addresses and proceedings. Job, Old Testament patriarch. Caird, E. The faith of Job. (/» his Lay sermons and addresses.) Dawson, W. J. Job on pessimism. {In his Threshold of manhood: sermons.) Matheson, G. Job the patient. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Adam to Job.) Momerie, A. W. Job. [Nine sermons.] {In his Defects of Christianity, etc.) Spaulding, H. G. Job. {In his later heroes of Israel.) Whyte, A. Job. {In his Bible characters: Ahithophel to Nehemiah.) Williams, T. R. Job. {In Men of the O. T. Solomon to Jonah. Milligan, G., and others.) Joel, Hebrew prophet. Farrar, F, W. {In his Minor prophets.) Rowland, A. Joel. {In Men of the O. T. Solomon to Jonah. Milligan, G., and others.) jSrgensen, Johannes. St. Francis of Assisi; a biography; tr. by T. O'C. Sloane. N. Y. Longm. 1912. John, St. Macdonald, J. M. Life and writings of St. John. 1877. Matheson, G. John the self-surrendered. {In his Representative men of the N. T.) Milligan, G. The four evangelists — St. John. {In Men of the N. T. Milligan, G., and others.) -aai » John, St. — Continued. Stalker, J. The two St. Johns of the New Testament. C1895. Stanley, A. P. St. John at Patmos and at Ephesus. {In his Sermons preached be- fore the Prince of Wales. 1862.) Van Dyke, H. The making of St. John. {In his The open door.) Whyte, A. John. {In his Bible characters: Joseph and Mary to James, the Lord's brother.) Yonge, C. M. Pupils of St. John the Divine, n. d. John the Baptist, St. Carpenter, W. B. John the Baptist. {In his Son of man among the sons of men.) Davidson, A. B. John the Baptist. [Ser- mon.] {In his Called of God.) Gale, N. Prophet of the highest; or. The mission of John the Baptist. C1873. Greenhough, J. G. John the Baptist. {In Men of the N. T. Milligan, G., and others.) Matheson, G. John the expanded. {In his Representative men of the N. T.) Reynolds, H. R. John the Baptist. 1874. Robertson, A. T. John the loyal; studies in the ministry of the Baptist. 191 1. Scott, E. F. John the Baptist. {In his The Kingdom and the Messiah.) Stalker, J. The two St. Johns of the New Testament. C1895. Whyte, A. John the Baptist. {In his Bible characters: Joseph and Mary to James, the Lord's brother.) John of Damascus, St. Exposition of the ortho- dox faith; tr. by S. D. F. Salmond. {In Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d ser., vol. IX.) Lupton, J. H. St. John of Damascus. 1882. (Fathers for Engl, readers.) John, Griffith. Thompson, R. W. Griffith John; the story of fifty years in China. 1906. Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. Ancient Assyria. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1912. (Camb. manuals of science and litera- ture.) transl. Oldest code of laws in the world. See Hammurabi. Johnson, Edward, of Woburn. Wonder-work- ing Providence. 1628-1651. Ed. by Frank- lin Jameson. N. Y. Scribner. 1910. (Original narratives of early Amer. history.) Johnson, Elias Henry. Christian agnosticism as related to Christian knowledge, the critical principle in theology; ed. by H. C. Vedder. Phila. G. & R. press. 1907. The highest life; a story of shortcomings and a goal, including a friendly analysis of the Keswick movement. N. Y. Armstrong. 190 1. Holy Spirit, then and now. Phila. Griffith. 1904. Religious use of the imagination. Bost. Silver. C1901. Johnson, Francis Howe. God in evolution; a pragmatic study of theology. N. Y. Longm. 191 1. Johnson, Franklin. Christian's relation to evo- lution: a question of gain or loss. Chi. Revell. C1904. Catalogue General Theological Library 167 Johnson, Franklin — Continued. Quotations of the New Testament from the Old considered in the light of general literature. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1896. Johnson, Herrick. The ideal ministry. N. Y. Revell. C1908. Johnson, Samuel. Lives of the most eminent English poets. N. Y. Derby. 1861. 2 v. Boswell, J. Lifeof Samuel Johnson. 1832. 2v. Macaulay, T. B. Samuel Johnson. (In his Essays, vol. III.) Johnson, Samuel, Unit, clergyman. Oriental religions and their relation to universal religion: China. Bost. Houghton. 1878. Oriental religions and their relation to univer- sal religion: India. Bost. Osgood. 1873. Worship of Jesus in its past and present aspects. Bost. Spencer. 1868. Samuel Johnson: a memorial. 1882. Johnston, Sir Harry Hamilton. The negro in the new world. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Johnston, Howard Agnew. Scientific faith. Chi. Winona publ. co. 1904. Studies for personal workers. N. Y. Y. M. C. A. 1905. Studies in God's methods of training workers, N. Y. Y. M. C. A. 1900. Victorious manhood. N. Y. Revell. CI909. Johnston, James. Grenfell of Labrador. Lond. Partridge, n. d. Missionary landscapes in the Dark continent. N. Y. Randolph. 1892. ed. Report of the centenary conference on the Protestant missions of the world. See Centenary Conference. Johnston, John Octavius. Life and letters of Henry Parry Liddon. Lond. Longm. 1905- Johnston, Robert Matteson. Holy Christian church from its remote origins to the pres- ent day. Bost. Houghton. 1912. Johnstone, P. de Lacy. Muhammad and his power. Edin. Clark. 1901. (World's epoch-makers.) Jonah, Old Testament prophet. Adeney, W. F. Jonah. (In Men of the O. T.: Solomon to Jonah. Milligan, G., and others.) Farrar, F. W. Jonah. (In his Minor proph- ets.) Matheson, G. Jonah the narrow. (In his Representative men of the Bible: Ishmael to Daniel.) Spaulding, H. G. The parable of Jonah. (In his Later heroes of Israel.) Whyte, A. Jonah. (In his Bible charac- ters: Ahithophel to Nehemiah.) Jonathan, son of Saul, king of Israel. Green, R, S. Both sides; Jonathan and Absalom. C1887. Greenhough, J. G. Jonathan. (In Men of the O. T.: Cain to David. Milligan, G,, and others.) Matheson, G. Jonathan the generous. (In his Representative men of the Bible: Ishmael to Daniel.) Whyte, A. Jonathan. (In his Bible charac- ters: Gideon to Absalom.) Jones, E. Griffith-. Ascent through Christ; a study of the doctrine of redemption in the light of the theory of evolution. N. Y. Gorham. 1900. Jones, E. Griffith-. — Continued. The Master and his method. N. Y. Gorham. 1902. Jones, Henry. Browning as a philosophical and religious teacher, Glasgow. Macle- hose. 1899. Idealism as a practical creed ; lectures on phi- losophy and modern life. Glasgow. Macle- hose. 1909. Working faith of the social reformer, and other essays. Lond. Macm. 1910. Jones, Jesse Henry. Joshua Davidson, Chris- tian; a parable. N. Y. Grafton press. C1907, Jones, John Daniel. Elims of life, and other sermons. Lond. Relig. tract soc. 1904. The glorious company of the apostles; studies in the characters of the twelve. 3d impr. Lond. Clarke. [1912.] Gospel of grace. [Sermons.] N. Y. Doran. 1909. The model prayer; a series of expositions on " The Lord's Prayer." 3d ed. N. Y. Doran. 1909. Things most surely believed. Lond. Clarke. 1909. Jones, John Peter. India: its life and thought. N. Y. Macm. 1908. India's problem: Krishna or Christ. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1903. ed. Year book of missions in India, Burma and Ceylon, 1912. Jones, Maurice. St. Paul the orator: a com- mentary on the speeches of St. Paul. Lond. Hodder. 1910. Jones, Rufus Matthew. Quakers in the Ameri- can colonies. Lond. Macm. 191 1. Studies in mystical religion. Lond. Macm. 1909. ed. See Fox, George. Jones, Spencer. Clergy and the catechism. Lond. Skeffington. 1895. joint author. See Francis, P. J., and Jones, S. Jones, William Tudor. Interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's philosophy. N. Y. Put- nam. 1912. (C. t. 1.) Jordan, David Starr. Call of the nation; a glea for taking politics out of politics, lost. A. U. A. 1910. Heredity of Richard Roe; a discussion of the principles of eugenics, Bost. A, U. A. 1911. Human harvest; a study of the decay of races through the survival of the unfit. Bost. A. U. A. 1907. Ulrich von Hutten; knight of the order of poets. Bost. A. U. A. C1910. Unseen empire: a study of the plight of nations that do not pay their debts. Bost. A. U. A. 1912. Jordan, Louis Henry. Comparative religion; its genesis and growth. N. Y. Scribner. 1905- Modernism in Italy. Oxford. Frowde. 1909. Jordan, William George. Commentary on Deuteronomy. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. (Bible for home and school.) Joseph, Old Testament patriarch. Bird, R. Joseph the dreamer. 1895. Guthrie, T. Joseph the successful man. (In his Studies of character from the O. T.) i68 Catalogue General Theological Library Joseph — Continued. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Matheson, G. Joseph the optimist. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Adam to Job.) Meyer, F. B. Joseph; beloved, hated, exalted. (O. T. heroes.) Rowlands, D. Joseph. {In Men of the O. T.: Cain to David. Milligan, G., and others.) Stanley, A. P. Joseph in Egypt. {In his Sermons preached before the Prince of Wales. 1862.) Whyte, A. Joseph. {In his Bible charac- ters: Adam to Achan.) Joseph of Arimathea. Clow, W. M. Joseph of Arimathaea. {In his The day of the Cross.) Rowland, A. Joseph of Arimathea. {In Men of the Bible: some lesser known characters. Milligan, G., and others.) Joseph, Morris. Ideal in Judaism, and other sermons. Lond. Nutt. 1893. Judaism as creed and life. Lond. Macm. 1903. Josephus, Flavius. Works; tr. by William Whiston. Edin. Nimmo. n. d. Works; Whiston's translation revised by A. R. Shilleto; with notes by Sir C. W. Wilson. Lond. Bell. 1900-1911. 5v. (Bohn's standard libr.) I. Life of Josephus; Antiquities of the Jews, n. Antiquities of the Jews. III. Antiquities of the Jews. IV. Jewish war. V. Jewish war; Against Apion. Joshua, leader of the Israelites. Campbell, R. J. Joshua's votive prayer. {In his Song of ages: sermons.) Deane, W. J. Joshua: his life and times. 1889. (Men of the Bible.) Guthrie, T. Joshua the colonist. {In his Studies of character from the O. T.) King, E. Courage of Joshua. {In his Love and wisdom of God : sermons.) Lewis, H. E. Joshua, (/n Menof the O. T.: Cain to David. Milligan, G., and others.) Matheson, G. Joshua the prosaic. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Adam to Job.) Meyer, F. B. Joshua and the land of promise. (O. T. heroes.) Tipple, S. A. Joshua's vision. [Sermon.] {In his Sunday mornings at Norwood.) Whyte, A. Joshua. {In his Bible charac- ters: Adam to Achan.) JosiAH, king of Judah. Bellows, H. W. Josiah king of Judah; a sermon for young men. {In his Twenty-four sermons.) Greenhough, J. G. Josiah. {In Men of the O. T.: Solomon to Jonah. Milligan, G., and others.) Newman, J. H. Josiah, a pattern for the ignorant. {In his Parochial and plain sermons, vol. VIII.) Whyte, A. Josiah. {In his Bible characters: Ahithophel to Nehemiah.) Jowett lectures. Critical history of the doctrine of a future life. Charles, R. H. Jowett lectures — Continued. Gospel history and its transmission. Burkitt, F. C. Historic view of the New Testament. Gard- ner, P. Modernism. .Sabatier, P. Some elements of the religious teaching of Jesus. Montefiore, C. G. Jowett, Benjamin. Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, Galatians and Romans; translation, commentary, essays and dis- sertations. Lond. Murray. 1894, 2 v. tr. Dialogues of Plato. See Plato. Abbot, E., and Campbell, L. Life and letters of Benjamin Jowett. 1897. 2v, Jowett, John Henry. Apostolic optimism, and other sermons. Lond. Hodder. [1912.] Brooks by the traveller's way. Lond. Allen- son. 1906. Epistles of St. Peter. N. Y. Armstrong. 1906. Folly of unbelief, and other meditations for quiet moments. N. Y. Revell. 1906. High calling; meditations on St. Paul's letter to the Philippians. N, Y. Revell. CI909. Passion for souls. N. Y., etc, Revell. C1905. The preacher: his life and work. N. Y. Hodder. 1912. (Yale lect.) School of Calvary. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1910. The silver lining. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1907. Thirsting for the springs. N. Y. Armstrong. 1903. Transfigured church. N. Y. Revell. C1910. Joy. Beecher, H. W. Problem of joy and suffering in life. {In his Sermons, 2d ser.) Brooks, P. Joy and sorrow. {In his New starts in life, and other sermons.) — Joy with God. {In his Light of the world, and other sermons.) — " Your joy no man taketh from you." {In his Sermons preached in English churches.) Joy forever, A. Ruskin, J. Joy of the ministry. Wynne, F. R. Jubilee of work for young men in North America. Y. M. C. A. Judaism. See Jews. Judaism and Christianity. Toy, C. H. Judaistic Christianity. Hort, F. J. A. Judas Iscariot. Carpenter, W. B. Judas Iscariot. {In his Son of man among the sons of men.) Dawson, W. J. Character of Judas. [Ser- mon.] {In his Threshold of manhood.) De Quincey, T. Judas Iscariot. {In his Theological essays, vol. I.) Ingram, A. F. W. Judas. {In his Men who crucify Christ.) Park, E. A. Judas. {In his Memorial collection of sermons.) Parker, J. Judas Iscariot. [Sermon.] {In his City Temple pulpit.) Pusey, E. B. The sin of Judas. {In his Parochial sermons.) Simpson, T. C, Judas Iscariot. {In Men of the New Testament. Milligan, G., and others.) Temple, W. {In his Repton School sermons.) Wright, W. B. Judas. {In his Heart of the Master.) Catalogue General Theological Library 169 Judas Maccabeus. Conder, C. R. Judas Maccabseus and the Jewish war of inde- pendence. 1894. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Judge, William Quan. Echoes from the Orient; a broad outline of theosophical doctrines. Point Loma [Cal.]. Theos. pub. soc. 1910, Ocean of theosophy. N. Y. Path. 1893. JuDSON, Adoniram. Judson, E. Life of Adoniram Judson. C1883. Judson, Edward. The institutional church. N. Y. Lentilhon. C1899. Life of Adoniram Judson. N. Y. Randolph. C1883. Julicher, Adolf. Introduction to the New Testament; tr. by J. P. Ward. N. Y. Putnam. 1904. Jukes, Andrew. Types of Genesis briefly considered. 7th ed. Lond. Longm. 1892. " Jukes, The." Dugdale, R. L. Jukes-Edwards. Winship, A. E. Julian the Apostate, emperor of Rome. Carter, J. B. Julian called the Apostate: the twilight of the Gods. {In his Religious life of ancient Rome.) Gardner, A. Julian, philosopher and em- peror. 1895. (Heroes of the nations.) Julian, John, ed. Dictionary of hymnology. N. Y. Scribner. 1892. Juliana of Norwich, English nun and mystic. Inge, W. R. The Ancren riwle and Julian of Norwich. {In his Studies of English mystics.) Tyrrell, G. H. Juliana of Norwich. {In his Faith of the millions, 2d ser.) Julianus Flavins Claudius, emperor of Rome. See Julian the Apostate. Junior republic. Almy, F. The George Junior republic. {In Preventive treat- ment of neglected children. Hart, H. H. ed.) (Correction and prevention, vol. IV.) Junior republic. George, W. R. Justice. Dickinson, G. L. Justice and lib- erty; a political dialogue. 1908. Kelly, E. Justice. {In his Government or human evolution, vol. I.) Willoughby, W. W. Social justice. 1900. Justice and liberty. Dickinson, G. L. Justice to the Jew. Peters, M. C. Justification. Boardman, G. N. {In his History of New England theology.) Oman, J. Theology of experience and Ritschl's Justification and reconciliation. {In his Problem of faith and freedom.) Ritschl, A. Christian doctrine of justijfica- tion and reconciliation. 1900. Simpson, W. J. S. Christ's resurrection the means of our justification. {In his The resurrection and modern thought.) See also Theology. Justification by faith. Olmstead, D. H. The Protestant faith, or. Salvation by belief. 3d ed. 1907. See also Protestantism. Justin Martyr, St. Apologies; to which is appended the Epistle to Diognetus; with introduction and notes by B. L. Gildersleeve. N. Y. Harper. 1877. Greek text, English notes. Justin Martyr, St. — Continued. Writings; tr. by M. Dods and G. Reith. (Ante-Nicene Christian library, vol. II.) Contents: First apology. — Second apology. — Dialogue with Trypho. — Discourse to the Greeks. — Address to the Greeks. — On the sole government of God. — Fragments. — Martyrdom. Same. (Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. I.) Cruttwell, C. T. Justin Martyr. {In his Literary history of early Christianity, vol. II.) Donaldson, J. Justin Martyr. {In his Criti- cal history of Christian literature, vol. II.) Walker, W. Justin Martyr. {In his Great men of the Christian church.) Juvenile courts. Hart, H. H., and others. The juvenile court. {In Preventive treat- ment of neglected children. Hart, H. H., ed.) (Correction and prevention, vol. IV.) Lindsey, B. B., and O'Higgins, H. J, Beast. 1910. Kadesh-Barnea. Trumbull, H. C. Kaftan, Julius. Truth of the Christian reli- gion; tr. by G. Ferris. Edin. Clark. 1894. 2V. Kant, ImmanueL Critick of pure reason. Lond. Pickering. 1838. Critique of pure reason; in commemoration of the centenary of its first publication; tr. by F. Max Miiller. 2d ed. N. Y. Macm. 1907. Critique of practical reason, and other works on the theory of ethics: tr. by T. K. Abbott. 4th ed. Lond. Longm. 1889. Metaphysic of ethics. Edin. Clark. 1869. Boutroux, £. £. M. {In his Historical studies in philosophy.) Bowne, B. P. Kant and Spencer. 1912. Caird, E. Critical philosophy of Immanuel Kant. 1909. 2v. Cushman, H. E. {In his Beginner's history of philosophy, vol. II.) Hibben, J. G. Critical philosophy of Kant. {In his Philosophy of the enlightenment.) Paulsen, F. Immanuel Kant: his life and doctrine. 1902. Rogers, R. A. P. Moral purism — Kant. {In his Short history of ethics.) Wallace, W. Kant. 191 1. (Philosophical classics for English readers.) Watson, J. The philosophy of Kant explained. 1908. Kautzsch, Emil Friedrich. Outline of the history of the literature of the Old Testa- ment; tr. by J. Taylor. N. Y. Putnam. 1899. Keary, Annie. The nations around. Lond. Macm. 1870. (Sunday libr. for house- hold reading.) Keary, Charles Francis. Outlines of primitive belief among the Indo-European races. N. Y. Scribner. 1882. Keble, John. The Christian year. Phila. But- ler. 1856. National apostasy. {In Famous sermons by English preachers. Macleane, D., ed.) Occasional papers and reviews. Oxford. Parker. 1877. Coleridge, Sir J. T. Memoir of John Keble. 1869. 2V. Liddon, H. P. John Keble. [Sermon.] {In his Clerical life and work.) lyo Catalogue General Theological Library Keedy, Edward Everett. Moral leadership and the ministry. Bost. Worth. 1912. Keeling, William. Liturgiae Britannicae. 1851. See Book of common prayer. Keim, Theodor. Jesus of Nazara. Lond. Williams. 1876. 6v. Keller, Helen. Story of my life. With her letters (1887-1901) and a supplementary account of her education, including passages from the reports and letters of her teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, by J. A. Macy. N. Y. Doubleday. 19 10. Kellicott, "William Erskine. Social direction of human evolution; an outline of the science of eugenics. N. Y. Appleton. 191 1. Kellner, Max. Assyrian monuments illustrat- ing the sermons of Isaiah. Bost. Damrill. 1900. Kellogg, Samuel Henry. Book of Leviticus. N. Y. Armstrong. 1891. (Expositor's Bible.) Handbook of comparative religion. Phila. Westm. press. 1908. Light of Asia and the Light of the world. Lond. Macm. 1885. Kellogg, Vernon Lyman. Beyond war: a chapter in the natural history of man. N. Y. Holt. 1912. Darwinism to-day. N. Y. Holt. 1907. Kelly, Edmond. Government or human evolu- tion. Lond., etc. Longm. 1900-1901. 2v, I. Justice. H. Individualism and collectivism. Twentieth century socialism: what it is not; what it is; how it may come. N. Y. Longm. 1910. Kelly, Herbert. The church and religious unity. Lond., etc. Longm. 1913. Kelly, Walter Keating, comp. Collection of the proverbs of all nations. Andover. Draper. 1879. Kelman, John. Among famous books. 2d ed. Lond., etc. Hodder. C1912. Ephemera eternitatis; a book of short studies in life here and hereafter, arranged for the Sundays of the Christian year. N. Y. Hodder. [191 1.] Faith of Robert Louis Stevenson. N. Y. Re veil. 1903. The road of life; a study of Pilgrim's journey as far as Vanity Fair. N. Y. Hodder. n. d. Kelvin, William Thomson, ist baron. Thomp- son, S. P. Life of William Thomson, baron Kelvin of Largs. 1910. Ken, Thomas, bp. of Bath and Wells. Duyck- inck, G. L. Life of Thomas Ken. 1859. Kennard, Joseph Spencer. Psychic power in preaching. Phila. Jacobs. 1901. Kennedy lectures. 1906. Standards of public morality. Hadley, A. T. 1912. The church and society. Cutting, R. F. Kennedy, Archibald R. S. Samuel; introduc- tion; revised version with notes. N. Y. Frowde. 1905. (New century Bible.) Kennedy, Charles Rann. Servant in the house. N. Y. Harper. CI908. Kennedy, Harry Angus Alexander. St. Paul's conceptions of the last things. N. Y. Armstrong. 1904. Kennedy, John. Popular argument for the unity of Isaiah. Lond. Clarke. 1891. Kennett, Robert Hatch. Composition of the book of Isaiah. Lond. Frowde. 1910. (Schweich lect.) and others. Early ideals of righteousness; Hebrew, Greek and Roman. Edin. Clark. 1910. Kenngott, George Frederick. Record of a city; a social survey of Lowell, Mass. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Kenosis. Forsyth, P. T. The Kenosis or Self-Emptying of Christ. (In his Person and place of Jesus Christ.) Hall, F. J. The kenotic theory. 1898. Kent, Charles Foster. Biblical geography and history. N. Y. Scribner. 191 1. The historical Bible. N. Y. Scribner. 1908- 13. 5v. See Bible, Whole. Commen- taries. History of the Hebrew people. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1896-7. 2v. (Hist. ser. for Bible students.) History of the Jewish people during the Babylonian, Persian and Greek periods - N. Y. Scribner. 1899. , (Hist. ser. for Bible students.) Messages of Israel's lawgivers; the laws of the Old Testament codified, arranged in order of growth, and freely rendered in paraphrase. N. Y, Scribner. 1902. Mes- sages of the Bible, III.) Origin and permanent value of the Old Testa- ment. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1906. Student's Old Testament logically and chronologically arranged and translated. N. Y. Scribner. 1907-1910. I-IV. I. Narratives of the beginnings of Hebrew history. 11. Israel's historical and biographical narratives. HI. Prophetic sermons, epistles and apoc- alypses. IV. Israel's laws and legal precedents. Other vols, not yet publ. Kenyon, Frederic George. Handbook to the textual criticism of the New Testament. Lond, Macm. 1906. Our Bible and the ancient manuscripts; a history of the text and its translations. 4th ed. Lond. Eyre. 1896. Kern, Oily Jasper. Among country schools. Bost., etc. Ginn. [CI906.] Kerr lectures. Christ of history and of experience. Forrest, D. W. Relation of the apostolic teaching to the teaching of Christ. Drummond, R. J. Religion of Israel under the kingdom. Welch, A. C. Sacraments in the New Testament. Lambert, J. C. Tests of life. Law, R. Kerr, Hugh Thomson. Children's story ser- mons. N. Y. Revell. C1911. Kerr, Robert Pollok, comp. Hymns of the ages. N. Y. Baker. C1893. Same. Rev. ed, 1902. Khomiakoff, Alexis Stepanovich, joint author. See Palmer, W„ and Khomiakoff, A. S. Catalogue General Theological Library 171 Kidd, Benjamin. Principles of western civiliza- tion. N. Y. Macm. 1902. Social evolution. New ed. N. Y. Macm, 1898. Kidd, Beresford James. The thirty-nine articles; their history and explanation. N. Y. Pott. 1899. 2v. ed. Documents illustrative of the continental reformation. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1911. Kidder, Frank Eugene. Churches and chapels; their arrangements, construction and equip- ment. N. Y. Comstock. 1910. Kidner, Reuben. Authority in religion. Pamphlet. Repr. from Prot. Episc. Review. Apr. 1900. Kimball, James William. Heaven, " my Father's house." Bost. Bartlett. C1882. How to see Jesus. Bost. Gannett. 1880. Kindergarten. Wiggin, K. D. (S.) {Mrs. G. C. Riggs), and Smith, N. A. Kinder- garten principles and practice. C1896. King, Bolton. Mazzini. Lond. Dent. 1902. (Temple biographies.) Eling, Edward. Love and wisdom of God: a collection of sermons. N. Y. Longm. 1910. Spiritual letters; ed. by B. W. Randolph. [3d impr.] Lond. Mowbray. 1910. Russell, G. W. E. Edward King, sixtieth bishop of Lincoln. 2d ed. 1912. King, Henry Churchill. Ethics of Jesus. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Laws of friendship, human and divine. N. Y. Macm. 1909. (Haverford libr. lect.) Letters to Sunday-school teachers on the great truths of our Christian faith. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1 906. Same. Rev. ed. Letters on the greatness and simplicity of the Christian faith. 1909. Moral and religious challenge of our times; the guiding principle in human develop- ment: reverence for personality. N. Y. Macm. 1911. Personal and ideal elements in education. N. Y. Macm. 1904. Rational living; some practical inferences from modern psychology. N. Y. Macm. 1905- Reconstruction in theology. N. Y. Macm. 1901. Religion as life. N. Y. Macm. 1913. Seeming unreality of the spiritual life. N. Y. Macm. 1908. (N. W. Taylor lect.) Theology and the social consciousness, N. Y. Macm. 1902. King, Henry Melville. Baptism of Roger Williams. Providence. Preston. 1897. King, Irving. Development of religion; a study in anthropology and social psychology. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Psychology of child development. Chi. Univ. press. 1907. King, John M. Theology of Christ's teaching. Chi. Revell. 1903. King, Thomas Starr. Christianity and human- ity. [Sermons.] Bost. Osgood. 1877. Allen, J. H. {In his Sequel to " Our liberal movement.") King in his beauty, and other studies in Scrip- ture. Thwing, E. P. King's Chapel. Boston. See Boston. Kingdom of Christ. Maurice, F. D. Kingdom of God. Bowne, B. P, The modern conception of the kingdom of God. {In his Studies in Christianity.) Briggs, C. A. The Kingdom of God. {In his Ethical teaching of Jesus.) Bruce, A. B. Kingdom of God. 1890. Campbell, R. J. Church and the Kingdom of God. {In his New theology.) — Keys of the kingdom, [^rmon.] 1903. Carpenter, J. E, Jesus and the Kingdom of God. {In his The historical Jesus and the theological Christ,) Church, R. W. The Kingdom of God, {In his Advent sermons, I-II.) Clarke, W. N. The Kingdom of God, {In his Ideal of Jesus.) Coyle, R. F. The Kingdom. {In his Church and the times: sermons.) Davidson, A. B. Growth of the Kingdom of God. {In his Waiting upon God: sermons.) Denison, J. H. Gospel of the Kingdom, {In his Christ's idea of the supernatural,) Denney, J, The church and the Kingdom of God. {In his Studies in theology.) Drummond, R. J. The Kingdom of God and its variants. {In his Relation of the apos- tolic teaching to the teaching of Christ.) (Kerr lect.) Fairbairn, A. M. The Kingdom. {In his Studies in religion and theology, pp. 347- 370.) Greer, D. H. Coming of the Kingdom of God. [Sermon.] {In his From things to God.) Gulick, S. L. Growth of the Kingdom of God. 1896. Mackintosh, W. Rise and growth in Israel of idea of Kingdom of God. {In his Natural history of the Christian religion.) Martineau, J, Kingdom of God within us. [Two sermons.] {In his Endeavors after the Christian life.) — Seek first the Kingdom of God. [Two sermons.] {In his Hours of thought on sacred things.) Montefiore, C. G. The Kingdom of God. {In his Some elements of the religious teaching of Jesus.) (Jowett lect.) Montgomery, H. E, {In his Christ's social remedies.) Peters, G. N. H. Theocratic kingdom of our Lord Jesus the Christ, as covenanted in the Old Testament and presented in the New Testament. 1884. 3v. Robertson, A. Regnum Dei; lectures on the Kingdom of God in the history of Christian thought. 1901. (Bamp. lect.) Schechter, S. {In his Some aspects of rabbinic theology, V-VII.) Schwab, L. H. Kingdom of God. 1907, (Bohlen lect,) Scott, E. F, The Kingdom and the Messiah, 1911. Sharman, H, B, The Kingdom of God. {In his Teaching of Jesus about the future.) Snowden, J. H. The Kingdom of God. {In his Basal beliefs of Christianity.) 172 Catalogue General Theological Library Kingdom of God — Continued. Stalker, J. Kingdom of God. (In his Ethic of Jesus.) Strong, J., ed. Studies in the gospel of the Kingdom. 191 1. Swift, A. First principles of Christian citizen- ship. 1908. Thorn, J. H. Kingdom of God without observation. [Sermon.] {In his Laws of life after the mind of Christ, 2d ser.) Torrey, D. C. Kingdom of God. (In his Protestant modernism.) (C. t. 1.) Toy, C. H. Kingdom of God. (in his Judaism and Christianity.) Wendt, H. H. {In his Teaching of Jesus.) See also Theology. Kingdom of God: a plan of study. Stead, F. H, Kingdom of God and American life. Brewster, C. B. Kingdom of God is within you. Tolstoi, L. N. Kingman, Henry. Way of honor, and other college sermons. N. Y. Revell. C1911. Eongsley, Charles. Good news of God : sermons. N. Y. Burt. 1859. The hermits. Phila. Lippincott. 1868. Hypatia. N. Y. Clarke, n. d. Selections from [his] writings. Lond. Stra- han. 1873. Sermons for the times. N. Y. Dana. 1856. Twenty-five village sermons. Phila. Hooker. 1854. Benson, A. C. {In his Leaves of the tree.) Kingsley, Mrs. F. E. Charles Kingsley: letters and memories of his life. C1877. Stanley, A. P. Charles Kingsley. [Funeral sermon.] {In his Westminster sermons.) Wedgwood, J. Life of Charles Kingsley. {In her Nineteenth century teachers.) Kingsley, Mrs. Frances E., ed. Charles Kingsley: his letters and memories of his life. Ed. by his wife. N. Y. Scribner. C1877. E[insley, William Wirt. Does prayer avail? Bost. Sherman. 191 1. Kinsman, Frederick Joseph. Principles of Ang- licanism. N. Y. Longm. 1910. Blip, William Ingraham. Catacombs of Rome. N. Y. Redfield. 1854. Church of the apostles. N. Y. Appleton. History, object and proper observance of the holy season of Lent. Albany. Pease. 1853. ed. and transl. E^rly Jesuit missions in North America. N. Y. Wiley. 1846. (Libr. of Amer. books.) Kirk, Edward Norris. Lectures on revivals. Bost. Cong. pub. soc. 1875. Mears, D. O. Life of Edward Norris Kirk. 1877. Kirkpatrick, Alexander Francis. Divme library of the Old Testament: its origin and per- manent value. Lond. Macm. 19 10. Doctrine of the prophets. Lond. Macm. 1892. (Warburton lect.) Psalms with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1895. 3 v. (Cambr. Bible.) Samuel, with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1880. 2 v. (Cambr. Bible.) joint author. See Driver, S. R., and Kirk- patrick, A. F. Kirkpatrick, Edwin Asbury. Fundamentals of child study; a discussion of instincts and other factors in human development, with practical applications. N. Y. Macm. 1911. Genetic psychology; an introduction to an objective and genetic view of intelligence. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Individual in the making; a subjective view of child development. Bost. Houghton. C1911. Kirkpatrick, John Ervin. Timothy Flint, pioneer, missionary, author, editor. 1780- 1840. Cleveland [O.]. A. H. Clark. 1911. Kirkup, Thomas. History of socialism. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Inquiry into socialism. Lond. Longm. 1909. Kittel, Rudolf. History of the Hebrews; tr. by John Taylor [and others]. Lond. Williams. 1895-6. (Theol. transl. libr.) Scientific study of the Old Testament; its principal results, and their bearing upon religious instruction. N. Y. Putnam. 1910. (C. t. 1.) Kleiser, Grenville. How to develop power and personality in speaking. N. Y. Funk. 1909. comp. The world's great sermons. Introduc- tion by L. O. Brastow. N. Y. Funk. C1908. lOV. Elnauff, Christopher W. Doctor Tucker, priest- musician. N. Y. Randolph. 1897. Knight, George Thomson. Goodness of God in view of the facts of nature and the super- natural. Bost. Universalist pub. house. 1904. Praise of hypocrisy; an essay in casuistry. Chi. Open court. 1906. Knight, Henry Joseph Corbett. Temptation of our Lord. Lond. Longm. 1907. Knight, Richard. History of the General or Six-principle Baptists in Europe and America. Providence. Smith. 1827. Ejiight, William. Aspects of theism. Lond. Macm. 1893. Hume. Edin. Blackwood. 1910. (Philos. classics for Engl, readers.) Knopf, Siegmund Adolphus. Tuberculosis, a preventable and curable disease; modern methods for the solution of the tuberculosis problem. N. Y. Moflfat. 1909. Knowledge, Theory of. Boodin, J. E. Truth and reality; an introduction to the theory of knowledge. 191 1. Bowne, B. P. Theory of thought and knowl- edge. 1897. Dewey, J. Experimental theory of knowl- edge. {In his Influence of Darwin on philosophy, etc.) — Significance of the problem of knowledge. {In his Influence of Darwin on philosophy, etc.) Everett, C. C. Fichte's science of knowledge. 2d ed. 1892. Leibnitz, G. W. New essays concerning human understanding; tr. by A. G. Langley. 1896. Locke, J. Essay concerning human under- standing. Catalogue General Theological Library 173 Knowledge, Theory of — Continued. Pressense, E. D. de. Problem of knowledge. {In his Study of origins, tr. by A. H. Holm- den.) Veitch, J. Knowing and being. 1889. Knowledge, life and reality. Ladd, G. T. Knowledge of God. Gwatkin, H. M. 2v. KnowUng, Richard John. Epistle of James, with introduction and notes. Lond. Me- thuen. 1904. (Westminster commen- taries.) Testimony of St. Paul to Christ viewed in some of its aspects. N. Y. Scribner. 1905. (Boyle lect.) Knox, Alexander, joint author. See Jebb, J., and Knox, A. Knox, George William. Development of reli- gion in Japan. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. (Amer. lect. on the hist, of religions.) Direct and fundamental proofs of the Chris- tian religion; an essay in comparative apologetics. N. Y. Scribner. 1903. Gospel of Jesus the Son of God. Bost. Houghton. 1909. (Mod. relig. problems.) Japanese life in town and country. N. Y. Putnam. 1908. Knox, John. History of the reformation of religion in Scotland. 20th century ed., by Cuthbert Lennox. N, Y., etc. Revell. [1905.] Herrick, S. E. Knox. (/« his Some heretics of yesterday.) Lang, A. John Knox and the reformation. 1905- Lorimer, P. John Knox and the Church of England. 1875. M'Crie, T. Life of John Knox. 2d ed. I813. 2V. Stalker, J. John Knox: his ideas and ideals. 1904. Taylor, M. C. John Knox. {In Scottish divines. 1505-1872.) Taylor, W. M. John Knox. 1885. Tuiloch, J. Knox. {In his Leaders of the reformation.) Walker, W. John Knox. {In his Great men of the Christian church.) Knox-Little, William John. See Little, W. J. K. Konig, Friedrich Eduard. Bible and Babylon. 9th ed., tr. by C. E. Hay. Burlington [la.]. Germ. lit. bd. 1903. Exiles' book of consolation contained in Isaiah XL-LXVI; tr. by J. A. Selbie. Edin. Clark. 1899. Religious history of Israel; a discussion of the chief problems in Old Testament his- tory as opposed to the development theo- rists; tr. by A. J. Campbell. Edin. Clark. 1885. Kostlin, Julius. Life of Luther. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1883. Theology of Luther; tr. by C. E. Hay. Phila. Luth. pub. soc. C1897. 2v. Koons, William George. The child's religious life; a study of the child's religious nature and the best methods for its training and development. N. Y. Eaton. C1903. Koran. The Qur'an; tr. by E. H. Palmer. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1900. 2 parts in IV. (Sacred books of the East. Miiller, F. M., ed.) Koran — Continued. The Koran, tr. from the Arabic, with notes and index, by J. M. Rodwell. Lond. Williams. 1861. The Koran, tr. into English from the original Arabic, with explanatory notes, by George Sale. New ed. Phila. Moore. 1853. Muir, Sir W. The Coran; its compo- sition and teaching, and the testimony it bears to the Holy Scriptures. 1878. Korea. Allen, H. N., and others. Korea. {In China and the far East. Blakeslee, G. H., ed.) Brown, A. J. Korea. {In Nearer and the farther East. Zwemer, S. M., and Brown, A. J.) Gale, J. S. Korean sketches. C1898. (Mis- sion study ref. libr.) — The vanguard; a tale of Korea. C1904. (Mission study ref. libr.) Griffis, W. E. Corea the hermit nation. 191 1. Hulbert, H. B. The passing of Korea. C1906. (Mission study ref. libr.) Noble, W. A. Ewa, a tale of Korea. CI906. (Mission study ref. libr.) Underwood, L. H. Fifteen years among the top-knots; or. Life in Korea. C1904. Koren, John. Economic aspects of the liquor problem; an investigation made for the Committee of fifty, under the direction of Henry W. Farnham. Bost. Houghton. . .1^99. joint author. See Wines, F. H., and Koren, J. Kramer, George W. What, how and why of church building. N. Y. Comstock. 1897. Krauth, Charles Porterfield. Conservative ref- ormation and its theology, as represented in the Augsburg confession and in the his- tory and literature of the Evangelical Lutheran church. Phila. Lippincott. 1872. Kriiger, Gustav. History of early Christian literature in the first three centuries; tr. by C. R. Gillett. N. Y. Macm. 1897. Papacy: the idea and its exponents; tr. by F. M. S. Batchelor and C. A. Miles. N. Y. Putnam. 1909. (C. t. 1.) Krummacher, Friedrich Wilhelm. David, king of Israel; tr. by M. G. Easton. N. Y. Harper. 1868. Kuehnemann, Eugen. Charles William Eliot, president of Harvard University (May 19, 1869-May 19, 1909). Bost. Houghton. 1909. Kuenen, Abraham. Historico-critical inquiry into the origin and composition of the Hexateuch; tr. by P. H. Wicksteed. Lond. Macm. 1886. National religions and universal religions. [Tr. by P. H. Wicksteed.] N. Y. Scribner. 1882. (Hibbert lect.) Prophets and prophecy in Israel; tr. by Adam Milroy. Lond. Longm. 1877. Religion of Israel to the fall of the Jewish state; tr. by A. H. May. Lond. Williams. 1874-5. 3v. (Theol. transl. libr.) Kuhns, Levi Oscar. John Huss the witness. Cine. Jennings. C1907. (Men of the kingdom.) Kurtz, Johann Heinrich. Church history; tr. by John Macpherson. N. Y. Funk. 1889-90. 3v. (For. bibl. libr.) 174 Catalogue General Theological Library Kutter, Hermann. They must; or, God and the social democracy. Chi. Coop, print. CO. CI 908. Kuyper, Abraham. Encyclopedia of sacred theology; its principles. N. Y. Scribner. 1898. Work of the Holy Spirit. 1900. Labor and Laboring classes. Abbott, E. H. The workingman and the church. {In his Religious life in America.) Adams, T. S., and Sumner, H. L. Labor prob- lems; a text book. 1908. Bolen, G. L. Getting a living; the problem of wealth and poverty, of profits, wages and trade unionism. 1903. Booth, C. Life and labor of the people in London. 1903. Brooks, J. G. The social unrest; studies in labor and socialist movements. 1903. Brown, F. K, (Al Priddy, pseud.) Through the mill: the life of a mill-boy. C1911. — Through the school: the experiences of a mill-boy in securing an education. CI912. Buchanan, J. R. Story of a labor agitator. 1903. Byington, M. F. Homestead: the households of a mill town. 19 10. (Russell Sage foundation.) Carleton, W. One way out: a middle-class New Englander emigrates to America. C1911. Ely, R. T. Labor movement in America. CI886. Galton, F. W., ed. Workers on their indus- tries. 1895. Gantt, H. L. Work, wages and profits. 1910. Gilman, N, P. Methods of industrial peace. 1904. Gladden, W, Labor question. ci9ii. Levasseur, P. E. American workman. C1900. Lincoln, J. T. City of the dinner-pail. 1909. Mitchell, J. Organized labor: its problems, purposes and ideals, and the present and future of American wage earners. 1903. Nearing, S. Social adjustment. 191 1. Redfield, W. C. New industrial day. 1912. Reed, J. The labor question and the blessing of work. (In Earthly problems in heavenly light.) [Richardson, D.] The long day: the story of a New York working girl as told by herself. 1905. Rowntree, B. S. Poverty: a study of town life. 1 90 1. Smith, C. S. Working with the people. 1908. An account of the People's Institute, N. Y. City. Smith, S. G. The industrial conflict; a series of chapters on present-day conditions. 1907. Stelzle, C. Gospel of labor. 1912. StreightofT, F. H. Standard of living among the industrial people of America. 1911. Strong, J., ed. Studies in the gospel of the kingdom. Ser. 1-3. 1910-12. Thompson, C. B. The churches and the wage earners; a study of the cause and cure of their separation. 1909. Labor and Laboring classes — Continued. Washington, B. T. Man farthest down; a record of observation and study in Europe. 1912. An attempt to show that the American negro, in re- spect to opportunity, is better off than some classes of working people in Europe who have the suffrage. Webb, S., and Webb, B. Problems of modern industry. 1898. Womer, P. P. Church and the labor con- flict. 1913. Wright, C. D. Some ethical phases of the labor question. 1908. Wyckoff, W. A. The workers: an experi- ment in reality. 1899. 2 v. See also Arbitration, Industrial; Capital; Child labor; Corporations; Economics; Immigration; Syndicalism; Trade unions; Trusts; Unemployment; Value; Wages. Labor laws. Eastman, C. Work-accidents and the law. 19 10. Labor legislation. Taussig, F. W. Labor legislation. (In his Principles of economics, vol. II, chap. 56.) Labor unions. Laughlin, J. L. The hope for labor unions. (In his Latter-day problems.) Laborde, , abbe. Impossibility of the im- maculate conception as an article of faith. Phila. Hooker. 1855. Labrador. Grenfell, W. T., and others. Lab- rador: the country and the people. 1909. Lacey, Thomas James. Study of the Eastern Orthodox church. N. Y. Gorham. n. d. Lachish, ancient city in Palestine. See Pales- tine. Antiquities. Lacordaire, Jean Baptiste Henri Dominique. Chocarne, B. Inner life of Pere Lacordaire, tr. by a religious of the same order. 1867. Lactantius. [Writings; tr. by W. Fletcher.] (In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. VII.) Contents: Divine institutes. — Epitome of the divine institutes. — The anger of God. — Workmanship of God. — Manner in which the persecutors died. — Fragments. — The Phoenix. — Poem on the passion of the Lord. Cruttwell, C. T. Lactantius. (In his Liter- ary history of early Christianity, vol. 11.) Ladd, George TnmibuU. Doctrine of sacred Scripture. N. Y. Scribner. 1883. 2v. Elements of physiological psychology. N. Y. Scribner. 1887. Knowledge, life and reality; an essay in sys- tematic philosophy. N. Y. Dodd. 1909. Outlines of descriptive psychology. N. Y. Scribner. 1909. Philosophy of conduct. N. Y. Scribner. 1902. Philosophy of mind. N. Y. Scribner. 1895. Philosophy of religion, N. Y. Scribner. 1905. 2V. Principles of church polity illustrated by an analysis of modern Congregationalism, and applied to certain important questions in the government of Christian churches. N. Y. Scribner. 1882. Lady Ecclesia. Matheson, G. Lagerlof, Selma O. L. Christ legends. N. Y. Holt. 1908.. Laidlaw, John. Bible doctrine of man. Edin. Clark. 1879. Catalogue General Theological Library 175 Lake, Kirsopp. Historical evidence for the res- urrection of Jesus Christ. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. (C.t. 1.) Lamb, Charles. Last essays of Elia. N. Y. Appleton. 1879. Cornwall, B. Charles Lamb: a memoir. 1866. Lamb, Francis Jones. Miracle and science. Oberlin [O.]. Bibl. Sac. co. 1909. Lambert, John Chisholm. Missionary heroes in Asia. Phila. Lippincott. 1908. Sacraments in the New Testament. Edin. Clark. 1903. (Kerr lect.) Lambert, Louis Aloisius. Christian science before the bar of reason; ed. by A. S. Quin- lan. N. Y. Christ, press assoc. 1908. Notes on IngersoU. Buffalo. Cath. pub. co. 1884. Lamszus, Wilhelm. Human slaughter-house: scenes from the war that is sure to come; tr. from the German by Oakley Williams. N. Y. Holt. 1913'. Lanciani, Rodolfo Amedeo. Pagan and Chris- tian Rome. Bost. Houghton. 1893. Land and the Book. Thomson, W. M. 3v. Lander, Meta, pseud. See Lawrence, Mrs. Margarette Oliver Woods. Lane, Charles Arthur. Illustrated notes on English church history. 70th thous. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1895. 2v. Lang, Andrew. History of Scotland from the Roman occupation. N. Y. Dodd. 1901- 1907. 4v. John Knox and the reformation. Lond. Longm. 1905. Magic and religion. Lond. Longm. 1901. Making of religion. Lond. Longm. 1898. Modern mythology. Lond. Longm. 1897. Lang, Cosmo Gordon. Miracles of Jesus as marks of the way of life. Lond. Isbister. 1902. Thoughts on some of the parables of Jesus. N. Y. Button. (1905.] Lang, John Marshall. Gideon and the judges. N. Y. Randolph. 1891. (Men of the Bible.) Langland, William. Stubbs, C. W. William Langland. {In his Christ of English poetry.) (Hulsean lect.) Langridge, Albert Kent, and Paton, Frank Hume Lyall. John G. Paton: later years and fare- well. N. Y. Hodder. 1910. Langton, Stephen, abp. of Canterbury. Hodges, G. Langton. (In his Saints and heroes.) Larcom, Lucy. Banks, L. A. Lucy Larcom and her sweet songs of common life. (In his Honeycombs of life.) Lamed, Josephus Nelson. Study of greatness in men. Bost. Houghton. 191 1. Lasker, Bruno, joint author. See Rowntree, B. S., and Lasker, B. Latham, Henry. Pastor pastorum; or. The schooling of the apostles by our Lord. N. Y. Pott. 1 89 1. The risen Master. 7th thous. Camb. [Eng.] Bell. 1907. Lathbury, Clarence. The balanced life. Phila. Nunc licet press. 1905. The being with the upturned face. N. Y. Funk. 1903. The code of joy. Germantown [Pa.]. Sweden- borg pub. assoc. 1902. Lathbury, Clarence — Continued God winning us. 5th ed. Phila. Nunc licet press. 1903. The great morning. Minneapolis. Nunc licet press. 1911. A little lower than the angels. 3d ed. Ger- mantown [Pa.]. Swedenborg pub. assoc. 1902. Lathbury, Daniel Conner. Dean Church. Oxford. Mowbray. 1905. (Leaders of the church.) ed. Correspondence of W. E. Gladstone on church and religion. See Gladstone, W. E. Lathrop, George Parsons. A study of Haw- thorne. Bost. Houghton. C1876. Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. Judea from Cyrus to Titus. 537 B.C. to 70 a.d. 2d ed. Chi. McClurg. 1900. Latimer, Hugh. On Christian love. (In World's great sermons, vol. I. Kleiser, G., comp.) The ploughers. [Sermon.] (In Macleane, D., ed. Famous sermons, etc.) Herrick, S. E. (In his Some heretics of yes- terday.) Tulloch, J. Latimer. (In his Leaders of the reformation.) Latimer, Robert Sloan. Under three tsars: liberty of conscience in Russia. 1856-1909. N. Y. Revell. 1910. With Christ in Russia. Lond. Hodder. 191 1. La Touche, Everard Digges. Person of Christ in modern thought. Bost. Pilgrim press. 191 2. (Donnellan lect.) Latter-day saints. See Mormons and Mormon- ism. Latter-day sinners and saints. Ross, E. A. Laud, William, abp. of Canterbury. A sermon from the scaffold. (In Macleane, D., ed. Famous sermons, etc.) Mozley, J. B. Archbishop Laud, (In his Essays, historical and theological, vol. L) Norton, J. N. Life of Archbishop Laud. 1864. Laughlin, James Laurence. Latter-day prob- lems. N. Y. Scribner. 1909. Laurie, Thomas. The Ely volume; or, The contributions of our foreign missions to science and human well-being. 2d ed. Bost. A. B. C. F. M. 1885. Law. Maine, Sir H. J. S. Ancient law, 3d Amer. from 5th Lond. ed. C1864 by C. Scribner. Law, Robert. Tests of life; study of the first epistle of St. John. Edin. Clark. 1909. (Kerr lect.) Law, William. Liberal and mystical writings, with an introduction by W. S. Palmer, and a preface by W. P. Du Bose. Lond. Longm. 1908. Practical treatise on Christian perfection. Lond. Longm. 1901, Serious call to a devout and holy life. Bost. Ewer. 1818. Inge, W. R. (In his Studies of English mystics.) Lawless, Emily. Story of Ireland. N. Y. Putnam. 1892. (Story of the nations.) Lawrance, Marion. How to conduct a Sunday school; or. Twenty-eight years a superin- tendent. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI905. 176 Catalogue General Theological Library Lawrence, Amos Adams. Lawrence, W. Life of Amos A. Lawrence. 1888. Lawrence, Edward A. Modern missions in the East. N. Y. Harper. 1895. Lawrence, Mrs. Margarette O. W. Tobacco problem. Bost. Cupples. 1886. Lawrence, Robert F. The New Hampshire churches. Claremont [N. H.]. Author. 1856. Lawrence, Thomas Joseph. International prob- lems and Hague conferences. Lond. Dent. 1908. Lawrence, William. Life of Amos A. Lawrence. Bost. Houghton. 1888. Visions and service. Bost. Houghton. 1896. Laws of Christ for common life. Dale, R. W. Laws of friendship, human and divine. King, H. C. Laws of life after the mind of Christ. Thom, ^ J.H. Laws of Moses and the code of Hammurabi. Cook, S. A, Laws of the inner kingdom. Clark, H. W. Laws of the kingdom. Dykes, J. O. Lawson, James Gilchrist. Deeper experiences of famous Christians. Chi. Glad tidings pub. CO. C1911. Lay work and the office of reader. Biggs, H. Y-. Layard, Austen Henry. Ward, W. H. Sir Austen Henry Layard. {In Beacon lights of history, vol. 14. Lord, J., ed.) Lays of ancient Rome. Macaulay, T. B. Lazenby, Albert, ed. Tides of the spirit. See Martineau, James. Lea, Henry Charles. Eve of the reformation. {In Cambr. mod. hist., vol. L) Historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Christian church. Phila. Lippincott. 1867. Same. 3d ed. 1907. 2v. History of auricular confession and indul- gences in the Latin church. Phila. Lea. 1896. 3v. History of the inquisition of Spain. N. Y. Macm. 1906. 4v. History of the inquisition of the middle ages. N. Y. Harper. C1887. 3v. Inquisition in the Spanish dependencies. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Moriscos of Spain. Phila. Lea. 1901. Studies in church history. Phila. Lea. 1869. Superstition and force, 2d ed. Phila. H. C. Lea. 1870. Leach, Charles. Romance of the Holy Land. Lond. Arnold. 191 1. Leaders of the church. Church, Dean. Lathbury, D. C. Liddon, Dr. Russell, G. W. E. Maurice, F. D. Masterman, C. F. G. Pusey, Dr. Russell, G. W. E. Westcott, Bishop. Clayton, J. Wilberforce, Bishop. Wilberforce, R. G. Leaders of the reformation. Tulloch, J. Leadership. Brent, C. H. [Lear, Henrietta Louisa (Farrer).] Bossuet and his contemporaries. By the author of "A Dominican artist." N. Y. Pott. 1885. Learning and working. Maurice, F. D. Leathes, Stanley. Old Testament prophecy. Lond. Hodder. 1880. Witness of St. Paul to Christ. Lond. Riving- ton. 1869. (Boyle lect.) Leavitt, Sheldon. Paths to the heights. N. Y. Crowell. 1908. Le Bon, Gustave. The crowd; a study of the popular mind. N. Y. Macm. 1897. Psychology of revolution; tr. by B. Miall. N. Y. Putnam. 1913. Psychology of socialism. N. Y. Macm. 1899. Lechler, Gotthard Victor. Apostolic and post- apostolic times. 3d ed., tr. by A. J. K. Davidson. Edin. Clark. 1886. 2 v. Leckie, J. H. Authority in religion. Edin. Clark. 1909. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. History of England in the eighteenth century. N. Y. Appleton. 1878. 2v. History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. N. Y. Appleton. 1869. 2v. Same. New ed. 1911. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe. N. Y. Appleton. 1866. 2V. Same. 1910. 2v. in I. Map of life; conduct and character. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1901. Le Conte, Joseph. Evolution and its relation to religious thought. N. Y. Appleton. 1888. Religion and science. N. Y. Appleton. 1880. Lee, Charles Follen. Birth from above. Bost. Universalist pub. house. 1889. Lee, Guy Carleton, ed. Source-book of English history; leading documents, together with illustrative material from contemporary writers, and a bibliography of sources. N. Y. Holt. 1909. Lee, Henry. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Lond. Boone. 1837. Lee, James Wideman. Religion of science. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1912. Lee, Jason, missionary to the Northwest. Hines, H. K. Missionary history of the Pacific Northwest, containing the wonderful story of Jason Lee. C1899. Lee, Joseph. Constructive and preventive phi- lanthropy. N. Y. Macm. 1902. Lee, Robert Edward. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 12.) White, H. A. Robert E. Lee and the Southern Confederacy. 1897. (Heroes of the na- tions.) Lee, Samuel. Eschatology. Bost. Tilton. 1859- Lee, Vernon, pseud. See Paget, Violet. Lees, Frederic Richard. Text-book of temper- ance. Rockland. Vose. 1869. Lees, George Robinson. Life and adventure beyond Jordan. N. Y. Appleton. 1909. Leete, Frederick DeLand. Christian brother- hoods. Cine. Jennings. CI912. Every-day evangelism, personal, trained, co-operative. Cine. Jennings. C1909. Lefl5ngwell, Albert. Vivisection question. Chi. Vivisection reform soc. 1907. joint author. Vivisection problem: a con- troversy. See Myers, C. S., and Leffing- well, A. Catalogue General Theological Library 177 Legge, James. Religions of China. Lond. Hodder. 1880. Le Goff, Franfois. Life of Louis Adolphe Thiers; tr. by Theodore Stanton. N. Y. Putnam. 1879. Legouve, Ernest. Reading a.s a fine art. Bost. Roberts. 1879. Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm von. New essays concerning human understanding; tr. by A. G. Langley. N. Y. Macm. 1896. Philosophical works; tr. with notes by G. M. Duncan. New Haven. T. M. and T. co. 1908. Hibben, J. G. {In his Philosophy of the enlightenment.) Merz, J. T. Leibniz. 1902. (Philosophical classics for Engl, readers.) Leighton, Gerald. Scientific Christianity; a study in the biology, of character. N. Y. Moffat. 1910. Leighton, Joseph Alexander. Jesus Christ and the civilization of to-day; the ethical teaching of Jesus considered in its bearings on the moral foundations of modern cul- ture. N. Y. Macm. 1907. Lenonnant, Franfois. Beginnings of history. From 2d Fr. ed., with introduction by Francis Brown. N. Y. Scribner. 1891. and Chevallier, E. Manual of the ancient his- tory of the East. Newed. Phila. Lippin- cott. 1 87 1. 2V. Lent. Brooks, P. Fasting (a sermon for Lent). {In his Candle of the Lord.) — More abundant life: Lenten readings. 1906. — {In his Sermons for the church year. IX-XIV.) Buxton, H. J. W-. Lent. [Five sermons.] {In his Day by day duty.) Huntington, F. D. Days of Lent: selected readings. 1906. Kip, W. L History, object and proper observance of the holy season of Lent. .1853- Liddon, H. P. Some elements of religion: Lent lectures. 1872. Lilienthal, H. Lent, past and present. 1895. Mortimer, A. G. Lenten preaching. 1902. Contents: The Lenten epistles. — The example of our Lord. — The seven last words. Snyder, A. W. Through the forty days; addresses for Lenten and lay reading. C1908. Tilden, W. P. Leaflets for Lent. 1893. Leo the Great, St. Letters; Sermons; tr. by C. L. Feltoe, {In Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d ser., vol. XH.) Gore, C. Leo the Great, n. d, (Fathers for English readers.) Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 4.) Merivale, C. St. Leo the Great and the rise of the papacy. {In his Four lectures on early church history.) Leo XIII, pope. Great encyclical letters of Leo XHI, with preface by J. J. Wynne. 3d ed. N. Y. Benziger. C1903. Miller, J. B. Leo XHI and modern civiliza- tion. C1897. O'Reilly, B, Life of Leo XHI. 1887. Leo XIII and Anglican orders. Halifax, C. L. W., 2d viscount. Leonard, William Ellery. Poet of Galilee. N. Y. Huebsch. 1909. Sonnets and poems. Bost. Priv. pr. 1906. Lepers and leprosy. Jackson, J. In leper- land: being a record of my tour of 7,000 miles among Indian lepers, including an account of eleven days with Miss Mary Reed and her lepers. (2d ed.] 1907. — Mary Reed, missionary to lepers. 1900. Lepicier, Alexius Maria. Indulgences; their origin, nature and development. Lond. Paul. 1895. Le Rossignol, James Edward. Orthodox social- ism; a criticism. N. Y. Crowell. 1907. and Stewart, William Downie. State social- ism in New Zealand. N. Y. Crowell. C1910. Leroy, Edouard. New philosophy: Henri Bergson; tr. by Vincent Benson. N. Y. Holt. 1913. Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole. Collectivism ; a study of some of the leading questions of the day; tr. by Sir A. Clay. Lond. Murray. 1908. Empire of the Tsars and the Russians; tr. by Z. A. Ragozin. N. Y. Putnam. 1902-1905. 3v. Contents: L The country and its inhabitants. — n. The institutions. — IIL The religion. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. Nathan the Wise; tr. by Ellen Frothingham. N. Y. Ley- poldt. 1868. Smith, J. F. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. {In his Studies in religion under German masters.) Stahr, A. Life and works of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing; from the German by E. P. Evans, 1866. 2 v. Lessons from work. Westcott, B. F. Lester, Charles Stanley. The historic Jesus; a study of the synoptic gospels. N. Y. Putnam. 1912. Letoumeau, Charles. Evolution of marriage. Lond. Scott. 191 1. Letter to his holiness Pof)e Pius X. Chi. Open court. 1910. Letters from hell; given in English by L. W. J. S. N. Y. Funk. 1885. Letters to Sunday-school teachers on the great truths of the Christian faith. King, H. C. Letters to the seven churches of Asia. Rjamsay, W. M. Leuba, James Henry. Psychological origin and nature of religion. Chi. Open court. n. d. Leupp, Francis Ellington. The Indian and his problem. N. Y. Scribner. 1910. Levasseur, Pierre Emile. American workman. Amer. transl. by T. S. Adams; ed. by T. Marburg. Bait. Johns Hopkins press. C1900. Lewes, George Henry. Biographical history of philosophy from its origin in Greece down to the present day, N. Y. Appleton. .1863. Life of Goethe. Lond. Smith. 1864. Lewin, Raphael D'C. What is Judaism? N. Y. Appleton. 1870, Lewin, Thomas. Life and epistles of St. Paul. 3d ed. N. Y. Scribner. 1875. 2v. 178 Catalogue General Theological Library Lewis, Abram Herbert. Critical history of Sunday legislation from 321 to 1888. N. Y. Appleton. 1888. Paganism surviving in Christianity. N. Y. Putnam. 1892. Sabbath and the Sunday. Alfred Centre [N. Y.]. Amer. tract soc. 1870. Lewis, Arthur D. Syndicalism and the general strike; an explanation. Bost. Small. [1912.] Lewis, John. History of the life and sufferings of John Wiclif. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1820. Lhamon, W. J. Heroes of modern missions. St. Louis. Christian pub. co. C1899. Lias, John James. Epistles to the Corinthians, with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1879-80. 2 v. (Cambr. Bible.) First epistle to the Corinthians. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 19 10. (Cambr. Greek Test.) Judges, with notes and introduction. Camb, [Eng.] Univ. press, 1882. (Cambr. Bible.) Nicene creed. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1897. Liberal education and liberal faith. Thwing, C. F. Liberalism. Eliot, C. W, Progressive liberal- ism in the closing and the opening century. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Liberty. Brierley, J. Liberty. (/« Ais Secret of living.) Brooks, P. Law of liberty. {In his Candle of the Lord, and other sermons.) Bushnell, H. Liberty and discipline. [Ser- mon.] {In his Christ and his salvation.) Dickinson, G. L. Justice and liberty. 1908. Jefferson, C, E. Liberty, its dangers and duties. {In his New crusade: occasional sermons.) Mill, J, S. On liberty. 5th ed. 1868. See also Democracy; Freedom; Religious liberty; Slavery. Liberty, and other sermons. Brent, C. H, Liberty of conscience. See Religious liberty; Toleration. Liberty of prophesying. Henson, H. H. Liberty of the press. Putnam, G. H. Cen- sorship of the Church of Rome, and its influence upon the production and distri- bution of literature. 1906-7. 2v. Lichtenberger, Frederic Auguste. History of Germany theology in the nineteenth cen- tury; tr, by W, Hastie, Edin. Clark. 1889. Liddon, Henry Parry. Clerical life and work; sermons. Lond. Longm. 1894. Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 4th ed. Lond. Rivington. 1869, (Bamp, lect.) Easter in St. Paul's; sermons chiefly on the resurrection of our Lord. N, Y. Dutton. 1885. Explanatory analysis of St. Paul's epistle to the Romans. Lond. Longm, 1893. Explanatory analysis of St. Paul's first epistle to Timothy, Lond. Longm, 1897, Five minutes after death, {In Famous sermons by English preachers. Macleane, D., ed.) Liddon, Henry Parry — Continued. Life of Edward Bouverie Pusey. Lond. Longm. 1893, 4v. Passiontide sermons. Lond. Longm. 1891. Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, 2d ed, Lond. Rivington, 1869. Same. 2d ser, N. Y. Dutton. 1880. Some elements of religion: Lent lectures. N. Y. Dutton. 1872. Johnston, J, O. Life and letters of Henry Parry Liddon. 1905. Russell, G. W, E. Dr. Liddon, 1905. (Leaders of the church,) Wilkinson, W, C, Henry Parry Liddon. {In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse.) Lidgett, John Scott. The Christian religion: its meaning and proof. Lond. Culley. 1907, Fatherhood of God. Edin. Clark. 1902. Spiritual principle of the atonement, Lond. Kelly. 1898. Life. Lodge, Sir O. J. Life and matter: a criticism of Haeckel's " Riddle of the universe." 1905. Thomson, W. H. What is physical life? 1909. Wallace, A. R. World of life. 191 1. Wilder, S. Life; its nature, origin and de- velopment. 1886. Life insurance. Dryden, J. F. Addresses and papers on life insurance, 1909. Life of the universe, Arrhenius, S, 2v. Liggins, John. Great value and success of foreign missions, N. Y. Baker. cl888. Light from the ancient E^st. Deissmann, A, Light of Asia. Arnold, Str E. Light of Asia and the Light of the world. Kel- logg, S. H. Light of the world. Arnold, Sir E. Lightfoot, Joseph Barber. The apostolic fathers; revised texts with introductions, notes, dissertations and translations. Part n. S, Ignativs, S, Polycarp. Lond. Macm. 1885. 2v. in 3, Biblical essays, Lond. Macm. 1903. Contents: I-III. Evidence of the authenticity and genuineness of St. John's gospel. — IV. St. Paul's preparation for the ministry. — V. Chronology of St, Paul's life and epistles. — VI. Churches of Mace- donia. — VII. Church of Thessalonica. — VIII, Mis- sion of Titus to the Corinthians. — IX. Structure and destination of the epistle to the Romans. — X, Destination of the epistle to the Ephesians. — XI, Date of the pastoral epistles. — XII. St. Paul's his- tory after the close of the Acts. Dissertations on the apostolic age, Lond. Macm, 1892, Leaders in the northern church. Lond. Macm. 1890. St. Paul's epistle to the Galatians. Andover. Draper, 1870. St. Paul's epistle to the Philippians. Lond. Macm. 1869. St. Paul's epistles to the Colossians and Philemon; revised text with notes, Lond. Macm, 1875, Vision of God. [Sermon.] {In Anglican pulpit of to-day.) and others. Revision of the English version of the New Testament, N, Y, Harper. 1873- Benson, A. S. {In his Leaves of the tree.) Catalogue General Theological Library 179 Lights and shadows of a long episcopate. Whipple, H. B. Lights and shadows of church life. Stoughton, J, Liguori, Alfonso Maria di, St. (St. Alphonsus.) History of heresies and their refutation; tr. by Dr. Mullock. 2d ed. Dublin [Irel.]. Duffy. 1857. Lilienthal, Hermann. Lent, past and present. N. Y. Whittaker. 1895. Lilley, Alfred Leslie. Adventus regni: sermons chiefly on the parables of the kingdom. Lond. Griffiths. 1907. Modernism; a record and a review. N. Y. Scribner. 1908. Lily among thorns; a study of the biblical drama entitled The Song of songs. Griffis, W. E. Lin Shao-Yang. A Chinese appeal to Christen- dom concerning Christian missions. N. Y. Putnam. 191 1: Lincoln, Abraham. Speeches and letters. 1832- 1865. Lond. Dent. C1894. Abbot, F. E., and others. Lincolniana. 1865. Funeral sermons, speeches, eulogies and letters. Andrews, M. R. S. The perfect tribute. 1908. Bancroft, G. Memorial address on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln. 1866. Holland, J. G. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1866. Jackson, S. T. Lincoln's use of the Bible. CI909. Kirk, E. N., and others. Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln. 1865. Larned, J. N. Lincoln: simplest in greatness. {In his Study of greatness in men.) Lord, J. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 12.) Morse, J. T. Abraham Lincoln. C1893. 2v. (Amer. statesmen.) Newton, J. F. Lincoln and Herndon. 19 10. Nicolay, J. G. Short life of Abraham Lincoln. 1904. Phillips, W. Abraham Lincoln. [Address at Tremont Temple, Apr. 23, 1865.] Rothschild, A. Lincoln, master of men. 1908. Schurz, C. Abraham Lincoln; an essay. C1891. Storrs, R. S. Abraham Lincoln. {In his Orations and addresses.) Tarbell, L M. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1908. 2V. Lindsay, A. D. Philosophy of Bergson. N. Y. Hodder. 191 1. Lindsay, Thomas Martin. Church and ministry in the early centuries. N. Y. Armstrong. 1902. History of the reformation. N, Y. Scribner. 1906. 2v. (Int. theol. libr.) I. Reformation in Germany. IL Reformation in the lands beyond Ger- many. Luther. {In Camb. mod. hist., vol. L) Lindsay, Benjamin Barr, and O'Higgins, Harvey Jerrold. The beast. N. Y. Doubleday. 1910. Steffens, L. Lindsey, the just judge. {In his Upbuilders, chap. HL) Lingard, John. History and antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon church. Lond. Cath. pub. CO. 1858. 2V. Liim, William Alexander. Story of the Mor- mons from the date of their origin to the year 1901. N. Y. Macm. 1902. Lipman, Jacob Goodale. Bacteria in relation to country life. 3d ed. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. (Rural sci. ser.) Liquor problem. See Temperance. Lisle, William M. Evolution of spiritual man. Bost. Silver. 1894. Literature. Guthrie, K. S. Spiritual message of literature. 1905. Kelman, J. Among famous books. 2d ed. C1912. Contents: I. The gods of Greece. — II. Marius the Epicurean. — III. The two Fausts. — IV. Celtic revi- vals of paganism. — V. John Bunyan, — VI. Pepys' Diary. — VII. Sartor Resartus. — VIII. Pagan re- actions. — IX. Mr. Chesterton's point of view. — X. The Hound of Heaven. Mosher, W. E. Promise of the Christ -age in recent literature. 1912. Moulton, R. G. World literature and its place in general culture. 19 11. Schopenhauer, A. Art of literature. (Scho- penhauer series, 4.) See also American literature; American poets; English literature; English poets and poetry; Essays; Novels and novelists; Poetry; Poets; Religious fiction; Religious poetry; Romanticism. Literature and dogma. Arnold, M. Littell, John Stockton. Historians and the English reformation. Mil. Young churchm. 1910. Little, William John Knoz. Holy matrimony. Lond. Longm. 1900. (Oxford libr, of practical theology.) Littledale, Richard Frederick, joint author. See Neale, J. M., and Littledale, R. F. Littlefield, Milton Smith. Hand-work in the Sunday school. Phila. S. S. times. C1908. Littlejohn, Wolcott H. Constitutional amend- ment; or. The Sunday, the Sabbath, the change and restitution. Battle Creek [Mich.]. 1873. Liturgical services. Bost., etc. Pilgrim press. C1903. Liturgies. Amer. Unit. Assoc. Book of prayer, and praise for congregational worship. 1893. — Five services for public worship, with services for special occasions. 1895. Chautauqua hymnal and liturgy. CI903. Christian liturgy and Book of common prayer of the Apostolic Catholic, or Universal church of Christ. 1845. Duchesne, L. Christian worship; its origin and evolution; a study of the Latin liturgy up to the time of Charlemagne. 1904. Eutaxia, or the Presbyterian liturgies: histori- cal sketches by a minister of the Presby- terian church. 1855. Gloria Patri revised. 1903. Liturgical services containing prayers ancient and modern, for use in the churches. CI903, Liturgies and other documents of the Ante- Nicene period. 1872. (Ante-Nicene Chris- tian library, vol. XXIV.) Same. {In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. VII.) i8o Catalogue General Theological Library LiTU RGiES — Continued . Liturgy of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church in North America. [1857.] MacArthur, R. S., and Bellamy, F. People's worship and Psalter. 1894. Maclean, A. J., transl. East Syrian daily offices, with notes. 1894. Neale, J. M., and Littledale, R. F. Liturgies of SS. Mark, James, Clement, Chrysostom, and Basil, and the Church of Malabar. 7th ed. [1869.] New Church General Convention. Book of worship. 1898. Swete, H. B. Church services and service- books before the reformation. 1896. [Thomas, R.] Liturgical services containing prayers ancient and modern for use in the churches. CI903. See also Book of common prayer; Jews. Liturgy. Ritual; Ministers; Pastoral offices; Worship; also Names of churches. Livermore, George. Historical research re- specting the opinions of the founders of the republic on negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. 4th ed. Bost. Williams. 1863. Living Way, The. Palmer, B. Livingstone, David. Adams, C. C. David Livingstone. {In Beacon lights of history, vol. 14. Lord, J.) Blaikie, W. G. Personal life of David Living- stone. Home, C. S. David Livingstone. 1913. Jack, J. W. Daybreak in Livingstonia. Speer, R. E. {In his Servants of the King.) Stanley, H. M. How I found Livingstone. 1887. Same. Cent, ed., with introd. by R. E. {In his Christian epoch- The Greek genius and its Oxford. Clarendon press. Speer. 1913- Vedder, H. C. makers.) Livingstone, R. W. meaning to us. 1912. Livius, T. S. Peter, bishop of Rome; or. The Roman episcopate of the prince of the apostles proved from the Fathers, history and archaeology. Lond. Burns. 1888. Lloyd, Arthur. Creed of half Japan; historical sketches of Japanese Buddhism. N. Y, Dutton. 1912. Lloyd, Arthur Selden. Christianity and the religions. N. Y. Dutton. C1909. Lloyd, Henry Demarest. Wealth against com- monwealth. N. Y. Harper. 1894. Lobstein, Paul. Virgin birth of Christ. N. Y. Putnam. 1903. (C. t. 1.) Locke, John. Essay concerning human under- standing. Phila. Kay. n. d. Philosophical works. Lond. 2V. Alexander, S. Locke, n. d. ancient and modern.) Hibben, J. G. Locke's inner and outer world. {In his Philosophy of the enlighten- ment.) Lodge, Henry Cabot. Daniel Webster. Bost. Houghton. 1 89 1. (Amor, statesmen.) George Washington. Bost. Houghton, C1889. (Amer. statesmen.) Bell. 1898. (Philosophies, Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph. A divine incarnation. (Hibbert journal supplement.) Ether of .space. N. Y. Harper. 1909. Immortality of the soul. Bost. Ball. 1908. Life and matter. N. Y. Putnam. 1905. Man and the universe. Lond. Methuen. n. d. Modem problems. N. Y. Doran. C1912. Non-church-going. See Gray, W. F., ed. Reason and belief. N. Y. Moffat. 1910. Science and immortality, N, Y. Moffat. 1908. Substance of faith allied with science; a catechism for parents and teachers. N. Y, Harper. 1907. Survival of man. N. Y. Moffat. 1909. joint author. Socialism and individualism. See Webb, S., and others. Loeppert, Adam John. Modernism and the Vatican. Cine. Jennings. [1912.] Lofthouse, W. F. Ethics and the family. Lond., etc. Hodder. [1912.] Ezekiel: introduction, revised version, with notes. N. Y, Frowde. n. d. (New cen- tury Bible.) Logic. Aristotle. Organon; or. Logical treat- ises of Aristotle; tr. with notes, etc., by O. F. Owen. 1908-10. 2v. Baldwin, J, M. Thought and things; a study of the development and meaning of thought, or genetic logic. 1906-1911. 3v. Davis, N. K. Elements of deductive logic, 1893. — Elements of inductive logic. 1896. Dewey, J. Studies in logical theory. New ed. 1909. Lotze, R. H. Outlines of logic. 1904. Mill, J. S. System of logic. 1846. Logic and life. Holland, H. S. Logic of Christian evidences. Wright, G. F. Logos. Walton, F. E, Development of the Logos-doctrine in Greek and Hebrew thought. 191 1. Loisy, Alfred. The gospel and the church; tr, by C. Home. N. Y. Scribner. 1909. A criticism of Hamack's What is Christianity? Religion of Israel; tr. by A. Galton. N. Y. Putnam. 1910. (C. t. 1, ) Emmet, C. W. M. Loisy and the gospel story; M. Loisy 's view of the resurrection. {In his The eschatological question in the gospels.) Sterrett, J. M. Abbe Loisy. {In his Free- dom of authority.) Lollards. Capes, W. W. The English church in the fourteenth and fifteenth cen- turies. 1903. (History of the English church, vol. III.) Gairdner, J. Lollardy and the reformation in England. 1908-1911. 3v. Lombroso, Cesare. After death — what? Spiritistic phenomena and their interpre- tation. Rendered into English by W. S, Kennedy. Bost. Small. C1909. London, Jack. War of the classes. N. Y. Macm. 1905. Contents: The class struggle. — The tramp. — The scab. — The question of the maximum. — A review. — Wanted: a new law of development. — How I became a socialist. Catalogue General Theological Library i8i London Missionary Society. Morison, J. Fathers and founders of the London Mis- sionary Society, n. d. Long day. See [Richardson, D.] Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Complete poetical works. Camb. ed. Bost. Hough ton. C1893. Poems. N. Y. Crowell. C1893. Poetical works. Bost. Ticknor. 1867. transl. See Dante Alighieri. Higginson, T. W. Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow. C1902. (Amer. men of letters.) Lonsdale, Margaret. Sister Dora. From 6th Engl. ed. Bost. Roberts. 1880. Loofs, Friedrich Armin. What is the truth about Jesus Christ? N. Y. Scribner. 19 13. Loomis, Samuel Lane. Modern cities and their religious problems. N. Y. Baker. C1887. Lord, John. Beacon lights of history. N. Y. Clarke. [1902.] 14V. Same. General index. Lord's Prayer, The. Aked, C. F. The Lord's prayer: its meaning and message for to-day. CI910. Baldwin, G. C. The model prayer. 1871. Boardman, G. D. Studies in the model prayer. 1879. Clarke, J. F. The Lord's prayer. 1891. Dods, M. The prayer that teaches to pray. 1900. Farrar, F. W. The Lord's prayer: sermons. CI 893. Gladden, W. The Lord's prayer: seven homilies. ci88o. Goodell, C. L. The universal prayer. {In his Pathways to the best.) Gore, C. Prayer and the Lord's prayer. 1905. Hall, A. C. A. Meditations on the Lord's prayer. C1884. Hare, A. W. The Lord's prayer. [Seven sermons.] {In his Alton sermons.) Jones, J. D. The model prayer; a series of expositions on " The Lord's Prayer," 3d ed. N. Y. Doran. 1909. Kingsley, C. The Lord's prayer. {In his Sermons for the times.) Maurice, F, D. The Lord's prayer; sermons. 1872. Pike, G. R. The family of God. {In his Divine drama.) Richards, W. R. A study of the Lord's prayer. 1909. Tuthill, C. J. The model prayer. Tyrrell, G. Lex credendi: a sequel to Lex orandi. 1906. Vaughan, C. J. The Lord's prayer. {In his Four courses of Lent lectures.) Lord's Supper. Adamson, R. M. Christian doctrine of the Lord's supper. 1905. Fox, N. Christ in the daily meal. 1898. Gore, C. Body of Christ; enquiry into the institution and doctrine of Holy Communion. 1901. Goulburn, E. M. Office of the Holy Com- munion. 1870. Gummey, H. R. Consecration of the Eu- charist. 1908. See Author entry. Herbert, C. The Lord's supper: uninspired teaching. Lond. Seeley. 1879. 2v. L From Clement of Rome to Photius. H. From Alfric to Canon Liddon. Lord's Supper — Continued. Jordan, W. T., and Hubbard, G. H. The Lord's supper. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Jowett, J. H. The supper of the Lord. {In his School of Calvary.) Newbolt, W. C. E. Sacrament of the altar. 1908. (Oxford libr. of practical theology.) Smith, D. Our Lord's desire for the com- munion: a sacramental sermon. {In his Man's need of God.) Stanley, A. P. The Eucharist. {In his Christian institutions.) Tyng, S. H. The feast enjoyed: illustrative of the Lord's supper. ci868. Wilkinson, W. C. Baptist principle in application to baptism and the Lord's supper. C1897. Wright, J. Restoration of the reservation of the Blessed Sacrament for the sick. C1904. See also Communion; Eucharist; Transub- stantiation. Lorenz, Edmund Simon. Otterbein hymnal. Dayton [O.]. U. B. pub. house. 1900. Practical church music; a discussion of pur- poses, methods and plans. