pcsasKttw THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GRILLION'S CLUB GRILLION'S CLUB A CHRONICLE 1812-1913 COMPILED BY THE SECRETARIES OXFORD : PRINTED FOR THE CLUB AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY HORACE HART I9I4 Of this volume 200 copies have been printed. i< , ,- G-^n CONTENTS PAGE 1. The Chronicle 7 Introductory .......... 7 Lord Houghton's Preface to the Annals, 1880 ... 8 Narrative 10 Annex. — An unconfirmed Anecdote ..... 29 2. Facsimile Signatures of Members attending the Dinner ON May 30, 1913 31 3. List of Members from the Foundation of the Club to 1913 35 4. List of Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries of the Club 93 5. Occasions on which only one Member Dined . . 95 Lord Houghton's Poems on Lord Stratford de Redcliffe's and Mr. Gladstone's Solitary Dinners .... 96 6. Note on the Club Portraits 99 7. List of Members, February 10, 1914 .... no 12CT5787 GRILLION'S CLUB THE CHRONICLE INTRODUCTORY.— LORD HOUGHTON'S PREFACE TO THE •ANNALS', 1880 AT the dinner on the loth February 1913 the Secretaries reported /I. that the Archives of the Club, so far as related to the period prior to 1877, had disappeared, and they were requested to endeavour to trace and recover them, with a view to the preparation of some suitable record to commemorate the Centenary of the Club. The Secretaries have now to report that, after prolonged inquiries, the documents in question have been recovered. They consist of two bound volumes of miscellaneous papers extend- ing over the years from 1812 to 1879, a volume containing the accounts of the Club from 1822 to 1832, and nine volumes in which the attendances at dinner are recorded from the 6th March 1816 to the i6th April 1877, besides other documents of less consequence. The Secretaries were already in possession of the Dinner Books from 1877 to the present date, and of the Club accounts from 1842. The Secretaries think that they will be carrying out the wishes of the Club if they present a brief history of the Club from its foundation and a complete hst of the Members, with notes of the principal Offices, Honours, and Distinctions held by them. In the year 1880 a volume was compiled for the use of Members, entitled Grillion's Club from its Origin in 1812 to its Fiftieth Anniversary, by P. G. E. The cover of the book bears the shorter title. Annals of Grillion's Club. This record was the work of Sir Philip de Malpas Grey- Egerton, Bart., who was one of the Secretaries of the Club from 1866 till his death in 1881. To that volume the late Lord Houghton contributed a Preface, which may, perhaps, form an appropriate introduction to the present record. g GRILLION'S CLUB Preface to ^Annals of Grilliori's Club\ by Lord Houghton These records of the first fifty years of the life of Grillion's Club have no pre- tension to historical importance, but they will recall to its present members, and to the representatives of those who are gone, many familiar and some noted names, and some pleasant events in which they, or those dear to them, were among the actors. Amid the increased and increasing complications of our social life, the maintenance of such closer forms of association becomes every day more difficult, but ours still retains much of its pristine vitality, and the principles on which it rests are so sound and beneficial that it may still look for many years of existence, and we may even anticipate the time when another chronicler may put together the story of its completed century. There remains in the far-stretching memory of the eldest of our present members, the venerable Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, now exercising his fine intellect, and even his poetic imagination, in his 92nd year, a clear recollection of the visit of an Etonian schoolfellow, Mr. Fazakerly, to him at Constantinople, in 1811, the time of his early diplomatic employment in that locality, now so associated with his authoritative name, and of a conversation that occurred between them on the serious damage that London society suffered from the violence of political con- troversy. The possibility of foimding a club, open to members of both contending parties, was then and there discussed, and it was agreed that whoever first returned home should do his best to carry out this intention. How this notion connected itself with the Christ Church Club already existing, is not on record, but the fact remains that when Mr. Stratford Canning returned to England the following year, he found Grillion's Club established on this basis, and himself one of its members. From that time to the present, the main characteristic of the Club has been, as stated by the late Lord Derby in his letter to Sir PhiHp Grey-Egerton,^ its generous and courteous comprehension of diversities of political views. It has thus not been uncommon for the most uncompromising opponents, in the most important crises of our political history, to meet round its table in perfect freedom of con- versation, and even of banter, secure alike from affront and misapprehension — a form of social life of which Englishmen may be justly proud. At Berlin or Vienna such an association would have been dispersed by the police as dangerous to the public peace, and at Paris its meetings would frequently have been adjourned to the Bois de Boulogne. We may also claim the collateral advantage of the reaction ^ This letter was written by Lord Derby on the 21st June 1837 to inform Sir P. Grey- Egerton of his election to the Club, and contained the following passage : ' The charac- teristic of our Club is, that the great majority being members of Parliament, and comprising, as you will see, men of the most opposite politics, Grillion's has always been, in the utmost heat of Parties, and throughout the most keenly agitated Sessions, an absolutely neutral ground, and if the reminiscences of Grillion's were interleaved with Hansard's Debates I do not believe that any human being would beUeve in the fidelity of both reports.' THE CHRONICLE 9 on the minds of leading men in this happy intercourse on a neutral ground, and in the occasions afforded of recognizing the intellectual and moral merits of antago- nists in the great arena of our national life. How welcome have been these intervals of festive recreation is evident from the list of our members, comprising, as it does, nine members of the present, and twelve of the late administration ; but much of this success is, no doubt, due to the discretion exercised in our selection. Political distinction, even the highest, has never been the sole title to this honour. Many of the leaders in both Houses of Parliament would not have found admission, and many comparatively obscure have been our cherished comrades. Social and moral qualities have had a large place in our choice, and the companionship has been more real and permanent than could have existed in a society founded on any mere political or even intel- lectual sympathies. In this point of view it is interesting to observe how the individuality of two of the early members of the Club who have left a most affectionate memory, Sir Thomas Dyke Acland and Sir Robert Inglis, is representative of its colour and character even to the present time. The two men had in common a combination of gaiety of temperament and earnestness of purpose which gave a peculiar charm to their public and private life. In Sir Robert the sincerity often deepened into intolerance, so that he rather permitted the differences of opinion which the other comprehended and enjoyed. To Sir Thomas Dyke Acland the well-filled life of the country gentleman gave a larger freedom of thought and action, and the rare honour conferred on him of the statue erected, during his lifetime, in the midst of his Provincial Capital, of which a reduction in silver adorns our table, is at once a testimony to his intrinsic worth and delightful social bearing. The denomination of the Club was long a matter of serious deliberation, and the various suggestions recorded are not remarkable for originality, and followed somewhat servilely the titles of the noted periodicals of our literature ; Mr. Canning himself having nothing better to propose than his cousin's ' Anti-Jacobin '. The conclusion to abide by the accident of its early home confers on the name of another worthy host the historical repute enjoyed by many important caterers for public entertainment, among whom Lord Bute's butler, Mr. Mackall, prominently survives in the transmutation rendered convenient by the unpopularity of Scotsmen under his master's administration. The occasional admission to the Club of other than political members, besides eminent ecclesiastics, is an innovation of late years, and assuredly may be bene- ficially extended. Whatever may be the advantage or necessity of the increase of the popular character of Parliament, the consequence is, no doubt, a diminution of its literary interests, and any form of society that tends to combine political and intellectual life is an acquisition not to be neglected. Statesmen will willingly pass from the torpor or even from the excitement of the House of Commons to the conversation of science, literature, or art, with a sense of relief, and it may be of profit ; while it is indisputable that all that connects the men of thought with the men of action is at once a rare and appreciated pleasure, and a stimulus to the loftier studies. B 10 GRILLION'S CLUB The change of the day of meeting is illustrative of modern London manners. From time immemorial, Wednesday and Saturday evenings have been political holidays, and the society being essentially Parliamentary, the convenience of Wednesday as the day of meeting was manifest. But as London society enlarged, and Parliament, so to say, extended its social acquaintance, many members of the Club found that their loyalty to it seriously interfered with other pleasant engage- ments. The alteration was effected more Britannico. The first modification — to substitute Tuesday for Wednesday after the first of June — was carried, under pathetic protests from the surviving Founders, in 1850, but on the reversal of the proposition in 185 1, the ancient custom was restored, and was maintained till 1858, when, as is usual with British reforms, the opposition collapsed, and the change was unanimously adopted. The revolution has gone on : Wednesday has entirely disappeared, and now Monday is the day of meeting, and for the con- venience of Members of Parliament, evening dress is no longer the customary costume. H. NARRATIVE The Club appears to have originated in 1812 v^^ith a few friends who were in residence at Christ Church, Oxford, in the years 1805-8, and who had reassembled in London for annual dinners in the three following years. The earliest document preserved in the books of the Club is as follows : Resolutions of the 16th 0/ May 1812 1. That the nine persons whose names are herein mentioned, do form a list to settle the future members of the Society, and to propose and arrange all matters concerning the immediate constitution of the Society. 2. That any five or more of the same list do form a quorum, by whose unanimous decision all necessary points be at present determined. 3. That a meeting be held at Lord Desart's apartments, in Albany (where a good breakfast will be provided), on Monday, the ist of June, at 10 o'clock. This is evidently a fragment of a rough copy, and it terminates abruptly, without the list of names alluded to in the first resolution. The following letter indicates that the original intention was to hold an annual dinner : Berkeley Square, -, - 20 May, 1812. My dear Inglis, -^ The annual dinner of the old Ch. Ch. debating society took place at Grillion's ^ on Saturday last, when we had a very pleasant meeting, though we did not assemble in such numbers as might have been wished : the party consisted of only seven — Gower, Desart, Price, Wellesley, Acland, Heneage, and myself. In order if 1 This was a hotel, kept by the proprietor, Mr. Charles Grillion, at No. 7 Albemarle Street. THE CHRONICLE ii possible to secure a better attendance next year, I write thus early to apprise you that the day of meeting will be the second Saturday in May, and that it will be your turn to take the chair. It seems generally supposed that Lord Wellesley and Canning have declined joining the Prince's Ministers, so that Mr. Vansittart will be Chancellor of the Exchequer. I hope there is a chance of my seeing you soon in this part of the world ; in the meantime adieu, and believe me ever very sin- cerely yours, Dartmouth. There is no record of any further proceedings in 1812, but on the 15th February 1813 a meeting was held at GrilHon's Hotel, at which the following resolutions were passed : 1. The Club shall meet at dinner on every alternate Wednesday, beginning from February 10. 2. All members who shall be in town on any day of meeting shall, notwithstand- ing their non-attendance, pay their share of the dinner, exclusive of wine, unless prevented by illness. 3. Any member going out of town, or returning after absence, or prevented by illness from attending the meeting, shall notify the same to the Secretary, at or before noon, on the Tuesday preceding the day of meeting, or otherwise shall be subject to the second resolution. 4. The Secretary shall remind each member, by letter, on or before the Satur- day preceding each day of meeting. 5. Each member shall be President and Vice-President in alphabetical rotation. 6. The place of meeting on the day of the next dinner shall be settled before parting. 7. The dinner-hour shall be half-past six. 8. The present resolutions shall remain in force till Easter next. 9. General meeting of the members for making any new arrangements shall be settled at the last meeting before Easter Simday ; and in such manner that at least a fortnight's notice of the same may be given to the absent members. 10. Such members as may be unavoidably obliged to absent themselves from the general meeting are invited to communicate their wishes to the Secretary, who shall lay them before the meeting. 11. The Club may be forthwith increased to the number of twenty-five members. 12. The names of persons proposed shall be stated at one meeting, and they shall be balloted for at the next meeting but one. 13. If the number of names proposed should exceed the number eligible by Resolution 11, they shall be selected for ballot by lot. 14. The names of the persons proposed and of those elected shall be duly com- municated by the Secretary to the absent members. 15. The ballot shall go round twice for each person proposed, and one black- ball shall exclude. 16. Any member out of town, or unavoidably absent, may propose a new member by letter to the Secretary, and may ballot by proxy for any person proposed. B 2 12 GRILLION'S CLUB 17. The present resolutions shall be forthwith communicated to the absent members by the Secretary. 18. Two members shall be chosen, to either of whom the Secretary, in case of illness or unavoidable absence, may delegate his duties. 19. The Hon. F. S. N. Douglas and R. H. Inglis, Esq., are the two members so chosen. 20. The next meeting shall be held at Grillion's Hotel, on Wednesday, the 24th instant. At a meeting on the loth April 1813 the Hon. Heneage Legge was appointed Secretary and Treasurer, with the Hon. F. S. N. Douglas and Mr. R. H. Inglis as Deputy Secretaries. The final settlement of the constitution of the Club is recorded in the following resolutions passed at a meeting held on the gth May 1813 : Albany, May 9, 1813. 1st. That the number of its members be limited to thirty. 2nd. That any member going abroad be considered an honorary member, and do make a vacancy. 3rd. That the Club do meet at dinner on every Wednesday during the sitting of Parliament. Dinner on the table at seven o'clock. 4th. That there be an annual subscription, to be applied to the defraying in part of the current expenses of the Club, beginning from the ist of January 1813. 5th. That any member in town for any time exceeding one month in the year, do pay a subscription of five guineas, and that any member not in town for any time exceeding one month in the year, do pay a subscription of two guineas. 6th. That any member intending to absent himself from any meeting during his stay in town, shall signify such his intention at the place of meeting, on or before the day preceding the day of such meeting, or shall otherwise be liable to pay his share of the dinner, exclusive of wine. 7th. That the members shall be elected by ballot. The ballot shall go round twice, and one black-ball shall exclude. 8th. That the names of persons proposed shall be stated at one meeting, and they shall be balloted for, in case of vacancy, at the next meeting but one. 9th. That absent members may vote by proxy, and that no ballot shall take place unless ten members be present. loth. That the names of persons proposed, and of those elected, shall be com- municated by the Secretary to the absent members. nth. That the Hon. Heneage Legge be appointed Secretary and Treasurer. I2th. That the Hon. F. S. N. Douglas and R. H. Inglis, Esq., be appointed Deputy Secretaries. 13th. That the Secretary and Deputy Secretaries do direct the application of the subscriptions. THE CHRONICLE 13 The original members of the Club were 19 in number, namely : Acland, Sir T. D. Hamilton, Viscount Canning, Stratford Hartopp, G. H. W. F. Chinnery, G. R. Hewitt, Hon. J. Dartmouth, Earl of Inglis, R. H. Desart, Earl of Knight, H. Gaily Douglas, Hon. F. S. North Legge, Hon. Heneage East, J. B. Price, R. Fazakerly, J. N. Riddell, Sir J. M. Grant, Charles Wellesley, R. Wilmot, R. By May 1813 the following had been added : Bowdler, John Heber, The Rev. Reginald Carew, R. G. Leinster, Duke of Gower, Earl Littleton, E. J. Grant, R. Planta, Joseph Hay, R. W. Sodor and Man, Bishop of The title of the Club was frequently discussed both at this period and for some years afterwards, but no formal resolution on the subject seems to have been passed at any time. Official documents were generally headed, ' The Club at GrilUon's*, or ' Grilhons '. On the 30th January 1819 a slight alteration was made in the rules. The number of members was increased to 40, and the annual subscrip- tion reduced to two guineas. The Hon. F. S. N. Douglas was appointed Secretary, with Sir Thomas Acland and Mr. R. Wellesley as Deputy Secretaries. A general annual meeting was appointed to be held on the second Saturday of the Session of Parliament. Throughout this period and for many years afterwards, the finances of the Club appear to have given the members great anxiety. In July 1820 it was decided ' to raise an additional sum of two pounds from every member for the expenses of the current year ', and on the 9th February 1822 the subscription was raised to three guineas, and the number of members to 45. At the annual breakfast on the 8th February 1823 it was resolved : To have in future a second meeting of the Club annually, ' for business and for breakfast ', on the first Saturday in May, that the subscription for the current 14 GRILLION'S CLUB year be three guineas, and that the members of the Club already married should be invited to pay the sum of five guineas for the general purposes of the Club, in compensation to the Club for having married without their consent, and that members hereafter marrying without such consent (to be signified by the unani- mous voice of two meetings) shall pay ten guineas. Still more drastic methods of raising money were adopted under the following : Resolutions of the Club at Grillion's at the Breakfast and Business Meeting, on Saturday, 3rd of May 1823 1. That each member on succeeding to any property, landed or funded, shall, in order to encourage the Club cordially to rejoice at such succession, pay to their treasury the tenth part of the value of such property, or shall be at liberty to com- pound for the said tenth by a payment of ten guineas. 2. That each member on being appointed to any office shall pay to the treasury of the Club the tenth part of the first year's salary as first fruits, or, in lieu thereof, the sum of five guineas in compensation to the Club for the probable loss of his society, to which such his appointment will expose them. The first of these resolutions does not appear to have been acted upon, but the second continued in operation for many years. In 1823 the hour of dinner was altered to twenty-five minutes past seven. At the business meeting of the Club on the 6th May 1826 the collec- tion of portraits was instituted under the following resolutions : 1. That in the opinion of this meeting it is desirable to have an engraved portrait of each member of the Club. 2. That for this purpose, each member be requested, first, to cause to be engraved, at the expense of himself, or of any other person who may proffer it, a print from the drawing of his portrait in the collection of Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, Bart.' (such print to be of the size of the said drawing), and secondly, to present one copy to each member of the Club (the whole together thereby forming one volume for each member), and three copies to Sir Thomas Dyke Acland. 3. The Hon. George Agar Ellis having offered to furnish an engraved title- page, and an engraved list to precede the said volume, that the said offer be thank- fully accepted. 