ASSOCIATION PORT OF NEW YORK. 897. liPTo •■ Ji/ly l^Tlpoo. m?i THE CUSTOMS TARIFF ACT OF 1897 WITH ALPHABETICAL SCHEDULE Revised to July 1st, 1900, CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATIVE ACT OF 1890 As Amended by Act of July SJ^th, 1897, FRENCH, PORTUGUESE, GERMAN AND ITALIAN RECIPROCITY TREATIES, porto rico tariff rates, Sealing Act of Dec. 29, 1897 (Customs Provisions). ISSUED BY Customs Brokers' and Clerks' Association OF THE PORT OF NEW YORK. Incorporated March 22d, 1897. PRICE, ----- $%Q0 f COPYRIGHTED 1900. ^ fJJ Cost Customs Administrative Act In Effect August 1,1890. AS AMENDED BY ACT OF JULY 24TH, 1897. ^ AN ACT TO SIMPLIFY THE LAWS IN RELA- TION TO THE COLLECTION OF THE REVENUES. Jj Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of n Representatives of the United States of America in Con- j gresS assembled, That all merchandise imported into the "^ United States shall, for the purpose of this act, be deemed V. and held to be the property of the person to whom the £ merchandise may be consigned ; but the holder of any bill Q of lading consigned to order and indorsed by the consignor shall be deemed the consignee thereof ; and in case of the o abandonment of any merchandise to the underwriters the E latter may be recognized as the consignee. ^ Sec. 2. That all invoices of imported merchandise shall be made out in the currency of the place or country from (, whence the importations shall be made, or, if purchased, in y the currency actually paid therefor, shall contain a correct Z description of such merchandise, and shall be made in P triplicate or in quadruplicate in case of merchandise in- tended for immediate transportation without appraisement, and signed by the person owning or shipping the same, if the merchandise has been actually purchased, or by the manufacturer or owner thereof, if the same has been pro- cured otherwise than by purchase, or by the duly author- ized agent of such purchaser, manufacturer or owner. SEC. 3. That all such invoices shall, at or before the shipment of the merchandise, be produced to the consul, vice-consul, or commercial agent of the United States of the consular district in which the merchandise was manu- factured or pur* hased, as the case may be, for export to the United States, and shall have endorsed thereon, when 254;?.% i 'ustoms Brokers and < 'It rks Am cialion so produced, a declaration signed by the purchaser, manu- facturer, owner or agent, setting forth that the invoice is in all respects correct and true, and was made at the place from which the merchandise is to be exported to the United States ; that it contains, if the merchandise was obtained by purchase, a true and full statement of the time when, the place where, the person from whom the same was purchased, and the actual cost thereof, and of all charges thereon, as provided by this act ; and that no dis- counts, bounties or drawbacks are contained in the invoice but such as have been actually allowed thereon ; and when obtained in any other manner than by purchase, the actual market value or wholesale price thereof, at the time of exportation to the United States, in the principal markets of the country from whence exported ; that such actual market value is the price at which the merchandise de- scribed in the invoice is freely offered for sale to all pur- chasers in said markets, and that it is the price which the manufacturer or owner making the declaration would have received, and was willing to receive, for such mer- chandise sold in the ordinary course of trade in the usual wholesale quantities, and that it includes all charges thereon as provided by this act ; and the actual quantity thereof; and that no different invoice of the merchandise mentioned in the invoice so produced has been or will be furnished to anyone. If the merchandise was actually purchased, the declaration shall also contain a statement thai the currency in which such invoice is made out is that which was actually paid for the merchandise by the pur- chaser. Sec. 4. That, except in case of personal effects accom- panying t lie passenger, no importation of any merchandise exceeding one hundred dollars in dutiable value shall be admitted to entry without the production of a duly certified invoice thereof as required by law, or of an affi- davit made by the owner, importer <>!• consignee, before the collector or his deputy, showing why it is iniprac ticable to produce such invoice; and no entry shall be made in the absence of a certified invoice, upon affidavit as aforesaid, unless such affidavit be accompanied by a qf lh. Port of New York. statement in the form of an invoice, or otherwise, showing the actual cost of such merchandise, if purchased, or if obtained otherwise than by purchase, the actual market value or wholesale price thereof at the time of exportation to the United States in the principal markets of the coun- try from which the same has been imported; which statement shall be verified by the oath of the owner, importer, consignee or agent desiring to make entry of the merchandise, to be administered by the collector or his deputy, and it shall be lawful for the collector or his deputy to examine the deponent under oath, touching the sources of his knowledge, information or belief, in the premises, and to require him to produce any letter, paper or statement of account in his possession, or under his control, which may assist the officers of customs in ascertaining the actual value of the importation or any part thereof, and in default of such production, when so requested, such owner, importer, consignee or agent shall be thereafter debarred from producing any such letter, paper or statement for the purpose of avoiding any additional duty, penalty or forfeiture incurred under this act, unless he shall show to the satisfaction of the court or the officers of the customs, as the case may be, that it was not in his power to produce the same when so demanded; and no merchandise shall be admitted to entry under the provisions of this section unless the collector shall be satisfied that the failure to produce a duly certified invoice is due to causes beyond the control of the owner, consig-nee, or agent thereof. Provided that the Secretary of the Treasury may make regulations by which books, magazines and other periodicals published and imported in successive parts, numbers, or volumes, and entitled to be imported free of duty, shall require but one declaration for the entire series. And when entry of merchandise exceeding one hundred dollars in value is made by a statement in the form of an invoice, the collec- tor shall require a bond for the production of a duly certified invoice. Sec, •"">. That whenever merchandise imported into the United States is entered by invoice, one of the following Customs Brokers and ' A rl;- Axsoriafion declarations, according to the nature of the case, shall he filed with the collector of the port at the time of entry by the owner, importer, consignee or agent, which decla- ration so filed shall be duly signed by the owner, importer, consignee or agent before the collector, or before a notary public or other officer duly authorized by law to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, who may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury to receive such decla- rations and to certify to the identity of the persons making them, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury; and every officer so designated shall file with the collector of the port a copy of his official signature and seal. Provided, that if any of the invoices or bills of lading of any merchandise imported in any one vessel, which should otherwise be embraced in said entry, have not been received at the date of the entry, the declaration may state the fact, and thereupon such merchandise, of which the invoices or bills of lading are not produced, shall not be included in such entry, but may be entered subse- quently. Declaration of Consignee, Importer or Agent. I, , do solemnly and truly declare that I am the consignee, importer, or agent of the merchandise described in the annexed entry and invoice; that the invoice and bill of lading now presented D3 T me to the Collector of are the true and only invoice and bill of lading by me received of all the goods, wares and merchandise imported in the , whereof is master, from , foraccount of any person whomsoever for whom T am authorized to enter the same; that the said invoice and bill of lading are in the slate in which they were actually received by me, and that I do not know or believe in the existence of any other invoice or bill of Lading of the said goods, wares ami merchandise; that the entry now delivered to the collec- tor contains a just and true account of the said goods, wares and merchandise, according to the said invoice and bill of Lading; that nothing has been on my part, nor to my k/iowledge on the part of any other person, concealed or suppressed, whereby the United States may be defrauded. 6/ tht Fori qf New York. of any part of the duty lawfully due on 1 lie said goods, wares and merchandise; that the said invoice and the declaration therein are in all respects true, and were made hy the person by whom the same purport to have been made; and that if at anytime hereafter I discover any error in the said invoice, or in the account now rendered of the said goods, wares and merchandise, or receive any other invoice of the same, I will immediately make the same known to the collector of this district. And I do further solemnly and truly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief [insert the name and residence of the owner or owners] is [or are] the owner [or owners] of the goods, wares and merchandise mentioned in the annexed entry ; that the invoice now produced by me exhibits the actual cost [if purchased] or the actual market value or wholesale price [if otherwise obtained] at the time of ex- portation to the United States in the principal markets of the country from whence imported of the said goods, wares and merchandise, and includes and specifies the value of all cartons, cases, crates, boxes, sacks and cover- ings of any kind, and all other costs, charges and expenses incident to placing said goods, wares and merchandise in condition, packed ready for shipment to the United Stales, and no other or different discount, bounty or drawback but such as has been actually allowed on the same. Declaration of Owner in Cases* where Merchandise has been Actually Purchased. I, , do solemnly and truly declare that I am the owner of the merchandise described in the annexed entry and invoice ; that the entry now delivered by me to the Collector of -contains a just and true account of all the goods, wares and merchandise imported by or consigned to me, in the -, whereof is master, from -; that the invoice and entry, which I now produce, contain a just and faithful account of the actual cost of the said goods, wares and merchandise, and include and specify the value of all cartons, cases, crates, boxes, sacks and cover- ings of any kind, and all other costs, charges and expenses incident to placing said goods, wares ami merchandise in Customs Brokers and Clerks Association condition, packed ready for shipment to the United States, and no other discount, drawback or bounty but such as lias been actually allowed on the same ; that I do not know nor believe in the existence of any invoice or bill of lading- other than those now produced by me, and that they are in the state in which I actually received tbem. And I further solemnly and truly declai'e tbat I have not in the said entry or invoice concealed or suppressed anything whereby the United States may be defrauded of any part of the duty lawfully due on the said goods, wai-es and merchandise ; that to the best of my knowledge and belief the said invoice and the declaration thereon are in all respects true, and were made by the person by whom the same purport to have been made, and that if at any time hereafter I discover any error in the said invoice or in the account now produced of the said goods, wares and merchandise, or receive any other invoice of the same, I will immediately make the same known to the collector of this district. Declaration of Manufacturer or Owner in Oases where Merchandise has not been actually Purchased. I, , do solemnly and truly declare that I am the owner [or manufacturer] of the merchandise described in the annexed entry and invoice; that the entry now deliv- ered by me to the Collector of contains a just and true account of all the goods, wares and merchandise im- ported by or consigned to me in the , whereof is master, from ; that the said goods, wares and mer- chandise were not actually bought by me, or by my agent,- in the ordinary mode of bargain and sale, but that never- theless, the invoice which L now produce contains a just and faithful valuation of the same, at their actual market value or wholesale price, a1 the time of exportation to the United Stales, in the principal markets of the country from whence imported for my account |or for account of myself or partners] ; that such actual market value is the price al which the merchandise described in (he invoice is freely offered for sale to all purchasers in said markets of the Port of X< w York. and is the price which I would have received and was will- ing to receive for such merchandise sold in the ordinary course of trade in the visual wholesale quantities ; that the said invoice contains also a just and faithful account of all the cost of finishing said goods, wares and merchandise to their present condition, and includes and specifies the value of all cartons, cases, crates, boxes, sacks and coverings of any kind, and all other costs and charges incident to plac- ing said goods, wares and merchandise in condition, packed ready for shipment to the United States, and no other discount, drawback or bounty, but such as has been actually allowed on the said goods, wares and merchan- dise ; that the said invoice and the declaration thereon are in all respects true, and were made by the person by whom the same purports to have been made ; that I do not know nor believe in the existence of any other invoice or bill of lading* other than those now produced by me, and that they are in the state in which I actually received them. And I do further solemnly and truly declare that I have not in the said entry or invoice concealed or sup- pressed anything whereby the United States may be de- frauded of any part of the duty lawfully due on the said goods, wares and merchandise ; and that if at any time hereafter I discover any error in the said invoice, or in the accounts now produced of the said goods, wares and mer- chandise, or receive any other invoice of the same, I will immediately make the same known to the collector of this district. Sec. 6. That any person who shall knowingly make any false statement in the declarations provided for in the pre- ceding section, or shall aid or procure the making of any such false statement, as to any matter material thereto, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not ex- ceeding $5,000, or by imprisonment at hard labor not more than two years, or both, in the discretion of the court. Provided that nothing in this section shall be construed to relieve imported merchandise from forfeiture by reason of such false statement or for any cause elsewhere provided by law. Sec. 7. That the owner, consignee or agent of any im- Customs Brokers and Clerics Association ported merchandise which has been actually purchased, may, at the time when he shall make and verify his written entry of such merchandise, but not afterwards, make such addition in the entry to the cost or value given in the invoice, or pro forma invoice, or statement in form of an invoice, which lie shall produce with his entry, as in his opinion may raise the same to the actual market value or wholesale price of such merchandise at the time of ex- portation to the United States, in the principal markets of the country from which the same has been imported; but no such addition shall be made upon entry to the invoice value of any imported merchandise obtained otherwise than by actual purchase; and the collector within whose district any merchandise may be imported or entered, whether the same has been actually purchased or pro- cured otherwise than by purchase, shall cause the actual market value or wholesale price of such merchandise to be appraised ; and if the appraised value of any article of im- ported merchandise subject to an ad valorem dutj' or to a duty based upon or regulated in any manner by the value thereof shall exceed the 'value declared in the entry, there shall be levied, collected and paid, in addition to the duties imposed by law on such merchandise, an addi- tional duty of one per centum of the total appraised value 1 hereof for each one per centum that such appraised value exceeds the value declared in the entry, but the additional duties shall only apply to the particular article or articles in each invoice that are so undervalued, and shall be limited to fifty per centum of the appraised value of such article or ait icles. Such additional duties shall not be con- strued to he penal, and shall not be remitted, nor payment thereof in any way avoided, excepi in cases arising- from a manifest clerical error, nor shall they be refunded in case of exportation of the merchandise, or on any other ac- count, nor shall they he subject to the benefit of drawback. Provided, thai if the appraised value of any merchandise shall exceed the value declared in the entry by more than fifty pel- centum, except when arising from a manifest clerical error, such entry shall be held to be presumptively fraudulent, and the collector of customs shall seize such iii' the Port of New Yofk. merchandise and proceed as in case of forfeiture for viola- tion of the customs laws, and in any legal proceeding that may result from such seizure, the undervaluation as shown by the appraisal, shall be presumptive evidence of fraud, and the burden of proof shall be on the claimant to rebut the same, and forfeiture shall be adjudged unless he shall rebut such presumption of fraudulent intent by suffi- cient evidence. The forfeiture provided for in this section shall appty to the whole of the merchandise or the value thereof in the case or package containing the particular article or articles in each invoice which are undervalued. Provided further, That all additional duties, penalties or forfeitures, applicable to merchandise entered by a duly certified invoice, shall be alike applicable to merchandise entered by a pro forma invoice or statement in the form of an invoice, and no forfeiture or disability of any kind, incurred under the provisions of this section, shall be re- mitted or mitigated by the Secretary of the Treasury. The duty shall not, however, be assessed in any case upon an amount less than the invoice or entered value. Sec. 8. That when merchandise entered for customs duty has been consigned for sale by or on account of the manu- facture thereof, to a person, agent, partner or consignee in the United States, such person, agent, partner or con- signee shall, at the time of the entry of such merchandise, present to the collector of customs at the port where such entry is made, as a part of such entry, and in addition to the certified invoice or statement in the form of an invoice required by law, a statement signed by such manufacture, declaring the cost of production of such merchandise, such cost to include all the elements of cost as stated in section 11 of this act. When merchandise entered for customs duty has been consigned for sale by or on account of a per- son other than the manufacturer of such merchandise to a person, agent, partner or consignee in the United Stabs, such person, agent, partner or consignee shall at the time of the entry of such merchandise, present to the collector of customs at the port where such entry is made, as a part of such entry, a statement signed by the consignor thereof, declaring that the merchandise was actually purchased 10 Customs brokers and 01 lion by him or for his account, and showing the time when, the place where, and from whom he purchased the merchan- dise, and in detail the price he paid for the same. Pro- vided, That the statements required by this section shall be made in triplicate, and shall bear the attestation of the consular officer of the United States resident within the consular district wherein the merchandise was manufac- tured, if consigned by the manufacturer or for his account, or from whence it was imported when consigned by a per- son other than the manufacturer, one copy thereof to be delivered to the person making the statement, one copy to be transmitted with the triplicate invoice of the merchan- dise to the collector of the port in the United States to which the merchandise is consigned, and the remaining copy to be filed in the consulate. SEC. 9. That if any owner, importer, consignee, agent or other person shall make or attempt to make any entry of imported merchandise by means of any fraudulent or false invoice, affidavit, letter, paper, or by means of an}- false statement, written or verbal, or by means of any false or fraudulent practice or appliance whatsoever, or shall be guilty of any wilful act or omission by means whereof the United States shall he deprived of the lawful duties, or any portion thereof, accruing upon the merchandise, or any portion thereof, embraced or referred to in such invoice, affidavit, letter, paper or statement, or effected by such act or omission, such merchandise, or the value thereof, to be recovered from the person making the entry, shall be for- feited, which forfeiture shall only apply to the whole of the merchandise or I he value thereof in the case or package con- taining the particular article or articles of merchandise to which such fraud or false paper or statement relates; and such person shall, upon conviction, be lined for each ofi'ense a sum not exceeding $5,000, or be imprisoned for a time not exceeding two years, or both, in the discretion of the court. Ski l. 10. That it shall be the duty of the appraisers of the United States, and every of them, and every person who shall act as such appraiser, or of the collector, as the case may be, by all reasonable ways and means in his or their of tin Port of New York. power, to ascertain, estimate and appraise (any invoice or affidavit thereto or statement of cost, or of cost of produc- tion to the contrary notwithstanding) the actual market value and wholesale price of the merchandise at the time of exportation to the United States, in the prin ipal mar- kets of the country whence the same has been imported, and the number of yards, parcels, or quantities, and actual market value or wholesale price of every of them, as the case may require. Sec. 11. That when the actual market value as defined b\ r law, of any article of imported merchandise wholly or partly manufactured and subject to an ad valorem duty, or to a duty based in whole or in part on value, canuot be otherwise ascertained to the satisfaction of the appraising officer, such officer shall use all available means in his power to ascertain the cost of production of such merchandise at the time of exportation to the United States, and at the place of manufacture; such cost of production to include the cost of materials and of fabrication, all general ex- penses covering each and every outlay of whatsoever nature incident to such production, together with the expense of preparing and putting up such merchandise ready for ship- ment, and an addition of not less than 8 nor more than 50 per centum upon the total cost as thus ascertained ; and in no case shall such merchandise be appraised upon original appraisal or reappraisement at less than the total cost of production as thus ascertained. It shall be lawful for appraising officers, in determining the dutiable value of such merchandise, to take into consideration the wholesale price at which such or similar merchandise is sold or offered for sale in the United States, due allowance being- made for estimated duties thereon, the cost of transporta- tion, insurance, and other necessary expenses from the place of shipment to the United States, and a reasonable commission, if any has been paid, not exceeding 6 per centum. Sec. 12. That there shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, nine general appraisers of merchandise, each of whom shall re- ceive a salary of $7,000 a year. Not more than five of such 12 Oustoms Brokers and I ition general appraisers shall lie appointed from the same polit- ical party. They shall not be engaged in any other busi- ness, avocation or employment, and may be removed from office at any time by the President for inefficiency, neglect of duly, or malfeasance in office. They shall be employed at such ports and within such territorial limits as the Sec- retary of the Treasurymay from time to time prescribe, and are hereby authorized to exercise the powers and duties devolved upon them by this act, and to exercise under the general direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, such other supervision over appraisements and classifications, for duty, of imported merchandise as may be needful to secure lawful and uniform appraisements and classifica- tions at the several ports. Three of the general appraisers shall he on duty as a board of general appraisers daily (ex- cept Sunday and legal holidays) at the port of New York, during the business hours prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, at which port a place for sample-, shall he provided, under such rules and regulations as the Secret a r\ of the Treasury may from time to time prescribe, which shall include rules as to the classes of articles to be de- posited, the time of their retention, and as to their disposi- tion, which place of samples shall be under the immediate control and direction of the board of general appraisers on duty atsaid port. Sec. 13. That the appraiser shall revise and cm red the reports of I he assistant appraisers as he may judge proper, and the appraiser, or, at ports where there is no appraiser, the person acting as such, shall report to the collector his dci si «u i as to the value of the merchandise appraised. At ports where there is no appraiser the certificate of the cus- toms officer to win i m is commit ted t he estimating and col- lection of duties, of t he di it iahle value of any merchandise required to be appraised, shall be deemed and taken to be 1 he appraisement of such merchandise. If the collector shall deem the appraisemenl of any imported merchandise too low, he may order a reappraisement, which shah he made by one of the general appraisers, or if the importer, owner, agent or consignee Of such merchandise shall he dissatisfied with the appraisement thereof, and shall have of tilt Port of .Y< w York. 13 complied with the requirements of law with respect to the entry and appraisement of merchandise, he may within two days thereafter give notice to the collector, in writing - , of such dissatisfaction, on I he receipt of which the collector shall at once direct a reappraisement of such merchandise by one of the general appraisers. The decision of the ap- praiser or the person acting as such (in cases where no ob- jection is made thereto, either by the collector or by the importer, owner, consignee or agent), or of the general appraiser in cases of reappraisement, shall be final and conclusive as to the dutiable value of such merchandise against all parties interested therein, unless the importer, owner, consignee or agent of the merchandise shall be dis- satisfied with such decision, and shall, within two days thereafter, give notice to the collector, in writing, of such dissatisfaction, or unless the collector shall deem the ap- praisement of the merchandise too low, in either case the collector shall transmit the invoice and all the papers ap- pertaining thereto to the board of three general appraisers, which shall be on duty at the port of New York, or to a board of three general appraisers who may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury for such duty at that port or at any other port, which board shall examine and de- cide the case thus submitted, and their decision or that of a majority of them shall be final and conclusive as to the dutiable value of such merchandise against all parties in- terested therein, and the collector or the person acting as such shall ascertain, fix and liquidate the rate and amount of the duties to be paid on such merchandise, and the dutiable costs and charges thereon, according to law. Sec. 14. That the decision of the collector as to the l'ate and amount of duties chargeable upon imported merchan- dise, including all dutiable costs and charges, and as to all fees and exactions of whatever character (except duties on tonnage), shall be final and conclusive against all persons interested therein, unless the owner, importer, consignee or agent of such merchandise, or the person paying such fees, charges and exactions other than duties, shall, within ten days after but not before such ascertainment and liquidation of duties, as well in cases of merchandise en- Customs Brokers and Clerks Assi tiled in bond as for consumption, or within ten days after the payment of such fees, charges and exactions, if dis-. satisfied with such decision, give notice in writing to the collector, setting forth therein distinctly and specifically, and in respect to each entry or payment, the reasons for his objections thereto, and if the merchandise is entered for consumption shall pay the full amount of the duties and charges ascertained to be due thereon. Upon such notice and payment the collector shall transmit the in- voice and all the papers and exhibits connected therewith to the board of three general appraisers, which shall be on duty at the port of New York, or to a board of three general appraisers who may be designated by the Secre- tary of the Treasury for such duty at that port or at any other port, which board shall examine and decide the case thus submitted, and their decision, or that of a majority of them, shall be final and conclusive upon all persons in- terested t herein, and the record shall be transmitted to the proper collector or person acting as such, who shall liqui- date the entry accordingly, except in cases where an appli- cation shall be filed in the Circuit Court within the time and in the manner provided fo in section 15 of this act. Sec. 15. That if the owner, mi porter, consignee, or agent of any imported merchandise, or the collector, or the Secre- tary of the Treasury, shall be dissatisfied with the decision of the board of general appraisers, as provided for in section 14 of this act, as to the construction of the law ami the facts respecting the classification of such merchandise and the rate of duty imposed thereon under such classification, they, or either of them, may, within thirty days next after such decision, and not afterward, apply to the Circuit Court Of the United States within the district in which 1 lie mat I er arises, for a review of the questions of Law and fact in- volved in such decision. Such application shall be made by filing in the office of the clerk of said Circuii Court a concise statement of 1 he errors of law and fail coin plained Of, and a copy of such statement shall be served on the collector, or on the importer, owner, consignee, or agent, as the case may be. Thereupon the court shall order the board of appraisers to return to said Circuit Court the of tin Port of New York. 15 record and the evidence taken by them, tog-ether with a certified statement of the facts involved in the case, and I heir decisions thereon ; and all the evidence taken by and before said appraisers shall be competent evidence before said Circuit Court; and within twenty days after the aforesaid return is made the court may, upon the applica- tion of the Secretary of the Treasury, the collector of the port, or the importer, owner, consignee, or agent, as the case may be, refer it to one of said general appraisers, as an officer of the court, to take and return to the court such further evidence as may be offered by the Secretary of the Treasury, collector, importer, owner, consignee, or agent, within sixty days thereafter, in such order and under such rules as the court may prescribe ; and such further evi- dence with the aforesaid return shall constitute the record upon which said Circuit Court shall give priority to and proceed to hear and determine the questions of law and fact involved in such decision, respecting the classification of such merchandise and the rate of duty imposed thereon under such classification, and the decision of such court shall be final, and the proper collector, or person acting- as such, shall liquidate the entry accordingly, unless such court shall be of opinion that the question involved is of such importance as to require a review of such decision by the Supreme Court of the United States, in which case said Circuit Court, or the judge making the decision, may, within thirty days thereafter, allow an appeal to said Supreme Court ; but an appeal shall be allowed on the part of the United States whenever the Attorney-General shall apply for it within thirty days after the rendition of such decision. On such original application and on any such appeal, security for damages and costs shall be given as in the case of other appeals in cases in which the Uniled States is a party. Said Supreme Court shall have jurisdic- tion and power to review such decision, and shall give priority to such cases, and may affirm, modify or reverse such decision of such Circuit Court, and remand the case with such orders as may seem to it proper in the premises, which shall be executed accordingly. All final judgments, when in favor of the importer, shall be satisfied and paid Customs Brokers and Clerks Association by the Secretary of the Treasury from the permanent in- definite appropriation provided for in section twenty-four of this act. For the. purposes of this section the Circuit ( Jourts of the United States shall be deemed always open, and said Circuit Courts respectively may establish, and from time to time alter, rules and regulations not incon- sistent herewith for the procedure in such cases as they shall deem proper. Sec. 16. That the general appraisers, or any of them, are hereby authorized to administer oaths, and said gen- eral appraisers, the boards of general appraisers, the local appraisers or the collectors, as the case may be, may cite to appear before them, and examine uponoalh any owner, importer, agent, consignee or other person touching any matter or thing which they or either of them may deem material respecting any imported merchandise, in ascer- taining the dutiable value or classification thereof; and 1 hey or either of them may require the production of any letters, accounts or invoices relating to said merchandise, and may requiresuch testimony to be reduced to writing, and when so taken it shall be filed in the office of the col- lector, and preserved for use or reference until the final decision of the collector or said board of appraisers shall be made respecting the valuation or classification of said merchandise, as the case may be. Sec. 17. That if any person so cited to appear shall neglect or refuse to attend, or shall decline to answer, or shall refuse to answer in writing any interrogatories, and subscribe his name to his deposition, or to produce such papers when so required by a general appraiser, or a board of general appraisers, or a local appraiser, or a collector, he shall be liable to a penalty of .$100; and if such person be the owner, importer or consignee, the appraisement which the general appraiser, or board of general ap- praisers, or local appraiser, or collector where there is no a ppraiser, may make of i he merchandise shall lie final and conclusive: and any person who shall wilfully and cor- rupt ly swear falsely on an examinal ion before any general appraiser, or board of general appraisers, or local ap- praiser, or collector, shall be deemed guilty of perjury; of tin Purl of New York. 17 and if he is the owner, importer or consignee, the mer- chandise shall be forfeited. Sec. 18. That all decisions of the general appraisers and of the boards of general appraisers, respecting values and rates of duty, shall be preserved and filed, and shall be open to inspection under proper regulations to be pre- scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. All decisions of the general appraisers shall be reported forthwith to the Secretary of the Treasury and to the board of general appraisers on duty at the port of New York, and the report to the board shall be accompanied, whenever prac- ticable, by samples of the merchandise in question, and it shall be the duty of the said board, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, to cause an abstract to be made and published of such decisions of the appraisers as they may deem important, and of the decisions of each of the general appraisers and boards of general appraisers, which abstract shall contain a general description of the merchandise in question and of the value and rate of duty fixed in each case, with reference, whenever practicable, by number or other designation, to samples deposited in the place of samples at New York, and such abstract shall be issued from time to time, at least once in each week, for the information of customs officers and the public. Sec. 19. That whenever imported merchandise is subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a duty based upon or regulated in any manner by the value thereof, the duty shall be assessed upon the actual market value or whole- sale price of such merchandise, as bought and sold in usual wholesale quantities, at the time of exportation to the United States, in the principal markets of the country from whence imported, and in the condition in which such merchandise is there bought and sold for exportation to the United States, or consigned to the United States for sale, including the value of all cartons, cases, crates, boxes, sacks and coverings of any kind, and all other costs, charges and expenses incident to placing the merchandise in condition, packed ready for shipment to the United States, and if there be used for covering or holding im- Customs Brokers am <"■ rks Association ported merchandise, whether dutiable or free, any unusual article or form designed for use otherwise than in the bona fide transportation of such merchandise to the United States, additional duly shall be levied and collected upon such material or article at the rate to which the same would be subject if separately imported. That the words ■• value " or " actual market value" whenever used in this act or in any Law relating to the appraisemenl of imported merchandise shall be construed to be the actual market value or wholesale price as defined in this section. Sec. 20. Any merchandise deposited in any public or private bonded warehouse may be withdrawn for con- sumption within three years from the date of original importation, on payment of the duties and charges to which it may be subject by law at the time of such with- drawal. Provided, that nothing herein shall affect or impair existing provisions of law in regard to the disposal of perishable or explosive articles. SEC. 21. That in all suits or informations brought, where any seizure has been made pursuant to any act providing for or regulating the collection of duties on imports or tonnage, if the property is claimed by any person, the burden of proof shall Lie upon such claimant. Provided, that probable cause is shown for such prosecution, to be judged of by the court. Sec. 22. Thatall fees exacted and oaths administered by officers of the customs, excepl as provided in this act, under or by virtue of existing laws of the United Stales, upon l be entry of imported goods and the passing thereof through tbc customs, and also upon all entries of domestic goods, wans and merchandise for exportation, be, and the same arc hereby abolished ; and in case of entry of merchandise for exportation, a declaration in lieu of an oath, shall be tiled, in such form and under such regulations as may be prescribed by t be Secretary of the Treasury : and t be pen- all ie provided in the sixth section of this act lor false statements in such declaration shall lie applicable to dec- larations made under this section : Provided, that where such fees, under existing laws, constitute, in whole or in part, the compensation of any officer, such officer shall Port of 2V< w York. receive, from and after the passage of this act, a fixed sum for each year equal to the amount which he would have been entitled to receive as fees for such services during said year. Sec. 23. That no allowance for damage to goods, wares and merchandise imported into the United States shall hereafter he made in the estimation and liquidation of duties thereon, hut the importer thereof may, within ten days alter entry, abandon to the United States all or any portion of goods, wares and merchandise included in any invoice' and be relieved from the payment of the duties on the portion so abandoned. Provided, that the portion so abandoned shall amount to 10 per cent, or over of the total value or quantity of the invoice, and the property so abandoned shall be sold by public auction or otherwise disposed of for the account and credit of the United States under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. Sec. 24. That whenever it shall be shown to the satis faction of the Secretary of the Treasury that, in any case of unascertained or estimated duties, or payments made upon appeal, more money has been paid to or depos- ited with a collector of customs than, as has been ascer- tained by final liquidation thereof, the law required to be paid or deposited, the Secretary of the Treasury shall direct the Treasurer to refund and pay the same out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. The necessary moneys therefor are hereby appropriated, and this appropriation shall be deemed a permanent indefi- nite appropriation ; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to correct manifest clerical errors in any entry or liquidation, for or against the United States at any time within one year of the date of such entry, but not afterward : Provided, that the Secretary of the Treasury shall in his annual report to Congress, give a detailed statement of the various sums of money refunded under the provisions of this act or of any other act of Congress relating to the revenue, together with copies of the rulings under which repayments were made. Sec. 25. That from and after the taking effect of this act 30 brokers and Clerics Assoeia no collector or other officer of the customs shall he in any way liable to any owner, importer, consignee, or agent of merchandise, or any other person, for or on account of any rulings or decisions as to classification ofsaid merchandise or the duties charged thereon, or the collection of any dues, charges or duties on or on account of said merchan- dise, or any other matter or thing as to which said owner, importer, consignee or agenl of such merchandise might, under this act, be entitled to appeal from the decision of said collector or other officer, or from any board of ap- praisers provided for in this act. Sec. 2ij. That any person who shall give, or offer to give or promise to give any money or tiling- of value, directly or indirectly, to any officer or employee of the United States in consideration of or for any act or omission contrary to law in connection with or pertaining to the importation, appraisement, entry, examination or inspection of goods, wares or merchandise, including herein any hag-age, or of the liquidation of the entry thereof, or shall by threats or demands, or promises of any character, attempt to im- properly influence or control any such officer or employee of the United States as to the performance of his official duties, shall on conviction thereof he lined not exceeding $2,000, or he imprisoned at hard labor not more than one year, or both, in the discretion of the court ; and evidence of such giving or offering, or promising to give, satisfac- tory to the court in which such trial is had, shall be re- garded as prima facie evidence thai such giving or offer- ing or promising was contrary to law, and shall put upon the accused the burden of proving thai such act was inno- cent, and mil done with an unlawful intention. Sec. 27. That any officer or employee of the United Slates who shall, excepting for lawful duties or fees, so- licit, demand, exact or receive from any person, directly or indirectly, any money or thing of value, in connection with or pertaining to the importation, appraisement, entry, examination or inspection of goods, wares or merchandise, including herein anj baggage or liquidation of the entry thereof, on conviction thereof, shall be lined not exceeding $5,000, or he imprisoned at hard Labor not more than two of tlu Port of New York. 21 years, or both, in the discretion of the court. And evi- dence of such soliciting, demanding - , exacting - or receiving, satisfactory to the court in which such trial is had, shall be regarded as prima facie evidence, that such soliciting 1 , demanding, exacting or receiving was contrary to law, and shall put upon the accused the burden of proving that such act was innocent and not with an unlawful intention. Sec. 28. That any baggage or personal effects arriving in the United States in transit to any foreign country may be delivered by the parties having it in charge to the col- lector of the proper district, to be by him retained, with- out the payment or exaction of any import duty, or to be forwarded by such collector to the collector of the port of departure, and to be delivered to such parties on their de- parture for their foreign destination, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may pre- scribe. Sec. 29. That sections 2,608, 2,838, 2,839, 2,841, 2,843, 2,845, 2,853, 2,854, 2,856, 2,858, 2,860, 2,900 and .2,902, 2,905, 2,907, 2,908, 2,909, 2,922, 2,923, 2,924, 2,927, 2,929, 2,930, 2,931, 2,932, 2,943, 2,945, 2,952, 3,011, 3,012, 3,012£, 8,013 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, be and the same are hereby repealed, and sections 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 and 16 of an act entitled "An act to amend the customs rev- enue laws and to repeal moieties," approved June 22, 1874, and sections 7, 8 and 9 of the act entitled "An act to reduce internal revenue taxation, and for other purposes," ap- proved March 3, 1883, and all other acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed, but the repeal of existing laws or modifications thereof embraced in this act shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued, or any suit or proceed- ing had or commenced in any civil cause before the said repeal or modifications ; but all rights and liabilities under said laws shall continue and may be enforced in the same manner as if said repeal or modifications had not been made. Any offenses committed and all penalties or for- feitures or liabilities incurred prior to the taking effect (passage) of this act under any statute embraced in or changed, modified or repealed by this act may be prose Customs Brokers and < 'erki Association cuteil and punished in the same manner and with the same effect as if this act had not been passed. All ;nts of lim- itation, whether applicable to civil causes and proceedings or the prosecution of offenses or for the recovery of pen- alties or forfeitures embraced in or modified, changed or repealed by tbis act shall not be affected thereby, and all suits, pi'oceedings or prosecutions, whether civil or criminal, for causes arising or acts done or committed prior f o the taking effect (passage) of this act may be commenced and prosecuted within the same time and with the same effect as if this act had not been passed. And provided further, That nothing in this act shall be construed to repeal the provisions of section three thousand and fifty-eighl of the Revised Statutes as amended by the act approved February twenty-third, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, in respect to the abandonment of merchandise to under- writers or the salvors of property and t he ascertainment of duties thereon. Sec. 30. That this act shall take effect on the Brst day of August, eighteen hundred and ninety, except so much of section twelve as provides for the appointment of nine general appraisers, which shall take effecl immediately. Approved, June 10, 1890. and Amended by Act of July 34, 1897. AN ACT To Provide Revenue for the Government and to Encourage the Industries of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- tives of the United States of America in Congress assem- bled, That on and after the passage of this Act, unless otherwise specially provided for in this Act, there shall he levied, collected, and paid upon all articles imported from foreign countries, and mentioned in the schedules herein contained, the rates of duty which are, by the schedules and paragraphs, respectively prescribed, namely : SCHEDULE A.— CHEMICALS, OILS, AND PAINTS. Acids.— 1. Acetic or pyroligneous acid, not exceeding the specific gravi'y of one and forty-seven one-thousandths, three- fourths of one cent per pound; exceeding the specific grav- ity of one and forty-seven one-thousandths, two cents per pound ; boracic acid, five cents per pound ; chromic acid and lactic acid, three cents per pound ; citric acid, seven cents per pound ; salicylic acid, ten cents per pound ; sul- phuric acid or oil of vitriol not specially provided for in this Act, one fourth of one cent per pound ; tannic acid or tannin, fifty cents per pound; gallic acid, ten cents per pound ; tartaric acid, seven cents per pound ; all other acids not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 2. All alcoholic perfumery, including cologne water and other toilet waters and toilet preparations of all kinds, con- taining alcohol or in the preparation of which alcohol is used, and alcoholic compounds not specially provided for in tins Act, sixty cents per pound and forty five per centum ad valorem. 3. Alkalies, alkaloids, distilled oils, essential oils, ex- pressed oils, rendered oils, and all combinations of the 23 H [ssocialion foregoing, and all chemical compounds and salts not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 4. Alumina, hydrate of, or refined bauxite, six-tenths of one cent per pound; alum, alum cake, patent alum, sul- phate of alumina, and aluminous cake, and alum in crys- tals or ground, one-half of one cent per pound. 5. Ammonia, carbonate of, one and one-half cents per pound ; muriate of, or sal ammoniac, three-fourths of one cent per pound ; sulphate of, three-tenths of one cent per pound. 6. Argols or crude tartar or wine less crude, containing not more than forty per centum of bitartrate of potash, one cent per pound ; containing more than forty per centum of bitartrate of potash, one and one-half cents per pound; tartars and lees crystals, or partly refined ai"gols, containing not more than ninety per centum of bitartrate of potash, and tartrate of soda or potassa, or Rochelle salts, four cents per pound; containing more than ninety per centum of bitartrate of potash, live cents per pound; cream of tartar and patent tartar, six cents per pound. 7. Blacking of all kinds, twenty-live per centum ad valorem. 8. Bleaching powder, or chloride of lime, one-fifth of one cent per pound. 9. Blue vitriol or sulphate of copper, one-half of one cent per pound. 10. Bone char, suitable for use in decolorizing sugars, twenty per centum ad valorem. 11. Borax, five cents per pound ; borates of lime or soda, or other borate material not otherwise provided for, con- taining more than thirty-six per centum of anhydrous boracic acid, lour nails per pound ; borates of lime or soda, or other borate material not otherwise provided for, con- taining not more than thirty six per centum of anhydrous boracic arid, three cents per pound. 12. Camphor, refined, six cents per pound. 18. Chalk (not medicinal nor prepared for toilet pur- poses) when ground, precipitated naturally or artificially, or otherwise prepared, whether in the form of cubes, of the Port of New York. 25 blocks, sticks or disks, or otherwise, including- tailors', billiard, red, or French chalk, one cent per pound. Manu- factures of chalk not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 14. Chloroform, twenty cents per pound. 15. Coal-tar dyes or colors, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem ; all other products or preparations of coal tar, not colors or dyes and not medicinal, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem. 16. Cobalt, oxide of, twenty-five cents per pound. 17. Collodion and all compounds of pyroxylin, whether known as celluloid or by any other name, fifty cents per pound ; rolled or in sheets, unpolished, and not made up into articles, sixty cents per pound ; if in finished or partly finished articles, and articles of which collodion or any compound of pyroxylin is the component material of chief value, sixty-five cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 18. Coloring for brandy, wine, beer, or other liquors, fifty- per centum ad valorem. 19. Copperas or sulphate of iron, one-fourth of one cent per pound. 20. Drugs, such as barks, beans, berries, balsams, buds, bulbs, bulbous roots, excrescences, fruits, flowers, dried fibers, dried insects, grains, gums and gum resin, herbs, leaves, lichens, mosses, nuts, nut-galls, roots, stems, spices, vegetables, seeds (aromatic, not garden seeds), seeds of morbid growth, weeds, and woods used expressly for dye- ing; any of the foregoing which are drugs and not edible, but which are advanced in value or condition by refining, grinding, or other process, and not specially 7 provided for in this Act, one-fourth of one cent per pound, and in addi- tion thereto ten per centum ad valorem. 21. Ethers : Sulphuric, forty cents per pound ; spirits of nitrous ether, twenty-five cents per pound ; fruit ethers, oils, or essences, two dollars per pound ; ethers of all kinds not specially provided for in this Act. one dollar per pound: Provided, That no article of this paragraph shall 20 Customs Brokers and CI rkt A pay a less rate of duty than twenty-live per centum ad valorem. 22. Extracts and decoctions of logwood and other dye- woods, and extracts of barks, such as are commonly used for dyeing or tanning, not specially provided for in this Act, seven-eighths of one cent per pound ; extracts of quebracho and of hemlock bark, one-half of one cent per pound ; extracts of sumac, and of woods other than dye- woods, not specially provided for in this Act, live-eighths of one cent per pound. 23. Gelatin, glue, isinglass, or flsh glue, and prepared fish bladders or fish sounds, valued al not above ten cents per pound, two and one-half cents per pound : valued at above ten cents per pound and not above thirty-live cents per pound, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; valued above thirty-five cents per pound, fifteen cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem. 21. Glycerin, crude, not purified, one cenl per pound ; re- fined, three cents per pound. 25. Indigo, extracts, or pastes of, three-fourths of one cent per pound ; carmined, ten cents per pound. 26. Ink and ink powders, twenty-live per centum a. I valorem. 27. Iodine, resublimed, twenty cents per pound. 28. Iodoform, one dollar per pound. 21). Licorice, extracts of, in paste, rolls, or oilier forms, four and one-half cents per pound. 30. Chicle, ten cents per pound. 31. Magnesia, carbonate of, medicinal, three cents per pound; calcined, medicinal, seven cents per pound; sul- phate of, or Epsom salts, one-fifth of one cenl per pound. Oils.— 32. Alizarin assistant,sulpho-ricinoleicacid, and ricinoleic acid, by whatever name known, whether liquid, solid or in pasle, in the manufacture of which fifty per centum or more of castor oil is used, thirty cents per gallon ; in the manufacture of which less than fifty per centum of castor oil is used, fifteen cents per gallon ; all other alizarin assist- of tlh Port of -\< w Yoik. ant, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem. 33. Castor oil, thirty-five cents per gallon. 34. Cod-liver oil, fifteen cents per gallon. 35. Cotton-seed oil, four cents per gallon of seven and one-half pounds weight. 36. Croton oil, twenty cents per pound. 37. Flaxseed, linseed, and poppy-seed oil, raw, boiled or oxidized, twenty cents per gallon of seven and one-half pounds weight. 38. Fusel oil, or amylic alcohol, one-fourth of one cent per pound. ?9. Hemp-seed oil and rape-seed oil, ten cents per gallon. 40. Olive oil, not specially provided for in this Act, forty cents per gallon ; in bottles, jars, tins, or similar packages, fifty cents per gallon. 41. Peppermint oil, fifty cents per pound. 42. Seal, herring, whale, and other fish oil, not specially provided for in this Act, eight cents per gallon. 43. Opium, crude or unmanufactured, and not adulterated, containing nine per centum and over of morphia, one dol- lar per pound ; morphia or morphine, sulphate of, and all alkaloids or salts of opium, one dollar per ounce ; aqueous extract of opium, for medicinal uses, and tincture of, as laudanum, and other liquid preparations of opium, not specially provided for in this Act, forty per centum ad valorem ; opium containing less than nine per centum of morphia, and opium prepared for smoking, six dollars per pound ; but opium prepared for smoking and other prepa- rations of opium deposited in bonded warehouses shall not be removed therefrom without payment of duties, and such duties shall not be refunded. Paints, Colors, and Varnishes. — 44. Baryta, sulphate of, or barytes, including barytes earth, unmanufactured, seventy-five cents per ton ; manu- factured, five dollars and twenty-live cents per ton. 45. Blues, such as Berlin, Prussian, Chinese, and all others, containing ferrocyanide of iron, in pulp, dry or 28 Customs Broi i and Clerks A tociation ground in or mixed with oil or water, eight cents per pound. 46. Blanc-fixe, or artificial sulphate of barytes, and satin white, or artificial sulphate of lime, one-half of one cenl per pound. 47. Black, made from bone, ivory, or vegetable substanqe, by whatever name known, including bone black and lamp- black, dry or ground in oil or water, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 48. Chrome yellow, chrome green, and all other chromi- um colors in the manufacture of which lead and bichro- mate of potash or soda are used, in pulp, dry, or ground in or mixed with oil or water, four and one-half cents per pound. 49. Ocher aud ochery earths, sienna and sienna earths, and umber and umber earths, not specially provided for, when crude or not powdered, washed or pulverized, one- eighth of one cent cent per pound ; if powdered, washed or pulverized, three-eighths of one cent per pound; if ground in oil or water, one and one-half cents per pound. 50. Orange mineral, three and three-eighths cents per pound. 51. Red lead, two and seven-eighths cents per pound. 52. Ultramarine blue, whether dry, in pulp, or mixed with water, and wash blue containing ultramarine, three and three-fourths cents per pound. 53. Varnishes, including so-called gold size or japan, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; spirit varnishes, one dollar and thirty-two cents per gallon and thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 54. Vermilion t-n.], and other colors containing quick- silver, dry or ground in oil or water, ten cents per pound ; when not containing quicksilver but made of Lead or con- taining lend, live cents per pound. 55. White lead, white paint and pigment containing lead dry or in pulp, 01" ground or mixed with oil, two and seven-eighths cents per pound. 56. Whiting and paris white, dry, one fourth of one cent per pound ; ground in oil, or putty, one cent per pound. 51 Zinc, oxide of, and while paint or pigment contain- of tfn Port of A< " York. 29 ing zinc, but not containing lead, dry, one cent per pound ; ground in oil, one and three-fourths cents per pound ; sulfide of zinc white, or white sulphide of zinc, one and one-fourth cents per pound ; chloride of zinc and sulphate of zinc, one cent per pound. 58. All paints, colors, pigments, lakes, crayons, smalts and frostings, whether crude or dry or mixed, or ground with water or oil or with solutions other than oil, not otherwise specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem ; all paints, colors and pigments, commonly known as artists' paints or colors, whether in tuhes, pans, cakes or other forms, thirty per centum ad valorem. 59. Paris green and London purple, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 60. Lead : Acetate of, white, three and one-fourth cents per pound ; brown, gray, or yellow, two and one-fourth cents per pound ; nitrate of, two and one-half cents per pound ; litharge, two and three-fourths cents per pound. 01. Phosphorus, eighteen cents per pound. Potash. — 62. Bichromate and chromate of, three cents per pound. 63. Caustic or hydrate of, refined, in sticks or rolls, one cent per pound ; chlorate of, two and one-half cents per pound. 64. Hydriodate, iodide, and iodate of, twenty-five cents per pound. 65. Nitrate of, or saltpeter, refined, one-half cent per pound. 66. Prussiate of, red, eight cents per pound ; yellow, four cents per pound ; cyanide of potassium, twelve and one-half per centum ad valorem. Preparations.— 67. Medicinal preparations containing alcohol, or in the preparation of which alcohol is used, not specially provided for in this Act, fifty-five cents per pound, but in no case shall the same pay less than twentv-five per centum ad valorem. ( ustoms Srob n and 1 1< rks Ast 68. Medicinal preparations not containing- alcohol or in the preparation of which alcohol is not used, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valo- rem ; calomel and other mercurial medicinal preparations, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 69. Plasters, healing or curative, of all kinds, and court- plaster, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 70. Preparations used as applications to the hair, moulli, teeth, or skin, such as cosmetics, dentifrices, pastes, po- mades, powders, and other toilet articles, and articles of perfumery, whether in sachets or otherwise, not contain- ing alcohol or in the manufacture of which alcohol is not used, and not specially provided for in this Act, fifty per centum ad valorem. 71. Santonin, and all salts thereof containing eighty per centum or over of Santonin, one dollar per pound. Soap. — 72. Castile soap, one and one fourth cents per pound; fancy, perfumed, and all descriptions of toilet soap, includ- ing so-called medicinal or medicated soaps, fifteen cents per pound ; all other soaps not special^' provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem. Soda. — 73. Bicarbonate of soda, or supercarbonate of soda, or saleratus, and other alkalies containing fifty per centum ( r more of bicarbonate of soda, three-fourths of one cenf per pound. 74. Bichromate and chromate of soda, two cents per pound. 7."). Crystal carbonate of soda, or concentrated soda crys- tals, or monohydrate, or sesquicarbonate of soda, three- tenths of one cent per pound ; chlorate of soda two cents per pound. 76. Eydrate of, or caustic soda, three-fourths of one cent per pound; nitrate of soda, two and one-half cents per pound ; hypo-sulphite and sulphide of soda, one half of one cent per pound, of tin Port of New York. 31 77. Sal soda, or soda crystals, not concentrated, two- tenths of one cent per pound. 78. Soda ash, three-eighths of one cent per pound ; arseniate of soda, one and one fourth cents per pound. 79. Silicate of soda, or other alkaline silicate, one-half of one cent per pound. 80. Sulphate of soda, or salt cake, or niter cake, one dollar and twenty-five cents per ton. 81. Sea moss, ten per centum ad valorem. 82. Sponges, twenty per centum ad valorem ; manufac- tures of sponges, or of which sponge is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, forty per centum ad valorem. 83. Strychnia, or strychnine, and all salts thereof, thirty cents per ounce. 84. Sulphur, refined or sublimed, or flowers of, eight dollars per ton. 85. Sumac, ground, three-tenths of one cent per pound. 86. Vanillin, eighty cents per ounce. SCHEDULE B.— EARTHS, EARTHENWARE, AND GLASSWARE. Brick and Tile.— 87. Fire-brick, weighing not more than ten pounds each, not glazed, enameled, ornamented, or decorated in any manner, one dollar and twenty-five cents per ton ; glazed, enameled, ornamented, or decorated, forty-five per centum ad valorem ; brick, other than fire-brick, not glazed, enameled, painted, vitrified, ornamented, or decorated in any manner, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; if glazed, enameled, painted, vitrified, ornamented, or decorated in any manner, forty-five per centum ad valorem. 88. Tiles, plain unglazed, one color, exceeding two square inches jn size, four cents per square foot ; glazed, encaustic, ceramic mosaic, vitrified, semi-vitrified, flint, spar, embossed, enameled, ornamental, hand-painted, gold- decorated, and all other earthenware tiles, valued at not exceeding forty cents per square foot, eight cents per ;;•,: i ustoms Brokers and Clerks Associa square foot ; exceeding forty cents per square foot, ten cents per square foot and twenty-five per centum ad valo- rem. Cement, Lime, and Plaster. — 89. Roman, Portland, and other hydraulic cement, in barrels, sacks, or other packages, ei^ht cents per one hun- dred pounds, including weight of barrel or package; in bulk, seven cents per one hundred pounds; other cement, twenty per centum ad valorem. 90. Lime, five cents per one hundred pounds, including weight of barrel or package. 91. Plaster rock or gypsum, crude, fifty cents per ton ; if ground or calcined, two dollars and twenty five cents per ton; pearl hardening for paper makers' use, twenty per centum ad valorem. 9'^. Pumice stone, wholly or partially manufactured, six dollars per ton; unmanufactured, fifteen per centum ad valorem. Clays or Earths.— 93. Clays or earths, unwrought or unmanufactured, not specially provided for in this Act, one dollar per ton ; wrought or manufactured, not specially provided for in this Act, two dollars per ton; china clay or kaolin, two dollars and fifty cents per ton ; limestone rock asphalt containing not more than fifteen per centum of bitumen, fifty cents per ton ; asphaltum and bitumen, not specially provided for in this Act, crude, if not dried, or otherwise advanced in any manner, one dollar and fifty cents per ton ; if dried or otherwise advanced in any manner, three dollars per ton ; bauxite, or beauxite, crude, not refined or other- wise advanced in condition from its natural state, one dol- lar per ton; fullers' earth, unwrought and unmanufac- tured, one dollar and fifty cents per ton; wrought or man- ufactured, three dollars per ton. Earthenware and China. — 94. Common yellow, brown, or gray earthenware, plain, embossed, or salt-glazed common stoneware, and crucibles, of the Port of New York. 33 all the foregoing not decorated in any manner, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; Rockingham earthenware not decorated, forty per centum ad valorem. 95. China, porcelain, parian, bisque, earthen, stone, and crockery ware, including clock cases with or without movements, plaques, ornaments, toys, toy tea sets, charms vases and statuettes, painted, tinted, stained, enameled, printed, gilded, or otherwise decorated or ornamented in any manner, sixty per centum ad valorem; if plain white and without superadded ornamentation of any kind, fifty- five per centum ad valorem. 96. All other china, porcelain, parian, bisque, earthen, stone and crockery ware, and manufactures thereof, or of which the same is the component material of chief value, by whatever name known, not specially provided for in this Act, if painted, tinted, stained, enameled, print- ed, gilded, or otherwise decorated or ornamented in any manner, sixty per centum ad valorem ; if not ornamented or decorated, fifty-five per centum ad valorem. 97. Articles and wares composed wholly or in chief value of earthy or mineral substances, or carbon, not specially provided for in this Act, if not decorated in any manner, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; if decorated, forty-five per centum ad valorem. 98. Gas retorts, three dollars each ; lava tips for burners, ten cents per gross and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; carbons for electric lighting, ninety cents per hundred ; filter tubes, forty-five per centum ad valorem ; porous car- bon pots for electric batteries, without metallic connec- tions, twenty per centum ad valorem. Glass and Glassware. — 99. Plain green or colored, molded or pressed, and flint lime, or lead glass bottles, vials, jars, and covered or un- covered demijohns and carboys, any of the foregoing, filled or unfilled, not otherwise specially provided for, and whether their contents be dutiable or free (except such as contain merchandise subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a rate of duty based in whole or in part upon the value thereof, which shall be dutiable at the rate appli- :;1 ( ustoms Brokers and Olerks A cable to their contents), shall pay duty as follows : If hold- ing more than one pint, one cent per pound ; if holding not more than one pint and not less than one-fourth of a pint, one and one-half cents per pound ; if holding less than one- fourth of a pint, fifty cents per gross : Provided, That none of the above articles shall pay a less rate of duty than forty per centum ad valorem. 100. Glass bottles, decanters, or other vessels or articles of glass, cut, engraved, painted, colored, stained, silvered, gilded, etched, frosted, printed in any manner or otherw ise ornamented, decorated, or ground (except such grinding as is necessary for fitting stoppers), and any articlesof which such glass is the component material of chief value, and porcelain, opal and other blown glassware; all the fore- going, filled or unfilled, and whether their contents be dutiable or free, sixty per centum ad valorem. 101. Unpolished, cylinder, crown, and common window glass, not exceeding ten by fifteen inches square, one and three-eighths cents per pound; above that, and not ex- ceeding sixteen by twenty-four inches square, one and seven-eighths cents per pound; above that, and not ex- ceeding twenty-four by thirty inches square, two and three-eighths cents per pound; above that, and not ex- ceeding twenty- four by thirty-six inches square, two and seven-eighths cents per pound ; above that, and not ex- ceeding thirty by forty inches square, three and three- eighths cents per pound; above that, and not exceeding fort}' by sixty inches square, three and seven-eighths cents per pound ; above that, four and three-eighths cents per pound : Provided, That unpolished cj'linder, crown, and common window glass, imported in boxes, shall contain fifty square feet, as nearly as sizes will permit, and the duty shall be computed thereon according to i be actual weighl of glass. 102. Cylinder and crown glass, polished, not exceeding sixteen by twenty-four inches square, four cents persquare foot; above that, and not exceeding twenty four by thirty inches square, six cents per square foot; above that, and not exi ling twenty-four by sixty inches square, fifteen Of tl« Port of New York. 35 cents per square foot ; above that, twenty cents per square foot. 103. Fluted, rolled, ribbed, or rough plate glass, or the same containing a wire netting within itself, not including crown, cylinder, or common window glass, not exceeding sixteen by twenty-four inches square, three-fourths of one cent per square foot ; above that, and not exceeding twenty- four by thirty inches square, one and one-fourth cents per square foot ; all above that, one and three-fourths cents per square foot ; and all fluted, rolled, ribbed, or rough plate glass, weighing over one hundred pounds per one hundred square feet, shall pay an additional duty on the excess at the same rates herein imposed : Provided, That all of the above plate glass, when ground, smoothed, or otherwise obscured, shall be subject to the same rate of duty as cast polished plate glass unsilvered. 104. Cast polished plate glass, finished or unfinished and unsilvered, not exceeding sixteen by twenty-four inches square, eight cents per square foot ; above that, and not ex- ceeding twenty-four by thirty inches square, ten cents per square foot ; above that, and not exceeding twenty-four by sixty inches square, twenty-two and one-half cents per square foot ; all above that, thirty-five cents per square foot. 105. Cast polished plate glass, silvered, cylinder and crown glass, silvered and looking-glass plates, exceeding in size one hundred and forty-four square inches and not exceeding sixteen by twenty-four inches square, eleven cents per square foot ; above that, and not exceeding twenty-four by thirty inches square, thirteen cents per square foot ; above that, and not exceeding twenty-four by sixty inches square, twenty-five cents per square foot ; all above that, thirty-eight cents per square foot. 106. But no looking-glass plates or plate glass, silvered, when framed, shall pay a less rate of duty than that im- posed upon similar glass of like description not framed, but shall pay in addition thereto upon such frames the rate of duty applicable thereto when imported separate. 107. Cast polished plate glass, silvered or unsilvered, and cylinder, crown, or common window glass, silvered or un- 30 Customs Brokers and < inks Association silvered, when bent, ground, obscured, frosted, sanded, en- ameled, beveled, etched, embossed, engraved, flashed, stained, colored, painted, or otherwise ornamented or dec- orated, shall be subject to a duty of five per centum ad valorem in addition to the rates otherwise chargeable thereon. 108. Spectacles, eyeglasses, and goggles, and frames for the same, or parts thereof, finished or unfinished, valued at not over forty cents per dozen, twenty cents per dozen and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; valued at over forty cents per dozen and not over one dollar and fifty cents per dozen, forty-five cents per dozen and twent}' per centum ad valorem ; valued at over one dollar and fifty cents per dozen, fifty per centum ad valorem. 109. Lenses of glass or pebble, ground and polished to a spherical, cylindrical, or prismatic form, and ground and polished piano or coquill glasses, wholly or partly manu- factured, with the edges unground, forty-live per centum ad valorem ; if with their edges ground or beveled, ten cents per dozen pairs and forty-five per centum ad valorem. 110. Strips of glass, not more than three inches wide, ground or polished on one or both sides to a cylindrical or prismatic form, and glass slides for magic lanterns, forty- five per centum ad valorem. 111. Opera and field glasses, telescopes, microscopes, photographic and projecting lenses ami optical instruments, and frames or mountings for the same; all the foregoing not specially provided for in this Act, forty-live per centum ad valorem. 112. Stained or painted glass windows, or parts thereof, and all mirrors, not exceeding in size one hundred and forty four square inches, with or without frames or cases, and all glass or manufactures of glass or paste, or of which glass or paste is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, forly-five per centum ad valorem. 113. Fusible enamel, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Makijle and Stone, and Manufactures of.— 114. Marble in block, rough or squared only, sixty-five of t/« Port <:.'' Ni w York. 37 cents per cubic foot; onyx in block, rough or squared, one dollar and fifty cents per cubic foot ; marble or onyx, sawed or dressed, over two inches in thickness, one dollar and ten cents per cubic foot ; slabs or paving- tiles of marble or onyx, containing- not less than four superficial inches, if not more than one inch in thickness, twelve cents per su- perficial foot; if more than one inch and not more than one and one-half inches in thickness, fifteen cents per super- ficial foot ; if more than one and one-half inches and not more than two inches in thickness, eighteen cents per su- perficial foot ; if rubbed in whole or in part, three cents per superficial foot in addition ; mosaic cubes of marble, onyx or stone, not exceeding two cubic inches in size, if loose, one cent per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem ; if attached to paper or other material, twenty cents per su- perficial foot and thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 115. Manufactures of agate, alabaster, chalcedony, chrys- olite, coral, cornelian, garnet, jasper, jet, malachite, mar- ble, onyx, rock crystal, or spar, including- clock cases with or without movements, not specially provided for in this Act, fifty per centum ad valorem. Stone.— 116. Burr stones, manufactured or bound up into mill- stones, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 117. Freestone, granite, sandstone, limestone, and other building or monumental stone, except marble and onyx, unmanufactured cr undressed, not specially provided for in this Act, twelve cents per cubic foot. 118. Freestone, granite, sandstone, limestone, and other building or monumental stone, except marble and onyx, not specially provided for in this Act, hewn, dressed, or polished, fifty per centum ad valorem. 119. Grindstones, finished or unfinished, one dollar and seventy-five cents per ton. Slate.— 120. Slates, slate chimney-pieces, mantels, slabs for tables, roofing slates, and all other manufactures of slate, 38 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association not specially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem. SCHEDULE C— METALS AND MANUFACTURES OF. 121. Iron ore, including raanganiferous iron ore, and the dross or residuum from burnt pyrites, forty cents per ton : Provided, That in levying and collecting the duty on iron ore no deduction shall he made from the weigh! of the ore on account of moisture which may be chemically or physi- cally combined therewith ; basic slag, ground or unground, one dollar per ton . 122. Iron in pigs, iron kentledge, spiegeleisen, ferro- manganese, ferro-silicon, wroughtand <:tst scrap iron, and scrap steel, four dollars per ton; but nothing shall be deemed scrap iron or scrap steel except waste or refuse iron or steel lit only to he; remanufactured. 123. Bar iron, square iron, rolled or hammered, com- prising Hats not less than one inch wide nor less than three- eighths of one inch thick, round iron not less than seven- sixteenths of one inch in diameter, six-tenths of oue cent per pound. 124. Round iron, in coils or rods, less than seven- sixteenths of one inch in diameter, and bars or shapes of rolled or hammered iron, not specially provided for in this Act, eight-tenths of one cent per pound : Provided, Thai all iron in slabs, blooms, loops, or other foi'msless finished than iron in bars, and more advanced than pigiron, excepl castings, shall be subject to a duty of five-tenths of one cent per pound : Provided further, That all iron bars, blooms, billets, or sizes or shapes of any kind, in the manu- facture of which charcoal is used as fuel, shall be subject to a duly of twelve dollars per ton. 125. Beams, girders, joists, angles, channels, car-truck channels, T T, columns and posts or parts or sections of columns and posts, deck and bulb beams, and building forms, togel her with all other structural shapes of iron or steel, whether plain or punched, or lilted Eor use, five- tenths of one cent per pound. (.26. Boiler or other plate iron or steel, except crucible t>f th( Port of Y< "■ fori: plate steel and saw plates hereinafter provided for, not thinner than number ten wire gauge, sheared or unsheared, and skelp iron or steel sheared or rolled in grooves, valued at one cent per pound or less, five-tenths of one cent per pound ; valued above one cent and not above two cents per pound, six-tenths of one cent per pound ; valued above two cents and not above four cents per pound, one cent per pound ; valued at over four cents per pound, twenty-live per centum ad valorem : Provided, That all sheets or plates of iron or steel thinner than number ten wire gauge shall pay duty as iron or steel sheets. 127. Iron or steel anchors or parts thereof, one and one- half cents per pound ; forgings of iron or steel, or of com- bined iron and steel, of whatever shape or whatever degree or stage of manufacture, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; anti-friction ball forgings of iron or steel, or of combined iron and steel, forty- live per centum ad valorem. 128. Hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel, not otherwise provided for in this Act, valued at three cents per pound or less, eight inches or less in width, and less than three- eighths of one inch thick and notthinner than number ten wire gauge, five-tenths of one cent per pound; thinner than number ten wire gauge and not thinner than number twenty wire gaug-e, six-tenths of one cent per pound ; thinner than number twenty wire gauge, eight-tenths of one cent per pound : Provided, That barrel hoops of iron or steel, and hoop or band iron or hoop or band steel flared, splayed or punched, with or without buckles or fastenings, shall pay one-tenth of one cent per pound more duty than that imposed on the hoop or band iron or steel from which they are made ; steel bands or strips, un- tempered, suitable for making band saws, three cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem; if tempered, or tempered and polished, six cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem. 129. Hoop or band iron, or hoop or band steel, cut to lengths, or wholly or partly manufactured into hoops or ties, coated or not coated with paint or any other prepara- tion, with or without buckles or fastenings, for baling cot- Ousioms Brokers and < terks Association ton or any other commodity, five-tenths of one cent per pound. 130. Railway bars, made of iron or steel, and railway bars made in part of steel, T rails, and punched iron or steel flat rails, seven-twentieths of one cent per pound ; railway fish-plates or splice bars, made of iron or steel, four-tenths of one cent per pound. 131. Sheets of iron or steel, common or black, of what- ever dimensions, and skelp iron or steel, valued at three cents per pound or less, thinner than number ten and not thinner than number twenty wire gauge, seven-tenths of one cent per pound; thinner than number twenty wire gauge and not thinner than number twenty-five wire gauge, eight-tenths of one cent per pound ; thinner than number twenty-five wire gauge and not thinner than num- ber thirty-two wire gauge, one and one-tenth cents per pound ; thinner than number thirty-two wire gauge, one and two-tenths cents per pound ; corrugated or crimp- ed, one and one-tenth cents per pound : Provided, That all sheets of common or black iron or steel not thinner 1 ban number ten wire gauge shall pay duty as plate iron or plate steel. 132. All iron or steel sheets or plates, and all hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel, excepting what are known com- mercially as tin plates, terne plates, and taggers tin, and hereinafter provided for, when galvanized or coated with zinc, spelter, or other metals, or any alloy of those metals, shall pay two-tenths of one cent per pound more duty than if the same was not so galvanized or coated. 133. Sheets of iron or steel, polished, planished, or glanced, by whatever name designated, two cents per pound: Provided, That plates or sheets of iron or steel, by whatever name designated, other than the polished, planished, or glanced herein provided for, which have been pickled or cleaned by acid, or by any other material or process, or which are cold-rolled, smoothed only, not pol- ished, shall pay two-tenths of one cent per pound more duty than the corresponding gauges of common or black sheet iron or steel. 134. Sheets or plates of iron or steel, or taggers iron or Of lli< Purl of New York. steel, coated with tin or lead, or with a mixture of which these metals, or either of them, is a component part, by the clipping or anj T other process, and commercially known as tin plates, terne plates, and taggers tin, one and one- halt cents per pound. 135. Steel ingots, cogged ingots, blooms, and slabs, by whatever process made ; die blocks or blanks ; billets and bars and tapered or beveled bars; mill shafting; pressed, sh aretl, or stamped shapes ; saw plates, wholly or par- tially manufactured ; hammer molds or swaged steel ; gun-barrel molds not in bars; alloys used as substitutes for steel in the manufacture of tools ; all descriptions and shapes of dry sand, loam, or iron-molded steel castings ; sheets and plates and steel in all forms and shapes not specially provided for in this Act, all of the above valued at one cent per pound or less, three-tenths of one cent per pound ; valued above one cent and not above one and four- tenths cents per pound, four-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above one and four-tenths cents and not above one and eight-tenths cents per pound, six-tenths of one cent per pound; valued above one and eight-tenths cents and not above two and two-tenths cents per pound, seven-tenths of one cent per pound ; valued above two and two-tenths cents and not above three cents per pound, nine-tenths of one cent per pound ; valued above three cents per pound and not above four cents per pound, one and two-tenths cents per pound ; valued above four cents and not above seven cents per pound, one and three-tenths cents per pound ; valued above seven cents and not above ten cents per pound, two cents per pound ; valued above ten cents and not above thirteen cents per pound, two and four-tenths cents per pound ; valued above thirteen cents and not above sixteen cents per pound, two and eight-tenths cents per pound ; valued above sixteen cents per pound, four and seven-tenths cents per pound. Wire. — 136. Wire rods : Rivet, screw, fence and other iron or steel wire rods, whether round, oval, flat, or square, or in any other shape, and nail rods, in coils or otherwise, 42 B ok rsand Clerks Association valued at four cents or less per pound, four-tenths of one cent per pound ; valued over four cents per pound, three-fourths of one cent per pound : Provided, Thai all round iron or steel rods smaller than number six wire gauge shall be classed and dutiable as wire: Provided further, That all iron or steel wire rods which have been tempered or treated in any manner or partly manufactured shall pay an additional duty of one half of one cent per pound. 137. Round iron or steel wire, not smaller than number thirteen wire gauge, one and one-fourth cents per pound ; smaller than number thirteen and not smaller than num- ber sixteen wire gauge, one and one-half cents per pound ; smaller than number sixteen wire g'auge, two cents per pound : Provided, That all the foregoing valued a1 more than four cents per pound shall pay forty per centum ad valorem. Iron or steel or other wire not specially provided for in this Act, including such as is com- monly known as hat wire, or bonnet wife, crinoline wire, corset wire, needle wire, piano wire, clock wire, and watch wire, whether Hat or otherwise, and cor- set clasps, corset steels and dress si eels, and sheet steel in strips, twenty five one-thousandths of an inch thick- or thinner, any of the foregoing, whether uncov- ered or covered with cotton, silk, metal, or other ma- terial, valueo ;d more than four cents per pound, forty- five per centum ad valorem: Provided, That articles manufactured from iron, steel, brass, or copper wire, shall pay the rate of duty imposed upon the wire used in the manufacture of such articles, and in addition thereto one and one-fourth cents per pound, except that wire rope and wire strand shall pay the maximum rate of duty which would be imposed upon any wire used in the manufacture thereof, and in addition thereto one cent per pound ; and on iron or steel wire coated with zinc, tin, or any other metal, two-tenths of one cent per pound in addition to the rate imposed on l he wire from which it is made. of Hi. Port of N w Fork. 43 GENERAL PROVISIONS. 138. No allowance or reducl ion of duties for partial loss or damage in consequence of rust or of discoloration shall be made upon any description of iron or steel, or upon any article wholly or partly manufactured of iron or steel, or upon any manufacture of iron or steel. 139. All metal produced from iron or its ores, which is cast and malleable, of whatever description or form, with- out regard to the percentage of carbon contained therein, whether produced by cementation, or converted, cast, or made from iron or its ores, b}' tire crucible, Bessemer, Clapp-Griffith, pneumatic, Thomas-Gilchrist, basic, Sie- mens-Martin, or open-hearth process, or by the equivalent of either, or by a combination of two or more of the pro- cesses, or their equivalents, or by any fusion or other pro- cess which produces from iron or its ores a metal either granular or fibrous in structure, which is cast and malle- able, excepting what is known as malleable-iron castings, shall be classed and denominated as steel. 140. No article not specially provided for in this Act, which is wholly or partly manufactured from tin plate, terne plate, or the sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel herein provided for, or of which such tin plate, terne plate, sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel shall be the material of chief value, shall pay a lower rate of duty than that imposed on the tin plate, terne plate, or sheet, plate, hoop, band, or scroll iron or steel from which it is made, or of which it shall be the component thereof of chief value. 141. On all iron or steel bars or rods of whatever shape or section which are cold rolled, cold drawn, cold ham- mered, or polished in any way in addition to the ordinary process of hot rolling or hammering, there shall be paid one-fourth of one cent per pound in addition to the rates provided in this Act on bars or rods of whatever section or shape which are hot rolled ; and on all strips, plates, or sheets of iron or steel of whatever shape, other than the polished, planished, or glanced sheet-iron or sheet-steel hereinbefore provided for, which are cold rolled, cold ham- Customs Brokers and Clerks Association mered, blued, brightened, tempered, or polished by any process to such perfected surface finish or polish bet- ter than the grade of cold rolled, smoothed only, here- inbefore provided for, there shall be paid one cent per pound in addition to the rates provided in this Act upon plates, strips, or sheets of iron or steel of common or black finish ; and on steel circular saw plates there shall be paid one-half of one cent per pound in addition to the rate pro- vided in this Act for steel saw plates. MANUFACTURES OF IRON AND STEEL. 142. Anvils of iron or steel, or of iron and steel com- bined, by whatever process made, or in whatever stage of manufacture, one and seven-eighths cents per pound. 143. Axles, or parts thereof, axle bars, axle blanks, or forgings for axles, whether of iron or steel, without refer- ence to the stage or state of manufacture, valued at not more than six cents per pound, one cent per pound : Pro- vided, That when iron or steel axles ;ire imported fitted in wheels, or parts of wheels, of iron or steel, they shall be dutiable at the same rate as the wheels in which they are fitted. 144. Blacksmiths' hammers and sledges, track tools, wedges, and crowbars, whether of iron or steel, one and one-half cents per pound. 145. Bolts, with or without threads or nuts, or bolt- blanks, and finished hinges or binge-blanks, whether of iron or steel, one and one-half cents per pound. 14G. Card-clothing manufactured from tempered steel wire, forty-five cents per square foot; all other, twenty cents per square foot. 147. Cast-iron pipe of every description, four-tenths of one cent per pound. 148. Cast-iron vessels, plates, stove-plates, and irons, Bad irons, tailors' irons, hatters' irons, and castings of iron, not specially provided for in this Act, eight-tenths of one cent per pound. 149. Castings of malleable iron not specialty provided for in this Act, nine-tenths of one cent per pound. of the Port of tVew York. 4b 150. Cast hollow-ware, coated, glazed, or tinted, two cents per pound. 151. Chain or chains of all kinds, made of iron or steel, not less than three-fourths of one inch in diameter, one and one-eighth cents per pound ; less than three-fourths of one inch and not less than three-eighths of one inch in diam- eter, one and three-eighths cents per pound; less than three- eighths of one inch in diameter and not less than five- sixteenths of one inch in diameter, one and seven-eighths cents per pound ; less than five-sixteenths of one inch in diameter, three cents per pound ; but no chain or chains of any description shall pay a lower rate of duty than forty-five per centum ad valorem. 152. Lap welded, butt welded, seamed, or jointed iron or steel boiler tubes, pipes, flues, or stays, not thinner than number sixteen wire gauge, two cents per pound ; welded cylindrical furnaces, made from plate metal, two and one- half cents per pound ; all other iron or steel tubes, finished not specially provided for in this Act, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Cutlery. — 153. Penknives or pocketknives, clasp knives, pruning knives, and budding knives of all kinds, or parts t hereof, and erasers or manicure knives, or parts thereof, wholly or partly manufactured, valued at not more than forty cents per dozen, forty per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than forty cents per dozen and not exceeding fifty cents per dozen, one cent per piece and forty per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than fifty cents per dozen and not exceeding one dollar and twenty five cents per dozen, five cents per piece and forty per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than one dollar and twenty-five cents per dozen and not exceeding three dollars per dozen, ten cents per piece and forty per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than three dollars per dozen, twenty cents per piece and forty per centum ad valorem : Provided, That blades, handles, or other parts of either or any of the fore- going articles, imported in any other manner than assem- bled in finished knives or erasers, shall be subject to no 46 Custo ition less rate of duty than herein provided for penknives, pocketknives, clasp knives, pruning knives, manicure knives, and erasers valued at more than fifty and not more than one dollar and lifty cents per dozen. Razors and razor blades, finished or unfinished, valued at less than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen, fifty cents per dozenand fifteen per centum ad valorem ; valued at one dollar and fifty cents per dozen and less than three dollars per dozen, one dollar per dozen and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; valued at three dollars per dozen or more, one dollar and seventy-five cents per dozen and twenty per centum ad valorem. Scissors and shears, and blades for the same, finished or unfinished, valued at not more than fifty cents per dozen, fifteen cents per dozen and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than fifty cents and not more than one dollar and seventy-live cents per dozen, fifty cents per dozen, and fifteen per centum ad valorem; val- ued at more than one dollar and seventy-live cents per dozen, seventy-five cents per dozen and twenty-live per centum ad valorem. 154. Swords, sword-blades, and side arms, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 155. Table, butchers', carving - , cooks', hunting-, kitchen. bread, butter, vegetable, fruit, cheese, plumbers', painters', palette, artists', and shoe knives, forks and steels, finished or unfinished, with handles of mother-of-pearl, shell or ivory, sixteen cents each; with handles of dear-horn, t welve cents each; with handles of bard rubber, solid bone, celluloid or any pyroxyline material, live cents each : with handles of any other material (ban those above mentioned, one and one-half cents each, and in addition, on all the above articles, fifteen per centum ad valorem : Provided, That none of the above named art ides shall pay a less rate of duty than forty-live per centum ad valorem. lot;. Files, file-blanks, rasps, and floats, of all tads and kinds, two and one-half inches in Lengthand under, thirty cents per do/.en : over two and one-half inches in length and not over four and one-ball' inches, fifty cents per dozen; over lour and one half inches in length and under seven Of the Port of X: w York, 41 inches, seventy-five cents per dozen ; seven inches in Length and over, one dollar per dozen. Firearms.— 157. Muskets, muzzle-loading shotguns, rifles, and parts thereof, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. I08. Double-barreled, sporting, breech loading shotguns, combination shotguns and rifles, valued at not more than five dollars, one dollar and fifty cents each and in addition thereto fifteen per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than five dollars and not more than ten dollars, four dollars each and in addition thereto fifteen per centum ad valorem each ; valued at more than ten dollars, six dollars each ; double barrels for sporting breech-loading shotguns and rifies further advanced in manufacture than rough bored only, three dollars each ; stocks for double-barreled sport- ing breech-loading shotguns and rifles wholly or partially manufactured, three dollars each ; and in addition thereto on all such guns and rifles valued at more than ten dollars each, and on such stocks and barrels, thirty-five per centum ad valorem on all other parts of such guns or rifles, and fittings for such stocks or barrels, finished or unfinished, fifty per centum ad valorem : Provided, That all double- barrel sporting breech-loading - shotguns and rifles import- ed without a lock or locks or other fittings shall be subject to a duty of six dollars each and thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; single-barreled breech-loading shotguns, or parts thereof, except as otherwise specially provided for in this Act, one dollar each and thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Revolving pistols or parts thereof, seventy-five cents each and twenty. five per centum ad valorem. 159. Sheets, plates, wares or articles of iron, steel, or other metal, enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses, forty per centum ad valorem. Nails, Spikes, Tacks, and Needles. — 160. Cut nails and cut spikes of iron or steel, six- tenths of one cent per pound. 161. Horseshoe nails, hob nails and all other wrought is Customs Brokers and Clerks Issociathon iron or steel nails not specially provided for in this Act, two and one-fourth cents per pound. 16:2. Wire nails made of wrought iron or steel, not less than one inch in length and not lighter than number six- teen wire gauge, one-half of one cent per pound ; less than one inch in length and lighter than number sixteen wire gauge, one cent per pound. 163. Spikes, nuts, and washers, and horse, mule, or ox shoes, of wrought iron or steel, one cent per pound. 164. Cut tacks, brads, or sprigs, not exceeding sixteen ounces to the thousand, one and one-fourth cents per thou- sand ; exceeding sixteen ounces to the thousand, one and one-half cents per pound. 165. Needles for knitting or sewing - machines, including latch needles, one dollar per thousand and twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; crochet needles and tape needles, knitting and all other needles, not specially provided for in this Act, and bodkins of metal, twenty-live per centum ad valorem. Plates.— 166. Steel plates engraved, stereotype plates, electrotype plates, and plates of other materials, engraved or litho- graphed, for printing, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 167. Rivets of iron or steel, two cents per pound. Saws. — 168. Crosscut saws, six cents per linear foot ; mill saws, ten cents per linear foot; pit, and drag saws, eight cents per linear foot ; circular saws, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; steel band saws, finished or further advanced than tempered and polished, ten cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem ; hand, back, and all other saws, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem. 169. Screws, commonly called wood screws, made of iron or steel, more than two inches in length, four cents per pound ; over one inch and not more than two inches in Length, six cents per pound; over one-half inch and not more than one inch in length, eight and one-half cents per of the Purl of Sew York. pound ; one-half inch and less in length, twelve cents per pound. 170. Umbrella and parasol ribs and stretchers, composed in chief value of iron, steel, or other metal, in frames or otherwise, fifty per centum ad valorem. 171. Wheels for railway purposes, or parts thereof, made of iron or steel, and steel-tired wheels for railway purposes, whether wholly or partly finished, and iron or steel loco- motive, car, or other railway tires or parts thereof, wholly or partly manufactured, one and one-half cents per pound ; and ingots, cogged iogots, blooms, or blanks for the same, without regard to the degree of manufacture, one and one- fourth cents per pound : Provided, That when wheels for railway purposes, or parts thereof, of iron or steel, are im- ported with iron or steel axles fitted in them, the wheels and axles together shall be dutiable at the same rate as is provided for the wheels when imported separately. MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND MANUFACTURES OF. 172. Aluminum, and alloys of any kind in which alu- minum is the component material of chief value, in crude form, eight cents per pound ; in plates, sheets, bars, and rods, thirteen cents per pound. 173. Antimony, as regulus or metal, three-fourths of one cent per pound. 174. Argentine, albata, or German silver, unmanufac- tured, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 175. Bronze powder, twelve cents per pound ; bronze or Dutch-metal or aluminum, in leaf, six cents per package of one hundred leaves. 176. Copper in rolled plates, called braziers' copper, sheets, rods, pipes, and copper bottoms, two and one half cents per pound ; sheathing or yellow metal of which cop- per is the component material of chief value, and not com- posed wholly or in part of iron uugalvanized, two cents per pound. Gold and Silver. — 177. Gold leaf, one dollar and seventy-five cents per pack- age of five hundred leaves. Custom* Brofa > s and < '< rk As» 178. Silver leaf, seventy-five cents per package of five hundred leaves. 179. Tinsel wire, lame or lahn, made wholly or in chief value of gold, silver, or other metal, five cents per pound ; bullions and metal threads, made wholly or in chief value of tinsel wire, lame or lahn, live cents per pound and thirty-five per centum ad valorem; laces, embroideries, braids, galloons, trimmings, or other articles, made wholly or in chief value of tinsel wire, lame or Lahn, bullions, or metal threads, sixty per centum ad valorem. 180. Hooks and eyes, metallic, whether loose, carded or otherwise, including weight of cards, cai'tons, and immedi- ate wrappings and labels, five and one-half cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem. Lead. — 181. Lead-bearing- ore of all kinds, one and one-half cents per pound on the lead contained therein: Provided, That on all importations of lead-bearing ores the duties shall be estimated at the port of entry, and a bond given in double the amount of such estimated duties for the transportation of the ores by common carriers bonded lor the transporta- tion of appraised or unappraised merchandise to properly equipped sampling or smelting establishments, whether designated as bonded warehouses or otherwise. On the arrival of the ores at such establishments they shall be sampled according to commercial methods under t be super vision of Government officers, who shall be stationed at such establishments, and who shall submit the samples thus obtained to a Government assayer, designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall make a proper assay" of the sample, and report the result to the propel' cusloms officers, and the import entries shall be liquidated thereon, except in case of ores that shall be removed to a bonded warehouse to be refined for exportation as provided by law. And the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to make all necessary regulations to enforce the provisions of this paragraph. 182. Lead dross, lead bullion or base bullion, lead in pigs and bars, bad in any form not specially provided for in this qf llif Port of X' w York. Act, old refuse lead run into blocks and bars, and old scrap lead fit only to be remauufactured ; all the foregoing, two and one-eighth cents per pound ; lead in sheets, pipe, sbot, glaziers' lead aud lead wire, two and one-half cents per pound. 183. Metallic mineral substances in a crude state, and metals unwrought, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem ; monazite sand and thorite, six cents per pound. 184. Mica, unmanufactured, or rough trimmed only, six cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem ; mica, cut or trimmed, twelve cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem. 185. Nickel, nickel oxide, alloy of any kind in which nickel is a component material of chief value, in pigs, in- gots, bars, or sheets, six cents per pound. 186. Pens, metallic, except gold pens, twelve cents per gross. 187. Penholder tips, penholders or parts thereof, and gold pens, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 188. Pins with solid heads, without ornamentation, in- cluding hair, safety, hat, bonnet, and shawl pins; any of the foregoing composed wholly of brass, copper, iron, steel, or otber base metal, not plated, and not commonly known as jewelry, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 189. Quicksilver, seven cents per pound. The liasks, bot- tles, or other vessels in which quicksilver is imported, shall be subject to the same rate of duty as they would be sub- jected to if imported empty. 190. Type metal, one and one-half cents per pound for the lead contained therein ; new types, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 191. Watch movements, whether imported in cases or not, if having not more than seven jewels, thirty-five cents each ; if having more than seven jewels and not more than eleven jewels, fifty cents each ; if having more than eleven jewels and not more than fifteen jewels, seventy-five cents each ; if having more than fifteen jewels and not more than seventeen jewels, one dollar and twenty-five cents each ; if having more than seventeen jewels, three dollars each, and 52 Customs Brokers and Ci alion in addition thereto, on all the foregoing, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; watch eases and parts of watches, including watch dials, chronometers, boxorship, and parts thereof, clocks and parts thereof, not otherwise provided for in this Act, whether separately packed or otherwise, not composed wholly or in part of china, porcelain, parian, bisque or earthenware, forty per centum ad valorem; all jewels for use in the manufacture of watches or clocks, ten per centum ad valorem. 192. Zinc in blocks or pigs, one and one- hall cents per pound ; in sheets, two cents per pound ; old and worn-out, tit only to be remanufactured, one cent per pound. 193. Articles or wares not specially provided for in this Act, composed wholly or in part of iron, steel, lead, copper, nickel, pewter, zinc, gold, silver, platinum, aluminum or other metal, and whether partly or wholly manufactured, forty-five per centum ad valorem. SCHEDULE D.— WOOD AND MANUFACTURES OF. 194. Timber hewn, sided, or squared (not less than eight inches square), ami round timber used for spars or in build- ing wharves, one cent per cubic foot. 195. Sawed boards, planks, deals, and other Lumber of whitewood, sycamore, and basswood, one dollar per thou- sand feet board measure; sawed lumber, not specially pro- vided for in this Act, two dollars per thousand feel board measure; but when lumber of any sort is planed or fin- ished, in addition to the rates her, 'in provided, there shall be levied and paid for each side so planed or finished fifty cents per thousand feet board measure; and it planed on one side and tongued and grooved, one dollar per thousand feet board measure; and if planed on two sides and tongued ami grooved, one dollar and fifty cents per thousand feet board measure; and in estimating board measure under this schedule no deduction shall he made on board measure on account of planing, tongueing and grooving: Provided, That it any country ^v dependency shall impose an export duty upon saw logs, round unmanufactured tim- ber, stave bolts, shingle bolts, or heading bolts, exported of thi Port of \ w York. to the United Statss, or a discriminating charge upon boom slicks, or chains used by American citizens in towing logs, the amount of such exportduty, tax, or other charge, as the case may be, shall be added as an additional duty to tbe duties imposed upon the articles mentioned in this paragraph when imported from such country or depend- ency. 196. Paving posts, railroad ties, and telephone, trolley, electric light and telegraph poles of cedar or oilier woods, twenty per centum ad valorem. 197. Kindling wood in bundles not exceeding one-quarter of a cubic foot each, three-tenths of one cent per bundle ; if in larger bundles, three-tenths of one cent for each addi- tional quarter of a cubic foot or fractional part thereof. 198. Sawed boards, planks, deals, and all forms of sawed cedar, lignumvitae, lancewood, ebony, box, granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, satinwood, and all other cabinet woods not further manufactured than sawed, fifteen per centum ad valorem ; veneers of wood, and wood, unmanu- factured, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem. 199. Clapboards, one dollar and fifty cents per thousand. 200. Hubs for wheels, posts, heading bolts, stave bolts, last-blocks, wagon-blocks, oar-blocks, heading-blocks, and all like blocks or sticks, rough-hewn, sawed or bored, twenty per centum ad valorem; fence posts, ten per centum ad valorem. 201. Laths, twenty-five cents per one thousand pieces. 202. Pickets, palings and staves of wood, of all kinds, ten per centum ad valorem. 203. Shingles, thirty cents per tbousand. 20-4. Casks, barrels, and hogsheads (empty), sugar-box shooks, and packing-boxes (empty), and packing-box shooks, of wood, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem. 203. Boxes, barrels, or other articles containing oranges, lemons, limes, grape fruit, shaddocks or pomelos, thirty per centum ad valorem : Provided, That the thin wood, so called, comprising the sides, tops and bottoms of orange and lemon boxes of the growth and manufacture of the Farinaceous Subs rANcns. — 223. Barley, thirty cents per bushel of fortj eighl pounds. of Hi, Port of \"< " York. 224. Barley-malt, forty-five cents per bushel of thirty- four pounds. 225. Barley, pearled, patent, or hulled, two cents per pound. 226. Buckwheat, fifteen cents per bushel of forty-eight pounds. 227. Corn or maize, fifteen cents per bushel of fifty-six pounds. 223. Corn meal, twenty cents per bushel of forty-eight pounds. 229. Macaroni, vermicelli, and all similar preparations, one and one-half cents per pound. 230. Oats, fifteen cents per bushel. 231. Oatmeal and rolled oats, one cent per pound ; oat hulls, ten cents per hundred pounds. 232. Kice, cleaned, two cents per pound ; uncleaned rice, or rice free of the outer hull and still having the inner cuticle on, one and one-fourth cents per pound ; rice (lour, and rice meal, and rice broken which will pass through a sieve known commercially as number twelve wire sieve, one-fourth of one cent per pound ; paddj', or rice having the outer hull on, three-fourths of one cent per pound. 233. Rye, ten cents per bushel ; rye flour, one-half of one cent per pound. 234. Wheat, twenty-five cents per bushel. 235. Wheat flour, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Dairy Products.— 236. Butter, and substitutes therefor, six cents per pound. 237. Cheese, and substitutes therefor, six cents per pound. 238. Milk, fresh, two cents per gallon. 239. Milk, preserved or condensed, or sterilized by heat- ing or other processes, including weight of immediate cov- erings, two cents per pound ; sugar of milk, five cents per pound. Farm and Field Products. — 240. Beans, forty-five cents per bushel of sixtj 7 pounds. 241. Beans, pease, and mushrooms, prepared or pre- served, in tins, jars, bottles, or similar packages, two and o8 ,■ let . i wxAaitdfi one-half cents per pound, including the weight of all tins, jars, and other immediate coverings; all vegetables, pre- pared or preserved, including pickles and sauces of all kinds, not specially provided for in this Act, and fish paste or sauce, forty per centum ad valorem. 242. Cabbages, three cents each. 243. Cider, live cents per gallon. 244. Eggs, not specially provided for in this Act, live cents per dozen. 245. Eggs, yolk of, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; albumen, egg or blood, three cents per pound; dried blood, when soluble, one and one-hall' cents per pound. 246. Hay, four dollars per ton. 247. Honey, twenty cents per gallon. 248. Hops, twelve cents per pound; hop extract and lupulin, fifty per centum ad valorem. 249. Onions, forty cents per bushel ; garlic, one cent per pound. 250. Pease, green, in bulk or in barrels, sacks, or similar packages, and seed pease, forty cents per bushel of sixty pounds; pease, dried, not specially provided for, thirty cents per bushel; split pease, forty cents per bushel of sixty pounds; pease in cartons, papers, or other small packages, one cent per pound. 251. Orchids, palms, dracaenas, crotons and azaleas, tulips, hyacinths, narcissi, jonquils, lilies, lilies of the val- ley, and all other bulbs, bulbous roots, or conn-, which arc; cultivated for their flowers, and natural Bowers of all kinds, preserved or fresh, suitable for decorative purposes, t wenty-live per centum ad valorem. 252. Stocks, cuttings or seedlings of Myrobolan plum. Mahaleb or Mazzard cherry, three years old or less, fifty cents per thousand plants anil fifteen per centum ad valo- rem ; stocks, cuttings or seedlings of pear, apple, quince and the St. Julien plum, three years old or less, and ever- green seedlings, one dollar per thousand plants and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; rose plants, budded, grafted, or grown on their own roots, two and one hall cents each ; stocks, cuttings and seedlings of all fruit and ornamental trees, deciduous and evergreen, shrubs and \ ines, manetti, Of th, Port of A'w York. 59 multiflora, and brier rose, and all trees, shrubs, plants and vines, commonly known as nursery or greenhouse stock, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per cent- um ad valorem. 253. Potatoes, twenty five cents per bushel of six!}' pounds. 254. Seeds: Castor beans or seeds, twenty-five cents per bushel of fifty pounds; flaxseed or linseed and other oil seeds not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five cents per bushel of fifty-six pounds; poppy seed, fifteen cents per bushel ; but no drawback shall be allowed upon oil cake made from imported seed, nor shall any allowance be made for dirt or other impurities in any seed ; seeds of all kinds not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem. 255. Straw, one dollar and fifty cents per ton. 256. Teazles, thirty per centum ad valorem. 257. Vegetables in their natural state, not specially pro- vided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Fish. — 258. Fish known or labeled as anchovies, sardines, sprats, brislings, sardels or sardellen, packed in oil or otherwise, in bottles, jars, tin boxes or cans, shall be dutiable as fol- lows : When in packages containing seven and one-half cubic inches or less, one and one-half cents per bottle, jar, box or can ; containing more than seven and one-half and not more than twenty-one cubic inches, two and one-half cents per bottle, jar, box or can ; containing more than twenty-one and not more than thirty-three cubic inches, five cents per bottle, jar, box or can; containing more than thirty-three and not more than seventy cubic inches, ten cents per bottle, jar, box or can ; if in other packages, forty per centum ad valorem. All other fish, (except shellfish), in tin packages, thirty per centum ad valorem ; fish in packages containing' less than one-half barrel, and not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem. 259. Fresh-water fish not specially provided for in this Act, one-fourth of one cent per pound. 60 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association 260. Herrings, pickled or salted, one-half of one cent per pound ; herrings, fresh, one-fourth of one cent per pound. 261. Fish, fresh, smoked, dried, salted, pickled, frozen, packed in ice or otherwise prepared for preservation, not specially provided for in this Act, three-fourths of one cenl per pound ; fish, skinned or honed, one and one-four1 h cents per pound ; mackerel, halibut or salmon, fresh, pickled or salted, one cent per pound. Fruits and Nuts. — 282. Apples, peaches, quinces, cherries, plums, and pears, green or ripe, twenty-five cents per bushel ; apples, peaches, pears and other edible fruits, including berries, when dried. desiccated, evaporated or prepared in any manner, not specially provided for in this Act, two cents per pound ; berries, edible, in their natural condition, one cent per quart ; cranberries, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 263. Comfits, sweetmeats, and fruits preserved in sugar, molasses, spirits, or in their own juices, not specially pro- vided for in this Act, onecentper pound and thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; if containing over ten per centum of alcohol and not specially provided for in this Act, thirty- live per centum ad valorem and in addition two dollars and fifty cents per proof gallon on the alcohol contained therein in excess of ten per centum; jellies of all kinds, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; pineapples preserved in their own juice, twenty live per centum ad valorem. 264. Figs, plums, prunes, and prunelles, two cents per pound: raisins and other dried grapes, two and one-half cents per pound ; dates, one-half of one cent per pound; currants, Zante.or other, two cents per pound; olives, green or prepared, in bottles, jars, or similar packages, twenty- five cents per gallon ; in casks or otherwise than in hot t les, jars, or similar packages, fifteen cents per gallon. 265. Grapes in barrels or other packages, twenty cents per cubic foot of capacity of barrels or packages. 266. Oranges, lemons, limes, grape fruit, shaddocks or pomelos, one cent per pound. 267. ( )ranii'e peel or lemon peel, preserved, candied, or dried, and COCOanul meal Or COpra desiccated, shredded. Of tfn Purl Of V W York. cut, or similarly prepared, two cents per pound ; citron or citron peel, preserved, candied, or dried, four cents per pound. I2GS. Pineapples, in barrels and other packages ; seven cents per cubic foot of the capacity of barrels or packages ; in bulk, seven dollars per thousand. Nuts.— 269. Almonds, not shelled, four cents per pound ; clear almonds, shelled, six cents per pound. 270. Filberts and walnuts of all kinds, not shelled, three cents per pound ; shelled, five cents per pound. 271. Peanuts or ground beans, unshelled, one-half of one cent per pound ; shelled, one cent per pound. 272. Nuts of all kinds, shelled or unshelled, not specially provided for in this Act, one cent per pound. Meat Products. — 273. Bacon and hams, five cents per pound. 274. Fresh beef, veal, mutton and pork, two cents per pound. 275. Meats of all kinds, prepared or preserved, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty five per centum ad valorem. 276. Extract of meat, not specially provided for in tins Act, thirty-five cents per pound; fluid extract of meat, fifteen cents per pound, but the dutiable weight of the ex- tract of meat and of the fluid extract of meat shall not in- clude the weight of the package in which the same is im- ported. 277. Lard, two cents per pound. 278. Poultry, live, three cents per pound ; dressed, five cents per pound. 279. Tallow, three-fourths of one cent per pound ; wool grease, including - that known commercially as degras or brown wool grease, one-half of one cent per pound. Miscellaneous Products.— 280. Chickory-root, raw, dried, or undried, but unground, one cent per pound ; chickory root, burnt or roasted, ground (i'i Customs Brokers and ( tion or granulated, or in rolls, or otherwise prepared, and not specially provided for in this Act, two and one-hall' cents per pound. 281. Chocolate and cocoa, prepared or manufactured, doI specially provided forinthis Act, valued at not over fifteen cents per pound, two and one-half cents per pound : valued above fifteen and not above twenty-four cents per pound, two and one-half cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; valued above twenty-four and not above thirty- five cents per pound, five cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem ; valued above thirty-five cents per pound, fifty per centum ad valorem. The weight and value of all coverings, other than plain wooden, shall be included in the dutiable weight and value of the foregoing merchan- dise : powdered cocoa, unsweetened, five cents per pound. 282. Cocoa-butter or cocoa butterine, three and one-half cents per pound. 283. Dandelion root and acorns prepared, and articles used as coffee, or as substitutes for coffee not specially pro- vided for in this Act, two and one-half cents per pound. 284. Salt in bags, sacks, barrels, or other packages, twelve cents per one hundred pounds; in bulk, eight cents per one hundred pounds: Provided, That imported salt in bond may be used in curing lish taken by vessels licensed to engage in the fisheries, and in curing lish on the shores of the navigable waters of the United States, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall pre scribe; and upon proof that the sail has been used Eor either of the purposes stated in this proviso, the duties on the same shall he remitted; Provided further, That ex- porters of meats, whether packed or smoked, which have been cured in the United states with imported salt, shall, upon s.i l isfactory proof, under such regulations as the Sec- retary of the Treasury shall prescribe, thai such meals have I n cured with imported salt, have refunded to them Ii-miii the Treasury the duties paid on the salt so used in curing such exported meats, in amounts not less than one hundred dollars. $85, Starch, including all preparations, from whatever of the Port of Xeir York. C3 substance produced, fit for use as starch, one and one-half cents per pound. 286. Dextrine, burnt starch, gum substitute, or British gum, two cents per pound. Spices. — 287. Mustard, ground or prepared, in bottles or other- wise, ten cents per pound ; capsicum or red pepper, or cay- enne pepper, two and one half cents per pound ; sage, one cent per pound ; spices not specially provided for in' this Act, three cents per pound. 28S. Vinegar, seven and one-half cents per proof-gallon. The standard proof for vinegar shall be taken to be that strength which requires thirty-five grains of bicarbonate of potash to neutralize one ounce troy of vinegar. SCHEDULE H.— SPIRITS, WINES, AND OTHER BEV- ERAGES. Spirits. — 289. Brandy and other spirits manufactured or distilled from grain or other materials, and not specially provided for in this Act, two dollars and twenty-five cents per proof gallon. 290. Each and every gauge or wine g-allon of measure- ment shall be counted as at least one proof gallon ; and the standard for determining the proof of brandy and other spirits or liquors of any kind imported shall be the same as that which is defined in the laws relating to internal rev- enue; Provided, That it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the Treasury, in his discretion, to authorize the ascer- tainment of the proof of wines, cordials, or other liquors, by distillation or otherwise, in cases where it is impractica- ble to ascertain such proof by the means prescribed by ex- isting law or regulations : And provided further, That any brandy or other spirituous or distilled liquors imported in any sized cask, bottle, jug, or other package, of or from any country, dependencj', or province under whose laws similar sized casks, bottles, jugs, or other packages of dis- tilled spirits, wine, or other beverage put up or filled in the United States are denied entrance into such country, de- 64 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association pendency, or province, shall be forfeited to the United States ; and any brandy or other spirituous or distilled liquor imported in a cask of less capacity than ten gallons from any country shall be forfeited to the United States. 291. On all compounds or preparations of which distilled spirits are a component part of chief value, there shall be levied a duty not less than that imposed upon distilled spirits. 292. Cordials, liqueurs, arrack, absinthe, kirchwasser, ratafia, and other spirituous beverages or bitters of all kinds, containing spirits, and not specially provided for in this Act, two dollars and twenty-five cents per proof gal- lon. 293. No lower rate or amount of duty shall be levied, collected and paid on brandy, spirits, and other spirituous beverages than that fixed by law for the description of Brs1 proof; but it shall be increased in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of first proof, and all imitations of brandy or spirits or wines imported by any names whatever shall be subject to the highest»rate of duty provided for the genuine articles respectively intended to be represented, and in no case less than one dollar and fifty cents per gallon. 294. Bay rum or bay water, whether distilled or com- pounded, of first proof, and in proportion for any greater strength than first proof, one dollar and fifty cents per gallon. Wines.— 295. Champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bot- tles containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, eight dollars per dozen ; containing not more than one pint each and more than one-half pint, lour dollars per dozen ; containing one half pint each or less, I w (i dollars per dozen ; in bottles or other vessels contain- ing more than one quart each, in addition to eight dollars per dozen bottles, on the quantity in excess of one quart, at t he rate of two dollars and fifty cents per gallon ; but no separate or addil ional duty shall be levied on the bottles. 296. Still wines, including ginger wine or ginger cordial of the Port of New York. 65 and vermuth, in casks or packages other than bottles or jugs, if containing fourteen per centum or less of absolute alcohol, forty cents per gallon ; if containing more than fourteen per centum of absolute alcohol, fifty cents per gallon. In bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen bottles or jugs, containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty-four bottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint, one dollar and sixty cents per case ; and any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty of five cents per pint or fractional part thereof, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles or jugs : Provided, That any wines, ginger cordial, or vermuth, im- ported containing more than twenty-four per centum of alcohol shall be classed as spirits and pay duty accord- ingly : And provided further, That there shall be no con- structive or other allowance for breakage, leakage, or damage on wines, liquors, cordials, or distilled spirits. Wines, cordials, brandy, and other spirituous liquors, in- cluding bitters of all kinds, and bay rum or bay water, im- ported in bottles or jugs, shall be packed in packages con- taining not less than one dozen bottles or jugs in each package, or duty shall be paid as if such package contained at least one dozen bottles or jugs, and in addition thereto, duty shall be collected on the bottles or jugs at the rates which would be chargeable thereon if imported empty. The percentage of alcohol in wines and fruit juices shall be determined in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury shall by regulation prescribe. 297. Ale, porter, and beer, in bottles or jugs, forty cents per gallon, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles or jugs ; otherwise than in bottles or jugs, twenty cents per gallon. 298. Malt extract, fluid, in casks, twenty cents per gal- lon ; in bottles or jugs, forty cents per gallon ; solid or condensed, forty per centum ad valorem. 299. Cherry juice and prune juice, or prune wine, and other fruit juices not specially provided for in this Act, containing no alcohol or not more than eighteen per centum 66 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association of alcohol, sixty cents per gallon ; if containing more than eighteen per centum of alcohol, sixty cents per gallon, and in addition thereto two dollars and seven cents per proof gallon on the alcohol contained therein. 300. Ginger ale, ginger beer, lemonade, soda water, and other similar beverages containing no alcohol in plain green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, contain- ing each not more than three-fourths of a pint, eighteen cents per dozen ; containing more than three-fourths of a pint each and not more than one and one-half pints, twenty- eight cents per dozen; but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles: if imported otherwise than in plai 1 green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, or in such bottles containing more than one and one-half pints each, fifty cents per g-allon, and in addition thereto, duty shall be collected on the bottles, or other coverings, at the rates which would be chargeable thereon if imported empty. 301. All mineral waters and all imitations of natural mineral waters, and all artificial mineral waters not spe- cially provided for in this Act, in green or colored glass bottles, containing not more than one pint, twenty cents per dozen bottles. If containing more than one pint and not more than one quart, thirty cents per dozen bottles. But no separate duty shall be assessed upon the bottles. If imported otherwise than in plain green or colored -lass bottles, or if imported in such bottles containing more than one quart, twenty-four cents per gallon, and in addition thereto duty shall be collected upon the bottles or other covering at the same rates that would be charged thereon if i m ported empty or separately. SCHEDULE I.— COTTON MANUFACTURES. 302. < iotton t bread and carded yarn, warps or warp yarn, in singles, whether on Wean is or in bundles, skeins or cops, or in any other form, except spool thread of cotton herein- a ii er pr ivided for, not colored, bleached, dyed, or advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting t wo Or more single yarns together, three cents per pound on all of the Port of New York. numbers up to and including number fifteen, one-fifth of a cent per number per pound on all numbers exceeding num- ber fifteen and up to and including number thirty, and one- fourth of a cent per number per pound on all numbers ex- ceeding number thirty ; colored, bleached, dyed, combed or advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns together, whether on beams or in bundles, skeins or cops, or in any other form, except spool thread of cotton hereinafter provided for, six cents per pound on all numbers up to and including number twenty, and on all numbers exceeding number twenty and up to number eighty, one-fourth of one cent per number per pound ; on number eighty and above, three-tenths of one cent per number per pound ; cotton card laps, roping, sliver or roving, forty-five per centum ad valorem, 303. Spool thread of cotton, including crochet, darning, and embroidery cottons on spools or reels, containing on each spool or reel not exceeding one hundred yards of thread, six cents per dozen ; exceeding one hundred yards on each spool or reel, for every additional hundred yards or fractional part thereof in excess of one hundred, six cents per dozen spools or reels ; if otherwise than on spools or reels, one-half of one cent for each one hundred yards or fractional part thereof : Provided, That in no case shall the duty be assessed upon a less number of yards than is marked on the spools or reels. 304. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding fifty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, one cent per square yard ; if bleached, one and one-fourth cents pet- square yard ; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, two cents per square yard. 305. Cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding fifty and not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, one and one-fourth cents per square yard ; exceeding six and not exceeding nine square yards to the pound, one and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding nine square yards to the pound, one and three-fourths cents per square G8 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association yard; if bleached, aud not exceeding six square yards to the pound, one and one-half cents per square yard; ex- ceeding six and not exceeding nine square yards to the pound, one and three-fourths cents per square yard : ex- ceeding nine square yards to the pound, two and one-fourl h cents per square yard ; it' dyed, colored, stained, painted or printed, and not exceeding six square .yards to the pound, two and three-fourths cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding nine square yards to the pound, three and one-fourth cents per square yard ; exceeding nine square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard : Provided, That on all cotton cloth not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, count- ing the warp and filling, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over seven cents per square yard, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; bleached, valued at over nine cents per square yard, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; and dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over twelve cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem. 306. Cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding one hundred and not exceed- ing one hundred and fifty threads to the square inch, count- ing the warp and filling, and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, one and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding lour and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, two cents per square yard ; exceeding six and no! exceeding eight square yards to (he pound, two and one- half cents pei' square yard ; exceeding eight square yards to the pound, two and three-fourths cents per square yard ; if bleached, and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, two and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding four and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, three cents per square yard; exceeding six and no1 exceeding eighl square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding eighl square yards to the pound, three and three-fourths cents per square yard ; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, aud not exceed- ing four square yards to the pound, three and one half of the Port of tfew York. 69 cents per square yard ; exceeding' four and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, three and three-fourths cents per square yard ; exceeding six and not exceeding eight square yards to the pound, four and one-fourth cents per square yard; exceeding eight square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard : Provided, That on all cotton cloth exceeding one hundred and not exceed- ing one hundred and fifty threads to the square inch, count- ing the warp and filling, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over nine cents per square yard, thirty per centum ad valorem; bleached, valued at over eleven cents per square yard, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over twelve and one-half cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 307. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding one hundred and fifty and not exceeding two hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, two cents per square yard ; exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding four and one-half square yards to the pound, two and three- fourths cents per square yard ; exceeding four and one-half and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, three cents per square yard ; exceeding six square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard ; if bleach- ed, and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, two and three-fourths cents per square yard ; exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding four and one-half square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding four and one-half and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, four cents per square yard ; exceeding six square yards to the pound, four :and one-fourth cents per square yard ; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, four and one-fourth cents per square yard ; exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding four and one-half square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding four 70 Customs Brokers and I % rks - 1 ssociation and one-half and not exceeding six square yards to the pound, four and three-fourths cents per square yard; ex- ceeding si.x square yards to the pound, live cents per square yard: Provided, That on all cotton cloth exceeding one hundred and fifty and not exceeding two hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over ten cents per square yard, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; bleached, valued at over twelve cents per square yard, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over twelve and one-half cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of forty per centum ad valorem. 308. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding two hundred and not ex- ceeding three hundred threads to the square inch, count- ing the warp and filling, and not exceeding two and one- half square yards to the pound, three and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding - two and one half and not ex- ceeding three and one-half square yards to the pound, four cents per square yard ; exceeding three ami one-half ami not exceeding five square yards to the pound, four and one- half cents per square yard ; exceeding five square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard ; if bleached, and not exceeding 1 wo and one-half square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding two and one-half and not exceeding three and one-hall' square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard : exceeding three and one-half and not exceeding live square yards to the pound, ii\ e ami one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding live square yards to the pound, six cents per square yard ; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not ex- ceeding three and one-half square yards lo the pound, six- and one-fourth rents per square yard ; exce< ding three and one-half square yards to the pound, seven cents per square yard : Provided, That on all such cotton cloths not bleach- ed, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over twelve and one half cents pci' square yard ; bleached, valued at over Bfteen cents per square yard, and dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed. Valued at over seven- of the Port of New York. teen and one-half cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of forty per centum ad valorem. 309. Cotton cloth not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding three hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and not ex- ceeding two square yards to the pound, four cents per square yard; exceeding two and not exceeding three square yards to the pound, four and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding three and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard ; exceeding four square yards to the pound, five and one-half cents per square yard ; if bleached and not exceeding two square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard ; ex- ceeding two and not exceeding three square yards to the pound, five and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding three and not exceeding four square yards to the pound, six cents per square yard ; exceeding four square yards to the pound, six and one-half cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceed- ing" three square yards to the pound, six and one-half cents per square yard ; exceeding three square yards to the pound, eight cents per square yard : Provided, That on all such cotton cloths not bleached, dyed, coloi-ed, stained, painted, or printed, valued at over fourteen cents per square yard ; bleached, valued at over sixteen cents per square yard ; and dyed, colored, stained, painted, or print- ed, valued at over twenty cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of forty per centum ad valorem. 810. The term cotton cloth, or cloth, wherever used in the paragraphs of this schedule, unless otherwise specially provided for, shall be held to include all woven fabrics of cotton in the piece or otherwise, whether figured, fancy, or plain, the warp and filling threads of which can be counted by unraveling or other practicable means. 311. Cloth, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber and silk, whether known as silk-striped sleeve linings, silk stripes, or otherwise, of which cotton is the component material of chief value, eight cents per square yard and Custonis Brokers and < l< rks Association thirty per centum ad valorem : Provided, That no such cloth shall pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem. Cotton cloth, filled or coated, three cents per square yard and twenty per centum ad valorem. 312. Handkerchiefs or mufflers composed of cotton, whether in the piece or otherwise and whether finished or unfinished, if not hemmed, or hemmed only, shall pay the same rate of duty on the cloth contained therein as is im- posed on cotton cloth of the same description, weight . and count of threads to the square inch; but such handker- chiefs or mufflers shall not pay a less rate of duty than fortj'-five per centum ad valorem. If such handkerchiefs or mufflers are hemstitched, or imitation hemstitched, or revered, or have drawn threads, they shall pay a duty of ten per centum ad valorem in addition to the duty herein- before prescribed, and in no case less than fifty-five per centum ad valorem ; if such handkerchiefs or mufflers are embroidered in any manner, whether with an initial letter, monogram, or otherwise, by hand or machinery, or are tamboured, appliqued, or trimmed wholly or in part with lace or with tucking or insertion, they shall not pay a less rate of duty than sixfy per centum ad valorem. 313. Cotton cloth in which other t han 1 he ordinary warp and Ailing threads have been introduced in the process of weaving to form a figure, whether known as lappets or otherwise, and whether unbleached, bleached, dyed, col- ored, stained, painted, or printed, shall pay. in addition to the duty herein provided for other cotton cloth of the same description, or condition, weight, and count of threads to I he square inch, one cent per square yard if valued at not more than seven cents per square yard, and two cents per square yard if valued at more than seven cents per square yard. 314. Clothing, ready-made, and articles of wearing ap- parel of every description, including neck-ties or neckwear composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, or of which cotton or ollur vegetable filler is the component material of chief value, made up or manufactured, wholly or in part, by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer, and not other- wise provided for in this Act, fifty per centum ad valorem: of the Pm*t of New York. 73 Provided, That any outside garment provided for in this paragraph having india-rubber as a component material shall pay a duty of fifteen cents per pound and fifty per centum ad valorem. 315. Plushes, velvets, velveteens, corduroys, and all pile fabrics, cut or uncut ; any of the foregoing composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, not bleached, dyed, col- ored, stained, painted, or printed, nine cents per square yard and twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; if bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, twelve cents per square yard and twenty-five per centum ad valorem : Provided, That corduroys composed of cotton or other vegetable liber, weighing seven ounces or over per square yard, shall pay a duty of eighteen cents per square yard, and twenty-five per centum ad valorem : Provided further, That manufactures or articles in any form including such as are commonly known as bias dress facings or skirt bind- ings, made or cut from plushes, velvets, velveteens, cordu- roys, or other pile fabrics composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, shall be subject to the foregoing rates of duty and in addition thereto ten per centum ad valorem : Provided further , That none of the articles or fabrics pro- vided for in this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than forty-seven and one-half per centum ad valorem. 316. Curtains, table covers, and all articles manufactured of cotton chenille or of which cotton chenille is the com- ponent material of chief value, fifty per centum ad valo- rem. 317. Stockings, hose, and half-hose, made on knitting machines or frames, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, and not otherwise specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem. 318. Stockings, hose and half-hose, selvedged, fashioned, narrowed, or shaped wholly or in part by knitting ma- chines or frames, or knit by hand, including such as are commercially known as seamless stockings, hose and half- hose, and clocked stockings, hose or half-hose, all of the above composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, fin- ished or unfinished, valued at not more than one dol- lar per dozen pairs, fifty cents per dozen pairs ; valued Customs Brokers and Clerks Association at more than one dollar per dozen pairs, and not more than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen pairs, sixty cents per dozen pairs; valued al more than one dol- lar and fifty cents per dozen pairs, and not more than two dollars per dozen pairs, seventy cents per dozen pairs; valued at more than two dollars per dozen pairs, and not more than three dollars per dozen pairs, one dollar and twenty cents per dozen pairs ; valued at more than three dollars per dozen pairs and not more than five dollars per dozen pairs, two dollars per dozen pairs; and in addition thereto, upon all the foregoing, fifteen per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than five dollars per dozen pairs, fifty five per centum ad valorem. 319. Shirts and drawers, pants, vests, union suits, com- bination suits, tights, sweaters, corset covers and all un- derwear of every description made wholly or in part on knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, finished or unfinished, not including stockings, hose and half-hose, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, valued at not more than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen, sixty cents per dozen and fifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at more than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen and not more than three dollars per dozen, one dollar and ten cents per dozen, and in addition thereto fifteen per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than three dollars per dozen and not more than live dollars per dozen, one dollar and fifty cents per dozen, and in addition thereto twenty-live per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than five dollars per dozen and not more than seven dollars per dozen, one dol- lar and seventy-five cents per dozen, and in addition t hereto thirty-five per centum ad valorem; valued at more than seven dollars per dozen and not more than fifteen dollars per dozen, two dollars and twenty-five cents per dozen, and in addition thereto thirty-live per centum ad valorem; valued above fifteen dollars per dozen, fifty per centum ad valorem. 320. Bandings, beltings, bindings, bone casings, cords, garters, lining for bicycle tires, ribbons, suspenders and braces, tapes, tubing, and webs or webbing, any of the foregoing articles made of cotton or other vegetable fiber, whether composed in part of india-rubber or otherwise, of the Port of New York. and not embroidered by hand or machinery, forty-five per centum ad valorem : spindle banding-, woven, braided or twisted lamp, stove, or candle wicking made of cotton or other vegetable fiber, ten cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; loom harness or healds made of cot- ton or other vegetable fiber, or of which cotton or other vegetable fiber is the component material of chief value, fifty cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valo- rem ; boot, shoe, and corset lacings made of cotton or ol her vegetable fiber, twenty-five cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; labels, for garments or other articles, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, fifty cents per pound and thirty per centum ad valorem. 331. Cotton table damask, forty per centum ad valorem; cotton duck, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 322. All manufactures of cotton not specially provided for in this Act, forty-five per centum ad valorem. SCHEDULE J.— FLAX, HEMP, AND JUTE, AND MANUFACTURES OF. 323. Flax straw, five dollars per ton. 324. Flax, not hackled or dressed, one cent per pound. 325. Flax, hackled, known as ' ' dressed line," three cents per pound. 326. Tow of flax, twenty dollars per ton. 327. Hemp, and tow of hemp, twenty dollars per ton ; hemp, hackled, known as "line of hemp," forty dollars per ton. 328. Single yarns. made of jute, not finer than five lea or number, one cent per pound and ten per centum ad valo- rem ; if finer than five lea or number, thirty-five per cen- tum ad valorem. 329. Cables and cordage, composed of istle, Tampico fiber, manila, sisal grass or sunn, or a mixture of these or any of them, one cent per pound ; cables and cordage made of hemp, tarred or untarred, two cents per pound. 330. Threads, twines, or cords, made from yarn not finer than five lea or number, composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances or either of them is the com- 76 Customs Dinl, /■■• - ami chrts Axto,-iati7. The duty upon all wools and hair of the first class shall he eleven cents per pound, and upon all wools or hair of the second class twelve cents per pound. 358. On wools of the third class and on camel's hair of the third class the value whereof shall he twelve cents or less per pound, the duty shall be four cents per pound. 359. On wools of the third class, and on camel's hair of the third class, the value whereof shall exceed twelve cents per pound, the duty shall be seven cents per pound. 360. The duty on wools on the skin shall be one cent less per pound than is imposed in this schedule on other wools of the same class and condition, the quantity and value to be ascertained under such rules as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. 361. Top waste, stubbing waste, roving waste, ring waste, and garnetted waste, thirty cents per pound. 362. Shoddy, twenty-live cents per pound ; noils, wool extract, yarn waste, thread waste, and all other wastes composed wholly or in part of wool, and nol specially pro- vided for in this Act, twenty cents per pound. 363. Woolen rags, mungo, and flocks, ten cents per pound. 364. Wool and hair which have been advanced in any manner or by uny process of manufacture beyond the washed and scoured condition, not specially provided for in this Act, shall he subject to the same duties as are im- posed upon manufactures of wool not specially provided for in this Act. 365. On yarns made wholly or in part of wool, valued at not more than thirty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be two and one-half limes the duly imposed by this Act on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class; valued al more than thirty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three and one-half times the duty imposed of the Port of Neiv York. 83 by this Act on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto, upon all the foregoing, forty per centum ad valorem. 366. On cloths, knit fabrics, and all manufactures of every description made wholly or in part of wool, not specially provided for in this Act, valued at not more than forty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three times the duty imposed by this Act on a pound of un- washed wool of the first class ; valued at above forty cents per pound and not above seventy cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty imposed by this Act on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto, upon all the foregoing, fifty per centum ad valorem ; valued at over seventy cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be four times the duty imposed by this Act on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and fifty-five per centum ad valorem. 367. On blankets, and flannels for underwear composed wholly or in part of wool, valued at not more than forty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be the same as the duty imposed by this Act on two pounds of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem ; valued at more than forty cents and not more than fifty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three times the duty imposed by this Act on one pound of unwashed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto thirty-five per centum ad valorem. On blankets composed wholly or in part of wool, valued at more than fifty cents per pound, the duty per pound shall be three times the duty imposed by this Act on one pound of un- washed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. Flannels composed wholl3 T or in part of wool, valued at above fifty cents per pound, shall be classified and pay the same duty as women's and chil- dren's dress g-oods, coat linings, Italian cloths, and goods of similar character and description provided by this Act: Provided, That on blankets over three yards in length the same duties shall be paid as on cloths. 368. On women's and children's dress goods, coat linings, Italian cloths, and goods of similar description and char- 8 1 ( ktstom s Broh rt and ' % rks . 1 stodatim acter, of which the warp consists wholly of cotton or other vegetable materia] with the remainder of the fabric com- posed wholly or in part of wool, valued at not exceeding fifteen cents per square yard, the duty shall be seven cents per square yard : valued at more than fifteen cents per square yard, the duty shall be eight cents per square yard ; and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing valued at not above seventy cents per pound, fifty per cent inn ad valorem ; valued above seventy cents per pound, fifty-live per centum ad valorem: Provided, That on all the fore- going, weighing over four ounces per square yard, the duty shall be the same as imposed by this schedule on cloths. 