* x CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON ANGLING INCLUDING ICHTHYOLOGY, PISCICULTURE, FISHERIES, AND FISHING LAWS. FROM THE LIBRARY OF A PRACTITIONER OF MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN THE ART OF ANGLING. CAMBRIDGE : 1882. SIR HENRY WOTTON said of Angling, it was "$t resit to l)i$ mittb, a clearer of l)i)S spirit*, a biuerter of jsabnegjs, a calmer of unquiet tfyouigbte, a moberator of passion*, a procurer of conteutebuejos ; tJjat it begat Ijabitjs of peace aub patieuce iu tijojse ttyat pojosejsgeb anb practijseb it/' UNIVERSITY PRESS: JOHN WILSON AND SON, CAMBRIDGE. ABBOTT, CHARLES C. Notes on some Fishes of the Delaware River. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1875-76. ADAMS, A. LEITH. Field and Forest Rambles, with Notes and Obser- vations on the Natural History of Eastern Canada. London, 1873. 8vo. The Lake Trouts. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1872- 1873- ADVENTURES OF A SALMON IN THE RIVER DEE. By a Friend of the Family. [William Ayrton.] Together with Notes for the Fly Fisher' in North Wales. London : Pickering. 1853. iamo. yELIANUS, CLAUDIUS. De Natura Animalium. Libri xvn. Gr. et Lat. Ed. Schneider. Leipsic, 1 784. 8vo. The first, and indeed the only, writer amongst the ancients that makes mention of fishing with the artificial fly. See Book xv. AGASSIZ, Louis. Histoire Naturelle des Poissons d'Eau douce de 1'Europe centrale. I. Salmo et Thymallus. 27 plates. II. Em- bryologie des Salmones. 14 plates. Neuchatel, 1839-42. The plates in folip, with the text in octavo. Lake Superior : its Physical Character, Vegetation, and Animals, compared with those of other and similar regions. With a Narrative of the Tour by J. E. Cabot. And contributions by other scientific gentlemen. Boston, 1850. 8vo. I CATALOGUE OF AKERMAN, JOHN YONGE. Spring-Tide ; or, The Angler and his Friends. London, 1850. i2mo. A series of fishing scenes with illustrations of the West-country dia- lects. ALBIN, ELEAZAR. History of Esculent Fish. With [18 coloured] plates, drawn and engraved by Eleazar Albin. And an Essay on the Breeding of Fish and the Construction of Fishponds, by the Hon. Roger North. London, 1794. 4to. ALDAM, W. H. A Quaint Treatise on " Flees, and the Art a Artyfichall Flee Making." By an old Man well known on the Derbyshire Streams as a first-class Fly- Fisher a century ago. Printed from an old MS. never before published, the original spelling and language being retained, with Editorial Notes, and patterns of Flies, and samples of the materials for making each Fly. Lon- don, 1876. Royal 4to. ALDROVANDI, ULYSSES. De Piscibus, Lib. v. et de Cetis, Lib. unus. J. C. Uterverius collegit. H. Tamburinus in lucem edidit. Bo- noniae, 1613. Folio. ALEXANDER, COL. SIR JAMES EDWARD. Salmon Fishing in Canada. By a resident. Edited by Col. Sir James Edward Alexander. London, 1860. 8vo. ALLERTON, R. G. Brook Trout Fishing. An Account of the Oquos- soc Angling Association to Northern Maine in June, 1869. New York, 1869. i2mo. ALLPORT, MORTON. Salmon Experiment in Tasmania. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. AMERICAN ANGLER'S GUIDE: being a Compilation from the Works of popular English Authors from Walton to the present time ; together with the opinions and practices of the best American Anglers ; with engravings on wood. By an Ameri- can Angler. New York, 1845. i8mo. 2 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. AMERICAN ANGLER'S GUIDE : or Complete Fisher's Manual for the United States : containing the opinions and practice of the experienced Anglers of both Hemispheres ; with the various modes adopted in Ocean, River, Lake, and Pond Fishing; the usual Tackle and Baits required; instructions in the Art of making Artificial Flies ; methods of making Fishponds ; trans- portation of Fish, &c. Fourth edition, with the addition of a Second Part. New York, 1857. 8vo. The Same. Fifth edition, with the addition of a Third Part. New York, 1876. 8vo. By John J. Brown, whose name appears for the first time on the title- page in the fifth edition. AMERICAN NATURALIST. Abbott, Charles C. Notes on Fresh Water Fishes of New Jersey. Vol. iv. No. 2. Mud-loving Fishes. Vol. iv. No. 7. Further Notes on New Jersey Fishes. Vol. iv. No. 12. Notes on the Habits of certain Craw Fish. Vol. vn. No. 2. Notes on the Cyprinoids of Central New Jersey. Vol. vm. No. 6. Adams, A. Leith. Death of Fishes in the Bay of Fundy. Vol. ii. No. 7. Agassiz, Louis. Concerning Deep-Sea Soundings. Vol. vi. No. i. Blake, James H. The Habits and Migrations of some of the Marine Fishes of Massachusetts. Vol. iv. No. 9. Clarke, S. C. Notes on some of the Coast Fishes of Florida. Vol. iv. No. ii. Collins, A. S. The Impregnation of Eggs in Trout Breeding. Vol. iv. No. 10. Cope, Edward D. Observa- tions on the Systematic Relation of the Fishes. Vol. v. No. 9. Coolidge, A. A. Monstrosities among Trout. Vol. in. No. 6. Dexter, Edward. A Fish Farm. Vol. m. No. 4. Gill, Theodore. The Sperm Whales, Giant and Pigmy. Vol. iv. No. 12. On the Limits of the Class of Fishes. Vol. vn. No. 2. Goode, G. B. The Bill Fish in Fresh Water. Vol. v. No. 7. Hart, L. L. A Chapter on Cuttle Fish. Vol. m. No. 5. Lockwood, Samuel. The Sea Horse and its Young. Vol.1. No. 5. Morse, Edward S. Something about Jelly Fishes. Vol. i. No. 5 ? Packard, A. S. Colossal Cuttle Fishes. Vol. vn. No. 2. Putnam, F. W. Blind Fishes of the Mammoth Cave and their Allies. Vol. vr. No. i. 3 CATALOGUE OF Shaler, N. S. Notes on the Right and Sperm Whales. Vol. VH. No. i. Tisdale, S. T. Habits of the Black Bass. Vol. v. No. 6. Verrill, A. E. On the Food and Habits of some of our Marine Fishes. Vol. v. No. 7. The Giant Cuttle Fishes of Newfound- land and the Common Squid of the New England Coast. Vol. vm. No. 3. 8vo. ANDERDON, J. L. See RIVER DOVE. ANGLER IN IRELAND : or, an Englishman's Rambles through Con- naught and Munster, during the summer of 1833. London, 1834. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. By Belton, author of " Two Summers in Norway." ANGLER, THE. Containing a Complete Description of all Fresh- Water Fish, and the most approved methods of catching them ; the best places for Angling near London ; together with Useful Hints to Anglers in general. London, [1834.] Small 410. ANGLER'S ALMANAC AND POCKET-BOOK. Being a Handbook and Guide to the Principal Rivers, Lakes, and Fisheries in Great Britain and Ireland. By a Practical Angler. 1853, 1854, 1855. London. 3 vols. i8mo. ANGLER'S COMPANION. Being a Complete Practical Guide to Angling; with the properties, names, and where to be found of all River Fish. To which is added Nobbs's Art of Trolling. London: Hughes. 1824. izmo. ANGLER'S COMPANION, being a Description of where to Find and how to Fish the various Swims in the Horse and Groom, Lea Bridge, and White House Fisheries. London (no date). i2mo. Attributed by Pickering to J. Martin. ANGLER'S DESIDERATUM. Containing the best and fullest Direc- tions for dressing the Artificial Fly ; with some new and valuable Inventions by the Author from a practice of nearly half a cen- tury. [Capt. Clarke, R. M.] Edinburgh, 1839. i2mo. 4 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. ANGLER'S DIARY and Fisherman's Guide to the Rivers and Lakes of the World : to which are added a List of Rivers of Great Britain, with their Stations ; also Forms for registering the Fish taken during the year. London, 1878. i2mo. ANGLERS' EVENINGS. Papers by Members of the Manchester Anglers' Association. London, 1880. Crown 8vo. The Same. Second Series. London, 1882. Crown 8vo. ANGLER'S GUIDE. Containing Easy Instructions for the Youthful Beginner, with several observations on fishing, pointing out the proper times and seasons for the different kinds of Fish, as also the best mode of angling for them and directions for the proper Baits and Tackle to be used. By a Lover of the Art. London, 1828. i8mo. " The Gentleman Angler " under a new title. ANGLER'S HAND-BOOK ; containing Concise Instructions for every Department of the Art, and two coloured plates of Flies, includ- ing many never before figured. Third edition. London, 1840. 241110. ANGLER'S MANUAL ; or, Concise Lessons of Experience, which the Proficient in the delightful Recreation of Angling will not despise and the Learner will find the advantage of practising. With twelve plates designed and etched by- S. Howitt. Liverpool, 1808. Oblong 8vo. ANGLER'S NOTE BOOK AND NATURALIST'S RECORD. A Repertory of Fact, Inquiry, and Discussion on Field Sports and subjects of Natural History. The Green Series complete. With six woodcuts. London, 1880. 4to. ANGLER'S POCKET-BOOK ; or, Compleat English Angler : contain- ing all that is necessary to be known in that Art. Also Nobbs's celebrated Treatise on the Art of Trolling. Third edition. Lon- don, 1805. i2mo. ANGLER'S SURE GUIDE. See HOWLETT. 5 CATALOGUE OF ANGLICIAN FRIAR, and the Fish which he took by Hook and by Crook. A Comic Legend. By a Novice, A. F. & F. Dedicated to all Lovers of Angling. London, 1851. 12 mo. ANGLING EXCURSIONS. See GREENDRAKE. ANGLING SCRAP BOOK. Consisting of Newcastle Fisher's Gar- lands. Prices Angling Books have brought at sales. Various Scraps from Angling Works, numerous engravings of Fish and Fishing Scenes, and a few cuts by Bewick. 2 vols. 8vo. ARMIGER, CHARLES. The Sportsman's Vocal Cabinet. Comprising an extensive Collection of scarce, curious, and original Songs and Ballads relative to Field Sports. London, 1830. i2mo. Contains twenty-five songs on Angling. ART OF ANGLING. Intended not for Sale. London, Printed by D. Lewis, 34 Mount Street, Grosvenor Square. 1819. i2mo. "Printed for private circulation. Mr. Heseltine, of the 'Covers,' Lale- ham, possessed a copy of this work which he believed to be unique. On the fly-leaf Mr. H. G. Bohn certifies that he knows of no other copy. This copy is not in the ' Bibliotheca Piscatoria.' It is identical in every par- ticular saving the imprint, D. Lewis, 34 Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, and same date." Greville Fennell. Edward Soltau, whose autograph it bears, was the author of Soltau's "Trout Flies of Cornwall and Devon." ART OF ANGLING. See BARKER. ART OF ANGLING: Eight Dialogues in Verse. See RUDDIMAN'S COLLECTION. Ascribed to Dr. Scott, a Dissenting minister of Ipswich. It contains ironical notes in imitation of Dr. King's " Art of Cookery." ARTEDI, PETRUS. Synonymia Piscium, sive Historia Piscium Naturalis et Literaria ab Aristotelis usque aevo ad seculum xm. deducta duce Synonymia Piscium. Lipsiae, 1789. 4to. ARTIFICIAL PRODUCTION OF FISH. See PISCARIUS. ARUNDO. Practical Fly- Fishing : founded on Nature and tested by experience of nearly forty years in various parts of the United 6 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. Kingdom. With instructions for imitating all the most useful Flies. Also Remarks on Fly- Rods. London, 1849. i2mo. ASHWORTH, EDMUND and THOMAS. A Treatise on the Propagation of Salmon and other Fish. London, 1853. i2mo. ATKINS, CHARLES G. The Salmon of Eastern North America and its Artificial Culture. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1872 73. On Fish-Ways. Ibid. The Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar). Ibid., 1873-74, 1874- 75. Collection of Eggs of Schoodic Sal- mon. Ibid., 1875-76, 1877, 1878. Cheap Fixtures for the Hatching of Salmon. 7/>zV/., 1878. BADDELEY, J. London Angler's Book, or Waltonian Chronicle, containing much original information to Anglers generally, com- bined with numerous amusing Songs and Anecdotes of Fish and Fishing never before published. London, 1834. 8vo. BAD HAM, REV. C. DAVID. Prose Halieutics, .or Ancient and Modern Fish Tattle. London, 1854. Crown 8vo. Reprinted in part from Eraser's Magazine. BAGNALL, GEORGE. Piscatorial Rambles : or, the Fisherman's Pocket Companion. London, 1865. i2mo. BAILEY, WILLIAM. The Angler's Instructor. A Treatise on the best modes of Angling in English Rivers, Lakes, and Ponds, and on the habits of the Fish. London, 1857. 8vo. The Same. Second edition. London, 1866. i2mo. The Same. Third edition, revised. London, 1878. 8vo. An excellent practical treatise by the best Nottingham angler of the day. BAINBRIDGE, GEORGE C. The Fly Fisher's Guide, illustrated by coloured plates representing upwards of Forty of the most use- ful Flies, accurately copied from Nature. Second edition, with Additions. London, 1828. 8vo. The Same. Fourth edition. London, 1840. 8vo. One of the text-books of the Fly-Fisher. 7 CATALOGUE OF BARKER, THOMAS (of Bracemeale, Salop). The Art of Angling. Wherein are discovered many rare Secrets, very necessary to be knowne by all that delight in that Recreation. London, 1653. 4to. This is the Barker from whom Walton says (Complete Angler, Ch. 5) he derived his principal knowledge of fly-fishing, in which he himself was no adept. Dr. Bethune. This edition is without the author's name. The Same. Reprinted from the edition of 1653. Leeds : Inchbald and Gawtress. 1817. Royal 410. The only copy that was printed on large paper. The Same. From the First edition. London, 1820. i2mo. One hundred copies reprinted for J. H. Burn. BARKER'S DELIGHT; or. The Art of Angling. Wherein are discov- ered many rare Secrets very necessary to be known by all that delight in that Recreation, both for catching the Fish and dress- ing thereof. Second edition, much enlarged. London, 1820. i2tno. From the edition of 1657. One hundred copies reprinted for J. H. Burn. The Same. Reprinted by Hodgson & Co. London [1824]. i2mo. BARLOW, FRANCIS. Seuerall Wayes of Hunting, Hawking, and Fish- ing, according to the English manner, and invented by Francis Barlow. Etched by Hollar. London, 1671. Oblong 4to. BARNWELL. Game Fish of the Northern States of America and British Provinces. See ROOSEVELT. BARRY, W. Moorland and Stream. With Notes and Prose Idyls on Shooting and Trout Fishing. London, 1871. i2mo. BATHURST, CHARLES. Notes on Nets ; or, The Quincunx practically considered. To which are added Miscellaneous Memoranda. London (no date). i2mo. BAUDITTEN, EBEN. Carp Culture, chiefly in its relation to Agricul- ture. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. 8 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. BELLONI, PETRI CENOMANI. De Aquatilibus, Libri duo cum eiconi- bus ad viuam ipsorum effigiem, quoad eius fieri potuit, expressis. Ad amplissimum Cardinalem Castilleonoeum. Parisiis, 1553. Ob- long i2mo. With the autograph of William Penn. This book contains several hun- dred woodcuts of various species of Fish, including the sea-serpent. The last two leaves are supplied in MSS. BENNETT, JOHN W. Fishes found on the Coast of Ceylon. From drawings made in the southern part of that Island from the Living Specimens. London, 1834. Royal 4to. BERNERS, LADY JULIANA. The Book containing the Treatises of Hawking; Hunting; Coat-Armour; Fishing; and Biasing of Arms ; as printed at Westminster, by Wynken de Worde ; the year of the Incarnation of our Lord MCCCCLXXXXVI. London : Reprinted by Harding and Wright, St. John's Square, for White and Cochrane, Fleet-Street, and R. Triphook, St. James's Street. 1810. Small folio. This edition, edited by Mr. Joseph Haslewood, is reprinted in facsimile, and was limited to one hundred and fifty copies. Juliana Berners, or Barnes, to whom the above treatises were ascribed, is supposed to have been sister to Richard, Lord Berners, of Essex, and prioress of Sopwell, near St. Albans. She is said to have flourished about the year 1460, and is celebrated for her learning and accomplishments. Besides being the first printed treatise on the subject in the English lan- guage, this work affords us rude representations of the different kinds of tackle in use, and contains directions and remarks which have been copied in some recent treatises on angling. The Same. Being a Facsimile reproduction of the First Book on the subject of Fishing printed in England by Wynkyn de Worde at Westminster in 1496. With an Introduction by Rev. M. G. Watkins. London: Elliot Stock. 1880. Royal 4to. The Treatise of Fysshynge with an Angle. Printed with the Types of John Baskerville for William Pickering. London, 1827. Crown 8vo. The Same. Edited by Geo. W. Van Siclen, of the New York Bar. New York, A. D. 1875. Small 4to. 9 CATALOGUE OF BERTRAM, JAMES G. The Harvest of the Sea. A Contribution to the Natural and Economic History of the British Food Fishes. With Sketches of Fisheries and Fisher Folk. Second edition with illustrations. London, 1869. 8vo. BEST, THOMAS. Concise Treatise on the Art of Angling. Confirmed by actual experience and minute observation with the proper methods for Breeding and Feeding Fish, &c. To which is added The Compleat Fly- Fisher, &c. Second edition. London, 1789. izmo. The Same. Third edition. London, 1 794. 