,aqf-cmifop,(> .v.'^lOSA.NCflfXx m i^^l ^OFCAIIFO/?^, ^ ^ v/ _iS > ^■^0 :'J!i]WV :^ ^^WEUNIVERV^ ^10 ■ "^ "^ "— ' *r ^ — o , \\\f rf'ivfpy/A .^ ^ , ^WFl'N'IVfW/A ^OF-CAllfOff^ 'dOJIlVJ-:lO- ^ M-^' \^" — , tj >■ '^-fiJiJMsoF'^"' "^/ia ^\MEUNIVERS/^ ^l( .^^ ^. jaii-^- •<)j']i'jNvsoi^^'~' '^^/iaiAiNiiJvW'' "^&Aavaiiii-i^^ "^(^Aavaaiii^^ ■^-fjij'jNvsov<^~" ''^a % ^- ^: mvAwr.rir ^ =1 -—> ,Nm';AKr,rirr. ^ ^\ i3V\V ,^;,iLIBRARY(?/ ^tl ^ ^ ,g S ^.OFCAIIFOP^', ,-^0F ^ ^. >&Aavaani^ \ ^ ."r^^ ^5^t■llBRARYGr^ ^^\^tlJNIVERy/4 ^u ^ ^1 y .\MtUNIV[Ri'/A ^'-— -Kg ^lOSANCElfjv o ^^^ ■ ^ s -^^ -I v/5a3AINn-3WV ^OFCA1IFO%, ^. •>&Aav«aiii^'^ ^lllBRARYO/r ^AOJnVDJO"^ "^iOJIlVJ-JO"^ '•'JUJM'iUl- ■•'/JiiJAirtiriu> 'aujiivjdu' ^OFCAllFOff^ ^OFCA1IFO% ^ ^At-1 ,\WEUNIVERJ/A o i 'Jiiii'iv icr--' ^OFCAllFOft^ IZ ______ s > ^OFCALIFO% i i yfr ^. Aavaaiii"^ ^OAavaaiiiVv^ ,^yEUNlVER5-/A 'A- '-"nmwm^' ,\\EUNIVERy/A ^TJlJDNVSOl^ 1^ I ■v/Ja3AIN(l]\\v ^^^tllBRARY-?/ |1J' ^^ i? ^OJITVDJO^' ,;UUNIVERi-//, ^lOSANCELfj> '^/ja3AiNn3WV^ ^OFCAIIFOP/A ,-:OFCAllF0/?'/,, it vr ^1 ^':-> ^.u.iA.\ ir'w. CATALOGUE MANUSCRIPTS, FORMERLY IN THE POSSESSION OF FRANCIS HARGRAVE, Esq. ONE OF HIS MAJESTY'S COUNSEL LEARNED IN THE LAW, AND RECORDER OF LIVERPOOL. NOW DEPOSITED IN THE Jlritfel) i^lu^eum. LONDON: Printed by G. Woodfall, Angel Court, Skinner Street; AND SOLD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM; BY W. CLARKE AND SONS; AND JOSEPH BUTTERWORTH AND SON. 1818. The Collection of Manuscripts, the Titles and Contents of which are enumerated in the present Volume, was purchased of the Representatives of Francis Hargrave, Esq"^. together with that Gentleman's Library of Printed Books, by a Vote of the House of Commons, passed July 1^ 1813. It consists almost exclu- sively of Law. HENRY ELLIS. British Museum, March 18, 1818. -, ,r-rrt"»;'5'T CATALOGUE OF THE HARGRAVE COLLECTION MANUSCRIPTS. Num. 1. A paper Volume, In folio ; being a Year Book : beginning Mich. Term 2 Hen. IV. and ending at Easter 9 Hen. V. Several Cases in this Manuscript are given in the same words as in the printed Year Books of the same Terms. Mr. Hargrave was of opinion that the other Cases were mostly or wholly in Print. The Writing is very antient Court-hand. The Volume appears, heretofore, to have belonged to the Yelverton Collection. Num. 2. A Volume, in folio, on paper ; consisting of Reports in the time of King Henry VHI. King Edward VI. and Queen Mary. The printed Year Books terminate Trin. 27 Hen. VIII. : but these Reports extend to and include the 3Sth Year of that Reign, the whole Reign of King Edward the Sixth, and part of Queen Mary's. B 3 hargrave collection Num. 3, A paper Volume, in folio ; containing Reports in the times of King Henry the Eighth, King Philip and Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth : with some few Collections on divers Title-3 of Law at the beginning. Num. 4. A Volume in folio, on paper, containing Reports collected from the times of King Henry the Eighth, King Edward the Sixth, Philip and Mary, and Elizabeth. The Volume consists of two Parts. The first, is entitled " Notes collecte en temps del raigne la Roigne Elizabeth :" and begins with a Case of the 15th, and ends with one of the 24th of her Reign. The other begins with the 38th of Henry the Eighth, and ends with the Case of Jermyn and Ascott, Easter Term 1587. After the 29th Eliz. the Collection contains other matters besides Reports : as 1. " Tenure de terre." fol. 338. 2. " M. 32 Eliz. Pro London, concernant Acts de Comon Counsel!." fol. 34.1. 3. " Matters of the Forest Lawes betweene the Earle of Pembroke and the Earle of Hertforde, concerning limits and meers of the Forrest of Grove- lyn in a place called Dunushat in Com. Wiltes. H. 33 Eliz. R." fol. 342. 4. " Accons sur le Case." fol. 343 b. 6. " W. Fletewoode Recorder of London to respecting Standard Weights and Measures. 26th Octob. 1583." fol. 344 b. 6. " Relacon del matter de un Estatute al auter Estatute, et sic deinceps." fol. 345. 7. Audita Querela. Ascough versus FuUshawe fol. 346. Num. 5. A folio Volume, on paper ; containing Reports by Lord Cliief Baron Walter : being Cases in the time of Queen Elizabeth : with an Index to the Names of the Cases, and a short Account of the Reporter, who lived till the 6th of Charles L in the hand-writing of Mr. Umfreville, who formerly possessed the Book. Num. 6. A foho Volume, on paper : containing Reports by Judge Harpur of Cases beginning Mich. 38 Hen. VHL and ending Mich. 26 and 27 Eliz. This Volume is said to have been formerly in the Yelverton Collection. of manuscripts. s Num. 7. Reports of Cases from the 36th to the 41st of Elizabeth inclusive, by Mr. Humphrey Were, in two Volumes, folio, on paper. With Indexes of the Names of the Cases. Mr. Were was Lent Reader of the Inner Temple in the 11th of King James I. He was made a Serjeant in the same Keign, and was Judge of the Marshalsea. Num. 8. Another Copy of the Reports of Cases by Judge Harpur, beginning Mich. 38 Hen. VHI. and ending Mich 26 & 27 Ehz. At the end are " Les Arguments fait in Banke le Roy in le Case Smith et auters vers Milles in Termino Paschae An°. 31 Eliz. Rot. ■iSO." Being a part of Sir John Walter's Reports : which see in his Reports, 438, &c. Num. 9. Reports of Cases in the Exchequer, &c. in the time of Queen Eli- zabeth ; with an Index of the principal Matters. Folio ; on paper. Formerly in the Yelverton Collection. Num. 10. Judge Harpur's Reports of Cases beginning Hill. 2 Eliz. and ending Mich. 15 & 16 Eliz. With a Table at the close. Folio ; on paper. At the end of these Reports is a learned Argument proving the King's Right to the Sea Lands and Salt Shores, and that no subject can have them but by Grant; together with the Copy of a Decree in the Exchequer upon an Information for an Incroachment upon the River Thames by the erec- tion of Houses. Num. 11. Reports of Cases in the King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exche- quer, from the 24th to 30th Eliz. A Table of Contents at the end. This Volume was formei'ly in the Yelverton Collection ; and contains amongst other Cases a full Report of the famous Case of Fenwick and Mitford. B 2 4, hargrave collection Num. 12. A Volume, in folio, on paper j containing Reports of Cases in B. R. and C. B. in the time of Queen Elizabeth and King James the First. Collected by a Mr. Godfrey. At the beginning is an Index of the Names of the Cases. Num. 13. Reports of Cases, beginning Mich. 42 Eliz. and ending Trin. 43 Eliz. Quarto ; on paper. This Volume is imperfect both at the beginning and the end. Num. 14. Cases in the Courts of B. R. and C. B. beginning Trin. 36th Eliz. to Hil. S8th Ehz. With an Index of the Names of the Cases. Folio ; on paper. Num. 15. Reports of Cases in B. R. C. B. and Exchequer, in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James the J'irst; with several Readings. &c. Viz. 1. Plowden's Opinion in a Case touching the taking away, by Act of the Tenant of the land, a future Use appointed to arrive afterwards : with an Answer to it by Popham the Queens Attorney General, fol. 1. 2. Reports, beginning 9th Eliz. but not placed in chronological Order, fol. 5. According to a Memorandum in Mr. Hargrave's hand, the 3d Article in this Volume was a " Report of Bates's Case in the Exchequer, or The Case of Currants ; Trin. 4 Jam. with a Copy of Lord Chief Baron Flemings Argument, from the original in his own hand-writing." It had, however, been taken from the Volume before the Hargrave Collection came to the Museum. 3. A short State of the Points in the Case of Sutton's Hospital, with Mr. Yelverton's Reniarks upon each. A. D. 1613. fol. 45. 4. References to some Cases in the time of Queen Elizabeth reported in a subsequent part of the Volume, fol. 45 b. See the Cases themselves, fol. 76. \ OF MANUSCRIPTS. 5 15. 5. Autumn Reading of Master Trayhcronc (Trayhcrne) on the Carta de Forcsta, in the 12th Year of King Henry the Eighth, fol. 50. 6. Of Islands arisen in the Sea, and of the Salt Shore compared with the fresh, fol. 61. 7. A Treatise concerning the Authority of Justices of Peace. Consi- dered by Mr. Hargrave to have been by Mr. Marrow, fol. 65. 8. Reports of Cases in various Years of Queen Elizabeth. Not placed chronologically, fol. 76. 9. Reports of Cases in C. B. beginning at Easter 8 Jam. I. and ending Easter 11 Jam. I. fol. 211. 10. Reports by Mr. Pettie, taken in the King's Bench, beginning Hil. 9 Jam. and ending Michaelmas 10 Jam. I. fol. 276. At the end is an Alphabetical List of the subject matter of the Volume: partly in folio of the size of the Manuscript, and partly on Quarto Sheets. This Volume formerly belonged to the Yelverton Collection : and Mr. Hargrave was of opinion that some of the Cases in it of the time of Queen Eliz. without the Reporter's name, were by Sir Christ. Yelverton ; and that those of the 8th, 9th, and 10th Years of King James were by his son Sir Henry Yelverton. Num. 16. Sir Henry Calthorpe's Copy of Lane's Exchequer Reports in the Reign of King James the First : with an Index to the Names of Cases. FoHo ; on paper. Mr. Hargrave has written this Note at the beginning. " I find that this Manuscript Copy of Lane's Reports contains matter not in the printed Book. The Case of Airie and Alcock, which is here in foil. 6 b. and 20 b. and in the printed Book p. 33. is an instance. The latter has not the first Part of the Case." Num. 17. A Volume, in foho, on paper : containing, 1. Reports of Cases, beginning Hil. 32 Eliz. and ending Trin. 10 Jam. I. presumed, from internal evidence, to be by Sir Christopher Yelverton. fol. 1, 6 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 17. 2. Copy of the Instructions given to Sir Henry Unton Knt. Ambassador to France in 1591 : with the Cypher directed for his Use. fol. 205. Turning this Volume up : at the other end, we have 3. A Minute of the Proceedings of the Privy Council 12th. June 9 Jam. I. fol. 1. 4. Sir Christopher Yelverton's Argument in the Exchequer Chamber in the Case of the Post Nati. 7 May A.D. 1608, 6 Jam. I. fol. 3. Num. 18. Cases in B. R. in the 9th and 10th of James the First : with an Index of the Names of Cases at the end, and anotlier of the subject matter at the beginning. Quarto ; on paper. Num. 19. Reports by Mr. Anthony Mills of Cases in C. B. beginning Mich. 2 Jam. I. and ending in Hilary Term of the same Year. Witli an Index of Names of Cases, and a Table of the Contents of each Case at the beginning ; and an Index of subject matter at the end. Folio ; on paper. Num. 20. Reports in B. R. 13th and 14th James I. With an Index of the Names of Cases. Folio ; on paper. A Note of Mr. Hargrave says : " Upon examination I find several of the Cases to be reported in the same Words as in 1st RoUe's Reports: and probably therefore the Volume is only a Manuscript Copy of Part of Rolle'st Reports." Nu3i. 21. Reports in B. R. from the 17th to the 20th of King James the First: with an Index of the Names of Cases at the end. Two leaves are wanting at the beginning : and the Index goes no farther than the Letter R. On examination, several of the Cases appear to be the same as in Palmer's Reports, of manuscripts. 1 Num. 22. Judge Hutton's Reports of Cases in the time of King James and King Charles the First: with an Index of the Names of Cases. FoUo ; on paper. A Note at the beginning says, « 9 Aug. 1793. This MS. Copy of Buttons Reports does not seem quite so copious as my other MS. Copy. [See Num.46.] But I calculate that it contains at least twice as many Cases as are in the printed Copies. It begins and ends like the printed Reports, and has not the full account of Judge Huttons Case with Har- rison, which my other Copy contains, but only the short Report in print. Francis Hargrave." Num. 23. Reports of Cases in C. B. beginning Mich. Term 12 Cha. I. and ending Trin. 1656 by Thomas Cory, Chief Prothonotary of that Court, with an Index of the Names of Cases. Foho; on paper. On a leaf at the beginning of this Volume is the following Annotation by a former possessor : Mr. Umfreville. " This Note Book is much to be estimated ; as it contains a Collection of very many Cases determined upon Demurrers and special Verdicts debated and determined Comrauni Banco, few whereof are elsewhere to be found. E. U." Num. 24. Reports of Cases in the King's Bench, Chancery, and Exchequer ; but chiefly in the former Courts, from the 1st to the 8th of Charles I. With an Index of Matter at the beginning. Folio j on paper. Num. 25. A folio Volume, on paper : containing, 1. Reports of divers Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of Kings Bench from the 1st to the 8th of King Charles the First, fol. 1. The Cases are not chronologically arranged, but there is an Index of them at the end : together with another Index of the subject matter. 2. The Copy of a Manuscript written by Sir William Waad, con- cerning the Tower of London and the Lieutenancy thereof, fol. 80. g HARGRAVE COLLECTION Num. 26. Reports of Cases in B. R. C. B. and Star Chamber in the time of Queen Elizabeth ; with different Readings in the same reign. Among the Reports, fol. 571. is a Collection of Cases by Sir James Dyer, not in print. Folio j on paper. Num. 27. A folio Volume, on paper : containing, 1 . Part of Popham's Argument in Aylesworth's Case. 2. Les Reports de Pophani Cheife Justice: beginning Mich. 34; Eliz. and ending Easter 39 Eliz. fol. 1. 3. Plowdens Argument, 1 Eliz. " Howe and in what manner the Cus- tome that is due unto the Queenes Ma'"', for Cloathes carried out of the Realme by English Merchants did commence : and wheather the Queenes Ma'", by hir Highnes prerogative may encrease the same at hir pleasure." fol. 76. 4. Reports of Cases inB. R. and Star-Chamber, beginning Trin. 3 Cha. I. and ending Trin. 7 Cha. I. by Sir Nicholas Hyde, -Chief Justice of the King's Bench, fol. 86. Separate Indexes follow to Popham's and Hyde's Reports. 5. Resolution of the Judges, 11th of June 1629. respecting the Question " Whether the Peers of this Realm were to be attached upon Process of Contempt out of the Court of Chancery?" fol. 138. 6. Trin. IS Car. B. R. Coriton's Case. fol. 139. The following Note accompanied the Title of this Volume in the MS. Catalogue delivered with the Hargrave Collection : " The Reports by the Lord Chief Justice Hyde are in his own hand- writing. The other Reports are attributed to Popham by a Title at the beginning in the hand writing of L. C. J. Hyde. In 3. Keble 476. there is a Citation of these Reports of Hyde by Lord Hale. " This Manuscript was formerly a part of the Collection of the first Duke of Chandos: and it was once the book of Sir Robert Hyde C. J. of B. R. in the reign of King Charles the Second, and nephew of Sir Nicholas Hyde. " In folio 97 of this Manuscript Lord C. J. Hyde gives a very par- ticular and curious Account of the Manner in which K. Charleb the First, OF MANUSCRIPTS. 9 27. previously to passing the Petition of Rights, consulted the Judges secretly on the claimed Right of the King to commit witlioiit shewing tlio Cause, and on the effect wliich the Petition might have on his prerogative in that respect. The Questions to the Judges, and their Answers are given at length ; and this Account of a Transaction which does not appear to be noticed in print, concludes with some other Circumstances which attended the passing of the Petition of Rights." Num. 28. Reports of Cases in C. B. in the time of James the First. This Manuscript consists of two Parts. The first, is a Copy of Part of Hobart's Reports. The second is intitled " Rep. incerti Atitiioris." Some of the Cases in this latter Part are in Hobart, but the Report is by a different hand, and the Cases are more fully given. Folio j on paper. Num. 29. Cases, temp. Eliz. and James I. in the Court of Wards and in C. B. Folio ; on paper. The first Part of this Manuscript contains Cases expressed to be taken from Reports of Mr. Noy, fol. 1. The second is a Collection of Cases stated to be copied from Reports of a Mr. Deane, Reader of Gray's Inn. fol. 145. The third part is entitled " Yelverton," fol. 235. and contains only two Cases, the first of which is a very long and full Report of the Case of Zangis against Wischard, about a right of Towing Path next the River Lea, which Case is cited in 3. Term Reports, 258. from Seij'. Turner's MS. At the end of these two Cases is a Tract on " The Force, and Strength, and Practice of the Kings Proclamations." fol. 275. Num. 30. Reports of Cases in the Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, and Exchequer, in the Reigns of James and Charles the First ; by Arthur Turner. The Author of these Reports is stated in a MS. Note by Mr. Umfreville, who formerly possessed this Vokirae, to have been called to the degree of c 10 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 30. Serj'. in Trin. Term 12 Cha. I. and to have been the father of Sir Ed. Tur- ner who was Speaker of the House of Commons in the Reign of Cha. II. and made Chief Baron of the Exchequer May 23d. 1671. Num. 31. Reports of Cases in the Exchequer Chamber and C. B. from Mich. 15 James L to Mich. 18 James I. Folio ; on paper. Num. 32. Reports of Cases in B. R. fiom Easter 7 James I. to Trin. 10 James I. With an Index of the Names of Cases. FoHo ; on paper. Num. 33. A foho VoUnne, on paper, containing : 1. Reports in the Exchequer from the Sd to the 12th of James I. These are stated by a former Possessor of the Book to be chiefly by Lane : and to contain many Cases not in the printed Collection, fol. 1. 2. Extracts from Bendlows Reports, t. Hen. VIII. Phil. & Mar. & Eliz. fol. 99. 3. The Judges Answers to the severall Chapters of Greevances by Pro- hibicions. fol. 112. 4. An exact Copie of the Record of Nicholas Fuller's Case of Grayes Inne Esq\ Trin. 5 James I. fol. 117. 5. Sir Edward Coke's Reading on the Statute of Uses. A. D. 1592. fol. 135. 6. Lcctura Secunda Georgii Bromley sur I'Estatute de Aide prier. fol. 161. 7. Lectio Magistri Anslow sur le Statute de 32 Hen. VIII. cap. 36 des Fines, fol. 175. 8. Copies of divers and special Records, Returns, and Inquisitions, concerning the Law and Power of the Commissioners of Sewers, and the Reparations of Bridges, &c. with the Orders of the Council Board at Whitehall 13 Oct. and 8 Nov. 1C16. and the Opinion of C. J. Popham Anno 1605. 3 Jac. I. in a Letter to Sir Thomas Lambert, fol. 202. 0. Sir Anthony Myldmays Pardon, fol. 225. OF MANUSCRIPTS. 11 33. 10. The Articles of the late Courte of Augmentacons and Revenewes of the Crowne annexed to the Court of Exchequer at Westminster. (Imperf.) fol. 228. 11. Erectio Novem Clericorum Irrotulamentorum Curia Cancellarise. fol. 234. Num. 34. A Volume, in folio, on paper : containing, 1. Papers concerning various Writs, the Prerogative as to Idiots, and tlie Exposition of Statutes, fol. 1. 2. Calthorpe's Cases respecting the Customes of London, fol. 83. 3. The Case ofDabitot and Courtney Mich. Term. 15 James I. fol. 106. 4. Touching the Kings Power of imposinge Restraint and limiting of Trade, fol. 112. 5. Report of Bates's Case on Impositions at the Ports, witli Arguments in Parliament on the same subject, fol. 114, 156. 6. Part of Sir Edward Cokes Twelfth Report : entitled " Ceux Reports et Cases ensaunt sont eslrie hors del Reports S^ Edw. Coke (j. sont estrie oue son mane demesne." fol. 225. 7. S^ Edw. Coke's Case in Curia Wardorum. 20 Jac. I. fol. 265. 8. Cases of Error in the Exchequer Chamber, and other Cases t. Eliz. & James I. fol. 273. NuMM. 35, 36. Select Arguments in Parliament and other Courts by Sir Henry Cal- thorpe, Recorder of London. In two Volumes. Folio ; on paper. Witli an Index of the Cases. The second Volume, besides the Cases, contains a Reading by Sir Henry Calthorpe on the Stat. 21 Jac. I. c. 2. concerning Concealments, which appears to have been prepared after he was made Attorney of the Court of Wards, to which place he was appointed in January 1G35. Amongst the Arguments in the first Volume is one upon the Case of Habeas Corpus in the 3d of Charles I. on a Commitment for refusing a Loan to the King : with two or three others upon great State Cases in the same reign. C 2 12 hargrave collection Num. 37. A Folio Volume, on paper: containing, 1. Reports t. Eliz. and James L in the Exchequer Chamber, B. R. and C. B. fol. 1. 2. A Reading on the Laws relating to Forests, fol. 379. 3. Nomina Justiciarioriim de Commiini Banco, tcmporibus Edw. IL IIL Ric. IL Hen. IV. V. VI. Edw. IV. V. Ric. III. Hen. VII. VIII. Ed. VI. Mary. Eliz. & Jac. I. fol. 425. 4. Consuetudines London, fol, 451. 5. A Wrilt of Supplicavit for Mr. Waters to discharge him from being Constable of Nenfield. fol. 483. 6. Memoranda de Parliamento ten. apud Karliolum die Ven. in octabis Sancti Hill. Anno Regni Regis Edw. fil. Regis Henrici xxxiv'°. fol. 485. 7. Les Conccytes del Lector sur le dit Estatute. fol. 489. NuMM. 38, 39. Reports by Serj'. Widdrington in B. R. from the 1st to the 7th of Charles L in two Volumes, with Indexes to the Names of the Cases. Folio ; on paper. In the beginning of Vol. I. these Books are stiled " Justice Wadham Wyndham's Copj' of Widdringtons Reports." Amongst the Cases, one is of Mr. Selden, Sec. on Hab. Corpus in Trin. 5 Charles I. and it is observable that Mr. llushworth in his Collections relative to the same Case professes to take part of them from Widdringtons Reports. See 1". Rushw. 679. and Append. 18. At the end of Vol.11, there is a distinct Collection of Widdrington's Reports, marked Liber K. This part begins with Easter Term 9th Charles I. and h;is a separate Index of the Names of Cases. . Num. 40. Reports of Cases in B. R. and Exchequer Chamber, beginning Easter .5th Charles I. and ending Easter 13th Charles I. by Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Attorney to Cha. IL while Prince of Wales, and, after the Restoration, successively Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and I-ord Keeper of the Great Seal. Folio 5 on paper. OF MANUSCRIPTS. 13 Num. 41. Exchequer Cases from Trin. 3 Charles I. to Hil. 4 Charles I. With the Names of the Cases at the beginning. Folio ; on paper. Nu3i. 42. Reports of Cases in B. R. from Hil. 14 Charles I. to Easter 4th Charles II. with an Index of the Names of Cases. Folio ; on paper. Num. 43. Reports, chiefly of Cases in B. R. beginning Mich. 4 Charles I. and ending Hil. 20 Charles I. With an Index of the Names of Cases. Folio ; on paper. Num. 44. Circuit Cases before the Judges of Assize and Nisi Prius from the 4th to the nth Year of Charles I. Folio ; on paper. Num. 45. " Notes taken in the Common Pleas by Mr. Gouldsborough, one of the Prothonotaries of the same Court, concerning Amendment of Writts and Records, and arresting of Judgment in all manner of Actions." Folio ; on paper. A Note on the Title says : " This Collection of Notes by Gouldsborough seems to be quite distinct both from the printed Reports with his name, and from the printed Collec- tion with his and Brownlow's name. F. H." Num. 46. Reports in C. B. &c. from Trin. 15 James I. to Trin. 14 Charles I. inclusive, by Judge Hutton, with a Table of the Names of Cases. On the first Leaf is this Note : • " 9th Aug. 1793. This Volume upon examination I find to contain about twice as much in quantity as is in the printed Edition of Hutton's Re- ports. The disproportion in the Number of Cases is still greater : for this 14 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 46. Book according to the Table prefixed contains three-hundred, whereas the printed Book according to its Table has only seventy two. F. H." There is another Copy of Judge Hutton's Reports in the Hargrave Collection, See Num. 22. but not so ample as this MS. Judge Hutton's Case with Harrison for slandering tlie Judge, by accusing him of High Treason in the Opinion which he gave against the Crown in the Case of Ship-Money, is here given with all its minute particulars. Num. 47. A folio Volume, on paper : containing, 1. Cases in B. R. from Hil. 4 Cha. I. to Trin. 8 Cha. I. inclusive, fol. 1. 2. Cases in B. R. from Trin. 13 James L to Hil. in the same year in- clusive, fol. 45. 3. The Case of Sir Rob. Atkyns against Robert Holford, with Lord Hale's Argument, fol. 125. 4. On the Enrollment of Deeds, fol. 138 b. 5. Concerning Tin, and the Kings Prerogative in respect to it ; consist- ing of various Records, Resolutions of the Judges, &c. fol. 153 b. 6. Precedents of Fines to the King. fol. 176. 7. A Roll of the Peers of the Kingdom of England, A. D. 1673. fol. 180. 8. Resolutions of the Lords and Judges on the Earl of Bristol's Impeach- ment of the Earl of Clarendon. A. D. 1663. fol. 184. 9. Speech at a Conference of the Two Houses of Parliament concerning the Suit between Skinner and the E. India Company to explain to the Lords the Reasons of the Votes of the Commons. [Qu. Serj'. Maynard's.] fol. 188 b. 10. Two or Three Cases, Mich. 15. Hil. 15 & 16. and Pasch. 20. Cha. IL fol. 199. 11. Sir Robert Cotton's Breifc Discourse proveing that the House of Commons hath equall power with the Pceres in point of Judicature, fol. 202. 12. Observations concerning the Nobility of England, Ancient and Mo- deruc, &c. fol. 205. / Turning up the Volume, at the other end, we have, 13. Mr. Attorney General's Report in the Case of the Lord Viscount Purbeck, concerning Presidents of the Surrender of Dignities to the Crown. OF MANUSCRIPTS. 16 47. 1*. The Judgement delivered by the R'. Hon. Oliver S'. John Lord Chicfe Justice of the Common Pleas in the name of himself and tlie rest of the Judges his Associates of that Court, touching the illegall passing of a Fyne in the Case bctweene the R'. Hon. Awbrey Earl of Oxford and John Herbert Esq\ 15. The Case of William Piatt. Num. 48. Cases in the Upper Bench from Mich. 1652 to Hil. 1657 : with an Alphabetical Index to the Names of Cases. FoHo ; on paper. Num. 49. A Volume, in folio, on paper : containing, 1. Reports of Cases in C. B. from Trin. 1654. to Hil. 1655: by Ed. Edkins Esq'. With a Table of the Names of the Cases, fol. 1. 2. The several manner of Ways of levying of Fines, fol. 37. 3. The Form of drawing a Co. Recovery at the Bar. fol. 38. 4-. Cases of Slander : also by Mr. Edkins. fol. 43. 5. K. James the Firsts Grant of the Two Temples, fol. 46. At the beginning of the Book is a particular Account of Mr. Edkins, by Mr. Umfreville who formerly possessed the Volume : and also a Paper " touching the Office of Water BaiUfF, and his Majesty's Letter Patent and Commission granted unto Richard Croxiter Gent, concerning the same and the execution thereof." Num. 50. Reports of Cases in B. R. and Exchequer from the 34th to the 39th of Q. Eliz. With an Index to the Names of Cases. Folio ; on paper. Num. 51. Reports of Cases in C. B. from the 37th to the 39th of Q. Eliz. by Mr. Duck of Lincoln's Inn : with an Index to the Names of Cases, FoHo j on paper. 16 hargrave collection Num. 52. Cases in C. B. beginning Hil, 6 James I. and ending Trin. 8 James I. Folio ; on paper. Num. 53. A thin Volume, in folio, on paper : containing, 1. Explanations of Law Terms, under the heads of Estates, Purchaser and Purchase, Grant, Heire, Grounds, Pleder, &c. fol. 1 . 