369. On women's and children's dress goods, coat linings, Italian cloths, bunting, andgoodsof similar description or character composed wholly or in part of wool, and not specially provided for in this Act, the duty shall be eleven cents per square yard ; anil in addition thereto on all the foregoing valued at not above seventy cents per pound, fifty per centum ad valorem ; valued above seventy cents per pound, fii:ty-nve per centum ad valorem; Provided, That on all the foregoing, weighing over four ounces per square yard, the duty shall be the same as imposed by this schedule on cloths. 370. On clothing, ready made, and articles of wearing apparel of every description, including shawls whether knitted or woven, and knitted articles of every description. made up or manufactured wholly or in part, felts not woven and not specially provided for in this Act, composed wholly or in part of wool, l be duty per pound shall be four times the duly imposed by this Act on one pound of un- washed wool of the first class, and in addition thereto sixty pei- cenl um ad valorem. 371. Webbings, gorings, suspenders, braces, bandings, beltings, bindings, braids, galloons, edgings, insertings, Bouncings, fringes, .uimps, cords, cords and tassels, laces and other trimmings and articles made wholly or in part of lace, embroideries and articles embroidered by hand or machinery, bead nets, netting, buttons or barrel buttons or buttons of other forms for tassels or ornaments, and manufactures of wool ornamented with beads or spangles of the Port of New York. 85 of whatever material composed, any of the foregoing made of wool or of which wool is a component material, whether composed in part of india-rubber or otherwise, fifty cents per pound and sixty per centum ad valorem. 372. Aubusson, Axminster, moquette, and chenille car- pets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, sixty cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 373. Saxony, Wilton, and Tournay velvet carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, sixty cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 374. Brussels carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, forty-four cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 375. Velvet and tapestry velvet carpets, figured or plain, printed on the warp or otherwise, and all carpets or car- peting of like character or description, forty cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 37"6. Tapestry Brussels carpets, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, printed on the warp or otherwise, twenty-eight cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 377. Trehle ingrain, three-ply, and all chain Venetian carpets, twenty-two cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 378. Wool Dutch and two-ply ingrain carpets, eighteen cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 379. Carpets of every description woven whole for rooms, and Oriental, Berlin, Aubusson, Axminster, and similar rugs, ten cents per square foot and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 380. Druggets and bockings, printed, colored, or other- wise, twenty-two cents per square yard, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. 381. Carpets and carpeting of wool, flax, or cotton, or Customs lirokus and Ckrks Association composed in part of either, not specially provided for in this Act, fifty per centum ad valorem. 382. Mats, rugs for floors, screens, covers, hassocks, bed sides, art squares, and other portions of carpets or carpet- ing made wholly or in part of wool, and not specially pro- vided for in this Act, shall be subjected to the rate of duty herein imposed on carpets or carpetings of like character or description. 383. Whenever, in an}' schedule of this Act, the word " wool " is used in connection with a manufactured article of winch it is a component material, it shall be held to in- clude wool or hair of the sheep, camel, goat, alpaca or other animal, whether manufactured by the woolen, worsted, felt, or any other process. SCHEDULE L.— SILKS AND SILK GOODS. 384. Silk partially manufactured from cocoons or from waste silk, and not further advanced or manufactured than carded or combed silk, forty cents per pound. 385. Thrown silk not more advanced than singles, tram, organzine, sewing silk, twist, floss, and silk threads or yarns of every description, except spun silk, thirty per centum ad valorem ; spun silk in skeins, cops, warps, or on beams, valued at not exceeding one dollar per pound, twenty cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; valued at over one dollar per pound and not exceeding one dollar and fifty cents per pound, thirty cents per pound and lifteen per centum ad valorem; valued at over one (1011:1]- and fifty cents per pound and not exceeding two dollars per pound, forty cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; valued at over two dollars per pound and not exceeding two dollars and fifty cents per pound, fifty cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; valued at over two dollars and fifty cents per pound, sixty cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; but in 00 case shall the foregoing articles pay a less rate of duty than thirty-live per centum ad valorem. oH(\. Velvets, velvet or plush rihbons, chenilles, or other pile fabrics, cut or uncut, composed of silk, or of which of the Port of New York. silk is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, one dollar and fifty cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; plushes, com- posed of silk, or of which silk is the component material of chief value, one dollar per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; but in no case shall the foregoing articles pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem. 387. Woven fabrics in the piece not specially provided for in this Act, weighing not less than one and one-third ounces per square yard and not more than eight ounces per square yard, and containing not more than twenty per cen- tum in weight of silk, if in the gum, fifty cents per pound, and if dyed in the piece, sixty cents per pound ; if contain- ing more than twenty per centum and not more than thirty per centum in weight of silk, if in the gum, sixty-five cents per pound, and if dyed in the piece, eighty cents per pound ; if containing more than thirty per centum and not more than forty-five per centum in weight of silk, if in the gum, ninety cents per pound, and if dyed in the piece one dollar and ten cents per pound ; if dyed in the thread or yarn and containing not more than thirty per centum in weight of silk, if black (except selvedges), seventy-five cents per pound, and if other than black, ninety cents per pound ; if containing more than thirty and not more than forty-five per centum in weight of silk, if black (except selvedges), one dollar and ten cents per pound, and if other than black, one dollar and thirty cents per pound ; if containing more than forty-five per centum in weight of silk, or if composed wholly of silk, if dyed in the thread or yarn and weighted in the dyeing so as to exceed the original weight of the raw silk, if black (except selvedges), one dollar and fifty cents per pound, and if other than black, two dollars and twenty-live cents per pound ; if dyed in the thread or yarn, and the weight is not increased by dyeing beyond the orig- inal weight of the raw silk, three dollars per pound ; if in the gum, two dollars and fifty cents per pound ; if boiled off, or dyed in the piece, or printed, three dollars per pound; if weighing less than one and one-third ounces and more than one-third of an ounce per square yard, if in the gum, or if dyed in the thread or yarn, two and one- Clinton!* Brokers and Clerks Association half dollars per pound ; if weighing- less than one and one- third ounces and more than one-third of an ounce per square yard, if hoiled off, three dollars per pound ; if dj r ed or printed in the piece, three dollars aud twenty-five cents per pound ; if weighing not more than one-third of an ounce per square yard, four dollars and fifty cents per pound ; but in no case shall any of the foregoing fabrics in this paragraph pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem. 388. Handkerchiefs or mufflers composed wholly or in part of silk, whether in the piece or otherwise, finished or unfinished, if not hemmed or hemmed only, shall pay the same rate of duty as is imposed on goods in the piece of the same description, weight, and condition as provided for in this schedule; but such handkerchiefs or mufflers shall not pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem; if such handkerchiefs or mufflers are hemstitched or imitation hemstitched, or revered or have drawn threads, or are embroidered in any manner, whether with an initial letter, monogram, or otherwise, by hand or machinery, or are tamboured, appliqued, or are made or trimmed wholly or in part with lace, or with tucking or insertion, they shall pay a duty of ten per centum ad valorem in addition to the duty hereinbefore prescribed, and in no case less than sixty per centum ad valorem. 389. Bandings, including hat bands, beltings, bindings, bone casings, braces, cords, cords and tassels, garters, gorings, suspenders, tubings, and webbs and webbings, composed wholly or in part of silk, and whether composed in pail of india-rubber or otherwise, if not embroidered in any manner by hand or machinery, fifty per centum ad valorem. 390. Laces, and articles made wholly or in part of lace, edgings, insertings, galloons, chiffon or other flouncings, nets or nettings and veilings, neck millings, ruchings, braids, fringes, trimmings, embroideries and articles em- broidered by hand or machinery, or tamboured or ap- pliqued, clothing ready made, andarticles of wearing ap pare! of every description, including knitgoods, made up or manufactured in whole or in part by the tailor, seamstress, Of the Port of New York. 89 or manufacturer ; all of the above named articles made of silk, or of which silk is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, and silk goods ornamented with beads or spangles, of whatever material composed, sixty per centum ad valorem : Provided, That any wearing apparel or other articles provided for in this paragraph (except gloves) when composed in part of india rubber, shall be subject to a duty of sixty per centum ad valorem. 391. All manufactures of silk, or of which silk is the component material of chief value, including such as have india rubber as a component material, not specially pro- vided for in this Act, and all Jacquard figured goods in the piece, made on looms, of which silk is the component material of chief value, dyed in the yarn, and containing two or more colors in the filling, fifty per centum ad val- orem : Provided, That all manufactures, of which wool is a component material, shall be classified and assessed for duty as manufactures of wool. 392. In ascertaining the weight of silk under the pro- visions of this schedule, the weight shall be taken in the condition in which found in the goods, without deduction therefrom for any dye, coloring matter, or other foreign substance or material. SCHEDULE M.— PULP, PAPERS, AND BOOKS. Pulp and Paper. — 393. Mechanically ground wood pulp, one-twelfth of one cent per pound, dry weight; chemical wood pulp, un bleached, one-sixth of one cent per pound, dry weight; bleached, one-fourth of one cent per pound, dry weight : Provided, That if any country or dependency shall impose an export duty on pulp wood exported to the United States the amount of such export duty shall be added, as an addi- tional duty, to the duties herein imposed upon wood pulp, when imported from such country or dependency. 394. Sheathing paper and roofing felt, ten per centum ad valorem. 395. Filter masse or filter stock, composed wholly or in 90 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association part of wood pulp, wood flour, cotton or other vegetable fiber, one and one-half cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem. 396. Printing - paper, unsized, sized or glued, suitable for books and newspapers, valued at not above two cents per pound, three-tenths of one cent per pound ; valued above two cents and not above two and one-half cents per pound, four-tenths of one cent per pound ; valued above two and one-half cents per pound and not above three cents per pound, five-tenths of one cent per pound ; valued above three cents and not above four cents per pound ; six-tenths of one cent per pound ; valued above four cents and not above five cents per pound, eight-tenths of one cent per pound ; valued above five cents per pound, fifteen per centum ad valorem : Provided, That if any country or de- pendency shall impose an export duty upon pulp wood ex- ported to the United States, there shall be imposed upon printing paper when imported from such country or de- pendency, an additional duty of one-tenth of one cent per pound for each dollar of export duty per cord so imposed, and proportionately for fractions of a dollar of such export duty. 397. Papers commonly known as copying paper, stereo- type paper, paper known as bibulous paper, tissue paper, pottery paper, and all similar papers, white, colored or printed, weighing not over six pounds to the ream of four hundred and eighty sheets, on a basis of twenty by thirty inches, and whether in reams or any other form, six cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; if weighing over six pounds and not over ten pounds to the ream, and letter copying books, whether wholly or partly manufac- tured, five cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad val- orem ; crepe paper and filtering paper, five ecu Is per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem. 398. Surface coated papers not specially provided for in this Act, two and one-half cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; if printed, or wholly or partly covered with metal or its solutions, or with gelatin or dock, three cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem ; parchment papers, two cents per pound and ten per centum of the Port of New York. 91 ad valorem ; plain basic photographic papers foralbumen- izing, sensitizing, or baryta coating - , three cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem ; albumenized or sensitized paper or paper otherwise surface coated for photographic purposes, thirty per centum ad valorem. Manufactures of Paper. — 399. Paper envelopes, plain, twenty per centum ad valo- rem ; if bordered, embossed, printed, tinted, or decorated, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 400. Lithographic prints from stone, zinc, aluminum or other materia], bound or unbound (except cigar labels, flaps and bands, lettered, or otherwise, music and illustra- tions when forming a part of a periodical or newspaper and accompanying the same, or if bound in or forming a part of printed books, not specially provided for in this Act), on paper or other material not exceeding eig - ht one-thou- sandths of one inch in thickness, twenty cents per pound ; on paper or other material exceeding - eight one-thou- sandths of one inch and not exceeding twenty one-thou- sandths of one inch in thickness, and exceeding thirty-five square inches, but not exceeding four hundred square inches cutting size in dimensions, eight cents per pound ; exceeding four hundred square inches cutting size in di- mensions, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; prints ex- ceeding - eight one-thousandths of one inch and not exceed- ing twenty one-thousandths of one inch in thickness, and not exceeding thirty-five square inches cutting size in dimensions, five cents per pound; lithographic prints from stone, zinc, aluminum or other material, on cardboard or other material, exceeding twenty one-thousandths of one inch in thickness, six cents per pound ; lithographic cigar labels, flaps, and bands, lettered or blank, printed from stone, zinc, aluminum or other material, if printed in less than eight colors (bronze printing to be counted as two colors), but not including labels, flaps and bauds printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, twenty cents per pound Labels, flaps and bands, if printed entirely in bronze print- ing, fifteen cents per pound; labels, flaps and bands printed in eight or more colors, but not including labels, flaps and 92 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association bands printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, thirty cents per pound ; labels, flaps and bands printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, fifty cents per pound. Books of paper or other material for children's use, containing illuminated lithographic prints, not exceeding in weight twenty four ounces each, and all booklets and fashion magazines or periodicals printed in whole or in part by lithographic pro- cess or decorated by hand, eight cents per pound. 401. Writing, letter, note, hand-made, drawing, ledger, bond, record, tablet and typewriter paper, weighing not less than ten pounds and not more than fifteen pounds to the ream, two cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem ; weighing more than fifteen pounds to the ream, three and one-half cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem ; but if any such paper is ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, or decorated in any manner, it shall pay ten per centum ad valorem in addition to the foregoing rates : Provided, That in computing the duty on such paper every one hundred and eighty thousand square inches shall be taken to be a ream. 402. Paper hangings and paper for screens or fireboards, and all other paper not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; all Jacquard designs of one line paper, or parts of such design.;, finished or un- finished, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; all Jacquard designs cut on Jacquard cards, or parts of such designs, finished or unfinished, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Manufactures of Paper.— 403. Books of all kinds, including blank books and pam- phlets, and engravings bound or unbound, photographs, etchings, maps, charts, music in books or sheets, and printed matter, all the foregoing not specially provided for in this Act, twenty five per centum ail valorem. 404. Photograph, autograph, and scrap albums, wholly or partly manufactured, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 405. All fancy boxes made of paper, or of which paper is the component material of chief value, or if covered with surface-coated paper, forty-five per centum ad valorem. 406. Playing cards, in packs not exceeding liftv-four of the Pari of New Vork. 93 cards and at a like rate for any number in excess, ten cents per pack and twenty per centum ad valorem. 407. Manufactures of paper, or of which paper is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. SCHEDULE N.— SUNDRIES. 408. Beads of all kinds, not threaded or strung, thirty- five per centum ad valorem ; fabrics, nets or nettings, laces, embroideries, galloons, wearing apparel, ornaments, trimmings and other articles not specially provided for in this Act, composed wholly or in part of beads or spangles made of glass or paste, gelatin, metal, or other material, but not composed in part of wool, sixty per centum ad valorem. 409. Braids, plaits, laces and willow sheets or squares, composed wholly of straw, chip, grass, palm leaf, willow, osier, or rattan, suitable for making or ornamenting hats, bonnets or hoods, not bleached, dyed, colored or stained, fifteen per centum ad valorem ; if bleached, dyed, colored or stained, twenty per centum ad valorem ; hats, bonnets, and hoods, composed of straw, chip, grass, palm leaf, wil- low, osier, or rattan, whether wholly or partly manufac- tured, but not trimmed, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; if trimmed, fifty per centum ad valorem. But the terms "grass" and "straw" shall be understood to mean these substances in their natural form and structure, and not the separated fiber thereof. 410. Brushes, brooms and feather dusters of all kinds, and hair pencils in quills or otherwise, forty per centum ad valorem. 411. Bristles, sorted, bunched, or prepared, seven and one-half cents per pound. Buttons and Button Forms. — 412. Trousers buckles made wholly or partly of iron or steel, or parts thereof, valued at not more than fifteen cents per hundred, five cents per hundred ; valued at more than fifteen cents per hundred and not more than fifty cents per hundred, leu cents per hundred; valued at more than fifty 94 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association cents per hundred, fifteen cents per hundred ; and in addi- tion thereto on each and all of the above buckles or parts of buckles, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 413. Button forms : Lastings, mohair, cloth, silk, or other manufactures of cloth, woven or made in patterns of such size, shape, or form, or cut in such manner as to he fit for buttons exclusively, ten per centum ad valorem 414. Buttons or parts of buttons and button molds or blanks, finished or unfinished, shall pay duty at the follow- ing rates, the line button measure being one-fortieth of one inch, namely : Buttons known commercially as agate but- tons, metal trousers buttons (except steel), and nickel bar buttons, one-twelfth of one cent per line per gross; buttons of bone, and steel trousers buttons, one fourth of one cent per line per gross ; buttons of pearl or shell, one and one- half cents per line per gross ; buttons of horn, vegetable ivory, glass or metal, not specially provided for in this Act, three-fourths of one cent per line per gross, and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing articles in this para- graph, fifteen per centum ad valorem ; shoe buttons made of paper, hoard, papier mache, pulp or other similar ma- terial, not specially provided for in this Act, valued at not exceeding three cents per gross, one cent per gross; hut- tons not specially provided for in this Act, and all collar or cuff buttons and studs, fifty per centum ad valorem. 415. Coal, bituminous, and all coals containing less than ninety-two per centum of fixed carbon, and shale, sixty- seven cents per Ion of twenty-eight bushels, eighty pounds to the bushel ; coal slack or culm, such as will pass through a half-inch screen, fifteen cents per ton of twenty eight bushels, eighty pounds to the bushel: Provided, That on all coal imported into the United States, which is afterwards used for fuel on board vessels propelled by steam and en- gaged in trade with foreign countries, or in trade between the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the Tiiited Stall's, and which are registered under the laws of the United States, a draw back shall be allowed equal to the duty imposed by law upon such coal, and shall be paid under such regula- tions as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; coke, I went y per cent 1 1 in ad valorem. of I he. Port of X, w York. 95 416. Cork bark, cut into squares or cubes, eight cents per pound ; manufactured corks over three-fourths of an inch in diameter measured at larger end, fifteen cents per pound ; three-fourths of an inch and less in diameter, measured at larger end, twenty-five cents per pound ; cork, artificial, or cork substitutes, manufactured from cork waste and not otherwise provided for, eight cents per pound. 417. Dice, draughts, chessmen, chess balls, and billiard, pool, and bagatelle balls, of ivory, bone, or other materials, fifty per centum ad valorem. 418. Dolls, doll heads, toy marbles of whatever materials composed, and all other toys not composed of rubber, china, porcelain, parian, bisque, earthen or stone ware, and not specially provided for in this Act, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 419. Emery grains, and emery manufactured, ground, pulverized, or refined, one cent per pound ; emery wheels, emery files, and manufactures of which emery is the com- ponent material of chief value, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Explosive Substances. — 420. Firecrackers of all kinds, eight ceuts per pound, the weight to include all coverings, wrappings, and packing material. 421. Fulminates, fulminating- powders, and like articles, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem. 432. Gunpowder, and all explosive substances used for mining, blasting', artillery, or sporting purposes, when valued at twenty cents or less per pound, four cents per pound; valued above twenty cents per pound, six cents per pound. 423. Matches, friction or Inciter, of all descriptions, per gross of one hundred and forty-four boxes, containing not more than one hundred matches per box, eight cents per gross; when imported otherwise than in boxes containing- not more than one hundred matches each, one cent per one thousand matches, 96 oms Broken and Clerks Association 424. Percussion caps, thirty per centum ad valorem; rail ridges, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; blasting raps, t wo dollars and thirty-six cents per one thousand caps. 425. Feathers and clowns of all kinds, including bird skins or parts thereof with the feathers on, crude or not dressed, colored, or otherwise advanced or manufactured in any manner, not specially provided for in this Act, fifteen per centum ad valorem ; when dressed, colored, or otherwise advanced or manufactured in any manner, in- cluding quilts of down and other manufactures of down, and also dressed and finished birds suitable for millinery ornaments, and artificial or ornamental feathers, fruits, grains, leaves, flowers, and stems or parts thereof, of what- ever material composed, not specially provided for in this Act, fifty per centum ad valorem. 426. Furs, dressed on the skin but not made up into arti- cles, and furs not on the skin, prepared for hatters' use, in- cluding fur skins carroted, twenty per centum ad valorem. 427. Fans of all kinds, except common palm-leaf fans, fifty per centum ad valorem. 428. (inn wads of all descriptions, twenty per centum ad valorem. 429. Hair, human, if clean or drawn but not manufac- tured, twenty per centum ad valorem. 430. Hair, curled, suitable for beds or mattresses, ten per centum ad valorem. 431. Haircloth, known as " crinoline ,? cloth, ten cents per square yard ; haircloth, known as " hair seating." and hair press cloth, twenty cenl s per square yard. 433. Hals, bonnets, or hoods, for men's, women's, boy's, or children's wear, trimmed or untrimmed, including bodies, hoods, plateaux, forms, or shapes, for hats or bon- nets, composed wholly or in chief value of fur of the rab- bit, beaver, or other animals, valued at not more than five dollars per dozen, two dollars per dozen; valued at more than five dollars per dozen and nol more than ten dollars per dozen, three dollars per dozen; valued at more than ten dollars per dozen and not more than 1 wenty dollars per D, live dollars per dozen ; valued at more than twenty Ofth Port of X.w )'-,//,. 9? dollars per dozen, seven dollars per dozen ; and in addition thereto on all the foregoing 1 , twenty per centum ad valo- rem. 4:!:!. Indurated fibre ware and manufactures of wood or other pulp, and not otherwise specially provided for, thirty- five per centum ad valorem. Jewelry and Precious Stones. — 434. Articles commonly known as jewelry, and parts thereof, finished or unfinished, not specially provided for in this Act, including precious stones set, pearls set or strung-, and cameos in frames, sixty per centum ad valo- rem. 435. Diamonds and other precious stones advanced in condition or value from their natural state by cleaving, splitting, cutting, or other process, and not set, ten per centum ad valorem; imitations of diamonds or other precious stones, composed of glass or paste, not exceeding an inch in dimensions, not engraved, painted, or otherwise ornamented or decorated, and not mounted or set, twenty per centum ad valorem. 436. Pearls in their natural state, not strung or set, ten per centum ad valorem. Leather, and Manufactures of. — 437. Hides of cattle, raw or uncured, whether dry, salted, or pickled, fifteen per centum ad valorem : Provided, That upon all leather exported, made from imported hides, there shall be allowed a drawback equal to the amount of duty paid on such hides, to be paid under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. 438. Band or belting leather, sole leather, dressed upper and all other leather, calfskins tanned or tanned and dressed, kangaroo, sheep and goat skins (including lamb and kid skins) dressed and finished, chamois and other skins and bookbinders' calf skins, all the foregoing not specially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem ; skins for morocco, tanned but unfinished, ten pei' centum ad valorem; patent, japanned, varnished or enameled leather, weighing not over ten pounds per dozen Customs Broken and ( lerks Association hides or skins, thirty cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem; if weighing over ten pounds and not over twenty-five pounds per dozen, thirty cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem ; if weighing over twenty- Qve pounds per dozen, twenty nuts per pound and ten per centum ad valorem ; pianoforte Leather and pianoforte ac- tion leather, thirty-live per centum ad valorem; leather shoe laces, finished or unfinished, fifty cents per gross pairs and twenty per centum ad valorem ; boots and shoes made of leather, twenty-live per centum ad valorem : Pro- vided, That leather cut into shoe uppers or vamps or other forms, suitable for conversion into manufactured articles, shall be classified as manufactures of leather and pay duty accordingly. Gloves. — 439. Gloves made wholly or in part of leather, whether wholly or partly manufactured, shall pay duty at the fol- lowing rates, the lengths stated in each case being the ex- treme length when stretched to their full extent, namely : 440. Women's or children's " glace " finish, Schmaschen (of sheep origin), not over fourteen inches in length, one dollar and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs: over four- teen indies and not over seventeen inches in length, two dollars and twenty-five cents per dozen pairs; over seven- teen inches in length, two dollars and seventy five cents per dozen pairs ; men's " glace" finish, Schmaschen (sheep), three dollars per dozen pairs. 441. Women's or children's "glace" finish, lamb or sheep, not over fourteen inches in length, two dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs: over fourteen and not over seventeen inches in length, three dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, four dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; men's "glace" fin- ish, lamb or sheep, four dollars per dozen pairs. II'. 1 . Women's or children's "glace" finish, goat, kid, or other leather than of sheep origin, not over fourteen inches in length, three dollars per dozen pairs; over four- teen and nol over seventeen inches iii length, three dollars and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen Of the Port of A f ew York. 09 inches in length, four dollars and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; men's "glace" finish, kid, goat, or other leather than of sheep origin, four dollars per dozen pairs. 443. Women's or children's, of sheep origin with ex- terior grain surface removed, hy whatever name known, not over seventeen inches in length, two dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs ; over seventeen inches in length, three dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs ; men's, of sheep origin, with exterior surface removed, by whatever name known, four dollars per dozen pairs. 444. Women's or children's kid, goat, or other leather than of sheep origin, with exterior grain surface removed, by whatever name known, not over fourteen inches in length, three dollars per dozen pairs ; over fourteen inches and not over seventeen inches in length, three dollars and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs ; over seventeen inches in length, four dollars and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs ; men's, goat, kid, or other leather than of sheep ori- gin, with exterior grain surface removed, by whatever name known, four dollars per dozen pairs. 445. In addition to the foregoing rates there shall be paid the following cumulative duties : On all leather gloves, when lined, one dollar per dozen pairs ; on all pique or prix seam gloves, forty cents per dozen pairs; on all gloves stitched or embroidered, with more than three single strands or cords, forty cents per dozen pairs. 446. Glove tranks, with or without the usual accom- panying pieces, shall pay seventy-five per centum of the duty provided for the gloves in the fabrication of which they are suitable. 447. Harness, saddles and saddlery, or parts of either, in sets or in parts, finished or unfinished, forty-five per centum ad valorem. Miscellaneous Manufactures : 448. Manufactures of amber, asbestos, bladders, cork, cat gut or whip gut or worm gut, or was, or of which these substances or either of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 100 i iistorm Brokers and Clerks Association 449. Manufactures of bone, chip, grass, horn, india-rub- ber, palm leaf, straw, weeds, or whalebone, or of which these substances or either of them is the component ma- terial of chief value, uot specially provided for in this Ae brought hack to the United States within six months free of duty, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. •171. Animals brought info the United- States temporarily for a period not exceeding six months, for the purpose of exhibition or competition for prizes offered by any agricul-. 1 hi al or racing association ; but a bond shall be given in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury ; also teams of animals, including their of the Port of Keiv York. 103 harness and tackle and the wagons or other vehicles actu- ally owned by persons emigrating from foreign countries to the United States with their families, and in actual use for the purpose of such emigration under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury maj 7 prescribe ; and wild animals intended for exhibition in zoological collections for scientific and educational purposes, and not for sale or profit. 475. Annatto, roucou, rocoa, or Orleans, and all extracts of. 476. Antimony ore, crude sulphite of. 477. Apatite. 478. Arrowroot in its natural state and not manufac- tured. 479. Arsenic and sulphide of, or orpiment. 480. Arsenite of aniline. 481. Art educational stops, composed of glass and metal and valued at not more than six cents per gross. 482. Articles in a crude state used in dj-eing or tanning not specially provided for in this Act. 483. Articles the growth, produce, and manufacture of the United States, when returned after having been ex- ported, without having been advanced in value or improved in condition by any process of manufacture or other means ; casks, barrels, carboys, bags and other vessels of Ameri- can manufacture exported filled with American products, or exported empty and returned filled with foreign prod- ucts, including shooks and staves when returned as barrels or boxes ; also quicksilver flasks or bottles, of either domestic or foreign manufacture, which shall have been actually exported from the United States ; but proof of the identity of such articles shall be made, under gen- eral regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but the exemption of bags from duty shall apply only to such domestic bags as may be imported by the ex- porter thereof, and if any such articles are subject to in- ternal tax at the time of exportation, such tax shall be proved to have been paid before exportation and not re- funded : Provided, That this paragraph shall not apply to any article upon which an allowance of drawback has been lot Customs Brokers and Clerks Association made, the reimportation of which is hereby prohibited except upon payment of duties equal to the drawbacks al- lowed ; or to any article manufactured in bonded ware- house and exported under any provision of law : And pro- vided further, That when manufactured tobacco which has been exported without payment of internal revenue tax shall be reimported it shall be retained in the custody of the collector of customs until internal-revenue stamps in payment of the legal duties shall be placed thereon. 484. Asbestos, unmanufactured. 485. Ashes, wood and lye of, and beet-root ashes. 486. Asafetida. 487. Balm of Gilead. 488. Barks, chinchona or other from which quinine may be extracted. 489. Baryta, carbonate of, or witherite. 490. Beeswax. 491. Binding twine: All binding twine manufactured from New Zealand hemp, istle or Tampico fiber, sisal grass, or sunn, or a mixture of any two or more of them, of single ply and measuring not exceeding six hundred feet to the pound : Provided, That articles mentioned in this raph if imported from a country which lays an import duty on like articles imported from tin- United States, shall be subject to a duty of one-half of one cent per pound. 492. Bells, broken, and bell metal broken and lit only to be remauufactured. 493. Birds, stuffed, not suitable for millinery ornaments. 494. Birds and land and water fowls. 495. Bismuth. 49G. Bladders, and all integuments and intestines of animals and fish sounds, crude, dried or salted for preserva- tion only, and unmanufactured, not specially provided for in I bis Act. 4!>~. Blood, dried, not specially provided for. 498. Bolting clot lis composed of silk, imported expressly for milling purposes, and so permanently marked as not to lie available for any other use. 499. Bones, crude, or not burned, calcined, ground of the Port of New York: 105 i steamed or otherwise manufactured, and bone dust or animal carbon, and bone ash, fit only for fertilizing pur- poses. 500. Books, engravings, photographs, etchings, bound or unbound, maps and charts imported by authority or for the use of the United States or for the use of the Library of Congress. 501. Books, maps, music, engravings, photographs, etch- ings, bound or unbound, and charts, which shall have been printed more than twenty years at the date of importation, and all hydrographic charts and publications issued for their subscribers or exchanges by scientific and literary associations or academies, or publications of individuals for gratuitous private circulation, and public documents issued by foreign Governments. 502. Books and pamphlets printed exclusively in lan- guages other than English ; also books and music, in raised print, used exclusively by the blind. 503. Books, maps, music, photographs, etchings, litho- graphic prints, and charts, specially imported, not more than two copies in any one invoice in good faith for the use or by order of any society or institution incorporated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educa- tional, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encour- agement of the fine arts, or for the use or by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States, or any State or public library, and not for sale, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe. 504. Books, libraries, usual and reasonable furniture, and similar household effects of persons or families from for- eign countries, all the foregoing, if actuall}' used abr ad by them not less than one year, and not intended for any other person or persons, nor for sale. 50?. Brass, old brass, clippings from brass or Dutch metal, all the foregoing, fit only for remanufacture. 50fi. Brazil paste. 507. Brazilian pebble, unwrought or unmanufactured. 508. Breccia, in block or slabs. 509. Bristles, crude, not sorted, bunched or prepared. 106 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association .110. Broom corn. 511. Bullion, gold or silver. 513. Burgundy pitch. 513. Cadmium. 514. Calamine. 515. Camphor, crude. 516. Castor or castoreum. 517. Cat gut, whip gut, or worm gut, unmanufactured. 518. Cerium. 519. Chalk, crude, not ground, precipitated, or otherwise manufactured. 520. Chromate of iron or chromic ore. 521. Civet, crude. 522. Clay : Common blue clay in casks suitable for the manufacture of crucibles. 523. Coal, Anthracite, not specially provided for in this Act, and coal stores of American vessels, but none shall be unloaded. 524. Coal tar, crude, pitch of coal tar, and products of coal tar known as dead or creosote oil, benzol, toluol, naph- thalin, xylol, phenol, cresol, toluidine xylidin, cumidin, binitrotoluol, binitrobenzol, benzidin, tolidin, dianisidin, naphtol, naphtylamin, diphenylamin, benzaldehyde, ben- zyl chloride, resorcin, nitro-benzol, and nitro-toluol ; all the foregoing not medicinal and not colors or Ayes. 525. Cobalt and cobalt ore. 526. Cocculus indicus. 527. Cochineal. 528. Cocoa, or cacao, crude, and fiber, leaves, and shells of. 529. Coffee. 530. Coins, gold, silver and copper. 531. Coir, and coir yarn. 532. Copper in plates, bars, ingots, or pigs, and other forms, not manufactured or specially provided for in this Act. 533. Old copper, fit only for manufacture, clipping from new copper, and all composition metal of which copper is a component material of chief value not specially provided for in this Act. Of the Port of 2V< w York. 107 534 Copper, regulus of, and black or coarse copper, and copper cement. 535. Coral, marine, uncut, and unmanufactured. 586. Cork wood, or cork bark, unmanufactured. V'.T. Cotton, and cotton waste or flocks. 538. Cryolite, or kryolith. 539. Cudbear. 540. Curling stones, or quoits, and curling-stone handles. 541. Curry, and curry powder. 543. Cutch. 543. Cuttlefish bone. 544. Dandelion roots, raw, dried, or undried, but un- ground. 545. Diamonds and other precious stones, rough or un- cut, and not advanced in condition or value from their natural state by cleaving, splitting, cutting, or other pro- cess, including miners', glaziers' and engravers' diamonds not set, and diamond dust or bort. 546. Divi-divi. 547. Dragon's blood. 548. Drugs, such as barks, beans, berries, balsams, buds, bulbs, and bulbous roots, excrescences, fruits, flowers, dried fibres, and dried insects, grains, gums, and gum resin, herbs, leaves, lichens, mosses, nuts, nutgalls, roots and stems, spices, vegetables, seeds aromatic, and seeds of morbid growth, weeds, and woods used expressly for dye- ing; any of the foregoing which are drugs and not edible and are in a crude state, and not advanced in value or con- dition by refining or grinding, or by other process, and not specially provided for in this Act. .")49. Eggs of birds, fish and insects: Provided, hoivever, That this shall not be held to include the eggs of game birds or eggs of birds not used for food, the importation of which is prohibited except specimens for scientific collec- tions, nor fish roe preserved for food purposes. 550. Emery ore. 55 1 . Ergot. * 553. Fans, common palm-leaf, plain and not ornamented or decorated in any manner, and palm-leaf in its natural 108 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association state, not colored, dyed, or otherwise advanced or manu- factured. 553. Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels. 554. Fibrin, in all forms. 555. Fish, fresh, frozen, or packed in ice. caught in the Great Lakes or other fresh waters 03' citizens of the United States. 556. Fish skins. 557. Flint, flints, and flint stones, unground. 558. Fossils. 559. Fruits or berries, green, ripe, or dried, and fruits in brine, not specially provided for in this Act. 560. Fruit-plants, tropical and semi-tropical, for the pur- pose of propagation or cultivation. 561. Furs, undressed. 562. Fur skins of all kinds not dressed in any manner and not specially provided for in tins Act. 563. Gambier. 564. Glass enamel, white, for watch and clock dials. 565. Glass plates or discs, rough-cut or uuwrought, for use in the manufacture of optical instruments, spectacles, and eyeglasses, and suitable only for such use: Provided, however, That such discs exceeding eight inches in diame- ter may be polished sufficiently to enable the character of the glass to be determined. 566. Grasses and fibres: Istie or Tampico fibre, jute, jute butts, main la, sisal grass, sunn, and all other textile grasses or fibrous vegetable substances, not dressed or manufactured in any manner, and not specially provided for in this Acl . 51)7. (iold beaters' molds and gold beaters' skins. 568. Grease, and oils (excepting fish oils), such as are commonlj used in soap making or in wire drawing, or for stuffing or dressing leather, and which are lit only for such uses, and not specially provided for in Ibis Act. 569. Guano, manures, and all substances used only for manure. 570. Gutta percha, crude. 571. Bair of horse, cattle, and other animals, cleaned or uncleaned, drawn or undrawn, but unmanufactured, not nf the Port of New York. 109 specially provided for in this Act ; and human hair, raw, uncleaned, and not drawn. 572. Hide cuttings, raw, with or without hair, and all other glue stock. 573. Hide rope. 574. Hones and whetstones. 575- Hoofs, unmanufactured. 576. Hop roots for cultivation. 577. Horns and parts of, unmanufactured, including horn strips and tips. 578. Ice. 579. India rubber, crude, and milk of, and old scrap or refuse india rubber which has been worn out by use and is fit only for remanufacture. 580. Indigo. 581. Iodine, crude. 583. Ipecac. 583. Iridium. 584. Ivory tusks in their natural state or cut vertically across the grain only, with the bark left intact, and vege- table ivory in its natural state. 585. Jalap. 586. Jet, unmanufactured. 587. Joss stick, or Joss light. 588. Junk, old. 589. Kelp. 590. Kieserite. 591. Kyanite, or cyanite, and kainite. 592. Lac dye, crude, seed, button, stick, and shell. 593. Lac spirits. 594. Lactarene. 595. Lava, unmanufactured. 596. Leeches. 597. Lemon juice, lime juice, and sour orange juice. 598. Licorice root, unground. 599. Life boats and life saving apparatus specially im- ported by societies incorporated or established to encourage the saving of human life. 600. Lime, citrate of. 601. Lithographic stones, not engraved. 110 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association 602. Litmus, prepared or not prepared. 603. Loadstones. 604. Madder and munjeet, or Indian madder, ground or prepared, and all extracts of. 605. Magnesite, crude or calcined, not purified. 606. Magnesium, not made up into articles. 607. Manganese, oxide and ore of. 608. Manna. 609. Manuscripts. 610. Marrow, crude. 611. Marshmallow or althea root, leaves or flowers, nat- ural or unmanufactured. 612. Medals of gold, silver, or copper, and other metallic articles actually bestowed as trophies or prizes, and re- ceived and accepted as honorary distinctions. 613. Meerschaum, crude or unmanufactured. 614. Minerals, crude, or not advanced in value or con- dition by refining or grinding, or by other process of manu- facture, not specially provided lor in this Act. 615. Mineral salts obtained by evaporation from mineral waters, when accompanied by a duly authenticated certifi- cate and satisfactory proof, showing that they are in no way artificially prepared, and are only the product of a designated mineral spring. 616. Models of inventions and of other improvements in the arts, including patterns lor machinery, but no article shall be deemed a model or pattern which can be lilted for use otherwise. 617. Moss, seaweeds, and vegetable substances, crude or unmanufactured, not otherwise specially provided for in this Act. 618. Musk, crude, in natural pods 61!). Myrobolans. 620. Needles, hand sewing, and darning. 621. Newspapers and periodicals; but the term "peri- odicals" as herein used shall be understood to em brace only unbound or paper-covered publications, issued within six months of the time of entry, containing current Literature of the day and issued regularly atstated periods, as weekly, monthly, or quarterly. of the Port of New York. ill (')--. Nats : Brazil nuts, cream nuts, palm nuts and palm- nut kernels ; cocoanuts in the shell and broken cocoanut meat or copra, not shredded, desiccated, or prepared in any manner. 623. Nux vomica. 624. Oakum. 625. Oil cake. 626. Oils: Almond, amber, crude and rectified amber- gris, anise or anise seed, aniline, aspic or spike lavender, bergamot, cajeput, caraway, cassia, cinnamon, cedrat, chamomile, citronella or lemon grass, civet, cocoanut, fen- nel, ichthyol, jasmine or jasimine, juglandium, juniper, lav- ender, lemon, limes, mace, neroli or orange flower, en- tleurage grease, nut oil or oil of nuts not otherwise spe- cially provided for in this Act, orange oil, olive oil for manufacturing or mechanical purposes fit only for such use and valued at not more than sixty cents per gallon, ottar of roses, palm, rosemary or anthoss, sesame or sesa- lmiii) seed or bean, thyme, origanum red or white, vale- rian ; and also spermaceti, whale and other fish oils of American fisheries, and all fish and other products of such fisheries; petroleum, crude or refined : Provided, That if there be imported into the United States crude petroleum, or the products of crude petroleum produced in any coun- try which imposes a duty on petroleum or its products ex- ported from the United States, there shall in such cases be levied, paid, and collected a duty upon said crude petro- leum or its products so imported equal to the duty imposed by such country. 627. Orange and lemon peel, not preserved, candied, or dried. 628. Orchil, or orchil liquid. 629. Ores of gold, silver, copper, or Dickie, and nickle matte ; sweepings of gold and silver. 630. Osmium. 631. Palladium. 632. Paper stock, crude, of .every description, including all grasses, fibers, rags (other than wool), waste, including jute waste, shavings, clippings, old paper, rope ends, waste rope, and waste bagging, including old gunny 112 Customs Brok\'n: una Clerks Association cloth and old gunny bags, fit only to be converted into paper. 633. Paraffin. 634. Parchment and vellum. 635. Pearl, mother of, and shells, not sawed, cut, pol- ished or otherwise manufactured, or advanced in value from the natural state. 636. Personal effects, not merchandise, of citizens of the United States dying in foreign countries. 637. Pewter and britannia metal, old, and fit only to be remanufactured. 638. Philosophical and scientific apparatus, utensils, in- struments, and preparations, including bottles and boxes containing the same, specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society or institution incorpo- rated or established solely for religious, philosophical, edu- cational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encour- agement of the fine arts, or for the use or b}' order of any college, academy, school or seminary of learning in the United States, or any State or public library, and not for sale, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe. 639. Phosphates, crude. 640. Plants, trees, shrubs, roots, seed-cane, and seeds, imported by the Department of Agriculture or the United States Botanic Garden. 641. Platina, in ingots, bars, sheets, and wire. 642. Platinum, unmanufactured, and vases, retorts, and other apparatus, vessels, and parts thereof composed of platinum, for chemical uses. 643. Plumbago. 644. Potash, crude, or "black salts" ; carbonate of pot- ash, crude or refined ; hydrate of, or caustic potash, not including refined in sticks or rolls; nitrate of potash or saltpeter, crude ; sulphate of potash, crude or refined, and muriate of potash. 645. Professional books, implements, instruments, and tools of trade, occupation, or employment, in the actual possession at the time, of persons emigrating to the United States ; but this exemption shall not be construed to in- of the Port of New York. 113 elude machinery or other articles imported for use in any manufacturing- establishment, or for any other person or persons, or for sale, nor shall it be construed to include theatrical scenery, properties, and apparel ; but such arti- cles brought by proprietors or managers of theatrical ex- hibitions arriving from abroad, for temporary use by them in such exhibitions, and not for any other person, and not for sale, and which have been used by them abroad, shall be admitted free of duty under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe ; but bonds shall be given for the payment to the United States of such duties as may be imposed by law upon any and all such articles as shall not be exported within six months after such importation : Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury may in his discretion extend such period for a further term of six months in case application shall be made therefor. 646. Pulu. 647. Quinia, sulphate of, and all alkaloids or salts of cinchona bark. 648. Rags, not otherwise specially provided for in this Act. 649. Eegalia and gems, statuary, and specimens or casts of scul pture, where specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society incorporated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use and by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States, or any State or public library, and not for sale ; but the term " re- galia" as herein used shall be held to embrace only such insignia of rank or office or emblems as may be worn upon the person or borne in the hand during public exercises of the society or institution, and shall not include articles of furniture or fixtures, or of regular wearing apparel, nor personal property of individuals. 650. Rennets, raw or prepared. 651. Saffron and safllower, and extract of, and saffron cake. 652. Sago, crude. Ill Customs Brofo rs and < '< rks Association 6.")3. Salacin. 654. Salep or salop. 655. Sausages, Bologna. 656. Seeds : Ainise, caraway, cardamom, cauliflower, cori- ander, cotton, cummin, fennel, fenugreek, hemp, hoar- hound, mangel-wurzel, mustard, rape, St. John's bread or beau, sugar beet, sorghum or sugar cane for seed : bulbs and bullions roots, not edible and not otherwise provided for : nil flower and grass seeds ; all the foregoing not spe- cially provided for in this Act. 657. Sheep dip, not including compounds or preparations that can be used for other purposes. 658. Shotgun barrels, in single tubes, forged, rough bored. 659. Shrimps and other shell flsh. 660. Silk, raw, or as reeled from the cocoon, but not doubled, twisted, or advanced in manufacture in any way. 661. Silk cocoons and silk waste. 662. Silkworm's eggs. 063. Skeletons and other preparations of anatomy. 664. Skins of all kinds, raw (except sheepskins withthe wool on), ami hides not specially provided for in this Act. 665. Soda, nit late of, or cubic nitrate. 666. Specimens of natural history, botany, and mineral- ogy, when imported for scientific public collections, and not (o\- salo. 667. Spices: Cassia, cassia vera, and cassia buds ; cinna- mon and chips of; cloves and clove stems; mace; nut- megs; pepper, black or white, and pimento; all the fore- going when unground ; ginger root, unground and not. preserved or candied. 668. Spunk. 669. Spurs and stilts used in the manufacture of earthen, porcelain, ami stone ware. 670. Stamps : Foreign postage or revenue stamps, can- celed or unc mceled. 671. stone and sand: Burrstone in blocks, rough or un- manufactured : cliff stone, unmanufactured ; rol ten stone, tripoli and sand, crude or manufactured, not otherwise provided for in this Act. of the Port of -Vf W York. 115 672. Storax orstyrax. 673. Strontia, oxide of, and protoxide of strontian, and strontianite, or mineral carbonate of strontia. 674. Sulphur, lac or precipitated, and sulphur or brim- stone, crude, in bulk, sulphur ore as pyrites, or sulphuret of iron in its natural state, containing in excess of twenty- five per centum of sulphur, and sulphur not otherwise provided for. 675. Sulphuric acid which at the temperature of sixty degrees Fahrenheit does not exceed the specific gravity of one and three hundred and eighty-thousandths, for use in manufacturing superphosphate of lime or artificial ma- nures of any kind, or for any agricultural purposes : Pro- vided, That upon all sulphuric acid imported from any country, whether independent or a dependency, which imposes a duty upon sulphuric acid imported into such country from the United States, there shall be levied and collected a duty of one- fourth of one cent per pound. 676. Tamarinds. 677. Tapioca, cassava or cassady. 678. Tar and pitch of wood. 679. *Tea and tea plants. 680. Teeth, natural or unmanufactured. 681. Terra alba, not made from gypsum or plaster rock. 683. Terra japonica. 683. Tin ore, cassiterite or black oxide of tin, and tin in bars, blocks, pigs, or grain or granulated. 684. Tobacco stems. 685. Tonquin, Tonqua, or tonka beans. 686. Turmeric. 687. Turpentine, Venice. 688. Turpentine, spirits of. 689. Turtles. 690. Tj'pes, old, and (it only to be remanufactured. 691. Uranium, oxide and salts of. 692. Vaccine virus. 693. Valonia. 694. Verdigris, orsubacetate of copper. 695. Wax, vegetable or mineral. 696. Wafers, unleavened or not edible. *Tea dutiable at ten cents per pound under Act of June 13th, 1898. 116 Customs Brokers and Glerki Association 697. Wearing' apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles, and similar personal effects of persons ar- riving in the United States ; but this exemption shall onty include such articles as actually accompany and are in the use of, and as are necessary and appropriate for the wear and use of such persons, for the immediate purposes of the journey and present comfort and convenience, and shall not be held to apply to merchandise or articles in- tended for other persons or for sale : Provided, That in case of residents of the United States returning from abroad, all wearing apparel and other personal effects taken bj T them out of the United States to foreign coun- tries shall be admitted free of duty, without regard to their value, upon their identity being established, under appropriate rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but no more than one hundred dollars in value of articles purchased abroad by such resi- dents of the United States shall be admitted free of dutj' upon their return. 698. Whalebone, unmanufactured. 699. Wood : Logs and round unmanufactured timber, including pulp- woods, firewood, handle-bolts, shingle-bolts, gun-blocks for gun-stocks rough-hewn or sawed or planed on one side, hop -poles, ship-limber and ship planking ; all the foregoing not specially provided for in this Act. 700. Woods ; Cedar, lignum-vitae, lancewood, ebony, box, granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, satinwood, and all forms of cabinet woods, in the log, rough, or hewn only ; briar root or briar wood and similar wood unmanufac- tured, or not further advanced than cut into blocks suit- able for the articles into which they are intended to be converted; bamboo, rattan, reeds unmanufactured, India malacca joints, and slicks of part ridge, hair wood, pimento, orange, myrtle, and other woods not specially provided for in this Act, in the rough, or not further advanced than cut into lengths suitable for slicks for umbrellas, parasols, sunshades, whips, fishing rods or walking-canes. 701. Works of art, drawings, engravings, photographic pit mes, and philosophical and scientific apparatus broughl by professional artists, lecturers, or scientists arriving of the Port of New York. lit from abroad for use by tbem temporarily for exhibition and in illustration, promotion, and encouragement of art, science or industry in the United States, and not for sale, shall be admitted free of duty, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe ; but bonds sball be given for the payment to the United States of such duties as may be imposed by law upon any and all such articles as shall not be exported within six mouths after such importation : Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, extend such period for a further term of six months in cases where applications therefor shall be made. 703. Works of art, collections in illustration of the prog'- ress of the arts, sciences, or manufactures, photographs, works in terra cotta, parian, pottery, or porcelain, antiqui- ties and artistic copies thereof in metal or other material, imported in good faith for exhibition at a fixed place by any State or by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts, science or education, or for a municipal corporation, and all like articles imported in good faith by any society or association, or for a municipal corporation for the purpose of erecting a pub- lic monument, and not intended for sale, nor for any other purpose than herein expressed ; but bonds shall be given under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe for the paj r ment of lawful duties which may accrue should any of the articles aforesaid be sold, transferred, or used contrary to this provision, and such articles shall be subject at any time, to examination and inspection by the proper officers of the customs : P)'o- vided, That the privileges of this and the preceding sec- tion shall not be allowed to associations or corporations engaged in or connected with business of a private or com- mercial character. 703. Works of art, the production of American artists re- siding temporarily abroad, or other works of art, including pictorial paintings on glass, imported expressly for pres- entation to a national institution, or to any State or municipal corporation, or incorporated religious society, college, or other public institution, except stained or 118 Customs Brokers dnd Clerks Association painted window-glass or stained or painted glass windows ; but such exemption shall be subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. 704. Yams. 705. Zaffer. Sec. 3. That for the purpose of equalizing the trade of the United States with foreign countries, and their colo- nies, producing and exporting to this country the follow- ing articles : Argols, or crude tartar, or wine lees, crude ; biandies, or other spirits manufactured or distilled from grain or other materials ; champagne and all other spark- ling wines ; still wines and vermuth ; paintings and statu- ary ; or any of them, the President be, and he is hereby, authorized, as soon as may be after the passage of this Act, and from time to time thereafter, to enter into negotiations with the governments of those countries exporting to the United States the above-mention* d articles, or any of them, with a view to the arrangement of commercial agreements in which reciprocal and equivalent concessions may be secured in favor of the productsand manufactures of the United States ; and whenever the government of any country, or colony, producing and exporting to the United States the above-mentioned articles, or any of them, shall enter into a commercial agreement with tin; United States, or make concessions in favor of the products or manu- factures thereof, which, in the judgment of the President, shall be reciprocal and equivalent, he shall lie. and lie is hereby, authorized and empowered to suspend, during the time of such agreement or concession, by proclamation to that effect, the imposition and collection of the duties mentioned in this Act, on such article or articles so ex- ported to the United Slates from such country or colony, and thereupon ami thereafter the duties levied, colic, ted, and paid upon such article or articles shall be as follows, namely : Argols, or crude tartar, or wine lees, crude, live per centum ad valorem. Brandies, or other spirits manufactured or distilled from grain or other materials, one dollar and seventy-live cents per proof gallon, of the Port of Nan York. 110 Champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bottles containing not more than one quart and more than one pint, six dollars per dozen ; containing not more than one pint each and more than one-half pint, three dollars per dozen ; containing one-half pint each or less, one dollar and fifty cents per dozen ; in bottles or other vessels con- taining more than one quart each, in addition to six dol- lars per dozen bottles on the quantities in excess of one quart, at the rate of one dollar and ninety cents per gallon. Still wines, and vermuth, in casks, thirty-five cents per gallon ; in bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen bottles or jugs containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty-four bottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint, one dollar and twenty-five cents per case, and any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty of four cents per pint or fractional part thereof, but no sepa- rate or additional duty shall be assessed upon the bottles or jugs- Paintings in oil or water colors, pastels, pen and ink drawings and statuary, fifteen per centum ad valorem. The President shall have power, and it shall be his duty, whenever he shall be satisfied that any such agreement in this Section mentioned is not being fully executed by the Government with which it shall have been made, to revoke such suspension and notify such Government thereof. And it is further provided that with a view to secure re- ciprocal trade with countries producing the following arti- cles, whenever and so often as the President shall be satis- fied that the Government of any country, or colony of such Government, producing and exporting directly or indi- rectly to the United States coffee, tea and tonquin, ton- qua, or tonka beans, and vanilla beans, or any of such articles, imposes duties or other exactions upon the agri- cultural, manufactured, or other products of the United States, which, in view of the introduction of such coffee, tea. and tonquin, tonqua, or tonka beans, and vanillabeans, into the United States, as in this Act hereinbefore provided for, he may deem to be reciprocally unequal and unrea- sonable, he shall have the power and it shall be his duty to 120 Custom* Brokers ami el ,l.< As*,„■/ if S, if York. 121 duly ratified by the Senate and approved by Congress, and public proclamation made accordingly, then and thereafter the duties which shall be collected by the United States upon an}- of the designated goods, wares, and merchandise from the foreign country with which such treaty has been made shall, during the period provided for, be the duties specified and provided for in such treaty, and none other. Sec. 5. That whenever an}- country, dependency, or colony shall pay or bestow, directly or indirectly, any bounty or grant upon the exportation of any article or merchandise from such country, dependency, or colony, and such article or merchandise is dutiable under the pro- visions of this Act, then, upon the importation of any such article or merchandise into the United States, whether the same shall be imported directly from the country of pro- duction or otherwise, and whether such article or mer- chandise is imported in the same condition as when ex- ported from the country of production or has been changed in condition by remanufacture or otherwise, there shall be levied and paid, in all such cases, in addition to the duties otherwise imposed by this Act, an additional duty equal to the net amount of such bounty or grant, however the same be paid or bestowed. The net amount of all such bounties or grants shall be from time to time ascertained, determined, and declared by the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall make all needful regulations for the identifica- tion of such articles and merchandise and for the assess- ment and collection of such additional duties. Sec. G. That there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the importation of all raw or unmanufactured articles, not enumerated or provided for in this Act, a duty of ten per centum ad valorem, and on all articles manufactured, in whole or in part, not provided for in this Act, a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem. Sec. 7. That each and every imported article, not enu- merated in this Act, which is similar, either in material, quality, texture, or the use to which it may be applied to any article enumerated in this Act as chargeable with duty, shall pay the same rate of duty which is levied on the enumerated article winch it most resembles in any of the 122 ( :>, the hogsheads, barrels, and halves, thirds, quarters, sixths, and eighths of a barrel of such fermented liquors (and shall also cause to he prepared suitable permits for the purpose hereinafter mentioned), and shall furnish the same to the collectors of internal revenue, who shall each he required to keep on hand at all times a sufficient supply of permits and a supply of stamps equal in amount to two months sales thereof, if there be any brewery or brewery ware- house in his district ; and such stamps shall be sold, and permits granted and delivered by such collectors, only to the brewers of their district, respectively. " Such collectors shall keep an account of the number of permits delivered and of the number and value of the stamps sold by them to each brewer."' Sec. 10. That section thirty-three hundred and ninety- four of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amend- ed, be, and the same is hereby, further amended, so as to read as follows : "Upon cigars which shall be manufactured and sold, or removed for consumption or sale, there shall be assessed and collected the following taxes, to be paid by the manu- facturer thereof: On cigars of all descriptions made of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, and weighing more than three pounds per thousand, three dollars per thousand ; on cigars, made of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, and weighing not more than three pounds per thousand, one dollar per thousand ; on cigarettes, made of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, and weighing more than three pounds per thousand, three dollars per thousand ; on cigar- ettes, made of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, and weighing not more than three pounds per thousand, one dollar per thousand : Provided, That all rolls of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, wrapped with tobacco, shall be classed as cigars, and all rolls of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, wrapped in paper or any substance other than tobacco, shall be classed as cigarettes.. " And the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall provide dies and adhesive stamps for cigars weighing not more than three pounds per thousand : Provided, That such 124 ( ktatorrts Broh rs and < i< rki Ass(h ■ stamps shall be in denominations of ten, twenty, lift}', and one hundred, and the laws and regulations governing the packing and removal for sale of cigarettes, and the affixing and canceling of the stamps on the packages thereof, shall apply to cigars weighing- not more than three pounds per thousand. "None of the packages of smoking tobacco and fine-cut chewing tobacco and cigarettes prescribed by law shall be permitted to have packed in, or attached to, or con- nected with, thorn, any article or thing whatsoever, other than the manufacturers' wrappers and labels, the internal revenue stamp and the tobacco or cigarettes, respectively, put up therein, on which tax is required to be paid under the internal revenue laws; nor shall there be affixed to, or branded, stamped, marked, written, or printed upon, said packages, or their contents, an,y promise or offer of, or any order or certificate for, any gift, prize, premium, payment, or reward." Sec. 11. That no article of imported merchandise which shall copy or simulate the name or trade-mark of any do- mestic manufacture or manufacturer, or which shall bear a name or mark, which is calculated to induce the public to believe that the article is manufactured in the United States, shall be admitted to entry at any custom-house of the United States. And in order to aid the officers of the customs in enforcing this prohibition, any domestic manu- facturer who has adopted trade-marks may require his name and residence and a description of his trade-marks to be recorded in books which shall be kept for that pur- pose in the Department of the Treasury, under such regu- lations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, and may furnish to the Department facsimiles of such trade-marks ; and thereupon the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause one or more copies of the same to be trans- mitted to each collector or other proper officer of the cus- toms. Sec. 12. That all materials of foreign production which may be necessary for the construction of vessels built in the United States for foreign account and ownership, or for the purpose of being employed in the foreign trade, of the Port of X' W York. 125 including the trade between the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the United States, and all such materials necessary for the building of their machinery, and all articles necessary for their outfit and equipment, may be imported in bond under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe ; and upon proof that such materials have been used for such purposes no duties shall be paid there- on. But vessels receiving the benefit of this section shall not be allowed to engage in the coastwise trade of the United States more than two months in any one year ex- cept upon the payment to the United States of the duties of which a rebate is herein allowed : Provided, That vessels built in the United States for foreign account and owner- ship shall not be allowed to engage in the coastwise trade of the United States. Sec. 13. That all articles of foreign production needed for the repair of American vessels engaged in foreign trade, including the trade between the Atlantic and Pa- cific ports of the United States, may be withdrawn from bonded warehouses free of duty, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. Sec. 14. That the sixteenth section of an Act entitled " An Act to remove certain burdens on the American mer- chant marine and encourage the American foreign carry- ing trade, and for other purposes," appi'oved June twenty- sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, be amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 16. That all articles of foreign or domestic pro- duction needed and actually withdrawn from bonded ware- houses and bonded manufacturing warehouses for supplies (not including equipment) of vessels of the United States engaged in foreign trade, or in trade between the Atlantic ami Pacific ports of the United States, may be so with- drawn from said bonded warehouses, free of duty or of in- ternal-revenue tax, as the case may be, under such regu- lations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe ; but no such articles shall be landed at any port of the United States.", SEC. 15. That all articles manufactured in whole or in part of imported materials, or of materials subject to in- 136 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association ternal-revenue tax, and intended for exportation without being charged with duty, and without having an internal- revenue stamp affixed thereto, shall, under such regula- tions as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, in order to be so manufactured and exported, be made and manufactured in bonded warehouses similar to those known and designated in Treasury Regulations as bonded warehouses, class six: Provided, That the manufacturer of such articles shall first give satisfactory bonds for the faithful observance of all the provisions of law and of such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided further, That the manufacture of distilled spirits from grain, starch, molasses or sugar, in- cluding all dilutions or mixtures of them or either of them, shall not be permitted in such manufacturing warehouses. Whenever goods manufactured in any bonded warehouse established under the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be exported directly therefrom or shall be duly laden for transportation and immediate exportation under the supervision of the proper officer who shall be duly desig- nated for that purpose, such goods shall be exempt from duty and from the requirements relating to revenue stamps. Any materials used in the manufacture of such goods, and any packages, coverings, vessels, brands, and labels used in putting up the same, may, under the regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury, be conveyed without the payment of revenue fax or duty into any bonded manu- facturing warehouse, and imported goods may, under the aforesaid regulations, be transferred without the exaction of duty from any bonded warehouse into any bonded manufacturing warehouse; but this privilege shall not be held to apply to implements, machinery, or apparatus to be used in the construction or l'epair of any bonded manu- facturing warehouse or for the prosecution of the business carried on therein. No articles or materials received into such bonded manu- facturing warehouse shall be wit h drawn or removed there- from except for direct shipment and exportation or for transportation and immediate exportation in bond under of the Port of M w York. 12? the supervision of ( lie officer duly designated therefor by the collector of the port, who shall certify to such ship- ment and exportation, or ladening for transportation, as the case may he, describing the articles by their mark or otherwise, the quantity, the date of exportation, and the name of the vessel. All labor performed and services ren- dered under these provisions shall be under the super- vision of a duly designated officer of the customs and at the expense of the manufacturer. A careful account shall be kept by the collector of all merchandise delivered by him to any bonded manufactur- ing warehouse, and a sworn monthly return, verified by the customs officers in charge, shall be made by the manu- facturers containing a detailed statement of all imported merchandise used by him in the manufacture of exported articles. Before commencingbusiness the proprietor of any manu- facturing warehouse shall file with the Secretary of the Treasury a list of all the articles intended to be manufac- tured in such warehouse, and state the formula of manu- facture and the names and quantities of the ingredients to be used therein. Articles manufactured under these provisions, may be withdrawn under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe for transportation and delivery into any bonded warehouse at an exterior port for the sole purpose of immediate export therefrom. The provisions of Revised Statutes thirty-four hundred and thirty-three shall, so far as may be practicable, apply to any bonded manufacturing warehouse established under this Act and to the merchandise conveyed therein. Sec. 16. That all persons are prohibited from importing into the United States from any foreign country any ob- scene book, pamphlet, paper, writing, advertisement, circular, print, picture, drawing - , or other representation, figure, or image on or of paper or other material, or any cast, instrument, or other article of an immoral nature, or any drug or medicine, or any article whatever for the pre- vention of conception or for causing unlawful abortion, or any lottery ticket or any advertisement of any lottery. 128 Customs Broh rs and < l rice Association No such articles, whether imported separately or contained in packages with other goods entitled to entry, shall he admitted to entry ; and all such articles shall be proceeded against, seized, and forfeited by due course of law. All such prohibited articles and the package in which tbey are contained in the course of importation shall be detained by the officer of customs, and proceedings taken against the same as hereinafter prescribed, unless it appears to the satisfaction of the collector of customs that the obscene articles contained in the package were inclosed therein without the knowledge or consent of the importer, owner, agent, or consignee : Provided, That the drugs hereinbe- fore mentioned, when imported in bulk and not put up for any of the purposes hereinbefore specified, are excepted from the operation of this section. Sec. 17. That whoever, being an officer, agent, or em- ployee of the Government of the United States, shall knowingly aid or abet any person engaged in any violation of any of the provisions of law prohibiting importing, ad- vertising, dealing in, exhibiting, or sending or receiving by mail obscene or indecent publications or representations, or means for preventing conception or procuring abortion, or other articles of indecent or immoral use or tendency, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall for every offense be punishable by a fine of not more than live thousand dollars, or by imprisonment at hard labor for not more than ten years, or both. SEC. I s . That any judge of any district or circuit court of the United Slates, within the proper district, before whom complaint in writing of any violation of the two preceding sections is made, to the satisfaction of such judge, and founded On knowledge or belief, and if upon belief, setting forth the grounds of such belief, and sup- ported by oath or affirmation of the complainant, may issue, conformably to the Const itution, a warrant directed to the marshal or any deputy marshal in the proper dis- trict, directing him to search for, seize, and take pos- session of any such article or thing mentioned in the two preceding sections, and to make duo and immediate return thereof to the end thai the same maybe con- of th< Port of New York. 129 demned and destroyed by proceedings, which shall be conducted in the same manner as other proceedings in the case of municipal seizure, and with the same right of ap- peal or writ of error. Sec. 19. That machinery for repair may be imported into the United States without payment of duty, under bond, to be given in double the appraised value thereof, to be withdrawn and exported after said machinery shall have been repaired ; and the Secretary of the Treasury is au- thorized and directed to prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary to protect the revenue against fraud and secure the identity and character of all such importa- tions when again withdrawn and exported, restricting and limiting the export and withdrawal to the same port of entiw where imported, and also limiting all bonds to a period of time of not more than six months from the date of the importation. Sec. 20. That the produce of the forests of the State of Maine upon the Saint John River and its tributaries owned by American citizens, and sawed or hewed in the Province of New Brunswick by American citizens, the same being otherwise unmanufactured in whole or in part, which is now admitted into the ports of the United States free of duty, shall continue to be so admitted, under such regula- tions as the Secretary of the Treasury shall from time to time prescribe. Sec. 21. That the produce of the forests of the State of Maine upon the St. Croix River and its tributaries owned by American citizens, and sawed or hewed in the Province of New Brunswick by American citizens, the same being otherwise unmanufactured in whole or in part, shall be ad- mitted into the ports of the United States free of duty, un- der such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall from time to time prescribe. Sec. 22. That a discriminating duty of ten per centum ad valorem, in addition to the duties imposed by law, shall be levied, collected, and paid on all goods, wares, or mer- chandise which shall be imported in vessels not of the United Slates, or which being- the production or manufac- ture of any foreign country not contiguous to the United 130 < ustoma Brokers and Clerks Association States., shall come into the United States from such con- tiguous country; hut this discriminating duly shall nut apply to goods, wares or merchandise which shall be im- ported in vessels not of the United States, entitled al the time of such importation by treaty or convention to be en- tered in the ports of the United States on payment of the same duties as shall then he payable on goods, wares, and merchandise imported in vessels of the United States, nor to such foreign products or manufactures as shall be imported from such contiguous countries in the usual course of strictly retail trade. Sec. 23. That no goods, wares, or merchandise, unless in cases provided for by treaty, shall be imported into the United States from any foreign port or place, except in vessels of the United States, or in such foreign vessels as truly and wholly belong to the citizens or subjects of that country of which the goods are the growth, produc- tion, or manufacture, or from which such goods, wares, or merchandise can only be, 6r most usually are, first shipped for transportation. All goods, wares, or merchandise im- ported contrary to this section, and the vessel wherein (he same shall be imported, together with her cargo, tackle, apparel, and furniture, shall he forfeited to the United States; and such goods, wares, or merchandise, ship or vessel, and cargo shall be liable to be seized, prosecuted, and condemned in like manner, and under the same regu- lations, restrictions, and provisions as have been heretofore established for the recovery, collection, distribution, and remission of forfeitures to the United States by the several revenue laws. Sec. 24. That the preceding section shall not apply to vessels or goods, wares, or merchandise imported in ves- sels of a foreign nation which does not maintain a similar regulation against vessels of the United States. SEC. 25. Thai the importation of neat cattle and the hides of neat cattle from any foreign country into the I'nited States is prohibited: Provided, That the operation of this section shall be suspended as to any foreign country or countries, or any parts of such country or count lies, whenever the Secretary of the Treasury shall officially de- of the Port of Xe/r Fork. termine, and give public notice thereof that such importa- tion will not tend to the introduction or spread of conta- gious or infectious diseases among the cattle of the United States ; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby au- thorized and empowered, and it shall be his duty, to make all necessary orders and regulations to carry this section into effect, or to suspend the same as herein provided, and to send copies thereof to the proper officers in the United States, and to such officers or agents of the United States in foreign countries as he shall judge necessary. Sec. 26. That any person convicted of a wilful violation of any of the provisions of the preceding section shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 27. That upon the re importation of articles once exported, of the growth, product, or manufacture of the United States, upon which no internal tax has been as- sessed or paid, or upon which such tax has been paid and refunded by allowance or drawback, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty equal to the tax imposed by the internal-revenue laws upon such articles, except articles manufactured in bonded warehouses and exported pursu- ant to law, which shall be subject to the same rate of duty as if originally imported. Sec. 28. That whenever any vessel laden with merchan- dise, in whole or in part subject to duty, has been sunk in any river, harbor, bay, or waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, and within its limits, for the period of two years, and is abandoned by the owner thereof, any person who may raise such vessel shall be permitted to bring any merchandise recovered therefrom into the port nearest to the place where such vessel was so raised free from the payment of any duty thereupon, but under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may pre- scribe. Sec. 29. That the works of manufacturers engaged in smelting or refining metals, or both smelting and refining, in the United States may be designated as bonded ware- houses under such regulations as the Secretary of the 132 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Treasury may prescribe: Provided, That such manufac- turers shall first give satisfactory bonds to the Secretary of the Treasury. Ores or metals in any crude form requir- ing smelting or refining to make them readily available in the arts, imported into the United States to be smelted or refined and intended to be exported in a refined but un- manufactured stale, shall, under such rules as the Secre- tary of the Treasury may prescribe, and under the direc- tion of the proper officer, be removed in original pack- ages or in bulk from the vessel or other vehicle on which the3 y have been imported, or from the bonded warehouse in which the same may be, into the bonded warehouse in which such smelting- or refining, or both, may be car- ried on, for the purpose of being smelted or refined, or both, without payment of duties thereon, and may there be smelted or refined, together with other metals <>f homo or foreign production : Provided, That each day a quantity of refined metal equal to ninety per centum of the amount of imported metal smelted or refined that day shall beset aside, and such metal so set aside shall not be taken from said works except for transportation to another bonded warehouse or for exportation, under the direction of the proper officer having charge thereof as aforesaid, whose certificate, describing the articles by their marks or other- wise, the quantity, the date of importation, and the name of vessel or other vehicle by which if was imported, with such additional particulars as may from time to time be required, shall be received by the collector of customs as sufficient evidence of the exportation of the metal, or it may be removed under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, upon entry and payment of duties, for domestic consumption, and the exportation of the ninety per centum of metals hereinbefore provided for shall entitle the ores and metals imported under the provisions of this section to admission without payment of the duties thereon: Provided further, That in respeci to lead ores imported under the provisions of this section the refined metal set aside shall either be re-exported or the regular duties paid thereon within six months from the date of the receipt of the ore. All labor performed and ser* of the Port of New York. 133 vices rendered under these regulations shall be under the supervision of an officer of the customs, to be appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and at the expense of the manufacturer. Sec. 30. That where imported materials on which duties have been paid are used iu the manufacture of articles manufactured or produced in the United States, there shall be allowed on the exportation of such articles a draw- back equal in amount to the duties paid on the materials used, less one per centum of such duties : Provided, That when the articles exported are made in part from domestic materials the imported materials, or the parts of the articles made from such materials, shall so appear in the com- pleted articles that the quantity or measure thereof may be ascertained : And provided further, That the drawback on any article allowed under existing law shall be con- tinued at the rate herein provided. That the imported materials used in the manufacture or production of articles entitled to drawback of customs duties when exported shall, in all cases where drawback of duties paid on such mate- rials is claimed, be identified, the quantity of such mate- rials used and the amount of duties paid thereon shall be ascertained, the facts of the manufacture or production of such articles in the United States and their exportation therefrom shall be determined, and the drawback due thereon shall be paid to the manufacturer, producer, or ex- porter, to the agent of either or to the person to whom such manufacturer, producer, exporter, or agent shall in writing order such drawback paid, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe. Sec. 31. That all goods, wares, articles, and merchandise manufactured wholly or in part in any foreign country by convict labor shall not be entitled to entry at any of the ports of the United States, and the importation thereof is hereby prohibited, and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to prescribe such regulations as may be necessary for the enforcement of this provision. Sec. 32. That sections seven and eleven of the Act en- titled " An Act to simplify the laws in relation to the col- lection of the revenues," approved June 10th, eighteen l.'r I ( ustoms "Brokers arid ( terks A hundred and ninety, be, and the same are hereby, amended .so as to read as follows : Sec. 7. That the owner, consignee, or agent of any im- ported merchandise which has been actually purchased may, at the time when he shall make and verify his writ- ten entry of such merchandise, but not afterwards, make such addition in the entry to the cost or value given in the invoice or pro forma invoice or statement in form of an in- voice, which he shall produce with his entry, as in his opinion may raise the same to the actual market value or wholesale price of such merchandise at the time of exporta- tion to the United States, in the principal markets of the country from which the same has been imported ; but no such addition shall be made upon entry to the invoice value of any imported merchandise obtained otherwise than by actual purchase ; and the collector within whose district any merchandise maybe imported or entered, whether the same has been actually purchased or procured olherwise than by purchase, shall cause the actual market value or wholesale price of such merchandise to be appraised ; and if the appraised value of any article of imported merchan- dise subject to an ad valorem duty or to a duty based upon or regulated in any manner by the value thereof shall exceed the value declared in theentiy, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, in addition to the duties imposed by law on such merchandise, an additional duty of one per centum of the total appraised value thereof for each one per centum that such appraised value exceeds the value declared in the entry, but the additional duties shall only apply to the particular article or articles in each invoice that are so undervalued, and shall he limited to fifty per centum of the appraised value of such article or articles. Such addit ional duties shall not be construed to be penal, and shall not be remitted, nor payment thereof in.any way avoided, except in cases arising from a manifest clerical error, nor shall they be refunded in case of exportation of the merchandise, or on any other account, nor shall they be subjeel to the benefit of drawback: Provided, That if the appraised value of any merchandise shall exceed the value declared in the entry by more than fifty per centum, of (he Port of New York. 135 except when arising' from a manifest clerical error, such entry shall be held to be presumptively fraudulent, and the collector of customs shall seize such merchandise and pro- ceed as in case of forfeiture for violation of the customs laws, and in any legal proceeding that may result from such seizure, the undervaluation as shown by the appraisal shall be presumptive evidence of fraud, and the burden of proof shall be on the claimant to rebut the same and for- feiture shall be adjudged unless he shall rebut such pre- sumption of fraudulent intent by sufficient evidence. The forfeiture provided for in this section shall apply to the whole of the merchandise or the value thereof iu the case or package containing the particular article or articles in each invoice which are undervalued : Provided further, That all additional duties, penalties or forfeitures applica- ble to merchandise entered by a duly certified invoice, shall be alike applicable to merchandise entered by a pro forma invoice or statement in the form of an invoice, and no for- feiture or disability of any kind, incurred under the provi- sions of this section shall be remitted or mitigated by the Secretary of the Treasury. The duty shall not, however, be assessed in any case upon an amount less than the in- voice or entered value. Sec. 11. That, when the actual market value as denned by law, of any article of imported merchandise, wholly or partly manufactured and subject to an ad valorem duty, or to a duty based in whole or in part on value, cannot be otherwise ascertained to the. satisfaction of the appraising officer, such officer shall use all available means in his power to ascertain the cost of production of such merchan- dise at the time of exportation to the United States, and at the place of manufacture ; such cost of production to in- clude the cost of materials and of fabrication, all general expenses covering each and every outlay of whatsoever nature incident to such production, together with the ex- pense of preparing and putting up such merchandise ready for shipment, and an addition of not less than eight nor more than fifty per centum upon the total cost as thus ascertained ; and in no case shall such merchandise be ap- praised upon original appraisal or reappraisement at less 186 Customs Broken and < lerks Asso< ). e. w. means brown earthen ware. c. v. means chief value. February 19th, 1889, If. >'.. means unpublished decision of the Depart- ment, of February 19th, 1889, to collector at New York or other port, as the ( ase may be. G. .1. means decision by General Appraisers. n. e. means " not enumerated in the tariff act," and therefore liable to duty under the following section, viz.: "Sec. \ the Secretary of the Treasury. AI.PHABKTICAI, SCHEDULE OK DUTIES IN EFFECT JULY 24, 1897. 566 Aha, as woolen cloth: Value not mure than 111 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. " above in cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. Abaca, as Manila hemp Free. Abacus or figuring machines dutiable at the rate applica- ble to component material of chief value, ss. 21,265, G. A. 1.4-i7. Abandoned, is not a transfer of ownership, but a relin- quishment without effort to recover, ss. 395. " goods, proceeds of sale of, must be turned into tbe Treasury, ss. 15,090. " " remaining under general order un- claimed one year, will be treated as, Art. 808, Cust. Reg. 1892, ss. 8,949. " " money will not be refunded to pur- chaser if goods are worthless, ss. 17,476! ■:>. " bonded goods remaining in warehouse mor than three years, will be treated as, Art. 809. Oust, Reu - . 1892. " goods, suit must be instituted against bonds- men at once if proceeds of sale are in- sufficient, ss. 15,707. " goods pay rate due on date of importation, ss. 15,788-10,020-16,090-17,360. " goods, storage charges take precedence of duties, ss. 17,556. " goods will be sold at auction, sales will be made twice eacb year or oftener, Art. 809, Gust, i; 1892, ss. 1,519-2,585. ' ten per cent, or over of any importation may be, if damaged, Sec. 23, Act June 10, 1890, 88. 10,356 12,448-15,421. " goods if damaged, will be treated as perish- able, ss. 11,439. " damaged goods are subject to general averag ss. 12,489. " damaged portion may be separated from sound in presence of an officer, ss. 15,530- 21,831. Abandonment of damaged goods may be recalled by im- porter, ss. 12, 188, 141 Customs Brokers and Clerics Association Abandonment is not confined to damaged goods, bs. 17,009. " seizure of fruit by health officer is sufficient, ss. 17,954. Abbreviations of names of States, 88. 3,818. Abelones, as shell fish, ss. 5,903 9,645 10,490 Free Abortion, all articles intended to cause, except drags imported in bulk, are prohibited. Abraded coins may be refused by U. S. Customs oil'n era, ss. 4,326. Absinthe ...per proof gall. $2.85. " in bottles, additional on (|t. bottles per lb. 1 ct. " pt. ■' ]>er lb. 1% cts. Acacia, gum crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. U ct. and 10 per cenl . " ferneriana, crude as divi divi, ss. 1,371 Free. " advanced in value per lb. \\ ct. and in per cent. Academies, articles for use of, may under regulations be. Free. Academy board, as paper, ss. 6,177-11,863 25 per cent. Accordions, ss. 10,921-11,030-11,460-11,562 15 per cent. Acetate ammonia 25 per cent. " baryta 25 per cent. of copper, ss. 8,593-17,693 17,845 25 per cent. " " iron 26 per cent. " '" lead, brown, gray or yellow per lb. "." ; its. " " " white ..per lb. 3^4 cts. " lime 25 per cent. " magnesia 25 per cent . " potassa 25 per cent. " soda, crude or refined 25 per cent. " strontia 25 per cent. " zinc 25 per cent. " all others, ss. 8,598 25 per cent. Aeetanilid 20 percent. Acetone, as chemical compound, ss. 7,210 11,974 25 per cent. Achate stones, as rough agate, ss. 3,800 Free. Achillea, as nursery stock, ss. 15,110 25 per cent. Acid, acetic, 1.017 specific gravity and under. s<. 8,964 2,131 4,378 per Lb. :i i cent. " " over 1.047 Specific gravity per lb. 2 cents. " arsenic or arsenions Free. " benzoic Free. " boracic, ss. 21,429 per lb. 5 cts. " bromo-fluoresic, as aniline dye, ss. 7.9S3 9. IJ5 10,504 30 per cent. " butyric, ss. 6,353 25 per cent. 11 carbolic, ss. 6,496-6,609-13,832-17,348 Free. " for chemical purposes, n. 8. p. f 25 per cent. " chromic per lb. 3 cts. " chrysamic 25 per cent. " citric per lb. 7 cents. of tin Port of New York. 143 Acid, cresotine, ss. 12,699 25 per cent. " cresylic, ss. 3,980 25 per cent. " di-clorophtalic, bs. 14,377 25 per cent. " fluoric Free. " gallic per lb. 10 cents. " hydrochloric Free. " icthyol Bulphonic, bs. 13,701 25 per cent. " lactic per lb. 3 cents. " for manufacturing purposes, n. s. p. f 25 per cent. " for mechanical purposes, n. s. p. f . 25 per cent. " for medicinal " " " 25 per cent. " muriatic Free. " naphthol sulph.. ss. 9,457 25 per cent. " naphthylamine di-sulphonic, ss. 14,816 25 per cent. " nitric Free. " nitropicric, ss. 216-6,011-9,827 Free. " oil of vitriol, as sulphuric acid per lb. J4 cent. " oxalic Free. " phenyle, as coal tar product, dead oil, ss. 5,825 Free. " phosphoric Free. " phthalic, ss. 14,822-18,311 Free. " picric, ss. 216-6,011-9,827 Free. " prussic Free. " pyrogallic 25 per cent. " pyroligneous, as acetic. " ricinoleic. containing less than 50 per cent, of castor oil per gall. 15 cents. " " " 50 per cent, or more of castor oil per gall. 30 cents. " il all other 30 per cent. " rosolic, ss. 6,609-9,827 30 per cent. " salicylic, ss. 3,704 per lb. 10 cents. " silicic Free. " sludge, for manufacture of fertilizers, ss. 17,009... Free. " stannic, 88. 17,813 25 per cent. " stearic, ss. 13,818 25 per cent. " stibic, ss. 9,706 25 per cent. " succinic 25 per cent. " sulphanilic, 88. 14,831 25 per cent. " sulpho-ricinoleic containing 50 per cent, or more of castor oil per gall. 30 cents. " " " containing less than 50 per cent. of castor oil per gall. 15 cts. " " " all other 30 per cent. " sulpho-toluic, bs. 12,269-13,879-16,750 25 per cent. " sulphuric per lb. ^ cent. " " for agricultural purposes Free. " " all from country collecting a duty on % ct. per lb. " tannic, or tannin per lb. 50 cts. " tartaric per lb. 7 cents. Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Par. Acid, thymic, or thymol, BS. 6,383-8,486 25 per com. valerianic Free. Aconite Free. Acorns, of cork oak, 88. 9,332 Free. " powdered or prepared per lb. 2U cts. " cocoa, BS. 8,951 '25 per cent. " coffee per lb. 2)4 cts. " raw, dried or undried, but unground ■ [free. Actinolite, as non metallic mineral Free. " ground, ss. 6,670-16,013 20 per cent. Actor's costumes accompanied by actor, as. 1,686 1.721... Free. Adamantine Spar, as emery ore Free. " " ground per lb. 1 ct. " " manufactures of 25 per cent. " clinkers, as brick, ss. 16,570 45 per cent. Additional duty for undervaluation, ss. 10,593 (0,694 13,780 13,810-17,440 for each 1 per cent, per cent. Cannot be refunded if paid, ss. 15,599-17,468. Is not a penalty and cannot be remitted, 83. 15,627- 15,94li. Accrues on articles paying specific duties based on value, ss. 16,917-17,113-17,154-18,746. Musi be paid within 10 days after liquidation, ss. 11,524 -11, 633-12, 176. Will not be assessed on fractions of 1 per cent., ss. 10,158. Only articles on which it is assessed can be held, ss. Additional duty on goods destroyed in warehouse must lie paid. ss. 15,102. Additions for value must be made before entry i- sworn to, ss. 9,991 10,532. " " " cannot lie made on consigned goods. ss. ll,139-12,ir, i 13,092 13,499 1 1. sou. , Address on official communications, cir. 4, January 4. 1890. Adhesive felt for vessels, ss. 10,460-11,494 Free. " plasters, medicinal 85 per cent. Adiantuni. crude, as drug Free. " advanced in value per lb. y± ct. an 1 10 per cent. Adjustable watch keys, ss. S. 125 15 per rent . Adulterated articles of food are subject to seizure, ss. 10,203, Act Aug. 3D, 1890. Advertising catalogues as printed matter, ss. 10,100-22,143. 25 per cent. Advertisements, obscene, prohibited. Adzes 45 per cent. Aerophanes (silk veilings) 60 per cent. Aethers, n. s. p. f per lb. $1 .00, but not less than 25 per cent. African liber, crude Free. Agar-agar (Chinese or Japanese isinglass) asn.c. man of actured article, es. 8,407 9. 057 10,866 10.923 20 per cent. Agal twine, as grass Free. Par. 548 418 115 115 115 115 414 435 t:!l 115 115 115 418 115 115 115 115 435 434 115 115 408 408 115 112 107 112 68 193 460 460 254 640 289 193 454 115 115 115 117 118 Of the Port of Xi w York. 145 Agaric, crude, ss. 18,872 Free. Agate balls, fit for toys, ss. 3,261 35 per cent. " bars and links, as manufactures of, ss. 9.214 50 per cent. " and metal combined, as manufactures of, ss. 15,242 50 per cent. burnishers, bookbinders', ss. 13,795-13,837-17,115.. 50 per cent. " " " part metal 50 per cent. " buttons per line per gross, /% ct. and 15 per cent. cameos, as precious stones, ss. 9,057-9,211 10 per cent. " charms as jewelry, ss. 7,155 60 per cent. " bouse ornaments ss n 487 * if dec °rated 50 per cent. Douse ornaments, ss. 1.3,48, - ( not decor;lted 50 per cent . knife bandles,etc.,etc, ss. 8,590-15,975-18,872-18,975 50 per cent. " manufactures, n. s. p. f 50 per cent. " marbles, as toys, ss. 11,860 35 per cent. " mortars 50 per cent. " rollers, ss. 8,574-15,975 50 per cent. " scales, pans, &c, ss. 16,333-19,457 50 per cent. " umbrella handles, ss. 15,975 50 per cent. Agates, cut like precious stones, ss. 19,457 50 per cent. '• " " " " and set as jewelry, ss. 7,155 60 per cent. " " and polished on one side, ss. 7,299-9,057-10,860. 50 per cent. " " if decorated in any manner 50 per cent. " " as beads, not strung, ss. 8.928 35 per cent. " " " strung 60 per cent. " " for compasses, ss. 8,928 50 per cent. " glazing, as mfrs. of glass, ss. 14,818 45 per cent. " unmanufactured, ss. 4,842 Free. " glass, imitations of 45 per cent. Agathin, medicinal coal tai prep'n, ss. 15,974 25 per cent. Agraffes, as manufactures of metal, ss. 6,425-9,192 45 per cent. Agricultural drills 20 per cent. " planters 20 per cent. " seeds 30 per cent. " Department, plants, etc., for Free. Aguardiente, as brandy, ss. 7,838 per proof gall. $2.25. Air meters, as mfrs. of metal, ss. 8,775 45 per cent. Alabaster statuary, if the work of a professional sculptor. 20 per cent. " " all others 50 per cent. " all manufactures of 50 per cent. " cups and vases, as manufactures of, ss. 7,127- 12,825 50 per cent. '• in blocks, ss. 9,149-10,132 per cubic foot 12 cts. " if dressed, hewn, or polished 50 per cent. Alaska, actual settlers (white) or temporary visitors may import fire arms and ammunition, and all other persons can, ss. 8,142-8,219-17,583. importation of intoxicating liquors is prohibited, ss. 6,820-8,219-12,488-16,070. " Canadian cattle, imported into, ss. 18,962. Par. i IG Customs Brokers and Clerks Associa Alaska, regulations governing entry of goods for mining regions, ss. 18,905-19,021. " navigation on the Yukon and Porcupine rivers, ss. 18,906-1^.9^0. " killing fur bearing animals, except by natives, is prohibited, ss. 7,661-13,643 13,888-13,919-16,574. " obstructing fish from ascending rivers to spawn- ing grounds is prohibited, ss. 9,291-9,306. " taking fish with ordinary fishing appliances is permitted, ss. 9,291. " penalty for killing any fur bearing animal not less than $300, nor more than $1,000 line or im- prisonment for fix months or both fine and im- prisonment, ss. 13,643-13,823-13,919. " protection of fisheries of. ss. 2-J.195. " Secretary of the Treasury is not authorized to re- mit fines and forfeitures for unlawfully killing seals, ss. 8,150. " Treasury Department cannot give a permit to any one person to kill otter in, ss. 3,190. Alba canella bark Five. " " '• advanced in value per lb. '4 ct. and 10 per cent. Vlbata. unmanufactured 25 pi " manufactures of 45 per cent. Alboline, mfr. petroleum and cercsia 25 per cent. Albumen, n. s. p.f Free. '• egg or blood, ss. 21,920 per lb. 3 cts. " liquid solution as a. e. manufactured article, ss. 3,701-12,794 20 per cent. " substitute, as chemical compound, ss. 9,198- 12,794 86 per cent. Albumenized paper 30 per cent. Album boxes, according to material, ss. 2,569. Albums, autograph, photograph or scrap, vi boll; or partly manufactured, ss. 6,182 8,576 85pei " lithographic, as lithographic prints, ss. 16,354.. . . " metal clasps and ornaments For, SS. 6,345 15,1 12.. !."> per cent. " in parts, separately packed, ss. 6,188 35pei cent. Ucohol, ss. 10,859 per proof gall " Ln bottles, number to package is no1 limited, ss. 8,840 (additional duty on bottles). " domestic, reimported, used in exported articles entitled to drawbacks, ss. 17,890. amylic per 11). <4 Ct. absolute, is a scientific preparation, ss. 7,894- 9,472 18,719 14,861 14,881 per proof gall. $8.25. AJcoholado, ss. 1,718 per proof trail. $8.85. Ucoholic com] ads, bb. 6,195-9,178 . ...per lb. 60 cts. and 15 per cent. " Savoring for liquors, ss. 6,578 7,101 per lb. (in cts. and 45 per cent. of the Port of N&io York. 147 Alcoholic infusions, 88. 5.GS2 per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. medicinal preparations, ss. 15,116 55 cts. per lb. but not less than 25 per cent. " perfumery, ss. 0,565-8,742 9,712-15,218 per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " tinctures, ss. 7,101 per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " toilet waters per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. Ale in casks, bs. 3,905 per gall. 20 cts. " " bottles or jugs (bottles or jugs free) per gall. 40 cts. •• ginger, and other similar beverages containing no alcohol in plain green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles containing each not more than three fourths of a pint per doz. 18 cts. Containing more than three fourths of a pint each and not more than one and one-half pints per doz. 28 cts. " gauge of bottles, ss. 22,032-22,237. ISfo separate or additional duty on bottles. If imported otherwise than in plain green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, or in such bottles containing more than one and one half pints each. per gall. 50 cts. And in addition thereto, duty on bottles, or other coverings, at rates on empty. " non-alcoholic unmalted, as n. e. m'fd article, 15,840. 20 per cent. Alewives, as lish, n. s. p. f., ss. 7,215 per lb. •'> ( ct. Alien convict immigrants must be returned to the country whence they came, ss. 5,417. " passengers must pay a tax per head of $1.00, ss. 1,410-10,284 13,376, Act of Aug. 18, 1894. Alizarine, natural or artificial, ss. 6,956-17,901 Free. " assistant, less than 50 per cent, castor oil, ss. 5,914 7,011-15,592 per gall. 15 cts. " •' more than 50 per cent, castor oil. .. .per gall. 30 cts. " assistant, all other 30 per cent. " brown and yellow, ss. 17,901 Free. " blue S as alizarine color, ss. 17,924 Free. " " C , W., K. and C, W., R., B., ss. 21,376. . Free. " •• as coal tar color, ss. 15,976 30 per cent. " R., ss. 21.376, powder or paste, ss. 22,109. 30 per cent. " " c, \\\, <;., A., powder or paste, ss. 22,109 30 per cent. " brown O., No. 1,131, powder or paste, ss. 22,109 30 per cent. " yellow, R. and O., powder or paste, hs. 22,109. . 30percent. " green, S , W., L , powder or paste, ss. 22,109.. . 30 per cent. " black, ss. 17,767 30 per cent. " natural or artificial, dyes derived from, ss. 10,015 10,502 15,189 Free. " lakes as colors, ss. 17,011-17,056 30 per cent. " oil as assistant, ss. 5,914 Alkalies, alkaloids, and all combinations thereof, u. s. p. f., ss. 12,980 14,647 18,348 85 percent. Alkalies cont'g 50 per cent, or more bicarb, soda per lb. % ct. l is Oustorm Broi < Loti latioil Alkaloids of Cinchona bark Free. " " opium per ounce, SI. 00. Alkaline silicates, ss. 8,781 per lb. J4 ct. Alkanet root, crude Free. " " advanced in value .per lb. J4 c t- and 10 per cent. " " extract of , mixed with mineral, as a color. 30 per cent. Alkanin. as dj ewood extract, N. Y. Dec. 14, '85 per lb. % ct. Alkekengi, sum resin, crude Free. " " advanced in value . .per lb, ' * ct. and in per cent. " fruit of Free. " pills as medicinal preparation, ss. 6,916 85 per cent. Allowance will be made lor missing articles, ss. 12,459 1 1,758. " for sea water absorbed on voyage of impor- tation, ss. 11. '.tin 15,9 17 16,001. " may be made for dirt or. potatoes, BS. 5,153. " may be made for missing liquors, ss. 11,960- 14,384. " none for dampness in cigars, ss. 8,650. " " " dirt in castor seed, ss. 7,919. " ' ; " breakage or outage on liquors or olive oil. ss. 16,554 " " " breakage on champagne, ss. 17,644. " " " " soakage " on butter, ss 3,491. " of U call, on 5:i gall, casks, and 1 gallon on larger casks, may be made for expansion of wine by heat, ss. 4,197. " will be made for rotten fruit which cannol be counted, ss. 17,072. Alloys, crude, aluminum chief value per lb. 8 cts. " copper chief value, ss. 3,407 free. 11 lead chief value, except type metal, ss. 6.780 per lb. %% ct. " nickel chief value ss. 4,864 per lb. cts. substitutes for steel, as steel ingots. Allspice Free. " powdered per lb. :s cts. Almond Hour, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 8,885 20 per cent. " " in packages for toilet use, ss. 9,151 50 per cent. " oil, sweet or bitter, ss. 0,515 -21.94; Free. " artificial, ss. 12,845 81,878 25 per cent. " roats. as nuts n. s. p. f per lb. 1 ct. shells as n. e. unmanufactured articles 10 per cent. Almonds, not shelled, ss. 1,772 per lb. 4 cts. shelled, bs. 6,953 per lb. 6 cts. " bitter, not shelled, ss. 15,176 per lb. 4 cts. " " Bhelled, SB. 6,958-15,176 per lb. 6 cts. Alms basin, is regalia, ss. 6,849 Free. Aloe Ann rican, crude, leaves and fiber Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Aloes, gum, crude Free. of the Port of New York. 149 Aloes, gum, advanced in value... per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Alpaca hair, as wool, class 2 per lb. 12 cts. " " manufactures of, as manufactures, wool, ss. 3,237. " noils as wool noils, ss. 12,680 per lb. 20 cts. Alpacas, as wool dress goods, ss. 3,237 : Alpen Krauter, as spirituous bitters, ss. 7,574 per proof gall. $2.25. Alphabets, lithographed, as toys, sb. 17,819 35 per cent. Alpha naphtylamine, as coal tar preparation, ss. 9,343 Free. Altar desk is not regalia, ss. 7,229 35 per cent. " Caen stone, plain, ss. 6,032-18,625 50 per cent. " " decorated 50 per cent. " marble for church may be work of art, ss. 13,425- 14,744-18,624 Free. " metal for church 45 per cent. " portable for church is not regalia, ss. 8.049 35 per cent. " stone " " plain 50 per cent. Althea root, leaves or flowers, natural Free. " " manufactured, ss. 6,788 20 per cent. Alum, alum cake and patent alum per lb. % ct. " in crystals or ground per lb. ijj ct. " pencils, as medicinal preparation, ss. 15,216 25 per cent. " substitute 25 per cent. Alumina, Hydrate of per lb. T s ff ct. " anhydrous, as chemical salt, ss. 10,758 25 per cent. " carbonate 25 per cent. " chlorate of, as chemical salt 25 per cent. " hydrate, is refined bauxite, ss. 13,655-15,761- 15,980-16,758 per lb. & ct " sulphate of per lb. ^ ct. Aluminous cake per lb. \^ ct. Aluminum alloys, aluminum chief value per lb. 8 cts. " articles n. s. p. f 45 per cent. " bronze powder, as bronze powder, ss. 12,222 . per lb. 12 cts. " crude per lb. 8 cts. " in leaf per 100 leaves 6 cents. v manufactures of 45 per cent. " plates, sheets, bars or rods per lb. 13 cts. " powder, ss. 9,144-12,222 per lb. 12 cts. " sheets, ss. 10,480 per lb. 13 cts. Amber crude gum, or unmanufactured, ss. 0,745-8,825 ... Free. " wholly or partly manufactured, ss. 6,745 25 per cent. " ornaments, as manufactures of, ss. 8,599 25 per cent. " oil, crude or rectified Free. " set as jewelry, ss. 3,389 60 per cent. Ambergris Free. " oil of, crude and refined Free. Amberoid, as crude amber, ss. 12,967 Free. American artist, declaration to become a citizen consti- tutes, ss. 12,274-13,388. 150 i ■>','.< Brokers and < American artist, certificate from ie nol essential, ss, 15,428 15,540 16,377. " artist, works of. ss. 3,942 10,871 11,455 12,266- 18,441 18,490 Free " artist, wood engravings by, are dutiable, ss. 2,408 35 pei " artist, works of , exported and re-imported, ss. 3,040 Free. " ai list, fan painted by, is dutiable, ss. 9,037 50 per cent. " artist, earthenware decorated bj . ss.7,580 00 per cent. " artist, screens painted by, according to mate- vial, ss s.:i89. " bag?, exported filled with American products and returned empty to exporter, ss. 10,231 11,717 12,183 13,032 Free. " barrels, exported filled with American products and returned empty, ss. 6,235 " citizen dying abroad, effects of Free. " fisheries, oils ami all other products of, ss. 10,301-13,613 13,614-22,083 Free " fisheries, evidence required, ss. 15,679 16 17,257 17,682. " manufactures, exported with benefit of draw- back and re-imported, duty equal to draw- back. " manufactures, exported and re-imported, pay duly equal to internal revenue tax. " manufactures, when returned after having been exported, ss. 17,850-18,529 31,824 Free. " manufactures, returned from Porto Rico, Phil- ippines or Cuba; certificate maj be signed b\ collector of customs, ss. 21,824. " packages, covering importations paying specific duties based on value, must lie included in value to determine cosl of content , ss. 13,512, " whiskey, exported and re-imported, duty same as internal revenue tas per proof gall. $1.10. " whiskey, bottled abroad, ss. 21,675 per gall. Ji 10. " •• proof of American origin may he shown before Board of General Appraisers. ss. 21,675. " shipments must be accompanied by foreign shipper's certificate if valued over $100, ss. 21.788. Amer picon, as alcoholic bitters, ss. 9,797 per proof gall. $2.25. " inbottl bottli pay additional duty as empty. igh [Free. cut, ss. 6,890 10 percent. " cait Into shape of half eh i ang on cord foi i' i jewelry, 88. 19,448.. 00 per cent. " set, as jewelry or otherwise 60 Per cent. of Ui- Pott of \< ,r Fork. 151 Amidol, as coal tar preparation 20 per cent. Ammeters or ampere meters 45 per cent. Ammonia, acetate 25 per cent. alkali, a3 soda ash, ss. 9,326 per lb. % ct. " anhydrous, liquefied by pressure 25 per cent. aqua, or water of 25 per cent. " carbonate per lb. 1 '._.'■■■- " mono-carbonate, as carbonate, ss. 7,381 per lb. l'._. cts. " muriate of , or sal ammoniac, ss. 1,896-1,997 — per 11). :; 4 ct. " phosphate, as chemical salt 25 per cent. •' sal. or sal ammoniac per lb. % ct. sulphate, ss. 793-1,063-15,132 per lb. ft ct. " sulphate for fertilizers, ss. 14,403 14,420 per lb. -,'1, ct. Ammoniacal, gas, liquor, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 15.712-17.441 20 per cent. Ammoniacum, gum, crude, ss. 2*235 Free. " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Ammonium, crude Free. " advanced in value per lb. \i ct. and 10 per cent. Amphibole, asbestos, as unmanufactured, ss. 1(3,850 Free. Amylic alcohol, or fusil oil per lb. *4 ct. Amyl acetic, as fruit ether, ss. 8,881-9,205 per lb. $2.00, but not less than 25 per cent. " butyric, as fruit ether, ss. 8,881-9,205 per lb. §2.00, but not less than 25 per cent. " of oxyd. as fruit ether, ss. 1,129 -8,881-9,205 per lb. $2.00, but not less than 25 per cent. •• valerian, as fruit ether, ss. 8,881-9,205-13,701 per lb. $2.00, but not less than 25 per cent. Analytical, scales and balances, ss. 17,929 45 Per cent. Anatomical models of plaster of Paris 35 per cent. Anatomy, preparations of, natural Free. " specimens of, papier machc, ss. 1,767-3,831 35 per cent. " specimens of, mounted for microscope, ss. 12,798 20 per cent. Anchors, or parts of anchors, iron or steel per lb. 1J^ cts. " found, jetsam, in foreign waters, ss. 2,963 4. 247.. per lb. lj^cts. " left by foreign vessels for repair are dutiable, ss. 2,726 per lb. 1J4 cts. " old, fit only for re-mauufacture per ton $4.00. Anchovies, packed in oil or otherwise, in bottles, jars, tin boxes or cans, containing 7 1 i cubic inches or less per pkge. I 1 - cts. " more than 7 L a and not more than 21 cubic inches per pkge. 2^ cts. " more than 21 and not more than 33 cubic inches per pkge. 5 cts " more than 33 and not more than 70 cubic inches per pkge. 10 cts. " in other packages 40 per cent. 152 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Anchovy paste, 88. 3,493-7,388-9,090-14,389-17,863 40 per cent. " sauce or essence, as sauce, ss. 17,017-17,623 40 per cent. Andirons, cast per lb. & ct. " wrought 45 per cent . Anethol, oil of anise Free. Angelica root, crude Free. " advanced in value per lb. J4 CT - ar >d 10 per cent. Angela hair, as lamj or lahn. ss. 10,887 per lb. 6 Cte. Angles, iron or steel, ss. 8,634 per lb. % ct. Angola carpets, as two-ply ingrain, ss. 1,463 pei 'i i yard is cts. and 40 per cent. Angora goat hair, not scoured, ss. 9,810 per lb. 12 cts. " " " roping, roving or tops, aa manufactures of wool. '■ " skins, raw, without wool. ss. 729 3,112-7,206. Free. " " " dressed and finished 20 per cent. goats 20 per cent. Angostura Bitters, ss. 9,289 per proof gall $2.25. " in bottles, additional duty on bottles as if empty, ss. 2.498. Aniline, arseniate Free. " dimethyl, as coal tar preparation, ss. 10,249-13,601. 20 per cent. " dyes, as coal tar dyes, ss. 5,686 6,905 9,706 30 per cent. " paste, as eoa] tar color 30 per cent. if a color, as coal tar color, ss. 2,810 30 per cent. " fluorate, as aniline salt, ss. 15,129 Free. " oil Free. " paste, not a color Free. " residuum, ss. 8,721 20 per cent. " salts Free. " tolnidine, as oil of , ss 7,936-9,487-13,670 Free. Animal carbon, tit only for fertilizer, ss. 1 1.7O0 Free. " hair, raw Free. " integuments and intestines, crude Free. " parchment, bs. 8,947 Free. Animals accompanied by a certificate of registration in one of the stud books named on page 533 et seq., it' for breeding purposes only, ss. 12,898- 18,562 13,600 15,589 19,234 L9 116 80,748 81,859 Free. " are tools of trade, ss 13,768 16,866 Free. " are subject to inspection and quarantine, ss. 22,011. \.i of An-. 80, 1890 articles essentia] to comfort on voyage, ss. 6,777. Free. " for exhibition at fairs, to be e s ported within six mon t lis. under bond, ss. 8,117 13,081 Free. " from contiguous foreign territory for temporary use. are dutiable, bs. 6,816 12.624. heads, mounted, ss. 21.890 20 per cent. unmounted, ss. 82,2 M 10 per cent. " lithographed, as toys, ss. 17. 817 35 per cent. of the Port of New York. 158 Animals living, n. s. p. f., ss. 1,098 20 per cent. •' wild, cannot be imported for breeding purposes, ss. 5,664-10,305 -12, -420 20 per cent . " wild, for exhibition in zoological collections, for scientific and educational purposes, and not for sale or profit, ss. 14,704-16,576 Free. " teams in actual use by persons immigrating, ss. 17,800 Free. Animi gum, crude, ss. 2,907 Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Anise seed Free. " " oil Free. Anklets knit of cotton, as wearing apparel 50 per cent. " " " " one raw edge, as manufactures of cotton, ss. 14,589- 14,614-16,780. . 45 per cent. Annatto and extracts of Free. " extract, artificial, as lake, ss. 9,240 30 per cent. " seed, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. Y\ ct. and 10 per cent. Anniversary, is anniversary of dale of importation's. 9,745. Anodynes, Hoffman's and others containing alcohol per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. Antependia, not regalia, ss. 6,984. Anthoss oil, or oil of rosemary Free. Anthracine colors Free. Anthracite coal Free. " " containing less than 92 per cent, of car- bon, ss.21,378 per ton 67 cts. •' culm or slack, such as will pass through J^> inch screen per ton 15 cts. " shale, ss. 5,308 per ton 67 cts. Anthropometric instruments are dutiable according to material, ss. 8,465. Antifebrine, as medicinal preparation, ss. 8,839 25 per cent. Antifouling composition for ships, as paint, ss. 4,973 30 per cent. Anti-friction ball bearings, iron or steel 45 per cent. Antimonial lead, 9 per cent or more of antimony, as type- metal, ss. 6,786-8,147-9,831-12,907, on lead therein. . . .perlb. \y 2 cts. Antiinonsaure, as chemical salt, ss. 17,854 25 per cent. Antimony, Japanese needle, ^s. 19,394 21,638 20 per cent. " metal orregulus, ss. 11,020 per lb. % ct. " golden sulphate, ss. 7,952 30 per cent. " ore or crude sulphite, ss. 1,106 Free. " ground, ss. 5,473-13,072-19,406 20 per cent. " oxide, white, as chemical salt, ss. 9,706 25 per cent. " pentasulphide, as chemical salt, ss. 7,952 25 per cent. " sulphite of, if crnde, ss. 3,877 Free. " " " ground, ss. 19,406 20 per cent. ;l tartrate of, as chemical salt 25 per cent. " white oxide, as chemical salt, ^ss. 17,H54 25 per cent. 154 < - Broh i and ( I rl Issociaiion Anti-diphtheritic serum 25 per cent. Antioxide, as varnish, ss. 7,598 35percen1 Antipyrine, bb. 7,086-15,167. .per lb. 55c. Imi aot less than 25 per cent. Am iquarian paper, as writing. Antique armor, imitations of , as manufactures, metal, bs. 1,700 l") per cent. Antique oil 35 per cent. Antiquities, and artistic copies thereof in metal or other material, imported in good faith forperma- nent exhibition at a fixed place l y any State or by any society or institution established forthe encouragemenl of the arts, science, or education, or for a munici] ition, produced prior to A. D. 1700, ss. 11,970 18,800- 14,707/9-14,218-15,922-15,948 16,579 16,789.... Free, age must be proven, ss. 18,021. " all others and imitations of r according to ma- terial, ss. 1,700. " remanufactured, are dutiable, ss. 9, s Antiseptic gauze, as cotton cloth, ss. 4.5 II. Antiseptics, used internally or externally, as medicinal preparations, ss. 22,139 25 per cent. Antitoxin, as medicinal preparation, ss. 16,389 16,415- 17,607 18,830 19,091 25 per. Am-' eggs Free. " " baked, ss. 4,157 Free. Anvils, iron or steel, or iron and steel combined .- perlb, l%cts. " mineral, as anvils, ss. 15,828 per ll>. IJ , i ts. Apatite, or rock phosphate, ss. i6,09 l i 21,857 Free " ground, as substance expressly for manure. BS, 16,097 21,857 Free. Apolysin, as medicinal coal tar preparation, bs. 17,922 25 per < ent, Apomorphia, muriate of, as medicinal preparation, 88. 13,699 25 percent. Apparatus, chemical, glass 60percent. " platinum Free. " philosophical, according to material. " life saving, specially imported free. Apparel, wearing, according to material, ss. 12,21s. w earing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilel articles, and similar personal effects of persons ar- riving in the United States; but this exemption shall only include such articles as actually accom- pany and are in the use of, and as are necessary and appropriate for the wear and use of such persons, for the immediate purpo eirney and pres- ent com ind nail not be held 1.. applj i" merchandise or an icl I for other persons or for sale: Provided, That in case of residents of the 1 nited States returning from 548 20 262 262 262 339 390 301 of the Port of New York. If 5 abroad, all wearing apparel and other personal effects taken by them out of the United States to foreign countries shall be admitted free of duty, without regard to their value, upon their identity being established, under appropriate rules and reg- ulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but no more than one hundred dollars in value of articles purchased abroad by such residents of the United States shall be admitted free of duty upon their return Free. Appeal to Board of General Appraisers from General Ap- praiser's valuation must be made within two days. Sec. 13, Act June 10. 1890. " to General Appraiser from Loral Appraiser's valuation must be made within two days. Sec. 13, Act June 10, 1890. " from General Appraiser's decisions on classifiea tion must be taken within 30 days. Sec. 15, Act June 10, 1890. " from General Appraiser's decisions on classifica- tion discretionary with Secretary of Treasury, ss. 16,370. Apple butter per lb. 2 cts. Apples, bitter or colorynth. crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. 14 ct. and 10 per cent. " candied, ss. 15,811 per lb. 2 cts. " green or ripe per bush, 25 cts. " desiccated, evaporated or prepared in any manner, per lb. 2 cts. Appliqued articles of flax or other vegetable fibre, 18,632. 60 per cent. " " silk 60 per cent. Apollinaris water, as natural mineral water, ss. 5,115- 7,638. Appraised value is true and actual market value, ss. 9,714 19.055. Appraised value is not subject to protest, but to appeal, ss. 10,642. Appraisement in absence of invoice is subject to appeal, ss. 18,536. " iu absence of invoice may be used for W. H. and T. entry, or for W. H. and ex- port entry, ss. 5,415. " disallowance of invoice discount is an ad- dition for value, ss. 9,729. " of goods invoiced at an average price, ss. 11,530 13,221. Sec. 2,910 and 2,911., R. S. " by samples is confined to goods usually bought and sold by sample, ss. 6,601, Art. 828, Cust, Reg., 1892. 156 Customs Brokers and Clerks As Appraisement, General Appraisers are not restricted by local Appraiser's advance, ss. 10,670. of articles having no established market value, ss. 6,738. not duly appealed from is conclusive against importers, ss. 621. by Board of General Appraisers is final and conclusive, ss. 18,941. by local Appraiser cannot be corrected by Secretary of Treasury, ss. 7,235-11,100. by local Appraiser can be made by com- parison with invoices of similar goods imported by other parties, ss. 6,738. Appraisers, local, first appraisement by, is complete and cannot be changed except by reap- praisement, ss. 6,928-8,295 8,584-9,559- 16,647-18,617. are not classifying officers, ss. 9,659. are under the control of the Collector. ss. 7,986. must determine "principal markets" of country, Cust. Reg., 1892, Art. a35. must not disclose sources of informa- tion respecting foreign market values, SS. 6,250. must retain and preserve samples of ex- amined merchandise, ss 7,487. may amend original appraisement while reapprai semen t is pending, ss. 4,269. must not appraise merchandise before the same has been entered, ss. (,788. must make such additions to invoice value as will, in their judgment, make actual market value, regardless of values fixed by previous reap- praisements. ss. 8,200-8,870 " should decide all doubtful points in favor of the Government, ss. 1 1,832. " return of is conclusive unless over- thrown, ss. 17,335. General, Appointment of Board of, ss. 10,121 " [lowers of, are limited to appraise- ment and classification of mer- chandise, ss. 10,294. cannot recall reappraisements for re- consideration, ss. 7,235. " decisions of. arc subject to approval of Secretary of Treasury, ss. 14,098. " decisions of, arc subject to review by the courts, ss. 16,188, of tin Port of X< w York. l.">7 Par. — — ~ ■ Appraisers, General executive officer of, is President of the General Board of General Ap- praisers, ss. 13,894. " cannot review their own decisions, ss. 11,881-15,873. " " have no jurisdiction overcharges for affixing domestic stamp to cigars, ss. " have no jurisdiction over unlading officers'' charges, ss. 17,853. " applications for review of decisions of, either by importers or col- lectors, must be reported to Secre- tary of Treasury, ss. 12,075. " " must certify sufficient evidence to sustain their decisions, ss. 13,654. " " must return protests on application of Collector, ss. 15,893. " will be furnished with statements of errors in litigated cases by collec- tors. " " regulations governing, ss. 18,488. " have no power to review collectors' valuation of a foreign currency, ss. 14,899-15,233-17,760. " have no jurisdiction, in questions of weight, gauge, etc., ss. 16,556. " valuation on re-reappraisement is final, ss. 7,700-7,800-13,941. " " are not restricted on reappraise- ments, to additions made by local appraisers, ss. 10,670. " '' will not act on court decisions till ac- cepted by Department, ss. 10,022. 548 Apricot kernels, ss. 21,567 Free. 20 " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. 263 " pate per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent . 263 " pulp, as fruit in its own juice per lb. 1 ct and 35 per cent. 559 Apricots, green, ripe or dried, as fruit, n. s. p. f Free. Aprons, as wearing apparel, according to material, ss. 12,218. 450 " leather, for worsted yarn machinery, as manu- factures of leather, ss. 15,972 35 per cent. 68 Aqua ammonia 35 per cent. 464 " fortis or nitric acid Free. 43 Aqueous extract of opium for medicinal uses 40 per cent. 518 Arabic, gum, crude Free. 20 " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. 391 Arasene, as manufactures of silk, ss. 6,650-7,924 50 per cent. 638 Archil and archil liquid, ss. 12,736 Free. 158 Cwtonte Brokers and Clerks Association Arctic shoes, wool and India rubber, as wearing apparel.. per lb. 1 lc and CO per cent. Architect, photographic apparatus is tools of trade of, ss. 6,977. " models are not tools of trade of, ss. 7,009. " statues are not tools of trade of, ss. 10,405. " works of art are not tools of trade of. ss. 7,009. Argal, or argol, crude, 40 per cent, or less bitartrate of potash, ss. 570 1,246 2, 189 per lb. 1 cent. over in per cent, bit art rate of potash per lb. 1'... its. " ■• from reciprocal countries 5 per cent. " or argols, from France, ss. 19,405 5 per cent. " or argol, partly refined, containing not more than 90 per cent, bitartrate of potash, ss. 1,551-3,214 per lb. 4 cents. " containing more than 90 per cent, bitar- trate of potash per lb. 5 cents " " refined (cream of tartar) peril). cents. Argentiferous had ores, ss. 9,662-11,049-11,116-11,169- 11,771-13,737, on lead therein per lb. \y 2 ct. Argentine, unmanufactured 25 per cent. " manufactures of 45 per cent. " cotton, ss. 14,952 per sq. yd. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. Aristol, ss. 1 1.; :J25 25 per cent. Aristophones, ss. 1 2. lis 45 percent. Arithometer is not a philosophical instrument, ss. 1 1.970. Arizona is a customs district ; port of entry, XoTalcs. ss. 9,995. Armenian bole, crude, as clay per ton - 1 DO " " manufactured, as clay per ton $2.00. " " cosmetic, as toilet preparation, ss. 3,342. 50 per cent. Armor cloth, as manufactures "f metal, ss, 10,867 45 per cent. metal, SS. 1,700 45 per cent. " " made prior to A. D. 1700, for society Free. Arms. tire, muskets, muzzle loading shotguns, rifles, and parts thereof 25 per cut. " side 35 per cent. Arms, sporting breed loading shotguns, combination shotguns and rifles, pistols, see guns. Aromatic cachous, ss. 9,182 14,508 50 per cent. 11 seeds, crude Free. " " advanced in value \\ ct. and 10 per cent. Aromatique bitters, as spirituous bitters, ss. 9,289. .per proof gall. $2.25. " " in bottles, bottles pay additional duty as empty. Arp's pepsin bitters, as spirituous bitters, ss. 8,673 9, 195- 9,886-11,188 per proof gall. $2.25. ae, as mfrs. of silk, ss. 6,660 7.924 50 per cent. Arrack per proof gall. $2.25. Of the Port 6f X< w York. 159 Arrival, date of, is date of entry of vessel at Custom House, B8. 9,041 12,877. Arrowroot, in natural state or unmanufactured, ss. 10,954- 11,090 Free. " Hour per lb. 1^> cts. Btarch,ss. 1,357-3,385-21,408 ...per lb. 1% cts. Arseniate of aniline Free. " " soda per lb. \\ cts. Arsenic, and sulphide of Free. " metallic, or cobalt crystals, ss. 2,945-3,168 20 per cent. Arsenious or arsenic acid Free. Art Associations, established for commercial purposes, are not entitled to free entry under Par. 701, ss. 10,027. " " American, may import works of art, etc., for temporary or permanent ex- hibition under bond Free. " foreign, are not entitled to privileges of Par. 701, ss. 13,102. " castings, as mfrs. of metal, ss. 2,7o5 45 per cent. " educational stops, of glass and metal, value not more than cents per gross Free. •■ squares, same as carpet of which composed. " works of, altars for churches may be, ss. 13,435-14,744. " " American artist, ss. 13,266 Free. " " covers high art only. ss. 17, 784 " " for colleges, etc., ss. 17,781 Free. " " " exhibition, permanent Free. " " " " temporary Free. " " wood engravings are not, ss. 10,061 35 per cent. Articles not enumerated pay same rate of duty as the enumera'ed article which they most closely re- semble in material, quality, texture, or the use to which they may be applied, and if they equally resemble two or more enumerated arti- cles subject to different rates of duty they pay the highest of such rates. " metal, enameled with vitreous glasses 40 per cent. '.' of domestic manufacture exported with benefit of drawback and reimportcd pay duty equal to drawback allowed. " of domestic manufacture, exported from manu- facturing warehouse and reimported, pay duty as foreign. " purchased abroad by an American resident, ex- cept personal effects, are dutiable, ss. 18,454. " of cotton, (lax, jute, or other vegetable fiber, em- broidered by hand or ma- chinery, ss. 13,731 14,231- 14,950 60 per cent. ICO Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Articles of wool, embroidered per lb. 50 cts. and " composed of two or more materials, inseparably attached, pay as entirety, as. 11,536. " composed of two or more materials pay rate on material of chief value, ss. 12,758 " composed of two or more materials, packed and invoiced separately, each part dutiable according to material, ss. 11,232 11,410. " invoiced as entireties maybe separated on entry. ss. 10,608. " having an invoice value are dutiable, ss. 10,886. " to which two or more rates of duty are applica- ble pay highest of such rates, ss. 10,552 10.557- 13,472. " accidentally destroyed while unloading must be allowed for, ss. 12,161. " for Ministers of foreign governments, ss. 3,554 — " in passengers' baggage subject to not more than §2 duty may be passed free, Art. 1,036, Cost. Keg., 1892, ss. 436. " indecent or obscene " made of glass, n. s. p. f " made of metal, n. s. p. f " made of tinsel, lame, latin, bullions or metal threads " made up abroad from domestic materials are dutiable as foreign, ss. 14,468. " manufactured, n. 8. p. f " named in free list without limitation arc free, irrespective of condition, if their commercial designation iH not changed, ss. 1,517-1,627 1,634 8,239-9,415-16,274. produced in any country paying a bounty or giant shall pay, in addition to regular duties, duty equal to net amount of such bounty or grant. for U. S. Board of Ordnance and Fortifications.. smoker's this term covers things manufactured, unmanu factured or partially manufactured, ss. 8,638. crude, used for dyeing or tanning for United States Government, ss. 10,311. same as other importations. unmanufactured, n. s. p, f valued at less than one dollar may be entered free, Art. 1,036, Oust. Keg.. 1892. " short shipped must be entered and duty paid by vessel on which they finally arrive, although previously entered and duty paid, ss. 17,858. Artichokes, as vegetables in natural state, ss. 9,188 Artificial bait, as nifrs. metal, ss. 7,013 " eyes as nifrs. of glass, colored, ss. 16,854 percent. Free. Prohibited. 45 per cent. 45 per cent. 60 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. 00 per cent. Free. lit per cent. 25 per cent. 15 per cent. 60 per cent. of tin Port of New York. Artificial flics, according to chief value, ss. 15,138. " flowers and feathers, and parts thereof, of any material, ss. 10,493-13,364 50 per cent. " " made of gelatine, ss. 7,595 50 per cent. " " " " jet, ss. 8,919 50 per cent. " " " " sponge, ss. 8,385 50 per cent. " fruits, ss. 5,251-12,034 50 per cent. " " if suitable for millinery use 50 per cent. " leaves, as artificial flowers, 88.7,225-8,577-11,378. 50 per cent. " silk, ss. 18,100 per lb. 65 cts. and 25 per cent. " stone bath tubs as mfrs. of mineral substance, ss. 18,009. " sulphate of lime, ss. 17,505-18,073 per lb. J^ ct. " " " barytes per lb. ^ ct. Artificial teeth as mfr. of spar, ss. 22,100 50 per cent. Artists, actors, musicians, painters, sculptors and singers are, ss. 13,388. " American, declaration of intention to become a citizen is sufficient, ss. 6,883-12,274. •' American, residing abroad over 5 years, not en titled as residing temporarily abroad, the works are dutiable, ss. 18,490. " colors in tubes, ss. 10,869-11,863-15,120-17,582.... 30 per cent. " knives, as table knives. " oils, as other oils, ss. 7,320. " proofs of etchings and engravings 25 per cent. " sketches, original, ss. 7,768 20 per cent. " picture frames, etc., are nottools of tradeoffs 8,277 35 per cent. " water color paints, ss. 13,214 30 per cent. Arts, models of improvements in, that cannot be adapted to use, ss. 12,304-12,579-14,298 Free. Art squares, pay same as carpeting of like description. il works of, by American artist residing temporarily abroad Free . " " brought by professional artists, lecturers or scientists arriving from abroad, for use by them temporarily for exhibition and in illustration, promotion and encourage- ment of art, science or industry in the United States and not for sale, under bond for payment of duties if not exported within six months Free " " imported in good faith for permanent ex- hibition at a fixed place by any State or by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts, science or education or for a municipal corpora- tion, or by any society or association or for a municipal corporation for the pur- pose of erecting a public monument, 162 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association and not intended for sale, nor for any other purpose than herein expressed, under bond for the payment of duty should any article be sold, transferred, or used rary to this provision, ss. 17,784 Free. Assafoetida Free, Asbestos, unmanufactured Free. " ainphibolc carded, as unm'f'd, ss. 16,850 Free. " crushed or ground, as unm'f'd, ss. 8,196- 9,183 16,850 Free. flber,ss. 11,828-16,850 Free. " manufactures of 25 per cent. " millboard, as manufactures of. ss. 3,756 25 per cent. " packing covered with cotton, as manufactures of, bs. 3,876 25 per cent. " paper, ss. 3,438-6,975 25 per cent. Ashes, beet root. ss. 9,142 Free. " " artificial, as chemical compound, ss. 9,142 25 per cent. lead, as lead dross, ss. 550-3,649 per 11). 2% cts. oil, as crude mineral substance, ss. 10,060 Free. opium, as preparation of. n.s. p. f.. s^. 9.113 peril). (6.00. pearl (carbonate of potash) Free. wood and lye of. ss. i ii 9,789 Free. zinc, ss. 4,990-10,734 per lb. V/ 2 cts. Ash receivers, metal, are hoi jmol 7,328.. 15 per cent. " soda, how weighed, ss. 14,870 per lb. % ct. Asphalt, mastic, ss.19,385 per ton, $3.00. " refined, ss. 8,349 8,935 per ton, $3.00. Asphalt tun cells, ss. 12,244 35 per cent. " crude, not dried or otherwise manipulated or treated, ss. 16,788 10.780-16,859-16,891- 17,687-17,721 per ton. $1.60. " Epuree as dried and cleansed, ss. 17.920 per ton, $3.00. " limestone rock containing not more than 15 per cent, of bitumen per ton, 50 cts. ground or in loaves, ss. 6,336-8,349-8,935- 13,765 '. per ton S3. (id. " molded into blocks for transporlat'n. SB. 7,909, per ton, $8.00. " dried or otherwise advanced, n. s. p. f per ton, $3.00. Syrian. cts. " forgings for. « it bout reference to stage or state of manufacture, ss, 4,898-5,310 per lb. 1 ct. Of the Part of New York. 105 Axles, shafts for grindstones are not, ss. 16,807 45 per cenl Axminster carpets, per square yard 60 cts. and 40 per cent. " rugs per sqr. ft. 10 cts. and 40 percent. Ayrstone, as polishing stone SO per cent. Azaleas, ss. 10,737 25 per cent. Azobenzole colors, ss. 5,593 30 per cent. Azophor red, as coal tar color, ss. 17,740 30 per cent. B. Babbitt metal, ss. 16,210-21,480 45 per cent. Backgrounds, photo., according to material, ss, 9,531. Back saws 30 per cent. Bacon per lb. 5 cents. " spiced, peppered and prepared for cooks, ss. 9,636. . 25 per cent. Bagatelle balls, ivory, bone or other material 50 per cent. Baggage in actual use of persons arriving in U. S., ss. 13,270 13,369-13,432 Free. " in actual use, permit to land is not required, ss. 5,661. " not more than 50 cigars allowed in, ss. 6,841. " of visiting military organization, ss. 8,408 Free. " of diplomatic representatives of foreign gov- ernments will not be examined, ss. 16,592 Free. " duties on, amounting to less than $2 will not be collected, ss. 7,288. " in transit to Canada, regulations for, ss. 7,550. " " " via New Orleans, ss. 10,004. " is entitled to privilege of immediate transporta- tion entry, ss. 6,881 6,943-8,109. " of travelers passing through U. S. may be de- livered to Collector for retention, or to be for- warded to any other port, for delivery to own- er on his departure, ss. 12,486. " landing and delivery of, after sunset, ss. 14,864. " in transit is not subject to seizure, ss. 15,106. Bagging for cotton and similar fabrics, suitable for cover- ing cotton, composed of single yarns made of jute, jute butts, or hemp, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, not ex- ceeding sixteen threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and weighing not less than fifteen ounces per square yard, ss. 10,963-12,432 14,939 per sq. yd. T G S cent. " Dundee jute, as mfrs. of jute, ss. 1,656-1,690- 6,343-12,713-14,311-16,699-17,169-18,fi42-18,892. . 45 per cent. " jute for tailor's use, hopsacking, &c, ss. 1,617- 6,909 45 per cent. " fire proof exported with cotton and returned, ss. 8,787 Free. ICG Customs Broken and Clerks Association 10 per cent. Unking, old gunny cloth not need exclusively for paper stock; as waste, n. s. p. f., ss. 20,960 " linseed oil. as hair press cloth, ss. 8,550-12,202 per sij. yard 20 cts. '• waste, fit only for manufacture of paper Free. Bags, beaded, as manufactures of 00 per cent. bead, are not toys, ss. 11,967 35 per cent. " made from plain woven fabrics, of single jute yams, not dyed, colored, stained, painted, printed, or bleached, and not exceeding thirty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, ss. 15,202-15,288 per lb. % ct. and 15 per cent. " American exported empty and returned filled with foreign products, ss. 14,882 Free. " exported, filled with American products, ss. 13,032. Free. American manf .. returned empty if packed together with foreign bags are dutiable, ss. 18,425 -21,585 per lb. % cts. and 15 per cent. filled with articles paying ad valorem rate at same rate as contents, 83. 17.771-17,778-19,015. " flour, according to material. " " of Am. manufacture, duty ecpial to drawback. '• foreign. Americanized, as foreign, ss. 17.927. " " exported filled with American products, according to material, ss. 5,423-13,030- 14,726. " " washed and mended in U. S. according to material, ss. 12,533-13,368. " gunny and similar fabrics, suitable for covering cotton, composed of single yarns made of • jute, jute butts, or hemp, not bleached. dyed,colored, stained, painted, or printed, not exceeding sixteen threads to the square inch, counting the warp and fill- ing, and weighing not less than fifteen ounces per square yard, ss. 6,577-10,963- 12,4S2-14,939 per sq. yard ft cent. hemp school, as manufs. hemp, ss. 5,834-6,691 45 per cent. indiarubber, for balloons, ss, i.s<;:> o.ois :*> per cent. " " with whistle, as toys, ss. 5,390 35 per cent, on which drawback has been allowed, duty equal to drawback, bb. 15,889 17,758. brush, according to material, bb. 8,682. paper, as manufactures of paper, ss. 6,282 " as manufactures parchment paper, ss 16,835. " printed as manufactures of paper, ss. 17,650. " packed wit it tea. ss. 17.7S7. BUgar, saved from wreck, contents lost are dutiable. • 1.. '87, V Y. 35 per cent. .;."> per cent. 35 |)el cent. :!.") per cent. of IJu Port of \< w York. 167 Bahamas, packages of merchandise weighing 11 pounds or under may be imported from, in ths mails, ss. 8,641. Bains savonneux, as toilet preparation, ss. 13,561 50 per cent. Bait, tish for, same as other fish. " artificial, as manufactures of metal, ss. 7,013 45 percent. Baize, ss. 3,870 per square yard 22 cts. and 40 per cent. Balances and weights, as manufactures of metal, ss. 6,236. 45 per cent. Balata, as crude india rubber Free. Bale rope, as manufactures of hemp, April 21, 1838, N. Y.. 45 per cent. Baling hoops, iron or steel per lb. i cent. Ball and socket joints must be segregated for duty, ss. 14,988. Ballast, if of merchantable value, according to material, ss. 3,415-7,728 12,569 13,660. " if not landed, not dutiable, ss. 8,500. " foreign pig iron taken as, from American port dutiable if landed, ss. 8,273-8,500 per ton $4.00. Ballast invoiced and manifested, is dutiable as merchan- dise, ss. 7,728. kentledge for, ss. 1,440-2,082 per ton $4.00. Ball caps, as cartridges, ss. 6.634 35 per cent. " chain, brass, as manufactures of, ss. 7,878 45 per cent . Balloons, india rubber, not inflated, arenottoys, ss. 6,018- 10,483-10,889 -11,814 . . 30 per cent. " " " inflated 30 per cent. " tissue paper, as tissue paper in forms, ss. 16,838. 35 per cent. Balls, agate, as toys. ss. 3.264 35 per cent . " bagatelle, of ivory or other material 50 per cent. " ballot, of porcelain are not marbles, ss. 13.675 60 per cent. '■ billiard, of ivory or other material 50 per cent. " celluloid, as toys, ss. 13,223 35 per cent. " cricket, as manufactures leather 35 per cent. glass, for ornamenting combs as manufactures of glass, ss. 5,723-5,992 45 per cent. " golf as vulcanized india rubber 35 per cent. india rubber, ss. 18,732 30 per cent. " players', according to material. racquet, as manufactures of leather, ss. 3,921-13,760. 35 per cent. " pool, of ivory, bone, or other material 50 per cent. tennis, bb. 88,300 1,009 30 per cent. " toy. not india rubber 35 per cent. wash, as toiler soap per lb. 1 j cts. '• polishing, as manufactures wax, ss. 18,013 25 per cent. " wooden, perforated, as beads, SS. 7,89 i 35 per cent. Balm of Gilead, crude Free. Balmoral skirts per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cenl Balsams, medicinal, non-edible and crude Free. " " " advanced in value, per lb.J ct.and 10 per cent. " Peru, oil of, as advanced in value, per lb. J ct. and 10 per cent. " prepared as medicine 25 per cent. 168 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Balsams, used as cosmetics 50 per cent. Baluster blocks, as wood unmanufactured, ss. 8,111 20 per cent. Bamboo baskets are unusual coverings for tea, ss. 12,504. . 35 per cent. " baskets, as manufactures of wood. ss. 6,913-7,651- 11,876-13,198 35 per cent. " blinds, as manufactures of wood, ss. 7,651- 11,375 11,829 35 per cent. " cabinets, as manufactures of wood, ss. 7.415 35 per cent. " canes, wholly or partly made 40 per cent. " cloth, as manufactures of vegetable fiber, ss. 10,044 46 per cent. " curtains or portieres, 2 glass beads between bam boos, as manufactures of wood, ss. 12,144 35 per cent. " " " " 3 or more glass beads be- tween bamboos, as manu- factures of beads. ss. 12,1 II. 00 per cent. " fiber, ss. 0,338 35 per cent, " manufactures of, as manufactures of wood, ss. 11,375-11,829-17,083 35 per cent. " reeds for musical instruments, as parts of, ss. 12,110 45 per cent. " reeds, rough or cut into suitable lengths for um- brellas, parasols, sun shades, whips or walking canes Free. " " whip sticks, finished, ss. 7,070 86 per cent. " scraps, fibre for brush makers. as manufactures of. 35 per cent. " splints, ss. 13,199 35 per cent. " sticks, smoked, as unmanufactured, ss. 17,175... Free. " and paper umbrellas, ss. 4,205 35 per cent, Bananas, in natural State Free. Bandages, cotton cloth for, to be used in hospital, as cloth, SS. 9, '.171. Bandanas, in piece, as cotton cloth, ss. 1M.n1.">.. not less than 15 per cent. Band cards, with lines only, as printed matter, ss. 1,991. . 25 per cent. Band, iron or steel, same as hoop. •• galvanized the same rate as the corre- sponding gauge of band steel and per lb. ,-;, ct . " leather, unmanufactured 20 per cent. Bande brode\ as embroidery, ss. 16,81 1 16,873 60 per cent. Banding, glace cotton, as webbing, -- I7,47"i 15 per cent . Bands, cotton embroidered 60 per cent. of gilt paper, embus i 7.258 per lb. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. cotton, hem-titrlu d. as Ir'u in . .. MO per cent, " silk 50 per cent. " sweat, for hats, leather, as manufactures of leather, bs. 15.723 35 per cent. Banker may declare to invoice of goods forwarded by him, 88. 12,611. Banks oil (cod liver) as fish oil, ss. 810 per gal. 8 cts. Par. of tin Port Of Xi w York. l6d Banners for benevolent society are dutiable, bs. (',956. Banners for churches, uh regalia, ss. 7,343 Free. Baptismal font is not regalia, ss. 6,249. Barbadoes, packages weighing 11 lbs. or under can be im- ported from, in mails, ss. 8,641. Barbary gum, crude Free . " '• advanced in value per lb. Y\ ct. and 10 per cent. Barbedienne bronzes, as manufactures of metal, ss.l 1,552. 45 per cent. Barbe noires, as silk wearing apparel, ss. 1,581 60 per cent. Barberry wine for dressing morocco, ss. 6,297-9,103-12,537. per lb. % ct. Barege, as wool dress goods, weighing 4 ozs. or less and value not over 70 cents per lb per sq. yd. 11 cts. and 50 per ct. " " " value over 70 cts. per lb. per sq. yd. 11 cts. and 55 per ct. " veilings, wool, ss. 6,799 same as above. Bar ends, iron, as iron bars, ss. 3,624-6,351 per lb. -ft cts. Barges of foreign build may be employed on rivers and lakes of U. S. without enrollment, ss. 4,481. " made from foreign vessels imported and cut down, if of American ownership, may be employed on waters of northern and northwestern frontiers, ss. 4,214-4,287. ;l of Canadian build cannot be enrolled, permanent use of sails on them entails a forfeiture of cargo and payment of alien touuage tax at each port of arrival, ss. 4,625. " permanent bending of sail on, necessitates enroll- ment or license, ss. 4,034. Barium, binoxide, as chemical salt, ss. 15,073 25 per cent. " chloride, as chemical salt, ss. 6,301 25 per cent. " peroxide of, as chemical salt, ss. 15,073 25 per cent. Bark, medicinal, non-edible, crude Free. " " " advanced in value. .per lb. >4 ct. and 10 per ct. " birch, manufactures of, ss. 5,469 35 per cent. " cinchona or other from which quinine can be ex- tracted Free. " cork, unmanufactured Free. " " cut in squares or cubes for corks per lb. 8 cts. " " manufactures of 25 per cent. " fibrous part of, as fibrous veg. subst.. ss. 14.830 Free. " hemlock, extracts of per lb. }4 ct. " " ground, ss. 3,225 20 per cent. " extracts for tanning and dyeing per lb. % cts. " " medicinal, non-alcoholic 25 per cent. " " " alcoholic per lb. 55 ct j .. but, not less than 25 per cent. " sheets, advanced in value 20 per cent. Barley, caustic (sabadiUa Beed) as crude drag, ss. 13,001... Free. " crude, 48 lbs. to bushel, ss. 6,156 per bush. 30 cents, 170 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Barley, hulled, patent or pearled per lb. 2 cents. " malt, 34 lbs. to bushel pur bush. !."> cents. " no allowance for draff, ss. 3,400. " pulverized, as n. e. manufactured article 20 per cent. Barometers, according to material of chief value, ss. 1,606. " pocket, as manufactures of metal, ss. 17,658.. 45 per cent. " tubes for. as blown glasses. 13,505 60 per cent. Barrel buttons, wool, elastic or non-elastic. .per lb. 50 cts. and 00 per ct. " hoops of iron or steel, ss. 5,089-6,233, rate on iron or steel and in addition per lb. ,'„ ct. " shooks, as manufactures of wood, ss. 57 35 per cent. " staves, ss. 3,694 4,680-7,495 10 per cent. " " from countries levying an export duty, etc. Barrels, American manufacture, exported filled and re- turned empty, ss. 8,157-12,751-12,836 Free. " American manufacture, coopered abroad, ss. 3,810 Free. " American manufacture, exported filled and re- turned as shooks, ss. 57 35 per cent- " American manufacture, exported empty and re- turned filled with foreign products Free. " American manufacture, if filled with foreign products paying a rate of duty based on value must be included to determine value, ss. 13,512. " containing oranges, lemons, limes, etc., etc 30 per cent. " empty wooden, ss. 4,276 30 per cent. " forged shotgun in single tube, rough-bored, ss. 12,787-13,329 Free. " glass, containing brandy, ss. 3,431 45 per cent. " double for sporting breech-loading shotguns and rifles ftn ther advanced in manufacture than rough-bored only, ss. 11,703-13,326 $3 each and 35 per cent. " made from American shooks or staves, returned filled, ss. 17,722 Free. Barwood, crude Free . " advanced in value, ss. 3,577 per lb. >4 ct. and 10 percent. Baryta acetate, as chemical salt 25 pel- cent . " artificial, as chemica] salt, ss. 3,378 25 per cent. " carbonate (witherite) Free. " ground, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 17,183 20 per cent. " chlorate, as chemical salt, ss. 2,117 6,301 36 percent. manufactured per ton $5.25. " nitrate, as chemical salt, ss. 6.172 25 per cent. anmanufactured per ton 75 cts. Baryta sulphate, manufactured, ss. 3.37s per ton $5.25. " unmanufactured, s-. 