THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE PHAENOGAMOUS AND VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMOUS PLANTS OF INDIANA BY EDITORS OF THE BOTANICAL GAZETTE, CRAWFORDS VI LLE, I ND., AND PROF, CHARLES R, BARNES, LAFAYETTE, IND i BAWFORDSVILLE, IN'D. RKVIKtT STEAM HOOK AND JOB PRINTER?. 1881. PREFACE. So far as we can ascertain this is the first attempt towards making a com. plete catalogue of the plants of Indiana, and this limits itself to the enumera- tion of Phanerogams and Vascular Cryptogams. The vast body of crypto" gamous plants belonging to the State cannot be included,for they have not even been collected. The materials for this list have been accumulating for some time, at first under the direction of the State geological survey, but latterly as the times and means ot the authors permitted. It is thought that the time has come for publication, not because the list is absolutely complete, but because it is so nearly complete that only publication can provoke further additions. We take this opportunity of urging all who can to furnish additions or correc- tions, as it is the intention from time to time to publish such material in the form of extra sheets to the BOTANICAL GAZETTE. Already several additions have been made to the parts published and in all probability the first sheet of "additions and corrections" will be very shortly issued. Three lists of the plants of Jefferson county have been published and one of Gibson and Posey counties, but we know of no published list of the plants of any other part of the State. For this reason references to these counties will be more copious than to any others. The range of each species is briefly indicated, the counties from which it has been reported being named or group- ed together in some general expression, such as "north," "south," etc. This is by no means to be understood as complete, but simply to give authenticated stations. We hope that much information in regard to extension of range will be received. When there is occasion to believe that a species is distributed throughout the whole State no range is givrn. Although it is hardly uoeoasury to givo the' topographical features of u State that is so well known, a few statements may be made to make clearer some points in the distribution of plants. The whole 1 State is a plain sloping gradually towards the west and south-west, making the lowest point in the 467659 P R E F A C E . south-western counties, lying between the Ohio and the mouth ot the Wabash. These counties have an elevation above the sea of only 300 feet, while to the north and east the laud rises to the height of 900 feet. The highest point of land is known as Weed Patch Hill, in Brown county, being 1147 feet above the sea. The northern part of the State is drained into Lake Michigan and is very level, the extreme north-western counties being but a part of the old lake basin. This makes them very sandy and there among a stunted and scanty growth of trees are to be found many plants peculiar to "barrens." A similar condition of things holds to a certain extent among the "knobs" of the south- ern part of the State. This peculiar range of hills, averaging a mile or more in width and 500 feet in height, begins on the Ohio river in Floyd county and trends north-west to the line between Washington and Clark, at that point turning to the east and then to the norlh,forming the boundary line between Washington on the west and Clark and Scott on the east. It was in this region that Dr. A. Clapp in the decade beginning with 1833, did much of his botanical work, and to his valuable collection this present catalogue is indebted for much material. The prairies are found in the western and northern counties and their charac. teristic plants can be readily recognized in the following list. These plants, however, are disappearing more rapidly than any others, for the rich prairie lands are now almost all under cultivation and the native flora, driven to the fence rows and railroads, leads but a precarious existence. Plants peculiar to rocky gorges or sterile soil are in much less danger of extermination. The splendid forests which originally covered the greater part of the State are rapidly disappearing, and in their place is springing up a new race of plants. Our characteristic forest trees are the poplar (Liriode/tdron), maple, ash, eim, black and white walnuts, oak, hickory, beech, sycamore. Some