2. Reports of Cases in the Kings Bench in the 15th, 16th and 17th Cha. L and of Cases in Chancery in Mich. 1651 . and also of a few Cases in B. R. and C. B. 26 and 27 Cha. 11. foL 34. Num. 54. Cases in Law and Equity, A. D. 1731 to 1746: with an Index of subject matter at the end. At the beginning of the Volume is this Note in Mr. Hargrave's hand, in pencil : " 1 1 Feb. 1795. One of the Ballow MSS. now belonging to Earl Camden. Received from Mr. Hardinge this Day. F. H." NuMM. -55, 58. Sir Orlando Bridgman's Reports and Arguments from the 12th to the 17th of Cha. IL (being the time during which he was Chief Justice of the Common Pleas.) With an Index to the names of Cases. In four Volumes. Folio ; on paper. These Reports of Sir Orlando Bridgeman were known to L. C. J. Holt for in 1st Raymond, 380. he cites from them the Case of Chamberlayn and Prescott, which is reported in the first Volume of this Collection, p. 5-i. Num. 59. Cases and Determinations in C. B. in 1653 and 1654: and some Special Cases chiefly in the Exchequer Chamber in the Reign of Cha. II. Folio; on paper. In this Collection there is a Report of the Case of Manby and Scott, with Lord C. J. Hyde's Argument in the Exchequer Chamber verbatim. There OF MANUSCRIPTS. IT 59. is also a Report of the famous Case of Somes and Barnardiston containing the Arguments of the Counsel in B. R. and those of the Judges upon tha Writ of Error in the Exchequer Chamber. Num. 60. " Les Reports de divers Special Cases en le Common Banke, et en le Court del Banck le Roy, en le Reignc de le Roy Charles le II. col- legees par le reverend et erudite S'. Thomas Jones Chivaler, jades Seignior Chief Justice del Common Bank. Imprimee par I'Original escrie soub son propre maine en Francois : ovesque deux Tables, I'un des Principal Matters, & I'autre des Nosmes del Cases." Apparently the Original of the printed Edition. Folio ; on paper. Num. 61. Proceedings in the great Quo Warranto Case against the City of London, in the Reign of K. Charles II. Folio ; on paper. A Table of Contents at the beginning. Num. 62. A thin narrow Volume in folio, containing A small Collection of Ex- chequer Cases in the 16th, 17th, 20th, 21st and 22d Cha. II. and Mich. 1671. Num. 63. Cases in the Reign of Cha. II. with Sir Thomas Powys's Arguments in them. Folio ; on paper. These Cases and Arguments seem to be in the Judge's own hand-writing, whilst he was at the Bar. Numm. 64, Q5. Reports of Cases in B. R. from the 12th to the 26th Charles II. in Two Volumes. With Indexes in each to the Names of Cases. In the first Volume is the following Manuscript Note in Mr. Hargrave's hand : "Some few of the Cases in this and the accompanying Volume, particu- D 18 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 64, 65. larly the two first Cases in this Volume, are the same with Levinz's Reports. But this Collection contains a great number of Cases not in Levinz, and also different Reports of the same Cases. How much more copious this Collection is than Levinz's for the same time, will appear by this ; the Collection here and in the accompanying Volume begins exactly at the same time as the first Volume of Levinz, namely Mich. 12 Cha. II. and ends, exclusive of a Case placed out of order, with the Case of Rea and Barnes which was in Mich. 26 Cha. II. and is in p. 117 of the second Volume of Levinz. But, as I calculate, for this space of time there is about twice as many Cases, and twice as much matter here as will be in Levinz's Reports." Num. 66. A folio Volume, on paper : containing, 1. Cases in B. R. Pasch. 1702, to A.D. 1704. transcribed from the Manu- script Reports of Herbert Jacob of the Inner Temple, Esq', written with his own hand. fol. 1. 2. Cases in B. R. and C. B. 6 Will. & Mar. to ... . taken by Sir R. R. and transcribed from a Copy in the custody of Herbert Jacob Esq', fol. 175. 3. Cases in B. R. 9 Ann. and C. B. 1697. taken by Serj'. Salkeld. fol. 247. 4. Cases by Herbert Jacob Esq', in B. R. & Scacc. 12 Will. & Mar. to 1705. fol. 261. 5. Cases in B. R. from 1702 to 1703 inclusive. Taken by Mr. Serj'. Pengelly. fol. 311. 6. Cases in B. R. from Mich. 8 WiU. III. to Trin. to Will. III. inclu- sive, fol. 417. Num. 67. Cases in Chancery Hil. 1735 to I73f. Folio ; on paper. Num. 68. A Miscellaneous Volume, intitled by Mr. Hargrave " Law Common Place Book on Title Estates." Folio j on paper. of manuscripts. 19 Num. 69. « Proceedings in the Pleas side of His Majestie's Court of Exchequer." Folio ; on paper. A Manuscript Note in Mr. Margrave's hand conjectures this Volume tb relate to the Exchequer in Ireland. ' Num. 70. A folio Volume, on paper : containing, 1. Cases in the Exchequer, A.D. 1721 and 1722. Copied from Bun- bury's Reports. Ibl. 1. 2. The Course of Proceedings upon Informations and Seizures in the Court of Exchequer, fol. 21. 3. The Course of Process and Proceedings for levying the Kings Debt, fol. 25. 4. Some Rules of the Exchequer relative to Forfeitures, &c. due to the King on Informations exhibited there, fol. 26. 5. A further Extract from Bunbury's Reports, fol. 32. 6. Miscellaneous Matter concerning the Rights of the Crovi^n, and Of- fices or Inquisitions, fol. 50. 7. A further Extract from Bunbury's Reports, fol. 56. 8. Cases collected by Lord C. Baron Bodd. fol. 95. 9. Further Extracts from Bunbury. fol. 1 J 8. 10. A full Alphabetical Index to the Contents of the Volume; and, occa- sionally, to Matter in other Books. Num. 71. A folio Volume, on paper : containing, 1. A short Tract " Of the compiling of the Civil Law." fol. 1. 2. Reports of Cases in B. R. Chancery, Exchequer Chamber, and Par- liament ; and also before the Delegates, beginning Trin. 30 Cha. II. and ending Trin. 1713. by Lord Chief Baron Dodd. fol. 37. ^- -A- Treatise of Law, or rather Collections concerning Debtors or Ac- countants to the Crown, fol. 225. D 2 20 hargrave collection Num. 72. Cases in Chancery from 1700 to Feb. ll'^ 1709, inclusive, by Wil- liam Melmoth Esq', with an Index of the Names of the Cases. Folio j on paper. This MS. Volume is copied from the first Volume of Mr. Melmoth's Re- ports. Mr. Melmoth was a senior bencher of Lincoln's Inn, and died April 6"". 1743 in the 77^^ year of his age. He was joint Editor with Mr. Peere Williams of Vernon's Reports. His own Reports, in six Volumes, came down to 1742. Num. 73. Liber Albo : being a Collection of Chancery Cases in the Reigns of Queen Anne and King George the First. Folio ; on paper. Lord Chief Baron Gilbert, in his Lex Praetoria refers to this Book both by the Name of Liber Albo, and likewise under the title of " 2 M.S. Chan. Ca. Most of these Reports are printed in Gilbert's Equity Reports, Pre- cedents in Chancery, or Equity Cases abridged. Num. 74. Another Copy oi Liber Albo. Folio j on paper. Num. 75. Cases in Chancery, B. R. and C. B. in the Reigns of Queen Anne and King George the First. Folio ; on paper. Most of these Cases are printed in Gilbert's Precedents in Chancery. Num. 76. Cases in Chancery, &c. in the time of Queen Anne and King George the First. Mostly printed in Precedents in Chancery. Folio j on paper. Num. 77. Cases in Chancery during the latter end of Queen Anne's Reign, and tor the four or five first Years of King George the First'St Folio ; on paper. The Cases are not placed in order of Time. of manuscripts. 21 Num. 78. A folio Volume, on paper : containing, 1. A Treatise on Algebra, and on Geometry, fol. 1. 2. Cases in B. R. 4 Annae Reg. fol. 17. 3. Trigonometry, fol. 23. 4. The Doctrine of Spherick Projection, fol. 26. 5. Descriptio Dei a Vanino. fol. 27. 6. Descriptio Providentiaj Dei ab codem. ibid. 7. Some Observations on My Lord Cokes Reports, by the Lord Chan- cellor Egerton. (These are in print.) fol. 28. 8. Qujedam de Studio Juris recte instituendo. fol. 35. 9. Cases in C. B. and Chancery from the S"* to the 7"" Year of Queen Anne, fol. 37. 10. Excerpta ex Vanino. fol. 67. 11. De Natura Saporum ex eodem. fol. 67 b. 12. A Copy of the first Part of the Printed Book called Gilbert's Tenures, fol. 69. 13. Everardi Brouchorst Oratio de Studio Juris recte instituendo. fol. 97. I*. Excerpta ex Vanino. fol. 97 b. 15. Observations on Property, fol. 130 b. 16. Of Privity, fol. 131. Num. 79. Cases in Chancery whilst Lord King held the Great Seal. Mich. 1726 to Mich. 1730. The MS. Note of a former possessor says, " These Cases are in print. Moseley's Reports being the same." NuMM. 80, 81. Cases in Chancery, C. B. and Exchequer, but chiefly the former, from 1706 to 1724 inclusive, in Two Volumes. A Note in Mr. Har- grave's hand says, " Upon looking into several of these Cases, I found some not in print, and others to differ from the printed Reports of the same Cases." The first Volume begins in Easter 1706 and ends in Easter 1715. The second begins in Feb, 1716, and ends in October 1724. Folio J on paper. 22 hargrave collection Num. 82. Cases in Chancery, beginning 25th Feb. 1716, and ending Oct. '24th. 1724. A Duplicate, in point of Contents, of Num. 81. Foho; on paper. Num. 83. Cases in the House of Lords, Chancery, B. R. and C. B. from 1720 to 1730 inclusive. Folio j on paper. NuMM. 84, 86. Reports of Cases in the House of Lords, Chancery, King's Bench, C. B. and Exchequer, chiefly from 1727 to 1752 inclusive : but con- taining one Case, before the Lords, as far back as 1693. With Indexes to the Matter and the Names of the Cases in three Volumes. Folio ; on paper. The first Case is a very curious one, before the House of Lords in 1693, on the Petition of Lady Isabella Dutchess of Grafton and William Bridg- man Esq', her Trustee, concerning the Office of Chief Clerk of the King's Bench. Amongst other important matter in these Volumes, there is a full Report of the Arguments of Mr. Henley, afterwards Earl of Northington, for the Def. in Error at the Bar of the Lords in the Case of Martin on the demise of Treconnell against Strachan, and of the Opinion of the Judges for the Def. in Error as delivered by Willes, Chief Justice. There is also a full Report of the famous Case of Burgess and Wheate in the King's Bench upon its being sent there by the Lord Chancellor. Num. 87. A Collection of Readings on several Statutes : written in old Court Hand, in the early part of the Sixteenth Century. Folio; on paper. At the beginning, in a hand considerably more modern than the text of the MS. is this Title " Un profitable Livre de divers tres audites Lectures faites sur severale Statutes." It contains about thirty Readings, of which some arc of the Reigns of K. Henry VII and K. Henry VIII. and some of a still earlier date. To some of them the Reader's Name is added, and amongst those named arc Pygott, Frowyck, Grcvilc, Keeble, Mallet, JIarrow, and Conyngsby, and also Mr. Audeley, who was afterivards OF MANUSCRIPTS. 23 87. Lord Audeley, and died Lord Chancellor of England in the 25tk Hen. VIII. and whose Reading seems to conclude the Volume. Num. 88. A folio Volume, on paper ; containing, first a Collection of Readings on different Statutes of the Reign of Henry VIII. and seemingly made in that Reign. They are as follow; 1. Lectio Waltcri Hendley Lectoris de Grais super Stat. 21 Hen. VIII. c. 3. fol. 1. 2. Secunda Lectura Walteri Hendley, super Stat. 21 Hen. VIII. c. 19. fol. 20. 3. Lectura Jacobi Hales super Stat. 23 Hen. VIII. c. 15. fol. 25. 4.. Lectura Thomae Moile super Statutum 21 Hen. VIII. c. 15. fol. 57. 5. Lectio M. Hall super le Statut de 8'. Eglise. 32 Hen. VIII. fol. 70. 6. Lectura Johannis Gosnold super Statut. 27 Hen. VIII. c. 28. fol. 75. The second Part of the Volume contains some Miscellaneous Law Memoranda of little consequence, followed by A Report of Cases from the 34th to the 39th Eliz. expressed to be in the proper hand of Lord Ch. Justice Popham. Num. 89. A Collection of Law-Readings on various Statutes, in Folio ; on paper: containing, 1. Lectio Magistri Popham Atturnati Generalis supra Statutum de Annis 35 et 36 Hen. VIII. de Devises, fol. 1. 2. The Reading of Sir Edward Coke on the Statute of Fines, 27 Edw. I. at Lions Inn, 1580. Two different Accounts are given of this Reading, foil. 18, 20. 3. The Reading of Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General in the Inner Temple on the Statute 27 Hen. VIII. concerning Uses. fol. 33. 4. The Reading of Edmund Plowden, Lecturer of New Inn, on the Stat, of Westm. II*. chap. 1. concerning Entails, fol. 35. At the beginning of this Manuscript, are some Extracts from Sir Thomas Smith's Treatise de Republica, and Sir Thomas More's Utopia : also the Form of an Indenture. 24 hargrave collection Num. 90. Mr. Sherfield's Readings on the Statute of Wills, of 32 Hen. VIII. c. 1. begun 9th March 1639. There are four Readings in this Vckime: the first consists of 46 foUos, or 92 pages; the second of 28 ; the third of 38} the fourth of 28. FoHo; on paper. Num. 91. Readings in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth, King James I. and King Charles I. containing 1. Callis's Readings on the 23d Hen. VIIL chap. 5. concerning Sewers. Note. It seems to be the same as the printed Reading, fol. 1 . 2. Lectura Johannis Bankes Militis, Attornati principis Hospitii Graii - 1630. super Statutum 21 Jac. chap. 16. Of Limitation of Actions, fol. J 65. 3. Lectura Jacobi Whitlock Armigeri in Medio Templo 2''°. August! 1619. super Statutum 21 Hen. VIIL cap. 13. s. 1. De Facultatibus Bene- ficiorum. fol.. 197. 4. Conceipts sur le Stat, de 32 Hen. VIIL ca. 5. 5. Mr. Thin's Reading on the Statute of 13 Eliz. chap. 8. concerning Usury, fol. 326. 6. Mr. Whitakers Reading in the Summer of 1627. on the Stat. 13 Eliz. c. 13. concerning Fraudulent Conveyances, fol. 336. 7. Mr. Lane's Lectur' Quadragess. 1629. sur le Stat, de 21 Hen. VIIL cap. 13. de Non Residence, fol. 344. Num. 92. Readings in the Reign of King Henry VIII"'. With Collections on various subjects of Law : containing, 1. Forms of Precedents in Error, fol. 2. 2. Lectio Walteri Hcndley, Lectoris de Grais Inne Vacatione Quadra- gesimal!, A". Henrici VIIL 21" sup. Statutum A". 21 Hen. VIIL Ca". 3. Concerning Abridgements of Plaints in Assize, fol. 6. 3. Secunda Lectura Walteri Hendley Vacatione Quadrageaimali A". 26 Hen. VIIL ct A°. Domini 1534. concerning Avowries, fol. 18. i, Lectura Jacobi Hales super Statut. quod Defcndeut. rccuperent cus- tagia sua, fact. A°. 23''°. Henr. VIIL ca. 15. fol. 33. OF MANUSCRIPTS. 25 92. 5. Lectura Tliomse Moyle super Statutum fact. A", xxj". Hcnrici VIII. ca. xv". in Vacatione Quadragesimali A°. xxiiij'". regni Regis pra^dicti. fol. 58, 6. Lectio M. Hall, super Ic Statut de Seint Eglisc, in Vacatione Quadra- gesimali An". 32 Hen. VIII. fol. 75. 7. Lectura Johannis Gosnold super Statut. fact. Anno xxxij". Henr. VIII. fol. 86. 8. Lectio Magistri Staunford super Statut. de Anno 34 Edw. III. cap. 12°. fol. 109. 9. Lectio Magistri Cooke super Statutum de A°. 32 Hen. VIII. ca. 7- concerning Tythes. fol. 127. 10. Lectura Georgii Brown Lectoris de Grais Inne super Statut. 32 Henr. VIII. ca. 34.. fol. 14G. 11. Collections on different subjects of Law: concerning Parliament, Restitutions, Dispensations, Pz'oclamations, Pardons, Laws made in Convo- cation, the King's Dispensations with spiritual Laws, the binding of the King's subject by Spiritual Laws, Chancery and Decrees there. Injunctions, Offices, Traverses, Monstrans de Droit, Petitions of Grace, &c. &c. fol. 158. This Volume formerly belonged to the Yelverton Collection. Num. 93. A Disquisition touching the Jurisdiction of the Common Law and Courts of Admiralty, in relation to things done upon or beyond the Sea, and touching Maritime and Merchants' Contracts. By Lord C. J. Hale. Folio ; on paper. Num. 94. Copy of a Treatise by Lord Chief Justice Hale intitled Pr^roga- TiVA Regis : with marginal Notes in Mr. Hargrave's hand-writing. At the beginning, is a Table of the Chapters into which the Work is divided. At the end, are the following Papers. 1. The Titles in Sir Matthew Hale's Co : Place Book in Lincoln's Inn Library. 2. An Account of three Manuscript Volumes of Lord Hale, on the King's Prerogative. 3. An Extract from Lord C. J. Hale's Volume, con- ceived to be what Bishop Burnet in his List of his Lordshiji's Manu- scripts intitles " Incepta de Juribus Coronge." Folio ; on paper. E 26 hargrave collection Num. 95. Lord Chief Justice Hale's Preparatory Notes touching Parliamentary Proceedings. Folio; on paper. At the end are some Memoranda relating to the work in Mr. Hargrave's hand-writing : and also a fair Copy of two Chapters of the Work. Folio ; on paper. Num. 96. " Reflections on Mr. Hobbs his Dialogue of the Law, by the Lord Chiefe Justice Hale : copyed from the Originall which was lent to S'. llobert Southwell by his Grandson about Nov'. 1690." Folio; on paper. Bound with this Volume is another Copy of the " Reflections," diflferently arranged : also an Extract from one of Lord Hale's Manu- scripts, " touching the Particulars that would be fit to be reformed, and first, concerning the Books of the Law, both Statute Law and Common Law." Num. 97. A folio Volume, on paper ; containing A Treatise in English " De Jure Maris et Brachiorum ejusdem." It has a Table of Contents at the beginning ; and a few Alphabetical References in Mr. Hardinge's hand- writing at the end. A Note, in Mr. Hargrave's hand, sa\'s : " This Treatise is cited as a Manuscript by Lord Hale, in Parker's Reports, p. 69." Num. 98. A folio Volume, on paper : containing, 1. A Narrative Legall and Historicall touchinge the Ciistomes: in the hancl-\vrilin Appointments, &c. p. 285. Num. 136. Collections relating to the King's Prerogative and Power, Nobility, Parliament, &c. Folio ; on paper. Num. 137. A Treatise by Lord Chief Justice Hale on the Admiralty Jurisdic- tion. Folio ; on paper. of manuscripts. 37 Num. 138. A Collection of Chancery Cases and Opinions. Chiefly in the time of K. George I. Folio ; on paper. Num. 139. A Volume consisting of detached Papers, chiefly Abstracts of Pro- ceedings of Common Council, and Transcripts from City-Records. Other Articles are, 1. Ex Rot. Claus. A". 38 Edw. III. m. 20. Memorandum de illis qui gaudebunt Libcrtatibus concessis Civibiis London, p. 99. 2. The Various Titles by which the Corporation of the City of London liath been denoted and expressed, p. 269. 3. Reasons against the Bill for regulating Elections in the City of Lon- don. [1725.] (Printed.) p. 293. 4. The Petition and Representation of Andrew Tooke and John Gough, Teachers in the School, to the Governors of the Charter House, p. 307. See also p. 353. 5. Account of Sums of Money issued by the Chamberlain of London concerning Suits at Law relating to the Elections of Aldermen from 1711 to 1719. p. 327. (Printed.) See also p. 365. 6. Copy of Sir Thomas Gresham's Will, as far as it concerns his House, &c. p. 331. 7. The Oath of a Free-man. p. 33.5. 8. Rates of Taxes in London, p. 338. 9. Order by the Commissioners of Sewers. 3 Nov. 1693. p. 351. (Printed.) 10. A List of Persons who polled for Mr. John Williams, Alderman, at the Election for Sheriff, A. D. 172a. (Printed.) p. 369. 11. The Daily Journal for December 7"'. 1724. containing the List of Persons who polled for Sir Richard Hopkins at the late Election for a Member of Parliament. (Printed.) p. 401. 12. The Daily Post, for Dec. 7"". 1724. containing the List of Persons who polled for Charles Goodfellow Es(J^ at the late Election for a Member of Parliament. (Printed.) p. 409. 38 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 13. The Daily Post, Monday, March 16, 1724., containing the List of Persons who polled for Edw. Bellamy, Esq^ to be Sheriff. (Printed.) p. 417. 14-. The Case between the Lord Mayor and Commons of London con- cerning the Election of Sheriffs for the Year ensuing clearly stated. (Printed.) fol. Lond. 1682. p. 425. 15. Calendar, for the year 1723. (Printed.) p. 433. 16. An Examination and Resolution of two Questions concerning Elec- tions. (Printed.) fol. Lond. 1724. p. 435. 17. The Report of a Committee of Aldermen in Affirmance of the Right of the Mayor and Aldermen to put a Negative to Bills or Acts depending in the Common-Council of London. (Printed.) fol. Lond. 1724. p. 453. 18. Contents of a Bill, with Observations, for regulating Wardmote Elections, p. 473. ly. Copy of a Petition from the Mayor and Aldermen of London to the H. of Commons respecting the Bill for regulating Elections, p. 543. 20. Other Papers relating to the same Bill. pp. 557, 559, 563, 567, 573, 589, 595, 599, 611. 21. An Act for regulating Elections within the City of London, and for preserving the Peace, good Order, and Government of the said City. (Printed.) p. 581. 22. Charter of the Joyners Company of London, p. 607. 23. Brief in the Cause of Williams mil. veisus Hopkins mil. for the Dei', p. 613. 24. Affidavits relating to the Election of Sheriffs 1723. pp. 677, 681, 685, 689, 69.^, 697, 701, 705, 709, 711, 713, 716, 721, 723, 725, 729, 733. Num. 140. " The History and Analysis of the Common Law of England. Written by the late Lord Chief Justice Hale." Foho ; on paper. Num. 141. A Collection of Cases and Opinions, principally relating to the Customs. Folio ; on paper. Num. 142. A Volume of Collections respecting the Charters, Liberties, &c. of OF MANUSCRIPTS. 39 142. the City of London principally taken from ancient Records : con- taining, 1. The Charter of Liberties granted to the City by King John, ex Rot. Chart. 16 Joh. m. 2. n. 3. pag. 7. 2. Lit. Patentes pro Civibus London. 26 Edw. L m. 20. p. 11. 3. Copy of an Entry taken from Liber C. fol. 70. in the Town-Clerks Office, of the Presentment of a Mayor of London to tlie King and his Admission, 29 Edw. III. p. 13. 4. Copy of a similar Entry, 30 Edw. III. p. 15. 5. Copy of a Presentment in the same Book, fol. HI. of the 31 Edw. III. pag. 17. 6. An Entry in Liber D. in the same Office fol. 4. wherein King Ed- ward II. by his Charter recites the Right that the City of London had to elect Mayors and Sheriffs, but that of late the populace have disturbed the Elections : the King, to prevent this, orders a Proclamation to hinder all persons from coming to such Elections on pain of Imprisonment, unless summoned thereto, pag. 19. 7. A similar Entry from Liber H. fol. 182. for preventing Tumults at Elections, p. 20. 8. Extract from the " Liber Custumar'. fol. 192." respecting several Or- dinances made by the Lord Mayors, Aldermen, and Citizens of London for their better Government, which were confirmed by King Edward II. p. 21. 9. Lit. Patentes 14 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 22. De Officio Majoritatis London. Roberto de Kendale commisso. p. 25. 10. Lit. Pat. 16 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 23. De Majore Lond. constituto. p. 27. 11. The Restitution of the City's Liberties, Pat. 20 Edw. XL m. 5. p. 29. 12. Copy of an Entry from the Book " De antiquis Legibus A. D. 1262" reciting that a Jew had wounded a Christian and the great Uproar which had ensued upon it, with Instructions for what was to be done. p. 30. 13. Extract from the Book Liber L. fol. 53. for the Election of the Mayor and Sheriffs by the Mysteries, p. 31. 14. Copy from Liber H. fol. 182. The same Entry as Art. 7. but in French, p. 33. 40 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 142. J 5. Extract from the " Journal" in tlie Town Clerk's Office, No. 9. fol. 297. A Habeas Corpus to the Mayor and Sheriffs of London with their return that the Prisoner is in their custody for exposing false Coins in payment, p. 35. 16. From S'' Z. fol. 156. respecting the Choice of an Under-Sheriff: be- tween SS"" and 31" Eliz. p. 35. 17- Memorandum from Liber C. fol. 6. respecting the Election of several Aldermen and their presentation, the Liberties of the City being at that time in the King's hands, p. 39. 18. From " Liber Albus, fol. 10." Entry of the Old Custom of choosing the Aldermen, and of their continuance in their offices, p. 40. 19. Another Entry, from the same Book fol. 9. respecting the Removal of Aldermen, p. 41. 20. Entries from Liber D. fol. 7. concerning the Choosing and Admission of Aldermen, p. 43. 21. Ex Rotulo Paten. 12 Edw. IL p. 2. m. 2. Pro Civibus London, de Novis Articulis ibidem statutis observandis. p. 45. 22. Extracts and Memoranda from Records in the Tower and elsewhere, concerning the Aldermen of London, their rights, privileges, and authority. p. 59. 23. Entries in different Books in the Town-Clerks' Office respecting the Sheriffs of London, p. 133. 24. Copies and Extracts from Records respecting the Court of the Mayor and Aldermen, p. 140. 25. A Statement of Precedents and Cases relating to the question whether the Court of Aldermen or Common Council have the right to jud^e of Contested Elections of Commoners, p. 157. 26. Copies of Records, &c. concerning the Common Council, p. 180. 27. Copies of Records, &c. relating to the Court of Wardmote. p.211. 28. Records relating to the Court of Inquest, p. 231. 29. Extracts concerning the Coroner of London, p. 253. 30. The various Titles by which the Corpoi-ation of the City of London hath been denoted and expressed, p. 269. 31. Entries concerning the Oaths to be taken by Common Council-men. p. 276. OF MANUSCRIPTS. 41 142. 32. Extracts from the City Record, " Liber de antiquis Lcgibus tem- pore Hen. III. Regis." &c. p. 277. 33. Warrants of Commitments of Offenders by the Aldermen of the City at their Wardmotes, p. 278. S*. Ex Rotulo Paten. 16 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 31. pro Vicecomitibus, Alder- mannis, ct Civibus London, p. 281. 35. An Entry of the making the Ward of Faringdon two Wards ; with other Entries concerning the Aldermen, their choice, and continuance in their Offices ; &c. p. 284. 36. From Liber R. fol. 121. Part of an Act of Common Council, 1 Aug. 5 Edvv. VI. p. 297. 37. Meaning of " Legalis Homo," from Sir Thomas Smith's Treatise de Republica. p. 297. 38. A Letter from Mr. William Wajjstaffe sometime Town-Clerk to Sir George Jefferys then Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench concerning the making of Liveries, dat. Guildhall, May 1. 168.5. p. 299. 39. Act of Common Council 1, Aug. 1 & 2 Phil. & Mar. p. 307. 40. Act of the Commons of England in Parliament assembled, for remov- ing Obstructions in the Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of London. 28 Feb. 1648. p. 315. 4-1. Opinions of several Lawyers upon the Question, whether the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London have a negative Voice in matters pro- pounded, and making of Laws and Orders, and admitting of Officers in Common Council, p. 319. 42. Some particular Cases concerning the Right of Elections of Alder- men, with the Lawyers Opinions thereon, particularly as to the paying Scot and Lot, &c. p. 326. Num. 143. Cases, and Opinions answered by Mr. Bevil Filmer : principally from the Year 1744 to 1754. Folio ; on paper. Num. 144. Cases, and Opinions also answered by Mr. Filmer ; principally from 1754 to 1758. Folio; on paper. G 42 hargrave collection Num. 145. A Collection of Cases, with Opinions answered by Mr. Edw. Northey : between the Years 1714 and 1717. FoHo j on paper. Num. 146. Law Miscellanies ; digested under Heads, as " Contempts to Court', how punishable" : "Degrees of Offences" : " Praemunire" : " Blas- phemy" : " Conjuration, Witchcraft," &c. Apparently abridged from some Work still more extensive. Folio ; on paper. Num. 147. Old Pleadings. 