1,856 per ton 75 cts. Barytes artificial, sulphate of per lb. '._, ct. and barytes earth, manufactured per ton $5.25. " " " unmanufactured psr ton 75 cte. Base bullion, ss. 2,507 7,648 7,996 8,481 per lb. 2% cts. of the Port of New Fork 171 Basic slag, ground or unground per ton $1.00. Basils, as skins tanned for morocco, ss. 7,863 10 per cent. Basins, alms, as church regalia , Free. " " as manufacture?, metal 45 per cent. imitation of marble, as p't'd e. w., ss: 0,954 60 per cent. " indurated fibre ware 35 per cent. Basket makers 1 osier or willows, ss. 17,745 20 per cent. Baski is. bamboo, as manufactures of wood, ss. 6,913- 11,375-13,199 35 per cent. " bamboo, are unusual coverings for lea, ss. 8,236- 12,504 35 per cent. " China, decorated, ss. 9,013 60 per cent. " fancy, are unusual coverings for confectionery, ss. 8,907. fancy, in part wool, as manufactures wool, ss. I Value not more than 40 cts. per 11> per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. q Am a «ii • ' Value above 40 cts. and not above », per cent. Bayonets 45 per cent. Bdellium gum, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. 14 ct. and 10 per cent. Beaded bamboo curtains, 2 beads between bamboos, ss. 12,144 35 per cent. " " 3 or more beads between bam- boos, ss. 12,144 60 percent. (rice) curtains, ss. 19,495 60 per cent. cords for manufacture of trimmings, as beads strung, ss. 16,857 60 per cent. gimps, steel beads, ss. 1,583 9,078 60 per cent. lace collars, as beaded ornaments, ss. 4,986 16,981. 60 per cent. laces, Bilk chief value, ss. 6,375 00 per cent. manufactures of wool per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. or spangled fabrics, nets or nettings, laces, em- broideries, galloons, wearing apparel, ornaments, trimmings and other articles n. o. p. f. not com- posed in part of wool 60 per cent. ornaments, ss. 16,093 16,108 16,829 00 per cent. 390 Silk lace squares, glass chief value, ss. 8,248 60 per cent. 408 " trimmings, ss. 11,190 II, 882 12,704 10.221 60 per cent. 390 " Bilk chief value, ss. 18,320-16,226-16,406, 60 per cent, Pur. of the Port of New York. 173 Headed trimmings, gelatine chief value, ss. 14,165 60 per cent. " wool cloaks, ss 17,941 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Beading, cotton, as trimmings, ss. 15,014-17,592-17,950 60 per cent. " silk, ss. 14,701 60 per cent. Bead jewelry, ss. 5,346 60 per cent. " covers, or globes for electric lights, ss. 17,173 60 per cent. " necklaces, coral, ss. 8,913 60 per cent. " ornaments, ss. 4,203-8,959 10,541 60 per cent. " rosaries, glass chief value, ss. 8,316 60 per cent. " trimmings, all articles commercially known as 60 per cent. Beads, agate, unstrung, ss. 12,112 35 per oent. " " for watch chains, necklaces, etc., ss. 9,214. . . 35 per rent. " of all kinds not threaded or strung 35 per cent. " amber, unstrung , 35 per cent. " amber strung, ss. 21,053 60 per cent. " celluloid, strung with brass clasps, as jewelry, ss. 11,033 60 per cent. " coral, strung, ss. 8,913 60 per cent. " " unstrung, sa. 21,879 36 per cent. " dough and metal, unstrung, ss. 13,619 35 per cent. " made of dough, strung, ss. 21,287 60 per cent. " gelatine, unstrung, ss. 14,622 35 per cent. " glass, unstrung, ss. 8,161-17.397-17,673 35 per cent. " " strung 60 per cent. " " metal lined, unstrung, ss. 12,943 35 per cent. ' ' hair, for trimmings, ss. 7,895 35 per cent. " imitation jet, as glass, unstrung, ss. 8,919-10,330. . . 35 per cent. " " pearls, as glass, unstrung, ss. 6,992 35 per cent. " metal, unstrung, ss. 6,816-9,078 35 per cent. " nail heads, unstrung, ss. 17,673 35 per cent. " onyx, unstrung, ss. 2,534-2,645-21,054 35 per cent. " " strung on soft wire, ss. 7,832 60 per cent. " " " hard wire, ss. 8,751 60 per cent. " " " cord with brass clasp, ss. 7,420- 12,636 13,790 60 per cent. " pearls, not strung 10 per cent. " screw, for ornamenting combs, ss. 8,987 60 per cent. " turquoise, not strung, ss. 13,347-21,054 35 per cent. wax, so called, not strung, ss. 11,209-11,361 -11,382- 12,023-15,323 35 per cent. " wood, unstrung, ss. 8,161 35 per cent. Beam knives 45 per cent. Beams, bulb, iron or steel, plain, punched, or fitted for use . per lb. T B 5 ct. " deck, ss. 13,698 per lb. & ct. " scale, metal 45 per cent. " structural iron per lb. {- 6 ct. " with metal flanges are unusual coverings forcarpel warps or yarn, ss. 6,715 45 per cent. " wooden 35 per cenl . i htstorm Brola rs and < krks Isso Bean curd, as a. e. manufactured article, ss. 8,819 9,26"! 10,243-10,262-14,618 20pi " stick, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 10,243 13,20*! 1 1,618 20 per cent. Beans, castor, 50 lbs. p6r bushel per bush. 25 cts. " edible, 60 lbs. per bushel, ss. 17,899 per bush. 15 cts. edible, in brine ae prepared, ss. 13,207 40 per cent. " frijol negro, ;ire edible per bush. 45 cts. ground per lb. % ct. " " shelled per lb. 1 ct. " locust 1'rcc. " medicinal, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " prepared or preserved in tins, jars, bottles or similar packages, per lb. including weight of all tins, jars and other immediate coverings .pei H>. :' ■_• cts salted, packed in wooden boxes, ss. 21,456 40percent. " St. John s, ss. 6,8! l " tonka, crystal or powder, a-- crude vegetable sub- stance, ss. J 1,836 Free. " tonka, tonquin or tonqua Free. " from non-reciprocal countries per lb. 50 cts. " string (in pod, green) as beans, ss. 18.523 vanilla, ss. 19,454 Free. " " from non-reciprocal countries per lb. j 00 rut- " " " per lb. J1.00. " " advanced per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent " " in alcohol, as an alcoholic compound 6,481 per lb. 60 cts. ami i:> per cent. Bears 80 per cent. ins dressed with lead. a- tnanufa tares fur. -s. 3,351. ■'!."> per cent. " " dressed only, ss. 3,351 20 percent " " raw Free. Beauxite,ss. 9,415 13,655 per ton $1.00. refined, as alumina, ss. 15,980 per lb. ,';, ct. Beches de mer, as dried fish, ss. 1 1,585 per He :i i ct. Bed downs 15 per cent. " feathers 15 j ronOl 1.") per cent. " sets, cotton lai e, a - cotton lace, ss. 6,21 1 21,918 60 per cent. " " made on Nottingham machine. See laces. •• ■■ iace and silk, ss. 7,272-21,918 60percent. " siiics. wool, Bame as ■ Beds, feather, a- ad\ 50 per cent, hair curled For 10 per cent. •■ in,. sul » for. . I > Bedspread era] cali ed together, as m mufac 45 pi manufacture ! J6. . . . 45 per ci at, " metal, parts of , as manufactures of, se. 10,114 15 per cent of the Port of New York 175 BedticMng, as cotton cloth. Beef, fresh per lb. 3 cts. " corned, in barrels, ss. 7,599 35 per cent. " prepared or preserved, ss. 7,599 25 per cent. Beer is dutiable oti wine gallon of 231 cubic inches, ss. 4,068. " " " on actual quantity imported, ss. 5,8(52- 5,971. " is not a liquor, ss. 14,018. " in bottles or jugs, no additional duty on bottles or jugs per gall. 40 cts. " otherwise than in bottles or jugs per gall. 20 cts. " " " domestic, spoiled, duty equal to Int. Kev. Tax, ss. 16,291. " Dantzic spruce, as beer, ss, 5,372. " ginger (see beverages). " weiss, condensed, as malt extract, ss. 8,876-14,149 in casks per gall. 20 cts. " " " in bottles or jugs per gall. 40 cts. " " bottles are dutiable as empty. " peptonized, as alcoholic medicinal preparation, ss. 12,843 55 cts. per lb., but not less than 35 per cent. " bottles, American manufacture, exported filled and returned empty, ss. 18,667 Free. " coloring, ss. 3,732 50 per cent. " mugs, earthenware, not decorated, ss. 2,904 55 per cent. " " " decorated 60 per cent. " " " " with metal tops, ss. 14,317 60 per cent. " " brown earthenware with metal tops, ss. 6,578- 10,133 11,855 45 per cent. Bees, for breeding purposes, ss. 3,340-11,015 11,274 Free. " in swarms or hives, ss. 3,340 20 per cent. Beeswax, ss. 11,751 . Free. " manufactures of 25 per cent. Beetroot ashes, ss. 9.142 Free. Beet juice, sirups ( >f, same as sugar. " root sliced and kiln dried, ss. 31,965 40 per cent. ■■ seed, ss. 1,791 6,046 6,093-7,313-9,142 30 per cent. " " sugar Free. " waste for paper stock Free. Beets, in natural srat'- 35 per cent. prepared or preserved 40 per cent. essence of red, .-is distilled spirits per proof gall. *3.35. lichen or ben root, crude Free. " " " advanced in value per lb. ' j ct. and 10 per cent. Belladonna leaf or root, crude ss. 19,455 Free. " " " " advanced in value, per lb. '( ct. and 10 per cent. plasters, ss. 9,228 35 per cent. Bell metal, broken and fit only for remanufacture Free 176 Customs Brofars and VUrkx I Bellows, hand, as manufactures <>f leather, sb. 12,013 36 per cent. " anil bellows pipes, as manufactures of metal, 88. 6(655 -15 per rem. " nails, cast, as wrought nails, as. 7.257 per lb. 2'i cts. Bells, of small value, as toys, ss. 2.H73-2,983-3,382 35 per cent. " broken, tit only for remanufacture Free. " church, ss. 2,532-9,414 45 per cent. " " chimes of. ss. 9.414 45 per cent. " electric, as manufactures of metal, ss. 5,941 45 per cent. " frames for, according to material, ss. 2,683, Belouga isinglass, a> isinglass. — . 9.481. Belt dressing, as blacking 25 per cent. Belthal water, as natural mineral water, ss. 4,073. Belting, cotton, with metal threads in edge. ss. 7.0X2 18,234 15 per cent. " cotton and animal hair, ss. 9,6(56, per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " india rubber 30 per cent. " of leather, as manufactures of leather. s<. 6,967.. 35 per cent. " leather unmanufactured 20 per cent. silk, chief value, ss. 12,969-15,851 50 per cent. " wool, chief value per lb. 50 cts and 60 per cent. Beit pins, wholly of metal 35 per cent. " " all others according to material. " stuffing, as varnish, ss. 3,654 35 per cent. Belts, endless, for printing or for paper, ss. 9,532-11,381: Value not more than 10 cts. per lb per lb. 33c. and 50 per cent. value above 40 cents and not above 70 cents per lb per lb. 44c. and 50 per cent. value above 70 cts. per lb per lb. lie. and 55 per cent. " cotton, embroidered, as wearing apparel, ss. 17, 139. 60 per cent. " " lace, as wearing apparel, ss. 16,421 60 per cent. leather, ss. 9. lis 15,972 35 per cent. " leather and bronze, as manufactures of metal, ss. 9,188 45 percent. silk, as wearing apparel, as. I3.III 60 per cent. " "and collodion, according to chief value, ss. 1 1,826, Bend leather 20 per cent. Benedictine, as cordial, ss. 9.123 10,66:! per proof gall. $8.25. " in bottles, bottles dutiable as empty. Beneiigenin m'S plant) a- vegetables 11. s. p. f 25 percent. Bene "il Free. Benevolent societies not entitled lo free entry, ss. s.ilCi. Bengalines, as woolen dress goods, ss. 12,840 1 1,1 ii ! Value not over 70 cts, per lb., and weighing mil over 4 oz. per s(|. yd., per sq. yd. lie. and 5; I per cent, value over ;o cis. per lb., and weighing not over I 0/.. per si|. yd per sq. yd. I la and 66 per cent. weighing over l oz.persq.yd.,as woollen cloth. Benjamin gum, crude Free. advanced in value per lb. 14 Ct. and 10 pel' cent. Beut gla8s, in addition to rate on Btraight, ss. 1,398 5percent. 1'ar. of the Port of Neiv York. 177 Benzaldehyde Free. Beuzidin Free. Benzine, as coal tar products 20 per cent. Benzoates 25 per cent. Benzoin gum, crude Free. " " refined— advanced in value, per lb. 14 c ^- an d 10 P er cent. Benzole, as coal tar products, ss. 16.203 Free. Benzonaphthol as med. coal tar preparation, ss. 17,922- 21,951 25 per cent. Benzosol, as alcoholic medicinal preparation, ss. 15,173... , per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. Benzyl Free. " chloride Free. Bequests are dutiable as merchandise, ss. 272-14,854. Berberine, as alcoholic medicinal preparation, ss. 13,701.. per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. " crystals, as medicinal preparation, ss. 11,973. . . 25 per cent. Bergamot oil Free. Berg crystal as manufactures of quartz, ss. 15,839 50 per cent. Berlin blue, dry or ground in oil per lb. 8 cts. " " in pulp or mixed with water per lb. 8 cts. " rugs per sq. ft. 10 cts. and 40 per cent. Berries, edible, in natural condition, ss. 19,532 per qt. 1 ct. " " dried, desiccated, evaporated or prepared. 88. 20,036 per lb. 2 cts. " green, ripe or dried, n. s. p. f Free. " fox, in water, ss. 16,727 per qt. 1 ct. " non -edible, medicinal, crude Free. " " " advanced in value per lb. 14 ct - and 10 per cent. " strung for use as beads, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 7,733 20 per cent. Bessemer process, all metal produced by, as steel, ss. 327- 4,488. Beta-naphthylamine, as coal tar preparation, ss. 10,188 14,022 20 per cent. Btta-iiaphthol as coal tar preparation Free. Betel leaves, as n. e. unmanufactured article, ss. 10,740. . . 10 per cent. " nuts, " " " " ss. 10,746 10 per cent. Beveled glass, ss. 17,932, in addition to regular rates 5 per cent. Beverages, all spirituous per proof gall. $2.25. in bottles, bottles dutiable as empty. containing no alcohol in plain green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, containing each not more than three-fourths of a pt., per doz. 18 cts. containing more than three-fourths of a pint each and not more than one and one-half pints per doz. 28 cts. no separate or additional duty on bottles, otherwise than in plain green or colored, Par. 178 ' toms Hroi;. is and Clerks Association molded or pressed, glas- bottli s, or in Buch bottles containing more than one and one- half pint* each per gall, 50 cts. and, duty on bottles, or other coverings, al rates on same empty. Bezoar stones, as grindstones per ton $1 .75. Bibs, cotton, as wearing apparel, SB. 13,661 15,867 50 per cent. " linen, " " " ss. 12,110-12,901 50 per cent. " silk, " " " GO per tent. " if embroidered 60 per cent. Bicarbonate of potash, ss. 4,117 11,189 *5 percent. " of soda per lb. % ct. Bichromate of potash per lb. 3 cts. " of soda per lb. 2 cts. Bickirons 45 per cent. Bicycle, as manufactures, metal, ss. 0,384-6,499-10,395.. . 45 per cent. " of American manufacture, ss. 18,297 Free. •• are not personal effects, ss. 12,629-14,368-15,219 -15,973-16,035 -19,446 45 per cent. " foreign manufacture can be brought across the 1 'or- der for temporary use not exceeding 5 days, ss. 18,363. " as vehicles when brought by an immigrant, ss. 18,875-18,886 Free. " in use abroad 1 year or more as household effects, ss. 18,937 Free, " are household effects, ss. 18,937-19,365 Free, " are not tools of trade, ss. 12,629 13 785. " axles, as axles of iron or steel, ss. 14,291, palm not more than 6 cts. per lb per lb. 1 ct. " cement, ss. 8,507-19,350 20 per cent. " cranks, nickel-plated, as mfrs. of metal, ss. 15,011. 45 percent. " of Canadian Wheelmen Ass'n, bs. 19,428-22,017. " " Cyclists' Touring Club, ss. 20,108. " cranks, plain steel, ss. 15,011, as steel in " forks, as steel tubes, ss. 13,904 85 per cent, frames, as manufactures metal, ss. I 1.225 45 per cent. " handles, cork and metal, as manufactures of cork, ss. 15,15? 25 per ct at. " hubs, as manufactures of metal, ss. 15,011 16 per cent, " gearing chains, as chains, ss. 9,073 9,969 not less than 15 per cent. " lining for tires 45 per cent. " ante and bolts, bs. 14,291 per lb. lj^cts. " "protector! " containing fulminates, ss. 20,652 — 20 per cent. rims tor wheels, as mfrs., metal, ss. 11,976 15 per cent. " saddles, as manufactures, metal, bs. i 1,783 17,507. 45 per cent. " screws,- as manufactures of metal, SB 14,291 15,15*3 15 percent. " tires, lining tor, of cotton 45 per cent. Par. 103 193 135 135 403 400 417 449 450 584 13 of (he Port of New York. ltfl Bicycle tubes, cut to length for manufacture of, as tubes, ss. 11,040 35 per cent. " of tourists, ss. 20,108. " wheels, as manufacture 9, metal, 88. 1 1,235-14,695. 45 per cent. Bijouterie, is not jewelry, SB. 2,982 45 per cent. Billet ends, as steel in shapes (see ingots), ss. 0,544-7,359. Billets, steel (see steel ingots). Billheads, printed 25 per cent. " lithographed (see lithographs). Billiard balls, bone, ivory or other matei ial, ss. 1.119 50 per cent. " " bone, unfinished, as manufactures, bone, etc., ss. 8,797 30 per cent. " " ivory, unfinished, as manufactures of ivory, 88. 13,559 35 per cent. Billiard ball blocks, ss. 11,870 Free. " chalk per lb. 1 ct. Bills of lading are required for every importation, ss. 10,150. " " consignees are alone entitled to make entry, ss. 14,194-15,207. " " consignment to a person as Agent of a Company are invalid, ss. 15,790. " " domestic, not required for I. T. goods, ss. 10,310-10.420-13.088. '• " drawn to order and indorsed in blank by shipper may be used for entry by holder, 88. 16,034. " " for I. T. goods, must show final port, ss. 4,582-9,237-9,742-10,310-10,426. " " indorsement of , to common carriers is valid, ss. 10,205. '• " must be retained in Custom House, ss. 4,897 -5,554-6,761. " " rights of shippers and common carriers de- fined by Act of Feb. 13, 1893, ss. 14,129. " " through, what are, ss. 8,384. " " to order, indorsee can make entry on, but actual owner's oath must be attached to entry, ss. 7,890-7,955-8,105-8,110-8,807- 13,412-16,034. " " unindorsed, cannot be used for entry, ss. • 8,202. Bills of sale of vessels which do not recite the certificate of registry, may be recorded, ss. " " " by an executor or guardian, must be accompanied by evidence of their fiduciary capacity, ss. 5,122. " " " may be acknowledged before a Par. 180 i 'attorns Brokers and Clerks Association justice of the peace who has no seal, 66. 3,924-4,278. Bills of sale of vessels should be recorded at home ports, SB; 1,731. " " " may be recorded, although col lector has been notified of the appointment of a receiver of the vessel by the court, 88. 3,547. " " " in which master is part owner, 88; 1,309. " " " arc not required to be recorded, although considered advisable, ss. 1,541. " " " what is required to make them legal, ss. 1,195 1,278. " pruning, as manufactures of steel, ss. 7,119 45 per cent. Bindings, cotton, ss. 18,981 -15 per cent. " " seam, ss. 15,689 45 per cent. " flax 45 per cent. 11 hemp 45 per cent. " jute 45 percent. " silk, se. 18,981 50 per cent. " wool, hair, etc , ss. 31,959 per lb. 50 cts. and GO per cent. Binding twine, New Zealand hemp. Istle or Tampico fiber, sisal grass or sunn, in whole or in part, of single ply not over 000 feet to pound Free. " " from country charging duty on per lb. i^c. " " of Manila hemp, 88. 18,850 45 per cut " " all other, according to material, ss. 14,951- 18,850. Binitro toluole, as coal tar product, ss. 10,490 13.57S Free. " benzole, as coal tar product Free. Birch bark, manufactures of. ss. 5. 169 85 per cent . " is not a cabinet wood, ss. 1 1,834. oil. as distilled oil, 86. 12,333 25 per cent . " tar, " " ss. 9.034 36 per cent. Bird peppers, crude, ss. 14,742 per lb. 2^ cts. " " ground, -Inly 11. 1862, Salem peril). 2^ cts. Birds' eggs, edible Free. " " not edible, prohibited, except specimens for scientific collections. Birds, artificial, made of natural feathers, ss. 7.2JS 50 per cent. " dressed and finished for millinery ornaments, ss. 1,454 1,290 H'.'.'.'.:'. 51) per cent. " jet, as bead ornament--. 88. 16, (88. 00 per cent. " living or dead, sb. 1,054 1,098-13,678 Free. " mechanical singing, ss. ID. li.M 16,219 45 per Cent. mounted with artificial flowers, etc., for mantel or- naments, ss. 0.320 50 per cent. of the Port of New York. 181 Birds' nests, ss. 18,010-33,054 30 per cent. " " Chinese, 88. 22,054 20 per cent. " skins, dyed as feathers, advanced, ss. 12,205-18,745. 50 per cent. " " or parts crude not dressed 15percent. " stuffed, not suitable for millinery ornaments, ss. 1.151 7,843 10,258-10,762-17,935 Free. Biscuit, dog, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 7,304 20 per cent. vi flour, as n. e. manufactured article 20 per cent. Bismarck brown, as coal tar color, ss. 3,927^,043 30 per cent. Bismuth Free. in sticks, ss. 8,868 Free. " oxide of 25 per cent. " subnitrate, as medicinal preparation, ss. 11.227. . . 25 per cent. betanaphthol, ss. 21,360 25 per cent. Bisque babies are not dolls, ss. 13,805 60 per cent. " dolls and doll heads 35 per cent. " painted, tinted or otherwise decorated 60 per cent. " not " " " 55 per cent. Bits, boring, of steel 45 per cent. Bitter apples, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. y± ct. and 10 per cent. Bitters, alcoholic, ss. 9,386-10,418-11,138 per proof gall. $2.25. angostura, ss. 2,498 9,289-18,108 per proof gall. J2.25. " Arp's pepsin, as alcoholic, ss. 8,673-9,195. .per proof gall. §2.35. " aromatique, as alcoholic, ss. 9,289 per proof gall. $2.25. " Boonekamp of Maag, ss. 9.236 -18,108 per proof gall. $2 25. " Dr. Richter's anchor, as alcoholic, ss. 9,236. per proof gall. $2.25. " orange, as alcoholic, ss. 9,113 per proof gall. $2.25. " " in bottles, bottles pay as empty. " hop, non-alcoholic, as n. e. manufactured article. 20 per cent. Bitumen, crude not dried, or otherwise manipulated or treated per ton $1.50. if dried, etc , etc per ton $3.00. 15 per cent, or less limestone asphalt per ton 50 cts. over 15 per cent, bitumen per ton $1 50. de Inde, crude, ss. 4,753 per ton $1 50. from Epirus, Turkey, is crude, ss. 14,813 per ton $1.50. from Beirut, is crude, ss. 14,814 per ton $1.50. manufactured as mineral substances mf'd, 88. 21 ,343 35 per cent. Bituminous coal, ss. 10,334 12,251-13,402 per ton 67 cts. " limestone, ground, as n. e. manufactured arti- cle, ss. 13,890 20 per cent. Black, bone, dry or ground in oil or water 25 per cent. " copper Free. " diamond, as coal tar color, ss. 19,216 30 per cent. dye, as extract of logwood, ss. 6,350 per lb. % ct. " Frankfort, dry or ground in oil or water 25 per cent. " ivory drop, " " " 25 per cent. " lamp, " " " 25 per cent. 182 / ustoms Brokers and Ckrkt A Black lead or plumbago, crude Free. " advanced in value, ss. 691 1 .017 30 pei " '• dust or powder, us n. e. manufactured article, ss.691 SO per cent. lead pots of sand and clay, as b. e. w.. 88. 3,845.. . . 25 per cent. " oil, for wool dressing, as expressed oil, ss. (i.i (3 35 per cent. " oxide of tin Free. •' paste, as logwood extract, ss. 3,633 16,1 10 per lb. % ct. " pigment containing lead, ss. 16,819 per lb. 3% cts. " salts of aniline Free. " " or cr. carb. of potasb, ss. 2,729 5,354 Free. " steam, ss. 13,596-16,710-18,057 25 per cent. taggers, iron or steel (t ?gers). " tares, as crude auiline salts Free. " vegetable of all kinds, dry or ground in oi! or water 25 per cent. Blacking of all kinds, 88.19,415 25 per cent. i i tlis' hammers and sledges, iron or steel per lb. lj^j cts. Bladders, animal, crude Free. " all manufactures of. 25 per cent. " fish, crude, ss. 13,549 Free. " " bleached, as gelatine, 88. 10,785-14,105. " " manufactured, as gelatine, ss. 9, " not crude, as gelatine, ss. 153. Blades for pocket knives, rare on pocket knives, but not less than per piece 5 cts. and 40 per cent . " " razors, wholly or partly finished, same rate as razors. " ; ' swords 35 per cent. Blancard's pills and syrup, ss. 6,837 35 per cent. Blanc fixe, or satin white ". per lb. i ._> ct. Blanc mange powder 20 per cent. Blank bOOke of all kinds 25 per cent. " " memorandum, with tine leather covers, ss. 9,904 25perceut. Blanketing, woolen, tor machines, as woolens. --.: Me not more than In cts. per lb per lb. :;:! cts. and 50 per cent. leabovi 10 cts. and not above 70 t-\^. per lb. .per lb. 41 cts. and 50 percent. \ aim ovei 70 d per lb per lb. If Ct8. and .V, per cent. " •■ • piei e, ae woolens, bs 1,371 9,013. . endless, cotl ted with rubber, bs. 86 15 I'd' (.'lit. " gentionella, as manufactures, wool, horse, as wool blankets, ss. 15,031. " " accompanying free animals, bs. 6,777 Free. " rubber, for printing machines i ares india rubber, ss. 17,266 30 pei eenl " steaming, as manufactures wool ss. 18,890. of the Port of New York. 183 Blankets, woolen, wholly or in part, 3 yds. long or less : r Value not over 40 ots. per lb., per lb. 22 cts. and 30 per cent. J " over 40 cts. and not over 60 cts. per lb. per 11). 33 cts. and 35 per cent. [ " over 50 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 40 per cent. " wool or animal hair, over 3 yds. long : f Value not more than 40 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. i " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 percent. [ " over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 14 ets. and 55 per cent. Blank forms, printed 25 per cent. " " lithographic (see lithographs). " labels, printed 25 per cent. " " lithographic (see lithographs). Blanks for railway wheels per lb. 1J£ cts. " -bolt of iron or steel per lb. 1)4 cts. (2V> inches and under per doz. 30 cts. ii fi1 J Over 2% inches and not over 4V, inches . . . per doz. 50 cts. 1 4 ] /o and under 7 inches in length per doz. 75 cts. 1,7 inches and over per doz. $1.00. " -hinge, of iron or steel per lb. 1)4 cts. '• -horn comb, as mfrs. of horn, ss. 17,734 30 per cent. -horse shoe nail, as mfrs. metal, ss. 12,929-13,201 . . 45 per cent. " or blank forms for deeds, notes, etc., ss. 3,941 25 per cent. Blasting caps, ss. 9,564-15,158 per 1,000 $2.36. " ™„r,w I Value 20 cts. or less per lb per lb. 4 cts. powaer, - ( „ over 20 cts. per lb per lb. 6 cts. Blattstiteh is embroidery, ss. 15.154 00 per cent. Blay linens as woven fabrics. Bleached flowers 25 per cent. Grasses, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 8,639- 10,073-13,375 20 per cent. The same if suitable for millinery purposes 50 per cent. Bleaching liquid, ss. 10,006 25 per cent. " powder per lb. J ct. " " soap, soda carb., and sapf'd resin, as chemical compound, ss. 12,041 25 per cent. Bleu d'orient, ss. 3,361 30 per cent. Blenrapeur en pate, ss. 2,643 30 per cent. Bloater paste, ss. 7,388-12,566 14,267 40 per cent. Bloaters, in barrels, pickled per lb. % ct. " in tin or other packages 30 per cent. Blocks, gun, rough hewn or sawed or planed on one side, ss. 6,936 Free. " last, wagon, oar, heading, and all like blocks or sticks, rough hewn, sawed or bored 20 per cent. " cubic, in boxes as toys, ss. 9,746 35 per cent. " finished, ss. 6,936 35 per cent. " for brushes, ss. 17,820 20 per cent. " lignum-vitse for bowling balls, ss. 10,504 15 per cent. " tank of clay 35 per cent. Block tin Free. 184 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Blood char, composed wholly or chiefly of carbon, 88. 19,250 35 per cent. " dragon's Free. " dried, n. s. p. f Free. " " soluble per lb. 1J4 cts. " pudding, ss. 7,006 20 per cent. Bloodstones, as precious stones, ss. 18,016. Bloom ends, as steel ingots, ss. 6,544-7,359. Blooms, iron, ss. 2,152 per lb. / ct. " if charcoal is used per ton $12.00. " iron or steel, for railway wheels per lb. 1 J4 cts. " steel, as steel ingots, ss. 4,259-8,195. Blotters, ink, wool, paper and shell, as manufactures wool, ss. 7,208: Blowage, no allowance for, on wines or liquors, ss. 8,134. Blue, Berlin, Chinese, Prussian : In pulp, dry or ground in oil or in water, contain- ing ferrocyanicide of iron peril). 8 its. " billy, as residuum of burnt pyrites, ss. 14.385 per ton 40 cts. " developer, as coal tar preparation, ss. 13,607 20 per cent. " galls or nut galls, crude Free. " " " advanced in value per lb. X ct. and 10 per cent. " " powdered, as tannin, ss. 16,941-17,354 per lb. 50 cts. " lake, ground with water, ss. 4,950 , 30 per cent. " " in oil 30 per cent. " mass, ss. 620 35 per cent. " pull), &8 n. c. manufactured article, ss. 4,089 20 per cent. " ultramarine, dry or in pulp. ss. 12,215 per lb. '&% cts. " vitriol perlb.J^ct. " wash, containing ultramarine per lb. 3££ cts. " " no ultramarine, as coal tar color, ss. 13,060. . 30 per cent. Hoard, academy, Bristol, paste ami straw, ss. 6, 163 12,216. 25 per cent. " measure, is inch measure, ss. 1,770. Boarding officers will not wait for examination of vessel by health or quarantine officers, ss. 2,245. " must make their indorsements on mani- fests, and not on pieces of paper attached thereto, ss. 3,757. Hoards, sawed of whitewood, sycamore, and basswood, per M. feet board measure, $1.00. Rut when planed or finished, in addition tn the rates above, for each side planed or finished per M. feet board measure, 50 cts. If planed on one side and tongued and grooved, per M. feet board measure, $1.00. Planed on two sides and tongued and grooved, , per M . feet board measure. $1.50. and in estimating board measure under this schedule no deduction shall bo made on board of the Port of Neiv York. 185 measure on account of planing, tongueing and grooving : Provided, That if any country or dependency shall impose an export duty upon saw logs, round unmanufactured timber, stave bolts, shingle bolts, or heading bolts, exported to the United States, or a discriminating charge upon boom sticks, or chains used by American citizens in towing logs, the amount of such ex- port duty, tax, or other charge, as the case may be, shall be added as an additional duty to the duties imposed upon the articles mentioned in this paragraph when imported from such coun- try or dependency. Boards of cedar, lignum-vitae, lancewood, ebony, box, granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, satinwood, and all other cabinet woods 15 per cent . Boas, lambskin lined with cotton, as infra, fur, as. 18,083. 35 per cent. Boat horns are not musical instruments, ss. 3,955 45 per cent. Boats, for frontier vessels, dutiable, ss. 385-1,172. " life, imported by society for saving human life Free. " are not household effecta, ss. 7,611-12,001. " according to material, ss. 7,611. Bobinet cotton, as. 5,944 9,184 10,064-14,166-14,177 60 per cent linen, as. 9,184-14,166-14,177 60 per cent Bobbins, as manufactures of wood, ss. 5,886 35 per cent. Bookings, ae baize, aa. 3,279 per sq. yd. 22 eta. and 40 per cent. Bodkins, metal, ss. 4,703 6,724 6,828-10,653 25 per cent. ' ' bone 30 per cent. " ivory 35 per cent. Bog oak, or bog wood jewelry 60 per cent. " ore, as iron ore, ss. 13,943 per ton 40 eta . Boiler bottoms, of iron, tin and lead, ss. 2,329 45 per cent. flues, tubes, pipes or atays, of wrought iron or steel, not thinner than No. 16 w. g per lb. 2 cts. all others finished, n. s. p. f 35 per cent. " plate, iron or steel, not thinner than number 10 wire gauge, sheared or unsheared, ss. 3,463-3,870 : Valued at one cent per lb. or less per lb. T B ct. Valued above one cent and not above two cents per lb. f a ct. Valued above two cents and not above four cents per lb 1 cent. Valued at over four cents per lb 25 per cent. " plate, iron or steel, thinner than number 10 wire gauge shall pay as iron or steel sheets. " " shearings, as scrap iron, ss. 9,490-11,356 per ton $4.00. " punchings and clippings, as scrap iron or steel, ss. 8,054 per ton $4.00. Boilers, of plate iron, as manufactures of metal, ss. 7,536.. 45 per cent, 186 Customs Brokers and Clerks .1 taociation Boilers, of domestic manufacture recovered from wreck of foreign vessel in American waters, bs. 1,847 Free. Bole, Armenian (as clay), ss. 3,342 per ton $1.00 " cosmetic as toilet preparation, ss. 3,342.. 50 pei Bologna sausages, ss. 5,472-7,361 -11,876. Free. " in lard, as prepared meat, ss. 13,761 .... 25 per cent. Bolt blanks, iron or steel per lb. \\4> cts. Bolting cloths, silk, especially for milling purposes, and so permanently marked as not to be avail- able for any other use, ss. 10,626-10,795- 12,554-17,936-18,276 Free. " all other as woven fabrics in the piece, ss. 10,273-13,627. " copper wire, ss. 17,496 17,536, per lb. 1J4 cts. & 15 per ct. " flax scrims are not, ss. 15,231. Bolt rope of New Zealand hemp, istle or Tampico fiber, manila, sisal grass or sunn per lb. 1 cent. " " all other according to material. Bolts, for door fastenings, iron or steel 45 per cent. heading or stave 20 per cent. handle and shingle Free. iron or steel, with or without threads or nuts per lb. \y 2 cts. stay ami stud, as bolts, ss. 15,15!) per lb. 1% Cts. spoke, ss. 6,614, rough hewn, etc 20 per cent. Bombs, Chinese, as lire crackers, including weight of all coverings, wrappings and packing material, ss. 6,037- 11,687 per lb. 8 cts. Bonbonniers, as fancy boxes, ss. t,223 l,2(iS 45 per cent. Bonbon boxes in form of owls are toys. ss. 15,146 17,956.. 35 per cent. " dolls, as toys, ss. 14,934 35 per cent. Bonded goods from Canada for exportation, may be en- tered and duties paid at exterior port as an original importation, ss. 3,886. " goods for exportation may lie entered for con- sumption, ss. 1 7,088. drays. Importer cannot hold bondsmen of, re- sponsible for loss or dam oods, ss. 1,301. warehouse, only a whole building can be made a, ss. 3,608. " " cellars and vaults may be used foi storage of wine, I lust. Reg., 1892, Art. 669. " " proprietors are'liable, ss.694. " cars, must not beopi ned by unauthorized persons, 5, 167. Bond paper, same as writing paper. Bone ash, fit onlj for manufacture of fertilizers, Nbs. 1 and under, ss. 17,256 Free. '■ ash. id for other purposes, ss. .'n.-.'i; 20 percent. •• all manufactures of, n. s. p. f 30 per cent. of the Port of X< w York. 187 Bone balls, bagatelle, billiard, chess and pool black, dry or ground in oil or water, ss. 1,316 black, spent, as animal carbon, fit only for fertilizing purposes, ss. 14,700 buttons, or parts and blanks, ss. -1,340 per line per gross J4 ct. and casings, cotton or vegetable fiber, ss. 14,310-10,002. . . silk " silk and cotton, as silk, ss. 16,359-21,929 . . . char, for sugar refining, ss. 1,879-9,044 " exhausted, as substance fit only for manure, ss. 9,044-14,700 chess balls and chessmen cuttle fish dice, chessmen, billiard balls, etc dust, No. 3 and finer, ss. 17,356 " coarser than No. 3, as mfrs. bone, ss. 17,256.. . . grease, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 2,422 meal, as manufactures bone, ss. 15,521 necklaces, as manufactures of, ss. 3,119 screws for pipes, etc., ss. 4,925-8,957 size, as glue, ss. 10,796. tallow, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 12,349 views or lorgnettes, ss. 12,805 Bones or castanets, ss. 2,510 " crude, not burned, calcined, etc " burned, calcined, &c, &c, ss. 15,521-18,812 " dress of corium and animal fiber manufactures horn, ss. 17,933 Bonification tax, dutiable, Washington, Jan. 12, 1898. Bonnetforms of straw, ss. 12,430 " pins, wholly of metal, plain, not jewelry Bonnets, grass, etc., not trimmed, ss. 2,866-3,787 " " " if trimmed " materials for making or ornamenting, of straw, chip, grass, palm leaf, willow, osier or rattan: I not bleached, dyed, &c, &c ~i i f bleached, dyed, &c " fur, value not more than $5.00 per doz per doz. $2.00 and " " value more than $5.00 and not more than $10.00 per doz per doz. $3.00 and " " value more than $10.00 and not more than $20.00 per doz per doz. $5.00 and " " value more than $20.00 per doz per doz. $7.00 and silk, ss. 5,918 " silk velvet, as wearing apparel, ss. 14,235 " straw, untrimmed " " trimmed 50 per cent. 25 pel ceut. Free. 15 per cent. 45 per cent. 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. 50 per cent. Free. 50 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. GO per cent. 20 per cent. .45 per cent. 45 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 35 per cent. 35 per cent. 35 per cent. 50 per cent. 15 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. •.'it p. 'i- cenl . 00 per cent. 60 per cent. 35 per cent. 50 per cent. 1SS i ustoms Brokers and Clerks Association BonnetH, wool, as knit goods, SB. 6,718 per lb. 44 cts. ami 60 Bookbinders 1 agates, with ferruled handles, ss. 8,928-9,095- 13,795-18,837 50 " agates, plain 50 calfskins 20 " cloth,s6.3,&34-5,830-8,909-13,385-16,207-19,037 per sqr. yd. 3 cts. and 20 Booklets, as books, ss. 12,311 13,327 10.107 5 " lithographed in whole or in part, or decorated by hand per Books, American, exported and reimported, publishers' imprint sufficient evidence, ss. 12,742. " blank, bound or unbound 25 " bound or unbound, which shall have been printed more than twenty years at the date of importa- tion, and publications issued for their subscrib- ers or exchanges by scientific and literary asso- ciations or academies, or publications of indi- viduals for gratuitous private circulation, and public documents issued by foreign govern- ments, ss. 15,670-16,011-16,726 19,006 19*452 by mail, dutiable, ss. 11,305-14,873-18.551 25 cigarette and covers for 00 containing illuminated lithographic prints, for amusement of children, weighing 24 o/,s. or less, per copying, tissue paper per lb. 5 cts. and 15 ropy are not blank books. SB. 15,958 25 copyrighted in United States, reprints of, forfeited if imported, ss. 5,416 7,759. covers, imported separately, according to material of chief value, ss. 21,175. dutiable value of, ss. 3,238. definition of term. ss. 10,720. for Congressional Library " " sent to secure copyright, ss. 11,171-14,587 for private schools are dutiable, ss. 7,030-10,051... 25 for review or editorial notice, dutiable, ss. ',(,098. .. 25 for State or con ri libraries, nol more than 2 copies, ss. 8,558-18,797 for Sunday school teachers are dutiable, ss. 15,585 foreign Language, title page not, are dutiable, ss. 18,876. for public libraries, libraries with branches may import .'.' copies for each branch, ss. IN, 7'.!?. imported by authority, for use <>r the United States in any foreign language, 12,821 12,822 12,678 12,584 17,968 18,876 in raised letters for the blind per cent. per cent, per cent, per cent. per cent, per cent. lb. 8 cts. per cent. Free, per cent. per cent. lb. 8 cts. per cent, per cent. 25 Free. Free. per cent, per cent. free. per cent. Free. Free. of (hi Port of Nnv York. 1S9 Books, law, for private law library, as. 91,903 25 per cent. '• " " public " " ss. 2a, 079 .. Free. " libraries in use of persons, etc Free . " loose sheets not, ss. 18,530. " music, ss. 16,725 25 per cent. " music, printed in foreign language, se. 21,995 Free. " needle-filled, according to chief value, ss. 9,420. " note or memorandum, as blank books, ss. 9,904. . . 25 per cent. " " with mirror attached, as manufactures paper, ss. 15,029 35 per cent. ' " obscene, prohibited. " of later date than twenty years 25 per cent. " pin-filled, according to chief value, ss. 7,555. " printed abroad on American paper, ss. 3,065 25 per cent. " " in Canada but bearing imprint of a city of the United States, entry refused, ss. 19,294. " must be marked with country of origin, ss. 22,185. " printed by individuals for gratuitous distribution, ss. 14,436-15,670 Free. " printed in part by lithograph, as books, ss. 11,599- 13,773 25 per cent. " printed over twenty years, rebound, ss. 10,800- 10,931-13,164-13,593 Free. " printed twenty years, containing loose engravings, engravings are dutiable separately, ss. 4,006. " printed twenty years, imported in sheets, ss. 3,716 - 7,338 Free. " professional, of emigrants, ss. 10,916-11,097 Free. " sample, as lithographs, ss. 7,277 13,330. " scrap 35 per cent. " specially imported, for societies (not more than 2 copies), ss. 10,117-10,289 Free. " slate, as manufactures of paper, ss. 6,781-9,878- 17,614 35 per cent. for U. S., ss. 18,258 Free. Boonekamp bitters, as bitters, ss. 9,380 10,489 per proof gall. $2.25. " " in bottles, bottles additional. Boot fronts 35 per cent. Boot lacets, cotton per lb. 25 cts. and 15 per cent. leather per gross pairs 50 cts. and 20 per cent. " linen per lb. 25 cts. and 15 per cent. " wool or hair per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. Boots, cotton or other vegetable fiber, iudia rubber in part, per lb. 15 cts. and 50 per cent. " India rubber 30 per cent. " leather 25 per cent. " silk and india rubber 60 per cent. " silk chief value 60 per cent. " wool chief value per lb. 44 cts. and 00 per cent. Boracic acid, ss. 21,429 per lb. 5 cts. 100 Customs Brokers and Clerks Asso iation Boracic acid, granulated per lb. 5 cts. Borate of lime and of soda and other borate material n. s. p. f., containing more than 36$ of anhy- drous boracic acid per lb. 4 cts. Containing 36# or less of anhydrous boracic acid per lb. 3 eta. Boras, crude per lb. 6 cts. " refined per lb. 5 cts. Bordeaux red, as coal tar color, ss. 6,414 30 per cent. Bort, diamond dust free. " imitation, as n. e. manufactured article, as. 17,636... 20pei cent. Botanic garden. U. >S.. plants, trees, shrubs, root-, seed cane and seeds for Free. Botany, specimens of, for scientific collections, not for sale. Free. Bottle covers, straw, ss. 4,956 3d per cent. " caps, crimped as m'f'rs s. c. paper, ss. 17,985 35 per cent. " glassware, molded or pressed, plain green and colored, and flint or lime 45 per cent. " " if decorated 60 per cent. '• stoppers, china with name, ss. 17,636 17,664-23,081 . 55 per cent. Bottles, plain green and colored, molded, or pressed, and flint and lime glass holding more than one pint, whether filled or unfilled, and whether their contents be dutiable or free, ss. 18,589 18,013-18,742 per lb. let. but not less than 10 per cent. and vials holding not more than 1 pint ami not less than one-quarter of a pint per Ib.l^-o cts. but not less than 40 per cent. and vials if holding less than one fourth of a pint . . per gross 50 cts. bin nol less than in per cent. beer, domestic, reimported as American goods returned, ss. 18,607 18,709 free. sand-blasted, with inscriptions of name of owner and brand, is not decorated, ss. 21,880. i aemical, specially made for colleges, bs. 6,989 free. containing merchandise paying ad val. rate or rati' based on values as coverings, ss. IS. ;'.(!>. corking and wiring are part of cost of ((intents. ss. 17,74-2 17,878 17,919 18,969. CUt, engraved, painted, colored, printed, stained. etched or Otherwise ornamented or decorated. . 60 per cent . en! glass, tilled, as cut L'lass. ss. 13,693 6" per cent. dram, or pocket Basks, a- manufactures glass, ss. 8,660 15 per cent. - ding, with rubber tube, etc., as manufactures glaSS, 88. 12,676 15 per cent. tilled, are distinct importations, ss. 13,226. tilled u ill, spiritUOUB liquors, etc.. pay same rale as empty bottles, ss. IH.S5S Hi. IIS'.'. of the Port of New York. 101 Bottles, gin, in cases of twelve, cases and packing are unusual and pay double duty, ss. 13,004. " labels stamped paper, as printed matter, ss. 18,017, 25 per cent. " old, are not junk, ss. 22,145. " opal glass, ss. 12,641 60 per cent. " porcelain 60 per cent. " silver mounted scent, glass chief value, ss. 12,143- 13,610 60 per cent. " silver mounted scent, silver chief value, ss. 12,143- 13.610 45 per cent. " siphon, without metal tops, as plain bottles, ss. 11,682-15,239. " stone 25 per cent. " toilet, silvered, gilt and painted, ss. 12,674 60 per cent. " with glass ball stoppers, as other plain glass bottles, ss. 12,707. " " cut glass stoppers, as cut glass, ss. 14,930. . . 60 per cent. " ground glass stoppers, as other plain glass bottles, ss. 6,002-7,139-11,379 14,931. Bougies, cotton chief value, as manufactures cotton, ss. 12,677 45 per cent. " if metal chief value, ss. 16,431 45 per cent. " " rubber chief value, ss. 7,319 30 per cent. Bouillons, ss. 6,149 per lb. 5 cts. and 35 per cent. Bouquet Oenanthiqne des vins, ss. 6,837 per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. " papers, paper and cotton lace, ss. 6,673 60 per cent. Bouquets of roses, porcelain with metal wreaths and crosses, ss. 9,469 60 per cent. " of dried flowers and grasses, ss. 6,030 25 per cent. Bowl paper, ss. 6,162 25 per cent. Bowls, pipe of all materials except clay 60 per cent " common tobacco pipe, made wholly of clay : J Value not over 40 cts. per gross per gross 15 cents. | " all others " " per gross 50 cts. and 25 per cent. Box boards, cardboard 25 per cent. " chronometers or parts 40 per cent. Boxes containing merchandise, if for any other use than coverings and of unusual character, liable to duty in addition to goods. Sec. 19, Act June 10, 1890, ss. 11,994-12,114. " plain paper 35 per cent. " bonbon, as mfrs. of papier mache, ss. 12,789... . 35 per cent. " " in form of animals are toys, ss. 17 956. ... 35 per cent. " covered with surface coated paper, ss. 11, 681-17,969- 19,490 45 percent. " empty cheese, as packing boxes, ss. 12,315 30 per cent. " fancy, inclosed in artificial flower, according to chief value, ss. 11,833. 193 Customs Brokers and Clerkt Association Boxc«, fancy, strawboard chief value, as manufactures of paper, bb. 11,831 19,490 45 per cent. " gold or silver 45 per cent. " japanned 45 per cent. lemon and orange, filled, are distinct importations, bb. 11,300 30 per cent. " lemon and orange, tilled, if thin wood, tops, bot- tom- and sides are of American manufacture, 88. 16.475-20,990 15 per cent " made partly from American shooks and partly from foreign lumber, are dutiable as foreign, ss. 11,797- 11,987 11,988 30 per a n'1 " made wholly from American shook-, imported filled, ss. 10,933-11, 157 11,343 11,768 12,161 12,178- 13,025 -15,563-15,674-15,850-16,009 free. " of American manufacture, exported empty and returned filled, or exported filled and returned empty, 68. 11.813 -17,722 Free. " packing, of wood, empty 30 per cent . " pill, as manufactures of willow, SB. 12,955 15.396.. 40 per ecu!. " shell, as manufactures of shell 35 per cent. " shell, paper chief value, as. 12,924 15 per cent. " snuff —not smokers articles, bb. 15,416. " tin or brass 45 per cent. " used for coverings or packing, dutiable at same rate as content-. s,-e. 19, Act June 10, L890. Box shooks, packing and sugar, of wood 30 per cent. Boxwood, in the log. rough or hewn Free. " articles made of 86 per cent. " sawed only 15 per cent. " " for veneers 20 per cent. Bracebits, steel 45 per cent. Bracelets, as jewelry, ss. 8.751 60 per cent. " containing wateh, as jewelry, ss 17,966 60 per cent. " " " movement, pays separately. " hair, not jewelry 35 per cent . " onyx faceted beads, as jewelry, ss. 8,751 60 per cent. Braces, cotton, or other vegetable liber, elastic or non- elastic 15 per cent. " carpenters' ami smith-', iron or si eel 15 per cent. silk 50 per cent. " wool, hail-, cii-., per lb 50 cts. and 60 percent. Brace webbing, cotton, flax, etc.. ss. 6,587 15 per cent. Brackets, \\ ood, ss. 7, 131 35 per cent. " metal 45 per cent. Brads, cut, of all kinds, not exceeding 16 ozb. to M per M. I'.j cts. " " exceeding 16 ozs. to 31 per lb. \% cts. 890 Braided silk ligatures, as silk braids, se n 183 60percent. 820 " tapes, ss. 12,638 45 per cent. Braiding, is nol embroidery, ss. 12,954 of I 'a Port of New York. 193 Braids, bast and Bilk, as manufactures silk, ss. 17,393 00 per cent. chip and silk chip c v. as manf. chip 30 per cent. cotton, ss. 1,761 3,559-6,738 10,340 60 per cent. " and tinsel 60 per cent. " elastic, as braids, ss 15,814-18,55.' 60 per cent. " used for shoe laces, ss. 21,968 60 per cent. coxcomb, as worsted dress trimmings, ss. 16,361, per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. Cuba bast for hats, as chip, bleached, etc., ss. 15,988-16,484.. 20 percent, not bleached, etc., 15 per cent. feather stitched, as cotton braids, ss. 10,340-13.653- 13,873 14,134-14,144 60 per cent. feltof wool and silk, for hats, as. 14.918. per lb 50 cts. & 60 per cent. hat, cotton, as cotton braids, ss. 10,775 60 per cent. hat, made of bark, as n. e. manufactured articles, ss. 13,298-14,124-15,9S2 20 per cent. hemp, ss. 12.854-16,346 60 per cent. herring bone, as cotton braids, ss. 14,144 60 per cent. lion it on, as cotton braids, ss. 14,501 60 per cent. horsehair and manila, horsehair chief value, ss. 12,359 12,546 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per ccut. horsehair and manila, manila chief value, ss. 12,359 60 per cent. horsehair, as braids of wool, hair, etc., ss. 11,342- 11,368 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. lace, as cotton braids, ss. 14,501 60 per cent. linen, ss. 0,119-6,443 60 per cent. manila, ss. 12,540 60 per cent. medallion, as cotton braids, ss. 14,144 60 per cent. metal and straw, straw chief value, as manufac- tures of straw, ss. 1 1 ,370 30 per cent. metal, hair and cotton, according to chief value, ss. 11,342. metal or plated, ss. 6,149 6,547 11 ,361 60 per cent. novelty, as cotton braids, ss. 0,733 12.835 14,144.. . 00 per cent. plaits, laces, and willow sheets or squares, com- posed wholly of straw, chip, grass, palm leaf, willow, osier or rattan, suitable for making or ornamenting hats, bonnets or hoods, not bleached, dyed, colored or stained, ss. 15,324 If bleached, dyed, colored or stained, ss. 21,861... raffia for baskets, as mfrs. grass, ss. 17,267 sennit, manufactures of coir 60 per cent. silk chief value, ss. 6,650 14,139 17,183 60 per cent. soutache gilt. ss. 1 1.717 10,032 60 per cent. Straw and manila 60 per cent. wool or hair chief value, ss. 14,139 17,182 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. Bran, non cnum, manufactured article, ss. 16,435 30 per cent 15 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 194 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Brandy per proof gall. $2.36 " in bottles, bottles pay as empty. " coloring for, ss. 10,518-12,723 50 per cent. " containing cherries, on actual quantity, ss. 17,642.. per proof gall. $2.25 " imitations of, as brandy per proof gall. $2.25 " " •• in bottles, bottles pay as empty. in cases of less than 12 bottles or jugs is subject to full duty on 12 bottles or jugs. " in casks of less than 10 gallons capacity shall be forfeited to the U. S. from reciprocal countries, ss. 19,405 per proof gall. }1. 75. Brass and glass lamps IS per cent. " articles of, n. s. p. f., ss. 8,301-8,684-10,114 10.410. . 15 per cent. " ball chain, ss. 7,878 45 per cent. " bodkins 25 per cent. " buckles, ss. 7,932 45 per cent. " bushing wire, ss. 7,129 45 per cent. " buttons, ss. 9,521 per line, per gross % ct. and 15 per cent. " castings, tubes, etc., for bedsteads, ss. 10,114 45 per cent. " clippings from brass, fit only for remanufactun . .. Free. '• eyelets, as manufactures of copper, ss. 8,547 45 per ecu I. " fenders, ss. 8,684 45 per cent. " frames, ss. 8,383 45 per cent . " handles, for curling stones, ss. 7.212 Free. " headed nails, ss. 6,361 45 per cent. " horns, if musical instruments 45 per cent. " " small, as toys, ss. 2,111 35 per cent. " in bars or pig, ss. 9,278 Free. " in sheets 45 per cent. musical instruments 45 per cent. " old, fit only for remanufacture, ss. 17,818 Free. " red-84.42 per cant, copper, 6.08 per cent, tin, 4.67 lead, 2.93 per cent, zinc, 1.90 per cent, iron is brass, 88. 10,865. " screws for jewelers, ss. 7,159 45 per cent. " toys 35 per cent. " tubes for bedsteads, ss. 18,067 45 per rent. " types, ss. 1,911 25 per cent. " white -67 per cent, tin, 32 per cent, zinc and a trace of copper is not brass, ss. 9,278 I 1. 162 45 per cent. " wire, ss. 6,486 45 per cent. " " cut into short pieces for watch case rivets or pins, ss. H,H62 45 per cent. zinc manganese and copper alloys, zinc chief value, is not lirass. ss. 12,982 45 per cent. Brattice Cloth, tarred, as manufactures of jute, ss. 12,366. 45 per cent. Brannscheid oil, ss. 8,628 25 percent. Bravais iron, or fir Bravais, ss. 9,837 per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. of lite Port of New York. 195 Braziers' copper per lb. 2>» cents. Brazil nuts or cream nuts Free. " paste Free. " pebble, unwrought or unmanufactured Free. " " ground but not fitted 45 per cent. " " " or beveled to fit frames per dozen pairs 10 cts. and 45 per cent. " reciprocity treaty with, ss. 12,587. " tea or matte, ss. 3,909 20 per cent. " wood, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " " extracts and decoctions of , per lb. % cent. Bread baskets, according to material. " knives (see table Knives). Breakage on liquors and wines, no allowance for, ss. 10,399-10,943-11,950 12,184-14,191. Breastpins, as jewelry 60 per cent. Breccia, in blocks or slabs, ss. 22,075 Free. Breech loading shotguns. (See guns.) Breeding, animals specially imported for, if certified to be of superior breed Free. Bremen blue, ss. 1,705 per lb. 8 cents. Brewers' compound, as spirit varnish, ss. 3,484 per gall. $1.32 on spirits therein and 35 per cent. Briar root or wood in blocks, or unmanufactured, ss. 3,411-7,366 Free. Brick, bath, ss. 12,316-15,719-16,217 35 per cent. " " adamantine clinkers," ss. 16,570 45 per cent. " cement, ss. 8,044 35 per cent. " cork 25 per cent. " encaustic 45 per cent. " fire, weighing not more than 10 lbs. each, not glazed, &c.,&c, ss. 15,018 per ton $1.25. weighing more than 10 lbs. each, ss. 21,083. . . 35 per cent. " fire, glazed, enameled, &c, &c, ss. 16,416-16,570 . 45 per cent. " if glazed, ornamented, painted, enameled, etc 45 per cent. " linings for cokeovens are, ss. 17,657 35 per cent. " not glazed, enameled, ornamented or decorated in any manner 25 per cent. " pumice stone and sand, ss. 12,005-13,611 per ton $6.00. " stretchers, quoins, sides and ends are. " trowels, finished, are not forgings, ss. 8,532 45 per cent. Bridges, international, material for, dutiable, ss. 8,565- 14,984-16,395. Bridle bit- 45 percent. Brier rose 25 per cent. Brierwood or briar root, crude or cut into blocks, ss. 7,360 Free. " pipes 60 per cent. Briiliautine, or gum brilliant, ss. 15,846 per lb. 2 cents. as cosmetic, ss. 16,386 50 per cent. 196 Ci/stowx /linkers ami Clerks AfSOna/ion Brime, sulphate of lime, unground per ton 50 cents. Brimstone, crude, ss. 17,75(1 Free. " as su'phur, refined, ss. 3,39(5 per ton $8.00. " sublimed, or flower of per ton £8 00. Briquet lamps, as smokers' articles, 68. 6,908 60 per cent . Brisling, fresh, ss. 8843 40 per cent. pickled or salted 40 per cent. spiced in kegs as anchovies, ss. 11,389- 13,031 40 per cent. in cans or packages of tin, etc., as ancho- vies, ss. 13,106-16,525. Bristles, crude, not sorted, bunched or prepared Free . " sorted, bunched, or prepared in any manner, ss. 8,667-15,969 per lb. 714 cts. Bristol boards, as paper, ss. 6,463-12,346 25 per cent. '• stones, rough Free. Britannia metal, old and fit only for remanu'acture 30 per cent. " ware, ss. 7,246 45 per cent. Britch, cheviot, as combing wool. ss. 7,0 14 per lb. 12 cents. British gum or dextrine per lb. 2 cts. " lustre, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 491 20 per cent. Bri/.za. ss. 10,078 Free. Brocade bronze powder, ss. 5,530 per lb. 12 (cuts Broche carpets, as brussels, ss. 7,894. .per sqr. yd 44 cts and 40 per cent. " shawls per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent . Broken class, ss. 6,591- 14,500-14,671 45 per cent. Broker, collector may disbar dishonest, ss. 3,316-8,261. Brokerage is, or is not a part of the dutiable value, ss. 10,243 18,072 13.305-13,813. Brokers, customs, a license not required, ss. 15,198 15,203. Bromine 25 per cent. Bromide of potassium 25 per cent. Bronze articles are not composition metal, ss. 15,971 -16,214-17,137-17,339 15 per cent. " crosses for church, are not statuary, ss 13,334.... 45 per cent. " figures copies of statuary, ss. 4.33S Cj.ISI Id. 314 .. 45 per cent. " imitations of, ss. 6,057-7,057 45 per cent. " in leaf per 100 leaves tl cents. " liquor 30 per cent " manufactures of, ss. 1,648-16,971 45 per cent. " metal, anwrought, ss. 1.5-18 20 per cent. powder, ss. 6,882 15,704 per lb. 12 cents. " replicas, if not finished by sculptor, as manufac- tures of metal, Be 6,181 18,314 15 per cent. " statuary, if work of a professional sculptor, and cut. carved, or otherw ise wrought by band from metal, and as is the professional production of a statuary or sculptor only, ss. 18,059 15,919 2)percent. " statuary, if work of an American artist, ss. 3,452. Free. " ornaments, ss. 4,228 45 per cent, of the Port of New York. 197 Bronze statuettes are not statuary, SB. 11,222 45 per cent. " tablets, for church, as manufactures, metal, ss. 13,324 45 per cent. Bronzing is not gilding, ss. 6,683. Brooches, with imitation precious stones, as jewelry, ss. 13,991 60 per cent. " with watch as jewelry, movement pays sepa- rately, ss. 17,966 60 per cent. Broom corn Free. " root, ss. 6,215 Free. Brooms, ss. 8,998-18,140 40 per cent. " haida, ss. 15,963 40 per cent, " hearth, ss. 8,999-15,963 40 per cent. " toy, as brooms, ss. 12,239 40 per cent. Brown crystals, as coal tar dye, ss. 1,035 30 per cent. " hollands linen, as woven fabrics. - " " cotton, as cotton cloth. " Spanish 30 per cent. wool grease, ss. 10,878-11,132-11,236-11,561-13,757. per lb. ^ cent. Brucine, chemical compound 25 per cent. Bruges ribbon, ss. 7,363 50 per cent. Brunswick asphalt mastic, ss. 6,336-13,765 per ton $3 00. Brush bags, as woolen embroidery, ss. 8,683. perlb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " blocks, ss. 17,826 20 per cent. Brushes of all kinds, ss. 14,755-18,140 40 per cent. " brass, scratch brooms, ss. 5,519 40 per cent. " Chinese tooth, as toilet preparation, ss. 13,207. . . 50 per cent. " miniature, not toys, ss. 12,239 40 per cent. " powder puffs are, ss. 13,351 40 per cent. " sink, ss.8,998 40 per cent. " throat, as brushes, ss. 8,696 40 per cent. Brussels carpets per sqr. yd 44 cts. and 40 per cent. " net, cotton, ss. 10,256 14,166 60 per cent. " " silk, ss. 13,905-14,052 60 per cent. Bruyere, for making flowers, ss. 5,471 50 per cent. Buchu leaves Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 c t- and 10 per cent. Buckles, imitation oxidized silver, as jewelry, ss. 11,078- 11,980-12,326 60 per cent. " for cotton ties as mfrs. of metal, ss. 15,667 45 per cent. " and parts of, trousers of iron and steel, ss. 7,932- 12,327. value 15 cts. or less per 100 per 100. 5 cts. and 15 per cent, value over 15 cts. and not over 50 cts. per 100 per 100 . 10 cts. and 15 per cent. value over 50 cts. per 100 per 100. 15 cts. and 15 per cent. " or slides, shoe, as manufactures, metal, ss. 9,382. 45 per cent. " rhinestone, as manufactures of paste, ss. 16,482. . 45 per cent. Buckram, cotton, ss. 3,096-9,941-12,369 45 per cent . 198 Quslonw Brokers and Clerks Association Buckram, jute, or stiffened burlaps, as jute fabrics, bs. 20,611. Bucksaws 30 per cent. Buckthornc strips, as manufactures, steel, ss. 8,325 45 per cent. Buckwheat, 48 lbs. to bushel per basil. 15 rents. " flour 20 per cent. Budding knives, as pocket knives. " " closing as pocket kniveB, ss. 6,016 12,! Buds, cassia Free " " ground pel lb. Sets. " medicinal, do1 edible, crude Free. " " " advanced in value- peril). >4 Ct. and 10 per rent. Buffalo robes, as dressed skins ;!ii per cent. Buffings, leather, as leather, n. s. p. f.. ss. 0.1)10 20 per cent. Buggies, wood chief value, ss. 11,417 85 pel rent. " metal chief value, ss. 13,354 45 per cent. Buggy aprons, as manufactures of wool, ss. 9,721 : Value not more than 40 cts. per lb. .per 11). 33 cts. and 50 per cent. j " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb. . . . ) per H>. II cts. and 50 pei [ " over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 41 ctt. and .">."> per cent. Bugles, glass, as beads, strung 60 per cent. " " unstrung 35 per cent. " musical instruments. 45 per cent. " for amusement of children, as toys 35 per cent. Buhr or burr stone, in blocks, rough or unmanufactured, ss. 1,500 3,048 Free. " " " made of porcelain, ss. 5,878 55 per cent. " " " manufactured and bound up in mill stones, ss. 358 15 per cent. " " " rollers, with iron axles, ss. 7,140 45percen1 " " " skeleton stones, as manufactured, 88, 1,500 15 p Building forms, iron or steel per lb. }4 ct. " stone, hewn, dressed or polished 50 per cent. " " rough, except marble per cubic fool 12 cts. Bulb beams, iron or steel per lb. % ct. Bulbs and bullions roots, medicinal, ss. 1 1,851 Free. " " " the same, not crude, per lb. J£ct. & 10 per cent. " not edible, n. s. p. f.; >■ 6.446 7.280 8.686 1 1.835 Free " " " which are cultivated for their flowere 25 per cent . Bulk, cargoes of coal, salt, etc.. in. may unload at places specially designated by Sec. of Treas'y, Art. 128, Reg., 1892, bs. 8,108 9,411 9,58?. articles in. means such as are usually packed or stored in the hold of the vessel loose, ss. 2,!1H0. only articles named in .vi can be transported ill. bs, 8001. of the Port of Xew York. 199 Bullion, gold and silver, ss. 8,619-13,392-14,106-14,575. . . . Free. " " " unless imported as money, in- voice required, ss. 13,392 14,106 Free. " base, ss. 2,507-7,513-7.996 -8,431-16,566 per lb. 2^ cts. Bullions, ss. 6,149 10,898-12,658 per lb. 5 cts. and 35 per cent. Bullets, as manufactures, lead 45 per cent. 193 Bull's eye lanterns, ss. 13,657 45 per cent. " " " costing about 3 cts. each, as toys, ss. 14,685 35 per cent. " eyes, as colored glass, ss. 9,385 60 per cent. Bulrushes Free. Bunion plasters, as wo«l felt, ss. 6,576: Per pound 44 cts. and 60 per cent. f Value not over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over 4 ozs. per sq. yd per sq. yd. 11 cts. and 50 per cent. r. fi J " over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not turning i over 4 ozs. per sq. yd per sq. yd. 11 cts. and 55 per cent. | Weighing over 4 ozs. per sq. yd., as woolen t cloth. Burgundy pitch Free. Burlaps, ss. 3,115-3,481-6,909-13,652-14,323-16,848-17,962: f Not exceeding 60 inches in width, weighing not less than 6 ozs. per sq. yd. and not exceeding 30 threads to the sq. inch, counting the warp and filling per lb. % of 1 ct. and 15 per cent. If exceeding M0 and not exceediug 55 threads to I the sq. inch, counting the warp and filling. . . . per lb. % of 1 ct. and 15 per cent. " _ canvas or padding made of jute, dyed black, is not, ss. 12,570 45 per cent. " canvas or padding made of jute, striped, checked or cream colored, is, ss. 14,379 45 per cent. " exceeding 60 inches in width 45 per cent. " in bag lengths, same as burlaps. " mfrs., in part of flax are noc, ss. 12,357-14,050. .. 45 per cent. " split, as burlaps, ss. 13,652 45 per cent. " tubing, as manufactures of jute, ss. 4,097 45 per cent. Burners, lava tips for per gross 10 cts. and 15 per cent. Burning fluid 25 per cent. Burnishers, agate, with ferruled handle, for bookbinders, ss. 13,795-13,837 50 per cent. " agate, for bookbinders, plain 50 per cent. Burnishing stones 35 per cent. Burnt clay, ss. 6,140 per ton $2.00. " glucose, as liquor coloring, ss. 6,740 50 per cent. •' starch or gum substitute, ss. 12,822 per lb. 2 cts. Burrstones, rough, etc. Free. " manufactured or bound up into millstones 15 per cent. Burtemburg simples, ss. 7,570 25 per cent. Burr waste, wool, hair, etc per lb. 20 cts. Bushing wire, as manufactures, brass, ss. 7,129 45 per cent. 200 I ns'oms Brokers and Clerks Association Business cards, printed 25 per cent. " " celluloid, 88. 15,127 per lb. 05 cts. and 25 per cent. " " lithographic, as lithographs. Busts, as statuary 20 per cent. Butchers' knives, forks and steels, see table knives. " skewers of wood per 1,000 40 cents. Butter, and substitutes for. ss. 3,491 per lb. 6 cts. " " " " oleomargarine. Internal Rev- enue tax, per lb., 15 cts per lb. 6 cts. cocoa, ss. 11,302-12.436 per lb. 3]^ cts. " knives (see table knives). " Nucoa, as cocoa butter, ss. 16,293-17,770 per lb. 3J^ cts. Butterflies, on wire, for ornamental hairpins, as jewelry, ss. 10,408 00 per cent. Butterine, cocoa, ss. 11,362 17,770-18,080 per lb. 3>£ cts. Button lac Free. blanks, pearl, ss. 11,376-14,282-14,388, per line but- ton measure of 1/40 inch per line per gross 1J^ cts. and 15 per cent. Buttons, n. o. p. f 50 per cent. " agate, ss. 17,431 per line per gross 1/12 ct. and 15 per cent. " and button blanks, bone, ss. 13,332 13, 021) per line per gross ).j et. and 15 per cent. " and button blanks, glass, or vegetable ivory, ss. 11,978-13,300 13,331 19,410 per line per gross % ct., 15 per ct. " barrel buttons, and buttons of other forms for tassels and ornaments wrought, by hand or machinery, and made wholly or in part of wool, hair, etc per lb. 50 cents and 00 per cent. • brass, gilt and metal, ss. 6,019 6,495 18,888 per line per gross % ct. and 15 per cent. " collar, ss. 11,981 -12,041 -14,404 50 per cent. " gilt, ss. 9,882 SOpereent. " " pearl and metal, ss.16,000 50 per cent. " cotton velvet, with metal foundation, ss. 12,555 50 per cent. " gaiter, papier macb.6, ss. 14,711 50 per cent. glass and metal connected, SB. 23,164 50 per cent. " horn, wholly or partly manufactured. per line per gross •'!., ct. and 15 per cent. " vegetable ivory, wholly or partly per line per gross ■'! \ ct. and 15 per cent. " metal, n. s. p. f per line per gross % ct. and 15 per cent. " metal shanks, ss. 21,309 45 per cent. " opal, ss. 22,013 50 percent. " paste, ss. 17,103, 17,128, 17,183 per line per gross •'' , ct. and 15 per cent " pearl, per line button measure of 1/40 of 1 inch. per gross 1Vcr ton $4.00 " core, telegraphic, of copper ami gutta percha; as gutta percha, ss. 8,008 1 1,898 35 per cent. " telegraph, if old, dutiable, ss. 3,573 35 per cent. " " new, as gutta percha, ss. 3,008 11,398... 35 percent, telegraphic, submarine shore end is dutiable, ss. 15,725. " composed in whole or in part of istle or Tampico fiber, manila, sisal grass, or sunn per lb. 1 ct. Cables, all others according to material. " cotton, ss. 9,187 45 pet " hemp, tarred or untarred perlb. 2cts. " iron as chains but not less than 45 per cent. " iron or steel wire, pay highest rale upon any wire used and in addition, ss. 6,376 per lb. 1 ct. Cabochons, as manufactures metal 45 per cent. Cacao, as cocoa, crude, leaves and shells Free. Cachou de Laval, as chemical compound, --. [1,420 25 per cent. Cachous, aromatic, ss. 9,132-14,503 15,210 17,599-17,931- 18,835 50 pel' rent. Cade, oil, ss. 6,882 25 percent. Cadmium Free. " yellow, as pai liters' colors, ss. 13,944 30 Iter cent. Caen-cliff building stone, unmanufactured and un- dressed per cubic ft. 12 cts. " building stone, hewn, dressed and polished, ss. 5,452 50 per cent. Cafe Nigro, extract of coffee, 88. 6,837 20 per cent. Caffeine 25 per cent . ( ajeput, oil of Free. < ike, n. e. manufactured article, ss. 1 1, lii'.i 20 per cent. " salt, or nitre per ten - 1 ,25 " servers, German silver, ss. 7,921 45 per cent. Calamine Free. Calamus root, crude, ss. 1,279 17,578 Free. " " advanced in value per lb. ' , et. and 10 per cent. Calcined magnesia per lb. V cts. " " Henry's, ss. 7,574 per lb. 7 cts. " inagnesite, not purified, ss. 0.375 lie " " ground as cement 20 per cent. Calcium chloride, as chemical salt, ss. 9.008 25 per cent. " santonate of, 80 per cent, santonine, ss. 9,935. . . per lb. $1.00. Par. of the Port, of New York. £03 Calcium santonatc, less than 80 per cent, santonine, as chemical salt, ss. 9,935 25 per cent. Calc spar prisms, as manufactures of spar, ss. 13,383 12,391. 50 per cent. Calendars, lithographic, as lithographs, ss. 12,323. " on surface coated paper, as manufactures of paper, ss. 12,790-17,641 35 per cent. " on tiles, as decorated tiles, ss. 14,398. " printed, ss. 7,432 25 per cent. " rollers as manufactures of paper, ss. 16,202 35 per cent. Calf hair, cleaned or uncleaned, drawn or not Free. " " manufactures of, ss. 3,011: fValue not more than 40 cts. per lb., per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. \ " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb., per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. 1, " over 70 cts. per lb.,, .per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. " skin boots and shoes 25 per cent. " uppers or vamps 35 per cent. " skins, weighing 12 lbs, or less if dry and 25 lbs or less if wet, ss. 19,716 Free. " " and hides indiscriminately mixed assessed as hides, ss. 21,900-21,989 15 percent. " ' bookbinders', dressed and finished 20 per cent. '• " japanned, weighing not over 10 lbs. per doz. hides or skins per lb. 30 cts. and 20 per cent. if weighing over 10 lbs. and not over 25 lbs. per doz per lb. 30 cts. and 10 per cent. if weighing over 25 lbs. per doz per lb. 20 cts. and 10 per cent. 88. 10,719, 14,090, 14,215. " " tanned, or tanned and dressed, ss. 1,013 20 per cent. " " " are not for morocco, ss. 13,363 20 per cent. Calices of paste (artificial flowers), ss. 4,769 50 per cent. California, a fabric, part metal 45 per cent. Calisaya bark, crude Free, Calomel and other medicinal mercurial preparations 35 per cent. Calthrop or caltrop nuts, ss. 8,525 per lb. 1 ct. Calves, less than one year old per head $2.00 " the increase of Mexican cattle in U. S. not duti able, ss.11,483 Free. " the increase of U. S. cows straying or driven across border, for pasturage only, if brought back with- in six months, ss. 13,395 Free. Cambrics (see cotton cloth). " scoured, as unbleached cotton cloth, ss. 8,988. Camels' hair as wool, class two, ss. 12,657 per lb. 12 cts. " " Russian, value 12 cts. per lb. or less per lb. 4 cents. " " " value over 12 cts. per lb per lb. 7 cents. " " fabrics and all articles composed of, as woolens, ss. 1,992-12,245. " noils, ss. 2,447-15,232 per lb. 20 cts. '.mi ( ustoms Broken and Clerks Association ( 'aim-Is' hair pencils 40 per cent. " " shawls perlb. 14 cents and 60 per cent. •• tops, as manufactures of wool, ss. 7,488. 1 lameos, not set, a- precious stones, ss. 9,03i 9,211 10 per cent. " in frames GO per cent. " imitation <>f. composed of glass or paste nol ex- ceeding one inch in diameter 20 per cent. " set, as jewelry 60 per cent. Cameras, camera tabes, and parts of j.-, per cent. are not personal effects, ss. 7,739 18,353 19,365... 45 per cent. Camomile Bowers, crude Free. '■ Ht,\ ers, advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " oil Free. Camphylene, as coal tar preparation, ss. 18,138. 80percent. " eucalyptol, as chemical comp., ss. 15,028.... 85 per cent. ( !amphor, crude Free. " Japanese peppermint, as medicinal preparation, ss. 4,983 85 per cent. oil, 88, 9,264 18,831 85 per cent. " refined, ss. 13,548 per lb. cents. " refuse, as expressed oil, ss. 9,264 2~> per cent. " wood, unmanufactured, ss. 5,271 Free " " sawed only 15 per cent. Camwood, crude or in sticks Free. " advanced in value perlb. ' t 1 '. and io per ceni . Canada, baggage for, may lie forwarded on I. T. entry, ss. 7,550. " domestic goods passing through, in transit from one l'. s. port to another arc not exported, ss. ;.i ; .'. " foreign goods purchased in, must be invoiced at Canadian prices, ss. 6,918. '• goods purchased in, by temporary visitor, are dutiable, ss. 136 (5,898. goods from, in tows, require but one entry for each consignment, ss. 8, WO. " products of. may i»e transported through U. S. for export to foreign countries, ss. 5,730-6,327- 6,919. " reciprocity with, collection of canal tolls, ss. 18,044. i lanadian agricultural reports, ss. i L,756 Free. " grain in transit may be entered for T. and F... ss. 11,503. " postal cards, as printed matter, ss. 7,908 10,624- 33,119 25 per cent " products in transit, regulations for, ss. 5,780 19,061. " spirit lest ditTers from [' . S., 17,s.'S.'S. Canal boats, not provided with propelling machinery, of lit* Fori of X> "■ York. 205 are not required to take out marine papers, but must be inspected, sb. 2,478- 3,332-3,718. (anal boats, steam, used exclusively to transport freight or cargo for use of owner, and not for hire, are not required to take out marine papers, es. 1,562. " are exempt from payment of marine hoe- pita] dues, ss. 947-4,904. " ' may transport imported goods which have properly passed through the Custom House without being documented, ss. 4.01ii. ■' " employed in trade with Canada must be documented, ss. 3,478-3,382-3,718. " '" engaged in trade with contiguous foreign territory must pay license fees, ss. 890- 3,252-3,890-1,083. " " steam, carrying articles for purposes of trade or for freight, must be documented, ss. 1,562. " li steam, navigating canals exclusively are not subject to inspection laws, ss. 2,278. " " steam, navigating waters of U. S., are sub- ject to inspection laws, ss. 2,278. Canary seed. ss. 7,786 30 per cen t. Candelabra, as manufactures of metal, ss. 12,097-12,844- 13,362 45 per cent. " is not regalia, ss. 7,712-12,097 45 per cent. not works of art, ss. 12,844-13,362-13,469 45 per cent. Candied citron, ss. 10,874 per lb. 4 cts. " lemon and orange peel per lb. 2 cts. Candle berries, as crude vegetable substance, ss. 1,958 Free. " holders for Christmas trees, ss. 19,138 45 per cent. " mutches, as matches, ss. 14,214 in bulk per 1,000, 1 ct. per gross of 144 boxes holding 100 or less 8 cts. " nuts, crude, as crude vegetable substance, ss. 1,958. Free. tar, n. e. manufactured article, ss. 5,049-10,951- 12.3S7-14 160 20 per cent. tar or residuum, SB. 5,049 20 per cent. " wicks and wicking, cotton, or other vegetable fiber, ss. li). litis per lb. 10 cts. and 15 per cent. Candles ami tapers, wax, ss. 3,405 25 per cent. " " " all others except carbon 20 per cent. " carbon, for electric lights, ss. 4,815 per 100 90 cts. " lubricating, ss. is 220 25 per cent. ( !andlesticks, china, white 55 per cent. " " decorated 60 per cent. " if borne in hand are regalia, 88. 8,514-8,976. . Free. " metal, es. 6,683-9,522 45 per cent. 200 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Candy, made wholly or in part of sugar, value 15c. per lb. or less 4 cts. and 15 per cent . " value over 15c. per lb 50 per cent. " rock, as candy, ss. 13,373. Cane, bamboo, rattan, reed, crude or rough Free. " chair, manufactured of rattan or reed 10 per cent. " juice sirups, as sugar ss. 17,923. " seating, imitation, as manufactures cotton, ss. 10,862 45 per cent. " seeds for Agricultural Department Free. " sugar, ss. 7,734-10,978 20 per cent. " " or slips for seed Free. Canella alba bark, crude Free. " " " not crude per lb. Y\ ct. and 10 per cent. Canepin, as leather, n. b. p. f., ss. 17,166 20 per cent. Canes, in the rough or only cut into suitable lengths Free. " walking, animal integument on steel core, ss. 6,600 40 per cent. " " finished with metal heads 40 per cent. " walking, medlar or unfinished, ss. 4,505-9,067 40 per cent. " containing a pipe howl, ss. 3,692 60 per cent. " " a watch, ss. 9,061 40 per cent. watch movement additional. Canned bologna sausage, ss. 11,876 Free. " " " in lard, ss. 13,761 25 per cent, " clams, ss. 6,548 Free. " fish, excepting sardines, anchovies, sprats, bris- lings, sardels or sardellen and shell fish 30 per cent " lobsters, ss. 5,670-6,730-7,541 Free. " sausage meat, ss. 7,066 13,761 25 per cent . " tomatoes, as prepared vegetables, ss. 6,889 40 per cent. vegetables as preserved, ss. 6,889 40 per cent. Cannel coal, per ton of 2,240 lbs., ss. 787 per ton 67 cents. Cannetille, as bullions, ss. 6,149 per lb. 5 cts. and :;."> per cent. Cannon, ss. 7,643 22,019 46 pel cent. Canoes, birch bark, ss. 2,374-16,057-17,110-18.542 20 per cent. " are not personal effects, ss. 7,061 35 per cent. Cans, tin or other metal. ..45 per cent, but not less than, per lb. \\4> cts. " or packages containing free shell fish Free. Cantharides Free. '• advanced in value per lb. % ct and 10 per cent. Canton crepes, as woven fabrics of silk. [- " flannels (as cotton cloth), ss. 1,576-3,422. Canvas, embroidery, as manufactures of jute, 14,137 45 per cent. flax, orflax, c. v., se. 1,714 14,249 as woven fabrics. floor cloth, hemp and jute, jute c. v 45 per cent. for embroidering, as woven fabrics of flax. for embroidery, as cotton cloth, ss. 6,362. for sails 35 per cent. of the Port of New York. 207 Canvas, jute and flax, jute chief value, as manufactures of jute, ss. 7,814-14,249 45 per cent. " plain woven jute as burlaps, ss. 17,962. '• twilled jute, as manufactures of jute, ss. 17.962. 45 percent. '" made of flax tow, as woven fabrics of flax, ss. 11.882-14,050. military padding, as manufactures of jute, ss. 12,830 45 per cent. '■ padding, jute, ss. 12,357 45 per cent. '• " flax, as woven fabrics of flax, ss. 1,714. '• painters', as manufactures of wool, ss. 12,234- Value not more than 40 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. " above 40 cts. and not above 70 ' \ cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb V per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. pelissier, as manufactures of jute, ss. 12,570-14,249 45 per cent. Tyne Castle, as woven fabrics, ss. 17,344. upholstery wool and cotton, ss. 12,250-12,758- f Value not more than 40 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. " above 40 cts. and not above 70 i-j,uuj-, ctg p e] . lb p er j b ^ ctB and go per cent " over 70 cts. per lb V per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. Caoutchouc (india rubber), crude Free. Capacity of packages containing alcohol not limited, ss. 8,840. Capadastra (musical instrument), ss. 8,549 45 per cent. Cape gum, crude Free. " " not crude per lb. *4 ct. and 10 per cent. " net, for hat crowns, ss. 7,430-14,176 60 per cent. Capers, in their natural state 25 per cent. " prepared or preserved in tin, jars, bottles, etc 40 per cent. Capes, cotton, as wearing apparel 50 per cent. " if embroidered 60 per cent. " cotton, etc., containing india rubber, per lb. 15 cts. and 50 per cent. " ladies' combing, as wearing apparel, ss. 15,322. silk, as wearing apparel 60 per cent. " wool, hair, etc per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Capitation tax on passengers, Act Aug. 3, 1882, ss. 5,371- 5,395 50 cts. each. " " " " applies to stowaways, ss. 7,940 50 cts. each. 314 Caps, cotton or other vegetable fiber, ss. 6,266-7,719 50 per cent. 339 " if embroidered 60 per cent. 314 " containing india rubber per lb. 15 cts. and 50 per cent. 434 " blasting per M J2.36. 450 " fur, ss. 22,228 35percent. 450 " leather 35 per cent. 314 " linen, same as cotton. 208 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Caps, paper, fulminating, ss. 2,342 30 per cent. percussion, S8. 2.148 2,15'J 30 per cent. " silk, 68. 6,044 GO percent. " wool felt, as wearing apparel, ss. 10,800 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. woolen, knit, ss. 8,500-10,901 -12.1153. per 11). 41 cts. and 60 per cent. woolen, not knit. ss. 8,606 peril). 41 cts. and 60 per cent . wool Tam O'Shanters, as knit wearing apparel, s6. 16,954-10,958 per lb. 11 cts. and 60 per cent. Capsicum, crude, or nnground, ss. 13.950 17.013 2',o cts. per lb. - " ground 2'- cts. per 11). Capsules, medicinal , 25 percent. " metal ' 45 per cent. " porcelain, evaporating dishes 55 per cent. Carabines and carbines 25 per cent. Carafes, as blown glassware, ss. 12,858 00 per cent. Caraway, oil of free. " seed Free. Carboleum, ss. 19,134 25 per i enl . Carbolic acid, se. 2,587-4,851-5,263 cts. " " baryta or witherite Free. " "iron 25 per cent. " •• magnesia or magnesite, native mineral Free. " " magnesia, medicinal per lb. 3 cts. " " " calcined per lb. 7 cts. " " " " Henry's, bb. 7,574 13,877.. per lb. 7 cts. " ■• potash, crude or refined, bb. 1,575 19,067 Free. " " potassium 25 per cent. " " soda, crystal per lb. j 3 ct. " " strontia, mineral Free. Carbonized noils per lb. 20 cts. " wool, as manufactures of wool. ss. 18,147. Carbons, electric, measuring 12 in. in length or under, 88. 21,906-22,059 per 100, 90 cts. of the Port of New York. 209 Carbons, electric, measuring over 12 inches in length as manf. carbon, as. 21,900-22,059 35 per cent. Carboys, American, returned empty, ss. 2,302 Free. " covered oi uncovered, filled or unfilled, ss. 7,261. per lb. 1 ct.. but not less than 10 per cent. " foreign exported, filled and returned empty, dutiable, ss. 11, 505. per lb. 1 ct. but not less than 40 per cent. Carbuncles, cut, not set 10 per cent. " set, as. jewelry 00 per cent. Carcasses, beef, veal, mutton and pork per lb. 2 cts. " game, etc., ss. 2,325-7,202 10 per cent. i lardamom seed Free. Cardboard, ss. 0,032 -11,351 25 per cent. " screens, as printed matter, ss. 5,569 25 per cent. Card baskets, according to material. " wire and porcelain, ss. 7,154 60 per cent. " wire, ss. 8,578. rate on wire and additional, per lb. 1)4 cts. cases, according to material, clothing, manufactured from tempered steel wire, ss. 12,928 per square foot 45 cts. " all other per square foot 20 cts. " only parts covered by wire measured, ss. 5,800. " with clips attached, as manufactures metal, ss. 17,735 45 per cent. " material as woolens, ss. 9,012-14,563 : Value not over 40 cts per lb., .per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 40 and not over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. " permanently attached to machinery, duti- able as entirety, ss. 8,973. " holders, as printed matter, ss. 10,066 25 per cent. Carded wool waste per lb. 20 cts. " goat's hair, as manufactures wool, ss. 7,081. Cardigan jackets per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Carding machinery, metal, ss. 1,136 45 per cent. Cards, blank 25 per cent. " celluloid, as manufactures of, ss. 15,127 per lb. 65 cts. and 25 per cent. " Chinese playing, as surface coated paper, ss. 8,617- 10,731-13,768 35percent. " Christmas, as lithographs, ss. 15,573. " " silk and paper, ss. 7,432 50 per cent. " foreign postal as printed matter, ss. 10,624 10,960. . 25 per cent. iron show, ss. 6,141 45 per cent. " lithographed, as lithographs. " lithographic show, as lithographs. " playing, per pack of 54 cards, ss. 3,270 11,518 per pack 10 cts. and 20 per cent. 2i0 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association on excess over 54 cards duty will be assessed in proportion to number at per pack 10 cts. and 30 per cent. cards, printed, ss. 3,941-4,719-8,984 35 percent. samples of colore, dyes, according to chief value, ss. 16,436 silk chief value, ss. 7,433 50 per cent. " Sunday School, as lithographs, ss. 13.573. visiting, ss. 6,935 35 per cent. " wool, with steel or iron teeth 46 per cent. Cargo, discharge of, stormy days do not count as lay days, ss. 5,906. Carica papaya, as medicinal preparation, ss. 11,350 13,631. 35 per cent. Carlsbaden salts, ss. 2,817-9,217 0.715 Free. Carminamide. as chemical compound, ss. 11,535 35 per cent. Carmine, water color 30 per cent. " lake, dry or liquid 30 per cent. " Persian berry, ss. 5,865 20 per cent. Carmined indigo per lb. 10 cts. Carnelian, cut, not set 10 per cent. " rough, uncut Pre s. " as jewelry 60 per cent. " mfrs. of n. s. p. f 50 per cent. Caroid, vegetable pepsin 35 percent. Carpet beaters, of rattan, ss. 7,188-13,200 35 per cent. , \ Value 13 cts. or less per lb per lb. 4 cts. wools... - ( „ ver 12 cts. per lb per lb. 7 cts. " yarns, according to material. Carpets and carpeting, mats, rugs for floors, screens, covers, hassocks, bedsides, art squares, and other portions of carpets or carpeting made wholly or in part of wool, and not specially provided for in this Act, shall be subjected to tlie rate of duty herein imposed on carpets or carpetbags of like character or description, " Angola, as two ply ingrain, ss. 1,463 per square yard 18 cts. and 40 per cent. " Aubusson per square yard 00 cts. and 40 per lent. " Axminster per square yard 00 cts. and 40 per cent. " baize or booking per square yard 22 cts. and 10 per cent. " bookings, printed per square yard 22 cts. aud 40 per cent. " broche, as Brussels, ss. 7,804 per square yard 44 cts. and 40 per cent " Brussels per square yard 44 cts. and 40 per cent. " Byzantine, ss. 6,538 per square yard 44 cts. and 40 per cent. " Chain Venetian per square yard 33 cts. and in per cent. " Chenille per square yard 60 cts. and 40 per cent. " church seating, ss. 8,944 50 per cent. " cork, ss. 9,314 per square yard 20 cts. and 30 per cent. " cotton and straw, cotton chief value, ss. 14,816. . 50 per cent. " cotton, n. s. p. f 50 per cent. .of ill, Port of New York. 211 Par. ■ 881 Carjiet3, Dianich, as wool, as. 13,806 50 per cent. 380 '" druggets, printed, etc per square yard 32 cts. and 40 per cent. 378 " Dutch wool per square yard 18 cts. and 40 per cent. 881 " felt, ss. 1,011-12,249^21,982 50 per cent. 381 " flax, n. s. p. f ., value over 6673 cents per sq. yd 50 per cent. 334 I " flax, hemp, jute or other veg. fiber except cotton. /Value 15 cts. and under per square yard per square yard 5 cts. and 35 per cent. "J " over 15 cts. per square yard per square yard 10 et-<. and 35 per cent. " for upholstery, as mfrs. of wool, ss. 7,094 9,850- 12,143: (Value not more than 40 cents per pound. . . . per pound 3.3 cents and 50 per cent. " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. peril) per lb. 40 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts per. lb per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. " hemp, same as flax. " horsehair and cotton, as cotton, ss. 13,673 50 per cent. " ingrain, treble per square yard 22 cts. and 40 per cent. " " two-ply, ss. 1,463 per square yard 18 cts. and 40 per cent. " jute, same as flax. " kalmuc, as wool, n. s. p. f., ss. 10,038 50 per cent. Madras, ss. 4,861-7,548. " Moquette, ss. 3.638 per square yard 60 cts. and49 per cent. 1 ' mosaic velvet not printed on warp, ss. 6,033 -13,803 per square yard 40 cts. and 40 per cent. " Napier matting, same as flax carpeting, ss. 8,143. " patent velvet, ss.9,850 : / Value not more than 40 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. -j " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. V. " over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. " plush, not woven on Jacquard machine, ss. 4,720. 50 per cent. " ramie, same as flax. '• sample, 1 to 1% yds. long, are dutiable, ss. 2,640- 9,462. " portions of or bedsides, as carpets. " Saxony per square yard 60 cts. and 40 per cent. " shoe and slipper, as manufactures wool,' ss. 3,453, /"Value not more than 40 cts. per lb per lb. 83 cts. and 50 per cent. J " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. V. " over 70cts. per lb. . .per lb. 44 cts and 55 per cent. " table, if jute, as manufactures of jute, ss. 14,C72 . 45 per cent. " tapestry Brussels, ss. 6,060 , , per square yard 23 cts. and 40 per cent. ' " velvet, ss. 6,060 per square yard 40 cts. and 40 per cent. iV-i Customs Broken and Clerks Association < Jarpets, three-ply pei square yard 22 cts. and 40 per cent, Tom-nay velvet, S3. 13,803-15,714 per square yard 60 cts. and 40 per cent. velvet or tapestry velvet, printed on warp or otherwise, bs. 1.720 per square yard 10 cts. and 40 per cent. " Venetian, chain, bs. '.t.GW per squaii' yard 89 cts. and 40 per cent. yarn 50 per cent. " Weardale, as two ply ingrain, ss. 7. 174 per square yard is cts.and 40 percent. " Wilton per square yard 60 cts and 40 per rent. " wool, n. s. p. f., ss. 1,921 7,065 50 per cent. " wool, Dutch per square yard 18 cts. and 40 per cent. " woven whole for rooms, ss. 2,577 9,174 -10,926. . . per square toot lu cl -. and (0 per cent. " yarn, Venetian 50 per cent, Carriage aprons, waterproofed woo! cloth, as manufactun s wool, ss. i: 1,751 : I Value not over 10 cts. per 11> per 11). 33 cts and 50 per cent. < " over 40 and not over 70 cts. per 11). . . . per lb. 41 cts. and 50 per cent. {. " over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. " bolts and steps combined, as manufactures of metal, ss. 10,386 12,932 45 percent. " clocks, in leather cases 40 per cent. " " leather cases for, ss. 9,477 35 per cent. hardware, n. s. p. f 45 per cent. " robes or rugs, as manufactures of wool, ss. 7,298 8,702: / Value not over 10 cts. per lb per lb. 33 eta and 50 per cent. J " over 40 and not over 70 cts. per lb. I per lb. 14 cts. and 50 per cent. •• 70 cts. per lb V per lb. 41 cts. and 55 per cent. " " goatskin, as manufactures of fur, ss. 8,702, 35 percent. Carriages and parts of, a. s, p. f. according to material. Carriages are household effects, ss. 1,955 6,712-11,021- 16,730. Carroted skins, ss. 13,393, 18,222 20 per cent. Cars, American built, if repaired in a foreign country, repairs are dutiable, ss. 385. materials used for repairing foreign, are dutiable, ss. 12,279. plat form, as manufactures of metal, ss. 7,6X4 45 per cent. used in through traffic between Canada and United Stal s,B8 847-648-5,098-9,549 16,248 Free. " railway, in part metal, bs. 7,684 9,628 45 per cent. Cartage may be a part of dutiable value, ss. 13,072. " on i. T. goods must b< paid by importer, ss. 18,787. lo public store on merchandise not invoiced, to of the Port of A T ew York. 213 show contents of each case, must be paid by im- porter, ss. 2,344. Cartage on appraisement packages must be paid by im- porter, ss. 8,993, 17,509. Car tires, iron or steel per lb. 1 J^> cts. Cartmen, licensed, must take oath, ss. 14,786. " will not be permitted to lease their vehicles to brokers, importers or forwarding agents, ss. 14,786. Carton pate, as papier mache, ss. 14,561 35 per cent. Cartons, empty paper 45 per cent. " " surface coated paper 45 per cent. " filled, as coverings, same rati' as contents. Cartridge belts, ss. 8,515 45 per cent. " cases, with fulminate, ss. 3.552 3.846-14,544. . . 45 per cent. " shells, paper and metal, as manufactures of metal, ss. 2,336 45 per cent. Cartridges, ss. 3,552-3,622 3,846 6,634 35 per cent. Car truck channels, ss. 4,677-4,873 per lb. y z ct. " " " riveted and bolted together, ss. 9,864. . per lb. J4 ct. Car trucks for American built cars, ss. 9,688. 45 per cent. Carui, or caraway, oil of Free. " seed, crude Free. Carved figures of wood for church, ss. 11,693 Free. " altars " " dutiable, ss. 6,032 35 per cent. Carvene, ss. 18,144 Free. Carving knives, forks and steels, finished or unfinished : f With handles of mother-of-pearl, shell or ivory. . ..each 16 cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 45 per cent. I deer horn | . ..each 12 cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 45 per cent. \ hard rubber, solid bone, celluloid or any pyroxyline matt rial . . ..each 5 cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 45 per cent. I any other material [ . .each lt» cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 45 per cent. Carvings, molded of glue and sawdust, ss. 7,431-7,831 35 per cent. " in soapstone, ss. 9,042 45 per cent. Carvol, ss. 18.144 Free. Car wheel centers, iron or steel per lb. 1$4 cts. " " fitted, as manufactures, metal, ss. 8,037. 45 per cent. Car wheels, American, returned when worn out, ss. 8,229. Free. Cascarilla bark, crude Free. " " not crude per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Casein, as egg albumen, ss. 20,614 per lb. 3 cents. Cases, empty, according to material. " cartridge, with fulminate, ss. 3,552-3,846-14,544 45 per cent. " for musical instruments 45 per cent. " of all materials, regularly used as coverings, pay same duty as contents, ss. 13,166-11,213-14,949. " central fire, ss. 3,846-14,544 45 per cent. " packing, empty, of wood 80 per cent. Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Cashmere gloves and shaw Is, as wi rearing apparel, ss. 13,888 per lb. 44 Cts. and 60 per cent. Cashmeres, weighing 4 02s. or less, as wool dn se goods, as. 8,624 : Value not over 70 cts. per lb. persq. yd. 11 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb [ persq. yd. 11 cts. and 55 per cent, weighing over 4 ozs. per sq. yd. dutiable as woolen cloth. (.'asks, wooden, empty 30 per cent. " " are unusual covering for canary seed, 88. 7,786 30percent. " carved, are unusual coverings for wine, bs. 5,346.. 30 per cent. " containing spirits under 10 galls, capacity are an illegal importation, ss. 6,501. " headings of 35 per cent. " in part of Am. shooks, dutiable, ss. id. Slid 30 per cent. il made of Am. phooks or staves Free. Cassava or cassady, ss. 3,161-7,971-9,031-22,021 Free. Cassia, cassia buds and cassia vera, unground I) ee. " " " ground per lb. 3 cts. fistula, crude Free. " " advanced in value pet lb. > , ct. and in per cent. " oil of Free. " eaigon, ss. 1,039 Free. " " ground or powdered perlb.3cts. ( 'assiteritc Free. Cassocks, wool, hair, etc., ss. 3,859 per lb. 1 1 cts. and 60 per cent. if regalia, ss. 4,435-5,942-7,135 Free. Castana or castanea nuts per lb. 1 ct. Castanets, or bones, ss. 2,510 45 per cent. ( iasters, or cruets, cut or ornamented 60 per cent. " " metal chief value 45 per cent. " furniture, according to material. Cast hollow ware, coated, glazed or tinned per lb. 2 cts. " " " not " " " " per lb. ft ct. Castile soap, ss. 10,601 12,709 13,660 per lb. 1J4 cts. Castings, iron, ss. 9,135-12,81 t-12,855 13,862 per lb. ft ct. " ground and lilted as manufactures of metal, bs. p.'. si i 12,920 i"> per cent. " malleable, bs. 6,774 per lb. ft . t " " " galvanized, ss. 8,180 15 per cent. " steel, dry sand, loam or iron molded, as steel ingots. Cast iron pipe, of all kinds per lb. T 4 „ ct. " " vessels, stove plates, andirons, sadirons and tailors' and natters 1 irons peril), ftct. Cast ir beans or seeds, 5011)8. to bushel, ss. 5S-.' 7,919... .per bush. 25 cts. " " " " allowance will not be made for dirt or d.alT iii. ss. 10,207-17,676. of the Poit of New York. 215 Castor oil per gall. 35 cts. " or castoreum Free. Casts, according to material. " bronze vases, etc., as mfrs. metal, ss. 16,314 45 per cent. " of sculpture for institutions, ss. 5,303 Free. Cast steel edge tools', ss. 7,783 45 per cent. Casualty, damage by, under Sec. 2,984, R. S., ss. 371-767- 1 ,653 - 3,593 - 10,172 - 10,195 - 3,256- 5,438-5.837. " " " allowed only on goods in custody of customs officers, ss. 1,653 5,507- 11,534 13,189. " " " bursting of carboy of kirschwasser is not, ss. 12,517. " " " dampness is not, ss. 7,835. " " " deliquescence of sal-soda is not, ss. 17,333. " freezing is not, ss. 1,089-7,968-13,855. 11 " " gnawing of rats and mice is not, ss. 15,570. " " beating of fish by natural causes is not, ss. 8.396. " " injury by a burglar is not, ss. 8,539. " " leaky valve on steam pipe is, ss. 11, 137 " '• moth in worsted yarn is not, D. L. N. Y., Jan. 10, 1890. " " " rust on iron is, ss. 8,372. " " " weevil in rice is not. ss. 3,244. " " " wetting by rain is not, ss. 8,472- 10,18040,214-11,113-11,377. " " " worm hole in cask is not, ss. 10,167- 12.741. Catalogues, as printed matter, ss. 6,991-10,100 25 per cent. " lithographic as lithographs, ss. 12,799-17,640.. Catechu, or cutch Free. Catgut, all manufactures of, n. s. p. f 25 per cent. " ligatures, for surgical uses, ss. 4,987 25 per cent. '• unmanufactured Free. " snells, with fish hook attached, ss. 18,226 25 per cent. " strings, for musical instiumeuts, 18,733 45 per cent. " " for other uses, ss. 4,987- 6,579 25 per cent. Cathedral glass, as unpolished cylinder, ss. 6,784. " rolled, as rolled plate, ss. 6,809. Catheters, India rubber chief value, ss. 7,319, 11,383 30 per cent. " cotton chief value, ss. 16,431 45 per cent. " glass chief value, ss. 11,383 45 per cent. " with wire, as manufactures of iron, ss. 7,349.. . 45 per cent. Catsup, all kinds 40 per cent. 216 Customs Brokers dnd i A iation ilf less than 1 year old per head $2. All other cattle, if valued at not more than $14 per head pur head $8.75. If valued at more than ;1 1 per head 27(4 per cent. " domestic, forexport, must be examined, ss. 3,867- 4,462. dying in transit unless exported or abandoned to l'. s. are dutiable, ss. 12,325 20 per cent. 571 " hair, cleaned or uncleaned, drawn or undrawn Free. 437 " hides, must be disinfected, ss. 5,841-10,286 11,009- 14,996 15 percent. must be quarantined and examined by a veterinary, 88. 10,203-10,286-10,639-11,262 12,187. " neat, importation of. prohibited. Secretary of Treasury may remove prohibition. 218 '• less than 1 year old per head. $2. 218 " over 1 year old. and valued not more than $14 per h'd. $3.75. 218 " valued over $14 27^ per cent. 68 " spiee, 88. 5,370 9,072 25 per cent. Cattlemen must procure certificate's from a commissioner of immigration, collector of customs or immigrant inspector, to avoid detention on return, ss. 14,804. 241 Cauliflowers, in sail or brine, ss. 3,755 5,098 10,749 15,523. 40 per cent. 241 " in bottles, bottles dutiable, ss. 9,024 40percent. 257 " in natural condition 25 per cent . 241 " prepared or preserved 40 per cent. 656 " seed Free. 63 Caustic potash, refined, in sticks or rolls per lb. 1 et. 644 " " not in sticks or rolls Free. 76 " soda, ss. 4,118 per lb. % ct. 70 " " in solution, ss. 4.066 per lb. % ct. 3 " " and lime combined, ss. 9,126 25 per cent. § 6 Caviare, ss. 2,872, 10,877' 20 per cent. 453 Cavalry trumpets and bugles, ss. 5.217 45 per cent. 237 Cayenne pepper, unground per lb. 2'._. cts. 287 •• " ground per lb. 2J4 cts. 208 Cedar bark, manufactures of, ss. 5,469 16,057 17,110 85porcent. 199 " clapboards, ss. 17,185 per M. $1.60. 700 •• In the log, rough or hewn, ss 5,842-10,402 Free. 194 ■• for building wharves, as wharf timber, ss. 11,096- 1 1,861 percub. ft. 1 et. 198 " in the log, squared by sawing, as sawed cedar, ss. 12,285 16,456 15 per cent. 196 " paving posts, ss. 15,697 20percent. 196 " poles, electric light telegraph, telephone and i rolley 20 per cent. 196 " posts, railroad ties, sawed, ss. 12,010 20 per cent. 195 " red. dressed, a- dressed lumber, ss. 16,467. 463 •• sawdust, ss. 4,899 lOpercent. 198 •• sawed boards, ss. 16,299 15,871 16percent, of the roil of New York. 217 Cedar snooks, for casks or barrels, as manufactures, ss. 578 35 per cent. " Spanish is a cabinet wood, ss. 18,234. Cedars, trimmed for fence rails, as wood unmanufactured 20 per cent. Cedrat, oil of Free. Celery, in natural state 25 per cent " in cans or other packages 40 per cent. " seed, suitable for garden seeds, ss. 1 ,757-1,812-1,903 30 per cent. " " not " " " " ss. 12,726 Free. " salt, a sauce, ss. 6.080 40 per cent. Cellos, ss. 10,941 45 per cent. Cells, porous, as white earthenware, ss. 10,396 55 per cent. " asphaltum, ss. 12,244 35 per cent. " or cups of batteries, carbon, ss. 6,533 20 per cent. Celluloid, crude or unmanufactured per lb. 50 cts. " boutonnieres, ss. 14,938 per lb. 65 cents and 25 per ct. " comb blanks, as unfinished articles, ss. 17.839. per lb. 65c. and 25 per ct, " covers and trays, ss. 16,478 per lb. 65 cts. and 25 per ct. " hair pins, as manufactures of celluloid, ss. 1,103 11,092-11, 118-17.8 ,9 perlb. 65 cts. and 25 per cent. " in sheets unpolished, per lb. CO cts. " " polished, ss. 21,870 21.881 per lb. 65 cts. and 25 per cent. " labels, for plants, ss. 11.045 per lb. 65 cts. and 25 per ct. " made up into finished articles, ss. 8,941 per lb. 65 cts. 25 per cent. " memorandum tablets, as manufactures of, ss. 13,814 per lb. 65 cts. and 25 per cent. " toilet cases, as pocket mirrors, ss. 13,814 45 per cent. Cement, bicycle, ss. 8.597-1 9,3." 20 per cent. " calcined and ground magnesite is, ss. 9,375, 16,851. 20 per cent. " copper Free. " all n. s. p. f 20 per cent. " india rubber, ss. 13,769 20 per cent . " Keene's hydraulic, ss. 14,703-20,130 20 per cent. " Koman, Portland and other hydraulic, in pack- ages, including weight of package, ss. 11,197. .per 100 lbs. 8 cts. " Koman, test weight sufficient to determine quan- tity, ss. 14,128. " the same, in bulk, ss. 8,199 per 100 lbs. 7 cts. " statuettes, ss. 14,860 45 per cent. " Winkleman's fire, as cement, n. s. p. f., 86. 17,837 20 per cent. Centers of car wheels, ss. 8,037 per lb. 1J^ cts. Central fire cases, with fulminate, metal, ss. 3,846 15 per cent. Ceramics, imported for presentation to institutions, ss. 3,664 Free. Cerates, n. s. p. f 25 per cent. Ceresia or Ceresin, fossil wax, ss. 2,703 6,258 Free. " " refined or mfrs. of 25 per cent. 218 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Par § 6 Cerisette, as n. e. manufactured article, - . 1 i 566 80 per cent. 518 Cerium Free 614 '■ ore, ss. 20,245 Free. Certificates, Artists, not required when works impi for exhibition, ss. 18,700. " Collectors shall not issue to Chin ing to return, ss. 1 1,083. " Collectors shall destroy such as are used by incoming Chinese, to prevent fu 1 1,375. " forciL'ii rusioms not required, case of Ameri- can goods returned, declaration before U. S. Consul sufficient, ss. 18,702. " of export may be forwarded on written application in absence of applicant, ss. 11,286. " of export of American shooks may be fur- nished importer, ss. 1 1,012. " of export Of canned goods in sealed cans may- be furnished by officer at frontier port, ss. 14,431. " of landing domestic merchandise, subjed to internal revenue tax. may be made bj Ss agent, ss. 13,719. " of landing of goods consigned to an agenl may be made by an agent, ss. 11,669. " of landing, one may cover several shipments, ss. 12,747. " of receipt of I. T. goods should be issued as soon as goods are received, whethei entered or not. ss 1 1,483. Certified statements, payments will uot be made on. to parties indebted to the Govern- ment, s . B.932. " " must be made for all refunds paid at ports where there is no naval officer, ss. 2,716 7,505. " " for refunds must be mad< in name of person originally making entry, ss. 3,678. « » will be prepared only upon special instructions from the Department Customs Regulations, 1892, Vrt. 9 15. " " for refunds on goods undet bond, transferred by original importer, may be made in name of tr i feree, ss. 9,489. 15 Ceruleine, as coal tar, ss. 5,113-8,768- 12,828 -lS^ I percent. 231 Chaff oat, ss. 16,228 per 100 lbs. lOcts. of the Port of New York. 219 Chafing dishes, metal 45 per cent. Chains, of all kinds, iron or steel, less than T 5 g in. diameter, ss. 6,155-8,739, per lb. 3 cts. but not less than 45 per cent . " of all kinds, T R e , and less than % in . diameter per lb. 1% cts. but not less than 45 per ct. " " %, and less than M. in. diameter per lb. 1% cts. but not less than 45 per ct. " " not less than % in . diameter per lb. 114 but not less than 45 per ct. " brass ball, ss. 7,878 45 per cent. " " or other metal, n. s. p. f., ss. 9,060 10,410. . . 45 per cent. " curb, ss. 6,101, a8 other chains. " worn on the person, as jewelry 60 per cent. " German silver, as jewelry, ss. 16,631 60 per cent. " gutta percha or hard rubber 35 per cent. " hair, human 35 per cent. " " " for jewelry 60 per cent. " key, as chains, ss. 17,186 not less than 45 per cent. " links or split rings of wire, ss. 8,865 45 per cent. " watch, of steel, as jewelry, ss. 10,889 12,040 60 per cent. " partially nian'fd, as unfinished jewelry, ss. 18,678 60 per cent. " watch, silver plated, as jewelry, ss. 12,660 60 per cent " white metal, as jewelry, ss. 17,054 60 per cent. " shot, as manufactures of metal, ss. 10,890-18,175.. 45 per cent. " silk vest, as jewelry, ss. 17,053 60 per cent. " surveyors', as chains, ss. 8,740. Chair cane wrought or manufactured from rattans or reeds, ss. 12,981 10 per cent. " reeds, wrought or manufactured, ss. 13,244 10 per cent. Chairs, willow or osier, ss. 9,536 40 per cent. " lawn or garden, iron 45 per cent. " made of wire, pay highest rate assessed on the wire of which they are made and per lb. 1J4 ct. " wood, finished or unfinished 35 per cent. Chalcedony, cut, for jewelers 10 per cent. '• manufs. of 50 per cent. Chalk, billiard, as chalk, n. s. p. f. ss. 11,333-14,200 per lb. 1 cent. " all manufs. of, n. s. p. f 25 per cent. " cubes, blocks, sticks or disks per lb. 1 ct. " figures, ss. 6,933 25 per cent. " prepared, precipitated, n. s. p. f., ss. 19,491 per lb. 1 cent. " ground. French, red and tailors, ss. 16,526-17,478... per lb. 1 cent. •' crude, unmanufactured Free. Chamberg of silk, as woven fabrics, Chamoisine dusters, as manufactures cotton, ss. 16.318. . . 45 per cent. Chamois skin, finished 20 per cent. " toilet, manufactures of leather, ss. 8,789.. . 35 per cent. " unfinished, as dressed skins, n. s. p. f., ss. 11,701-16,289 20 per cent. Champagne ct. ( lhapels, pastel oard and shells, ss. 8,531 35 per cent. Chappatote, Mexican asphalt, ss. 1,867, Bee asphalt. Charcoal 20 per cent. " animal, exhausted, as substance tit only for manure, ss. 13,359-14,700 Free. " capsules, medicinal preparation 25 per cent. " for heating censer, ss. 8,669 35 per ( cut . " fillers, for hand warmers, ss 15,380 .. 35 per cent. " iron in liars, blooms, etc . ss. 6,586 6,827 8,016 8.15:) 8,357 per ton $12.00. " plates or blocks, for electric batterj . ss. s .. '.". 35 per tent. " powder, toOel preparation 60 per cent. " sticks for drawing, as chart oal, ss. i:i.: 17 ■",."> per cent. Charges, distribution of, must be equitable, ss. 13.292. " dutiable character of invoice, is subject to pro- test and not reappraisement, ss. 14,784. " for cartage, labor and Storage accrue on goods entered by appraisement, ss. 8,998-17,569. " for remeasuring goods incorrectly sttitnl on in- voice must be paid by importer, ss. 13,556. incurred in purchase of raw sealskins to !»■ dyed abroad are dutiable, ss. 8,899 11,845 1 1.1:01. involuntary consignees are not liable for on nn- 1 i:i imed goods, ss. 7.796. Canton l.ckin tax, is an export tax. not dutiable, ss. 18,950 19,008. " must be specified on invoice, ss, 10,555 12, 105. of the Port of .Yew York. 221 Charges, nod-dutiable, included in invoice price, may be deducted, ss. 13,533. " should be distributed jtro rata, ss. 3,388. Charlton, white, as paiut containing zinc, ss. 10,824. Charms, agate, as jewelry, ss. 7,155 60 per cent. " bisque, china, earthenware, parian, porcelain or Stone, plain 55 per cent. " same, decorated, ornamented, etc 60 per cent. bone, ss. 12,805 30 per cent. " enameled, metal, ss. 14,911 45 per cent. for jewelry, ss. 9,073-9,665 60 per cent. L'lass and ivory, ss. 6,050 45 per cent. " if toys 35 per cent. " knives, as pocket knives, ss. 9,073 15,010. " lead pencils, as lead pencils, ss. 14,640 per gross 45 cts. and 25 per cent. " miniature opera glasses, ss. 9,665 60 per cent- Charts, for the nse of U. S Free. " Marshall's anatomical, as lithographs, ss. 17,158. " printed over twenty years, bound or unbound. .. . Free. of later date 25 per cent. " specially imported for societies, not more than 2 copies Free. Chasubles, as silk wearing apparel, ss. 12,720 60 per cent. " woven crosses for, as silk embroidery, ss. 9,664. 60 per cent. " for churches, as regalia Free. Chatelaines, worn as jewelry, ss. 1,024-17,945-21,874 60 per cent. Checks, blank, as printed matter ... 25 per cent. " according to material. 11 for payment of duty, can be used by any holder, ss. 14,815-14,896-15,798. " lithographed. See lithographs. " Treasury, lost, duplication of, ss. 3,392. Cheese boxes, empty, as packing boxes, ss. 2,307 12,315. . 30 per cent. materials, ss. 2,307 35 per cent. " filled. Internal Revenue Tax per Hi. Scents addi- tional, ss. 17,334 per lb. 6 cts. 237 " grated, in bottles, ss. 1,727 per lb. 6 cts. 99 " bottles pay same rates as empty. 155 " knives, see table knives. 287 " of all kinds and substitutes per lb. 6 cts. 001 Cheetah skins, undressed, ss. 9,731 Free. 012 Chemical apparatus and parts of, composed of platinum.. Free. 1 " acids, n. 8. p. t 25 per cent. 3 " compounds, all n. s. p. f., ss. 6,758 1S,521 25 per cent. 100 " glassware, ss. 11,388 13,066 14,505 00 per cent. 3 " salts, n. s. p. f ., 9,457 25 per cent. 193 Chemists' scales, as manufactured metal, ss. 7,606 45 per cent. 310 I Chenille, cotton, all articles of, ss. 7,186 8,139 50 per cent. 372 | •• carpets per sqr. yd. One. and in per cent. 222 Customs, Brokers ti Clerks Association Chenille curtains, cotton 50 per cent. drapery of silk, sS. 13,340-15,038 . .per lb. $1-50 and 15 per cent, but not less than 50 per cent. " embroidery 60 per cent. " silk. .per lb. $1.50 and 15 per cent, but not less than 50 percent. " table covers, cotton 50 per cent. " trimmings, wool per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per nut. " wool, as manufactures wool. ss, 17,261. Cheroots per lb. $4.50 and 25 per cent. and internal Revenue tax of per 1,000 $3,00. ' ' for regulations us to method of packing, see cigars. Cherries, green, or ripe per bush 25 eta. " dried per lb. -J cts. " excessive quantity in cherry juice, as fruit in its own juice, ss. 12,673 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. " in brandy, ss. 15,683-19,020 22,003. per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. " " " over 10 per cent, of alcohol on excess over 10;» per proof gallon $2.50 and 35 per cent. " " maraschino, as in own juice, ss. 16,9(54, 17,308 -21,428 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. Cherry juice, containing not more than 18 per cent, of alcohol, ss. 8,672 5,326 per gall. 60 cts. " " containing more than 18 per cent. Of alco- hol, ss. 9,765, per gall. 60 cts. and in addi tion thereto on alcohol therein per proof gall. $2.07 " " concentrated as alco. compound, ss. 15,854 per lb. 60c. and 45 per cent. " " medicated, as cherry juice, ss. 12,445. " laurel water, as medicinal preparation, ss. 9,931.. . 25 per cent. " lumber, as cabinet wood, ss. 18,074. " roots, as rough sticks Free. Chessmen and chess balls, bone, ivory, or other material.. 50 per cent. Chestnuts, shelled or unshelled per lb. 1 cent. Chestnut extract, a dye, ss. 3,412 per lb. Jtfcts. " flour, as n. e. manufactured article, ss 11,647... 20percent. Chestnut, water, flour of, ss. 3,385-15,155 20 per cent . Cheviots, as manufactures of wool, ss. B,986: Value not more than lit cts. per lb.. ..per lb. 33 cts. and 50 percent. above 10 cts. and not above 70ctS. per lb per II'. II cts. at ii ."(I per cent. " over 70 cts. per- lb per lb. 1 1 cts. and 55 per cent. Chewing gum, if chicle per lb. 10 'is. " tobacco per lb. 55 cts. Chian turpentine, crude, ss. 5,114 Free. " " a medicinal preparation, ss. 4,701 25 per cent. Chiaseed. crude Free not crude per lb. M ct. and 10 per cent. Chickens, -alive, or not dressed, as poultry, ss. 16,660 perlb.8cts. dressed per lb. 5 cts. i gum per lb. 10 cts. ( 'b icory paste, ss. ! ,509 per lb. 2J4 Cts. of the Port of Nov York: 223 Chicory root, raw, dried, but unground per lb. 1 cent. " 11. s. p. f.. 86. 1,334 4,358 per lb. 2)^ cts. " " adulterated, as chicory, ss. 12,361 12,531 per lb. 2% cts. " seed, as agricultural seed, ss. 7,523-15,177 30 per cent . Chief value, material of, is that one which exceeds in value each of the others, ss. 5,207. Chiffon flouncings, silk, ss. 16,311-16,277 60 per cent. Children's dress goods, wool, see dress goods. Chilled iron shoe slides, as manufactures of, ss. 4,470 45 per rent. " shot, as manufactures of iron, ss. 7,816 45 per cent. Chili peppers, ground, ss. 11,688 per lb. 2>£ cts. " " unground, ss. 13,956 per lb. %% cts. Chillies, as capsicum or red pepper unground, ss. 15,475.. per lb. 2J^ cts. Chimes of bells 45 per cent. " " " for churches are dutiable, ss. 9,414 45 per cent. Chimney pieces, slate 20 per cent. " " marble 50 per cent. China baskets, ss. 9,013 60 per cent. " balls for sign work, as chinaware, ss. 15,147 60 per cent. " clay, or kaoline per ton $2.50. " " " " prepared for clearing wines, Oct. 17, 1879, Toledo 20 per cent. " dolls and doll heads, ss. 4,231-4,988 35 per cent. " grass or ramie, ss. 17,777 Free. " " manufactures of , as vegetable fiber 45 per cent. " " noils of, ss. 3,470 6,873-13,348 10 per cent. " thread and yarn, ss. 2,133-3,621-12,223-12,248.. Not finer than eight lea or number 7 cts. per lb. Finer than eight lea or number and not finer than eighty lea or number 40 per cent . Finer than eighty lea or number 15 per cent. matting, ss. 17,823 : Value 10 cts. per sqr. yd. or under per sqr. yd. 3 cts. Over 10 cts. per sqr. yd per sqr. yd. 7 cts. and 25 per cent. " plaques, as decorated china, ss. 15,863 60 per cent. " ribbons, as cotton tape, ss. 15,855 45 per cent. " root, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. Y\ ct. and 10 per cent. " stone, as china clay, ss. 5,367 per ton $2."0. " white, in bottles, as artists' colors, ss. 17,583 30 per cent. Chinas, as cotton cloth containing an admixture of silk, ss. 10,900 per sqr. yd. 8 cts. and 30 per cent. but not less than 50 per cent. Chinaware, including plaques, ornaments, toys, toy sets, charms, vases and statuettes, white, not changed in condition by superadded ornamentation or decoration, ss. 3,494-3,588 55 per cent . " including plaques, ornaments, toys, charms, vases and statuettes, painted, tinted, stained, enameled, printed, gilded, or otherwise deco- 224 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association rated or ornamented in any manner. SB. 2.504 2,645 60 per cent. Chinaware, cups and saucers with silver decorations, as decorated China, ss. 13,868 60 per cent. ('hint-hards, or chinches, packed in oil or otherwise, in bottles, jars, tin boxes or cans, ss. 1,382 : In packages containing VW cubic inches or less each l^ cts. [ " " containing more than ",' ._, and not more than 21 cubic inches. .7 each 2}4 cts. " containing more than 21 and not more than 33 cubic inches each 5 cts. ' " containing more than 33 and not more than 70 cubic inches each 10 cts. if in other packages 40 per cent. Chincona, or cinchona root or bark Free. " salts of Free. Chinconidia, sulphate of, ss. 4.011-4,161 Free. Chinese birds nests, ss. 22,054 20 per cent. li blue, in pulp or mixed with water per lb. 8 cts. " " dry or ground or mixed with oil per lb. 8 cts. " bombs, as firecrackers, ss. o.i 137 per lb. the weight to include all cover- ings, wrappings, and packing material. 8 cents. " cloth socks, as cotton wearing apparel, ss. 15,224, 50 per cent. " counters or chips, as mfrs. of paper, ss. io.iT7.... 35 per cent. •' dragon and apparel for Joss house are not re- galia, ss. 8,138 S.51S 60 per cent. " gelatine, agar-agar, as n.e. manufactured article. ss.10,923 20percent. " laborers will not be permitted to land, ss. 9,045 9,819. " laundrymen are laborers, ss. 9,750. longan, as drieil fruit, n. s. p. f . ss. 16,218 Free. " merchants are not excluded, ss. 6,092 6,240 6,574. " nurses are not excluded, BS. 8,068. paper rolls, stenciled and finished by hand, bs. 18,774 '-'o per cent. " playing cards, as manufactures, surface coaled paper, ss. 8,617 10,781 18,761 35percent. " queue strings, as wearing apparel, ss. i L,856 60 per cent, " railway officials are liable for bringing prohibited. into the rjnited stales, bs. 12,167 12,879. " resident in the United States must be registered, ss. 18,996 l l..-.l2'-(.. " seamen are not laborers, 88. 7,006. servants arc not c\c1ihI I shoes, a- wearing apparel, ss. 7,622 8,884 8,455 9.880-11,888. slippers, as wearing apparel, ss. 17,856. students can he admitted on proper certificate bs, 9,555, of the Port of New York. 225 Chinese subjects cannot import opium for any purpose, ss. 12,616. " sugar cake, as sugar, ss. 9,029-10,907 " testaments, as books in foreign languagj ss. 12,587 Free. " trousers, as wool wearing apparel, ss. 13,674 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " unlawfully in the United States must be deported, ss. 14,526. " who have previously resided in United States may be readmitted, except laborers, ss. 11,606- 13,828-13.850. " wives of laborers are excluded, ss. 8,080. " " " merchauts must have certificate, ss. 9,569. " wax, ss. 2,225 Free. " wines, as spirits, ss. 1,987-10,338 per proof gall. $2.25. " in bottles, bottles pay as empty. " medicated, Wae Sing and Sam Shu, ss. 9,083-14,047-14,111 per proof gall. $2.25. " medicated, in bottles, bottles pay as empty. C'hinoidine, ss. 6,865 Free. Chinisol or quinosol, as coal tar product, ss. 20,655 20 per cent. Chinotte, Eve's apples, confectionery, Mch. 9, 1866, N. Y. 50 per cent. Chip, all manufactures of, n. s. p. f 30 per cent. " bonnets, hats or hoods, untrimmed 35 per cent. " " trimmed 50 per cent. " braids for hats, not bleached, etc 15 per cent. " " if bleached, etc 20 per cent. " plaits, or plateaux, ss. 12,039-16,276-16,343-17,747. . 35 per cent. Chisels 45 per cent. Chloralamide, as chemical compound 25 per cent. Chloral hydrate 55 cts. per lb., but not less than 25 per cent. Chlorate of barytes, ss. 2,117 25 per cent. " of potash per lb. 2J^ cts. " of soda, ss. 4,109 per lb. 2 cts. " of tin, as lac spirits, ss. 12,953 Free. Chlorbarium, ss. 581 -763-6,301 25 per cent. Chloride of barium, ss. 763 6,301 25 per cent. " of calcium, ss. 9,008 25 per cent. " of lime, ss. 6,568 per lb. J cent " of magnesium, 8,092 8,138 25 per cent. " manganese 25 per cent. " of zinc, ss. 4, 440-4. 526 per lb. 1 cent. Chlorkalium, as manure salt Free. Chlorine, liquid 25 per cent. Chlorodyne, alcoholic medicinal preparation, ss. 14,805. per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. Chloroform per lb. 20 cts. Chlorometers, glass 60 per cent. ( hlorophvl, vegetable color, ss. 9,912 30 per cent. Par. 226 Customs Brokers and Clerks A ssociation Chocolate, sweetened, flavored or other, ss. 10.919-13,447 ( Value not over 15 cts. per lb per lb. 2^ cts. " over 15 cts. and not over 24 cts. ia noa ia m I per lb per lb. 2^6 cts. and 10 per cent. over 24 cts. and not above "35 cts. i: per lb per lb. 5 cts. and 10 per cent. over 35 cts. per lb 50 per cent. confectionery, ss. 3,569-3,932 9,527 : ' Valued at 15 cents per lb. or less. per lb. 4 cts. and 15 per cent. " more than 15 cents per lb 50 per cent. The weight and the value of the immediate cover- ings, other than the outer packing case or other covering, shall be included in the dutiable V weight and the value of the merchandise.. " figures and images, as confectionery, ss. 13,869- 14.107. is cocoa with sugar and flavoring matter, ss. ,18,141. Chondrometers, metal 45 per cent. Christmas tree ornaments, as toys, ss. 7,853-8,656-14,945- 21,718 21,723 35 per cent. " trees, rootless, as n. e. mfd. article, ss. 21,095. . 10 per cent. Chromalum, as chemical compound 25 per cent. Chromate of iron Free. " of lead (chrome yellow) per lb. 4V w Fork. 233 Cloth, cotton and grass fiber, as manufactures cotton, ss. 15,984 45 per cent. " " and silk, hemstitched, as manufactures cotton, ss. 15,684 45 per cent. " " and silk tapestry, cotton c. v., ss. 16,405 . .per sq. yd. 8 cts. and 20 per cent, but not less than 50 per cent. " " " tapestry, silk c. v 50 per cent. " " cut in strips, as countable cloth, ss. 7,325. " cravenette is not waterproof, but woolen, ss. 16,066-16,303. " crinoline, cotton per sq. yd. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. " " hair per sq. yd. 10 cts. " emery, as manufactures of cotton 45 per cent. " fancy costume, as countable cottons, ss. 11,023. " flax or linen : Weighing less than 4J-3 ounces per sq. yd. and containing more than 100 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling 35 per cent. Weighing 4V£ ounces or more per sq. yd., when containing not more than 60 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling 1% cts. per sq. yd. and 30 per cent. but not less than 50 per cent. Containing more than 60 and not more than 120 threads to the square inch.. . 2,% cts. per sq. yd. and 30 per cent. but not less than 50 per cent. Containing more than 120 and not more than 180 threads to the square inch. . 6 cts. per sq. yd, and 30 per cent. but not less than 50 per cent. Containing more than 180 threads to the square inch 9 cts. per sq. yd. and 30 per cent. but not less than 50 per cent. All others 45 per cent. ' gloria, as women's and children's dress goods, ss. 16,305 : Value not over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over 4 ounces per sq. yd per eq. yd. 11 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over 4 ounces per sq. yd .per sq. yd. 11 cts. and 55 per cent. • Weighing over 4 ounces per sq. yd., as woolen cloth. ' grass, in the leaf , ss. 12,223 30 per cent. » " in fiber, ss. 12,223 45 per cent. 234 Customs Broh rs and < Cloth, gunny, 10 threads or less to sq. inch and weighing 15 ozs. or more to sq. yd per Bq. yd. ft ct. all other 45 pei " hair, known as " crinoline cloth " per bq. yd. io cts. " " " hair seating per sq. yd. 20 cts. " " all other: ( Value not more than 40 cts. per lh per lb. 33 cts. anil 50 per cent. -I " above 40 cts. and not more than 70 cts. per lb per In. 44 Cts. and 50 per cent. L " over 70 cts. per 11) per lb. 41 cts. and 55 per cent. " india rubber, as waterproof per sq. yd. 10 cts. and 20 per cent. " Italian, according to material. " iron or steel wire, in addition to highest rate of duty on any wire of which they are made . . per lb. I 1 .; cts. " jute, single yarn, as woven fabrics. " " press, ss.15,990 45 per cent. " lined envelopes, as manufactures cotton, ss. 8,293 . . 15 per cent . " mohair or other materials cut exclusively for but- tons 10 per cent. " oil. for floors or other use, except silk: \ ruder 12 feet in width persq. yd. set-, and 15 per cent. "/ 12 feet and over per si] yd. .0 cts. and 20 per cent. " " silk, as woven fabrics. hair press per sq. yd. 20 cts. " straw, for making hats, ss. 14,402, n>>] bleached, etc.. etc 15 per cent. bleached, etc., 1 t'- 20 per cent. " cotton tamboured sash, ss. Hi. 101 id per (cut. " cotton terry as manufactures of, s. s. 1 1,499 i"> per cent. " tracing, ss. 10,227 per sq. yd. 3 Cts. and 2 ) per rent. " umbrella, "black union twill" as woven silk fabrics, ss. 10,055. vegetable fiber 45 per cent. waterproof, cotton or other vegetable fiber, ss. 11,699-12,695 12,718 12,733. ...per sq. yd. lOcts. and 20 percent. woolen or worsted, ss. 8,024 : \ : 1 1 1 1 1 ■ I lot over 10 ct-. per lh. .pel' lb. ■'!'! CtS. and "0 per cent. Over 10 cts. and not over (0 els. pel' lh per lh. ii cts. and 60 per cent. ■' over 70 cts. per lb per lh. U cts. and 55 pet cent. Clothing, card, tempered steel \\ ire, >-. 12,928 per sq. loot i;, cts. " " td! other per sq. fool 20 el -. " in actual use of person- an iv ing in the U. S free. " brought by citizen of IT. S., all taken abroad, and $100 worth purchased abroad Free. " ready made, sanei [can materials made up in for- eign country, according to material, ss. 14,468. " ready made cotton or other vegetable fiber. ... 50 per cent. I " " " cotton, f cordi i. containing india rubber, ac- ling to chief value, ss. 12,208 Par. Of the Port of New York. 235 Clothing, ready made, if embroidered 60 per cent. " " " cotton or other vegetable fiber out- side garments, in part india rub- ber per lb. 15 cts and 50 per cent. " " " for foreign naval officers, is dutia- ble, ss. 6,606. " " " linen, wholly or in part, same as cotton. " " " silk 60percen f . li " " " fur-lined, ss. 17,282 60 per cent. " " " " containing india rubber 60 per cent. " " " of mixed materials, according to chief value, ss. 14,811. " wholly or partly of wool, worsted, hair, etc., ss.13,888 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " wholly or partly of wool, fur-lined, as wool wearing appaiel, ss. 17,282-19,249 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Clover seed, as grass seed, ss. 11,363-14,184-14,720-18,257. . Free. Cloves and clove stem, unground. Free. " " " ground per lb. 3 cts. " oil of 25 per cent. Club soda, as soda water, ss. 6,790. Cluney lace, linen 60 per cent. Coaches, as manufactures of metal, ss. 13,354 45 per cent. Coach hardware 45 per cent. " lace, according to material. Coal, anthracite, 92 per cent, or over of fixed carbon Free. " " under 92 per cent, carbon, ss. 18,838 per ton 67 cts. " and culm mixed, as coal, ss. 13,816 per ton 67 cts. ' bituminous and shale, ss. 8,736-15,206. .per ton of 2,240 lbs. 67 cts. ' cannel, as bituminous, ss. 787 per ton 67 cts. ' charcoal 20 per cent. ' coke 20 per cent. ■ ' containing not less than 92 per cent, of carbon to be taken as anthracite, ss. 10,234 12,251 13,402 Free. ' oils or petroleum, crude or refined Free. ' From countries charging a duty on petroleum or its products exported from U. S., same duty as is charged by foreign country. ' patent, culm, or coal and coal tar, as manufactured article, ss. 9,650 20 per cent. ' scuttles, as manufactures metal, ss. 8,162 45 per cent. ' semi-anthracite, ss. 8,670-15,857 per ton 67 cts . ' shipped as cargo, if retained on board for ship's use, is dutiable, ss. 4,935. " slack or culm, such as will pass through a half- inch screen; this includes screenings and dust, 88. 604-667-1,215-2,363-3,952-11,057 per ton 15 cts. hir. 336 Customs Brokers and Clerks Associ Coal, stores, for American vessels. not discharged, bs. 12.172 13,866 14,476-15,206 Free. " stores, for foreign vessels, are dutiable, bs. 5,879- 7,039 per toil tit ets. " stores, for American vessels, entitled to drawback, as. 10,378. " tar colors, or dyes, n. 8. p. f., bs. 22,109 30 per cent. " " crude Free. " " disinfectants, solid and fluid, ss. 16,818 20percent. " " all preparations, n. s. p. f., ss. 13,04} I 13.-1K) 17,755 80 per cent. " " preparations, medicinal, ss. 81,591 per lb. 55 cents but not less than 35 per cent. " " pitch Free. " " products, not medicinal, n. e. p. f SO per cent. Coat hangers as manufactures metal 45 per cent. Coatings, linen, as woven fabrics. Coat linings, lambskin with woo on, ss. 10,324 26 per cent. " " wool, and goods of like description : Value not over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over I oz. per .-q. yard per sq. yard 1 1 cts and 50 per cent. Value over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing I not over 1 oz. per sq. yard per sq. yard 11 ets. and 55 per cent. I Weighing over 1 oz. per sq. yard as [ woolen cloth. Coats, fur, ss. 7,451 35 per cent. india rubber, vegetable fibre, SS. 6,069. per lb. 15 ets & 50 per cent. lambskin, with wool on, ss. 717 8,8(57 35 per cent. " silk 60 per cent. wool per H' 14 cts. and 60 per cent. Cobalt ore Free. " oxide of per lb. 26 ets. " (metallic arsenic) 20 per cent. Cobaltine, or crystals, ss. 2,945 3,168 20 per cent. Cobble stones, as crude minerals, ss. 5,877-13,788., Pree. Coburgs, as worsted dress goods : I Value not over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over I 1 oz. per sq. yard per 8q. yard 11 Ct8. and 50 pel -j Value over 70' ets. per lb. and weighing not over I oz per sq. yard per Sq. yard 11 its. and 55 per cent. ( Weighing over 4 oz. per sq. yard as woolen cloth Cocaine, crude, as an alkaloid, bs. 12,980 25 per cent. " hydrochlorate of. B8. 20,050 per lb. 55 cts.. bat not less than 25 per cent. muriate, ss. 15.111 19,029 25 per cent. salts of, as alkaloid salts, ss. 11,! 1-13,849 25 per cent. Cocculus Indicus, crude Free. Cochineal Free. " ammoniated, as chemical compound, bs. 11,585. 25percent. lake, ss. 1,828 30 per cent. Cockades, coachmen's, as manufactured leather, ss. 7,300. 35 per cent. of the Port of Xeiv York. Cocoa, crude, and fiber, leaves and shells of Free. " and coir matting, ss. 1,050 per sq. yd. 6 cts. " " " mats per sq. ft. 4 cts. " " " " with wool borders, as woolen 50 per cent. batter, artificial, as expressed oil, ss. 11,362 25 per cent. " or butterine, ss. 12,436-17,770-18,086 per lb. 3Hs cts. " " cocoa oil and milk as oleomargarine, ss. 16,515 6 cents. lines not contain sugar or flavoring matter, ss.18,141. per lb. 5 cts. " fermented, as crude Free. " fiber, dyed, as n.e. manufactured article, ss. 12,586 -13.591 20 per cent. '• fibre, oiled, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 6,672 20 per cent. malted, as prepared, ss. 6,518. " confectionery, value not over 15 cts. .per lb. 4 cts. and 15 per cent. " over 15 cts. per lb 50 per cent. weight and value of all except outer covering included. " powdered, unsweetened, ss. 19,387 per lb. 5 cents. " prepared or manufactured, ss. 18,141, value not over 15 cts. per lb per lb. 2}4 cents. Over 15 cts. and not over 24 cts. per lb. 2}^ cts. and 10 per cent. Over 24 cts. and not over 35 cts. per lb. 5 cts. and 10 per cent. Over 35 cts. per lb 50 per cent. wine, medical preparation per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 per cent Cocoanut, shredded, desiccated, cut or similarly prepared, ss. 6,483-11,849 per lb. 2 cts. " meats, dried only, ss. 13,820 Free. " oil, as oil of nuts, ss. 2,360-14,602 Free. Cocoanuts in the shell Free. Cocoons, silk Free. Codeine, salts of per oz. $1.00. Codfish, fresh, frozen or packed in ice per lb. % ct. " oil, of American fishery Free. " " all other per gall. 8 cents. " spawn in tins, as fish eg<_'s. ss. 15,710 20 per cent. Codilla, tow of flax or hemp per ton $20. Cod lines, hemp, a scordage, same as cords, ss. 1,358 9,307. " liver oil per gall. 15 cents. " " •• medicinal preparation, ss. 10,684 25 per cent. " oil. ss. 12,378-18,317-21,910 per gall. 8 cents. Cod sounds and bladders, crude or salted Free. " " " " prepared, as gelatine. Coerulcin, coal tar color, 68. 8,768-15,757-15,983 30 per cent. Coffee, articles used as, or as substitutes for, n. 8. p. f per lb.2J^ cts. " acorn, dandelion root and all other substitutes for. per lb. 2J^ cts. •' berry Free. " " from non-reciprocal country per lb. 3 cents. 238 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Coffee, berry, in the hull, 19 per cent, deducted for weight of hull, ss. 12,737. " " may be sampled on dock D. L. N. Y.. July 27, '92. " extract or preparation of 20 per cent " ground, 88. 16,274-17,579 Free. " homeopathic, ss. 6,922 per lb. 2M> cts. ' mills, as manufactures of metal 45 per cent. " roasted, ss. 15,408 Free. Coffin cloth, as manufactures of wool, ss. 8,860 : Value not more than 40 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. & 50 per cent. Value above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. I Value over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent Cogged ingots, steel (see steel ingots). " " " for railway wheels and tires per lb. 1J4 cts. Cognac oil, or eonanthic ether, as fruit ether per lb. $2.00, but not less than 25 per cent. " "in wine yeast, ss. 10,211 per lb. $2.00, but not less than 25 per cent. Coins, abraded or mutilated, may be refused by U. S. Cus- toms Officers, ss. 4,326. " below standard weight, should be stamped on face, " light," ss. 4,781. " gold, silver and copper, in use as money Free. " imitations of, are illegal and prohibited, ss. 13,456- 13,464. " nickel, are dutiable, ss. 6,887 , per lb. 6 cts. " old gold, silver and copper Free. " old foreign copper coins in large quantities for manufacturing purposes, as old copper, ss. 1,760 Free. Coir and coir yarn Free. " hawsers, as manufactures of vegetable fibre, ss. 12,208 45 per cent. " manufactures of, n. s. p. f., as vegetable fibre 45 per cent. " or rattan mats per sqr. foot 4 cents. " " " matting per sqr. yd. 6 cents. the same, with wool borders, as wool 50 per cent. Coke 20 per cent. Colbert curtains, as cotton lace, ss. 9,502 60 per cent. Colchicum, wine of, ss. 6,006 8,329 per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. Colcothar, dry oxide of iron for use as paint, ss. 1,912- 6,658 9,265 30 per cent. Cold cream, cosmetic 50 per cent. Collar buttons, bone, ss, 11.981-12,044 50 per cent. " " pearl, ss. 14,404- 19,006 50 per cent. " BtifEener, ss. 18,231 45 per cent. ( !ollarettes, cotton, as wearing apparel, ss. 16,583 50 per cent. Collars, beaded b. c. v., as bead ornaments, ss. 15,981 60 per cent. " cotton per doz. pieces 45 cts. and 15 per cent. " " embroidered, ss. 14,305 60 per cent. Of the Port of New York. 239 Collars, cotton, lace, 68. 14,240 15,970-10,300 60 per cent. " linen, wholly or in part, .per doz. pieces 40 cts. and 20 per cent. " " embroidered, mb. 12,38(1 60 per cent. " silk or silk lace 60 per cent. " " fur and feather, silk chief value, ss. 6,252 60 per cent. Collectors are not liable to importers for their decisions in customs cases, ss. 14,905. " are not responsible for the acts of their subordi- nates if the latter are competent men. Robert- son vs. Sichel, S. C. R., 1,286. " assessment of duty is final in absence of pro- test, ss. 7,049-11,645-14,233. " cannot act as agent of consignee, ss. 10,036. " must communicate all instructions received from Department to Naval Officers and Surveyors, ss. 2,475. * " shall issue a license to any reputable and com- petent person desiring to transact business as a custom-house broker, ss. 15,198-15,203. Colleges, special importation for Free. Colliers, or de Joinville scarfs, as silk wearing apparel, ss. 11,022 60 per cent. Collodion, ss. 5,477 per lb. 50 cts. " business cards, as manufactures, ss. 15,127. . . . per lb. 65 cts. and 25 per cent. " films, photographic, ss. 14,457 25 per cent. " imitation precious stones, ss. 8,767 per lb. 6i cts. and 25 per cent. " rolled or in sheets, but not made up into article, per lb. 60 cts. " in finished or unfinished articles, per lb. 65 cts. and 25 per ct. " yarn, substitute for silk, ss. 15,388 per lb. C5 cts. and 25 per cent. Collofuge plasters, ss. 9,222 35 per cent. Column's concentrated mustard oil, ss. 8,487 25 per cent. Coleman's Liebig's extract of meat and wine as a medi- cinal preparation Colocynth, coloquintidia or bitter apples, crude or pealed, ss. 19,455 Free. " advanced in value per lb J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Cologne water per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. Colombia, IT. S. of, coffee, etc., from, ss. 12,492- 12,510-12,514-12,515-12,593-12,735 Free. Colopony, ss. 5,091-13,818 25 per cent. Coloring for brandy, wine, beer, or other liquors, ss. 7,101- 7,403 50 per cent. " for coffee, as n. e. manufactured article 20 per cent. " for sugar, as coal tar color, ss. 5,732-14,812 30 per cent. * Repealed by Section 34, Act July 24, 1897. 240 ( ustoms Brokers and Clerks Association Colored glass, in sheets for the manufacture of mock jewelry, ss. 3,808 CO per cent. " window glass, ss. 4,630-13,191 45 per cent. Colors, all coal tar colors or dyes by whatever name known, n. s. p. f 30 per cent. " all containing quicksilver per lb. 10 cent!;. " alizarine, natural or artificial, ss. 10,502 Free. " aniline colors, all, ss. 2,899-5,680 30 per cent. " annato extract, as lake, ss. 9,240 80 per cent. artists, ss. 8,039-10,809-11,863-14,244 30 per out . " cakes, ss. 16,834 30 per cent. " azo benzole, ss. 5,593 30 per cent. " azophor, red, as coal tar, ss. 17,740 30 per cent. " Berlin blue, dry or ground in oil per lb. 8 cts. " " in pulp or mixed with water per lb. 8 cts. " black made from bone, ivory or vegetable under whatever name known, including bone-black and lamp black, dry or ground in oil or water. . 25 per cent. " black pigment containing lead, as paint con- taining lead, ss 16,819 per lb. 2% cents. " blanc-fixe, or satin white, or artificial sulphate of barytes per lb. \t> cent. " blue, wash, containing ultramarine per lb. 3%cts. " " " " no ultramarine, as coal tar color 30 per cent. " blues, such as Berlin, Prussian, Chinese and all others containing ferrocyanide of iron, dry or ground in oil or water per lb. 8 cts " bone black 25 per cent. " Bordeaux red, 88. 6,414 30 per cent. " Charlton white, a8 color containing zinc, ss. 16,834. " Chinese white in cakes, ss. 16,834 30 per cent. " chrome yellow, chrome green and all other chromium colors, in which lead or bichromate of potash or soda are component parts, dry or ground in oil, 88. 13,200-18,139-21,720 per lb. H._. cts. " coal tar 30 per cent. " cochineal Free. lake, ss. 4,323 30 per cent. " containing quicksilver, dry or ground in oil or water per II). 10 cuts. " " lead per Id. 2% cents. " " zinc, dry per lb. 1 cent. " " " in oil per lb. i% cents " discharge lake, 15,976 30 per cent. " drop black 25 per cent. " Butch pink 30 per cent . " extract of logwood and a copper salt, as lake, ss. 9,088 30 per cent. " fast blue paste, as coal tar color, ss. 10,566 30 per cent. Of the Port of New York. 211 Colors, fust, drab, as a color, ss. 10,055-10,195 30 per cent. " " olive, ss. 18,057 25 per cent. " " violet, as coal tar color, ss. 8,802-10,055 30 per cent. " " yellow, as lake, ss. 10,193 30 per cent. " fig blue, as aniline color 30 per cent. " Frankfort black 25 per cent. " German, poisonless, as coal tar colors, 88. 14,325.. 30 per cent. Indian red, ss. 2,132-9,838 30 per cent. " ivory black, dry or ground in oil or water 25 per cent. " in jars, ss. 17,-558-17,934 30 per cent. " Kremnitz white, as white lead per lb. 2% cts. " " " ground in oil per lb. 2j^ cts. litharge per lb. ii% cts. " metal red, as lake, ss. 17,050 30 per cent. " mineral for decorating china, ss. 6,184 30 per cent. " " in tubes, as artists' colors, 88. 10,869- 11,863-14,244 30 per cent. " naphthaline, as coal tar colors, ss. 5,593 £0 per cent. " ochre and ochery earth, crude, ss. 12,339 per lb. \fa cent. " " powdered, etc per lb. % cent. " " ground in oil or water \y^ cts. per lb. oil In pans, ss. 16,282-17,934 30 per cent. " orange mineral per lb. %% cts. " Paris green 15 per cent. " white, dry per lb. Y\ ct. " " " in oil per lb. let. " plum paste, as aniline, ss. 9,638 30 per cent. " primulin, as coal tar colors, ss. 12,259 30 per cent. " Prussian blue, ss. 8,312 per lb. 8 cts. " purree, ss. 8,705 30 per cent. " red lead per lb. 2%cts. " satin white per lb. ]4 ct. " sienna and sienna earth, crude per lb. ^ ct. " " powdered, etc per lb. % ct. " " and sienna earth, in oil per lb. l^cts. " " " " " in tubes, as artists' colore. ss. 10.869-11,863-14,244 30 per cent. " London purple 15 per cent. " Spanish brown 30 per cent. " sugar, as coal tar colors, ss. 14,812 30 per cent. " Turkey red, ss. 3,500 30 per cent. " ultramarine blue, dry or in pulp, or mixed with water, ss. 12,215 per lb. 3% cts. " umber and umber earth, crude per lb % ct. " " powdered, etc per lb. % ct. " " and umber earth, in oil per lb. 1J^ cts. " " " " " in tubes, as artists' colors, ss. 10,869-11,863-14,244 30 per cent. " Vandyke brown, ss. 9,090 30 per cent. " Venetian red. ss. 9,090 30 per cent. 2 12 f ustmm Broker* ami ('!, rks Association Colors, vermilion red, ami colors containing quicksilver, ■ 1 1 \ < .]■ ground in oil or water per lb. 10 cts. " vermilion red, nol containing quicksilver but made of lead or containing lead per lb. 5 cts. " wash blue, containing ultramarine per lb. 3% cts. " " " " no ultramarine, as coal tar color, ss. 12,697 30 per cent. " water in pans, es. 16,282 30 per cent. white lead and white paint and pigment contain- ing lead, dry or iu pulp, or ground or mixed with oil per lb. 2% cts. " white lead in tubes, as artists' colors, ss. 10,869- 1 1 ,863-14,844 20 per cent. " paint or pigment containing zinc, dry per lb. 1 ct. " " " " " ground in oil. per lb. 1% cts. " whiting and Paris white, dry per lb. J4 ct. " " " " " ground in oil or putty. . peril), let. " zinc, oxide of, dry per lb. 1 ct. " " " " ground in oil per lb. l£t cts. " all other paints, colors, and pigments, lakes, crayons, smalts, and frostings, whether dry or mixed, or ground in water or oil, or other solutions, n. s. p. f 30 per cent. " all paints, colors and pigments, commonly known as artists" paints or colors, whether in tubes, pans, cakes or other forms 30 per cent. Color stones, for pulverizing colors, ss. 5,048 35 per cent. Colts, as horses, ss. 11,612 : I Value per head, $150.00 or less per head S30 00. "i " over Si 50.00 per head 25 per cent. " increase of Mexican marcs in V . S. not dutiable. ss. 14,488 Free. Colt's foot, crude drug Free. " advanced in value per lb. <4 ct. and 10 per cent. Columbia, packages of 11 lbs. or under may be imported in the mails, ss. !t. 1 1 - .'. Columns or sections oT. iron or steel, or parts of per lb. \i, ct. ( olza oil ( rape seed oil), ss. 2,004 per gall. 10 cts. ( olumbo root, crude Free. " " advanced in value perlb.J^ct and 10 per cent. (i. mil lilanks. celluloid, as unfinished article, ss, 17,M3!t.. per lb. 05 cts. and 25 per cent horn, ss. 17,734 SOpercent. Combed silk per lb. 40 cts. Combination cards, not exceeding 54 cards to pack, bs. 10,154 lOctg. per pack and 30 per cent. " " on all over 51 cards at a like rate. Combination suits (underwear), as wearing apparel, ac- cording to material, ss. 1 1,801. Combs. all kinds fur I he or.litcj: to material, ss.!!,006. Of the Port of New York. 243 Combs, curry, as. 6,337 45 per cent. glass balls for ornamenting, ss. 5,723 45 per cent. " wire for wool machines 45 per cent. Comb machines, pari steel 45 per cent. ( (iniiiis per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. Commercial designation controls classification, ss. 9,415- 10,363-10,578. Commercial travellers' sample trunks, ss. 7,394 Free. Common carriers, bonded, may transfer bonded goods to other bonded common car- riers for transportation to destination, ss. 3,124. " " only have authority to carry goods under Sec. 3,000 R. S., ss. 3,837. " cannot use boats not named in bond, without permission from department, ss. 3.734- 3,937. " " entry for points beyond routes covered by bond of, should not be permitted, ss. 4,409. " of unappraised merchandise over routes requiring trans- shipment, must make trans- shipment under the super- vision of a customs officer, ss. 4,653. Communion service, specially imported by a church, as regalia, ss, 450-8,049 Free. " " pocket, ss. 7,100 Free. Compass agates, ss. 8,928-9,057 9,095 59 per cent. Compasses or dividers, ss. 15,287 45 per cent. " mariners', ss. 5,977 8,853 45 per cent. " metal, are not toys. ss. 12,978 45 per cent. " mathematical, ss. 7,270 12,978 45 per cent. " miniature, as manufactures of glass, ss. 2,905.. 45 per cent. " pocket, as manufactures of brass, ss. 8,853 45 per cent. " prismatic, as manufactures of metal, ss. 8,623. 45 per cent. Component of chief value is that component material which shall exceed in value any other single com- ponent material of the article. Composition pour blanchir, ss. 3.K41 4,076 25 per cent. " glass balls, as <_'Iass, n. s. p. f., 88. 5,992 45 per cent. " metal, copper chief value Free. " " clippings, ss. 0,741 Free. " " in sheets, ss. 6,709 45 per cent. " " " watch case," ss. 8,431 45 per cent. " of trlass not exceeding an inch in diameter, unset, ss. 5,258 20 per cent. 244 Custom- Brokers and Clerks Association Par. ' 112 Composition of glass, or paste, not set, including gas fixture ornaments, etc., over one inch in diameter, ss. 9,077 9,152 9,523 45 per cent. " the same, set as jewelry, ss. 8,155 60 per cent. " tops of furniture 45 per cent. " of wood, sawdust and glue, as manufactures of wood, ss. 7,831 35 per cent. Compound, alcoholic, n. s. p. f per lb. 00 and 15 pel ceill i per lb. 50 cts. " nt tm™v»"I7Htio ) rolled or in Bheets per lb. 60 cts. orpyroxyHn< ]m finished or partly finished ( articles per lb. 65c. and 25 per cent. Compounds, chemical, n. 8. p. f •„'."> per cent. Compromise of fines, penalties and forfeitures, ss. 1,246. " Secretary's authority to make, ss. 5,003- 14,450. " of a judgment against a solvent debtor is illegal, ss. 14,887. " will not be considered till money is deposited to credit of Secretary, ss. 4,332. Condemnation of a foreign built vessel by a proper U. S. Court, carries with it a title to registry, ss. 8,651 3,762. Condemned vessels pay duty at rates applicable to the respective parts, ss. 4,248. Condensed milk, including weight of package, ss. 11,344.. per lb. 2 cts. Coney plates, ss. 1,556-13,180-13,182 20 per cent. " shreds, as glue stock, ss. 10.01 1 l'n e. " snips, as fur waste 10 per cent. Confectionery, all made wholly or in part of sugar, value not over 15 cents pel 10. . .per II). 1 CtS. and 15 per cent. " value over 15 cts 50 per cent. " weight and value of immediate coverings, hut not outer coverings to be included in weight and value. " Pastilles de Reglisse is, ss. 21,571 50 per cent. Congress canvas, n. s. p. f., ss. 1 1,012 60 per cent. Congressional library, books for copyright, ss. 14,171- I 1,587 free. " " " etc., for use of Free. Coniiue, salts, as medicinal preparation, ss. 11,303 25 per cent. " or conacine, ss. 11,303 25 per cent. Conium cicuta, seed and leaf, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. 14 ct. and 10 per cent. " " extract of bark per lb. % ct. Connecting rods 46 per cent. Conserve of roses, ss. 1,33!) per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. Consigned goods to " care of" a person or linn, cannot be entered by such person or firm, ss. 2,762. Consignee on bill of lading alone entitled to make entry. 88.14,101 16,81 '. 548 20 297 657 30 548 of the Port of New York. 245 Consignee may make entry and owner's declaration, ss. 17,(585. " on bill of lading cannot make entry if manifest shows a different consignee, ss. 5,081. " collector cannot act as agent for, ss. 10,036. " merchandise must be consigned to some person or persons at port of importation, ss. 7,481. " must be an actual resident, ss. 7,481. " railroad company may act as, ss. 17,702. " ultimate, how determined, ss. 11,903. " name may appear on invoice of goods con- signed to order, ss. 12,895. Consignor cannot make entry in absence of consignee, se. 7,092. " cannot take owner's oath or add to value of entry of goods transferred to him by con eignee, se. 17,671. Consuls, foreign, Government sealed packages for, 68. 10,713-12,063 Free. " " articles for personal use of, are dutiable, ss. 7,735-9,650. U. S. are not allowed to use a stamp for signa- ture, ss. 7,045. " " cannot certify invoices purchased outside of their districts, ss. 7,100. " " may refuse to certify invoice declarations, signed by a mere agent who represents himself to be manufacturer or purchaser, ss. 3,901. " " returning, effects of, are entitled to no special privileges, ss. 9,497. Contraband of war, the transportation of such articles across Isthmus of Panama, not subject to inter- ference of executive officers of United States, 88.4,310. Contrayerva root, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. Y\ ct. and 10 per cent. Convicts will not be permitted to land, ss. 10,375. " labor, all articles produced by, are prohibited, ss. 11,649 -11, -934 12,300. Cooks' knives, forks and steels, see carving knives. Cooperage of reimported domestic whiskey, old heads must be preserved and attached, ss. 14,983. I in bottles or jugs— no additional Cooper, same as ale, -, duty on bottles per gall. 40 cts ( otherwise than in bottles or jugs, .per gall. 20 cts. Cooper's sheep dip powder, ss. 8,081 Free. Copal gum, advanced in value per lb. }4 ct. and 10 per cent. " " crude Free. Copies of gaugers' and weighers' returns will be furnished by the surveyor on application of importers, ss. 3,475. 2IG Customt Broh rs and < '■ rks 1 1« Copies of public documents will be famished only to parties in interest, ss. 3,108 7,501 8,306 9,553. Copper, acetate of , 88. 2,341 13,588 14,549 17,815 25 percent. alloys, copper chief value, ss. 3, 107 Free. bars, ss. 12,285 black or coarse, ss. 1,539 Free. bottoms per lb. 2' 2 cts. braziers' per lb. 'i]A cts. cement, ss. 1,895 Free. clippings from new copper Free. composition metal of which copper is chief value. n. s. J), f. ss. 21,991 Free. coin, old, out of circulation, ss. 1,700-3,248 Free. coins, in circulation as money, ss. 3,248 Free. forms, not manufactured, n. s. p. f.. ss. 2,913 Free. ingots, ss. 12,285 Free. in excess of 2 per cent, in any ore, on the fine cop- per contained therein, ss. 11. 1 18-18,737 Free. in sheets, ss. 13,335 per lb. 2V£ cts. manufactures of, n. s. p. f 45 per cenl . matte, as regains, ss. 9,473-10,043 16,966 Free. medals, if prizes or trophies Free. nails 45 per cent. old, fit only for remanufacture old, taken from bottom of American vessels, com- pelled by marine disaster to repair in foreign ports, ss. 14,523 ores, ss. 6,035-8,929 Free. Free. Free. paste or sulphide of. ss. l.NI>3 25 per cent. pigs, Chili or other Free, pipes per lb. 2 1 ■•> cts. in plates Free. plates, enameled, ss. 5,107-5,143 40 per cent. plates, engraved for printing, ss. 6,380 25 per cent. plates, rolled, called braziers' copper per lb. 2) ■■ 1 1-. powder, ss. 9,126 15 per cent. powder Basks, ss. 5,984 15 per cent. regulus of, ss. 10,043 Free. rods per lb. 2 1 .. cts. sheathing or yellow metal, of which copper is the component materia] of chief value, and uo1 composed wholly or in part of iron angalvanized per lb. 2 cts. s] likes 46 per cent. sab-acetate of , ss. 13,588 Free. sulphate of per lb. y 2 ct. Bulphate 1 oints, ss. 9,126 25 per cent. sulphide of, ss. 1,868 25 per cent. unmanufactured forms of Free. watch case metal, In pari of, ss. s is Free. wire, Insulated or plain, ss. 5,899 7,590 45 per cent. of the Port of New York. 247 Copperas per lb. 14 c *. Copra (dried cocoamit meats), ss. 13,820-15,417-15,777 Free. " desiccated, shredded, cut or similarly prepared per lb. 2 eta. Copying books, blank, for press copies per lb. 5 cts. and 15 per cent. " paper, not over 6 lb. to ream, ss. 0,083 per lb. 6 cts. and 15 per cent. li " over 6 and not over 10 lbs. .per lb. 5 cts. and 15 per cent. " " if over 10 lbs 25 per cent. " pencils, manufactures of metal, ss. 15,021 45 per cent. " sheets as manufactures cotton, ss. 16,817 45 per cent. Copyright books, engravings, etc., for deposit in Congres- sional Library, ss. 14,171 Free. " books brought in by passengers, ss. 15,004- 10,040-10,739. " covers books in all languages, ss. 10,209. law of, ss. 10,908-11,098 11,430-11,440-11,449. " paintings, chromos of, not prohibited, ss. 17,454 Coquille glasses, edges unground, ss. 13,058 14,391-17,000 45 per cent. " " edges ground per doz. prs. 10 cts. and 45 per cent Coquitas, palm nuts, ss. 8,432 Free. Coral, all manufactures of, n. s p. f 50 per cent. " bead necklaces, ss. 3,003. 00 per cent. " beads, unstrung, ss. 8,913-21,879 35 per cent. " " strung 00 per cent. " cut but unset 50 per cent. jewelry, ss. 2,550 00 per cent. marine, unmanufactured and uncut Free. " " manufactured 50 per cent. Coraline : 30 per cent. Coralwood, as cabinet wood Free. " sawed 15 per cent. Cordage applies to cords of all sizes used in ships' rig- ging, also loo; lines, signal lines, lead and cod lines, ss. 9,187-9,307. " composed of istle or Tampico fiber, mauila, sisal grass or sunn, tarred or untarred per lb. 1 ct. " all n. s. p. f 45 per cent. " flax 45 per cent. " hemp, tarred or not per lb. 2 cts. " jute 45 per cent. Cord, cotton core, covered with metal, ss. G, 547 0,840 per lb. 5 cts. and 35 per cent. .• 45 per cent. " flax, hemp or ramie, made from yarn not finer than five lea or number, or of which these substances or either of them is chief value per lb. 13 cts. liner than five lea or number, for each lea or number, or part 248 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association of a lea or number in excess of five additional per lb. % ct. Cord, India rubber chief value, ss. 5,940 45 per cent. " sash, of hemp, as other cords. " silk, ss. 6,650 50 per cent. Cordials, lime juice and sirup, ss. 9,709 20 per cent. " medical, alcoholic, per II).. 55c. but not less than 25 per cent. " " non-alcoholic 25 per cent. " spirituous, ss. 1,849 per proof gall. (2.25 " in bottles, bottles pay as empty. " underproof must be taken as first proof, ss. 11,214. Cording and sealing most be done by Customs Officers, not at owner's expense, ss. 2.2.12 2,359-2,526 2,876 3,092-3,093-17,689. Cordonnet, of spun silk, ss. 3,798-3,900-12,917 12,972, as spun silk. " cotton and lame, as metal thread, ss. 12,972. . . per lb. 5 cts. and 36 per cent. " cotton, as cotton yarn. Cordova wool, value 12 cts. per lb. or less per lb. 4 cts. " " " over 12 cts per lb 7 cts. Cords and tassels, bullion 60 per cent. " " '• cotton or other vegetable fiber 60 per cent. " " " linen, as trimmings 60 per cent. " " " silk chief value 50 per cent. " " " wholly or partly wool, etc per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent . " cotton or other vegetable fiber, in part india rubber or otherwise, ss. 15,995 15,81 '. 17,760 45 per cent. " cotton coronation, ss. 17,750 60 per cent. " metal plated, ss. 6,547 6,840 per lb. 5 cts. and 86 per cent. " picker, as corduroy, ss. 12,207. " sash, of plaited jute, as manufactures of vegetable fiber, ss. 12,360 45 percent " sail hemp, as manufactures of flax, 88. 11.105 45 per cent. " wool, hair, etc.. in whole or part . .per 11). 50 cts. ami 60 per rent. Corduroys, cotton or other vegetable material bleached, etc., ss. 20,661 per sq. yard 12 cts. and 25 percent., but not less than IVJ-o per cent. " not bleached, etc per sq. \ aid '.I rts. and '.'5 | er cent., but not less I han IT 1 £ per cent. " 7 OZ. or over pi i sq. yard per S(|. yard IScls. and 25 per cent .. but not less than 47k> per cent. " bias skill, bindings or dress facings . . .additional 10 per cent,, but not less than 47(4 per cent. " articles or manufactures of additional 10 per cent. ( 'oriander seeds, ss. 8,759 Free. Cork artificial per lb. B CtB. " bark or wood, unmanufactured, ss. 797 1,180 Free. " " " manufactures of 25 per cent of the Port of New York. 249 Cork bark or wood, ground as manufactures of, ss. 16,220 25 per cent. " carpeth-g and- floor cloth per sq. yard 20 cts. and 20 per cent. " cut into squares or cubes for corks, ss. 9,793 per lb. 8 cts. " fishing floats, ss. 10,927 25 per cent. " floats, ss. 6,178 25 per cent. " hat tips, ss. 5,469 7,341 25 per cent. " manufactures of , n. s. p. f 25 per cent. " openers as manufactures metal, ss. 17,491 45 per cent. " pictures, wholly of cork, ss. 527-5,469 25 per cent. " shavings as cork unmanufactured, ss. 12,994 Free. " soles, part wool, ss. 8,423 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " substitutes per lb. 8 cts. " waste 10 per cent. Corking and wiring, should be added to contents of bottles only, ss. 17,742-17,878-17,910. Corks, rnanuTd for crown seals patent stoppers, etc., as other corks, ss. 18/62. " wholly or partly manufactured and measuring over % inch at large end per lb. 15 cts. " wholly or partly manufactured and measuring under •% inch at large end per lb. 25 cts. Cormbs or conns, which are cultivated for their flowers, ss. 7,280 25 per ceDt. Corn, broom Free. " indian, or maize, per bushel of 56 lbs 15 cts. " " " not dutiable as a seed, ss. 6,156. " meal, per bushel of 48 lbs 20 cts. " plasters, as woolen felts, ss. 6,576-17,779 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " starch per lb. ljjj cts. " " residuum, ss. 2,700-6,039 6,269-6,641 20 per cent. Cornelian, or Carnelian, rough Free. " cut but not set 10 per cent. " rings, as jewelry, ss. 803 60 per cent " set, as jewelry 60 per cent. " manuf 'd, set, not jewelry 50 per cent. Cornets, in cases, cases dutiable at same rate as cornets, ss. 3,155 45 per cent. " musical instruments 45 per cent. " toy, ss. 2,111-3,765 35 per cent. Cornish or Cornwall stone, crude Free, " " " stone, ground, as manufactured min- eral substance, 88. 9,510 -10,647-11,240 35 per cent. Corn plasters as wool felts, ss. 17,779-17,930 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent, " razors, as razors. Corporations, are not citizens of the United States, ss. 7,397. cannot be surety on bonds of others, ss. 2,564. 850 Customs Brokers and Clerics Association Corporations, domestic, can make entry by duly authorized officer, 89. 8,110. " foreign, consignments to branches of, arc Illegal, ss. 7,771. " marble blocks for presentation to, arc dutiable, ss. 7,397. " municipal or n ligions, works of art for pres- entation to, ss. 9,356. Free. Corrosive sublimate 35 per cent. Corrugated or crimped sheel iron or steel, ss. 6,138 per lb. I . , 1 1 -. Corsets, plain or embroidered, according to material, as wearing apparel, ss. 10,792-12,121 12,635 13,961 15,117. ( lorsets, made of cotton or other vegetable fibre, trimmed with laee edging or with embroidered edginj . 20,651 (in percent. Corset busks or clasps, value more than 1 cts. per lb., 88. 17. SOI 45 per cent. " " " less than 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. covers, as wearing apparel. " knit, as knit shirts, ss. 16,533. lacets, cotton, ss. 8,541 per 11>. 25 cts. and 15 per cent. " linen, ss. 6,119 per lb. 25 cts. and 15 per cent. " silk 50 per cent. reeds or sticks, ss. ] 1,382 35 p stays, as horn strips, ss. 7,51!) steels covered with kid, value more than 4 eis. per lb. 45 per cent, trimmings, or edgings, as trimmings, ss. 10,667.. . . 60 per c< nt. I Valued at l cts. or less per lb 15 per cent. } " " over t cts. " 15 per cent. Corticene, for floors under 12 feet wide per. s(|. yd S cts. and IT) per cent. 10 feet wide or over, per Bq.yd.20 cl • a 20 per cent. iidaid, per square yard 20 cts. and 20 per cent. ( 'orunduiu disks, with steel spindles, ss. 8,382 15 per i ent. " ore. as emery, ss. 1,374 Free. " dental goods, as manufactures of metal, ss, 15,144 15 per cent. flies, as tiles, ss. 15, I II: f Not over 2| inches in length per doz. 30 cts. ', mil-.'! and in 'I over I.! inches in length, per doz. 50 Ctfl. I Over i 1 and under , inches in length, per doz ,.">. 7 inches in length and over per die $1.00 Cosmetics, all nun alcoholic 50 pel cent. Cossacks, as manufacrori s of paper, ss. 9, 133 35 tier cent. Costa Rica, packages of n n>-.. can be imported in mails, ss. 10,009. " " vessels of , subject to di criminating duty, ss. 8,666. Costs in judgment cases, Act. lime m. Is'.iu. not allowed. ss. 10,171. wire, ss. 9,409 of the Port of New York. 251 Costumes for schools and societies are dutiable, ss. 2,677- 3,038. " " manager, not an actor, are dutiable, ss. 14,982. " " Mardi Gras festival are not regalia, ss. 9,551. " in use by actors arrivingin U. S., ss. 4,686^,721- 7,321-12,126 Free Cot bottoms, linen, as woven fabrics. Cotoin para comil, as medicinal preparation, ss. 13,701 25 per cent. " true, as medicinal preparation, ss. 13,701 25 per cent. Cotton Free. " absorbent, medicinal preparation, ss. 12,644 25 per cent. " antimacassars, ss. 9,184 60 per cent. " antimacassar cloth, n. s. p. f., ss. 16,814 60 per cent. " argentine, as cloth filled, ss. 14,952 per sq. yd. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. " articles, embroidered by hand or machinery 60 per cent. " " made wholly or in part of lace 60 per cent. " azotique, gun cotton : J Value not over 20 cts. per lb per lb. 4 cts I " over 20 cts. per lb per lb. 6 cts. " bagging, single yarns of jute, jute butts or hemp not bleached, etc , not exceeding 16 threads to sq. inch and weighing not less than 15 oz. per sq. yard per square yard & ct. AH other 45 per cent. " ball fringes, as trimmings, ss. 12,457-12,553 60 per cent. " bandings 45 per cent. " bathing suits, as wearing apparel, ss. 13,615 50 per cent. " " " if embroidered 60 per cent. " bed sets, lace made on Nottingham machines, 88. 