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI909. Lorgues, RoseUy de. Life of Christopher Columbus, compiled from the French of Roselly de Lorgues by J. J. Barry. N. Y, Amer. news co. 1869. Lorimer, George Claude. Christianity and the social state. Phila. Rowland. 1898. Christianity in the nineteenth century. Phila. G. & R. press. 1900. Jesus the world's Savior. Chi. Griggs. 1883. Messages of to-day to the men of to-morrow. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1896. The modern crisis in religion. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1904. (Int. pulpit.) Lorimer, Peter. John Knox and the Church of England; his work in her pulpit and his influence upon her liturgy, articles and parties. Lond. King. 1875. Loring, Augustus Peabody. A trustees' hand- book. 2d ed. Bost. Little. 1900. Lost forever. Townsend, L. T. Lot, Old Testament patriarch. Matheson, G. Lot the lingerer. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Ishmael to Daniel.) Whyte, A. Lot. {In his Bible characters: Adam to Achan.) Lothrop, Samuel Elirkland. History of the church in Brattle St., Boston. Bost. Crosby. 1851. Lotze, Rudolf Hermann. Microcosmus; an essay concerning man and his relation to the world; tr. by E. Hamilton and E. E. C. Jones. N. Y. Scribner. 1885. 2 v. Outlines of logic; tr. by G. T. Ladd. Bost. Ginn. 1904. Outlines of metaphysic; tr. by G. T. Ladd, Bost. Ginn. 1884. Outlines of practical philosophy; ed. by G. T. Ladd. Bost. Ginn. 1885. Outlines of psychology; tr. by G. T. Ladd. Bost. Ginn. ci886. Outlines of the philosophy of religion; ed. by G. T. Ladd. Bost. Ginn. 1885. 1 82 Catalogue General Theological Library Louis IX, king of France, St. Guizot, F. P. G. Saint Louis and Calvin. 1870. (Great Christians of France.) Lovat, Alice, Lady. Life of St. Teresa, taken from the French of "A Carmelite nun," with a preface by R. H. Benson. Lond. Herbert. 1912. Love. Abbey, C.J. Divine love; its sternness, breadth and tenderness. 1900. Beecher, H. W. Love, the common law of the universe. {In his Sermons, 5th ser.) Campbell, R. J. Love destroying and restor- ing. (In his New theology sermons.) Dawson, W. J. The empire of love. 1907. Drummond, H. The greatest thing in the world. 1897. Hopkins, M. Law of love and love as a law. 1872. Newman, J. H. Love, the one thing needful. (In his Parochial and plain sermons, vol. V.) Roads, C. The primitive law of love; The second law of love; The law of love for the larger Christian life. (In his Man with a conscience.) Love and wisdom of God. King, E. Love enthroned. Steele, D. Love of God revealed to the universe by man's redemption. Bradley, J. H. Love's ascent. Brett, J. Love, William De Loss. Fast and thanksgiving days of New England, Bost. Houghton. 1895- Samson Occom and the Christian Indians of New England. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1899. Lovett, Richard. The printed English Bible. 1525-1885. Lond. Rel. tract, soc. 1909. Tamate; the life story of James Chalmers; told for young people. N. Y. Revell. 1904. ed. James Chalmers; his autobiography and letters. N. Y. Revell. 1902. ed. James Gilmour of Mongolia; his diaries, letters and reports. N. Y. Revell. [1892.] Low, Alfred Maurice. The American people; a study in national psychology. Bost. Houghton. 1909-11. 2v. Lowder, Charles Fuge. Twenty-one years in St. George's mission. Lond. Rivington. 1877. Lowell. Kenngott, G. F. Record of a city. 1912. Lowell, Edward Jackson. Eve of the French revolution. Bost. Houghton. 1892. Lowell, James Russell. Complete poetical works. Camb. ed. Bost. Houghton. C1897. Letters, ed. by C. E. Norton. N. Y. Harper. 1894. 2 v. Poems. N. Y. Crowell. C1892. Poetical works. Bost. Fields. 1869. Lowell, Percival. Mars as the abode of life. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Soul of the far East. Bost. Houghton. 1888. Lowell Institute lectures. 1852-9. Greece, ancient and modern, Felton, C. C. 2V. 1880. Events and epochs in religious history. Clarke, J. F. 1880. Theistic argument. Diman, J. L, 1891. Evolution of Christianity, Abbott, L. Lowell Institute lectures — Continued, 1894, Ascent of man. Drummond, H. 1895. Expansion of religion. Donald, E. W, 1898. Divine force in the life of the world. McKenzie, A. 1909, What have the Greeks done for modern civilization? Mahaffy, J. P. 1910, Heredity. Castle, W. E. 191 1, Mind of primitive man. Boas, F. Lowrie, Samuel Thompson. Explanation of the epistle to the Hebrews, N, Y. Carter. C1884. Lowrie, Walter. Monuments of the early church. N. Y. Macm. 1906. Lowth, Robert. Lectures on the sacred poetry of the Hebrews. Bost. Buckingham. 1815. Loyalty. McClure, J, G, K, Loyalty, 1905. Royce, J. Loyalty and insight. (In his William James and other essays.) Commencement address, Simmons College. — Philosophy of loyalty. 1908. — Religion of loyalty. (In his Sources of religious insight.) Loyalty to church and state. SatoUi, F. Loyola, Ignatius de, St. Manresa; or, The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius. N. Y., etc. Benziger. n. d, Hughes, T, Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits, 1892, Lord, J, (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 3.) Taylor, I. Loyola: and Jesuitism in its rudiments. 1849. Walker, W. Ignatius Loyola. (In his Great men of the Christian church.) Loyson, Charles Jean Marie Augustin. (P^re Hyacmthe.) My last will and testament; tr. by F. Ware, with introduction by F. W. Farrar. Lond., etc. Cassell. 1895. Lubbock, John, ist baron Avebury. Origin of civilization, and the primitive condition of man. N. Y. Appleton. 1870. Lucas, Bernard. Christ for India: a presenta- tion of the Christian message to the religious thought of India. N. Y. Macm. 1910. The empire of Christ. Lond. Macm. 1907. A study of missions in India. Luckock, Herbert Mortimer. After death; examination of the testimony of primitive times respecting the state of the faithful dead, and their relationship to the living. N. Y. Whittaker. 1880. Footprints of the apostles as traced by St. Luke in the Acts. Lond, Longm. 1897. 2v. History of marriage, Jewish and Christian, in relation to divorce, and certain forbidden degrees. Lond. Longm. 1894. Intermediate state between death and judg- ment. N. Y. Whittaker. 1890. Lucretius Cams, Titus. Lucretius on the nature of things; tr. by C. Bailey. Oxford. Clar- endon press. 19 10. Santayana, G. Lucretius. (In his Three philosophical poets.) Ludlow, James Meeker. Deborah; a tale of the times of Judas Maccabaeus. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1901. Incentives for life, personal and public. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1902. Catalogue General Theological Library 183 Ludovici, Anthony M. Nietzsche; his life and works. N. Y. Dodge pub. co. n. d. (Philosophies, ancient and modern.) Liinemann, Gottlieb. Thessalonians. Edin. Clark. 1880. (Meyer, H. A. W. Crit. and exeg. commentary on the N. T.) Hebrews. Edin. Clark. 1882. (Meyer, H. A. W. Crit. and exeg. commentary on the N. T.) Liitzow, Franz Heinrich H. von, Count. Life and times of Master John Hus. Lond. Dent. 1909. Luke, St. Harnack, A. Luke the physician, author of the third gospel and Acts of the apostles; tr. by J. R. Wilkinson. 1907. (C. t. 1.) Howson, J. S. St. Luke. {In his Com- panions of St. Paul.) Milligan, G. The four evangelists — St. Luke. {In Men of the N. T. Milligan, G., and others.) Ramsay, W. M. Luke the physician, and other studies in the history of religion. 1908. Lull, Raymund, missionary to the Saracens. Maclear, G. F. Raymund Lull, {In his Apostles of mediaeval Europe.) Vedder, H. C. {In his Christian epoch- makers.) Zwemer, S. M. Raymund Lull. C1902. Ltunby, Joseph Rawson. Acts with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1904. (Cambr. Greek Test.) Acts with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1879. 2v. (Cambr. Bible.) Epistles of St. Peter. N. Y. Armstrong. 1893. (Expositor's Bible.) First and second books of Kings with intro- duction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1888. (Cambr. Bible.) Lundy, John Patterson. Monumental Chris- tianity; or. The art and symbolism of the primitive church. N. Y. Bouton. 1876. Lupton, Joseph Hirst. St. John of Damascus. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1882. (Fathers for Engl, readers.) Lusk, Hugh H. Social welfare in New Zealand. N. Y. Sturgis. 1913. Luthardt, Christoph Ernst. Apologetic lec- tures on the fundamental truths of Chris- tianity; tr. by S. Taylor. 4th ed. Edin. Clark. 1876. History of Christian ethics; tr. by W. Hastie. Edin. Clark. 1889. Luther, Martin. Method and fruits of justifica- tion. {In World's great sermons, vol. L Kleiser, G., comp.) Primary works, ed. by Wace and Buchheim. Lond. Hodder. 1896. Table talk; tr. and ed. by W. Hazlitt, with a memoir by A. Chalmers. Lond. Bell. 1878. (Bohn's standard libr.) Brooks, P. Martin Luther: address, four hundredth anniversary of his birth. {In his Essays and addresses.) Burns, J. {In his Revivals: their laws and leaders.) Clarke, J. F. {In his Events and epochs in religious history.) Luther, Martin — Continued. Harnack, A. Martin Luther, the prophet of the reformation. {In Prophets of the Christian faith.) Jacobs, H. E. Martin Luther, the hero of the reformation. 1898. (Heroes of the reformation.) Kostlin, J. Life of Luther. 1883. — Theology of Luther; tr. by C. E. Hay. C1897. 2V. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 3) ... McGiflFert, A. C. Martin Luther and his work. 191 1. — Martin Luther. {In his Protestant thought before Kant, chap. H.) Mozley, J. B. Luther. {In his Essays, historical and theological, vol. I.) Smith, H. P., the younger. Life and letters of Martin Luther. 191 1. Tulloch, J. {In his Leaders of the reforma- tion.) Walker, W. Martin Luther. {In his Great men of the Christian church.) Waring, L. H. Political theories of Martin Luther. 1910. Lutheran church. Christian book of concord; or. Symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran church. 2d ed. Transl. New- market [Va.]. S. C. Hcnkel. 1854. Contents: The three chief symbols. — The unaltered Augsburg confession. — Apology of the Augsburg confession. — The Smalcald articles. — The smaller catechism. — The larger catechism. — Formula of concord, pts. I-II. Lutheran church. History. Jacobs, H. E. History of the Evangelical Lutheran church in the United States. 1893. (Amer. church history, vol. IV.) Krauth, C. P. Conservative reformation and its theology: as represented in the Augsburg confession, and in the history and literature of the Evangelical Lutheran church. 1872. Neve, J. L. Brief history of the Lutheran church in America. 1904. Wordsworth, J. National church of Sweden. 1911. (Hale lect.) Liturgy. Ritual. Common service for the use of evangelical Lutheran congregations. Phila. Luth. publ. soc. CI 888. Same. With music. Lutheran Liturgical Association, Memoirs. I-VII. 1906. Lutheran Liturgical Association. Memoirs. I-VlI. Pittsburgh [Pa.], L, L. assoc, 1906. 7v. in I. Lutkin, Peter Christian. Music in the church. Mil. Young churchm. 1910. (Hale lect.) Lux mundi. Gore, C, ed. Luzzi, Giovanni. Struggle for Christian truth in Italy. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1913. Lyman, Albert Josiah. Christian pastor in the new age. N. Y. Crowell. C1909. — Three greatest maxims of the world, Bost. Pilgrim press, C1911. 1 84 Catalogue General Theological Library Lyman, Eugene William. Theology and human problems; a comparative study of absolute idealism and pragmatism as interpreters of religion. N. Y. Scribner. 1910. (N. W. Taylor lect.) Lyman Beecher lectures on preaching. See Yale lectures on preaching. Lynch, Frederick, New opportunities of the ministry. N. Y. Revell. 1912. Peace problem the task of the twentieth cen- tury. N. Y. Revell. 191 1. Lynn. First Universalist Church. By- laws of the parish; Historical address, by E. M. Burrill; Program of the seventy- fifth anniversary; Register of ministers, etc. 1908. Lyon, David Gordon, and Moore, George Foot, eds. Studies in the history of religions presented to Crawford Howell Toy. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Lyon, Mary, founder of Mt. Holyoke College. Fisk, F. Recollections of Mary Lyon. ci866. Gilchrist, B. B. Life of Mary Lyon. 1910. Winship, A. E. Mary Lyon. (7» his Great American educators.) Lyon, William Hector. Study of the sects. Bost. Unit. S. S. soc. 1892, Lyttelton, Arthur Tempel. Place of miracles in religion. Lond. Murray. 1899. (Hul- sean lect.) Lyttelton, Edward. Studies in the Sermon on the Mount. N. Y. Longm. 1905. Training of the young in the laws of sex. Lond. Longm. 19 12. Lyttelton, Lord George. Observations on the conversion and apostleship of St. Paul in a letter to Gilbert West. New ed. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1799. Lytton, Edward Robert Lytton Bulwer- (Owen Meredith, pseud.). New poems, by Owen Meredith. Bost. Ticknor. 1868. 2v. Maas, Anthony John. Christ in type and prophecy. N. Y. Benziger. 1893. 2 v. Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Book of Christmas. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Essays on work and culture. N. Y. Dodd. , J907. Mabie, Hemy Clay. Divine reason of the cross. N. Y. Revell. 191 1. Divine right of missions. Phila. G. & R. press. 1908. How does the death of Christ save us? or, The ethical energy of the cross. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1908. Meaning and message of the cross. N. Y. Revell. C1906. Method in soul-winning on home and foreign fields. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1906. Task worth while; or, The divine philosophy of missions. Phila. Griffith. C1910. McAfee, Cleland Boyd. Greatest English classic; a study of the King James version of the Bible and its influence on life and literature. N. Y, Harper. 1912. Mosaic law in modern life. N. Y. Revell. CI 906. Studies in the Sermon on the Mount. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI910. McAfee, Joseph Ernest. World missions from the home base: a group of addresses and papers. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI911. Macalister, Robert Alexander Stewart. Bible sidelights from the mound of Gezer, a record of excavation and discovery in Palestine. N. Y. Scribner. 1906. History of civilization in Palestine. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1912. McArthur, Robert Stuart. Advent, Christmas, New Year, Easter, and other sermons. Phila. A. B. P. S. C1908. Current questions for thinking men. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1898. and Bellamy, Francis, eds. People's worship and psalter. Bost. Silver. 1894. Macaulay, Thomas Babington {Lord Macau- lay). Essays and poems. Bost. Estes. n. d. 3v. History of England from the accession of James the Second. Lond. Longm. 1849- 1855- 4v. Lays of ancient Rome. Lond. Longm. 1882. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 13.) Morley, J. {In his Critical miscellanies, vol. I.) Trevelyan, G. O. Life and letters of Lord Macaulay. 1887. 2v. McAuLEY, Jerry, founder of the Water St. Mission, Neiv York City. Offord, R. M., ed. Jerry McAuley, an apostle to the lost. 5th ed. C1907. Macauliffe, Max Arthur. The Sikh religion; its Gurus, sacred writings and authors. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1909. 6v. McBee, Silas. Eirenic itinerary; impressions of our tour, with addresses and papers on the unity of Christian churches. N. Y., etc. Longm. 191 1. " The journey was undertaken at the instance of Dr. John R. Mott, and in connection with the World's Student Christian Federation at Constantinople." McC.\BE, Charles Cardwell. Bristol, F. M. Life of Chaplain McCabe. C1908. McCabe, Joseph. The Bible in Europe; an inquiry into the contribution of the Chris- tian religion to civilization. Lond. Watts. 1907. Candid history of the Jesuits. N. Y. Put- nam. 1913. Decay of the church of Rome. Lond. Methuen. CI909. St. Augustine and his age. N. Y. Putnam. 1903. M'Cabe, Lorenzo Dow. Foreknowledge of God. Cine. Hitchcock. 1878. Maccabees, The. (The Hasmonean family.) See Judas Maccabaeus; also Jews. His- tory. N. T. times. McCheyne, Robert Murray. Bonar, A. A. Life of Robert Murray McCheyne. 1847. McClure, James G. K. Loyalty, the soul of religion. Chi. Revell. 1905. McClymont, James Alexander. St. John; in- troduction; revised version with notes. N. Y. Frowde. n. d. (New century Bible.) MacColl, Alexander. A working theology. N. Y. Scribner. 1909. Maccoll, Malcolm. Ammergau passion play. Lond. Rivington. 1870. Catalogue General Theological Library 185 Maccoll, Malcolm — Continued. " Damnatory clauses " of the Athanasian creed rationally explained in a letter to W. E. Gladstone. Lond. Rivington. 1872. The reformation settlement in the light of history and law. 6th impr. Lond., etc. Longm. 1899. McComas, Henry C. The psychology of religious sects. N.Y., etc. Revell. CI912. McComb, Samuel. Book of prayers for public and personal use. N. Y. Dodd. 1912. Christianity and the modern mind. N. Y. Dodd. 1910. Making of the English Bible. N. Y. MofTat. 1909. Power of self-suggestion. N. Y. Moffat. 1909. joint author. See Worcester, E., and McComb, S. joint author. See Worcester, E., and others. McComiell, Francis John. Christian focus; a series of college sermons. Cine. Jennings. C1911. Christmas sermons. Cine. Jennings. CI909. The diviner immanence. N. Y. Eaton. CI 906. Edward Gayer Andrews, bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church. N. Y. Eaton. CI909. Increase of faith: some present-day aids to belief. N.Y. Eaton. CI912. (Merrick lect.) Religious certainty. N. Y. Eaton. C1910. McConnell, Ray Madding. Criminal responsi- bility and social constraint. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1912. Duty of altruism. N. Y. Macm. 1910. McConnell, Samuel Davis. Christ. N. Y. Macm. 1904. Christianity: an interpretation. N. Y. Longm. 1912. Evolution of immortality. N.Y. Macm. 1901. History of the American Episcopal church from the planting of the colonies to the end of the civil war. N. Y, Whittaker. 1891. McCosh, James. Christianity and positivism. N. Y. Carter. 1871. Religious aspect of evolution. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1890. Scottish philosophy from Hutcheson to Hamilton. N. Y. Carter. 1875. Sloane, W. M., ed. Life of James McCosh. 1897. M'Crie, Thomas. Life of John Knox. Edin. Ogle. 1818. 2v. MacCulloch, John Amott. Religion of the ancient Celts. Edin. Clark. 191 1. MacCunn, John. Making of character; some educational aspects of ethics. N. Y. Macm. 1910. McCurdy, James Frederick. History, prophecy and the monuments. N. Y. Macm. 1 894-1901. 3v. Macdonald, Duncan Black. Aspects of Islam. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. (Hartford-Lamson lect.) Development of Muslim theology, jurispru- dence and constitutional theory. N. Y. Scribner. 1903. (Semitic ser.) The religious attitude and life in Islam. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. (Haskell lect.) Macdonald, George. Imagination, and other essays. Bost. Lothrop. C1883. Thomas Wingfold, curate. N. Y. Rout- ledge. 1876. Wilson, S. L. Theology of George Macdonald. (In his Theology of modern literature.) Wright, W. B. George Macdonald. (In his Master and men.) Macdonald, GreviUe. Child's inheritance, its scientific and imaginative meaning. Lond. Smith. 1910. Macdonald, James Madison. Life and writings of St. John. N. Y. Scribner. 1877. Macdonald, James Ramsay. Socialist move- ment. N. Y. Holt. C1911. Syndicalism: a critical examination. Chi. Open court, n. d. Macdonald, Loren Benjamin. Life in the making; an approach to religion through the method of modern pragmatism. Bost. Sherman. 191 1. MacDonald, Robert. Mind, religion and health, with an appreciation of the Emmanuel movement. N. Y. Funk. 1908. M'Donald, William. Spiritualism identical with ancient sorcery, N. T. demonology, and modern witchcraft: with the testimony of God and man against it. N. Y. Carlton. CI 866. McDougall, William. Introduction to social psychology. Lond. Methuen. 1909. McDowell, William Fraser. In the school of Christ. N. Y. Eaton. C1910. (Cole lect.) McElhinney, John J. Doctrine of the church. Phila. Claxton. 1871. MacFadyen, Dugald. Truth in religion: studies in the nature of Christian certainty. Lond. Macm. 191 1. MacFadyen, John Edgar. Book of the proph- ecies of Isaiah. N. Y. Macm. 1910. (Bible for home and school.) Cry for justice; a study in Amos. N. Y. Scribner. 1912. (Short course ser.) Introduction to the Old Testament. N. Y. Armscrong. 1905. Messages of the psalmists; the psalms of the Old Testament arranged in their natural grouping and freely rendered in paraphrase. N. Y. Scribner. 1904. (Messages of the Bible, VI.) Messages of the prophetic and priestly his- torians: writings of the historians of the Old Testament arranged so as to distin- guish their principal sources, and freely rendered in paraphrase. N. Y. Scribner. 191 1. (Messages of the Bible, IV.) Old Testament criticism and the Christian church. N. Y. Scribner. 1903. Prayers of the Bible. N. Y. Armstrong. 1906. M'Farland, Asa. Historical view of heresies, and vindication of the primitive faith. Concord [N. H.]. Hough. 1806. Macfarland, Charles Stedman. The infinite affection. Bost., etc. Pilgrim press. C1907. Jesus and the prophets; an historical, exegeti- cal and interpretative discussion of the use of Old Testament prophecy by Jesus and of his attitude towards it. N. Y. Putnam. 1905. 1 86 Catalogue General Theological Library Macfarland, Charles Stedman — Continued The spirit Christlike. Bost., etc. Pilgrim press. 1904. Spiritual culture and -social service. N. Y. Revell. C1912. ed. Christian ministry and the social order; lectures delivered in the Course in pastoral functions at Yale divinity school. New Haven. Yale Univ. press. 1909. ed. Christian unity at work; the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, 1912. N. Y. The Council. C1913. McGiffert, Arthur Cushman. The apostles' creed; its origin, its purpose and its his- torical interpretation. N. Y. Scribner. 1902. History of Christianity in the apostolic age. N. Y. Scribner. 1906. (Int. theol. libr.) Martin Luther, the man and his work. N. Y. Century. 191 1. Protestant thought before Kant. N. Y. Scribner. 191 1. McGilvary, Daniel. A half century among the Siamese and the Lao; an autobiography. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1912. McGlothlln, William Joseph. Baptist confes- sions of faith. Phila. A. B. P. S. C1911. McGowan, Francis Xavier. Sermons and moral discourses. N. Y. Pustet. [1897.] 2v. Macgregor, William Malcolm. Some of God's ministries. Edin. Clark. 1910. M'Hardy, Georjge. Higher powers of the soul. N. Y. Scribner. 1913. (Short course ser.) McIlvaine, Charles Pettit. Carus, W., ed. Memorials of Charles Pettit McIlvaine. 1882. M'Intosh, Hugh. Is Christ infallible and the Bible true? Edin. Clark. 1901. Mclntyre, James Lewis. Giordano Bruno. Lond. Macm. 1903. Mackay, Alexander Murdoch. H., J. W. Mackay of Uganda. By his sister. 1890. Mackay, Donald Sage. Religion of the thres- hold, and other sermons. N. Y. Arm- strong. 1908. Mackay, Robert William. The Tubingen school and its antecedents. Lond, Williams. 1863. Mackay, W. Mackintosh. The woman of tact, and other Bible types of modern women. [Sermons.] N. Y. Hodder. [1912.] McKeever, William Arch. Farm boys and girls. N.Y. Macm. 1912. (Rural sci. ser.) Training the boy. N. Y. Macm. 1913. McKenzie, Alexander. Cambridge sermons. Bost. Lothrop. C1888. Divine force in the life of the world. Bost., etc. Lamson. 1898. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Door opened. [Sermons.] Bost. Houghton. 1898. Lectures on the history of the First church in Camb. Bost. Cong. pub. soc. 1873. Mackenzie, Harriot. Evolution illuminating the Bible. Lond. Simpkin. 1891. Mackenzie, John Kenneth. Bryson, Mrs. M. I. John Kenneth Mackenzie. 1891. Mackenzie, John Stuart. Introduction to social philosophy. N. Y. Macm. 1890. Lectures on humanism. Lond. Sonnen- schein. 1907. Manual of ethics. Lond. Univ. press. 1897. Mackenzie, William Douglas. Christianity and the progress of man as illustrated by modern missions. Chi. Revell. C1897. The final faith. N. Y. Macm. 1910. McKim, Randolph Harrison. Gospel in the Christian year and in Christian experience: sermons. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1902. McKinley, Charles Ethelbert. Educational evangelism. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1905. McKinney, Alexander Harris. Bible school pedagogy. N. Y. Eaton. [1900.] Practical pedagogy in the Sunday school. N. Y. Revell. C1911. McKinstry, L. C. Redemption by the blood of Christ. Haverhill. Author. 1887. Mackintosh, Catharine Winkworth. Coillard of the Zambesi: lives of Francois and Christina Coillard, of the Paris miss, soc., in South and Central Africa. (1858- 1904.) Mackintosh, Hugh Ross. Doctrine of the per- son of Jesus Christ. N. Y. Scribner. 1912. (Int. theol. libr.) Mackmtosh, Robert. Christ and Jewish law. Lond. Hodder. 1886. Thessalonians and Corinthians with introduc- tion and notes. N. Y. Revell. n. d. (Westm. N. T.) Mackintosh, William. Natural history of the Christian religion. N. Y. Macm. 1894. Maclaren, Alexander. Beatitudes, and other sermons. Lond. Alexander. 1896. Christ's musts, and other sermons. Lond. Alexander. 1894. Epistles to the Colossians and Philemon. N. Y. Armstrong, n. d. (Expositor's Bible.) Expositions of Holy Scripture. N. Y. Arm- strong. 1908-10. i8v. Psalms. N. Y. Armstrong. 1894. 3v. (Expositor's Bible.) Pulpit prayers. 4th ed. N. Y. Hodder. [1909.J Secret of power, and other sermons. N. Y. Macm. 1882. Sermons preached in Manchester, ist-3d series. Lond. Macm. 1874. 3v. Week-day evening addresses delivered in Manchester. Lond. Macm. 1877. A year's ministry, first and second series. N. Y. Macm. 1884. 2v. Maclaren, E. T. Dr. Maclaren of Man- chester: a sketch. 2d ed. [1912.] Wilkinson, W. C. Alexander Maclaren. (In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse.) Maclaren, Elizabeth T. Dr. Maclaren of Manchester: a sketch. 2d ed. N. Y. Hodder. [1912.] Maclaren, Ian, pseud. See Watson, John. McLaughlin, James. My friend the Indian. Bost. Houghton. 1910. Maclean, Arthur John, ed. and transl. East Syrian daily offices. Lond. Rivington. 1894. Macleane, Douglas. Lancelot Andrewes and the reaction. Lond. Allen. 1910. Our island church; sketches from the history of English church and state. Lond. Allen. 1909. ed. Famous sermons by English preachers. Lond. Pitman. 191 1. Catalogue General Theological Library 187 Maclear, George Frederick. Apostles of mediae- val Europe. Lond. Macm. 1869. Gospel according to St. Mark. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1909. (Cambr. Greek Test.) Gospel according to St. Mark with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1881. (Cambr. Bible.) Macleod, Donald. Memoir of Norman Mac- leod. N. Y. Scribner. 1877. ed. New cyclopaedia of illustrative anecdote, religious and moral. N. Y. Randolph. 1872. McLeod, Malcolm James. Culture of simpli- city. N. Y. Revell. C1905. Unsearchable riches. N. Y. Revell. CI911. Macleod, Norman, and Guthrie, Thomas, eds. " Wind- wafted seed." N.Y. Carter. 1869. Flint, R. Norman Macleod. {In Scottish divines. 1505-1872.) Macleod, D. Memoir of Norman Macleod. 1877. McMaster, John Bach. ' Daniel Webster. N. Y. Cent. CO. 1902. History of the people of the United States. N. Y. Appleton. 1897. Vols. I-VII. Macmillan, Donald. Life of George Matheson. N. Y. Armstrong. 1907. McNeal, Edgar Holmes, joint author. See Thatcher, O. J., ajid McNeal, E. H. McNeile, Alan Hugh. Deuteronomy; its place in revelation. N. Y. Longm. 1912. Exodus, with introduction and notes. N. Y. Gorham. [1908.] (Westminster com.) Numbers with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1911. (Cambr. Bible.) McNeill, John. Sermons. N. Y. Revell. C1890. Vols. I, III. MacPhail, Malcolm Leod. Magnetism of the Bible. Phila. Amer. S. S. union. 1909. MacPhail, S. R. Colossians, with introduction and notes. Edin. Clark. 1911, (Hdbks. for Bible classes.) Macpherson, Hector. A century of intellectual development. Edin. Blackwood. 1907. Romance of modern astronomy. Phila. Lippincott. 191 1. MacPhie, J. P. The homeland of the Bible; travels and studies in the Holy Land and Egypt. 2d ed. Chi. Revell. 1903. Macran, F. W. English apologetic theology. Lond. Hodder. 1905. McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis. Some dog- mas of religion. Lond. Arnold. 1906. McTyeire, Holland Nimmons. History of Methodism. 8th thous. Nashville. So. Meth. pub. house. 1887. Madagascar. See Missions. Madsen, Albert Alonzo, joint author. See Curtis, E. L., and Madsen, A. A. Maeterlinck, Maurice. On Emerson, and other essays;tr. by M.J. Moses. N.Y. Dodd. 1912. Contents: Emerson. — Novalis. — Ruysbroeck. Magee, J. C. Apostolic organism. Cine. Cranston. 1890. Magee, William Connor. Gospel and the age: sermons. N. Y. Whittaker. 1884. Sermons. N. Y. Whittaker. 1888. Magi. Upham, F. W. The wise men: who they were and how they came to Jerusalem. 1873- Magic. Haddon, A. C. Magic and religion. (Religions anc. and mod.) Lang, A. Magic and religion. 1901. Thompson, R. C. Semitic magic. 1908. Thurston, E. Omens and superstitions of southern India. 1912. See also Comparative religion; Demonology; Religions; Witchcraft. Maguire, John Francis. Father Mathew. N. Y. Sadlier. 1864. Mahafify, John Pentland. Decay of modern preaching. N. Y. Macm. 1882. Descartes. Edin. Blackwood. 19 10. (Philos. classics for Engl, readers.) Greek life and thought. Lond. Macm. 1896. Story of Alexander's empire. N. Y. Putnam. 1894. (Story of the nations.) What have the Greeks done for modern civilization? N. Y. Putnam. 1909. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Harvest within; thoughts on the life of the Christian. Bost. Little. 1909. Maine, Sir Henry James Stunner. Ancient law. 3d Amer. from 5th Lond. ed. N. Y. Holt. C1864 by Charles Scribner. Mains, George Preston. Modern thought and traditional faith. N. Y. Eaton. C1911. Mair, Alexander. Studies in the Christian evidences. Edin. Clark. 1889. Maitland, Brownlow. Theism or agnosticism: essay on the grounds of belief in God. Lond. S. P. C. K. n. d. Maitland, Samuel Roffey. Dark ages. 6th ed. Lond. Hodges. 1890. Makower, Felix. Constitutional history and constitution of the Church of England. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1895. Malachi, O. T. prophet. Farrar, F. W. {In his Minor prophets.) Malan, Solomon Caesar. On ritualism. Lond, Saunders. 1867. Maiden, R. H. Foreign missions. Lond. Lortgm. 1 9 10. Mallalieu, Willard Francis. Fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. Cine. Jennings. 1903. The why, when, and how of revivals. N. Y. Eaton. 1 90 1. Malleson, Frederic Amadeus. Acts and epistles of St. Paul. Lond. Hodder. 1881. Mallock, William Hurrell. Doctrine and doc- trinal disruption; being an examination of the intellectual position of the church of England. Lond. Black. 1900. Reconstruction of religious belief. N. Y. Harper. 1905. Religion as a credible doctrine; study of the fundamental difficulty. N. Y. Macm. 1903. Malory, Sir Thomas. La mort d'Arthure; ed. by T. Wright. Lond. Smith. 1865. 3v. Maloy, Charles R. Life of St. Vincent de Paul. N. Y. Benziger. 1905. Man. Argyll, G. D. C, 8th duke of. Primeval man. 1869. Burgess, E. What is truth? An inquiry concerning the antiquity and unity of the human race; with an examination's^ of recent scientific speculations on those subjects. 1871. i88 Catalogue General Theological Librq^ry Man — Continued. Calderwood, H. Evolution and man's place in nature. 1893. Conder, C. R. Rise of man. 1908. Drummond, H. Ascent of man. 1894. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Duckworth, W. L. H. Man's origin and his place in nature. {In Cambridge theological essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Huxley, T. H. Man's place in nature, and other anthropological essays. 1909. Lubbock, J. Origin of civilization, and the primitive condition of man. 1870. Mechnikov, L L The nature of man; studies in optimistic philosophy by £lie Metchnikoff . . . English translation ed. by P. C. Mitchell. 1903. Quatrefages de Breau, J. L. A. de. The human species. 1898. (Int. sci. ser.) Seth,A. Man's place in the cosmos; Professor Huxley on nature and man. 1897. Shaler, N. S. Nature and man in America. 1891. Tyler, J. M. Man in the light of evolution. 1908. — Whence and whither of man. 1897. (Morse lect.) Wright, G. F. Origin and antiquity of man. 1912. See also Archaeology; Civilization; Creation; Ethnology; Evolution; Family; Heredity; Psychology; Religion; Sex; Sociology'; Woman; also Names of races. Doctrine of man. Briggs, G. W. Man. [Sermon.] {In Unitarian affirmations. Hedge, F. H., and others.) Heard, J. B. Tripartite nature of man. 1868. Hopkins, M. Outline study of man. C1878. — Scriptural idea of man. 1883. Laidlaw, J. Bible doctrine of man. 1879. Orr, J. God's image in man and its deface- ment. 1905. Robinson, H. W. Christian doctrine of man. 191 1. Shumaker, E. E. God and man; philosophy of the higher life. 1909. Thein, J. Christian anthropology. 1892. White, E. Life in Christ: a study of the Scripture doctrine on the nature of man, the object of the divine incarnation, and the conditions of human immortality. 3d ed. 1878. See also Future life; Religion; Salvation; Soul ; Theology. Prehistoric man. Winchell, A. Preadamites; or, A demon- stration of the existence of men before Adam ; together with a study of their condition, antiquity, racial affinities, and progressive dispersion over the earth. 2d ed. 1880. Man and the Bible. Picton, J. A. Man and the incarnation. Andrews, S. J. Man and the universe. Lodge, Sir O. J. Man and woman. Ellis, H. Man farthest down. Washington, B. T. Man in the image of God. [Sermon.] Gordon, G. A. Man in the light of evolution. Tyler, J. M. Man of to-day. Merriam, G. S. Man with a conscience. Roads, C. Man with one talent. [Sermon.] Brooks, P. Man with two talents. [Sermon.] Brooks, P. Man without a country. Hale, E. E. Man's place in the universe. Wallace, A. R. Manchuria. Missions. See Missions. China. Manhood. Beecher, H. W. Perfect manhood. {In his Sermons, 2d ser.) — The divine ideal of manhood. {In his City Temple sermons.) Campbell, R. J. Spiritual manhood. {In his Choice of the highest.) Dawson, W. J. Threshold of manhood. 1889. Johnston, H. A. Victorious manhood. CI909. Peabody, A. P. Manhood. {In his Bacca- laureate sermons.) Sallmon, W. H., ed. Culture of Christian manhood: Sunday mornings in Battell Chapel, Yale University. 1897. MANiCHiEiSM, an Oriental religion. Mozley, J. B. The Manichaeans and the Jewish fathers. {In his Ruling ideas in early ages.) Mankind and the church. Montgomery, H. H., ed. Mankind in the making. Wells, H. G. Manliness of Christ. Hughes, T. Manly, Basil. Bible doctrine of inspiration explained and vindicated. N. Y. Arm- strong. 1888. Mann, Cameron. Comments at the cross: six Lent sermons. N. Y. Whittaker. C1893. Mann, Charles Holbrook. Life within life; popular setting forth of Swedenborg's doctrine of degrees. Wash. New church educ. assoc. 1904. Mann, Horace. Lectures and annual reports on education. Cambridge. 1867. Mann, Mrs. M. Life of Horace Mann. 1865. Winship, A. E. {In his Great American educators.) Mann, Mrs. Mary. Life of Horace Mann. Bost. Walker. 1865. Mann, Newton. Evolution of a great literature; natural history of the Jewish and Christian scriptures. Bost. West. 1906. Import and outlook of socialism. Bost. West. C1910. Mann, William Justin. America in its relation to the great epochs of history. Bost. Little. 1902. Manning, Mrs. Charlotte. Ancient and mediae- val India. Lond. Allen. 1869. 2 v. Manning, Henry Edward, card. Bryce, J. {In his Studies in contemporary biography.) Hutton, A. W. Cardinal Manning. 1892. Purcell, E. S. Life of Cardinal Manning. 1896. 2V. Manning, Jacob Merrill. Half truths and the truth. Bost. Lee. 1872. Helps to a life of prayer. Bost. Lee. 1875. Sermons and addresses. Bost. Houghton. 1889. Manning, James, first president of Brown University. Guild, R. A. Life, times and correspondence of James Manning. 1864. Mant, Richard. Biographical notices of the apostles, evangelists and other saints. Oxford. Baxter. 1828. Catalogue General Theological Library 189 Mantle of Elijah. Zangwill, I. Marden, Orison Swett. Architects of fate. Bost. Houghton. 1896. Pushing to the front. Bost. Houghton. 1895. Marett, Robert Ranulph. Threshold of religion. Lond. Methuen. C1909. Margoliouth, David Samuel. Lines of defence of the biblical revelation. N. Y, Gorham. [1900.] Mohammedanism. Lond. Williams. [1912.] Mariam, a romance of Persia. Wilson, S. G. Marjoribanks, Thomas. Sevenfold I Am. N. Y. Scribner. 1913. (Short course ser.) Mark, St. Matheson, G. Mark the steadied. (In his Representative men of the N. T.) Milligan, G. The four evangelists: St. Mark. {In Men of the N.T.: Matthew to Timothy. Milligan, G., and others.) Mark, Harry Thiselton. Unfolding of personal- ity as the chief aim in education; some chapters in educational psychology. Chi. Univ. press. 19 12. Maronites, Christian sect of Syria. Bliss, F. J. The Maronites. {In his Religions of modern Syria and Palestine.) Marprelate controversy. See England. Church history. Marprelate tracts, The, 1588, 1589. Pierce, W., ed. Marquette, Jacques, Jesuit missionary and explorer. Sparks, J. P^re Marquette. (Amer. biography, vol. VL Sparks, J., ed.) Marriage. Forster, F. W. Marriage and the sex problem; tr. by M. Booth. 1913. Forsyth, P. T. Marriage: its ethic and reli- gion. 1912. Gray, G. Z. Husband and wife; or. Theory of marriage and its consequences. 1885. Hay, H. C. Marriage and divorce. {In Earthly problems in heavenly light.) History and philosophy of marriage; or. Polygamy and monogamy compared; by a Christian philanthropist. 1869. Letourneau, C. Evolution of marriage. 1911. Little, W. J. K. Holy matrimony. 1900. (Oxf. libr. of practical theology.) Luckock, H. M. History of marriage, Jewish and Christian, in relation to divorce and certain forbidden degrees. 1894. Morrow, P. A. Social diseases and marriage. 1904. Redder, H. C. Man and woman considered m their relations to each other and to the world. 1871. Smith, W. R. Kinship and marriage in early Arabia. New ed. 1903. Westermarck, E. A. History of human mar- riage. 1 89 1. 5ee c/50 Celibacy ; Divorce; Family; Women. Marriage and divorce. Adler, F. Mars. See Astronomy. Marsh, R. L. Faith healing: a defence. N. Y. Revell. 1889. Marsh, W. H. H. The New Testament church. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1898. Marshall, Alfred. Elements of economics of industry. Lond. Macm. 1907. Principles of economics. Lond. Macm. 1910. Marshall, John. Life of George Washington. Phila. Crissy. 1854. 2 v. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. II.) Marshman, John Clark. Life and labours of Carey, Marshman and Ward, the Serampore missionaries. N. Y. Ward. 1867. Marshman, Joshua. Marshman, J. C. Life and labours of Carey, Marshman and Ward. 1867. Marson, Charles Latimer. Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln. N. Y. Longm. 1901. Marston, Luther M. Essentials of mental healing: theory and practice. Bost. Au- thor. 1887. Martensen, Hans Lassen. Christian ethics; tr. by W. Affleck [and others]. Edin. Clark. 1881-5. 3v. (For. theol. libr.) Marti, Karl. Religion of the Old Testament; tr. by G. A. Bienemann. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. (C. t. 1.) Martin of Tours, St. Holmes, T. S. {In his Origin and development of the Christian church in Gaul, chap. VIL) Martin, Alfred William. Great religious teachers of the East. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. Martin, George Currie. Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, Philippians; introduction, notes, etc. N. Y. Frowde. [1902.] (New cen- tury Bible.) Martin, Samuel. Comfort in trouble; sermons. Lond. Hodder. 1878. Martin, William Alexander Parsons. Awaken- ing of China. N. Y. Doubleday. 1907. Martin, William Wallace. Manual of ecclesiasti- cal architecture. Cine. Jennings. C1896. Martin Marprelate controversy. See England. Church history. Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography. Bost. Osgood. 1877. 2 v. Household education. Bost. Houghton. 1880. Morley, J. {In his Critical miscellanies, vol. HI.) Martineau, James. Common prayer for Chris- tian worship. Bost. Walker. 1863. Endeavors after the Christian life. Bost. A. U. A. 1881. Essays, philosophical and theological. Bost. Spencer. 1866. 2 v. Essays, reviews and addresses. Lond. Longm. 1890-1891. 4v. Contents: Vol. I. Personal: Political. — Vol. II. Ecclesiastical: Historical. — Vol. III. Theological: Philosophical. — Vol. IV. Academical: Religious. Faith the beginning, self-surrender the fulfil- ment of the spiritual life. N. Y. Macm. 1897. Home prayers; with two services for public worship. Lond. Longm. 1900. Hours of thought on sacred things. First and second series. Bost. Roberts. 1876-80. 2V. Miscellanies. Bost. Crosby. 1852. Modern materialism in its relation to religion and theology. N. Y. Putnam. 1877. Religion as affected by modern materialism. N. Y. Putnam. 1875. Seat of authority in religion. 2d ed. Lond. Longm. 1890. Studies of Christianity. Bost. A. U. A. 1858. 190 Catalogue General Theological Library Martineau, James — Continued. Study of religion; its sources and contents. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1888. 2v. A study of Spinoza. Lond. Macm. 1882. Tides of the spirit: selections from [his] writings; ed., with an introduction, by Albert Lazenby. Bost. A. U. A. 1905. Types of ethical theory. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1886. 2v. Cadman, S. P. {In his Charles Darwin and other English thinkers.) Drummond, J. Life and letters of James Martineau. 1902. 2v. Jackson, A. W. James Martineau; a biog- raphy and a study. 1901. Martyn, Henry. Smith, G. Henry Martyn, first modern missionary to the Mohamme- dans. 1781-1812. n. d. Vedder, H. C. (/» his Christian epoch- makers.) Martyrology. Allard, P. Ten lectures on the martyrs. Authorised translation by L. Cappadelta. 1907. Chateaubriand, F. R., vicomle de. The martyrs. 1861. Fox, J. Book of martyrs; [with] alterations and additions by C. A. Goodrich. 1845. Marvin, Abijah Perkins. Life and times of Cot- ton Mather. Bost. Congr. publ. soc. C1892. Marvin, Frederic Rowland. Christ among the cattle: sermon. 5th ed. Troy [N. Y.]. Pafraets book co. 1908. Consecrated womanhood; with an introduc- tory notice by Frances Power Cobbe. N. Y. Wright. 1903. Excursions of a book-lover; being papers on literary themes. Bost. Sherman. 1910. Marx, Karl. Capital; a critical analysis of capitalist production; tr. from 3d Germ, ed. by S. Moore and E. Aveling. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1908. Wage-labor and capital, with preface by F. Engels; tr. by H. E. Lothrop. N. Y. N. Y. labor news co. 1902. (Arm and hammer ser.) Hyndman, H. M. Karl Marx. {In his Record of an adventurous life, chap. VL) Spargo, J. Karl Marx. 1910. Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. Adeney, W. F. Mary the mother of Jesus. {In his Women oftheN.T.) Bushnell, H. Mary, the mother of Jesus. {In his Sermons on living subjects.) Charles, Mrs. E. R. Mary the handmaid of the Lord. 1865. Clow, W. M. Mary the mother of Jesus. {In his Day of the cross: sermons.) Gibbons, J., card. The Blessed Virgin Mary. {In Women of the Bible. Chadwick, J. W., and others.) Matheson, G. Mary the guiding. {In his Representative women of the Bible.) Orsini, , abbi. Life of the B. V. Mary, Mother of God. From the French, by P. Power. 2d ed. Robertson, F. W. Glory of the Virgin mother. {In his Sermons preached at Brighton, 2d ser.) Whyte, A. Joseph and Mary. {In his Bible characters: Joseph and Mary to James, the Lord's brother.) Mary 0/ Bethany. Adeney, W. F. The sisters. [Mary and Martha.] {In his Women of the N. T.) Matheson, G. Mary the thought-reading. {In his Representative women of the Bible.) Newman, J. H. The good part of Mary. {In his Parochial and plain sermons, vol. in.) Potter, H. C. Mary and Martha. {In Women of the Bible. Chadwick, J. W., and others.) Mary of Magdala. Adeney, W. F. Mary Magdalene — adoration after deliverance. {In his Women of the New Testa- ment.) Clow, W. M. Mary Magdalene. {In his Day of the cross: sermons.) Whi^e, A, Mary Magdalene. {In his Bible characters: Joseph and Mary to James the Lord's brother.) Maskell, William. Present position of the High-church party in the established church of England considered. Lond. Longm. 1869. ed. Ancient liturgy of the Church of England according to the uses of Sarum, Bangor, York and Hereford, and the modern Roman liturgy arranged in parallel columns. 2d ed. Lond. Pickering. 1846. Mason, Arthur James. Conditions of our Lord's life on earth. N. Y. Longm. 1896. (Paddock lect.) Memoir of George Howard Wilkinson, Bishop of St. Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane, and Primus of the Scottish church. Shorter ed. Lond. Longm. 1910. Mason, Mrs. Caroline Atwater. Lux Christi; an outline study of India, a twilight land. N. Y. Macm. 1902. (United study of missions ser.) Mason, Edward Beech er. Ten laws; founda- tion for human society. N. Y. Randolph. C1897. Mason, William Lesley, comp. Glad tidings; collection of hymns new and old for the Sunday school. N. Y. Barnes. CI899. Maspero, Sir Gaston Camille Charles. Dawn of civilization; Egypt and Chaldaea. Ed. by A. H. Savce, tr. by M. L. McClure. 2d ed. Lond. ' S. P. C. K. 1896. Egypt; ancient sites and modern scenes; tr. by E. Lee. N. Y. Appleton. 191 1. Struggle of the nations; Egypt, Syria and Assyria; ed. by A. H. Sayce, tr. by M. L. McClure. N. Y. Appleton. 1897. Mass, The. Vaughan, H. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. 1881. (People's manual.) Massachusetts. History. Austin, G. L. History of Massachusetts. 1876. Hale, E. E. Story of Massachusetts. CI891. (Story of the states.) Colony and Province. Arber, E., ed. Story of the Pilgrim fathers, 1606-1623; as told by themselves, their friends and their enemies. Ed. from the original texts. 1897. Catalogue General Theological Library 191 Massachusetts. Colony and Province — Cont'd. Bradford, W. Bradford's history '; Of Plimoth plantation." From the original manuscript. With a report of the proceed- ings incident to the return of the manu- script to Massachusetts. 1898. Ellis, G. E. Puritan age and rule in the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, 1629- 1685. 1888. Johnson, E. Wonder-working Providence. 1628-1651. Ed. by J. Franklin Jameson. 1910. (Original narratives of early Ameri- can history.) See also New England, History; United States. History. Civil war. Schouler, W. History of Massachusetts in the civil war. 1868. Religious history. Packard, T. History of the churches and ministers in Franklin co., Mass. 1854. See also Congregational churches; Congrega- tionalism; New England; Pilgrim fathers; Puritans. Massachusetts Baptist convention. Eaton, W. H. Historical sketch of the Mass. Bapt. missionary society and convention, 1802-1902. CI903. Mass. Commission on the Cost of Living. Report. Bost. Wright. 19 10. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. See St. Bar- tholomew. Massie, John. Corinthians; introduction, au- thorized version, revised version with notes. N. Y. Frowde. n. d. (New century Bible.) Master of the heart. Speer, R. E. Addresses at the Northfield conferences. Master of the world. Slattery, C. L. Master's guide for His disciples, The. N. Y. Whittaker. 1894. Masterman, Charles Frederick Gumey. Fred- erick Denison Maurice. Lond. Mowbray. 1907. (Leaders of the church.) Studies in Galilee. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. Materialism. Flint, R. Anti-theistic the- ories. 1879. (Baird lect.) Hyslop, J. H. Materialism. {In his Prob- lems of philosophy.) Martineau, J. Modern materialism in its relation to religion and theology. 1877. — Religion as affected by modern material- ism. 1875. See also Kvolution; Rationalism; Soul. Mather, Cotton, eldest son of Increase Mather. Christian philosopher. Charlestown. Mid- dlesex bookstore. 1815. Magnalia Christi Americana; or. Ecclesiasti- cal history of New England from its first planting in the year 1620 unto the year of our Lord 1693. Hartford. Andrus. 1820. 2V. Wonders of the invisible world. Lond. Smith. 1862. (Libr. of old authors.) Marvin, A. P. Life and times of Cotton Mather. C1892. Peabody, W. B. O. Cotton Mather. N. Y. Harper. 1902. (Amer. biog., vol. XL Sparks, J., ed.) Mather, Increase, youngest son of Richard Mather. Remarkable providences illustra- tive of the earlier days of American coloni- zation. Lond. Smith. 1856. (Libr. of old authors.) Walker, W. {In his Ten New England leaders.) Mather, Richard, ancestor of the Mather family in America. Walker, W. {In his Ten New England leaders.) Matheson, George. Aids to the study of Ger- man theology. Edin. Clark. 1877. Can the old faith live with the new? Edin. Blackwood. 1885. Distinctive messages of the old religions. Edin. Blackwood. 1893. Growth of the spirit of Christianity from the first century to the dawn of the Lutheran era. Edin. Clark. 1877. 2v. Lady Ecclesia; an autobiography. N. Y. Dodd. 1897. Landmarks of New Testament morality. N. Y. Revell. 1890. Leaves for quiet hours. N. Y. Armstrong. 1904. Messages of hope. N. Y. Armstrong. 1908. Moments on the mount; a series of devotional meditations. 4th ed. N. Y. Armstrong. 1907. The psalmist and the scientist. New ed. Edin. Blackwood. 1891. Representative men of the Bible. N. Y. Armstrong. 1 902-1 903. 2 v. Representative men of the New Testament. N. Y. Armstrong. 1905. Representative women of the Bible. N. Y. Armstrong. 1907. Rests by the river; devotional meditations. N. Y. Armstrong. 1906. Sacred songs. 3ded. Edin. Blackwood. 1904. Spiritual development of St. Paul. Edin. Blackwood. 1890. Studies of the portrait of Christ. N. Y. Armstrong. 1900. 2v. Voices of the spirit. N. Y. Armstrong. 1903. Macmillan, D. Life of George Matheson. 1907. Mathew, Theobald, apostle of temperance. Maguire, J. F. Father Mathew. 1864. Mathews, Lois Kimball. Expansion of New England. Bost. Houghton. 1909. Mathews, Shaller. The church and the chang- ing order. N. Y. Macm. 1907. Gospel and the modern man. N. Y. Macm. 1910. History of New Testament times in Palestine, 175 B.C.-70 A.D. N. Y. Macm. 1906. (N. T. hdbks.) Same. Rev. ed. 19 10. Making of to-morrow; interpretations of the world of to-day. N. Y. Eaton. C1913. Messianic hope of the New Testament. Chi. Univ. press. 1905. (Univ. of Chi. Dec. publ.) Scientific management in the churches. Chi. Univ. press. CI912. Social gospel. Phila. Griffith. CI910. Social teaching of Jesus. N. Y. Macm. 1897. joint author. See Burton, E. D., and Mathews, S, 192 Catalogue General Theological Library Mathews, William. Literary style, and other essays. Chi. Griggs. 1881. Matter. Picton, J. A. Mystery of matter, and other essays. 1878. Matter and memory. Bergson, H. L. Matthew, St. Carpenter, W. B. Matthew. (In his Son of man among the sons of men.) Matheson, G. Matthew the exalted. {In his Representative men of the N. T.) Milligan, G. The four evangelists: St. Matthew. (/» Men of the N. T. Milligan, G., and others.) Whyte, A. (In his Bible characters: Joseph and Mary to James, the Lord's brother.) Matthews, Brander. American of the future, and other essays. N. Y. Scribner. 1909. Development of the drama. N. Y. Scribner. 1904. Matiirin, Basil William. Price of unity. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1912. Maude, Aylmer. Life of Tolstoy. N. Y. Dodd. 1910. 2v. Maudsley, Henry. Body and mind; an inquiry into their connection and mutual influence. N. Y. Appleton. 1895. Responsibility in mental disease. N. Y. Appleton. 1896. (Int. sci. ser.) Maunder, Edward Walter. Astronomy of the Bible. N. Y. Kennerley. n. d. Maurice, Frederick Denison. Christmas day and other sermons. Lond. Parker. 1853. Claims of the Bible and of science. Lond. Macm. 1863. Conscience. 3d ed. Lond. Macm. 1883. Doctrine of sacrifice deduced from the Scrip- tures; a series of sermons. Lond. Macm. 1879. Epistles of St. John; a series of lectures on Christian ethics. Lond. Macm. 1890. Faith and action. Bost. Lothrop. C1886. [Five sermons.] Lond. Parker. 1853. Friendship of books, and other lectures. Lond. Macm. 1889. Gospel of the kingdom of heaven; lectures on the gospel of St. Luke. New ed. Lond. Macm. 1879. Gospel of St. John; a series of discourses. Lond. Macm. 1885. Has the church or the state the power to edu- cate the nation? Lond. Rivington. 1889. Hope for mankind: four sermons. Bost. Spencer. 1868. Kingdom of Christ; or, Hints to a Quaker resf)ecting the principles of the Catholic church. Lond. Rivington. 1842. 2 v. Learning and working: six lectures. Camb. [Eng.] Macm. 1855. Lectures on the Apocalypse. Camb. [Eng.] Macm. 1 861. The Lord's prayer; sermons. N. Y. Hurd. 1872. Moral and metaphysical philosophy. Lond. Macm. 1872. 2v. Patriarchs and law-givers of the Old Testa- ment; sermons. Lond. Macm. 1890. The Prayer-book considered especially in reference to the Romish system and the Lord's prayer; sermons. Lond. Macm. 1880. Prophets and kings of the Old Testament; sermons. Bost. Crosby. 1853. Maurice, Frederick Denison — Continued. Religions of the world and their relations to Christianity. Lond. Macm. 1886. Sermons preached in country churches. 2d ed. Lond. Macm. 1880. Social morality. Lond. Macm. 1886. Theological essays. N. Y. Redfield. 1854. Unity of the New Testament. Lond. Macm. 1884. 2V. Allen, A. V. G. Frederick Denison Maurice. {In Prophets of the Christian faith. Abbott, L., and others.) Hutton, R. H. Frederick Denison Maurice. {In his Modern guides of English thought.) Masterman, C. F. G. Frederick Denison Maurice. 1907. (Leaders of the church.) Maurice, J. F., ed. Life of Frederick Denison Maurice, told chiefly in his own letters. 1884. 2V. Stanley, A. P. Frederick Denison Maurice. [Funeral sermon.] {In his Westminster sermons.) Wedgwood, J. Frederick Denison Maurice. {In her Nineteenth century teachers.) Maurice, John Frederick, ed. Life of Frederick Denison Maurice, told chiefly in his own letters. N. Y. Scribner. 1884. 2v. Mauro, Philip. Number of man; the climax of civilization. N. Y. Revell. C1909. May, Joseph. Miracles and myths of the New Testament. Bost. A. U. A. 1908. Mayes, R. B. The Tecnobaptist. Bost. J. Wilson. 1857. Mayor, Joseph Bickersteth. Epistle of James; Greek text with introduction, notes and comments. Lond. Macm. 1897. Epistle of Jude and the second epistle of Peter; Greek text with introduction, notes and comments. Lond. Macm. 1907. Mazzini, Joseph. Essays, ed. by W. Clarke. Lond. W. Scott publ. co. n. d. (Camelot ser.) Life, writings and political principles; with introduction by William Lloyd Garrison, N. Y. Hurd. 1872. Hyndman, H. M. {In his Record of an ad- venturous life, chap. IV.) King, B. Mazzini. 1902. (Temple biog- raphies.) Mead, Charles Marsh. Christ and criticism; thoughts concerning the relation of Chris- tian faith to biblical criticism. N. Y. Randolph, n. d. Irenic theology; a study of some antitheses in thought. N. Y. Putnam. 1905. Supernatural revelation. N. Y. Randolph. C1889. Mead, George Whitefield. Modern methods in church work. N. Y. Dodd. 1897. Modern methods in Sunday-school work; the new evangehsm. N. Y. Dodd. 1907. Mead, Lucia Ames. Swords and ploughshares; or. Supplanting of the system of war by the system of law. N. Y. Putnam. 1912. Meade, William. Bible and the classics. N. Y. Carter. 1861. Meadville Theological School. Religion and life: chapel addresses by members of the Faculty. Bost. Sherman. 1909. Means, Stewart. St. Paul and the ante- Nicene church. Lond. Black. 1903. Catalogue General Theological Library 193 Mears, David Otis. Life of Edward Norris Kirk. Bost. Lockwood, 1877. Mecca. Ralli, A. Christians at Mecca. C1909. A narrative of Christian pilgrimages to Mecca from Ludovico Bartema, 1503, to Gervais-Courtellemont, 1894- Mechnikov, Il'ia Il'ich. Nature of man ; studies in optimistic philosophy by £lie Metchni- koflf. Eng. transl. ed. by P. C. Mitchell. N. Y. Putnam. 1903. Media. Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Media, Baby- lon, Persia. 1888. (Story of the nations.) Mediaeval mind. Taylor, H. O. Medievalism. See Modernism. Medley, Dudley Julius. The church and the empire; an outline of the history of the church from a.d. 1003 to a.d. 1304. N. Y. Macm. 1910. (Church universal, IV.) Melanchthon, Philipp. Herrick, S. E, {In his Some heretics of yesterday.) Richard, J. W. Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant preceptor of Germany, 1497- 1560. 1898. (Heroes of the reformation.) Memorial day. Collyer, R. At the soldiers' graves. (In his Life that now is: sermons.) Gregg, D. R. The honor due to our patriotic dead. (In his Makers of the American republic.) Sanderson, J., ed. Decoration day. (In his Thoughts for the occasion, patriotic and secular.) Sayers, J. W. The more excellent sacrifice; Memorial-day sermons. 1905. Schauffler, R. H. Memorial day (Decoration day); its celebration, spirit and significance as related in prose and verse. 191 1. Memories and studies. James, W. Memory. Bergson, H. L. Matter and memory. 1911. Cadman, S. P. Religious uses of memory. C1912. Men and the church, Dobbs, J. F. The modern man and the church. CI911. Gladden, W. The young men and the churches. 1885. Hardy, E. N. The churches and educated men. C1904. Myers, C. Why men do not go to church. 1899. Smith, W. H. The church and men. CI910. Men and missions. Ellis, W. T. Men and missions. 1909. Men and religion. Brown, C. R. The modern man's religion. 1911. Cope, H. F. The efficient layman; or. The religious training of men. CI911. Mathews, S. Gospel and the modern man. 1910. Richardson, N. E., ed. Religion of modern manhood; or. Masculine topics for men's Bible classes. CI911. Thompson, F. L., and others. Men and religion. 191 1. Men and Religion Forward Movement. Mes- sages of the Men and religion movement; including the reports of the commissions presented at the Congress, April, 1912, together with the principal addresses. N. Y. Y. M. C. A. press. 1912. 7v. Contents: I. Congress addresses. — II. Social serv- ice. — III. Bible study; Evangelism. — IV. Chris- tian unity; Missions. — V. Boys' work in the church. — VI. The rural church. — VII. The church and the press. Men of the Bible. Abraham. Deane, W. J. Daniel. Deane, W. J. David. Deane, W. J. Elijah. Milligan, W. Gideon and the Judges. Lang, J. M. Isaac and Jacob. RawHnson, G. Isaiah. RawHnson, G. Jeremiah. Cheyne, T. K. Joshua. Deane, W. J. Kings of Israel and Judah. RawHnson, G. Minor prophets. Farrar, F. W. Moses. RawHnson, G. Paul, St. Iverach, J. Samuel and Saul. Deane, W. J. Solomon. Farrar, F. W. Men of the Bible: some lesser known characters. Milligan, G., and others. See Bible. Biog- raphy. Men of the kingdom. 1906. Athanasius: the hero. Hough, L. H. 1906. Augustine: the thinker. Osmun, G. W. 1906. Chrysostom: the orator. Willey, J. H. 1906. Cyprian: the churchman. Faulkner, J. A. 1906. Fenelon: the mystic. Mudge, J. 1906. Peter the Hermit. Goodsell, D. A. 1907. Erasmus: the scholar. Faulkner, J. A. 1907. John Huss: the witness. Kuhns, L. O. 1907. John Calvin: the statesman. Steven- son, R. T. 1907. Girolamo Savonarola. Crawford, W. H. 1907. Wycliffe: the morning star. Innis, G. S. 1908. Hildebrand: the builder. Smith, E. A. Men of the New Testament. Milligan, G., and others. See Bible. N. T. Biography. Men of the Old Testament. Milligan, G., and others. See Bible. O. T. Biography. Men's clubs. Black, S. C. Building a work- ing church. C1911. See also Brotherhoods. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix. Elijah; ora- torio in vocal score. Lond. Novello. St. Paul; oratorio in vocal score. Lond. Novello. Mendicant orders. Herkless, J. Francis and Dominic and the Mendicant orders. 1901. (World's epoch-makers.) Leete, F. D. The Mendicants. (In his Christian brotherhoods.) Menno Simons, German Anabaptist. Brown, J. N. Life and times of Menno. CI853. Mental healing. Bruce, H. A. Scientific mental healing. 1911. Cabot, R. C. Social service and the art of healing. 1909. Colville, W. J. Spiritual science of health and healing. 1886. Cutten, G. B. Three thousand years of men- tal healing. 19 II. Leavitt, S. Paths to the heights. 1908. McComb, S. Power of self-suggestion. 1909. MacDonald, R. Mind, religion and health, with an appreciation of the Emmanuel movement. 1908. Marston, L. M. Essentials of mental heaHng: theory and practice. 1887. Patterson, C. B. Will to be well. 1901. Schofield, A. T. Force of mind; or. The mental factor in medicine, 1903. 194 Catalogue General Theological Library Mental healing — Continued. Spinney, W. A. Health through self-control in thinking, breathing, eating. C1906. Van Doren, D. T. Mental guide to health. C1902. Weaver, E. E. Mind and health; with an examination of some systems of divine healing. 1913. Wood, H. Ideal suggestion through mental photography. 1897. See also Christian science; New thought; Psychotherapy; Therapeutics. Menzies, Allan. Earliest gospel; a historical study of the gospel according to Mark. Lond. Macm. 1901. History of religion. N. Y. Scribner. 1895. Mercer, John Edward. Science of life and the larger hope. Lond. Longm. 1910. Mercier, Charles Arthur. Conduct and its disorders biologically considered. Lond. Macm. 1911. Meredith, George. Wilson, S. L. Theology of George Meredith. (In his Theolog^y of modern literature.) Meredith, Owen, pseud. See Lytton, E. R. L. B-. Merivale, Charles. Four lectures on epochs of early church history. N. Y. Randolph, n. d. Merle D'Aubigne, Jean Henri. History of the reformation of the sixteenth century; tr. by H. White. N. Y. Amer. Tract Soc. .[1835-] 5v. History of the reformation in Europe in the time of Calvin. N. Y. R. Carter. 1868- 79. 8v. Vol. VI wanting. Merriam, George Spring. Chief end of man. Bost. Houghton. 1897, Man of to-day. Bost. Houghton. 1911. ed. Noah Porter; a memorial by friends. N. Y. Scribner. 1893. Merrick lectures. 1906-7. Marks of a man. Speer, R. E. 1907-8. Social application of religion. Stelzle, C, and others. Merrill, George Edmands. Story of the manu- scripts. 3d ed. Bost. Lothrop. 1881. Merrill, Lilbum. Winning the boy. N. Y. Revell. C1908. Merrill, Selali. Ancient Jerusalem. N. Y. Revell. C1908. East of the Jordan; a record of travel and ob- servation in the countries of Moab, Gilead and Bashan during the years 1875-77. N. Y. Scribner. 1881. Galilee in the time of Christ. N. Y. Rel. tract assoc. 1891. Merrill, Stephen Mason. Digest of Methodist law. Cine. Curts. C1885. Doctrinal aspects of Christian experience. Cine. Curts. C1882. Merriman, Titus Mooney. Pilgrims, Puritans and Roger Williams vindicated. Bost. [Peters.] C1891. Merz, John Theodore. Leibniz. Edin. Black- wood. 1902. (Philos. classics for English readers.) Messages of the Bible. Sanders and Kent, eds. See Bible. Commentaries. Messages of the Men and religion movement. See Men and Religion Forward Move- ment. Messiah. Briggs, C. A. Messiah of the apostles. 1895. — Messiah of the gospels. 1894. Day, T. F. Man and the Messianic hope. (In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Drummond,J. The Jewish Messiah. 1877. Goodspeed, G. S. Israel's Messianic hope to the time of Jesus. 1900. Mathews, S. Messianic hope in the New Testament. 1905. (Univ. of Chi. Dec. publ.) Oesterley, W. O. E. Evolution of the Mes- sianic idea. 1908. Scott, E. F. The kingdom and the Messiah. 1911. See also Jesus Christ. Messiahship. Messianic prophecy. Briggs, C. A. Mes- sianic prophecy. 1895. Delitzsch, F. Messianic prophecies. 1880. Edersheim, A. Prophecy and history in rela- tion to the Messiah. 1885. (Warburton lect.) Maas, A. J. Christ in type and prophecy. 1893. 2V. Mathews, S. The Messianic hope in the New Testament. 1905. (Univ. of Chi. Dec. publ.) Orelli, H. C. von. Old Testament prophecy of the consummation of God's kingdom; tr. byj. S.Banks. 1889. (For. theol. Hbr.) Riehm, E. Messianic prophecy. 1876. Woods, F.H. Hope of Israel. 1896. See also Bible. O. T. Prophets; Prophecy. Metinoia, Great meaning of. Walden, T. Metaphysic of ethics. Kant, I. Metaphysics. 5ee Philosophy; Psychology. Methodism. Buckley, J. M. History of Methodism in the United States. 1898. 2V. McTyeire, H. N. History of Methodism. 8ththous. 1887. Magee, J. C. Apostolic organism. 1890. Mallalieu, W. F. Fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. [1903.] Neely, T. B. History of the origin and de- velopment of the governing conference in Methodism, and especially of the General conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. CI 892. Stevens, A. Compendious history of Ameri- can Methodism. — History of the religious movement of the eighteenth century called Methodism. C1858-61. 3v. I. From the origin of Methodism to the death of Whitefield. 22d thous. II. From the death of Whitefield to the death of Wesley. III. From the death of Wesley to the cente- nary jubilee of Methodism. — Supplementary history of American Methodism. 1899. Tanner, B. T. Apology for African Metho- dism. 1867. Methodist Episcopal church. Cooke, R. J. History of the ritual of the Methodist Episcopal church. CI900. Catalogue General Theological Library 195 Methodist Episcopal church — Continued. Ecumenical Methodist Conference. Pro- ceedings of the fourth conference, held in the Metropolitan Methodist Church, To- ronto, Oct. 4-17, 191 1. 191 1. Merrill, S. M. Digest of Methodist law. C1885. Wheeler, H. History and exposition of the twenty-five articles of religion of the Methodist Episcopal church. C1908. Methodist Episcopal church in the United States. Doctrines and discipline of the Methodist Episcopal church, 1904. Ed. by Bp. An- drews. N. Y. Eaton. C1904. Sunday service recommended to the societies in America by John Wesley, edited by com- parison with the book of public prayers and services of the Wesleyan church, including select psalms, etc. [by C. S. Harrower]. N, Y. Eaton. CI893. Methodist Episcopal church in the United States. History. Buckley, J. M. The Methodists. (Amer. church history, vol. V.) Faulkner, J. A. The Methodists. C1903. (Story of the churches.) Harris, W. L. Relation of the Episcopacy to the General conference. ci888. Mudge, J. History of the New England Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. 1796-1910. 1910. Stevens, A. History of the Methodist Epis- copal church in the United States of America. 1864. 2V. — Centenary of American Methodism. 1866. — Memorials of the introduction of Metho- dism into the eastern states. 1848. See also Methodist Episcopal church. South. Missions. Reid, J. M. Missions and missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal church. 1879. 2V. Methodist Episcopal church, South. Alex- ander, G. History of the Methodist Episcopal church. South. 1894. (Amer. church history, vol. XI.) Methodists. Fowler, C. H. Addresses on notable occasions, by Bishop Charles H. Fowler. C1908. Vaughan, D. D. Lessons for Methodists. CI910. Mexico. Hale, S. Story of Mexico. 1894. (Story of the nations.) Religion. Reville, A. Native religions of Mexico and Peiu; tr. by P. H. Wicksteed. 1884. (Hibbert lect.) Meyer, Arnold. Jesus or Paul? tr. by J. R. Wilkinson. Lond. Harper. 1909. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) Meyer, Frederick Brotherton. Abraham; or. The obedience of faith. N. Y. Revell. n. d. (O. T. heioes.) David, shepherd, psalmist, king. N. Y. Revell. C1895. (O. T. heroes.) Meyer, Frederick Brotherton — Continued. Elijah and the secret of his power. N. Y. Revell. n. d. (O. T. heroes.) Expository preaching: plans and methods. N. Y. Doran. C1912. Future tenses of the blessed life. N. Y. Revell. CI 892. Israel: a prince with God. N. Y. Revell. n. d. (O. T. heroes.) Jeremiah, priest and prophet. N. Y. Revell. CI 894. (O. T. heroes.) Joseph, beloved, hated, exalted. N. Y. Revell. n. d. (O. T. heroes.) Joshua and the land of promise. N. Y. Revell. n. d. (O. T. heroes.) Light on life's duties. Chi. Revell. C1895. Moses the servant of God. N. Y. Revell, n. d. (O. T. heroes.) Prophet of hope: studies in Zechariah. Chi. Revell. n. d. (O. T. heroes.) Samuel the prophet. N. Y. Revell. n. d. (O. T. heroes.) Meyer, Heinrich August Wiihelm. Critical and exegetical commentary on the New Testament. From the German with the sanction of the author. Edin. Clark. 1877-82. 20V. Meyer, Henry Herman. Graded Sunday school in principle and practice. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1910. (Modern S. S. manuals.) Meyrick, Frederick. Moral theology of the Church of Rome. Bait. Robinson. 1856. Micah, Old Testament prophet. Farrar, F. W. {In his Minor prophets.) Michaud, Joseph Frangois. History of the crusades; tr. by W. Robsoit. New ed. N. Y. Armstrong. 1895. 3V, Michelangelo, Buonarroti. Gladden, W. Michelangelo the artist. {In his Witnesses of the light.) Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 3.) Michelet, Jules, and Quinet, Edgar. The Jesuits. Tr. from the French; ed. by C. E. Lester. N. Y. Gates. 1845. Middle ages. Emerton, E. Introduction to the study of the Middle ages. 1899, Lea, H. C. Superstition and force. 2d ed, 1870. Taylor, H. O. Mediaeval mind. 1911. 2v. Walsh, J. J. Thirteenth, greatest of centuries. 1912. Workman, H. B. Influence of the Christian church on the social and ethical develop- ment of the Middle ages. {In Christ and civilization, Paton, J, B., and others, eds.) See also Church history; Crusades; Europe; Feudalism; History; Monasticism; Middletown {Conn.). Fiske, J. Story of a New England town. {In his American political ideas.) Midsummer nights with the Great dreamer. Willey, J. H. Mielziner, Moses. Introduction to the Talmud. N. Y. Funk. 1903. Mildmay Park Conference on Foreign Missions. See General Conference on Foreign Missions. Miles, Henry Adolphus. Birth of Jesus. Bost. Lockwood. 1878. Miley, John. Systematic theology. N. Y. Eaton. C1892. 2v. 196 Catalogue General Theological Library Mill, John Stuart. Examination of Sir William Hamilton's philosophy. Bost. Spencer. 1866. 2V. On liberty. 5th ed. Bost. Ticknor. 1868. Principles of political economy. Bost. Little. 1848. 2V. Subjection of women. N. Y. Appleton. 1869. Three essays on religion. N. Y. Holt. 1874. Utilitarianism. 15th ed. Lond. Longm. 1907. Cadman, S. P. {In his Charles Darwm and other English thinkers.) Martineau, J. John Stuart Mill. (In his Essays, philosophical and theological, vol. Morley, J. {In his Critical miscellanies, vol. HI.) Whittaker, T. Comte and Mill. n. d. (Philosophies, ancient and modern.) Millard, E. C, and Guinness, Lucy E. South America, the neglected continent. N. Y. Revell. [1894.] Miller, George A. Problems of the town church ; a discussion of needs and methods. Chi. Revell. 1902. Miller, Hugh. Autobiography. Bost. Gould. i860. Bayne, P. Life and times of Hugh Miller. 1871. 2V. Miller, James Russell. Finding the way. N. Y. Crowell. 1904. Miller, Joaquin. Songs of the sun-lands. Bost. Roberts. 1873. Miller, Samuel. Jonathan Edwards. N. Y. ■ Harper. 1902. (Amer. biog., vol. L Sparks, J., ed.) Miller, William, founder of the Adventist church. Himes, J. V. Brief history of William Miller. 1895. Millet, Joshua. History of the Baptists in Maine. Portland. Day. 1845. Milligan, George. New Testament documents: their origin and early history. Lond. Macm. 1913. Theology of the epistle to the Hebrews. Edin. Clark. 1899. and others. Men of the Bible: some lesser known characters. Manchester [Eng.]. Robinson. 1904. — Men of the Old Testament. Cine. Jennings, n. d. 2v. I. Cain to David, n. Solomon to Jonah. — Men of the New Testament: Matthew to Timothy. Cine. Jennings, n. d. Milligan, Robert H. Fetish folk of West Africa. N. Y. Revell. C1912. Milligan, William. Ascension and heavenly priesthood of our Lord. Lond. Macm. 1892. Book of Revelation. N. Y. Armstrong. 1893. (Expositor's Bible.) Elijah: his life and times. N. Y. Ran- dolph. 1890. (Men of the Bible.) Resurrection of our Lord. Lond. Macm. 1884. Mills, Benjamin Fay. God's world, and other sermons. N. Y. Revell. C1894. Mills, Joseph Travis. Great days of North- umbria. Lond., etc. Longm. 1911. Mills, Samuel John. Richards, T. C. Samuel J. Mills, missionary pathfinder, pioneer and promoter. 1906. Milman, Henry Hart. History of Christianity from the birth of Christ to the abolition of Paganism in the Roman empire. New ed. N. Y. Widdleton. 1867. 3V. History of Latin Christianity; including that of the popes to the pontificate of Nicolas V. N. Y. Sheldon. 1862. 8v. History of the Jews. Bost. Veazie. 1864. 3v. Milmine, Georgine. Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy; and the history of Christian science. N. Y. Doubleday. 1909. Milner, Joseph. History of the church of Christ. Phila. Hogan. 1835. 2v. Milton, John. Complete poetical works. Cambr. ed. Bost. Houghton. C1899. Complete works, prose and poetical. Lond. Chatto and Windus. 1875. Paradise lost. N. Y. Hurd. 1867. Brooke, S. A. Milton. 1903. (Classical writers.) De Quincey, T. {In his Theological essays, and other papers, vol. II.) Gurteen, S. H. Epic of the fall of man: a comparative study of Caedmon, Dante and Milton. 1896. Ivimey, J. John Milton; his life and times. 1832. Macaulay, T. B. Milton. {In his Essays, vol. I.) Pattison, M. Milton, n. d. (Engl, men of letters.) Strong, A. H. {Iti his Great poets and their theology.) TuUoch, J. {In his English Puritanism and its leaders.) Mind and body. Bain, A. Mind and body; the theories of their relation. 1874. (Int. sci. ser.) Dubois, P. Influence of the mind on the body; tr. by L. B. Gallatin. 1906. Maudsley, H. Body and mind. 1895. Olston, A. B. Mind power and privileges. [1902.] Shaler, Mrs. S. P. P. Masters of fate: the power of the will. 1906. Strong, A. H. Why the mind has a body. 1903. See also Brain; Hypnotism; Insanity; Nerv- ous system; Psychology; Subconscious- ness. Mind and motion and monism. Romanes, G.J. Mind in the making. Swift, E. J. Mind reading, ^ee Telepathy. Miner, Alonzo Ames. Emerson, G. H. Life of Alonzo Ames Miner. 1896. Ming, John Joseph. Characteristics and reli- gion of modern socialism. N. Y. Ben- ziger. 1908. Minister and the boy, The. Hoben, A. Ministers. Carpenter, S. C. A parson's de- fence. 1912. Cuyler, T. L. How to be a pastor. 1890. Dykes, J. O. Christian minister arid his duties. 1908. Goodsell, D. A. Things which remain; an address to young ministers. [1904.] Catalogue General Theological Library 197 Ministers — Continued. Gunsaulus, F. W. Minister and the spiritual life. 191 1. (Yalelect.) Henderson, H . Ethics and etiquette of the pul- pit, pew, parish, press and platform. CI904. Herbert, G. A priest to the temple; or. The country parson, (/n his Works, pp. 265-376.) Jefferson, C. E. The mmister as prophet. CI905. — Minister as shepherd. C1912. Newbolt, W. C. E. Speculum sacerdotum; or, Divine model of the priestly life. 1894. Stone, J. T. Footsteps in a parish; an ap- preciation of Maltbie Davenport Babcock as a pastor. 1908. Vincent, M. R. Ministers' handbook. C1882. Watson, J., and others. Clerical life; a series of letters to young ministers. 1898. Wylie, D. G. Minister's companion. CI911. See also Ministry, Office and work of; Pas- toral theology; Preachers; Preaching. Ministry of catechising. Dupanloup, F. A. P. Ministry of healing. Gordon, A. J. Ministry of the spirit. Gordon, A. J. Ministry of the word. Newbolt, W. C. E. Ministry 01 the word. Taylor, W. M. Ministry, Office .