12 to 20 Edw. III. (Latin.) Folio; on vellum. Num. 148. *' Copia vera Statutorum CoUegii Magdalenensis in Universitate Oxonise, examinata et subscripta per Praesidentem, Vice-Praesidentem, et quatuor alios. 20 Aug. 1720." Codex chartaceus, in folio. Num. 149. Speeches made in Parliament by several Persons : A. D. 1675 — 1682. Foho ; on paper. Num. 150. Cases in C. B. in 1656 and 1657 ; also from the 12th to the 19th Cha. 11. by Henry Darell, Esquire : with Cases and Opinions of Hale, May- nard, Finch, &c. relating to Wills and Settlements. At the end of the Book is the Record of the Proceedings in the Writ de Ventre inspi- ciendo in Willoughby's Case. 39 Eliz. Folio ; on paper. Num. 151. A Volume, in folio, on paper : containing, 1 . Rules and Orders made by the Barons for the OflScc of Pleas in the Court of Exchequer, pag. 1 . OF MANUSCRIPTS. 43 151. 2. The Practice of tlie Office of Picas in the Court of Exchequer, witli the Form and Method of Proceedings in that Office, and some other parti- cular Notes and Demonstrations, collected for the benefit and direction of the Attorneys and Clerks belonging to the auid Office, pag. 1 9. On the first of these Articles Mr. Hargrave observes, tliat by the Con- tents it appears to relate to the English Court of Exchequer ; though it is not expressed when the Rules were made. They are not the Rules and Orders of the Court of Exchequer printed in 1766. Num. 152. Cases, from 1733 to 1766, the same as many of them in Forrester's Reports. Folio ; on paper. Num. 153. A Voluine, in folio ; containing a Collection of Papers, partly in ma- nuscript and partly printed relating chiefly to the City of London. Viz. 1. Precedents concerning Elections in London, foil. 2, 8. 2. Concerning the Markets of London, fol. 6. 3. Ex Rotulo Statutorum de anno i-egni Kegis Edw. I, xiij°. m. 42. Statuta Civitatis London, fol, 10. 4. The Case of the Charter of London stated, fol. Lond. 1683. (Printed.) fol. 25. 5. The Presentment of the Grand Jury for the City of London, fol. Lond. 1683. (Printed.) fol. 35. 6. Act for the better paving and cleansing the Streets and Sewers in and about the City of London. [A. D. 1680.] 4'° (Printed.) fol. 39. 7. Act for the settling and well ordering of the several Publick Markets within the City of London. A. D. 1674. folio. (Printed.) fol. 43. 8. The City of London's Plea to the Quo Waranto, (An Information) brought against their Charter in Michaelmas Term, 1681. fol. Lond. 1682. (Printed.) fol. 49. 9. The Replication to the City of London's Plea to the Quo Warranto G 2 44 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 153. brought against their Charter bj' our Soveraign Lord the King, in Mi- chaelmas Term 1681. fol. Lond. 1682. (Printed.) fol. 69. 10. Tlie City of London's Rejoinder, to Mr. Attorney Xjeneral's Repli- cation in the Quo Warranto brought by him against their Charter, fol. Lond. 1682. (Printed.) fol. 77. 1 1 . The Sur-Rejoinder of Mr. Attorney General to the Rejoinder made on the behalf of the Charter of the City of London, fol. Lond. 1682. (Printed.) fol. 97. 12. In Curia Cancellar. 24 Jan. 33 Car. II. Anno Dom. 1681. Howard versus le Duke of Norfolk et al. The Argument of the Lord Chief Baron Mountagu. fol. 104. 13. Mr. Sollicitor Finch's Argument in the Quo Warranto Case. fol. 124. 14. Collections concerning London: with a Table of general Heads at the beginning, fol. 131. 15. Mr. Attorney General Sawj'er's Argument in the Quo Warranto Case. fol. 172. 16. The Opinion of the Judges on the Quo Warranto Case. fol. 221. 17. The Recorder's (George Treby's) Opinion. 2 Octob. 1683. fol. 230. 18. Mr. Pollexfen's Argument, fol. 234. 19. TheJudgement given in the C^uo Warranto Case: 12June 1683. fol. 266. 20. Entries in the Books which any way relate to the I>ord Mayor and Aldermens negalive Voice in Common Council, fol. 270. 21. Antient Powers, Priviledges, Perquisites, and Authorities of the Con- stables of the Tower of London, fol. 276. 22. Quaeries and Answers respecting the City Charter, fol. 278. 23. Of the Election of Sheriffs in London, fol. 302. 24. Heads of the Charter of the City of London, fol. 308. 25. Of the East India Company, fol. 313. 26. Attorney General Sir Richard Sawyer's Argument for the East India Company against Thomas Saunds defends fol. 330. Num. 154. Collections concerning London, its Customs and Priviledges. Folio ; on paper. of manuscripts. 45 Num. 155. A Treatise on the History and Practice of the Court of Chancery. Folio; on paper. A manuscript Note says, " The whole of this Volume is in print." Num. 156. A Treatise on tlie Origin and Practice of the Court of Common Pleas. Folio ; on paper. Saac. xviii. Num. 157. " A Table to the most remarkable Points in the Printed Cases upon Appeals to the House of Lords since the Year 1701, upon which the Decrees and Judgements were affirmed, varyed, or reversed : together with another Alphabetical Table of the Names of the Cases, referring to the Day and Year, and likewise to the Titles under which they are placed in the first Table with notice taken whether affirmed, varyed, or reversed." Folio j on paper. Num. 158. " An Abridgement common-placed of Cases, in the House of Lords, upon Appeals and Writs of Errors. With two Tables, one of the Titles, and the other of the Names of Cases." Folio j on paper. Num. 159. Bailiff's Accompts of Manors belonging to the Crown, in the Counties of Bucks, Bedf Oxon. Hertf. Hunt. Northampton, Rutland, Lincoln, Barks. Dors. Southampt. Midd. Glouc. Wiltes. Devon, t. Edw. VI. Folio ; on paper. Num. 160. Orders and Decrees in Chancery, principally in the Reign of Q. Eliz : with a few in the time of K. James I. and also in 1. Will. & Mary. Folio j on paper. 46 hargrave collection Num. 1()1. Reports of Cases in B. R. beginning Mich. 33 Cha. IL and ending o Mich. 4 Will. & Mar. With Indexes of tlie Names of Cases and sub- ject matter at the end. Folio j on paper. Num. 162. Cases in Chancery of 20 Cha. II. and of other Years, both before and after. Many of them are said to be in print. Folio ; on paper. Num. 163. Petitions, Answers, &c. in Chancery, in the time of Peter Lord King and the Earl of Macclesfield, Chancellors. Folio ; on paper. Num. 164. A folio Volume, on paper : containing, 1. " Recorda et Memoranda de hiis qu£e fiebant in Parliamento sum- mon, apud Westra. die Lunee prox. post Festum S. Katherinag Anno Regni Regis Edwardi tertii a Conquestu quarto liberata in Cancell. per Henr. de Edenestovve Clericum Parliamenti." 2. " Les Remembrances du Parlement tenuz a Westmonster a la Quin- zeinede la Seint Michel I'an du Regne nrV Seign^ le Roi treszisme." 3. " Les Remembrances du Parlement tenuz a Westmonstier le meskerdy proschein apres le Dymeigne en my quar'esme' en presence nostre Seign''. I'an de son Regne d'Angleterre quatorzisme, et de France primer." Num. 165. A Volume, in folio ; on paper, intitled " Breviatts out off the Re- cordes in the Tower conscerninge the Authoritye off The Chauncerye : with Directions howe to finde the Originalls." At the end are the following Articles : 1. " A Discourse written by Mr. John Selden of the Inner Temple, and dedicated to Sir Francis Bacon K'. Lord Keeper of the Create Scale of England touching the antient mention, conjunction, or division of the two great Offices of State the Chancellorship and Keeper of the Create Scale of England, Anno Dni 1617." fol. 151 b. OF MANUSCRIPTS. 47 165. 2. Collections out of the antient Records of the Chancery provcing the Antiquity of the Corpus cum Causa, with precedents for removeing Prisoners into the Chancery and for bayleing of divers and discharging of others, fol. 156. S. The Names of all the Courts in which all the Causes and Controversies of this Realme are adjudged and ended, fol. 166. Num. 166. A Law- Common-Place Book, with an alphabetical Index of Titles at the end. FoHo ; on paper. Num. 167. " Remembrances of some Methods, Orders, and Proceedings here- tofore used and observed in the House of Peers, extracted out of the Journalls of that House by H. S. C. P. and J. W. Dep'. to Jo. Br. Cler. Parliamentorum." Folio ; on paper. " This Book contains much matter not in the printed Book with Scobell's name. In most instances I have pointed it out in the margin. Probably the Additions were all by W. the abovementioned Deputy-Clerk in Par- liament. F. H." " Note, at the Restoration, Browne became Clerk in Parliament instead of Scobell." Num. 168. A Volume, in folio, on paper : containing the following Treatises. 1 . Remembrances for Order and Decency to be kept in the Upper House of Parliament, pag. 1. 2. A Treatise concerning Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Chapters, Par- sons, &c. written Anno nono Caroli Regis Angliae &c. Annoque Domini 1633. It seems to be the same with Hughes's Parson's Law. pag. 57. 3. A Treatise of Matters Ecclesiastical, pag. 386. 4. The Court of Exchequer, pag. 450. 5. Of Islands arising in the Sea and of the Salt Shore compared with the Fresh, pag. 546. 8 48 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 168. 6. Tlie Character of a Tory in answer to that of a Trimmer, written in the year 1648. pag. 584. 7. A Military Discourse whether it were better for England to give an Invader present Battaile or to temporize and defer the same. pag. 640. 8. An Enquiry into the State of His Majesty's Navy and the Deportment of the Officers entrusted with the Management of it. Dated S'. James's SG"" Aug. 1668. and signed " James." pag. 756. 9. Some Extracts out of the Earl of Leicester's Commonwealth, pag. 824. 10. " Of Robert Devereux Earle of Essex and Georsre Villiers Duke of o Buckingham. Some Observations by way of Paralell in their Times of their Estates and Favour." [By SirTienryjWotton. Printed.] pag. 868. Num. 169. A Treatise on Writs and Actions of Trespass. Folio ; on paper. NuMM. 170, 171. Collections out of the Registers of Chancery C. & D. relating to the Practice of the Court. With an Index. Folio ; on paper. Num. 172. Law Common-Place. Folio ; on paper. Num. 173. A Treatise on the Present Estate of Christendom (in the Time of Queen Elizabeth). Particularly considering the Lawfulness of making War against " the Common Adversary" the King of Spain. The Author (whose name docs not appear) professes to write this Trea- tise to redeem liimsclf from exile in a foreign Country, and to handle the subject " in praise of his country, and in disgrace of Spain ; in commenda- " tion of Princes, and in dispraise of the Spaniard ; in allowance and appro- " bation of all licr Majesty's (Queen Eliz.) actions, and reprehension of all " •r most of his (the King of Spain's) Enterprizcs," of manuscripts. 49 Num. 174. A folio Volume, on paper : containing. Cases in Chancery in the Reigns of Jam. I. Cha. I. and Cha. II. " These Cases are at the beginning stated to be from Docquets of De- " crees, &c. in the Office of John Wilkinson, Esq', one of the Six Clerks in " Chancery. After the first thirty-two pages, many of the Cases are " printed in the Book called 1 Chanc. Cases. F. H." Turning up the Volume, at the other end are two or three Extracts from Statutes of the 29'" and 22" and 23" Cha. II. Num. 175. An alphabetical Index of " Appeals, when brought in and adjudged; also an Account of the material Proceedings thereupon." Folio ; on paper. Num. 176. Kalendar to the Journals of the House of Lords from the befrinninc; of King Henry VIII'\ to the Year 1640. Vol. I. Folio; on paper. Num. 177. Kalendar to the Journals of the House of Lords from the Year 1640 to 1642. Vol.11. Foho ; on paper. Num. 178. Kalendar to the Journals of the House of Lords from the Year 1660 to the Year 1723. Vol. III. Folio; on paper. Num. 179. A folio Volume, on paper ; consisting of Extracts from Records and Tracts, partly printed, illustrative of the History of London. Viz. 1 . Memoranda relating to the Court of Hustings in London, pag. 1 . 2. Account of Aldermen discharged from serving the Office of Mayor, from i Hen. V. to 12 Dec. 1710. p. 15. H 50 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 179. 3. Precedents of Persons discharged from the Office of Sheriff after they liad given Bonds to serve, p. 83. 4. Proceedings of Common Council 6 Junij 1683 upon the Report respecting the Acts and Proceedings entred in the Journals of the Common Council in the times of Usurpation, A.D. ISil — A. D. 1659. p. 107. 5. Proceedings of Common Council, 19 Jan. ISil. p. 153. 6. Proceedings of Common Council, 17 Apr. 1647. p. 173. 7. First Draught of a Report touching the Court of Aldermen's Negative, as the same was drawn by Mr. Stracy. p. 177. 8. Collectanea quae ad Civitatem Londoniae spectant ex Annalibus acephalis in Bibliotheca Cottoniana. Otho B. iii. p. 257. 9. " Ordinances made by the King for the Safe Keeping of the City of London temjiore Edwardi primi ut videtur; inter eos est Juramentum praestitum per Regem in Coronatione sua, et Juramentum Officiorum Civi- tatis London." p. 353. 10. Ordinatio Civitatis London. Et de Placitis ibidem. Cotton. MS. Otho C. xn. p. 417. 11. Modus et Ordo tcnendus per Cives London, cum Placita Coronse tenentur ad Turrim London, p. 424. 12. De antiquissima Consuetudinte habita et usitata in Civitate London. Cotton MS. Nero A. vi. p. 442. 13. Ordinances made in the Mayoralty of Gregory of Rokesle 18 Edw. I. p. 446. 14. Petitiones Majoris et Civium Londinensium quae non sunt in Charta de Libertatibus, Gallice. Cum Responsionibus. p. 453. 15. Confirmatio Chartarum quas illic rccitantur de Libertatibus, Privi- legiis, et Consuetudinibus Civitatis London, par R. Richardum. (Imperf ) p. 461. 16. Entries of the Nomination of Aldermen. With an Attestation to the Correctness of the Transcript, p. 467. 17. The Case between the Lord Mayor & Commons of London con- cerning the Election of Sheriffs. (Printed.) p. 473. IS. The Prerogative of the R'. Hon. the Lord Mayor of London asserted, fol. Lond. 1682. (Printed.) p. 477. 19. London's Liberties: or A learned Argument of Law and Reason, before the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, and Common-Council, at Guild-Ilall. fol. Lond. 1682. (Printed.) p. 479. OF MANUSCRIPTS. si 179. 20. A modest Essay in vindication of Sir Thomas Lane K'. Lord Mayor, relating to tlie Controversy about Elections of Sheriffs, &c. fol. (Printed.) p.515. 21. The Rights and Authority of the Commons of the City of London, in the Choice and Discharge of their Sheriffs, asserted and cleared, fol. Lond. 1695. (Printed.) p. 524. Num. 180. A Volume in folio, on paper : containing, 1. " Rotulus Parliamenti apud Westm. die Lunse proxima pos Festum Sancti Georgii Anno Regni Regis Edwardi IIL post Conquestum Angliae videlicet Quinquagesimo et Francia; tricesirao septimo." fol. 1. 2. " Rotulus Parliamenti apud Westm. in xv^. Sancti Hillar. Anno Regni Regis Edwardi III. videlicet Quinquagesimo primo et Franciae 38'°." fol. 145. Num. 181. Law Treatises : in folio, on paper. Containing, 1. A Treatise on Dower, fol. 1. 2. On Execution, fol. 61. A Manuscript Note of Mr. Hargrave says, " All in this Volume is in print." Num. 182. Cases in B. R. temp. Will. & Mar. K. Will, and Q. Anne. Folio ; on paper. Num. 183. Law Common-Place. Folio ; on paper. Num. 184. Precedents of Pleadings. Folio ; on paper. Num. 18.5. A Copy of the Black Book of the Admiralty, Folio ; on paper. H 2 52 HARGRAVE COLLECTION NuMM. 186, 187, 188. Three Volumes of Collections, entitled 1. Writ of Right. 2. Writ of Assize. 3. Writ of Entry. Folio ; on paper. Nu3i. 189. A Collection of the Rules and Orders of and relating to the High , Court of Chancery, from the Reign of King John to the Death of King George the First. Illustrated with Notes and Observations. By Na- thaniel Boothe, of Gray's Inn, Esq^ Folio; on paper. Num. 190. A Treatise of Uses and Trusts, drawn up in 1737 for B. W. Folio; on paper. Num. 191. A Volume in folio, on paper : containing, 1 . Observations concerning the Six Clerks in Chancery, and the Waiting- Clerks, or Clerks writing under the Six Clerks, drawn up by Mr. Deaves Secretary to the Master of the Rolls, fol. 1. 2. Papers relative to the Right of Nomination to the Deanery of S^ Patrick. A. D. 1775. fol. 6 b. 8. Sir John Trevor's Account of the Records in his Custody as Master of the Rolls, addressed to the Lords' Committees appointed to consider of the Method of Keeping Records, and dated the IG"' January 1705. fol. 19. Num. 192. A Treatise on Executors, by Judge Dodderidge. Folio ; on paper. Num. 193. A folio Volume of Collections relating to the Deanery of Hereford. On paper. of manuscripts. s3 Num. 194. State of the Revenues of Excise, from Mich. 1662. to Mids. 1729. FoHo ; on paper. Num. 195. " Observations, Hules, and Orders, collected out of divers Journals of the House of Commons ; entered in the severall Reignes of King Edward the 6'". Queene Mary, Queene Elizabeth, and King James: With a Declaration of the House of Commons concerning their Privi- leidge : drawne up by a Select Committee." Folio ; on paper. Num. 196. " The History of the Feud." Folio ; on paper. A Manuscript Note by Mr. Hargrave says, " I understand this Tract to be by Lord Chief Baron Gilbert, and I think it highly probable that he was the author, as well from the resemblance of his stile and manner of writing, as from its being cited by him in, and also connected witji some of his printed Pieces. It is so far an unfinished Performance that it seems to be only a branch of some general extensive Work on our Laws and Govern- ment, and that for some of the topics relative to Feuds in England after the Conquest, there is a reference in the Conclusion to other branches of such General Treatise." Num. 197. The Hanaper Accompt, from Michaelmas 1688 to Michaelmas 1717. Folio ; on paper. Num. 198. " Lectura Jacobi Whitlock Armigeri in Medio Templo 2°. Aug. 1619. super Statut. 28 Hen. VHI. cap. 13. de Facultatibus Beneficiorum." Folio j on paper. Num. 199. .^ thin folio Volume, on paper : containing, 1. Lectura Anth. Browne super Stat. 32 Hen. VIII. cap. 30. fol. 1. 2. Lectura Tho. Stanley Ar. de Gray's Inne super Stat. 32 Hen. VIII. cap. 5. De Execution, fol. 22. 54 hargrave collection Num. 200. A Treatise, in English, on Forests : intitled " Le Leys de la Forrest." Folio ; on paper. Num. 201. " Tlie Modern Practice of the Court of Chancery, and as it was used when Peter Lord King received the Great Seal." Quarto; on paper. " Some Parts of this Manuscript are verbatim the same as Gilbert's Forum Romanum: and I take the Piece to hare been extracted from that Treatise before its being printed. F. H. Jan. 1806." Num. 202. Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Chancery : together with some Cases and Opinions. Chiefly between 1705 and 1746. Quarto; on paper. Num. 203. Law Entries, alphabetically arranged. Folio ; on paper. Num. 204. Chancery Cases : chiefly between 29 Cha. IL and Trin. Term. 1709. Foho ; on paper. (Imperf.) Num. 205. A Miscellaneous Volume, in folio : containing, 1. "P. Virgilii Maronis iEneidos Liber Quartus Biitannico sermoni donatus per Comitem S." fol. I . This, with the Translation of the First Book of Virgil's ^neis, is consi- dered as the earliest specimen of blank Verse in the English Language. The two were printed together by Tottell in 1557. Of the original Edition very few Copies are now extant : but it was reprinted in fac simile by a OF MANUSCRIPTS. 55 205. Member of the Roxburgh Club in 1814. This Manuscript of the Fourth Book differs materially in its Readings from the printed Work ; and often for the butter. 2. The Tragedy of Gismuntl of Salearne. fol. 9. This is likewise in print : though with considerable Variations. It was published under the Title of " The Tragedie of Tancred and Gismund. " Compiled by the Gentlemen of the Inner Temple, and by them presented " before Her Majestie. Newly revived and polished according to the de- " coram of these dales. By R. W." 4-'°. Lond. 1592. A Copy of the printed edition, imperfect, is in the Garrick Collection in the British Museum. 3. A Dictionary of poetical Epithets, fol. 24. Num. 206. Lectura Edwardi Bagshawe in Medio Templo tempore Quadrages. 24 die Feb. 1639. 15 Car. I. super Stat, pro Cler. 25 Edw. III. Folio ; on paper. Num. 207. Maxims of Law : with an alphabetical Index at the end. Folio ; on paper. Num. 208. Sir Henry Calthorpe's Reading on the Statute 21 Jam. I. chap. 2. concerning Concealed Lands. Folio ; on paper. Num. 209. A Folio Volume, containing, 1. A Short Compendium pointinge out what everie of the Officers of the Exchequer may and usuallie doe by vertue of theire Office in England, fol. 1. 2. The Articles of the late Court of Augmentations and Revenevves of the Court annexed to the Court of Exchequer at Westminster, fol. 156. 3. Questions, Memoranda, &c. relating to the Rolls and Records of the Court of Chancery, fol. 164. 56 hargrave collection Num. 210. A vellum Manuscript, in folio, containing Part of the Year Book of King Edward the Second published by Serj. Maynard. It begins Hill. 2 Edw. II. and goes on to Hill. 5 Edw. II. Then there is an Iter Kancia? of 6 Edw. II. Then follows another Portion of the Year Book of K. Edward the Second: beginning Mich. 10 Edw. II. to Trin. 13 Edw. II. Again beginning Mich. 18 Edw. II. to Hill. 19 Edw. II. A single leaf of another Year Book intervenes, and then follows another Iter Kanciae A". . . . Edw. II. Num. 211. " Presidents of speciall Orders in Extraordinary Cases in Chancery which are to be found in the Register Bookes of the same Court accord- ing as the same are here quoted by Yeares, Terms, and Bookes. 1644." : An alphabetical Table at the beginning. Folio ; on paper. Num. 212. Law Common Place. FoHoj on paper. Num. 213. Reports in the Court of King's Bench, 42 & 43 Eliz. Folio j on paper. Num. 214. " Index Lib. Parliam. Edw. I. & II. Rot. Parliam. Edw. I. II. III. & Ric. II." Folio ; on paper. Num. 215. " A generall Collection of all the Offices in England, with theire Fees, in her Majesties guift." Folio ; on paper. of manuscripts. 57 Num. 216. A Volume, in (olio, on paper: containing, 1. The Placeing of Estates and Degrees of Nobility in England, pag. 1. 2. Carta Johannis Regis quae vocatur Rumnemede. Anno 17 Reg. Jo- hannis. ibid. 3. De Sencschalcia Angliae. p. 17. 4'. A Description of the High Stewardship of England written to the R'. Hon. Robert Earl of Leicester, p. 22. 5. The Authority and Prerogative of the same Office, p. 32. 6. Of the Office of Lord Steward of the Queen's Household, p. 40. 7. Ireland a distinct Kingdom from England, p. 44. 8. Diverse Priviledges by Order of the Common Law of England due to Peeres of the Realme. p. 59. 9. Of the Priviledges belonging to Knight-hood. p. 63. 10. The Articles that every Knight should observe and keep by vertueof his Order, p. 64;. 11. The Judgement pronounced against Sir Ralph Grey of Wark, for Treason, in the 4"" Edw. IV. p. 65. 12. Count Arundell, concerning his Title of Comes Imperii, p. 67. 13. Articles against the Earl of Bristoll exhibited in the Convention of Parliament Anno Domini 1626 with His Lordship's Answeres unto the same. p. 79. 14. The generall Answere by waye of Narration of the Earle of Bristol to the Charge against him in the Convention of Parliament, 1626. p. 121. 15. A Relation of the Proceedings against Ambassadors who have mis- carried themselves and exceeded their Commission in acting things against the State wherein they are ymployed, out of the power of their Negociation. Written by Sir Robert Cotton, and by him delivered unto Pr. Charles. p. 149. 16. A Translation of the Laws of the Isle of Oleron and the Judgements of the Sea. p. 159. 17. A Schedule of Lands and Moneys granted to the Duke of Bucking- ham: \vith the Charges against him and his Answers, p. 174. 18. A Treatise on the Court of Star-Chamber. p. 1^5. 19. Of the Clerk and Officers of the Star-Chamber. p. 231. 20. Cancellarii Anglige, a tempore Edw. Conf. p. 244. I SS HARGRAVE COLLECTION 21C). 21. Clerks and Officers of the Chancery and their Fees. p. 2.55. 22. The Ordinary Course of Proceedings in Causes depending in Her Ma''" most honorable Court of Star-Chamber. p. 261. 23. Precedents of several Offices &c. proceeded against and punished by the King's Councih p. 292. Num. 217. A Collection of Forms of Instruments, Subpoena, Brevia de deliberand, &c. Folio 5 on paper. Num. 218. A Table to the most remarkable Points in the printed Cases upon Appeals to the House of Lords since the Year 1701, upon which the Decrees and Judgements were affirmed, varyed, or reversed ; together with another Alphabetical Table of the Names of the Cases referring to the Day and Year; and likewise to the Titles under which they are placed in the first Table. Folio j on paper. Num. 219. *' Extracts taken out of a Copy of a Manuscript of Sir Robert Cot- ton relating to the Court of Chancery, compiled or framed in Two Parts." Folio ; on paper. Num. 220. " Tabula Recordorum :" i. e. Excerpts from Records, digested under heads alphabetically. Folio ; on paper. Num. 221. " The Antiquity and Constitution of the Six Clerks and their Office.. Folio; on paper. OF MANUSCRIPTS. «» Num. 222 Opinions of Counsell on Cases relating to the Customs. Folio ; on paper. Num. 223. Extracts from the Close Rolls between the 1st and 22d Hen. III. Folio i on paper. Num. 224. A Treatise concerning the Nobilitie of England according to the Laws of England. Folio ; on paper. Num. 225. A foho Volume of Letters and Tracts, chiefly Historical. Con- taining, 1 . A Report made by Sir Thomas Rowe to the Commons House of Par- liament of a Declaration made by the Earle of Bristol! to both Houses of Parliament. December 1640. fol. 1. 2. Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, his Letter of Advice to Robert Earl of Essex Earl Marshall of England, fol. 23. 3. The Earl of Essex's Answer, fol. 27. -l. The Earl of Essex's Letter to Queen Elizabeth, fol. 32. 5. Sir Henry Wallopp's Letter to Queen Elizabeth, fol. 34. ^ 6. A Peticionarie Letter from John Lillie to Queen Elizabeth, fol. 36. 7. Another Letter to Queen Elizabeth from .Tohn Lilly, fol. 37. 8. The Earl of Essex's Letter to M^ Secretarie Davison, att his returne from Portugal. 11 July 1583. fol. 38 b. 9. Another Letter of his to M^ Secretary Davison in Italy. Whiteh. 8 Jan. 1596. fol. 39. 10. Queen Ann Bullen's Letter to King Henry the Eighth found amongst the Lord Cromwell's Papers, fol. 40 b. 11. Sir Thomas Bodley's Letter to Sir Francis Bacon, who desired his Opinion and Judgement touching his Cogitata et Visa, and some other Books, fol. 43 b. I 2 60 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 225. 12. A Letter found amongst some Jesuits latelie taken att Clerkenwell London, directed to the Father Rector att Bruxells. fol. 56. 13. A Letter to the King's Majesty, being the humble Petition of the Lord Viscount Faulkland, one of His Majesty's Privie Councell, on the be- halfe of Sir Lucius Gary, then prisoner in the Fleete for sending a Chal- lenge, fol. 65. 