of these grow to very great size and many are the traditions of monster trees that once grew in various parts of the State. Along our rivers and railroads new species are continually appearing and such interlopers should be carefully watched and reported. It will be seen that the flora of the State is readily divided into four groups. each marked by the physical aspect of the region in which it is found. These regions may be called "the river valleys," "the lake borders," "the prairies" and "the barrens." An examination of the stations given will enable the reader to easily recognize the characteristic plants of these very distinct regions. As recorded at present our flora numbers 1432 species grouped under 577 genera. This represents only those plants whose occurrence can be authenticated by specimens. Some spccio were omitted ot whose presence within our PR E F A C E . limits we were reasonably certain, but it was tlie endeavor to strictly adhere to the idea that it is much easier and more honorable to add to a list than to sub- tract from it. It remains to say a- word in regard to our very useful friends. For the south-western counties we depended upon Dr. J. Schneck, of Mt. Carniel, 111., who is in a most favored botanical region and who has already published in a State report a list of the plants of his own and neighboring counties. Some additions and corrections for this same region have been furnished by Mr. Robert Ridgway of the Smithsonian Institution, and will shortly appear. Rev. E. J. Hill, of Euglewood, 111., has contributed many species for the north- western counties and his kindness in furnishing a large list of plants has gone far towards making our catalogue complete. In Laporte Mr. W. C. Steele has been of much service. Mr. W R. Dudley, of Ithaca, N. Y., has very material- ly aided us in Monroe county, several species being reported only by him. Mr. Ansil Moffatt, of Indianapolis, has done good work in Marion county as will appear by looking over the stations. Jefferson county has been most thoroughly "worked up" by the authors and Prof. A. H. Young, of Hanover. They have also explored much of Clark in connection with Prof. John F. Baird, of that county, and also Scott, Floyd and Washington. Two of the authors did a good season's work in Jasper, Laporte, St. Joseph, Elkhart and Noble. Explorations for several seasons have been made in Parke, Mont- gomery, Tippecanoe, Carroll and Cass and for one summer in Allen, W abash, Huutington, Miami, White, Pulaski, Starke and Newton. By examining the map it will be seen that this work has been well distributed and this fact gives us considerable confidence that the present catalogue represents at least i irly the flora of the State. It is to be hoped that additions to our list will be promptly reported that they may be put on permanent record at the earliest possible date. THE AUTHORS. October 1st, 1881. CATALOGUE. BANTJNOULAOEJB. Clematis Viorna, L. South. Pitcheri, T. & G. Lower Wabash Valley. Virgriniana, L. Anemone cylindrica, Gray. North. Virginiana, L. dichotoma, L. (A. Pennayhanica, L.) North and Gibson. nemorosa, L. acutiloba, Lawson. (Hepatica acutiloba, DC.) Thalictrum anemonoides, MX. dioicum, L. purpurascens, L. Cornuti, L. Trautvetteria palmata, Fiscli. & Meyer. "Knobs" (Dr. Clapp). Ranunculus aquatilis, L., var. stag-natilis, DC. North, var. trichophyllus, Gr. multifldus, Ph. "Knobs." Wabash Valley. alismaefolius, Geyer. South. abortivus, L. var. micranthus, Gr. Gibson and Posey. sceleratus, L. Tippeeanoe. recurvatus, Poir. Pennsylvanicus, L. North-West. fascicularis, Muhl. repens, L. Myosurus minimus, L. Gibson and Posey. Isopyrum biternatum, T. & G. Caltha palustris, L. Upper Wabash Valley and northward. "Knobe.' Coptis trifolia, Salisb. "Knobs." Aquileg-ia Canadensis, L. vulgaris, L. Escaped south. Delphinium tricorne, MX. Consolida, L. Escaped. Banks of Ohio River and Gibson. Hydrastis Canadensis, L. Actaea alba, Bi-H. Cimicifug-a racemosa, Nutt. FLORA OF INDIANA. MAG-NOLIAOEJE. Magnolia, acuminata, L. Occasional in Ohio River Counties. Liriodendron Tulipifera, L. ANONAOE^J. Asimina triloba, Dunal. MENISPERMACE^E. Oocculus Carolinus, DC. Lower Wabash. Memspermum Oanadense. L. BERBERIDACE^J. Berberis vulgaris, L. Jefferson (spontaneous V). Oaulophyllum thalictroides, MX. Jeffersonia diphylla, Pers. South along the Ohio River. Podophyllum peltatum, L. Brasenia peltata, Ph. Wabash Valley and northern lakes. Nelumbium luteum, Wilkl. With the last. Nymphaea tuberosa, Paine. With the last. Nuphar advena, Ait. " var. variegatum. Lower Wabash. (Dr. J. Schneck.) sagittifolia, Ph. "Deeper ponds, Gibson Co. Have found this but once." (Dr. J. Schneck.) SARRACENIACE^J. Sarracenia purpurea, L. Northern swamps. PAPAVERACE^l. Papaver sommferum, L. Spontaneous near dwellings. Stylophorum diphyllum, Nutt. Ricli woods. Sanguinaria Canadensis, L. FUMARIACEJE. Dicentra Cucullaria, DC Oanadensis, DC. Oorydalis flavula, DC. aurea, Willd. "Knobs." CRUCIFER.