\nd work of. Abbott, L. The Christian ministry. 1905. Blaikie, W. G. For the work of the ministry. 1883. Brewer, D. J. Pew to the pulpit. 1897. Chrysostom, J. On the priesthood. 1866. Coles, V. S. S. Pastoral work in country dis- tricts. 1906. Cunningham, W. Cure of souls. 1908. Curry, S. S. Vocal and literary interpreta- tion of the Bible. 1903. Faunce, W. H. P. Educational ideal in the ministry. 1908. (Yale lect.) Gibbons, J., card. Ambassador of Christ, 1896. Goodell, C. L. How to build a church. 1883. Gregory the Great, St. Book of pastoral rule. {In Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d ser., vol.XH.) Hall, A. C. A. Preaching and pastoral care. 1913- Hall, C. C. Qualifications for ministerial power. 1895. (Carewlect.) Iverach, J. Conditions of successful work. {In his Other side of greatness, and other sermons.) Jefferson, C. E. Building of the church. 1910. Johnson, H. The ideal ministry. C1908. Keedy, E. E. Moral leadership and the ministry. 1912. Lightfoot, J. B. The Christian ministry. {In his St. Paul's epistle to the Philippians, 2d ed., pp. 179-267.) Lyman, A. J. Christian pastor in the new age. CI909. (George Shepard lect.) Lynch, F. New opportunities of the ministry. 1912. Macfarland, C. S., ed. Christian ministry and the social order. 1909. (Yale lect.) Park, E. A., ed. Preacher and pastor: by Fenelon, Herbert, Baxter, Campbell; with introductory essay. 2d thous. 1849. Contents: Introductory essay, by E. A. Park. — Dialogues on eloquence, by M. de Fenelon. — The country parson, by G. Herbert. — Reformed pastor, by R. Baxter. — Lectures on pulpit eloquence, by G. Campbell. Ministry, Office and work of — Continued. Pattison, T. H. For the work of the ministry. [Ed. by] Harold Pattison. 1907. Pease, T. C. The Christian ministry, its present claim and attraction, and other writings. 1894. Rainsford, W. S. Preacher's story of his work. 1904. Robertson, A. T. Glory of the ministry. CI911. Spalding, J. F. Best mode of working a parish. 1888. Thomas, W. H. G. Work of the ministry. Tilden, W. P. Work of the ministry; lec- tures, Meadville theol. school, 1889. 1890. Townsend, L. T. Sword and garment. 1875. Willcox, G. B. Pastor amidst his flock. CI890. Wynne, F. R. Joy of the ministry. 1885. See also Church work; Homiletics; Ministers; Pastoral theology; Preachers; Preaching; Sunday schools. Ministry we need. Sweetser, S. Miracles. Abbott, E. A. Philomythus; anti- dote against credulity; a discussion of New- man's Essay on ecclesiastical miracles. 1891. Best, N. R. Beyond the natural order; essays on prayer, miracles and the incarnation. C1908. Bushnell, H. Nature and the supernatural. 1859. De Quincey, T. On Hume's argument against miracles. {In his Theological essays, and other papers, vol. H.) Gordon, G. A. Religion and miracle. 1909. Holland, H. S., and others. Miracles: papers and sermons contributed to the Guardian. 1911. Jefferson, C. E. The miracles. [Sermon.] {In his Things fundamental.) Lamb, F. J. Miracle and science, 1909. Lyttelton, A. T. Place of miracles in religion. 1899. (Hulsean lect.) Mozley, J. B. Eight lectures on miracles. 1867. (Bamp. lect.) Murray, J. O. F, Spiritual and historical evi- dence for miracles. {In Cambridge theo- logical essays. Swete, H. B., edi) Warington, G. Can we believe in miracles? n. d. Wendland, J. Miracles and Christianity. 1911. Wilson, W. D. Miracles and inspiration. {In his Foundations of religious belief.) See also ApoUonius of Tyana. Old Testament. Brockington, A. A. Old Testament miracles in the light of the gospel. 1907. New Testament. Bruce, A. B. Miraculous element in the gospels. CI 886. May, J. The New Testament miracles; Origin of belief in miracles. {In his Mira- cles and myths of the New Testament.) Taylor, W. M. Gospel miracles in their rela- tion to Christ and Christianity. ci88o. Thompson, J. M. Miracles in the New Testament. 191 1. See also Jesus Christ. 198 Catalogue General Theological Library Miracles of unbelief. Ballard, F. Miriam, sister of Moses and Aaron. Matheson, G. Miriam the gifted. {In his Repre- sentative women of the Bible.) Van Dyke, H. J. Miriam. {In Women of the Bible. Chadwick, J. W., and others.) Whyte, A. Miriam. {In his Bible charac- ters: Adam to Achan.) Misery and its causes. Devine, E. T. Missionaries. Barton, J. L. The missionary and his critics. C1906. Brown, A. J. The foreign missionary: an incarnation of a world movement. C1907. See also Missionary biography. Missionary biography. Creegan, C. C. Pio- neer missionaries of the church. C1903. Field, C. Heroes of missionary enterprise; true stories of the intrepid bravery and stirring adventures of missionaries in all parts of the world. 1898. Gardner, M. T., and Gardner, W. E. Win- ners of the world. 1909. Gilliat, E. Heroes of modern crusades. 1909. Lambert, J. C. Missionary heroes in Asia. 1908. Lhamon, W. J. Heroes of modern missions. C1899. Maclear, G. F. Apostles of mediaeval Europe. 1869. Shelton, D. O. Heroes of the cross in America. C1904. (Forward mission study courses.) Speer, R. E. Servants of the king. C1909. — Some great leaders in the world move- ment. C1911. Vedder, H. C. Christian epoch-makers; the story of the great missionary eras in the history of Christianity. [1908.] Walsh, W. P. Heroes of the mission field, n. d. See also Single biographies. Missionary Conference on Behalf of the Mo- hammedan World. Papers. N. Y. Revell. 1906-191 I. 2V. 1906. Mohammedan world of to-day; papers read at the first conference, Cairo, 1906; ed. by S. M. Zwemer [and others]. 1911. Islam and missions: papers read at the second conference, Lucknow, 191 1; ed. by E. M. Wherry [and others]. Missionary conferences. See Centenary Con- ference on the Protestant Missions of the World; Ecumenical Missionary Con- ference; General Conference on Foreign Missions; World Missionary Conference. Missionary conventions. See Student Volunteer Movement. International Convention. Missionary fiction. Gale, J. S. Vanguard: a tale of Korea. C1904. Noble, W. A. Ewa, a tale of Korea. C1906. Wilson, S. G. Mariam, a romance of Persia. CI 906. Missionary landscapes in the dark continent. Johnston, J. Missionary societies. See American Bapt. Home Miss. Society; American Bapt. Miss. So- ciety (known as the Amer. Bapt. Miss. Union); Amer. Bd. of Com'rs'for For. Mis- sions; Amer. Miss. Association; Lond. Miss. Society; also Reid, J. M. Missions and missionary society of the M. E. church. Missions. Allen, R. Missionary methods, St. Paul's or ours. 1912. (Libr. of historic theology.) Baldwin, S. L. Foreign missions of the Prot- estant churches. CI900. Barton, J. L. Human progress through mis- sions. C1912. — Unfinished task of the Christian church. 1908. — and others. Foreign missions. {In Re- cent Christian progress. Paton, L. B., ed.) Bashford, J. W. God's missionary plan for the world. CI907. Beach, H. P. Geography and atlas of Prot- estant missions; their environment, forces, distribution, methods, results and prospects at the opening of the twentieth century. 1901-3. 2V. Begbie, H. Other sheep. C1912. Brent, C. H. Adventure for God. 1907. (Paddock lect.) Brooks, P. Heroism of foreign missions. {In his Candle of the Lord, and other ser- mons.) Brown, A. J. The why and how of foreign missions. 3d ed. 1908. (Forward mis- sion study courses.) Buckley, J. M. Theory and practice of foreign missions. C1911. Carver, W. O. Missions in the plan of the ages: Bible studies in missions. C1909. Christlieb, T. Protestant foreign missions. CI880. Clark, F. E., and Clark, H. E. (A.) Gospel in Latin lands. 1909. Clarke, W. N. Study of Christian missions. 1900. Dennis, J. S. Christian missions and social progress. 1899. 3V. — Foreign missions after a century. C1893. — Modern call of missions. 1913. — New horoscope of missions. C1908. — Social influence of Christianity as illus- trated by modern missions. {In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) — and others, eds. World atlas of Christian missions. 191 1. Dwight, H. O., ed. Blue book of missions. 1905. — Same. 1907. Ellis, W. T. Men and missions. 1909. Forsyth, P. T. Missions in state and church. 1898. Gordon, A. J. Holy Spirit in missions. 1893. Goucher, J. F. Growth of the missionary concept. 191 1. Headland, I. T. Some by-products of mis- sions. C1912. Hixson, M. B. Missions in the Sunday school. C1906, Hodgkins, L. M. Via Christi; an introduc- tion to the study of missions. 1901. Horton, R. F. Bible a missionary book. n. d. Hume, R. A. Missions from the modern view. CI 905. Laurie, T. Ely volume; or. Contributions of our foreign missions to science and human well-being. 2d ed. 1885. Lawrence, E. A. Modern missions in the East. 1895. Catalogue General Theological Library 199 Missions — Continued. Liggins, J. Great value and success of foreign missions. ci888. Mabie, H. C. Divine right of missions; or, Christianity the world-religion and the right of the church to propagate it. 1908. — Meaning and message of the Cross; a contribution to missionary apologetics. 1906. — Task worth while; or Divine philosophy of missions. C1910. (Seminary lect.) McAfee, J. E. World missions from the home base. CI911. Mackenzie, W. D. Christianity and the progress of man as illustrated by modern missions. C1897. Maiden, R. H. Foreign missions; being a study of some principles and methods in the expansion of the Christian church. 1910. Montgomery, H. B. Western women in Eastern lands. 1910. (United study of missions.) Montgomery, H. H. Introduction: the church of the far west. (In Mankind and the church. Montgomery, H. H., ed.) ed. Mankind and the church: being an attempt to estimate the contribution of great races to the fulness of the church of God; by seven bishops. 1907. Morgan, G. C. Missionary manifesto. 1909. Mott, J. R. Decisive hour of Christian missions. 1910. — Evangelization of the world in this generation. 1900. — Home ministry and modern missions. ^905- — Strategic points in the world's conquest: the universities and colleges as related to the progress of Christianity. CI897. Pierson, A. T. Crises of missions. ci886. — New Acts of the apostles. CI894. Robinson, C. H. Interpretation of the char- acter of Christ to non-Christian races: an apology for Christian missions. 19 10. Speer, R. E. Christianity and the nations. CIQIO. (Duff missionary lect.) — Missionary principles and practice; a dis- cussion of Christian missions and of some criticisms upon them. [1902.] Stacy, T. H. In the path of light around the world. CI 895. Tait, A. J. Christ and the nations. 1910. Taylor, A. W. Social work of Christian missions. 19 1 2. Trull, G. H. Five missionary minutes. C1912. Warneck, J. L. The living Christ and the dying heathenism. [1909.] Warren, W. These for those: our indebted- ness to foreign missions. 1870. Young, R. Modern missions: their trials and triumphs, n. d. See also Christianity and other religions; Missionary biography; Religions; also Names of countries. Economics. Carpenter, C. H. Self-support illustrated in the history of the Bassein Karen mission, 1840 to 1880. 1883. — Studies in mission economics. 1886. Missions. History. Barnes, L. C. Two thousand years of missions before Carey; based upon and embodying many of the earliest extant accounts. 1900. Bliss, E. M. The missionary enterprise; a concise history of its objects, methods and extension. C1908. Hines, H. K. Missionary history of the Pacific Northwest. C1899. Jarvis, L. C. Planting of the church: a compendium of missionary history. 1900. Part I. Richter, J. History of missions in India; tr. by S. H. Moore. 1908. — History of Protestant missions in the near East. CI910. Smith, G. Short history of Christian missions. n. d. Speer, R. E. Missions and modern history. C1904. 2V. Baptist missions. A. B. H. M. S. Baptist home missions in North America. 1883. Bainbridge, W. F. Along the lines at the front: a general survey of Baptist home and foreign missions. C1882. Downie, D. History of the Telugu mission of the A. B. M. U. C1893. E^ton, W. H. Historical sketch of the Mass. Bapt. missionary society and convention, 1802-1902. C1903. Congregational missions. A. B. C. F. M. Memorial volume of the first fifty years. 1862. — One hundredth anniversary of the hay- stack prayer meeting, celebrated at the ninety-seventh annual meeting in North Adams, 1906. Strong, W. E. Story of the American Board. C1910. Jesuit missions. See Jesuit missions. Methodist missions. Methodist Episcopal church in China. Hand- book of educational institutions; ed. by C. M. L. Sites. 1907. Nuelson, J. L. The circuit rider as a nation builder. {In Coker, H. J., comp. Conser- vation of the moral resources of the nation.) Reid, J. M. Missions and missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal church. 1879. 2V. Africa. Guinness, F. E. {Mrs. H. G. Guinness.) New world of central Africa. 1890. Jack, J. W. Daybreak in Livingstonia. Johnston, J. Missionary landscapes in the dark continent. C1892. Naylor, W. S. Daybreak in the dark conti- nent. C1908. Nuttall, E. Special influence which the African or negro race may exercise on the future developments of Christianity. {In Mankind and the church. Montgomery, H. H., ed.) 200 Catalogue General Theological Library Missions. Africa — Continued. Parsons, E. C. Christus liberator, an outline study of Africa. 1905. (United study of missions.) Stewart, J. Dawn in the dark continent. A rabia. Forder, A. 'Ventures among the Arabs in desert, tent and town; thirteen years of pioneer missionary life with the Ishmael- ites of Moab, Edom and Arabia. 1905. Zwemer, S. M. Arabia: the cradle of Islam; with an account of Islam and mission work. [1900.] See also Missions to the Mohammedans. Asia. Barrows, J. H. Christian conquest of Asia. (Morse lect.) Burma. Cochrane, H. P. Among the Burmans. CI 904. Smith, J. Ten years in Burma. C1902. China, Burton, M. E. Education of women in China. C1911. China mission year book, 1912; ed. by G. H. Bondfield. Headland, I. T. China's new day. C1912. Hoare, J. C. Contribution of the church of China to the body of Christ. {In Mankind and the church. Montgomery, H. H., ed.) Lin Shao-Yang. A Chinese appeal to Christen- dom concerning Christian missions. 1911. Ross, J. Mission methods in Manchuria. 1903. Smith, A. H. Rex Christus: an outHne study of China. 1904. (United study of mis- sions.) — The uplift of China. 1907. (Forward mission study courses.) Speer, R. E. [Missions in China.] {In his Missionary principles and practice.) Williams, I. R. By the great wall: letters from China, C1909. Cuba. Grose, H. B. Advance in the Antilles. 1910. Egypt. Richter, J. {In his History of Protestant missions in the near East.) Watson, C. R. Egypt and the Christian crusade. C1907. — In the valley of the Nile; a survey of the missionary movement in Egypt. C1908. Hawaiian Islands. Brain, B. M. Transformation of Hawaii. C1898. India. Berg, E. P. Conversion of India: being studies in Indian missions. 191 1. Chamberlain, J. In the tiger jungle. CI896. Cowan, M. G. Education of the women of India. [1912.] Eddy, S. India awakening. 191 1. (For- ward mission study courses.) Missions. India — Continued. Fuller, Mrs. M. B. Wrongs of Indian woman- hood. C1900. Jones, J. P. India's problem: Krishna or Christ. 1903. Lucas, B. Christ for India; a presentation of the Christian message to the religious thought of India. 1910. — The empire of Christ. 1907. A study of missions in India. Mason, C. A. Lux Christi: an outline study of India, a twilight land. 1903. (United study of missions.) Richter, J. History of missions in India. [1908.] Russell, N. Village work in India; pen pic- tures from a missionary's experience. 1902. Year book of missions in India, Burma and Ceylon, 1912. Ed. by J. P. Jones. Japan. Awdry, W. Contribution of Japan to the body of Christ. {In Mankind and the church. Montgomery, H. H., ed.) Cary, O. History of Christianity in Japan; Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox mis- sions. C1909. 2V. Christian movement in Japan. 1903-1912. 9v. A series of missionary year books, ed. by D. C. Greene and others. Issue for 1906 wanting. Gordon, M. L. American missionary in Japan. 1895. Griffis, W. E. Dux Christus, an outline study of Japan. 1904. (United study of mis- sions.) Speer, R. E. The transformation of Japan. {In his Missions and modern history, vol. II.) Korea. Baird, A. L. A. Daybreak in Korea. C1909. (Miss, study ref. libr.) Griffis, W. E. A modern pioneer in Korea: the life story of H. G. Appenzeller. C1912. Underwood, H. G. Call of Korea, political — social — religious. CI908. Labrador. Grenfell, W. T. Harvest of the sea; a tale of both sides of the Atlantic. 1905. Latin America. Brown, H. W. Latin America: the pagans, the papists, the patriots, the protestants and the present problem. 1909. (Students' lectures on missions, Princeton Theol. Sem.) Latin America, i. e., the West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America. Clark, F. E., and Clark, H. E. (A.) Gospel in Latin lands. 1909. London. Lowder, C. F. Twenty-one years in St. George's mission. 1877. Madagascar. Ellis, W. The martyr church; narrative of the introduction, progress and triumph of Christianity in Madagascar. [1870.] Catalogue General Theological Library 201 Missions. New Hebrides. Paton, Mrs. M. W. Letters and sketches from the New Hebrides. 1905. Pacific Islands. Montgomery, H. B. Christus redemptor; an outline study of the island world of the Pacific. 1906. (United study of missions.) Papua, or New Guinea. Stone-Wigg, M. J. The Papuans: a people of the South Pacific. {In Mankind and the church. Montgomery, H. H., ed.) Porto Rico. Grose, H. B. Advance in the Antilles. 1910. See Russia. Russia. Religious history. Siam. McGilvary, D. Half century among the Siamese and the Lao. C1912. Siam and Laos as seen by our American mis- sionaries. fci884.] South America. Clark, F. E. Continent of opportunity. C1907. Millard, E. C, and Guinness, L. E. South America, the neglected continent. [1894.] Neely, T. B. South America: its missionary problems. 1909. Speer, R. E. Protestant missions in South America, (/n his South American prob- lems.) Syria. Jessup, H. H. Fifty-three years in Syria. C1910. Richter, J. {In his History of Protestant missions in the near East.) Tibet. Field, C. ( In his Heroes of missionary enter- prise, chap. Vn.) Lambert, J. C. A heroine of Tibet. {In his Missionary heroes in Asia.) Turkey. Barton, J. L. Daybreak in Turkey. [C1908.] Richter, J. Protestant missions in Turkey and Armenia. ( In his History of Protestant missions in the near East.) West, M. A. Romance of missions; or. Inside views of life and labor in the land of Ararat. CI875. Wheeler, C. H. Ten years on the Euphrates; or. Primitive missionary policy illustrated. C1868. United Slates. A. B. H. M. S. Baptist home missions in North America. 1883. Burleson, H. L. Conquest of the continent. C1911. Claric, J. B. Leavening the nation; the story of American home missions. [1903.] Coker, H. J., comp. Conservation of the moral resources of the nation: a study of home missions and church extension. CI912. Missions. United States — Continued. Douglass, H. P. Christian reconstruction in the South. CI909. Douglass, T. O. Pilgrims of Iowa. C1911. Grose, H. B. The incoming millions. CI906. (Home miss, study course.) Morris, S. L. At our own door; study of home missions with special reference to the South and West. C1904. Piatt, W. The frontier. 1908. (Forward mission study courses. [International.]) Puddefoot, W. G. The minute man on the frontier. CI895. Wells, Mrs. D. B., and others. Conservation of national ideals. CI911. (Home mission study course.) See also Home missions; Immigration; also N. Y. [City.] Water St. Mission. Home missions. Guernsey, A. M. Citizens of to-morrow; a study of childhood and youth from the standpoint of home mission work. C1907. (Home mission study course.) Kelsey, H. H., and others. Home missions. {In Recent Christian progress. Paton, L. B., ed.) Sears, C. H. Redemption of the city. 1911. Strong, J. The challenge of the city. 28th thous. 1907. (Forward mission study courses.) See also Christianity and social questions; Cities. Indians. See Indians of North America. Jews. Richter, J. Missions among the Jews. {In his History of Protestant missions in the near East.) Mohammedans. Herrick, G. F. Christian and Mohammedan: a plea for bridging the chasm. C1912. Lefroy, G.^ A. Mohammedan races: their contributions to the body of Christ. {In Mankind and the church. Montgomery, H. H., ed.) Van Sommer, A., and Zwemer, S. M., eds. Our Moslem sisters; a cry of need from lands of darkness interpreted by those who heard it. [C1907.] Wherry, E. M. Islam and Christianity in India and the Far East. CI907. (Stu- dents' lectures on missions, Princeton Theol. Sem.) Zwemer, S. M. The Moslem world. 1908. (For miss, study courses.) — and Brown, A. J. The nearer and the farther East; outline studies of Moslem lands, and of Siam, Burma and Korea. 1908. See also Missionary Conference on Behalf of the Mohammedan World, 1906, 191 1; also Missions. Arabia; Mohammedanism. Negroes. See Missions. United States; Negro in the United States. Medical, Speer, R. E. The foreign doctor; a biography of J. P. Cochran of Persia. CI911. 202 Catalogue General Theological Library Mitchell, Arthtir. The past in the present. N. Y. Harper. 1881. Mitchell, A. F. Hebrews and the general epistles, with introduction and notes. N. Y. Revell. n. d. (Westminster N. T.) Mitchell, Edward Gushing. Critical handbook of the Greek New Testament. N. Y. Harper. 1896. Mitchell, Henry Bedinger. Talks on religion: a collective inquiry. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1908. " A transcript of actual conversations between men whose names are withheld but whose occupations are given." Mitchell, Hinckley Gilbert. Amos: an essay in exegesis. Bost. Houghton. 1900. Commentary on Haggai and Zechariah. N. Y. Scribner. 19 12. (Int. crit. com.) Ethics of the Old Testament. Chi. Univ. press. 19 12. Genesis. N. Y. Macm. 1909. (Bible for home and school.) Isaiah: a study of chapters I-XII. N. Y. Crowell. C1897. The world before Abraham according to Genesis I-XI, with an introduction to the Pentateuch. Bost. Houghton. 1901. Mitchell, John. Organized labor, its problems, purposes and ideals, and the present and future of American wage earners. Phila. Amer. bk. and Bible house. [1903.] Mitchell, John Murray. Hinduism past and present. Lond. Rel. tract soc. 1885. Mitford, Mary Russell. Life, told by herself in letters to her friends. N. Y. Harper. 1870. 2V. Recollections of a literary life. N. Y. Harper. 1852. MiTHRAiSM. Bigg, C. (In his Christian Pla- tonists of Alexandria, lect. VII.) (Bamp. lect.) Cumont, F. V. M. Mysteries of Mithra; tr. from 2d Fr. ed. by T. J. McCormack. 1903. Dill, S. Religion of Mithra. (In his Roman society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius.) Robertson, J. M. Pagan Christs. 1911. Mivart, St. George. On the genesis of species. N. Y. Appleton. 1871. On truth. Lond. Paul. 1889. Origin of human reason. Lond. Paul. 1889. Mix, Mrs. Edward. Faith cures, and answers to prayers. Springfield. Springfield print, co. 1882. MoABiTE Stone. Bennett, W. H. The Moab- ite Stone. 191 1. Sayce, A. H. The Moabite Stone and the Siloam inscription. (In his Fresh light from the ancient monuments.) (By-paths of Bible knowledge, II.) Moberly, George. Administration of the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ. Oxford. Parker. 1868. (Bamp. lect.) Moberly, Robert Campbell. Atonement and personality. N. Y. Longm. 190 1. Modern Egypt. Cromer, E. B., ist earl of. Modern man and the church. Dobbs, J. F. Modern masters of pulpit discourse. Wilkinson, W.C. Modern methods in church work. Mead, G. W. Modern methods in Sunday-school work. Mead, G.W. Modern painters. Ruskin, J. 5v. Modern reader's Bible. Moulton, R. G., ed. 1896-1899. 23V. See Bible. Commenta- ries. Modern religious problems. Vernon, A. W., ed. Church and labor, Stelzle, C. Earliest sources for the life of Jesus. Bur- kitt, F. C. Founding of the church. Bacon, B. W. Gospel of Jesus. Knox, G. W. Historical and religious value of the Old Testament. Scott, E. F. Paul and Paulinism. Moffatt, J. Sin and its forgiveness. Hyde, W. D. Modern research as illustrating the Bible. Driver, S. R. Modern speech New Testament. Weymouth, R.F.,ed. Modern Sunday school. Cope, H. F. Modern Sunday school manuals. Adult class study. Wood, I. F. Evolution of the Sunday school. Cope, H. F. Graded Sunday school. Meyer, H. H. Organizing the Sunday school. Hurlbut, J. Modern thought and the crisis in belief. Wen- ley, R. M. Modern thought and traditional faith. Mains, G. P. Modern Utopia, A. Wells, H. G. Modernism. Godrycz, J. Doctrine of modern- ism, and its refutation. 1908. Jordan, L. H. Modernism in Italy; its origin, its incentive, its leaders and its aims. 1909. Letters to his holiness. Pope Pius X. By a modernist. 2d ed. 19 10. Lilley, A. L. Modernism; a record and a re- view. 1908. Loeppert, A. J. Modernism and the Vatican. [1912.] Loisy, A. The gospel and the church; tr. by Christopher Home. New ed., with intro- duction by Newman Smyth. 1909. Luzzi, G. Modernism, or the present effort for reform within the Roman church. (In his Struggle for Christian truth in Italy.) Priest, The; a tale of modernism in New England. 191 1. Programme of modernism; reply to the En- cyclical of Pius X, Pascendi Dominici Gregis, with the text of the Encyclical in an English version; tr. from the Italian by George Tyrrell, with an introduction by A. L. Lilley. 1908. (C. 1. 1.) Sabatier, P. Modernism; tr. by C. A. Miles. 1908. (Jowett lect.) Smyth, N. Mediating modernism. (In his Passing Protestantism and coming Catholi- cism.) Tyrrell, G. Christianity at the cross-roads. 1909. — Mediaevalism ; a reply to Cardinal Mercier. 1908. — A much-abused letter. New impr. 1907. — Through Scylla and Charybdis; or. The old theology and the new. 1907. Modernism, Protestant. Torrey, D. C. (C. t.l.) Modernity and the churches. Gardner, P. (C.t.l.) Catalogue General Theological Library 203 Moehler, Johann Adam. Symbolism: or, Ex- position of the doctrinal differences between Catholics and Protestants as evidenced by their symbolical writings; tr. by J. B. Robertson. N. Y. Dunigan. 1844. Moeller, Ernst Wilhelm. History of the Chris- tian church; tr. by A. Rutherfurd and J. H. Freese. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1892- 1900. 3v. Moffat, John Smith. Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat. Lond. Unwin. 1886. Moffat, Robert, missionary to South Africa. Moffat, J. S. Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat. 1886. Moffatt, James. Book of Ecclesiastes. 1905. (Lit. illus. of the Bible.) Gospel of St. Mark. 1905. (Lit. illus. of the Bible.) Historical New Testament: being the litera- ture of the New Testament arranged in the order of its literary growth and accord- ing to the dates of the documents. N. Y. Scribner, 1901. Introduction to the literature of the New Testament. N. Y. Scribner. 1911. (Int. theol. libr.) Paul and Paulinism. Bost. Houghton. 1910. (Modern religious problems.) Reasons and reasons. [Sermons.] N. Y. Hodder. [191 1.] Theology of the gospels. N. Y. Scribner. 1913- joint author. See Dods, M., and others. Mohammed, founder of Islam. Johnstone, P. DeL. Muhammad and his power. 1908. (World's epoch-makers.) Lord, J. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Muir, Sir W. Life of Mohammed from original sources. New ed. by T. H. Weir. 1912. Renan, E. Mahomet and the origins of Islam- ism. (In his Studies of religious history and criticism.) Mohammedanism. Ahmad, Mirza Ghulam. Teachings of Islam; a solution of five fundamental religious problems from the Muslim point of view. 1910. Ameer Ali, Syed. Islim. 1906. (Religions anc. and mod.) Arnold, T. W. Preaching of Islam: history of the propagation of the Muslim faith. 1896. Bliss, F. J. Islam. {In his Religions of modern Syria and Palestine, chapters IV- VI.) Clarke, J. F. Mohammed and Islam. (In his Ten great religions, vol. I.) Dwight, H. O. The Mohammedan question. (In his Constantinople and its prob- lems.) Field, C. Mystics and saints of Islam. 1910. Hughes, T. P. Dictionary of Islam. 1896. Macdonald, D. B. Aspects of Islam. 191 1. (Hartford-Lamson lect.) — Development of Muslim theology, juris- prudence and constitutional theory. 1903. (Semitic ser.) — The religious attitude and life in Islam. 1909. (Haskell lect.) Mohammedanism — Continued. Margoliouth, D. S. Mohammedanism. [1912.] Ponafidine, P. G. Life in the Moslem East; tr. by E. C. Ponafidine. 1911. Sell, E. Faith of Islam. 1880. Shedd, W. A. Islam and the oriental churches: their historical relations. 1908. (Stu- dents' lect. on missions, Princeton Theol. Sem.) Smith, H. P. The Bible and Islam. 1897. (Ely lect.) Stobart, J. W. H. Islam and its founder, loth thous. 1901. (Non-Christian reli- gious systems.) Wherry, E. M., and others, eds. Islam and missions. See Missionary conference on behalf of the Mohammedan world. Zwemer, S. M. The Moslem doctrine of God. C1905. — The Moslem world. 1908. (For. miss, study courses.) ed. Mohammedan world of to-day. See Missionary conference on behalf of the Mohammedan world. See also Christianity and other religions; Koran; Mecca; Missions; Mohammed; Religions. MoLiNos, Miguel de, founder of Spanish Quietism. Bigelow, J. Molinos the Quiet- ist. 1882, Moll, Albert. Hypnotism. Lond. W. Scott. 1897. (Cont. sci. ser.) Momerie, Alfred Williams. Agnosticism: ser- mons. Edin. Blackwood. 1887. Basis of religion. Edin. Blackwood. 1886. Belief in God. Edin. Blackwood. 1886. Church and creed: sermons. Edin. Black- wood. 1890. Defects of modern Christianity, and other sermons. Edin. Blackwood. 1888. Inspiration and other sermons. 2d ed. Edin. Blackwood. 1890. Modern scepticism and modern faith. Edin. Blackwood. 1910. Origin of evil, and other sermons. Edin. Blackwood. 1888. Personality, the beginning and end of meta- physics. Lond. Blackwood. 1886. Monasteries. Jessopp, A. Daily life in a mediaeval monastery. (In his Coming of the friars.) See also Port Royal. Monasteries in England. Froude, J. A. Dis- solution of the monasteries. (In his Short studies on great subjects, 1st ser.) — Visitation of the monasteries. (In his History of England, vol. II., chap. X.) Monastic orders. 5'e« Dominicans; Franciscans. Monasticism. Clarke, J. F. Christian monks and monastic life. (In his Events and epochs in religious history.) Eckenstein, L. Woman under monasticism. 1896. Harnack, A. Monasticism: its ideals and history. (C. t. 1.) Taylor, H. O. Reforms of monasticism. (In his Mediaeval mind, vol. I.) Thatcher, O. J., and McNeil, E. H., eds. Monasticism. (In their Source book for mediaeval history, section VIII.) See also Monks and monasteries. 204 Catalogue General Theological Library Moncrief , John Wildman. Short history of the Christian church for students and general readers. N. Y. Revell. CI908. Monday Club. Sermons on the International Sunday-school lessons. 1909-1913. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1905-1912. 5v. Money. Bowman, H. W. Money question under the X-rays of prophecy. 1897. Monism. Boutroux, E. £. M. Haeckel and monism. {In his Science and religion in contemporary philosophy.) Carus, P. Monism and meliorism. 1885. Guyau, J. M. Monism. {In his Non- religion of the future, chap. V.) Haeckel, E. H. P. A. Confession of faith of a jnan of science; tr. by J. Gilchrist. 1903. — Riddle of the universe at the close of the nineteenth century; tr. by J. McCabe. 1900. Lodge, Sir O. J. Life and matter: a criticism of Prof. Haeckel's " Riddle of the universe." 1905. Romanes, G. J. Mind and motion and monism. 1895. Walker, W. L. Christian theism and a spirit- ual monism. 1906. Ward, J. Spiritualistic monism. {In his Naturalism and agnosticism, vol. IL) (Gifford lect.) Warschauer, J. {In his Problems of imma- nence, chapters III-IV.) Monks and monasteries. Clarke, J. F. Buddhist monks of central Asia. {In his Events and epochs.) Herkless, J. Francis and Dominic and the mendicant orders. 1901. (World's epoch- makers.) Montalembert, C. F. R., Count de Tryon. Monks of the West from St. Benedict to St. Bernard. 1872. 2 v. Wishart, A. W. Short history of monks and monasteries. 1902. Monks, Gilbert. Preacher's guide; or. Secrets of success in sacred oratory. N. Y. Whit- taker. 1905. Monod, G., joint author. See Bemont, C, and Monod, G. Monopolies. See Standard Oil Company. Monotheism. Alviella, G. d', count. Mono- theism. {In his Origin and growth of the conception of God.) (Hibbert lect.) Ellinwood, F. F. Traces of a primitive monotheism. {In his Oriental religions and Christianity.) Jevons, F. B. Monotheism. {In his Intro- duction to the history of religion.) Monroe doctrine. Taylor, H. {In his Origin and growth of the American constitution, p. 274, pp. 377-401.) Monroe, Lewis Baxter. Manual of physical and vocal training. Phila. Cowperthwait. 1869. Monroe, Paul. Text-book in the history of education. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Monser, Harold E., ed. See Bible. Whole. Montague, Gilbert Holland. Rise and progress of the Standard oil company. N. Y. Harper. 1903. Montague, Richard. Heaven: six sermons. Bost. Silver. 1896. Montalembert, Charles Forbes Rene, Count de Tryon. Monks of the West. Bost. Donahoe. 1872. 2v. Montefiore, Claude Goldsmid. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Hebrews. Lond. Williams. 1892. (Hib- bert lect.) Some elements of the religous teaching of Jesus according to the synoptic gospels. Lond. Macm. 1910. (Jowett lect.) Synoptic gospels; with an introduction and commentary. Lond. Macm. 1909. Montgomery, George Redington. Unexplored self; an introduction to Christian doctrine. N. Y. Putnam. 1910. Montgomery, Harry Earl. Christ's social reme- dies. N. Y. Putnam. 191 1. Montgomery, Helen Barrett. Christus redemp- tor; an outline study of the island world of the Pacific. N. Y. Macm. 1906. (United study of missions.) Western women in Eastern lands; an outline study of fifty years of woman's work in foreign missions. N. Y. Macm. 1910. (United study of missions.) Montgomery, Henry Hutchinson, ed. Mankind and the church: being an attempt to esti- mate the contribution of great races to the fulness of the church of God; by seven bishops. Lond., etc. Longm. 1907. Montgomery, James Alan. The Samaritans, the earliest Jewish sect. Phila. Winston. 1907. (Bohlen lect.) Montgomery, Richard. Armstrong, J. Rich- ard Montgomery. {In Amer. biography, vol. XL Sparks, J., ed.) Monuments and the Old Testament. Price, I. M. Monuments of the early church. Lowrie, W. Moody, Dwight Lyman. Fulness of the gospel. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI908. and others. Gospel awakening. Chi. Fair- banks. 1879. Daniels, W. H. D. L. Moody and his work, 1875. Moody, W.R. Dwight Lyman Moody. 1900. Wilkinson, W. C. Dwight Lyman Moody. {In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse^ Moody, WiUiam Revell. Dwight L. Moody. N. Y, Revell. 1900. Moon, James H. Why Friends (Quakers) do not baptize with water. Fallsington [Pa.]. J. H. Moon. 1909. Moore, Albert Weston. Rational basis of orthodoxy. Bost. Houghton. 1901. Moore, Edward Caldwell. New Testament in the Christian church. N. Y. Macm. 1904. (Lowell Inst, lect.) One law of the interpretation of religion. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Outline of the history of Christian thought since Kant. N. Y. Scribner. 1912. Moore, George Foot. Commentary on Judges. N. Y. Scribner. 1895. (Int. crit. com.) Definition of the Jewish canon and the repudia- tion of Christian scriptures. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Literature of the Old Testament. N. Y, Holt. C1913. (Home Univ. libr.) Catalogue General Theological Library 205 Moore, Walter William. The indispensable book. N. Y. Revell. C1910. Moorhouse, James. Church work, its means and methods. Lond. Macm. 1894. Moors in Spain. Lea, H. C. The Moriscos of Spain: their conversion and expulsion. 1901. Moral damage of war. Walsh, W. Moral education. Adler, F. Moral instruc- tion of children. 1909. Dewey, J. Moral principles in education. C1909. DuBois, P. Natural way in moral training; four modes of nurture. [1903.] Griggs, E. H. Moral education. 1904. Hall, G. S. Moral education. {In his Educational problems, vol. I.) Moral evolution. Harris, G. Moral overstrain. Alger, G. W. Moral training in the public schools. Rugh, C. E., and others. Morals in modern business. Page, E. D., and others. Moravian church. Hamilton, J. T. History of the Unitas Fratrum, or Moravian church, in the United States. 1895. (Amer. church history, vol. VHI.) Schweinitz, E. A. de. History of the church known as the Unitas Fratrum, or Unity of the Brethren. 1885. More, Hannah. Lord, J, (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 7.) More, Louise Bolard. Wage-earners' budgets; a study of standards and cost of living in New York City. N. Y. Holt. 1907. More, Paul Elmer. Drift of romanticism. Bost. Houghton. 1913. (Shelburne es- says, 8th ser.) Nietzsche. Bost. Houghton. 1912. More, Sir Thomas. Utopia, with the ' Dialogue of comfort.' Lond. Dent. n. d. (Every- man's libr.) Hodges, G. (In his Saints and heroes since the Middle ages.) Seebohm, F. The Oxford reformers, Colet, Erasmus, More. 191 1. Morel, Edmund D. King Leopold's rule in Africa. N. Y. Funk. 1905. MorfiU, William Richard, and Charles, Robert Henry, transl. and ed. Book of the secrets of Enoch. See Bible. O. T. Pseude- pigrapha. Morgan, Conwy Lloyd. Instinct and experience. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Interpretation of nature. Lond. Macm. 1905. Morgan, George Campbell. Bible and the cross. N. Y. Revell. C1909. The Christ of to-day. What? Whence? Whither? N. Y., etc. Revell. CI905. Crises of the Christ. N. Y., etc. Revell. .[1903] First century message to twentieth century Christians. N. Y. Revell. C1902. Missionary manifesto. N. Y. Revell. C1909. Parables of the kingdom. N. Y. Revell. C1907. Practice of prayer. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI 906. The Spirit of God. N. Y., etc. Revell. [1900.] Morgan, George Campbell — Continued. Study and teaching of the English Bible. N. Y. Revell. C1910. Sunrise: " Behold He cometh "; introduction to a study of the Second advent. N. Y., etc. Revell, 1912. Ten commandments. N. Y. Revell. C1901. ed. Analyzed Bible. N. Y. Revell. 1908- 1910. 8v. See Bible. Whole. Commen- taries. Morgan, John Vymwy, ed. Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Bost. S., M. & CO. 1901. 5ee Theology. Essays. Morison, James. Commentary on Matthew. Bost. Bartlett. 1884. Morison, James Augustus Cotter. Life and times of St. Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux. Lond. Chapman. 1863. Service of man ; an essay towards the religion of the future. 3d ed. Lond. Paul. 1888. Morison, John. Fathers and founders of the London missionary society. New ed. Lond. Fisher. [1844.] Morison, John Hopkins. Great poets as religious teachers. N.Y. Harper. 1886. Moritzen, Julius. Peace movement of America. N. Y. Putnam. 1912. Morley, John (Morley of Blackburn, ist vis- count). Critical miscellanies. Lond. Macm. 1886-88. 3v. Life of William Ewart Gladstone. N. Y. Macm. 1903. 3v. Oliver Cromwell. N. Y. Century. 1902. Rousseau. Lond. Macm. 1886. 2v. Voltaire. Lond. Macm. 1897. Mormons and Mormonism. Anderson, E. H. Brief history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 3ded. 1905. Book of Mormon; tr. by Joseph Smith. 1871. Same. Newed. 1907. Cannon, F. J., and O'Higgins, H. J. Under the prophet in Utah. 1911. Ferris, Mrs. B. G. Mormons at home. 1856. Linn, W. A. Story of the Mormons, from the date of their origin to the year 1901. 1902. Smith, J. Book of doctrine and covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 4th European ed. 1854. — Same. Newed. 191 1. — Pearl of f great price: selection from the revelations, translations, and narrations of Joseph Smith; by J. E. Talmage. 1907. Stenhouse, T. B. H. Rocky Mountain saints; a full and complete history of the Mormons. 1873- Talmage, J. E. Articles of faith: lectures on the principal doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 5th ed. 1909. Morris, Caspar. Life of William Wilberforce. N.Y. 1857. Morris, Edward Dafydd. Is there salvation after death? N. Y. Armstrong. C1887. Theology of the Westminster symbols. Columbus [O.]. 1900. Morris, Richard. Rationality of the incarna- tion. (Hibbert journal supplement.) Morris, Samuel Leslie. At our own door; a study of home missions with special reference to the South and West, N. Y. Revell. CI 904. I 206 Catalogue General Theological Library Morris, William. Brooke, S. A, (In his Four Victorian poets.) Morris, William Bullen. Life of St. Patrick, apostle of Ireland. Lond. Burns. 1890. Morrison, Charles Robert. Proofs of Christ's resurrection. Andover. Draper. 1885. Morrison, George H. Afterglow of God: ser- mons. N. Y. Hodder. 1912. Flood-tide; Sunday evenings in a city pulpit. N. Y. Hodder. n. d. Return of the angels. N. Y. Hodder. 1909. Sun-rise ; addresses from a city pulpit. 4th ed. Lond. Hodder. n. d. Unlighted lustre; addresses from a Glasgow pulpit. N. Y. Armstrong. 1906. Wings of the morning. N.Y. Armstrong. 1907. Morrison, Robert, missionary to the Chinese. Townsend, W. J. Robert Morrison, n. d. Morrison, William Douglas. Jews under Roman rule. N. Y. Putnam. 1893. (Story of the nations.) Morrow, Prince Albert. Social diseases and marriage. N. Y. Lea. 1904. Morse, Edwin Wilson. Causes and effects in American history. N, Y. Scribner. 1912. Morse, John Torrey. Abraham Lincoln. Bost. Houghton. C1893. 2v. (Amer. statesmen.) Life and letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Bost. Houghton. C1896. 2 v. Mortimer, Alfred Gamett. Catholic faith and practice. N. Y. Longm. 1900. 2v. Jesus and the resurrection; thirty addresses for Good Friday and Easter. Lond. Longm. 1907. Lenten preaching. N. Y. Dutton. 1902. Morton, Nathaniel. New England's memorial. 6th ed. Bost. Congr. bd. of pub. 1855. Moses, Hebrew lawgiver. Allen, J. H. {In his Hebrew men and times.) Davidson, A. B. Moses on Mount Sinai. [Sermon.] {In his Called of God.) Guthrie, T. {In his Studies of character from the O. T.) Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. I.) Matheson, G. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Adam to Job.) Meyer, F. B. Moses, the servant of God. (O. T. heroes.) Rawlinson, G. Moses: his life and times. (Men of the Bible.) Taylor, W. M. Moses the law-giver. 1907. Townsend, W. J. Moses. {In Men of the O. T.: Cain to David. Milligan, G., and others.) Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Adam to Achan.) Moses and his recent critics. Chambers, T. W., ed. Moses and the prophets. Terry, M. S. Moses, Montrose Jonas, transl. See Oberam- mergau passion play. Mosheim, Johann Lorentz von. Ecclesiastical history, ancient and modern; tr. from the Latin, with notes, by A. Maclaine. Charles- town. Etheridge. 1810-11. 6v. Vol. I lacks title page. Historical commentaries on the state of Christianity during the first three hundred and twenty-five years from the Christian era. N. Y. Converse. 1852. 2v. Mosher, William Eugene. Promise of the Christ-age in recent literature. N. Y. Put- nam. 1912. Moslem doctrine of God. Zwemer, S. M. Moslem world. Zwemer, S. M. Mosso, Angelo. Dawn of Mediterranean civili- zation; tr. by M. C. Harrison. N. Y. Baker. [191 1.] Motley, John Lothrop. Rise of the Dutch re- public. N.Y. Harper. 1862. 3V. Mott, John Raleigh. Decisive hour of Christian missions. N. Y. S. V. M. 1910. Evangelization of the world in this genera- tion. N. Y. S. V. M. 1900. Future leadership of the church. N. Y. S. V. M. 1908. Home ministry and modern missions. Lond. Hodder. 1905. Strategic points in the world's conquest. N. Y. Revell. C1897. Moule, Handley Carr Glyn. Epistle to the Romans, with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1879. (Cambr. Bible.) Epistle to the Romans. N. Y. Armstrong. 1894. (Expositor's Bible.) Epistle to the Ephesians, with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1886. (Cambr. Bible.) Epistle to the Philippians, with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1889. (Cambr. Bible.) Epistle to the Philippians. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1906. (Cambr. Greek Test.) Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon, with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1893. (Cambr. Bible.) Faith, its nature and its work. Lond. Cassell. 1909. Moulton, James Hope. Grammar of New Testament Greek. 2d ed. Edin. Clark. 1906. Vol. I. Moulton, Richard Green. Literary study of the Bible. Bost. Heath. 1895. The moral system of Shakespeare; a popular illustration of fiction as the experimental side of philosophy. N. Y. Macm. 1903. Short introduction to the literature of the Bible. Bost. Heath. 1901. World literature and its place in general cul- ture. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. and others. Bible as literature. N. Y. Crowell. CI 896. ed. Modern reader's Bible. See Bible. Whole. Commentaries. Moulton, William Fiddian. History of the English Bible. Lond. Cassell. [1878.] Mount Holyoke College. See Lyon, Mary. Mountains of the Bible. Summerbell, J. J. Mowry, William Augustus. Marcus Whitman and the early days of Oregon. N. Y. Silver. C1901. Moxom, Philip Stafford. Roberts. 1894. Mozley, James Bowling, and theological. N. 2V. Miracles. Lond. Rivington. 1867. (Bamp. lect.) Reversal of human judgment. {In World's great sermons, vol. V. Kleiser, G., ed.) Aim of life. Bost. Essays, historical Y. Dutton. 1888. Catalogue General Theological Library 207 Mozley, James Bowling — Continued. Ruling ideas in early ages and their relation to Old Testament faith. N. Y. Dutton. 1887. Sermons, parochial and occasional. N. Y. Dutton. 1889. Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, and on various occasions. N. Y. Dutton. 1876. Treatise on the Augustinian doctrine of predestination. N. Y. Dutton. 1878. War. (In Famous sermons by English preachers. Macleane, D., ed.) Brastow, L. O. James Bowling Mozley. (In his Representative modern preachers.) Mozley, Thomas. Reminiscences, chiefly of Oriel college and the Oxford movement. Lond. Longm. 1882. 2 v. Mozoomdar, Ptotap Chunder. Faith and prog- ress of the Brahmo Somaj. Calcutta. 1882. Heart-beats. Ellis. 1894. Oriental Christ. Bost. Ellis. 1883. Spirit of God. Bost. Ellis. 1894. Mudge, James. Best of Browning. N. Y. Eaton. 1898. Fenelon the mystic. Cine. Jennings. CI906. (Men of the kingdom.) History of the New England conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. 1796- 1910. Bost. N. E. conf. 1910. Perfect life in experience and doctrine. Cine. Jennings. C1911. Poems with power to strengthen the soul. N. Y. Eaton. CI907. Mtiller, E. F. Karl. Our Lord: belief in the deity of Christ. N. Y. Eaton. CI908. (For. rel. ser.) Miiller, Friedrich Max. Chips from a German workshop. N. Y. Scribner. 1869-71. 3V. Contents : I. Essays on the science of reli- gion. — II. Essays on mythology, traditions and customs. — III. Essays on literature, biog- raphy and antiquities. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religions of India. N. Y. Scribner. 1879. (Hibbert lect.) Lectures on the science of religion. N. Y. Scribner. 1872. Natural religion. Lond. Longm. 1889. (Gififord lect.) Theosophy or psychological religion. Lond. Longm. 1893. (Gifford lect.) Ir. Sacred books of the East. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1879-1885. Vols. 1-7, 9, 1 8, 23-24. Miiller, George. Life of trust: narrative of the Lord's dealings with George Miiller, written by himself; ed. by H. L. Wayland. Bost. Gould. 1 86 1. Pierson, A. T. George Miiller and his witness to a prayer-hearing God. C1899. Miiller, Jiilius. Christian doctrine of sin; tr. by W. Urwick. Edin. Clark. 1877, 2v. (For. theol. libr.) Miinsterberg, Hugo. American traits from the point of view of a German. Bost. Hough- ton. C1901. The Americans; tr. by E. B. Holt. N. Y. McClure. 1907. Miinsterberg, Hugo — Continued. The eternal values. Bost. Houghton. 1909. Psychology and life. Bost. Houghton. CI 899. Psychotherapy. N. Y. Moffat. 1909. and others. Subconscious phenomena. Bost. Badger. 1910. Miiir, Pearson M'Adam. Modern substitutes for Christianity. N. Y. Hodder. 1909. (Baird lect.) Muir, 5z> William. The Coran; its composition and teaching, and the testimony it bears to the Holy Scriptures. Lond. S. P. C. K. n. d. Life of Mohammed from original sources. New ed. by T. H. Weir. Edin. Grant. 1912. Muirhead, John Henry. Elements of ethics; an introduction to moral philosophy. N. Y. Scribner. 1908. Muirhead, Lewis Andrew. Eschatology of Jesus: a brief study of our Lord's apoca- lyptic language in the synoptic gospels. Lond. Melrose. 1904. Mxilford, Elisha. The nation. Bost. Hough- ton. 1887. Republic of God. Bost. Houghton. 1881. Mullmger, James Bass. History of the Uni- versity of Cambridge. Lond. Longm. 1888. (Epochs of church history.) MuUins, Edgar Young. Axioms of religion. Phila. Griffith. CI908. Baptist beliefs. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1912. Freedom and authority in religion. Phila. G. & R. press. 1913. Munger, Theodore Thornton. Appeal to life. Bost. Houghton. 1887. Freedom of faith. Bost. Houghton. 1883. Horace Bushnell, preacher and theologian. Bost. Houghton. 1899. Lamps and paths. Bost. Bartlett. 1884. On the threshold. Bost. Houghton. ci88o. Municipal government. Addams, J. Newer ideals of peace. 1907. (Citizen's library.) Murphy, Edgar Gardner. Basis of ascendancy: a discussion of certain principles of public policy involved in the development of the Southern states. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1910. Problems of the present South. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1909. Mturay, Andrew. Be perfect! N. Y. Ran- dolph, n. d. Holy in Christ. N. Y. Revell. n. d. Like Christ. Chi. Revell. n. d. Spirit of Christ. N. Y. Revell. n. d. With Christ in the school of prayer. N. Y. Revell. n. d. Mxirray, Gilbert. Four stages of Greek religion. N. Y. Columb. Univ. press. 1912. (Colum- bia Univ. lect.) Murray, James Ormsbee, ed. William Gam- mell; biographical sketch, with selections from his writings. Camb. Riverside press. 1890. Murray, John Clark. Handbook of Christian ethics. Edin. Clark. 1908. Murray, William Henry Harrison. Deacons. Bost. Cupples. C1874. Music-hall sermons. Bost. Fields. 1870. Music. 5ee Church music ; Oratorio. 208 Catalogue General Theological Library Muston, Alexis. The Israel of the Alps: a history of the persecutions of the Waldenses; tr. by William Hazlitt. 2d ed. Lond. Ingram. 1853. My religion. Tolstoi, L. N. Myers, Charles Samuel, and LeflSngwell, Albert. Vivisection problem: a controversy. Chi. Vivisection ref. soc. 1907. Pamphlet. Myers, Cortland. The real Holy Spirit. N. Y. Revell. 1909. Real prayer. N. Y. Revell. CI911. Why men do not go to church. N. Y. Funk. 1899. Myers, Frederic William Hemry. Human per- sonality and its survival of bodily death; ed. by L. H. Myers. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1903. Benson, A. C. {In his Leaves of the tree.) James, W. {In his Memories and studies.) Myers, Philip Van Ness. History as past ethics ; an introduction to the history of morals. Bost., etc. Ginn. C1913. Myres, John Linton. Dawn of history. N. Y. Holt. C1911. Mysteries. Cheetham, S. The mysteries, pagan and Christian. 1897. (Hulsean lect.) Mysteries of Mithra. Cumont, F. V. M. Mysticism. Armstrong, R. A. God and the soul. 1907. Everett, C. C. Mysticism. {In his Im- mortality, and other essays.) Fowler, W. W. Mysticism — ideas of a future life. {In his Religious experience of the Roman people, lect. XVII.) Hall, T. C. A definition of mysticism. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Inge, W. R. Personal idealism and mysticism. 1907. (Paddock lect.) Jones, R. M. Studies in mystical religion. 1909. Miinsterberg, H. Psychology and mysticism. {In his Psychology and life.) Recejac, E. Essay on the bases of the mystic knowledge; tr. by S. C. Upton. 1899. Taylor, H. O. Mystic visions of ascetic women. {In his Mediaeval mind, vol. I.) Tyrrell, G. H. {In his Faith of the millions, first series, essays XI-XII. 3d ed.) Underhill, E. Mysticism; a study in the nature and development of man's spiritual consciousness. 1 9 1 1 . See also Christian mysticism; Mystics. Mystics. Clarke, J. F. The mystics in all re- ligions. {In his Events and epochs.) Field, C. Mystics and saints of Islam. 1910. Inge, W. R. Studies of English mystics. 1906. (St. Margaret's lect.) Steiner, R. Mystics of the Renaissance. 1911. Vaughan, R. A. Hours with the mystics. i860. 2v. Workman, H. B. The mediaeval mystics. {In his Christian thought to the reforma- tion.) See also Catherine of Genoa, St.; Eckhart, Johannes; Juliana of Norwich; Patmore, Coventry; Tauler, Johann; Teresa, St.; Thomas a Kempis. Mythology. Brinton, D. G. Myths of the new world. 3d ed. 1896. Bulfinch, T. Age of fable. CI897. Fiske, J. Myths and myth-makers. 23d ed. 1898. Horton, R. F. Myths. {In his Great issues.) Lang, A. Modern mythology. 1897. Tylor, E. B. Primitive culture; researches into the development of mythology, phi- losophv, religion, language, art, and custom. 1871. Mythology, Celtic. Squire, C. Mythology of ancient Britain and Ireland, n. d. (Re- ligions anc. and mod.) See also Celtic religion. Mythology, Norse. Chantepie de la Saus- saye, P. D. Religion of the Teutons; tr. by B. J. Vos. 1902. (Hdbks. on the history of religions.) Craigie, W. A. Religion of ancient Scandina- via. (Religions anc. and mod.) Rydberg, V. Teutonic mythology; tr. by R. B. Anderson. 1889. Mythology, Semitic. See Semites. Nahum, Old Testament prophet. Farrar, F. W. {In his Minor prophets.) Naime, Alexander, joint author. See Beeching, H. C, and Nairne, A. Names. Armstrong, G., comp. Names and places in the Old Testament and Apocry- pha. 1887. Arthur, W. Etymological dictionary of fam- ily and Christian names. 1857. Taylor, I. Words and places; or. Etymologi- cal illustrations of history, ethnology and geography. 2d ed. 1865. Wilkinson, W. F. Personal names in the Bible. 1865. Yonge, C. M. History of Christian names. 1863. 2 v. Napoleon I, emperor of the French. Bourrienne, L. A. F. de. Memoirs of Napoleon Bona- parte; by M. de Bourienne, his private sec- retary. 1836. 4v. in 2. Larned, J. N. Napoleon: a prodigy without greatness. {In his Study of greatness in men.) Lee, H. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 1837. Lord, J. Napoleon Bonaparte. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 9.) Napoleon III. Napoleonic ideas. (Des idees napoleoniennes, par le prince Napo- leon-Louis Bonaparte.) Tr. by J. A. Dorr. 1859- Scott, Sir W. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. n. t. p. Napoleon III, emperor of the French, 185 2-1 870. Napoleonic ideas, tr. by J. A. Dorr. N. Y. Appleton. 1859. Narragansett {R. I.) Updike, W. History of the Episcopal Church in Narragansett, R. I.; including a history of other Episco- pal churches in the state. 2d ed. 1907. Nash, Charles Siminer. Congregational ad- ministration. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1909. (Carew lect.) Nash, Heiuy Sylvester. The atoning life. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Genesis of the social conscience. N. Y. Macm. 1897. History of the higher criticism of the New Testament. N. Y. Macm. 1900. Catalogue General Theological Library 209 I Nathan, Old Testament prophet. Dawson, W. J. Nathan and David. {In his Threshold of manhood.) Nathanael of Cana. Carpenter, W. B. Nathanael. (In his Son of man among the sons of men.) Dole, C. F. Nathanael the pure in heart. {In his Jesus and the men about him.) Matheson, G. Nathanael the invigorated. {In his Representative men of the N. T.) Rowland, A. Nathanael. {In Men of the N. T. Milligan, G., and others.) Nathaniel William Taylor lectures. Christian view of the world. Blewett, G. J. Direct and fundamental proofs of the Chris- tian religion. Knox, G. W. Seeming unreality of the spiritual life. King, H. C. Theology and human problems. Lyman, E. W. Use of the Scriptures in theology. Clarke, W. N. National characteristics, American. See United States. National characteristics. National Child Labor Committee. Proceedings of annual conferences. 1906-1911. N. Y. Amer. Acad. 1906-1911. 6v. 1906. Child labor: a menace to industry, education and good citizenship. 1907. Child labor and the republic. 1908. Child labor and social progress. 1909. Child workers of the nation. 19 10. Child employing industries. 191 1. Uniform child labor laws. National church of Sweden. Wordsworth, J. Natural law in the business world. Wood, H. Natural religion. Butler, J. Analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature; ed. by W. E. Gladstone. 1896. Chadbourne, P. A. Lectures on natural theology. 1867. Drummond, J. Natural law in the spiritual world. I1883.] Fisher, G. P. Manual of natural theology, .1893. Hill, T. Statement of the natural sources of theology. 1877. Miiller, F. M. Natural religion. 1889. (Giflford lect.) Seeley, J. R. Natural religion. 1882. Wilson, W. D. Foundations of religious belief. 1883. Natural rights. Ritchie, D. G. Natural theology. See Natural religion. Natural value. Wieser, F. von. Naturalism. Otto, K. L. R. Naturalism and religion; tr. by J. A. and M. R. Thom- son. 1907. (C. 1. 1.) Perry, R. B. {In his Present philosophical tendencies.) Rogers, R. A. P. {In his Short history of ethics.) Ward, J. Naturalism and agnosticism. 1899. 2v. (Gifford lect.) Nature. Argyll, G. D. C, 8th duke of. Unity of nature. 1884. Blewett, G. J. Study of nature and the vision of God. 1507. Everett, C. C. Poetic aspect of nature. {In his Poetry, comedy and duty.) Nature — Continued. Morgan, C. L. Interpretation of nature. 1905- Shaler, N. S. Interpretation of nature. 1893. (Winkley lect.) Nature addresses. Emerson, R. W. Nature and man in America. Shaler, N. S. Nature and the Bible. Reusch, F. H. 2v. Nature and the supernatural. Bushnell, H. Nature of goodness. Palmer, G. H. Nature of man. Mechnikov, I.I. Naville, Edouard Henri. Old Egyptian faith; tr. by C. Campbell. N. Y. Putnam. 1909. (C. t. 1.) Naville, Jules Ernest. Problem of evil. Edin. Clark. 1 87 1. Naylor, Wilson S. Daybreak in the dark conti- nent. N. Y. Eaton. C1908. (Forward mission study courses.) Neal, Daniel. History of the Puritans, or Protestant Non-conformists, from the ref- ormation to the death of Queen Elizabeth. New ed. by J. Toulmin. Bost. Charles Ewer. 1816-17. 5v. Neale, John Mason. Catechetical notes and class questions. Lond. Rivington. 1869. and Littledale, Richard Frederick. Liturgies of SS. Mark, James, Clement, Chrysostom and Basil, and the Church of Malabar. 7th ed. I1869.I Towle, E, A. John Mason Neale: a memoir. 1906. Neander, Johann August Wilhelm. General history of the Christian religion and church ; tr. by Joseph Torrey. Amer. ed. Bost. Croker. 1856-59. 5v, — History of the planting and training of the Christian church; tr. by J. E. Ryland. N. Y. Sheldon. 1865. Lectures on the history of Christian dogmas; tr. by J. E. Ryland. Lond. Bohn. 1858. 2v. (Bohn's standard libr.) Nearing, Scott. Social adjustment. N. Y. Macm. 1911. Social religion: an interpretation of Chris- tianity in terms of modern life. N. Y. Macm. 1913. Solution of the child labor problem. N. Y. Moffat. 1911. Wages in the United States, 1908-1910. N. Y. Macm. 1911. and Nearing, Nellie M. (S.). Women and social progress. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Needham, George Carter. Shadow and sub- stance: exposition of the tabernacle types. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1896. Neely, Thomas Benjamin. History of the origin and development of the governing conference in Methodism, and especially of the General conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, N. Y. Eaton. C1892. South America: its missionary problems. N.Y. Y. P. M. M. 1909. Neesima, Joseph Hardy. Davis, J. D. Joseph Hardy Neesima. C1894. Hardy, A. S. Life and letters of Joseph Hardy Neesima. 1892. Negro in the United States. Abbott, E. H. Religious tendencies of the negro. {In his Religious life in America.) 210 Catalogue General Theological Library Negro in United States — Continued. Baker, R. S. Following the color line; an account of negro citizenship in the American democracy. 1908. Commons, J. R. The negro. {In his Races and immigrants in America.) Du Bois, W. E. B. The souls of black folk: essays and sketches. 1 903 . From servitude to service; being the Old South lectures on the history and work of southern institutions for the education of the negro. 1905. Gregg, D. The black forefathers. {In his Makers of the American republic.) Helm, M. From darkness to light; the story of negro progress. N. Y. Revell. CI909. — The upward path; evolution of a race. C1909. Johnston, Sir H. H. The negro in the new world. 1910. Lilly, D. C. The white man's burden. {In Morris, S. L. At our own door.) Livermore, G. Historical research respecting the opinions of the founders of the republic on negroes as slaves, as citizens and as sol- diers. 4th ed. 1863. Page, T. N. The negro: the Southerner's problem. 1910. Patterson, R. A. The negro and his needs, with a foreword by William Howard Taft. CI911. Stone, A. H. Studies in the American race problem. 1908. Strong, J. The race problem. {In Studies in the gospel of the kingdom, 1910.) Thomas, I. L. The black man in the nation. {In Coker, H. J., comp. Conservation of the moral resources of the nation.) Washington, B. T. My larger education. 1911. — Story of the negro. 1909. 2v. — Up from slavery. 1901. See also Missions; Slavery in the United States; South. Negroes. Johnston, Sir H. H. The negro in the new world. 19 10. — and others. The modern conscience in relation to racial questions (the negro and the American Indian). {In Papers on inter-racial problems, first Universal races congress, 191 1. Spiller, G., ed.) Nehemiah, Hebrew patriot. Merrill, S. {In his Ancient Jerusalem, chap. XL.) Milligan, G. Nehemiah. {In Men of the O. T.: Solomon to Jonah. Milligan, G., and others.) Whyte, A. Nehemiah. {In his Bible charac- ters: Ahithophel to Nehemiah.) Neighbor, The. Shaler, N. S. Neo-Platonists. Bigg, C. The Christian Platonists of Alexandria. 1886. (Bamp. lect.) Hegel, G. W. F. The Neo-Platonists. {In his Lectures on the history of philosophy, vol. H.) Whittaker, T. Neo-Platonists. 1901. Nervous system. Courtney, J. W. Conquest of nerves. 1911. Halleck, R. P. Education of the central nervous system. 1897. Nestorian church. Ritual. Maclean, A. J., ed. and transl. East Syrian daily offices; tr. from the Syriac with intro- duction, notes and an appendix containing the lectionary and glossary. 1894. (East- ern church assoc.) Nestorians, The. Grant, A. The Nestorians; or, The lost tribes. 1 84 1 . Nestorius, patriarch of Constantinople. Baker, J. F. Bethune-. Nestorius and his teach- mg. 1908. Netherlands. Motley, J. L. Rise of the Dutch republic. 1862. 3V. Neve, Juergen Ludwig. Brief history of the Lutheran church in America; tr. by J. Stump. Burlington [la.]. Ger. lit. bd. 1904. Nevius, Helen S. Coan. Life of John Livingston Nevius. N. Y. Revell. CI895. Nevius, John Livingston. Demon possession and allied themes. Chi. Revell. 1896. Nevius, H. S. C. Life of John Livingston Nevius. CI 895. New, Charles. Sermons. Hastings [Eng.]. Daniel. 1881. New century Bible. General editor: W. F. Adeney. N. Y. Frowde. [Edin. Jack.] 1901-10. 27V. See Bible. Whole. Com- mentaries. New church. Reed, J. Swedenborg and the New church. 1880. Doctrine. Mann, C. H. Life within life; a popular setting forth of Swedenborg's doctrine of degrees. 1904. Smithson, J. H. Letters on the theology of the New church. 1883. Stone, B. N. What the New church stands for: the distinctive doctrines of the New Jerusa- lem. 1912. (Manuals of relig. instruction, doctr. ser., V.) New Church General Convention. Book of worship. N. Y. N. c. bd. of publ. 1898. The Magnificat: hymns with tunes, for the use of the New church. 7th ed. N. c. bd. of publ. 1904. New conscience and an ancient evil. Addams, J. New democracy. Weyl, W. E. New England. Biography. Beach, S. C. Daughters of the Puritans. 1907. Namely: Catharine Maria Sedgwick. — Mary Lov- ell Ware. — Lydia Maria Child. — Dorothea Lynde Dix. — Sarah M. F. Ossoli. — Harriet Beecher St owe. — Louisa May Alcott. Sons of the Puritans. C1908. Namely: George Frisbie Hoar. — Morrill Wyman. — Horace Gray. — Charles Franklin Dunbar. — Phillips Brooks. — Francis Channing Barlow. — Henry Sturgis Russell. — Roger Wolcott. —William Eustis Russell. — Charles Eliot. — William Henry Baldwin. Walker, W. Ten New England leaders. 1901. Namely: I. William Bradford. — II. John Cotton • — III. Richard Mather. — IV. John Eliot. — V. In- crease Mather. — VI. Jonathan Edwards. — VII. Charles Chauncy. — VIII. Samuel Hopkins. — IX. Leonard Woods. — X. Leonard Bacon. Catalogue General Theological Library 211 New England. Chronology. Bradford, A. New England chronology. 1844. History. Fiske, J. Beginnings of New England. 1889. Goodwin, J. A. The Pilgrim republic; an his- torical review of the Colony of New Plym- outh, with sketches of the rise of other New England settlements, the history of Congregationalism, and the creeds of the period. 1895. Mather, I. Remarkable providences illustra- tive of the earlier days of American colonisa- tion. 1856. (Library of old authors.) Mathews, L. K. Expansion of New England. 1909. Morton, N. New England's memorial. 6th ed. 1855. Palfrey, J. G. History of New England. 1860-1892. 5v. — History of New England from the dis- covery by Europeans to the revolution of the seventeenth century. 1866. 2 v. An abridgment of his " Hist, of N. E. during the Stuart dynasty." Warren, I. P. The three judges: story of the men who beheaded their king. CI873. Religious history. Bacon, L. Genesis of New England churches. 1874. Chauncy, C. Seasonable thoughts on the state of religion in New England. 1743. Colton, A. M. The old meeting house, and vacation papers, humorous and other. 1890. Earle, Mrs. A. M. Sabbath in Puritan New England. 1896. Felt, J. B. Ecclesiastical history of New Eng- land. 1855. 2V. Ford, D. B. New England's struggles for religious liberty. 1896. Love, W. D. Fast and thanksgiving days of New England. 1895. Mather, C. Magnalia Christi Americana: or. Ecclesiastical history of New England, from 1620 to 1698. First Amer. ed. from the Lond. ed. of 1702. 1820. 2v. Merriman, T. M. Pilgrims, Puritans, and Roger Williams vindicated. [1891.] Tracy, J. The great awakening: history of the revival of religion in the time of Edwards and Whitefield. 1842. Uhden, H. F. The New England theocracy; tr. from 2d Germ. ed. by H. C. Conant. 1858. Walker, G. L. Some aspects of the religious life of New England. 1897. Wise, J. A vindication of the government of New England churches. 4th ed. i860. See also Names of churches. Social life. Earle, Mrs. A. M. Customs and fashions in old New England. 1896. Theology. See Theology, Historical. New England Christian Association. Prize essays: Secrecy and citizenship. Bost. Earle. 1897. New evangelism, and other addresses. Drum- mond, H. New Hampshire. Lawrence, R. F. The New Hampshire churches. 1856. New Jerusalem Church. See New Church. New Testament. See Bible. New Testament. Parables. See Parables. New Testament of higher Buddhism. Richard, T. New theology. Anderson, K. C. The larger faith: some aspects of the new theology. 1903. Campbell, R. J. The new theology. 1907. — New theology sermons. 1907. Drummond, H. Method of the new theology and some of its applications. {In his New evangelism, and other addresses.) Gore, C. The new theology and the old reli- gion. 1907. Headlam, A. C. The new theology. (In his History, authority and theolog^y.) Warschauer, J. The new evangel: studies in the new theology. 1 907 . Williams, T. R. Evangel of the new theology. 1905- New thought. Crane, A. M. Right and wrong thinking, and their results; the undreamed-of possibilities which man may achieve through his own mental control. 1905- — Search after ultimate truth. C1910. Dole, W. Heaven on earth. 191 1. Dresser, H. W. Perfect whole. 1896. — Philosophy of the spirit. 1908. — Power of silence. 1897. Newcomb, C. B. All's right with the world. 1899. — Discovery of a lost trail. 1900. Newcomb, K. H. Helps to right living. 1899. Patterson, C. B. Dominion and power; studies in spiritual science. 1902. Trine, R. W. In tune with the infinite. C1897. — What all the world's a-seeking. C1896. Wood, H. Life more abundant; scriptural truth in modern application. [1905.] — Studies in the thought world. 1896. See also Mental healing; Psychical research. New worlds for old. Wells, H. G. New Year. Noble, F., ed. New Year's day. (In Thoughts for the occasion, anniversary and religious.) New Year sermons. Bradlee, C. D. New Year's sermon. (In hts Siermons for all sects.) Momerie, A. W. New Year's day. (In his Inspiration, and other sermons.) Smith, D. Man's need of God; a New Year's day homily. New York [City]. Churches. Anstice, H. History of St. George's Church in the city of New York. 1752-1911. Hodges, G., and Reichert, J. Administra- tion of an institutional church; a detailed account of the operation of St. George's parish in the city of New York. 1906. Berrian, W. Historical sketch of Trinity Church, New York. 1847. I 212 Catalogue General Theological Library New York [City]. Water St. mission. Chapman, J. W. S. H. Hadley of Water Street; a miracle of grace. [C1906.] Hadley, S. H. Down in Water street; a story of sixteen years' life and work in • Water street mission, a sequel to the life of Jerry McAuley. [1902.] Oflford, R. M. Jerry McAuley, an apostle to the lost. CI885. New York Co-operative Society, publ. Two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of the Jews in the United States. CI906. See Jews in the United States. New Zealand. Le Rossignol, J. E., and Stewart, W. D. State socialism in New Zealand. C1910. Lusk, H. H. Social welfare in New Zealand. 1913- Newbolt, William Charles Edmund. Apostles of the Lord: lectures on pastoral theology. Lond. Longm. 1901. Ministry of the word. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1913- Sacrament of the altar. 2d impr. Lond., etc. Longm. 1909. (Oxford libr. of prac- tical theology.) Speculum sacerdotum; or. Divine model of the priestly life. Lond. Longm. 1894. Newcomb, Charles Benjamin. All's right with the world. Bost. Lee. 1899. Discovery of a lost trail. Bost. Lee. 1900. Newcomb, Katharine Hinchman. Helps to right living. Bost. Lee. 1899. Newell, William. Discourses and poems. Bost. Ellis. 1882. Newell, William Wells. Revivals: how and when? N. Y. Armstrong. 1882. Newman, Albert Henry. History of Anti- pedobaptism from the rise of Pedobaptism to A.D. 1609. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1897. History of the Baptist churches in the United States. N. Y. Christ, lit. co. 1894. (Amer. church history, vol. II.) Newman, John Henry, card. Apologia pro vita sua. N. Y. Appleton, 1865. Arians of the fourth century. Lond. Longm. 1895. Callista. Lond. Longm. 1898. Characteristics from [his] writings, arranged by W. S. Lilly. N. Y. Scribner. 1875. Development of Christian doctrine. Lond. Longm. 1909. Essay in aid of a grammar of assent. Lond. Longm. 1906. Fifteen sermons preached before the Uni- versity of Oxford between 1826 and 1842. New impr. Lond., etc. Longm. 1909. Historical sketches. New ed. N. Y, Longm. 1896^7. 3v. Loss and gain. Bost. Donahoe. 1855. Parochial and plain sermons, Lond. Riv- ington. 1870. 8v. Parting of friends. {In Famous sermons by English preachers. Macleane, D., ed.) Selections adapted to the seasons of the ecclesiastical year from [his] Parochial and plain sermons. 9th impr. Lond., etc. Longm. 1908. Newman, John Henry — Continued. Abbott, E. A. Anglican career of Cardinal Newman. 1892. 2 v. Barry, W. Newman. 1905. (Literary lives.) Brastow, L. O. John Henry Newman. {In his Representative modern preachers.) Hutton, R. H. Cardinal Newman. 1890. — The two great Oxford thinkers. Cardinal Newman and Matthew Arnold. {In his Essays on some of the modern guides of English thought, etc.) Oldcastle, J. Catholic life and letters of Cardinal Newman. Ward, W. P. Life of John Henry, Cardinal Newman. 1912. 2 v. Wilkinson, W. C. John Henry Newman. {In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse.) Newman, John Philip. From Dan to Beersheba, a description of the wonderful land, with a prologue containing the latest explorations and discoveries. N. Y. Eaton. 1892. Thrones and palaces of Babylon and Nineveh from sea to sea; a thousand miles on horse- back. N. Y. Harper. 1876. Newton. Channing Church. Services in com- memoration of the fiftieth anniversary of [its] organization. 1901. Newton, Joseph Fort. David Swing, poet- preacher. Chi. Unity publ. co. 1909. The eternal Christ; studies in the life of vision and service. N. Y., etc. Re veil. 1912. Lincoln and Herndon. Cedar Rapids [la.]. Torch press. 19 10. Newton, Richard. Best things. N. Y. Carter. 1871. Bible blessings. N. Y. Carter. 1872. Bible jewels. N. Y. Carter. 1871. Bible wonders. N. Y. Carter. 1873. The Great Pilot and his lessons. N, Y. Carter. 1873. King's highway. N. Y. Carter. 1873. Nature's wonders. N. Y. Carter. 1872. Safe compass, and how it points. N. Y. Carter. 1872. Newton, Richard Heber. Book of the beginnings : a study of Genesis. N. Y. Putnam. 1884. Right and wrong uses of the Bible. N. Y. Lovell. C1883. Newton, William Wilberforce. Little and wise. N. Y. Carter. 1878. Next great awakening. Strong, J. Nicaea (Nice), Council of. See Church councils. Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church, 1st .series. Schaff, P., ed. 1886- 1890. 14V. Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church, 2d series. Schaff, P., and Wace, H., eds. 1890-1900. 14V. Nicene creed. Briggs, C. A. Fundamental Christian faith. 1913. Lias, J. J. Nicene creed. 1897. Nicene theology. Scott, H. M. Origin and development of the Nicene theology. 1896. Nichol, John. Thomas Carlyle. N. Y. Harper. CI892. (English men of letters.) Nichols, Harry Peirce. The temporary and the permanent in New Testament revelation. N. Y. Whittaker. CI905. (Bohlen lect.) Nicholson, Edward Byron, ed. and transl. Gospel according to the Hebrews. See Bible. N. T. Apocryphal books. Catalogue General Theological Library 213 NicoDEMUS. Carpenter, W. B. (In his Son of man among the sons of men.) Davidson, A. B. (In his Called of God.) Dole, C. F. Nicodemus, the Pharisee. (In his Jesus and the men about him.) Greenhough, J. G. (In Men of the N. T. : Matthew to Timothy. Milligan, G., and others.) Matheson, G. Nicodemus the instructed. (In his Representative men of the N. T.) Reid, J. Jesus and Nicodemus. 1906. Whyte, A. (In his Bible characters: Joseph and Mary to James, the Lord's brother.). Nicolay, John George. Short life of Abraham Lincoln. N. Y. Century co. 1904. Nicolini, Giovanni Battista. History of the Jesuits. Lond. Bell. 1908. NicoU, William Robertson. The Church's one foundation: Christ and recent criticism. N. Y. Armstrong. 1901. " Ian Maclaren "; life of the Rev. John Watson. N. Y. Dodd. 1908. Incarnate Saviour. Edin. Clark. 