14. The Relation of Sir Thomas Cotton showing that the Kings of Eng- land have been usually pleased to consult in the great Counsell of Marriage, Peace, and Warr, with their Peeres and Commons House in Parliament, fol. 69. 15. Of the Antiquity of the Parliament of England, fol. 93. 16. The Argument made by the command of the House of Commons, out of the Acts of the Parliaments, and Authorities of the Law expounding the same, at the fii'st Conference with the Lords concerning the Liberty of the person of every subjecte and freeman, fol. 117. 17. The Objections of the Kings Counsell with the Answere made there- unto at the two other Conferences touching the same matter, fol. 133. 18. The Prince and Duke of Buckingham's Relation of the 24!th of Fe- bruary 1633. fol. Ul. 19. The Kinge of Spaine and Olwares Letters, fol. 156. 20. The Coppye of a Letter wrytten to the Lower Howse of Parliam"'. touchinge dyvers Inconveniencyes and Greivances of the State, &c. fol. 163. 21. " England's Epiniomis: or, A Collection, out of the authenticque Historyans, and a Commentary of those Lawes, the Originall of manye of our moderne, whereby the Kingdome of England hath been from tyme to tyme governed, under both prophane and Christian Princes, since the first Inhabitants to the end of King John's Reigne, &c. Wrytten by John Selden Esquyer." fol. 181. 22. " An Answere to certayne Arguments, raysed (from supposed Anti- quityes and pratise) by some Members of the Lower Howse of Parliamente, to prove thatEcclesiasticall Lawes ought to bee enacted by Temporal} Men." fol. 241. 23. " The Wordes wherewith Henrye Earlc of Oxford, Greate Cham- berlayne of England, is charged in the Inflbrmation of Mr. Attournye Generall in the Starr-Chamber." fol. 250. 24. A Collection of divers Arguments and Speeches delivered to King OF MANUSCRIPTS. 61 225. James, and propounded to the Howse of Parlia". touchinge the necessitie of callingo a Parliament with divers Considerations of His Ma". Estate, and His Majesties Propositions thereof to the Lords of his Councell, with the Councell's Answeare thereunto, by Roberte late Earle of Salisbury and Lord Treasurer of England, ibl. 251. Num. 226. Another Volume, in folio ; partly in a simiLir hand, and also con- taining a Collection of Letters and Tracts chiefly Historical. Viz. 1. Sir Francis Bacon his Speech at the Arraignemente of Robert [Carr] Earle of Somerset, fol. 1 . 2. A breefe Abstract of the Question of Precedencye betweene England and Spaine, occasioned by Sir Henry Nevlll the Queene of Englands Am- bassador and the Ambassador of Spaine at Callice before Commissioners appointed by the French Kinge who had moved a Treatie of Peace in the 42d Yeare of the same Queene, with the Negotiation thereupon. By Sir Robert Cotton Kn^ fol. 17. Printed in Sir Robert Cotton's Posthuma. 3. Instructions for Sir Henry Nevill Kn'. John Herbert Esq', and others, appointed to treat with the Commissioners of the King of Spain, fol. 30. 4. The Queene's Letter of the S*"' of May 1600 to the Connnissioners at BuUoigne. fol. 57 b. 5. A Copy of a Letter written from the Lords of Her Majesty's Council to the Commissioners at Bulloigne, dated 25"^ July 1600. touching the Treaty of Peace between the King of Spain and Queen Elizabeth, upon which they stood upon the point of Precedencie with the Queen, fol. 84 b. 6. A Letter written by Sir Robert Cecil to the Commissioners at Bul- loigne dated the 25'" of July 1600. fol. 92. 7. Considerations uppon His Majesties Estate, with the Propositions made by His Ma'''^. to the Lords of His Councell, and theire humble Answere and Advise thereunto, fol. 94. 8. Propositions made by His Ma''^. tothe Lordes of Plis Councell, after he receaved a Declaration of his Estate by the Earle of Salisburie Lord Trea- surer of England, fol. 102. 02 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 226. 9. The humble Answere and Advice of His Ma". Cbuncell uppon cer- taine Propositions, fol. 105. 10. Observations on Normandie. fol. 126. 11. A Copy of the Memorial which the Ambassador of the King of Great Brittain gave his Majesty [the King of Spain], the 29"'. July 1624. fol. 167. 12. Articles of the Earle of Bristoll whereby he chargeth the Duke of Buckingham, bearing date the 1" of May 1626. fol. 181. 13. To the King's most Excellent Majesty, respecting the proposed Mar- riage of Prince Charles with the Infanta of Spain, fol. 186. 14. The Confession of Faith written by the late Lord Keeper, Sir Francis Bacon, fol. 205. 15. Certayne Replyes and Objections aunswercd by William Lord Burghley at the Council Table, fol. 220. 16. An unhappie Viewe of the whole Behaviour of my Lord Duke of Buckingham at the French Island, fol. 229. 17. The Relation and Opinion of Mr. Serjeant Fleetwood concerning the Originall and Beginning of Courts in England, fol. 241. 18. A Relation of the Manner of the Proceedinge with Sir Thomas Mounson, uppon the pleadinge of his Pardon in the Courte of the Kinge's Bench, the xij"". of Februarij 1616. 19. The Coppye of a Letter wrytten from the Kinge of Morocco to the Kinge of England, fol. 2i5 b. 20. A Letter sent to a Friende with a Present, fol. 247. 21. The Character of the incomparable Lady the Countess of Carlisle; and the most excellent Lord the Earl of Northumberland, fol. 249. 22. All the Proceedings concerninge the Combatt between the late de- ceased Lord Bruce and the then Sir Edward Sackville now Earle of Dorsett. fol. 260. 23. The Coppye of the Challendge sent by the Earle of Northumberland to Sir Frauncis Veerc, and Sir Frauncis Vere's Aunswere. fol. 266. 24. Sir Walter Kawleigh his Speech [Letter] to his Wife the Night be- fore he was beheaded att Westminster, fol. 278. 25. Sir Walter Rawleigh's Letter written to Secretary Wynwood, &c. fol. 280 b. OF MANUSCRIPTS. 63 226. 26. The Coppye of a Letter written by Sir Piiilip Sidnye to Queen Eliza- beth, touchinge her Marryage with Mounsieur. fol. 288. 27. To the Kings most excellent Majesty, the Memorial of Francis Phillipps. fol. 302. 28. A Letter of Oliver Saint John, touching and against the Benevolences demanded after disijolving of Parliament, fol. 311. 29. Sir John Elliott his Speech in the Commons House of Parliament Jan. 3''. 1628. fol. 315. 30. The Petition of Sir John Elliott, wLen Prisoner in the Gate- House, to His Majesty. A.D. 1627. fol. 325 b. 31. The Trial of the Earl of Castle- Haven, Lord Audley, April 27"'. 1631. fol. 330 b. Num. 227. A Volume, in folio, on paper : containing, 1. A Treatise concerning the Chancery, fol. 1. 2. Breviats out of the Records in the Tower, concerning the Authority of the Chancery with directions how to find the Originals, fol. l^S. 3. An Extract from Gilberts Forum Romanum, concerning the Division of the Courts, &c. fol. 219. 4. Extracts from Lambard on the High Courts of Justice, nearly in tlie same words as in the printed Book. fol. 309. 5. Another Piece by Lambard, on tlie same subject ; but more particu- larly with a View to the Chancery Court, and dilferept from the printed Book. fol. 364. 6. The Authority of the Lord Chancellor of England limitted by sundry Acts of Parliament, fol. 392. 7. Lord Keeper Bacon's Arguments in Parliament to prove Noblemen attacheable for Contempts in Chancery by disobeying Decrees, fol. 404. 8. Replication of the Six Clerks to the Cursitors as to writs not within the Grants of the latter, with the Rejoinder of the Cursitors. fol. 408. 9. Erection of the Six Clerks of the Inrollment in the Chancery by Queen Elizabeth, fol. 423. 10. Orders concerning the Twenty-fcur Cursitors in Chancery, made by the Lord Keeper Bacon the 26'" of October in the 15'" Eliz. fol. 442. 6^1. HARGRAVE COLLECTION 227. 11. Fines of all Writs and Patents from a Register of Writs of Chancery of great antiquity, formerly belonging to John Chamberlayne one of the Six Clerks in the time of Edward IV"\ fol.464.. 12. Order in Chancery by Card. Wolsey to limit John Earl of Oxford in his Household Expences, &c. in his younger Years, fol. 472. 13. Kinds of Writs in Chancery, fol. ^TY. 14. The Allowed Fees of the Ordinary Masters of the Chancery by the Presentment of the Six Clerks, of the 8'" March 1597. Ibid. 15. The Oath of the Master of the Chancery, fol. 478. 16. Ordinances agreed upon in April 1S96 for remedy of sundry Abuses in Chancery, fol. 479. 17. The Oath for the eight Under Clerks of the Six Clerks, fol. 484. 18. Orders agreed upon by all the Six Clerks for the better government of themselves and their Clerks in the exercise of their several Offices, fol. 487. 19. Means to restrain the Multitude, Length, and Charge of Suits in Chancery, fol. 493. 20. The antient Oaths of the Lord Chancellor and Lord Keeper, fol. 496. 21. Latitats unprofitable Writs to the Crown, fol. 498. 22. Some Notes and Observations upon the Statute of Magna Charta cap. 29. and other Statutes concerning the Proceeding in Chancery and Courts of Equity and Good Conscience, fol. 504. 23. The Earl of Oxfoi-d's Case in Chancery, fol. 5,59. 24. The King's Order and Decree in Cliancery for a Rule to be observed by the Lord Chancellor in that Court exemphfied and inrolled for a per- petual Record there Anno 1616. fol. 583. 25. The Opinion of Sir James Dyer Kn'. Lord Chief Justice of the Com- mon Pleas, and other of the Queens Majesties Justices of Her Courts of W^estminster by vertue of Her Ma''". Letters of Privy Scale to them di- rected concerning the Jurisdiction and Liberties of the County Palatine of Chester, and the Authority of the Chamberlain and his Office there, fol. 594. 26. " A Discourse written by Mr. John Sheldon [Selden] Student in the Middle Temple London, and dedicated to Sir Francis Bacon Kn'. of the Mention, Conjunction, or Division of the two Great Offices of State the Chancellorship and Keeper of the Great Scale of England, in Anno mdcxvii." fol. 602. of manuscripts. 6.5 Num. 228. " Modus tenendi rarliamentum apud Anglos in two Books." Folio ; on paper. " This Book is by Henry Elsynge, and is in print. Whether this Copy has any advantage over the printed Editions I know not. But I observe that two or three Lines in the last Page are not in the Edition of 176(). F. H." Num. 229. Law Common- Place, alphabetically arranged. Folio ; on paper. Num. 230. Cases in Chancery and other Courts by L". Ch. J. Trevor and Mr. Forster. Folio ; on paper. There is an Alphabetical List of the Cases in Mr. Hargrave's hand-writing at the beginning of the Volume. Num. 231. Petitions, Memorials, &c. referred to Attorney-General Northey, with his Opinions upon the same. A. D. 1701. Folio j on paper. Num. 232. " A Collection and Transcripte made out of the Recordes in the Tower, tochinge the Office of the Earle Marshall of Ingland and his Under Officers. Togither with an Exemplific. of some Pleadinges and Proces of Procedinge in sundry Matters brought before him and others in the Courte Militar." Folio ; on paper. Num. 233. A Volume, in folio ; on paper. Imperfect at the beginning. Appa- rently, a Reading on the Statute 23 Hen. VIII. cap. 6. which gives a Recognizance in the nature of a Statute Staple. " By the conclusion it appears to Iiave been a Reading at an Inn of Court, not an Inn of Chancery. In one place the Reader takes notice of his having K 66 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 233. been Counsel in Merrill and Ramsay in B. R. Pasch. 17 Ch. II. This Case is reported in 1 Kid. 247. T. Raym. and 1 Keb. 888. But the first of these Books dont name any Counsel ; and the two latter only name the Counsel for the pit. and he was Sir Francis Winnington." F. H. Num. 234. " A true Copie of Mr. Justice Crooke his Argument 14° Aprilis Anno Domini 1638. upon the Case of the Scir. fac. out of the Exchequer against John Hampden Esq'." " Upon comparing some parts of this Manuscript with the printed Copy of Mr. Justice Crooke's Argument, I find that they differ considerably. See the middle of p. 18. F. H." Num. 235. Mr. Margrave's Opinion on the Point concerning Exemption from Tolls enjoyed by the City of London. Folio ; on paper. Num. 236. General Rules, and Cases, concerning Pleading. Folio ; on paper. Num. 237. A Volume, in folio, on paper : containing, 1. Of the Court called the Starr Chamber. Autore Willielmo Lambert Lincolniensi. fol. 1. 2. Orders made by the Clerks of the Court for the Lord Keeper Williams, Mich. 1621. fol. 27. 3. Lord Keeper Egerton's Orders for the Star-Chamber, Term. Trin. 38 Eliz. fol. 31 b. Turning this Volume up, at the other end we have, 4. Lectura Jacobi Whitelock Armig. 2 Aug. 1619 super Statute 21 Hen. VIIL cap. 13. dc Facultalibus Bcneficiariorum. fol. 5. OF MANUSCRIPTS, 67 237. 5. The Judges Answers anno 7 Jac. to Questions propounded concerning the Proceedings of the High Commissioners, Ecclesiastical Causes, Tithes, Modus decimandi, and Common Pleas Jurisdiction, fol. 91. 6. Declaration of the Grounds of Prohibitions to the High Commis- sioners, written, ex mandato Regis, by Sir Edw. Coke. fol. 100. 7. Ordinances made by the Right Hon. Thomas Lord Coventrie, Lord Keeper, assisted by Sir Julius Cassar, Master of the Rolls, for the redresse of sundry Errors, Defaults, &c. in the High Court of Chancerie : with the Fees. fol. 108. Num. 238. An Index to Coke upon Littleton. Folio j on paper. Saec. xvii. Num. 239. A Volume, in folio, on paper ; almost entirely in the hand-writing of John Anstis, Esq^ Garter King at Arms : containing, 1. Miscellaneous Collections concerning Foundership. pag. 1. 2. The Case of Exeter College as in the 3d Volume of Bishop Stilling- fleets Works, p. 877, &r. p. 372. 3. The Case of Oriel College, p. S94. 4. S'. Martin's in Dover, p. 426. 5. The Case of Fodringhey College, p. 434. 6. Case of Plimpton Priory, p. 438. 7. The Case of S'. Bartholomew's near Smithfield. p. 454. 8. Case of Hertland Abbey, p. 464. 9. The Case of the Abbey of Fountains in Yorkshire of the Cistercian Order, in Mich. 9 Hen. VL p. 470. 10. The Case of Trentham Abbey in Staffordshire, p. 484. 11. The Case of Spalding m Lincolnshire, p. 492. 12. The Case of Rippon. p. 498. 13. The Case of the Abbey of S'. Oswald Nostel. p. 506. 14. Case of Clare Hall in Cambridge, p. 518. 15. Case of the Priory of S'. Oswald Gloucester, p. 526. 16. The Case of Mottesfonte. p. 538. 17. The Abbey of S'. Peter and S'. Paul near Shrewsbury, p. 544. K 2 68 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 239. 18. A Discourse of Foundershipps, how raised, or created, their nature and the incidents thereto. (Imperfect.) p. SSi. 19. Narrative of the ancient Manner of electing Bishops in England. p. 628. 20. On the efficient Causes of Founderships. p. 696. Num. 240. A Miscellaneous Volume, in folio, on paper ; relating chiefly to Chan- cery Records and Proceedings : containing, 1 . Some Collections of the Course of Proceedings in Chancerie in Eng- lishe Suits, fol. ] . 2. A Compendium of all the Officers of the Chauncery and what they doe by their severall Offices, fol. 36. 3. Breviates out of the Recordes in the Tower concerninge the Authoritie of the Chauncerye, with Directions how to find the Originalles. fol. 99. 4. A Memoriall of the names of such Councellors as have bene appointed by the late Kinges and Queenes of this Realme to sitt for the hearinge of Causes in their Court of Whitehall commonly called the Court of Requests, /. Hen. VII. to Q. Eliz. fol. 196. 5. Articles for the Manner of the Comiiiission directed to certain of the Privy Council for hearing and determining of Requests, fol. 198 b. 6. Bookes of the Common Lawe and Statutes to prove the Authoritye of the Kings Council, fol. 207. & 7. Prohibitions, &c. graunted out of His Majesty's Court of Common Pleas to stay the Parties Proceedings in His Majesty's Court of Whitehall since the 32d yeare of Her i\Iajesty's Reigne ; the like whereof is not to be remembered to have bene done in former times, fol. 220 b. 8. Recorda ex Archivis de Cancellaria. fol. 232. 9. Some Notes and Observations uppon the Stat, of Magna Charta cap. 26. and other Statutes concerning the Proceedings in the Chancery in Courses of Equitie and Conscience ; collected by the Lord EUesmere for the Kings learned Counsell's direction, the Monethe of Sept. 1615. Anno 13 Jac. fol. 293. 10. The Abuses and Remedies of the High Courte of Chancerie. Writ- ten by Mr. George Norburie, and presented unto the Lord Keeper, fol. 361. OF MANUSCRIPTS. 69 Num. 241. A Volume, in folio, on paper : on the Nature of Writs. Viz. 1. Writ of Right of Dower, p. 1. 2. Writ de Quarcntina liabenda. p. 17. 3. Writ of Dower, Unde nihil habet. p. 21. 4". Admeasurement of Dower, p. 25. 5. Writ de Dote assignanda. p. 49. 6. Writ of Quod ei deforceat. p. 59. 1. Execution, p. 73. 8. Of the Levari, p. 91. 9. Of the Elegit, p. 95. 10. Of the Capias, p. 115. 11. Of the Outlawry, p. 127. 12. Of the Escape, p. 131. 13. The Pleas to this Action, p. 136. I*. Scire Facias, p. 14'2. 15. Audita Querela, p. 165. 16. Certiorari, p. 201. Num. 242. A Volume, in folio, on paper : containing an Abridgement of Cases selected from old Reports. Num. 243. Law Common Place. Folio j on paper. Num. 244. A Volume in folio, on paper j written early in the sixteenth Century : containing, 1 . Two Dialogues " betweene a Doctour of Dyvyny te and a Student ia the Lawe of Englande." fol. 1. A Leaf of the Introduction wanting. This Treatise known, by the name of " The Doctor and Student," has been very frequently printed. The oldest Edition in the Museum Library 70 ifARGRAVE COLLECTION' 244. is that printed by Redman, 12°. Lond. 1532. The Edition printed by Henry Lintot, in the Savoy, in 1757, is called the fifteenth. 2. The Book in French, " by Master John Perkins felowe of the Inner Temple, treating of the Lawes of this Realme." fol. 170. This also is im- perfect at the end. This Work was also printed by Redman in 1532; and again by other printers in 1541, 1545, 1555, 1567, 1582, 1587, and 8" in the Savoy, 1751, Num. 245. The great Case of Habeas Corpus, of Sir Thomas Darnell and Sir John Corbett Baronets, Sir Walter Earle, Sir John Heningham, and Sir Edm. Hampden Kn". in Banco Regis. 3. Car. Folio ; on paper. Num. 246. " Injunctiones sive Statuta EcclesijE Cathedralis Herefordensis, Col- lefrii Vicariorum Choralium ejusdem Ecclesise, et Domus Eleemosinariae Ethelberti ibidem, authoritate Literarum Patentium serenissims Do- niina; Elizabethoe Anglia, Francige, et Hibernias Reginaj, &c. per ejus- dem Delegates promulgata vicesimo sexto die Mensis Martii 1583 Anno Reginae Elizabethae &c. vicesimo quinto. Codex chartaceus, in 4'° Sa^c. XVIII. Num. 247. A Volume, in folio -, on paper : containing " A Survey of the Manor of Hargham in Norfolk, A. D. 1629 ■" with Copies of Court Rolls of the same Manor from 1612 to 1670. AVith an Index. Num. 248. Lord Chief Baron Gilbert's Treatise on Remainders and Reversions. Folio J on paper. At the beginning is this Note. " This Treatise on Remainders and Re- Tersions is one of the Manuscripts bought by me of Mrs. Lynch of Dublin. OF MANUSCRIPTS. 71 248. I take it to have been by Lord C. Baron Gilbert, It is a far more copious Treatise than what is to be found under tlie title ' Remainder' in the New Abridgement ; tho' the Divisions in the latter are the same nearly as those here, and the matter there is all included in this Manuscript. This appears from a comparison of the Contents of the two, without going further ; for the title ' Remainder' in the New Abridgement contains only forty-five pages in print, whereas this contains 226" pages in manuscript ; and upon taking two pages of the latter for one of the former, which I think is a liberal al- lowance, the calculation will make the Manuscript nearly three times as large as the printed Treatise. The Introduction here is not in the printed Book. F. Hargrave." The whole of this Manuscript was printed at length in 1798, in the S"" Volume of Bacon's Abridgment, under the Article " Remainder and Re- version," by Sir Henry Gwillim. Num. 249. A folio Volume, of Collections on Chancery Jurisdiction ; on paper : containing, 1. Breviates out of the Records in the Tower concerning the Authority of the Chancery, with directions to find the Originals, fol. 1. 2. De Cancellario et Cancellaria ex Archivis Turris London, fol. 10 b. 3. Sigilliim. fol. 17. 4. Clerks of the Crown, fol. 19 b. 5. Chancellors, fol. 19 b. 6. De Custode Magni Sigilli. fol. 21 b. 7. De Cancellarii Officio, fol. 22. 8. Curiee Cancellarise Jurisdictio. fol. 23. 9. The Rolls, fol. 27 b. 10. Masters of the Chancery, fol. 29. 1 1. De Clericis et Ministris Curiae Cancellaria. fol. 31. 12. Of Bails, ibid. 13. Examinations, fol. 32. It. Enrollments, fol. 32 b. 15. Precedendos. fol. 33 b. 16. Carta Moderationis Feodi Magni Sigilli Johannis Regis, Anno primo. fol. 34. 72 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 249. 17. Sigillum Ordinatum, fol. 35. 18. Sir Thomas More Chancellor of England, fol. 38 b. 19. Ex antique Registro Manuscripto de Brevibus judicialibus sigillandis in Cancellaria de termino Hillar. 3° Edwardi primi. fol. 40. 20. The Kings Injunction to discharge one out of Prison, and from pay- ment of a Debt. fol. 41. 21. Successio Custodum Rotulorum Cancellarise. fol. 42, 22. Erectio novem Clei'icorum Irrotulamentorum Curias Cancellariae. fol. 43 b. 23. An Injunction under the Signet for the performance of an Order in Chancery, fol. 52. 24. A Memoriall of the Names of such Counsellors as have been ap- pointed by the late Kings and Queens of this Realm, to sit for the hearing of Causes in tlieir Court of White-Hall, commonly called the Court of Requests, fol. 52 b. 25. The Court of Requests and its Jurisdiction, and also that of the Chancery, compared and applied, fol. 54. 26. Recorda ex Archivis de Cancellaria. fol. 76. 27. A Brevitte or Direction for the Kings learned Counsell. Collected by the Lord Chancellor EUesmere, mense Septembris 1615. Anno 13° Jacobi Regis, fol. 124, 28. That the Court of Chancery cannot be intended within the Statute of 27 Edw. III. cap. 1. fol. 138. 29. The Kings Order and Decree in Chancery for a Rule to be observed by the Lord Chancellor in that Court exemplified and enrolled for a perpetual Record there. Anno 1616. fol. 159. 30. Of the High Courts of Justice in England, and especially of the Chancery Court, and of the Chancellor that judgeth there : written by W". Lambert [Lambarde] armiger. fol. 166. 31 . Ordinances explained by Mr. Crooke upon the estate of the Chancery Court, A. D. 1554. fol. 180. 32. The Antiquity of the Lord Chancellor of England's Office, collected by Mr. Tate of the Middle Temple, London, fol. 184. 33. A Discourse, written by Mr. John Selden of the Mention, Conjunc- tion, or Division of the two great Offices of State, the Chancellorship and Kcoiiership of the Great Seal of England, in Anno 1617. fol. 185. OF MANUSCRIPTS. 73 549. 31-. The Eflcct of that which was spoken by the Lord Keeper Kir Francis Bacon K'. at the taking of his place in the Chancery, in performance of the Charge his Majesty had given him when he received the Great Seal. fol. 188 b. 35. An Act of Conncil to estabUsh Order in ti)e legall Proceedings in the Islands of Jersey and Guernsey; at Westminster, the 18"' of June A". 1565. fol. lot. 36. An Act of Council to establish an Order in the legall proceedings in Isles of Jersey and Guernsey; at Westm. 13"' May 1572. fol. ID* b. 37. The Cases of Conscience generally practised in the Chancery, fol. 196. 38. A Discourse of High Courts of Justice in England, and especially of the Chancery Court, and of the Lord Chancellor. Written by Mr. Wil- liam Lambert Armiger. fol, 200 b. This is Lambarde's " Archion, or a Commentary on the High Courts of Justice in England." printed at London in 1635. 8". 39. The Authority of the Lord Chancellor, as limited by sundry Acts of Parliament, fol. 206 b. 40. Sir Nicholas Bacons Argument, proving Peers attacheable in Chan- cery for Contempts, &c. fol. 209. 41. The Substance of what was delivered by the Six Clerks to the Cur- sitor, Anno 1585. proving what are original Writs, with the Cursitor's Answer. foh210. 211 b. 42. Orders concerning the Twenty four Cursitors of the Chancery, fol. 218 b. 43. Cardinal Wolsey's Order as Chancellor, 15 Hen. VIII. for the or- dering the Expenses of the Houshold of the young Earl of Oxford, fol. 226. 44. The allowed Fees and Oath of the ordinary Masters of the Chancery. A.D. 1597. 45. Sir John Puckering's Ordinances in Chancery, published by his successor Sir Thomas Egerton, and subscribed by Will. Lambard.fol. 228 b. 46. Lambard's Notes, and the Oath of the Under Clerks of the Six Clerks as appointed to be administered by Sir Thomas Egerton. fol. 229 b. 47. Orders agreed upon by the Six Clerks for the Government of them- selves and Under Clerks, fol. 230 b. t 7* HARGRAVE COLLECTION 249. 48. Sir Thomas Egertoii, Lord Keeper and at the same time Master of the Rolls, his Deputation to Willinm Lambard as Deputy Keeper of tlie Rolls, dat. 27 May 39 Ehz. 1597. fol. 231 b. 49. Lord Keeper Egerton's Orders for the due making up of the Rolls. 28 March 1 599. fol. 232. 50. The ancient Oath used to be ministred to the Lord Chancellor of England, fol. 233. 51. The ancient Oath of the Lord Keeper, fol. 233 b. 52. Means to restrain the Multitude, Length, and Charge of Suits in Chancery, fol. 231;. 53. Copy of the Grant of the Chancellorship for life, to Cardinal Wolsey. An. 7 Hen. VIII. fol. 237. Num. 2-50. A Treatise on the Court of Star-Chamber : compiled by William Hudson, of Gray's Inn, Esq^ Folio; on paper. This Manuscript is a transcript from the Ilarleian MS. num. 1226. Num. 251. An older Copy of the same Treatise. Folio ; on paper. S. 120 hargrave collection Num. 419. An Octavo Volume, closely written on paper ; containing Collections concerning the Old Laws and Customs of the City of London, its Officers, and Jurisdiction. The following Note in the hand-writing of a former possessor occurs upon a blank leaf at the beginning. " A Copy of what I presume to be ef the Collection of the learned and industrious William Fletewood Serj'. at Law and (regnante Elizi) Recorder of London. " I have also another Copy, earlier in point of time than this, to wit in the beginning of the Reign of Jam. L but it is not perfected, though it was the copy made use of by Sir Henry Calthorpe who had been Recorder, and died Anno 1639. " I know also of a third Copy now in the possession of the studious and ingenious Richard Adams Esq', the City's present Recorder. E. tJMFREVILLE. IT^S." NuMM. 420, 421. Miscellaneous Notes of Law. Quarto ; on paper. Num. 422. Statuta Antiqua. Codex membranaceus in Quarto minori. Saec. xiv. Num. 423. A Treatise on Pleading : said to be in the hand-writing of the late Lord Chief Baron Comyn. 12"°. on paper. Num. 424. A thin Octavo Volume, upon paper ; containing Abstracts of the Establishment for Civil List Affairs, for the payments of the Army, Ordnance, &c. Barrack Establishment, and Half- Pay : made in 1709. OF MANUSCRIPTS. lai Num. 425. A Volume in the small quarto size, upon paper : containing, 1. Arguments concerning the King's Majesties Prerogative and Interest in Lands left and gayned from the Seas and Armes thereof, with Answere to every Objection, fol. 1. 