6,214-9,184-10,480 (see curtains). " " " " 60 per cent. " bed ticking, as cotton cloth. " belting, with threads of metal, ss. 7,682, 18,234. . . 45 per cent. " lace belts, as wearing apparel, ss 16,421 60 per cent. " bias dress facings (see skirt bindings). " bibs, as wearing apparel, ss. 10,185-13,667 50 per cent. " " lace or if embroidered 60 per cent. " binding, spindle per lb. 10 cts. and 15 percent. " bindings, ss. 15,669 45 per cent. " blind laces as trimmings, ss. 15,328 60 per cent. " bobbinet, ss. 5,944-10,064-14,166-14,177 60 per cent. " Boleros as wearing apparel, ss. 19,032 50 per cent. " bone casings, ss. 16,002 45 per cent. " " " if embroidered 60 per cent. " bookbinders' cloths, ss. 5,830 8,909-13,385 per sq. yd. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. " boot lacings per lb. 25 cts. and 15 per cent. " brace webbing, ss. 6,587 45 per cent 252 Customs Brokers and Clerics Association Cotton braces, in part india rubber, or otherwise 45 per cent. " braids, in part india rubber or otherwise, ss. 1,761 3,559-6,443-6,733-10,340-15,814-19.034 60 per a nl " Brussels net, ss. 14,166-14,177 60 per cent " Bruyere, as parts of artificial flowers, ss. 5,471 50 per cent " buckram, ss. 3,096-12,369-16,322 45 per cent " cambric, scoured, as unbleached countable cloth, ss. 8,988. " cambrics, as cotton cloths. " candle wicking, woven, braided or twisted per lb. 10 cts. and 15 per cent. " Canton flannel, as cotton cloth, 88. 3,422. " canvas, penelopes, as cloth, ss. 6,362. " cape net, ss. 7,430 60 pel cent . " card laps 45 per cent. " carpets, n. s. p. f 50 per cent " chamoisine, as nifrs. cotton, 88. 16,318 45 per cent " chenille 45 per cent " chenille curtains, table covers, and all articles manufactured of cotton chenille, or of which cotton chenille is the component material of chief Talue 50 per cent. " circlette, ss. 15,405 45 per cent. " cords, composed in part of india rubber, or other- wise, 88. 13,186-14,217 45 per cent. Cotton Cloth, to wit: All woven fabrics of cotton in the piece, or otherwise, whether figured, fancy, or plain, the warp and filling threads of which can be counted by unraveling, or other practicable means, ss. 12,571-12,904- 12,941 -14,309-21,455. " " all the threads of which cannot be counted under a glass or actually separated and ciiunted 45 per rent . " " made of bleached and unbleached yarn, dutiable as bleached, ss. 7.5S2. " hemstitched, ss. 10.957 II. :Cil 11.361) BOpercent. " " in which other than the ordinary war]) and tilling threads have been introduced in the process of weaving to form a figure, whether known as lappets or otherwise, and whether mihleaeheil, bleached, dyed. colored, stained, painted, or printed, shall pay, in addition to the duly on other cotton cloth of the same description or condition, weight and count of threads to the sq. inch,as. 21, 668-21,940 22,230; of the Port of Nciv York. 253 If valued at not more than 7 cts. per sq. yd. per sq. yard 1 ct. If valued at more than 7 cts per sq. yard, per sq. yard 2 cte. Unbleached, etc.: Not exceeding 50 threads to square inch, counting warp and filling, valued not over 7 cts. per sq. yd. per sq. yd. 1 ct. Over 50 and not over 100 threads to sq. inch, valued not over 7 cts. per sq. yd., and not exceeding six sq. yds. to the pound per sq. yd. 1 % cts. Exceeding 6 and not exceeding 9 sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. l^j cts. " 9 sq. yds. to the pound per sq. yd. \% cts. On all the above, if valued at over 7 cts. per sq. yd., ss. 13,192 25 per cent. Over 100 threads and not over 150 threads, valued not over 9 cts. per sq. yd., and not exceeding four sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. 1]4 cts. Exceeding 4 and not exceeding 6 sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. 2 cts. " 6 and not exceeding 8 sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. 2V£ cts. " 8 sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. 2% cts. Over 100 threads and not over 150 threads , valued over 9 cts. per sq. yd 30 per cent. Over 150 threads and not over 200 threads, valued not over 10 cts. per sq. yd., not exceeding 31H sq. yds. to the pound per sq. yd. 2 cte. Exceeding 3J and not exceeding 4£ sq. yds. .per sq. yd. 2% cts. " 4} " "6 sq. yds. ..per sq. yd. 3 cts. " 6 sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. '&)£ cts. Over 150 threads and not over 200 threads, valued over 10 cts. per sq. yd 35 per cent. Over 200 and not exceeding 300 threads, valued not over 12Va cts. per sq. yd., and not exceeding 2^ sq. yds. per pound per sq. yd. 3V£ cts. E xcceding 2J/£ and not exceeding 3J^ sq. yds. per pound per sq. yd. 4 cts. " 3U and not exceeding 5 sq. yds. per pound per sq. yd. 4^ cts. " 5 sq. yds. per pound per sq. yd. 5 cts. Over 200 and not exceeding 300 threads, valued over \2\4 cts. per sq. yd 40 per cent. Exceeding 300 threads to sq. in., value not over 14 cts. per sq. yd. and not exceeding 2 sq. yds. to pound, per sq. yd. 4 cts. " 2 and not exceeding 3 sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. \\4, cte. '.'.'1 Customs Brokers and Ckrks Association Exceeding 3 sq. yds. and not exceeding ! sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. 5 cts. " 4 sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. 5>£ cts. " 300 threads to sq. in., valued at over 14 cts. per sq. yd 40 percent. Cotton Cloth, T!i.eached : Not exceeding 50 threads to sq. inch, valued not over 9 cts. per sq. yd., SS. Hi. OS:} per sq. yd. 134 c ^s. Over 50 threads and not over 100 threads, valued not over 9 cts. per sq. yd. and not exceeding 6 sq. yds. to the pound per sq. yd. l^ cts. Exceeding li and not exceeding 9 sq. yds. per sq. yd. \% cts. '" 9 sq. yds. per pound per sq. yd. 2J4 cts. On all not over 100 threads, if valued at over 9 cts. per sq. yd 25 per cent. Over 100 threads and not over 150 threads, valued at not over 11 cts. per sq. yd. and not exceeding 4 sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. 2\£ cts. Exceeding 4 and not exceeding 6 sq. yd:}. . .per sq. yd. 3 cts. " 6 " " 8sq. yds. .per sq. yd. 3Uj cts. " 8 sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. 3% cts. Over 100 threads and not over 150 threads, valued at over 11 cts. per sq yd 35 per cent. Over 150 threads and not over 2iN» 1 breads valued not over 12 cts. per sq. yd. and not exceeding 3J^ sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. 2-% cts. Exceeding 3J and not exceeding 4J sq. yds. per sq. yd. 3J^ cts. " 4i " " 6 sq. yds... per sq. yd. 4 cts. " 6 sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. 4<4 cts. Over 150 threads and not over 200 threads, valued over 12 cts. per sq. yd 35 per cent. ( Iver 200 and not over 300 threads, value not ovei 16 cts. per sq yd., and not exceeding 2'o sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. r..cts. Exceeding 2'.j and not exceeding BJ^sq.yds. per sq. yd. 5 cts. 3'o and noi exceeding Ssq.yds. per sq. yd. 5^ cts. " 5 sq. yds. to the pound per sq. yd. C cts. Over 200 and noi ovei 300 threads, value over 15 cts. per sq yd 40 pel rent. Over 300 threads to sq. in., value not over 10 cts. per sq. yd., and not exceeding 2 sq. yds to pound. . .per sq. yd. 5cts. Exceeding 2 and not exceeding 3 sq yds. to pound. per sq.yd. SJ^cts. " 3 " "4 •' " per sq.yd. 6 cts. " 4 sq. yds. to pound per sq. yd. 6J-^ cts. ( )ver 800 threads to sq. in. and value over 10 cts. per sq.yd 40 per cent. Par of the Port of New York. 255 Cotton Cloth, Dyed, Colored, Stained, Painted or Printed, SS. 17,355 : Not exceeding 50 threads to sq. inch, valued not over 12 cts. per sq. yd per sq. yd. 2 cts. Over 50 threads and not over 100 threads, valued not over 12 cts per sq. yd. and not exceeding 6 sq. yds. to the pound per sq. yd. 2% cts. Exceeding 6 and not exceeding 9 sq. yds. .per sq. yd. 3J4 cts. " 9 sq. yds. to the pound per sq. yd. 3J4 cts. On all the above, if valued at over 12 cts. per sq. yd. 30 per cent. Over 100 threads and not over 150 threads, valued at not over 12'^ cts. per sq. yd. and not exceeding 4 sq. yds. to the pound per sq. yd. 8% cts. Exceeding 4 and not exceeding 6 sq yds per sq. yd. 3% cts . " " " 8 sq. yds. per sq. yd. 4J4 cts. " 8 sq. yds. to the pound per sq. yd. 4}4 cts. Over 100 threads and not over 150 threads, valued at over 12)^ cts. per sq. yd 35 per cen t. Over 150 threads and not over 200 threads, valued at not over 12V£ cts. per sq. yd. and not exceeding 3V2 sq. yds. to the pound per sq. yd. 4)4 cts. Exceeding 3^£ and not exceeding 4)^ sq. yds. per sq. yd. 4Va cts. " 4^2 " " 6 sq.yds. per sq. yd. 4% cts. " 6 sq. yds. to the pound per sq. yd. 5 cts. Over 150 threads and not over 200 threads, valued at over 12Wi cts. per sq. yd 40 per cent. Over 200 and not over 300 threads, valued at not over 17}^ cts. per sq. yd. and not exceeding 3J-4 sq. yds. to the pound per sq. yd. 6J4 cts. Exceeding 3H> sq. yds. to the pound per sq. yd. 7 cts. Over 200 and not over 300 threads, valued at over 17^ cts. per sq. yd 40 per cent. Over 300 threads to sq. in., value not over 20 cts. per sq. yd. and not exceeding 3 sq. yds. to pound. per sq. yd. 6}4cts. Exceeding 3 sq. yds. to pound persq. yd. Sets. Over 300 threads, value over 20 cts. per sq. yd 40 per cent. Cotton cloth, cut in strips for manufacture of frillings, as countable cloth, ss. 7,325. " " for hospital bandages, as countable cloth, ss. 9,971-11,050. " " having india rubber as a component ma- terial, bs. 12,203 per sq. yd. 10 cts. and 20 per cent. " " containing an admixture of silk, ss. 0,120- 10,055-10,900-11,538-11,638-12,147-14,135-18,089, per sq. yd. 8 cts. and 30 per cent. but not less than 50 per cent. " " dust proof, cotton and gelatine, ss. 9,708, per sq. yd. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. " " embossed, as countable cloth, ss. 2,598. 256 Customs 'Brokers and Clerks Association Cotton cloth, with polka dots, made of goat hair on surface of cloth, dutiable as cloth made "in part of wool," ss. 22,082 " clothing, ready made, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress or mau- nfacturer 50 per cent. " " " " if embroidered (i0 per cent. " collarettes, ss. 16,588 50 per cent. " collars and cuffs, shirt, exclusively cotton perdoz. 45cts. and 15 per cent. " lace, ss. 15,970-16,300 00 pur cent. " combination suits (see cotton shirts). " cords, in part indla rubber or otherwise, ss. 15,81 1 15,995 17.767 18,873 45 per cent. " " with tassels, as trimming 60 per cent. " corduroys, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted or printed persq. yd. 9 cts. and 25 per cent. but not less than 47J^ per cent. '• bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted or printed per sq. yd. 12 cts. and 25 per cent. but not less than 47^ per cent. weighing7 o/.s. or over per sq. yd per sq. yd 18 cts. and 25 per cent. but not less than 17 1 ._ ! per cent. " corset lacings per lb. 25 cts. and 16 per rent. " covers, cloth 50 per cent. " " " knit, as knit shirts 50 per cent. " coutil, as cotton cloth, ss. 13,242. " crepe zephyr, as cotton cloth, ss. 12,053 14,148. " crochet, on spools, as spool thread, ss. 2,540. " " edgings, as laces, ss. 6,443 OOpercent. " cross bar muslins, as countable cloth, ss. 6,349- 12,441. curtains, as maimf. of cotton, n. 8. p. f., 88. 21,651 45 per cent. " damask, table, in the piece, ss. 12,441 13,198 40percent. " doylies, etc., ss. 8,000 8,698 45 per cent. denims, as countable clol h. " doylies embroidered, as embroideries, ss. 16,588... en per cent. " drawers, cloth 50 per cent . " " knitted, finished or unfinished (seecotton shirts), and hair dress skirt facing, as nifi's. wool, SS. 1S.2-.-S. " drillings, as countable cloth. 321 « duck, in the piece or otherwise 35 per cent. 339 « edgings, ss. 10,667-19,088 OOpercent. " Egyptian laces, ss. 7,880 OOpercent. of the Port ot New York. 257 Cotton embroideries, 88. 10,474 60 per cent. " stitch count is not conclusive of value, 88. 8,927-10,474. " Etamine, ss. 6,371-21.589-21 ,894 60 per cent. " feather edge braids, as braids, ss. 13,653 60 per cent. " felt, woven, as cotton cloth, ss. 8,942. " " not woven 45 per cent. " flocks Free. " floss, as cotton thread. " flouncings, embroidered, ss. 16,143 60 per cent. " " hemstitched 60 per cent. " frilliugs, as trimmings, &e. 7,226-10,068 60 per cent. " " beaded, ss. 8,799 60 per cent. " " partly made, as manufactures of cotton, ss.11,698 45 per cent. 11 fringes, as trimmings, ss. 11,887-12,384-12,996 60 per'cent. " furniture laces, ss. 16,971 60 per cent. " fuse, for smokers' use, ss. 1,778 60 per cent. " galloons, in part of india rubber or otherwise, ss. 4.310 60 per cent. " galloons, embroidered with silk, ss. 10,506 60 per cent. " garters 45 per cent. " " if embroidered , 60 per cent. " genappins, as countable cloth. " gimps, in part of india rubber or otherwise 60 per cent. " ginghams, as countable cloth. " gins 20 per cent. " gloves 50 per cent. " goring, in part india rubber or otherwise 60 per cent. " grenadines, as countable cloth, 88. 1,544-2,659-10,797. " Hamburg net, ss. 9,184-14,166 60 per cent. " handkerchiefs, in the piece, or otherwise, hemmed, or not, ss. 2,477-12,841-13,801, same rates as cotton cloth but not less than 45 per cent. embroidered, tamboured, applique or trimmed with lace or with tucking or insertion, same as cotton cloth.. but not less t hau 60 per cent. hemstitched, imitation hemstitched, or revered, or have drawn threads, same as cloths and additional 10 per cent. but not less than 55 per cent, pearlstitched, ss. 18,225 same rates as cotton cloth, but not less than 45 per cent. " harness net per lb. 50 cts. and 25 per cent. " hat bands, as ribbons, ss. 16,093 45 per cent. " hat bodies 50 per cent. " healds per lb. 50 cts. and 25 per cent. " hemstitched lawns, ss. 10,957-11,331-12,528-15,215. 60 per cent. 258 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association CottoD herring bone trimming, as braid, ss. 8,661-10,340- 11,872-14,144 60 per cent. " Hollands, as cotton cloth, filled, ss. 10,346-10,558. . per sq. yd. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. " Honiton braids, as braid, ss. 14,501 60 per cent. " hose or balf hose, made on knitting; machines or frames, composed of cotton or other vegetable filler, n. s. p. f 30 per cent. " hose, half hose, selvedged, fashioned, narrowed or shaped wholly or in part by knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, including such as are commercially known as seamless or clocked, finished or unfinished. value not more than $1.00 per dozen pairs per doz. pairs BOc. and 15 per cent. value more than $1.00 per dozen pairs and not more than $1.50 per dozen pairs per doz. pairs 60 cts. and 15 per cent. value more than $1.50 per dozen pairs andnol more than $0.00 per dozen pairs per doz. pairs 70 cts. and 15 per cent. value more than $2.00 per dozen pairs and not more than $3.00 per dozen pairs per doz. pairs $1.2) and 15 per cent. value more than $3.00 per dozen pairs and not more than $5.00 per dozen pairs per doz. pairs $2.00 and 16 per cent . value more than $5.00 per dozen pairs 55 per cent. insertings, as embroideries or laces 60 per cent. " Italians, silk striped cotton chief value, ss. 7,580 1 1.158 per sq. yd. 8 cts. and 30 per cent. but not less than 50 per rent. " jaconets, as countable cloth, ss. 6,328. Japanese cloth, as cotton cloth. " jeans, as countable cloth. " label cloth, ss. 16,830 per sq. yd. 3 cts and 20 per cent. labels, initials and etiquettes, ss. 1 1.N17 per lb. 50 cts. and 30 per cent. 339 " lace braids, as braid, ss. 14,501 80 per cent. 339 '• •■ window curtains, ss. 12,218-13,982 60 per cent. :',:S'.i " laces and articles made wholly or in part of lace 60 per cent. 330 " lacings, boot, shoe und COrSel .... per lb. 25 CtS. and 15 per cent. 320 " Lamp wicking, woven, braided or twisted per lb. lOcta and 16 percent. 318 " lappets, same rates as countable cloth, as. 6,466- 1 1,927 16,041, and in addition allcosthiL' ', cents or under persq. yard 1 ct. costing over 7 cts per sq. yard 2 cte. of the Port of New York. 259 Cotton lining for bicycle tires 45 per cent. " loom harness per lb. 50 cts. and 25 per cent. " manufactures of, n. s. p. f ., ss. 21 ,651 45 per cent. " Madras muslins, same rates as countable cloth, ss. 8,127-10,499-12,921-15,044, and in addition on all costing 7 cts. or under per sq. yard 1 ct. costing over 7 cts per sq. yard 2 cts. " medallions, as countable cloth, ss. 12,561-14,937- 15,041. " mixed fabrics, according to chief value. " moleskins, as countable cloth, ss. 7,538. " molleton, as countable cloth, ss. 8,942. " mosquito net, ss. 9,184 60 per cent. " mufflers, hemmed or not, as countable cloth, ss. 12,656, but not less than 45 per cent. " hemstitched, or imitation hemstitched, or revered, or have drawn threads in addition 10 per cent, but not less than 55 per cent. " " if embroidered in any manner, whether with an initial letter, monogram, or otherwise, by hand or machinery, or are tamboured, appliqued, or trimmed wholly or in part with lace or with tucking or insertion not less than 60 per cent. " mulls, as cotton cloth, ss. 6,328-13,178. " muslins, as cotton cloth, ss. 12,441. " nainsooks, as countable cloth, ss. 6,328. " neckties and neckwear, made up or manufactured, wholly or in part by the tailor, seam- stress or manufacturer, ss. 11,065 50 per cent. " embroidered, ss. 12,382-13,444 60 per cent. " neck rufflings 60 per cent. " net hat sides, as nettings, ss. 16,808 60 per cent. " nets, all, ss. 14,168-14,177-14,217 60 per cent. " novelty braids, as braid, ss. 6,733-12,835 60 per cent. " pants (see Cotton Shirts). " paper muslin, as cotton cloth. " piano covers, with metal threads, as manufactures of cotton, ss. 7,249 8,699 45 per cent. " pile fabrics, unbleached, &c per sq. yard 9 cts. and 25 per cent, but not less than 47}<6 per cent " " " bleached, colored, dyed, stained, paint- ed or printed, per sq. yard 12 cts. and 25 per cent., but not less than 47J^ per cent. " pique, as countable cloth, ss. 3,697. " " trimmings, as braids, ss. 16,907 60 per cent. 260 *ms Brokers and Clerks Association Cotton plastrons, ss. Hi. 177 60 per cent. " plushes, not bleached, etc per sq. yard 9 cte. and 25 per cent, but not lees than 47\4 P er cent. " if bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted or printed per sq. yard 12 cte. and 25 per cent, but not less than 47)^ per cent. " portieres, as manufactures cotton, n. e., ss., 21,651 45 per cent. " pulp, as manufactures of, ss. 13,594 45 per cent. " quillings, as trimmings 60 per cent. " rags, fit only for paper stock Free. " raw Free. '• revere stripes, as countable cloth, ss. 4.356-6,360. " ribbon bruges, se. 7,363 50 per cent. " ribbons 45 per cent. " robes, not made up according to condition, 88. 7.711. " rope, as manufactures of, ss. 9.187 45 per cent. '' roping and roving, or sliver, ss. 17,834 45 per cent. " ruchings, and articles made wholly or in part of. . 60 per cent. " " partly made, as manufactures cotton, 68. 7,551 45 per cent. " millings and article- made wholly or in part of 60 per cent. " satines, as countable cloth, ss. 3.S-W -n,32S. " " Jacquard, as countable cloth, ss. 14,712. " seed, ss. 5,895-8,759 Free. " " hulls, as crude vegetable substance, 68. 14.705. Free. " " meal, as n. e. manufactnred article, ss. 15,968. 20 per cent. " " oil, per gall, of "\A lb per gall. 4 cts. " ecinee, as manufactures of 45 per cent. " shirts, athletic, as knitted, 88. 12,987. " " cloth 50 per cent. " " and drawers, pants, vests, union suits. combination suits, tights, sweaters, cor- set covers and all underwear of every de- scription made wholly or in part on knit- ting machines or frames or knit by hand, finished or unfinished, value not more than $1.50 pePdozen. ..per do/.. 60 cts. and 15 per cent. value more than #1.50 per do/en and not i li in \ t.OO perdoz, per doz. $1.10 and 15 per cent, value more than $3.00 per do/en and not more t dan $5.00 per do/, .per doz. $1.50 and 25 per cent. value more than $5.00 per do/en and not e than $7.00 perdoz. .perdoz. $1.75 and 35 per cent. value more than $7.00 per dozen and not more than $15.00 pr. do/.. . pr. doz. $2.25 and 35 per cent. value above $15.00 50 per cent. shoe lacings per lb, 25 cts. and 15 per cent, of the Port of X< w York. 261 Cotton skirt binding 45 per cent. " skirting, hemmed on one side, as manufactures of cotton, ss. 8,397-11,331 45 per cent. " " hemstitched 60 per cent. " slippers, embroidered with worsted, ss. 4,164 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " sliver 45 per cent. " spindle binding per lb. 10 cts and 15 per cent. " spool thread, containing on each spool not ex- ceeding 100 yards of thread per doz. spools 6 cts. " spool thread, exceeding 100 yards on each spool, for every additional 100 yards of thread or frac- tional part thereof in excess of 100 yards per doz. spools 6 cts. j^~In no case shall the duty be assessed on a less number of } - ards than is marked on the spools or reels. " stockings, made on knitting machines or frames.. 30 per cent. " stockings, selvedged, fashioned, narrowed or shaped, wholly or in part, by knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, including such as are commercially known as seamless or clocked, finished or unfinished, value not over J 1.00 per dozen pairs per doz. pairs 50 cts. and 15 per cent. " stockings value more than $1, and not more than $1.50 per dozen pairs per doz. pairs 00 cts. and 15 per cent. " " value over $1.50 and not over $3.00 per dozen pairs per doz. pairs 70 cts. and 15 per cent. " " value over $3.00 and not over $3.00 per dozen pairs per doz. pairs $1.30 and 15 per cent. " '• value over $3.00 and not over $5.00 per dozen pairs per doz. pairs $3.00 and 15 per cent. '• " value more than $5.00 per dozen pairs. 55 per cent. " stove wicking per lb. 10 cents and 15 per cent. " suspenders or braces, composed in part of india rubber, or otherwise 45 per cent. " sweaters as knit shirts. " Swiss muslin, dotted and figured, same rates as countable cloth, ss. 4,868-14,937- 15,041, and in addition on all valued at 7 ct. or less per square yard per sq. yard 1 ct. value more than 7 cts. per sq. yd.. per sq. yd. Sets. " table covers, ss. 31.651 45 per cent. " tamboured articles 60 per cent. " tapestry borders, with metal threads, as cotton cloth, ss. 6,373. " tapes, ss. 13,668 45 per cent. " tarlatans, as cotton cloth, ss. 6,360. 2C2 Custom* Brokers and Clerks Association Cotton tarlatans, with metal threads, according to chief value, ss. 7,471-13,193. " tatting, as lace, ss. 16,204 60 per cent. " terry cloth, as manufactures of, ss. 14,499 45 per cent. " thread on spools, each spool not exceeding 100 yds. per doz. 6 cts. " " " " for each additional 100 yards or fraction, ss. 18,457 per doz. 6 cts. " not on spools, for each 100 yards or fraction }4 ct - f3?~Iu no case shall the duty be assessed on a less number of yards than is marked on the spools or reels. " in singles, as threads, thread, known as spool thread of cotton, in skeins or otherwise than on spools or reels, ss. 22,080 per 100 yards or fractional part thereof Y 2 ct. tidies, Nottingham, as lace, ss. 9,184 60 per cent. tie buckles, old but fit for use, ss. 9,936 45 per cent. ties of iron or steel cut to lengths, punched or not punched, with or without buckles, for baling cotton per lb. ^5 ct. tights (see Cotton Shirts). toweling and towels, damask, as cotton cloth. towels in the countable cloth, ss. 2,291-4, 035- 19,285. towels, Turkish, single or in pairs, as countable cloth, ss. 8,283-ll,o; 7 13,968. tracing cloth, ss. 3,834-5,830-18,885 16,227 pei square yard 3 cts. and 20 per cent. traveling rolls or tourists' cases, ss. 7,332 11,077- 13,963 45 per cent. trimmings, ss. 4,573 7,226 B,664 8,799 10,840 60 per cent. trimmings, chenille 50 per cent. tubing for artificial flowers, as manufactures of, ss. 14,928 45 per cent. tubing 45 per cent. tucking, orarticles made wholly or in part of, ss. 2v»,lG2 60 per cent. twills, as cotton cloth. underwear, embroidered, ss. 5,986 60 per cent. onion suits, as knit shirts. apholstery cloth, as countable cotton cloth, ss. 1 1,809. velveteens, unbleached, etc., etc per square yard 9 cts. and 25 per cent. but not less than 47J^ per cent, velveteens, bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted or printed per square yard 12 cts. and 25 per cent. but not less than 17' ._. per cent. of the Port of New York. Cotton velvets, unbleached, etc., etc per square yard 9 cts. and 25 per cent. but not less than 47)£ per cent. " velvets, bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted or printed per square yard 12 cts. and 25 per cent. but not less than 47^ per cent. " velvets, Germany allows a bonification tax when exported, which is dutiable, ss. 18,949. " vestings, as countable cloth. " vests, knit (see Shirts). " vitrages, ss. 21,589-21,894 60 percent. " warps, or warp yarn, as yarn. " waste Free. ' waste, mixed with wool, as wool waste, ss. 13,217. per lb. 20 cts. " wearing apparel, of every description, except out- side garments containing India rubber 50 per cent. " " lace trimmed, ss. 14,134-14,140.. . 60 per cent. " " " outside garments containing india rubber per lb. 15 cts. and 50 per cent. " webbing, composed in part of india rubber, or otherwise, ss. 18,951 45 per cent. " webs 45 per cent. " wicking, candle, lamp and stove woven, braided, or twisted per lb. 10 cts. and 15 per cent. " window sashes, tamboured, ss. 16,106 60 per cent. " yarn carded, warps or warp yarn, in singles, whether on beams or in bundles, skeins or cops, or in any other form, except spool thread, not colored, bleached, dyed, or advanced beyond the condition of singles, by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns together, on all num- bers up to and including number 15 per lb. 3 cts. " yarn, etc., exceeding number 15 up to and in- cluding number 30 per number per lb. £ ct. " exceeding number 30 per number per lb. % ct. " colored, bleached, dyed, combed or advanced beyond the condition of singles, by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns to- gether, whether on beams or in bundles, skeins or cops, or in any other form except spool thread of cotton, on all numbers up to and including number 20 per lb. 6 cts. " on all numbers exceeding number 20 and up to number 80 per number per lb. J4 c t- " exceeding number 79 per number per lb. ^j cts. " Zachens, ss. 16,477 60 per cent. Cottonades, as cotton cloth, ss. 12,558. 264 Customs Broki rs and Cl< rks Association Cottonette, as woolen cloth, ss. 12,558: {Value Dot over 10 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent " over 40 and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. 41 cts. and " " TO cts. per lb per lb. 41 cts. and 50 per cent. 55 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. prohibited. Couhage Comnarinc ss. 1,288 16,855 Counterfeit coin are illegal importations, ss. 13,456. " money and bonds, ss. 15,451) " po-'taire stamps, albums in block are not, N. Y.,28, 5, '95. Country of export, appraiser must determine what is, ss. 11,651. " of production is that in which the goods arc fin- ished and forwarded to U. S., ss. 11,468. " produce in small quantities on frontier, ss. 7,947. Coupes, as manufactures of metal, ss. (3,354 45 per cent. Court plaster, ss. 17,502 35 per cent. Coutil, as countable cotton cloth, ss. 13.24'.}. Cover glasses for microscopes, as polished crown g'ass, ss. !),736. Coverings of merchandise, if they shall be of material or form designed to evade duties, or for use other than in the bona tide transportation of goods to the U. S., subject to duty as coverings and also as separate articles. Sec. 19, Act June 10, 1890. " bags of silk for opera glasses are unusual, ss. 11,213 50 per cent . baskets for tea are unusual, ss. 12.501. baskets, in shape of valise for champagne are unusual, ss. 9,914 40 per cent. " of straw for liquor in bottles arc un- usual, ss. 13,077 30 per cent. boxes Of metal for collar buttons are unusual, ss. 11,091 45 per cent. boxes of metal for confectipnery are unusual, ss. 12.320 15 per cent. of metal for matches are unusual, ss. 8,850 45 per cent. boxes of metal for pins are unusual, ss. 12,114 45 per cent. cases of leather for combs are unusual, ss. 1 0,67 1 35 per cent. eases of leather for tumblers are unusual, ss. 13,166 35 per cent. cases of wood, adapted to permanent use, for violins are unusual, ss. 10,223-10,488 45 per cent. cases, barrel shaped, for needles are unusual, ss. 10,488-14,519 35 per cent Par. 450 692 548 20 635 450 of the Port of New York. 265 Coverings, cases, fancy, for violin strings are unusual, ss. 13,076 35 per cent. " holders composed of metal and glass for tooth- picks a r e unusual, ss. 21,736 '• cases, pocket, of metal and paper for cigars are unusual, ss. 8,974 60 per cent. " cost of, must be separately stated on invoice, ss. 8,146-12,465. " japanned tin cans for bronze powder are un- usual, ss. 21,757 45 per cent. " straw covers, for empty bottles are unusual, 88. 8,040 30 per cent. " hampers containing clothing are unusual, ss. 10,047 40 per cent. " jars, earthenware, for tea are unusual, ss. 12,368. 60 per cent. " portfolios containing lithographic charts are usual, ss. 22,241 " satchels, straw, for tea are unusual, ss. 12,5)34. . 30 per cent. " sheaths for bowie knives are unusual, N. Y., April 29, 1890 35 per cent. " straw for empty malt extract bottles are usual, ss. 17,961. " trays for pipes are unusual, ss. 8,974 60 per cent. Covers (cotton chenille), table 50 per cent. " button, materials for, ss. 1,875-4,394-9,147-9,176 10 per cent. " of carpeting, as carpets. " crochet button, as manufactures of silk, ss. 9,726.. 50 per cent. " for cream separators, as manufactures of tin, n. s. p. f ., ss. 2,371 45 per cent. " for samples, as manufactures of paper, ss. 3,781. .. 35 per cent. " for rolls of Old Testament, as regalia, ss. 6,855 Free. " for books, according to material of chief value, 88. 22,175 " made of portions of carpets, dutiable as carpets. " piano, according to material, ss. 9,133-9,253-12,365. " table, according to material, ss. 9,253-12,365-13,441- 21,651 Cowhage, or cowitch down, crude drug Free. Cow hair, cleaned or uncleaned, etc Free. " fabrics of, same as wool, ss. 12,946 : rvalue not over 40 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. J " over 40 and not over 70 cts. per lb., per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. V. " " 70 cts. per lb. .per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. Cowhide whips, as manufactures of lea-ther, ss. 6,257 35 per cent. Cow or kine pox virus Free. Cowrie gum, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " shells, unmanufactured Free. " " manufactured 35 per cent. 266 Cvskmts Broh-rs mut < h il- Association Cows are not household effects, ss. 8,321, less than one year old each $2.00 all others valued at $14.00 each or less per head $8.75 more than $14 00 27J4 per cent. Crabs, as shell fish Free. Crackers, fire, of all kinds, gross weight, including all coverings, wrappings, and packing materials., per lb. 8 cts. " edible, of flour 20 per cent. Cranberries 25 per cent. Crank pins and crank shafts 43 per cent. shafts, of iron, SS. 8,866 !•"> per rent. Cranks, mill, wrought iron 45 per cent, Crapes, cotton, chief value, as cotton cloth, ss. 3,630. " silk, chief value, as woven fabrics, ss. :\X, ct. " brown or yellow (aniline dyes), ss. 523 1,085 .... 30 per cent. " cobalt, ss. 2,91") 8,168 20 per cent. " English, as refined sugar, ss. 13,333 per lb. \-ffa cts. " glass, for watches, ss. 2.807 40 percent. " " other 60 per cent. " lees, not more than 90 per cent, bitartrate of pot- ash, ss. 2,489 per lb. 4 cts. more than 90 per cent per lb. 5 cts. " rock, cut, ss. 18,846 50 percent. of the Port of New York. 269 Crystals, soda, not concentrated ■ per ]b. T = s ct. " concentrated per lb. T 3 ct. " tin . . 25 per cent. " yellow, as coal tar color, ss. 523 30 per cent. Crystographs, as lithographs, ss. 14,238. Cuba, is foreign territory, although under military occu- pation of the United States, ss. 21,476-21 ,738 " exportations to are entitled to drawback, ss. 23,157. Cuban Customs regulations, ss. 4,992. Cubebs, crude Free " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Cubes, mosaic of marble onyx, or stone, not exceeding two cubic inches in size, if loose . . .1 ct. per lb. and 20 per cent. if attached to paper or other material 20 cts. per superficial foot and 35 per cent. Cubic nitre or nitrate of soda Free. Cucumbers in salt and brine, ss. 1,818-10,749 40 per cent. " natural 25 per cent. Cudbear Free. " extract of per lb. }4 ct. and 10 per cent. " substitute, as aniline dye, ss. 3,721-3,913 30 per cent. Cuff-buttons, gold, silver or plated, ss. 9,832 50 per cent. " if jewelry 50 per cent. " " bone 50 per cent. " pearl, ss. 19,006 50 per cent. " all other 50 per cent. Cuffs, shirt, cotton per dozen pieces, 45 cts. and 15 per cent. " " embroidered, ss. 14,305 not less than 60 per cent. " " in part lace, ss. 14,240 60 per cent. " flax or linen, wholly or in part, per doz. pieces, 40 cts. and 20 percent. " " " in part lace, ss. 14,240 60 per cent. " fur, feathers and silk, ss. 6,252 60 per cent. " silk, as wearing apparel 60 per cent. Culm or slack coal, such as will pass through y 2 in. screen, ss. 4,044, per ton of 28 bushels, 80 lbs. to bushel 15 cts. enough of each importation must be screened to satisfy collector, it is or is not culm or slack, ss. 4,044. screens, with longitudinal bars only to be used, ss. 3,952. " containing 33J^ percent, of coal, as coal, ss. 13,816... per ton 67 cts. Cultivators 20 per cent. Caltrop or Colthrop nuts, ss. 8,525 per lb. 1 ct. Cumarin, as chemical salt, ss. 13,061 25 per cent. Cumidine, coal tar product Free. Cummin seed Free. Cuples 35 per cent. Curacoa, as spirituous beverage, ss. 11,838 per proof gall. $3.25. Curb-chains, as chains, ss. 6,155. 270 '.oms Brokers and Clerks Association Curlers, hair, kid covered, as manufactures leather. ss. 12,011-14.024 35 per cent. Curling stones or quoits Free. Curling Btones, handles for, ss. 7.212 Free. Curls of human hair, as cleaned and drawn, ss. 12,213 20 per cent. ( in rants, Zante, ss. 10,001 per lb. 2 cts. " all other, ss. 17,003-17,741 per lb. 2 cts. " no allowance for impurities contained in pack- ages with, ss. 22,005. Currency actually paid for goods must appear on invoice and entry, ss. 13,485 1 1,246 14,280. " depreciated, must be accompanied by a Consul's cert ideate showing percent, of de- preciation, ss. 11,661-21,685. " " value of, General Appraisers have no jurisdiction, ss. 17,184. " " General Appraiser cannot review Collector's valuation of. ss. i (,899. " not covered by Secretary's proclamation must be accompanied by a Consular certificate of value in standard gold dollars of ('. S., Art. 896, C. Reg., of 1892. " value at date of exportation must be taken, ss. 11.443-13,050 80,954. Curriers 1 knives, manufactures of steel 45 per cent . Curry and curry powder Free. Currycombs, as manufactures of metal, ss. 6,337 45 per cent. Curtain roller sticks, as wood unmanufactured, ss. 7,878. 20 per cent. " stuff, Madras muslin, as cotton cloth, ss. 6,007. t 'in tains, according to material. " 2 glass beads between bamboos, as manufac- tures of wood, ss. 12,144 35 per cent. " bamboo, 3 or more glass beads between bam- boos, ss. 12,144 60 per cent. " cotton chenille 50 per cent. Colbert, as cotton lace, ss. 9,502 60 per cent . " crete, as countable cotton cloth. 88. 6,630. " frilled cotton, as rufflings, ss. 17,130 60 per cent. '• glass beads, as. 16,285 60 per cent. " knit, as lace, s-. 16,112 CO per cent. " lace, of cotton, flax or other vegetable fiber, SB. I 1,880 16,112 60 per cent. '• finished or unfinished, made on the Notting- ham lace-curtain machine or on the Notting- ham warp machine, and composed of cotton or other vegetable liber: ss. 21,942. Counting the points or -pace- between the warp threads to the inch . .per sq. yd. 1 ct. and 20 per cent., but not lees than 50 per cent. 408 339 339 433 542 too 15 J of the Port of Neiv York. 271 Counting more than Ave such points or spaces to the inch, per sq. yard \4 of 1 ct. in addition for each such point or space to the inch in excess of five, and 20 per cent., but not less than 50 per cent. Curtains, rice beaded, ss. 19,495 60 per cent. " trimmed with ruffles, as rufflings, ss. 13,965- 15,960 60 per cent. " trimmings, as cotton trimmings, ss. 17,061 60 per cent. Cushions, according to material. Cuspidors, indurated fiber ware 35 per cent. Custody of Customs Officers, what constitutes, ss. 4,843- 5,507-8,539. " " " ceases when delivering per- mit is issued, ss. 16,367 -16,387-16,619. " " " warehoused bonded goods are in, until actually de- livered from warehouse, ss. 1,653-16,545-16,693. " of imported goods is in the collector who holds possession for the U. S. No monitions by any court will be recognized by the collector, ss. 8,813-16,896-17,188. " of goods and vessels libelled for violation of the customs laws remains with the collector till final order of sale is made by the court, when it passes to the marshal, ss. 4,155. Customs administration Act, ss. 10,118. " districts, list of, ss. 13,544. Cutch Free. " parchment paper, so called, ss. 11,359 per lb. 2 cts. and 10 per cent. Cut glass, all articles of, ss. 7,139-16,659 60 per cent. Cutlasses, as swords .' 35 per cent. Cutlery : Penknives or pocketknives, clasp knives, pruning knives, and budding knives of all kinds, or parts thereof, and erasers or manicure knives, or parts thereof, wholly or partly manufactured, valued at not more than forty cents per dozen 40 per cent. Valued at more than forty cents per dozen and not exceeding fifty cents per dozen per piece 1 ct. and 40 per cent. Valued at more than fifty cents per dozen and not exceeding one dollar and twenty-five cents per dozen per piece 5 cts. and 40 per cent. Valued at more than one dollar and twenty-five cents per dozen and not exceeding three dollars per dozen per piece 10 cts. and 40 per cent. 153 154 155 [60 426 252 426 579 193 272 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Valued at more than three dollars per dozen per piece 20 cts. and 40 per cent. Blade?, handles, or other parts of either or any of the foregoing articles, imported in any other manner than assembled in finished knives or erasers, shall be subject to no less rate of duty than herein provided for penknives valued at more than fifty and not more than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen. Razors and razor blades, finished or unfinished, valued at less than one dollar and fifty cents per dozen per doz. 50 cts. and 15 per cent. Valued at one dollar and fifty cents per dozen and less than three dollars per dozen per doz. $1 and 15 per cent. Valued at three dollars per dozen or more . ., per doz. $1.75 and 20 per cent. Scissors and shears, and blades for the same, finished or unfinished, valued at not more than fifty cent- per dozen per doz. 15 cts. and 15 per cent. Valued at more than fifty cents and not more than one dollar and seventy-five cents per dozen per doz. 50 cts. and 15 per cent. Valued at more than one dollar and seventy-five cents per dozen per doz. 75 cts. and 25 per cent. Swords, sword blades and side arms 35 per cent. Table, butchers 1 , carving, cooks', hunting, kitchen, bread, butter, vegetable, fruit, cheese, plumbers', painters', palette, artist's, and shoe knives, forks and steels, finished or unfinished, with handles of niother-of- pearl, shell or ivory each Hi ets. and 15 per cenl but not less than 15 per cent. with handles of deer horn each 12 cts. and 15 per cent. but not less than 15 per cent. with handles of hard rubber, solid bone, cellu- loid or any pyroxyline material ...each 5 ets. and 15 per cent. but not less than 45 per cent. with handles of any other material than those above mentioned each 1!^ cts. ami 15 per cent. but not less than -15 per rent. Cut nails and cut spikes of iron or steel per lb. -fl, Ct. Cutting, woolen cloths, is a part of market value, ss. 10,481. Cuttings, fur pieces, suitable only for use in the manu- facture of hatters' fur 20 per cent. " of all fruit and ornamental trees, deciduous and evergreen shrubs and vines, manetti, multiilora and brier rose, n. s. p. f 25 per cent. of fur. as dresseil skins, ss. 13,215 20 per cent. " of India rubber, as crude rubber, ss. 6,087 Free. " of tinned sheet iron, as manufactures Of metal. ss. 8,780 45 per cent. of the Port of New York. 273 Cuttings of tin plate, ss. 17,648 per lb. l^j cts. Cuttlefish bone Free. Cyanide of potassium 12}^ per cent. Cyanite or Kyanite Free. Cycas Wedel, as manufactures palm leaf, ss. 14,933 30 per cent. Cylinder glass, unpolished, as window glass, ss. 6,404. Cylinders for international tunnel dutiable, ss. 9,957 45 per cent. Cylinders, phonograph in mail, as mail matter, ss. 10,105. 25 per cent. " steel ribbed, as boiler flues or tubes, ss. 13,647. *' for gas are not tubes, ss. 17,571 45 per cent. " engraved for calico printing as manufactures of iron, ss. 2,092 45 per cent. Cylindrical furnaces made from plate metal, welded per lb. 2>>g cts. Cymbals, ss. 1,764-3,992 45 per cent. Daggers, as side arms, ss. 7,641 35 per cent. Daguerreotype plates 45 per cent. Dahlias, as nursery stock, ss. 9,945 25 per cent. Dahlia tubers as roots not edible, ss. 17,749 25 per cent. Daisies of silk and cotton, bs. 7,496 60 per cent. Damaged goods may be separated from sound in presence of an officer, ss. 10,356-15,530 21,831. Damage on voyage of importation not allowed, ss. 14,757. " " of 10 per cent, or more may be abandoned, ss. 12,448. " allowance on abandonment of imported goods under Sec. 23 of the act of June 10, 1890, is con- fined to damaged goods, ss. 22,218. amounting to total destruction is a shortage, ss. 16,1 14-16,138 -16,140-16,146. " on voyage of importation, goods abandoned for, proceeds of sale must be turned into Treasury, ss. 15,090. " by casualty while in custody of Customs Officers is allowed, ss. 11,826-15,519. " by casualty while in custody of Custom Officers G. A. have no jurisdiction, ss. 15,519. '• allowance for weight in cases of absorption of sea water, C. R. 851 of 1892, ss. 22,078. " proof may be established before Board of General Appraisers, ss. 22,078. to goods in warehouse which threatens loss to the revenue justifies their sale at auction, see 2,975 R. S. ss. 15,094. Damasks, cotton, table, ss. 8,600-12,441-12,720-13,198- 16,916 40 per cent. " union table cotton and flax, cotton chief value, ss. 22,158 45 per cent. 2*1 Customs "Brokers and Clerks Association Damasks, cotton, all other as cotton cloth. " linen, as woven fabrics. " silks, as woven fabrics. Dammar gum, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct - and 10 per cent. Dampeners, as brushes, ss. 13,752 40 per cent. Dandelion root, or taraxacum, raw, dried or undried, but unground, ss. 10,569 Free. " " " prepared, ss. 10,569 per lb. 2J^jj cts. " " is not a drug, ss. 5,583. Danzig spruce beer, as malt extract, ss. 5,372, in casks... per gall. 20 cts. " " " in bottles or jugs per gall. 40 cts. " " " bottles pay as empty. Darning needles, hand Free. Date of effect of Act of July 24. 1897, ss. 18,533-18.587- 18.035. " of entry sworn to before notary public is date of de- posit in C. H., D. L., N. Y.. Jan. 21th, 1891. " of presentation of entry at the Custom House is the date of entry, ss. 18,645. " of exportation, rules for determining, ss. S.s.M 11,071. " of exportation for determining value of currency, is date of consular certification. " of importation of I. T. goods is date of arrival at ex- terior port, ss. 5,633 10,143 14,986. Dates, green, ripe and dried per lb. }4 ct. " preserved in sugar, ss. 12,668 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. " stuffed as sweetmeats, ss. 12,517 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. Dead oil. ss. 5,825 10.958 -11,113-12,029-18,058 Free. Deals, sawed, except cedar, lignum-vitae, lancewood, ebony, box. granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, satinwood and all other cabinet woods, same as boards. " sawed, of cedar, liguuni-vitoe, lancewood. ebony, box. granadilla, mahogany. rosewood, satinwood, and all other cabinet woods 15 per cent, Death of immigrants on shipboard, vessel must pay $IM.IKI for each, whether corpse is landed or not, ss. 12,493-15,051. " of immigrants by suicide does not carry penalty, ss. 16,634. " of immigrants covers cabin passengers also, ss. 17.117. Debenture certificates are receivable for duties at any time, ss. 0,072. Decalcomanie paper, ss. 18,358. " pictures, as lithographs, ss. 8,822 13,703. " " cheap, as toys, ss. 15,570 19,119 1 9,28 I 35 per cent. of the Port of New Tork 275 Decalcomanie ornaments, as lithographs, ss. 3,823-13,703. Decanters, cut, engraved, etc 60 per cent. " " " filled, in addition to duty on contents 60 per cent. " glass, are not bottles, 12,341 60 per cent. Deciduous stocks, cuttings and seedlings 25 per cent. Decisions of the Secretary of the Treasury are not retro- active, ss. 8,115-14,373. " of Department apply to prior importations, ss. 9,56 i. " of the Secretary of the Treasury apply to goods which have gone into consumption, ss. 9,563. " of Board of United States Genl. Appr's, protest- ants are not entitled to notice of, ss. 10,754. " of the Secretary of the Treasury, protestants are not entitled to notice of, ss. 7,469. Deck-beams, iron or steel per lb. f 6 c. Declarations of shippers must be made before U. S. Con- sul, ss. 12,749. " of importers must be made before a Customs Officer or an authorized notary, ss. 10,121- 10,175. " of importers before notary can be used only at port where made, ss. 10,151-12,756. " not required for baggage of foreign diplo- matic representatives, ss. 16,592. Decoctions of dye-woods per lb. f ct. Decorated earthenware 60 per cent. " " raised or embossed designs made in the mold are not decoration, ss. 15,169-15,170-15,171. Decorations of glue, paper, etc., as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 7,948 20 per cent. Deer, alive 20 per cent. carcasses, ss. 2,325 10 per cent. horns, unmanufactured Free. " in the velvet— a Chinese horn, ss. 9,292 Free. cut into lengths, ss. 4,689 9,993 Free. " patent, ss. 9,993 30 per cent. skins, raw Free. ' ' dressed and finished 20 per cent. " tanned, as leather 20 per cent. Deficiency in weight of goods paying ad valorem duties, must be allowed, ss. 8,440-9,305-10,661. Deficiency in B L quantity must be clearly established, ss. 17,844. De Jongh's cod liver oil, as medicinal preparation, ss. 10,684 25 per cent. DeGras, wool grease, ss. 10,878-11, 133-11,236-11,561-13,757. per lb. i ct. 276 Custom* Brokers and Clerks Association • Delivery of examined packages on Appraiser's certificate is prohibited, ss. 7,047. " of merchandise before payment of duty is pro- hibited, ss. 14,357. Demijohns, covered or uncovered, filled or unfilled, ss. 10,764-14,141-15,307. per lb. 1 ct. but not less than 40 per cent. '• are not bottles within the meaning of the term in tariff laws. ss. 7,280 per lb. 1 ct. but not less than 10 per cenl Denims, as countable cotton cloth. Dental rubber in sheets, as manufactures of. bs. 17,855. 30 per cent. Dentelles, as woolen dress goods, ss. 8,387. Value not over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over i ounces per sq. yd 11 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb. and wi ighing not over 4 ounces per sq. yd 11 cts. and 55 per cent. Weighing 4 ounces per sq. yd. as woolen cloth. Dentifrices 50 per cent. " in the manufacture of which alcohol was used, ss. 19,530 peril) 60 cts. and 45 per cent. Derelict goods may be entered by sailors for appraise- ment, ss. 8,105 11,760. goods pay same duties a- other similar goods, ss. 9,598. " vessels of American build if purchased by an A mcrie in citizen are entitled to a new register, ss. 1,309 2,637 3,373. Desiccated apples per lb. 2 cts. " cocoa n ut in at. shredded, etc., ss. 6,483 per lb. 2 cts. " " crude, not shredded Free. " vegetables, ss. 8,274 40 per cent. Designs in water color for print works, as paintings, ss. 12,810 20 per cent. " for a State monument, ss. S.540 Free. Detonators, 14,407 15,158 per 1,000 J2.36 " not entitle! to I. T. or warehouse privileges, s-. 9,564 18,082. Dextrine per lb. 2 cts. Diagonals, as woolen dress goods, ss. S.:iS7 : Diagonal cloth (see woolens), ss. 8,097 : Dials, chronometers (ships') 40 per cent. clock, metal, ss. 11.114 40 per cent. enamel or copper, ss. 1,68 ! 40 per cent. porcelain 60 per cent. sun. part metal 45 per cent. watch, ss. 2,Kir7 40 per cent. Diamond black, as coal tar color, ss. 19,216 30 per cent. " dust, or bort Free. " pointed pencils, ss. 5,521 60 per cent. " powder for the hair. ss. 6,118 50 per cent. of the Port of New York. 277 Diamond, steel, as steel, n. s. p. f., ss. 16,278-16,330-17,780. Diamonds, cut. not set, 15,-69-16,136-16,909 10 per cent. " drilled but not set, ss. 21,491 10 per cent. " engravers', designers' and glaziers,' set, ss. 2,865-3,546-3,556-1 1 ,067-12,043- 15,868 60 per cent. " glaziers' and miners', not set Free. " for clock or watch jewels 10 per cent. " imitation of paste or glass, \ ^^Z}^' ' ' ' !? Vl £& v I over 1 men 45 per cent. " imitations not set 2U per cent. " rongh or uncut, as. 15,633-15,820 Free. " " " " can be imported by mail, ss. 18,883. " set, as jewelry 60 per cent. " " but not as jewelry 60 per cent. " Trade Review, as a periodical, ss. 14,074. Diamontine, a^ n. e. manufactured article, ss. 17,824. 20 per cent. Dianisidine Free. Diaper cotton, as cotton cloth. " linen, as woven fabrics. Dice, ivory, bone or other material 50 per cent. Die blocks or blanks, same rate as steel ingots. Dies, metal for stamping, as manufactures of metal, ss. 12,983 45 per cent. " steel embossing, ss. 3,254-9,889 45 per cent. Digitalis, leaves, crude Free . " " advanced in value per lb. \ ct. and 10 per cent. Dimethyl, aniline, as coal tar preparation, ss. 10,249-12,821- 13,601 20 per cent. Dimities, cotton, as cotton cloth, ss. 17,244. Diphenylamin, as coal tar preparation, ss. 13,580 Free. Diphonia, as manufactures glass, ss. 15,826. 45 per cent. Direct black, as chemical compound, ss. 15,119. 25 per cent. Directories, city, as printed matter, ss. 10,611 25 per cent. Dirks 35 per cent. Discharge lake as coal tar color, ss, 15,976 30 per cent. " of cargo on Sundays and holidays not subject to extra compensation, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1895. Discounts disallowed, are additions to value, ss. 9,729- 12,358. " invoice, cannot be increased, ss. 12,463. " not on invoice, not allowed, ss. 10,031. " on net charges, not allowed, ss. 10,019. " on invoice, not claimed on entry, not allowed, ss. 7,812. Discriminating duty on goods imported in vessels of countries having no commercial treaty with United States, ss. 4,633-18,431-18,900-18,915.. 10 per cent. 278 Custom* Broken and Clerks Association Discrotante, as chemical compound 25 per cent. Dishes, ca-t iron : per lb. f e ct. " " " coated, glazed or tinned per lb. 2 cts. " other metal 45 per cent. " earthenware, plain white 55 per cent. " " decorated 60 per cent. " glass blown, etc 60 per cent. " " moulded or pressed 45 per cent. Disinfecting powder, as coal tar preparation, ss. 7.200 20 per cent. " liquid, as chemical compound, ss. 22,139 25 per cent. Disinfection of hides, rags, skins, hair, etc., from countries where quarantinable diseases exist, ss. 13.743-20,281 .. Disks, corundum and steel, ss. 8,332 45 per cent. " cut or ground for lenses, edges unground 45 per cent. " edges ground or beveled. . .per doz. pairs, 10 cts. and 45 per cent. " glass, cut or ground 60 per cent. 11 colored or bull's-eyes, sa. 9,385-15,403 60 per cent. " for clocks, ss. 7,392 40 per cent. " glass, rough cut or unwrought, for use in the man- ufacture of optical instruments, spectacles, and eyeglasses, and suitable only for such use, pro- vided, however, that such disks exceeding eight inches in diameter may lie polished sufficiently to enable the character of the glass to be deter- mined Free. " unpolished glass, for lenses, for spectacles, 88. 9,618-9.711 Free. " unsilvcred, polished plate glass with beveled edges. ss. 8,216 Same rate as polished plate and 5 per cent. Distilled oils, n. s. p. f 25 per cent. " spirits per proof gall. $2.25. " spirits, domestic, exported and rcimported. duty equal to internal revenue tax, ss. 13,376- 14,639 per proof gall. $1.10. " verdigris, as chemical salt ss. 8,598 25 per cent. " vinegar, aw acetic acid, not exceeding the speci- fic gravity of 1.047 peril). % ct. exceeding the specific gravity 1.047, ss. 3,964- 4.37H per lb. 2 cts. Distress, vessels driven into port by, need not enter, 88. 1,7KK 8,184. " vessels driven into port by, must pay fees to officers and charges for storage and safe keep- ing of merchandise, ss. 1,7SS -3,164. Dividers, as manufactures steel 45 per cent. Divi-divi, ss. 4,371 Free. extract of, ss. 21,261 per lb. % ct. Division of importation to allow part only to be entered, disallowed, ss. 7,552-7,584. Par. of the Port of New York. 279 Dock, immediate export goods may remain on, 15 days, ss. 14,789. Documents sent by foreign governments for presentation to institutions here, ss. 6,278 Free. Documents, official, application for copies must be made to head of division having them in custody, ss. 8,306. Dog-biscuit, ss. 7,304 20 per cent. " chains, as chains. " collars, according to material, ss. 7,175. " leaders, as manufactures of metal, ss. 8,515 45 per cent. Dogs, living, ss. 17,168 20 per cent. " taken abroad and returned as a companion of own- er, ss. 7,927 Free. " for breeding purposes, with official pedigree Free. Doilies, cotton damask, ss. 6,298 40 per cent. " linen damask, as woven fabrics, ss. 19,199. " " embroidered, ss. 14,634 60 per cent. " according to material, ss. 6,298-8,698. Doll coaches, as manufactures of willow, ss. 9,234 40 per cent. Dolls, and doll heads, of whatever material composed, ss. 5,164-5,428 -10,880-12,026 35 per cent. " dressed in wool apparel, ss. 2,379-3,530 35 per cent. " china figures of children, sitting, etc., are not, ss. 4,231-4,938 60 per cent. " in cases with wardrobes, as dolls, ss. 3,871 35 per cent. " jewelry, ss. 21,430 35 per cent. " jumping jacks are not, but toys, 88. 1,725 35 per cent. " large mechanical, ss. 9,888 35 per cent. " paper costumes, as toys, ss. 7,450 35 per cent. " parasols, as toys, 83. 17,843 35 per cent. " wardrobes, as toys, ss. 569-5,967 35 per cent. " wigs, as manufactures of hair, ss. 14,921-17,842. " whistling, of india rubber, ss. 5,059 5,196 35 per cent. Dolmans, cotton or other vegetable material 50 per cent . " linen 50 per cent " silk 60 per cent. " wool, hair, etc per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Domestic goods, returned without having been advanced in value or improved in condition by any pro- cess of manufacture or other means Free. " barrels, exported, filled with petroleum and re- turned Free. " casks and other vessels of American manufac- ture exported filled with American products and returned filled with foreign products, in- cluding American shooks and staves re- turned as barrels Free. Dometts as flannels. Domicile of husband determines domicile of wife, ss. 13,369. l'ar. 280 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Dominoes, according to material, ss. 8,533. Donna Maria, silk veil goods CO per cent. Down or cowitch Free. " quilts, ss. 6,179-8,859 50 per cent. " other manufactures of , 6,203 ...I'J 50 per cent. Downs, for beds 15 per cent. " all dressed or manufactured 50 per ceut. all others, crude or not dressed, colored or mfd... 15 per cent. Dracaenas 35 per ceut . Draff or dirt, no allowance may be made for, ss. 13,563 14,489. Draft or draught, no allowance for, ss. 13,553-15,907 16,867 16,350-17,217. Drag saws per linear foot, 8 cts. Dragon's blood, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Drainings of molasses and sugar laden vessels, mixed with bilge water, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 2,804 20 per cent. " of molasses and sugar all other as molasses or sugar. Drain pipe, earthen, ss. 8,794 25 per cent. Draughts, of any material 50 per cent. Drawback, allowance for, cannot be made until duties are paid, ss. 11,158. " definition of term, ^ 17,386. " allowance for, is not subject to review by General Appraiser, ss. 14,522. " allowance, manufacturer need not be importer of materials used, ss. 13,033. " allowed by foreign government on goods ex- ported cannot be deduct >d from market value, ss.2,847 13,181 18,980. " amount of internal revenue tax allowed on American manufactures exported, if reim- ported, will be collected as duty. " is not allowed on goods under general order over one year and advertised for sale if export- ed, ss. 12,076 14,201 1 1,900. " is allowed on all article-; manufactured in whole or in part of imported mat .'rials, if ex- ported, equal to duties paid on imported materials used, less I percent., ss. 1 7,8(50 . " on importations, for provisions of law in re- gard to rates of drawback, see preface. Drawers, cotton 50 per cent. " knitted, of cotton or oilier vegetable liber. finished or unfinished, see cotton shirts. linen 50 per cent. Bilk, or silk chief value, ss. 14,811 OOpercent. of the Port of New York. 281 Drawers, wool, ss. 13,888 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " " knit per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Drawing compasses, as manufactured steel, ss. 7,276 45 per cent. " instruments, as manufactured steel, ss. 10,486... 45 per cent. " knives, March 30, 1865, Boston 45 per cent. " paper , as writing paper. " " pastel, as writing paper, ss. 9,921. " pencils (lead) per gross 45 cts. and 25 per cent. " plate blanks, as forgings, ss. 9,028 35 per cent. " plates, as manufactures of steel, ss. 6,413 45 per cent. Drawings, specially imported for societies, etc., are duti- able 20 per cent. " obscene, prohibited. '• original 20 per cent. " with pen and ink 20 per cent. " with pen and ink from France, a reciprocal country, ss. 19,405 15 per cent. Drawn work is not embroidery, ss. 13,506-13,892. Draymen, collector may appoint without express approval of Department, ss. 1,001. Dredge, American, rebuilt in Canada, dutiable, ss. 10,894 -15,671 . " Canadian, is dutiable if imported, ss. 9,299-14,872. " domestic, exported and returned, is dutiable, ss. 9,258. " foreign, is dutiable ss. 2,329-9,299. Dress facings of bias velveteens, made or cut from plushes, velvets, velveteens, corduroys, or other pile fabrics composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, shall be subject to same rates as the material of which made and in addition thereto ss. 11,977- 12,343-12,896-13,389-13,970-13,736 10 per cent , but not less than 47)^ per cent. Dress bones, corium and animal fiber, as manufactures bone, ss, 17,933 30 per cent. " steels, ss. 17,821 45 per cent. Dressed and finished birds for millinery, ss. 1,454 4,290. . . 50 per cent. " feathers and downs 50 per cent. " furs. ss. 9,731 20 per cent. " leather, n. s. p. f 20 per cent. " line of flax per lb. 3 cts. " line of hemp per ton $40. " marble, over 2 inches thick per cubic foot, $1.10. " meats, n .s. p. f., as n. e. manufactured articles, ss. 1,022-2,325 20 per cent. " poultry per lb. 5 cts. " skins, fur, not made up into articles 20 per cent. " " leather , , 20 per cent, 282 Custom* Brokers and Clerks Association Dress goods, cashmeres are, ss. 8,624: /"Value not over 70 cts per lb. and weighing not over 4 ozs. per sq. yd per sq. yd. 11 cts. and 50 per cent. -! Value over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over 4 ozs. I per sq. yd per sq. yd. 11 cts. and 55 per cent. V Weighing over 4 ozs. per sq. yd. as woolen cloth. Dress goods, croise is, ss. 8,679. " " dentelles are, ss. 8,387. " " gloria cloth is, ss. 8,050. " " mousseline de laine is, ss. 7.331. " " shooda is, ss. 8,679. " " silk, containing any wool, as woolen, ss. 13.287. " " Thibet coatings are, ss. 9,266. " " women's and children's, and goods of similar description, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the camel, goat, alpaca or other animals, not over 4 ozs. per sq. yd.: {Value not over 70 cts. per lb per sq. yd. 11 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb per sq. yd. 11 cts. and 55 per cent. Over 4 ozs per sq yd., as woolen cloth. Dress holders, as manufactures of metal, ss. 13,360 45 per cent. patterns are not models of invention, ss. 18,085. Dressing for leather, grease and oils, except fish oils, fit only for Free. " " as oil, ss. 18,079 «. 25 per cent. Dressings for the hair and other toilet 50 per cent. Dress ornaments, bead or bugle, ss. 12,704 60 per cent. " " bead or beaded 60 per cent. " " beads and silk, ss. 13,320 CO per cent. " " cotton and beads, ss. 11,382 60 per cent. " worsted and mohair. . .per lb. 50 cts. and 00 per cent. " patterns, embroidered and plain parts must be segregated, ss. 13,938. " protectors, as manufactures India rubber, ss. 13,758. 30 per cent. " shields, as wearing apparel, according to chief value, ss. 11,198 12,918. i; skirt facings, cotton and hair, as mfrs. wool, ss. 18,228. " stays, as manufactures of horn. ss. 13,437 30 per cent. " steels, valued at more than 4 cts. per lb., ss. 12,327- 12.940 45 per cent. " " In cotton casings, valned at more than 4 cts. per lb., ss. 14.547 45 per cent. trimmings, cotton, linen or other vegetable fiber, ss. I2.:isi 18,(558 60 per rent. metal chief value, ss. 9,496 45 per cent. " strips of wool embroidered are, ss. 5,539.. per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent, of the Port of New York. 283 Dress trimmings, wool or hair, ss. 3,837-9,496-9,860 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. Dried abelone meat, ss. 9,645 -10,496 Free. " apples per lb. 2 cts. " blood, n. s. p. f Free. " " soluble per lb. V/% cts. " bugs and other insects, used as drugs Free. " fibers, crude, if drugs Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " fruits, edible per lb. 2 cts. " fruits, n. s. p. f Free. " grasses, unmanufactured, ss. 8,770-13,375 Free. " " dyed, ss. 13,574-14,933 30 per cent. ' ' insects, used as drugs Free " moss, crude, ss. 9,349 Free. " dyed, ss. 12,703-14,728-14,991 20 per cent. " oysters, oiled, ss. 7,080-9,645-10,496 Free. " pease, ss. 10,469 per bushel 30 cts. ' ' pulp, for paper makers, wood: I Mechanically ground per lb. dry weight r x s ct. ■< Chemical, unbleached per lb dry weight \ ct. ( " bleached per lb. dry weight 14 ct. All other, according to material. %W That if any country or dependency shall impose an export duty on pulp wood exported to the United States, the amount of such export duty shall be added, as an additional duty, to the duties herein imposed upon wood pulp, when im- ported from such country or dependency. " skins Free. Drillings, cotton, as countable cloth. " linen, woven fabrics. Drill rods, steel, as ingots, ss. 16,044-16,080. Drop black 25 per cent. Dross, from burnt pyrites per ton 40 cts. " lead per lb. %% cts. " tin as metal unwrought, ss. 3,604 20 per cent. Druggets, all, ss. 10,111 per sq. yd. 22 cts. and 40 per cent. Drugs, such as barks, beans, berries, balsams, buds, bulbs, bulbous roots, excrescences, fruits, flowers, dried fibers and dried insects, grains, gums and gum resin, herbs, leaves, lichens, mosses, nuts, nut galls, roots and stems, spices, vegetables, seeds aromatic, seeds of morbid growth, weeds and woods used expressly for dyeing ; any of the foregoing which are drugs and not edible and which have not been advanced in value or condition by refining or grinding, or by any other process Free. " as above, which arc advanced in value or condi- Par. 284 Customs Brokers and (Inks Association tion by refining or grinding, or by other process per lb. 14 ct. and 10 per cent. Drugs, condemned if not exported within six months must be destroyed. Article 801, Customs Reg- ulations, 1892. " if damaged and abandoned must be destroyed, ss. 2,208-7,799. may be repacked in warehouse for export, ss. 3,020. Drumheads, ss. 9,918-10,988 45 per cent. Brums 45 per cent. " metal, containing hops as usual covering, ss. 8,204. " " for use in exporting domestic turpentine, ss. 7,913 45 per rent. " toys 35 per cent. Dryer, patent, as paint, ss. 10,539 30 per cent. Duboisine, pure amorphine, as medicinal preparation, ss. 13,701 25 per cent. Duchesse lace, cotton, ss. 3,912 00 per cent. " " linen, ss. 3,912 00 per cent. Duck, cotton 35 per cent. " linen, as woven fabrics. Ducks, alive per lb. 3 cts. " undressed per lb. 3 cts. " dressed per lb. 5 cts. " wild, dead, as water fowl. ss. 10,917 Free. Dngong oil, ss. 8,880 25 per cent. Dulcamara twigs, cut, ss. 0,388 per lb 14 ct. and 10 per cent. " crude Free. *Dnlcin, as a chemical compound, ss. 19.190 25 per cent. Dulse, seaweed Free. Dundee bagging, double warp, ss. 1,690 0.343 45 per cent. Dong salt, for manures, containing less than 30 per cent. potash, ss. 501 715 Free. " " " " containing more than 30 per cent. potash, ss. 197-661-716 Free. Dunnage mats, of merchantable value, ss. 1,792 12,969 20 per cent. Dnresco, is a paint containing zinc. ss. 12.700. Duress, any act done under, is not binding, ss. 13,889. what constitutes, ss. 18,082-18,104. Dust brushes 40 per cent. " diamond or bort Free. •' bone Free. " pepper, ss. 7.253 Free. " " as ungiound Free. " proof cloth, ss. 9,708 per sq. yd. 8 cts. and 20 per cent. Dusters, feather, ss. 7,015 40 per cent. * Dnlein, assessed |,y order of Secretary of Treasury as sa. f. plain 35 per cent. Earthenware, common brown, not ornamented or deco- rated in any manner, ss. 10,396 11,205 2"> per cent. " common yellow or gray, ss. 17,352 25 par cent. " chemical, as other earthenware, ss. 2,377. " battery cups and cells, as plain earthenware, ss. 6,533-10,390 55 per cent. " beer mugs with metal tops, as decorated earthenware, ss. 6,578 10,123 11,855- 1 1,817 60 per cent. crucibles, ss. 3,845 8,642 12,824 26percent. cubes, arranged in patterns on paper, as tiles, ss. 13,986: I value not over 10 cts. per sq. ft per sq. ft. S cts i value over 4Hcts. per sq. ft 10 cts. and 25 per cent. " dolls and doll heads 35 per cent. gas retorts each $3.00. Including clock cases with or without move- ments, plaques, ornaments, toys, charms. vases ami statuettes painted, tinted, of the Port of New York. 287 Par. stained, enameled, printed, or otherwise decorated or ornamented in any manner, ss. 13,714-13,868-18 403 60 per cent. Earthenware, as above, but plain white and not orna- mented or decorated in any manner, ss. 13,670 55 per cent. Indian black teapots, as tinted, ss. 13,066. . . 60 per cent. ivory colored, is white, ss. 15,810 55 per cent. jars tinted with mineral manganese, ss. 12,714 60 per cent. mortars and pestles, stoneware, ss. 5,563. . . 25 per cent, mosaics, as tiles, ss. 13,407. mugs with metal tops, children's, as deco- rated earthenware, ss. 14,688 60 per cent. is a part of a ship's equipment under Act June 19, 1886, ss. 9",776. plaques, painted by hand, ss. 6,553 60 per cent. plates, terra cotta, plain, ss. 6,173 55 per cent. red porcelain, is plain, ss. 17,055 55 per cent. Rockingham, decorated, ss. 14,825-17,728.. .. 60 per cent. not decorated 40 per cent. sinks, as plain earthenware, ss. 13,616 55 per cent. stoppers for bottles, as white earthenware, ss. 13,670 55 per cent . tiles, ( value not over 40 cts. per sq. ft... per sq. ft. 8 cts. decor- < value over 40c. per sq. ft ated : | per sq. ft. 10 cts. and 25 per cent. tiles, plain, un glazed, one color, exceeding two sq. inches in size per sq. ft. 4 cts. Tokonabe, is decorated, ss. 17,653 60 per cent. tubes for filters, ss. 9,670 45 per cent. tubs (porcelain), white, ss. 7,022 55 per cent. " ( " ), colored, ss. 9,684 60 per cent. " salt glazed, as brown earthenware, ss. 13,616 25 per cent. Easel photograph frames, as manufactures of glass, ss. 13,361 45 per cent. " racks and calendars, as printed matter, ss. 7,432 25 per cent. Easter rabbits are toys, ss. 16,353-17,709 35 per cent. East India grass, as hemp, ss. 7,637-10,026 per ton $20. " gum, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. X ct. and 10 per cent . Eau de cologne per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " cuivre, as n. e. manufactured article 30 per cent. " quinine tonique, as hair tonic, ss. 6,407- 7,369-11.601-16,358 16,386-17,503-17,418-17,503.. . . per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " vie de gentiane, ss. 6,890 per proof gall. $3.25. Ebony wood, manufactures of 35 per cent. " sawed into boards 15 per cent. " unmanufactured Free. •,'ss Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Ebony wood, veneers 20 per cent. Edged tools, not f orgings, ss. 7,783 45 per cent. Edgings, flax, jute, cotton or other vegetable fiber 60 per cent. " cotton embroidered 60 per cent. " flax lace 60 per cent. silk, ss. 17,593 60 per cent. " wove per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " wool per U). 50 cts. and 60 per cent. Educational institutions can import books, maps, music, lithographic prints, charts, philosophic and scientific instruments, apparatus ami utensils, preparations, regalia, etc Free. Eels, pickled, spiced, etc., ss. 8,253 is. 171 per lb. 14 cent. " are fresh water fish, ss. 113,104 per lb. J4 cent. Effects, bonks, libraries, usual and reasonable furniture, and similar household effects, of persons or families from foreign countries if actually used abroad by them, not less than one year, and not intended for any other person, nor for sale, 5,143-13,399 -14,466-12,001 - 18,367-21,605- 22,024-22,116 Free. •' household not used abroad one year are dutiable ss. 15,240. •' household, cows are not, as cattle, ss. 8.321. " " baker's wagon is not, ss. 7,010-12,001. " " office furniture is not, ss. 14,466. " " physician's horse and carriage is not, ss. 12,001. " " small row boat is not, ss. 7,611-12,001. " ball dresses arc not entitled to free entry, as ss. 13.369. " bicycles are not personal, ss. 12 618-14,368-15,973- 16,035-18.352 18.868 18,987. bicycles are household effects, ss. 18,937-19,365. " camera and lenses of amateur photographer are not personal, ss. 7,739-7,772. " household must be entered on consular invoice if valued over $100, whether dutiable or free, ss. 21,872. " invoices for, may give value in gross, ss. 13,005. " of emigrants must be disinfected, ss. 13,121 13,13s. " persona] not merchandise, of citizens dying abroad Free. " personal, of American origin taken abroad by a resident of the U. S. on return, ss. is 803 , Free. tourists*, ss. 3,673 9, 119 10.371 Free. unmounted photograph* may be personal, 88. 8,371. Wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment. of the Port of New York. 289 Par. 68 615 301 204 §6 244 549 §6 95 549 549 §6 549 662 245 245 .339 toilet articles, and similar personal effects of persons arriving in the United States: but this exemption shall only include such articles as actually accompany and are in the use of, and as are necessary and appropriate for the wear and use of such persons, for the immediate purposes of the journey and present comfort and convenience, and shall not be held to apply to merchandise or articles intended for other per- sons or for sale: Provided, that in case of residents of the United States returning from abroad, all wearing apparel and other personal effects taken by them out of the United States to foreign countries shall be admitted free of duty, without regard to their value, upon their identity being established, under appropriate rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but no more than one hundred dollars in value of articles pur- chased abroad by such residents of the United States shall be admitted free of duty upon their return, ss. 12,217-12.648-13,269-13,494-17,715- 18,241-18,247-18.249-18,256-18,302-18,391-18 393- 18,394-22,203. Effects, wedding trousseau not entitled to free entry, ss. 13,432. " personal, valued over $100, and not accompany- ing the owner, must be entered on consular invoice, ss. 21,872. Effervescent citrate of magnesia, ss. 5,949 25 per cent. " " " soda, ss. 722 25 per cent. " compounds or salts, ss. 2,682 4,968-5,528 25 per cent. " tartrate of soda, ss. 2,682 per lb. 4 cts. " Vichy salts, as mineral water salts, ss. 2,021 . Free. " waters, and all similar, as mineral waters. Egg cases, as packing boxes, ss. 10,743 30 per cent. " shells as n. e. unmanufactured article 10 per cent. Eggs, ss. 11,283 per doz. 5 cts. ants, baked, ss. 4,157 Free. codfish in cans, as edible fish eggs, ss. 15.716 20 per cent nest, as white china, ss. 7,946 55 per cent. of birds used for food Free. fish and insects, except fish roe, preserved Free. " roe, preserved 20 per cent. of game birds are prohibited, except specimens for scientific collections Fres. silkworm Free. yolks, dried and salted, ss. 2,889-7,315-17,a57-21,516. 25 per cent. 1 ' fresh 25 per cent . Egyptian laces, as cotton, ss. 7,330 60 per cent. 290 custom* Brokers and Clerks Association Eider down, crude 15 per cent. " " dressed, colored, or manufactured 50 per cent. " " skins, dressed and sewed into quilts, ss. 6,91)0 50 per cent. Eikonogen, a coal tar preparation, ss. 9,910-12,696-13,410., 20 prr cent. Elastic braids, cotton and India rubber, as cotton braids. SB. 18.310 60 per cent. " " of silk and India rubber, ss. 13.374 13,365. 60 per cent. " cords, of silk and India rubber, ss. 4,408 13,374.. . 50 per cent. " " cotton, as cotton cords, ss. 13.310 45 per cent. " carters, cotton or vegetable fibre 45 per cent. " " silk 50 per cent. " " wool or hair per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " webbing, cotton and India rubber, as cotton elastic webbing, ss. 12,539 -13,311 14,161 11,727 45 per cent. " silk and India rubber, as silk elastic web- bing, ss. 12,539 50 per cent. " " wool and India rubber, ss. 2,455 3,727- 8,102 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. Elastieon, ss. 4,807 10 per cent. Elaterin 25 per cent. Elaterium, as crude drug, ss. 9.277 11.572 16.170 Free. Elecampane root, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. }4 Ct. and 10 per cent. Electric apparatus is not tools of trade, ss. 7,792. " bells and lamps are not philosophic apparatus, ss. 5,941. " dynamos are not philosophic apparatus, ss. 6,719- 13,784. " finger rings, as manufactures of metal, ss. 11,546. 45 per cent. " machines, plates for, as manufactures of metal, ss. 15,241 45 per cent. Electricity coming i>.\ cable, ss. io,086 SO per rent. Electrodes, carl ss. |s.02'S 35 per cent. Eli ctro-homeopathic remedies, as medicinal preparations, ss. 9,148 25 per cent. Electrotype plates, ss. 11,745 85 per cent. Elephant paper, a- writing paper. i,i. phants, ss. 12,489 20 per cent. " for menagerie charging admission, 88. 8,818- 14,701 20 per cent. " for zoological collections, fur scientific and educal tonal purposes Kree. Elephants 1 teeth or tusks, as ivory unmanufactured Free. Emblems, religious, arc not medals, ss. 6,508 45 per cent. Embossed goal skins, for furniture, as dressed, ss. 5,705.. 20 per cent. " chromos, as lithographs, ss. 8,950-3,061. leather, tinted by the brush, as manufactures ( »r, ss. 8,668 35 per cent. " lithographs, as Lithographs, ss. 8,691, 450 68 of the Port of New York. 291 Embossed reliefs, as manufactures of paper, ss. 4,230 35 per cent. " satin strips, for hat linings, ss. 6,522 60 per cent. Embossing dies, ss. 9,889 45 per cent. Embroidered articles of flax, jute, cotton, or other vege- table flber. ss. 14,634-14,950-15,837 -17,060-18,603 60 per cent. " " monogram is sufficient, ss. 10,563- 12,328-14,859. " " silk chief value 60 per cent. " fabrics, " " 60 per cent. Embroideries of flax, jute, cotton, or other vegetable fiber embroidered by hand or machinery 60 per cent. " silk chief value, 14,296 60 per cent. " wool, hair, etc., in whole or in part, ss. 3,675 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " in gold or other metals, ss. 10,546-13,884.. . 60 per cent. Embroidery, braiding is not, ss. 12,954. " drawn work is not, ss. 13,506-13,892. " is decoration or ornamentation with the needle, ss. 17,002. " machine hooks, as needles, n. s. p. f., ss. 11,570 25 per cent. " canvas, as countable cotton cloth, ss. 6,362. " elaborate initials and monograms constitute, ss. 17,239-17,262-17,812. " patterns, as lithographs, ss. 3,941-4,230. " tickets or labels, as printed matter, ss. 9,975. 25 per cent. Emery cloth, cotton 45 per cent. files 25 per cent. " fillet, ss. 12,708 25 per cent. " grains per lb. 1 ct. " ground, pulverized, refined or manufactured per lb. 1 ct. " knife sharpeners, ss. 6,314 25 per cent. " " in part metal, ss. 9,393 45 per cent. " ore, or ore rock Free. " paper, ss. 6,980-15,244 25 per cent. " rollers, ss. 8,611 25 per cent. " scythe stones, ss. 2,079-2,282-8,786 25 per cent. " wheels, ss. 6,314 8,611-15,244-15,809 25 per cent. Emetic, tartar 25 per cent. Emigrants* effects may be forwarded in sealed cars with- out sealing and cording, ss. 3,534. " family is governed by condition of emigrant, ss. 13,153. " teams of animals, harness, tackle, wagons and other vehicles used in emigrating, ss. 11,281- 12.956-13,599 Free. Empeignes, as shoe vamps, ss. 10,342 35 per cent. Ems pastiles, ss. 7,787 25 per cent. 893 i 'itstotm Erohi rs and t '< i ks Association Emulsions, medical, Q. s. p. f 25 per cent. Enamel, fusible, ss. 14,506 14.508 25 per cent. " white, for watch and clock dials, ss. 6.176-18,804. Free. " on paste, for use by jewelers, ss. 5,258 45 per cent. " white, as fusible, ss. 5,896 6.170 10,915 25 per cent. Enameled brick 45 per cent. " dials, for clocks 40 per cent " " " watches 40 per cent. " all others, as manufactures of glass, ss. 1,683 45 per cent. " portraits, bs. 18,075 45 per cent. leather and skins: f Weighing not over 10 lbs. per doz. hides or skins per lb. 30 its. and 20 per cent. " over 10 lbs. and not over 26 lbs. per doz per lb. 30 cts. and 10 per cent. " over 25 lbs. per doz V per lb. 20 cts. and 10 per cent. lates, sheets, wares or articles enameled or glazcdwith vitreous glasses, ss. 11.985 12.979 13,681-21,425 40 per cent. " tiles, as encaustic. Enamels, hand painted, as manufactures of metal, ss. 6,222 9,130-13,308-18,075 45 per cent . Encaustic tiles, ss. 2,419-3.352: I Value not over 40 cents per sq. foot per sq. foot 8 cts. | " over in cents per sq. foot, .per sq. foot 10 cts. ifc 25 per cent. Encluit adherente, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 5.141. . 20 per cent. Endless belts, rubber and cotton, cotton chief value, ss. 3,212 45 per cent. " " or felts, wool, ss. 15,705: f Value not more than 10 ctB. per lb... per lb. 33 els and 50 per cent. " above 40 cts. and not above 70 'j cts. per lb... per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb V. per lb. 1 1 cts. and 55 per cent. Enflenraged oils. ss. 1,600-5,968-9,341 25 per cent. " pomades, not toilet articles, ss. 2,543-5,968- 31,424 Free. pomades, used as hair dressing 50 percent. Engineers 1 slide rules, as manufactures paper, ss. 14,308. . 35 per cent. " instruments, are nol philosophical, ss. 7,138... 45 per cent. Engraved iron cylinders, for printing cotton, ss. 2,092. . . . 15 per cent. " plates, copper and steel, ss. 6,380 25 per cent. " ol.inv oi her material, for printing 25 per Cent. " fashion plates, engraved on copper, steel or wood, colored or plain, ss. 0,209 25 per cent. " slipper patterns, as printed matter, ss. 389 25 per cent. " wood blocks, as manufactures of wood. ss. 10,061. 35 per cent Engravers 1 burnishers, steel 45 per cent. copper, burnished 45 per cent. cts. Containing more than 21 and not more than :)3 cubic inches, each 5 Cts. Containing more than 88 and not more than 70 cubic inches, each .... 10 cts. In other packages 40 per cent. Kpin vinette. ss. 6,897 20 per cent. Epps 1 cocoa, as cocoa, se. 4,841 per lb. 5 cts. Epsom salts, ss. 16,040 per lb. Jet. Equipment of A merican vessels engaged in foreign trade, earthenware, table linen, furniture, etc., are, ss. 0,776-9,787. 153 153 241 551 of the Port of New York 295 Equipment of American vessels wrecked in foreign waters is not dutiable if imported by owners of vessel, but is dutiable if sold. Article 368, Custom Regulations, 1892. " " foreign vessels condemned and dismantled in U. S. port not dutiable, ss. 13,096-7,807. " foreign vessels wrecked in United States waters, not dutiable, ss. 131-566-2,188. " '■ foreign vessels wrecked in foreign waters, is dutiable, ss. 2,041-4,168. " tarpaulins, used to cover landed cargo, are not dutiable, ss. 8,498. Equipments of foreign visiting military organizations, ss. 8,408 Free. Erasers, or manicure knives, or parts thereof, wholly or partly manufactured, value not more than 40 cts. per doz 40 per cent. Value more than 40 cts. and not exceeding 50 cts. per doz per piece 1 ct. and 40 per cent. " more than 50 cts. and not exceeding $1.25 per doz per piece 5 cts. and 40 per cent. " more than $1.25 and not exceeding $3.00 per doz per piece 10 cts. and 40 per cent. " more than $3.00 per doz . . per piece 20 cts. and 40 per cent. VW Provided that blades, handles or other parts imported in any other manner than assembled in finished erasers, shall be sub- ject to no less rate of duty than herein provided for erasers valued at more than 50 cts. and not more than $1.50 per doz per piece 5 cts. and 40 per cent. " steelbni8h, ink, as other erasers, ss. 15,235. Erbstwiirst as prepared vegetables, ss. 17,498 40 per cent. Ergot, crude Free. Error in classification cannot be corrected unless protest is filed, ss. 16,766. Errors in invoices made without connivance of owner may be corrected, ss. 10,441-13,412. " in invoices are subject to protest, ss. 15,832. " manifest clerical, in invoice may be corrected, ss. 10,534-12,452-13,551. " manifest clerical, in invoice, excessive .price is, N. Y., Feb'y 18, 1896. " manifest clerical, can be corrected only by Secre- tary of Treasury, ss. 14,899-14,946-15,092. " manifest clerical, in entry may be corrected before appraiser has acted on invoice, N. Y., May 31, 1894. " mutual of fact may be connected if notice is given within ten days of discovery N. Y., Aug. 7, '96. 290 oms Broker." and Clerks Association Escutcheon pins 60 per cent Escutcheons, gold or silver, plated or gilt 60 per cent Esparto grass, for making paper, Boston, June 17. 1803. . . Free Essence of vinegar, according to degree of acidity, ss. : J ,.(itu l 813-4,378 per gall, of standard strength, 7)4 cts. " of ginger ale, as alcoholic compound, ss. 7,263. . per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " of bay rum 25 per cent. " fruit per lb. $2.00, but not less than 25 per cent. " alcoholic per lb. 00 cts. and 45 per cent. " medicinal, alcoholic. .per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. " " all others, nonalcoholic 25 per cent. " of rum 25 per cent. " terebinthine, as spirits of turpentine, ss. 8.071 . . . Free. Ester gum, as adv'c'd per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Etamine, ss. 14,012 60 per cent. " ilax 60 per cent. Etchings 25 per cent. " by American artist, residing temporarily abroad, ss. 1,748 Free. " artists' proofs of 25 per cent. " for educational, etc., societies, not more than 2 copies Free. " " use of United States, bound or not Free. " " Library of Congress or copyright, ss. 14,171- 1 1,587 Free. " printed over 20 years, bound or unbound Free. Ether, acetic, as ether, n. s. p. f., ss. 13,303 per lb. SI -00. but not less than 25 per cent. " amylic, as fruit ether, ss. 1,129 per lb. $2.00. bui nol less than 25 per cent. " amyl acetic, as fruit ether, ss. 8,881 per lb. $2.00. but not less than 25 per cent. " " valerian, as fruit ether, ss. 8,881 9,205 per lb. $2.00. Imt not less than 25 per cent. 41 butyric, as fruit ether, ss. 14,521 per lb. $2.00. but not less than 25 per cent. " kalorianic, as fruit ether, ss. 1,129 per lb. $2.00. Imt not less than 25 per cent. " valerianic, as fruit ether, ss. 9,208 per lb. $2.00. but not less than 25 per cent. " all. n. s. p. f per lb. $1.00, but not less than 25 per cent. fruit per lb. $2.00, but not less than 25 per cent. " hydrobromic, as ether, n. s. p. f., ss. 12,548 per lb. $1.00. but not less than 25 per cent. " sulphuric per lb. 40 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. " nitrous, spirits of per lb. 26 cts., " " " " 25 per cent. " oenanthic, oil of cognac, as fruit ether, ss. 17,406. . . per lb. $2.00 but not less than 25 per cent. of the Port of New York. 297 Ethyl, chloride of, as ether, ss. 12,842-21,972-22,039 per lb. $1.00 but not lees than 25 per cent. " pelargonate of, as fruit ether, ss. 17,406 , . per lb. $2.00 but not less than 25 per cent. Etiquettes, cotton, ss. 14,847 per lb. 50 cts and 30 per cent. " silk, ss. 14,847 50 per cent. Etoff e, ss. 15,836 per sqr. yd. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. Etoiles or stars, metal thread 60 per cent. Eucalyptol camphyline, as chemical compound, ss. 15,028 25 per cent. Eucalyptus pills, and extracts, ss. 4,142 25 per cent. Euxesis, toilet soap, ss. 6,743-13,881 50 per cent. Evaporated apples per lb. 2 cts. Evaporation of liquors in bond, allowance of 1 per cent, for each six months in bond, but not more than 5 per cent, in all, Article 493 Customs Regulations, 1892. Evergreen tree stocks, cuttings and seedlings 25 per cent. " seedlings per M. $1.00 and 15 per cent. Eve's apples, or chinotti confectionery, March 9, 1866, New York 50 per cent. Exalgine, medicinal preparation, ss. 10,070 25 per cent. Examination of merchandise outside of port of entry is made only at importer's expense, ss. 13,006- 13,040-13,420. at places not named in regulations can only be made by special permission of collec- tor and appraiser, ss. 5,080. must be made at port of entry, ss. 10,074. at least one package in ten must be exam- ined, unless importer files written waiver, ss. 9,824. of tobacco, see tobacco, of packages for United States Government, delivered to private parties, contents must be compared with lists furnished by Treas- ury Department, ss. 6,415. at places other than public stores, can be granted by the collector only, or, in his absence, by his special deputy, ss. 5,080. on wharf, regulations for, ss. 2,057-9,212. Examined packages will not be delivered until return of invoice by appraiser marked correct, ss. 7,047. Examined packages will not be delivered until estimated "additional" duties are paid, if appraiser adds to value or changes classification, ss. 3,215. Excelsior, as manf . of wood, ss. 22,137 35 per cent. Excess quantity found in packages does not subject im- portation to additional (penal) duty,ss. 10,431. Exchange, differences in, do not affect dutiable value, ss. 3,708. 298 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association 548 20 474 I ■.'•.' 424 424 Excrescences, which are drugs Free. " advanced in value per lb. J4 ot. and 10 per cent. Exhibition, animals imported temporarily for, under six months bond, which cannot be extended, 68. 13,024 Free. articles for, cannot leave custody of customs officers without payment of duty, 88. 9,011. articles imported for exhibition under Par. 702 cannot be transferred from original ports to another for exhibition purposes under a warehouse withdrawal for transpor- tation in bond, but may be removed under customs supervision or special bond ; the original bond continuing in full force and effect, 88. 19,298-19,542-19.317-21,988. articles for, as samples, are dutiable, ss. 7,379. " buildings, etc., for, cannot be made bonded warehouses, ss. 9,723. " machinery for, is dutiable, ss. 3,631. " works of art. imported for, under bond, not subject to warehouse regulations, ss. 9,795. " works of art for, does not cover wax figures and appendages, ss. 6,945. Expansion of wine by heat, allowance for may be made of Y2 gall, on 50 gall, casks, and 1 gall, on larger casks, ss. 4,197. Expressed oils 25 per cent. Explosives are not entitled to I. T. or warehouse privi- leges, ss. 8,692, 9,564, 13,107. " Swedish matches are tint . ss. 7.439. Explosive substances, for mining, blasting, and military purposes: \ 1 f valued not over 20 cts. per lb per lb. 4 cts. I If valued over 80 cts. per lb per lb. 6 eta. " blasting caps per 1,000 $2.36. " percussion caps 30 per cent. Exportation of imported goods, date of, ie da] vessel sails from foreign port, ss. s.s.M. .if Imported goods, date of, for determining value of currency, is date of consular cer- tification. goods used on outward voyage of vessel, not an, ss. 9,668. " of unclaimed packages valued at less than $60, may be made bj deliver) to Surveyor for export, ss. 6,611. Exporl tax is not a part of market value, ss. ."..ii.i; i:;.;c.5. " goods unclaimed one year can be. for benefit of drawback, if not listed for sale. 88. 1 3,076. " to countries having reciprocity treaties, ss. 12,891. Par. of the Port of New York. 299 Expositions, industrial, etc., importations for, usually provided for by special legislation, ss. 10,581-12,190- 13,999. Express packages in American vessels will be passed spe- cial, 86.17,241. may be transferred for transportation, ss. 17,776. Extract of annatto Free. " " artificial, ss. 9,240 30 per cent. " aqueous, for coloring wines, liquors, etc., ss. 7,101. 50 per cent. " of arcbil or orchil, artificial, as coal tar color, bb. 12,736 30 per cent. " " " " " Free. " " barks used for dyeing or tanning per lb. % ct. " " beef, Liebig's, es. 11,843 per lb. 35 cts. " " canabis indica. . ..per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. " " cherries as alcoholic compound per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " chestnut, 88. 3,412-3,898 per lb. % ct. " " cheviot as shoddy, ss. 18,151 per lb. 25 cts. " " colocynth per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. " "coffee 20 per cent. " " cudbear, ss. 5,529 per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " " dyewood, ss. 4,307 per lb. % ct. " " " dry per lb. % ct. " " dyeisg, not made from dyewood, ss. 4,^07 per lb. %ct. " " ethereal, as ethers, per lb. $1-00 but not less than 25 per cent. " " flavoring, alcoholic, ss. 6,573-7,101 per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " " flowers, as alcoholic perfumery, per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " " hemlock bark, ss. 5,890 per lb. i^ ct. " " herbal, ss. 9,227 25 per cent. " " Indian madder Free. " " indigo per lb. 24 ct " " juniper berries and elder berries, as alcoholic medicinal preparation, ss. 12,905 per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. •" " juniper berries and elder berries, as me- dicinal preparation, no alcohol used, ss. 14,731 25 per cent . " " lemon, alcoholic, ss. 6.573 per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " " licorice per lb. A% cts. " "logwood per lb. % ct. " " " dry per lb. % ct. " " " and salts of copper, ss. 9,033 30 per cent. " " madder, munjeet or Indian madder Free. " " malt fluid in casks per gall. 20 cts. " " " " in bottles and jugs per gall. 40 ct 8. " " " " " " " bottles pay as empty. " " " " concentrated is not condensed, ss.13,971. " " " '• condensed or solid 40 per cent. " " meat net weight per lb. 35 ct8. Customs linik) rs and Clerks Association Par. 276 604 1 43 43 475 22 68 22 22 475 651 22 22 22 22 07 70 2 70 418 108 109 109 565 193 108 100 450 Extract of meat, fluid, net weight per lb. 15 cts. " " munjeet Free. " " myrobolans, B8. 5,529-16,941, a dyewood extract. per lb. % cts " " nutgalls, ss. 3,553-3,898-16,941 per lb. 50 eta. " " opium, aqueous, medicinal 40 per cent. " " " retaining form of and for like uses, 88. 962 per lb. $6.00. " " Orleans Free. " Persian berries, ss. 3,842-3,898 5,529 per lb. % ct. " " pine needles as medical preparation 25 percent. " " quebracho per lb. J^ ct. " "quercitron, ss. 4,816-13,423 per lb. % ct. " " roncou, annatto, or Orleans Free " •' saffron or safflower Free " sanguine, ss. 9,103-12,537 per lb. % ct. " " sumac, ss. 2,095-3,842 3,898 perlb.^ct. " " " dry per lb. % ct. " " wood other than dry wood per lb. % ct. Extracts, medicinal, if alcoholic per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. " " all others 25 per cent. " for toilet use, uon alcoholic 50 per cent. " " " " alcoholic per lb. 60 cents and 45 per cent. Eyebrow pencils, as cosmetics, ss. 13,442 50 per cent. Eye glasses (pincers) costing 1.10 marks per gross, as toys, ss. 12,139 35 per cent. " and eye glass frames or parts thereof, finished or unfinished : (Value not over 40 cts. per doz., 20 cts. per doz. and 15 per cent. " over 40 cts. per doz. and not over $1.60 per doz.. 45 cts. perdoz. and 20 percent. " over $1.50 per do/. 50 per cent. Eye glass lenses, ground or beveled to lit frames per dozen pairs 10 cents and 45 per cent. " " not ground, Ac, Ac 45 per cent. " " plates or disks for rough, cut or un- wrought, ss. 14,644 Free. Eyelets, metal, ss. 8,517 45 per cent. Eye protectors, ss. 11.597-13,638, as eye glasses. Eyes, artificial, ss. 16,854 60 per cent. Bye stones, as manufactures of shell, ss. 12,915 35 per cent. 149 450 346 Fabrics, India rubber, wholly 30 per cent. " " " vulcanized 35 per cent. " hemp or ramie, sec woven fabrics. of the Port of New York. 301 Fabrics, knit of wool : Value not more than 40 cts. per lb.,. . per lb. 33 cents and 50 per cent. " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts per lb., per lb. 44 cts. and50 percent. " over 70 cts. per lb V per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. " pile of cotton, or other vegetable fiber except flax, unbleached, etc. per sq. yd. 9 cts. and25 percent. but not less than 47M? per cent. dyed, etc per sq. yd. 12 cts. and 25 per cent. but not less than 47>^ per cent. " flax 60 per cent. " " silk, .per lb. $1.50 and 15 per cent but not less than 50 per cent. " this term applies to piece goods only, ss. 13,888. Faille ribbons 60 per cent. Fancy boxes, according to material, ss. 2,864. " " paper or paper cbf. val., or covered with sur- face coated paper 45 per cent. " floor mattings, manufactured from straw, round or split, or other vegetable substances, including what are commonly known as Chinese, Japan- ese and India straw mattings : \ Value not exceeding 10 cts. per sq. yd per sq. yd. 3 cts. -j " exceeding 10 cts. per sq. yd ( per sq. yd. 7 cts. and 25 per cent. " soaps per lb. 15 cts " zephyr cloth, cotton body tufted with wool, as wool, ss. 7,630. Fans, natural palm leaf Free. except common palm leaf, ss. 12,112-12,241-13,308. . 50 per cent. dolls', 88. 569 5,967 50 per cent. kuskus root, ss. 21,056 30 per cent. menu card holders arc not, ss 18,087 35 per cent. palm leaf, with artificial handle, ss. 679-1,497 50 per cent. painted, by artists, are paintings, ss. 9,037-10,739- 14,465-16,926 50 per cent. " paper, with bamboo frame, ss. 13,370 50 per cent. Farbig Pergemeyer, as parchment paper, ss. 15,961 per lb 2 cts. and 10 per cent. Farina, ss. 7,076-7,522-13,958-18,011 per lb. 1^ cts. flour, as u. e. mfd. article 20 per cent. flour 20 per cent. imitations of, not starch, ss. 3,039 20 per cent. lacteoue or milk food, ss. 6,920 20 per cent. semola or semonla is, ss. 7,076 per lb. 1J^ cts. Farriers' knives, ss. 4,870-5,011 45 per cent. Faro box and lay out. are lawful importations, ss. 8,401.. Fascinators, cotton chenille, as chenille goods, ss. 12,662- 17,061 50 per cent. 302 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Fascinators, \\"<>l knit, as wg. appl., bs. 10.702-10,846 per H>. u cts. and 00 per cent. Fashion plates, engraved on steel, copper or wood, colored or plain, ss. 11,683 25 per mil . •' " portions of pattern cut out. ss. 10.99] 25 per cent. " produced by lithography, as lithographs, ss. 1,721-2,705-3,1)41-0,209 12,098-19451. Fasl blue paste, as coal tar color, ss. 10,566 30 per cent. • drab, as a lake, ss. 10,193 30 per cent. " violet, as coal tar color, ss. 8,802 30 per cent. " yellow, as lake, ss. 10,193 30 per cent. Fasteners, shoe, as manufactures of brass, ss. 3,687 45 per rent. Fat oil of turpentine, as distilled oil, ss. 7,374 25 per cent. Favors, German, as toys, ss. 7,853 35 per cent. Feather beds, ss. 12,431-21081-22.219 50 per cent. dusters, as brushes 40 per cent. " edge braid, as cotton braid, ss. 6,73 t-8, 664 ll.lll. 60 per cent. " trimmings, as manufactured feathers, ss. 8,217... 50 per cent. " webbing, as manufactured feathers, ss. o,00i) 50 per cent. Feathers, crude or not dressed, colored or mfrd 10. 125. ... 15 per cent. " attached to parts of birdskins, as crude feathers, ss. 12,832 15 per cent. " bird of paradise, crude, ss. 17,511-17,935 15 per cent. " for beds 15 per cent. " goDse, strip)) "d from quill, as crude, ss. 16,982. . 15 per cent. " " paddv," as crude feathers, ss. 7, 130 15 per cent. " turkey , dyed, ss. 17,883 50 per cent. " when dressed, colored or manufactured, and artificial or ornamental feathers 50 per cent. Feed for cattle, on foreign vessels, dutiable, ss. 9,775. " chopped, ss. 21,202 20 per cent. Feeding bottles, same as glass bottles, ss. 231. " " fittings for, according to material. Fees, none for passing imported goods through Custom House, ss. 10,094. " for ganging domestic whiskey for export, to lie paid when order is issued, ss. 1 1,875 per bbl. 10 cts. •' for cording and sealing merchandise for transporta- tion in bond, ss. 3.09 i (Tone. Feldspar, crude, ss. 19,103 Free. " manufactures of 50 per cent. Fellies or felloes, wood 35 per cent. " rough hewn or Bawed only 20 per cent. " " " " from countries laying an export duty on, etc., duly equal to such ex- port duty. Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels, ss. 10,460 11,494- 1 2,33i I Free. " asphalted roofing, ss. 9,981 10 per cent. of the Port of New York. 303 Felt, black adhesive, as sheathing for vessels, ss. 17,733- 17.678 -17,095-17,733 Free. " boots, wool or hair per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " carpeting, ss. 1,011 12,249-21,982 50 per cent. " corn plasters, as wool felts, ss 17,779, per lb. 44 cts. and 00 per cent. " endless, for machines, ss. 4,827-11,381 16,483 : value not more than 40 cts. per ib per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts.. . . per 11)., per lb. 41 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb V per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. " not woven per lb. 44 cts. and 00 per cent. " exclusively of hair, not woven per lb. 41 cts. and 00 per cent. " hammer, for pianos, ss. 4,827 per lb. 41 cts. and 00 per cent. " hat bodies of fur, as hats. " hats, made of rabbits' 1 or other fur, see hats. " India rubber and cotton, if rubber chief value 30 per cent. ' : roofing, ss. 14,409-17,078-17,6)5 10 per cent. " shoes, wool or hair, ss. 7,218 per lb. 44 cts. and GO per cent. " squares printed, ss. 17,260 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Fence chains (see Chains). '■ posts, round or unmanufactured timber 10 per cent. " " split or rough, not round, ss. 90 10 per cent. rails, manufactured, ss. 90 35 per cent. " wire rods, whether round, oval, flat or square, or in other shape, in coils or otherwise : ( Value 4 cts. or less per lb., per lb. T 4 ff ct. -; " over 4 cts. per lb., per lb % ct. ( " if tempered^tc^add'lper lb. j^ct. Fenders or Are screens, ss. 8,684 45 per cent. Fennel seed Free. " " oil Free. Fenugreek seed Free. Fer Bravais, ss. 6,837 per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. Fernet bitters, as spirituous bitters, ss. 12,033 per proof gall. $2.25 " " in bottles, bottles pay as empty. Ferri-rubigo, medicinal preparation 25 per cent. Ferri-quinine citrate amorphous, ss. 8,504 25 per cent. Ferro Chiuo Bisleri, as alcoholic bitters, ss. 11, 245. .per proof gall. $2.25 " " in bottles, bottles pay as empty. Ferro-chrome, ss. 21 ,971 $4.00 per ton. Ferrodor or ferro-oxide, as n. e. manf. article, ss. 22,057. . 20 per cent. Ferro-mangan peptone, as alcoholic medicinal prepara- tion, ss. 12.906 15,118. . ..per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 p°r cent. Ferro-manganese per ton $4.00. " prussiate paper, ss. 8,903-9,501 30 per cent. Ferro-silicon, ss. 9,447 per ton $4.00. Fenules of polished cast iron, ss. 6,774-12,814 45 per cent. Fertilizer, including animal carbons fit only for, bone dust, Par. 304 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association bone ash, guano, phosphate.*, expressly used for, 88. 4,011 Free. Fertilizer manure salts, are ss. 7,764 Free. " soot is, es. 7,201 Free. Fezes, or Turkish caps, as wool wearing apparel, ss. 12,025 16,655 per 11). 44 eta. and GO per cent. Fiber, African, as vegetable fiber unmanufactured, ss. 11,434 Free. " bamboo, split in strips, Is not, ss. 6,338 13.199 35 per cent. " cloth, as manufacture of vegetable fiber, ss. 13.001- 15,984-19,283 45 per cent . " cocoa and coir Free . " drawn back, Mexican, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 15,950 20 per cent. " Indian or Palmyra, as n. e. m'fd article, ss. 17,486 20 per cent. " patent, as n. e. manufactured article, s*. 12.2 )9. . . . 20 per cent. " pine tar, ss. 7,512 Free. " Tampico or istle Free. Fibers, crude and dried, if drugs Free. if drugs, advanced in value per lb. J4 c t, and 10 per cent. " for paper stock Free. " indurated, manufactures of, n. s. p. f 35 per cent. Fibrin, in all forms Free. Fibrite, artificial sulphate of lime, ss. 18,073 per lb. J4 ct. Fibrous vegetable substances, unmanufactured and un- dressed , Free. Fichus, as wearing apparel, according to material, ss. 5,964. Fiddles 45 per cent . Fiddlers' knives as pocket knives, ss. 18,619. Field glasses, ss. 12,014-17,273 45 per cent. " k ' frames or mountings for 45 per cent. Fifes 45 per cent. Big, blue, as aniline color 30 per cent. '• paste, ss. 5,041 per lb. 1 ct, and 85 per cent. Figs, green, ripe or dried, ss. 1,743 5,451 per lb. 2 cts. " preserved in sugar per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. Figures, wax, dressed in woolen, firmly attached, as woolens, ss. 7,566. " for wedding cake, ss IS. 001 20 per cent. " obscene, prohibited. wood carved, is church statuary, ss. 11.093 35i>ercent. Filberts, ss. 1,772 per lb. :i cts. " shelled per lb. 5 cts. Fill (ir gespinst, ss. 6,042 per lb. 5 cts. and 35 per cent. Files are taken at actual and not commercial length, ss. 12,931 20.HH. " and file blanks of all cuts and kinds, not over 2'._, inches long per doz. 30 cts. over 2J. ct. " sago per lb. \\6 cts. " snuff per lb. 55 cts. sticks. Chinese, as n e. manufactured, ss. 8,819. . . 20 per cent. " tapioca, ss. 21,954-22,021 Free. of the Port of New York. 313 Flour, wheat 25 per cent. Flower bulbs, not edible 25 per cent. Flower orchids, palms, dracaenas, crotons and azaleas, tulips, hyacinths, narcissi, jonquils, lilies, lilies of the valley, and all other bulbs, bulbous roots, or corms, which are cultivated for their flowers, and natural flowers of all kinds, preserved or fresh, suitable for decorative purposes 25 per cent. " roots as plants, ss. 14,055 25 per cent. " seeds, ss. 5,985 Free. " stands (according to material), ss. 6,479. Flowers, artificial or ornamental, or parts thereof of any material n. s p. f., ss. 10,408-10,493- 11,364-11,378-18,522 50 per cent. " " gelatine and wire, ss. 7,595 50 per cent. " " of metal in wreaths, ss. 5,366 9,469 50 per cent. " " stems for 50 per cent. " cotton lace, as artificial, ss. 16,858 50 per cent. " known as drugs, crude, ss. 2,364-3,077 Free. " " " advanced in value, per lb. 14 ct. & 10 per cent. " 1 a'ural, bunched or wired, as ornamental, ss. 9,944 25 per cent. " " bleached with chloride of lime, ss. 10,073 25 per cent. dried, ss. 1,827-12,115-13,375 14,058 25 per cent. " " dyed or prepared, suitable for milli- nery use, ss. 13,375-14,058 50 per cent. " " " moss, used by florists, is not parts of 20 per cent. ; ' " fresh cut or green, ss. 14,759 25 per cent. " " grass, so called, ss. 1,739 20 per cent. " " in wreaths or other forms, ss. 1,994 25 per cent. " " sun bleached, ss. 10,073 25 per cent. " of enameled silver, 88. 6,222 60 per cent. " of sulphur per ton $8.00. " pyrethrum roseum, ss. 3,077 Free. " " " powdered, ss. 6,161 per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " wax, ss. 1,651 50 per cent. Fluoric acid Free. Fluor spar, ground, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 14,736 20 per cent. Flues, wrought iron or steel, n. s. p. f , ss. 938-12,018 35 per cent. " lap welded, butt welded, seamed, or jointed iron ov steel boiler not thinner than number sixteen wire gau^e per lb. 2 cts. Flute cleaners, as manufactures of metal, ss. 9,594 45 per cent. " harmonicas, ss. 14,392 45 per cent. " swabs as brushes, ss. 16,304 40 per cent. Fluted plate glass, see glass fluted, ss. 4,532. Flutes, ss, 10,956-11,056-11,353-11,562 45 per cent. 314 Oiistmm Brokers and Clerks Association Flutes, fit for amusement of children only, as toys, ss. 1,821 35 per cent. Flutinas, Busson, ss. 11.353 45 per cent. F. o. b. on invoices, are to be construed as covering all charges incurred up to the time of placing on ship board, ss. 4,096-4,195. Flutings,fiax,hemp or other vegetable fiber, ss. 17,766-17,739 60 per cent. Fodder, for cattle en route to Europe from contiguous territory is dutiable, ss. 11,543. Foil, metal, ss. 2,674 45 per cent. " copper, as manufactures copper, ss. 13,317 45 per cent. " tin, as manufactures of tin, ss. 12,435 45 per cent. " zinc and copper, as manufactures of metal, ss. 17,053 45 per cent. Foils and foil blades, ss. 2,881 -6,350-19,849 35 per cent. Folding rules, wood and metal, ss. 7,945 45 per cent. Font, baptismal, of marble, ss. 6,249 50 per cent. Foot muffs of sheepskin and leather, leather chief value, 'ss. 755 35 per cent. Food for fish, tafe) oblaten, ss. 6,516 20 per cent. " lacteons, ss. 7,982 20 per cent. Foot balls, as manufactures India rubber, ss. 10,557 30 per cent. " ball backs as skins dressed and finished 20 per cent. Foots of olive oil, as olive oil for manufacturing purposes, 88. 12,709 Free. Forceps may be philosophical and scientific instruments, ss. 8,605 45 per cent. Forged shot gun barrels in single tubes, rough bored, ss. 12,787-13,329 free. Forgings, this term applies only to articles in the condi- tion in which they leave the forge, ss. 10,245- 10,568 10,657-11,138-12,855 16,796 16,010 35 per cent. " anti-friction ball 45 per cent. " iron and steel, for axles or for parts thereof, valued at not more than 6 cts. per lb., 88.5,810 peril), l ct. " more than 6 cts. per lb 45 per cent. " iron and steel, n. s. p. f 35 per cent. " iron and steel or iron and steel combined, for vessels, steam engines, and locomotives or parts thereof 35 per cent. Foreign consular officers, articles for, are dutiable, ss. 7,735. " coins, copper, for manufacturing purposes, es. 1,760 Free. " " nickel, for manufacturing purposes, arc dutiable, ss. 6,887 per lb. 6 cts. " corporations cannot consign to an agent in U. S., 88. 7,771 . " drums or casks to be filled with turpentine and exported, are dutiable, ss. 7,913 45 per cent. " Governments and their agents, all articles forthe use of, will be admitted, ss. 4,776 Free, of the Port of New York. 815 Foreign internal revenue stamps, are a part of dutiable value, ss. 6,382. " legations, secretaries and attaches of, articles for, are dutiable, ss. 7,735. " ministers, articles for personal and family use of, on application through U. S. Secretary of State, Art. 324. Cus. Keg., 1892 Free. " naval officers, articles for, are dutiable, ss. 6,606. " postage or revenue stamps, ss. 8,362 Free. " tax or duty is a part of dutiable value, ss. 10,434. " waters means waters within jurisdiction of a foreign country and not the high seas, ss. 3,841. Forfeiture does not apply to wearing apparel and personal effects in which smuggled goods are found, ss. 7,344. " does not apply to other articles found in packages containing liquors which are for- feitable under Sec. 1,955, R. S., ss. 7,717. " for violations of customs laws applies to goods which have passed into the possession of an innocent purchaser, ss. 2,863. " of goods liable to deterioration. Sale may be made within one week, ss. 7,446, Art. 961, Cust. Reg., 1892. " of vessel and cargo for violation of navigation laws if remitted enables importer to enter merchandise on payment of regular duties, ss. 3,480. " under Sec. 9, Act June 10, 1890, does not depend upon loss of duty by the U. S., ss. 14,497. Forks, carving (see knives), ss. 18,531. " cooks and butchers (see carving knives). " for bicycles, as tubes, ss. 13,904 35 per cent. " gold and silver (see table knives), ss. 17,275. " other metal (see table knives). " small made of base metal, as toys, ss. 2,633 35 per cent. " table (see table knives). " tiues, ss. 1,795 45 per cent. Formaldehyde or beer preservative as chemical com- pound, ss. 16,992 25 per cent. Forms, button 10 per cent. " official, for use of foreign consuls, ss. 3,986 Free. Fortified lime juice, ss. 8,948-13,008-13,232 Free. " lemon juice, ss. 11,245-13,232 Free. Formula, Squibbs to be used in analyzing opium, ss. 0,754 Fossil, amber Free. " flour, ss. 19,980 Free. " meal, as wrouuM clay, 88., 7,390 per ton $2.00. wax, as vegetable wax, as. 2,073-6,258 Free. Fossils Free. 31C ' 'ustoms Brokt ra and Clerks Association Fostite, or sulphate of chalk 25 per cent. Foule serge, as worsted dress goods, 68. 10,070-17. 079: {Value not over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over 4 ozs. per sq. yd per sq. yd. 1 1 cts. and 50 per ct. " over 70 cts perlb. and weighing nol over 1 ozs. per sq. yd per sq. yd. 1 1 cts. and 55 per ct. Weighing over 4 ozs. per sq. yd. as woolen cloth. Foundry ladles, in rough, as forgings, ss. 17,732 35 per (cut. Fountains (according to material). Fowls, killed and dressed, as poultry per lb. 5 cts. " land and water Free. " living, as poultry, ss. 16,660 per lb. 3 cts. for breeding purposes, no pedigree certificate required, ss. 20,833 Free. " not dressed per lb. 3 cts. Foxglove, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. am' it) per cent. Framed mirrors not exceeding 144 sq. in., ss. 6,698 45 per cent. " show cards as entireties, ss. 6,523. Frames, looking glass (according to material), ss. 5,476- 8,006, and Feb. 19, 1889, N. Y. " for paintings for society, under oat 1' ss. 8.589. . . Free. " for paintings for permanent exhibition, under bond, ss. 8,566 Free. " for pictures (according to material), ss. 8,097- 8,277-8,703-12,811-15,717-15,922-17,499. " for umbrellas, parasols or sunshades 50 per cent. " gilt, metal, chief value, ss. 14,316 45 percent. " iron, are usual for silk plush, ss 0,422. " lithographic, as lithographs, ss. 15,812. " mosaic, for picture, bs. 16,290 60 per cent. " on antique paintings are dutiable, ss. 3,333- 12,812. " on pictures by American artists are dutiable, .--s. I-.'. 111. " on paintings, subject to separate duty according to material, ss, 21,766; 21. nil 32,060. painted, as manufactures of wood, ss. 10,351 35 per cent . " paper, as manufactures of, ss. 1,322- 17,049 35 per cent. " photograph. brass and glass, as manufactures of metal, ss. 8,876 17,259 45 per cent. " picture, in the white, as manufactures wood, es. 8,081 5,808 35 per cent. " Btrawboard, &c, as manufactures of paper, ss. S5 percent. " surf ace coated paper, ss. 11,688 16,016 85percent. value of, will be added if uol separately stated on invoice, ss. 8,850 10. '.til. " win "I. plaster of paris and gilt, according to chiei value, ss. 3,081 11.310 15 W6. " wood for barbed wire. BS. 6,825 35 per cent- Framework, iron, may be segregated for duty. ss. 7.713. Par. of Ike Port of Neiu York. 317 France, reciprocal arrangement with United States, list of articles affected by reciprocal arrangement and rate of duty thereon, 88. 19,405, see page 627. " reciprocal arrangement does not include merchan- dise imported from colonies of France, ss. 21,564 -21,941. Frankfort black 25 per cent. Frankfurter sausage, as Bologna, ss. 9,340 Free. Frankincense gum, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Fraud, erroneous classification on entry is not, ss. 17,967. Free list, articles named in, without terms of limitation, arc free, irrespective of condition, if they retain their commercial designation, ss. 9,415. Five ports, list of, ss. 9.137. " " vessels from, do not forfeit their rights by touching at an intermediate port, unless they enter and clear, ss. 10,379. Freestone, undressed and unmanufactured per cubic foot 12 cts, " hewn, dressed and polished 50 per cent. Freezing is a casualr* under Sec. 2,984, R. S., ss. 7,968. Freight, liens for, r\ 3,453-3,660-4,458 5,866 6,580-6,836 -17,147-17,444. Art, 309, Cust. Reg., 1892. French chalk per lb. 1 ct . ; ' green, color 30 per cent. " leaf, as annatto Free. " mustard, ss. 5,809-6,280-13,080-16,522 per lb. 10 cts. " sand, crude or manufactured, ss. 7,683 Free. Friction matches of all descriptions, per gross of 144 boxes, containing not more than 100 matches per box. per gross, 8 cts. When imported otherwise than in boxes containing not more than 100 matches each . per 1,000, 1 ct. Frijol negro, as edible beans per bush, of 60 lbs , 45 cents. Frilliugs, as rufflings, ss. 7,226-8,799-10,068-10,765-16,567. CO per cent. " partly made, as manufactures of cotton, ss. 12,425 45 per cent. Fringes, bead or bugle, glass chief value 60 per cent. " " and cotton 60 per cent. " " and silk, and silk chief value 60 per cent. " cotton chief value, ss. 12,385 60 per cent. " " ball as trimmings, ss. 12,553 60 per cent. " " covered with surface coated paper as manufactures, surface coated paper, ss. 12,926 3") per cent. " linen chief value 60 per cent. " metal, 88. 5,925 6,149 60 per cent. " silk CO per cent. " wool, hair, etc., in whole or in part, per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per ct. Frisettes, or curls, hair chief value 35 per cent. " silk chief value 50 per cent. Frogs, alive 20 per cent. 318 Customs "Brokers and Clerks As > Frogs, dead, an non unmanufactured article, ss. 10,270-11,566 10 per cent. " paper, as manufactures of paper, ss. 17,058 33 per cent. Frontal mirrors for physicians, ss. 9,958 15 per cent. Frostings 30 per cent. Frozen fish— fresh water per lb. J4 ct. " " —saltwater per 11). % ct. Fruit brandies and whiskeys cannot be transferred to manufacturing warehouse, ss. 6,937. drops, as confectionery, ss. 5.562. ethers, oils or essences, ss. l.l-.'ll s ssi <|,-„>a r > per lb. $3.00, but not less Thai) SS per cent, export of, for drawback, ss. 6,488. jellies 35 per cent. juice, sour orange, lemon or lime Free. cherry, is not a medicinal preparation, ss. 6,886-12,445. " containing 18 per cent, or les ■ of alcohol. n.s. p. f. ss. 21,916 per gall. 60 cts. " if more than 18 per cent, of alcchol, n. s. p. f. per gall. 60 cts. and on alco,.)l contained, $2.07 per gall. " lemon, fortified, as lemon ju','\ ss. 11,245- 13,008-13,232 Free. medicated, non alcoholic, ss. 6,118 25 per cent. " concentrated, as alcoholic compound, ss. 13,176 17,885 per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per ct. prune, over 18 per cent, of alcohol, ss. 14,838. per gall. 60 cts. and on alcohol contained, per gall. $2.07. " tamarind, ss. 6,418. 25 per cent, knives (see table knives). plants, tropical and semi-tropical, for propagation or cultivation, ss. 1,746 -2,018-18,488 Free. Syrups, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 1 1.731 20 per cent. tablets, as confectionery, ss. 7,653 s.185. tree stocks, cuttings and seedling:-, , 25 per cent. Fruits, artificial, ss. 8,179 12. it:! 1 50 per cent. " " suitable for millinery use 50 per cent. apples, green or ripe per bush. 25 cts. " " dry. desiccated, evaporated or prepared in any manner, ss. 12.313 per lb. 2 cts. " bitter oranges, as oranges, ss. 13,088, in pack- ages per lb. 1 ct . packages pay additional duty 30 per cent. in bulk per lb. 1 ct. " currants. Zante. or other per lb. 2 cts.. crystallized, as comfits, ss. 2,704 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. " dates per lb. J^ ct. decayed on voyage, are destroyed by accident, 88. li.::,':;. " edible, dried, n. s. p. f per lb. 2 cts. of the Pott of New York. 319 Fruits, non-edible, dried Free. " figs per II). 3 cts. " for medicinal and dyeing purposes, not edible, crude Free. advanced in value, per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " grape fruit per lb. 1 ct. " grapes per cu. ft. 20 eta. " green, ripe or dried, n. s. p. f Free " imported in boxes or barrels of American shooks. packages Free. " in brine Free. " jams per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent " jellies 35 per cent. " in bottles, bottles pay same as contents. " lemon peel, preserved, candied, or dried per lb. 2 cts. " " " not preserved, candied, or dried Free. " lemons per lb. 1 ct. " lemons, on boxes, barrels or other articles con- taining 30 per cent. " lichi, dried, ss., 3,162 per lb. 2 cts. " limes (see Oranges). in salt or brine, as pickles, ss. 708 5,190 40 per cent . (In bulk per lb. 1 ct. packages per lb. 1 ct. , On " containing same 30 per cent. 8 \ " containing same, if thin wood is made from Am- erican shooks 15 per cent. orange peel, preserved, candied, or dried per lb. 2 cts. orange peel and lemon peel, not preserved, can- died, or dried Free. peaches per bush. 25 cts. pickled, as pickles 40 per cent. pineapples, in bbls. or other packages per cub. ft. 7 cts. in bulk per 1000, $7.00. " in their own juice 25 per cent. in their own juice, molasses, spirits, or sugar, ss. 1,186 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. plums, green or ripe per bush. 25 cts . plums and prunes per lb. 2 cts. pomelos per lb. 1 ct. put up in small quantity of spirits for preserva- tion on the voyage of importation, ss. 15,683 -22.004-21,428 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 percent. preserved in over 10 per cent, of spirits, addi- tional duty on spirits in excess of 10 per cent., ss. 12,178 per gall. $2.50 and 35 per cent. rendered worthless by damage on voyage of im- portation will be treated as if no importation had been made. ss. 1,167 4,126. preserved in sugar, molasses, 10 per cent, or less of spirits or their own juices per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per oent. ft J On r 320 Customs Brokers ami Clerks AmxA ition Fruits, prunelles, se 6,330 per lb. 2 cts. put n i » in water only, SB. 10,727 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 percent. " raisins per lb. 2^ cts. " shaddocks per lb. 1 ct. " strawberries, crushed, as fruit juice, ss. 11,396. " syrup, raspberry and cherry, ss. 14,731 20 per cent. " syrup, orange and lemon juice boiled with sugar, to be used as a beverage, ss. 1,808 20 per cent. tamarinds, ss. 2,283 Free. thrown overboard while on voyage will be allowed for on entry, ss. 4,581. " tropical, permit tor delivery of. may issue prior to entry of vessel on deposit of double the amount of duty, ss. 2,777-5,761-8.418 7.727. wax imitations, ss. 17,827 50 per cent. Frying pans, cast iron, ss. 3,000 per lb. y 8 o ct. " " " coated, glazed or tinned, as hollow ware per lb. 2 cts. " l; wrought iron 45 per cent. Fuel, patent, as n. e. mfrd article, ss. 7,650 17,495 -JO per cent . Fuller's earth, unwrought per ton $1.50. " " wrought or manufacture 1 per ton $3.00. Fulminates, fulminating powders and till like articles. . . . 30 per cent. Fumigating pastilles, as manufactures, n. e.,ss. 6,114. ... 20 per cent. Fungus, as excrescences, ss. 14,843 Free. Funnels, of cast iron, enamelled or glazed with vitreous glasses, ss. 11,985 40 per cent. Fur, all articles made of, ss. 6,160 8.517 35 per cent. " bonnets, as hats. ■ carroted, as hatters' furs, ss. 13,313-16,875 17,070 20 per cent. " Chinese sable, as raw skins Free. " clippings, too small to be sewed together, as waste, ss. 868-10,540-12,672 10 per cent. " large enough to be sewed together, as dressed furs, ss. 13,845 20percent. eoat and cloak linings, sewed, as dressed skins, 88. 10,918 12,123 13,180 13,182 20percent. coat linings of lamb skin, ss. 8,867 10,324 10,888 2it per cent. crosses of goat skins sewed together, BS. 1 1,985 20 per cent. dressed pieces, suitable only for manufacture of hat- ters' fur 20 per cent. dressed on skin, ss. 10,985 20 per cent. hat bodies, as hats. hats, trimmed or not, value not over $5 per doz per doz. $2.00 and 20 per cent. $5 and not more than $10 per doz. $3.00 and 20 per cent. more than | * in and not more than $20.. per doz. $5.00 and 20 per cent. $20 per doz. $7. in) and 20 per cent. of the Port of New York. 321 Fur hoods, same as hats. manufactures of, n. a. p. f 35 per cent. hatters', not on the skin, as. 10,096-12,672 20 per cent. is the fine short hairs of some animals as well as fur skins, bs. 3,802. lined garments, fur chief value, except wool, manufactures of fur, as. 2, 163-13,985-17,015. 35 per cent. " t loaks of wool, ss. 6,862 14,960-17,282-17,283 . . per lb. 44 cts and 60 per cent . plates for lining, as dressed far skins, ss. 1,566-10,913- 12,123-13,180-13,182 20 per cent. rabbits', off the skin, as hatters' fars, ss. 13,313 20 per cent. rabbits', hair yarn, as manufactures of, ss. 6,306 35 per cent. hair gloves, as manufactures of. ss. 9,672 35 per cent. robes, unfinished, as dressed fur skins, ss. 2,356- 6,078 20 per cent. rugs as inanf. of fur, n. s. p. f. ss. 21,805 35 per cent. sable skins, dressed, ss. 10,053 20 per cent. " coats, as manufactures of fur, ss. 13,864 35 per cent. skin waste, as glue stock, ss. 10,014 Free . " dressed, but not made up into articles, ss. 3,802. 20 per cent, skins, dressed, permanently sewed together, as manu- facture of fur, ss. 8,517 35 per cent. Free. Free Free. Free. not dressed, n. s. p. f., as. 6,372-6,731 " plucked only, are not dressed, ss. 6,372-10,854- 10,901-14,768 " tails of, scraped only, as undressed, ss. 9,603.. " tipped or partially dyed, bat not dressed in any manner, as raw, se. 1,489 Thibet crosses are dressed fur skins, ss. 10,384- 12, T55 12.957 20 per cent. trimmings for cloaks, as manufacture, ss. 6,160 35 per cent waste or clippings, ss. 6,631-6,736-17,155 10 per cent. yarn, as manufactures of, ss. 2,797-6,208-7,173 35 per cent. Furnaces, portable, as manufactures of iron, ss. 5,939 ... 45 per cent. Furniture, beaters of rattan, as manufactures, wood, ss. 7,188-12,200 35 per cent . " church, is not regalia, ss. 2,127. " cloth, as plain woven fabrics of jute, ss. 3,744. " coach according to material. " harness of all kinds " house or cabinet, finished or unfinished, of wood. ss. 13.226 " " " " all other according to ma- terial, ss. 18,412. " office, is not household effects, ss. 14,466. " painted, painting chief value, as furniture, sa. 15,952 35 per cent. " springs, iron or steel, duty on the wire of which they are made, and in addition per. lb. 1J4 cts. 5 per cent. 35 per cent. 323 Custom* Broker* ami Clerks Association Furniture, upholstered, wool chief value, as manufactures wool, ss. 13,225 : /"Value not more than 40 cts. per lb per lb. .'i'i eta. and 50 per cent. 1 " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cte per lb per lb. 14 cts. and 50 per Cent. V. " over 70 cts. per lb. .per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cenl . " usual, of persons or families from foreign countries, in use abroad qoI Less than one year Free. Furs, undressed Free. in i in-, charcoal sticks, ss. 13,547 35 per cent. Fuse, for smokers' use, ss. 1,778 GO per cent. safety, ss. 6,213 15 per cent. Fusible enamel 25 per cent. Fusil oil, or amy lie alcohol per lb. \ i Cl Fustic, dye wood, crude Free. " advanced in value, ss. 17.172 per lb. J4 ct - and 10 l )er cent. " extracts of per lb. % ct. Galeries, gold, ss. 4,204 60 per cent. Gallamine blue, as coal tar color, ss. 12,827 30 per cent. Galanga, crude Free. " advanced in value per lb. Jj ct. and lit per cent. " gum, crude, ss. 2,506 Free. " " advanced in value per lb. ' 4 ct. and 10 per cent. Galettes, glass decorated, ss. 11.402 GO per cent. Gall, ox, as medical preparation, ss. 10.638 23 pet cent. beef, for artists' use 80 per cent. Gallanol, as coal tar preparation, ss. 17,958 20 per cent. Gallic acid per lb. 10 cts. i. all. inc. coal tar color, ss. 7,892 12,829 15.757 15,983 30 per cent. Gallipoli wine, as still wine, ss. 5,092: \ 1 1 per cent, or less of alcohol per gall. 10 cts. - ( Iver 11 and not over 24 per cent, of alcohol per gall. 50 cts. ( In bottles per case of 12 <|ts. or less or \!l pts. sl.iio. Gallipots, as common yellow earthenware, ss. 17,352 25 per cent. Gallobromol, as coal tar preparation, ss. 17,958 '-'it per cent. (.alio 11a v in. coal tar color, ss. 9,098-12,058 19,545 SO per cent. " cyanin, " " as.10,081 12.5H5 13.577 30 per cent. Galloons, bead, chief value GO per cent. " bead, cotton chief value, ss. 1G,014 CO per cent. " cotton, elastic or non-elastic. 88.. 16,484 GO per cent. " embroidered by machinery, as embroideries, ss. 14,178 60percent. " for corset edgings, ss. 12,557 17,174 60 per cent. 179 " gold or other metal, sb. 9,496 GOpercent. :; '.i " herring bone, as braids, ss. 1 1.1 H GOpercent. linen .hid' value 60 per cent. 839 " shoe bindings are, ss. 1G,484 GOpercent. 3110 " silk chief \aliic. s-. is. 710 GOpercent. of the Port of New York. 323 Par. 320 371 518 1 132 563 548 20 § 6 § 6 347 494 275 418 614 § 6 604 604 548 20 254 153 179 249 370 Galloons, tubular or bone casings, ss. 14,310 45 per " wool, hair, etc., in whole or in part, ss. 5,808- 9,496 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cen Galls, nut, crude Free. " ground, ss. 3,175-3,479-16,941 per lb. 50 cts. Galvanized iron, all iron or steel sheets or plates, and all hoop, band or scroll iron or steel, excepting what are known commercially as tin plates, terne plates, and taggers tin, when galvanized or coated with zinc or spelter, or other metals, or any alloy of those metals, shall pay in addition to the rates imposed upon the corresponding gauges or forms of common or black sheet or taggers iron or steel per lb. ,'i, ct. Gambia, or gambier Free. Gamboge gum, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. Y\ ct. and 10 per cent. Game, killed, and dressed, ss. 2,060-2,325 20 per cent. " " not dressed, ss. 7,202 10 per cent. " bags, leather, with flax netting, ss. 4,329-6,689 45 per cent. birds, dead, ss. 13,678 Free. " prepared, ss. 2,060 -7,244 25 per cent. Games, as toys, ss. 3,357-9,170 35 per cent. " which are not toys, according to material. Gannister, crude, mineral substance, ss. 3,329 Free. il ground, mixed with Are clay, ss. 423-3,329- 8,009 20 per cent. Garance or granza, prepared madder Free. Garancine, extract of madder, ss. 5,218 Free. GaLbanum gum, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. % c t- and 10 per cent. Garden seeds, except sugar beet, ss. 8,122 8,131 30 per cent. " shears, as scissors, ss. 368-8,587. Garlands, for ( 'bristmas trees, as lahn, ss. 8,656 60 per cent. Garlic, ss. 15,139 per lb. 1 ct. Garments, for ladies and children, cloaks, dolmans, jackets, talmas, ulsters, or other outside gar- ments for ladies 1 and children's apparel, and goods of similar description or used for like purposes, and on knit wearing apparel, composed wholly or in part of wool, made up or manufactured wholly or in part per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. 435 Garnets, cut, as precious stones 10 per cent. 115 " manufactures of 50 per cent. 191 " pallet slabs, as watch jewels, ss. 13,364 13,809- 14,710 10 per cent. 545 " precious stones, uncut Free. 434 " set as jewelry, ss. 1,640 60 per cent. 115 " set, not jewelry 50 per cent. 361 Garnetted waste, wool, ss. 8,472-8,499 per lb. 80 cts. 324 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Garters, as cotton wearing apparel, containing [ndia rubber, ss, 13,738 45 per cout. •' silk, containing India rubber, ss. 12,112-13,738 13,968 50 per cent. " as wool w laring apparel, containing India rubber, ss. 13,738 per lb. 41 cts. and tiO per cent. Gas burners, lava, plain, ss. 7,393 per gross pi cts. and 15 per cent. " " decorated in any manner, per grs. 10 cts. & 15 per cent. " metal 45 per cent. liquor, as n. e. manufactured article, bb. 13,959 20 per cent. meters, as machinery, ss. 8,125 45 per cent. natural, as crude mineral, ss. 10.418 I 1.509- 14,143 Free. pipes, casl iron per lb, ft ct. " wrought iron or steel, as flues. retort carbon, as coke, ss. 5,050-17,816 20 per cent. retorts, all $3.00 each. water, kerosene barrels are unusual coverings for, ss. 10,072 30 per cent. Gaufree leather, as manufactures, ss. I7.0'.is 17.0:19 17.714. 35 per cent. Gauge of sheet and plate iron and steel under Act of March 3, 1893, ss. 14,263. " tubes, glass, ss. 6, 161-18,034 60 per cent. " or capacity <>r ale, ben-, etc., in bottles, ss. 3,537. " or capacity of brandy in bottles, ss. 6,191. Gauging of free goods is unnecessary, ss. n.i07. (barges for. are fees, ss. 10,385-10,503 -12,082 12,197-15,778 15,998. " of malt liquors by outside measurement, bb. 6,055. Gaze Chamberg, woven fabrics silk. " crepe. Aic'l.iis. woven fabrics silk. Gearing chains for bicj cles, as chains, ss. 9,969. Geese, alive, as poultry, ss. io.:>iii per lb. 8 cts. " dead, not dressed per lb. 3 cts. " dressed per lb. 5 cts. Geislcr tubes, as blown glass, ss. 12, OSS fill per cent. [ \ a I ue 10 CtS. per lb. or under per lb. 2M> cts. Gelatine : " over 10 and not over 35 cts. per lb 26 per cent. r " " 35 cts per lb per lb. 15 cts. and 20 per cent, " all manufactures of, n. s. p. f 35 per cent. " bandeaux trimming, ss. 13,288 tin per cent. " beads and nails 35 per cent. " cards painted, us paintings, ss. 11. or.; 20 per cent. " Chinese or Japanese, "agar agar." ss. 10,928.... 20 percent. " clariflant, as manufactures of , ss. 18,069 35percent. " flowers, as artificial flowers, ss. 7,595 50 per cent. " lozenges, as gelatine, ss. 6,940 35 per cent. " paper. --. 8,666 per lb. 3 cts. & 20 per cent. " Sheets printed, as gelatine, Nov. 9, 1884, X. Y.. s^. 8,655. " " colored, as gelatine, ss. 15,837. " silk and cotton bat crow n-, ss. 13,288 60 per cent. Par. of tin Port of New fork. 886 Gelatinized paper, ss. 0,070 per lb. 3 cts. & 20 per cent. Gems, not cut , Free. " composition, imitation, not set, if not over 1 inch dimensions 20 per cent. " the same, set, as imitation jewelry, ss. 3,135 60 per cent. " cut, hut not set 10 per cent. " for society Free. " set, as jewelry 60 per cent. " " but not jewelry 60 per cent. Genappe, worsted, as yarn, ss. 16,420. General average to be treated as lien for freight aban- doned goods, ss. 12,489. " contribution to, of goods remaining unclaimed in warehouse, will be paid from proceeds of sale, ss. 2,324. " order, goods not entered within 48 hours must be sent to, ss. 1,432-9,485. " order, goods under one year and advertised for sale cannot be entered for warehouse or ware- house and export, nor exported with benefit of drawback, ss. 4,787-7,676-8,542-12,076-14,201. " order, permit will be issued to consignee of vessel, notwithstanding such permit has been issued to consignee of cargo, ss. 3,996. Gentian root, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Gentionella blankets, as manufactures wool. Gentlemen's necessaries, according to materials, ss. 6,217- 6,218. Geology, specimens of, imported for scientific public col- lections and not for sale . . „ Free. Geranium, oil of, ss. 8,631 8,651-8,992 25 per cent. German books, by mail, ss. 10,364 Free. favors, as toys, ss. 7,853 85 per cent. hares in vinegar, ss. 7,244 25 per cent. sago, made of potatoes, ss. 4,443 per lb. 1% cts. sickles, as manufactures steel, ss. 7,818 45 per cent. silver, unmanufactured 25 per cent. " articles made of, ss. 4,736 7,921 45 per cent. " clasps, ss. 4,736 45 per cent. " jewelry 60 per cent. " scrap, ss. 3,156 25 per cent. " toys 35 per cent. Germicides, for internal or external use, as medicinal preparations, ss. 22,139 25 per cent. Germol, as coal tar preparation, ss. 15,687-16,818 20 per cent. Gespinst, ss. 6,042 per lb. 5 cts. and 35 per cent. Gifts to revenue officers ; it is the special duty of all Customs officers to report in writing to collector all persons offering or paying gifts, ss. 3,316. 326 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Gigs, as manufactures of metal, ss. 13,354 45 per cent. Gilded letters, as manufactures of surface coated paper, 88. 12.793 35 per cent. Gilding is not bronzing, ss. 6,683. Gilead, balm of, crude Free. " " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ( 't- an d 10 pei << ;it. Hilling thread, flax, as flax thread, ss. 10,527. " twine, flax, hemp or jute, ss. 1 2.3 IK (see Twine). (Jill netting, duty on twine of which composed, and in ad- dition 25 per cent. Gilt articles and gilt ware, ss. 7,603 17,983 45 per rent. " buttons, sleeve and collar, ss. 9,832 50 per cent. " centers for clocks, ss. 9,376 40 per cent. " paper bands, embossed, as surface coated, paper, ss. 7,258-12,353 per lb. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. " thimbles, ss. 10,681 45 per cent. Gimlets, steel 45 per cent. Gimps, bead or bugle, ss. 4,583 60 per cent. " applique, cotton, metal and glass beads, less than •% of surface covered with beads, ss. 13.293 60 per cent . " the same, more than % of surface covered with beads, se. 13,293 60 per cent. " bead and cotton, beads chief value 60 per cent. " bead and silk, silk chief value, ss. 1.375 60 per cent. " bead and wool or hair per lb. 50 cte. and 60 per cent. " cotton, ss. 17,152 60 per cent. " linen chief value 60 per cent. " metal, ss. 6,547 9,078-10,560 60 per cent. silk chief value 60 percent. " wool, hair, etc., in whole or in part per lb. 50 cts. and 60 percent. Gin, ss. 2,130 per proof gall. $2.25. " in bottles, bottles pay same as empty. Ginger, preserved or candied, ss. 17,434 per lb. l ct. and 35 percent. If in ornamented jars, jars pay additional duty, Sec. 19, Act June 10,1890 60 per cent. Ginger ale and ginger beer, and other similar beverages containing no alcohol, in plain green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, < tabling each not more than % of a pint per doz. 18 cts. More than % of a pinl each, and not more than \y £ pints per doz. 28 cts. No additional dutv on bottles. If imported otherwise than in plain green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, or in such bottles containing more than 1 1 ._■ pints each per gall. 50 cts. Duty on bottles, or other coverings, at same rates as empty, ss. 1.119 848. 68 Ginger ale extract, as medicinal preparation, ss. 7,263 — 25 per cent. of the Port of New York. 327 Ginger ale essence, as alcoholic preparation, ss. 7,263 per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " " extract, ss. 7,263 per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " cordial, containing 14 per cent, or less absolute alcohol per gall. 40 cts. " " containing over 14 per cent, absolute al- cohol per gall. £0 cts. " " containing over 24 per cent, absolute al- cohol per proof gall. $2.25. " essence of per lb. 55 cts., but notless than 25 per cent. " liqueur, ss. 4,374 per gall. £2.25. " root, unground and not preserved or candied Free. " " ground or powdered, ss. 5,314 per lb. 3 cts. " wine, containing 14 per cent, or less absolute alcohol per gall. 40 cts. " " " over 14 per cent, and not over 24 per cent, absolute alcohol, per gall. 50 cts. over 24 per cent, absolute alcohol. per proof gall. $2.25. in cases of 12 qts. or less per case $1.60. " " 12pts. " per case 80 cts. Ginghams (see cotton cloth), ss. 5,046. Ginseng root, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. Y\ ct. and 10 per cent. Girders, iron or steel per lb. T » ct. Girdles, silk, as wearing apparel, ss. 12,422-13,738 60 per cent. Girondoles, gilt or plated, as metal 45 per cent. Girths, saddle 45 per cent. Givri muslin, as woven fabrics, ss. 16,209. Glanced sheet iron or sheet steel per lb. 2 cts. Glass, green and colored, molded or pressed, and flint and lime glass bottles (except such as contain mer- chandise subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a rate of duty based in whole or in part upon the value thereof, which shall be dutiable at the rate applicable to their contents), holding more than one pint, and demijohns and carboys, cov- ered or uncovered, whether filled or unfilled and whether their contents be dutiable or free, ss. 10,764-14,141 per lb. 1 ct. but not less than 40 per cent. " holding not more than one pint and not less than quarter of a pint, ss. 10,764 -14,141 per lb. V/i cts. and not less than 40 per cent. " if less than quarter pint, ss. 10,764-14,141 per gross 50 cts. and not less than 40 per cent. '■ and glassware, molded or pressed, except bottles ... 45 per cent. " articles of, cut, engraved, painted, colored, stained, silvered, gilded, etched, frosted, printed in any manner or otherwise ornamented, 1,111 100 100 101 328 ( >i*tont± Brokers and Clerks Association Par. decorated ot ground (except such grinding as is necessary for fitting stoppers), and any articles of which such glass is the component material of chief value, filled or unfilled, and whether their contents !"• dutiable or free, ss. 21,901 00 per cent. Glass, gilded, not including plate glass, silvered or look- ing glass plates, ss. 1,208 60 per cent. and glassware, blown, porcelain or opal 60 per cent. " all glass bottles, decanters or other vessels or articles of glass, when cut. engraved, painted, colored, printed, stained, etched or otherwise ornamented or decorated, except such as have ground necks ami stoppers only, ss. 18,400 60 per cent. %W = Provided, that if such articles shall he imported filled, the same shall pay duty, in addition to any duty chargeable upon the contents, as if not tilled. " unpolished cylinder, crown and common window. not exceeding 10 by 15 inches square per lb. 1% ct. Above that and not exceeding 10 by ','1 inches square per lb. 1% cts. Above that and not exceeding 24 by 30 inches square per lb. 2% cts. Above that anil not exceeding 21 by 36 inches square per lb. 2% cts. Above that and not exceeding 30 by 40 inches. .per lb. 3% cts. Above that and not exceeding 40 by 60 inches. .per lb. Z% cts. All above that per lb. 4% cts. " unpolished cylinder, with beveled edges, ss. 16,286 17,080-18,272 rates on window glass and 5 per cent. yW° Provided, that unpolished cylinder, crown and common window glass, imported in boxes, shall contain 50 square feel as nearly as sizes will permit, and the duty shall be com- puted thereon according to the actual weight of glaSS. cylinder and crown glass, polished, not exceeding 16 by 21 inches square per sq. ft. 4 cts \liove that and not exceeding 21 by 30 inches square per sq. ft. 6 cts Lbove that and uo1 exceeding 24 by 60 inches ie per sq. ft. 15 cts Above that per sq. ft. 20 cts cylinder and crown glass, beveled edges, ss. io,286- 17,080-18,272 in addition to regular rates 5 per cent. fluted, rolled, ribbed, or rough plate, or containing a wire netting within itself, not including crown, cylinder, or common window glass, not exceedine 16 by 24 inches square, weighing not over 1 lb. per square foot per sq. ft. % ct. in? 102 108 u the Port of Neio Yo?k. 329 Above that and not exceeding 24 by 30 inches and weighing not over 1 lb. per square foot. per sq.ft. lj^ct. All above that, and weighing not over 1 lb. per square foot per sq. ft. l^cts. t3P— All the above, weighing over 1 lb. per square foot pays an additional duty on the excess weight at same rates. fSf" Provided, that all the above plate glass when ground, smoothed, or otherwise obscured, shall be subject to the same rate of duty as cast polished plate glass, unsilvered. Glass, cast polished plate glass, finished or unfinished and unsilvered, not exceeding 16 by 24 inches square. per sq. ft. 8 cts. Above that and not exceeding 24 by 30 inches square, ss. 9,495-9,620 per sq. ft. 10 cts. Above that and not exceed ng 24 by 60 inches square per sq. ft. 22^6 cts. All above that per sq. ft. 35 cts. " cast polished plate, silvered, and looking-glass plates exceeding 144 square inches and not exceeding 16 by 24 inches per sq. ft. 11 cts. Above that and not exceeding 24 by 30 inches square per sq. ft. 13 cts. Above that and not exceeding 24 by 60 inches square per sq. ft. 25 cts. All above that per sq. ft. 38 cts. %W~ But no looking-glass plates, or plate glass silvered, when framed, shall pay a less rate of duty than that imposed upon similar glass of like description not framed, but shall pay in addition thereto upon such frames the rate of duty applicable thereto when imported separate. " cast polished plate glass, silvered or unsilvered, and cylinder, crown, or common window glass, when bent, ground, obscured, frosted, sanded, enameled, beveled, etched, embossed, engraved, flashed, stained, colored, painted, or otherwise ornamented or decorated, in addition to the rates otherwise chargeable thereon, ss. 5,455-16,286-17,068-17,387- 17,080-18,272 5 per cent. " cylinder and crown silvered, same as plate. " plates or disks, rough cut or unwrought, for use in the manufacture of optical instruments, specta- cles and eye glasses, and suitable only for such use: Provided, however, that such disks exceed- ing eight inches in diameter may be polished suffi- ciently to enable the character of the glass to be determined, ss. 10,374 Free. " fruits for bonnet trimmings, ss. 8,179 12,031 12,702.. 50 per cent. 330 (Ust-mi* Brokers and Clerks Assn.hitlrm Glass balls for marbles, B8. 3,821 35 per cent. " " " ballot," as manufactures of. ss. 11 . 1' 1 '! 60 per cent. " " bottle stoppers, B6. 15,387 45 per cent. " " for stove and window ornaments, ss. 9,523 60 per cent. " " " Christmas trees, as toys, ss. 2,147-15,83! 18,826 35 per cent. " " jewelry not exceeding 1 inch diameter 20 per cent. " unpierced, as manufactures of, ss. 17,270 00 per cent. barrels are unusual coverings for brandy, ss. 3,431. . 45 per cent. baskets, as manufactures of, ss. 10,147 45 per cent. beads, metal lined, unstrung, ss. 12,943 35 per cent. " " in any other form 00 per cent. " so called wax if strung, ss. 11,361-11,382- 12,023 60 per cent. " loose, ss. 10.073-11,885-12,425 35 per cent. bent, ss. 10,352, in addition to regular rates on flat. 5 per cent. blanks for pickle dishes, as mfrs. of, ss. 17,104-18,755 45 per cent. " or glass bowl blanks as niaiif. of, ss 21,527 -21,392 45 per cent. blocks, for mosaic work, ss. 4,909-12,720-13,576 45 per cent. Bohemian, ss. 10,925 00 per cent. bottles, decanters, or other vessels or articles of glass, cut, engraved, painted, colored, stained, silvered, gilded, etched, frosted, printed in any manner or otherwise ornamented, decorated, or ground (except such grinding as is necessary for fitting stoppers), and any articles of which such glass is the component material of chief value, tilled or unfilled, and whether their con- tents be dutiable or free 60 per cent. ' bottles and jars for college chemicals, ss. 3,044- 18,165 Free. ' " with ground glass stoppers, ss. 11,379 as other bol i les. 1 bottle glassware, ss. 15,695 15,822 15,828 45 per cent. ' broken, and old glass, which cannot lie cut for use, and lit only to be remamifactured, ss. 6,591-14,671- 19,811 45 per cut. ' broken for a specific purpose, ss. 6,591 45 per cent. ' broken on voyage of importation, no allowance for, SB. 12,988 1 1,500 1 1,671. ' bugles, a- beads, not threaded or strung 35 per cent. ' and glassware, chemical, ss. 8,141 11,388-18,666- 14,505 60 per cent. ' articles, cut or engraved by sand-blast, ss. 11.511... 00 per cent. black, ornaments, as manufactures of, ss. 8,311 45 percent. bull's eye, ss. 9,385 60 per cent. *The Secretary of the Treasury has decided that glass blanks are to be asseswd at 00 per cent. Par. of the Port of tfew York. 331 Glass button centers, ss. 3,458 4,316 per line per gross % ct. and 15 per cent. " buttons per line per gross % ct. and 15 per cent . " canes, cornelian, as fusible enamel, ss. 16,434 25 percent. " carboys, covered or uncovered per 11). 1 ct. but not less than 40 per cent . " cathedral, as unpolished cylinder, ss. 6,784. " chimneys, ss. 17,017-17,029-17,044-17,067 60 per cent. " circles or diaphragms, for dolls, ss. 10,879 per lb. 1% cts. " " unwrought, for optical instruments, ss. 5,522- 9,711-9,808 Free. " compositions, not set, not over one inch in dimen- sions, ss. 5,238-13,347-14,234-14,890 20 per cent. " compositions, set as jewelry 60 per cent. " crystals, for watches 40 per cent. " " for other uses 60 per cent. " cut, 88. 1,466-3,030-6,879-8,672-10,899-11,318-14,930- 16,659 60 per cent. " cutters' stones, as grindstones, ss. 310 pertonfl.75. " decanters, cut, engraved, etc 60 per cent. " " plain, as blown glass, ss. 12,341 60 per cent. " " with musical attachment, ss. 6,355 60 per cent. " demijohns, covered or uncovered, per lb. 1 ct, but not for less than 40 per cent. ; ' disks, for clocks, with beveled edges, ss. 7,392 40 per cent. " " for surgical or dental mirrors, 13,666 45 per cent. " " of cylinder glass for spectacles, and suitable only for such use, ss. 9,618-9,711 Free. 1 discs, rough-cut or unwrought, for use in the manu- facture of optical instruments, spectacles, and eye glasses, and suitable only for such use Free. Exceeding eight inches in diameter may be polished sufficiently to enable the character of the glass to be determined Free. ' dram bottles, as manufactures of glass, ss. 8,660 45 per cent. ' enamel, white, for clock and watch dials, ss. 18,804. Free. ' " all other 25 per cent. ' engraved 60 per cent. ' eye glasses, and frames for same, or parts thereof, finished or unfinished, value not over forty cents per doz per doz. 20 cts. and 15 per cent. Value over forty cents per doz. and not over one dollar andjfifty cents per doz.. per doz. 45 cts. and 20 per ci nt. Value over one dollar and fifty cents per doz. . . 50 per cent. " flint, bottles, as bottles, es. 8.343. frosted, in addition to regular rate on plain 5 per cent. " fruits and flowers, ss. 5,251-12,702 SOpercent. " gauge, tubes, ss. 6,461-18,034 60 per cent. •' gilded, in addition to rate on plain 5 per cent. " globes, for lamps, plain, ss. 5,441 60 per cent. 332 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Glass globes, for lamps, decorated 60 per cent. " goblets, with ground rims, 88. 3,030 60 per cent. " goggles, and frames for same, as spectacles. graduates, as manufactures of glass, ss. 13,493 60 per cent. green, other than common bottle glass, ss. 4,206. ... 45 per cent. •• ground, plate, ss. 9,930-10,912 in addition to rate on plain. 5 per cent. " headed pins, ss. 14,591 -14. 627 45 per cent. • " rivets, as manufactures of glass, 12,927 45 per cent, imitations of jet, set, ss. 5,161-12,666 12,675- 18,971 60 per cent . ' jars, plain, molded or pressed, as bottles. 1 " containing cheese, as filled bottles, ss. 15,819. 1 " containing pickles and preserves, as filled bottles, 3S. 16,098. jewelry, in part, ss. 5.161 60 per cent. ' lamp shade:-, opaque, ss. 5,441 60 per cent. ' lenses, cylindrical, not cut, ss. 8,720 45 per cent. edges ground or beveled per doz. pair 10 cts. and to per cent. ' mounted with metal bands, ss. 13.294 45 per cent. lenses or pebble, wholly or partly manufactured... 45 per cent. ' magic lantern slides, ss. 11.865-12.711 12.634 14,969- 15,081 45 per cent. manufactures of. n. s. p. f 45 percent. ' " " blown, &c 60 per cent. ' marbles, as toys, 88. 3,821 86 per cent. microscopic slide and slide covers, ss. 10,793 rate on window glass and 5 per cent. ' milch, as colored glass, ss. 12.712 12,611 2,390 60 per cent. ' minors, frontal, ss. 9,958 12,303 45 per cent. ' " dental and ophthalmic, ss. 12,019 45percent. ' " hand pocket and table, not exceeding 144 inches, ss. 12,035-18,285-18,814 45 per cent. 1 " small, with metal frames, as toys, ss. 9,329. 35 percent. 1 mosaic pictures, ss. 9,777 60 per cent. muffled, as pot colored, ss. 13,751 60 per cent. ' •' white is not obscured, ss. 15,326 45 per cent. ' necklaces, ss. 12,666-13,790 60 per cent. ' obscured, ss. 4,229. ill addition to rate on plain 5 per cent . old, which cannol be cut for use, bs. 14,671 (5 per cent. " opal, empty or filled, ss. 12,712 12,611 60 per cent. optical instruments, and frames for same 45 per cent. " ornaments for Christmas trees, ss 21,718-21,788 35 per cent. " painted in addition to rate on plain 5 per cent. paintings on, when not works of art, ss. 1.695 12,226. 60 per cent. •• when work- of art, SS. 1,996-2,038- 8,142-8,869 1,814 9,428 10,874 10,377. 20percent. palm glasses, as blown glass, ss. 12,684 60 per cent. pendants or lustres, as cul :1a-- s- 10,094-18,520... 60 per cent. of the Port of New York. 333 Glase plaques, ornamented, 88. 3,012 60 per cent. plateaus, as table mirrors, ss. 9,977-10,896-12,035 ... 45 per cent. " plate, etc., cut or engraved by sand-blast, ss. 8, 193- 11,541, in addition to rate on plain 5 per cent. " plate, beveled, regular rates and in addition, 88. 17,932 5 per cent. plates, bent, as plate glass, s*. 10,352, in addition to rate on flat glass 5 per cent. " plates, rough cut or unwronght, for use in manu- facture of optical instruments, etc., etc Free. " plaques, with cut glass border, ss. 3,012 60 per cent. " porcelain, empty or filled 60 per cent. " printed 60 per cent. " prisms, cut and beveled, ss. 12,687 60 per cent. •' puff boxes, ss. 9,834 45 per cent. " rods, as manufactures of glass, ss. 13,576 45 per cent. " rondelles, ss. 12,685 60 per cent. " ruby rondelles, ss. 4,206 60 per cent. " salvers, with cut glass border, ss. 3,012 60 per cent. " sand, ss. 3,850 Free. " shades, plain, ss. 6,014 60 per cent. " " decorated 60 per cent. " " with clocks, as blown glass, ss. 6,558 60 per cent. " sheets, painted for jewelry, ss. 4,695 60 per cent. " siphon bottles, as bottles, ss. 11,682-14,031-14,962. " siphon tubes, ss. 12.028-12,037-17,163 60 per cent. " slides for magic lanterns 45 per cent. " spectacles, and frames for the same, or parts thereof, finished or unfinished : Value not over 40 cts. per doz per doz. 20 cts. and 15 per cent. " over 40 cents per doz. and not over $1.50 per doz per doz. 45 cts. and 20 per cent. " over $1.50 per doz 50 per cent. spheres, colored as marbles, ss. 17,403 35 per cent. stoppers cut, as cut glass, ss. 15,694-16,329 60 per cent. strips, not more than 3 inches wide, ground or polished on one or both sides to a cylindrical or prismatic form 45 per cent. tablets, 4 inches square, ss. 7,972 45 per cent. thin, as unpolished crown, ss. 10,106. toys, ss. 2,114-2,147-3,821-14,942 35 per cent. trays, with cut glass border, ss. 3,012 60 per cent. trial, boxes or glasses, ss. 6,027 45 per cent. tubes, colored, ss. 8.579 60 per cent. tubes, for thermometers, ss. 5,517 60 per cent. tubing, for use in laboratories, ss. 13,177-17,981 60 per cent. tumblers, cut, ss. 3,030 60 per cent. vials, with ground glass stoppers, ss. 14,931 per gross 50 ets., but not lees than 40 per cent. " cut and gilded, ss. 18,158 60 per cent. watch, crystals or glasses 40 per cent. 334 ( usioms Brokers and Clerks Association Glaes, water, ha miners, es. 13,G84 60 per cent. white enamel, as fusible, es. 3,273-3,836-6,896 25 per cent. " for clock and watch dials Free. window, stained or painted, in addition to rate on plain, SS. 10,377 5 per cent. " windows, stained or painted, bs. 13,469-13,617 16 per cent. wool, as chemical glassware, ss. 12,710 60 per cent. (.lasses, field and frames for 45 per cent. " immersion object, as optical instruments, ss.- 16.842 45 per cent. " opera and frames for 45 per cent. " reading, ss. 11,380 -11,546 45 per cent. trick, as blown glass, 13,978 60 per cent. " " not suitable for house ornament, as blown glass, ss. 14,942 60 per cent. ( rlassware, chemical 60 per cent. " all blown, tilled or empty 60 per cent. " colored, ss. 4,206 60 per cent. " opal or porcelain 60 per cent. " reburned, ss. 3,030 60 per cent. Glauber's salt, as sulphate of soda per ton $1.25. Glazed calf skins, as japanned. Glaziers" diamonds, set, ss. 3,546 60 per cent. ". " unset Free. " lead per lb. 2U, cts. Globes, school (according to material i. ss. 6,747 9,419. Gloria cloth, as wool dress goods, 88. 12.230 14.130-16,305: Value not over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over 4 oz. per square yard per sq. yard 11 cts. and 50 per cent. value over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over 4 oz.per sq. yd. .per sq. yd. 11 cts. and 66 per cent, weighing over 4 ounces per square yard, as woolen Cloth. Glove bindings, as manufactures of leather, ss. 9,535 35 per cent. " buttons, brass, with shanks, ss. 5,116 per line, pt r gross % ct. and 15 per cent. " cleaners. India rubber, ss. 2,169 2,586 80 per Cent. stretchers, as manufactures of wood, ss. 9,256 35 percent. Gloves, animal hair peril). 44 cts. and 60 percent. " air nut regalia, bs. 9,197. " bath, of horse hair, a- brushes, ss. 12.664 40 per cent. " " or wash are not wearing apparel, ss. 16,356 . " cadet, as men's, ss. 12,729. " cashmere, as wool wearing apparel, ss. 10,335- 16,537 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " chamois, as lambskin, bs. 16,328. " cotton chief value. 88. G,248-6,428-ll, 187-15,856. ... 50 per cent. of th< Port of New York. 335 Par. 339 814 370 450 370 314 339 314 370 450 450 390 390 439 -445 Gloves, cotton, if embroidered 60 per cent. " with India rubber per lb. 15 cts. and 50 per cent. cotton, lined with wool, as wool wearing apparel, ss. 318 4,194 6,438 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. fur, ss. 2,797-7,173-9,672 35 per cent. knit woolen, as wearing apparel, bs. 5,425 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. linen 50 per cent. " if embroidered 60 per cent. " with India rubber per lb. 15 cts. and 50 per cent. mackintosh, ss. 14,313 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. pieces of leather for, not tranks, as manufactures of leather, ss. 12,111 35 per cent. rabbit hair, as manufactures of fur, ss. 9,672 35 per cent. silk chief value, ss. 1,610-3,690-5,285-8,706-10,677- 10,724-10,732-14,811 60 per cent. taffeta, as silk wearing apparel, ss. 6,846-12,989- 14,145 60 per cent. Tilbury or driving, as leather, 88. 9,466-18,636. 336 ( Sistoms Brokers and ( 7 > //cs Association to SB MM -."'M\ 8* E S gfl O «5 ti.UOIV soipin ii joaq 8 o o © — — o O O o ■ -- IO — .- 1- 10 K3 io is HOipui il J8A0 jou 'j^i joaq if} IO lO ITS IO IO IO t, [- r* t- — . i-< io 'saqou; f-I JOAO JOX 2 = SOipiIl H J3AQ 8 8 — r — 9 5 — 7 IC o ?: cs os - OS S CO s 'saqoiu it JOAO jox cs o: 9-r> co o* o? co ■oJ§.5P ^■z. Si -." 'IV 'saipm i[ I9AQ IO O i0 to 6©^( io »o io o = 0-3 o " £3 tJOqOUI iJ JOAO }0U 'H J0AQ |^ ej •saqoai ! 5 HJOaojon |^ OT - io »o o *o io 10 t- Y-4 11 TC « lO ^."'•K C S!3 981(0111 U J8AO io ' - U3 OS — TO — - OS * .- z OS OS 10 — co io - CO — B3 - iX J9A0 10U l fl J8AQ s ( co — © o: re O CO ■ssqoui H J0AO }6>J S S s.u.iiv' » rsaqoui n joaq fe - V0I|01U ix I9AO sJ |0U -|I J3AQ l^ ej ■saqoui l-l joao jom !«?,_; »o O lO »rs iO iO co o o? co cc co 10 10 10 io JO O lO lO lO iO 9< ei et oo co ot co '3 £ J fl = o - «r .o = - - a v js Z t- '• U C3 > is 5 -P i' - - 8 S f 1 1 5 i: .a : a 2 « s I s ■a 8 si c 3 t cj 2 o C 5 fe ° t- — P.C3 O « cf*3 Si c3 ei — - > - « * o a . s -a ;- -s ■3 O 1-13 - « H-:a, hJ of the Part of New York. 337 Gloves, wool, in whole or part, as wearing apparel, ss. 10,736 13,888 per lb. 44 cts. and 00 per cent. " " knit, ss. 2,473-5,425 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " women's, same as ladies', 17,730. Gloy, as n. e. manufactured article 20 per cent . " octopus per lb. 1J^ cts. Glucose or grape sugar per lb. 1J4 cts. burnt, ss. 3,732-6,740 50 per cent. Glue and cbalk figures, ss. 6,933 25 per cent. " bone size is, ss. 10,796. " hatters 20 per cent. " marine, India rubber, chief value, as manufactures India rubber, ss. 16,222 30 per cent. " or fish glue : ^ Costing ID cts. per lb. or under per lb. 2% cts. < " over 10 cts. and not over 35 cts per lb. . . 25 per cent. / " over 35 cts. per lb per lb. 15 cts. and 20 per cent. paste or albumen substitute, ss. 9,198-15,002 per lb. 3 cts. sizing, as glue, ss. 10,796. stock, hide cuttings and all other Free. " coney shreds are, ss. 10,014 Free. vegetable, a chemical compound 25 per cent. Glycerine, crude, not pnrified per lh. 1 ct. partly refined, ss. 6,048 6,648 per lb. 3 cts. " refined per lb. 3 cts. Goa powder, as medicinal preparation, ss. 4,196 25 per cent. Goat beards, ss. 13,948, as manufactures of wool. " hair, common, ss. 10.727-11,408-13,496 21,739 Free. " " Angora per lb. 12 cts. " i; " on the skin per lb. 11 cts. " " cashmere, ss. 4,684 per lb. 12 cts. " •' cut in uniform lengths for brushes, as manu- factures of wool, ss. 13,942. " " manufactures of, as woolens. " " noils, ss. 7,470 per lb. 20 cts. " " on skins, ss. 13,468 Free. " skin carriage robes, as manufactures of fur, ss. 3,702 35 per cent. it « crosses loosely sewed, as dressed skins, ss. 12,985 20 per cent. " " dressed and finished 20 per cent. " " embossed, 88. 