4. That it is the opinion of this meeting that the above resolutions be carried into effect, so soon as forty members shall have sent in their adhesion to them. 5. That these resolutions be communicated to the absent members, and that they be requested to return their answers directed to the Secretaries at Grillion's. 1 Sir T. Acland had for some time past employed an artist named Slater to take likenesses in crayons of such of his friends as consented to sit for the purpose. THE CHRONICLE 15 It was further decided on the 25th November 1826 that the portraits of the deceased members of the Club should be engraved at the expense of the Club. In 1828 the number of members was increased to fifty, and it was resolved that any member being or becoming a Cabinet Minister should during his continuance in office be exempted from the payment of sub- scriptions, ' in consideration of the difficulties of his attendance on the service of the Club.' ^ At the breakfast meeting on the 7th February 1829 the following memorandum was submitted by the Secretaries : Memorandum for Grillion's Saturday, yth February 1829 In the course of the last session, there were but five Club-days on which the dinner was not a burthen upon the general funds, the right number of ten members being, except on those five days, never present : there were, in other words, only five Wednesdays on which ten or more than ten members dined at the Club. There were two days on which no one dined there, the whole dinner being therefore a dead loss to the funds, and there was one day on which one member dined alone, and another day on which two only met, and the average attendance was only 5|, in short, not 6 a day — the deficiency charged to the Club was for 106 dinners at £1 is. per head, £111 6s., the whole expense of wine being only £77 gs. 6d. Under these circumstances the expediency of trying, for one year at least, a change of system is suggested to the Club by the substitution of an annual payment of five guineas and a dinner payment of ten shillings, in lieu of the present annual payment of three guineas and the dinner payment of one guinea. In this way a double en- couragement will be given to members to dine more frequently together in order to eat out their subscriptions. And a resolution was passed to give effect to the recommendation. On the death of Mr. R. Wellesley in March 1831 Mr. R. W. Hay was appointed one of the Secretaries. In 1833 a levy of five guineas on each member was authorized in order to meet a deficit of about ^^263. In 1837 the number of members was raised from fifty to fifty-five, and the subscription was increased to £6. A ' Jubilee ' dinner to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the ^ This exemption, which was conditional on the payment of one-tenth of the first year's salary or of five pounds in lieu thereof, was extended in 1840 to the Speaker of the House of Commons and to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and in 1872 to members serving the Crown abroad. i6 GRILLION'S CLUB foundation of the Club was arranged to take place on the first Saturday in June 1837.^ This was afterwards postponed to the second Wednesday in July, and again (owing to the death of King WiUiam IV) to the 29th November. The following members were present : Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, Bart., Chairman Lord Ashley Francis Baring, Esq. Viscount Clive Earl of Dartmouth Sir James Buller East Viscount Ebrington J.N. Fazakerly, Esq. Sir George Grey, Bart. R. W. Hay, Esq. Sir Robert H. Inglis, Bart. Henry Gaily Knight, Esq. Right Hon. H. Labouchere Hon. Heneage Legge Right Hon. T. Frankland Lewis Right Hon. Sir Stratford Canning J. Wilson Patten, Esq. Joseph Planta, Esq. Sir Robert Price, Bart. The Bishop of Rochester Viscount Sandon Lord Granville Somerset Lord Stanley The Duke of Sutherland Hon. John Talbot Henry Wellesley, Esq. Hon. James Stuart- Wortley Hon. John Stuart- Wortley At a breakfast meeting on the 4th May 1839, the number of members was raised to 60. In 1840 the Club having elected the Speaker (Mr. Shaw-Lefevre, afterwards Viscount Eversley) to be a member, invited him to a dinner at Greenwich, at which 39 members were present. In 1842 the Secretaries were able to report for the first time since the foundation of the Club, that its finances were in a satisfactory condi- tion, and the subscription was reduced from £6 to £s in the following year. In 1843 Sir Robert Inghs resigned the office of Secretary, which he had held (with the exception of a short interval in 1819) since the founda- tion of the Club, and a piece of plate (costing ^^92 los. 6d.) was presented 1 Some difficulty was evidently experienced in finding a proper designation for this dinner, and in one memorandum there is an interpretation clause — ' The terms used, " Jubilee " and " Centenary ", signify the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Club '. There is also a list of delicacies promised by Members for the feast, which includes a supposed offer by Mr. Gaily Knight of ' Himself, to be roasted whole '. THE CHRONICLE 17 to him in recognition of his services. Messrs. Garrard's bill for the plate in question is among the archives of the Club. The presentation was made at a dinner at Blackwall on the ist July. There is no record of the attendance or proceedings, but the latter are stated in a later memorandum to have been ' glorious and bibulous '. There were also dinners at Blackwall in July of 1845, 1846, and 1848. In 1844 the creation of honorary members was first sanctioned — the three first honorary members being Lord John Russell, the Bishop of Rochester, and the Hon. Heneage Legge. In the same year, the system of election which is now in force — namely, by the circulation of voting papers, followed by a baUot — was adopted, and the first member elected under this system was Sir Thomas Fremantle (afterwards Lord Cottesloe). In 1845 Mr. Gladstone, who had resigned office as President of the Board of Trade at the end of January in consequence of Sir Robert Peel's intention of increasing the grant to Maynooth College, but had rejoined the Ministry as Secretary of State for the Colonies in December following, claimed exemption as a Cabinet Minister from paying a subscription for the year. The subscription, according to the Rules, became payable on the first day of the Session, which in this year was the 4th of February. The Secretary accordingly brought forward at the first breakfast of 1846 the question : whether under any possible circumstances and by any calendar, Julian, Gregorian, or Hegira, the fourth of February might be counted as the first of February. It was thereupon resolved : that under no possible combination of circumstances astrological or political can the 4th of February be reckoned as the first and that consequently the Secretary be empowered to request the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone to pay his subscription for 1845. Mr. Gladstone wrote in reply : Although I consider the decision of the Club in my case to be quite unworthy of the age in which we live, yet as I have no remedy, I accept the consequences and enclose a cheque. On the 2nd May 1846 it was resolved ' That a testimonial of the c i8 GRILLION'S CLUB regard and thankfulness of the Club be presented to Sir T. D. Acland, Bart.', and the presentation was made at a dinner on the 29th July. The testimonial took the form of a silver pillar, with inscriptions, and was furnished by Messrs. Garrard, at a cost of £95. The following entry is recorded in the dinner book : After dinner, the silver pillar, on the base of which are inscribed the arms of Sir T. D. Acland, Bart., on one side, an address to him on another side, and the names of the other members of the Club on the remaining side, was presented to him by the Chairman, in the name of the Club, as their testimonial of regard and thankfulness to him, in pursuance of their resolution at the breakfast meeting on the 2nd May 1846. Mr. Grillion was called in ; the excellency of his dinner was acknowledged, and he was encouraged to proceed as his father and grandfather had done. In 1847, at the breakfast meeting on the ist May, it was proposed : That so much of the Rule No. i as fixes the number of members at sixty be suspended. That two members be added every session to the Club, but that the number admitted shall in no year exceed four (whatever may be the number of vacancies), imless the number of the Club shall be reduced to less than sixty. The discussion on this resolution was adjourned till the 5th June, under which date the following proceedings are recorded : Proposed, That Rule No. i, or at least so much of it as fixes the number of the Club at sixty, be suspended. Carried, in the most indecent haste, unanimously. Proposed, That it shall be lawful for the Club, if they shall see fit, to elect two members, and no more, every year. Amendment proposed. The Secretary entirely forgets which amendment was proposed, and by whom — but it is certain it was negatived by a large majority, and the original motion carried. Protest entered by Lord Wharncliffe. In 1850 the day of meeting was changed from Wednesday to Tuesday for the session of that year, and in 1851 a motion to make the change permanent was negatived. At the first breakfast in 1853, it ' was announced from the Chair that Her Majesty had been graciously pleased to summon fourteen members of the Club to her Councils, no doubt in consideration of the benefit that would accrue to the Club from the fines that would thus become due '. Sir James BuUer East was elected a Secretary in the place of Mr. THE CHRONICLE 19 R. W. Hay, and in the same year the resignation of the Right Hon. Henry Tufnell was announced. In 1858 the day of meeting was again changed from Wednesday to Tuesday. In i860 Mr. Grillion informed the Club that he had purchased the Clarendon Hotel in Bond Street, which extended into Albemarle Street, and the Club then moved from its original premises in that street (No. 7) to No. 20. In 1861 the dinner hour was altered to 8, and Mr. George Richmond, who had drawn so many of the portraits of members, was elected an honorary member. In 1863 a special dinner was appointed for the 6th May, to com- memorate the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the Club. Fifty-five members attended, under the presidency of Lord Derby. The volume issued in 1880 contains a facsimile reproduction of the signatures of those attending,* who were : 1. Edward Geoffrey Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby. 2. George William Frederick ViUiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon. 3. John Robert Townshend, ist Earl Sydney. 4. Henry Labouchere, ist Baron Taunton. 5. Henry Pelham, 5th Duke of Newcastle. 6. Frederick Thesiger, ist Baron Chelmsford. 7. Robert Monsey Rolfe, ist Baron Cran worth. 8. Charles Shaw Lefevre, ist Viscount Eversley. 9. Sir George Grey, 2nd Baronet. 10. Charles Wood, ist Viscount Halifax. 11. James, ist Baron Moncrieff. 12. John Wodehouse, ist Earl of Kimberley. 13. Charles Cavendish Greville, Esq. 14. The Right Hon. Edward Pleydell Bouverie. 15. William Battle Wrightson, Esq. 16. Francis Charteris, loth Earl of Wemyss. 17. Charles Somers Cocks, 3rd Earl Somers. 18. John Wilson Patten, ist Baron Winmarleigh. * It will be observed that the list of those present at the dinner includes the name of Lord Wemyss, who was elected in 1846, and is still a member of the Club. C 2 20 GRILLION'S CLUB 19. Archibald Acheson, 3rd Earl of Gosford. 20. The Hon. John Ashley. 21. Francis Thornhill Baring, ist Baron Northbrook. 22. Robert Arthur Talbot Cecil, 3rd Marquis of Salisbury. 23. Charles Bowyer Adderley, ist Baron Norton. 24. Thomas Baring, Esq. 25. Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon. 26. The Hon. George Matthew Fortescue. 27. John Walbanke Childers, Esq. 28. David Richard Morier, Esq. 29. Sir William Heathcote, 5th Baronet. 30. Samuel Wilberforce, Bishop of Oxford and Winchester. 31. Thomas Francis Fremantle, ist Baron Cottesloe. 32. Edward Granville Ehot, 3rd Earl of St. Germans. 33. Richard Monckton Milnes, ist Baron Houghton. 34. Sir Philip de Malpas Grey-Egerton, loth Baronet. 35. Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby. 36. George Richmond, Esq., R.A. 37. Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, nth Baronet. 38. George William Lyttelton, 4th Baron Lyttelton. 39. Edward Cardwell, ist Viscount Cardwell, 40. Sir William Stirling Maxwell, Bart. 41. Dudley Ryder, 2nd Earl of Harrowby. 42. Charles Rodolph Trefusis, 19th Baron Clinton. 43. Sir Edmund Walker Head, ist Baronet. 44. James Wentworth Buller, Esq. 45. Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, loth Baronet. 46. Sir James Buller East, 2nd Baronet. 47. Henry Ker Seymer, Esq. 48. William Reginald Courtenay, nth Earl of Devon. 49. The Right Hon. Spencer Horatio Walpole. 50. Robert Grosvenor, ist Baron Ebury. 51. Thomas Spring Rice, ist Baron Monteagle. 52. William Page Wood, ist Baron Hatherley. 53. Francis Charles Hastings Russell, 8th Duke of Bedford. 54. Sir John George Shaw Lefevre. 55. Hugh McCalmont, ist Earl Cairns. THE CHRONICLE 21 The volume concludes with the following extract from the preface to the second volume of the collected portraits of members, written by Sir Thomas Acland and Sir James BuUer East : The Club having fully realized the highest aspirations of its founders, may it not be allowed to us your Secretaries, the only two remaining representatives of the early Christ Church Brotherhood — and with our two noble friends. Lords Stratford de Redcliffe and Glenelg, now sole survivors of the original companion- ship of 1813 — to look back with cordial and grateful satisfaction on these pleasing results, in the full belief that the genial meetings of Grillion's Club which have so well kept alive the freshness of our early morning may still, ' redolent of joy and youth ', through the noon and evening of its cherished existence, Such impulse to our hearts restore As if the seasons had roll'd back, and life Enjoyed a second Spring. And may we not further indulge the hope, that after fifty years of uninterrupted prosperity, promotive of many generous and enduring friendships, much genial and hearty enjoyment, and instructive intercommunication of valuable knowledge and social interest, nothing may ever occur to change the current of its happy course, or to mar the harmony which has ever prevailed amongst all members of the Club, but that it may continue, as now, to flourish till its latest day. Nee malis Divulsus querimoniis, Suprema citius solvet amor die. T B E ) December 31, 1864. ^- ^- A.i On the 9th July 1864 a piece of plate was presented to Sir James Buller East in recognition of his services as Secretary of the Club. In February 1866 Sir Thomas Dyke Acland resigned the post of Secretary which he had held since 1819, and Sir Philip Grey-Egerton was appointed to succeed him. In 1867 the rules of the Club were revised and re-cast in the order in which they now appear, though subsequently modified in various particulars.^ In January 1869 Mr. Grillion appears to have transferred the business of the Clarendon Hotel to Mr. Bacon. In May 1870 Sir James Buller East resigned the post of Secretary, and Mr. Arthur Mills was elected Junior Secretary to fill the vacancy. * It was in this year that one of the present Secretaries heard Mr. Disraeli, fresh from the struggles of passing his Reform Bill through the House of Commons, describe the Constitution of GriUion's Club as ' perhaps the only perfect Constitution in the world '. 22 GRILLION'S CLUB In the following year Mr. H. T. Wells, R.A., succeeded Mr. Richmond as the artist for the Club portraits. At the breakfast meeting on the 6th May 1871 it was decided to change the day of meeting from Wednesday to Monday. At the first breakfast meeting in 1872 this was modified by fixing Wednesday before Whitsuntide and Monday after Whitsuntide. In July Easter was substi- tuted for Whitsuntide. At the breakfast meeting in May 1872 it was resolved that a Com- mittee be appointed to consider the best mode of carrying out the wishes of the Club that they should have a permanent memorial of Sir Thomas Dyke Acland. It was ultimately decided to execute a reduced model of the statue of Sir Thomas, at Exeter, by Mr. Stephens, A.R.A., to be placed in the dining-room of the Club. The work was carried out by Messrs. Hunt and Roskell at a cost of £98 13s. The Clarendon Hotel was sold in 1872, and the last dinner there was held on the 5th May 1873. The meeting-place was transferred to Willis's Rooms, and the first dinner there was held on the 12th May 1873. It may be noted that Lord Beaconsfield (then Mr. Disraeh) dined on both occasions, and that the latter was the last occasion on which Samuel Wilberforce, Bishop of Winchester, dined with the Club. At the breakfast meeting on the 7th March 1874 arrangements were sanctioned for the migration of the Club to the Pall Mall Restaurant in Regent Street. On the 6th May 1876 it was decided that the day of meeting should be Monday. On the loth February 1877 the rules were amended by the omission of the fine on marriage. At the breakfast of 19th January 1878 a Committee consisting of Lord Acton, Lord Houghton, Mr. Spencer Walpole, and the Secretaries, was appointed * to examine the archives of the Club with a view to printing extracts for private distribution to Members '. The outcome of their deUberations was the preparation by Sir P. Grey-Egerton of the volume of Annals already referred to, of which 250 copies were printed in 1880, at an expense of £90 3s., for gratuitous distribution to the Members of the Club. The Secretaries were authorized to present copies not exceeding 20 in number to the representatives of deceased Members. THE CHRONICLE 23 On the death of Sir PhiUp de Malpas Grey-Egerton, a resolution expressing deep regret was passed at the breakfast of 7th May 1881, and Mr. Arthur Mills was appointed to succeed him as Secretary. Lord Norton, who had been elected a Deputy Secretary on the 8th January, became Junior Secretary. At the same breakfast it was announced that Lady Stratford de Redchffe had presented to the Club the original portrait by Mr. G. Richmond of the late Lord Stratford de Redchffe. The portrait was gratefully accepted, and was ordered to be placed in the room in which the meetings of the Club are held. On the 3rd May 1879 the rules of the Club were again revised, and the provision that Cabinet Ministers and others accepting office should contribute a tenth part of their first year's salary was omitted, the alternative of a payment of five pounds being retained. At a special breakfast held on the 23rd June 1881 it was resolved 'that Lord Sherbrooke, Lord Stanhope, Lord Chnton, and the Hon. E. F. Leveson Gower be requested to confer with the Secretaries as to the finances of the Club '. There is no record of the reasons for this resolu- tion, though it was probably due to the steady increase of the surplus. There is no sign of any conclusion having been arrived at as a result of the conference. In May 1883, in the midst of the Whitsuntide recess, the Pall Mall Restaurant came to a sudden end, and the Club was left houseless. The Raleigh Club, situated in the same block of buildings, at once offered accommodation, and conferred honorary membership on all the members. The Club dined there for the first time on the 28th May 1883. On the i6th June a Committee was appointed, consisting of the Duke of Bedford, Lord Stanhope, Lord Clinton, Lord Sherbrooke, the Hon. E. F. Leveson Gower, and the Honorary Secretaries, ' to consider and report as to the future premises of the Club '. The result of these deliberations is not recorded, but the meetings continued to be held at the Raleigh Club till the end of 1886. At the beginning of 1887 the Club removed to the Grand Hotel in Northumberland Avenue. On the 25th June 1888 it is recorded that : The Earl of Carnarvon moved the suspension of the Standing Orders, with the object, it was understood, of obtaining permission to smoke. A discussion, chiefly inaudible, ensued, which was terminated by the Chairman putting the 24 GRILLION'S CLUB question ' Content or not Content '. Nobody voted either way, thereupon the Chairman declared the motion carried, and the Earl of Carnarvon smoked a cigarette. The consumption of two cigarettes is noted in the dinner book. On the 15th February 1890 Rule VII of the Club as to ballots was amended. The new version provided that three candidates should be balloted for if there were more than two vacancies, that two black balls should exclude, but that if there were only two, the ballot should be repeated. A special breakfast was held on the 29th May 1894 to consider the mode of deaUng with the funds of the Club. Sir Redvers Buller proposed the appropriation thereof to laying in a stock of champagne and port, and this proposal was unanimously adopted. On 25th March 1895 Mr. Gladstone, who had been a Member of the Club since 1840, dined for the last time as one of a party of fourteen, comprising Lord Fortescue, Mr. Lecky, Mr. Bryce, Lord Kimberley, Lord Knutsford, Mr. Sidney Herbert, and Sir E. Grey. Dr. Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury, was in the Chair, and the conversation during the earlier part of the evening was mainly on the subject of forest trees. Mr. Lecky started some historical topics, and Mr. Gladstone at the close of the evening recounted several parliamentary and official anecdotes. On the 22nd April 1895 Sir Robert Herbert presented to the Club a gold snuff-box, formerly belonging to Mr. Phihp Pusey, a deceased member of the Club. At the beginning of 1897, the Secretaries being dissatisfied with the high charge made by the Grand Hotel for corkage, the meetings of the Club were transferred to the Hotel Cecil in the Strand, where better accommodation was obtainable for a portion of the stock of wine which was being laid in by the Secretaries. In each of the years 1897, 1898, and 1899, special dinners were held on the last Wednesday of July for the benefit of the Speaker (Mr. Gully, after- wards Viscount Selby), and were numerously attended. On the first occasion the Speaker, in the Chair, had on his right the Marquis of Salisbury, then Prime Minister, and on his left the Earl of Kimberley, Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords. In May 1898 Mr. Henry T. Wells, R.A., who since 1871 had been the artist of the Club, was elected an honorary member. THE CHRONICLE 25 At the breakfast of February 1899 a resolution was voted expressing the deep regret of the Club at the death of Mr. Arthur Mills, who for so many years had acted as Secretary, and Lord Norton, Joint Secretary, having asked to be relieved of his duties. Sir Robert Herbert and Sir Redvers BuUer were appointed Joint Secretaries. Sir C. Thomas Dyke Acland, grandson of the principal founder of the Club, was elected an extra member. On the 3rd February 1900, the yearly budget having come up for discussion, it was resolved, on the proposal of Sir M. Hicks Beach (now Viscount St. Aldwyn), that the payment to be made by members dining shall be five shillings instead of ten shillings as heretofore. On the 5th May 1900, and again on the 4th May 1901, alterations were made in the rules as to the election of members, providing that no voting paper should be valid unless the names of at least three candidates were marked thereon, and that any candidate who at four successive elections had obtained less than ten votes should be omitted from the voting lists. Special dinners to meet the Speaker were held on the 21st July 1900 and ist May 1901. On the 7th May 1900 it is recorded that ' this being the sixtieth anniversary of Earl Fortescue's election to the Club, he was present at dinner, and his health was drunk with cordial good wishes for his con- tinued presence. The toast was drunk in seventy-years old whisky, of which he brought some bottles as a present '.^ At the dinner of 19th July 1900 the Club sent a message to its Secretary, Sir Redvers Duller, in South Africa. To Duller fighting Grillion's greeting, Drinks to our next meeting, Cellar wants a buyer, Don't be long. On the death of Mr. Wells, in 1903, it was decided not to appoint an artist to be exclusively painter to the Club, but to leave the choice to members. * This is almost the last instance of a very agreeable practice of presenting choice articles of food and drink which in earlier years was much in vogue. Turtles, haunches of venison, pine-apples, asparagus, wines and liqueurs of special excellence, and on one occasion Jamaica ginger, were generously bestowed and gratefully consumed. D 26 GRILLION'S CLUB In 1904 the Secretaries called attention to the rapid annual diminu- tion in the cash balance of the Club in consequence of the reduced pay- ment for dinner and the improvement of the wine. The matter was discussed at the breakfast of May 7th. It was resolved to abohsh the provision in Rule II that Cabinet Ministers should be exempted from payment of subscriptions on a single payment of five pounds, and a Com- mittee consisting of the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Balfour of Burleigh, and Sir Edward Grey, was invited to consult with the Secretaries and report on the steps to be taken to restore the equilibrium of the budget. The report of the Committee showed that the reduced charge for members dining had resulted in an annual deficit of rather more than £100. They unanimously recommended that the charge for members dining should again be fixed at ten shillings, that the number of ordinary members should be raised from 60 to 80, by four elections per annum, and that no more honorary members should be appointed until that number had been reached. They moreover suggested that an ordinary member should not be qualified to become an honorary member until he had presented his portrait to the Club. All these recommendations were adopted on the 8th February 1905. On the 17th February 1906 the Hon. Arthur Elhot was elected to the office of Joint Secretary, vacant by the death of Sir Robert Herbert. On the 28th February 1909 Lord Sanderson was elected a Joint Secretary to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Sir Redvers Buller. On the 25th April 1910 thirty-two members attended at dinner to discuss a proposal made by the Earl of Rosebery, that the two yearly breakfasts at the. beginning of the session and on the first Saturday in May, which had been regularly held since 1823, for the discussion of business, should be discontinued, and that business should in future be brought forward and ballots held after dinner on such dates as might be fixed for the purpose. The opinion of the majority of those present was in favour of the change, but it was decided that the feeling of the Club should be ascertained by means of a referendum, and the Secretaries were instructed to issue voting papers to all the members. At a breakfast held on the loth June following, it was announced that 47 votes had been received in favour of the change, and only 10 against it, and the necessary alterations in the rules were approved. THE CHRONICLE 27 the second dinner of the year and the first dinner in May being designated for the discussion of business and for ballots. The Speaker having represented that he would, in consequence, be deprived of his only opportunity of attending the meetings of the Club, it was resolved that he should be presented with a box of cigars as a form of consolation. On the 26th February 1912 Sir George H. Murray was elected a Third Secretary. At the dinner of February loth 1913 the Secretaries announced that the Club would complete its centenary on the loth of May follow- ing. It was decided that the event should be celebrated by a dinner, at which the Speaker should be invited to take the Chair, and the Secre- taries were instructed to consult him for the purpose of fixing a convenient date. The day selected was Friday, 30th May, when 29 members were present to celebrate the occasion. The number was identical with that of the members attending the dinner of the twenty-fifth anniversary, but compared unfavourably with the attendance of 55 at the jubilee dinner of May 6th 1863. The circumstances were, however, unpro- pitious. Parliament had been sitting from the 7th of October until the 5th of May, with only two short intervals at Christmas and Easter, and had then separated for a Whitsuntide holiday of three weeks. Mem- bers of both Houses were postponing their return to town until the following week, and a considerable number of the most frequent atten- dants at the Club dinners were prevented by engagements in the country or by absence abroad from taking part in the celebration. The gathering was, nevertheless, in many respects very representative of the com- position of the Club, comprising several of the oldest members, and both the Leader of the House of Lords and the Leader of the Opposition in that assembly. The proceedings were marked by great cordiality, and in deference to the general feeling that the occasion warranted a departure from the practice of the Club, which precludes toasts and speeches. Lord Lansdowne, who occupied the seat on the right of the Chair, as senior member present,^ proposed the health of the Speaker. ^ The seat on the left of the Speaker was occupied by Lord Knutsford, who, though nearly twenty years older than Lord Lansdowne, was slightly junior to him as a member. Until prevented by failing health he had been a frequent attendant at the meetings of the Club, and on this occasion in his 88th year he again favoured it with his presence for the last time. D 2 28 GRILLION'S CLUB That Right Hon. gentleman rephed in a discourse in which he alluded with great feeUng to the box of cigars presented to him in 1910 on the abolition of the Club breakfasts, and made it clear to his audience that a repetition of this solatium for his enforced absence from the ordinary meetings of the Club would render his exile more endurable. The members present, seeing no prospect of an alteration in the rules as to the sittings of the House of Commons which would enable them to return to the practice of offering a special dinner during each session, left the matter in the hands of the Secretaries, and a second box of cigars, selected as not unworthy of the occasion and the recipient, was in due course presented. At the previous dinner of the 5th May the Hon. Arthur Elhot had announced amidst general expressions of regret that he was compelled to resign the office of Secretary, which he had held since February 1906. The cordial thanks of those present were offered to him for his services, and the duties of the office have thenceforth devolved on his two col- leagues. Foremost among those duties has been the preparation of this record — a task not wholly devoid of difficulty, which they have performed to the best of their ability. In offering to the Club what may, they fear, be regarded as a some- what bald recital of the salient events in its past history, the Secretaries desire to explain that an examination of the printed volume of Annals and of the manuscript records has furnished them with little material of a lighter kind which could be reproduced with profit in the present day. The Club met in the past, as now, for the purpose of easy con- versation ; there was no Boswell to record the more notable sayings, and such witticisms as were committed to writing depend much for their point on cryptic references to unexplained incidents or on personal characteristics which are now forgotten. With the exception of two short poems by Lord Houghton which will be found annexed to the list of solitary dinners, they are mainly interesting as indications of the geniality and almost riotous high spirits which prevailed among the members even at times of severe political tension.^ In later years the ^ For instance on the 5th April 1837 there is a note in Lord Stanley's handwriting : ' Be it remembered that on this day immediately after dinner Sir Robert Inglis proposed the toast of Church and King, which was seconded by Lord John Russell, the necessity for a seconder having been clearly shown by a previous debate the same day in the House THE CHRONICLE 29 proceedings of the Club have possibly been more sedate, as becomes a body that has reached the age of discretion, but it may safely be asserted that there has neither been any perceptible decline in the cordiality of its meetings nor has the conversation at its table become less agreeable. That the Club has been both comprehensive and dis- criminate in the selection of its company may be inferred from the fact that since 1865 every Prime Minister, every Lord Chancellor, and every Foreign Secretary has been chosen from among its members. That it may long continue a notable illustration of the tolerance and consideration which the leading members of political parties in this country are wont to show to their opponents, and of the influence of social intercourse in mitigating the animosities which too frequently arise in the antagonism of public life, must be the earnest hope of all its members. ANNEX Sir Spencer Walpole, who was himself a member of the Club from 1902 to his death in 1907, and whose father's membership dated from 1850, relates the following anecdote in his Essay on the Dining Societies of London {Essays Political and Biographical, p. 244) : ' In the closing months of the Melbourne administration party politics ran high, and on one especial occasion Lord Derby (or Lord Stanley as he was then) waxed warm in attacking a measure which Lord Morpeth (as Irish Secretary) was defending. The debate had raged — we can apply no milder word — round a particular clause of Commons : on this auspicious event Sir Robert Inglis called for, and bound himself to finish a second bottle of Port.' To this Lord John Russell has added : ' The last toast of the evening was Constitution in Church and State, proposed by Lord John Russell, seconded by Sir Robert Inglis.' A reference to Hansard's Debates shows that a motion by Colonel Thompson to refuse consideration of the Army Estimates had dropped that afternoon for want of a seconder. The Dinner Book shows that Lord John Russell was in the Chair, Lord Stanley on his right, and Sir Robert Inglis on his left, and that the party (of nine) did consume 2 bottles of Port, besides 3 bottles of Sherry, 4 of Champagne, and 2 of Claret. Everything else is left to the imagination. 30 GRILLION'S CLUB which had been subjected to amendment, and which was again and again referred to as the Amended Clause. When the members of the Club sat down to dinner that evening only one chair, as chance befell, remained vacant, and that chair was next the one which Lord Morpeth occupied. After dinner had commenced Lord Stanley entered the room and naturally had to take the only vacant seat. The other members present held their breaths, doubting whether even the traditions of Grillion's would keep the peace between two such antagonists after such an encounter. Sir Thomas Acland, however, who was in the Chair, summoned a waiter, and, pointing to a dish of dressed lobster on the table, said, " Take that dish of dressed lobster immediately to Lord Morpeth and Lord Stanley. Lord Morpeth ! Lord Stanley ! the amended claws ! " A roar of laughter greeted this announcement, and conversation was resumed with undiminished hilarity.' There is no mention of this incident in the written records of the Club, nor have the Secretaries been able to find any confirmation of it in the reports of Debates in the House of Commons on the dates on which Lord Derby and Lord Morpeth dined together at the Club. It seems probable that the incident occurred at the dinner given to the Speaker at Greenwich on the 20th June 1840. There is no record of the proceedings, but we know that 39 members were present, and the names of Lord Stanley, Lord Morpeth, and Sir Thomas Acland are on the list of those who intended to come. A Bill for the Registration of Voters in Ireland introduced by Lord Stanley, the progress of which had been most determinedly opposed at every stage, and which had given rise to several heated discussions, in consequence of the violence of Mr. O'Connell's language, was at last got into Committee on the 19th June. Lord Morpeth at once moved an important amendment in the first clause in a long speech, to which Lord Stanley replied at equal length and with con- siderable acrimony. The amendment was eventually carried by 7 votes. Lord Stanley announced his intention of making the changes rendered necessary and of persisting with the Bill notwithstanding these tactics, and it may be presumed that the party at Greenwich may have been considerably disturbed at his arrival the next day to take the only vacant chair next to his antagonist. On the 1st July following, at a dinner of 17, Lord Stanley seems to have sat next to Lord John Russell. A note was made by the Chairman, Lord Acheson : ' No Secretary, dinner very pleasant, unusually so.' To this the whole party subscribed their initials. Lord John Russell heading the signatures. Lord Sandon put the qualification ' cum grano ', but whether as a reflection on his neighbours, or more probably out of consideration for the absent Secretaries, there is nothing to show. On this occasion, however, neither Lord Morpeth nor Sir Thomas Acland was present, and on the only subsequent date before the close of the Melbourne Adminis- tration when Lord Stanley and Lord Morpeth were both present at dinner (Jan. 27, 1841) neither of them had spoken in the House of Commons. FACSIMILE SIGNATURES OF MEMBERS ATTENDING THE DINNER ON MAY 30, 1913 ^e-i^^ ' ju^^^^^pnp^ C^'l-i.^C'^ LIST OF MEMBERS FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE CLUB TO THE PRESENT TIME Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1838-1913 ABERCORN, James Hamilton, 2nd Duke, 1890 succeeded 1885 ; P.C, K.G. ; M.P. Donegal 1860-80 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Donegal ; a Lord of the Bedchamber and Groom of the Stole to King Edward VII when Prince of Wales ; Special Envoy to announce King Edward VII's accession to Courts of Denmark, Sweden and Norway, Germany, Saxony, and Russia, 1901. 1815-1895 ABERDARE, Henry Austin Bruce, ist Baron, 1868 created 1873 ; P.C, G.C.B. ; Home Secretary 1868-73 ; Lord President of the Council 1873-4; M.P. Merthyr Tydvil 1852-68, Renfrewshire 1869-73. 1787-1871 ACLAND, Sir Thomas Dyke, loth Bart., O.M. succeeded 1794; F.R.S. ; M.P. Devon 1812-18, 1820-31, North Devon 1837-57; Secretary to the Club 1819-66. 1809-1898 ACLAND, Right Hon. Sir Thomas Dyke, 1838 nth Bart., succeeded 1871 ; M.P. West Somerset 1837-47, North Devon 1865-85, West Somerset 1885-6. 1815-1900 ACLAND, Sir Henry Wentworth, ist Bart., 1877 created 1890 ; K.C.B., F.R.S. ; Regius Pro- fessor of Medicine, Oxford, 1857-94 ; Presi- dent of the Medical Council of the United Kingdom 1874-87. E 2 36 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. i. 1842 ACLAND,SirCHARLEsTHOMAsDYKE,i2thBart., 1899 succeeded 1898 ; M.P. East Cornwall 1882-5, North-East Cornwall 1885-92. 1834-1902 ACTON, John Acton, ist Baron, created 1869 ; 1865 M.P. Carlow 1859-65 ; Bridgnorth 1865-6 ; Professor of Modem History, Cambridge ; a Lord-in-Waiting 1892-5 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford and LL.D. Cambridge. b. 1842 ALVERSTONE, Richard Everard Webster, 1888 1st Viscount, created 1913, created Baron 1900 ; P.C, G.C.M.G., F.R.S.; Attorney-General 1885, 1886-92, 1895-1900; Master of the Rolls 1900; Lord Chief Justice 1900-13 ; M.P. Launceston 1885, Isle of Wight 1885-1900 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh. b. 1843 ANSON, Right Hon. Sir William Reynell, 1901 3rd Bart., succeeded 1873 ; Warden of All Souls College, Oxford ; Parliamentary Secre- tary of the Board of Education 1902-5 ; M.P. Oxford University since 1899. 1823-1900 ARGYLL, George Douglas Campbell, 8th 1852 Duke of, succeeded 1847 ; P.C, K.G., K.T., F.R.S. ; Lord Privy Seal 1853-5, 1859-66, 1880-1 ; Postmaster-General 1855-8 ; Secre- tary of State for India 1868-73 ; Chancellor of St. Andrews University. 1822-1888 ARNOLD, Matthew, poet and critic ; Inspector 1882 of Schools 1851-83 ; Professor of Poetry, Ox- ford, 1857. LIST OF MEMBERS 37 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1837-1913 ASHBOURNE, Edward Gibson, ist Baron, 1882 created 1885 ; P.C. ; Attorney-General for Ireland 1877-80 ; Lord Chancellor for Ireland 1885-6, 1886-92, 1895-1905 J M.P. Dublin University 1875-85 ; Hon. LL.D. Dublin. 1799-1864 ASHBURTON, William Bingham Baring, 2nd 1830 Baron, succeeded 1848 ; P.C. ; Secretary to the Board of Control 1 841-5 ; Paymaster-General of the Forces 1845-6 ; M.P. Thetford 1826-30 and 1841-8, Callington 1830-1, Winchester 1832-7, North Staffordshire 1837-41. 1808-1867 ASHLEY, Hon. Anthony John, Q.C. ; son of 1856 6th Earl of Shaftesbury. 1836-1907 ASHLEY, Right Hon. Evelyn Melbourne, 1891 Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade 1880-2 ; Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1882-5 ; M.P. Poole 1874-80, Isle of Wight 1880-5. b. 1852 ASQUITH, Right Hon. Herbert Henry, K.C, 1893 F.R.S. ; Secretaryof State for the Home Depart- ment 1892-5 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer 1905-8 ; First Lord of the Treasury and Prime Minister 1908 ; M.P. for East Fife from 1886 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Bristol, St. An- drews ; Elder Brother of the Trinity House. 1834-1913 AVEBURY, John Lubbock, 1st Baron, created 1883 1900 ; P.C, F.R.S. ; a Trustee of the British Museum ; M.P. Maidstone 1870-80, University of London 1880-1900 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge, Dublin, St. Andrews, and Edinburgh ; Chairman of London County Council 1890-2 ; President of Linnean and other learned societies ; Vice-Chancellor of University of London 1873-80 ; Lord Rector of St. Andrews. 38 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. b. 1848 BALFOUR, Right Hon. Arthur James, F.R.S. ; 1885 President of the Local Government Board 1885 ; Secretary for Scotland 1886-7 '> Chief Secre- tary for Ireland 1887-91 ; First Lord of the Treasury 1891-2, 1895-1905 ; Prime Minister 1902-5 ; M.P. Hertford 1874-85, East Man- chester 1885-1905, City of London from 1906 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh, St. Andrews, Glasgow, Dublin, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Sheffield, Bristol ; Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh since 1891 ; Elder Brother of the Trinity House. b. 1849 BALFOUR of Burleigh, Alexander Hugh 1896 Bruce, loth Baron, succeeded 1869 ; P.C., K.T., G.C.M.G. ; a Lord-in-Waiting 1886-9 : Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade 1888-92 ; Secretary for Scotland 1895-1903 ; Lord Warden of the Stannaries ; Chancellor of St. Andrews University since 1900. b. 1853 BALFOUR, Right Hon. Gerald William, Chief 1897 Secretary for Ireland 1895-1900 ; President of the Board of Trade 1900-5 ; President of the Local Government Board 1905 ; M.P. Leeds 1885-1906. 1799-1873 BARING, Thomas, M.P. Yarmouth 1835-7, i860 Huntingdon 1844-73. 1793-1834 BATHURST, Hon. Seymour Thomas, Lieu- 1824 tenant-Colonel in the Army. b. 1854 BATTENBERG, His Serene Highness Prince 1904 Louis Alexander, G.C.B.,G.C.V.O.,K.C.M.G.; Admiral R.N. ; Director of Naval Intelligence 1902-5 ; Second Naval Lord of the Admiralty 1911-12 ; First Naval Lord of the Admiralty 1912 ; Elder Brother of the Trinity House. LIST OF MEMBERS 39 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1804-1881 BEACONSFIELD, Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of, 1865 created 1876 ; P.C, K.G. ; Chancellor of the Exchequer 1852, 1858-9, 1866-8 ; First Lord of the Treasury and Prime Minister 1868, 1874- 80 ; M.P. Maidstone 1837-41, Shrewsbury 1841-7, Buckinghamshire 1847-76 ; an Elder Brother of the Trinity House. 