2. The Argument of Richard Keble, Esq', upon the same in the Case of the King v. Michael Oldworth and others, fol. 3*. .3. A third Argument upon the same: in the hand-writing of Mr. Umfre ville, to whom the Volume formerly belonged, fol. 61. 4-. Of the Lands ariseing in the Sea, and of the difference betwene the salt shore and the fresh, fol. 67. 5. The Soveraignety of the Seas of England proved by records, historye, and the municipiall Lawes of the Kingdome. Alsoe a particular Relacion concerninge the inestimable Riches and Commodities of the Brittish Seas. Written by Sir John Boroughes Knight, Keeper of the Records in the Tower of London, Anno Domini 1633. fol. 75. This Tract was printed in duodecimo at London, 1651. Num. 426. An Index to Clayton's Pleas of Assize : with Collections from civil Law. Octavo ; on paper. Num. 427. " Annotations collect hors d'. Liver escrie per Seijant Finch touchant le Ley d'Engleterre." Duodecimo ; on paper. Num. 428. An Index of Heads made by James Strode Esq', of Lincoln's Inn to his Common-Place-Book. Duodecimo; on paper. Num. 429. A Volume in quarto; upon paper, in many parts most unintelligibly written : containing, 1 . A Treatise partly in French and partly in EngUsh concerning the Kings Peace, and the Office of Justice of the Peace, fol. 1. R 122 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 429. 2. Cases and Statutes concerning Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Persons, fol. 60. See also foil. 1 a, 213, 222. 3. Concerning the Jurisdiction of Courts Leete and Courts Baron, fol. 167. 4. Notae et Excerpta ex Bractono de Legibus. fol. 209 b. 5. Instruments relating to Bradford, Clayton, and Horton. fol. 221. 6. Cases concerning the Jurisdiction of a County Palatine, and especially of Durham, fol. 223. 7. Cases, &c. relating to Uses of Lands and Tenements, fol. 231. See sdso fol. 212. 8. Casus de Prerog. le Roy. fol. 264. See also foil. 55, 56. 9. Carta; et Munimenta concern. Terras et Tcnementa in Villis de Almonbiry, Allerton, et Huddersficld, infra Honorcni Pontisfract parcell. Ducatus Lancastria?, desumpt. e Recordis Ducatus renianen. in custode W. Fletwood Recordatoris Lond. fol. 281. Num. 430. A quarto Volume of very miscellaneous Contents ; upon paper. The greater part of the Articles being without Titles at the head. They consist of Transcripts, Extracts, and Memoranda of Deeds, Fines, Lir censes, Pleas of the Crown, &c. Notes of Fines, Law Arguments, Opi- nions, and Proceedings, Cases of Chantries, &c. principally in the time of Queen Elizabeth. Num. 431. A thin Volume in quarto ; on paper : containing, 1. Papei-s relating to the Commission of Ajjpeals for Prize Causes in 1747: together with a Copy of the Commission itself. 2. Some Judge's (supposed to be Judge Wright's) Argument against the Legality of the Commission, fol. 1. 3. Mr. Baron Legge's Argument upon the Legality of the Commission, fol. 21. 4. The Reasons of some Judge (supposed to be Mr. Justice Wrights) upon the same, as delivered in the House of Lords 27 Jan. 1748. fol. 51. 5. Act declaring the Authority of the Commissioners, folio, Lond. 1748. (Printed.) fol. 55. OF MANUSCRIPTS. i23 431. C. Other Papers and Meniorarida relating to " the iCourt of Delegates and consequently of Appeals." fol. 59. 7. Articles touching Navigation and Commerce between K. Charles II. and the United Provinces, concluded at the Hague -^t- Feb. 166^. fol. 10.3. 8. Orders of Council and other Papers relating to the Court of Admi- ralty. A. D. 1664. fol. 109. 9. D'. Budd's Precedents offered for some Rights claimed in the Lord High Admiral's behalf. 21 June 1665. fol. 161. 10. Instructions and Directions to be observed and perused by Vice Admirals and Judges of Vice Admirals in Cases of Reprizals or Commis- sions to take and seize the Goods of Rebels and their Abettors, fol. 169. 1 1 . Articles and Instructions for Merchants and others who shall have Commissions as Letters of Marque, t. Cha. II. fol. 178. 12. Memoranda respecting the Antiquity of Appeals prior to the Stat. 25 Hen. VIII. fol. 187. 13. Note respecting the Meeting of the Judges who were added Commis- sioners in the late Commission of Appeals. 20 Feb. 1748. fol. 189. Num. 432. A quarto Volume, on paper : containing, 1. An Abridged View of Wood's Institute of the Laws of England, fol. 1 . 2. A Short Abridgement of Lord Coke's First Institute; or his Commen- tary upon Littleton, Book 1«'. fol. 12. Num. 433. Codex membranaceus in duodecimo, mutilus, ad municipales Angliae Leges spectans ; in quo comprehenduntur 1. Capitula Statut. fol. 1. 2. Magna Carta R. Henrici III. per Edwardum I. confirmata. (Dat. apud S. Paulum Lond. sexto die Novembris Anno Reg. secundo.) fol. 8. 3. Carta de Foresta. fol. 15 b. 4. Provisiones de Merton. fol. 20. 5. Statutum de Marleberg. (mutil.) fol. 24 b. 6. Statutum Westm. primum. Gallice. fol. 25. r2 124 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 433. 7. Statutum Gloucestriae. fol. 47. S. Statutum Westrn. secundum, fol. 52 b. 9. Statutum Westm. tertium. fol. 83. 10. Statutum Mercatorum. Gallice. fol. 84 b. 11. Statutum ReligioEorum. fol. 89. 12. Breve quod dicitur Quo Warranto, fol. 90. 13. De Gaveleto. fol. 94 b. 14. Des Champartours. Gallice. fol. 95 b. 15. Des Turnes de Vescont, fol. 96. 16. De Garante de Chartre. fol. 97 b. 17. Des Chalanges des Esson. fol. 98. 18. De Calumpnia Esson. fol. 98 b. 19. Des Degres de Cosinage. fol. 99. 20. Statutum de Militibus. fol. 100. 21. De Homag. et Fealt. Gallice. fol. 101. 22. Dies Communes in Banco, fol. 102. 2.S. Dies in Placito Dotis. fol. 103. 24. Visus Franciplegii. fol. 103 b. 25. Assisa Panis et Cervisiae. fol. 105. 26. Extenta Manerii. fol. 106 b. 27. Statutum Wintoniae. fol. 108 b. 28. Modus inquirendi de Statuto Wintoniae. fol. H'2 b. 29. Des Fines levez. fol. 113. 30. De defensione Juris sui. fol. 116. 31. De conjunctis FeofFatis. fol. 117. 32. Compositio Vocabulorum. fol. 119 b. 33. De Wardis et Releviis. fol. 120 b. 34. De Vocatis ad Warrantum. fol. 121 b. 35. Actio Vasti. fol. 123. 36. Statutum de Conspiratoribu s. fol. 124. 37. De Bissexto. fol. 124 b. 38. Capitula in Itincre. fol. 125. 39. Articuli in Itinere. fol. 129. 40. De Regia Prohibitione. fol. 132 b. 41. De antique Dominico Coronse. tbl. 134. OF MANUSCRIPTS. 12,5 433. 42. Statutum de Bigamis. fol. 135. 43. De Divoitio. tbl. IS6 b. On a blank leaf at the end of this Volume is a Note in old French re- specting Pleas : with two siiort copies of religious Verses, also in French, addressed to the Virgin Mary and Our Saviour. Num. 434. Codex membranaceus, in 24"°. nitide sciiptus, ad municipales An- gliae Leges itidem spectans ; in quo habentur, 1. Capitula Magnae Cartas, de Foresta, de Morton, de Marleberg, Sta- tuti Westm. primi et secundi. fol. 1. 2. Magna Carta R. Henrici III. per Edwardum I. confirmata. (dat. apud Westm. 28 Mart. 28 Edw. I.) fol. 8. 3. Carta de Foresta. fol. 22. 4. Sententia super Cartas, fol. 30 b. 5. Provisiones de Merton. fol. 32. 6. Statutum de Marleberge. fol. 40. 7. Statutum Westmonasterii primuni. fol. 55 b. 8. Statutum GloucestricC, cum Explanat. fol. 85. 9. Statutum Westm. secundum, fol. 93 b. 10. Statutum Westm. tertium. fol. 147. 11. Statutum de Mercatoribus. fol. 148. 12. Statutum Quia Fines, fol. 153 b. 13. Statutum Wintonia;. fol. 157. 14. Statutum de Religiosis. fol. 161b. 15. Statutum circumspecte agatis. fol. 163. 16. Statutum de Ragemon. fol. 164 b. 17. Statutum de Mensuris ct Ponderibus. fol. 166 b. 18. Visus Franciplegii. fol. 166 b. 19. Assisa Panis et Cervisiae. fol. 168 b. 20. Modus mensurandi Terram. fol. 169 b. 21. Modus faciendi Homagium. fol. 170 b. 22. Modus faciendi Fidelitatem. fol. 171. 23. Stat, de Vasto facto in custodia. fol. 171 b. 24. Stat, de conjunctis FeofFatis. fol. 173. ■ - ^ 126 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 434. ^25. De defensione Juris, fol. 176 b. 26. Statutum de Protectionibus. fol. 177 b. 27. Statuta de Bigamis. fol. 179. 28. Statuta de Champertia. fol. 181. 29. Stat, de Vocat. ad Warantum. fol. 182. 30. Dies communes in Banco, fol. 183. 31. Dies communes in Placito Dotis. fol. 184 b. 32. Statutum de regia Probibitione impetranda. fol. 185. 33. Articuli eorundem. fol. 186. 34. Statutum de Juratis et Assisis. fol. 187. 3.5. Statutum de respectu Militiae habendo. fol. 188. 36. Statutum Hibernia. fol. 190. 37. Statutum de Foresta. fol. 191. 38. Statutum de Finibus et Attornatis. fol. 195. 39. Statutum de Vicecomitibus et eorum Clericis. fol. 196 b. 40. Statutum Lincolnije. fol. 198 b. 41. Modus calumpniandi Essonia. fol. 200 b. 42. Expositiones Vocabulorum. fol. 201 b. 43. Prerogativa Regis, fol. 206. 44. Districtiones Scaccarii. fol. 212 b. 45. Statutum de Quo Warranto, fol. 214 b. 46. Additiones super Quo Warranto, fol. 217. 47. Statutum de Releviis. fol. 218 b. 48. Statutum Ebor. fol. 220. 49. Statutum de Conspiratoribus. fol. 226. Num. 435. Cases in B. R. 32 Geo. IL with One Case in C. B. 33 Geo. II. in the hand-writing of Mr. Hargrave. Within the Cover of this Manu- script is written " Ex Notis Francisci Fihner Armigeri." Num. 436-480. Forty five Volumes of Manuscript Reports, Treatises, &c. upon sub- jects of Equity, by Sir Thomas Sewell, Master of the Rolls. Quarto. OF MANUSCRIPTS. 127 4:36—480. They are divided into Six Portions, or Parts, as follow. The First Part of the Collection, Num. ^SG to Num. 447 inclusive, con- tains Sir Thomas Sewell's References to Equity Cases. In it the Cases re- ferred to are thrown together in a digested way, under various divisions or titles of Equity, which are not placed alphabetically, but were probably adopted by Sir Thomas from time to time as he found it convenient. The want of Alphabetical Order is compensated by an Index in another Part of the Collection which will presently be noticed. The twelve Volumes which form tliis Portion of the Collection are let- tered alphabetically from A. to M. At the top of each page in each Volume is written a Division on some general head or title of Equity. Under this division are placed references to such Cases in the printed Reports, or in any Manuscript Notes in his pos- session as Sir Thomas Sewell thought applicable to it. The Titles of Equity andDivisions upon them adopted in the course of these Volumes are so various> and the references are so numerous and well classed upon each division, that the reader may in general expect to find almost every authority to be met with on each subject in the printed Equity Reports prior to Lord Hard- wicke's having the Great Seal, or in the IVIanuscript Notes of Cases in Equity during his Lordship's time as Lord Chancellor and for some Years before. The IP. Part of the Collection, Num. 448 to 462 inclusive, contains Sir Tliomas Sewell's Abridgement of Equity Cases, in fifteen Volumes : marked alphabetically from A. to N. in the same manner in which the original bun- dles were marked in Sir Thomas Sewell's hand, whence, with permission from his Administrators, they were transcribed. The III''. Part of the Collection is comprised in a single Volume, Num. 463. It contains an Aljdiabetical Index to the Titles and Divisions both in Sir Thomas Sewell's Equity References, and in his Equity Abrido-ement. It consists of two divisions. The first and smallest is a mere alphabe- tical Index of general Heads or Titles of Equity, with a reference to the Page in which each head or title is to be found. The second and principal part (which, except at the latter end of the Volume where some new heads or titles with divisions upon them, or new divisions upon titles before adopted, are placed by way of Supplement,) is also alphabetical. It contains, not only the Heads or Titles of Equity, but the Division upon each of them. It further contains two columns ; of which the first refers to the same Div!= 128 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 43(3—480. sion in Sir Tliomas's Equity References, and the second, which for the sake of a more strong distinction is in red ink, applies to the same Division in his Equity Abridgement. Thus, under the general head or title Wills, one of the divisions is, " In what Cases and of what things a married Woman may make a Will ;" which is followed with a reference in black ink to A. 96. in the first column, and a reference in red ink to 47 H. in the second column : the former reference meaning the 8"". Volume of References marked A. page 96. and the latter to the twelfth division of the Volume marked H. of the Equity Abridgement. The IV"'. Part of tlie Collection consists of twelve Volumes, Num. 464 to 475. Of these, the first Six Volumes are Copies of Notes in manuscript of the late Mr. Capper, who was a practising Barrister of eminence and exten- sive business in Chancery during the whole time of Lord Hardwicke's being Chancellor, and for some few Years before and after. Two of the six Vo- lumes, (beside the regular number of the Manuscript) are marked A. N". 1. and A. N°. 2. and cited accordingly both in Sir Thomas Sewell's Equity Re- ferences and in his Abridgement. The other four are referred to by Sir Thomas as N°. 1. 2. 3. 4. These Notes by Mr. Capper reach from Michaelmas 1724 to December 1754. which latter time was about one year and a half before Lord Hard- wicke's resignation of the great Seal. The next three Volumes are copies of Manuscript Notes by the late Lord Chief Justice de Gray during part of the time he practised in Chancery. They begin with July 1751 and end with June 1754. They are numbered 5. 6. 7. as a continuation, in point of reference, of the four last of Mr. Capper's Note-Books ; and by those Num- bers they are always cited by Sir Thomas Sewell. The next Volume of the Notes, Number 473. is lettered Perryn. It contains at the beginning a long Note of the Case of Green and Rutherford, which was heard in Chan- cery in 1749-50. and relates to the power of Visitors over Donations. The remainder of the Volume is expressed to contain copies of various Notes by Mr. Perryn, afterwards Mr. Baron Perryn. These Notes chiefly consist of Chaiicery Cases between November 1757 and December 1759, both inclu- sive, during the latter part of which period Lord Northington hold the great Seal. But there arc some few Common-Law-Cases; with a few Chancery Cases, taken by Mr. Baron Perryn in Lord Hardwicke's time, particularly the famous Case of Willoughby and Willoughby in June 1756. being one of the latest Cases determined by his Lordship ; and one in which he largely en- OF MANUSCRIPTS. 129 436-480. tered into the doctrine concerning the right of protection from terms of Years to attend the Inheritance. The next Volume Num. 4'74'. is entituled " Notes of Cases determined in the Courts of Ciiancury and Kings Bench from Michaelmas Term l?** to Trinity Term 1757." The last Volume ot this Portion of the Manuscripts, contains, 1. Sir Thomas Sewell's Alphahc- tical Index to Cases in Briefs and Manuscript Notes, p. 1 — 71. 2. Tran- scripts of Loose Papers, containing some General Rules on a few Heads of Equity, p. 73 — H?. 3. An Account of SirThomas Sewell's Manuscripts by Mr. Hargrave. From which last, with such variations as seemed neces- sary to the Transcripts made for Mr. Hargrave, the present account of the Sewell Manuscripts has been principally obtained. The V"'. Branch of the Collection consists of Three Volumes, Num. 476 to 478, containing Notes of Cases from Sir Thomas Sewell's loose papers. The VI"". Part of the Collection consists of two Volumes, Num. 479 and 480. The first, contains Exti'acts from Sir Thomas Sewell's Briefs with his Notes of the Judgements from Hil. 1740 to Jan. 1760. The second Volume contains similar Extracts and Notes of Judgements from Jan. 1760 to Nov. 1 764. With some of earlier date. Num. 481. A Volume in quarto, on paper; consisting of Cases: beginning with the Duke of Norfolk's Case as cited in Lord Hardwicke in Wil- loughby and Willoughby, and ending with the Case of Bernard, Provost of Eton College, and the same College, against the Bishop of Win- chester and Thomas Fountaine Clerk, in C. B. Hil. 1774. A Case of Quare impedit. At the beginning of the Volume is this Note in Mr. Hargrave's hand- writing. " The Cases in this Volume are copied from a Book belonging to Charles Butler, Esquire, who was so obliging as to permit my having a Copy. Most of the Notes, I apprehend, were taken by Mr. Butler, except the Case of Jones and Morgan, which I understand to have been copied from a Short-hand-Writer's Note." Num. 482. A Volume in quarto, on paper j consisting of Miscellaneous Law Tracts: and containing, 8 130 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 482. 1. The ordinary Course of Proceedings in Causes depending in liis Ma'^ most honorable Court of Star-Chamber. fol. 1. 2. Report of the Case of Perrin v. Blake B. R. Hil. 10 Geo. IIL fol. Qi. 3. Morgan v. Jones B. R. Hil. 1773. fol. 45. 4. Cases of Burder v. Burville. B. R. 13 Geo. IIL Trin. 1773. Evans on the demise of Burchinshaw v. Weston. B. R. 13 Geo. III. Mich. 1773. and Willoughby w. Willoughby, 19"". June 1756. fol. 52. 5. Directions for the right understanding of an Estate held by copy of Court Roll. fol. 73. 6. An Account of Sir Thomas Sewell's Law Manuscripts, fol. 91. 7. On the King's Prerogative of making War and Peace, fol. 103. 8. Instances of Cession of Countries by the King of England, fol. 105. Num. 483. A Collection of Miscellaneous Papers: in quarto; containing, 1 . " Articles condescended and agreed by the Kinges Highnes and the Noblemen of this his Realme of England bcingc assembled in tliis present Parliament begun in the third day of November in the xxj=^ yeare of his most noble reigne, to be ingrossed in due forme and to bee enacted by auc- toritie of the same Parliament in the next full Courte thereof after the pro- rogation of the same hereafter to be had." fol. 1. 2. An Account of the Office of Lord Treasurer, fol. 18. 3. Instructions, Orders, and Directions allowed and approved by Prince Henry for the true collecting and disposing of the Revenue and Treasure for His Highness greatest Honor and best Profit. 1 1 Jam. I. fol. '23. 4. Heads of Law. Codicil. Devise. Evidence. &c. fol. 31. 5. Note of Proceedings in the Court of Chivalry, on an Appeal of High Treason by Donald Lord Rea against Mr. David Ramsay, 7 Cha. I. 1631. fol. 42. 6. Note of Proceedings in the Star Chamber against Sir David Fowlis, Sir Thomas Layton, and Henry Fowlis Esq'^. on a charge of opposing the King's service and traducing his Officers of State. Hil. 9 Cha. 1. 1 633. fol. 43. 7. Lord Hale's Observations on the deliberative Office of the " Conci- lium Ordinarium." fol. 44. 8. Rules, &c. in the Borough Court of Liverpool, fol. 49. 7 OF MANUSCRIPTS. 131 483. 9. The Revolution, a Poem: in Twelve Books. Book the First, only. Blank verse. By . . . Sayer Esq^ fol. 66. Num. 484. Papers concerning the Regulation of the Law. FoHo. Num. 485. A " Treatise of the Nature of Lawes in generall, and touching the Law of Nature. By Sir Matthew Hale." Folio. Num. 486. Brief Notes of Cases in the Exchequer. Folio ; on paper. Num. 487. Copies of the Rolls of Parliament of the 5'\ 8'\ and 9'' Years of King Edward IL Folio ; on paper. Num. 488. Copy of the Roll of Parliament of the 21". Year of King Richard IL Folio ; on paper. Num. 489. A Volume of Miscellaneous and Law Papers : in foHo ; containing, 1. Queen Elizabeth's Letter to Sultan Mahomet Cham. A. D. 1602. (Latin), fol. 1. 2. The Orders of Trayninge to be observed by the Muster Maisters. A. D. 1599. fol. 3. 3. Thomas Walker to Mr. Caldwall enclosing certain Interrogatories administered to one Henry Hereford. Oxf Nov. 24"". 1619. fol. 5. 4. Remarks on Painting : and on the different Schools of Painting, (Italian.) fol. 6. s 2 132 HARGRAVE COLLECTION 489. 5. Certain prophetic Verses, beginning " When Charles hath gott the Spanish girle." fol. 8. 6. Observations concerning the Course of Starre Chamber Proceedings. With Star-Chaniber Cases 14, 15, & 16 Cha. L fol. 9. 7. Information in the Star-Chamber by Heath Attorney General against the Earls of Bedford, Somerset, and Clare, Sir Robert Cotton, John Sel- den Esq^ and Gilbert Barrell Gent. fol. 19. 8. Another Copy of the same Information, fol. 32. 9. A third Copy of the same. fol. 48. 10. Services, Mizes, Castles, &c. belonging to the Principality of Wales, fol. 6B. 11. A Discourse concerning the Prince and his Revenues in the Princi- pality of Wales, the Dutchy of Cornwall, and the Earldom of Chester, fol. 75. 12. A Letter written by the Lords of the Council to His Majesty to cer- tify the Proceeding against the Lord Cooke at the Council Table, fol. 103. Num. 490. A miscellaneous Volume, in folio: containing, 1 . A Copy of the Last Will of Sir Henry Mountague Earl of Manchester dated 22 March 1642. foh 1. 2. Writs of Error in Parliament, fol. 22. 3. Copies of Letters in 1776. of the Earl of Pembroke, Lord Viscount Mountstuart, Lord North, and Lord Camden, concerning the Grant of the Barony of Cardiff of Cardiff Castle, fol. 34. 4. Notes of Lord Mansfields Speech upon the Sutherland Peerage, as taken by M^ Tho. Longlands and revised by Lord Advocate Montgomery, fol. 48. 5. On King James the First's extravagant Notions of the Royal Prero- gative, fol. 53. 6. Case as to Game and the Right of Sporting in the Barony of Powis &c. with Mr. Leycester and Mi-. Abbot's Opinions thereon, fol. 55. 7. Analysis of the Rights of the Crown, by Lord Hale. fol. 59. 8. Memorandum respecting the delivery of the Great Seal to Lord Chancellor Egerton : from a Manuscript in the Ashridgc Library M. '3.7. (Imperfect.) fol. 63. OF MANUSCRIPTS. 133 490. 9. Extracts from the Council Book of Lincoln's Inn, in respect to the Society's Arms. fol. 65. 10. Extracts from D'. Harris's Rise and Progress of the Civil Law. fol. 67. 11. The Manner of degrading a Knight Companion of the Garter, fol. 69. 12. Mr. Hargrave's Opinion upon a Case in respect of a Debt due to the Crown from the late Edward Lewis Esquire. 5 Apr. 1 804. fol. 73. 13. Mr. Hargrave's further Ojiinion on the Case of the Crown Debt of the late Mr. Edward Lewis. 14 Apr. 1804 fol. 75. 14. Case of an Agreement of Lord Torrington for the Purchase of a Free- hold Estate from General De Lanccy, tiie vendor (as Barrack Master Ge- neral) being an Accountant to the Crown. With the Opinions of Mr. Richards, Mr. Butler, and Mr. Hargrave thereon, fol. 77. Num. 491. A Volume of Miscellaneous Papers : containing, 1. A Note on Prohibition, when to be granted after Sentence, fol. I. 2. What Remedy, and in what Cases Equity will grant, in Case of As- signment, &c. where the Privity of Contract or Estate is destroyed, fol. 2. 3. Respecting Attorneys and Solicitors, fol. 4. 4. Observations concerning the Six Clerks in Chancery, the Sworn Under Clerks, and the Waiting Clerks or Clerks writing under the Six Clerks, fol. 41. 5. On Bills of Exchange. foKsi. 6. An Answer to Mr. Walter WiUiams's Authorities and Presidents, fol. 60. 7. Index to the Common Law Cases in the Vol. A. of Melmoth's Re- ports, fol. 6 J. 8. Index to Volume F. of Mr. Melmoth's Reports, fol. 64. 9. Alphabetical Index to the Cases in Briefs and Manuscript Notes. Qu. in Sir Thomas Sewell's Briefs, fol. 66. 10. The Customs of Merchants touching Bills of Exchange, and the Law of Notes, fol. 8'2. 1 1 . De Furto ejusque Poena. (Imperfect. ) fol. 1 1 1 . 12,. An Index of Law Titles. Imperfect. Ending with the Letter I. fol. ISe, 134 hargrave collection Num.. 492. Discourse on History concerning the Power of Judicature in the King's Council and in Parliament. By Lord Chief Justice Hale. Copied from the Original in his own hand-writing. (Imperfect.) Folio. Num. 493. A Miscellaneous Volume, in folio : containing, 1. A foul Book of Entries, containing Indentures, Petitions, Letters, Papers relating to Administration, Probates of Wills, &c. during the time of the Repiiblick; with some Papers of the time of Cha. I. fol. 1. 2. Concerning Prohibitions, fbl. 111. 3. On Assembhng, Adjourning, Proroguing, and Dissolving Parlia- ments: and on Adjourning other Courts, fol. 34'9. 4. Case in C. B. 3 Maii 1700. Civitas London v. Woods, fol. 381. 5. Trin. 29 Car. II. The Earl of Shaftesbury's Case. fol. 417. 6. Sir George Downing's Case. fol. 443. 7. Cases, and Opinions upon them by Bcvil Fihner. fol. 447. 8. Cases, and Opinions upon them by different Lawyers, fol. 471. 9. Case of Veale v. The Corporation of Plymouth and others, in the Equity side of the Exchequer, fol. 495. 10. State of the different Laws and Modes respecting the Barring of Entails in the several American Colonies. In the Maryland Cause, fol. 520. 1 1 . Mr. Francis Fihner's Notes of the Case of Money and others versus Leach, fol. 534. 12. Mr. Francis Filmer's Notes of the Case of the King v. Wilkes, fol. 542. 13. Caseontiie Purchase of Luxborough House; on the point, whether a legal Estate outstanding in a Trustee, will protect a 6o??a_yMe purchaser with- out notice, against a Crown Debt. With the Opinions of Sir Lloyd Kenyon, Mr. Dunning, Mr. Ambler, Mr. Mansfield, and Mr. Holliday. fol. 568. Num. 494. A Volume of Genealogical, Legal, and other Papers ; in large folio: containing, 1. "The Armes, Honours, Matches, and Issues of the auncient and illustrious Family of Veere. Gathered out of History Recordes and other OF MANUSCRIPTS. 135 494. Monuments of Antiquity, by Persivul Goulding." Transcribed from the Harleian Manuscript N°. 4.189. fol. 1. 2. Papers relative to tlie Case of King William's Jewels, including Opinions in 1708 and 1709, on the Question as to the Power of the King of England to make a Will of personal Estate, fol. 5'1. 3. Orders by The Lords Committees appointed to consider of the most proper Means to ascertain the Descents of the Peers of this King- dom. A.D. 1767. Part in manuscript, and partly printed, fol. 70. 4. Case of Lord Westcote against Jones Esq^ and another, fol. 80. 5. Report of the Case between the Governor of Virginia and the House of Burgesses there, heard before the Privy Council 18"' June 1754. fol. 88. 6. Copy of the Attorney General's Report upon the Petition of Norborne Berkeley Esq^ claiming the Barony of Botetourt R. Oct. 3P' 1763. fol. 1 1'i. 7. A brief Review of such Parts of the Charters and Acts of Parliament for the Erection and Continuation of the East India Company, the South Sea Company, and Hudson's Bay Company, as relate to the Southern Whale Fishery; together with an Abstract of the two Acts of the 26"". and 28"'. Geo. III. for the Encoumgement of that Fishery, with the Heads of a Bill for opening a Trade through the South Seas to China and Remarks, tbl. 128. 8. Beneficia sive Ecclosis; Promotioncs concess. per Thomam Egerton militem Dom. Custodem Magni Sigilli Anglix' a sexto die Maii Anno Regni Reginae Elizabethae tricesimo octavo A°. Dni. 1596. fol. 209. 9. Notes from several Acts of Parliament relating to the Settlement of the Dutchy of Lancaster. A.D. 1784. fol. 225. 10. On Portions, fol. 237. 11. Of Bills of Exchange, fol. 277. 12. The Coke Pedigree, fol. 298. 