5,705 20 per cent. " " rugs, ss. 2,825-3,063 7,046-12,985 35 per cent. " skins raw Free. Goats 20 per cent. Goblets of flint or lime glass, plain, molded or pressed 45 per cent. " glass cut. etc 60 per cent. Goggles and goggle frames, as spectacles, ss. 11,213-11,597- 13,638-13,817 13,873. Gold, articles of, in whole or in part 45 per cent. 388 ( ■us/tuns brokers and Clerks Association Gold beaters' molds and skins, 68, 352 Free. beaters' paper, as paper, n. s. p. f., ss. 3,508 25 per cent. bullion— invoice required, ss. 13,892-14,106 14.575... Free. bullions per lb. 5 cte. and 86 per cent. coin Free. crosses, as jewelry, ss. 10,510 (10 per cent. dust, ss. 7,418-13,104-14,106 Free. embroideries, ss. 10,546-13,884-14,296 60 per cent. epaulets, galloons, knots, laces, stars, tassels and rings 60 per cent. foil for dentists, ss. 2,674 45 per cent. galeries for jewelry, ss. 4,204 60 per cent. jewelry 60 per cent. leaf, ss. 6,814 per package of 500 leaves $1.75. " only half gold, as gold, April 2, 1863, N. Y. . . . per pkg. of 500 leaves $1 .75. liquid, as paint, ss. 5,814 30 per cent. manufactures of 45 per cent. medals, if trophies or prizes, ss. 6.566-13,497-13,759. Free. " religious are dutiable, ss. 10,542-10,934- 13,190-13,378 45 per cent. muriate of 25 per cent. old, fit only for remanufacture, as bullion, ss. 8,619. Free. ore, ss. 6,858 8,967 Free. oxide of 25 per cent. paper, as surface coated, ss. 8,940-12,352 per lb. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. pens 25 per cent. plated articles, not jewelry 45 per cent. powder for the hair, as toilet preparation, ss. 0.1 13. . 50 per cent. " jaune and citron, as manufactures of , ss. 15,415 45 per cent. size, 68. 5,242-6,690-8,923 9,223 35 per cent. sweepings, ss. 6,058 Free. thread per lb. 5 cts. and 36 per cent. watches and watch eases, as watches. wire, not thicker than No. 8 or 26 W. G., ss. 17,248. . per lb. 5 cts. " thicker than No. 8 45 per cent. ( ;olf chilis, according to chief value, ss. 17.491. Goloshes or clogs, wood and leather, ss. 5,994 25 per cent. " " wood only 36 per cent. Gomline, as albumen per lb. 3 cte. Goods, exported, bond will not be cancelled on informal certificates, bb. 10,265, made abroad from American material are dutiable. ss. 7,088 18,971. " mixed materials, when possible, must be segregat- ed, ss. 14,755 14,762-14,841. " mixed materials, if permanently attached as entire ties. ss. 14,859. of the Port of New York. 339 Far. § 81 Goods, the product of convict labor, importation pro- hibited. " unclaimed, advertisement and, sale of, ss. 6,070. Goose breasts, smoked, as prepared meat, ss. 7,961 25 per cent. " livers, as prepared meat, ss. 15,156 25 per cent. " quill splits, as feathers, not dressed, ss. 7,118 15 per cent. " " dyed, etc 50 per cent. " skins, dressed, ss. 724-4,974-12,838 20 per cent. Goring, cotton, elastic or non-elastic 60 per cent. " silk 50 per cent. " wholly or in part of wool, hair, etc., ss. 10,677 per lb. 50cts. and GO per cent. Gouges 45 per cent. Gowns, as wearing apparel, according to material. Grain from contiguous territory, to be ground and return- ed, ss. 5,546-10,985 Free. " from Mexico to be ground and returned, dutiable, ss. 16,033. " exported, \y 3 per cent, allowed for loss, ss. 3,729. " bags— centals — in absence of regulation proof of American manufacture, as foreign, ss. 15,070. " bags— centals — with regulation proof of American manufacture, ss. 12,183-13,032 duty equal to drawback. " bags or sacks made from plain woven fabrics, of single jute yarns, not dyed, colored, stained, painted, printed or bleached, and not exceeding 30 threads to the sq. inch, counting the warp and rilling per lb. % ct. and 15 per cent. " bags, other materials, according to material. " mixtures of, for food, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 2,841 20 per cent. " specifically provided for cannot be entered as seeds, ss. 6,156. Grains of ammonium, crude Free. " " " advanced in value. ..per lb. 14 ct. and 10 per cent. " artificial for millinery use 50 per cent. " emery per lb. 1 ct. " medicinal, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " of paradise Free. " of tin Free. " suitable for millinery use 50 per cent. " tawed, or tanned as leather 20 per cent. Graisse adherente, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 5,144 20 per cent. Gramophone and records 35 per cent. Grana or granella (cochineal) Free. Grauadilla wood, in the log, rough or hewn Free. " " manufactures of 35 per cent. " " sawed only 15 per cent. " " veneers 20 per cent. 340 Customs Broken and Clerks Association Granite, broken or rubble, us undressed, ss. 16,250.. per cubic foot 12 cts. ; ' dressed or polished, - 802 1,375-1,938 60 per cent. " monuments, as dressed granite, ss. 12,302 50 per cent. " paving stones, ss. 6,785 per cubic foot IS cts. " sawed, ss. 9,186 50 per cent. " unmanufactured, undressed per cubic foot 12 cts. Granulated had, ss. 8,581 2% cts. per lb. " rice, as rice meal, ss. 5,678 -6,9X0-7,1 13 per lb. J4 ct. tin Free. Granza or garance, madder Free. Grape fruit, coverings additional per 11>. 1 ct. " juice, as still wine, ss. 5,092: Less than 11 per cent, alcohol per gall. 40 cts. ( >ver 1 1 per cent, alcohol per gall. B0 cts. " 24 per cent, alcohol per gall. $2.V5. in bottles or jugs, per case of 12 4 ct. and 10 per cent. Guinea grains, or grains of Paradise, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. \\ ct. and 10 per cent. Guitars 45 per cent. " fret wire, in coils, ss, 6,697 45 per cent. " strings, catgut, ss. 10,758 45 per cent. " " metal, ss. 4,453 45 per cent. " " silk, chief value, ss. 2,808 4,453 45 per cent. Gum and gum resins, crude, ss. 2,235 Free. " " " advanced in value, ss. 16,639 per lb. % ct. and 10 per cent. " amber, crude or unmanufactured Free. " anime, ss. 2,907 Free. " " advanced in value per lb. }. ( ct. ami 10 per cent. " ammoniac, ss. 2,235 Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 Ct. and 10 per cent. " Barbary, bdellium and benzoin or Benjamin Free. " British per lb. 2 cts. " cape, copal and cerrie, crude Free. " chicle, per lb. 10 cts. " copal, in oil of turpentine, as varnish, ss. 7,977 35 per cent. " " crude, ss. 19,123 Free. " damnr or dammar, crude Free. " East India Free. " "Ester," as gum advanced, ss. 18,090. per lb. >4 ct. and 10 per cent. " frankincense Free. " galbanum, ss. 2,506 Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " gamboge, crude Free. of the Port of New i ark. 843 Gum guaiac, advanced gum, ss. 9,557 per lb. 14 ct. and 10 per cent. " " crude Free. " Jeddo, crude Free. " mastic and myrrh, crude Free. " mixture with other ingredients, as n. e. manufac- tured article, ss. 10,088 20 per cent. " olibanum, crude Free. " " with chemical salts, incense powder, ss. 10,232 25 per cent. " perdu, as opium, crude per lb. $1.00. " resin, artificial, advanced gum, ss. 9,557, per lb. J4ct. and 10 percent. " sandrac, Senegal, shellac and spruce, crude Free. " shellac, from stick or seed lac, ss. 6,381 Free. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " " and turpentine, as varnish 35 per cent. " spruce, crude, ss. 3,548-21,714 Free. " " advanced in value . .per lb. J4 ct- an d 10 per cent. " substitute, burnt starch, dextrine or British gum per lb. 2 cts. " talca and tragacanth, crude Free. " two kinds, ground together, ss. 9,392. Gun barrel molds, not in bars, as steel ingots. " " ribs are classified with the accompanying bar- rels, ss. 6,780 50 per cent. " barrels, forged and rough-bored, except shot gun barrels, in single tubes each $1.00 and 35 per cent. " •' in single tubes forged and rough-bored, for shot guns, ss. 6,962 12,787-12,329 Free. " " forged rifle, steel, according to kind. " " forged, Whitworth's patent process, as man- ufactures of metal, ss. 11,703 45 per cent. Gunblocks, wood, rough, hewn or sawed or planed on one side Free. " planed, on both sides, ss. 6,780-6,936-10,071- 12,201-16,820 35 per cent. Gun cotton, as gunpowder: j Value not over 20 cts. per lb per lb. 4 cts. I " over 20 cts. per lb per lb. 6 cts. Gunlocks, metal, ss. 4,969-10,568 10,657, same rates as guns for which they are intended 25 per cent. if for double barrelled, etc., shot guns 50 per cent. Gun moulds, nipples, plungers, worms, ss. 6,307-10,657, same rates as guns for which they are intended 25 per cent. if for double barrelled, etc., shot gun s 50 per cent. Guns, all, 11. s. p. f., ss. 15,315-18,528 45 per cent. " breech-loading, single barrelled shot, ss. 5,889- 5,907 each $1.00 and 35 per cent. " carbines 25 per cent. " combination, shot and rifle, ss. 7,819-9,396-9,772- 13,762-14,414 same as double barrelled breech- loading shot guns. 314 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Par. ■ — 158 Guns, double barrelled, sporting, breech-loading shot •_' 1 1 1 1 - . value not more than $5.00 each $1.50 and 15 percent. " value more than $5.00 not more than $10.00 each $4.00 and 15 per cent. " value more than $10.00 each $6.00 and 35 per cent. any of above without locks or o'her fittings each $.6.00 and 35 per cent. barrels for same each $3.00 and 35 per cent . " stocks for same each $3.00 and 35 per cent. " all other parts of same 50 per cent. " imported, in sections, accordingto kind, bb. 10,573- 11,167-11,424 13,535-13,694 17,831 . " are not household effects, ss. 19,293-22,116. " " " personal effects, ss. 22,203. " muskets 35 per cent. " muzzle loading, shot. bb. 10,534 13,682 25 per cent. " sporting rifles 25 per cent. " Turkish, as muskets, ss. 13,212 25 per cent. " with extra barrels, ss. 13,326, according to kind. Gun stocks, wood, according to kind. ss. 13.521. " wads, all kinds 20 per cent. Gunny bags and {runny cloth, old or refuse, fit only for paper stock Free. " cloth, composed in whole or in part of jute or jute butts, not exceeding 30 threads to the sq. inch per lb. %c. and 15 per cent exceeding 30 not exceeding' 55, per lb. " s e. and 15 per cent. exceeding 55 45 per cent. as extra covers for coffee sacks, are duti- able, ss. 3,626. Gunpowder and all explosH e snbstam es, ased tor mining, lilastini;. artillery or Bporting, value not over 20 cts. per Hi per lb. 4 cts. value over 20 cts. per lb per lb. 6 ct8. Gut, cat, wormorwhip, unmanufactured. ss. in. 30; 10,758 Free. *• or catgut strings lor musical instruments, ss. 6,694 10,758 15,518 18,738 45 percent. strings, not for musical instruments, ss. 21,566 25 per cent. known as spinning gut, ss. 19,582 86 per cent. " leaders, as manufactures of, ss. 15,222 25 per cent. " rope or cord, bs. 2,63! 25 per cent. worm or whip, all manufactures of, ss. 10.758 25 per cent. Guts, salted B"ree. Gutta percha, crude, ss. 1,449 18,1M 19,528 Free. " " all manufactures, a. -. p. f.. ss. 3,733-3,985.. 35 per cent. " " belting scraps. a~ waste, ss. 15,465 10 per cent. " " in smooth sheets, as manufactures, 88. 889. 35 per cent. " " recovered, as manufactures of, ss. 15,006... 35 per cent. Gypsum or plaster rock crude per ton 50 cts. " blocks, for building, rough, ss. 9,149-10,182. per cubic ft. 12 cts. of the Port of New York. 345 Gypsum blocks, dressed, ss. 9,149 50 per cent. " calcined per ton $2.25. " ground per ton $2.25. " manufactures of, n. s. p. f 35 per cent. " or selenite plates, ss. 12,383 35 per cent. H. Haarlem oil. ss. 5,888-6,081 25 per cent. Hackels, steel teeth 45 per cent. Haemometers, ss. 18,018 45 per cent. Haidebrooms, ss. 15,903 40 per cent. Hailing port of vessel must lie a port established by law, ss. 2,829-3,363. is port at which her papers are issued, ss. 3,157-3,223-3,226-5,432. on the Great Lakes may be any place where a deputy collector is stationed with power to enter and clear vessels, ss. 4.4 16 -4.600. Hair of alpaca, camel, and like animals per lb. 12 cts. " " angora goat, ss. 18,834 per lb. 12 cts. " il animal not cleaned Free. " applications for, as toilet preparation 50 per cent. " badger, as animal liair unmanufactured, ss. 11,068. .. Free. • ' beads, ss. 7,895 35 per cent. " bonnets and hats of 44 cts. per lb. and 60 per cent. " braids, curls, and ringlets of human, ss. 12,213 35 per cent. " bristles, crude, not sorted, bunched or prepared Free. " " sorted, bunched or prepared per lb. 7J4 cts. " brushes. 40 per cent. " camel per lb. 12 cts. 41 . t — '• ( Valne 12 cts. or less per lb 4 cts. Kussian- ( „ over 12 cts. per lb 7cts. " cattle not cleaned Free. " clippers, ss. 8,178 45 per cent. " cloth, crinoline per sq. yd. 10 cts. " " seating per sq. yd. 20 cts. " common goat, ss. 18,699 Free. " cosmetics for 50 per cent. " crimpers, cotton, ss. 14.517 45 per cent. " curled, suitable for beds and mattresses 10 per cent. " curlers, metal, ss. 6,432 10.075 45 per cent. " " " and leather, as manufactures of leath- er, ss. 12,011-13,237 13,650 35 per cent. " " " " " according to chief value, ss. 14,024. " di'awing cards, as manufactures of steel, es. 15,141... 45 per cent. " dressings 50 per cent. " dyes, ss, 18,541 50 per cent. 346 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Hair, goats' beards for brushes, as manuf. wool, ss. 4,108- 13,9-17 13,948. " goats, common, ss. 21,739 Free. " hares', as hatters' furs, ss. 9,862 20 per cent. " hogs, curled, for mattresses 10 per cent. " " raw, ss. 8,667 12,852 Free. " horse, for fiddle bows, ss. 6,872-11,562-15,686 Free. " " not cleaned Free. " " curled for beds or mattresses 10 per cent " " dyed, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 13,218. 20 per cent. " " mattresses, as n. e. manf. article, ss. 31,786 -21,841 20 per cent. " human, cleaned and drawn, but not manufactured, ss. 3,353-14,252 20 per cent. " " articles of, or hair chief value, ss. 12,213 35 per cent. " " imitations of, as manufactures of wool, ss. " '■ part ially cleaned, as cleaned, ss. 8,729 20 per cent. " " raw, uncleaned, but not drawn, ss. 9,441 -21,739 Free. " kid and calf mixed, ss. 13,772 Free. " manufactures of, as wool : " nets, as wearing apparel, according to material, ss. 14,935. " " silk, as wearing apparel, ss. 3,160 60percent. " of camel, Angora, goat, alpaca, and other like animals. in the form of roving, roping, or tops, ss. 10,727- 11.408-13,496, as manufactures of wool. " of horse, cattle and other animals, cleaned or un- cleaned, drawn or undrawn, but unmanufactured. Free. pencils 40 per cent. pins, bone or horn 30 per cent . " celluloid, as manufactures of celluloid, ss. 11,033 11,092-11,418 13,557-16,216-17.809 per lb. 05 cts. and 25 per cent. " covered with silk, ss. 16,411-21,921, according to chief value. " guttapercha 35 per cent. 1 " horn, with silver tops, as jewelry, ss. 13,954 .. . 00 per cent. ' " iron or steel wire, ss. 2,140 86 per cent. ' " ornamental, ss. 17,258 45 per cent. ' " set with stones, as jewelry, 68. 8,608-9,635-10,544 60 per cent. 1 " shell, 88. 9,056 35 per cent. 1 powder, ss. 6,113 50 per cent. ' press cloth, 88. 6,056-10,505 per sq. yd. 20 cts. ' rabbits, as hatters' fur. ss. 18,818 20 per cent. . ,, ,. t Value 12 cts. or less per lb per lb. 4 cts. Russian camel's j .. Qver i2 C ts. perlb per lb. 7 cts. ' seating per sq. yd. 20 cts. ' sieve tissue, as manufactures pf wool, es, 12, 946. 315 388 of the Port of New York. 31? Hair trimmings for hats per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " watch guards, no part metal, ss. 1,603 60 per cent. " wigs, ss. 1,366-1,539 35 per cent. " wood sticks, for umbrellas Free. " yak, as cattle hair, ss. 4,952-18,380 Free. Hake sounds, crude, ss. 1,648 Free. Half-and-half, as beer. " duck, for sails 45 per cent. " iiold leaf, same as gold leaf per package of 500 leaves $1.75. " stuff, dried pulp for paper makers, see pulp, ss. 1,589. Halibut, fresh, pickled, etc., etc per lb. 1 ct. Halter chains, as chains. " rings 45 per cent. Halters, 88. 19,486 45 per cent. " on free horses, ss. 6,777 Free. Hamburg edgings and embroideries, flax, ss. 3,601 60 per cent. " ■• " " cotton 60 per cent. net, ss. 9,184-11,328 60 per cent. Hames 45 per cent. Hammer felt, in sheets for making pianoforte hammers, ss. 4,827 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " moulds, as steel ingots, ss. 5,047. Hammers, blacksmiths' per lb. 1)4 cts. " all others 45 per cent. " tuning, ss. 6,259-18,154 45 per cent. Hammocks, as manufactures of vegetable fiber, ss. 12,354. 45 per cent. Hams per lb. 5 cts. " slicers, as carving knives, ss. 17,731. Handbills, as printed matter 25 per cent. " lithographic, see lithographs. Handkerchiefs, "bandana," as wearing apparel, ss. 16,815. 50 per cent. " in the piece or single, finished or un- finished, hemmed or not, cotton, ss. 10,409-11,330-13,539 same as similar cloth but not less than 45 per cent. flax, hemp or ramie, ss. 21,716 50 per cent. silk, same as similar cloth, but not less than 50 per cent. " hemstitched, imitation hemstitched, re- vered or with drawn threads, cotton, same as similar cloth and in addition 10 per cent, but not less than 55 per cent. " flax, hemp or ramie 55 per cent. " silk same as similar cloth, and in addition 10 per cent., but not less than 60 per cent. " embroidered in any manner, with initial. monogram, or otherwise by hand or machinery, or tamboured, appliqued, or trimmed wholly or in part with lace or with tucking or insertion, cotton, ss. Par. 348 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association 14,387-14,455^14, 194 10,091-17,269-18.895 -19,0:0-19,008 same as similar cloth but not less than 60 pet-ccr.t. Handkerchiefs, flax, hemp or ramie fiO per cent " silk same as similar cloth and 10 per cent, but not less than 60 per cent. " cotton and linen, hemmed only, ss. 16,215. 50 per cent. " escalloped and embroidered, ss. 16,212 60 per cent. " jute or vegetible fiber, ss. m.lit:i 11,330... 45 per cent. " lacquered boxes are unusual coverings for, ss. 7,468 35 per cent. " lace, ss. 5,474-12,551 60 per cent. " " edge, ss. 17,065-17,743 60 per cent. " Madras, as cotton, ss. 10,409. Hand barrows, according to material. Handle bolts, ss. 1,540 Free. Handles, for curling stones, ss. 7,212 Free. " " furniture, according to material. " " parasol and umbrella, metal, ss. 7,953-13 377. 45 per cent. Hand mirrors, not over 144 square inches 45 per cent. " organs, are tools of trade, ss. 15. ISO 4."> per cent. " " small, as toys, ss. 9,298 35 per cent. Handsaws 30 per cent . Handshaking is cost of shaking dust from wool, ss. 13,755. Hangers (swords) 35 per cent. Hanging baskets, with artificial flowers, ss. 6,230 50 per cenl . Hansom cabs, as manufactures of metal, ss. 10,778 45 per cent. Hard metal, part lead, nnwronght, ss. 8,591 20 per cent. " pitch, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 5. ill'.t 20 per cent. rubber, all manufactures of, n. s. p. f 35 per cent. Hardware, coach, harness, saddlery, etc 45 per cent. Hares in vinegar, preserved meat, ss. 7.214 25 per cent. fur, dressed on the skin, not manufactured, B6. 9,862 80 per cent. " " not on the skin, prepared for hatters 1 use 20 per cent. Hare skins, not dressed i- i'i e. Harmonicas, costing not more than l mark if single or nol i ■<■ than two marks if double, as toys, ss. 21,981 88,096 82,105 35 per cent. " if costing more than above, as musical instruments 45 per cent. Harmoniums, ss.2,418 2,869 45 per cent. Harness, ss. 13,801 16,730 45 per cent. " furniture and hardware 45 per cent. " liquid, as blacking, ss. 1 1,545 25 per cent. Harps an!< Bi oh i i and ( 'A rks A ssociation Hats, bamboo, so called, as grass, nntrimmed 35 per cent. trimmed 50 per cent. " bonnets and boods of straw, chip trra^s. palm leaf, willow, osier, or rattan wholly or partially mant'., nntrimmed 35 per cent. " trimmed 50 per cent. 1 ' dolls, as toys 35 per cent. " fur, bonnets, or hoods, for men's, women's, boys', or children's wear, trimmed or nntrimmed, inclnding bodies, hoods, plateaux, forms, or shapes, for bats or bonnets, composed wholly or in chief value of fur of the rabbit, beaver, or other animals, valued at not more than 85.00 per doz per doz. $2 00 and 20 per cent. " valued at more than $5.00 per doz. and not more than $10.00 per doz per doz. $3.00 and 20 per cent . " valued at more than $10.00 per doz. and not more than $20.00 per doz per doz. $5.00 and 20 per cent. " valued at more than $20.00. per doz., per doz. $7.00 and 20 per cent. " fur felt, for men. women and children, as fur hats. ss. 0,487-21,652. " fur and wool, fur chief value, as fur hats, ss. 21.652. " leather, ss. 13,380 35 per cent. " loot', as wearing apparel of vegetable fiber, ss. 16,479. 50 per cent. " Mexican, as fur, ss. 18,169. " miners", of wool and resin, as wool hats. ss. 1,735... per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " miners', napped with fur, as fur hats, ss. 5,394. " pins, plain metal 35 per cent. " " jewelry SO per cent. " pith, as wearing apparel, ss. 8,557 4,715 1.871 50 per cent. " pith wool covered, ss. 14.386 per 11). 41 cts. and 60 per cent. " pullovers of coney skins, as fur hats. ss. 7,220. " silk. ss. 12,150-10,787 00 per cent. " straw, nntrimmed. ss. 12,938 12,939 35 per cent. " " trimmed, ss. 21,602 50 per cent. " " miniature, as nianf. of straw, n. s. p. 1'.. ss. 19,414 30 per cent. " tweed, ss. 6,299 8,506 per 11). II ets. and 60 per cent. " willow nntrimmed 35 per cent. " ■' trimmed 50 per cent. wool per lb 44 cts. and 60 percent. " felt, varnished, as wool hats. ss. 10,565 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cenl . Batters' I'urs, noton the skin, ss. 6,372-9,862-10,090 20 per cent. irons, cast per lb. A ct. " plush, black, silk, or silk and cotton, used ex- clusively for men's hats, ss. 3,286-12,937- 16,826 16,109 if,. :>77 lOpercent. Hautboys 45 per cent. Of th, Port of Nt W York. 351 Haversacks, leather 35 per cent. Hawaii : That imports from any of the Hawaiian Islands, into any State or any other Territory of the United States, of any dutiable articles not the growth, production, or manufacture of said islands, and imported into them from any foreign country after July seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and before this Act takes effect, shall pay the same duties that are imposed on the same articles when imported into the United States from any foreign country. Sec. 93, Act of April 30, 1900. " goods imported into on and after June 14th, 1900, from foreign countries, dutiable at rates imposed by tariff laws of the United States, ss. 22,243. Hay, ss. 4,932-5,006 5,773 per ton $4.00. " for cattle, in transit, through U. S. for export, is duti- able, ss. 9,775-12,576-21,661 per ton $4.00. " knives 45 per cent. " marsh, as hay. bs. 16,427 per ton $4.00. " weight of wood and wire allowed as tare, ss. 4,932. Hazel nuts, as filberts, ss. ,,494 10.525 j ggg-; ; ; ; ■■ ■ ; »£ ft J £ Heading blocks, rough, hewn, sawed or bored, ss. 3,863... 20 per cent. " bolts 20 per cent. Headings, unmanufactured, ss. 3,863 20 per cent. " manufactured 35 per cent. Head handkerchiefs, as other handkerchiefs, ss. 6,207. " linings for barrels, ss. 3,903 35 per cent. " or hair nets, wool hair, etc., as wearing apparel, ss. 14,935 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " " " " cotton 60 per cent. " " " " linen 60 per cent. " " " " silk, ss. 3,160, 14,935 60 per cent. " tax must he paid for all passengers, ss. 10,284 13,276. $1.00. " " " " " " " " sent back, ss. 14,101. $1.00. Heads of animals, mounted, ss. 21,896 20 per cent. " " " unmounted, ss. 22,234 10 per cent. Healds fit only for remanufacture, ss. 592 10 per cent. Healing lotion, ss. 9.284 25 per cent. Hearses, horses, etc.. are not tools of trade, ss. 8,968. Hechimas, ss, 15.411 Free. " slippers, as wearing apparel, ss. 17,501 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Hedge shears, as scissors, ss. 8,750. Heel ball, as manufactures wax, ss. 7,426-18,013 25 per cent. " plates, brass, as manufactures of metal, ss. 10,537. . . 45 per cent. Heirlooms are dutiable, ss. 282. Heliken in Kisten, as musical instruments, ss. 13. 133 45 per cent 852 Customs linkers and Clerks Association Heliographic prints as photographs, ss. 19,899. Heliotropine. ss. 1.2SN 25 per cent. Hellebore root, crude Free. " advanced in value per lb. }4 ct. and 10 per cent. Helmets, pith, as wool wearing apparel, ss. 14,386 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Hemlock bark, crude, ss. 5,892 Free. " ground, ss. 3,225 20 per cent. " extract of, ss. 980-5,890 per lb. % ct. lumber, as lumber, n. s. p. f. seed and leaf (conium cicuta), crude Free. the same, advanced in value per lb. J4 ct - and 10 per cent. Hemp, not hackled, ss. 7,627 10,026 per ton $20.00. " all manufactures of , n. e. p . f 45 per cent. " bags for grain, as woven fabrics. " bagging for cotton, see cotton bagging. " bags or bagging other than above, as woven fabrics. " bale rope, as manufactures, April 21, 1858, N. Y. . . 45 per cent. " bleached shirting cloth, as woven fabrics. " Bombay or East India, as hemp, ss. 7, 627-10,026. " cables, tarred or untarred per lb. 2 cts. carpeting, value not over 15c square yard per sq. yard 5 cts. and 35 per cent. over 15c square yard per sq. yard 10 cts. and 85 per cent. " cloths, as woven fabrics. " clothing 50 per cent. cod lines, ss. 1.35s 9,307: \ made of yarn not liner than 5 Lea per lb. 13 cts. -j " ** " finer than 5 lea for each ad- f ditional lea per lb. $£ ct. " cordage and cables, tarred or untarred per lb. 2 cts. " dressed line per ton $40.00. hackled dine or hemp), ss. 13,868 per ton $40.00. " handkerchiefs, hemmed 50 per cent. " " hemstitched, revered or drawn.... 55 per cent. " " embroidered 60 per cent. " hydraulic hose per lb. 20 cts. Indian, crude or hasheesh Free. " " advanced in value per lb. ' 4 ct. and 10 per cent. " Kalian tlax is. crude per ton $20.00. " " " hackled or dressed per ton $40.00. " laces 60 per cent. lace window curtains 60 per cent- " mats and rugs, value not over 15 cts. per sq. yard per sq . yard 5 cts. and 35 per cent. value over 15 cts per sq. yard, .per sq. yd. 10 cts. and 35 percent. Manila Free. " rags or clippings for paper stock Free. " school satchels, bh 588-2,134-3,103-3,409 45 per cent. of the Port of New York. 353 Hemp seeds Free. " " oil per gal. 10 cts. " sunn or brown Free. " thread, ss. 4,317: \ made of yarn not finer than 5 lea per lb. 13 cts. I " " finer than 5 lea for each additional lea per lb. 94 ct. " tow of, carded per ton $20.00. " " not carded per ton $20.00. " twine, ss.2,572, same as thread . " waste, as tow, ss. 9,381 per ton $20.00 . " wearing apparel 50 per cent. " yarns, ss. 5,262. I not finer than 8 lea per lb. 7 cts. < finer than 8 and not finer than 80 lea . . . 40 per cent. ( finer than 80 lea 15 per cent. Hemstitched handkerchiefs, cotton, ss. 14,260 14,329 - 14,365, same as cotton cloth, and additional 10 per cent, but not less than 65 per cent. " silk, same as woven fabrics, and additional 10 per cent, but not less than 60 per cent. lawns, ss. 10,957-11,331-15,215 60 per cent. " linen shirtings 60 per cent. " Swiss trimmings, as cotton trimmings 60 per cent. Henbane, advanced in value per lb. y± ct. and 10 per cent. " crude leaf Free. Henna leaves, crude Free. " " ground, advanced, ss. 9,956.. per lb. )4 ct. and 10 per cent. Henriettas, silk warp, as wool dress goods, ss. 5,953- 10,571 . Hens, mechanical, as manufacturesmetal, ss. 16,245 45 per cen t . Herbal extracts, se. 9,227 25 per cent. Herbs, crude, used as drug Free. " advanced in value per lb. \\ ct. and 10 per cent. " two, mixed and ground, ss. 9,392-9,863 per lb. J4 ct- and 10 per cent. Herophones, ss. 13,790 45 per cent. Herringbone trimmings, ss. 10,757-11,872-14,144 60 per cent. Herring oil, as fish oil per gall. 8 cts. Herrings, fresh, frozen per lb. % ct. " not frozen perlb.J4ct. in tin cans or packages of other material, ss. 21,912 30 per cent. kippered, in tins, as fish in packages of tin, ss. 10,738 12,566-14,413 30 per cent. pickled or salted, ss. 10,588 10,828-12,621 per lb. y 2 ct. roll, as fish packed in packages, less than \4, bbl., ss. 11,566 30 per cent. spiced in kegs, ss. 21,479 perlb.i^ct. smoked or dried per lb. % ct. with salt, onions and spices, as fish in pack- ages, ss. 12,621 30 per cent , 351 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Hessians or Hessian cloth, as jute woven fabrics, ss. 14,379-15,499. Herva matte, as medicinal preparation, ss. 7,918 25 per cent. Heva- verba, Brazilian tea, ss. 3.909 20 per cent. i Hide cuttings, raw. with or without the hair on, ss. :{, 125. Free. " lariats, ss. 4,751 Free. " rope Free. Hides, elk. dressed, as leather, n. s. p. f., ss. 1 l.OGO 20 per cent. 11 arsenic cured, from non infected districts do not need disinfection, ss. 15,085. " ox, dressed, as leather, n. s. p. f.. ss. 1 1.059 20 per rem. " " lime cured, do not require disinfect ion. ss. 15,085. " of neat cattle, importation of, prohibited. Secretary of Treasury may suspend prohibition. " cattle, raw or uncured, whether dry, salted or pickled, ss. 8,720 21 ,657 15 per cent. " all others, n. s. p. f., as. 18,871 Free. " of American cattle slaughtered abroad are dutiable, ss. 18,266. of cattle limed to remove the hair, ss. 21,657 15 per cent. " removal of hair by liming is not dressing, ss. 8,720. " from countries where cattle diseases exist, must be accompanied by a certificate of disinfection, ss, 10,286-11,009 12,196. " lime cured, as leather, ss. 18,001 20 per cent. " tanned, as tanned leather 20 per cent. Hinge blanks, iron or steel per lb. lVjjCts. Hinges and butts, iron or steel, finished per lb. lj^cts. " " " of other metal 45 per cent. Hinoki, as manufactures wood. ss. 17,823 35 per cent. History, natural, specimens of, imported for scientific public collection and not for sale Free. Hoai bound leaves Free. " seed Free. Hobbj borses, as toys 35 per cent. Hob nails, wrought iron or steel per lb. v! ! , cts. Hods, coal, metal 45 per cent. Hoes, iron or steel, ss. l,oi5 15 per cent. ,. ,,., .. . ..n o™ i < .~iu tin casks per gall. 20 cts. Iloil s malt extract, ss. 10,868 14,718. | .. bot tlesorjugB..pei gall.40cts. " " " bottles pay additional duty as empty. Hogs per head $1.60. ■■ and hog products, from countries infested with hog diseases, are prohibited, ss. 8,626. Hogs' bristles, crude, not sorted, bunched or prepared Free. " sorted, bunched <>r prepared per lb. 7}^> cts. " hair, curled, for mattresses 10 per cent. " " not curled or manufactured Free. Hogsheads, empty 30 per cent. staves only American, tilled. ss. 16,586 Free. of tin Port, of New York. Holdfasts, plumbers', asforgings, ss. 7,401 35 per cent. Holidays and Sundays are included in 10 days allowed for protest, ss. 3,139. Hollands, brown, linen, as woven fabrics. " window, as cotton cloth filled, ss. 10,346 10,558 per sq. yard 3 cts. and 20 per cent. Hollow ware, cast, ss. 8,537-10,414 per lb. T 8 ct. " " " coated, glazed or tinned. 88. 10,414 per lb. 2 cts. " " sheet iron, glazed and pressed, 88.6,396-21,425 40 per cent. " " wood pulp, ss. 9,644 35 per cent. Homatropine, pure crystals, as medicinal preparation, ss. 13,701-20,052, per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. Home and foreign values must be given by appraiser on all unclaimed goods before sale, ss. 8,575. Homeopathic coffee, ss. 6,922 per lb. 2^j cts. Home port of vessel is port where her papers are issued, as. 2,696-3,157. Ilomeriana, as proprietary medicine, ss. 6,564 25 per cent. Honduras, packages of 11 lbs. or under may be imported in the mails, ss. 8,791. Hones and whetstones Free. Honey per gall. 20 cts. " water, cosmetic 50 per cent. Hoods, fur as hats . " straw trimmed 50 per cent. " " untrimmed 35 per cent. " all others as wearing apparel, ss. 10,787. Hoof pads, as manufactures of iron, ss. 6,994 45 per cent. Hoofs, unmanufactured Free. Hooks and eyes, metallic, whether loose, carded or other- wise, including weight of cards, cartons, and immediate wrappings and labels, ss. 9,150 per pound 5}^ cts. and 15 per cent. " fish 45 per cent. " " on silk gimp, ss. 5,587 45 per cent. " iron, wire shaped by pressure, ss. 7,668 45 per cent. " or holders, metal and rubber, ss. 9,244 45 per cent. " or holdfasts, plumbers', as t'orgings, ss. 7,404 35 per cent. " reaping or grass 45 per cent. " with artificial bait, ss, 7,013 45 per cent. Hoop or band iron, or hoop or band steel, cut to leng hs, or wholly or partly manufactured into hoops or ties, coated or not coated with paint or any other preparation, with or without buckles or fastenings, for baling cotton or any other commodity per lb. T 6 5 cent. Hoops, ash, as manufactures wood, ss. 15,711 35 per cent. " wooden, for barrels, etc., ss. 2,307-3,903 35 per cent. " toy 35 per cent. 356 ( 'ustoms Brokers and Clerks Association Hoop iron or steel, valued at 3 cents per pound or less, eight inches or less in width, and less than three-eighths of one inch thick and not thinner than number 10 wire gauge per lb. f e cent. Thinner I ban number 10 wire gauge and not thinner than number 20 wire gauge per lb. xo cent. Thinner than number 20 wire gauge ....per lb. ft cent. Flared, splayed or punched, with or with- out buckles or fastenings, rate on the hoop or band iron or steel from which they are made and additional per lb. T ',, cent. Hoop strips, elm, unmanufactured, ss. 5,655 20 per cent. " timber, rough, ss. 3,035 20 per cent. " " round, in bark, ss. 3,027 Free. Hop poles, unmanufactured, ss. 1,582-3,204-5,105 Free. " extract 50 per cent. '• powder, crude drug (lupnline) 50 per cent. " roots, for cultivation Free. •' waste, ss. 1 1,051 50 per cent. Hops per lb. 12 cts. " iron drums containing, are usual coverings, ss. 8,264. Horehound Free. " seed Free. Horn, all manufactures of. n. s. p. f 30 per cent. buttons, per line per gross ?.■{ ct. and 15 per cent. combs 30 per cent. machette handles, as manufactures of horn, 88. 13 357 30 per cent. pith, crude, ss. 4,786 Free. pith sizing, ss. 4,750 30 per cent. sheets, as manufactures of horn, ss. 12,705 30 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. ■'in per cent. Free. Free. Free. strips, polished and bored, ss. 7,51!MI,43l-!»,K7'.l V.K IS I " polished and ready for use, dress bones. manufactures of horn, ss. 18,588 " wound or United With cotton thread. 88. 7. 907. " for knife handles, unmanufactured, ss. [2,439 12,802 tips, unmanufactured Horns, and parts of, ss. 12,439 " musical instruments, ss. 18,241 46 per cent Horse bandages, according to material, ss. 81,713. " blanketing, as manufactures jute, ss. 17,912 45 per cent blankets, as wool blankets, ss. 15,021. " clippers, ss. :j. hs 5,827 8,528 45 per cent " cloth, as manufactures of jute, ss. 7,265 10,588.... 45 per cent clothing, as manufactures of wool, ss. 8,132: traiue not more than 40 cents per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. above IDcts and not above 70 cts peril). per lb. 11 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 els. per lb per 11). II cts, and 55 per cent of the Port of New York. 357 Par. 571 Horse hair, cleaned or not cleaned, drawn or not drawn . Free. § 6 " " mattresses as n. e. manf. article, SB. 21,786 -21,841 20 per cent. •• protectors, ss. 9,734 45 per cent. ' rakes 20 per cent. 1 shears, ss. 3,195 I value not more than 50 cts. per doz per doz. 15 cts. and 15 per cent. I " more than 50 and not more than $1.75 | per doz per doz. 50 cts. and 15 per cent. " more than $1.75 per doz \ per doz. 75 cts. and 25 per cent. Horses, live, value $150 per head or less, ss. 2,741 16, 730- 17,168 $30.00. " over $150 25 per cent. " are tools of trade or profession, ss. 7,180 14,850... " circus, are dutiable, ss. 9,633. " for racing, under bond Free. " " " if not exported in six months, are duti- able, ss. 17,307. " are household effects, dutiable, otherwise, ss. 2,741-7,761-16,730-22,116. " of persons having summer residences in IT. S. are dutiable, ss. 12,759-13,027. " of persons coming into U. S. to engage in lum- bering are dutiable, ss. 11,759. li performing are not for " exhibition," ss. 10.814. " specially imported for breeding, with official pedi- gree, ss. 13,846-21,859 Free. " hides, ss. 18,871 Free. " to be trained and exported are dutiable, ss. 8,627. " used for immigrating purposes, ss. 2,388-2,724. . . Free. Horseshoe nails per lb. 2*4 cents. " iron, bar or flat, ss. 1,587 per lb. T % ct. " " if charcoal was used in manufacture perton $12.00. Horse shoes , per lb. 1 cent. Hose, leather 35 per cent. " leather, with metal rivets and couplings 45 per cent. ' hydraulic, made in whole or in part of flax, hemp or jute per lb. 'JO cents. ' of rubber wholly 30 percent. Hosiery, stockings, hose and half hose, selvedged, fash- ioned, narrowed, or shaped wholly or in part by knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, including such as are commercially known as seamless stockings, hose and half hose, and clocked stockings, all of the above composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, finished or unfinished, ss. 13,683-14.327: 358 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association 317 370 370 390 318 339 370 390 390 319 314 3J0 Value not ruore than si per doz. pairs 50 cts. per doz. pairs and 15 per cent. " more than $1 per doz. pairs and not more than $1.50 per doz. pairs 00 cts. per doz. pairs and 15 per cent. '• more than $1.50 per doz. pairs and not more than §2 per doz. pairs 70 cts. per doz. pairs and 15 per cent. " more than $2 per doz. pairs and not more than §8 per doz. pairs $1.20 per doz. pairs and 15 per cent. " more than $8 per doz. pairs and not more than $5 per doz. pairs *2 per doz. pairs and 15 per cent. " more than $5 per doz. pairs 55 per cent. Hosiery, stockings, etc., n. s. p. f., ss. 22,007 30 per cent. " " wool or animal hair. knit. .per lh. 44 cts &00pereent. " " wool and silk, silk chief value per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " " silk 60 per cent. " cotton, mock 6eam, fast hose, as fashioned and shaped, ss. 11,337. embroidered, ss. 19,080 60 per cent. " is not regalia, ss. 9.197. " saxolaine, as wool knit wearing apparel, ss. 7,756 per 11). 11 lis. and 60 per Cent. " silk 60 per cent. " striped or clocked are not embroidered, ss. 22,268. " " plaited, ss. 8,700 60 per cent. " shirts and drawers, pants, vests, union suit*. combination suits, tights, sweaters, corsel coi - ers and all underwear of every description made wholly or in part on knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, finished or unfin- ished, not including Stockings, host' and half hose, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber: /Value not more than {1.50 per doz. 60 ris. per do/, and 15 per cent. " more than $1.50 per doz. and not more than $3 per doz $1.10 per doz. and 15 per cent. more than $8 per doz. and not more than *5 per doz $1.50 per. doz and 25 per cent. " more than $5 per doz. and not more than §7 per doz $1.75 per doz. and 35 per cent. " moii- than $7 per doz. and not more than $15 per doz $2.25 per do/., and 35 per cent. \ " above $15 per doz 50 per cent. " the same made from woven fabrics 50 per cent. " wool, hair, etc.. as knit wearing apparel, ss. 12,998 13,888-16,3111 10.057 per 11*. 11 its. and 60 per cent. Hospitals are not tor scientific, &c, purposes, 88.2,084 9,610 10,846 16,855. of the Port of New York. 359 Hospitals with clinic, are for scientific, &c, purposes, ss. 9,610-18,708-18,707. Hour-glasses 60 per cent. Household effects, usual and reasonable furniture, of persons or families from foreign countries, if actually used abroad by them not less than one year, and not intended for any other person or persons, nor for sale, ss. 1,814-7,761- 8,267-8,530 9,703-12,404-16,730-22,116 Free. " " boat is not, ss. 7,611-12,001. " " horses and carriages are, ss. 16,730 -22,116. " " if intended for sale are dutiable, ss. 7,143. " " not merchandise, of American citi- zens dying abroad, 2,468-2,724 Free. " " of an immigrant, brought by his fam- ily after his settlement, ss. 7,805.. . Free. " " saddlery is, ss. 3,321-4,145-16,730. " ■' small safe may be, ss. 9,703. " " if a bequest to persons in United States are dutiable, ss. 21,883. House furniture, wood, finished or unfinished 35 per cent. " " all other, according to material, ss. 8,162. Hubs, for wheels, rough, hewn or sawed only, ss. 3,863. . . 20 per cent. " " " manufactured, ss. 14,299 35 per cent. " " " metal, ss. 15,011 45 per cent. Huckabucks. linen, as woven fabrics. Hulls, peas, ss, 18,000-18,020-18,026 20 per cent. Human hair, cleaned or drawn, not manufactured, ss. 3,353-14,252 20 per cent. " " all manufactures of, n. s. p. f., ss. 1,366. ... 35 per cent. " " curled, as unmanufactured, ss. 12,213 20 per cent. " " raw, uncleaned and not drawn Free. " skeletons and specimens of anatomy Free. Hungary water, cosmetic 50 per cent. Hunters' guns, as tools of trade, ss. 10,967 Free. Hunting knives (see Knives). " horns 45 per cent. Hunyadi Janos water, as natural spring, ss. 7,023. Hyacinth bulbs 25 per cent. Hydrastin, hydrochlorate, as medicinal preparation, ss. 13698 25 per cent. Hydrate of alumina, ss. 15,980 per lb. -,% ct. " chloral, ss. 1,962-13,730 25 per cent. " " potash, not including refined, in sticks or rolls, ss. 3,940 Free. " " " refined per lb. 1 ct. 360 customs Brokers and Clerks Association Hydrate of soda or caustic soda per lb. % ct. Hydraulic- cement, in barrels, sacks or other packages, including weight or packages per 100 lbs. 8 cts. " cement, in bulk per 100 lbs. 7 cts. " hose, in whole or in part of flax, hemp or jute, per lb. 20 cts. " lime, as cement, ss. 3,517 : I in barrels or other packages per 100 lbs. 8 cts. 'i in bulk per 100 lbs. 7 cts. press Cloth, ss. 0,056-10,505 per sq. yd. 30 cts. Hydriodate of potash per lb. 25 cts. " " soda, as salts 25 per cent. Hydrobromic acid 25 per cent. Hydro carbonate of lime, as whiting, dry per lb. J4 ct . " " " " ground in oil per lb. 1 ct. Hydrochloric acid Free. Hydrographic charts 25 per cent. " " if printed over 20 years Free. Hydroleine or soap powder 25 per cent. Hydrometers, ss. 12,544 45 per cent. Hydroquinone, as coal tar preparation, ss. 9,019-9,276 13,590 20 per cent. Hygrometers, ss. 4,826-15,828 45 per cent. Hypnol, ss. 15,171 per lb. 55 cts., but not Uss than 25 per cent. Hyoaciamine, pure amorphous, etc., as medicinal prepara- tion, ss. 11,973 13,701 25 per cent. Hyoscyamus or henbane Free. " " extract of, as medicinal prepara- tion, ss. 11,201 25 per cent. Hypodermic needles, ss. 9,526 15.143 45 percent. " syringes, ss. 8,685 45 per cent. Hyposnlphate of Boda, as salts 25 per cent. Hypothetical questions are not entertained by the Depart- ment, ss. 2,185 14,993. Ice Free. " cases, paper, ss. 10,888, as manufactures of 35 per cent. '■ machines, rough castings for, ss. 8,052 per lb. ft cts. Iceland moss, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. Y\ ct. and 10 per cent. [chthyol, ss. Ml ,360 Free. Ichtyol, as chemical compound, es. 9,408 25 per cent. Icina, as sweetened chocolate, ss. 12,380. Illegal Importations are not entitled to I. T. privileges, N Y.. -Ian. 7, 1800, June 19, 1896. ilea ii nder warehouse bonds before expiration of year, deficit cannot be collected, ss. 4,696. 42 Illuminating oil, whale or fish per gall. 8 cts. " petroleum, crude or refined Free. of the Port of New York. 36t Far. 403 621 §16 434 435 100 301 435 454 Illustrated books, maps and charts 25 per cent. " newspapers and periodicals Free. Images, obscene prohibited. Imitation or mock jewelry, ss. 5,103-5,257-10,408 60 per cent. " diamonds of glass or paste, one inch or less in dimensions 20 per cent. " jet, as manufactures of glass, ss. 1,640-3,160- 3,617 60 per cent. " mineral waters, as mineral water. " precious stones, not set, made of paste or coin- position, and not exceeding one inch in diameter, ss. 14,834 - 14,390 - 15,881-16,980- 17,303-17,399-17,567 20 per cent. " shellac varnish, as distilled spirits, ss. 4,549 per proof gall. $2.25. " tapestries, as paintings, ss. 10,429 20 per cent. Immediate transportation, bottles in bulk not entitled to, ss. 7,988 8,001. bill of lading must show ultimate consignee by indorsement or otherwise, ss. 13,088. cannot cover packages for different consignees, ss. 13,728. can be made on bills of lading to order not en- dorsed, ss. 10,976. final entry must be made on consular invoice, ss. 12,272. free goods are entitled to privilege, ss. 11,897-18,432. from Canada passing through frontier to interior not entitled to allowance for deficiency, ss. 12,605. goods cannot be diverted from destination, ss. 11,050 11,105. goods cannot be laden in car with domestic goods, ss. 14,212. goods lost or stolen in transit, no allowance for, ss. 14,534. Government cannot compel common carrier to transport goods under, ss. 13,750. packed packages are entitled to, ss. 10,850. percussion caps not entitled to privileges of, ss. 5,478. may be made on pro forma invoice, ss. 9,742- 17,136. may be made for free goods, ss. 17,419. short shipments to be treated, as in case of original importations, ss. 12,157-12,777. weight or measurement of bulky goods shipped on platform cars must be ascertained before ship- ment, ss. 12,170. • 645 193 474 m 362 Customs Brokers and ( ' atioti Par. Immigrants likely to become a public charge, cannot be landed, ss. 10,821. " convicts, etc., excluded, ss. 5,417-10,603. hand loom for home use. ss. s.i'.ii Free. " removed to Ellis Island for examination are not landed, ss. 15,101. " steam pump and boring apparatus are duti- able, ss. 8,021 45 per cvni. tax, ss. 10,284-13,27G-H.HH. Art Aug. 18, 1894 per head $1.00. " " is due on each arrival of an alien, unlest he has established a permanent resi- dence in this country, ss. 5,383. " " every alien child is subject to, ss. 5,371- 5,376. " " vessels carrying aliens are responsible for, ss. 5,376. " teams of, if actually used for the purpose of immigration, ss. 1,929-2,050-2,388-2,823- 3,143-4,136^,249 Free. " wearing apparel in actual use. liooks. personal and household effects, professional hooks, implements, instruments and tools of trade. Provided, that books and household effects have been used abroad for over one year. Teams of animals, including iheir harness and tackle when in actual use for the pur- pose of immigration. " Tools of trade " docs not include machinery, ss. 6,317 6,499 7,143- 7,255-7,805-7,827-7,0-'; 7,937 8,321 8,874- 8,469-9,785 Free. Immigrant, is "one who removes into acountry with the intention of fixing his residence there," ss. 3,666. provisions for families and feed for teams, dutiable, ss. 10,834. Immortelles, bleached, 88. 7,370-14,058-14,943-15,990 25 per cent. " natural, ss. 13,875 25 per cent. " suitable for millinery purposes 50 per cent. [mplements,'professional,of persons emigrating to 1 nited States, ss. 7,: 321 7. IS5 S.191 8.27; -8,378 Free. " of iron or steel, ss. 8,535 46 per cent Import, is to bring into the country voluntarily, ss. 1 1,629. Importation h* complete on the arrival of importing vessel within the port, 88. 2,204. Importations made on the day a new tariff act is approved pay new rates, ss. 2,168. Improvements in the arts, models of which eaiinot he tilted lor use Free. [ncense powder, as u, e. manufactured article, ss. 10,232.. 20 per cent. 251 251 425 15 198 616 of the Port of New York. 303 In coniinendam partners are not to be considered full partners, ss. 2,417 2,650. Incubators, according to material of chief value. " infant, are not philosophical or scientific apparatus, ss. 19,054. Indecent articles, importation prohibited. Index, decennial, is not a periodical, ss. 9,259 25 per cent. India hemp, hackled, or line of hemp per ton $40.00. " " substitute for hemp, April23, 1889, New York. per ton $20.00. " ink, as ink, ss. 7,714 25 per cent. " malacca joints Free. Indian black teapots, as tinted earthenware, ss. 13,000 — 60 per cent. " corn, maize per bushel of 56 lbs. 15 cts. " fiber, as n. e. manufactured article 20 per cent. " hemp or hasheesh, crude Free . " " advanced in value per lb. 14 ct - au( i 10 per cent. " meal (corn) per bushel of 48 lbs. 20 cts. " madder or munjeet Free. " " extracts of Free. " red, ss. 2,132-9,838 30 per cent. Indians, effects of, ss. 7,743 8,529-15,015-16,393-17,723 .... Free. " " of, covers only such as are accompanied by owner, ss. 14,576 Free. India rubber and cotton, flax or other vegetable fiber, outside garments, composed of. . .per lb. 15 cts. and 50 per cent. " rubber and silk, ready made clothing and wearing apparel, composed of 60 per cent. " rubber and wool, manufactures of, as wool. " " all manufactures of, except hard or vul- canized 30 per cent. " " and leather foot balls, as manufactures of, ss. 10,587 30 per cent. " " bags for balloons, as manufactures India rubber, ss. 11,164 30 per cent. " " balls 30 per cent. " " blankets, endless, as manufactures of cot- ton, ss. 8,226 45 per cent. " " boots and shoes, as wool wearing apparel, ss. 1.530 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " " crude, and milk of, ss. 19,344 Free. " " cuttings, fit only for re-manufacture, ss. 6,067 Free. " " manufactures of vulcanized or hard 35 per cent. " " match boxes, ss. 4,829 35 per cent. " " old and worn out and fit only for re-manu- facture, ss. 2,046-3,965 Free. " " partially manufactured 30 per cent. " " pouches for tobacco, ss. 3,766-4,258 60 per cent. " " " small, as manufactures of. ss. 16, 34S 30 per cent. " " rough sheets, as crude, ss. 3,718-19,344 Free. 304 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Par. 449 579 449 579 § 6 449 4>5 370 192 45 25 25 500 580 25 25 India rubber sheets, as manufactures of, ss. 3,966 30 per cent. " " scrap which has been worn out by use and is fit only for re-manufacture, ss. 13,215. Free. " " sheeting for hospitals is dutiable, ss. 12,631 30 per cent. " " shoes, old worn out, ss. 10,406-11,264-16,348 Free. " " substitute, ss. 15,317 20 per cent. " " tubing, plain, as manufactures of, ss. 8,551- 14,213 30 per cent. " " with thorns, as parts of artificial flowers, ss. 8,931-13,438 50 per cent. " shawls, cashmere, etc per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. [ndigo auxiliary, ss. 3,428-4,490-16,734 per lb. \% cts. " artificial, as Prussian blue, ss. 8,312 per lb. Sets. " carmined, ss. 3,953 per lb. 10 cts. " other extracts and paste per lb. % cent. " powdered, not carmined, ss. 3,592-19,162-20,925 -21,041 Free. " real, ss. 19,162-20,925-21,041 Free. " white, as extract of indigo, ss. 12,701 per lb. % cent. Indigotine, as carmined, ss. 3,953 per lb. 10 cts. Indorsement of bills of lading may be made by anyone who has made advances on the merchan- dise, or who is protecting the interests of shippers, ss. 3,741-7,890. " of boarding officers must be made on the manifests themselves, and not on pieces of paper attached thereto, ss. 2,680. Indurated fiber wares 35 per cent. " basins 35 per cent. " cuspidores 35 per cent. " pails 35 per cent. " spittoons 35 per cent . " tubs 35 per cent. Industrial partners must have powers of attorney to repre- sent their firms, ss. 1,623. Infants 1 bibs, as embroidered wearing apparel, col Ion and linen, ss. 10,485 60 per cent. Infusions, as medicinal preparation, non-alcoholic 25 per cent. " as medicinal preparation, alcoholic per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. Influenz machines, ss. 12,688 45 per cent. Ingots, of steel. See steel ingots. Ingrain carpets, double per sq. yd. 18-cts. and 40 per cent. " " treble per sq. yd. 22 els. and 40 per cent. Initial embroidered on article makes embroidery, ss. 17,239-17,262-17,812. 320 Initials, cotton, ss. 14,847 per lb. 50 cts. and 30 per cent- 391 " silk, as manufactures of, ss. 14,847 50 per cent. 306 Ink blotters, part wool, as rnfrs. of, ss. 7,208. 433 433 433 433 433 433 839 OH 67 193 135 378 377 of the Port of New York. 365 Par. 94 Ink bottles, stoneware, 88. 3,270 25 per cent. " extractor, wood and acid, as manufactures, wood, ss. 10,791-12,201 35 per cent. 26 Inks, of all kinds and ink powders, ss. 7,714-21,588 25 per cent. " officers of the Treasury Department will use only those furnished by the Department, ss. 2,442. | Inkstands (according to material), ss. 1,389-3,377-13,304. Insane asylums are not entitled to import free, ss. 386. 20 Insect powder, vegetable, ss. 2,51(i-3,077-6,161.perlb. 54 ct - & 10 per cent. 548 ! Insects, dried, crude, known as drugs Free. 20 " " advanced in value, ss. 6,161... per lb. J4 ct. & 10 per cent. 549 " eggs Free. 76 Insecticide, as caustic soda, ss. 21,322 per lb. % ct. [nsertings or insertions (cotton embroideries) 60 per cent. " are not laces, ss. 15,230-15,985- 16,927-17,992 60 per cent. " flax lace 60 per cent. " silk 60 per cent. " wool — per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. Inspectors must wear cap with badge " U. S. Customs" thereon, ss. 7,540. " of customs must make their returns of cargoes discharged, from their discharging book, ss. 2,606. " are not entitled to extra compensation for discharging vessels on Sundays or holidays, N. Y., November 22, '95. " receive an extra compensation of $10 for each night they superintend the unlading of steam vessels, ss. 1,620-3,121. 503 Institutions— Books, maps, music, photographs, etchings, lithographic prints and charts specially imported, and not more than two copies in any one invoice, in good faith, for the use or by order of any society or institution incorporated or established solely for re- ligious, philosophical, educational, scien- tific or literary purposes, or for the en- couragement of the fine arts, or for the use or by order of any college, academy, school or seminary of learning in the United States, or any State or public library, and not for sale, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treas- ury shall prescribe Free " Philosophical and scientific apparatus, uten- sils, instruments, and preparations, in- cluding bottles and boxes containing the same, specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society or ( istoms Brokers arid Clerks Association 619 153 458 453 453 6 18 645 198 en; i ii -t irutiou incorporated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educa- tional, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use or by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States, or any State or public library, and not for sale, subject to such regulations as the Sesretary of the Treas- ury shall prescribe Free. Institutions -Regalia and gems, statues, statuary and specimens or casts of sculpture where specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society incorporated or established solely for educational, philo- sophical, literary, scientific or religious purposes, or for the encouragement of fine arts, or for the use and by order of any college, academy, school, seminary of learning, in the I'nited States or any state or public library, and not for sale; but the term "regalia" as herein used shall be held to embrace only such insignia of rank or office, or emblems, as may be worn upon the person or borne in the hand during public exercises of the society or institution, and shall not include articles of furniture or fixtures, or of regular wear- ing apparel, no1 personal property of in- dividuals Free. Instruments, musical, and parts thereof 45 per cent. " " gut strings for 45 per cent. " " metal strings for 45 per cent. silk '• " SB. 4,458-5,874- 10,339 45 per cent. " philosophical, according to material. " " specially imported Free. " professional, of persons emigrating to United Mates Free. " surgical are not philosophical or scientific, ss. 4,128. Insulated copper wire, ss. 5,899 45 per cent. [nsulators, electric, according to material, ss. 6,699. ments (animal), crude, unmanufactured Free. Intermediate port, ss. 15. 896 In i nil revenue stamps must be affixed and cancelled by importer or owner while they are in custody of customs officers, ss. 2,786. " tax on alcohol per proof gall. $1.10. of the Port Of New York. 367 Par. ■ Id 496 616 Internal revenue tax on cigars and cheroots, weighing over:! lbs. per 1,(U) per 1,000 $3.00. " " '■ cigars and cheroots, weighing 3 lbs. per 1,000 or under per 1,000 $1.00. " " " cigarettes weighing 3 lbs. per 1,000 or under per 1,000 $1.00. " " " " weighing over 3 lbs per 1,000 $3.00. " " " oleomargarine, domestic per lb. 2 cts. " " " •' foreign per lb. 15 cts. " " " snuff per lb. cts. " " " tobacco, manufactured per lb. 6 cts. " " " whiskey per proof gall. $1.10. Interest is not allowed on duties refunded under Act of June 10, 1800. ss. 11,016. " is not an clement of dutiable value, ss. 1,830. Intestines, Animals Free. Inventions, models of (that cannot be fitted for use) Free. Invoices of $100 or over must be certified before a consul, Act of June 10, 1890, ss. 4,338. " are not required for goods in transit from port to port in United States, ss. 11,778-15,348. " are not required for specie, ss. 11,895. " authentication of, after shipment, is not neces- sarily void, ss. 1,668. " cannot be certified by ex-consul, ss. 16.141 . " cannot be certified by a clerk in absence of consul, ss. 21,769. " extracts certified by collector of another port may be received, ss. 17,462. " for " free goods " must be certified by a consul, ss. 10,580. " for household and personal effects should give separate value for each package, ss. 13,005. " for shipments of $100 or over in value, purposely divided into lots under $100 in value, must be rejected, ss. 12,420. •' consular required on shipments of personal effects when not accompanying the passenger valued over $100, ss. 21,872. " for household effects, consular is required on all entries for, whether dutiable or free, exceeding $100 in value, ss. 21, W2. " fraudulent, are not condoned by addition to value on entry, ss. 8,013. " from employers of convict labor must be ac- companied by a certificate under oath that the articles were not produced wholly or in part by convict labor, bs. 14,353. " incorporation of master's certificate allowed, ss. 16,048. 308 Customs Brokers and clerks Association Invoices male up on tissue paper and press copies of in- voices will be rejected. Cust. Reg. of 1892, Art. 290. " manufacturer must declare before consul at place of shipment, ss. 17,534. " may be made up in any language, ss. 11, 154. " may cover shipments of several consignors sen! to one consignee, ss. 12,602-13,012. may cover goods for different parties if con- signed to agent of sbipp t. s->. 14,031. " must show port of entry, ss. 11,430. " must be made out in the weights and measures of the place of purchase, ss. 3, 155. '• must be certified in district where goods are when purchased, ss. 17,524. " must be made up on firm ami durable paper, and legibly written in permanent ink. Cast. Reg. of 1893, Art. 290. " must not include goods shipped by different vessels, Cust. Reg. of 1892. Art. 290. " must show separate contents and value of each package, ss. 2,625. must be made up in currency actually paid for purchased goods. Cust. Reg. of 1892. Art. 286. '• no allowance for changes made by shippers after certification by U. S. Consul, ss. 19,358. " over-valued for purpose of reducing rate of duty must be appraised at actual market value to de- termine correct rate of duly, ss. 4,913. •' of sugar may be made in conditional terms, ss. 16,391-16,114. " pro forma, need not be made abroad, ss. 1,388. " cannot be used if triplicate is on file in Custom House. 88. 10,520. " should state the value of the goods "per se" and the several items of costs and charges sep arately, ss. 11,902 13,458 18,480 13,630 18,646 IK, 109. " substitution of pro forma for consular not al- lowed, ss. 15,356. " of corrected, not allowed after ap- praiser's action, ss. 15,657. " to replace undervalued consignments not al- lowed, ss. 17,295. " under $100 do not require consular certificate, ss. 10,293. " used at ports of first arrival cannot be used again except Tor references at interior ports, ss. 1,892. [odate and iodide of potash per lb. 25 cts Iodine, crude Free of the Port of New York. 369 Pir. 27 3 28 583 58 J 81 5 84 20 70 121 3 193 159 127 122 148 125 142 193 143 143 Iodine, resublimed per lb. 20 cts. " salts of 25 per cent. Iodoform per lb. $1.00. Ipecac Free. Iridium Free. Irish moss, as sea moss 10 per cent. Iris or orris root, crude Free. " " " advanced in value per lb. Y\ ct. and 10 per cent. " pulverized, as a dentifrice 50 per cent. Iron ore, including manganiferous per ton 40 cts. " acetate of, as chemical salt 25 per cent. " all articles, n. s. p. f., as manufactures of 45 per cent. " " enameled or glazed, with vitreous glasses. 49 per cent. " anchors and parts thereof, ss. 365 per lb. 1J^ cts. " " old. unlit for use, as scrap iron, 88. 365 per ton $4.00 " andirons, cast per lb. T 8 5 ct. " angles, plain, punched, or fitted for use per lb. ^ ct. " anvils, in whatever stage of manufacture per lb. 1% cts. " articles, n. s. p. f 45 per cent. " axle bars, without reference to the stage or state of manufacture, value not more than 6 cts. per lb. per lb. 1 ct. " blanks, without reference to the stage or state of manufacture, value not more than 6 cts. per lb per lb. 1 ct. axles or parts thereof, without reference to the" stage or state of manufacture, value not more than C cts. per lb per lb. 1 ct. " fitted in wheels or parts of wheels per lb. 1 J£ cts. band, hoop, or scroll iron or steel, not otherwise provided for in this Act, valued at three cents per pound or less, eight inches or less in width, and Ir^s than three-eighths of one inch thick and not thinner than number ten wire gauge per lb. T 6 ct. thinner than number ten wire guage and not thin- ner than number twenty wire guage per lb. f s ct. thinner than number twenty wire guage per lb. T 8 5 ct. j^g^Barrel hoops of iron or steel, and hoop or band iron or hoop or band steel flared, splayed or punched, with or without buckles or fastenings, duty imposed on hoop or band iron or steel from which they are made and additional per lb. ,',, ct. Bands or strips of steel, untempered, suitable for making band saws per lb. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. if tempered, or tempered and polished per lb 6 cts. and 20 per cent. band or hoop iron, or hoop or band steel, cut to lengths, or wholly or partly manufactured into hoops or ties, coated or not coated with paint or any other preparation, with or without buckles or 171 128 370 ( ustoms lirok, is mid Ckrks Association Par. fastenings, for baling cotton or any other com- modity per lb. ,"0 ct. Iron band, galvanized or coated with zinc or spelter, or other metals, as sheet iron and per lb. ^ ct. bars, hammered or rolled, 88. 14,553 per lb. ,' Ct. " for railways per lb. /„ ct. beams, plain, punched, or fitted for use per lb. fi, ct. billets, charcoal used per ton $12.00. blacksmiths 1 hammers or sledges per lb. 1}^ cts. blanks for railway tiros, without regard to the degree of manufacture per lb. l \, eta. blooms per lb. ft cl . " if charcoal is used in manufacture per ton $12.00. " for railway tires in any degree of manufac- ture per lb. 1 J4 cts. bodkins 25 per cent. boiler or other flues, wrought; pipes, wrought; stays, wrought; tubes, wrought; not less than 10 wire gauge per lb. 2 cts. less than 10 wire gauge 35 per cent. boilers, ss. 7,536 -15 per cent. bolt blanks per lb. 1J^> cts. bolts, \\ itb or without threads or nuts per lb. ll{> cts. " door, as manufactures of iron 45 per cent. brads of all kinds, not exceeding 16 oz. to 1,000 per 1,000, 1 ' jet. exceeding 1(5 oz. to 1,000 per lb. fori. building forms, plain, punched, or fitted for use per lb. ft ct. bull) beams, plain, punched or fitted for use per lb. ft it. by hydrogen, as medicinal preparation, ss. 681- • 1,747 25 per cent. cables, as chains. carbonate of 25 per cent. card clothing per BQ.. ft. 80 cts. car tires per lb. p., its. car truck channels per lb. ft ct. casters, furniture, as manufactures of iron 45 per cent. (covers articles which have been cleaned, pickled, or rumbled only), 88. 12,81 1 per lb. ft ct. " malleable per lb. ft ct. " " galvanized or tinned, ss. 8,180 45 per cent. " finished, as manufactures of, ss. .">,!»-'5!i 45 per cent. " not finished, parts of machinery, ss 4,941- 8,052-7,684 7,041 7,234 9,136 12,814 12,855 12,920 1:5,362 per 11). ft ct. " are entitled to entry under Sec. 12. " " not works of art, ss. 13,362. cylindrical furnaces, » elded, made fr plate metal pei lb. 21-6 cts. Bats and rounds Bar iron, rolled or hammered, com- prising flats not less than 1 inch w Lde, nor less than Par. 122 151 125 122 121 193 122 122 193 Of the Port of New York. 371 % inch thick, and rounds not less than T 7 e inch in diameter per lb. f a ct. But, if charcoal is used in manufacture per ton $12.00. J£^~Allowanre or reduction of duties for partial loss or damage, in consequence of rust or of discol- oration, shall not be made upon any descrip- tion of iron, nor upon any article wholly or partly manufactured of iroti. Iron in pigs, kentledge, spiegeleisen, ferro manganese, ferro silicon, wrought and cast scrap iron, and scrap steel, ss. 22,049 per ton $4.00. |^"Nothing shall be deemed scrap iron or scrap steel, except waste or refuse iron or steel, fit only to be remanufactured, ss. 6,541 7,359- 7,731 7,935 8,054-8,214-8,239-8,439-8,500 8,701- 9,358-10,556. " chains of all kinds, not less than % of one inch in diameter per lb. \% cts., but not less than 45 per cent. Less than M and not less than % of one inch in diameter per lb. \% cts., but not less than 45 per cent. Less than % and not less than /,. of one inch in diameter per lb. 1% cts , but not less than 45 per cent. Less than f a of one inch in diameter per lb. 3 cts. but not less than 45 per cent. chain links, as manufactures of iron, ss. 8,865 45 per cent. channels per lb. x % ct. chromate of Free. ■ chrome pig, as metal unwrought, ss. 8,496-13,966 20 per cent. ■ chromic ore Free. ' clippings, as scrap, ss. 6,244-22,049 per ton $4 00. 1 cogged ingots for manufacture of railway tires, in any degree of manufacture per lb. 1*4 cts. ' color of lac, as varnish, ss. 2,039 35 per cent. ' columns and parts or sections thereof per lb -^ ct. ' cotton ties, cut to lengths, punched or not punched, with or without buckles, for baling cotton per lb. T R 5 ct. ' crank shafts, manufactures iron, ss. 8,266 45 per cent. ' crochet needles 25 per cent. • crowbars per lb. 1J^ cts. ' crop ends of billets, blooms or rails, as bar iron, ss. 3,624-6,351-9,358-22,049 per ton $4.00. ' if charcoal was used in manufacture, ss. 2. ',049. per ton $4 00. ' curb chains, as chains, ss. 6,101. ' deck beams, plain, punched or fitted for use per lb. /;, ct. ' dirt trust and scales), as. scrap, ss. 4,881 per ton «4.i>0. ' dross from burnt pyrites per ton 40 its. " dust, as manufactures of, ss 7,816 45 per cent. " ferro manganese per ton $4 00. " " silicon per ton $4 00. •• filings, as manufactures of, ss. 5,088 45 per cent. 3f2 i ustoms Brokers and Clerks Association Iron fish plates per Hi. ftct. " tlal rails, punched per lb. 2 7 ct. " floor plates cast, as castings, ss. 11,093 per lb. & ct. " flues, boiler, not thinner than No. 16 w. g per 1'" Sets, " " " all others, n. s. p. f 35 per cent. " forms more advanced than pig and less finished than bar, except castings per lb. , ■";, ct . " the same, if charcoal is used in manufacture per ton $12.00. " forgings, in any shape or in any state of manufac- ture 86 per cent. " forgings, combined with steel, in any shape or in any state of manufacture 35 per cent, " forgings for axles, without reference to Stage or State of manufacture, valued at not more than (i Cts. per !b per lb. 1 et. " forgings for locomotives or parts thereof 35 per cent. " " " engines or parts thereof 35 per cent. " " " vessels or parts thereof 35 percent. ' furnaces, welded, cylindrical, made from [date metal per lb. 2Hj cts. ' gas pipe, cast per lb. ,'„ ct. ' " " wrought, as flues. ' girders, plain, punched or fitted for use per lb. , r ;, ct. ' hammers for blacksmiths per lb. 1'.. cts. ' " all others, as manufactures of 45 per cent. ' hatters' irons, cast per lb. ft et. ' hinge blanks per lb. V.., cts. ' hinges, finished per lb. l '-_. < ts. ' hobnails per lb. 2*4 cts. ' hollowwarc. east per lb. ft ct. ' " " coated, glazed or tinned per lb. 2 cts. " do,- not include articles of sheet iron, ss. 6,396 45 per cent. ' hoop, as band. ■' " galvanized or coated with zinc or spelter, same rate as sheet iron and per lb. ft ct. ' horse shoe nails per lb. 2)4 cts. •' '• " nail plates, as manufactures of metal, ss. 12,929 18,201 45 per cent. " horse shoes, wrought per lb. 1 ct. " hydrated oxide of , as chemical salt. ss. 9,205 25 per cent. " ingots for railway tires, without regard to degree of manufacture per 11). I 1 j cts. " joists, plain, punched or litted for use per lb. T "„ ct. " kentledge per ton $4.00. " knitting needles f »r machines per 1.000 $1 and 25 per cent. " " " n. s. p. f 25 per cent. " larding needles or pins, as manufactures of, ss. 8,995 45 per cent. •• liquor, as chemical compound 25 percent. of the Port of New York. 373 Iron locomotive tires, or parts wholly or partly manu - factured per lb. IHj cts. loops per lb. T s ct. " if charcoal was used in manufacture per ton $12.00. manufactures, n. s. p. f 45 per cent. mill cranks, wrought 45 per cent. " irons 45 per cent. mule shoes, wrought per lb. 1 ct. moisic, as other iron. nail rods, in coils or otherwise : j Yal. 4 cts. or less per lb per lb. T 4 B ct. "/ ' ' over 4 cts. per ib per lb. % ct. nails, cut per lb. {,-, ct. " for ornamenting buttons, as parts of buttons, ss. 6,397. " wire, not less than one inch in length and not lighter than 16 w. g per lb. J^ ct. Less than one inch in length and lighter than 16 w. g per lb. 1 ct all others 45 per cent. " wrought per lb. 2J4 cts. nuts, wrought per lb. 1 ct. ore-hematite, as iron ore, ss. 12.663 per ton 40 cts. " manganiferous per ton 40 cts. " no allowance for moisture contained, ss. 10,235. " sulphur, or pyrites, over 25 per cent, of sulphur.. Free. " " " " less than 25 per cent, of sul- phur per ton 40 cts. oxide, with silica, alumina and lime, as wrought earths, ss. 12,817 per ton $2.00. of, crude, ss. 5,972 9,455-12,339 30 per cent. of (or colcothar), as paint, ss. 2,961-4,914 30 per cent. of (crocus martis>, as color, ss. 6,658-9,265 30 per cent. of, medicinal preparation 25 per cent. of, spent, as n. e. unmfd. article, ss. 19,355. . 10 per cent. ox shoes, wrought per lb. 1 ct. parasol ribs and stretcher in frames or otherwise. . 50 per cent. in pigs, ss. 22.193 per ton $4.00. pills, as medicinal preparation, ss. 6,837 25 per cent. pipes, cast, of every description, ss. 4,941 per lb. ^ ct. " boiler or other, lap welded, seamed or jointed, not thinner than No. 16 wire gauge 2 cts. per lb. All other, finished, n. s. p. f 35 per cent. plates, thinner than No. 10 wire gauge, as iron sheets. " boiler or other, sheared or unsheared, not thinner than No. 10 wire gauge : ss. 19,197. f Valued at 1 ct. per lb. or less per lb. j% ct. " above 1 ct. and not above 2 cts. per lb per lb. T " 5 ct. " " 2 cts. and not above 4 arts thereof, wholly or partly manu- factured per lb. \y-> cts. " refuse per ton $4.00. " residuum, from burnt pyrites per ton in cts. " rivets per lb. 2 cts. " rods, fence, rivet, screw, and other rods, whether round, oval or flat, ss. 11,391 . /'Value not over 4 cts. per lb ^ ct. " over 4 cts. per lb 94 Ct, < Smaller than No. 6 wire gauge, as wire. I Tempered or treated in any manner or partly ^ manufactured, additional duty per lb. J^ ct. " " nail, in coils, as above. " " wire, smaller than No. 6 wire gauge, as wire. " round, in coils or rods, less than , 7 ,- in. in diameter.. . per lb " " " " if charcoal is used per ton §12. TO. " rust and scalings in old scrap, no allowance for, 88. 4,881 per ton $4.00. " sad irons, cast per lb, ft cl " scale, as scrap, ss. 8,463-11,282-11, fi.Vi per ton $4.00. " scrap, wrought and cast, ss. >s.2I I 9,858 9, 190 10,556. -22,049 per ton £4.00. " screws, commonly called wood screws, es. 5,108: f Over 2 in. long per lb. 4 cts. " 1 inch and up to 2 inch long per lb. 6 cts. " J^J inch and up to 1 inch long per lb. 8Jn cts. Yi inch and less per lb. 12 cts. " scroll (see Band'. " " galvanized, or coated with zinc or spelter, as sheets and in addition per lb. ft ct. " shackles or adjustable chain links, as manufactures, 88. 9,008 45 per cent. " shaft ing. 88. 10,556 45 per cent. of I In I'm I Of Xi W Tot k. 375 Iron shapes, structural, rolled, ss. 1*408 per lb. {' s ct. 2.00. " n. s. p. f. ss. 19,198 per lb " charcoal used per ton J sheets, common or black, and including all commer- cially known as common or black taggers, not thinner than No. 10 wire gauge, as iron plates : Valued at over 3 cts. per lb. in addition to duty on such as cost ;i cts. or less.. . per Lb. | ct. All valued at 3 cts. or less per lb Thinner than No. 10, and not thinner than No. 20 wire gauge per lb. , 7 ,, ct. Thinner than No. 20, and not thinner than No. 25 wire gauge per lb. ft ct. Thinner than No. 25 wire gauge, and not thinner than No. 32 wire gauge, .per lb. 1 t Vj cts. v. Thinner than No. 32 wire gauge per lb. l^ cts. " cleaned by acid, or by any other material or process ; pay in addition to above rates per lb. T - ct. " cold rolled, smoothed only, not polished; pay in addition to above rates per lb. T 2 n ct. " coated with tin or lead, commercially known as tin plates, terne plate3, or taggers tin. . .per lb. 1V£ cts. " enameled or glazed with vitreous glass 40 per cent. " galvanized, or coated with zinc or spelter; in addition to rates on iron shests per lb. T - 5 ct . " pickled by acid or by any other material or process: in addition to rates on iron sheets, per lb. T 2 n ct. plates polished, planished or glanced, by whatever name designated per lb. 2 cts. - ii lothed only, not polished, in addition to rates on iron sheets per lb. -f T , ct. shovels, a? manufactures, ss. 17,048 45 per cent. shot, ss. 6,001 45 per cent. shoes, horse, mule or ox, wrought per lb. 1 ct. show cards, ss. 6,141 -9,812 45 per cent. sickles 45 per cent. silicate of as ground mineral substance, ss. 22,223. . . 35 per cent. skelp, valued at more than 3 cents per lb., and not thinner than No. 10 wire gauge, as iron plates, skelp, valued at 3 cents per lb., or less, and thinner than No. lo wire gauge, as sheets of iron, black or common, of corresponding gauge. -I ■ !>-. ss, 1,701 per lb. f B ct. " if charcoal is u-e 1 in manufacture per ton $12.00. sledges, blacksmiths per lb. 1J^ ct. spades 45 per cent. spiegeleisen per ton £4.00. spikes, cut per lb. T 6 ct. " wrought per lb. 1 ct. splice bars per lb. & ct. spri ngs of all kinds 45 per cent Par. 376 Customs Broken: and < U rks Association Iron square, n. s. p. f per lb. ft Ct. " squares 45 per cent. " stays, boiler or other, wrought (see Tubes). " stove irons, cast per lb. ft ct. " " plates, cast perlh. ,-. ct " stoves, as manufactures iron. ss. 11,990 45 per cent. " strip per lb. ft ct. " " if charcoal is used in manufacture per ton $12.00. " structural shapes of all kinds, SB. 7,1)17-7,773-19,198. peril), ft Ct. " sulphate of per lb. J4 ct. " sulphuret of, in natural state, containing more than 25 per cent, of sulphur Five. " sulphuret of, in natural state, containing less than 25 per cent, of sulphur per ton 40 cts. " tacks, cut, not exceeding l(i ozs. to 1,000 per 1,000 1J4 cts. " " " exceeding 16 ozs. to 1,000 per lb. li^ cts. " taggers, as sheet iron, ss. 10,935 11,993 13,908. " tailors' irons, cast per lb. ,1, ct. •• t a pe needles 25 per cent. " Trails per lb. fo ct. " tare on bundles of rods, allowance for straps, ss. 6,405. " tie rods with nuts and screw s, as bolts, ss. 6,968. . . .per lb. 1V£ cts. " toe calks, as manufactures of, ss. 1,03<8 45 per cent. " track tools per lb. \\4, cts. " TT, plain or punched, or lilted for use per lb. T s ct. " tubes, cast per lb. ft Ct. " " boiler, wrought, hip welded, butt welded. seamed or jointed, not thinner than No. 16 wire gauge per lb. 2 cts. " " all other, finished 35 per cent. " turnings, as manufactures of. ss. 5,088 45 per cent. " umbrella ribs and Stretcher in frames or otherwise. . 50 per cent. " vessels, cast per lb. ft ct. " wares, enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses 40 per cent. " waste per ton (4.00. " washers, wrought per lb. 1 ct. " wedges per lb. \\4, cts. " wheels, or parts thereof, for railway purposes per lb. 1J4 cts. " " with axles fitted, as an entirety per lb. !>._, cts. " wire, round, n<>t smaller than 18 wire gauge, value 1 ils. per lli. or less per lb. P , els " " " smaller I ban 18 wire gauge and not smaller than 16 wire gauge per lb. l^cts. " " " smaller than 16 wire gauge per lb. 2 cts. tW When valued at more than 4 cts. per lb . 40 per cent. or steel wire and wire clock and watch wires, and all sleel wires, whether polished or unpolished, in coils or straightened, .and cul to of the Port of New York. lengths, drawn cold through dies, and hat wire, flat steel wire, or sheet steal in strips, uncovered or covered with cotton, silk, or other material, or metal, and all the fore- going manufactures of iron or steel, of whatever shape or form, valued ahove 4 cts. per lb. 45 per cent. Iron wire, n. s. p. f 40 per cent. " " round, a* above, value over four cents per lb. 40 per cent. " " card clothing per square foot 20 cts. " " covered with cotton, silk, or other material: \ Value not above 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. I " above 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. " " covered with zinc, tin or any other metal, in addition to plain wire of corresponding gauge per lb. T ^ T ct. n a fl t „ in~>q. S Value not above 4 cts. per lb. 45 per cent. nai, ss. iv,im.^ K above 4 cts. per lb..... 45percent. " " hairpins 35 per cent. " '• made up into articles, pays in addition to rate of duty imposed upon wire used in the article per lb. \\ cts. " " nails, ss. 3,922 (Less than 1 in. in length and lighter than No. 16 wire gauge. per lb. 1 ct. Not less than 1 in. in length and not lighter than No. 16 wire gauge per lb. ^ ct. All others 45 per cent, " " rods, smaller than No. 6 wire gauge, as wire. " " " rivet, screw, fence and other, whether round, oval, flat or square, or in any other shape, ss. 1,014-3,887: t Value not over 4 cts. per lb per lb. r 4 ct. ) " over 4 cts. per lb per lb. ¥\ ct. " " rope, maximum duty imposed on wire, and. . . per lb. let. " wrought, for ships 35 per cent. Isinglass, Belonga, as g.datin, ss. 9,484. " bleached fish bladders are, ss. 10,785: Value not above 10 cts. per lb per lb. 2£ cts. " above 10 cts. per lb. and not above 35 cts. per lb 25 per cent. " above 35 cts. per lb. .per lb. 15 cts. and 20 per cent. Chinese and Japanese, ss. 10,923 20 per cent. Russian is, ss. 9,484-10,785-13,549 Istle or Tampico fiber, ss. 6,293 Free. " " " " dyed, ss. 3,320 20 per cent. " lariats, as manufactures vegetable fiber, s». 12,220... 45 per cent, Istrian stone is marble, ss. 17,928. 378 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Italian cloths, as wool dress goods, war]) wholly cotton : Value not over 70 cts. per lb. or 5 cts. per sq. yd. and weighing not over 4 ozs. per sq. yd per sq. yd. 7 cts. and 50 per cent. Value over 70 cts. peril), per sq. yd 7cts. and 55 per cent. Value not over 70 cts. per lb. and 15 cts. per sq. yd. and weighing not over -I o/s. per sq. yd persq. yd. 8cts. and 50 per cent. Value over 70 cts. per lb .per sq.yd 8 cts. and 55 per cent. Weighing over tozs. per sq. yd. as woollen cloth. " cotton, as cotton cloth, ss. 1,699-7,560. flax, as hemp per ton 8'-'" pralines, as confectionery, ss. 9,527 50 per cent. " queen bees, ss. 11,015 Free. Ivory, tusks in their natural state or cut vertically across the grain only, with the bark left intact, and vegetable ivory in its natural state, ss. 19, 392. .. Free. " balls, bagatelle, billiard, chess and pool balls 50 per cent. " billiard ball blocks, ss. 11,870-17.438-18,010 50 per cent. " black, drop, ss. 1,349 25 per cent " blocks for teapot handles, ss. 17,574 35 per cent . " buttons, ss. 4,316 . 50 per cent. " combs 35 per cent. " dice, draughts, chessmen 50 per cent . " figures are not statuary, but manufactures of ivory, ss. 11,548 35 per cent. " finished or partly finished articles 35 per cent . " imitation of, as collodion, rolled or in sheets, but not made up per lb. 60 cts. " knife handles, table, ss. 9,713 35 per cent. " pen or pocket, same rate as pen knives, bul not less than . . per piece 5 cts. and 40 per cent. manufactures of, n. s. p. f., ss. 2.612 35 per cent. nuts, as vegetable ivory Free. . " rulers, ss. 9,895 35percent. sawed, as manufactures of, ss. 12,549 35 per cent. " strips for piano keys. SS. 3.0(il 9,053 35 per cent. " vegetable Free. " " disks with hole bored through the centre as button blanks. " " manufactures of, ss. 2,616 25 percent. veieerings. as inaiiufaet ures of, 88. 17,336 35 per cent. " waste, ss. 18,219 10 per cent. Ixle. is istle. ss. 6,804 ' Free. -Jackets, wool, hair, etc., 88. 5,373 per lb. 11 cts. and 60 per cent. " smoking, ss. 12,231 per lb. 44 cts. and CO per cent- Jackets and jacketing, for machinery, as woven wool fabrics, ss. 11,881 : of the Fort of New York. /"Value not more than 40 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. < Value above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. V. Value over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. Jacks, metal, for pianofortes, etc 45 per cent. Jack knives, as pocket knives. Jaconets, as cotton cloth, ss. 6,328. Jacquard, figured goods in piece, silk chief value 50 per cent. Jade, cut or carved, ss. 13,337 45 per cent. " unmanufactured Free. Jalap Free. Jamaica, West Indies, 11 lbs. of merchandise may be im- ported from, in the mails, ss. 8,641. Japan, as varnish, ss. 2,946 35 per cent. " earthenware, decorated 60 per cent. " " not decorated, ss. 3,253 55 per cent. •' carpets, as hemp carpets, ss. 11,415-13,724. " gold size 35 per cent. " rice, brown, ss. 18,162 per lb. l}4cts. Japanese enameled vases, copper chief value, ss. l.ofil — 45 per cent. " bronze pipes, as smokers'' articles, ss. 7,613 60 per cent. * " cloisonne wares, made of metal and enameled with vitreous glasses, ss. 22,076 40 per cent. gelatine, as n. e. manufactured articles, ss. 10,923 20 per cent. " handmade paper, as writing paper, ss. 15,2)5. " imitation leather paper, as surface coated paper, ss. 6,546. " kites, as toys, ss. 11 ,032 35 per cent. " lanterns, as manufactures of paper, ss. 7,415. . . 35 per cent. " metallico, as varnish, ss. 7,131 35 per cent. " paper napkins, ss. 9,050-16,019 35 per cent. rugs, ss. 11,415-13,724. " scrolls, stenciled and finished by hand, ss. 12,808-13,774 -14.524 20 per cent. " tissue paper, as copying paper. " wax, ss. 2,225 Free. Japanned calfskins, as japanned leather, ss. 14,090 14.215. " furniture, as wood 35 per cent. " hardware 45 per cent. " leather: Weighing not over 10 lbs. per doz. hides or skins per lb. 30 cts. and 20 per cent. Weighing over 10 lbs. and not over 25 lbs. per doz per lb. 30 cts. and 10 per cent. Weighing over 25 lbs. per doz per lb. 20 cts. and 10 per cent. * The Secretary of the Treasury has decided to assess cloisonne wares at 45 per cent, until judicially determined, 380 Customs Brokers tin (I ('Inks Association Japonica, terra Free. Jars, common brown earthenware, plain or embossed 25 per cent. " " containing table salt, are usual coverings, 88. 6,567. " " " tea, as unusual covering, ss. 8,236 -12,368 25 per cent. " common, containing toothpaste, are usual coverings, ss. 9,068. " " earthenware, glazed and decorated 00 per cent. " " " plain 55 per cent. " flint or lime glass, blown 60 per cent. " " " " molded or pressed, as bottles. " glass, with metal tops, containing Roquefort cheese, are usual coverings, as bottles, ss. 14.21!). " porcelain, glass 60 per cent. Jasmine or jessamine oil, ss. 8,834 Free. " water, as medicinal preparation, ss. 0.451 25 per cent. Jasper articles, plain, ss. 13,337 50 per cent. " " manufd. and decorated 50 per cent. ( Uncut Free. Jaspis, ss. 13,337 -, Cut, but not set 10 per cent. ( Set, as jewelry 60 per cent. " otherwise 50 per cent. Jaune Indien, as aniline dye, ss. 5,686 30 per cent. Jeans, as cotton cloth. Jeddo gum, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. \.{ et. and 11) per cent. Jellies, all kinds 35 per cent. " guava, Hawaiian, ss. 0,013 35 per cent. Jerk beef, as beef, se. 7,599 85 per cent. Jet beads, not strung 35 per cent. strung or manufactured 60 per cent. bracelets, as manufactures of, ss. 3,744 60 per cent. imitations of, according to materia], 88. 5,014-12,666- 12,675-12,971-17,808. jewelry, 88. 5,161 60 per cent. man u fact u res of, n. S. p. f 50 per cent. necklaces, as jel ornaments, ss. 2,816 OH per cent. " if beads 60 per cenl , ornaments, articles commercial]; known as 50 per cent. " if beads 60 per cent. trimmings 60 percent. unmanufactured Free. Jetsam is dutiable, ss. 2.90:!. Jettisoned goods, recovered 50 years later are free, ss. 15,297. Jewelry, all articles, n. s. p. f., commonly known as "jewelry," ss. 10,914 11.5^3 12,109 14,160.... 60 per cent. " articles composed of base metal in imitation of precious metals, are. ss. 20,298 60 per cent. Par. 198 of the Port of New York. 38l Jewelry, agraffes are not, 88. 9,19:2 45 per cent. " bead necklaces may be, ss. 9,676 60 per cent. " cameos in frames 60 per cent. " cases, covered with velvet and satin lined, as manufactures of wood, ss. 14,502 35 per cent. " charm knives are not, but are pen or pocket knives, sb. 9,073-15,010. " charms of china are not 60 per cent. " " enameled are not, ss. 14,941 60 per cent. " coral, ss. 2,556 60 per cent. " dolls, common, ss. 21 ,430 35 per cent. " enameled silver flowers are, ss. 6,222 60 per cent. " " settings are, 88. 9,130 60 per cent. " gilt collar, and sleeve buttons, ss. 9,832 50 per cent. " glass headed pins are not, ss. 10,686 45 per cent. " gold crosses are, ss. 10,510 60 per cent. " hair pins with ornamental celluloid heads are, ss. 14,706 60 per cent. " hatpins, buckles, etc., are, ss. 20,298 60 per cent. imitation, ss. 8,790-9,676 -12,109-16,334 22,125. ... 60 per cent. " " millinery ornaments are not, ss. 16,482. " masonic jewels are, ss. 8.766 60 per cent. ''• necklaces of beads with brass clasp are, ss. 11,0&3 60 per cent. " onyx bracelets are, 88. 8,751 60 per cent. " opera glasses for charms are, ss. 9,665 60 per cent. " ornamental sleeve buttons, ss. 5,208-5,315 50 per cent. " plated bars, hooks and swivels for watch chains are not, ss. 9,003 45 per cent. " rosaline articles, for manufacture of, are not, 88. 10,929 35 per cent. " shell buckles are, ss. 11,078 60 per cent. " short pieces of brass chain are not, ss. 9,060 45 per cent. " silk guards for watches are not, ss. 8,837 50 per cent. " silk vest chains are, ss. 17,053 60 per cent. " steel, ss. 8,830 60 per cent. " theatrical crowns are, ss. 9,027 60 per cent. " " mock is, 88. 3,099 60 per cent. watch chains are, bs. 8,830-10,889 60 per cent. " " guard? are, ss. 21,958 60 per cent. Jewels, clock, cut, ss. 13,364-13,809-15,350 10 per cent. " watch, sb. 13,364 13,809-15,350 10 per cent. Jews' harps, as toys, ss. 21,981-22,096-22,105 35 per cent. Jipins, as manufactures of wool, ss. 9,980: value not more than 40 cts. per lb. .per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. value above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb . 44 cts. and 50 per cent. value over 70 ( ts. per lb pel lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. Jockeys, dumb, as manufactures of metal, ss. 11,191 45 per cent. 382 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Joists, iron or steel per lb. ft ct. Jonquils 35 per cent. Joss, Chinese, figure representing, not regalia, ss. 8,133. " house fittings are not regalia. " stick or Joss light Free. Journalists, hooks of poetry and fiction arc not profes- sional books of, ss. 1,988 85 pet cent. Judgments, the Secretary of the Treasury cannot remit a judgment of a court, ss. 8,520. Juglandium, oil of Free. Jugs, common stoneware with trademark, ss. 8,078 8,167. 25 percent. " containing mineral water, duty according to material, ss. 10,861. Juice, cherry (as fruit juice), ss. 3,672-13,176-12,445 : ! not over 18.' of alcohol per gall. 60 Cts. I over 18', of alcohol, [per gall. 00 cts and on alcohol contained, per proof gall. $2.07. " cherry, concentrated, as alcohol compound, ss. 15,854 per lb. CO cts. and 45 per cent. " currant, as fruit juice, ss. 11,367 : I not over IS. of alcohol per gall. 60. cts. - over is:; of alcohol, I per gall. 60ctS. anion alcohol contained, per proof gall. $3. "7. " fruit, n. s. p. f. containing more than 18% of i alcohol, ss 21,916. I per gall, till cts. and on alcohol contained, per proof gall. $2.07. Containing not more than 18)8 of alcohol per gall. 60 ets. " lemon, lime and sour orange, ss. 2,345 6,589 Free. lemon, fortified as lemon juice, ss. 11.315 13.008- 13,232 Free. " licorice, ss. 1,882 per lb. 414 ct9 - orange concentrated, as alcohol compound, ss. I 1 825 per lb. 60 cts. and ir> per cent. paw paw. as medicinal preparation, ss. 9,105 25 percent. " pineapple, as fruit juice, ss. 16,275 10.360. " prune. " containing no alcohol or not more than is. of al- cohol per gall. 60 cts. containing more than IS , of alcohol per gall. 60 ets. and on alcohol contained, per proof gall. $3.07. " strawberries crushed, as fruit juice, ss. 11,896. tamarind, as medicinal preparation, ss. 8,418 25 per cent. Juices, medicinal preparation, non-alcoholic 35 per cent. '• " " alcoholic per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. Jujube, as confeel lonery, ss. 8,733 50 per cent. Julep straws, as manufactures of straw, ss. 11,844 30 per cent. Jumping Jacks, as toys, ss. 7,407 35 per cent. Juniper, oil of Free. iiei lies, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. '4 ct. and 10 per cent. of the Port of New York. 3 C 3 Junk, old Free. " " bottles are not, ss. 22,145. Jus de Cassis, as fruit juice, ss. 7,671. Jute Free. " bagging, double warp or twilled 45 per cent. " bags or sacks made from plain woven fabrics, of single jute yarns, not dyed, colored, stained, painted, printed, or bleaehel, and not exceeding thirty threads to the sq. inch, counting the warp and filling per lb. %c. and 15 per cent. " bags, all others 45 per cent. " binding twine 45 per cent. " buckram, as jute cloth, ss. 20,011. " burlaps, as jute cloth, ss. 2,951-4,097. " butts and cuttings, ss. 1,447-2,336 -2,695 Free. " canvas for floor cloth over 60 in. wide 45 per cent. " canvas, plain woven, ss. 19,098 per lb. % ct. and 15 per cent. " carpet and carpeting, valued at not exceeding 15 cts. per square yard per square yard 5 cts. and 35 per cent. valued above 15 cts. per sq. yd. per sq. yd. 10 cts. and 35 per cent. " cloth, not exceecung 60 ins. in width, weighing not less tban 6 ozs. per sq. yd., and not exceeding thirty threads to the sq. in., counting the warp and filling per lb. % ct. and 15 per cent. if exceeding 30 and not exceeding 55 threads to the sq. in., ss. 17,208 per lb. % ct. and 15 ner cent. •' all other cloth 45 per cent. " hydraulic hose per lb. 20 cts. " manufactures of, n. s. p. f., ss. 3,619-21,596 45 per cent. " matting, as carpet, ss. 7,237. " mats and rugs, same as jute carpets. " padding, as woven fabrics, ss. 14,330, 17,482. " press cloth, as manufactures of jute, ss. 13,430-15,996. 45 per cent. " rags for paper mikers, fit only for Free. " rejections, as butts, ss. 2,052-2,695 Free. " sacks are usual coverings for fine salt, ss. 6,830. " safety fuses, as manufactures of, ss. 6,213 45 per cent. " seed, ss. 1,629 Free. " school bags, as manufactures of, ss. 6,691 45 per cent. " slippers, as wearing apparel 50 per cent. " table mats, as manufactures of jute, ss. 14,072 45 per cent. " thread waste, fit only for paper stock, ss. 1,836 Free. " twists, as manufactures, n. s. p. f., ss. 3,115 45 per cent. " velours (see cotton velvets), ss. 5,963. " " with metal thread, ss. 7,243. " waste, fit only for paper stock, es. 22,097 Free. " yarn, ss. 700, not finer than 5 lea or number per lb. 1 ct. and 10 per cent. " " if finer than 5 lea or number 35 per cent. Par. 384 Customs Broker* and I lerks Association K. Kainite Free. Kaleidoscopes 45 per cent. " as toys, ss. 2,386 35 per cent. Kali, citrated, ss. 6,006 85 per cent. Kalidunger, dung salt. ss. 561-715-4,210 Free. Kamola or Karneola, crude, ss. 3,801 Free. not crude per lb. }4 ct. and 10 per cent. Kangaroos 20 per cent. Kangaroo skins, dressed and finished, ss. 3.640 20 per cent. " " not dressed Free, Kaoka, coffee substitute, ss. 1,564 per lb. 2*^ cts. Kaoline, china clay, --. il.M I. HI 1.11.7 5.051 per ton $2.50. " kiln dried, for clearing wines, ss. 5,051 20 per cent. Kefir seed or fungi, as n. e. mfd article, ss. 21,260 20 per cent. Keller's tanin powder, ss. 17,351 per lb. 50 cts. Kelp Free. Kentia Fosteriana, nuts,- as palm nuts, ss. 13,491 Free. " " 25 per cent. Kentledge, iron, ss. 1,440-2,082 per ton $4.00. Kermee, insect, crude Free. " not crude per lb. J4 ct. and 10 percent. " mineral 20 percent Kernels, palm nut Free. " peach, ss 21,567 EVee. " apricot, ss. 21,567 Free. Kerosene oil Free. " " from country charging duty on same from United States, duty equal to duty charged by such country. " " residuum of, ss. 6,5.12 20 per cent . Kettles, cast iron per lb. ft ct. " " " coated, glazed or tinned per lb. 2 cts. " copper, brass, tin or other metal 45 per cent. " enameled or glazed, with vitreous glasses 40 per cent. Keys, clock, as manufactures of metal, ss. 6,558 -15 per cent. " metal, if not jewelry 45 per cent. •' watch, if jewelry 60 per cent. " " as manufactures of metal, ss. 3,160 0,700- 8, 126 10,010 45 per cent. with sardine boxes, for opening, as manufactures of metal, ss. 13,618 45 per cent. Key chains, as chains, ss. 9,848 22,126. " stoppers to bottles, not dutiable separately, ss. 9,260. Kid hair curlers, us manufactures of leather, ss. 6,482- 12.011 35 per cent. " gloves (see Gloves). " gloves, value of, how ascertained, ss. 3,774. 1 16 '■ " trunks, of the rate on corresponding glove.. . 75 per cent. 438 skins, dressed and finished 20 per cent. of the Port of New York. 385 Kiesselguhr, ss. 6,287-7,390 per ton 82.00. Kieserite, ss. 680 Free. Kindergarten, special importations for, ss. 2,076 Free. Kindling wood is firewood, ss. 8,171 " " in bundles not exceeding J4 of a cubic foot each per bundle r 3 B ct, in larger bundles, for each additional %■ of a cubic foot or fractional part thereof f e ct- Kine pox, vaccine matter Free. King's yellow, a color 30 per cent. Kipskins, tanned, ss. 7,963-17,398 20 per cent. Kirschwasser per proof gall. $2.25. " in bottles, bottles pay additional duty as empty. Kissengen salts, ss. 2,271-9,715 Free. Kitchen knives, as table knives. Kites, Japanese, as toys, ss. 11,032 14,063 35 per cent. Kittool fiber, dyed, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 13,591-15,919-18,806 20 per cent . Knall bonbons, as manufactures of paper, ss. 4,767 35 per cent. Knees, ship, as ship timber, ss. 3,602 Free. " boat, are not ship timber, ss. 15,303. 35 per cent. Knife blades, as knives, but not less than 5 cts. per piece and 40 per cent. " fork and spoon, as table knives, ss. 13,656. " sharpeners, as manufactures of metal, 9,393 45 per cent. Knit fabrics, covers piece goods only, ss. 10,736-10,817- 11,097-13,888. I Value not more than 40 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent . j " above 40 cts. per lb. and " fabrics, wool, etc. I not above 70 cts. per lb per lb 44 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cents and 55 per cent . " curtains are lace, ss. 16,112 60 per cent. " goods, shirts and drawers, pants, vests, union suits, combination suits, tights, sweaters, corset covers and all underwear of every description made wholly or in part on knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, finished or unfinished, not including stockings, hose and half hose, com- posed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, ss. 16,533- 21,694: Value not more than $1.50 per doz 60 cts. per doz. and 15 per cent . " more than $1.50 per doz and not more than $3 per doz $1.10 per doz. and 15 per cent. " more than $3 per doz. and not more than $5 per doz $1.50 per doz. and 25 per cent. more than $5 per doz. and not more than $7 per doz $1 7."> per doz. and 35 per cent. " more than &7 per doz. and not more than $15 per doz $2.25 per doz. and 35 per cent. " atiove $15 per doz 50 per cent. 3*6 i 'list, mis Hrok> is ami Clt-rk* AssuchiHon Knit goods, stockings, hose and half-hose, made on knit- ting machines or frames, n.s.p.f. 30 per cent. " " " hose and half-hose, selvedged, fashioned, narrowed, or shaped wholly or in part by knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, including such as are commercially known as seamless or clocked stockings, hose or half-hose, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, finished or unfinished: /Value not more than SI per doz. pairs fO cts. per doz. pairs and 15 per cent. " more than SI per doz. pairs and not more than $1.50 per doz. pairs 60 cts. per doz. pairs and 15 per cent. " more than SI 5D per doz. pairs and not more than $2 per doz pairs ... To cts per doz. pairs and 15 per cent. more than $2 per doz pairs and not more than S3 per doz. pairs $1.20 per doz. pairs and 15 per cent. more than S3 per doz. pairs and not more than $5 per doz. pairs.... $2 per doz. pairs and 15 per cent. " more than $5 per doz. pairs 55 per cent. " " silk 00 per cent. " " wool, worsted or hair, as wearing apparel, ss. 13,888 peril). It cts. and 60 per cent. " " " and silk, as wearing apparel, ss. per lb. 41 cts. and 60 per cent. Knitting machines, ss. 990 45 per cent. " " needles for per thousand $1.00 and 25 percent. 11 needles 25 per cent. Knives, beam 45 percent. bowie, as table knives, ss. 12,936. budding, as pocket knives, ss. 12,935. carving and forks, as table knives, ss. 16,287. chopping, a- table knives, ss. 15,992, clasp, as pocket knives, corn, as pocket knives. curriers', catting and drawing 45 per cent. farriers', ss. 5.011 45 per cent. fiddlers as pocket knives, bs. 18,619 Ash servers', as table, ss. 10,287. fruit, as talile, ss. 17,275 17,838. (e-rman silver, same as others of metal, ham slieers. as l.ilile, ss. 17,731. hunting, as table, bs. I 7.731 . pen <>r pocket, budding, clasp and pruning knives of all kinds, or puis thereof, an 1 erasers, or pails thereof, wholly or partly manufactured, ss. 22,14-1, valued at not more than 40 cts. per dozen 40 per cent. Valued al more than Wets, per doz. and not ex- ceeding 50 cts per doz 1 ct, each and 10 percent. Par. of the Port of New York. 387 Valued at more than 50 cts. per doz. and not ex- ceeding $1.25 per doz 5 cts. each and 40 per cent. Valued at more than $1 .25 per doz. and not ex- ceeding $3.00 per doz 10 cts. each and 40 per cent. Valued at more than $3.00 per doz.. 20 cts. each and 40 per cent. Knives, blades, handles or other parts, SB. 22,144 same as knives, but not less than 5 cts. each and 40 per cent. " pruning, as pocket knives, ss. 12,935-17,590. " spring back or lock, as pocket, ss. 16,960. " table, butchers', carving, cooks', hunting, kitchen, bread, butter, vegetable, fruit, cheese, plumb- ers', painters', palette, artists' and shoe knives, forks and steels, finished or unfinished, with handles of mother-of-pearl, shell or ivory, ss. 18,531 16 cts. each and 15 per cent. but not less than 45 per cent. With handles of deer horn 12 cts. each and 15 per cent. but not less than 45 per cent. " " " hard rubber, solid bone, celluloid or any pyroxy- line material 5 cts. each and 15 per cent. but not less than 45 per cent. " " any other material than those above mentioned, 1V£ cts. each and 15 per cent. but not less than 45 per cent tanners' 45 per cent. " toy, ss. 2,632-17,165 35 per cent. " toy pocket, as other pocket knives, ss. 15,010. Knobs, glass 45 per cent. " metal and plated gilt 45 per cent. " white earthenware 55 per cent. Knockers, metal and plated, or gilt 45 per cent. Knots, stars, etc., gold or silver thread 60 per cent. Kola nuts Free. " srjarkling, as ginger ale. Kowrie gum, crude Free. " " not crude per lb. \i ct. and 10 per cent. " shells, not cut, ground or otherwise manu- factured Free. Krap lach, madder lake, as printers' ink, ss. 3,130 25 per cent. Kremnitz white, white lead 2% cts. per lb. Kreosote, medicinal preparation, ss. 2,587 9,276 25 per cent. Kreserite. as crude mineral, ss. 1,846 Free. Kryofine, as medicinal preparation containing alcohol, ss. 21,360 per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 percent. Kryolith, or cryolite Free. Kyanite Free. 388 Broken and Clerks Association Label cloth, s< 16,83G per sq. yd. 3 cts. and Labels, blank paper, S3. 13,802 " Celluloid. 88. 11,045 per lb. 65 cts. and " cigar, see lithographs, ss. 15,86d 16,833 10,839. " for use as wafers, non-edible " must be attached to all packages of case goods for immediate transportation, ss. 3,507 3,623 3,812- l. I.'. " printed paper " lithographic, as lithographs. " printed on cotton, ss. 17,326 peril). 50 cts. and " for garments, cotton per lb. 59 cts. and " metal, plated and gilt, or otherwise " vulcanized rubber, 83. 1,875 " rubber, soft ... shirt, of cotton, ss. 14,623 14,817. .per lb. 50 cts. and " stamped paper for bottles, as printed matter, ss. 18,017 " surface coated paper, with raised letters, as printed matter, ss. 13,802 Lac, dye cru le seed, button, stick or shell " marine, artificial gnm " spirits, as chlorate of tin, ss. 12,953 " sulphur Lace aprons, ss. 13,218-13,932 " articles, include handkerchiefs and wearing ap- parel,ss. 18,551 14.134 11,140 17.377 bed set 3, cotton or vegetable fiber, ss. 21,918 bed sets, made on Nottingham machine, as lace cur- tains, I :tC edgings " " ss. 21,918 flouncings " " galloons " " handkerchiefs " " insertings " " napkins " " pillow shams " " 88.21,918 straw, n. s. p. f paper, a. b. p. f., ss. 6,677 Lacee, lace window curtains and other articles made wholly or in part of lace, including hand- kerchiefs, napkins and wearing apparel, all of the above named articles, composed of flax, jute, cotton or other vegetable fiber, or of w bdeh iii' i in-'' ■ . in- cither lit' them, or a mix- ture of any of them, is the component mat rial of chief value, no! specially provided for in this a.i. bs, r..-'.'jj 5,868 7,272 20 per cent. 35 per cent. 25 per cent. iTrr. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 45 per cent. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. Free. Free. 60 per cent. 60 per cent. 60 per cent. 60 per cent. 60 per cent. 60 per cent. mi per cent. (i'i per cent. 60 per cent. i;u per .--lit 30 per cent. 35 per cent. 60 per cent, of the Part of New York. 389 Lace window curtains, pillow shams and bed sets, finished or unfinished, made on the Nottingham lace- curtain machine or on the Nottingham warp machine, and composed of cotton or other vege- table fiber, when counting 5 points or spaces be- tween the warp threads to the inch, ss. 21,942 -20,729. per sq. yard 1 ct. and 20 per cent., but not less than 50 per cent, when counting more than 5 such points or spaces to the inch, in addition for each such point or space to the inch in excess of 5 per sq. yard y 2 ct. and 20 per cent., but not less than 50 per cent. " composed of chip, grass, palm leaf, osier, rattan, straw or willow, suitable for making or orna- menting hats, bonnets and hoods : J not bleached, dyed, colored or stained 15 per cent. / if bleached, dyed, colored or stained 20 per cent. " cotton, ss. 10,256-10,914 10,948-11,188-12,334-12,352- 13,068-21,918 60 per cent. " drawn work is not, ss. 21,716. " furniture, flax or vegetable fiber, as. 16,971 60 per cent. " " wool, hair, etc per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " horse hair and cotton, ss. 17,247 per lb. 50 cts and 60 per cent. " metal, ss. 17,129 60 per cent. " silk chief value, ss. 8,751 11,377-12,334 13,535-13,068. 60 per cent. " torchon, as laces of vegetable fiber, ss. 12,117 60 per cent. wool, hair, etc., in whole or in part per lb. 50 cts and 60 per cent. " manufactures, n. s. p. f., cotton 60 per cent . " " " flax or linen, ss. 12,117 60 per cent. " " " silk chief value 60 per cent. " tidies, manufactured of thread lace, ss. 16,239 22,266 60 per cent. " table covers, ss. 22,267 60 per cent. " window curtains, cotton or linen lace, ss. 12,352... 60 per cent. " " " in piece, as curtains, ss. 12,352. . 60 per cent. silk, ss. 14,947 60 per cent. " yak, as wool, ss. 4,360-6,311 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. Lacets, or lacings, for boots, shoes and corsets. " if cotton or other vegetable fiber.. per lb. 25 cts. and 15 per cent. " if leather per gross pairs 50 cts. and 20 per cent. " if linen, ss. 12,649-13,437 per lb. 25 cts. and 15 per cent. " if silk chief value, ss. 13,216 50 per cent. Lacing needles, or bodkins, of iron 25 per cent. Lacquer, ss. 6,901 §1.33 per gall, and 35 percent. Lacquered ware, wood 35 per cent. Lactarene Free. Lacteous farina, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 6,926. . . 20 per cent. " food, as n. e. manufactured article, 7,082 20 per cent. Lactic acid peril). 8 cts. Lactophenin, ss. 15,685 25 per cent. 390 ( ""/oms Brokers and Clerk* Association Lactucarium, ss. 9,336-11,979 Free. Lading goods for drawback, new rules, se. 17,909. Ladles and ladle head, Britannia gilt or other metal 45 per cent. " foundry, as forgings, ss. 17,732 35 per cent. Lahn per lb. 5 cts. '• wound on cotton thread, is metal thread, ss. 12,968 per lb. 5 cts. and 35 per cent. Lakes, colors, n. s. p. f., ss. 17,011 30 per cent. Lama goods, as dress goods of wool. ss. 2,933 : Value not over 70 cts. per lb., and weighing not over 4 ounces per sq. yard, .per sq yard 11 cts. and 50 per cent. Value over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over 4 ounces per sq. yard per sq. yard 11 cts. and 55 per cent. Weighing over 4 ounces per yard, as woolen cloth. " points, worsted, as wearing apparel per lb. 44 Cts. and 60 per cent. Lambeth cotton rope, ss. 9,187 45 per cent. Lambrequins, as curtains, according to material, ss. 3,974 -17,342. Lambs per head 75 cts. Lamb skin muff, as manufactures fur, ss. 18,0S3 35 per cent. Lamb skins, cream, as wool pile fabrics, ss. 12,970. " " not dressed Free. " " dressed, as fur, ss. 15.726 20 per cent. " " " and finished 20 per cent. " " scraps of, ss. 4,965 10 per cent. Lametta, as lame' or lahn, ss. 10,887-17,831 per lb. 5 cts. Lame or lahn garlands, ss. 10,887-11,848-17,831 60 per cent. " ss. 12,997-17,831 per lb. 5 Cts. " wound with silk. ss. 17,490 60 per cent. Lamp black 25 per cent. " chimneys, glass 60 per cent. " shades, cotton and paper, as manufactures of cotton, ss. 12,796 45 per cent. " wicking, woven, braided or twisted per li'. in cts. ami 15 per cent. Lamps, incandescent electric light, ss. 14,934 15,584 60 per cent. " metal and glass, dutiable according to material of chief value, ss. 11,883. " for churches, not regalia, but maj lie works of art, 88.4,312 7,768-18,628. " for churches, permanent fixtures, ss. (4,924. pocket, as smokers' articles, ss. 6. Hits 60 per cent. I, ana-, as expressed oil, s«. 15,122 25 per cent. Lancets, ss. 5,01 1 45 per cent. Lance wood, in the log, rough or hewn Free. " " manufactures of 35 per cent. Land fowls Free. Lanolin, as medicinal preparation, ss. 8,061-11,216 11.2HI 16,706 17,076 25 per cent. of the Port of New York. 391 Par. Lanterns, according to material of chief value, ss. 7,415- 8,345. " bull's-eye, small are not toys, according to mate- rial of chief value, ss. 13,657-15,859. " bull's-eye, small, value about 3 cts. each, as toys, ss. 14,685-15,859 35 per cent . " Japanese, as manufactures of oaper, ss. 11,229. . 35 per cent. " " small, are not toys, ss. 13,972 35 per cent. " magic, costing $10.00 each or less, ss. 11,422- 12,002 45 per cent. " magic, costing over $10.00, ss. 7,820-12,002. .. 45 per cent. " magic, parts of, as manufactures of metal, ss. 10,859-12,634 45 per cent. " magic, slides for, imported separately, ss. 10,440- 10,859-11,237 - 11,216 - 11,865 - 12,634 - 12,711 - 14,841 45 per cent. " magic, slides for, imported with lantern as philo- sophical instruments, ss. 10,619-12,545 45 per cent. " small, as manufactures of glass, ss. 6,781-13,609. 45 per cent. Lapis calimanarie, calamine Free. " infernalie, nitrate of silver 25 per cent. " tutia, dry oxide of zinc per lb. 1 ct. '* " ground in oil per lb. 1% cts. Lappers, metal 45 per cent. Lappets, cotton, as cotton cloth, containing other than warp and filling threads introduced in weaving, es. 6,456-12,440. Lapping, worsted and flax, as machine felts, ss. 9,548-17,167: Value not over 40 cte. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. " above 40 cts. and not over 70 cts. per lb. per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. Lap robes, mohair and cotton, as manufactures of wool, es. 11,198-14,159. Laps, cotton, card 45 per cent. " tablets, as manufactures of paper 35 per cent. Lard per lb. 2 cts. Larding pins. ss. 8,995 45 per cent. Lariats, rawhide, ss. 4,751 Free. " istle, as manufactures of vegetable fiber, ss. 12,195- 12,220 45 per cent. Lasts, wooden 35 per cent. Last blocks, rough, hewn or sawed only 20 per cent. Lastings, as manufactures of worsted, ss. 6,137. " mohair, cloth, silk, or other manufactures of cloth, woven or made in patterns of such size, shape or form, or cut in such manner, as to be fit for buttons exclusively 10 per cent. The same, fit for shoes, slippers, boots, bootees or gaiters, dutiable according to material, ss. 6,137. 392 < 'ustoms Brokers and Clerks Association Latchce. gilt or plated 45 per cent. " metal 45 per cent. Laths per 1,000, 25 cts. Lathyrus, as agricultural seed, ss. 15,192 30 per cent. Laudanum 40 per cent. Launch, electric, ss. 17,405 45 per cent. Laurel berries, crude Free. •' •' not crude per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " leaves, as spice, n. s. p. f,, ss. 19,042 per lb. 3 cts. " oil 25 per cent. Lava blocks for retort linings, as hewn stone, ss. 17,135. . 50 per cent. " unmanufactured Free. " tips for burners, ss. 6,502-7,393. ..per gross 10 cts. and 15 per cent. Lavender, essence or oil of Free. " extracts of, ss. 7,369 per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " flowers, crude Free. " " not crude per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " in bottles tied with silk ribbon, according to chief value, ss. 14,304. water, alcoholic, ss. 7,369 per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " " non-alcoholic, as cosmetic, ss. 1,776 50 per cent. Lawns, cotton (see cotton cloth). " " hemstitched and tucked, as tuckinge, ss. 1 2,528 60 per cent. hemstitched only, as skirting, ss. 10,057 11,- 331-12,528-15,215-16,182-17,094-17,272-17,- :ilo 17,588-17.535 -17,563 60 per cent. tinted, as countable cottons, ss. 17,094- 17,272. ' linen, as woven fabrics. Lay figures are an artist's tools of trade, ss. SVti. Lead, acetate of, brown, gray or yellow per lb. 2J4 cts. " " " white per lb. 3J4 cts. " alloy in pigs, ss. 6,786 per lb. 2% cts. " antimonial, type metal, ss. 8,147, on lead contained. per lb. V4 cts. ' ashes, with trifling percentage of lead, ss. 556 10 per cent. " " with large percentage of lead, ss. 3,640 per lb. 2V6 cts. " black, or plumbago, prepared, ss. 6,403 17,921 35 per cent. " bullion, ss. 16,240-16,626 per lb. 2% cts. " chloride of 25 per cent. " chromate of, dry or in oil per lb. 4}^ cts. " " " in pulp or mixed water per lb. A]4> ct6. " dross per lb. 2% cts. " extracted from American ores, exported for reduc- tion, is dutiable, ss. 11,306 per lb. 2% cts. " glaziers' 1 per lb. 2J^ cts. hard metal, as pig, ss. 3,591 per lb. 2% cts. in bars or pigs or granules, or any form, n. s. p. f., 5 ;2-6,786 8,581-13,808 per lb. 2% cts. Of Ihe Port of New York. 393 Lead manufactures, n. s. p. f 45 per cent. " molten, and old refuse melted into blocks or bare, .per lb. 2^ cts. " nitrate of per lb. SU cts. " old tea lead and old scrap, ss. 1,435 per lb. 2'4 cts. " ores, ss. 15,337-17,000-18,076, on lead contained. ... per lb. \\i cts. " " silver and all other containing lead, pay duty on lead contained therein, according to sam- ple and assay at port of entry, ss. 11,049- 11,464-11, 48Ml,738-13,174-21,602-21,653-22,098.per lb. V/» cts. " pencils, of wood per gross 45 cts. and 25 per cent. " pencil, leads not in wood 10 per cent. " pipes per lb. 2J^ cts. " red per lb. 2% cts. " refined in bonded smelters cannot be withdrawn till assay is complete, ss. 17,724. " seals, common carriers must reimburse Government for seals used on cars, ss. 4,912. " sheets per lb. 2\4, cts. " shot per lb. 2J^ cts . ' ' sub acetate solution 25 per cent. " snrar of as acetate ss 411 - ( Brown or S ra y P er }}>• 'M cts. sugar or, as acetate, ss. 411 ( white per lb 3^ ct8 _ " tannate, as chemical compound 25 per cent. " toys 35 per cent. " white, dry or in pulp per lb. 2% cts. " " ground or mixed with oil per lb. 2% cts. " wire per lb. 2J^ cts. " withdrawn from bonded smelters pays on gross entered weight, ss. 17,146. Leaders, according to material, ss. 15,222. " gut, with metal swivel, as manufactures of, ss. 15,222 25 per cent. Leads for pencils, ss. 2,517 10 per cent. Leaf aluminum or aluminium per package of 100 leaves 6 cts. " Dutch metal or bronze, ss. 2,113. . .per package of 100 leaves 6 cts. " " " " in bulk, ss. 4,508, per pkg. of 100 leaves (5 cts. " gold per package of 500 leaves $1.75. " metal, n. s. p. f., ss. 2,113-2,674 2,906 45 per cent. " silver per package of 500 leaves 75 cts. " tallow, ss. 4,357 per lb. % ct. Leakage, no allowance for, on wines, liquors, cordials or distilled spirits, ss. 14,191. Leather, manufactures of, all, n. s. p. f 35 per cent. " all, n. s. p. f 20 per cent. " band or belting 20 per cent. " belting, ss. 6,967 35 per cent. " boots and shoes 25 per cent. " bronzed pieces, as dressed skins, ss. 14,216 20 per cent. " buffing, as leather, n. s. p. f., ss. 11,411 20 per cent. " calfskins 20 per cent. 394 custdiitK Iti-ohr* mill (ink.- A:-.--,, ;,,;;, ,n ther, calf skins, japanned, as patent leather. " cases containing books, are usual covering, ss. 1,763 25 per cent. " " for tobacco pipes, ss. 12,131 60 per cent. " chamois 20 per cent. " chamois toilet mats 35 per cent. 11 cut into shoe uppers or vamps, or other forms, suitable for conversion into manufactured articles, ss. 5,026 35 per cent. " cut in shapes for gloves, with or without the usual accompanying pieces, as glove franks, of the rate assessed on the gloves to be made therefrom, ss. 12,111 75 per cent. " dressed, upper 20 per cent. " embossed, as manufactures of, ss. 3,608-15,724. . 35 per cent. " enameled, as patent. " for printer's rollers, as n. s. p. f., ss. 15,700 20 per cent. galloons, ss. 9,583 35 per cent. gaufree, ss. 21,819 20 per cent. " gloves, buckskin, calfskin, dogskin and all others n. s. p. f. (see gloves). " gloves, women's, same as ladies", ss. 17,780. " goat skins, dressed and finished 20 per cent. " grease for stuffing or dressing Free. " harness, ss. 17,662 45 per cent. " holders for pipes, etc., ss. 6,040 60 per cent. " imitation, as surface coated paper. " imitation, made of scraps, ss. 1 ,153 36 per cent . " is hides of larger animals dressed, ss. 14,059- 14,060. " japanned, as patent, ss. 19,100. kid and lamb, dressed and finished 20 per cent. lime cured buffalo hides, as leather, 88. 18,601 ... 20 per cent. " outsides for pocket books, :i^ inlrs., ss. 15.724 35 per cent. " oil for stuffing or dressing Free. patent, 10 lbs. or under, per doz., ss. 14,215 per lb. 30 cts. and 20 per cent. over 10 and not over SB lbs. per doz per lb. :M) its. and 10 pei cent. over 25 lbs. ])er doz per lb. 20 cts. and 10 per cent " pianoforte and pianoforte ction 35 per cent. " porpoise laces, ss. 9,155. .per gross pairs 50 cts. and 90 per cent. " roller skins, as parchment, ss. 8,947 Free. " scraps, new, 88. 1,847-8,855 13,188-20,010 20percent. " " old, ss. 20,010 20 per cent. shoe laces, finished or n< it. per gross pairs 50 cts. and 20 per cent. " skins, for morocco, tanned, unfinished 10 per cent. " " " " finished 20 per cent. " slippers 25 per cent. " strips designed on side, ss. 21,819 20 per cent. of the Port of New York. 395 Leather, sole 20 per cent. " sweat bands, as manufactures of leather, sb. 12,124-13,243-15,723 35 per cent. " sweat bands for hats, as manufactures, ss. 15,723 35 per cent. " tanned, n. s. p. f 20 per cent. " uppers 35 per cent. " vamps, for shoes, ss. 5,028 35 per cent. " whips 35 per cent. Leatherettes, as surface coated paper. Leaves, all crude, which are drugs Free. " all which are drugs, advanced in value per lb. 14 ct *nd 10 per cent. * " crushed or ground saturated with alcohol, ss. 20,516 20 per cent. " artificial, ss. 11,181-11,878 50 per cent. " gilt, silvered, etc., ss. 8,577 50 per cent. " istle or ixle. ss. 6,804 Free. " mai wine, as crude, ss. 16,645 Free. " palm, unmanufactured, ss. 6,059 Free. " " painted, ss. 14,933 30 per cent. " sage, ss. 6,791 per lb. 1 ct. Lectern is not regalia, ss. 1,826-7,229-12,633. Leeches Free. Lees, crystals, partly refined, ss. 2,489 (see Argols). Legacies are dutiable, ss. 282. Leghorn braids, plaits and laces, not bleached, etc 15 per cent. bleached, etc 20 per cent . " hats, hoods and bonnets, untrimmed 35 per cent. trimmed 50 per cent. Lekin tax, nondurable charge, ss. 21,593. Lemonade (see Soda Water) Lemon boxes 30 per cent. " " made from exported American shooks, ss. 20,990 15 per cent. " grass oil Free. " juice, ss. 11,245-13,008-13,232 Free " " fortified, with more than 10 per cent, alco- hol, as alcohol compound, ss. 11,245- 13,008 13,232 per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " oil Free. " peel, not candied or prepared or dried Free. " " dried by exposure to the atmosphere, ss. 22,041 Free. " " candied or preserved, ss. 1,370 per lb. 2 cents. " " in brine, ss. 21,919-21,948 per lb. 2 cents. " squash, ss. 16,849 20percent. * The Secretary of the Treasury ha8 decided to assess leaves saturated with alcohol at 60 cts. per lb. and 45 per cent, under Par. 2. 390 ( ustomt Brokers and Clerks Association Lemon squeezers, as manufactures of wood, ss. 12,950. .. 35 per cent. Lemons in bulk, ss, 15,987 per lb. 1 cent. " in packages, ss. 10,306 per lb. 1 cent. On boxes or barrels containing same an addi- tional duty of 30 per cent. On boxes of which the thin wood is product of United States 15 per cent If boxes are made exclusively from American shooks, ss. 16,475 Free " may be abandoned under Sec. 23, Act of June 10, 1890, after sorting the good from the bad in presence of customs officer, ss. 21,831. Leno cloth, as countable cloth, ss. 12,425-15,044. Lenses and lens glass for U. S. Light Houses, Act, March 3, 1893 Free. are not philosophical instruments, ss. 10.404. ' ; coquille, edges unground, ss. 14,391 45 per cent. ground per doz. pairs 10 cts. and 45 per cent. " glass plates or disks, rough cut or unwrought, for use in the manufacture of optical instruments, spectacles and eye-glasses, and suitable only for such use Free. {^""Provided, however, that such disks ex- ceeding 8 inches in diameter may be polished sufficiently to enable the character of the glass to be determined, ss. 6.231 Free. objective, ss. 11,323 45 per cent. " " set in brass, ss. 16,952 45 per cent. " of glass or pebble, wholly manufactured per doz. pairs 10 cts. and 45 per cent. " partly manufactured, as glass lenses, ss. 12,456- 13,096 45 per cent. " photographers 1 rapid, ss. 11,334-11,323 45 per cent. " photographic (6 per cent. " piano convex, as glass lenses, ss. 12,678. " polished, as glass lenses, ss. 12.020. " projecting 45 per cent. Lentils, 88. 6,608 6,948 8,004-11,559-15,115 25 per cent. Leopards, as wild animals, ss. 12. 129 20 per cent. Leopard skins, raw Free. " " head stuffed and artificial eyes, ss. 9,642. . 35 per cent. Lettuce seed 30 per cent. Letter heads, printed 25 per cent. " " lithographic, as lithographs. " copying I ks per lb. 5 cts. and 15 per cent. " press copying paper, as copving paper, ss. 8,879. Letters of gilt paper, as manufactures s. c. p., ss. 12,793... 35 per cent. Levant nut. cocculus indicus Free. worm seed, crude Free. of the Port, of Xew York. Levant worm seed, advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Levels, spirit, as manufactures of glass, ss. 12,686 45 per cent. Libra, Spanish-American equivalent, ss. 17,007-18,870. Libraries, or parts of, which have been used abroad by persons from foreign countries not less than one year and not intended for other persons nor for sale Free. " not more than 2 copies of any publication in any one invoice specially imported for incor- porated public library, under special Treasury regulations, ss. 2,567-18.797 Free. Library of Congress, books, maps, charts, etc., for Free. Lichens, crude, used as drugs Free . " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Licbi fruit, dried, ss. 19,386-21,878 per lb. 2 cts. Licorice juice, ss. 1,882 per lb. 4\4 cts. " extracts of per lb. 4J4 cts. " paste, roll or other forms, ss. 1,531-1,882 per lb. 4\i> els. " pastilles, as confectionery, ss. 21,571. " pellets, as extract of licorice, ss. 11,571 per lb. 4V6 cts. " root, unground .' Free. " " ground, as advanced, ss. 14,605 per lb. y± ct. & 10 per cent. Liebig's extract of meat, ss. 1,059 per lb. 35 cts. " " in glass bottles, bottles pay as empty. Liens for freight, ss. 3,453-3,660 7,938 9,842 11,512-11,526- 12,495-17,147-17,444. Act }Iay 1, 1896. " " applies to land as well as to ocean transportation, ss. 14,093. do not attach to goods in transit, ss. 14, 123. " " general average will not be recognized, SB. 14,472. " " on immediate transportation merchandise may be filed at exterior port, ss. 15,091. " " on unclaimed goods not payable until duties and storage have been paid, ss. 14,487. Life boats and life-saving apparatus specially imported by societies, incorporated or established to encourage the saving of human life Free. " saving service, regulations for, ss. 13,927. Light houses, for vessels, are covered by Sec. 12, ss. 10,662 45 per cent. " money, denationalized vessels are subject to, ss. 8,160. Lighting fluid, as chemical compound, ss. 8,835 25 per cent. Lignaloe wood, crude, ss. 8,569 Free. " " advanced in value per lb. 14 cent and 10 per cent. Lignum vitae, in the log, rough or hewn Free. " " bowling ball blocks, sb 16,564 15 per cent. " " manufactured 35 per cent, 398 Customs Brains and (inks Association Lignum vitae, sawed only 15 per ceut. Lilies 25 per cent. Lilies of the valley 35 per cent. " " " roots, ss. 3.701-4.419-16.046 25 per cent. Lima bark, crude Free. " " advanced in value Free. Limacon, as metal gimp, ss. 10,560 60 per cent. Lime, including weight of barrel or package per 100 lbs. 5cts. " acetate of 36 per cent. " bisulphate of , ss. 13,071 35 per cent. " i, nr .,t , n f f over 36 per cent, acid per lb. 1 cte. ooraw or ( g( . pej pent or le88 per lb. 3 cts. " chloride of per lb. J ct. " citrate of Free. " fruit tablets, as candy, ss. 5,430. " hydraulic, 88. 3,517 : (In packages, including weight of packages, per 100 lbs. 8 cts. "/ In bulk per 100 lbs. 7 cts. " hydro-carbonate, as whiting, dry per lb. 14 c t- " " " " " ground in oil per lb. 1 ct. " juice, pure Free. " " fortified with more than 10 per cent, of alco- hol, ss. 9,438-13,333 per lb. 60 cts and 45 per cent. " " cordial, as medicinal preparation, ss. 7,410. .. 35 per cent. " " syrup, ss. 9,709 30 per cent. " phosphate and superphosphate nf. for fertilizer, ss. 7.7(il Free. " " •' " medicinal prepara- tions 35 per cent. " sulphate of, calcined per ton $3.35. " " '■ artiticial, ss. 17,505-18,073 per lb. J4 cent. " " " ground, ss. 3,159 per ton $3.35. " " " unground per ton 50 cts. " "• " manufactures of 35 per cent. Li mis, in bulk per lb. 1 ct. in brine, ss. 19,0:15 per lb. 1 ct. " in packages — per lb. 1 ct. " additional duty on packages 80 per cent. " on packages of which thin stufl is product of tJ. 8 15 per cent. " in salt, as pickles, ss. 708 5,190 40 per cent. " oil of, ss. 6,371 Free. " pickled, ss. 19,035 per lb. 1 cent. " Spanish, as fruit, n. s. p. f., 88. 8,505 Free. " abandoned under Sec. 33, Act of June 10, 1890, may be sorted and the good separated from the bad under customs supervision, ss. 31,831. Lime stone, building stone, dressed 50 per cent. " " ground with asphaltum, as n. e. manufac- tured article, ss. 3,793 20 per cent. 346 of the Port of New York. 399 *Lime stone, known as breccia or breche violet, ss. 22,075. '• " rough, ss. 2,890 per cubic foot 12 cts. " " rubble, as rough, ss. 16,335 22,001 per cubic foot 12 cts. Lincrusta Walton, as wall paper, us. 13,705-15,964 25 per cent. Line of flax per lb. 3 cts. " " hemp per ton $40.00. Linen or flax cables and cordasre, ss. 11,886 45 per cent. " bags for grain, as woven articles. " Battenberg is lace, ss. 16,728 60 per cent. " braided, as manufactures of flax, ss. 12,649 45 per cent. " bridle and reins, as manufactures of flax, ss. 13,662. 45 per cent. " brown and bleached linen cloth, as woven fabrics. " cables and cordage tarred 45 per cent. " collars and cuffs, shirt, composed in whole or in part of linen per dozen 40 cts. and 20 per cent. " doilies, with open work effect, ss. 12,550 60 per cent. " duck, as woven fabrics, ss. 1,780. " gill netting, nets, webs, and seines duty on thread, twine or cord of which com- posed and 25 per cent. " hydraulic hose, made in whole or in part of flax, hemp, ramie or jute per lb. 20 cts. " laces, edgings, embroideries, insertings, neck ruf- flings, ruchings, trimmings, tuckings, lace window curtains, tamboured articles, and articles em- broidered by hand or machinery, embroidered handkerchiefs, and articles made wholly or in part of lace, rufllings, tucking* or ruchings 60 per cent. ' lacets, ss. 12.131 per lb. 25 cts. and 15 per cent. ' nets for game bags, ss. 6,689, as nettings. ' oil cloth for floors, stamped, painted, or printed, including linoleum or corticene, figured or plain, and all other oil cloth (except silk oil cloth), un- der 12 feet wide, n. s. p. f ... per square yard 8 cts. and 15 per cent. 12 feet wide and over. . .per square yard 20 cts. and 20 per cent. ' rags and waste, for paper makers Free . ' shirt bosoms, as wearing apparel, ss. 11,321 12,119. 50 per cent. ' shirts, wholly or in part of 50 per cent. ' tapes, woven with or without metal threads, on reels or spools, designed expressly for use in the manufacture of measuring tapes 40 per cent. ' threads, twines or cords, made from yarn : I Not finer than 5 lea or number per lb. 13 cts. < Finer than 5 lea or number ( For each lea or number in excess of 5 additional per lb. $£ct. ' towels fringed, as woven fabrics, ss. 12,642-12,647. * The Secretary of the Treasury has decided to assess breccia or brechi violette at 65 cents per cubic foot under Par. 114, ss. 22,099. 400 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Linen towels fringed, fringes not to be estimated in ascer- taining duty, ss. 18.979 " " Turkish, are not pile fabrics, ss. 13,903 45 per cent. wearing apparel, n. s. p. f., wholly or in part linen. 50 per cent. " " if embroidered 60 per cent. " yarns, of flax, hemp, or ramie, single in the gray, ss, 18,337: Not finer than 8 lea or number per lb. 7 cts. Finer than 8 lea or number anil not liner than 80 lea or number 40 per cent, Finer than 80 lea or number 15 per cent. Liniments 25 per cent. " in part alcohol per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. Linings, barrel, as manufactures of wood, ss. 3,903 35 per cent. " for coke ovens, as brick, ss. 17,657 35 per cent. " for pocket knives, as parts of, ss. but not less than each, 5 cts. and 40 per cent. Linoleum, under 13 feet wide per square yard 8 cts. and 15 per cent. 12 feet wide and over. . .per square yard 30 cts. and 20 per cent. " inlaid, ss. 21,614 per sq. yd. 20 cts. and 20 per cent. Linseed, ss. 3,20! per bushel of 56 lbs. 26 cts, " no additional duty on double bags, ss. 3,203. " oil, raw, boiled or oxidi/.ed per gall, of 7)4 lbs. 20 cts. " " prepared for artists' use, as varnish, ss. 3,473.. 35 per cent. Lint, cotton, ss. 6,006 45 per cent. " linen 45 per cent. Lions, as wild animals, ss. 12.429 20 per cent. Liquid albumen, wine finings, chemical compound 25 per cent. Liquidation must be suspended 80 days after (J. A. deci- sion, ss. 10,369. on warehouse entries is not controlled by withdrawals, ss. 13,550. Liqueurs per proof gall. $2.25. In bottles, bottles pay as empty. Liquid, orchil Free. Liquid gold, a color, ss. 5,KH 30 per cent. Liqui opii Bed., as liquid preparation of opium, ss. 11,968. 40 per cent. Liquor sets must be segregated lor duty, ss. 13,355. Liquors, coloring for 50 per cent. " ale, porter, and beer, in bottles or jugs per gall. 40 cts. No separate or additional duty on bottles or jugs. otherwise than in bottles or jugs per gall. SO Cts. Pay duty on the basis of the wine gallon of 821 cubic inches, es. 4,068. " bay rum or bay water, whether distilled or com- pounded, of first proof, and in proportion for any greater strength than first proof. . .per proof gall. $1.50. In bottles, bottles pay additional duty as empty. " brandy and other spirits manufactured or dis- of the Port of New York. 401 tilled from grain or other materials, n. s. p. f . per proof gall. $?.25. In bottles, bottles pay as empty. Liquors, brandy, imitations of per proof gall. $2.85. plPEach and every gauge or wine gallon of measurement shall be counted as at least one proof gallon ; and the standard for de- termining the proof of brandy and other spirits or liquors of any kind imported shall be the same as that which is defined in the laws relating to internal revenue. Proof spirit is an alcoholic liquor which contains one-half its volume of alcohol of a specific gravity of .7939 at 60° Fahren- heit, R. S., § 3249. Provided, That it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the Treasury, in his discretion, to authorize the ascertain- ment of the proof of wines, cordials, or other liquors, by distillation or otherwise, in cases where it ie im- practicable to ascertain such proof by the means prescribed by existing law or regulations. " brandy or other spirituous liquors imported in casks or other vessels of more than 1 quart and of less than 10 gallons capacity, shall be forfeited to the United States, ss. 7,286. from reciprocating countries per gall. $1.75. Imitations of wine pay same rate as wine imitated but not less than per gall. $1.50. " champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bot- tles containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint per doz. $8.00. from reciprocating countries per doz. $6.00. No additional duty on bottles. Containing not more than one pint each and more than one-half pint per doz. $4.00. Irom reciprocating countries per doz. $3.00. No additional duty on bottles. Containing one-half pint each or less per doz. $2.00. from reciprocating countries per doz. $1.50. In bottles or other vessels containing more than one quart each, in addition to eight dollars per dozen bottles, on the quantity in excess of one quart, at the rate of . .pergall. $2.50. from reciprocating countries per doz. $6.00. and on excess over 1 quart per gall. $1.90. " cherry juice and prune juice or prune wine, and other fruit juice not specially provided for in 402 Custom* Broker* and c/.,k* Aitsociii/ion Par. 99 99 291 292 293 99 300 298 99 99 301 296 § 8 296 I 8 this Act, containing eighteen per centum or less of alcohol per gall. 60 cts. In bottles, bottles pay duty as empty. If containing more than eighteen per centum of alcohol 60 cts. per gall, and $-,'.07 per gall, on alcohol contained therein. In bottles, bottles pay duty as empty. Liquors, compounds or preparations (except as specified in the preceding paragraph of the chemical schedule relating to medicinal preparations, of which alcohol is a component part), of which distilled spirits are a component part of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act. there shall be levied a duty not less than that imposed upon distilled spirits per proof gall. $2.25. In bottles, bottles pay as empty. " cordials, liqueurs, arrack, absinthe, kirschwasser, ratafia, and other spirituous beverages or bit- ters of all kinds containing spirits and not specially provided for in this Act per proof gall. $2.26. Imitations of either of the above per proof gall. $2.26. In bottles, bottles pay as empty. " ginger ale or ginger beer, see soda water. No separate or additional duty on bottles. " malt extract, including all preparations bearing the name and commercially known as such. fluid in casks per gall. 20 cts. In bottles or jugs per gall. 40 cts. Bottles pay additional duty as empty. Solid or condensed 40 per cent. Bottles pay as coverings. " all imitations of natural mineral waters, and all artificial mineral waters, see mineral waters. " still wines, including ginger win" or ginger cor- dial and vermuth, in casks or packages other than bottles or jugs, containing fourteen per Centum or less of absolute alcohol per gall. 40 cts. Containing more than fourteen per centum and not more than 24 per cent, of abso- lute alcohol per gall. 50 cts. over 24 per cent, of alcohol per gall. $2.25. from reciprocating countries per gall. 35 cts. " still wines in bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen bottles or jugs, containing each not more than one quail and more than one pint, or twenty-four bottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint per case $1.60. from reciprocating countries per case $1.25. And any excess beyond these quantities of the Port of New York. 4oS Par. found in such bottles or jugs shall be sub- ject to a duty of .per pint or fractional part thereof 5 cts. § 3 from reciprocating countries. . .per pt. or fraction of pt. 4 cts. No separate or additional duty on bottles or jugs. £2g?~ Wines, ginger cordial, or vermuth, con- taining more than twenty-four per cent, of alcohol, shall be classed as spirits and pay duty accordingly per proof gall . $3.25. 1 Liquors, Jj*-T"* No lower rate or amount of duty shall be levied, collected, and paid on brandy, spirits, and other spirituous beverages than tiiat fixed by law for the description of first proof ; but it shall be increased in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of first proof. " proof of, as ascertained by appraiser, will be taken, if gauger's return is different, ss. 3,733. " domestic, pay duty equal to Internal Revenue Tax, ss. 13,175 13,287 per proof gall. $1.10 " " put up in bottles in United States, on reimportation, ss. 13,460, duty equal to Int. Rev. tax. " domestic, bottled abroad, dutiable as foreign per proof gall. $3.35. Additional duty on bottles as empty. " " reimported must be stamped, ss.lO 703. " domestic, reimported, cannot be transferred to new packages except for preservation, ss. 7,867. " {3F° There shall be no constructive or other allowance for breakage, leakage, or damage on wines, liquors, cordials, or distilled spirits, ss. 15,547-16,554-17,644. " ]£W" Wines, cordials, brandy, and other spiritu- ous liquors, including bitters of all kinds and bay rum or bay wafer, imported in bottles or jul's shall be packed in packages containing not less than one dozen bottles or jugs in each package, or duty shall be paid as if such pack- age contained (13 bottles or jugs of different kinds of liquors complies with the law, ss. 18,369) at least one dozen bottles or jugs. The percentage of alcohol in wines and fruit juices shall be determined in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury shall by regulation prescribe. 60 Litharge, dry or in oil per lb. 2 :, 4 cts. 166 Lithographed plates of any material for printing 25 per cent . 400 Lithographic blank forms, as lithographs, ss. 11,355- 11,973. 404 i iistoms Broker* and < terks Association Par. 400 400 400 58 400 400 400 400 503 Lithographic books of paper or other material for chil- dren's use. containing illuminated litho- graphic prints, not exceeding in weight 24 ounces each, and all booklets per lb. 8 cts. " fashion magazines or periodicals printed in whole or in part by lithographic process or decorated by hand per lb. B ctB. " cigar labels, flaps and bands, lettered or blank, printed from stone, zinc, alumi- num or other material if printed in less than 8 colors (bronze printing to be counted as two colors), but not including labels, flaps and bands printed in whole or in part in metal leaf per lb. 20 cts. If printed entirely in bronze printing. . per lb. 15 cts. printed in 8 or more colors (but not in- cluding labels, flaps and bands printed in whole or in part in metal leaf) .... per lb. 30 cts. printed in whole or in part in metal leaf per lb. 50 cts. " crayons, as crayons, ss. 9,739 30 per cent. li labels, as lithographs, ss. 11,594. " prints from st one. zinc. bound or unbound ex- cept cigar labels and bands, lettered or other- wise, music, and illustrations when form- ing a part of a p iriodical or newspaper and accompanying the same, or if bound in, or forming part of printed books), on paper or other material not exceeding eight thou- sandths of an inch in thickness per lb. 20 cts. prints on paper or other material exceed- ing eight-thousandths of an inch and not exceeding twenty-thousandths of an inch in thickness, and exceeding thirty-five square inches, but not exceeding 400 sq. in., cutting size in dimensions per lb. 8 cts. exceeding foil sq. in. in dimensions 35 per cent. exceeding eight-thousandths of an inch and not exceeding twenty thousandths of an Inch in thickness, and nut exceeding thirty-live square inches cutting size in di- mensions, ss. 17,882 per lb. 5 cts. on cardboard or other material, exceeding twenty -thou andthsofan inch in thickness per lb. 6 cts. " prints in booklets, ss. 13,327 per lb. 8 cts. " " collections di', are not books, ss. 18,848. " " forming a pail of a periodical, will mil he segregated, ss. 13,882. " " for societies, not more than 2 copies in one in\ oice Free. of the Port of Neio York. 405 Lithographic prints in paper frames, according to chief value, 88. 12,791 12,848-13,328. '• in tin frames, dutiable separately, 88. 13,338-14,680-14,841. " lace, like mottoes, are not, ss. 17,972 35 per cent. " painted, as lithographs, ss. 15,842. show bills, as lithographs, ss. 9,727. stones, not engraved Free. " engraved, ss. 1,925 25 per cent. varnish, ss. 516 35 per cent. views pasted on glass, for jewelers' 1 use, as manufactures of glass, ss. 14,238 45 per cent. " window signs, transparent, as lithographs, 88. 11,854. Lithophone, ss. 22,217 per lb. 1J4 cts. Litmus, prepared or not prepared Free. Live animals must be inspected and receive certificate of freedom from contagious or infectious diseases before shipment, ss. 3,867. Should not be confined in cars without food and water more than 28 consecutive hours, ss. 3,561-3,607. "• plants for nursery stock, n. s. p. f 25 per cent. Living animals, n. s. p. f 20 per cent. * " " specially imported for breeding pur- poses, with certificates Free. " " teams of immigrants Free. Lizards, prepared, as medicinal preparation, ss. 6,265 25 per cent. Llama goods, as woolens, ea. 2,933 : {Value not more than 40 cts. per II). .per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. " above 40 cts and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent, over 70 cents per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. Lloyd's circulars, bound as printed books, ss. 13,482 25 per cent. Loadstones Free. Lobsters, ss. 1,622-4,413 Free. " preserved in vinegar as shell fish, ss. 10,496 Free. Locks, metal door, ss. 3,336 45 per cent. " gun, for muskets, muzzle-loading shotguns, and sportine rifles, and pans thereof 25 per cent. for sporting, breech-loading shotguns, rifles and parts thereof, ss. 4,969 50 per cent. " piano, as manufactures metal, ss. 17,489 45 per cent. Locomotives, or parts thereof, forgings for 35 per cent. tires, ss. 3.710-8,758 per lb. 1^ cts. •' on international railway, ss. 16,258-16,271 . . . Locust bean meal, as n. e. manufactured article, bs. 13,078 20 per cent. " beans, n. 8. p. f., ss. 6,874 Free. Log lines are cordage, ss. 9,307. Logs, (wood) Free. Par. 193 548 20 58 22 59 559 §6 112 105 320 §6 450 68 111 111 111 423 195 198 195 §20 -.'I 195 406 Custom* Brokers and Clerks Association Logs, ship (metal), ss. 6,187 45 per cent. Logwood, crude Free. " not crude per lb. J4 ct - and 10 per cent. " extract with salt of copper, as paint, ss. 9,033. . 30 per cent. " extracts and decoction of per lb. % ct. London purple 15 per cent. Longan, Chinese, as dried fruit, ss. 16,218 Free. Loofah, ss. 15,411 20 per cent. Looking glass plates not exceeding in size 144 sq. inches. 45 per cent, exceeding 144 sq. in. and not ex- ceeding 16x24 inches square. . . .per sq. ft. 11 Ct6. above that and not exceeding 24x30. per sq. ft. 13cts. above that and not exceeding 24x60. per sq. ft. 25 cts. all above that per sq. ft. 38 cts. beveled, same as above, ss. 10,769. •' " corrugated, same as preceding, ss. 14,512. small, silvered, as mirrors, ss. 17,808. frames, according to material, ss. 8,006- 8,703. Loom harness, cotton ... per lb. 50 cts. and 25 per cent. " " old, fit only for remanufaoture 10 per cent. Loom pickers, as manufactures of leather, ss. 16,105 35 per cent. Loretin, as medicinal preparation, ss. 19,251 25 per cent Lorgnettes, ss. 12,552 45 per cent. " or bone views, ss. 12,805 45 per cent. Lost Treasury checks, duplication of, ss. 3,392. Lot money is an element of dutiable value, ss. 13,205. Lottery tickets or other matter not entitled to entry, are illegal importations, ss. 20,572. Loupes, watchmakers', ss. 11.374 45 per cent. Lozenges, medicinal, n. s. p. f., ss. 7,410-18,73") 25 per cent. " Vichy, ss. 1,646 25 per cent. Lucifer matches, as matches. Lumber, what is, ss. 5,880. " ash pieces, planed, ss. 17,153. " cherry is cabinet wood, ss . ltf,074 15 per cent. " Douglass fir is sawed lumber, ss. 11,901 -per 1,000 ft., B. M. $2.00. " produce of the forests of the State of Maine upon the St. John's River, sawed in New Brunswick, etc., ss. 13,912-18,218-18,237 Free. " product of the forests of the State of Maine upon the St. Croix Kiver, sawed in New Bruns- wick, etc. 18,218-18,378-18,237 Free. " named in preceding two lines, if sawed by aliens, as foreign, ss. 4,300. " sawed boards, plank, deals and other lumber of white wood, sycamore, and bass wood, ss. 11,690 per 1,000 ft., B. M. $1.00. of the Port of New York. -hi; Par. All other per 1,000 ft., B. M. $2.00. When lumber or any sort is planed or finished, on one side, ss. 15,203-16,438-16,580 additional per 1,000 ft., B. M. 50 eta. On two sides, ss. 18,685, additional per 1,000 ft., B. M. $ 1.00. If planed on one side and tongued and grooved, ss. 16,302-16,580-18,685 additional per 1,000 ft .,B. M. $1.0). If planed on two sides and tongued and grooved, ss. 18,685 additional per 1,000 ft , B. M. $1.50. n estimating board measure no deduction shall be made on account of planing, tonguing and grooving. Lumber, if any country or dependency shall impose an export duty upon saw logs, round unmanu- factured timber, stave bolts, shingle bolts, or heading bolts, exported to the United States, or a discriminating charge upon boom sticks, or chains used by American citizens in towing logs, the amount of such export duty, tax, or other charge, as the case may be, shall be added as an additional duty to the duties imposed upon the articles mentioned in paragraph 195 when imported from such country or dependency. £5^~Rules for measurement —the standard of board measure is one inch in thickness: If i^ inch and less than %, take as t^inch. " % " " " " H, " " % " " % " " " " %, " " % " « % « « « « 114, « »i « "14 " " « " V4, " "14 " and so on by 4- inch accretions, ss. 5,379. " cedar posts, paving posts, railroad ties, and tele- graph poles of cedar 20 per cent. " sawed boards, plank, deals, and all forms of sawed cedar, ss. 16,538, lignum vita?, lance- wood, ebony, box, granadiila, mahogany, rose- wood, satinwood, and all other cabinet woods. shaved, as manufactures of , -as. 16,169 veneers of wood 20 per cent. pine clapboards per 1,000, $1.50. spruce clapboards per 1,000, $1.50. hubs for wheels, posts, heading bolts, stave bolts, last blocks, wagon blocks, oar blocks, heading blocks, and all like blocks or sticks, rough hewn, sawed or bored 20 per cent . fence posts 10 per cent . laths per 1,000, 25 cts. pickets mid paling 10 per cent. white pine shingles per 1,000, 30 cts. 15 per cent. 35 per cent. 408 Customs Brokers a ifl Clerfa Association Lumber, all other shingles per 1,000, 30 cts. " staves of wood, of all kinds 10 per cent. " casks, barrels, hogsheads (empty), sugar box shooks and packing boxes (empty i,and parking bos shooks, of wood, n. s. p. f 30 per cent. " wood, unmanufactured, n. s. p. f 20 per cent Lupini, as crude vegetables. S3. 11,059 23 per cent. Lupulinum, crude drug, ss. 3,168-14,051 50 per cent. Lutes 45 per cent. Lycetol, medicinal preparation, 86. 21,591 25 per cent. Lycopodium, as crude drag, ss. 1 1 ,080 Free. Lye of wood ashes Free. Lysidine, as medicinal preparation, — 17,626 25 per cent. LyBol, ss. 21,328 20 per cent. M. Macaroni and all similar preparations, sb. 15,794 per lb. l'.j cts. Mace Free. " ground per lb. 3 Cts. " oil of, ss. 2,506-11,852-13.582 Free. Machete handles, as manufactures of horn, ss. 13,357 30 per cent. Machine figuring (Abacus) dutiable at the rate applicable to the component material of chief value, ss. 21,265, G. A. 4,457. " for making olive oil, not philosophical or scien- t iflc, ss. 13,428 45 per cent. " automatic slot, ss. 9.158 45 per cent. " blanketing, or felts, of wool for printing machines, ss, 15,705 : Value not more than -10 cts. per 11).. . per 11). 83 ct -*. and 50 per cent. " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 pur cent. " over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. " belts, rubber and cotton, cotton chief value, ss. 3,212 45 per cent. " cigarette, not smoker's article, ss. 18,778 45 per cent. " glove, for use in factory, not tool of trade, 88. 13,771 45 per cent, " stitching is not embroid -ry, s-. 1 1.157. " ticket numbering, is not a model, BS. 14,298 45 per cent. Machinery, for repair; may be imported free of duty, under bond to export from same port within six months of importation, ss. :s. 505-14,465- 18,651-17,475-19,218. clocks are, 88. 2.1 in. gas meters are, ss. 8,125. musical instruments are not, ss. 1,951. organs are, es. 2,432-10,892. screen plate* an', ss. 8,780 of the Port of X,iv York. 401 Machinery, sewing machines are, ss. 1,951. soda water tanks are not, ss. 2,917. telegraph instruments are, ss. 662. Machinery, composed of parts made from different materials, if invoiced and packed separ- ately, pays as entirety, ss. 8.404-11,232- 11,410-17,864. " beet sugar, ss. 18,821 45 per cent. " drippings, as brown grease, ss. 3,468 per lb. J^> ct. " invoiced as entirety, pays as entirety, ss. 10,873. " models of, that cannot be fitted for use Free. " patterns for. " " Free. Mackerel, fresh, pickle 1 or salted, ss. 15,693 per lb. 1 ct. Madder, ground or prepared, and extracts of Free. " in oil, as a color, ss. 2,074 30 per cent. " lake, as color, ss. 3,130 4,833 30 per cent. " root, crude Free Madras carpets and carpeting, as jute carpets, ss. 4,861 : 1 Value not over 15 ct*. persq. yd.persq. yd. 5 cts. & 35 per cent. 1 " over 15 cts. per sq. yd. .per sq. yd. 10 cts. & 35 per cent. " muslins, as countable cloth, with other threads, ss. 6,007-10,419 -12,921-15,011-15,8 14. Magazines, weekly, monthly or quarterly, in paper covers, Free, for institutions, imported in parts, one declara- tion may cover all, Act June 10, 1890, Sec. 4. Free. " all others 25 per cent. Magic lanterns, as toys, ss. 21,784-22,096 35 per cent. slides for, ss. 7,473-1,515-10,440-10,619- 11,865 13,545-12,634-12,711 45 per cent. " costing over $9 each, ss. 21,784 45 per cent. Magnesia, acetate of 25 per cent. " bromide of 25 per cent. " calcined, medicinal per lb. 7 cts. " carbonate of, medicinal, ss. 2,875 per lb. 3 cts. " " 25 per cent. " cement, as cement, n. s. p. f., ss. 5,304 20 per cent. " chloride of, 83. 8,092 8,138 25 per cent. " citrate, ss. 5,049 6,291 25 per cent. " Henry's calcined, as calcined magnesia, ss. 223-2,738-13,877 per lb. 7 cts. " native mineral, carbonate of Free. " sulphate of, ss. 16,600-16,610 per lb. J ct. " sulphur and lime, ground, as n. e. manufac- tured article, ss. 8,816 20 per cent. Magnesite, crude, or mineral carbonate of magnesia Free. " burnt, or calcined, ss. 9,375, June 17, 1890, N. Y., ss. 16,851 Free. " calcined and ground as cement, ss. 5,304 20 per cent. Magnesium Free. 410 Customs Broken and Clerks Association Magnesium, chloride of, as chemical salts, ss. 13,946 25 per cent. " powder, ss. 22,127-22,191 Free. " ribbon, as manufactures metal, ss. 15,137-22,127 45 per cent. Magnetic sand, as iron ore, ss. 5-7,126 per ton 40 cts. Magnets, ss. 5,293 45 per cent. " steel for watch telephones, as manufactures metal, ss. 17,591 45 per cent. Magpies' tail, as crude featheis, ss. 12.919 15 per cent. Maharajah, as silk woven fabric, ss. 17,385. Mahaleb, cherry stocks, cuttings or seedlings, three years old or less per M 50 eta and 15 per cent. Slahogany, in the log, rough, or hewn, ss. 14,242 Free. " articles made of 35 per cent. " crotches, sawed into boards, ss. 10,822 15 per cent. " logs squared by sawing, ss. 21 ,427 15 per cent. " sawdust, for dyeing, Jan. 28. 18H7. X. Y Free. " sawed, ss. 21,427 15 per cent. " veneers of 20 per cent. Mail, coats of. metal 45 per cent. " importations of merchandise are subject to seizure, ss. 11,106-11.31:. 11,626 12,270. " " from Canada are legal, 83.11,827 11.912. " " from countries with which we have special treat iea are Legal, ss. 11,526. " " may be appraised by postmaster, ss. 11.015. Maitrank, essence, as alcoholic compound, ss. 14,170 per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " leaves, as crude, ss. 16,646 Free. Maize, Indian corn per bushel of 56 lbs. 15 cts. li " " roasted, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 707 20 per cent. Majolica ware, as earthenware, ornamented 60 per cent, " plates of the Renaissance are not antiquities. 86. 3,110 0'' PCT cent . Malacca joints, cut. into suitable lengths for canes, etc — Free, Malachite, ss 5,972 Free. " manufactures of 50 per cent. Malleable iron castings per lb. ,-;, ct. " " " galvanized or tinned, ss. 8,180 45 per cent. Malt, barley per bushel Of 84 lbs 16 cts. " extract, fluid, in casks, ss. 10.803 18,971 1 1.1 19 per gall. 20 cts. " " concentrated, as malt extract, es. 13,971 1 i.i 19 per gall. 20 cts. " " In bottles (bottles pay same as if empty) .per gall. 40 cts. " " .loliann HotT's. as malt extract, ss. 10,868 16,879 per gall. 40 cts. " " solid or condensed 40 per cent. Mamoncillos, or Spanish limes, as fruits, n. s. p. f., 88. 8,695 Free, of the Port of New York. Mana-blocks, as mfrs. mineral substance, decorated, ss. 16,1177 45 per cent. Mandolins, ss. 10,829-10,938 45 per cent. Manetti rose 25 per cent. Manganese, oxide and ore, containing not less than 50 per cent, of manganese and not over 10 per cent, of iron, ss. 3,410-3,931^1,114-7,911-9,194-19,184 Free. all other per ton 40 cts. carbonate, phosphate, sulphate, etc 25 per cent. chloride 25 per cent. oxide of, recovered, as crude, ss. 8,429 Free. " ground, ss. 2,915 Free. " so called, but a chemical salt, ss.3,410 25 per cent. oxide plate3, ss. 6,302 35 per cent. Manganiferous iron ore. ss. 3,931-4,114 per ton 40 cts. Mangan metal, as metal unwrought, ss. 8,746 20 per cent. Mangel wurtzel seeds Free. Manifests are not required for cargoes of vessels under five tons, ss. 4,808. " cannot be amended during the absence of the master of the vessel, ss. 781. " accurately setting forth articles making up ves- sel's lading, inclusive of sea stores, is sufficient regardless of form, ss. 550-4,905. " are required on all coasting vessels, ss. 906. " must accompany each car load of merchandise, ss. 998. " are required for vessels arriving in ballast, ss. 549. " are not required for ferryboats, ss. 1,087-1,147. " failure to produce, subjects master to fine, ss. 3,090. " blanks must be kept on sale by customs collec- tors and surveyors on northern frontiers, ss. 1,117. " boarding officer's indorsement must be on, and not on pieces of paper attached, ss. 3,757. " articles found on board vessel not on, subjects master to a fine equal to value of article, Cust. Reg., 1892, Art. 94, ss. 2,669-2,718. Manikins, papier mache, ss. 1,767-3,831 35 per cent. " brought by lecturers for use in lectures, are dutiable, ss. 10,184 35 per cent. Mangoes Free. Manihot root, ground, as starch, ss 13,775 per lb. 1J4 cts. Manila, unmanufactured Free " braids for hats, as. 12,546 60 percent. " cordage, untarred per lb. 1 ct. " " tarred per lb. 1 ct. Manjac, as crude asphaltum t per ton $1,50. 412 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Tar. 61 18 Manna Free. 252 I Mannetti stock, as nursery stock, fs. 14,750 25 per cent. Mannite, as chemical compound, ss. 17,926 25 per cent. Mantels, slate 20 per cent. " marble 50 per cent. " wood 35 per cent. Mantillas, silk chief value 60 per cent. " wool or worsted per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Mantles for Welsbach gas burners, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 17,917 20 per cent. Manufactures, all, n. s. p. f 20 per cent. " non enumerated, if bearing a Bimilitude to an enumerated article, dutiable same as the latter. " non-enumerated, composed of two or more materials, pay the highest rate of either. " of United States, brought back in same con- dition as exported, if no drawback has been paid Free. ¥~ Manufacture, where an article has been advanced through one or more processes into a completed com- mercial article, known and recognized in trade by a specific and distinctive name other than the name of the material, and is put into a completed shape, de- signed and adapted for a particular use, it is deemed to be a manufacture, ss. 10,342-10,957 14,826-17,748. Manures, guano, and all other substances expressly used therefor, ss. 4,210 Free. Manuscripts, ss. 3,515-11,185-11,603 Free. " phylacteries are, ss. 12,801. Maple syrup, ss. 10,425-11,837 per lb. 4 cts. " sugar per lb. 4 cts. " " discolored per lb. 4 cts. Maps and charts, printed, ss. 14,401 25 per cent. " " " over 20years, bound or unbound. Free. " " " for United States government Free. " " " specially imported for schools and socie- ties, not more than 2 copies Free. Maranta arondinacea, starch, bs. 11,090 per lb. 1J^ cts. Marasquino, as a spirituous beverage, ss. 11,838 per gal. $2.25. Marble, .ill kinds in block, rough or squared, ss. 7,500 21 ,672 81,915 per cu. ft. 65 cts. sawed or dressed, over 2 in. in thickness per cu. ft. $1.10. " altars for churches may be works of art, if for presentation, ss. 13. 125 Free. " baptismal font is not regalia, ss. 6,249 50 per cent. has reliefs, if statuary, ss. 12,243 20 per cent. " " other, ss. 2,568-2,700 50 per cent. of the Port of New )'ork. 413 ♦Marble, breccia or breche violette, ss 22/75 Fiee. " carbon, as coal tar preparation, bs. 13,571 20 per cent. " columns, as manufactures of, ss. 8,796 50 per cent. " cubes, as tiles, ss. 1G, 027. " Istrian stone is, ss. 17,928. " manufactures of, n. s. p f 50 per cent. " measurement of, Article 1,114 and 1,115 Customs Regulations of 1892, ss. 3,586 -5,279-12,257. moldings, as paving tiles, ss. 13,935-14,543. " monuments, as manufactures of, ss. 7,072 13,863. 50 per cent. " mosaic chips and cubes, ss. 10,497-10,897-12,303- 13,949-14,100 : Not exceeding two cubic inches in size, if loose per lb. 1 ct. and 20 per cent. If attached to paper or other material per superficial foot 20 cts. and 35 per cent. paper, as surface coated paper, ss. 6,677. " paving tiles, containing not less than 4 super, in., if not more than 1 in. in thickness, ss. 3,586- 4.195 1 1.023-18.626 per super, ft. 12 cts. if rubbed in whole or in part, " " " 15 cts. If more than 1 in. and not more than 1)4 in. in thickness per super, ft. 15 cts. if rubbed in whole or in part, " " " 18 cts. If more than \\^ in. and not more than 2 in. in thickness • per super, ft. 18 cts. if rubbed in whole or in part, " " " 21 cts. " paving slabs, as paving tiles. " slabs polished, as paving tiles, ss. 13,146-13,969. " statuary if work of professional sculptor 20 per cent " other 50 per cent. " veined, sawed, dressed or otherwise, as other marble, ss. 5,279. " waste, ss. 16,321 10 per cent. Marbles, toy, of whatever material composed, ss. 3,821 .... 35 per cent. Marine glasses are optical instruments, ss. 15,954 45 per cent. " disaster, ordinary wear and tear is not, ss. 14,523. " hospital dues become due after the expiration of a license, and should be paid upon its surrender, ss. 4,291. liu-t be paid for every man engaged or employed on board, whether paid a salary or not, ss. 2,175. must be collected for at least one sea- man for the entire period of license, ss. 4,530-5,082. will be collected from fishing vessels sailing foreign with«cargo of their own catch, ss. 4,489. * The Secretary of the Treasury has decided to assess duty on breche violet or breccia under Par. 114 until judicially determined, ss. 22,099 414 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association payment of, is a condition precedent to the entry or documenting U. S. vessels, ss. 3,823. will be collected from masters of vessels belonging to municipal governments, ss. 4,761. should be collected from every vessel which is documented for the for- eign or coasting trade, ss. 4,492. .Marjoram leaves, SS. 20,208 Free. Markers for games, metal chief value 45 per cent. Mardi Gras costumes are not regalia, bs. 9,551. Market, principal of country, appraiser is sole judge of what is, ss. 11,651. Marking, branding and stamping, regulations for, ss. 10,445 - 10,637 - 10,71 1 - 10,714 - 10,&32 - 12,784 - 18,846-19,072. " of goods must be done in legible English words, ss. 22,231. '•Manufactured in America " makes the goods an illegal importation, ss. 11,115. that can easily be detached is illegal, ss. 11,701. J-f'" Should any article of imported merchandise be marked, stamped, branded, or labeled so as to indicate a quantity, number or measure- ment in excess of the quantity, number, or measurement actually contained in such article, no delivery of the same shall be made to the importer until the mark, stamp, brand, or label, as the ease may be. shall be changed so as to conform to the facts of the case. Marly cloth or cotton buckram, ss. 9,941-12,369 per sq. yd. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. Marmalade per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. " if in bottles, the latter dutiable as covering. Marine coral, unmanufactured and uncut Free. " " cut, manufactured or set 50 per cent. Marrow, crude Free. for toilet, use, perfumed. March :!. IN.1S, N. Y ... 50 per cent. Marshmallows Free. root, peeled is crude, ss. 17.7 IS Free. Mastic asphalt, ss. 6,386 13,765 per ton $3.0J. " gum, crude Free. " advanced in value per lb. >4 ct. and 10 per cent. Masks, cotton or silk, according to material of chief value, ss. 13.975. paper or pulp 85 per cent. toys 35 per cent. wire. ss. C.02G rate on wire and per lb. \\\ Cts. Of tin Port of Keif York. 41? Massa blocks, plain, sb. Ll,841 I6,97i 35 percent. decorated 45 per cent. Master: The word " master," as used in this Title, may include any person having the chief charge or com- mand of the employment and navigation of a ves- sel, Sec. 3,768 R. 8. Match blocks, ss. 5,307 20 per cent. boxes, India rubber, hard, ss. 4.N29 35 per cent. •' magazine and matches dutiable separately, ss. 11,830. Matches, friction or Lucifer, of all descriptions, in boxes of 100 or less per gross boxes 8 cts. in boxes of over 100 per 1000 matches 1 ct. " boxes containing, usual and unusual, ss. 11,431- 11,862-11,869-12,560-12,563 13,507. " candle, are, ss. 14,214. " cotton, wax and paper, as matches, ss. 595. " lighting tapers are, ss. 14,333. " when to be entered for warehouse, ss. 6,383-7,439. Match splints, manufactures of wood, ss. 2,708 35 per cent. Mate, or Brazilian tea, ss. 3,909 20 per cent. M. if elasse cloth, silk, as woven fabrics, ss. 7,295. Mates of vessels are officers of, ss. 3,545. Mathematical instruments, according to material. Matico leaf, crude Free. Mats and, bast or bass, ss. 12.959 20 per cent. " all, n. s. p. f., according to material, ss. 656-4,252. chamois toilet, ss. 8,789 35 per cent. felt, as felts, not woven, ss. 17,347. .per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. for tea boxes, as manufactures of grass, ss. 3,635- 12,846 30 per cent. Mexican table, as manufactures of vegetable fiber, ss. 12,240 45 per cent dunnage, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 1.792. ... 30 per cent. of cocoa fiber and rattan per sq. ft. 4 cts. of grass or other vegetable fibre, not cotton, ss. 21,407, according to value, round or split straw, as floor matting, ss. 17,485. same as carpets of which composed, ss. 14,560. sheepskin, as manufactures of fur, ss. 9,769 35 per cent. splasher, painted with stencil, etc.. ss. 1 1.915 20 per cent. table, of sisal grass, as manufactures of vegetable fiber, ss. 12,846 45 per cent. '• " wood and cotton, as manufactures of wood, ss. 7,406 35 percent. Matting, floor, plain, fancy or figured, manufactured from straw, round or split, or other vegetable sub- stances not otherwise provided for, including what are commonly known as Chinese. Japa 410 Cuitoms Uroken and < lerkt Association Par. nese, and India Straw mattings, value not ex- ceeding 10 cts. per sq. yd per sq. yd. 3 cts. value exceeding 10 cts. per eq. yd 7 cts per sq. yd. and 25 per cent. Matting, Japanese, as China, 88. 12,846 12,84! 17,485. " jute, as carpets, 88. 7,237. " napier, as jute carpets, 68.7,237-8,143. " of cocoa fiber and rattan, ss. 1,050 per sq. yd. 6 cts. Matte, nickel, 88. 9,473 Free. Mattresses, of cotton ticking, tilled with vegetable sub- stances, ss. 4,797 45 per cent. " curled hair, suitable for 10 per rent. of horsehair and cotton, horsehair chief value as n. e. mfd article, ss. 21,841 80 per cent. " tumbler, of wood pulp, ss. 15,220 35 percent. " wire, ss. 9,053. .pay highest rate on wire, and per lb. 1)4 cts. Mauritius hemp. as sisal grass Free. Maw seed, as poppy seed. ss. 7.SJS per bushel of 56 lbs. 15 cts. Maz/.ard, cherry stock cuttings or seedlings, 3 years old or less per M 50 cts. and 15 per cent. Meal, corn per bushel of 4S lbs. 20 cts. " bone, as manufactures of. coarser than Xo. 3, 88. 15,521 17.256 30 per cent . " No. 3 and finer, ss. 17,256 Free. cotton seed, as n. <■. manufactured article, ss. 11. mil -15,953 20 per cent. locusl bean, ss. 13,078 20 percent. mohn or moon, ss. 15,953 "-'0 per cent . oat per lb. 1 et. oil cake. SS. 6,391 15,1153 20 per cent. pease 20 per cent . rice per Hi. 'i Ct. Measurement of vessels. Art. 71 to 86, Customs Regula tions, 1892. " " small boats, ss. 11,787. ' ; ■• imported marble, ss. 3,586-5, ','79. " grain, ss. 1,636. Measures and weights of country of export must be used in invoices, 88. 7,348-7,531. Mi asiiring rules, as manufactures of metal, ss. 7,!) 15 15 per cent. " tapes, composed wholly or in part of flax, woven with or without metal threads, on reels, spools or otherwise, and de- signed expresslj for use in the manu- facture of measuring tapes 10 percent. Leather, ss. 18,011-12,370 35percent. linen, bs. 10,771-13,135-18,791 45 per cent. metal 15 per cent. Meat, bacon per lb. 5 cts. " beef, fresh per lb. 2 Cts. of the Port of New York. 417 Meat, Bologna and Frankfurter sausages Free. " carcasses dressed, except beef, veal, mutton and pork, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 3,335-2,623 20 per cent. extract, n. s. p. f per lb. 35 cts. " fluid per lb. 15 cts. " Liebig's is a solid extract, ss. 1,059-11,843. . per lb. 35 cts. hams per lb. 5 cts. mince, as prepared, ss. 8,533 25 per cent. mutton per lb. 2 cts. pork per lb. 2 cts. sausage 25 per cent. Meats, all kinds, prepared or preserved, n. s. p. f., ss. 8,533. 25 per cent. Mechanical figures, as manufactures metal, ss. 15,710 45 per cent. Meconin, medical preparation 25 per cent. Medallions, cast in plaster from antique gems 35 per cent. " small, metal, ss. 2,849-5,146 45 per cent. Medals, gold, silver or copper, as trophies or prizes, and actually received or bestowed and accepted as honorary distinctions, ss. 16,656-18,153-18,602.. Free. " religious, for prizes, ss. 1,390-13,497-15,813 45 per cent. " silver cup to be competed for, is not, ss. 13,358 45 per cent. " does not cover articles of jewelry, ss. 14,160. " other, dutiable according to material, ss. 7,346- 10,543-10,934-13,190-13,378-18,153. Medicated cottons, medicinal preparation, ss. 4,987 35 per cent. " cigarettes, ss. 3,080 25 per cent. " lozenges, ss. 7,410 35 per cent. " soap per lb. 15 cts. " spirits " Wae Sing wine " is not, ss. 14,047 per proof gall. $3.35. " spirits in bottles, bottles pay as empty. " wine, containing 56 per cent, of alcohol, ss. 5,357 per pound 55 cts. but not less than 35 per cent. Medicinal Articles: Drugs, barks, beans, berries, balsams, buds, bulbs, bulbous roots, excrescences, fruits, flowers, dried fibers, grains, gums and gum resins, herbs, leaves, lichens, mosses, nuts, roots and stems, spices, vegetables, seeds aromatic and seeds of morbid growth, weeds, and dried insects in a crude state, not edible, not advanced in value or condition by refining or other process of manufacture, n. s. p. f. Free. If advanced in value or condition by refining or grinding or by other process of manufacture per lb. J4 ct - and 10 per cent, Medicinal Preparations: 68 Cerates, conserves, decoctions, emulsions, extracts solid or fluid, infusions, juices, liniments, lozenges, mixtures, mucilages, ointments, oleo-resins, pills, 418 Customs Brokers and < lerks Association Par. plasters, powders, resins, suppositories, syrups, vinegars, and waters. Any of the foregoing of which alcohol is not a com- ponent part, and which are n. s. p. f 85 percent. Ail known as essences, extracts, mixtures, spirits. tinctures and medicated wines, of which alcohol is a component part, n. s. p. f per lb. 55 cts., but qoI Less than 25 per cent. All liquid preparations of opium, n. s. p. f 40 per cent. All in bottles pay an additional duty on bottles. Medicine cases filled, mu-t be segregated, ss. 16.265 Me licines, proprietary, as other medicinal preparations. Medler canes, ss. 9,067 (0 per cent. Meerschaums, crude, raw or unmanufactured Free. " cleaned, waxed and polished, but not .manu- factured, ss. 2,995 3,850 Free. " imitation, ss. 11,341 35 per cent. " pipes 60 per cent. Melada, and concentrated melado, as sutrar. Melodeons, musical instruments 45 per cent. Melons, fruit, bs. 9,100-12,338 Free. Melon seed 30 per cent. Melting pots, earthenware, a- crucibles 25 per cent. " " or glue pots, cast iron per lb. ftct. Memorandum books, blank, ss. 12, 1 12 1 1.20") 25 per cent. " " with line leather covers, ss. 1,529... 25 per cent. Memorial designs, as decorate! china, ss. 11,304 60 p^r cent. " tablets, are not works of art, dutiable according to material, ss. 1 1,598. M mthol, m • licinal preparation, ss. 1,983 25 per cent. Merchandise, imported and exported, is liable to duty on each re-importation, bs. 9,461. " in customs custody is not subject to legal monition, ss. 16,621 17.72 1 The worl " merchandise," as used in this title, may i ■ go ids, wares and chattel- or every description capable <>f being im i irl id. Sec. 2,766 1.'. S. Mercurial preparations, medicinal 35 per cent. as quicksilver, additional duty on bottles or flasks per lb. 7 cts. sulphate, as chemical compound, ss. 12,693.... 25 per cent. Merino I see \\ oolen goods i, 38. 2,99'i . under brims for hats as trimmings, ss 17,716 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cenl Merry go-round is not a tool of trade, ss. 9.352. Mescal, distilled spirits, bs. 2,448 per gall. $2.25. Mesh, Japanese gold or colored paper, as manufactures of - n i i coated paper, bs. 18,953 14,033 35pei Metal and agate combined, all manufactures of , according I liief value. SB, 15,242. of tht Port of X< w York. 419 Metallic arsenic, or cobalt, ss. 2,945-3,168 20 pei " articles manufactured as trophies or prizes, and actually received or bestowed and accepted as honorary distinctions Free. " mineral substances, crude, n. s. p. f 20 per cent. " pins, so'id head or other 35 per cent. Metallico, Japanese, as varnish, ss. 7,131 35 per cent. Metallic* or metallic flitters, as mfrs. of lahn, ss. 14,066- 17,181-20,959 45 per cent. Metal, all manufactures of. n. s. p. f., ss. 10,392-10,672- 10,718 -10,724 -10,732 -11,360 45 per cent. " babbitt, ss. 21,480 45 per cent. " bells, broken, fit only for re-manufacture Free. " braid, as manufactures of lahn, ss. 11,361 60 per cent. " buttons per line, per gross % ct. and 15 per cent. " button shanks, ss. 21,396 45 per cent. " copper Free. cord, epaulets, fringes, gimp, laces, soutache, stars, tresses, wings, etc., ss. 6,149 6,517 60 per cent. " galloons, as manufactures of lahn, ss. 11,583 60 per cent " leaf, white, as Dutch metal, bronze, ss. 1,470-8,479.. per pkg. of 100 leaves 6 cts . i; leaf scraps known as skewings, ss. 20,682 45 per cent. " piquets, as artificial flowers, ss. 14,722 50 per cent. " red as a lake, ss. 17,056 30 per cent. " sheathing or yellow, of which copper is the com- ponent of chief value, and not composed wholly or in part of iron ungalvanized, ss. 2,595 per lb. 2 cts. strips of alloy and iron, as mfrs. metal, ss. 17,944.. 45 per cent. " thread, ss. 3,462-14,846 per lb. Sets, and 35 percent. " threads, etc., embroideries 60 per cent. " " file or gespinst, ss. 6,042-11,560-12,988- 13,443 per lb. 5 cts. and 35 per cent. " tops, as toys 35 per cent. " trimmings, n. s. p. f 45 per cent. " " tinsel wire lame or lahn bullions or metal threads c. v 60 per cent . " type, must contain 9 per cent, or over of antimony on lead contained, ss S.147 12,007 per lb. 1^ cts. " type, new 25 per cent. " unwrought, n. s. p. f 20 per cent. Metalophones, full octave, ss. 3,399 45 per cent. " toys, ss. 3,399-22,098 35 per cent. Metates, stone, ss. 14,272-15,830: | ^fdSted" '. .1'/. '. \ '. '. 35 per cent'. Meters, air. are not philosophical or scientific instru- ments, ss. 8,775 45 percent. Methyl violet, as coal tar colors, ss. 13,597 30 per cent. Metol, as coal tar preparation 20 per cent. Metronomes, metal, ss. 1,764 4, 153 12.984 45 per cent. 420 mu Brokers anot < Mexican asphaltum, crude, ss. 4,867 per ton $1 BO. " fibre, drawn, as n.e. manufactured article, ss. 15,950 20 per cent. " hair curios, as manufactures hair, ss. 17,62'i . onyx, ss. 2,306 9,228 18,66 I neimers as red ss 3 301 \ ? rolllui P er lb peppers, asrm, t-s. t above forty decrees polariscope test, and containing twenty per cent, or less of moisture, ss. 2,804 1,889 15,668 16,682,as sngar. " testing above 40° and not above 5ii polariscope. per gall. 3 cts. " 56°-16,675 per gall. 6 cts. " e srete and concentrated, as sugar. Molds, button, if metal -hank, as buttons. as billion-. SB. 1,816 1,358. " casl iron. :is manufactures of metal, ss. 12,920 r> per cent. gold beaters 1 Free. " plaster of parts 35 per cent. of tin. Pari Of New York. 423 Moleskins, as countable cotton, ss. 7,538. Molleton. as countable cotton cloth, ss. 8,943. Molybdenite ss. 18,849 20 per cent. Monazite sand per lb. 6 cts. Money, counterfeit, illegal importation, ss. 11,732-11 ,735J4. " paper of foreign country, not dutiable, ss. 13,109. Monkeys 20 per cent. " wool chief value, as toys, ss. 14,319 35 per cent. Monograms are embroidery. ss. 17,362 60 per cent. Monstrance, as regalia, ss. 3,745 Free. Monumental marble, as marble, rough per cub. ft. 05 cts. " stone, except marble, undressed, n. o. p. per cub. ft. 12 cts. " same, hewn, dressed, or polished, n. o. p 50 per cent. Monuments, with figures in low relief, ss. 7,072 50 per cent. " materials for, are dutiable, ss. 3,999. " public, materials for, under bond Free. Moon or poppy seed, as oil seed, ss. 3,451. . . .per bushel of 56 lbs., 15 cts. Moor salt, sulphate of iron, ss. 8.707 per lb. Y\ ct. Moose head, mounted specimen of natural history, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 10, 116-18. 122 20 per cent. Mops, cotton chief value 45 per cent. " part metal 45 per cent. " sticks, wood 35 per cent. " " iron 45 per cent. Moquette carpi-t. ->. -.'.i; 18 per square yard 60 cts. and 40 per cent. " for car seating, as pile fabrics of wool, ss. 7,094- 11,345. Moreens, as woolen dress goods, ss. 11,218 : Morocco skins, finished, ss. 3,671. 20 per cent. " " for, tanned, but unfinished, ss. 12.130 10 per cent. Morphia, morphine, and all salts thereof $1.00 per oz. Mortars, brass or other metal 45 per cent. " earthenware, plain white 55 per cent. " " decorated 60 per cent. " glass 45 per cent. " marble 50 per cent. " stoneware 25 per cent. " stone, as articles of mineral substances, ss. 1 1,272 . t Decorated 45 per cent . "( Not decorated 35 per cent. " wedgwood, as white e.w., ss. 16,231 55 per cent. Mosaic, earthenware, as tiles, not glazed, ss. 13,907. " cubes, marble or onyx 'see marble). Florentine or Roman, ss. 547-2,624-10,620-16. 116. . 30 per cent. marble, as paving tiles, ss. 11,712-13,949-1 1,100. " materials, as fusible enamel, ss. 14,854 25 per cent. " pictures, as manufactures of marble, ss. 1 1 18 -16,301-16,821 50 per cent. 124 Customs "Brokers and Clerks Association Mosaic, small pieces of broken marble for, as tiles, 88. 12,303. " table tops, marble, ss. 3,016-3,117 50 per cent. " Venetian, as manufactures of metal, bs. 11,402 45 per cent, Mosaics, precious stones, not set '10 pel Cenl . " " " set, as jewelry 60 per cent, " set in frames, not jewelry, according to material. Mosquito net. as netting, ss. 9,184-16,530 60 per cent. \|m-^ crude or unmanufactured, ss. 4,854 Free. " peat, ss. 21.545 per ton $1.09. dried and pressed for litter, ss, 9,349 16,153, per ton $1.00. " dyed, for manufacture of artificial flowers, ss. 2,518 50 per cent. " " as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 16,153 16,317 -16,956 • 20 per cent. " Iceland Free. Irish, as sea moss. ss. 17,078 10 per cent. " not crude, advanced, ss. 9,167-12,703-13,722 14,728 ■-'' I per cent. " sea, ss. 21,026 10 per cent. used as dings Free. " " advanced in value per lb. \4 ct. and 10 per cent. Mother of pearl, not sawed, cut, or otherwise manufac- tured, ss. 7,440 Free. " " articles manufactured of, n. s. p. f 35 per cent. " " buttons and blanks. per line of .,',, of 1 in . .per gross H.wt. and 15 per cent. " •• chips or flakes, as n. e. unmanufactured article, ss. 16,008 17,162 10 per cent. " " table knife handles, ss. 14,318 35 per cent. " " pocket knife handles, same as pocket knives, but not less than per piece 5cts.and 40 per cent. " " umbrella handles, hs. 13,349 85 per cent. Mottoes or crackers, as manufactures "t paper, ss. 1 1,397.. 85 per cent . •' lace like, as manufactures, s. c. p., ss. 17,972.. .. 35 per cent. Moulds, plaster of I'aris, ss. C.ICIS 11,004 35 per cent. Blouse traps, pari metal 45 percent. Mousseline brodee, as embroidery, ss. 14,394 60 pi Moustachios, chea]), for children, astoys, 88.12,307 13,975. 35 per cent. Mouth organs, harmonicas, metal, ss. 2.418 2.80!) 9.0S5. ... 15 pel cent. " " astoys, ss. 2. 166 8,899 1.859 86 pi Mowers, agricultural 20 per cent. \l acilages, medicinal preparation 26 per cent. " paste, SS. 14.sH I per lb. ' | ct. and in per cent. " in water, as gum advanced, ss, 1 1,810 per lb. "-.j' 1 - and 10 pei cent. Mufflers, as wool wearing apparel, SB. 1,986 10,787 10,864.. per lb. 11 cts. and 00 per cent. " ilax.heinp in- l-aiiiie.a- wearing apparel, ss. 10,864. " ss. 12.050 17,959, composed of cotton, whether in the piece or otherwise, and u hci her finished or unfinished, 11 net hemmed, or hemmed only, Par. of the Port of New York. 425 shall pay the same rate as cotton cloth of the same description, weight and count of threads to the square inch but not less than 45 per cent. Mufflers, if hemstitched, or imitation hemstitched, or re- vered, or have drawn threads, in addition to the duty on cloth. .10 per cent., but not less than 55 per cent. •' if embroidered in any manner, whether with an initial letter, monogram or otherwise, by hand or machinery, or are tamboured, appliqued, or trimmed wholly or in part with lace or with tucking or insertion not less than 6J per cent, " silk, same as handkerchiefs, ss. 31,637. Muffs, fur 35 per cent. " lambskin, cotton lined, as manufactures fur, ss. 18,033 35 per cent. Mugs, according to material, ss. 11,855-14,317-17,254. Mules, value over $150 25 per cent. " " $150 or less per head $30.00. Mule shoes, wrought iron or steel per lb. 1 ct. Mull cord stripes, as cotton cloth, ss. 13,178. Mullers, for lithographic printing, ss. 5,048 35 per cent. Mulls, tinted, as countable cotton cloth, ss. 17,273. Multiflora rose 25 per cent. Mundie, as pyrites per ton 40 cts. Mungo, woolen per lb. 10 cts. Munjeet, extracts of Free. " India madder, ground and prepared Free. Muroxide, a dye, chemical compound 25 per cent. Muriate of ammonia, ss. 1,898 -1,997 per lb. % ct. " barytes, chemical compound 25 per cent. " cinchona Free. " gold 25 per cent. " potash Free. ' ' strontium and tin 25 per cent. Muriatic acid Free. Museum charging admission is not established for scientific or literary purposes, ss. 6,948 9,009. Mushrooms, dried, ss. 1,408-15,032 25 per cent. " prepared or preserved in tins, jars, bottles or similar pkgs., ss. 17,557 ...including weight of immediate package per lb. 2'4 cts. " sauce or catsup 40 per cent. " spawn, as seed, ss. 6,342 30 per cent. Musical bird cages, as manufactures of metal, ss. 3,255 — 45 per cent, decanters " " of glass, ss. 6,355 — 60 per cent. instruments, ss. 9,786-10,941-11,433 11,839 45 per cent. " " cases for 45 per cent. " " for colleges are dutiable, ss. 8,571.. . 45 per cent. Pur. 453 153 4)3 418 103 403 502 418 453 503 103 403 502 501 453 618 §6 70 157 699 157 157 157 157 304 311 369 3S7 313 339 301 313 017 237 3 •..'II 656 274 157 193 420 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Musical instruments, parts of. ss. 9,786 10,941-11,423-11,839 45 percent. " " Btrhigs f or, if gal 45 per ceut. " " " li. s. p. f., ss. 4,453 45 per cent. " toys, as toys, ss. 22,098-22,105 35 per cent. " work boxes, as manufactures of metal, ss. 3,764 ... 45 per cent. Music bound as books, ss. Il.4ii9-12.229-13.323 25 per cent. " " with sontrs in foreign language, ss. 21,995. Free. " boxes costing not more than 15 francs each, are toys. s-. 22,096. " " costing more than 15 francs each 45 per cent. " for societies incorporated for literary, educational, scientific or religious purposes, not more than 2 copies, ss. 107-3,154 Free. " holders, accordin<_ r to material, ss. 17.270. " in loose sheets, ss. 11.118-11,017-12.582-12,807- 13,797 25 per cent. " paper, as printed matter, ss. 3,486-4,991 25 per cent. " printed, in raised letters for the blind Free. " " over 20 years Free. " rolls for mechanical pianos, as parts, ss. 10,843 45 per cent. Musk, crude, in natural pods, bb. 5,040 Free. " in grain, as n. e. unmfd, ss. 8,962 10 per cent. " perfumery 50 per cent. Musket barrels 25 per cent. " blocks, rough, hewn, sawed or planed on one side Free. " rods, iron or steel 25 per cent. " stocks, wooden 25 per cent. Muskets and parts of, ss. 13,682 25 per cent. " made into muzzle loading shot guns, ss. 13,682. . 25 per cent. Muslins, or cotton .loth. ss. 2.'.'(iS-2,298-4,868. Muslin tie laines. as wool dress goods, ss. 7.331. " givri, as silk, woven fabrics, ss. 16,209. " Madras, as countable cotton cloth, with other Is, ss. 12,931. " sash net, tamboured, as embroidery, ss. 11,026... 00 per cent. Swiss dots and sprigs, as countable cotton cloth, with other threads, s-. 14,963-15,041. " " figured by needle as embroidery, ,-s. 16,284- 16,870 60 per cent. Mm tard dross, as crude vegetable substances, ss. 14,739.. Free. " French repared ' ' 16,816 perlb. 10 cts. " ground or prepared in bottles, or otherwise perlb. 10 cts. " oil, expressed, bs. 9,859 13,589 25 per cent. " sauce, ss. 5,809-6,280 13,080 16,875 15,424 40percent. " seed, crude, ss. 796 Free. Mutton, in Can a -. dressed per lb. 2 lis. Muzzle loading shotguns 25 per cent. Muzzles f"f wine Im.ii I. - 3. 9 188 45 per cent. Of the Port of New York. 427 Myrbane, oil of, ss. 16,175-lfi,410 Free. Myrobolans Free. Myrobolan, extract of, ss. 3,898-5,529-31,058 per lb. % cts. " nuts, ground, ss. 3,175-3,479 per lb. 50 cts. " plum stocks, cuttings or seedlings, 3 years old or less per M 50 cts. and 15 per cent. Myrrh, gum, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. )4 ct. and 10 per cent. Myrtle or bay wax Free. " wood, as cabinet Free. N. Nail blanks, horse shoe, as manufactures of metal, ss. 13,201 45 per cent. 1 ' brushes 40 per cent. " cleaners, as manufactures of bone, ss. 11,991 30 per cent. " files, with handles, as manufactures of metal, ss. 14,842-16,778-17,047 45 per cent. " " without handles, as files, ss. 17,829. " heads, of glass, not strung, ss. 11,339-17,673 35 per cent. if strung or made up 60 per cent. " " of gelatine, not strung, ss. 14,622 35 per cent. if strung or made up 60 per cent. " plates, as manufactures metal, ss. 12,929-13,201 45 per cent. " powder, enamel, as toilet preparation, ss. 15,245 50 per cent. " rods, not smaller than No. 6 wire gauge, ss. 3,648- c (yj- | Value 4 cts. or less per lb per lb. T 4 f, ct. o,ino - ( u over 4 cts. per lb per lb. y± ct. Nails, cut, iron or steel per lb. f ct. " horseshoe and hob per lb. 2)4 cts. " of other metal, ss. 6,361-6,399-7,659 9,248 45 per cent. " of malleable cast iron, as wrought iron nails, ss. 7,257 per lb. 2)4 cts. " plumbers', ss. 7.404 35 per cent. " upholsterers', ss. 9,248 45 per cent. " wig points, ss. 8,824 , 45 per cent. " with porcelain heads, plain white, ss. 8,066 55 per cent. " " " " decorated, ss. 8,066 60 per cent. " wire, 1-inch or over and not lighter than No. 16 W. G., ss. 3,923 per lb. J^ ct. " " shorter than 1-inch and lighter than No. 16 W. G per lb. 1 ct. " wrought iron or steel, n. s. p. f per lb. 2)4 cts. Nainsooks, as cotton cloth, ss. 5,463. Name of vessel may be changed, ss. 4,792-4,998-5,020- 5,043-5,069-5,084-5,668. Nankeen, as cotton cloth. Naphtha, product of coal tar 20 per cent, Par. 428 ( htstoms Broker-- and t /< rks A ssociation Naphthaline, as coal tar product, es. 11,010-13,571-13,598- 17.497-21,591 Free. Naphthaline colors, as coal tar colors, 68. 3,847-3,875- 3,913-3,93! 5,393-9,766-81,591 30 per cent. Naphthol. as coal tar products Five. salts of, as. 9,630-10,143-10,490-13,530-13,568.... 20 per cent. Naphthylamine, as coal tar product, ss. 13,506 Free. Napkins, cotton damask 40 per cent. " initialed, as embroidered, ss. 11,069 60 per cent. " linen damask, as woven fabrics, ss. 12,328 19,199. ' k " " cut and ready for use, as woven fabrics, ss. 4,072-19,199. " paper, as manufactures of, ss. 10,729-15,682 -16,019 35 per cent. Narcissi 25 per cent. Narcotinc, if preparation of opium 40 per cent. Nasturtium seed, ss. 6,241 17,508 Free. Natron wasser glass, as silicate of soda, ss. 4,710 14 ct. per lb. Natural gas, as crude mineral, ss. 14,143-20,757 Free. Natural grass (lowers, dried and prepared, ss. 1,739-8,770- 9,179-10,073 ,. 20 percent. Naval officer, collector will communicate to, all instruc- tions received from Department, ss. 2.475. " officers' clothing, for foreign, is dutiable, ss. 6,606. " " TJ. S., personal effects of, how treated, ss. 7,846. Neat cattle and hides of, prohibited from importation, except from countries declared by the Secretary of the Treasury to be free from infectious and con- tagious diseases. Neats foot oil 25 per cent. Nebbiolo wine, as still wine, ss. 8,694. Necessaries, pocket, according to material, ss. 6,511 18,414. Necklaces, Amethysts, strung, SB. 19,448 60 per cent. " amber beads on threads, ss. 3,389 60 per cent. " bead, as ornaments, ss. 1,789-3,288 60percent. " the same, set, as jewelry, ss. 1,789 3.1 19 3,288. 60 per cent. " mother Of pearl and imitation pre inns metal. as jewelry, ss. 13.3 (6 60 per cent. " of celluloid beads with brass clasp, as jewelry. ss. 11,038 60 per cent. of glass and bras-, as jewelry, ss. 12,630-13,790. 60 per cent. opals strung, bs 19,448 60 per cent. " paste, as jewelry, es. 16,33 1 60 per cent. " of precious Moncs. set. as jewelry 60 per cent. shells and beads. SS. 13.312 60 per cent. Neck minings 60 per cent. silk or silk chief value 60percent. Neckties, cotton, ss. 1,404 10,892 11,065 12,382 18,444 50percent. " cotton and rubber, ss, 1 1065 50 per cent. Of the Foil of Ni w York. 429 Neckties, needles for, as manufactures of metal, es. 7,267. 45 per cent. " silk, ss. 11,333-12,543 13,876 60 per cent. " " woven in piece, as wearing apparel, se. 15,019 60 per cent. Necktie silks, jacquard, 2 colors, ss. 21,569 50 per cent. wool, hair, etc., in whole or in part, per lb. 44 cts. & 60 per ct. Neckwear, cotton 50 per cent. Needlepoints for blanket frames, as manufactures metal, 88. 15,709 45 per cent. Needles, all, n. s. p. f ., ss. 3,421-10,356 25 per cent. " barb, as manufacture of metal n. s, p. f. ss. 21,505 45 per cent. " books are unusual coverings, ss. 12,107. " combers 1 , as manufactures of steel, ss. 11,590 45 per cent. " crochet, ss. 2,693-3,434 25 per cent. " darning Free. " embroidery hooks are, n. s. p. f., ss. 11,570-15,991 25 per cent. " for knitting or sewing machines, 88. 14,456 per 1,000 $1 and 25 per cent. " glove, as n. s. p. f 25 per cent. " hand sewing and darning Free. " harness, as hand sewing, ss. 13,502 Free. hypodermic, as manufactures of metal, ss. 9.526. 45 per cent. " in needle books, as entireties, ss. 17,772-17,942. " Jacquard, as needles, n. s. p. f., ss 25 per cent. " knitting 25 per cent. " larding, as manufactures of steel, ss. 8,995-12,976 . 45 per cent. " latch per M. $1.00 and 25 per cent. lithographers', as manufactures of steel, ss. 6,716 45 per cent. " upholstery, as hand sewing, ss. 13,502 Free. " sail, as hand sewing, ss. 13,502 Free. " surgeons', as needles, n. s. p. f., ss. 11.223 25 per cent. " tape 25 per cent. " ventilator, as needles, u. s. p. f 25 per cent. " weaving, ss. 18,145 25 per cent. Needle books, manufactures of leather, ss. 9,420-12,107. . . 35 per cent. " wir > ! Value not over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. i " over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. work for exhihition, ss. 17,806 Free . Negro-head cloth, as woolens, June 5, 1857, N. Y. : Value not more than 40 cts. per lb, per lb. .33 cts. and 50 per cent. " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. .Nephrite, manufactures of plain, ss. 13,337 35 per cent. " if decorated 45 per cent. Neroli oil, ss. 6, 120 9,787 Free. Nestled milk food, as n. e. manufactured articles, ss. 6,926 20 per cent. NTesI eg ;s, as plain china, ss. 7,946 55 per cent. Nets or netting, cotton, or other vegetable liber, ss. ets. and 00 per cent. '• wool or mohair head per lb. 50 ets. and 60 pi Nettings of iron or steel wire, duty equal to that of the wireand in addition, ss. 13.501 per lb. 1J4 ets. '• cotton, meshes •% in. square, ss. 10.111 60 per cent. " silk, ss. 10.005 60 per cent. wool, hair, etc per lb. 50 ets. and 60 per cent. Nentraline a la rose, etc., as distilled oil, ss. 12,351 ' 15,718 25 per cenl . New spapers, unbound, issued within months of date of entry, ss. 3,61 1 3,739 Free. All others 25 per cent. New Zealand flax, as sisal grass, 88. 818 9,464 free. " " " straw, ss. 1,405 Free. Ng Gar Pee, Chinese cordial, ss. 0,0 10 per proof gall. $-.1.25. Nicaragua wood, lor dyeing, crude Free. " " not crude per Hi. >.j ct. and 10 per cent. Nicholson pavement blocks, sawed only. sb. i 13 20 per cent. Nickel, in ore. matte, or other crude form Free. all articles oi'. u. 8. p. f 45 per cent. button material, ss. 6,904 10,387 tSpercent. " coin, foreign, dutiable as nickel, ss. 6,887 per lb. 6cte. oxide, or other alloys, ss. 1,364 per 11>. ets. plate-, ss. 6,064 per lb. 6 ets. " pigs, ingots, bars or sheets, be 16,981 perlb.6cts. steel per lb. 6 ets. " sulphate 25 per cent. Night tapers, ss. 18,136 26 per cent. Nippers, metal 45 per cent. (Tipples, India rubber 30 per cent. Nipple shields, wholly India rubber 30 per cent. " " part glass 45 per cent. Niter cake, sulphate of aoda, ■-. 2,870 per ton $1.25. cubic Nitragin, as a fertili 152 \i "-'5 [> " barytes or strontia, ss. 6,172 25 per cent. of the Purl of New York. 431 Nitrate, iron, silver or tin 35 percent. " lead per lb. 2<^ cts. " potash, crude Free. " refined per lb. \4> ct. " soda. ss. 3,763 Free. Nitrates, for medicinal purposes, n. s. p. f 25 per cent. Nitric acid Free. Nitrite of soda per lb. 2)4 cts. Nitro benzole, ss. 6,144 6,145-12,845 16,410 21,947 Free. Nitro-sodioxynaphtalin or Gambin B. as coal tar dye, 88. 21 ,344 30 per cent. Nitro picric acid. ss. 9,827 Free. ' toluol, 88. 13,601 Free. Nitrous acid, fuming Free. " ether, spirits of per lb. 25 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. Noils, China grass, as waste, 86. 3,470-6,873-13,348 10 per cent. camel*s hair, 88. -'. 1 17 15,232 per lb. 20 cts carbonized wool per lb. 20 cts. mohair per lb. 20 cts. ' silk Free. ' wool, ss. 1,404 per lb. 20 cts. Noir solide, ss. 13,596-16,710-18,057 25 per cent. Noir Vidal, coal tar, color 30 per cent. Non enumerated articles, unmanufactured 10 per cent. " «' " manufactured 20 per cent. Noodles per lb. 1J^ cts. Norway pine, as lumber, n. s. p. f., ss. 11,549. Notaries, customs, are designated at customs ports only, 88. 14,181-14,582-18,447. " " cannot attest declaration for use at another than their own port. 88. 10,151-17.706. " Public, acknowledgments taken before, must be accompanied by a certificate of their au- thority, ss. 2,135-18,447. Note books with mirror attached, according to chief value, ss. 15,029. paper, as writing paper. Notice of decisions by the Board of General Appraisers, importer is not entitled to, ss. 10,754. " •• •• by Treasury Department, protestants are not entitled to, ss. 7,469. Novelty Inaids, as cotton braids, ss. 1,283 60 per cent. Noyau, as absinthe per proof gall. $2.25. Nucoa butter, as cocoa butti rsubstitute, --. 16,293-17,770.. per lb. 3^cte. Numbers, serial, must be placed on all entries, 88. 14.535. Nuns' veils, as wool wearing apparel, ss. 11, 244 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. 369 J " veilings, as wool dress goods, ss. 12,237-17,331. 432 Customs Brokers and ( tfion Nursery stock, n. s. p. f., definition of, ss. 11,575 25 per cent. Nursing bottles, of glass, with metal fittings, ss. 1.579... 45 per cent. Nut-galls, crude Free. il extract of, ss. 22.'278 per lb. 1 cent and 10 per cent. " ground, ss. 8.175 3,479-16,941 per lb. 50 cts. " powdered, as tannic acid, ss. 16,941 per lb. 50 cts. Nutmegs Free. " essential oil of (not mace), ss. 6,253 25 per cent. Nut oil Free. " picks, as manufactures of metal, SS. 7,921 45 per cent. Nuts, edible, n. s. p. f., shelled or anshelled, ss. 1,958 per lb. l ct. " almonds, unshelled per lb. 1 els. almonds, shelled per lb. 6 cts. " Brazil Free. " candle, as crude vegetable substance, ss. 1,058 Free. " chestnuts, shelled or unshelled per lb. 1 ct. " cocoa, in the shell Free. " coquita. as palm Free. " cream Free. " crude, used as drugs Free. " '• advanced in value peril). ] 4 ct. and 10 per cent. " filberts, walnuts and hazel, not shelled, ss. 6,494- 10,528 per lb. 3 ets. filberts, walnuts and hazel, shelled per lb. Sets. '■' for dyeing or tanning Fire. " kola, as crude drug, ss Free. " olive, ground, as a drug advanced, ss. 11,199- 18,816 19,093 19,983 per lb. \i ct. and 10 per cent. '■ palm. ss. 13,491 Free. pea or ground nuts, shelled per lb. let. unshelled per lb. y 2 ct. " walnuts, unshelled per lb. :; ets. shelled per lb. 5 cts. wrought iron and steel per lb. let. Nux vomica Free. Oak bark, crude Free. '• advanced in value SOpei Oakum Free. oar blocks, rough or sawed only 20 per cent. Oars 35 per cent. oaths, custi me, may !»■ taken before notaries public, 10,149 11,607 12,060 17,588. Cann i1 be made by attorney. SB. 13,279. on Importation of barrels or boxt a made from un- pen ted shooks, --. (2,861. Oat meal and rolled oats, coarsely ground, or groats, ss. B,509 per lb. 1 (I. of the Port of New York. 433 Oat moal cakes, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 14,469. . 20 per ceut. " chaff, ss. 16,828 per 100 lbs. 10 cts. hulls, ss. 15,376 15,899-20,858 per 100 lbs. 10 cts. Oats, ss. 2,658 per bush. 15 cts. " suitable for millinery use 50 per cent. Object glasses, edges cut or ground, ss. 12,120 60 per cent. " " for microscopes, ss. 10,793-10,879-11,237- 12,679 60 per cent. Objective* and objective glasses, as optical instruments, ss. 16,952 45 per cent. Obscene articles, importation prohibited, ss. 7,616-7,865. " literature, importation prohibited, ss. 1,407. Obscured glass, ss. 4,229 in addition to rate on plain, 5 per cent. Oct opus gloy, as n. e. manufactured article 20 per cent. Ochre and oehery earths, n. s. p. f., ss. 13,608: I When crude or not powdered, washed or pul- verized per lb . % ct. If powdered, washed or pulverized, ss. 21,263. .. "per lb. % ct. If ground in oil or water per lb. lj^cts. burnt, as ochre, ss. 14,756. ground, in oil, ss. 3,317 per lb. 1% cts. in tubes, as artists' colors, ss. 10,869-11,863 30 per cent. Oenanthic ether, as fruit essence, ss. 17,406 per lb. $2.00 but not less than 25 per cent. Officers of Customs cannot import goods, ss. 17,716 Official envelopes must not be used for private business, SB. 17.861 Oil. all distilled, essential, expressed and rendered, and combinations of the same, n. s. p. f., ss. 2,848- 3,318-4,085 . , 25 per cent. 4i all synthetic, ss. 15,589 25 per cent. " almond, ss. 0,545-21,947 Free. " " artificial, ss. 21,873 25 per cent. " amber, ambergris, crude and rectified Free. " and alkali mixed, as chemical compound, ss. 13,564. 25 per cent. " angelica, ss. 8.992 25 per cent. " aniline, anthos Free. li anise or anise seed Free. ■' aspic or spike lavender Free. " attar of rose, artificial, ss. 9,241-10,549 25 per cent. " " " natural Free. " avenarius, theerol, ss. 9,613-17,328 25 per cent. " bergamot Free. " betulinum. as distilled, ss. 12,883-12,715 25 per cent. " birch, as distilled, ss. 12,333 25 per cent. " braunscheid, as medicinal preparation, ss. 3,528 25 per cent. " brown wool grease, ss. 9,693 per lb. \A ct. " cabbage seed, as rape, ss. 2,604 per gall. 10 cts. " cade, ss. 6,882 25 per cent " cajeput, caraway, carvol, carvene, cassia, cedrat, chamomile, ss. 18,144 , Free. 434 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Par. — 625 | Oil, cake. 88. 0,391 Free. " exportation, manifest must show if cotton seed, linseed, etc., ss. 1 (,533. 1 " ground, as ii. e. manufactured article, 88. 15,953 30 per cent, " fish, ss. 6,386 35 per cent. camphor, ss. 9,361-18,831 35 per cent . ' cassia Free. " enfleuraged, ss. 9,311 25 per cent. ' castor per gall. 35 cte. ■ celery, April 26, 1889, N. Y 85 per cent. ■ cinnamon Free. • citral, as lemon, ss. 12,137 Free. ; citron, as lemon, ss. 8,962 Free. • citronella or lemon grass, ss. 770 Free. ' civet, cocoanut, ss. 14,602 Free. ' clotb foundations, according to material, ss. 8,936. ' " for floors, stamped, painted, or printed : I Under 12ft. in width... per sq. yd. 8cts. and 15 per cent. I Over 12 ft. in width . . per sq. yd. 80 cts. and 20 per cent. ' cloths, silk, as woven fabrics. ' " lined with wool, as manufactures of wool. ' " yellow lining, as manufactures cotton, ss. 16,313 43 per cent. 1 coal, crude or refined Free. ' " from country charging duty onsame from U. S., duty equal to duty charged by such country. 1 cod, as fish oil, ss. 3,611-12,378-15,582-18,317-21,910. per gall. 8 cts. ' " liver, ss. 3,611-10,684 per gall. 15 cts. ' cognac or oenanthic ether, ss. 10,211 per lb $2.00 but nut less than 25 per cent. ' colza or cabbage seed, ss. 2,604 per gall. 10 cts. ' cotton st'i-il pur gall, of ~y» lbs. 4 cts. ' creosote, ss. 17,400 Free. ' croton per lb. 20 cts. ' crude light, as distilled, ss. 11,983 25 per cent. ' dead, ss. 10,958-11,113 12,029 18,053 Free. ' distilled from shale, ss. 7,396 85 per cent. ' dugong, ss. S.S86 25 per rent. ■ enfleuraged, ss. 1,600 8,543 5,968 9,241 10.519 85 percent. ' essential. expressed or (list i lied or rendered, U.S. p. f. 25 per cent. ' eucalyptus, bs. 8,651 25 per cent. ■' fat of turpentine, ss. 7,374 25 per cent. " fennel Free. ' flaxseed, raw. boiled or oxidized per gall, of 7] /. His. 80 cents. ;; for stuffing or dressing leather and fit only for Free. ' fruit per lb. but ool lese than 25 percent. •' fusel, ss. 18,960 per lb. «4 ct. ■' geranium, ss. s. ii5i 8,998 85 per cent. " ginger grass, is not soap stock, ss. 14,808 25 per cent. " Haarlem, ss. 5.SSS 6,931 25 per cent. " hair, as toilet preparation 50 per cent, of the Port of Neiv York. 435 Par. 39 626 42 3 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 37 626 3 68 524 3 3 68 626 3 626 3 41 3 3 1 3 3 40 636 626 3 Oil of hemp seed per gall 10 cts. " Ichthyol, ss. 22,262 Free. " Japanese Ash, 15,414-17,726-18,008 per gall. 8 cts. " jasmine, enfleuraged, ss. 8,834 25 per cent. " jasmine or jasimine, juglandium, juniper Free. " juniper wood, ss. 17,947 Free. " kerosene and residuum Free, " " from country charging duty on same from U. 8., duty equal to duty imposed by such country. " lanoline, ss. 11,215-11,216 25 per cent. " lavender Free. " lemon, limes Free. " " grass or citronella, ss. 770 Free. " linseed, raw boiled or oxidized per gall, of 7^6 lbs. 20 cents. " mace, ss. 2,506-11,852-13,582 Free. " marine, as expressed, ss. 14,509 25 per cent. " medicinal, n. s. p. f 25 per cent. " mirbane, ss. 3,575-12,845-16,175-16,410 Free. " mustard, synthetic, as distilled, ss. 9,859-13,589 25 per cent. " of mustard, artificial, ss. 9,859 13,589 25 per cent. " " Colman's concentrated, ss. 8,487 25 per cent. " neroli or orange flower, ss. 6,420-9,737 Free. " nutmegs, ss. 8,651-15,131 25 per cent. " nut oil or oil of nuts Free. " of bay rum, as essential oil, ss. 1,338-2,644 25 per cent. " of peppermint per lb. 50 cts. " of pine, ss. 8,992 25 per cent. " of tar, ss. 9,634-12,333 25 per cent. " of vitriol per lb. J4 ct. " of wine, as essential, ss. 13,498 25 per cent. " of wintergreen, synthetic, ss. 9,859 12,137 25 per cent. " olive, n. s. p. f., ss. 759-11,205-13,545-21,613 per gall. 40 cts. " in bottles, jars, tins or similar packages per gall 50 cts. no allowance for breakage, ss. 16,554-18,366. " olive oil for manufacturing or mechanical purposes, unfit for eating, ss. 759-11,205-21,288-21,613 cost- ing not more than 60 cts. per gall Free. orange enfleuraged, ss. 9,241-10,549 25 per cent. orange, origanum, red or white, ottar of roses Free. ottar rose, enfleuraged, ss. 9,241-10,549 25 per cent. palm Free. patchouly, ss. 8,651 25 per cent. peanut ss. 21,475 Free. petroleum, crude or refined, ss. 12,823 Free. " from country charging duty on same product of U. S., duty equal to duty imposed by such country. poppy seed, raw, boiled or oxidized. . .per gall, of IY2 lbs 20 cents. rape seed, ss. 14,807-17,980 per gall. 10 cts. Par. 43G B oh r$ and I lerks Assort iHon Oil, rosemary or an t hoes Free. " rum. bay, as dial ille 1. ss. 2,64 1 25 per cent. " sage. ss. 9,336 25 per cent. '• santal or sandalwood, ss. 8,992 9,336 25 per cent. " seal, herring, whale and other fish oils. n. s. p. f.. ss. 11,326 per gall. 8 cts. " Beed, flaxseed, linseed, ami others, a. s. p. f per bush, of 56 lbs. 25 cts. " sesame or sesamum seed or hean, ss. 2,0ijfi Free. " sod, as degras. ss. 7,266 10,962 1 1,236 18,759 per 11.. l, ct. " soluble, as alizarine assistant, ss. 5,914-7,011-12. i si . " spermaceti, whale, and other fish nils of American fisheries, ss. 2,887 Free. " stones, as hours Free. " such as are commonly used in soap-making or in wire- drawing, or for stuffing or dressing leather, and which are fit only for such uses Free. ■• thyme, valerian Free. " Turkey red. 50 per cent, or more of castor oil per gal. 30 cts. less than 50 per cent, of castor oil. . . .per gal. 15 cts. Oilene, ss. 6,143 25pei Ointments, medicinal 25 per cent. " cosmetic 50 per cent. Okcritc, mineral wax free. Old bells, broken, and bell metal, broken, lit only for re- inanufacture Free. Old brass for remanufacture Free. Old Copper, fit only for remanufacture Free. Old family silver, dutiable value of, ss. 10,029 45 per cent. Old Medals 45 per cent. Old sheathing or yellow metal, copper chief value, fit only for remanufacture free. Old silverware, imported for remanufacture, may be broken up in presence of the customs officers and entered as bullion, ss. 8,019 Free. old n orn-out zinc per lb. l ct. Oleate of Soda (See alizarine asst. I, SB. 5,914 7,011. " of lead, as chemical compound 25 per cent. " of manganese, as chemical compound 26 per cent. Olebanum gum, crude . . free. " " not crude per lb. J4 ct. and in per cent. Oleo Fegato, as medicinal preparation, ss. 15,680 25 per cent, ( ileographs, as lithographs, ss. 11.213. Oleomargarine, ss. 7. 715 int. Rev. Tax of 15 CtS. per lb., and per lb. 6 ct-. " domestic, reimported, ss. 12,781 per lb. 2 cts. " " exportation of , ss. 14,467-15,938 Oleo-resius, medicinal 25 per cent. Oliene, crude as soap stock, s-. i',.i 1 ; 15,040 Free. Olive oil, eating, ss. 16,554, as oil olive. of the Port of New York. 437 Par. 264 Olives, in bottles or jars, green or prepared, ss. 1,611- 16,709-16,713 . . .per gal. 25 ets. ; ' in 1 and 2 gallon tins, ss 19,275 per gal. 25 cts. " in casks per gal. 15 cts. Onion seed 30 per cent. Onions per bushel 40 cts. bushel equals 57 lbs., ss. 11,221. Onyx, crude, ss. 4,K1> 5,014 per cubic foot $1.50. dressed or sawed, over 2 inches in thickness per cu. ft. $1.10. under 2 inches, as marble tiles, glass imitations, as imitation precious stones, not exceeding an inch in dimensions, ss. 5,014-14,234. 20 per cent. manufactures of 50 per cent. Mexican, as onyx, ss. 2.306 9,228 13,669-15,999. • " manufactures of, ss. 11,984-12,556-13,373. 50 per cent. Opal buttons, ss. 22,043 50 per cent. opal glassware 60 percent. Opals, glass imitation, as imitation precious stones, not exceeding an inch in dimensions, ss. 13,350 20 per cent. cut 10 per cent. rough and uncut, ss. 1 6,963 Free. 1 set 69 per cent. ' "as jewelry 60 per cent. ' strung, used as necklaces, ss. 19,448 60 per cent. Open work is not embroidery, ss. 13,892. Openers, watch case, as manufactures of metal, ss. 13,430. 45 per cent. Opera glasses and frames for same 45 per cent. " shell, ss 5,977-6,154-7,250-13,723 45 per cent. Opii sed liq.. ss 1 1 ,968 40 per cent. Opium cannot be imported by Chinese subjects for any purpose, ss. 5,191-12,010. " aqueous extract of. for medicinal uses 40 per cent. " all other liquid preparations of opinm, n. s. p. f., bs. 962 40 per cent. ' ashes. (;,-;, per cent, of morphine, as prepared, ss. 9,413 per lb. $6.00. < •< >i 1 1 :ii 1 1 in <_ r less than 9 per cent, of morphia, and opium prepared for smoking, ss. 4,170 per lb. $6.00. crude or unmanufactured and not adulterated, containing 9 per cent, or over of morphia, ss. 2,660 per lb. $1.00. |3P~ But opium prepared for smoking, and other preparations of opium deposited in bonded warehouse, shall not be removed therefrom without payment of duties, and such duties shall not be refunded. prepared for smoking, containing less than 9 per cent, of morphia, may be exported, ss. 12,613- 20,866 per lb. $6.00, Par 438 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association 43 opium, prepared for smoking must be stamped duty paid before leaving custom house, es. 10,804,-15,354- 15,916. .12 [ " salts of per oz. $1.00. " sold under seizure, mnst be stamped, ss. 11,749. 48 " tinctureof 40 per cent. Optical instruments, unwrought glass disks for Free. Such disks, exceeding eight inches in diam- eter, may bo polished sufficiently to enable the character of the *_ r !ass to be determined. " instruments and frames for same, ss. 15,713-25,989 45 per cent. Orange color II. and I V., coal tar dye. ss. 9,700 30 per cent. " bitters, alcoholic preparation, ss 9,113. .per proof gallou. $2.25. In bottles, bottles pay as empty. " crystals 30 per cent. " extract or infusion, as alcohol perfumery, ss. 5,005. per lb. 00 cts. and 45 per cent. " flower oil, as. 1 ,780 Free. flower water, medicinal preparation, ss. 2,833- 5,945-10,411 25 per cent. " juice, sour, ss. 2,345-6,589 Free. li mineral, February 27, 1890, N. Y.. ss. 2,714-3,152... per lb. 3%cts. oil Free. peel, candied, dried or preserved, ss. 1,370 per lb. 2 cts. " •• in brine, ss. 21,919 21,948 per lb. 2 cts. " " not preserved, candied or dried, ss. 19,422.. Free. " " dried by exposure lo atmosphere, ss. 22,(141 . Free. " wood Free. nr n,r Oa ) In bl,lk . BS - 15 ' 533 -'-'^ P<* lb. 1 Ct. uranges j Jn p.,,^.,,,^ B8 . 15 ,| iS; - per lb. 1 ct. £3?"" And in addition thereto, a duty upon the boxes or barrels containing such oranges 30 per cent. " capacity of barrels ;ni«l boxi S, ss. 17,564. If the thin wood, so-called, comprising the sides, tops and bottoms of boxes, are of the growth and manufacture of the United states, exported as orange and lemon box snooks, ss. 12,462 16,475 20,990 15 per cent. * " bitter, as oranges, ss. 9, 305 I3.CSS 1 '.1.090 per lb. 1 ct. " in packages, no allowance for decay, SS. 11,997.. " abandoned under Sec. 28, Act of June 10,1890, may be opened and repacked and the good separated from the bad for I he purpose of abandonment, under supervision of customs officer, ss. 21,831 !'h' — . - • ■--!.-.■ ..' iii. i'i i. i a-sess bitter oranges sliced and put up in tins in their own juice at 1 ct. per lb. aud 35 per cent, under Par 268, appeal from decision of Board of General apprais- ers, ss. 19,103. of thr Port of X< w York. 439 Orchestrion, with extra barrels, as an entirety, ss. 11,707. 46 per cent. Orchids * 25 per cent. Orchil, or orchil liquid Free. " extract with aniline, as aniline color, as. 12.736. . 30 per cent. " " "rouge vigital in grains," as a color, ss. 10,082 30 per cent. Ores, allowance will not be made for moisture, ss. 4,183 13,391. all, n. s. p. f., containing metal SO per cent. actinolite, ground, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 16,013-19,406 20 per cent. antimony, crude sulphite of Free. " ground, ss. 19,295 Free. bog, as iron ore. ss. 13,943 per ton, 40 cts. chromic Free cobalt v Fre ■ . copper Free. corundum, emery Free. gold Free. iron, including manganiferous, ss. 1,060 per ton 40 cts. lead, ss. 10,383 11,049-11, 110-11, 159-11,771-13,737- 15 ; 895-16,149-16,591-16,599-16,707-18,075 21,653. . . . on lead contained per lb. 1J4 cts. magnetic sand, as iron, ss. 7,126 per ton 40 cts . manganese, ss. 3,931 4,095-7,911-9,194-16,550 Free. mixed, should be assessed on material of chief value, ss. 2,507-9,992. nickel and nickel matte Free. purple or "blue billy," as residuum of burnt py- rites, 88. 14,385 per ton 40 cts. regulations for smelting and refining in bond, ss. 10,585-11,308. rules for sampling, ss. 13,825-13,926. silver, ss. 4,391 Free. " containing lead, ss. 11,767-13,418 . . .on lead per lb. 1J^ cts. sulphur Free. tin, ss. 1,510 Free. Organs, ss. 13,319-13,962 45 per cent. " are machinery, ss. 2,432-16,892. Organzine, silk, ss. 4,047 30 per cent. " warp ends or thrums, as silk yarn, ss. 17,410 30 per cent. Orguiuettes, ss. 4,453 45 per cent. Orguinette sheets, ss. 5,309 45 per cent. Oriental rugs per sq. ft. 10 cts. and 40 per cent. Origanum, red or white, oil of Free. Original drawings and sketches 20 per cent. Orleans, and extracts of Free. Ormolu, as manufactures of brass, ss. 9,953 45 per cent. Ornamental feathers and flowers 50 per cent . Ornaments and trimmings, according to material, ss. 8,790. Par. 440 Oustorm Brokers anil Clerks Association Ornaments and trimmings, commercially known as bead «r beaded 60 per cent. " for Christmas trees, as toys, ss. 10,730 35 per cent. " mantel are not parts of clocks, ss. 15,690. " metal thread. 88. 17,181 60 per cent. " millinery, birds suitable for 50 per cent. " silk, or silk chief value, ss. 2,506 50 per cent. Orpiment Free. Orris root, crude, ss. 19,455 Free. " " ground, as advanced, ss. 17,176. .per lb. ]4 Ct. and 10 per cent. " " finger, ss. 12,661 13,880 per lb. H ct. and 10 per cent." " " scraped and cleaned, ss. 19,455 Free. " " pulverized as dentifrice 50 per cent. Orthotoluidin, as aniline oil, ss. 15, 395 Free. Osier, or willow, all manufactures of 40 per cent. " " braids, plaits, etc., for hats, etc., not bleached, etc 15 per cent , '• " bleached, etc 20 per cent. " " prepared for basketmakers 1 use 20 per cent. Osmium Free. Osnaburgs, linens, as woven fabrics. Ostensoriums are regalia, ss. 12,096 Free. " as manufactures of metal 45 per cent . Ostrich feathers, crude, ss 8,455 15 per cent . " " manufactured 50 per cent. Ottar, otto or oil of roses, ss. 9,x'41 Free. " " " artificial, as expressed oil, 10.510 13,557 25 percent. Outside garments for women and children of wool, hair. etc. per lb. 44ets. and 60 percent. Oval steel tubes fur bicycles, ss. 10,844. 35 per cent. Overtime of discharging officers, when paid by vessel, ss. 2,911 12,978 13,891. Overvaluation, for purpose of reducing rate of duty, i- fraudulent, ss. 1,918. owls, papier mache' and feathers, as toys, ss. 10,9.36 35 percent. Owner, consignee interested in profits is, ss. 17,685. Ownership is in importer and not in shipper, ss. 11,802. oxalic acid Free. . . I Value $1 1.00 and under per head $8.75. " v " i Over $14.00 '.'.'•.• percent. o\ gall, Inspissated, as medicinal preparation, ss. 16,688 25 pei cent. Oxidizing paste 25percent. Oxide of amyl. ss. 1,129 perio. $8.00, but not less than 25 per cent. " of bismuth, chemical compound 25 per cent. " " cobalt per lb. 25 els. " iron as chemical compound,se 1,700 1,914-9,265. 25 per cent. " tl manganese, bs. 2,915 Free. plates, ss. 6,802 85 per cent. •• nickel per lb. 6 cts. Of tin Port of New York. 441 Oxide of strontia Free. " " tin, black Free. " " uranium Free. " " zinc, dry per lb. 1 ct. " " " ground in oil per lb. l^cts. " " " medicinal 25 percent. Ox shoes, wrought iron or steel per lb. 1 ct. Oxygen gas, ss. 10,159 10 per cent. " " iron cylinders are usual coverings for, ss. 10,159. Oxymuriate, as chloride of lime per lb. i ct. ( (vsters, raw or dried, ss. 5,002-9.615 Free. " in oil, as shell flsh. ss. 811-12,258 Free. Ozokerite, mineral wax, ss. 2,703 Free . P. Packed packages are entitled to immediate transportation privileges, ss. 10,850. Packers, skewers of wood perM40cts. Packing, asbestos, ss. 3,876 25 per cent . " boxes empty 30 per cent. " " shooks 30 per cent. " cases for eggs, as packing boxes, ss. 10,743 30 per cent. " Duval's, as manufactures metal, ss. 17,274 45 per cent. " paper, cotton and glue, cotton chief value, ss. 6,367 45 per cent. Pack thread, flax or linen 'see linen thread). Pader, as steel, n. s. p. f., ss. 1,061. Paddings, flax and jute, jute chief value, as manufacture of jute, ss. 14,249-14-250 45percent. " " or hemp, as woven fabrics, ss. 1,714-14,326. " jute plain woven, as woven fabrics, ss. 17,982.. " pelessiers, flax and jute, ss. 14,330 45 per cent. " " all jute, ss. 17,482 per lb. % ct. and 15 per cent. " wool (see woolens ). Paddy, rice per lb. % ct. Paille de riz braids, for hats, as chip, ss. 12,039. Pails, indurated fiber ware 35 per cent. Paint, a dry color is, ss. 12,437-12,451-16,539-21,477 30 per cent. " white, containing zinc, dry, ss. 13,230-16,869 per lb. 1 ct, " " " " in oil per lb. l%cts, " " lead per lb. 2%cts. Painted, china or earthenware 60 per cent. " glass windows and parts thereof 45 per cent. " glass articles 60 per cent. " photographs, ss. 6,145 25 per cent. " window glass, dutiable as window glass and additional 5 per cent. 412 Custom Brokers and Clerks Association Painters 1 brushes " colors, n. s. p. f ., ss. 4,534-4,700 " knives, as table knives. Paintings, enameled on copper, as manufacture of metal, ss. 11,834 " exported to be retouched by foreign artist. dutiable on re-importation, ss. 9.4(11 " framed, values niu-r lie segregated, ss. 17,402.. " frames on, are dutiable according to material, 88.21,011. " in oil or water colors, frames dutiable, 88. 8,703. " in oil or water colors, from France, a recipro- cal country, ss. 19,405 " of date prior to 17th century, as antiquities, 88. 7,970 " if imported by society for exhibition " on china, as painted china, ss. 13,875-14,069.. " on composition paper, ss. 16,712 " on copper plates or plaques, ss. 12,434-14,229- 14.230 " " " " enameled, as mfrs. metal, ss. 18,075 '• on gelatine cards, as paintings, ss. 13,067 on glass, ss. 10.374 10.377-14.925 " on ivory, as paintings, ss. 2,037-11,567 " on mother of pearl, as paintings, ss. 11,677 " on porcelain slabs, as paintings, ss. 4,814-13,074- 13.285 -13.431 -13,648 " " " burnt in, as decorated, e. w.. bs. 16.122-16,430 " on silk, as paintings, ss. 15.831 " on wall panels, by artist- are, ss. 2,679 " on wood panels for furniture, as manufactures of wood. ss. 13,305-15,952 " painted glass photograph holders are. ss. 1 1.925 " paper screen--, ss. 17.637 " pastel portraits are, ss. 9,580 " photographs, colored, are not, ss. 15.413 on piano ease, as manufactures of wood, ss. 15,178 " picture- made by printing process are not, ss. 14,226 " theatrical scenery may he, ss. 9,161 " " " if imported by manager after use abroad on bond for ex- portation within 6 months Paints, artist's water color, D. s. p. I . . ss. 8,447 " n. s. p. f Palette knives, as table knives. Palings, planed and finished 40 per cent. 30 per cent. 45 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 15 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. 00 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 45 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 60 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 35 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 35 per cent. 25 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. 80 per cent. 30 per cent. 10 per cent. in' tin Port Of V >'■ York. 443 Palings, rough wood, BB. 2,045-7,378 10 per cent. Palladium Free. Palls, funeral, are regalia, imported by society, ss. 2,230.. Free. Palm glasses, as blown glass, ss. 12,081 60 per cent. " leaf, crude, ss. 6,059 Free. " " dyed or painted, ss. 16,970-21,625 30 per cent. " " fans, natural, sb. 1,497 Free. " " " with artificial handles, ss. 679-1,497 50percent. '• " manufactures of, n. s. p. f 30 per cent. " " mats, ss. 676 30 per cent. li " painted, ss. 2,502-16,970 30 per cent. " nuts and kernels Free. " " or kernel steariue, ss. 5,091-6,175 Free. " oil Free. " stearine, ss. 0,175 20 per cent. " ;l soap, as soap, n, s p. f . ss. 2,431 20 per cent. " pitch, as n. e. niaiiufactured article, ss. 6,286 20 per cent. " seeds, as nuts, ss. 13,491 Free. Palms, plants 25 per cent. wood, split sticks of, ss. 6,419 20 per cent. Pamphlets, bound ornnbound, ss. 3,851-4,465-7,678-16,726 25 per cent. " containing advertisements, ss. 16,736 25 per cent. if periodicals, ss. 6,818 Free. " printed in foreign language Free. Pancreatic emulsion, as medicinal preparation, ss. 3,828.. 25 per cent. Panorama is not a tool of trade, ss. 5,908. " if hand painting 20 per cent. Panel saws 30 per cent. " paintings, BB. 2,679 20 per cent. Pantaloon stuffs, according to material. Pantograph not a philosophical instrument, according to material, ss. 13,429. Pants, knit, as knit shirts, etc., ss. 16,533. Papain, as medicinal preparation, ss. 11,350-13,581 25 per cent. Papelon, as sugar. Paper, plain, all manufactures of, or of which paper is component of chief value, ss. 10,521-10,523 35 per cent. albumenized and sensitized, ss. 5,302 30 per cent. albums, photograph, autograph and scrap, wholly or partly manufactured 35 per cent. all. not specially provided for 25 per cent. all thin, n. s. p. f., same as copying. and manufactures thereof, printed, as printed matter, ss. 13,802 25 per cent. ' asbestos, as manufactures of, ss. 3,438-3,756-0,975. 25 per cent. • autocopyist parchment, as manufactures of, ss. 11,085 35 per cent. ' bags, as manufactures of paper, ss. 6,282 35 per cent. balloons, as manufactures tissue paper, ss. 16,838.. 35 per cent. Ill Customs Broh. > s and Olt rks Asso iation Paper, basic photographic, for albumenizing, etc per lb. 3 cts. and 10 per cent. " bibulous, as copying, ss. 13,053. " blotting, as manufactures of, ss. 9,371 35 per cent. " bond, as writing. " books, pamphlets and engravings, bound or un- bound 25 per cent. li " bound or unbound, photographs, etchings, maps, music, in boobs or sheets, charts. and all printed matter, n. 8. p. f 25 per cent. ;l if printed more than 20 years Free. borders, gold, as manufactures of paper, ss. 12,353. 35 per cent. boxes, fancy, ss. 11,831 45 per cent. " covered with surface-coated paper, ss. 11,084 45 per cent. " plain 35 per cent. cardboards, ss. (1,632 25 per cent . chromo, as surface-coated paper. . .per lb. 2\4> cts. & 15 per cent. cigarette in all forms, ss. 10,905 60 per cent. surface-coated, ss. 11,195 per lb. 2)4 cts. and 15 per cent. copying, in all forms, weighing not over 30 per cent. filtering in all forms, ss. 13,052 15,818.. per H>. Bets. & 15 percent. " specially prepared as scientific prepara- tion, ss. 1 1,743 Free. for fruit wrappers, as tissue, ss. 17,970 lor paper hangings, ss. 16,832 25 per cent. fur photograph covers, as lissue, ss. " screens and lire boards 25 per Cent. " wrapping oranges, as tissue, ss. 17,970. gelatine coated, ss. 11,685 per ll>. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. gilt or gold, ss. 8,910 per lb. 3 cts. and 20 percent. <■/ ih, Port of \< w York. 445 Paper, gammed, 88. 17,653 17,069-17,89? 18,155 25 per cent. hand made, ledger, letter, note, tablet, typewriting, record, as writing. hangings, ss. 4,137 25 per cent. imiiai ion parchment and vellum, ss 9,219.perlb.2cts.&10perccnt. " stained window glass, 88. 12,300 25 per cent. Jacquari I , designs on parts 35 per cent . '• cut on Jacquard cards, finished or not.. 35 per cent. Japanese, hand made, as papers, n. s. p. f .,ss. 15,225, as writing. '• tissue, same as copying, ss. 17,187. lace, ss. 6,677 35 per cent. lanteros,Japanese, as manufactures paper,ss. 1 1,490 35 per cent. leaves, for artificial flowers, not suitable for millin- ery purposes, ss. 7,225 -8,577-10,791-17,281 50 per cent. lincrusta-Walton. ss. 13,705 25 per cent. lithographer's transfer, as surface coated. matrices of books, ss. 18,429 35 per cent. mesh, as manufactures surface coated paper, ss. 13,952 -14,003 35 per cent. music, as printed matter, ss. 10,331 25 per cent. napkins, Japanese, as manufactures of, ss. 9,050- 10,129, I). L., March 10, 1891, N. Y 35 per cent. n. s. p. f 25 per cent. onion skin, as writing paper, ss, 14,071. old Free. ornamented writing,regular rates and additional duty 10 per cent. parchm mt, as. L5,961-16,93d-17,278.. per lb. 2 cts. and 10 per cent. known as parchment No. 2, ss. 22.103 25 pe.- cent. patterns or designs 35 per cent. pasteboard, as paper, ss. 11,595 25 per cent. plate, ss. 1,549 25 per cent. playing cards in packs, not exceeding 54 cards each per pack 10 cts. and 20 per cent. playing cards on excess over 54 cards at same rate, per 54 cards, 10 cts. and 20 per cent. pottery, same as tissue. printed writing regular rates and additional 10 per cent. printing, sized or unsized, or glued, suitable for books and newspapers, ss. 2,338 11,352: value not over 2 cts. per lb per lb. f a ct. over 2 cts. and not over 2U cts. nerlb. per lb. ,', ct. over '.'i.> cts. and not over:! cts. per lb. per lb. T % ct. j over 3 cts. and not over 4 cts. per lb. per lb. T R 5 Ct. over 4 cts. and not over 5 cts. peril), per lb. ^ ct. ' over 5 cts. per lb 15 per cent. J§ If any country or dependency shall impose an ex- port duty upon pulp wood exported to the United states, there shall he Imposed upon printing paper when imported from such country or dependency, an additional duty of ,*„ of 1 ct. per lb. for each $1 446 Customs "Brokers and clerk* Association of export duty per cord so imposed, and propor- tionately for fractions of a §1 of such export duly. Paper, rice, as plain, ss. 11,859-18,834. sausage skius, as manufactures of, 88. 9,377 35 per cent. sheathing 10 per cent. silver, as tissue. silvered, as surface coated per lb. 3 Cts. and 20 per cent. stereotype, same as tissue. stock, crude, of every description, including all grasses, fibers, rags (other than wooli, waste shavings, clippings, old paper, rope ends, waste, rope, waste bagging, old or refuse gunny bags or gunny cloth, and poplar or other woods, tit only to be converted into paper, ss. 22,097 Kite. " surface coated, plain per lb. 2J^ cts. and 15 per cent. " " •• manufactures of 35 per cent. " " " printed or covered with metal, etc., etc per lb. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. " " " for photographic purposes 30 per cent. " tissue and all similar papers, white, colored or printed, weighing not over 6 lbs. to the ream of 480 sheets, on a basis of 20x30 inches, and whether in reams or any other form, per lb. (i cts. and 15 per cent. Weighing over (i lbs. and not over 10 lbs. to the ream, ss. 19,483 per lb. 5 cts. and 16 per cent. " umbrellas and sunshades, ss. 4,805-17,161 35 per cent. " writing, plain I not less than 10 lbs. nor more than 15 ) per ream per lb. 2 cts. and 10 per cent. "i more than 15 lbs per ream of 180,000 ( sqr. inches per lb. ::'.. cts. and 15 percent. if ruled, etc regular rates and additional 10 per cent. embossed, if ruled, etc regular rates and additional lit per cent. Weighing under 10 lbs. per ream 25 per cent Papier mache, all manufactures of, n. s. p. f., ss. 1,425- 5,016-12,789-17,634 35 per cent. " fayarde or rigollot, medicinal preparation 25 per cent. Papyrine, as parchment paper per lb. 8 cts. and 10 per cent. Paprica (Hungarian pepper), as spice, ss. 13,188 peril). 8 cts. " " " ground per lb. 3 cts. Paraffine, ss. 17,746-19,868 Free. " soft, as paraffine, ss 11. ssi i ;,:{ 15 Free. " liquid, ss. 13,586-16,744-19,863 Free. Paragon steel wire. ss. 7,877 I I Value over I cts. per lb 45 per cent. i " not over I cts. per lb 45 per cent. Paraguay tea. as n. c. manufactured article, ss. 8,909 20 percent. 1'araiuidophenal salzaures, as coal tar preparation, ss. 1 3,587 20 per cent. <>f tfu Port of tfew York: 447 Par. — ' 15 [ Paramitrophenol, as coal tar preparation, bb. 15,334-17.738 SO per cent. 15 Paranitranalin, as coal tar preparation, ss. 14,821 15,974- 15,976 20 per cent. 15 Paraphenylene diamine, as coal tar preparation, ss. 17,755 20 per tent. 170 Parasol ribs and stretcher, made in whole or chief part of iron, steel, or any other metal, in frames or otherwise 50 per cent. " covers, according to material, ss. 16,883. " sticks cut to length only , Free. " carved or plain, finished or unfinished 40 per cent. " " with china head, as decorated china, ss. 11,704 60 per cent. Parasols, covered with silk or alpaca, or any other material except paper 50 per cent. " covered with paper, ss. 17,843 35 per cent. " too small for practical use, as toys, ss. 17,843 35 per cent. '■ coverings, according to material, ss. 16,883. Parchment and vellum, ss. 1,054-3,515-9,918-12,428 Free. " for drum heads, ss. 9,918 20 per cent. papers, ss. 12,428-15,961-16,939-17,278 per lb. 2 cts. and 10 per cent. " " bags, as manufactures of, ss. 16,835 35 per cent. " " manufactures of 35 per cent. " vegetable, as parchment paper, ss. 9,219 per lb. 2 cts. and 10 per cent. Parian dolls and doll heads 35 per cent. " artistic works for exhibition by societies Free. " toys 60 per cent. " ware, including toys, plain white, ss 2,547 55 per cent. " " decorated, ss. 3,819 60 per cent. Paris Green 15 per cent. " white, dry per lb. J4 ct. " " ground in oil per lb. 1 ct. " plaster of, unground per ton 50 cts. " " " ground per ton $2 25. " " "calcined per ton $2.25. Parisienne silk veilings 60 per cent. Parkesine (as xylonite) per lb. 50 cts. " " in sheets, not made up per lb. 60 cts . " (as xylonite) in finished or partly finished articles per lb. 65 cts. and 25 per cent . Parsley seeds, ss. 1,757 30 per cent. Parsnip " ss. 6,164 30 per cent. Partners in commendam will be considered as full part- ners, ss. 2.417 2,650. " industrial cannot represent their firms, ss. 1,623. Partridges, dead or alive, as birds, ss. 12,084 13,678 Free. Parts of an artiele invoiced and packed separately, pay as an entirety, ss 10,873-11,232-11,410-12,442-17,864. clocks, n. s. p. f 40 per cent. Par. 137 §0 70 241 402 401 448 < u si on, s Brokers and Clerks Association Parts of clocks, wholly or in part China, parian or porcelain, plain 55 per cent. decorated, etc (0 per cent. " marble, onyx, etc 50 per cent. " musical instruments, ss. 4,453 45 per cent. " watches 40 per cent. Passenger's baggage and effects must be examined imme- diately, ss. 15,917. The forfeiture of dutiable articles contained in, should not be pressed on vague and uncertain proofs of con- cealment, such as, for instance, a random distribution of dutiable goods among personal effects not subject to duty or the oath of the person in charge of it which does not fully set forth the dutiable contents, ss. 3,628. Where duties on dutiable articles is $2 or less they will lie remitted, ss. 7,288. 50 cigars or less will not be assessed, but if more than 50 are found in, duty will be assessed on entire quantity, ss. 0,841-9,119. For general regulations as to entry of, see wearing ap- parel, ss. 6,615-6,645-6,881-6,943-8,109-12,486. Paste, almond, cosmetic 50 per cent. " confection 50 per cent. " anchovy, SS. 3,492 40 per cent. " aniline, as coal tar color, ss. 2,810 30 per cent. " black, as logwood extract, ss. 3,632-16-710 peril). r s ,t. " bloater, shrimp and oilier fish, ss. 3,492-9,696- 14,267-14,906 40 per cent " Brazil Free. ealiees, as parts of artificial flowers, ss, 4,769 50 per cent. " compositions of. as imitation precious stones, not set, not engraved, painted, ornamented or decorated, less than one inch dimensions 20 per cent. " set, as jewelry 60percent. fast blue, as coal tar color, ss. 10,566 30 per cent . '• usii 40 per cent. " glue or albumen substitute, ss. 15,002 per lb. 3 cts. " manufactures of, n. s. p. f., ss. 13,619 45 per cent. " medicinal 25 per cent. " ornaments for millinery, as manufactures, ss. 16,482 45 per cent. " oxydizing, ss 1,863 85 per cent. " rings unfinished, as manufactures of, ss. 17,546- 17.551 45 per cent. " roof , asbi to mid wire, ss. 7,984 maximum rate on wire and per lb 1J4 cts. '• shoemakers, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 17,625 20 per cent. " toilet 50 per cent. " tomato, as prepared vegetable ? 40 per cent. Pasteboard, as paper, ss. 11,559 25 per cent. Pastel boards, as drawing paper, ss. 12,256. of the Port of Xew York: 449 Pastel or woad, crude Free. pictures, as. 9,580 20 per cent. Pastels or colored crayons 30 per cent . " from France, a reciprocal country, ss. 19,405 15 per cent. Pastiles, Ems, as medicinal preparation, 88. 7,787 25 per cent. " fumigating, ss. 6,114 20 per cent. " smokers, as toilet preparation, ss. 17,814 50 per cent. " Soden mineral water, ss. 9,235 25 per cent. Pastilles de Reglisse, as confectionery, ss. 21.571 50 per cent. Patent alum per lb. y 2 ct. " barley per lb. 2 cts. " floor cloth, as oil cloth for floors: ( Under 12 ft. wide per sqr. yd 8 cts. and 15 per cent. i 12 ft. wide and over per sqr. yd . . .20 cts. and 20 per cent. " leather: {Weighing not over 10 lbs. per doz. hides or skins per lb. 30 cts. and 20 per cent. " over 10 lbs. and not over25 lbs. per doz per lb. 30 cts. and 10 per cent. " over 25 lbs. per doz per lb. 20 cts. and 10 per cent. " medicines, non-alcoholic 25 per cent. " " alcoholic, .per lb. 55 cts , but not less than 25 per cent. " tartar per lb. 6 cts. " fiber, artificially colored, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 12,209-15.956 20 per cent. Patented articles, royalty on. is an element of dutiable value, ss. 3,490 7,626-11,578-11 S32. " " if seized musl be sold, ss. 15,366. Patna rice, ss 2.026-3,137-16,957 per lb, 2 cts. Pattern cards, if of no commercial value, ss. 4.828 Free. " " commercial value, according to ma- terial, ss. 2,383-2.600-3,960. Patterns, cotton canvas, ss. 2,134-3,172-4.071 45 per cent. " dress, are not models of invention, ss. 18,085. . . . '• for machinery, that cannot be fitted for use Free. " printed, ss. 4,230 25 per cent. " lithographed, as lithographs. Pavement blocks, wood, rough, ss. 343 20 per cent. stone, ss. 5.877-13,659 50 per cent. Paving stones, unmanufactured and undressed, ss. 4,178- 5.877 per cub. ft. 12 cts. " " hewn, dressed or polished, ss. 13,659 50 per cent. Paving tiles, plain unglazed, one color, exceeding 2 sqr. inches in size 4 cts. per sqr. ft. glazed, encaustic, ceramic, mosaic, vitrified, semi-vitrified, flint, spar, embossed, enamel- ed, ornamental, hand painted, gold decorated, and all other earthenware tiles, value not ex- ceeding 40 cts. per sqr. ft 8 cts. per sqr. ft. 450 ( nsloms Brokers and Clerks Association exceeding 40 cts. per sqr. ft 10 cts. per sqr. ft. and 25 per cent. of marble or onyx, containing not less than 4 superficial inches, if not more than 1 inch in thickness per superficial ft. 12 cts. if rubbed 15 cts. if more than 1 inch and not more than 1 finches in thickness per superficial ft. 15 cts. if nibbed 18 cts. if more than 1J4 inches and not more than 3 inches in thickness per superficial ft. 18 cts. if rubbed in whole or in part per superficial ft. 21 cts. mosaic cubes of marble, onyx, or stone, not ex- ceeding 2 cubic inches in size, if loose 1 ct. per lb. and 20 per cent. if attached to paper or other material 20 cts. per superficial ft. and 35 per cent. Paving tiles, onyx, as marble. " slate, plain 20 per cent. Paw Paw juice, as msdicinal preparation, ss. 9.105-17,613 25 per cent. " " milk, in liquid form. ss. 22,240 Free. Payment of duties at ports other than port of importation will be allowed in cases of short shipment on I. T. and export entries, ss. 4,193. Pea beans, as beans, ss. 11,235 per bu. of GO lbs. 45 cts. " " in tins, jars, bottles, or otherwise, including covering per lb. 2^ cts. " hulls, ss. 18,000-18,020-18,026 20 per cent. Peaches per bush. 25 cts. " dried per lb. 2 cts. Peach pits. ss. 21 .567 Free. Peanut oil, ss. 21,475 Free. Peanuts, or ground nuts, unshelled, ss. 1,807-3.240 per lb % ct. " boiled in shell or brine, ss. 3,240 per lb. Y> ct. shelled per lb. 1 el. Pearl ash, ss. 420 Free. " " refined Free. " barley per lb. 2 cts. " button blanks, per line of 4 \, in., per gross 1J^ cts. and 15 per cent. '• buttons per line of .,'„ in per gross 1J4 cts. and 15 per cent. •' chips or Hakes, as n. e. unmanufactured article, ss. 16,003-17,162 10 per cent. 11 hardening, for paper makers, ss. 17,505 20percent. " knife handles, pen or pocket, clasp, budding or pruning, ss. 11,581, as pocket knives, but not less than each 5c. and 40 per cent. •' all others 35percent. " mother of, not sawed, polished, cut or otherwise manufactured, or advanced in value Free, of ili< Port oj New York. 451 Pearl, mother of, manufactures of 35 per cent. " " slabs, as manufactures of, 88. 12,922 35 per cent. '■ shells Free. Pearls, drilled and pierced, not set, se. 22,046-22,140 20 per cent. " strung, but not set, ss. 15,849-16,972 60 per cent. " half , not set 20 per cent. " imitation of, not set, of paste or glass, ss. 11,828... 20 per cent. " " " set as jewelry 60 per cent. " in natural state, not strung or set 10 per cent. set. as jewelry 60 per cent. " split, ss 18,211-19,449 20 per cent. " the product of American fishery Free. " wax, blown glass, ss. 17,504-17,460-17,461 60 per cent. Pears, green or ripe 25 per cent. " dried or prepared per lb. 2 cts. " known as prickly pears, as fruits green or ripe, ss. 21 ,458 Free. Pease, dried, ss. 10,469 per bush. 30 cts. " green, in bulk, and seed pease in barrels, sacks or similar packages per bush of 60 lbs. 40 cts. " in cartons, paper or small packages per lb. 1 ct. " prepared or preserved, in tins, jars, bottles or other- wise, including weight of covering per lb. 2% cts " split, ss. 6"2 per bush, of 60 lbs. 40 cts. Peat, ss. 1,978 8,735 per ton $1.00. " moss, ss. 9.349 per ton $1.00. Pebble, Brazil, un wrought and unmanufactured Free. " glass, cut and polished for optical instruments. . . 45 per cent. " " so called 45 per cent. Pecul of Java, equal to 136 lbs., ss. 17,242-17,811-17,999. Pedestals, if statuary, ss. 693-944-2,264 20 per cent. " not statuary, according to material, ss. 517- 8,762-9,658. Peel, citron, candied, ss. 16.185 per lb. 4 cts. " " in brine, ss. 11,555 Free. " orange and lemon, preserved or candied, ss. 1,370. . . per lb. 2 cts. " " " " in brine, ss. 21,919-21,948 per lb. 2 cts. " '" " " not candied or preserved or dried Free. " " " " dried by exposure to atmosphere, ss. 22,041 Free. ■• pomegranate Free. " " in sugar per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. Pelargonic ether or pelaru;onate of ethyl, as fruit essence, ss. 17. W6 per lb. £2.00 but not less than 25 per cent. Pelissier padding, ss. 17,482 per lb. % ct. and 15 percent. Pelitory root, crude Free. " " advanced in value per 11>. i J ct. and 10 per cent. Pelletierine. as medicinal preparation, ss. 13,701 25 per cent. Pelts, raw, as hides, whether dry. salted, or pickled Free. Penal duty covered into treasury cannot be refunded, ss. 17,028. Tar. 452 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Penalty for omitting article from manifest, value of arti- cle, Sec. 2,809, R. S. " remission of, does not give right of protest, ss. 17,940. " for articles on manifest not found on board. Sec, 2,887,R.S $500. " " death of immigrant on voyage, ss. 12,493, Sec. 4,268, P.. S $10. " " failure to report death of immigrant, Sec. 4,209, R. S $50. " " invoice under valuation, for each 1 per cent, added to value on entire value, ss. 11,841, Act June 10, 1890, Sec. 7 1 per cent. Pencil cases, metal, and gilt or plated 45 per cent. " and penholder combined, as manufactures of metal, ss. 11,850-14,176 45 per cent. " leads, not in wood, ss. 2,517 10 per cent. Pencils, colored, as pencils of wood, etc., ss. 12,947 per gross 45 cts. and 25 per cent. 11 as charms, as pencils, ss. 14,640 per gross 45 cts. and 25 per cent. " colored crayon, in wood, ss. 4,265-15,229 per gross 45 cts. and 25 per cent. " diamond pointed 60 per cent. " hair, ss. 3,794 40 per cent. " in form of brianvood pipes for watch charms, as pencils of wood, ss. 14,640. . .per gross 45 cts. and 25 per cent. " ink extractors, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 10,791 20 per cent. " of lead, not in wood per gross 45 cts and 25 per cent. " of wood, filled with lead or other material, ss. 1,663- 1,265. per gross 46 cts. and 25 per cent. " " slate, ss. 15,006 15,100-17,677- 17,951 35 per cent. " slate, ss. 1,662 per 100 3 cts. " " for manufacture of, ss. 11,228 80 per cent, Penholder tips and penholders, and parts thereof, ss. 8,95.3. 25 per cent. " and pen combined, as manufactures metal, ss. 16.962 45 per cent. Penknives, or pocket knives of all kinds, or parts thereof , wholly or partly manufactured: / Value not more than 40 cts. per doz 40 per cent. " more than 40 cts. per doz. and not exceeding 50 cts. per doz per piece 1 ct. and 40 per cent. more than 50 cts. per do/, ami not exceeding $1 .25 per doz per piece 5 cts. and 40 per cent. mop- I han .-I •■!:> [ict doz. and not exceeding $3.00 per doz per piece 10 cts. and 40 per cent. " more than $8.00 per doz per piece 20 cts. and 40 per cent. of the Port of tfew York. 463 Penknives, handles or parts of, at same rates as above but not less than per piece 5 cts. and 40 per cent " used as watch charms, same rates as above, as. 4,838-9,078-15,010. Pens, drawing, as manufactures of metal, ss. 14,399 45 per cent. " gold 25 per cent. " quill, ss. 10,394 50 per cent. " steel and other metal except gold, ss. 6,835 per gross 12 cts. Penwipers, according to material, ss. 1,431-13,752. " bisque and wool, as manufactures of wool, ss. 16,309. Peony roots, as nursery stock, ss. 13,680-15,110 25 per cent. Pepsin, medicinal preparation, ss. 7,263 25 per cent. Pepper, cayenne, ground per lb. 2J4 cts. " " unground per lb. 2}^ cts. " black or white, unground, ss. 7,253 Free. " broken, as unground, ss. 7,640 Free. " dust, ss. 7,253 Free. " ground, ss. 7,640 per lb. 3 cts. " shells, as unground, ss. 14,716-20,737 Free. Peppers, bird, as red, unground, ss. 11,688 per lb. 2>^ cts. " " " " ground per lb. 2J4 cts. " red, unground, ss. 10,868 per lb. 234 cts. " " ground per lb. 2)4 cts. Peppermint, leaves, crude Free. " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct - an d 1° P er cent. " oil of per lb. 50 cts. Pepsin, vegetable, as medicinal preparation, ss. 13,581 25 per cent. Peptone, as chemical compound, ss. 12,698 25 per cent. " meat, ss. 7,057 per lb. 35 cts. Perambulator bodies, as manufactures willow, ss. 17,919. . 40 per cent. Percussion caps 30 per cent. " " are entitled to I. T. and W. H. privilege, ss. 1,708-5,478-9,564. Performing horses are dutiable, ss. 10,184. Perfumery, alcoholic, ss. 6,565-8,742-9,712-18,349 per lb. 60 cts. and 45 percent. " in bottles, bottles pay as coverings. " floral extracts, ss. 8,742-9,712.. per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " toilet, not alcoholic, ss, 18,349 50 per cent. " is only finished products ready for use as such, ss 9,712. Periodicals, ss. 6,288-6,818-8,095 8,165-9,259-9,275-9,811- 15,725-19,453 Free. ti«?""But the term "periodicals" as herein used shall be understood to em). race only un- bound or paper-covered publications, issued within 6 months of time of entry. containing current literature of the day. and issued regularly at stated periods, as weekly, monthly or quarterly Free. Par. 403 621 403 403 403 403 403 621 3 299 22 628 697 697 454 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Periodicals, bound together in stiff covers as books, ss. 7,283 25 per cent. " devoted to original scientific research Free. " language lessons are not, ss. 10,297 25 per cent. " novels published in parts are not, ss. 16,800- 17,171 25 per cent. " old magazines are not, 88. 13,336 25 per cent. " sent abroad to be rebound, ss. 16,">09 25 per cent. " serial novels are not, ss, 14,613-17,171-21,756, 25 percent. " supplement to periodical published in U. S., ss. ] 5,880 Free. Permanganate of potassa, es. 1,545 25 per cent. Perry, as fruit juice : 1 Containing 18 per cent, or less of alcohol per gall. 60 cts. " over 18 per cent, alcohol ( per gall. 60 cts. and $2 07 per gall, on alcohol. Persian berries, extract of, ss. 3,898-5,529-5,865 per lb. % ct. " " carmine, n. s. p. f., ss 5,865 20 per cent. Persis, extract of archill Free. Personal effects, accompanying owner, ss. 8,267-8,469- 8,530-10,371 11,257-12,217-12,580-14,156-14,480 Free. J^°°In case of residents of the United States returning from abroad, all wearing apparel and other per- sonal effects taken by them out of the United States to foreign countries shall be admitted free of duty, without regard to their value, upon their identity being established, under appropriate rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but no more than $100 in value of articles purchased abroad by such residents of the United States shall be admitted free of duty upon their return. %W~ In order to ascertain what articles ought ti> lie exempted as the wearing apparel, and other per- sonal baggage, and the tools or implements of a mechanical trade only, of persons who arrive in the United States, due entry thereof, as of other mer- chandise, hut separate and distinct from that of any other merchandise, imported from a foreign port, shall br made with the collector of the district in which the articles are intended to be landed by the owner thereof, or his agent, expressing the persons by whom or for whom such entry is made, and par ticularizing the several packages, and their contents, witli their marks and numbers : and the person who shall make the entry shall take and subscribe an oath before the collector, declaring that the entry sub- scribed by him and to which the oath is annexed con- of the Port Of New York. 45") tains, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a just and true account of the contents of the several pack- ages mentioned in the entry, spe ifying the name of the vessel, of her master, and of the port from which she has arrived; and that such packages contain no merchandise whatever other than wearing apparel, personal baggage, or, a3 the case may be, tools of trade, specifying it; that they are all the property of a person named who has arrived, or is shortly ex- pected to arrive in the United States, and are not di- rectly or indirectly imported for any other, or in- tended for sale. Sec. 3.799, R. S. Whenever the person making entry of any articles as wearing apparel, personal baggage, tools, or im- plements, is not the owner of them, he shall give bond with one or more su eties, to the satisfaction of the collector, in a sum equal to the duties on like articles imported subject to duty, upon the condition that the owner of the articles shall, within one year, personally make an oath such as is prescribed in the preceding section. Sec. 2,800, K. S. On compliance with the two preceding sections, and not otherwise, a permit shall be granted for landing such articles. But whenever the collector and the naval officer, if any, think proper, they may direct the baggage of any person arriving within the United States to be examined by the surveyor of the port, or by an inspector of the customs, who shall make a return of the same; and if any articles are contained therein which in their opinion ought not to be exempted from duty, due entry of them shall be made and the duties thereon paid. Sec. 2 801, R. S. Whenever any article subject to duty is found in the baggage of any person arriving within the iTnited States, which was not, at the time of making entry for such baggage, mentioned to the collector before whom such entry was made, by the person making entry, such articles shall be forfeited, and the person in whose baggage il is found shall be liable to a penalty of treble the value of such article. Sec. 2,802, R. s. Any baggage or personal effects arriving in the United Statts, in transit to any foreign country, may be delivered by the parties having it in charge to the collector of the proper district, to be by him retained without the payment or exaction of any import duty, and to be delivered to such parties on their departure for their foreign destination, under such rules, regu- lations, and fees as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. Sec. 2,803, R S r 456 Customs Brokers (iml Clerks Association Personal and household effects, not merchandise, of citi- zens of the United States dying in foreign countries. Free. Perspectives, as optical instruments, ss. 17,830 45 per cent. Perishable goods are not entitled to I. T. privilege, ss. 7,329. are not entitled to warehouseand trans- portation privilege, ss. 8,443. are not entitled to warehouse privileges, Article 393 Customs Regulations, 1892. unclaimed will not be sent t<> general order store, but will be sold as un- claimed goods, Article 393 Customs Regulations, 1892. Permits, duty paid, must be presented within thirty days after issue, ss. 1,376. Peruvian bark, crude. , Free. Pessaries, India rubber 35 per cent. Pestles, mortar, according to material. Petroleum, crude or refined Free. Produced in any country which imposes a duty on petroleum or its products exported from the United States, duty equal to duty imposed by such country, ss. 18,335-19 263. " barrels, American, exported filled and im- ported empty, under regulations Free. " residuum, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 928-15,9 34 20 per cent. " tar, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 1,900 20 per cent. Pettigrain, oil of, as neroli, ss. 6,420-9,737 Free. Pewter, all manufactures of, n. s. p. f 45 per cent. " old, fit only for remanuf act uring Free. " as metal, unwrought 20 per cent. Phenacetin, ss. 9,270-19 433 25 per cent. Phenol acid, as dead oil, ss. 6,825 Free. Phenylene diamine, as coal tar product, ss. 13,509-13,002- 15,123 20 per cent. Philosophical apparatus, etc., ss. 10,603 17,4^3-21,770- 22,147. Free. Phonograph cylinders by mail. ss. 10, 105 25 per cent. Phosphate rock, ss. 4,113-10,097 Free. " acid or superphosphate of lime, ss. 7,704 Free. Phosphates of lime, crude or native, ss. 4,011 Free. " " " medicinal preparation 25 per cent. " crude or native Free. Phosphoric acid Free. Phosphorus per lb. 18 cts. Phosphosone, artificial mineral water, ss. 5,513-8,552. Phosphurct of lime — 25 per cent. Photographers 1 silver waste, ss. 0,058 10 per cent. of the Port of ifeiv fork. 457 Photographic albums, finished or unfinished 35 per cent. " apparatus may he tools of trade, ss. 6,977. " baths and clippers, February 23, 1861, N. Y. 45 per cent; " cards, plain 35 per cent. '• dry plates, or films, ss. 14,457 25 per cent: " lenseB 45 per cent. " negatives made by American tourists, as manufactures of glass, ss. 13,031-14.457 45 per cent. " paper sensitized, ss.6,530 8,758 8,903-9,087... 30 per cent; " " plain basic per lb. 3 cts. and 10 per cent. " pictures, ss. 6,168 t 25 per cent. " " colored by artists, ss. 6,145 25 per cent. " " for free exhibition Free. " plates, American, exposed abroad, ss. 14,457. 45 per cent. " slides on glass, ss. 2,633 45 per cent. Photograph mounts, as lithographs, ss. 10,786-10,942. Photographs 25 per cent. " for use of United States Free. " for Library of Congress Free. " on glass, as manufactures of glass, ss. 12,105-15,826 45 per cent. " painted or colored, ss. 2, 641-15, 841 25 per cent. " printed over twenty years Free. " specially imported for colleges, etc., ss. 11,557 -15,795-16,347 Free. Phylactery, as manuscript, ss. 12,801 Free. Phthalic acid Free. " " anhydrous, ss 20 per cent. " " anhydride, ss 20 per cent. Pianoforte actions, and parts thereof, ss. 11,587 45 per cent. ♦Pianoforte hammers covered with wool, ss. 21,590 45 per cent. Pianoforte leather 35 per cent. " action leather 35 per cent. Pianofortes, ss. 10,334-10,589 45 per cent. " keys, ivory strips for, as manufactures, ss. 3,064 35 per cent. " may be household effects, ss. 16,347. " toy, ss. 2,107 35 per cent. Piano toning hammers, ss. 6,259 45 per cent. _. . J Value not over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. Fiano wire -j » over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. Piassova, vegetable fiber, unmanufactured, ss. 3,457 Free. " cut Into lengths, asn. e. manufactured article, ss. 16,088-16,969 20 per cent. Piccolos, ss. 11,353 11,562 45 per cent. Pickers, raw, hide and metal, ss. 6,254 16,105 45 per cent. Pickets or palings, rough or sawed, ss. 2.045 7,378 10 percent. * The Secretary of the Treasury has decided to assess pianoforte hammers covered with wool as woolens, under Par. 366, ss. 21,643. 458 ' "n.--to ms liroki rx and ( /tries Association Pickets or palings, finished 10 per cent. Pickles, ss. 1,818 40 per cent. " in bottles, bottles as covers 40 per cent. Picks, railroad, as track tools, hs, 6,737 per lb. 1J4 cts. " all other 45 per cent. Picric and nitro picric acid, ss. 9,827 Free. Picrotoxine, medicinal preparation 25 per cent. Picture books or cards, printed matter 25 per cent. " " of paper or other material for children's use, containing illuminated lithographic prints, not exceeding in weight 24 ounces each per lb. 8 cts. " frames, according to material, ss. 3,081-3,333-8,006- 8,566 8,703-11,683-12,411-12,811-12,812- 14,316-14,588. " " with pictures, pay as a separate commodity. Pictures, glass window, ss. 12,809 60 per cent. " combination, as lithographs, ss. 12,849. 11 crystographs, as lithographs, ss. 14,228. " " " covered with glass, as manufac- tures of glass, ss. 12,032 45 per cent. " decalcomanie, as lithographs, ss. 3,822. " folding, as manufactures paper, ss. 16,997 35 per cent. " marble mosaic, as manufactures of, ss. 1,448 16,116 -16,301-16,821 60 per cent. " on paper, printed matter 25 per cent. " " if lithographed, as lithographs, ss. 12,803. " transparent "TMphonia," ss. 15,826 60 per cent. Piddicks, reed or rattan, ss. 5,252-8,760-9,779 10 per cent. Pig iron, ss. 4,585-4,941 per ton $4.00. Pigment containing lead, ss. 10,819 per lb. 2% cts. " " zinc, dry perlb. 1 ct. " " " ground in oil per lb. l-^cts. " dry or ground in oil, n. s. p. f 30 per cent. " white containing lead per lb. ~ ,7 „ cts, " " " zinc, dry perlb. let. " " " " in oil perlb. 1-% cts. Pile fabrics, cotton or other vegetable liber, except Sax, unbleached, ss. 10,895 13,340 13,987 per sq. yd. '.< els. and 25'.', but not less than 47Jjj per r< nt. " " bleached, dyed, etc , etc per >-<). yd. 12 cts. and 25 . but doI less than 47]^ per cent. " '• flax, ss. 21,777 21,950 60 per cent. silk pcr'lb $1.50, and 15 per cent.., but not less than 50 per cent. " " wool, hair, etc., as mfrs. of wool, ss. 10,408. Piling, rough logs with bark on, bs. 90] 21,868 Free. Pillow shams, according to material, ss. 15,326. " " ci.tton net, plain, bound with tape, ss. 10,29S 45 per cent. of (he Port of New York. 459 Pillow shams, machine stitched, cotton, ss. 14,157 45 per cent. " " silk, ss. 15,214 50 per cent. " " tamboured, ss. 14,635-17,488 60 per cent. " " finished or unfinished, made on the Not- tingham lace-curtain machine, or on the Nottingham warp machine, and com- posed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, when counting five points or spaces be- tween the warp threads to the inch per sq. yd. 1 cent and 20 per cent. When counting more than 5 such points or spaces to the inch, in addition for each such point or space to the inch in excess of 5 per sq. yd. }.., cent and 20 per cent. Pills, medicinal preparation 25 per cent. Pilocarpine, nitrate and muriate 25 per cen . Pilot boats must be licensed under the coasting laws, ss. 3,076. Pimento, unground Free. " ground per lh. 3 cts. " sticks, cut for umbrellas Free. " wood Free. Pincers, iron, ss. 788-10,245 45 per cent. Pin blocks or cubes, metal 45 per cent. " cushions, according to material. •' or needle cases, according to material. Pine-apples in bbls. or other pkgs., ss. 21,552 per cubic foot 7 cts. in bulk per 1,000 per 1,000 $7.00. " in tin cans in own juices, ss. 12,725-12,820- 13,707-15,663 16,629-16,&52 25 per cent. " preserved in sugar, ss. 1,186. . . .per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. " slips for cultivation Free. Pine butts, as lumber sawed, ss. 14,406 per 1,003 ft. B. M. |2.00. " strips, as sawed lumber, ss. 14,400 per 1,000 ft. B. M. $2.00. ■• tree kernels, boiled, ss. 3,632 20 per cent. " wood, sawed into lengths for blinds per 1,000 ft. B. M. $2.00. Pink, Dutch, color 30 per cent. " root, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. }4 ct. and 10 per cent. " saucers, cosmetic 50 per cent. Pins, celluloid, as celluloid manufacture, ss. 13.557-16,216 per lb. 05 cts. and 25 per cent. " chatelaine, as jewelry, ss. 17,946 60 per cent. 11 composed of imitation precious stones and metal, as jewelry, ss. 12,666-16,008 60 per cent. " glass head, metal shank, made wholly of base metal . ss. 16,183-16,521 45 per cent. " gold and strass, ss. 16,844 60 per cent . " hair, hat, belt, bonnet and shawl, wholly of base metal not plated, ss. 11,025 12.575-13,291-13,874. . . 35 per cent. 460 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Par. 459 459 453 44!) 125 425 339 263 193 512 Pins, hair, covered with silk, ss. 16,411-21,921, according to chief value. " all others as jewelry 60 per cent. " horn ornamented with metal and paste, as. 16,008. . 60 per cent. " lace, with glass heads, not jewelry, ss. 12,947 13,781 60 per cent. " " if jewelry, ss. 17,250 60 per cent. " metal, covered with silk, ss. 16,411 45 per cent. " metallic, solid head, ss. 1,499.. . .* 36 per cent. " scarf, with glass heads, not jewelry, ss. 12,947-13,781. 45 per cent. " " if jewelry 60 per cent. " safety, ss. 12,099-13,238-13,307 35 per cent. '• wrist or crank 45 pel cent. Pipe, cast iron per lb. fa ct. " blocks of brierwood, ss. 3,411-7,366 Free. • howls, ss. f.94-4 711 60 per cent. " " common tobacco, of clay, value not more than 40 cents per gross per gross 15 cts. All others of clay per gross 50 cts. and 25 per cent. Other than above, ss. 16,977 60 per cent. " brierwood 60 per cent. " cases, sockets, stems, ss. 3,3:6-9,775-12,131 60 per cent. " clay unwrought per ton $1.00. " " wrought, ss. 21,689 per ton $2.00. " copper per lb. 2J^ cts. " lead per lb. 2)4 cts. " mountings, and fixtures of all kinds, ss. 3,376 9,725. 60 per cent. " stems, broken clay, ss. 17.151 35 per cent. " wrought iron or steel, n. s. p. f 35 per cent. Piperazine, as medicinal coal tar preparation, ss 25 per cent. Pipes, common tobacco, of (lav. ss. .;. 722-10,767 : \ Value not more than 10 cts. per gross per gross 15 cts. - " more than 40 cts. per gross ( per groBS 50 cts. and 25 per cent. " all other smokers', SB. 4,925-7,613 00 per cent. " "church wardens," as common, ss. 14,241 : (Valuenol more than K) cts. per gross per gross 15 cts. ■1 " more than 40 cents per gross ( per gross 50 cts. and 25 per cent. " French clay, ss. 12,421-18,898 60percent. " with wood stem, clay head, etc.,ss. 14,320 60 per cent. " pitch 45 per cent. " hollow copper rollers are not, ss. 21,656: Piping, India rubber, as manufactures of, ss. 14,213 30 per cent. Piquets, dried grasses for art. flowers, ss. 9,015 50 per cent. metal, as artificial flowers, 88 14,722 50percent. trimmings, ;is cotton braids, ss. 10,907 60 per cent. Pistoles in sugar, ss. 4,798 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. Pistols, revolving, and parts of each ",b cts. and 25 per cent. all others 46 per cent, Piston rods 45 per cent. Pitch, Burgundy Free. of the Port of Nt "■ York. 401 Pitch, blast furnace, as coal tar pitch Free. " coal tar Free. " of wood Free. " palm stearine, ss. 5,091 20 per cent. " pipes, 88. 9,325 45 per cent. Pith and zinc tumbler covers, ss. 6,952 45 per cent. " hats, as wool wearing apparel, ss. 3,557 4.874 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Pit saws per linear foot 8 cts. Pizzles, ss. 2,623 10 per cent. Plaits for bonnets, etc., of straw, chip, grass, etc., bleached 15 per cent. unbleached, etc. . . .-. 20 per cent. Planes, part steel, and plane bits 45 per cent . Planished steel iron or sheet steel per lb. 2 cts. Planking, ship, ss. 4,018-4,317 Free. Planks, lumber (see wood). Planters, agricultural 20 per cent. Plants, all kinds, commonly known as nursery stock, ss. 15,810 25 per cent. " etc., for Department of Agriculture or U. S. Botanic Garden, ss. 18,451 Free. " for dyeing purposes, crude Free. " fruit, tropical and semitropical for cultivation or propagation, ss. 1,746-2,018-18,438 Free. " orchids, lily of the valley, azaleas, palms and other plants used for forcing under glass for cut flowers or decorative purposes 25 per cent. " tea Free. Plaques, earthenware or china, painted, etc., ss. 13,427. . . 60 per cent. " " " " may be paintings, ss. 13. I'M 20 per cent. " " " " not painted, etc 55 per cent. " hat, es. 17,747 35 per cent. " metal, hand painted, as paintings 20 per cent. " " not hand painted 45 per cent. " papier mache 35 per cent Plaster, cracked rock. ss. 2.573 per ton 50 cts. " corn, as manufactures of, felt, ss. 17,599 per lb. 44 cts. and CO per cent. " of paris, unground, ss. 2,159 10,567 per ton 50 cts. " " " ground, ss. 2,159 $2 25 per ton. " '• " calcined, ss. 15,678 $.2. 25 per ton. j-,ii " all manufactures of n. s. p. f.. ss 6,153-7,744 8,097-12,427-12,835 35 per cent 150 ' busts, ss. 16.653 35 per cent. t;i'l " casts for churches, specially imported, ss. 11,519- 11,747 13,930 Free. 450 " for picture frames, ss. 15,703 35 per cent. 69 I •" court , 35 per cent. 4G2 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association • Plaster, statuettes, plain, ss. 17,589 35 per rent. " " decorated 35 per cent. Plastilina, a modeling clay, ss. 19,258 20 per cent. Plasters, belladonna, etc., ss. 12,449 85 per a nt. " adhesive, "ss. 2,078-27,51)2 35 per cent. " corn and bunion, as wool felts, not woven, ss. 6,576-12,665 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. medicinal, ss. 9,222 35 per cent. Plaster rock, ss. 19,496 per ton 50 cts. Plastrons, as embroideries, ss. 16,477 60 per cent. Plateaus, as table mirrors, ss. 12,035. Plateaux for hats, as hats, according to material, ss. 15,213-16,276-16,345 1 7.747-20,844: l Not exceeding 144 square inches 45 per cent -i Exceeding 144 square inches, dutiable as looking ( glass plates. Plated articles, according to material. " articles, plated with silk, as silk, ss. 3,690-3,771- 8,706 50 per cent. " braids, embroideries, epaulettes, fringes, galloons, gimps, knots, laees, stars, tassels, trimmings or wings, ss. 6,149-0,547 60 per cent. Plate, gold or silver 45 per cent. Plate paper 25 per cent. Plates, cast iron per lb. , s ct, " fish, railway per lb. ,'„ ct. " electrotype 25 per cent. " enameled with vitreous glasses. . 40 per cent. " engraved steel, ss. 2.092 9,09 3 25 per cent. " " copper, etc 25 per cent. " fashion, on steel, copper or wood, ss. 785-1.721 25 per cent. *■'■ for electrical machines, as manufactures of metal, ss. 15,241 45 per cent. " glass, ss. 4,532-5,455, see gla is plates. » (nmsnm as 1" 38*. ' T>,ain 35 per cent, gypsum, ss. 12 38., ( Decorated 45 per cent. " lithographed for printing 25 per cent. " or sheets tin, ss. 2,591 per lb. 1J^ cts. photographic (dry) 25 per cent. " printed 25 per cent. " stereotype 35 per cent. terra cotta, as common brown earthenware, ss. 6,1 73 25 per cent. tin, A. B. C, etc., as toys, ss. 11,989 35 per cent. Platform cars, as manufactures of metal, ss. 7,684 45 per cent. Plalina, in ingots, liars, sheets and wire Free. 11 sponge, as crude, 88. 15,729 Free. riaiiinmi. unmanufactured, and platinum vases, retorts and other chemical apparatus and parte thereof, ss. 7,335 -8,163-8,203-13,687 Free, of ttu Port of x, w Fork. 4«3 Par. 193 183 6 : - 642 Platinum, all articles of, n. s. p. f., ss. 12,651 45 per cent " cauterizing tips, as manufactures of metal, ss. 12,651 45 per cent. sheets, ss. 8,168-8,203.... ' Free. ;; wire, ss. 8,168-8,203 Free. 40ti | Playing cards, finished or not, in packs not exceeding 54 cards, ss. 3,270-8,617-10,151 10 cts. per pack, and 20 per cent. 4ii6 ■■ " on excess over 64 cards per pack, same rate. 193 Pliers, metal .... 45 per cent. 131 ' Plow steel, as steel in sheet-, ss 1.4^}. 460 Plows, iron or steel 20 per cent. 193 " planes, steel 45 per cent. 460 1 " steam, SB. .723 20 per cent. 562 Plucked 1 ur skins are not dressed, ss. 14,768 Free. Plugs and nipples for sporting, breech-loading shot guns, combination shot guns and rifles and pistols 50 per cent. 157 " " " for muskets, muzzle loading shot guns and. sporting rifles 25 per cent. Plumbago, ss. 691-1,627-1,947 Free. " blocks of, ss. 1,947 Free. " stove polish, ss. 6,403-17,921 35 per cent. Plumbers' hooks and holdfasts, as forgings of iron, - 7,404 35 per cent. " knives, as table knives. Plumes, ornamental feathers 50 per cent. " bird of paradise, crude, ss. 18,068 15 per cent. Plums, dried, ss. 265-2,670 per lb. 2 cts. " green per bu. 25 cts. " if in bottles, additional duty, as bottles. " myrobolan, ss. 2.670 per lb. 2 cts. " in brine, ss. 3,811 per lb. 2 cts. •' preserved in own juice per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. " " in sugar per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. " " inspirit per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. Over 10 per cent, alcohol 35 per cent. and per gall, on alcohol contained over 10 percent, per proof gall. $2.50. Plum paste as coal tar color, ss. 9,638 30 per cent. " puddings, ss 8,533 20 per cent. Plungers for guns, as parte of, ss. 6,307 50 per cent. black, known commercially as batl r-" plush, com- posed of silk or of silk and cotton, and used exclusively for making men's hats, ss 3,286- 12.917 15,83 879 10 per cent, " upholstering tapestries are not, ss. 17,688. Plushes, cotton or other vegetable liber, except tlax: iOhbleaqhed , per sq. yd. 9 cts. and 28 pel e. <:■■ . Inn not less than 47J4 per cent. Bleached, dyed, etc per so, yd. i'J i i- and 25 per- cent, lint not less than 17) y per ivm , 158 643 643 97 127 155 425 ;•.:, 264 202 99 261 26) 233 263 263 1.-. § 6 158 461 315 464 'ams Brokers and Clerks Assoeit Plushes, flax, sb. 21,777-21,950 60 per cent silk, be 15",238 ..per. lb. $1.00 and 15 percent, bur not less than 50 per cent. " wool, hair, etc., as ma mi fact arcs wool, in whole - or in part. Pneumatic hooks or holders, ss. 9,244 45 per cent. r 35 p " cigar cases, as smokers' articles, ss. 8,879 1 1,851 . . 60 per cent. •' compasses, as manufactures of bias-, ss. 8.853 45 per cent. " '* leather and metal, according to chief value, -s. 11,874. •' knife blades (see penknives', ss. 9,064. " knives (see pen knives), ss. 5,490 15,010. " " linings for are parts of, as. 18,070. " lamps, s . bs 6,908 60 per cent. mirrors 45 per cent. PodophyUin. medical preparation ^'5 per cent . Polariscopes, as optical instruments, bs. 1,656-7,485 45 per cent. " parts of, as manufactures of spar, ss. 13,187. 50 per cent. Poll ■ I in -. as chains, ss. 8,739. Poles, telegraph, trolley, telephone and electric light of wood 20 per cent. Polished sheel iron or sheet steel per lb. ■; cts. Polishing cloth, wool (see woolens), bs. 8,147 " earth, as a pigment, ss. 7,146 SO per cent. " powders, all, according to material, ss. 16,584- 16,733-17,632 stones 20 per cent. " " artificial, ss. 3,525 per ton «6.00. Polypodium, crude drug Free. " advanced in value per lb. f.j et and 10 per cent. Pomades and pomatum for hair 50 per cent. enfleuraged, ss 1,600-2,548 6,968 Free. l 'i i tegrai at< i < • I, i rude Free. " " preserved in sugar per lb. I ct. and 35 per cent. Pomegranates Free. Pomelos (coverings additional) per lb. 1 ct. may b abandoned under Sec ."■. \> I of dune in, [890, after sorting the good from the damaged under customs super vision, >s 21,891 Pomeranza spirits, ae al< oholic compound, ss. 16,598 per lb. 60 cts and 15 per cent, p ii. Persian, as coal tar color, ss. 14,823 30 per cent. Pongees, Bilk, as woven fabrics. Ponies, Shetland, are 1 J, ss. 11,054 11,124 11,177. me, ivory or other vegetable material 50 pi r cenl Poplar wood, fit only for the manufacture of paper I Poplins, silk, or silk chief value, as silk woven fabrics, BS. " wool, or part wool, as woolen dress goods. qf the Port of New York. 465 Poppy heads, crude drug Free. " seeds, BS. 3,4.">1 91,516 per bush. 15 cts. " oil of, ss. 3.473 per gall, of 7J~j lbs. 20 cts. Porcelain cylinders and slates (glass), ss. 018 60 per cent. " glass 60 per cent. " jewel cases, not decorated 55 per cent. " " " decorated 60 per cent. " bottle stoppers, plain white, ss. 22,081 55 per cent. " plaques, decorated for jewelers' use, ss. 7,572. . 60 per cent. " tubs, plain 55 per cent. " " decorated 60 per cent. " ware, decorated, ss. 618-2,898 60 per cent. " " white, ss. 3,253 55 per cent. Pork per lb. 2 cts. Porphyritic rock, as dressed building stone, ss. 14,227 50 per cent. Porphyry articles, not decorated, ss. 13,337 35 per cent. " " decorated . . 45 per cent. Port: The word "port," as used in this Title, may include any place from which merchandise can be shipped for importation, or at which merchandise can be imported, sec. 2,707 R. S. Porto Rico, importations into and from, see rates on page 619. Portieres, djijims, as manufactures of wool. Portemonnies, leather, ss. 5,960 35 per cent. Porter, in bottles or jugs (no duty on bottles), ss. 6,191 . per gall. 40 cts. " in casks, ss. 3,905 per gall. 20 cts. Portland cement in packages, including weight of pack- age per 100 lbs. 8 cts. " " in bulk per 100 lbs. 7 cts. Portraits in oil colors, as paintings, ss. 3,588 20 per cent. " crayon, ss. 2,825 20 per cent. " enameled on copper, as mfrs. metal ss. 18,075.. . 45 per cent. " pastel, ss. 9,580 20 per cent " photographed on china and painted, ss. 3,494 60 per cent. Portugal, reciprocal arrangement, see page 630. Postage stamps, American, ss. 11,487 Free. " " " cancelled, ss. 10,909-12,083.... Free. " " foreign, cancelled or uncancelled, ss. 11,451 Free. Postal cards of foreign governments, ss. 10,624-10,960- 16,038 22,119 25 per cent. " convention parcels not subject to seizure, ss 16,264. Posters, not lithographs, as printed matter, ss. 17,8 18 25 per cent. Post horns, not musical instruments 45 per cent. Posts, fence 10 per cent. " or sections of iron or steel per 11). ,;, ct. " paving of cedar or other woods, SS. 15,697 20 per cent " rough hewn or sawed only, ss. 90 5,867 20 per rent. Potash, bicarbonate, ss. 4,117-11,189 25 per cent. 46ti Oustoms Brokers and Clerks Association Potash, acetate, chemi 25 per cent. " bichromate and chrOmate of per lb. 3 cts. '• bisiilpliatc of, as chemical salt, ss. 11,053 25 per cent. carbonate of, refined, 88. 4,117-17,027-17,380- 17,381-17,430 Free. " caustic, 88. 3,940 Free. " " refined, in sticks and rolls per lb. let. " chlorate of per lb. 2J ct. " permanganate, chemical salts, ss. 1,545 25 per cent. " prussiate of, red per lb. 8 cte. " " " yellow per lb. 4 cts. " eulphate of, crude or refined, ss. 7.152 17,718 Free. " water, as artificial mineral water, ss. 14,780. Potaasa and soda, tartrate of per lb. 4 Cts. " " " " " liquid, as soda watt i 722-2,682. Potassium, all acetates of 25 per cent. bs.9,324-16,719 20 per cent. ' ' carbonate .... 25 per cent. " cyanide, ss. 17,633 12J/> per 'int. Potatoes, ss. 1,803-3,165-8,545-18,472 per bush. 60 lbs. 25 cts. " allowance may be made for dirt on. ss. 5,153. " cannot be entered fm- bonded warehouse, ss. 3,184 8,448. " desiccated 40 per cent. Potato starch, or flour, ss. 1,874 5,737 16,955 per lb. l'... cts. Potee rouge, as pigment, ss 11,246 80 per cent. Pots, porous for electric batteries without metallic con- nections 20 per cent. Pottery, decorated, as decorated earthenw are, ss. 13,196. . 60 per i ent. " " common yellow and brown 25 per cent, " " plain white, ss. 3,219 55 per cent. 11 paper, as I Issue piper. Pouches, for smoking or chew Ing tobacco, ss. 4,258 60 percent. " all others, of india rubber, ss 4,922-11,164 30 per cent. Poultry, alive, ss. 10,516 per lb. 3 cte. dn ed 2,060-2,516 per lb. Sets. " prepared 25 per cent. dead, undre nidation, ss. 12,081 per lb. 3 cts. Pounce 20 per cent. Powder, bleaching, chloride of lime per lb. ', Ct. of the Port of New York. 467 Powder, bronze per lb. 12 cts. " clarifying, for wine, Ss. 8,865 25 per cent. " cosmetic . BO per cent. " curry Free. " finishing, according to material. " flasks, copper, ss. 5,914 45 per cent. " fulminating, n. s. p. f 30 per cent. " goa, as medicinal preparation, as. 4 , 1 90 25 per cent. " gold jaune and citron, as manufactures gold, ps. 15.415 45 per cent. " gun, valued at not over 20 cts per lb. 4 cts. " gun, valued at over 20 cts per lb. 6 cts. " insect, ss. 2,364-0,161 per lb. J4 c *- an( l 10 per cent. puffs, as brushes, ss. 3,028-3,114 13,351 40 per cent. " " of feathers, or down, ss. 13,881 40 per cent. " sachet, as perfumery, ss. 13,881-16,731 50 per cent. " shoemakers 1 paste, as n. e. manufactured article, ss." 17,625 20 per cent. " silver, ss. 9,101-10,498 45 per cent. i' O ™^i.- O i >^ ! Valued at not over 20 cts. per lb per lb. 4 cts. smo^eiess. ( « over 20 ctg per lb per lb 6 ctg " toilet, for face, teeth, and skin 50 per cent. Powders, ink 25 per cent. Pozzolana, volcanic ashes, as cement, ss. 7,1 ';'S. Precious stones, uncut Free. " " cut, not set, ss. 3,135 10 per cent. " " agates, bloodstones and tiger eyes, cut as, ss. 18,016 10 per cent. " imitations of, composed of paste or glass not exceeding one inch in dimensions, not set or ornamented, ss. 12,682-19,458. 20 per cent. " of other materials, as manufac- tures of said material, ss. 8,707. " " set, as jewelry, ss. 150-19,492 60 per cent. " set, not jewelry 00 per cent. Precipitate, red 35 per cent. Preparations of anatomy, natural Free. " all medicinal preparations of which alcohol is a component part, or in the prepara- tion of which alcohol is used, n. s. p. f. . . per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. " all medicinal preparations of which alcohol is not a component part, n. s. p. f 25 per cent. " alkalies, alkaloids, distilled oils, essential oils, expressed oils, rendered oils and all combinations of the foregoing, and all chemical compounds and salts, n. s. p. f.. 25 per cent. " mercurial, medicinal 35 per cent. " of coal tar, not colors or dyes, not medicinal preparations, n. s. p. f 20 per cent. 468 Quitoms Brok> /■■■ ami Ckrks Assoc'ta/'ton Par. ■ 891 Preparations or all compounds of which distilled spirits are a component part of chief value, there shall be levied a duty not less than that imposed upon distilled spirits ...per proof gall. $2.25. 2 " toilet, containing alcohol per lb. 60cte. and 45 percent. 70 " used as applications to the hair, mouth, teeth or ekin, such as cosmetics, dentifrices, pastes, pomades, powders, and tonics, including all known as toilet preparations, not containing alcohol nor alcohol used in preparation, n. s. p. f 50 per cent. 13 Prepared chalk, ss. 3,129 per lb. 1 ct. 70 " " as cosmetic 50 per cent. 91 ■• clay, for paper makers' use resembling kaoline 20 per cent. 13 " " colored, used instead of French chalk, ss. 1,889 per lb. 1 ct. " fish, n. S. p. f per lb. % ct. " food, lacteous, ss. 7,082 20 per cent. 262 " fruits, n. s. p. f perlb.2cts. 275 " game or meats, n. s. p. f 25 per cunt. 58 " oxide of iron, as painters' color, ss. 4,700 30percent. 261 " shark fins, ss. 10,744 per lb. % ct. 241 " vegetables, n. s. p. f 40 per cent. Presents, are subject to duly like other importations, Am. 337, Keg. IK 1. $ Preserves, fruits in sugar, ss. 1,186-3,944.. . .per Hi. 1 el. and 86 per cent. 253 " " in own juice per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. " if in bottles, additional on bottles as coverings, " jars containing, dutiable as coverings for, 68. 4,3;.",. 1 Press cloth, hair, ss. 12,203 per sq. yard 20 cts. " " made from camel's hair. ss. 21,200 339 Priests 1 robes, cotton lace 60 per cent. 15 Primuline, or toluidine sulpho acid, as coal tar color, ss. 12,259 30 per cent. " buff, as dyewood extract, ss. 11,918 11,! 13,800 per lb. % ct. 403 Printed matter, n.s. p. f. ,ss.3,941 1,221 1,719 l,m 1,946 5485 16,726 17,260 85 per cent. 400 " " lithographed from stone or zinc, aluminum or other material, at lithographs. I Printed matter, samples of cloth Lnbook form and printed description are ss.21,964 25 percent. i; Printers' flannels, felts "l- blankets, ss. 3,812-4,612. \ alue a< ■<■ than 1 1 cts. per lb per Hi. 38 cts. and 60 per cent. Milne abovi Wc1 . and not above ii» cts. per Hi peril). 11 cts. and 50 per cent. value ovei ?0ctB. pel lb.. per lb. 44 cts. and 55 percent. " inks 25pereent. 193 400 400 118 115 109 193 of the Port of New York. 469 Printing paper, unsized, sized or glued, suitable for books and newspapers, ss. 4,455-5,015: /Valued at not above 2 cts. per lb per lb. ,;, ct. " above S cts. and not above %\,» cts. per lb perlb. ,',<(. " above 2 ^ cts. and not above 3 cts. per lb.. per lb. T % ct. ( " above 3 cts. and not above 4 cts. \ perlb per lb. T 6 5 ct. " above 4 cts. and not above 5 cts. per lb perlb. & ct. \ " above 5 cts. per lb 15 per cent. {W Provided, That if any country or depend- ency shall impose an export duty upon pulp wood exported to the United States, there shall be imposed upon printing paper, when imported from such country or dependency, an additional duty of one-tenth of one cent per pound for each dollar of export duty per cord so imposed, and proportionately for fractions of a dollar of such export duty. Printing press, old, as manufactures of metal and not as scrap iron, ss. 3,185-3,294 45 per cent. Prints, relief, as lithographs, ss. 13,791. " lithographic not exceeding 8-1000 inch in thickness per lb. 20 cts. exceeding 8-1000 inch and not over 30-1000 inch in thickness and exceeding 35 square inches, but not exceeding 400 square inches in dimensions, cutting size per lb. 8 cts. exceeding 400 square inches 35 per cent. Prisms, ss. 12,687, glass 45 per cent. " calc spar, ss. 12,383 50 per cent. " wedge shaped, partly manufactured, as lenses, ss. 13,696 45 per cent. Prize cup to be competed for is dutiable, ss. 13.358 45 per cent. 612 " metallic articles be 1> rh g . l ssociattoti Par. Protest, error in number of paragraph if manifest may be corrected, ss. 14,138 14,932. " " in number of paragraph without statement of claim is fatal to, ss. 17,050. " exactions of every character are subject to, ss. 14.815. " failure to make within ten days is fatal to claim ss. 10,979-11,045-16,487-16,488. " to return unexamined packages is fatal to, ss. 1.3,604-17,265. " to specify paragraph of law under which claim is made may not be fatal, ss. 14. 932. " " to support before General Appraisers is presumptive abandonment, ss. 17,156. " filed before entry is liquidated is invalid, ss. 17.976 '• ' ; law on which claim is based goes into effect is invalid, ss. 15,385. " " liquidation is invalid, ss. 13,606. " '• with one collector against action of another collector is invalid, ss. 16,700. '•' forwarded to Secretary of Treasury and not re turned to collector within ten days is invalid, ss. 10,658. " if lost by officer appointed to receive may be re- placed by substitute, ss. 10,018 •' importer is not entitled to notice of liquidation, ss. 17,059. importer must prove claims made in. ss. 1.3,109 13,546. indefinite is invalid, ss. 12,975-13,202-13,868. " is confined to packages named, if any an' named. ss. 14,076. " is effective if additional duties on other items of invoice have not been paid, ss. 16,686. " is estopped if packages delivered on ten day bond are not returned, ss. 17,265. " isnot requited on articles claimed to be free, as personal effects, ss. 1,983. " lies against rcliquidation which does not satisfy C. \. or court decision, ss. 16,811. " made by other than owner, importer or agent is invalid, ss. 1,818 10,236 12,255 I'.'. 113 17,628 " manifest error in number of paragraph quoted may he corrected, ss. 1 1.133. •' may be made by party purchasing L r oods in bond from importer, ss. 9, 189. " may claim rate is loo low. SB. I 1,691 . " may include any Dumber of entries, ss. 3.740. " multifarious and indefinite is invalid, s-. 10,224 10,4S7 11,166 18,202. of tin Port of New York. 173 Protest must be filed in duplicate, ss. 14,457. " " made on domestic whiskey reimported without foreign customs certificate, ss. " " filed within ten days after liquidation, ss. 10,400-10,477-10,530-11,024-13,219- 13,367. " " sustained by protestant's brief, ss. 10,373. " " claim correct rate of duty, ss. 12,707-17,734. " state claims definitely aiid specifically, ss. 10,224-11,682- 13,394 12,534. 11 state paragraph of law under which claim is made, ss. 11,051-14.932-17,734. " naming only schedule of law is too indefinite, ss. 10,529. " no restriction of number on any importation, 88. 15,815. •' not necessary on withdrawals of coal for Ameri- can vessels, N. Y., Jan'y 4, 189. " objections and claims must be specifically stated, ss. 10,254-17,948. " on appraisement entry must be filed within ten days of ascertainment of duty, ss. 13,208. " on goods in warehouse when law is changed and new rates provided, must be filed in ten days after collector decides what action, if any, he shall take, ss. 10,530. * on informality in reappraisement is invalid, ss. 13,103 " on warehouse entry lies against liquidation and not against withdrawal, ss. 16,419. " on warehouse and transportation entry lies against collector at original port only, ss,13,5S4 -14,907-15,534. " paragraph of law under which claim is made must be stated, ss. 11,051 . " protestant cannot obstruct full examination, ss. 14,370 . " " must prove his case, ss. 12,910-13,169 -13,546. " purchaser from importer may make, ss. 9,489. '• relief is restricted to claims in, ss. 11,815-14,076 -14,302. " requires concurrent action of Naval Officer, ss. 7,409. il samples are necessary to determine, ss. 12,133. " Secretary of Treasury cannot extend time for filing, es. 17,411. " sent through the mails and not received in time is invalid, ss. 13.204. i; 1 Customs Brokers ami (Ink* Association Protest signed by attorney without authority is invalid, ss. 17,681. " " erroneously by attorney may be correct- ed. N. Y., Nov. 38, 1892, and Oct. 12,1895. " Sundays are included in rim.- allowed for filing, bb.3,139 16,723-21,628. " unsigned is worthless, ss. 17,822. Protestant is not entitled to notice of department deci- sions, ss. 7,469. " is not entitled to notice of General Appraiser's decisions, ss. 10,754. 673 Protoxide of strontian Free. 450 Protractors, ivory 35 per cent. § 6 Provender, mixed grains ground together, as n. c. manu- factured article, ss. 2,841 20 per cent 15 Prune, pure, as coal tar color, ss. 15, 1 21 30 per cent. 369 Prunella, same as lasting, as wool dress goods. 264 Prunelles, ss. 6,330 per lb. 2 cts. 264 Prunes, and prunes commune, ss. 3,233-4,993 per lb. 2 cts. " butter as fruit in own juice, ss. 17,552-17,553- 17,570-20,565 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent . " crushed, as fruit in own juice, ss. 17,552-17,553 -17,570-20,565 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. 263 " jelly, gg. 17,552-17,553-17,570 35 per cent. 299 » ju:,, : \ containing not more than 18:5 of alcohol.. .. per gall. 60 cts. 299 •< containing more than 18* of alcohol / per sral 1. 6( I cts., an don alcohol contained, per proof gall. §2. 07. 263 " preserved in own juice per lb. 1 ct. and 35 percent. 263 ^ sugar, ss. 2,654 4,793 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent . - on alcohol contained over 10% | per proof gall. $2.50 and 35 per cent. 299 " wine, as prune juice, ss. 721, 264 Prunes with pits removed, ss. 21,594 per lb. 2 cts. 193 Pruning bills, as manufactures metal, ss. 7,119 45 per cent. 45 Prussian blue, dry or ground in, or mixed with oil, es. 1,630 1,575-8,812 per lb. 8 cts. 45 " " in pulp or mixed with water per lb. 8 cts. Prussiate of potash, red per lb. 8 cts. " " " yellow per lb. 4 cts. 464 Prussic acid Free. 501 Publications issued for their subscribers by scientific and literary associations or academies Free. " of individuals for gratuitous private circula- tion, ss. 17,685 Free. " ]{. 1;. passenger fares, etc . etc . as primed matter, ss 15,670 25 per cent. 1 Public documents issued by foreign governments Free. Public Store, goods in, one year are forfeited to the U. S., ss. 12,076 14,201. 198 I I'ufT boxes. Britannia ware 45 per cent. of the, Port of New York. 475 I'ar. ■ 112 | Puff boxes, glass 45 per cent. " " all others, according to material. Puffs, powder, ss. 13,881 40 per cent. Pulleys, metal, ss. 12,855 46 p c ' " wooden 35 pe.- c r.t. Pull overs, as fur hats, ss. 7,220. Pulp, wood, chemical, unbleached, ss. 6,525-6,861 -7,087 -8,689-10,884-10,904-13,001-15,962-16,085. dry weight per lb. ,' ct. " " chemical, bleached, dry weight per lb. J4 ct. " " mechanically ground, dry weight per lb. ,'., ct. t^°°If any country or dependency shall im- pose an export duty on pulp wood exported to the United States, the amount of such export duty shall be added, as an additional duty, to the duties herein imposed upon wood pulp, when imported from such country or depend- ency. " all other for papermakers' use, ss. 2,428-8,643-12,286 -12,356 45 per cent. " cotton, as manufactures of cotton, ss. 13,594 45 per cent. " rag, as manufactures of cotton, ss. 14,692 45 per cent. " straw, as wood, ss 12,356. " all manufactures of, n. s. p. f 35 per cent. " woods Free. Pulpit, carved wood, as manufactures of wood, ss. 12,254. 35 per cent. " is not regalia, ss. 11,123. Pulque, ss. 6,871 20 per cent. ■ Pulu, April 5, 1858, San Francisco Free. Pulverized wool, Hocks per lb. 10 cts. Pumice 15 per cent. " and sand in bricks, ss. 12,005-13,611 per ton $6.00. " stone, unmanufactured, ss. 1,517-18,268- 15 per cent. " " manufactured per ton $6.00. " " artificial or composition, ss. 6,409-19,354 — 35 per cent. Pumpkins, in natural state 25 per cent. " seed 30 per cent. Pumps, according to material. Punches, shoe, etc., metal 45 per cent. Purchase, place of, not confined to place where merchan- dise is, ss. 15,805-16,381. Purchased goods, what are, ss. 13,499. Purchaser's name need not appear on invoice, ss, 13,396. Purree, painters' color, ss. 8,705 30 per cent. Purple ore, as residuum of burnt pyrites, ss. 14,385 per ton 40 cts. " London 15 per cent. Purses, as pockei books (if leather), ss. 0,245 35 per cent. Purse trimmings, steel, are not jewelry, ss. 10,914 45 per cent. Putty , perlb. 1 ct. " knives, as table knives. 470 t htstorm Brol • i s and < /• rki A sea iniion Putty powder as chemical comp., ss. 18,521 25 per cent. " red, ss. 1 1 ,346 30 per cent. Putz. kalk. ss. 12.S10 35 per cent. " paste in powder, es. 10.584 35 per cent. * " pomade as n. e. mfd. article, es. 20,287 20 per cent. " pulverized, as wrought earth, ss. 12,003 '. per ton $2.00. P\ oktanin, as coal tar color, ss. 13,597 30 per cent. Pyrites, containing in excess of 25 per cent, sulphur, ss. 10,924 Free. " " less than 25 per cent, sulphur per ton 40 cts. " burnt, residuum of per ton 40 cts. Pyrogallic acid 25 per cenl . Pyroligneous acid, not exceeding the specific gravity of 1 dl* per lb. U ct. exceeding the specific gravity of li&hj per lb. 2 cts. Pyroxyline. or gun cotton, all compounds of, ss. 8,010 per lb. 50 cts. " the same, rolled or in sheets per lb. 00 cts. " sheets, shave. 1 off, as sheets, ss. 17,943 per lb. 00 cts. " in finished or partly finished articles per lb. 05 cts. and 25 per cent. Quadrants, brass 45 percent. " frames, brass 45 per cent. Quads, as type, ss. 13,228 25 percent. Quantity of importation, how determined, ss. 17,030. Quartz, articles, as rock crystal, ss. 13,337 50 per cent. " ground and polished, as rock crystal, ss. 15,839.. 50 per cent. Quarantine stations for neat cattle, ss. 11.20'.' 11.002-12,187. Quassia wood, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. \-\ ct. and 10 per cent. Queens ware, as earthenware, plain 55 per cut. " " " decorated 60 per cent. Quercitron, extract of black oak, ss. 4,810 12,127-12,640- 13,860 per lb. % ct. QuetS( b papier, as paper, ss. 8,608 85 per cent. Quick grass root, crude Free. " " " advanced in value per lb. ■ , ct and 10 per cent. Quicksilver per lb. 7 cts. " colors, containing per lb. 10 cts. Quills, crude, aol made up into completed articles, ss. 10,894 18,747 15 per cent. " prepared 50 per cent. The Secretary of the Treasury has decided to appeal from decision of Board of General Appraisers on put/, pomade ami to assess same at 35 per cent, under Par. 97, ss. 20,287. of the Port of Ni U) I 4W Quills, filled with tooth powder, ss. 13,207 50 per cent. " penholders, as penholders, ss. 13,424 35 per cent. " strippings, ss. 4,705 50 per cent. " toothpicks, ss. 1,291-10,394-4,705-10,889-17,775. ... 20 per cent. Quillings, cotton chief value, ss. 16,205 60 percent. " flax , CO per cent. " silk chief value 60 per cent. Quiltings, cotton ^45 per cent. Quilts, cotton 45 per cent. " cotton and down, ss. 8,850 50 per cent. " embroidered, as embroideries, ss. 12,426 60 per cent. silk and down, down chief value, ss. 8,784 8,850... 50 per cent. " " " " silk chief value 50 per cent. " skins of eider down, sewed together, ss. 6,966 50 per cent. Quince seeds, ss. 4,385 11,212 30 percent. " " that will not germinate, as crude drug, ss. 14,152 Free. " stocks, cuttings or seedlings, 3 years old or less.. per M, $1.00 and 15 per cent " " " " " over three years old . 25 per cent- Quinces, green or ripe per bush. 25 cts. " dried, etc per lb. 2 cts Quinia or quinine, sulphate of, ss. 4,084 Free. " " alkaloids and salts of, and cinchonidia Free. Quinidia, sulphate of Free. Quinoidine, ss. 2,603 Free. Quinosol or chinisol, as a coal tar product, ss. 20,655 20 per cent. Quotations, as type, ss. 13,228 25 per cent. Quoits Free. R. Rabbit skins, cuttings, ss. 10,540-12,672 10 per cent. " " prepared for felting-as dressed, ss. 6,394... . 20 per cent. " raw cuttings, ss. 9,886-10,014 Free. Rabbits, living 20 per cent. " dressed, ss. 2,325-7,202-7,204 20 per cent. ' ' fur yarn, as manufactures of fur, ss. 6,306 35 per cent. " pickled in vinegar, as prepared meat 25 per cent. Racahout alimentaire, manufactures, n. e 20 per cent. Racket balls, wool, as manufactures wool, ss. 3,921. " gut strings, ss. 10,397 25 per cent. Radix root (angelica), crude Free. " advanced in value per lb. ]4 ct - and 10 per cent. Raddle, unwrought clay, ss. 11,857 per ton $1.00. Raffia, as crude vegetable fiber, se. 7,3(58-15,579 Free. " cloth, as manufactures of vegetable liber, ss. 11,879 12,355 45 per cent. Rafts of logs must be entered with Consular invoice, ss. 13,098 Free. 478 Customs lh<>k> rs and Clerks Association Rag pulp, in sheets or boards, ;is manufactured cotton, bb.14,692 45per$ert Hags from districts infected with cholera cannot be im- ported, as. 13,126. " must be accompanied by a certificate of disinfection, 88. 13,120. " n.s.p.f.,ss 8,535-7,656 Free. ■■ Bilk, for use as button stuff, ss. 611 3,311 3,335 50 per cent . woolen, ss. 4,098-21,595 per lb. 10 cents. " " carbonized, as shoddy, ss. 18,151 per 11> 25 cents. Rail ends, such as have been selected and sawed into short bars, same as steel ingots, ss.3,914 1,373 9.358. " " fit only for remanufacture, as Bcrapsteel, ss. 8,214 per ton - 14.0 I. Hailing points, iron. ss. 6,798 45 per cent. Railroad ties, cedar or other woods, ss. 1.209 20 per cent. " tickets, used and exported, on reimportation dutiable, ss. 3,965 85 per cent. " Co.'S may art as consign' es, I B. 1 i\703. Railway bars, iron or steel, or in part of Bteel per 1 1 " fish plates or splice bars, iron or steel per lb. ,'„ cent. Rails, T rail, iron or steel per lb. 5 7 ct. il punched tlat rails, iron or steel per lb. » 7 ct. 11 old, fit only for remanufacture, as scrap steel, ss. 4.129 4,262 per ton $4.00. J^"No allowance or reduction for loss or damage by rust or discoloration. Railway ears, repaired in foreign country, dutiable on cost of repair, according to materials used, ss. 885 9,638. " cars, Canadian. ma\ he used in through transit. ss. 5,098 9,688 17,038 Free. " chairs, iron or steel, ss. 276 15 per cent. " fish plates, iron or steel per lb. ,'„ cent. " splice bars. " " " per lb. ■& cent. " rugs, wool, a- manufactures wool. ss. 7,398, " snow plows in use on international railways, 88. 13,093 Free. " tires, wheels or parts of wheels, of iron or steel. per lb. lj^cts. " wheels, with steel axles, to pay as iron wheels, .per lb. 1\n Cts. Raisins per lb. •-"■.• cts. Rakes, iron or steel 15 per cent. Ramie, or China mass Free. handkerchiefs, hemmed or not 50 per cent. " hemstitched or revered 55percent. hydraulic hose per lb. 80 cents. waste, as waste, ss. 17,777 10 per cent. wearing apparel 50 percent. woven Fabrics or articles weighing !'... ozs. or Over per eq. yd. and containing not more than Of the Port of New York. 479 Tar. 00 threads to the sqr. inch per sqr. yd. 1% cts. and30 per cent, but not less than 50 percent, more than 60 and not more than 120 threads. per sqr. yd 2% cts. and 30 per cent, but not less than 50 per cent, more than 120 and not more than 180 threads.. per sqr. yd. 6 cts. and 30 per cent, but not less than 50 per cent. more than 180 threads per sqr. yd. 9 cts. and 30 per cent, but not less than 50 per cent. weighing less than 43^> ozs. per sqr. yd. and con- taining more than 100 threads to sqr. inch 35 per cent. Ramie, all other manufactures of, ss. 3,621-12,223-12,248. . 45 per cent. " noils, as waste, ss. 3,470-6,873-13,348 10 per cent. " threads, twines or cords made of yarns, 5 lea or under per lb. 13 cents. ■' threads, twines or cords made of yarns finer than 5 lea, additional per lb. per lea or number in excess of 5 lea % cent. " yarns, single, in the gray, 8 lea and under per lb. 7 cents. " " over 8 and not over 80 lea 40 per cent. " " over 80 lea 15 per cent. " " bleached, colored, etc 45 per cent. Ramrods, steel, ss. 9,869 25 per cent. Rapeseed Free. oil, per gall, of 7]4 lbs., ss. 9,323 per gall. 10 cts. Rapiers and rapier blades, ss. 6,350 35 per cent. Raspberry, essence or oil of ..per lb. $2.00 but not less than 25 per cent. " syrup, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 11,689 -13,973 20 per cent. " vinegar, as n.e. manufactured article, ss. 13,195. 20 per cent. !214 inches in length and under per doz. 30 cts. Over 2V6 inches and not over i\4 per doz. 50 cts. Over 4L| and under 7 per doz. 75 cts. 7 inches and over per doz. $1.00. Ratafia, alcoholic (bottles additional) per proof gall. $2.25. Rattan braids, for hats, etc., not bleached, colored 15 per cent. " " 20 per cent. " baskets as manufactures wood, ss. 17,077 35 per cent. " matting per sq. yd. 6 cts. " mats per sq. foot 4 cts. " whipstocks, as manufactures of wood, ss. 16,805. 35 per cent. Rattans and reeds, unmanufactured, ss. 9,779-13,244-18,582 Free. " " wrought or manufactured, for chair canes, ss. 9,779 10 per cent. " carpet beaters, as manufactures of wood, ss. 12,200 35 per cent. " for fishing poles, etc., polished and varnished, as manufactures of wood, ss. 12,948 35 per cent. " piddicks, ss. 5,252-6,338-13,244 10 per cent. " splints, as wood unmanufactured, ss. 12,981 20 per cent. " walking canes, finished, ss. 7,188-12,948 40 per cent. Rattles, children's, as toys, ss. 1,346 35 per cent. 480 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Raven's duck, linen, as woven fabrics. Raw and erode articles, all not enumerated 10 per cent. Rawhide lariats, ss. 1,751 Free. " loom pickers, as manufactures leather, ss. 10,105. 35 per cent. Raw hides, limed, ss. 3.464-3.720 15 percent. Razor blades, as razors, ss. 17.0'.' 1 . " cases, leather chief value :>5 per cent. " " paper, ss. 7,163 35 per cent. " " papier mache 35 per cent. " " wood 35 per cent. " strops, wood and leather 35 per eenl " " metal and leather 45 percent. Razors and razor blades, finished or unfinished, value less than $1-50 per doz 50 ets per doz. and 15 per cenl . value $l-50 per doz. and less than §3 per doz *1 per doz. and 15 per cent. value $3 per doz. or more $1.75 per doz. and 20 per cent. " corn, as razors. Reading clubs may import not more than 2 copies of any book, ss. 2,611 Free. " glasses, ss. 11,242 45 per cent. Readjustment of entry not allowed if goods have passed from custody of customs officers and no samples are retained, ss. 4,592. Readmeasurement Act, 1895, ss. 16,881. Ready made clothing, according to material. " " outside garments of cotton or other vegetable fiber, haying India rub- ber as a component material per lb. 15 cts. and BO per cent. " " " of silk, having India rubber as a component part 60 per cent . " " " wool per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Reapers 20 per cent. Reaping hooks 45 per cent. Keappraisements are not allowed unless appeal is taken, ss. 11,722. " by local appraisers on retained samples are illegal, ss. (5,001. by Board of General Appraisers is final, ss. 17.7H1 18.959. by Hoard of three General Appraisers must be held at Port of New York, ss. 82,114. " cannot be made without examination of the goods or certified samples, ss. 749. " cannot lie made one year after date of entry, ss. 17,704. cannol be delayed to suit importer, ss. 15,649, of the Port of New York 481 Reappraisements, delivery of public store packages before completion of, ss. 10,355. " General Appraisers need not give rea- sons for their action on, ss. 16,139. " General Appraisers are confined to items covered by appeal, ss. 15,603. " Government may demand, ss. 15,603. is not a judicial inquiry to be decided by preponderance of testimony, ss. 2,655. may be ordered after liquidation, ss. 16,759. must be decided by Board of General Appraisers, ss. 10,217-11,986 13,483. will be made on goods paying specific duties if importer claims they are subject to ad valorem duties, ss. 4,232. " verbal request is insufficient, ss. 16,569. Rebates, indorsement on register of vessel, ss. 15,498. Receipt for duties paid, permit is, ss. 17,518. Reciprocal trade, ss. 12,891-13,011-13,766-18,796 (.see country). Record paper, as writing paper. Red cross cliffstone, as Paris white, dry per lb. J4 ct . Red lead per lb. 2% cts . " levigated, as a color 30 per cent. " liquor (acetate of alumina) 25 per cent. " or crude tartar, as argols . i " polishing earth, as pigment, ss. 7,146 30 per cent. " precipitate 35 per cent. " putty, or pot5e rouge, ss. 11,246 20 per cent. " sanders, or sandalwood Free. " wood, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. }4 ct. and 10 per cent. Reed piddicks, ss. 5,252-8,760-9,779 10 per cent. Reeds, canes 40 per cent. " chair, wrought or manufactured, 13,244-18,545 10 per cent. " cut into lengths for whips, etc., ss. 4,949-11,586 -19,195 Free . " for clarionets, ss. 12,116 45 per cent " whipstocks, as mfrs. of wood, ss. 16,805 35 per cent. Refilling wine casks in warehouse permitted only when necessary to preserve the wine, ss. 4,281. Refined sugar is limited to such as has assumed at some time the form of white refined loaf or lump sugar, ss. 3,262. Reflector , tin, for Christmas trees, as toys, ss. 3,797 35 per cent Refund of duties cannot be made on articles exported after leaving the custody of customs officers, ss, 2,064, 649 482 Customs Brokers and Clerk* Assoi latton Refund of duties, certified statements should lie made in name of person making entry, ss. 3,678. " " " collected in pursuance of law cannot be made, ss. 996. " " '• on appeal must be made on certified statements forwarded to the Depart- ment for examination and settlement, ss. 2,715. " " " two years after payment, when time commences, ss. 3,499. " " " will be made on goods destroyed by casualty, if held on the dock for weigh- ing, gauging or measuring, ss. 5,090. Regalia and gems, statuary and specimens or casts of sculpture, where specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society incorporated or established solely for educa- tional, philosophical, literary or religious pur- poses, or for the encouragement of fine arts, or for the use or by order of any college, academy, school, seminary of learning, or any state or public library in the United States, and not for sale ; but the term " regalia " as herein used shall be held to embrace only such insignia of rank or office or emblems, as may be worn Upon the person or borne in the hand during public exercises of the society or institution, and shall not include articles of furniture or fixtures, or of regular wearing apparel, nor personal property of individuals, ss. 2,164- 7,343 7,711 S.:i!ii 8.51 I S.5I8 8,765-20,07:1 Free. " not as above, according to material, ss. 12,387- 13,489. " altars, choir stalls, pulpits, etc., are not. ss. 1,867- 11,12:1. antependia are not, ss 6,984. " banner for benevolenl society is not, ss. 7,956. " candelabra is not, ss. 13,862. " crosses for chasubles are not, ss. 9.(101. flag for society of marksmen is not, ss. 13,124. Highland costumes Tor military company arc not, ss. 18,879 11. 01 is. " Joss house fittings are not, ss. 12,581. " lectern is not, according t<> material, ss. 1,826- 7.839 12,688. mardi fjras and other fancy costumes are not, se, 9,651. music stand le not. ss. 12, 096. " ostensorium is, ss. 12,096, 193 390 390 390 193 391 173 534 483 4S3 483 483 § 8T 889 §27 of the Port of Ni w York. 183 Regalia, piece goods are not, ss. 2,180-7,303-7,357-7,049- 10,685. " pocket communion service is, ss. 7,106-8,049. " sanctuary lamp is not, ss. 2,005-2,290-4,312 45 per cent. " silk clothing, etc., for use of dragon in Chinese Joss house is not, ss. 8,548 60 per cent. " " scarfs for (Hebrew) congregation are not, ss. 2.939 60 per cent. " " gloves and hose are not, ss. 9,197 60 per cent. " stationary lamp hung from ceiling is not, ss. 12,628 45 per cent. " wax image, dressed in silk, etc., is not, ss. 9,974. . 50 per cent. Regulations, power of secretary to make, ss. 10,519-18,052. Regulus of antimony per lb. •% cent. " " copper Free. Rehearings on disallowed claims, ss. 15,531. Reimportations, American goods returned without having been advanced in value or improved in condition by any process of manu- facture or other means Free. " articles exported with benefit of draw- back, pay duty equal to drawback, ss. 15,267 " bags of American mfr. by exporter only . Free. " casks, barrels, carboys, and other ves- sels of American manufacture ex- ported filled with American products or exported empty and returned filled, ucluding shooks when returned as barrels, etc., Article 355, Customs Regulations, 1892 Free. foreign merchandise is dutiable on each reimportation, ss. 2,104-2,631-2,815- 9,461-10,971-11,716-11,759-11,803-15,236. li goods manufactured in bond and ex- ported are dutiable on reimportation as original importation. " of American whiskey in absence of proofs required by Article 334, Customs Regu- lations 1892, as foreign, ss. 12,484 per proof gall. $2.25. of American books, publisher's imprint, etc., may be accepted as evidence ss. 12,742. " of articles carried away by a thief, not dutiable, ss. 14,033. " of household effects taken to Canada for Summer, ss. 17,427. " of liquors and articles liable to internal revenue tax are subject to duty equal to i^i Customs Bioko- "mi Clerks Association Par. such tax. if tax has not heen paid, or if it has been paid and refunded. Reimportations will be treated in all respects as original importations, 88. 2,043 8,104 2,248- 8,631-8,815-14,995-15,089. ReliCB are not trophies, ss. 1(5,392. Reliquidation cannot he allowed in absence of protest, ss. 11,500-12,484. " cannol he made if all the goods have been delivered and no samples have been re- tained, ss. 3. 972. " in i\ lie made at any time while goods re- main in custody of customs officers, ss. 3,972. " may he made within one year from date of entry on new classification, ss. 12,655- 13,550. " limitation of one year begins to run from the time entry was made, ss. 3,972. Release of seized goods value 1 at less than $25.00 may be made by collector, ss. 11,622. " of seized goods valued at over gl,000 cannot be made by Department, Article 938, Customs Regulations. 1892. " may be made by Secretary of Treasury on pay- ment of line equal to duty, ss. 9,965-11,823. 400 Relief pictures, as lithographic prints, ss. 12,791. Religions societies can import 2 copies of any book. regalia, gems anil specimens or casts of sculpture Free. " Hails, as printed matter, ss. 2,686 25 per cent. Remission of a court judgment is beyond the power of the Secretary of the Treasury, ss. 2,520. " of additional duly for undervaluation cannot be made. " of forfeiture of vessel and cargo grants right of entry to the f goods for, must be borne by importer, 68. 18,162. " " " not allowed. Rhapsodia, as ginger ale, ss. 12,732; no additional duty on bottles. Rhinestones, strass or paste, as imitation precious stones, es.16.4Sa , 20 per cent. Rhododendrons, as nursery stock, ss. 10,720 25 per cent. Rhodonite, manufactures of, ss. 13,337 | &2S^; : 45 S cent costing 4 cts. per 11). or under 45 per cenl over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. Ribbons, silk, ss. 18,277 50 per cent. cotton velvet, ss. 11,332-14,061 45 per cent. " or other vegetable fiber 45 per cent. " silk velvet or plush , . .per lb. $1.50 and 15 per cent, but not less than 50 per cent. " typewriter, as mfrs. cotton, ss. 1S,l4it 45 per cent. Ribes-currants, ss. 17,741 per lb. 2 cts. Rice beaded curtains, ss. 19.495 00 per cent. Rice broken, which will pass through a sieve commer- cially known as No 12 wire sieve per lb '4 ct. cleaned, ss. 2,020 9,445 12,340 16,017 per lb. 2 cts. Hour and rice meal. 88. 2, 1 10 7,192 22.229 per lb. «4 ct. ground or granulated per lb. >4 ct. Hawaiian, broken, ss. 6,792. Free. Japan, ae nncleaned, ss. 17,758-18,015-18,162 per lb. l^cts, may be cleaned in bonded warehouse. Act March 24, is: I. in force, --. 1,970 3,244 17,717. paddj per lb. %ct. I'atna. ss 2,026 3.13; 12.253-13,010-13,231 10.957 per lb. 2cts. povi der, toilel preparation 50rper cent. " n« starch, ss 3 385 perlb. 1)4 cts. root, librr for brooms, ss. 2,764 Free. sif'tings or screenings, as cleaned, ss. 6,986 per lb. 2 cts nncleaned, or pulled and nol cleaned, ss. 3.137 per lb. 1 ', cts. ... . , . w j 50 per cenl or moreca>tor oil per gall. 30 cts. tncinoieic acia j LeBg than -,, ,„.,- 4 ,. u t. castor oil per gall. 15 cts. Port of New York. Rifle and shotgun combined, breech-loading : Value not more than $5.00 each $1.50 and 15 per cent. " more than $5.00 and not more than $10.C0 each $4 00 and 15 per cent. more than $10.00 each ?6.00 and 35 per cent. Double barrels for, further advanced in man- I ufacture than rough bored only each $3 00 and 35 per cent. Stocks for, wholly or partially manufactured. each $8.00 and 35 per cent. On all other parts rifles, and fittings for such stocks or barrels, finished or unfinished. . 50 per cent. , Imported without a lock or locks or other fit- \ tings each *6.00 and 35 per cent. Rifles, n. s. p. f.. ss. 7.819-9,390-9.(72 25 per cent. Rimrnel's perfumery, toilet water, and toilet vinegar, as alcoholic perfumery, ss. 13,056 per lb. 60 cts and 45 per cent. Singlets, human hair 35 per cent. Rings, as jewelry, ss. 22,125 60 per cent. " for umbrellas, ss. 3,693 45 per cent. " metal, not jewelry, ss. 22.125 45 per cent. " saddlery, ss. 8,865 45 per cent. Ring waste, wool per lb. 30 cts. Rivet wire rods, not less than No. 6 wire gauge: \ Value not over 4 cts. per lb per lb. fn ct. ( " over 4 cts. per lb per lb. % ct. " " " less than No. 6 wire gauge, dutiable as wire. Rivets, iron or steel per lb. 2 cts. " for shipbuilding are not dutiable, ss. 13,721 " of any other metal 45 per cent. Roasted maize, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 7,071. . . 20 per cent. " coffee, ss. 15,408-16,274 Free. Robes, buffalo or bear, for sleighs, made up. ss. 3.351 35 per cent. not made up, ss. 3,351 .. 20 per cent. " carriage knit, ss. 16,856 per lb. 44 cts. and CO per cent. " fur, sable, with cheap lining, as dressed furs, ss. 14,504 20 per cent. " goatskin, carriage, ss,' 3,702-5, «44 3,078-7,063 35 per cent. " woolen, not made up, embroidered lengths, as embroideries, plain lengths, as dress goods, ss. 11,975-12,252-13,983-14,302. ' lap, according to material, ss. 2,374-7,298. Rochelle salts per lb. 4 cts. Rock crystals, manufactures of, ss. 13,346-17,357 50 per cent. " moss, crude Free. " oil (petroleum) crude or refined Fiee. If produced in any country which imposes a duty on petroleum or its products exported from the United States, duty equal to duty imposed by such country. phosphate, for fertilizer, ss. 4,113 Free. " plaster, crude per ton 50 cts. " " ground or calcined per ton $2.25. 488 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association i;,„-k -.ill (see Bait), June 12, 1863 X. Y. Rocoa or roucou, and extracts of Free. Rococo candles, as n. c. manufactured article, bs. 15.111 . . 30 per cent. Bo linal, as coal tar preparation, ss. 13.587 20 per cent. Rods, copper per lb. 2 . cts. " stair, metal 45 per cent. " steel, as ingots, ss. 1,107-3,378-3,648-4,175. Rollers, burr stone and iron, ss. 7,140 45 percent. " callendar, as manufactures of paper, ss. 16,202. . 35 per cent. emery, ss. 8,011 25 per cent. lithographic, ss. 6,136 35 percent. printers', as d. e. manufactured article, ss 20 per cent. " wall paper, as manufactures, metal, ss. 9,096 45 per cent. wooden 35 per cent. Roll inn mill scales aud cinders, ss. 8,403 20 per cent. Roman cement, in barrels, sicks or other package-, in- cluding weighl of package per 100 lbs. 8 cts. " " in bulk per 100 lbs. 7 cts. " mosaics, as manufactures of slate, ss. -,',021 30 per cent. " vitriol, as 1)1 ue vitriol per lb. ^ ct. Rondelles, as colored glass, ss. 12,685 60 per cent. Roofing felt, ss. 9,503 10 per cent. " iron, corrugated, ss 5.4S0 perlb. 1 ,'„ cts. " material, iron and asbestos, ss. 7,984 45 per cent. " slates 20 per cent. " tiles, not slate, plain per square foot I ets. " " " ornamented, as tiles. " tin. as tin e. bs.' perlb. i ! cts. Root, altbea, (rude Free. " " cut into small pieces, ss. 6,788. .perlb. 1 [ct. and 10 percent. " arrow Free. " beet, sliced and dried as prepared vegetables, ss. 81,965 40 per cent. " bulbous, crude, nou edible, n. s. p. 1. -JO.' (..'JUS. lire. chicory, crude per lb. 1 ct. " " burnt, roasted, ground or granulated, etc., etc per lb. 2J cts. 11 crude, used as drugs, ss. l'.t. 155 live. " the same, advanced in value per lb. K\ ct. and 10 per cent. " dandelion, crude, ss. 3,289 Free. " " ground or prepared per lb. 2!.<> cts. " flour, not fit for starch, 68.9,031 10,277 Free. " " from which gluten an 1 albumen have been eliminated, as starch, ss. 10.277 11.577 I3.0!I2, perlb. 1} cts. " ginger, crude Free. " " ground or powdered perlb. Sets. ground or prepared, a- Btarch, bs. 3,885 per lb. \\& cts. " hop, for cultivation Free. " if cultivated for flowers 25 percent. " licorice, crude ,, Free. of the Port of New York. Par. Root, living, as plants, ss. 14,005 25 per cent. marshmallow ss. 17,748 Free. " oris, scraped or cleaned as crude drug, ss. 19,455 Free. " rhubarb, splits, as crude drug, ss. 10,455 Free. Rope, bale rope, of hemp, April 21, 1858, New York 45 per cent. " buoy and grapnel, ss. 0,300, maximum rate on wire used and per lb. 1 ct. " cotton, ss. 0,187 45 per cent. " ends aud waste fit only for paper stock Free. " of cocoa nut hulls, grass, coir or bark 45 per cent. " of raw hides, ss. 4,751 Free. " Russian bolt, as manufactures hemp, ss. 16,321. .. . 45 per cent. " wire, ss. 9,200-10,760-11,380-11,553-14,354, maximum rate on wire and additional duty per lb. 1 ct. " with hemp core, ss. 16,813 . . maximum rate on wire and per lb. 1 ct. " flat steel wire of American manufacture for repair, ss. 16,588 Free. Roping, wool and hair, as manufactures of wool. " cotton 45 per cent. Rosaline, manufactures of, as manufactures of shell, 86. 10,939-13,034 35 per cent. Rosaries, ss. 5,079-11,700-11,842 11,874-15,738-10,036 60 per cent. " as regalia, ss. 3,617 Free. Rose, aniline dye, ss. 5,561 30 per cent. " attar or ottar or otto Free. " enfleuraged oil, ss. 13,557 35 per cent. " lake, as coal tar color, ss. 3,811-3,933 30 per cent. " leaves, crude Free. " " crystallized, as confectionery 50 per cent. " pink 30 per cent. " plants, budded, grafted or grown on their own roots. ss. 21,922 each 2)4 cts. " plants, manetti, multiflora and brier rose, ss. 21,923. 25 per cent. " water, medicinal preparations, ss. 5,945 25 per cent. wood, in the log, rough or hewn Free. " " articles of 35 per cent. " " sawed into boards 15 per cent. " " veneers of 30 per cent. Rosemary, oil of Free. Roses, conserve of, as comfit, ss. 4,339 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. Rosin or resin Free. " violin, in wood, ss. 13,977 35 per cent. " " " glass, ss. 6,697 45 per cent. " " " paper, ss. 16,099-16,304 20 per cent. Rosolic acid, ss. 4,514-9,827 25 per cent. Rosolie, a cordial per gall. $2.25. " bottles dutiable. Rottenstone Freo. Rouble, Russian value of, ss. 17, 107-17, 160. Roucou and extracts of Free. 490 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Rouge (cosmetic), ss. lo.ns-.' 50 per cent. Roving cotton,ss. 17,834 45 per cent. " wool, hair, etc., as manufactures of wool. " waste wool, in whole or part per lb. 30 cts. " yarn, as wool yarn, ss. 10.574. Royalty is an element of dutiable value, ss. 3,490 7,626- 11,578-11,832 21,655. Rubber balls of all kind- 30 per cent. " tubing, as manufactures of, ss. 5,010-21,719 30 per cent. " " with thorns, as part of artificial Mowers, ss. 8,931 13, 138 50 per cent. " reclaimed, ss. 21,631 30 per cent. " old scrap or refuse, ss. 21,631 Free. Rubble limestone, as building stone, ss. 35-2,890-16,172 .. per cu. ft. 12cts. Rubies, rough or uncut Free. cut, but not set 10 per cent. " set as jewelry 60 per cent. " " otherwise 60 per cent. " reconstructed, n. e. mf.d article, ss. 21,550 20 per cent. Ruby powder, as coal tar dye, ss. 2,635 30 per cent. Ruchings, ss. 17,268 60 per cent. " articles made wholly or in part of GO per cent. " silk, or silk chief value, ss. 13,234 60 percent. Ruffled muslin curtains, as millings, ss. 13,965 60 per cent. " articles, ss. 17,334 60 per cent. Rufflings, articles made of, cotton, etc., ss. 16,567 60 per cent. " silk 60 per cent. " " and India Rubber 60 per cent. Rugs, Berlin. Turkey and similar rugs, ss. 2,830 per sq. ft. 10 cts. and 40 per cent. aubusson, axminsl ar and similar rugs per sq. ft. 10 cts. and 40 per cent. " Algerian, as carpets, n. s. p. f 50 per cent. " and squares of jute, as jute carpeting, ss. 13,947- 13,950. cotton, ss. 3,390 50 per cent. " Daghestan, as original, ss. 18,051 per sq. ft. 10 cts. and 40 per cent. '• dutiable same ae carpetings of which thev are made, ss. 8,702 B,77fi 8,969. fur, ss. 21,805 85 per cent. " goatskin, as manufa I iresof fur, ss. 2,825-21,805... 35 per cent. horse, linen 45 per cent. •• Japanese, ae oriental, ss. 13,724 13,917 18,950 17,894, per sq. ft. 10 cts. and 40 per cent. oriental and all similar rug 2,571 17,894 per sq. ft. 10 cts. and id per cent. " " of silk, ss. 18,014 per eq. ft. 10 cts. and 40 per cent, " sheepskin, fini aed as mfrs. of wool, ss. 8,484, Siberian, as carpets n. b. p. f 50 per cent. I of the Port of New York. 491 Rugs, traveling, as manufactures of wool, ss. 543-13,961 -17,280-17,853-29,692: I Value not more than 40 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. above 40 cts. per lb. and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 65 per cent. " wool, n. s. p. f., pay same rate as carpet of which made, 88. 14,732. Rules or rulers, bone, ss. 7,945 30 per cent. " " brass or copper 45 per cent. " " gutta percha. 35 per cent . " " ivory, finished or unfinished, ss. 9,295. ... 35 per cent. " " wood, ss. 7,945 35 per cent. " engineers' slide, as manufactures of paper, ss. 14,308 35 per cent. Rum, as spirits per proof gall. $2 25. " bay, distilled or compounded per proof gall. $1.50. " " in bottles, not less than duty on 12 bottles to case, bottles additional per proof gall. $1.50. " ' ' essence or oil of 25 per cent. " cherry, as cordial per proof gall. $2.25. ' ' essence or oil of 25 per cent . Rupert's tears, ss. 12,684 60 per cent. Russia hemp per ton $20. " " hackled, line of hemp per ton $40. " sheetings, as woven fabrics of flax. " sheet iron per lb. 2 cts. Rust of iron or steel, no allowance for, ss. 7,296. Rye, ss. 9,247 per bu. 10 cts. ' ' flour, ss. 677 per lb. ^ ct. " shorts, as flour, ss. 677 per lb. % ct. S. Sabres and sabre blades 35 per cent. Saccharine, ss. 8,821 per lb. $1.50 and 10 per cent. Saccharum, for flavoring and sweetening beer, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 14,150 20 per cent. Sachet powder, ss. 13,558-13,881-16,731 50 per cent. Sachets, ss. 15,150 50 per cent. Sacking jute, twilled 45 per cent. " " of single jute yarns, by whatever name known, not exceeding 60 inches in width, weighing uot less than 6 oz. per sq. yd. and not exceeding 30 threads to the sq. inch, counting the warp and filling, % ct. per lb. and 15 per cent. •• if exceeding 30 and not exceeding 55 threads to the sq. in., counting the warp and filling % ct. per lb. and 15 per cent. Sacks, jute, twilled 45 per cent. 492 ( h&tOnte Brokers and Clerks Association Sacks, jute, made from plain woven fabrics, of single jute yarns not dyed, colored, stained, painted, printed, or bleached, and not ex- ceeding 30 threads to the sq. in., counting the warp and filling % ct. per lb. and IS per cent. Saddle bags, according to material, bs. 15.721. " girths, wool, hair, etc per. lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " •■ if dyed, etc 45 per cent. Saddlery may be household or personal effects, ss. 4,145-1 6,730. Saddlery includes metal bits and dumb jockies, ss. 19,135. 35 per cent. Saddles are not household effects, ss. 4.1 \S 9,184 15 per cent. Saddlers' tools 45 per cent. Sad-irons per lb. T H „ ct. Safe may be household effects, ss. 9,703. Safety-pins 35 per cent. Saffron and safflower, and extracts of, ss. 16,841-18,749. . . Free. " cake Free. " extract, imitation, as coal tar color, ss. 9,676 30 per cent. " imitation, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 3,330. 30 per cent. Sage per lb. 1 ct. Sago crude, ss. 3,037 I. Hi -10.613-10.954-11,061-21,804 Free. " in (lake, flour, and imitations of, ss. 18,342 per lb. l'.j ct. Sailboats, according to material, ss. 14,356. Sail duck or canvas cotton 35 per cent. 11 needles, as hand sewing, ss. 13,502 Free. Sails and rigging of an American vessel put under a for- eign flag are dutiable, ss. 3,268, Sainfoin seed, a- mass seed, ss. 1 i.i) i7 Free. St. John's bread, ss. 6,874 Free. St. Julian plum, stocks, cuttings or seedlings, three years old or less per M. $1 & 15 per cent. " over three years old 25 per cent. Saki-Japanese, as still wine. ss. 2-1 I 15.392 Sal-acetosella, as salts. August 87, 1857, Philadelphia 85 per cent. Sal-ammoniac per lb. % ct. Sal-diuretic, as salts 86 per cent. Sal-nitre, as saltpetre, crude Free. Sal-soda per lb. & ct. Salacine Free. Salad oil, if olive, ss. 769 per gall. 40 cts. in bottles, jars. tins, etc per gall. 50 cts. all other 86 per cent. Saleratue per lb. % ct. Salicin 25 per cent. Salicylate of soda, ss. 3,396-4,109-4,809 86 per cent. Salicylic acid. ss. 8,704 per lb. 10 cts. Salipyrene, as medicinal preparation, ss. 16,186-80,061 per Hi. 66 cts. I mt not less than 86 per cent. Salmon, dried or smoked, ss. 15,529-16,677 per lb. l ct . of the Port of New York. 493 Salmon, pickled or salted per lb. 1 ct. " prepared or preserved 30 per cent _ " twine, as linen thread. Salol, as. 9,077-9,762-15,128-21,591 55 cts. per lb. but not less thar 25 per cent. Salop or Salep Free. St. John's bread or beans Free. Salt in bags, sacks, barrels, or other packages per 100 lbs. 12 cts. " " sacks free, ss. 19,131. " in bulk per 100 lbs 8 cts. " cake, sulphate of soda, ss. 12,643 per ton §1.25. " celery, as sauce, ss. 6,080 40 per cent. Saltpetre, crude Free. " may be transported in bond if placed in sepa- rate ears, ss. 2,110. " refined or partly refined per lb. J^ ct. Saltre lavande, as chemical compound, ss. 17,595-17,628. .. 25 per cent. Salt sacking, twilled jute, ss. 1,418-1,736 45 per cent. Salts, chemical, n. s. p. f., ss. 9,217-9,715 25 per cent. " aniline Free. " black or carbonate of potash, ss. 1,381-2,729 Free. " cinchona bark Free. " Epsom per lb. \ ct. " Glaubers per ton f 1 ,25. " mineral, not artificial, obtained by evaporation of mineral waters, when accompanied by duly au- thenticated certificate and satisfactory proof, showing that they are in no way artificially pre- pared, and are only the product of a designated mineral spring, ss. 2,021-2. 271-2. 