1819-1891 BEDFORD, Francis Hastings Russell, 9th 1859 Duke, succeeded 1872 ; K.G. ; Lord-Lieutenant of Huntingdon ; M.P. Bedfordshire 1847-72. BENSON, Edward White, Archbishop of Can- terbury. See p. 42. b. 1850 BIRRELL, Right Hon. Augustine, K.C. ; Presi- 1899 dent of the Board of Education 1905-7 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland since 1907 ; M.P. West Fifeshire 1889-1900, North Bristol since 1906 ; LL.D. Cambridge ; Hon. LL.D. Liverpool, St. Andrews, and Bristol. 1834-1890 BOEHM, Sir J. Edgar, ist Bart., created 1889 ; 1886 Sculptor ; Royal Academician. 1818-1889 BOUVERIE, Right Hon. Edward Pleydell, 1857 Under-Secretary of State, Home Office, 1850-2 ; Paymaster-General 1855 '> Vice-President of the Board of Trade 1855 ; President of the Poor Law Board 1855-8 ; M.P. Kilmarnock 1844-74. 1783-1815 BOWDLER, John, author of Select Pieces in 1813 Prose and Verse ; Barrister, Lincoln's Inn. 1835-1894 BOWEN, Charles Synge Christopher Bowen, 1886 Baron, created 1893 ; a Life Peer ; P.C. ; a Judge of the High Court of Justice 1879 ; Lord of Appeal in Ordinary 1893. 40 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth . Date of AN D Death. Electio n . 1783-1860 BOWYER, Sir George, 6th Bart., succeeded 1814 1799 ; M.P. Malmesbury 1807-10, Abingdon 1811-18. 1836-1911 BRADFORD, Sir Edward Ridley Colborne, 1892 ist Bart., created 1902 ; G.C.B., G.C.V.O., K. C.S.I. ; Chief Commissioner in Rajputana 1878-87 ; Secretary of Pohtical and Secret Department, India Office 1887-90 ; Chief Com- missioner of MetropoUtan PoUce 1 890-1 903. b. 1844 BROWNLOW, Adelbert Wellington Brown- 1888 LOW CuST, 3rd Earl, succeeded 1867 ; P.C. ; Lord-Lieutenant of Lincolnshire ; Paymaster- General 1887-9 '• Under-Secretary of State for War 1889-92. b. 1838 BRYCE, James Bryce, ist Viscount, created 1891 1914; O.M., F.R.S. ; Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1886 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1892-4 ; President of the Board of Trade 1894-5 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1905-7 ; Ambassador at Washington 1907-13 ; M.P. Tower Hamlets 1880-5, South Aberdeenshire 1885-1907 ; D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. Litt.D. Cambridge; Hon. LL.D. Edin- burgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen. 1798-1865 BULLER, James Wentworth, M.P. Exeter 1831 1831-5, North Devon 1857-65. 1806-1848 BULLER, Right Hon. Charles, Secretary to 1844 Lord Durham when Governor-General of Canada ; Secretary to the Board of Control 1841 ; Judge Advocate-General 1846 ; Poor Law Commissioner 1847-8; M.P. West Looe 1 830-1, Liskeard 1832-48. LIST OF MEMBERS 41 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1839-1908 BULLER, Right Hon. Sir Redvers Henry, 1886 G.C.B., G.C.M.G., V.C. ; Under-Secretary for Ireland 1886-7 '< Quartermaster-General 1887-9 '< Adjutant -General 1889-97; commanding Forces in South Africa 1899. Secretary to the Club 1899-1908. b. 1840 CADOGAN, George Henry Cadogan, 5th Earl, 1887 succeeded 1873 ; P.C, K.G. ; Under-Secretary of State for War 1875-8, for the Colonies 1878- 80; LordPrivy Seal 1886-92; Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland 1895-1902 ; M.P. Bath 1873 ; Hon. LL.D. DubUn. 1819-1885 CAIRNS, Hugh MacCalmont Cairns, ist Earl, 1862 created 1878, created Baron 1867 ; P.C. ; Solicitor-General 1858-9 ; Attorney-General 1866 ; Lord Justice of Appeal 1866-7 ; Lord Chancellor 1868 and 1874-80 ; M.P. Belfast 1852-66; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge and Dublin. 1783-1826 CALCUTTA, Right Reverend Reginald Heber, 1813 Bishop of, 1822-6 ; Poet and Author ; D.D. Oxford. 1786-1828 CALCUTTA, Right Reverend John Thomas 1815 James, Bishop of, 1827-8 ; Author ; D.D. Oxford. 1836-1908 CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN, Right Hon. Sir 1894 Henry, G.C.B. ; Financial Secretary War Office 1871-4, 1880-2 ; Secretary to the Admiralty 1882-4 J Chief Secretary for Ireland 1884-5 J Secretary of State for War 1886 and 1892-5 ; First Lord of the Treasury and Prime Minister 1905-8; M.P. Stirling 1868-1908; Elder Brother of the Trinity House. F 42 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1812-1862 CANNING, Charles John Canning, ist Earl, 1840 created 1859; P.C, K.G., G.C.B. ; Under- Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1 841-6 ; Postmaster-General 1853-5 ', Governor-General of India 1856-62 ; M.P. Warwick 1836-7. 1811-1882 CANTERBURY, Most Reverend Archibald 1865 Campbell Tait, Archbishop of, 1869-82 ; P.C. ; Head Master of Rugby 1842 ; Dean of Carlisle 1849 ; Bishop of London 1856-69 ; Hon. D.D. Oxford. 1829-1896 CANTERBURY, Most Reverend Edward White 1884 Benson, Archbishop of, 1882-96 ; P.C. ; Head Master of WeUington College 1859-72 ; Bishop of Truro 1877-82 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; D.D. Cambridge. b. 1848 CANTERBURY, Most Reverend Randall 1896 Thomas Davidson, Archbishop of, 1903 ; P.C, G.C.V.O. ; Dean of Windsor 1883-91 ; Bishop of Rochester 1891-5, Winchester 1895- 1903 ; Hon. D.D. Oxford, St. Andrews, Aber- deen ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1813-1886 CARDWELL, Edward Cardwell, 1st Viscount, 1851 created 1874 ; P.C. ; Secretary to the Treasury 1845-6 ; President of the Board of Trade 1852-5 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1859-61 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1864-6 ; Secretary of State for War 1868-74; M.P. Clitheroe 1842-7, Liverpool 1847-52, Oxford 1853-74- 1787-1856 CAREW, Robert Shapland Carew, 1st Baron, 1813 created 1834 ; K.P. ; Lord-Lieutenant of Wexford ; M.P. Wexford Co. 1818-34. LIST OF MEMBERS 43 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1823-1898 CARLINGFORD, Chichester Samuel Parkin- 1880 SON-FORTESCUE, ist Baron, created 1874 ; P.C. ; Lord of the Treasury 1854-5 ; Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1857-8, 1859-65 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1865-6, 1868-71; President of the Board of Trade 1871-4 ; Lord Privy Seal 1881-5 ; Lord President of the Council 1883-5. 1802-1864 CARLISLE, George William Frederick 1830 Howard, 7th Earl, succeeded 1848 ; P.C, K.G. ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1835-41 ; Commissioner of Woods and Forests 1846-50 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1850-2 ; Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland 1855-8, 1859-64 ; M.P. Morpeth 1826-30, Yorkshire 1830-2, West Riding 1832-41 and 1846-8. 1843-1911 CARLISLE, George James Howard, 9th Earl, 1892 succeeded 1889 ; Trustee of the National Gallery ; M.P. East Cumberland 1879-80, 1881-5. 1800-1849 CARNARVON, Henry John George Herbert, 1832 3rd Earl, succeeded 1833 ; M.P. Wootton Bassett 1831-2. 1831-1890 CARNARVON, Henry Howard Molyneux 1854 Herbert, 4th Earl, succeeded 1849 ; P.C. ; Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1858-9 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1866-7, 1874-8 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland 1885-6 ; High Steward Oxford University ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 6. 1841 CARPENTER, Right Rev. William Boyd, 1894 Bishop of Ripon, 1884-1911 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford, Durham ; Hon. D.D. Cambridge, Glasgow, Aberdeen. F 2 44 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. b. 1854 CARSON, Right Hon. Sir Edward Henry, 1899 K.C. ; Solicitor-General for Ireland 1892 ; Solicitor- General for England 1900-5 ; M.P. Dublin University since 1892. h. 1856 CAVE, George, K.C. ; Chairman of Quarter Ses- 1913 sions for Surrey since 1894 ; M.P. Kingston 1906. 1836-1882 CAVENDISH, Right Hon. Lord Frederick 1873 Charles, Lord of the Treasury 1873-4 ; Financial Secretary to the Treasury 1880-2 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1882 ; M.P. West Riding (North) 1865-82. 1847-191 1 CAWDOR, Frederick Archibald Vaughan 1909 Campbell, 3rd Earl, succeeded 1898 ; P.C. ; First Lord of the Admiralty 1905 ; Lord- Lieutenant of Pembrokeshire ; M.P. Carmar- thenshire 1874-85. h. 1869 CECIL, Lord Hugh Richard Heathcote, M.P. 1905 Greenwich 1895-1906, Oxford University since 1911. h. 1864 CECIL, Lord Robert (Edgar Algernon), K.C. ; 1909 M.P. East Marylebone since 1906. 6. 1836 CHAMBERLAIN, Right Hon. Joseph, F.R.S. ; 1890 President of the Board of Trade 1880-5 ] Presi- dent of the Local Government Board 1886 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1895-1903 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge, Dublin, Cardiff ; Chancellor of Birmingham University 1901 ; Elder Brother of the Trinity House ; M.P. West Birmingham since 1876. h. 1863 CHAMBERLAIN, Right Hon. J. Austen, Civil 1903 Lord of the Admiralty 1895-1900 ; Financial Secretary to the Treasury 1900-2 ; Postmaster- General 1902-3 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer 1903-5 ; M.P. East Worcestershire since 1892. LIST OF MEMBERS Dates of Birth AND Death. h. 1841 CHAPLIN, Right Hon. Henry, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1885-6 ; President of the Board of Agriculture 1886-92 ; President of the Local Government Board 1895-1900 ; M.P. Mid-Lincolnshire 1868-85, Sleaford Divi- sion 1885-1905, Wimbledon since 1907. 1794-1878 CHELMSFORD, Frederick Thesiger, ist Baron, created 1858 ; P.C, F.R.S. ; Solicitor- General 1844 ; Attorney-General 1845-6, 1852 ; Lord Chancellor 1858-9, 1866-8 ; M.P. Wood- stock 1840-4, Abingdon 1844-52, Stamford 1852-8 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1798-1886 CHILDERS, John Walbanke, M.P. Cambridge- shire 1832-5, Malton 1836-46, 1847-52. 1789-1825 CHINNERY, George Robert, Newdigate Prize- man, Oxford, 1811. Clerk in the Treasury 1812-25 ; Commissioner in Spain 1823. 1828-1899 CHITTY, Right Hon. Sir Joseph William, Judge of High Court of Justice 1881 ; Lord Justice of Appeal 1897 ; M.P. Oxford 1880-1. 1792-1851 CLARE, John Fitzgibbon, 2nd Earl, succeeded 1802 ; K.P., G.C.H. ; Governor of Bombay 1831-4 ; Lord-Lieutenant Co. Limerick. 1800-1870 CLARENDON, George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl, succeeded 1838 ; P.C, K.G., G.C.B. ; Lord Privy Seal 1840-1 ; Chan- cellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1840-1, 1864-6 ; President of the Board of Trade 1846-7 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland 1847-52 ; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1853-8, 1865-6, 1868-70 ; Chancellor of the Queen's University, Ireland. 45 Date of Election. 1890 1853 1840 O.M. 1889 1814 1840 46 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1803-1891 CLEVELAND, Harry George Powlett, 4th 1861 Duke, succeeded 1864 ; K.G. ; M.P. South Durham 1841-59, Hastings 1859-64. 1791-1866 CLINTON, Charles Rodolph Trefusis, 19th 1824 Baron, succeeded 1832 ; M.P. CalHngton 1813- 18 ; Commissioner of Excise 1819-33. 1834-1904 CLINTON, Charles Henry Hepburn-Stuart- 1872 Forbes-Trefusis, 20th Baron, succeeded 1866; Under-Secretary of State for India 1867-8 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Devon ; M.P. North Devon 1857-66. 1789-1854 CLIVE, Hon. Robert Henry, son of ist Earl 1817 of Powis ; M.P. Ludlow 1818-31, South Shrop- shire 1832-54. 1788-1863 COCKERELL, Charles Robert, R.A. ; Hon. 1822 D.C.L. Oxford ; Professor of Architecture to the Royal Academy. 1820-1894 COLERIDGE, John Duke Coleridge, ist 1870 Baron, created 1874 ; F.R.S. ; Solicitor-General 1868-71 ; Attorney-General 1871-3 ; Lord Chief Justice Common Pleas 1873-80 ; Lord Chief Justice of England 1880-94 ; M.P. Exeter 1865-73 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1842-1911 COLLINS, Richard Henn Collins, Baron, 1906 created 1907 ; a Ufe Peer ; P.C. ; a Judge of the High Court of Justice 1891-7 ; Lord Justice of Appeal 1897-1901 ; Master of the Rolls 1901-7 ; Lord of Appeal in Ordinary 1907-11 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge and Dublin. 1789-1829 COLTHURST, Sir Nicholas Conway, 4th Bart., 1815 succeeded 1795 ; M.P. Cork City 1812-29. LIST OF MEMBERS 47 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1 798-1 890 COTTESLOE, Thomas Francis Fremantle, ist 1844 Baron, created 1874 ; P.C. ; Secretary of the Treasury 1834-5, 1841-4 ; Secretary at War 1844-5 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1845-6 ; Chairman and Deputy-Chairman of Customs 1846-75 ; M.P. Buckingham 1827-46. 1836-1887 COWPER, Hon. Henry Frederick, son of 6th 1881 Earl Cowper ; M.P. Herts. 1865-85. 1814-1906 CRANBROOK, Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1864 1st Earl, created 1892 ; P.C, G.C.S.I. ; Under- Secretary of State, Home Ofi&ce, 1858-9 ; Presi- dent of the Poor Law Board 1866-7 J Home Secretary 1867-8 ; Secretary of State for War 1874-8 ; Secretary of State for India 1878-80 ; Lord President of the Council 1885-6, 1886-92 ; M.P. Leominster 1856-65, Oxford University 1865-78 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1790-1868 CRANWORTH, Robert Monsey Rolfe, ist 1852 Baron, created 1850 ; Sohcitor-General 1834 and 1835-9 j Baron of the Exchequer, 1839- 50 ; Vice-Chancellor 1850-1 ; Lord Justice of Appeal 1851-2 ; Lord Chancellor 1852-8, 1865-6 ; M.P. Penr3m and Falmouth 1832-g. CREIGHTON, Mandell, Bishop of London. See p. 70. b. 1858 CREWE, Robert Offley Ashburton Crewe- 1892 Milnes, 1st Marquis, created 191 1 ; P.C, K.G. ; a Lord-in-Waiting 1886 ; Lord-Lieu- tenant of Ireland 1892-5 ; Lord Privy Seal 1908-11 and 1912; Lord President of the Council, 1905-8 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1908-10 ; Secretary of State for India since 1910 ; Lord-Lieutenant of the County of London ; Elder Brother of the Trinity House ; Hon. LL.D. Liverpool. 48 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth , Date of AND Death. Election. b. 1841 CROMER, Evelyn Baring, ist Earl, created 1908 Baron 1892, Viscount 1898, Earl 1901 ; P.C., G.C.B.. G.C.M.G., K.C.S.I., O.M., F.R.S. ; Financial Member of Viceroy's Council in India 1880-3 ; Agent and Consul-General in Egypt 1883-1907 ; Minister Plenipotentiary in the Diplomatic Service; Hon.D.C.L. Oxford; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1823-1914 CROSS, Richard Assheton Cross, ist Viscount, 1877 created 1886 ; P.C, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., F.R.S. ; Home Secretary 1874-80, 1885-6 ; Secretary of State for India 1886-92 ; Lord Privy Seal 1895-1900 ; M.P. Preston 1857-62, South-West Lancashire 1868-85, Newton Division of Lan- cashire 1885-6 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge, Leeds, St. Andrews. b. 1859 CURZON OF Kedleston, George Nathaniel 1892 Curzon, 1st Earl, created Baron 1898, Earl 1911 ; P.C, G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., F.R.S. ; Under- Secretary of State for India 189 1-2 ; Under- Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1895-8 ; Viceroy of India 1898-1904 and 1904-5 ; M.P. Southport Division 1886-98 ; Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, 1904-5; Chancellor of Oxford University 1907; Lord Rector Glasgow Uni- versity 1908-11 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge, Manchester, Glasgow. 1812-1860 DALHOUSIE, James Andrew Ramsay, ist 1848 Marquis, created 1849 ; P.C, K.T. ; Vice- President of the Board of Trade 1843-5 ; President 1845-6 ; Governor-General of India 1847-56 ; Lord Clerk Register of Scotland ; Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports ; M.P. Haddingtonshire 1837-8. LIST OF MEMBERS 49 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1847-1887 DALHOUSIE, John William Ramsay, 13th 1883 Earl, succeeded 1880 ; K.T. ; a Lord-in- Wait- ing 1880-5 ; Secretary for Scotland 1886 ; M.P. Liverpool 1880. b. 1849 DARLING, Sir Charles John, Q.C. 1885 ; 1913 Judge of the High Court of Justice 1897 ; M.P. Deptford 1888-97. 1784-1853 DARTMOUTH, William Legge. 4th Earl, sue- O.M. ceeded 1810 ; F.R.S., D.C.L. ; M.P. MUborne Port 1810. 1778-1847 DAVENPORT, Edward Davies, of Capesthorne, 1815 M.P. Shaftesbury 1826-30. DAVIDSON, Randall Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. See p. 42. 1799-1869 DERBY, Edward George Geoffrey Stanley, 1825 14th Earl, succeeded 1851 ; summoned to the House of Lords as Baron Stanley 1844 ; P.C, K.G., G.C.M.G. ; Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1828 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1830-3 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1833-4, 1841-5 ; First Lord of the Treasury and Prime Minister 1852, 1858-9, 1866-8 ; Chancellor of the University of Oxford ; M.P. Stockbridge 1822-6, Preston 1826-30, Windsor 1831-2, North Lancashire 1832-44. 1826-1893 DERBY, Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl, 1856 succeeded 1869 ; P.C, K.G., F.R.S. ; Under- Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1852 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1858 and 1882-5 ; Secretary of State for India 1858-9 ; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1866-8, 1874-8 ; Chancellor of London University ; Lord Rector Glasgow and Edinburgh Uni- versities ; M.P. King's Lynn 1848-69 ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. g 50 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1841-1908 DERBY, Frederick Arthur Stanley, i6th 1883 Earl, succeeded 1893 ; created Baron Stanley of Preston 1886; P.C, K.G., G.C.B. ; a Lord of the Admiralty 1868 ; Financial Secre- tary War Office 1874-7 ; Financial Secretary of the Treasury 1877-8 ; Secretary of State for War 1878-80 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1885-6 ; President of the Board of Trade 1886-8 ; Governor-General of Canada 1888-93 ; M.P. Preston 1865-8, North Lan- cashire 1868-85, Blackpool Division 1885-6 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Lancashire. 6. 1865 DERBY, Edward George Villiers Stanley, 1901 17th Earl, succeeded 1908 ; P.C, G.C.V.O., C.B. ; a Lord of the Treasury 1895-1900 ; Financial Secretary War Office 1900-3 ; Post- master-General 1903-5 ; Chancellor Liverpool University ; Hon. LL.D. Liverpool ; M.P. South-East Lancashire 1892-1906. 1788-1820 DESART, John Otway Cuffe, 2nd Earl, sue- O.M. ceeded 1804 ; a Lord of the Treasury 1809 ; M.P. Bossiney 1808-17. 1807-1888 DEVON, William Reginald Courtenay, 11th 1833 Earl, succeeded 1859; P.C. ; Secretary of the Poor Law Board 1850-9 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1866-7 > President of the Poor Law Board 1867-8 ; M.P. South Devon 1841-9. 1808-1891 DEVONSHIRE, William Cavendish, 7th Duke, i866 succeeded 1858 ; P.C, K.G., F.R.S. ; Lord- Lieutenant of Derbyshire ; Chancellor of Cam- bridge and London Universities ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge ; M.P. Cambridge University 1829- 31, Malton 1831, Derbyshire 1831, North Derbyshire 1832-4. LIST OF MEMBERS 51 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1833-1908 DEVONSHIRE, Spencer Compton Cavendish, 1877 8th Duke, succeeded 1891 ; P.C, K.G., G.C.V.O. ; a Lord of the Admiralty 1863 ; Under-Secretary of State for War, 1863-6 ; Secretary of State for War 1866 and 1882-5 ; Postmaster-General 1868-70 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1870-4 ; Secretary of State for India 1880-2 ; Lord Presi- dent of the Council 1895-1903 ; President of the Board of Education 1900-2 ; Lord-Lieutenant Counties of Derby and Waterford ; Chancellor of Cambridge and Manchester Universities ; Lord Rector Glasgow University ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge and Leeds ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; M.P. North Lancashire 1857-68, Radnor Boroughs 1869-80, North - East Lancashire 1880-5, Rossendale Division 1885-91. h. i868 DEVONSHIRE, Victor Christian William 1912 Cavendish, 9th Duke, succeeded 1908 ; P.C. ; Treasurer of the Household 1900-3 ; Financial Secretary to the Treasury 1903-5 ; Lord- Lieutenant of Derbyshire ; Chancellor of Leeds University ; M.P. West Derbyshire 1891- 1908. 1843-1911 DILKE, Right Hon. Sir Charles Wentworth, 1884 2nd Bart., succeeded 1869 ; Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1880-2 ; Presi- dent of the Local Government Board 1882-5 '> M.P. Chelsea 1868-85, Forest of Dean 1892- 1911. h. 1875 DONOUGHMORE, Richard Walter John 1913 Hely-Hutchinson, 6th Earl, succeeded 1900 ; Under-Secretary of State for War 1903-5 ; Chairman of Committees, House of Lords 1911. G 2 52 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1791-1819 DOUGLAS, Hon. Frederick Sylvester North, O.M. only son of Lord Glenbervie ; M.P. Banbury 1812-19 ; Secretary to the Club 1813-19. 1797-1833 DOVER, George James Welbore Agar-Ellis, 1819 1st Baron, created 1831 ; P.C, F.R.S. ; Com- missioner of Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues 1830 ; M.P. Heytesbury 1818-20, Seaford 1820-6, Ludgershall 1826-30, Okehampton 1830-1. 1786-1860 DRUMMOND, Henry, F.R.S. ; M.P. Plympton 1853 Earl 1810-12, West Surrey 1847-60 ; founded Professorship of Political Economy at Oxford. 1781-1833 DUDLEY, John William Ward, ist Earl, 1817 created 1827 ; P.C, F.R.S. ; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1827-8 ; M.P. Down- ton 1802-3, Worcestershire 1803-6, Petersfield 1807, Wareham 1807-12, Ilchester 1812-18, Bossiney 1819-23. 1826-1902 DUFFERIN AND AVA, Frederick Temple 1869 Blackwood, ist Marquis, created 1888 ; suc- ceeded as Baron Dufferin 1841, created Earl of Dufferin 1871; P.C, K.P., G.CB., G.C.S.L, G.C.M.G., G.CLE., F.R.S. ; a Lord-in-Waiting 1848-52, 1854-8 ; Under-Secretary of State for India 1864-6 ; Under-Secretary of State for War 1866 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan- caster 1868-72 ; Governor-General of Canada 1872-8 ; Viceroy of India 1884-8 ; Ambassador at St. Petersburg 1879-81, Constantinople 1881-4, Rome 1888-91, Paris 1891-6 ; Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports ; Lord-Lieutenant of Co. Down ; Chancellor Royal University of Ireland ; Lord Rector of St. Andrews and Edinburgh Universities ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford j Hon. LL.D. Cambridge and Dublin. LIST OF MEMBERS 53 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1799-1877 DUNDAS, Right Hon. Sir David, Q.C.; Solicitor- 1846 General 1846-8 ; Judge Advocate-General 1849- 52 ; M.P. Sutherlandshire 1840-52, 1861-7. 