1 2mo. The Same. Fourth edition. London, 1798. i2mo. The Same. Fifth edition. London, 1802. T2mo. The Same. Sixth edition. London, 1804. i2mo. The Same. Eighth edition. London, 1808. i2mo. The Same. Ninth edition. Enlarged. London, 1810. i2mo. The Same. Tenth edition. London, 1814. i2mo. The Same. Eleventh edition. London, 1822. i2mo. The Same. Twelfth edition. Carefully revised, corrected, and re- arranged. By John Jackson. London, 1838. 321110. The Same. Thirteenth edition. London, 1846. 32mo. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. A Catalogue of Books upon Angling. [Appended to Boosey's Piscatorial Reminiscences. By William Pickering.] London, 1836. i2mo. BLACKER, W. Art of Angling and Complete System of Fly- Making and Dyeing of Colours. Illustrated with plates, shewing the different processes of the Fly before it is finished : giving the Angler a perfect knowledge of every thing requisite to com- plete him in this Noble Art. London, 1842. i2mo. 10 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. BLACKER, W. Art of Fly Making, &c. Comprising Angling and Dyeing of Colours. With engravings of Salmon and Trout Flies shewing the process of the gentle Craft as taught by the Pages. With description of Flies for the season of the year as they come out of the water. London, 1855. i2mo. " An odd mixture of sound practical instruction and rhapsodical extrav- agance." West-wood. BLAGRAVE, J. (Gent.}. Epitome of the Art of Husbandry. Com- prising all necessary Directions for the Improvement of it. Plowing, Sowing, Grafting, Gardning, Ordering of Flowers, Herbs; Directions for the Use of the Angle. London, 1669. I21T1O. BLAKEY, ROBERT. The Angler's Complete Guide to the Rivers and Lakes of England. London, 1853. i2mo. The Same. London, 1856. i2mo. The Angler's Guide to the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland. London, 1854. i2mo. The Angler's Song Book. Compiled and edited by Robert Blakey. London, 1855. i2mo. Historical Sketches of the Angling Literature of all Nations. To which is added a Bibliography of English Writers on Angling. London, 1856. i2mo. The Bibliographical Catalogue is a reprint of Smith's. Angling ; or, How to Angle and Where to go. A new edition, with illustrations. London, 1862. izmo Old Faces in New Masks. London, 1859. Crown 8vo. Hints on Angling, with Suggestions for Angling Excursions in France and Belgium, to which are appended some brief notices of the English, Scottish, and Irish Waters. By Palmer Hackle, Esq. London, 1846. Royal 8vo. II CATALOGUE OF BOAZ, HERMAN. The Angler's Progress; a Poem developing the pleasures the Angler receives from the dawn of the propensity in infancy till the period of his becoming a Complete Angler. Newcastle, 1820. 8vo. With a portrait of Robert Roxby and Thomas Bewick, a woodcut vig- nette by Bewick. Two hundred and ninety-six copies were printed for Emerson Charnley, 1824, with manuscript instructions on the proof to make it 1820. First published as a broadside in 1789. It was the forerunner of the Newcastle Garlands. BOCCIUS, GOTTLIEB. Treatise on the Management of Fresh- Water Fish, with a view to making them a source of profit to landed Proprie- tors. London, 1841. 8vo. Fish in Rivers and Streams, a Treatise on the Production and Man- agement of Fish in Fresh Waters by artificial Spawning, Breeding, and Rearing. London, 1848. 8vo. BOECK, AXEL. Norwegian Lobster-Fishery and its History. See Re- port of the U. S. Commissioner, 1873-74, 1874-75. BOECK, A. I., and A. FEDDERSEN. The Norwegian Herring- Fisheries. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1873-74, 1874-75. BOOSEY, THOMAS. See PISCATORIAL REMINISCENCES. BORNE, VON DEM. On Stocking Lakes and Rivers with Fish. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1873-74, 1874-75. BORDER ANGLER. A Guide-Book to the Tweed and its tributa- ries and the other streams commanded by the North British Railway. With an accurate map of the District. Edinburgh, 1858. i2mo. BOSGOED, D. M. Bibliotheca Ichthyologica et Piscatoria Catalogus van Boeken en Geschriften over de Naturulijke Geschiedenis vischteelt de visscherijen, de evetgeving op de visschenjenenz. Haarlem, 1874. 8vo. 12 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. BOWDEN, REV. J. The Naturalist in Norway : or, Notes on the Wild Animals, Birds, Fishes, and Plants of that Country. With some account of the principal Salmon Rivers. London, 1869. Crown 8vo. BOWLKER, CHARLES. The Art of Angling and compleat Fly- Fishing. Describing the different kinds of Fish, their haunts, places of feed- ing and retirement. With an account of the Generation of Fishes, and observations on the Breeding of Carps. Together with direc- tions how to regulate Pools or Ponds. Also the various kinds of Baits and the great diversity of Flies that Nature produces. To which is added directions for making artificial Flies. Illustrated with many new improvements in the Art of Angling. Birmingham, 1786. 1 2mo. The Same. Sixth edition. Birmingham, 1792. i2mo. The Art of Angling, or, Complete Fly and Bottom-Fisher, &c. Lud- low, 1814. i8mo. Bowlker's Art of Angling, greatly enlarged and improved ; containing directions for Fly- Fishing, Trolling, Bottom- Fishing, making arti- ficial Flies. Ludlow, 1826. i2mo. The Same. Ludlow, 1829. i2mo. The Same. Ludlow, 1833. i2mo. The Same. Ludlow, 1839. i2mo. Charles Bowlker died in 1779; he was considered the most finished fly- fisher of his day. BRABAZON, WALLOP. Deep Sea and Coast Fisheries of Ireland, with suggestions for the Working of a Fishing Company. Illustrated by William Cooper. Dublin, 1848. 8vo. BRAITHWAITE, G. F. Fishes and their Food : being a paper on the Salmon Family. Kendal, 1863. i2mo. BRIGGS (MR.) AND HIS DOINGS. See LEECH. BRITISH ANGLING FLIES. [By Michael Theakston.] London, 1,862. i2mo. Cited with praise by Kingsley in his " Chalk-stream Studies." 13 CATALOGUE OF * BRITISH FISHES. A Familiar History of the British Fishes. Put> lished by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Lon- don (no date). 12 mo. Elegantly illustrated with 132 beautiful engravings on wood. BRITISH INDUSTRIES. Sea Fisheries. By E. W. W. Holdsworth. Salmon Fisheries. By Archibald Young. London, 1877. i2mo. BROOKS, R. The Art of Angling and Rock and Sea Fishing, with the Natural History of River, Pond, and Sea Fish. Illustrated with 133 cuts. London, 1740. lamo. In the Preface the author states that he has the assistance of Mr. Chet- wood, a slip of the pen, probably, for Chetham, as I find passages in the work copied textually from "The Angler's Vade Mecum." T. Weshvood. The Art of Angling. New and improved with Additions and formed into a Dictionary. Illustrated with 135 cuts, exactly describing the different kinds of Fish that are found in the Fresh or Salt Waters. The whole forming a Sportsman's Magazine and com- prising all that is curious and valuable in the Art of Angling. I>ondon, 1766. i2mo (8vo). This edition was edited by the Rev. Moses Browne, author of " Piscatory Eclogues" and the reviser of Walton's Angler, 1750, 1759, 1772. The Same. Third edition. With great Improvements. London, 1770. i2mo. The Same. Fourth edition. London, 1774. 12 mo. The Same. Fifth edition. London, 1781. i2mo. The Same. A new edition. London, 1793. i2mo. The Same. A new edition. London, 1799. i2mo. BROWN, WILLIAM. The Natural History of the Salmon as ascertained by the recent experiments in the Artificial Spawning and Hatch- ing of the Ova and Rearing of the Fry, at Stormontfield on the Tay. Glasgow, 1862. 12 mo. - ' " AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. BROWNE, MOSES. Piscatory Eclogues: an Essay to introduce new Rules and new Characters into Pastoral. To which is prefixed a Discourse in defence of this undertaking. With practical and philosophical Notes. London, 1729. 8vo. Angling Sports : in Nine Piscatory Eclogues. A new Attempt to introduce a more pleasing variety and mixture of Subjects and Characters into Pastoral. Third edition. Corrected and very much improved. London, 1773. i2mo. The original edition was published anonymously under the title " Pisca- tory Eclogues, 1729." In the second edition the title was changed to " Angling Sports : in Nine Piscatory Eclogues." BUCKLAND, FRANCIS T. Curiosities of Natural History. First Series, 1877. Second Series, 1877. Third Series, 1877. Fourth Series, 1875. London. 4 vols. i2mo. Contains an interesting chapter on Fish and Fishing. BUCKLAND, FRANK T. Fish Hatching. London, 1863. 8vo. Manual of Salmon and Trout Hatching, or an Explanation of the Fish- Hatching Apparatus at the Horticultural Gardens, the South- Kensington Museum, Zoological Gardens, &c., &c. London, 1864. I21T1O. Log-Book of a Fisherman and Zoologist. London, 1876. 8vo. BURGESS, J. T. Angling: a Practical Guide to Bottom Fishing, Trolling, Spinning and Fly- Fishing. With a chapter on Sea Fishing. With numerous practical illustrations. London, 1867. BUSHMAN, J. S. Fishes, particularly their structure and economical uses. (Vol. xxxv. of Jardine's Naturalist's Library.) London (no date). i2mo. BURKE, ULICK J. The Boy's Walton. A Discourse on Fishing. London, 1878. i2mo. 15 CATALOGUE OF S~~*APEL, CHARLES C. Trout Culture. A Practical Treatise on the V^/ Art of Spawning, Hatching, and Rearing Trout. London, 1877. i2mo. CARPENTER, WILLIAM. The Angler's Assistant, comprising Practical Directions for Bottom Fishing, Trolling, &c. With ample instruc- tions for the preparation and use of Tackle and Baits ; a descrip- tive account of the habits and haunts of Fish, and a Geographical and Ichthyological account of the principal rivers and streams in England. London, 1848. 12010. The Same. London, 1852. i2mo. CARROLL, W. The Angler's Vade Mecum, containing a descriptive account of the Water Flies, their seasons, and the kind of weather that brings them most on the water. The whole rep- resented in twelve coloured plates. Edinburgh, 1818. i2mo. CARTER, ROBERT. A Summer Cruise on the Coast of New England. Boston, 1870. i2mo. CHARLETON, T. W. The Art of Angling. A Poem. North Shields, 1819. 8vo. CHATTO, WILLIAM A. The Angler's Souvenir. By P. Fisher, Esq. Assisted by several eminent Piscatory Characters. With illus- trations by Beckwith and Topham. London, 1835. i2mo. The Fisher's Garland for 1835. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1835." 8vo. Entitled, " My Glendale Friend, Will Reedy O ! An Angler's Greeting." 264 copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland for 1836. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1836. 8vo. Entitled, " The Angler's Invitation." 278 copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland for 1837. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1837. 8vo. Entitled, " The Fisher's Call." 274 copies were printed. 16 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. CHATTO, WILLIAM A. Scenes and Recollections of Fly-Fishing, in Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland. By Stephen Oliver, the Younger. London, 1834. i2mo. Rambles in Northumberland, and on the Scottish Border ; interspersed with Brief Notices of interesting events in Border History. By Stephen Oliver, the Younger. London, 1835. i2mo. CHEEK, J. The Young Angler's Guide. Comprising Instructions in the Art of Fly-Fishing, Bottom-Fishing, Trolling, &c. Illustrated with numerous fine engravings and woodcuts. London, 1839. 8vo. CHETHAM, JAMES. The Angler's Vade Mecum : or, a Compendious, yet full Discourse of Angling : discovering the aptest Methods and Ways, exactest Rules, properest Baits, and choicest Experiments for the catching all manner of Fresh Water Fish. Together with a brief Discourse of Fishponds, and not only the easiest but most palatable ways of dressing of all sorts of Fish, whether be- longing to Rivers or Ponds ; and the Laws concerning Angling, and the Preservation of such Fish. Third edition : illustrated with Sculptures. London, 1700. i2mo. CHITTY, EDWARD. The Illustrated Fly-Fisher's Text-Book: a Com- plete Guide to the Science of Fly-Fishing for Salmon, Trout, Grayling, &c. With twenty-three engravings, after paintings by Cooper, Newton Fielding, F. A. Lee, and others. By Theophi- lus South, Gent. London, 1845. ^vo. CLERICUS. Facts and Fancies of Salmon Fishing. With original illustrations. [Rev. W. Cartwright.] London, 1874. Crown 8vo. Rambles and Recollections of a Fly-Fisher. Illustrated with an Appendix containing ample instructions to the Novice, inclusive of Fly-making, and a list of really useful Flies. London, 1854. izmo. CLIFFE, JOHN HENRY. Notes and Recollections of an Angler : Ram- bles among the Mountains, Valleys, and Solitudes of Wales. With 17 CATALOGUE OF sketches of some of the Lakes, Streams, Mountains, and scenic attractions in both divisions of the Principality. London, 1870. 8vo. COLE, RALPH. The Young Angler's Pocket Companion : or, A new and complete Treatise on the Art of Angling, as may be prac- tised with success in every river in England : during both the winter and summer seasons. London, 1795. i8mo. The Same. London (no date). [1813.] Not an exact reprint of 1 795. COLQUHOUN, JOHN. The Moor and the Loch ; containing Practical Hints on most of the Highland Sports, and notices of the habits of the different Creatures of Game and Prey in the Mountainous Districts of Scotland ; with an Essay on Loch- Fishing. Edin- burgh, 1840. Royal 8vo. The Moor and the Loch containing minute instructions in all High- land Sports with wanderings over Crag and Corrie, " Flood and Fell." Third edition. Edinburgh, 1851. 8vo. The Moor and the Loch containing minute instructions in all High- land Sports. Fifth Edition. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1880. 8vo. Salmon Casts and Stray Shots, being Fly- Leaves from the Note-Book of John Colquhoun. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1858. i2mo. COMPLEAT AND EXPERIENCED ANGLER. In Two Parts : or, The Angler's Vade Mecum. Showing the best way to make Fishing Rods, Lines, Floats, Plummets, Hooks, Artificial Flies, Panniers, and other Tackle ; and how to find the haunts of Fish, and take them with all sorts of Baits, as well artificial as natural, in all sorts of water. To make divers sorts of Oils and Ointments, exceeding the Oil of Osprey. The Second Part contains direc- tions to take Fowl, and to order Singing Birds, Hawks, Hares, Poultry, and Dogs. Printed for G. Conyers at the Ring in Little- Britain. \_Circa 1712.] 24010. This is a reprint of Markham's " Young Sportsman's Instructor," with new matter added, and it is declared at the end that " this book contains 18 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. curiosities and secrets that never were in print in any book of angling what- ever." It has a title-page with the reverse blank, and pages 1-138. Page I is headed " The Young Angler's Delight and Instructor," and as the signa- ture is A, 4, it is probable that one or two leaves of preliminary matter are wanting. Part II. begins on page 97 ; page 127 is headed " Curiosities," the first of which is "To make sport with a Pike or Jack," and another (p. 132), "An Angler's Directions to preserve Orchards," which consists in raising a smoke with " mucky straw " when the wind is easterly, so that it " may be carried over the whole orchard." This is an avowed excerpt from the " Epit. Husb., p. 38." The book is very rare, and no trace of it is found in any collector's or other catalogue. [T. S.] COMPLETE FAMILY PIECE and Country Gentleman and Fanner's best Guide. In Three Parts. Second edition improved. Lon- don, 1737. 8vo. Part Second, Chapter n. contains " Cautions, Rules, and Directions to be taken and observed in Fishing ; with the Manner of making and preserving of Rods, Lines, Floats, Artificial Flies, &c. and for chusing and preserving several sorts of curious Baits." COMPLETE FISHERMAN; or, Universal Angler: containing full Directions for taking all kinds of River Fish. To which is added The whole Art of Fly-Fishing. Second edition. Lon- don (no date). i2mo. The Same. Third edition. London (no date). i2mo. COMPLETE GRAZIER : or Gentleman and Farmer's Directory. With directions for making Fish Ponds or Canals, and for storing them, and ordering the Fish in the best manner. Fourth edition. London, 1776. i2mo. CON WAY, JAMES. Forays among Salmon and Deer. London, 1861. i2mo. COQUET DALE FISHING SONGS. Now first collected and edited by a North Country Angler. Edinburgh, 1852. i2mo. This collection consists of Robert Roxby's contributions to the " New- castle Fisher's Garlands." It is accompanied with a history of their com- position, and a sketch of the life of their author, by his friend and coadjutor, Thomas Doubleday. 