817 Free. •' of morphia per oz. $1.00. " of potash, containing less than 30 per cent, of potash, as dung salts, ss. 497-561-715-4,210 Free. " of quinia Free. " of santonine, containing 80 per cent, or over of san- tonine per lb. (1.00. " " " containing less than 80 per cent, of santonine 25 per cent. " •• strychnia per oz. 30 cts. " " tartar, as argols crude, ss. 4,575. " " granulated and purified, ss. 4,575 25 per cent. " of uranium Free. " smelling, as a medicinal preparation, ss 31,264 25 per cent. " Rochelle per lb. 4 cts. waste, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 3,874 20 per cent. Salves, medicinal preparations, ss. 4,835 25 per cent. Samples, of no commercial value, ss. 9,069-9,243-9,462. . . . Free. " are dutiable if Appraiser reports any value, se. 12,626-12,502-12,015-22,931. " are not entitled to unusual discounts, ss. 10,847 Par. 194 Customs Brokers and Clerics Association Samples, if of commercial value, dutiable, 88. 6,132 8,943- 9,939 10,134 13,445. " imported in quantities intended to be sold by jobbers constitute merchandise, and should be charged with their appropriate duty, ss. 4,828. " official, of wool. " pieces of cloths, edgings* textile fabrics, bound or unbound cards containing buttons of differ- ent patterns, single gloves or stockings, and representations of other classes of goods which are obviously intended for use merely as sam- ples by which to sell the goods they represent, are to be regarded as having no commercial value, and are therefore free of duty, ss. 4,828. Sand, crude or manufactured, ss. 3,880-7.810 Free. " iron or chilled shot, as manufactures of, ss. 7,816- 17,6 is 45 per cent. " stone statue, a- statuary, ss. :i.06^ 20 per cent. Sandal wood, articles of 35 per cent. " " chips, as wood unmanufactured, ss. 12,314.. 20 per cent. '" " unmanufactured SO per cent. Sandarac gum, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. '4 ct. and 10 per cent. Sand blast work on glass is not cutting, ss. 11,541. Sanguin, dye-wood extract, ss. 9,103 12,537 per lb. % ct. Sandstone, hewn, dressed or polished 50 per cent. " not hewn, dressed or polished per cub. ft. 12 cts. Santonine and all salts thereof, containing 80 per cent, or over of santonine per lb. $1.00. containing less than 80 percent, oi santonine. 25 percent. Sapo s iridlis, as medicinal soap, ss. 16,968 per lb. 15 cts. Sapone Delia Regina, as toilet soap, bs. 13,951 per lb. 15 cts. Sapphires, us precious stones, uncut, ss. 13,809 Free. " " " CUt, but not Bet 10 percent. " " set as jewelry 60 per cent. " '• set other than jewelry, (it) per cent. may be clock or watch jewels, ss. 17,179 10 per cent. Sarcocolla gum, crude Free. " " advanced in \ alue per lb. >. t ct. and 10 per cent. Sarcophagi, according to material, ss. 13,863. Sardels, as n-h prepared for preservation, ss. 22,087. . . . per lb. •"■, cts. Sardines, packed in oil or otherwise in bottles, jars. tin. 01 1 ant - 10,768 12,717 16,133 16,897 15,885 L5.979: f containing 7^£ cubic inches or less each 1J.£ cts. more than .''•• and not more t ban 21 cubic inches each 2^j cts. " more than \!1 and not more than 88 cubic inches each 5 cts. " . more than 3-'! and not more than 70 cubic inches each 10 cts. of the Port of New York. 495 Sardines in any other form 40 per cent. " Russian, as herrings pickled or salted, ss. 21,826. per lb. J^ ct. " Norwegian, as other sardines, 68. 17,645. " smoked, as other sardines, ss. 17,645. Sardinian earth, as ochre, crude, ss. 9,770 per lb. J^ ct. " " " washed, etc per lb. % ct. " " •' ground in oil or water, ss. 9, 770. per lb. 1^ cts. Sarsaparilla, crude Free. " advanced in value per lb. Y\ ct. and 10 per cent. " as soda water, ss. 17.479. Sash cord, plaited, ss. 12,360 45 per cent. " cloth, as tamboured, ss. 16,101 60 per cent. " net, ss. 10,10(5 60 per cent. " stock, pine, as sawed lumber, ss. 4,958. Sashes, military, silk, ss 12;225-15,023-18,077 50 per cent. " not braided, as wearing apparel, ss . 18,077 60 per cent. Sassafras bark and root, crude Free. " " " " not crude per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " oil 25 per cent. Satchels, grass, are unusual coverings for tea, ss. 12,564. . 30 per cent. " leather cut in shape for, ss. 8,363 35 per cent. Satin and sateen, cotton, as cotton cloth, ss. 3,8S9-17,243. . " " " silk, as woven fabrics. " soleil. ss. 16,109, per lb. $1 & 15 per cent, but not less than 50 per cent. white, or artificial sulphate of lime per lb. y» ct. " wood, in the log, rough or hewn Free. " " in sawed boards 15 per cent. Saucepans, cast iron per lb. T s 5 ct. " " coated, glazed or tinned per lb. 2 cts. " brass or copper 45 per cent. Sauce, anchovy, sa. 3,492 40 per cent. " apple per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. " Chinese soy is, sa. 11,202 40 per cent. " fish, ss. 14,267-14,389 40 per cent. Sauces of all kinds, bottles pay as coverings 40 per cent. Sauerkraut, ss. 623 40 per cent. " witli bologna sausage, ss. 16,485 40 per cent. Sausages, Bologna or German frankfurter, ss. 2,220-5,472- 9,340-11,876 Free. " Bologna or German frankfurter, in lard, as pre- pared meat, ss. 13,761 25 per cent. all others. July 17, 1889, N. Y., ss. 7,361 -14,708. . 25 per cent. Sausage casings, artificial, as manufactures of parchment paper, ss. 9,377 35 per cent. Sausage skins Free. Sawdust tor dyeing or tanning, January 28, 1867, X. Y... Free. " all others, ss. 4,899 10 per cent. 496 ( ustorns Brokers and Clerks Association Par. 135 i Saw plates, wholly or partially manufactured, same as steel ingots. " " for circular saws duty on saw plates and per lb. '._.ccnt. Saws, cross-cnt per linear ft. (lets. circular 25 per cent. hand, hack and all others, n. a. p. f 30 per cent. mill per linear f;. lOctS. " pit and drag per linear ft. 8 cts. Saxolainc hosiery, as woolen knit per lb. 44 cts. and 00 per cent. Saxony carpets persq. yd. GO cts. and 40 percent. Scaglioli tops for tables, etc.. September 13, 1889, X. Y., plain 35 per cent. ornamented 45 per cent. Scale, squeezer, as scrap iron, as. 18,080 per ton 84.0 >. Scales, weighing, according to material. " fit for use are not toys. ss. 13,964. " analytical, ss. 17,939. Scammony root, crude Free. " "• advanced in value per lb. J4c. and 10 per cent . " resin, medicinal preparation, ss. 6,118 per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 36 per cent. Scantling, as lumber, white wood, sycamore and basswood..pei M. $1.00. " " " all others per M. $2.00. Scapularies, as manufactures of wool. ss. 11,843: Value not more than 40c. per lb per lb. 33c. and 50 per cent. Value above 40c. and not above 70c. per lb per lb. 44c. and 50 per cent. Value over "i» ■ per lb per lb. 44c. and 55 per cent. " printed on cotton, as printed matter, ss. 10,930 25 per cent. Scarfs, cotton, chief value, ss. 4,523 12,961 50 per cent. " " embroidered 60 per cent. linen 50 per cent. " " embroidered 60 per cent. silk chief value, ss. I. lis 60 per cent. table, bureau etc., according to material, ss. 12.9(1] 13,441. " wool knit peril), tie. and 60 per cent. Scenery, theatrical, hand painted, as paintings, ss.9, 161. .. 20 per cent. " " other I ban above, according to material. " " brought by m inager, tinder six months 1 bund. s^. 16,889 l-'iee. Scent bottles of silver are not jewelry, ss. 12,148 45 per cent. School bags, he up, a-- manufai tores of, se 5,884 45 per cent. Schwartzbeize, as coal tar preparation, ss. 17,755 20 per cent. Scientific apparatus, etc., specially Imported, ss. 8,084 16,888 19,064 19,112-21,770 Free. Scilla or squills Free, Scissors, finished or unfinished, value not over 50 cents per dozen per doz. 15 cts. and 15 per cent. Of the Port of Neiv York. 497 Par Scissors, value over 50 cts. per dozen, and not over $1.75 per dozen iter doz. 50 cts. and 15 per cent. " " $1 .75 per dozen . . . .per doz. 75 cts. and 25 per cent. " manicure, as scissors, ss. 16,307-17,047. " surgical, as scissors, ss. 7,50947,817. " without handles, as scissors, ss. 17,846. Scotch caps, woolen, ss. 5,448-7,214-8,506-16,954-16,958... . per lb. 44 cts. and 80 per cent. " lappets, as countable cotton cloth, unbleached, bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted or printed, in addition to duty on other cotton cloth of the same description, or condition, weight and count of threads to the sq. inch, value not more than 7 cts. per sq. yard, ss. 12,440 per sq. yard 1 ct. Value more than 7 cts. per sq. yard per sq. yard 2 cts. Scows, imported from Canada for temporary use, duti- able, ss. 14,872. Scrap albums, wholly or partly manufactured, ss. 7,103. . . 35 per cent. " books, as albums, ss. 2,109 35 per cent. " brass or Dutch metal, fit only for remanufacture... Free. " copper, old or new Free. " Dutch metal, ss. 1,630 4,340 Free. " German silver, ss. 3,156 25 per cent. " iron, wrought or cast, ss. 1,986-4,115-4,512 per ton $4.00. ISF" Nothing to be deemed scrap, except waste or ref- use iron or steel, fit only to be remanufactured. " lead, old, ss. 1,435 per lb. 2% cts. " leather, new or old, ss. 1,847-3,355 20 per cent. " steel, ss. 6,544-7,359-8,054 8,214-9,358 per ton $4.00. " tobacco, ss. 2,222-6,146 per lb. 55 cts. " " not liable to internal revenue tax by reason of transfer from customs to internal rev- enue bonded warehouse, for manufacture, ss. 3,058-3,284. " zinc, old and worn out per lb. 1 cent. Scraps of India rubber, old and worn out, ss. 5,589-5,620. . Free. " " lamb skins, for covering buckles, ss. 4,965 20 per cent. Scratch brushes, as brushes, ss. 5,519 40 per cent. Screenings or dust in malt, no allowance for, as discount, ss. 4,742. Screens, according to material of chief value, ss. 11,375- 12,148-13,308. " same as carpets, of which composed. " bamboo and beads, containing more than two beads between the bamboo pieces, ss. 12,144 60 per cent. " bamboo and beads, 2 beads or less as manu- factures of wood, ss. 12,144 35 per cent. " fire, so called, manufactures of brass, ss. 8,684. . . 45 per cent. " for testing culm or slack of coal, should have longitudinal bars only, 88. 2,363-3,952. ( ustoms Broker* and Clerks Association Screens, baud, as fans, 88. 13,317 50 per cent. " Japanese, according to material, ss. 12,379-12,966- 14,063. " of wood, covered with embroidered cotton, as embroidery, ss. 13,663-18,795 60 per cent . " painted, dutiable as an entirety, ss. l l si'.i. " paper for 25 per cent. Screws, wood, iron or steel, ss. 2,465 : Over 2 inches long per lb. 4 cts. " 1 inch and nut over 2 inches per lb. (i cts. "Y, " " " " 1 inch per lb. 8}^ cts. " 14 inch and less per lb. 12 cts. " brass 45 per cent. Screws, of wood 35 per cent . " others, according to material, ss. 7,159 4,453. Screw wire rods, round, not smallerthan No. 6 wire gauge: j Value at 4 cts. per lb. or less per lb. A ct. I " over 4 cts. per lb per lb. ^ ct. Screw wire rods, round, smaller than No. 6 wire gauge, as wire. Scrim, flax, as woven fabrics of flax, ss. 9.091-15,231. " cotton, as cloth. " jute, ss. 14,645 45 per cent. Scroll iron or steel, as hoop iron. " if galvanized or coated with zinc or spelter, or other metals, or any alloy of those metals, additional per lb. ,-,, cent. " ivory, ss. 6,395 ::."> per cent. Scrolls, wall hanging, ss. 12,808-13,774-14,524 20 per cent. Sculpture, specimens for society, ss. 18,634 Free. " all others according to material. Scythe stones, artificial, ss. 8,786 25 per cent . Scythes 15 per cent. Sealing wax 20 per cent. Seal oil per gall. 8 cts. ' skins, raw Free, ' " dressed and finished 20 per cent. ' " sacques, as manufactures of fur 35 per cent. ' splits, tanned only, as leather, n. s p. f 30 per cent. Seamen, apprentices and cadets on U. S. mail contract steamers, one-half of crew must be American citizens, ss. 12,518 13,417. " wages cease at time of death on voyage, ss. i ! " " begin at time In' goes oil board, 13,617. " " Of incompetent, may be reduced in pro- pm I ion to his incompetency, ss. [3,415. Sea moss 10 per cent. " root, as crude vegetable substance. SB. 2,788 Free. " stores of ships, if not intended I'm' sale and nol mei chandise, ss. 8,814 Free, of the Port of New York. 499 Par. ~~ • Sua stores, in order to ascertain what articles ought to be exempt from duty as the sea stores of a vessel, the master shall particularly specify the arti- cles, in the report or manifest to be by him made, designating them as the sea stores of such vessel ; and in the oath to be taken by such master, on making such report, he shall declare that the articles so specified as sea stores are truly such, and are not intended by way of merchandise or for sale ; whereupon the articles shall be free from duty. Sec. 2,795 R. S., ss. 18,351. " " cannot be transferred from one vessel to another without payment of duty, except between vessels of same line, delayed in port for any cause, ss. 1,156-3,501-17,870. " coal retained in bunkers is not, ss. 12,185 12,183. •' " collector and naval officer are sole judges of what are excessive, ss. 1,120-4,130. " " whenever it appears to the collector to whom a report and manifest of sea stores are de- livered, together with the naval officer, where there is one, or alone, where there is no naval officer, that the quantities of the articles, or any part thereof, reported as sea stores, are excessive, the collector, jointly with the naval officer, or alone, as the case may be, may in bis discretion estimate the amount of the duty on such excess ; which shall be forthwith paid by the master, to the collector, on pain of forfeiting the value of such excess. Sec. 2,796 R. S. " if any other or greater quantity of articles are found on board such vessel as sea stores than are specified in an entry of sea stores, or if any of the articles are landed without a per- mit first obtained from the collector, and naval officer if any, for that purpose, all such articles as are not included in the report or manifest by the master, and all which are landed without a permit, shall be forfeited, and may be seized ; and the master shall moreover be liable to a penalty of treble the value of .the articles omitted or landed. Sec. 2,797 R. S. " " for Am. vessels must be withdrawn in entire packages, ss. 15,613. " " if in excess, dutiable as merchandise, ss. 4,438- 9,897-9,927-11 ,301-£2,012. " " no invoice required for surplus, ss. 16,458. 500 Custotns Bivkers and Clerks Association Sea stores of vessel changing from foreign to coastwise trade, arc dutiable, ss. 4,420. " " of vessels of regular lines may be transferred, ss. 17,870. " " saved from a foreign wreck, are not dutiable. ss. 566. " tangle tents, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 4,635 . . 20 per cent. " water absorbed on voyage of importation, allowance for weight of, will be made. ss. 13,339. Sealing and cording of merchandise must be done by cus- toms officers, without charge, ss. 2.21)2-2,359 2,876-17,689. Seals, lead, common carriers must reimburse Government for cost of, ss. 4,912. Seal skins, importation of, 6ee Act of Dec. 29, 1897, on page 611. Seating, hair per square yard 20 cts. Seaweeds, crude or unmanufactured Free. Seccotine, as manufacture gelatine 35 per cent. Seed-lac Free. Seeds, castor seeds or beans, no allowance for dirt or chaff, ss. 17,217 per bushel of 50 lbs. 25 cts. " all agricultural, garden and other seeds, except flower or grass seeds, n. s. p. f., ss. 6,273-8,131. . :!•> per (cut. " all flower or grass seeds Free. " anise Free. " anthosanthum odorata, ss. 10,949 Free. ' aromatic, crude, used as drags Free. ' " advanced in value per lb. J t ct. and 10 per cent. ' Australian, salt bush, ss. 17,836 30 per cent. ' bene Free. ' canary 80 per cent. ' caraway Free. ' cardamom Free. ' cauliflower Free. ' celery, suitable for garden seeds, ss. 1,757-1,812-1 ,903 30 per cent. ' ■• not suitable for garden seeds, ss. 12,786 Free. 1 chicory, as agricultural 30 per cent. ' clover, as grass seed, 88. 11,363 14,184 18,261 Free. ' coriander, ss. s,559 Free. cotton, ss. 10,740 15, BO Free. ' croton Free. ' cummin and black cummin, ss. 12,826 Free, date. ss. 21.511 80 per cent. " fennel Free. " fenugreek Free. •' flaxseed per bushel of 56 lbs. 25 cts. " garden 30 per cent. " grass, all Free. " hemp Free. " horehound Free. of the Port of New York. 501 Tar. Seeds. Kefir or fungi, ss. 21.260 20 per cent. Kentia, ss. 17,506 Free. " lentils, as vegetables, ss. 6,608 -8,004-8,131 25 per cent. " linseed per bushel of 56 lbs. 25 cts. " lupini, as vegetables, ss. 11,059 25 per cent. lycopodium, as drug, crude Free. " mange] wurzel Free. " maw, as poppy, ss. 3,451-7,523 per bushel of 56 lbs. 15 cts. " medicinal, crude Free. " millet, hulled, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 2,003-13,980 20 per cent. " millet, unhulled, as grass seed, ss. 16,995 Free. " mohn or moon, ss. 3,451 per bushel of 56 lbs. 25 cts. " mustard, ss. 796 Free. " nasturtium, ss. 17,508 Free. " of morbid growth, crude, used as drugs Free. " " " " advanced in value. per lb. H ct. & 10 per cent. " oil, all, n. s. p. f per bushel of 56 lbs. 25 cts. " olive, kernels, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 8,52 1 20 per cent. " pine, hulled, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 3,533. 20 per cent. " poppy seed per bushel 15 cts. " quince, according to condition, ss. 11,212-14,152: \ If a drug Free. I For planting, ss. 4,385 30 per cent. " rape Free. " rosemary, as garden, ss. 10,949 30 per cent. " sesame, sesamum or bene per bushel of 56 lbs. 25 cts. " sorghum cane, for seed Free. " " 30 per cent. " St. John's bread or bean Free. " sunflower, as flower seed, ss. 21,671 Free. 1 ' sugar beet Free . " sugar cane, for seed Free. " thyme, as garden, ss. 10,949 30 per cent. " tropoeolum, ss. 17,508 Free. " vetches, as agricultural seed, ss. 21,7*52 30 per cent. Seersuckers, crinkled, as cotton cloth, ss. 13,236. " silk, as woven fabrics, ss. 636. Segars, including paper (also Internal Revenue Tax).. .per 1,000 $3.00. per lb. $4.50 and 25 per cent. Seidlitz mixture 25 per cent. " powders 25 per cent. Seine or gilling twine (see Flax Thread). Seines, flax same rate as flax thread and 25 per cent. Seized good- cannot be released by court until duties have been paid, ss. 12,264. " " Board of General Appraisers. " ' appraised value means home market value, ss. 11,774. 502 Customs Brokers «»•/ clerks A---(»-iation Seized goodsare not subject to reappraisement, ss. 1 1,125. " " collector may release, if value is under ss. 11,622. " " original duty paid cannot be refunded, ss. 82,218. " " Secretary of Treasury may release on pay- ment of fine equal to duty. ss. 9,963 11,823. " drugs must be sold at auction, ss. 19,114. Seizures by United States Marshal tnusl be delivered to customs officers for appraisal, ss. 14,188. " coverall articles in package, X. V. March -.'3, '96. " special employees may make, ss. 18,031. Seizure of goods under Section 32, of July 21, 1897; subject to additional duty of 50 per cent., whether released or forfeited to government, ss. 22,146-22,169 22,226. ■' under Section 32, Ad of July 21. 1S97: burden of proof of no fraudulent in- tent is upon the importer, ss. " . Selep, or saloup Free. Seltzer bottles, with metal litiiiiL's. according to chief value, ss. 1,985. Selvages on pile fabrics must be included in weight, ss. 11,580. " on cotton goi be included in measure- ment, ss. 12,343. " will be deducted in ascertaining width of hair seating, ss. 1,87*7 3,597. Semola, or semoula, as farina, ss. 7,070 per lb. 1% cte. Seneca root, crude Free. " advanced in value per lb. '4 cent and 10 per cent. Senegal gum. crude Free. " " advance I in value per lb. '4 cent and 10 per cent. Senna leaves Free. Sensitized paper 30 per cent. Sepia, or cuttle fish bone Free. Serges, as worsted dress goods: (\ alue not over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over 1 0Z8. per Sq. yd per sq. yd. 11 els. and . r )ll per cent. " over 70 cts. per Hi. and weighing not over I ozs. per sq. yd per sq yd. 11 cts and 55 per cent. Weighing over 4 ozs. per sq. yd., as woolen cloth. Sermons, printed, as printed matter, ss. 11,681 25 percent. Serpentine is marble, ss. 17. '.Mill. Servants and cooks, male and female, on vessels of 1 . s. are seamen, bb. 1,076 9esame, or sesamum seed aa \\ v ,.,.,| j„. r bush, of 56 lbs. 25 cents. " Oil Of , SS. 2,666 Free. Setons, India rubber 35 per cent. Sellings, for jewelry, ss. 6,279 00 percent. Sewing machines are machinery, ss. 1.171 45 per cent. Par. of the Port of New York. 503 Sewing machine.-, miniature, as toys. 88. 15,145 35 per cent. needles for per 1,000 $1 and 25 per cent. " needles, hand Free. schools, needlework for exhibition in, under bond, ss. 17.865 Free. silk, ss. 2,773-2,827-3,798-3,900 30 per cent. Sextants, ss. 1,606 45 per cent. Shad, ss. 16,104 per lb. % cent. Shaddocks, coverings additional per lb. 1 ct. may be abandoned under Sec. 23, act of June 10, 1890, after sorting the good from the dam- aged, under customs supervision, ss. 21,891. Shafting (steel), mill, same as steel ingots, ss. 10,556. " iron, as manufactures of 45 per cent. Shafts, steamer, crank, and all others (steel), ss. 4,683 45 per cent. " grindstone, are not axles, ss.16,807 45 per cent. " steamer, crank, and all others, iron 45 per cent. " " to be placed on foreign steamers, are dutiable, ss. 11,220 45 per cent. Shale, ss. 5,308 per ton of 2,240 lbs. 67 cts. Shams (cotton lace), ss. 6,214 60 per cent. Shanks, button, of brass, as parts of buttons, 88. 9,017. Sharks 1 fins, as prepared fish, ss. 10,714 per lb. ffc£ct. " skins • Free. Sharpeners, emery, knife, ss. 9,393 25 per cent. Sharpening steels, as table knives. Shaving cream, as toilet soap, ss. 13,881 per lb. 15 cts. " boxes with mirror, as manufactures of glass, ss. 5,001 45 per cent. Shavings, fit only for paper stock Free. Shawl pin clasps, as chains, ss. 13,817 not less than 45 per cent. " pins, plain metal 35 per cent. Shawls, cotton chief value, ss. 2,678-2,694 15,587 50 per cent. " broche, cashmere, or India, ss. 1,535 2,838-9,150.. per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " earners hair, ss. 1,535 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " embroidered, with wool, ss. 12,247-17,587 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " embroidered, with silk or cotton, ss. 2,821-13,878. per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. ice, wool squares, are knit wool shawls, ss. 1 1,251 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " silk 60 per cent. wool, or worsted, knit, ss. 8,194 5,243 5,256-5,903. per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. wool, hair, etc., in whole or in part, ss. 2,821 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Shearings of boiler plate, as scrap iron or steel, ss. 11,356 per ton $4. Shears, cloth, as scissors. Shears, horse, as scissors, ss. 3,195 7,548- 8,336-8,738. 504 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Shears, hedge and garden, as scissors, ss. 7,542. Bheep, as scissors, bb. 388-7,542-8,386 16,827. Sheathing felt, adhesive, for ships, sb. 10,450-11,494 .... Free. " " all other, according to material. SB. 14,409. " or yellow metal, of which copper is compoiu nt of chief value, and which is not wholly or in part iron ungalvauized, ss. 7,800 8,113 per lb. Sets. " or yellow metal, old and tit only for remanu- facture, ss. 6,200-6,205-7,906-10,988 Free. " or yellow metal, taken from bottom of Ameri- can vessel, is free only when removed on account of marine disaster, ss. 14,523 17,646.. " or yellow metal, taken from bottom of foreign vessel in United States port for repairs, ss. 7,151 Free. paper, ss. 11,348 10 per cent. " for lining cases, fancy boxes, etc., as manu- factures of paper, ss. 10,155 35 per cent. Sheaves of wheat and grass, prepared for decorating . baskets, etc., 88. 10,073 20 per cent. Sheep, alive, one year old or over, ss. 16,544 per head $1.50. " " imported especially for breeding purposes ss. 19,359 Free. " " less than one year old ". per head 75 cts. " exported shorn and returned with wool, ss. 2,492. Free. " casiugs or sausage skins Free. " dip that cannot be used for other purposes, ss. 19,467-19,228 Free. " shears, as scissors, ss. 7,542 8,336-16,827. " skins without the wool Free. " with wool, ss. 1,017 1,100 1,150-1,819-1,809- 1,666-3,414-10,208 rate on wool less per 11). 1 ct. " " dressed and finished 20 per cent. " wash, as dip, ss. •„'. 125 -19,467 Free. sheet Bteel in strips, ss. 15,986, jgjo-inch or thinner, cost- ing over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. Sheets, enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses 10 per cent. " of iron or steel, common or black, including all iron or steel commercially known as common or black taggers, iron or steel, and skelp iron or steel, valued at three cents per ll>.. or less, thinner than No. 10 and not thinner than No. 20 wiregange, bb. 1.072 per lb. , 7 „ ct. Thinnerthan No. 20 wire gauge and not thin- ner than No. 25 wire gauge per lb. ft ct. Thinner than No. 25 wire gauge and not thinner than No. 82 w ire gauge, ss. 5,500. ..per lb. 1 ,',, cts. Thinnerthan No. 32 wire gauge per lb. 1 ctfi 131 corrugated or crimped per lb. 1 ,',. cts. of the Port of New York. 505 costing over 3 cents per lb., or if galvanized or coated with zinc or spelter, or other metals, or any alloy of those metals, thinner than No. 10 and not thinner than No. 20 wire gauge per lb. -fo ct. Thinner than No. 20 and not thinner than No. 25 wire gauge per lb. 1 ct. Thinner than Xo. 25 wire gauge, and not thinner than 32 w. g., ss. 11,993 per lb. l-j 3 e cts. Thinner than No. 32 w. g per lb. 1 ,',, cts. ^5T" Provided, That all common or black sheet iron or sheet steel not thinner than No. 10 wire gauge shall pay duty as plate iron or plate steel. Sheets of iron or steel, polished, planished, or glanced, by whatever name designated per lb. 2 cts. J3T° Other than the polished, planished, or glanced, by whatever name designated, which have been pickled or cleaned by acid, or by any other material or process, or which are cold-rolled, smoothed only, not polished, duty on the corresponding gauges of common or black sheet or taggers iron or steel, ana in addition per lb. r - ct. Sheet brass 45 per cent. " copper per lb. 2J4 cts. " lead per lb. 2^ cts. " platinum, ss. 8,163-8.203 Free. " rubber, as manufacture, ss. 3,966 30 per cent. Sheetings, linen, as woven fabrics. " cotton (as cloth). " "Russia" or "checked," as manufactures of jute, ss. 14,511 45 per cent. Sheets, linen, embroidered, as embroidered articles, ss. 11,070 60 per cent. " metal, enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses.. 40 per cent. Shellac Free. " bleached, as advanced, ss. 11,909-15,845 per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " varnish, ss. 5,300 per gall. $1.32 and 35 per cent. " white, in rolls, as advanced, ss. 15,845 per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Shell boxes, as fancy boxes, ss. 8,531 12,924 45 per cent. buckles, as jewelry, ss. 11,078 60 per cent. •' buttons per line of ? l in. per gross 1V£ cent and 15 per cent. " chips or flakes, as n. e. unmfd. article, ss. 16,003- 17,162 10 per cent. " cleaned with acid, as manufactured, ss. 17,946 35 per cent. " combs 35 per cent. " cut iu pieces, for knife handles, etc., ss. 11,581-14,318 35 per cent, 506 Customs Broker* and I It rks Association Shell fish, ss, 9,648-10,4% Free. " manufactures of, a. s. p. f.. 6,168 »',. ;s-j 8,239 35 per cent. " necklets, as manufactures of shell, ss. 12,123 35 per cent. " partially manufactured, ss. 6,166 35 per cent. " rosaline articles, as manufactures of, ss. 10,920 35 per cent. " tortoise Free. Shelled almonds, clear per lb. 6 cts. Shells, almond 10 per cent. " of all kinds, not cut. ground or otherwise manu- factured Free. " cartridge, with fulminate, ss. 2.148-3,552 45 per cent . " " copper chief value, as manufactures of. ss. 3,552-3,846 45 per cent. " clippings of, for mosaic work, ss. 1,106-4,428 35 per cent. " cocoa Free. " manufactured, n. s. p. f , ss 6.166-6,782-8,239 35 per cent. " mother of pearl painted, as paintings, ss. 11,677. . . 20 per cent. " mother of pearl slabs, as manufactures of shell, ss. 12,922 •':•"> per cent. " snail or "green ears,'' as manufactures of shell, ss. 12,851 35 per cent. " turtle polished, as n. e. mfd. article, ss. 18,165 20 per cent. Shields, dress, as wearing apparel, according to material, 88.3,733-3,985-11,198-12,918. Shingle bolts Free. Shingles, white pine, ss. 3.699 per 1000 30 cts. all others, ss. 3,699 per 1000 30 cte. " four inches is legal width of. ss. 11,544. Ship Matehials. in Bond: All materials of foreign production which may be necessary for the construction of vessels built in the United States for foreign account and owner- ship or for the purpose of being employed in the foreign trade, including the trade between the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the United States, and all such materials aecessarj for the building of their machinery, and all articles necessary for their outfit and equipment, after the pas?-aL'c of this Act, may lie imported in bond under such regulations as the Secretary >>( the Treasury may prescribe; and upon proof thai such materials have been used for such purposes, no duties shall be paid thereon. Bui vessels receiving the bene- fit of this section shall uol be allowed to engage ill the i oastv ise trade of the Tinted Slates more than tWO months in anj one year except upon the paymenl to the United States of the duties of which a rebate is herein allowed : Provided, That vessels built in the ( nitcd states for foreign ac of the Port of New York. 507 count and ownership shall not be allowed to en- gage in the coastwise trade of the United States, 88. 1,152-1,621-1,635-1,637-1,872 Free. All articles of foreign production needed for the re- pair of American vessels engaged in foreign trade, including the trade between the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the United States, may be with- drawn from bonded warehouses free of duty, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe Free. Shipments between domestic ports through a foreign port by foreign vessels are illegal and subject to seizure, ss. 11,607. Ship planking and timber, ss. 3,602-4,012-4,317-8,564 Free. " chronometers, or parts of 40 per cent. " knees, ss, 3,602 : Free. " forginge, of iron or steel, or iron and steel combined 35 per cent. Ship's logs, as manufactures of metal, ss. 12,012 45 per cent. " wrought iron for 35 per cent. Shirt bosoms or fronts, linen, plain, ss. 11,324-12,119 50 per cent. " " " " embroidered 60 per cent. " labels, ss. 14,623 per lb. 50 cts. and 30 per cent. Shirtings, silk and cotton, cotton chief value, as cotton, cloth containing an admixture of silk, ss. 10,773-10,777 per sq. yd. 8 cts. and 30 per cent., but not less than 50 per cent. " u ' ; silk chief value, as woven fabrics, ss. 12,232. " of cotton, silk and wool, as wool dress goods, 88. 10,082. Shirts, athletic, of cotton, as knitted shirts, 88. 12,987. " knitted, of cotton, shirts and drawers, pants, vests, union suits, combination suits, tights, sweaters, corset covers and all underwear of every descrip- tion made wholly or in part on knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, finished or unfinished, not including stockings, hose and half-hose, composed of cotton or other vegetable fibre, value not more than $ 1.50 per doz 60 cts. per doz. and 15 per cent- Value more than $1.50 per doz. and not more than $3 per doz $1.10 per doz. and 15 per cent. Value more than $3 per doz. and not more than $5 per doz $1.50 per doz. and 25 per cent. Value more than $5 per doz. and not more than $7 per doz $1.75 per doz. and 35 per cent. Value more than $7 per doz. and not more than $15 per doz $2.25 per doz. and 35 per cent. Value above $15 per doz 50 per cent. r>08 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Shirts, linen, wholly or in part. ss. 16,661 59 per cent. night, embroidered, as wearing apparel, ss. 12,219. 60 per cent. " silk 60 per cent, " tennis, as cotton shirts, sg. 11,401 50 per cent. " wool, etc per lb. 11 els and 00 per cent. " " knit per lb. 14 cts. and 60 per cent. Shoddy per lb. 25 cts. Shoebinding, cotton or other vegetable fibre 45 per cent. " flax 45 percent " hemp 45 per cent. " silk 50 per cent. " wool, hair, etc per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. Shoe buckles and fasteners, metal, ss. 3,667 45 per cent. " buttons, paper, hoard, papier tnache, pulp or other similar material, value not over 3 cts. per gross, .per gross 1 ct. " fasteners, as manufactures of metal, ss. 3,667 45 percent. " horns, metal 45 per cent. " " horn 30 per cent. " knives, (see Knives). " laeets, cotton, or other vegetable fibre, per lb. 25 cts. and 15 percent. " " leather per gross 50 cts. and 20 percent. " " linen per lb. 25 cts. and 15 per cent. " " silk 50 per cent. " " wool or worsted or hair braid, ss. 4,806 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 pet cent " patterns of bronzed leather, cnt in form of 35 percent, " polish of all kinds, ss. 19,415 25 per cent. " uppers, embroidered with silk 60pcrcent. " thread as tlax thread. " appers ami vamps, ss. 5,023 35 per cent. Shoes, arctic, as wool wearing apparel, ss. 1,536 per lb. 41 cts. and 60 per cent. " Chinese, as wearing apparel, ss. 11,338-21,587. " " leather chief value, ss. 21,587 25 per cent. " cotton, as wearing apparel, ss. 10.735 50 per cent. Shoes, Celt, pari wool. ss. 3.005 3,011-3,303-7,218 per lb. 11 cts. and 60 per cent " horse, mule or ox, wrought iron or steel per lb. 1 ct. " India rubber 30 per cent. " leather, ss. 5,991 31,587 25percent. " " chief value, ss. 10,665 25 per cent. " " with wooden soles, ss. 5,001 25 per cent. ■• silk.BS ;:n 10,735 60percent " wool chief value, ss. 7,218-8,334 per lb. II cts. and 60 percent Shooda. as woolen dress goods, ss. 8,679: I Value not over ^11 cts. per lb. and weighing not over I OZ. per sq. yd per si), yd. 11 cts. and 50 per cent. -j " over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over 1 oz. per sq. yd per sq. yd. 11 cts. and 55 per cent [ Weighing over 1 o/.. per sc|. yd. as woolen clolh, Par. Of //„ Tori of .'.<»• York. 509 Shooke. packing box or sugar box, of wood, ss. 9,177 30 per cent. " other kinds, ss. 578-3,694-7.677- 9,177 35 per cent. " domestic lumber, sawn in Maine, ss. 15,691-16,565 30 per cent. what constitutes, ss. 17,097. " domestic exported and returned, as barrels filled with foreign products, ss. 5,320-5,4C0-ll,157- 21,748 Free. " " exported and returned, as boxes, casks, etc., are dutiable in absence of regulation proof, ss. 15,674-15,850-16,009-21,748 30 per cent. " " proof of identity may be made before Board of General Appraisers, ss. 20,990. " " exported and returned, no refund in absence of protest, ss. 17,424 30 per cent. Shortage by breakage, etc., no allowance for on liquors, ss. 11,960. " discharging officer's oath unsupported is not sufficient ; owner must swear to shortage, ss. is. i si. " must be established with reasonable certainty, ss. 1 7,844-21, 76'>. " no allowance unless protest is filed, ss. 17,853. " on liquors will be allowed on evidence of short shipment, ss. 14,384. " will not be allowed unless package is opened in presence of Customs Officer,ss. 12,459-17,019. Short shipment must be proven before allowance is made for, Art. 922, Customs Reg., 1892, ss. 10,594-10,779-12,003-12,1'. 8-13,900-21 ,760. " -1 of goods on I. T. and export entries, col- lector at shipping port will collect duty on, using entry as bill of lading, ss. 4,193-17,688. Shot, lead per lb. 2^ cts. Shotbags and belts, leather 35 per cent. " " '• part steel 45 per cent Shot, chains, as manufactures metal, ss. 10,128-10,890 45 per cent. Shotgun barrels, in single tubes, foiged and rough bored, ss. 12,787-13,329 Free. Shotguns, all sporting, breech loading, double-barreled, combination shotguns and rifles, value not more than $5 each $1.50 and 15 per cent. value more than $5 and not more than $10. . . each $4 and 15 per cent. value more than $10 each $6 and 35 per cent. double-barrels for sporting breech-loading shotguns and rifles further advanced in manufacture than rough-bored only each $3 and 35 per cent. Par. 510 toms Broker s and Clerks Association stocks for double-barreled sporting breech- loading shotguns and rifles wholly or par- manufactured each $3 and 85 per cent. all other parts of such guns or rifles, and fittings for such stocks or barrels, finished or unfinished 50 per cent. imported without a lock or locks or other fittings each $0 and 85 per cent. Shotguns, breech loading, single barrel each $1 and 35 per cent. " muzzle loading, ss. 13,682 25 per cent. Shovels, metal 45 per cent. Show bil's, as printed matter, not lithographed 35 per cent. " " if lithographed, as lithographs. li cards, ss. 2,383-2,600-6,141-9,812 25 per cent. " " if lithographed, as lithographs. " " framed in wood, ss. 6,523 35 per cent. " " " " metal, ss. 9,812 45 per cent. " pieces or window ornaments, as manufactures metal, ss. 17,492-17,660 45 per cent. Shrimp paste or sauce, ss. 7,388 40 per cent. Shrimps and shell fish, canned or otherwise Free. Shrinking of woolens, charge for. is dutiable, ss. 9.171. Shrub, as spirits per proof gall (2 25, Shrubs known as nursery stork 25 per cent. " for U. S. Botanic Garden Free. Shuttlecocks and battledores according to material, as 2,842. Sickles, ss. 7,818 45 per cent. Sidearms 35 per cent. Sienna, and Sienna earth, crude, ss. 3,334 •'!. 188 per lb. % ct. " " " " " burnt, ss. 21,403 peril). J^ct. " earth, powdered, washed or pulverized per lb. % ct. " in tubes, ss. 5,951-10,809 30 per cent. " ground in oil or water per lb. lj^j cts. Sieves or screens, highest rate of duty on wire of which they are composed, and per lb. 1*4 cts. ■• hair, as manufactures animal hair. ss. 12,946: Value not more than 10 cts. per lb. .per lb. 33 el*. A 50 per cent- above 40 CtS. per lb. and not above 70 cts. p.r 111 per lb. 44 cts. ind 50 per cent. over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. Signal Hags for foreign \ess<-I~ in I'. S. port are dutiable. as bunting, ss. 10,980: /'Value not over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing i vet 4 oz. per sip yd per scp yd. 11 cts. and 60 per cent. 1 " over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not Over I OZ. per Bq. yd per sq. yd. I ! cts. and 55 per cent. I Weighing over i "/. per sq. yd. as woolen cloth. Signatures by stamp musl be wil nosed by check. s.~. 16,871. " may be stamped if signed by attorney also, ss. 15,486. of the Port of New York. Par. Signatures on bonds must bo in manuscript, ss. 15,485. Silesias, as cotton cloth. Silica stone, ground, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 15,701 20 per cent . Silicate of soda per lb. % ct. " " soluble as paint, ss. 3,644 30 per cent. " of iron as mineral substance, ss. 23,223 35 per cent. Silicates, all alkaline, ss. 3,644-8,781 per lb. >4 ct. Silicic acid Free . Silk, raw, or as reeled from the cocoon, but not doubled, i wisted, nor advanced in manufacture in any way. Free. " partially manufactured from cocoons or from waste silk, and not further advanced or manufactured than carded or combed silk per lb. 40 cts. " artificial, ss. 18.160 per lb. 65 cts. and 25 per cent. " and cotton gimps, beaded, silk chief value 60 per centt " and fur garments, ss. 17,015: I silk, chief value 60 per cent. I fur, " " 35 per cent. " and wool manufactures of, as wool, ss. 13,287. " all manufactures of silk, or of which Bilk is the com- ponent material of chief value, except in part wool and including those having India rubber as a component material, n. s. p. f., ss. 5,128-11,602- 15,843-16,883 50percent. '• apparel when composed in part of India rubber 60 per cent. " applique 60 per cent. " articles, embroidered 60 per cent. " bandings 50 per cent. " banners for benevolent societies, ss, 12,423 50 per cent. " beaded goods, ss. 16,092-16,103-16,224 -16,225,-10,229 16,406 60 percent. " beltings and bindings 50 per cent. " bolting cloths for milling, and so permanently marked as not to be available for other use Free. " all other as woven fabrics, ss. 10,914. " bone casing, ss. 16,359 50 per cent. " braces 50 per cent. " braids 60 per cent. ■ button material, ss. 10,570 ... 10 per cent. " buttons, ss. 10.551 50 per cent. " chenille drapery, ss. 15,038 per lb. §1.50 and 15 per cent, but not less than 50 per cent. " chenilles, per lb. $1.50 and 15 percent, but not less than 50 per cent. " chiffon bands, ss. 21. 114 60 per cent. " chinas, as woven fabrics, ss. 13,418. " clothing, ready made 60 per cent. " cocoons Free. '■ combed or carded only per lb. 40 cts. Par. 512 ( 'vstoms Brokers and Clerks Association Silk cordonet, as thread 30 per cent. " " for manufacture of fringes, bs. 8,798 30 per cent. " cords 50 per cent. " doilies, embroidered with wool, ss. 14,159 per lb. 50 cts. and C>0 per nut. " edgings, as laces, ss.15,580 GO per cent. " elastic stockings, ss. 11,383 .. 60 per cent. " embroidered articles and fabrics, 88. 16.871-16,918.. 60 per cent. " embroideries 60 per cent " fabrics, embroidered 60 per cent. " fabrics in bond cannot be withdrawn for dyeing, 88. 3,178. " fans, ss. 10,739 50 per cent. " flock or dust, as manufactures of silk, ss. 12,149 50 per cent. " floss 30 per cent. " flouncings 60 per cent. " fringes 60 per cent. " galloons, embroidered, as embroidery, 88.14,173.... 60 per cent. " garters 50 per cent. " goods ornamented with beads or spraugles 60 per cent. " gorings 60 per cent. " guards for watches and eye glasses, ss. 8,837 50 per cent. " handkerchiefs, composed wholly or in part of silk, whether in the piece or otherwise, finished or unfinished, if not hemmed or hemmed only, same late as <_;c>ods in the piece of same description, weight, and condition, but not less than 50 per cent. " hemstitched or imitation hemstitched, or revered or have drawn threads, or are embroidered in any manner, whether with an initial letter, mon- ogram, or otherwise, by hand or machinery, or are tamboured, ap- pliqued, or are made or trimmed wholly or in part with lace, or with tucking or insertion in addition to duty, on hemmed 10 per cent, but not less than 60 per cent. ' hats, as wearing apparel, ss. 10,7,S7 60 per cent. ■ hatters' plush, black, used exclusively for making men's ha1 - 10 per cent. " plush, all other colors per lb. $1.00 and 15 per ct. but not less than SO per cent. 11 " ribbons per lb. $1.50 and 15 per cent. ■• headneta with rubber cord, bs. 2,337 ... 60 per cent. " Insertings, ss. 16,937 60percent. " Jacquard, figured, S.c. v., two or more colors in filling 50 per cent. of the Port of New York. 513 Silk knit goods 60 per cent. " laces and articles, made wholly or in part of lace made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer, composed of silk or of which silk is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, ss. 807-1,581-16,965-17,208 60 per cent. " lacets, as manufactures of, ss. 13,216 50 per cent. " ligatures, braided, ss. 11,183 60percent. " marceline, as woven fabrics, ss. " military sashes, ss. 13,423-18,077 50 per cent. " mufflers, composed wholly or in part of silk, whether in the piece or otherwise, finished or unfinished, if not hemmed or hemmed only, same rate as goods in the piece of the same description, weight and condition. but not less than 50 per cent. " " hemstitched or imitation hemstitched, or revered or have drawn threads, or are em- broidered in any manner, whether with an initial letter, monogram, or otherwise, by hand or machinery, or are tamboured, ap- pliqued, or are made or trimmed wholly or in part with lace, or with tucking or insertion in addition to duty on hemmed 10 per cent, but not less than 60 per cent. " muslins, as woven fabrics of silk, ss. 11,239-21,114. " neckties, ss. 11,233 60 per cent. " nets and nettings 60 per cent. " organzine 30 per cent. " " thrums, as organzines, ss. 17,410 30 per cent. " patterns of cotton, embroidered with silk, cotton chief value 60 per cent. " pile fabrics per lb. $1.50 and 15 per ct. but not less than 50 per cent. " pillow shams, drawn work, as manufactures of, ss. 15,214 50 per cent. " plaited articles, as silk, ss. 8,706. " plushes, ss. 15,233 per lb. $1.00 and 15 per cent, but not less than 50 per cent. " printed, as manufactures of silk, ss. 14,199 50 per cent. " raw or as reeled from the cocoon, but not doubled, twisted, or advanced in manufacture in anyway Free. " ruchings 60 per cent. " rufflings 60 per cent. " satin soleil, ss. 16,109 per lb. $1.(10 and 15 per cent, but not less than 50 per cent. " seals, as pile fabrics, ss. 7,377-11,278 per lb. $1.50 and 15 per cent, but not less than 50 per cent. " sewing silk, ss. 3,798-3,900-6,127-0,305 30 per cent. " spot nets, ss, 16,965-17,788 60 per cent. Par. 514 Customs Broken and Clerks Association Silk span, in skeins, cops, warps, or on beams, ss. 2,004, \ alue not exceeding $1.00 per lb per lb. 20 cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 35 per cent. Value over si I and not over $1-50 per lb. 30 cts. and 15 percent, bul not less than 35 per cent. Value over $1.50 and not over $2.00 per lb. 40 cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 35 per cent. Value over f 2.00 and not over $2.50 per lb. 50 cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 35 per cent. Value over J 2.50 per lb. 60 cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 35 per cent. •• striped sleeve linings, cotton chief value, as cotton cloth containing an admixture of -ilk. SB. 1 1,638. . per sq. yd. 8 cts. and 30 per cent, but not loss than 50 per cent. " striped sleeve linings, silk chief val. as \v oven fabrics, ss. 11,538-14,158. " strings for musical instruments 45 per cent. " suspenders 50 per cent. " swivel necktie, ss. 14,057 50 per cent. " tamboured 60 per cent. " tapestries, figured in loom, silk chief val. ss. 11. 075. . 50 per cent. " cotton chief value per sq. yd. 8 cts. and 30 per cent, but not less than 50 per cent. "' tassels , 50 per cent. •' thread, artificial, as manufactures of collodion, ss. per lb. 65 cts. and 25 percent. " thrown, not more advanced than singles, tram, ss. 17,404, organzine, ss. 17,410. sewing silk, twist, floss, and silk threads or yarns of every description, except spun silk, ss 1,047-6,127 30 percent. " train 30 per cent. " trimmings 60 per cent. " tubings 50 per cent. " Tussah, as spun -ilk. ss. 12,914. " twist 30 per cent. " veilings 61 per cent. " veils,singly orin pie :e,aa wearing apparel, ss. 15,866 60 per cent. ■ relvets. .per lb. $1.60and 15 percent, bul not less than 50 per cent. ' velvet ribbons, as pile Fabrics, ss. 1 1,882 perlb. $1.50 and 15 per cent., but not less than 50 percent. • vest chains, ss. 16,134 17.053 60 per cent. • warps reeled, not on beams, as on beams, ss. 14,154. 30 per cent. • waste, ss. 3,271 8,752 Free. • wearing apparel 60percent. ■ webbings and webs elastic or non-elastic 5Jpercent. worms eggs. Free. worm gut, unmanufactured Free. •• manufactures of , n. s. p. f 25 per cent. woven fabrics in the piece, n. s. p. f.. weighing not less Uk',11 l l ; , and not more than 8 oz. per of the Port of New York. 515 sq. yd. and containing not more than 20$ of silk, if in gum : per lb. 50 cts. If dyed in the piece per lb. 60 cts. same containing over 20 per cent, and not over 30 per cent, in weight of silk, if in gum per lb. 65 cts. If dyed in the piece per lb. 80 cts. same containing more than SO per cent, and not more than 45 per cent, in weight of silk, if in the gum per lb. 90 cts. If dyed in the piece per lb. $1.10. containing not more than 30 per cent, in weight of silk, dyed in the thread or yarn if black (except selvedges) per lb. 75 cts. If other colors per lb. 90 cts. same containing more than 30 and not more than 45 per cent, in weight of silk, dyed in the thread or yarn, if black (selvedges excepted) per lb. $1.10. If other than black per lb. $1.30. same containing more than 45 per cent, in weight of silk, if dyed in the thread or yarn and weighted in dyeing so as to exceed the weight of the raw silk, if black (sel- vedges excepted) per lb. $1.50. If other than black per lb. $2.25. same, if dyed in the thread or yarn and weighted in dyeing so as not to exceed the weight of the raw silk per lb. $3.00. If in the gum per lb. $2.50. If boiled off , or dyed in the piece or printed per lb. $3.00. If weighing less than 1^ oz. and more than % oz. per sq. yd. If in the gum, or if dyed in the thread or yarn per lb. $2.50. If boiled off per lb $3.00. If dyed in the piece or printed per lb. $3.25. If not more than \% oz. per sq. yd per lb. $4.50. but none of the above less than 50 per cent. Silk woven fabrics containing less than 45$ in weight of silk weighing less than 1J^ oz. per sq. yd., silk the component material of chief value, ss. 21.232 50 per cent. " yarns, except spun Kilk 30 per cent. " " spun, as spun silk. Silos, enclosing sheet zinc will be treated as tare, ss. 4,112. Silver, all manufactures of, ss. 1,876 45 per cent, " alloy cast in bar for use as paperweight, as bullion, ss. 12,000 Free. all salts of 25 per cent. " bronze powder, ss. 15,704 per lb. 12 cts. 516 and Clerks Association Silver bullion, ss. 12,609-14,122 Free. " certificates will be received for consuls' fees, ss. 1 1,086. " certificates will be received forduties, bb, 12,160. " coated paper per lb. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. " coins, ss. 15.280 Free. " cup to be contended for iB not a medal, ss 18,359... 45 per cent. " braids, embroideries, epaulettes, galloons, laces, knots, stars, tassels, trimmings and wings 60 per cent. galloons, ss. 4,204 60 per cent. Qerman, unmanufactured 86percent. " " manufactures of 45 per cent. hair powder, ss. 9,101 50 per cent. " jewelry 60 per cent. " knives and forks, as table knives, ss. 16,813. " leaf per package of 500 leaves 75 cts. " medals, such a 3 trophies or prizes Free. " " which have not been bestowed 45 per cent. " old, fit only for remanuf act lire. ss. 8,619 Free. " nmM Bfl R cr,s I ex< '^pt on It'art therein Free. ores, ss. 6,858 j on k ,. u , thercin pt . r ] b . j^ ct . " paper, as tissue paper. " plated ware 45 per cent. " powder, ss. 10,498-12,909 45 per cent. " " made of base metal, as bronze powder, bs. 15,704 per lb. 12 cts. " rattles, as toys, ss. 1,348 35 per cent. " sulphide, ss. 16,492 Free. " sweepings, ss. 6,058 Free. " tableware in chest must lie segregated, ss. 16,813. " thread per lb. 5 cts. and 35 per cent. " ware for societies i* dutiable, bs. 8,847 45 per cent. " waste, photographers', <-. 6,058 10 per cent. " watches, as watches. " wire, 88. 15,328 : i Thicker than No. s or 26 w. •_'.. ss. 17. '.'is. . 45 per cent. 1 Thinner than No. 8 or ~6 w. g., ss. 17,848. . . per lb. 5 cts. Silvered paper, as surface coated per lb. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. " glassware CO per cent. Similitude clause applies only to non-enumerated articles, bb.8,199 6,137 10,497. Sinews, as glue stock Free. Singing birds, mechanical, bs. 10,654 45 percent. Sink brushes, S8. 8,999 40 per cent, Siphons are bottles, bb. 14,983 -16,389 1H,375 Sirop de punch, as alcoholic compound, ss. 10,57s per lb. 60 cts and 45 per cent. Simps, cam ami beel juice, as sugar, ss. 17,928. fruit, bb 9,709 20 per cent. " maple, ss. 11,837 per lb. 4 cts. Par. 438 438 (Sill of the Port of Mew York. 517 Sisal grass « Free. " '' manufactures of 45 per cent. Size, bone, as glue, SB. 10,796. " gold, ss. 6,690-9,223 35 per cent. " paper hanging, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 6,242 20 per cent. Sizing, as glue, ss. 4,750-10,796. Skates 45 per cent. Skeletons , Free. " the same, papier inache, ss. 1,767-3,831 35 per cent. " paper and wire, ss. 17,246 45 per cent. Skelp, iron or steel, not thinner than No. 10 w. g. (see boiler plate iron). Skelp, iron or steel, costing 3 cts. per lb. or less and thinner than No. 10 w. g., same as sheet iron or steel. Sketches, pen and ink, as paintings, ss 13,299 20 per cent. " original 20 per cent. Skiffs, as manufactures wood, ss. 17,110 35 per cent . Skin, all preparations used as applications to 50 per cent. Skins, raw or uncured, whether dry, salted or pickled Free. " alum tanned, wool on, ss. 13,393-13,449-13.801, wool dutiable. " " as tanned leather, ss. 13,315 20 per cent. Angora goat, with wool, ss. 2,490-5,883-7,544-7,206 -7,588-10,208-11,357-11,385-16,072 on wool per lb. 11 cts. asses, raw and unmanufactured Free Astrakhan lamb, as fur, ss. 15,726 20 per cent. bastard, or ruu down sheep, ss. 10,492, wool duti- able, bear, with stuffed heads, as manufactures of fur, 88. 13,297-13,468-13,585-15,817 35 per cent. bird, prepared for preservation, but not further advanced, ss 7,848-17,935 15 per cent. " dressed and finished, suitable for millinery ornaments, ss. 3,682-5,930-9,898-10,253- 10,795-17,206 50 per cent. dyed, as feathers advanced, ss. 12,205-12,832- 15,469 50 per cent. " if dressed, ss. 695 50 per cent. bookbinders' calf 20 per cent. buffalo, and bear and goat, made up for sleigh robes, as manufactures of fur, ss. 3,351 35 per cent. calf, tanned, or tanned and dressed 20 per cent. " japanned: Weighing not over 10 lbs. per doz. hides or skins per lb. 30 cts. and 20 per cent. Weighing over 10 lbs. and not over 25 lbs. per doz per lb. 30 cts. and 10 per cent. . Weighing over 25 lbs. per doz per lb. 20 cts. and 10 per cent. calf, raw, ss. 18,214-19,716-21,989 Free. r.i.s Customs Brokers awl < A i Skills, calf and bides of cattli indiscriminately mixed will be assessed as hides, ss. 21,900 carroted f or, ss. 18,393 18,323.... chamois, and all other skins, ss. 17,10(5 unfinished, ss. 1 1 ,7(11-16,289 Chinese sable, as raw furs, ss. 13,6S6 cut into shape for gloves, as franks, of rate as- sessed on gloves of same material, ss. :j. 7.7.1 5,923. ! and finished fish 15 per cent. •,'n per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. 75 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. 10 per cent. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. for morocco, tanned but unfinished fox with head, as nifrs. fur. ss. 16,817 fur, dressed carroted, ss. 17,076 goat, dressed and finished " or sheep, finished for rags or mats. ss. s. 18 1 : 'Value not more than 40 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. '' above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. \ " over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 14 cts. and 65 per cent. gold beaters', ss. 352 Free. goose, with feathers on, dressed, sb. 734 1,974 12,828 50 per cent. grebe, with feathers dressed, ss. 8,683 13,888 50 per cent. kangaroo, dressed and finished, ss. 8,640 20 per cent. kid and lamb, dressed and finished 20 per cent. leopard, as dressed furs, ss. 10.795 20 per cent. loosely sewed together in the form of crosses, coat linings, etc., as dressed fur skins, ss. 10,913 13,133 13,986 13,180-13,183 14,564 SOpercent. morocco, tanned, but unfinished, ss. 13,130-18,868. 10 per cent. Persian lamb, as fur. ss. 15,721! 20 per cent. plucked, are nol dressed and finished, ss. 10,854- 1 1,768 Free. prepared for drumheads (not parchment), ss. 9,918. 15 per cent. rabbit, raw Free. seal, raw, ss. 30,900 Free. " importation of, see act of Dec. 29, 1897, on page 641. sheep, dressed and ttnished,ss.71'i 2,369 3,681-8,603. 80 per cent. two Bewed together, as manufacturs of for, as. 717-8,867 9,769 10,834 86pei cent. " with wool on, wool dutiable. taken from Ann rican sheep abroad, wool dutiable, ss. 7,067. tanned or tawed, with wool on, as dressed skins, wool dutiable, ss. 8,503 18,804 20 per cent. tiger, with siuifec] heads, as manufactures of fur, BS.18,897 18,468 18,686 16,81< 35 percent. tiger, as furs, bs. 10,795 SOpercent. of the Port of New York. 519 Skins, waste, raw rabbit »kin cuttings or strings, 88. 9,886- 10,014 Free. " whips, made of , partly tanned, ss. 0,357 35 per cent. Skirt bindings, cotton 45 per cent. " " " velvet, etc., as cotton velvet, etc., and in addition 10 per cent, but not less than 47^> per cent. Skirts, balmoral per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " bands, as cotton wearing apparel, ss. 12,962 50 per cent. " ladies' 1 kuit, as wearing apparel, ss. 12,998 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent Skivers, raw^ dried or salted Free. " tanned, as leatber 20 per cent. Slabs, iron, ss. 1 ,701 per lb. /„ ct. " " if charcoal is used in manufacture pertou $12.00. " marble (see marble). " of cement and marble, as manufactures of marble, Sept. 13, 1889, N. Y. 50 per cent. " steel (see steel ingots*. " slate, for tables, etc 20 per cent, Slag or smelter waste, as silver ore, 6s. 12,529 Free. " basic per ton $1.00. Slate books, as manufactures of paper, ss. 6,781-9,8<8 35 per cent. " chimney pieces 20 per cent. " from the quarry, not trimmed and fitted for use, ss. 400 Free. " mantels 20 per cent. " manufactures of 20 per cent. " pencils, in wood, ss. 17,9cl 35 per cent. " " all others per 100 3 cents. " " imported with pocket slates, as part of slate, ss 12,442-13,004-14,265. " slabs, for tables 20 per cent. " to be placed in wood for pencils, as manufactures of slate, ss. 11,228 20 per cent. " roofing 20 per cent. " by custom in England, 1,200 slates make a thou- sand, ss. 2,396. " patent, iron with mineral coating 45 per cent. porcelain, white (glass", ss. 9,003-13,197 60 per cent. " " painted, for jewelers, ss. 618 60 per cent. school, ss 3,082-9,002-9,878 20 per cent. tracing of glass, as toys. ss. ] 1.943 35 per cent. Slaths, as pickets, rough, ss. 2,045 7, '578 10 per cent. " " " finished or planed 10 per cent. blacksmiths' per lb. 1J^ cts. Sleeve buttons, ornamental, ss. 5, ?15 9,832 50 per cent. plain, ss. 285 1,244-4,316 50 per cent. Sleigh robes, skin, as manufactures of furs, ss. 6,078-7,003. 35 per cent. Sleighs, part metal, according to chief value, ss. 3,872. 20 Customs Brokers and Clerks Issocialioti Sleighe arc not personal nor household effects, bs. 2,036. Sleeve linings, cotton and silk, cotton cbief value, bs. 16,605 per sqr. yd. 8 cts. and 30 per cent., but not less than 50 per cent. " " silk chief value, as woven fabrics. Slides for magic lanterns, ss. 4,515-7,473 10,440 10.619- 11,865-12,545-12,634 12,711 14,844 45 per cent. " for magic lanterns, accompanying lantern, ss. 10,619-12,545 45 per cent. " for microscopes, beveled, as window glass bev- eled, ss. 12,120 rate on plain and 5 per cent. " for microscopes, with mounted objects, as manu- factures of blown glass, ss. 12,679 60 per cent. " for microscopes with mounted specimens of anato- my, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 12,798 20 per cent. Slipped wool is washed, ss. 8,414. Slipper carpeting, wool, as manufactures of, ss. 2,452. " patterns (according to material >, ss. 339 4,530 7,695. Slippers, leather, as leather shoes 25 per cent. " bath cotton, embroidered with worsted, ss. 8,126 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " hechima, wool, etc . as wool wearing apparel, ss 17,501 per pound 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " jute, as wearing apparel, ss. 12,143 50 per cent. " metal embroidered, leather chf. val., 88. 10,546- 10,766 13,131 25 per cent. " metal thread chf. val 60 per cent. " satin, as leather shoes, ss. 12,724 25 per cent. Slop chest of vessel, profits on sales from, limited to 10 per cent, of price at sailing port, ss 10,112. Slot machines, as manufactures of metal, ss 9,158 45 per cent. Slabbing, waste wool per lb. 30 cents. Smalts, ss 0,270 30 per cent. Smelling salts, as chemical compound, ss 7,381 25 per cent. " " perfumed, as toilet preparation, ss. 16,211 17,594 -17,595-20,921 25 per cent. Smelters, for smelting and refining foreign ores, as ware- house class 7, ss. 10,585-15,481. Smelts, fresh, 68. 15,529 10. mi 16,61 1 per lb. % cent. " frozen, or packed in ice per lb. % cent. " packed in oil or otherwise, in bottles, jars, tin boxes or cans, containing 7# cubic inches or less each ljjj cents. containing more than 7}4 and not more than 21 cubic inches each 2L£. cents. containing more than 21 and nol more than 33 cubic inches each 5 cents. containing more than 38 and not more than 70 cubic Inches, each 10 cents. in other packages 40 per cent. of the Port of New York. 52i Smoked goose breasts, as prepared meats, ss. 7,961 25 per cent. Smokeless powder, under Act of Feb. 24, 1891, ss. 10,987.. j Value 20 cts. per lb. or less per lb. 4 cts. "/ " over 20 cts. per lb per lb. 6 cts. Smokers 1 articles, including pipes aud pipe bowls, n. s. p. f., cigar and cigarette holders, books, pouches, cigarette paper, cases, covers, fuses, lighters, etc , ss. 1,924 2,667- 3,067-7,176 60 per cent. " " ash receivers are, ss. 7,328 CO per cent. " " bronze figures with ash receivers are, ss. 7,176 60 per cent. " " cane, containing pipe, is, ss. 3,692 60 per cent. " " cigar cabinets are not, ss. 12,132 35 per cent. '• " " cases are, ss. 8,379 60 per cent. " " " cutters are, ss. 8,957 ■ 60 per cent. " " cigarette machines are not, ss. 13,778. . . 45 per cent. " diminutive rubber pouch is not, ss. 16,348 30 per cent. " " lamps, pocket, are, ss. 6,908 60 per cent. " " leather cases and all parts of pipes are, ss. 6,040-9,725 60 per cent. " '" tables and stands are not, ss. 4,559-7,245 35 per cent. Smoking, opium prepared for per lb. $6.00 Snail shells, or "green ears," as manufactures of shell, ss. 12,851 35 per cent. Snails 20 per cent. Snakes, living, ss. 3,445 20 per cent. " are tools of trade, ss. 16,711. Snake root, crude Free. " " advanced in value per lb. 14 ct. and 10 per cent. Snowstorms, as manufactures of glass, ss. 12,683 45 per cent. Snuff and snuff Hour, made of tobacco lalso internal rev- enue tax), ss. 17,683 per lb. 55 cts. " " " " internal revenue tax per lb. 6 cts. " boxes according to material, ss. 15,416. Snuffers, metal 45 per cent. Soakage, allowance will not be made for on butter, ss. 3,491. • " will be allowed on reimported whiskey, if compu- tation is based on quantity exported, ss. 15,089. Soap, "blue mottled," as castile, ss. 13,560. per lb. 1J4 cts. " Calvert's, as medicinal, ss. 15,737 per lb. 15 cts. '• castile, ss. 10,661 12,709 per lb. 1J4 cts. " " weight of, as ascertained by TJ. S. weigher, must be taken, to estimate value, ss. 10,661 " cocoa, as fancy, ss. 9,891 per lb. 15 cts. " common mill, as n. s. p. f., ss. 16.40.S 20 per cent, " " olive oil, as castile, ss. 16,407 perlb. lJ4cts. 522 < 'KsliDiiK Brokers and Clerks Association Soap, covers all articles resulting from the reaction of a salifiable base will] I'al or nil. ss. 2,921. disinfectant ami antiseptic, as medicinal, sb. 16,732. per lb. l"> cts. fancy, or perfumed per lb. 15 cts. green (eapo viridis) as medicinal, ss. 16,968 per lb. 16 cts. medicinal in- medicated, sb. 15,039 per 11). 15 ets. powdered "bains savouneux," as toilet preparation, bb. 13,561 50 per cent. "Sapone Delia Rcgina," as toilet soap, ss. 13,951 . . . per lb. 16 cts. soft 20 per cent. toilet, all descriptions 1 of, bb. 9,891 per lb. 15 cts. " liquid violette glycerine, as. ss. 21,234 per lb. 15 ets. n. s. p. f., ss. 6,921-7,036-7,324-9, c91 20 per cent. powder, as chemical compound 25 per cent. stock, olive oil, foots, and residuum are, ss. 5,840 . . Free, grease and oils, fit only for soap making, ss. 13,439. Free. Soapstone, crude, ss. 6,559 Free. " and mica ground together 20 per cent. " carvings, ss. 9,042 45 per cent. Societies charging admission fee are not entitled to im- port articles free, ss. 6,945-9,009-16,137. Incorporated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or liter- ary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, may import philosophical and scientific apparatus, utensils, instruments and preparations— including bottles and boxes containing the same— regalia, gems, statuary. specimens or casts of sculpture. i'W Regalia covers only insignia of rank or office, or emblems worn on the person or borne in the hand. Works of arts, collections in illustration of the progress id' the arts, Bciences, or manufac- tures, photographs, works in terra cotta, parian, pottery or porcelain, antiquities and artistic copies thereof in metal or other ma- terial for exhibition at a fixed place. Socks, Chinese, cotton (doth as wearing apparel, ss. 15,224 50 per cent . soda, acetate, carbonate, hypo-sulphate, phosphates, SaliCJ late and all sails of; Q. 8. p. f 25 per cent. " araeniate of per lb. i'.| eta. '■ ash, ss. 17,148 per III. -''s ct. " " ammonia alkali is, 8s. 9,826 per lb. ? M et. " bicarbonate, bs. 16,810 per lb. \ ct. bichromate, ss 6,651 per lb. 2cts. " borate of. containing mote than :;ii per cent, of anhydrous boracic ai id per lb. 4 cts. Containing not more than 86 per cent per lb. 3 cts. of the Port of Neio York. Soda, calcined or pearl ash of soda per lb. % ct. caustic, es. 4,118 per lb. % ct. " combined with lime, 88. 9.126 25 per cent. chlorate, ss. 4,109 per lb. 2 cts. chromate per lb. 2 cts . crystals, not concentrated per lb. ■& ct. ' ' concentrated per lb. T 3 ct. cubic nitrate Free. hydrate per lb. % ct. hyposulphite and sulphide, ss. 15,706 per lb. J^ ct. monohydrate per lb. T 3 S ct. uapthionate, as coal tar preparation, ss.9,630-10,250- 11,600-13,579 20 per cent. naphthol, as coal tar preparation, ss. 12.224 20 per cent. nitrate of, 88. 9,457 Free. cannot be stored in warehouses with other bonded goods, 88 3,763. nitrite, ss. 11,558 per lb. 2>£ cts. oleate, as alizarine assistant, ss. 11,298-11,596- 12,181-16,978. prussiate, as chemical salt, ss. 11,298-11,354 25 per cent. sal per lb. T 2 „ ct. sesqui carbonate per lb. -? g ct. silicate, or water glass, ss. 4,710 per lb. % ct. stannate, ss. 1,584 25 per cent. sulphate per ton $1.25 . sulphide per lb. J^ ct. sulphite, as chemical salt, ss. 18,006 25 per cent . sulpho-ricinoleate, 50 per cent, or more castor oil. per gall. 30 cts. Less than 50 per cent, castor oil, es. 11,298-11,596-12,181 per gall. 15 cts. " " dried, as liquid, ss. 16,978. " supercarbonate per lb. % ct. " tartrate of , or potassa per lb. 4 cts. " " " " " liquid, as soda water, ss. 722-2,682. il water, and all similar waters, in plain green or col- ored, molded or pressed glass bottles, contain- ing each not more than % pint. No duty on bottles , per doz 18 cts. Containing more than % pint and not more than 1J^ pints. No duty on bottles per doz. 28 cts. Containing more than 1J^ pints. Bottles or coverings dutiable, ss. 5,325 per gall. 50 cts. wnter and all similar waters in other than green or colored, molded or pressed bottles. Bottles and coverings dutiable per gall. 50 cts. " yellow prussiate of, ss. 8,586-11,354 25 per cent. Sodium 20 per cent. " benzoate, as medicinal preparation, ss. 14,556. . .. 25 per cent. 624 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Par. " 15 Sodium bcnzoate, artificial, a? coal tar preparation, ss. 15,689 30 per cent. " carbonate, as sal-soda, 6S. 13,698-13,590-13,701 per lb. & ct. 68 " salicylate powder, as medical preparation, se. 14,518-31,591 25 per cent. 68 " theobromine, as medical preparation, ss. 21,591 25 per cent. 3 " sulphide of, bs. 6,188 25 per cent. 3 '• sulphuret, as chemical salt, ss. 15,221 25 per cent. 379 Sod oil per lb. J^ ct. 3 Softening liquor, ss. 3,750 25 per cent. 73 Soft soap 20 per cent. 3 Solanine, an alkaloid 25 per cent. 438 Sole leather 2D per cent. 448 Soles, cork 35 per cent. 370 " " and wool, as wearing apparel, .per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. 58 Soluble silicate, for paiut, ss. 3,644 30 per cent. 33 " oil, as alizarine assistant, ss. 7,011. 569 Soot, for manure, ss. 7,301 Free. 354 Sorghum seed 30 per cent. 656 " cane for seed Free. 496 Sounds, cod in brine, ss. 1,533 Free. 496 " fish Free. 33 " bleached, as gelatine, ss. 1,648-10,785. 24i Soap, Julienne, Piintaniere, etc., as prepared vegetables. 40 per cent. 179 Soutache gilt braid, ss. 16,633-16,993 60 per cent. 241 Sour crout, or sauer kraut 40 per cent. 597 " orange juice, ss. 2,345-6,589 Free. 703 Souvenirs made prior to 1700, for societies Free. " all oilier, according to material. 241 Soy, a sauce, ss. 1 1 ,202 16,787 40 per cent. 301 Spa, or spaw, as natural mineral water. 155 Spacca ossi, as carving knives, ss. 15,992. 193 Spades, ss. 3,536 45 per cent. 329 Spaghetti per lb. 1<^ cts. 193 Spangles, plated, ss. 5,988 45 per cent. 58 Spanish brown, color 30 per cent. 548 " Hies, cautharides, crude, ss. 19,455 Free. 20 " " " advanced in value, per lb. \ ct. and 10 percent. 633 " grass, for paper making Free. 559 " limes, as fruit, n. s. p. f., ss. 8,595 Free. 26] " mackerel, frozen or packed in ice per lb. 1 ct. 201 " " salted, smoked, dried, pickled, etc.. . per lb. let. ;,:,ii Spar, adamantine, as emery ore Free. 115 " manufactures of 50 per cent. 194 Spars, for vessels, timber for, bb. 7,621-11,690 per cu. ft. 1 ct. .-,:j:, Spartatceii, as coral, crude Free. 109 Bparterre, I'm' making or ornamenting hats, ss. 3,199-16,676. not bloached, etc 15 per cent. bleached, etc 20percent. 206 " all others, 88. 3,199-12,646 40 per cent. of the Port of New York. 525 Spatulas, cutlery, SB. 17.203 45 per cent. Spawn mushroom, as seed, ss. 5,714-6,342 30 per cent. Specimens of natural history, botany, and mineralogy, when imported for scientific public collections and not for sale, ss. 15,310 Free. Special Importations : Abandoned vessels recovered and brought into port. Free. Animals for breeding purposes, ss. 13,846. Free. Animals for temporary exhibition Free. Animals and vehicles of immigrants Free. Articles, the growth, produce and manufacture of the United States, without having been advanced in value or improved in condition, exported and returned, upon which no drawback has been allowed Free. Books, engravings, etc., for the United States Gov- ernment Free Books, maps, etc., not more than two copies in one invoice, for the use of colleges and societies, ss. 10,289 Free. Books or libraries of persons from foreign coun- tries Free. Household furniture in use abroad one year. . ; Free. ' Imported articles for repair of American veesels in foreign trade, may be drawn from bond free of duty. Imported articles must not bear domestic names or trade marks. Importations of obscene matter prohibited. Lifeboats and apparatus for societies Free. Machinery for repair may be entered in bond. Materials for building vessels in the United States for foreign owners or trade, may be withdrawn from bond free of duty. Philosophical apparatus, works of art, etc., for the use of societies or institutions Free. Photographs for temporary exhibition on six months' bond. Precautions against cattle disease. Products of convict labor, not entitled to entry in the United States. Professional books, implements and tools of per- sons emigrating to United States . Free. Regalia, gems and statuary for societies, colleges, schools and libraries Free. Re-importations of manufactures of the United States. § 30 Rules in regard to drawback. § 15 Rules regarding manufactures in bonded ware- house. 526 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Smelting and refining of metals in manufacturing bonded warehouses. Stamped goods mu8l also indicate country of origin. Theatrical scenery, properties and apparel brought in by proprietors or managers on six months' bond Free. Wearing apparel and effects of persons arriving in United States Free. Works of art, the production of American artist-, residing temporarily abroad Free. Works of art, drawings, engravings, photographic pictures, and scientific apparatus brought by ar- tists or lecturers for temporary use or for exhibi- tion on six months 1 bond .. Free. Works of art and collect ions for permanent exhibi- tion or for public monuments on bond Free. Specie can be entered without Consular certificate, 88. 11,040 11,895 Free. " may be examine:! at importer's office, ss. 11,907. forms of oath on entry of. ss. 1 1 33 i. Specific duty, coverings for articles paying, arc not dutia- ble, ss. ss 2,589 " " not based on value, articles paying, are not subject to additional or penal duty, ss. 3,370-4,832. " " based on value articles, inlying, are subject to additional duty. ss. 17,113. Spi cification by name removes an article from a general provision covering it. ss. 5,243. Specimens of botany, for society Free. " " miCrOSCOpiC, for society, ss. 3.:).")S Free. " •' mineralogy, for society, ss. 13.352 Free. " " natural history, for society, ss 10,446 Free. " " rock crystal, ss. 17,337 50percent. Spectacle cases, leather 35 per cent. '• and frames for same or parte thereof , finished or unfinished : /'Value not over 40 cents per do 2,003 :'. 567- 13,808, per doz. 20 cts. A 15 per ct. J " over 10 cents aid over $1.50 per dOZ per do/, 46 CtS, 1 20 per ecu I. V " over $1.50 per doz 50 per cent, '• glasses, se. 9,184 ISpercent. " " mndoi beveled per doz. pairs 10 CtS. and -T> , side in. ci . as parts of spi fcacl 8] OBCopet glass and metal, - 9,2 ii 45 per cent. pigs per lb 1V6 cts. per lb. 2 cts. " articles of, n. s p. f ., as. 8,488 45 per ceDt. " old, worn out, fit only for rcmanufacture per lb. 1 ct. Par. of (he Port of Netv York. 527 Spermaceti, as whale oil, 88. 11,573 per gal. 8 cts. oils per. gal. S cts. Spices, crude, used as drugs, n. s. p. f Free. " used as drugs advanced in value. . .per lb. Y\ ct. and 10 per cent. all ground or powdered, n. s. p. f per lb. 3 cts. cassia, cassia vera and cassia buds Free. " cassia vera and cassia buds, ground per lb. 3 cts. " cayenne pepper, unground per lb. 2V£ cts. " " ground per lb. 2)4 cts. " cinnamon and chips of, unground Free. " " " " " ground per lb. 3 cts. " clove and clove stems, unground Free. " " " " " ground per lb. 3 cts. " ginger root, not ground, preserved nor candied Free. " " " ground per lb. 3 cts. " " " preserved in sugar per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. " mace, unground Free. " li ground per lb. 3 cts. " mustard seeds Free. " " ground per lb. 10 cts. " n. s. p. f per lb. 3 cts. " nutmegs, unground Free. " " ground per lb. 3 cts. " pepper, black and white, unground Free. " " " " " ground per !b. 3 cts. " pimento, unground Free. " " ground per lb. 3 cts. " sage per lb. 1 ct. • ; savory, ground or not per lb. 3 cts. " thyme, ground, ss. 20,209 per lb. % ct. and 10 per cent. " " unground , Free. Spiegeleisen — per ton $4.00. Spike lavender oil Free. Spikes, iron or steel, cut per lb. T B 5 ct. " " "" wrought per lb. 1 ct. " other metal 45 jaer cent. ' ; steel, running, as manufactures, ss. 15,708 45 per cent. Spiles, for wharves, rough or round per cu. ft. 1 ct. " all other Free Spinach seed, ss. 8,131 30 per cent. Spindle binding, ss. 13,572 per lb. 10 cts. and 15 per cent. Spiral springs maximum rate on wire and per lb. 1J4 cts. Spirit levels, as manufactures of glass, ss. 12,686 45 per cent. Spirits, all imitations of, pay as spirits. [ ■ All spirituous liquors and bay ruin im- ported in bottles must be packed in cases of net less than 12 bottles or jugs each, if not so packed duty will be assessed on quantity equal to 12 bottles. Bottles or jugs dutiable when less than 12 bottles or jugs in a case. 528 Customs Brokers and i iiiion Spirits, all alcoholic compounds, n. e. p f., ss. 8,^42 9,821 -9.712 per lb. 60 cts. and 4") per cent. " alcoholic perfumery, ss. 8,742-9,712, per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " hay rum. or hay water, whether distilled or com- pounded, of first proof, and in proportion for any greater strength than first proof per proof gall. $1.60. brandy and other spirits manufactured or dis- tilled from grain or other materials . . . .per proof trail. $2.26. Additional duty on bottles. " on foregoing from France, a reciprocal country, 88. 19,405 per proof gall. $1.75. Canadian test is different from 1". S.. ss. 17,833. " cordials, liquors, arrack, absinthe, kirschwaseer, ratifia, and other spirituous beverages or bitters of all kinds containing spirits, ss. 180 ...per proof gall. §2.25. Additional duty on bottles as empty. " domestic, exported and returned, ss. 11.721 per proof gall. $1.10. " domestic, exported and returned, rules for gaug- ing, ss. 12,782. " " cannot be transferred to manufactur- ing warehouse, to be bottled for ex- port, 88. 7,223. each and every gauge or wine gallon of measure- iih !,t shall be counted as at least one proof gal- lon; and the standard for determining the proof of brandy and other spirits or liquors of any kind imported shall be the same as that which is defined in the laws relating to internal revenue ; but any brandy or other spirituous liquors, imported in casks of less capacity than 10 gallons, shall be forfeited to the United States. J^~Provided. that it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the Treasury, in his discretion, to authorize i he ascertainment of the proof of wines, cordials, or other liquors, by dis- tillation or otherwise, in ease whereit is im- practicable to ascertain such proof by the means prescribed by existing law or regular tions. " on all compounds or preparations of which dis- tilled spirits area component part of chief \ alue, there shall he Levied a duty not less than that imposed upon di -til led spirits per proof gall. $2.25. " no lower rate or amount of duty shall be levied, collected, and paid on brandy, spirits and other spirituous beverages, than that fixed by law for the description of first proof; but it shall be in- i reased in proportion for any greater Btrengtb of the first proof, and all imitations of brandy par. 390 258 of the Port of tiew York. 629 or spirits or wines imported, by any names whatever, shall be subject to the highest rate of duty provided for the genuine articles respec- tively intended to be represented, and in no case less than per gall. $1.50. Spirits, lac Free. " lost by casualty, allowance for, ss. 15,588. " medicinal per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. " of lavender, medicinal preparation per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. " of muriatic ether per lb. $1.00, but not less than 25 per cent. " of nitrous ether per lb. 25 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. ' ' of nutmeg, medicinal preparation per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. " of rosemary per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. " of turpentine Free. " withdrawal for use of U. S., 88. 16,049. Splice bars, or fish plates of steel, or irou per lb. -& ct. Split fence posts, se. 5.867 10 per cent. Split peas, ss. 652 per bush, of 60 lbs. 40 cts. Spittoons, according to material. Spoke bolts, ss. 6,614 20 per cent. " shaves 45 per cent. Spokes for wheels, unfinished 35 per cent. Sponges 20 per cent. " chamois, as manufactures of leather, ss. 15,823.. . 35 per cent. " made up into artificial flowers, ss. 8,385 50 per cent. " manufactures of 40 per cent. Spool blocks, for thread paying ad valorem duty, are dutiable, ss. 7,529-7,844. " thread, cotton per dozen spools of 100 yds. 6 cts. For each additional 100 yds. or fractional part in excess of 100 yds per dozen spools 6 cts. Spools, with metal flanges, for carpet weaving, as manu- factures of metal, ss. 6,715 45 per cent. " Ehumkorf, as manufactures of metal, ss. 8,154. . . 45 per cent. " wooden 35 per cent. Spoons, bone, horn 30 per cent . ' ; decorated, are not paintings, ss. 14,300. 11 India rubber 35 per cent. " silver or gold, gilt or plated 45 per cent. " wood 35 per cent. Sporting rifles 25 per cent. " " (see breech loading shotguns). " " breech loading shot guns or shot gun and rifle combined (see guns). Spot nets, silk, 88. 13,905-14,052 60 per cent. Sprats, are not herring, ss. 2,136-8,622-8,843-10,101-11,369- 17,645. i'ar. 530 f'i/.-t,j „* Hi i>k' rs ami (Inks Association Packed in oil or otherwise, in bottles, jars, tin boxes or cans, containing 7J4 cubic inches or less, as. 10,101-11,369-16,626 each \y 3 cts. Containing more than 7J4 and not more than '.'1 cubic inches each ->K. cts. Containing more than 21 and not more than 33 cubic inches each 5 cts. Containing more than 33 and not more than 70 cubic inches each 10 cts. if in other packages 40 per cent. Sprats, smoked in oil, as sardines, ss. 17,351-17,432-19,419. " spiced in kegs, as anchovies, ss. 11,369-12,621 40 per cent. Sprigs, iron or steel, of all kinds 10 ozs. or less per M per M. 1 l ., cts. over 16 ozs. per M per lb. 1 \ & cts. Springs, metal 45 per cent. Spring steel, same as steel in ingots. Spruce beer, as malt extract, ss. 5,372 in bulk, per gal. 80 Cts. " deals, ss. 11,951 per 1,000 ft.. B. M. $2.00. '• frames for barbed wire, ss. 6,825 86 per cent. " gum, crude, sb. 3,548-21,714 BVee. " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " timber, as lumber, ss. 13,172. Spunk Free. Spun silk, in skeins, cops, warps, or on beams, BS. 6.109, value not exceeding $1.00 per lb., per lb. 20 cts. and 15 percent. but not less than 35 per cent. value over $1-00 and not exceeding $1.50 per lb per lb. 30 cts. and 15 per cent. but not less than 35 per cent. value over $1.50 per lb. and not exceeding $2.00 per lb per lb. 40 cts. and 16 per cent. but not less than 35 per cent. value over $2.00 per lb/and not exceeding $2.50 per lb per lb. 50 cts. and 15 per cent. but not less than 86 percent. vaiue over $2.50 per lb per H>. 60 cts. and 16 per cent. but not less than 35 per cent. Spurs, metal 45 per cent. " and stilts lor potters' use, ss. 186 Free. Spy-glasses, 88. 5,977-5,876 45 per cent. " costing 50 cts. or lees, as toys, ss. 14,097 35 per cent. Squares, bone or horn 30 per cent. " hemstitched, linen and cotton, as handkerchiefs, ss. 14,914 55 per cent. ' ' ivory 35 per cent. " metal 45 per cent. " wood 35 per cent. Squeezer scale, as scrap iron per ton $4.00. Squeezer-, lemon, according to material, ss. 12,950. of the Port of New York. 531 Par. ~~~ 548 i Squills, or scffla, crude Free. 20 " " advanced in value per lb. 14 ct. and 10 per cent. 426 Squirrel plates, dressed and joined together, ss. 4,201- 8,517 20 per cent. 426 " tails, split and dressed, as dressed furs, ss. 16,985. 20 per cent. 450 Staff, as papier mache, ss 14,561 35 per cent. § 6 Stags' heads, as specimens of natural history, ss. 11,864. . 20 per cent. 100 Stained glass ware CO per cent. 112 " " windows, and parts thereof 45 per cent. 107 " window glass, in addition to rate on plain 5 per cent. 193 Stair rods, metal, gilt or plated 45 per cent. Stamp may be used for signature by a procurist, ss. 11,920. " not required on cigars in transit, ss. 17,416. Stamp on imported cigars exported, ss. 17,356. ■' tax on cigars is a dutiable element of cost, 88. 10,403-10,783. " used for signature must be checked by officer, ss. 16,518. 193 J Stamps, nickel plated, as manufactures of metal, ss. 6,711. 45 per cent. 670 " foreign postage or revenue, canceled or uncan- celed Free. 483 " United States postage, as American manufactures returned Free. 208 I " wood for Chinese printing, as manufactures of wood. ss. 6,435 35 per cent. § 8 [ Stamping foreign articles and the packages containing imported articles, ss. 10,8?2-1 0,842. ' ; and ganging of imported liquors, ss. 9.099. " " " imported liquors sent to general order stores, ss. 9,652. " " " bay rum, as distilled spirits, ss. 7,121. § 10 " cigars, ss. 7,017-10,381. " " sent to general order store, ss. 9,652. " " sold by customs authorities, ss. 6,207. " " domestic, reimported, ss. 5,055. " cigarettes, regulations for, ss. 8,237. § 10 " " weighing over 3 lbs. per 1,000, as cigars, ss. 9,813. is not required on domestic goods reimported, -- 11.285. " liquors, domestic, reimported. ss. 10,703. § 8 " must include the name of the country of pro- duction on goods which bear a stamp, ss. ln,832. " opium prepared for smoking, ss. 10,301. " prune juice does not require stamps, ss. 7,687 193 Stampings of steel, for bicycles, as manufactures of, ss. 8,894 45 per cent. 1 Stanhopes, as optical instruments, ss. 15.135 45 per cent. 532 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Stannate of soda, bs. 1,584 25 per cent. Stannic acid, ss. 17,813 95 per cent. Starch, all kinds, ss. 7,611-7,622 per lb. 1% cts. " all preparations, from whatever substance pro- duced, lit for use as starch, ss. 6,261-9,081- 10,277-11.096-13,692 -13.775 per lb. 1J£ cts. " burnt, or gum substitute, ss. 12,823 per lb. 2 cts. " corn or potato, BS. 1,874 -5,737 i ,522 per lb. 1V^ cts. " " residuum, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 269 20 per cent. " fiber, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 12,856 20 per cent. " waste, used for sizing, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 6,949 20 per cent. Stars, metal thread or wire 60 per cent. Stations of the cross, imported for presentation to church, if works of art, ss. 13.087 Free. Statuary, ss. 372-587-9,744-11,394-11,51 )-18,3-.'9 2) per cent. £^~The term statuary, as herein used, shall be un- derstood to include only such statuary as is cut, carved, or otherwise wrought by hand from a solid block or mass of marble, • tone or alabaster, or from metal, and as is the professional produc- tion of a statuary or sculptor only, ss. 16,288 15,428. " produced by other than a professional sculptor not dutiable as statuary, ss. 21,481-21,543. alabaster figures are not, ss. 17,046 17,330 50 per cent. " articles sold with trade discounts are not, ss. 17.046. " bas reliefs, may be, ss. 12,243-14,923. " bronze, wrought by hand, ss. 11,222-12,824- 12,836 13,059 -13,069-13,863-17,348 20 per cent. " bronze casts are not, ss. 16,983 45 per cent. " " reproductions are not, bb. 15,919 45 per cent " carved metal mug is not, ss. 17,254 45 per cent. " columns and pedestals are not, ss. 11,038. " in alabaster SO per cent. " in spar 50 per cent. " copies of, in metal 45 per cent. " " " marble, bs. 21,481 21,543 60 per cent. " " plaster, white, 88. 11,204 35percent. " " " " colored, etc 35 per cent. " " terra cotta, white 55 per cent. " " decorated 60 per cent. " executed abroad after model by American artlsl in the I'nited States not entitled to tree entry, bb. 9,730-9,809 20 per cent. for churches, etc., ss. 7.r, 1 11,519 11,747 l"> 831 16,178 10 .179 Free. from France, a reciprocal country, ss. 19,405 15 per cent. of the Port of X< w York. 533 Statuary, imported by society for erection of a public monument, as. 11, 269 Free. ivory figures are not, ss. 11,548 35 per cent. monuments are not, ss. 7.072. plaster of paris, ss. 10,653-19.310 35 per cent. sarcophagus is not, ss. 13.863. was figures are not. ss. 9,009 11.175 -11,550 25 per cent. work of American artist residing temporarily abroad Free. " wooden, ss. 6,034 12.254 35 per cent. Statuettes, in china, porcelain, parian, bisque, earthen, stone or crockery ware, if painted, gilded, or otherwise decorated or ornamented, ss. 17,046-17,253-17,330 ? 60 per cent. " as above, if white 55 per cent. Statuettes, bronze, as manufactures of, ss. 11,222 45 per cent. " cement, ss. 14,860 45 per cent. " plaster, white, ss. 11,324-12,833 35 per cent. " " decorated 35 per cent. " terracotta plain, ss. 7,307-14,932 55 per cent. " " " decorated 60 per cent. Stave-bolts and heading bolts 20 per cent. Staves, of wood, all kinds, ss. 3,694 4,680-7,495-21,460 10 per cent. " reimported as bbls. filled Free. Stavesacre, crude Free. " advance in value or condition, .per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. Stays, boiler, steel or iron, wrought, as boiler tubes. Steamblack, ss. 13,596 16,710-18,057 25 per cent. Steamboat laws, penalties for violation of, ss. 11,114. Steam dredge, dutiable, ss. 1.380-10,894. " " American, repairs on, abroad, are dutiable ss. 11,322. " packing, n. e. manufactured, ss. 6,287 20 per cent. Steamer shafts 45 per cent. Steam engine, forgings for, of iron or steel 35 per cent. " gauge tubes, as glass, ss. 17,333 60 per cent. " launch left by master of vessel to be used for pleasure and sporting purposes is dutiable, ss. 3,116 45 per cent. " merry-go-round, not tool of trade, ss. 9,352. " ships, American, drawback on foreign bituminous coal used on, ss. 5,752-10,378. " " bond for preliminary entry, ss. 15,034. " " bond for unlading at night, ss. 67,522. " " imported from Canada, dutiable, ss. 8,975. " " inspection of foreign naturalized, ss. 10,122. " supplies for foreign, cannot be withdrawn on export entry, ss. 9,577-11,304. Stearic acid, ss. 13,818 25 per cent. Stearine, ss. 5,049-5,091-9,220-13,818 25 per cent. 534 - Brokers and Clerks Association Stearine, palm nut kernel, ss. 6,175 20 per cent. " residuum, as n. e. manufactured article, bs. 5,049. 80 per cent. Steel, all metal produced from iron or its ores, which is cast and malleable, of whatever description or form without regard to the percentage of carbon contained therein, whether produced by cemen- tation or converted, cast or made from iron or its ores by the crucible, Bessemer, (lap;), Grif- fith's pneumatic. Thomas Gilchrist, basic, Sie- mens-Martin or open-hearth process, or by the equivalent of either, or by the combination of two or more of the processes, or their equiva- lents, or by any fusion or other process which produces from irpn or its ores a metal either granular or fibrous in structure, which is cast and malleable, excepting what is known as malleable iron eastings, shall be classed and de- nominated as steel. Act Oct. 1, 1890. ' allowance or reduction of duties for partial loss or damage in consequence of rust or of discolora- tion shall not be made upon any description of steel, nor upon any article wholly or partly manu- factured of steel. alloys used as substitutes for Bee steel ingots). all forms and shapes, n. s. p. f. (see steel ingots). anchors and parts thereof per lb. 114 cts. anchors fit only for remanufacture per ton $-1.00. angles, plain, punched or fitted for use. ss. S.364 — per lb , ;, ct. anvils, and iron and steel combined anvils per 11). 1% cts. articles enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses. . . 40 per cent. articles, n. s. p. f 45 per cent. artists' knives, finished or unfinished, as table knives. axe-shaped bars, as steel in shapes, n. s. p. f., ss. 1,486 (see steel ingots). axle bars, without reference to the Btage Or State of manufacture, valued at not mere than lids, per Hi. per lb. 1 ct. all others, as steel ingots. axle blanks, without reference to the stage or state of manufacture, valued at not more than (lets, peril), per lb. I ct. axles or parts of, valued a1 nql nunc than t; cts per lb. per lb. l ct. all others, as forgings 35 per cent, axles, fitted in wheels or parts oi wheels per lb. 1J^ cts. back saws 30 per cent. band, as hoop iion " saws per lb. 10 cts. and 20 per cent. " galvanized oi coated with zinc or spell r, or other metal, a I I sheets, and in addition, per lb. ,; ( ct. bands 5 to 50 feet lonj ■ plates, ss. 17,849-' 17.350 45 per cent. of the Port of New York. 535 Steel bands or strips, untempered, suitable for making baud saws per lb. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. if tempered, or tempered and polished per lb. 6 cts. and 20 per cent. bars, beveled or tapered (see steel ingots). " hammered or rolled (see steel ingots). beads, not strung, ss. 2,994 35 per cent. " trimmings, ss. 2,994 60 per cent. beams, plain, punched or fitted for use per lb. & ct. bicycle cranks, rough, ss. 15,011 (see steel ignots). '• " finished 45 per cent. " hubs, as manufactures of, ss. 2,588-15,011. .. 45 per cent. " wheels and parts of wheels, as manufactures of, ss. 14,695-11,976-14,225 45 per cent. frames, as manufactures of, ss. 14,225 45 per cent. forks, as tubes, ss. 11,995 35 per cent. billets (see steel ingots), S8. 16,823. " hollow, are not tubes, as ingots, ss. 16,840- 17,264. blacksmiths' hammers and sledges per lb. lj^j cts. black taggers, same as steel sheets. blades for pen and pocket knives, as pocket knives, i but not less than per piece 5 cts. and 40 per cent. blades for razors, as razors. blanks for railway tires, without regard to the de- gree of manufacture per lb. 1 14 cts. blauks for dies (see steel ingots), blocks " " (see steel ingots). blooms, ascertainment of weight, same as steel ingots, ss. 8,195. " for railway tires, without regard to the de- gree of manufacture per lb. 1J4 cts. bodkins, ss. 10,653 25 per cent. boiler tubes, flues or stays, wrought, lap welded, butt welded, seamed, or jointed iron or steel, not thinner than number sixteen wire gauge, per lb. 2 cts. " all others 35 per cent. '* plates as steel plates. boll blanks per lb. lj^cts. bolts, with or without threads or nuts per lb. 1^ cts. bowls, as manufactures of, ss. 16,115 45 per cent. hrirt ■ »nt I 16 oz. or under per M perM. 1J4 cts. oraaB, cut ( oyer 16 oz . per M per lb ^ cts . bread knives, finished or unfinished, as table knives. buckthorn strips, as manufactures of, ss. 8,325 45 per cent. building forms, plain, punched or fitted for use per lb. & ct. bulb beams per lb. , r ;, ct. butchers' knives and steels, finished or unfinished, as table knives, butter knives, finished or unfinished, as table knives. Customs "Broken and Clerk Association 135 168 127 193 193 135 Steel buttons % ct. per line per gross and 15 per cent. " " troupers 14 ct. per line per gross and 15 per cent. " card clothing of tempered steel wire per sq. ft. 45 cts. " " " all other per eq. ft. 20 cts. " car truck channels perlb. fret. " carving knives, forks and steels, as table knives. " castings, all descriptions and shapes of dry sand. loam or iron molded (see steel ingot- . " chains of all kinds, as chains. " channels peril' " cheese knives, as table knives. " cinders from rolling mill, ss. 8,463 20 per cent. " circular saw plates, ss. 9,367 (as steel ingots), and in addition per lb. % ct. " saws 25 per cent. « j„„i.„: r „ i Valued above 4 cts. per lb 45percen1 ciocKwire - ( „ under 4 cts. per lb 46 per cent. " cogged ingots (see steel ingots i, " " " for railway tires per lb. V/\ cts. " coiled motor springs, as manufactures of, ss. 7,166.. 45 per cent. " columns and parts or sections of per lb ,\it. " connecting rods 45 per cent. " cooks* knives, forks and steels, as table knives. • „„„„* „,!,„ * Valued above 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. coisetwire - ( „ under 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. ; cotton tics, cut to lengths, punched or not punched, with or without buckles for baling cotton per lb l ';, ct. • crank pins 45 per cent. 1 " shafts 45percent. . ,.,.;„„i;„ .„•;,•,.' Valued above 1 cts. per lb 45 per cent. crinoline wire -j .. and er 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. ' crochet needles 25 per cent . ' crop ends of billets, blooms or rails, ss. 6,541-7,359- 9,358 (sec steel ingots). 1 crosscut saws per linear foot ii cts. ' crowbars per lb. 1"^ cts. ' crown borers, as drills, ss. 15,702 45 percent. ■ , , , ,. .,,.,. ( Value4cts. orlessperlb .pcrlb .,',, < t. crucible, rope rods, ss 6,356 -| » over 4 cts.. . .. per lb. & ct. 1 cylinders, as manufactures of, ss. 17,571 45 per cent. ' cylindrical furnaces per lb. 2J4 cts. ' deck beams plain, punched or titled [or use per lb. ,5 ct. ' diamond, as steel ingots, ss. 16,278-16,330-17,780- 17,955. " die blocks or blanks (sec steel ingots'). ' drag saws per linear foot, 8 cts. • drawing plate (wire) blanks, as forgings, ss. 0,028.. 35 per cent. 14 " plates (wire), as manufactures of , ss. 6,413. . 45 per cent. ' dress shicMs, as manufactures of. ss. N.II5S 45 per cent. .hill rods (-'■(■ strrl ingots), ss. lG.os'i of the Port of New York. 537 Steel, edge tools, as manufactures of, ss. 7,783 45 per cent. " edgings, as manufactures of bead ornaments, ss. 11,383 60 per cent. " embossing dies, as manufactures of, ss. 9,889 45 per cent. " erasers of all kinds: Valued not over 40 cts. per doz. 40 per cent. " over 40 cts. per doz. and not over 50 cts. per doz per piece 1 ct. and 40 per cent. " over 50 cts. per doz. aud not over $1.25 per doz per piece 5 cts. and 40 per cent. " over $1. 35 per doz. and not over $3.00 per doz per piece 10 cts. and 40 per cent. " over f3.00 per doz. .per piece 20 cts. and 40 per cent, eraser blades, handles or other parts at same rate, but not less than per piece 5 cts. and 40 per cent. fence wire rods ( Valne 4 ctB - Der lb " or less P er lb " T " n ct " tence wire rods - ( „ oyer 4 cts per lb per lb ^ ct round, smaller than No. 6 wire gauge, as wire, tempered or treated in any manner, or partly manufactured, in addition per lb. V£ ct. file blanks and files of all cuts and kinds : ( 2% inches in length and under per doz. 30 cts. I over 314 inches in length and not over 4,4J -< inches per doz. 50 cts. over 4)4 inches in length and under 7 inches, .per doz. 75 cts. I 7 inches and over per doz. $1.00. fish plates per lb. T 4 C ct. flat rails, punched per lb. / ct. floats of all cuts and kinds, as files. Hues, boiler, lap welded, butt welded, seamed or jointed iron or steel boiler tubes, pipes, flues or stays, not thinner than No. 16 wire ga;ige. per lb. 3 cts. " all other, finished, n. s. p. f 35 per cent. foils and foil blades, as swords, ss. 6,350 35 per cent. forgings in any shape, or in any state of manufac- ture 35 per cent. " combined with iron, in any state of manu- facture 35 per cent. forgings, for axles without reference to the stage or state of manufacture . .valued at not over 6 cts. per lb. per lb. 1 ct. value over 6 cts. per lb 35 per cent. " ' when fitted in wheels or parts of wheels, as wheels per lb. 1% cts. " locomotives or parts thereof 35 per cent. '•' steam engines or parts thereof 35 per cent. ' ■ vessels or parts thereof 35 per cent. forks, table, as table knives. " other than above 45 per cent, forms, n. s. p. f., as steel ingots, fruit knives, as table knivee, 538 Par. ins steel Customs Brokers and Clerks Association garlands, as manufactures of bead ornaments, bs. 11,382 60 per cent. German sickles, as manufactures of, ss. 0.143 45 per cent. girders, plain, punched or fitted for use per lb, . cl gun barrel mollis, not in bars (see steel ingots*, hammer molds (see steel ingots). hammers 15 per cent. " for blacksmiths per lb. 1*4 cts. hand saws 30 per cent. , . ■ \ Value above 4 cents per lb 45 per cent. / • • 4 cents per lb. or less 45 per cent. hinge blanks peril). l*o cts. hinges, finished per lb. 1)4 cts. hob nails per lb. 2J4 cts. hoop, as hoop iron. " galvanized or coated with zinc or spelter, or other metal same rate as steel sheets and in addition per lb. ft ct. hoops rate on hoop steel and in addition per lb. ft ct. horse shoe nails per lb. 2J4 cts. horse shoes, wrought per lb. let. hunting knives, finished or unfinished, as table knives, ingots, ss. 22.! 20 : Value 1 ct. or less per lb per lb. ft ct. over 1 ct. and not over lft ct. per lb per lb. ,'., Ct. " lft ct. and not over 1 , s , cts. per lb.. ..per lb. ft ct. lft Ct. and not over 2ft cts. per lb per lb. ^ ct. 8ft Ct. and not over Sets, per lb per lb. ft Ct. •• Sets, and not over 4 cts. per lb.... per lb. lft cts. •' 4 cts. and not over 7 cts. per lb per lb. lft, cts. 7 cts. and not over 10 cts. per lb.. . . per lb. 2 cts. • 10 cts. and not over 13 cts. per lb. ...per lb. 2ftcts. '• 13 cts. and not over 10 cts. per lb. .per lb. 2 ft cts. " 10 cts perlb.4ftcts. ingots for railway tires, without regard to degree of manufacture per lb. p ( cts. joists, plain, punched or fitted for use per lb xo cts. kitchen knives, a- table knives. knitting needles 25 per cent. knives, pen or pocket : /Value not "ver K) cts. per doz 40 per cent. •■ over 40 cts. and not over 50 cts. per do/.. each ! cl . and 40 per cent. ■■ over 5ti cts. and not over - I . .'■"> per iloz. each ."i cts. and 40 per cent. " over $1.25 and nol over $8.00 per doz. each in cts. and 40 percent. , " over $8.00 per doz each 20 cts. and 40 per cent. knives, blade*, handle-, or oi her parts, same rates but not less than per piece ;, cts, and 40 per cent. of the Port of New York. 530 Steel knives, table, butchers', carving, cooks', hunting, kitchen, bread, butter, vegetable, fruit, cheese, plumbers, painters, palette, art- ists', and shoe knives, forks and steels, finished or unfinished : With handles of mother-of-pearl, shell or ivory... each 16 cts. and 15 per cent. but not less than 45 per cenr. " " deer horn each 12 cts. and 15 per cent. but not less than 45 per cent. " '• hard rubber, solid bone, celluloid or any pyroxyline material. . each 5 cts. and 15 per cent. but not less than 45 per cent. " " any other material than those above mentioned, each 1]4 cts. and 15 per cent. but not less than 45 percent. locomotive tires, or parts wholly or partly manu- factured per lb. iy 3 cts. manufactures, n s. p. f 45 per cent. mill cranks, wrought 45 per cent. " saws per linear ft. 10 cts. mule shoes per lb. 1 ct. nail rods, in coils or otherwise : {Value 4 cts. per lb. or less per lb. & ct. " over 4 cts. per lb per lb. % ct. If tempered or treated in any manner or partly manufactured in addition to above per lb. ^ ct. nail rods. round, smaller than No. 6 wire gauge,as wire. nails, cut per lb. T 6 5 ct. nails, hob per lb. 2J4 cts. nails, for ornamenting buttons, as parts of buttons, ss. 6,307. nails, horseshoe per lb. 2J4 cts. " wire, as wire nails. wrought, all, n. s. p. f per lb. 2J4 cts. needles, for knitting or sewing machines per 1,000 $1 .00 and 25 per cent. " hand sewing and darning Free. " or pins, larding, ss. 8,995 45 per cent. neerlle wire * Value above 4 Ct8 ' P er lb 45 P er Cent neecuewire, - ( .. 4 c ts. per lb. or less 45 per cent. nuts, wrought per lb. 1 ct. ox shoes, wrought per lb. 1 ct. painters' knives, finished or unfinished, as table knives, palette knives, finished or unfinished, as table knives, paragon wire, ss. 7,877-13,711 : 1 Value over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. 1 4 cts. per lb. or less 45 per cent. parasol ribs and stretcher in frames or otherwise 50 per cent, 540 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Steel penknives : Value not over 40 cts. per doz 40 per cent. " over 40 cts. and not over 50 cts. per doz. . per piece 1 ct. and 40 per cent. over 50 cts. and not over $1.25 per doz per piece 5 cts. and 40 per cent. " over $1.25 and not over $3.00 per doz per piece 10 cts. and 40 per cent. "' over $3.00 per doz per piece 20 cts. and 40 per cent. penknives, blades, handles or parts at same rates but not less than per piece 5 cts. and 40 per cent. pens per gross 12 cts. ..„„ .__ I Value above 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. piano wire, -j „ 4 c t s . per lb. or less 45 per cent. pins, belt, bonnet, hair, hat, shawl, and safety, wholly of brass, copper, iron, steel or other base metal, not plated, not jewelry 35 per cent. pins, crank, or wrist 45 per cent. pipes, boiler, or other, wrought, as tubes. piston rods 45 per cent. plates, articles made of, shall not pay a lower rate of duty than that imposed upon the plates, boiler, or other, not thinner than No. 10 wire gauge, sheared or nnsheared : (Value 1 ct. or less per lb per lb. /„ ct . " over 1 ct. and not over 2 cts. per lb per lb. T 6 o ct. " over 2 cts. per lb. and not over 4 cts. per lb per lb. 1 ct. " over 4 cts. per lb 25 per cent. plates, all plate thinner than No. 10, as steel sheets. " coated with tin or lead, or a mixture of tin or lead per lb. V& cts. " corrugated or crimped per lb. l, 1 ,, cts. enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses 40 per cent. " engraved, ss. 21,975 25 per cent. " galvanized or coated with zinc or spelter, or other metals, as steel plate, and, in addi- tion per lb. Act. " octagon form, as sheared shapes, ss. 9,367 (see steel ingots). •' all n. s. p. f., as steel ingots, plumbers' knives, finished or unfinished, as table knives. pocket knives : Value not over 40 cts. per doz 40 per cent. " over 10 cts. and not over 50 cts. per doz.. per piece 1 ct. and 40 per cent. " over 50 cts. and not over $1.25 per do/.. . per piece 5 cts. ami 40 per cent. " over $1.25 and not over $3.00 per doz per piece 10 cts. and 40 per cent. " over $3.ii() per do/. per piece 20 cts. and 40 per cent. pocket knives, blades, handles or other parts at same rates but not less than per piece 5 cts. and 40 per cent. Par. qf the Port of New Tork. 54l Steel point trimmings, as manufactures of, ss. 11,382... 45 per cent. " points with ornamental heads for manufactures of buttons, as manufactures of, ss. 7,659 45 per cent. " posts, and parts or sections of per lb. j% ct. " propeller shafts 45 per cent. " railway bars per lb. 2 7 a ct. " " " in part iron per lb. 2 7 D ct. " " fishplates per lb. T * B ct. " " tires, or parts thereof, wholly or partly manufactured per lb. 1^ cts. " " wheels, or parts thereof, wholly or partly manufactured per lb. 1% cts. " " rails, flat, punched per lb. 5 7 5 cts. " rasps of all cuts and kinds, as files. " razors and razor blades, as razors. " refuse per ton §4.00. " remelting, as slabs, ss. 8,971 (see steel ingots). " rivets... per lb. 2 cts. " rods, stubbs as forms, n. s. p. f ., ss. 11,395-21,936 (see steel ingots). " rods, larger than No. 5 w. g., cut by lathe and pol- ished, ss. 14,845, same as steel ingots. " running spikes, as manufactures of, ss. 15,703... 45 per cent. " saw plates, wholly or partly manufactured (see steel ingots). " " " for hand saws, 6,272 (see steel ingots). " " " back, hand and all others (see steel in- gots). " " " circular, as steel ingots, ss. 9,367, and additional per lb. \fc cent. suvs, crosscut per linear ft. 6 cts. " " drag and pit per linear ft. 8 cts. " " mill per linear ft. 10 cts. " " circular 25 per cent. " " band per lb. 10 cts. and 20 per cent. " " back, and all others, n. s. p. f 30 per cent. " scales from rolling mill, as metal unwrought, ss. 8,463 20 per cent. scissors, as scissors, ss. 10,920. scrap, wrought or cast, ss. 9,358 per ton $4.00. from exported American steel, ss. 16,158 per ton $4.00. screws commonly called wood screws : Over 2 inches long per lb. 4 cts. " 1 inch, and not over 2 inches long per lb. 6 cts. 11 M " " " 1 inch " per lb. 8V£ cts. Yz inch and less in length per lb. 12 cts. scroll, as hoop iron. galvanized, in addition to rate on corresponding gauge of sheet steel per lb. & ct. shafting, mill (see steel ingots) . 512 Customs Brokers and Clerks A»si>chiiti>n Steel shafting, old, that can be fitted for use, same as ihgots, ss. 10,506. " shaft.-, crank, steamer and others, 88 14.639 4."> per cent. " " to be placed on foreign vessel dutiable, ss. 11,220 45percent. " shank, as steel sheets, ss. 11,371. " galvanized or coated with zinc, or spelter, or other metal, same rate as steel sheet-. and in addition per lb ft et. " shapes, pressed, sheared or stamped, same a- steel ingots. " " of dry sand, loam or iron molded casting.- ,ae steel ingots. " shavings, according to value, ss. 21,837. " shearings from boiler or other plates, as scrap, ss. 9,490 11,356 per ton $4.00. " shearings from steel plates, cut into strips and tit for other purposes than remanufacture, ss. 21.808. " shears, as scissors. " sheet, in strips 25-1000 of an inch thick or thinner, ss. 15,676-15,693-15,980 17,341-17,390: I Value not over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. "i " over 4 cts. per lb 15 per cent. " sheets, common or black, value not over 3 cts. per lb. : 'Thinner than No. 10 and not thinner than No. 20 per lb. ft ct. Thinner than No. 20 and not thinner than No. 25 per lb Ct. Thinner than No. 25 and not thinner than No. 32 per lb. lft cts. , Thinner than No. 32 per lb. 1 ,'-;, cts. common or black, value over 3 cts. per lb., as sheets and plates in all forms and shapes. All steel sheets not thinner than No. 10, as steel plate. All steel sheets galvanized or coated with zinc or spelter or other a or any alloy of those metals, same as sheets, common or black, in addition to above per lb. ft ct. commercially known as black taggers, same as above, coated with tin or lead or a mixture of tin oi t lead with other metal, and commercially known as tin plates, terne plates or tag- gers tin per lb. 1J ct8. cold rolled as Steel Sheets and in addition... per lb ft ct. articles not specially provided for in (his Act, made from, shall not pay a lower rate of duty than that Imposed no the sheets. of (he Part of New York. 543 Steel sheets, cleaned by acid or by any other material or process, as steel sheets and in addition. . . per lb. T % ct. " " corrugated or crimped, ss. 14,723 per lb. \j- s els. " " " " value over 3c. per lb., as steel, n. s. p. f. " " enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses. . . 40 per cent. '• " for clock springs, as forms n. s. p. f., se. 6,176 (see steel ingots^. " " galvanized or coated with zinc or spelter or other metal, as steel sheets and in addi- tion per lb. T = ij ct. " " pickled by acid or by any other material or process, as steel sheets and in addition . . . per lb. T -,, ct. " " polished, planished or glanced per lb. 2 cts. '• " smoothed only, not polished, same as sheets, common or black, and in addition per lb. , a ct. " shoe buckles or slides, as manufactures of, ss. 9,382 45 per cent. " shoes, horse, mule or ox per lb. 1 ct. " shovels 45" per cent. " side arms 35 per cent. " skates 45 per cent. " skelp, sheared or rolled in grooves, valued at more than 3 cts. per pound and not thinner than No. 10 wire gauge, as steel plates : Value 3 cts. per lb. or less, thinner than No. 10 wire gauge and not thinner than No. 20 wire gauge per lb ^ ct. Thinner than No. 20 wire gauge and not " " " 25 " " per lb. T 8 n ct. " " " 25 " " and not " " " 32 " " per lb. 1^, cts. " " " 32 " " perlb. 1 = cts. slabs, by whatever process made, ss. 8,341 (see steel ingots), sledges, blacksmiths' per lb. l}^ cts. " except blacksmiths' 45 per cent. spikes, cut per lb. T 6 n ct. " wrought per lb. 1 ct. splice bars per lb. ^j ct. sprigs of all kinds 16 oz. and under to M per M. 1^4 cts. " " over 16 ozs. to M per lb. \\i> cts. squares (see steel ingots). " carpenters' or architects' 45 per cent. stays for boilers, as tubes. steamer shafts 45 per cent. steels, butchers', cooks', etc., as carving knives. straw colored, in strips, or pendulum wire, ss. 11,426: I Value not over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. / " over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. strip, ss. 11,372 i Value not over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. } " over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. 544 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Steel strips, ss. 7,168-9.212 9,507: i Value not over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. '/ " over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. strips for dress steels, ss 8,449-11,564-13,702: \ Value not over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. i ■ ' over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. " steel strips, untempered, suitable for making band saws per lb. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. if tempered, or tempered and polished.. per lb. 6 cts. and 20 per cent. ,: structural shapes of all kinds per lb. i s ct. " substitutes for mfr. of tools (see steel iiiL'i its 1. " swaged or hammer molds (see steel ingots 1 . " sword blades 35 per cent. ; • swords 36 per cent. table knives and forks, finished or unfinished, with handles of mother-of-pearl, shell or ivory . .16 cts. each and 15 per cent, but not less than 45 per cent. with handles of deer horn . .12 cts. each and 15 per cent, but not less than 45 per cent. with handles of hard rubber, solid bone, celluloid or pyroxyline material . .5 cts. each and 15 per cent, but not less than 45 per cent with handles with any other material than those above mentioned l'o cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 45 per cent. " tacks, cut, 16 oz. or under to M per M. 1J4 cts. " " " over 16 oz. to M per lb. lj^cts. " tape needles 25 per cent. •' T T per lb. T 6 5 ct. " T-rails per lb. „;, ct. " tires, locomotives, car and other railway, or parte thereof, wholly or partly manufactured per lb. 11 cts. " tools, ti ii i shell, as manufactures <>f, ss. 8,555 45 per cent. " track tools per lb. 11 cts. " tubes for manufacture of magazines for shotguns, ss 6,1 B6 1 1 ,995 35 per cant. tubes, boiler or other, wrought, nol thinner than No. 16 wire gauge ... per lb. 2 cts. all others 35 percent. ' " brass plated, as manufactures of , ss 45 percent. " for bicycles, as tuhes, ss. 6,788-10,884 11,040 11,995 35 per cent. ' •• for umbrella handles, ss. 7,425 .. . 85 per cent. umbrella ribs and stretcher, in frames or otherwise. 50 per cent. wares, enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses ... W per cent. ' washer-, wrought per lb. 1 ct. waste, tit only to be re-manufactured per ton $4.00. " watch wi its ! Value over 4 cts. perlb US per cent. 4 i :ts, per lb. or less 45 per cent. of the Port of New York. Steel wedges per lb. \)4 cts - " wheels, or parts thereof for railway purposes, whether wholly or partly finished per lb. I^>ct8. " wire blooms, as billets or bars, ss. 4,999 (see steel ingots). " " bored for hypodermic syringes, as manufac- tures of, ss. 8,685 45 per cent. " " round, not smaller than 13 wire gauge: j Value 4 cts. per lb. or less per lb. 1)4 cts. / " over 4 cts. per lb 40 per cent. " " " smaller than 13 wire gauge, and not smaller than 16 wire gauge per lb. 1}4 cts. Value over 4 cts. per lb 40 per cent. " " " smaller than 16 wire gauge per lb. 2 cte. Value over 4 cts. per lb 40 per cent " " flat, value over 4 cts. per lb., ss. 15,986 45 per cent. " " under 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. " " covered with cotton, silk or other material or metal, value over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. " " n. s. p. f., value over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. " " " under 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. " " made up into articles, pays in addition to rate of duty imposed upon any wire used in the article per lb. 1)4 cts. " " cable maximum duty on wire, and in addition, ss.6,376 perlb.lct. " " crinoline, value over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. " " " under 4 cte. per lb 45 per cent. " " card clothing, tempered per sq. ft. 45 cts. •' " drawing plates, finished, as manufactures of, ss. 6,413 45 per cent. " " drawing plates, blanks, forged only, ss. 9,028. . 35 per cent. " " hairpins 35 per cent. " " nails as wire nails. '• " rods, round, smaller than No. 6 wire gauge, as wire. " " rods, fence,' rivet, screw or other, whether round, oval, flat or square, or in any other Rhine i Value4 cts. per lb. or less, per lb. T 4 ct. other shape, -j „ ver 4 cts. per lb. . . perlb.lct. tempered or treated in any manner or partly manu- factured, in addition per lb. y 2 ct. " " in any other shape, smaller than Xo. 6 wire gauge, as wire : j Value not over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. "l " over 4 cts. per. lb 45 per cent. " •• rope, maximum duty on wire and in addition, ss. 10,760-11,^80-11,553-12,446-14,254 per lb. 1 ct. " wool or fibre, according to value, ss. 21,837. 546 Custom* Brokers and Clerks Association Steel wrist pins 45 per cent. " wrought, for ships 35 per cent. " watch chains, as jewelry, ss. 3.169 8,830 11.241- 12,049 60percent. Steels as table knives, bb. 5,418 Steel yards 45 per cent. Steins, pipe, ss. 9,725 60 per cent. '• clay, broken, ss. 17,153 35 per cent. " tobacco Free. which are drugs, crude Free. " " " advance per lb. }4 ct. and 10 per cent. " suitable for millinery use of whatever material composed 50 per cent. Steps, carriage, cast of malleable iron, rough, ss. 10,386 . per lb. -? cts. Stereoscopes, ss. 10,331-15,853 45 per cent. Stereoscopic views on paper, as printed matter, ss. 3,211- 5,574 25 per cent. Stereoscopic views on glass, ss. 3,142-4,695-15,134 60 per cent. Stereotype paper, as tissue paper, ss. 7,077. " plates, ss. 1,559 25 per cent. " " broken, as type metal, ss. 1,559, on lead contained per lb. 1^ cts. Stibie acid, ss. 9,706 25 per cent. Stick-lac Free. Sticks of partridge, hairwood, pimento, orange, myrtle, and other woods not otherwise specially provided for in this act, in the rough or not further manu- factured than cut into lengths suitable for sticks for umbrellas, parasols, sunshades, whips, or walking canes, ss. 12,633 Free. " dyers, as wood unmanufactured, ss. 6,370-11,219. . . 20 per cent. for canes, artificially bent, ss. 14,715 40 per cent. " for umbrellas, parasols and sunshades, plain or carved, finished or unfinished 40 per cent. " for umbrellas, parasols and sunshades, porcelain heads, ss. 11,704 60 per cent. " for umbrellas and parasols with ivory handles, as manufactures of ivory, ss. 13,821 35 per cent. " walking, wholly or partly manufactured, ss. 4.405 9,067 10 per cent. Stilettos 35 per cent. stilts, for potters' 1 use, ss. 186 Free. Stirrups, saddlery, ss. 16,102 45 per cent. St. John's bread, ss. 6,874 Free. Stockings, cotton, made on knitting machines, n. s. p. f. 30 per cent. " " selvedged, fashioned, narrowed or shaped wholly or in part by knitting machines or frames value not more than $1 perdoz. pairs. . per doz. 50 cts. & 15 per cent. Par. 614 614 540 117 118 557 §6 97 of the Port of New York. 547 Value more than $1 and not more $1.50 per doz. pairs, .per doz. 60 cts. & 15 per cent. Value more than $1.50 and not more than $2 per doz. pairs.. per doz. 70 cts. &15 per cent. Value more than $2 and not more than $3 per doz. pairs per doz. $1.20 & 15 per cent. Value more than $3 and not more than $5 per doz. pairs per doz. $2 & 15 per cent. Value more than $5 per doz. pairs 55 per cent. Stockings, wool or worsted per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Stock locks, metal 50 per cent. Stolen articles from warehouse packages will not be allowed for, ss. 15,657. Stoles, silk chief value, ss. 2,851 60 per cent. " as regalia, if specially imported Free. Stone, agate, in finished state 50 per cent. " " unmanufactured Free. " ayrstones 20 per cent. " ballast, if landed, dutiable as other similar stone, ss. 1,542 14,551. " brown sand, hewn, ss. 8,645 50 per cent. " building, rough per cubic ft. 12 cts. " " dressed 50 per cent. " burr, in blocks, rough Free. ' burr rollers with iron axles and flanges, ss. 7,140.. 45 per cent. ' burr stones, manufactured or bound up into mill stones 15 per cent. ' cabinet, polished on one side, cut, ss. 9,211 20 per cent. ' carvino-s soanstone ss o 42 ■ J Not decorated ■ • ■ • 35 per cent, carvings, soapstone, ss. 9,044. j Decorated 45 per cen t. '' clay, as metallic mineral, ss. 1,055 20 per cent. " cliff, unmanufactured Free. " cobble, ss. 5,8r7-6,785 -14,551 Free. " color, or mullers, ss. 5048 35 per cent. " cornelian, uncut Free. " " cut as jewels, but not set 10 per cent. " " made into other articles 50 per cent. " " set, as jewelry 60 per cent. " " " otherwise 50 per cent. " cornish, as crude, non-metallic mineral, ss. 14,459. Free. " cornish, ground, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 10,647-11,240 20percent. " crude, as crude non-metallic mineral, ss. 13,788 Free. " crushed, ss. 14,551-15,088-15,391-15,436 Free. " curling or quoits Free. " filtering— crude, as building stones, ss. 16,489 per cubic ft. 12 cts. " " manufactured, ss. 16,489 50 per cent. '• flint, unground, ss. 8.842-14,202 Free. " " ground ; 20 per cent. " for grinding, wood pulp, ss. 8,120-9,080-11,686 35 per cent. 548 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Stone for lime, as building stone, ss. 16 590 per cubic foot 12 cts. " Freestone, granite, sandstone, limestone, and other building or monumental stone, except marble and onyx, unmanufactured orundressed, nol specially provided for in this Act per cubic ft. 12 cts. " Freestone, granite, sandstone, limestone, and other building or monumental stone, except marble onyx, not specially provided for in this Act. hewn, dressed or polished, ss. 4,178- 7,163-8,645-9,042-9,18(5 50 per cent. " glass, not set or ornamented, not over 1 inch in diameter 20 per cent. " over 1 in. in diameter, plain white 45 per cent. " " 1 " " " cut or colored 60 per cent. grindstones, finished or unfinished, ss. 8,120- 8,313-9,080 per ton S1.75. ground, as wrought earth, ss. 17,127 per ton $2.00. ink bottles, glazed, not colored 11,295 25 per cent. Istrian, as marble, 88. 17,928. jugs, containingliquor,etc..rateon empty, ss.5,053. limestone, rough, for burning, ss. 14,551-16,590- 22,001 per cubic feet 12 cts. lithographic, not engraved, 88. 1,925 Free. " engraved 25 per cent. monumental- rough, except marble and onyx, per cubic ft. 12 cts. " dressed, except marble and onyx.. 50 per cent. oil. as hones Free. paving, unmanufactured and undressed, ss. 6.785 per cubic ft. 12 cts. " dressed, ss. 14,227 BOpercent. polishing, slate 20 percent. artificial, ss. 3,525 -13,611 per ton $6.00. porphyritic. for paving, as dressed building stone. ss 14,227 50 per cent. precious, unset, rough Free. " cut, but unset, ss. 6,279 10 per cent. '• set 60 per cent. pumice, unmanufactured 15 per cent. artificial ss. 6,409-12.005-13,011 per ton $6.00. " wholly or partly manufactured j % alcohol, per gall. ( 60 cts , and on alcohol contained therein, per gall. $2.07. braid, imitation, manufactured of silk. ss. 14,403 6) per cent. " braids, plaits, laces, etc., forhats, not bleached, etc. 15 per cent. " " bleached, etc. 20 per cent. " cloth, for ornamenting hats, as braids, ss. 14,407. '• covers for bottle, ss. 16,568 30 per cent. " " for empty malt extract bottles are usual, ss. 17,961. " for paper stock is dutiable, ss. 11,018 per ton $1.50. flax, 21. 848 per ton $5.00. " hats, hoods and bonnets, trimmed 50 per cent. " " " or bonnets, untrimmed 35 per cent. •' knives 45 per cent. " matting, as matting. " pulp for paper makers, as wood pulp, ss. 8,613- 12,356. " sun-bleached stems or heads of, ss. 22,265 Free. " unbleached wheat, as crude vegetable substance, ss. 17,150 Free. Straws, for mint juleps, ss. 11,844 30 per cent. 473 170 453 448 453 453 448 453 453 550 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Strayed cattle, domestic, returned, ss. 10,367 Free. Stretchers for umbrellas, parasols and sunshades £0 per cent. Strings, catgut, for musical instruments 45 per cent. " cat, whip or wormgut, ss. 19,582 21,566 25 per cent. " catgut and metal, for musical instruments, 88. 6,768 45 per cent. " other, for musical instruments, ss. 4,453 9,786. . . 45 per cent. " racket gut, ss. 6,579 10,397 25 per cent. " silk, for musical instruments, ss. 4,453-5,874-10,339 45 per cent. " wire covered for violins, ss. 14,741 45 per cent. 673 Strontia, mineral carbonate of Free. 3 3 673 673 673 183 125 83 135 414 568 459 259 68 672 694 72 566 614 183 569 617 236 283 1 280 260 656 204 209 " muriate of, as chemical compounds 25 per cent. " nitrate of , as chemical compounds, ss. 6,172 25 per cent. " oxide and protoxide ... Free. " precipitated carbonate, as chemical salt, 88. 17,624 25 per cent. Strontian, proto-oxide of Free. Strontianite Free. Strontium 20 per cent. Structural shapes, iron or steel, 68. 7,617-7,773-12,933 per lb. T s 8 ct. Strychnia or Strychnine, and all salts of per oz. 30 cts. Stubb's steel rods, as bars, ss. 7,314 (see steel ingots). Studs, ss. 5,315 50 per cent. Stuffing for leatlur, grease and oils, fit only for Free. Stummels, short pipes, ss. 4,925 60 per cent. Sturgeon, ss. 6,604 8,347 per lb. J4 ct. Styptic cotton, ss. 4,987 25 per cent. Styrax Free. Sub acetate of copper, ss . 17,845 Free. Subl i mate soap, as toilet soap, ss. 6,921 per lb. 15 cts. Subordinates, collector not responsible for acts of, ss. 8,871. Subsidy certificates of foreign government not merchan- dise, ss. 8,665. a„i ,*„„,.„„ „..«i~o;„„ 1 Valued at 20 cts. or less per lb per lb. 4 cts. Substances, explosive ( „ above 20 cts. per lb per lb. 6 cts. " fibrous, unmanufactured or undressed Free. " mineral, non-metallic, in a crude state Free- " " metallic, crude 20 per cent. " used expressly for manure, ss. 6,264 7.152 Free. " vegetable, crude or unmanufactured Free. Substitutes for butter per lb. 6 cts. " coffee per lb. 2^ cts. Succinic acid 25 per cent. Succory root, or chicory, crude, dried or not ground per lb. 1 ct. Succory root, or chicory, ground, etc per lb.2J^ cts. Sugar, appraiser's test is conclusive, ss. 17,663. " beet seed Free. " box shooks 30 per cent. " cake, Chinese, as sugar, ss 8,955-9,029-10,907. Par. 212 810 560 § 6 15 209 209 of the Port of New York. 551 Sugar candy, including weight of immediate coveiings: j Value 15 cts. per lb. or less per lb. 4c. and 15 per cent. 1 " over 15 cts. per lb 50 per cent. " cane, ss. l,720-2,022-2,068-7, , ;34-10,978 20 per cent. " " slips for cull ivation, ss. 1,720 1,756 Free. " classification on resample or retest, ss. 9,611-10,100. " coloring matter for, ss. 5,732 20 per cent. " colors, as coal tar colore, ss. 14,812 30 per cent. " comparison of tests, ss. 8,808. " concrete as sugar. drainings, as molasses or sugar. " from countries paying bounty, directly or in- directly, an additional duty equal to amoun of bounty paid. 209 " " Hawaiian Islands, ss. 8,317, up to No. 20.. . . Free. 209 " " Sandwich Islands, up to No. 20, ss. 2,962 . . . Free. above No. 20, dutiable, ss 3,262 per lb. 1 ?£$ cts. 210 " grape or glucose per lb. V/% cts. " importer must produce evidence that no drawback or bounty has been allowed, ss. 15,541. § 5 " invoices must show country of origin of the raw sugar, or, an amount equal to the highest bounty paid by any country will be assessed, ss. 19,256. list of countries paying direct or indirect bounties on, ss. 15,209. bounty is calculated on basis of invoice weights and not on return of U. S. Weigher, ss. 21,938. maple, ss. 9,058-11.176-11,710 per lb. 4 cts. nonpareil, as confectionery, ss. 9,520-11,207. of lead, brown, ss. 411 per lb. 2J4cts. " white, ss. 411 per lb.3J4 cts. of milk per lb. 5 cts. pumpings, as molasses, es. 10,514. refined, is product of country where refined, ss. 15,618-15,626-15,905. retention of, on wharf, 68. 6,105-15,888. sweepings, as sugar, tank bottoms, as sugar. " " sirups of cane juice, melada, con- centrated melada, concrete and concentrated molasses not above No. 16 Dutch standard, and not above 75 degrees polariscope test. . per lb -&% ct. above 15 degrees polariscope test, for each degree above 75 degrees per lb. T ood ct. above No. 16 Dutch standard in color and upon all sugars which have gone through a process of refining per lb. 1 X V 5 cts. tare on, ss. 7,429-7,547. 212 " tinctured, ss. 17,957 (see candy). §5 210 212 60 60 239 209 809 309 809 0u8toms Brokers and Clerics Association Sugar, tinctured, colored or in any way adulterated after being refined as candy. ss. 10.977. " undervaluation is not shown by increased value re- sulting from drainage on voyage of importation, July 14, 1896, N. T. Suits, "in rem '' and " in personam" can be maintained for same offense, ss. 11,942. " partial discontinuance not permissible, ss. 14,479. Sulfonal, ss. 21,360 per lb. 5."> cts. but not less than 26 per cent. Sulphate of alumina per lb. }4 ct. " " ammonia, ss. 1,711 5,218 per lb. , 3 „ ct. " " antimony, ss. 3,877 20 per cent. " " baryta, unmanufactured per ton 76 cts, " " " manufactured per ton $5.26. " " barytes. artificial per lb. ^ ct. " " cinchouidia, ss. 5,901 Free. " " copper, ss. 1,863 per lb. i^ct. " '• iron per lb. Y\ ct. " " lime, artificial, ss. 17,506-18,073 per lb. J^ ct. " " " unground per ton 50 cts. " " " ground, ss. 2,159 per ton (2.25, " " " calcined, ss. 10,567 per ton $2.25 " " " in blocks, as building stone per cu ft. 12 cts. " " " " " hewn, dressed or polished. . 50 percent. " " magnesia, or Epsom salts per lb. Jet. " " manganese 25 per cent. " " morphia per oz. $1.00. " " potash, crude or refined Free. " " quinia or quinine, sj. 6,238 Free " " quinidia, ss. 6,268 Free " " soda (.-alt cake) per ton $1.25. " " zinc per lb. 1 ct. Sulphide of antimony ore, crude Free. " " arsenic or orpiment Free. " " copper paste, ss. 1,868 25 per cent. " " soda per lb. ]4 ct. " " sodium, crude, ss. 6,188 25 per cent. •' " zinc per lb. 1J4 cts. Sulphides, n. S. p. f . as chemical compounds 25 per cent. Sulpb.0 ricinoleic acid, 50 percent, or more of castor oil. per gall, 30 cts. " " less than 50 per cent per gall. 15 cts. Sulpho toluic acid. ss. 16,756 25 per cent. Sulphur, ground, as crude, ss. 8,442 12,818 17,766 Free. " lac or precipitated, and sulphur or brimstone, crude, in bulk, sulphur ore, as pyrites, or eulphurct of iron in its natural state, contain- ing in excess of 25 per cent, of sulphur, and sulphur not otherwise provided for, ss. 3,032- 8,896 Free. of the Port of New York. 553 Sulphuric acid per lb. J4 ct. And that which at the temperature of 60° Fahrenheit does not exceed the specific gravity of 1.380, for use in manufacturing superphosphate of lime or artificial manures of any- kind, or for any agricultural pur- poses Free. •' " imported from any country, whether inde- pendent or a dependency, which imposes a duty upon sulphuric acid exported from the United States per lb. J4 ct. Sulphonated naphtho!, sodium salt of, ss. 9,457 20 per cent. Sulpho-ricinoleate of soda, ss. 7,011 : ( Castor oil, less than 50 per cent per gall. 15 cts. 1 " " over 50 per cent per gall. 30 cts. Sulphur, carbonate of lime and magnesia ground together, ss.8,816 25 percent. " lac or precipitated Free. " n. s. p. f., ss. 8,442 Free. " or brimstone, crude, in bulk, ss. 8,816 Free. " ore, as pyrites, containing over 25 per cent, of sul- phur, ss. 8,816 Free. " recovered, as crude, ss. 10,937 Free. " refined, ss. 8,442 ... per ton f 8. " sublimed, or flowers of per ton $8. Sulphuret of iron in its natural state, containing in ex- cess of 25 per cent, of sulphur Free. Sulphurets or sulphides, n. s. p f 25 per cent. Sulphuric acid, n. s. p. f per lb. }4 ct. " " for agricultural purposes, 1.380 or less specific gravity @ 60° Fahrenheit Free. " from country assessing duty on same product of U. S., Act Oct. 1, 1890, par. 5 per lb. y A ct. " ether per lb. 40 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. Sumac, crude, ss. 4,461 Free. extract, ss. 2,095-3,842 3,898 per lb. % ct. " " dry per lb. % ct. " granulated, as tannic acid, ss. 16,941 per lb. 50 cts. " ground, ss. 4,461 per lb. T 3 ct. Summer savory, ss. 14,615 per lb. 3 cts. Sunn, hemp Free. Sunday is not a business day, ss. 10,522-13,978-11,327. " schools are entitled to privileges of paragraphs 503, 638, 649 and 703, ss. 10,619. Sun shades covered with silk or alpaca 50 per cent. " " " " other material, except paper 50 per cent. " " " " paper, paper chief value 35 per cent. " " " " " wood chief value 35 per cent. " " frames, or parts of, n. s. p. f 50 per cent. Par. 554 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Sun shades, ribs and stretchers 50 per cent. " " sticks for, crude Free. " " " " plain or carved, finished or not.. . 40 per cent. Supercarbonate of soda per lb. y A ct. Superphosphate of lime, as manure salt, 88. 7,764 Free. Supplies for vessels, regulations for withdrawal of, ss. 6, 457-6,532-7,199. " for vessels cannot be withdrawn from bond on export entry, ss. 9,577. " for vessels not entitled to drawback, ss. 9,733. " for vessels remaining over three years In ware- house are dutiable, ss. 8,822. Suppositories 25 per cent. Surcingles, ss. t=,777, according to material. Sureties, death of one does not invalidate bond, ss. 7.211. " railroad companies not acceptable, ss. 7,311. " trust companies are eligible, ss. 11,266. " one corporation cannot be surety for another, 88. 2,564. " regulations for, ss. 4,058-5,229. " surety companies may be accepted as sole surety on bonds, ss. 15,533. " must be satisfactory to collector, ss. 1,920 1,977- 2,121. Surface coated paper, manufactures of 35 per cent. " " " n. s p. f per lb. 2J^> cts. and 15 per cent. " " " printed or covered with metal or its solutions, or with gelatine or flock per lb. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. Surgeons' instruments, according to material, ss. 4, 987-5,520 Surgical instruments and appliances, according to ma- terial, ss. 11,383. for hospitals are dutiable, ss. 4, 128-9,610 22,279. " instruments & appliances fur hospital with clinic Free. " scissors, as scissors, ss. 4.758. Surplices, linen, as wearing apparel, ss. 13,489 50 per cent. " " if embroidered 60 per cent. Surplus from sale of unclaimed goods will be deposited in Treasury to await claimant, ss. 8,949. Surveyors" chains as chains. '• Instruments, as. 7,188-9,666 45 percent. Suspenders, cotton, clastic or non-elastic, ss. 7,333 45 per cent. " India rubber and vegetable fiber,except cotton 45 per cent. " leather chief value 35 per cent. " silk chief value, unless part wool, ss. 3,582. . . 50 per cent. " in whole or in part wool, hair, etc., ss. 1,688- 5,449 5.483 ... per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " webbing for, cotton or vegetable fiber 45 percent. " silk 50 per cent. of the Port of New York. 555 Suspenders, wool, etc per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. Swaged steel, same as steel ingots. Swans' down and feather.-*, for beds 15 per cent. " skins, dressed, ss. 721-4,974 50 per cent. Swatches, goat hair, as manufactures of wool, ss. 17,437. Sweat bauds, leather 35 per cent. " " oil cloth, except silk, ss. 10,393.. persq. yd. 8c. &15percent. Sweaters, cotton (see knit shirts). " silk 60 per cent. " wool per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Sweepings of gold or silver, ss. 6,058 Free. Swedish bar iron crop ends. ss. 8,701 per ton $12.00. Sweepings from cargo of foreign vessels cannot be landed without a permit, ss. 8,183. Value not over 15 cts. per lb per lb. 2J^ cts. " over 15 cts. per lb. and not over 24 cts. per lb Sweetened chocolate ■ / per lb. 2}^ cts. and 10 per cent. " over 24 cts. per lb. and not over 35 cts. per lb per lb. 5 cts. and 10 per cent. " over 35 cts. per lb 5 (percent. Sweetmeats, ss. 13,973 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. Swine per head $1 .50. Swiss embroideries 60 per cent. " hemstitched edgings, as cotton trimmings, ss 16,206. 60 per cent. " mulls, as countable cotton cloth, ss. 1,984-2,400. " muslins, figured as countable cotton cloth, ss. 14,927-14,963-15,041 and in addition ■ ' 0n a11 valued at '' ct8 - or less Per sq. yd. 1 ct. ana in addition. j (l „ ver 7 cts... .per sq. yd. 2 cts. " sprigs and spots, as countable cotton cloth, same as figured muslins, ss. 14,927-14,963 15,041-16,284- 16,870-17,862. " sprigs and spots figured after leaving loom, are embroideries, ss. 16,284-16,870 60 per cent. Swivels for dog chains, as chains, ss. 9,213. Swivel silks are not embroideries, ss. 14,057 50 per cent. Sword belts, metal thread and leather, ss. 11,091 60 per cent. " knots, metal, ss. 6,149-6,547 60 per cent. Swords and blades, ss. 13,209 35 per cent. Symphorol, as medicinal preparation, ss. 15,393 25 per cent. Syrup, maple, ss. 11,176 per lb. 4 cts. " of cane juice, as sugar. " medicinal 25 per cent. Table cloths, cotton damask, ss. 4,785 40 per cent. " " linen, as woven fal rirs. '■ covers, cotton, chenille, ss. 7,186 50 per cent. •' " appliqued, as embroideries, ss. 17,251 60 per cent. 556 I 'ustoms Brokers and Clerks Association Table covers, embroidered with metal and silk, ss. 15,967. 60 per cent. " " oil cloth per sq. yd. 8 cts. and 15 per cent. " with embroidered initials, ss. 10,725-11,099. . 60 per cent. " wool, embroidered with silk, as manufactures of wool, ss. 12,365-13,984. " " wool embroidered with wool, as embroideries, per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. 1 • fasteners, metal 45 per cent. " fitted for smokers, according to material, ss. 7,245. " grease for curriers' use, ss. 8, 3o5 Free. " knives, finished or unfinished, forks and steels, finished or unfinished, with handles of mother of pearl, shell or ivory 16 cts. each and 15 per cent, but not less than 45 per cent. with handles of deer horn 12 cts. each and 15 per cent, but not less than 45 per cent. with handles of hard rubber, solid bone, celluloid or pyroxyline material 5 cts. each and 15 per cent but not less than 45 per cent. with handles of any other material than those above mentioned, 1J^ cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 45 per cent. " mats, grass 30 per cent. " " oilcloth per sq. yd. 8 cts. and 15 per cent. " mirrors, not over 1 II square inches, ss. 13,526 12,035. 45 per cent. " tops, alabaster 50 per cent. ' marble, ss. 3,858-9,617 50 per cent. " " onyx 50 per cent " " scagliola or composition, ss. 9,617 45 percent. " " slate slabs for 30 per cent. Tableware, silver in chest must be segregated, ss. 16,813. on silver 45 per cent. on chest 35 per cent. Tables, wood, ss. 7,215 35 per cent. " marble chief value, ss .',.016 3,858 50 per cent. " painted china plaque tops. ss. li.SilS 60 per cent. " slate tops, according to chief value, ss. 3,858. " smokers', according to material, ss. 4,559-7,245. Tablet paper, as writing paper. Tablets, collodion, for advertising, as collodion articles, ss. 1 1,966 per lb. 65 cts. and 25 per cent. " fruit, ss. 7,652, valued over 15 cts. per lb 50 per cent. Tacca Pinnatinida Hour, as starch, ss. 10,954 per lb. 1J4 cts. Tacks, cut, not exceeding 16 oz. to thousand ....per thousand 1*4 cts. exceeding 16 oz. to thousand per lb. 1J^> cts. " tinned, same as plain. " thumb, as manufactures of metal, ss. 12,908 45 per cent. wrought 45 per cent. Tacoma, a sub-port of entry and delivery, Wash.,8s. 9,317- 10,219. Tar. of the Port of Neiv York. 557 Tacum fiber, es. 3,105 Free. Tafel oblaten, ss. 6,516-10,802 20 per cent. Taffeta gloves, 88. 6,846-14,145 60 per cent. TaffraiJ, ships', logs, ss. 6,187 45 per cent. Taggers' iron or steel, same as sheet iron. '• " circular plates, as sheets, ss. 18,14:2. " tin per lb. 1\4 cts. Tags, paper printed . .' 25 per cent. Tailors' irons cast per lb. T R ,j ct. " tapes, leather 35 per cent. " the same in metal cases 45 per cent. Tails, beaver, as dressed fur, ss. 13,240 20 per cent. " sable, scraped, as raw furs, es. 9,603 Free. " squirrel, as dressed furs, ss. 16,985 5.0 per cent. Talc, ss. 1,634-5,980-8,260-10,784-19,485 Free. " powdered, ss. 5,980-8,260-12,.)58 . . . 35 per cent. " prepared for tailors' use, ss. 4,503-17,478 per lb. 1 ct. " ruby, as mica, ss. 11,996 per lb. 6 cts. and 20 per cent. Tallapin sacs, dyed, as dressed furs, ss. 10,913-13,182-14,564. 20 per cent. Tallow and leaf, ss. 4,357-17,177 per lb. % ct. " candles 20 per cent. •' carbolized, as medical preparation 25 per cent. " Chinese vegetable, ss. 17,177 per lb. % ct. Talmas, woolens per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Tamarind, extract of, medicinal preparation 25 per cent. " juice of, medicinal preparation, ss. 6,418 25 per cent. ' ' syrup, as sweetmeats 20 per cent. Tamarinds, natural, or crude in molasses, ss. 2,283-5,552. . Free. " preserved, March 30, 1665, Boston per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. Tamboured articles, vegetable fiber, ss. 11,026-15,833- 16,101-16,106-17,062-17,277-17,488. 60 per cent. " " linen, ss. 14,055 60 per cent. " " silk 60 per cent. Tambourines, musical instruments 45 per cent. " toy 35 per cent. Tambouring is embroidery, ss. 11,023-11,027. Tam O'Shanters, as knit wearing apparel, ss. 16,954-10,958, per lb. 44 cts. and to per cent. Tampico fiber or istle, ss. 3,320 Free. " " cloth of, ss. 390 45 per cent. Tampa, Florida, is a port of entry, ss. 8,211-9,317. Tangerine biscuits, as confectionery, ss. 9,527 50 per cent. Tangerines, as oranges, coverings additional, ss. 18,161. . per lb. 1 ct. Tank bottoms, as sugar, April 1, 1891, ss. 301-3,168-4,675. " blocks, as firebrick, not glazed, ss. 9,821 35 per cent. " " as firebrick, if glazed, ss. 9,821 45 per cent. " plates, same as boiler plate of iron or steel, ss. 4,783. Tanks, iron, filled with molasses are unusual coverings, S8. 15,675 45 per cent. 558 Customs Brokers and CU rks Association Par. Tanned calf-skins 20 per cent. " skins, for morocco, unfinished 10 per oent. Tanners' knives 45 per cent. Tannic acid or Tannin per lb. 50 cts. Tanning, articles for, in a crude state Free. 1 ' " for. advanced, n. s. p. f 20 per cent. Tanninoenopepin, as chemical compound, ss. 17,409 25 per cent. Tape measures, in cases according to chief value, ss. 6,789-12,370 14,920. " " cotton, as manufactures of cotton, se. 16,413 45 per cent. 336 j " " linen tapes for, ss. 15,955-10,409 40 per cent. 165 "' needles 25 per cent. 4 18 Tapers, wax, for sanctuary lamp, ss. 12,521 25 per cent. 320 Tapes, cotton, ss. 13,668 13-707-13,974 45 per cent. " composed of flax woven with or without metal threads, on reels, spools or otherwise, designed expressly for use in the manufacture of measur- ing tapes 40 per cent. " flax 45 per cent. " flax and cotton, as tapes, ss. 16,582 45 per cent. initials, cotton or vegetable fiber, .per lb. 50 cts. and 30 per cent. " initials, all others, according to chief value. " leather 35 per cent. " lighting, as friction matches, ss. 14,223 per M. 1 ct. " " in boxes, containing 100 or less... per gross boxes 8 cts. " linen, ss. 16,582 45 per cent. " silk or taste 60 per cent. silk and cotton, cotton chief value 45 per cent. " " " " silk chief value 60 per cent. " union, flax chief value, ss. 12.136-13,770 45 per cent. T;ipestries, according to material, ss. 6,003-6.060 6,373- 6,478-8,961-13,700 14,075-14,135. Tapestry carpets, Brussels per sq. yd. 28 cts. and 40 per cent. " " velvet per sq. yd. 40 cts. and 40 per cent. " cloth, cotton and sill;, as cotton cloth containing silk, ss. 16.405 per sq. yd. 8 cts. and 30 per cent. but not less than 50 per cent. Tapioca, cassava, or cassady Free. flake, pearl or flour, ss. 5,308-7,971-9,031-11,406- 12,227-14.114 Free. flour, ss. 81,954 -28,081 Free. Tar, birch, as distilled oil, ss. 12,715 25 per cent. ' coal, pitch of Free. 1 of wood Free. Taraxacum, dandelion root, crude, ss. 3,289 Free. burnt, ground, etc., es. 3,289 perlb. 2)4 cts. Tare. In estimating the allowance for tare on all chests. boxes, cases, casks, bags or other envelope or cov- ing of all articles imported liable to pay any duty. of the Port of Neiv York. 559 where the original invoice is produced at the time of making entry thereof, and the tare shall be specified therein, the collector, if he sees fit, or the collector and naval officer, if any, if they see fit, may, with the consent of the consignees, estimate the tare according to such invoice; but in all other cases the real tare shall be allowed, and may be as- certained under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may from time to time prescribe; but in no case shall there be any allowance for draught. Revised Statute of U. S., Sec. 2898. Tare must be ascertained at time of importation, 88. 16,519. " schedule is not binding on importer, 88. 16,698 Tares, as agricultural seed, ss. 14,162 30 per cent. " black or black salts of potash Free. Tarlatan, cotton and metal, according to chief value, 88. 7,471-13,193. " muslin, as cotton cloth, ss. 1,919-2,268-2,298. Tarpaulin, as waterproof cloth, ss. 1,617 per sq. yd. 10 cts. and 20 per cent. Tarpaulins made up, as manufactures of vegetable sub- stance, ss. 16,308 45 per cent. " belonging to vessel may be landed to protect goods on dock, ss. 8,498. Tarpaulings, hats, if rubber 30 per cent. Tartar, cream of per lb. 6 cts. " crude, argols, 40 per cent, or less bitartrate of potash per lb. let. over 40 per cent, bitartrate of potash per lb. 1]4 cte. " emetic 25 per cent. " crude, from France, a reciprocal country, ss. 19,405. 5 per cent. " partially refined: I Containing not more than 90 per cent, bitartrate i of potash per lb. 4 cts. ( " more than 90 per cent per lb. 5 cts . " patent per lb. 6 cts. " salts of Free. " " granulated and purified, ss. 4,575 25 per cent. Tartaric acid per lb. 7 cts. Tartrate of soda and potassa " per lb. 4 cts Tassels, metal, ss. 6,149-6,547 60 per cent. " silk 50 per cent. " wool, etc per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. Tatting is lace, ss. 16,204. Tax, foreign internal revenue is part of value, ss. 10,403- 10,783 11,663-13,423. " foreign customs, is part of value, ss. 775-9,800-10 434 13.181. 560 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Tax, foreign export, is not a part of value, bs. 13,955. Tawing it- dressing, ss. 8,502. I. a, SB. 19,471 ; Sec. 50, Act of June 13, 1898 10 percent. " from non-reciprocating countries per ib. 10 cts. " Board of Examiners will prepare samples, ss. 17,894. " boxes lacquered are unusual coverings, sb. 2,497. . 86 per cent. " Brazilian or mate, ss. 3,909 20 per cent. " breast, as medicinal preparation, ss. 16.970 25 per cent. " distribution of samples, ss. 17,994. " importation and inspection of, ss. 17 995. " if condemned, must be exported within six months after examination ; unless so exported it will be destroyed, ss. 6,685-12,290. " if condemned may be withdrawn for transportation and exportation, ss. 15,600. " importation of dutiable goods packed in, is unlaw ful, ss. 17,712-17,781. " mats, grass, ss. 3,635 30 per cent. " plants Free. " pots, Britannia, gilt or plated 45 per cent. ^ Plain brown ... 25 per cent. " " earthen-; " white) 55 per cent. ( Decorated or ornamented 60 per cent. " " metal 45 per cent. " sets, toys, as china, ss. 3,485 60 per cent. " sweepings with lime, &c, as n. e. manufactured article 20 per cent. Team-, of immigrants, including harness and tackle and vehicles in actual use, ss. 8,757-11,281-12,956 Free. " brought in for temporary use are dutiable, ss. 16.589. Teazles 30 per cent. Tecali marble, as marble, ss. 2,308. Teeth, artificial, as articles made of mineral substances not. " natural or unmanufactured Free. mineral, ss. 11,019-22,350 35 per cent. " preparations used as applications to 50 per cent. Telegraph cable, a- manufactures of gutta percha, bs. 3,573 11,398 35 per cent. " and telephone cables, laid between United states and foreign countries, all the portion within the United State;- is dutiable, ss. 10,816. " poles, as round, ss. 1 .595 20 per cent. " poles, sawed octagonally, ss. 14,018 20percent. Telegraphic rates, paid by government, ss. 14.600 14,667. Telescopes 45 per cent. " for colleges, etc Free. Telescopic disks, unwrought Free. " •• manufactured 45 per cent. of the Port of New York. 5G1 Tar. 449 I Tennis balls, robber, ss. 5,442-21,673-22,300 30 per cent. 307 [ " cloth, as woo) flannel, bs. 8,269. " shirts, as cotton shirts, ss. 11,401 50 per cent. Terpiu hydrate, as medicinal preparation, ss. 22,002 .... 25 per cent. . Terra alba, not made from gypsum or plaster rock, ss. 4,093-11,347 Free. Terra cotta, articles of, plain, ss. 6,173-13,196-16,326 55 per cent. " " " " decorated 60 per cent. " " cigar holders, not smokers' articles, plain, ss. 6,173 55 per cent. decorated CO per cent. " figures, as earthenware, ss. 16,326 60 per cent. " paste and powder, as color, ss. 9,901 30 per cent. japonica Free. umbra, crude, as umber per lb. ^ ct. " powdered, washed or pulverized per lb. % ct. " ground, in oil or water per lb. \% cts. Terry cloth, cotton, as mfrs. of, ss. 14.499 45 per cent. Terne plates, or sheets per lb. 1 14 cts. " manufactures of 45 per cent. but not less than per lb. V/a cts. Teutenegue, same as zinc, ss. 8,880. Textile fabrics, embroidered, of cotton or other vegetable fibre, or of which these substances, or either of them, or a mixture of any of them, is chief value, ss. 13,731-14,159 60 per cent. " grasses Free. Theatrical wardrobes, intended for the personal use of the actor emigrating with them, ss. 4,721-4,686-4,7; 3-12,126-13,632 Free. " " for sole use of actor or actress, as similar personal effects of persons arriving, etc Free " scenery, properties, and apparel, brought by proprietors or managers of theatrical exhibi- tions arriving from abroad for temporary use by them in such exhibitions, and not for any other person and not for sale, and which have been used by them abroad, shall be admitted free of duty under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe ; but bonds shall be given for the payment to the United States of such duties as may be imposed by law upon any and all such articles as shall not be exported within six months after such importation, ss. 15,762- 15,993-16,069-16,889-21.973. Provided, That the Secretary of the Treas- ury may, in his discretion, extend such period for a further term of six months 314 68 681 96 95 58 682 49 49 49 322 134 140 193 192 339 566 645 097 562 Oustoma Brokers and Clerks Association in case application shall be made there- for, 88. 4,686 4,773 Free. Theatrical mock jewelry, ss. 9,027 60 per cent. " properties must accompany owner, ss. 13,811. " scenery, dutiable as paintings, ss. 9,161 20 per cent. Theft of goods in warehouse not considered in assess- ment of duty, ss. 11,956. Thein or caffein 25 per cent. Thibet cloth : (Value not more than 40 eta. per lb . per lb. 33 cts. and 5 ) per cent. value above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent, value over 70 cts. per lb. . .per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. " coats, as dressed fur, ss. 13,864-19,136 20 per cent " crosses, as dressed furs, ss. 10,324-12,755-12,957 2 ) per cent. Thermometers, according to material, ss. 12,024-12,139- 12,544 19,351. " clinical, as cut glass article, ss. 10,464 60 per cent. " maximum and minimum, are scientific instruments, ss. 14,857. specially made for scientific purposes im- ported by institutions Free. " tubes, as blown glass, ss. 13,505 60 per cent. Thimbles, metal, bs. 3,145-5,651,-7,234 45 per cent. " hard rubber 35 per cent. Thiocromogen, coal tar color, ss. 9,917-13,567 30 per cent. Thon marine, or tunny fish, in cases or packages of tin or other material 80 per cent. Thorite per lb. 6 cts. Thorium, nitrate as chemical compound, ss. 16,643 25 per cent. Thorley s cattle food, bs. 6,080 9,072 25 per cent. Thread : Cotton thread and carded yarn, warps or warp yarn, in singles, whether on beams or in bundles, skeins or cops or in any other form, except spool i bread of cotton hereinafter provided for. not colored, bleached, dyed, or advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns together, on all numbers up to and including No. 15, ss. 17, 408 17,135 per lb 3 cts. On all numbers exceeding No. 1 5 and up to and including No. 30 per No. per Mi. ' < i. i )n all numbers exceeding No. 30 per No. per lb. \% ct. Colored, bleached, dyed, combed, or advanced be- yond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns together, except spool thread of cotton on all numbers up to and including No. 20 per lb. 6 cts. On all numbers exceeding No. 20 and not ex- ceeding No. ill pei- No. per lb. J4 Ct. exceeding No. 79 per No. per lb. ft ct. of the Port of New York. 563 Par. 330 179 318 179 830 Thread, made from yarn not finer than 5 lea or num- ber, composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances or either of them is the component material of chief value per lb. 13 cts. if made from yarn finer than 5 lea or number additional for each lea or number, or part of a lea or number, in excess of 5 per lb. % ct. " gold, silver or other metals, n. s. p. f., ss. 6,149- 6,547 per lb. 5 cts. and 35 i er cent. " lisle, hosiery, as cotton hosiery. metal, ss. 3,462-6,042 11,E60-12,968 13,443-14,846 per lb. 5 cts. and 35 per cent. " pack and shoe, linen, ss linen thread. " salmon twine, as linen thread, ss. 6,054. " silk, other than sewing silk, twist and floss, as spun silk. " spool of cotton, including crochet, darning and embroidery, containing on each spool not. ex- ceeding 100 yards of thread per doz. 6 cts. Exceeding 100 yards on each spool, for every additional 100 yards of thread or fractional part thereof, in excess of 100 yards per doz. 6 cts. " not on spools or reels for each piece of 100 yds. or less, ss. 22,080 per piece % ct. " tinsel, ss 6,103 per lb. 5 cts. and 35 per cent. waste wool, ss. 8,340 per lb. 20 cts. Threeply carpets per sq. yd. 22 cts. and 40 per cent. Threshing machines 20 per cent. Throat swabs, sponge on wire handles, as manufactures of metal, ss. 12,706 45 per cent. Thrown silk 30 per cent. Thumb tacks, as manufactures of metal, ss. 9,081-12,908. . 45 per cent. Thyme, crude, ss. 20,208 Free. " ground, ss. 14,615-20,208 per lb. % ct - ancl 1° per cent. " oil of Free. Thymic acid, or thymol, ss. 6,348 8,486 25 per cent. - Tigers 1 claws, dutiable, ss. 9,635 10 per cent Tickings, as cotton cloth. Tidies, cotton lace, metal thread and worsted, as cotton lace, ss. 13,296-21,918 60 per cent. il linen, embroidered, ss. 15,837-15,844-17,002 10 percent. " " lace, ss. 16,703 60 per cent. " Nottingham net, ss. 10,298 60 per cent. Ties, cotton, of iron or steel, cut to lengths, punched or not punched, with or without buckles, for baling cotton, ss. 181-3,260-4,589 per lb. ftct. 196 " railroad, wood, ss. 2,673-5,842 20 per cent. 645 Tiger eyes, as precious stones, crude, ss. 13,377 Free. 179 362 377 460 193 385 193 548 20 626 1 §6 304 -311 339 339 129 435 434 97 319 370 114 564 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Tiger eyes, cut, but not set 10 per cent. " " set, as jewelry 60 per cent. " " " otherwise 45 per cent. Tights, combination drawers and stockings, knitted, 88.18,885. (See Shirts Knit). " combination drawers and stockings, wool per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Tile stoves may be segregated for assessment of duty, ss. 9,868. Tiles, calendar, advertising, as decorated, ss. 14, 398. " absorbent, are not vitrified, ss. 17,751. " ceramic, embossed, glazed, encaustic, flint, enam- eled, gold decorated, hand painted, mosaic, orna- mented, semi-vitrified, vitrified, all other earth- enware, value not exceeding 40 cts. per sq. ft. ss. 2.419-3,785-0,800-6,868-6,894 - 7,051 - 9,471 - 16,648- 113,853 per sq. ft. 8 cts. exceeding 40 cts. per sq. ft per sq. ft. 10 cts. and 25 per cent. " plain, unglazed, one color exceeding 2 sq. inches in size, 21,957-21,174 per sq. ft. 4 cts. " framed, as decorated, ss. 12,831. " grooved and corrugated, as not glazed, etc., ss. 14,053. " marble: (Containing not less than 4 superficial inches and not more than 1 inch thick per superficial ft. 12 cts. More than 1 inch thick and not more than 1H> , inches thick per superficial ft. 15 cts. I More than 1U and not more than 2 inches thick V per i uperflcial ft. 18 cts. in 111 120 194 699 699 194 either of above has been rubbed in whole or in part an additional duty per superficial ft. 3 cts. " marble mosaic cubes, nol exceeding 2 cubic inches in Mze, if loose, ss. 11,035- 13,949 per lb. 1 ct. and 20 per cent. if attached to paper or other materia] per superficial ft. 20 cts. and 35 per cent. " onyx, same as marble. " Boch, as not vitrified, ss. 14,336-17,666. " etched, as decorated, ss. 1 1,896, " for draining and roofing, plain, ss. 3,363 per sq. ft. I cts. " French flint, as not vitrified, ss. 1 1,885 16,638, " slate 20 per cent. " white floor, as vitrified, ss. I 1,1 77. Timber, all round, unmanufactured, u. s. p. f., ss. 3,627 19,091-19,100 Free. " hewn and sawed, not less than 8 inches square, ss. 1,816 6,580 6,089 10, 176 10.742 per cu. ft. 1 ct. " ship and ship planking, ss. 6,202 8,564 Free. " teak used for ship building, ss. 22,058 Free. " spar, round, unmanufactured, ss. 7,521 per cu. ft. 1 ct. of the Port of New York. Timber, squared or sided, n. s. p. f., as lumber, ss. 1,315- 2,406. " used for spars and wharves, ss. 1 ,315-10,742 . . . per cub. f t. 1 ct. Time detectors (as watches), ss. 6,851. " locks, as manufactures of metal, ss. 9,978 45 per cent. Tin, in ore, or in bars, block, pigs, or in grain, or granu- lated Free. " black, oxide of Free. " containing 7 per cent, of impurities is considered pig tin, ss. 8,231 Free. " chloride of, as lac spirits, ss. 12,953 Free. " crystals 25 per cent. " dross, as metal inwrought, ss. 3,004 20 per cent. " flutes or whistles, ss. 11,992-17,820 45 per cent. " mnuufactures of 45 per cent. " muriate of 25 per cent. " oxide of 25 per cent. " oxymuriate of 25 per cent. " plates, teme plates and taggers' tin, ss. 12,182-15,351 -15,359 per lb. \\i cts. " plates, with thin lacquer of varnish, as tin plates, ss. 6,844 per lb. l^cts. " plates, cock robin, as toys, ss. 11,989 35 per cent. " " Government will pay for coopering tared boxes, ss. 15,896. " " are dutiable on weigher's return, ss. 16,053. " " mfrs. of 45 per cent, but not lees than per lb. \% cts. " strips (waste) cut from sheets, as sheets, ss. 15,786- 17,648 per lb. 1}^ cts. Tinamus, as birds, ss. 13,678 Free. Tinctures, fragrant, for toilet per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. Tinctures, medicinal 55 cts. per lb. but not less than 25 per cent. ' of opium 40 per cent. " toilet, all non-alcoholic 50 per cent. " " alcoholic per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. Tinners' shears, ss. 8,728 (See Scissors) Tinfoil, ss. 12,435 45 per cent. Tincal, as crude borax per lb. 5 cts. Tintometers, as manufactures colored glass, ss. 18,081 60 per cent. Tinsel thread, in hanks, ss. 6,103 per lb. 6 cts. and 35 per cent. " wire, lahn or lame, not over No. 8 or 26 w. g., ss. 5,612-6,103-13,443-13,988 per lb. 5 cts. over No. 8 or 26 w. g 45 per cent. Tippets, fur 35 per cent. " wool, as wearing apparel per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. Tips, lava, for burners, ss. 6,502-7,393. .per gross 10 cts. and 15 per cent. Tires, railway, or parts thereof, iron or steel, ss. 3,758 per lb. \\4> cts. " bicycle, as manufactures of iudia rubber, 88. 15,316. 30 per cent. " ingots, cogged ingots, blooms or blanks for, wholly or partly manufactured per lb. li cts. 5G6 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Par. 171 ; Tires, iron or steel locomotive, car or other railway tires .per lb. 1J4 cts. 397 Tissue paper, white or colored, and all similar papers, white, colored or printed, weighing not over lbs. to the ream of 4S0 sheets, on a basis of 20 x 30 inches, and whether in reams or any other form, per lb 6 cts. and 15 per cent. It" weighing over 6 lbs. and not over 10 lbs. to the ream per lb. 5 cts and 15 per cent. 418 Tivoli boards, cheap, as toys. 88. 