1789-1878 EAST, Sir James Buller, 2nd Bart., succeeded O.M. 1847 ; Barrister and Bencher of the Inner Temple ; M.P, Winchester 1831-2, 1835-64 ; D.C.L. Oxford ; Secretary to the Club 1853-70. 1801-1893 EBURY, Robert Grosvenor, ist Baron, created 1831 1857 ; P.C. ; Treasurer of the Household 1846 ; M.P. Shaftesbury 1822-6, Chester 1826-47, Middlesex 1847-57. 1806-1881 EGERTON, Sir Philip de Malpas Grey-, loth 1837 Bart., succeeded 1829 ; F.R.S. ; M.P. Chester 1830-1, South and West Cheshire 1835-81 ; Secretary to the Club 1866-8 1. 1811-1863 ELGIN, James Bruce, 8th Earl, succeeded 1841 ; 1855 P.C, K.T., G.C.B. ; Governor of Jamaica 1842-6 ; Governor-General of Canada 1846- 54 ; Envoy to China 1857-8, 1860-2 ; Post- master-General 1859-60 ; Viceroy of India 1862-3 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Fifeshire ; M.P. Southampton 1841. 1800-1857 ELLESMERE, Francis Egerton, 1st Earl. 1825 created 1846 ; P.C, K.G. ; a Lord of the Treasury 1827-8 ; Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1828 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1828-30 ; Secretary at War 1830 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Lancashire ; M.P. Bletch- ingley 1822-6, Sutherlandshire 1826-31, South Lancashire 1835-46 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 54 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. b. 1846 ELLIOT, Hon. Arthur Ralph Douglas, son of 1904 3rd Earl of Minto ; Financial Secretary to the Treasury 1903 ; M.P. Roxburghshire 1880-92, Durham City 1898-1906 ; Hon. D.C.L. Dur- ham ; Editor of the Edinburgh Review 1895 ; Secretary to the Club 1906-12. 1783-1860 ELLISON, CuTHBERT, M.P. Newcastle-on-Tyne 1817 1812-31. 1815-1899 ESHER, William Baliol Brett, ist Viscount, 1893 created 1897 ; P.C. ; Solicitor-General 1868 ; Justice of the Common Pleas 1868 ; Lord Justice of Appeal 1876-82 ; Master of the Rolls 1882-97 ; M.P. Helston 1866-8. 1801-1876 ESTCOURT, Right Hon. Thomas Henry 1862 Sutton Sotheron, President of the Poor Law Board 1858-9 ; Home Secretary 1859 ; M.P. Marlborough 1829-32, Devizes 1835-44, North Wilts. 1844-65 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1794-1888 EVERSLEY, Charles Shaw-Lefevre, Viscount, 1840 created 1857 ; P.C, G.C.B. ; Speaker of the House of Commons 1839-57 ; High Steward of Winchester ; M.P. Downton 1830-1, Hants 1831-2, North Hants 1832-57 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1787-1852 FAZAKERLY, John Nicholas, M.P. Lincoln O.M. 1812-18, 1826-30, Grimsby 1818-20, Tavistock 1820, Peterborough 1830-41. b. 1842 FINLAY, Right Hon. Sir Robert Bannatyne, 1896 G.C.M.G., K.C. ; Solicitor-General 1895-1900 ; Attorney-General 1900-5 ; M.P. Inverness Burghs 1885-92, 1895-1906, Edinburgh and St. Andrews Universities since 1910. LIST OF MEMBERS 55 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election, b. 1841 FISHER, John Arbuthnot Fisher, ist Baron, 1905 created 1909 ; G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O. ; Admiral of the Fleet ; Controller of the Navy 1892-7 ; Commander-in-Chief North American Station 1897-9, Mediterranean 1899-1902, Portsmouth 1903-4 ; Second Naval Lord of the Admiralty 1902-3 ; First Naval Lord 1904-10 ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1818-1886 FORSTER, Right Hon. William Edward, 1871 Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1 865-6 ; Vice-President of the Council 1868-74 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1880-2 ; M.P. Bradford 1861-86. 1783-1861 FORTESCUE, Hugh Fortescue, 2nd Earl, sue- 1813 ceeded 1841 ; K.G., F.R.S. ; Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland 1839-41 ; Lord Steward 1846-50 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Devon ; M.P. Barnstaple 1804-7, St. Mawes 1807-9, Buckingham 1812- 18, Tavistock 1820-32, Devon 1832-9. 1791-1877 FORTESCUE, Hon. George Matthew, son of 1819 1st Earl Fortescue ; M.P. Hindon 1826-31, 1818-1905 FORTESCUE, Hugh Fortescue, 3rd Earl, 1840 succeeded 1861 ; Lord of the Treasury 1846-7 ; Secretary to the Poor Law Board 1847-51 ; M.P. Plymouth 1841-52, Maryle- bone 1854-9. b. 1859 FORTESCUE, Hon. John William, M.V.O., son 1909 of 3rd Earl Fortescue; Librarian at Windsor Castle; author of the History of the British Army. 56 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. b. 1852 FRENCH, Sir John Denton Pinkstone, G.C.B., 1907 G.C.V.O., K.C.M.G. ; Commander-in-Chief Aldershot 1902-7 ; Inspector-General of the Forces 1907-12; Chief of the General Staff 1912 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1815-1884 FRERE, Right Hon. Sir Henry Bartle Edward, 1874 1st Bart., created 1876 ; G.C.B., G.C.S.I., F.R.S. ; Member of Council of Viceroy of India 1859-62 ; Governor of Bombay 1862-7 J Member of Indian Council 1867-77 ; Governor of Cape Colony and High Commissioner for South Africa 1877-80 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1809-1898 GLADSTONE, Right Hon. William Ewart, 1840 F.R.S. ; a Lord of the Treasury 1834 ; Under- Secretary of State for the Colonies 1835 ; Vice- President of the Board of Trade 1841-3 ; Presi- dent 1843-5 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1845-6 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer 1852-5, 1859-66, 1880-2 ; First Lord of the Treasury and Prime Minister 1868-74, 1880-5, 1886, 1892-4 ; M.P. Newark 1832-45, Oxford University 1847-65, South Lancashire 1865-8, Greenwich 1868-80, Midlothian 1880-95 ; Lord High Commissioner to the Ionian Islands 1858 ; Elder Brother of the Trinity House; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Lord Rector Edinburgh University. 1778-1866 GLENELG, Charles Grant, ist Baron, created O.M. 1835 ; P.C. ; a Lord of the Treasury 1813-18 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1818-21 ; Vice- President of the Board of Trade 1823-7 ; Presi- dent 1827-8 ; President of the Board of Control 1830-4 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1835-9 ; M.P. Inverness Burghs 1811-18, Inverness-shire 1818-35. LIST OF MEMBERS 57 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. b. 1846 GOLDIE, Right Hon. Sir George Taubman, 1908 K.C.M.G., F.R.S. ; formerly Lieutenant R.E. ; Founder and Chairman of the National Africa, subsequently the Royal Niger, Company 1881- 1900 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1831-1907 GOSCHEN, George Joachim, ist Viscount, 1882 created 1900 ; P.C. ; Vice-President of the Board of Trade 1865-6 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1866 ; President of the Poor Law Board 1868-71 ; First Lord of the Admiralty 1871-4, 1895-1900 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer 1887-92 ; Ambassador at Con- stantinople 1880-1 ; M.P. City of London 1863-80, Ripon 1880-5, East Edinburgh 1885-6, St. George's, Hanover Square 1887-1900; Chan- cellor of the University of Oxford ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge, Edinburgh, Aberdeen ; Lord Rector of Edinburgh and Aberdeen Universities. 1806-1864 GOSFORD, Archibald Acheson, 3rd Earl, sue- 1832 ceeded 1849 ; K.P. ; M.P. Co. Armagh 1830-47. b. 1849 GOSSE, Edmund, C.B., Librarian of the House 1912 of Lords 1904 ; Hon. LL.D. St. Andrew's. 1792-1861 GRAHAM, Right Hon. Sir James Robert 1830 George, 2nd Bart., succeeded 1824 ; G.C.B. ; First Lord of the Admiralty 1830-4 and 1852-5; Home Secretary 1841-6 ; M.P. Hull 1818-20, St. Ives 1820-6, Carlisle 1826-9, 1852-61, Cumberland 1829-37, Pembroke 1838-41, Dorchester 1841-7, Ripon 1847-52 ; Lord Rector of Glasgow University ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. b. 1842 GRAHAM, Sir Henry John Lowndes, K.C.B., 1912 Clerk of the Parliaments from 1885. H 58 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1779-1838 GRANT, Right Hon. Sir Robert, G.C.H. ; Judge 1813 Advocate-General 1830-4 ; Governor of Bom- bay 1834-8 ; M.P. Elgin Burghs 1818-20, Inverness Burghs 1826-30, Norwich 1830-2, Finsbury 1832-4. 1829-1906 GRANT-DUFF, Right Hon. Sir Mountstuart 1889 Elphinstone, G.C.S.L, F.R.S. ; Under- Secretary of State for India 1869-74, for the Colonies 1880-1 ; Governor of Madras 1881 ; M.P. Elgin Burghs 1857-81 ; Lord Rector of Aberdeen University ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1815-1891 GRANVILLE, Granville George Leveson 1840 GowER, 2nd Earl, succeeded 1846 ; P.C, K.G. ; Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1840-1 ; Vice-President of the Board of Trade 1848-51 ; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1851-2, 1870-4, 1880-5 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1868-70, 1886 ; Lord President of the Council 1852-4, 1855-8, 1859- 66 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1854 ; Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports ; M.P. Morpeth 1837-40, Lichfield 1841-6 ; Chancellor of London University ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1817-1892 GREGORY, Right Hon. Sir William Henry, 1887 K.C.M.G. ; Governor of Ceylon 1871-7 ; M.P. Dublin City 1842-7, Co. Galway 1857-71 ; Trustee of the National Gallery. b. 1841 GRENFELL, Francis W^allace Grenfell, 1st 1905 Baron, created 1902 ; P.C, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. ; Field Marshal ; Governor of Malta 1898-1903 ; Commander-in-Chief in Ireland 1904-7 ; Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh. LIST OF MEMBERS 59 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election, 1794-1865 GREVILLE, Charles Cavendish Fulke, Clerk 1850 of the Privy Council 1821-59. 1799-1882 GREY, Right Hon. Sir George, 2nd Bart., sue- 1837 ceeded 1828 ; G.C.B. ; Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1834-5, 1835-9 '< Judge Advocate-General 1839-41 ; Home Secretary 1846-52, 1855-8, 1861-6 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1854-5 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1841 and 1859-61 ; M.P. Devon- port 1832-47, North Northumberland 1847-52, Morpeth 1853-74. h. 1851 GREY, Albert Henry George Grey, 4th Earl, 1884 succeeded 1894 ; P.C, G.C.B. , G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O.; Governor-General of Canada 1904-11; Lord-Lieutenant of Northumberland 1899- 1904 ; M.P. South Northumberland 1880-5, Tyneside Division 1885-6; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford; LL.D. Cambridge. b. 1862 GREY, Right Hon. Sir Edward, 3rd Bart., 1895 succeeded 1882 ; K.G. ; Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1892-5 ; Secretary of State since 1905 ; M.P. Berwick Division since 1885 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1804-1878 GURNEY, Right Hon. Russell, Q.C. ; Com- 1873 mon Serjeant 1856 ; Recorder of London 1857-78 ; Commissioner in Jamaica 1865 ; M.P. Southampton 1865-78. h. 1856 HALDANE, Richard Burdon Haldane, ist 1900 Viscount, created 1911 ; P.C, K.T., F.R.S. ; Secretary of State for War 1905-12 ; Lord Chancellor 1912 ; M.P. Haddingtonshire 1885- 1911 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cam- bridge, Edinburgh ; Lord Rector of Edinburgh University. H 2 6o GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1784-1814 HALE, Paggen. 1814 1800-1885 HALIFAX, Charles Wood, ist Viscount, 1844 created 1866 ; P.C, G.C.B. ; Secretary to the Treasury 1832-4 ; Secretary to the Admiralty 1835-9 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer 1846-52 ; President of the Board of Control 1852-5 ; First Lord of the Admiralty 1855-8 ; Secretary of State for India 1859-66 ; Lord Privy Seal 1870-4 ; M.P. Great Grimsby 1826-31, Ware- ham 1831-2, Halifax 1832-65, Ripon 1865-6. b. 1839 HALIFAX, Charles Lindley Wood, 2nd 1888 Viscount, succeeded 1885 ; Groom of the Bed- chamber to the Prince of Wales 1862-77. b. 1825 HALSBURY, Hardinge Stanley Giffard, 1900 ist Earl, created Baron 1885, Earl 1898 ; P.C. ; Solicitor-General 1875-80 ; Lord Chancellor 1885-6, 1886-92, 1895-1905 ; M.P. Launceston 1877-85 ; High Steward of Oxford University ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1786-1814 HAMILTON, James Hamilton, Viscount, son of O.M. 1st Marquis of Abercorn ; M.P. Dungannon 1807, Liskeard 1807-12. b. 1845 HAMILTON, Right Hon. Lord George Francis, 1878, G. C.S.I. ; Under-Secretary of State for India 1874-8 ; Vice-President of the Council 1878- 80 ; First Lord of the Admiralty 1885-6, 1886-92 ; Secretary of State for India 1895- 1903 ; M.P. Middlesex 1868-85, Ealing Division 1885-1905 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1847-1908 HAMILTON, Right Hon. Sir Edward Walter, 1899 G.C.B. , G.C.V.O. ; Permanent Secretary to the Treasury 1902-7. LIST OF MEMBERS 6i Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. b. 1843 HAMILTON, Lord Claud John, a Lord of the 1902 Treasury 1868 ; late Captain Grenadier Guards ; A.D.C. to Queen Victoria 1887-97 ; M.P. Londonderry 1865-8, King's Lynn 1869-80, Liverpool 1880-8, South Kensington from 1910. 1814-1892 HAMPDEN, Henry Bouverie William Brand, 1871 1st Viscount, created 1884 ; P.C, G.C.B. ; a Lord of the Treasury 1855-8 ; Secretary to the Treasury 1859-66 ; Speaker of the House of Commons 1872-84 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Sussex ; M.P. Lewes 1852-68, Cambridgeshire 1868-84. 1821-1894 HANNEN, James Hannen, Baron, created 1891 ; 1891 a Life Peer ; P.C. ; Judge of the High Court of Justice 1868 ; President of Probate and Divorce Division 1875 ; Lord of Appeal in Ordinary 1891 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1827-1904 HARCOURT, Right Hon. Sir William George 1899 Granville Venables Vernon, K.C. ; Sohci- tor-General 1873-4 ; Home Secretary 1880-5 l Chancellor of the Exchequer 1886, 1892-5 ; M.P. Oxford 1868-80, Derby 1880-95, West Monmouthshire 1 895-1 904. b. 1863 HARCOURT, Right Hon. Lewis, First Commis- 1907 sioner of Works 1905-10 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies since 1910 ; M.P. Rossendale Division 1904 ; Trustee of the British Museum and of the Wallace Collection ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 62 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. b. 1858 HARDINGE,ofPenshurst,CharlesHardinge, 1906 ist Baron, created 1910; P.C, G.C.B.,G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. ; Ambassador at St. Petersburg 1904-6 ; Assistant Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1903-4 ; Permanent Under-Secre- tary of State 1906-10 ; Viceroy of India 1910. 1786-1842 HARE, Francis George, eldest son of Francis 1816 Hare Naylor, and brother to Augustus and Julius Hare, authors of Guesses at Truth. b. 1851 HARRIS, George Robert Canning Harris, 1896 4th Baron, succeeded 1872 ; G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E. ; Under-Secretary of State for India 1885-6, for War 1886-90; Governor of Bombay 1890-5; a Lord-in-Waiting 1895-igoi. 1798-1882 HARROWBY, Dudley Ryder, 2nd Earl, sue- 1819 ceeded 1847 ; P.C, K.G., F.R.S. ; Secretary to the Board of Control 1830-1 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1855 ; Lord Privy Seal 1855-7 ; M.P. Tiverton 1819-31, Liver- pool 1831-47 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1831-1900 HARROWBY, Dudley Francis Stuart Ryder, 1855 3rd Earl, succeeded 1882 ; P.C. ; Vice-Presi- dent of the Council 1874-8 ; President of the Board of Trade 1878-80 ; Lord Privy Seal 1885-6 ; M.P. Lichfield 1856-9, Liverpool 1868-82 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1785-1824 HARTOPP, George Harry William Fleet- O.M. WOOD, eldest son of ist Bart. ; M.P. Dundalk 1820-4. LIST OF MEMBERS 63 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1801-1881 HATHERLEY, William Page Wood, ist Baron, 1856 created 1868 ; P.C. ; Solicitor-General 1851-2 ; Vice-Chancellor 1853-68 ; Lord Justice of Appeal 1868 ; Lord Chancellor 1868-72 ; M.P. Oxford 1847-53. 1791-1863 HATHERTON, Edward John Walhouse Lit- 1813 TLETON, ist Baron, created 1835 ; P.C. ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1833-4 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Staffordshire ; M.P. Staffordshire 1812-32, South Staffordshire 1832-5 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1786-1861 HAY, Robert William, F.R.S. ; Permanent 1813 Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office, 1825- 36 ; Secretary to the Club 1831-53. 1805-1868 HEAD, Right Hon. Sir Edmund Walker, 8th 1863 Bart., succeeded 1838 ; K.C.B., F.R.S. ; Poor Law Commissioner 1841-7 ; Lieut. -Governor New Brunswick 1847-54 ; Governor-General Canada 1854-61 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1801-1881 HEATHCOTE, Right Hon. Sir William, 5th 1846 Bart., succeeded 1825 ; M.P. Hants 1826-32, North Hants 1837-49, Oxford University 1854- 68 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. HEBER, Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta. See p. 41. 1813-1875 HELPS, Sir Arthur, K.C.B. ; Clerk of the 1868 Privy Council 1860-75 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Author of Friends in Council and other works. J^ 64 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1810-1861 HERBERT of Lea, Sidney Herbert, ist Baron, 1840 created i860 ; P.C. ; Secretary to the Board of Control 1835 ; Secretary to the Admiralty 1841-5 ; Secretary at War 1845-6, 1852-5 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1855 ; Home Secretary 1855 ; Secretary of State for War 1859-61 ; M.P. South Wilts. 1832-61. 1831-1905 HERBERT, Sir Robert George Wyndham, 1885 G.C.B. ; Premier of Queensland 1859-66 ; Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trade 1867-9 '> Assistant Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office, 1869-71 ; Permanent Under- Secretary of State 1871-92 ; D.C.L. Oxford ; Secretary to the Club 1899-1905. 1837-1899 HERSCHELL, Farrer Herschell, ist Baron, 1886 created 1886 ; P.C, G.C.B. ; Solicitor- General 1880-5 ; Lord Chancellor 1886 and 1892-5 ; M.P. Durham 1874-85 ; Hon. D.C.L. Durham ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge ; Chancellor of the University of London. 1812-1884 HERTFORD, Francis George Hugh Seymour, 1876 5th Marquis, succeeded 1870 ; P.C, G.C.B. ; Lord Chamberlain 1874-9 ; a General in the Army. 1787-1825 HOLMES, Sir Leonard Thomas Worsley, 9th 1814 Bart., succeeded 1811 ; M.P. Newport, Isle of Wight, 1809-25. b. i860 HOPWOOD, Right Hon. Sir Francis John 1910 Stephens, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. ; Assistant Solici- tor to the Board of Trade 1886-93 ; Assistant Secretary 1893-1901 ; Permanent Secretary 1901-7 ; Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office, 1 907-11 ; Vice-Chairman De- velopment Commission 1911-12 ; additional Civil Lord of the Admiralty 1912. LIST OF MEMBERS 65 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1784-1841 HORTON, Right Hon. Sir Robert John WiLMOT, O.M. 3rd Bart., succeeded 1834; G.C.H. ; Under- Secretary of State, Colonial Office, 1821-8 ; Governor of Ceylon 1831-7 ; M.P. Newcastle- under-Lyme 1818-30. 1828-1901 HOSKINS, Sir Anthony Hiley, G.C.B. ; Admiral 1896 R.N. ; Junior Naval Lord of the Admiralty 1880-2 ; Second Naval Lord 1885-9 5 Fi^st Naval Lord 1891-3 ; Commander - in - Chief Mediterranean 1889-91. 1809-1885 HOUGHTON, Richard Monckton Milnes, 1849 1st Baron, created 1863 ; F.R.S. ; Trustee of the British Museum ; M.P. Pontefract 1837-62 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D, Edinburgh. 1818-1887 IDDESLEIGH, Stafford Henry Northcote. 1865 ist Earl, created 1885 ; P.C, G.C.B. ; Presi- dent of the Board of Trade 1866-7 '> Secretary of State for India 1867-8 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer 1874-80; First Lord of the Treasury 1885-6 ; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1886-7 ; M.P. Dudley 1855-7, Stamford 1858- 66, North Devon 1866-85 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Devon ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Lord Rector of Edinburgh University. 1786-1855 INGLIS, Right Hon. Sir Robert Harry, 2nd O.M. Bart., succeeded 1820 ; F.R.S. ; M.P. Dundalk 1824-6, Ripon 1828-9, Oxford University 1829- 54 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Secretary to the Club on its foundation to 18 19 and from 1820-43. 1828-1911 JAMES of Hereford, Henry James, ist Baron, 1887 created 1895; P.C.G.C.V.O.; Solicitor-General 1873; Attorney-General 1873-4,1880-5; Chan- cellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1895-1902 ; M.P. Taunton 1869-85, Bury 1885-95. JAMES, John Thomas, Bishop of Calcutta. Seep. 41. I 66 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth AND Death. b- 1853 JAMESON, Right Hon. Sir Leander Starr, ist Bart., created igii ; C.B. ; Prime Minister of the Cape Colony 1904-8. 6. 1845 JERSEY, Victor Albert George Child- ViLLiERS, 7th Earl, succeeded 1859 ; P.C, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. ; a Lord-in-Waiting 1875-7 ; Paymaster-General 1889-90 ; Governor of New South Wales 1890-3 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Oxfordshire ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1821-1881 KARSLAKE, Right Hon. Sir John Burgess, Q.C. ; SoUcitor-General 1866-7 ; Attorney- General 1867-8 and 1874 ; M.P. Andover 1867-8, Huntingdon 1873-6. 1821-1886 KERRISON, Sir Edward Clarence, 2nd Bart., succeeded 1853 ; M.P. Eye 1852-66, East Suffolk 1866-8. 1826-1901 KILLANIN, Michael Morris, ist Baron, created 1900 ; P.C. ; Solicitor-General for Ireland 1866 ; Attorney-General 1866-7 ; Justice of the Common Pleas in Ireland 1867-76 ; Chief Justice of the Common Pleas 1876-87 ; Lord Chief Justice of Ireland 1887-9 > Lord of Appeal in Ordinary 1889-1900 ; M.P. Galway 1865-7 '• Hon. LL.D. Dublin University. 