13. A Schemp of the Laws of England drawn by Sir Matthew Hale: intitled " Schema Monumentorum Legum Anglife." fol. 299. Num. 495. A Volume in folio ; containing Notes of Cases in Equity. 1s6 hargrave collection Num. 496. A Volume in folio j containing Collections relative to Coronation Claims. Formerly in the Collection of John Topham, Esq'. At the end are some Heraldic Memoranda on scraps of paper : with Notes respecting the date of the death of Anne of Cleves, &c. Num. 497. A smaller Volume in folio : also containing Collections relative to Coronations ; but mixed with other Heraldic Matters, Processions, &c. The following are the Titles of the several Articles. 1. Index of Sir Edward Walker's Book of the Coronation, fol. 1. 2. References to different Manuscripts in the College of Arms respecting Coronations, Royal Badges, Funeral and other Ceremonies, &c. chiefly arranged according to Reigns, fol. 3. 3. An Account of the Quantity of Plate given at the time of the Corona- tion, according to the Claims delivered in to the Lord High Chamberlain of England for that Day. fol. 18. 4. Note respecting the Claim of the Barons of the Cinque Ports at a Coronation, from Harris's History of Kent. Book II. P'. ii. p. 480 b. fol. 19. .5. On the Coronation Oath, from a Manuscript Tract concerning the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy, fol. 20. 6. Other References to Books and Manuscripts as well as to Records in the Heralds College, respecting Coronations, Royal Obsequies, Crowns, Office of Earl Marshal, Maundy, Cramp Rings, Creeping to the Cross, &c. fol. 22. 7. From a Manuscript N". 2035 in the Harleian Library, respecting Standards, Penons, Guidons, &c. fol. 29. 8. From a Manuscript in the Harleian Library N°. 6064. concerning Banners, Standards, &c. fol. 30. 9. Order of the Coronation of K. Henry VI. fol. 31. 10. Orders according to ancient Statutes made by John Tiptoft Earl of Worcester and Constable of England 6 Edw. IV. for the placing of all Estates as well in proceeding before the Prince as in other Assemblies of Parliament, fol. 33. OF MANUSCRIPTS. 137 497. 11. Ceremony of creating Anne Biilleine, daughter of the Earl of Wilt- shire and Ormond, a Marchioness. A. D. 1532. fol. 34. 12. Names of Weapons of War mentioned in some of K. Henry the Eighths Warrants : with the charges for the same. fol. 35, see also fol. 52. 13. Charges for Cloth of Gold, Robes, &c. fol. 37. 14. Ceremony at the Creation of the Duke of Somerset 1 Edw. VI. fol. 39. 15. The Proceeding of Queen Elizabeth's Funeral from Whitehall to the Cathedral Church of Westminster on Thursday the 28"'. of April A". 1603. fol. 40. 16. Ceremonial for the Private Interment of His Royal Higliness Prince Frederick William, on Saturday the 4"^ Day of January 1766. fol. 44. 17. Certmonial for the Private Interment of His R. H. the Duke of York and Albany, on Tuesday the 3'^. Nov. 1767. fol. 45. 18. Papers concerning the Regalia of Scotland, fol. 46. 19. Offices of Chamberlain, High Constable, and Great Marshall of Scot- land, fol. 50. 20. Sentence of Robert Cooke, Clarencieulx King of Arms, as to whom the Pulpit Cloth of any Parish Church, hung with black at a Funeral, apper- tains. Dat. IS Sept. 1589. fol. 54. 21. Note of the Manor of Blechingele as forming a part of the Dower of Q. Anne of Cleve. fol. 56. 22. Of the AHenationof Arms. fol. 56. 23. Notes and References relating to Coronations, Cadency, Visitations, and other Heraldic matters, fol. 57. see also fol. 68. 24. Ceremony of the Christening of Elizabeth the first daughter of Lord Russel son and heir to Francis Earl of Bedford. 27 Octob. 1575. fol. 64. 25. An imperfect Extract from some Lexicographer, on the Morgane- GiBA, or Morgingab: the Morning-Gift after marriage, fol. 69. Num. 498. Forms of Pleading : said to be in the hand-writing of Lord C. B. Comyns. 8vo. on paper. T 138 hargrave collection, &c. Num. 499. The Catalogue of Mr. Hargrave's Manuscripts delivered with the Collection, Folio. Note that some Manuscripts mentioned in this Catalogue did not come with the Collection ; and particularly two Volumes of Reports by Lord Chancellor Nottingham, noticed as Numbers 66 and 67 : and that a consi- derably larger Number of Manuscripts came in the Collection t!)an are men- tioned in this Catalogue. INDEX. *,»* The larger figures in the References of this Index mean the Number of the Manuscript : the smaller figures refer to the Article in the Volume. Abbot, Ab^. Letter of, to K. James I. 311, 24. Abjuratio Latronum, 336, 43. Actio Vasti, 433, 34. Actions sur le Case, 4, 4. Joinder in Action, 361, sa- Acts of Parliament, Treatise on the antient manner of making, 102. V. Parliament. Adams, Richard, 419. Admeasurement, Of, 361, 1. Administration, Acquittance, &c. Instruments of, 302, »9. Admiralty, Copies of the Black Book of the, 101, 185. On the Jurisdiction of the Court of, 391, 4. Orders of Council relating to the Court of, A. D. 1664. 431, 8. Admissis ante Judicium, Statutum de, 336, 54. Airie and Alcock, Case of, 16. Aldermen of London, rights, elections, &c. of, 139, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24. 142, 8, it, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 33, 34, 42. discharged from serving the Office of Mayor, from 4 Hen. V. to 1710. 179, 2. Algebra, Treatise on, 78, i. Allerton, Cartas de, 429, 9. Almonbiry, Cartas de, 429, 9. Ambassadors, Sir Robert Cotton's Relation of Proceedings against such as have miscarried themselves, 216, i3. Amerciamentorum Causae t. Ric. Regis, 313, 45. t2 140 INDEX. American Colonies, Laws and Modes concerning barring Entails in the, 493, lo. Anglcssa, Countess of, Proceedings on the Bill brought by, against her Husband, S91, 12. Anno Bolcyn, Q. Letter of, to K. Henry VIIL found among Lord Cromwell's Papers, 225, lo. Ceremony of the Creation of, as a Marchioness, 4'97, ii. Anne of Clevcs, Q. date of the Death of, 496. Manor of Blechingele part of the Dower of, 497, n. Annesley, George, S02, 20, 22, 23. Anno bissextili, Statutum de, 336, 21. 433, 36. Annuity, Writ of, 361, 2. Anslow, Lectio Magistri Anslovv sur le Statute des Fines, 33, 7. Anstis, John, Fragment of a Treatise on Heraldry by, 104, 3. Aspilogia of, a Treatise on Seals, 1 04-, 4, 5. Collections of, relating to Foundei'ship, 239. Appeals, Lidex to, 175. Cases upon desertion of, 391, 8. Memoranda respecting the Antiquity of, prior to 25 Hen. VIIL 431, ij. Appeals and Writs of Error in the H. of Lords from 1660-1740, 110. Table to the printed Cases of, since 1701, 157. Abridgementof Cases of Appeals and Writs of Error, 158. Arbitrament and Arbitrers, 361, 3. Archbishops, Bishops, &c. Treatise concerning, 16S, t. ' Arderne, Henry, 302, 10, 2j, 26, 28. Armorum ad Torniamentum Statutum, 336, 28. Arms, Alienation of, 497, 22. Articuli. Breve super Articulis pra?missis, 336, 24. contra Prohibitionem Regiam allocandi, 336, 48. — in Itinere, 433, 38. Arundcll, Count, title of, as Comes Imperii, 216, 12. Ascough V. Fullshawe, 4, 7. Assignment, remedy in a Case of, where the Privity of Contract is destroyed, 491, 2. Assis. et Jur. Statutum de iis qui sunt ponendi in, 336, 47. Assisa Panis et Cervisiae, 336, 7. 433, 2I-. 431, 19. Assize, Writ of, 187. Pleadings in, 29 J. INDEX. Ul Atkyns, Sir Robert, Case of, with Robert Holford, 47, 3. Attorneys and Solicitors, 491, 3. Attornment, 418, 4. Audita Querela, 5J41, 15. Augmentations, Articles of the late Court of, 33, 10. 209, 2. Articles of uniting the Court of Augmentations and Revenues of the Crown, 278, 4. Aylesworth's Case, Argument of Att. Gen. Popham in, 27, i- B. Bacon, Sir Francis, 225, 11. Speech of, at the Arraignment of the Earl of Somerset, 226, 1. - ■ Confession of Faith by, 226, 14. Speech of, at taking his Place in the Chancery, 249, 34. Index to his Treatise on the Statute of Uses, 342. Bacon, Sir Nicholas, Lord Keeper, Arguments of, in Parliament to prove Noble- men attacheable for Contempts in Chancery, 227, 7. 249, 40. 281, 7. Bagshawe, Edw. Lectura super Stat, pro Clero, 25 Edw. III. 206. Bailiffs Accompts of Manors belonging to the CroAvn in different Counties, 159. Bails, Of, 249, 12. Ballowe MSS. 334. Bankes, Job. Lectura super Stat. 21 Jac. I. of Limitation of Actions, 91, 2. Banks, Sir John, Index to the Reports of, 353. Banners, Standards, &c. 497, r, 8. Bargain and Sale, 418, 4. Barns, Sir George, 134. Barrell, Gilbert, Proceedings against, in the Star-Chamber, 489, 7. Bartholomews, S'. near Smithfield, Case of, 239, 7. Barton, Griffith, 302, 2. Will of, 302, 3. Barton, Walter, 302, 1. Bates's Case in the Exchequer, 4 Jam. I. Report of, 15, 2. 34, 3. Battle Abbey. Arbitramentum inter Ab. & Conv. de Bello, et Pr. et Conv. Eccl. Christi Cantuar. 336, 65. Behaviour, Good, Precedents of binding to, 132, 19. Bedford, Earl of, Proceedings against, in the Star-Chamber, 489, 7. 142 INDEX. Bellamy, Edward, List of Persons who polled for, to be Sheriff, 139, 13. Bendlowe's Reports t. Hen. VIII. to Eliz. 33, 2. Beneficia, sive Ecclesiae Promotiones cone, per Tho. Egerton mil. dom. custod. Magni Sigilli Angliae, A. D. 1596. 494, 8. Bengal, Abstract of Plans transmitted for the Government of, 333. Berewike, Statutum de, quod dicitur Clianipart, ZoQ, 49. Berkeley, Norburne, Claim of, to the Barony of Botetourt, 494, 6. Berkeley of Worcestershire, Pedigree of, 370. Betnam, Mr. le Lecture de, sur le Stat, de Gloc. c. .5. 398, r. Bexley, Grant of the Manor of, 292, lu. Bigamis, Statutum de, 336, 53. 433, 41. 434, 27. Bildeston, John, Record of the Case of, charged with counterfeiting the Great Seal, 132, 16. Bills passed and Judgements given, without the Lords Spiritual, 321, 10. Bills of Exchange, v. Exchange. Bishops, Narrative of the ancient manner of electing in England, 239, 19. Privilegium Archiepiscopi Cantuai-. de visitandis subditis Episcoporum, 313, 21. Black Book of tlie Admiralty, Copies of the, 101, 185. Bladen, Nathaniel, On the Antiquity and Constitution of the Six Clerks in Chan- cery, 133. Blanchard, Mr. Notes of, in the Case of the Roos or Ros Barony, 1 30, i. Blandford Forum Co. Dors. Charter of K. James I. to, 292, 4. Bodley, Sir Thomas, Letter ot^ to Sir Francis Bacon, 225, 11. Bolcyne, Q. Anne. v. Anne. Bolingbroke, Lord, Attainder of, 128, 6. Book-keeping, 125, .5. Booth, William, Abridgement of Reports by, t. Eliz. Jam. I. & Cha. I. 329. Borough, Sir John, " The Sovereignty of the Seas of England proved by," 282, 1. 425, i. Botetourt, Report upon the Barony of, 494, ti. Bracton. Notae et Excerptffi ex Bractono de Legibus. 429, 4. Bradford, Instruments relating to, 429, j. Brampston, Mr. Serj'. Lecteur sur le Stat. 27 Eli?, c. 4. 402, 'j. Brcvibus Juilicialibus, De, 249, 19. Brewe's Case and Censure for insulting Judge Hcngham et al. in Scacc. 132, i.'^. Bridgcman, Sir Orlando, Reports by, 40. INDEX. 143 Bridffcmaii, Sir Orlando, Reports and Arguments of, 12 to 17 Clia. II. .5.5 — 58. Table to Bridgenian's Reports, SiS. Bridges, Reparation of, 33, 8. Bristol, Earl of. Articles of his charge against the Duke of Buckingbam, 226, r,'. ■ Impeachment of the Earl of, 47, h. Articles against the, 21 6, i:i. His Answer to the Charge, 216, it. Reasons for not proceeding against him, by Indictment, 311, is. Brokers, Concerning, 292, 2. Project for redress against Brokers and Usurers, 321, si. Bromley, Georg. Lectura Secunda Gcorgii Bromley sur le Stat, de Aide prier, 33, 6. Brouchorstii Oratio de Studio Juris, 78, 13. Brown, Georg. Lectura super Stat. 32 Hen. VHI. c. 34, 92, id. Browne, Anth. Lectura super Stat. 32 Hen. VIII. c. 30. 199, i. Browne, M^ Reading of on Stat. 2 & 3 Edw. VI. 402, i. Bruce, Combat of Lord, with the Earl of Dorset, 226, 22. Buckingham, Duke of, t. Eliz. 225, 18. Buckingham, Duke of. Schedule of the Lands, &c. granted to, with the Charges against him and his Answers, 216, i7. View of the Behaviour of the, at the French Island, 226, 16. Report of the Narrative made by, to both Houses of Parliament. A. D. 1623. 311, 30. Budd, D'. Precedents offered by, for some Rights claimed in the Lord H. Admi- ral's behalf, 431, 9. Buller, John, 418, 3. Bulloigne, Queen's Commissioners at, A. D. 1600. 226, 4, 5, 6. Bunbury's Reports, Cases from, 70, 1, 5, t, 9. Burder v. Burville, Case of, 482, 4. Burgess and Wheate, Case of, 84. Burghley, Lord, Replies and Objections answered by, 226, 15. c. Callis's Readings on Stat. 23 Hen. VIII. cone. Sewers, 91, 1. Calthorpe, Sir Henry, 419. His Copy of Lane's Exchequer Reports, t. Jac. I. 16. Cases by, respecting the Customs of London, 34, 2. U4- INDEX. Calthcrpe, Select Arguments by, 33, 36. Reading bj^, on the Stat, of Concealments, 56, 208. Table to his Special Cases, 34'9. Reports by, f. Jam. & Cha. I. 385, S86. Indexes to Vol. II. and III. of his Reports, 387. Camden, Lord Chancellor, Judgements by, extracted from his Note-Books, 330. Cancellarii Anglise a temp. Edw. R. Conf. 216, so. V. Chancery. Chancellor. Cantuaria. Compositio inter Dom. Archiepisc. Cant, et Conventum Eccl. Christi Cantuar. 336, 6o, 6i. Arbitramentum inter Abb. et Conv, de Bello et Pr. & Conv. Eccl. Christi Cantuar. 336, 65. Account of the late Proposals of the Archbishop of Canterbury, with some other Bishops, to His Majesty, 4.01, 3. Capias, Of the, 241, lo. Capitula in Itinere, 433, 37. Capper, M^ Notes of Cases in Equity by, 464 — 469. Car, Robert, Earl of Somerset, 226, i. Cardiff, Papers relating to the Baronj' of, A. D. 1776. 490, 3. Carlisle, Character of the Countess of, 226, 21. Carsington, Co. Oxf. v. Cassington. Carter v. Crawlej', Arguments in the Case of, 339, 5. Cary, Sir Lucius, 225, 13. Carye, Sir George, Causes in Chancery gathered by, 28"!, 5. Cases, Precedents of, 310. V. Reports. Cases, with Opinions of Counsel, 128, 5. 138. 141. 143. 144. 145. 294. 490, c, is. 13, 14. 493, 7, 8, 13. Cassington, Co. Oxford, Assignments relating to, 302, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 26. Castlehaven, Trial of the Earl of, 226, 31. Catherine's Hospital, S'. Concerning the Mastership of, 321, 14. Cecil, Robert, Earl of Salisbury v. Salisbury. Cecil, Sir Robert, Letter of, to the Commissioners at Bulloigne, 226, 6. Ceely's Reports t. Cha. I. 111. Certiorari, Of the, 241, 16. Cessavit and Cessers, 361, 4. Cession of Countries by the K. of England, Instances of, 482, 8. Chamberlain of Chester, Office of, 227, 25. INDEX. US Chamberlayne, John, 227, n. Champart, Statutum quod dicitur, 336, 49. iS*, 28. ' Champartie, Of, 361, 5. Chanipartours, Of, 4-33, 13. Chancellor, Lord, Office of, 249, 5, 6, 7. 32. ; Authority of, 227, 6. 2t9, 39. 281, 2. Fees payable to the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper, 321, 24. Oath of the Lord Chancellor, 227, 20. glQ, 50. Chancery, Collections relative to, 281. Collections from the Registers of, 170, 171. Orders and Decrees in, t. Eliz. Jam. L &c. 160. Court of, 249, 31. not intended within the Stat. 27 Edw. IIL 249, as. Treatise on the Process and Practice of, 124. Miscellaneous Papers on Chancery Practice, 128, 8. 170, 171. Treatise on the History and Practice of the Court of, 155. Modern Practice of the Court of, 201. Treatise concerning, 227, 1. Of the Institution of the Court of, 271, i. De Cancellario et Cancellaria, 249, 2. Remedy of Abuses in, 227, 16. Records concerning the authority of the, 165. Authority of; 227, 2, 5.240, 3. 249, 1. Registrum Brevium in Cancellario, 336, 3. . Cases in, 174. Special Orders in Extraordinary Cases in, 211. Cases of Conscience generally practised in, 249, sr. Cases wherein there is no help in, 281, 3. Order for a Rule to be observed by the Lord Chancellor in, 227, 94. 249, 29. 249, 22. Erectio novem Clericorum Irrotulamentorum Curite Cancellaria;, 33, 11. Clerks and Officers of, and their Fees, 216, 21. Six Clerks zn, 19), 1. 491, 4. antiquity and constitution of the, 133. 221. ; erection of the, by Q. Eliz. 227, 9. ■ observations concerning, by Mi-. Deaves, 191, i. u U6 INDEX. Chancery, Six Clerks in, Substance of what was delivered by to the Cursitors, with the Cursitors Answer, 249, 4i. Replication of the, to the Cursitors, with the Cursitor's Rejoinder, 227, 8. Orders agreed upon by the Six Clerks in, 227, is. 249, iT. Under Clerks of the Six Clerks in, 227, 17. 249, 46. Waiting Clerks in, 191, i. Equitable Jurisdiction of, t. Jam. I. 269. Redress of Errors in, 237, 7. Fines of Writs and Patents in, 227, it. Grievances in, 321, 38. Collections on Chancery Jurisdiction, 249. 321, 33. Masters in, 249, lo. 321, u-. Fees of the Ordinary Masters of, 227, 14. Oath of a Master of, 227, 15. 249, 44. P.ipers relating to the Privy Seal for the establishment of o new Fees in favour of the Masters in, 321, 34, 35, 36, 37. Officers of the, '240, 2. Petitions, Answers, &c. in, during the time of Lord King and the Earl of Macclesfield as Chancellors, 163. Records of, 249, je. — ' and Proceedings in, 240, i, 8. Questions, Memoranda, &c. relating to the Rolls and Records of the Court of, 209, ;,. — — — Presidentall and special Orders in Extraordinary Cases in, 281, 6. 295. — Rules and Orders of the Court of, i. Job. to Geo. II. 189. — Means to restrain Suits in, 227, 19. 249, 52. Writs in, 227, u. Changes and Exclianges, Office of, 292, 18. Charles I. w/ieyi Prince. The Prince and Duke of Buckingham's Relation of the 24'" Feb. 1633. 225, 18. On the proposed Marriage of Prince Charles with the Infanta of Spain, 226, 13. Pope Gregory XIV."'*' Letter concerning, 311, i9. Jewels bestowed by Prince Charles upon the Court of Spain, A. D. 1623. 311,50. INDEX. 1*7 Charles I. K. The Speakers Speech to the King in the Banquetting House, March IS. 1625. with H. Majesty's Answer, 311, 9, lo. — The King's Letter to the Parliament March 20. 162,5. rui, u. Instructions of, to the Bishops, 311, t'8. Instructions of, to the Earl of Bridgewater, concerning the better Government of the Principality of Wales, 418, i. Charles II. K. Articles touching Navigation and Commerce between K. Cha. II. and the United Provinces, A. D. 1668. 431, 7. Charter House, Petition of And. Tooke and John Gough to the Governors of the, 139, 4. Chartre, de Garante de, 433, 15. Chester, Liberties &c. of the County Palatine of, 227, 2.5. Chester, Earldom of, 489, ii. Chester, Sir William, 134. Chivalrj', Note of Proceedings in the Court of, on an Appeal of Higli Treason. 483, 5. Christ Church, Oxford, Statutes of, given by K. Henry VIII. 279. Leases, &c. from the Dean and Chapter of, 302, 4. Christendom, Treatise on the State of, t. Eliz. 173. Abstract of the Revenue of the Princes of, A. D. 1636, 397. Chronological Notitia from 633 to 1702, 401, 9. Cinque- Ports. Consuetudines, Libertates et Statuta de Quinque Portubus, 108. ■■ — " Nomina milit. Comitat. civium Civitat. ac Baronum Quiuque Portuum ven. ad Pari. 18 Jac. I." 311, 3i. On the Jurisdiction of the, 391, -t. Precedents of Appeals from the, to the King in Chancery, 391, 7. Claim of the Barons of the, at a Coronation, 497, i. Circumspecte agatis, Statutum, 434, i5. Citations, Forms of, 302, 29, 3i. Civil Law, Of the compiling of the, 71, i. Civil List, Abstracts of the Establishment of the, 424. Clare, Earl of. Proceedings against the, in the Star Chamber, 489, r. Clare Hall, Cambridge, case of, 239, it. Clause and Patent Rolls t. Edw. I. to Jam. I. Excerpts from the, 296. Claxton, Instruments relating to, 429, 5. Clayton's Pleas of Assize, Index to, 426. Clerkenwell, Letter found among some Jesuits taken at, 225, i2. u 2 148 INDEX. Clerks ill Chancery, v. Chancery. Clerks of the Crown, 249, 4. Clive, Mr, Justice, Argument ot^ upon the Doctrine of Corninon Recoveries, 98, i. Close Rolls, t. Hen. III. Extracts from the, 223. Coin, Silver, Bullion, &c. Collections relating to, 321, i. Coke Pedigree, 49 1, 12. Coke, Sir Edward, v. Egcrton. Reading of, on the Statute of Uses, 33, 5. 89, .". Part of his Twelfth Report, 34', 6. — ■ — his Case in Curia Wardorum, 20 Jac. I. 34, 7. • — — Reading of, on the Stat, of Fines, 89, a. Index to Coke upon Littleton, 238. Letter from the Lords of the Council in his behalf, 169, 4. Proceedings before the Council Board concerning, '269, 5. 489, i.'. ■ — Treatise of Prohibitions, by, '278, 5. Index to Coke dc Finibus, 342. Table to his Reports, 349. Report by, of the Judgement and Part of the Arguments in ShelHe's Case, 37S. Abridgement of the 1." 2.^ & 3,^ Parts of Lord Coke's Reports, 403, 3. . of the 4'" Part of Lord Coke's Reports, 403, 4. Abridgement of Lord Coke's First Institute, 432, y. Collectanea quasdam Historica, 313, 16. Comitatiis. Redditiones de singulis Comitatibus, 313, 11, i2. «. Common-Council of London, v. London. Common-Pleas, Treatises on the Origin and Practice of the Court of, 156. 309. 405. Commons, Of, 361, 6. Commons, Hotise of. List of the Speakers of the, 1 32, 7. Rules, Orders, &c. of the, 195. . ■ — Protest of the, against Tonnage and Poundage, 311, 21. Resolutions of, concerning the imprisonment of Freemen, 311, 23. Compositio Vocabulorum, 433, 31. Compositions, &c. Privy Seal in the Exchequer for, 292, 15. Comyn, Lord Chief Baron, Collection of Common Pleas by, 410. Treatise on Pleading, in the hand-writing of, 423. Forms of Pleading, 498. Concealed Lands, Patent of, granted to Lady Salton, 292, 6. INDEX. 149 Conceipts sur le Stat, de 3'i Hen. VHI. c. .'5. 91, n. Conditions, Of, .iCl, 7.4.18, 4. Conference between the Houses of Lords and Commons, A.D. 1628. 3U. Confirmations, 418, 4. Conspiratores. Statutum de Conspiratoribus, 336, 29. 433, 35. 434, 4y. Constable and Marshall, Office of, 13 Ric. II. 321, 20. Contracts, Of, by Lord Gilbert, 265, 2. Cooke, Mag. Lectio super Stat. 32 Hen. VIII. c. 7. concerning Tythes, 92, 9. Cooley and Jemotte, Arguments in the Case of, 339, 3. Corbett, Sir John, 245. Coriton's Case, 13 Car. I. 27, 6. Cornwall, Dutchy of, 489, ii. Corona. De antiquo Dominico Coronaj, 336, 30. 433, 40. Coronations, Collections relative to, and Claims at, 496, 497. On the Coronation Oath, 497, 5. Coronatorum Officiuni, 336, 44. Coroner of London, Records concerning the, 142, 28. Cory, Thomas, Law Entries by, 123. Cosinage, des Degres in, 433, is. Cotton, Sir Robert, Discourse of, on the Power of Judicature in the House of Commons, 47, ii. ^55, 2. — His Relation of the Proceedings against Ambassadors who have miscarried themselves, 216, 15. Extracts from a Manuscript of, relating to the Court of Chancery, 219. Abstract by, of the Question of Precedency between England and Spain, 226, 2. His " Declaration how Kings of England have supported and repaired their Estates," 311, 2. Proceedings against, in the Star Chamber, 489, 7. Cotton, Sir Thomas, Relation of, that the Kings of England have been usually pleased to consult in the Great Council, of Marriage, Peace, and War, with their Peers and Commons House in Parliament, 225, 14. Cotton MS. Vcsp. C. xiv. Description of, 98, 7. Covenants, Of, 266, 2. 361, 8. 418, 4. Coventry, Thomas Lord, Ordinances by, for the redress of Errors in Chancery, 237, 7. Coimcilj Acts of, A.D. 1615, 321, us. 150 INDEX. Council, Letter of the Lords of the, concerning the Lord Cooke, 489, i?. County- Palatine, Cases concerning the Jurisdiction of a, 429, 6. Court Roll, Directions for understanding an Estate held by Copy of, 482, 5. Courts of the Realm, Names of the, 165, 3. On the Division of Courts, from Gilbert's Forum Romanum, 227, 3. Courts Leet and Baron, Jurisdiction of, 429, 3. Croke's Reports, Table to, t. Cha. I. 352. Crooke, M^ Justice, Argument of, upon the Exchequer Case against John Hampden Esq^ 234. Ordinances explained by, upon the Estate of the Chancery Court, A.D. 1554, 249, 31. Crown, Rights of the, 70, 6. Crown Debtors, Treatise of, 391, 3. Curia Baronis, 336, 2. Cursitors in Chancery, 249, 41, 42. Rejoinder of, to the Six Clerks, 227, 8. Orders concerning the, 227, 10. Curtys, Sir Thomas, 134. Customs, Cases and Opinions of eminent Lawyers relating to the, 129, i. 141. 222. 275. 293. Papers relating to the, 321, 3. Customs of London, v, London. Cyrographorum Formae, 332. D. Dabitot and Courtney, Case of, 34, 3. Darell, Henry, Reports by, in C. B. 1656 and 1657. also 12 to 19 Cha. II. 150. Darnell, Sir Thomas, 245. Davies, Sir John, Question by, concerning Impositions, Tonnage, &c. 278, 6. 349. Charge of, to the Grand Jury at York, 284. Deane, M'. Reports of, t. Jam. I. 29. Deaves, M'. Observations of, concerning the Six Clerks and the Waiting Clerks in Chancery, 191, 1. Debtors or Accountants to the Crown, Collections concerning, 71> 3. Decime, Of, 361, 9. INDEX. 151 Deeds, On the Enrollment of, 47, i. Forgery of, 361, 24. Deeds, Fines, &c. Transcripts of, t. Eliz. 4.30. Defence of the Kingdom, Propositions for the, 311, 22. Dei Descriptio a Vanino, 78, 5. Delegates, Court of, 431, 6. Devercux, Robert, Earl of Essex, 168, la. Devise, 361, 12. Devises, Treatise of, 308, i. Dictum de Kenilleworth, 336, 59. Dies Communes in Banco, 336, 12. 433, 21. 434, so. Dies in Placito Dotis, 336, 13. 433, 22. 434, 31. Dillon, Lord. Agreement and Declaration of Trust between Lord Dillon and the Hon. Hen. Dillon, &c. relative to Mortgage Securities in Ireland, 273. Disclaimer, Of, 361, lo. Distresses, Of, 361, 11. Districtiones Scaccarii, 434, n. Divortio, de, 433, 42. Dobbs, Sir Richard, 134. " Doctor and Student," Treatise of the, 244, 1. Index to, 342. Dodd, Lord Ch. Baron, Cases by, 70, 8. 71, 2. Dodderidge, Judge, Treatise of, on Executors, 192. Law Common- Place Book of, 407} 408. Dover, St. Martin's in, 239, 4. Dower, Of, 361, is. Treatise on, 180, 1. . Writ of Right of, 241, 1. Writ of, " unde nihil habet", 241, 3. Admeasurement of, 241, 4. Writ de Dote assignanda, 241, 5'. Downing, Sir George, Case of his Estate, 493, 1. Dojiye, John, 302, 20. Duck, M^ Reports by, 51. Table to, 346. Dufour V. Perraro, Case of, 330, 5. Dugnester, Matthew, Petition against a Sugar-House erected by, 321 > 29. 152 INDEX. Durham, Cases concerning the Jurisdiction of the County Palatine of, 42<), 6. Dyer, L"*. C. Justice, 132, ti. Collection of Cases by, not in print, 26. Opinions of, 227, 25. Table to the Reports of, 406. E. Earl Marshal, Office of, 232. Earle, Sir Walter, 245. East India Company, 153, 25,26. Easton Mauduit Co. Northampt. rectory of, 302, 20, 91. Eboraci Statutum, 336, a. ■ISi, 48. Ecclesia, Diversa de, et de Potestate Ecclesiastica, 316". Ecclesiastical Laws, On the enactment of, 225, 22. A Treatise of Ecclesiastical Matters, 168, 3. ■ Cases and Statutes concerning Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Persons, 429, 2. Edenestowe, Henr. de, 164, 1. Edkins, Edward, Reports of Cases by, 1654 and 1655. 49, 1,4. Edward II. K. Charter of to the City of London, 142, 6. Obligatio Regis Edw. II. super quibusdam, 336, 4i. Sententia Domini R. Archiepiscopi super praemissis, 336, 42. Edward VI. Annals of the Reign of, 311, 3. Egerton, Lord Chancellor, Observations by upon Lord Coke's Reports, 78, 7- 254, 2, 3. Advice of, to Robert Earl of Essex, 225, 2. Orders by, for the Star Chamber, 237, 3. Deputation of, as Keeper of the Rolls, to William Lambarde, 249, 48. Orders of, for the due making up of the Rolls, 249, 49. Abridgement of Lord Coke's Reports by, 254, j. — Delivery of the Great Seal to, 490, 8. Elegit, Of the, 241, 9. Elizabeth, Q. Letter of, to the Comm^'. at BuUoigne, 226, 4. Annals of the Reign of, 311, 3. Letter of, to Sultan Mahomet Cham. A.D. 1602, 489, 1. Funeral Procession of, A.D. 1603, 497, i5. 