19 CATALOGUE OF CORNISH, J. A View of the Present State of the Salmon and Channe Fisheries, and of the Statute Laws by which they are regulated. Comprehending also the Natural History and Habits of the Sal- mon, with some of its peculiarities hitherto undescribed. London, 1824. Royal 8vo. COSTE, M. Instructions pratiques sur la Pisciculture. Paris, 1853. Crown 8vo. COUCH, JONATHAN. History of the Fishes of the British Islands. Containing 252 coloured plates from drawings by the author. 4 vols. London, 1868. Royal 8vo. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN'S COMPANION. Of the Horse in general. Of Riding in general. Of breeding all sorts of Horses. Of ordering and dieting all sorts of Horses. The most approved methods of cure for all diseases in Horses. Of the Bull, Ox, Cow, or Calf. The best methods of curing their diseases. Of Sheep and Lambs, their diseases, and how to cure them. Of Goats, their diseases and methods of cure. Of Swine, their diseases and the best methods of curing them. Of Poultry, &c., their diseases and methods of cure. The nature, ordering, and Preservation of Bees. Of Fishing in general, and of making Fish-Ponds. Of taking all sorts of Fish. By a Country Gen- tleman, from his own experience. London, 1753. 2 vols. i2mo. COX, NICHOLAS. The Gentleman's Recreation : in Four Parts : Hunt- ing, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing. Wherein these generous ex- ercises are largely treated of, and the terms of art for Hunting and Hawking more amply enlarged than heretefore. Whereto is prefixt a large Sculpture, giving easie directions for Blowing the Horn, and other Sculptures inserted proper to each Recreation. With an abstract at the end of each subject of such Laws as relate to the same. Third edition with the Addition of a Hunt- ing-Horse. London, 1686. 8vo. The Same. Sixth edition with large Additions. London, 1721. 8vo. Both the copies have the scarce plate of " Blowing the Horn." 2O AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. CRAWHAL-L, JOSEPH. A Collection of Right Merrie Garlands for North Country Anglers. Edited by Joseph Crawhall, and con- tinued to this present year. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1864. 8vo. These songs formed part of the series of publications issued by the Newcastle-on-Tyne Typographical Society (commenced in 1817, but now discontinued). The Compleatest Angling Booke that euer was Writ, being done oute of ye Hebrewe and Other Tongues by a Person of Honor. Adorned with Scvlptvres. Second edition. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1881. Royal 4to. It is partly historical and practical, partly legendary and poetical, and the illustrations, which are numerous, consist of admirable etchings, wood- cuts, designs coloured by hand, &c. T. W. Forty copies (the entire issue) of the first edition were printed, but not for sale. One hundred copies were printed of the second edition, and the plates destroyed. Border Notes and Mixty-Maxty. (Fifty Copies) imprinted by An- drew Reid for the Author, and are to be sold by Robert Robin- son, Bewick's Head -Pilgrim Street. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1880. 4to. Plates destroyed. Andrew Reid. CUSSAC, J. Pisciceptologie, ou 1'Art de la Peche a la Ligne ; Discours sur les Poissons, la maniere de les prendre et de les accommo- der ; La Peche aux filets et autres instrumens ; suivi d'un Traite des Etangs, Viviers, Fosse's ; Reservoirs, et les moyens d'en tirer avantage. Troisieme edition. Paris, 1823. i2mo. CUTCLIFFE, H. C. The Art of Trout Fishing on rapid Streams : comprising a complete system of Fishing the North Devon Streams, and their like : with detailed instructions in the Art of Fishing with the Artificial Fly, the Natural Fly, the Fern Web, Beetle, Maggot, Worm, and Minnow both natural and artificial. South Molton, 1863. i8mo. CUVIER, BARON. The Class Pisces with Supplementary Additions by Edward Griffith and Lieut. Col. Charles Hamilton Smith, C.H.R.W. &c. &c. London, 1834. Royal 8vo. 21 D CATALOGUE OF AMBECK, CARL. Statistics of Fisheries of the North Atlantic. See Report of the U. S, Commissioner, 1873- 74, 1874- 75. Geographical Distribution of the Gadidse, or the Cod Family. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1877. DANIEL, REV. WILLIAM B. Rural Sports. 3 vols. London, 1807. Royal 8vo. Supplement to the Rural Sports. London, 1813. Royal 8vo. The Supplement contains a catalogue of books on angling, Vaniere (Book XV. Of Fish), and anecdotes of fish and fishing, with an account of the rivers of Great Britain. DANTZIGER (Senator of Emdeti). First Five Years of the Emden Joint-stock Herring-Fishery Association. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1877. DASHWOOD, RICHARD LEWES. Chiploquorgan ; or, Life by the Camp Fire in Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland. New edition. London, 1872. i2mo. Contains accounts of fishing in the Nepisiquit, the Restigouche, and other rivers. DAVIES, G. CHRISTOPHER. Angling Idylls. London, 1876. 8vo. Fishing : A Comprehensive Handbook of the Art, including Sea- Fishing. London (no date). i8mo. DAVY, SIR HUMPHRY. Salmonia : or, Days of Fly-Fishing. In a series of conversations. With some account of the habits of Fishes belonging to the genus Salmo. By an Angler. London, 1828. i2mo. This book ranks high in the scale of angling literature. It was reviewed by Sir Walter Scott in the Quarterly, and by Professor Wilson in Black- wood's Magazine. The Same. Second edition. [With six engraved Views.] London, 1829. i2mo. The Same. Third edition. London, 1832. i2mo. The Same. Philadelphia, 1832. i2mo. 22 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. DAVY, SIR HUMPHRY. The Same. Fourth edition. London, 1851. i2mo. With additions by his brother, Dr. John Davy. DAVY, JOHN. The Angler and his Friend : or, Piscatory Colloquies and Fishing Excursions. London, 1855. 12 mo. The Angler in the Lake District ; or, Piscatory Colloquies and Fishing Excursions in Westmoreland and Cumberland. London, 1857. i2mo. DAWSON, GEORGE. Pleasures of Angling with rod and reel for Trout and Salmon. New York, 1876. i2mo. DAX, LE VTE. Louis DE. Souvenirs de mes Chasses et Peches dans le Midi de la France. Suivis de renseignements sur la Chasse a tir en France. Paris, 1858. i2mo. DAY, FRANCIS. The Fishes of Malabar. London, 1865. Royal 4to. Containing full descriptions of every species collected by the author in or near Cochin, as well as those recorded by other observers as from the Malabar coast of India. With twenty large plates, engraved by the author. Report on the Fresh Water Fish and Fisheries of India and Burma. Calcutta, 1873. Royal 8vo. On the Fishes of the Neilgherry Hills and Rivers around their Bases. (Proc. Zool. Soc., xix., 1867.) Remarks on the Fishes in the Calcutta Museum, Parts i., IL, and in. On the Fresh Water Fishes of Burma. (Proc. Zool. Soc., xxxiv., 1869.) On the Fishes of the Andaman Islands. (Proc. Zool. Soc., XLVI., 1870.) 8vo. DE BROCA, LIEUT. P. The Oyster-Industries of the United States. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1873-74, 1874-75. DE KAY, JAMES E. Zoology of New York, or the New York Fauna ; comprising detailed descriptions of all the Animals hitherto ob- served within the State of New York, with brief notices of those occasionally found near its Borders, and accompanied by appro- priate illustrations. 2 vols. Albany, 1842. 4to. 2 3 CATALOGUE OF DEMPSTER, HENRY. The Decked- welled Fishing Boat and Fisheries and Fish Market Reform : being dialogues on these important subjects, with full information on the Oyster Question. Glasgow, 1868. i2mo. DENNYS, JOHN, Esq. The Secrets of Angling, teaching the choicest Tooles, Baits and Seasons, for the taking of any Fish, in pond or river. Practised and familiarly opened in Three Books. By J. D. Esquire. Augmented with many approved experiments. By W. Lauson. London, 1811. 8vo. This poetical treatise is entered in the Stationers' Books (1613) by John Dennys ; Walton ascribed it to John Davors, and others to Davies and Donne. It was reprinted in the " Censura Literaria," with a short ad- vertisement and an index, in 1811. A hundred copies were struck off separately. The Same. Printed in Arber's " English Garner," Vol. i. London, 1877. i2mo. DEYEUX. Le vieux Chasseur. Cinquieme Edition revue par son Fils precdee d'un preface par Jules Janin. Paris, 1873. i8mo. DICK, ST. JOHN. Flies and Fly Fishing for White and Brown Trout, Grayling and coarse Fish : with hints on using the Minnow and Grasshopper Bait. London, 1873. 12 mo. DOUBLEDAY, THOMAS. The Fisher's Garland for 1828. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1828. 8vo. Entitled, "The Fisher's Call." Written for one of Mr. Alaric Watts's " Annual Souvenirs," and introduced by Mr. Charnley to fill a hiatus in " The Garland." 300 copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland for 1829. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1829. 8vo. Entitled, "The Old Fisher's Challenge." 300 copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland for 1830. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1830. 8vo. Entitled, " The Old Angler's Triumph." Though signed R. R., this Garland is from the pen of Doubleday, revised by Roxby. 300 copies were printed. 24 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. DOUBLEDAY, THOMAS. The Fisher's Garland for 1841. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1841. 8vo. Entitled, " The Auld Fisher's Last Wish." Manuscript signed R. R., but the lyric is from Doubleday's pen. The Fisher's Garland for 1842. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1842. 8vo. Entitled, " Auld and Young." 250 copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland (Autumn Number) for 1842. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1842. 8vo. Entitled, " The Angler's Adieu for the Season." By Thomas Double- day ; corrected by Robert Roxby. The Fisher's Garland for 1843. Newcastle : Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1843. 8vo. Entitled, "Up the Weigh." 250 copies were printed, and twelve on old paper. The Fisher's Garland for 1844. Newcastle : Printed for William Garret. 1844. 8vo. Entitled, "The Fisher's Courtship." The Auld Fisher's Invitation to his Friend in Newcastle to gang wi' him to North Tyne to take Another Thraw. Newcastle : Printed for William Garret. 1844. 8vo. The Fisher's Garland for 1845. Newcastle: Printed for William Garret. 1845. 8vo. Entitled, " The Morning Airly." DOUGALL, JAMES DALZIEL. Salmon and Trout Angling. Glasgow, 1843. i2mo. DRYDEN, ADAM. Hints to Anglers. Illustrated with maps. Edin- burgh, 1862. i8mo. DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU ET DE LA MARRE. Traite" ge"ne>ale des Pesches et Histoire des Poissons qu'elles fournissent, tant pour la Subsistence des Hommes que pour plusieurs autres usages qui 25 E CATALOGUE OF ont rapport aux Arts et au Commerce. Paris, 1769-82. 4 vols. [in 3]. Royal Folio. One of the finest works on fishing and the fisheries in any language ; containing 250 fine copperplates, giving several thousand examples, illus- trating all that concerns river and sea fishing by net, angle, spear, &c. IARLL, R. E. Cod-Fisheries of Cape Ann. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. ECKARDT, R. Experiments in propagating Maifische (Alosa vulga- ris) in 1876 and 1877. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1877. ELLIOTT, WILLIAM. Carolina Sports by Land and Water : including Incidents of Devil-Fishing, Wild-cat, Deer, and Bear Hunting, etc. New York, 1859. 12 mo. The Same. London, 1867. i2mo. ELLIS, SIR HENRY. Catalogue of Books on Angling ; with some brief notices of several of their authors. London, 1811. 8vo. First published in the " British Bibliographer." It contains 80 works, not including the different editions. A few copies were taken off separately. ESDAILE, D. Contributions to Natural History, chiefly in relation to the Food of the People. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1867. 1 21110. ESSAY. An Essay on the Right of Angling in the River Thames and in all other Public Navigable Rivers in which the Public Right to angle in all such Rivers is stated and proved. Reading (no date). 8vo. EVANS, W. The Art of Angling ; or, Complete Fly- Fisher : together with ample directions for making Artificial Flies. London (no date). 8vo. Taken, with a few verbal alterations, from Bowker's " Art of Angling." 26 F AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. i ACTS AND FANCIES OF SALMON FISHING. See CLE- RICUS. FACTS AND USEFUL HINTS relating to Fishing and Shooting, &c. Edited by I. E. B. C[ox]. London, 1874. 8vo. FAIRFAX, J. The Complete Sportsman; or, Country Gentleman's Recreation. Containing the Art of Angling in all its various Branches, &c. &c. &c. A new edition, revised, corrected, and improved. London, 1795. i2mo. FARRAR, CHARLES A. J. Eastward, Ho ! or, Adventures at Rangeley Lakes. Boston, 1880. i2mo. FENNELL, GREVILLE. The Book of the Roach. London, 1870. i2mo. FISHER, JAMES. A Spring-Day : or, Contemplations on several Occur- rences. Edinburgh, 1806. 8vo. Contemplation x. On Fishing. FISHER BOY. See IRELAND. FISHERMAN'S MAGAZINE AND REVIEW. From April, 1864, to Oct., 1865. Edited by Cholmondeley Pennell. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1864, 1865. 8vo. Containing contributions by Heseltine, Buckland, Pennell, Couch, West- wood, and others, with numerous colored plates of fish, woodcuts, &c. F1TZGIBBON, EDWARD. A Hand Book of Angling: teaching Fly- Fishing, Trolling, Bottom-Fishing, and Salmon-Fishing ; with the Natural History of River Fish and the best modes of catching them. By Ephemera. Second edition, improved and extended. London, 1848. i2mo. One of the best manuals of modern times. The chapters on Fly-making are unusually clear and comprehensible. T. W. The Same. Third edition. London, 1853. 27 CATALOGUE OF FITZGIBBON, EDWARD. The Same. Fourth edition. London, 1865. 1 2 mo. The Book of the Salmon. In Two Parts. Part I. The Theory and Practice of Fly Fishing for Salmon ; with Lists of Salmon-Flies for every good river in the Empire. Part II. The Natural His- tory of the Salmon, all its known habits described, and the best way of artificially breeding it explained. Usefully illustrated with numerous coloured engravings of Salmon Flies and Salmon Fry. By Ephemera, assisted by Andrew Young. London, 1850. i2mo. One of the best practical writers on the sport. FITZPATRICK, B. M. Irish Sport and Sportsmen. Dublin, 1878. 8vo. FLETCHER, PHINEHAS. Piscatory Eclogues, with other Poetical Mis- cellanies. With copious Notes (by W. Tytler, Lord Woodhouse- lee). Edinburgh, 1771. 8vo. FLY-FISHING in Salt and Fresh Water. With six plates representing Artificial Flies, &c. London, 1851. 8vo. FORD, S. Piscatio ; or, Angling. A Poem. Written originally in Latin, and inscribed to Arch-Bishop Sheldon. Translated from the Musse Anglicanse by Tipping Silvester, Fellow of Pembroke Col- lege, Oxon. Oxford, 1733. 8vo. The original is in Vol. I. of "Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta; sive, Poemata quaedam melioris notae, seu hactenus Inedita, sen sparsim Edita, in unum Volumen congesta." Oxon. 1692. 8vo. FORESTER, THOMAS. Norway in 1848 and 1849 : containing Ram- bles among the Fields and Fjords of the Central and Western Districts ; and including remarks on its Political, Military, Eccle- siastical and Social Organization. London, 1850. 8vo. FORRESTER, FRANK. Fisherman's Guide. A Manual for Professional and Amateur Anglers. Containing description of popular Fishes and their habits, preparation of Baits, &c. New York (no date) . 1 2 mo. 28 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. FORTIN, F. Les Ruses Innocentes, dans les quelles se voit comment on prend les Oyseaux passagers, et les non passagers : et de plu- sieurs sortes de Bestes a quatre piecls. Avec les plus beaux secrets de la Pesche dans les Rivieres et dans les Estangs. Et la maniere de faire tous les Rets et Filets qu'on peut s'imaginer. Le tout divise en cinq Livres, avec les figures demonstratives. Par F. F. F. R. D. G. dit le Solitaire Inventif. Paris, 1 660. 4to. This work was the forerunner of a long series of works bearing the same or similar titles by Lieger and other compilers. The present edition is the rarest and most esteemed. T. West-wood. FOURNIVAL, RICHARD DE. La Vielle ou les dernieres Amours d'Ovide. Poe'me francais du xiv e siecle. Traduit du Latin de Richard de Fournival par Jean Lefevre. Publi pour la premiere fois et pre"- ce'de' de recherches sur 1'auteur du Vetula par Hippolyte Cocheris. Paris, 1 86 1. 