1897. "The round of the clock"; the story of our lives from year to year, Lond. Hodder. n. d. The seven words from the Cross. Lond. Hodder. n. d. Sunday evenings: fifty-two short sermons for home reading. N. Y. Hodder. n. d. Nicomachaean ethics. 1908. 2v. NiEBUHR, Barthold Georg. Life and letters of Barthold Georg Niebuhr. [Ed. and translated by Susanna Winkworth.] With essays by Bunsen, Brandis and Loebell. 1852. Nielsen, Fredrik Kristian. History of the pa- pacy in the XlXth century; tr. under the direction of A. J. Mason. N. Y. Dutton. 1906. 2V. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm. Beyond good and evil: prelude to a philosophy of the future. Edin. Foulis. 1909. Thus spake Zarathustra: a book for all and none. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Ludovici, A. M. Nietzsche; his life and works. (Philosophies anc. and mod.) More, P. E. Nietzsche. 1912. Nightingale, Florence. Tooley, Mrs. S. A. Life of Florence Nightingale. 7th ed. 1910. Ninde, Henry Summerfield, and others, eds. Handbook of the history, organization and methods of work of Young men's Christian associations. N. Y. Y. M. C. A. 1892. Nineteenth century. Wallace, A. R. The wonderful century; its successes and its failures. 1904. Nineteenth century teachers. Wedgwood, J. Nineveh. Smith, G. Assyrian discoveries; an account of explorations and discoveries on the site of Nineveh, 1873-4. 1875. Ninomiya Sontoku, the peasant sage of Japan. Armstrong, R. C. Just before the dawn: life and work of Ninomiya Sontoku. 1912. Nitobe, Inazo. Bushido, the soul of Japan; an exposition of Japanese thought. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. The Japanese nation; its land, its people and its life; with special consideration to its relations with the United States. N. Y. Putnam. 1912. Nitti, Francesco Saverio. Catholic socialism; tr. by M. Mackintosh. Lond. Sonnen- schein. 1908. Nivedita, Sister. See Noble, M. E. No struggle for existence. Paulin, G. Noah. Lewis, H. E. Noah. (In Men of the O. T. : Cain to David. Milligan, G., and others.) Matheson, G. (In his Representative men of the Bible: Adam to Job.) Whyte, A. (In his Bible characters: Adam to Achan.) Noble, Franklin, comp. Thoughts for the occa- sion, fraternal and benevolent. See Thoughts for the occasion. Thoughts for the occasion, anniversary and religious. See Thoughts for the occasion. Noble, Frederick Alphonso. Divine life in man, and other sermons. N. Y. Revell. C1895. Noble, Margaret E. (Sister Nivedita.) The Master as I saw him; being pages from the life of the Swami Vivekananda. Lond. Longm. 1910. Noble, W. Arthur. Ewa, a tale of Korea. N. Y. Y. P. M. M. CI906. Noel, Baptist Wriothesley. Essay on Christian baptism. Bost. Gould. 1850. Essay on the union of church and state. N. Y. Harper. 1849. NoUoth, Charles Frederick. Person of our Lord and recent thought. Lond. Macm. 1908. Nonconformity. Clark, H. W, History of English nonconformity from Wiclif to the close of the nineteenth century. 1911. Vol. I. Hulbert, E. B. The established church and Non-conformity. (In his English reforma- tion and Puritanism.) Vaughan, R. English nonconformity. 1862. See also Church of England; Dissent, and all references under it. Non-resistance. Montgomery, H. E. Non- resistance. (In his Christ's social remedies.) Nordau, Max Simon. Degeneration. 8th ed. N. Y. Appleton. 1896. Normal schools. Charles Brooks and his work for normal schools. 1907. Northend, Charles, ed. Elihu Burritt: a me- morial. N. Y. Appleton. C1879. Norton, Andrews. Statement of reasons for not believing the doctrines of Trinitarians concerning the nature of God and the person of Christ. 8th ed. Bost. A. U. A. 1875- Norton, Charles Eliot, ed. See Lowell, J. R. Letters. Norton, John Nicholas. Life of Archbishop Laud. Bost. Dutton. 1864. Life of Bishop Berkeley. N. Y. Gen. Prot. Episc. S. S. union. 1861. Norwood; or, Village life in New England. Beecher, H. W. Novels and novelists. Balmforth, R. Ethi- cal and religious value of the novel. 1912. Browne, G. F. Novels and novelists. (In Church and life of to-day.) Novicow, Jacques. War and its alleged benefits; tr. by T. Seltzer. N. Y. Holt. 191 1. Noyes, John Humphrey. History of American socialism. Phila. Lippincott. 1870. I 214 Catalogue General Theological Library Nuelsen, John Lotus. Some recent phases of German theology. Cine. Jennings. C1908. Nutter, Charles S., and Tillett, Wilbur Fisk. Hymns and hymn writers of the church. N. Y. Eaton. 191 1. Obadiah, Old Testament prophet. Farrar, F. W. {In his Minor prophets.) Oberammergau passion play. Day, E. H. Ober-Ammergau and the passion play; a handbook for visitors, 19 10. MacColl, M. Ammergau passion play. 1870. Oberammergau passion play; tr. from the Ger- man text with an historical introduction, by M. J. Moses. N. Y. Duffield. 1910. Oberlin, Jean Fr^d^ric. Beard, A. F. Story of John Frederic Oberlin. C1909. Ware, H., ed. Memoirs of John Frederic Oberlin. From the 3d Lond. ed. 1832. OccoM, Samson, Indian preacher. Love, W. D. Samson Occom and the Christian Indians of New England. C1899. Occupations. Parsons, F. Choosing a voca- tion. 1909. Odhner, Carl Theophilus. Michael Servetus; his life and teachings. Phila. Lippincott. 1910. Odlin, James E. New concepts of old dogmas; sermons. Chi. Revell. C1892. Oehler, Gustav Friedrich. Theology of the Old Testament, with introduction and notes by G. E. Day. 2d ed. N. Y. Funk. 1884. Oesterley, WUliam Oscar Emil. Doctrine of last things, Jewish and Christian. Lond. Murray. 1909. Ecclesiasticus, with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1912. (Cambr. Bible.) Evolution of the Messianic idea. N. Y. Dutton. n. d. and Box, George Herbert. Religion and worship of the synagogue; introduction to the study of Judaism from the New Testa- ment period. N. Y. Scribner, 1907. O'Connell, Joseph J. In defense of religion and the dignity of labor. Pottsville [Pa.]. Chronicle pub. co. 1905. On the necessity of religion in education. Pottsville [Pa.]. Chronicle pub. co. 1905. O'Gorman, Thomas. History of the Roman Catholic church in the United States. N. Y. Christ, lit. co. 1895. (Amer. church history, vol. IX.) O'Higgins, Harvey Jerrold, joint author. See Lindsev, B. B., and O'Higgins, H. J. O'Reilly, Bernard. Life of Leo XIII. N. Y. Webster. 1887. O'Shea, Michael Vincent. Education as ad- justment. N. Y. Longm. 1910. Social development and education. Bost. Houghton. CI909. Offord, Robert M. Jerry McAuley, an apostle to the lost. 5th ed. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. 1907. Ogden, Henry Neely. Rural hygiene. N. Y. Macm. 1911. (Rural sci. ser.) Ogden, RoUo, ed. Life and letters of Edwin Lawrence Godkin. N. Y. Macm. 1907. Ogg, Frederic Austin. Social progress in con- temporary Europe. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Old age. Beecher, H. W. Old age. (In his Sermons, vol. II.) Old age — Continued. Campbell, J. M. Grow old along with me. CI911. Church, R. W. Rest of old age. (In his Village sermons, 2d ser.) Collyer, R. (In his The life that now is.) Comforts and counsels for the aged. ci868. Dawson, W. J. On old age. {In his Book of courage.) Martineau, J. The Christianity of old age. {In his Endeavors after the Christian life.) NicoU, W. R. "The round of the clock"; the story of our lives from year to year. Old North, or Second Church, Boston. See Boston. Old South Church, Boston. See Boston. Old Testament. See Bible. Old Testament heroes. Meyer, F. B. Abraham; or. The obedience of faith. David: shepherd, psalmist, king. Elijah and the secret of his power. Israel, a prince with God. Jeremiah, priest and prophet. Joseph, beloved, hated, exalted. Joshua and the land of promise. Moses the servant of God. Prophet of hope: studies in Zechariah. Samuel the prophet. Old Testament prophecy. See Bible. Old Testament; Messiah; Messianic prophecy; Prophecy. Old Testament theology. See Bible. Old Testa- ment; Theology. Oldcastle, John. Catholic life and letters of Cardinal Newman. Lond. Burns, n. d. Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret O. W. Francis of Assisi. N. Y. Macm. n. d. Jeanne d'Arc: her life and death. N. Y. Putnam. C1896. (Heroes of the nations.) Life of Edward Irving. N. Y. Harper. 1862. Oliver, Grace Atkinson {Mrs. J. P. Oliver). Arthur Penrhyn Stanley; his life, work, and teachings. Bost. Cupples. 1885. Study of Maria Edgeworth. Bost. Williams. 1882. Olmstead, Dwight Hinckley. The Protestant faith; or, Salvation by belief. 3d ed. N. Y. Putnam. 1897. Olston, Albert B. Mind power and privileges. N. Y. Crowell. [1902.] Oman, Charles William Chadwick. Story of the Byzantine empire. N, Y. Putnam. 1892. (Story of the nations.) Oman, John Campbell. Brahmans, Theists and Muslims of India. Phila. Jacobs, n. d. Great Indian epics. Lond. Bell. 1906. Mystics, ascetics and saints of India. 2d impr. Lond. Unwin. 1905. Oman, John Wood. Problem of faith and free- dom in the last two centuries. N. Y. Armstrong. 1906. Vision and authority; or. The throne of St. Peter. Lond. Hodder. 1902. Ontology. Royce, J. The world and the individual. 1900-01. 2v. (Gifford lect.) Snowden, J. H. World a spiritual system. 1910. See also Philosophy. Catalogue General Theological Library 215 Oosterzee, Jan Jakob van. Person and work of the Redeemer; tr. by M, J. Evans. Lond. Hodder. 1886. Year of salvation: a book of household devo- tion; tr. by C. Spence. Edin. Clark. n. d. 2v. Opium question. See China. Oppenheim, Nathan. Development of the child. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Optimism. Jowett, J. H. Apostolic optimism. [Sermon.] Mechnikov, I. I. Nature of man; studies in optimistic philosophy. 1903. Pfleiderer, O. Optimism and pessimism. (In his Philosophy and development of religion, vol. I.) Watson, John (Ian Maclaren). Optimism. (In his Inspiration of our faith.) Oratorio. Handel, G. F. " Israel in Egypt "; oratorio in vocal score. — Judas Maccabaeus in vocal score. — The Messiah in vocal score. Hadyn, J. Creation; oratorio in vocal score. Mendelssohn- Bartholdy, F. Elijah; oratorio in vocal score. — St. Paul; oratorio in vocal score. Orators. Loring, J. S. Hundred Boston orators. 1854. Oratory. Buckley, J. M. Extemporaneous oratory. [1898.] Oreili, Hans Conrad von. Old Testament prophecy of the consummation of God's kingdom; tr. by J. S. Banks. Edin. Clark. 1889. (For. theol. libr.) Peculiarity of the religion of the Bible. C1908. (For. relig. ser.) Organized labor. Mitchell, J. Organized labor and capital. Gladden, W., and others. (W. L. Bull, lect.) Orient, The. Lowell, P. Soul of the far East. 1888. Reinsch, P. S. Intellectual and political currents in the far East. 1911. Contents: I. Asiatic unity. — II. Energism in the Orient. — III. Intellectual leadership in contempo- rary India. — IV. Intellectual tendencies in the Chinese reform movement. — V. The new educa- tion in China. — VI. A parliament for China. — VII. Intellectual life in Japan. — VIII. Political par- ties and parliamentary government in Japan. Zwemer, S. M., and Brown, A. J. The nearer and the farther East. 1908. Oriental Christ. Mozoomdar, P. C. Oriental religions. See Religions. Origen, sur named Adamantinus. Writings; tr. by F. Crombie. Edin. Clark. 1869. Vol. I. (Ante-Nicene Christian libr., vol. X.) Same. (Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. IV.) Contents: Introductory note. — Prologue of Rufi- nus. — De principiis. — Africanus to Origen. — Origen to Africanus. — Origen to Gregory — Against Celsus. Cruttwell, C. T. Origen. (In his Lit. hist, of early Christianity, vol. I.) Onnanian, Malachia. Church of Armenia; her history, doctrine, rule, discipline, lit- urgy, and existing condition; tr. by G. M. Gregory. Lond. Mowbray. C1912. Orr, James. Bible under trial. N, Y. Arm- strong. 1907. Christian view of God and the world. 2d ed. N. Y. Randolph. 1893. (Kerr lect.) Orr, James — Continued. Factors in the expansion of the Christian church. (In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) Faith of a modern christian. N. Y. Hodder. n. d. God's image in man, and its defacement. N. Y. Armstrong. 1905. Neglected factors in the study of the early progress of Christianity. N. Y. Arm- strong. 1899. Problem of the Old Testament considered with reference to recent criticism. N, Y. Scribner. 1906. Resurrection of Jesus. Cine. Jennings. [1908.] Revelation and inspiration. N. Y. Scribner. 1910. The Ritschlian theology and the evangelical faith. N. Y. Whittaker. n. d. Sidelights on Christian doctrine. N. Y. Armstrong. 1909. Sin as a problem of to-day. N. Y. Hodder. n. d. Virgin birth of Christ. N. Y. Scribner. 1907. Orsini, , abbi. Life of the B. V. Mary, Mother of God. From the French, by P. Power. 2d ed. Orth, Samuel Peter. Socialism and democracy in Europe. N. Y. Holt. 1913. Orthodoxy. Moore, A. W. Rational basis of Orthodoxy. 1901. Progressive orthodoxy; a contribution to the Christian interpretation of Christian doc- trines, by the editors of " The Andover Review." 1887. Smyth, N. Orthodox theology of to-day. 1881. Orthodoxy. Chesterton, G. K. Orthodoxy of heart. Parker, J. Osgood, Elliott I. Breaking down Chinese walls, from a doctor's view-point. N. Y., etc. Re veil. CI908. Osier, William. Science and immortality. Bost. Houghton. 1904. (IngersoU lect.) Osmun, George Wilbur. Augustine: the thinker. Cine. Jennings. C1906. (Men of the kingdom.) Ostrom, Henry. The crisis in church work. Cine. Jennings. C1908. Ostwald, Wilhelm. Individuality and immor- tality. Bost. Houghton. 1906. (Inger- soU lect.) Otterbein hymnal. Lorenz, E. S. Ottley, Robert Lawrence. Aspects of the Old Testament. Lond. Longm. 1897. (Bamp. lect.) Christian ideas and ideals; an outline of Christian ethical theory- Lond. Longm. 1909. Doctrine of the incarnation. Lond. Methuen. 1896. 2 v. Religion of Israel. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1905. Short history of the Hebrews to the Roman period. N. Y. Macm. 1901. Otto, Karl Ludwig Rudolf. Life and ministry of Jesus according to the historical and critical method; tr. from 3d unaltered ed. by H. J. Whitby. Chi. Open court. 1908. (Christianity of to-day ser.) Naturalism and religion; tr. by J. A. and M. R. Thomson. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. (C. t. 1.) 2l6 Vatalogue General Theological Library Overton, John Henry. Evangelical revival in the eighteenth century. Load. Longm. 1886. (Epochs of church history.) and Relton, Frederic. English church from the accession of George I to the end of the eighteenth century (17 14-1800). Lond. Macm. 1906. (Hist, of the English church, vol. VII.) joint author. See Abbey, C. J., and Overton, J.H. Owen, John. Introductory essay on the organi- sation of the early church and the evolution of the reader. (In Harnack, A. Sources of the apostolic canons, pp. viii-cxl.) Oxenden, Ashton. Story of Ruth. Lond. Hatchards. 1878. Oxenham, Henry Nutcombe. Catholic doctrine of the atonement. 3d ed. Lond. Allen. 1881. Catholic eschatology and universalism. Lond. Allen. 1878. What is the truth as to everlasting punish- ment? N. Y, Dutton. 1881. Oxford movement. Adeney, W. F. The Ox- ford movement. (In his A century's progress, etc.) Church, R. W. The Oxford movement, 1833-1845. 1897. Keble, J. National apostasy. (In Famous sermons by Engl, preachers. Macleane, D., ed.) Mozley, T. Reminiscences, chiefly of Oriel college and the Oxford movement. 1882. 2V. [Taylor, I.] Ancient Christianity and the doctrine of the Oxford tracts for the times. By the author of " Spiritual despotism." 2ded. 1840. 2v. Vol. II wanting. Tracts for the times; by members of the Uni- versity of Oxford. 1839-40. 3v. Walsh, W. History of the Romeward move- ment in the Church of England. 1833- 1864. 1900. — Secret history of the Oxford movement, with new preface containing a reply to critics. Popular ed. [1899.] See also Church of England. History. Oxford reformers. Seebohm, F. Oxford Society of Historical Theology. New Testament in the apostolic fathers. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1905. Oxford University. Brodrick, G. C. His- tory of the University of Oxford. 1886. (Epochs of church history.) Packard, Joseph. Recollections of a long life; ed. by T. J. Packard. 1812-1902. Wash. Adams. 1902. Packard, Theophilus. History of the churches and ministers in Franklin co., Mass. Bost. Whipple. 1854. Paddock lectures. See Bishop Paddock lectures. Pagan Christs. Robertson, J. M. Paganism and Christianity. [Siermon.] Shaks- peare, C. Paganism surviving in Christianity. Lewis, A. H. Page, Edward Day, and others. Morals in modern business. New Haven. Yale Univ. press. 1909. (Page lect. ser., Yale Univ.) Page, Thomas Nelson. The negro: the South- erner's problem. N. Y. Scribner. 1910. Paget, Francis. Spirit of discipline; sermons. Lond. Longm. 1896. Studies in the Christian character. Lond. Longm. 1895. [Paget, Stephen.] Faith and works of Christian science. By the writer of ' Confessio medici.' N. Y. Macrti. 1909. Paget, Violet (Vernon Lee, pseud.). Vital lies: studies of some varieties of recent ob- scurantism. 2v. Lond.,e/c. J.Lane. 1912. Pain. Beecher, H. W. Ministration of pain. (In his Sermons, 5th ser.) Hardy, T.J. The gospel of pain. 1908. Herford, B. The mystery of pain. (In his The small end of great problems.) Hinton, J. Mystery of pain. 1872. Illingworth, J. R. The problem of pain: its bearing on faith in God. (In Lux mundi. Gore, C., ed.) Morrison, G. H. (In his Afterglow of God. [Sermons.]) Ribot, T. A. (In his Psychology of the emotions. 2d ed.) See also Pleasure; Suffering. Paine, Levi Leonard. Critical history of the evolution of Trinitarianism. Bost. Hough- ton. 1900. The ethnic trinities and their relations to the Christian Trinity; a chapter in the com- parative history of religions. Bost. Hough- ton. 1901. Painting. Ruskin, J. Modern painters, 5v. Paintings. Bradford, A. H. Messages of the masters; spiritual interpretations of the great paintings. C1902. Palestine. Huntington, E. Palestine and its transformation. 191 1. Leach, C. Romance of the Holy Land. 1911. Antiquities. Benzinger, J. Researches in Palestine. (In Explorations in Bible lands during the nineteenth century. Hilprecht, H. V., ed.) Bliss, F. J. Development of Palestine ex- ploration. 1906. (Ely lect.) — Mound of many cities; or. Tell el Hesy [Lachish] excavated. 1894. Henson, L. L. Researches in Palestine. 1910. Macalister, R. A. S. Bible side-lights from the mound of Gezer, a record of excavation and discovery in Palestine. 1906. Wilson, Sir C. W. Recovery of Jerusalem; a narrative of exploration and discovery in the city and the Holy Land. 187 1. See also Palestine Exploration Fund. Description and travel. Breen, A. E. Diary of my life in the Holy Land. 1906. Conder, C. R. Tent work in Palestine; a record of discovery and adventure. 1878. 2v. (P. E. F.) Copping, A. E. Journalist in the Holy Land. 1912. Elmendorf, D. L. A camera crusade through the Holy Land. 1912. Field, H. M. Among the holy hills. 1884. Catalogue General Theological Library 217 Palestine. Description and Travel — Continued. Geikie, J. C. The Holy Land and the Bible; a book of Scripture illustrations gathered in Palestine. 1887. 2v. Lees, G. R. Life and adventure beyond Jor- dan. 1909. Macmillan company, publ. Guide to Pales- tine and Egypt. 1901. MacPhie, J. P. Homeland of the Bible; travels and studies in the Holy Land and Egypt. 2d ed. 1903. Merrill, S. East of the Jordan: a record of travel and observation in the countries of Moab, Gilead and Bashan, 1875-77. 188 1. Newman, J. P. From Dan to Beersheba; a description of the wonderful land. 1892. Porter, J. L. The giant cities of Bashan; and Syria's holy places. 1866. Rix, H. Tent and Testament: a camping tour in Palestine, with some notes on Scripture sites. 1907. Stanley, A. P. Sinai and Palestine. 1859. Thomson, W. M. The Land and the Book; or, Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery of the Holy Land. 1880-1886. 3v. Van Dyke, H. J. Out of doors in the Holy Land. 1908. Geography. Ritter, K. Comparative geography of Pales- tine and the Sinaitic peninsula. Tr. and adapted to the use of biblical students by W. L. Gage. 1866. 4v. Smith, G. A. Historical geography of the Holy Land, especially in relation to the history of Israel and of the early church. 3d ed. 1893. Stewart, R. L. Land of Israel; a text book on the physical and historical geography of the Holy Land embodying the results of recent research. CI899. History. Conder, C. R. The Latin kingdom of Jerusa- lem, 1099 to 1291 A.D. 1897. Macalister, R. A. S. History of civilization in Palestine. 1912. Mathews, S. History of New Testament times in Palestine, 175 B.C. — 70 a.d. 1906. (N. T. hdbks.) Paton, L. B. E^rly history of Syria and Palestine. 1901. Sayce, A. H. Patriarchal Palestine. 1895. Maps. Smith, G. A. New topographical, physical and biblical map of Palestine. Religion. Bliss, F. J. Religions of modern Syria and Palestine. 1912. (Bross lect.) Cook, S. A. Religion of ancient Palestine. 1909. (Religions anc. and mod.) Social life and customs. Grant, E. The peasantry of Palestine ; the life, manners and customs of the village. CI907. Rogers, M.E. Domestic life in Palestine. 1867. Stapfer, E. Palestine in the time of Christ; tr. by A. H. Holmden. 3d ed. 1886. Palestine Exploration Fund. Thirty years' work in the Holy Land (a record and a summary). 1865-1895. New ed. Lond. A. P. Watt. 1895. Wilson, C. W., and others. The city and the land; seven lectures on the work of the society. 1892. Contents: I. Ancient Jerusalem; C. W. Wilson. — II. Future of Palestine; C. R. Conder. — III. Natural history of Palestine; H. B. Tristram. — IV. General work of the society; W. Besant. — V. The Hittites; W. Wright. — VI. Story of a "Tell"; W. M. F. Petrie. — VII. Modem traveller in Pales- tine; J. N. Dalton. Paley, William. Principles of moral and politi- cal philosophy. N. Y. Harper. 1849. Palfrey, John Gorham. History of New Eng- land. Bost. Little. 1860-1892. 5v. History of New England from the discovery by Europeans to the revolution of the seventeenth century. N. Y. Hurd. 1866. 2V. An abridgment of his " History of N. E. during the Stuart dynasty." Palgrave, Francis Tximer, ed. Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language. N. Y. White. 1885. Treasury of sacred song. Oxford. Claren- don press. 1890. Palmer, Alice Freeman, joint author. See Palmer, G. H., and Palmer, A. F. Palmer, G. H. Life of Alice Freeman Palmer. 1908. Palmer, Benjamin Morgan. Theology of prayer. Richmond [Va.]. Presb. com. 1894. Palmer, Byron. God's white throne; a rational evangelical theodicy. 5th ed. Cine. Jen- nings. 1904. The Living Way. Cine. Jennings. C1908. Palmer, Charles Follen. Inebriety; its source, prevention and cure. N. Y. Revell. 1898. Palmer, Edward Henry. The desert of the Exodus: journeys on foot in the wilderness of the forty years' wanderings. N. Y. Harper. 1873. transl. The Qur'an. See Sacred books of East. Miiller, F. M., ed. Palmer, Frederic. The drama of the Apocalypse in relation to the literary and political cir- cumstances of its time. N. Y. Macm. 1903. Studies in theologic definition underlymg the apostles' and Nicene creeds. N. Y. Dutton. 1895. Winning of immortality. N. Y. Crowell. C1910. Palmer, Frederick William, ed. With the sor- rowing. N. Y. Revell. C1905. Palmer, George Herbert. Field of ethics. Bost. Houghton. C1901. (W. B. Noble lect.) Intimations of immortality in the sonnets of Shakspere. Bost. Houghton. 19 12. (In- gersoll lect.) Life of Alice Freeman Palmer. Bost. Houghton. 1908. Nature of goodness. Bost. Houghton. 1903. Problem of freedom. Bost. Houghton. 1911. and Palmer, Alice Freeman. The teacher: essays and addresses on education. Bost. Houghton. 1908. transl. See Homer. 2l8 Catalogue General Theological Library Palmer, Sir Roundell. Book of praise. Lond. Macm. 1898. Palmer, William. Treatise on the church of Christ. From 2d Lond. ed. N. Y. Apple- ton. 1841. 2V. Panin, Ivan. The last twelve verses of Mark: their genuineness established. Grafton [Mass.]. 1910. Pantheism. Dix, M. Lectures on the pan- theistic idea of an impersonal-substance- deity, as contrasted with the Christian faith concerning Almighty God. 1864. Erdmann, J. E. {In his History of philosophy, vol. II.) Flint, R. Anti-theistic theories. 1879. (Baird lect.) Guyau, J. M. Pantheism. {In his Non- religion of the future, chap. IV.) Hedge, F. H. Pantheism. {In his Ways of the Spirit.) Manning, J. M. Half truths and the truth. 1872. Martineau, J. {In his Study of religion, vol. II.) Picton, J. A. Christian pantheism. {In his Mystery of matter, etc.) — Pantheism: its story and significance. (Religions anc. and mod.) Rishell, C. W. Pantheism (Monism). {In his Foundations of the Christian faith, pp. 99-I53-). See also Philosophy; Spinoza, B., de; Theism, Papacy. Bartoli, G. The primitive church and the primacy of Rome. [1910.] Belaney, R. The Bible and the papacy. 1889. Bright, W. The Roman See in the early church. 1896. Creighton, M. History of the papacy from the great schism to the sack of Rome. 1904. 6v. — History of the papacy during the period of the reformation. 1882. 2v. Guettee, R. F., abbi. The papacy; tr. from the French. 1867. Hershey, S. F. The Roman papacy. 1895. Kriiger, H. G. E. The papacy; the idea and its exponents. 1909. (C. 1. 1.) Nielsen, F. K. History of the papacy in the XlXth century; tr. under the direction of A. J. Mason. 1906. 2v. Stephens, W. R. W. Hildebrand and his times. 1888. (Epochs of church history.) Thompson, R, W. The papacy and the civil power. CI 876. Van Dyke, P. Age of the renascence; an outline of the history of the papacy from the return from Avignon to the sack of Rome. (1377-1527.) 1901. (Ten epochs of church history.) Vincent, M. R. Age of Hildebrand. 1901. (Ten epochs of church history.) See also Popes; Roman Catholic church. Papal commission and the Pentateuch. Briggs, C. A., and Hiigel, F. von. Parables. Barry, A. Parables of the Old Testament. Bruce, A. B. Parabolic teaching of Christ. 1884. Dods, M. Parables of our Lord. 1900. 2v. Hubbard, G. H. Teachings of Jesus in para- bles. C1907. Parables — Co ntinu ed. Lang, C. G. Thoughts on some of the parables of Jesus. [1905.] Lilley , A. L. Adventus regni : sermons chiefly on the parables of the kingdom. 1907. Morgan, G. C. Parables of the kingdom. C1907. Trench, R. C. Notes on the parables of our Lord. 1874. Whyte, A. Our Lord's characters. 3d ed. n. d. (Bible characters.) See also Good Samaritan. Paradise, Frank Hsley. The church and the in- dividual. N. Y. Moffat. 19 10. Paradise found. Warren, W. F. Parenty, Auguste, abbe. Life of St. Angela Merici of Brescia. Phila. Cunningham. C1857. Parish, Edmund. Hallucinations and illusions; a study of the fallacies of perception. Lond. Scott. 1909. (Cont. sci. ser.) Parish problems. Gladden, W., ed. Park, Edwards Amasa. Discourses on some theological doctrines as related to the re- ligious character. Andover. Draper. 1885. Memoir of Nathanael Emmons. Bost. Congr. bd. of publ. 1861. Memorial collection of sermons, compiled by his daughter. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1902. Furber, D. L., and others, eds. Professor Park and his pupils. 1899. Storrs, R. S. Edwards Amasa Park; a me- morial address. 1900. Park, John Edgar. Wonder of His gracious words; an exposition of the Sermon on the Mount. Bost. Pilgrim press. CI909. Parker, Edward G. Reminiscences of Rufus Choate. N. Y. Mason, i860. Parker, John Henry. Concise glossary of ternis used in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic architecture. Oxford. Parker. 1866. Parker, Joseph. Apostolic life as revealed in the Acts of the apostles. N. Y, Funk. 1883. Vol. I. City Temple pulpit: sermons. N. Y. Tib- bals. 1882. Ecce Deus; essays on the life and doctrine of Jesus Christ. Lond. Hodder. 1868. Inner life of Christ as revealed in the gospel of Matthew. N. Y. Funk. 1881-3. 3v. Vol. I publ. under title " These sayings of mine." None like it: a plea for the old sword. N. Y. Revell. C1893. Orthodoxy of heart: address to the Congr. Union of England and Wales. Lond. Clarke. 1884. Pamphlet. Paraclete. N. Y. Scribner. 1875. People's Bible. N. Y. Funk. [C1881-1895.] 27 V. A commentary on the books of the Bible in the form of sermons. Dawson, A. Joseph Parker: his life and ministry. 1901. Parker, Matthew, abp. of Canterbury. Strype, J. Life and acts of Matthew Parker. 1881. 3v. ( Catalogue General Theological Library 219 Parker, Theodore. Discourse of matters per- taining to religion. Bost. Little. 1847. Lessons from the world of matter and the world of man; selected from notes of un- published sermons by R. Leighton. Bost. Slack. 1865. Prayers. Bost. Walker. 1862. Sermons of theism, atheism, and the popular theology. Bost. Little. 1853. Speeches, addresses and occasional sermons. Bost. Crosby. 1852. 2 v. Theodore Parker's experience as a minister, with some account of his early life and education for the ministry; in a letter from him to the members of the Twenty-eighth Congr. Society of Boston. Bost. Leigh- ton. 1859. [Works.] Centenary ed., edited by S. A. Eliot [and others]. Bost. A. U. A. 1907- 1911. 14V. Same. Bibliography and index, by C. W. Wendte. Chadwick, J. W. Theodore Parker, preacher and reformer. 1900. Chicago. Free Religious Assoc. Theodore Parker: anniversaries of birth and death; celebrated in Chicago, Nov. 13-20, 1910, under the auspices of the Free religious association [and other societies]. Reported by A. L. Kelly. 191 1. Frothingham, O. B. Theodore Parker. 1874. Martineau, J. Theodore Parker's Discourse of religion. (/« A15 Miscellanies.) R6ville, A. Life and writings of Theodore Parker. (Authorised transl.) 1865. Sanborn, F. B. Parker in the John Brown campaign. {In Parker, T. [Works.] Cent, ed.) Weiss, J. Life and correspondence of Theo- dore Parker. 1864. 2 v. Parkhurst, Charles Henry. Blind man's creed, and other sermons. N. Y. Randolph. C1883. A little lower than the angels. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1908. Pattern in the mount, and other sermons. N. Y. Randolph. C1885. Three gates on a side, and other sermons. N. Y. Revell. 1891. Parbnan, Francis. Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century. Bost. Little. 1867. (France and England in North America.) Bourne, E. G. Francis Parkman. (In his Essays in historical criticism.) Parks, Leighton. Winning of the soul, and other sermons. N. Y. Dutton. 1893. Parmelee, Maurice. Principles of anthropology and sociology in their relations to criminal procedure. N. Y. Macm. 1908. (Citi- zen's library.) Parnell, Charles Stewart. Bryce, J. {In his Studies in contemporary biography.) Parousia. See Jesus Christ. Second coming. Parry, Reginald St. John. Discussion of the general epistle of St. James. Lond. Clay. „ '903. Romans, with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1912. (Cambr. Greek Test.) Parry, William. Last days of Lord Byron. Lond. Knight. 1825. Parsifal. Forsyth, P. T. Wagner's Parsifal. (In his Religion in recent art, pp. 252-316.) Taylor, H. O. Parzival, the brave man slowly wise. (In his The mediaeval mind, vol. L) Wagner, R. Parsifal, a mystical drama, re- told in the spirit of the Bayreuth inter- pretation by Oliver Huckel. 1905. Parsis or Parsees. Haug, M. Essays on the sacred language, writings and religion of the Parsis. 1878. Menant, D. Zoroastrianism and the Parsis. (In Great religions of the world. Giles, H. A., and others.) Ponafidine, P. G. (In his Life in the Moslem East.) Parsons, Ellen C. Christus liberator, an outline study of Africa. N. Y. Macm. 1905. Parsons, Frank. Choosing a vocation. Bost. Houghton. 1909. Parsons, James. Charlton, E. C. A Puritan captain. 1908. Parsons, Philip Archie. Responsibility for crime. N. Y. Columbia Umv. 1909. (Studies in history, etc.) Parsons, Theophilus. Parsons, T. Memoir of Theophilus Parsons, by his son. 1 861. Parsons, Theophilus, the younger. Memoir of Theophilus Parsons, Chief Justice of Massa- chusetts. Bost. Ticknor. 1861. Parthia. Rawlinson, G. Story of Parthia. 1893. (Story of the nations.) Particularists. Tourville, H. de. Growth of modern nations; a history of the partic- ularist form of society; tr. by M. G. Loch. 1907. Parton, James. Life and times of Aaron Burr. N. Y. Mason. 1858. Life of Thomas Jefferson. Bost. Osgood. 1874. Partridge, George Everett. Studies in the psychology of intemperance. N. Y. Stur- gis. 1912. Pascal, Blaise. Provincial letters; new transl., with introduction and notes, by T. M'Crie. Lond. Chatto. 1875. Same. Ed. by O. W. Wight. Bost. Hough- ton. 1880. Thoughts, letters and opuscules; tr. by O. W. Wight. Bost. 1880. Houghton. Clark, W. Pascal and the Port Royalists. 1902. (World's epoch-makers.) Oman, J. Jesuitism and Pascal's Pens6es. (In his Problem of faith and freedom.) St. Cyres, S. H. N., viscount. Pascal. 1910. Vinet, A. R. Studies on Pascal; tr. by Thomas Smith. 1859. Passing of the American. Royce, G. M. Passing Protestantism and coming Catholicism. Smyth, N. Passion play of Oberammergau. See Oberam- mergau. Pasteur, Louis. Vallery-Radot, R. Life of Pasteur; tr. by Mrs. R. L. Devonshire. Popular ed. 1910. Pastor amidst his flock. Willcox, G. B. Pastor of Hermas. See Hermas. Pastor, Ludwig. History of the popes from the close of the middle ages. Lond. Paul. 1891-1910. 9v. Pastor-preacher. Quayle, W. A. Pastoral epistles. See Bible. N. T. 220 Catalogue General Theological Library Pastoral medicine: a handbook for the Catholic clergy. New ed. Sanford, A. E. Pastoral offices. Everts, W. W. Pastor's handbook, 1861. Furness, W. H. Pastoral offices. C1893. Vincent, M. R, Ministers' handbook, con- taining forms for baptism, marriage, burial, the Lord's supper, and the ordina- tion of elders and deacons. [C1882.] Wylie, D. G. Minister's handbook, contain- ing forms and Scripture selections for importan t occasions, c 1 9 1 1 . Pastoral teaching of St. Paul. Chadwick, W. E. Pastoral theology. Beck, J. T. Pastoral theology of the New Testament; tr. by J. A. M'Clymont and Thomas Nicol. 1885. Doney, C. G. Efficient church. C1907. Ede, W. M. The clergy and social service. 1913. EUicott, C. J., ed. Homiletical and pastoral lectures. 1880. Gladden, W. Christian pastor and the work- ing church. 1898. (Int. theol. libr.) Gott, J. Parish priest of the town. 1887. Hastie, W., ed. Outlines of pastoral theology. 1904. A work of unknown authorship, but probably of Moravian origin. Ingram, A. F. W. Work in great cities; lectures on pastoral theology. CI895. James, H. The country clergyman and his work; lectures on pastoral theology. 1890. Jefferson, C. E. Quiet talks with earnest people. 1898. McDowell, W. F. In the school for Christ. C1910. (Cole lect.) Newbolt, W. C. E. Apostles of the Lord; lectures on pastoral theology. 1901. Phelps, A. My portfolio; a collection of essays. 1882. Spalding, J. F. Best mode of working a parish; lectures. 1888. Spurgeon, C. H. Lecturesto my students. 1875. Stang, W. Pastoral theology. C1897. Sweetser, S. Ministry we need. 1873. Vinet, A. R. Pastoral theology; tr. by T. H. Skinner. 1853. See also Church attendance; Church work; Men and the church; Ministers; Ministry, Office and work of; Missions; Pastoral offices; Preachers; Preaching; Retreats; Revivals; Sunday schools. Pater, Walter Horatio. Plato and Platonism. [Libr. ed.] Lond. Macm. 1910, Paterson, William Paterson. The rule of faith. N. Y. Hodder. 1912. (Baird lect.) Patience. Beecher, H. W. Patience. (/» his Sermons, 4th ser.) Collyer, R. (/« his The life that now is.) Dubois, P. {In his Education of self.) Hutton, J. A. How we have need of patience. [Sermon.] {In his The fear of things.) Patmore, Coventry. Tyrrell, G. H. Poet and mystic. {In his Faith of the millions, 2d ser.) Paton, Frank Hume Lyall, joint author. See Langridge, A. K., and Paton, F. H. L. Paton, James, ed. John G. Paton; an autobi- ography. N. Y. Revell. 1889. 2v. Same. Abridgment. 1892. Paton, John Brown, and others, eds. See Christ and civilization. Paton, John Gibson. Langridge, A. K., and Paton, F. H. L. John G. Paton: later years and farewell. 1910. Paton, J. Story of John G. Paton; or. Thirty years among South Sea cannibals. 1892. (Home libr.) An abridgment of the Autobiography. Paton, John G., missionary to the New Hebrides, an autobiography. Ed. by his brother [James Paton]. 1889. 2 v. Paton, Lewis Bayles. Commentary on the book of Esther. N. Y. Scribner. 1907. (Int. crit. com.) Early religion of Israel. Bost. Houghton. 1 9 10. (Modern relig. problems.) Early history of Syria and Palestine. N. Y. Scribner. 1 901. ed. See Recent Christian progress. Paton, Margaret Whitecross {Mrs. John G. Paton). Letters and sketches from the New Hebrides. 5th ed. Lond. Hodder. 1905- Patriarchs and lawgivers of the Old Testament. [Sermons.] Maurice, F. D. P.\TRICK, St., apostle of Ireland. Maclear, G. F. St. Patrick. {In his Apostles of mediaeval Europe.) Morris, W. B. Life of St. Patrick. 1890. Stokes, G. T. {In his Ireland and the Celtic church.) Walker, W. {In his Great men of the Chris- tian church.) See also Missionary biography. Patriotic studies, including extracts from bills, acts and documents of United States Congress. 1888-1905. Patriotism. Lyttelton, E. Training in patriot- ism. {In Church and life of to-day. Browne, G. F., and others.) Morrison, G. H. Christian patriotism. {In his Unlighted lustre.) Tolstoy, L. N. Christianity and patriotism. {In his Kingdom of God is within you, etc.) Warner, H. E. Ethics of patriotism. {In his Ethics of force.) Watson, J. Imperial patriotism. {In his Inspiration of our faith: sermons.) Patriotism or peace. Tolstoy, L. N. Patriots' day. Varney, G. J. Story of Patriots' day, with poems. 1895. Patristics. Cushman, H. E. {In his Begin- ner's history of philosophy, vol. I.) Erdmann, J. E. {In his History of philos- ophy, vol. I.) Stearns, W. N. Manual of patrology. 1899. See also Early Christian literature; Fathers of the church. Pattee, Fred Lewis. Elements of religious pedagogy. N. Y. Eaton. C1909. Patten, Helen Philbrook. Intimations of immor- tality. Bost. Small. 1907. Patten, Simon Nelson. Heredity and social progress. N. Y. Macm. 1903. The new basis of civilization. N. Y. Macm. 1907. (Amer. soc. progress ser.) Social basis of religion. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. (Amer. soc. progress ser.) Catalogue General Theological Library' 221 Patterson, Charles Brodie. Dominion and power; studies in spiritual science. N. Y. Alliance. 1902. Will to be well. N. Y. Alliance. 1901. Patterson, Melville Watson. History of the Church of England. Lond. Longm. 1909, Patterson, Raymond Albert. The negro and his needs. N. Y. Revell. CI911. Patterson, Robert. Errors of evolution. Bost. Hastings, n. d. Patterson, William B. Modern church brother- hoods. N. Y. Revell. cigii. Patteson, John Coleridge. Yonge, C. M. Life of John Coleridge Patteson, missionary bishop of the Melanesian Islands. 5th ed. 1884. 2V. Pattison, Dorothy Wyndlow. Lonsdale, M. Sister Dora; a biography. From 6th Engl. ed. 1880. Pattison, Mark. Essays. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1889. 2 v. Milton. N. Y, Harper, n. d. (Engl, men of letters.) Morley, J. (In his Critical miscellanies, vol. III.) Pattison, Thomas Harwood. For the work of the ministry. Elaborated by his son Harold Pattison. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1907. Phila. History of Christian preaching. A. B. P. S. 1903. Public worship. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1900. Patton, William Weston. Prayer and its re- markable answers. Chi. Goodman. 1876. Paul, St. Arnold, M. St. Paul and Prot- estantism. 1883. Ball, W. E. B. St. Paul and the Roman law. 1901. Banks, L. A. Paul and his friends; sermons. 1898. Buell, M. D. Autographs of St. Paul. ci9i2. Campbell, J. M. Paul the mystic; a study in apostolic experience. 1908. (C. t. 1.) Clarke, J. F. The ideas of the apostle Paul translated into their modern equivalents. 8th ed. 1897. Deissmann, G. A. St. Paul: a study in social and religious history; tr. by L. M. R. Strachan. [1912.] Fisher, G. P. The apostle Paul. {In his Discussions in history and theology.) Gardner, P. Religious experience of St. Paul. 1911. (C. t. 1.) Garvie, A. E. Studies of Paul and his gospel. 191 1. Geer, G. J. Conversion of St. Paul. 1871. Hosford, B. F. Paul and the chief cities of his labors. 1857. Howson, J. S. Metaphors of St. Paul, and companions of St. Paul. 1873. Jones, M. St. Paul the orator; a commen- tary on the speeches of St. Paul. 1910. Lightfoot, J. B. Chronology of St. Paul's life and epistles. {In his Biblical essays.) — St. Paul and Seneca. {In his St. Paul's epistle to the Philippians, 2d ed., pp. 268- 33I-) — St. Paul's history after the close of the Acts. {In his Biblical essays.) — St. Paul's preparation for the ministry. {In his Biblical essays.) Paul, St. — Continued. Lyttelton, Lord G. Observations on the conversion and apostleship of St. Paul in a letter to Gilbert West. 1799. Matheson.G. The apostle Paul. (7n Proph- ets of the Christian faith. Abbott, L., and others.) — Spiritual development of St. Paul. 1890. Means, S. St. Paul and the anti-Nicene church. 1903. Moffatt, J. Paul and Paulinism. 19 10. (Modern religious problems.) Paul of Tarsus; inquiry into the times and the gospel of the apostle of the Gentiles. 1872. Pfieiderer, O. Influence of the apostle Paul on the development of Christianity. 1885. (Hibbert lect.) Preces Paulinae; or, The devotions of the apostle Paul. 1855. Ramsay, W. M. Cities of St. Paul: their influence on his life and thought. 1907. — Pauline and other studies in early Chris- tian history. 1906. — St. Paul's use of metaphors drawn from Greek and Roman life. {In his Luke the physician, etc.) Redlich, E. B. St. Paul and his companions. 1913- Schweitzer, A. Paul and his interpreters; a critical history. 1912. Shakspeare, C. St. Paul at Athens. Speer, R. E. Paul the all-round man. CI909. Taylor, W.M. Paul the missionary. 1882. Vedder, H. C. {In his Christian epoch- makers: story of the ^reat missionary eras in the history of Christianity.) Walker, D. St. Paul's visits to Jerusalem, as recorded in the Acts and in the epistle to the Galatians. {In his Gift of tongues, and other essays.) Weinel, H. St. Paul: the man and his work; tr. by G. A. Bienemann. 1906. (Theol. transl. libr.) White, Mrs. E. G. Sketches from the life of Paul. 1883. Whyte, A. Apostle Paul. 1903. Wrede, W. Paul; tr. by E. Lummis; pref. by J. E. Carpenter. 1907. Lives. Abbott, L. Life and letters of Paul the apostle. 1898. Bacon, B. W. Story of St. Paul; a compari- son of Acts and epistles. 1904. Biber, G. E. Life of St. Paul, the apostle of the Gentiles. 1849. Bird, R. Paul of Tarsus. 1910. Cone, O. Paul: the man, the missionary and the teacher. 1898. Conybeare, W. J., and Howson, J. S. Letters and speeches of St. Paul as tr. for Cony- beare and Howson's Life of St. Paul, with notes. 1 88 1. — Life and epistles of St. Paul. 1867. 2v. Farrar, F. W. Life and work of St. Paul. 1879. 2V. Gilbert, G. H. Student's life of Paul. 1899. Goodwin, F. J. Harmony of the life of St. Paul. CI895. Iverach, J. St. Paul: his life and times. (Men of the Bible.) 222 Catalogue General Theological Library Paul, St. Lives. — Continued. Lewin, T. Life and epistles of St. Paul. 3d ed. 1875. 2v. Malleson, F. A. Acts and epistles of St. Paul. 1881. Ramsay, W. M. St. Paul the traveller and the Roman citizen. llthimpr. 1909. Renan, E. St. Paul. 1869. Robertson, A. T. Epochs in the life of Paul. 1909. Smith, J. Voyage and shipwreck of St. Paul. 1866. Stalker, J. Life of St. Paul. (Hdbks. for Bible classes.) White, E. G. {Mrs. James White.) Sketches from the life of Paul. 1883. Teaching. Alexander, A. B. D. Ethics of St. Paul- 1910. Bruce, A, B. St. Paul's conception of Chris- tianity. 1894. Chadwick, W. E. Pastoral teaching of St. Paul. 1907. — Social teaching of St. Paul. 1906. Dickson, W. P. St. Paul's use of the terms flesh and spirit. 1883. Du Bose, W. P. The gospel according to St. Paul. 1907. Everett, C.C. Gospel of Paul. 1893. Feine, K. E. P. St. Paul as a theologian. C1908. (For. relig. ser.) Fifth gospel: being the Pauline interpretation of the Christ. By the author of ' The faith of a Christian.' 1907. Kennedy, H. A. A. St. Paul's conceptions of the last things. 1904. (Cunningham lect.) Knowling, R. J. Testimony of St. Paul to Christ viewed in some of its aspects. 1905. (Boyle lect.) Leathes, S. Witness of St. Paul to Christ. 1869. (Boyle lect.) Sabatier, A. The apostle Paul: a sketch of the development of his doctrine. 1 89 1. Somerville, D. St. Paul's conception of Christ. 1897. Stevens, G. B. Pauline theology. 1892. Weiss, J. Paul and Jesus; tr. by H. J. Chaytor. 1909. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) See also Bible. New Testament. Theology; Jesus Christ. Paulm, George. No struggle for existence; no natural selection; critical examination of the Darwinian theory. Edin. Clark. 1908. Paulsen, Friedrich. Immanuel Kant: his life and doctrine; tr. by J. E. Creighton and A. Lefevre. N. Y. Scribner. 1902. System of ethics; tr. by F. Thilly. N. Y. Scribner. 1900. Paulus, C. F. Christian life: popular treatise on Christian ethics. Cine. Curts. C1892. Payne, Charles Henry. Guides and guards in character-building. N. Y. Phillips. 1883. Payot, Jules. Education of the will: theory and practice of self-culture; tr. by S. E. Jel- liffe from 30th French ed. N. Y. Funk. 1909. Payson, Edward. Cummings, A. Memoir of Edward Payson. Peabody, Andrew Preston. Baccalaureate ser- mons. Bost, Lothrop. C1885. Christian belief and life. Bost. Roberts. 1876. Christianity and science. N. Y. Carter. 1875- Manual of moral philosophy. N. Y. Barnes. 1873. Memoirof Charles Burroughs. Camb. Wilson. 1871. Sermons connected with the re-opening of the church of the South parish in Portsmouth, N. H. Portsmouth [N. H.]. Shores. 1859. Sermons for children. Bost. A. U. A. 1867. Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer. Reminiscences of Rev. William EUery Channing. Bost. Roberts. i88o. Peabody, Francis Greenwood. Afternoons in the college chapel. Bost. Houghton. 1898. Approach to the social question. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Jesus Christ and the social question. N. Y. Macm. 1900. Jesus Christ and the Christian character. N. Y. Macm. 1905. Mornings in the college chapel : short addresses to young men on personal religion. Bost. Houghton. 1907. 2v. The people. {In Organized labor and capital. Gladden, W., and others.) Religion of an educated man. N. Y. Macm. 1904. (Haverford libr. lect.) Sunday evenings in the college chapel. Bost. Houghton. 191 1. Peabody, Frederick William. A religio-medical masquerade; a complete exposure of Chris- tian science. Bost. Hancock press. C1910. Peabody, Oliver William Bourne. Israel Putnam. N. Y. Harper. 1902. (Amer. biography, vol. VIH. Sparks, J., ed.) Cotton Mather. N. Y. Harper. 1902. (Amer. biog., vol. XI. Sparks, J., ed.) Peace. Addams, J. Newer ideals of peace. 1907. (Citizen's libr.) Angell, N. Great illusions; a study of the relation of military power in nations to their economic and social advantage. 191 1 . Beecher, H. W. The peace of God. {In his Sermons, 3d ser.) — Peaceableness. {In his Sermons, 2d ser.) — Perfect peace. {In his Sermons, 3d ser.) Bridgman, R. L. World organization. 1905. See World organization. Ferrero, G. Militarism: a contribution to the peace crusade. 1903. Great design of Henry IV, from the Memoirs of the Duke of Sully; United states of Europe, by E. E. Hale; with introduction by E. D. Mead. 1909. Gulliver, L. Friendship of nations; a story of the Peace movement for young people. CI912. Hancock, T. Principles of peace exemplified in the conduct of the Society of Friends in Ireland, 1798. Ster. ed. 1838. Jefferson, C. E. International peace. {In his The new crusade: occasional ser- mons.) i Catalogue General Theological Library 223 Peace — Continued. Lynch, F. Peace problem, the problem of the twentieth century. 191 1. Mackay, D. S. Peace. {In his Religion of the threshold, and other sermons.) Moritzen, J. Peace movement of America. 1912. Reed, J. Peace of nations. {In Earthly problems in heavenly light. Reed, J., and Hay, H. C.) Robertson, J. Peace on the path. {In his Corn on the mountains: sermons.) Schleiermacher, F. D. E. The Saviour's peace. {In his Selected sermons.) Soc. for the Promotion of Permanent and Universal Peace. Tracts I-XIII. 1868. Suttner, B. F. S. (K.) von. Lay down your arms: the autobiography of Martha von Tilling; tr. by T. Holmes. 2d ed. 1908. Universal Peace Congress. Official report of the thirteenth Universal peace congress, by W. J. Rose. 1904. See also Amer. Friends' Peace Conference; Hague International Peace Conference; War; War and peace. Peake, Arthur Samuel. Christianity: its nature and its truth. N. Y. Crowell. [1909.] Critical introduction to the New Testament. N. Y. Scribner. 1910. Hebrews: introduction, revised version with notes. N. Y. Frowde. n. d. (New century Bible.) Heroes and martyrs of faith: studies in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews. Lond. Hodder. 1910. Jeremiah I-XXIV: introduction, revised version with notes. N. Y. Frowde. n. d. (New century Bible.) Job: introduction, revised version with notes. N. Y. Frowde. 1905. (New century Bible.) Pearse, Mark Guy. Some aspects of the blessed life. Lond. Kelley. n. d. Thoughts on holiness. Bost. McDonald. C1884. Pearson, Hugh Nicholas. Memoirs of Christian Friedrich Schwartz. N. Y. Appleton. 1835- Pearson, John. Exposition of the creed. New ed. Lond. Dove. 1821. 2v. Pease, George William. Outline of a Bible- school curriculum. Chi. Univ. press. 1904. Pease, Theodore Claudius. The Christian ministry, its present claim and attraction, and other writings. Bost. Houghton. 1894. Peck, George B. Throne-life. Bost. Watch- word publ. CO. 1888. Peck, John Mason. Shelton, D. O. {In his Heroes of the cross in America.) Peck, Jonas Oramel. Revival and the pastor. N. Y. Eaton. C1894. Pedder, Henry C. Man and woman considered in their relations to each other and to the world. N. Y. Wells. 1871. Peebles, James Martin. Seers of the ages. Bost. White. 1869. Peel, Sir Robert. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. ID.) Peile, James Hamilton Francis. Reproach of the gospel. Lond., etc. Longm. 1907. (Bamp. lect.) Sacrament of repentance: a devotional and practical commentary on the fifty-first Psalm. Lond., etc. Longm. 1912. Peirce, Bradford Kinney. Half century with juvenile delinquents. N. Y. Appleton. 1869. Peloubet, Francis Nathan. Studies in the book of Job. N. Y. Scribner. 1906. and Wells, Amos Russel. Select notes on the International lessons. 1909-1913. Bost. W. A. Wilde co. 1909-1913. 5V. Penitential Psalms. See Bible. O. T. Psalms. Penn, William. Trueblood, B. F. William Penn and the gospel of the inner light. {In Pioneers of religious liberty in America.) (Great and Thursday lect.) Pennington, Arthur Robert. Counter-reforma- tion in Europ>e. Popular ed. Lond. Thynne. 1901. Pennsvxvania. [Gilpin, T.) Exiles in Virginia : with observations on the conduct of the Society of Friends during the revolutionary war, comprising the official papers of the government, 1 777-1 778. 1848. Sharpless, I. A Quaker experiment in govern- ment: history of Quaker government in Pennsylvania, 1682-1783. Popular ed. 1902. 2v. in I. Pentateuch. See Bible. O. T. Pentecost, George Frederick. Grace abounding in the forgiveness of sins. Lond. Downie. n. d. People's banks. Wolff, H. W. People's Institute. Smith, C. S. Working with the people. 1908. A history of the People's Institute, N. Y. City. People's worship and psalter. McArthur, R. S., and Bellamy, F., eds. Peploe, H. W. Webb-. See Webb-Peploe. Pepper, Charles Melville. To-morrow in Cuba. N. Y. Harper. 1899. Perdval, Henry Robert. Inspiration of Holy Scripture, and six other essays. Mil. Young ch. 1896. Perfect gentleman, The. N. Y. Dick. cl86o. Perfect tribute. Andrews, M. R. S. Perowne, Edward Henry. Galatians, with in- troduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1890. (Cambr. Bible.) Perowne, John James Stewart. Immortality; four sermons. N. Y. Randolph. 1870. (Hulsean lect.) Psalms; new translation, with introduction and notes. Andover. Draper. 1879. 2v. Perowne, Thomas Thomason. Proverbs, with introduction and notes. Camb. [Eng.]. Univ. press. 1899. (Cambr. Bible.) Obadiah and Jonah, with notes and introduc- duction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1894. (Cambr. Bible.) Jonah, with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1879. (Cambr. Bible.) Haggai and Zechariah, with notes and intro- duction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1888. (Cambr. Bible.) Malachi, with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1890. (Cambr. Bible.) 224 Catalogue General Theological Library Perry, Bliss. The American mind. Bost. Houghton. C1912. John Greenleaf Whittier. Bost. Houghton. 1907. Perry, George Gresley. History of the Church of England from the accession of Henry Vni to the silencing of convocation in the eighteenth century. N. Y. Harper. 1879. History of the reformation in England. Lond. Longm. 1886. (Epochs of church his- tory.) Perry, John T. Sixteen Saviours or one? the gospels not Brahminic. Cine. Thomson. 1879. Perry, Matthew Calbraith. Griffis, W. E. Matthew Calbraith Perry, 1887. Perry, Ralph Barton. Moral economy. N. Y, Scribner. 1909. Present philosophical tendencies. N. Y. Longm. 1912. Perry, William Stevens. History of the Ameri- can Episcopal church. 2v. Bost. Osgood. 1885. Persecution. Acton, J. E, E. D-. The Protestant theory of persecution. {In his History of freedom, and other essays.) Craig, A. H. Christian persecutions. 3d ed. 1904. Lecky, W. E. H. {In his History of European morals, vol. I.) — On persecution. {In his Rationalism in Europe, vol. I.) — History of persecution. {In his Rational- ism in Europe, vol. II.) Spence, H. D. M. {In his Early Christianity and paganism.) Westcott, B. F. {In his The two empires, the church and the world.) Persia. Jackson, A. V. W. Persia, past and present. 1909. Description and travel. Wilson, S. G. Persian life and customs, with scenes and incidents of residence and travel. 3d ed. 1909, Wishard, J. G. Twenty years in Persia. C1908. See also Missions. History. Benjamin, S. G. W. Story of Persia. 1888. (Story of the nations.) See also History. Ancient. Religion. Milne, J. Religion of Persia: Zoroaster and the Zend Avesta. {In Faiths of the world. Caird, J., and others.) Wedgwood, J. Persia and the religion of conflict. {In her Moral ideal.) 5ee a/50 Avesta ; Parsis or Parsees; Zoroaster; also Christianity and other religions ; Reli- gions. Personal idealism and mysticism. Inge, W. R. Personalism. Bowne, B. P. Personalism, 1909. (N. W. Harris lect.) Personality. Bradford, A. H. Personality. {In Culture of Christian manhood. Sall- mon, W. li.,ed.) Bruce, H. A. B. Riddle of personality. 1908. Personality — Continued. Carpenter, W. B. Religion and personality. {In his Permanent elements of religion.) (Bamp. lect.) Garvie, A. E. Personality in God, Christ and man. {In his Christian certainty, etc.) Harnack, A. Christianity and history; tr. by T. B. Saunders. 1890. Harris, S. {In his Philosophical basis of theism.) Hegel, G. W. F. Abstract will and personal- ity. {In his Ethics: translated selections; with introd. by J. M. Sterrett.) HofTding, H. The principle of personality. {In his Philosophy of religion.) Hyde, W. D. From Epicurus to Christ; a study in the principles of personality. 1904. Illingworth, J. R. Personality, human and divine. 1894. (Bamp. lect.) Iverach, J. Personality; its character and meaning. {In his Theism in the light of present science and philosophy.) Janes, G. M. Personality. {In his The Pilgrim spirit, and other essays.) Jevons, F. B. Personality. 19 1 3. King, H. C. Moral and religious challenge of our times; the guiding principle in human development: reverence for personality. 1911. Kiricpatrick, E. A. The personality. {In his The individual in the making.) Momerie, A, W. Personality the beginning and end of metaphysics. 1886. Morrison, G. H. Selective power of personal- ity. {In his Afterglow of God.) Myers, F. W. H. Human personality and its survival of bodily death; ed. and abr. by L. H. Myers. 1903. Prince, M. Dissociation of a personality; a biographical study in abnormal psychol- ogy. 1906. Seth, A. Hegelianism and personality. 1893. (Balfour lect.) Sidis, B. Multiple personality: an experi- mental investigation into the nature of human individuality; by Boris Sidis and Simon P. Goodhart. [1904.] Temple, W. Nature of personality. 191 1. Thompson, H, M. World and the wrestlers: personality and responsibility. 1895. (Bohlen lect.) Thomson, W. Brain and personality. 1906. Thwing, C. F. Worth of personality. {In his Liberal education and a liberal faith.) See also Character; Determinism; Ethics; Philosophy; Psychology; Sociology. Personality and power. Walpole, G. H. S. Personality and the Christian ideal. Buckham, J.W. Personality of Jesus. Barrows, C. H. Perthes, Friedrich Matthaeus. Life of John Chrysostom; tr. by A. Hovey and D. B. Ford. Bost. Jewett. 1854. Peru. Reville, A. Native religions of Mexico and Peru. 1884. (Hibbert lect.) Pessimism. Dawson, W. J. Job on pessimism. [Sermon.] {In his Threshold of manhood.) Flint, R. Pessimism. {In his Anti-theistic theories.) Catalogue General Theological Library 225 Pessimism — Continued. Momerie, A. W. False discontent with the world as a whole — pessimism. [Five ser- mons.] (In his Inspiration, and other sermons.) Pfleiderer, O. Optimism and pessimism. (In his Philosophy and development of religion, vol. I.) (Gifford lect.) Schiller, F. C. S. Pessimism. {In his Rid- dles of the sphinx.) Schopenhauer, A. Studies in pessimism; sel. and tr. by T. B. Saunders. (Schopen- hauer ser.) Sheldon, H. C. Pessimism. (/« his Un- belief in the nineteenth century.) Pestalozzi, Jean-Henri, Swiss educator. Quick, R. H. {In his Essays on educational re- formers.) Petavel, Emanuel. Extinction of evil. Best. Woodman. 1889. Peter, St. Adeney, W. F. St. Peter. {In Men of the N. T.: Matthew to Timothy. Milligan, G., and others.) Carpenter, W. B. Simon Peter. {In his Son of man among the sons of men.) Dole, C. F. Peter and John, the disciples. {In his Jesus and the men about him.) Francis, P. J., and Jones, S. Prince of the apostles: a study. 1907. Livius, T. St. Peter, bishop of Rome. 1888. Matheson, G. Peter the emboldened. {In his Representative men of the N. T.) Park, E. A. Peter's denials of his Lord. {In his Memorial coll. of sermons.) Taylor, W. M. Peter the apostle. C1904. Thomas, W. H. G. The apostle Peter; out- line sketch of his life, character and writings. 1905- Whyte, A. Peter. {In his Bible characters: Joseph and Mary to James, the Lord's brother.) Peter of Blois. Satan the accuser. {In Fa- mous sermons by English preachers. Mac- leane, D., eti.) Peter, the Great. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 4.) Peter the Hermit. Goodsell, D. A. Peter the Hermit, a story of enthusiasm. C1906. (Men of the kingdom.) Peters, George Nathaniel Henry. Theocratic kingdom of our Lord Jesus, the Christ. N. Y. Funk. 1884. 3v. Peters, John Punnett. E^arly Hebrew story. N. Y. Putnam. 1904. (C. 1. 1.) Modern Christianity; or, The plain gospel modernly expounded. N. Y. Putnam. 1909. Peters, Madison Clinton. The Jews in America; a short story of their part in the building of the republic. Phila., etc. Winston. 1905. Justice to the Jew; the story of what he has done for the world. New ed. N. Y. Trow press. 1910. Petre, M. David. Autobiography and life of George Tyrrell. N. Y. Longm. 1912. 2v. Petrie, William Matthew Flinders. Egypt and Israel. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1911. Growth of the gospels as shewn by structural criticism. N. Y. Baker. 1910. Personal religion in Egypt before Christianity. N. Y. Harper. 1909. Petrie, William Matthew Flinders — Continued. Religion and conscience in ancient Egypt. N. Y. Scribner. 1898. Religion of ancient Egypt. Chi. Open court. n. d. (Religions anc. and mod.) Ten years' digging in Egypt. 1881-1891. N. Y. Revell. Pettingell, John Hancock. Homiletical index: handbook of texts, themes and authors. N. Y. Appleton. 1878. Pew to the pulpit. Brewer, D. J. Peyran, Jean Rodolphe. Historical defence of the Waldenses or Vaudois; with introduc- tion and appendixes by T. Sims. Lond. Rivington. 1826. Pejrton, William Wynne. Memorabilia of Jesus commonly called the gospel of St. John. Lond. Black. 1892. Pfleiderer, Otto. Christian origins; tr. by D. A. Huebsch. N. Y. Huebsch. 1906. Development of Christianity; tr. by D. A. Huebsch. N. Y. Huebsch. 1910. Development of theology in Germany since Kant and its progress in Great Britain since 1825; tr. by J. F. Smith. Lond. Son- nenschein. 1 890. E^rly Christian conception of Christ. N. Y. Putnam. 1905. (C. 1. 1.) Influence of the apostle Paul on the develop- ment of Christianity. N. Y. Scribner. 1885. (Hibbert lect.) Philosophy of religion on the basis of its history; tr. by A. Stewart and A. Menzies. Lond. Williams. 1886-1889. 4V. (Theol. transl. libr.) Philosophy and development of religion. N. Y. Putnam. 1894. 2 v. (Gifford lect.) Primitive Christianity; tr. by W. Montgom- ery. N. Y. Putnam. 1906-1911. 4V. (Theol. transl. libr.) Religion and historic faiths; tr. by D. A. Huebsch. N. Y. Huebsch. 1907. Pharaoh, title of the rulers 0} ancient Egypt. Williams, T. R. Pharaoh. {In Men of the O. T.: Cain to David. Milligan, G., and others.) Pharisaism: its aim and its method. Herford, R. T. Pharisees. Herford, R. T. Pharisaism: its aim and its method. 1912. (C. 1. 1.) Phelps, Austin. English style in public dis- course. N. Y. Scribner. 1894. Men and books; or, Studies in homiletics. N.Y. Scribner. 1882. My portfolio: a collection of essays. N. Y. Scribner. 1882. New birth. Bost. Gould. 1867. Sabbath hours. Bost. Congr. pub. soc. 1875. Still hour. Bost. Gould, i860. Studies of the Old Testament. Bost. Congr. pub. soc. 1879. Theory of preaching. N.Y. Scribner. 1886. Ward, Mrs. E. S. (P.). Austin Phelps: a memoir. 1892. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. See Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps). Phelps, Myron Henry. Life and teachings of Abbas Effendi; a study of the religion of the Babis, or Beha'is, founded by the Persian Bab and by his successors, Beha UUah and Abbas Effendi. N. Y. Putnam. 1903. 226 Catalogue General Theological Library Philanthropy. Ely, R. T. Philanthropy. (In his Social aspects of Christianity, and other essays.) Hall, T. C. Evangelical revival and philan- thropy. (In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) Huntington, J. O. S. Philanthropy — its success and failure; Philanthropy and morality. (In Philanthropy and social progress.) Lee, J. Constructive and preventive philan- thropy. 1902. Philanthropy and social progress; seven essays by J. Addams [and others] del'd before the School of applied ethics. N. Y. Crowell. 1892. 5e^ o/^o Charities; Charity; Social settlements. Philip, John. Lights and shadows of human life. N. Y. Carter, n. d. PHmiPPiNE Islands. Stevens, J. E. Yester- days in the Philippines. 1899. Stuntz, H. C. The Philippines and the far East. [1904.] Worcester, D. C. The Philippine Islands and their people. 1901. Wright, H. M. Handbook of the Philippines. 1909. Philipson, David. The reform movement in Judaism. N. Y. Macm. 1907. Philistine and genius. Sidis, B. [Phillips, Thomas W.] Church of Christ. By a layman. N. Y. Funk. 1907. Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, lectures and letters. Bost. Lothrop. C1891. Same. 2d series. 1905. Philo Judseus. Works; tr. by C. D. Yonge. Lond. Bell. 1 855-1 894. 4V. Drummond, J. Philo Judseus; or. The Jewish-Alexandrian philosophy in its devel- opment and completion. 1888. 2 v. Watson, J. Philo and the New Testament. {In his Philosophical basis of religion.) Philochristus: memoirs of a disciple of the Lord. 1878. Philomythus. Philosophical Berkeley. Fraser, A. Descartes. MahafFy, J. P. Fichte. Adamson, R. Hegel. Caird, E. Hume. Knight, W. Kant. Wallace, W. Leibniz. Merz, J. T. Spinoza. Caird, J. Philosophies, ancient and modern. Berkeley and spiritual realism. Fraser, A. C. Comte and Mill. Whittaker, T. Early Greek philosophy. Benn, A. W. Epicurus. Taylor, A. E. Hobbes, T. Taylor, A. E. Locke. Alexander, S. Nietzsche; his life and works. Ludovici, A. M. Plato. Taylor, A, E. Scholasticism. Rickaby, J. Schopenhauer. Whittaker, T. Spencer, H. Hudson, W. H. Stoicism. Stock, St. G. Swedenborg and the ' Sapientia angelica.' Sewall, F. Abbott, E. A. classics for English readers. Philosophy. Aristotle. Metaphysics; tr., with notes, etc., by J. H. M'Mahon. 1910. — Outlines of the philosophy of Aristotle, comp. by Edwin Wallace. 1898. (Pitt press ser.) Bergson, H. L. Introduction to metaphysics; tr. by E. T. Hulme. 1912. Berkeley, G. Works; [ed. by] G. N. Wright. 1843. 2V. Boethius, A. M. T. S. Consolation of philoso- phy; tr. by W. V. Cooper. 1902. (Temple classics.) Bosanquet, B. Principle of individuality and value. 1912. (Gifford lect.) — Value and destiny of the individual. 1913- (Giflford lect.) Bowne, B. P. Metaphysics. CI882. H. Appearance and reality. F. Bradley, 1899. Calkins, M. philosophy. problems of W. Persistent 1908, Cousin, V. Lectures on the true, the beauti- ful and the good. i860. Crozier, J. B. Civilization and progress: outlines of a new system of political, reli- gious and social philosophy. 1885. Descartes, R. Method, meditations and selections from the principles of Descartes; tr. by J. Veitch. 14th ed. 1907. Dresser, H. W. Philosophy of the spirit. 1908. Eucken, R. Life's basis and life's ideal; the fundamentals of a new philosophy of life. 191 1. — Main currents of modern thought; a study of the spiritual and intellectual movements of the present day; tr. [from 4th Germ, ed.] by M. Booth. 1912. — Meaning and value of life. 1909. Fichte, J. G. Popular works; tr. by William Smith. 4th ed. 1889. 2v. Fiske, J. Outlines of cosmic philosophy. 1891. 2V. Green, T. H. Works. 1889-1890. 3v. Hadley, A. T. Some influences in modern philosophic thought. 1913. Haldane, R. B. Pathway to reality. 1903-04. 2 v. (Giflford lect.) Hibben, J. G. Philosophy of the enlighten- ment. 1910. (Epochs of philosophy.) Howison, G. H. Limits of evolution, and other essays illustrating the metaphysical theory of personal idealism. 1 90 1. Hume, D. Treatise of human nature; ed. by Green and Grose. New impr. 1909. 2v. Hyslop, J. H. Problems of philosophy; or. Principles of epistemology and meta- physics. 1905. Jacks, L. P. Alchemy of thought. 191 1. James, W. PluraHstic universe. 1909. (Hib- bert lect.) — Some problems of philosophy; a begin- ning of an introduction to philosophy. 1911. Janet, P. Final causes; tr. by W. Affleck. 1878. Kant, I. Critique of pure reason; tr. by F. M. Muller. 2d ed. 1907. Ladd, G. T. Knowledge, life and reality; an essay in systematic philosophy. 1909. Catalogue General Theological Library 227 Philosophy — Continued. Leibnitz, G. W. von. Philosophical works; tr. with notes by G. M. Duncan. 1908. Locke, J. Philosophical works. 1898. 2v. Lotze, R. H. Microcosmus; an essay concern- ing man and his relation to the world; tr. by E. Hamilton and E. E. C. Jones. 1885. 2V. — Outlines of metaphysics; tr. by G. T. Ladd. 1884. — Outlines of practical philosophy; ed. by G. T. Ladd. 1885. Maurice, F. D. Moral and metaphysical philosophy. 1872. 2v. Miinsterberg, H. The eternal values. 1909. Nietzsche, F. W. Beyond good and evil; prelude to a philosophy of the future. 1909. — Thus spake Zarathustra, a book for all and none; tr. by A. Tille. 1908. Paget, V. (Vernon Lee, pseud.) Vital lies: studies of some varieties of recent obscurant- ism. 2v. 1912. Paley, W. Principles of moral and political philosophy. 1 849. Rogers, A. K. Religious conception of the world; an essay in constructive philosophy. 1907. Royce, J. Religious aspect of philosophy. 1895- Santayana, G. Three philosophical poets, Lucretius, Dante and Goethe. 1910. Schlegel, F. K. W. von. Philosophy of life, and philosophy of language; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. 1847. (Bohn's standard libr.) Schopenhauer, A. The world as will and idea; tr. by R. B. Haldane and J. Kemp. 3ded. 1896. 3v. Spencer, H. First principles. 1864. Spinoza, B. Spinoza's short treatise on God, man and human welfare; tr. by L. G. Robinson. 1909. — Works; tr. by R. H. M. Elwes. 1909. 2v. (Bohn's philos. libr.) Taylor, A. E. Elements of metaphysics. 1904. See also Agnosticism; Atheism; Belief; Brain; Determinism; Empiricism; Epi- cureanism; Ethics; Evolution; Humanism; Idealism; Individualism; Knowledge; Logic; Memory; Mind and body; Monism; Naturalism; Neo-Platonists; Pantheism; Personality; Pessimism; Pluralism; Posi- tivism; Pragmatism; Psychology; Ration- alism; Scepticism; Scholasticism; Stoicism; Supernatural; Theism; Transcendentalism; Truth; Unconscious, The; Utilitarianism; also Names of philosophers; Philosophy by countries and by epochs; Philosophy of history; Philosophy of religion. Essays. Blewett, G. J. Study of nature and the vision of God, with other essays in philosophy. 1907. Dewey, J. Influence of Darwin on philosophy, and other essays in contemporary thought. 1910. Essays, philosophical and psychological, in honor of William James. 1908. Garman, C. E. Letters, lectures and ad- dresses. 1909. Philosophy. Essays — Continued. Grover, D. C. Volitional element in knowl- edge and belief, and other essays in philoso- phy and religion. 191 1. Hume, D. Essays, moral, political and liter- ary; ed. by Green and Grose. New impr. 1907. 2V. James, W. The will to believe, and other essays in popular philosophy. 1897. Martineau, J. Essays, philosophical and theological. 1866-68. 2v. Royce, J. Studies of good and evil; a series of essays upon problems of philosophy and life. 1898. — William James, and other essays. 191 1. Seth, A. Man's place in the cosmos, and other essays. 1897. Spencer, H. Essays, moral, political and aesthetic. 1865. History. Boutroux, £. £. M, Historical studies in philosophy. 19 1 2. Cushman, H. E. Beginner's history of philos- ophy. CI910. 2V. Elmendorf, J. J. Outlines of lectures on the history of philosophy. 1876. Erdmann, J. E. History of philosophy. 1910. 3v. Eucken, R. Problem of human life as viewed by the great thinkers from Plato to the present time; tr. by W. S. Hough and W. R. B. Gibson. 1909. Hegel, G. W. F. Lectures on the history of philosophy; tr. by E. S. Haldane. 1892. 3V, Lewes, G. H. Biographical history of philoso- phy. 1863. Rogers, A. K. Student's history of philoso- phy. 1911. Ueberweg, F. History of philosophy from Thales to the present time. 1877. 2V. Weber, A. History of philosophy; tr. by F. Thilly. 1907. Windelband, W. History of philosophy; tr, by J. H. Tufts. 2d ed. 1901. Introductions. Bergson, H. L. Introduction to a new philosophy [tr. by S. Littman]. C1912. Eucken, R. Life of the spirit; an introduction to philosophy; tr. by F. L. Pogson. 2d ed. 1909. (C.t.l.) Fullerton, G. S. Introduction to philosophy. 1906. Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Introduction to the study of philosophy. 1896. Philosophy, Ancient. Bakewell, C. M. Source book in ancient philosophy. 1909. Philosophy, MEDiiEVAL. Taylor, H. O. Medi- aeval mind. 191 1. 2V. Philosophy, Modern. Boutroux, £. £. M. Science and religion in contemporary philosophy. 1909. Bowen, F. Modern philosophy from Des- cartes to Schopenhauer and Hartmann. 1878. Falckenberg, R. History of modern philoso- phy from Nicolas of Cusa to the present time. 1893. HofFding, H. History of modern philosophy. 1900. 2V. 228 Catalogue General Theological Library Philosophy, Modern — Continued. Macpherson, H, A century of intellectual de- velopment. 1907. Perry, R. B. Present philosophical tenden- cies; a critical survey of naturalism, ideal- ism, pragmatism and realism, together with a synopsis of the philosophy of William James. 1912. Rand, B., ed. Modern classical philosophers; selections illustrating modern philosophy from Bruno to Spencer. 1908. " Virtually a history of modern philosophy." Royce, J. Spirit of modern philosophy. 1896. Philosophy, American. Huizinga, A. v. C. P. The American philosophy: pragmatism critically considered. 191 1. Riley, I. W. American philosophy, the early schools. "1907, Philosophy, English. Seth, J. English philosophers and schools of philosophy. 1912. (Channels of Engl, literature.) Stephen, L. History of English thought in the eighteenth century. 1902. 2v. Philosophy, German. Heine, H. Religion and philosophy in Germany. 1882. Hillebrand, K. German thought from the Seven years' war to Goethe's death. 1880. Philosophy, Greek. Adam, J. Vitality of Platonism, and other essays. 191 1. Benn, A. W. Early Greek philosophy. (Philosophies anc. and mod.) Caird, E. Evolution of theology in the Greek philosophers. 1904. 2v, (Giflford lect.) Eucken, R. (In his Problem of human life.) Hyslop, J. H. Ethics of the Greek philoso- phers, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. 1903. Philosophy, Jewish. See Philo Judaeus. Philosophy, Scottish. McCosh, J. Scottish philosophy, from Hutcheson to Hamilton. ^875. Mill, J. S. Examination of Sir William Hamil- ton's philosophy. 1866. 2 v. Philosophy and religion. Cornford, F. M. From religion to philosophy. 1912. Rashdall, H. Philosophy and religion. 1909, Royce, J. Problem of Christianity. 2v. 1913. Philosophy of history. Flint, R. History of the philosophy of history. 1894. Hegel, G. W. F. Lectures on the philosophy of history; tr. by J. Sibree. 1905. Roosevelt, T. Biological analogies in history. 1910. Schlegel, F. K. W. von. Philosophy of his- tory. 1841. 2V. Shedd, W. G. T. Lectures upon the philoso- phy of history. 1856. Philosophy of religion. Caird, J. Intro- duction to the philosophy of religion. 1880. Caldecott, A. Philosophy of religion in England and America. 1901 . Clark, H. W. Philosophy of Christian experi- ence. [1906.] Eucken, R. Christianity and the new ideal- ism; a study in the religious philosophy of to-day. 1909. Fairbairn, A. M. Philosophy of the Christian religion. 1902. — Studies in the philosophy of religion and history, n. d. Philosophy of religion — Continued. Fichte, J. G. Way toward the blessed life; tr. by W. Smith. 1849. Forsyth, P. T. Principle of authority in relation to certainty, sanctity and society; an essay in the philosophy of experimental religion. [1913.] Galloway, G. Principles of religious develop- ment. 1909. Hegel, G. W. F. Lectures on the philosophy of religion; tr. by E. B. Speirs and J. B. Sanderson. 1895. 3v. Hocking, W. E. Meaning of God in human experience. 19 12. Hoffding, H. Philosophy of religion; tr. by B. E. Meyer. 1906. Ladd,G. T. Philosophy of religion. 1905. 2v. Lotze, R. H. Outlines of the philosophy of religion; ed. by G. T. Ladd. 1885. Pfleiderer, O. Philosophy and development of religion. 1894. 2v. (Gilford lect.) — Philosophy of religion on the basis of its history ; tr. by A. Stewart and A. Menzies. 1886-1889. 4v. Royce, J. Sources of religious insight. 1912. Sabatier, A. Outlines of a philosophy of religion based on psychology and history. 1897. — Vitality of Christian dogmas, and their power of evolution; a study in religious philosophy; tr. by Mrs. E. Christen. 1898. Sterrett, J. M. Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of religion. 1890. Watson, J. Interpretation of religious experi- ence. 1912. 2V, — Philosophical basis of religion. 1907. Philosophy of the infinite. Calderwood, H. Philosophy of the infinite: answer to Sir William Hamilton and Dean Mansel. 