1826-1902 KIMBERLEY, John Wodehouse, ist Earl, created 1866 ; P.C, K.G. ; Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1852-6, 1859-61 ; for India 1864 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland 1864-6 ; Lord Privy Seal 1868-70 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1870-4, 1880-2 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1882 ; Secretary of State for India 1882-5, 1886, and 1892-4 ; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1894-5 ; Lord President of the Council 1892-4 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Chancellor of the Uni- versity of London 1899. Date of Election. 1913 1888 1877 1866 1891 1862 LIST OF MEMBERS 67 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1793-1867 KINGSDOWN, Thomas Pemberton, ist Baron, 1862 created 1858 ; P.C. ; Member of the Judicial Committee ; Attorney-General and Chancellor of Duchy of Cornwall ; M.P. Rye 1831-2, Ripon 1835-43- 1786-1846 KNIGHT, Henry Gally, author of works on O.M. Art and Archaeology ; M.P. Aldborough 1814- 15, Malton 1831-2, North Notts. 1835-46. h. 1837 KNOLLYS, Francis Knollys, ist Viscount, 1901 created 1911 ; P.C.,G.C.B.,G.C.V.O.,K.C.M.G.; Private Secretary to King Edward VII and King George V. 1825-1914 KNUTSFORD, Henry Thurstan Holland, 1881 ist Viscount, created 1895 ; P.C, G.C.M.G. ; Assistant Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1870-4 ; Financial Secretary to the Treasury 1885 ; Vice-President of the Council 1885-6, 1886-7 '> Secretary of State for the Colonies 1887-92 ; M.P. Midhurst 1874-85, Hampstead 1885-8. LANG, Cosmo Gordon, Archbishop of York. See p. 92. h. 1845 LANSDOWNE, Henry Charles Keith Petty 1875 Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquis, succeeded 1866 ; P.C, KG., G.C.SJ., G.C.M.G.. G.C.I.E. ; a Lord of the Treasury 1869-72 ; Under-Secretary of State for War 1872-4 ; for India 1880 ; Secretary of State for War 1895-1900 ; for Foreign Affairs 1900-5 ; Governor-General of Canada 1883-8 ; Viceroy of India 1888-93 ; Lord- Lieutenant of Wilts. ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford and Leeds ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1798-1851 LASCELLES, Right Hon. William Saunders 1840 Sebright, son of 2nd Earl of Harewood ; Con- troller of the Household 1847 ; M.P. North- allerton 1820-6, 1831-2, East Looe 1826-30, Wakefield 1837-47, Knaresborough 1847-51. I 2 68 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. b. 1841 LASCELLES, Right Hon. Sir Frank Cavendish, 1909 G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. ; Envoy at Bucharest 1887-91, at Teheran 1891-4 ; Ambassador at St. Petersburg 1894-5, at Berlin 1895-1908. b. 1858 LAW, Right Hon. Andrew Bonar, Parliamen- 1912 tary Secretary to the Board of Trade 1902-5 ; M.P. Glasgow (Blackfriars) 1900-6, Dulwich 1906-10, Lancashire (Bootle) 1911. 1838-1903 LECKY, Right Hon. William Edward Hart- 1887 POLE, Member of the Order of Merit ; Author ; M.P. DubUn University 1895-1902 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. Litt.D. Cambridge ; Hon. LL.D. Dublin and St. Andrews. 1797-1879 LEFEVRE, Sir John George Shaw, K.C.B., 1856 F.R.S. ; Poor Law Commissioner 1833-41 ; Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1833-4 ; Permanent Secretary to the Board of Trade 1841-8 ; Clerk of the Parliaments 1855-75- 1 788-1 844 LEGGE, Hon. Heneage, son of 3rd Earl of Dart- O.M. mouth; M.P. Banbury 1819-26; Commissioner of Customs 1826-44 ; Secretary to the Club 1813-19. 1830-1896 LEIGHTON, Frederic Leighton, ist Baron, 1880 created 1896 ; President of the Royal Academy 1878-96 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge and Edinburgh. 1791-1874 LEINSTER, Augustus Frederick Fitzgerald, 1813 3rd Duke, succeeded 1804 ; P-C- ; Lord- Lieu- tenant Co. Kildare. 1784-1868 LEMON, Sir Charles, 2nd Bart., succeeded 1824 ; 1846 F.R.S. ; M.P. Penryn 1807-12, 1830-1, Cornwall 1831-2, West Cornwall 1832-41, 1842-57. LIST OF MEMBERS Dates of Birth AND Death. 1819-1907 LEVESON-GOWER, Hon. Edward Frederick, son of 1st Earl Granville ; M.P. Stoke-upon- Trent 1852-7, Bodmin 1859-85. 1780-1855 LEWIS, Right Hon. Sir Thomas Frankland, ist Bart., created 1846 ; Poor Law Commis- sioner 1833-9 ; Secretary to the Treasury 1827-8 ; Vice-President of the Board of Trade, 1828 ; Treasurer of the Navy 1830 ; M.P. Beaumaris 1812-26, Ennis 1826-8, Radnor- shire 1828-34, Radnor 1847-55. 1806-1863 LEWIS, Right Hon. Sir George Cornewall, 2nd Bart., succeeded 1855 ; Poor Law Com- missioner 1839-47 ; Secretary to the Board of Control 1847-8 ; Under-Secretary of State, Home Office, 1848-50 ; Secretary to the Treasury 1850-2 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer 1855-8 ; Home Secretary 1859-61 ; Secretary of State for War 1861-3 ; M.P. Herefordshire 1847-52, Radnor Boroughs 1855-63 ; Editor of the Edinburgh Review 1852-5. 1 783-1855 LIFFORD, James Hewitt, 3rd Viscount, suc- ceeded 1830 ; Commissioner of Accounts, Ireland, 1812 ; Commissioner of Excise, Ireland, 1812-23 ; Commissioner of Excise (United Kingdom) 1823-32. 1827-1900 LOCH, Henry Brougham Loch, ist Baron, created 1895 ; P.C, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. ; served in Royal Navy and Indian Army, and in Crimean War ; attached to Lord Elgin's Mission to China 1857-60 ; Lieutenant-Governor of the Isle of Man 1863-82 ; Commissioner of Woods and Forests 1882-4 '• Governor of Victoria 1884-9 > Governor of Cape Colony and High Commissioner for South Africa 1889-95 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 69 Date of Election. 1870 1817 1861 O.M. 1898 70 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1846-1897 LOCKWOOD, Sir Frank, Q.C, Recorder of 1894 Sheffield 1884 ; Solicitor-General 1894-5 ; M.P. York 1885-97. 1843-1901 LONDON, Right Rev. Mandell Creighton, 1897 Bishop of, 1896-1901 ; Canon of Worcester 1885 ; Canon of Windsor 1890 ; Bishop of Peterborough 1891 ; Hon. D.D. Oxford and Cambridge; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford and Durham ; Hon. LL.D. Glasgow. b. 1852 LONDONDERRY. Charles Stewart Vane- 1898 Tempest-Stewart, 6th Marquis, succeeded 1884 ; P.C, K.G., G.C.V.O., C.B. ; Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland 1886-9 5 Postmaster- General 1900-2 ; President of the Board of Education 1902-5 ; Lord President of the Council 1903-5 ; Lord-Lieutenant Co. Down ; M.P. Co. Down 1878-84 ; Hon. LL.D. Durham and Dublin. h. 1858 LONG, Right Hon. Walter Hume, F.R.S., Par- 1902 liamentary Secretary to the Local Government Board 1886-92 ; President of the Board of Agriculture 1895-1900 ; President of the Local Government Board 1900-5 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1905 ; M.P. North Wilts. 1880-5, East Wilts. 1885-92, Liverpool (West Derby) 1893-1900, South Bristol 1900-6, South Dubhn 1906-10, Strand from 1910 ; Hon. LL.D. Birmingham University. h. 1846 LOREBURN, Robert Threshie Reid, ist 1906 Earl, created Baron 1905, Earl 1911 ; P.C, G.C.M.G.; Solicitor-General 1894 ; Attorney- General 1894-5 ; Lord Chancellor 1905-12; M.P. Hereford 1880-5, Dumfries Burghs 1886-1905. LIST OF MEMBERS 71 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1794-1841 LOTHIAN, John William Robert Kerr, 7th 1820 Marquis, succeeded 1824 ; P.C. ; Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard 1841 ; Lord-Lieu- tenant Co. Roxburgh. 1832-1870 LOTHIAN, William Schomberg Robert Kerr, 1857 8th Marquis, succeeded 1841. b. 1855 LOWTHER, Right Hon. James William ; a 1905 Charity Commissioner 1887-91 ; Under-Secre- tary of State for Foreign Affairs 1891-2 ; Chair- man of Committees, House of Commons, 1895- 1905 ; Speaker of the House of Commons from 1905 ; M.P. Rutland 1883-5, Mid-Cumberland ' (Penrith) from 1886 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge and Leeds. d. 1851 LUTTRELL, Henry, author of Letters to Julia ; 1819 M.P. Clonmines in the Irish Parliament 1798. 1835-1911 LYALL, Right Hon. Sir Alfred Comyn, G.C.I.E., 1890 K.C.B. ; Lieutenant-Governor North -West Provinces of India 1882-7 '> Member of Indian Council 1888-1902 ; Trustee of the British Museum ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge and Manchester. 1817-1887 LYONS, Richard Bickerton Pemell, ist Earl, 1879 created 1887 ; P.C, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. ; Minis- ter at Washington 1858-65 ; Ambassador at Constantinople 1865-7, s-^d at Paris 1867-87 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1817-1876 LYTTELTON, George William Lyttelton, 1840 4th Baron, succeeded 1837 ; P.C, K.C.M.G., F.R.S. ; Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1846 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Worces- tershire ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 72 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1857-1913 LYTTELTON, Right Hon. Alfred, K.C. ; 1897 Secretary of State for the Colonies 1903-5 ; Recorder of Oxford 1894-1903 ; M.P. Leaming- ton 1895-1906, St. George's, Hanover Square, 1906-13. h. 1845 LYTTELTON, Right Hon. Sir Neville Gerald, 1911 G.C.B., G.C.V.O. ; a General in the Army ; Commander-in-Chief South Africa 1903-4 ; Chief of the General Staff 1904-7 ; Commander- in-Chief Ireland 1907-12 ; Governor of Chelsea Hospital 191 2. 1784-1832 MACDONALD, Sir James, 2nd Bart., succeeded 1815 1826 ; G.C.M.G. ; Member of the Board of Control 1830-2 ; Lord High Commissioner Ionian Islands 1832 ; M.P. Calne 1816-31, Hants 1 83 1-2. d. 181 4 MACKENZIE, Hugh, son of Henry Mackenzie, 1814 who was called by Scott ' the Northern Addi- son '. MAGEE, William Connor, Archbishop of York. See p. 91 . 1818-1878 MAXWELL, Sir William Stirling, 9th Bart., 1856 succeeded 1865 ; K.T. ; Trustee of the British Museum and National Gallery ; M.P. Perth- shire 1852-68 and 1874-8; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford; Lord Rector of St. Andrews and Edinburgh ; Chancellor of Glasgow University. h. 1845 MAXWELL, Right Hon. Sir Herbert Eustace, 1902 7th Bart., succeeded 1877 ; F.R.S. ; a Lord of the Treasury 1886-92 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Wigtownshire ; M.P. for Wigtownshire 1880- 1906 ; Hon. LL.D. Glasgow ; Hon. D.C.L. Durham. LIST OF MEMBERS 73 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1835-1898 MEADE, Hon. Sir Robert Henry, son of 3rd 1890 Earl of Clanwilliam ; G.C.B. ; Assistant Under- Secretary of State, Colonial Office, 1871-92 ; Permanent Under-Secretary of State 1892-7. b. 1856 MIDLETON, William St. John Fremantle 1901 Brodrick, 9th Viscount, succeeded 1907 ; P.C. ; Financial Secretary to the War OflBce 1886-92 ; Under-Secretary of State for War 1895-8 ; Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1898-1900 ; Secretary of State for War 1900-3 ; Secretary of State for India 1903-5 ; M.P. West Surrey 1880-5, South-West Surrey 1885-1906. 1816-1898 MILLS, Arthur, M.P. Taunton, 1852-3, 1857-65, 1863 Exeter 1873-80 ; Secretary to the Club 1881-98. b. 1854 MILNER, Alfred Milner, ist Viscount, created 1895 1902 ; P.C, G.C.B. , G.C.M.G. ; Chairman of the Board of Inland Revenue 1892-7 ; Governor of Cape Colony 1 897-1901 ; Governor of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony 1901-5 ; High Commissioner for South Africa 1897-1905 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. b. 1845 MINTO, Gilbert John Elliot, 4th Earl, sue- 1911 ceeded 1891 ; P.C, K.G., G.C.M.G., G.C.S.I., G.C.I. E. ; Governor-General of Canada 1898- 1904 ; Viceroy of India 1905-10 ; Lord Rector and Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh University. 1811-1895 MONCREIFF, James Moncreiff, ist Baron, 1858 created 1874 ; P.C. ; Solicitor-General for Scot- land 1850-1 ; Lord Advocate 1851-2, 1852-8, 1859-66, 1868-9 ; Lord Justice Clerk 1869-88 ; M.P. Leith 185 1-9, Edinburgh 1859-68, Glasgow and Aberdeen Universities 1868-9 '> Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh and Glasgow ; Lord Rector of Glasgow University. K 74 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1790-1866 MONTEAGLE, Thomas Spring Rice, ist Baron, 1826 created 1839 ; P.C., F.R.S. ; Under-Secretary of State, Home Office, 1827-8 ; Financial Secre- tary to tlie Treasury 1830-4 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1834 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer 1835-9 > Comptroller- General of the Exchequer 1839-65 ; M.P. Limerick 1820- 32, Cambridge 1832-9. 1784-1877 MORIER,David Richard, Diplomatist, attached 1815 to Lord Castlereagh's Mission to the Congress of Vienna ; Minister to the Swiss Confederation 1832-47. 1843-1905 MORLEY, Albert Edmund Parker, 3rd Earl, 1876 succeeded 1864 ; P.C. ; a Lord-in-Waiting 1868- 74 ; Under-Secretary of State for War 1880-5 '< First Commissioner of Works 1886 ; Chairman of Committees House of Lords 1889-1905. h. 1838 MORLEY OF Blackburn, John Morley, ist 1890 Viscount, created 1908 ; P.C. ; Member of the Order of Merit ; F.R.S. ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1886 and 1892-5 ; Secretary of State for India 1905-10 ; Lord President of the Council since 1910 ; Trustee of the British Museum ; M.P. Newcastle-on-Tyne 1883-95, Montrose Burghs 1896-1908 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and St. Andrews ; Chancellor of Victoria University, Manchester. &. 1832 MOUNT-EDGCUMBE, William Henry Edg- 1882 CUMBE, 4th Earl, succeeded 1861 ; P.C, G.C.V.O. ; Lord Chamberlain 1879-80 ; Lord Steward 1885-6, 1886-92 ; Special Envoy to announce the accession of King Edward VII to Courts of Belgium, Bavaria, Italy, Wiirtem- berg, and the Netherlands 1901 ; Lord-Lieu- tenant of Cornwall ; M.P. Plymouth 1859-61. LIST OF MEMBERS 75 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. h. 1837 MOWATT, Right Hon. Sir Francis, G.C.B., 1907 I.S.O. ; Assistant Secretary to the Treasury 1888-94 ; Permanent Secretary 1894-1903. MURRAY, George, Bishop of Rochester. See p. 80. h. 1849 MURRAY, Right Hon. Sir George Herbert, 1907 G.C.B., I.S.O. ; Chairman of the Board of Inland Revenue 1897-9 ; Secretary to the Post Office 1899-1903 ; Permanent Secretary to the Treasury 1903-11 ; Secretary to the Club 1912. 1811-1864 NEWCASTLE, Henry Pelham Fiennes 1840 Pelham Clinton, 5th Duke, succeeded 185 1 ; P.C., K.G. ; a Lord of the Treasury 1834-5 ; Commissioner of Woods, Forests, &c. 1841-6 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1846 ; Secretary of State for theColonies 1852-4, 1859-64; Secretary of State for War 1854-5 '< Lord-Lieutenant Co. Nottingham ; Lord Warden of the Stannaries ; M.P. South Nottingham 1832-46, Falkirk Burghs 1846-51 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1815-1860 NORFOLK, Henry Granville Fitzalan 1849 Howard, 14th Duke, succeeded 1856 ; M.P, Arundel 1837-51, Limerick 1851-2. b. 1847 NORFOLK, Henry Fitzalan Howard, 15th 1904 Duke, succeeded i860 ; P.C, K.G., G.C.V.O. ; Postmaster-General 1895-1900 ; Lord-Lieu- tenant of Sussex. 1796-1866 NORTHBROOK, Francis Thornhill Baring, 1833 ist Baron, created 1866 ; P.C. ; a Lord of the Treasury 1830-4 ; Financial Secretary to the Treasury 1834 and 1835-9 '< Chancellor of the Exchequer 1839-41 ; First Lord of the Admir- alty 1849-52 ; M.P. Portsmouth 1826-65. K 2 76 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1826-1904 NORTHBROOK, Thomas George Baring, ist 1869 Earl created 1876 ; P.C, G.C.S.I., F.R.S. ; a Lord of the Admiralty 1857-8 ; Under- Secretary of State for India 1859-64 ; Under- Secretary of State, Home Office, 1864-6 ; Secre- tary to the Admiralty 1866 ; Under-Secretary of State for War 1868-72 ; Viceroy of India 1872-6 ; First Lord of the Admiralty 1880-5 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire ; M.P. Penryn 1857-66 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1846-1911 NORTHCOTE, Henry Stafford Northcote, 1895 ist Baron, created 1900 ; P.C, G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., C.B. ; Financial Secretary to the War Office 1885-6 ; Surveyor-General of the Ord- nance 1886-7 ; Governor of Bombay 1900-3 ; Governor-General of Australia 1903-8 ; M.P. Exeter 1880-99. 1810-1899 NORTHUMBERLAND, Algernon George 1857 Percy, 6th Duke, succeeded 1867 ; P.C, K.G. ; a Lord of the Admiralty 1858-9 ; Paymaster- General 1859 ; Vice-President of the Board of Trade 1859 > Lord Privy Seal 1878-80 ; M.P. Beeralston 1831-2, North Northumberland 1852-65 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Northumber- land ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1814-1905 NORTON, Charles Bowyer Adderley, ist 1857 Baron, created 1878 ; P.C, K.C.M.G. ; Presi- dent of the Board of Health and Vice-President of the Council 1858 ; Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1866-8 ; President of the Board of Trade 1874-8 ; M.P. North Stafford- shire 1841-78 ; Secretary to the Club 1881-99. LIST OF MEMBERS 77 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. d. 1840 NUGENT, Nicholas, Collector of Land Revenue 1819 at Malta 1825-33, and Treasurer 1833-7. 1853-1911 ONSLOW, William Hillier Onslow, 4th Earl, 1906 succeeded 1870 ; P.C, G.G.M.G. ; a Lord-in- Waiting 1880, 1886-7 '> Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1887-8 and 1900-3 ; Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade 1888-9 ; Governor of New Zealand 1889-92 ; Under-Secretary of State for India 1895-1900 ; President of the Board of Agriculture 1903-5 ; Chairman of Committees, House of Lords 1905-11. 1781-1855 ORD, William, M.P. Morpeth 1802-32, New- 1817 castle-on-Tyne 1837-52. 1800-1873 OSSINGTON, John Evelyn Denison, ist Vis- 1826 count, created 1872 ; P.C. ; a Lord of the Admiralty 1827 ; Speaker of the House of Commons 1857-72 ; M.P. Newcastle-under- L5rme 1823-6, Hastings 1826-30, Nottingham- shire 1831, South Notts. 1832-7, Malton 1841- 57, North Notts. 1857-72. 1814-1899 PAGET, Sir James, 1st Bart., created 1871 ; 1873 F.R.S. ; President of the Royal College of Sur- geons ; Serjeant- Surgeon to Queen Victoria ; Vice-Chancellor of London University ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1829-1912 PEEL, Arthur Wellesley Peel, 1st Viscount, 1885 created 1895 ; P.C. ; Secretary to the Poor Law Board 1868-71, to the Board of Trade 1871-3, to the Treasury 1873-4 ; Under-Secretary of State, Home Office, 1880 ; Speaker of the House of Commons 1884-95 ; a Trustee of the British Museum ; M.P. Warwick 1865-85, Warwick and Leamington 1885-95 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 78 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1853-1913 PEMBROKE AND MONTGOMERY, Sidney 1893 Herbert, 14th Earl, succeeded 1895 ; P.C, G.C.V.O. ; a Lord of the Treasury 1885-6, 1886-92 ; Lord Steward 1895-1905 ; M.P. Wilton 1877-85, Croydon 1886-95. 1871-1909 PERCY, Henry Algernon George Percy, Earl, 1903 eldest son of 7th Duke of Northumberland ; Under-Secretary of State for India 1902-3 ; for Foreign Affairs 1903-5 ; M.P. South Kensing- ton 1895-1909 ; Hon. D.C.L. Durham. 1780-1862 PHILLIPPS, Right Hon. Samuel March, Under- 1824 Secretary of State, Home Office, 1827-48. 1787-1847 PLANTA, Right Hon. Joseph, Under-Secretary 1813 of State, Foreign Office, 1817-27 ; Secretary of the Treasury 1827-30 ; a Lord of the Treasury 1834 ; Member of the Board of Control 1834 ; M.P. Hastings 1827-31, 1837-44. 1783-1837 PONSONBY, Hon. Sir Frederick Cavendish, 1819 son of 3rd Earl of Bessborough ; G.C.M.G., K.C.B., K.C.H. ; a Major-General in the Army ; Governor of Malta 1826-36 ; M.P. Kilkenny Co. 1818-26. 1785-1848 POWIS, Edward Herbert, 3rd Earl, succeeded 1815 1839 ; K.G. ; Lord-Lieutenant of Co. Mont- gomery. b. 1836 POYNTER, Sir Edward John, ist Bart., created 1899 1902 ; Director of the National Gallery 1894- 1904 ; President of the Royal Academy ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford; Hon. Litt.D. Cam- bridge. LIST OF MEMBERS 79 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1786-1857 PRICE, Sir Robert, 2nd Bart., succeeded 1829 ; O.M. M.P. Herefordshire 1818-41, Hereford City 1845-57- 1799-1855 PUSEY, Philip, F.R.S. ; M.P. Chippenham 1833 i83o-i,Cashel 1831-2, Berkshire 1835-52; one of the founders of the Royal Agricultural Society. 6.1838 RATHMORE, David Robert Plunket, ist 1881 Baron, created 1895 ; P.C, K.C. ; Solicitor- General for Ireland 1875-7 ; Paymaster- General 1880 ; First Commissioner of Works 1885-6 and 1886-92 ; M.P. Dublin University 1870-95. h. 1863 REVELSTOKE, John Baring, 2nd Baron, 1910 succeeded 1897 ; P.C, G.C.V.O. ; Receiver- General of the Duchy of Cornwall 1908. h. 1854 RIBBLESDALE, Thomas Lister, 4th Baron, 1903 succeeded 1876 ; P.C. ; a Lord-in- Waiting 1880-6 ; Master of the Buckhounds 1892-5 ; Trustee of the National Gallery. 1809-1896 RICHMOND, George, Royal Academician ; 1861 Artist to the Club. 1818-1903 RICHMOND AND GORDON, Charles Henry 1867 Gordon Lennox, 6th Duke, succeeded i860 ; P.C, K.G. ; President of the Poor Law Board 1859 ; of the Board of Trade 1867-8 ; Lord President of the Council 1874-80 ; Secretary for Scotland 1885-6 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Banffshire ; M.P. West Sussex 1841-60 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge ; an Elder Brother of the Trinity House. 1787-1861 RIDDELL, Sir James Milles, 2nd Bart, (of O.M, Ardnamurchan), succeeded 1797. 8o GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1842-1904 RIDLEY, MatthewWhite Ridley, 1st Viscount, 1881 created 1900 ; P.C. ; Under-Secretary of State, Home Office, 1878-80 ; Financial Secretary to the Treasury 1885-6 ; Home Secretary 1895- 1900 ; M.P. North Northumberland 1868-85, Blackpool 1886-1900 ; Hon. LL.D. Royal Uni- versity of Ireland. 