^3. Nasturtium offlcinale, R. Br. Jefferson. sessiliflorum, Nutt, Along the Ohio River. palustre, DC. " var. hispidum, Gr. lacustre, Gray. "Knobs." Lower Wabash. Armoracia, Fries. Escaped. Leavenworthia Michauxii, Torr. "Buffalo Lick," near Charlestown, Clark Co. Dentaria diphylla, MX. Jefferson. laciniata, Muhl. Very variable. (Vide Ind. Geol. Surv. Rep't. 1874 and 1875.) FLORA OF INDIANA. Cardamine rhomboidea, DC. var. purpurea, Torr. pratensis, L. Lake. hirsuta, L. Arabia Ludoviciana, Meyer. "Knobs." lyrata, L. La Porte. dentata, T. lr. Clapp.) coloratum. Muhl. CEnothera biennis, L. rhombipetala, Xutt. Lake. fruticosa, L. Jussisea decurrens, DC. "Knobs"ODr. Clapp.) Ludwigia alternifolia, L. polycarpa, Short & Peter. "Knobs.V Gibson. palustris, Ell. Jefferson. Gibson. Monroe. Probably general. MELASTOMAOE^]. Bhexia Virginica, L. Jefferson. Ammannia humilis, Michx. Jefferson. Clark. latifolia, L. Gibson. Lythrura alatum, Pursh. "Knobs." Gibson. Prairies northwest. Nessea verticillata, HBK. Gibson and Posey. Rare. Ouphsea viscosissima, Jacq. Jefferson and Gibson. Opuntia vulgaris, Haworth. "Escaped from cultivation to old stumps and rocky places," Gibson. Baflnesquii, Engelm. Tippecanoe. Lake. FICOIDE^E. Mollugo verticillata, L. FLORA OF INDIANA. PASSIFLORACEJE. Passiflora lutea, L. Jefferson. Gibson. Monroe. CUCURBITACEJE. Sicyos angulatus, L. Jefferson. Gibson. Marion. Echinocystis lobata, Torr & Gray. Gibson. Carroll. Marion. Melothria peadula, L. Clark. Collected but once. TJMBELLIFER^]. Hydrocotyle Americana, L. Jefferson. umbellata, L. Sandy shores of Clear Lake, LaPorte. Saiiicula Canadensis, L. Jefferson. Gibson. Marylandica, L. Eryngium yuccsefolium, Michx. "Barrens," Floyd and Washington. Gibson. Prairies northward. Daucus Carota, L. Escaped, abundant. Polytsenia Nuttallii, DC. "Ban-ens 11 (Dr. Clapp.) Heracleum lanatum, Michx. Marion. Pastinaca sativa, L. Archemora riglda, DC. Jefferson. Gibson. Thaspium barbinode, Nutt. Jefferson. Monroe. aureum, Nutt. trifoliatura ; Gray. Jefferson. Gibson. Monroe. Pimpinella integerrima, Benth. & Hook. (Zizia integerrima, DC.) Jeffer- son. Gibson. Monroe. Tippecannoe. Cicuta maculata, L. bulbifera, L. LaPorte. Cass. Lake. St. Joseph. Slum cicutaefolium, Gmelin. (8. Uneare, MX.) LaPorte. Gibson. Cryptotsenia Canadensis, DC. Chaerophyllum procumbens, .Crantz. Jefferson. Gibson. Tippecanoe. Osmorrhiza longistylis, DC. Gibson. Jefferson. Tippecanoe. brevistylis, DC. Coniuna maculatum, L. Gibson. Eulophus Americanus, Xutt. "Prairies, rare," Gibson. Erigenia bulbosa, Xutt. * Aralia spinoSa, L. Jefferson. racemosa, L. Jefferson. Gibson. nudicaulis, L. Gibson. quinquefolia, Decaisue & Planchon. Cornus Canadensis, L. Marion. florida, L. circinata, L'Her. Lake. sericea, L. Lake. Gibson. Jefferson. stolonifera, Michx. Marion. Lake. Noble. asperifolia, Michx. "Knobs." Jennings. FLORA OF INDIANA. paniculata, L'Her. Gibson. Monroe. Jefferson, alternifolia, L. Tippecanoe. Monroe. Nyssa multiflora. Wang. Lake, Jefferson, Monroe, Gibson. CAPRIFOLIACEJE. Linnsea borealis, Gronov. Lake. Syraphoricarpus occidentalis, R. Br. Marion. vulgaris, Michx. South. Lonicera sempervirens, Ait. ''Sparingly spontaneous," Jefferson. parviflora, Lam Clark, Lake, Tippecanoe. Diervilla triflda, Moench. Lake. Triosteum perfoliatum, L. Marion, Monroe, Jefferson. angustifolium, L. "Knobs" (Dr.Glfipp.) Sambucus Oanadensis, L. Viburnum Lentago, L. Gibson. Jefferson. Monroe. Marion. prunifolium, L. dentatum, L. Jefferson. Tippecanoe. Gibson. molle, Michx. Jefferson. pubescens, Pursh. Lake. Jefferson. acerifolium, L. Jefferson. Monroe. RUBIACE^E. Qalium Aparine, L. asprellum, Michx. Marion. concinnum, Torr. & Gray. Jefferson. trindum, L. Very common. " var. tinctorium, Gr. " latifolium, Gr. triflorum, Michx. Jefferson. Cass. Marion. Monroe. pilosum, Ait. Lake. circsezaiis, Michx. boreale, L. Lake. Spermacoce glabra, Michx. Jefferson. Gibson. Diodia teres, Walt, Gibson. Cephalanthus occidentalis, L. Mitchella repens, L. Dry woods. Houstonia purpurea, L. Jefferson. Gibson. Monroe. " var. ciliolata, Gray. Clark. Tippeaanoe. cserulea, L. Wet meadows. VALEBIANAOE^E. Valeriana pauciflora, Michx. South. Fedia olitoria, Vahl. Escaped in Jefferson. radiata, Michx. Marion. DIPSACEJE. Dipsacus sylvestris, Mill. FLORA OF INDIANA. 