3d ed. 1872. Philosophy and religion. Rashdall, H. Philosophy of belief. Argyll, G. D. C, 8th duke Philosophy of Christian experience. Clark, H. W. Philosophy of conduct. Ladd, G. T. Philosophy of education. Rosenkranz, J. K. F. Philosophy of loyalty. Royce, J. Philosophy of revelation. Bavinck, H. Philosophy of the supernatural. Piatt, W. H. Philosophy of the unconscious. Hartmann, K. R. E. von. 3v. Phinney, E. O. Letters on the Eucharist, addressed to a member of the Church of Rome, formerly a preacher in the Meth- odist Episcopal church. Bait. Carroll. 1880. Phcenicia. Rawlinson, G. Story of Phoenicia. 1889. (Story of the nations.) Physical geography. Reclus, J. J. fi. The earth; tr. by B. B. Woodward. 1871. Physiological aspects of the liquor problem. Billings, J. S., ed. Pick, Bernhard, ed. Apocryphal acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas. See Bible. N. T. Apocryphal books. ed. and transl. Paralipomena ; remains of gospels and sayings of Christ. See Bible. N. T. Apocryphal books. Catalogue General Theological Library 229 Pick, Bemhard — Continued. comp. Extra-canonical life of Christ; being a record of the acts and sayings of Jesus of Nazareth drawn from uninspired sources. N. Y. Funk. 1903. — Hymns and poetry of the Eastern church, collected and chronologically arranged. N. Y. Eaton. CI908. Picton, James Allanson. Man and the Bible. N. Y. Holt. 1909. Mystery of matter, and other essays.. [New ed.] Lond. Macm. 1878. Contents; I. Mystery of matter. — II. Philosophy of ignorance. — III. Antithesis of faith and sight. — IV. Essential nature of religion. — V. Christian pantheism. Pantheism: its story and significance. Chi. Open court, n. d. (Religions anc. and mod.) Pierce, Ulysses G. B., ed. Soul of the Bible. See Bible. English. Selections. Pierce, William. An historical introduction to the Marprelate tracts; a chapter in the evolution of religious and civil liberty in England. N. Y. Dutton. 1909. ed. The Marprelate tracts, 1588-1589. Lond. Clarke. 19 il. Pierson, Arthur Tappan. Bible and spiritual criticism. N. Y. Baker. [1905.] Bible and spiritual life. N. Y. Revell. n. d. Crisis of missions. N. Y. Baker. C1886. Evangelistic work in principle and practice. N. Y. Baker. CI887. George Miiller and his witness to a prayer- hearing God. N. Y. Baker. C1899. Many infallible proofs. Chi. Revell. cl886. New Acts of the apostles; or, Marvels of modern missions. N. Y. Baker. CI894. Pierson, D. L. Arthur T. Pierson. C1912. Pierson, Delavan Leonard. Arthur T. Pierson. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1912. Pigou, Arthur Cecil. Principles and methods of industrial peace. Lond. Macm. 1905. Pike, Godfrey Holden, comp. Heavenly world: views of the future life by eminent writers. Bost. Gannett. 1880. Pike, Granville Ross. Divine drama; the manifestation of God in the universe. N. Y. Macm. 1899. Pilate, Pontius. Adeney, W. F. Pontius Pilate. {In Men of the Bible: some lesser known characters. Milligan, G., and others.) Beecher, H. W. Pilate and his modern imita- tors. {In his Sermons, 1st ser.) Carpenter, W. B. Pilate. {In his Son of man among the sons of men.) Clow, W. M. Pilate. {In his Day of the cross: sermons.) Huntington, W. R. {In his Good shepherd, and other sermons.) Ingram, A. F. W. Pilate. {In his Men who crucify Christ.) Peabody, F. G. Pilate: a sermon on Palm Sunday. {In his Sunday evenings in the College chapel.) Sears, E.H. Pilate, (/n A15 Christ in the life.) Whyte, A. Pontius Pilate. {In his Bible characters: Joseph and Mary to James, the Lord's brother.) Wright, W. B. Pilate before Christ. {In his Heart of the Master.) Pilgrim fathers. , Arber, E., ed. Story of the Pilgrim fathers, 1 606-1623; as told by themselves, their friends, and their enemies. Ed. from the original texts. 1897. Brown, J. The Pilgrim fathers of New England and their Puritan successors. 3d Amer. ed. 1896. Bushnell, H. The fathers of New England: oration. 1850. Dexter, H. M. England and Holland of the Pilgrims. 1905. Goodwin, J. A. The Pilgrim Republic; an historical review of the colony of New Plymouth. 1895. Gregg, D. The Pilgrim forefathers. {In his Makers of the American republic.) Griffis, W. E. The Pilgrims in their three homes, England, Holland, America. 1898. Russell, W. S. Guide to Plymouth and recol- lections of the Pilgrims. 1846. Waddington, J. Track of the hidden church; or. The springs of the Pilgrim movement. CI 863. Wellman, J. W. Church polity of the Pil- grims: sermon. [1857.] See also Massachusetts; New England. Pilgrim spirit, and other essays. Janes, G. M. Pilgrim's progress. Bunyan, J. Pilgrims of Iowa. Douglass, T. O. Pilot flame. Jenncss, K. Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. The Old Testa- ment in the light of the historical records and legends of Assyria and Babylonia. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1902. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria. Chi. Open court. (Religions anc. and mod.) Pinchot, Gififord, joint author. See Gill, C. O., and Pinchot, G. Pioneer priests of North America. Campbell, T.J. Pioneers of religious liberty in America; being the Great and Thursday lectures in Boston in 1903. Bost. A. U. A. 1903. Piper, Frederick L. Conditionalism ; its place in eschatology, history and current thought. Bost. Adv. publ. soc. 1904. Piper, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand. Lives of the leaders of the church universal; tr. and ed., with added lives by American writers, by H. M. MacCracken. Bost. Congr. pub. soc. 1879. Pitkin, Horace Tracy. Speer, R. E. Memo- rial of Horace Tracy Pitkin. CI903. Pius X, pope. Encyclical letter (" Pascendi gregis") of our most holy lord, Pius X, on the doctrines of the Modernists. {In Programme of modernism.) (C. t. 1.) Pivot words of Scripture. Power, P. B. Plain-song. Briggs, H. B., and Frere, W. H. Manual of plain-song. New ed. prepared under the superintendence of John Stainer. 1902. Frere, W. H., and others. Manual of plain- song. Helmore, T. Manual of plain-song. n. d. Plantz, Samuel. The church and the social prob- lem. Cine. Jennings. C1906. Plater, Charles. Retreats for the people; a sketch of a great revival. Lond. Sands. 1912. 230 Catalogue General Theological Library Platner, John Winthrop. Repression of scien- tific inquiry in the ancient church, (/n Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Plato. Against the atheists; with notes, etc., by Tayler Lewis. N. Y. Harper. 1845. Dialogues; tr. by B. Jowett. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1871. 4v, Same. 3d ed. N. Y. Macm. 1892. 5v. Ackermann, C. Christian element in Plato and the Platonic philosophy. 1861. Adam, J. Plato. {In his Religious teachers of Greece, pp. 356-460.) (Gilford lect.) Blewett, G. J. Plato and the founding of idealism, (/n his Study of nature and the vision of God.) Martineau, J. Plato: his physics and meta- physics. {In his Essays, vol. II.) Pater, W. H. Plato and Platonism. [Libr. ed.] 1910. Taylor, A. E. Plato. (Philosophies anc. and mod.) Zeller, E. Plato and the older academy. 1876. Platonism. Adam, J. Vitality of Platonism, and other essays. 191 1. Hyde, W. D. {In his Five great philosophies of life.) See also Neo-Platonists. Piatt, Ward. The frontier. N. Y. Y. P. M. M. 1908. (Forward mission study courses [Int.].) Piatt, William Henry. God out and man in; re- plies to IngersoU. Rochester [N. Y.]. Steele. 1883. Philosophy of the supernatural. N. Y. Dut- ton. 1866. (Paddock lect.) Playgrounds. Lee, J. {In his Constructive and preventive philanthropy, chapters VIII, X.) Pleasure. Gardiner, H. N. Theory of pleas- ure. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Haweis, H. R. On pleasure. {In his Sermons.) Plummer, Alfred. Church of the early fathers. 3ded. Lond. Longm. 1888. (Epochs of church history.) Commentary on St, Matthew. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1909, Gospel according to St. Luke. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1896. (Int. crit. com.) Same. 9th ed. 19 10. Gospel according to St. John. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1905. (Cambr. Greek Test.) Gospel according to St. John, with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1886. (Cambr. Bible.) Second epistle to the Corinthians. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1903. (Cambr. Greek Test.) Pastoral epistles. N. Y. Armstrong. 1889. (Expositor's Bible.) General epistles of St. James and St. Jude. N. Y. Armstrong. 1891. (Expositor's Bible.) Epistles of St. John. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1896. (Cambr. Greek Test.) Epistles of St. John, with notes and introduc- tion. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1887. (Cambr. Bible.) joint author. See Robertson, A., and Plum- mer, A. Plummer, Charles, ed. See Bede, The Vener- able. Plumptre, Edward Hayes. Ecclesiastes, with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1881. (Cambr. Bible.) Introduction to the New Testament. Lond. Cassell. n. d. (Handy commentary.) Gospel according to St. Matthew. N. Y. Cassell. n. d. (Handy commentary.) Gospel according to St. Mark. Lond. Cas- sell. n. d. (Handy commentary.) Gospel according to St. Luke. Lond. Cas- sell. n. d. (Handy commentary.) Acts of the apostles. 4th ed. Lond. Cas- sell. n. d. (Handy commentary.) Epistle of James with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1879. (Cambr. Bible.) St. Peter and St. Jude, with notes and intro- duction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1879. (Cambr. Bible.) Plunkett, Sir Horace Curzon. Rural life prob- lem of the United States. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Pluralism. Ward, J. Realm of ends, 1911. (Gifford lect.) Pluralistic universe. James, W. Plurality of worlds. Wallace, A. R. Man's place in the universe; a study of the results of scientific research in relation to the unity or plurality of worlds, 1903. Plutarch. Lives; Dryden's translation, ed. by Clough. Bost. Little. 1859. 5v. Plymouth. Russell, W. S. Guide to Plymouth and recollections of the Pilgrims. 1846. Plymouth hymnal. Abbott, L., ed. Podmore, Frank. Apparitions and thought- transference: an examination of the evi- dence for telepathy, Lond. Scott. 1902. (Cont. sci. ser.) Studies in psychical research. N. Y. Put- nam, 1897, Poetry. Rogers, A, Prophecy and poetry; studies in Isaiah and Browning. 1909. Poets. Morison, J. H. Great poets as reli- gious teachers. 1886. Strong, A, H. Great poets and their theology. 1897. See also American poets; English poets and poetry. Poets of America. Stedman, E. C, Poets' Bible, Horder, W, G., ed. 1895. 2V. Political and moral essays. Rickaby, J. Political economy. See Economics. Political ethics. See Ethics. Political science. Chapman, J. J. Practical agitation. 1900. Hill, D. J. World organization as affected by the nature of the modern state. 1911. Ritchie, D. G. Natural rights, a criticism of some political and ethical conceptions. 1895. (Libr. of philos.) Wallas, G. Human nature in politics. 1909. See also State, The. Political theories of Martin Luther. Waring, L. H. Politics and religion in ancient Israel. Todd, J.C. Pollard, Albert Frederick. Factors in modern history. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. Catalogue General Theological Library 231 Pollard, Alfred William, ed. Records of the English Bible: the documents relating to the translation and publication of the Bible in English; with an introduction. Lond., etc. Frowde. 191 1. ed. SeeBMe. Whole. 191 1. Polycarp, St. Epistle to the Philippians. (In Wake, W. Genuine epistles of the apostoli- cal fathers.) Same. (Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. I.) Cruttwell, C. T. Polycarp. (In his Lit. hist, of early Christianity, vol. I.) Donaldson, J. Polycarp. (In his Crit. hist, of Christian lit. and doctrine, vol. I.) Lightfoot, J. B. The apostolic fathers. Pt. II. S. Ignatius. S. Polycarp. 1885. 2v. in 3. Ponafidine, Pierre G. Life in the Moslem East; tr. from the Russian by E. C. Pona- fidine. N. Y. Dodd. 191 1. Poole, George Ayliffe. Life and times of St. Cyprian. Oxford. Parker. 1840. Poole, Reginald Lane. Wycliife and movements for reform. Lond. Longm. 1889. (Epochs of church history.) Poole, Stanley Lane-. The story of Turkey; by Stanley Lane-Poole assisted by E. J. W. Gibb and Arthur Gilman. N. Y. Putnam. 1893. (Story of the nations.) Poor. Booth, W. In darkest England, and the way out. 1890. Devine, E. T. Misery and its causes. 1909. (Amer. soc. progress ser.) Flower, B. O. Civilization's inferno. C1893. Riis, J. A. Battle with the slum. 1902. — How the other half lives. 1890. Tuckerman, J. On the elevation of the poor. 1874. Webb, S., and Webb, B. Prevention of destitution. 191 1. Woods, R. A., ed. Poor in great cities; their problems and what is doing to solve them. 1895. See also Charities; Children; Housing problem; Labor and laboring classes; Poverty; Tenement house problem. Popes. Balzani, U. Popes and the Hohenstau- fen. 1889. (Epochs of church history.) Dollinger, J. J. I. von. Fables respecting the popes in the middle ages; tr. by A. Plummer. 1872. Duchesne, L. Beginnings of the temporal sovereignty of the popes, a.d. 754-1073. Tr. by A. H. Mathew. 1908. Fisher, G. P. Office of the Pope, and how he is chosen. (In his Discussions in history and theology.) — Temporal kingdom of the popes. (In his Discussions in history and theology.) Leo XIII, pope. Great encyclical letters of Leo XIII, with preface by J. J. Wynne. 3d ed. C1903. Milman, H. H. History of Latin Christian- ity; including that of the popes to the pontificate of Nicolas V. 1862. 8v. Pastor, L. History of the popes from the close of the middle ages. 1891. 9v. Pius X, pope. Encyclical letter (" Pascendi gregis ") of our most holy lord Pius X on the doctrines of the Modernists. (In Programme of Modernism.) (C. t. 1.) Popes — Continued. Ranke, L. von. History of the popes; tr. by Sarah Austin. 1840. 3V. Same. 1 847-1 856. 3V. (Bohn's standard libr.) See also Papacy. Port Royal, a French nunnery. Beard, C. Port Royal; a contribution to the history of religion and literature in France. 1861. 2V. Clark, W. Pascal and the Port Royalists. 1902. See also Pascal, Blaise. Porter, Frank Chamberlin. Messages of the apocalyptical writers, the books of Daniel and Revelation, and some uncanonical apocalypses, with historical introductions, and a free rendering in paraphrase. N. Y. Scribner. 1905. (Messages of the Bible.) Porter, John Scott. Prayers for the use of Christian families. Lond. Green. 1841. Porter, Josias Leslie. Giant cities of Bashan; and Syria's holy places. N. Y. Nelson. 1866. Porter, Noah. Books and reading. N. Y. Scribner. 1881. Elements of moral science. N. Y. Scribner. 1885. Fifteen years in the chapel of Yale College. 1871-1886. N. Y. Scribner. 1888. Merriam, G. S., earish in Portsmouth. 1859. Portugal. Stephens, H. M. Story of Portu- gal. 1893. (Story of the nations.) Positive preaching and modern mind. Forsyth, P.T. (Yalelect.) Positivism. Harrison, F. Positivism: its posi- tion, aims and ideals. (In Great religions of the world. Giles, H. A., and others.) Huxley, T. H. Scientific aspects of positivism. (In his Lay sermons, addresses and reviews.) Pressens^, E. D. de. Knowledge and positiv- ism. (In his Study of origins, tr. by A. H. Holmden.) Sheldon, H. C. Positivism. (In his Unbe- lief in the nineteenth century.) See also Comte, A. Post, Truman M. Skeptical era in modern history. N. Y. Scribner. 1856. Potter, Henry Codman. The citizen in his relation to the industrial situation. N. Y. Scribner. 1902. (Yale lect. on citizen- ship.) Reminiscences of bishops and archbishops. N. Y. Putnam. 1906. Sermons of the city. N. Y. Dutton. 1881. Potter, Rockwell Harmon. Common faith of common men. [N. Y.] Columbia Univ. 1912. 232 Catalogue General Theological Library Potter, William James. Twenty-five sermons of twenty-five years. Bost. Ellis. 1885. Potwin, Lemuel S. Here and there in the Greek New Testament. Chi. Revell. 1898. Poverty. Devine, E. T. Religious treatment of poverty. {In his Spirit of social work.) Dole, C. F. Burden of poverty. 1912. (Art of life ser.) Holmes, J. H. Poverty. {In his Revolu- tionary function of the modern church.) Hunter, R. Poverty. C1904. Laughlin, J. L. Abolition of poverty. {In his Latter-day problems.) Rowntree, B. S. Poverty: a study of town life. 190 1. See also Poor. Powell, Hemy Clark. Principle of the incarna- tion. Lond. Longm. 1896. Powell, Ljrman Pierson. Christian science; the faith and its founder. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. The Emmanuel movement m a New England town. N. Y. Putnam. 1909. Power, Philip Bemiett. Pivot words of Scrip- ture. N. Y. Carter. 1869. Power. Coyle, R. F. Power from on high. {In his Church and the world: sermons.) Gunsaulus, F. W, Paths to power: sermons. C1905. Maclaren, A. Secret of power, and other sermons. 1882. Pragmatism. Huizinga, A. v. C. P. The American philosophy: pragmatism; criti- cally considered in relation to present-day theology. 191 1. James, W. Essays in radical empiricism. 1912. — Meaning of truth; a sequel to "Prag- matism." 1909. — Pragmatism; a new name for some old ways of thinking. 1907. Lyman, E. W. Theology and human prob- lems; a comparative study of absolute idealism and pragmatism as interpreters of religion. 1910. (N. W. Taylor lect.) Macdonald, L, B. Life in the making; an approach to religion through the method of modern pragmatism . 1911. Perry, R. B. {In his Present philosophical tendencies.) Pratt, J. B. What is pragmatism? 1909. Prall, William. The state and the church. N. Y. Whittaker. C1900. (Baldwin lect.) Pratt, James Bissett. Psychology of religious belief. N. Y. Macm. 1907. What is pragmatism? N. Y. Macm. 1909. Pratt, Waldo Selden. Musical ministries in the church. N. Y. Revell. 1902, Prayer. Ames, E. S. {In his Psychology of religious experience, chap. VIII.) Beecher, H. W. Ignorance and helplessness in prayer. {In his Sermons, 5th ser.) Best, N. R. Beyond the natural order; essays on prayer, miracles and the incarnation. C1908. Bowne, B. P. Prayer. {In his Essence of religion.) Brent, C. H. With God in prayer. [1907.] — With God in the world. 1900. Broadhurst, C. N. Wireless messages; pos- sibilities through prayer. Prayer — Continued. Byrum, E. E. Secret of prayer. CI912. Campbell, R. J. Believing prayer. {In his New theology sermons.) Chamberlain, L. T. True doctrine of prayer. 1906. Cohu, J. R. Oremus; or, The place of prayer in the modern religious life. 1908. Congreve, J. Prayer for fine weather. [Ser- mon.] (/« Aw High hopes.) Coyle, J. P. Prayer. [Sermon.] {In his The imperial Christ.) Dawson, W. J. The forgotten secret. C1906. Doan, F. C. Prayer and the modern mind. {In his Religion and the modern mind, and other essays.) Dods, M. Prayer that teaches to pray. 1900. Farrar, F. W. Prayer the antidote to sorrow. {In his Silence and the voices of God.) Forsyth, P. T., and Greenwell, D. Power of prayer. Gardner, P. The function of prayer. {In his Modernity and the churches.) Gordon, S. D. Quiet talks on prayer. 1904. Gore, C. Prayer and the Lord's prayer. 1905. Grenfell, W. T. What prayer means to me. {In his Man's helpers.) Hall, A. C. A. Christian doctrine of prayer. 1904. Herford, B. Ten prayers to one thanksgiving. {In his Sermons of courage and cheer.) James, J. G. Problems of prayer, n. d. Jellett, J. H. Efficacy of prayer. 1880. King, E. Prayer in relation to personal life and holiness. [Sermon.] {In his Love and wisdom of God.) Kinsley, W. W. Does prayer avail? 191 1. Liddon, H. P. Prayer the characteristic action of religion. {In his Some elements of religion.) McComb, S. Prayer: difficulties and methods. {In his Christianity and the modern mind.) Manning,J.M. Helps to a life of prayer. 1875. Maurice, F. D. Nature of prayer. {In his Epistles of St. John.) Momerie, A. W. Prayer. {In his Origin of evil, and other sermons.) Morgan, G. C. Practice of prayer. C1906. Morrison, G. H. Ladder of prayer, [Ser- mon.] {In his Afterglow of God.) Murray, A. With Christ in the school of prayer. M yers, C . Rea Iprayer. C1911. Newman, J. H. Forms of private prayer. {In his Parochial and plain sermons, vol. I.) — Mental prayer. {In his Parochial and plain sermons, vol. VII.) — Times of private prayer. {In his Paro- chial and plain sermons, vol. I.) On the life of prayer. {In Absente reo, by the author of ' Pro Christo et ecclesia.') Palmer, B. Prayer and Providence. {In his God's white throne. Palmer, B. M. Theology of prayer. 1894. Patton, W. W. Prayer and its remarkable answers. 1876. Phelps, A. Still hour. i860. Robinson, A. W. Prayer, in relation to the idea of law. {In Cambridge theological essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Catalogue General Theological Library 233 Prayer — Continued. Schleiermacher, F. D. E. Power of prayer in relation to outward circumstances, {in his Selected sermons, tr. by M. F. Wilson.) Selby, T. G. Prayer and temperament, (in Ms The unheeding God, and other sermons.) Smith, G. A. Our Lord's example in prayer. (In his Forgiveness of sins, and other ser- mons.) Strong, A. L. Psychology of prayer. 1909. Swetenham, L. Conquering prayer. 1908. Tailing, M. P. Communion with God, ex- tempore prayer, its principles, preparation and practice. 1902. Torrey, R. A. How to pray. C1900. Warschauer, J. Problems of prayer. {In his Problems of immanence.) Watson, J. Reasonableness of prayer. (In his Inspiration of our faith: sermons.) Wendland, J. Miracle and the hearing of prayer. (In his Miracles and Christianity.) See also Lord's prayer; Prayer meeting; Prayers; Worship. Prayer BOOKS. Wright, J. Early prayer books of America: being a descriptive account of prayer books published in the United States, Mexico and Canada. 1896. See also Book of common prayer; Liturgies; Prayers; also Names of churches. Prayer for colleges: a premium essay. Tyler, W.S. Prayer meeting. Clark, F. E. Young people's prayer-meetings in theory and practice. 1887. Cowan, J. F. New life in the old prayer- meeting. CI 906. Haller, J. G. Redemption of the prayer- meeting. C1911. Richardson, N. E. Present-day prayer-meet- ing helps. C1910. Prayers. Ames, C. G. Book of prayers. (1908.] Beecher, H. W. Prayers from Plymouth pulpit. 1867. Hale, E. E. Prayers in the Senate, winter session of 1904. McComb, S. Book of prayers for public and personal use. 1912. MacFadyen, J. E. Prayers of the Bible. 1906. Maclaren, A. Pulpit prayers. 4th ed. [1909.] Martineau, J. Home prayers. 1900. Parker, T. Prayers. 1862. Porter, J. S. Prayers for the use of Christian families. 1841. Quayle, W. A. Climb to God: being a col- lection of pulpit and private prayers which are meant to gird the spiritual life. C1913. Rauschenbusch, W. For God and the people ; prayers of the social awakening. 191 o. Sadler, T. Prayers for a Christian family. 1864. Schleiermacher, F. D. E. The prayer of Stephen. (In his Selected sermons, tr, by M.F.Wilson.) Stevenson, R. L. Prayers written at Vailima. 1903. Tileston, M. W., ed. Prayers, ancient and modern. 1900. Whitmarsh, C. S., comp. Prayers of the ages. 1868. Prayers — Continued. Wright, J. Prayers for priest and people, the parish and the home. 1899. See also Book of common prayer; Books of devotion; Jesus Christ. Prayers; Litur- gies. Preachers. Brastow, L. O. Representative modern preachers. 1904. Currier, A. H. Nine great preachers. C1912. Greer, D. H. Preacher and his place. 1895. (Yale lect.) Hoyt, A. S. The preacher; his person, mes- sage and method. 1909. Jackson, G. The preacher and the modern mind. 1912. Jefferson, C. E. Quiet hints to growing preachers in my study. [1901 .] Jowett, J. H. The preacher: his life and work. 1912. (Yale lect.) Sprague, W. B. Annals of the American pulpit. 1859-69. 9v. Wilkinson, W. C. Modern masters of pulpit discourse. 1905. 5fe a/50 Ministers; Preaching. Preaching. Beecher, H. W. Apostolic theory of preaching. {In his Sermons, 2d ser.) — Lectures on preaching, ist, 2d and 3d ser. 1887. 3v. in i. (Yale lect.) — Sermon briefs; from ms. notes of un- published discourses, by J. R. Howard and T. J. Ellinwood. C1905. Behrends, A. J. F. Philosophy of preaching. 1890. Brastow, L. O. The modern pulpit; a study of homiletic sources and characteristics. 1906. Broadus, J. A. Lectuies on the history of preaching. 1902. — Treatise on the preparation and delivery of sermons. 1895. Brooks, P. Lectures on preaching. 1877. (Yale lect.) Brown, C. R. Social message of the modern pulpit. 1906. (Yale lect.) Brown, J. Puritan preaching in England. 1900. (Yale lect.) Buckley, J. M. ExtempKjraneous oratory. Burrell, D. J. The sermon: its construction and delivery. CI913. (James Sprunt lect.) Burton, N. J. Yale lectures on preaching, and other writings. 1888. Bushnell, H. Pulpit talent; Training for the pulpit manward. [Two essays.] {In his Building eras in religion.) Christlieb, T. Homiletic lectures on preach- ing. 1897. Coyle, R. F. Missing note in preaching. {In his The church and the times.) Dale, R. W. Nine lectures on preaching. 1878. (Yale lect.) Dargan, E. C. History of preaching from the apostolic fathers to the great reformers. 1905. Fisk, F. W. Manual of preaching. 1884. Forsyth, P. T. Positive preaching and mod- ern mind. 1907. (Yale lect.) Hall, J. God's word through preaching. CI875. (Yale lect.) Henson, H. H. Liberty of prophesying. 19 ID. (Yale lect.) Hood, E. P. Throne of eloquence. 1888. 234 Catalogue General Theological Library Preaching — Continued. Horton, R. F. Verbum Dei: lectures on preaching. 1893. (Yale lect.) Hoyt, A. S. Work of preaching; a book for the class-room and study. 1905. Jefferson, C. E. Quiet hints to growing preachers. 1901. Jeffs, H. Art of exposition. 1910. Kennard, J. S. Psychic power in preaching. 1901. Kleiser, G. How to develop power and personality in speaking. 1909. Mahaffy, J. P. Decay of modern preaching. 1882. Meyer, F. B. Expository preaching: plans and methods. C1912. Monks, G. Preacher's guide. 1905. Newbolt, W. C. E. Ministry of the word. 1913- Parker, J. None like it; a plea for the old sword. C1893. Pattison, T. H. History of Christian preach- ing. 1903. Phelps, A. English style in public discourse. 1894. — Theory of preaching. 1886. Quayle, W. A. Pastor-preacher. 1910. Robertson, A. T. Glory of the ministry; Paul's exultation in preaching. CI911. Robinson, E. G. Lectures on preaching. 1883. (Yale lect.) Sheppard, N. Before an audience. 5th ed. 1888. Simpson, M. Lectures on preaching. 1879. (Yale lect.) Slattery, C. L. Present-day preaching. 1910. Smith, G. A. Modern criticism and the preaching of the Old Testament. 2d ed. 1901. (Yale lect.) — Preaching of the Old Testament to the age. 1893. Smyth, J. P. The preacher and his sermon. 1907. Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my students. 1875. Stalker, J. Preacher and his models. 1891. (Yale lect.) Storrs, R. S. Conditions of success in preach- ing without notes. 1875. Taylor, W. M. Ministry of the word. C1876. Tucker, W. J. The making and unmaking of the preacher. 1898. (Yale lect.) Van Dyke, H. J. Gospel for an age of doubt. 1896. (Yale lect.) Wakeford,J. The word and the world. 1912. Watson, J. Cure of souls. 1896. (Yale lect.) See also Preachers; Sermons. Preadamites. Winchell, A. Predestination. Mozley, J. B. Treatise on the Augustinian doctrine of predestination. 2d ed. 1878. Prentiss, Mrs. Elizabeth Payson. Stepping heavenward. N. Y. Randolph. ci88o. Same. New ed. Urbane and his friends. N. Y. Randolph. C1874. Preparation for Christianity. Angus, C. F. Preparation for the Christian ideal in the Gentile environment of the primitive church. {In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) Preparation for Christianity — Continued. Fisher, G. P. Beginnings of Christianity, with a view of the state of the Roman world at the birth of Christ. 1894. Hall, T. C. The preparation for Christianity. (In his History of ethics within organized Christianity.) Pfleiderer, O. Christian origins; tr. by D. A. Huebsch. 1906. Pressense, E. D. de. Ancient world and Christianity; tr. by A. H. Holmden. n. d. Stone, D., and Simpson, D. C. Communion with God: the preparation before Christ and the realization in Him. 1911. Talbot, E. S. The preparation in history for Christ. (In Lux mundi. Gore, C, ed.) Wenley, R. M. Preparation for Christianity in the ancient world. C1898. Presbyterian church. Creeds and confessions. Morris, E. D. Theology of the Westminster symbols; a commentary on the confession of faith, catechisms and related formularies of the Presbyterian churches. 1900. History. Rockwell, J. E. Sketches of the Presbyterian church for the youth of the church. C1854. Liturgy. Eutaxia; or. The Presbyterian liturgies: historical sketches by a minister of the Presbyterian church. 1855. Presbyterian church in the United States. Book of common worship. Phila. Presb. bd. of publ. 1906. Book of public prayer, compiled from the authorized formularies of worship of the Presbyterian church. N. Y. Scribner. 1857. Constitution of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America: being its standards subordinate to the word of God; as ratified and adopted by the synod of New York and Philadelphia, 1788, and amended in the years 1805-1908. Phila. Presb. bd. of publ. 19 10. Forms and services. Being the partial report of the special committee on forms and serv- ices as approved by the General Assembly, 1904. Presb. bd. of publ. n. d. Hymnal. Phila. Presb. bd. of pub. 1903. New psalms and hymns. Richmond [Va.]. Presb. com. of pub. CI901. See also Church of Scotland; Cumberland Presbyterian church; Presbyterian church, South; Reformed Presbyterian church of North America; United Presbyterian church of North America. Presbyterian church in the United States^ Catechisms. Green, A. Lectures on the shorter catechism of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America. 1841. 2v. History. Crocker, Z. Catastrophe of the Presbyterian church in 1837. 1838. Hodge, C. Constitutional history of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America. 1851. 2 v. in I. Catalogue General Theological Library 235 Presbyterian church in the United States History — Continued. Presbyterian reunion: a memorial volume. 1837-1871. 1870. Thompson, C. L. The Presbyterians. C1903. (Story of the churches.) Thompson, R. E. History of the Presby- terian churches in the United States. 1895. (Amer. church history, vol. VI.) Webster, R. History of the Presbyterian church in America from its origin until the year 1760, with sketches of its early minis- ters. 1857. Laws. Baird, S. J., ed. Collection of the acts, deliverances and testimonies of the supreme judicatory of the Presbyterian church from its origin in America to the present time: with notes and documents explanatory and historical. [Rev. ed.] CI855. Presbyterian church, South. Johnson, T. C. History of the Southern Presbyterian church. 1894. (Amer. church history, vol. XI.) Presbyterian reunion: memorial volume. 1837- 1871. N. Y. Lent. 1870. Presbyterianism. Briggs, C. A. American Presbyterianism: its origin and early history. 1885. Hodge, C. What is Presbyterianism? C1855. Prescott, William, Revolutionary soldier. Everett, W. Oration in honor of Col. William Prescott, Oct. 14, 1895. Prescott, William Hickling. Charles Brockden Brown. N. Y. Harper. 1902. (Amer. biography, vol. VII. Sparks, J., ed.) Parker, T. {In his The American scholar.) Pressense, Edmond Dehatilt de. Ancient world and Christianity; tr. by A. H. Holmden. N. Y. Armstrong, n. d. Early years of Christianity. N. Y. Scribner. 1870. Study of origins; tr. by A. H. Holmden. Lond. Hodder. 1883. Pressey, Edward Pearson. Vision of New Clairvaux. Bost. Sherman. 1909. Prevention of destitution. Webb, S., and Webb, B. Preventive agencies and methods. Henderson, C. R. Preventive treatment of neglected children. Hart, H. H. Price, Ira Matirice. Ancestry of our English Bible; an account of the Bible versions, texts and manuscripts. Phila. S. S. times co. 1907. The monuments and the Old Testament. 3d ed. Chi. Christ, cult, press. 1902. Priddy, Al., pseud. See Brown, Frederic Ken- yon. Priest, The; a tale of modernism in New England. Bost. Sherman. 191 1. Priesthood. Sanday, W. Different con- ceptions of priesthood and sacrifice. 1900. Priesthood, Jewish. Addis, W. E. The " priestly code " in its ultimate form. (In his Hebrew religion, etc.) Soltau, H. W. The tabernacle, the priest- hood and the offerings. Priestley, Joseph. History of the corruptions of Christianity. 3d ed. Bost. Spotswood. 1797. 2v. in I. Martineau, J. Life, character and works of Dr. Priestley. (In his Miscellanies.) Prime, William Cowper. Holy cross; history of the invention, preservation and dis- appearance of the wood known as the true cross. N. Y. Randolph. C1877. Primitive church and the primacy of Rome. Bartoli, G. Primitive culture. Tylor, E. B. Prince, Morton. Dissociation of a personality; a biographical study in abnormal psychology. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1906. joint author. Subconscious phenomena. See Miinsterberg, H., and others. Principles of religious education. N. Y. Longm. 1901. (Christian knowledge lect.) Principles of rural economics. Carver, T. N. Prior, Edward SchrSder. Cathedral builders in England. Lond. Seeley. 1905. Prison reform. Strong, J. {In his Studies in the gospel of the kingdom. 19 ID.) Prisons. Brockway, Z. B. Fifty years of prison service. 1912. Henderson, C. R., ed. Penal and reforma- tory institutions. 1910. Wines, F. H. Punishment and reformation; an historical sketch of the rise of the peniten- tiary system. [1895.] (Libr. of economics and politics.) See also Crime and criminals; Punishment. Pritchett, Henry Smith. What is religion? and other student questions; talks to col- lege students. Bost. Houghton. 1906. Privilege and democracy in America. Howe, F. C. Privileged classes. Wendell, B. Proctor, Francis, and Frere, Walter Howard. New history of the Book of common prayer. Lond. Macm. 1910. Proctor, Richard Anthony. Our place among infinities. N. Y. Appleton, 1876. Professor at the breakfast table. Holmes, O. W. Professor Park and his pupils. (Furber, D. L., and others.] Programme of modernism: a reply to the Ency- clical of Pius X, Pascendi Dominici Gregis, with the text of the Encyclical in an English version; tr. by G. Tyrrell. N. Y. Putnam. 1908. (C. t. 1.) Progress. Harris, G. Inequality and prog- ress. 1897. Hobson, J. A. The social problem. 1901. Contents: I. Science of social progress. — II. Art of social progress. See also Religious progress. Progress and poverty. George, H. Progressive orthodoxy. By the editors of " The Andover review." Bost. Houghton. 1887. Prohibited books. Putnam, G. H. Censor- ship of the church of Rome and its influence upon the production and distribution of literature; a study of the prohibitory and expurgatory indexes, together with some considerations of the effects of Protestant censorship and of censorship by the state. 1906-7. 2V. 236 'Catalogue General Theological ^L^tSr^y Prohibition. Debar, J., comp. Prohibition: its relation to temperance, good morals and sound government; selections. Small, S. W. Pleas for prohibition. 1890. Wheeler, E. J. Prohibition: the principle, the policy and the party. ci88o. See also Temperance. Prophecy. Abbott, L. Old Testament shad- ows of New Testament truths. 1870. Brown, F. Decline of prophecy. {In Essays publ. as a testimonial to C. A. Briggs.) Davidson, A. B. Old Testament prophecy. 1903. Dollinger, J. J. I. Essay on the prophetic spirit; tr. by H. B. Smith. {In his Fables respecting the popes in the middle ages.) Edghill, E. A. Enquiry into the evidential value of prophecy. 1906. Eiselen, F. C. Prophecy and the prophets. CI909. Harper, W. R. Prophetic element in the Old Testament. 1905. Leathes, S. Old Testament prophecy. 1880. Ragg, L. Prophecy and inspiration. {In hts The Book of books.) Rogers, A. Prophecy and poetry; studies in Isaiah and Browning. 1909. Wace, H. Prophecy, Jewish and Christian. 191 1. (Warburton lect.) Welch, A. C. Prophecy before Amos. {In his Religion of Israel under the kingdom.) (Kerr lect.) See also Bible. O. T. Prophets; Jesus Christ as a prophet; Messianic prophecy. Prophecy and poetry. Rogers, A. Prophet of hope: studies in Zechariah. Meyer, F.B. Prophet of Nazareth, The. Schmidt, N. Prophets and kings of the Old Testament. Maurice, F. D. Protestant Episcopal Church. Book of common prayer, together with the Psalms of David. N. Y. Pott. n. d. Book of common prayer. Authorized ed. 1885. Church hymnal. Bost. Parish choir. 1903. Constitution and canons for the government of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States of America, adopted in general conventions, 1 789-1910. 1910. Journals of general conventions of the Protes- tant Episcopal church in the United States, 1 785-1835; ed. by W. S. Perry. Clare- mont [N. H.]. Claremont m'f'g co. 1874. 3V. Vol. II wanting. Protestant Episcopal church. Doctrine. Allen, A. V. G. Freedom in the church; or, The doctrine of Christ as the Lord hath commanded, and as this church hath re- ceived the same. 1907. Hodges, G. The Episcopal church: its doc- trine, its ministry, its discipline, its worship and its sacraments. CI892. Government. Baum, H. M. Rights and duties of rectors, church-wardens and vestrymen in the American church. 1879. Protestant Episcopal church. Government — Continued. Brent, C. H. Mind of Christ Jesus in the church of the living God: a charge. CI908. Hoffman, M. Ritual law of the church, with its application to the communion and baptismal offices. 1872. — Treatise on the law of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States. 1850. History. Addison, D. D. The Episcopalians. C1904. (Story of the churches.) Beardsley, E. E. History of the Episcopal church in Connecticut. 1868-69. 2 v. Dalcho, F. Historical account of the Protest- ant Episcopal church in South Carolina. 1820. Hodges, G. Three hundred years of the Episcopal church in America. CI906. McConnell, S. D. History of the American Episcopal church from the planting of the colonies to the end of the civil war. 3d ed. 1891. Perry, W. S. Historj' of the American Episco- pal church. 2v. 1885. Tiffany, C. C. History of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States. 1895. (Amer. church history, vol. VII.) White, W. Memoirs of the Protestant Episco- pal church in the United States of America. 1820. Protestant Episcopal Historical Society. Col- lections for the year 1 85 1 . N. Y. Stanford. 1851. Protestant modernism. Torrey, D. C. (C. t. 1.) Protestantism. Arnold, M. St. Paul and Protestantism. 1883. Bossuet, J. B. History of the variations of the Protestant churches. 2v. Bousset, W. Faith of a modern Protestant. 1909. Dorner, I. A. History of Protestant theology, particularly in Germany; tr. by G. Hobson and S.Taylor. 1871. 2v. Harnack, A. Thoughts on the present position of Protestantism. 1899. McGiffert, A. C. Protestant thought before Kant. 1911. Smyth, N. Passing Protestantism and com- ing Catholicism. 1908. Troeltsch, E. Protestantism and progress; study of the relation of Protestantism to the modern world; tr. by W. Montgomery. 1912. (C. t. I.) Wace, H. Principles of the reformation, practical and historical. [19 10.] Wallis, L. {In his Sociological study of the Bible.) Prothero, Rowland Edmund. Life and cor- respondence of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. N. Y. Scribner. 1896. 2 v. The Psalms in human life. N. Y. Dutton. 1903. Proverbs. Kelly, W. K., comp. Collection of the proverbs of all nations. 1879. Trench, R. C. On the lessons in proverbs, 1853- Catalogue General Theological Library 237 Providence. Beecher, H. W. Divine Provi- dence and design. (In his Evolution and religion: sermons.) Bruce, A. B. Moral order of the world in ancient and modern thought. 1899. (Gif- ford lect.) — Providential order of the world. 1897. (Gififord lect.) Dykes, J. O. Divine worker in creation and providence. 1909. (Cunningham lect.) Telford, J. Man's partnership with divine providence. (Fernley lect.) Prudden, Theodore Philander. Catechism of general information about the Bible. Bost. Mudge. 1903. Pryce, John. Notes on the history of the early church. Lond. 1892. n. d. Pseudepigrapha. See Bible. O. T. Psychic life and laws. Sahler, C. O. Psychical research. Hudson, T. J. Law of psychic phenomena. 27th ed. 1908. Hyslop, J. H. Science and a future life. Bost. Turner. 1905. Jastrow, J. Problems of psychical research. (In his Fact and fable in psychology.) Lodge, Sir O. J. Survival of man; a study in unrecognized human faculty. 1909. Podmore, F. Studies in psychical research. N. Y. Putnam. 1897. Prince, M. Dissociation of a personality. 1906. See also Hypnotism; Mind and body; Spirit- ualism. Psychology. Angell, J. R. Chapters from modern psychology. 191 2. Baldwin, J. M. Mental development in the child and the race. 1900. Bascom, J. Principles of psychology. 1875. — Science of mind, ci88i. Beck, J. T. Outlines of biblical psychology. 1877. Bowne, B. P. Introduction to psychological theory. ci886. Coriat, L H. Abnormal psychology. 1910. Davis, N. K. Elements of psychology. 1895- Dewey, J. Psychology. ci886. Essaysj philosophical and psychological, in honor of William James. 1908. Fletcher, M. S. Psychology of the New Testament. 2d ed. [1912.] Hall, G. S. Founders of modern psychology. 1912. Namely: Eduard Zeller. — Rudolph Hermann Lotze . — Gustav Theodor Fechner. — Eduard von Hart- mann. — Hermann L. F. von Helmholtz. — Wil- helm Wundt. Hobhouse, L. T. Mind in evolution. 1901. James, W. Principles of psychology. 1890. 2v. (Amer. science ser.) — Psychology. 1893. (Amer. sci. ser., briefer course.) — Varieties of religious experience; a study in human nature. 1902. (Gififord lect.) Jastrow, J. Fact and fable in psychology. 1900. King, H. C. Rational living; some practical inferences from modern psychology. 1905. Kirkpatrick, E. A. Genetic psychology. 1909. Psychology — Continued. Ladd, G. T. Philosophy of mind; an essay in the metaphysics of psychology. 1895. Le Bon, G. The crowd: a study of the popular mind. 1897. — Psychology of revolution; tr. by Bernard Miall. 1913. Locke, J. Essay concerning human under- standing. Lotze, R. H. Outlines of psychology; tr. by G. T. Ladd. ci886. Munsterberg, H. Psychology and life. C1899. Schofield, A. T. Unconscious mind. 1907. Scripture, E. W. New psychology. 1897. (Cont. sci. ser.) — Thinking, feeling, doing. 1907. Sidis, B. Psychology of suggestion. 1909. Spencer, H. Principles of psychology. 1872. 2V. Swift, E. J. Mind in the making; a study in mental development. 1908. Thorndike, E. L. Elements of psychology. 2d ed. 1913. Titchener, E. B. Outline of psychology. 1902. Tracy, F. Psychology of childhood. 1897. See also Brain; Child .study; Illusions; Man; Mind and body; Nervous system; Personality; Psychical research; Soul. Psychology, Educational. Home, H. H. Psychological principles of education. 1908. James, W. Talks to teachers on psychology: and to students on some of life's ideals. 1907. Kirkpatrick, E. A. Individual in the makmg; a subjective view of child development. 1911. Ladd, G. T. Outlines of descriptive psychol- ogy; a text-book for colleges and normal schools. 1909. Mark, H. T. Unfolding of personality as the chief aim in education; some chapters in educational psychology. 1912. Pyle, W. H. Outlines of educational psy- chology; an introduction to the science of education. 3d ed. 191 1. Royce, J. Outlines of psychology; an elemen- tary treatise with some practical applica- tions. 1903. (Teachers' professional libr.) Smith, T. L., ed. Aspects of child life and education; by G. Stanley Hall and some of his pupils. 1907. Thorndike, E. L. Principles of teaching based on psychology. 1913. Psychology, Pathological. Grasset, J. The semi-insane and the semi-responsible; au- thorized Amer. ed., tr. by S. E. Jelliflfe. 1907. Psychology, Physiological. Ladd, G. T. Elements of physiological psychology. 1887. See also Mind and body. Psychology, Social. King, I. Development of religion; a study in anthropology and social psychology. 1910. Le Bon, G. The crowd: a study of the popular mind. 1897. McDougall, W. Introduction to social psy- chology. 1909. Ross, E. A. Social psychology, an outline and source book. 1908, 238 Catalogue General Theological Library Psychology and religion. Ames, E. S. Psychology of religious experience. 1910. Cutten, G. B. The psychological phenomena of Christianity. 1908. Everett, C. C. Psychological elements of religious faith. 1902. Hill, J. A. Religion and modern psychology. 191 1. King, I. Development of religion; a study in anthropology and social psychology. 19 10. Leuba, J. H. Psychological study of religion. 1912. — Psychological origin and nature of re- ligion. (Religions anc. and mod.) McComas, H. O. Psychology of religious sects. CI912. Pratt, J. B. Psychology of religious belief. 1907. " A selected bibliography of the psychology of religion": pp. 310-319. Starbuck, E. D. Psychology of religion. 1899, Cont. sci. ser. Steven, G. Psychology of the Christian soul. Stratton, G. M. Psychology of the religious life. 191 1. Warner, H. E, Psychology of the Christian life. C1910. Psychology of inspiration. Raymond, G. L. Psychology of Jesus, Hitchcock, A. W. Psychology of socialism. Le Bon, G. Psychotherapy. Dearmer, P. Body and soul; enquiry into the effect of religion upon health, with a description of Christian works of healing from the New Testament to the present day. CI909. Huckel, O. Mental medicine; some practical suggestions from a spiritual standpoint. CI909. Miinsterberg, H. Psychotherapy. 1909. Sahler, C. O. Psychic life and laws. CI901. Weaver, E. E. Mind and health, with an examination of some systems of divine healing. 1913. Wigram, E. F. E. The healing Christ. 191 1. Worcester, E., and McComb, S. The Chris- tian religion as a healing power. 1909. Worcester, E., and others. Religion and medicine; the moral control of nervous disorders. 1908. See also Emmanuel movement. Public ownership of telephones on the continent of Europe. Holcombe, A. N. Puddefoot, William George. Minute man on frontier. N. Y. Crowell. C1895. Puflfer, Joseph Adams. The boy and his gang. Bost. Houghton. CI912. Pullan, Leighton. Church of the fathers: outline of the history of the church, a.d. 98-A.D. 461. Lond. Rivington. 1909. (Church universal, vol. II.) History of the Book of common prayer. New impr. Lond. Longm. 1909. (Oxf. libr. of practical theology.) Pulpit commentary; ed. by H. D. M. Spence and J. S. Exell; with introductions by F. W. Farrar [and others]. N. Y. Funk. 5IV. Pulpit eloquence. History and repository of. Fish, H. C. Pulpit eloquence of the nineteenth century. Fish, H. C. Pulpit of the American revolution. Thornton, J. W. Punchard, George. History of Congregational- ism from about a.d. 250 to the present time. 2d ed. N. Y. Hurd. 1865-67. 3v. View of Congregationalism. 3d ed. Bost. Congr. bd. of pub. 1856. Punishment. McConnell, R. M. Aim of punishment. {In his Criminal responsi- bility and social constraint.) Wines, F. H, Punishment and reformation. C1895. Purcell, Edmund Sheridan. Life of Cardinal Manning. N. Y. Macm. 1896. 2v. Puritan preaching in England. Brown, J. Puritanism. Dumm, B. A., and others. The old Puritanism and the new age. 1903. Contents: Historical significance of Puritanism; Dumm, B. A. — Do the doctrines of Puritanism need to be reaffirmed? Macfarland, C. S. — Mes- sage of Puritanism as to forms of worship and religious observances; Sims, T. — Message of Puri- tanism as to the conduct of life; Norton, S. A. Henson, H. H. Puritanism in England. 1912. Hulbert, E. B. The English reformation and Puritanism. Tulloch, J. English Puritanism and its leaders. 1861. Puritans. Bacon, L. Genesis of New Eng- land churches. 1874. Brown, J. The English Puritans. 1910. Byington, E. H. The Puritan in England and New England. 1896. Campbell, D, The Puritan in Holland, England and America. 3d ed. 1893. 2V. Ellis, G. E. The Puritan age and rule in the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, 1629- 1685. 1888. Gardiner, S. R., ed. Constitutional docu- ments of the Puritan revolution, 1625- 1660. 3ded. 1906. Gregg, D. The Puritan founders. (In his Makers of the American republic.) Hall, E. The Puritans and their principles. 4th ed. 1858. Hopkins, S. The Puritans: or, The church, court and parliament of England during the reigns of Edward VI and Queen Eliza- beth. 1859-61. 3v. Neal, D. History of the Puritans, or Protes- tant Non-conformists, from the reformation to the death of Queen Elizabeth. New ed. byJ.Toulmin. 1816-17. 5v. Waiceman, H. O. The church and the Puri- tans. 1887. (Epochs of church history.) See also Church of England; Dissent, and all references under it; New England. Pusey, Edward Bouverie. An Eirenicon in a letter to the author of " The Christian year." N, Y. Appleton. 1866. Entire absolution of the penitent. {In Famous sermons by English preachers. Macleane, D., ed.) On the clause " and the son " in regard to the Eastern church and the Bonn conference; letter to H. P. Liddon. Lond. Parker. 1876. Parochial sermons. From 3d Oxf. ed. Phila. Hooker, i860. Catalogue General Theological Library 239 Pusey, Edward Bouverie— Continued. Sermons preached before the University of Oxford between 1859 and 1872. Oxford. Parker. 1872, What is of faith as to everlasting punishment? Oxford. Parker. 1881. Liddon, H. P. Life of Edward Bouverie Pusey. 1893. 4v. Russell, G. W. E. Dr. Pusey. 1907. (Lead- ers of the church.) Putnam, Alfred Porter, comp. Singers and songs of the liberal faith. Bost. Roberts. 1875. Putnam, George Haven. Censorship of the church of Rome. N. Y. Putnam. 1906- 07. 2 v. Putnam, Israel, Revolutionary soldier. Pea- body, O. W. B. Israel Putnam. 1902. (Amer. biog., vol. VIII. Sparks, J., ed.) Putnam, Ruth. William the Silent, Prince of Orange; the moderate man of the sixteenth century. N. Y. Putnam. 1898. 2v. Pyle, Charles Bertram. Philosophy of Borden Parker Bowne and its application to the religious problem. Columbus [O.]. Harri- man. 1910. Pyle, William Henry. Outlines of educational psychology. 3d ed. Bait. Warwick. 1911. Pyramids. See Egypt. Antiquities. Quackenbos, John Duncan. Hypnotic thera- peutics in theory and practice, with numer- ous illustrations of treatment by suggestion. N. Y. Harper. 1908. Hypnotism in mental and moral culture. N. Y. Harper. 1900. Quakers. See Friends. Quarry, John. Religious belief. Dublin [Irel.J. Hodges. 1880. (Donnellan lect.) Quatrefages de Breau, Jean Louis Armand de. The human species. N. Y. Appleton. 1898. (Int. sci. ser.) Quayle, William Alfred. Climb to God: being a collection of pulpit and private prayers which are meant to gird the spiritual life. Cine. Jennings. CI913. Pastor-preacher. N. Y. Meth. bk. 1910. Quick, Robert Hebert. Essays on educational reformers. Only authorized ed. of the work as rewritten in 1890. N. Y. Apple- ton. 1890. (Int. educ. ser.) Quin, Malcolm. Catholicism and the modern mind. Lond. Arnold. 191 2. Quincy, Edmimd. Life of Josiah Quincy. Bost. Ticknor. 1868. Quincy, Josiah, pres. of Harv. Univ., 182Q- 1845. Quincy, E. Life of Josiah Quincy. 1868. Quinet, Edgar, joint author. See Michelet, J., cMd Quinet, E. Rabbinic philosophy and ethics. Friedlander, G. Race problems. Boas, F. Mind of primitive man. 1911. Shaler, N. S. The neighbor: the natural history of human contacts. 1904. Universal Races Congress. Papers com- municated to the first congress held at the University of London, July 26-29, 1911; ed. by G. Spiller. 19 11. Race problems in the United States. Royce, J. Race questions and prejudices. {In his Race questions, provincialism, and other American problems.) Strong, J. The race question. {In his Studies in the gospel of the kingdom. 1910.) See also Immigration; Missions. United States; Negro m the United States; South, The. Rachel, wife of Jacob. Horton, R. F. Rachel: the beloved. {In his Women of the O. T.) Matheson, G. Rachel the placid. {In his Representative women of the Bible.) Rackham, Richard Belward. Acts of the apostles. 3ded. Lond. Methuen. 1906. (Westminster commentaries.) Rae, John. Contemporary socialism. N. Y. Scribner. 1905. Ragg, Lonsdale. Book of books; a study of the Bible. Lond. Arnold, 1910. Church of the apostles: outline of the history of the church of the apostolic age. N. Y. Macm. 1909. (Church universal, vol. L) and Ragg, Laura, eds. and trs. Gospel of Barnabas. See Bible. N. T. Apocryphal books. Ragozin, Zenaide Alezeievna. Story of Assyria from the rise of the empire to the fall of Nineveh. N. Y. Putnam. 1887. (Story of the nations.) Story of Chaldea from the earliest times to the rise of Assyria. N. Y. Putnam. 1888. (Story of the nations.) Story of Media, Babylon and Persia. N. Y. Putnam. 1888. (Story of the nations.) Vedic India. N. Y. Putnam. 1899. (Story of the nations.) Raikes, Robert, founder of Sunday schools. Harris, J. H. Robert Raikes. 1899. Railton, G. S. Authoritative life of General William Booth, founder of the Salvation army, with a preface by Bramwell Booth. N.Y. Hodder. [1912.] Rainsford, Marcus. Tabernacle in the wilder- ness, and the gospel according to Leviticus. N. Y. Revell. n. d. Rainsford, William Stephen. Preacher's story of his work. N. Y. Outlook co. 1904. Reasonableness of the religion of Jesus. Bost. Houghton. 1913. Reasonableness of faith, and other addresses. N. Y. Doubleday. 1902. Sermons preached in St. George's. N. Y. Dodd. 1887. Rainy, Robert. Ancient Catholic church from the accession of Trajan to the fourth general council. N. Y. Scribner. 1902. (Int. theol. libr.) Bible and criticism. Lond. Hodder. 1888. Delivery and development of Christian doc- trine, Edin. Clark, 1874. Cunningham lect. Epistle to the PhiHppians. N. Y. Arm- strong, 1893. (Expositor's Bible.) and others. The supernatural in Christianity, with special reference to statements in the recent Gifford lectures. Edin, Clark. Simpson, P. C, Life of Principal Rainy. 1909. 2 v. 240 "Catalogue General Theological Library Raleigh, Alexander. Little sanctuary and other meditations. N. Y, Dodd. n. d. Ralli, Augustus. Christians at Mecca. Lond. Heinemann. 1909. Ramanlithan, Ponnambalam. Culture of the soul among western nations. N. Y. Put- nam. 1906. Ramona. Jackson, Mrs. H. M. F. (H.) Ramsay, Alexander. Revelation and the Jo- hannine epistles. N. Y. Revell. n. d. (Westminster N. T.) Ramsay, William Mitchell. Church in the Roman empire before a.d. 170. Lond. Hodder. 1893. Cities of St, Paul: their influence on his life and thought. N. Y. Armstrong. 1907. Education of Christ. N. Y. Putnam. 1902. Historical commentary on St. Paul's epistle to the Galatians. N. Y. Putnam. 1900. Letters to the seven churches of Asia and their place in the plan of the Apocalypse. N. Y. Armstrong. 1905. Luke the physician, and other studies in the history of religion. N. Y. Armstrong. 1908. Pauline and other studies in early Christian history. N. Y. Armstrong. 1906. Pictures of the apostolic age: its life and thought. Phila. S. S. times. 1910. St. Paul the traveller and the Roman citizen. iithimpr. N. Y. Putnam. 1909. Was Christ born at Bethlehem? N. Y. Putnam. 1898. Rand, Benjamin, ed. The classical moralists, Bost. Houghton. CI909. Modern classical philosophers. Bost. Hough- ton. 1908. Randall, John Herman, and Smith, J. Gardner. Unity of religions. N. Y. Crowell. C1910. Randall, Mallinson. Choirmaster's guide. N, Y. Novello. Randolph, Alfred Magill. Reason, faith and authority in Christianity. N. Y. Whit- taker. CI 902. Randolph, Berkeley William. The empty tomb: being thoughts on the resurrection of our Lord. Lond. Longm. 1906. Law of Sinai: devotional addresses on the ten commandments. Lond. Longm. 1896. Ranke, Leopold von. Ecclesiastical and politi- cal history of the popes of Rome during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; tr. by S. Austin. Lond. Murray. 1840. 3v. Same. 1 847-1 856. 3 v. (Bohn's standard libr.) History of the reformation in Germany; tr. by S, Austin. Lond. Longm. 1845- 47- 3v. Bourne, E. G. Ranke and the beginning of the seminary method in teaching history. (In his Essays in historical criticism.) Macaulay, T. B, Von Ranke. (In his Essays, vol. II.) Rashdall, Hastings. Philosophy and religion. Lend. Duckworth. 1909. Theory of good and evil. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1907. 2v. Rationalism. Benn, A. W. History of Eng- lish rationalism in the nineteenth century. 1906. 2V. Farrar, A. S. Critical history of free thought in reference to the Christian religion. 1862. (Bamp. lect.) Rationalism — Continued. Fisher, G. P. Faith and rationalism. 1879. — Rationalism. {In his Discussions in his- tory and theology.) Hurst, J. F. History of rationalism. CI865. Lecky, W. E. H. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe. 2v. in i. 1910. McGiflfert, A. C. Rationalism, {In his Protestant thought before Kant.) Power, M. The true rationalism. {In Re- ligion and the modern mind.) Stephen, L. History of English thought in the eighteenth century. 3d ed. 1902. 2V. Tulloch, J. Rational theology and Christian philosophy in England in the seventeenth century. 1882. 2v. See also Free thought; Reason; Tran- scendentalism; Unbelief. Rauschenbusch, Walter. Christianizing the social order. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Christianity and the social crisis. N. Y. Macm. 1907. For God and the people; prayers of the social awakening. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1910. " Unto me." Bost., etc. Pilgrim press. C1912, Raven, John Howard. Old Testament intro- duction, general and special. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1906. Rawlinson, George. Egypt and Babylon from sacred and profane sources. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1885. Five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world. N. Y. Scribner. 1883. 3V. History of ancient Egypt. Lond. Longm. 1 88 1. 2v. Isaac and Jacob: their lives and times. N. Y. Randolph. (Men of the Bible.) Kings of Israel and Judah. N. Y. Randolph, (Men of the Bible.) Manual of ancient history. Oxford. Claren- don press. 1869. Moses: his life and times. Lond. Nisbet. (Men of the Bible.) Story of Parthia. N. Y. Putnam. 1893, (Story of the nations.) Story of Phoenicia. N. Y. Putnam. 1889. (Story of the nations.) and Gilman, Arthur. Story of ancient Egypt. N. Y. Putnam. 1893. (Story of the nations.) Raymond, George Lansing. Psychology of inspiration. N. Y. Funk. 1908. Reading. Legouve, E. Reading as a fine art; tr. from 9th ed. by A. L. Alger. 1879. Realism. Bergson, H. L. Matter and memory; tr. by N. M. Paul and W. S. Palmer. 1911. Erdmann, J. E, {In his History of philoso- phy, vol. II.) Holt, E. B., and others. The new realism: cooperative studies in philosophy. 1912. Nordau, M. Realism. {In his Degenera- tion, pp. 473-535-) Perry, R. B. {In his Present philosophical tendencies.) See also Idealism; also Essays in honor of William James. i Catalogue General Theological Library 241 Reason. Jefferson, C. E. Nature and place of reason in the Christian life. {In his Things fundamental.) Mivart, St. G. Origin of human reason. 1889. See also Logic ; Philosophy. Reason and belief. Lodge, Sir O. J. Reason and religion. Tolstoy, L. N. Reason and revelation. Illingworth, J. R. Reason, faith and authority in Christianity. Randolph, A. M. Reason of life. Du Bose, W. P. Rebekah, wife of Isaac. Abbott, L. Rebekah. (/« Women of the Bible. Chadwick, J. W., and others.) Horton, R. F. {In his Women of the O. T.) Matheson, G. Rebekah the far-seeing. {In his Representative women of the Bible.) Whyte, A. Rebekah. {In his Bible characters: Adam toAchan.) R^€jac, E. Essay on the bases of the mystic knowledge; tr. by S. C. Upton. N. Y. Scribner. 1899. Recent Christian progress: studies in Christian thought and work during the last seventy- five years; by professors and alumni of Hartford Theol. Sem. Ed. by L. B. Paton. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Reclus, Jean Jacques Elisle. The earth; tr. by B. B. Woodward. N. Y. Harper. 1871. Records of the past. Sayce, A. H. 6v. Recreations of a country parson. (Boyd, A. K. H.] Red cross. Dunant, J. H. Origin of the Red cross; tr. by Mrs. D. H. Wright. 1911. Rede, Wyllys.' Communion of saints. 2d ed. Lond. Longm. 1896. Redemption. Bradley, J. H. Love of God revealed to the entire universe by man's redemption. CI899. Delitzsch, F. Old Testament history of redemption. 1881. Gamier, J. Sin and redemption. 1895. Jones, E. Griffith-. Ascent through Christ; study of the doctrine of redemption in the light of evolution. 1900. Mabie, H. C. Meaning and message of the Cross. 1906. McKinstry, L. C. Redemption by the blood of Christ. 1887. Martineau, J. Inconsistency of the scheme of vicarious redemption. {In his Studies of Christianity.) Moody, D. L. Redemption from sin. {In his Fulness of the gospel.) Walker, W. L. The Cross and the Kingdom. 1902. See also Salvation. RecMeld, William Cox. New industrial days; a book for men who employ men. N. Y. Century CO. 1912. Redlich, E. Basil. St. Paul and his companions. Lond. Macm. 1913. Redpath, Henry Adeney. Ezekiel, with intro- duction and notes. N. Y. Gorham. n. d. (Westminster commentaries.) Reed, Elizabeth Armstrong. Primitive Buddh- ism. Chi. Scott. 1896. Reed, Henry. Lectures on the British poets, Phila. Parry. 1857. 2v. Reed, James. Hidden riches. [Sermons.] Phila. Lippincott. 191 1. Man and woman. Bost. Carter. 1870. Swedenborg and the New church. Bost. Houghton. 1880. and Hay, Henry Clinton. Death and the life beyond. Bost. New church union. 1906. — Earthly problems in heavenly light. Bost. Mass. New church union. 1905. (Bennett sermons.) — Essential needs of the soul. Bost. Badger. 1907. (Bennett lect.) Reed, Mary. Jackson, J. Mary Reed, mis- sionary to lepers; with introductory note by F. B. Meyer. 1900. Reeder, Rudolph Rex. How two hundred chil- dren live and learn. N. Y. Charities. 1910. Reform movement in Judaism. Philipson, D. Reformation. Andrews, H. Social principles and effects of the reformation. {In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) Beard, C. The reformation of the sixteenth century in its relation to modern thought and knowledge. 1883. (Hibbert lect.) Doumergue, £. Calvin and the reformation. CI909. Fisher, G. P. The reformation. 1873. Gasquet, F. A. Eve of the reformation. New ed. 1901. Hardwick, C. History of the Christian church during the reformation. 1856. Hurst, J. F. Short history of the reforma- tion. 1884. Kidd, B. J., ed. Documents illustrative of the continental reformation. 1911. Lea, H. C. Eve of the reformation. {In Cambr. mod. hist., vol. I.) Lindsay, T. M. The reformation. 1906-7. 2v. (Int. theol. libr.) I. Reformation in Germany. II. Reformation in the lands beyond Ger- many. Merle D'Aubign^, J. H. History of the reformation of the sixteenth century; tr. by H.White. I1835.) 5v. — History of the reformation in Europe in the time of Calvin. 1868-79. 8v. Vol. VI wanting. Ranke, L. von. History of the reformation in Germany; tr. by Sarah Austin. 1845-47. Schapiro, J. S. Social reform and the reforma- tion. 1909. (Studies in history, Columbia Univ.) Seebohm, F. Era of the Protestant revolu- tion. 2d ed. 1896. (Epochs of history.) — The Oxford reformers, Colet, Erasmus, More. Repr. from 3d ed. 1911. Spalding, M. J. History of the Protestant reformation in a series of essays reviewing D'Aubigne and others. 4th ed. 1865. 2v. in I. Ullmann, K. Reformers before the reforma- tion; tr. by R. Menzies. 1844. 2 v. (Clark. For. theol. libr.) Wace, H. Principles of the reformation. 1910. 242 Catalogue General Theological Library Reformation — Continued. Walker, W. The reformation. 1906. (Ten epochs of church history.) Whitney, J. P. The reformation; being the history of the church from a.d. 1503 to 1648. 1907, (Church universal, vol. VI.) Workman, H. B. Dawn of the reformation. 1901. 2V. See also Church history; Counter-reformation, and all headings under it; Huguenots; Lollards; Protestantism; Roman Catholic church; Waldenses; also Reformation in England, France, Germany, etc.; also Names of countries and churches. England. Blunt, J. H. Reformation of the Church of England. 1869. Burnet, G. History of the reformation of the Church of England. New ed. 1820. 3v. in 6. Gairdner, J. Lollardy and the reformation in England. 1908-1911. 3v. Hulbert, E. B. The English reformation and Puritanism. 1908. Littell, J. S. The historians and the English reformation. 19 10. Perry, G. G. History of the reformation in England. 1886. (Epochs of church his- tory.) Williams, J. Studies in the English reforma- tion. 1881. (Paddock lect.) See also Church of England. History. France. Thompson, J. W. Wars of religion in France. 1909. See also France. Religious history; Hugue- nots; St. Bartholomew, Massacre of. See Hungary. Hungary. Italy. Baird, R. Sketches of Protestantism in Italy. 1845. See also Italy. Religious history; Waldenses. Scotland. Fleming, D. H. The reformation in Scot- land: causes, characteristics, consequences. 1910. Knox, J. History of the reformation of reli- gion in Scotland. 20th cent. ed. by Cuth- bert Lennox. [1905.] Spain. Wilkens, C. A. Spanish Protestants in the sixteenth century; compiled from the German of C. A. Wilkens. 1897. Reformed church, Dutch. See Dutch Reformed church. Reformed church, German. See German Re- formed church. Reformed F*resbyterian church of North America. Reformation principles. Phila. Martien. 1861. Contents: Part I. Brief historical view of the church. — Part II. Declaration and testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian church. Regeneration. Beecher, H. W. The new birth. {In his Evolution and religion.) Begbie, H. Souls in action in the crucible of the new life; expanding the narrative of Twice-born men. 191 1. — Twice-born men. 1909. Bushnell, H. Regeneration. (In his Ser- mons for the new life.) Doddridge, P. Practical discourses on re- generation. CI 855. Lee, C. F. Birth from above. 1889. Maurice, F. D. On regeneration. {In his Theological essays.) Phelps, A. New birth. 1867. Rothe, R. Regeneration and what it is. {In his Sermons for the Christian year.) Sears, E. H. Regeneration, 1854. Starr, C. A. Under world and the upper. C1912. Wines, E. C. Treatise on regeneration. C1863. Regeneration. Haggard, H. R. Regester, Jacob Asbury. Worship of the church and the beauty of holiness. N. Y. Pott. 1898. Reichert, John, joint author. See Hodges, G., and Reichert, J. Reid, George Archdall O'Brien. Principles of heredity, with some applications. N. Y. Dutton. 1910. Reid, John. Sorrow. N. Y. Carter. 1870. Reid, John, of Inverness. Jesus and Nicodemus: a study in spiritual life. Edin. Clark. 1906. Reid, John Morrison. Missions and missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal church. N. Y. Phillips. 1879. 2v. Reid, William, ed. Authentic records of revival now in progress in the United Kingdom. Lond. Nisbet. i860. Reid, William James. Lectures on the Revela- tion. Pittsburgh [Pa.]. Stevenson. 1878. Reincarnation. Walker, E. D. Reinsch, Paxil Samuel. Intellectual and politi- cal currents in the far East. Bost. Hough- ton. 1911. Reisner, George Andrew. Egyptian concep- tion of immortality. Bost. Houghton. 191 1. (IngersoU lect.) Religio medici. Browne, Sir T. Religion. Allen, G. Evolution of the idea of God; an inquiry into the origins of religion. 1897. Bevan, J. O. Scientific basis of religion. 1912. Bousset, W. What is religion? tr. by F. B. Low. 1907. (C. 1. 1.) Brierley, J. Eternal religion. — Sidelights on religion. Caird, E. Evolution of religion. 1893. 2v. (Gififord lect.) Carpenter, W. B. Permanent elements of religion. 1889. (Bamp. lect.) Chantepie de la Saussaye, P. D. Manual of the science of religion. 1 89 1 . Clarke, J. F. Essentials and non-essentials in religion. 1880. Coit, S. National idealism and a state church ; a constructive essay in religion. 1907. Delitzsch, F. Whose son is Christ? two lectures on progress in religion; tr. by F. L. Pogson. [1909.] Catalogue General Theological Library 243 Religion — Continued. Dole, C. F. Religion of a gentleman. 1900. — The smoke and the flame; a study in the development of religion . 1 902 . Douglas, J. Errors regarding religion; Thoughts on prayer. 1 83 1 . Eucken, R. Back to religion. C1912. — Religion and life. 1911. — Truth of religion. 1911. (Theol. transl. libr.) Fairbairn, A. M. Religion in history and in modern life. Farnell, L. R. Evolution of religion. 1905. Fiske, J. Through nature to God. 1899. Contents: The mystery of evil. — The cosmic roots of love and self-sacrifice. — The everlasting reality of religion. Fitchett, W. H. Unrealized logic of religion. (Fernley lect.) Foster, G. B. Function of religion in man's struggle for existence. 1909. Gould, S. Baring-. Origin and development of religious belief. 2 v. 1 870-7 1 . Guyau, J. M. Non-religion of the future. 1897. Hall,T. C. Religion and life. C1913. Harrison, F. Positive evolution of religion; its moral and social reaction. 1913. Hodges, G. Everyman's religion. 1911. HoflFman, F. S. The sphere of religion; a consideration of its nature and of its in- fluence upon the progress of civilization. 1908. Studies in ethics and religion. Hovey, A. 1892. Inge, W. R 1907. James, W, Truth and falsehood in religion. The modern crisis in religion. Varieties of religious experience; a study in human nature. 1902. (Giff^ord lect.) Jastrow, M. Study of religion. 1902, (Cont. sci. ser.) Jevons, F. B. Introduction to the history of religion. 1896. Lang, A. Making of religion. 1898. Liddon, H. P. Some elements of religion. 1872. Lorimer, G. C. 1904. Macfadyen, D. Truth in religion. 191 1. Mallock, W. H. Religion as a credible doc- trine; study of the fundamental difficulty. 1903. Marett, R. R. Threshold of religion. CI909. Martineau, J. Religion as affected by modern materialism. 1875. — Seat of authority in religion. 2d ed. 1890. — Study of religion. 1888. 2 v. Menzies, A. History of religion. 1895. Mill, J. S. Three essays on religion. 1874. Mitchell, H. B. Talks on religion. 1908. Momerie, A. W. Basis of religion. 1886. Moore, E. C. One law of the interpretation of religion. (In Essays publ. as a testimo- nial to C. A. Briggs.) Morison, J. A. C. Service of man; an essay towards the religion of the future. 3d ed. 1888. Otto, K. L. R. Naturalism and religion. 1907. (C. t. 1.) Religion — Continued. Parker, T. Discourse of matters pertaining to religion. 1847. Patten, S. N. The social basis of religion. 191 1. (American social progress ser.) Pfleiderer, O. Religion and historic faiths; tr. by D. A. Huebsch. 1907. Rashdall, H. Philosophy and religion. 1909. Religion that will wear; address to agnostics by a Scottish Presbyterian. 1900. Schleiermacher, F. D. E. On religion: speeches to its cultured despisers; tr. by i. Oman. 1893. openhauer, A. Religion: a dialogue. (Schopenhuer ser., 3.) Tiele, C. P. Elements of the science of reli- gion. 1897. 2v. (Gifford lect.) — Outlines of the history of religion; tr. by J. E. Carpenter. 1877. Walpole, G. H. S. Vital religion. 1910. Warren, W. F. Religions of the world and the world-religion. ci9ll. Wilm, E. C. Problem of religion. C1913. Wood, I. F. Spirit of God in biblical litera- ture. 1904. Woolsey, T. D. Religion of the present and of the future. 1871. Wrixon, Sir H. Religion of the common man. 1909. See also Christian life; Christianity; Church history; Comparative religion; Men and religion; Mythology; Natural religion; Philosophy; Psychology; Religions; Super- natural; Theology; 0/50 Names of countries and religions, and all headings beginning with the words religion and religions. Essays. Pritchett, H. S. What is religion? and other student questions: talks to college students. 1906. Rainsford, W. S. Reasonableness of faith, and other addresses. 1902. Religion and the modern mind; lectures delivered before the G. U. Soc. of St. Ninian (by G. A. J. Ross [and others].) 1908. Smith, W. R. Lectures and essays. 1912. Religion and art. Bradford, A. H. Messages of the masters. CI902. Forsyth, P. T. Christ on Parnassus; lectures on art, ethic and theology. 191 1. — Religion in recent art. 1905. Religion and science. Barry, A. Some lights of science on the faith. 1892. (Bamp. lect.) Bixby, J. T. Similarities of physical and religious knowledge. 1876. Boutroux, £. £. M. Science and religion in contemporary philosophy. 1909. Cohu, J. R. Through evolution to the living God. 1912. Cooke, J. P. Credentials of science. 1888. (Ely lect.) Curtis, G. T. Creation or evolution? 1887. Dadson, A. J. Evolution and its bearing on religions. 190 1, Dawson, Sir ]. W. Modern ideas of evolution as related to revelation and science. 2d ed. 1890. Drummond, H. Natural law in the spiritual world. I1883.] 244 Catalogue General Theological Library Religion and science — Continued. Gerard, J. Old riddle and the newest answer. 1904. Gloag, P. J. Primeval world; treatise on the relations of geology to theology. 1859. Gould, G. M. Infinite Presence. 1910. Haeckel, E. H. P. A. Riddle of the universe at the close of the nineteenth century; tr. by J. McCabe. 1900. Hand, J. E., ed. Ideals of science and faith; essays by various authors. 1904. Hill, T. Geometry and faith; a fragmentary supplement to the ninth Bridgewater treatise. Rev. ed. 1874. Hutton, R. H. Aspects of religious and scientific thought. 1899. Huxley, T. H. Essays upon some contro- verted questions. 1893. Jennings, A. G. The earth and the world: How formed? A layman's contribution to the religious thought of the times. C1900. Le Conte, J. Evolution and its relation to religious thought. 1888. — Religion and science: Sunday lectures. 1880. Lee, J. W. Religion of science. 1912. Lodge, Sir O. J. The substance of faith allied with science; a catechism for parents and teachers. 1907. McCosh, J. Religious aspect of evolution. 1890. Mallock, W. H. Reconstruction of religious belief. 1905. Raymond, G. L. Psychology of inspiration; an attempt to distinguish religious from scientific truth and to harmonize Christian- ity with modern thought. 1908. Romanes, G. J. Thoughts on religion. 2d ed. 1895. Savage, M. J. Religion of evolution. 1876. Schmid, R. von. Scientific creed of a theolo- gian; tr. by J. W. Stoughton. 1906. Shaler, N. S. Interpretation of nature. 1893. (Winkley lect.) Smyth, N. Through science to faith. 1902. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Temple, F. Relations between religion and science. 1884. Thein, J. Christian anthropology. 1892. Upham, F. W. First words from God. 1894. Waggett, P. N. Scientific temper in religion, and other addresses. 1905. White, A. D. History of the warfare of science with theology. 1896. 2 v. Wright, G. F. Studies in science and religion. 1882. Young, J. Creator and the creation. 1870. Religion and experience. Brierley, J. Religion and immortality. Dickinson, G. Religion and miracle. Gordon, G. A. Religion and politics. Crapsey, A. S. Religion and the higher life. Harper, W. Religion and the modern mind. Doan, F. Religion and the modern mind; lectures de- livered before the Glasgow University Soc. of St. Ninian [by G. A. J. Ross and others]. N. Y. Armstrong. 1908. Religion and worship of the synagogue. Oester- ley,W.O. E.,aMdBox,G.H. Religion of a democrat. Zueblin, C. Religion of a gentleman. Dole, C. F. L. R. C. Religion of a mature mind. Coe, G. A. Religion of an educated man. Peabody, F. G. Religion of Christ in the twentieth century. N.Y. Putnam. 1906. (C. 1. 