6 INDEX. 153 Ellesmeic, Lord, Notes of, upon Ma3. Rules of the Exchequer concerning Forfeitures, 70, i. Forgery of Deeds, 36 1 , 2J. Forma Sacramenti Regis, 336, 6. Formae Cyrographoi-um, 332. Forresters Reports, Cases the same as in, 1 52. Forstallariis, De, 3:36, i-i. Forstcr, M'. Reports of Cases in Chancery by, 230. Fotheringay College, Case of, 2'i9, 5. Foundership, Anstis's Collections concerning, 239, i. Fountains Abbey, Case of, 2:J9, 9. Fowlis, Sir David, and others. Proceedings in the Star-Charaber against, Hil. 9 Cha. I. 483, 6. Frederick William, Prince, Ceremonial for the Interment of, A. D. 1 766. 497, 16. Free Gift, Letter of the Lords of the Council concerning the, 132, 8. Friderici Romanorum Iniperatoris Carta, 313, 39. Fulbeck's Pandects, Index to, 342. Fuller, Nicholas, Case of, 5 Jam. I. 33, 4. Furtum. De Furto ejusque poena, 491, ii. G. " Gaginge of Dely verance," 361, 25. Game, Case as to, in the Barony of Powis, 490, 6. Garnish and Garnishments, 361, 26. Garrard, Sir William, 134. Gaveletto et London. Statutum de, 336, 26. 433, 12." Gayton, Consuetudo de, 38(i, 52. Geometry, Treatise on, 78, i. Germani archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani, 313, 39. Gifts and Grants, 418, 4. Gilbert, Lord Ch. Baron, 308, 2. — Cases from his " Precedents in Chancery," 75. Copy of the First Part of his Tenures, 78, 12. The History of the Feud by, 196. Extracts from his Forum Romanum, 201. 227, 3. INDEX. J ,57 Gilbert, Treatise of, on Remainders and Reversions, 248. Law Tracts of, 265, 266. Cases from his Equity Reports, a06. Manuscript of, on the Forest Laws, .'MO, i. Gild and Fraternity of S'. George, Register and Accompts of a, (supposed at Nor- wich,) 300. Gismuiicl of Salernc, Tragedy of, 205, a. Gloucester, S'. Oswald, Case of the Priory of, 239, a. Gloucestria; Statutuni, 4.S3, o. -l-S*, h. Godbolt's Reports, Table to, 350. Godfrey. M^ R;ports by /. Eliz. & Jam. L 12. Goodfellow, Ciiarles, List of Persons who polled for, 139, ij. Gosnold, Joh. Lectura super Stat. 27 Hen. VIII. c. 28. 88, 6. — super Stat. 32. Hen. VIII. 92, t. Goulding, Percival, History of the Family of Vere by, 494, i. Gouldsborough, M^ Notes by in C. B. concerning Amendment of Writs, &c. 45. Grafton, Dutchess of, and W. Bridgman Esq'. Case between, 84. Grants, Of, .'J61, 27. Green and Ruiliorford, Case of, in 1749-50. 473. Gregorii Pnpae IX. Carta, 313,39. Gregory XIV. Letter of, to the Bishop of Cuenza, respecting Prince Charles, A. D. 162:i. 311, 19. Gresham, Sir Thomas, Will of, 139, 6. Grey, Chief Justice De, Notes of Equity Cases by, 470-472. Grey, Sir Ralph, of Wark, Judgement pronounced against, 216, ii. Grovclyn, Forest of, Wilts, 4, 3. Gru, Summa de, 336, 56. Guernsey, Acts of Council respecting legal Proceedings in, 249, 35, 30. . Laws, Usages, &c. of, 393, i, 2. H. Habeas Corpus Case, 3 Cha. I. 35. 245. 5 Cha. I. 38. Hale, Lord Chief Justice, Argument of, in the Case of Atkyns v. Holford, 47, s. Di.quisition of, on the Jurisdiction of the Common Law and Courts of Ad- miralty, in relation to things done upon or beyond the Sea, 93. 158 INDEX. Hale, Lord Chief Justice, Treatise of, entitled " Pj-ffirogativa Regis," 94. ■ Other Works of, ibid. ■ Preparatory Notes of, on Parliamentary Proceedings, 95. Reflections of, on Hobbes's Dialogue of the Law, 96. — Treatise attributed to, " De Jure Maris et Brachiorum ejusdem," 97- Narrative by, todcliing the Customes, 98. Treatise of on Admiralty Jurisdiction, 137. His History and Analysis of the Common Law of England, )40. Cases and Opinions by, 150. History of the Pleas of the Crown by, 258-264'. Observations of, on the deliberative OfSce of the " Concilium Ordinarium," 483, 7. His Treatise of the Nature of Laws in general, 485. Analysis of the Rights of the Crown by, 490, r. Discourse or History by, concerning the Power of Judicature in the King's Council and in Parliament, 492. — Scheme of tiie Laws of England by, 494, i3. Hales, Jac. Lectio super Stat. 23 Hen. VIIL c. 15. 88, 3. 92, 4. Hall, M. Lectio super le Stat, de S'. Eglise 32 Hen. VIIL 88, a. 92, 6. Hampden, Sir Edniund, 245. Hanapcr, Office of the, 311, 3t. Hanaper Accompts, 109. 197. Hardinge, George, Treatise by, on Visitatorial Power, 301, 2. Hardwickc, Lord Chancellor, Judgement of, in D"^. Schomberg's Case, 301, i. Hargham, Co. Norf. Survey of the Manor of, 21-7. Hargrave, Francis, Esq'. Notes of, in Judge Hale's Treatise on " Prasrogativa Regis." 94. Opinion of, concerning the City of London's Exemption from Tolls, 235. ' Opinion of, in respect to a Crov/n Debt due from Edw. Lewis, Esq''. 490, 12. His further Opinion upon the same, 490, is. Hargrave Collection of MSS. Catalogue of, as delivered with the Collection, 498. Harpur, Judge, llopoi'ts by, 6, 8, 10. 374. Harris, D'. Extracts from his Work on the Rise and Progress of the Civil Law, 490, 10. Harrison, Judge Hutton's Case with, 46. Harvey, Anthony, 302, ii, •^t. INDEX. Igg Hastings, William Lord, Patent granted to, 1 1 Edw. IV. 292, i7. Hen. 1. Rex Anglice. Leges Henrici Regis primi, 313, ,3. — Carta R. Heiir. I. de Libertatibus concessis Anglis in sua coronatione, 313, 31. Carta ejusdem de Moiicta falsa et Cambiatoribus, 313, 32. Carta ejusdem ubi Comitatusteneri debet, 313, 33. Hen. II. Rex Anglic. Carta Henrici senioris Regis Anglia; Willielmo Mareschall Com. Pembr. facta, 3 1 3, 10. Carta ejusdem Regis Hugoni de Lacy, 313, 11. Carta et Conventiones inter Henr. Regem Angliae et Henr. fdium suum ex parte una et Theod. Com. Flandriae ex altera, 313, 35. H en . 1 1 1 . Rex Anglia:. Diai;;gus inter Hen. III. Regem Angliae et A. B. C. socios Coll. Merton. in Acad. Oxon. de Porta quadam de novo fabricanda, 132, 20. Hen. VI. K. Order of the Coronation of, 497, 9. ' Hen. VIII. K. Annals of the Reign of, 311, 3. Henry Prince of Wales, Instructions respecting the Revenue of, 483,3. Hendley, Walt. Lectio super Stat. 21 Hen. VIII. c. 3. 19. 88, 1, 2. 92, 3. sup. Stat. £6 Hen. VIII. cone. Avowries, 92, 3. Hcngham, Judge, 132, 13. Heningham, Sir John, 245. Heraldry, Fragment of a Treatise on, by John Anstis, Esq'. Garter King at Arms, 104, 3. Heralds College, References to the Books of the, 497, 1. Herbert, John, 226, 3. Hereford. Statuta Eccl. Cathedralis Herefordensis, 246. 357. De excommunicatione Civis Herefordiae, A.D. 1227. 313, 8. — Deanery of Htrcford, 193. Hereford, Henry, Interrogatories administered to, 489, 3. Hertfordshire, Petition of tiie Trained Bands of, 321, 24. Hertland Abbey, Case of, 'i39, 8. Hewett, Sir William, 134. Hibernia v. Ireland. Cartae Henr. II. et Ric. I. Regum de terris in, 313, 10, 11, is. Statutum Hiberniae, 434, 36. 160 INDEX. Hidanim Enuraeratio, 313, i. High Stewardship of England, 216, 4, 5. IJill, Sir Rowland, 134. Hill, Mr. Sei-j'. Opinion of, on a Case relative to the Irish Embargoes in 1777, 391, 1. On the Power of sending Foreigners of a Nation in amity out of the King- dom, 391, 2. Hobart's Reports, Copy of Part of, 28. Table to, 349. Holborne, INI'. Argument of, concerning Ship-Moncy, 285. Holland, Henry Lord, Grant to of the Office of Changes and Exchanges, 292, is. Holt, Lord Chief Justice, Case relating to the personal Estates of, 119. Homagium. Modus faciendi Homagium, 336, 25. 434, 21. De Homag. et Fealt. 433, 20. Hopkins, Sir Richard, List of Persons who polled for, A. D. 17'24. 139, 11. ITorton, Instruments relating to, 429, 5. Hosebondr. de, 336, 62. Hoskins, M'. Opinion of, on the Case of Lord Bolingbroke's Attainder, 128 b. Hough, Bishop, Epitaph on, 401, 5. Howard v. the Duke of Norfolk, Case of, 1681. 153, 12. Huddersfield, Cartaj de, 429, 9. Hudson, William, Treatise of, on the Court of Star Chamber, 250.290. Hughes's Parson's Law, 168,2. Hundredorum Firmse in Comit. Essex. Heref. Kent. Warwic. et Oxon. 313, 47. Hustings, Court of, London, 179, 1. Hutton, Judge, Reports by, 22.46. Table to, 351. Hyde, Lord Ch. Justice, Argument of, in the Case of Manby and Scott, 59. ■ Collections of, relating to Serjeants at Law, 132, 14. Hyde, Sir Nicholas, Reports of Cases by, 27, 4. Hyde, Sir Robert, 27- 1 lyde, Villiers Lord, Report of, to His Majesty concerning the Dutchy of Lancaster, 327, 1. I. & J. Jacob, Herbert, Cases frbtn the Reports of, 66, 1. James I. K. Animadversions of, upon the Lawyers. 132, 9. INDEX. 161 James I. K. Considerations of, upon His Majesty's Estate, 226, r. Tiiu King's Propositions upon ilie same, 226, i). On liis extravagant Notions of the Royal Prerogative, d-90, 5. Idiots, Prerogative as to, 34', i. Jerningham, George, '273. Jerningliam, Sir William, 273. Jersey and Guernsey, Acts of Council respecting legal Proceedings in, 34'9, 35, 36. Impositions at Ports, Bates's Case of, 34, 5. India, Abstract of the Plans drawn up for the Government of the British Settle- ments in, 333. Indictments, Treatise on, 413. Infeudationes Milituni qui debent servitia milit. Duci Norm. 313, 28. Inns of Court and Chancery, Orders for the Government of the, A. D. 1630, 311, 32. Inquest, Court of, London, 142, »?. Inquisitiones de Servitiis Milituni 12 & 13 Joh. R. 313, 26. de Serjantiis et Terris Normannorum, 313, 49. Instruments, Forms of, 217. Jodrell, Paul, Notes of Equity Cases by, 383. 412. John, K. Charter of, to London, 142, i. Carta moderationis Feodi Magni Sigilli Joh. Regis, 249, 16. Joinder in Action, 361, 28. Jones and Morgan, Case of, 481. Jones, Sir Thomas, Reports of i. Cha. II. 60. Jones, Sir William, Reports of Cases by, in the Reigns of Jam. I. and Cha. I. 317. Jordan's Collectanea, 373. Journe's Accompts, Of, 361, 29. Joyner's Company of London, Charter of the, 139, 2J. Ireland vide Hibernia. " Proceedings in the Exchequer of, 69. a distinct Kingdom from England, 216, 7. Entry respecting the State of, t. Rich. II. 313, 16. Note respecting Affairs in, A. D. 1699. 401, i. Irish Ecclesiastical Courts, Practice in the, 128, 2. Irish Embargoes, Opinion in the Case of, A.D. 1777. 391, i. Islands, Of, arisen in the Sea, 15, 6. 98, 5. 168, 5. Iter. Capitula in Itinere, 433, 37. Articuli in Itinere, 433, 38. ■^ Iter Kanciae, 6 Edw. III. 210. Y 162 INDEX. Judd, Sir Andrew, 134. Judgements, Office for rcgistring, 321, is. Judges, Resolution of the, concerning Peers as attaclieable upon Process of Con- tempt out of the Court of Chancery, 27, 5. 132, 18. Petitions and Answers in Parhament concerning the, 132, lo. The Judges Petition in Parliament 18 Hen. VI, with the Answer, 132, ir. Allowances of the, for riding their Circuits, 132, 21. Answers of the, 7 Jac. I. concerning the Proceedings of the High Com- mLssioners, &c. 237, 5. Juratis et Assisis, Statutum de, 434, 34. Juridica Varia, 388, 2. Jus. Qujedam de Studio Juris recte instituendo, 78, 8. De defensione Juris sui, iSS, 29. 434, i'5. Justice of the Peace, Office of the, 429, 1. Treatise concerning the Authority of, 15, 7. Justiciariorum Nomina de Comniuni Banco, t. Edw. II. ad Jac. I. 37, 5. K. Kcate, Hugo, 302, 9, 24, 23, S8. Keate, John, 302, 28. Keble, Richard, Argument of, respecting Lands left and gained from the Scti, 425, 2. Keilway's Reports, Index to, 343. Kelyng, L''. Ch. Justice Reports by, 103. Kenall, John, 302, 12. Kendale, Robert de, 142, 0. Kenilleworthe, Dictum de, 336, 69. Kennall, John, 302, 14, 15. Kennall, John, LL.D. 302, 14, is. King, The, On the Right of, to impose without the Assent of Parliament, 132, 1. The King's Oath at his Coronation, 132, 15. Collections relating to the King's Prerogative, &c. 136. Injunction of, for a discharge from Prison, 249, 20. Prerogative of, in making War and Peace, 482, 7. King, Peter Lord, 201. King's Bench, Case concerning the Office of Chief Clerk of the, 84. INDEX. 16S King's Council, 240, 6. King's Debt, Process for levying the, 70, 3. Knigiit Companion of the Garter, manner of degrading a, 490, ii. Knighthood, His Majesty's Instructions concerning the Order of, A. D. 1629. 311, 5. — Of Kniglithood and Knights, 325. Articles to be observed by Knights, 216, lo. Lambarde, William, 249, 45, 48. On the High Courts of Justice in England, 249, 30, 38. 398, a. Extracts from the same, 227, 4, 5. Concerning the Court of Star Chamber, 237, i. Notes of, respecting the Under Clerks of the Six Clerks in Chancery, 249, 46. Lambert, Sir Thomas, 33, a. Lancaster, Dutchy of, Report concerning, to the King, from Villiers Lord Hyde, 327, 1. . Notes from Acts of Parliament, &c. relathig to, 327, '-'. 494, 9. Lancaster, Thomas Earl of, i-eversal of the Judgement against, 1 Edw. IIL 132, ii. Lancaster, Mr. Le Lyer de, sur le Stat, de Distresses 1 & 2 Ph. & Mar. 398, s. LandafF, Instruments, Injunctions, &c. relating to the Bishoprick of, from 1729 to 1736, 392. Lands left or gained from the Sea, Arguments concerning, 425, t. Lane, Mr. Reading of, on Stat. 21 Hen. VIII. ca. 13. de Non Residence, 91, 7. Reports in Scacc. 3 to 9 Jac. I. Index to, 345. Lane, Sir Thomas, Vindication of, 179, 20. Latch's Reports, t. Jam. I. & Car. I. Table to, 347. Latitats, 227, 21. Law Adversaria, 301, 3. Law Collections, 92, 11. 361. Law Common-Place, 68. 127. 167. 172. 183. 212. 229. 243. 252. 287. 319. 322. 326. 359. 360. 368. 398, 1. 404, 2. 409. Law Entries, 203. 253. Law, Heads of, 483, i. Law, Maxims of, 207. 318. Miscellanies, 146. Miscellaneous Notes on, 420, 421. Notes of Questions in, 404, 6. Y 2 164 INDEX. Law, Papers concerning the Regulation of, A. D. 1652, 484. Memoranda and Observations on Law Titles, 268. 277. Explanation of Law Terms, 53, i. Index, of Law Titles, 491, is. Treatise of the Grounds and Maxims of the Laws of the Kingdom, by W. N. 257. Leges Henrici Regis primi, 313, 3. De Legibus Angliae secundum tripartitam earum distinctionem, 313, 5. De Legibus antiquis Anglia;, cum Exposit. Verborum, 313, is. Codices ad municipiales Leges Anglise spectantes, 433, 434. Lease, 418, 4. Leeds Co. York, Charter of, G92, 5. Leets, Of, 361, si. Legalis Homo, meaning of, 142, S7. Leges, vide Law. Legge, Baron, Argument of, upon the Commission of Appeals for Prize Causes, 431, 2. Leicester, Robert Earl of, 216, 4. " Leicester's Common wenlth," 168, p. 311, i. Leigh, Sir Thomas, 134. Lennard's Reports, Table of, 355. Letter sent to a Friend with a Present, 226, 20. Levari, Of the, 241, 8. Levinz's Reports, 64, 65. Lewis, Edward, 490, 12. Ley, Of, 361, so. Ley, Sir James, Table to the Reports of, 348. Liber Albo ; a Collection of Chancery Cases, t. Anne & Geo. I. 73, 74. Liberty of the Person of every subject and freeman, 225, ic, i". Lillic, or Lilly, John, Letters of, to Queen Eliz. 225, 6, 7. Lincolniae Statutum, 434, 10. Lincolns Inn, Arms of the Society of, 490, 9. Lind, Mr. Abstract of the Plans said to have been framed by him, and transmitted to India respecting the Government of the British Settlements there, ooS. Littleton, Judge, Comment on the Tenures of; but not by Sir Edw. Coke, 121. Lecturae super Stat. 27 Edw. III. c. 17, 372, s. Liveries, making of, 142, :!i5. Liverpool, Kults, &c. in the Borough Court of, 483, 8. INDEX. 1«« London, Papers relating to, 153, I Si. 179. Consuctudines London, 37, 4. 256. Dc antiquissima consuctudinc habitact usitata in Civitate London, 179, ii. Pro Civit. Lond. dc consuctud. cniendandis, 135, w. Customes and Usages of London, 135, i, i3. Collections concerning London its Customs and Privileges, 151. Pleadings, &c. relating to tlie Customs of, 280. — Carta de Libertatibus Lond. 313, 2i. Petitiones Majoris et Civium Londinensium quae non sunt in Cliarta de Libert. Gallicc cum Respons. 179, 14. Charters, Liberties, &c. of the City of London, l^S. Liberties of, confirmed in Magna Charta 9 Hen. IIL 267- Ex rot. Cart. 15 Edw. IIL pro Civibus Lond. 13.5, la. — Ex rot. Claus. 38 Edw. III. de illis qui gaudebunt Libertat. concessis Civibus London, 135, ii. 139, i. Confirmatio Chartarum Lond. per Regem Ricardum, 179, 15. Case of the Charter of London stated, 153, 4. Case of the Exemption of, from Tolls, 235. Statuta Civitatis London, 153, 3. Laws, Customs, and Constitutions of, 419. Extracts from the City Record " Liber de antiqnis Legibus t. Hen. III. Regis." 1S9, 12. 142, 3i. Ordinances for the safe keeping of, t. Edw. II. 179, 9. Ordinatio Civitatis London, 179, lo. Modus et Ordo tenendus per Gives London, rum Placita Corona; tenentur ad Turrim Lond. 179, ii. Papers relating to the City of London's Plea to the Quo Waranto, A. D. 1681. 153, 8, 9, 10, 11. Presentment of the Grand Jury for the City of London. A. D. 1683. 153, s. Case in C. B. 3 Maii 1700. Civitas Lond. v. Woods, 493, 4. Concerning Suits of Law relating to the Elections of Aldermen, 139, 5. Aldermen discharged from serving the Office of Mayor, from 4 Hen. V. to 1710. 179, 2. Negative of the Court of Aldermen, 179, 7. Entries of the Nomination of Aldermen, 179, 16. Copy of the Brewers Charter of London, 135, 2. De Electione Maioris, 135, 3. 166 INDEX. London. Elections of Sheriffs, 135, 4. 139, 24. — De Titulis Civltatis, 135, 6. Extract from the Quo Waranto Rolls relating to, 135, 7. Cases and Opinions respecting City Business, 135, 16. " M. 32 Eliz. pro London concernant Acts de Comon Council," 4, s. Acts and Proceedings of Common Council, 134, 135, 8. 139. Orders and Ordinances by the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen S Edw. VI. to 5 Elizab. 134. Serj'. Pengelly's Opinion to Questions of Common Council concerning a Pound Rate, 135, 13. Opinion of, relating to Ward Beadles, 1.35, 14. Records relating to the Common Council of London, 142, 25, 36, 39, 40, 4i. Oaths to be taken by the Common Council Men, 1 42, 30. Negative Voice of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen in the Common Coun- ts oil, 153, 20. Proceedings concerning the Acts of Common Council during the Usurpa- tion, 179, 4, 5, 6. Coroner of London, 142, 28. Titles by which the Corporation of, have been denoted, 139, 2. 142, 29. Cases concerning the Customs of, 34, 2. Rates of the Customs due to the Mayor and Commonalty of, 7 Cha. L Papers relating to the regulation of Elections in, 1 39, 3, 14, 16, ir, xs, 19, 20, 21. 142, 7. 153, 1. Oath of a Freeman of, 139, 7. Court of Hustings of, 179, i. Markets of, 153, 2, 7. Extracts from the Mayoralty Books of, 142, 13. Ordinances made in the Mayoralty of Greg. Rokesle, 18 Edw. L 179, 13. The Prerogative of the Lord Mayor of London asserted, 179, is. Precedents of Persons discharged from the Office of Sheriff, 179, 3. Elections of Sheriffs of, 139, lo, it, 20, 24. 142, 13, 22, 34. 153, 23. 179, 17, 20, 21. Case between the Lord Mayor and Commons of London, concerning the Election of Sheriffs, 179, 17, ib, 19, 20, 21. Act for paving and cleansing the Streets and Sewers of, 153, 6. — Rates of Taxes in, 139, ». INDEX. 167 London. Order by the Commissioners of Sewers in, 139, g. Records relating to the Court of Wardmote in, 142, 26. «' London's Liberties," 179, i'.>. Lord Keeper, Ancient Oath of the, 227, 20. 2'1;9, ji. Lord Mayor of London, see London. Lord President of the Council, On the Office of the, 321, 23. Lord Treasurer, Office of, 483, a. ■ Remembrancer fpr the, 321, 22. Lords, House olj Practise of the, concerning Evidence, 120, 2. On the Judicature of the, in Writs of Error, 128, 3; Tables to the printed Cases of Appeals in, since 1701. 157. Abridgement of Cases of Appeals and Writs of Error in, 158. Remembrances for Orders to be kept in the, 168, 1. Calendars to the Journals of the, from K. Hen. VIIL to 1723. 176, 177. Table to the Points in the printed Cases of Appeals in, since 1701. 218. Table to Cases determined in the, 1760 — 1782. 305. Lunacy, Instructions for a Commission of, 128, 4. Traverses in Cases of, 391, 13. Lunatic, Guai'dianship of a, 292, 14. Luxborough House, Case on the Purchase of, 493, 13. Lyon, Sir John, 134. Lyverye, Of, 361, 32. M. Madox, Thomas, Catalogue of the Manuscript Collections of, 304. Magdalen College Oxford, Statutes of, 148. Narratives of the Visitation of, A. D. 1687. 401, 1, 7, 8. Magna Charta. Carta Johannis Regis quae vocatur Rumnemede, Anno 17 R. Joh. 216, 2. Magna Charta Regis Henrici III. 313, 40. Magnae Chartse Confirmatio 27 Edw. I. 336, 38. Confirmatio Magnse Chartse et Chartae Forestee quae dicitur Novi ArticuU, 336, 40. Magna Charta R. Hen. HI. per Edw. I. confirm. 434, i. per Edw. II. confirm. 433. Observations upon ca. 29. of Magna Charta, 227, 22. 168 " INDEX. Magna Charta, Notes and Observations on cap. 26. of, concerning the Cliancciy, 240, 9. Mallet, Judge, Treatise concerning the Star Chamber ascribed to, 290. Mallett, Thomas. Lectura sur I'Estat. 18 Eliz. c. 13. 402, i. Mallory, Sir Richard, 134. Manby, Thomas, Indexes by, to Sir John Banks's Reports and PlowdensQuasries, 353. Manby and Scott, Case of, 59. Manchester, Henry Earl of, last Will of, 490, u Manors belonging to the Crown in different Counties, Bailiffs Accompts of, 159. Mansfield, Earl of, His Speech upon the Sutherland Peerage, 490, 4. Mare. Treatise " de Jure Maris et Brachiorum ejusdem," 97. Mareys, Les Leys del, 536, 5. Marleberg, Statutum de, 433, 4. 434, 6. Marque, Instructions respecting Letters of, 431, ii. Marrow, M"^. Treatise of, concerning the Authority of Justices of the Peace, 15, 7. Marshalsea Court, Jurisdiction of the, 307. Martin, John, 302, 25, 28. Mary, Q. Annals of the Reign of, 311, 3. Maryland Cause, Paper respecting Entails in the, 493, lO. Masters in Chancery, see Chancery. Masters of the Rolls, see Rolls. Maxims of Law, 207. 318. Maynard, Serj^ 47, 9. Cases and Opinions by, 150. Measures, see Weights. Mela, Pomponius, Translation of his Work " de Orbis Situ," 399. Melmoth, William, Reports in Chancery by, 1700—1709, 72. : . Indexes to Volumes A. and T. of, 491, 7, 8. Mensuris et Ponderibus, Statutum de, 434, it. Mercandisis, De, 336, 15. Mercatoribus, Statutum de, 336, 5o. 433, v. 434, ii. Merchants, Instructions for, concerning Letters of Marque t. Cha. II. 431, ii. Merton, Provisioncs dc, 433, 3. 434, 5. Merton College, Oxford, 132, so. Mesne, Writ of, 361, 33. » Middlesex, Extracts from the Session of Peace for, t. Jam. I. & Cha. I. 288. MiUtia. Statutum de respectu Militias habcndo, 434, 3.^. INDEX. 169 Militibus, Statutum de, 336, ar. 433, 19. Militibus feofatis, Cartae de, 313, 17. Mills, Anthony, Reports of Cases by, in C. B. 2 Jam. I. 19. Miroir de Justices, Index to, 34'2. Modus admensurandi terras, 336, 10. 434, 20. Modus calumpniandi Esson. 336, 32. 433, 16, ir. 434, 41. Modus extendendi Maner. 336, 57. Moile, Thomae, Lectura super Stat. 21 Hen. VIII. c. 15. 88, 4. 92, 5. Monasteries, Exposition of the Statute of, 31 Hen. VIII. c. 13. Money, Coin, &c. Miscellaneous Papers relating to, 321, 1. Moneta. Statutum Moneta?, 336, 8. Poena recusantis recipere legalem Monetam, 336, 9. Monetae mutatio, 32 Hen. III. 313, 27. Moody and Moody, Case of, 330, 2. Moote. Case assigne. 30 Eliz. 398, 11. More, Sir Thomas, 249, 18. • Extracts from the Utopia of, 89. Morgan v. Jones, Case of, 482, 3. Morganegiba, or Morgingab, 497, 25. Morocco, Letter of the King of, 226, 19. Mortenaunce, Of, 301, 34. Moseley's Reports, Cases from, 79. Mottesfonte, Case of, 239, 16. Mounson, Sir Thomas, the Pleading of his Pardon A. D. 1616. 226, 18. Mountagu, Sir Henry, Earl of Manchester, last Will of, 490, 1. Moyle, Rob. Liber Judiciorum, 364. Moyie, Thomas, v. Moile. Myldmay, Sir Anthony, Pardon of, 53, 9. N. Navy, State of the, 1668. 168, 8. Nevill, Sir Henry, 226, 2, 3. New-Buildings, Commission concerning, 12 Car. II. 292, 11. New College Oxford. Liber Statutorum Collegii Beatse Mariae Winton. in Oxon. vulgo vocati CoUegii Novi, 337. Nicholas, John, 292, r. Z 170 INDEX. Nobility of England, Observations concerning the, 47, 12. Estates and Degrees of, 216, 1. Treatise concerning, 224. Nomina Tenentium per Serjeantiamj 313, 23. Nonsuite, Of, 361, 35. Norburie, George, On the Abuses and Remedies of the High Court of Chancerie, by, 240, 10. Norfolk, Case of the Duke of, as cited by Lord Hardwicke, 48 1 . Normandy, Observations upon, 226, 10. Infeudationes militum qui debent Servitia militaria Duci Norm. 313, 28. North, Lord, Patent of, as Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, 391, 5. North, Sir Francis, afterwards Lord Keeper, Arguments by in Law Cases, 339. Answer of, to a Pamphlet " which aimed to prove the Judicature of the Lords almost sovereign," 299, 2. North, Hon. Roger, 339. ^ Law Common Place by, 319. Discourse by, on the Study of the Laws, 394. Northamptonshire, Causes of Poverty in, 321, 17. Northey, Sir Edward, Cases and Opinions by, 145. 275. 293. Petitions, Memorials, &c. referred to, with his Opinions, 231. Abridgement of the Office of Executor by, 128, 7. Northington, Lord, then Mr. Henley, Arguments of, in the Case of Martin against Strahan, 84. Northimiberland, Character of the Earl of, 226, 22. Challenge by the Earl of, sent to Sir Francis Vere, 226, 23. Norwich, Register of a Gild or Fraternity at, 300. Nostel Priory, Co. York, Case of, 239, 13. Notyngham, Consuetudo de, 336, 5i. Noy's Reports, Extracts from, 29. Table to, 35 1 . Noy and Deane's Reports, Table to, 346. Nuisance, Of, 361, 36. o. Oath presented to the Protestants after the taking of the Palatinate, 311, 11. Obligations, Of, 265,' ■). 266, 1, 3. 418, 4. INDEX. 171 Observations, Political jukI Civil, 280. Offices in England, witli their Fees, in her Majesty's gift, 215. Commission to enquire concerning Offices, Officers, &c. 321, 19. Precedents of, proceeded against and punished by the King's Council, 216, 23. Offley, Sir Thomas, 134. Oleron, Translation of the Laws of, 216, 16. Orby V. Long, Case of, 391, lOo. Ordinationcs lactam Lond. A. D. 1311. 336, 63. Oriel College Oxford, Case of, 239, 3. Ormond, James Duke of. Commission of Enquiry concerning his Estate, 125, a. Outlawry, Of the, 241, ii. — — Causes in, 391, 9. Owen, M^ Justice, Abridgement of Reports by, 403, 3. Index to his Reports, 344. Oxford, Case of the Earl of, in Chancery, 227, 23. 269, 3. Henry Earl of. Charge against in the Star Chamber, 225, 23. John Earl of, t. Hen. VIII. Limitation of the Household Expences of, by Card. Wolsey, 227, 12. 249, 43. Page, Sir Francis, Note-Books of, 414 — 417. Pao-e, Joh. Liber primus Johannis Page de Personis, 379. Conveyancer's Guide by, 380. Law Entries by, 381. Painting, Remarks on, 489, 4. Palatinate, Oath presented to the Protestants after the taking of the, ,311, i4. Palmer, Barton, 302, 6, 7, 8, 9, ir, 19. Palmer, William, 302, 2, 4, 6, 7, a, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23. — _ Will of, 302, 5. Parliament, Miscellany Collections concerning, 131, 132. Touching Parliaments, 311, 26. Antiquity of, 225, 15. Discourse on the Judicature of, ascVibed to Mr. Petyt, 115. Recorda et Memoranda de hiis quae fiebant in Pari. 4 Edw.III. 164, 1. Remembrances du Parliam. 14 Edw. III. 164, 2, 3. z 2 172 INDEX. Parliament, Copies of the Rolls of Parliam. 5, 8 & 9 Edw. II. 4.87. 21 Ric. II. 488. 50 & 51 Edw. III. 180, X, 2. 1 to 3 Ric. II. 106. Index Lib. Parliam. Edw. I. & II. Rot. Parliam. Edw. I. II. III. & Ric. II. 214. — Extracts in the form of an English Abridcjement of the Rolls of Par- liament from t. Edw. II. 336, 7. Copy of the Roll of Parliament 2 Ric. II. concerning Privy Seals, 132, 12. Memorand. de Parliamento ten. apud Karliol. 