13 COMPOSITE. Vernonia Noveboracensis, Willd. Gibson, Monroe. fasciculata, Michx. Elephantopus Carolinianus, L. Jefferson, Gibson. Liatris squarrosa, Willcl. Gibson. cylindracea, Michx. St Joseph, Lake, Gibson. scariosa, Willcl. "Barrens." St. Joseph, Gibson. spicata, Willd. St. Joseph, Lake. pycnostachya, Michx. Gibson. Prairies throughout the north. Kuhnia eupatorioides, L. Tippecanoe, Marion, Gibson. Eupatorium purpureum, L. hyssopifolium, L. (From specimens in the herbarium of La Fayette High School. Locality not certain but probably Tippe- canoe Co.) altissimum, L. "Knobs." Gibson. sassilifolium, L. "Knobs." Tippecanoe, Gibson. perfoliatum, L. serotinum, Michx. Gibson, Jefferson, Tippecanoe. ag-eratoides, L. Mikania scandens, L. Gibson. Conoclinium ccelestinum, DC. Jefferson, Gibson, Marion. Sericocarpus solidagineus, Nees. Floyd. (Dr. Clapp, 1838.) Aster patens, Ait. Gibson. Isevis, L. Gibson. azureus, Liiidl. Gibson, Jefferson, Tippecanoe. Shortii, Boott, "Knobs." Tippecanoe, Jefferson. undulatus, L. Jefferson, Monroe, Gibson. cordifolius, L. sagittifolius, Willd. "Knobs." Gibson, Monroe, Jefferson. ericoides, L. Jefferson. Also the var. mlloms. multiflorus, Ait. Jefferson, Tippecanoe. dumosus, L. Jefferson, Monroe, Gibson. Tradescanti, L. Jefferson. miser, L., Ait. Jefferson, Gibson, Marion. simplex, Willcl. "Knobs." tenuifolius, L. Gibson, Jefferson. carneus, Nees. "Knobs." Gibson. longlfolius, Lam. Noble. puniceus, L. prenanthoides, Muhl. "Knobs." Jefferson, Tippecanoe. oblongifolius, Nutt. Jefferson, Gibson. Novse-AnglisB, L. Tippecanoe, Jefferson, Gibson. ptarmicoides, Torr. & Gray. Lake. Erigeron Oanadense, L. divaricatum, Michx. Gibson, Jefferson. "Knobs." bellidifolium, Muhl. 14 FLORA OF INDIANA. Philadelphicum, L. annuum, Pers. strig-osum, Muhl. Diplopappus linariifolius, Hook. -'Knobs." umbellatus, Torr. & Gray. Jefferson, Lake. Boltonia glastifolia, L'Her. Gibson, Jefferson. Brachychaeta cordata, Torr. & Gray. Jefferson, especially at "Clifty Falls." Solidago bicolor, L. Scott, Jefferson. latifolia, L. Jefferson, Monroe. cassia, L. stricta, Ait. St. Joseph. rigida, L. "Knobs." "Barrens." Moist prairies, Gibson and north. Ohioensis, Riddel 1. Lake, Tippecanoe. Biddellii, Frank. Tippecanoe. neglecta, Torr. & Gray. Jefferson. patula, Muhl. "Knobs." Gibson. arguta, Ait. Jefferson, Gibson, Monroe. " var. scabrella, Gray. Jefferson. altissima, L. ulmifolia, Muhl. Jefferson, Gibson. Odora, Ait. "Sandy soil, scarce," Gibson. Dr. Schneck is in- clined to doubt this species. nemoralis, Ait. Carroll. "Knobs." Jeffersou,Gibson. (General V) Shortii, Torr. & Gray. "Knobs."(ZV. Clapp.) Missouriensis, Nutt. Prairies. rupestris, Raf. Gray, Manual, p. 245. Oanadensis, L. serotina, Ait. Jefferson. gigantea, Ait. Marion, Jefferson, Jasper. lanceolata, L. Jefferson, Gibson. tenuifolia, Pursh. Jasper. Inula Helenium, L. Pluchea foetida, DC. Jefferson, Gibson. Polymnia Canadensis, L. Uvedalia, L. Both species general but not abundant. Silphium laciniatum, L. "Knobs." Prairies. terebinthinaceum, L. With the last. trifoliatum, L. Jefferson. integrifolium, Michx. Prairies. perfoliatum, L. Jefferson, Lake, Marion, Gibson. Parthenium integrifolium, L. "Knobs." Prairies. Ambrosia bidentata, Michx. Gibson. triflda, L. " var. integrifolia, Gray. Gibson. FLORA OF INDIANA. 15 artemisisefolia, L. Xanthium strumarium, L. spinosum, L. Jefferson. Eclipta procumbens, Miclix. Johnson, Jefferson, Gibson. " var. brachypoda, Gray. Gibson. Heliopsis Issvis, Pers. " var. scabra, Gray. Echinacea purpurea, Moench. "Barrens." Prairies. Rudbeckia laciniata, L. subtomentosa, Pursh. "Knobs." Elkhart, Gibson. triloba, L. hirta, L. Lepachys pinnata, Torr. & Gray. Carroll, La Porte. Helianthus annuus, L. Isetiflorus, Pers. Jasper, Jefferson, Gibson. occidentalis, Ridclell. "Knobs." St. Joseph, L. 8. & M. S. It. TJ- mollis, Lam. Jasper, Gibson, Vermillion. microcephalus, Torr. & Gray. "Knobs." Jefferson. giganteus, L. grosse-serratus, Martens. Gibson, Jasper. strumosus, L. Carroll. , divaricatus, L. Lake, St. Joseph. "Knobs." hirsutus, Ilaf. "Knobs." Jasper. tracheliifolius, Willd. Jefferson, Carroll. decapetalus, L. Gibson, Carroll, Jefferson, Monroe. doronicoides, Lam. Jefferson, Gibson. tuberosus, L. Gibson, Marion. Actinomeris