1.) Religion of democracy. Ferguson, C. Religion of duty. Adler, F. Religion of modern manhood. Richardson, N. E. Religion of the dawn. St. John, C. E. Religion of the future. Eliot, C. W. Religion of the threshold, and other sermons. Mackay, D.S. Religion that will wear; addressed to agnostics by a Scottish Presbyterian. Lond. Clarke. 1900. Religion worth having. Carver, T. N. Religions. Barrows, J. H., ed. World's par- liament of religions. 1893. 2V. Brace, C. L. The unknown God; or. In- spiration among pre-Christian races. 1890. Brinton, D. G. Religions of primitive peoples. 1897. (Amer. lect. on the history of reli- gions.) Burder, W. History of all religions of the world. Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions. 1899. 2V. Contents: I. Essay in comparative theology. — II. A comparison of all religions. Conder, C. R. Rise of man. 1908. Contents: Introductory. — Early man. — Civilisa- tion. — Historic religions. — The Hebrews. — His- toric Christianity. — Conclusions. Cumont, F. V. M. Oriental religions in Roman paganism. 1911. Faiths of the world: a concise history of the great religious systems of the world. 1882. Giles, H. A., and others. Great religions of the world. Newed. 1912. Hanson, J. L., ed. World's congress of re- ligions. Keary, C. F. Outlines of primitive belief among the Indo-European races. 1882. Kuenen, A. National religions and universal religions. 1882. (Hibbert lect.) Lyon, D. G., and Moore, G. F., eds. Studies in the history of religions presented to Crawford Howell Toy. 1912. Matheson, G. Distinctive messages of the old religions. 1893. Miiller, F. M., ed. and tr. Sacred books of the East. 1879-1885. Vols. 1-7, 9, 18, 23. 24- Randall, J. H., and Smith, J. G. Unity of religions; a popular discussion of ancient and modern beliefs. C1910. Reville, A. Prolegomena of the history of religions. 1884. Stebbins, G. B., ed. Chapters from the Bible of the ages. 1872. Underwood, H. G. Religions of eastern Asia. 1900. Ward, D. J. H. Classification of religions. 1909. Warren, W. F. Earliest cosmologies: a guidebook for beginners in the study of ancient literatures and religions. CI909. See also Christianity and other religions; also Names of countries and of religions. Catalogue General Theological Library 245 Religions ancient and modern. Animism. Clodd, E. Celtic religion. Anwyl, E. Hinduism. Barnett, L. D. Isl^m. Ameer Ali, Syed. Judaism. Abrahams, I. Magic and fetishism. Haddon, A. C. Mythology of ancient Britain and Ireland. Squire, C. Pantheism. Picton, J. A. Psychological origin and nature of religion. Leuba, J. H. Religion of ancient China. Giles, H. A. Religion of ancient Egypt. Petrie, W. M. F. Religion of ancient Greece. Harrison, J. E. Religion of ancient Palestine. Cook, S. A. Religion of ancient Rome. Bailey, C. Religion of ancient Scandinavia. Craigie, W. A. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria. Pin- ches, T. G. Shinto. Aston, W. G. Religions of authority and the religion of the spirit. Sabatier, L. A. Religions of mission fields as viewed by Protest- ant missionaries. N. Y. S, V, M. 1905. See Christianity and other religions. Religious biography. Abbott, L., and others. Prophets of the Christian faith. 1896. Brewster, H. P. Saints and festivals of the Christian church. C1904. Butler, A. Lives of the fathers, martyrs and other principal saints. 1866. 1 2 v. in 6. Farrar, F. W. Prophets of the Christian faith. Goodenough, A. Clergy of Litchfield County [Conn.]. 1909. Gould, S. Baring-. Lives of the saints. 1898. i6v. Herrick, S. E. Some heretics of yesterday. 1885. Hodges, G. Saints and heroes. 1911-1912. 2v. L To end of the Middle ages. n. Since the Middle ages. Kingsley, C. The hermits. 1868. Mant, R. Biographical notices of the apos- tles, evangelists and other saints. 1828. Martin, A. W. Great religious teachers of the East. 191 1. Piper, K. W. F. Lives of the leaders of our church universal; tr. and ed., with added lives by American writers, by H. M. Mc- Cracken. 1879. Pioneers of religious liberty in America. 1903. (Great and Thursday lect.) Potter, H. C. Reminiscences of bishops and archbishops. 1906. [Taylor, M. C, and others.] Scottish divines. 1505-1872. 1883. (St. Giles' lect.) Walker, W. Great men of the Christian church. 1908. Walmsley, L. S. Fighters and martyrs for the freedom of faith. 1912. See also Apostolic fathers; Bible; Fathers of the church; Missionaries; Mystics; Preachers; Unitarian biography. Religious certainty. McConnell, F. J. Religious education. Bushnell, H. Views of Christian nurture. 1847. Clark, F. E. Training the church of the future. 1902. (Auburn Sem. lect. on Christian nurture.) Religious education — Continued. Coe, G. A. Education in religion and morals. 1904. Crooker, J. H. Religious freedom in American education. 1903. Hodgson, G. Primitive Christian education. 1906. King, H. C. Moral and religious challenge of our times. 191 1. — Personal and ideal elements in education. 1904- McKinley, C. E. Educational evangelism. CI905. O'Connell, J. J. In defense of religion and the dignity of labor; or. Can there be true morality without religion in any system of education? 1905. — On the necessity of religion in education. 1905. Principles of religious education. 1901. (Christian knowledge lect.) Contents: I. Religious instruction and its relation to education; by N. M. Butler. — II. Educational work of the Christian church; by W. C. Doane. — III. Religious instruction in England, France. Ger- many and the U. S.; by C. De Garmo. — IV. Content of religious instruction; by G. Hodges. — V. Sunday-school and its course of study; by P. Harrower. — VI. Preparation of the Sunday-school teacher; by W. L. Hervey. — VII. Religious con- tent of the chUd-mind; by G. S. Hall. —VIII. Use of biography in religious instruction; by F. M. McMurry. — IX. Use of geography in religious in- struction; by C. F. Kent. — X. Study of the Bible as literature; by R. G. Moulton. Riley, A., and others. Religious question in public education. 1911. Smith, W. W. Religious education; a com- prehensive text-book. 1909. " List of reference books suggested ": pp. [497I-S00. Wenner, G. U. Religious education and the public school; an American problem. 1907. Wilm, E. C. Culture of religion; elements of religious education. CI912. Wilmers, W. Handbook of the Christian religion for the use of advanced students and the educated laity. From the German. Ed. by J. Conway. 3d ed. C1891. See also Boys; Child and religion; Moral education. Religious Education Association. Proceedings of annual conventions. Chi. R. E. assoc. 1903-1908. 5v. 1903. Addresses and discussions. 1904. Bible in practical life. 1905. Aims of religious education. 1907. Materials of religious education. 1908. Education and national character. Religious fiction. Farrar, F. W. Darkness and dawn. 1892. Goss, C. F. Redemption of David Corson. C1900. Hale, E. E. If Jesus came to Boston. 1895. — In His name. 1890. Jackson, G. A. Son of a prophet. 1894. Kingsley, C. Hypatia. Ludlow, J. M. Deborah, a tale of the times of Judas Maccabaeus. C1901. Macdonald, G. Thomas Wingfold, curate. 1876. Newman, J. H. Callista. 1898. — Loss and gain. 1855. 64^ Catalogue General Theological Library Religious fiction — Continued. Philochristus; memoirs of a disciple of the Lord. 1878. Prentiss, Mrs. E. P. Stepping heavenward. New ed. ci88o. Sheldon, C. M. In His steps. 1898. Sienkiewicz, H. "Quo vadis." 1898, Wallace, L. Ben-Hur: a tale of the Christ. CI 880. — Prince of India. 1893. 2v. Ward, Mrs. E. S. (P.) Gates ajar. 1869. Watson, J. Beside the bonnie brier bush. 1895- — Days of auld lang syne. 1896. Wood, H. Victor Serenus. 1900. See also Missionary fiction. Religious insight. Sources of. Royce, J. Religious liberty. Cobb, S. H. Rise of religious liberty in America; a history. 1902. Ford, D. B. New England's struggles for religious liberty. 1896. Greene, M. L. Development of religious liberty in Connecticut. 1905. Haskell, S. Heroes and hierarchs: or. Bibli- cal principles as held by Baptists in the contention for religious liberty. CI895. Hugenholtz, P. H., ed. Religion and liberty; addresses and papers at the second Inter- national council of Unitarian and other liberal religious thinkers and workers. Amsterdam. 1903. Leroy-Beaulieu, A. Religious liberty and the dissident creeds. {In his Empire of the Tsars and the Russians, pt. III.) Pierce, W. An historical introduction to the Marprelate tracts; a chapter in the evolution of religious and civil liberty in England. 1909. ed. The Marprelate tracts, 1588-1589. 1911. Pioneers of religious liberty in America; being the Great and Thursday lectures in Boston in 1903. Ruffini, F. Religious liberty; tr. by J. P. Heyes. 1912. (Theol. transl. libr.) Schaff, P. Development of religious freedom. {In his Christ and Christianity, pp. 276- 291.) Underhill, E. B. Historical survey of contro- versies pertaining to the rights of conscience from the English reformation to the settle- ment of New England. 1851. Wendte, C. W., ed. Freedom and fellowship in religion; proceedings and papers of the fourth International congress of religious liberals, Boston, 1907. See also Church and state; Free thought; Liberty; Liberty of conscience; Persecu- tion; Toleration. Religious poetry. Abbey, C. J. Religious thought in old English verse. 1892. Gould, M. Poems. C1894. Heaton, A. G. The heart of David, the psalmist-king. 1900. Herbert, G. Works. 1853. Contents: I. The temple, and other poems. The church militant. — III. Miscellaneous. II. Horder, W. G., ed. Poets' Bible. 1895. 2 v. — Treasury of American sacred song. 1896. Keble, J. Christian year. 1856. Religious poetry — Continued. Matheson, G. Sacred songs. 1904. Palgrave, F. T., ed. Treasury of sacred song. 1890. Pick, B., comp. Hymns and poetry of the Eastern church. CI908. Rider, G. T., ed. Lyra Anglicana; hymnal of sacred poetry. 1865. Sunshine in the soul; poems selected by the editor of " Quiet hours." 1877. Wagner, R. Parsifal, a mystical drama; retold in the spirit of the Bayreuth inter- pretation by Oliver Huckel. 1905. Wesley, C. Charles Wesley seen in his finer and less familiar poems. ci866. See also Hymns; Jesus Christ in poetry. Religious progress. Allen, A. V. G. Reli- gious progress. 1894. Dorchester, D. Problem of religious progress. New ed. CI900. Religious use of imagination. Johnson, E. H. Religious uses of memory. Cadman, S. P. Relton, Frederic, joint author. See Overton, J. H., and Relton, F. Renaissance, period immediately following the Middle ages. Cushman, H. E. {In his Beginner's history of philosophy, vol. II.) James, M. R. The Christian renaissance. {In Cambr. mod. hist., vol. I.) Jebb, R. C. The classical renaissance. {In Cambr. mod. hist., vol. I.) Quick, R. H. Effects of the Renascence; Renascence tendencies. {In his essays on educ. reformers.) Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. New ed. 1898-1912. 7v. Contents: Age of the despots. — Revival of learn- ing. — The fine arts. — Italian literature, 2V. — The Catholic reaction, 2v. Renan, Ernest. Antichrist, including the period from the arrival of Paul in Rome to the end of the Jewish revolution; tr. by J. H. Allen. Bost. Roberts. 1897. The apostles. N. Y. Carleton. 1875. English conferences. Bost. Osgood. 1880. History of the people of Israel. Bost. Roberts. 1 889-1 891. 3v. Lectures on the influence of Rome on Chris- tianity and the development of the Catholic church. 3d ed., tr. by Charles Beard. Lond. Williams. 1885. (Hibbert lect.) Life of Jesus. Lond. Mathieson. n. d. St. Paul; tr. by Ingersoll Lockwood. N. Y. Carleton. 1869. Studies of religious history and criticism; tr. by O. B. Frothingham. N.Y. Carleton. 1864. Renouf, Peter LePage. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of ancient Egypt. N. Y. Scribner. 1880. (Hibbert lect.) Repentance. Black, H. Repentance. [Ser- mon.] {In his Listening to God.) Clark, H. W. Repentance. {In his Philoso- phy of Christian experience.) Merrill, S. M. {In his Doctrinal aspects of Christian experience.) Peile, J. H. F. Sacrament of repentance: commentary on the fifty-first Psalm. 1912. Replies to " Essays and reviews " by E. M. Goulburn [and others]. N. Y. Appleton. 1862. Catalogue General Theological Library 247 Responsibility. Beecher, H. W. Individual responsibility. (In his Sermons, 5th ser.) Responsibility in mental disease. Maudsley, H. Responsive worship. Bible readings for the responsive service in Christian worship; prepared by G. C. Lorimer and H. M, San- ders. C1891. Budington, W. I. Responsive worship. 1873. Century co., publ. Responsive services. 1904. Clarke, J. E., comp. Scripture selections for public worship. Responsive readings selected from the Bible and arranged under subjects for use in the chapel of Harvard University. 1899. By H. J. Van Dyke. Robinson, C. S., ed. Psalms and selections for responsive readings in public worship. CI889. Scripture readings arranged for responsive worship. CI886. Selections for responsive readings for use in public worship. ci88i. Van Dyke, H. J., ed. Responsive readings selected from the Bible and arranged under subjects for common worship. 1896. Resurrection. Archibald, A. W. Easter hope. C1909. Bowen, C. R. Resurrection in the New Testament; an examination of the earliest references to the rising of Jesus and of Christians from the dead. 191 1. Moody, D. L. The resurrection. {In his Fulness of the gospel.) Whiton, J. M. Beyond the shadow; or, The resurrection of life. 3d thous. 1896. — Gospel of the resurrection. 188 1. See also Immortality; Jesus Christ. Resur- rection. Resurrection and modern thought. Simpson, W.J.S. Retreats. Plater, C. Retreats for the people. 1912. Retribution. Beecher, E. History of opinions on the scriptural doctrine of retribution. 1878. Campbell, R. J. Law of retribution. {In his Sermons addressed to individuals.) Dickinson, C. A., and others. Future retribu- tion. {In Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Contents: I. Future punishment; Dickinson, C. A. — II. Is punishment everlasting? DeNormandie, J. — III. Bearing of the teaching of Jesus Christ on mein's future destiny, Scott, C. Jackson, W. Doctrine of retribution. 1876. Oxenham, H. N. Catholic eschatology and universalism; an essay on the doctrine of future retribution. 2d ed. 1878. Row, C. A. Future retribution. 1888. Schechter, S. Doctrine of divine retribution in rabbinical literature. {In his Studies in Judaism.) Young, G. L. Two destinies treating of the future life of the righteous and the final fate of the wicked. 1895. See also Future life; Future punishment; Heaven; Hell; Intermediate state. Reusch, Fraiu Heinrich. Nature and the Bible; tr. by K. Lyttelton. Edin. Clark. 1886. 2V. Reuss, Eduard Wilhelm Eugen. History of Christian theology in the apostolic age; tr. by A. Harwood. Lond. Hodder. 1872-4. 2V. History of the sacred scriptures of the New Testament; tr. from 5th Germ. ed. by E. L. Houghton. Bost. Houghton. 1884. 2V. Revelation, Doctrine of. Atwood, I. M. Revelation. 1889. (Manuals of faith and duty, III.) Bavinck, H. Philosophy of revelation. 1909. (Stone lect., Princeton Theol. Sem.) Bowne, B. P. The Christian revelation. 2d ed. CI 896. Fisher, G. P. Nature and method of revela- tion. 1890. Martineau, J. Revelation: what it is not, and what it is. {In his Essays, philosophi- cal and theological, vol. I.) Mill, J. S. Revelation. {In his Three essays on religion, pp. 212-242.) Orr, J. Revelation and inspiration. 1910. Rashdbll, H. {In his Philosophy and reli- gion.) Rishell, C. W. {In his Foundations of the Christian faith.) Seeberg, R. Revelation and inspiration. 1909. Wilson, J. M. Idea of revelation in the light of modem knowledge and research. {In Cambridge theological essays. Swete, H. B.,ed.) Revelation and the Bible. Horton, R. F. Revelation of the Son of God. Edghill, E. A. Reverence. Liddon, H. P. Reverence. {In his Easter sermons, vol. II.) Morrison, G. H. Reverence. [Sermon.] {In his Flood-tide.) Rgville, Albert. History of the doctrine of the deity of Jesus Chnst; tr. [by A. Swaine). Lond. Williams. 1870. Same. Lond. Brit. & for. Unit, assoc. 1878. Life and writings of Theodore Parker. (Au- thorised translation.) Lond. Simpkin. 1865. Native religions of Mexico and Peru. N. Y. Scribner. 1884. (Hibbert lect.) Prolegomena of the history of religions. Lond. Williams. 1884. Revivals. Beardsley, F. G. History of Ameri- can revivals. 1904. Burns, J. Revivals: their laws and leaders. Bushnell, H. Spiritual economy of revivals of religion. {In his Building eras in reli- gion.) Chapman, J. W. Revival sermons. C1911. _ Davenport, F. M. Primitive traits in reli- gious revivals. 1905. E^rle, A. B. Bringing in sheaves. 1868. Finney, C. G. Lectures on revivals of religion. C1868. Fish, H. C. Handbook of revivals. 1874. Gilbert, L. {In his Dynamic Christianity.) Gospel invitation; sermons related to the Boston revival of 1877. [Alden, E. K., and others.] 248 Catalogue General Theological Library Revivals — Continued. Hilton, G. A., and Crothers, S. M. Revivals in the light of the present day. (In The- ology at the dawn of the twentieth century. Morgan, J. V., ed.) Kirk, E. N. Lectures on revivals. 1875. Mallalieu, W. F. The why, when and how of revivals. 1901. Moody, D. L., and others. Gospel awaken- ing: sermons of the revival meetings con- ducted by Moody and Sankey. 1879. Newell, W. W. Revivals: how and when? 1882. Newman, J. H. Religious use of excited feel- ings. (In his Parochial and plain sermons, vol. I.) Peck, J. O. The revival and the pastor. CI 894. Reid, W., ed. Authentic records of revival now in progress in the United kingdom. i860. Strong, J. The next great awakening. (8th thous.) 1902. Torrey, R. A. Revival addresses. C1903, Tracy, J. The great awakening. 1842. See also Evangelism. Revolutions. Le Bon, G. Psychology of revolution; tr. by B. Miall. 1913. Reynolds, Grindall. Collection of historical and other papers. Concord. 1895. Reynolds, Henry Robert. John the Baptist. Lond. Hodder. 1874. Reynolds, James Bronson, and others, eds. Two centuries of Christian activity at Yale. N, Y. Putnam. 1901. Reynolds, Joseph William. World to come. Lond. Paul. 1888. Rhees, Rush. Life of Jesus of Nazareth. N. Y. Scribner. 1900. Rhys, John. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic heathen- dom. Lond. Williams. 1888. (Hibbert lect.) Ribot, Theodore, joint author. Subconscious phenomena. See Miinsterberg, H., and others. Ribot, Theodule Annand. Psychology of the emotions. 2d ed. N. Y. Scribner. 1911. Rice, William North. Christian faith in an age of science. N. Y. Armstrong. 1903. Rich and poor in the New Testament. Cone, O. Richard, James William. Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant preceptor of Germany. N. Y. Putnam. 1898. (Heroes of the reformation.) and Painter, Franklin Verzelius Newton. Christian worship; its principles and forms. Phila. Luth. pub. soc. C1892. Richard, Timothy. New Testament of higher Buddhism. Edin. Clark. 1910. Richards, Ellen Henrietta (Swallow). Art of right living. Bost. Whitcomb. 191 1. Richards, Thomas Cole. Samuel J. Mills, missionary pathfinder, pioneer and pro- moter. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1906. Richards, William Rogers. God's choice of men; a study of Scripture. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1905. A study of the Lord's prayer. Phila. Westm. press. 1909. Richardson, Norman Egbert, ed. Present-day prayer-meeting helps for laymen and minis- ter. N. Y. Eaton. CI910. — Religion of modern manhood; or. Mascu- line topics for men's Bible classes. N. Y. Eaton. CI9H. Richardson, Robert. Memoirs of Alexander Campbell. Cine. Standard pub. co. 1890. Richardson, William Adams. Hackett, F. W. Sketch of the life of William Adams Richard- son. 1898. Richelieu, Armand Jean Duplessis de, card. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 4.) Richey, Thomas. Question of the day: What is the Bible, for what object was it written, and how is it to be read? N. Y. Pott. 1883. Richmond, Mary Ellen. The good neighbor in the modern city. Phila. Lippincott. 1907. (Sage foundation publ.) Richter, Julius. History of missions in India. N. Y. Revell. [1908.I History of Protestant missions in the near East. N. Y. Revell. 1910. Rickaby, Joseph. Political and moral essays. N. Y.j etc. Benziger. 1902. Scholasticism. N. Y. Dodge pub. co. n. d. (Philosophies anc. and mod.) Riddle, Matthew Brown. Gospel according to Mark. N. Y. Scribner. 188 1. (Int. rev. com.) Story of the Revised New Testament, Ameri- can standard ed. Phila. S. S. times. [C1908.I ed. Harmony of the gospels by Edward Robinson. See Bible. N. T. Gospels. Harmonies. Rider, George Thomas, ed. Lyra AngHcana. N. Y. Appleton. 1865. Riehm, Eduard Karl August. Messianic proph- ecy; its origin, character, and relation to New Testament fulfillment; tr. by J. Jefferson. Edin. Clark. 1876. Rigby, Lilian M., joint author. See Russell, C. E. B., and Rigby, L. M. Rigg, James Harrison. The living Wesley. 3d ed. Lond. Kelly. [1905.] Riggs, James Stevenson. History of the Jewish people during the Maccabean and Roman periods (including New Testament times). N. Y. Scribner. 1900. (Hist. ser. for Bible students.) Messages of Jesus according to the gospel of John: discourses of Jesus in the fourth gospel arranged, analyzed and freely ren- dered in paraphrase. N. Y. Scribner. 1907. (Messages of the Bible, X.) Riggs, Stephen Return. Tah-koo Wah-kan; or. The gospel among the Dakotas. Bost. Congr. pub. soc. 1869. Right to believe. Rowland, E. H. Righteousness. Kennett, R. H., and others. Early ideals of righteousness, Hebrew, Greek and Roman. 1910. Rights of man; a study in twentieth century problems. Abbott, L. Riis, Jacob August. Battle with the slum. N. Y. Macm. 1902. Children of the poor. N. Y. Scribner. 1892. Catalogue General Theological Library 249 Riis, Jacob August — Continued. Children of the tenements. N. Y. Macm. 1903. How the other half lives. N. Y. Scribner. 1890. Peril and preservation of the home. Phila. Jacobs. C1903. Riley, Athelstan, and others. Religious question in public education; critical examination of schemes representing various points of view. Lond. Longm. 191 1. Riley, Isaac Woodbridge. American philosophy: the early schools. N. Y. Dodd. 1907. Ripley, William Zebina, ed. Trusts, pools and corporations. Bost. Ginn. C1905. Rishell, Charles Wesley. The child as God's child. N. Y. Eaton. [1904.] Foundations of the Christian faith. N. Y. Eaton. [1899.] Higher criticism. Cine. Curts. 1896. Ritchie, David George. Natural rights, a criticism of some political and ethical conceptions. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1895. (Libr. of philos.) Rites and ceremonies. Frere, W. H. Prin- ciples of religious ceremonial. 1907. (Ox- ford libr. of practical theolog>'.) Trumbull, H. C. The blood covenant; a primitive rite and its bearing on Scripture. 1885. — Threshold covenant; or, The beginning of religious rites. 1896. Ritschl, Albrecht. Christian doctrine of justi- fication and reconciliation. Engl, transl. ed. by H. R. Mackintosh and A. B. Macau- lay. N. Y Scribner. ipoo. RiTSCHLiANiSM. Boutroux, E. £. M. Ritschl and radical dualism. {In his Science and religion in contemporary philosophy.) Garvie, A. E. Influence of Ritschl and his school on evangelical theology in Britain. (In his Christian certainty amid the modern perplexity.) — Ritschlian theology. 1899. Orr, J. Ritschlian theology and the evangeli- cal faith. Swing, A. T. Theology of Albrecht Ritschl . . . with [his] Instruction in the Christian religion; tr. by permission from 4th Germ, ed. by A. M. Swing. 1901. Ritter, Karl. Comparative geography of Pales- tine and the Sinaitic Peninsula; tr. and adapted to the use of biblical students by W. L. Gage. N. Y. Appleton. 1866. 4V. Ritualism. Hopkins, J. H. Law of ritualism. 1866. Malan, S. C. On ritualism. 1867. Ritualists. Maskell, W. Present position of the High-church party in the established church of England considered. 1869. Riverside educational monographs. Education for efficiency. Eliot, C. W. Moral principles in education. Dewey, J. Problem of vocational education. Snedden, D. Rix, Herbert. Tent and Testament; a camp- ing tour in Palestine with some notes on Scripture sites. N. Y. Scribner. 1907. Roads, Charles. Man with a conscience. Phila. Westm. press. 1912. Rural Christendom. Phila. S. S, times. 1909. Robbins, Chandler. History of the Second Church, or Old North, Boston. Bost. Wilson. 1852. Robbins, Mrs. Sarah Stuart. Old Andover days. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1908. Robert, Christopher Rheinlander, founder of Robert College, Constantinople. Wash- burn, G. Fifty years in Constantinople. Robert College. Washburn, G. Fifty years in Constantinople, and recollections of Robert College. 1909. Roberts, Alexander. Companion to the revised version of the New Testament. N. Y. Cassell. C1881. and Donaldson, James, eds. Ante-Nicene fathers. Amer. repr. of the Edin. ed., with notes, etc., by A. C. Coxe. Buffalo. Christ, lit. CO. 1885. 8v. Same. Original supplement to the Amer. ed. A. Menzies, ed. N. Y. Christ, lit. co. 1896. Same. Bibliographical synopsis by E. C. Richardson; General index by B. Pick. N. Y. Scribner. 1910. Roberts, Peter. Immigrant races in North America. N. Y. Y. M. C. A. 1910. The new immigration. N. Y. Macm. 1912. Roberts, Richard. The high road to Christ. Lond., etc. Cassell. 1912. Jesus or Christ? (Hibbert journal supple- ment.) Renascence of faith. N. Y. Revell. C1912. Robertson, Alexander. Count Campello and Catholic reform in Italy. Lond. Low. 1891. Robertson, Archibald. Regnum Dei; eight lec- tures on the Kingdom of God in the history of Christian thought. N. Y. Macm. 1901. (Bamp. lect.) and Plummer, Alfred. Commentary on the first epistle to the Corinthians. N. Y. Scribner. 191 1. (Int. crit. com.) Robertson, Archibald Thomas. Commentary on Matthew. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. (Bible for home and school.) Epochs in the life of Jesus; a study of develop- ment and struggle in the Messiah's work. N. Y. Scribner. 1907. Epochs in the life of Paul. N. Y. Scribner. 1909. Glory of the ministry; Paul's exultation m preaching. N. Y. Revell. C1911. John the loyal: studies in the ministry of the Baptist. N. Y. Scribner. 191 1. Life and letters of John Albert Broadus. Phila. A. B. P. S. 1901. Robertson, Eric S. English poetesses. Lond. Cassell. 1883. Robertson, Frederick William. " Human race," and other sermons. N. Y. Harper. 1881. Notes on Genesis. N. Y. Dutton. 1877. Robertson's living thoughts; a thesaurus, by K. B. Tupper. Chi. Griggs. 1881. Sermons on St. Paul's epistles to the Corin- thians. Bost. Ticknor. i860. Sermons preached at Trinity Chapel, Brigh- ton. Bost. Fields. 1869-71. 2 v. Brastow, L. O. (In his Representative modern preachers.) Brooke, S. A. Life and letters of Frederick W. Robertson. 1870, 250 Catalogue General Theological Library Robertson, James. Early religion of Israel. N. Y. Herrick. [1892.] 2v. Poetry and religion of the Psalms. N. Y. Dodd. 1898. (Croall lect.) Robertson, James Craigie. History of the Christian church from the apostolic age to the reformation. New ed. N. Y. Pott. 1874-5. 8v. Robertson, James Wilson. Conservation of life in rural districts. N. Y. Y. M. C, A. CI911. Robertson, John. Corn on the mountains: sermons. N. Y. Revell. n. d. Robertson, John Mackinnon. Pagan Christs; studies in comparative hierology. 2d ed. Lond. Watts. 191 1. Robins, Henry Ephraim. Ethics of the Christian life. Phila. G. & R. press. 1904. Robins, John B. Family a necessity of civiliza- tion. Chi. Revell. C1896. Robinson, Arthur William. Prayer in relation to the idea of law. Lond. Macm. 1905. Spiritual progress; a word of good cheer. Lond. Longm. 1912. Robinson, Charles Edward. Maltbie Davenport Babcock. N. Y. Revell. 1904. Robinson, Charles Mulford. Improvement of towns and cities. 3d ed. N. Y. Putnam. [1911.] Robinson, Charles Seymour. Annotations upon popular hymns. N. Y. Hunt. C1893. Studies in the New Testament. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1880. ed. Psalms and selections for responsive readings in public worship. N. Y, Cen- tury co. 1889. Robinson, Edward. Harmony of the gospels in English. See Bible. N. T. Gospels. Harmonies. Robinson, Ezekiel Gilman. Lectures on preach- ing. N. Y. Holt. 1883. (Yale lect.) Wilkinson, W. C. (In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse.) Robinson, Forbes. College and ordination addresses. N. Y. Longm. 1910. Letters to his friends. N. Y. Longm. 191 1. Sympathy of God. [Sermons.] Lond., etc. Longm. 1913. Robinson, Harry Perry. The twentieth century American; being a comparative study of the peoples of the two great Anglo-Saxon na- tions. N. Y. Putnam. 1908. Robinson, Henry Wheeler. Christian doctrine of man. Edin. Clark. 1911. Deuteronomy and Joshua; introductions, revised version with notes, etc. N. Y. Frowde. n. d. (New century Bible.) Robinson, John, of Leyden. Davis, O. S. John Robinson, the Pilgrim pastor. C1903. Walmsley, L. S. John Robinson and the Pilgrim fathers. (In his Fighters and mar- tyrs for the freedom of faith.) Robinson, Joseph Armitage. St. Paul's epistle to the Ephesians. Lond. Macm. 1904. Vision of unity. Lond. Longm. 1908. and James, Montague Rhodes. Gospel ac- cording to Peter, and the Revelation of Peter; two lectures on the newly recovered fragments; together with the Greek texts. Lond. Clay. 1892. Robson, John. Resurrection gospel; a study of Christ's great commission. Cine. Jen- nings. 1908. Rockwell, Joel Edson. Sketches of the Presby- terian church, for the youth of the church. Phila. Presb. bd. of pub. C1854. Rocky Mountain saints. Stenhouse, T. B. H. Rodkinson, Michael Levi, ed. and transl. New edition of the Babylonian Talmud. See Talmud. Rodwell, John Medows, ed. and transl. The Koran. See Koran. Roesler, Alexander, ed. Psallite: Catholic English hymns. St. Louis. Herder. 1903. Rogers, Mrs. Anna Alexander. Why American marriages fail, and other papers. Bost. Houghton. 1909. Rogers, Arthur. Prophecy and poetry; studies in Isaiah and Browning. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1909. Rogers, Arthur Kenyon. Religious conception of the world. N. Y. Macm. 1907. Student's history of philosophy. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. Rogers, Henry. The superhuman origin of the Bible inferred from itself. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1875. Rogers, Mary Eliza. Domestic life in Palestine. Cine. Hitchcock. 1867. Rogers, Reginald A. P. Short history of ethics, Greek and modern. Lond. Macm. 1911. Rogers, Robert William. History of Babylonia and Assyria. N. Y. Eaton. 1901. 2 v. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria especially in its relations to Israel. N. Y. Eaton. 1908. ed. and transl. Cuneiform parallels to the Old Testament. N. Y. Eaton. 1912. Rollins, Frank West. Old home week addresses, 1900. Roman Catholic church. Bartoli, G. Primi- tive church and the primacy of Rome. n. d. Cusack, M. F. C. Life inside the Church of Rome. 1890. McCabe, J. Decay of the Church of Rome. 2d ed. 1909. Newman, J. H. Catholicism. (In Charac- teristics from the writings of J. H. Newman; arr. by W. S. Lilly.) Putnam, G. H. Censorship of the Church of Rome, and its influence upon the produc- tion and distribution of literature. 1907. 2v. Quin, M. Catholicism and the modern mind; a contribution to religious unity and prog- ress. 1912. See also Anglican orders; Celibacy; Chris- tianity; Church councils; Church history; Church and state; Confession; Counter- reformation; Greek church; Indulgences; Inquisition; Italy; Jesuits; Liturgies; Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ; Mass; Modernism; Monasticism; Monks; Papacy; Persecu- tion; Popes; Reformation; Saints. Books of devotion. Faber, F. W. Blessed sacrament. 1859. — Foot of the cross; or. The sorrows of Mary. 8th Amer. ed. 1865. Hogan, J. B. Daily thoughts for priests. 3d ed. 1899. Manual of prayers for the use of the Catholic laity. C1888. Catalogue General Theological Library 251 Roman Catholic church. Catechisms. Council of Trent. Catechism of the Council of Trent; tr. into English by J. Donovan. I1829.] Same, with notes by T. A. Buckley. 1852. Clergy. Sanford, A. E. Pastoral medicine: a hand- book for the Catholic clergy. New ed., rev. and enl. by a chapter on the moment of death, by W. M. Drum. CI905. Doctrine. Byrne, W. Catholic doctrine of faith and morals. 1892. Coppens, S. Systematic study of the Catho- lic religion. 2d ed. 1904. Digby, K. H. Mores Catholici; or, Ages of faith. 1841. 2v. Foster, F. H. Fundamental ideas of the Roman Catholic Church explained and discussed for Protestants and Catholics. 1899. Gibbons, J., card. Faith of our fathers. 38th ed. 1891. — Our Christian heritage. 1889. Hecker, I. T. Questions of the soul. 6th ed. 1868. Newman, J. H. Development of Christian doctrine. 1909. — Essay in aid of a grammar of assent. New impr. 1906. Oxenham, H. N. Catholic doctrine of the atonement. 3d ed. 1881. — Catholic eschatology and universalism. 2d ed. 1878. Slater, T. Manual of moral theology for English speaking countries, with notes on American legislation by M. Martin. 1908. 2V. Stang, W. Pastoral theology. C1897. — Spiritual pepper and salt for Catholics and non-Catholics. 7th ed. 1902. Thein, J. Christian anthropology. 1892. Thomas Aquinas, St. Aquinas ethicus: or. Moral teaching of St. Thomas. 1892. 2v. See author entry. Wilniers, W. Handbook of the Christian religion for the use of advanced students and the educated laity. From the German. Ed. by J. Conway. 3d ed. 1891. Doctrine and controversy. Cooper, T. An answer in defence of the truth against the apology of private mass. Prefixed, the work answered, entitled. An apology of private mass. Ed. for the Parker Soc. by W. Goode. 1850. Gore, C. Roman Catholic claims. 8th impr. 1905- Hershey, S. F. The Roman papacy. 1895. Laborde, , abbS. Impossibility of the Iinmaculate conception as an article of faith; tr. from the French and ed., with notes, by A. C. Coxe. 1855. Meyrick, F. Moral theology of the Church of Rome. 1856. Miller, J. B. Leo XIII and modern civiliza- tion. 1897. Roman Catholic church. Doctrine and contro- versy — Continued. Oxenham, H. N. What is the truth as to everlasting punishment? In reply to Dr. Pusey's late treatise "What is of faith as to everlasting punishment?" 1881. Phinney, E. O. Letters on the Eucharist addressed to a member of the Church of Rome, formerly a preacher in the Methodist • Episcopal church. 1880. Schulte, J. Roman Catholicism, old and new, from the standpoint of the infallibility doc- trine. 1877. Seymour, G. F. What is modern Romanism? 1888. Seymour, M. H. Evenings with the Roman- ists. 1845. Tyrrell, G. Faith of the millions: a selection of past essays. First and second series. 3d ed. 1904. 2v. See also Modernism. History. Darras, J. E. General history of the Catholic Church. C1898. 4v. O'Gorman, T. History of the Roman Catho- lic Church in the United States. 1895. (Amer. church hist., vol. IX.) Robertson, A. Count Campello and Catholic reform in Italy. 1891. Shea, J. G. The Catholic Church in colonial days. 1521-1763. 1886. — History of the Catholic Church within the limits of the United States. 1890-92. 2v. — Life and times of John Carroll, first arch- bishop of Baltimore; embracing the his- tory of the Catholic Church in the United States. 1763-1815. 1888. See also All church histories to the period of the Reformation. Liturgy. Ritual. Batiflfol, P. History of the Roman breviary. 1898. Societies. See Society of St. Vincent de Paul (N. Y. City.). Roman Catholic church and the Church OF England. Benson, R. H. Confessions of a convert. 1913. Burgon, J. W. England and Rome; three letters to a pervert. 1869. Camm, D. B., and others. The city of peace; by those who have entered it. 1903. Dearmer, P. Reunion and Rome. C1910. Francis, P. J., and Jones, S. The prince of the apostles; a study. 1907. Newman, J. H. Lectures on certain difficul- ties felt by Anglicans in submitting to the Catholic Church. 2d ed. 1850. Pusey, E. B. An Eirenicon in a letter to the author of " The Christian year." 1866. Roman Catholic church and the public SCHOOLS. Dorchester, D. Romanism ver- sus the public school system. 1888. Roman Catholic and Protestant Bibles compared. Jacobus, M. W., ed. Roman Catholic sermons. Holland, C. Practical preaching for priests and people. 1901. 2V. McGowan, F. X. Sermons. 2 v. 1897. 252 Catalogue General Theological Library Roman law. Ball, W. E. B. St. Paul and Roman law. 1910. Chamberlain, H. S. Roman law. {In his Foundations of the nineteenth century, vol. I.) Romanes, Ethel (Mrs. G. J. Romanes.). Life and letters of George John Romanes. N. Y. Longm. 1896. Romanes, George John. Darwin and after Darwin. Chi. Open court. 1892. 2 v. Mind and motion and monism. N. Y. Longm. 1895. Thoughts on religion. Chi. Open court. 1895- Romanes, E. Life and letters of George John Romanes; ed. by his wife. 1896. Romanoff, H. C. Sketches of the rites and customs of the Graeco- Russian church. Lond., etc. Rivington. 1868. Romanticism. More, P. E. Drift of romanti- cism. 1913. (Shelburne essays. 8th ser.) Contents: Preface. — William Beckford. — Cardi- nal Newman. — Walter Pater. — Fiona Macleod. Nietzsche. — Huxley. — Definitions of dualism. Rome. ScuUard, H. H. Influence of the Chris- tian church upon the Roman empire. (In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., aTid others, eds.) Tucker, T. G. Life in the Roman world of Nero and St. Paul. 1910. Wedgwood, J. Rome and the reign of law. {In her Moral ideal.) History. Gibbon, E. History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire; with notes by H. H. Milman. 1840. 8v. Politics and government. Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. The ancient city: a study on the religion, laws, and institutions of Greece and Rome. Transl. by W. Small. 7th ed. 1889. Religion. (Reli- Bailey, C. Religion of ancient Rome, gions anc. and mod.) Carter, J. B. Religion of Numa. 1906. — Religious life of ancient Rome. 19 11. Fowler, W. W. Religious experience of the Roman people from the earliest times to the age of Augustus. 1911. (Gifford lect.) Glover, T. R. Conflict of religions in the early Roman empire. 3d ed. CI909. Maurice, F. D, Religion of Rome and its influence on modern civilization: four lec- tures. {In his Learning and working.) Social life and customs. Dill, S. Roman society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius. 1905. Fowler, W. W. Social life at Rome. 19 10. Friedlander, L. Roman life and manners under the early empire; tr. by L. A. Magnus and J. H. Freese. 1908-09. 3 v. Rome (City). Lanciani, R. A. Pagan and Christian Rome. 1893. Rome, reform and reaction: four lectures. Forsyth, P. T. Roosevelt, Theodore. Applied ethics. Camb. Hary. Univ. 191 1. (W. B. Noble lect.) Biological analogies in history. Oxford. Univ. press. 1910. (Romanes lect.) New nationalism. N. Y. Outlook co. 1910. Oliver Cromwell. N. Y. Scribner. 1910. Winning of the West; an account of the ex- f»loration and settlement of our country rom the Alleghanies to the Pacific. N. Y, Putnam. 1908. 6v. Root, Edward Tallmadge. " The profit of the many": the biblical doctrine and ethics of wealth. Chi., e/c. Revell. 1899. Ropes, James Hardy. The apostolic age in the light of modern criticism. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1906. Rosadi, Giovanni. Trial of Jesus; ed. by Emil Reich. N. Y. Dodd. 1905. Rose, Elise Whitlock. Cathedrals and cloisters of midland France. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. 2V. Rose, John Holland. Christianity and the French revolution. {In Christ and civiliza- tion. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) Rosenkranz, Johann Karl Friedrich. Philoso- phy of education. N. Y. Appleton. 1907. (Int. educ. ser.) RosETTA Stone. Price, I. M. Egypt's riddle read. {In his Monuments and the O. T.) Ross, Edward Alsworth. Changing America; studies in contemporary society. N. Y. Century CO. 1912. Changing Chinese; conflict of oriental and western cultures in China. N. Y. Cen- tury co. 1911. Foundations of sociology. N. Y. Macm. 1912. (Citizen's libr.) Latterday sinners and saints. N. Y. Huebsch. 1910. (Art of life ser.) Sin and society; an analysis of latter-day iniquity. Bost. Houghton. 1907. Social control; a survey of the foundations of order. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Social psychology, an outline and source book. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Ross, George Alexander Johnston. The uni- versality of Jesus. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1906. Ross, John. Mission methods in Manchuria. N. Y. Revell. n. d. Original religion of China. N. Y. Eaton, n. d. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Brooke, S. A. {In his Four Victorian poets.) Rothe, Richard. Sermons for the Christian year. Edin. Clark. 1877. Rothschild, Alonzo. Lincoln, master of men. Bost. Houghton. 1908. Rousseau, Jean Jacques. Emile; or, A treatise on education; tr. by W. H. Payne. N. Y. Appleton. 19 II. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 13.) Morley, J. Rousseau. 1886. 2v. Quick, R. H. {In his Essays on educational reformers.) Row, Charles Adolphus. Apostolical Christian- ity. Lond. 1881. Christian evidences viewed in relation to modern thought. Lond. Norgate. 1877. (Bamp. lect.) Catalogue General Theological Library 253 Row, Charles Adolphus — Continued. Future retribution. N. Y. Whittaker. 1888. Jesus of the evangeUsts; His historical character vindicated. Load. Norgate. 1891. Manual of Christian evidences, N. Y. Whit- taker. 1888. Reasons for believing in Christianity. N. Y. Whittaker. 1881. Revelation and modern theology contrasted; or, The simplicity of the apostolic gospel demonstrated. Lond. Norgate. 1883. Rowe, Stuart Henry. Habit-formation and the science of teaching. New impr. N. Y. Longm. 191 1. Rowland, Eleanor Harris. Right to believe. Bost. Houghton. 1909. Rowntree, B. Seebohm. Poverty: a study of town life. Lond. Macm. 1901. and Lasker, Bruno. Unemployment; a social study. Lond. Macm. 191 1. Rowntree, John Stephenson. The Society of Friends: its faith and practice. 4th ed. Lond. Headley. 1908. Rowntree, Joseph, and Sherwell, Arthur. Tem- perance problem and social reform. 7th ed. N. Y. Hanson. 1900. Royce, George Munroe. Passing of the Ameri- can. N. Y. Whittaker. 1911. Royce, Josiah. Conception of God. N. Y. Macm. 1897. Conception of immortality. Bost. Hough- ton. 1899. (Ingersoll lect.) Outlines of psychology. N. Y. Macm. 1903. (Teacher's libr.) Philosophy of loyalty. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Problem of Christianity. 2v. N. Y. Macm. 1913. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Race questions, provincialism, and other American problems. N. Y. Macm. 1908. Religious aspect of philosophy. Bost. Houghton. 1895. Sources of religious insight. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 19 12. (Bross lect.) Spirit of modern philosophy. Bost. Hough- ton. 1896. Studies of good and evil: a series of essays upon problems of philosophy and life. N. Y. Appleton. 1898. William James, and other essays on the phi- losophy of life. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. Contents: I. William James and the philosophy of life. — II. Loyalty and insight. — III. What is vital in Christianity? — IV. Problem of truth. — V. Im- mortality. World and the individual. N. Y. Macm. 1900-1901. 2v. (Gifford lect.) Ruediger, William Carl. Principles of educa- tion. Bost. Houghton. C1910. Ruffini, Francesco. Religious liberty; tr. by J. P. Heyes. N. Y. Putnam. 1912. (Theol. transl. libr.) Rugh, Charles Edward, and others. Moral train- ing in the public schools: California prize essays. Bost. Ginn. C1907. Ruling passion. Van Dyke, H. J. Rural church. N. Y. Assoc, press. C1912. Rural life. See Country life. Rural life problem of the United States. Plun- kett, Sir H. C. Rural science series. Bacteria in relation to country life. Lip- man, J. G. Farm boys and girls. McKeever, W. A. Rural hygiene. Ogden, H. N. Rural wealth and welfare. Fairchild, G. T. Ruskin, John. [Works.] Cabinet ed. N. Y. Merrill. 26v. Contents : Arrows of the chace. — Crown of wild olive; Munera pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pente- lici. — Deucalion; King of the Golden river; Eagle's nest. — Ethics of the dust; Fiction, fair and foul; Elements of drawing. — Fors Clavigera, 4v. — Laws of Fesole; A joy forever; Our fathers have told us; Inaugural address. — Modern painters, sv. — Morn- ings in Florence; Time and tide; Art of England. — Poetry of architecture; Poems; Giotto. — Praeter- ita. — Proserpina; Ariadne Florentina. — St. Mark's rest; Lectures on art; Opening of the Crystal Palace; Elements of perspective. — Sesame and lilies; Unto this last; Queen of the air. —Seven lamps of archi- tecture; Lectures on architecture and painting. — Stones of Venice, 3V. — Two paths. — Hortus in- clusus; Miscellaneous. Adam, G. M. John Ruskin. {In Beacon lights of history, vol. 14. Lord, J.) Benson, A. C. Ruskin: a study in personal- ity. 1911. Cook, E.T. Life of John Ruskin. 1911. 2v. Gladden, W. Ruskin the preacher. (In his Witnesses of the light.) Ruskin, J. Praeterita. (In his [Works].) Autobiography. Wedgwood, J. John Ruskin. {In her Nine- teenth century teachers.) Russell, Charles Edward. Why I am a socialist. N. Y. Hodder. C1910. Russell, Charles E. B., and Rigby, Lilian M. Working lads' clubs. Lond. Macm, 1908. Russell, George William Erskine. Edward King, sixtieth bishop of Lincoln: a memoir. 2d ed. N. Y. Longm. 1912. Dr. Liddon. Lond. Mowbray. 1905. (Leaders of the church.) Dr. Pusey. Lond. Mowbray. 1907. (Leaders of the church.) Russell, J. Stuart. Parousia; inquiry into the New Testament doctrine of our Lord's second coming. Lond, Daldy. 1878. Russell, Norman. Village work in India. N. Y. Revell. CI902. Russell, William S. Guide to Plymouth, and recollections of the Pilgrims. Bost. Author. 1846. Russell Sage foundation publications. Correction and prevention. Henderson, C. R., ed. 4v. Homestead. Byington, M. F. Housing reform. Veiller, L. Work accidents and the law. Eastman, C. Russia. Description. Leroy-Beaulieu, A. Empire of the Tsars and the Russians. 1902-1905. 3V. Religious history. Latimer, R. S. Under three tsars: liberty of conscience in Russia. 1856-1909, 1910. — With Christ in Russia. 1911. See also Doukhobors; Greek church; Russian church; Stundists. 254 Catalogue General Theological Library Russian church. Doctrine. Headlam, A. C. Teaching of the Russian church. {In his History, authority and theology.) — Teaching of the Russian church ; being notes on points on which it differs from the English church. 1897. Russian Jew in the United States. Bernheimer, C.S. Ruth, wife of Boaz. Guthrie, T. {In his Studies of character from the O. T.) Horton, R. F. {In his Women of the O. T.) Matheson, G. Ruth the decided. {In his Representative women of the Bible.) Oxenden, A. Story of Ruth. 1878. Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Gideon to Absalom.) Rutherford, Samuel. Letters, with a sketch of his life by A. A. Bonar. N. Y. Carter. 1875. Ryan, John Augustine. A living wage, its ethical and economic aspects. N. Y. Macm. 1906. Rydberg, Viktor. Teutonic mythology; tr. by R. B. Anderson. Lond. Sonnen- schein. 1889. Ryle, Herbert Edward. Canon of the Old Testa- ment. Lond. Macm. 1895. E^rly narratives of Genesis. Lond. Macm. 1892. Ezra and Nehemiah, with introduction [and] notes. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1893. (Cambr. Bible.) and James, Montague Rhodes, eds. and trs. Psalms of the Pharisees. See Bible. O. T. Pseudepigrapha. Ryley, George Buchanan. Scotland's Free church. 1843-1893. N. Y. Randolph, [1893.] Sabatier, Louis Auguste. The apostle Paul: a sketch of the development of his doc- trine. N. Y. Pott. 1 89 1. Doctrine of the atonement. N. Y. Putnam. 1904. (C. t. 1.) Outlines of a philosophy of religion based on psychology and history. N. Y. Pott. 1897. Religions of authority and the religion of the spirit; tr. by L. S. Houghton. N. Y. McClure. 1904. Vitality of Christian dogmas; tr. by Mrs. E. Christen. Lond, Black. 1898. Sterrett, J. M. Sabatier, Harnack and Loisy. {In his Freedom of authority.) Sabatier, Paul. Disestablishment in France. (Tr. by] Robert Dell. N. Y. Scribner. 1906. Life of St. Francis of Assisi. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1894. Modernism; tr. by C. A. Miles. N. Y. Scribner. 1908. (Jowett lect.) Open letter to His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons apropos of his interview on the separation of church and state in France; tr. by J. R. Slattery. Bost. Sherman. 1908. Sabbath. Floody, R. J. Scientific basis of Sabbath and Sunday. 1906. Gilfillan, G. Sabbath viewed in the light of reason, revelation and history, n. d. [Gray, G. S.] Eight studies of the Lord's day. 1884. Sabbath — Continued. Maurice, F. D. The Old Testament Sab bath; The New Testament Sabbath. {In his [Five sermons].) Proctor, R. A. Saturn and the Sabbath of the Jews. {In his Our place among infini- ties.) See also Sunday. Sabine, Lorenzo. Biographical sketches of loyalists of the American revolution. Bost. Little. 1864. 2v. Sacerdotalism. Sheldon, H. C. Sacerdotal- ism in the nineteenth century; a critical history, CI909. Sacraments, Candlish, J, S. The Christian sacraments. 7th thous. n, d. (Hdbks. for Bible classes.) E^ton, A. W. The sacraments. {In his Heart of the creeds.) Inge, W. R. The sacraments. {In Conten- tio veritatis: essays in constructive theol- ogy.) Lambert, J. C. The sacraments in the New Testament. 1903. (Kerr lect.) Paget, F. Sacraments. {In Lux mundi. Gore, C, ed.) Stone, J. S. The Christian sacraments. 1866. See also Baptism ; Lord's Supper. Sacred books of the East. Mtiller, F, M,, transl. Sacrifice. Ames, E. S, {In his Psychology of religious experiencCi chap. VH.) Cave, A. Scriptural doctrine of sacrifice. 1877. Du Bose, W. P, High priesthood and sacri- fice. 1908. Garvie, A. E, Sin, sacrifice and atonement in the religions of the world, and the cross of Christ, {In his Christian certainty amid the modern perplexity,) Gold, W, J. Sacrificial worship. 1903. Holland, H. S. {In his Logic and life; ser- mons. VI-IX.) Jevons, F. B. Sacrifice. {In his Introduction to the study of comparative religion, pp. 175-210.) Maclaren, A. The Christian sacrifice. {In his Christ's musts, and other sermons.) Maurice, F. D. Doctrine of sacrifice deduced from the Scriptures; sermons. 1879. — Perfect sacrifice. {In his Christmas day, and other sermons.) Sanday, W. Different conceptions of priest- hood and sacrifice. 1900. See also Atonement. Sadhuism, Hindu asceticism. Oman, J, C, Mystics, ascetics and saints of India, 2d impr. 1905. Sadler, Michael Ernest, joint author. See Riley, A., and others. Sadler, Michael Ferrebee. Church doctrine, Bible truth. 4th ed, N, Y. Pott. 1869. Sadler, Thomas. Prayers for a Christian family. Lond. Whitfield. 1864. Safiord, Oscar F. Hosea Ballou. Bost. Uni- versalist publ. house, 1889. Sahler, Charles Oliver. Psychic life and laws. N. Y. Fowler. C1901, St. Bartholomew, Massacre of. Acton, J. E. E. D-. The massacre of St, Bar- tholomew, {In his History of freedom, and other essays.) Catalogue General Theological Library 255 St. Bartholomew, Massacre of — Continued. Fisher, G. P. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. (In his Discussions in history and theology.) Froude, J. A. (In his History of England, vol. X.) Thompson, J. W. (In his Wars of religion in France.) St. Cyres, Stafford Harry Northcote, viscount. Pascal. N. Y. Dutton. 1910. St. George's church. New York City. See New York City. St. John, Charles Elliott. Religion of the dawn. Bost. A. U. A. n. d. St. John, Edward Porter. Child nature and child nurture; a text book. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1911. Stories and story-telling in moral and religious education. Bost. Pilgrim press. 1910. St. John's Church, Portsmouth, N. H. See Portsmouth, N. H. Saints. Delehaye, H. Legends of the saints; an introduction to hagiography; tr. by Mrs. V. M. Crawford. 1907. (Westm. libr.) Hutton, W. H. Influence of Christianity upon national character illustrated by the lives and legends of the English saints. 1903. (Bamp. lect.) See also Religious biography. Saints and heroes. 2v. Hodges, G. Saints' everlasting rest. Baxter, R. Sakurai, Tadayoshi. Human bullets; a sol- dier's story of Port Arthur; tr. by M. Honda, ed. by A. M. Bacon. Bost. Hough- ton. 1908. Sale, George, transl. See Koran. Saleeby, Caleb Williams. Parenthood and race culture; an outline of eugenics. N. Y. Moffat. 1909. Salem. North Church. First centenary of the North Church in Salem, Massachusetts. 1873- Sallmon, William Henry, ed. Culture of Chris- tian manhood; Sunday mornings in Battell Chapel, Yale University. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1898. Sallust (Caius Sallustius Crispus). [Works, genuine and attributed.] Literally trans- lated by ).^ S. Watson, with notes. N. Y. Harper. 1855. (Harper's classical libr.) Salmon, George. Human element in the gospels. N. Y. Di^'ton. 1907. Infallibiu.Qi of the church. Lond. Murray. 1890. Non-miraculous Christianity, and other ser- mons./ Lond. Macm. 1881. Sabnond,; Stewart Dingwall Fordyce. Christian doct- ine of immortality. 4th ed. Edin. Cl^rk. 1 90 1. St. Mark; introduction, notes, etc. N. Y. Frowde. n. d. (New century Bible.) Saloon, The. Barker, J. M. The saloon problem and social reform. Bost. Everett press. 1905. Salt, Henry Stephens. Animals' rights con- sidered in relation to social progress. N. Y. Macm. 1894. Salvation. Barry, H. A. Am I of the chosen? 1897- Beecher, H. W. Ground of salvation. (In his Sermons, 5th ser.) Salvation — Continued. Bellows, H. W. Salvation: the modern meaning of the word. (In his Twenty-four sermons.) Bushnell, H, Christ and His salvation in sermons variously related thereto. 3d ed. 1866. Caird, E. Salvation here and hereafter. (In his Lay sermons and addresses.) Cone, O. Salvation. 1889. Cox, S. Salvator mundi; or. Is Christ the Saviour of all men? 1880. Drummond, H. Three facts of salvation. (In his Ideal life.) Erskine, T. Unconditional freeness of the gospel. 1879. Mackenzie, W. D. The Christian message of salvation. (In his Final faith.) Morris, E. D. Is there salvation after death? C1887. Stevens, G. B. Christian doctrine of salva- tion. 1905. (Int. theol. libr.) Walker, J. B. Philosophy of the plan of salvation. 1850. See also Redemption; Soteriolog^. Salvation army. Friederichs, H. Romance of the Salvation army. 1907. Haggard, H. R. Regeneration: account of the social work of the Salvation army in Great Britain. 1910. See also Booth, William. Samaritans. Montgomery, J, A. The Samari- tans, the earliest Jewish sect; their history, theology and literature. 1907. (Bohleh lect.) Samson. Lang, J. M. (In his Gideon and the judges.) (Men of the Bible.) Townsend, W. J. Samson. (In Men of the O. T.: Cain to David. Milligan, G., and others.) Whyte, A. (In his Bible characters: Gideon to Absalom.) Samuel, Hebrew propliet. Brooke, S. A. Call of Samuel. (In his The O. T. and mod- ern life.) Campbell, R. J. The call of Samuel. (In his Song of ages.) Deane, W. J. Samuel and Saul; their lives and times. (Men of the Bible.) King, E. The call of Samuel. (In his Love and wisdom of God.) Matheson, G. Samuel the seer. (In his Representative men of the Bible, vol. I.) Meyer, F. B. Samuel the prophet. (O. T. heroes.) Newman, J. H. Divine calls. (In his Parochial and plain sermons, vol. VIII.) Simpson, P. C. Samuel. (In Men of the O. T.: Cain to David. Milligan, G., and others.) Spaulding, H. G. (In his Hebrew prophets and kings.) Whyte, A. (In his Bible characters: Gideon to Absalom.) Samuels, Edward Augustus. Birds of New Eng- land. Bost. Noyes. 1870. Sanctification. See Christian perfection; Holi- ness; Holy Spirit. Sanctuaries. Cox, J. C. Sanctuaries and sanctuary seekers of mediaeval England. 1911. 256 Catalogue General Theological Library Sanday, William. Christologies, ancient and modern. Oxford. Univ. press. CI910. Criticism of the fourth gospel. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1905. (Morse lect.) Different conceptions of priesthood and sacrifice. Lond, Longm. 1900. Epistle to the Romans. Lond, Cassell. (Handy commentary.) Epistle to the Galatians. Lond. Cassell. (Handy commentary.) Examination of Harnack's " What is Chris- tianity?" Lond. Longm, 1901. Gospels in the second century. Lond. Macm. 1876. Inspiration. Lond, Longm, 1893. (Bamp. lect.) Life of Christ in recent research. N, Y. Oxf, Univ, press. 1 907. Oracles of God; nine lectures on biblical inspiration. 3ded. Lond. Longm. 1891. Outlines of the life of Christ. N, Y. Scrib- ner. 1908, ed. Studies in the Synoptic problem; by members of the University of Oxford. Ox- ford. Clarendon press. 191 1. Sanders, Frank Knight. Messages of the proph- ets; arranged in order of time, analysed, and freely rendered in paraphrase. N. Y, Scribner. 1899. 2 v. (Messages of the Bible. and Fowler, Henry Thatcher. Outlines for the study of biblical history and literature. N. Y. Scribner, 1906. (Hist. ser. for Bible students.) Sanders, Henry Martyn. Message of the church in collect, epistle and gospel. Lond, etc. Longm, 1909. 2v. Sanderson, Joseph, ed. Thoughts for the occasion, patriotic and secular. See Thoughts for the occasion. Sandwich Islands. See Hawaiian Islands. Sanford, Alexander E. Pastoral medicine: a handbook for the Catholic clergy. New ed, N, Y, Wagner, C1905, Sanford, Ellas Benjamin, ed. See Inter-church conference on federation, Sankey, Ira David. Story of the gospel hymns. 3d ed. Phila. S, S, times co, 1906, Sanskrit literature. See India, Santayana, George. Three philosophical poets, Lucretius, Dante and Goethe, Camb, Univ, press. 1910. (Harv, studies in comp, lit.) Sarah, wife of Abraham. Gottheil, G, Sarah, {In Women of the Bible. Chadwick, J. W., and others.) Horton, R. F, Sarah ; the mother of the faith- ful, {In his Women of the O. T.) Matheson, G. Sarah the steadfast, {In his Representative women of the Bible.) Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Adam to Achan.) Satolli, Francis, card. Loyalty to church and state. 2ded. Bait, 1895, Speeches and addresses in America, Saul, first king of Israel. Davidson, A, B. Saul's reprobation. [Sermon.] (/» Ai-s Called of God.) Deane, W. J, Samuel and Saul; their lives and times, (Men of the Bible.) Saul, first king of Israel — Continued, Milligan, G, Saul, {In Men of the O. T.: Cain to David, Milligan, G,, and others.) Whyte, A, {In his Bible characters: Gideon to Absalom,) Savage, Henry Edward. Gospel of the king- dom; or. The Sermon on the Mount in the light of contemporary Jewish thought and ideals. Lond. Longm. 1910. Savage, Minot Judson. Belief in God, Bost. Ellis, 1884. Our Unitarian gospel. Bost. Ellis, 1898. Religion of evolution, Bost, Lockwood, 1876, Savonarola, Girolamo. Ascension of Christ. {In World's great sermons, vol. I. Kleiser, G.fComp.) Clarke, J, F, Savonarola and the Renais- sance, {In his Events and epochs in relig, hist,) Crawford, W. H, Girolamo Savonarola, a prophet of righteousness, C1907, (Men of the kingdom.) Herrick, S. E. {In his Some heretics of yesterday.) Hodges, G. {In his Saints and heroes.) Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 3,) Villari, P. Life and times of Girolamo Savonarola. 1896, Sawyer, Roland D. The making of a socialist. Westwood. Ariel press, [191 1.] Sawyer, Thomas Jefferson. Endless punish- ment in the words of its advocates. Bost. Universalist pub, house, 1880. Sayce, Archibald Henry. Ancient empires of the East. N, Y. Scribner. 1886. Archaeology of the cuneiform inscriptions. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1907. E^rly Israel and the surrounding nations. N.Y, Herrick, 1899, Fresh light from the ancient monuments, 5th ed, Lond. Rel. tract soc. 1890. (By- paths of Bible knowledge.) " Higher criticism " and the verdict of the monuments, 5th ed, Lond. S, P. C. K, 1895- Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religioa of the ancient Babylonians, Lond. Williams, 1887. (Hibbert lect,) Patriarchal Palestine, Lond.^t S. P, C. K. 1895- Races of the Old Testament. Lond, Rel. tract soc, 1891, Religions of ancient Egypt and Babylonia. Edin. Clark. 1902. (Gifford ft:t.) ed. Records of the past ; English tra= islations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia, New series. Lond.' Bag- ster. 6v. Sayers, John W. The more excellent sacrifice: Memorial-day sermons. Cine. Jennings. [1905.] Sayings of Christ, See Bible. N. T. Apocry- phal books. Scepticism, Modern scepticism, 1871. Momerie, A. W. Modern scepticism and modern faith. 1910. Post, T. M. Skeptical era in modern history. 1856, Catalogue General Theological Library 257 Scepticism — Continued. Schiller, F. C. S. Scepticism. {In his Riddles of the Sphinx.) Shakspeare, C. Ancient and modern scep- ticism. {In his St. Paul at Athens: ser- mons.) Young, J. R. Modern scepticism. 1865. Zeller, E. Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics. 1870. See also Christianity and scepticism; Unbelief. Schaffle, Albert Eberhard Friedrich. Quintes- sence of socialism; tr. from 8th Germ. ed. under the supervision of B. Bosanquet. 5th ed. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1894. Schaff, David Schley. Life of Philip Schaff. N. Y. Scribner. 1897. The middle ages. N. Y. Scribner. 1907- 19 10. 2v. (Schaff, P. History of the Christian church, vol. V, pts. 1-2.) Schaff, Philip. America: sketch of the political, social and religious character of the United States of North America in two lectures delivered at Berlin. N. Y. Scribner. 1855- Christ and Christianity. N. Y. Scribner. 1885. Companion to the Greek Testament and the English version. N. Y. Harper. 1883. Creeds of Christendom. N. Y. Harper. 1877. 3v. Germany: its universities, theology and reli- gion. Phila. Lindsay. 1857. History of the apostolic age. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1868. History of the Christian church. N. Y. Scribner. 1882-1910. 8v. L Apostolic Christianity. II. Ante-Nicene Christianity. III. Nicene and post-Nicene Christianity. IV. Mediaeval Christianity. V. Middle ages. Pts. i-2. VI. German reformation. VII. Swiss reformation. 2d ed. Completed by hia son, D. S. SchafF, who wrote vol. V, pts. 1-2. Person of Christ. N. Y. Scribner. 1866. St. Chrysostom and St. Augustine. N. Y. Whittaker. 1891. ed. Anglo-American. Bible revision. 1879. ed. Christ in song: hymns of Immanuel from all ages. N. Y. Randolph. ci868. ed. Select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church, [ist ser.] N. Y. Christ, lit. co. 1886-90. 14V. ed. Teaching of the twelve apostles. 1890. See Teaching of the twelve apostles. and Prime, Samuel Irenseus, eds. See Evangelical Alliance. and Wace, Henry, eds. Select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church. [2d ser.] N. Y. Christ, lit. CO. 1890-1900. 14V. Schaff, D. S. Life of Philip Schaff. 1897. Schapiro, Jacob Salwyn. Social reform and the reformation. N. Y. Columb Univ. 1909. Schauffler, Adolphus Frederick. Pastoral leader- ship of Sunday school forces. Nashville [Tenn.]. S. S. bd.. So. Bapt. conv. [1903]. The teacher, the child and the Book; practical suggestions and methods for Sunday-school workers. Bost. Wilde. C1901. SchaufSer, Adolphus Frederick — Continued. Ways of working. Bost. Wilde. C1895. and others. Training the teacher. Phila. S. S. times. CI908. Schaiiffler, Robert Haven, ed. Christmas, its origin, celebration and significance as related in prose and verse. 1907. (Our American holidays.) Memorial day; with a non-sectional anthol- ogy of the Civil war. N. Y. Moffat. 1911. Schechter, Solomon. Some aspects of rabbinic theology. N. Y. Macm. 1909. Studies in Judaism. N. Y. Macm. 1896. Fourteen essays, biographical, critical and histarical. ScHELLiNG, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von. Watson, J. Schelling's transcendental idealism. 1882. (Griggs' philos. classics.) Schenck, William Edward. Children in heaven. Phila. Presb. bd. of pub. C1865. Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio. Astronomy in the Old Testament. Oxford. Clarendon press. 1905. Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott. Riddles of the sphinx. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1910. Studies in humanism. Lond. Macm. 1907. Schiller, Johann C. F. von. William Tell. Providence. Cranston. 1838. Schlegel, Friedrich Karl Wilhelm von. Philoso- phy of history. N. Y. Appleton. 1841. 2V. Philosophy of life, and philosophy of language; tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. Lond. Bohn. 1847. (Bohn's standard libr.) Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst. Life as unfolded in his autobiography and letters; tr. by F. Rowan. Lond. Smith, i860. 2V. On religion: speeches to its cultured despisers; tr. by John Oman. Lond. K.Paul. 1893. Selected sermons; tr. by M. F. Wilson. N. Y. Funk. n. d. (For. bibl. libr.) Brastow, L. O. {In his Representative modern preachers.) Cross, G. Theolog>' of Schleiermacher: a condensed presentation of his chief work, " The Christian faith." C1911. Selbie, W. B. Schleiermacher: a critical and historical study. 19 13. Schmid, Christian Friedrich. Biblical theology of the New Testament; tr. by G. Venables. Edin. Clark. 1870. (For. theol. libr.) Schmid, Rudolf von. The scientific creed of a theologian; tr. by J. W. Stoughton. N. Y. Armstrong. 1906. Theories of Darwin ; tr. by G. A. Zimmerman. Chi. Jansen. 1883. Schmidt, Charles Guillaiune Adolphe. Social results of early Christianity; tr. by M. Thorpe. Lond. Isbister. 1885. Schmidt, Eduard Oskar. Doctrine of descent and Darwinism. N. Y. Appleton. 1883. (Int. sci. ser.) Schmidt, Nathaniel. Messages of the poets; books of Job and Canticles and some minor poems in the Old Testament; with intro- ductions, metrical translations and para- phrases. N. Y. Scribner. 191 1. (Mes- sages of the Bible.) Prophet of Nazareth. N. Y. Macm. 1905. 258 • .cLl^M^K V.' '. .«. .VC VrV ^ Catalogue General Theological Library Schmiedel, Paul Wilhelm. Jesus in modern criticism. Lond. Adam. 1907. Johannine writings. Lond. Black. 1908. Schofield, Alfred Taylor. Christian sanity. N. Y. Armstrong. 1908. Force of mind; or, The mental factor in medicine. N. Y. Funk. 1903, Knowledge of God, its meaning and power. N. Y, Funk. 1905. Unconscious mind. N. Y. Funk. 1907. Scholasticism. McGiffert, A. C. {In his Protestant thought before Kant.) Rickaby, J. Scholasticism. (Philosophies anc. and mod.) Taylor, H. O. (In his Mediaeval mind, vol. II.) School and society. 3d ed. Dewey, J. School of applied ethics. Philanthropy and social progress: seven essays by Jane Addams (and others], N. Y. Crowell. C1893. Schopeilhauer, Arthur. [Schopenhauer series: being selections from the writings of Arthur Schopenhauer, ed. and tr. by T. B. Saun- ders.] N. Y. Macm. n. d. 5v. 1. Wisdom of life. 2. Counsels and maxims. 3. Religion: a dialogue; and other essays. 4. Art of literature. 5. Studies in f>essimism. World as will and idea, tr. by R. B. Haldane and J. Kemp. 3d ed. Lond. K. Paul. 1896. 3v. ^ Whittaker, T. Schopenhauer. (Philosophies anc. and mod.) Schouler, James. Eighty years of union; a short history of the United States. 1783- 1865. N. Y. Dodd. 1903. History of the Civil war. 1861-1865. N. Y. Dodd. C1899. (Hist, of the United States of America under the constitution, vol. VI.) Schouler, William. History of Massachusetts in the Civil war. Bost. Dutton. 1868. Schrader, Eberhard. Cuneiform inscriptions and the Old Testament; tr. by O. C. White- house. Lond. Williams. 1885, 2v. Schreiner, Olive. Woman and labor, N. Y. Stokes. 191 1. Schreiner, Mrs. S. C. Cronwright (Ralph Iron, pseud.) See Schreiner, O. Schubert, Hans von. Outlines of church his- tory; tr. by M. A. Canney. N. Y. Put- nam. 1907. Schulte, John. Roman Catholicism, old and new, from the standpoint of the infallibility doctrine. N. Y. Worthington. 1877. Schultz, Hermann. Old Testament theology; tr. by J. A. Paterson. Edin, Clark, 1892, 2V. Outlines of Christian apologetics; tr, by A, B, Nichols, N, Y, Macm, 1905, Schumacher, Gottlieb. Across the Jordan: being an exploration and survey of part of Hauran and Jaulan. Lond, Bentley, 1886. Schurman, Jacob Gould. Agnosticism and religion. N. Y. Scribner, 1896. Belief in God; its origin, nature and basis. N. Y. Scribner. 1896. Schurz, Carl. Abraham Lincoln: an essay. Bost. Houghton. 1891. Schwab, Latirence Henry. Kingdom of God. N. Y. Dutton. 1907. (Bohlen lect.) Schwartz, Christian Friedrich. Pearson, H. N. Memoirs of C. F. Schwartz. 1835- Vedder, H. C. {In his Christian epoch- makers.) Schwartzkopff , Paul. Prophecies of Jesus Christ relating to His death, resurrection and second coming, and their fulfilment. Edin. Clark. 1897. Schweich lectures. Driver, S. R. Modern research as illustrating the Bible. Kennett, R. H. Composition of the book of Isaiah. Schweinitz, Edmund Alexander de. History of the church known as the Unitas Fratrum, or Unity of the Brethren. Bethlehem [Pa.]. Moravian pub. office. 1885. Schweitzer, Albert. Paul and his interpreters; a critical history. Lond. Black. 1912. Quest of the historical Jesus; a critical study of its progress from Reimarus to Wrede. Lond. Black. 1910. Science. Wallace, A. R. The wonderful cen- tury; its successes and its failures. 1904. A volume of essays and lectures. Whewell, W. History of the inductive sci- ences. 1884. 2V. See also Astronomy; Bible and science; Biol- og:y; Ethnology; Evolution; Geology; Nature; Physical geography; Political science; Religion and science. Science and a future life. Hyslop, J. H. Science and immortality. Lodge, Sir O. J. Science and immortality. Osier, W. Science of ethics. Fichte, J. G. Science of ethics. Stephen, L. Scientific Christianity. Leighton, G. Scientific faith. Johnston, H. A. Scientific management in the churches. Mathews, S. Scientific study of the Old Testament. Kittel, R. Scotland. Church history. Cunningham, J. Church history of Scotland. 1859. 2V. Dowden, J. The mediaeval church in Scot- land; its constitution, organization and law. 1910. Henderson, H. F. Religious controversies of Scotland. 1905. (Religion in literature and life.) Stephen, W. History of the Scottish church. 1894-96. 2V. See also Church of Scotland (Presbyterian); Free church of Scotland; Reformation. History. Lang, A. History of Scotland from the Roman occupation. 1901-1907. 4V. Scott, Charles Archibald Anderson. Revelation, with notes, etc. Edin. Jack. (New century Bible.) Revelation. N. Y. Armstrong. 1906, (Dev. and practical com.) Scott, Colin Alexander. Social education. Bost, Ginn, C1908. Catalogue General Theological Library 259 Scott, Ernest Findlay. Apologetic of the New Testament. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. (C. t. 1.) Fourth gospel: its purpose and theology. Edin. Clark. 1906. Historical and religious value of the fourth gospel. Bost. Houghton. 1909. Kingdom and the Messiah. Edin. Clark. 1911. Scott, George Robert White. Scott, M. D., ed. In memoriam: Rev. George Robert White Scott. 1905. Scott, Hugh Macdonald. Origin and develop- ment of the Nicene theology. Chi. Chi. Theol. Sem. press. 1896. Scott, James Brown. Hague peace conferences for 1899 and 1907: lectures. Bait. Johns Hopkins press. 1909. 2v. Scott, Robert. Pauline epistles: a critical study. Edin. Clark. 1909. (Lit. of the N. T.) and Stiles, William Curtis, eds. Cyclopedia of illustrations for public speakers; con- taining facts, incidents, stories, etc., for illustrative purposes; with cross-references. N. Y. Funk. 191 1. Scott, W. Major. Aspects of Christian mysti- cism. N. Y. Dutton. 1907. Scott, Sir Walter. Complete poetical works. [Cambr. ed.] Bost. Houghton. CI900. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, n. t. p. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 13.) Scottish divines. 1505-1872. Edin. Macniven. 1883. Scottish philosophy. McCosh, J. Scripttire, Edward Wheeler. New psychology. Lond. Scott. 1897. (Cont. sci. ser.) Thinking, feeling, doing. N. Y. Putnam. 1907. Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose. Plain introduction to the criticism of the New Testament. Lond. Bell. 1894. 2 v. Six lectures on the text of the New Testament and the ancient mss. which contain it. Camb. [Eng.] Deighton. 1875. Scudder, Doremus. Passion for reality. N. Y. Revell. C1910. Scudder, Horace Elisha. George Washington; an historical biography. Bost. Houghton. CI 886. (Riverside libr. for young people.) Scudder, Vida Dutton. Socialism and character. Bost. Houghton. 1912. Scullard, H. H. Influence of the Christian church upon the Roman empire. (In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) [Seabury, J. B.] Vision of a short life: memorial of Warren Bartlett Seabury, by his father. Camb. Riverside press. 1909. Seabury, Samuel. Theory and use of the church calendar. N. Y. Pott. 1872. Seabury, Warren Bartlett. [Seabury, J. B.] Vision of a short life; a memorial of Warren Bartlett Seabury, by his father. 1909. Seager, Henry Rogers. Introduction to eco- nomics. 3d ed. N. Y. Holt. 1908. Sears, Barnas. Hovey, A. Barnas Sears. C1902. Sears, Charles Hatch. Redemption of the city. Phila. Griffith. C1911. Sears, Edmund Hamilton. Christ in the life: sermons. Bost. Lockwood. 1877. Foregleams and foreshadows of immortality. nth ed. Phila. Claxton. 1873. Fourth gospel, the heart of Christ. 2d ed. Bost. Noyes. 1872. Regeneration. Bost. Crosby. 1854. Sermons and songs of the Christian life. Bost. Noyes. 1875. In memoriam: Edmund Hamilton Sears; Ellen Bacon Sears; Katharine Sears. 1898. Sears, Lorenzo. American literature in_ the colonial and national periods. Bost. Little. 1905- Second Advent. 5ee Jesus Christ. Second commg. Second Church, Boston. See Boston. Secret societies. New England Christian Association. Prize essays: secrecy and citizenship. 1897. See also Thoughts for the occasion, fraternal and benevolent. Noble, F., ed. Sects. Denominational reason why; giving the origin, history and tenets of the Chris- tian sects. 8th thous. 1866. Lyon, W. H. A study of the sects. 12th ed. 1907. McComas, H. C. Psychology of religious sects. C1912. See, Edwin F. Teaching of Bible classes: principles and methods. N. Y. Assoc, press. CI 905. Seeberg, Reinhold. Fundamental truths of the Christian religion; tr. by G. E. Thomson and C. Wallentin. N. Y. Putnam. 1908. (C. t. 1.) Revelation and inspiration. N. Y. Harper. 1909. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) Text-book of the history of doctrines; tr. by C. E. Hay. Phila. Luth. pub. soc. CI905. Seebohm, Frederic. Era of the Protestant revolution. 2d ed. N. Y. Scribner. 1896. (Epochs of church hist.) The Oxford reformers, John Colet, Erasmus, and Thomas More; being a history of their fellow work. Repr. from 3d ed. Lond., etc. Longm. 19 11. Seeley, John Robert. Ecce Homo; a survey of the life and work of Jesus Christ. Bost. Roberts. 1894. Natural religion. Bost. Roberts. 1882. Selbie, William Boothby. Aspects of Christ. N. Y. Hodder. [1909.] Schleiermacher; a critical and historical study. N. Y. Dutton. 1913. Selby, Thomas Gunn. Alienated crown. Cine. Jennings. 1904. Holy Spirit and Christian privilege. 