n r^=r ' -n O nt a win f/mt 7/v/s able, that was not under the sentence but yourself. JSo that they have laid the burden upon you it seems', Inn there is nothing in your book which I expected, seehty you tuere not under the sentence of this commission before. I shall give some answer to it for the satisfying of others more than for myself; if you had read the Looking Glass for George Fox, you might have saved yourself a great deal of labour ; for all those things and a great deal more did George Fox write against in the Quaker's Neck Broken, and Tho- mas Toylor's letter; you did but go over the same things again which your brethren hath gone over al- ready, and il".Migli 1 have answered sufficiently already to those things you write against me, more than any man in the world could do at this day ; yet because you are one of the must eminent writers, thought to be of the Quakers now alive, excepting George Fox, your father, who is the head of you all. I will trouble myself so far as to give answer to those things that are needful, to in- form the reader more than I have written already, lest it should be said by you Quakers that Isaac Penning- ton writ such a book against Muggleton that is unan- swerable ; therefore in as brief a manner as I can, I shall say as follows. . . i . ! - ' f a $ ;>'/, > i .--'t^* <-i M:>4ii<|l AN . ANSWER -Ofc TO //. , ISAAC PENNINGTON, ESQ. Muggleton's Words. THE law is not written in the seed of faith's nature at all, but in the seed of reason's nature only; and that the spirit of reason in man is the devil. Pennington's Observation. To this he saith, 'The sum of the law is even to love God above all, and our neighbour as ourself ; and this love which is the sum of the law, God writeth in the hearts of his spiritual seed.' Mug. Words. Is this a good answer to the above- said? Let any sober man judge. 2. Mug. Words. That say ing of the devil was true, when he said to Christ, 'All the kingdoms of the earth are mine.' Pen. Observ. He saith, ' The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof;' and saith 'The devil hath no right in it;' and saith, ' God himself is judge,' and quotes 'Psalms Ixxv. 7. Daniel iv. 2, 5.' Mug. Words. Is this a sufficient answer, that the kingdoms of this world is not in the devil's hands; for God's kingdom is above the stars, and the devil's king- dom is here upon earth ; though God created this king- dom of the earth, yet he it gave into the hands of the devil to be the governor of it. 3. Mug. saith, 'There never was no enmity between the person of the serpent, and the person of the woman ; but the enmity which lay between them was in the two seeds. Pen Observ. 'Is not' saith he, 'the enmity as ex- 8 pressly placed by God, between the serpent and the woman, as between their seeds ; I will put enmity be- tween thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed,' Gen. iii. 15. Mug. Words. Is not here a poor answer? let all so- ber people judge. 4. Mug. Words. In Page 21 he saith, 'that now God himself is not capable to dissolve himself into seed or nature as he was before. Pen. Observation, saith he, * Is God changeable, is he one tiling to-day and another thing to-morrow? and can ho be any more than what he was yesterday? his God may be so ; but,' saith he, 'the true God is not so. I the Lord change not;' and saith, ' his nature, his seed, his lii'e, his spirit, his power is the same for ever. Mug. AVords. What a weak observation is this of a wise man, cannot I prove by Scripture that God doth change, and hath changed several times when his own will moves him unto it; that is a true prerogative power that can change when he will, and not change when he will. 5. In page 21 Mug. saith, * that the two seeds they were spiritual bodies, which were called by the revela- tion ot Moses two trees. Pen. Words. * O the depth of imagination from the spirit that giveth imaginations to them, and will receive them,' and saith, * he that is taught of God never learned thus.' Mug. Words. Here he begins to creep towards the sin against the Holy Ghost, in that he judgeth the pur> truth revealed by the spirit and revelation of faith, which is God's own divine seed and nature, tube deep imagination and deceit, as may be seen in page 41 of his book. 6. Mug. saith, t Knowledge proceedeth from life and hath wisdom in it.' itml Pen. Observations. 'The li\ing knowledge doth; but, 1 saith he, 'there is a knowledge which comes not 9 from the true wisdom, nor doth convey life, but death;' and saith ' such is the knowledge he hath from his God. 1 and saith, 'It poisons and corrupts the mind.' Mug. Words. Here he hath crept a little further to- wards the sin against the Holy Ghost. T. In page 4 Pen. saith, 'That Mug. declares by re- velation, that Moses acted his commission of the law in the person of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, in the form of a man. But saith Pen. ' Doth not he call this tree the serpent?' and saith, ' Had Moses his commisssion from the ser- pent? Every one that is of God,' he saith, ' will say no.' 8. Mug. saith, ' It was the serpent tree that tempted Adam. But, saith Pen. 'The serpent tempted Eve to eat of the fruit of the tree.' 9. Mug. saith, Moses acted as a God in the person of the Angel, or Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. But, Pen. saith, ' Moses was faithful in all his house, and a servant,' and saith, ' Nor did he act in the person of the serpent, for the serpent was the devil, and was out of truth long before Moses's time,' and saith, <7 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean, or an holy commission out of the devil. 10. Mug. saith, 'The law of Moses is just and good, and doth enlighten reason to do as he is done unto, and not as he would be done unto. Pen. saith, ' If Christ may be believed, he saith other- wise ; for he saith, All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do you even so to them, for this is the law and the prophets,' Mat. *l. 12. Also in page 5. Pen. saith, ' That God gave man rea- son in his creation, and made him reasonable. Also he speaketh against the interpretation, Revelation 12. And saith, 'That the law is not trodden under foot by the commission of the spirit, or the righteousness of the law, which signifies the moon should be trodden under foot by the righteousness of faith and the gospel of Jesus Christ, called the sun who had the moon under his feet.' 10 11. In page 27 of the Revelations, Chap. 11. Pen. abuses and belies the true meaning of the words, as if I did affirm that none of the prophets were commission- ated to write Scripture ; when as it is altogather to the contrary, as my words following will clear the sense; for in all my writings I have justified all the prophets to be pen men of holy writ, in their time, more than any, but reason the devil, will pick and quibble at words] and take a place that will serve for his purpose, and leave the rest in obscurity that will clear the matter. This the Quakers do more than any other people what- soever, because they are more Antichistian spirited than any other. 12. Mug. saith, ' As for what I have written concern- ing the infinite vast great Spirit that doth not know it- self, it is a pure truth and plainly and clearly opened at large already in that book of Revelations 11. Pen. Words. * Here,' saith he,