squarrosa, Nutt. Gibson, Jefferson. helianthoides, Nntt. "Knobs." Gibson, Marion. Coreopsis lanceolata, L. Lake, Marion. palmata, Nutt. La Porte. tripteris, L. Gibson, Jefferson. aristosa, Michx. "Knobs." Noble, Gibson. trichosperma, Miclix. Jefferson. discoidea, Torr. & Gray. Gibson. Bidens frondosa, L. connata, Muhl. cernua, L. Jefferson. chrysanthemoides, Miclix. Marion, Jefferson, Gibson. bipinnata, L. Dysodia chrysanthemoides, Lag. Jennings, Jefierson, Marion. Helenium autumnale, L. Leptopoda brachypoda, Torr. & Gray. Gibson, Marion, Jefferson, Monroe. Anthemis Ootula, L. (Maruta Cotula, L.) Achillea Millefolium, L. Leucanthemum vulgare, Lam. Floyd, Monroe, Jefferson, Marion. 1 6 FLORA OF INDIANA. Tanacetum vulgare, L. " var. crispum, Gray. Commoner than the typical. Artemisia Canadensis, Michx. Lake. caudata, Michx. Lake. biennis, Willcl. Absinthium, L. Escaped from gardens. annua, L. Gibson. Gnaphalium polycephalum, Michx. uliginosum, L. Jefferson, Montgomery. purpureum, L. Anaphalis (Antennaria) margaritacea,Benth & Hook. Gibson,Marion. Antennana plantaginifolia ; Hook. Erechthites hieracifolia, Raf. Cacalia suaveolens, L. Gibson, Marion. reniformis, Muhl. Jefferson, Marion. atriplicifolia, L. Monroe, Jefferson, Gibson. tuberosa, Nutt. Lake, St. Joseph. Senecio aureus, L. " var. obovatus, Gray. Centaurea Oyanus, L. Monroe, Gibson. Cnicus (Oirsium) landeolatus, Hoffm. discolor, Muhl. Virginianus, Pursh. "Knobs." altissimus, Willd. Gibson, Jefferson, Marion. muticus, Pursh. Noble. arvensis, Hoffm. Jefferson, Marion, Carroll. Onopordon acanthium, L. Jefferson. Lappa offlcinalis, Allioni. Cichorium Intybus, L. Jefferson, Marion. Krigia Virginica, Willd. Lake, La Poite. Cynthia Virginica, Don. Dandelion, DC. "Knobs." Gibson. Hieracium Canadense, Michx. Lake. scabrum, Michx. Jefferson, Gibson. "Knobs." longipilum, Torr. Gibson. Gronovii, L. "Barrens." Tippecanoe, Jefferson, Carroll, Gibson. venosum, L. "Knobs." Monroe. paniclatum, L. "Knobs." Jefferson, Monroe. Nabalus albus, Hook. Jefferson, Marion, Monroe. " var. serpentaria, Gray. "Barrens." altissimus, Hook. Gibson, Jefferson, Monroe. asper, Torr. & Gray. "Barrens." Jefferson. crepidineus, DC. "Knobs." Jefferson. Taraxacum Dens-leonis, Desf. Lactuca Oanadensis, L. var, integrifolia, Torr. & Gray. sanguinea, Torr. & Gray. Gibson. FLORA OF INDIANA. 21 Physalis angulata, L. Marion. (Aiisil Moffatt.) Philadelphia, Lam. Jefferson. pubescens, L. viscosa, L. Jefferson, Gibson. lanceolata, Michx. (P. Penneylvanica, L.) Gibson, Marion. Nicandra physaloides, Grertn. Jefferson, Gibson. Lycium vulgare, Dunal. Escaped in Jefferson and Gibson. Datura Stramonium, L. Not so common as the next. Tatula, L. SCROPHULARIACEuE. Verbascum Thapsus, L. Blattaria, L. Linaria Oanadensis, Dumont. Lake. (E. J. Hill.) vulgaris, Mill. Antirrhinum majus, L. Jefferson, Gibson. Collinsia verna, Nutt. Scrophularia nodosa, L. Chelone glabra, L. Jefferson, Gibson, Marion and northward. Obliqua, L. Gibson. (Dr. J. Schneck.) Penstemon pubescena, Solander. Isevigatus, Solander, var. Digitalis, Gray. (P. Digitalis, Nult.) Gibson, Jennings, Marion. Mimulus ringens, L. alatus, Solander. Oonobea multiflda, Benth. Banks of the Ohio and Wabash rivers. Upper leaves in whorls of three. Gratiola Virginiana, L. sphaerocarpa, Ell. "Barrens" of Southern Indiana. Ilysanthea gratioloides, Benth. Synthyris Houghtoniana, Benth. Tippccanoe and northwest. Veronica Virginica, L. Anagallis, L. North. offloinalis, L. Jefferson. serpyllifolia, L. peregrina. L. arvensis, L. Buchnera Americana, L. Floyd, Harrison, Lake. Seymeria macrophylla, Nutt. Near the Ohio and Wabash rivers. Qerardia pedicularia, L. Northern tier of counties. flava, L. quercifolia, Pursh. auriculata, Miohx. Southeastern Indiana. aspera, Dousl. Gibson. (Dr.J. Stihiieek.) purpurea, L. Jefferson, (Jibson. tenuifolia, Vahl. FLORA OF INDIANA. Skinneriana, Wood. Lake. (E.J.IIW.) Castilleia coccinea, Spreng. North and west. Pedicularis Candensis, L. lanceolata, Michx. Gibson, Marion, Tippecanoe. OROBANCHACE^J. Aphyllcn uniflorum, Torr. and Gr. Clark and Marion. Conopholis Americana, Wallroth. Jefferson and Clark. Epipheg-us Virginiana, Bart. Everywhere in beech woods. LENTIBULARIACE^E. Utricularia vulgaris, L. North and west, intermedia, Haync. BIGNONIACE^J. Bignonia