1827-1909 RIPON, George Frederick Samuel Robinson, i860 ist Marquis, created 1871 ; P.C, K.G., G.C.S.I.; Under-Secretary of State for War 1859-61 ; for India 1861-3 ; Secretary of State for War 1863-6 ; for India 1866 ; Lord President of the Council 1868-73 ; Governor-General of India 1880-4 ; First Lord of the Admiralty 1886 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1892-5 ; Lord Privy Seal 1905-8 ; Lord-Lieutenant of the North Riding; M.P. for Hull 1852-3, Huddersfield 1853-7, West Riding 1857-9 '< Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Chancellor of Leeds University. RIPON, William Boyd Carpenter, Bishop of. See p. 43. h. 1832 ROBERTS, Frederick Sleigh Roberts, ist 1898 Earl, created 1901 ; P.C, K.G., K.P., G.C.B., G.CS.L, G.CI.E., O.M., V.C ; Field Marshal in the Army ; Commander-in-Chief in India 1885-93, in Ireland 1895-9, in South Africa 1899-1900 ; Commander-in-Chief of the Army 1901-4; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford and Durham; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge, Dubhn, Glasgow, Liverpool. 1784-1860 ROCHESTER, Right Rev. George Murray, 1813 Bishop of, 1827-60 ; Bishop of Sodor and Man 1814-27 ; Dean of Worcester 1828-54 ; Hon. D.D. Oxford. LIST OF MEMBERS 8i Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. b. 1847 ROSEBERY, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th 1878 Earl, succeeded 1868; P.C, K.G., K.T., F.R.S. ; Under-Secretary of State, Home Office, 1881-3 ; Lord Privy Seal and First Commis- sioner of Works 1885 ; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1886 and 1892-4 ; First Lord of the Treasury and Prime Minister 1894-5 ; Lord President of the Council 1894-5 ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aber- deen ; Chancellor of London and Glasgow Universities ; Lord Rector of Aberdeen, Edin- burgh, and Glasgow Universities. 1792-1878 RUSSELL, John Russell, ist Earl, created 1861; 1814 • P.C, K.G., G.C.M.G. ; Paymaster-General of the Forces 1830-4 ; Home Secretary 1835-9 • Secretary of State for the Colonies 1839-41 and 1855 ; First Lord of the Treasury and Prime Minister 1846-52 and 1865-6 ; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1852-3 and 1859-65 ; Lord President of the Council 1854-5 ; M.P. Tavistock 1813-20 and 1830-1, Huntingdon- shire 1820-6, Bandon 1826-30, Devon 1831-2, South Devon 1832-5, Stroud 1835-41, City of London 1841-61 ; Lord Rector of Aberdeen University. 1825-1892 RUSSELL, Lord Arthur John Edward, brother 1888 of 7th Duke of Bedford; M.P. Tavistock 1857-85- 1791-1854 RUTHERFURD, Andrew (Lord Rutherfurd- 1848 Clark), P.C. ; SoUcitor-General for Scotland 1837-9 ; Lord Advocate 1839-41, 1846-51 ; Judge of the Court of Session 1851-4 ; M.P. Leith 1839-51 ; Lord Rector of Glasgow University. 82 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth AND Death. 1818-1906 RUTLAND, John James Robert Manners, 7th Duke, succeeded 1888; P.C, K.G., G.C.B.; First Commissioner of Works 1852, 1858-9, 1866-8 ; Postmaster-General 1874-80, 1885-6 ; Chan- cellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1886-92 ; M.P. Newark 1841-7, Colchester 1850-7, North Leicestershire 1857-88 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. Date of Election. 1866 b. 1837 ST. ALDWYN, Michael Edward Hicks-Beach, ist Viscount, created 1906 ; P.C. ; Parliamen- tary Secretary to the Poor Law Board 1868 Under-Secretary of State, Home Office, 1868 Chief Secretary for Ireland 1874-8, 1886-7 Secretary of State for the Colonies 1878-80 Chancellor of the Exchequer 1885-6, 1895- 1903 ; President of the Board of Trade 1888- 92 ; M.P. East Gloucestershire 1864-85, West Bristol 1885-1906 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1875 1798-1877 ST. GERMANS, Edward Granville Eliot, 3rd Earl, succeeded 1845 ; P.C, G.C.B. ; Envoy Extraordinary to Spain 1834 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1841-5 ; Postmaster-General 1846 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland 1853-5 ; Lord Steward 1857-8, 1859-66 ; M.P. Liskeard 1824- 32, East Cornwall 1837-45 ; Hon. LL.D. DubUn. 1837 1843-1905 ST. HELIER, Francis Henry Jeune, ist Baron, created 1905 ; P.C, G.C.B. ; Judge of the High Court of Justice 1891 ; President Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division 1892-1905 ; Judge Advocate-General 1892- 1905 ; Hon. D.C.L. Durham. 1895 LIST OF MEMBERS 83 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1830-1903 SALISBURY, Robert Arthur Talbot Gas- 1861 coyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquis, succeeded 1868 ; P.C, K.G., G.C.V.O. ; Secretary of State for India 1866-7, 1874-8 ; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1878-80, 1885-6, 1887-92, 1895-1900 ; First Lord of the Treasury 1886-7 ; Lord Privy Seal 1900-2 ; Prime Minister 1885- 92, 1895-1902 ; M.P. Stamford 1853-68 ; Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports ; Chancellor of the University of Oxford ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. b. 1861 SALISBURY, James Edward Hubert Gas- 1904 coyne-Cecil, 4th Marquis, succeeded 1903 ; P.C, G.C.V.O., C.B. ; Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1900-3 ; Lord Privy Seal 1903-5 ; President of the Board of Trade 1905 ; M.P. North East Lancashire 1885-92, Rochester 1893-1903. b. 1841 SANDERSON, Thomas Henry Sanderson, ist 1894 Baron, created 1905 ; G.C.B., K.C.M.G., I.S.O. ; Assistant Under-Secretary of State, Foreign Office, 1889-94 ; Permanent Under-Secretary of State 1894-1906 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Secre- tary to the Club 1909. 1837-1906 SAUNDERSON, Right Hon. Edward James, 1889 M.P. Co. Cavan 1865-74, North Armagh 1885- 1906. 1812-1895 SELBORNE, Roundell Palmer, ist Earl, 1858 created Baron 1872, Earl 1882 ; P.C, F.R.S. ; Solicitor-General 1861-3 ; Attorney-General 1863-6 ; Lord Chancellor 1872-4, 1880-5 ; M.P. Plymouth 1847-57, Richmond 1861-72 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. L 2 84 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. b. 1859 SELBORNE, William Waldegrave Palmer, 1900 2nd Earl, succeeded 1895 ; P.C, K.G., G.C.M.G. ; Under-Secretary of State for Colonies 1895-1900 ; First Lord of the Ad- miralty 1900-5 ; Governor of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony and High Com- missioner for South Africa 1905-10 ; an Elder Brother of the Trinity House ; M.P. East Hants 1885-92, West Edinburgh 1892-5. 1835-1909 SELBY, William Court Gully, 1st Viscount, 1897 created 1905 ; P.C, Q.C. ; Recorder of Wigan 1886-95 ; Speaker of the House of Commons 1895-1905 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1807-1864 SEYMER, Henry Ker, M.P. Dorsetshire 1846- 1859 63 ; D.C.L. Oxford. b. 1840 SEYMOUR, Right Hon. Sir Edward Hobart, 191 i P.C, G.C.B., G.CV.O., O.M. ; Admiral of the Fleet ; Commander-in-Chief, China, 1897-1901 ; Commander-in-Chief, Plymouth, 1903-5 ; First and Principal A.D.C to the King ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge, 1801-1885 SHAFTESBURY, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1826 7th Earl, succeeded 1851 ; K.G. ; Member of the Board of Control 1828-30 ; Junior Lord of the Admiralty 1834-5 ; Lord-Lieu- tenant of Dorset ; M.P. Woodstock 1826-30, Dorchester 1830-1, Dorset 1831-46, Bath 1847-51 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. LIST OF MEMBERS 85 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1811-1892 SHERBROOKE, Robert Lowe, ist Viscount, 1867 created 1880 ; P.C, G.C.B. ; Secretary of the Board of Control 1852-5 ; Paymaster-General and Vice-President of the Board of Trade 1855-8 ; Vice-President of the Council 1859- 64 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer 1868-73 ; Home Secretary 1873-4 ; M.P. Kidderminster 1852-9, Calne 1859-68, London University 1868-80 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. b. 1873 SIMON, Right Hon. Sir John Allsebrook, 1911 K.C.V.O., K.C. ; Solicitor - General 1910 ; Attorney-General 1913 ; M.P. South-West Essex 1906. 1825-1891 SMITH, Right Hon. William Henry, Secretary 1879 to the Treasury 1874-7 > First Lord of the Admiralty 1877-80 ; Secretary of State for War 1885-6 and 1886-7 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1886 ; First Lord of the Treasury 1887-91 ; M.P. Westminster 1868-91. 1793-1870 SNEYD, Ralph, of Keele, Co. Stafford. 1832 1819-1883 SOMERS, Charles Somers Cocks, 3rd Earl, 1861 succeeded 1852 ; a Lord-in- Waiting 1852-7 ; M.P. Reigate 1841-7. 1792-1848 SOMERSET, Lord Granville Charles Henry, 1815 P.C. ; a Lord of the Treasury 1828-30 ; Com- missioner of Woods, Forests, &c. 1834-5 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1841-6 ; M.P. Monmouthshire 1828-48. 86 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. / Election. 1835-1910 SPENCER, John Poyntz Spencer, 5th Earl, sue- 1878 ceeded 1857; P.C, K.G.; Groom of the Stole to the Prince Consort 1859-61, to King Edward VII when Prince of Wales 1862-6 ; Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland 1868-74 and 1882-5 ; Lord President of the Council 1880-2 and 1886 ; First Lord of the Admiralty 1892-5 ; Keeper of the Privy Seal of the Duchy of Cornwall ; M.P. for South Northamptonshire 1857 ; Chancellor of the Victoria University ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge and DubUn ; an Elder Brother of the Trinity House. 1810-1857 STAFFORD, Augustus Stafford O'Brien, 1848 Secretary to the Admiralty 1852 ; M.P. North Northamptonshire 1841-57. b. 1849 STAMFORDHAM, Arthur John Bigge, ist 1908 Baron, created 1911 ; P.C, G.C.I.E., G.C.V.O., K.C.B., K.C.S.I., K.C.M.G., I.S.O. ; Lieut.-Col. Royal Artillery ; Private Secretary to Queen Victoria 1895-1901, and to King George V from 1 901. 1788-1825 STANHOPE, Hon. James Hamilton, son of 3rd 1819 Earl Stanhope ; Lieut.-Col. in the Army, served in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo ; M.P. Fowey 1818, Dartmouth 1822-5. 1805-1875 STANHOPE , Philip Henry Stanhope, 5th Eari, 1833 succeeded 1855 ; F.R.S. ; Historian ; Under- Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1834-5 ; Secretary to the Board of Control 1845-6 ; First Chairmanof theTrustees of the National Portrait Gallery ; M.P. Wootton Bassett 1830-2, Hert- ford 1835-52 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. LIST OF MEMBERS 87 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1838-1905 STANHOPE, Arthur Philip Stanhope, 6th Earl, 1878 succeeded 1875 ; a Lord of the Treasury 1874-5 ; M.P. Leominster 1868, East Suffolk 1870-5. 1840-1893 STANHOPE, Right Hon. Edward, son of 5th 1879 Earl ; Parliamentary Secretary to Board of Trade 1875-8 ; Under-Secretary of State for India 1878-80 ; Vice-President of the Council 1885 ; President of the Board of Trade 1885-6 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1886-7 > Secretary of State for War 1887-92 ; M.P. Mid Lincolnshire 1874-85, Horncastle Division 1885-92. 1815-1881 STANLEY, Arthur Penrh yn ; Canon of Canter- 1864 bury 1851 ; Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Oxford, 1856-64 ; Dean of West- minster 1864-81 ; D.D. Oxford. 1786-1880 STRATFORD DE REDCLIFFE, Stratford O.M. Canning, ist Viscount, created 1852 ; P.C, K.G., G.C.B. ; Minister to the Swiss Con- federation 1814-20, to United States 1820-4, to Russia 1824-5 ; Ambassador at Constan- tinople 1825-7, 1831-2, 1841-5, 1848-58 ; M.P. Old Sarum 1828-30, Stockbridge 1830-1, King's Lynn 1835-41 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. 1805-1881 STUART-WORTLE Y, Right Hon. James Archi- 1833 bald, Q.C, son of 1st Lord WharncUff e ; Judge Advocate - General 1846 ; Solicitor - General 1856-7 ; Recorder of London 1850-6 ; M.P. Hahfax 1835-7, Buteshire 1842-59. 1786-1861 SUTHERLAND, George Granville Leveson- 1813 GowER, 2nd Duke, succeeded 1833 ; K.G. ; Lord- Lieutenant of Shropshire and Sutherland- shire ; M.P. Newcastle-under-Lyme 1812-15, Staffordshire 1815-20. 88 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1805-1890 SYDNEY, John Robert Townshend, ist Earl, 1845 succeeded as Viscount 1831, created Earl 1874 ; P.C, G.C.B. ; Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard 1852-8 ; Lord Chamberlain 1859-66, 1868-74 ; Lord Steward 1880-5 ; Lord-Lieu- tenant of Kent ; M.P. Whitchurch 1826-31. TAIT, Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of Canterbury. See p. 42. 1779-1825 TALBOT, Hon. and Rev. John Chetwynd, son 1817 of 1st Earl Talbot ; Rector of Ingestre. 1806-1852 TALBOT, Hon. John Chetwynd, Q.C, son of 1831 2nd Earl Talbot ; Attorney-General to the Prince of Wales ; Recorder of Windsor. TALBOT, Edward Stuart, Bishop of Winchester. See p. 91. 1798-1869 TAUNTON, Henry Labouchere, ist Baron, 1825 created 1859 > P-C- ; a Lord of the Admiralty 1832-4 ; Vice-President of the Board of Trade 1835-9 '> Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1839 ; President of the Board of Trade 1839-41 and 1847-52 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1846 ; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1855-8 ; M.P. St. Michael's 1826-30, Taunton 1830-59. 1786-1851 TAYLOR, Edward Clough, of Kirkham Abbey. 1814 6.1838 TREVELYAN, Right Hon. Sir George Otto, 2nd 1883 Bart., succeeded 1886 ; O.M. ; a Lord of the Admiralty 1869-70 ; Secretary to the Admir- alty 1880-2 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1882-4 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1884-5 ; Secretary for Scotland 1886 and 1892-5 ; M.P. Tjmemouth 1865-8, Hawick Burghs r868-86, Glasgow (Bridgetown) 1886-97 > Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh. LIST OF MEMBERS Dates of Birth AND Death. 1805-1854 TUFNELL, Right Hon. Henry, a Lord of the Treasury 1839-41 ; Secretary to the Treasury 1846-50; M.P. Devonport 1840-54; Secretary to the Club 1843-54. 1806-1898 WALPOLE, Right Hon. Spencer Horatio. Q.C., F.R.S. ; Home Secretary 1852, 1858-9, 1866-7 ; M.P. Midhurst 1846-56, Cambridge University 1856-82 ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1839-1907 WALPOLE, Sir Spencer, K.C.B. ; Lieut.- Govemor of the Isle of Man 1882-93 ; Secre- tary of the Post Office 1893-9 ; Hon. Litt.D. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh. 1787-1860 WARRE,JoHNAsHLEY,M.P.Lostwithieli8i2-i8, Taunton 1820-6, Hastings 1831-5, Ripon 1857-60. b. 1832 WELBY, Reginald Earle Welby, ist Baron, created 1894; P.C, G.C.B.; Assistant Secretary to the Treasury 1880-5 > Permanent Secretary 1885-94 ; Chairman of the London County Council 1899. d. 1831 WELLESLEY, Richard, a Lord of the Treasury 1812; M.P. Queenborough 1810-12, East Grin- stead 1812, Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) 1812-17. Ennis 1820-6 ; Secretary to the Club 1819-31. 1794-1866 WELLESLEY, the Rev. Henry, Principal of New Inn Hall, Oxford. 1828-1903 WELLS, Henry Tanworth, Royal Academician 1870 ; Artist to the Club. b. 1818 WEMYSS, Francis Wemyss-Charteris-Doug- LAS, loth Earl, succeeded 1883 ; G.C.V.O. ; a Lord of the Treasury 1853-5; A.D.C. to the King; M.P. East Gloucestershire 1841-6, Had- dingtonshire 1847-83 ; Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh. M 89 Date of Election, 1840 1850 1902 1819 1891 O.M. 1822 1898 1846 ^o GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 1849-1912 WENLOCK, Beilby Lawley, 3rd Baron, sue- 1908 ceeded 1880 ; P.C, G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., K.C.B. ; Governor of Madras 1891-6 ; Vice-Chamberlain to the Queen. 1795-1869 WESTMINSTER, Richard Grosvenor, 2nd 1819 Marquis, succeeded 1845 ; P.C, K.G. ; Lord Steward 1850-2 ; Lord- Lieutenant of Cheshire ; M.P. Chester 1818-30, Cheshire 1830-2, South Cheshire 1832-4. 1825-1899 WESTMINSTER, Hugh Lupus Grosvenor. 1854 ist Duke, created 1874, succeeded as Marquis 1869 ; P.C, K.G. ; Master of the Horse 1880- 5 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Cheshire ; M.P. Chester 1847-69. 1801-1855 WHARNCLIFFE, John Stuart Wortley, 2nd 1825 Baron, succeeded 1845 ; Secretary to the Board of Control 1830 ; M.P. Bossiney 1823-32, West Riding 1841-5. b. 1830 WHITBREAD, Samuel, a Lord of the Ad- 1874 miralty 1859-63 ; M.P. Bedford 1852-95. 1804-1876 WHITESIDE, Right Hon. James, Q.C ; SoHcitor- 1866 General for Ireland 1852-3 ; Attorney-General 1858-9 ; Lord Chief Justice 1866-76 ; M.P. Enniskillen 1851-9, Dublin University 1859-66. WILBERFORCE, Samuel, Bishop of Win- chester ; see infra. 1805-1873 WINCHESTER, Right Rev. Samuel Wilber- 1851 force. Bishop of, 1869-73 ; Dean of West- minster 1845 ; Bishop of Oxford 1845-69 ; Chancellor and Prelate of the Order of the Garter ; D.D. Oxford. LIST OF MEMBERS 91 Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election-. h. 1844 WINCHESTER, Right Rev. Edward Stuart 1903 Talbot, Bishop of from 1911 ; Bishop of Ro- chester 1895-1905 ; Bishop of Southwark 1905-11 ; Prelate of the Order of the Garter; D.D. Oxford ; LL.D. Cambridge. 1802-1892 WINMARLEIGH, John Wilson Patten, ist 1831 Baron, created 1874 ; P.C. ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1867 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland 1867-8 ; Chairman of Committees House of Commons 1852-3 ; M.P. Lancashire 1830-1, North Lancashire 1832-74. 1833-1913 WOLSELEY, Garnet Joseph Wolseley, ist 1879 Viscount, created 1885 ; P.C, K.P., G.C.B., G.C.M.G. ; Member of the Order of Merit ; Field Marshal in the Army ; Adjutant-General 1880 ; Commander in Chief 1895-1900 ; Special Envoy to Austria, Roumania, Servia, and Turkey to announce the Accession of King Edward VII 1901 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Cambridge. 1789-1879 WRIGHTSON, William Battie, of Cusworth; 1815 M.P. East Retford 1826-30, Hull 1830-2, Northallerton 1835-65. 1863-1913 WYNDHAM, Right Hon. George, Under-Secre- 1900 tary of State for War 1898-1900 ; Chief . Secretary for Ireland 1900-5 ; M.P. Dover 1889 ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford ; Hon. LL.D. Glas- gow ; Lord Rector of Glasgow University 1902. 1821-1891 YORK, Most Reverend William Connor Magee, 1887 Archbishop of, 1891 ; Dean of Cork 1864-8 ; Bishop of Peterborough 1868-91 ; D.D. Dublin ; Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. M 2 92 GRILLION'S CLUB Dates of Birth Date of AND Death. Election. 6. 1864 YORK, Most Reverend Cosmo Gordon Lang, 1910 Archbishop of, 1909 ; Canon of St. Paul's 1901 ; Bishop of Stepney 1901-9 ; Hon. D.C.L. and Hon. D.D. Oxford; D.C.L. Durham; LL.D. Leeds. 1810-1873 ZOUCHE, Robert Curzon, 14th Baron, sue- 1856 ceeded 1870 ; Diplomatist ; Author of The Monasteries of the Levant ; M.P. Clitheroe 1831. SECRETARIES AND ASSISTANT SECRETARIES OF THE CLUB 1813-19- Hon. Henry Legge. 1813-19- Hon. F. S. N. Douglas. 1813-43. Sir R. H. Inglis. 1819-66. Sir T. Dyke Acland. I8I9-3I. R. Wellesley. 1831-53- R. W. Hay. 1843-54- H. Tufnell. 1853-70. Sir J. B. East. 1866-81. Sir Philip Grey-Egerton 1870-98. Arthur Mills. 1881-99. Lord Norton. I899-I905. Sir Robert Herbert. I899-I908. Sir Redvers BuUer. 1906-13. Hon. Arthur Elliot. 1909. Lord Sanderson. I9I2. Sir G. H. Murray. OCCASIONS ON WHICH ONLY ONE MEMBER DINED 21 February 1821 28 April 1824 • 30 March 1825 6 April 1825 • 18 June 1828 . 18 March 1829 2 March 1831 20 June 1832 . 3 July 1839 . 9 March 1864 13 April 1885 27 April 1908 . 30 August 1909 4 October 1909 5 August 1 91 2 Sir R. H. Inglis. Sir T. D. Acland. Mr, R. Wellesley. Sir R. H. Inghs. Sir J. Macdonald. Marquis of Lothian. Viscount Belgrave. Sir C. Grant. Mr. H. Gaily Knight. Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe. Mr. W. E. Gladstone. Lord Sanderson. Sir E. Grey. Mr. A. J. Balfour. Sir E. Grey. Most of the solitary diners were content simply to inscribe their names. Sir R. Inglis, in 1825, added a quotation : La solitude est v6ritablement une belle chose, mais il y aurait plaisir d'avoir un amy fait comme vous, a qui on pust dire quelquefois que c'est une belle chose. Sir J. Macdonald, in 1828, wrote that At this meeting of the Club its usages were in some respects departed from, inasmuch as a variety of interesting speeches were made, and a variety of loyal and appropriate toasts proposed from the Chair, and enthusiastically received by the Company. Lord Belgrave (1831) recorded that the company were ' unanimous for Reform — of the Club '. Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, in 1864, made a lengthy inscription. 96 GRILLION'S CLUB describing himself as having closed the dinner with a speech to Mr. Grillion and the waiters which was received with loud cheers. At the next dinner, the Bishop of Oxford being in the Chair, it was proposed by the Earl of Clarendon and seconded by Colonel Wilson Patten (afterwards Lord Winmarleigh) that Lord Houghton should be appointed Poet Laureate of the Club for the purpose of writing an appropriate ode on the occasion. Lord Houghton thereupon contributed the following verses : I Alas ! my Bishop ! you in vain invoke A Muse, whose joints are stiff with gout and time, To gambol with you in prelatic joke. Or raise, to Stratford's height, the serious rhyme. 2 Rather might you, in your embroidered prose. Draw some fine moral from his wondrous fate — How on the Worthiest fall the heaviest blows ! How never lonely are the really Great ! 