5th ed. Lond. Kelly, n. d. Unheeding God, and other sermons. N. Y. Funk. Self-control. Beecher, H. W. Self-control possible to all. {In his Sermons, ist ser.) Frothingham, P. R. The pillar of self-control. {In his Temple of virtue.) Oilman, N. P. Self-control. {In Conduct as a fine art. Oilman, N. P., and Jackson, E. P.) Hillis, N. D. A man's value to society; studies in self-culture and character. 7th ed. 1897. Lyman, A. J. The three greatest maxims of the world. [Sermon.] 26o Catalogue General Theological Library Self-culture. Payot, J. Education of the will: the theory and practice of self-culture; tr. by S. E. Jelliffe from 30th French ed. 1909. Self-denial. Black, H. Culture and re- straint. [190 1.] Self-help. Smiles, S, Self -measurement. Hyde, W. D. Self-reliance. Munger, T. T. Self-reliance and courage. {In his On the threshold.) Self-sacrifice. Brooks, P. Joy of self-sacri- fice. (In his Candle of the Lord, and other sermons.) Selfishness. Cabot, E. L. (In her Everyday ethics.) Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson. The eco- nomic interpretation of history. N. Y. Macm. 1907. Principles of economics, with special reference to American conditions. N. Y. Longm. 1909. Sell, Edward. Faith of Islam. Lond. Trubner. 1880. Selleck, Willard Chamberlain. New apprecia- tion of the Bible; a study of the spiritual outcome of biblical criticism. Chi. Univ. press. 1907. Semites. Barton, G. A. Sketch of Semitic origins, social and religious. 1902. Clay, A. T. Amurru, the home of the northern Semites. 1909. Curtiss, S. I. Primitive Semitic religion to-day; a record of researches, discoveries and studies in Syria, Palestine and the Sinaitic Peninsula. 1902. Menzies, A. (In his History of religion.) Smith, W. R. Lectures on the religion of the Semites, ist ser. 1889. Thompson, R. C. Semitic magic; its origins and development. 1908. (Luzac's orien- tal religions ser.) Tiele, C. P. (In his History of religion.) See also Jews; Mohammedanism. Semitic series. Development of Muslim theology, jurispru- dence and constitutional theory. Mac- donald, D. B. Early history of Syria and Palestine. Paton, L. B. Social life of the Hebrews. Day, E. Theology and ethics of the Hebrews. Duff, A. Semple, Ellen Churchill. Influences of geo- graphic environment on the basis of Ratzel's system of anthropo-geography. N. Y. Holt. 191 1. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Morals. Added, Dis- course under the title of An after-thought, by Sir Roger L'Estrange, Knt. 4th Amer. ed. Hartford. O. D. Cooke. 1807. On benefits; tr. by A. Stewart. Lond. Bell. 1905. Farrar, F. W. (In his Seekers after God.) Sergeant, Lewis. John Wyclif, last of the schoolmen and first of the English reformers. N, Y. Putnam. 1893. Sergeant, Philip Walsingham. Great Empress Dowager of China. N. Y. Dodd. 191 1, Sermon Bible. N. Y. Funk. 1900. 11 v. Sermon illustration. Bible illustrations, with an introduction by Richard Newton. 1863. Sermon illustration — Continued. Gwynne, W., ed. Five hundred stories and illustrations. 1897. Macleod, D., ed. New cyclopaedia of illus- trative anecdote, religious and moral. 1872. Sermon on the Mount. Augustine, St. Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 1st ser., vol. VI.) Bacon, B. W. Sermon on the Mount: its literary structure and didactic purpose. 1902. Carpenter, W. B. Great charter of Christ; studies in the Sermon on the Mount. 1896. Dods, M., and others. Literal interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount; by Marcus Dods, James Denney and James Moffatt. 1905. (Little books on religion.) Dykes, J. O. Manifesto of the King: ex- position of the Sermon on the Mount. 1883. Fairbairn, A. M. Sermon on the Mount, {In his Studies in religion and theology.) Gore, C. Sermon on the Mount; a practical exposition. 1905. King, H. C. {In his Ethics of Jesus.) Lyttelton, E. Studies in the Sermon on the Mount. 1905. McAfee, C. B. Studies in the Sermon on the Mount. C1910. Park, J. E. Wonder of His gracious words; an exposition of the Sermon on the Mount. C1909. Savage, H. E. Gospel of the kingdom; or, The Sermon on the Mount considered in the light of contemporary Jewish thought and ideals. 19 10. Tholuck, F. A. G. Commentary on the Ser- mon on the Mount; tr. from the 4th ed. by R. L. Brown, i860. Waylen, H. Mountain pathways. 1912. Wright, W. B. Master and men; or. The Sermon on the Mountain practiced on the plain. C1894. Sermons. Ainsworth, P. C. Pilgrim church, and other sermons. 19 10. — Silences of Jesus, and St. Paul's hymn to love. [1913.] Aked, C. F. Courage of the coward, and other sermons. [CI907.] — Old events and modern meanings, and other sermons. [CI908.] — Wells and palm trees, cool water and abundant rest on life's rough way. [CI908.] Ames, C. G. Five points of faith. 1903. Namely: Fatherhood of God. — Brotherhood of man. — Leadership of Jesus. — Salvation by character. — Endless progress. — Sermons of sunrise. 1901. Ames, E. S. Divinity of Christ. C1911. Anglican pulpit of to-day: forty short biog- raphies and forty sermons of distinguished preachers of the Church of England. 1886. Arnold, T. Sermons. 1844. 3V. Ballou, A. Primitive Christianity and its corruptions; discourses delivered in Hope- dale, Mass. 1869-72. 3v. Banks, L. A. Honeycombs of life. 1894. — Paul and his friends. 1898. — People's Christ. 1892. — Problems of youth. 1909. — Sunday-night evangel. 191 1. Catalogue General Theological Library 261 Sermons — Continued. Beecher, H.W. Evolution and religion. 1885. — Lectures to young men. New ed. i860. — Life of Christ : without — within ; two ser- mons. 1906. — Sermon briefs; from ms. notes of un- publ. discourses, ed. by J. R. Howard and T. J. Ellinwood. [CI905.] — Sermons in Plymouth church, from verbatim reports by T. J. Ellinwood. 1st — 5th ser. 1870-72. 5v. — Sermons selected from publ. and un- publ. discourses, and rev. by their author. 1868. 2V. Bellows, H. W. Twenty-four sermons. 1886. Benson, E. W. Living theology. 1891. Benson, R. H. Friendship of Christ. 1912. Berle, A. A. Modern interpretations of the gospel life. C1899. — Truth seeker. 1897. Bigg, C. Spirit of Christ in common life. 1909. Black, H. Gift of influence. [CI908.] — Listening to God. C1906. Bonar, H. Light and truth: Old Testament. 1868. — Light and truth: the gospels. 1869. — Light and truth: the lesser epistles. 1870. Bowne, B. P. Essence of religion. 1910. Boyd, A. K. H. Towards the sunset. 1883. Bradlee, C. D. Sermons for all sects. 1888. — Sermons for the church. 1893. Brent, C. H. Liberty, and other sermons. 1906. — Splendor of the human body; a repa- ration and an appeal. 1904. Briggs, C. A. Incarnation of the Lord. 1902. Brooke, S. A. Old Testament and modern life. 1896. Brooks, F. Sermons. 1876. Brooks, P. Candle of the Lord, and other sermons. 1 881. — Light of the world, and other sermons. 1890. — New starts in life, and other sermons. 1896. — Sermons. 1878. — Sermons for the principal festivals and fasts of the church year. 1895. — Sermons preached in English churches. 1883. — Spiritual man, and other sermons. 1895. — Twenty sermons. 1887. Bushnell, H. Christ and His salvation. 1864. — God in Christ: three discourses. 1849. — Sermons for the new life. 1858. — Sermons on living subjects. 1873. — Views of Christian nurture and of subjects adjacent thereto. 1847. Butler, J. Sermons, ed. by W. E. Gladstone. 1896. Buxton, H. F. Wilmot-. Day by day duty. 1905. Caird, E. Lay sermons and addresses. 1907. Caird, J. Sermons. 1874. — University sermons. 1898. Campbell, J. L. Heavenly recognition, and other sermons. 1895. Sermons — Continued. Campbell, R. J. Choice of the highest. [1904.] — City Temple sermons. [1903.] — Keys of the kingdom, and other sermons. [1903] — Ladder of Christ, and other sermons. C1912. — New theology sermons. 1907. — Sermons addressed to individuals. 1905. — The song of ages; sermons. 1905. — Thursday mornings at the City Temple. 1908. Carpenter, W. B. Son of man among the sons of men. 1895. Chadwick, J. W. Faith of reason. 1879. Chambre, A. St. J. Sermons on the Apostles' creed. CI898. Chapman, J. W. Revival sermons. CI911. Cheyne, T. K. Hallowing of criticism: nine sermons on Elijah. 1888. Church, R. W. Advent sermons. 1886. — Village sermons. Ser. i, 3. 1895. 2 v. Clark, A. Gospel in the trees. 1868. Clark, H. W. Laws of the inner kingdom. 1909. Clarke, J. F. Sermons preached in Indiana Place chapel, Boston. 1868. Clifford, J. Gospel of gladness and its meaning for us. [Sermons.] 1912. Clow, W. M. Day of the Cross, n. d. — Secret of the Lord. n. d. Coffin, H. S. Creed of Jesus, and other ser- mons. 1907. Collier, R. L. Every-day subjects in Sunday sermons. 1870. Collyer, R. The life that now is. 1872. — Nature and life. 1869. Congreve, J. High hopes. 1875. Cox, S. Genesis of evil, and other sermons. 1880. Coyle, J. P. Imperial Christ. 1897. Coyle, R. F. Church and the times: ser- mons. 1905. Craufurd, A. H. Unknown God, and other sermons. 1895. Cuckson, J. Faith and fellowship, and other sermons. 1897. Dale, R. W. Epistle of James, and other discourses. 1895. — Jewish temple and Christian church. 1871. Davidson, A. B. Called of God. 1902. — r Waiting upon God. 1904. Davidson, J. T. Talks with young men. 1893. Dawson, W. J. The empire of love. [C1907.] — Reproach of Christ, and other sermons. [1903] — Threshold of manhood. 1889. Denney, J. Gospel questions and answers. 1896. — Way everlasting. 191 1. Dewey, O. Two great commandments: ser- mons. 1876. Dixon, A. C. The bright side of life. [1912.] Dods, M. Christ and man. n. d. Driver, S. R. Sermons on subjects connected with the Old Testament. 1892. Drummond, H. Ideal life. 1898. E., M. C. Lay sermons from the Spectator; with preface by J. St. L. Strachey. n. d. 262 Catalogue General Theological Library Sermons — Continued. Eckman, G. P. Passion week sermons. C1909. Ellis, R. Sermons preached in the First church, Boston. 1885. Farrar, F. W. Eternal hope: five sermons. 1878. — " In the days of thy youth." 1876. — The Lord's prayer: sermons. C1893, — Sermons and addresses in America. 1886. — The silence and the voices of God, and other sermons. 1875. — Voice from Sinai the eternal basis of the moral law. 1892. Figgis, J. N. Antichrist, and other sermons. 1913- Finney, C. G. Sermons on gospel themes. 1876. Fish, H. C, ed. History and repository of pulpit eloquence. 1857. 2v. " Masterpieces of pulpit eloquence," with notes, historical and explanatory. — Pulpit eloquence of the nineteenth century. 1857. Forsyth, P. T. Holy Father and the living Christ. 1898. — Missions in state and church. 1908. Fremantle, W. H. Gospel of the secular life. 1883. Frothingham, F. The Lord's song, and other sermons. 1893. Frothingham, P. R. The temple of virtue. 1907. Geer, G. J. Conversion of St. Paul. 1871. Gifford, O. P. In memoriam, and other sermons. 188 1. Gladden, W. Where does the sky begin? 1904. Goodell, C. L. Pathways to the best. 1907. Gordon, A. J. Grace and glory. cl88o. Gordon, G. A. Great assurance. 1910. — Through man to God. 1906. Gospel invitation: sermons related to the Boston revival of 1877. Goulburn, E. M. Everlasting punishment. 1880. Greene, J. M. Looking on the bright side. Greer, D. H. From things to God. C1893. — Visions: Sunday morning sermons. 1898. Gunsaulus, F. W. Paths to power. [CI905.] — Paths to the city of God. [C1906.] Gwatkin, H. M. Eye for spiritual things, and other sermons. 1906. Hall, A. C. A. Forgiveness of sins. 1908. Hall, F. O. Soul and body. 1909. Hare, J. C. Victory of faith. 1874. Haweis, H. R. Thoughts for the times. 1872. Henson, P. S. Four faces. C1911. Hepworth, G. H. We shall live again; sermons. 1903. Herford, B. Sermons of courage and cheer. 1894- Hitchcock, R. D. Eternal atonement. 1888. Hodges, G. Christianity between Sundays. C1892. — Heresy of Cain. 1894. — Human nature of the saints. C1904. — In this present world. 1897. — Year of grace. [CI906.] Sermons — Continued . Holden, J. S. Supposition and certainty. 1908. Holland, C. Practical preaching for priests and people. 1901. 2v. Holland, H. S. Logic and life. 1882. and others. Abreast of the times: sermons on social subjects. 1894. Hopkins, M. Teachings and counsels. 1884. Hort, F. J. A. Village sermons. 1897. Call of the Master. [1904.] H. Thanksgiving sermons. H. E. Howe, R. Hughes, C1909. Hunter, J. De profundis clamavi, and other sermons. 1908. — God and life. 1910. Huntington, F. D. Christ in the Christian year. 1878. Huntington, W. R. A good shepherd, and other sermons. [C1906.] Hutton, J. A. Fear of things. 191 1. Ingram, A. F. W. Attractiveness of good- ness: sermons. [1913.] — Gospel in action. C1906. — Love of the Trinity, n. d. — Men who crucify Christ. ci896. — Mysteries of God. 19 10. Iverach, J. Other side of greatness, and other sermons. 1906. Jacobus, M. W. Christian's heritage, other sermons. 1878. James, J. G. Problems of prayer, n. d. Jefferson, C. E. Doctrine and deed, pounded and illustrated in seventeen mons. [1901.] — The new crusade; occasional sermons and addresses. [1907.] — Things fundamental: thirteen discourses in modern apologetics. [1903.] Jones, J. D. Elims of life, and other sermons. 1904. — Gospel of grace. [1909.] — Things most surely believed. [1909.] Joseph, M. Ideal in Judaism, and other sermons. 1893. Jowett, J. H. Brooks by the traveller's way. 1906. — Transfigured church. C1910. Kelman, J. Ephemera eternitatis; short . studies in life here and hereafter, arranged for the Sundays of the Christian year. and ex- ser- [1911.] King, E. King, T 1877. Kingman, H. Kingsley, C. — Sermons Love and wisdom of God. 1910. S. Christianity and humanity. Way of honor. C1911. Good news of God. 1859. for the times. 1856. — Twenty-five village sermons. 1854. Kleiser, G., comp. The world's great sermons. [C1908.] lov. Lawrence, W. Visions and service. 1896. Liddon, H. P. Clerical life and work. 1894. — Easter in St. Paul's. 1885. 2v. — Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 1st and 2d ser. 1869-70. 2v. — Some elements of religion. 1872. Lilley, A. L. Adventus regni: being sermons chiefly on the parables of the kingdom. 1907. Loomis, H. Land of shadowing wings. 1873. Lorimer, G. C. The modern crisis in religion. [1904.] Catalogue General Theological Library 263 Sermons — Continued. Lyman, A. J. The three greatest maxims of the world. C1911. McArthur, R. S. Advent, Christmas, New Year, Easter, and other sermons. CI908. McConnell, F. J. Christian focus. C1911. McGowan, F. X. Sermons and moral dis- courses. 2V. Macgregor, W. M. Some of God's ministries. 1910. Mackay, D. S. Religion of the threshold, and other sermons. 1908. Mackay, W. M. Woman of tact and other Bible types of modern women. [1912.] McKenzie, A. Cambridge sermons. C1883. — Door opened. 1898. McKim, R. H. The gospel in the Christian year and in Christian experience; practical sermons for the people, Advent to Trinity. 1902. Maclaren, A. Beatitudes, and other sermons. 1896. — Christ's musts, and other sermons. 1894. — Secret of power, and other sermons. 1882. — Sermons preached in Manchester, ist- 3d sen 5th, 3d and 2d ed. 1873-4. 3V. — A year's ministry. ist and 2d ser. 1884-5. 2V. Macleane, D., ed. Famous sermons by English preachers, with introductory notes. 191 1. McLeod, M. J. Unsearchable riches. C1911. McNeill, J. Sermons. C1890. Vols. I, III. Magee, W. C. Gospel and the age. 1884. — Sermons. 1888. Manning, J. M. Sermons and addresses. 1889. Marjoribanks, T. Sevenfold I Am. 1913. (Short course ser.) Martin, S. Comfort in trouble; sermons preached in Westminster Chapel. 1878. Martineau, J. Endeavors after the Chris- tian life. 1 88 1. — Hours of thought on sacred things. 1st and 2d ser. 1876. 2v. Marvin, F. R. Christ among the cattle: sermon. 5th ed. 1908. — Consecrated womanhood. 1903. Maurice, F. D. Christmas day, and other sermons. 1853. — Doctrine of sacrifice deduced from the Scriptures. 1879. — Epistles of St. John. 1890. [Five sermons.] 1853. Namely : The O. T. Sabbath. — The N. T. Sabbath. — The Crystal Palace. — Character of the warrior. — Divine interpretation of history. — Gospel of St. John. 188^. — Gospel of the kingdom of heaven. 1888. — Ground and object of hope for mankind. 1868. — The Lord's prayer; nine sermons. 1 872. — Patriarchs and lawgivers of the Old Testament. 1890. — Prayer-book considered especially in reference to the Romish system and the Lord's prayer. 1880. — Prophets and kings of the Old Testament. 1853- — Sermons preached in country churches, 1880. Sermons — Continued. Meyer, F. B. Future tenses of the blessed life. CI 892. Milligan, W. Ascension and heavenly priest- hood of our Lord. 1892. — Resurrection of our Lord. 1884. Mills, B. F. God's world, and other sermons. C1894. Moffatt, J. Reasons and reasons. [Sermons.] [191 1.] Momerie, A. W. Agnosticism: sermons. 1887. — Church and creed: sermons. 1890. — Defects of modern Christianity, and other sermons. 1888. — Inspiration, and other sermons. 1890. — Origin of evil, and other sermons. 1888. Montague, R. Heaven: six sermons. 1896. Moody, p. L., and others. Gospel awakening; comprising the sermons and addresses of the revival meetings conducted by Moody and Sankey. 1879. Morrison, G. H. Afterglow of God. 19 12. — Flood-tide. n. d. — Return of the angels. 1909. — Sun-rise. n. d. — Unlighted lustre. 1906. — Wings of the morning. 1907. Mortimer, A. G. Lenten preaching. 1902. Moule, H. C. G. Faith: its nature and its work. 1909. Mozley, J. B. Sermons, parochial and occa- sional. 1889. — Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, and on various occasions. 1876. Munger, T. T. Appeal to life. 1887. — Freedom of faith. 1883. Murray, W. H. H. Music-hall sermons. 1870. New, C. Sermons preached in Robertson St. Chapel, Hastings. 1881. Newell, W. Discourses and F>oems. 1882. Newman, J. H., card. Fifteen sermons preached before the University of Oxford between 1826 and 1842. New impr. 1909. — Parochial and plain sermons. 1870. 8v. — Selections adapted to the seasons of the ecclesiastical year; from [his] Parochial and plain sermons. 9th impr. 1907. Newton, R. The great Pilot and His lessons. .1873- Nicoll, W. R. Sunday evening, n. d. Noble, F. A. Divine life in man, and other sermons. C1895. Odlin, J. E. New concepts of old dogmas: a book of sermons. C1892. Paget, F. Spirit of discipline: sermons. 1896. — Studies in the Christian character. 1895. Park, E. A. Discourses on some theological doctrines as related to the religious charac- ter. 1885. — Memorial collection of sermons, compiled by his daughter [Agnes Park]. [C1902.] Parker, J. City Temple pulpit. 1882. Parker, T. Discourse of matters pertaining to religion. 1847. — Sermons of theism, atheism, and the popular theology. 1853. — Speeches, addresses, and occasional ser- mons. 1852. 2V. 264 Catalogue General Theological Library Sermons — Continued. Parkhurst, C. H. Blind man's creed, and other sermons. C1883. — A little lower than the angels. [01908.] — Pattern in the mount, and other sermons. C1885. — Three gates on a side, and other sermons. 1891. Parks, L. Winning of the soul, and other sermons. 1893. Payne, C. H. Guides and guards in charac- ter-building. 1883. Peabody, A. P. Christian belief and life. 1876. — Sermons connected with the re-opening of the church of the South parish in Ports- mouth, N. H. 1859. Peabody, F. G. Afternoons in the college chapel. 1898. — Mornings in the college chapel. 1907. 2v. — Sunday evenings in the college chapel. 19H. Pentecost, G. F. Grace abounding in the forgiveness of sins. Perowne, J. J. S. Immortality: four sermons. 1870. Peters, J. P. Modern Christianity. 1909. Porter, N. Fifteen years in the chapel of Yale College. 1888. Potter, H. C. Sermons of the city. 1 88 1. Potter, W. J. Twenty-five sermons of twenty- five years. 1885. Pusey, E. B. Sermons. 1872. Rainsford, W. S. Sermons preached in St. George's. 1887. Reed, J. Hidden riches. 191 1. and Hay, H. C. Earthly problems in heav- enly light. 1905. (Bennett sermons.) — Essential needs of the soul. 1907. Robertson, F. W. " Human race," and other sermons. 1881. — Sermons on Corinthians. 1890. — Sermons preached at Brighton. New ed. 1871. — Sermons preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton. 1869-71. 2 v. Robertson, J. Corn on the mountains. Robinson, C. S. Studies in the New Testa- ment. 1880. Robinson, F. The sympathy of God. 1913. Robinson, J. A. Vision of unity. 1908. Rothe, R. Sermons for the Christian year. 1877. Sallmon, W. H., ed. Culture of Christian manhood: Sunday mornings in Battell Chapel, Yale University. 1897. Salmon, G. Non-miraculous Christianity, and other sermons. 188 1. Sayers, J. W. The more excellent sacrifice: Memorial-day sermons. [1905.] Schleiermacher, F. D. E. Selected sermons. Scotch sermons. 1880. Sears, E. H. Christ in the life. .1877. — Sermons and songs of the Christian life. 1875. Selby, T. G. Alienated crown. 1904. — Unheeding God, and other sermons. Sermons preached in the chapel of Keble College, Oxford. 1877-1888. 1889. Shakspeare, C. St. Paul at Athens: nine sermons. Sermons to the natural Sermons — Continued. Shedd, W. G. T. man. 1871. — Sermons to the spiritual man. 1884. Simpson, J. G. Christian ideals. 1908. Simpson, M. Sermons, ed. by G. R. Crooks. 1885. Smith, D. Man's need of God. Smith, G. A. Forgiveness of sins, and other sermons. 1905. Smith, W. M. Giving a man another chance, and other sermons. [C1908.] Smyth, J. K. Religion and life. 191 1. Spencer, C. B. Easter reflections. C1909. Spurgeon, C. H. Sermons. ist-9th ser. 1870-1873. 9v. — Trumpet calls to Christian energy. 1875. Stanley, A. P. Addresses and sermons at St. Andrew's. 1877. — Addresses and sermons, United States and Canada, 1878. 1879. — Sermons preached before the Prince of Wales during his tour in the East. 1862. — Westminster sermons. 1882. Stockton, T. H. Sermons for the people. 1879. Stone, A. L. Leaves from an unfinished pastorate. C1882. Talmage, T. D. Brooklyn Tabernacle: ser- mons. CI 884. Taylor, W. M. The boy Jesus, and other sermons. 1893. — Contrary winds, and other sermons. 1883. — Limitations of life, and other sermons. 1880. Temple, F. Sermons preached in Rugby school chapel, 1867-69. 3d ser. 1872. Temple, W. Repton School sermons: studies in the religion of the incarnation. 1913. Tholuck, F. A. G. Light from the cross: sermons on the Passion of our Lord. 1858. Thom, J. H. Laws of life after the mind of Christ. 1st and 2d ser. 1886-1893. 2v. — Spirituaf faith. 1895. Thomas, R. Divine sovereignty, and other sermons. C1885. a selection from [his] Pulpit of the American — Glad tidings: sermons. [C1908.] Thornton, J. W., ed. revolution, i860. Tipple, S. A. Sunday mornings at Norwood. [1909.] Van Buren, J. H. Sermons that have helped. 1908. Van Dyke, H. J. The open door. 1903. Van Ness, T. Twenty years of life: messages from a historic Boston pulpit. 1913. Vaughan, C. J. My son, give me thine heart: sermons. 1876-1878. 1878. Wadsworth, C. Sermons. 1882. 2v. Walker, W. L. True Christ. 1910. Washburn, E. A. Social law of God. CI881. Watkinson, W. L. The bane and the antidote, and other sermons. — Blind spot, and other sermons. — Education of the heart. C1904. — Fatal barter. CI909. — Studies in Christian character, work and experience. ist-2d series. [1903.] 2v. — Supreme conquest, and other sermons preached in America. C1907. Catalogue General Theological Library 265 Sermons — Continued. Watson, J. (" Ian Maclaren.") Inspiration of our faith. 1905. — Respectable sins. 2d ed. [1910.] Webb-Peploe, H. W. Life of privilege. CI 896. Wenyon, C. The creation story in the light of to-day. n. d. Westcott, B. F, Christian aspects of life. 1897. Wilberforce, A. B. O. Hope that is in us. 1909. — Power that worketh in us. 1910. Wilkinson, G. H. Heavenly vision. 1909. Williams, T. R. Evangel of the new theology. 1905- — God s open doors. 1903. Wilson, J. M. Sermons preached in Clifton college chapel, 1879-1883,1888-1890. 1883- 91. 2V. Woolsey, T. D. Religion of the present and of the future; sermons, Yale college. 1871. See also Addresses; Baccalaureate sermons; Sermons to children. Sermons to children. Banks, L. A. Sermon stories for boys and girls. 1897. Benson, E. W. Boy-life: its trial, its strength, its fulness. 1883. Buxton, H. F. Wilmot-. Short sermons for children. 1891. Byington, E. H. Children's pulpit. C1910. Crafts, W. F., ed. Talks to boys and girls about Jesus. ci88i. Everett, W. School sermons. 1882. Farrar, J. M. A junior congregation, 1884- 1908. 1908, Greenwood, F. W. P. Sermons to children. 1868. Hall, C. C. The silver cup; simple messages to children from one who loved them. 1909. Hodges, G. When the king came; stories from the four gospels. 1904. Jefferson, C. E. My Father's business. CI909. Kerr, H. T. Children's story-sermons. 191 1. Munger, T. T. Lamps and paths. 1884. Newton, R. Best things. 1871. — Bible blessings. 1872. — Bible jewels. 187 1. — Bible wonders. 1873. — The King's highway. 1873. — Nature's wonders. 1872. — Safe compass, and how it points. 1872. Newton, W. W. Little and wise. 1878. Peabody, A. P. Sermons for children. 1867. Stanley, A. P. Five sermons to children. {In Dean Stanley with the children. Humphrey, Mrs. F. A.) Servant in the house. Kennedy, C. R. Servetus, Michael. Odhner, C. T. Michael Servetus; his life and teachings. 1910. Service books. See Liturgies. Service of man. Morison, J. A. C. Service of sorrow. Hale, L. P. Seth, Andrew. Hegelianism and personality. Edin. Blackwood. 1893. (Balfour lect.) Man's place in the cosmos, and other essays. N.Y. Scribner. 1897. Two lectures on theism, sesquicentennial celebration of Princeton University. N. Y. Scribner. 1897. Seth, James. English philosophers and schools of philosophy. Lond. Dent. 1912. (Channels of English literature.) Study of ethical principles. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1908. Seton, Ernest Thompson. Boy scouts of America; a handbook of woodcraft, scout- ing and life craft. N. Y. Doubleday. 1910. Seven ages of Washington. Wister, O. Seven great hymns of the mediaeval church. 7th ed. N. Y. Randolph, n. d. Seven great statesmen. White, A. D. Seven puzzling Bible books. Gladden, W. Seven sorts of successful services. Hill, J. L. Seven words from the cross. Adams, W. H. Seven words from the cross. Gowen, H. H. Seven words from the cross. Nicoll, W. R. Sewall, Frank. Swedenborg and the ' Sapientia an|felica.' N. Y. Dodge, n. d. (Philoso- phies anc. and mod.) Sewanee theological library. Book of common prayer. Hart, S. Doctrine of the church. Hall, A. C. A. Seward, Albert Charles, ed. Darwin and modem science; essays in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of Charles Darwin, and of the fiftieth anniversary of the publica- tion of the Origin of species. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1909. Seward, William Henry. Life and public serv- ices of John Quincy Adams. N. Y. Miller. 1856. Sex. Ellis, H. Man and woman; a study of human secondary sexual characters. 4th ed. 191 1. (Cont. sci. ser.) Forster, F. W. Marriage and the sex problem ; tr. by M. Booth. 1913. Finot, J. Problems of the sexes; tr. by M. J. Safford. 1913. Lyttelton, E. Training of the young in the laws of sex. 1912. Seymour, George Franklin. What is modern Romanism? Mil. Young ch. 1888. Seymour, Michael Hobart. Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. N. Y. Harper. 1855- Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, yth earl of. Hodder, E. Life and work of the seventh E^rl of Shaftesbury. 1893- Shairp, John Campbell. Culture and religion in some of their relations. Bost. Hough- ton. Shakers. Hinds, W. A. (In his American communities and cooperative colonies.) Shakespeare, William. Complete works, ed. by W. A. Neilson. Camb. ed. Bost. Houghton. C1906. Works, ed. by R. G. White. Bost. Little. 1865. I2V. Carter, T. Shakespeare and Holy Scripture, with the version he used. 1905. Durning-Lawrence, Sir E. Bacon is Shake- speare. 19 10. Hudson, H. N. Lectures on Shakespeare. 1848. 2V. Lord, J. (In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 13.) Morison, J. H. (In his Great f>oets as reli- gious teachers.) 266 Catalogue General Theological Library Shakespeare, William — Continued. Moulton, R. G. The five literary Bibles — Shakespeare. {In his World literature.) — The moral system of Shakespeare : a popu- lar illustration of fiction as the experimental side of philosophy. 1903. Palmer, G. H. Intimations of immortality in the sonnets of Shakspere. 1912. Strong, A. H. {In his Great poets and their theology.) Stubbs, C. W. Shakespeare. {In his Christ of English poetry.) Shakspeare, Charles. St. Paul at Athens; nine sermons. N. Y. Scribner. n. d. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. Autobiography. Bost. Houghton. 1909. The individual: a study of life and death. N. Y. Appleton. 1900. Interpretation of nature. Bost. Houghton. 1893. (Winkley lect.) Nature and man in America. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1 89 1. The neighbor. Bost. Houghton. 1904. Shaler, Mrs. Sophia Penn Page. Masters of fate: the power of the will. N. Y. Duf- field. 1906. Shannan, Henry Burton. Teaching of Jesus about the future. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. Sharp, James Clement. John Cotton Brooks. Camb. Univ. press. 1909. Sharpless, Isaac. A Quaker experiment in government: history of Quaker government in Pennsylvania, 1 682-1 783. Popular ed. Phila. Ferris. 1902. 2v. in i. joint author. See Jones, R. M., and others, Shaw, George Bernard, jot'n^ author. See Webb, S., and others. Shaw, Robert Goxh^d. James, W. {In his Memories and studies.) Shedd, William Ambrose. Islam and the oriental churches, their historical relations. Phila. Presb. bd. of publ. 1908. (Stu- dents' lect. on missions, Princeton Theol. Sem.) Shedd, William Greenough Thayer. Com- mentary upon the Romans. N. Y. Scrib- ner. C1879. Doctrine of endless punishment. N. Y. Scribner. 1886. Dogmatic theology. N. Y. Scribner. 1888-94. History of Christian doctrine. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1863. 2V. Lectures upon the philosophy of history. Andover. Draper. 1856. Sermons to the natural man. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1871. Sermons to the spiritual man. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1884. Sheffield, Alfred Dwight, ed. Old Testament narrative, separated out, set in connected order, and edited. Bost. Houghton. 1910. Sheldon, Charles Monroe. In His steps. Chi. Advance pub. soc. 1898. Sheldon, Henry Clay. History of Christian doctrine. N. Y. Harper. 1886. 2 v. History of the Christian church. N. Y. Crowell. 1895. 5v. New Testament theology. N.Y. Macm. 191 1. Rudolf Eucken's message to our age. N. Y. Eaton. C1913. Sheldon, Henry Clay — Continued. Sacerdotalism in the nineteenth century; a critical history. Cine. Jennings. C1909. System of Christian doctrine. N. Y. Eiaton. [C1903.] Unbelief in the nineteenth century. N. Y. E^ton. CI 907. Sheldon, Walter Lorenzo. Ethical movement. N.Y. Macm. 1896. Ethical Sunday-school. Lond. Sonnen- schein. 1900. Shelton, Don Odell. Heroes of the cross in America. N. Y. Y. P. M. M. C1904. (Forward mission study courses.) Shepherd of Hermas. See Hermas. Sheppard, Nathan. Before an audience. 5th ed. N. Y. Funk. 1888. Darwinism stated by Darwin himself. See Darwin, C. R. Sherwell, Arthur, joint author. See Rowntree, J., and Sherwell, A. Shinn, Millicent Washburn. Biography of a baby. Bost. Houghton. CI900. Shinto. 5ee Japan. Religions. Shore, Thomas Teignmouth. Epistles to the Corinthians. Lond. Cassell. (Handy commentary.) Short course series. Beatitudes. Fisher, R. H. Cry for justice; study in Amos. McFadyen, J. E. Higher powers of the soul. M'Hardy, G. Jehovah-Jesus. Whitelaw, T. Lenten Psalms. Adams, J. Man among the myrtles. Adams, J. Psalm of psalms. Stalker, J. Sevenfold I AM. Marjoribanks, T. Short studies on great subjects. Froude, J. A. 4v. Short, Thomas Vowler. History of the Church of England to the revolution, 1688. 4th Amer. from 3d Engl. ed. N. Y. Stan- ford. 1855. Shotwell, Walter G. Life of Charles Sumner. N. Y. Crowell. C1910. Shmnaker, Elmer Ellsworth. God and man; philosophy of the higher life. N. Y. Putnam. 1909. SlAM. Campbell, J. G. D. Siam in the twen- tieth century. 1904. Siam and Laos as seen by our American mission- aries. Phila. Presb. bd. of publ. C1884. Sibylline oracles. See Bible. O. T. Pseude- pigrapha. Sicily. Freeman, E. A. Story of Sicily, Phoenician, Greek and Roman. 1892. (Story of the nations.) Sidgwick, Henry. Lectures on the ethics of T. H. Green, Herbert Spencer, and James Martineau. Lond. Macm. 1902, Methods of ethics. Lond. Macm. 1877. Practical ethics. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1898. Benson, A. C. {In his Leaves of the tree.) Sidis, Boris. Philistine and genius. N. Y. Moffat. 191 1. Psychology of suggestion. N. Y. Appleton. 1909. and Goodhart, Simon Philip. Multiple i>er- sonality: an experimental investigation into the nature of human individuality. N. Y. Appleton. [1904.] Catalogue General Theological Library 267 Sidney, Sir Philip. D., S. M. Life and times of Sir Philip Sidney. 1859, Sienkiewicz, Henryk. "Quo vadis "; tr. by J. Curtin. Bost. Little. 1898. Sikhs, a religious community in the Punjab. Griffin, Sir L. Sikhism and the Sikhs. (In Great religions of the world. Giles, H. A., and others.) Macauliffe, M. A. Sikh religion; its Gurus, sacred writings and authors. 1909. 6v. SiLLiMAN, Benjamin. Fisher, G. P. Life of Benjamin Silliman. 1866. 2 v. SiLOAM INSCRIPTION. Sayce, A. H. The Moa- bite Stone and the Siloam inscription. {In his Fresh light from the ancient monuments.) (By-paths of Bible knowledge, IL) Simcoz, William Henry. Language of the New Testament. N. Y. Whittaker. n. d. Revelation. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1893. (Cambr. Greek Test.) Revelation, with notes and introduction. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1890. (Cambr. Bible.) Writers of the New Testament : their style and chacteristics, N. Y. Whittaker. n. d. Simeon. Lewis, H. E. Simeon. (In Men of the Bible: some lesser known characters.) Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Joseph and Mary to James, the Lord's brother.) Simon, David Worthington. Bible an out- growth of theocratic life, Edin. Clark. 1886. Simon, or Simons, Menno. See Menno. Simple life. McLeod, M. J. Culture of simplicity. CI905. Simple life, The. Wagner, C. Simpson, David Capell, joint author. See Stone, D., and Simpson, D. C. Simpson, James GillUand. Christian ideals. [Sermons.] Lond. Hodder. 1908. Simpson, Matthew. Lectures on preaching. N. Y. Nelson. 1879. (Yale lect.) Sermons. N. Y. Harper. 1885. Crooks, G. R. Life of Bishop Matthew Simpson. 1891. Simpson, Patrick Carnegie. Fact of Christ. N. Y. Revell. n. d. Life of Principal Rainy. Lond. Hodder. 1909. 2V. Simpson, William John Sparrow. The resurrec- tion and modern thought. Lond., etc. Longm. 191 1. Sin. Askwith, E. H. Sin and the need of atonement. {In Cambridge theological es- says. Swete, H. B., ed.) Beecher, H. W. Sinfulness of man. {In his Evolution and religion.) Blewett, G. J. {In his Christian view of the world.) (N. W. Taylor lect.) Champion, J. B. Meaning of sin. {In his The living atonement, chap. IX.) Coffin, H. S. Sin. {In his Social aspects of the cross.) Drummond, H. Three facts of sin. {In his Ideal life.) Fisher, G. P. The Augustinian and the federal doctrines of original sin. {In his Discussions in history and theology.) Foster, R. S. Sin. 1899. Garnier, J. Sin and redemption. 1895. Sin — Continued. Garvie, A. E. Sin, sacrifice and atonement in the religions of the world and the cross of Christ. {In his Christian certainty amid the modern perplexity.) Gibbes, E. O. Origin of sin and dotted words in the Hebrew Bible. 1893. Hyde, W. D. Sin and its forgiveness. 1909. (Modern religious problems.) Mackenzie, W. D. Christian view of sin and evil. {In his Final faith, chap. V.) Martineau, J. Sin: what it is, what it is not. {In his Studies of Christianity.) Maurice, F. D. On sin. {In his Theological essays.) Miiller, J. Christian doctrine of sin, tr. by W. Urwick. 1877, 2v. Orr, J. Sin as a problem of to-day. Snowden, J. H. Sin. {In his Basal beliefs of Christianity.) Stalker, J. Sin. {In his Ethic of Jesus, chap. VI.) Straff en, G. M. Sin as set forth in Holy Scripture. 1876. (Hulsean lect.) Tennant, F. R. Concept of sin. 1912. — Origin and propagation of sin. 1906. — Sources of the doctrines of the fall and original sin. 1903. Tulloch, J. Christian doctrine of sin. 1876. Vaughan, C. J. The reign of sin. {In his Four courses of Lent lectures.) Warschauer, J. Problem of sin; Sin and human freedom. {In his The new evangel, chapters VII-VIII.) See also Crime; Evil; Fall of man; Forgive- ness; Future punishment; Predestination; Repentance; Righteousness; Salvation; Temptation. SiNAiTic peninsula. Field, H. M. On the desert. 1883. Palmer, E. H. The desert of the Exodus; journeys on foot in the wilderness of the forty years' wanderings. 1872, Ritter, K. Comparative geography of Pales- tine and the Sinaitic Peninsula; tr. by W. L. Gage. 1866. 4V. Stanley, A. P. Sinai and Palestine. 1859. Trumbull, H. C. Kadesh-Barnea: its impor- tance and probable site, with the story of a hunt for it; including studies of the route of the Exodus and the southern boundary of the Holy Land. 1884. Sincerity. Dubois, P. Sincerity. {In his Education of self.) Mackay, D. S. Sincerity. {In his Religion of the threshold.) Sinclair, William Macdonald. Leaders of thought in the English church. Lond. Hodder. 1896. Singer, Simeon, transl. Daily prayer book of the United Hebrew congregations of the British empire. 1908. Singing and voice culture. Hulbert, H. H. Breathing for voice production. 1903. Single TAX. George, H. Progress and poverty; an inquiry into the cause of industrial depressions and of increase of want with increase of wealth; the remedy. New ed. 1908. Howe, F. C. Privilege and democracy in America. 19 10. 268 Catalogue General Theological Library Sinnett, Alfred Percy. Esoteric Buddhism. Lond. Chapman. 1885. Sisson, Edward Octavius. Essentials of char- acter. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. Sister Dora. See Pattison, D. W. Six-principle Baptists. See Baptists. Sixth sense. Brent, C. H. Sixty years with the Bible. Clarke, W. N. Skelton, Oscar Douglas. Socialism: a critical analysis. Bost. Houghton. 191 1. Skinner, John. Book of Ezekiel. N. Y. Arm- strong. 1895. (Expositor's Bible.) Book of the prophet Isaiah. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1898. 2v. (Cambr. Bible.) Commentary on Genesis. N. Y. Scribner. 1910. (Int. crit. com.) Kings: introduction, revised version, notes, etc. N. Y. Frowde. n. d. (New century Bible.) SMpton, Horace Pitt Kennedy. Life and times of Nicholas Ferrar. Lond. Mowbray. 1907. Skrine, Francis Henry Bennett. Bahaism, the religion of brotherhood, and its place in the evolution of the creeds. Lond. Longm. 1912. Skrine, John Huntley. Creed and the creeds; their function in religion. Lond. Longm. 191 1. (Bamp. lect.) Slafter, Edmund Farwell. John Checkley. Bost. Prince soc. 1897. 2 v. Slater, Thomas. Manual of moral theology for English speaking countries, with notes on American legislation, by Michael Martin. N. Y. Benziger. 1908. 2 v. Slater, William Fletcher. Matthew: introduc- tion, notes, etc. N. Y. Frowde. [1901.] (New century Bible.) Slattery, Charles Lewis. Alexander Viets Gris- wold Allen. 1841-1908. N.Y. Longm. 191 1. Authority of religious experience. N. Y. Longm. 1912. (Paddock lect.) Life beyond life. N. Y. Longm. 1907. Master of the world; a study of Christ. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1906. Present-day preaching. N. Y. Longm. 1910. Slattery, Margaret. The girl in her teens. Phila. S. S. times co. ci9io. Talks with the training class. Bost., etc. Pilgrim press. 1906. Slav in the United States. Balch, E. G. Our Slavic fellow citizens. 19 10. Slavery in the United States. American slavery; reprint of an article on " Uncle Tom's cabin," of which a portion was inserted in the 296th no. of the " Edin- burgh review " and in Mr. Sumner's speech, 19th and 20th May, 1856. Channing, W. E. Remarks on the slavery question in a letter to Jonathan Phillips. 1839. Higginson, T. W. The fugitive slave epoch. {In his Cheerful yesterdays.) Hillis, N. D. Battle of principles; a study of the heroism and eloquence of the anti- slavery conflict. C1912. Parker, T. Rights of man in America. ([Works.] Cent, ed.) — The slave power. ([Works.] Cent, ed.) Phillips, W. Speeches, lectures and letters. 2V. Slicer, Thomas Roberts. Great affirmations of religion; an introduction to real religion, not for beginners, but for beginners again. Bost. A. U. A. n. d. One world at a time: a contribution to the incentives of life. N. Y. Putnam. 1902. Power and promise of the liberal faith. Bost. Ellis. 1900. Sloane, William Milligan. Life of James McCosh. N. Y. Scribner. 1897. Small, Albion Woodbixry. Meaning of social science. Chi. Univ. press. C1910. and Vincent, George Edgar. Introduction to the study of society. N. Y. Amer. book CO. CI 894. Small, Samuel W. Pleas for prohibition. Atlanta [Ga.]. 1890. Smart, George Thomas. Studies in conduct. Bost., etc. Pilgrim press. 1905. Temper of the American people. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1912. SmeUie, Alexander. Men of the covenant. 2d ed. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1904. Smiles, Samuel. Huguenots of France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. N. Y. Harper. 1874. The Huguenots: their settlements, churches, and industries in England and Ireland. N. Y. Harper. 1868. Self-help. N. Y. Amer. pub. n. d. Smiley, Sarah F. Fulness of blessing. N. Y. Randolph. C1876. Smith, Adam. Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Lond. Frowde. n. d. 2v. Smith, Arthur Henderson. China and America to-day: a study of conditions and relations. N. Y. Revell. C1907. Chinese characteristics. N. Y. Revell. C1894. Rex Christus; an outline study of China. N. Y. Macm. 1903. (United study of missions.) The uplift of China. N. Y. Y. P. M. M. 1907. (Forward miss, study courses.) Village life in China. N. Y. Revell. 1899. Smith, Charles Sprague. Working with the people. N. Y. Wessels. 1 908. A history of the People's Institute. Smith, David. Days of His flesh; earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ. N. Y. Arm- strong. 1905. Gospel according to St. Matthew. N. Y. Revell. (Westminster N. T.) The historic Jesus. N. Y. Hodder. [1912.] (Elliott lect.) Man's need of God, and other sermons. N. Y. Hodder. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth (Lee). Henry Boynton Smith; his life and work. N. Y. Arm- strong. 1 88 1. Smith, Ernest Ashton. Hildebrand: the builder. Cine. Jennings. 1908. (Men of the kingdom.) Smith, Frank. Founders of the First parish, Dover, Mass. 1908. Smith, George. Henry Martyn, saint and scholar, first modern missionary to the Mohammedans. N. Y. Revell. Life of William Carey, shoemaker and missionary. Lond. Dent. n. d. (Every- man's libr.) Catalogue General Theological Library 269 Smith, George. Short history of Christian missions. Edin. Clark. Smith, George, Assyriologist. Assyrian dis- coveries; an account of explorations and discoveries on the site of Nineveh, 1873-4. N. Y. Scribner. 1875. Chaldean account of Genesis from the cunei- form inscriptions. N. Y. Scribner. [1875.] Smith, George Adam. Book of Isaiah. N. Y. Armstrong. 1890. 2v. (Expositor's Bible.) Book of the twelve prophets. N. Y. Arm- strong. 1896. 2v. (Expositor's Bible.) Early poetry of Israel in its physical and social origins. Lond. Frowde. 1912. (Schweich lect.) Forgiveness of sins, and other sermons. N. Y. Armstrong. 1905. Four Psalms: XXIII, XXXVI, LII, CXXI; interpreted for practical use. N. Y. Dodd. 1896. Historical geography of the Holy Land, especially in relation to the history of Israel and of the early church. 3d ed. N. Y. Armstrong. 1893. Jerusalem; topography, economics and his- tory from the earliest times to A.D. 70. Lond. Hodder. 1907. 2v. Life of Henry Drummond. N. Y. Double- day. 1898. Modern criticism and the preaching of the Old Testament. N. Y. Armstrong. 1901. (Yale lect.) New topographical, physical and biblical map of Palestine. N. Y. Armstrong, Preaching of the Old Testament to the age. Lond. Hodder. 189^. Smith, Gerald Bimey. Biblical ideas of atone- ment. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. Social idealism and the changing theology; a study of the ethical aspects of Christian doctrine. N. Y. Macm. 1913. (N. W. Taylor lect.) Smith, Gipsy. See Smith, Rodney. Smith, Goldwin. The Founder of Christendom. Bost. A. U. A. 1903. Smith, Grafton Elliot. Ancient Egyptians and their influence upon the civilization of Europe. Lond. Harper. 191 1. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) Smith, Hannah Whitall (" Mrs. Pearsall Smith"). Christian's secret of a happy life. N. Y. Revell. ci888. Living in the sunshine. N. Y., etc. Revell. CI906. Smith, Henry. Spinoza and his environment; critical essay, with a translation of the Ethics. Cine. Clarke. 1886. Smith, Henry Boynton. Faith and philosophy. N. Y. Scribner. 1878. System of Christian theology. 2d ed. N. Y. Armstrong. 1884. [Smith, Mrs. E. (L.)] Henry Boynton Smith; his life and work. By his wife. 1 881. Stearns, L. F. Henry Boynton Smith. 1892. (Amer. relig. leaders.) Smith, Henry I*reserved. The Bible and Islam. N. Y. Scribner. 1897. (Ely lect.) Commentary on the books of Samuel. N. Y. Scribner. 1899. (Int. crit. com.) Old Testament history. N. Y. Scribner. 1903. (Int. theol. libr.) Smith, Henry Preserved, the younger. Life and letters of Martin Luther. Bost. Houghton. 1911. Smith, J. Frederick. Studies in rehgion under Grerman masters. Lond. Williams. 1880. Smith, James. Voyage and shipwreck of St. Paul. Lond. Longm. 1866. Smith, James Allen. Spirit of American govern- ment; a study of the constitution, its origin, influence and relation to democracy. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. Smith, John. Integrity of Scripture; plain reasons for rejecting the critical hypothesis. N. Y. Revell. 1902. Smith, Captain John. Hillard, G. S. Captain John Smith. 1902. (Amer. biog., vol. IV. Sparks, J., ed.) Smith, John B. A supplemental Bible question course of fifty-two lessons. Phila. Wattles. 1900. Smith, John Merlin Powis. Biblical ideas of atonement. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. Commentary on the books 01 Micah, Zepha- niah and Nahum. N. Y. Scribner. 191 1. (Int. crit. com.) Commentary on the book of Malachi. {In Mitchell, H. G. Haggai and Zechariah.) (Int. crit. com.) Smith, John Pye. Scripture testimony to the Messiah. 5th ed. Edin. Oliphant. 1859. 2v. Smith, Joseph. Book of doctrine and covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints. 4th European ed. Liverpool [Eng.]. Richards. 1854. Same. New ed. 191 1. Pearl of great price: selection from [his] reve- lations, translations, and narrations; by J. E. Talmage. Salt Lake City. Deseret news. 1907. Smith, Julius. Ten years in Burma. Chi. Stud. miss. libr. CI902. Smith, Justin Almerin, and Boise, James Robinson. Commentary on the Revela- tion. Phila. A. B. P. S. C1884. (Amer. com. on the N. T.) Smith, Logan Pearsall. English language. N. Y. Holt. C1912. Smith, Richard Travers. Church in Roman Gaul. Lond. S. P. C. K. (Home libr.) St. Basil the Great. Lond. S. P. C. K. (Fathers for English readers.) Smith, Rodney {Gipsy Smith). As Jesus passed by, and other addresses. N. Y. Revell. C1905. Gipsy Smith: his life and work; by himself. N. Y. Revell. 1902. Smith, Samuel George. Democracy and the church. N. Y. Appleton. 1912. Industrial conflict; a series of chapters on present-day conditions. N. Y., etc. Revell. 1907- . ... Religion in the making; a study in biblical sociology. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Smith, Southwood. Divine government. 5th ed. Lond. Triibner. 1877. Smith, Sydney. Holland, S. (S.), Lady. Memoir of the Reverend Sydney Smith. 1856. 2V. Smith, Theodate Louise, ed. Aspects of child life and education, by G. Stanley Hall and some of his pupils. Bost. Ginn. 1907. 270 Catalogue General Theological Library Smith, William Benjamin. Ecce Deus: studies of primitive Christianity. Chi. Open court. [1912.] Smith, William Henry. Church and men. N. Y. Broadway pub. co. C1910. Smith, William Robertson. Kinship and mar- riage in early Arabia. Lond. Black. 1903. Lectures and essays, ed. by J. S. Black and G. Chrystal. Lond. Black. 1912. Lectures on the religion of the Semites. 1st ser. N. Y. Appleton. 1889. Old Testament in the Jewish church; lectures on biblical criticism. N. Y. Appleton. i88i. Prophets of Israel and their place in history. N. Y. Appleton. 1882. Same. New ed. 1912. Black, J. S., and Chrystal, G. Life of William Robertson Smith. 1912. Bryce, J. {In his Studies in contemporary biography.) Smith, William Walter. Religious education; a comprehensive text book, illustrated. Mil. Young ch. 1909. Smith, Wilton Merle. Giving a man another chance, and other sermons. N. Y., etc. Revell. [C1908.] Smyth, John Paterson. Divine library: sug- gestions how to read the Bible. Lond. Bagster. 1896. How God inspired the Bible. 3d ed. Lond. S. Low. n. d. How we got our Bible. Lond. Low. 1901. The preacher and his sermon. Lond. Nisbet. 1907. Smyth, Julian Kennedy. Religion and life; sermons on some phase of the Christian life for every week in the year. N. Y. New church bd. of pub. 1911. Smyth, Newman. Christian ethics. N. Y. Scribner. 1892. (Int. theol. libr.) Modern belief in immortality. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1910. Old faiths in new light. N. Y. Scribner. ci879. Orthoidox theology of to-day. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1 88 1. Passing Protestantism and coming Catholi- cism. N. Y. Scribner. 1908. Place of death in evolution. N. Y. Scribner. 1897. Reality of faith. N. Y, Scribner. 1884. Through science to faith. N. Y. Scribner. 1902. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Smyth, Piazzi. Our inheritance in the Great Pyramid. Lond. Daldy. 1877. Smythe, William Ellsworth. Conquest of arid America. N. Y. Macm. C1907. Snead-Cox, John George. Life of Cardinal Vaughan. Lond. Herbert. 1910. 2v. Sneath, Elias Hershey. Mind of Tennyson. N. Y. Scribner. 1900. Snedden, David. Problem of vocational educa- tion. Bost. Houghton. ci9io. (River- side educ. monographs.) Snowden, James Henry. Basal beliefs of Christianity. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. World a spiritual system; an outline of meta- physics. N. Y. Macm. 1910. Snyder, Albert Whitcomb. Through the forty days; addresses for Lenten and lay reading. N. Y. Whittaker. [C1908.] Soames, Henry. The Latin church during Anglo-Saxon times. Lond. Longm. 1848. Social conscience. Nash, H. S. Genesis of the social conscience. 1897. Robinson, F. (In his College and ordination addresses.) Social diseases and marriage. Morrow, P. A. Social education. Scott, C. A. Social ethics. Addams, J. Democracy and social ethics. 1902. Guide to reading in social ethics and allied subjects, by teachers in Harvard University. 1910. Maurice, F. D. Social morality; lectures. 1886. Pea body, F. G. Approach to the social question. 1909. Stephen, L. Social rights and duties. 1896. 2V. Wallace, A. R. Social environment and moral progress. 19 13. Social evil. Addams, J. A new conscience and an ancient evil. 1912. Bell, E. A. Fighting the traffic in young girls. C1910. Committee of fifteen. The social evil with special reference to conditions existing in the City of New York; report prepared under the direction of the Committee of fifteen. 1902. Dock, L. L. Hygiene and morality. 1911. Janney, O. E. White slave traffic in America. C1911. Morrow, P. A. Social diseases and marriage. 1904. Strong, J. The social evil. {In his Studies in the gospel of the kingdom. 1912.) Vice commission of Chicago. The social evil in Chicago: a study of existing condi- tions, with recommendations. [3d ed.] 1911. Willson, R. N. American boy and the social evil from a physician's standpoint. 1905. Social evolution. Kidd, B. Social justice. Willoughby, E. W. Social message of the modern pulpit. Brown, C. R. Social problems. Chesterton, G. K. What's wrong with the world? 1910. Farrar, F. W. Social and present day ques- tions. C1891. Gladden, W. The new idolatry, and other discussions. 1905. Henderson, C. R. Social problems from the Christian point of view; a text-book for the study of social problems. 1909. Lodge, Sir O. J. Modern problems; a discussion of debatable subjects. C1912. Mathews, S. Making of to-morrow; inter- pretations of the world of to-day. C1913. Nearing, S. Social adjustment. 191 1. Religious Education Association. Education and national character, by H. C. King [and others]. 1908. Richmond, M. E. Good neighbor in the modern city. 1907. (Sage foundation publ.) Ross, E. A. Latter day sinners and saints. 1910. (Art of life ser.) Strong, J. Our world; the new world-life. 1913. Catalogue General Theological Library 271 Social problems — Continued. Wells, G. H. Mankind in the making. 1904. A series of papers first published in the British Fort- nightly review and the American Cosmopolitan. See also Christianity and social questions; Church and social questions. Social progress. Nearing, S., and Nearing, N. M. (S.) Women and social progress. 1912. Patten, S. N. Heredity and social progress. 1903. Social progress; a year book and encyclof>edia of economic, industrial, social and religious statistics, ed. by Josiah Strong. N. Y. Baker. [1904.] Social progress in contemporary Eurof>e. Ogg, F. A. Social reform. Jones, H. Working faith of the social reformer, and other essays. 19 10. Social reform and the church. Commons, Social reform and the constitution. Goodnow, .F.J. Social reform and the reformation. Schapiro, . J- S. Social science. Dickinson, G. L. Justice and liberty. 1909. Small, A. W. Meaning of social science. C1910. Thomas, W. I. Source book for social origins. 1909. Social settlements. Addams, J. Twenty years at Hull-House. 1910. Calkins, R. Substitutes for the saloon; an investigation made for the Committee of fifty under the direction of F. G. Peabody [and others]. 1901. Henderson, C. R. Social settlements. C1899. Hodson, A. L. Letters from a settlement. 1909. Laughlin, J. L. Social settlements. {In his Latter-day problems.) School of applied ethics. Philanthropy and social progress: seven essays by Jane Addams [and others]. C1893. Tippy, W. M., ed. Socialized church. C1909. Woods, R. A., ed. Americans in process: a settlement study. 1902. Social work. Devine, E. T. The family and social work. 1912. — Spirit of social work. 191 1. Rauschenbusch, W. " Unto me." CI912. Socialism. Bax, E. B. Ethics of socialism. 1902. — Religion of socialism. 1908. Brooks, J. G. Social unrest; studies in labor and socialist movements. 1903. Case against socialism; a handbook for speak- ers and candidates. 1909. Ely, R. T. French and German socialism in modern times. 1883. — Socialism. 6th ed. C1894. (Libr. of economics and politics.) Flint, R. Socialism. 1895. Forster, H. O. Arnold-. English socialism of to-day. 2d ed. 1908. Gilman, N. P. Socialism and the American spirit. CI 893. L Grant, P. S. Socialism and Christianity. 1910. Socialism — Continued. Gronlund, L. Co-operative commonwealth: an exposition of socialism. 1903. — The new economy; a peaceable solution of the social problem. 1898. Hillquit, M. History of socialism in the United States. 1903. — Socialism in theory and practice. 1909. Hunter, R. Socialists at work. 1908. Kelly, E. Twentieth century socialism: what it is not; what it is; how it may come, 1910. Kirkup, T. History of socialism. 1909. — Inquiry into socialism. 1909. Le Bon, G. Psychology of socialism. 1899. Le Rossignol, J. E. Orthodox socialism: a criticism. 1907. (Libr. of economics and politics.) — and Stewart, W. D. State socialism in New 2^1and. CI910. Leroy- Beau lieu, P. P. Collectivism; a study of some of the leading social questions of the day, tr. by Sir A. Clay. 1908. Lusk, H. H. Social welfare in New 2^aland; the result of twenty years of progressive social legislation and its significance for the United States and other countries. 1913- Macdonald, J. R. Socialist movement. CI911. Mann, N. Import and outlook of socialism. CI910. Ming, J. J. Characteristics and religion of modern socialism. 1908. Nitti, F. S. Catholic socialism; tr. by M. Mackintosh. 1908. Noyes, J. H. History of American social- ism. 1870. Ogg, F. A. Social progress in contemporary Eurof>e. 1912. Orth, S. P. Socialism and democracy in Europe. 191 3. Rae, J. Contemporary socialism. 1905. Schaffle, A. E. F. Quintessence of socialism, tr. from 8th Germ. ed. 5th ed. 1894. Scudder, V. D. Socialism and character. 1912. Skelton, O. D. Socialism: a critical analysis. 1911. Sombart, W. Socialism and the social move- ment in the 19th century; with a chronicle of the social movement, 1 750-1 896; tr. by A. P. Atterbury, with introd. by J. B. Clark. 1898. Spargo, J. Applied socialism. 1912. — Common sense of socialism. 1908. — Socialism; a summary and interpreta- tion of socialist principles. 1906. Same. New ed. 1909. — Spiritual significance of modern socialism. 1908. — Substance of socialism. 1909. Stoddart, J. T. The new socialism: an impartial inquiry. Talbot, R. T. Socialism. {In Church and life of to-day.) ' Tunzelmann, G. W. de. Superstition called socialism. 191 1. Vaughan, B. Socialism from the Christian standpoint: ten conferences. 1912. Vedder, H. C. Socialism and the ethics of Jesus. 1912. 272 Catalogue General Theological Library Socialism — Continued. Walling, W. E. The larger aspects of social- ism. 1913. — Socialism as it is. 1912. Webb, S., and others. Socialism and individ- ualism. 191 1. (Fabian social ser.) Contents: I. Difficulties of individualism; by S. Webb. — II. Impossibilities of anarchism; by G. B. Shaw. — III. Moral aspects of socialism; by S. Ball. — IV. Public service versus private expenditure; by O. J. Lodge. Wells, H. G. New worlds for old. 1908. — and others. Socialism and the great state, 1912. See also Collectivism; Communities; Social- ism, Christian; Socialists. Socialism, Christian. Christ the socialist. By the author of " Philip Meyer's scheme." 1894. Herron, G. D. The Christian state. [C1895.] Kutter, H. They must; or, God and the social democracy. 1908. Socialism and character. Scudder, V. D. Socialism and individualism. Webb, S., and others. Socialists. Hunter, R. Socialists at work. 1908. Russell, C. E. Why I am a socialist. CI910. Sawyer, R. D. The making of a socialist. [1911.] Spargo, J. The socialists: who they are and what they stand for. 1906. Wells, H. G. First and last things: a con- fession of faith and a rule of life. 1908. Socialized church. Tippy, W. M., ed. Society. Jones, H. Modern scientific and philosophical thought regarding human society. (In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) Society for the Promotion of Permanent and Universal Peace. Tracts, I-XIII. Lond. 1868. Society of St. Vincent de Paul (N. Y. City). Rules and indulgences granted by the sover- eign Pontiffs, with explanatory notes. N. Y. Superior council. 1897. SociNiANiSM. Harnack, A. Issues of dogma in Antitrinitarianism and Socinianism. {In his History of dogma, vol. VII, chap. III.) McGiffert, A. C. The Socinians. {In his Protestant thought before Kant, chap. VI.) Macran, F. W. The Socinian controversy. {In his English apologetic theology.) Rufiini, F. The Italian Antitrinitarians or Socinians. {In his Religious liberty, chap. VI.) SociNUS, Faustus. Allen, J. H. {In his History of the Unitarians.) (Amer. church history, vol. X.) Sociology. Abbott, L. Rights of man; a study in twentieth century problems. 1904. Bascom, J. Sociology. CI887. Carver, T. N. Sociology and social progress. C1905. Cooley, C. H. Social organization. 1909. Devine, E. T. Social forces. 1910. Editorials from the Survey. Giddings, F. H. Principles of sociology. [3d ed.] 1896. Gillette, J. M. Constructive rural sociology. 1913. Sociology — Continued. Guide to reading in social ethics and allied subjects; by teachers in Harvard Univer- sity. 19 ID. Harris, G. Inequality and progress. 1897. Hobhouse, L. T. Social evolution and political theory. 1911. (Columb. Univ. lect.) Hobson, J. A. The social problem. 1901. Kidd, B. Social evolution. New ed. 1898 King, H. C. Theology and the social con sciousness. 1902. Mackenzie, J. S. Introduction to socia philosophy. 1890. Parker, T. Social classes in a republic {In his [Works]. Cent, ed.) Patten, S. N. New basis of civilization 1907. (Amer. soc. progress ser.) Ross, E. A. Foundations of sociology 19 1 2. (Citizen's libr.) — Social control; a survey of the founda tions of order. 19 10. Small, A. W. Meaning of social science C1910. — and Vincent, G. E. Introduction to the study of society. C1894. Smith, S. G. Religion in the making; a study in biblical sociology. 19 10. Spencer, H. Principles of sociology. 1898. 3v. — Social statics, abridged and revised. 1865. — Study of sociology. 19 10. Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Introduction to the study of sociology. 1898. Ward, L. F. Applied sociology. CI906. — Outlines of sociology. 1898. Wright, C. D. Outline of practical sociology with special reference to American condi- tions. 1899. See also Charities; Christianity and social questions; Economics; Ethics; Social prob- lems; Social science; Social settlements; Social work; Socialism, and all headings under it; Socialism, Christian; Sociology, Christian, and all headings under it. Sociology, Christian. Batten, S. Z. Social task of Christianity. C1911. Bradford, A. H. Heredity and Christian problems. 1895. — My brother. 1910. Bussell, F. W. Christian theology and social progress. 1907. (Bamp. lect. 1905) Campbell, R. J. Christianity and the social order. 1907. Chalmers, T. Christian and civic economy of large towns. 1823. 2 v. Chatterton-Hill, G. Sociological value of Christianity. 1912. Cone, O. Rich and poor in the New Testa- ment; a study of the primitive Christian doctrine of earthly possessions. 1902. Crafts, W. F. Practical Christian sociology. 4th ed. 1907. Earp, E. L. Social aspects of religious institutions. CI908. — The social engineer. CI911. Ely, R. T. Social aspects of Christianity, and other essays. New ed. 1889. Gladden, W. Social salvation. 1902. (Yale lect.) Catalogue General Theological Library 273 Sociology, Christian — Continued. Hall, T. C. The Evangelical revival and philanthropy. {In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B., and others, eds.) — Social meaning of modern religious move- ments in England. 1900. (Ely lect.) — Social solutions in the light of Christian ethics. 1910. Harnack, A., and Herrmann, W. Essays on the social gospel; tr. by G. M. Craik, and ed. by M. A. Canney. 1907. (C. t. 1.) Henderson, C. R. Social duties from the Christian point of view; a text-book for the study of social problems. 1909. Herron, G. D. Christian society. 1894. Hillis, N. D. Investment of influence; a study of social sympathy and service. 1908. — A man's value to society. 1899. Hodges, G. Faith and social service. 1896. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Lidgett, J. S. The modern social problem. (In Christ and civilization. Paton, J. B. and others, eds.) Macfarland, C. S. Spiritual culture and social service. CI912. ed. Christian ministry and the social order. 1909. (Yale lect.) Mathews, S. The social gospel. 1910. Men and Religion Forward Movement. Social service. (Messages, vol. II.) Montgomery, H. E. Christ's social remedies. 1911. National Federation of Religious Liberals. Unity of the spirit: proceedings and papers of the 1st congress, ed. by C. W. Wendte. 1909. Nearing, S. Social religion : an interpretation of Christianity in terms of modern life. 1913- Rauschenbusch, W. Christianity and the social crisis. 1908. — Christianizing the social order. 1912. Social application of religion. CI908. (Mer- rick lect.) Contente: I. Stelzle, C. Spirit of social unrest. — II. Addams, J. Woman's conscience and social ame- lioration. — III. Neill, C. P. Some ethical aspects of the labor movement. — IV. Taylor, G. Industry and religion: their common ground and interdependence. — V. Eckman, G. P. Christianity and the social situation. Speer, R. E. Principles of Jesus applied to some questions of to-day. 1902. Stelzle, C. Christianity's storm centre; a study of the modern city. 2d ed. 1907. Strong, J. The next great awakening. (8th thous.) 1902. ed. Gospel of the kingdom: studies in social reform. 1910-1912. 3v. Wallis, L. Sociological study of the Bible. C1912. See also Christian ethics; Christianity and social questions; Church; Church and social questions; Conduct of life; Jesus Christ. Teaching; Religion; Social con- science; Social problems; Socialism, Chris- tian; Sociology. Socrates. Adam, J. (7n A« Religious teachers of Greece.) Boutroux, £. £. M. Socrates, the founder of moral science. (In his Historical studies in philosophy.) Socrates — Continued. Hyslop, J. H. Ethics of the Greek philoso- phers, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. 1903. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. I.) Zeller, E. Socrates and the Socratic schools. 1877. Socrates Scholasticus. Ecclesiastical history; tr. from the Greek. Lond. Bohn. 1853. (Bohn's eccles. libr.) Soden, Hermann von. History of early Chris- tian literature; tr. by J. R. Wilkinson, ed, by W. D. Morrison. N. Y. Putnam. 1906. (C. t. 1.) Sohm, Rudolf. Outlines of church history. Lond. Macm. 1904. Solomon, king of Israel. Allen, J. H. {In his Hebrew men and times.) Farrar, F. W. Solomon: his life and times. 1887. (Men of the Bible.) Greenhough, J. G, {In Men of the O. T.: Solomon to Jonah.) Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Matheson, G. Solomon the wise. {In his Representative men of the Bible: Adam to Job.) Whyte, A. {In his Bible characters: Gideon to Absalom.) Solomon, George. Jesus of history and the Jesus of tradition identified. N. Y. Bou- ton. 1880. Soltau, Henry William. The tabernacle, the priesthood and the offerings. Lond. n. d. Sombart, Werner. Socialism and the social movement in the 19th century; with a chronicle of the social movement, 1750- 1896; tr. by A. P. Atterbury, with introd. by J. B. Clark. N. Y. Putnam. 1898. Some famous country parishes. Tipple, E. S. Somerville, David. St. Paul's conception of Christ. Edin. Clark. 1897. Sons of the Puritans: a group of brief biogra- phies. Bost. A. U. A. C1908. Sophocles. Tragedies in English prose. Oxford transl., newed. N. Y. Harper. 1855. Adam, J. {In his Religious teachers of Greece.) Tyler, W. S. {In his Theology of the Greek poets.) Sorrow. Brooks, P. Joy and sorrow. {In his New starts in life, and other sermons.) Hale, L. P. Service of sorrow. 1867. Maclaren, A. Sorrow according to God. {In his Year's ministry, 2d ser.) Martineau, J. Contentment of sorrow. {In his Endeavors after the Christian life.) — The sorrow with the downward look. {In his Endeavors after the Christian life.) Maurice, F. D. Human sorrow the best evidence of Christianity. {In his Christmas day, and other sermons.) Robinson, F. {In his College and ordination addresses.) Royce, J. Religious mission of sorrow. {In his Sources of religious insight.) Sorrow. Reid, J. Soteriology. Du Bose, W. P. Soteriology of the New Testament. 1892. See also Salvation. 274 Catalogue General Theological Library Soul. Adam, J. Divine origin of the soul. {In his Vitality of Platonism, and other essays.) Armstrong, R. A. God and the soul. 1907. Beck, J. T. Outline of biblical psychology. 1877. Bradford, A. H. Ascent of the soul. 1903. Brierley, J. Life of the soul. 1912. — Studies of the soul. 1901. Crawley, A. E. Idea of the soul. 1909. Estes, H. C. Christian doctrine of the soul. 1873. Hall, F. O. Soul and body: sermons. 1909. M 'Hardy, G. Higher powers of the soul. 19 1 3. (Short course ser.) See also Future life; Psychology. Soul of a Christian. Granger, F. Soul of the Bible. Pierce, U. G. B., ed. Source book for mediaeval history. Thatcher, O. J., and McNeal, E. H. Source book for social origins. Thomas, W. I. Source book in ancient philosophy. Bakewell, CM. Source book of English history. Lee, G. C. Souter, Alexander. Text and canon of the New Testament. N. Y. Scribner. 1913. South, The. Murphy, E. G. Basis of ascend- ancy: a discussion of certain principles of public policy involved in the development of the Southern states. 19 10. — Problems of the present South: a dis- cussion of certain of the educational, industrial and political issues in the South- ern states. 1909. South America. Bryce, J. South America: observations and impressions. 19 12. Speer, R. E. South American problems. 1912. See also Missions. South End house. See Social settlements. Southey, Robert. Book of the church. Bost. Wells. 1825. 2v. Chronicle of the Cid. Lowell. Bixby. 1846. Life of Wesley. Lond. Longm. 1820. 2V. Sozomenus. Ecclesiastical history, a.d. 323 to A.D. 425. (In Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d ser., vol. II.) Sozzini. See Socinus. Space and time. Lindsay, A. D. (/» his Philosophy of Bergson.) Proctor, R. A. Our place among infinities. 1876. Snowden, J. H. (/« his The world a spiritual system.) Spahr, Charles Barzillai. Essay on the present distribution of wealth in the United States. C1896. Spain. Lea, H. C. Moriscos of Spain. 1901. Watts, H. E. The Christian recovery of Spain: being the story of Spain from the Moorish conquest to the fall of Granada (711-1492 A.D.). 1894. (Story of the nations.) See also Reformation Spalding, John Franklin. Best mode of work- ing a parish. Mil. Young ch. 1888. Spalding, Martin John. History of the Protes- tant reformation in a series of essays re- viewing D'Aubigne and others. Bait. Murphy. 1865. 2v. in i. Spargo, John. Applied socialism; a study of the application of socialistic principles to the state. N. Y. Huebsch. 1912. Bitter cry of the children. N. Y. Macm. 1906. Common sense of socialism: letters addressed to Jonathan Edwards of Pittsburg. Chi. Kerr. 1908. Karl Marx, his life and work. N. Y. Huebsch. 1910. Socialism; a summary and interpretation of socialist principles. N. Y. Macm. 1906. Same. New ed. 1909. The socialists, who they are and what they stand for; the case for socialism plainly stated. Chi. Kerr. 1906. (Standard socialist ser.) Spiritual significance of modern socialism. N. Y. Huebsch. 1908. Substance of socialism. N. Y. Huebsch. 1909. Syndicalism, industrial unionism and social- ism. N. Y, Huebsch. 1913. Sparks, Jared. Life of Benjamin Franklin. Bost. Tappan. 1844. Life of George Washington. Bost. Andrews. 1839- ed. American biography. N. Y. Harper. 1902, I2V. Sparrow, Anthony. Rationale upon the Book of common prayer of the Church of England. Oxford. Parker. 1840. Spaulding, Henry George. Hebrew prophets and kings. Bost. Unit. S.-S. soc. 1891. Later heroes of Israel. Bost. Unit. S.-S. soc. 1888. Teachings of Jesus. Bost. Unit. S.-S. soc. 1886. Young learners' lesson-book on the gospel of Luke. Pt. I. Bost. Unit. S.-S. soc. 1899. and Fenn, William Wallace. Lessons on the gospel of Luke. Bost. Unit. S.-S. soc. 1890. Speaker's or Bible commentary. See Bible. Whole. Commentaries. Speech. Goulburn, E. M. The idle word; short religious essays upon the gift of speech and its employment in conversa- tion. 1873. Townsend, L. T. Art of speech. 1880. 2v. Speer, Robert Elliott. Christianity and the nations. N. Y. Revell. C1910. (Duff lect.) The foreign doctor: biography of Joseph Plumb Cochran. N. Y. Revell. C1911. Light of the world; a brief comparative study of Christianity and non-Christian religions. West Medford. United study of miss. CI911. Maries of a man; or. The essentials of Christian character. N. Y. Eaton. [CI907.] (Mer- rick lect.) Master of the heart. N. Y. Eaton- [CI908.] Northfield addresses. Memorial of Horace Tracy Pitkin. N. Y. Revell. C1903. Missionar>' principles and practice; a discus- sion of Christian missions and of some criticisms upon them. N. Y., etc. Revell. [1902.] Missions and modern history. N. Y., etc. Revell, C1904. 2v. Catalogue General Theological Library 275 Speer, Robert Elliott — Continued. Paul the all-round man. N. Y. Revell. C1909. Principles of Jesus applied to some questions of to-day. N. Y., etc. Revell. [1902.] Servants of the King. N. Y. Eaton. C1909. Some great leaders in the world movement. N. Y. Revell. 01911. South American problems. N. Y. S. V. M. 1912. Studies of the man Christ Jesus. 6th ed. N. Y. Revell. C1896. Spence, Frank. Christian reunion; a plea for the restoration of " The Ecclesia of God." Lond. Hodder. 1908. Spence, Henry Donald Maurice. E^rly Chris- tianity and Paganism, a.d. 64 to the peace of the church in the fourth century. N. Y. Dutton. [1902.] joint author. See Howson, J. S., and Spence, H. D. M. and Exell, Joseph Samuel, eds. Pulpit com- mentary. N. Y. Funk. n. d. 51V. See Bible. Whole. Commentaries. ed. and transl. See Teaching of the twelve apostles. Spence, James. The intercessory prayer of our Lord; an exposition of the seventeenth chapter of John. Lond. Hodder. 1876. Spencer, Anna Garlin. Woman's share in social culture. N. Y. Kennerley. 1913. Spencer, Claudius Buchanan. Easter reflections. Cine. Jennings. C1909. Spencer, Herbert. Autobiography. N. Y. Appleton. 1904. 2v. Data of ethics. N. Y. Appleton. 1879. Education, intellectual, moral and physical. N. Y. Appleton. 1870. Essays, moral, political and aesthetic. N. Y. Appleton. 1865. First principles. N. Y. Appleton. 1864. Principles of biolog>'. N. Y. Appleton. 1873. 2V. Principles of ethics. N. Y. Appleton. 1898. 2V. Principles of psychology. N. Y. Appleton. 1872. 2V. Principles of sociology. N. Y. Appleton. 1898. 3v. Social statics. N. Y. Appleton. 1865. Study of sociology. N. Y. Appleton. 1910. Boutroux, £. £. M. Herbert Spencer and the unknowable. {In his Science and reli- gion in contemporary philosophy.) Bowne, B. P. Kant and Spencer. 1912. — Philosophy of Herbert Spencer. C1874. Hazeltine, M. W. Herbert Spencer. {In Beacon lights of history, vol. 14. Lord, J-) Hudson, W. H. Herbert Spencer, n. d. (Philosophies anc. and mod.) James, W. Herbert Spencer's autobiography. {In his Memories and studies.) Quick, R. H. {In his Essays on educational reformers.) Spencer, Jesse Ames. Memorabilia of sixty- five years. N. Y. Whittaker. 1890. Spiller, G., ed. See Universal Races Congress. Spinney, William Anthony. Health through self-control in thinking, breathing, eating. Bost. Lee. C1906. Spinoza, Baruch or Benedict. Ethics of Bene- dict Spinoza, tr. by Henry Smith. {In Smith, H. Spinoza and his environment.) Spinoza's short treatise on God, man and human nature, tr. by L. G. Robinson. Chi. Open court. 1909. Works, tr. from the Latin by R. H. M. Elwes. Lond. Bell. 1909. 2v. (Bohn's philos. libr.) Blewett, G. J. The meta physic of Spinoza. {In his Study of nature, etc.) Caird, J. Spinoza. 1910. (Philosophical classics for English readers.) Iverach, J. Descartes, Spinoza and the new philosophy. 1904. (World's epoch-mak- ers.) Martineau, J. A study of Spinoza. 1882. Smith, H. Spinoza and his environment; a critical essay, with a translation of the Ethics. 1886. Spirit of youth and the city streets. Addams, J. Spiritual life. Adler, F. Essentials of spirit- uality. 1905. Coe, G. A. The spiritual life; studies in the science of religion. 1900. Ferris, G. H. Elements of spirituality. 1912. Herford, B. Small end of great problems. 1902. A collection of essays. Hopkins, E. H. life. n. d. Janes, G. M. essays. 