capreolata, L. Southwestern Indiana. Tecoma radicans, Juss. Oatalpa speciosa, Warder. All that was formerly called C. bignonioides in this State should now bear the above name, as it is specifi- cally distinct from the eastern form. (Bur. GAZ., Vol. V, p. 1 ,} PEDALIACEJE. Martynia proboscidea, Glox. ACANTHACEJE. Buellia cilosa, Pursh. Central and northern. strepens, L. Southern. Dianthera Americana, L. VERBENACE^l. Phryma Leptostaohya, L . Verbena offlcinalis, L. Jefferson. urticsBfolia, L. angustifolia, Michx. Jefferson. hastata, L. stricta, Vent. Barrens and prairies. bracteosa, Michx. Jefferson, Gibson. Aubletia, L. Jefferson, Gibson. Hare except in cultivation. Lippia lanceolata, Michx. LABIATE. laanthus caeruleus, Michx. Most abundant south. Teucrium Canadense, L. Collinsonia Canadensis, L. Mentha viridis, L. FLORA OF INDIANA. piperita, L. arvensis, L. Gibson. (Dr. J. Schneck.) Canadensis, L. " var. glabrata, Benth. Jefferson, Carroll. Lycopus Virginicus, L. rubcllus, Mo?nch. (L. Ei.tropaw*, var. intcgrifolim, Gray.) Binuatus, Ell. (L. Europtem, var. sinuatus, Gray.) Johnson. Cunila Mariana. L. "Knobs." Pycnanthemum linifolium, Pursli. Southern counties. lanceolatum, Pursh. muticum, Pers. Gibson. (Di: J. Schncck.) " var. pilosum, Gray. (P. pilomm, Nutt.) Mar- ion and southwest. Incarmm, Michx. Jefferson and Gibson. Satureia hortensis, L. Escaped in Gibson. Oalamintha glabella, Benth. Clark. Melissa offlcinalis, L. Escaped in Jefferson. Hedeoma pulegioides, Pers. Salvia lyrata, L. Jefferson, Clark, Marion. Monarda didyma, L. Escaped from cultivation in Gibson. fistulosa, L. Bradburiana, Beck. Common in the south west. punctata, L. Marion and northward. Blephilia ciliata, Raf. hirsuta, Benth. Lophanthus nepetoides, Benth. scrophularisefolius, Benth. Nepeta Cataria, L. Glechoma, Benth. Scutollaria lateriflora, L. versicolor, Nutt. River banks. serrata,Andr. Gibson. canescens, Nutt. pilosa, Michx. "Knobs." (T)r. A.Clapp.) parvula, Michx. galericulata, L. Marion and northern counties. nervosa, Pursh. Floyd and Clark. Brunella vulsaris, L. Physostegia Virginiana, Benth. Gibson, Jefferson, Marion, Tippecanoe. Synandra grandiflora, Nutt. Banks of the Ohio and its tributaries. Marrubium vulgare, L. Leonurus Cardiaca, L, Liamium amplexicaule, L. Qaleopsis Tetrahit, I,. Marion, Jefferson. Stachys hyssopifolia, Michx. Marion and northward 24. FLORA OF INDIANA. palustris, L. Gibson, Marion. aspera, Michx. (S.palmtris, var. aspera, Gray.) Jefferson and Gibson. " var. glabra, Gray. (S.palustris, var. glabra, Gray.) Jef- ferson and Gibson. cordata, Riddoll. (S. pnlustris^ var. cordata, Gray.) Jefferson and Gibson. (Box. GAZETTE, Vol. I, p. 25.) PL.ANTAGINACEJE. Plantago cordata, Lam. Southwest. major, L. Rugelii, Decaisne. (BoT. GAZETTE, Vol. Ill, p. 41.) lanceolata, L. Virginica, L. Abundant south, pusilla, Nutt. Gibson. (Dr. J. Schneck) ARISTOL.OCHIACE.aE. Asarum Canadense, L. Aristolochia Serpentaria, L. Crawford, Jefferson, Marion, Gibson, tomentosa, Sims. Gibson. PHYTOLACCACE^E. Phytolacca decandra, L. CHENOPODIACE^E. Chenopodium album, L. viride, L. Gil>son. (Dr. J. tfrhneck.) (BoT. GAZ., Vol. VI, p, 225.) urbicum, L. Marion, Tippecanoe. hybridum, L. Marion. (Anstt MoffaU.) Botrys, L. ambrosioides, L. " var. anthelminticum, Gr. Corispermum hyssopifolium, L. Shores of Lake Michigan. AMARANTACE^E. Amarantus hypochondriacus, L. Gibson, Marion, pani^ulatus. L. Gibson, Marion, retroflexus, L. albus, L. Jefferson, Marion, Jasper. spinosus, L. Acnida tuberculata, Moquin-Tandon. (MontMa t(tmnricina, Gr., var ronciitfnotti.) A. tamnristiiict, Gr. (Montelia iiinmi-ixc-ina, Gr.) is not found within our limits. (BoT. GAZ., VoJ, I, ]i. 48.j Iresine celosioides, L. Floyd, Gibson. FLORA OF INDIANA. 25 POLYGONACE^E. Polygonum orientale, L. Gibson, Jefferson, "Knobs," Marion. Careyi, Olney. Marion, Noble. Pennsylvanicum, L. incarnatum, Ell. Persicaria, L. Hydropiper, L. acre, II BK hydropiperoides, Michx. amphibium, L. West and north. Muhlenbergii, Watson. (P. ttmpJubium, var. terrestre, Gray, Manual, 410; not of Willtl.) Lake. Virginianum, L. articulatum, L. Lake. avieulare, L. erectum, L. (P. ameulare., var. erectum, Roth.) tenue, Michx. Lake. sagittatum, L. Convolvulus, L. Jefferson, Marion. dumetorum, L.. var. scandens, Gr. Fagopyrum esculentum, Mcench. Rumex altissimus, Wood. (R. Bi-it/iiiicu, L.) verticillatus, L. crispus, L. obtusifolius, L. conglomeratus, Murray. Jefferson. sangruineus, L. Gibson. maritimus, L. Marion. t Acetosella, L. LAURACEJE. Sassafias officinale, Xees. Lindera Benzoin, Meisncr, THYMELEACE^3. Dirca palustris, L. Throughout the State, but most abundant in the northern part. ELJEAGNACEJE. Shepherdia Canadensis, Nutt. Lake. SANTALACE^J. Comandra umbellata, Xutt. Gibson, Jellerson, Tippjcanoe. 