3 I will but ask — that, if this Book records Ever again a solitary feast, — Be He who dines, and He who notes his words. As brave a Statesman and as bright a Priest. Mr. Gladstone on the next occasion of a solitary dinner, in 1885, recorded himself as having drunk one bottle of Champagne and appended two quotations : Among the faithless, faithful only he. and : The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven. Lord Houghton was again invited to celebrate the occasion in verse and produced the following poem : Trace we the workings of that wondrous brain, Warmed by one bottle of our dry champagne ; Guess down what streams those active fancies wander, Nile or Ilissus ? Oxus or Scamander ? OCCASIONS ON WHICH ONLY ONE MEMBER DINED 97 Sees he, as lonely knife and fork he plies, Muscovite lances — Arab assegais ? Or patient till the foods and feuds shall cease. Waits his des(s)ert — the blessed fruits of peace ? Yes, for while penning this impetuous verse, We know that when (as mortals must) he errs, 'Tis not from motive of imperious mind, But from a nature which will last till death, Of love-born faith that grows to over-faith. Till reason and experience both grow blind To th' evil and unreason of mankind. N NOTE ON THE CLUB PORTRAITS These records would be incomplete without some consecutive narrative of the origin and progress of the collection of portraits which now forms such a distinctive decoration of its dining-room. For some years previous to 1826 Sir Thomas Acland had employed an artist, Mr. John Slater, to take likenesses in crayons of such of his friends as consented to sit for the purpose. In May of that year it was resolved that it was desirable to have an engraved portrait of each member of the Club. For this purpose each member was requested to have his portrait engraved from the drawing in Sir T. Acland's collection, and to present one copy to every other member and three copies to Sir T. Acland. The collection was to form a volume, for which Mr. George Agar Ellis (afterwards Lord Dover) offered to provide an engraved Title Page and list. In November following it was resolved that the portraits of deceased members should be engraved at the expense of the Club. This first volume, containing 61 portraits by Mr. Slater, was completed in 1830. It appears from a letter written by Sir Thomas Acland in May 1847, which was printed and circulated to members, that Mr. George Rich- mond, R.A., had succeeded Mr. Slater as the artist employed to draw the portraits. The portraits of 17 members had been engraved to form the commencement of a second volume. There were still 23 members whose likenesses had not yet been taken, and these were urgently requested to sit to Mr. Richmond. A copy of the first volume had been presented to the Prince Consort through Lord Robert Grosvenor, and copies of each portrait had also been presented to Mr. Grillion,^ and to Messrs. Colnaghi, who had undertaken to provide for storage and distribution of the engravings. ^ The copies presented to Mr. Grillion were framed by him and hung in the dining-room of the Club. He eventually presented them to the Club in 1869, when he gave up the management of the Clarendon Hotel, and the Club made him a present of hfty guineas. N 2 100 GRILLION'S CLUB A letter written by Sir Thomas Acland, in May 1862, states that 50 portraits were by that time either completed or in an advanced stage for the formation of a second volume, that Mr. Richmond wished to retire from the post of artist to the Club at the end of that year, completing any work he might then have in hand before the end of the ensuing spring, that the writer himself wished also to resign his task of supervising the work of portraiture. Sir T. Acland added that he had taken steps to provide a fresh frontispiece and list, corresponding to those presented by Lord Dover for the first volume, the plates of which had been broken up. The second volume, containing 67 portraits, most of them drawn by Mr. Richmond, was completed in 1864, and a Preface was written by the Secretaries, Sir T. Acland and Sir James Buller East, an extract from which is quoted in the Chronicle (p. 21). A copy of this second volume was presented to the Queen in July 1865 as a companion to the previous volume, which had been placed in the Royal Library. It was duly acknowledged by Sir C. Phipps with an expression of Her Majesty's thanks.^ At the breakfast of the 6th February 1864 a Committee, consisting of the Bishop of Oxford, Mr. Stirling (afterwards Sir W. Stirling-Maxwell) and the Secretary, was appointed to consider the best means of providing some new arrangement for continuing the portraiture of the Club, and to take action. This Committee was reappointed at the first breakfast of the following year. There is no record of their having come to any decision, but Mr. Richmond appears to have taken the likenesses of seven members of the Club after the completion of the second volume. He had been elected an honorary member of the Club in 1861, and his name appears at intervals in the lists of diners down to the year 1880. On the 15th February 1868 the question of the portraiture of the Club was again raised, and a Committee, consisting of the Bishop of Oxford, Sir W. Stirling-Maxwell, the Rt. Hon. Gathorne Hardy, Sir J. Buller East and Sir Philip Grey-Egerton, was appointed to consider the best means of carrying out that object. In May 1871 the names of Earl Stanhope, the Earl of Salisbury, Lord Zouche, Mr. Lowe, and Mr. Arthur Mills (who had recently been appointed Secretary in succession to Sir J. B. East) were 1 Copies of the Portraits have also been from time to time presented to the National Portrait Gallery. NOTE ON THE CLUB PORTRAITS loi added to this Committee. Shortly afterwards Mr. H. J. Wells, R.A., was offered and accepted the appointment of artist to the Club. The arrangement then made was that Mr. Wells should prepare a crayon drawing of life size (for which he required four sittings). Mr. Wells's fee for making the drawing and supervising the engraving from it was ten guineas. The engraver's charge was forty guineas. The original drawing remained the property of Mr. Wells, unless the member wished to purchase it, in which case the total price (including the fee of ten guineas) was forty guineas. Members presenting a copper-plate engraving were entitled to receive copies of all such portraits as the Club could obtain for them. In 1893 Mr. Wells wrote to Mr. Arthur Mills suggesting that the cost of the portraits might be much diminished if he were to make drawings for reproduction by the autotype process. Two experimental likenesses thus reproduced were exhibited at the first breakfast in 1896, and a new arrangement was eventually made, which was set out in Rules dated April 1898. Under this arrangement Mr. Wells undertook to make the original drawing for the sum of fifteen guineas. One hundred copies were to be supplied by the Autotype Company for distribution to the Club at a cost of £10 8s. 6d. The number of copies to be presented to the Club was subsequently increased to 150, at a cost of about £15 15s. The original drawing became the property of the member. A member, on presenting copies of his portrait, was entitled to receive in return all existing portraits of past and present members of the Club. Mr. Wells was elected an Honorary Member of the Club in 1898. At the close of the year 1902 Messrs. Colnaghi announced that they would be unable for the future to undertake the storage and distribution of the portraits, and the stock was transferred to the office of the salaried Assistant Secretary (No. 60, St. George's Road, S.W.), where it is now kept. The stock of a number of the older portraits was exhausted, and arrangements were made, where practicable, for their reproduction. On Mr. Wells's death, in 1903, it was decided not to appoint an artist to be exclusively painter to the Club, but to leave members to select any capable artist whose work could be satisfactorily reproduced by the autotype process, and would be sufficiently in accordance with the 102 GRILLION'S CLUB style of the existing portraits. The Rules were accordingly modified, and now stand as follows : 1. A member elected to Grillion's Club presents to each of the other members his portrait in autotype from a drawing made by a competent artist approved by the Club. When the artist recommended by the Club is employed, the fee payable to him is 15 guineas. The drawing itself becomes the property of the member. 2. One hundred and fifty copies of the autotype are required, part for distribution to the other members at the time entitled to receive them, and the remainder to be kept in stock for future distribution. The Autotype Company supplies these 150 copies for about 15 guineas. 3. A member who so presents his portrait receives in return a portrait, if one be in stock, of every member then and afterwards belonging to the Club whose portrait has been presented. 4. Arrangements have been made for the reproduction, at a moderate price, of most of the portraits not in stock. Any member (having presented his portrait) who desires to obtain a copy or copies of any portrait to which he is not by these rules entitled, should apply to one of the Secretaries. The charge for a portrait so speciahy provided, except when a large number is required at the same time, will be ten shillings a copy. A representative of a deceased member may be supplied, at the discretion of the Secretaries, with any portraits at the same charge. In 1905 it was further resolved that no member who had not presented his portrait to the Club should be qualified to be an Honorary Member. It must be admitted that the effect of leaving the choice of the Artist to the discretion of members has not been wholly fortunate, and that many of the recent additions to the collection have varied considerably, both in style and in merit. It is obvious that no photographic process can give artistic effects equal to the work of a skilled engraver. But it would seem that the art of making a drawing which can be effectively reproduced by the autotype method is one that requires study and experience. It is much to be desired that the Club should revert to the practice of sitting to a single artist who would continue the series in a uniform style, and whose work would compare not unfavourably with that of his predecessors. The following is a list of the portraits as they now hang in the dining-room of the Club. The names of the artist and engraver (or lithographer) have been given in cases where these are known. The portraits which are marked with an asterisk are those of which the plates or stones are either effaced or broken, or have not been traced. Some of the latter are possibly in the possession of relatives. LIST OF THE PORTRAITS Frame No. i. Marked 1812. 3- 4- 5- 6. *7- 8. 9- 10. *ii. 12. 13- 14- 15- 16. 1. Hon. Heneage Legge . 2. Earl of Dartmouth Sir R. Price, Bart. G. H. W. F. Hartopp G. R. Chinnery . J. N. Fazakerly . H. Gaily Knight . Rt. Hon. Sir W. Horton, Bart. R. Wellesley Lord Glenelg (Chas. Grant) . Viscount Lifford (J. Hewitt) Sir J. Riddell, Bart. Sir R. Inglis, Bart. Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe (Stratford Canning) . Sir James East, Bart. . Sir Thos. Dyke Acland, Bart. Artist, J. Slater Engraver. F. C. Lewis R. Lane (lith.) F. C. Lewis R. Lane (lith.) F. C. Lewis it R. Lane (lith.) F. C. Lewis Frame No. 2. 1. Earl of Desart .... 2. Hon. F. S. North Douglas . 3. Edward Taylor .... *4. Earl of Clare .... 5. Sir Leonard T. W. Holmes, Bart. 6. Duke of Sutherland (Earl Gower) 7. Rt. Hon. J. Planta . 8. Earl Fortescue (Viscount Ebrington) 9. Lord Carew ..... ID. Rt. Hon. Sir Robt. Grant . 11. E. D. Davenport 12. Earl Russell (Lord John) 13. G. Murray, Bishop of Rochester . 14. Lord Hatherton (E. J. Littleton) . 15. Reginald Heber, Bishop of Calcutta 16. R. W. Hay J. Slater F. C. Lewis R. Lane (lith.) F. C. Lewis R. Lane (lith.) )* it F. C. Lewis 104 GRILLION'S CLUB Frame No. 3. Artist. Engraver. I. Hon. J. H. Stanhope . J. Slater F. C. Lewis 2. W. Ord ,, R. Lane (lith.) 3. Earl of Dudley .... i» tt tf 4. Earl of Powis (Viscount Clive) tt »» »> 5. Rt. Hon. Sir T. Frankland Lewis ,, 11 >» *6. Rt. Hon. S. M. PhiUips ,, F. C. Lewis 7. Francis G. Hare .... »> If 8. Lord Granville Somerset If ,, 9. Lord Dover (Hon. Geo. Agar Ellis) . »» R. Lane (lith.) 10. W. B. Wrightson It F. C. Lewis *ii. Hon. and Revd. J. C. Talbot >t f f 12. Hon. Robert H. Clive . r> >> 13. Earl of Harrowby (Viscount Sandon) It tt ♦14. Cuthbert Ellison .... » >i ♦15. D. R. Morier .... II tt 16. Marquis of Westminster (Viscount Belgrave) ..... tr tt I. *2. *3. 4- Frame No. 4. Lord Clinton (Hon. C. R. Trefusis) Marquis of Lothian Hon. G. M. Fortescue . Lord Wamcliffe (J. S. Wortley) Earl of Derby (E. G. S. Stanley) 6. Lord Taunton (H. Labouchere) 7. Lord Monteagle (T. Spring Rice) 8. Rev. H. Wellesley 9. Earl of Carlisle (Viscount Morpeth) ID. Viscount Ossington (J. E. Denison) *ii. Earl of Shaftesbury (Lord Ashley) 12. Earl of EUesmere (Lord F. L. Gower) ♦13. Lord Ashburton (W. B. Baring) . 14. Lord Ebury (Lord R. Grosvenor) . 15. Lord Rutherford .... 16. J. W. Childers .... J. Slater F. C. Lewis G. Richmond, R.A. LIST OF THE PORTRAITS 105 Frame No. 5. 1. Sir J. Macdonald, Bart. 2. Hon. Seymour Bathurst 3. Lord Northbrook (Sir F. Baring) . 4. Rt. Hon. Sir T. D. Acland, Bart. 5. Earl Stanhope (Viscount Mahon) . 6. Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone . 7. J. T. James (Bishop of Calcutta) . 8. Lord Winmarleigh (J. Wilson Patten) 9. Ralph Sneyd .... 10. Lord Lyttelton .... 11. Earl of St. Germans . 12. Philip Pusey .... 13. Duke of Newcastle (Earl of Lincoln) 14. Sir P. Grey-Egerton, Bart. . 15. Earl of Gosford .... 16. Lord Herbert of Lea (Sidney Herbert) Artist. Engraver. J. Slater J. W. Slater (lith.) G. Richmond, R.A. W. Holl »» F. C. Lewis J. Slater II G. Richmond.R.A. II J. Slater E. Finden F. C. Lewis G. Richmond.R.A. II W. Holl II F. C. Lewis Frame No. 6. 1. Earl Sydney .... 2. Lord Chelmsford (Sir F. Thesiger) *3. Marquis of Lothian 4. Lord Houghton (R. Monckton Milnes) 5. Rt. Hon. Sir W. Heathcote, Bart *6. Augustus Stafford 7. Earl Fortescue (Viscount Ebring ton) .... 8. Hon. J. C. Talbot 9. Rt. Hon. Spencer H. Walpole 10. Sir Chas. Lemon, Bart. 11. James W. Buller 12. Henry Drummond 13. Rt. Hon. H. Tufnell . 14. Viscount Cardwell 15. Earl Canning 16. S. Wilberforce, Bishop of Oxford G. Richmond.R.A. F. C. Lewis Joseph Brown W. HoU F. C. Lewis W. HoU W. Holl W. Holl io6 GRILLION'S CLUB Frame No. y. *i. Earl of Carnarvon 2. Lord Cottesloe (Sir Thos. Fre- mantle) ..... *3. Duke of Westminster (Earl Gros- venor) ..... 4. Earl of Derby (Lord Stanley) 5. Earl of Elgin and Kincardine *6. Earl of Clarendon 7. Earl of Harrowby (Lord Sandon) . *8. Rt. Hon. Sir G. Grey . *9. Viscount Eversley (Chas. Shaw Lefevre) ..... *io. Viscount Halifax (Sir Chas. Wood) *ii. Duke of Argyll .... 12. Sir Wm. Stirling Maxwell, Bart. (Sir W. Stirling) 13. Earl Granville .... ♦14. Earl of Devon (Lord Courtenay) . 15. Rt. Hon. James S. Wortley . 16. Lord Cranworth .... Artist. G. Richmond, R.A. Engraver. W. Holl W. Holl W. Holl It W. Holl W. Holl F. C. Lewis, also W. Holl W. Holl 2. *3. 4- 5- *6. Frame No. 8. Lord Justice Moncrieff Earl Cairns (Sir H. M. Cairns) Lord Hatherley (Sir W. Page Wood) Earl of Selborne (Sir Roundell Palmer) ..... Duke of Bedford (Hastings Russell) H. Ker Seymer .... 7. Duke of Northumberland (Lord Lovaine) ..... *8. Lord Zouche (R. Curzon) . 9. Thomas Baring .... 10. Lord Kingsdown .... 11. Rt. Hon. Sir Edmund Head *I2. George Richmond 13. Lord Norton (C. B. Adderley) 14. Arthur Mills .... *I5. Earl of Kimberley (Lord Wode- house) ..... 16. Marquis of Salisbury (Lord Robert Cecil) ..... G.Richmond, R.A. W. Holl W. W. Holl Holl LIST OF THE PORTRAITS 107 Frame No. 9. A rtist. Engraver. I. Lord Aberdare H. Wells, R.A. C. Holl 2. Marquis of Dufferin ft i» 3- Duke of Rutland (Lord Manners) . John tt 4- Rt. Hon. W. H. Smith G. Richmond, R.A. tf 5- Lord Leighton H. Wells, R.A. Joseph Brown 6. Samuel Whitbread l> C. Holl 7- Rt. Hon. W. E. Forster >l J, 8. Lord Coleridge Jane F. Coleridge ti *g. Earl of Northbrook H. Wells, R.A. tt 10. Earl Stanhope >» Joseph Brown II. Rt. Hon. E. Stanhope . »i ti *I2. Earl of Iddesleigh (Sir Stafford Northcote) . G. Richmond, jun. W. Holl 13- Viscount Knutsford (Sir H. Holland) H. Wells, R.A. Joseph Brown 14- Sir James Paget, Bart. • * G. Richmond, R.A. C. Holl (now re- produced by autotype) 15- Hon. F. Leveson-Gower • H. Wells, R.A. C. Holl and A Roberts *i6. Earl of Cranbrook (G. Gathorne- Hardy) .... Frame No. 10. 1. Viscount Ridley (Sir M. W.) 2. Rt. Hon. Russell Gurney 3. Marquis of Hertford *4. Sir Henry Acland 5. Earl Spencer 6. Viscount Sherbrook (Robt. Lowe) 7. Lord Ashbourne . Rt. Hon. Sir Bartle Frere, Bart. Field Marshal Viscount Wolseley 10. Lord Herschell 11. Sir J. E. Boehm, Bart. 12. General Sir Redvers BuUer . Rt. Hon. W. E. H. Lecky . Lord Arthur Russell Lord Alverstone (Sir Richard Web- ster) ..... Rt. Hon. Sir W. H. Gregory 8. 9- 13. *I4. 15- G. Richmond, R.A. H. Wells, R.A. G. Richmond, R.A. H. WeUs, R.A. G. Richmond, jun. H. WeUs, R.A. W. E. Miller H. Wells, R.A. Joseph Brown C. Holl y t C. Holl (now re- produced by autotype) Joseph Brown W. Holl Joseph Brown G. J. Stodart Joseph Brown G. J. Stodart 16 SirArthurClay,Bart. W. Roffe O 2 io8 GRILLION'S CLUB Frame No. ii. *i. Archibald Tait, Archbishop of Canterbury 2. Lord Morris 3. Lord Sanderson . 4. Henry T. WeUs, R.A. . 5. Hon. Sir Robert H. Meade 6. Edw. White Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury .... 7. Rt. Rev. Bishop Boyd-Carpenter (Bishop of Ripon) 8. Earl of Mount-Edgcumbe 9. Lord Harris .... 10. Lord Welby .... 11. Lord Avebury (Sir J. Lubbock) . 12. Viscount St. Aldwyn (Sir M. E. Hicks Beach) ..... 13. Rt. Hon. Sir M. E. Grant Duff . 14. Lord George Hamilton 15. Sir Robt. G. Herbert . 16. Rt. Hon. Sir Alfred Lyall . Frame No. 12. 1. Lord Balfour of Burleigh 2. Rt. Hon. Sir Robert B. Finlay 3. Viscount Selby (W. C. Gully) 4. Earl of Pembroke and Mont gomery .... 5. Earl of Carlisle . 6. Rt. Hon. Evelyn Ashley 7. Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Chitty 8. Lord St. Helier (Sir Francis Jeune) 9. Sir C. T. Dyke Acland, Bart. 10. Sir Edward Bradford, Bart. 11. Viscount Cross 12. Lord Loch . 13. Earl of Selbome . 14. Admiral Sir A. Hoskins 15. Rt. Hon. Walter H. Long 16. Mandell Creighton, Bishop of London ..... Artist. Engraver. G. Richmond, R.A. C. HoU H. Wells, R.A. Autotype C. W. Sherborn (etched) Autotype W. Roffe ,, Autotype It II J. J. Shannon, R.A. C. W. Sherborn (etched) Sir Geo. Reid, P.R.S.A. H. Wells, R.A. Autotype C. W. Sherborn (etched) Autotype C. W. Sherborn (etched) Autotype LIST OF THE PORTRAITS 109 Frame No. 13. A rtist. Engraver. 1. Sir Spencer Walpole . H. G. Riviere Autotype 2. Earl of Jersey H. J. Stock 3- Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart . Alf. U. Soord 4- Rt. Hon. Sir E. W. Hamilton E. Fuchs 5- Rt. Hon. Augustine Birrell . R. G. Jennings 6. Viscount Haldane Miss C. Horner 7- Edward S. Talbot, Bishop of Win Chester (Southwark) . Miss Leighton 8. Hon. Arthur R. D. Elliot . »» 9- Earl of Onslow . H. J. Haley 10. Rt. Hon. J. W. Lowther . H. J. Stock II. Earl Cadogan »i 12. Earl of Derby (Lord Stanley) a 13- Randall T. Davidson, Archbishoj of Canterbury Miss Leighton 14- Marquis of Londonderry H. J. Stock 15. Rt. Hon. Sir Wm. R. Anson, Bart. it 16. Marquis of Crewe Frame No. 14. W. Strang Emery Walker 1. Lord Rathmore (D. R. Plunket) . H. J. Haley Autotype 2. Earl of Cromer . H. J. Stock »» 3- Rt. Hon. Sir C. W. Dilke, Bart. W. Strang Emery Walker 4- Lord Northcote . . , . H. J. Stock Autotype 5. Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour Marchioness of C. W. Sherborn Granby (etched) 6. Sir Edward Poynter, Bart., P.R.A. Sir Edw. Poynter Autotype 7- Rt. Hon. Sir F. Lascelles Frank Dicksee, R.A. i> 8. Earl Grey . . . . . J ohn S . Sargent , R . A • If 9- Earl Cawdor . . . . Frank Dicksee, R.A I* 10. Edmund Gosse . . . . 1 ( i» II. Rt. Hon. Sir Francis Hopwood Byam Shaw Swan Electric Eng. Company 12. Marquis of Lansdowne . Frank Dicksee, R ..\ . Autotype 13- Earl of Donoughmore . ■J ti 14- 15- 16. LIST OF MEMBERS, FEBRUARY lo, 1914 Earl of Wemyss and March. S. Whitbread. Viscount St. Aldwyn. Marquis of Lansdowne. Lord George Hamilton. Earl of Rosebery. Lord Rathmore. Earl of Mount-Edgcumbe. Rt. Hon. Sir G. 0. Trevelyan. Earl Grey. Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour. Earl Cadogan. Earl Brovmlow. Viscount Halifax. Earl of Jersey. Viscount Alverstone. Viscount Morley. Rt. Hon. J. Chamberlain. Rt. Hon. H. Chaplin. Viscount Bryce. Lord Welby. Earl Curzon of Kedleston. Marquis of Crewe. Rt. Hon. H. H. Asquith. Rt. Rev. Bishop Boyd Carpenter. Lord Sanderson. Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Grey. LIST OF MEMBERS. FEBRUARY lo, 1914 .111 Viscount Milner. Lord Balfour of Burleigh. Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Finlay. Archbishop of Canterbury. Lord Harris. Rt. Hon. Gerald Balfour. Marquis of Londonderry. Field-Marshal Earl Roberts. Sir C. T. Dyke Acland. Sir Edward Poynter. Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Carson. Rt. Hon. A. Birrell. Earl of Halsbury. Earl of Selbome. Viscount Haldane. Viscount Midleton, Viscount Knollys. Rt. Hon. Sir William Anson. Earl of Derby. Lord Claud J. Hamilton. Rt. Hon. Walter Long. Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell. Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain. Lord Ribblesdale. Bishop of Winchester. Hon. Arthur R. D. Elliot. Marquis of Salisbury. Duke of Norfolk. Admiral H.S.H. Prince Louis of Battenberg. Admiral Lord Fisher. Rt. Hon. J. W. Lowther. Lord Hugh Cecil. Field-Marshal Lord Grenfell. Earl Lorebum. Lord Hardinge of Penshurst. Rt. Hon. Sir George H. Murray. Rt. Hon. L. V. Harcourt. 112 GRILLION'S CLUB Rt. Hon. Sir Francis Mowatt. General Sir John French. Earl of Cromer. Rt. Hon. Sir George T. Goldie. Lord Stamfordham. Lord Robert Cecil. Hon. J. W. Fortescue. Rt. Hon. Sir F. Lascelles. Rt. Hon. Sir F. Hopwood. Lord Revelstoke. Archbishop of York. Earl of Minto. Admiral Rt. Hon. Sir E. H. Seymour. Rt. Hon. Sir John Simon. General Rt. Hon. Sir Neville Lyttelton. Rt. Hon. A. Bonar Law. Duke of Devonshire. Sir H. J. L. Graham. Edmund Gosse. Earl of Donoughmore. George Cave. Sir Charles DarUng. Rt. Hon. Sir Leander Starr Jameson. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-75m-7.'61(01437E4)444 UCLAVoung Research Lihiory • AS122 .G87C L 009 643 402 2 122 g87c UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL j-"'jj*'j',[,[,^{i'JiJ|y| b 001 119 793 6 PtSfiiift^te^u.*: PfCffiKStitOiB^HSaR