1904. Law of liberty in the spiritual Pilgrim spirit, and other Contents: I. The pilgrim spirit. — II. Personality. — III. A modem Gamaliel. — IV. The Hebrew prophets. — V. Character through struggle. — VI. Theological views. King, H. C. Seeming unreality of the spiritual life. 1908. (N. W. Taylor lect.) Macfarland, C. S. Spiritual culture and social service. CI912. Martineau, J. Faith the beginning, self- surrender the fulfilment of the spiritual life. 1897. Pierson, A. T. Bible and spiritual life. Reid, J. Jesus and Nicodemus; a study in spiritual life. 1906. Schofield, A. T. Knowledge of God: its meaning and power. 1905. See also Christian life. Spiritual progress; a word of good cheer. Robinson, A. W. Spiritual sense in sacred legend. Brailsford, E- J- Spiritualism. Beecher, C. Spiritual mani- festations. 1879. Hall, T. B. Three articles on modern spirit- ualism. 1863. Hay den, W. B. Phenomena of modern spiritualism. 1855. Hyslop, J. H. Spiritualism. {In his Prob- lems of philosophy.) Kingdom of Heaven. [A revelation.] [1894.I Lombroso, C. After death — what? Spirit- istic phenomena and their interpretation. Rendered into English by W. S. Kennedy. C1909. M'Donald, W. Spiritualism identical with ancient sorcery, New Testament demonol- ogy, and modern witchcraft. C1866. 276 Catalogue General Theological Library Spiritualism — Continued. Peebles, J. M. Seers of the ages. 1869. Seybert Commission. Preliminary report of the Seybert commission for investigating modern spiritualism. 1887. Spofford, Daniel H. Interpretation; or, The birth of Jesus of Nazareth and the birth of the Son of God. Newburyport. Huse. 1877. Sprague, William Buell. Annals of the American pulpit. N. Y. Carter. i859-;-69. gv. I-II. Trinitarian Congregationalists. III-IV. Presbyterians. V. Episcopalians. VI. Baptists. VII. Methodists. VIII. Unitarians. IX. Lutherans; Reformed Dutch; Asso- ciate, Associate reformed, [and] Reformed Presbyterians. Spreng, Samuel Peter. History of the Evangeli- cal association. (In Amer. church hist., vol. XII.) Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. Autobiography. Chi. Revell. 1898. 5v. Cheque book of the bank of faith: precious promises arranged for daily use. N. Y. Armstrong. 1889. Lectures to my students. N. Y. Sheldon. 1875- Morning by morning. N. Y. Sheldon, n. d. Selections from John Ploughman's talk. N. Y. Crowell. n. d. Sermons. 1st to 9th ser. N. Y. Sheldon. 1870-73. 9v. Treasury of David. N. Y. Funk. 1882- 1886. 7v. Trumpet calls to Christian energy. Lond. Passmore. 1875. n. d. Brastow, L. O. (/« his Representative mod- ern preachers.) Fulton, J. D. Charles H. Spurgeon, our ally. 1892. Wilkinson, W. C. (In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse.) Sqxiire, Charles. Mythology of ancient Bri- tain and Ireland. Chi. Open court, n. d. (Religions anc. and mod.) Stacy, Thomas Hobbs. In the path of light around the world: missionary tour. N. Y. Revell. CI 895. Stahr, Adolf. Life and works of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing; tr. by E. P. Evans. Bost. Spencer. 1866. 2 v. Stainer, Sir John. Christmas carols, new and old, [with] words by H. R. Bramley. Lond. Novello. n. d. Hymn tunes composed by J. Stainer. Lond. Novello. 1900. and Russell, William, eds. Cathedral prayer book . . . with the music necessary for the use of choirs. 1891. See Church music. Staley, Vernon. Liturgical studies. Lond. Longm. 1907. Stalker, James. The atonement. N. Y. Arm- strong. 1909. Christology of Jesus. N.Y. Armstrong. 1899. Ethic of Jesus. N. Y. Armstrong. 1909. Imago Christi; the example of Jesus Christ. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. C1889. Stalker, James — Continued. John Knox: his ideas and ideals. N. Y. Armstrong. 1904. Life of Jesus Christ. N. Y. Revell. ci88o. (Hdbks. for Bible classes.) Life of St. Paul. Edin. Clark, n. d. (Hdbks. for Bible classes.) Preacher and his models. N. Y. Armstrong, 1 89 1. (Yale lect.) The Psalm of psalms; being an exposition of the twenty-third Psalm. N. Y. Scribner. 1913- Trial and death of Jesus Christ. N. Y. Arm- strong. 1895. The two St. Johns of the New Testament. N. Y. Amer. tract soc. C1895. Standard of living. Kenngott, G. F. The standard of living. {In his The record of a city, chap. V.) More, L. B. Wage-earners' budgets; a study of standards and cost of living in New York City. 1907. Streightoff, F. H. Standard of living among the industrial people of America. 191 1. Standard Oil Company. Montague, G. H. Rise and progress of the Standard oil company. 1903. Stang, WilUam. Pastoral theology'. N. Y. Benziger. CI897. Spiritual pepper and salt for Catholics and non-Catholics. N. Y. Benziger. 1902. Stanley, Arthur Penrhjm. Addresses and ser- mons at St. Andrew's, 1872, 1875, and ^877- Lond. Macm. 1877. Addresses and sermons. United States and Canada. 1878. N. Y. Macm. 1879. Christian institutions. N. Y. Scribner. 1881. Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians. Lond. Murray. 1865. Essays chiefly on questions of church and state from 1850 to 1870. Lond. Murray. 1870. Five sermons to children, with an introduc- tion by Canon Farrar. {In Humphrey, Mrs. F. A. Dean Stanley with the children.) Lectures on the history of the Eastern church. N. Y. Scribner. 1900. Lectures on the history of the Jewish church. N. Y. Scribner. 1863-1876. 3v. Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold. Bost. Ticknor. 1862. 2v. Memoirs of Edward and Catherine Stanley. Lond. Murray. 1880. Sermons preached before the Prince of Wales, 1862. N. Y. Scribner. 1863. Sinai and Palestine in connection with their history. N. Y. Blakeman. 1859. Thoughts that breathe. Bost. Lothrop. C1870. Westminster sermons. N. Y. Scribner. 1882. Bradley, G. G. Recollections of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. 1883. Bryce, J. {In his Studies in contemporary biography.) Humphrey, Mrs. F. A. Dean Stanley with the children. Oliver, G. A. (L.) Arthur Penrhyn Stanley: his life, work and teachings. 1885. Catalogue General Theological Library 277 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn — Continued. Prothero, R. E. Life and correspondence of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. 1896. 2v. Wedgwood, J. {In her Nineteenth century teachers.) Stanley, Henry Morton. Autobiography; ed. by his wife, Dorothy Stanley. Bost. Houghton. 1909. How I found Livingstone; travels, adventures and discoveries in Central Africa, includ- ing an account of four months' residence with Dr. Livingstone. N. Y. Scribner. 1887. Same. Centenary ed., with introduction by R. E. Speer. 1913. Stannus, Hugh H. History of the origin of the doctrine of the Trinity in the Christian church. Lond. Christ, life publ. co. 1882. Stanton, Vincent Henry. Gospels as historical documents. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1903-1909. 2V. Stapfer, Edmond Louis. Jesus Christ — His person — His authority — His work. N. Y. Scribner. 1905-1907. 3V. Palestine in the time of Christ; tr. by A. H. Holmden. [3d ed.] Lond. Hodder. 1886. Starbuck, Edwin Diller. Psychology of religion. Lond. Scott. 1899. Starr, Charles Ackerman. Under world and the upper. N. Y. Eaton. 1912. State, The. Batten, S. Z. The Christian state. C1909. Chamberlain, H. S. {In his Foundations of the nineteenth century, vol. II, pp. 139- 183.) Hegel, G. W. F. The state. {In his Ethics, with introduction by J. M. Sterrett.) Spargo, J. {In his Applied socialism.) Waring, L. H. Political theories of Martin Luther. 1910. See also Political science. Statistics. Social progress; a year book and encyclopedia of economic, industrial, social and religious statistics. 1904. Stead, Francis Herbert. Kingdom of God. Edin. Clark. [1894.] Stead, "William Thomas. Hymns that have helped. N. Y. Doubleday. 1904. Steams, Jesse G. D. Meaning and power of baptism. N. Y. Tibbals. 1877. Steams, Lewis French. Evidence of Christian experience. N, Y. Scribner. 1890. (Ely lect.) Henry Boynton Smith. Bost. Houghton. 1892. (Amer. relig. leaders.) Present day theology. N. Y. Scribner. 1893. Steams, Oa^nan Sprague. Introduction to the books of the Old Testament. Bost. Sil- ver. 1888. Steams, Wallace Nelson. Manual of patrol- ogy. N. Y. Scribner. 1899. Stebbins, Giles Badger, ed. Chapters from the Bible of the ages. Detroit. Editor. 1872. Stebbins, Rufus Phineas. Common sense view of the books of the Old Testament. Bost. Unit. S.-S. soc. 1885. Stedman, Edmund Clarence. Poets of America. Bost. Houghton. 1897. Victorian poets. Bost. Houghton. 1897. ed. An American anthology. 1 787-1900. Bost. Houghton. C1900. Steele, Ashbel. Chief of the Pilgrims: life and times of William Brewster. Phila. Lippin- cott. 1857. Steele, Daniel. Love enthroned. N. Y. Hunt. C1875. Steenstra, Peter Henry. Being of God as Unity and Trinity. Bost. Houghton. 1891. Stefifens, Joseph Lincoln. Shame of the cities. N. Y. McClure. 1904. Upbuilders. N. Y. Doubleday. 1909. Steindorff, Georg. Religion of the ancient Egyptians. N. Y. Putnam. 1905. (Amer. lectures on the hist, of religions.) Steiner, Edward Alfred. Against the current; simple chapters from a complex life. N. Y. Re veil. CI910. The immigrant tide: its ebb and flow. N. Y. Revell. C1909. On the trail of the immigrant. N. Y., etc. Revell. [C1906.] Steiner, Rudolf. Mystics of the renaissance, and their relation to modern thought. N. Y. Putnam. 1911. Steinmeyer, Franz Karl Ludwig. History of the passion and resurrection of our Lord considered in the light of modern criticism. New ed., tr. by T. Crerar and A. Cusin. Eklin. Clark. 1879. (For. theol. libr.) The miracles of our Lord in relation to modern criticism; tr. by L. A. Wheatley. Edin. Clark. 1875. Stelzle, Charles. American social and religious conditions. N. Y., etc. Revell. C1912. Boys of the street and how to win them. N. Y. Revell. CI 904. Christianity's storm centre; a study of the modern city. N. Y., etc. Revell. [C1907.] Church and labor. Bost. Houghton. 1910. (Modern relig. problems.) Gospel of labor. N. Y,, etc. Revell. 1912. Principles of successful church advertising. N. Y. Revell. C1908. and others. See Social application of religion. (Merrick lect.) Stenhouse, Thomas B. H. Rocky Mountain saints; a full and complete history of the Mormons. N. Y. Appleton. 1873. Stephen, first Christian martyr. Rowland, A. Stephen. {In Men of the N. T.: Matthew to Timothy.) Whyte, A. Stephen. {In his Bible charac- ters: Stephen to Timothy.) Stephen, Caroline Emelia. Quaker strongholds. Phila. Longstreth. 1891. Stephen, Leslie. History of English thought in the eighteenth century. Lond. Smith. 1902. 2V. Science of ethics. N. Y. Putnam. 1882. Social rights and duties. Lond. Sonnen- schein. 1896. 2v. Stephen, William. History of the Scottish church. Edin. Douglas. 1894-96. 2v. Stephens, Henry Morse. Story of Portugal. N. Y. Putnam. 1893. (Story of the nations.) Stephens, Thomas, ed. See Child and religion: eleven essays. (C. t. 1.) Stephens, William Richard Wood, and Hunt, WiUiam, eds. History of the English church. Lond. Macm. 1899-1910. gv. See Church of England. History. 278 Catalogue General Theological Library Sterling, John. Carlyle, T. Life of John Sterling. 185 1. Stem, Renee Bemd. Neighborhood enter- tainments. N. Y. Sturgis. 191 1. (Young farmer's practical libr.) Sterrett, James Macbride. Freedom of au- thority; essays in apologetics. N. Y. Macm. 1905. Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of religion. N. Y. Appleton. 1890. ed. Ethics of Hegel. Bost. Ginn. 1893. Steven, George. Psychology of the Christian soul. N. Y. Hodder. n. d. (Cunning- ham lect.) Stevens, Abel. Centenary of American Method- ism. N. Y. Carlton. 1866. Compendious history of American Methodism. N. Y. Eaton, n. d. History of the Methodist Episcopal church in the United States. N. Y. Carlton. 1864. 2V. History of the religious movement of the eighteenth century called Methodism. N. Y. Carlton. C1858. 3v. Memorials of the introduction of Methodism into the eastern states. Bost. Peirce. 1848. Supplementary history of American Method- ism. N. Y. Eaton. C1899. Stevens, George Barker. Christian doctrine of salvation. N. Y. Scribner. 1905, (Int. theol. libr.) Doctrine and life. N. Y. Silver. 1895. Johannine theology; study of the doctrinal contents of the gospel and epistles of the apostle John. N. Y. Scribner. 1894. Messages of Paul arranged in historical order, analyzed, and freely rendered in paraphrase, with introductions. N. Y. Scribner. 1900. (Messages of the Bible.) Messages of the apostles; the apostolic discourses in the book of Acts and the general and pastoral epistles of the New Testament arranged in chronological order, analyzed, and freely rendered in paraphrase. N. Y. Scribner. 1900. (Messages of the Bible.) Pauline theology. N. Y. Scribner. 1892. Teaching of Jesus. N. Y. Macm. 1901. (N. T. handbooks.) Theology of the New Testament. N. Y. Scribner. 1899. (Int. theol. libr.) transl. Epistles of Paul in modern English ; a paraphrase. N. Y. Scribner. 1898. Stevens, Joseph Earle. Yesterdays in the Philippines. N. Y. Scribner. 1899. Stevens, William Arnold, and Burton, Ernest De Witt. Harmony of the gospels. See Bible. N. T. Gospels. Harmonies. Stevenson, Richard Taylor. John Calvin: the statesman. N. Y. Eaton. [C1907.] (Men of the kingdom.) Stevenson, Robert Louis. Prayers written at Vailima. N. Y. Scribner. 1903. Kelman, J. Faith of Robert Louis Stevenson. 1903. Stewart, I. D. History of the Freewill Baptists for half a century. Dover [N. H.]. Freew. Bapt. pr. establ. 1862. Vol. I. Stewart, James. Dawn in the dark continent. Edin. Oliphant. 1903. (Duff miss, lect.) Stewart, John IkCKellar. Critical exposition of Bergson's philosophy. Lond. Macm. 1911. Stewart, Robert Laird. Land of Israel; a text book on the physical and historical geog- raphy of the Holy Land embodying the results of recent research. N. Y. Revell. C1899. Sheldon Jackson, pathfinder and prospector of the missionary vanguard in the Rocky Mountains and Alaska. N. Y., etc. Revell. [C1908.] Stewart, William Downie, joint author. See Le Rossignol, J. E., and Stewart, W. D. Stifler, James Madison. Introduction to the study of the Acts of the apostles. N. Y. Revell. CI 892. Stiles, William Curtis, joint ed. See Scott, R., and Stiles, W. C, eds. Stimson, Henry Albert. Apostles' creed in the light of modern discussion. Bost. Pil- grim press. CI 898. Stobart, James William Hampson. Islam and its founder. loth thous. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1901. (Non-Christian religious sys- tems.) Stock, Eugene, ed. Master's guide for His disciples. N. Y. Whittaker. 1894. Stock, St. George. Stoicism. N. Y. Dodge pub. CO. n. d. (Philosophies anc. and mod.) Stockman, Edward A. Footprints of angels in fields of revelation. Bost. Adv. pub. co. 1890. Stockton, Thomas Hewluigs. Sermons for the people. Pittsburgh. Meth. bd. of pub. Stoddart, Jane T. The new socialism; an im- partial inquiry. N. Y. Hodder. n. d. Stoicism. Brace, C. L. (In his The unknown God.) Davidson, W. L. Stoic creed. 1907. Hyde, W. D. (In his Five great philosophies of life.) Stock, St. G. Stoicism. (Philosophies anc. and mod.) Stoics. Aurelius Antoninus, M. Meditations; tr. by George Long. Epictetus. Works; tr. by T. W. Higginson. 1866. Hicks, R. D. Stoic and Epicurean. 1910. (Epochs of philosophy.) Shakspeare, C. Stoics and modern thought. [Sermon.] (In his St. Paul at Athens.) Zeller, E. Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics. 1870. Stokes, George Thomas. Ireland and the Celtic church: a history of Ireland from St. Patrick to the English conquest in 1 172. 6th ed. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1907. Stone lectures, Princeton Theol. Seminary. Philosophy of revelation. Bavinck, H. Reformation in Scotland. Fleming, D. H. Stone, Alfred Holt. Studies in the American race problem; with an introduction and three papers by W. F. Willcox. N. Y. Double- day. 1908. Stone, Andrew Leete. Leaves from a finished pastorate. N. Y. Randolph. C1882. Stone, Baman N. What the New church stands for. N. Y, New-church bd, of pub. 1912. Catalogue General Theological Library 279 Stone, Darwell, and Simpson, David Capell. Communion with God: the preparation before Christ and the realization in Him. Edin. Clark. 191 1. Stone, John Seely. The Christian sacraments. N. Y. Randolph. 1866. Stone, John Timothy. Footsteps in a parish; an appreciation of Maltbie Davenport Babcock as a pastor. N. Y. Scribner. 1908. Recruiting for Christ. N. Y. Revel!. C1910. Stone, Lucy. Banks, L. A. {In his Honey- combs of life.) Stonehouse, George G. V. Book of Habakkuk; introduction, translation and notes on the Hebrew text. Lond. Rivington. 191 1. Storey, Moorfield, and Emerson, Edward Waldo. Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar. Bost. Hough- ton. 191 1. Storrs, Richard Salter. Bernard of Clairvaux, the times, the man, and his work. N. Y. Scribner, 1892. Conditions of success in preaching without notes. N. Y. Dodd. 1875. Divine origin of Christianity. N. Y. Ran- dolph. C1884. Edwards Amasa Park: memorial address. Bost. Usher. 1900. John Wycliffe and the first English Bible: an oration. N. Y. Randolph. 1880. Orations and addresses. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1901. Wilkinson, W. C. {In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse.) Story of the nations series. Alexander's empire. Mahafify, J. P. Assyria. Ragozin, Z. A. Babylonians and Assyrians. Goodspeed, G. S. Britain, Early. Church, A. J. Byzantine empire. Oman, C. W. C. Chaldea. Ragozin, Z. A. Crusades. Archer, T. A., and Kingsford, C. L. Egypt, Ancient. Rawlinson, G., and Oilman, A. France, Mediaeval. Masson, G. Germany. Gould, S. B-. Greece. Harrison, J. A. Hansa towns. Zimmern, H. Jews under Roman rule. Morrison, W. D. Media, Babylonia, Persia. Ragozin, Z. A. Mexico. Hale, S. Parthia. Rawlinson, G. Persia. Benjamin, S. G. W. Phoenicia. Rawlinson, G. Portugal. Stephens, H. M. Sicily. Freeman, E. A. Spain, Christian recovery of. Watts, H. E. Turkey. Poole, S. L-. Story-telling. Bryant, S. C. How to tell stories to children. CI905. Houghton, L. H. Telling Bible stories. 1907. Hulbert, H. W. {In his The church and her children.) St. John, E. P. Stories and story-telling in moral and religious education. 1910. Stoughton, John. Lights and shadows of church life. N. Y. Barnes. 1895. Our English Bible; its translations and translators. Lond. Rel. tract soc. [1878.] Stow, Baron. Christian brotherhood: a letter to Heman Lincoln. Bost. Gould. 1859. First things: or. Development of church life. Bost. Gould. 1859. Stowe, Charles Edward. Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe, compiled from her letters and jour- nals. Bost. Houghton. 1891. and Stowe, Lyman Beecher. Harriet Beecher Stowe; the story of her life. Bost. Houghton. 191 1. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Fields, A. A. {Mrs. J. T. Fields.) Life and letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe. 1898. Stowe, C. E. Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe. 1891. — and Stowe, L. B. Harriet Beecher Stowe; the story of her life. 191 1 . Stowe, Lyman Beecher, joint author. See Stowe, C. E., and Stowe, L. B. Strachan, James. Captivity and pastoral epistles, with introduction and notes. N. Y. Revell. n. d. (Westminster N. T.) Strafifen, George Martin. Sin as set forth in Holy Scripture. N. Y. Dutton. 1876. (Hulsean lect.) Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of. Mozley, J. B. Lord Strafford. {In his Essays, historical and theological, vol. I.) Strahan, James. The book of Job interpreted. Edin. Clark. 1913. Stratton, George Malcolm. Psychology of the religious life. Lond. Allen. 1911. Straub, Jacob. Contributions of science to the hope of immortality and kindred themes. 4th ed. Chi. Straub. 1888. Straus, Oscar Solomon. The American spirit. N. Y. Century co. 191^. Strauss, David Friedrich. Life of Jesus criti- cally examined; tr. from 4th Germ. ed. by Marian Evans. N. Y. Blanchard. 1856. 2V. New life of Jesus. Lond. Williams. 1865. 2V, Streane, Annesley William. Book of Jeremiah together with the Lamentations: notes and introduction. Camb. (Eng.] Univ. press. 1881. (Cambr. Bible.) Streatfeild, George Sidney. Incarnation. Lond. Longm. 1910. (Anglican church hdbks.) Streightoff, Frank Hatch. Standard of living among the industrial people of America. Bost. Houghton. 1911. [Strickland, William P. The pioneer bishop; or. Life and times of Francis Asbury. 1858.] T. p. wanting. Strong, Anna Lotiise. Psychology of prayer. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. Strong, Augustus Hopkins. Great poets and their theology. Phila. A. B. P. S, 1897. Systematic theology. Phila. G. &. R. press. 1907-1909. 3v. Why the mind has a body, N, Y. Macm. 1903. Strong, Josiah. Challenge of the city. 28th thous. N. Y. Y. P. M. M, [CI907.] My religion in everyday life. N. Y. Baker. 1910. New era. N. Y. Baker. CI893. 28o Catalogue General Theological Library Strong, Josiah — Continued. Next great awakening. (8th thous.) N. Y. Baker. 1902. Our country: its possible future and its present crisis. N. Y. Baker. C1885. Our world; the new world-life. N. Y. Doubleday. 1913. The times and young men. 9th thous. N. Y. Baker. [1901.] Twentieth century city. N. Y. Baker. C1898. ed. Social progress; a year book. 1904. ed. Studies in the gospel of the kingdom. Ser. 1-3. 1909-1911. N. Y. Amer. Inst, of soc. service. 1911-1913. 3V. Strong, J. Selden. Essential Calvinism. Bost. Pilgrim press. C1909. Strong, Thomas Banks. Christian ethics. Lond. Longm. 1896. Strong, William Ellsworth. Story of the Ameri- can Board; an account of the first hundred years of the A. B. C. F. M. Bost. Pil- grim press. C1910. Stroud, William. Physical cause of the death of Christ, and its relation to the principles and practice of Christianity. N. Y. Appleton. 1 87 1. Strype, John. Life and acts of John Aylmer. Oxf. Clarendon press. 1821. Life of the learned Sir John Cheke. Oxf. Clarendon press. 1821. Life and acts of Edmund Grindal. Oxf. Clarendon press. 182 1. Life and acts of Matthew Parker. Oxf. Clarendon press. 1821. 3V. Stuart, Moses. Park, E. A. Moses Stuart. {In his Memorial coll. of sermons.) Stubbs, Charles WiUiam. The Christ of English poetry. Lond. Dent. 1906. (Hulsean lect.) Stubbs, George Edward. Choir service book. N. Y, Novello. n. d. How to sing the choral service; a manual of intoning for clergymen. Lond. Novello. C1899, Practical hints on the training of choir boys. Lond. Novello. ci888. Stubbs, William. Seventeen lectures on the study of mediaeval and modern history, and kindred subjects. 3d ed. Oxf. Clar- endon press. 1900. Stuckenberg, John Henry Wilbum. The age and the church. Hartford. Stud. pub. co. [C1893.] Introduction to the study of philosophy. N. Y. Armstrong. 1896. Introduction to the study of sociology. N. Y. Armstrong. 1898. Student Volunteer Movement. International Convention. Addresses and discussions. N. Y. S. V. M. 1 894-19 10. 5v. 1894. Second convention, Detroit. Student missionary enterprise. 1898. Third convention, Cleveland. Stu- dent missionary appeal. 1902. Fourth convention, Toronto. World- wide evangelization the urgent business of the church. 1906. Fifth convention, Nashville. Stu- dents and the modern missionary crusade. 1910. Sixth convention, Rochester. Students and the present missionary crisis. Studies in theology series. Faith and its psychology. Inge, W. R. Critical introduction to the N. T. Peake, A. S. Philosophy and religion. Rashdall, H. Stundists, a Russian religious sect. Latimer, R. S. Under three tsars: liberty of con- science in Russia. 1856-1909. 1910. — With Christ in Russia. 191 1. Leroy-Beaulieu, A. {In his Empire of the Tsars and the Russians, vol. III.) Stuntz, Homer Clyde. The Philippines and the Far East. Cine. Jennings. [1904.] Sturge, M. Carta. Truth and error of Christian science. N. Y. Dutton. 1903. Sturge, Mary D., joint author. See Horsley, Sir V. A. H., and Sturge, M. D. Sturt, Henry. Idea of a free church. Lond. Scott. 1909. Style. Phelps, A. English style in public discourse, with special reference to the usages of the pulpit. 1894. Spencer, H. Philosophy of style. {In his Essays, moral, political and aesthetic.) Subconsciousness. Jastrow, J. The sub-con- scious. 1906. Miinsterberg, H., and others. Subconscious phenomena. 1910. Suffering. Beecher, H. W. Suffering, the measure of worth. {In his Sermons, 1st ser.) — Problem of joy and suffering in life. {In his Sermons, 2d ser.) Chatterton-Hill, G. {In his Sociological value of Christianity.) Cox, S. Why we suffer. {In his Genesis of evil, and other sermons.) Momerie, A. W. Mystery of suffering. [Four sermons.] {In his Origin of evil, and other sermons.) See also Consolation ; Pain. Suffrage. See Woman suffrage. Suggestion. See Hypnotism; Psychology; Psy- chotherapy; Therapeutics, Suggestive; SulUvan, Sir Arthur. Hymn tunes. Lond. Novello. Sully, Maximilien de Bethime, due de. The Great design of Henry IV; from the memoirs of the Duke of Sully. Bost. Ginn. 1909. Summerbell, Joseph James. Mountains of the Bible. Bost. Sherman. 1912. Stunner, Charles. True grandeur of nations; oration, Boston, July 4, 1845. Bost. Amer. peace soc. 1870. Shotwell, W. G. Life of Charles Sumner. CI910. Sumner, Helen Laura. Equal suffrage; results of an investigation in Colorado made for the Collegiate equal suffrage league of N. Y. state. N. Y. Harper. 1909. joint author. See Adams, T. S., and Sumner, H. L. Sumner, William Graham. War, and other essays. Ed. by A. G. Keller. New Haven, etc. Yale Univ. press. C1909. Sun Yat Sen. Cantlie, J. Sun Yat Sen and the awakening of China. CI912. Sunday. Andrews, J. N. History of the Sab- bath, 1873. Bacon, G. B. Sabbath question: sermons. 1868. Bacon, L. W. Sabbath question. 1882. Catalogue General Theological Library 281 Sunday — Continued. Cox, R. Literature of the Sabbath question. 1865. 2V. Crafts, W. F. Sabbath for man. 1885. Earle, Mrs. A. M. Sabbath in Puritan New England. 1896. Edwards, J. Sabbath manual. Elliott, C. The Sabbath. 1867. Hessey, J. A. Sunday; its history, origin and present obligation. 1866. (Bamp. lect.) Lewis, A. H. Critical history of Sunday legislation from 321 to 1888. 1888. — Sabbath and the Sunday. 1870. Littlejohn, W. H. Constitutional amend- ment; or, The Sunday, the Sabbath, the change and restitution. 1873. Lock, W. Sunday. {In Keble College ser- mons.) Montgomery, H. E. Sunday observance. {In his Christ's social remedies.) Vincent, J. H. The Sabbath. [Sermon.] {In Sallmon, W. H., ed. Culture of Chris- tian manhood.) Wood, W. C. Heaven once a week. 1886. ed. Sabbath essays: papers and discussions presented at the Mass. Sabbath conventions at Boston and Springfield. C1880. See also Sabbath. Sunday kindergarten. Ferris, C. S. Sunday schools. Black, L P. Practical pri- mary plans. C1897. Boynton, G. M. Model Sunday school. C1892. Brewer, A. T. How to make the Sunday school go. [C1897.] Bullard, A. Fifty years with the Sabbath schools. 1876. Burton, E. D., and Mathews, S. Principles and ideals for the Sunday school. 1907. Child Conference for Research and Welfare. Proceedings, Clark Univ., Worcester, July 6-10, 1909. Cope, H. F. Efficiency in the Sunday school. [CI912.] — Evolution of the Sunday school. CI911. — The modern Sunday school in principle and practice. [1907.] Harker, R. C. Work of the Sunday school. C1911. Haslett, S. B. The pedagogical Bible school; a scientific study of the Sunday school with chief reference to the curriculum. C1903. Hixson, M. B. Missions in the Sunday school. CI906. Hurlbut, J. L. Organizing and building up the Sunday school. C1910, International Sunday-school Convention. Development of the Sunday-school, 1780- 1905: official report of the Convention at Toronto. Lawrance, M. How to conduct a Sunday school; or. Twenty-eight years a superin- tendent. [CI905.] Mead, G. W. Modern methods in Sunday- school work. 1907. Meyer, H. H. Graded Sunday school in principle and practice. CI910. Schauffler, A. F. Pastoral leadership of Sunday school forces. 1903. — Ways of working: helpful hints for Sunday school officers and teachers. C1895. Sunday Schools — Continued. Sheldon, W. L. Ethical Sunday-school. 1900. Trumbull, H. C. The Sunday-school; its origin, mission, methods and auxiliaries. 1888. (Yale lect.) Vincent, J. H. The modern Sunday-school. C1887. World's Sunday School Convention. Sunday schools the world around; official report of the World's fifth Sunday-school conven- tion in Rome, May 18-23, 1907. CI907. See also Child and religion; Child study; Moral education; Religious education; Story-telling. Lessons. Andrews, E. B., ed. Gospel from two testa- ments: sermons on the Int. S.-S. lessons. 1893- Chamberlin, G. L., and Kern, M. R. Child religion in song and story. 1908-1909. 2v. Monday club. Sermons on the Int. S.-S. lessons. 1909-1913. ci909-i9i2. 5v. Peloubet, F. N., and Wells, A. R. Select notes on the International lessons. 1909- 1912. 5v. Smith, J. B. Supplemental Bible question course. 1900. Spaulding, H. G. Teachings of Jesus. 1886. — Young learners' lesson-book on the gospel of Luke. Pt. I. 1899. — and Fenn, W. W. Lessons on the gospel of Luke. 1890. Tarbell, M. Tarbell's teachers' guide to the Int. S.-S. lessons. 1911-1913. CI910-1913. 3v. Tipple, E. S., ed. Drew sermons on the golden texts for 1910. C1909. Trull, G. H. Five missionary minutes: brief missionary material for platform use in the Sunday-school for 52 Sundays in the year. 1st ser. C1912. Warner, D. S., ed. Arnold's practical Sabbath school commentary on the International lessons. 1912-13. 2v. Service books. Spaulding, H. G., camp. Sunday school serv- ice book and hymnal. 1885. Sunday school liturgy. 1857. Teaching. Adams, J. Primer on teaching. 1904. Du Bois, P. Point of contact in teaching. 1908. Hamill, H. M. Sunday school teacher- traming. 1904. King, H. C. Letters to Sunday-school teach- ers on the great truths of our Christian faith. 1906. Littlefield, M. S. Hand-work in the Sunday school. CI 908. McKinney, A. H. Bible school pedagogy; outlines for normal classes; with an intro- duction by J. L. Hurlbut. [1900.] — Practical pedagogy in the Sunday school. CI911. Miller, J. R., and others. Teacher and class; a symposium on Sunday-school teaching. C1895. Pease, G. W. Outline of a Bible-school curriculum. 1904. 282 Catalogue General Theological Library Sunday Schools. Teaching — Continued. Schauffler, A. F. The teacher, the child and the Book; practical suggestions and methods for Sunday school workers. C1901, — and others. Training the teacher. C1908. See, E. F. Teaching of Bible classes. C1905. Slattery, M. Talks with the training class. 1906. Weigle, L, A. The pupil and the teacher. CI911. Wood, I. F. Adult class study. CI911. Sunderland, Jabez Thomas. The Bible: its origin, growth and character, and its place among the sacred books of the world. N. Y. Putnam. 1893. Supernatural. Bushnell, H. Nature and the supernatural. 1859. Denison, J. H. Christ's idea of the supernat- ural. 1895. Howitt, W. History of the supernatural. 1863. 2V. Piatt, W. H. Philosophy of the supernatural. 1866. (Paddock lect.) Supernatural religion. 5th ed. Lond. Longm. 1875-77- 3v. Supernatural revelation. Birks, T. R. SuPERNATURALiSM. Mead, C. M. Super- natural revelation. C1889. Superstition and force. Lea, H. C. Suttner, Bertha F. S. (K.), freifrau von. Lay down your arms: the autobiography of Martha von Tilling; tr. by T. Holmes; 2d ed. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1908. Swampscott. First Church. Manual of the First Church in Swampscott, Congrega- tional. 1907. Sweden. Wordsworth, J, National church of Sweden. 191 1. Swedenborg, Emanuel. [Works.] N. Y. Am. Swed. pub. soc. 1892-1906. i8v. Contents: The true Christian religion. — The four doctrines with the nine questions. — Heaven and its wonders and hell from things heard and seen. — The divine love and the divine wisdom. — Divine Provi- dence. — Delights of wisdom pertaining to conjugial love. — Arcana coelestia [3 v.]. — Apocalypse re- vealed [2V.]. — Apocalypse explained [6v.]. — Mis- cellaneous theological works. White, W. Life of Emanuel Swedenborg. 1886. SWEDENBORGIANISM. Sewall, F. Swedenborg and the ' Sapientia angelica.' (Philosophies anc. and mend.) See also New Church. Sweet, Louis Matthews. Birth and infancy of Jesus Christ. Phila. Westm, press. 1907. Sweetser, S. Ministry we need. Camb. Am. tract soc. 1873. Swete, Henry Barclay. Apocalypse of St. John; Greek text, with introduction, notes, etc. Lond. Macm. 1907. Apostles' creed ; its relation to primitive Chris- tianity. Lond. Clay. 1894. Appearances of our Lord after the Passion. Lond. Macm. 1907. The ascended Christ: a study in the earliest Christian teaching. Lond. Macm. 19 10. Church services and service-books before the reformation. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1896. Gospel according to St. Mark; Greek text, with introduction, e/c. Lond. Macm. 1898. Holy Spirit in the New Testament; a study of primitive Christian teaching. Lond. Macm. 1909. Swete, Henry Barclay — Continued. On the history of the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the apostolic age to the death of Charlemagne. Camb. [Eng.J Deighton. 1876. ed. Essays on some biblical questions of the day, by members of the University of Cam- bridge. (Cambridge biblical essays.) ed. Essays on some theological questions of the day, by members of the University of Cambridge. (Cambridge theol. essays.) Swetenham, L. Conquering prayer. Lond. Clarke. 1908. Swift, Albert. First principles of Christian citizenship. Lond. Hodder. 1908. Swift, Edgar James. Mind in the making; a study in mental development. N. Y. Scribner. 1908. Swing, Albert Temple. Theology of Albrecht Ritschl. N. Y., etc. Longm. 1901. Swing, David. Motives of life. Chi, Mc- Clurg. 1895. Newton, J. F. David Swing, poet-preacher. 1909. Symbolics. See Creeds. Symbolism. See Christian art and symbolism. Symonds, John Addington. Life of Benvenuto Cellini. N. Y. Scribner. 1908. Renaissance in Italy. New ed. N. Y. Scribner. 1898-1912. 7v. Sketches and studies in Italy and Greece. ist-3dser. Newed. N.Y. Scribner. 1907. Syndicalism. Brooks, J. G. American syndi- calism: the I.'.W. W. 19 1 3. Clay, 5t> A. Syndicalism and labour. 1911. Lewis, A. D. Syndicalism and the general strike; an explanation. [1912.] Macdonald, J. R. Syndicalism: a critical examination, n. d. Spargo, J. Syndicalism, industrial unionism and socialism. 1913. See also Trade unions. Synodalia. 2v. Cardwell, E. Synoptic problem. Hawkins, Sir J. C. Horae synopticae: contributions to the study of the Synoptic problem. 2d ed. 1909. Jackson, H. L. Present state of the Synoptic problem. (In Cambridge biblical essays. Swete, H. B., ed.) Ramsay, W. M. The oldest written gospel. {In his Luke the physician, etc.) Studies in the Synoptic problem; by members of the University of Oxford. Ed. by W. Sanday. 191 1. Contents: I. Conditions under which the gospels were written in their bearing upon some difficulties of the Synoptic problem; Sanday, W. — II. Three limitations to Luke's use of Mark's gospel; Hawkins, Sir J . C . — III. Probabilities as to the so-called double tradition of Matthew and Luke; Hawkins, Sir J. C. — IV. On the original order of Q.; Streeter, B. H. — V. Mark's knowledge and use of Q.; Streeter, B. H. — VI. Original extent of Q.; Streeter, B. H.— VII. Literary evolution of the gospels; Streeter, B. H. — VIII. Trial of our Lord before Herod; Streeter. B. H. — IX. Book of sayings used by the editor of the first gospel; Allen, W. C. — X. Aramaic background of the gospels; Allen, W. C. — XI. Sources of St. Luke's gospel; Bartlet, J. V. — XII. Criticism of the Hexa- teuch compared with that of the synoptic gospels; Addis, W. E. — XIII. A recent theory of the origin of St. Mark's gospel; Williams, N. P. — Appendix. Synoptic criticism and the eschatological problem; Streeter, B. H. See also Bible. N. T. Gospels. Catalogue General Theological Library 283 Syria. Conder, C. R. Heth and Moab; ex- plorations in Syria in 1881 and 1882. 1892, (P. E. F.) Dawson, Sir J. W. Eygpt and Syria. 1885. Jessup, H. H. Fifty-three years in Syria. CI910. Merrill, S. East of the Jordan; a record of travel and observation in the countries of Moab, Gilead and Bashan, 1875-1877. 1881, Porter, J. L. The giant cities of Bashan; and Syria's holy places. 1866. Schumacher, G. Across the Jordan; being an exploration and survey of part of Hauran and Jaulan. 1886. Thomson, W. M. The Land and the Book. 1880-1886. 3v. History. Paton, L. B. Early history of Syria and Palestine. 1901. See Missions. Bliss, F. J. Palestine. Missions. Religion. Religions of modern Syria and 1912. Social life and customs. Jessup, H. H. Syrian home life. Comp. by Isaac Riley from materials furnished by H. H. Jessup. 1874. Tabernacle. Caldecott, W. S. The Taber- nacle; its history and structure. 1906. Needham, G. C. Shadow and substance: exposition of the tabernacle types. 1896. Rainsford, M. Tabernacle in the wilderness, and the gospel according to Leviticus. Soltau, H. W. The tabernacle, the priest- hood and the offerings, n. d. Table talk. Luther, M. Tainted MONEY. Gladden, W. (In his The new idolatry, and other discussions.) Tait, Andrew. Messages to the seven churches: exposition of the first three chapters of Revelation. Lond. Hodder. 1884. Tait, Archibald Campbell, abp. of Canterbury. Bryce, J. (In his Studies in contemporary biography.) Davidson, R. T. Life of A. C. Tait, arch- bishop of Canterbury. 1891. 2 v. Potter, H. C. {In his Reminiscences of bishops and archbishops.) Tait, Arthur James. Christ and the nations; an examination of Old and New Testament teaching. Lond. Hodder. 1910. Tait, Catharine, wife of Archibald Campbell Tait. Benham, W., ed. Catharine and Craufurd Tait. 1880. Talbot, Edith Armstrong. Samuel Chapman Armstrong. N. Y. Doubleday. 1904. Talbot, Neville S., and others. Foundations: a statement of Christian belief in terms of modern thought; by seven Oxford men. Lond. Macm. 1913. Talbot, R. T. Our Bible; how it has come to us. N. Y. Whittaker. 1894. Tailing, Marshall P. Communion with God; extempore prayer, its principles, preparation and practice. Chi., etc. Revell. [1902.] Talmage, James Edward. Articles of faith: a series of lectures on the doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 5th ed. Salt Lake City. Deseret news. 1909. House of the Lord; a study of Holy Sanctua- ries, ancient and modern. Salt Lake City. Deseret news. 1912. Talmage, Thomas De Witt. Brooklyn taber- nacle ; a collection of sermons. N. Y. Funk. C1884. Wilkinson, W. C. (In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse.) Talmud. New edition of the Babylonian Talmud; original text edited, corrected, formulated and translated into English, by M. L. Rodkinson. N. Y. New Talmud pub. CO. CI 90 1. lov. Mielziner, M. Introduction to the Talmud. 1903. Tanner, Benjamin Tucker. Apology for African Methodism. Bait. 1867. TAoiSM. Douglas, R. K. Confucianism and Taouism. 5th ed. 1900. (Non-Christian religious systems.) Du Bose, H. C. Taoism. (In Religions of mission fields. Richards, E. H., and others.) Legge, J. TSoism as a religion and a philoso- phy. (In his Religions of China.) See aiso China. Religion. Tarbell, Ida Minerva. Life of Abraham Lin- coln. N. Y. McClure. 1908. 2v. Tatian. Earliest life of Christ, being the Dia- tessaron of Tatian, translated from the Arabic version, with introduction, notes, etc., by J. H. Hill. Edin. Clark. 1894. Same. Tr. by H. W. Hogg. (In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. IX.) Writings of Tatian and Theophilus; tr. by B. R. Pratten [and others]. Edin. Clark. 1857. Cruttwell, C. T. Tatian. (In his Literary history of early Christianity, vol. I.) Donaldson, J. Tatian. (In his Christian literature and doctrine, vol. III.) Tauler, Johann. Following of Christ; done into English by J. R. Morell. Lond. Burns. 1886. Twenty-five sermons. (In Winkworth, S., transl. History and life of Doctor John Tauler.) Herrick, S. E. Tauler and the mystics. (In his Some heretics of yesterday.) Winkworth, S., transl. History and life of Doctor John Tauler of Strasbourg; wth twenty-five of his sermons. Preface by Charles Kingsley; introduction by R. D. Hitchcock. 1858. See also Christian mysticism; Mysticism; Mystics. Taussig, Frank William. Principles of econom- ics. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. 2 v. Taxation. Fillebrown, C. B. A B C of taxation; with Boston object lessons, private property in land, and other essays and addresses. 1909. Tayler, John James. Retrospect of the reli- gious life of England. Lond. Triibner. 1876. Taylor, Albert Reynolds. Study of the child. N. Y. Appleton. 1910. (Int. educ. ser.) 284 Catalogue General Theological Library Taylor, Alfred Edward. Elements of metaphys- ics. N. Y. Macm. 1904. Epicurus. N. Y. Dodge, n. d. (Philoso- phies anc, and mod.) Plato. N. Y. Dodge, n. d. (Philosophies anc. and mod.) Thomas Hobbes. N. Y. Dodge. n. d. (Philosophies anc. and mod.) Taylor, Alva W. Social work of Christian mis- sions. Cine. F. C. miss. soc. 1912. Taylor, D. T. Voice of the church on the coming and kingdom of the Redeemer. Peacedale [R. I.]. Hastings. 1855. Tayi,or, Edward Thompson. (Father Taylor.) Collyer, R. Father Taylor. 1907. Haven, G., and Russell, T. Father Taylor, the sailor preacher. 1872. Taylor, Geraldine Guinness (Mrs. Howard Taylor), joint author. See Taylor, H., and Taylor, G. G. . Taylor, Hannis. Origin and growth of the American constitution. Bost. Houghton. 1911. Taylor, Henry Osbom. Ancient ideals; a study of intellectual and spiritual growth from early times to the establishment of Christianity. 2v. N. Y. Macm. 1913. Mediaeval mind; a history of the develop- ment of thought and emotion in the middle ages. Lond. Macm. 191 1. 2v. Taylor, Howard, and Taylor, Geraldine Guinness (Mrs. Howard Taylor). Hudson Taylor in early years: the growth of a soul. N. Y. Hodder. 1912. Taylor, Isaac. Ancient Christianity and the doctrines of the Oxford tracts for the times. By the author of " Spiritual despotism." 2d ed. Lond. 1840. 2 v. Vol. II wanting. Loyola: and Jesuitism in its rudiments. N. Y. Carter. 1849. Words and places. 2d ed. Lond. Macm. 1865. Taylor, James Hudson, founder of the China Inland Mission. Taylor, H., and Taylor, G. G. (Mrs. H. Taylor). Hudson Taylor in early years: the growth of a soul. 1912. Taylor, Jeremy. Holy living and dying. New ed. Lond. Bohn. 1850. (Bohn's standard libr.) Rule and exercises of holy living. N. Y. Nelson, n. d. Sacred order and offices of episcopacy asserted and maintained. N. Y. Appleton. 1844. Whole works. Lond. Westley and Davis. 1835. 3v. in 6. Taylor, William Mackergo. Boy Jesus, and other sermons. N, Y. Armstrong. 1893. Contrary winds, and other sermons. N. Y. Armstrong. 1883. Daniel the beloved. N. Y. Harp>er. CI878. David, king of Israel; his life and its lessons. N. Y. Harper. CI874. Elijah the prophet. N. Y. Harper. 1876. Gospel miracles in their relation to Christ and Christianity. N. Y. Randolph. ci88o. John Knox. N. Y. Armstrong. 1885. Limitations of life, and other sermons. N. Y. Armstrong. 1880. Ministry of the word. N.Y. Randolph. 1876. Taylor, William Mackergo — Continued. Miracles of our Saviour expounded and illus- trated. N. Y. Armstrong. 1903. Moses the lawgiver. N. Y. Harper. CI907. Paul the missionary. N. Y. Harper. 1882. Peter the apostle. N. Y. Harper. C1904. Wilkinson, W. C. (In his Modern masters of pulpit discourse.) Teaching. See Education. Teaching of the Twelve Apostles; ed. with a translation, introduction and notes, by R. D. Hitchcock and Francis Brown. New ed. N. Y. Scribner. 1885. Same. [With] introductory notice by M. B. Riddle. (In Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. VII.) Same. In the original, with translations and discussions of post-apostolic teaching, etc., by Philip Schaff. 3d ed. N. Y. Funk. 1890. Same. A transl. with notes: and excursus (I-IX) illustrative of the "Teaching"; and the Greek text. By Canon Spence. 2d ed. Lond. Nisbet. 1888. Cruttwell, C. T. The Didache, or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles. (In his Literary history of early Christianity, vol. I.) Pfleiderer, O. The " Teaching of the Twelve Apostles." (In his Primitive Christianity, vol. IV.) Teleology. Woodbridge, F. J. E. Natural teleology. (In Essays publ. as a testimo- nial to C. A. Briggs.) Telepathy'. Lodge, Sir O. J. Survival of man. 1909. Podmore, F. Apparitions and thought- transference: an examination of the evi- dence for telepathy. 1902. (Cont. sci. sen) — Telepathic hallucinations. (In his Studies in psychical research.) See also Theosophy; Thought-transference. Telephones. Holcombe, A. N. Public owner- ship of telephones on the continent of Europe. 191 o. Telford, John. Life of John Wesley. N. Y. Eaton, n. d. Man's partnership with divine providence. N. Y. Eaton, n. d. (Fernley lect.) Tell Amarna tablets. Conder, C. R., ed. and transl. The Tell Amarna tablets. 2d ed. 1894. Temperance. Barker, J. M. The saloon prob- lem and social reform. 1905. Billings, J. S., ed. Physiological aspects of the liquor problem. 1903. 2v. Calkins, R. Substitutes for the saloon; an investigation made for the Committee of fifty under the direction of F. G. Peabody [and others]. 1901. Dorchester, D. Liquor problem in all ages. 1884. Ellis, J. Reply to " The Academy's " review of The wine question in the light of the new dispensation. 1883. — Wine question in the light of the new dispensation. 1882. Fehlandt, A. F. A century of drink reform in the United States. C1904. Grindrod, R. B. Bacchus; essay on the nature, causes, effects and cure of intem- perance. 1840. Catalogue General Theological Library 285 Temperance — Continued. Gustafson, A. C. J. Foundation of death. 1886. Hanks, S. W. Crystal river turned upon the Black valley railroad and Black valley country. C1879. Hoehn, W. F. No-license in Quincy. 1899. Horsley, Sir V. A. H., and Sturge, M. D. Alcohol and the human body. 2ded. 1908. Jewett, C. Forty years' fight with the drink demon. 1872. Koren, J. Economic aspects of the liquor problem; an investigation made for the Committee of fifty under the direction of H. W. Farnham, secretary of the Economic subcommittee. 1909. Lees, F. R. Text-book of temperance. 1869. Palmer, C. F. Inebriety; its source, preven- tion and cure. 1898. Rowntree, J., and Sherwell, A. Temperance problem and social reform. 7th ed. 1900. Warner, H. S. Social welfare and the liquor problem. 1909. Williams, H. S. Alcohol; how it affects the individual, the community and the race. 1909. Wines, F. H., and Koren, J. Liquor problem in its legislative aspects. 1900. WooUey, J. G., and Johnson, W. E. Temper- ance progress of the century. 1 903. See also Liquor problem; Saloon, The. Temple, Frederick, abp. of Canterbury. Rela- tions between religion and science. N. Y. Macm. 1884. Sermons preached in Rugby school chapel. 3d ser. Lond. Macm. 1872. Potter, H. C. (In his Reminiscences of bishops and archbishops.) Temple, William. Faith and modern thought. Lond. Macm. 1910. Nature of personality. N. Y. Macm. 191 1. Repton School sermons; studies in the reli- gion of the incarnation. Lond. Macm. 1913. Temple at Jerusalem. Edersheim, A. The temple; its ministry and services as they were at the time of Jesus Christ. Temptation. Black, H. Comfort in tempta- tion. [Sermon.] {In his Listening to God.) — The temptation of distance. [Sermon.] {In his Listening to God.) Campbell, R. J. The struggle with tempta- tion. {In his Choice of the highest.) — The two sides of temptation. {In his Choice of the highest.) Hamlin, T. S. Peril of protracted temptation. [Sermon.] {In Culture of Christian man- hood. Sallmon, W. H., ed.) Hughson, S. C. Warfare of the soul; practical studies in the life of temptation. 1910. Jefferson, C. E. Temptation from the moun- tain top. {In his Doctrine and deed.) Jones, J. D. Temptation. {In his Elims of life, and other sermons.) King, E. Comfort in temptation. [Sermon.] {In his Love and wisdom of God.) Mozley, J. B. Temptation treated as oppor- tunity. {In his Sermons, parochial and occasional.) Smith, G. A. Temptation. {In his For- giveness of sins, and other sermons.) See also Jesus Christ. Temptation. Ten commandments. Dale, R. W. The ten commandments. 5th ed. 1885. Same. 7th ed. 1895. Da vies, E. Law of holiness: exposition of the ten commandments. ci88o. Dykes, J. O. Law of the ten words. 1884. — Laws of the kingdom. 1873. Eyton, R. The ten commandments: sermons. 1895. Farrar, F. W. Voice from Sinai. 1892. Sermons on the commandments. Hoopes, W. L. Code of the spirit: an inter- pretation of the Decalogue. 191 1. McAfee, C. B. Mosaic law in modern life. 1906. Mason, E. B. Ten laws; foundation for human society. C1897. Morgan, G. C . The ten commandments. 1901. Randolph, B. W. The law of Sinai: devo- tional addresses on the ten commandments. 1896. Stanley, A. P. The ten commandments. {In his Christian institutions.) Washburn, E. A. Social law of God: ser- mons on the ten commandments. 1881. Ten epochs of church history. Fulton, J., ed. Age of Charlemagne. Wells, C. L. Age of Hildebrand. Vincent, M. R. Age of the renaissance. Van Dyke, P. Apostolic age. Bartlet, J. V. Ecumenical councils. Du Bose, W. P. Reformation. Walker, W. Ten great religions. Clarke, J. F. Tenement house problem. De Forest, R. W., and Veiller, L. Tenement house problem; including the report of the N. Y. State house commission of 1900. 1903. 2v. Devine, E. T. {In his Spirit of social work.) Veiller, L. Housing reform. 1910. See also Children; Housing problem; Labor and laboring classes; Poor; Social settle- ments. Teimant, Frederick Robert. Concept of sin. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 19 12. Origin and propagation of sin. 2d ed. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1906. (Hulsean lect.) Sources of the doctrines of the fall and original sin. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press. 1903. Temiyson, Alfred, ist baron Tennyson. In memoriam. Bost. Ticknor. 1851. Poetic and dramatic works. Cambr. ed. Bost. Houghton. C1898. Poetical works. N. Y. Crowell. C1897. Queen Mary. Bost. Osgood. 1875. Bradley, A. C. Commentary on Tennyson's In memoriam. 1901. Brooke, S. A. Tennyson: his art and rela- tion to modern life. C1894. Everett, C. C. Tennyson and Browning as spiritual forces. {In his Essays, theological and literary.) Greene, J. N. Enoch Arden; or, Love's self- crucifixion. {In his Gospel in literature.) Gunsaulus, F. W. Alfred Tennyson. {In his Higher ministries of recent English poetry.) Hutton, R. H. Tennyson's theology. {In his Aspects of religious and scientific thought.) 286 Catalogue General Theological Library Tennyson, Alfred — Continued. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 13.) Royce, J. Tennyson and pessimism. (/» his Studies of good and evil.) Sneath, E. H. Mind of Tennyson. 1900. Strong, A. H. {In his Great poets and their theology.) Tennyson, H. Alfred, Lord Tennyson; a memoir by his son. 1905. Tennyson, Hallam, 2d baron Tennyson. Alfred, Lord Tennyson. N. Y. Macm. 1905. Teresa, St. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 5.) Lovat, A. Life of St. Teresa; taken from the French of " A Carmelite nun"; with a preface by R. H. Benson. 1912. Terry, Milton Spenser. Biblical dogmatics; an exposition of the principal doctrines of the Holy Scriptures. N. Y. Eaton. [C1907.] Biblical hermeneutics; treatise on the inter- pretation of the Old and New Testaments. N. Y. Eaton. C1890. Mediation of Jesus Christ. N. Y. E^ton. 1903. Moses and the prophets: essay toward a fair and useful statement of some of the positions of modern biblical criticism. N. Y. Eaton. [1901.] New apologetic; five lectures. N. Y. Eaton. 1897. transl. The Sibylline oracles, tr. into Engl. blank verse. See Bible. O. T, Pseudepig- rapha. Tertullian. Apologetic and practical treatises; tr. by C. Dodgson. Oxford. Parker. 1842. (Libr. of the fathers, etc.) Five books against Marcion; tr. by Peter Holmes. Edin. Clark. 1868. (Ante- Nicene Christian library, vol. VII.) Writings. Edin. Clark. 1869-70. 3v. (Ante-Nicene Christian library, vols. XI, XV, XVIII.) Same. (Ante-Nicene fathers, vols. III-IV.) Cruttwell, C. T. {In his Literary history of early Christianity, vol. II.) Walker, W. {In his Great men of the Chris- tian church.) Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens. See Tertullian. Testaments of the twelve patriarchs. Charles, R. H., transl. Teutonic mythology. See Mythology, Norse. Teutons. Chamberlain, H. S. The Teutons as creators of a new culture. {In his Foundations of the nineteenth centurv, vol. ID Chantepie de la Saussaye, P. D. Religion of the Teutons; tr. by B. J. Vos. 1902. (Hdbks. on the history of religions.) Thanksgiving. Hughes, E. H. Thanksgiving sermons. C1909. Thanksgiving day. Love, W. D. Fast and thanksgiving days of New England. 1895. Thanksgiving service. See Thoughts for the occasion, anniversary and religious. Noble, F., ed. Thatcher, G. W. Judges and Ruth; introduc- tion; revised version with notes, etc. N. Y. Frowde. n. d. (New century Bible.) Thatcher, Oliver Joseph. Sketch of the history of the apostolic church. Bost. Houghton. 1893- and McNeal, Edgar Holmes, eds. Source book for mediaeval history; selected docu- ments illustrating the history of Europe in the middle age. N. Y. Scribner. 1907. Thayer, Joseph Henry. Change of attitude towards the Bible: lecture. Bost. Hough- ton. 1 89 1. Thayer, Thomas Baldwin. Theology of Uni- versalism. Bost. Tompkins. 1863. Thayer, William Roscoe. Life and times of Cavour. 2v. Bost. Houghton. 1911. Thein, John. Christian anthropology. N. Y. Benziger. 1892. Theism. Abbot, F. E. Scientific theism. 1886. Armstrong, R. A. Agnosticism and theism. 1907. Ballard, F. True God: modem summary of the relations of theism to naturalism, monism, pluralism and pantheism, n. d. Barbour, G. F. Ethical approach to theism. 1913- Bowne, B. P. Philosophy of theism. 1887. — Theism. C1887. (Deems lect.) Diman, J. L. Theistic argument as affected by recent theories. 1881. (Lowell Inst, lect.) Dole, C. F. From agnosticism to theism. Everett, C. C. Theism and the Christian faith. 1909. Flint, R. Theism. 1878. (Baird lect.) Eraser, A. C. Philosophy of theism. 1895-7. 2v. (Gifford lect.) Harris, S. Philosophical "basis of theism. 1883. Hedge, F. H. Natural history of theism. {In his Ways of the spirit.) Hovey, A. {In his Studies in ethics and religion.) Iverach, J. Theism in the light of present science and philosophy. 1899. Knight, W. Aspects of theism. 1893. McTaggart, J. M. E. Theism and happiness. {In his Some dogmas of religion.) Maitland, B. Theism or agnosticism, n. d. Martineau, J. Theism. {In his Study of religion, vol. I.) Mill, J. S. Theism. {In his Three essays on religion.) Parker, T. Sermons of theism, atheism and the popular theology. 1853. Rashdall, H. Ultimate basis of theism. {In Contentio veritatis.) Seth, A. Two lectures on theism. 1897. Walker, W. L. Christian theism and a spirit- ual monism. 1906. Ward, J. Realm of ends. 191 1. (Gifford lect.) Wenley, R. M. Contemporary theology and theism. 1897. See also Atheism; Christianity; Deism; God; Religion; Theology. Theodoret. Ecclesiastical history, dialogues and letters; tr. by B. Jackson. 1892. (Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d ser., vol. III.) History of the church from a.d. 322 to a.d. 427. Lond. Bohn. 1854. (Bohn's eccles. libr.) In the same vol. is the Ecclesiastical history of Evagriua, A. D. 43 1 to A. D. 594. Catalogue General Theological Library 287 Theodosius the Great, emperor of Rome. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 4-) Theologia Germanica: ed. by Dr. Pfeiffer from the only complete ms. yet known; tr. from the German by S. Winkworth, with preface by Charles Kingsley, etc. Andover. Draper. 1857. Theological discussions. Andrews, G. A. What is essential? C1910. Ballard, F. Why does not God intervene? [1912.] Erskine, T. Spiritual order, and other papers. 1884. Fairbairn, A. M. City of God. 1856. Fisher, G. P. Discussions in history and theology. 1880. Grant, M. Thoughts for thinkers. 1893. Horton, R. F. My belief. 1908. Lyman, E. W. Theolog^y and human prob- lems. 1910. Mains, G. P. Modern thought and traditional faith. C1911. Orr, J. Faith of a modern Christian. [1910.] Snowden, J. H. Basal beliefs of Christianity. 1911. Theology. Beckwith, C. A. Realities of Christian theology. 1906. Beet, J. A. Through Christ to God; a study in scientific theology. 1901. Bonney, T. G. Christian doctrines and modern thought. 1892. Brierley, J. Our City of God. 1907. Brown, C. R. The main points; a study in Christian belief. 1906. Brown, W. A. Christian theology in outline. 1906. — The essence of Christianity; a study in the history of definition. 1902. Bushnell, H. Dogma and spirit; or. The true reviving of religion. {In his God in Christ: three discourses.) Bussell, F. W. Christian theology and social progress. 1907. (Bamp. lect.) Caird, E. Evolution of theology in the Greek philosophers. 1904. 2v. (Gilford lect.) Cargile, J. A. True theology, n. d. Clarke, W. N. Use of the Scriptures in theol- ogy. 1905. (N. W. Taylor lect.) Coleridge, S. T. Aids to reflection. New ed. 1884. (Bohn's standard libr.) Denney, J. Studies in theology. 1895. Dole, C. F. Theology of civilization. 1899. Drummond, J. Studies in Christian doctrine. 1908. Elmendorf, J.J. Elements of moral theology. 1902. Fairchild, J. H. Elements of theology, natural and revealed. C1892. Foster, R. S. Studies in theology. C1889. Gardner, P. Basis of Christian doctrine. {In his Modernity and the churches.) — Translation of Christian doctrine, {In his Modernity and the churches.) Gilbert, G. H. Primer of the Christian religion; based on the teaching of Jesus, its Founder and living Lord. 1902. Gladden, W. How much is left of the old doctrines? 1899. Graves, H. C. Handbook of Christian doctrine. 1903. Theology — Continued. Hall, F. J. Creation and man. 1912. — Introduction to dogmatic theology. 1907. Hill, T. Statement of the natural sources of theology. 1877. Hyde, W. D. God's education of man. 1899. — Outlines of social theology. 1895. Johnson, E. H. Christian agnosticism as related to Christian knowledge, the critical principle in theology. 1907. Johnson, F. H. God in evolution; a prag- matic study of theology. 191 1. King, H. C. Reconstruction in theology. 1901. — Theology and the social consciousness. 1902. King, J. M. Theology of Christ's teaching. 1903. MacCoIl, A. A working theology. 1909. McFarland, C. S. The infinite affection. [C1907.] " Statement of faith presented, in part, to an ec- clesiastical council of the Fairfield west consociation, etc., etc." McTaggart, J. M. E. Some dogmas of reli- gion. 1906. Martineau, J. Theology in its relation to progressive knowledge. {In his Essays, philosophical and theological, vol. L) Mason, S. M. Doctrinal aspects of Christian experience. CI882. Mead, C. M. Irenic theology; a study of some antitheses in religious thought. 1905- Montgomery, G. R. Unexplored self; an introduction to Christian doctrine for teacheis and students. 1910. Moody, D. L. Fulness of the gospel. CI908. Moore, A. W. Rational basis of orthodoxy. 1901. Mulford, E. Republic of God: an institute of theology. 1881. Orr, J. Christian view of God and the world. 2d ed. 1891. (Kerr lect.) — Sidelights on Christian doctrine. 1909. Palmer, F. Studies in theologic definition underlying the Apostles' and Nicene creeds. 1895- Paterson, W. P. The rule of faith. 1912. (Baird lect.) Rainy, R. Delivery and development of Christian doctrine. 1874. Raman&than, P. Culture of the soul among western nations. 1906. Sabatier, L. A. VitaHty of Christian dogmas and theit power of evolution. 1898. Slater, T. Manual of moral theology for English-speaking countries, with notes on American legislation by M. Martin. 1908. 2V. Smyth, N. Orthodox theology of to-day. i88i. Stearns, L. F, Present day theology. 1893. Stevens, G. B. Doctrine and life. 1895. Strong, A. H. Great poets and their theology. 1897. Terry, M. S. Biblical dogmatics; an exposi- tion of the principal doctrines of the Holy Scriptures. [C1907.] Tolstoy, L. N. Critique of dogmatic theology. CI904. 288 Catalogue General Theological Library Theology — Continued. Warfield, B. B. Right of systematic theology. 1897. Watson, J. (Ian Maclaren.) The doctrines of grace. 1900. Wenley, R. M. Contemporary theology and theism. 1897. Westcott, B. F. Gospel of life; thoughts introductory to the study of Christian doc- trine. 1892. Wilmers, W. Handbook of the Christian religion. C1891. Worcester, E. The living word. 1908. See also Apologetics; Atonement; Authority; Bible; Christianity; Christology; Church of England; Conversion; Creeds; Divine immanence; Eschatology; Faith; Fall of man; Free will; Future punishment; God; Incarnation; Jesus Christ; Justifica- tion; Kingdom of God; Man, Doctrine of; Monotheism; Mysticism; New theology; Orthodoxy; Pantheism; Pastoral theology; Paul, St.; Philosophy; Predestination; Providence; Psychology; Redemption; Re- gjeneration; Religion; Repentance; Ret- ribution; Revelation; Ritschlianism; Roman Catholic church; Sacraments; Sacrifice; Salvation; Sanctification; Sin; Soteriology; Theological discussions; Trinity. Encydopcedias. Kuyper, A. Encyclopedia of sacred theology. 1898. Essays. Bradford, A. H. Age of faith, 1900. — The inward light. 1905. De Quincey, T. Theological essays. 1854. 2V. Drummond, H. The new evangelism, and other addresses. 1899. Essays on some theological questions of the day, by members of the University of Cam- bridge; ed. by H. B. Swete. 1905. (Cam- bridge theological essays.) Fiske, C. Religion of the incarnation; short practical papers on doctrinal subjects. ^905. Gore, C, ed. Lux mundi; studies in the religion of the incarnation. 12th ed. 1891. Headlam, A. C. History, authority and theology. 19 10. Hedge, F. H. Ways of the spirit, and other essays. 1877. ed. Recent inquiries in theology by eminent English churchmen; being " Essays and re- views." 4th Amer. from 2d Lond. ed. 1862. Martineau, J. Essays, reviews and addresses, vol. III. 1891. — Studies in Christianity. 1858. Maurice, F. D. Theological essays. 1854. Mozley, J. B. Essays historical and theologi- cal. 1878. 2V. Progressive orthodoxy; a contribution to the Christian interpretation of the Christian doctrines by the editors of " The Andover review." 1887. Replies to " Essays and reviews," by E. M. Goulburn [and others]. 1862. Theology. Essays — Continued. Schafif, P. Christ and Christianity: studies on Christology, creeds and confessions, Protestantism and Romanism, reformation principles, Sunday observance, religious freedom and Christian union. 1885. Smith, H. B. Faith and philosophy. 1878. Talbot, N. S., and others. Foundations: a statement of Christian belief in terms of modern thought; by seven 0.\ford men. 1913- Each essay catalogued separately imder its subject. Theology at the dawn of the twentieth cen- tury; essays on the present status of Christianity and its doctrines. . Ed. by J. V. Morgan. 1901. Whiton, J. M., ed. Getting together: essays by friends in council on the regulative ideas of religious thought. 1913. See also Essays. Systems. Alexander, W. L. System of biblical theology. 1888. 2V. Beet, J. A. Manual of theology. 1906. Calvin, J. Institutes of the Christian religion; new ed., tr. by H. Beveridge. 1845-46. 3v. Clarke, W. N. Outline of Christian theology. 1894. Curtis, O. A. The Christian faith personally given in a system of doctrine. [C1905.] Dale, R. W. Christian doctrine. 1891. Dorner, I. A. System of Christian doctrine; tr. by A. Cave and J. S. Banks. 1880- 1882. 4v. (For. theol. libr.) Gerhart, E. V. Institutes of the Christian religion. 1 894. 2 v. Hodge, C. Systematic theology. 1872-3. 3v. Hovey, A. Manual of Christian theology. 2d ed. 1900. Miley, J. Systematic theology. C1892. 2v. Shedd, W. G. T. Dogmatic theology. 1888- 94- 3v. Sheldon, H. C. System of Christian doctrine. [CI903.] Smith, H. B. System of Christian theology. 2d ed. 1884. Strong, A. H. Systematic theology. 1907- 09. 3v. Theology, Biblical. See Bible. Theology, Historical. Abbott, L., and others. The new Puritanism: papers, semi-centen- nial of Plymouth church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1847-1897. 1898. Adeney, W. F. Century's progress in reli- gious life and thought. 1901. Allen, A. V. G. Continuity of Christian thought: a study of modern theology in the light of its history. 1884. (Bohlen lect.) Alviella, G. d'. Contemporary evolution of religious thought in England, America and India. 1886. Ball, W. E. B. St. Paul and the Roman law, and other studies on the origin of the form of doctrine. 1901, Boardman, G. N. History of the New Eng- land theology. 1899. Catalogue General Theological Library 289 Theology, Historical — Continued. Clemen, C. C. Primitive Christianity and its non- Jewish sources; tr. by R. G. Nisbet. 1912. Crippen, T. G. Popular introduction to the history of Christian doctrine. 1883. Dorner, I. A. History of the development of the doctrine of the person of Christ; tr. by W. L. Alexander and D. W. Simon. 1861- 1864. 5v. (For. theol. libr.) Vol. V wanting. — History of Protestant theology particu- larly in Germany; tr. by G. Robson and S. Taylor. 1871. 2v. Faber, G. S. Tieatise on the genius and object of the patriarchal, the Levitical and the Christian dispensations. 1823. 2v. Fisher, G. P. Historv of Christian doctrine. 1896. (Int. theol. libr.) Forsyth, P. T, Faith, freedom and the future. [1912.] Foster, F. H. Genetic history of the New England theology. 1907. Hagenbach, K. R. Compendium of the history of doctrines; tr. by C. W. Buch. 1850-52. 2v. (For. theol. libr.) Harnack, A. History of dogma; tr. by Neil Buchanan. 1894-1900. 7v. (Theol. transl. libr.) Heard, J. B. Alexandrian and Carthaginian theology contrasted. 1893. (Hulsean lect.) Hunt, J. Religious thought in England from the reformation to the end of the last cen- tury; a contribution to the history of theology. 1870. 2 v. — Religious thought in England in the nine- teenth century. 1896. Hutton, J. A. Winds of God: the intercourse of thought with faith during the nineteenth century. [191 1.] Kostlin, J. Theology of Luther in its histori- cal development and inner harmony; tr. by C. E. Hay. C1897. 2v. Krauth, C. P. The conservative reforma- tion and its theology. 1872. Lichtenberger, F. A. History of German theology in the nineteenth century; tr. by W. Hastie. 1889. McGiffert, A. C. Protestant thought before Kant. 1911. Mackay, R. W. The Tubingen school and its antecedents: a review of the history and present condition of modern theology. 1863. Macran, F. W. English apologetic theology. 1905. (Donnellan lect.) Matheson, G. Aids to the study of German theology. 1877. Moore, E. C. Outline of the history of Christian thought since Kant. 1912. Morris, E. D. Theology of the Westminster symbols. 1900. Neander, J. A. W. Lectures on the history of Christian dogmas; tr. by J. E. Ryland. 1858. 2v. (Bohn's standard libr.) Nuelsen, J. L. Some recent phases of German theology. C1908. Paton, L. B., ed. Recent Christian progress. 1909. Theology, Historical — Continued. Pfleiderer, O. Development of theology in Germany since Kant and its progress in Great Britain since 1825; tr. by J. F. Smith. 1890. Reuss, E. W. E. History of Christian theol- ogy in the apostolic age; tr. by A. Harwood. 1872-4. 2V. Robertson, A. Regnum Dei; eight lectures on the Kingdom of God in the history of Christian thought. 1901. (Bamp. lect.) Scott, H. M. Origin and development of the Nicene theology. 1896. (Stone lect.) Seeberg, R. Text-book of the history of doctrines. Revised, 1904, by the author; tr. by C. E. Hay. C1905. 2v. Shedd, W. G. T. History of Christian doc- trine. 1863. 2V. Sheldon, H. C. History of Christian doctrine. 1886. 2V. Smith, J. F. Studies in religion under German masters. 1880. Swete, H. B. On the history of the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the apostolic age to the death of Charle- magne. 1876. Tayler, J. J. Retrospect of the religious life of England. 2d ed. 1876. Tulloch, J. Movements of religious thought in Britain during the nineteenth century. 1885. — Rational theology and Christian philoso- phy in England in the seventeenth century. 1872. 2V. Walker, J. Theology and theologians of Scot- land, chiefly of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 1872. (Cunningham lect.) Walton, F. E. Development of the Logos doctrine in Greek and Hebrew thought. 191 1. Workman, H. B. Christian thought to the reformation. 191 1. Theology, Pauline. See Paul, St. Theology in the English poets. Brooke, S. A. Theology of the Greek poets. Tyler, W. S. Theology of modern literature. Wilson, S. L. Theosophical manuals. Point Loma [Cal.]. Aryan theos. press. 1 7 v. Theosophy. Bertholet, A. Transmigration of souls; tr. by H. J. Chaytor. 1909. (Harper's libr. of living thought.) Blavatsky, H. P. Isis unveiled. 1910. 2v. — Key to theosophy. 1907. — Voice of the silence. 1909. Judge, W. Q. Echoes from the Orient; a broad outline of theosophical doctrines. 1910. — Ocean of theosophy. 1893. Miiller, F. M. Theosophy, or psychological religion. 1893. (Gifford lect.) Podmore, F. Madame Blavatsky and theoso- phy. {In his Studies in psychical research.) Walker, E. D. Reincarnation. 1901. Therapeutics, Suggestive. Brown, C. R. Healing power of suggestion, (/n his Faith and health.) Quackenbos, J. D. Hypnotic therapeutics in theory and practice, with numerous illustrations of treatment by suggestion. 1908. See also Psychotherapy. 290 Catalogue General Theological Library Therapeutics, Suggestiv^e. Bernheim, H. Thiers, Louis Adolphe. History of the French revolution; tr. by F. Shoberl. Phila. Carey. 1840. 3V. Le Goff, F. Life of Louis Adolphe Thiers. 1879. Thilly, Frank. Introduction to ethics. N. Y. Scribner. 1900. Things worth while. Higginson, T. W. Thinking, feeling, doing. Scripture, E. W. Thirteenth, greatest of centuries. Walsh, J. J. Thirtle, James William. Titles of the Psalms; their nature and meaning explained. Lond., etc. Frowde. 1904. Thirty years' war. Fletcher, C. R. L. Gustavus Adolphus and the struggle of Protestantism for existence. 1910. (Heroes of the nations.) Lord, J. (/« his Beacon lights of history, Vol. 8.) Thoburn, James Mills, Methodist Episcopal bishop. Crawford, W. H., ed. Thoburn and India. C1909. Tholuck, Friedrich August Gottreu. Commen- tary on the Sermon on the Mount; tr. from 4th ed. by R. L. Brown. Phila. Smith. i860. Hours of Christian devotion; tr. by R. Menzies. 2d ed. Edin. Blackwood. .1875- Light from the cross; sermons on the passion of our Lord. Phila. Martien. 1858. Thorn, John Hamilton. Laws of life after the mind of Christ, ist and 2d ser. Lond. Paul. 1886. 2v. Spiritual faith; sermons. Lond. Longm. 1895- Thomas, St. Adeney, W. F. St. Thomas. {In Men of the N. T.) Carpenter, W. B. Thomas. {In his Son of man among the sons of men.) Davidson, A. B. Thomas. {In his The called of God.) Matheson, G. Thomas the convinced. {In his Representative men of the N. T.) Rothe, R. The unbelief of St. Thomas. {In his Sermons for the Christian year.) Whyte, A. Thomas. {In his Bible charac- ters: Joseph and Mary to James, the Lord's brother.) Thomas A Becket, St. Hodges, G. {In his Saints and heroes to the end of the Middle ages.) Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Thomas a Kempis, St. Imitation of Christ, tr. from the Latin by J. Payne. N. Y. Col- Hns. 1846. Thomas Aquinas, St. Aquinas ethicus: or. Moral teaching of St. Thomas; a transla- tion of the principal portions of the second part of the " Summa theologica," with notes by Joseph Rickaby. N. Y. Cath. publ. soc. 1892. 2v. Cavanagh, P. Life of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor, n. d. Lord, J. {In his Beacon lights of history, vol. 2.) Walker, W. Thomas Aquinas. {In his Great men of the Christian church.) Wicksteed, P. H. Dante and Aquinas. 1913. Thomas, Allen Clapp, and Thomas, Richard Henry. History of the Society of Friends in America. {In Amer. church hist., vol. XII.) History- of the Friends in America. 4th ed. Phila. Winston. 1905. A rev. ed. of the voL in the Amer. church hist. ser. Thomas, John M. The Christian faith and the Old Testament. N. Y. Crowell. [1908.] Thomas, Reuen. Divine sovereignty, and other sermons. Bost. Lothrop. CI885. Glad tidings; a selection from [his] sermons. Bost. Pilgrim press. CI908. Liturgical services. CI903. Thomas, Richard Henry, joint author. See Thomas, A. C, and Thomas, R. H. Thomas, W. H. Griffith. The apostle Peter; studies in his life, character and writings. N. Y. Revell. Christianity is Christ. Lond. Longm. 1909. Romans I-V. Lond. Rel. tract soc. 191 1. (Dev. comment. Buckland, A. R., ed.) Work of the ministry. Lond. Hodder. [1912.] Thomas, William Isaac. Source book for social origins. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. Thompson, Augustus Charles. The better land. Bost. Gould. 1854. Thompson, Charles Lemuel. The Presbyte- rians. N. Y. Baker. CI903. (Story of the churches.) Thompson, Clarence Bertrand. The churches and the wage earners; a study of the cause and cure of their separation. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1909. Thompson, David Decamp. John Wesley as a social reformer. N. Y. E^ton. 1898. Thompson, Herbert M. Theory of wages and its application to the eight hours' question, and other labour problems. Lond. Macm. 1892. Thompson, Hugh Miller. The world and the man. N. Y. Whittaker. 1890. (Baldwin lect.) The world and the wrestlers; personality and responsibility. N. Y. Whittaker. 1895. (Bohlen lect.) Thompson, James Matthew. Miracles in the New Testament. Lond. Arnold. 191 1. Thompson, James Westfall. Wars of religion in France, 1 559-1 576. Chi. Univ. press. 1909. Thompson, Ralph Wardlaw. Griffith John; the story of fifty years in China. N. Y. Arm- strong. 1906. Thompson, Reginald Campbell. Semitic magic: its origins and development. Lond. Luzac. 1908. Thompson, Richard Wigginton. The papacy and the civil power. N. Y. Harper. C1876. Thompson, Robert Ellis. Historic episcopate. Phila. Westm. press. 1910. History of the Presbyterian churches in the United States. N. Y. Christ, lit. co. 1895. (Amer. church hist., vol. VI.) Thompson, Silvanus Phillips. Life of William Thomson, baron Kelvin of Largs. Lond. Macm. 19 10. Catalogue General Theological Library 291 Thomson, George. Evolution and involution. Lond. Triibner. 1880. Thomson, John Arthur. The Bible of nature. N. Y. Scribner. 1908. (Bross libr.) Heredity. N. Y. Putnam. 1910. joint author. See Geddes, P., and Thomson, J. A. Thomson, William, ist baron Kelvin. See Kel- vin. Thomson, William Haima. Brain and person- ality; or, Physical relations of the brain to the mind. N. Y. Dodd. 1906. Life and times of the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 1912. Life, death and immortality. N. Y. Funk. 1911. What is physical life? N. Y. Dodd. 1909. Thomson, William McCItire. The land and the Book; or, Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery of the Holy Land. N. Y. Harper. 1880-1886. 3v. ISiomdike, Edward Lee. Elements of psychol- ogy. 2d ed. N. Y. Seiler. 1913. Principles of teaching based on psychology. N. Y. Seiler. 1913. Thojmton, John Wingate, ed. Pulpit of the American revcrhition; with historical in- troduction, notes, etc. Bost. Gould, i860. Thornton, Robinson. Saint Ambrose. Lond. S. P. C. K. 1879. (Fathers for English rea