8,857 35 per cent. 193 Toasters metal 45 per cent. 213 Tobacco wrapper, unstemmed, ss. 15,586 16,735-10,825. . . . per lb. SI .85. " if stemmed per lb $2.50. filler, unstemmed, ss. 16,535 per lb. 35 cts. if stemmed per lb. 50 cts. if packed or mixed with more than 15:; of wrap- per tobacco, unstemmed per lb. $1 .85. stemmed per lb. *2.50. " if packed in bales containing both filler and less than 15^ of wrapper, dutiable at rate for per- centage of filler and rate for percentage of wrapper, ss. 19,107-21,886 product of two or more countries or dependen- cies, when mixed or packed together, un- stemmed, ss. 18,221 per lb. 81-85. stemmed, 18,221 per lb $2.50. pays on weight at time of importation, ss. 16,071. £S™The term wrapper tobacco, as used in this Act, means that quality of leaf tobacco which is suitable for cigar wrappers. The term filler tobacco means all other leaf tobacco. tW r Collectors of customs shall not permit entry to be made, except under regula- tions to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, of any leaf tobacco, unless the invoice of the same shall specify in detail the character of the leaf tobacco, whether wrapper or filler, its origin and quality. I3F° In the examination for classification of any imported leaf tobacco at least one bale, box or package, In every ten and at least one in every invoice, shall be examined by the appraiser or person authorized bylaw to make such examination, and at least ten hands shall be examined in each examined bale, box or package. 215 " manufactured or unmanufactured, all other es. 7,777-10,083 per lb. 55 cts. manufactured must be packed in prescribed packages, ss. 15,874-17,683. of the Port of New York. Tobacco, Mexican, is filler, or wrapper, ss. 14,221-17,071- 17,665. " bale is unit for classification, ss. 15,692. " boxes, as smokers' articles 60 per cent. " cigars, cigarettes, and cheroots of all kinds . . . per lb. $4.50 and 25 per cent. fif" All rolls of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, wrapped with tobacco, shall be classed as cigars, and all rolls of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, wrapped in paper or any substance other than tobacco, shall be classed as cigarettes. " clippings and cuttings, ss. 2,483-15,514 per lb. 55 cts " examination of, ss. 16,133-16,796. Havana, ss. 12,745-12,750-13,434-18,221. " Internal Revenue Tax, on cigarettes weighing not over 3 lbs. perM., Sec. 4, Act March 3, 1883, per 1 ,000 $1 .00. " Internal Revenue Tax, on cigars and cigarettes weighing over 3 lbs. per M., Sec. 4, Act March 3, 1883 per 1,000 $3.00. " Internal Revenue Tax on smoking and manu- factured per lb. 6 cts. " Internal Revenue Tax, on snuff per lb. 6 cts. " paper cigars and cigarettes, including wrappers, per lb. $4.50 and 25 per cent. " p'pes and pipe bowls of common clay, value not more than 40 cts. per gross per gross 15 cts. " all others of clay per gross 50c. and 25 per cent. " other than above, of whatever material com- posed 60 per cent. " pouches of leather,as smokers' articles, ss. 13,815. 60 per cent. " Remedios, is filler, ss. 11,203 -11,217. " scrap, as unmanufactured tobacco, ss. 2,222- 3,058-3,284-6.146-11,029 per lb. 55 cts. " snuff and snuff flour, manufactured of tobacco, dry, or damp, and pickled, scented, or other- wise, of all descriptions, ss. 10,083 per lb. 55 cts. " stems Free. " weight will not be ascertained to the fraction of an ounce, ss. 17,700. Tocograph copies of invoices will be accepted, ss. 15,276. Todopyrine 25 per cent. Toile ardoise, canvas slate, ss. 2,614 30 per cent. Toilet, all preparations, used as applications to the hair, teeth, mouth or skin, such as cosmetics, denti- frices, pastes, pomades, powders and other toilet articles, and articles of perfumery, whether In sachet or otherwise, no alcohol used 50 per cent. 568 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Toilet cases, according to material, 21,976. " mats, chamois, as manufactures of leather, bs. 8,789 35 per cent. " sets, according to material. " soap, all kinds of per lb. 15 cts. " waters, all alcoholic per lb. 60 cts and 4.5 per cent. " " non-alcoholic 50 per cent. Toluidine, ss. 7,936-9,487-13,570 Free. " sulphate, as coal tar preparation 20 per cent. " sulphoacid, ss. 9,5 to 12,859 13,789 16,756 25 per cent. " sulphosaur, as coal tar color, ss. 13,567 30 per cent. Tomatoes, crude, ss. 1,843 6,889 ?,881 11,060 14,045 14,994. 25 per cent. " prepared or perserved 40 per cent. Ton, as used in tariff laws, signifies 2,240 lbs., ss. 599-5933. Tongs, metal 45 per cent. Tonics, medicinal, alcoholic, .per lb. 55 cts .but not less than 25 per cent. " " nonalcoholic 25 per cent. " toilet, alcoholic per lb. 60c. and 45 per cent. " " non-alcoholic 5 J per cent. Tonka beans, tonqua or tonquin Free. " " from nonreciprocal countries per lb. 50 cts. " " crystals, as crude vegetable substance, ss. 13,685 14,836 Free. Tonnage duty depends on custom of port from which vessel sails, and not upon flag of vessel, ss. 14,532. " duty on vessels from any place in North America, Central America, West Indies, South America, coast of Caribbean Sea, the Bermudas, the Bahamas, the Sandwich Islands and New- foundland, ss. 7.618 per ton 3 cts. " duty on vessels from Aspinwall, Panama, I'. S. Colombia; Island of Montserrat, W. I.; San Juan, Mayaguez, Porto Rico; Bocas del Torre, U. S. Colombia'; all ports in Europe of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and free ports in Butch East Indies; ports of Empire of Ger many; Island of Guadeloupe, W. I.; Island of Tobago; all vessels of Greal Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, Italy, when arriving from ports of the Kingdom of Netherlands and de- pendencies, will not be collected, ss. 7.61S. duty on vessels of Mexico, ss. 8,748-9,020-9,402- 9,570. " duty on vessels from all other places. Sec. 11, Act June 19, 1886, ss. 17,586 per ton 6 cts. i'^/~ duty on vessels shall not lie collected more than five times in any one year, ss. 6,082. Tools, all of iron or steel 45 per cent. " track per lb. 1 \i cts. of the Part of New York. 569 Tools of trade, occupation or employment, in the actual possession at the time of persons emi- grating to theU. S., ss. 630-7,856-10,371- 11,795-15,829 Free. Bicycles are not, ss. 12,629-13,785. must accompany owner, ss. 13,811-15,762 -16,663. one member of firm cannot import for firm, ss. 13,789. Tooth brushes 40 per cent. " pastes, etc 50 per cent. " picks, metal 45 per cent. " " of vegetable substance per 1,000 2c. and 15 per cent. " " quill, ss. 1,291-10,889 20 per cent. " " wooden, as vegetable substance, ss. 16,089- 17,815 per 1,000 2c. and 15 per cent. Topaz, gems, uncut Free. " cut, not set, ss. 6,390 10 per cent. " " set, as jewelry. 60 per cent. " " " otherwise 60 per cent. " house ornaments, ss. 13,487 45 per cent. " imitation of glass, not over 1 in. in diameter 20 per cent. Tops, toys 35 per cent . " composition, or scagliola, for tables, Sept. 13, i««q "nt v ' Ornamented 45 per cent. ussy, «. i . -j plain 35 per cent wool, hair, etc., ss. 17,437, as mfr. of wool. Top waste wool per lb. 30 cts. Torchon lace, linen (real), ss. 3,553-3,912-5,215 60 per cent. " " cotton (imitation) 60 per cent. Tortoise shell, unmanufactured Free. " " combs 35 per cent. il " manufactured 35 per cent. Touchstones, jasper 50 per cent. Tournay velvet carpets per sq. yd. 60c. and 40 per cent. Tow of flax, not retted, ss. 7,252-9,381 per ton $20.00. " " hemp, retted per ton $20. CO. " fit only for paper stock, ss. 11,708 Free. " manufactures of, as manufactures of flax, ss. 11,882- 14.056. Towels, cotton damask 45 per cent. " " in the piece as countable cotton cloths, es. 19,285 " flax and cotton, cotton chief value, ss. 21,741 45 per cent. " linen damask, as woven articles, ss. 11,077- 11,193-12,455-12,642-12,647. " embroidered GO per cent. " Turkish, cotton, ss. 8,283-11,077-13,963 45 per cent. " linen, as woven articles, es. 11,077-13,963. 5 ?0 I itstoms Brokers and < lerks Association Towing, by foreign tugs in U. S. waters prohibited, 88. 11,172-16,167. by U. S. tugs in Straits of San Juan de Fueca, 88. 10,419. Tows, entire cargoes of all vessels in, maybe included in one entry, 88. 6,400. Toy magic lanterns, as optical instruments, ss. 17,820 45 per cent. " music boxes, as musical instruments, ss. 15,722 45 per cent. Toys, composed of bisque, china, earthenware, parian, porcelain or stoneware, plain, 88. 8,911-10,880. ... 55 per cent, composed of bisque, china, earthenware, parian, porcelain or stoneware, decorated, ornamented, etc 60 per cent. " articles used in games by adults are not, ss. 2,842. " brushes are not, ss. 17,483 40 per cent. " fans too small for use are, ss. 17,843 35 per cent. " glass, ee. 14,942 35 per cent. " grotesque figure for paper weights are not, ss. Hi, 991 45 per cent. " India rubber, hard 35 per cent. " " " soft 30 per cent. " magic lanterns are, ss. 22,996 45 per cent. " Mexican horse hair curios are not, ss. 17,627. " marbles 35 per cent. " music boxes 45 per cent. " valued at 1 franc or less are, 88. 21,784- 22,09ii 35 per cent. " not composed of rubber, china, porcelain, parian, bisque, earthen or stoneware, n. s. p. f., ss. 2,107- 3,208-3,530 -4,: 38 1 1,507 5,397 35 per cent. " papier mache bonbon boxes in shape of animals are, ss. 17,956 35 per cent. " parasols too small for use are, ss. 17,843 £5 per cent. " scissors too small for use are, ss. 17,843 35 per cent. " show pieces for window exhibition are not, ss. 17,492 Trace chains, as chains, ss. 8,739. Traces, leather 45 per cent. Tracing cloth, 88. 3,834 -",830 -13,385 15,140 per sq. yd. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. " paper, ss. 8,810-11,195 25 per cent. Track tools, iron or steel per lb. 1}^ cts. Tracts, religious, as printed matter, ss. 2,086 25 per cent. Trade marks must be registered with Treasury Depart- ment, for protection of owners, ss. 10,309- 12,059 16,115 18.2-15. articles bearing copy of any domestic manu- facture cannot be entered, ss. 11,753. simulating domestic, is illegal, ss. 16,512- 10.517-17,021-17,510-18,704. „, „ (Crude Free. J ragacantti gum j Advailccd in value per lb- y A ct and 10 per cent. of the Port of New York. 571 Par. ~ 385 Tram, silk 30 per cent. Transfer of goods in warehouse from importer to purchas- er is not allowed, ss. 10,837. Transit, goods from port to port in United States, do not require an invoice, ss. 11,778-11,932-15,782. " " cannot be entered for warehouse and im- mediate export, ss 17,299 . Transportation of dutiable goods in non-bonded vessels is unlawful, ss. 14,255. " and exportation of free goods is not per- mitted, ss. 13,913. " and exportation of lemons for benefit of drawback is permitted, ss. 13,898. " and exportation of perishable goods is not permitted, ss. 13,852-17,367. Transportation companies, bonded, cannot he compelled to carry bonded goods, ss. 13,750-13,931. 193 Traps, metal 45 per cent. Traveling cases, wood, leather, etc., according to chief value, ss. 3,724-7,332. rugs, ss. 7,298 -8,702 : fValue not more than 40 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. \ " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and TO per cent. ^ " over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 ct*. and 55 per cent. Trays, metal, of all kinds 45 per cent. " papier mache, or indurated fiber, ss. 17,634 35 per cent. " pipe, as smokers' articles, ss. 8,974 60 per cent. " strawboard and surface coated paper, as manufac- tures paper, ss. 17,048 35 per cent. 208 I " wooden 35 per cent. 209 Treacle, as concentrated molasses. 377 Treble ingrain carpet per sq. yd. 22 cts. and 40 per cent. Trees, known as nursery or greenhouse stock, ss. 15,386. . 2"> per cent. " for United States Botanic Garden or Department of Agricultun , ss. 1^.451 Free. 179 | Tresses, metal, thread 60 per cent. Ill Trial boxes or glasses, for opticians' use, ss. 5,977-6,027. . 45 per cent. 453 | Triangles, musical instruments, ss. 9,325 45 per cent. 179 Tricotine, ss. 7,966 60 per cent. 151 Tricycle gearing chains, ss. 9,969, as chains. 152 ' " steel tubes, for manufacture of ss. 11.040 35 per cent. 408 Trimmings, bead, and metal, metal chief value, ss. 13,320. €0 per cent. 408 " bead and beaded, all commercially known as, ss. 17,152-17,500 60 per cent. " bullion, SB. 10,898 60 per cent. " coach, according to material. " corset, embroidered with silk, ss. 10,506- 10,667 60 per cent. " cotton or vegetable fiber, ss. 10,765-16,206 60 per cent 193 450 459 407 252 640 572 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Trimmings, down and cotton, ss. 0,203 50 per cent. " dress, in whole or part wool, hair, etc per lb. 50 cts. and 00 per cent. feather, ss. 6,000 8,217 10,658 50 per cent. " flax 60 per cent. harness 46 per cent. " jet, all commercially known as 60 per cent. " lace 00 per cent. " linen CO per cent. " loom figured, ss. 14.132 60 per cent. •' metal 45 per cent. '• " thread or bullions 60 per cent. silk, ss. 2,158-21,860 60 per cent. " of spangles 60 per cent. " Swiss, hemstitched, as cotton, ss. 14,609 60 per cent. " tinsel, ss. 10,408 60 per cent. Tripangs, as preserved fish, ss. 11,585 per lb. % ct. Tripoli, ss. 16,980-19,980 Free. " skins, as skins for morocco, ss. 12,180 10 per cent. Trional, ss. 21,360 25 per cent. Troches, medicinal preparation 2E per cent. Tropseolurn seeds, ss. 9,354 Free. Trophies, metallic articles manufactured, as medals, ss. 4,225-6,566 Free. Trophoderme, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 14,520 20 per cent. Tropical fruit, permit may issue in advance of arrival of vessel on deposit of estimated duty doubled, ss. 2.777- S.41S. Tropon, as blood albumen 3 cts. Trousers, merino knit. ss. 6,135 per lb. 1 1 cts. and 60 per cent. " buttons, metal e\cept steel per line per gross ,'.. et. and 15 per cent. " bone or steel per line per gross J per cent. Uranium, chloride or nitrate of Free. " oxide of Free. " oxide natron, known as uranium yellow, ae salts, ss. 1,293 Free. Urea '-'•"> per cent. rjrethane, as medicinal preparation, ss. 13.701 25 per cent. Urinomelers. as blown <_ r lassware. ss. I 1..N57 60 per cent. Orsol, P. A: I) . as coal tar preparation, ss. 17,788 20 percent. Use— chief and common definition of, 88. 16,1 18, I co\ ei ingt -er i o\ erings. hi' tki Port of New York. 579 692 68 339 403 391 626 21 693 450 Vaccine virus " anthrax or blackleg, as medicinal preparation, ss. 21 ,760 25 Valenciennes lace, as cotton lace 60 Valentines, ordinary, as printed matter 25 " others, according to materials, ss. 2,125^,629. " silk chief value, ss. 2,125-4,629 50 " with flowers, buds, etc., according to chief value. Valerian oil Valerianic ether, as fruit ether, ss. 9,205 per lb. $2.00. but not less than 25 Valonia Value of goods manufactured in one country, but pur- chased in another, is market value in principal markets of the country where purchase is made, ss. 12,780. consignor cannot add to, on entries made by him, ss. 17,671. dutiable, is market value in principal markets of country from whence imported, but not less than price actually paid, ss. 9,714-19,055. appraised, by Board of General Appraisers is final, 88.13,941. entered, cannot be less than price paid by importer. N. Y., Mar. 8, 1897. entered, cannot be changed after appraiser has taken action. N. Y, Sept. 29, 1896. appraised, Department cannot interfere with ap- praisers in determining, ss. 7,095-11,100. invoice and entered are conclusive against im- porter, ss. 10,329-12,667. increased on invoice or entry to secure a lower rate of duty, is false and fraudulent, and will not control classification, ss. 4,913. found on reappraisement does not control future importations, ss. 18,082. invoice of consigned goods, cannot be advanced on entry, 88. 13.092 14,806-16,200. invoice must be determined by collector, ss. 11,880. invoice will not be reduced if payment is made in abraded or mutilated coins, ss. 8,51 1. of goods paying a rate based on value includes cost of free coverings, ss. 13.512 19,015. of goods challenged by U. S. Consul, ss. 16,245. Vamps, shoe, leather cut for 35 " slipper, embroidered in piece, according to mate- rial as embroideries, ss. 17,060. Free. per cent, per cent, per cent. per cent. Free. per cent. Free. per cent. Par 580 < ustoms Brokers and ci, rks Association Van, containing effects is not entitled to free entry a* vessel. B8. 31,893. Vandyke brown, a color 30 per cent. Vanilla beans, crude, ss. 18,661 -19,454 per lb. 14 ct. and 10 per cent. " " not crude per lb. )4 ct - a nd 10 per cent. " " in alcohol, ss. 6,481 per lb. 60 ets. and 45 per cent. " " from non-reciprocal countries per lb. $2.00 " " cuts " " " per lb. $1.00 Vanillin, ss. 6,256 per oz. 80 cts. Varnish, Japan 35 per cent. " Japanese metallico is, ss. 7,131 35 per cent. " brewers' compound, is a spirit varnish, ss. 3,484. per sail. $1.32 and 35 per cent. " imitation, 1% pounds shellac to gallon of spirits, as alcoholic compound, ss. 4,540. .per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " iron, color of lac, dutiable as, ss. 2,039 35 per cent. " not spirit 35 per cent. " spirit, ss. 6,901-11,405 12,953. . . .per gall. $1.32 and 35 per cent. Varnished leather, weighing 10 lbs. or lees per dozen hides or skins per lb. 30 cts. and 20 per cent. weighing over 10 lbs. and not over 25 lbs. per dozen per lb. 30 cts. and 10 per cent. weighing over 25 lbs. per dozen per lb. SO its. and 10 per cent. Yarnolctte, manufactured article, ss. 10,088 20 per cent. Vases, bronze or other metal, ss. 4,061 45 per cent. " china, porcelain, parian, biscpae, earthenware, plain. 55 per cent. decorated or colored. 60 per cent. " glass, Bohemian opal or porcelain 60 per cent. " Japanese, cloisonne or enameled, copper, ss. 4,061 . 45 per cent. " platinum, for chemists Free. " Wedgewood are usual coverings for sauces, ss. 13,513. Veal, as beef, ss. 13,409-17,159 per lb. 2 cts. Vegetables, used for medicine and dyeing, crude Free. " used for medicine and dyeing, advanced in value per 11). ' j ct. and 10 per cent. " cabbages per head 3 cts. " desiccated or compressed, ss. 8,274 1,179 40 per cent. edible, natural, ss. 1,818-10,597-12,808 25 per cent. " " in salt or brine, ss. 1,818-15,401 40percent. " " preserved or prepared 40 per cent. If in bottles or jars, bottles pay additional duty, as coverings. " onions per bushel 40 cts. " potatoes per bushel of 60 lbs. 25 cts. Vegetable blacks of all kinds 25 percent, " libers, dried, crude, used as drugs, ss. 2,789- 3,013 6,661-6,672 Free. the same advanced in value. . .per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent, Of Ih, Port of New York. >,81 Vegetable fiber, all manufactures of, n. 8. p. f 45 •' wearing apparel, composed of 50 ivory, not .sawed. cut or otherwise manufactured " buttons, as. 1,319 per line, per gross, % ct. and 15 " dice, draughts, etc 50 " all articles manufactured of, n. s. p. f . . 35 " ornaments, as manufactures of, ss. 2,616. 35 knives, as table knives. oils, essential or expressed 35 pepsin, as medicinal preparation, ss. 11,350. . 25 substances, crude or unmanufactured " fibrous, crude, and unmanu- factured " fit only for paper stock wax Vehicles of immigrants in use Veiling, crape, cotton, or cotton chief value, ss. 3,630 ... 60 " " silk chief value, ss. 3,630-6,799 60 " donna maria, parisina, etc., silk chief value 60 flax 60 " grenadine, ss. 13,881 60 " nuns, with border on each side, ss. 12,237 60 " " " silk chief value, ss. 17,331 60 " wool, hair, etc., as dress goods. " worsted, barege, as dress goods, ss. 6,799. Veils, Shetland, as wool wearing apparel, ss. 13,979: per lb. 44 cts. and GO " silk, as wearing apparel, ss. 3,568-12,242 60 " " in piece, as wearing apparel, ss. 15,642-15,866- 15,869-16,918 60 Vellum " cloth, cotton chief value, ss. 3,834 per square yard 3 cts. and 20 Velocipedes, ss. 3,283 45 " are not personal effects, ss. 14,368. " are not household effects, ss. 12,629. {unbleached per sq. yd. 9 cts. and 25 per cent, but not less than 47}^ bleached, colored, etc... .per sq. yd. 12 cts. and 25 per cent, but not" less than 47^ per cent. per cent. Free. per cent, per cent, per cent, per cent per cent. per cent. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free, per cent, per cent, per cent, per cent, per cent, per cent. per cent. per cent, per cent. per cent. Free. per cent. per cent. linen double faced, ss. 11,180 60 Pekin, as cotton velvet, ss. 7,798: ! unbleached per sq. yd. 9 cts. and 25 per cent, but not less than 47^ bleached, colored, etc. .. . per sq. yd. 12 cts. and 25 per cent, but not* less than 47J4 per cent, per cent, per cent. per cent, per cent. 582 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Velvets, plushes, velveteens, corduroys, and all pile fabrics composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, except flax, unbleached, --. 5,969 21,454 per sq. yd. 9 cts. and 25 per cent, but not less than 17) •£ per cent. if bleached, colored, etc., 88. 11,41)9 14,164 per sq. yd. 12 cts. and 25 per cent, but not less than 47J^ per cent, if made into bias dress facings or skirt bindings in addition to foregoing rates, 10 per cent. '■ flax chief value 60 per cent. buttons, ss. 10,551-11,358 50 per cent. carpets, ss. 4,720 per sq. yd. 40 cts. and 40 per cent. silk, or silk chief value per lb. $1.50 and 15 per cent., but not less than 50 per cent. ribbon, silk chief value, ss. 11,332, per lb. $1.50 and 15 per cent., but not less than 50 per cent. " " cotton, same as cotton velvet. Velveteens, cotton or other vegetable fiber, except flax, unbleached per sq. yd. 9 cts. and 25 per cent, but not less than 47>£ per cent. bleached, colored, etc per sq. yd. 12 cts. and 25 per ceut. but not less than 47^> per cent. dress facing6, ss. 13,736-13,970 rate on velveteen and additional 10 per cent. " flax chief value 60 per cent. Veneering rods, as manufactures of metal 45 per cent. Veneers, of cabinet woods, unmanufactured, ss. 9,010 — 20 per cent. " " " produced by cutting, ss. 1,426. 20 per cent. " ivory, for piano keys, ss. 9,033 35 per cent. " oak, ss. 16,654 20 per cent. Venetian red, color, ss. 1,590-1,920-9,090 11,346 30 per cent. " carpet, chain per sq. yard 22 cts. and 40 per cent. Venice turpentine Free . Venison carcasses, ss. 2,325 -7,202 10 per cent. " hams 20 per cent. Veratrin, as medicinal preparation, ss. 13,061 25 per cent. Verde de Prato, as marble, ss. 8,796-12,140-17,960. Verdigris or sub-acetate of copper, ss. 17,693-17,845 Free. " distilled, as chemical compound, ss. 8,593 25 per cent. Verditer, or Bremen green, ss. 1,705 30 per cent. Verification of manifests of 1. T. goods, must be made by collector, ss. 3,882. Vermicelli, ss. 9,388, and all similar preparations per lb. 1J^ cts. Vermilion, red, containing quicksilver, dry, or in oil or water per lb. 10 cts. red, containing lead per lb. 5 cts. " all others 30 per cent. Vermiliouette. ss. 11,835 11,640 14,806 30 percent. Vermuth, in casks or packages other than bottles or jugs, if containing fourteen per centum or less of absolute alcohol per gall. 40 cts. 5 8 of the Port of New York. 583 Par. Vermuth, if containing more than 14 per centum, but not more than 24 per cent, of absolute alcohol. . .per gall. 50 cts. '• as above, from France, a reciprocal country, sb. 19,405 per gall. 35 cts. If containing more than 34 per cent, of absolute alcohol per proof gall. $2.25. In bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen or less bottles or jugs, containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty- four bottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint per case $1.60. Vermuth, in cases as above, from France, a reciprocal country, ss. 19,405 per case $1.60. Excess beyond these quantities, ss. 19,405 per pint 4 cts. Any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs, per pint or fractional part thereof. 5 cts. But no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles or jugs. Cases containing 12 pints or less percase 80 cts. Vessels built in United States for foreign account are entitled on export to a drawback equal to duties paid on all imported materials used, ss. 10,983. " built in the United States, clippings, shavings and punchings from foreign material used, is dutia- ble as scrap, ss 14,766 per ton $4.00. " and parts thereof, of platinum, for chemical uses Free. " cast iron per lb. f^ ct. " " if coated, glazed or tinned per lb. 2 cts. " electric launch for use of yacht, ss. 17,405 45 per cent. " foreign built and broken up in the United States, material not subject to duty, ss. 21.847. " forgings for, iron or steel 35 per cent. " built for trade between Atlantic and Pacific ports of U. S., materials for Free. ' ' materials for repair of American vessels in foreign trade or trade between Atlantic and Pacific ports of V. S Free. " repairs to abroad, dutiable, ss. 21,670. '• sea stores, excessive, are dutiable, whether landed or not, ss. 11,301. " sea stores, collector and naval officer are the only judges of what are excessive. " foreign, materials for repair of, are subject to duty, ss. 11,220-11,629-11,659-11,893. " from free port, entering and clearing at another port en route, pay tonnage dues, ss. 11,949- 14,531. laden exclusively with sugar, coal, salt, hides, dyewoods, wool or jute butts, consigned to one consignee, arriving for orders, may, within I2S 642 148 150 193 107 § 12 584 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Par. — I fifteen days, amend the manifest by designat ing the actual port of discharge, ss. 19,871. § 13 Vessels, materials for construction or repair of, ss. 16,633. " of less than 30 tons burthen, carrying foreign mer- chandise, are subject to forfeiture, ss. 13,712. " of United States in foreign trade can withdraw supplies from bonded warehouses free, ss. 6,532 Free. 1 of United States cannot use boilers taken from a foreign wreck, ss. 16,150. jj 12 " of United States, materials for, become dutiable if two consecutive months in coastwise trade, ss. 17,046. ' of United States, sold to foreigners, entitled to registry If purchased by Americans, ss. 17,873. ' of war cannot withdraw articles from Internal Revenue warehouse free of tax, ss. 13,250. " of war foreign, are granted all the rights and privileges accorded to American war vessels iu the countries they represent, ss. 13,111-13,4(17. passenger, carrying cotton, hemp, sisal, etc., in impressed and uncovered bales, are subject to a fine of $5.00 per bale, ss. 12,057. il passenger, cannot carry naptha, benzine, etc., ss. 12.071. " pay tonnage dues according to the custom of the port from which they sail, ss. 14,532. ■■ preserving and antifouling compositions are materials for, ss. 15,254. li recording bills of sale- of, bs. 10,899. 16 " withdrawing supplies from bonded warehouse must withdraw entire packages, ss. 13,859. 304 11 311 346 387 366 319 16 257 i Vestings, cotton, as cotton cloth, ss. 13,289. " " and silk, as cotton cloth, containing ad- mixture of silk, ss. 13,185. .per sq. yd. 8 cts. and 30 per cent, but not less than 50 per cent. " linen, as woven fabrics. " silk, a- woven fabrics, {Value QOl more than 40 CtS. per lb. per 11>. 38 ets. & 50 per cent. " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb per lb. II cN. \ 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb. .per lb. 44 cts. & 55 per cent. Vests, cotton knit, ss. 16,533 (see shirt-, knit). \ i -mm, as coal tar dye. ss. 616 30 per cent. Vetches 25percent. Vials, holding more than ofle pint, tilled or not per lb. 1 ct. but not less than 40 per cent. " holding not more than one pint and not less than 14 pint per lb. 1<4 cts., but not less than 40 per cent. Par. <,/'///, Port < ; r \<>r Yorh 585 Vials holding less than V\ pint per gross 50 cts., but not less than 40 per "ent. " cut, engraved, colored, etc., filled or empty 60 per cent, Vises, man u fad u red of iron or steel 45 per cent, Vichy lozenges, medicinal preparation, ss. 1.040 25 per cent; " salts, ss. 2,021 9,217-9,715 Free: Victoria crepe, cotton as cloth, ss. 3,630. " " veils, cotton, ss. 6,799 50 percent; Vicugna skins, with wool on, Jan. 1, 1869, Philadelphia, duty on wool per lb. 11 els View 1 looks, as lithographs, ss. 14,070. '• Views of the Orient," paper rolls 3x8 feet, as manufac- tures of paper, ss. 13.774 35 per cent: Vinegar, requiring 35 grains of bicarbonate of potash to neutralize 1 oz. troy, ss. 8,176-13,075 per gall. 7}£ ctsi of greater strength in the same proportion, namely, additional for each grain of bicar- bonate of potash over 35 grains required to neutralize the same, ss. 2,988-3,lo6-15,643. of less than standard strength, same rate as standard. " distilled, as acetic acid, exceeding the specific gravity of 1.047, ss. 3,964-4,213 per lb. 2 cts. not exceeding the specific gravity of 1.047 per lb. % ct. medicinal preparation, non-alcoholic 25 per cent. " " alcoholic per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. " raspberry, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 13,195 20 per cent. " toilet, alcoholic, ss. 6,638-13,056-13.565 per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " non-alcoholic, ss. 1,776 50 per cent. If in bottles, bottles as coverings. Vines, all kinds, known as nursery and greenhouse stock, n. s. p. f 25 per cent. Vinette, wine of barberries, ss. 6,297 20 per cent. Vino nebiolo, as sparkling wine, ss. 11,211. " de salud, as medicinal preparation, ss. 16.412 per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. Vinolia cream, as medicinal preparation, ss. 16,342 25 per cent. Vinotanin, as tannic acid, ss. 16,437 per lb. 50 cents. Violet, coal tar color, ss. 8,802 30 per cent. Violets, crystallized, ss. 9,26S 50 per cent. Violin bows, ss. 3,274-10,938-10,956-12,952 45 per cent. " bows, hair for, ss. 6,872-16,686 Free cases, ss. 2,427-10,228 45|crcent. frogs, ss. 10,950 12,032 45 per cent. " resin, according to chief value, ss. 16,099 16,801. " strings, gut, ss. 10,753 45 per cent. 586 Custom* Brokers and Clerks Association Violin strings, other. --. 2,415 1. 153 -10,339 45 per cent. " " "Acribelli," SB. 13,334 45 per cent. " " catgut, wound with metal, ss. 13,334 45 per cent. " " silk 45 per cent. " " silk, wound with wire, ss. 3,973-13,234 45 per cent. Violins, ss. 5,437-11,554 45 per cent. all parts of, ss. 3,955-4,367-33.141 45 per cent. Virus, vaccine Free. Viscose, as n . e. manufactured article, ss 20 per cent. Vises, ss. 3,536 45 per cent. Visiting cards, as printed matter 25 per cent. " if lithographed, as lithographs. Vispare, as manufactures of willow 40 per cent. Vitragc, ss. 14,613-17,377 60 per cent. " flax, or other vegetable liber 60 per cent. Vitrified tiles (see tiles). Vitriol, blue per lb. }4 cent. Vitriol, green, copperas per lb. J4 cent. " oil of per lb. J4 cent. " " for manufacture of manures Free. " from country charging duty on same from IT. S per lb. 34 cent. " white, as sulphate of zinc per lb. 1 cent. Volatile oils 35 per cent. Volute cell machines, ss. 4,122 45 per cent. Voniic nut, as nux vomica, crude Free. Vulcanized India rubber, all manufactures of, n. s. p. f . . 35 per cent. W. Wadding, cotton, as manufactures of cotton 45 per cent. " paper, as manufactures of paper 35 per cent. Wads, gun, iill kinds 30 per cent. Wafer material, in sheets, food for fish, ss. 6,516 20 per cent. Wafers, edible, ss. 15,965 16.NK0-17.O54 30 per cent. medicinal, to enclose drugs, ss. 3,506-13,030-18,315 Free. " medicated, ss. 3,506 35 percent. " toilet 50 per cent. " unleavened or not medicated, ss. 5,950-5,979- 10,893 Free. Wagon blocks, rough hewn or sawed only 20 per cent. " boxes, cast iron per lb. ,", <>„ Warehouse withdrawal will be refused until all previous withdrawals or balances due are paid, ss. 7,876. Wares, wholly or in part of any metal, partly or wholly made, except castings 45 per cent. Warming pans, metal 45 per cent. Warps, cotton (see thread), ss. 1,143-3,217-3,051-3,949. " silk, of spun silk, as yarns, ss. 6,109. " silk-thrown 30 per cent. Wash balls (soap) per lb. 15 cents. " blue, in part ultramarine per lb. 3% cents. " " containing aniline coal tar color, ss. 12,697. . . 30 per cent. Washes, toilet, mm alcoholic 50 per cent. " " alcoholic per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. " tooth, non alcoholic 50 per cent. Washers, wrought iron or steel per lb. 1 cent. Washing crystals, sal soda, ss. 12,530-13,060 per lb. f s cent. if concentrated per lb. -fa cent. " " manufactured of soda and borax, ss. 4,123 25 per cent. Washtubs, common stoneware 25 per cent. " porcelain, plain white, ss. 7,022 55 per cent. " " decorated, ss. 7,022-13,616 60 per cent. " '• inside white, outside brown, as tinted, ss. 17,651 60 per cent. Waste is refuse or material that i3 unmerchantable, and used for purposes for which merchantable ma- terial of the same class is unsuitable, Supreme Court, Dec. 150, Sup. Ct., Rep. 89. " all, n. s. p. f., ss. 6,559-0,919-8,780-18,356 10 per cent. fit only for paper stock, ss. 1,464 9,681 Free. " cotton Free. cotton and wool, as wool waste, ss. 13,217 per lb. 20 cents. " flax card, as paper stock, ss. 14,048 Free. from water proof garments, as wool waste, ss. 15,550 per lb. 20 cents. " hare's fur. as waste, n. s. p. f., ss. 17 ,155 10 per cent. " India rubber, old, ss. 6,067 10,406-11,481 Free. " linen thread, as paper stock, ss, 18,867 Free. " linen used for packing, as waste, ss. 12,454 10 per cent. " jute, as waste, ss. 1,886 18,217 18,687 Free. " fur, ss. 6,631-6,736 10 per cent. " iron ami steel, tit only for re-manufacture per ton $4.00. " photographers' silver 10 per cent. " pyroxylin, ss. 17,948 per lb. 50 cts. " silk. ss. 8,271 3,752 Free. " starch, ss. 6,949 20 per cent. wool, garnetted, ring, roving, Blubbing and top per ll>. 30 cts. " " wholly or in part. ss. 18.350 per lb. 20 cts " " yarn, thread and all, n. s. p. f per lb. 20 cts. of the Port of New York. 589 Watch cases and parts of, SB. 18,262 40 per cent. " bracelets and brooches, a* jewelry, watch move- ment pays separate duty as a movement, se. 17,!)GG 60 per cent. " case openers, as manufactures of metal, ss. 13,430. 45 per cent. " chains, hair, no part metal 00 per cent. " " which are jewelry 60 per cent. " " all others, ss. 496-8,327 60 per cent. " " short pieces of brass chain, for manufac- ture of, 88. 9,060 45 per cent. " " white metal, as jewelry, ss. 12,854 60 per cent. steel, ss. 2,702-3,169 -3,174-3.324-11,241- 12,040-12,660 60 per cent. " " charms, pencils and not jewelry, ss. 3,174- 7,900 per gross 45 cts. and 25 per cent. " crystals, ss. 1,899 40 per cent. ' dials, ss. 2,807 40 per cent. ' enamel, white, ss. 1,612-6,176-10,788-10,915 Free. " foreign movement, American case, as foreign, 88. 16,352. " glasses 40 per cent. " guards, human hair, no part metal 60 per cent. " silk, ss. 16,134-17,053 60 per cent. " " leather and metal, as jewelry, ss. 21,958. .. 60 per cent. " jewels, not set, ss. 3,163-13,809-13,364 10 per cent. " " set T 60 per cent. " keys of metal, ss. 1,460-3,100-8,425-10,010-11,183. . 45 per cent. " keys, if jewelry, ss. 5,103-6,700 60 per cent. '• materials, according to material. " movements, in cases or not, not more than 7 jewels each 35 cts. and 25 per cent. more than 7 and not more than 11 jewels each 50 cts. and 25 per cent. more than 11 and not more than 15 jewels each 75 cts. and 25 per cent. more than 15 and not more than 17 jewels each §1.25 and 25 percent. more than 17 jewels, ss. 18,697, 18,760, each S3. 00 and 25 per cent. " protectors as manufactures collodion. per lb. 65 eta. and 35 percent. " stands, according to material, ss. 6,636. it • \ Value not over 1 els. per lb 45 per cent. j " over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. Watches and parts of watches, movement- and other parts must be se_i-. - ,te.| for assessment of duty. B8. 1,984 3,048 31,909. " coaching, as other watches, ss. 11,088. " for repair, as machinery, ss. 11,660. not time pieces, are toys, ss. 13,229 21,374 35 per cent. " passengers are entitled to free entry for one only, 88. 170. 590 ( istoms Broken i i Association Watches, set in cane beads, ss. 9,061- 19,384 40 per cent. and separate duty on watch movement. " set in whip, 88. 9,061 35 per cent. and separate duty on watch movement. Watchmakers' loupes, ss. 11 ,37 1 45 per cent. Watchmen's time detectors, as watches, ss. 6,851. Water, absorbed on voyage, no allowance for, ss. 13,339- 14,383-14,940. ammonia 25 per cent. Apollinaris, as natural mineral. chestnut flour is not starch, ss. 15, 155 20 per cent. closets, for yachts, ss. 10,091 45 per cent. cologne per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. color designs, as paintings, ss. 11,185-12,310 20 per cent. colors, artists', ss. 3,447-7,755-13,214-13,967 30 per cent. " for children, are not toys, ss. 7,755 30 per cent. distilled 20 per cent. hammers, as blown glass, ss. 12,684 60 per cent. Hunyadi Janos, as natural mineral. jasmine, ss. 9.451 25 per cent. artificial, imitation and natural mineral, in green or colored glass bottles, containing not more thanlpint, ss. 11,428-13,957-16,249 16,845 perdoz. 20 cts. the same, containing more than 1 pint and not more than 1 quart, per dozen 30 cts. E3F~ No additional duty on bottles. imported otherwise than above per gallon 24 cts. bottles and other coverings also dutiable. Watermelons, as fruit, ss. 12,338 Free. " in syrup, as preserves, bs. 13,207 per lb. 1 ct. and 35 per cent. Waterproof cloth, cotton or other vegetable fiber, com- posed in pari of india rubber or other- wise per sq. yard 10 Cts, and 30 per cent. " paper, ss. 7,112 25 per cent. Water, of cedar, as alcoholic medicinal preparation, ss. 8,201 per lb. 53 cts., bin not Less than 25 per cent. " orange flower and rose, as medicinal preparation, ss. 1 2,228 25 per cent. potash, as artificial mineral water, ss. 17,480. " quinine, as medicinal preparation, ss. 17,604 25 per cent. " sola, containing no alcohol, in plain green or col- ored, molded or pressed glass bottles, contain- ing each not more than % pint, ss. 3,747 perdoz. 18 cts. Containing more than ;i 4 pint and qo1 more than l'o pints perdoz. 28 cts. No additional duty on hn< Otherwise than above per gal. 50 cts. !i;i Bottles and other coverings also dutiable as empty. of thi Fort of Xew York. 591 Water, toile( 50 per cent. Was angels, aa toyB, ss. 10,918-13,991 35 per cent. •• beads, unstrung, ss. 15,323 35 per cent. '• strung 60 per cent. " bees Free. •■ Brazilian, ss. 2,235 Free. " busts with human hair, ss. 6,659 35 per cent. " candles and tapers, ss. 3,405 25 per cent. " Chinese Free. " Bguree incase with music box, as manufactures of metal, ss. 11.550 45 per cent. •■ figures for amusement of children, as toys 35 per cent. " fish, ss. 6,263 20 per cent. " flowers 50 per cent. " fossil, or ceresia, ss. 2.703 Free. " fruits, ss. 17,827 50 per cent. " Japanese, ss. 2.225 Free. " matches, ss. 595-2,289: In boxes containing each 100 matches or less... per gross boxes 8 cts. Packed in any other manner per M. matches 1 ct. " mineral Free. " sealing 20 per cent. " shoemakers' 20 per cent. •• statuary, as manufactures of, ss. 11,175 25 per cent. " tapers and appurtenances of china and metal, .ss.4,390. 55 per cent. " manufactures of, all n. s. p. f., ss. 6,659-6,945-7,566- 9,009 25 per cent. " vegetable Free. " vegetables, manufactures of, ss. 17,827 25 per cent. Weardale carpet, as two-ply ingrain, ss. 7,474 per sq. yd. 18 cts. and 40 per cent. Wearing apparel, if actually accompanying and in use of passengers from abroad, ss. 10,371- 12,580-13,490 Free. £3r° Residents of the United States returning from abroad, all wearing apparel and other personal effects taken by them out of the United States to foreign countries shall be admitted free of duty, without regard to their value, upon their identity being establish d, under appropriate rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but no more than $100 in value of articles purchased abroad by such r sidents of the United States shall be admitted free of duty upon their return. Free. 592 ( 'ustoms Broh rs and Clerks Association Wearing apparel, arriving one month after owner, is dutiable, ss. 11,652-18,328-18,448. " " corsets are, ss. 10,792. " " cotton, or other vegetable fiber 50 per cent. '■ " if embroidered, or made wholly or in part of lace, ss. 20,651 60 per cent. covers all articles usually worn inside or outside— dress in general, ss. 15,224. gloves are. ss. 11,187. " " gloves, cotton or other vegetable fiber, having India rubber as a component material, ss. 11,187. . .per lb. 15 cts. and 50 per cent, hats, hoods and mufflers are, ss. 10,787. " " in whole or in part linen 50 per cent. " " knitted of cotton (see Knit Shirts). " " '• " linen " " " " " " "silk 60 per cent. ;i " wool, ss. 16,321 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. ;eft jehind for repair is dutiable, ss. 12.217. " " linen, shirt bosoms are, ss. 11,324 50 per cent. ' ; " of silk, having India rubber as a com- ponent material 60 per cent. " " outside garments of cotton or other vegetable fiber containing India rub- ber per lb. 15 cts. and 50 per cent. partly made, same rates as completed, ss. 15,867-16,315. silk or silk chief value ss. 17,282-17,283 60 per cent. wedding trousseau is dutiable, ss. 6,451. worn on the person, purchased in con- tiguous country, is dutiable, ss. li Mill 1 11,726. wool or worsted, ss. 17,282-17,283-20,993 . . per lb. 41 cts. and 60 per cent. Weaving machini .hand, may be tools of trade, as. 8,191. 45 per cent. Webbing, w lolly or partly wool. etc.. ss. 3,455 3,727 8,102 -15,402 per lb. 50 cts. and CO per cent. " ci tton, elastic or non-elastic, ss. 12,539 13,311- 14,151 17,937 15 per cent. flax, ss. 12,188 45 per cent. " for suspenders, except wool 45 per cent. ' for saddle girl lis, ss. 8,255 per lb. 50 cts and 60 per cent,. " jute, ss. 16,652 45 per cent. » gilk 50 per cent. Webs, flax 45 per cent. " cotton or other vegetable fiber 45 per cen " gilk 50 per cent Par. i>r the Port, of New York. 593 Wedding presents not used abroad are dutiable, ss. 10,443. Wedges, iron or steel per lb. 1% cts. Wedgewood ware, as decorated earthenware 60 per cent. Weed , sea Free. Weeds, all manufactures of 30 per cent. " used expressly for dyeing, crude Free. " " " " " advanced in value per lb. >4 ct. and 10 per cent. Weigher's returns are not subject to review by General Appraisers, ss. l(i.(i:J7. Weighing may be done before entry in exceptional cases, ss. 15,774. Weight of goods deposited in bonded warehouse paying specific rate of duty to be ascertained before deposit, ss. 11,694-11,695-12,374-12,473-15,210- 16,446. of goods deposited in bonded warehouse, paying ad valorem rate of duty, must be ascertained before deposit, ss. 11,226. of cigars in bonded warehouse to be ascertained on entry, ss. 11,437. as returned by United States weigher is conclu- 10,882-12,009-13,704-14,624-15,027-17,899. cannot be changed by re-weighing after delivery to importer, ss. 11,614. of re-warehoused goods must be ascertained on original entry, as. 12,384-12,474-13,055. invoice must be in standard of country of ex port, ss. 3,455-7,348-7,531. " allowances for absorbtion of sea water, ss. 22,078. Wrights and balances, ss. 6,236 45 per cent. " crystal, are scientific instruments, 88. 7,498 50 per cent. " paper, of metal 45 per cent. Weichsel sticks, for umbrella handles, cut into lengths, ss. 4,263-4,345 Free. Weinmost, as wine, ss. 5,092. Weld or woad, crude, for dyeing Free. Welsbach mantles, ss. 17,917 20 per cent. Whalebone, all, of American fisheries Free. " unmanufactured Free. " all manufactures of 30 per cent. " cut and finished for corsets, as manufactures, 88. 12,704 30 per cent. Whale oil per gall. 8 cts. " "of American fisheries Free. Wharf timber, ss. 5,380-6,089-11,861 per cubic foot 1 ct. Wheat is not an agricultural seed, ss. 2,227-6,156-15,950- 16,436 per bush. 25 cts. " bran, as n. e. manufactured article, ss. 16,435 20 per cent. Par. 594 i 'usti/rns Brokers and Clerics Association Wheat, Canadian for export must be entered immediately, 88.16,121. " flour 25 per cent . " sheaves of, 88. 13,375-20,497 25 per cent. " sun-bleached heads and stems of, 88. S2,265 Free. " starch, es. 7,511 per lb. \% cts. " suitable for millinery use 50 per cent. Wheel hubs, rough hewn or sawed 20 per cent. " wholly or partly manufactured 20 per cent. Wheels and parts thereof , iron or steel, for railway pur- poses per lb. l^j cts. " bicycle, as manufactures of metal, ss. 10,607-13,776. 45 per cent. " car, of American manufacture, worn out and re- turned, ss. 2,743-4,239 Free. " emery 25 per cent. " steel tired, for railway purposes per lb. \% cts. " with axles fitted pay as an entirety per lb. lj£ cts. Whetstones, ss. 8,786 Free. " emery, as manufacture of, ss. 2,079 -2,8S2 25 per cent. Whipgut, all manufactures of 25 per cent, " unmanufactured Free. Whips, ss. 19,486 45 per cent. " with metal whistles, manufactures of metal, ss. 9,840 45 per cent. •' with watch in handle, according to material, watch movement pays separately, ss. 9,001. " wood and flax 45 per i ent. •' " " leather, ss. 19,486 45 per cent. Whipstocks, Malacca, as manufactures of wood. ss. 13.32.2. 35 per cent. " cut to length only Free. Whiskey, ss. 3,950 per proof gall., $2.25. in bottles, bottles pay as empty, pays on gauge ascertained at time of importa- tion's. 15,445. must be withdrawn in three years, ss. 15,367 -15,372-16,379-17,101. domestic pays duty equal to internal revenue tax at date of importation, ss. 15,567. . .per proof gall. $1.10. cannot be transferred from manufacturing ware house to bonded warehouse for any purpose, ss. 15,011-17,361. domestic, returned after export, no allowance for loss of proof, ss. 4.382 7.532 per proof gall. $1.10. domestic, returned after export, unaccompanied by necessary proofs, is dutiable as foreign, ss 18,678 per proof gall. $2.25 domestic, exported and returned in bottles, ss. 18 160 Free. of the Port of tfew York 595 Whiskey, domestic, exported in barrels and returned in bottles, as foreign, ss.16.747.per proof gall. £2.25. bottles pay as empty. " reiniported proof of origin may be made before General Appraisers, ss. 21,075-21,750. Whistles, call, metal, ss. 2,985 45 per cent. " " wood 35 per cent. " tin, as toys, ss. 1,821-11,992 35 per cent. Whistling dolls of India rubber, ss. 3,394-4,832 35 per cent. Whist markers, partly metal 45 per cent. White chalk per lb. 1 ct. " Charleton, as paint containing zinc, ss. dry, 16.824. per lb. 1 ct. " ground in oil per lb. \% ct. " Chinese, in cakes, as oxide of zinc, ss. 1C 834 30 per cent. " earthenware, porous cells, ss. 10,396 55 per cent. " enamel, for watch or clock dials, ss. 5,896-11,000 .. Free. " " all other 25 per cent. " lead, dry or ground in oil per lb. 2% cts. " lead in tubes, as artists' colors, ss. 10,869 30 per cent. " metal in leaf, ss. 2,906-8,479 per pkge. of 100 leaves 6 cts. 1 ' metal or white brass, ss. 9,278 45 per cent. " Paris, dry, ss. 5,374 per lb. J4 ct - '• " ground in oil per lb. let. " paint and pigment, containing lead, dry or in pulp or ground, or mixed in oil per lb. 2% cts. " paint or pigment, containing zinc, dry per lb. let. " " " " " in oil per lb. 1^ ct. " satin per lb. % ct. " splits for bottle caps, as leather, n. s. p. f., ss. 15,172. 20 per cent. " vitriol, sulphate of zinc per lb. 1 ct. Whitewood lumber, ss. 11,690 per M. Sl-00. " spar timber, ss. 11,690 per cubic foot 1 ct. Whiting, dry, ss. 5,374-16,733 per lb. 14 ct. " ground in oil per lb. 1 ct. Wicks and wicking, cotton, ss. 10,668-12,521. per lb. 10 cts. and 15 per cent. Wigs, human hair, ss. 1,366-1,539 35 per cent. " bolting cloth for, as silk, woven fabrics, ss. 17.936. . " dolls', as manufactures of hair, ss. 14,921-17,842. '• springs for 45 per cent. Willow, for basket makers, ss. 17,745 20 per cent. baskets, ss. 5.059 40 per cent. " hats, bonnets and hoods, antrimmed 35 per cent. " " " " '" if trimmed 50 per cent. " manufactures of, ss. 9,234 40 per cent. " split, as wood unmanufactured, ss. 14,617 20 per cent. " shpptsand Hnnnrps for lints I not bleached 15 per cent. 409 sheets ana squares, tor hats ( if b]eached etc 2 per cent. 198 " sticks for dyers, ss. 6,370 20 per cent. 373 Wilton carpets per sq. yd. 60 cts. and 40 per cent. 696 i 'ustoms Brokers and Clerks Association Par. - 339 340 311 LOO 100 L12 293 295 § 3 295 Window curtains, lace 60 per cent. " finished or unfinished, made on the Not- tingham lace-curtain machine or on the Nottingham warp machine, and com- posed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, counting 5 points or spaces between the warp threads to the inch per sq. yd. 1 ct. and 20 per cent., but not less than 50 per cent. Counting more than 5 such points or spaces to the inch in addition, for each such point or space to the inch in excess of 5, persq.yd. >£ct. and 20 per cent., but not less than 50 per cent. Window glass, stained or painted, regular rates on plain glass, ss. 10,374-10,377 and 5 per cent. common. not exceeding 10xl5inches square, per lb. 1% ct. above that and not exceeding 10x21 in per lb. 1% ct. above that and not exceeding 24x30 in per lb. 2% ct. above that and not exceeding 21x30 in per lb. 2% ct. above that and not exceeding 30x40 in .... per lb. 3 :! , s el . above that and not exceeding 40x00 in per lb. 3% ct. all above that per lb. 4% ct. " hollands, cotton, as cotton cloth, filled, ss. 10,346- 10,558 per sq. yd. 3 cts. and 20 per cent. " " linen, as woven fabrics. " pictures, glass with metal frames, ss. 12,809 60 per cent. " signs, semitransparent, ss. 11,854 60 per cent. Windows, stained or painted glass, ss. 9,428-10,874-10,377. 45 per cent. pictorial, for churches, ss. 13,409-13,617 45 per cent. " if works of art, for presentation, ss. 15,433-16,311 45 per cent. Wines, all imitations of, not less than per gall. $1.50. Champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bottles containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint per doz. $8.00. From reciprocating country per doz. $6.00. Containing not more than one pint each and more than one-half pint per doz. $4.00. From reciprocating country per doz. $3.00. Containing one-half pint each or less per doz. $2.00. From reciprocating country per doz. $1.50. In bottles or other vessels containing more than one quart each, in addition to $8.00 per dozen bottles, on the quantity in excess of one quart, at the rate of per gall. $2.50. From reciprocating country per doz. $6.00 and on excess per gall. $1.90. Glass bottles not dutiable. " charged with carbonic acid gas, artificially, as sparkling wines, ss. 2,367. of tlu Port of New York. Wines, domestic, fortification of in I. R. W. H., 88. 15,252 " "mousseux" is sparkling, ss. 18,163, " stili wines, including ginger wine or ginger cordial, and vermouth, in casks or packages, other than bottles or jugs, containing 14 per cent, or less of absolute alcohol, ss. 0,501 per gall. 40 cts. Same, containing over 14 ami not over 24 per cent, of absolute alcohol per gall. 50 cts. " as foregoing, from France, a reciprocal country, ss. 19,405 per gall. 35 cts. Prom reciprocating country per gall. 35 cts. Containing over 24 per cent, of absolute alcohol duty on bottles and per gall. $2.25. from reciprocating country per gall. $1.75. " in casks, allowance of \ gall, on 50 gall, casks and of 1 gall, on casks of more than 50 galls, may be made for expansion by heat, ss. 4,127. In bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen or less bottles or jugs, containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty- four bottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint (no duty on bottles), ss. 8,241 - 8,526-8,900 per case $1.60. '• in cases as above from Frvnce, a reciprocal country, ss. 19,4"5 per case $1.25. From reciprocating country per case $1.25. " in cases of 12 pint bottles or less, count as £ case, --. .'.854 80 cts. still wines in half pints as pints, ss. 14,461. per case of 24 bottles $1.60 %W° And any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs, per pint or fractional part thereof, ss. 346-4,060-18,539 5 cts. I3P" There shall be no constructive or other allowance for breakage, leakage, or dam- age on wine.-, liquors, cordials or dis- tilled spirits, ss. 7,271-10,899-12,527. "Wines, cordials, brandy and Other spirituous liquors imported in bottles or jugs shall be packed in packages containing not less than one dozen bottles or jugs in each package, or duty shall be paid as it' such package con- tained at least one dozen bottles or jugs, containing less than one dozen bottles or jugs, bottles or jugs dutiable as empty, ss. 15,212 18,646. Wine, a liquid containing 10 per cent, of absolute alcohol by volume and 1 t a per (int. of free acid is, ss. 14,820 per gall. 40 cts. 598 ( 'ustoms Broker* and Clerks Association Wine bovril, as alcoholic medicinal preparation, ss. 14,936 -18,833 per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. " colchicum, ss. 6,066-8,329 per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. " coloring for 50 per cent. " Chinese, so called, medicated preparation alcoholic, ss. 9,083, per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. not medicated, ss. 1,987-10,338-14,047 per proof gall. $2.25. " " Wae Sing or Sam Shu, as liquor, ss. 14,047-14,411 per proof gall. 82.25. " of creosote as alcoholic medicinal preparation, ss. 17,575 per lb. 55 cts. but not less than 25 per cent. " gallon will be used to determine dutiable quantity of all malt liquors, ss. 3,905-4,068. " ginger, as still wine. " glasses, trick, as blown glass, ss. 13,997 60 per cent. " " " not suitable for house ornaments, ss. 14,942 60 per cent. " lees, or lees crystal, ss. 2,489 Crude, containing not more than 40 per cent, of bitartrate of potash per lb. 1 ct. " " more than 40 per cent, of bi- tartrate of potash per lb. V/i cts. " partly refined, containing not more than 90 per cent, bitartrate of potash per lb. 4 cts. " containing more than 90 per cent, bitar- trate of potash per lb. 5 cts. " lees, from France, reciprocal country, ss. 19,405 5 per cent. " medicated per lb. 55 cts., but not less than 25 per cent. " unfermented, as still wine, ss. 5,092 7,868. " vermouth, as still wine, ss. 1,585-2,367. " yeast, oil of cognac in, is dutiable, ss. 10,211 per lb. $2.00, but not less than 25 per cent. Wings, of metal thread, ss. 6,149-6,547 60 per cent. Wire, brass, copper, gold or silver, not known as tinsel, lame" or lalm. ss. 5,S!)!I 6,436-7,590-10,671 45 per cent. " if tinsel, not above No. s or 26 w. g per lb. 5 cts. " card, for the manufacture of card clothing, maxi- mum rate on wire, and in addition, per lb. 1J4 cts. " copper, for card clothing, ss. 13,488 45 per cent. silver plated, ss. 16,087-17,248 : not thicker than No. 8 or 26 w. g., as tinsel, per lb. 5 cts. thicker than No. 8 or 26 w. g., as manufac- tures metal 45 per cent. " corset, fiat strips, value over 1 ctE per lb., ss. 9,409. 45 per cent. " " " " value 4 cts. per lb. or less 45 per cent. " „.!„«it^« * Value over 1 cts. per lb 45 per cent. crinoline - ( l( 4 ct8 . r Ices 45 per cent. " *^„* I Value 4 cts. or less per lb per lb. A ct. 136 ience- ( tl ver 4 cts. per lb per lb. % ct. of (he Port of New York. 599 Wire, flat, as drawn, value over 4 cts. per lb., ss. 10,723. . . 45 per cent. " " value 4 cts. per lb. or less 45 per cent. " " iron or steel, with longitudinal ribs for the manufacture of fencing, valued at 4 cts. per lb. or less per lb. & ct. value over 4 cts. per lb per lb. % ct. " " iron or steel, value over 4 cts 45 per cent. JSf^Provided, that all round iron or steel rods, smaller than No. 6 wire gauge, shall be classed and dutiable as wire. " lint ' Value over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. al "| " under 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. " articles manufactured from iron, steel, brass or cop- per wire, shall pay the rate of duty imposed upon the wire used in the manufacture of such articles, , and in addition per lb. 1}4 cts " covered with silk, etc., only apply to articles which retain the form and character of wire, ss. 8,015- 12,944 45 per cent. " drawing plates, which are incomplete, as steel forgings, ss. 9,028 35 per cent. " flat steel or sheet steel in strips T g5 s of an inch thick or thinner, value over 4 cts. per lb., ss. 15,986 45 per cent. The same, value 4 cts. or less per lb., as steel in all forms and shapes, ss. 21,843. " iron or steel covered with cotton, silk or other material, and wires or strip steel, commonly known as criiioline wire, corset wire and hat wire, value above 4 cts. per lb., ss. 9,807-9,874 ... 45 per cent. The same, value 4 cts. or less per lb 45 per cent. " iron or steel coated with any metal (except fence wire and iron or steel, flat, with longitudinal ribs for the manufacture of fencing), value over 4 cts. per lb. in addition to regular rates , per lb. & ct. The same, value 4 cts. or less per lb 45 per cent. " iron and steel rope and wire strand, in addition to the maximum rate imposed on any wire of which it is made, ss. 10,760-12,446 per lb. 1 ct. mattresses are not furniture. Eate on wire and in addition, ss. 18,540 per lb. 1*4 cts. nails, not less than 1 in. long and not lighter than No. 16 wire gauge per lb. y 2 ct. " " less than 1 in. in length and lighter than No. 16 wire gauge per lb. 1 ct. " " all others ". 45 per cent. " needle, value over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. " paragon, as flat steel in coils, ss. 13,211 : I Value over 4 cts. per lb 45 per cent. / •' 4 cts. per lb. or less 45 per cent. Par. 600 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Wire, piano, value over 4 cts. per lb., ss. 17,066 45 per cent. " platina or platinum, ss. 8,163-8,203 Free. " ribbon, ss. 1,451-8,015-12,944 45 per cent. " rods: rivet, screw, fence and other iron or steel wire rods, and nail rods, whether round, oval, flat, square, or in any other shape, in coils or otherwise, not smaller than No. 6 wire gauge, ss. 608-3,887-8,153-8,204, value 4 cts. or less per lb per lb. ,*, ct. Value over 4 cts. per lb per lb. % ct- Smaller than No. 6 wire gauge, as wire, t^^If tempered or treated in any manner or partly manufactured, in addition to above rates . per lb. Yi ct. " round iron or steel, value 4 cts. or less per lb. and not smaller than No. 13 wire gauge per lb. 1J4 cts. Smaller than No. 13 gauge, and not smaller than No. 16 wire gauge per lb. \y 3 cts. Smaller than No. 16 per lb. 2 cts. Value over 4 cents per lb., ss. 15,693 40 per cent. " blooms, as steel ingots, ss. 4,929. " bushing, as manufactures of copper, ss. 12,042 45 per cent. " cable, telegraph, copper, ss. 3,008-3,573 per lb. 1>4 cts. and 45 per cent. " cloth, ss. 17,737, in additiou to wire used per lb. 1J4 cts. " composition, wound with silk is not tinsel, ss. 17,190 45 per cent. " cut into lengths to make stretchers for umbrellas, etc., ss. 7,877 50 per cent. drawing, grease and oils, fit only for Free. " lead per lb. 2^ cts. " rope, duty on wire and per lb. 1 ct. " " with hemp core, duty on wire and per lb. let. i; skirt, as covered, ss. 18,150, value over 4 cts 45 percent. value under 4 cts 45 per cent. " strand duty on wire and per lb. 1 ct. " Stubbs, between 5 and (i wire gauge, as manufac- tures of steel, ss. 12,993 45 per cent. " tinsel, ss. 13.988 16,087-17,248 per lb. 5 cts. Withdrawal from warehouse must be made by actual im- porter or his assignee, ss. 11.030 14,206 H from warehouse may be made of goods not subjecl to penalty, although other portions cit' bond are subject to penalty, ss. 6,369 7,376. " of goods, Imported before, but withdrawn from warehouse, after a treaty under Sec. 3, Aet of July 21, 1897, (reciprocal) becomes operative, will In- subject to treaty duties, ss. 21,866. of the Port of New York. 601 Witherite, ss. 17,033 " ground, as n. e. manufactured article, bs. 17,483 Witnesses before local or genera] appraisers are not en- titled to compensation, ss. 335. Woad, weld or paste], a dye Wolframite, ore, ss. 6,976 " metal, ss. 16,527 Wood ashes, and lye of " all manufactures of, n. s. p. f., ss. 5,242-6,435-7,723- 8,278-12,951 bamboo, unmanufactured " all manufactures of casks and barrels (empty) cedar boards for segar boxes, ss. 90-562 cedar, is not always cabinet wood, ss. 90-562-1,412- 15,299-15,871-16,456-16,467-17,185. cedar, lignumvit:e, lancewood, ebony, box, grana- dilla, mahogany, rosewood, satinwood, and all forms of cabinet woods, in the log, rough or hewn ; bamboo and rattan, unmanufactured; briar root or briarwood, and similar wood unmanufactured, or not further manufactured than cut into blocks suitable for the articles into which they are in- tended to be converted ; bamboo reeds, and sticks of partridge, hairy wood, pimento, orange, myrtle and other woods, not otherwise specially pro- vided for in this Act, in the rough, or not further manufactured than cut into lengths suitable for sticks for umbrellas, parasols, sunshades, whips or walking canes ; and India malacca joints, not further manufactured than cut into suitable lengths for the manufactures into which they are intended to be converted cedar, paving posts, railroad ties, and telephone, trolley, electric light and telegraph poles of cedar, ss. 15,697 chair cane, or reeds, wrought or manufactured from rattans or reeds, and whether round, square or in any other shape clapboards, cedar, dressed or rough, ss. 17,185. . . pine, rough or dressed, ss. 6,318 spruce, rough or dressed, ss. 6,318 cuts are not works of art, ss. 2,468 fence posts fire, ss. 8,171 flour, as manufactures of wood. ss. 8,278-17,392. . . gun blocks for gun stocks, rough hewn, sawed or planed on one side. . " i f further advanced . . for pulp Free. 20 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 15 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. 10 per cent, per M. $1.50. per M. $1.50. perM. $1.50. 35 per cent. 10 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. Free, 602 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Wood handle bolts Free. " heading bolts 20 per cent. " hoop timber, rough 20 per cent. " hop poles, unmanufactured Free. " house or cabinet furniture, of wood, wholly or partly finished, manufactured of wood, or of which wood is the component material of chief value 35 per cent. " hubs for wheels, posts, last blocks, wagon blocks, oar blocks, heading blocks, heading bolts, stave bolts, and all like blocks or sticks, rough hewn, sawed, or bored, ss. 6,614 20 per cent. " Kiaki, as cabinet wood, ss. 11,605: I Unmanufactured Free. 1 Sawed 15 per cent. " kindling in bundles of J4 cubic foot or less. . . .per bundle ft ct. " " " " over J4 cubic foot, per )4 cubic foot or fraction thereof & ct. " laths per M. pieces 25 cts. " logs, and round unmanufactured timber, n. s. p. f., ss. 841-1,412-22,108-21,868 Free. " packing boxes 30 per cent. " " box shooks 30percent. " pickets and palings, ss. 2,015-7,378 10 per cent. " piling, round, unmanufactured, not for spars or building wharves Free. " pulp, dutiable weight is 110 per cent, of ab- solute dry weight, ss. 11,349-15,962-16,781. " " bleached, ss. 12,214-10,964 per lb. dry weight J4 ct. " " chemical, unbleached, ss. 10,884 per lb. dry weight J ct. f¥f"If any country or dependency shall impose an export duty on pulp wood exported to the United States, the amount of such export, duty shall be added, as an addi- tional duty, to the duties herein imposed upon wood pulp, when imported from such country or dependency. " " manufactures of, n. s. p. f., ss 9,644 85 per cent. " " mechanically ground, ss. 13,001 per lb. dry weight ^ ct. " railroad tics. a. s. p. f., ss. 2,673-5,842 20 per ceut. " " " of cedar 20 per cent. " sawed boards, planks, deals and all forms of sawed cedar, lignumvitse, lancewood, ebony, box, grana- dilla, mahogany, rosewood, satinwood and all othercabinet woods, bs. 2,390 12,952 12,'.i5S 22,143 15 per cent. " sawed boards, plank, deals and other lumber of white wood, sycamore, bass wood, rough per M, feet $1.00. In estimating board measure, no deduction shall be made on account of planing, tongu- ing and grooving. Of tflt Port Of Xt W York. 603 Wood, sawed lumber, all other, except of cedar, lignum- vit:r, lancewood, ebony, bos, granadilla, mahog- any, rosewood, satinwood and all other cabinet woods, rough per M. feet $2.00. " screws, more than two inches in length, ss. 5,108. . per lb. ! cts. over one inch and not, more than two inches in length, ss. 2,465 per lb. (i Ct3. over one-half inch and not more than one inch in length per lb. 8' 3 cts. one-half inch and less in length, ss. 2,465. per lb. 12 ct?. " shingles, white pine . . per M. 30 tts. " shingles, all other per M. 30 cts. " ship timber and planking, ss. 3,602 4,012-4,347- 8,564-22,058 Free. " spiles not in the rough, for building wharfs, .per cubic foot 1 ct. " stave bolts and shingle bolts 20 per cent. staves of wood of all kinds, ss. 7,495 10 per cent. " sugar box shooks 30 per cent. " tar Free. " timber, hewn and sawed, not less than 8 inches sq., and round timber used for spars and in build- ing wharves, ss. 5,380-6,089 per cubic foot 1 ct. " timber, squared or sided, n.s.p.f., as sawed lumber, ss. 3,60 1 5,380. " unmanufactured, n. s. p. f., ss. 5,599 20 per cent. " veneers of wood 20 per cent. Wooden crib for pier, as manufactures of, ss. 5,292 35 per cent. Woods used expressly for dyeing, crude Free. " " " " " advanced in value per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " poplar and other, fit only to be converted into paper Free. Wool. All wools, hair of the camel, goat, alpaca, and other like animals, shall be divided, for the purpose of fixing the duties to be charged thereon, into classes 1, 2 and 3, as described below. The standard samples of all wools which are now or may be hereafter deposited in the princi- pal custom-houses of the United States, under the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be the standards tor the classification of wools under this Act, and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to renew these standards and to make such additions to them from time to time as may be required, and he shall cause to be deposited like standards in other custom-houses of the United States when they may be needed. The duty on wools of tile first class which shall be imported washed shall he twice the amount of the duty to which they would be subjected if im- 604 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association ported unwashed ; and the duty on wools of the first and second classes which shall be im- ported scoured shall be three times the duty to which they would be subjected if imported un- washed. The duty upon wool of the sheep or hair of the camel, Angora goat, alpaca, and other like animals, of class one and class two, which shall be imported in any other than ordinary condition, or which has been sorted or increased in value by the rejection of any part of the original fleece, shall be twice the duty to which it would be otherwise subject : Provided. That skirted wools as imported in eighteen hundred and ninety and prior thereto are hereby excepted. The duty upon wool of the sheep or hair of the camel, Angora goat, alpaca, and other like animals of any class which shall be changed in its character or condition for the purpose of evading the duty, or which shall be reduced in value by the ad- mixture of dirt or any other foreign substance, shall be twice the duty to which it would be other- wise subject. When the duty assessed upon any wool equals three times or more that which would be assessed if said wool was imported un- washed, it shall not be doubled on account of its being sorted. If any bale or package of wool or hair specified in this Act invoiced or entered as of any specified class, or claimed by the importer to be dutiable as of any specified class, shall con- tain any wool or hair subject to a higher rate of duty than the class so specified, the whole bale or package shall be subject to the highest rate of duty chargeable on wool of the class subject to such higher rate of duty, and if any bale or pack- age be claimed by the importer to be shoddy, mungo, flocks wool, hair, or other material of any class specified in this Act. and such bale con- tain any admixture of any one or more of said materials, or of any other material, the whole hale it package shall In' suhjecl 1<> duly at the highest rate imposed upon any article in said bale or package, Wools on the skin shall pay one cent less than other wools, the quantity and value to be ascer- tained under such rules as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. Class one, that is to say, merino, mestiza, met/., or metis wools, or other wools of Merino blood, immediate or remote, Down clothing wools, and Par. bftht Port of \ " Dutch andtwo-plyingrain..persq.yd,18cts.& 40 per cent. Druggets and bockings, printed, colored or otherwise per sq. yd. 22 cts. and 40 per cent. Saxony, Wilton and Tournay velvet, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description. per sq. yd. 60 cts. and 40 per cent. '• " Tapestry Brussels, figured or plain, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, printed on the warp or otherwise per sq. yd. 2S cts. and 40 per cent. " " Treble ingrain, three-ply and all chain Venetian per sq. yd. 22 cts. and 40 per cent. " " Velvet and tapestry velvet, figured or plain, printed on the warp or otherwise, and all carpets or carpeting of like character or description, per sq. yd. 40 cts. & 40 per cent. " " woven whole for rooms, per sq. ft. 10 cts. and 10 per cent . -i cloaks, dolmans, jackets, talmas, ulsters, or other outside garments for ladies' and children's ap- parel and goods of similar description, or used for like purposes, and on knit wearing apparel, composed wholly or in part of wool, ss. 16,310- 16,321-17,941-17,952 per. lb. 44 cts. and 60 percent. " clothing, ready made, and articles of wearing apparel of every description, made up or manu- factured, wholly or in part, felts, not specially provided for, all of the foregoing composed wholly or in part of wool, including those having India rubber as a component material, ss. 16.344. 19,249 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " cloths, n. s. p. f., valued at not more than 10 cents per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. value above 40 cents, but not more than 70 cents per 11) per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. value over 70 (cnts per lb. . .per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. li fabrics, weighing over 4 ozs. per sqr. yd. as woolen cloth, coffin cloth, as manufactures of wool, n. s. p. f., ss. 8,860. cords and cords and tassels per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. covers tor pianos or tables, as manufactures of wool, n. s. p. f. croise or shooda, as women's dress goods, ss. 8,679. dolmans per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. litis Oustoms Brokers and Clerics Association Par. Wool dress goods, part silk, as woolen, ss. 12,840: or worsted portieres, as manufactures of wool, n. s. p. f. dress trimmings per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. druggets per sq. yd. 22 cts. and 40 per cent. embroideries, ss. 3,677 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. extract per lb. 20 cents. fabrics made on knitting machines: [ Value not more than 40 ets. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. J " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb. per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 ets. per lb \ per lb 44 cts. and 55 per cent. Felt carpetingg, figured or plain, ss. 1,011 12,249- 20,144 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. felts for printing machines, woven: ! Value not more than 40 cts. per lb , per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. J " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb. 1 per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb V per lb. 44 cts. ami 55 per cent. All others, n.s. p. f., per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. flannels, for underwear: Value not more than 40 cts. per lb per lb. 22 ets. and 30 per cent. " more than 40 and not more than 50 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 35 per cent. " above 50 cts. per lb. and not over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over 4 ozs. per sqr yd per sqr. yd. 11 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 ets. per lb. and weighing not over 4 ozs. per sqr. yd '. .per sqr. yd. 11 cts. and 55 per cent. Weighing over 4 ozs. per sqr. yd : Value above 50 cts. and not above 70 cts. per lb. per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. Scotch, are not for underwear, ss. 17,971. flocks per lb. 10 cents. fringes per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. galloons per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. garnetted waste per lb. 30 cents. gimps per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. gloves, knit, ss, '.125 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 percent. gorings per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. grease, ss. 10,878-11,132-11,236 per lb. J ... (int. " brown, ss. 11,501 -13,757 per lb. ^ cent. " refilled, ss. 01.913 25 per cent. hats per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. head nets per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. Italian cloths, as women's dress goods. jackets per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent Par. of the Port of New York. C09 Wool knit fabrics, ss. 2,831-3,194 5,117: i Value not more than 40 cts. per lb. . per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. peril).. per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. " laces per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " manufactures of, n. s. p. f . : I Value not more than 40 cts. per lb per lb. 33 cts. and 50 per cent. | " above 40 cts. and not above 70 cts. per "| lb per lb. 44 cts. and 50 per cent. " over 70 cts. per lb V per lb. 44 cts. and 55 per cent. " mats, rugs for floors, screens, covers, hassocks, bed sides, art squares, and other portions of car- pets or carpetings made wholly or in part of wool, not specially provided for in this act, shall be subjected to the rate of duty herein imposed on carpets or carpetings of like character or description. " niungo per lb. 10 cents. " nets and nettings per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " noils per lb. 20 cents. " ornaments per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. or worsted portieres as manufactures of wool, n. s. p. f., ss. 14,169-15,977. " outside garments for women and children per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " " " lined with fur. as woolen, ss. 17,952 per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " ring waste per lb. 30 cents. " roping, as manufactures of wool. " roving, as manufactures of wool. " " waste per lb. 30 cents. " rugs, Oriental, Berlin, Aubusson, Axminster and similar per sq. ft. 10 cts. and 40 per cent. " saddle felt per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " samples. " shawls, knit or woven per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " shoddy per lb. 25 cents. " slubbing waste per lb. 30 cents. " suspenders per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " table covers, embroidered with silk. ss. 15,546-15,977, as mfrs. wool. " " " " " metal, as mfrs. of wool, ss. 15.977. " talmas per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " tassels per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. " tops, as manufactures of wool, ss. 4.777-10,085. " " waste per lb. 30 cts. 610 (i/.s/ow.t Brokers and Clerks Association Wcki] tops, broken, as manufactures wool, ss. 16,086. tweed caps, as wearing apparel per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. two or more grades in same bale, all at rate on highest grade. ulsters per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. underwear per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. veilings, woven, as women's dress goods. " of netting per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. veils, woven per lb. 44 cts. and 60 per cent. " netted per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. waste, n. s. p. f per lb. 20 cts. 11 and rags mixed as wool waste, ss. 12,986 — per lb. 20 cts. " mixed with cotton waste, as wool waste, ss. 13,217 per lb. 20 cts. webbinsr, elastic, ss. 10,468 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. webbings, elastic or not per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. women's and children's dress goods, and goods of similar description or character, of which the warp consists wholly of cotton or other vegetable material with the remainder of the fabric com- posed wholly or in part of wool, weighing under 4 oz., value not exceeding 15 cts. per square yard or 70 cts. per lb per square yard 7 cts. and 50 per cent. Value over 70 cts. per lb., per square yard 7 cts. and 55 per cent. Weighing over 4 oz., as woolen cloths. Value more than 15 cts. per square yard and not over 70 cts. per lb., weighing not over 4 oz. per square yard per square yard 8 cts. and 50 per cent. Value over 70 cts. per lb., per square yard 8 cts. and 55 per cent. Weighing over 4 oz. per square yard, as woolen cloths. composed wholly or in part of wool, n. s. p. f., weighing 4 oz. or less, value not above 70 cts. per lb per square yard 11 cts. and 50 per cent. Value above 70 cts. per lb per square yard 11 cts. and 55 per cent. Weighing over 4 oz., as woolen cloths. "' yarns, value not more than 30 cents per lb per lb. 2714 cts. and 40 per cent. Over 30 cuts per lb per lb. 38M> cts. and 40 per cent. ■ yarn wast.' per lb. 20 Cts. Work boxes, musical, as manufactures of metal, ss. 3,764. 45 per cent. Works of art, the production of American artists, resid- ing temporarily abroad, or other works of art. including pictorial paintings on glass, imported expressly for presenta- tion to a national institution, or to any State or municipal corporation, or incor- porated religious society, college, or other public institution, except stained of the Port of Neto Tw k. 611 Par. or painted window glass, or stained or painted glass windows, but such exemp- tion shall be subject to such regulations ae Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, ss. 3,452 4,844 Free. Work- of art. drawings, engravings, photographic pic- lures, and philosophical and scientific apparatus brought by professional art- ists, lecturers, or scientists arriving from abroad, for use by them temporarily for exhibition and in illustration, promo- tion, and encouragement of art, science, or industry in the United States, and not for sale, and photographic pictures, paintings and statuary, imported for ex- hibition by any association established in good faith and duly authorized under the laws of the United States, or of any state, expressly and solely for the promo- tion and encouragement of science, art, or industry, and not intended for sale, shall be admitted free of duty, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe ; but bonds shall be given for the payment to the United state- of such duties as may be imposed by law upon any and all of such articles as shall not be exported within six months after such importation ; Pro- vided, That the Secretary of the Treas- ury may, in his discretion, extend such period for a further term of six months in cases where applications therefor shall be made, ss. 1 ,074-2,120-3,128 Free. " " collections in illustration of the progress of the arts, science, or manufactures, photographs, works in terra cotta, parian, pottery, or porcelain, and artistic copies of antiquities in metal or other material hereafter imported in L-ood faith for per- manent exhibition at, a fixed place by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts or of science, and all like articles imported in good faith by any society or association for ttie purpose of erecting a public mon- ument, and not intended for sale, nor for any other purpose than herein expressed ; but bonds shall lie given under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of 612 Customs Brokers and Clerics Association Par. the Treasury may prescribe, for the pay- ment of lawful duties which may accrue should any of the articles aforesaid be sold, transferred, or used contrary to this provision, and such articles shall be subject, at anytime, to examination and inspection by the proper officers of the Customs; Provided, That the privileges of this and the preceding section shall not be allowed to associations or cor- porations engaged in or connected with business of a private or commercial character, ss. 3,612-3,999-19,278-19,817- 19,5*2-21,988 Free. 20 I Works of art, wood cuts ready for use and drawings on wood uncut are not, ss. 2,468 35 per cent. 448 Worm gut, all manufactures of , n. s. p. f 25 per cent. 517 " " unmanufactured Free. 383 Worsteds, all manufactures of, as woolens, ss. 8,679-10,020. 346 Woven articles, composed of flax, hemp or ramie, same as woven fabrics. 340 Woven fabrics or articles not specially provided for in this Act, composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances or either of them is the component material of chief value, weighing 4^4 ozs. or more per sq. yd., when containing not more than CO threads to the sq. in., counting the warp filling, persq. yd.l^cts. and 30 percent... but not less than 50 per cent . containing more than 60 and not more than 120 threads to the sq. in., per sq. yd. 2% cts. and 30 per cent., but not less than 50 per cent. containing more than 120 and not more than 180 threads to the sq. in., per sq. yd. 6 cts. and 30 per cent but not less than 50 per cent. containing more than 180 threads to the eq. in., per sq. yd. 9 cts. and 30 per cent, but not less I ban 50 per cent. weighing less than 4V£ ozs. per sq. yd. and containing more than 100 threads to the sq. in., counting the warp and Ailing 35 per cent, " " plain, of single jute yarns, by whatever name known, not exceeding 60 in. in width, weighing not less than 6 ozs. per sq. yd., and not exceeding 30 threads to the sq. in., counting the warp and filling.. per lb. r >H ct. and 15 per cent. if exceeding 30 and not exceeding 55 threads to the sq. in, counting the warp and fill- ing per lb, % ct. and 15 per cent, ■-;/ tkt Port Of New York. 813 Par. 387 Woven fabrics in the piece, weighing not less than 1?, ozs. per sq. yd. and not more than 8 ozs. per sq. yd., and containing not more than 20;S in weight of silk, if in the gum per lb. 50 cts., but not less than if dyed in the piece, per lb. CO cts., but not. . less than containing more than 20 and not more than 30i< in weight of silk, if in the gum per lb. 65 cts., but not less than if dyed in the piece, per lb. 80 cts., but not.. less than containing more than 30 and not more than 45^ in weight of silk, if in the gum per lb. 90 cts., but not less than if dyed in the piece, per lb. $1.10, but not. . . less than if dyed in the thread or yarn and containing not more than 30# in weight of silk, if black (except selvedges), per lb. 75 cts but not less than if other than black, per lb. 90 cts., but not... less than containing more than 30 and not more thau 45^ in weight of silk, if black (except sel- vedges) per lb. $1.10, but not less than if other than black, per lb. $1.30, but not less than containing more than 451 in weight of silk, or if composed wholly of silk, if dyed in the thread or yarn and weighted in the dyeing so as to exceed the original weight of the raw silk, if black (except sel- vedges) per lb. $1.50, but not less than if other than black per lb. $2.25, but not less than if dyed in thread or yarn, and the weight is not increased by dyeing beyond the orig- inal weight of the raw silk, per lb. $3.00. . . but no t less than if in the gum, per lb. $2.5 I, but not less than if boiled off, or dyed in the piece, or printed, per lb. $3.00, but not less than weighing less than 1\ ozs. and more than J oz. per sq. yd., if in the gum, or if dyed in the thread or yarn, per lb. $2.50, but not.. less than weighing less than 1^ ozs. and more than \ oz. per sq. yd., if boiled off, per lb. $3.00. . but not less I ban 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 50 per cent . 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 50 per cent. 125 193 401 402 98 122 6!4 Customs Broken and Clerks Assoi \ ■ Woven fabrics, if dyed or printed in the piece per lb §3.25 but not less than 50 per cent. weighing not more than '. oz. per sq. yd per lb. $1 50. but not less than 50 per cent. Wreaths of metal with porcelain flowers, as artificial flowers, ss. 10,947-11,175 ... 50 per cent. Wreck, a stranded vessel 19 not a, ss. 7.554. " abandoned means relinquishment without effort to recover, ss. 395. a leaky vessel is not, ss. 4,886. " a vessel having Are in hold which was extinguished is not a, ss. 7,326. " damaged goods from, cannot be destroyed, ss. 11,102. " goods recovered from a , sunk more than 2 years are dutiable unless vessel has been raised in whole or in part. ss. 2,024 2,979-21,434. 11 iron and steel from, will be appraised in condi- tion as imported, ss. 8.028. " jettisoned goods recovered 50 years later are free, SS. 15,297. kentledge ballast from, is dutiable, ss. 1.410 2.0S2, per ton $4.00. " merchandise taken from wreck in foreign ports is liable to duty. ss. 2,041-7,330-7,554 9,598. " merchandise sunk in United States waters two years and recovered from, may be brought into any port free of duty, ss. 11,498-11,812. " salvage will not be deducted from appraised value of the merchandise, ss. 9,598. " tackle and apparel from foreign vessels wrecked in 1". S. waters are not dutiable, ss. 563-2,188. transportation of materials from a . in waters of the 1. S. is i oast w ise trad'-, 88. 1,476. " when a vessel sinks she becomes a , although there is a possibility of raising her, ss. 1.327. Wrist pins 45 per cent. Writing paper, plain : Weighing not less than 10 nor mote than 15 lbs. per ream of 1*0,000 square inches per lb. 2 cts. and 10 per cent. if ruled, decorated, etc per lb. 2 cts. and 20 per cent. Weighing more than 15 lbs per lb. 31 2 cts. and 15 per cent. if ruled, decorated, etc per 11). 3'/, cts. and 25 pel cent. weighing less than 10 lbs. pel ream.., 25 per cent. Wrought earths and clay per ton $2.00. " scrap iron and steel per ton $4.00. Port Of Ni W Y<>r!,. 615 Xeintharine powder, as coal tar color, as. 10,055 30 per cent. Xylidine, coal tax product, as. 5,538 Free. Xylonite, or zyolite, a compound of pyroxyline, ss. 6,744- 5,018 per lb. 50 cts. in finished or partly finished articles per lb. 65 cts. and 25 per cent. rolled into sheets, unpolished, but not made up into articles per lb. 60 cts. Xylotile, crude mineral Free. Xyolith, as m mufacturesof mineral Bubstance, ss. 17,484. 35 per cent. Yachting club, articles for, are dutiable, ss. 8,352. Yachts, repairs on. in foreign country, are not dutiable, ss. 4,154. " brought to U. S. for racing purposes on deck of vessel are dutiable, ss. 4,980, X. Y., Oct. 1, 1895. il no bond required on licensing. licensed shall not engage in any trade, nor in any way violate the revenue laws of the U. 8., but shall comply with the laws in all respects. Sec. 11, Act Jan'yl6, 1S85. " fS^foreign built, owned, chartered or used by a citizen of the U. S. pays usual tonnage and other dues of foreign built merchant vessels. Sec. 2. A'-t Feb'y 5. 1897, metal water closets for, ss. 10,091 45 per cent. need not report to United States Consul unless it i- necessary to deposit yacht's papers, ss. 5.832. sailing into port pay port dues only, ss. 10,667- 17,373. steam pleasure, are not dutiable, ss. 8,901-11,643- 14,0(15-17,373. not personal effects, ss. 7,937. Yak hair, as cattle hair. s<. 4,952 Free. '• lace, wool or worsted, as woolens, ss. 1,360 per lb. 50 cts. and 60 per cent. linen, as linen lace, ss. 3,243 60 per cent. Yam flour, not suitable for starch, ss. 8,885 40 per cent. if suitable for starch per lb. 1J^ cts. Yams Free. Yarn, china grass or ramie, ss. 8,183 3,621. i Not finer than eight lea or number per lb. 7 cts. J Finer than eight ilea or numb than i i ighty lea or number 40 ] lea or number I5pef<;en.1 " carpet, according to material. 366 " chenille, as manufactures of wool, 88. 17,201 . 366 i " genappe, as woolen, ss. 10.120, 616 Custom* Brokers and Clerks Association Par. 365 Yarn, wool, waste, cow hair, etc., as woolen yarn, es. Value not more than 30 cts. per lb per lb. -XiYz cts. and 40 per cent. " more than 30 cts. per lb 7 per lb. 38}. a cts. and 40 per cent. are single threads more or less twisted, used for warp or weft in weaving, ss. 700. coir, ss. 3,883 Free. cotton (see thread), se. 3,891-3,949. cotton, carded, warps or warp yarn, in singles, whether on beams or in bundles, skeins or cops, or in any other form, except spool thread of cotton hereinafter provided for, not colored, bleached, dyed, or advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns together, ss. 18,337 : fOn all numbers up to and including No. 15. per lb. 3 cts. I " " " exceeding No. 15 and up to 1 and including No. 30 "" per lb. per number I ct. ^ " " " exceeding No. 30.. per lb. per number J ct. Colored, bleached, dyed, combed or advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns together, whether on beams, or in bundles, skeins or cops, or in any other form, except spool thread of cot- ton hereinafter provided for : On all numbers up to and including No. 20. per lb. 6 cts. " " " exceeding No. 20 and up to No. 80 per lb. per number *4 Ct. " No. 80 and above per lb. per number f ct. jute, n. s. p. f., ss. 4,644 45 per cent. single, made of jute, not finer than 5 lea or number per lb. 1 ct. and 10 per cent. finer than 5 lea or number 35 percent. single in the gray, made of flax, hemp, or ramie, or a mixture of any of them, not finer than 8 lea or number per lb. 7 cts. finer than 8 lea or Dumber and not finer than 80 lea or number 40 per cent. finer than 80 lea or number 15 per cent. bleached, dyed, etc 45 per cent. lath, according to material, ss. 13,786. rabbits' fur, 88. 2.797 6,208-6,300-7,173 35 per cent. roving, as wool yarn, ss. 16,550. silk, except spun silk 30 per cent. spun silk in skeins, cops, warps, or on beams, value not exceeding $1.00 per lb. per lb. 20 cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 35 per cent, value over $1.00 per lb, and not exceeding $1.50 per lb per lb. 30 cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 35 per cent. Par. Of the Port of New York. 617 value over $1.50 per lb. and not exceeding $2.00 per lb per lb. 40 cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 35 per cent. value over (3.00 per lb. and not exceeding $2.50 per lb — per lb. 50 cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 35 per cent. value over $2.50 per lb per lb. 60 cts. and 15 per cent, but not less than 35 per cent. Yarn, silk and wool, as wool, ss. 10,t'50. " waste, wool per lb. 20 cts. " warp cotton (see yum). " wool or worsted : J Value 30 cts. or less per lb . . per lb. 27U> cts. and 40 per cent. I " over 30 cts. per lb per lb. 38^ cts. and 40 per cent. Yeast cake 20 per cent. " wine, containing oil of cognac; oil of cognac duti- able, ss. 10,211 per lb. J 2.00 but not less than 25 per cent. Yellow berries, crude Free. " advanced per lb. J4 ct. and 10 per cent. " chrome, ss. 18,139 30 per cent. " crystals, as coal tar dye, ss. 523-9,766 30 per cent. " or sheathing metal, of which copper forms the chief value, and not composed wholly or in part of iron ungalvanized per lb. 2 cts. " metal and old sheathing, fit only for remanufac- ture Free. " ocher, crude per lb. % ct. if powdered, etc per lb. % ct. ground in oil or water per lb. 1 J-£ cts. ' ' prussiate of soda, ss. 8,586 25 per cent. " sheathing metal, stripped from the bottom of a vessel in United States port, not merchandise, ss. 7,151-10,958 Free. Yiz plateaux, as chip hats, not trimmed, etc., ss. 12,039 35 per cent. Ylang-ylang oil 25 per cent. " " extract per lb. 60 cts. and 45 per cent. Yolks of eggs, fresh, ss. 6,277-7,315 25 per cent. " " " salted, ss. 2,889-6,277-7,315 25 per cent. " " dried 25 per cent. Z. Zachens are embroideries, ss. 16,477 60 per cent. Zaffer Free. Zante currants per lb. 2 cts. Zeinthaerine, as coal tax color, ss. 10.055 30 per cent Zephyr, us wool dress goods, --. r,680 12,653 : fValue not over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not I over 4 oz. per sq. yard per sq. yard 1 1 ets. and 50 1 er cent. j Value over 70 cts. per lb. and weighing not over 4 I oz. per sq yard per sq, yard 1 1 cts. and 5", per cant I, Weighing over 4 oz. per sip yard, as woolen cloth. 618 Customs Brokers and Clerics Association Zinc, acetate of 25 per cent. " all articles of, n. s. p. f 45 per cent. " all Halts of, us chemical salts 25 per cent. " ashes, as zinc in pigs, ss. 4,990-16,734 per lb. 1^ cts. " button material, ss. 0,90 1 45 per cent. " chloride, in solution, as chemical compound, ss. 4,440-13,070 25 per cent. " " per lb. 1 ct. " chromate, ss. 18.139 30 per cent. '• dust, 16,734 Free. " in blocks or pigs per lb. 1}^ cts. " ll Hheets, not polished, nor further advanced than rolled, ss. 3,441 per lb. 2 cts. " " " coated with nickel, ss. 14,810 45 per cent. " " " silos for, are usual coverings, 88. 4,112. " old and worn out, tit only for remanufacture per lb. 1 ct. " oxide of, dry, ss. 13,813 per lb. 1 ct. " " ground in oil per 11). 1% cts. " plates, prepared for engraving, ss. 4,720 45 per cent. " " " " lithographers, ss. 14,840 45 per cent. " sheets, nickel plated, ss. 10,387 45 per cent. " sulphate of per lb. 1 ct. " while paint, containing zinc, dry per lb. 1 ct. " " " " " in oil per lb. 1% cts. " " sulphide of or sultid of per lb. 1)4 cts. Zinnsaure, as a chemical salt, ss. 16,213- 17.813 25 per cent. Zither rings, ss. 8.54!) 45 per cent. Zithers, ss. 4,361-4,367-11,196 45 per cent. Zoedone, as artificial mineral waters, ss. 5,790. Zoological collections, animals for , Free. of the Port of New York. 619 REVENUE, PORTO RICO. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- tives of the United States of America in Congress assem- bled. That the provisions of this Act shall apply to the island of Porto Rico and to the adjacent islands and waters of the islands lying east of the seventy-fourth meridian of longitude west of Greenwich, which were ceded to the United States by the Government of Spain by treaty entered into on the tenth day of December, eighteen hun- dred and ninety-eight ; and the name Porto Rico, as used in this Act, shall be held to include not only the island of that name, but all the adjacent islands as aforesaid. Sec. 2. That on and after the passage of this Act the same tariffs, customs, and duties shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all articles imported into Porto Rico from ports other than those of the United States which are re- quired by law to be collected upon articles imported into the United States from foreign countries : Provided, That on all coffee in the bean or ground imported into Porto Rico there shall be levied and collected a duty of five cents per pound, any law or part of law to the contrary not- withstanding: And provided further, That all Spanish scientific. literary, and artistic works, not subversive of public order in Porto Rico, shall be admitted free of duty into Porto Rico for a period of ten years, reckoning from the eleventh day of April, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, as provided in said treaty of peace between the United States and Spain: And provided further, That all books and pamphlets printed in the English language shall be admitted into Porto Rico free of duty when imported from the United States. Sec. 3. That on and after the passage of this Act all merchandise coming into the United States from Porto Rico and coming into Porto Rico from the United States The Secretary of the Treasury has designated the following ports of entry for l'orto Rico, ss. 22,305: San Juan a port of entry. Ponce, Mayagnez, Arecibo, Aguadilla, Ilumacao, Arroyo and Fayardo are designated as sub-ports ot' entry. 620 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association shall be entered at the several ports of entry upon pay- ment of fifteen per centum of the duties which are re- quired to be levied, collected, and paid upon like articles of merchandise imported from foreign countries ; and in ad- dition thereto upon articles of merchandise of Porto Rican manufacture coming into the United States and withdrawn for consumption or sale upon payment of a tax equal to the internal-revenue tax imposed in the United States upon the like articles of merchandise of domestic manufacture; such tax to be paid by internal-revenue stamp or stamps to be purchased and provided by the Commisioner of In- ternal Revenue and to be procured from the collector of internal revenue at or most convenient to the port of entry of said merchandise in the United States, and to be affixed under such regulations as the Commisioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall prescribe; and on all articlesof merchandise of United States manufacture coming into Porto Rico in addition to the duty above provided upon payment of a tax equal in rate and amount to the internal-revenue tax imposed in Porto Rico upon the like articles of Porto Rican manu- facture: Provided, That on and after the date when this Act shall take effect, all merchandise and articles, except coffee, not dutiable under the tariff laws of the United States, and ail merchandise and articles entered in Porto Rico free of duty under orders heretofore made by the Secretary of War, shall be admitted into the several ports thereof, when imported from the United States, free of duty, all laws or parts of laws to the contrary notwith- standing; and whenever t he legislative assembly of Porto Rico shall have enacted and put into operation a system of local taxation to meet the necessities of the government of Porto Rico, by this Act established, and shall by resolution duly passed so notify the President, he shall make procla- mation thereof, and thereupon all tariff duties on merchan- dise and articles going into Porto Rico from the United Slates or coming into the United States from Porto Rico shall cease, and from and after such date all such merchan- dise and articles shall be entered at the several ports of entry free of duty; and in no event shall any duties be of the Port of New York. 621 collected after the tirst day of March, nineteen hundred and two, oh merchandise and articles going into Porto Rico from tin United States or coming into the United States from Porto Rico. Sec. 4. That the duties and taxes collected in Porto Rico in pursuance of this Act, less the cost of collecting the same, and the gross amount of all collections of duties and taxes in the United States upon articles of merchan- dise coming from Porto Rico, shall not be covered into the general fund of the Treasury, but shall be held as a sepa- rate fund, and sha.ll be placed at the disposal of the Presi- dent to be used for the government and benefit of Porto Rico until the government of Porto Rico herein provided for shall have been organized, when all moneys theretofore collected under the provisions hereof, then unexpended, shall be transferred to the local treasury of Porto Rico, and the Secretary of the Treasury shall designate the several ports and sub-ports of entry in Porto Rico and shall make such rules and regulations and appoint such agents as may be necessary to collect the duties and taxes author- ized to be levied, collected, and paid in Porto Rico by the provisions of this Act, and he shall fix the compensation and provide for the payment thereof of all such officers, agents, and assistants as he may find it necessary to em ploy to carry out the provisions hereof : Provided, how- ever, That as soon as a civil government for Porto Rico shall have been organized in accordance with the provisions of this Act and notice thereof shall have been given to the President he shall make proclamation thereof, and there- after all collections of duties and taxes in Porto Rico under the provisions of this Act shall be paid into the treasury of Porto Rico, to be expended as required by law for the government and benefit thereof instead of being paid into the Treasury of the United States. Sec. 5. That on and after the day when this Act shall go into effect all goods, wares, and merchandise previously imported from Porto Rico, for which no entry has been made, and all goods, wares, and merchandise previously entered without payment of duty and under bond for warehousing, transportation, or any other purpose, for 622 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association which no permit of delivery to the importer or his agent has been issued, shall be subjected to the duties imposed by this Act, and to no other duty, upon the entry or the with- drawal thereof : Provided, That when duties are based upon the weight of merchandise deposited in any public or private bonded warehouse said duties shall be levied and collected upon the weight of such merchandise at the time of its entry. The articles specified in the list hereto appended are en- titled, when shipped from the United States, to entry free of duty in Porto Rico under the provision in section 3 of the Act of April 12, 1900, that "all merchandise and articles entered in Porto Rico free of duty under orders heretofore made by the Secretary of War, shall he admitted into the several ports thereof, when imported from the United States, free of duly, all laws or parts of laws to the contrary notwithstanding." S.S. 22172, 32186, 22202. Free List of the Amended Customs Tariff and Regulations for Porto Rico. 344. Manures, natural. 315. Trees, plants, and moss, in natural or fresh state. 316. National products returning from foreign exhibi- tions, on presentation of the bill of lading or certificate proving their exportation from the island and of satis- factory evidence attesting that such products have been presented and have been shipped to their point of departure. 347. Carriages, trained animals, portable (heaters, pan- oramas, wax figures, and other similar objects for public entertainment, imported temporarily, provided bond be given. 348. Receptacles exported from Porto Rico with fruits, sugar, molasses, honey, and brandy, and reimported empty, including receptacle.-, of galvanized iron intended for the exportation of alcohol. 349. Specimens and collections of mineralogy, botany, am! zoology; also small models for public museums, ols, academies and scientific and artistic corpora Qn proof of their destination. of the Port of New York. 623 350. Used furniture of persons coming to settle in the island. 351. Samples of felt, wall paper, and tissues, when they comply with the following conditions : (a) When they do not exceed 40 centimeters in length, measured in the warp or length of the piece, even when such samples have the entire width of the piece. The width shall, for tissues, be determined by the list, and for felts and wall paper by the narrow border which has not passed through the press. (6) Samples not having these indications shall only be ad- mitted free of duty when they do not exceed 40 centimeters in anj T dimension. (c) In order to avoid abuse, the samples declared for free entry must have cuts at every 30 centimeters of their width, so as to render them unfit for any other purpose. 333. Samples of trimmings in small pieces, of no com- mercial value or possible application. 353. Archaeological and numismatical objects for public museums, academies and scientific and artistic corpora- tions, on proof of their destination. 354. Works of fine art acquired by the Government, academies, or other official corporations, and intended for museums, galleries, or art schools, when due proof is given as to their destination. 355 Gold in bars, powder, or coined ; also national silver or bronze coins. 356. Wearing apparel, toilet objects, and articles for per- sonal use, bed and table linen, books, portable tools and instruments, theatrical costumes, jewels and table services bearing evident trace of having been used, imported by travelers in their luggage in quantities proportionate to their class, profession, and position. 357. When travelers do not bring their baggage with them, the clearing of the same may be made by the con- ductor or persons authorized for the purpose, provided they prove, to the satisfaction of the customs, that the effects are intended for private use. 358. Stone, unwrought, for paving purposes. 359. Plows, hoes, hatchets, machetes, cane knives, eti Customs Brokers and Clerks Association for agricultural purposes, and other agricultural imple- ments not machinery. 360. Quinine, sulphate and bisulphate of, ami all alka- loids or salts of cinchona bark. 261. Books, maps, and scientific instruments, for the use of schools. 362. Mineral, carbonated or seltzer waters, natural or ar- tificial, root beer, ginger ale, and other similar nonalcoholic beverages, not otherwise provided for. 363. Fresh fish. 364. Second-hand clothing donated for charitable pur- poses to needy persons, and not for sale. 365. Tar and mineral pitch, asphalts, bitumen, and schists. The following shall be considered as : (a) Crude oil derived from schists, those obtained from first distillation, distinguishable by their density of from 900 to 920 thousandths of a degree, or from 66 to 57fr of the centesimal areometer, equal to from 24.69° to 21.48° Cartier. (6) Crude and natural petroleum, that imported in the state in which found when extracted from the well, and which has undergone no operation whatever whereby the natural chemical composition is altered or modified. When gradually and continuously distilled up to a tem- perature of 300° C, this petroleum must leave a residuum exceeding 20 percent, of its primitive weight. 366. Oleonaphtha, crude natural petroleum and crude oils derived from schists. Crude mineral oils mixed with animal oils, as well as crude mineral oils mixed with vegetable oils, when these oils are exclusively destined to lubricating machines, are likewise free. Articles Added to the Free List by the Secretary of War in Published Tariff Circulars. 367. Articles of the growth, produce, and manufacture of the Island of Porto Rico exported to a foreign country and returned without having been advanced in value or of the Port of New York. C25 improved in condition by any process of manufacture or other means, and upon which no drawback or bounty has been allowed. (Circular No. 37 of March 17, 1899.) 367£. Bovine animals, castrated. (Circular No. 87 of August 10, 1899.) 368. Machinery and apparatus and parts thereof for .making and refining sugar or for other agricultural pur- poses. Upon entry of any of the articles included in this paragraph, affidavit will be required that they are solely for the purposes indicated. (Circular No. 89 of August 10, 1899.) 369. Flour. (Circular No. 101 of October 21, 1899.) 370. Rice. (Circular No. 101 of October 21, 1899.) 371. Codfish. (Circular No. 101 of October 21, 1899.) 372. Pork. (Circular No. 101 of October 21, 1899.) 373. Bacon. (Circular No. 101 of October 21, 1899.) 374. Rough lumber. (Circular No. 101 of October 21, 1899.) 376. Fresh beef. (Circular No. 106 of November 27, 1899. ) 377. Mutton. (Circular No. 106 of November 27, 1899.) 378. Modern school furniture, of kinds or styles not manufactured in Porto Rico, which has been purchased by the properly constituted authorities of public or private educational institutions, in quantities not exceeding the absolute requirements for the accommodation of such schools ; conclusive evidence being furnished to the cus- toms officers that such purchases were made prior to the importation of the articles entered, together with the cer- tificate of the superintendent or principal of the school that the same is to be used exclusively for such institution. (Circular No. 108 of December 2, 1899.) 379. Lithographs, posters, calendars and folders, for ad- vertising purposes only, having no commercial value and designed for free public distribution. (Circular No. 110 of December 1, 1899.) 3S0. Bags lor sugar ; coopers' wares ; and wcod, cut, for making hogsheads or casks for sugar or molasses, upon the sworn declaration of importers that they are intended solely for such use. (Circular No. 115 of January 17, 1900.) C26 ( i stdms l'.i nit rs and Clerks Assorltitim, Articles Added to the Free List in Unpublished Orders of the Secretary of War. Packages and shipments of express matter consigned to officers and enlisted men of the Army, upon evidence satisfactory to the collector of customs that the articles are for the consumption or use of the person to whom con- signed. (November 3, 1899.) Army post-exchange supplies. (July 21, 1899.) Relief supplies. (August 14 and December 11, 1899.) Telegraph poles and cross arms for military telegraph lines in Porto Rico. (October 13, 1899.) Vessels and boats. (December 6, 1899.) All articles recognized as necessary for the equipment of a church or chapel used for religious purposes upon declaration of the local representative of the religious society receiving such articles that they are for immediate and exclusive use in such buildings. (December 7, 1899.) Railway material and cars for transporting cane on sugar plantations and not for passengers or freight for hire. (January 23, 1900.) The Treasury Department has decided as follows : Merchandise imported from foreign countries and entered for warehousing at ports in the United States may be withdrawn for transportation in bond to Porto Rico, and there be withdrawn for consumption on payment of the duty assessed at the port of original importation in this country, provided the goods be conveyed to Porto Rico by a regularly bonded line of vessels. (S.S. 22186-22258. Merchandise from Porto Rico is entitled to privileges of the Immediate Transportation Act. (S.S. 22200.) of the Port of New York. 627 Reciprocal arrangement between the United States and France under provisions of section 8, Act of July U, 1897. The following proclamation of the President concerning reciprocal commercial arrangements between the United States of America and France, issued under the provisions of section 3 of the act of July 24, 1897. RECIPROCITY WITH FRANCE. By the President of the United States of America. proclamation. Whereas, pursuant to section 3 of the Act of Congress approved July 24, 1897, entitled "An Act to provide revenue for the Government and to encourage the indus- tries of the United States," the Governments of the United States and of the French Republic have in the spirit of amity, and with a desire to improve their commercial re- lations, entered into a Commercial Agreement in which reciprocal and equivalent concessions have been in the judgment of the President secured according to the pro- visions of said Section, whereby the following articles of commerce, being the products and manufactures of the United States, are to be admitted into France on and after tlit» firsl day of June, 1898, at the minimum rate of duty, not exceeding the rates respectively appearing in the fol- lowing table, namely : France per 100 kilos. Canned meats. 15 Table fruits, fresh : Lemons, oranges, cedrats, and their varieties not mentioned 5 Mandarin oranges. 10 Common table grapes 8 The Circuit Court of the United States lias decided that liqueurs are in- cluded and entitled lo the privileges of the reciprocity treaty between the United States and France and are dutiable at the rate of $1.75 per proof gallon. This decision has been accepted by the Secretary of the Treasury, ! 314, 628 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association Francs por 100 Kilos. Apples and pears : For the table . . 2 For eider and perry 1.50 Other fruits except hothouse grapes and fruits 3 Fruits dried or pressed (excluding- raisins) : Apples and pears : For the table .10 For cider and perry - 4 Prunes 10 Other fruits 5 Common woods, logs 0.65 Sawed or squared timber, 80 mm. or more in thickness 1 Squared or sawed lumber, exceeding 35 mm. and less than 80 mm. in thickness 1.25 Wood sawed, 35 mm. or less in thickness 1.75 Paving blocks 1.75 Staves 0.75 Hops 30 Apples and pears crushed, or cut and dried 1.50 Manufactured and prepared pork meats 50 Lard and its compounds 25 Therefore, in further execution of the provisions of said section it is hereby declared that on and after the first day of June, 1898, and during the continuance in force of the Agreement aforesaid, and until otherwise declared, the imposition and collection of the duties heretofore imposed and collected upon the following named articles, the prod- ucts of France, by virtue of said Act are hereby suspended, and in place thereof the duties shall be imposed and col- lected thereon according to the provisions of said Section 3, as follows : On argols, or crude tartar, or wine lees, crude, five per centum ad valorem. On brandies, or other spirits manufactured or distilled from grain or other materials, one dollar and seventy-five cents per proof gallon. On paintings in oil or water colors, pastels, pen and ink drawings, ami statuary, fifteen per centum ad valorem. If is further declared that the rates of duty heretofore imposed and collected on still wines and vermuth, the product of France, under the provisions of the United of the Port of New York. 629 SI ttes Tariff Act of 1897, are conditionally suspended, and in place thereof shall be imposed and collected on and after the first day of June next as follows, namely : On still wine and vermuth, in casks, thirty-five cents per gallon ; in bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen bottles or jugs containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty-four bottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint, one dollar and twenty-five cents per case, and any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty of four cents per pint, or fractional part thereof, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed upon the bot- tles or jugs. Now, therefore, be it known that I, William McKinley, President of the United States of America, have caused the above-stated modifications of the customs duties of the respective countries to be made public for the information of the citizens of the United States of America. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this thirtieth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and [seal.] ninety-eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and twenty-second. William McKinley. By the President : William R. Day, Secretary of Stuff. The Department holds that articles in warehouse come under the effect of the treaty, section 33 of the Act of July 24, 1897, providing that all goods, wares, and merchandise under bond for warehousing, transportation, or any other purpose, for which no permit of delivery lias been issued, shall be subjected to the duties imposed by this act, and to no other duty, upon the entry or withdrawal thereof. As the reciprocity treaty is effected under the provisions of section 3 of the act of July 24, 1897, the terms of section 33 will apply thereto. 630 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association li'icij)rocal commercial arrangement between the United States and Portugal under provisions of section 3, Act of July 24, 1S97. The appended proclamation of the President concerning the reciprocal commercial arrangement between the United States of America and Portugal, issued under the pro- visions of section 3 of the act of July 24, 1897. The Department holds that articles in warehouse come under the effect of the treaty, section 33 of the act of July 24, 1897, providing that all goods, wares, and merchandise under bond for warehousing, transportation, or any other purpose, for which no permit of delivery lias been issued, "shall be subjected to the duties imposed by this act, and to no other duty, upon the entry or withdrawal thereof.'' As the reciprocity treaty is effected under the provisions of section 3 of the act of July 24, 1897, the terms of section 33 will apply thereto. RECIPROCITY WITH PORTUGAL. By the .President of the United States of America a proclamation. Whereas, His Most Faithful Majesty the King of Portugal and the Algarves lias entered into a reciprocal Commercial Agreement with the United States of America pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of the Tariff Act of the United States approved July 24, 1897, which Agreement is in the English text in the words ami figures following, to wit : " The President of the United States of America and His Most Faithful Majesty the King of Portugal and of the Algarves, equally animated by the desire to confirm the good understand 1 nu existing between them and to increase the commercial intercourse of the two countries, have deemed it expedienl to enter into a i*e< iprcx al commercial Agreement to that end ; and they have appointed aj their Plenipotentiaries for that purpose, to wit: bf the Port of Xew York. 631 The President of the United States of America, the Hon. John A.Kasson, Special Commissioner Plenipotentiary: and His Most Faithful Majesty the Viscount deSanto-Thyrso, His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary at Washington : Who, after an exchange of their respective full Powers, found to he in due and proper form, have agreed upon the following Articles : Article I. Upon the following articles of commerce being the product of the soil or industry of Portugal or of the Azores and Madeira Islands imported into the United States the present rates of duty shall be reduced and shall hereafter be as follows, namely : Upon argols, or crude tartar, or wine lees, five per centum ad valorem. Upon still wines in casks, thirty-five cents per gallon ; in bottles, per case of one dozen bottles, containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twentj'- four bottles containing not more than one pint, one dollar and twenty-five cents per case ; and any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles shall be subject to a duty of four cents per pint or fractional part thereof, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed upon the bottles. Upon sparkling wines, in bottles containing not more than one quart and more than one pint, six dollars per dozen ; containing not more than one pint each and more than one-half pint, three dollars per dozen ; containing one-half pint each or less, one dollar and fifty cents per dozen ; in bottles or other vessels containing more than one quart each, in addition to six dollars per dozen bottles, on the quantities in excess of one quart, at the rate of one dollar and ninety cents per gallon. Upon brandies or other spirits manufactured or distilled from grain or other materials, whether the product of Portug-al or of the Portuguese Possessions, one dollar aud seventy-five cents per proof gallon. Upon paintings in oil or water colours, pastels, pen and ink drawings and statuary, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 632 Custom* Brokers and Clerks Association Article II. Reciprocally and in consideration of the preceding con- cessions, upon the following articles of commerce, being the products of the soil or industry of the United States im- ported into the Kingdom of Portugal and the Azores mid Madeira Islands, the rates of duty shall be as low as those accorded to any other country (Spain and Brazil being excepted from this provision), namely : Tariff No. 325. Flour of cereals, except wheat. Tariff No. 326. Maize in the grain. Tariff No. 327. Wheat in the grain. Tariff No. 354. Lard and grease. Tariff No. 97. \ Tariff No 98 (• M' aera l oils, and their products not else- Tariff No 99 i where specified in the Tariff. Tariff No. 373. Reaping, mowing and thrashing ma- chines, machines for compressing ha}' and straw, steam- plows, and separate parts of these machines and plow shares. Tariff No. 386. Instruments, implements and tools for the arts, manufactories, agriculture, and gardening; and upon the following articles shall not exceed the rates hereinafter stated, namely : Upon the foregoing machines and articles described in No. 373, five reis per kilogram. Upon the instruments, implements and tools described above in No. 386, for use in agriculture and gardening, sixty reis per kilogram. Upon lighter mineral oils for illuminating purposes (density of 0.780 up to 0.820 ; point of ignition from 37° up to 49°) forty-six ivis per litre. Upon medium mineral oils (density above 0.820 and up to 0.860; point of ignition from 50° up to 150°) fifty-two reis per kilogram. Upon tar and mineral pitch ten reis per ton. Article III. It is mutually understood that His Most Faithful Majesty's Government reserves the right, after three months' prior notification to the United States Govern- of the Port of New York. C33 nient of its intention to do so, to arrest the operation of this Convention in case the United States shall hereafter impose a duty upon crude cork or coffee being the product of Portugal or of the Portuguese Possessions, or shall give less favorable treatment to the following articles being the product of Portugal or of her Possessions than that accorded to the like articles being the product of any other country not under the control of the United States, namely : argols, crude tartar or wine lees ; coffee ; cacao ; wines ; brandies; cork, raw or manufactured; sardines and anchovies, preserved ; and fruits, not preserved ; but in respect to fruits the United States reserves the right to make special arrangements applicable to any of the West India Islands. Article IV. This Agreement shall be ratified by His Most Faithful Majesty so soon as possible, and upon official notice there- of the President of the United States shall issue his Proc- lamation giving full effect to the provisions of Article I of this Agreement. From and after the date of such Proc- lamation this Agreement shall be in full force and effect, and shall continue in force for the term of five years there- after, and if not then denounced by either Party shall continue in force until one year from the time when one of the Parties shall have notified the other of its intention to arrest the operation thereof. Done at Washington the twenty-second day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine. John A. Kasson [seal.] Visconde de Santo Thyrso [seal.]" And Whereas, said Convention has been duly ratified on the part of His Most Faithful Majesty, official notice whereof has been received by the President, Now Therefore, be it known that I, William McKinley, President of the United States of America, acting under the authority conferred by said Act of Congress, do hereby suspend during the continuauce in force of said Agreement the imposition and collection of the duties mentioned in the first section of said Act and heretofore collected upon the G31 t uxtviiK Broker* and Cl P u ^ n t to and m accordance with the provisions of the third July 24, 1897, and in consideration of the concessions here- inafter made on the part of Italy in favor of the products andmanufacturesof the United States, that the ^sttne Unit d Stat r,i k" hldUStry ° f Italy Im P° rted "to th fW of +h f ^ sus P ended during the continuance in foice of this Agreement, and in place thereof the duties to ^assessed and collected thereon shall be as follow^ On argols, or crude tartar, or wine lees, crude, five per centum ad valorem. P On brandies, or other spirits manufactured or distilled from grain or ther materialgj one doUar and '^ cents per proof gallon. y On still wines, and vermuth, in casks, thirty-five cents per gallon ; fa bottles or jugs, per case of one dozenLXs norefh fl CO am,ng "^ DOt »"" than °" e W* «S nioie than one pint, or twenty-four bottles or ugs con- tain^. h not more than Qne ^ • g con five cents per case, and any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty or r o T n Vr ^ ° r fraCti0Dal Part »™»*> ^ "o Spa rate or additional duty shall be assessed upon the bottles or On painting in oil or water colors, pastels, pen and ink diawmgs, and statuary, fifteen per centum ad valorem. _A 1-? T 1 r o r "E 1 TT It is reciprocally agreed on , he part of Italy, in considera- •on of 1 he previous of the foregoing Article, that so long as (Ins Convention shall remain in force the duties to be of the Pert of Xerv York. 639 assessed and collected on the following described merchan- dise, being the product of the soil or industry of the United Stales, imported into Italy shall not exceed the rates here- inafter specified, namely : p er Quintal, Upon cotton seed oil lire 21. 50 " fish, pickled or in oil, excluding the tunny, preserved in boxes or barrels, sardines and anchovies " 15.00 " other fish, preserved " 25.00 " agricultural machinery " 9.00 " detached parts of agricultural machinery : (1) of cast iron __ " 10.00 (2) of other iron or steel " 11.00 " scientific instruments : (a) of copper, bronze, brass or steel : (1) with sp3 r -glasses or microscopes, or graduated scales or circles, spy-g'lasses for use on land, monocles, binocles, lenses, detached and mounted " 30.00 (2) not provided with any optical instru- ment, nor with graduated scales or circles " 30 . 00 (b) of all kinds, in the construction of which iron is evidently predominant " 30.00 " dynamo-electrical machines: (1) the weight of which exceeds 1000 kilo- grams " 16.00 (2) weighing 1000 kilograms or less " 25.00 " detached parts of dynamo-electrical machines" 25.00 " sewing machines : (1) with stands " 25.00 (2) without stands " 30.00 " varnishes, not containing spirits nor mineral oils " 20.00 The following articles shall be admitted free of duty : Turpentine oil. Natural fertilizers of all kinds. Skins, crude, fresh or dried, not suitable for fur ; and fur skins. Article III. This Agreement is subject to the approval of the Italian Parliament. When such approval shall have been given and official notification shall have been given to the United States Government of His Majesty's ratification, the Presi- dent shall publish his proclamation, giving full effect to the provisions contained in Article I of this Agreement. From and after the date of such proclamation this Agree- ment shall be in full force and effect, and shall continue in G40 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association force until the expiration of the j'ear 1903, and if not denounced hy either Party one year in advance of the expiration of said term shall continue in force until one year from the time when one of the High Contracting Parties shall have given notice to the other of its intention to arrest the operation thereof. In witness whereof we the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Agreement in duplicate, in the English and Italian texts, and have affixed thereunto our respective seals. Done at Washington this eighth day of February, A. D. one thousand and nine hundred. John A. Kasson, [seal] Fava, [seal]"' And Whereas said Convention has been duly ratified on the part of His Majesty the King of Italy, official notice whereof has been received by the President, Now therefore, be it known that I, William McKinley, President of the United States of America, acting under the authority conferred by said Act of Congress, do hereby suspend during the continuancein force of said Agreement the imposition and collection of the duties mentioned in the first section of said Act and heretofore collected upon the specified articles of Italian origin as described in said Agreement, and do declare in place thereof the rates of duty provided in the third section of said Act as recited in said Agreement to be in lull force and effect from and after the date of this Proclamation, of which the officers and citizens of the United States will take due notice. In testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this Eigh- teenth day of July, A. 1). one thousand [SEAL.] nine hundred, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hun- dred and twenty-fifth. William McKinley. By the President : John Hay, Secretary of State. of the Pert of Neiv York. 641 SEALSKINS— Act ofDcc. 30, 1897. Sec. 9. That the importation into the United States by any person whatsoever of fur seal skins taken from the waters mentioned in this act (waters of Pacific Ocean, north of the 35th degree of North Latitude and including Behring Sea and the Sea of Okhostk) whether raw, dressed, dyed, or manufactured, is hereby prohibited and all such articles imported after this act shall take effect shall not be permitted to be exported but shall be seized and de- stroyed by the proper officers of the United States. Sec. 10. That the President shall have power to make all necessary regulations to carry this act into effect. Regulations. 1. No fur-seal skins, whether raw, dressed, dyed, or otherwise manufactured, shall be admitted to entry in the United States, unless there shall be attached to the in- voice a certificate, signed by the United States consul at the place of exportation, that said skins were not taken from seals killed within the waters mentioned in said act, specifying in detail the locality of such taking-, whether on land or at sea, and also the person from whom said skins were purchased in their raw and dressed state, the date of such purchase, and the lot number. Consuls shall require satisfactory evidence of the truth of such facts by oath or otherwise before giving any such certificate. No fur-seal skins, raw, dressed, dyed, or otherwise manu- factured shall be admitted to entry as part of a passenger's personal effects unless accompanied by an invoice certified by the consul as herein provided. All fur-seal skins, whether raw, dressed, dyed, or other- wise manufactured, the invoices of which are not ac- companied by the certificate above prescribed, shall be seized by the collector of customs and destroyed as pro- vided for in section 9 of the act of December 29, 1897. 2. Every article manufactured, in whole or in part, from fur-seal skins, the invoice of which is presented as aforesaid to the consul, shall have legibly stamped thereon the name of the manufacturer and the place of manufacture, 642 < 'istoins Brokers and Clerks Association and shall be accompanied by a statement in writing under the oath of said manufacturer thai said skin or skins used in said article were taken from seals not killed at sea within the waters mentioned in said act, specifying the locality in detail, and also the person from whom said skins were purchased in their raw and dressed state, the date of said purchase and the lot number. 3. When an application is made to a consul for a certifi- cate under these regulations the invoice and proofs of origin presented by the exporter shall be submitted to the Treasury agent designated for the purpose of investigation, and the consul shall not certify any such invoice until such agent shall have made his report. 4. All articles manufactured in whole or in part from fur-seal skins and imported into the United States si mil have the linings thereof so arranged that the pelt of the skin or skins underneath shall be exposed for examination. 5. All fur-seal skins, whether raw, dressed, dyed, or otherwise manufactured in whole or in part, whether im- ported as merchandise or as part of a passenger's effects, shall be sent to the public stores for careful examination and inspection to prevent evasion of the law. 6. All garments made in whole or in part of sealskins, and taken from this country may be reentered on presen- tation of a certificate of ownership from the collector of customs of the port of departure, which certificate shall have been obtained by the owner of the garment by offer- ing the same to the collector for inspection before leaving this country. 7. Nothing in these regulations shall affect the right of any officer of the customs to inspect and seize any fur-seal skin or garment imported which he may find to have been imported in violation of said act. In the case of passengers departing from and arriving in the United States, with fur-seal garments, it is prescribed — I. That all garments made in whole or in part of seal skins, and taken from this country may be reentered on presen- tation of a certificate of ownership from the collector of customs at the port of departure, which certificate shall of the Port of New York. 6J3 have been obtained by the owner of the garment by offer- ing the garment to the collector for inspection before leaving this country. II. Affidavit of owner. , being - first duly sworn, deposes and saj's that -he resides at No. street, in the of , State of , and that prior to the 29th day of December, 1897, deponent was owner of a fur-seal garment, described as follows : , which was purchased of at on or about 18 — . Deponent further says that -he intends to depart from the United States on or about 18 — , embarking - at the port of per , h — destination being , and with the present intention to return thence to the United States on or about , 18 — , with said fur-seal garment in h — possession for personal use. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of -, 18-. [L.S.] This affidavit should be accompanied by a bill of sale or ■copy thereof, if obtainable. III. Upon presentation to the collector of customs at the port of departure of an affidavit in the form above prescribed, he will issue a certificate of ownership in the following form : No. . Office of the Collector of Customs, Port of , , 18—. This is to certify that , residing at , has submitted for my examination the following-described sealskin articles : . [Here describe garment-, giving length, weight, character, value, style of lining, etc.] intends to leave this country for per on or about , 18 — , and to take the above-described article-, and return to this country with same in about [10-cent U. S. internal-revenue stamp.] , [L.S.] Deputy Collector. 014 Customs Jlmkers and Clerks Association This certificate is issued in compliance with Treasury regulations, Department Circular No. 214, dated December 30, 1897. Certificates as above should be presented to the collector of customs on return of the passenger to the United States (Synopses 18939 and 18955), and may be used at ports other than those at which issued. (Synopsis 18939.) No fee will be exacted on the issuance of such certificates. (Synopsis 18921.) An alphabetical record of such certificates should be kept in the custom house showing number, date of issue, name of passenger, name of outgoing vessel, and character of garment. IV. In cases of the arrival of residents of the United States returning from abroad with sealskin garments, but with- out certificates as above, it will be competent for the col- lector to take evidence, supported by affidavits as to the date the garments came into the possession of the owner, and unless thoroughly satisfied that they were purchased prior to December 29, 1897, or made from skins taken in waters other than the North Pacific Ocean, or if from those waters, prior to above date, the articles will be taken possession of and sent to the public stores for careful ex- amination and inspection, in accordance with paragraph 5 of the regulations of December 30, 1897 (Synopsis 18718) ; and unless proof is produced within one year showing that the articles were not made from fur-seal skins taken in the waters of the North Pacific Ocean after December 29, 1897, the same shall be deemed prohibited, and held subject to the orders of this Department for destruction in accord- ance witli section 9 of the act. (Synopses 18807 and 18886.) V. Tourists or immigrants arriving from abroad with seal- skin garments must present to the collector an invoice certified by the United States consul showing date of original ownership, in default of which the course laid! down in Article IV of these regulations will be pursued. of the For! of New York. 645 METRIC WEIGHTS and MEASURES for Customs Purposes. MEASURES OF LENGTH. Metric Name. Equivalent. Subdivisions. Meter 39 T 3 y 7 (j inches 10 Decimeters or 100 Centimeters, or 1000 Millimeters. Dekameter . 393.7 inches 10 Meters. Hectometer 328 ft. 1 inch 100 " Kilometer.. 3280 ft. 10 inches... 1000 *' Myri meter . 6 iV/off miles 10000 " MEASURES OF CAPACITY. [ Metric Name. Equivalent in Liquid or Wine Measure. Subdivisions. Liter. Dekaliter . Hectoliter. Kiloliter .. 1.0567 quarts 2.6417 gallons 26.417 264.17 10 Deciliters, 100 Cen- tiliters, or 1000 Mil- liliters. 10 Liters. 100 1000 WEIGHTS. Name. Equivalent in Avoirdupois Subdivisions. Kilogram .. 2.2046 lbs 10 Hectograms, 100 Dekagrams, or 1000 Myriagram. Quintal 22.046 220.46 grams. 10 Kilograms. 100 Millier or ) Tonneau. f 2204.6 i < 1000 646 Customs Brokers and Clerks Association EXTENSION -OF — FOUNDS STERLING Into Dollars and Cents at the Custom House Stand- ard of $4.8665 to the Pound Sterling as Established by Law. , Dollars Dollars and and s. d. qrs. $cts. in. s. ii . qrs. $cts. in. £ Deci- mals thereof. £ Deci male thereof. O'o 2.5 14 3 11 26 126.5290 in- l 5 14 6 3 53 Z7 131.3955 ns 330.9220 2 01 15 3 65 28 136 2620 69 336 7885 3 01 5 15 6 3 77 29 141.1285 70 340 6550 1 02 16 3 89 30 145.9950 71 845 5215 2 04 16 6 1 01 5 31 150.8615 72 350 :;>su 3 06 17 4 14 32 155 ,'--■< 73 356.2545 4 08 17 6 4 26 33 160.5945 74 360.1210 5 10 IS 4 38 34 165.4610 75 364.9875 6 12 18 6 1 50 35 170.3275 76 369 8540 14 19 1 62 36 175.1940 77 374 rao5 8 16 19 6 i : i :. 37 38 39 180.0605 184.9270 189.7985 78 79 80 379.5870 384.4535 389 8200 9 10 18 20 Dollars and 11 22 £ Dei iinals 40 194 6600 81 394.1866 1 24 36 5 thereof. 41 42 199.5265 204.3930 82 83 899.0580 1 6 1 108 9195 2 49 2 9 r880 43 209.2595 84 His ;m,ii 2 6 61 3 14.5995 44 214.1260 85 118.6525 3 78 4 19.4660 15 218 9925 86 418.5190 3 6 85 5 24.3825 it; 223 8590 K7 428.8865 4 !>7 6 29 1990 47 228 . 5 255 88 I'js 2620 4 6 1 09 5 7 84.0655 is 233 5920 89 188.1186 5 1 32 8 88.9820 49 238 1585 90 137.9860 5 6 1 34 9 13.7985 50 243.8250 91 142.8616 6 1 46 10 48.6650 51 248.1915 92 141 .7180 6 6 1 58 11 53.5315 52 - 93 i :»j .->ki.-, 7 1 70 12 58 8980 53 •_•:,; 9245 94 157.4510 7 6 I B2 5 IS 68.2645 54 262.7910 95 162.3175 8 1 95 14 68.1810 55 ■:>;; 6576 96 467.1840 8 6 ■-' m 16 72.9975 56 272 5240 97 172 0505 It 2 19 16 77 8640 ;.; 277.8905 98 176.9170 9 6 2 31 17 82 7805 58 282 2570 99 181.7886 10 •j n 18 87.5970 59 287.1285 100 |sc, 6500 10 6 19 92. 1685 60 291.9900 101 191 .5165 11 2 68 20 97.8300 61 102 496 8880 11 6 a 80 21 102 1965 62 801.7280 108 501.2495 12 2 93 22 107.0680 68 806 5895 104 506.1180 12 6 8 in 28 111 ,9296 64 811.4560 105 510.9825 13 3 16 •.'( 116 7J960 65 816 8225 106 515.8490 13 6 3 28 5 25 121.6626 66 321.1890 107 521). 71. 55 of the Port of New York. EXTENSION OF POUNDS STERLING— (Continued). Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars £ .■mil £ and £ and £ and Decimals Decimals Decimals Decimals thereof. thereof. thereof. thereof. MM 525.5820 165 802.9725 222 1080.3630 279 1 1.357.7535 109 530.4485 166 807.8390 223 1085.2295 280 1362.6200 110 535.3150 167 812.7055 224 1090.0960 281 1367.4865 111 5 H MS 15 168 817.5720 225 1094.9625 282 1372.3530 112 545.0480 169 822.4385 226 1099.8290 283 1377.2195 113 549.9145 170 827.3050 227 1104.6955 284 13.S2.0860 114 554.7810 171 832.1715 228 1109.5620 285 1386.9525 115 559.6475 172 837.0380 229 1114.4285 286 1391.8190 116 5(54.5140 173 841.9045 230 1119.2950 287 1396.6855 117 569.3805 174 846.7710 231 1121.1615 288 1401.5520 118 574.2470 175 851.6375 232 1129.0280 289 14C6.4185 119 579.1135 176 856.5040 233 1133.8945 290 1411.2850 120 583.9800 177 861.3705 234 1138.7610 291 1416.1515 121 588.8465 178 866.2370 235 1143.6275 292 1421.0180 122 593.7130 179 871.1035 236 1148.4940 293 1425.8845 J23 598.5795 180 875.9700 237 1153.3605 294 1430.7510 124 603.4460 181 880.8365 238 1158.2270 295 1435.6175 125 608.3125 182 885.7030 239 1163.0935 296 1440.4810 126 613.1790 ia3 890.5695 240 1167.9600 297 1445.3505 127 618.0455 184 895.4360 241 1172.8265 298 1450.2170 12S 628.9120 185 900.3025 242 1177.6930 299 1455. 08a5 129 627.7785 186 905.1690 243 1182.5595 300 1459.9500 130 632.6450 187 910.0355 244 1187.4260 301 1464.8165 131 637.5115 188 914.9020 245 1192.2925 302 1469. 6a30 1 32 642.3780 189 919.7085 246 1197.1590 303 1474.5495 133 647 2145 190 924.6!350 247 1202.0255 304 1479.4160 134 652 1110 191 929.5015 248 1206.8920 305 1484.2825 13.") 656.9775 192 934.3680 249 1211.7585 306 1489.1490 130 661.8440 193 939.2345 250 1216.6250 307 1494.0155 137 666.7105 194 941.1010 251 1221.4915 308 1498.8820 138 671.5770 195 948.9075 252 1226.3580 309 1503.7485 13!) 676.4435 196 953.8340 253 1231.2245 310 1508.6150 140 681.3100 197 958.7005 254 1236.0910 311 1513.4815 141 686.1765 198 963.5670 255 1240.9575 312 1518.3480 142 091.0430 199 968.4335 256 1245.8240 313 1523.2145 113 695.9095 200 973.3000 257 1250.6905 314 1528.0810 144 700.7760 201 978.1065 258 1255.5570 315 1532.9475 145 705.6425 202 983.0330 259 1260.4235 316 1537.8140 146 710.5090 203 987.8995 260 1265.2900 317 1542.6805 147 71. 5.3755 204 992.7660 261 1270.1565 318 1547.5470 148 720.2420 205 997.6325 262 1275.0230 319 1552.1135 149 725.1086 206 1002.4990 263 1279.8895 320 1557.2800 150 729.97.5(1 207 1007.3655 264 12S4.7560 321 1562.1465 151 734.8415 208 1012.2320 265 1289.6225 322 1567.0130 1 52 739.7080 209 1017.0985 266 1294.4890 323 1571.8795 158 744.5745 210 1021.9650 267 1299.3555 324 1576.7460 151 749.4410 211 1026.8315 268 1304.2220 325 1581.6125 155 754.3075 212 1031.6980 269 1309.0885 326 1586.4790 156 759.1740 213 1036.5645 270 1313.9550 327 1591.3455 157 764.0405 214 1041.4310 271 131 s. 8215 328 1596.2120 168 768.9070 215 1046.2975 272 1323. 6880 329 1601. 07S5 159 773 7735 216 1051.1640 273 1328.5545 330 1605.9450 160 778.6400 217 1056.0305 274 1333 4210 331 1610.8115 161 788.5065 218 1060.8970 275 1838.2875 332 1615.6780 100 788.3780 219 1065.7635 276 1343 1540 333 1620.5445 163 793.2395 220 1070.6300 277 1348.0205 334 1625.4110 101 798.1060 221 1075.4965 278 1352.8870 335 1630.2775 618 C t.-toms Brokers and Clerks Association EXTENSION OF POUNDS STERLING— (Continued). Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars £ and £ and £ and £ and Decimals Decimals Decimals Decimals thereof. thereof. thereof. thereof. 336 1635.1440 393 1912.5345 450 2189.9250 507 3467.3155 337 1640.0105 394 1917.4010 451 2194.7915 508 2473.1820 338 1644.8770 395 1922.2675 452 2199.6580 509 2477.0486 339 1649.7435 396 1927.1340 453 2204.5245 510 2481.9150 340 1654.6100 397 1932.0005 454 2209.3910 511 2486.7815 341 1659.4765 398 1936.8(570 455 2214.2575 512 2491.6480 342 1664.3430 399 1941.7335 456 2219.1240 513 2496.5145 343 1669.2095 400 1946.6000 457 2223.9905 514 2501.3810 344 1674.0760 401 1951 .4665 458 2228.8570 515 3506.3475 345 1678.9425 402 1956.3330 459 3233.7235 516 2611.1140 346 1683.8090 403 1961.1995 460 2238.5900 517 2515 9805 347 1688.6755 404 1966.0660 461 2243.4565 518 2.V2I 1.84 70 348 1693.5420 405 1970.9325 462 2248.3230 519 3535.7135 349 1698 4085 406 1975.7990 463 2253.1895 520 2530.5800 350 1703.2750 407 1980.6655 464 2258.0560 531 2535.4465 351 1708.1415 408 1985.5320 465 2262.9225 533 2540.3130 352 1713.0080 409 1990.3985 466 2367.7890 533 2545.1795 353 1717.8745 410 1995.2650 467 2272.6555 534 2550.0460 354 1722.7410 411 2000.1315 408 2277.5220 535 2554.9125 355 1727.6075 412 2004.9980 409 2282. 3885 536 2559.7790 356 1732.4740 413 2009.8645 ! 470 2287.2550 537 2504.6455 357 1737.3405 414 2014.7310 471 2292.1215 528 2509.5120 358 1742.2070 415 2019.5975 472 2296.9880 529 2574.8786 359 1747.0735 416 2024.4(540 473 2301.8545 530 2579 2450 360 1751.9400 417 2029.3305 474 2300.7210 531 2584.1115 361 1756 8065 418 2034.1970 475 2311.5875 532 2588.9780 362 1761.6730 419 2039.0635 476 2316.4540 533 2593.8145 363 1766.5395 420 2U43.9300 477 2321.3205 534 2598.7110 364 1771.4060 421 2048.7905 478 2326.1870 535 2003 5775 365 1770.2725 422 2053.6630 479 2331.0535 530 2008.1110 366 17S1.1390 423 21 168 . 5295 480 2335 9200 537 2013.3105 367 1786.0055 424 21103.39011 481 2340.7865 538 2618.1770 368 179(1.8720 425 21 108. 2025 482 2315.6530 539 2023 0435 369 1795.7385 426 2073 1290 483 2350.5195 540 2027.9100 370 1800.6050 427 2077.9955 484 2355.3800 541 2032.7765 371 1805.4715 428 2082. SI 120 4a5 2300.2525 542 2687.6480 372 1810.3380 429 2087.7285 486 2365.1190 543 26 12 5095 373 1815.2045 430 2092 5950 487 2369.9855 511 2647.3760 374 1820.0710 431 2097. 1015 488 2374 8520 545 2052 2125 375 1824.9375 432 2102.3280 489 2379 7185 510 305; .loon 376 1829.8040 433 2107 1915 490 2884.6850 547 2001 .9766 377 1834.6705 431 2112 0610 491 2389.4515 548 2666.8420 378 1839.5370 435 2116.9275 192 2394.3180 549 2071.7085 379 1844,4035 436 2121.7940 193 2399.1845 1 550 2070.5750 880 1849.2700 437 2126.6605 494 2101.0510 551 2081 4415 881 1854.1866 138 2131.5270 495 2408.9175 553 2080 3080 382 1859. IK 130 439 2130.3935 496 2113.7810 553 2091.1745 mi 1803.8695 111) 2141.2600 497 2118.0505 .554 2696.0410 3H1 1 MIS. 7360 441 2146.1265 498 2123.5170 555 2700.9076 385 1873.6025 442 2150.9980 499 2428.3835 556 2705 7740 m> 1878.4690 443 2155.8595 500 2433.2500 557 2710.0405 887 1888.8865 III 2160.7260 501 2438.1105 558 2715.5070 3S8 1888.2020 4-45 2105.5925 502 2442.9880 559 2720.3735 389 1898.0686 416 2170.4590 503 2447.8195 560 2725 2400 390 1897.9350 447 2175.3255 501 2452.7100 561 2780.1066 391 19112.8015 418 2180.1920 505 2457.5825 563 2731.9730 392 1907.6680 449 2185.0686 506 2462.4490 503 2739.8395 of the Port of New York. 649 EXTENSION OF POUNDS STERLIN6-( Continued). Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars £ and £ and £ and £ and Decimals Decimals Decimals Decimals thereof. thereof. thereof. thereof. 561 2744.7060 621 3022.0965 678 3299.4870 735 3576.8775 565 2749.5725 622 3026.9630 679 3304 3535 736 3581.7440 566 2754.4390 623 3031.8295 680 3309.2200 737 3586.6105 567 2759.3055 624 3036.6960 681 3314.0865 738 3591.4770 568 2764.1720 025 3041.5625 682 3318.9530 739 3596.3435 569 2769.0385 626 3046.4290 683 3323 8195 740 3601.2100 570 2773.9050 627 3051.2955 684 3328.6860 741 3606.0765 571 2778.7715 628 3056.1620 685 3333.5525 742 3610.9430 572 2783.6380 629 3061.0285 686 3338.4190 743 3615.8095 573 2788 5045 630 3065 8950 687 3343.8855 744 3620.6760 574 2793.3710 631 3070.7615 688 3318.1520 745 3625.5425 575 2798.2375 632 3075 6280 689 3353.0185 746 3630.4090 576 2803.1040 633 3080.4945 690 3357 8850 747 3635.2755 577 2807.9705 634 3085.3610 691 3368.7515 748 3640.1420 578 2812.8370 635 3090.2275 692 3367.6180 749 3645 0085 579 2817.7035 636 3095.0940 693 3373 4845 750 3649.8750 580 2822.5700 j 637 3099.9605 694 3377.3510 751 3654 7415 581 2827.4365 638 3104.8270 695 3382.2175 752 3659.6080 582 2832.3030 639 3109.6935 696 3387.0840 753 3664 4745 583 2837.1695 640 3114.5600 697 3391.9505 754 3669.3410 584 2842.0360 641 3119.4265 698 3396 8170 755 3674.2075 585 2846.9025 642 3124.2930 699 3401.6835 756 3679.0740 586 2851.7690 643 3129.1595 700 3406.5500 757 3683.9405 587 2856 6355 644 3134.0260 701 3411.4165 758 3688.8070 588 2861.5020 645 3138.8925 702 3416.2830 759 3693.6735 589 2866.3685 646 3143.7590 703 3421.1495 760 3698.5400 590 2871.2350 647 3148.6255 704 3426 0160 761 3703.4065 591 2876.1015 648 3153.4290 705 3430.8825 762 3708.2730 592 2880.9680 649 3158.3585 706 3435.7490 763 3713 1395 593 2885.8345 650 3163 2250 707 3440 6155 764 3718.0060 594 2890.7010 651 3168 0915 708 3445 4820 765 3722 8725 595 2895.5675 652 3172.9580 709 3450.3485 766 3727.7390 596 2900.4:340 653 3177.8245 710 3455.2150 767 3732.6055 597 2905.3005 651 3182 6910 711 3460.0815 768 3737.4720 598 2910 1670 655 3187.5575 712 3464 9480 769 3742.3385 599 2915.0335 656 3192.4240 713 3469.8145 770 3747 2050 600 2919.90 10 657 3197.2905 714 3474.6810 771 3752.0715 601 2924.7665 658 3202.1570 715 3479.5475 772 3756.9380 602 2929.6-330 659 3207.0235 716 3484.4140 773 3761.8045 603 8934.4995 660 3211.8900 717 3489.2805 774 3766.6710 604 2939.3660 661 3216.7565 718 3494.1470 775 3771.5375 605 2944.2325 662 3221.6230 719 3499.0135 776 3776.4040 606 2949.0990 663 3226.4895 720 3503.8800 777 3781.2705 607 2953.9655 664 3231.3560 721 3508.7465 778 3786.1370 608 2958.8320 665 3236.2225 722 3513.6130 779 3791.0035 609 2963.6985 666 3241.0890 723 3518 4795 780 3795.8700 610 2968.5650 667 3245.9555 724 3523.3460 781 3800.7365 611 2973.4315 668 3250.8220 725 3528.2125 782 3805.6030 612 2978.2980 669 3255.6885 726 3533.0790 783 3810.4695 613 8983.1646 670 3260.5550 727 3537.9455 7X4 3815.3360 614 2988.0310 671 3265.4215 728 3542.8120 785 3820.2025 615 2992.8975 672 3270.2880 729 3547.6785 786 3825.0690 616 2997.7640 673 3275 1545 730 3552.5450 787 3829.9355 617 3002 6*15 674 3280.0210 731 3557.4115 7S8 3834.8020 618 3007.4970 675 3284.8875 732 3562.2780 789 3839.6685 619 3012.3635 676 3289.7540 733 3567.1445 790 3844.5350 620 3017. 2300 677 3294.6205 734 3572.0110 791 3849.4015 •OjO Cnxtoi/is Broker* awl VI rk* A^nriatlou EXTENSION OF POUNDS STERLING— {Continued). Dollars 1 lollars Dollars Dollars and £ and e and £ and £ Decimals Decimals Decimals I'i-i imals thereof. thereof. thereof. thereof. 792 3854.2080 846 4117 05911 900 4379.8500 951 10 12 0410 793 3859.1315 si; 4121.9255 901 4384.7105 955 1017 794 3864.0010 848 4126.7920 | 902 4389.58.10 950 1052 3740 795 3S6S S675 S'4'.l 4131.6585 903 4394.4495 957 4657.2405 796 3873 7340 K50 4136 5250 904 4399.3160 958 1662.1070 797 3878.6005 851 4111.3915 905 4404.1825 959 j 1666 9736 798 3883.4670 S52 4146.2580 906 4409.0490 900 1071. 8100 7'.l!l 3888.3335 853 4151.1245 907 4413.9155 961 4676.7065 803 3893 2000 S54 4155 9910 908 4418.7820 902 1681.5780 801 3898 0665 S55 41 IK (.8575 909 4423.0485 903 1686.4895 802 3902.933 I s:,i; 4165.72HI 910 4428.5150 | 964 4091.3000 808 3907.7995 S57 4170.5905 911 (433.3815 905 1696.1725 804 3912 6660 s:,s 1175.4570 912 4438.2480 9G6 (701.0890 so;, 3917 5325 S59 4180.3235 913 4443 1145 907 1705.9066 soo 3922.3990 SCO 4185.1900 91 1 4447.9810 90s 4710.7720 80S H927 2055 861 4190 0565 915 4452.8475 969 1716 6886 808 3932.1320 802 1194 9230 910 4157.7140 970 4720.5050 so:i 3936 9985 81)3 4199.7895 917 (462 5S05 971 4725. 07 15 810 3941.8050 804 4204.6560 918 4107' 447 972 1780.2880 Ml 3940.7315 865 1209.5225 919 4472.3135 973 1786.1046 812 3951.5980 866 i.M 1 3890 920 ■4477.1800 97 1 1739.9710 813 3956.4645 m 1219.2555 921 4482.0465 97 5 1744.8875 814 3961.3310 868 4221.122(1 922 4486.9130 976 17 19 7olo 815 3966.1975 869 1228 9885 923 4491.7795 977 1764.6706 816 3971.0640 870 1233.8550 924 4496.6460 978 17 59 I07O si; 3975.9305 871 4238.7215 925 4501.5125 979 1764.8086 SIS 3980.7970 872 1248 5880 926 4506.3790 980 1769.1700 819 3985.6685 873 1218.4515 927 1511 2455 981 1774 o;;o5 820 3990.5300 87' 1 4253.3210 928 4510 1120 982 1778.9030 821 3995.3965 875 4258 1875 929 4520.9785 988 1783 7 095 822 1000.2630 ! 876 1268 0540 930 1525.8450 984 1788 6860 823 |ii,i:,.1295 877 4267.9205 931 1530.7115 9S5 1798 5025 824 4009.9960 878 4272.7870 932 4535. 57 SO 9S0 1798.8690 S25 4014.8625 879 1277.6585 933 4540.4445 987 1800. 2355 826 M 19. 7290 880 1282.5200 934 4545.3110 988 1 SOS 1020 827 1024.5955 881 2s; .3865 936 1550, 1775 989 4812.9686 B28 4029.4620 882 1292.2580 936 4555.0IIO 990 4811 .8850 829 1034.3285 888 1297' .1195 937 1 559. 9 105 991 1822 7015 830 1039. 1950 ssi 4301 9860 988 1501.7770 992 1827.6680 831 4044.0615 885 4806 B525 939 4509. 6485 993 1832.4846 832 1048 9280 886 1311.7190 910 1571.5100 i 994 1887.8010 B83 1053 7 915 881 4316.5865 '.111 1579.8765 995 1843.1675 834 1058 6610 B88 1321.4620 912 4581 2130 990 1847 0840 835 4063 5275 B89 B26.8186 i 943 1589.1095 997 1851 .9005 B86 1068.8940 890 B31 is5o 944 1693.9760 99s 1866 7 070 <■',; 1078 2605 891 1336.0616 945 1598.8425 999 1861 6886 888 4078 1270 892 1840.9180 to (60S 7090 iooo 4866.6000 889 1082.9935 898 1846 7si5 941 1008.57 55 '.'i« ',1 97'33 ooiio 840 1087 8600 894 I860 6510 948 1613.4420 8000 Sll 1092.7266 S95 949 ■1018 8086 iooo 19466.0000 842 4097 5980 896 43(io 8840 950 1 621 1. 17 50 ;,ooo 24888.6000 848 1102 1595 897 1366 2505 951 1628 0416 Sll IP*, 8260 898 1870.1170 952 1632.9080 846 1112 1926 B99 1874 9885 953 1687.7745 of the Port of Nt w York. 651 MARKS OF GERMAN EMPIRE. MARK=23.8 CENTS. Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars -a and and H and H and 3 Decimals Decimals Decimals S Decimals 3 thereof. S thereof. ! thereof. S thereof. 1 .238 37 8.806 73 17.374 1,000 238.00 2 .476 38 9.044 74 17.612 1,100 261.80 3 .714 39 9.282 75 17.85 1,200 285.60 4 .952 40 9.52 76 18.088 1,300 309.40 5 1.19 41 9.758 77 18.326 1,400 333.20 6 1.428 42 9.996 78 18.564 1,500 357.00 7 1.666 43 10.234 79 18.802 1,600 380.80 8 1.904 44 10.472 80 19.04 1,700 404.60 9 2.142 45 10.71 M 19.278 1,800 428.40 10 2.38 46 10.948 82 19.516 1,900 452.20 11 2.618 47 11.186 83 19.754 2,000 476 00 12 2.856 48 11.424 84 19.992 3,000 714.00 13 3.094 49 11.662 85 20.23 4.000 952.00 14 3.332 50 11.90 86 20.408 5,000 1190.00 15 3.57 51 12.138 87 20.706 6,000 1428.00 16 3.808 52 12.376 88 20. 944 7,000 1666.00 17 4.046 53 12.614 89 21.182 8,000 1904.00 18 4.284 54 12.852 90 21.42 9,000 2142.00 19 4.522 55 13.09 91 21.658 10,000 2380.00 20 4.76 56 13.328 92 21.896 11,000 2618. CO 21 4.998 57 13.566 93 22.134 12,000 2856.00 22 5.236 58 13.804 94 22.372 13,000 3094 CO 23 5.474 59 14.042 95 22.61 14,000 3332. CO 24 5.712 60 14.28 96 22.848 15.000 3570. CO 25 5.95 61 14.518 97 23.0S6 16,000 3808.00 26 6.188 62 14.756 98 23.324 17,000 4046. CO 27 6.426 63 14.994 99 23.562 18,000 4284.00 28 6.664 64 15.232 100 23.80 19,000 4522.00 29 6.902 65 15.47 200 47.60 20,000 4760. CO 30 7.14 66 15.708 300 71 .40 30,000 7140.(0 31 7.378 67 15.946 400 95.20 40,000 9520.00 32 7.616 68 16.184 £00 119.00 50,000 11900 00 33 7.854 69 16.422 600 142 80 60,000 14280.00 34 8.092 70 16.66 700 166.60 70,000 16660.00 35 8.33 71 16.898 800 190.40 80,000 19040.00 36 8.568 72 17.136 900 214 20 90,000 li 10.000 21420.00 23800. CO 652 Customs Bioko:* ami Cloks As--oriafn>ii of tin Pert of S'nr Yoik. BELGIAN, FRENCH AND SWISS FRANCS; Spanish Pesetas, Grecian Drachmas, and Italian Liras. EACH = 19.3 CENTS. «r Dollars x . Dollars of Dollars - Dollars and Deci- mals thereof. o • g"5 ft and Decimals thereof. u ■ 3 " and Decimals thereof. and Decimals thereof. - £ 1 .193 54 10.422 800 154.40 6100 1177.30 2 .386 55 10.615 900 173.70 6200 1196.60 3 .579 56 1(1. SOS 1000 193.00 6300 1215.90 4 .772 57 11.001 1100 212.30 1235.20 5 .965 58 11.194 1200 231.60 6500 1254.50 6 1.158 59 11 387 1300 250.90 001 111 1273.80 7 1.351 60 11.58 1400 270.20 07011 1293.10 8 1.544 61 11.773 1500 2S9.50 6800 1812.40 9 1.737 62 11.966 1600 308.80 091 hi 1331.70 10 1.93 63 12.159 1700 328.10 7000 1351 .00 11 2.123 64 12.352 1800 347.40 7100 1370.30 12 2.316 65 12.545 1900 366.70 7200 1389.60 13 2.509 66 12.738 2000 386.00 7300 1408.90 14 2.702 67 12.931 2100 105 'in 7400 1428.20 15 2.S95 68 13.124 2200 424.60 7500 1117.50 16 :>, iiss 69 13.317 2:100 443.90 7600 1 166.80 17 3.281 70 13.51 2100 463.20 7700 1486.10 18 3.474 71 13.703 2500 182 50 7800 1505.40 19 3 667 72 13.896 2600 501.80 7900 1524.70 20 3.86 73 11 (ISil 2700 521.10 8000 1544.00 21 4.053 74 14.282 2800 540.40 8100 1668.80 22 4.246 75 ii i ; :. 2900 559 70 8200 15S2.00 23 4.439 76 14.668 3000 579 00 8300 1001.90 24 4.632 77 14.861 8100 59s. 30 SIOO 1621.20 25 4 825 78 15 054 8200 617. 60 8500 1010.50 26 5.018 79 15 847 8300 686.90 sooo 1 o.v.i BO 27 5 211 80 15.44 .'ill Ml 656.20 8700 1079.10 28 5.404 81 15.638 3500 075. 50 SSI III I09S. 1(1 29 5.597 82 15.826 3600 091 80 81 1717.70 30 5.79 83 ii; 019 8700 714 10 900H 1787.00 31 5.983 84 16.212 8800 73S.40 1 1766.80 32 6.176 85 16 405 8900 752.70 9200 1776.60 33 6.869 86 16.598 4000 772.00 9800 1791 90 34 6.562 87 16 791 4100 791.30 9400 1814.20 35 6 755 88 n; 984 4200 810.60 9500 1888.60 36 6.948 89 17.177 l.-ioo S29.90 9000 1869 80 37 7.111 90 17.87 1100 849.20 97(H) 1872.10 38 7.384 91 17.568 1: SOS. 50 9800 1891. Ki 39 7.527 92 17. 7." 6 SS7.80 9900 1910 n 40 7.72 93 i; 949 17(H) 907.10 10000 1980.00 41 7.913 !tl 18 1 1'.' isoo 926.40 11000 2123.00 4:2 s km; 95 18 886 4900 946.70 12000 2316.1X) 48 8.299 96 18 528 5000 905. (H) 18000 2609 00 44 8.492 97 is 721 5100 984.80 1 till HI 2702.00 45 8.685 98 IS. 911 5200 1003 Oil 15000 2895. IK) 46 s s;s 99 19.107 5300 1022 90 16000 8088.00 47 9 071 inn 19 B0 5400 1042.20 17000 3281.00 48 !i -.'til 200 88 60 5: 1061 .50 18000 8474.00 49 9.457 300 57.90 5000 MHO. 80 19O00 8667.00 50 9.65 400 77.20 5700 lino.M 200(H) 3860.00 51 9 8J8 500 9(1 50 5S00 1119.40 30000 5790.00 52 10.036 000 115.80 59(H) 1188.70 58 10.229 700 [35 10 OIK III 1158. 00 652 B UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below ,™ R&&t8-i)Ri|98|4 ~C 141983 RECD LD-URD 3 1 4 1984 Form L-9-15m 7,'85 UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES T TT)D AT?V 3 1158 00906 2257 1\S