26 FLO A A OF INDIANA. LORANTHACE^E. Phoradendron flavescens, Xutt. Common south. Most frequent on the Elm. S ATJRUR AOEuE . Saururus cernuus, L. Quite common and fragrant. CERATOPHYLLACKffi. Ceratophyllum demersum, L. Gibson. CALLITRIOHACE^J. Callitriche Austin!, Eagelm. Gibson. heterophylla, Pursh. Gibson. EUPHORBIACE^]. Euphorbia polygonifolia, L. Lake. maculata, L. humistrata, Engelm. Along the Ohio and lower W abash. hypericifolia, L. t marginata, Pursh. Sparingly escaped throughout the State, but covering the river hills in Jefferson. corollata, L. dontata, Michx. Marion, Montgomery. Ipecacuanhas, I.. "Knobs," Marion. obtusata, Pursh. Gibson. Cyparissias. L Escaped throughout the State. commutata, En gel m. Aoalypha Virginica, L. " var. gracilens, Gray. Less common than the species. Oroton oapitatus, Michx. Barrens of Floyd, Harrison, etc. monanthogynus, M^ichx. With the last and more general throughout the "Knobs." Phyllanthus Oarolinensis, Walt. Southern counties. Uhnus fulva, Michx. Americana, L. racemosa, Thomas. Banks of the Ohio. alata. Michx. Hare along streams. Oeltis occidentalis, L. Gibson, Marion. var. Mississippiensis, Bosc. Gibson. Morus rubra, L. General but not abundant. FLORA OF INDIANA. 27 Urtica gracilis, Ait. dioica, L. Marion. Laportea Oanadensis, Gaudichaud* Pilea pumila, Gray. Bcehmeria cylindrica, Willd. Parietaria Pennsylvanlca. Mulil. Southern counties. Oannabis sativa, L. Humulus Lupulus, L. PLATANAOE^J. Platanus occidentalis, L. JUGLANDACE^E. Juglans cinerea, L. nigra, L. Carya olivaeformis, Nutt. Banks of the Ohio and lower Wabash. alba, Nutt. microcarpa, Nutt. Tippecanoe and southward. sulcata, Nutt. South. tomentosa, Nutt. South. porcina, Nutt. amara, Nutt. CUPTJLIFER^]. Quercus alba, L. stellata, Wang. (Q. oblusiloba, Michx.) macrocarpa, Michx. " var. olivseformis. Gibson. lyrata, Walt. Lower Wabash. bicolor, Willd. Michauxii, Nutt. South. Dr. Engelmann considers this a sub- species of bicolor. It replaces some forms of Q. Prinm, L. as found in Gray's Manual. Muhlenbergii, Engelm. (Q. Prinm, L., var. aviminata, Michx.) In Indiana this species entirely supplants Q. Pnnvs of the East. rubra, L. coccinea, Wang. " var. tinctoria, Gr. This is probably entitled to the specific rank that Bartram first assigned it. falcata, Miclix. General but by no means abundant in south- ern counties. palustris, DnHoi. nigra, L. Barrens north and south. 28 FLORA OF INDIANA. imbricaria, Michx. Phellos, L. Southwest. Castanea vesca, L., var. Americana, Michx. Getting to be generally distributed, bu-t probably not a native. Fagus ferruginea, Ait. Oorylus Americana, Walt. Ostrya Virginica, Willd. Carpinus Americana, Michx. BETULACE^]. Betula lenta, L. Gibson. papyracea, Ait. Lake. (E. J. Hill.) nigra, L. Gibson. pumila, L. Northern counties. Alnus incana, Willd. Lake. serrulata, Ait. SALICACE^. Salix Candida, Willd. Northern counties. tristis, Ait. ' humilis, Marshall. discolor, Mulil. sericea, Marshall. Floyd. (Dr. A . Clupp.) petiolaris, Smith. cordata, Muhl. livida, Wahi., var. occidentalis, Gr. Tippecanoc. lucida, Muhl. Most common in northern counties. nigra, Marsh. Most common in southern counties. alba, L., var. vitellina, Gr. longifolia, Muhl. myrtilloides, L. Lake. (E. J. II ill.) Populus tremuloides, Michx. heterophylla, L. Lower \Vabash. monilifera, Ait. CONIFERS. Pinus Banksiana. Lumbert. Lake. (E.J.IIHl) mitis, Michx. South. Strobus, L. Liarix Americana, Michx. Northern counties. Thuja occidentalis, L. Northern counties. Taxodium distichum, Richard. Common along the Lower Wakish. Juniperus communis. L. General but not abundant. Virjriniana, L. FLORA OF INDIANA. 