121110. A translation of " De Vetula " by Richard de Fournival ; a Latin poem of the fourteenth century. The passage treating of fishing is headed, "Comment Ovide tendait aux Poissons." "Ovid appears to have been rather universal in his fishing. He took tribute from sea and river, and despised neither conger eel nor 'logger- headed ' chub. De Fournival's work cannot but be interesting to the angling bibliophile, as showing that more than four hundred years ago most of the modern modes of fishing were practised : bottom fishing, for instance ; the worm, the fly, the torch and spear, the night-line, the eel basket and fork, &c., &c." T. Westwood. FRANCIS, FRANCIS. Fish-Culture : A Practical Guide to the Modern System of Breeding and Rearing Fish. London, 1863. Crown 8vo. The Same. Second edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1865. Crown 8vo. A Book on Angling : being a complete Treatise on the Art of Angling in every Branch. With explanatory plates, etc. London, 1867. 8vo. The Same. Third edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1872. 8vo. The Same. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1876. 8vo. 29 CATALOGUE OF FRANCIS, FRANCIS. By Lake and River : an Angler's Rambles in the North of England and Scotland. London, 1874. 8vo. Angling. [The author's contribution to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. ii. Ninth edition, 1875.] 410. Angling. London, 1877. 8vo. FRANCIS, FRANCIS, and A. W. COOPER. Sporting Sketches with Pen and Pencil. London, 1878. 410. FRANCIS, H. R. The Fly-Fisher and his Library, contributed to the " Cambridge Esasys." (Essay vn.) London, 1856. 8vo. FRANCK, RICHARD. Northern Memoirs, calculated for the Meridian of Scotland. Wherein most or all of the Cities, Citadels, Sea- ports, Castles, Forts, Fortresses, Rivers and Rivulets are compen- diously described. Together wtth choice Collections of various Discoveries, remarkable Observations, Theological Notions, Po- litical Axioms, National Intrigues, Polemic Inferences, Contem- plations, Speculations, and several curious and industrious In- spections, lineally drawn from Antiquaries, and other noted and intelligible Persons of Honour and Eminence. To which is added The Contemplative and Practical Angler, by way of diversion. With a Narrative of that dexterous and mysterious Art experi- mented in England, and perfected in more remote and solitary Parts of Scotland. By way of dialogue. Writ in the Year 1658, but not till now made publick. By Richard Franck, Philanthro- pus. Printed for the author, &c. London, 1694. 8vo. It is said there are five copies of this edition extant, including the one in the Grenville Library, British Museum. As a specimen of style this book is sui generis. Franck is the first English writer on angling who describes that mystical fish, the burbolt (see page 272 of the original work and 330 of the reprint). T. W. The Same. New edition, with Preface and Notes. Edinburgh, 1821. 8vo. This edition was edited by Sir Walter Scott. Only 250 copies were printed. 30 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. FRASER, ALEXANDER. Natural History of the Salmon, Herrings, Cod, Ling, &c. With a short Account of Greenland, its Inhabitants, Land and Sea Animals, and the different Tribes of Fish found on the Coast. Second edition. Inverness, 1833. 8vo. FRY, W. H. A Complete Treatise on Artificial Fish-Breeding : includ- ing the Reports on the subject made to the French Academy and the French Government ; and Particulars of the Discovery as published in England. Translated and edited by W. H. Fry. New York, 1866. i2mo. FUR, FIN, AND FEATHER. A Compilation of the Game Laws of the different States and Provinces of the United States and Canada ; to which is added a List of Hunting and Fishing Lo- calities. Revised for 1872. New York (no date). 8vo. ARLICK, THEODATUS. A Treatise on the Artificial Propagation of V_T Fish, with the Description and Habits of such Kinds as are the most suitable for Pisciculture. Also, Directions for the most successful modes of Angling for such kinds of Fish as are herein described. New York, 1858. 8vo. GAMEKEEPER AT HOME. Sketches of Natural History and Rural Life. With illustrations by Charles Whymper. Boston, 1880. 8vo. GARNETT, THOMAS. Some Tracts on the Natural History and Habits of the Salmon, and some opinions on the laws affecting them, with suggestions for their improvement. Clitheroe, 1867. 8vo. From London's " Magazine of Natural History." GAY, JOHN. Rural Sports. A Georgic in Two Cantos. Cambridge, 1880. Small 410. Only twenty-five copies printed, for John Bartlett. GENTLEMAN ANGLER; containing short, plain and easy instruc- tions whereby the most ignorant beginner may in a little time, 31 CATALOGUE OF become a perfect artist in Angling for Salmon, Salmon-Peal, Trout, Pike, Carp, Perch, Barbel, Tench, Bream, Chub, Greyling, Mullets, Flounders, Roach, Dace, Gudgeon, &c. With several Observations on Angling, Angle-rods, and Artificial Flies : How to chuse the best Hair, and Indian Grass : Of the proper times and seasons for River and Pond- Fishing : When Fish spawn, and what Baits are chiefly to be used, &c. To which is added The Anglers New Song : The Laws of Angling, and the Form of a License and Deputation for Angling. Together with an Appen- dix, containing the Method of Rock and Sea Fishing : An Al- phabetical Explanation of Technical Words used in the Art of Angling : Choice Receipts for dressing Fish : And how to im- prove barren ground by turning it into Fish-ponds, &c. By a Gentleman who has made Angling his diversion upwards of twenty-eight years. London, 1726. izmo. The Same. Second edition with large Additions. London, 1736. i2mo. The Same. Third edition with large Additions. London [1753]. i2mo. GENTLEMAN FISHER. See WHOLE ART OF FISHING. GENTLEMAN'S RECREATION. See Cox. GILL, THEODORE. Natural and Economical History of the Gourami. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1872-73. GILLMORE, PARKER. Prairie and Forest : a Description of the Game of North America, with Personal Adventures in their Pursuit. New York, 1874. 12 mo. Gun, Rod, and Saddle. Personal Experiences. By"Ubique." New York, 1869. i2mo. Accessible Field Sports : The Experience of a Sportsman in North America. By"Ubique." London, 1869. 8vo. 32 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. GLENFIN. The Fishing- Rod and how to use it. A Treatise on the various Arts of Angling, Trolling, Spinning, and Fly-Fishing. London, 1860. i2mo. The Same. London, 1861. i2mo. GOODE, G. BROWN. History of the American Menhaden. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1877. GOUAN, ANTOINE. Histoire des Poissons contenant la description anatomique de leurs parties externes et internes, &c. Strasbourg, 1770. 4to. GREAT FISHERIES of the World described and illustrated. Lon- don (no date). i2mo. GREEN, SETH. Trout Culture. Rochester, 1870. 8vo. GREENDRAKE, GREGORY. Angling Excursions in the Counties of Wicklow, Meath, Westmeath, Longford, and Cavan, with Addi- tions by Geoffrey Greydrake. Dedicated to all honest Brothers of the Angle. Fourth edition. Dublin, 1832. i2mo. GREENE, WILLIAM. The Fisher's Garland for 1827. Printed for Em- erson Charnley. Newcastle, 1827. 8vo. Originally bearing the title of " The Fisher's Call." Subsequently altered to " The Fisher's Garland." 300 copies were printed. GRIFFITH, ROGER. An Essay to prove that the jurisdiction and conservacy of the River Thames, &c. is committed to the Lord Mayor, and City of London. London, 1 746. 8vo. GUNTHER, A. Description of some Fishes from the Peruvian Ama- zons. Contribution to the Ichthyology of Tasmania. (Proceed. Zool. Soc.) 1869. 8vo. GUNTHER, A. C. An Introduction to the Study of Fishes. Edin- burgh, 1880. 8vo. Ichthyology. From the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britan- nica. Edinburgh, 1882. 4to. 33 CATALOGUE OF HAIMFj, JULES. History of Fish Culture in Europe from its earlier Records to 1854. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1872-73. HALLOCK, CHARLES. The Fishing Tourist : Angler's Guide and Ref- erence Book. i2mo. New York, 1873. The Sportsman's Gazetteer and General Guide. The Game Animals, Birds, and Fishes of North America. Their habits and various methods of capture. Copious instructions in Shooting, Fishing, Taxidermy, Woodcraft, etc. Together with a Directory to the principal Game Resorts of the Country. Illustrated with maps. New York, 1877. i2mo. HAMILTON, FRANCIS. An Account of the Fishes found in the River Ganges and its Branches. With plates. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1822. 4to. HAMILTON, R. British Fishes. The Naturalist's Library. Vol. xxxvi., xxxvn. Edited by Sir William Jardine. London (no date). 2 vols. i2mo. HAMLIN, A. C. On the Salmon of Maine. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1872 73. HAMMOND, S. H. Hills, Lakes, and Forest Streams : or a Tramp in the Chateaugay Woods. New York, 1854. i2mo. Wild Northern Scenes ; or Sporting Adventures with the Rifle and the Rod. Philadelphia (no date). i2mo. HANSARD, GEORGE A. Trout and Salmon Fishing in Wales. Lon- don, 1834. i2mo. Chatto, in his "Angler's Souvenir," says of the book: " It is a perfect gazetteer of every lake and stream in the Principality." HARDY, CAPT. CAMPBELL. Forest Life in Acadie : Sketches of Sport and Natural History in the lower Provinces of the Canadian Dominion. London, 1869. 8vo. 34 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. HAREWOOD, HARRY. A Dictionary of Sports ; or, Companion to The Field, the Forest, and the River Side. Containing explanations of every term applicable to Racing, Shooting, Hunting, Fishing, Hawking, Archery, etc. With Essays upon all National Amuse- ments. London, 1835. i2mo. HARGER, OSCAR. Marine Isopoda of New England and adjacent Waters. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. HEAD LEY, J. T. The Adirondacks, or Life in the Woods. New York, 1849. i2mo. HENDERSON, WILLIAM. My Life as an Angler. With Woodbury Portrait and sixty-seven woodcuts, engraved by Edmund Evans, from drawings by C. Burlison, A. W. Cooper, E. Hastings, W. S. Rolfe, and other Artists. The Head and Tail Pieces designed by Mrs. William Henderson. London, 1879. 8vo - HENSHALL, JAMES A. Book of the Black Bass, comprising its com- plete Scientific and Life History, together with a Practical Treatise on Angling and Fly Fishing and a full description of Tools, Tackle, and Implements. Cincinnati, 1881. 8vo. HERBERT, HENRY W. Frank Forrester's Fish and Fishing of the United States, and British Provinces of North America. London, 1849. 8vo. The Same. New edition, revised and corrected, with an ample Supplement by the author, together with a Treatise on Fry- Fishing. By "Dinks." New York, 1864. 8vo. HESSEL, RUDOLPH. The Salmon of the Danube, or the Hucles, and its Introduction into American Waters. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1872-73. Practical Fish Culture. Ibid. The Carp and its Culture in River and Lakes : and its Introduction in America. Ibid., 1875- 76. HICKS, J. Wanderings by the Lochs and Streams of Assynt and the North Highlands of Scotland. London, 1855. Crown 8vo. HISTORY OF FISH. New York, 1815. 32mo. 35 CATALOGUE OF HOARE, J. A Treatise on Fishponds, addressed to the Nobility and Gentry of Sussex. London, 1870. 8vo. HOFLAND, T. C. The British Angler's Manual: or, the Art of Angling in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. With some account of the principal Rivers, Lakes, and Trout Streams in the United Kingdom, with Instructions in Fly-Fishing, Trolling, and Angling at the Bottom, and more particularly for the Trout. London, 1839. Cro\vn 8vo. The Same. New edition revised and enlarged. By E. Jesse. Lon- don, 1848. Post 8vo. HOGG, JOHN. On the Distribution of certain species of Fresh-water Fish and on the Modes of Fecundating the ova of the Salmonidae. Read before the Tyneside Naturalist's Field Club, Feby 21, 1856. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1856. 8vo. HOLBROOK, JOHN EDWARDS. Ichthyology of South Carolina. Vol. i. [Only vol. published.] Charleston, S. C., 1860. 410. 28 plates. HOUGHTON, REV. W. British Fresh- Water Fishes. Illustrated with a coloured figure of each species drawn from Nature by A. F. Lydon, and numerous engravings. (Preface dated 1879.) Lon- don (no date) . 2 vols. Folio. HOWLETT, R. The Angler's Sure Guide : or, Angling Improved, and methodically digested ; shewing, I. When, and how to gather and provide the best Materials for Fishing Tackle. II. The most proper Baits to delude and take all sorts of Fresh- Water- Fish. III. How to make, order, preserve and use such Tackle and Baits. FV. The Names, Nature, &c. and Medicinal Vertues of those Fish. V. Their Haunts, Spawning-times and Season. VI. The worst and best seasons and times to angle for them. VII. The best and aptest ways of taking them by Angling, &c. VIII. The various and choicest ways of dressing 'em. IX. How to make, store, order and preserve Fishponds, Stews, and Fish. X. Wherein the Angler is punishable by law, if he invade another's Right by Angling. XI. How the Angler may lawfully defend 36 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. himself if wrongfully disturbed in his Angling. XII. Some Presi- dents of Licences to angle in another's Fishery. Together with many other useful and pleasant Varieties, suitable to the Recrea- tion of Angling. Adorned with Copper Cuts. By R. H. Esq. near 40 years a Practitioner in the Art. London, 1706. 8vo. HUBBARD, Lucius L. Summer Vacations at Moosehead Lake and Vi- cinity. A Practical Guide Book for Tourists. Boston, 1879. i6mo. HUBBARD, W. F. Salmon Hatching at the Clackamas Hatchery. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. IDLE, CHRISTOPHER. Hints on Shooting and Fishing, etc. Both on Sea and Land and in the Freshwater Lochs of Scotland. Being the experiences of Christopher Idle, Esq. London, 1855. izmo. The Same. Second edition. London, 1868. i2mo. ILLUSTRATED LONDON ALMANACK. With Pictures of Fresh- Water Fish, printed in Colours. London, 1864. Royal 8vo. INNOCENT EPICURE : or, The Art of Angling. A Poem. London : Printed for S. Crouch, &c. 1697. i2mo. The Preface is by N. Tate, to whom the poem is sometimes attributed ; but the initials of the author head the introductory Epistle, J. S. to C. S., supposed to be the same with the author of the " True Art of Angling." IRELAND, W. H. The Fisher Boy. A Poem comprising his several avocations during the four seasons of the year. By H. C. Lon- don (no date). i2mo. Ireland is best known as the forger of the " Shakespeare Papers." JACOB, GILES. The Compleat Sportsman. In Three Parts. Part I. Containing the Nature and various Kinds of Game, &c. Part II. Of the best Situations and Methods of erecting and Management of Parks, Warrens, &c. Part III. Of Fish and Fishing. London, in the Savoy, 1718. i2mo. 37 CATALOGUE OF JACOBSON, H. Carp Fisheries in the Peitz Lakes. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. Wagner's Establishment for raising Goldfish at Oldenburg, Germany. Ibid., 1878. JARDINE, W. The Perch Family. (The Naturalist's Library, Vol. xxxv.) Ichthyology. Edinburgh, 1835. 12010. JENNER, THOMAS. London's Blame, if not its Shame : Manifested by the great Neglect of the Fishery, which afforded to our neighbor Nation yearly, the Revenue of many Millions which they take up at our Doors, whilst with the Sluggard, we fold our hands in our bosoms and will not stretch them forth to our mouths. London, 1651. i2mo. JESSE, EDWARD. Gleanings in Natural History ; with Local Recollec- tions. To which are added Maxims and Hints for an Angler. London, 1832. Crown 8vo. The Same. A New edition. London, 1832. Crown 8vo. Gleanings in Natural History. Second Series. To which are added some extracts from the unpublished MSS. of the late Mr. White ofSelborne. London, 1834. Crown 8vo. An Angler's Rambles. London, 1836. Crown 8vo. Favorite Haunts and Rural Studies. London, 1847. Crown 8vo. JOLLY ANGLER : or, Water Side Companion. Containing an account of all the best places for Angling as well as the Tackle, Baits, and other requisites to form an expert Angler. Illustrated with eighty wood engravings. Fifth edition. London (no date). i2mo. JONES' GUIDE TO NORWAY and Salmon-Fisher's Pocket Com- panion. Edited by Frederic Tolfrey. London, 1858. i2mo. JONSTONI, JOANN. Historiae Naturalis de Piscibus et Cetis. Libri v. Tabulis Quadraginta septem ab illo celeberrimo Mathia Meriano, &c. Heilbrunnensis, 1767. Folio. Sixty-seven large plates, comprising several hundred specimens. 