34 Edw. I. 37, 6. — Writs of Error in, 490, 2. — Journal of the Houses of, 39 Eliz. 278, 2, 3. — Journal of the Proceedings in A. D. 1592. 324. — Proceedings in, A. D. 1628. 299, i. — Speeches in, A. D. 1675 to 1682. 149. — Memoranda concerning Persons committed for things done in, &c. 321, 7. Note of Bills in the last Session of the last Parliament 4 Cha. I. 321, 8. - — Notes of Cases in, 384. Modus tenendi Parliamentum, 228. 278, i. 255, i. Copy of a Letter written to the Lower House of Parliament, on the Inconveniences and Grievances of the State, 225, so. On assembling, adjourning, dissolving, &c. 493, 3. Patent and Clause Rolls, t. Edw. I. to Jam. I. Excerpts from, 296. Pawne House, On the Difficulties from the Creation of a, 321, S2. Paynell, Robert, Reports of Cases by, 20 Jam. I. to 4 Cha. I. 362. Peace, King's, Treatise concerning the, 429, i. Peace, Office of Justice of the, 429, i. Peers, Treatise on the Judicature of the House of, ascribed to Mr. Petyt, 100. Roll of the Peers of England, A. D. 1673. 47, 7. Privileges due to the Peers of the Realm, 216, 8. Methods, Orders, and Proceedings in the House of, 167. Orders by the Lords Committees cone, the Descents of, A. D. 1767. 494, 3. Pellam, M'. le Lier de, sur le Stat, de Particons 31 Hen. VIII. 30 Ehz. 398, 3. Pengeliy, Scij'. Cases in B. R. by, 66, 5. Opinions of, given to the Citizens of London, 135, i3, i4. INDEX. 173 Perceval, Spencer, Report of, respecting the Roos or Ros Barony, 130, i. Perkins, Jolin, Book of, on the Laws of the Realm, 2'i4', a. Perrin and Blake, Case of, 98, (i. 482, ;;. Perryn, M'. Baron, Notes of Equity Cases by, 473. Personal property, Lord Gilbert's Discourse of, 2G5, i. Petition of Right, 311, i-. Speech concerning the, 311, 13. Petitions, Of, 361, 38. Pettie, M^ Reports by, 9 & 10 Jac. L 15, lo. Petyt, M'. presumed Letter of, on the Judicature of the House of Peers, 100. " Explanatio brevis dc Nominibus et Naturis omnium Rotulorum in Archivis Turris London, repositorum," by, 126. Phillipps, Francis, Memorial of, 226, 27. Reading of, on that Chapter of Magna Charta 9 Hen. HL which confirms the Liberties of London, 267. Placita Coronae, 32 Edw. I. usque ad 6 Edw. H. 375. Pleas of the Crown and divers other Titles, 388, 3. Plate, Quantity of, given at a Coronation, 497, 3. Piatt, William, Case of, 47, 15. Pleading, General Rules and Cases concerning, 236. Pleadings, Abstract of, in Excheq. ^. Hen. IIP and Edw. L 104, i. old, 12 to 20 Edw. HL 147. Precedents of, 184. Pleadings in Assize of Darrein Presentment &c. 291. in Chancery and Excheq. in the reigns of K. Cha. IL Q. Anne. K. Geo. L & H. 315. Pleas, Note in French concerning, 433. Pleas side of the Exchequer, Proceedings in the, supposed of Ireland, 69. Plowden, Edmund, Opinion of, in a Case touching the taking away, by Act of the Tenant of the Land, of a future Use: with Att. Gen. Popham's Answer, 15, i. • Argument of, 1 Eliz. concerning the Custome due for cloathes carried out of the Realm by English Merchants, 27, 3. Reading of, on Stat. Westm. H. concerning Entails, 89, 4. Cases from Plowden's Quaeries, 389. Index to Plowden's Quaeries, 353. Plympton Priory, Case of, 239, 6. Poetical Epithets, Dictionary of, 205, 3. 174 INDEX. Pollexfen, alias rollson, James, 302, 15. Pollexfen, M'. Argument of, in the Quo Waranto Case of the City of London, 1 53, m. Ponderibus et Mensuris Stat, de, 336, 10. PoDtisfract, Cartse de Villis in Hon. de, 429, 9. Popham, L"". Ch. Justice, 33, 8. Answer of, when Att. Gen. to a Case by Plowden, 15, 1. ■ Argument of, in Aylesworth's Case, 27, 1. Reports of, 34 to 39 Eliz. 27, 2. 88. 346. Lectio super Stat, de Devises, 89, i. Portions, On, 494, 10. Post-Nati, Case of the, 18. Potter and North, Arguments in the Case of, 339, 2. Powis, Case as to Game in the Barony of, 490, 6. Praemunire, 146. Prsesentibus vocatis ad Warrantum, Statutum de, 336, 53. Praxeos Procuratoris Breviarium, 128, 2. Prayer for the Dead, a Diatribe on, 338, 2. Preachers, Directions concerning, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, 31 1, 12. Prerogativa Regis, 434, 43. Prerogative of the Crown in Lands left and gained from the Seas, 425, 1. Casus de Prerog. le Roy, 429, 8. Prerogative Revenues of the Crown, 358. Prescription, Of, 361, 39. Pressing of Seamen, Enquiry into the Lawfulness of, 98, 8. 122. Privity, Of, 78, 1 6. Privy Seals, Roll of Parliament concerning, 2 Rich. IL 132, 12. Prize Causes, Papers relating to the Commission of Appeals for, A.D. 1747, 431, 1. Probates of Wills, Papers relating to, during the Protectorate, 289. Procedendos, 249, 15. Proclamations, King's, Tracts relating to the, 29. Procurationes. Constitutio Domus Regis de Procui'ationibus, 313, 6. ] Prognostication for the Year 1629. 311, 15. Prohibitions, Notes concerning, 240, 7. 371. 491, 1. 493, 2. Judge's Answers respecting Grievances by, 33, 3. Treatise of, 278, 5. to the High Commissioners, 237, 6. De Regia Prohibitione, 433, 39. 434, 32. 7 INDEX. 175 Property, Observations on, 78, 15. l^rotectioi), Special, against Arrests, &c. 292, 13. Statutum de Protectionibus, 434, 26. Providenti;B Dei Descriptio a Vanino, 78, c. Prynne, M^ Lecture of, on the Petition of Right, 98, 2. Argument of, as Counsel for the Stationers' Company against the Patents for sole printing of Bibles, Law Books, &c. 98, ;J. Puckering, Sir John, Lord Keeper, Ordinances of in Chancery, 249, 45. Pulpit Cloth at a Funeral, by whom claimable, 497, 20. Purbeck, Lord Vise', the Attorney General's Report in the Case of, 47, i3. Pye, Sir Robert, his Certificate of Allowances made to the Judges for riding their Circuits, 132, 21. Pymm, John, Observations by, on the Militia of England, and on the Power of Parliament to raise the same, 98, 4. Q. Quarentina habenda, Writ de, 241, 2. Queen's House, Office of Lord Steward of the, 216, 6. Quia Fines, Statutum, 336, 39. 434, 12. Quo Waranto, Statutum de, 336, 34. 434, 45. alius Tract, de, 336, 35. Additiones super Quo Waranto, 434, 46. Breve quod dicitur Quo Waranto, 433, 11. Quo Waranto Case of the City of London, A.D. 1681. see London. Proceedings on, 61. Quod ei deforceat. Writ of, 241, «. R. Kageman, Statutum de, 336, 20. 434, 16. Raleigh, Sir Walter, Speech of, to his Wife, the night before he was beheaded, 226, 24. Letter of, to Secretary Wynwood, &c. 226, 25. Rawlins, Thomas, 302, 25. Rea, Case of Donald Lord, against M'. David Ramsay in the Court of Chivalry, 483, 5. 176 INDEX. Reading, Co. Berks. Steward of the Borough of, 292, 9. Readings on Statutes, 15, 5. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 331. 392. Real and Chattel Property, Case of, determined at Calcutta, 391, ii. Records. " Tabula Recordoruni," i. e. Excerpts from Records, 220. Recoveries, Of falsifying of, 361, so. Recovery, Common, 4 18, 4. Form of drawing a, 49, 3. Redditiones de singulis Coraitatibus, 313, 4i, 42, 48. Regalia of Scotland, 497, 18. Regis Sacramenti Forma, 336, 6. Registrum Breviura, 336, i. Releases, 418, 4. Releffe, Of, 361, 40. Releviis, Statutum de, 434, 47. Religiosorum Statutum, 336, 19. 433, lo. 434, 14. Remainders and Reversions, Lord Ch. Baron Gilbert's Treatise on, 248. Repertorium, t. Edw. III. 104, 2. Reports. See also Year-Books. • Reports of Cases 40 to 45 Edw. III. 297. 22 Edw. IV. to 21 Hen. VII. 105. 1 to 32 Hen. VIII. 388, i. t. Hen. VIII. 388, 4. t. Hen. VIII. to Q. Mary. 2. t. Hen. VIII. to Q. Eliz. 3, 4. t. Hen. VIII. & Eliz. by Judge Harper, 6. 8. 10. t. Phil. & Mar. & Eliz. 388, 5. . I. Eliz. 15, 8. 403, 1. t. Eliz. in B. R. C. B. & Star Chamber, 26. t. Eliz. by Judge Harper, 374. 9 Eliz. 15, 2. 24 to 30 Eliz. in B. R. 11. 34 to 39 Eliz. in B. R. & Excheq. 50. 34 to 39 Eliz. by L"". C. J. Popham, 88. 36 to 38 Eliz. in B. R. & C. B. 14. — 36 to 41 Eliz. by M^ Humph. Were, 7. 37 to 39 Eliz. 356. INDEX. 177 Reports of Cases 37 to 39 Eliz. in C. B. by M'. Duck, 51. 4'2 & 4.3 Eliz. 13. 42 & 43 Eliz. in B. R. 213. /. Eliz. & Jam. I. in B. R. C. B. and Excheq 15. t. Eliz. & Jam. I. in the Court of Wards and C. B. 29. t. Eliz. & Jam. I. in B. R. & C. B. 37, 1. t. Eliz. & Jac. I. in B. R. & C. B. by M'. Godfrey, 12. t. Jac. I. in C. B. 28. __ t. Jac. I. in Chancery, 174. 3 to 12 Jac. I. in Excheq. 33, i. 6 to 8 Jac. I. in C. B. 52. - — 7 to 10 Jac. I. in B. R. 32. 8 to 11 Jac. I. in C. B. 15, 7. 9 & 10 Jac. I. by M'. Pettie, 15, 10. 13 Jac. I. in B. R. 47, 2. . 13 & 14 Jac. I. in B. R. 20. 15 to 18 Jac. I. in Excheq. Chamb. & C. B. 31. 15 Jac. I. to 14 Cha. I. by Judge Hutton, 46. . - — 17 to 20 Jac. I. in B. R. 21. 20 Jac. I. to 4 Cha. I. in B. R. & C. B. by R. Paynell, 362. t. Jac. I. & Cha. I. by Judge Hutton, 22. 46. — t. Jac. I. & Cha. I. in Chanc. B. R. and Excheq. by Arthur Tur- ner, 30. 27, 4. t. Jac. I. & Cha. I. by Sir William Jones, 317. t. Cha. I. by Ceely, 111. 1 to 7 Cha. I. in B. R. by Serj'. Widdrington, 38, 39. 1 to 8 Cha. I. in B. R. 25, 1. 1 to 8 Cha. I. in B. R. Chancery & Excheq. 24. 3 to 7 Cha. I. in B. R. and Star Chamber by Sir Nicholas Hyde, 4 to 8 Cha. I. in B. R. 47, 1. 4 to 1 1 Cha. I. Circuit Cases, 44. 4 to 20 Cha. I. in B. R. 43. 5 to 13 Cha. I. by Sir O. Bridgeman, 40. 8 to 15 Cha. I. in B. R. 378. 12 Cha. I. to 1656. in C. B. by Tho. Cory, 23. 14 Cha. I. to 14 Cha. II. 42. A A. 178 INDEX. Reports of Cases 15, 16, 17 Cha. I. in Mich. 1651. and 26, 27. Cha. II. in B. R. 53, 2. a few Cases only about 1638. iOi, i. A. D. 1638, in Star Cliamber, 404-, 5. A. D. 1638 & 1639, Inns of Chancerj' Cases, 404, 3. 1652 to 1657, in B. R. 48. in 1653 & 1654, with others in Excheq. Chamber f. Cha. II. 59. 1654 & 1655 in C. B. 49, i. t. Cha. II. 99. 12 to 17 Cha. II. by Sir Orlando Bridgeman, 55, 56, 57, 58. in 1656 & 1657, also 12 to 19 Cha. II. in C. B. by H. Darell, 150. 12 to 26 Cha. II. in B. R. 64, 65. — 15, 16, & 20 Cha. II. 47, lo. 16, 17, 20, 21 & 22 Cha. II. 62. 19 Cha. II. in B. R. Easter Term, 339. 19 Cha. II. in Chanc. ex relat. I. Q. 320. 20 Cha. II. 162. 29 Cha. II. to 1709 in Chanc. 204. 30 Cha. II. to 1713. in B. R. Chanc. Excheq. &c. by Lord Ch. B. Dodd, 71, 2. 33 Cha. II. to 4 Will. & Mar. in B. R. 161. 36 Cha. II. to 1 Will. & Mar. 369. t. Cha. II. by Sir Thomas Jones, 60. t. Cha. II. with Sir T. Powys's Arguments, 63. 36 Cha. II. to 4 Jac. II. in C. B. by Sir Th. Street, 370. t. Will. & Mar. in B. R. 182. 6 Will. & Mar. in B. R. & C. B. taken by Sir R. R. 66, 2. 8 to 10 Will. III. in B. R. 66, 6. 12 Will. & Mar. by Herb. Jacob, 66, 4. 1700 to 1709, in Chancery, by William Melmoth, Esq'. 72. 1702 & 1703, in B. R. by Seij'. Pengelly, 66,5. /. Anne, in Ciiancery, 306. 1702 to 1704, in B. R. from Herbert Jacob's Reports, 66, i. 3 to 7 Anne, in C. B. and Chancery, 78, 9. 4 Anne, in B. R. 78, 2. 9 Anne, in B. R. & C. B. in 1697, by Serj'. Salkeld, 66, s. INDEX. 179 Reports of Cases t. Anne, Geo. I. & Geo. II. in Law and Equity, by J. Strode, Esq'. 365, 366, 367. 1706 to 1724, in CliaMc. C. B. & Excheq. 80, 81, 82. t. Anne 8c Geo. I. in Chanc. B. R. & C. B. 75, 76. during the latter end of the reign of Anne and for four or five Years of Geo. I. 77. t. Anne & Geo. I. in Chanc. called Liber Albo, 73, 74. t. Geo. I. in Chanc. 303. ■ t. Geo. II. in B. R. 328. 1726 to 1730, as in Moseley's Reports, 79. • 1727 to 1752, in H. of Lords, Chanc. B. R. and C. B. 84, 85, 86. 1731 to 1746, in Law & Equity, 54. 1735 to 1737, in Chanc. 67. 11 Geo. II. in B. R. & Chanc. 334. 12 Geo. II. 1739, in Chanc. by P. Jodrell, 412, 32 & 33 Geo. II. 435. by L"*. Ch. Baron Walter, 5. 8. in the Excheq. from Bunbury's Reports, 70, i, 5, 7, 9. by Lord Ch. J. Kelyng, 103. in B. R. C. B. and Chancery, 202. in Chancery by L**. Ch. Justice Trevor & M'. Forster, 230. Abridgement of Cases selected from Old Reports, 242. Cases in B. R. arranged under Heads, 363. Equity Cases by Paul Jodrell, 383. Equity Cases by Sir Thomas Sewell, 436 — 480. Reprizals, Instructions to Vice Admirals concerning, 431, lo. Requests, Court of, t. Eliz. 240, i, 5. 249, 21, 25. Reservacions, 361, ix. Revenue, 397. Collections concerning the, t. Jam. I. and Cha. I. 321. Ricardus I. Rex Anglice. Carta Ric. I. Regis Waltero de Lacy facto, de terris in Hibernia, 313, 12. Ricardi Regis Carta per quam adquietavit Regi Scotiae homagium suum, 313, 38. Rigaud, Odo. Memorandum de fidelitate Odonis Rigaud Rotomag. archiep. Hen. III. R. Anglise praestita, 313, 25. Rigby, Mons^ Lecture sur le Stat. 21 Jac. c. 16. de Limitacions, 404, 4. aa2 180 INDEX. Right, Petition of. 311, i3, ir. Writ of, 186. Rights, Circumstances attending the passing of the Petition of, 27, Note. Rippon, Case of, 239, 12. Rochester, Bishop of. His Letter to the Lords concerning the Reading of the Decla- ration, 401, 1. Rokesle, Gregory, Mayor of London, Ordinances made by, 18 Edw. L 179, i3. Rolle's Reports, 20. 34.6. Rolls, The, 249, 9. Admissions and Patents of Masters of the Rolls, 129, 2. — Succession of Masters of the, 249, 21. ■ "What Records are to be brought Yearly into the, 281, 4. Offices in the gift of the Master of the, .32 i , 26. Sir John Trevor's Account of the Records at the Roll's Chapel, 191, 3. Rolls of Parliament, see Parliament. Roos or Ros Barony, Papers relating to the, 130, 1, 2. Rotulorum Petentium Calendarium t. Edw. VL Eliz. & Mar. 376. t. Jac. I. 377. Rowe, Sir Thomas, His Report to the House of Commons of a Declaration by the Earl of Bristol, 1640. 225, 1. Russell, Eliz. da. of Lord Russel, Christening of, 497, 24. ; Francis, Inquiry of, into the Law and Usage of Parliament, 120, 1. Notes of, concerning the Dutchy of Lancaster, 327, 2. s. Sacramentum, Modus faciendi, in Itinere Justic. de Ministr. Regis, 336, 58. Sacramenli Regis Forma, 336, 6. S'. John, Lord Ch. Justice, Judgement of, in the Case between Awbrey Earl of Ox- ford and John Herbert Esq'. 47, i4. S'. John, Oliver, Letter of, against Benevolences, 226, 28. S'. John, M'. Argument of, concerning Ship-Money, 285. S'. John de Angely, Capitulation of the Inhabitants of, with the King of France, 311, 16. S^ Patrick, Deanery of, 191, 2. Salisbury, Robert Earl of, Collection of Arguments and Speeches by, delivered to K. James concerning the Necessity of calling a Parliament, 225, 24. Salkeld, Serj'. Cases in B. R. & C. B. by, 66, 3. INDEX. 181 Salop, Rentalc Villa" Salop. 9 Ric. II. 313, i.->. Les Franchises et les iJsages iln Countc de, SI", 44. Salton, Lady, Patent of Concealed Lands granted to, 292, 6. Salt-Petre, Patent for the making of, 292, lo. Sanderiis, Nic. Translation of his Work " De Origine ac Progressu Schismatis Anglican!, " iJl I, r>. Saporum Natura, ex Vanino, 78, ii. Sawyer, Att. Gen. Argument of, in the Quo Waranto Case, 1 53, 15. Sawyer, Sir Richard, Argument of, i'or the E. India Company against Thomas Saunds, 15^., 'i:6. Sayer, Mr. The Revolution, a Poem, by, 48:3, 9. Scaccarium, v. Exchequer. Scaccarii Districtiones, 4,'H, 4i. Schomberg, D\ Judgement in the Case of, 301, i. Scire-Facias, Of the, 241, ii. Scobcl, Henry, Remembrances by, of Methods, Orders, and Proceedings used in the House of Peers, 1 fi7. Scotia. Carta Regis Scotite de Homagio, 313, 37. Carta R. Ricardi per quam adquielavit Regi Scotiae homagium suum, 313, 38. Papers concerning the Regalia of Scotland, 497, 18. Offices of Chamberlain, High Constable, and Great Marshall of Scotland, 497, 19. Scudamore, John, 302, 20. Scutagia Hen. I. et Ric. I. Regum Angliae, 313, 9. • Concerning Sciitages, 321, 15. Sea, Of Islands arising in the, 168,5. Sea Lands and Salt Shores, Reports concerning the, 10. propriety of the King in, 282, a. Seals, Of, 361, 22. Seas, On the Dominion of, and Aids in defence of, 321, 4. Seisin, Livery of, 361, 21. Selden, John, Discourse of, on the Chancellorship and Keepership of the Great Seal of England, 165, 1. 227, 26. 249, 33. " England's Epinomcs" by, 225, 21. Proceedings against in the Star-Chamber, 489, 7. Sellinger, le Lier de M'. sur le Stat, de Condicions 32 Hen. VIII. 31 Eliz. 398, 4. Seneschalcia Angliae, 216, 3. 7 182 INDEX. Sentences and Emblems of worthy Persons, 311, 33. Sententiae super Cartas, iS*, 4. Serche, Of, 56 1, 4?. Serjeants at Law, List of, from 13 Hen. VIIL to 3 Car. L 132, it. Sermon, or Comment on Luke ii. v. 24. 39S, 9. Settlements, Cases of, f. Geo. IL 276. Severn. Pat. Officii Aquaballivi rivi Severnae t. Car. L 292, 7. Sewell, Sir Thomas, Manuscript Reports and Treatises on Equity by, 436— ♦SO. Notes of Cases from the loose Papers of, 4'76 — 478. Account of the Manuscripts of, 482, 6. Index to his Cases in his Briefs and Manuscript Notes, 491, 9. Sewers, Copies of Records concerning, 33, 8. Shaftsbury, Case of the Earl of, 29 Car. II. 493, 5. Sherfield, Mr. Readings of, on the Stat, of Wills, 32 Hen. VIIL 90. on the Stat. 32 & 34 Hen, VIIL 402, 3. Sheriffs, Exposition of the Stat, of, 23 Hen. VII. 340, 4. Sheriffs of London, see London. Under-Sheriff" of London, choice of, 1 42, 16. Shrewsbury, Case of the Abbey of S'. Peter & S'. Paul near, 239, it. Shropshire. " Tenentes terram de Rogero de Belysmo Coniite in Sciropessira, et nunc de Rege Angliae," 313, i4. Sidney, Sir Philiji, Letter of, to Queen Elizabeth touching her marriage with Mons^ 226, 26. Sigillura, 249, 3. Silk V. Pryme, Case of, 330, 3. Silver and Gold, Act for the keeping of, within the Realm, 321, 13. Six Clerks in Chancery, sec Chancery. Skinner and the East India Company, Speech at a Conference concerning the Suit between, 47, 9. Slander, Cases of, 49. Smith V. Clay, Case of, 330, 1. Smith, Sir Thomas, Extracts from his Treatise de Republica, 89. 142, 37. Smith, Thomas, DD. his Narrative of the Visitation of Magdalen College Oxford, A.D. 1687, 401, 1. Soame and Barnardiston, Arguments in the Case of, 59. 339, 4. Somerset, Ceremony at the Ci-eation of the Duke of, 1 Edw. VI. 497} 14. Somerset, Earl of, Proceedings against in the Star Chamber, 489, 7. Somes & Barnardiston. See Soame. INDEX. 18.1 Southampton, Case of tlie Town of, touching Impositions, 132, r,. Southstokc Co. Oxford, Leases, &c. relating to the Manor and Parsonage of, 302, 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 11, 21, 27, 2». Spain. The King of Spain and Olwarez Letters, 225, i9. Spalding Co. Lincoln, Case of, 239, ii. Spanish Wine Merchants, Petition of the, 321, 21. Spheric Projection, Doctrine of, 78, 1. Spillesbery and Cassington, grant of Lands at, Co. Oxf 302, 12. Stafford, Charters, Customs, &c. of the Town ofj 288. Standards, Banners, &c. Concerning, 497, 8. Stanley, Tho. Lectura super Stat. 3'i Hen. VIII. c. .5. De Execution, 199, g. Star-Chamber, Treatises on the Court of, 216, is. 237, 1, 3. 250, 251. 290. Clerk and Officers of the, 216, 19. Ordinary Course of Proceedings in, t. Eliz. 216, 22. — Proceedings in, 482, 1. 489, 6, 7, 8, 9. Information in, 15 Cha. I. concerning Proposals of securing the State, &c, 311, 29. State, Inconveniences and Grievances of the, 225, 20. State and Government, Common Place Book ol^ 98, 7. Statuta Antiqua, 323. Sii5. 422. Statuta Nova 1 Edw. III. to 3 Hen. VII. 274. Statutes, Exposition of, 34, 1. 340, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8. Extracts from Stat. 22 & 23 Cha. II. 174. Staunford, Mag. Lectio super Stat. 34 Edw. III. c. 12. 92, 8. Stcph. Rex Anglice. Forma Concord, inter R. Steph. et Ducem Henricum, 313, »i. Stiles's Reports, Table to, 354. Street, Sir Thomas, Reports by, 370. Strode, James, Reports by, 365, '366, 367. Law Common Place b}', 368. i^ James, Index of Heads to his Common-Place Book, 428. Subsidies, 44 Eliz. 321, 9. Sugars, Petition of tiie Merchants trading in, against the erection of a Sugar House, by Matthew Dugnester, 321, 29. Surrenders, Of, 361, 43. 418, 1. Surrey, Precept for summoning the Sessions of the Peace in, 298. Surrey, i' ;u 1 of, liis Translation of the Fourth Book of Virgil's .^neid, 205, 1. Sutherland Peerage, Earl of Mansfield's Speech upon the, 49O5 4. Sutton's Hospital, Points in the Case of, IS, 3. 18+ INDEX. " Tabula Recordorum," i. e. Excerpts from Records, 220. Tate, Mr. On the Antiquity of the Lord Chancellor of England, 249, 3«. Temples, the Two, King James the First's Grant of the, 49, 5. Tenentium per Serjeantiam Nomina, 313, 23. Tenure de Terre, 4, i. Tenures, Demands in matter of, by the Commons upon the Great Contract, 132, s. Terms Attendant, Discourse on, 128, i. Testaments, Of, 361, 44. Thin, Mr. Reading of, on the Stat. 13 Eliz. ca. 13, 91, 6. Thomas and Lorrell, Arguments in the Case of, 339, 3. Tin, Records, Resolutions of Judges, &c. respecting the King's Prerogative con- cerning, 47, 5. Lease from the Crown to the Tin-Farmers, 321, 30. Tiptoft, John, Earl of Worcester, Statutes made by for the placing of all Estates, 497, 10. Tonnage and Poundage, Protest of the Commons House against, 311, 21. Topham, John, Treatise said to be written by, on the Jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty, 391,4. Torryton, Parsonage of, Co. Devon, 302, 19. Tory, Character of a, 168, 6. Tottle, Mr. Notes of, concerning Suits in Chancery, 270. Tournaments. Breve Regis de concessione Torneamentorum in Anglia, 313, is. Forma Pacis servandas a Torniatoribus, 3 1 3, 19, Jusjurand. Com. et Bar. Torneantium, 313, 20. Tower of London, Manuscript of Sir William Waad concerning the, 25, 2. Perquisites, Priviledges, &c. of the Constables of the, 153, 21. Explanat. brevis de natura Rotul. in Archiv. Turr. Lond. re- posit." 126. Trade, The King's Power of restraining, 34, 4. Collections relating to, t. Jam. I. & Cha. I. 321. Tradition, a Diatribe on, 338, 1. Traverses, Of, 361, 4.j. in Cases of Lunacy, 391, 13. Trayhernc, Mr. Reading of, on the Carta de Foresta, 15, 5. Trayucbaston, Lcs Articles de, 336, 23. INDEX. 185 Trayningc, Orders respecting, 489, 2. Treaty of Marriage between England and Spain, A. D. 1618, 311, 4. Treby, George, Opinion of, on the Quo Waranto Case of the City of London, 153, 17. Trentham Abbey, Case of, 239, 10. Trespass, Treatise on Actions of, 169. Trevor, Sir John, his Account of the Records at the Rolls, 191, 3. Trevor, Lord Ch. Justice, Reports of, in Chancei-y, 230. Trigonometry, 78, 3. Trotman's Abridgement of Lord Coke's Reports, Table to, -tOG. Turner, Arthur, Reports in Chanc. K. B. and Exchcq. by, 30. Turner, Dr. Quaeries of, in Parliament, about the Duke of Buckingham, 311, a. Explanation of, upon Sir Richard Weston's Speech, 311, 8. Turris Lond. vide Tower. Turton, Sir John, Note Book of, 411. V. Vanino, Excerpta ex, 78, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14. Vasto, Statutum de, 335, 46. 434, 22. Veale against the Corporation of Plymouth, Case of, 493, 9. Veere, Sir Francis, 226, 23. Vere, Arms, Honours, Matches, and Issue of the Family of, 494, 1. Verses, Prophctick, 489, 5. Vescont, Des Turnes de, 433, 14. Vice Admirals, Instructions and Directions to be observed by, in cases of Repri- zals, 431, 10. Vicecomites. Statutum de Vicecomitibus et eorum Clericis, 434, 39. Vicecomitum Redditiones, 313, 41, 42. Viis Regiis, De quatuor, 313, 2. Villa Real against Lord Galwuy, Case of, 330, 4. Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham, 168, 10. Virgil, Transl. of the 4^''. Book of the iEneid of, by Lord Surrey, 205, 1. Virgin Mary, Verses to, in French, 433. , Virginia, Case between the Governor and House of Burgesses of, 494, 5. Visus Franci Plegii, 336, 33. 433, 23. 434, is. Umfreville, E. 126. B B 186 INDEX. Umfreville, Argument in the hand-writing of, respecting Lands gained from the Sea, 425, s. United Provinces, Articles of Navigation and Commerce with, A. D. 1668, -ISl, 7. Vocatis ad Warrantum, Stat, de, 433, 33. 434, 20. Uses of Lands and Tenements, 429, t. L^scs and Trusts, Treatise of, by B. W. 190. w. Waad, Sir William, Manuscript of, concerning the Tower of London, C5, s. Wade, M'. le Lecture de, sur I'Estat. 27 Eliz. ca. 4. 398, 6. Wagstaffe, William, Letterof, concerning the making of Liveries of the City of London, 142, 38. Waiting Clerks in Chancery, 191, 1. Wales, Principality of, 418, 1, 3. 489, 8. 11. Walker, Sir Edward, Index to his Book on Coronations, 497, t. Walker, Thomas, Letter of, to M^ Caldwall, 489, s. W^allop, Sir Henry, Letter of, to Queen Elizabeth, 225, 5. Walter, Lord Chief Baron, Reports by, 5. 8. Ward, John, Common Place-Book of, 116. 117. 118. Wardis et Releviis, De, 433, 32. Instructions for the Master of Wards and Liveries, 282, 3. Wardmote, Court of, London, 142, 26. Warranties, 418, 4. Water-Bailiff, Office of, 49. Waters, M^ Writ of Supplicavit for, 37, 5. Weapons of War, Names of, t. Hen. VIII. 497, 12. Weights and Measures, 4, 5. Were, Humphrey, Reports of Cases by, 7. Westcote, Lord, Case of, against Jones Esq'', and another, 494, 4. Westm. Stat, primum, 433, 5. 434, 7. secundum, 336, 4.'i. 433, 7, 434, 9. tertium, 433, 8. 434, 10. Weston, Sir Richard, Speech of in Parliament 9"'. March 1625, .'111, 7. Whale Fishery, Southern, Review of Acts of Parliament and Charters relating to the, 49 1 , 7. White, Sir John, 134. Sir Thomas, 134. INDEX. 187 Whitlock, Jac. Lectura super Stat. 21 Hen. VIII. de Facult. BeneRciorum, 91, 3. 237, t. 198. Wifkhington, Scrj'. Reports by, 38, 39. Wightwicke, Joh. Lectiuae sup. Stat. 8 Hen. VI. c. 9. 372, 2. Wilkinson, John, 174'. Will. Conq. Bex Anglice. Carta Regis Wilh. Conq. de quibusdam Statutis, 313, jj. Carta de Applacis pro aliquo malcficio Franco vel Anglo, 313, 3o. William III. K. Case respecting his Jewels, including the Power of the King of England to make a Will of personal Estate, ^Q*, 2. Williams v. Hopkins, Case of, 139, 23. Williams, John, List of Persons who polled for, 139, lo. Williams, Lord Keeper, 237, 2. Williams, Walter, Answer to the Authorities and Precedents of, 491, 6. Willoughby's Case in the Writde Ventre inspiciendo, 39 Eliz. ISO. Willoughby and Willoughby, famous Case of, 473. 482, 4. Wills, Cases concerning, 308, 2. Winton. Statuta Collegii Beatae Mariae Winton. 272. Wintoniae Statutum, 433, 26. 434, i3. 336, 22. — Modus inquirendi de Statuto Wintoniae, 433, 27. Exposition of the Statute of Winton, 340, 2. Wolsey, Cardinal, Order in Chancery by, to limit John Earl of Oxford in his Household Expenses, &c. in his younger years, 227, 12. 249, 43; Grant of the Chancellorship to for Life, 249, 53. Wood's Institutes of the Laws of England, Abridged View of, 432, 1. Worcester, Earl of, vide Tiptoft. Wotton, Sir Henry, Parallel by, between the Earl of Essex and Villiers Duke of Buckingham, 168, 10. Wright, Mr. Justice, 431, 2, 4. Writ of Assize, 187. of Entry, 188. of Mesne, 361, 33. of Right, 186. Writs, Papers concerning, 34, 1. 241. Collection of, &c. 279. Treatise on Writs and Actions of Trespass, 169. Writs in Chancery, 227, i3. Wylde, M. Lectures sur le Stat. 2 Edw. VI, c. 4. 188 INDEX. Wyndham, Sir Hugh, Case of, 339. Wyndham, Wadham, 38. Y. Year-Books. See also Reports. Year-Book t. Edw. II. 210. 2 Hen. IV. to 9 Hen. VI. 1. Yelverton, Sir Christopher, Reports of Cases by, 15. 17, i. Yelverton, Sir Henrj', Reports by, i5. Yelverton, Henry, Vise'. Longueville, Catalogue of the Library of, 107. Yelverton, M^ 15, 3. York, Richard Duke of Declaratio R. Ducis Ebor. 335. York and Albany, Duke of. Ceremonial for his Interment, 497, ir. Zangis v. Wischard, Case of, 29. FINIS. C. UOOUFAIX, PKIMEU, A.MiLL COUKT, SKl.NNEH iTREKT, I.ONUON. 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