29 Arisaema triphyllum, Torr. Dracontium, Schott. Not so common as the last. Peltandra Virginica, Raf. Gibson. Symplocarpus fcetidus, Salisb. More abundant in northern counties. Acorus Calamus, L. Gibson, Marion. LEMNACE^. Lemna trisulca, L. Gibson. minor, L. Not so common as the next. Speirodela polyrrhiza, Schleid. (Lemna polyrrhiza, L.) "Wolffla Oolumbiana, Karsten. Stagnant water in the northern counties. Brasiliensis, Weddell. With the last. TYPHACE^EJ. Typha latifolia, L. Sparganium eurycarpum, Engelm. Most common north. simplex, Hudson, var. androcladum, Engelm. Gibson. minimum, Bauhin, Fries. Lake. (E. J. Hill.) NAIADACE^E. Naias Indica, Cham., var. graeillima, Braun. Gibson. (Dr. J. Schncck.) flexilis, Rostk. Lower Wabash. Potamogeton natans, L. Claytonii, Tuckerman. Gibson. lonchites, Tuckerman. Wabash river. (Dr. J . Schneck.) gramineus, L., var. V spathulseformis, Robbins. Wabash river on floating logs. (Dr. J. Schnerk.) lucens, L. Gibson, Lake. " var. minor, Nolte. Lake, compressus, L. Carroll, Laporte. pauciflorus, Pursh. Jeffc-rson, Gibson, pusillus, L., var. tenuissimus, Mortens & Koch. Gibson. (/;/. J. Schr.eck.) pectinatus, L. Wabash river. ALISMAOE^. Triglochin maritimum, L. Lake. (E. J. Hill.) Alisma Plantago, L., var. Americanum, Gray. Sagittaria variabilis, Engelm. heterophylla, Pursh. graminoa, Michx. HYDBOCHARIDACE^E. Anacharis Canadensis. Planchon. Vallisneria spiralis, L. jo FLORA OF INDIANA. ORCHIDACEJE. Orchis spectabilis, L. Widely distributed but very rare. Perularia virescens, Gr. (ILtbenfirin. virescem, Spreng. EOT. GAZ. V, G, p. 63.) Gibson and northern counties. Habenaria tridentata, Hook. Lake. viridis, R. Br., var. bracteata, Reichenbach. Tippecanoe. hyperborea, R. Br. Lake. (E. J. Hill.) ciliaris, R. Br. Northern counties. lacera, R. Br. Northern counties. psycodes, Gray. Clark and northern counties. peramcena, Gray. More common south. Goodyera pubescens, R. Br. Gibson. (Dr. J. Schneck.) Spiranthes cernua, Richard. gracilis, Bigelow. Jefferson, Lake. Arethusa bulbosa, L. Lake. (E. J. Hill.) Pogonia ophioglossoides, Xutt. Lake. (E. J. Hill. ) pendula, Lindl. Gibson, Jefferson. verticillata, Nutt. Jefferson. Calopogon pulchellus, R. Br. Gibson and northern counties. Microstylis monophyllos, Lindl. "Knobs." (Dr. A. Clitpp.) Liparis liliifolia, Richard. Jefferson, Gibson. Lceselii, Richard. Lake. (E. J. Hill) Corallorhiza innata, R. Brown. "Knobs." (Dr. A. Clapp.) Odontorhiza, Nutt. Jefferson, Clark, Gibson. multiflora, Nutt. Jefferson. Aplectrum hyemale, Nutt. Tippecanoe and south. Cypripedium candidum, Muhl. Gibson. "Rapidly disappearing, once common." (Dr. J. Schneck.) parviflorum, Salisb. Gibson and northern counties. pubescens, Willd. Northern counties. spectabile, Swartz. Lake counties. acaule, Ait. In a tamarack swamp in Noble county. AM AB YLLID ACE^3 . Pancratium, rotatum, Ker. Gibson. (Dr. J. Schneck.) Agave Virginica, L. Jefferson, Gibson. Hypoxys erecta, L. Widely distributed but not abundant. Aletris farinosa, L. Gibson and northern counties. ZRIDACE^]. Iris versicolor, L. cristata, Ait. Southern counties. Pardanthus Chinensis, Ker. Jefferson, Gibson. Sisyrinchium Bermudiana, L. All the forms of the manual arc found in abundance. FLORA OF INDIANA. 31 DIOSCOREACEJE. Dioscorea villosa, L. SMILACE^E. Smilax rotundifolia, L. The species, as well as the var. quadmngulnta, is very common. glauca, Walt. Jefferson, Gibson, hispida, Muhl. Gibson, Marion. Pseudo-China, L. "Knobs." (Dr. A. Clapp.) herbacea, L. Less common than the var. pulverulenta. LILIACE^B. Trillium sessile, L. recurvatum, Beck. Not so common as the last. erectum, L. The forms formerly called album and declinatum are found more abundantly than anything else. grandiflorum, Salisb. Widely scattered but not abundant. cernuum, L. Jefferson, Marion. nivale, Riddell. Tippecauoe. Medeola Virginiana, L. Jefferson, Lake. Melanthium Virginicum, L. Floyd, Harrison. (Dr. A. Clapp.} Stenanthium angustifolium, Gray. South. Veratrum Woodii, Robbins. "Woods and hilly barrens of Green Co." (Prof. A. Wood.) uiride, Ait. Chamaelirium Carolinianum, Willd. (C. hileum, Gr.) Southern counties. Tofleldia glutino'sa, Willd. Northern tier of counties. Uvularia perfoliata, L. Not so common as the next. grandiflora, Smith. (Includes U.flctm, Smith.) Oakesia sessilifolia, Watson. (Uvularia s&gilifolia, L.) Convallaria majalis, L. Escaped in several places. Smilacina racemosa, Desf. stellata. Desf. Xot so common as the last. Maianthemum Canadense, Desf. (Xmilanni bifolia, yar. Ccn-idensi* Gr.) Northern tier of counties. Polygonatum biflorum. Ell. Not so common as the next. eriganteum, Dietrich. Asparagus officinalis, L. Generally escaped. Lilium Philadelphicum. L Oanadense, L. Carroll. superbum, L. Laporte, St. Joseph. Erythronium Americanum, Smith. albidum, Nutt. Not so common as the last. Ornithogalum umbellatum, L. Escaped everywhere. Camassia Fraseri, Torr. (X<'iUinarii>til