38 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. KARR, ALPHONSE. Dictionnaire du Pcheur, Trait6 complet de la Peche en eau douce et en eau salee histoire, moeurs, habitudes des Poissons, Crustaces, Testacs, &c. Lois, usages, procdes, ruses et secrets des Pecheurs. Paris, 1855. 12010. KARSTEN, G. Investigation of the Baltic Sea and the German Ocean. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. KEENE, J. H. The Practical Fisherman : dealing with the Natural History, the Legendary Lore, the Capture of British Freshwater Fish, and Tackle and Tackle Making. Illustrated. London, 1881. 8vo. KEMP, JOHN. Shooting and Fishing in Lower Brittany. A complete and practical Guide to Sportsmen. London, 1859. 8vo. KENTISH ANGLER ; or the Young Fisherman's Instructor : showing the Nature and Properties of Fish which are generally angled for in Kent ; their haunts, spawning times &c. Rules and cautions to be observed by Young Anglers ; The proper method of Angling for Trout, Carp, Pike, Tench, Roach, Eels &c. Worm, Minnow, Cadis, and Maggot Fishing : Fly Fishing, and the preparation of Artificial Flies ; and an Abstract of the Laws of Angling. By an experienced Angler. Canterbury, 1804. i2mo. KEYMOR, J. Observation made upon the Dutch Fishing about the year 1601. Demonstrating that there is more Wealth raised out of Herring and other Fish in his Majestie's seas by the neighbor- ing nations in one year, than the King of Spain hath from the Indies in four. London, 1664. i2mo. KIDD, W. Practical Instructions in the Art of Angling. London, 1820. i8mo. KING. JOHN LYLE. Trouting on the Brute River, or Summer- Wayfaring in the Northern Wilderness. New York, 1 880. 8vo. KING, W. R. The Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada : or Notes on the Natural History of the Game, Game Birds, and Fish of that Country. London, 1866. Royal 8vo. 39 CATALOGUE OF KINGSLEY, REV. CHARLES. Prose Idylls. New and Old. London, 1873. Crown 8vo. This volume contains the angling essay, " Chalk Stream Studies," which first appeared in Frazer's Magazine. KIRKBRIDE, JOHN. The Northern Angler : or Fly-Fisher's Com- panion. Carlisle, 1837. i2mo. KLEIN, J. T. Historiae Piscium Naturalis, prornovendae missus v. cum praefatione de piscium auditu. Gedani, 1740-49. 410. Five parts in one volume. To which is added, " Mantissa Ichtyologica de sono et auditu piscium." Lipsiae, 1746. " Une ouvrage rare et recherche et dont on trouve rarement les 5 parties completes." KNOX, DR. Fish and Fishing in the lone Glens of Scotland. With a History of the propagation, growth and metamorphoses of the Salmon. London, 1854. Post 8vo. KOPSCH, H. Notes on Pisciculture in Kiangsi. See Report of the U, S. Commissioner, 1873-74, 1874-75. KRESZ, C. (aine). La Pecheur Francais. Trait6 de la Peche a laligne en eau douce. Seconde Edition, presque entierement refaite a neuf et augmented. Paris, 1830. Post 8vo. L IAMBERT, M. ST. A. Nouveau Manuel Complet du Pecheur- Prac- ticien, ou les Secrets, les Mysteres et les Ruses de la Peche a la ligne devoiles, et mis a la ported de tout le monde. Nouvelle Edition, entierement refondue. Paris, 1870. i6mo. LAMBERT, OSMUND. Angling Literature in England ; and descrip- tions of Fishing by the Ancients : with a notice of some books on other piscatorial subjects. London, 1 88 1. i2mo. LANMAN, CHARLES. A Summer in the Wilderness, embracing a canoe voyage up the Mississippi and around Lake Superior. New York, 1847. i2mo. 40 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. LANMAN, CHARLES. Adventures of an Angler in Canada, Nova Scotia, and the United States. London, 1848. 8vo. Adventures in the Wilds of the United States and British American Provinces. With an Appendix by Lieut. Campbell Hardy. Phila- delphia, 1856. 2 vols. 8vo. White-Fish of Eastern Maine and New Brunswick. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. The Salmonidse of Eastern Maine, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Ibid. Shad and Gasperau or Alewife of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Ibid. LATHY, T. P. The Angler ; a Poem, in Ten Cantos, comprising proper instructions in the Art : with rules to choose Fishing- Rods, Lines, Hooks, Floats, Baits, and to make Artificial Flies : Re- ceipts for Pastes, &c. &c. Embellished with upwards of twenty beautiful cuts. London, 1822. 8vo. The Same. The Angler, a Poem, in Ten Cantos. With proper in- structions, &c. By Piscator. London, 1819. 8vo. " This poem is plagiarized from the ' Angler's Eight Dialogues in Verse,' without acknowledgment." LEECH, JOHN. Mr. Briggs and his Doings. Fishing. London (no date). Folio. LENNOX, LORD WILLIAM. Merrie England. Its Sports and Pastimes. London, 1857. 8vo. LETTERS ON SPORTING, in Three Parts. I. Angling. II. Shoot- ing. III. Coursing. A Series of Familiar Letters. Three plates by Cook. London (no date). 8vo. LJUNGMAN, A. V. Herring Fisheries on the Coast of Sweden. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1873-74, 1874-75. Salt- Water Fisheries of Bohuslan. Ibid., 1878. The great Bohuslan Herring Fisheries. Ibid. Propagation and Growth of the Her- ring. Ibid. 41 CATALOGUE OF LLOYD, L. Field Sports of the North of Europe ; comprised in a Personal Narrative of a Residence in Sweden and Norway in the Years 1827-28. With numerous engravings. London, 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. Scandinavian Adventures, during a Residence of upwards of twenty . years, representing Sporting Incidents, and Subjects of Natural History. Devices for entrapping Wild Animals. With some Account of the Northern Fauna. London, 1854. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. The Game Birds and Wild Fowl of Sweden and Norway; with an Account of the Seals and Salt Water Fishes of those Countries. Second edition. With maps, woodcuts, and chromo illustrations. London, 1867. Royal 8vo. LOCH AND RIVER SIDE. Edinburgh, 1866. Oblong Folio. A series of thirty-nine humorous etchings on stone, depicting the pleas- ures and perils of an angler's life. By K. J. F. LOCHLEVEN ANGLER. By an Ex-President of the Kinross-shire Fishing-Club. Kinross, 1874. i2mo. LOCKE, J. Tweed and Don ; or, Recollections and Reflections of an Angler for the last fifty years. Edinburgh, 1860. i2mo. LONDON ANGLER'S BOOK. See BADDELEY. LONGFIELD, ROBERT. The Fishery Laws of Ireland. Dublin, 1863. i2mo. LORD, J. K. The Naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia. London, 1866. 2 vols. 8vo. LORD, W. B. Sea Fish and how to catch them. London (no date). i2mo. Crab, Shrimp, and Lobster Lore, gathered amongst the rocks at the Sea-shore, by the Riverside, and in the Forest. London, 1867. I2mo. 42 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. LOWE, RICHARD THOMAS. A History of the Fishes of Madeira. With original figures from nature of all Species, by the Hon. C. E. C. Norton and M. Young. London, 1843-60. Royal 8vo. MACKENSIE, MURDO. View of the Salmon Fishery of Scotland, with observations on the Nature, Habits, and Instincts of the Salmon ; and on the Law as affecting the rights of parties, &c. With Appendix. Edinburgh, 1860. Svo. MACKINTOSH, ALEXANDER. The Driffield Angler, in Two Parts ; con- taining Descriptions of the different kinds of Fresh Water Fish, and the best methods of taking them in rivers, lakes, and fish- Ponds j with full directions for Baits, and the manner of making Artificial Flies for every month in the season. Gainsborough (no date). 121110. MANLEY, J. J. Notes on Fish and Fishing, with illustrations. Lon- don, 1877. Svo. MARSHALL, CHARLES. A plain and easy introduction to the Knowl- edge and Practice of Gardening, with Hints on Fish Ponds. Fourth edition. London, 1805. Svo. MARTIN, J. The Angler's Guide : the most complete and practical ever written. To which is added a graphic and laughable story entitled, Three Jolly Anglers. London, 1854. i2mo. MARTINGALE. Sporting Scenes and Country Characters. With nu- merous illustrations on wood. London, 1840. Svo. MASS AS, CHARLES DE. Le Pecheur a la Mouche Artificielle et le Pecheur a toutes lignes. Troisieme Edition. Augmented de plusieurs chapitres. Paris (no date). i2mo. MAST, J. The Gun, Rod, and Saddle, or, Nine Months in California. Philadelphia, 1875. i6mo. 43 CATALOGUE OF MATHER, FRED. Transportation of Turbot and Soles from England to America. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1877. Trip to Europe with Eggs of the Quinnat Salmon. Ibid, MAXIMS AND HINTS for an Angler. See PENN. MEDWIN, THOMAS. The Angler in Wales, or Days and Nights of Sportsmen. Second edition. London, 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. MEIDINGER, C. Icones Piscium Austria Indigenorum quos collegit vivisque coloribus expresses edidit C. Baro a Meidinger. Viennae, 1 785 - 94. Royal Folio. MEMOIRS OF THE GLOUCESTER FOX HUNTING CLUB, near Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1830. 8vo. See SCHUYLKILL FISHING COMPANY. MEUNIER, VICTOR. Les Grandes Peches. Deuxieme Edition, illus- tree de 85 vignettes sur bois par E. Riou et A. Misnel. Paris, 1871. i2mo. MEYER, H. A. Biological Observations on the Herring. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. MILFORD. J. Norway and her Laplanders in 1841; with a few Hints to the Salmon Fisher in Norway. London, 1842. 8vo. MILLS, JOHN. The Sportsman's Library. Edinburgh, 1845. 8vo - MILNER, JAMES W. Fisheries of the Great Lakes. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1872 - 73. On the Artificial Culture of the Shad. Ibid. Notes on the Grayling of North America. Ibid. Propagation and Distribution of the Shad. Ibid., 1873- 74, 1874-75, 1875 - 76, 1877, 1878. The Triana Trip. Ibid., 1874-75. The Transportation of Shad. Ibid., 1874-75. MITCHELL, JOHN M. The Herring, its Natural History and National Importance. Edinburgh, 1874, 8vo. MITCHELL, W. A. On the Pleasures and Utility of Angling : a Paper read to the Waltonian Club of Newcastle-on-Tyne, July 27th, 1824. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1824. Post 8vo. 44 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. MOBIUS, KARL. Profitable Cultivation of the Oyster. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1877. MOFFAT, A. S. The Secrets of Angling. Edinburgh, 1865. 8vo. MORGAN, G. The new Complete Sportsman; or, the Town and Country Gentleman's Recreation. London (no date). i2mo. MULLER and HENLE. Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiosto- men. Mit sechzig steindrucktafeln. Berlin, 1841. Folio. MURRAY, W. H. H. Adventures in the Wilderness, or. Camp Life in the Adirondacks. Boston, 1869. i2mo. N EIL. New and Complete Angler ; or the Whole Art of Fishing. London, 1804. 8vo. NELSON, E. W. Fisheries of Chicago and Vicinity. See Report of the U, S. Commissioner, 1875 76. NETTLE, R. The Salmon Fisheries of the St. Lawrence. Montreal, 1857. i2mo. NEWLAND, REV. HENRY. The Erne ; its Legends and its Fly Fishing. London, 1851. Post 8vo. Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden. Being extracts from the Journal of a Fisherman. Second edition. London, 1855. i2mo. N 1C HOL, ROBERT. The Fisher's Garland for 1833. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1833. 8vo. Entitled, " The Angler's Delight." Originally written by Robert Nichol in 1820, and intended as the Garland for that year ; remodelled in 1824 by- William G. Thomson, and issued in 1842 as the Garland for 1833. 250 copies were printed. NOBBES, ROBERT. The Complete Troller ; or, The Art of Trolling, with a description of all the Utensils, Instruments, Tackling, and 45 CATALOGUE OF Materials requisite thereto : with rules and directions how to use them. As also, a Brief Account of most of the Principal Rivers in England. London, 1682. 8vo. NORRIS, THADDEUS. The American Angler's Book; embracing the Natural History of Sporting Fish, and the Art of taking them. With instructions in Fly- Fishing, Fly-making, and Rod-making : and directions for Fish-breeding. To which is added Dies Piscatoriae, describing noted Fishing-places, and the Pleasure of solitary Fly-Fishing. New edition, with a supplement con- taining descriptions of Salmon Rivers, Inland Trout fishing, etc., etc. Philadelphia, 1865. Royal 8vo. American Fish Culture, embracing all the details of Artificial breed- ing and rearing of Trout, the Culture of Salmon, Shad, and other Fishes. Philadelphia, 1865. i2mo. NORTH, SIR ROGER. A Discourse of Fish and Fishponds. Done by a Person of Honour. First edition. London, 1713. 8vo. The Same. Second edition. London, 1715. 8vo. NORTH COUNTRY ANGLER ; or, the Art of Angling as practised in the Northern Counties of England. Fourth edition. London, 1817. i2mo. "Ought to have been called 'The North Country Poacher,'" says Chatto. NORTHRUP, A. J. Camps and Tramps in the Adirondacks and Gray- ling Fishing in Northern Michigan : a Record of Summer Vaca- tions in the Wilderness. New York (no date). i6mo. o 'GORMAN. The Practice of Angling, particularly as regards Ire- land. Dublin, 1845. 2 vols. (in one). Post 8vo. OLIVER, STEPHEN. See CHATTO. 46 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. OPPIAN. Halieuticks of the Nature of Fishes and Fishing of the Ancients. In V. Books. Translated from the Greek, with an Account of Oppian's Life and Writings, and a Catalogue of his Fishes. Oxford, 1722. 8vo. The translators were Mr. Draper and Mr. Jones, of Balliol College. Op- pian holds the foremost rank among the ancient writers on Halieutics. He flourished in the time of Severus, about A. D. 198, and wrote three poems in Hexameters : one on Hawking, lost ; another, in four books, on Hunt- ing ; and the above work on Halieutics, in five books. OTTER. The Modern Angler, containing instructions in the art of Fly-fishing, Spinning and Bottom-fishing, fully describing the tackle and other requisites. With an account of the best places for angling, including the Thames, Lea, &c. [Preface, 1864.] London (no date). i2mo. The Same. New edition. [Preface, 1876.] London (no date). i2mo. A Complete Guide to Spinning and Trolling. New edition. [Pref- ace, 1878.] London (no date). i2mo. P ACKARD, A. S. Dredgings made in the Gulf of Maine, 1873. See Report of 'the U. S. Commissioner, 1873-74, 1874-75. PAPPE, L. Synopsis of the Edible Fishes at the Cape of Good Hope. Cape Town, 1853. 8vo. PATERSON, JAMES. A Treatise on the Fishery Laws of the United Kingdom, including the Laws of Angling. London, 1863. 8vo. PAYTON, CHARLES A. Moss from a Rolling Stone ; or, Moorish Wan- derings and Rambling Reminiscences. London, 1879. 8vo. PEARD, W. Practical Water- Farming. Edinburgh, 1868. i2mo. A Year of Liberty ; or, Salmon Angling in Ireland from February i to November i. London, 1867. 8vo. 47 CATALOGUE OF PEARSON, EDWIN. The Angler's Garland and Fisher's Delight, for 1870. Embellished with a few "Canny" Woodcuts by that lover of Tyneside, Thomas Bewick, with a Letter by him on Salmon Fishing in 1824. Selected and arranged by Edwin Pearson. Westminster, 1870. 4to. Contents. The Angler's Progress, by Boaz ; Letter on Salmon Fishing, by Bewick ; Curiosities of Fish ; The Angler's Duet ; A rare Secret to catch Fish ; Mr. Lobski's Fishing Tale ; A strange Kind of Fishing ; An- gling we will go ; Angling, a Poem. The Angler's Garland and Fisher's Delight, for 1871. Embellished with a few "Canny" Woodcuts by that lover of Tyneside, Thomas Bewick. Selected and arranged by Edwin Pearson. Westminster, 1871. 4to. Contents. The Fisher's Garland for 1821; The Angler's Reflection; The Young Angler's Instructor ; The Clown's Catalogue of Odd Fish, by C. Dibdin, Jr. ; Catalogue of Books on Angling. PENN, RICHARD. Maxims and Hints for an Angler ; and Miseries of Fishing. To which are added Maxims and Hints for a Chess- player. A new edition enlarged. London, 1839. 12 mo. This volume is attributed to Richard Penn, the great-grandson of William Penn. The Same. Philadelphia, 1868. i8mo. PENNELL, H. C. The Angler Naturalist. A Popular History of British Fresh-water Fish. With plain explanation of the Rudi- ments of Ichthyology. Illustrated by upwards of 150 wood engravings. London (no date). Crown 8vo. Spinning Tackle : What it is and what it ought to be. With a few words on Fine Fishing. London, 1862. i2mo. Fishing Gossip, or Stray Leaves from the Note Books of several anglers. Edinburgh, 1866. i2mo. The Book of the Pike. A Practical Treatise on the various methods of Jack Fishing. London, 1865. 8vo. 48 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. PERRY, COMMODORE M. C. Narrative of the Expedition of an Ameri- -can Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854. Under the command of Commo- dore M. C. Perry, U. S. N., by order of the Government of the United States. Compiled from the original Journals. By Fran- cis L. Hawks, D. D., LL. D. With numerous illustrations. Washington, 1856. 3 vols. 4to. PEYNER, CARL. Fisheries and Fishery Laws in Austria and of the World in general. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1873 - 74, 1874-75. PHILLIPS, HENRY. The True Enjoyment of Angling. London, 1843. Royal 8vo. It consists of observations under the several months, with songs and music. PISCARIUS. The Artificial Production of Fish. Third edition. Lon- don, 1852. i2mo. PISCATOR. The Practical Angler. London, 1842. 8vo. PISCATORIAL REMINISCENCES, AND GLEANINGS. By an old Angler and Bibliopolist [Thomas Boosey]. To which is added a Catalogue of Books on Angling. London, 1835. lamo. PLAYFAIR and GUNTHER. The Fishes of Zanzibar. Acanthop- terygii by Lieut. Col. R. Lambert Playfair. Pharyngognathi, etc. by Albert C. L. G. Gunther. London, 1866. Folio. PLEASURES OF PRINCES, or, Good men's Recreations. Contain- ing A Discourse of the generale art of Fishing, with the Angle, or otherwise : and of all the hidden secrets belonging thereunto. Together with the Choyce, Ordring, Breeding, and Dyetting of the fighting Cock. Being a worke never in that nature handled by any former Author. London, 1635. 4to. " The work is said to have been converted into prose from J. Denny's ' Secrets of Angling.' The treatise was taken possession of by Markham in his 'English Husbandmen,' though not in the edition of 1613, and was also reprinted in his ' Country Contentments.' " 49 CATALOGUE OF POLLARD, RICHARD. The New and Complete Angler or Universal Fisherman. London (no date). i2mo. POLLOK, LIEUT. COL. Sport in British Burmah, Assam, and the Cas- syah and Jyntiah Hills. 2 vols. London, 1879. 8vo. POPPE, ROBERT A. Introduction and Culture of the Carp in Califor- nia. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. PRACTICAL FLY-FISHING. See ARUNDO. PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS ON ANGLING in the River Trent : By a Gentleman resident in the neighbourhood and who has made the amusement his study for upwards of twenty years [Charles Snart], London, 1801. 8vo. PRACTICAL TREATISE on the Choice and Cooking of Fish. By Piscator [Mr. Hughes]. Second edition. London, 1854. i2mo. PRESENT STATE of the Salmon Fishery of Scotland, with Observa- tions on the Nature, Habits, and Instincts of the Salmon Race. By a Salmon Fisher. London (no date) . 8vo. PRIME, WILLIAM C. I Go A Fishing. London, 1873. 8 vo. The Same. New York, 1874. i2mo. PULMAN, G. P. R. Vade Mecum of Fry-Fishing for Trout : being a complete practical treatise on that branch of the Art of Angling. London, 1841. Foolscap 8vo. The Same. Second edition rewritten and greatly enlarged. Lon- don, 1846. Foolscap 8vo. The Same. Third edition rewritten and greatly enlarged, with plain and copious instructions for the Manufacture of Artificial Flies. Illustrated by numerous engravings. London, 1851. Foolscap 8vo. Rambles, Roamings and Recollections. By John Trotandot. Lon- don, 1870. 8vo. 50 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. PULMAN, G. P. R. The Book of the Axe : containing a Piscatorial Description of that stream and a History of all the Parishes and remarkable spots upon its Banks ; with several illustrations and a map. London, 1854. 8vo. The Book of the Axe ; containing a Piscatorial Description of that stream and Historical Sketches of all the Parishes and remarkable places upon its Banks, with nearly one hundred illustrations and a map. Fourth edition, rewritten and greatly enlarged. London, 1875. Royal 8vo. R AMBLES AND RECOLLECTIONS OF A FLY FISHER. See CLERICUS. RANDOM CASTS ; or Odds and Ends from an Angler's Note Book. By E. M. E. New York, 1878. i2mo. RASCH, H. Is sawdust as serious an obstacle to the ascent of Salmon in our rivers as is generally maintained ? See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. RAYMOND, O. The Art of Fishing on the Principle of avoiding Cruelty. With Approved Rules for Fishing used during sixty years' practice, not hitherto published in any work on the sub- ject. London, 1866. Foolscap 8vo. RENAULD, L. B. Le Parfait Pcheur a la ligne au filet, etc. suivi du Calendrier du Pecheur d'un Trait6 de Pisciculture simplifi6 de 1'Aquarium et des lois et ordonnances sur la Peche fluviale. Paris, 1878. i8mo. RENE ET LIERSEL. Traite" de la Peche a la ligne et au filet dans les Rivieres et dans les Etangs contenant toutes les lois y compris 1'ordonnance du 10 aout 1875. Paris (no date). i2mo. RENNIE, J. Alphabet of Scientific Angling for the use of Beginners. London, 1833. i2mo. 51 CATALOGUE OF REPORTS. Fish and Fisheries. California. 1872-73, 1876-77. Three Reports. 8vo. Connecticut. 1867,1870-78. Ten Reports. 8vo. Maine. 1867-68, 1872. Five Reports. 8vo. Maryland. 1876,1878. Three Reports. 8vo. Massachusetts: 1857-77. Eleven Reports. 8vo. Michigan. 1873-74,1875-76. Two Reports. 8vo. Minnesota. 1875,1877,1878,1879. Four Reports. 8vo. New Hampshire, 1874, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1880. Five Reports. 8vo. New Jersey. 1871-76. Six Reports. 8vo. New York, 1871, 1873-77. Six Reports. 8vo. Ohio. 1875-78. Four Reports. 8vo. Pennsylvania. 1873, 1874, 1876, 1877. Four Reports. 8vo. Rhode Island. 1872-77. Six Reports. 8vo. Vermont. 1857, 1866, 1867, 1873-74, 1875-76, 1876, 1877-78. Seven Reports. 8vo. Virginia. 1875-76,1876-77. Two Reports. 8vo. Sabine, Lorenzo. Report on the Principal Fisheries of the American Seas. Prepared for the Treasury Department of the United States. Washington, 1853. 8vo. United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. (1871 - 72.) Sea Fisheries of the South Coast of New England. 1873. (1872-73.) Fresh- Water Fisheries of the United States. 1874. (1873-74 and 1874- 75.) Propagation of Food Fishes. 1876. (1875 - 76.) Propagation of Food Fishes. 1878. (1877.) Propaga- tion of Food Fishes. 1879. (1878.) Propagation, Food-Fishes. 1880. Washington. 6 vols. 8vo. 52 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. REPORTS. Fish and Fisheries. Canada. Department of Marine and Fisheries. 1868-76. Ottawa. 9 vols. 8vo. New Brunswick. Report on the Sea and River Fisheries of New Brunswick. By M. H. Perley. Second edition. Fredericton, 1852. 8vo. England and Wales. Report of the Commissioners. London, 1861. Folio. England and Wales. Report of the Inspectors of Salmon Fisheries. London, 1872. 8vo. Ireland. Report of the Inspector of Irish Fisheries on the deep Sea Coast and Inland Fisheries of Ireland. Dublin, 1872. Folio. REVOIL, BENEDICT H. Chasses et Peches de 1'autre Monde. Paris, 1856. i2mo. The author relates his experiences and adventures in the backwoods of America during the years 1841 to 1849, Shooting and Fishing in the Rivers, Prairies, and Backwoods of North America. By Benedict Henry Revoil. Translated and revised by The Chronicler. London, 1865. 2 vols. i2mo. RIVER DOVE : with some quiet thoughts on the happy practice of Angling. [By J. L. Anderdon.] London, 1847. i2mo. ROBERTSON, JOHN. Angling Streams and Angling Quarters of the Scottish Lowlands. With maps and plain directions to Trout Fishers. Edinburgh, 1859. i8mo. The Handbook of Angling for Scotland and the Border Counties, embracing the practical experiences of Thirty Years' Fishing, with maps and routes, &c. London, 1861. i8mo. This, though published as a new work, is, in the main, but a modification of the foregoing. " 53 CATALOGUE OF RONALDS, ALFRED. Fly Fisher's Entomology. Illustrated by coloured representations of the Natural and Artificial Insect and accom- panied by a few observations and instructions relative to Trout and Grayling- Fishing. With 19 copper plates. London, 1836. 8vo. The Same. Fourth edition. London, 1849. 8vo. The Same. Seventh edition. London, 1868. 8vo. An excellent and beautiful work. RONDELET, GULIELMO. Libri de Piscibus Marinis, in quibus verse Piscium effigies expressae sunt Lugduni, M.D.Lmi. Folio. Cited by Walton in his Complete Angler, Part I. chaps. I., XI., xii., xrv. With all its defects, this early specimen of Ichthyology has great and even extraordinary merit in the excellency of the woodcuts copiously introduced in its pages. They are bold and accurate, and in general so characteristic that nearly all the species may at once be identified. Sv Universae Aquatilium Historiae pars altera, cum veris ipsorum Imagi- nibus. Lugduni, M.D.LV. Folio. ROOFER, GEORGE. Flood, Field, and Forest With illustrations. The etchings by Cecil BoulL London, 1869. i2mo. ROOSEVELT, ROBERT B. Superior Fishing, or the Striped Bass, Trout, and Black Bass of the Northern States. Embracing full directions for dressing Artificial Flies with the feathers of American Birds : an account of a sporting visit to Lake Superior, etc., etc., etc. New York, 1865. i2mo. Game Fish of the Northern States of America and British Provinces. By BarnwelL New York, 1862. i2mo. ROOSEVELT and GREEN. Fish Hatching and Fish Catching. By R. B. Roosevelt and Seth Green. Rochester, 1879. i2mo. ROUTLEDGE'S HANDBOOK OF FISHING. With illustrations. London, 1867. 12010. 54 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. ROXBY, ROBERT, and THOMAS DOUBLED AY. The Fisher's Gar- land for 1821. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1821. 8vo. This joint production of Roxby and Doubleday appeared as a broadside, printed by John Booth, Newcastle, 1821. 200 copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland for 1823. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1823. 8vo. Entitled, " Coquet Side, &c." 196 copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland for 1824. Newcastle : Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1824. 8vo. Entitled, " The Auld Fisher's Welcome to Coquet Side." 304 copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland for 1825. Newcastle : Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1825. 8vo. Entitled, "The Auld Fisher's Farewell to Coquet." 291 copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland for 1826. Newcastle : Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1826. 8vo. Entitled, " The Coquet for Ever." 400 hundred copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland for 1832. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1832. 8vo. Entitled, "The Fisher's Invitation to his Friend in Newcastle." 300 copies were printed. RUDDIMAN, T. A. A Collection of scarce curious and valuable Pieces, both in Verse and Prose : chiefly selected from the Fugitive Pro- ductions of the most eminent Wits of the present age. Edin- burgh, 1785. 8vo. This contains " The Art of Angling : Eight Dialogues in Verse," ascribed to Dr. Scott, a Dissenting minister of Ipswich. It contains ironical notes in imitation of Dr. King's "Art of Cookery." RUMPHIUS, GEO. EVERHARDUS. Thesaurus imaginum Piscium Tes- taceorum. Lugduni Batav., 1711. Folio. Sixty large plates, comprising several hundred examples. RUSSELL, ALEXANDER. The Salmon. Edinburgh, 1864. 8vo. 55 CATALOGUE OF SAINT GEORGE, DE LA VALLETTE. The Enemies of Fish. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. SAINT JOHN, CHARLES. Shooting, Yachting, and Sea-Fishing Trips at Home and on the Continent. Second Series. By "Wild- flower," "Snapshot." London, 1877. 2 vols. 8vo. Short Sketches of the Wild Sports and Natural History of the High- lands. New edition. London, 1872. i2mo. SALTER, T. F. The Angler's Guide, or Complete London Angler: containing the whole art of Angling as practised in the Rivers Thames and Lea, and other waters twenty miles round London. Founded on Actual Experience : with the Art of Trolling for Jack or Pike. London, 1814. Post 8vo. The Angler's Guide, being a Complete Practical Treatise on Angling : containing the Whole Art of Trolling, Bottom-Fishing, Fly- Fishing, and Trimmer-angling. Founded on Forty years' practice and observation. Second edition. With very considerable Additions. Local Descriptions, Glossary of Technical Terms, and Index. Illustrated with wood engravings. London, 1815. (Large paper.) 8vo. The Angler's Guide : being a new, plain, and complete Practical Treatise on the Art of Angling for Sea, River, and Pond Fish ; deduced from many years' practice, experience and observation. To which is added a Treatise on Trolling. The whole illustrated with numerous new cuts and engravings. Sixth edition, carefully corrected and enlarged. London, 1825. i2mo. The Same. Seventh edition, with the author's last corrections and additions. London, 1830. i2mo. The Same. Eighth edition. London, 1833. i2mo. The Same. Ninth edition. London, 1841. i2mo. The Angler's Guide. Abridged for the Use of Young Anglers, being a complete Treatise on Angling. London, 1816. i6mo. 56 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. SALTER, T. F. The Trailer's Guide. A new and complete Practical Treatise on the Art of Trolling, or Fishing for Jack and Pike. Illustrated with numerous cuts of Hooks, Baits, Tackle, &c. To which is added the best methods of Baiting and laying Seines for large Eels. London, 1820. i2mo. The Same. Second edition. London, 1830. i2mo. The Same. Third edition. London, 1841. i2mo. SALTER, ROBERT. The Modern Angler. In a series of Letters. Sec- ond edition. Oswestry, 1811. i2mo. Being a Practical Treatise on the Art of Fishing, &c. The letters were addressed to the Rev. Morgan Pryse. SANNAZARIUS, JACOBUS. Opera Omnia. Haec quarta editio ab innu- meris (quibus alise scatebant) mendis expurgata est. Amstero- dami, MDCXLVIII. 24mo. The Piscatory Eclogues were translated by John Rooke, London, 1726. SARS, G. O. Spawning and Development of the Cod-fish. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1873- 74, 1874-75. Scientific In- vestigations of the Loffoden Islands made during the years 1864 69. Ibid., 1877. Investigation of the Salt-water Fisheries of Norway during the years 1864-69. Ibid.. Norwegian Deep- Sea Expedition of 1878. Ibid., 1878. SAUNDERS, JAMES. The Compleat Fisherman. Being a large and particular account of all the several ways of Fishing now prac- tised in Europe : with abundance of curious secrets and niceties in the Art of Fishing, as well in the Sea as in Lakes, Meers, Ponds, Rivers or Brooks : whether by Darts, Spears, Harpoons, Nets, Hook and Line, or any other way whatsoever. More particularly calculated for the sport of Angling, with directions for preparing Angle Rods, Hooks, &c., &c. Collected from the best Authors, and from the long experience of James Saunders, Esq. London, 1724. i2mo. Saunders's "Compleat Fisherman" has the merit of being a genuine and sterling treatise on the sport. Saunders is generally considered the first angling author who treats of the silk-worm gut : but Pepys, as far back as 57 CATALOGUE OF 1667, seems to have made acquaintance with silk-worm gut in England, for in his Diary he states: "This day Mr. Caesar told me a pretty experiment of his, angling a minikin, a gutt-string varnished over which keeps it from swelling, and is beyond any hair for strength and smallness. The secret I like mightily." T. Westwood, SCHOMBURGH, R. H. Fishes of British Guiana. (The Naturalist's Library, Vols. xxxix., XL.) London (no date). 2 vols. i2mo. SCHULTZ, ALEXANDER. Fisheries and Seal Hunting. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1873-74, 1874-75. SCHUYLKILL FISHING COMPANY. An authentic Historical Me- moir of the Schuylkill Fishing Company of the State in Schuylkill. From its establishment on that romantic stream, near Philadelphia, in the year 1732,10 the Present Time. By a member. Published by Judah Dobson. Philadelphia, 1 830. 8vo. With which is bound, " Memoirs of the Gloucester Fox Hunting Club near Philadelphia." "An amusing account of a very ancient fishing club, founded by a few of the original settlers in Pennsylvania, many of them emigrants with Penn to the New World, residents in and near the young and thinly inhabited city of Philadelphia. In the catalogue are names of very high distinction ; and the association still exists." Dr. Bethune, SCOTT, GENIO C. Fishing in American Waters. With one hundred and seventy illustrations. New York, 1869. 8vo. Fishing in American Waters. A new edition containing Parts Six and Seven on Southern and miscellaneous Fishes. With numerous illustrations. New York, 1875. 8vo. SCOTT, W. H. British Field Sports: embracing Shooting, Hunting, Coursing, Racing, Cocking, Fishing, &c. With observations on the breaking and training of Dogs and Horses, &c. With sport- ing notes appended. London, 1818. 8vo. SCROPE, WILLIAM. Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the Tweed ; with a short account of the Natural History and Habits of the Salmon. With illustrations. Second edition. London, 1854. Royal 8vo. 58 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. SEA FISHERIES. See BRITISH INDUSTRIES. SECRETS OF ANGLING. See DENNYS. SENIOR, WILLIAM (Red Spinner). By Stream and Sea. A Book for Wanderers and Anglers. London, 1875. 8vo. The Same. London, 1877. 8vo. SHAW, GEORGE. General Zoology or Systematic Natural History. With Plates from the first authorities and most select specimens arranged principally by Mr. Heath. Vol. v. Parts i., u. Pisces. London, 1804. 2 vols. 8vo. SHEPHERD, RICHARD HERNE. See WALTONIANA. SHIPLEY, WILLIAM. A True Treatise on the Art of Fly- Fishing, Troll- ing, etc., as practised on the Dove and other principal Streams of the Midland Counties. Edited by Edward Fitzgibbon. London, 1838. 8vo. SHIRLEY, THOMAS. The Angler's Museum, or, The whole art of Float and Fly-Fishing, with portrait of Kirby the celebrated Angler. London, 1784. 12010. SHOTWELL, J. R. Method of purifying the residuum of Gas-works before allowing it to pass off into the water. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1875 76. SIMEON, CORNWALL. Stray Notes on Fishing and Natural History. London, 1860. ismo. SIMMONDS, P. L. The Commercial Products of the Sea : or, Marine Contributions to Food, Industry, and Art. With thirty-two illus- trations. London, 1879. 8vo. SLACK, J. H. Practical Trout Culture. New York, 1872. izmo. Hatching and Distribution of California Salmon. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1873-74, 1874-75. SMIDTH, J. K. Fisheries among the Ancient Greeks and Romans. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1873-74, 1874-75. 59 CATALOGUE OF SMITH, A., and M. W. HALLETT. The Thames Angler. London, 1846. I2H1O. With a manuscript letter to Greville Fennell from the publisher, C. Far- low, ascribing the authorship as above. The Thames Angler. London, 1860. i2mo. SMITH, J. R. A Biographical Catalogue of English Writers on Angling and Ichthyology. London, 1856. i2mo. SMITH, J. V. C. Natural History of the Fishes of Massachusetts. Embracing a Practical Essay on Angling. Boston, 1833. i2mo. SMITH, SIDNEY I. Fresh-water Crustacea of the United States. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1872-73. Invertebrate Fauna of Lake Superior. Ibid. Food of Fresh-water Fishes. Ibid. SNART, CHARLES. See PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS ON ANGLING. SOLTAU, G. W. Trout Flies of Devon and Cornwall, and when and how to use them. London, 1847. 8vo. SONGS OF THE EDINBURGH ANGLING CLUB. With illustra- tions drawn and engraved by Members of the Club. New edition, with Additions. Edinburgh : Printed privately for Members of the Club. 1879. 8vo. SOUTH, THEOPHILUS. See CHITTY. STARBUCK, ALEXANDER. History of the American Whale Fishery from its earliest inception to the year 1876. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1875-76. STEELE, THOMAS SEDGWICK. Canoe and Camera. A two hundred mile tour through the Maine Forests. New York, 1880. 8vo. STEVENS, CHARLES W. Fly-Fishing in Maine Lakes ; or, Camp-Life in the Wilderness. Boston, 1881. i8mo. 60 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. STEWART, W. C. The Practical Angler : or the Art of Trout-Fishing more particularly applied to clear water. Second edition. Edin- burgh, 1857. Post 8vo. The Same. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. Edinburgh, 1861. Post 8vo. The Same. Seventh edition. Edinburgh, 1877. Post 8vo. A Caution to Anglers, or the " Practical Angler " and " The Modern Practical Angler" compared. With remarks upon the decrease of Trout and proposed remedies. Edinburgh, 1871. Post 8vo. STIRLING, N. B. Fungus Disease affecting Salmon. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. STODDART, THOMAS TOD. Art of Angling, as practised in Scotland. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1836. i8mo. Angling Reminiscences. Edinburgh, 1837. i2mo. This is a very lively and instructive book, not without faults, but de- serves to be a favorite with all Anglers. Dr. Bethune. Songs and Poems. In three parts. Edinburgh, 1839. 8vo. Mr. Stoddart is a true poet, and his rhyme is better than his prose. Two of his Angling Songs are among the best, if not the best, ever written. Dr. Bethune. Angler's Companion to the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1847. Crown 8vo. Containing the Natural History of Trout and Salmon, with directions for practising the Art of Rod- Fishing in all its varieties. To which is added a description of Angling Stations. The Same. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1853. Crown 8vo. An Angler's Rambles and Angling Songs. Edinburgh, 1866. Crown 8vo. STONE, LIVINGSTONE. Domesticated Trout. How to breed and grow them. Boston, 1872. i2mo. 61 CATALOGUE OF STONE, LIVINGSTONE. On the Sacramento Salmon. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1872-73. On the Salmon of the Mira- miclii River. Ibid. Operations in California in 1873. Ibid., l8 73-74> 1874-75. Salmon Hatching Establishment, M'Cloud River, CaL, 1874. Ibid. Operations on the M'Cloud River, 1875. Ibid., 1875-76. Salmon Fisheries of the Columbia River. Ibid. Salmon Hatching on Clackmas River, Oregon. Ibid., 1877. Salmon Hatching on M'Cloud River. Ibid., 1877, 1878. STORER, DAVID HUMPHREYS. History of the Fishes of Massachusetts. (From the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sci- ences.) Cambridge and Boston, 1867. 4to. SUCKLEY, GEORGE. The North American Species of Salmon and Trout. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1872-73. SWAINSON, WILLIAM. The Natural History of Fishes. Amphibians and Reptiles or Monocardian Animals. London, 1838. 2 vols. Post 8vo. SYRSKI, DR. The Organs of Reproduction and the Fecundation of Fishes. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1873-74, T AYLOR, SAMUEL. Angling in all its Branches, reduced to a com- plete science : being the result of more than forty years' real practice and strict observation throughout the kingdom of Great Britain. In Three Parts. London, 1800. 8vo. THEAKSTON, MICHAEL. See BRITISH ANGLING FLIES. THOMPSON, WILLIAM GILL. The Fisher's Garland for- 1822. New- castle : Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1822. 8vo. Entitled, " Tyne Side." Revised and improved by the Rev. Henry Cotes. 291 copies were printed. 62 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. THOMPSON, WILLIAM GILL. The Tyne Fisher's Farewell to his Fa- vorite Stream on the approach of Winter. Newcastle : Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1824. 8vo. The first fragmentary sketch of this Garland is the holograph of the Rev. Henry Cotes, and it appeared to have been remodelled and completed by Thompson in December, 1824. 292 copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland for 1831. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1831. 8vo. Entitled, " The Tyne Fisher's Call." 300 copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland for 1834. Newcastle : Printed for Emerson Chatnley. 1834. 8vo. Entitled, " The Morning Invitation." 260 copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland for 1838. Newcastle : Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1838. 8vo. Entitled, " Summer Rambles ; or the Fisher's Delight." 276 copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland for 1839. Newcastle: Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1839. 8vo. Entitled, " The Auld Fisher's Invitation to Supper." 276 copies were printed. The Fisher's Garland for 1 840. Newcastle : Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1 840. 8vo. Entitled, " A Day by the Side of the Fast Flowing Tyne." 276 copies were printed. THORNE, JAMES. Rambles by Rivers. Thames. London, 1847. 2 vols. (in one). 12 mo. Rambles by Rivers. The Duddon ; The Mole ; The Adur, Arun, and Wey ; The Lea ; The Dove. London, 1 844. The Avon. Lon- don, 1845. i2mo. [Both in one vol.] * TIMES TELESCOPE for 1829, or a Complete Guide to the Almanack. London, 1829. 8vo. 63 CATALOGUE OF TOD, SUETONIUS M. Trout Fishing in the Isle of Man. Where to go and what Baits to use, with a few practical hints on Trout Fish- ing in general. Illustrated with Photographs by Lewis. Douglas (no date). 12 mo. TOLFREY, FREDERIC. The Sportsman in France : comprising a Sport- ing Ramble through Picardy and Normandy, and Boar Shooting in Lower Brittany. London, 1841. 2 vols. 8vo. The Sportsman in Canada. London, 1845. 2 vols. 8vo. TROLLOPE, ANTHONY. British Sports and Pastimes, 1868. Edited by Anthony Trollope. London, 1868. 8vo. Reprinted from the Saint Paul's Magazine. TRUE ART OF ANGLING: or, The Best and Speediest way of Taking all sorts of Fresh-Water Fish with the Worm, Fly, Paste, and other Baits, in their proper seasons : how to know the Haunts of Fish, and Angle for them in all Waters and Weathers, at the Top, Middle, and Bottom, Baiting of the Ground, and Night Baits, Oyl, and Oyntments, Baits Natural and Artificial : The several ways of Angling; To make Oyl of Asper, and many rare Secrets never before made publick ; containing the whole Body of Angling, and Mystery of a Compleat Angler. By J. S. Gent A Brother of the Angle. London : Printed for George Conyers at the Golden Ring, and John Sprint at the Bell in Little-Britain. 1696. 321110. In the Sale Catalogue of Sir Henry Ellis's library the authorship of the " True Art of Angling " is ascribed to John Sprint. TRUE ART OF ANGLING. The Complete Fisher: Or, the True Art of Angling : Being A clear and speedy Way of Taking all Sorts of Fresh Water Fish, with the Worm, Fly, Paste and other Baits in their proper Seasons. How to know the Haunts of Fish, and Angle for them in all Waters and Weathers, at the Top, Mid- dle, or Bottom : Baits Natural and Artificial ; The several Ways of Angling. To which is added, An Account of the Season and Spawning Time of each Fish, and an Account of the Principal Rivers, the Fish they produce, and the properest Place to Angle 64 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. for them in each River. Revised and Corrected by W. Wright and other Experienced Anglers. London : Printed for J. Hazard and J. Wright, fronting Stationers-Hall ; and Sold by John Herro, in Bell- Yard, Temple-Bar. (No date.) 321110. The Same. London : Printed for Onesimus Ustonson, No. 48 Bell Yard, Temple Bar. 1770. i2mo. This reproduction omits the title of " The Complete Fisher." TWO SUMMERS IN NORWAY. By the Author of " The Angler in Ireland" [Belton]. London, 1840. 2 vols. 8vo. UP DE GRAFF. T. S. Bodines ; or, Camping on the Lycoming. A complete Practical Guide to Camping out. With illustrations. Philadelphia, 1879. i2mo. V ANIER. Fishing. A Translation from the Latin of Vanier, Book xv. upon Fish. By the late Rev. John Buncombe. With a brief introduction and passages from English Writers, selected as notes. London, 1809. 8vo. This translation of Vanier was inserted in the " Censura Literaria " by Mr. Haslewood, and reprinted by Daniel in his Supplement to " Rural Sports." VENABLES, COL. ROBERT. The Experienced Angler : or, Angling improved. Being a General Discourse of Angling, imparting many of the aptest Waves and Choicest Experiments for the taking of most sorts of Fish in Pond or River. London, 1662. 1 2 mo. The second edition was burnt in the Great Fire ; no copy is at present known. "I have read and practised by many books of this kind, formerly made public : from which, although I received much advantage, yet without preju- dice to their worthy authors, I could never find in them that height of judg- ment and reason manifested in this, as I may call it, Epitome of Angling." Isaac Walton. 65 CATALOGUE OF VENABLES, COL. ROBERT. The Experienced Angler: or, Angling improved. Third edition much enlarged. London, 1668. The Same. Fourth edition much enlarged. London, 1676. i2mo. Colonel Venables's name first appears in the fourth edition, which forms the third part of the fifth edition of Walton's Angler. The Experienced Angler. London : Prowett and Gosden. 1825. i2mo. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Author; with beautiful India impressions of the vignettes, engraved on silver. The Same. London: Gosden. 1827. i2mo. With beautiful India impressions of the vignettes. VERRILL, A. E. Invertebrate Animals of Vineyard Sound and the adjacent Waters. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1871-72. VICKENSTEDT, EDMUND. Carp Ponds of Nether Lusatia. See Re- port of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. w >ADE, HENRY. Halcyon ; or, Rod- Fishing with Fly, Minnow, and Worm. To which is added a short and easy method of Dressing Flies, with a description of the materials used. With eight col- oured plates, containing one hundred and seventeen specimens of Natural and Artificial Flies, Materials, &c., and four plates illustrating Fishes, Baiting, &c. London, 1861. 8vo. WAGNER, CHRISTIAN. What does a Fish cost? See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. WALLACE, E. R. Descriptive Guide to the Adirondacks and Hand- book of Travel to Saratoga Springs : Schroon Lake : Lakes Lu- zerne, George, and Champlain. The Ausable Chasm ; The Thousand Islands ; Massena Springs and Trenton Falls. Sixth edition. New York, 1878. 8vo. WALLEM, FREDERICK M. American Fisheries. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. 66 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. WALTON, IZAAK. The Compleat Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a Discourse of Fish and Fishing, not un- worthy the perusal of most Anglers. London : Printed by T. Maxey for Rich. Harriot. 1653. i2mo. The Compleat Angler or the Contemplative Man's Recreation. Be- ing a Discourse of Rivers, and Fish-Ponds, and Fish, and Fishing. Not unworthy the perusal of most Anglers. The second edition, much enlarged. London : Printed by T. M. for Rich. Marriot. 1655. i2mo. This edition appears to have been almost rewritten. The interlocutors are three in this edition, Piscator, Venator (who takes the place of Viator), and Auceps. T. W. The Same. To which is added, The Laws of Angling : with a new Table of the Particulars in this Book. The third Edition, much enlarged. London: Printed by J. G. for Rich. Marriot. 1664. i2mo. Although the work is stated on the title-page to be "much enlarged," this must apply rather to a comparison with the first edition, as the changes are but few and unimportant with reference to the second. T. W. The Same. The fourth Edition, much corrected and enlarged. London: Printed for R. Marriot. 1668. i2mo. A paginary reprint of its immediate forerunner, with the exception of the " errata," which are corrected. The Same. Fifth Edition, much corrected and enlarged. [Under the collective printed title :] The Universal Angler, Made so, by Three Books of Fishing. The First. Written by Mr. Izaak Wal- ton ; The Second. By Charles Cotton, Esq. ; The Third. By Col. Robert Venables. All which may be bound together, or sold each of them severally. London : Printed for Richard Mar- riot. 1676. i2mo. The Same. Fifth edition. London : Printed for R. Marriot. 1676. I2mo. This copy contains Part i. Written by Izaak Walton. Part n. By Charles Cotton. 6 7 CATALOGUE OF WALTON, IZAAK. The Compleat Angler or the Contemplative Man's Recreation. Second edition. 12 mo. With modern title. The Same. Fourth edition. i2mo. Without title. WALTON and COTTON. The Compleat Angler : or, Contemplative Man's Recreation. In Two Parts. Containing, I. A large and particular Account of Rivers, Fish-ponds, Fish, and Fishing : Written by the ingenious and celebrated Mr. Izaak Walton. II. The best and fullest Instructions how to angle for a Trout and Grayling in a clear Stream. By Charles Cotton, Esq. ; and published by Mr. Walton. Carefully and correctly published, from the best editions, with a number of occasional Notes. By Moses Browne, Author of Piscatory Eclogues. To which are added, The Laws of Angling ; and an Appendix, shewing at one View, the most proper Rivers, particular Haunts, Baits ; [&c., &c.] Lon- don : Printed and Sold by Henry Kent. 1750. i2mo. The Same. Second edition. By Moses Browne. Very much amended and improved. London, 1759. i2mo. The Same. Third edition. By Moses Browne. With the addition of all the Songs set to Music. London : Printed and sold by Henry Causton. 1772. i2mo. The third edition has twenty pages of additional matter, with " several useful notes of Directions for the sport," and the songs set to music. Browne 1 undertook to prune and polish his author's style, to suppress pas- sages in his prose, to smooth down roughnesses in his verse, and to adapt him to the over-refined and fastidious taste of the day. Wcstwood. The Complete Angler : or, Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a Discourse on Rivers, Fish-ponds, Fish, and Fishing. In Two Parts. The First written by Mr. Izaak Walton, The Second by Charles Cotton, Esq. ; To which are now prefixed, The Lives of the Authors. Illustrated with Cuts of the Several Kinds of River- Fish, and of the Implements used in Angling, Views of the principal Scenes described in the Book. And Notes Historical, 68 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. Critical, and Explanatory. [By Sir John Hawkins, Knt] Lon- don : Printed only for Thomas Hope. 1 760. Post 8vo. WALTON and COTTON. The Same. Second edition. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. London : Printed for J. Rivington. 1 766. Post 8vo. (Part n. by Cotton, 1760.) The Same. Third edition. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. London: Printed for J. and F. Rivington. 1775. Post 8vo. (Part II. by Cotton, 1774.) The Same. Fourth edition, with large Additions. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. London : Printed for John, Francis, and Charles Rivington. 1784. Post 8vo. In this edition the Life of Walton has been enlarged, and a new Life of Cotton substituted for the one by W. Oldys in the previous editions. - The Same. Fifth edition, with Additions. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. London : Printed for F. and C. Rivington, &c. 1792. Post 8vo. (Part II. by Cotton, 1791.) " This edition is revised by Sidney J. Hawkins, son of Sir John Hawkins, who states in his advertisement that he had found on the margins of a copy of the fourth edition ' corrections and additions by the last editor, which, though not many, have been all made use of on this occasion, from a wish that the book might receive the advantage of his last corrections.' " The Same. Sixth edition. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. London : Printed for F. & C. Rivington. 1797. Post 8vo. The engravings, with the exception of the tackle plates, are suppressed. The Complete Angler ; or, Contemplative Man's Recreation : being a Discourse on Rivers, Fish-ponds, Fish, and Fishing. In Two Parts : The first written by Mr. Isaac Walton ; the second by Charles Cotton, Esq. With the Lives of the Authors : and Notes Historical, Critical, Supplementary and Explanatory. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. London: Printed for Samuel Bagster. 1808. 8vo. The engravings in this (Hawkins's seventh) edition are executed afresh from the original drawings by Audinet. It contains portraits of Walton, Cotton, Hawkins, Sanderson, Hooper, Wotton, Herbert, and Donne. 6 9 CATALOGUE OF WALTON and COTTON. The Complete Angler. London : Bagster. 1808. Royal 8vo. Large paper. The Same. London : Bagster. 1815. Royal 8vo. Large paper. This edition was edited by Mr. Henry Ellis, of the British Museum. His additions are mainly bibliographical and biographical. A fresh series of plates of fish was given with this reprint, and they are, in our opinion, superior to those of 1808. T. W. The Compleat Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation. Be- ing a Discourse of Fish and Fishing, Not unworthy the perusal of most Anglers. London: Bagster. 1810. Square 12 mo. A so-called facsimile of the original edition of 1653, The plates of fish, engraved on silver, " are in close imitation of their prototypes, but there is no attempt at identity in the general getting up of the work." The Complete Angler [&c.]. London: Printed for James Smith. 1822. 8vo. This edition was by Gosden, the sporting bookbinder ; it includes Haw- kins's notes and biographies, and a new set of plates. The Complete Angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton : Exten- sively embellished with Engravings on Copper and Wood, from original Paintings and Drawings, by first-rate Artists. To which are added, an Introductory Essay ; The Linnsean Arrangement of the various River- Fish delineated in the Work ; and Illustrative Notes. London : John Major. 1823. 8vo. Large paper, w^th fine India proof impressions. There are 14 copper- plates and 77 wood engravings, the plates being again engraved by Cook and Pye from the old drawings by Wale, " which had been greatly heightened in the effect by the pencil of Mr. Frederick Nash." The editor was Mr. R. Thompson, author of/the "Chronicles of London Bridge," 1827; the Intro- ductory Essay was written by Major. The Same. Second edition. London : John Major. 1824. 8vo. Large paper, with fine India proof impressions. The copper-plates re- engraved by W. R. Smith, from Wale and Nash. The Same. Fourth edition. Edited by John Major. London : D. Bogue. 1844. 8vo. Large paper, with a new series of plates by Absolon. 70 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. WALTON and COTTON. The Complete Angler, or the Contem- plative Man's Recreation, of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. London: John Major. 1823. 12 mo. The Same. Second edition. London: John Major. 1824. i2mo. The Same. Third edition. London : John Major. 1835. i2mo. A paginary reprint of the edition of 1824, with the same woodcuts and copper-plates, and a portrait of Dr. Thomas Wharton. The Same. Fourth edition. Edited by John Major. London : D. Bogue. 1844. i2mo. A new series of plates by Absolon. The Complete Angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Printed by C. Whittingham, and sold by T. Tegg. Chiswick, 1824. 2 vols. i6mo. A reprint of the edition of 1797. The Same. Chiswick, 1826. 2 vols. 241110. The Same. London : Printed for the Proprietors of the English Classics, by J. F. Dove. 1825. 24010. The Same. London: William Pickering. 1825. 32010. The Same. London: William Pickering. 1826. 32010. The Same. With Lives and Notes by Sir John Hawkins, Kt. Ed- ited by James Rennie. Edinburgh, 1833. 12010. The Same. By James Rennie. Edinburgh, 1836. 12010. The Complete Angler. London : L. A. Lewis. 1839. 8vo. A reprint of Major's edition. The Same. London: Henry Washbourne. 1842. 8vo. In both the above editions the " Introductory Essay " has replaced the old biographies of Walton and Cotton by Hawkins. T. W. The Complete Angler ; or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation. Be- ing a Discourse of Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish, and Fishing, written 71 CATALOGUE OF by Izaak Walton ; and Instructions how to angle for a Trout or Grayling in a Clear Stream, by Charles Cotton. With original Memoirs and Notes, by Sir Harris Nicolas. London : William Pickering. 1836. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. This edition was the result of seven years' patient research and fostering care on the part of its publisher. The illustrators are Stothard and In- skipp. The engravers are Fox, Cooke, Richardson, and others. WALTON and COTTON. The Same. Second edition. London, 1860. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. India proof impressions, with rare portrait of Cotton, proof etching. Index to the original and inserted Illustrations contained in "The Complete Angler" (Walton and Cotton), Pickering, Publisher. Five Volumes, with 1,026 Illustrations, comprising Portraits, Views, Zoological Plates, Original Drawings, Oil Paintings, Pen and Ink Sketches, Coloured Engravings, &c., &c. Rare, Original and Unique. New York: Privately printed. 1866. Royal 4to. " The extreme popularity of Walton's beautiful pastoral one of the most precious gems in the language afforded a rich enjoyment to William Daniel, Esq., who enthusiastically gave the labor of fifteen years to the adornment of these volumes." Introduction. Fifty copies printed for private distribution. The Complete Angler. London: Charles Tilt. 1837. 2 vols. 241110. The Complete Angler. With copious Notes for the most part origi- nal, a Bibliographical Preface, giving an Account of Fishing and Fishing Books, from the earliest Antiquity to the time of Walton, and a notice of Cotton and his writings by the American Editor [Dr. W. G. Bethune] . To which is added an Appendix, includ- ing illustrative Ballads, Music, Papers on American Fishing, and the most complete Catalogue of Books on Angling, etc. ever printed. New York : Wiley and Putnam. 1847. 12 mo. For the lover of angling-books, and for the collector especially, there is no edition so useful as this. T. Westwood. The Same. New York': John Wiley. 1859. i2mo. The Same. New York : John Wiley & Sons. 1880. Royal 8vo. Only too copies printed. A reprint of the text of 1847. 72 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. WALTON and COTTON. The Complete Angler; or The Contem- plative Man's Recreation. With a new Introduction and Notes ; and embellished with 85 engravings on copper and wood. Lon- don : Henry Kent Causton. 1851. i2mo. The Complete Angler. New edition. Edited by " Ephemera." London: Ingram, Cooke, & Co. 1853. Crown 8vo. The Same. London : George Routledge and Sons. (No date.) Crown 8vo. The Complete Angler, or The Contemplative Man's Recreation. With Lives of the Authors, and Variorum Notes, historical and practical. Edited by Edward Jesse, Esq. To which are added papers on Fishing Tackle, Fishing Stations, etc. By Henry G. Bohn. London: Henry G. Bohn. 1856. i2mo. The Same. London: Henry G. Bohn. 1861. izmo. This edition contains 26 engravings on steel not in the edition of 1856. The Complete Angler. London : Groombridge and Sons. 1858. 2 vols. 24tno. The Same. Boston, 1866. 2 vols. 8vo. Large paper. Only 100 copies. This is a reprint of Major's fourth edition, 1844, w ith tne woodcuts re-engraved, and India proof impressions of the plates by Absolon. Elegantly printed, on heavy paper, at the Uni- versity Press, Cambridge. The Same. Boston, 1867. izmo. From the same electrotype plates as the above edition of 1866. The Same. Philadelphia (no date). Large paper. 250 copies printed in 1881. This is a new impression from the same electrotype plates as the above, with 13 additional steel plates. These, with the woodcuts, are India proof impressions. The Same. Boston, 1866. 24mo. From the plates of Bell and Daldy's edition of 1863. The Compleat Angler. London: Alex. Murray & Co. 1872. i2mo. Reprint of the original edition, 1653. 73 CATALOGUE OF WALTON, IZAAK. The Complete Angler; or, The Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a Fac-simile reprint of the first edition, pub- lished in 1653. London: Elliot Stock. 1876. The Lives of Dr. John Donne ; Sir Henry Wotton ; Mr. Richard Hooker; Mr. George Herbert and Dr. Robert Sanderson. By Isaac Walton. With Notes, and the Life of the Author, by Thomas Zouch. Second edition. York, 1807. 8vo. The Life of Isaac Walton ; including Notices of his Contemporaries. By Thomas Zouch. London, 1823. Crown 8vo. WALTON AND COTTON CLUB. Rules and Regulations of the Walton and Cotton Club. Instituted ipth March, 1817. Re- vised 8th April, 1840. London, 1840. Small 410. WALTON I AN A. Inedited Remains in Verse and Prose of Isaak Wal- ton. Author of the Complete Angler. With Notes and Preface by Richard Herne Shepherd. London, 1878. 8vo. WATSON, W. C. The Salmon of Lake Champlain and its Tributaries. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1873-74, 1874-75. WAYTH, C. Trout Fishing : or, the River Darent : a Rural Poem. London, 1845. 8vo. WERGELAND, N. Value of the Norwegian Lakes and Rivers as a field for Fish Culture. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. WESTWOOD, THOMAS. The Chronicle of the ' Compleat Angler ' of Isaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Being a Bibliographical Record of its various Phases and Mutations. London, 1864. 4to. A New Bibliotheca Piscatoria : or General Catalogue of Angling and Fishing Literature. With Bibliographical Notes and Data. Lon- don, 1 86 1. i2mo. WHEATLEY, HEWETT. The Rod and Line : or, Practical Hints and Dainty Devices for the sure taking of Trout, Grayling, &c. In Five Parts. London, 1849. 12010. 74 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. WHITE, P. Observations upon the Present State of the Scotch Fisnenes and the Improvement of the Interior Parts of the Highlands. Edinburgh, 1791. 12010. WHITNEY, JOHN. The Genteel Recreation ; or, the Pleasure of An- gling, a Poem. With a Dialogue between Piscator and Corydon. London, 1820. i2mo. One hundred copies reprinted for J. H. Burn. The original edition was printed in 1700, and appears not to have been published. WHOLE ART OF FISHING ; being a Collection and Improvement of all that has been written upon this subject : with many New Experiments. Shewing the Different Ways of Angling and the best Methods of taking Fresh-water Fish. To which is added, The Laws of Angling. London, 1714. 8vo. The Same. Second edition, [entitled] The Gentleman Fisher: or, The Whole Art of Angling. London, 1727. 8vo. WIDEGREN, H. Statistical Data regarding the Swedish Fisheries. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1873-74, 1874-75. The Herring as an Article of Trade. Ibid. Management of the Baltic Fishery. 1874. Ibid., 1878. WILCOCKS, J. C. The Sea Fisherman : comprising the chief Methods of Hook and Line Fishing in the British and other Seas, and Remarks on Nets, Boats, and Boating. Profusely illustrated with woodcuts of Leads, Baited Hooks, Knots, Nets, and Boats, etc. etc., and detailed descriptions of the same. Second edition, much enlarged, and almost entirely rewritten. London, 1868. 8vo. WILLIAMSON, JOHN. The British Angler : or, a Pocket-Companion for Gentlemen-Fishers. Being a New and Methodical Treatise of the Art of Angling : Comprehending all that is Curious and Useful in the Knowledge of that Polite Diversion. The Whole Compiled from approved Authors, and above Thirty Years' Expe- rience, by John Williamson, Gent. London, 1 740. 1 2mo. 75 CATALOGUE OF WILLIAMSON, CAPT. T. The Complete Angler's Vade-Mecum ; be- ing a perfect Code of Instruction on the above pleasing science : wherein are detailed, a great variety of original practices and in- ventions ; together with all that can contribute to the sportsman's amusement and success. Illustrated with engravings. London, 1808. 8vo. WILSON, EDMUND B. Pycnogonida of New England and adjacent Waters. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. WILSON, JAMES. The Rod and the Gun, being two Treatises on An- gling and Shooting. Second edition. London, 1844. Post 8vo. Published originally in the "Encyclopaedia Britannica." Between the two treatises is inserted a list of 100 angling works. WILSON, JOHN. Anglimania. Cast first Salmonia. Cast Second Twaddle on Tweedside. Cast third Stoddart on Angling. Cast fourth Our Two Panniers. Edinburgh, 1865. izmo. Angling. [From the " Encyclopaedia Britannica," eighth edition.] London, 1852. 4to. Wilson (Christopher North) was held to be the best fly-fisher north of the Tweed. WILSON, SAMUEL. Salmon at the Antipodes, being an Account of the successful Introduction of Salmon and Trout into Australian Wa- ters. London, 1879. 8vo. Transmission of Salmon Eggs to Australia. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1878. WORLIDGE, JOHN. Systema Agriculture : The Mystery of Hus- bandry discovered. To which is added Kalendarium Rusticum and Dictionarium Rusticum. Third edition. By J. W., Gent. London, 1681. Folio. Chapter xn. Fowling and Fishing. WRIGHT, W. Fishes and Fishing. Artificial Breeding of Fish, Anat- omy of their Senses, their Loves, Passions, and Intellects. With illustrative Facts. London, 1858. 12010. 7 6 AN ANGLER'S LIBRARY. "\ 7ARRELL, WILLIAM. History of British Fishes. Illustrated by 500 A wood engravings. Second edition. London, 1841. 2 vols.' 8vo. YARROW, H. C. On the Speckled Trout of the Utah Lake. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1872-73. The Shad Rivers south of the Potomac. Ibid. Notes on the Shad and Alewife. Ibid, YHLEN, GERHARDSON. Sea-Fisheries of the Lan of Goteborg and Bohus in the year 1877. See Report of the U. S. Commissioner, 1877. YOUNG, ANDREW. Natural History and Habits of the Salmon : with Reasons for the Decline of the Fisheries. London, 1854. i2mo. The Angler and Tourist's Guide to the Rivers, Lakes, and Remark- able Places in the Northern Counties of Scotland. To which is added Instructions to young Anglers. Edinburgh, 1857. i6mo. YOUNG ANGLER'S COMPANION. Illustrated with Fifty engrav- ings. London (no date). i2mo. YOUNG, ARCHIBALD. Salmon Fisheries. See BRITISH INDUSTRIES. YOUNG, L. J. H. Sea-Fishing as a Sport, being an Account of the various kinds of Sea-Fish, How, When, and Where to catch them in their various Seasons and Localities. With coloured plates and woodcut illustrations. London, 1865. Post 8vo. The Same. Second edition. London, 1872. 8vo. YOUNGER, JOHN. River Angling for Salmon and Trout. With a Memoir of the Author : together with a Treatise on the Salmon, and a list of the Tweed Salmon-casts. Kelso, 1860. i2mo. 77